The question foremost in my mind was what to do about Annie. Her sexual interest in Jessica was arousing to me; in fact it turned me on tremendously. As a result, I was sorely tempted to invite her over and dive right in to a three-way relationship. However, there were so many other considerations. Annie was an unknown, someone we just chanced to meet, which brought into play serious concerns due to the obvious issues of legality that surrounded my relationship with Jessica. Adding another person to the mix compounded the risk, of that there could be no doubt. Also there was the issue of sharing. It wasn't that I was typically a selfish or a jealous person, but Jessica was a rare gem, one I had scarcely gotten to know myself, and I wasn't so sure there was room for anyone else. And lastly, I needed to be clear on what Annie could bring to the table. Jessica followed my lead, would do whatever I suggested, and this allowed me to shape her to my own image of eroticism and desirability. I would need to know that Annie's interests, and willingness, were compatible with the ideas I held. In short, Annie would need to be an appropriate role model to fit in.In the week following the Italian Festival, I couldn't get Annie and the image of her and Jessica together, out of my mind. She had provided me her contact phone number and E-mail without so much as asking for mine, leaving the decision to include her further totally up to me, an act I respected. She had made no effort to impose even though it was clear she wanted to, and that alone increased my trust, making it hard not to call her the following weekend. There was another angle to this as well; Jessica had truly liked Annie. It had gotten easier for Jessica and me to get together, either alone or with her brother, her parents trusting me totally and taking full advantage of my proximity a few houses away. It was not unusual for them to call and ask if I could keep on eye on the kids while they went out to one function or the other. When we had the chance to be alone, I tried to feel Jessica out about Annie, and as usual with Jessica, she approached the topic with excitement. 'Hey Jess, you want you see Annie again?'She was curled up in my lap, my hand under her shirt fondling her little breast buds. My rule about no contact in my own house had quietly slipped by the wayside, and though we expected her brother to show up any minute, we took every opportunity to be together. She sat up at my question.'Oh yes. I liked her.' Her eyes sparkled with interest, and her beauty took my breath away, as usual.'So you think I should I get in touch with her?''Yes. Please do!'It was hard to ignore unbridled enthusiasm; Jessica was ready for anything. Yet I still hesitated, wondering if contacting Annie was the right thing to do. Nearly two weeks had gone by since Jessica showed off at the Italian Festival when I finally decided to E-mail Annie, concluding a harmless E-mail couldn't hurt, and did not give her a way to find us. And so it happened that we began to exchange daily E-mails, and I even had Jessica write to her a couple of times, which got Annie quite excited. Again Annie was patient, and never once asked to meet us. Yet it didn't take long for me to conclude there was a need to get together and see what might develop.I conveyed this message to Annie, and she was beside herself with excitement, having decided after several weeks that she may never see us again. We set plans for her and me to have dinner on the coming weekend, but then a complication arose, one that I didn't mind. Amy came to visit. With Amy coming to town, all thoughts on meeting Annie were placed on the back burner. I wanted my entire weekend free hoping to get to spend some quality time with Jessica and her cousin. As it turned out, the situation was perfect. Amy's parents were coming to town to attend a Tim McGraw concert with Jessica's mom and dad. They left late Saturday afternoon with Jessica's brother in charge, as well as Amy's older brother and even placed a call to me asking that I be on the look-out for any problems while they were away. Naturally, I agreed.It was an easy matter for the two girls to slip off to the park, and we spent another glorious afternoon at our place in the woods, down by the creek. It was incredible, the girl's putting on quite a show for me, and I can say for a fact that there is nothing more beautiful than a twelve year old girl and a thirteen year old girl making sweet love to one another. That night, when a knock came at my back door well after midnight, I knew it was them, and I answered the door naked. Slipping out into the darkness of the back yard, I let the two girls suck my cock, and came all over their faces, before I sent them back home, fearful they would be missed. The next afternoon Jessica and David, her brother, were washing my car as I worked in the garage. In fact I had little to do, but with Jessica wearing a bikini, I wanted to be where I could discreetly admire her. When they were nearly done, she slipped over to where I stood.'Have you talked to Annie?''Yep. She's not happy!'Jessica chuckled, knowing why I stood Annie up. 'Are you going to see her?''You bet, Angel. Next weekend.'She gave me a little pout, but said nothing.'You think I should see her sooner?'The grin made it clear I guessed right. 'Yep.'After the show I got the day before, the idea of seeing Jessica with a grown woman was fresh and tantalizing. 'Let me see what I can do.'In the end, I agreed to meet Annie that evening, and the relief she expressed was palpable through the E-mail. I tried to arrange a meeting at a restaurant per my original plan, but Annie insisted I come to her place so she could show me the pictures she'd taken of Jessica. The address Annie gave me was a bit of a surprise; she lived in a rural area between the town Jessica and I lived in and the one where we attended the Italian Festival. I would have pegged Annie for a city girl, but when I drove up I found a small country house on a large piece of land, the closest neighbors well off in the distance. It was an old farm house that was fairly well maintained even though the outlying farm buildings were in disrepair. It looked quite cozy in the low light of the evening with its full length porch and well tended flower beds. Obviously Annie was a gardener, the small oasis around the house showing signs of consistent effort.To say our first meeting was a bit awkward would be an understatement. We knew nothing of each other, our only connection an immoral and illegal interest in an underage girl. But this was a powerful connection, and Annie clearly understood I was the key to her ever seeing Jessica again. So she put a great deal of effort into making me feel at ease, which only increased my wariness, well aware as I was that I was being manipulated. Finally I called her on it.'Look Annie, let's get right to it. You want to see Jessica again. I can make that happen, yet I have personal and, quite frankly, how should I say, uh, security concerns to consider.'She looked crestfallen, but I pressed on, knowing my next words might lessen her burden. 'I'm here because both Jessica and I liked you. I need to get to know you a little better, and then decide what to do next.'She brightened a little, as expected. Then she did something totally unexpected; deep in thought, she bit down on her lower lip in exactly the same manner that Jessica did when she was excited. It was, in my opinion, one of my sexiest images of Jessica. Had Annie seen enough of Jessica and me together to manipulate me in this way?Before I could finish the thought, Annie turned and walked out of the room. Standing in the main room of the house, my assumption that she had gone to the kitchen was proven correct when I heard the sound of a refrigerator being opened, and then glass knocking together. Annie returned a few moments later with a large bottle of wine and two glasses. She headed straight out the door to the porch and I followed.And so we started again. It was quickly getting dark as we settled into the old rockers on the porch, and Annie opened the cheap wine and poured the glasses full. We were both nervous enough to gulp down the first glass, and by the time darkness settled around us, we were finally beginning to relax.I learned that Annie rented this house from one of her professors and had lived in it for more than a year. We talked about her classes, and what she thought of America compared to her childhood in Europe. As we worked our way through the bottle of wine, I found Annie to be a likeable, wholesome girl, the wholesome part being perhaps a contradiction considering how we met. That she looked good in a tee shirt and no bra over blue jeans was not lost on me, but my efforts to ignore this fact were being undermined by the wine. Finally I broached the subject of Jessica somewhat obliquely, but with a direct question that was on my mind. Though I had only been in one room of her house, there was no indication of a regular male presence.'Are you a lesbian?'She looked at me and smiled. 'I assumed you might think so. The answer is no.''Bi-sexual?'The smile became more of an “all guys think alike” smirk, as if she expected this line of questioning. 'Not before a couple of weeks ago.'I found this to be a stunning revelation, though I tried not to let it show. I sat quietly for a few minutes considering the fact that Annie's lips on Jessica's breasts was a first, and that Jessica actually possessed more experience in this area, both thoughts striking me as incredibly arousing. Annie let me dwell on it in silence, no doubt enjoying the fact that she was able to surprise me.Studying Annie's face, I found that I believed her. It truly was her first time, and I surmised the obvious; she didn't want it to be her last. This relieved one of my concerns, a shapeless worry that Annie was a predatory lesbian. Knowing that she simply found Jessica as irresistible as I had, that Jessica had provoked the same willingness to make a lifestyle change in her as she had in me, was tantalizing, as the swelling in my groin testified. I wanted to explore this thought some more, but all the questions in my mind were redundant. If Annie was being as truthful as I thought, then she had already told me more than I asked. So instead, I poured the last of the wine into our glasses and took another tack.'You wanted to show me your pictures?'I was pleased to see the change in direction caught her a little off guard, but just as happy to note her quick recovery. She took a sip of wine, and then hopped up somewhat unsteadily. I arose myself and grabbed her arm, but she rebounded smoothly and turned to the door without a word.Following her down a short hall, we came to a surprisingly large room. Noticing windows on three sides of the room, I realized this was an extension built on the back of the house, and though it was not new, the remainder of the house was much older. This was Annie's bedroom, and a large old-fashioned bed sat high off the floor to one side. Half of the room was set up as a sitting area, with an aged chair and loveseat standing before a computer desk and large screen television, the modern equipment looking somewhat out of place in this setting. I took a seat in the chair as Annie moved straight to the computer.After a couple of minutes, she had the television on with Powerpoint starting up. I was impressed to see the computer linked to the television for viewing pictures large scale, and made a note to look at her set-up before I left. But then the screen was filled with an image of Jessica in her white blouse and pale yellow form fitting shorts, and all else was forgotten. She was beautiful.Annie had arranged her photos into a slide show, and she settled onto the loveseat with a remote, which she used to scroll through the photos. She might live in an old country house, but Annie certainly had a taste for technology. As she slowly worked through the photos, I saw the shots were very similar to my own, and realized Annie had started taking photos well before I noticed her. The fourth or fifth photo showed me from behind as I took a picture of Jessica. I looked over at Annie and in the low light from the television screen saw the smirk had returned to her face. The picture had been taken before I was even aware of her, and I was both amazed and alarmed that she had spotted me, and what I was up to, so easily.Annie had several dozen photos, similar to mine as I noted, expect for when Jessica was in the fountain. Once Jessica got wet, Annie took several close-ups that I never bothered with. In the close-up shots, it was plain to see how exposed Jessica's small breasts and pussy had been, and once again my crotch began to swell. Glancing over at Annie, I could see her nipples were hard as rocks.Annie's series in the park were very similar to my own, except towards the end. Annie had very few shots of her and Jessica together, and she looked at me accusingly.'You promised to use my camera!'The screen was filled with a beautiful shot of Annie suckling on Jessica's breast, the last shot in her set. It wasn't perfectly in focus, but then it didn't have to be. My cock was hard in my shorts. 'Sorry, I was a bit distracted.' We both chuckled, me at her mock indignation, Annie at my faux apology. With a great effort I pulled my eyes from the screen and looked at Annie. She was absorbed in the image, oblivious of me as her left hand idly rubbed her right nipple through her shirt. I had consciously ignored her lack of a brassiere when I first arrived, feeling I was being manipulated, but now I showed no such discipline. When she finally looked up into my eyes without removing or stopping her hand, as if daring me to watch, I made an important decision, her boldness alleviating some of my “role model” concerns.'I'll be right back.'When I returned a few minutes later, I had two DVD's of my own which I had retrieved from the car. Even in the near darkness, I could see Annie's eyes light up when she saw what I was carrying, yet once again I was impressed with her self-discipline as showed little else in response.'Would you like to see some more, some you've never seen?'She simply nodded, and since Jessica often made me feel the same way, I knew she didn't trust her voice. I handed Annie the first disk and watched her load it in the computer. My efforts being much less sophisticated than her own, all she found was a list of files. It hadn't even occurred to me to consolidate the photos into a PowerPoint presentation or anything similar. So all she could do was load the first picture with the viewer in Explorer, then click forward.Compared to what we had seen so far, the first few pictures were innocuous enough; Jessica in the park fully clothed. Annie moved through them pretty quickly, the school uniform being the first thing that caught her attention. When she came to the first photo that included Amy, Annie froze in obvious surprise. She glanced at me with a question on her lips, but she decided not to ask, and I didn't volunteer.Knowing what was coming, an obvious thought occurred to me, and I rose to my feet. 'Why don't you just sit back and let me drive?'It only took Annie a second to agree with this logic, and she relinquished the desk chair and moved back to the love seat. As I scrolled though the pictures, Jessica began to show her panties, teasing the camera and now, for the first time, someone other than me.In looking at Annie's photos, it had been obvious simply by composition when we reached the photos that I had taken with Annie's camera. Annie clearly had photographic skills I did not possess, and it was evident in the quality of the shots. The same was true for my own set of photos, however as I noted before, the quality of the subject matter was such that photographic composition was rendered irrelevant. When I reached the first photo of Jessica hanging upside down from the tree limb, her skirt inverted, her panty covered pussy on display, it was not a perfect photograph, yet I had to pause. As many times as I had looked at these photos, I was still moved by them. Working through the series of her hanging there, then Amy helping her down, I suddenly came upon the photo of her sitting against the tree, her shirt unbuttoned, and her legs pulled up to show me her panties. The audacity of the pose by this young girl caused a stirring in my groin, and had Annie shifting on her seat.Sitting as close to the large screen as I was, the images were overwhelming, and I passed slowly through the series showing Jessica walking through the woods with Amy. I had taken nearly 1000 digital photos that day, and the DVD's contained the best of the best, and they were truly beautiful. By now I had nearly forgotten Annie, and she had forgotten me, but as we passed through the photos showing the two girls walking hand in hand, I became aware of Annie once again because of her restlessness. She could hardly sit still.Annie's restlessness turned to agitation as we passed through the pictures of Amy removing Jessica's shirt. Squeezing her breasts through her shirt, Annie was now a distraction for me as I divided my attention. When I started to move past the photo of Jessica lying topless on the blanket, her hand holding her skirt up to expose her panties, Annie stopped me.'Wait. Not so fast.'I turned to Annie and watched as her hand pressed into the crotch of her jeans. She stared only at the screen, oblivious of me watching her. I gave her a couple of minutes, and then moved on, knowing the best was yet to come.Now Jessica's panties were off, and I could hear Annie's breathing as it became heavier. When Amy removed Jessica's skirt, Annie groaned. I thought she might orgasm when I left the shot of a fully clothed Amy kneeling at Jessica's feet, removing her shoes as she looked up Jessica's body, on the screen for a long time, but Annie's hand slowed at her crotch and she calmed herself back down, pacing herself for whatever came next. I realized I needed to do the same, my cock rock hard in my shorts.But Annie's restraint melted when I put up a shot of a stark naked Jessica kneeling on the blanket, her ass high, her hairless pussy and little pink asshole on display as she looked provocatively over her shoulder at the camera. Annie's legs came straight out and she slid down into the love seat so that her groin was pushed forward to its edge. Her hand furiously rubbed her pussy through her jeans, her other hand pinching her own nipples. Her flagrant masturbation in front of me was the kind of behavior I wanted to see, and the kind of behavior I knew Jessica could learn from.I called my first DVD the mild set, the second the wild set. Changing disks, I filled the screen with an image of Jessica lying flat on her back, playing with her own breast buds. Annie was losing control now, and it only got worse when I scrolled to a picture of Jessica pinching and pulling her own nipple. It was incredibly erotic. When I got to the photo of a fully dressed Amy standing mesmerized over her masturbating cousin, her narrow hips cocked to one side, her arm crossed under her breasts, her young nipples clearly visible, Annie did something very surprising. She stood, removed her jeans, then jumped up onto the bed, propping herself against the pile of pillows at the head. Her black lace panties and narrow hips caught my eye as I realized the position of the bed and the television were carefully arranged, and that she had done this before. That she now had me watching seemed to bother her none at all.The next pictures showed me tying Jessica's hands, and as I watched Annie slip her hand inside her panties, I was silently grateful to Amy for having the boldness to take these photos. I slowly passed through the pictures of me binding Jessica's hands over her head, leaving her naked and vulnerable, and they had a profound affect on Annie, her free hand now slipping under her shirt. I don't know what she expected to see on the pictures, but I knew she hadn't expected this, and the best was yet to come.Annie's reaction to a helpless Jessica, so exposed on a hillside, as clearly shown in the photos, was much the same as my own the first time I looked at these photos. She let out a low moan and rubbed herself feverishly. Her first orgasm came staring at a photo of a fully clothed Amy spanking the bound and naked Jessica with a switch. I watched Annie with lustful interest, resisting the temptation to join her on the bed. I realized she had a very nice body that she hid beneath unflattering clothes, and as if reading my mind, she suddenly slipped her panties down her legs and off. The shirt came next and she was naked, her hands back on her body, eyes riveted once again on the screen. Even in a reclined position, her large breasts were full and erect, her huge nipples hard as bullets, making my cock throb as she squeezed them. Her dark bush was neatly trimmed, and in the faint light from the television I could see her hand working slow, soothing circles on her clitoris. As she returned to Earth she certainly knew I was watching her, but she clearly did not care and studiously ignored me.This was very erotic, viewing photos of my darling Jessica, while watching a pretty girl, essentially a stranger, lay naked in the bed and masturbate. My cock longed for attention, but I resisted the urge to rub myself, just as I resisted the urge to join Annie. I started the evening in control, and now had total control, and I wasn't ready to give in that easily.When I scrolled to a photo of a submissive Jessica, hanging her head as her cousin now whipped her furiously, my hand went to my crotch of its own accord, and it took a great effort to pull it away once again. If Annie noticed, she gave no sign, the photo having the same affect on her. Annie came again the first time Amy kissed Jessica on the lips, and I wondered if she would be able to keep going for the pictures to come. The rest of the evening was a blur. Annie did in fact orgasm loudly time after time, totally out of control from the moment Amy's lips first touched Jessica's breasts, to the first close up shot of Jessica nuzzling onto Amy's pubic hair. Annie was bucking against her own fingers, lost in ecstasy, until she collapsed in a heap on the bed. I left the photo of Jessica licking her first pussy on the screen and walked to the kitchen, my hard cock pressing against my shorts to lead the way. As I hoped, I found more wine in the refrigerator and poured two glasses, then carried them back to Annie's bedroom.Standing over Annie, I looked down on her sweat covered body as she accepted the wine with a weak smile. She glanced up at me for the first time, but I ignored her, instead choosing to look her over. And I liked what I saw. She was a very well built woman, a fact she hid well for whatever reason. Her wide shoulders and full breasts would be beautiful in a formal gown, if she was so inclined. Her stomach had the flatness of youth, and her hips flared out to full, inviting womanhood. Even in the dim light, I could see her extended labia and the moisture of her excitement in her pubic hair. The muscles in her thighs and calves suggested she was a runner. As she glistened from the film on her body, her abdomen rising and falling to her strained breathing, my cock throbbed in my shorts, and I had the fight the temptation to touch her.Looking back to her face, I asked a rhetorical question. 'Ready for the best part?'Her look was dubious, as if challenging that it could get better, and she only nodded, choosing to remain silent after my bold inspection of her nakedness.I knew these photos by heart, having memorized the file names weeks ago, and when I selected a photo of Amy on her knees, Jessica tonguing her asshole, Annie's doubts were easily dispelled. Her eyes fixed on the screen, and her hand returned to her pussy. When I switched to a picture of Jessica with a finger inserted in Amy's ass, Annie groaned out loud. I scrolled through several shots of Jessica probing Amy's ass, some with Amy turned away, and then a couple with her looking at the camera. I looked over at Annie, who was once again rubbing her clit at a furious pace, wanting to see her reaction when I selected the next photo. I wasn't disappointed. Without looking, I knew the shot showed me sitting on the ground, leaning against a rock, my hard cock sticking out of the leg of my shorts, the head buried in Jessica's mouth. Annie stared at it wide-eyed for a moment, and then exploded in yet another orgasm.After that I passed through the entire series of me naked in the woods as Jessica, and then Amy, sucked my enraged cock. These photos were taken by the girls, and were far from perfect, but it didn't matter. Annie came again, then settled down, clearly spent. Her gaze shifted to me, her eyes locking with mine. I couldn't read what was on her mind until she dropped her eyes to my bulging crotch, her hands still idly rubbing her breasts and her pussy. She stared for a long time, and I was pretty certain the big, hard cock in the photos had made a strong impression on her.I passed through the remaining photos of me posing with the girls, and while they obviously excited Annie, she had little left to give. That is until I reached the end. When she saw the two girls kneeling, their mouths open, as I held my throbbing cock over them, she groaned and spoke three words, the first in quite a while.'Oh my God.'She sat up against the pillows, alert once again, her hands busy once again, as the pictures showed my cock moving mouth to mouth. The photos were poorly composed, as I feared at the time I took them, but they clearly showed my coming on two beautiful young faces, and they drove Annie over the edge for the last time. I ended with the final shot, Jessica and Amy kneeling together, their faces still damp from licking come off of each other. I realized my hand was at my crotch, squeezing my cock, and I sank back against the chair, choosing not to fight it this time.We sat in silence for a long while, and I realized Annie had dozed off. I stood and once again admired her naked body, knowing full well I could fuck her right now, but choosing to wait. I would discover in a few minutes it was a wise choice.I removed my disk from the computer, gathered my things, and made my way through the dark house to the kitchen to get a drink. Then I headed out the door. I was across the porch and halfway down the steps when I heard a noise behind me and the screen door opened. By the glow of the streetlight at the end of the drive, I watched a naked Annie walk out onto the porch.All night I had played it cool with Annie, showing mild interest, but choosing not to get involved with her, even though I hadn't made love in a very long time and she had turned out to be a major temptation. But I had a game in mind, and succumbing to temptation would have ruined it; I didn't want Annie to think I was too interested. And now it paid off. In the two times I had been in her presence, Annie had been collected and self-disciplined, trying hard to disguise her lust for Jessica as casual interest. While I was impressed, I knew better, and the thought of me leaving once again, of her being totally dependent on my willingness to stay in touch, caused her façade to crack.'Don't go, please.' Her hair was tousled, and she sounded frantic. A car passed on the highway, the extra light making her nudity all the more obvious, but she didn't flinch. She was a very desirable girl, but I only looked her up and down and said nothing.'Stay with me. Stay the night. Please don't go.' Calm and collected before, now almost pleading. I fought the urge to smile. 'I have an early day tomorrow.''Pleassseee...' She cut herself off, realizing what she was doing. I saw her stiffen as she regained control.'Will you please call me?'It had been an amazing evening. From the stiff formality we started with, broken finally by an abundance of wine, we finally shared photos of our mutual obsession, and then remarkably Annie had forgotten me, stripping out of her clothes to masturbate wildly as if I wasn't even there. There was nothing I wanted more at the moment than to have her.But still I hesitated, silently admiring her body. Her shoulders drooped in dismay, and then I let her off the hook.'I'll call you later this week. Maybe we'll get dinner.'I smiled warmly and turned down the steps. When I got to the car she had followed me. Pressing her body into me, she kissed my cheek, whispering.'Stay with me. Please.'She felt so warm and firm, and I loved her boldness, another car passing by at that moment. Her exhibitionism would mix well with Jessica. My words came with difficulty, but I could see they gave her hope.'Not this time.'I kissed her lightly on the lips, then got in the car and started it. As I pulled out onto the highway, I could see her standing where I left her, a naked goddess in the middle of the yard.Less than two miles down the highway, I pulled off onto a deserted side road. I had my cock out of my pants before I got out of the car, and came a few minutes later. It was three days before I called Annie, and could imagine that she was becoming very anxious as she waited. I had a new plan for Jessica in mind, and had pretty well made up my mind to include Annie in it, but figured she would be more responsive and appreciative if I let her worry a little.School had started for Jessica and her brother David, and I had, in my opinion quite cleverly, insinuated myself further into their life with their parents' blessing as a math tutor. Math was a forte of mine, and I learned David was struggling with Geometry, so I offered my help, and their parents readily agreed since it freed them of one more parental responsibility they never seemed to have time for. Two or three times a week, I spent an hour or so with Jessica or David, or both. At first it was nerve wracking since I went to their house, and quite often ran into the mother or father. When they looked at me, I irrationally imagined they could see the lust I felt for their daughter like a tattoo on my forehead. But Jessica was quite relaxed in my presence, playing her part well. Plus I was always careful to work as much with David as Jessica, and I quickly learned that it was a good way to get a read on her parents, and what was happening in their house.Her parents trusted me even more, albeit foolishly, and on my first visit after my evening with Annie I began to lay the groundwork. Talking openly about Annie as my girlfriend to Jessica, her mother picked up on the conversation. When she commented that she was so glad to finally hear I had a girlfriend, I almost laughed. So far she had taken the bait. My theory was that having an established girlfriend made me appear even more trustworthy. On my second visit of the week, already knowing David had a basketball tournament, I invited him and Jessica to go to the beach with Annie and me on Saturday. Their mother was all for it, no doubt glad to get the kids occupied, but then remembered the tournament. However, as expected, the ever alert Jessica lobbied for the privilege of going to the beach with Annie and me anyway. It only took a few minutes for her mother to agree, and my cock swelled in my shorts at the realization of just how easy that had been, and what the weekend would hold. Through the rest of her lesson, Jessica positively beamed, and I was never able to get her focus totally back on the math.When I got Annie on the phone later that evening, the relief in her voice was evident. She had made plans for Saturday, but quickly cancelled them when she heard my offer. Then she cancelled her dinner date for Friday night and accepted an invitation to join me at a local restaurant. Annie's old boyfriend was coming back in town for the weekend, and I had a feeling he was going to be pretty angry when he found out all his plans had been laid to waste.Annie was very relaxed at dinner, but still very reserved and self-disciplined. I could easily sense that she wanted to ask questions about Jessica and the plans for the next day, but she held back. We drank quite a bit of wine, talking about whatever topic arose, both of us studiously avoiding the most obvious topic of all. I found that I liked her more and more, and later in the parking lot it felt natural to take her into my arms and kiss her, her breasts mashed against my chest bringing to mind the image of her standing naked in the driveway. I could see she would readily accept an invitation back to my house, but as bad as I wanted it, it wasn't going to happen. When I pulled away to leave, I was certain she was going to say something, but she remained silent. I agreed to pick her up at 10:00 the next morning, and left her standing once again.Saturday morning Jessica came bounding up my driveway alone, just like on the day of the Italian Festival. Only this time it didn't surprise me. Her parents were already well established in my mind as conveniently irresponsible, and besides they trusted me more than they ever had. I had a gift for Jessica, and didn't really want to show it to her in my house, but I knew it would be difficult to manage in the car. So I invited her into the kitchen, where she jumped into my arms.'I'm so excited.''Me too, Angel. We're going to have fun.'We kissed, our tongues tangling, and then I gave her a mock frown. 'Are you going to do whatever I say?'She giggled at my furrowed eyebrows. 'Don't I always?'Yes you do, I thought. Setting her back on the floor, I took on a stern appearance, earning another laugh. 'Take your clothes off, little one.'Her laugh faded, but her smile didn't. She had a simple tee shirt on, and the stretch cotton shorts that looked so sexy on her, and underneath I could see a lime green bikini. She didn't hesitate, peeling the shirt over her head, and then sliding the shorts off without ceremony. The bikini she wore was very prudent and girlish, and I knew she would like the gift I now held behind my back.'What is it?''You just keep going, and let me get a quick look at you. Then I'll show you.'A second later her top was off, and the sight of her little breast buds took my breath away, as it always did. When she slid the bottoms off, she stood proudly in front of me, naked as the day she was born. I looked her up and down, my mind involuntarily comparing her to the rich maturity of Annie's body, and I knew in an instant my love for Jessica could never be surpassed. Seeing her young, growing body, and knowing she was daring, yet still very innocent, I longed to touch her. It was all I could do to keep from dropping to my knees and kissing her beautiful hairless pussy.'Here you go, my love.'I handed her a pale pink string bikini, so tiny I had it balled up in one hand and out of sight. As she unfolded it, she had to turn the bottoms several times to even understand how they were supposed to go on. I watched with amusement.It had taken me a lengthy internet search to find this swimsuit, and then I had paid a handsome shipping fee to have it over-nighted. Since string bikinis are made for teens and adults, the difficulty had been in finding one as revealing as I wanted, in as small a size as I could find. The one she held was a petite, but even in her hands I could see it was probably going to be loose on her youthful frame.As it turned out, I did kneel in front of her delicious young pussy. It took the two of us to put the bottoms on her and tie the strings. When I was done, I stepped back and had her stand up straight. Her pussy was barely covered by a tiny pick triangle in the front, and it was obvious she had no pubic hair as it would most certainly have shown. When she spun around, I found my self looking at her bare ass, the back being nothing more than a string up her crack, and another tiny triangle at the base of her spine.The bikini top wasn't much different, just two simple and miniscule triangles held by strings which we carefully tied to keep the triangles in place. Jessica looked adorable, and almost naked, her skin flushed with excitement. 'Get your clothes back on girl, we need to go.'She spun one more time, flashing a dazzling smile, then she slipped back into the shorts and shirt.Once we had the car loaded, I left the neighborhood by the back way, not wanting to chance meeting her parents. As we drove, Annie asked a dozen questions about Annie, and where we were going, but I artfully dodged them all.'Just be patient Jess, you'll find out soon enough.'This answer satisfied her not at all, but she knew me well enough to know I wouldn't budge, even when she reached over and squeezed my crotch as she bit down sexily on her lower lip. Today I wouldn't be manipulated, and soon she had to drop it as we were pulling into Annie's driveway.Annie was waiting on the porch and was down the steps, bag in hand, before Jessica and I could get out of the car. She hardly noticed me at all, instead going straight to Jessica and giving her a warm hug. As the two girls looked each other over, eyes sparkling, I had the sense it was going to be a better day than I had even hoped. It took about an hour to get to the beach, and Jessica and Annie talked continuously. Jessica was in the passenger seat, and Annie sat in the back, leaning forward through the space between the bucket seats. Every time I used my rear view mirror, I was looking right at Annie's face, and what I saw there was pure excitement. She was more animated than Jessica as they talked, as if she were the kid.When we reached the beach road, I took a right and headed west down the coast to the end of the highway. The coast line went on for several more miles, but all the land beyond this point was a National Seashore preserve, and therefore undeveloped. This made it a popular place for people who loved the beach but wanted to be removed from the large crowds.It took us several minutes to gather our stuff, but soon we were excitedly heading across the sand, angling towards the water and away from the highway at the same time. There were small groups of people all along this stretch of beach, mostly teen-agers and older as the families with kids tended to flock towards the developed areas. I couldn't wait to see Annie's eyes when Jessica removed her shirt and shorts, and I found myself moving quickly through the sand and had to make a conscious effort to slow to a more leisurely pace.Finally we had out our spot, the umbrella was set up, and our blanket was spread out. I just looked at Jessica and smiled, and she quickly peeled off her shirt. Annie was still smoothing out the corners of the blanket, and when she looked up she froze. The surprise on her face lasted only a moment, quickly replaced by anticipation as Jessica hooked her fingers into the elastic of her shorts. When she slipped them off, revealing the teeny pink triangle covering her pussy, Annie gave me a quick glance. Her eyes said it all; thank you.'Turn around and let Annie see the back.'Jessica did as she was told, Annie exhaling audibly. From behind Jessica had a thin string across her back, two loose ends dangling, another teeny triangle just above her ass, and three more strings, one feeding into the crack of her ass, the other two going around her waist. The swimsuit was absolutely obscene, and from behind it took no effort at all to imagine her naked. Jessica had faint tan lines from her previous bikini that looked a little out of place, but her skin tone was such that it wasn't overly distracting. I cleared my throat loudly and comically, causing Annie to look up.'Better keep her from burning.' I was holding out a tube of sunscreen.Annie needed no encouragement, and as I settled into my beach chair, I watched Annie rub the white cream into Jessica's brown skin. It looked innocent enough to a casual observer, of which there were a couple, but knowing as I did the thoughts that were surely passing through Annie's mind, it was an erotic sight and my groin swelled appreciatively. Annie knelt and coated Jessica's legs, then spent a little more time on Jessica's bare ass than the task probably required. When she was done, Jessica tuned so Annie could do the front, leaving Annie staring straight at her barely covered pussy. As I watched Annie spread lotion on Jessica, her hands practically in her pussy as she covered every square inch of bare skin, I realized this was not quite as innocent since Jessica could easily get her own front. Looking discreetly around I noted at least two different grown men who were watching the show.Annie stood and finished the job, being certain to cover Jessica's face and neck with delicate, almost intimate, care. And then she was done, and Jessica bounded off to the surf like a kid at the beach. Watching her skip across the sand, it occurred to me again that she looked essentially naked. Annie was taking off her own shorts and shirt, and I saw she had on a more traditional bikini, bright orange in color, that showed off her body nicely. Without a word she handed me tube of sunscreen, then stepped in front of my chair, her back to me, eyes on Jessica now frolicking in the water.It was a pleasure to touch her, and I took my time just as she had done with Jessica. When I was done, she spun around, expecting me to do her front as well. Now I was face to face with her pussy and I didn't look away, the outline under her bikini bottoms bringing to mind clear memories of her swollen labia. I applied the lotion as she watched, and when I was done she leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips.'Thank you.'As she turned and followed Jessica, I knew it wasn't the application of sunscreen that she was grateful for.I sat back in the shade of an umbrella and watched the two girls play in the surf. They were like two kids, running through the waves, throwing water at each other, and marveling at the small seashells that washed up. Soaking wet, the teeny bikini Jessica was wearing clung to her young body, adding detail to enhance the appearance of near nudity. Even from where I sat 15 yards away, I could see the shape of her tiny breasts, and each time she exited the water the insignificant bottoms clung provocatively to her pussy. Jessica, as I had learned to expect, was totally unconcerned about being practically naked in front of other people. In fact, even though it showed not at all, I knew her well enough to know she was enjoying it.With my sunglasses in place, I discreetly scanned the people near us on the beach. It was no surprise to see that the same two grown men were watching Jessica and Annie intently, and as I looked the one on my left got up and walked down to the surf. When he took a seat on the ridge of sand formed by the water, the waves lapping at his feet, I had no doubt his motives were to get a closer look.A little further down to our left was a good size group of young people that appeared to be high school or possibly college age. It was mostly guys, with three girls mixed in, and a couple of the guys kept stealing glances towards Jessica and Annie, though which of the two were the object of the attention was hard to say since they both were attractive adornments to the beach.The thrill of seeing Jessica frolic in the surf dressed so daringly, Annie at her side, and knowing that my deviant plan to show her off again was having an affect on others nearby, was now having an affect on me. My cock was swelling in my swim trunks, and I had to shift my position to keep the tent in the front from being obvious, the lightweight material doing little to restrain my big cock. I was thoroughly enjoying the show, just as much as the strangers around me. But I had an advantage; I knew what was to come.Jessica and Annie swam for a while, disappointing the guys watching since the water covered them. They stayed close together as they bobbed in the waves, and I wondered if there might be some discreet affection being shown below the surface. I carefully removed my camera from the bag, being cautious with the sand, and at the same time not wanting to draw attention to my actions. Then as casually as I could, I clicked off a few pictures with a zoom of the two girls swimming. When they started coming back to the beach, I took a quick look around as I readied the camera, there were at least four sets of eyes on the girls, and no one seemed to notice, so I lifted the camera and caught them running through the waves to shore. Through the zoom I could see that Jessica's bikini had gotten quite loose in the water, the strings stretching, making it even more revealing, and when she stopped to wring out her hair I took quite a few close-ups. The bottoms drooped so low it was amazing her slit didn't show, and I was nearly certain I got a glimpse of a cute little nipple. Later when I magnified the photos on my computer I would know for sure.Jessica dropped to the sand and began building a sand castle, and it only took a moment for Annie to join in. With her back to me, I could see Jessica's bare ass as she knelt, and when she leaned forward to scoop a double armload of wet sand, she was nearly naked. Her ass was totally exposed, the thin string trailing down her crack, and the bottoms were loose enough that they hung away from her crotch. I had no doubt that if I was closer, I could see the pinkness around her anus and maybe even her pussy. As it was, I had the best view, and the other guys could only wish to be so lucky. The two girls played in the sand for a short while, then rinsed off in the surf and headed back towards me. The string bikini clung to Jessica suggestively, and I had to force my eyes away to look Annie over. Her nipples were hard, her bottoms pulled up against swollen labia, and I knew she was turned on.'Having fun?'Jessica beamed as she lay out on the blanket, stomach down. 'This is great!'Annie just smiled and winked as she lay down next to Jessica.For the next couple of hours, we lounged around in the sun, though I can't honestly say I relaxed. With Jessica lying beside me on her stomach, I could see her naked body, crossed only by a few strings, and in my mind I kept reaching out to touch her. The temptation was great as my eyes traced her old tan lines, realizing her other bikini was probably considered small. When Annie loosened her bikini top so that her back was bare to the sun, Jessica followed suit, leaving even less between her body and my active imagination. The girl's admirers continued to check them out, and after a while several of the young guys got up to throw a football. As the pass patterns continued to bring them closer and closer to our blanket, I had little doubt what they were up to.'You're swimsuit seems to be quite a hit, Jessica.'She didn't even look around, instead squinting at me in the bright sun and giggling. 'I know.''I sure like it.' Annie lifted her head and glanced down the length of Jessica's body as she said it, the hunger in her eyes making me wonder once again if her claim to have no previous bi-sexual experience was true.After a while I pulled some snacks from the ice chest, causing Annie and Jessica to fix their tops and sit up. Jessica sat cross-legged between Annie and me as she ate an apple, and as Annie and I checked her out our eyes met often. There could be no doubt we were both thinking similar thoughts; however I knew things Annie couldn't even guess, at least not yet.The girls lay back in the sun, this time on their backs, and I studied their bodies with great interest. Though she was slender and trim, Annie's body was mature and full in all the right places. In contrast, Jessica was just budding, her body the perfect shape in smaller scale, her hips narrow and girlish. It was easy to look from Jessica to Annie and imagine the transition to womanhood.Annie's large, full breasts, burned in my mind from the previous weekend, were inviting, but Jessica's little inexperienced buds were so sweet, so desirable to me now, that I couldn't take my eyes off of them. Similarly, as I looked at Annie's pussy, the coarseness of her pubic hair showing through the thin material of her bottoms, I found my eyes constantly drawn back to the smooth outline of Jessica's pussy under the trivial triangle of pink material that barely concealed it. While I suspected that Annie and I would soon be lovers, and looked forward to the prospect, it dawned on me that I had tasted a forbidden fruit that I would never be able to forget. And it was just as clear I had no desire to forget.As the sun moved to the horizon, some of the people on the beach began to pack, including the man who had moved to the water's edge to stare at Jessica. It was evident he would like to stay, but the woman he was with, who I assumed to be his wife, was ready to go, and he reluctantly followed. The pack of students thinned slightly, but there were still six guys and two girls, with some of the guys sitting so they could see my girls. It made no sense to me to leave the beach at the end of the day, since this was the most beautiful time, and was about to be more so.Annie had been a happy girl all day, interacting almost totally with Jessica, but often acknowledging me with a wink or a warm smile. I had toyed with her during the week, teasing her, making her worry, and it had the desired effect; she was very grateful to be here today. I knew she was about to be more grateful, but I still wasn't sure how far I wanted to let her in with Jessica. Part of me wanted to tease her more, to drive her crazy, and to see her crack and plead as she had the other night, and the next step in my plan would surely lead to that if I wanted it to.Since the day at the Italian Festival, it had occurred to me that a twelve year old girl being naked was not in and of itself sexual. Nudity in underage kids was socially acceptable, and even though Jessica was pushing the limits, we could still probably get away with it. And this was the perfect place to try. As the girls got up to head back to the water for a final swim, I decided it was time. When I called Jessica back, Annie glanced over her shoulder but kept walking towards the surf.'You are so beautiful today little one.'She beamed, and I wanted so much to lean in and kiss her.'Are you ready to do something for me?''Sure.' No hesitation at all, even though she now knew me well enough to understand the drift of my question. Whatever I asked of her, she would do.'How do you like your new swimsuit?''It feels good on, and I like the way you look at me.' She had a mischevious twinkle in her eye.'How about the way Annie looks at you?'She bit down sexily on her lower lip for a moment. 'I like that, too.''Let's give her something else to think about. These other guys watching you, too.' I glanced towards Annie, who was waist deep in the water looking back at the beach. Jessica only looked at me.'When you get down to the edge of the water, take your bikini off.' She stared at me wide-eyed for a second. 'Is it OK?' No objection, no concern, just would it be OK. God, I was in love. 'Annie couldn't do it without possibly getting in trouble, but a girl your age can. Even one as beautiful and desirable as you.' Her smile was infectious.'Just act natural, like you've been doing, and stick close to Annie. But tell her to behave!' I paused for a second, letting the innuendo sink in, then went on. 'Those guys have been watching you, just be aware of them. I'll be here to look after you.'For the first time she glanced towards the group of students, and then the adult sitting on a towel a short distance away. But it was only a look of interest, not concern.'That man's staring at your naked ass now anyway!'Jessica giggled. 'OK.'That was it. OK. No concerns, just simple submission to whatever I suggested.As she turned to walk away, I called after her. 'By the way, I'm going to be staring, too.'Jessica wiggled her ass at me as her hands came up to the string at the back of her neck. Annie was looking down the beach, and when she turned back towards Jessica and saw the strings in her hands, she froze. Now at the water's edge, Jessica dropped the strings and reached behind her for the remaining knot at the middle of her back, and I could tell as much by Annie's expression as Jessica's actions that her small breasts were now exposed. Jessica turned slightly and dropped the top on the dry sand, giving me a glimpse of her small left breast. Then with no reservation whatsoever, she untied the strings on either hip, slipped the bottoms from between her legs, and tossed them down with the bikini top. From my point of view, Jessica didn't look that much more naked than she had previously, but as she moved to the water my cock sprang to life just knowing my little angel had just stripped naked in public.The reaction was immediate and fun to see. The grown man unconsciously shifted the material of his swimsuit, no doubt making room for a swelling cock, as he stared at Jessica. The guys just down from him froze, the main part of the group gawking openly. But Annie's reaction was priceless. As I lined my camera up on her face, she looked stunned at the boldness of Jessica as she bounced in the waves in chest deep water. Each time she bounced upward and came free, I could see her hard nipples straining against her top.Looking up and down the beach, the crowds had thinned, but others were visible, and though they were a good ways off, I could tell enough by body language that the sight of a naked girl caught a few off guard. Two guys got up and walked down the beach towards Jessica, but when they got close enough to see it was a young girl, they turned back in disappointment. This confirmed two things; my thought that underage nudity was not considered sexual by most was accurate, and that these two guys were fools.Jessica and Annie played in the water like before, and I was happy to see that Annie made no obvious advances towards Jessica. Had I been in her place, I would have been sorely tempted, so hopefully she understood the importance. After a while, they started moving towards shore, and it was clear that their audience was glad to see it.My naked Jessica dropped to her knees in the sand and began to repair her sand castle, which had been severely damaged by the water. As Annie caught up, she affected a pout directed at nature's destructive power. 'Help me fix this.''Ok, just one second'Annie answered as she walked past Jessica and straight up to me.'My God, you are a mad man. Are you trying to make me crazy?'Annie's flushed features suggested she was only half-joking, and I grinned. 'Just keep your hands to yourself and I'm pretty sure it's legal.'She started to say something in response, then turned back to the beach and dropped to the sand herself. As she worked alongside Jessica, I could see she was poor help, her eyes and her mind obviously not on her work. Lifting the camera, I took a long string of pictures as the two pretty girls worked together, one intent on her efforts, the other intent on her partner.Jessica knelt for a while, then walked to the other side of the growing sand castle, then back again. She was seemingly unaware of her nudity, and as she moved about, the guys watching got a good look at her front and back. It was surprising to me that the younger guys were so intent, but I'm sure it pleased Jessica. Two of the guys had left with the two girls, walking up the beach in the opposite direction, and I could only imagine the girls were upset because Jessica was creating such a stir. While Jessica seemed aloof to the casual observer, I detected signs she was well aware of being watched. More than once she knelt, her body straight, her knees apart, as she faced the direction where the younger guys were congregated, and I knew she was letting them see everything. Then at one point she spun around and extended her hands down into a hole she had created, causing her bare ass to ride high. She held this position for a moment, and the group of guys stirred noticeably, while the adult man, who had a clear line of sight shifted his position uncomfortably. Jessica was showing off again. Annie was as aware of Jessica's teasing as I was, and she watched the younger girl longingly. Catching a movement to my right, I looked down the beach and saw a four wheel drive vehicle heading our way. This would be the beach patrol, I knew, and as I watched the group of guys quickly put their beer cans out of sight, I considered having Jessica get dressed. But in the end I boldly decided to put my theory to the test, choosing only to drop a shirt over my camera. It took a couple more minutes before Annie heard the vehicle, which was approaching behind her, and she looked at me with some alarm. I just smiled and mouthed the words, 'It's OK.' They were almost upon us before Jessica even noticed them, and as the beach patrol passed behind me she lifted up onto her knees and waved like an excited child. I was looking right at her small breasts and bare pussy, and knew the beach patrol had the exact same view. But the speed of the vehicle didn't vary, and they passed on by. After a few more minutes, they vehicle was just another spot in the distance.Jessica's hole in the sand was now quite large, and with some coaxing, she convinced Annie lie down in the water that half-filled it. Then she began to bury Annie, who put up a mild and ineffective protest as the wet sand hit her body. Using the sand castle for a supply, Jessica kept shoveling sand over Annie's body. The wet sand was clinging to Jessica's body now; obscuring some of the detail, and making her look all the sexier.I was so intent on watching a sand-covered Jessica bury Annie that I didn't notice the young guys headed towards the two girls until they were almost upon them. I sat up, more alert now, but before I felt the need to get up the guys started helping Jessica heap sand onto Annie. They were all laughing and Jessica spurred them on as Annie howled in protest. But by now she was nearly covered.Getting the camera back out, I took several pictures of a naked Jessica in the midst of four good looking young guys. They were busy checking her out, but she seemed not to notice as she continued to move sand on top of Annie, though I'm certain I was able to capture some sly glances in the pictures. Having by now developed some expertise on how Jessica came across in photos, there was no doubt in my mind that these pictures were going to be very arousing.With five sets of hands, it didn't take long for Annie to be buried under a huge pile of sand, the only think showing her head. Jessica bounced around her laughing and pointing, then dropped to her knees and gently wiped sand from Annie's face, an act I found to be intensely sexy and captured with the camera. Then with a hoot, Jessica jumped on top of the mound of sand covering Annie, straddling it. This left her pussy exposed, pressing into the wet sand, and as she reached up with both hands to sweep back her hair, her breasts were thrust forward for all to see. The pictures I took showed four young studs standing around Jessica and staring just as openly as Annie stared from below. I knew Jessica was a submissive girl, prone to my suggestions, willing to do whatever I asked of her. She had yet to ever say no, which left me with the responsibility of being careful what I asked for. So I was certain that if I walked over to Jessica, suggested she move forward so she could sit on Annie's face, then use her hands and mouth to service the young guys around her, she would do it. She was that open-minded, that eager to please. And though it would be exciting to exercise such power, to cause it to happen and to watch her, it wasn't what I wanted for her. I wanted Jessica to learn to love, and learn to follow her feelings, and it wasn't necessary to be a slut to do so. So recognizing that the situation was getting intense, I dropped the camera to the blanket. As I did so, the man to my left shifted as if to rise, and I quickly got to my feet before he could do so.My approaching Jessica and Annie had the sobering effect I had hoped for, and as I helped Annie out of the sand, trying hard to hide the swelling in my own groin, the guys all laughed as they drifted back towards their blankets, Jessica shouting her thanks after them. Holding hands with Annie and Jessica, I led them into the surf and dove into the cool water.I was in waist deep water just past the low breakers, kneeling so the water came to my neck as I bobbed on the waves, when Annie and Jessica caught up to me. 'I think those guys really liked you.'She came up quick and flung her arms around my neck, and I couldn't resist holding her little naked form for a moment, trying for all the world to look like a father and daughter, which made the thoughts running through my brain nothing less than incestuous. 'Did you like me?''Oh my God, yes. You're beautiful.'It wasn't an exaggeration, the features of her face so pretty even with wet matted hair and sand clinging to her. Annie murmured her agreement.With great reluctance, I placed Jessica on her feet and stepped back, aware that five sets of eyes were likely on us. I took Jessica's hand under the water, then one of Annie's. Annie completed the circle, taking Jessica's other hand, and we floated quietly for a moment. I liked Annie more than I expected to, and it was remarkable to think that we had met via this beautiful, naked angel we were both obsessed with. Annie broke the peaceful silence first.'You like being naked, don't you, you little vixen?'It was a challenge, and Jessica rose to it, nodding to me. 'Yep. I like to make him happy.' She paused for a moment. 'It feels good. I do like it.' She was smiling ear to ear.From my vantage it was a perfect answer, and it melted my heart as Annie stared at me with undisguised envy. I had no idea what this young nymph saw in me, a man thirty years her senior, but I hoped it would last forever, and I loved the way it felt to have her express it in the presence of someone else.'You're the luckiest person I know.' Annie was addressing me this time, and I had to nod in agreement as I looked into Jessica's eyes.'Yes, I'm the luckiest man alive.'It was getting rather maudlin, and as before I felt Annie getting a bit close, and though I didn't mind as much as I had previously, it was time to do something else. 'Let's take a walk.'This was not a spontaneous decision on my part. In fact, it was part of my master plan from the beginning, perhaps confirming how much of a deviant minded person I had become. I may not want Jessica to be a slut, but I did want to show her off, and I did want others to look at her longingly. But today it wasn't enough for me to get Jessica naked in public so I could show off my little treasure; I wanted to separate her from her clothes, to create a situation where she couldn't get dressed if she wanted to. And I knew she wouldn't raise an objection, so natural was her submission, so deep was her willingness to comply with my every wish. As we cleared the surf, I could sense the eyes on Jessica, and on Annie, but I didn't look up at their fan club, and neither did they. When we turned left down the beach, heading away from the highway and deeper into the preserve, my naked little nymph showed no concern at all, skipping ahead to collect the shells that were washing up as if it was a normal day on the beach. This did not surprise me at all, but I was amazed that Annie said nothing. She must have read my mind, for she spoke up at that instant. 'You really like to push the limits, don't you?'I reached out and took her hand, knowing we looked like a couple walking along with our young daughter, and wanting to solidify that image. I gave her a sidelong glance and a knowing smile. 'You'd rather I didn't?''If you didn't, I'd have never met you two.''So you like being with us?'It was a dumb question, asked as a tease, which I confirmed with a squeeze of her hand. But Annie took it more seriously. 'So much so that I gave up a weekend with my old boyfriend, the only lover I've ever known, who I used to dream of getting back together with. He was coming this weekend because I asked him to.' I mulled over this list of revelations in the uncomfortable silence that followed, and then she added with a sigh, 'I haven't been able to sleep a full night in nearly a month'.As I watched Jessica spin gleefully in the water, the sun near the horizon behind her casting an orange glow across her naked flesh, I had to smile to myself. I knew exactly what Annie was talking about, for I had lost much sleep myself, and come often, thinking about Jessica. We passed a couple sitting in the sand, and they looked on curiously. No doubt a young couple with a naked, budding young girl walking down the beach was anything but everyday fare. I could see another couple walking hand-in-hand towards us, farther down the beach, their eyes already trying to sort out the sight in front of them.'She does have that effect.''How did you ever find her?'That was not a question I intended to answer, at least not yet. The other couple was drawing near, and I used their approach to dodge it. Jessica was happy as could be, skipping ahead, then running back to us, totally disregarding the effect she had on others. As the couple neared, the woman stared at Annie and me as if we were the worst parents she had ever seen. But her mate only stared at Jessica. Later that night, when this couple was in bed, assuming he got the chance to fuck her, it would please me to know he did so remembering the beautiful young girl he saw on the beach.'You told me you've never been with another girl.' It was more a question than a statement. Perhaps my view on European liberalism was misguided, but I found it hard to believe this pretty young woman had only had one lover in her life. Annie was silent for a moment as we passed a man and his son surf fishing. The young son hardly noticed us, but the man did a double take, and as we walked on I was certain he was staring after Jessica. 'I kissed a girlfriend once, when we were both out drinking. It was a passionate kiss, done more to shock the guys we were partying with. But I liked it. I've never done anything else.'It had the ring of truth to it. 'Why are you so hot for Jessica?'It was a direct question, and I was curious to see if she would attempt any type of denial. She surprised me with a direct response. 'My God, look at her.'Annie was right. What a beautiful sight Jessica was. Her face was flawless, her brown skin set off nicely by her long blond hair, which was beautiful even after a full day at the beach. Her wide shoulders and swelling breast buds held great promise for the future, and I knew her build would be the envy of other girls as she grew and blossomed. Her waist was narrow and her hips, though still girlishly narrow, flared invitingly. Her butt was full, and her longs long and firm. She was a model in miniature, and totally shameless. As I considered Jessica's good looks and Annie's desires, confessed so easily, my groin began to swell. We were approaching a group of four people sitting on the beach, and another couple was walking our way, so I quickly looked out over the water to a feeding pelican, looking for some distraction to stop my cock from rising.It only worked partially, and as we passed the walking couple, I slipped behind Annie to conceal my problem. This couple only smiled at us as we exchanged a greeting. Then Jessica was in front of the group, two guys and two girls, all middle aged and drinking. When she got even with them, one of the guys shouted at her.'You get your clothes on girl.'They all laughed and Jessica looked up, and then struck a pose like a gymnast who just landed a difficult jump, hands over head, feet planted apart, and face beaming, the same pose she used the first time I photographed her. They all hooted again, and we walked on by.Once out of earshot, Annie went on with no prompting from me. 'I can't explain it. I was drunk when I kissed my girlfriend, and I did like it. But I've never thought about being with another girl. At least... at least not until now. She affects me in ways that... well... well I just don't want to question it. I'm afraid to think about it too much, I don't want it to go away.'I looked Annie in the eye and chuckled. 'I understand.'We went on a bit further, Annie's confessions stimulating both my mind and my cock. I figured Jessica was at least a half mile from her clothing, and I'd love to have gone further, but the sun was nearly at the horizon, and I knew it was nearing time to leave. Annie and I sat on a ridge of sand at the edge of the surf, the waves running up to our feet, and I was surprised when she laid a hand on my thigh. We watched Jessica play for a few minutes, naked as the day she was born, and no clothing anywhere nearby, and then I called her over to us.'Looks like we need to go home and you don't have a thing to wear.'She preened deliciously, not two feet in front of us. 'Nope, sure don't.''You know you're making us crazy girl.' She gave me a sly look, and then traded a smile with Annie. There was no doubt she was wondering what might be about to happen, and no doubt she was game for anything. But we were still very much in public, even though we were seemingly alone on this part of the beach. 'I'm glad.'I took her hands and pulled her down, until she was squatting in front of us. My eyes traveled down her body, settling on her small breasts as a yearning welled up inside me. Then I let them drift downward between Jessica's spread legs. What I saw was smooth labia that were puffed up more than usual. Jessica may have been acting nonchalant about her nudity, but I had seen her body often enough to recognize the signs that she was turned on by what she was doing. It took all my willpower to keep my hands on her forearms as I pulled her forward.Our lips met in a gentle kiss, and when I pressed my tongue against her lips she parted and let me in. It was quick, for I was afraid to start anything we couldn't stop, but it was explosive. My cock jumped to attention in my trunks, a condition Jessica noticed with some amusement. 'Give Annie a kiss, and then we have to go Angel.'Jessica affected a pout for a moment, but only because she didn't want to go home. Then she hopped over in front of Annie and kissed her without hesitation. Annie looked to be the nervous one, and I saw it was Jessica who first offered her tongue. As I watched them kiss with tender passion, it did little for the condition of my cock.'Uh-hum.' They parted and looked at me. 'We better go.'We got up reluctantly, turning back to the east. As Jessica moved ahead once more, Annie discreetly reached down and squeezed my groin, once again surprising me. I let her cop a feel without comment, confident she liked touching what she had seen in the pictures, but still wondered if I was being manipulated. When she finally pulled her hand away, I found I was disappointed, and I realized I had to decide once and for all if I trusted Annie. My resolve was quickly weakening, and the seed of a new idea, a deviant idea, began to form in my mind.The walk back was over more quickly than any of us wanted. The two drunken couples teased Jessica some more, and she teased back, increasing my yearning as I watched her interact so easily. The fisherman stared openly in the fading light, his son still focused only on the fishing, and the first couple was gone. There were no other walkers, much to my disappointment. The students had left the beach, but the lone adult male was still there, obviously awaiting our return. He got a good look at Jessica as we packed our things, and the beach was almost totally deserted, which gave me another idea. I had a change of clothes in my bag, including a dry pair of jogging shorts, which I pulled out. Then with cool, casual motions, I slipped my trunks off and dried with a towel. Jessica hooted at me as I slipped my jogging shorts back on. It took a minute, but Annie rose to the bait as I hoped. She fished her clothes out as well, and then unceremoniously removed her bikini. Naked, she dried herself with a towel, then took her time getting dressed, donning lace panties, shorts and a tee shirt. Our lone remaining fan got an eyeful, and I noticed so did Jessica. She stared at Annie's well developed body with open envy.As I slipped on my tee shirt, I turned to Jessica. 'That guy over there has been watching you for hours. Why don't you go see if he wants one of these left over drinks?' The guy, in his mid-thirties by my estimation, looked harmless enough, and I couldn't resist the urge to have a little more fun before we left.'Sure.' She picked up a cold drink and padded off through the sand in his direction. Sitting on the ground, he was boldly facing us, realizing as he watched us pack, I'm certain, that it was his last chance at voyeurism. The look of surprise on his face as Jessica approached was genuine. They spoke for a moment, and though I could hear their voices, I couldn't make out the words. Then Jessica handed him the drink, and they talked for several more minutes. She made no effort to cover herself, and standing two feet in front of him as he sat on the ground, I knew the view he had in the waning daylight would suffice for a lifetime of memories. Annie leaned over to me and touched my shoulder. 'You are one uniquely evil man.'I smiled as Jessica came back, her eyes shining brightly. 'What's so exciting girl?''His thing was hard. I could see it in his shorts.' His thing? I had to laugh, and Annie chuckled as well.We gathered our gear and made for the car, Jessica still quite nude and totally unconcerned. Once we had the car loaded, I took her thin cotton shorts and tee shirt and handed them to her. 'As much as I hate to say it, I guess you better get dressed.'Jessica gave an exaggerated pout, causing Annie and I to laugh again. As we quietly watched her slip on her clothes, I followed through on the first step of the new plan I had come up with and handed the keys to Annie. She took them, an eyebrow raised in question.'Why don't you drive?' I wasn't going to give any more of an explanation, and soon no more would be needed. Annie got in the driver's side, and I hoped into the passenger seat, pulling Jessica onto my lap. As I pushed the seat back and pulled the door closed, Jessica settled in, facing Annie as she snuggled up against me in the hot car. 'Ooohh, you have the same problem as the guy on the beach.' She wriggled her ass against me as Annie gave a nervous laugh.The car cooled off quickly, and I wrapped my arms around Jessica and held her close. It was nearly dark now, and as we passed through the crowded areas of the beach, I nuzzled into Jessica's sandy, salty hair. Under the smell of seawater and sunscreen, I could still make out the sweet scent that I knew as Jessica.We quickly left the bright lights behind us and headed inland. Once in the relative privacy of the highway, I lifted Jessica away from my chest and turned her face to mine. Our first kiss was tender, but then they became more heated. Soon we were kissing like old lovers, our tongues deep in each other's mouths. I kept my eyes closed, but I knew Annie had one eye on the road at best. There were two things at work here. First, I couldn't bear to spend an entire day with Jessica with no contact, I wanted her much too badly. Secondly, I wanted to tease Annie, and I planned to tease her to distraction.I placed a hand under Jessica's shirt, resting it on her firm hard stomach. Her skin felt surprisingly coarse today, and I realized it was the salt from the water clinging to her. Nevertheless she felt magnificent, and as always, it took my breath away just knowing I could touch her intimately. My cock swelled, causing Jessica to break our kiss with a giggle. She looked over at Annie with a warm smile, but my eyes were fixed on Jessica as I slid my hand upwards and covered her small right breast. As I rubbed her sweet bud, she continued to stare at Annie, letting her watch. When I finally glanced over at Annie, she was alternating her attention between Jessica and I and the road. Looking around I was glad to see that traffic was light.I moved my hand to Jessica's left breast as I leaned forward and kissed the side of her neck, and then her cheek. She moaned softly in appreciation, grinding her butt down against my cock. Then Jessica laid her head back against the passenger window, which gave me more freedom to fondle her breasts, and I quickly moved from one to the other, the outline of my hand pressing against her shirt. When I pinched her right nipple between my thumb and forefinger, she moaned loudly, and as I pulled her nipple, just as she liked, she arched her back to follow. Back and forth I went from right to left, pulling at her nipples, causing her to writhe in ecstasy. Annie let out a moan of her own as she enjoyed the show. Leaving Jessica's beautiful breasts, I slipped my hand down the front of her shorts and cupped her young pussy. She spread her legs to let me in, the stretch material of her shorts offering little resistance. Annie moaned again, and I felt the speed of the car slow. After a moment I realized Annie was thinking of pulling over to stop.'Keep moving. Don't stop.'In the lights from the dashboard I could see the set of Annie's face. This was not her preferred choice, but the car sped back up as she pressed on the accelerator. With what I had in mind, it was better to be a moving target, and much riskier to be stopped.I pulled Jessica to me, covering her lips with mine, as my fingers continued to rub her smooth pussy. There was fire in her kiss this time, my hands working magic on her body. We kissed for several minutes, and then I trailed my lips across her cheek and nibbled at her left ear. Whispering discreetly into her ear, I told her what I wanted.'Can I?' No hesitation, no questioning of my request, just simple joy at my suggestion. What a lucky guy I was. I slipped my hand from her pants.'You bet, Angel.'She gave me a mischievous grin, then glanced at Annie, who had remained silent but was most assuredly curious about what I had just whispered. I nudged Jessica and she slipped between my legs and onto the floorboard. With the seat all the way back, I spread my legs wide and she fit easily into the space at my feet.Taking my suggestion to give Annie a show to heart, she reached up and placed her hands on my chest while looking seductively into my eyes. Jessica was so pretty, and so incredibly seductive at twelve, my heart ached and my cock twitched as she gave me a predatory smile. She was on the attack, and she wanted us both to know it. She slowly trailed her hands down my chest and across my stomach until she covered my cock. The material of my running shorts was thin nylon, and I could feel the warmth of her touch as if it wasn't there at all. Ignoring Annie, I closed my eyes and reveled in the feel of this eager young girl exploring my manhood.Her hands moved away and I felt the warmth of her breath the moment before she kissed me through my shorts. My eyes popped open when I heard the tires skipping across reflectors and saw we had drifted onto the shoulder. Annie was mesmerized by what she saw, and doing a poor job at the wheel. I waggled a finger at her. 'Better keep it 'tween the ditches, or we'll have to quit!'The threat registered through the glaze I saw in her eyes and Annie looked up, eyes back on the road, but she couldn't help but glance at Jessica every couple of seconds. However, she was now holding a straight line, so I relaxed again as I felt Jessica's fingers at the elastic of my shorts. Without preamble, I lifted up and let Jessica slide my shorts down. Annie groaned when my hard cock popped free, the large purple head standing straight up. I had to chuckle at Jessica as she struggled to get my shorts off while kneeling between my legs, but finally she cast them aside and wrapped her pretty little hands around my large cock. Annie was beside herself, and once I again I sensed she wanted stop. But now more than ever it was crucial we keep moving. 'Don't stop Annie. We have to keep moving.'She didn't reply, but I knew she understood. The road was four lanes in this area and we were slower than most of the traffic, so cars were passing pretty regularly. However I was pretty certain none could see in the car, at least not clearly. As we passed lighted signs and houses, Jessica was more clearly illuminated between my legs, her hands wrapped around my dick which was just in front of her face. The sight moved me, so I knew it was arousing to Annie. She confirmed this by pressing her left hand down into her crotch as she drove with her right.When Jessica slowly leaned forward and kissed my glans, Annie swerved slightly to the shoulder once again, but quickly recovered. Jessica looked up at Annie in mock alarm, and their eyes met and held as she worked her lips through the pre-cum leaking slightly from my cock. It was an awesome sight.'That's it Jess, lick my big cock.'Jessica smiled at my words and extended her tongue, licking all around my cock head. 'That's it sweetie. Lick all around. That's it. You are so beautiful when you do that. Now be a good little girl and take my cock into your mouth.'And like a good little girl she did. Annie groaned loudly, pressing her fingers deeper into her crotch. 'Oh my God. My God. That's' It was her first words in a while, and the lust and hunger spilled from her lips.Jessica had several inches of my cock in her mouth now, and was happily bobbing her head up and down, letting it slid in and out between her lips. 'That's it Angel. Show Annie how much you love sucking my dick. Show her what we do together every chance we get. She wants to see it. Let her see what my little girl looks like with a mouth full of cock.''Oh God yes, please show me.' Jessica sucked harder on my cock, then slipped it out of her mouth and made a big show of licking it from the root to the tip on all sides, over and over. Then she pressed it against my stomach and licked my balls, taking each one gently between her tender lips. Annie was going crazy, and I wasn't the least bit surprised when she unsnapped and unzipped her shorts and plunged her hand inside.'Good, so good Jess. Suck on my balls, that's it girl. Good. Now suck me again, Angel. Suck my big cock.'Jessica came back to my cock and took it as deeply as she was able. I never tired of seeing my big cock buried inside her sweet little mouth, and as I watched in the low light I felt my climax was not far off. I did nothing to hold back, knowing we would soon be home. Instead I placed a hand on either side of Jessica's head and started to guide her back and forth on my cock, effectively fucking her face. 'That's it Angel, relax and let me have you. Enjoy the feeling of my cock sliding in and out of your tiny mouth. When you're older, you'll be able to take it all.' She looked at me with dreamy eyes, excited at my words. 'Yes, sweetie, you'll one day have my entire cock in your mouth.'Her eyes sparkled and I felt her relax as I stuffed as much cock as I could into my beautiful young lover. Annie was working her own pussy furiously, and I prayed she had the road under control, because I was too pre-occupied. 'Oh Angel, look at how worked up poor Annie is.' She glanced at Annie as I slid her head back and forth on my cock. Annie was masturbating wildly, her breath coming in short gasps. 'I'm getting close too, Angel. I'm going to come soon. My sweet little girl is going to get my come.'I was in fact real close, and I pulled Jessica's head off my cock for a second. Reaching down, I grabbed the hem of her shirt, then pulled it off her and dropped it on the floor. The sight of her small breasts, free once again, just turned me on that much more. I pulled her head back to my cock, and then removed my hands, letting Jessica take over. She wrapped a hand around the base of my cock and gripped me firmly, having learned how to intensify and prolong my pleasure.'That's it Jess. That's so good. Make me come baby. And show Annie what you like to do.'We were on auto-pilot now, Annie so engrossed and me so far over the edge, and in the back of my mind I realized this may not have been the safest of plans. And now Annie was dying to see what is was Jessica liked to do. I was very close, so it wouldn't be long.'Oh God Angel. Oh Goooooodddd.'My cock erupted into Jessica's mouth, and I felt her swallow. Then I felt the coolness of the air on my wet cock as she pulled it from her mouth. With her hands she guided my cock as spasm after spasm passed through me, my come spraying across her beautiful face. Then she guided me downward so I shot across her tiny breasts. It was a powerful orgasm, the result of a full day of watching my darling little submissive nymph prance about, exposed to the world. My head was back and my hips had lifted involuntarily off the seat, and when I was finally spent, I fell back exhausted onto the cool leather. Immediately I felt the warmth of Jessica's mouth on my cock as she sucked the last of the come out of me. Then as I softened she gently licked me clean.Becoming aware of the sounds around me once again, I heard Annie panting, her breath coming in short gasps, and I realized without looking that she had come as well. Opening my eyes, I was glad to see the car was still heading straight down the road, though we were going less than the speed limit and being passed regularly in the left lane by other drivers. Dropping my gaze, I saw my semi-erect cock slip out of Jessica's mouth as she sat up straight and offered me a dazzling smile. My come was on her nose, and ran down her cheeks, where some had dripped to her shoulder blades. More of was smeared across her little breast buds, the clear trails left behind as it ran down her body reflecting the instrument lights within the car.Using a finger, I wiped the come off Jessica's left cheek and moved it to her mouth. As she eagerly accepted the offered digit, Annie let out another low moan. I repeated the process, cleaning her face, then took her by the arms and lifted her off the floor and into my lap. As I kissed the residue off her cheeks, chin and nose, Jessica giggled in amusement. She always found it funny that I didn't mind the taste of my own come on her body.As car lights flashed by, I realized the risk, but for the moment I didn't care as I leaned Jessica back against the dash and licked her little breasts clean. My love for her tiny buds knew no bounds, and I took my time, savoring the feel of her, and marveling once again at how turned on I could be by nearly non-existent breasts. I wanted nothing more than to slip her shorts off and lick her pussy in front of Annie, but as we approached our turn-off, I realized there was no time. I leaned back in my seat and pulled Jessica to me, loving the feel of her snuggling into my chest. Glancing at Annie, I could see in the dim light that she was flushed, her eyes afire with passion. It was too bad that I was going to send her home alone tonight, but it was a necessary element of my future plans. I wanted her turned on, out of control, and totally frustrated, and I could see at least two out of three were close to being realized.'Don't forget your turn up here.'Her left hand was still inside her pants, but as I reached out and gently touched her right arm, she pulled her left from her shorts to take the wheel, then took hold of my hand and held it tightly. We drove in silence that last few miles. I was wearing no pants, Jessica was wearing no shirt, Annie and I held hands, and it was very nice indeed.When we pulled into her driveway, I could sense Annie's disappointment. Opening the car door caused the interior lights to come on, momentarily blinding us all. As our eyes adjusted, Jessica sat up, and I was amused to note that both Annie and I were fixed on her breasts. As I set Jessica out of the car onto the ground, I hooked my fingers into her shorts.'Let's give Annie one more thrill.'Jessica let me slide the shorts off her lovely ass and down her legs, then daintily stepped out of them. By the time I got out of the car, she had already walked around the back of the car to meet Annie, who had gone to open the trunk. When she saw Jessica, naked and lovely in the glow of the streetlight at the end of the drive, she stopped, key in hand. Jessica jumped into her arms and they embraced.Still naked from the waist down, I felt a stirring in my groin as I leaned against the back of the car and watched the two girls kiss. At first it was tender, but it quickly became passionate. Jessica had her legs wrapped around Annie's waist, her arms around her neck, and her naked body pressed hard against Annie, who easily held her in place with a bear hug. When they finally came up for air, Annie placed a hand under Jessica's ass and lifted her, then dipped her head to suck on Jessica's breasts. Within seconds, she was ravenously attacking Jessica's young body, and as I watched her worm her fingers into Jessica's crotch, I knew I had to step in before I let Annie get carried away.It wasn't easy to stop her, but I told Jessica to give Annie one more kiss before we had to leave. It was a long kiss, but then Annie reluctantly let Jessica down onto the ground, and I took her hand to lead her back to the car. 'When will I see you again?'The pleading was back, and I had to smile.'Soon?''Soon, I promise.'Annie was addressing me, but staring at Jessica, and when I looked down at my little nymph, her hair a mess, her naked body inviting in the orange glow of the mercury vapor light, I could see she was very aroused. I don't know what came over me next, other than I realized it wasn't fair to take Jessica home in such a state. I lifted Jessica into my arms, then turned and set her on the trunk of the car, her legs dangling over the driver side rear panel. Kissing her gently, I then pushed her back until she got the idea and lay back on the car. As I lowered my head to kiss her stomach, I hoped no cars passed on the highway. When I shifted down her body, and covered her sweet pussy with my lips, I no longer cared.Jessica moaned as I probed the folds of her pussy with my tongue, and when the moan was cut off I realized Annie was kissing her. Eagerly I sought out her little bump of a clitoris, and got the desired reaction as Annie covered her left breast with her lips. Jessica was as aroused as I could ever remember seeing her, and the feeling of two sets of adult lips on her body must have been more than she could handle, for it only took a couple of minutes before she started arching her back upwards in pleasure and I knew she was going to have an orgasm.When Annie's fingers slipped down Jessica's body and probed against my lips, I broke suction with Jessica's pussy long enough for the fingers to slip in, then resumed my oral assault. Annie felt Jessica's pussy for a moment, then settled on her tiny clitoris as my tongue swirled all around. From our first time together, when I wasn't even certain Jessica had an orgasm, I had learned to please her well, but never once had she come like she did this time. She cried out and curled upward even more, then bucked hard against Annie's fingers and my mouth before finally collapsing back onto the car, spent and breathing heavily. Annie continued to gently stroke her pussy for a moment, but then got lost in her own orgasm. Lifting up I saw that Annie had pushed her shorts and her panties to her knees and was furiously rubbing her pussy with her free hand. She leaned forward against the car, supported by the glistening hand that had just been in Jessica's pussy, and came as she stared down on Jessica's prone form. Annie had kicked off her shorts and panties and, reminiscent of my first visit, stood half-naked in the drive as we pulled away. It had taken all my willpower to get Jessica into the car, and Annie had pleaded with me not to go, but it was late and I had to get Jessica home. It probably didn't help that Jessica was still nude and I was still without pants when we drove away, leaving Annie to believe she was going to miss out on something. But as we rolled down the highway, Jessica beside me and playing with my cock, I knew we would see Annie again soon. That was a fact.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 47
[Author's Note: I'm both excited and nervous about writing this "Making Babies" entry. This is the story request I mentioned, as requested by Vile8r. He laid out the basic synopsis for how he'd like to see the story played out. Quoting Vile8r, "It would be a situation like in the movie," referring to 1994's My Father The Hero, "the very first movie I saw her in."My problem is, I know OF the movie (only for the fact the actress wore a thong one-piece bathing suit that Disney pixeled into a full butt-covering bathing suit, and that her character tells everyone her father is her boyfriend) but have never SEEN the movie. So I don't know how the movie itself plays out. Which is actually fine, because I'm doing a story about Katherine way before she made that movie.What great is I was able to get some decent background on her and I have Vile8r's synopsis for a story, so this will be fun - though challenging - to write ~ G]***[Sometime in 1992]Katie - Katherine Heigl's nickname - was moving up in the entertainment world.Born in Washington, D.C. to Paul and Nancy Heigl, the family soon moved to New Canaan, Connecticut. There Katie spent most of her childhood and went to High School there.But even before High School the cute blonde girl became a child model. It started with her aunt, who when Katie was only nine years old took many modeling pictures of her. Once back in New York City, with Paul and Nancy's permission, Katie's aunt sent out the photos to various modeling agencies and the cute little blonde girl soon had a modeling contract.She started doing commercials as well, and that eventually led her to getting a small part in the Juliette Lewis/C. Thomas Howell movie That Night.Once the film wrapped, the studio offered thirteen year old Katie a trip for two to a beach resort.Katie - who now decided she wanted to be an actress instead of a model and was feeling "very grown up" after starring in her first movie - really wanted to go to that beach resort. Her parents talked about it at length, and agreed that Katie could go, but her father would accompany her since there was only for two and place was too expensive and exclusive to pay for and arrange for Katie's mother to come as well. Someone DID have to stay home with Katie's two brothers anyway.Her father wasn't at all happy with the direction his daughter's life was going in, but now everything was happening way too fast - now that she appeared in her first feature film - and he knew all he could do was "go along for the ride".Paul was very protective of Katie. What father wasn't? And his daughter was a very pretty girl, so he knew he had to keep the "wolves" away from her.But her father was starting to realize coming to this beach resort may have been a serious mistake.First of all, they were NOT in the United States anymore. Men were less reserved, and seemed to love little girls like Katie. Fortunately it WAS an exclusive resort, so the men there were a higher caliber of men, rich and most married - though many still had a thing for girl's Katie's age.Second, the resort was so HUGE! He had a hard time keeping up with Katie. He found himself going to sleep early each night. He'd wake up just a little later than his accustomed time to rise for work, but Katie would be long gone!It didn't help that they had separate room, with two exits, through the hotel and out onto a patio to the beach. Every morning Katie left via the beach and wandered the resort. Especially after that disaster the very first day. Katie had received her very own gift card for the trip from the studio - with a LARGE sum of money on it. She had gone out to buy lots of one-piece bathing suits and bikinis for the beach resort. And feeling she was grown up enough, bought them all of the thong variety.Her father went crazy. But she wouldn't hear of it."Calm down, dad. I'm not a little girl anymore," She said.To her she was still his little girl, but he wasn't winning the argument. And exploring the beach resort on her own was her way of not having to hear about it.During one of her days enjoying the resort, Katie saw an older man that she quickly became enamored with.He was tall and handsome, with blonde hair. She asked someone on the Staff, who said they only knew he was an American named Jim Geminelli in his early forties. She thought he looked much younger though.What the no one knew, was secretly Jim was the owner of the resort. He took a vacation a few times a year and spent it here under the guise of a tourist.Katie started following him around at a distance for several days. She eventually found out he had a sailing boat the marina.The next time she say him, Katie boldly introduced herself to Jim. He was wearing a light-colored tropical shirt and swim trunks.Her shirt was unbuttoned, hanging open. It showed off his very muscular and hairy chest and abs as well as arms.Katie had worn her hottest bikini. Jim couldn't help ogling her toned physique. Her large breasts were barely contained by the string bikini. Her belly was flat but unmuscled. It was obvious she didn't shave her pussy, by the way her light brown pubes were peeking over the top of her bikini bottom, with a line of light brown hair running up to the bottom of her navel.Jim was single. Back in the States he dated many rich and famous women, all close to his age but no more than ten years younger. That included actresses as well, often escorting them to Red Carpet events. Hey, women love "arm candy" too you know!But Jim secretly had a thing for girls Katie's age. He felt this was all right to look but not touch. Which was why he owned this resort. Rich families from Europe, South America and Russia brought their young teen daughters who loved to wear skimpy bikinis like Katie's.And many if not all loved to sunbathe topless. It was a sight for him to see...But Katie was many firsts for Jim. She was the first to actually approach him, though he'd see many stare at him and even smile [some waving at him too]. Katie was also the first American girl at the resort, she told him, "I'm Katherine Heigl from Connecticut, U.S.A. You can call me Katie though."She was also the first American girl he ever seen wearing such a skimpy bikini, never mind the fact that it showed off her round ass. Jim was sure the lower class of American teens MAY have been bold enough to do so, but the upper classes were too reserved he'd found, wearing modest bikinis as well as one-piece bathing suits. Katie was definitely upper class.Of course Jim got a hard on. And Katie noticed, very pleased with herself for causing it.Katie was still a virgin. She may have been inexperience but that didn't make her dumb or naive about boys and girls and sex stuff.Thirteen year old Katie had made up her mind that Jim would be the one she hoped would inaugurate her into the world of sex...Katie made it clear she liked him, and wanted to be "friends" by her actions and subtle body language. Not believing his luck, Jim cautiously tip-toed through the situation, spending time with Katie for several days.Even one day her father actually caught up with her and saw her with Jim - a guy he knew must have been his age, old enough to be her father - as they were going their separate ways late in the afternoon."Who was that?" Her father asked after Jim left and he caught up with her."No one," was all she would respond, no matter how many questions her father asked her.Jim was sure now that Katie was willing things with him if he only asked. Sexually things.There was an area of the resort high up above the rest of the resort. A long stone staircase led up to a round patio where people ate lunch. Tiki poles were lit in the evening for drinks.Continuing further, another stone staircase descended below the line of sight of the patio. At the bottom, another stone staircase climbed up to a second patio of the same purpose with another stone staircase at the far side leading back down to the resort.But also at the bottom between those two center stone staircases, to the left and to the right, were beautiful botanical gardens.They were set up that they could not be seen from the rest of the resort or from the patios above.One evening as the tiki poles were being lit, Jim was coming up the stone staircase at the far side of the second patio. Katie had taken a late lunch there and stayed to enjoy the view.Jim saw Katie as she rose, heading for the center stone staircase heading down to the center. He quickly followed.On the stone staircase he called out to Katie as she reached the bottom. She turned and watched him descend to her."I missed you told," He said, wrapping his arm around her waist, leading her towards one of the botanical rose gardens."I spent some time with my father today," She said, slipping her arm around his waist as well.Jim stopped Katie at the top of the narrow stone staircase that descended into the botanical garden, out of sight now from the patios above.Two tiki poles were lit on either side of the stone staircase at the bottom, allowing the flowers below to be seen. But where the couple stood was mostly darkness.Jim moved up behind Katie. Slipping his other arm around her, he slid his hands up, to cup her large breasts.Katie moaned at the unexpected moment, closing her eyes.Jim felt her nipples stiffen under the thin material. He teased them, making Katie sigh and moan softly.Sliding one hand down, he pushed it inside of her bikini bottom, gliding his fingers through her unshaven pubes, down to her moist pussy.Katie began to whimper.Slipping his hand out, he used both hands to slide down her bikini bottom. Then brushing her long, flowing blonde her to the side, Jim started kissing her neck softly.Slowly he worked his way down her back.When he reached her ass cheeks, he began to lick. He started from the far left, working across one cheeks and crossing over to the other, doing the same.Katie felt her legs weakening. She supported herself on the stone wall on either side of the top of the botanical gardens staircase.Moving between her cheeks, Jim started to rake his tongue up and down her deep crack. Katie gasped, whimpering now."Lean forward a bit," He said softly.Katie did, and it changed the angle of her pussy, making it accessible from his position.And he started to lick her pussy up and down. Katie moaned louder. Fortunately no one ever seemed to use these stairs, especially this late in the day, they preferred to descend from the patios from the outer staircase they came up from.Katie's pussy grew wetter and wetter, the sweetest pussy he had ever tasted. She had a small orgasm from his efforts.Spreading her labial lips, Jim slipped his tongue into her. She whimpered more loudly.Stabbing his tongue deeper into her pussy, he lapped at the hot, wet walls of the recessed of her quim, lapping up her plentiful juices. Katie was now grinding her pussy back against his face wantonly.He kept eating her pussy, kneading her asscheeks, and Katie came hard. He made her cum three times before he stopped. She was whimpering and breathing heavy now.Rising up, Jim whispered in her ear "Meet me at my sailboat in the morning. We'll go sailing." But the tone of his voice told Katie they would be doing a whole lot more than just that.Eyes closed, she leaned against the walls, regaining the strength in her legs, catching her breath, but he didn't speak again.Finally straightening up, she turned and Jim was gone. Pulling up her bikini bottom, Katie left, heading back to her room.Paul had awoken early the next morning. Dressing, he left via his room's patio, heading to Katie's. He was just in time to see her up ahead leave her own patio, dressed in a sun hat and a sarong around her waist.Her father followed her at a distance. She lead him to the marina. Paul watched her climb on the largest sailboat there, and run to a familiar figure. The man his age he'd seen he with before.He ran towards the boat, unseen by the two would-be lovers, as they embraced. As they kissed Paul boarded the sailboat."Hey!" He yelled. Fortunately no one else was around to see him make a scene. "That's my daughter your kissing and feeling up there!"Jim stopped kissing Katie to look at the other man."I know," He said. "Why are you so upset?""Why am I so upset?!?" Paul screamed, pulling Katie away from Jim."DAD!!!" She screamed."My little girl is only thirteen years old! Didn't she bother to tell you that?!? Or couldn't you bother to ask?!?"Jim felt his face grow hot."No, I had thought she was sixteen or seventeen...""No, she's only thirteen," Paul repeated, calming down some."I really didn't know," Jim said. "I apologize, Mr. Heigl. I really am sorry.""You better be," He said, dragging Katie away."Dad!" She cried out, but to no avail.Katie tried to pull free from her father, but he held her tight and he dragged her back to her."You stay away from that man," He fumed. "Wait until your mother hears about this when we get home."Paul stomped off, leaving her on her room's patio. He was too trusting, sure she'd listen to him. The experience had drained him, emotionally and physically. He went back to his room and crashed, where he slept until late afternoon.Katie was mad at her father, extremely upset. Stomping into her room, she threw herself on the bed, and started to cry. And soon she cried herself to sleep.Meanwhile, Jim went below on his sailboat. He was disappointed. He needed a drink.He had several drinks, wallowing in his disappointment. He wasn't disappointed that Katie had only been thirteen. He still would have fucked her.He was disappointed that the first girl her age who threw herself at him was gone from his life. It was one of those "once in a lifetime" opportunities.And he knew it wouldn't be repeated...After a few drinks, he lay down on his bed and fell asleep himself.Katie didn't sleep long. She woke up after twelve. Wiping her tear-streaked face, all she could think about was how much she hated her father. How much she despised him. And how much she was going to make him pay for what he did.Grabbing her sunhat, she rushed from her room and back to the marina, hoping her "knight in shining armor" would still be there.When Katie finally made it to the marina, huffing and puffing, she saw his sailboat was still docked. Now if only he was still on it...She pushed herself onward, rushing to the sailboat, throwing herself on it. She started calling out "Jim! Jim!"Jim moaned below, slowly waking up. Had he dreamed Katie had been calling out to room? Then her heard the running feet, and she found him in his cabin below."Jim!" She said, face lit up. "Hurry up and let's take this boat sailing!" She burst out.Before my father realizes I didn't listen to him and comes looking for us here Katie added to herself.A million thought flooded his mind. But the most important one was that Katie was back, and he wouldn't let her meddling father get between them again.Rising from the bed, He was accosted by the young cute blonde, who threw herself at him and kissed him passionately."Time for that later, if it's what you want," He grinned. "Let's get this sailboat out of here!"Katie nodded, grinning. They ascended to the deck of the boat. Jim untied her from the marina dock, and they soon set sail, Katie beside him, arm around his waist, head on his shoulder.When they were far out from the land, with no other boats in sight, Katie dropped to her knees. She pushed down his shorts, ready to thank him for what he'd done to her last night...Katie was pleased he had a large, thick cock, and that it was half hard already. Wantonly she took it in her mouth, drooling all over it hornily. Her mouth flew up and down his cock.And it didn't take long to get fully hard.Katie of course had never sucked a cock before, but she was eager to do it and knew enough about blow jobs to fake it well. Her mouth flew up and down Jim's cock, faster and faster, slowly taking more and more of his length as she went, moaning around his cock, very much aroused.Jim was moaning himself. She was really good at it, He thought to himself, and was able to take three-quarters of his cock in her mouth.Katie was really wet now, just from sucking him. She had her hand down her bikini bottom, rubbing her pussy vigorously. She was looking forward to doing even more to her pussy, very, very soon Katie hoped...Jim was gasping and groaning loudly, his balls aching to spurt. This was the best cocksucking he's ever gotten!Katie's mouth flew up and down faster and faster, as she rubbed her pussy as fast as she possibly could. And she gave herself a decent orgasm before Jim came, but not as good as when he ate her. Katie hoped for even better orgasms soon...Jim hardly lasted ten minutes. Eyes rolling back, he started to swell in Katie's mouth. Her eyes widened. Grunting, he started to jizz into her mouth.She moaned, as the taste of his seed hit her taste buds, salty yet some sweetness. When the second blast of jizz entered her mouth, something told the cute blonde to swallow quick! And as she did he spurted a third time, which she actually was able to swallow down before the next bolt flooded her tonsils.All in all, Jim spurt thirteen or fourteen ropes of cum before his balls were temporarily drained.Katie continued to bob her head up and down on his cock, until she realized no more of his semen was spurting out. She blushed hotly, feeling like some stupid amateur. Jim hadn't even noticed, too busy enjoying her sucking.When she slipped her mouth off of his cock, Katie realized he was still hard. It pleased her, and excited her very much.Rising up, she embraced Jim and they kissed passionately."Jim..." She said breathily, huskily. "I'm ready."His eyes widened."You mean -"She just nodded.He couldn't believe how lucky he was!Quickly, Jim dropped the anchor, and put up the flag to passing boaters that informed them that fucking was occurring.Taking Katie's hand, Jim lead her back down below to his cabin. She quickly doffed her sarong and bikini. Jim gaped at her beauty, her large, firm light brown areolaed breasts, and her unshaven quim.Grabbing him - which made Katie giggled - he hornily dropped her onto the bed, with him on top of her. Forcing her legs apart, he lined up his cock with her wet pussy and shoved it in.He was shocked when he realized she'd been a virgin! He knew the moment he was thrusting through her hymen. Her face twisted in pain, and he knew stopping to apologize would do no good.But continuing to fuck her rapidly would.Her face muscles soon relaxed, and Katie closed her eyes, beginning to moan. She slipped her arms around him as he pumped in and out of her tight, tight pussy faster as her pussy let.Katie tightened her grip around him, her pussy spasming, and she screamed in orgasm as she threw back her head.As her orgasm subsided, her pussy relaxed, opening up more. And Jim forced his cock into her deeper, fucking Katie even faster and harder. And her second orgasm crashed over her even quicker, like a tidal wave, more powerful, and longer-lasting.Orgasm after orgasm came quicker and harder. Katie screamed, gasping for breath after, having a hard time catching it. And she came a lot. Dozens and dozens of times as Jim rammed in and out of her fast and hard.He lasted nearly fifty minutes both of them hot, sweaty and exhausted. Jim cried out as he pumped his seed into her fourteen, fifteen times. His cock finally slipped out of Katie, slowly softening.They lay in bed a long time, catching their breaths and cooling off. Finally they dressed and headed back up on the deck, returning to the marina.Katie was back at her room before her father woke up. But he never went looking for her until late in the evening.ENDFor more stories by this author:*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Celebrity Parody Archive
The summer I was 14, my older sister (23) had a friend from out-of-town who would come to visit nearly every weekend. She was a couple of years older than my sister, a single mom, and black (my family is Caucasian). Never seeming to have a babysitter lined up, she always brought along her daughter, a 9-year-old girl named Vicki. The two women would always take off and leave me to watch her, which I thought was pretty inconsiderate, but I got used to it after a time or two, and didn't mind it as much as I let on. Vicki was actually no trouble at all, and instead of seeing her as a royal pain in the ass, we sort of became friends.As the school year began, Vicki started bringing along her Friday homework, and I would help her with it. She was particularly bad at Math, which I was good at, so she appreciated my input. (She went to an inner-city school, and I don't think she got a lot of personal instruction.) Many a Saturday afternoon, we sat side-by-side on the family room couch, working our way through her assignments. My mom would be working, my sister and her friend would be out having a good time and Vicki and I would have the house to ourselves. Usually, we'd turn on the radio for some quiet music while we worked. I actually began to look forward to these times, and Vicki and I became close, despite our age and racial differences.One Wednesday, right around the end of September, I got a big, fat envelope in the mail. It was from Vicki, and it was a love-letter! She poured out her little heart in it, saying how she wanted to be my girlfriend, wanted to give me kisses, etc. etc. etc. It was pretty mushy stuff, and at first I was amused... then embarrassed. I mean, I had a 9-year-old girl throwing herself at me! If any of my friends at school got wind of it, I'd never live it down. Then it occurred to me, none of them would need to know, as they would probably never meet Vicki anyway. She lived over an hour away, and we only saw each other on weekends. Hmmm she was a cute little thing, and taller than average for a 9-year-old, so she didn't really seem like some little squirt...Call me crazy, but I tend to be attracted to younger girls. The girls in my own grade always seemed like prissy little bitches; while I got along with (and had dated) several girls from the class below me... even one from two grades down, although I took a lot of ribbing for it. Going for someone as young as Vicki had never crossed my mind, but not because age was a real issue to me. It just would never have occurred to me that someone that young would be interested. But the girl obviously had a major crush on me, and I couldn't help but feel flattered. I had come to like her, anyway, so the thought of us as more than friends wasn't that much of a leap. As I contemplated what it would be like to kiss those full, brown lips, I felt a familiar stirring in my crotch, and my imagination took off. Why not, I thought? Let's see where this goes.The next weekend (early October, and a nice, Indian-summer warm spell), I was paying more attention to Vicki as a girl, instead of just a kid. She had arrived wearing a short, stretchy skirt, a matching tank top, and flip-flops. Her legs and feet were otherwise bare, and I admired their slender curves and the rich sheen of her mahogany-brown skin. Her arms were bare, too, and her tank top would have given me sneak-peeks at her breasts, if she'd had any... there were only little, pre-pubescent bumps on her chest, showing through the fabric. Somehow, I found their very innocence far sexier than the fully-developed tits displayed with great pride by the girls my own age, as if to say, "Come see what I've got! Like it? You can't have it!" She had just begun to narrow at the waist and spread at the hips, starting to lose her little-girl shape, hinting at her looming transition into puberty. Her curly hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, resting gently against her delicate neck. Now that I'd started looking at her this way, it was like seeing her for the first time, and I liked what I saw.We soon found ourselves alone in the house again, her brown thigh warm against mine as we sat on the couch. Even that was giving me a hard-on, now! But Vicki was much quieter than usual... she'd hardly said three words beyond yes/no answers about her homework. I obviously needed to break the ice. "Got your letter," I said casually. "I figured," she said, not looking at me. "It sort of caught me off-guard, if you know what I mean," I went on. Vicki then looked up at me. "I was kind of hoping you'd feel the same way," she said, her eyes tearing up.Those tears did it. Everything else aside, Vicki was my friend, and I didn't like seeing her upset. I took her head between my hands and pulled her full; brown lips to mine, kissing her deeply. She melted into me, putting an arm up around my neck. Her face was small, but her mouth was more generous than many of the girls I'd kissed before, and I found her surprisingly exciting! The fresh taste of her youth, and the smell of her sweet, brown skin, were enough to overcome any lingering hang-ups. I put both arms around her and threw myself into this, pulling her tightly to me. She responded enthusiastically, wrapping both arms behind my neck and locking her lips to mine, her forgotten tears still salty on her cheeks.The erotic force of our meeting had taken me completely by surprise. Here I was, making out with this little girl who had so recently been just a kid I was forced to baby-sit, and it felt as right as magnets being drawn together. I found myself getting more aroused than I'd been with any other girl, ever. Part of it, I suppose, was the fact that I had to be her first guy, so it was like taking a virgin. But mostly, I think it was my natural preference for younger girls, which was now getting satisfied in spades. The young, innocent waif I had always really wanted was exactly what I now had in my arms. I had been tutoring Vicki in her schoolwork, and now I had an opportunity to tutor her in the art of love!Continuing to kiss her (I don't think Vicki would have stopped yet, even if I'd wanted to), I began to stroke her back, then her arm, then her shoulder, going for the "feel" that I'd always tried with older girls, with about 50% success. But Vicki was too young to have learned any of that "can't touch this" crap, and she had no problem with it as my hand found her undeveloped chest. I tenderly began to rub one of her nipples, and I was rewarded with her erotic response... Vicki hadn't known what to expect, but I had figured that a woman's nipples would be sensitive no matter how small her breasts, and I was right. Vicki's breathing sped up, her lips began to get hotter, and she started to murmur, making sexy, un-little-girl-like sounds. She was obviously getting aroused, and that in turn was getting me hotter. I reached for one of her knees, fondling that, then working my hand up the inside of her warm, brown thigh. She was sitting with her legs somewhat parted, so it was a simple matter to make my way under her short skirt, further along her soft, tender leg and up to her panties. They were slightly damp at the crotch, and I pressed against this with my fingers, rubbing gently. Vicki began breathing hard enough that we had to break off our kissing for a moment, and she just held tight to me, shuddering lightly, as I stroked her young pussy. This was about as far as I had ever gotten with a girl before (although never between her bare legs, always feeling her through her pants), so I wasn't totally surprised with the way Vicki seemed to be eating it up... but I hadn't been sure just how good it would feel to a 9-year-old, and I was encouraged to see how much she enjoyed it. I kept fondling her there for several minutes, then withdrew my hand and allowed Vicki's breathing to slow down, returning to her nipples with slow, lazy caresses. Vicki eventually pulled back to look at me, her face glowing with adoration, and I kissed her once. "Do you really want to be my girlfriend?" I asked her. "Oh, yes!" she said, hugging me hard. "Am I your first boyfriend?" I said, knowing the answer. "Uh-huh," she replied, "all the boys I know are jerks, except for you." "You sure seem to be a quick learner. You kiss like a pro," I told her honestly. "I want you to teach me everything," she said, pulling me to her lips again.Well, my own experience wasn't all that extensive, but to Vicki, I must have seemed like a wealth of worldly wisdom and I did know a thing or two about sex, even if it was only from reading about it. So I decided to forge ahead in the role of teacher, and see what else Vicki could learn. As we kissed, I lifted her small weight and turned her to face me, sitting her on my lap with her legs straddling to either side. She kicked off her flip-flops at the same time, then wiggled forward on her knees to press against me. I now had both hands free for stroking her nipples, which I did for several minutes as we kissed. Vicki once again moaned and murmured to indicate her pleasure. At some point, my hands wound up behind her, pulling her more tightly to me. Her warm crotch pressed against my raging hard-on, and I could feel her heat through my shorts and her panties. I began to move my hips, grinding us together, and I was pleased when Vicki started matching my rhythm, her breathing getting faster again. I was holding her by the ass, now, pinning us together as things got more and more intense... my own breathing was speeding up, by this time. Wanting to get my hands on more of her, I eased her skirt up out of the way, taking one tender ass-cheek in each palm and squeezing gently. She felt so soft, so smooth and delicious in my hands and in my mouth, yet so hot and urgent at my crotch! On impulse, I slid one hand down the back of Vicki's panties, finding the warm crevice between her cheeks and stroking it. This was beyond anything I had ever done with a girl before, but it seemed to work... her breathing got downright ragged, and she began humping against me harder than ever. I slid one finger down as far as I could, just past the sweet moistness of her young hole, and pressed it against her there, pulling her to me hard. That's when she went over the edge into her first orgasm. Her little body stiffened and shook, and I could feel her pussy twitching against my rock-hard dick. She broke the kiss, gasping, as we rode it out, my finger stroking her young ass-cleavage to make sure her pleasure was complete.I had made a girl come! This was something totally new to me, and it was so exciting that I had almost come in my own shorts at the same time. And I remembered reading somewhere that women want sex the most when they've just had it, so I knew that I was in for a great afternoon! Vicki and I would be learning together, although she didn't need to know that, yet.Once she caught her breath, Vicki had lots of questions about what had just happened between us. I explained that boys and girls who care about each other can show it by making each other feel really good, like we had just done. I told her that when it reaches its best, it takes over your whole body for a moment, in what's called an orgasm... and that this was what she had experienced a few minutes ago. "Is that why your thing felt so hard under me? Did I make you feel good, too?" she asked. "Oh, yeah!" I answered, "but there's lots more we can do. Want to find out?" "You said so yourself, I'm a quick learner," she said, leaning in to kiss me again. She wanted to go further, and I was ready to take her there!Partly muffled by her kisses, I managed to say, "Let's take off our shirts. You take mine off, then I'll take off yours." Vicki liked this idea, so she immediately took a hold of my t-shirt and pulled it off me. I then took her tank top, and ever-so-slowly raised it up, to her up-stretched arms, then past her shoulders, then off her head. Her young, ebony chest was now bare in front of me, and I reached up to caress her deep-brown nipples, while she tenderly touched my own, sending a shiver up my spine. I leaned in to kiss her on the lips, then on the chin, then her delicate throat, and finally her chest. As I took one young nipple in my mouth and began to suck on it, Vicki sighed and held my head to her, stroking my hair and my back. She tasted so fresh, and her young, brown skin smelled so sweet! Her breast-buds swelled in my mouth, as I suckled on first one, then the other. I could swear they were growing before my eyes, as I helped bring out the woman in my eager young pupil.Still focusing on her ebony nipples, I lifted Vicki from my lap, turning with her to lay side-by-side on the couch. I pulled down a light blanket from up on the back of the couch, to give us some partial cover. As I continued suckling her, I gently tugged down her skirt and panties, sliding them out from under her butt and off her legs. Vicki helped me, so I knew I wasn't pushing her faster than she already wanted to go! I was dying to get a full-length look at my little brown girlfriend, but for now I kept the blanket over her from the belly down, so she wouldn't feel too exposed. I let my one hand do the looking for me, feeling my way down past her naked hips, along one smooth, silky thigh, then back up to her quivering, hairless pussy. Trusting me now, Vicki spread her legs apart enough to allow me to touch her there freely. I had my hand on my first bare pussy! She was so warm there, and I could feel the moistness between the lips. I slipped one finger into the moistness, which sent a jolt of pleasure through Vicki's body, and she gasped. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked. "No!" she said, huskily, "This feels even better than before! Please, keep touching me there!"I needed no further encouragement. I found the entrance to Vicki's young vagina, and then I quickly slid my moistened finger up into her hot, tight wetness. She gasped again and arched her back, driving me into her even deeper. I held her like that for a moment, then raised my head to take her lips in mine, again. Vicki threw her arms around me, kissing me passionately. I began to slide my finger in and out of her tight young cunt, finding her clitoris with the palm of my hand and rubbing her there as well. I knew enough about female anatomy to know that this was the main source of Vicki's pleasure, and I gave it lots of attention. It didn't take long, and Vicki once again went into an orgasm, her tight, preteen cunt spasming hotly around my finger, as her back arched and her body shuddered. This second climax seemed to go on forever, and I made sure Vicki got every ounce of pleasure I could give her. Her cunt actually seemed to grow in between spasms, as if the act of having an orgasm itself was quickly exercising her into womanly readiness. I started to wonder if this little girl might possibly be able to go all the way with me!Finally, Vicki rode it out, and I slowed my stroking to lazy caresses, leaving my finger buried within her. "You make me feel so wonderful!" she said, "I want to make you feel the same way!" "I feel wonderful just being with you like this," I told her, and meant it. "The only way a girl can make a boy feel any better than this is to let him put his 'thing' where my finger is now..." (I wiggled it in her cunt, for emphasis) "and I don't think you're old enough for that, yet," I said."Like heck!" she retorted, then pounced on top of me, kissing me madly. She was rising to my challenge, just as I'd hoped she would! I reluctantly pulled my finger out of her, taking her in my arms as she attacked me. I caught just a whiff of her pussy-juices on my hand, and it was intoxicating.Vicki's new-found sexual energy was a force to be reckoned with. Knowing what she wanted now, she slid her hand down my shorts, finding my aching erection and stroking it. This was so unexpected and so pleasurable that it sent a shock-wave through my body, making me powerless to resist (as if I’d wanted to!) as she pulled off my remaining clothes and climbed on top of me. Suddenly, my throbbing dick was between her young, brown thighs, and their heat alone was electrifying. But before I could get too used to it, Vicki started rubbing her slick, hairless pussy against me, its moist lips sliding up and down my shaft. I knew I couldn't take much of that, so I quickly reached down to get myself in position. Crossing my fingers that I could get this right, I put the head of my aching cock where I thought her vagina must be, and I started to push. Luck was with me, and the head of my dick slipped into her heat. I pushed again, and another inch-and-a-half slid up into her tight, slippery quim... GOD, she felt good! Again, and I was... unnhh! ...I was halfway into her, blood pounding in my cock and in my ears! Again, an... MMMMMGHH!!! This time Vicki pushed back hard, driving me all the way up into her deliciously hot, tight preteen cunt! She groaned deeply as I finished penetrating her, and I just hung there frozen for a moment, my cock pulsing deep within her tight, young body, fireworks going off in my head and balls! I was screwing a girl for the first time, and not just any girl, my exotic little black princess, a 9-year-old virgin!! Her smooth, brown skin against mine was achingly beautiful to look at, and she smelled so sweet. Her eager mouth was locked to mine again, and I hungrily drank in her fresh, young taste. I was buried deep between her legs, her smooth pussy-lips kissing my balls, her heat and tightness a power all their own. The scent of her fully-awakened sex was in the air, now, as we began to pump back and forth, and I quickly went over the edge into my own climax. As I spurted gouts of my long-pent-up semen into her young, brown body, she tipped over into her third orgasm, clamping onto me and milking me of every last drop.As we calmed down, afterward, still locked together, I decided I had to confess. "Vicki, I have to tell you that you're not the only one who learned some things, today. I did, too." "Really? What did you have to learn?" she asked quizzically."I've never done this much with a girl, before," I admitted, "so in a way, you taught me!" Vicki giggled, amused by that, then she snuggled against my chest to show she didn’t care, one way or the other. "Let's just say we taught each other," she said. "That's kind of nice, that we were both each other's ‘first’!" With that, I kissed her again, holding my little ebony princess, my dick still hard inside her, pumping lazily in and out of her hot, pre-pubescent cunt. We made love three more times, that afternoon, including some light oral sex both ways. Vicki’s young pussy tasted like the sweetest of nectar, and her generous lips were like heaven on my trembling shaft. I don't think we ever finished her homework, that weekend.**From then on, the weekends were all about Vicki and me and our new-found passion. Each Saturday that she came down, I made sure she “came” over and over. The homework got done, too, but we always made sure we had time for us to cuddle together, enjoying each other. We would usually begin on the couch, making out as we pulled each other’s clothes off, but I started taking Vicki into my bedroom after that first time, since it was more private and comfortable. Many an afternoon was spent in my bed with her, ravishing my young, ebony princess as she took me into her smooth, silky body again and again, her moans of pleasure like music in my ears. I knew Vicki was too young to get pregnant (a side-benefit of our age-difference), so I wasn’t worried about the gallons of semen I must have poured into her eager body, over the course of our love affair. Someday, we might have to deal with that problem, but not now.That was a fall and winter I will never forget. I wished it could go on forever. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to worry about Vicki getting pregnant. My sister and Vicki's mom had some big falling-out, that following April, and I never saw her again. We wrote a few times, but seriously, what do a 9-year-old and a 14-year-old have to talk about, really? I knew that our affair was over, so one day I just quit writing. Vicki would be hurt, but she’d get over it and move on to someone else. Whoever he was, I hoped he treated her like the princess she was to me.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 28
I would first like to tell you a little about myself. I'm quite a shapely and attractive 26 year-old blonde with dark tanned skin who has been happily married for a few years now. I wasn't a virgin when we married, but I'd had sex with only one other guy before my husband. My husband is in the Navy and obviously is way from home on deployment a lot. I really hate being by myself while he's gone but have resigned myself to the fact that this is his job and I try to support him as best I can. I never imagined I would get into the kind of situation I found myself in one spring evening almost a year ago.I'd recently met Trudy at a get-together for the wives of the sailors who'd shipped out together. Trudy's and I hit it off wonderfully. Later on that first evening when the other wives began to head off to their homes, Trudy and I were just getting started. We were both getting a little tipsy and were dancing with some of the guys in the bar that was attached to the hotel were our meeting had taken place.Finally, around 10 o'clock or so one of the guys we were with invited us back to his place for drinks. I never would have gone by myself, but Trudy twisted my arm and about a half an hour later we found ourselves in quite a large house with about forty or so guys. Trudy and I were the only females there so we commandeered a lot of their attention. After an hour or so later, I looked around the room for Trudy and when I saw her I couldn't believe my eyes! She was French-kissing one of the guys who had pushed her halter-top above her breasts exposing them to everyone's view. Another guy was feeling her up and sucking on one of her exposed nipples. As they headed toward a car to leave, I thought I should also try to leave at this point, knowing it had gone too far. But as I soon found, I couldn't lift myself out of the chair and it was then that I noticed that all other male eyes in the room were watching me to see how I would react. A sexually charged shiver shot down my spine and straight to my clit as I realized that I was the only woman in the place and suddenly felt like their prey. All these men were undressing me with their eyes and I realized this was a potential gangbang situation. The amazing thing was that I didn't feel frightened. If anything, I began to feel incredibly excited by the thought of being fucked by all these sex-crazed men. I was transfixed by the thought and I couldn't even move when one of them came over to me and kissed me on the lips and I felt his tongue invade my mouth. I couldn't, and didn't, want to stop him.He told me that my friend was a party girl and well known to the guys. He asked me if I was a party girl too. But I didn't get the chance to say no as his hands pulled my legs wide apart against my will. My body cried out for him to keep going. I could feel but not respond as his long fingers traced over my pussy lips through my panties. Then his large finger pulled back my panties and I soon felt him find my wet hole and slide his fingers into my pussy. I made a feeble attempt to disengage his hand, but then my body began to respond to his manipulations. I began to gasp as my hips humped involuntarily up against his fingers. Then he announced to all the others that I was ripe to be fucked and that all should get ready for a gangbang. I almost came with expectation as I heard him say those words. I really couldn't believe the heat and the feelings swelling up in my crotch as I felt myself wanting it to go on and on and have myself invaded by all forty or so of these men I hardly knew. My vagina became wetter and wetter as I felt the 80 or so hands touching me and invading my body's cavities. I soon became delirious with the sensation of so many men feeling, groping and touching me. I closed my eyes as their hands began to strip me of my clothes. They first removed my blouse and bra and my dress then I felt hot male lips encircle the nipples of my breasts. Then I moved my hands up to removed my blouse and bra and my dress then I felt hot male lips encircle the nipples of my breasts. Then I moved my hands up to cup my breasts, offering them to all of the men who wanted me. Not surprisingly, I felt the sudden rip of my panties as they were stripped from my body exposing the wet and swollen lips of my throbbing vagina for all to see. Even though my eyes were closed I felt 40 pairs of eyes watching my body. Intoxicated by the raw sexual desire to have all these men penetrate me, I slowly but very deliberately lifted my pelvis upward towards their gaze and opened my thighs wider so all could see my wet pussy. I heard them all praise my pussy. I never opened my eyes, not believing this was happening to me, but next I felt several hands gather under my body and lift me to a nearby table. Then I felt the heat of a man's body move between my thighs. I also felt an extremely large penis pushing at the lips of my vulva, demanding to enter me. I was past the point of saying no to all these men as the large penis head suddenly parted the lips of my vagina and thrust deep into the wetness of my womb, almost impaling me. God he was huge and his length hurt at first but as he pushed against the back wall of my cunt, my cervix seemed to move to accommodate his massive size. In a flash I could feel his testicles up against me on each deeply penetrating stroke and I knew that he had forced my vagina to enlarge to make room for him to entirely fill me. Other men took it in turns to suck on my breasts as this huge guy, who I did not know, hammered his enormous penis into me. I heard him say that I was delightfully tight and that he was going to enjoy filling me full of his cum. Hearing him say those words sparked my to body to react again. "Here it comes," he yelled, and buried his huge penis and balls deep into my pussy, his fingers digging into my ass as he struggled to get it even further past my cervix. I could feel his cock-head swelling inside me as though it was doubling, then tripling in size. Soon the swelling became an incredible pulsing, as I felt the length of his shaft twitch severely with each spasm of his ejaculation. I felt the boiling heat of his semen as it hit my cervix. It was like having sharp jets of hot goo shoot into me. He seemed to cum Forever. When he moved a little I felt his prick move around inside the slipperiness of my now cum soaked vagina. After he removed his prick, for a moment, I thought it was over. It was, however, just the beginning as I opened my eyes just a little to see all those 40 men standing there holding their enormous pricks just waiting their turn to penetrate my body cavities."Sloppy seconds," yelled another as he quickly entered my cum-soaked cavity. He came in seconds and was soon followed by the next man and the next and the next. My body was orgasming with every penetration. Many hands again lifted me but this time one guy sat on the table as the rest of them lifted me over his huge phallus and lowered me so that my bum hole began to be skewered on his dick. With cum seeping from my cunt down over my anus, he was able to use the slippery liquid to make an easy penetration of my ass. As soon as I had accommodated him inside my ass another guy positioned himself over my pussy and began to slide his prick up my cum-soaked and slippery vagina. Now I had two enormous pricks inside me working their way to what felt like a simultaneous orgasm. Another line of men quickly formed at my head as huge dicks with enormous helmet-like heads were offered into my mouth from either side and above me. All were attempting to push as far down my throat as possible so they could ejaculate load after load of thick and salty semen into my stomach. At one point there were three cocks trying to fill my mouth although only one large one managed to attract the full attention of my tongue. I relished the taste of each cock my mouth could accommodate as I swirled my tongue around each huge glans until I felt a familiar pumping spasm along the length of the tubular urethra. As they began their involuntary muscular contractions it signaled the pumping of several spurts of the thick white semen from their testicles into my throat. The whole time, other men stood beside my face masturbating their loads of semen onto my face and into my eyes and nostrils. When I tried to open my eyes all I could see and feel was a creamy haze covering them. It felt strangely exciting as the cum slid into my eyes but did not sting. As penises withdrew from my mouth, the cum left there felt and tasted like a melted salty ice cream. Yet as I swirled the white goo around with my tongue I could feel tiny lumps of more solid gel-like lumps sprinkled through it.I heard a roar of approval as I pushed some cum up to my lips, opened my mouth for all to see and dribbled a little down my chin. That seemed to push many of the guys past the point of no return. They frantically pushed and shoved their cocks into my cunt and closer to my face to ejaculate their semen into and onto me. The heat of the semen hitting my lips and mouth turned me on more and more. I ran my hands down my stomach only to feel that all of my breasts and stomach were covered in thick jelly-like semen from other guys who also couldn't wait and had dumped their white loads over me. I felt my navel and found it was also full of semen. As I did this, I noticed one guy with a video camera move in closer as fresh semen once again covered my face and body and filled my mouth. I recall thinking that I wished my husband could see me now. My meal for that evening was a bucket load of semen as these guys ejaculated not just once but two, three and four times each and I swallowed as much as I could scrape off my face into my mouth. I worked out I was consuming just over a liter of cum. When I realized this I began sucking cocks more feverishly—almost like Dracula sucking blood. It was wonderful and even though I had not eaten since lunchtime, I felt so full. I wonder why?***I must have passed out but I awoke the next morning with thick crusts of dried semen in my eyes, nose and hair, and all along my body. I felt a little ashamed but I felt even worse when I noticed that my pussy had been clean-shaven while I was out of it. It was so naked and bare and so smooth that I loved the way it looked, even though my cunt lips were so incredibly puffy and swollen from my pussy's battering by more than 40 cocks. John, who owned the place, told me that I was a fantastic fuck and that he enjoyed fucking and videotaping the action. He said that every guy, without question, felt I was the perfect slut and they wanted to continue fucking me at every opportunity He told me that each of the men had fucked me, cum inside me and on me, numerous times until roughly 7am. John confessed he had dumped at least eight loads of his cum inside my pussy, and once in my ass because I had become too sloppy to really pleasure him with my cunt. He said I should be prepared for another round that afternoon as he had organized a repeat gang bang with most of the men who I had already taken on and several local football teams. This time he was expecting about 100 men to turn up. Listening to him describe what he had done sent another hot shiver of excitement through my body, causing me to become instantly wet again. However, I wondered just how my pussy would stand up to the punishment of more than 100 men. I began to feel that I was getting in too deep, that I had gone too far so I told him that it was all a mistake and this could not happen again. He just laughed and held up a videotape and said, "This is you," he laughed. "Just try to keep me or my friends out of your cunt and this goes straight to your husband, his superiors and as many blue movie distributors as we can find." I begged him for the tape but he would not give it to me.***That was six months ago and since then I have all but become a sex slave to vast groups of strange men who fuck, suck, and shoot their semen in my mouth, my cunt or my ass. I think John really knows just how much I enjoy each group session with his male friends. I regularly go to John's place when he commands and act like "the perfect slut," doing anything he or his male friends demand. In one of my favorite sessions I was led naked and blindfolded into a group of men, where I was placed on a table, had my hands bound to my thighs, and had my thighs tied so the straps were pulling my legs far apart. This allowed almost two guys at a time to penetrate me. This session began on a Saturday at lunchtime and I was finally released from the bondage on Monday morning. I knew nothing of who had been fucking me or filling my mouth with their cum. John later told me that while I was being fucked and cum on by the first group of men, he had visited various bars and clubs and given out the address to every man he could find. Apparently, more than 700 men walked through the door and emptied their cum into me between the Saturday and the Monday morning. I must say it was an extraordinary feeling to have so much time pass while you are trussed up and blindfolded where all you are able to do is feel strange pricks penetrate, cum, and withdraw from you. To have hands feeling you all over and strange male lips french-kissing you while you are trussed in a position from which there is no escape is an incredible feeling. I totally enjoyed being fucked on such a massive scale! I have tried to keep my own count so I estimate I have fucked and swallowed cum from more than 2000 different men in the last 6 months. By my own calculations that's about 600 liters of male semen. John still invites scores of men to "empty a load in me" and offers my vagina as a "condom-free zone." He particularly likes to have groups of men stand over my face and ejaculate into my mouth. That way he says my mouth fills up with cum more quickly for the video before I swallow it. He likes to video me taking as much semen in my mouth until my tongue has all but disappeared in the white jelly liquid in my mouth. He then videos me telling me to rotate my tongue through the pool of semen mixing it up in my mouth like a cement mixer. Then he videos me as I swallow the entire mouthful of salty white cum in one big gulp. He also likes to video the large gobs of cum sliding out of my vagina after I have been gang banged by a big group of his friends.Sometimes he takes me to a sleazy bar and offers me to anyone who wants to "fill me up with cum" while he videos the bar patrons ejaculating into my mouth and on my face. Depending on the bar he takes me to, it has involved between 10 and 100 guys at a time. One time, after my torso had been literally covered in fresh cum, John decided to get on top of me and slide his way into my very sloppy cunt with the cum lubricating his actions. At one point when I had just finished accepting a fresh mouth full of cum from a couple of guys, he french-kissed me as he rode me. This must have excited him enormously as I felt him jerk violently as he emptied his semen inside me while kissing me with my mouth still full of.I must admit I have come to love the taste and feel of semen in my mouth and inside my body. I get especially excited when a group session ends and I get up and walk around feeling the semen of scores of men inside me and dripping down from my pussy lips as I walk. John also videotaped me standing on a table with my legs apart as all his male friends watched their semen slide out of my pussy. He got great shots of it running down the inside of my legs and pooling beside my feet (they bet on which cum gobs hit the table first with the winner having me to himself to suck him off). After videotaping this, he told me to squat down and slide my vagina around in the pool of semen or told me to lick it up and to immediately present my mouth to any cocks that are ready to cum again.I have no idea how long this will go on for or whether my body or my marriage can take it all. I know that I feel enormous sexual arousal and a flushing sexual heat within me when John tells me about the next "gangbang" he has organized. I know I shouldn't be like this but I do love being a slut when it happens, though I don't want my husband to find out. I am, however, very happy about one development from my forced gangbang Activities — the fact that my normally petite breasts have vastly increased in size, all of it due to the high level of protein in the form of huge amounts of male semen I'm eating each week. I really do hope they get bigger, too!END
Author's Notes: There's blasphemous/religious stuff so if that stuff offends you, please don't read this. Likewise, if you're too young, in the wrong area, offended by girl/girl sex, offended by toilet play (then you're missing out!), offended by girls who aren'tdumb and blonde, or just plain offended, do us both a favour and go away. In other words, you should only be reading this if you're allowed to and want to. Simple? Okay...***I walked along the side of the carpark, occasionally stumbling on the cracked paving. Like I was paying any attention to where the fuck I was going. Honestly, these seaside holidays were fucking boring as hell, and it was getting worse every year. I'm 19, I've reached that stage where I'm just growing apart from my family, and as sad as it is, there's nothing I really can do about it, even if I could be fucked...Is this where I go into the "I've got blonde hair halfway down my back, 32C tits, blah fucking blah blah," description of me? Well. Long blonde hair hasn't been in style since the 80s. Even most porn stars have caught up with that now. Likewise I've never worn lacey underwear in my life. Eww. Anyway, for the record my hair is cut spock rock style and black. I have no idea what bra size I am. Show me a girl who has any two bras that are actually the same size, and I'll show you someone with implants. They're not all that big though. Because while I'm quite tall, I'm pretty thin. And guess what, thin AND big breasted are not a natural combination.Let's just say my titties are a nice handful and I like playing with them, and letting my friends play with them. It's the closest I'm getting to sex at the moment, those drunk moments that are all laughs and jokes at the party, but you know you're going to be reverently masturbating to the memory as soon as you get home, and hopefully, so is she. At least I wish she is, that is. Some of my friends are hot and I'm totally aching to fuck them.But no luck. I haven't got laid in six months. I'm crabby as hell. I want sex and I want it now and everyone else, unless they're going to fuck me, is totally irrelevant. My chances of scoring at wholesome family beachside holiday town are remote. There's the odd teenage party house, full of daddy's spoilt little bourgeoisie girls, drinking Stolli and banging 28 year old local surfers who're either going to knock them up, or give them the clap.There's like a 2% chance I could score with one of those blonde hoes. Make that 3%, it's trendy to "experiment" with bisexuality nowadays. But I've only got sex here once, and that was with an older Goth girl, when I was 16. We fantasized about abducting one of those blonde sluts, and tying her up somewhere and shitting all over her fake tanned body. The closest we actually came to it was when Corinna, the Goth chick, convinced me to let her take a crap on my chest. She started my love affair with female faeces, and all things anus-related. The only trouble is that she lives interstate, and I've never found another girl who's into that. We wrote a few letters, sent a few dirty emails, then lost touch. She dyed her hair a sensible brown and became a law student. She wears white fucking capri pants these days. I bet she looks like Shakira or some shit. It's a shame. A super hot coprophilliac Goth with a joy division tattoo is a terrible thing to waste. Every year, when my parents make me come with the rest of the family for the obligatory two weeks, I have vague fantasies that I'll hook up with one of those surfwear sluts in such a filthy manner, and get to practice my latent domme skills, corrupting the bitch totally. Or better yet, having three or four of them invite me to stay in their parent's house, and having them use me, beat me, abuse me...there's something wonderfully, pant-destroyingly erotic about sex with people you despise, especially the degradation of submitting to them. Sometimes, being a dyke by default is totally weak. I'm handicapped by the fact that I find almost all boys physically revolting. Otherwise I'd have my pick of the high school kids here. I get enough of them hitting on me at the pub. Hmm. Football team gangbang. Now there's an unappealing thought. Or I could fuck some ageing businessman living out his mid life crisis. If there was money in it, I'd probably actually do it. I've had enough shitty "I want to try being bisexual like I read in Cosmo," lovers to know I can fake it with the best of them...But there's been very, very few guys that ever turned me on.Not so Corinna, goddamn she ruled. I remember one time we were walking half drunk through the cemetery out towards the highway. She stopped in front of this huge tombstone, and suggested we both piss on it. I was drunk, and feeling very punk rock so I readily agreed. We soaked the last resting place of some poor moron, and stood back, pants down, to survey our handiwork: urine, greenish yellow against the granite, dripping down the headstone. It looked good. No. Good's not the word...more like "delicious". By some unspoken, sudden agreement, we both dropped to our knees and began licking up our combined piss. God, this was perverted. And thanks to her, it got so much worse too. We were on our hands and knees, licking the tombstone greedily, occasionally swallowing each other into passionate kisses as our tongues met on the pee stained granite. Each of us had a hand working furiously in our cunts, our pale white butts seemingly humping nothing in the dark night. Musta looked kind of funny. I'm naturally pretty submissive. So when Corinna groaned out "eat me, whore!" I nearly tripped over my panties getting around behind her and latching my mouth onto her cunt. I licked furiously, and I have to admit inexpertly, slobbering all over her thighs and stabbing into her hole with my tongue (hey, I was only sixteen), but it did the job because she came in shuddering waves, her head resting against the grave. I couldn't held giggling when she rolled over: her hair had ended up soaked in our piss, and was plastered to her face. "Shut up, bitch" she laughed, and before I knew it, she was on me, wrestling me to the ground, with her knee in my stomach, pinning me. Her piss soaked her dripped around me and stuck to my face as she bent down and kissed me deep and long, her pierced tongue bitingly cold in my mouth.She stood up, lifting me, embracing me, turning me round, sitting me down on the grave and pushing me up against the piss soaked headstone. She lifted herself off me and with a lingering touch said "wait there, Chloe"Yes. My fucking name is Chloe. Do you have a problem with that? Because if you do you're not going to get to whack it off to the sex scene that's about to come Good. Let's go on then. So I'm lying there on the grave, legs spread wide, previously unmentioned t-shirt pulled up over my boobs, jeans nowhere to be found (I did later. They were very muddy). It's the middle of the night, I'm still pretty drunk, I'm in a graveyard in a crappy beach town, I'm swimming in my own girl cream, masturbating, awaiting the return of an extremely perverted girl whom I just met three days ago, who's going to do debased to me things that will probably send me to hell for all eternity. The sheer thought made me masturbate even harder. Presently Corinna returned. She had the most evil grin on her face and I saw why as she held it up before me. It was a thick wooden crucifix. About two feet in length all up. I don't know where the fuck she got it from but I had a fair idea...I seemed to remember it sticking up from a bunch of flowers and shit in front of a recent grave. My, my, my. Naughty. Her grin widened as, placing a finger on my lips, she lowered herself so she was level with my crotch, spread wide open. She roughly teased the skin at the entrance to my cunt with the base of the cross. I knew what was coming, I knew it was going to be excruciatingly painful, and I knew I wanted it and would beg if I had to. As it was, I started to say "please" but it turned into "pleeaasssaaaauuuggghhh!!" If the birds nesting in the nearby trees had any respect for tradition they would've all taken flight in an orgy of flapping wings. But they didn't, bastards. They were probably too busy watching me humping baby jesus on the top of some dead guy's last resting place, screaming profanities and a few "fuck me Corinna! fuck me jesus'" as well.Corinna kept twisting the wood flat so it stretched me sideways painfully. It hurt a lot. I didn't care. The unlubed wood tearing at my labia as it thrust into me hurt a lot. I didn't care. The granite grave top biting at my bare butt cheeks hurt a lot. And I didn't care. I was lost in pure ecstasy, in the physical sensations, and the sheer erotic thrill of doing something so dirty: being practically raped with a religious icon. When the cool brass of the little jesus figurine came in contact with my clit, I lost it completely. The crucifix was practically ripped out of Corinna's hands by my contracting pussy muscles. My bowels gave way for some reason (this has never happened before or since) and shit splattered out my arse and onto the grave. And I began screaming in agony, and orgasm, as the pain of the crucifix inside me, and what it had done to me soft flesh, began to sink through. Corinna grabbed me by the throat and started choking off my screams, laughing at me, and spitting in my mouth. She relaxed her grip, and I smiled back at her, rolling of the grave to collapse on the wet grass to the side. Corinna grabbed me by a fistful of hair and lifted my face up over the brown mess I'd left on the grave. "Naughty, naughty bitch!" she scolded, and pushed me face first into it. I gagged a little, but this wasn't the first time I'd rubbed my own shit on my face. I'd done it a few times before in the privacy of my bathroom. I found out later that my willingness to submit to this had intrigued Corinna and given her some ideas.Still grasping my hair, she lifted me off the grave and turned me to face her. Laughing at my disheveled state, she kissed my now brown cheek, getting some of the mess on herself in the process. Seemingly oblivious to this, she took me by my hand and led me off, while I was still struggling to get my clothes sorted and find my jeans, through the graveyard. "How did that feel baby?" she asked. "Uhhm...well," I replied, still unable to talk, almost tripping over the pants I'd just found and was now trying to put on backwards, "I think I may have found religion..."To be continued very soon...So what'd you think? Hit me up with email and let me know. Encouragement and suggestion are appreciated. Slutkristy@yahoo.com ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 21
It all started when we were on Holiday on the South Island New Zealand 1999 on our way from Christchurch to Wanaka for some adrenaline sports. We had left early from our motel and were coming up on a place called Lake Tekapo, which is one of the most beautiful places I know of! We had stopped to stretch our legs, and have a bite to eat. The reflection of the mountains in the water was fantastic, the water so clear. The sun was still very high as it was only about 3 in the afternoon.We were walking along the bank and it was still very warm Nicky had on a short skirt and a vest top on which showed her breasts very nicely. We found a nice clearing by the edge of the lake the view over to the mountains was magnificent. I was walking around in the shallows which were colder than we had thought I guess it was because of the mountain run off. I turned round as I heard a squeal as I saw Nicky running into the water in just her knickers. As she hit the water she continued running and dived in completely submerging herself. I watched as she came back up out of the water breathing deeply as the cold was more than she expected. Her nipples were sticking out as the cold had made them so. I could just make out the small dark line of hair through her knickers which had gone almost see through. What a sight. "You coming in for a swim then." She said with her hands of her hips. Hoe could I refuse her. I walked out of the water and threw of my t-shirt and shorts and waded in we swam around a bit in the cold. We came together for a kiss and she clung onto me shivering from the cold a bit. I could feel her nipples poking into my chest. I could also feel my cock coming to life even with the cold as she was gently rubbing her crutch against me. "Feeling ok," she said with an odd grin knowing the effect she was having on me. She continued gyrating her crutch some more feeling my cock growing until it was fully erect and straining at my shorts. I new she was enjoying it too as the look on her face was starting to chance and she was breathing differently. Suddenly she started to move down my body I was thinking she was going to give me a blowjob there and then but I was wrong. Instead she grabbed the top of my shorts and pulled them down then stood up and pushed me over backwards, as my shirts were down by my ankles I just fell backwards. As I feel back my cock was fully exposed out of the water in its erect state. Nicky was pointing and laughing as walked back out of the water.Once I had righted myself I too left the water Nicky was sitting on a tree stump still laughing pulling on her vest top. "That was so funny." She said to me "That's not what you expected was it." I could not help but laugh too. "No it wasn't" I replied. I looked round to see if anyone was around before pulling of my boxers and pulling on my shorts. Nicky Laughed as I struggled to pull shorts up as my legs were still wet. She then told me that there was a man walking his dog about 100yards away and coming this way. This made me struggle a bit more but I did manage to finish pulling them up. I then looked over as Nicky slowly pulled up her skirt while looking me in the eye still grinning. Once she had pulled it up she then lifted it up and slowly tugged her wet knickers down, pushed them to the floor before stepping out and bending over to pick them up. Doing this all the time as the man with this dog was approaching."Feeling horny are you?" I said She just giggled some more.She came over to me her breasts and nipples clearly visible throw her top which was now damp as she had put in on while wet. It was clinging to her skin in just the right places. She took my hand and turned and started heading back towards our CRV. We were going to come within a few feet of the man with the dog. I could almost feel the excitement from Nicky as she new that the man had seen her taking off her knickers and would be able to see her breasts through her damp top. As we got closer we could see that the man was probably in his mid twenties. Then as we passed I didn't look at him but could tell that he was looking at Nicky in her state of exposure. Once past she looked at me red in the face and grinning almost uncontrollably at herself. She let go of my hand and ran towards our CRV. Once I arrived she grabbed me and gave me a big kiss and gave my balls a quick squeeze as she did so."Let's go and buy some drinks and sweets for the rest of the journey from that garage." she said "Your enjoying flaunting yourself aren't you." I said. She just said. "Come on, you can protect me if anyone thinks about touching cant you. I just want them to tease." We went in to her pleasure it was air conditioned. She whispered to me. "This cold is making my nipples stand out even more." She motioned down at her breasts, meaning I should look, and she was right. She walked down the isle to the drinks fridge and took out some bottles of water, before walking down to the crisps before walking to the counter. I followed her down trying to keep a straight face as she approached. The lad behind the counter could not have been more than 20, so you could imagine the look on his face as she stood there, with her damp top and short skirt. Then she did something which even surprised me.She put her hands into her skirt pockets as if to look for money to pay for our purchases. Pushing her hands deep into her pockets so that they pulled the front of her skirt down and make it gap open at the top, showing the small line of neat pubic hair she keeps trimmed just above her pussy. So if I could see it I am sure he could especially as she was standing a couple of feet away from the counter. So I am sure he had a clear view. She made some fumbled around in her pockets for a second or two before asking me if I could pay. Still keeping her hands in her pockets as she asked, giving him ample time to peak at down her skirt.After I paid she grabbed our purchases smiled and said, "Thanks." Turned and left. I followed her out to our CRV. She was almost shaking as she got in. She still didn't say anything as we pulled away, but she did wave at lad in the garage, as well left. As I looked over at her face was flushed Red.Once on the road Nicky screamed out load, saying "God that felt great. Did you see the look on that man's face and the man in the garage. I never thought I could do anything like that." I could not help but laugh."Do you think he could see my pussy?" she asked. "Well I could see he should have had a good view." I said. "So it's more than likely." Then more quietly she said, "I don't know what made me want to do that, but it was so exciting. It made me so turned on." She said with a wicked grin in her eye." "Can we stop somewhere?" She moved around in her seat to face me and shuffled in her seat so her skirt rode up and I could clearly see her pussy. Which was certainly a bit damp, and not from the swimming earlier.She then started to rub her clit while looking at me. Now I knew I had to find some where to stop and fast. She didn't care if anything went past as she was so engrossed in frigging herself. Soon I spotted a small group of trees in the middle of a field on a slight rise.I pulled over in the layby on the side of the road. I looked at Nicky and licked my finger and gently inserted it into her pussy gently pulled it out and sucked clean.We got out of the car and as Nicky came round we kissed before crossing the road and then had to get over the ditch through the barb wire fence before we could even get to the trees. Nicky was laughing at the erection that was showing through my shorts. Over the road I jumped over the ditch without a problem grabbed the fence poll and beckoned Nicky to jump but she didn't think she would make it. I told her after what she had done already today it should be easy. She stood with her hands on her hips staring at me.She then took a couple of steps back looked either way down the road and there was a car a couple of hundred yards away coming towards us but it didn't stop her from lifting her skirt up around her waist and taking a couple of steps and jumped, still only just making it across as she was laughing. I grabbed her arm as she her foot hit the ground and pulled her the rest of the way up. She kissed me and pushed her skirt down just as the car went past so I am sure they had a glimpse at her pert bum, they also must have seen me helping her a bit as well with her skirt round her waist. Luckily they didn't stop. She didn't seem to care.We climbed over the fence, I held the barbwire down as Nicky Climbed over it, she made a show of lifting her leg up as high as possible getting over flashing me her pussy again, as her skirt rose up as her legs opened. She was really starting to enjoy showing herself off to me.Once we were walking through the long grass across the field Nicky started to undo the zipper of my shorts and reached in to squeeze my cock which was by now getting to be very hard in anticipation of having sex outside like this. Once she had her hand on she decided she wasn't going to let go and started pulling me along which had a wanking effect on me as we walked, but hey I didn't mind.As soon as we were in the tree line which was about 100yards from the road she grabbed me and kissed me passionately while undoing my shorts and pushing them down lifted her left leg over it so her pussy was resting on my throbbing cock pushing it downwards not painfully but putting pressure on it. She then started grinding gently on it I could feel her pussy juices transferring on to it making it nice and slippery. We stayed there for a couple of minutes with her rubbing up and down my cock soaking it in her juices, a few cars went past but we didn't hear any horns and no one stopped. By this time I had my hand up her top and was pinching her left nipple with my right hand she was moaning had her eyes shut I don't think I had ever seen her that horny and I was loving it. But the effect it was having in me was going to be a problem if I didn't get my cock inside her as I could feel the pressure rising in my balls. Thank god she soon stopped rubbing opened her eyes and looked at me her neck and face so flushed she was panting a bit turned on so much as she was. She gently stepped back a small pace ever so slowly letting my cock spring out from between her legs and pussy lips as I could feel her lips had opened and my cock had been sliding along the inside of her petals. She squatted down in front of me and lifted my feet of my shorts which were still round my ankles. She gave my cock a quick kiss and licked it as she stood. It was then I realised that there I was standing with just a t-shirt on by a tree in a field with Nicky licking my cock for anyone to see. As she stood up she pulled her top off and dropped it down next to my shorts I don't think she would have cared who saw her at that moment she was only interested in one thing. She took my hand and started walking a bit deeper into the trees once we were about in the middle of the group of trees so only about 15 feet from the edge, so we could see the road clearly still but it would be harder for anyone to see us in the trees as the sun was starting to get lower. We stood there and kissed some more before Nicky pulled my t-shirt up and over my head so I was naked apart from my trainers, which made her laugh as she could just kick of her flip flops. Once she had my t-shirt in her hand she used it to clear some ground all the time doing this on her hands and knees.Once she was happy with the clearing she had made getting rid of the worst of the stones and twigs. She asked me to lick her as knew I enjoyed doing that and she enjoyed receiving it. I said "Ok lye down then." "No," she said. "I want to stand and watch the cars go by while you lick me." And she grinned. "I'm feeling dirty."Who was I to argue?I knelt down and lifted her skirt so I could see her pussy I could see all the dried juice on the inside of her legs, and the fresh juice on her pussy lips. I eased her legs apart a bit more which she helped by stepping one leg sideways. I watched as her pussy lips open slightly as she did so. "What a lovely sight," I said and gently licked at her clit and back along her lips.I had hold of her legs but released my left hand and gently used it to probe at the entrance to her tunnel as I licked along her lips before switching my attention to clit I gently nibbled it, her hips were moving forward and back a bit as I did so and her juices were running freely down her legs and down my forearm a bit. This made me nibble more and soon I was almost having to hold her up by this time. Soon she could take no more and pushed my head away and pushed me down onto my back, knelt down and took my cock in her mouth and started wanking it back to full hardness as it had started t soften as I was concentrating so much on servicing her pussy.Then I was in heaven she ever so slowly took it in her mouth she kept her lips as tight as possible around it as she took it deep into her mouth I did hear her gag a bit as she tried to suck it as deep as possible. I just lay there looking up at the sky through the trees and enjoy the sensations of her swirling her tongue around my helmet before taking it deep in her mouth again. She used her hand to massage and squeeze my balls while sucking her other hand she used to pinch my nipples and pull at the hair around my nipples. Every so often she would give my balls an extra hard squeeze holding them as tight as I could bear without wincing. Then she would slowly release them. I knew I could not take much more of this but knew if I came she would not be happy I knew she wanted it all in her pussy. Soon enough she came up from sucking and straddled me holding my cock and guiding it up towards her waiting pussy, as she settled with it at the entrance she stopped and looked all around giggled as a couple of cars drove past. I tried to push upwards as I needed to get my cock in her pussy by then. But she raised herself up a bit more stopping me from getting anymore than the very tip of my helmet inside. She looked down at me and said. "No I'm in charge of this you just lye there. In fact put your hands behind your head." Still looking at me she started playing with her tits and pulling at her nipples, teasing me even more.Then she stopped looked around again, and moaned loudly as she slowly sank down taking my cock deep inside her delightful hot and slippery pussy.She then leant forward keeping my cock deep inside her and kissed me, before sitting up again. She then slowly raised herself up again so just the tip of my cock was inside before sinking slowly back down. She did this abut 5 or 6 times before stopping and grinding herself back and forth on my cock. By now I don't think she cared if anyone saw or heard her. Her eyes were closed head back moaning loudly.I was watching her nipples grow they were so erect I ran my hands up her body to her tits and started to caress them before pinching her erect nipples quite hard. That certainly made her eyes fly open as she looked down at me, and slow the tempo of her grinding. She looked me in the eye as she then started grinding harder again, in the end going harder than before. Telling me to pinch them harder, almost enjoying the pain I was causing.I didn't squeeze too hard as I didn't want to cause any damage to her lovely breasts. I knew I couldn't take much more of this as I was guessing from the look on her face she couldn't either, and soon she slowed, and started raising up and lowering herself slowly again on my rock hard cock. She put one hand behind her back every time she sank and squeezed my balls. I'm sure she was not aware of how hard she was squeezing as it made me want to cum even more.Soon she said to me through the panting. "Take me from behind." She raised herself up and off my cock which was now slick with her juices as were my balls. She knelt over waiting for me. I noticed how she made sure she was facing the road when she did this as she did look round to find it. I got behind her and admired her pert bum as she stuck it in the air with her back arched staring at the road. I thought now it's my turn to tease and pushed my cock up against the entrance to her sopping, but delightful pussy and gently started to enter her. I felt her try to push back on me but I leant back to stop her. She looked round at me and said "Do it, just ram it in, PLEASE." I responded. "No it's my turn to tease now, I'm in control." And I just kept it there just very slight movements forward and backwards right at her entrance. I could tell it was starting to frustrate her now so without warning I slammed all the way in and held it there. I heard her take in a gasp of breath as I did so, before relaxing again. I then started to pump steadily in and out. I suddenly felt her stiffen I noticed she was looking up the road to a car that had parked up, its driver was getting out, I didn't notice but as I watched him I had almost stopped. As we watched he went round the side of his car and started to have a piss. As soon as we saw him do this Nicky started to push back onto me again, and I was only to willing to oblige, and thrust back into her again. I went at it hard from then on with Nicky pushing back to meet me on every thrust. It did not take long for me to feel the inevitable feeling as felt my spunk start to pump and I thrust hard and held her to me as I felt my cock pump all I had into her tight little pussy, just as the man got back into his car and drove away. He did drive off very slowly. Maybe he saw us maybe not. Nicky didn't seem to care, as she collapsed into the grass and round over to lye flat on her back looking up at the sky. I sat back on my heels and watched her breasts rise and fall as she breathed deeply, the slow recovery. She beckoned me to lye down next to her as I did she leaned over on an elbow and kissed me before taking me cock in her mouth to make sure it was fully milked, as it was still in a semi stiff state. However by this time it was extra sensitive, indeed. But she insisted on getting every drop before releasing it and lying back again. After a couple of minutes of lying there I heard her start to giggle gently, I turned my head and looked at her. She was looking back at me giggling, soon we were both laughing.We lay there for about half an hour before Nicky said she was getting a bit cold. So I got up and looked around it was very much dusk now as I picked up my t-shirt Nicky said. "No don't put it on, don't put anything back on yet." She got up and grabbed her clothes not that there was much of them and my shorts. Grabbed my hand and looked out towards the road. There was nothing coming so she said, "Let's walk back to the car like this." I think I was defiantly more nervous about doing this than she was, but went along with it as I was hoping for some more sex later and it would keep her in the mood I guessed.We started back across the field and were about quarter way across when we suddenly noticed a man on a bike riding along. I don't think Nicky realised then suddenly she crouched down pulling me down too, hissing at me. "Did he see us?" "Fucked if I know," was my reply. To this she just laughed, and started standing up once he was only about 15feet past us on the road. What was I to do so I stood with her and we continued back towards the road and the safety of our CRV. As we neared the fence a car turned the bend at the end and came along lights on, so we were forced to crouch down hoping the grass would hide us. Luckily they didn't stop so we presumed they did. Once by the fence I went to put my shorts on but Nicky said. "No I'm enjoying this its thrilling being naked and the risk of getting caught is well thrilling." So I just stopped and thought what the hell. At the fence I Held the barb wire down so Nicky could climb over it. She gave me that lovely view as she hoisted her leg over it again. Once over she took the clothes from me so I could climb over.Just as I was about to another car came round I hit the ground and I heard Nicky squeal, though I didn't know why, before I heard her laugh. The car went by followed by a couple more just as I was thinking about standing again. I called to Nicky to see where see was, but she was laughing again. "What now?" I called out. "I fell in the ditch." She called back. "I can't get out," I head her say through her laughter. I climbed over the fence and saw her. She was wet and so were our clothes as she had dropped then when she fell in. I couldn't help but to laugh at her there wet naked and in the ditch. "Help me," she said, throwing our clothes on the side. I grabbed the fence with one hand and pulled her up with the other, trying desperately not to laugh, even though she was, which made it even harder to pull her up. Once up I jumped over the ditch which made her laugh even more as there I was standing on the road side naked apart from my trainers and a handful of wet clothes. I could see the funny side but told her to jump. I only just caught her as her laughter had seriously hampered her ability. Once we were together she decided to kiss me passionately while still on the wrong side of the road just as it was getting dark. She broke off as she saw some more car lights rounding the corner and we both ran across and hid round the front of the CRV, and as it passed moved round to the side. "Fuck that was close." I said to her. "Exciting wasn't it." She replied. "Let's go the rest of the way nude." She said. What could I say after what we had done already. We jumped in the CRV and started off. Nicky leant over the seats into the back to get a towel, while she was rummaging for it a car came round the other way lights on full as it was now dark. I could see it lit up Nicky's bum perfectly. As they went passed I could see the look on there faces and I burst out laughing. As she sat back down holding her towel she said, "Did that just happen? They could see my pussy didn't they?" I just nodded. And she giggled. "I didn't mean to do that."We still had a fair way to go and I knew it would be a very interesting drive. Many other cars passed us on our journey on down to Wanaka. Some definitely noticed how Nicky was dressed as every so often she would raise herself up in her seat to make sure her boobs were on full display. She also leant over the seat into the back to flash her pussy and arse at traffic going the other way.Luckily for me she insisted on trying to keep me with a erection by leaning over and sucking it and playing with my cock and balls, also by dipping her fingers in her pussy and then putting them in my mouth for me to lick clean.As we neared wanaka we had to stop to get dressed. Nicky told me I was not allowed to do my flies of my shorts right up so there was the chance someone could see my cock should the chance happen, she made me try things out like standing certain ways to see if the flies would open depending on how I stood. She also made sure I put on a t-shirt that wasn't too long so it would not obscure anyone's view of my flies, or cock if it showed.Nicky put on her skirt and vest top while stood just at the edge of the lights of the headlights about 150yards from the outskirts of town. When we both got in the car she had very hard nipples still and kept rubbing them to keep them pointing nicely.We continued into town and Nicky decided to run into a pizza restaurant to ask for directions. I knew it was just an excuse to show her boobs off to anyone in there eating. She came out after a couple of minutes saying she had directions and told them we would be back for a pizza later. Once we found the lodge we were staying at as I parked the car she started rubbing my crutch trying to get some movement. "I want you with a semi when we go in." She said. She would not let us get out until she had archived her task.Once she was happy she pinched her nipples to make sure they were ready and we booked in.Luckily for me the owner was male and spent most of his attention on Nicky and did not notice my state which I was happy with. We went to our room to change before going for our pizza.Nicky told me to keep my shorts, but no underwear, on as they were, and picked out a new t-shirt for me, before changing herself. She kept her short skirt on with out knickers and put on a woolen sleeveless fitted jumper, but no bra.When she finished she showed the outcome. It was very spectacular, the jumper well you could make out her nipples and it was tight fitting. The slits were long and the arms so it pulled forward a bit showing the very edge of her boobs, it looked great. We walked back to the pizza place and went in. It was fairly dimly lit but very welcoming with a pool table and big wooden tables and benches. We sat and had a few beers with our pizza's all the while Nicky kept using her feet with my on my crutch and pushing them up the inside on the legs under the table to play with my balls, much to my dismay as it did make me nervous, but she was enjoying it and I knew I would get a another great fuck later that night. After we finished we had a game of pool, and I got my own back when she was bending over to play her shots by putting my hand up her skirt a bit, but it was hard as didn't want to get caught doing so. After we had had enough pool we sat and had a last beer, Nicky made sure she sat on a seat near the window facing in towards the rest of the place. I realised why as, her skirt was rising up a bit so anyone who made enough effort would probably be able to see up her skirt, but as it was dimly lit, wont be able to make her pussy. Soon I had had to have her and told her we were leaving. She agreed and I sent Nicky to go and pay out bill to the young lad who was on the till at the time. I did notice that she put my money into the small front pocket of her skirt so when he asked for the money she come push the front of her skirt down a bit again getting the money out. I could not help but chuckle a bit. We left and walked back to our lodge arm in arm. Once back we went straight to our room and ripped each others clothes off. Nicky made sure I left the curtains open and the bedside light on so there was a chance of being seen fucking by someone driving or walking by. We never noticed as we were much too busy I can tell you.After a great night of sex we were both lying there covered in sweat. Nicky looked over to me and said, "I really enjoy teasing other men like that.""Yea, it's fun to watch too," I told her."So you won't mind me doing it some more tomorrow then?" she said pouting at me. "Not at all." I said. "As long as you don't touch or get touched, and I can watch." "Cool!" Was her only response, smiling to herself.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 41
AUTHOR'S WARNING: Very rarely the darker side of Peter_Pan emerges. "Two Cent Whore," "They Walk Among Us," "Hard Day in The Hot Sun," and the infamous "One Way Ticket To Hell" are examples of such.Some readers may well find the content of this tale repellant in the extreme and are warned that if aggravated rape is not your thing, it might be best if you read something else. I am prepared for the inevitable flood of accusatory emails.***EYE OF THE BEHOLDERNot thirty feet from the deserted highway the young girl kneels submissively in the dry scrubland, regretting for ever and a day that she had failed to heed her momma's advice – "Never accept a lift from strangers honey – but NEVER!" Just a few yards distant, a prairie dog, perhaps disturbed in its contemplations, eyes the threesome to the left of its burrow and having then no interest in proceedings, darts back into the safety of its tunneled conclave.There is but a light breeze in evidence, whose gentility offers the girl the least assistance. No cries will be borne on the wind this night. The looming darkness befriends only the girl's captors, leading one to assume that Nature even has turned its back on the three-act tragedy about to be played out in its midst.The older man eyeing his prey, circles her as if assessing his options. The youth, slim and dressed also in tattered jeans and checkered shirt, stands across from the girl, near a patch of tumbleweed, his eyes quite obviously taking in the gentle convexity of her developing breasts and the curves of her rear-end, subtly delineated as they are in the fading light. He is able to detect the outline of the girl's underwear even, as she kneels there shivering, both hands extended towards the older man as if in supplication. He has often watched through the keyhole of the master bedroom at home as his father, having dragged his younger sister across his knee, paddles her backside unmercifully, pausing simply to tug her dress up and her panties down, before resuming his bruising work on her bare bottom. Becky would scream at first but ultimately dissolve into heaving sobs as the inevitability of her predicament suppressed all hopes of salvation.He wonders if his father might indulge those corporal cravings later with the terrified girl kneeling in front of him?Crouching beside his teenage captive, the man extends a gnarled hand and gropes the girl's tremulous right breast."Well lookee here boy," he growls in the direction of his son, "Thisn's almost ripe fer the pickin'"Gasping with shame and embarrassment, she pushes the man's hand away, only to be rewarded with a vicious backhander that sends her sprawling in the dust. Off-balance and uncoordinated momentarily, her legs splay apart, delivering her voyeur an acutely indecent view of those plain white cotton panties. The upskirt visuals are not lost on the big man who chuckles at the girl's predicament before crudely delving between her legs and taking delight in making illicit contact with the front of her knickers. The curved ingress and the smoothness beneath his fingers excites him. He thinks of Becky and how she might look, thus disheveled and prostrate before him. His son takes in the decadent scene but a couple of arms-lengths away. His father frightens him.Wriggling clear of her tormentor, the girl tugs the hem of her dress down, limiting the arousal factor and sits there breathing heavily, tears now trickling down both cheeks. Remorse is not a trait the older man has ever exhibited and taking a step towards her, he is able to see now quite clearly the curves of her young breasts as she hugs her knees almost in defiance of his unspoken intent. Aware that her cleavage, though still a gentle work-in-progress, is prominently displayed to the grinning degenerate leaning over her, she frees up her right hand to clasp the top of her dress to her chest. It is as fruitless a gesture as it is one borne of desperation."Please don't hurt me." she whimpers. As well may she have asked for a latte coffee with extra cream, given the likelihood of her plea falling on compassionate ears. Wrenching her arm aside as if it were an annoying twig, the man shoves his hand down her top, encircling the small breast and feeling the rush attendant on such under-age sexual fumbling. The girl cries-out in shocked surprise, her disbelieving mouth dropping open as she stares downwards, following the hand as it moves to her right bra cup roughly manipulating her small nipple. She winces as the pressure increases on the teat, aware inherently that resistance is useless at this juncture."Nuthin' quite like a pair of sweet young titties son," the ogre all but drools in the boy's direction. "Come get a handful," he grins lewdly, both hands rifling now the contents of the girl's skimpy crossover. The boy makes no move, almost rendered immobile by the unfolding scene. The man shrugs and turns his attention back to the girl's chest.Without warning, he pushes her backwards and taking a firm hold of the halter around her upper chest, rips the material with such savagery, the dress tears all the way to her waist. Fully visible in the now clear moonlight, her barely-covered breasts heave with distress, bra straps loosely clinging to her arms. Further down, her slim hips and belly are exposed in all their youthful vulnerability. The waistband of the girl's panties becomes the focal point for her attacker's lustful contemplation."Ain't no point lookin' like Raggedy Ann sweetness," he drawls, seizing hold of the last vestiges of her dress which he then strips away in seconds, heedless of her cries for him to stop. She lies there in miserable solitude, aware only too well of the effect her near-naked body must inevitably induce in her male captors. Indeed, watching the girl's futile attempts to cover her bra and crotch area with those sadly undersize hands and arms, has already set in motion physiological changes in the boy's procreational hardware. She can already see plainly the sexual metamorphisis underway beneath the ogre's shabby Levis. The man produces a hunting knife that glints in the moonlight. The boy swallows hard and stares at his father. This was something way outside the plan. Not for the first time – he feels a rising unease. Trembling with unutterable fear she stares wide-eyed as the blade of the knife descends, hastily slicing through the material holding the front of her bra together. "What's the problem girlie?" he guffaws "Figured I was gonna cut ya?" he slips the knife back into his belt."No way Jose," he grins, "Wouldn't wanna hurt a cute little teen queen like you sweets. Way too precious to hurt – leastways with a knife." Smirking at his own double entendre, he reaches down and plucks away the shredded bra. She lays there shivering beneath the cool night sky, clad now in just her panties, hands barely covering her exposed breasts. Observing the knife re-sheathed, the boy lets out a sigh of relief.Expecting the worst as the big man kneels beside her, she is unprepared for what follows. In one movement he seizes her arm and pulls her half upright. Still trying to cover her breasts, she finds herself suddenly prostrate across the man's knee – face down and helpless. The huge arm around her waist restricts all movement."Even a pretty little thing like you needs a whuppin' once in a while girlie," he mutters, delivering a hard smack to her upturned bottom. She cannot avoid a cry of pain and surprise. The second blow ripples the soft flesh. Even at the distance he is, the boy can see her taut little rear-end recoil from the assault. The next spank echoes across the highway but is heard by no more than the prairie dog and its immediate family. The man's eyed are glued to the young girl's panties. How like Becky she is! Those same damnably sexy little hips, curvy bottom and who knows what else skulking away there between her legs? Becky's secrets had yet to be enjoyed to the max but tonight he would know true solace. He raises his hand a fourth time.Seeing the girl's breasts jiggling free - pretty much in the dust, as she vainly uses her hands to try shielding her bottom from the punishing blows, fully re-boots the boy's chemical resurgence. The swollen rod between his legs is almost painful.Crying hysterically, the girl pleads for a cessation to the beating. Were she to realize this was merely supplementing his enjoyment of the situation she might try another tack. Frenzied now, the man takes a hold of her waistband and tugs the panties lower. Leaving them at half-mast temporarily, he stares at her partially exposed bottom, the color of those gentle contours anything but a whiter shade of pale. Reaching beneath her arm he takes a rough hold of either breast, squeezing and rubbing the girl's nipples, unfettered lust feeding off the sensation. His right hand smooths its way back and forth across her bottom, fingers inching their way along that sexiest of clefts before disappearing beneath her panties en route to the shadow-lands. He has forgotten his son across the way, all that matters is this one hundred pounds of ultimately desirable female flesh splayed across his lap. He has to see her naked. Hooking then, his fingers inside the already lowered waistband, he tugs the young girl's one remaining bastion of modesty down her legs and past her ankles, propelling the handful of cotton just an arm's length from where his son squats alongside the tall cactus, watching proceedings almost nonchalantly.Totally nude before her kidnappers, the girl's humiliation is complete. A further hard spank elicits a cry of pain. She makes no attempt to cover her bottom or breasts now, her arms simply resting in the dirt as she sobs aloud her resigned acceptance of the punishment at hand.Eyes riveted now on the glowing rear of his prey, the man spreads the girl's legs, giving his impetuous fingers access to the Holy Grail of illicit pleasures. His middle finger travelling ever south, discovers a cache of soft downy hair that even six months ago had yet to make its debut. Further inland, the natural curvature of nature's best loved secret, leads that same finger to moist lips as soft as petals. With less finesse than a jack-rabbit on heat, the man pushes inwards with committed vigor. "Don't...please don't," she cries, "That HURTS....Let me go PLEASE – I promise I won't tell anyone."Clemency is not an option on the menu this night.Beginning now to push their uninvited way into her vaginal ante-chamber, the man's fingers begin to penetrate her faster and deeper. Sobbing in real-time pain, she wriggles about on his lap, an action the ogre mistakes for complicit pleasure. She barely notices her breasts being groped concurrently, which could not be said for the youth nearby who transfixed by the girl's aggravated sexual degradation at the hands of his father, is whacking himself off with undiluted zeal. Past the point of being in even vague control of his emotions, the man sends the naked girl sprawling in the dust and kneeling before her, hastily unzips his jeans. Lying on her back, the girl not only catches this worrying turn of events, she also is privy to that which has disengaged itself from the mother-ship. Unfamiliar with penis-size per se, all she knows for sure is that the man's "thing" is huge and logically nothing that size could possibly fit into the tight little receptacle she possesses between her own legs and which the man is now obviously staring at with what one might term bemused interest. Swiftly she closes up her thighs. "Ain't gonna do ya much good honey," the man leers, crouching in front of her now in the gentle moonlight. Despite her struggles, he forces her pale limbs apart. Unable to defer the inevitable, the girl stares with uncomprehending shock as, working his way between her legs, the ogre pilots his nuclear warhead towards her fragile-looking vaginal gateway.Sadly, the girl's initial assessment was ball-park accurate. A square peg never did fit in a round hole and a nine-inch penis of abnormally thick girth does not exactly dove-tail with a slim-line pussy of uncompromisingly virginal status. Even as her cries rent the airwaves just off Interstate 76, the younger of her two captors is suddenly wracked with guilt. Neither of the two girls they had picked up before had screamed like this. He gets to his feet and takes a step towards the moving violation. Even at that distance he can see the girl's blood trickling down the inside of her thigh. His father is a man possessed, thrusting into that helpless body even as she whimpers and begs for him to stop. Quite obviously approaching his own finality, the man tries to kiss his victim, who by averting her mouth at the last moment, infuriates the copulating demon topside. He responds with a snarl and savage blow to her left cheek that almost renders her senseless."Fucking little slut," he roars. "You'll remember this night girlie – I'll see to it." Abusing her breasts so severely now she begins moaning with pain, he thrusts ever harder into her. The girl lies there beneath him, almost inert."Dad, that's ENOUGH," the boy yells out. "You're hurting her badly." His own erection has fully subsided."You'll keep your mouth shut boy if you know what's good for you," the aggressor spits-out in the direction of the lad, incensed by what he regards as insubordination amongst the ranks. He begins to rape the girl even more violently, biting her nipples in the process, forcing her legs even wider. The girl's screams have diminished to little more than enforced grunts as her body is crushed beneath the man's overpowering weight. Her arms remain above her head, jerking rhythmically in time to the man's violent penetrative incursions.Taking a step nearer, the boy is horrified to see the bruising coming out now in her right cheek. The blood seeping out of her is considerable. Her expression - heartbreaking in the extreme. Right then with a roar of pleasured extravagance, the man floods her internally with his unwanted semen. "Little cunt," he mumbles almost incoherently. "Gonna give her something to REALLY remember the evening by." So saying, he begins to turn the abused girl over on to her stomach. There is time however for the boy to catch a glimpse of his father's semen leaking profusely from her swollen and bloody vagina. He begins to maneuver the moaning girl on to all fours, his intentions clear enough to any on-looker. Horrified even at this late stage for the girl's well-being, he tries to pull his father away but is rewarded by a punch to his mid-section that sends him sprawling in agony. When the pain subsides and he is able to focus normally, the sight that meets his gaze appalls him. The girl is kneeling there some eight feet away, down on her forearms, her bottom elevated indecently. She is screaming out for help as the man, gripping her tightly around the waist, sodomises her without mercy. It is not something the boy can live with.The girl cannot believe the agony. She is being torn apart and cauterized by a white-hot metal pipe in an area that no young girl can possibly conceive might ever be at risk in normal society. The rape was unspeakably painful and aside even from the facial and chest bruising, breathing itself has now become a hard-fought campaign. She braces herself for the next thrust – but none comes.She hears a dull thud and an exhalation much like "Uggghh." Something feels like it's dripping momentarily on her bottom and back of her thigh. More relevantly, the instrument of torture is withdrawn from her back passage just seconds before the man topples over alongside her. The majority of his forehead is now hanging from his scalp like a half-eaten pizza. She turns around painfully and glances behind her. The boy is still holding the huge rock in both hands."I'm so sorry Miss," he whispers, "SO sorry!"Somewhere in the foothills, a coyote howls.(c) Peter_Pan 2007Please visit "The World of Peter_Pan" website: also now in paperback:"The Best of Peter_Pan"*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 51
It has been said that a dog was man’s best friend but I am not sure that is the case. Some women would beg to differ with that assumption. I have two big Dobermans and they are more than just protection for me. It started when I bought a dog due to the increase in crime around where I live. I first shopped around to find one that was gentle towards me and had a vicious manner about him. Little did I know just how gentle he would be with me. I have always masturbated and love to do it with out any clothes on. I lay there and spread my thighs so I can really enjoy myself. It was after I got the dog that I was laying in my bed one night and I was preparing for a masturbation marathon which I do when I have plenty on time. I had all my toys out along with some lubricate and towels as sometimes I actually squirt my climaxes out of my pussy.I normally would not have had Butch, my Doberman in the room while I was masturbating but he sort of hid as he lay down having sneaked into the room that night. I had put on a fuck video on my DVD player and was getting hot as I took my toys and started to play with them. I took a big dildo which I love and was rubbing it up and down along my wet slit as I watched the movie. My legs were off the end of the bed slightly as I played with myself. It was starting to feel good as I began to enjoy the feeling of my electric dildo sliding across my cunt.I happen to glance down and saw Butch between my thighs watching me. I was sort of surprised to see him so close but I continued to play with my wet snatch. I then took the initiative and reached my hand down to my wet pussy, coating my fingers in my hot juices. I then held my fingers out for Butch to see if he would lick them. Sure enough, he started licking the juice from my fingers. I patted the edge of the bed and asked him to get up there as I wanted to see if he would lick my pussy.My wants were quickly answered as he put his paws on each side of my thighs and dipped his tongue to my waiting pussy. I spread my lips apart and pulled them upwards, exposing my wet cunt to him. His long tongue darted out and tasted my slit, licking me from the bottom to my clit. It felt so good as the shivers ran over me. I started to slowly hunch my wet pussy to his probing tongue as he continued to lick my cunt. It was feeling so good now as I opened it so he could taste the small opening of the inside of my wet pussy. His tongue would lap at me as it would slightly enter my pussy, causing me to throw my ass towards him even more. I started to cum from his licking. It was so hard as the cum started to shoot from my pussy as I ejaculated my fluids. He lapped at me even more, licking my cum as it covered both is tongue and my thighs. I had never cum so much or so hard in my life as I did then. With his tongue licking at my slit and me cumming over and over again, I noticed his cock had gotten so big. It was about 9 inches long and so big around. It was as large as a man’s cock and sort of slimy. I knew he wanted to put it somewhere and I knew just the place.I eased myself to where my ass was just on the bed as I brought him up to me, putting his paws on each side of me as I reached for his big cock. I felt the hot doggie dick in my hands as I guided it to my waiting pussy. I was so wet and it slipped right in to my surprise. I felt the huge head as it slipped further into my cunt, spreading me so wide as it slid deeper. It was huge and it felt so damn good as I wrapped my legs around his haunches, trying to take more of his big cock. I could feel each inch as I pushed deeper inside me, making my pussy tingle with his hot cock. I looked down to see his cock buried in me as he hit my sweet spot, causing me to cum once again. The feeling of his big cock against my sweet spot caused me to cum every time he hunched that big doggie dick to me. I was cumming so much as I felt his cock going even deeper into my hot cunt.Then it happened. His cock head grew so big inside me as I felt the head swell up and knew the knob on the end had grown so huge. I had remembered people saying that a dog’s cock swells up and they become "hung up".I knew exactly what was happening as I felt the big knot swelling inside my hot pussy. It just mad me cum that much more as the big head filled my cunt. I could feel the knob as it grew so large inside me, hitting my sweet spot and keeping me cumming over and over as that hot cock just sort of stuck there. I was working my pussy to him. Milking his big cock with every once of my strength as he slammed that cock to me. I knew that when he came his cock would go down as I fucked him a little faster now.Sure enough, I felt his cock as it pounded inside me, starting to swell as it throbbed. It felt so good as his cock throbbed in my pussy, getting ready to pump his cum to me. I felt it as he started to cum, the huge knob pounding at my womb as it started to erupt his load of cum. I felt the heat from his cum as it coated my insides, making me cum each time the head shot a wad of cum into me. He was so full of cum as his doggie cock pumped his hot juices to me. I could feel the head as it relaxed while he spurted his hot doggie cum deep within my burning pussy as his knot became smaller in me. I was loving this!! This was the first time and I knew there would be lots of other times. A week or two later I decided I needed another dog to keep him company. That is when I got the second Doberman. He too was large and had a cock as big as Butch. I named him Cassidy. Butch and I had to teach him what to do as he would watch Butch fucking me and knew he was suppose to do something. It didn’t take too many times before I had his cock in my pussy while Butch watched. Then I decided that I was going to teach them to fuck both my pussy and my ass at the same time. I lay Butch down and got his cock hard as I guided him to my dripping pussy. Then I finally coached him to mount me from the rear as I took his big cock and jacked it up and down for him as I got it good and hard. I reached down and took some of my juices and rubbed it on my asshole as I then guided his cock to me. I felt his cock head as it slid in past the small opening of my ass. He was so big as I felt that doggie cock slip into my tight ass. It was feeling so good as his cock filled my ass as I felt Butch’s doggie cock sliding to my sweet spot. There I was being fucked in both my pussy and my ass by my two dogs and loving every minute as their big cocks filled me.I let them fuck me as I fucked back to their doggies cocks, cumming each time as Butch hit my special spot. I was waiting for both to cum as I felt their cocks began to swell so big in me as I climaxed over and over. I could feel both cocks as the heads swelled up, their knobs growing so big as they fucked me. Then the feeling of both doggie cocks as they shot their loads of hot cum so deep within my body. I felt the hot fluids as they emptied their doggie cum into me as I too, came again. It was such a good feeling to have both of my dogs fucking me as their cocks filled me and my wildest dreams came true, being fucked by two cocks at one time, Even if they were doggie cocks.I will always keep my two lovers and will allow them to fuck me whenever I choose. I wish you could feel their cocks in you as I do. There is nothing like a lady's best friend.ENDHope you enjoyed my story and if so, email me at and let me know as I have a few more stories.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 29
Author note: I wasn't sure where this was going when I started it and it's sort of developed a life of its own. This has some "stand-alone" qualities but the other parts will give you the "program" as to all the players. If I understand how this all works, all the parts will end up in ARCHIVE 55.Hope y'all enjoy. I've added an e-mail for me if you have questions or requests. Save the acidity or moral judgments for your clergy. I just write stories. ZEKE***PART 17The week with Maria's school chums was anything but dull. Once they had broken the ice with their first dog and pony show, they were insatiable. Del had taken Maria aside and told her we had all watched them on the closed-circuit TV and she wasn't at all surprised. When she told the trio, Brenda, Haley, and Shelly, they were actually flattered at the attention. They asked Maria if Del and I would do a camera shoot of them to take back to school but Del, and me, for that matter, weren't all that enthusiastic at letting them have a tape of their animal antics. We offered to do the shoot but keep the tape at the ranch. They pouted for about a minute and then said it would be fun to just play for the camera anyway. Most afternoons, the girls were all at poolside and of course all the little ones joined in the fun. Little Lola and Megs seemed to always be seated on the edge of the pool with their knees up and spread as Brenda, or Haley, or Shelly, licked and fingered their little bald pussies. The twins, Mai and Gina also got into the act lapping at the new trios' cunts on a regular basis. It was the next day, after the critter debut of the girls, that Abs inaugurated the newbies into the pee games. Abs wasn't one to hold anything back and made a real show of drinking Lola's and Megs' piss while the girls watched in fascination. After that, the gals all tried it with the twins and Mai. They seemed to relish the urine cocktails. Piss drinking became part of the play. All us adults sort of just kicked back and relaxed as we watched the continuous sex antics of the girls around the pool. Mel and Misty decided the gals should experience the whole gamut so one night, they put yellow slut Lin through her paces. It was after dinner and Mel and Misty tied Lin up to the patio awning supports. She was spread and secured with just her toes touching the patio tiles. Angie had brought two of her "toy boxes" down from their house and the fun began. They started with the clips and attached about twenty of them to various parts of Lin's flesh, concentrating mostly on her tits and cunt lips. Mel had the girls join in and after a brief hesitation at the idea, they added more of the harsh clips to Lin's body with enthusiasm. When Lin was well-clipped, Mel brought out the needles. I thought the girls might balk at piercing Lin's body but they went at it like it was a party game and each one wanted to win. When they were finished, Lin looked like a pin cushion with multiple needles in her nipples and cuntlips along with needles sticking into her tits and ass cheeks. Misty had Marta bring out a few pitchers of ice water to soak her down and make sure there wasn't any significant blood trickles from the penetrating, needle play. Lin was tied up, clipped and pierced for almost two hours before the gals removed the clips and needles and then they tied her to one of the chaises and took turns fucking her asshole and cunt with dildos and strap-ons. Lin's fuck holes were gaping when they all had taken their turn. Even the little ones had a turn and that was almost comical, watching lil Lola and Megs, with strap-ons, fucking the holes of buxom Lin. Misty and Mel then fisted her asshole and cunt together as the girls all giggled and pulled and pinched Lin's swollen nipples. Lin was moved to the edge of the pool and the gals and girls all took their turn squatting over Lin's face and pissing on her and in her mouth as she tried to swallow as much as she could. We all took a swim and that night, I was treated to the three newbies sleeping with me. Or at least in my bed; sleep didn't come till very early in the morning as they drained my cock of every drop of cum and then licked and fingered each other as I watched. After breakfast, the next morning, Del and I went up to the stables as the first, full load of hay and alfalfa was due in for storage in the new loft. Ricky had swept the loft floor clean and had the existing feed nearest the trap doors to the stalls below. We opened both the outer doors and let what breeze there was blow through. Misty called from the front gate that the truck had arrived and she was riding up with the driver and what turned out to be his wife, to show them the way. Misty had at least put on a bikini, tiny as it was and was riding on the cab running board of the big truck and trailer semi. The driver knew his stuff and positioned the rig perfectly for off-loading. He got his portable conveyer in place and we started stacking the bales. The truck had the hay and the trailer the alfalfa. What with the four of us, Ricky, the driver, Del and I all moving in sync, it went very smoothly despite the fact we were all covered in sweat and feed dust.It didn't take long for all the gals and girls to show up to watch the process. They hadn't bothered with any sort of covering and remained naked. The driver just grinned and in moments, his wife and Misty were also naked and sitting around watching the guys work. The driver, Mickey, was about my age and his wife, Della was some year's younger, maybe 28-30. Both were in excellent shape and Della rivaled Misty in her body tone and large breasts. Marta had brought up large coolers of iced tea, sodas and bottled water. The fems all just sat around and sipped at beverages while us guys sweat through gallons of liquid. Ricky had moved the critters out to the nearby corral until we finished and the dust settled. I hoped the gals would show some restraint and avoid arousing the beasties. We got the last bales in place and went out to the corral where the gals took a perverse delight in hosing off with the hose Ricky used to wash down the horses. That got rid of the major stuff and after I quit sweating, I went up and got in the shower. It didn't take long and I was joined by busty Brenda and svelte Haley. Shelly was in showering with Del. The girls washed me down and as I was enjoying the coolness of the water, Brenda sucked me hard and had me fuck Haley in her tiny, little, ass. I held on to Haley's hips and lasted almost ten minutes before shooting inside her. Brenda sucked me clean and tongued my cum from her gal pal's asshole. Maria's school chums had enrolled in our kinky clan. I actually felt refreshed despite the gallons of sweat I'd lost earlier. I got down to the pool to find out that Misty had invited Mickey and Della to spend the night. It seemed that they had to pick up a load tomorrow from some farmer about twenty miles from the ranch for their back-haul and they would have just slept in the truck. Misty was having none of that so they joined us for dinner. Della was Mickey's second wife. His first had run off with some feed salesman and he had met Della while he was delivering to her dad's farm. She had also just been through a divorce and they hit it off. Mickey had taught her to drive the rig and she was fully licensed. Now, that was essentially their home while they put most of their earnings into savings to buy their own spread. After another one of Marta's fantastic dinners, the girls were all in the pool while Del, Mickey and I had a drink and talked. I noticed that Misty, Mel, Angie and Della were off to one side engaged in some sort of chick chat. Mickey was understandably curious about the goings on around the ranch. Del didn't say anything about the critter activities but it didn't take a genius to figure out that the lil gals were into sex games. Del told Mickey that he was welcome to have any of the lil gals he wanted to spend the night with him and Della. As if that were their cue, the foursome of gals joined us and Misty was grinning from ear-to-ear. Mischief was about to occur...kinky mischief. "Guess what, you 'pervs', Della's into critters, too. She and Mickey know the guy that sold us the ponies. She recognized them in the corral. Let's go have some fun!" Us guys just looked at each other and shrugged. We followed the four gals up to the stables but hadn't gone ten yards when all the girls came running to catch up. "We wanna play, too!" Abs was amazing. She wasn't yet thirteen and had assumed the leadership role for all the girls. Even Maria and her school buddies followed Abs' lead. They went to catch up with the women and I took little Lola and Megs by their hands so they didn't feel left out of the group. The stable smelled of the new feed bales and by the time I arrived, the women and girls had all selected their critter of choice. Del looked at me as Lola and Megs went to join Mai and the twins with two of the ponies. "If this keeps up, we're going to have to get more stock." It was an amazing sight as Misty and her gals led one of the stallions out of his stall and into the arena. Maria followed with her buddies and two of the ponies. Then Abs, Annie and Mai with the little ones and the other two ponies. Megs came over to her dad. "Can I go get Baron for me and Lola?" "Sure, honey. He's your dog, too." Megs leaned over and kissed Del's semi-hard cock and scampered off to fetch Baron. Ricky came out of the stable's small office and looked at the goings on. "Sorry, Rick, I know you just got them all settled but the women want to play.""No problem, Sir. Can I watch?""Of course! No need to ask." About that time, Marta and Lin showed up on one of the ATVs. Marta had brought a cooler and some beverages. She looked around the scene and looked at Del. "What's up, Marta? You and Lin want to play as well?""Yessir. If it's OK. We want to use one of the stallions." "Go ahead. Take your pick. Lola and Megs are going to do Baron." Marta went and got another of the stallions and led him into the arena with Lin following close behind. Del looked at me and we went over to the storage lockers and got out the cameras and tripods. It took about twenty minutes to set them in a semi-circle around the arena. No way we could cover it all with the just the two of us and the four stationary cameras. It was just too much. He and I went and sat with Ricky in the front row of the stands. The show had begun.It was too much to keep track. Each small group had their own critter. They all pretty much started the same way. Stroking their horse or pony until the cock emerged and then it was multiple hands working the cock as each girl or gal took a turn at sucking the various critter cocks. I more or less focused on Maria and her chums as they were the new kids. Maria was first to show them how to take the pony cock into their mouths. There was no hesitation when each of them took their turn. Brenda was actually able to take more of the pony's cock into her mouth than even Maria but Haley and Shelley did really well for their first time. I saw Misty with Della and Della was sucking away on the stallions huge, mushroom-shaped head as Misty and Mel stroked the long, thick stallion cock. Little Lola and Megs had big Baron on his back and were taking turns sucking his long, pink cock. I was amazed at how much of the dog cock the little gals could take in their mouths at once. But then again, Megs had been involved with her mom from the outset with Baron's sex training. I looked over and Della was on all fours and backing under her stallion has Misty and Mel worked together to guide the huge cock into Della's open cunt. In moments, I could see the stallion begin his rocking motion as he began to fuck his woman mare. Del and Ricky and I opted for closer looks so we got up and began to walk around the arena and watch the various sex shows. I stood by Maria and her pals as they each took another turn sucking on the pony and then it was Brenda that decided she wanted more and got on her hands and knees. Haley and Shelley spread her ass cheeks as Maria guided the long, slender pony cock into Brenda's dripping cunt. She moaned with ecstasy as the cock slid into her. The pony had been well-trained and instead of trying to actually mount her like he would have a pony mare, he also began to rock back and forth as Maria held and guided his cock in and out of Brenda's cunt. Brenda got his rhythm and she started to move back on the cock every time it was pushed forward, taking a little more of the shaft on each stroke. Haley and Shel began to lap away as Brenda's cunt started dripping with her own juices as well as the pre-cum of the pony cock. Maria looked a little bit like a proud, older, sister watching her classmates work the pony cock and Bren's dripping pussy. The pony gave out a short whinny and Bren's cunt overflowed with the spurting cock juice. Hal and Shel began to lap at the juicy overflow with even more enthusiasm and Maria joined them to make sure they were able to lick up and swallow as much as possible of the combined sex juices. As the pony exhausted his cum, the long cock slipped from Bren's still-spasming, hole and as the cock cream flowed out, Hal and Shel tongued it all as Maria sucked the pony cock clean. I looked over to see how Della and Misty et. al were doing and I must have missed the stallion's climax as Misty was already sucking the head and shaft clean and Mel and Angie were tonguing at Della's flowing cunt. I saw that little Lola and Megs were spit-swapping Baron's doggie-cock cum back and forth as Baron was licking his own cock and balls. Marta was jacking off her and Lin's stallion into Lin's sucking mouth and even from where I was, I could see Lin swallowing down the horse cock cream. My cock, as well as the cocks of my fellow voyeurs, were rock-hard and pretty soon, little Lola came over to suck on her dad's cock and Megs did likewise with Del. Mai came over to me and knelt and I looked over to see Abs and Annie licking and sucking clean their own pony's cock. None of us guys lasted more than a couple of minutes and as if they had planned it before-hand, the three girls put their mouths together and made a cum cocktail of our combined cock cream, tonguing it back and forth before each swallowing her share. All of the gals and girls were gleaming with combined sex juices and perspiration. Del told them to head back to the house and get a swim while us guys put the critters back in their respective stalls. Marta left us the ATV and when we got back, it was quiet around the pool so I figured all the showers were occupied. I took a quick dip and Del and I sat and had a drink. This was only Thursday. Maria's gal pals would be here for four more days before they went home. Della and Mickey would be heading out tomorrow to pick up their next load. The gals all joined us looking fresh and clean after their swim and showers and Mickey took Del up on his offer. He was going to spend the night at Mel's house with the twins. Della wanted to sleep with Mai and Lin and for a second, I thought I might actually get some sleep that night but Megs and Lola decided I was to get them tonight. Misty said there was a voice-message from Kat on the service and she was coming over tomorrow for the weekend. Dogs, ponies, horses and now snakes. DELMIST RANCH was becoming DELMIST ZOO! I wondered if Charles Darwin would approve? If it was truly "survival of the fittest", the gals and girls were ahead, at least ahead of me.***Morning came and so did I... in Megs' and Lola's mouths. As if it were the norm, they also drank my morning piss. The previous night, I had tried something I'd never done, I drank little Lola's pee while Megs was sucking on my cock. I had Lola sitting on my face, tonguing her yummy, little, pussy and told her to just go ahead. She giggled and her piss flowed down my throat. It tasted like lemonade without a lot of sugar. This was something I would do more of, especially with the little ones. Falling asleep was becoming easier. Having the little ones snuggled in was becoming a "security blanket" habit. Megs even told me I didn't snore as much as when she'd first slept with me. Not exactly a cure I could pass on to the AMA. I joined Del at the pool for Bloody Marys and told him what I had done. "I wondered when you'd try it. I didn't want to make you feel like you had to try it but I started drinking Megs' piss when she was barely out of diapers. I still do it with her and Lola. Ricky drank all three of his girls' pee from the time they were young as well. It's kinda like scotch, an acquired taste." We laughed at that as I knew what he meant. I still wasn't a scotch drinker. "I've even had Megs and Lola piss into a jar for me. I've added it to cocktail mixes when we've had parties. No one was ever the wiser and a lot complimented me on my bar tending skills. Most of it is diet and what they drink, especially. The little ones don't drink caffeine or booze and eat healthy. Makes a big difference. I've never tried it but Misty says Kat's piss is yummy. Kat is a health nut when it comes to her diet. I just stick with the little ones." We toasted to an implied agreement but I found myself curious about "Kat pee". I also gave serious thought to reducing my alcohol intake. I had to admit, since my arrival in Florida, what seemed then, like a year ago, I'd felt a LOT better in every way. All the fresh air, the sunshine, very little, if any, stress, Marta's excellent and healthy cooking, I might actually live awhile longer despite the extensive sexual antics. After breakfast, Del asked if I'd go into town with him and if we could take my truck. Marta had a huge grocery list to re-provision the ranch and Del had been lax in his shopping with all the activity. I wondered why he had to ask? The truck needed some use and I wanted to get a local P.O. box for my limited needs of land mail. I had no bills and 98% of my business could be done via the Internet. Del said I could use his and Misty's but I wanted my own. We made three, "provisioning stops": The first was a small butcher shop. I was amazed at the quality of their meat and the fact that a true butcher shop still existed. Del placed an order that came to around 200 lbs of assorted types and cuts. They would deliver it all in two days. The next was a local produce farmer that instead of one or two crops, had a variety. Del placed his order and it too, would be delivered. The last was at the typical "box store". All the non-perishable items and booze. The cases of canned goods and such tested even my truck's custom suspension, even the bed wasn't big enough, we put all the booze in the back seats of the crew cab. I asked him about dairy stuff but he had a local dairy farmer that handled all the milk, cheeses and ice cream and such and got deliveries on a schedule. I'd never given it a thought about that part of the ranch. The food and such just appeared when Marta served it. Del had it down to a science and he knew quality. The total came to just under $5K. I offered to pay but he declined and was adamant."We have one more stop to make, take a left at the next light." Del wouldn't tell me where we were going. All he said was that it wasn't a grocery store. He guided me to a suburb, outside of Ocala and into the driveway of what once, had probably been, a very expensive home. It was still nice but had some aging issues. We got out of the truck and were almost immediately swarmed over by a herd of young kids. "Uncle Del" was their mantra and "where's Aunty Misty?" We were "escorted" into the house and it had an elegance that one rarely sees anymore. The woodwork, the spaciousness, it was a beautiful home and I noticed immediately, it was SPOTLESS! A striking woman, maybe in her mid-60's, shooed away all the kids and led us into the "parlor". Del introduced me to Victoria Ashford. I had to do an "instant recall" of the proprieties of polite society. Victoria, (NOT Vickie) seated us and oozed a stylish and old-school charm I had not witnessed in twenty years. I was totally taken with her! In moments, three VERY polite, well-groomed, but modestly attired, young girls actually served us TEA! I was totally mesmerized by what was happening! I had come from the very bowels of self-indulgent, decadence, into a classic bastion of politeness and decorum! I don't think I said more than ten words. Partly due to the fact that Del and Victoria had, what seemed to me, as... I didn't know... at the time, how to categorize it- that would come later- as "business". Even when Victoria made the effort to bring me into the conversation, as all polite hostesses do, I was a stammering idiot because of what I was seeing and witnessing. The parlor was impeccably furnished, albeit in antiques, but they were VALUABLE antiques! Victoria and Del ended their conversation after my second cup of tea and the best scone I had ever tasted. Del then took me aside. "I'm sorry, bro, to spring this on you but I knew you could handle it. I need to take an hour or so and do some things here. Victoria will entertain you." My jaw must have dropped about a foot but I just nodded. Pretty much what I'd been doing since we arrived. Del went off and Victoria appeared at my side and "offered me her hand". I might have done it in the past but I had seen old movies and it was actually a reflex action, I took her hand and she escorted me out to the back of the house to a sunroof that took my breath away! It was hanging ferns, orchids and wicker furniture. I felt I was back in some old movie! What I noticed IMMEDIATELY, it was "cool" ... I'd been dealing with the Florida, summer, heat since I arrived. Sure, I had an all-over tan and most likely some sort of melanoma, but this "space" was... arm... it wasn't cool but again, I didn't know shit! THEN I got it! There was fresh air moving through.For the next hour, Victoria "entertained me"...Even an "afternoon" cocktail... Victoria had, what I guessed, was a martini because of the way it was served. I just didn't know. I was still "stammering". I had two... all brought by sweet, young girls. It wasn't until the ride home. I saw Del give a THICK envelope to Victoria when we said our "goodbyes." I let him be. My GPS was giving me directions back to the ranch. Then I just couldn't stand it anymore! "So are you going to tell me what the hell that was all about or am I just supposed to shut-the-fuck up?""Sorry, Frank. I didn't mean to have to burden you with this. I usually am more regular at Victoria's place. So you asked, here goes".For the next hour it took us to get back to the ranch, with our cases of provisions, Del told me about Victoria. She has a HOME for abused, outcast, otherwise, LOST kids. She came from a HUGELY wealthy family and that's how she got the house. It was the family "winter home". She took her share of the "trust" and started the home. Del had met her at a County "forum" regarding taxes and shit. He, like me, was "captured"."Sorry again, Frank. Victoria is mine and Misty's "thing". I met her and what she was trying to do and because of her trust fund and all, she couldn't get help from the government. Misty and I went to her place the night after we met. Don't get Misty wrong... she's a critter, piss and pure slut but she knows how to interact. She and I are not just "lucky chimps". Victoria's place is a combination of things... sanctuary, school, home for abused kids that have slipped through the system. Call it Misty's and my 'penance' if you need a reason. It's been Misty's and my 'charitable' donation for about eight years. Victoria doesn't know what we do at the ranch... but then again, I'm not positive. "Misty and I host a thing for her kids twice a year... it's like a camp. They come and are around the livestock, go riding, camp out. Needless to say, we dress for that thing. The first year we did it, gawd, it was like five years ago. Victoria came to Misty and me. She didn't ask for money. She was over the top about how nice the ranch was and how SMART the kids were. Keep in mind, back then, it was Maria, she was nine, Gina was six, Megs was four, Lola was three. Misty and I talked about it... "I did some research... ever since then, Misty and I give what we can. Last year, it was $100 grand. We can't write that off...Victoria and what she does isn't part of the "system". Suffice to say, we get on-line updates as to Victoria's kids. We even have an "up link" so our kids can help HER kids with their homework... Each and everyone... we've even done a "hard case" thing at the ranch. It's like that 'tough-love' bit you've probably heard about... "We do whatever Victoria asks! OUR problem is that she doesn't ask enough for her kids... at least from us. All her kids go to school and she has like a 98% graduation record. We've been to a number of graduation parties. Those kids just know us as 'Uncle Del and Aunt Misty' as far as they're concerned, we're just nice, older, folks. Victoria has never made an issue of what Misty and I do."I don't know what she knows. Because of her "family" she may know more about me than I do. She has the resources... financially. Xmas we do a thing. YOU get to be Santa next year. ...we're just people. You know what the ranch, you're part of it. Call it 'penance for perceived', that's why Misty and I give Victoria cash. That envelope had $50k... I give her that at least twice a year. This year we should do a lot better than in the past as the video sales are way up. She makes a difference for a whole lot of kids.Like I was going to doubt him? The next fifteen or so minutes were the proverbial "pregnant pause". I was still adjusting to having been served tea and Del was adjusting as to how much he should have told me. As we pulled into the opened gate of the ranch... "LISTEN, asshole! You're a rotten, worthless, motherfucker, but I'll give Misty $25K in cash for Ms Victoria's place. Now, will you quit fucking with me so we can get my truck unloaded?" All was almost right with our "distorted version" of the world. I was pissed off! I didn't even bother to help off-load the cases of grub. I took a chair from the patio and sat and watched as the gals and girls all pitched in to help unload my truck. When the bed and crew cab were empty, I drove it back up to it's place just behind the stalls. As I got out of the cab, there was Misty. Naked, hands-on-hips-Boss Bitch- Misty. I was still pissed. "What the fuck do YOU want slut?" She, for a milli-second, realized where I was coming."Tough guy! You think you're ready for me?" I didn't care. I knew Misty could kick my ass. I was pissed and reacting on principle. "FUCK YOU! So you sucked me into this whole thing and I only find out TODAY about Victoria? Trust me, you putrid slut! Make one move and I'll beat you senseless!" I surprised even myself as to how mad I was. "OH, sure, Frank! Become part of the clan but don't know about Victoria!" I had just enough rationale left to know Misty was going to answer for it all. I grabbed her by her hair. I wasn't "ME" then, I was me "pissed off". She yelped once before I slapped her across the face. I was barely in control of ME! Misty tried to kick up at me with her feet as I held her by her hair. I just yanked harder and spun her around. Then Megs was there with the TASER! I took it and ZAPPED Misty on her cunt. Her whole body spasmed. Megs had it set on "HIGH". Misty regained her control and spit at me. Then she tried, again, to loosen the grip I had on her hair. I ZAPPED her cunt again, holding it longer this time. She contorted from the sustained shock and I saw the beads of sweat emerge. "Go ahead, you cheap slut! I'll fry you here and now!" Misty was hardened... or masochistic... she kicked out again and I TASER'ed her cunt again, this time for almost two minutes. She was pouring sweat when she finally quit spasming. It was only then I became aware of the audience I had gathered. I looked at Del and he gave me a "thumbs-up". I ZAPPED Misty's cunt one more time. She became a quivering mass of "Yes, Master." I wasn't really sure what to do next. I saw the "little ones" watching what was happening. "Yes, my little babies. It's YOUR turn with this cheap, rotten, piece of shit, slut." It was then I knew what to do to restore "balance".Increasing my hold and grip on Misty's hair, I literally dragged her up the stairs. The "electric prod" continued until she quit resisting... I didn't have to actually drag Misty into my bedroom, the prod gave her the motivation. My anger, or inflamed emotion, had subsided. I realized I didn't know what to do next! The gathered group of "the clan" watching outside my open door, gave me an answer. I zapped Misty's cunt another LONG and sustained time. It left her panting and speechless on top of my bed. Looking at the "gathering", I nodded at Megs. She walked into the room with her head bowed. I lifted her chin, kissed her gently on her, tiny, pouty lips and told her what I wanted her to do. She smiled and did what I asked. It took all the little ones about ten minutes to totally secure Misty to my bed. Her arms and legs were tied and she was helpless... all courtesy of the little ones. It was then the twins got back from Mel's house. They had Mel and Angie's toy boxes as I had asked. With all the adults watching, all the little ones, all my little sex monkeys, proceeded to affix clamps to the helpless Misty. Every time she spat or cursed, I gave her cunt another shot with the TASER gun. It took about thirty minutes and then Misty looked like the times I had seen Lin. She had clamps on her tits, nipples and cunt lips. I then told the monkeys to pick a toy and do the bitch. One by one, all my little girls selected a dildo from Mel and Angie's huge selection and proceeded to fuck Misty's cunt and asshole. I let them have at it for about five minutes each. Then I gave Marta and Lin their shot. Marta was hesitant but then she got into it with a gel, fist-sized toy and rammed it home into Misty's cunt. Misty howled and then her back arched. Lin took more persuading. She was too much of a submissive to even think of doing anything. I grabbed her hair and spit on her face. "Do it, you yellow, fuck toy or I will stitch your cuntlips together and you'll never fuck anything or anyone again!" Lin reacted and proceeded to shove her own fists into Misty's cunt and asshole. Again, I looked at Del. He was smiling and just nodded. Lin pulled out her fists from Misty's now gaping holes. Her entire body was soaked with sweat and she was gasping for air. I gave her another long jolt with the TASER and then told the gals and girls what to do. They formed a line, lil Lola first, then Megs and then all the rest by age. I whispered into Misty's ear what was going to happen. I'm not totally sure if she heard all of what I said but she did as I instructed. Keeping her mouth open as each and everyone of the girls squatted and pissed on her face and into her mouth. She had to swallow or drown. After each of the girls had pissed on Misty, including Maria's gal pals, I had the women do it, starting with Marta and ending with Angie. By then, Misty was only semi-conscious and my mattress was soaked with piss. There was only one way to end this, wait for Kat to arrive in the morning and add her piss to the mixture. Misty was left to soak in the piss mix for the night. I gave her cunt one last jolt with the TASER before telling her what was left. I didn't know if it registered with her.I stayed the night at Mel's. It was a little bit of a reunion to have the twins and Mai cuddled next to me. I wasn't sure if it was because we hadn't been together that much, of late or because of the show with Misty, but they seemed extra attentive. To be continued in part 18...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 55
This happened several years ago while me and my husband were on a vacation. We had stopped near the University of Alabama campus and had checked into a motel room. We enjoyed the swimming pool, a nice evening meal and a couple glasses of wine before going to our room. There was not much on TV, so Harry (my husband) got out the laptop and put in some adult movies to watch. We both enjoyed watching adult movies from time to time prior to some love making. This was one of those times. The first movie was so so. Then the next one perked my attention as it started with a young man knocking on an apartment door and was greeted by a lady. He asked her if she needed any repairs on here house as he was a college student and was working his way through college. She looked him over from head to toe and smiled and said, "Come on in. I think I need someone to clean my apartment, if you would like to do that." The young man smiled and entered and was given instructions to vacuum the floors. After he started, the lady went into the bedroom and stripped off her clothes and put on a sheer house coat and sat down in the living room to watch and wait. The young man upon seeing her like this became very aroused as evidenced by the bulge in the front of his pants. The lady got up and went to the kitchen and poured some ice tea returning and offering it to the young man said, "Take a break and have some tea," as she patted the couch next to her. You can guess the rest of the movie, it was hot and it made me hot. As was our usual thing to do, my husband and I would fantasize about the movies and each would say what they liked about the movies and what really got them hot etc.My husband revealed that he thought it would be a real turn on to see me with a young man and I in turn agreed that it would be hot. He wanted to know what I would do if he brought a young man home for me to have and I told him that I would fuck his ass off. We both laughed.Harry said, "I would love to see you get a young stud between your legs. I bet he would go nuts in your hot pussy. I can imagine him fucking with all he has getting his nuts off in your hot mature pussy." "You are making me so horny, baby, geeee I wish I had one right now.""What would you do if I went out right now and got you a young black stud?""Wow, geeeeeeeee, damn! That does make me hot, not just a young stud but a black one at that, woooo you are just kidding, yes?""No, I think I will do that. I will just to into the bar and find one and tell him there is a hot momma waiting for him in room 202. How about that?"I giggled and said, "You get him and I will take care of him." I was really wet between my legs now, it was even making a damp spot on the sheet. Harry got up and dressed and told me to be ready as he would be back soon with a young black stud for me.I lay there wondering if he was serious hoping that he was. I was so hot I felt like I could fuck anything that walked through the door, even a tiger.Soon there was a knock on the door and my chest started pounding with anticipation. I was in my red nightgown as I opened the door and saw this handsome dark black young man at the door. He said. "Your husband sent me to see if you needed room service."I looked him up and down with approval and said, "Uhhh yessssssssss, come on in."Damn, how lucky can a 39 year old white wife be? I thought, as I welcomed my handsome soon to be lover. "My name is Billy Ray but everyone calls me Buzz. I play football and got the nick once when I buzzed down the field in HS for the winning touchdown with time run out on the clock.""Mine is Brenda and I don't have any special names," as I giggled. "Baby, I can see you are one hot momma. I bet you can make a man real happy. I could not believe it when your husband said that he had a real foxy chick in the room that needed some black meat. I have always dreamed of getting me a nice white wife to fuck.""Well I am a white wife and I think I can make you happy. Come to Momma," as I pulled him close and we kissed like a couple of horny high school teen-agers. I was so hot I didn't waste any time pushing my muffin into his hard cock as he pushed back. I ran my hands under his shirt felling his muscular body and down onto his buns pulling him to me as we rotated our hips as if to music. His hands were on my bottom pulling me close as he moaned and whispered that I was making him so horny that he was about to pop his balls. I giggled, and moved to the bed pulling my gown up as he rapidly shed his jogging suit revealing a long thick hard jet-black pole ready to enter my hot white pussy. We were too horny to have foreplay. I knew that I was about ready to have an orgasm, as was he. Buzz found his target and pushed his long cock deep inside my wet white pussy as he started long deep thrusts, knocking on the door to my womb. He really filled me up good. His cock was signaling that he was preparing my husbands private white garden to plant his black seed. As I met his black cock with thrusts of my own telling his cock that my womb was ready for his balls to empty their black seed deep inside my womb. His black pole was now pushing hard and fast into my love canal. His sack of balls was now spanking my ass cheeks as he pulled me close with his hands holding me tight signaling that he was breeding this married white momma and no one or nothing was going to stop him. Of course I had no interest in stopping this hot stud. He was sending me into orbit and I was anxiously awaiting his balls to unload in me as this always sends me over the edge. Oh damn, this young black stud was making me his. I was thinking that I wanted to take him home with me and keep him so I could have him every time I got horny. I would even want him after my husband had me... I knew that just looking at him would make me wet and ready for his cock.Suddenly, I snapped out of my trance and realized that Buzz was thrusting deep and hard and breathing fast as he launched his last few thrusts and his cock started pumping those black seed deep inside me. I let out a muffled scream as I locked my legs around his waist shaking with my own orgasm as I felt my love canal contracting milking every drop from his black pounding balls. I shuddered all over as Buzz went limp on top of me having spent his load and completed his orgasm. I then went still for a moment then I went limp as well, having just had the best orgasm I ever remember having. We lay there with Buzz still on top as we both held each other's sweaty bodies. After a few minutes, Buzz whispered in my ear, "Momma, I have always wondered why my black brothers all want to get some married white pussy and now I know. Damn I will never be the same. You are one hot white bitch."I giggled, and replied, "Well I have always wondered what a black man could do for a white wife and now I know. Don't tell my husband, but I will always be thinking of you when we are having sex. I have never been so well fucked in my life as I was tonight."After Buzz left that night, my husband returned and I had to tell him all about my young black stud... Well telling him about it, made me horny again and my husband needed to be taken care of, , As my husband plowed his garden, my mind was playing with Buzz and thoughts of his black pole. This made it even more enjoyable with my husband... I never saw Buzz again except in my fantasies while having sex with my husband. Yes getting fucked by a young black stud can liven up a white wife's sex life. Thank you Buzz wherever you are, kisses. Brenda
Mandy and Jay went hand in hand to the bathroom and undressed each other slowly memorizing every inch of each other's bodies. Their mutual attraction was evident as they stared into the other's eyes and were linked by amorous electricity. They stood admiring each other:Mandy was a goddess inside and out. She was perfectly sculpted, and you could swear God definitely had a hand in her creation - thirty-eight B, twenty-four, thirty-two measurements, quite shapely for her eighteen years, thick long sandy-blonde hair and the most beautiful sparkling blue eyes you could imagine. She was a walking talking living breathing wet dream.Jay was her male equivalent. His body was firm and lean with years of nearly incessant use - an exquisite man. He wasn't overly endowed, but he instantly sprang to a healthy erection when he beheld her divine perfection. Mandy smiled and wiggled her hips as she hugged him, "We better get showered before Christmas gets here." They laughed because it was July, and the comment clearly snapped Jay into reality.They moved into Jay's huge shower, and Mandy started washing her hair. Jay stood behind her kissing the tops of her shoulders and her sweet cheeks. Her head writhed into him as he kissed her hair. His arms wrapped around her waist and slid the washcloth up to her ample bosom.She smiled as she took the rag from him, "I think we're past the rag stage, don't you?" Jay's wildest dreams imagined this, but the reality was overwhelming, "You said you wanted to shower platonically." A mischievous grin stretched her luscious lips. "I know, but I'm feeling frisky." Jay smiled and thrust his hard cock along the creamy lips of her radiant pussy, as he kissed her back and shoulders with more vigor and massaged her soft breasts. He rubbed the nipples to hardened pebbles crowning her wondrous tits, and she reached down to put his cock in herself, "It's time to put that thing where it belongs, Jay." He trembled at her gentle touch as she eased him into her slippery tight hole, "God, you're exquisite, hon." She smiled at the compliment and returned, "Yeah, you feel pretty good too." They hugged each other more closely. As she looked into his eyes, their lips met in a passionate, torrid, forceful kiss, and she turned to face him; they drank from the other's mouth for several minutes, joined by their entwined tongues. His hands adeptly slid up her torso and rubbed her soft nubile breasts as he cupped and gently squeezed her tumescent flesh. The gleam in her iridescent eyes told him she was ready for more, so he kissed and licked his way down her chest, ran his tongue down her creamy seam, and kissed her raging pussy mound. She tilted her head back and let the water massage her face and smiled, as he said, "You're intoxicating."Then he slid his tongue further between her legs to thrust its way into her smoldering hole. Her rapid breathing caught as he slide a finger gently into her tight asshole and pumped in perfect rhythm with his tongue in her pussy. Her body humped up and down on his talented tongue, until he felt the walls of her tight heat grasp his pumping tongue and her sphincter clutch his busy finger. Her body stiffened as a wave of pleasure swept through her body and filled his eager mouth with her wonderful cum. He kept pumping his tongue and finger into her as she came down from her pleasure high, but she wasn't through yet. She turned around pressing her ass into his face. She smiled broadly as he kissed and licked her buttocks, darting inside the sweltering crevice between her luscious cheeks. She felt her temperature rise as he flicked his tongue over her anus and worked its way deeply inside, where he wiggled it around, making her moan and hump harder on him. She again flooded his mouth with her sweet acrid pussy cream.Jay started to get out of the shower, when Mandy stopped him, "You can't leave; you haven't cum yet." He smiled and kissed her lips, "I've achieved what I wanted, to please you." She put her arms around him, and they got out of the shower together. When she dried his lower body, Mandy wrapped her fingers around his steel-hard erection, and gently squeezed as she stroked it, "Oh God, Mandy, that feels amazing." She stopped her stroking just before his volcanic cock erupted and finished drying his legs. As she bent to dry his feet, her lips (purposefully) brushed the head of his rock hard cock. His ears perked at the soft contact, and he smiled, "will she?" She kissed the satiny smooth head of his penis and moaned, "MMM, you taste good, Jay." She slid her lips over the length of his shaft and sucked gently at first, sliding her mouth back and forth, as she increased her suction. His head was spinning, and he was moaning her name, as he pressed her head closer to him. It had been so long since he'd had a blowjob, and Mandy was amazing. She sucked him hard for a few moments and could taste his bittersweet pre-cum on the back of her tongue and his warm creamy ecstasy shoot into her throat. His titanic fleshy obelisk pulsated three generous amounts of his fantastic cum into her eager mouth, which she accepted and swallowed with a smile. Every time he would dry one part of her body, he would lightly kiss the exposed part. When he dried her breasts, he rubbed and squeezed them perfectly; reluctantly, he gave her soft firm breasts a final gentle squeeze and rubbed the towel down her smooth chest as he lowered himself to his knees. Kissing the small of her back, he then licked her silky round buttocks, "MMM, that feels so good," she moaned, as she stretched and yawned. He rubbed the towel down her legs and she was dry (at least, from the shower water).They kissed deeply, tongues petting each other, and Jay gave Mandy's sweet ass a final loving pat. "When's the next time you're off work," she asked. He smiled at her, I'm off Sunday." Her smile was mischievous and sly, "See you Saturday night then." She got dressed and with a devilish wink; she skipped out of the room, leaving Jay to revel in his post-orgasmic bliss.As he thought of the three wonderful orgasms he gave her, he could taste her cum in his memory and licked his lips, "At least that'll give me something to look forward to." Then he went to his room, lay down, and went to sleep smiling. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 20
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 23
PICTURE THIS: A young Asian girl of 19 years, standing 5'3" and weighing 102 lbs. A small pouty mouth, the ends slightly turned down, and an Asian nose, joined with long lashes on dark eyes with a European cast to create a truly stunning beauty. Long black hair falling to the small of her back frames her face, whose beauty is set off and enhanced by teeth just slightly imperfect.She has an aggressive yet friendly, and very attractive personality, which she expresses through her clothes. She usually wears faded denim jeans with a short button down blouse which exposes her slender midriff when she raises her arms. Her size B breasts fill out her blouse perfectly, being more than ample for her lithe frame. Instead of a bra, she usually wears a tank-top, which reveals itself enticingly whenever her blouse slips from her smooth, rounded shoulders. A small gold cross always hangs around her neck, drawing attention to the small, vulnerable spot just below her neck and above her breasts. High tops and a backward baseball cap usually sets off the ensemble, the cap only serving to further enhance the beauty of her eyes, her skin, and her face, by framing them.Now she wished she hadn't stayed so late. 2 a.m. and she was stuck in the bad part of town, almost an hour walk to her place. She had thought she could catch the last transfer, but she had been, to her dismay, mistaken. Oh well, she thought, nothing wrong with the weather, at least. And she was right: it was a beautiful night. A slight mist occluded the blackness, softening the streetlights as they spat out their dull yellow light. The moon was at half and waning, and the stars few and far between. It was warm, almost 70, and just cut by a soft, nipping breeze. She thanked god that it wasn't cold, since she really hadn't dressed for it. She had on faded denim hip-hugging jeans which she wore low on her waist, exposing a flat, taunt stomach and a cute inny belly-button. A denim jacket, just falling to her waist, kept her warm, since her only top was a sleeveless tank cut off just below her breasts, which juggled slightly as she walked, free from the restraint of a bra.Well, she thought ruefully as she considered how she was dressed, it had been a raging party, and she had wanted to look hot, and she had, she knew. Not that she was man crazy like some of the sluts there, but she liked to look her best. She tossed her long braid -- she had braided it that evening so her hair fanned out across the back of her neck and came up evenly across her head, to fall in soft bangs across her forehead, letting part of her ears poke out from beneath--and caught it in her hand, twirling it around as she walked briskly home.She turned as she saw lights coming up behind her and hoped the car would pass--she really didn't feel safe in this neighborhood. She became more nervous when the car did not pass, instead pulling up along side her, slowing to match her pace. It was an old caddie, a bit beat up, being driven by a white guy with two passengers, the one riding shotgun a Mexican, the one in the back black."Hey China Doll," the white one called out, "looking sweet meat. Goin' to a pahty?" Now she was really frightened, as well as indignant, and hugged her jacket around her and picked up her pace, hoping the bastards would just go away."Maybe we got a party for you right here, baby," the black one called out. "We can make it a real multi-cultural event." They all laughed. Son of a bitch she thought, son of a bitch get me out of here. She quickly turned a corner but the caddie followed."She don't look like she likes you Jackson," the Mexican taunted as he leaned out the far window and looked over the roof of the car. "Maybe she's one of those hard ass ice-queen uppity chink cunts who thinks she's better than us. Whaddya think, John, think she's a dragon bitch?""She certainly ain't friendly," the white one replied, "even though she's the tastiest dish I've seen in a long time. Hey darlin', come on over here and say hi."Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Wasn't there anyone else around? All the houses were black as she rushed past them, almost running now but fearing to run."Mm mm," the Mexican called out, "seems like she don't like any of us. Not even good enough for a glance.""Hell, no split-tail gets away with treating me like that," Jackson cried out from the back, swinging open the back door.The sound of the door opening startles her, and her chest constricted in fear as she bolted forward, hoping they will tire of the game or that she can escape through speed."Hey!" she hears behind her and then the squeal of tires and suddenly the caddie is across the sidewalk in front of her, the black man climbing out of the back seat and beginning to lunge toward her while the Mexican swings himself over the hood of the car. She stops and spins three steps to build up speed as she tries to run, only to feel arms encircle her waist and lift her from the ground."HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! FIRE! MURDER! HELP! SOMEBODY!" she screams at the top of her lungs as she struggles against the man holding her. The Mexican comes up before her and grabs her arms, and between them they wrestle her screaming and thrashing into the back seat of the caddie.She had never been more frightened in her life as she was tossed into the back of the caddie to be quickly followed by two large male bodies. She put her back to the door and kicked out with her feet and hit with her hands, but the black man, Jackson, just grabbed her again and threw her down across his and the Mexican's lap. Strong hands gripped her wrists and held them behind her back while more hands held her down. A hand on her head pressed her face against the Mexican's stomach, muffling her pleas and cries.She trembled in abject terror as she heard and felt the car take off, speeding quickly away from the scene of the abduction. She could feel her own adrenaline rush begin to freeze as her body realized there was nowhere left to run. Her mind froze likewise in a state of shock, reduced to an animal state of fear and waiting.She could feel the adrenaline around her too, surging through the car as the car surged forward to an unknown destination. "Hey Jose," she heard Jackson ask, "What now?""Now," Jose replied, "we go to the park. In the meantime, you and me can have a little fun with the cunt here." She could almost feel the feral grins they gave each other over her prostrate body, and she shuddered. A cold part of her mind calculated as Jose grabbed her by her hair and pulled her head up and began unzipping his fly while Jackson reached around and under her and began unbuttoning her jeans. They were going to rape her, this part of her mind said, and you cannot fight them--try to talk."Let me go," she said, calmly, clearly, "I'm a human being. I have feelings. You...""YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A SPLIT-TAIL!" Jackson shouted, overriding her, "A GODDAMNED CUNT! And I intend to get me some! Now Jose, can't you shut the bitch up?""My pleasure," Jose replied, pulling free his cock and pressing it against her full pouty lips. "Now open up, China Doll, or you're going to be in a world of hurt." Her mind calculated, and she opened her mouth to take the pole of flesh in. She was going to be raped, it said, and she quailed inwardly. O.K. Now just try to stay alive: do what they want and maybe they'll let you go. It was why she remained still while Jose slowly slid her head up and down on his staff, in and out of her mouth, running the flesh across the soft warmth of her lips. It was why she remained still while her jeans and panties were pulled down around her knees and hands began to rub and squeeze and pinch her ass and thighs."What a sweet ass," she heard, and jerked slightly as fingers found their way to her vagina and began to stab forward for entrance. Virginal! Part of her mind screamed, wanting to thrash and bite and kick and kill. She was a virgin! It screamed, and these stupid, sorry sons of a bitch were going to take that from her, were going to use her like a piece of meat and throw her away. Better raped than dead, another part of her mind asserted, and maintained a steely control."Got a sweet mouth on her too," Jose said. "Let's see what you can do, sweet thing." He began to push her head down, causing her to gag on his penis as it pushed against her throat. She reacted instinctively, trying to pull back, but his hands were too strong, too insistent. She gagged once as she felt his cockhead stab against her throat, and then an awful tearing pain shot down her throat as it popped in, and she gagged again as the full length of it slid down her throat, her nose resting against his pubic hair, her whole body shaking and jerking as she retched, trying to dislodge his cock from her throat. Her nostrils flared and her throat spasmed and she felt like she was going to throw up, but she held the bile that was rising in her throat down with an enormous effort of will and stilled her breathing heavily through her nostrils."Ahhh..." she heard Jose sigh, and was grateful he just held her head there, did not try to move her. It wasn't so bad now, and then she realized Jackson had a finger up her vagina and was sawing it painfully in and out.'Oh god, oh god, oh god, please make it stop!' she thought, closing her eyes in silent prayer, a tear leaking out the closed lid and dropping onto the thigh of her abductor. Endure, the thought flashed across her mind.It was a nightmare ride, with Jose content to hold himself in her throat, the motion of the car a slow tantalization for him as he built ever nearer the inevitable orgasm. Jackson took turns slapping her asscheeks, pressing his fingers into her anus and pussy, and pinching her thighs to make her squirm. It was a relief when they stopped, even though she knew what was next."Ready to go?" It was John."Just one minute," Jose interrupted, and began to jerk his hips slightly up into her face, pushing his cock even further up her throat, and back, and up. She knew he was almost ready to come, and could feel the eyes of his companions bore into the back of her head. They were all waiting, waiting for Jose to fill her throat with his come. Jackson had his index finger all the way in her ass, making her feel bloated, and squeezed her asscheek painfully in the other.The hands on her head pressed her face painfully against his groin, and she felt his cock jerk in her throat and a warm sticky fluid coated her throat as he moaned above her. Her throat spasmed to swallow it and forced more from the tip of his cock -- it seemed like it would never end. Slowly, though, it did, as his cock stopped jerking and began to soften. It wasn't long before it slid easily from her throat and Jose pulled her head by the hair up and off his lap."Let's get her outside," he said to Jackson, who yanked his finger from her ass, earning a yelp of pain and surprise, and began pushing her from one end while Jose pulled from the other. She stood dazedly for the first time in what seemed like years, quickly pulling up her pants, and holding them up while she turned around and looked about her.She was surrounded by the three, and for the first time got a good look at them. Jose, the Mexican, was the oldest at around twenty five years of age. He was about 5'10 and skinny, but she knew his wiry strength. He had typical Mexican looks, although she saw a touch of Spaniard in him.Jackson, the black man, was 6' tall and medium build, about twenty two years old. He was light for a black, and had the slightly pockmarked skin that hinted at a Caucasian ancestor. John, the white, was also 6', but bulky, younger at twenty or twenty one, with that cross between a mean and a sneaky hillbilly look that sent shudders through anyone weaker that he was.She was standing near the edge of an open field. The park stretched in all directions while nearby was the sandpit and the junglejim, where children might have played were it safe. She saw a slide, two horses on springs, a half-dome jungle bars, two sets of monkey bars parallel to each other, a seesaw, swings, chin-up bars of different levels, and a sandpit. She turned back to Jose, who was casually leaning against the trunk of the car while the two others eyed her hungrily, and was about to speak when he simply put his fingers to his lips in a shushing motion. She swallowed and looked at him."It seems like you got the idea in the car," he said. "It's easier to do what we say than to fight us." She nodded at his pause. "Don't worry; we just want to have a little fun." Fun she thought wildly, fun!? You think rape is fun? She wanted to scream. What about me! You're going to rape me! You already have! She wanted to leap forward and rip his eyes out, but she remained standing stock still, unmoving. He smiled and slid his belt from around his waist and doubled it up in his hands. "If you don't cooperate, you're in for a lot of pain." "SNAP!" He snapped the belt together. "Now you have a choice: strip, or pain." "SNAP!"He was serious, she knew, but the cold part of her mind resigned her, and she began to strip. First went the shoes and socks, then the jeans, then the jacket. The tank followed, revealing her firm, perfectly rounded tits standing proudly high on her chest."Nice tits," John interjected."Nice piece," Jackson corrected.She outwardly ignored them, although inwardly she quailed. Why her? Why did they have to do this to her? Anything, anything, to make it stop. Finally she slid her panties down the smooth skin of her well shaped legs and stood naked before her abductors, only the cross still above and between her breasts, shivering a little not from the night air but from the reaction and shock of her situation."Damn, she ain't got no pubes," John blurted out."Ya she does," Jose said, walking up to her and running his hands up between her legs until they brushed against her mound. "These Chinese, their just sparse down below."She trembled at his touch, and the humiliation she had and knew would endure."Lay down on your back, bitch," Jose commanded.She slowly went to her knees and stretched out on her back on the cool, damp grass, a little chill going up her spine. She knew what was coming next."Spread your legs," he said almost wearily, and she did, keeping her arms by her side and stiff as a board. Yet even then she could not disguise the dainty beauty that was hers.She prepared herself for him to lie down on top of her, so was surprised when he said, "Now, you've got ten minutes to bring yourself off, or we're going to hurt you, a lot." Her eyes widened in shock and she sat up from the waist."What?" she asked."You heard me, cunt," he said matter-of-factly, "play with yourself until you come or we hurt you bad. You got ten minutes." The other two chuckled.She was horrified. How could they expect anyone to do that? Did they think she was going to enjoy it? It was bad enough just being raped, but this was too much. Endure, said a part of her, but this time she ignored it, too horrified to think straight. "No," she stated simply, and folded her legs Indian style, crossing her arms to cover her breasts."Suit yourself," he said, and lit up a cigarette. "Nine minutes."She stared at him, her mind running through a thousand scenarios. Try to flee while they seemed relaxed, but they were watching her closely, leering and gaping at her. Fight, but she couldn't. But she just couldn't do what they asked. Do it, urged her mind, but she just couldn't. She hadn't, not only never had a man, but she had never touched herself there sexually either, and no matter how much she feared them, she just couldn't do it. She wanted to speak, to talk to them, to tell them that she was human, that they shouldn't do this to her, but she had tried that, and now feared to try again."Seven minutes." "Four minutes." He flicked the cigarette out and lit up another one. "One minute." She had not moved. "Okay cunt, looks like you get to learn the hard way. To the horse, boys."She didn't resist as John and Jackson each grabbed her under the armpit and lifted her to her feet. She wondered for a moment what Jose was getting out of the trunk of the car, but then her attention was focused on the horse as the two men forced her to kneel behind the spring mounted toy. "Drape her over it," she heard Jose say, and rough hands grabbed her and forced her torso over the horse, the hard plastic saddle uncomfortably digging into her stomach and chest, but her head and ass hanging just free of the horse. She looked over at Jose and shuddered when she saw him holding a few lengths of rope and a large duffle bag."Please don't do this," she begged as he bent down before her and began to tie her wrists together underneath the horse, the coarse rope chaffing her wrists. "Please let me go, I won't tell anyone.""You had your chance, cunt," he spit out, his cold eyes looking into hers as he secured her bound wrists to the bottom of the spring. She saw him glance down at her braid as it fell to the side and landed softly on the ground near his feet. "Now it's time for us to have some fun." She wanted to spit in his face as he smiled; damn him, she thought, damn him. How could he do this? And why her? She knew the answer to that, because she had been available.She screwed up her pretty Asian face as her abductors grabbed her legs and straightened them underneath her, tying her calves on either side of the spring. Trussed like a Christmas hog, she thought as the strain on the back of her thighs and calves increased as they pulled down the front of the horse slightly and ties it that way, so that her torso was now slightly slanted downward with her ass high in the air. She blushed as she realized her position, with her shapely legs straining at the unnatural position, revealing every delicious curve, her ass, with it's fine, rounded ass cheeks, were thrust up for view, and her anus and vagina lewdly exposed.She jerked in her bonds with a start as someone slapped her and John said, "Just the right height for fucking.""And this little cunt's tighter than a twelve year old," Jackson said."You'd know," Jose chipped in."Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed, my man."She smelt the acrid smell of cigarette smoke and just wished they'd get on with it, get it over with. Suddenly she screamed as she felt a cigarette pressed against the exact center of her left ass cheek."Aaaahhhhggggg!" she screamed, jerking and causing the horse to sway back and forth as Jose moved the cigarette to her other ass cheek, sending stabbing pain shooting through her nerves. She heard her scream swallowed by park, and panic began to well in her as Jose said, "Now it's time to party!""Whack!" "Uhhgg," she grunted as the first belt landed across her slender shoulders. "Whack!""Ah," as her lower back took the blow. "Whack!" "Aaaaahhrrgg!" she wailed as the belt struck across her burned ass cheeks, seeming to send hot nails into her flesh."Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!" Now all three of them had their belts off and were pummeling her mercilessly, sending her body bucking and thrashing in her bonds in pain, incoherent pleas and cries coming from her mouth as she begged them to stop between screams of agony. Anything, her mind cried, anything to make them stop. The pain seemed to reach a plateau, an unbearable level where the beating became a dull background to the constant throbbing agony in her body. Then it suddenly skyrocketed, and blackness clouded her vision as a belt slapped wetly against her cunt, sending sharp shards of pain lancing through her body and mind.Again as agony flared through her groin, making the pain in the rest of her body recede into a dull ache. Her voice was raw from screaming and when the belt landed a third time the agony blinded her for a moment. "Whip that cunt!" she heard vaguely through her own screams, and then, "I've got to have me a piece of that pussy!" and suddenly the whipping stopped and hands were gripping her hips. Fire still lanced through her pussy as she jerked away from the cock pressing insistently at her virgin opening. She screamed again, her voice deep and raw, as he forced his cock head into her cunt. It was like a ring of fire burning up her cunt. Her wail petered out into a grunt as he forced himself all the way into her, his hips slamming painfully into her tenderized ass.Raped, she thought dizzily, raped brutally, mercilessly. Beaten and raped. She felt like she had been torn apart down there as he began taking short stabs into her, grinding his cock inside her, finding her moisture deep in her pussy and spreading it around to give himself a better ride. "Fucking tight as a virgin. Sweet and smooth," she heard him say, Jackson she identified through the haze of pain.Her head was jerked up violently by her hair. "Give me that pouty little mouth of yours, bitch," John snarled as he pressed his cock against her lips. Her mouth opened with a grunt as Jackson slammed hard into her pussy and John's cock slid into her mouth, distending her lips. He forced it quickly down her throat, bruising her nose painfully with his pelvis, and then began brutally raping her mouth. It was a nightmare of pain, her whole body shaking with tension, sweat standing out on her smooth skin as she trembled in agony.Finally the pain began to recede as they worked up a rhythm, fucking her face and cunt workmanlike, driving into her violated body evenly, prolonging their pleasure. Her brain could no longer sort out the overwhelming sensations being forced upon her body. Her pussy was a burning mass of swollen flesh, swelling even more under his pummeling, while her face and throat were sharp jagged edges of sensation. Her pussy started throbbing in time with his thrusts, each throb so powerful it sent clouds of blackness across her vision. A wispy, fluttering sensation started in the pit of her stomach, drawing in her tiny waist as her stomach muscles tensed. She wasn't thinking anymore, she couldn't think. Her whole body was just a piece of raw sensation.A finger found its way into her asshole, adding to a mounting pressure filling her body. Black clouds floated continuously before her vision, interrupted by stinging points of light. The wispy fluttering grew into an insistent buzzing sensation, and spread throughout her body. Her breasts felt heavy and her nipples swollen as the sensation grew stronger, more powerful, making her body involuntarily hump against the horse."Fuck yah!""Ride 'em cowboy!""Gook bitch loving every second of it!"Her lithe, slender body was shaking and humping uncontrollably now, the sensations assailing it overwhelming. She didn't want it to stop but she wanted it to end--it was too much. As she felt John's come slide down her throat lights danced before her eyes, her whole body tensed, small, clawed animals seemed to be scratching along her every nerve as she climaxed, bucking and jerking in her bonds against her rapist's cocks. Her pussy spasmed time and time again, sending jolting shocks of pleasure through her stunned mind, drawing an inarticulate yell from Jackson as he shot his come deep inside her. She shook like that for a long time while waves of pleasure rolled through her, the two men holding their softening cocks inside her while her climax slowly petered out until she lay limp, still bound, over the spring horse."Damn!" she heard one of them say, which one she didn't know, "the cunt freaked out!""Come on, lets get her on the grass." That was Jose.She felt them untying her and lifting her body from the horse. She was in a state of lassitude, her body slick with her sweat, a sickening feeling slowly growing in her as she fully realized what had happened. She had come, for the first time in her life, she had orgasmed, and it had been while being brutally raped. Part of her mind wailed at the degradation she had endured; another part snapped at her, calling her a whore, a slut, to enjoy what these men had done to her. It took all her willpower to keep from breaking into tears.They laid her down on the grass near the playground and she heard Jose command, "on your knees, bitch." She painfully straightened herself, her muscles and ass aching, and adjusted herself so that she was on her knees, her ass resting on her heels, her slender Eurasian body swaying slightly in the night, feeling Jackson's come oozing from her cunt onto her thighs. Jose was sitting cross-legged in front of her, naked except for his socks."You know, China girl," he said, "I've never seen a cunt cum so hard in my entire life." She cringed inwardly, her mind calling her a worthless sex crazed slut. "You're some piece of ass," he continued. "Sooo.... I'm going to give you a break. You come over here and fuck me good, and I'll let you go," she saw him shoot a quick scowl at his companions. "But if you don't make me come in 8 minutes, I'm going to fuck you up the ass. Got it?" With that he laid onto his back, his cock lying hard against his stomach and his hands supporting his head."Please," she begged, "don't.""Seven minutes and 45 seconds."Choking down a sob, she crawled over to him, carefully straddling his body, her form beautiful in the moonlight, her long brain falling down her back. Oh god, she said to herself, he's making me rape myself. She hung her head in humiliation as she reached under herself, her braid falling against his chest, and guided his cock against her slit, wet from her own come and Jackson's. She closed her eyes and a tear slipped between the long lashes to trickle down her face, lighting up her beautiful cheekbones as she slowly lowered herself onto his cock, feeling it slide smoothly in her well lubricated passageway. She began to rock back and forth, supporting herself above him on her hands, her breasts swaying beneath her as she worked his cock inside her cunt.Part of her cowered in humiliation, making her actively participate in her own rape. The other part screamed, "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!" over and over as she worked him inside her, hoping beyond hope she could make him come and he would let her go."Seven Minutes," one of the others cried out.She began to hump faster, the muscles in her gorgeous thighs straining as she fucked her rapist. Her breath came faster as she worked harder, and she sucked in her lower lip to keep from sobbing as she felt a warm glow of pleasure spread out from her pussy. Oh god what kind of whore was she, she thought as she dropped to her elbows, her chest against his now, her head against his neck, her legs still bent beneath her."Six Minutes."She humped into him harder, focusing her mind on making him come, trying to ignore the pleasure which washed through her with every roll of his cock within her, with every blow of her pelvis against his."Five Minutes."Five minutes her mind echoes. Five more minutes. His hands were gripping her tenderized ass now, sending shards of pleasure through to her cunt. She was breathing heavily now, her hands gripping his shoulders."Four Minutes."She was working for her own release now, lost in her own pleasure. "Good," she whispered, "so good," knowing he could hear her, knowing she was a slut. All that mattered now was the orgasm which was building, slowly building, slowly reaching into her body and strumming every nerve, from her neck to her groin to her toes."Three Minutes."She felt his hand grip the back of her head and pull her face toward his. His tongue stabbed between her lips and she opened to him, feeling the warm caress of his mouth, sending chills down her spine. Her hips worked rhythmically now, pushing her ever closer."Two Minutes."She gasped, breaking contact with his mouth, sliding her lips down his neck, breathing hotly against him, her hands digging into his shoulders as her body began shaking uncontrollably, the muscles on her thighs ridges of effort, her nipples hard against his rough chest."One Minute."She was close, so close. Her teeth found his neck, her hands were claws against his shoulders, her ass a blur of motion as she humped against him. She felt his hands like hot pokers digging into her ass cheeks, driving her ever higher and closer. She could feel him tensing beneath her. Close...close...."TIME!""NOOOO!" she cried as she was grabbed by the hips and practically thrown from him, his cock jerking wildly in the air as he stood. "NOOOO!" she cried again, not when she was so close! She was on her knees, her arms raised in supplication when he struck her across the face."Cunt!" he snarled. "Fucking goddamned cunt!" as he send her sprawling onto her side.She felt him on top of her immediately, roughly throwing her onto her stomach, slapping the back of her head as her forced her legs apart. Her slender hips were jerked back and she felt his hands pull her ass apart, his cock pressing against her virgin anus."No," she muttered, her body burning with unfulfilled lust as the first shock of pain hit her as he forced himself brutally into her ass. "AAAAHHHHGGGG!" she screamed, earning another slap to the back of her head.She grunted in pain now as he forced himself further into her, her body riding on a razors edge of pain and lust, her clit buzzing angrily as her body seemed to be torn apart and expanded as he stretched her ass wide with his cock."Uhg! Uhg! Uhg," she grunted in time to his thrusts as her rapist fucked her ass with the full length of his cock. The pain increased, blending in with the lust to send her spiking toward a peak of sensation, an overwhelming, unbearable state of incompletion.She felt him jerk her ass back against him, holding himself there as he filled her with his come, and she didn't know if she wanted him to stop or not. All she knew was that her body was as tight as a bowstring, every muscle in her lithe Asian body thrumming as if it had been just plucked, every nerve on fire.The cock popped out of her ass, leaving a void; she wanted, needed to be fucked. Her pussy was swollen, throbbing with pleasure and pain. Her breasts felt like they were ready to burst, and she couldn't stop shaking.Hands gripped her from the front and from behind, lifting her to her hands and knees."Suck it bitch," it was Jackson as he pushed his cock against her full lips. She quickly obliged, sliding it into her mouth as she felt John press his cock against her stretched ass. She cried out through hollowed cheeks as she was doubly impaled, the sharp pain, the sharp pleasure, of it taking her breath away.They were fucking her, one her ass, one her throat, as if she were a piece of meat, and she felt like one, felt like a raw exposed nerve they were scratching at. She reached beneath herself, jamming her fingers against her clit and into her cunt, brutally driving herself closer to release.She seemed to slip out of her body for a moment, to see the lewd picture she presented to the world. Her lithe Asian body buffeted back and forth between two men, her breasts swaying as she was jerked back and forth by their thrusts. Her throat bulging with the cock of a man who held either side of her head in his hands, sawing his cock back and forth between her full red lips as his balls slapped against her chin and her long braid brushed against his leg. Her legs spread lewdly and her anus grossly stretched by the cock plowing in and out of it. Most lewd of all though was her hand reaching back to her cunt, mauling her clit and pussy as her narrow waist and stomach heaved in lust.Her breath shot explosively from her nose as John's balls slapped again against her cunt, his cock sending jagged shard of pain through her anus which only drove her to greater heights of lust. Her throat felt raw and abused, and every time his pelvis slammed into her face made her quiver with desire. She couldn't take it any more; it was too much. She gripped her clit between her fingers and drover her fingernails hard into it.Everything seemed to explode at once, as lights danced before her eyes. Unbearable pleasure rocked through her, sending her body spasming uncontrollably, her cunt sucking and gasping and roiling with her ass in ecstatic orgasm. Her fingernails dug deeper into her clit as bolt after bolt of ecstasy shocked her, each greater than the last. She was choking around the cock in her throat, but she didn't care, her slender body turned into a bucking bronco her rapists could barely control. Somewhere far off she felt them fill her with their come, which only sent her higher. She collapsed slowly to the ground as they let go of her, darkness alternating with the lights before her vision as orgasm after orgasm rocked through her body. Finally she seemed to be swimming a darkness of unbearable pleasure, and then all went black.The three men stood back and looked at their prize, a 19 year old Asian girl, beautiful, passed out from pleasure, in amazement. Jose spoke first."That is some fuck!""She'd fuck an army and keep on going." That was Jackson."She's going to break us." John."Never seen anything like it!" Jose."Freaky!" Jackson."The more we give her, the more she gets off." Jose.They were all silent for a moment. John smiled."I bet I could give her something she couldn't take.""You're on," Jackson said. "How much?""50 bucks.""You're on.""Then give me a hand, boys."She slowly came to, her head throbbing, her whole body aching. She shook her head to clear it, but it made her dizzy and sent pain throbbing through her forehead. She opened her eyes and looked at the ground just one foot below her, and groaned in realization and discomfort as she realized her predicament. They had somehow hung her upside down. She tried to move her arms and found them bound behind her back, a rope running around her waist to secure them there, and when she shifted herself, fiery, scraping pain lanced across her labia. She looked up and saw that her legs were spread wide and each of her knees had been hooked over one of the monkey bars, three feet apart, her calves tied down across the top of the bars. The inner tendons on her legs stood out starkly, and the strain of the metal against her knees, angled as it was, was agonizing. Her eyes focused more and she realized that one of her rapists had taken two pieces of thin, coarse, rope and used it to pull her labia wide apart, exposing her inner-self tying it off to her arms. Each little motion caused the rope to slide against her labia, causing her excruciating pain. Her hair fell to the ground, picking up sand as she slowly swaying back and forth, her whole body in agony. The voice of John focused her."Ah, the whore's awake." He knelt down in front of her and began idly flicking her nipples, making her squirm and jog the ropes across her labia. "We're going to really hurt you now, but then we're going to fuck you, so you shouldn't mind." He smiled at her and she shuddered."Please don't," she begged. "Please let me go.""I don't think so," he said, and picked up his belt. "Okay, guys, lets get to work.""No!! PLEASE!" she begged as Jose and Jackson knelt to either side of her, each of them holding a pair of pliers in one hand and saps in the other. She began screaming even before John brought the first blow of the belt down against her gaping cunt and ass.She was in a blaze of agony before the first five minutes were up, her cunt a swollen mass of pain from the relentless beating and her breasts bruised masses of throbbing flesh as each man took her nipple in their pliers and squeezed hard before pulling it far from her body, stretching her round breasts into long, distended cones, and then striking the sides of them with their saps. Occasionally her nipple would slip from the grip of the pliers, and they would have to require a grip, sending fresh blades of agony through her body as they beat and twisted and mashed her sex organs mercilessly.By the end of ten minutes she was screaming silently, her voice shrieked out, her body seeming to slip away from her in a haze of pain. When they finally stopped after fifteen minutes of torture, she was no longer really present in her body. She was there, in a small corner of her mind, and she knew there was a battered animal, pain inflaming every portion of its mass, its throat silently screaming itself raw, hanging upside-down, but it wasn't her. It wasn't the slim, confident, brassy young Asian girl which had been coming home from a party a few hours ago; it was just a piece of meat hanging by tenterhooks while three men abused it.Even when they cut her down, and the renewed agony of movement threatened to pull her into its pain, she managed to stay above it, to ride out the agony. And when John laid her on her back in the sand and pushed her legs to either side of her head, revealing a cunt that was a swollen red mass of flesh and tits that were black and blue and swollen almost twice their size and torn and seeping blood, she screamed at him, NO! You can't mean to fuck her! No!When he plunged into the body she watched it shudder in unbearable pain, its mouth open, screaming yet silent, its eyes glassy, its face a mask of shock and pain. She watched him fuck it brutally, and she felt it tug at her, trying to pull her down into its whirlpool of agony.Each violent thrust rocked the slender body, and she felt herself rocking with it, tendrils of pain reaching out and encircling her. Nooo! She screamed as she was pulled down, down, down."AAAAHHHGGGG!" she screamed, her voice returning as every bit of torture she had endured seemed to hit her at once. Her body bucked up against her rapist as he slammed back down into her, driving her insane with pain. She seemed to pass beyond some threshold of agony where her brain short-circuited and she came, she came screaming her lungs out and bucking like a woman gone insane, practically throwing John from her as her body exploded in agony and orgasm. Consciousness slipped from her and returned, and she was still coming, still in the throws of the most painful and the most pleasurable sensations of her young life. She drifted in and out, sensing when John finally came inside her, sensing when he let her go to flop helplessly on the ground, bucking her way through an impossible orgasm, wailing like a woman possessed, kicking and flailing about. Her hands gripped her cunt against her will and sent her even further into orgasm, fluid spraying from her cunt in gushes, wetting the sand beneath her.When she finally stilled, she lay looking up at the stars, the pain returning slowly, but she didn't care. Nothing would ever be like that again, she knew. She also knew it would take weeks, if ever, to recover from the beating she had received, but she didn't care.She didn't care when they still didn't leave her alone, when they picked her limp form up and laid it out across the see-saw, placing her head down near the end where the hand grips were, her body angled up. She did not resist, could not resist, when they tied her arms together underneath the see-saw board--she was too exhausted, too much in pain, too much feeling the aftereffects of the torment and ecstasy her rapists had inflicted upon her. Her legs were brought up and tied to the top of the hand grips, leaving her ass and pussy, swollen an angry red, lewdly exposed.My breasts ache, she thought, knowing they were ugly masses of black and blue flesh, and grunted in pain as Jose entered her sopping pussy, fucking her slowly and evenly. She felt her body respond, and she closed her eyes as another orgasm washed over her, for the moment sparing her from the pain of her body. For the following hour and a half they took turns at her like that, sometimes fucking her in the ass, sometimes in her abused cunt, driving her to orgasm after orgasm until she was floating in a haze of sleep and pleasure/pain.Then they left her, tied to the see-saw, and she dozed for a while. The false dawn and the sound of voices awoke her; it was two members of the 12th street gang, and they laughed when they found her, and slapped her ass and her tits, causing her to scream. And then they fucked her, making her body, wracked with pain, jerk into orgasm yet again and again. When dawn finally came, they untied her, saying Jose told them to, and went away.Crawling over to her clothes seemed the most difficult thing she had ever done before she tried to put them on. They had left her money so she took a cab home, collapsing on the couch of her college apartment. As she fell asleep, the throbbing agony in her body matching her heartbeat, her hand found her cunt and brought her to another release.THE END
With bitter pleasure I remember the days when the Germans attacked my beloved Greece. There was a shortage of everything, and no one had the luxuries the modern generation of Greek young men now have. Luxuries such as all kinds of gadgets, toys and such. Truth be told I am glad for it; no generation should have to suffer what the young men of my day had to go through. At the tender age of 14, I lost my innocence when I killed several German soldiers during a foiled attempt of sabotage at one of their bases. My whole unit was wiped out, and I was the only survivor because entered into that "zone" soldiers enter in to preserve their life. That place that allows unnatural focus, animalistic rage, and a killing efficiency that haunted my nightmares for a long time after the war was over. The war that came after "The War to End all Wars." World War II.Greece was a poor country before the war because of the brutal Ottoman occupation prior to the war of my generation. The attack by the Italians, and later the Germans left a mere emaciated walking corpse of a country where before there was barely a starving vagabond. I was 13 in the fall of 1940 when the war began for us. I was 19 when it finally ended. Many things happened over the course of a year, namely the killing of the German soldiers. When I was 13 the Greek resistance had foiled the Italian attempt at taking our country, so I was only needed for logistics. I was a proverbial "water boy/errand boy" for the soldiers. However, at 14 when the Italians called on German aid, all that changed. The Germans were far superior soldiers than the Italians; they were better equipped, better fed, and more disciplined. Between the technology and their cold-hearted discipline, many of us felt like we were fighting a machine, of which the soldiers where mere cogs. War is no!t something I would wish on today's young men.Fighting in a war is like something out of the worst of all nightmares. Everywhere you see death and destruction, friends you make soon depart from this world from a bullet by an enemy soldier, and you are forced to kill just to stay alive. In our case, we died for our country for the sake of protecting it. We had no imperialistic interest in conquest or expanding our influence. To us Greece is the world's most beautiful land, and we don't need more. All we wanted then, and still do, was to be left alone. Centuries of fighting the Turks, and later the Germans left a bitter mark on my father, may he rest in peace, and many of my male relatives. The women, ever tolerant and resilient, did not seem to mind. So long as the family was fed, so long as we had clothes to wear, everything was fine for them. Not so for the men. National pride. The need for independence from tyrannical rule. These things were meat and drink to Greek men.In truth, I will not say I enjoyed killing the German soldiers who foiled our sabotage attempt. In the end, I realized the tragedy of the fact that everyone on both sides was dead except me. All my comrades-in-arms were dead, and after the rage had subsided, all the German soldiers in the base were also dead. At that point it did not matter to me what we were fighting for; all I saw was carnage and was overcome by a terrible sadness. In order for it to end, I knew, I had to help in throwing out the Germans. The Germans were influenced by a leader they followed fanatically out of gratitude for being taken out of poverty. Because of this they could not be reasoned with. They were convinced they were the world's most cultured people and yet, they seemed to forget, it was us the Greeks who first introduced the notion of civilization to the continent of Europe. A fact they all conveniently forgot whenever they murdered children and raped our women. It was during an attempted rape where I first re-encountered Elina, the baker's wife.It was the fall of 1942 and as usual the war was going bad for our side. Although I was only 15, I had gained a reputation as a vicious and efficient killer, something I will say, I was not proud of. In fact, just remembering it shames me. I was under the care of Demetrios, the baker, who happened to be the leader of our resistance cell. We operated in and around our village and gave the Germans a hard time. Okay, I was not under the "care" per say of Demetrios but, since both my parents were killed by Italian bombs, he took it upon himself to watch over me. He considered me the little brother he never had. I still remember, when I was six, Elina and Demetrios' wedding. Elina was a blushing and virginal bride of 18, and he was the 20 year old baker's son. Five years later he inherited the business. Four years later, the war started. Demetrios was a man's man; a man that woman loved, and that other men wanted to be. Although he was kind and gentle by nature, when the war started he turned to be a leader of razor sharp cunning. With only a rag tag group of villagers, the 28 year old Demetrios led assaults which resulted in the destruction of vast amounts of artillery for both the Italians and the Germans. One year later however, they captured him. I was not there when it happened, but I heard terrible stories.The Germans tortured him for days, and not to get information, but for the sheer pleasure of watching him suffer. Many had lost comrades due to his raids, and they were venting their frustration on him. I heard, also, to my horror, that one of the prisoners that managed to escape, who happened to know German, overheard the prisoners say to him; "we have fucked you up you piece of shit, now we will fuck your wife." I had to do something. Somehow the Germans found out where Elina was hiding. Miraculously she had not been raped because Demetrios had all the women hidden atop a monastery that was only accessible through an elevator basket, one of those baskets lowered down by rope and winch. The monastery was large enough to house the women in our village, and the women from the surrounding area hid in other monasteries. The only way to reach the monastery was through that single elevator basket it had. Of course, the women had to come down often to gather food for storage and preparation, it was then that I saw a horrible sight. Elina was stripped stark naked, and she was crouched on the ground covering herself while the German soldiers watched and laughed.One of them lowered his fly and pulled out his filthy instrument. Lucky for Elina, I was a crack shot. Not wasting a moment, I shot the fucker in the head. Unfortunately some blood splattered on Elina and she screamed. The other soldiers, after recovering from the initial shock, became infuriated and started firing at the bushes where I was hiding, all the while Elina was screaming in panic. She was not like the female snipers we had in our unit, she was not used to hearing gunfire at such close range. Nevertheless, I had to save her.I scurried around the bushes, creating distractions and making the Germans fire their guns here and there. I used tactics Demetrios had taught me, and they were well. Soon, the Germans had to reload, and that was my moment. I sprung out of the bushes and, while I ran, I was aiming my rifle like a sniper, keeping the rifle but firmly pressed against my shoulder. One after another, I brought them down. One, then two, then four, nine in all. Nine men who all tried to humiliate Demetrios' widow. The other squad members were busy with our resistance fighters and were a little preoccupied. Though we were few in number, we were a lot smarter than the Germans and much better shots. As a matter of fact, most of our soldiers killed the enemy with head shots. Yes, we were that good, and our leader Demetrios was no exception; in fact, he was a real demon with the rifle. Little wander the Germans hated him so much.Elina was still screaming when it was all over. I ran to her and grabbed her shoulders shouting "Elina, snap out of it!" After she pulled herself together, she looked at me and said "Niko? Oh Niko!!!" she screamed and she buried herself in my chest and started sobbing, holding me tight. After the tension of the gunfight had subsided, I then realized something I had forgotten; Elina, beautiful Elina, was pressed against my body, stark naked. I began to tremble, and I felt my cock harden and press against my trousers with tremendous pressure. I pushed her back, remembering the blood on her face. I grabbed a rag I had with me and gave it to her. Then, with my back turned on her, I stripped the corpse of a German soldier who stood at 6'4 and probably weighed around 350lbs. He was a big fellow, and now doubt his shirt would cover Elina pretty well. The shirt had a little blood on it and thankfully it could cover Elina; she only stood at 5'4, so the soldier's shirt cover!ed her up pretty well."You can turn around now," she stated with a low monotone voice."I'm terribly sorry about... seeing... You..." I stammered."Oh its alright Niko," she reassured me. "You saved me from those animals, thank you.""Not a problem," I said shakily. It was sheer torture. Elina was the most beautiful woman in our village, and later on as I grew up, made my vast fortune and traveled around, I discovered she was also one of the most beautiful in the world. She was a veritable Greek goddess; long wavy locks, thick lips, a curvaceous and bubbly ass, beautiful curves, full breasts and large black eyes.I had also seen the vast nest black hair between her legs when the soldiers tried to rape her; it was too much for me to handle. I had the courage to gun down vicious SS soldiers and, when confronted by a naked woman who only stood at 5'4 I shook like a kitten. The travesty!Whatever the case, we made our way back to the monastery, and thankfully there were no more unpleasant German soldiers. On the way, Elina and started talking."You've grown quite handsome," Elina commented. "I remember you when you used to dip girl's pony tails in ink and then run away laughing. You were so cute!"I could feel the blood rushing to my face. Where I a fair-skinned northern European, I would have been cherry-red from her comments."Tell me," she asked. "Did you get a chance to visit a prostitute while you were fighting?" Now, given Greek, and for that matter Mediterranean, culture at this time period, it was customary for a father to take his son to a brothel at the age of 14 to lose his virginity."N-nnno, not really."She was smiling a wicked smile, enjoying the power she had over me."I'm a bit shocked to hear that. I talked to one of the prostitutes in the Market place, and she told me you were so handsome, she would make you the favor for free."I could not say anything to the comment. Regarding Elina talking with the prostitute; well, it was a very small village, and some young men had to work for years before they could get married, so they were seen as a necessary evil. Also, Elina, although she was a good Orthodox Christian woman and saved her virginity for her husband, she was not judgmental. In fact, she was very kind and forgiving. She even forgave Demetrios' own trysts in the brothels of Athens.Elina noticed, from my facial expression, that she had gone a little far so she reassured me."I was just curious Niko, its just that, Demetrios traveled a lot to sell bread in other places and I never really saw you around that much the few times we were in the village.""Oh its alright," I said. It was all I could say. After all, I had been in love with her since I was 4 years old. When it came to teasing girls my age I was a rascal, but every time I saw her, I was so unbearably shy I always hid behind my mother's skirt.I had the courage to talk to her now because, well, war will do that. Girls my age would always tease me in front of her, taunting me with the "Niko loves Elina!" over and over, the way kids do. Demetrios and Elina just laughed, which of course was a terrible humiliation for me at the time.Puppy love did not turn into sexual desire however, as I had not seen her for a whole year when I was going through puberty. At 13 my father did take me to a brothel, but I ran away in fear. Now I was 15 and had not real time to think about sex; I was always fighting. However, seeing Elina again awakened long dormant feelings. At 27, she was even more beautiful than she was when she first married Demetrios. Her curves had grown more defined and feminine, more round. While not voluptuous, her proportions were perfect. What about Children? No one understood why, but Demetrios and Elina could not conceive a child. All the years they were married Elina blamed herself for the problem. I was to find out Later it was Demetrios, not her.We had been elevated up to the old abandoned monastery where the village women were hiding. Elina recounted the story and I was welcomed as a hero. Many of the women there had husbands who were fighting in the resistance and most them made sexual advances. Since they did not have the comforts of a husband many were sexually hungry, and naturally, seeing a young man whom many had heard was still a virgin was more than they could handle. Needless to say, I was spoiled and pampered like crazy. In fact, when preparing a bath, one of the women offered to clean me.I was to shy to say no, and when Elina found out she was noticeably angry. She always got angry whenever one of the women made advances at me. She would scold them telling them that they were married, that they should have patience, that they have husbands of their own, etc. For this one she could do nothing however. Her name was Anna, and she was in her early 30's, and nearly as beautiful as Elina. Naturally she saw her as her chief rival but could do say nothing to scold her as she had been a widow herself. Elina really did not want to share me with anyone though; virginal young men have always been rare, and naturally Elina wanted me for herself.As I bathed, Anna asked, "Do you mind if I undress? I don't want to get water all over my clothes." Again, I was too shy to say I did. Then, she came deliberately closer, and my cock sprung to life. Like Elina she had a beautiful body and rich nest of hair between her legs, and a pair of full breasts. She had light brown hair, a pretty little nose, and slightly full lips. Her lips where not as full as Elina's, but they complemented her face. She pressed her breasts against my back saying"Your body is so hard and tight, you don't mind if I enjoy you do you? Ever since my husband died I haven't had a man in me and I am going crazy."I could feel her soft melons pressing against my back, at the same time I could feel my cock become even angrier and more swollen, almost to bursting."Turn around," she said in a gentle voice.As I turned I heard a gasp outside the door (we were being watched, by Elina no doubt) and Anna exclaimed almost laughing "my you're like a horse! And those balls are so round and big!" she further exclaimed reaching for them.She massaged them gently giving me waves of pleasure, "If you let me go a little further, I promise you, you will feel more pleasure than this."My dick was dripping pre-cum, and I felt ready to explode"How much further?" I managed to stammer."Well, you grew up in a village, and you've seen animals mate haven't you. People operate on the same principle, in fact, I'll guide you in.""No!" I screamed "Ah.I, Ah, I can't!""Why not?" she asked indignantly "don't you like me?" she said in a cooing tone as she pressed her tits against my chest."I think my body is responding on my behalf, but I can't do this, I just can't""Very well then," she stated, "you can finish your shower." With that, she dried up, got dressed, and stomped out.I just sat at the edge of the tub, with a massive erection. I got back in the water and slowly lowered myself. Then she walked in."May I share your bath," Elina asked"Sure," I said.At that point Elina wasted no more time talking. She undressed, got in the water, and came over to were I was sitting. She began kissing me, ever so tenderly, almost as if to console me for the harsh way in which Anna had walked out, almost as if, she did it to make the pain of war float away, which, in those brief moments, those brief pieces of heaven, it did.I squeezed her breasts and ass and stroked her body while in the tub. She had straddled me, but there was no penetration. Not yet at least. We continued kissing for long moments. She looked into my eyes, and I saw in them mixed feelings of hunger, lust and love I did not see again for many years until I married my first and only wife.Elina did have tender feelings for me and now that her husband was dead, the feelings of love she had for him, she was transferring on to me. Now, don't misunderstand; Elina loved her husband. Deeply in fact. Indeed, his death crushed her so much that she cried herself to sleep the day she heard the news. Now, the desperation, the loneliness, the hunger, in me she saw a way she could satiate her hunger for lust, love and affection, which I gave her readily. Our age difference was a non-issue, as it was a time of war and suffering.So there we were, stark naked in a batch tub, kissing ever so tenderly. I held her close to me, not wanting to let go. Her hair had the scent of mountain air that was fresh and sweet. Her nakedness kept my cock hard and angry.After long moments of kissing, Elina managed to regain some degree of control and she said"Most of the women are asleep and I have my own room. You can't hear any noise coming out from it. Lets go there."With that, we climbed out of the tub. The slapping of naked feet could be heard as we went to Elina's room. I was treated to a beautiful view of one of the roundest and prettiest asses I'd ever seen. Without even bothered to dry up, we collapsed atop her bed. My cock was resting on her belly, and my balls right on her pussy as we kissed. I had no access to sex manuals in those days and no one had taught me to make love. What I did do however was follow Elina's lead.As she stroked me, I stroked her back. As she kissed me, I kissed her back. All under the soft light of an oil lamp.Her nipples were hard and small, and I continue kissing and stroking her for long moments. I suckled her breasts for long, long moments, and, as I looked down on her body, I noticed a slight protrusion in the middle of her pussy lips. It looked kind of like a dick but it wasn't a dick; it stuck out between her lips and pussy hair like a jack-knife barely out of its handle. A very fleshy looking jackknife. I know now it was her clitoris.Not being a fool, I noticed that my suckling of her breasts and nipples was making her moan, so I went down on her, kissing her belly and the area around her belly button as I went. Finally, I reached it. At first the sight of a clitoris popping out like that disgusted me. But, after a while, I found it highly arousing.I began kissing and suckling on it the way I had done with her breasts. She took in a deep gasp and asked, "Oh my God, what are you doing!? Oooh!"I began kissing and licking. I noticed that when I stroked my tongue against her clitoris, she seemed to get more pleasure. Her taste was sweet and tangy, and it made me pucker up at first. But, after a while, I could not get enough. Licking her pussy was giving her tremendous pleasure. Not only that, I figured, I was pleasuring the pussy which was to be the first to embrace my cock so, I took it upon myself to keep going. My erection was now iron hard; even though the taste was not at all appetizing, her scent, her taste made me very hard.I stroked her breasts and ass cheeks as I liked her pussy, her vast pubic hair tickling my nose and my lips. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and neither could she, "Niko, put it in me. Please, don't make me wait, put it in me!"Common sense told me it wasn't in the place where people normally defecate (although later I as I grew older I discovered some women actually sought it out).I still did not know exactly where it was though, so she took hold of my cock and guided the tip to where it was supposed to enter. She let go of my cock, and looked into my eyes, this time, with a look of hunger, and nothing else.I held my shaft in place, and with a smooth thrust slid my long, thick shaft into her. Exquisite moist sounds took hold of the room, and I was deeply shocked at how moist she was. You must understand, I was an innocent village boy, not exposed to today's pornography or erotic literature.Her moist warmth overwhelmed me; her pussy was so hot, wet and tight. Ever so slowly I slid all the way in, a painful process as she had not been with a man for quite some time, and my dick is pretty big. When I had buried myself in her to the point where my balls where caressing her ass cheeks, I looked into her eyes. Where I was in pain, there was a look of satisfied pleasure on her face.She reached for my head and kissed me. For long moments we kissed, until, she whispered in my ear"I know you've never done this before, so this is what I need; pull it out, but not all the way, only as far as your little helmet, then, slide it back in, slowly. Get a rhythm going, and lose your self in me. I'll be holding you close."She was true to her word; she wrapped her arms around my back, her left leg around my ass, and her right leg around my right leg. I did as she asked. Ever so slowly, pulled out of her just to the point where only the fireman's cap was in her, and then I thrust it back in. It felt so good, thrusting into her hot cunt, that it did not take long before instinct took over and I got a good rhythm going. The bed squeaked from my thrusting, and we were both breathing heavily. She stroked me with her arms and legs and not being able to take it anymore, and with strength unnatural for a woman her size she rolled us over so she could ride me.She was riding my cock viciously, slamming down as I watched it slide in and out of her. My cock was glistening with pussy slime, and I could feel some trickle down my balls. I squeezed her breasts, feeling her nipples with my thumbs, and I explored her body with my hands."Kiss me!" I begged.She looked at me from her position, a look of tenderness and maternal love. Not so much maternal in a sense that it was incestuous, but maternal in a sense that all women have a sense of maternal instinct in dealing with younger males. Whatever the case.She complied. A long tender kiss was the answer to my begging. Having established a mutual rhythm, almost without thinking, we rolled back over and I was on top again. Then, I felt something boil within my heart. A wonderful whirlwind of emotion that brought me great ecstasy, great happiness. That feeling slowly traveled down from my heart, to my belly, and from my belly, to my loins. Then, deep with my balls I felt a slow burning feeling building up. I could feel an expression of pain on my face as Elina's hot pussy mercilessly milked my cock, almost beckoning it to release the contents of my balls.My thrusting became more urgent, more furious. Finally, with one vigorous thrust into her pussy, I rammed my cock into her slimy paradise. I felt an explosion of fire and electricity engulf my body as I felt my dick quirt one long stream of come. The stream was so long I thought I was peeing. The burning liquid intensified my orgasm, and as my dick pumped the contents of my balls into her pussy, I could feel her arms and legs wrap around me tighter and heard her gasping and moaning. I pelted her cervix with one final load of cum and then, with an exhausted grunt I collapsed on top of her.We breathed heavily there for long moments. She stroked my hair tenderly, and caressed my right cheek with her lips and her nose."I love you," I whispered in her ear. "I will not let anyone hurt you," I promised her.She didn't say anything. She just held me close and kissed me on the cheek. Then, I pulled out what was left of my erection out of her, both of us gasping audibly as I did. Then, I snuggled close to her, rested my head on her chest and said"let me hear your heartbeat."She wrapped her lovely arms around my head as I rested my head on her naked chest. Her heartbeat was still rapid, but slowly subsiding. In that position, we drifted of to sleep.Epilogue:I had fulfilled my vow; no German soldier had ever laid a finger on Elina and, despite my young age my effectiveness as a soldier had earned the respect of many resistance fighters. It turned out Elina got pregnant as a result of our tryst. I had just gotten back from a sabotage campaign when I heard news that she was going to give birth. I hurried back, and when I went to the monastery the women told me to wait outside the room before I was allowed in. Then, I hear a baby crying.I can not really describe the feeling, all I knew is that I was glad to be a father. Then, as I walked in, I saw the most tender seen I have ever seen, a scene that told me what I was fighting for. I saw Elina nursing our child. Her lovely breast nourished our new born son, and seeing such a scene of life nourishing life made all the fighting worth while. Fighting, which was worthwhile because, at the end, our son would live in a better world. The sad thing was though, that Elina and I could never be together. Her parents discovered what we had done, and although they loved their grandchild they wanted nothing to do with me. They forbade me from ever seeing their daughter again, which made Elina extremely angry; she was, after all a grown woman.In 1943, when she knew our son was asleep, she came over to my encampment and kissed me. We went to a secluded spot in the mountains where we made love even more passionately than we did when we made Demetrios. Despite her protests, I insisted on the name because, first of, the kid was rightfully her dead husbands, and although I loved her, I felt I had taken advantage of her grief to satisfy my own lusts. That and, because of his sacrifice, he deserved the honor.Lying naked on a blanket, she gave me terrible news. She told me that her parents had bribed smugglers into letting them on a ship that would take them to Argentina. I felt my heart rip in two places, and I could tell that conveying the news was also breaking Elina's heart. Tearfully she told me she did not want to part with me, but her father was stubborn and, we both agreed that a war torn Greece was not an ideal place to raise a child at the moment. After holding each other for long moments, we made love again. Furiously, hungrily as we were never to see each other again.The horrible day came, and I never saw her again.In 1945, when I was 19, the war was finally over. I spent the first half of my 20's getting through high school and college. When I was 26 I got a job with a wine distiller in France and I moved there. I created a formula that was a smash hit. By 32 I had made a vast fortune, I was rich beyond measure, but I was empty. I sorely missed her, the village woman who had loved me enough to embrace me such long nights. After Elina left, throughout my 20's I had made love to many more women. I even made love to Anna feeling bad that I had rejected her that night made love to Elina instead. I told her it was too bad I was no longer a virgin, but she did not care; for her the pleasure of being with me was what mattered. Many of the French girls I slept with were women who closely resembled Elina, as I could not put her out of my mind.When I was 32, I met a woman who was a carbon copy of Elina. She was in her early 20's, just as beautiful as she was. There was a difference between them however. Whereas Elina had been a serious village girl with a sense of duty, this girl was a bit spoiled. She was not a bad person; that is, she was not snobbish, overly vain, or too sure of herself. However, from plain sight one could see she had never known suffering or hardship in her life. So naturally I felt protective of her, she was so innocent. On our wedding night I deflowered her; she had been a virgin.We had 4 children, and in time I loved her as a being separate from the woman I lost my virginity to. She was special in her own way, and I love her just as deeply as I loved Elina whom I heard had married a wealthy architect in Argentina. Word had it that the man looked much like I did, only older. Alexa and I had 5 children, 3 girls and two boys. All three of my girls are beautiful, and both my boys are athletic, intelligent and handsome. Our business empire expanded over the years and now we are the largest wine company in the world.Still, they say you never forget your first time. I will never forget mine, even now as an old man, an old retired warhorse who is waiting for rest from this life. My son Demetrios, I heard, became a scientist and found a vaccine that prevents the AIDS virus. Science has yet to find a cure, but when I heard the news I could not be more proud.I guess the old myths are true; the more in love a couple is when they conceive a child, the greater the child's intellect and good character will be. Thus, given how deeply Elina and I loved each other, it is not at all surprising that Demetrios achieved what he achieved. I loved her because she was so kind hearted, intelligent and beautiful. She loved me because she saw something of her husband in me, and an innocence that she says I still had even after I gave her my virginity.Alexa and I have to attend our son's inauguration as prime minister of France so, this will have to conclude my story.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 27
Inspired by an idea from a fan. Thanks! Hope you like it!***Jerry Whaler hated his life. He was the middle child and the only boy. His older sister, Catherine, was 22 and a famous model who after college moved to California to enjoy a successful career. While growing up, Jerry was always ignores as his parents doted on his beautiful older sister. He couldn't count the number of times he was introduced to people as "Catherine's brother". So you can imagine how much Jerry hated it when his younger sister, Amy, got into modeling when she turned 12. When Catherine moved away Jerry's parents were able to devote all of their attention to Amy. Now at 15 she was quite successful in her own right. With her perfect young body (5'1, 102 lbs, 34C's, long blonde hair, blue eyes) she had steady work in catalogs and local sales fliers. And now Jerry was being introduced as "Amy's brother". He hated it.At 19, Jerry was in his third semester of college and was looking to join a fraternity. This would be his time to escape the shadow of his bitchy sisters and have his own life. He had been pledging for 2 months now and as Spring was upon them, was looking to being voted in and celebrating at the annual beach bash. Jerry was in his room drinking a beer and watching a porno film a friend lent him when some of the fraternity brothers knocked on the door. He opened the door and his friends barreled in. They made him do 20 push ups while reciting the Greek alphabet while looking through his fridge and searching his dorm room for anything to eat.Stork (all the guys were given a nickname after being voted in and Stork was aptly named for his tall slender frame) saw a picture on his desk and held it up. "Hey who's this little hottie?" Jerry looked up and grimaced when he saw the picture of Amy. "That's my sister, Amy." Dog (so named because he is horny as a dog) looked at the picture of Amy in a bathing suit with her giant boobs exploding from the bikini top. "Holy crap! She is smoking! Is she dating anyone?" Jerry got to his feet and snatched the picture away, "Hey, she's only 15". The guys laughed as Dog said, "So? If there's grass on the field, play ball!" They all laughed as Dog made the motion of a batter. "Man, give me 20 minutes alone with her..." Jerry said, "Well, you'd be disappointed. She's a virgin and a prude. She's saving herself for marriage or some shit like that. It would take a crowbar and a bucket of grease to get your cock into that tight cunt."The guys all laughed at Jim's words, getting rowdier at the thought of fucking the young girl. Then General spoke up, "Hey, it sounds like a plan." Jerry was confused. "What's a plan?" The General was the president of the fraternity and when he spoke everyone listened. "We like you, Jerry. We want to vote you in to the fraternity, but that's 3 1/2 weeks away. And to complete the pledging you still need to survive Hell Night. How would you like to make you a deal that would allow you to skip all that crap and be voted in next week? Then you could help us haze the crap out of the other pledges."Jerry was excited at the idea of skipping Hell Night. If the stories he's heard from other brothers were even half true it lived up to its name. On Hell Night they had to drink insane amounts of alcohol, streak across campus, do a scavenger hunt at 3 am, run for 5 miles and something called the "circle jerk pizza" where all the pledges jerk off onto a pizza and the last guy to cum has to eat a slice. "Yeah, what do I have to do", asked Jerry. General smiled an evil smile, "We'd like to meet your sister and party with her and fuck her." Jerry was disappointed by their request, knowing it wouldn't happen. "Like I said, she's a total prude. There's no way she'd let you guys fuck her. Hell, she's had a boyfriend for a year that I heard her tell her friend she won't even give a hand job to." General leans forward and folds his hands under his chin, "So she doesn't have to 'let' us. It never stopped us from fucking any of the whores at our parties. A few beers, a little X and a couple guys to hold them down and they all give it up."Jerry should have been outraged. He should have jumped up and punched this creep. Instead, he got a massive hard on thinking about his bitchy sister begging as the men all raped her. "Okay, but I get a turn too." Dog laughed, "You sick fuck! You are so in this fraternity!" The guys all patted Jerry on the back. Tiny, who is 6'4 and 260 lbs with an 11 inch cock said, "I can't wait to see the look on her face when I fuck her ass." Stork said, "I just want to cum all over her whore face." General spoke up, cutting the conversation, "Okay guys, get going. I'll work out the details with Jerry. And don't go telling the whole fucking world. We're just gonna take us and maybe one or two other guys. If we get the whole fucking world showing up I'm calling it off." The guys knew General didn't joke about stuff like this. So they all nodded in acknowledgement. "Now get to class."Jerry lived at the dorms during the week, but sometimes came home for the weekends. He knew that this weekend his parents were flying out to California for the week to see Catherine so he would be expected to stay around the house. Jerry asked his mom if he could have some friends over and she said yes, not really listening to him. Before leaving, Jerry's mom just asked Jerry to take care of his sister. As his parents drove away, Jerry thought, "Oh yeah! I'll take care of the cunt."Jerry went up to his sister's bedroom. She had her own private bathroom and was in the shower, where Jerry could expect her to spend a good 45 minutes. Jerry was about to leave her room when he saw her clean panties on the bed next to the clothes she planned on putting on after her shower. Jerry decided to have some fun. He unzipped his pants and lay on her bed. With the sound of the shower in the background, he knew he wouldn't be surprised by his sister as he started to stroke his cock with the panties wrapped around his shaft. He thought about his sister slipping on her panties with his cum stains trapped against her snatch and he lost control. He turned onto his side and held the panties out in front of his pulsing cock. The streams of jizz were shooting everywhere. He over shot the mark with his first two blasts, leaving white streaks on her pink comforter. The rest of his jizz landed on her panties and he squeezed a few last drops out and onto them. There was such an insane amount of spunk on her panties that he knew she would notice right away. He went to her dresser and pulled out all of her panties. He rubbed the dirty panties onto each of the other pairs to distribute his seed equally. This excited him to know that every day for the next week or two she would have his cock cream touching her sweet virgin pussy. Jerry paused to wonder if her snatch was shaved or if she had a landing strip or if she went pigmy-style with a full bush. Jerry noticed a row of skin creams on her dresser and another deviant idea struck him. He could jerk off into the bottles and when she rubbed the cream on her face and body she would be rubbing his cum all over herself. He was getting hard again thinking of her rubbing his seed on her monster tits. He was rubbing his cock again as he thought of his cum drying on her tits and leaving white flakes of dried seed on her pointy nipples. Just as he was starting to get worked up, he heard the water shut off. He quickly tossed the first pair of panties back on the bed and the rest into the drawer. He stuffed his raging hard on back into the prison of his pants. He stumbled over the bed as he rushed for the door. He fell to the floor and looked up to see her bathroom door knob turning. He had no time to get to his feet, run out of the door and close it behind him. He just rolled himself under her bed and prayed. She came out of the bathroom and noticed the door open. She leaned her head out and looked to see if her brother was outside her door. Not seeing him she yelled towards the stairs, "Stay the fuck out of my room, asshole!"She slammed the door closed and walked over to her bed. She plopped down on the bed, almost crushing Jerry as the bed was now just an inch from his nose. He heard her open the drawer in the night stand next to her bed. She rifled through the drawer and pulled something out. Then he could hear her pull out something else. After 5 minutes of silence, he heard a light humming. He pulled himself to the edge of the bed so he could see in the mirror what was going on. The bed had rubble around the bottom of it so he could peak out with little risk of being seen. What he saw shocked him. His sister was reading a book called The Erotic Adventures of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice, holding the book with one hand and rubbing a 10 inch vibrating dildo on her pussy with the other hand. Jerry had to adjust his erection in his pants as he watched his baby sister slide the purple faux fuck-stick into her moist cunt. Jerry noticed that his sister's pussy was perfectly shaved, smooth as a baby's ass. It really didn't surprise him since she models underwear and bathing suits all the time, which would require a pretty well groomed cunt. Jerry noticed how she only stuck it in a few inches though. He figured she must still have her hymen since she is always talking about saving herself for marriage.Then she tensed up, obviously cumming. What she did then really got Jerry hot. Amy put the moist dildo into her mouth and sucked it clean, obviously enjoying the taste. Jerry wondered if maybe she was still a virgin because she was actually gay. Well, either way, in a few hours that would be a moot point. She'd have enough cock in her holes to last her the rest of her life. She slipped the dildo and the book back into her night stand and slipped her sticky panties over her slender thighs without noticing the stains of cum. She got to her feet and picked up her hairbrush and blow dryer. She took them into the bathroom and Jerry could hear her drying her hair. Jerry took this opportunity to roll out from under her bead and get out of her room. About an hour later Jerry was downstairs when his sister came down. She was wearing super short cotton shorts that hugged her tiny ass and showed all its glory. She also wore a spaghetti strapped half shirt that barely contained her mammoth mammories. The bottom curve of her tits were clearly visible below her shirt, as were the tops. "So when is this party of your supposed to start?" she asked. Jerry tries to show no excitement as he replied, "Oh the guys should start getting here an hour. I think Stork will be here before then with the beer. Why, what are you planning on doing while we party?" Amy gave a smart ass smirk, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here. It's my house too. In fact, I have my friend Jen coming over. She's spending the night."Jerry pretended to object, "Hey, you're too young to hang out with us. I don't want you around the alcohol." "Oh pa-lease!" she said with her hands on her sexy hips. "You're not 21 either, so if you don't let us drink, I'll tell Mom and Dad and you won't even be allowed to join your little club." Jerry put his hands up in defeat, "Okay, you win! You can drink if you want. Just don't tell Mom and Dad." Feeling she had all the power, she smiled, "Just as long as we're on the same page here."A half hour later Stork arrived with a keg of beer and a tap that was custom made with the nozzle that was shaped like a giant cock with the beer coming out of the tip. When you put the nozzle into its holder, the holder is a naked girl and you put the end into her cunt. It had been passed down in the fraternity from class to class. When Amy say it she glared at her brother, "Oh, how mature." Jerry wanted to ask her if it turned her on like the dildo in her bedroom, but chose to keep his mouth shut for a few more minutes. Within another half hour, General, Dog, Tiny, Face and Wookie all showed up. Face was given that name because aside from being the most handsome of the fraternity, he loved to shoot his wad all over girl's faces. He loved the look in their eyes when they get a face full of spunk. Wookie was named for his unusual amount of body hair. He is a 6'2 tight end on the school football team with more hair on his back than most guys have on their heads. Amy's friend Jen also arrived at the same time wearing a short skirt, fmp's (fuck me pumps) and an undersized button down shirt. Jen is also very short, at 4'10 and 95 lbs. She doesn't have Amy's big tits, but her 32B's are still nice and perky. She had long curly brown hair and thick eyebrows that frame her cute face. Her best feature is her luscious thick lips. These were definitely the lips of a cock sucker. The guys wasted no time breaking out the alcohol and the girls didn't hesitate to get their own share. The guys were planning on dropping X into the girls' drinks but Dog couldn't get any from his usual contact. But this wasn't going to deter the fraternity brothers. As Amy was gulping down her 3rd beer, Dog came up behind her and said, "You look so fine you're making my cock ache." She turned and glared at him, "You pig! Get lost!" Dog held the beer nozzle in front of himself like a monster sized extension of his own cock. "Hey, want some more frothy goodness down your throats? You can drink it right from my tap." Amy growled, "Fuck off, creep!" Then she took her friend by the arm and moved to the other side of the room. The guys all gathered around Jerry and let him know it was time to probe the girls to see whether this was going to be easy or hard. Though you could tell that at least some of the guys were hoping this would be hard. Jerry went over to the girls and said, "Hey, I think the guys would like to dance with you two."Amy looked at him with her bitchy smirk, "So? Ask them how it feels to want." Jerry looked at Jen and asked, "What about you? Would you like to dance with any of the guys?" She looked at the older men and then at her friend and then back to Jerry, "No, I don't think so. I'm just here to drink your beer and hang with Amy. Your friends look like assholes." Jerry put his hands up in defeat. "Well, all I could do was ask. I mean, they think you two are very attractive and just wanted one dance each with both of you. It was a pretty simple request." Amy shot back, "Yeah, and is it simple to fuck off?" Jen added, "Yeah, you and your friends are out of your league here. No wonder you guys have to hit on teenagers. Try the Dairy Queen next time." Jerry walked back to his friends to offer the bad news. "Sorry guys, it looks like we're going the hard way." All the guys smiled. General stepped up and the men filed in behind him. He approached the girls and took their drinks from their hands and handed them back to Stork. "Ladies, you were given a nice simple request." Amy looked at him with contempt, "Who the fuck are you?" General stepped up to her and leaned down into her face, "Bitch, I'm the guy who's gonna teach you some fucking respect." Amy started to turn to walk away but General grabbed her by her soft blonde hair and yanked her back. She screamed with a mixture of shock and pain and when she caught her balance and turned she saw an evil look in his eyes. "Time to show some respect, whore." Jen started to run for the door but Stork, the state champion runner was on her in a second. He knocked her to the ground and sat on her stomach. "Hey, did we say you could go anywhere?"The girls were screaming and Tiny pulled out a roll of duct tape. He wrapped both of their faces, covering their mouths but leaving their nose and eyes open. Then the guys dragged both girls up to Amy's bedroom. She was laid on her fancy bed and her arms were taped up to the posts at the top and her legs were spread and also taped to posts. Jen was bent over the cedar chest on the floor next to the closet and also taped in place. She was face down with her perfect ass in the air. Wookie pulled out a knife and held it for the girls to see. The fear in their eyes was delicious. Jerry smiled as he watched his sister and her friend crying. Wookie used the knife to cut off Amy's shirt from her body. The whore wasn't wearing a bra and her beautiful tits were now exposed. She cried as the knife hooked into her shorts and slit them in half. The cold knife was like fire against her hot skin as he then cut both sides of her thong panties. He reached down and yanked them from her body, exposing her perfectly shaved pussy.As Jerry stared at his sister's pubeless snatch, Wookie moved on to Jen. He made short work of her clothes and tossed her clothes on the ground in front of her so she could stare at her shredded clothes as the men take turns violating her young nubile body. The men all undressed quickly and the girls cried with new enthusiasm. Until the men disrobed there was still a chance the girls might escape with their virginity in tact. But now it was clear they were about to be raped...a lot. General climbed on top of Amy and grabbed a handful of her tits. He looked down at her as he used one hand to line his cock up with her dry cunt. "You know, if you had just said yes to a few dances this wouldn't be happening. Now we're all going to rape you and your bitch friend. And chances are pretty good you'll both get pregnant." The horror in her eyes was amusing to the men. The girls had just, for the first time, considered that they might get pregnant. She was abruptly shaken from her thoughts by the pain of General's 7 inch cock being forced into her cunt. He got it in only a couple inches and then said, "Damn, she is a fucking virgin. Well, she was anyway." With a laugh he pulled himself forward and rammed his cock through her barrier. She screamed into the tape as he thrust in and out of her pussy. He then grabbed her and pulled himself tightly against her."Oh, God! I'm cumming inside this whore!" Her crying turned to a muffled sobbing as General pulled his sticky, bloody cock from her hole. He leaned up by her face and wiped his dirty cock on her hair. "Next!"Jerry, meanwhile, got out his video camera and was filming the fun. He got a close up of the bloody spunk dripping from his sister's hole and then a shot of the spunk in her hair. He then turned his camera and watched as Face got behind Jen. He licked his finger and then shoved it in her tiny cunt to get it a little wet. "Hey, this one's not a virgin! We got a real slut here!" She had a look of shame on her face as he positioned himself behind her and slid into her cunt with little resistance. It was obvious she had been fucked recently judging by her looseness. As Face was holding her hips and fucking her from behind with great lust, Wookie squatted down in front of her and held his giant 12 inch cock in front of her face. He pulled off the tape, causing her to wince in pain. "Here's the deal cunt, you suck my cock off of instead, when Face is done I'll fuck your tiny asshole with this monster." Her eyes got wide with fear. "Yeah, this thing will split you in two. You won't be able to sit for a week. The choice is yours." Without a word, she looked down at the floor as she opened her mouth, signaling her choice. "Yeah, that's it, bitch. You want some throat yogurt." Wookie started to fuck the little girl's face as Face continued his pounding on her cunt. He licked his thumb and then slid that into her tiny asshole. She stopped sucking for a moment to say something but Wookie grabbed her hair and fucked her face. Dog was next to get onto Amy. With General's spunk inside her, Amy was now wet enough for a good fuck and Dog decided to go for the gold. He didn't waste any time with pleasantries. He just climbed on and slid his 8 inch cock inside her. He was pumping away as she cried. Then Tiny came over and ripped the tape off her face. She started to scream but Tiny grabbed her throat. "Look, you want to make this worse, keep making noise. You take it and keep your fucking mouth shut and this'll be over in no time. Your choice, cunt." She stopped screaming. "Yeah, that's right. Now suck my cock." She closed her mouth in defiance. "Now there you go again, bitch. If you don't suck my cock we'll go get Bruno, the school mascot. You know the mascot, right? He's a donkey with an 18 inch cock. We'll get him and let him tear up that little cunt of your." "No! I...I'll suck your cock." Tiny put his cock into her mouth as Dog fucked her cunt. She gagged on his massive shaft and his balls kept smacking her in the face. Jerry continued to film the action. Then Dog groaned and filled her cunt with another massive load of spunk. He climbed off her and Tiny pulled his big prick from her mouth. "He's got a dirty cock, bitch. Clean it off." Obediently, she took Dog's nasty cock in her mouth and sucked it clean. When she finished, Tiny put his own massive member back into her warm wet mouth. Over on the other side of the room, Face was cumming inside Jen's tiny pussy as Wookie was filling her mouth with spunk. There was so much seed shooting into her mouth that it was pouring out the sides of her mouth. Face removed his cock and wiped it off in her hair as Stork took his place behind her. But rather than further violation of her tender pussy, he decided to take her ass. He leaned forward and pushed his tiny thin cock into her puckered brown hole. She screamed as the cock entered her, letting more sperm drip from her parted lips.General came over to Jerry and took the camera from him. "I think it's your turn, my friend. You said you wanted to rape your sister's asshole?" When she heard this, Amy tried to speak, but the cock in her mouth was currently shooting 5 ounces of jizz down her throat so it came out as a gurgle. The guys then untaped her legs and lifted them up so her knees were up at her tits. This lifter her butt-hole so Jerry could get to it with her still on her back. Jerry climbed between her legs and held his 7 inch cock at the entrance to her rectum and said, "You know, you've been such a fucking bitch, I'm really looking forward to this. From now on, when you wipe your ass, know that my cock was buried in it. Remember how I shot my cum in your ass and made your lick my cock clean."With that, he pushed forward and his cock entered into her tight little hole. She was so tight he almost came instantly. Fortunately he was able to hold out and got in 6 or 7 good strokes before filling her bowels with baby batter. Then he pulled out his dirty cock and put it in front of her face. She tried to turn her head but Tiny held her face. He opened her jar and Jerry slid in his cock. She almost puked when she tasted his rancid cock, but knew if she didn't perform as expected she would be in even more trouble. On the other side of the room, Stork was still pumping in Jen's ass. Instead of filling her butt with seed though, he pulled out and rammed it into her cunt to blow his load. The idea that his seed might impregnate the little bitch made his have his best orgasm since he raped that freshman girl 5 months ago at that party. She was drugged and unconscious and 23 guys took turns raping her. It was no surprise when she was seen around campus the this next semester with a growing belly.General was filming the action and then said, "Gentlemen, I decided that since there were two young beauties here to enjoy, it seemed a shame to hog all this pussy to ourselves. I invited over a few more brothers for a little fun." Amy cried at the thought of being abused by even more men. It took an hour for the rest of the college kids to show up. By then, the other fraternity brothers each had a second shot at the girls. 7 more guys showed up with names like Bareback (who had an aversion to condoms), Kit (owner of a crappy black Trans-Am that vaguely resembled the car from Knight Rider), Pinky (less than well-endowed), Token (the fraternity's only black member), Ark (native of Backwater, Arkansas), KP (collector of kiddie porn) and Spunk (who loved to jerk off in girl's drinks at parties).As soon as they arrived they untaped the girls and each guy took a turn fucking the two beauties. By the time all 7 guys dumped a load into one of their holes the girls were sloppy wet with spunk. The guys were resting and there was a lull in the party. Jerry decided to use the moment to have some fun and further advance his growing reputation in the process. "Gentlemen", he said, "while we take a breather, we need to get these whores cleaned up. Look at them." Dog, stroking his semi-hard cock said, "Take them out back and hose them down." Jerry smiled, "No, I have a better idea."Jerry walked over to his sister and squatted next to her. "Amy, it looks like you two are sloppy little cunts. I want you two whores to lick each other clean, especially each others' cunts." Amy glared at him, "No fucking way! You are so dead when Mom and Dad get home." Jerry just smiled and pointed to the video camera that Stork was now holding. "You know, we already have a ton of video of you two sluts drinking spunk and getting fucked in the ass. Now if you don't play nice we'll make sure copies of the tape end up all over your school. In fact, maybe we'll e-mail some of the guys in your address file on your computer and see if any of them want to come over here and fuck you both in the ass. Of course we'll tell them to bring their cameras and their friends." Amy was pissed but said nothing. Next to her, Jen just quietly cried. Jerry continued, "Besides, I know you like the taste of pussy." Amy shot back, "I'm not dyke!" Jerry replied, "Maybe not, but I know how you fuck yourself with that dildo in your drawer and then lick it clean. You love the taste of your pussy. You wish you could lick another girl's cunt. Now here's your chance. Besides, I've seen Jen's diary when she was over here 3 weeks ago. It was in her bag and I read it." Jen perked up and had a look of horror on her face. "You know, there are whole passages in her diary about how she thinks you're hot, Amy. She said she would love to kiss you and lick your cunt. She said she wants to look down and see you between her legs licking her snatch." Jen was red with embarrassment but said nothing. Her silence confirmed Jerry's accusations. Amy was shocked by this realization that her friend wanted to lick her pussy. Finally Amy spoke, "Fine, but I ain't a dyke." Jerry smiled, "Yeah, if you say so, now munch that carpet."The men cheered and hollered as the girls kissed and licked each other. It didn't take long before they were sucking spunk from each other's cunts and ass holes. After 20 minutes the guys were hard again. While the girls were lapping up the cock cream, General was whispering to the men. The girls started to untangle their thin bodies and the men grabbed them.The guys dragged the girls back up onto the bed and put them on the bed next to each other face up. Once again the girls were duct taped into place but they were not gagged. "Hey, what the fuck are you doing now? We're doing what you fucking want!" General said, "Yeah, and we appreciate that, bitch. But now we are going to have some more fun." General duct taped the girls' mouths and continued, " We got one more fun little thing to do. See this web cam on your computer?" Amy and Jen looked as Tiny worked the computer, bringing up a fraternity web site. "This is one of our fraternity's web sites. We have thousands of alumni from chapters across the country watching right now. We're gonna give them a little show." The men all stood around the girls. Tiny attached the camera to the ceiling fan above the girls, filming all the action. The men started to stroke their cocks. Within seconds KP was shooting his thick wad all over Amy's round tits. He was followed by Wookie who shot his 4th load of the night right onto Jen's face. It dripped into her eye and she struggled to shake it from her face. The rest of the 14 men all shot their loads all over both girls, leaving them soaked with seed. Then General said, "Oh, you know, I have to piss and the bathroom is way down the hall. Hey, we have two toilets right here." With that he fired a yellow laser right onto Amy's forehead and hair. Her blonde hair dripped with spunk and piss. The other men followed suit.Finally, the men started to head toward the door. General looked back at the girls and said, "Well, you girls are going to be there all night, so I hope you're comfy. Good night." He closed the door behind him, leaving the light on and the camera running, filming the wet slimy girls crying. The party picked back up down stairs in the living room and continued through the morning. Each guy, before leaving, came back up and stroked off again on the girls. KP and Dog actually returned to the room 4 more times to offer their cock juice to the two sluts. In the morning, General left and only Jerry and the girls remained. He entered the room and woke them up by splattering their faces with a final load of throat yogurt. When he had their attention, he told them he was going to let them up now. "I'll let you both up now, but keep in mind that I own you both. I have video of you both sucking cock, getting fucked in the ass, licking pussy and being showered with piss and spunk. So unless you want those videos getting out, you better do anything I say. When I want you two bitches to suck my cock, you drop to your knees. When I tell you to put on a lesbo show for me or my friends, you start munching carpet. And if I want to bring you two to a party to be a whore for my fraternity brothers, you'll say thank you for the opportunity."Jen had a defeated look on her face that said she would comply. Amy still had a spark of resistance in her eyes. Jerry continued, "Besides, right now you are on the cusp of a great career in modeling and maybe TV or film. I'd hate to see your dream die because you couldn't swallow a few loads of baby batter. I mean, it's not like we tied you up and let the dog rape either of you...yet. Yeah, I bet that video would make us a ton of money." The spark in Amy's eyes was gone. She was crying and her eyes were begging Jerry not to take this to the next level. Jerry pulled the tape from their faces, cracking the cocoon of dried sperm on their faces. "Do we understand each other?" Jen said, "Yes. I'll do whatever you want. Just don't show anyone that video and don't let a dog rape me." Jerry looked at Amy who responded, "Yes. I'll do whatever you want. You...own me." Jerry knew it took a lot for the little bitch to say that. He knew this was going to be a great week."Okay, then get in the shower and clean each other up. I'll watch to make sure you get it all. Then we'll go to my room and I want to fuck you both. Amy, call your mom and ask if you can spend tonight as well." The girls nodded and Jerry just smiled. Jerry loved his life.The End*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 28
Kyra's honeymoon to Africa has taken a horrible turn. After witnessing her husband's death, she narrowly escaped into the jungle. Having survived the raging river, with the last of her strength, she collapsed on the muddy riverbank. Hours later, she woke up to find herself in someone's home and bed. The décor was strange to say the least. Cooking implements were piled against the mud walls. Once on her feet, she gingerly made her way outside. Kyra found herself in a clearing with a magnificent waterfall emptying into a lagoon. It almost seemed magical with the rising mist and the lush green surrounding. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed someone coming towards her.He was a tall dark man about 6'2" and certainly an intimidating fellow. Wearing nothing but a loincloth, beads of sweat glistened off his muscular build. In his hand, he wielded a machete and his eyes transfixed on the beautiful stranger. She kept her eyes on him, genuinely afraid of him. There was no clue to his intentions. As he moved closer, she retreated always keeping a distance."You have nothing to fear. Welcome to my home." He greeted her."You speak English? Who are you?" Kyra asked with a confused expression."I am Kouassi and you are?" replied the African."My name is Kyra.""That is a most unusual name," Kouassi said.He offered some smoke fish and a potato-like vegetable that have been boiled. But she was still apprehensive ignoring her empty stomach."Do you live here alone?""Now I do. My brother once shared my home until a year ago," Kouassi said. "Where is your home?""Well it's pretty far away..." she began before trailing off.Kyra felt uneasy lying on her bed, staring aimlessly above her. Across the fire, Kouassi's attention was on the woman. His eyes locked on her breasts, rising and falling with each breath in the soft amber firelight. He began to reminisce the moment he found her on the riverbank. Now whether it was the gods' doing or fate, Kouassi wasn't sure but he was glad to have brought her home. She was truly a woman of caliber and a perfect bride, although his mother wouldn't approve at all.The next morning Kouassi woke up full of excitement and anxiety. He was to bring some medicine to his mother, who was staying with his sister. Kyra was still asleep and when she shifted, her tank top slid down. The top of her breasts, nestled inside her black lace bra became visible stopping Kouassi in his tracks. He was drawn to it like a moth to the light, but just as reached his hand out, Kyra began to stir. He quickly pulled his hand back and went on his way. As he trekked through the jungle, mind was on his guest back home. Kyra woke up to find she was alone. She picked at the smoked fishes left beside her bed and ate silently. After breakfast, she went down to the lagoon to wash her hands and face. Looking at her reflection, she was appalled. Her blonde hair was a tangled mess and her clothes as well. She smelled like a dirty laundry hamper. It has been several days since she had a shower and she was overdue for one.The pristine water looked so refreshing and inviting. Of course there was the matter of prying eyes but she was in the middle of nowhere. The only prying eyes that worried Kyra were Kouassi's. She had no knowledge when he left or when he would be back. Prompted not only by her odor but also the unforgiving heat.Kyra decided to take a dip in the pool. Throwing caution to the wind, she began to undress. She pulled her mud stained tank top over her head and cast it aside. Next Kyra unclasped her bra and let fall to the ground. Then she unzipped her shorts and panties down her long legs in one smooth motion. Slowly Kyra waded into the pool. The water was cool and a relief from the relentless heat. It was truly relaxing.Meanwhile having dropped off the medicine, Kouassi was heading back home. He was glad to have left because his mother pestered him the whole time. His mother told him of several suitors in his brother-in-law's village. However it matter not, there was only one woman on his mind, Kyra. Upon arriving home, he found the hut empty. Kouassi's fear that Kyra may have run off or something worst happened to her. Then he noticed tracks leading down to the lagoon, so he followed them. Kouassi could make out a pale figure against the dark cliff face.It was a beautiful sight. There was Kyra, fully nude and bathing in waist deep water. Quietly and cautiously, Kouassi got closer and closer. With her back turned, she was completely oblivious to his presence. He could see her firm, rosy butt through the clear water."What do think you're doing?!" Kyra cried as she turned around. She quickly covered herself as much as she could. There was a huge smile on his face, his white teeth flashing and that's when she noticed his crotch.Pushing aside the loincloth was the biggest, black cock she'd ever seen. His python-like member stood erect, acknowledging the naked beauty before him. Kouassi slowly waded into the pool and towards her. Kyra was at a standstill.There was nowhere to hide in her current predicament. She could only wait as he stopped in front of her. Kouassi could see that Kyra was trembling, but he wasn't going to harm her in any way."Do not worry. I won't let any harm come to you." He brushed her hair away from her face.Then he gently grasped her wrist and pulled her arm away. Kyra turned away, embarrass for only one man has seen her naked, her husband. Now she was completely exposed to this stranger, this primal African man. He cupped and squeezed her breasts, and playfully tugged on her hard nipples. She couldn't deny the sensation on her breasts. With one hand on her breasts, his other hand caressed down her flat tummy, past her neatly trimmed bush stopping between her legs. As he started to massage her most sensitive area, a soft moan treacherously escaped her lips.Kouassi began kissing the nape of her neck heightening the experience. Returning the favor, she wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroked it. Kouassi groaned, enjoying the stimulation of his manhood and just when he couldn't hold it, he stopped her.Taking her hand, he led Kyra onto a bed of grass just a few feet from the water's edge. Kouassi got on top of her: he loved the contrast of his dark flesh against her creamy pale flesh. He lowered his head to her breasts, his lips finding her hard nipples and suckled like an infant. Kyra held his head tightly on her breasts.Kouassi slid his python-like shaft against her mound, emanating a burning sensation between her legs. Then gazing deep into her blue eyes, he slowly pushed his dark meat, inch by inch into the gorgeous woman's pussy. Kouassi began thrusting his tool slowly, once finding his rhythm, he increased his pace. As her vaginal walls loosen to accommodate his cock and the two of them lubed up, his tool slid smoothly and effortlessly, building the impending orgasm. With all her inhibitions gone, Kyra moaned softly at first then louder and louder, echoing through the jungle. She was getting fucked like never before and she was enjoying every bit.Kyra wrapped her legs and tighten onto him as an orgasm surged through her. His lips found her soft, luscious lips and in her lustful state gladly accepted his tongue. Their bodies convulsed as another powerful orgasm overtook them. Like a beast, Kouassi groaned loudly as a jet of his black seed splashed her pussy, overfilling her womb and streaming from her slit. After emptying the content of his balls inside Kyra, he pulled his limp dick and collapsed on her."Stay with me, Kyra," he said.Kyra kissed him again. "Yes, I will."In nine months time, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Never before in his life has Kouassi experience such happiness. Under the shade of a tree with her infant son suckling on her breast, Kyra looked on as her new husband sowed their garden. Although she still missed her family back home, Kyra knew this was where she belonged. END
Jim stood waist deep in the water and looked at Eva as she took off the light cover-up she'd worn over her swimsuit. She rolled it up and set it on the sand, then stood and looked out over water. A wave broke around Jim, almost knocking him over, and when he looked back at her, she was standing at the edge of the water grinning at him. As he watched his wife, Jim wondered why he'd never taken her to the beach before. They'd dated for two years before they got married, and they'd been married a year and a half now, but this was the first time.She was beautiful, standing there wearing only three small triangles of cloth. It was late August, and the water was as warm as it ever gets in the Great Lakes. Jim relaxed in the cool water, enjoying the pleasant relief it offered from the 90 degree air inland. The surf broke around him, occasionally lifting him off his feet as he watched his wife slowly wade out to him.Eva yelled briefly as she lost her balance in the surge, then came up grinning. "I've never been where there's surf before," she said. "This is fun.""That's why I brought you here," Jim said, grinning as she shook her wet hair out of her face. "Want to try body surfing?""I don't know, is it safe?""Watch. Get used to the feel of the water while I show you."The surf on the Great Lakes isn't usually high enough for serious body surfing, but you can ride an occasional wave. There was a brisk breeze blowing towards the shore, so the surf was high enough that Jim had fun showing Eva how to do it. Fifteen minutes later, Eva had found her wave and let it wash her onto the fine sand of the beach. She laughed as she sat up and let the next wave wash the sand off her front."You OK?" Jim called, not sure she could hear him over the sound of the surf."Sure," she called as she got up and waded out towards him. "That was fun," she said when she was close enough to talk without yelling. "I've got sand in my bikini, though, ugh.""Take off your suit and clean it out," Jim suggested."What?" she said."Who's to see?" Jim asked, scanning the empty beach. "We're a quarter mile from the nearest people, and you're under water; there's nothing to be modest about..." Jim lost his balance to a wave, and when he came up Eva was laughing at him.He grinned as he saw her bend down to take off her swimsuit's bottom and then wade out into deeper water before taking off the top. As she undid the bow that held it on, she lost her balance to another wave. She came up sputtering and yelling something.Jim couldn't make out what she was yelling until he got closer. "I let go of my swimsuit when that damn wave hit," she said, looking angry.Jim ducked under the water and looked. He couldn't see very well under the water, but the suit ought to have been easy to see. He saw her standing there and occasionally being lifted by a wave, he saw a small fish swimming nearby, staying in one place with its head pointed towards the beach, but he didn't see a swimsuit.As he came up, he realized what the fish told him. "There's a bit of an undertow here, nothing dangerous, but enough to take away a swimsuit.""So what do I do now?""Relax and enjoy it?" Jim said, grinning at her. She didn't return his grin, so he thought about what they had. "You wore a cover-up over your bikini on the way here, you can wear it when we walk back to the car.""But it was almost transparent!"Jim grinned again. "We'll walk back through the dunes to the parking lot; that way, we won't run into any crowds."She looked seriously at him and then at the long line of dunes. The lot was behind the lighthouse that rose over the dunes half a mile away, and most of the people who used the beach were there as well. "OK, I guess that's as good a plan as any. Want to go get my shirt and shake out the sand before I get out of the water?""Why hurry," he said. "We've hardly been in the water 20 minutes, and I like seeing you swimming nude."She looked at him about to say something, but before she could respond, they both lost their balance to a wave. When Jim came up, Eva was laughing. "OK, we'll stay," she said. "These waves are sort of fun."Jim caught the next wave and rode it to the sand, then rolled over and looked back at Eva. She floated neck-deep in the water, and as the next wave approached her, she looked over her shoulder and then dove forward to ride it shoreward. As she dove, her breasts were briefly out of the water, and as she rode the wave, Jim watched her pretty bottom. As the wave washed back off the sand, Jim looked at her naked body as it was briefly exposed on the sand. She grinned at Jim when she noticed his eyes on her, but as the next wave broke over her, she slid back into the water with it. Jim felt his dick slowly relax as she disappeared under the water.He got up and waded back into the surf, following his wife. She was swimming low in the water while he waded, and he almost caught up with her when he was tumbled by a wave. When he came up, she giggled at him. "You liked looking at me, didn't you?""Yes," he said. "You've got a nice body."She stood up as the next wave passed and smiled at him as the water fell to expose first her breasts, and then very briefly her pubic hair. Jim noticed that her nipples were erect, but he wasn't sure if it was the water temperature or sexual excitement. Before he had a chance to find out, they were both tumbled by the next wave.Eva laughed as they came up. "Let's ride a wave together and then head for the car, OK?""OK," Jim said. They stood hand in hand waiting for the right wave, and then dove forward as it approached. The wave lifted them, and they slid down its face as it drove them onto the beach."Do you mind checking to see if anyone's near?" Eva said, propping her- self up on her elbows as the next wave washed around her. Jim got up and looked around, seeing nobody. "OK," he said, and then watched while his wife rolled over on her back to let the next wave wash over her naked breasts. He felt his penis harden as she got up, and as she walked up the beach to him, she smiled at him."That suit's not really made for a hard-on," she said as she drew near. "No, you are pretty, though."She gave him a gentle kiss, and he felt his penis expanding in his swim- suit as she briefly pressed her cool wet breasts against his chest. Her lips were cool at first, but as she kissed him, they grew warm. He was disappointed when she broke the kiss to bend down and pick up her shirt."Come on," she said, walking towards the line of dunes."Aren't you going to put the shirt on?""I was, but then I realized it would just stick to me and make me look like one of those wet T-shirt contest winners. Anyway, now that I'm out here with nothing on, I kind of like it. I've never been skinny-dipping before, but I'd be tempted to do it again.""You acted like it really bothered you at first.""I guess it did, but I guess that's just habit. I remember when I was a kid, the minister at our church once told a story about skinny-dipping.""Your minister?"She laughed. "Yup, he was talking about how we sometimes confuse habits with morality."He fell behind to look at her pretty bottom as she walked across the hot sand, and as he watched her, he thought about making love. By the time they reached the dunes, his swimsuit was still wet, but the hot dry air of late August had dried their skin. The face of the dune was steep and Eva paused to put on her cover-up before trying to climb the steep slope.Jim thought it would be disappointing when she covered herself, but he'd forgotten the nature of her cover-up. She turned to him after she put it on and asked "how's this look?"The cover-up was made as much to show off what was worn under it as to hide anything. It covered her loosely from shoulders to mid-thigh, but when she faced him, her breasts showed clearly against the almost sheer fabric."I like it," he said, kissing her and feeling the texture of the fabric sliding over her fanny under his hands. She returned his kiss and gave him a quick hug before starting to climb the shifting sands of the dune. He liked watching her fanny through her thin cloth as she climbed, but she waited for him when she realized he was behind her."You know," she said as they reached the top of the dune. "If the water were a bit warmer, it might have been fun to make love in the surf."Jim felt his penis tighten again. "I'd like to make love to you now."She squeezed his hand as they wound their way along the dune top towards the distant lighthouse. "Out here, in public?""What public?" he asked.She hugged him as they walked on. "If we had a blanket or even a beach towel, I'd go along with you, but I don't like the idea of digging sand out of myself.""Sorry, I hadn't thought of that," Jim said. They came to a break in the line of dunes and had to scramble down and back up to the ridge, and as they reached the top, Jim had an idea. "Want to try it with you on top?"She stopped walking and looked at him. "Are you serious?""Yes."She walked away from him along the dune top; the way she walked made it obvious that she wanted to think by herself, so Jim let her walk ahead. He admired her as she walked ahead of him, enjoying the play of the sun on and through her cover-up as it rippled in the wind. She walked on the sand between low hummocks of grass and scrub cherry that grew on the top of the dune, then climbed one of the taller hummocks. After a pause to look around, she walked down towards him, smiling as her breasts bounced pleasantly under her cover-up. "Let's do it!" she said as they came together. "Come on!"His penis hardened as he followed her to a nearby hollow in the top of the dune. As they entered the hollow, she slipped off the cover-up and hung it on one of the scrub cherries growing to one side of the hollow. He looked at her as she stood surveying the hollow.Jim slid out of his swimsuit and set it on the scrubby growth next to her cover-up, then gave Eva a kiss. Her erect nipples gently brushed his chest as they kissed, and then she pressed her body tightly against his as they hugged."This is fun," she whispered, pausing briefly. "Come on!" She led him to a grassy tussock, and continued to stand as he sat on it. The grass was hot and it tickled his bottom as he sat on it, but he hardly noticed it. She stood in front of him at arm's length looking down at his erect penis, then knelt in front of him with her hands behind his head.He ran his hands slowly up and down her the soft skin of her waist, and then pulled her towards him to kiss her breast. He kissed the soft skin around her erect nipples, and then began gently sucking. She pulled his head to her breast and stroked his hair as he sucked harder, and as he ran his hands over her fanny, she pressed her hips against his stomach.He could feel the moisture between her legs, and as she rocked her hips, her thigh brushed his erect penis. He held her hips and pushed gently down while he let go of her nipple and began kissing his way up towards her neck. His lips tingled with every kiss, and his penis stiffened in anticipation as she straddled him and began lowering herself over it. She gently brushed the mouth of her vagina against the tip of his penis, then slowly engulfed. He hugged her to him as he felt her sliding down over him, then kissed her under the chin as they began to rock; as the sound of the distant surf swept over them, she fiercely kissed him and then leaned back and let out a shuddering sigh as she climaxed.She smiled calmly up at him as she leaned back with her arms around him, then began to pump herself up and down on his penis. He reached for her breasts, marveling at their beauty before the sensation of her engulfing vagina overwhelmed him. He climaxed convulsively, thrusting his penis into her as she sat down hard in his lap, and then he held her tightly for a long time as he relaxed in the afterglow of his orgasm."That was fun," she said quietly, still holding onto his limp penis with her vagina.He smiled back at her, feeling a bit disappointed as she got up off him and smiled down at his penis as it glistened in the sun. He didn't want to talk yet, but when she handed him his swimsuit, he brushed the sand off his fanny and put it on before he followed her up out of the hollow in the dunes towards the parking lot.They had to scramble down two more breaks in the line of dunes and climb to the next dune top before they finally walked down the irregular back of the dune to the parking lot. They could hear the voices of children playing near the lighthouse as they walked into the half-full lot, but nobody was in sight as Jim and Eva walked over the hot sand to the car.He finally spoke as he sat in the driver's seat. "I hope you don't mind what we did."She smiled at him, then reached over and kissed him. "Nope, that was a 50 dollar bikini, but it was worth it."END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 53
"Reena!" The name sounded so familiar that I whirled around in the supermarket to spot the woman, my heart thudding. But it was only a little girl being called out by her mother, and it brought back five year old memories with a sudden rush. I was a few years out of the university and had just landed a good, well-paying job with a major airline at the international airport. I had to work in shifts, but the job gave me immense satisfaction. One day, after my morning break I was returning back to my place of work and entered the crowded elevator in a hurry. At the next level, a crowd joined me and in that crowd I noticed someone with an incredibly thick auburn braid although with a few white streaks in it. I stretched my neck to get a better view but couldn’t figure out the length. Again at the next level, most of them dispersed, but the owner with "that" braid was still there. Now I had an excellent view of all that mass held together in that thick thick braid reaching almost the ankles. "Wow!" I said to myself and decided to follow her, after all I still had ten minutes to start. At the next level (where I was to get off too), she got off the elevator and I followed her trying not to notice. A couple other women were whispering amongst themselves looking at her hair. I started walking close to them just to overhear. One was saying to the other."She has the best hair I’ve ever seen and certainly the best at the airport," and they giggled. Overtaking them with a dry throat I followed the woman and noted that she entered the met office. The next day, on the pretext of something I went to the met office and saw that she was typing something at her desk and approached her. "Can you please tell me on which website I can find the latest met reports?" "You will have to ask that to the meteorologist... I’m just a secretary," she said. "Where can I find him?" I asked. "Well he’s not in right now. But you can leave your name and number and I’ll have him call you on his return." "It’s not really that urgent. I’ll leave my name and number with you and maybe whenever you get a chance you may ask him and give me a call." "OK. I’ll do that." I muttered my thanks and left her office. I waited for her call until the next day. Just when I was thinking that she had forgotten me, she called and gave me the websites. I decided to make small talk with her and found out all the relevant information about her timings. Her name was Reena and her boss, the meteorologist, was normally in and out of the office for he had to attend a number of meetings. "But if you are really interested in the subject please feel free to come by and browse through the material that we have here." Jumping with joy I decided to make it a regular feature to drop by and ogle at all that awesome hair. A couple days later, after confirming in an indirect manner that her boss wasn’t in I went to her office but found that the door was locked. I knocked a couple times and thinking that she must have gone for her break I turned back when she opened the door. "Sorry. We have started keeping the door locked nowadays because we have to many people coming in to enquire about things that don’t concern us. But please come in." Her hair today was in a massive bun and the pins were really stretching to hold all that hair together. "I had a few questions for your boss and one question for you." "Well, he won’t be back until tomorrow but what did you want to ask me?" "Is that your real hair?" I blurted out unknowingly. "Yes it is" she replied shyly. "How long is it really?" "What makes you think it’s really long?" "Well, to have such a massive bun your hair has to be really long." "Why don’t you take a guess." "And if my guess is right will you allow me see it?" Sizing me up she said "OK. I’ll give you three chances but it has to exactly right." "Up to your calves." "Wrong." "Up to your ankles." "Wrong again, now’s your last chance." "Almost up to the floor." "Well OK. I’ll give you that. Actually it’s exactly one inch from the floor, that’s where I trim it to every month. All in one length." "Oh my God! And it’s so thick too." "Yes it’s extremely thick and almost unmanageable." "Who helps you manage it then?" "I manage it myself." "That’s lot of work I suppose." "Oh, you have no idea how hard it is. But when I get complimented I feel it’s worth all the trouble." "What hairstyle do you prefer?" "I normally wear it in a braid or a tight bun to work." "And at home?" "At home it’s normally a very loose bun or just loose hanging down. Fortunately my hair doesn’t really fall off that much, so letting it free is not a problem. Moreover since it’s so straight it doesn’t really get knotted up." "Wow, that must be a sight to see." She just smiled to that. "So can you show it to me? After all I did guess it’s length correctly." "Are you crazy? Here? No way." "Then when and where?" "You will have to come to my place for that and that’s possible only next week." "Why is that?" "My husband is going on a short tour for a week next Tuesday." "OK, so when do you think I should come?" "I’m going to wash my hair Tuesday night, so it will be dry by Wednesday morning. So how about Wednesday?" "I can hardly wait," I said. "I know, the way you have been looking at my hair from day one." *Next Wednesday I reached her home around noon. She opened and door and I noticed that her hair was in a tight but massive bun. "Are you going somewhere?" I asked. "What makes you think so?" "You said your hair is normally in a very loose bun or just free when you are home." "Oh, I tied it a bun today because I washed it yesterday night. Just to trap the fragrance." "Can I smell it then? Pleeeeeeeeease!" "If you want to." Saying that she led me to the sofa and said, "You smell it while I watch some TV." I sat very close to her and she tilted her head slightly to allow me to smell that fragrant mass. I slowly put my hand around her and started sniffing her bun. "Reena, your hair is so erotic" I whispered into her ear. "Hmmm," she replied. "I can’t wait anymore. I want to see you hair in all it’s glory." She stood up and I followed. Standing very close to her back my right hand closed around her fairly flat stomach and with my right hand I started opening her bun slowly. One by one the never ending dense turns started coming off. Finally all that heavy hair mass tumbled to the floor touching my feet. "Your hair’s still damp," I murmured. "I told you it takes hours for all this hair to dry," she replied. By this time I was rock hard and my tumescence was touching and rubbing against her buttocks. Right at the moment when I thought we were getting into the groove the doorbell rang. She quickly pushed me away and furiously tied her hair back in a bun and rushed to answer the door. A teenaged girl entered and Reena introduced me to her as her daughter. After some small talk and a brief while I took their leave. *Next day I went to her office and found her in a thick braid all the way to her ankles. I asked her why she never told me that her daughter was living there too. To that she replied, "I’m so sorry about yesterday. I know you were really looking forward to it, but unfortunately my daughter came back from her campus." "How long will she be there?" I enquired. "She left this morning. She had forgotten some books at home." "So now I will have to wait for another 4-5 days till you wash your hair again." "Don’t worry about that. I will wash it again Friday night and then you can come Saturday morning." "Why don’t you wash it Friday morning so I can come by in the evening," I said. "In that case I will have to take the day off." "Pleeeeeease," I begged. "OK, I will do that. But I must say, I have never met anyone who’s so crazy about my hair," she smiled. *On Friday evening I reached her place around 7 p.m. and she was back in her bun. "Are you going somewhere?" I asked again. "No, it’s just that I wanted to start where we left that day," she said after we made ourselves comfortable on the sofa. Without waiting for her to say anything further I kissed her on the lips. Her mouth opened and allowed my tongue to explore. We started kissing passionately and she was as eager to explore my mouth. After a while we stood up and I immediately put my hand around her stomach. With the other hand I hurried opened her slightly damp bun and the fragrance of her hair was all over the room. "My! We are in a real hurry today." "Like I told you the other day, your hair is so erotic," I replied. "Yes, I can feel what it’s doing to you," she whispered. "I hope your daughter won’t be coming here today." She laughed to that and led me to the bedroom. "Will you please brush my hair for me?" she asked. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. She then stood on a short stool and I brushed her hair for a while right from the scalp to the very ends. Then she took all that hair over her head covering her face and entire body. I stood in front of her and brushed it all out. With a sudden flip she tossed it behind her back. We looked into each other’s eyes and I took off her glasses. Then I cupped her face in my hands and we kissed for a while tenderly. I slowly slipped my hands behind her neck and lifting her heavy hair with the back of my hands started kissing her on the neck. She moaned and my hands slid onto her full firm breasts. Her nipples started responding to my touch and within moments she was naked in my arms. I noticed she had a full-length mirror and all it reflected was hair from top to bottom. "Your hair looks even more erotic in the mirror" I whispered. "I like to see what we are doing in the mirror," she moaned in my ear. Saying that she started undressing me. When she pulled down my underwear she looked hungrily at my hardness. I gently pushed her head down and she kneeled in front of me. I gathered all her hair and held it in a bunch very high over her head and close to my face inhaling the erotic fragrance of her hair. When I turned to look in the mirror I found she was looking at me directly and smiling. She then cupped her hands around my testicles and raised my shaft carefully. "You are circumcised," she observed. "Is that a problem?" I queried. "Not at all," she said and touched the soft spot right under my knob. "So this is your magic spot," she gently started rubbing a finger against it in small clockwise and counterclockwise motions and I suddenly was on the verge of exploding. "Don’t worry, I will take care not to touch it again unless you are in a hurry," she said. "Of course not, and thanks for letting me off the hook" I replied. She kissed my knob lightly for a while carefully sucking it gently. I gently made her stand up and led her to the loveseat. I sat on it with her on my right lap. Then she took all her hair over her left shoulder and let it fall heavily on my groin, the soft auburn silk engulfing my rock hard tumescence. The feeling was indescribable. My mouth reached her full breasts and my wet tongue started to roll around her taut and ample nipples. She moaned and reached for my shaft. Her fingers closed around my hair-entangled penis and she started caressing it up and down. After a while just when I thought I’d explode she stopped and separated my erection from her hair taking care not to touch it. Then she flipped her massive hair mass to her beck. Reaching the back of her head feeling her thick hair I pulled her face down and we kissed hungrily again. By this time my penis was drooling and sticky wet. Seeing the wetness she once again used her fingers and lubricated my penis. Then she stood up and gathered all her hair from the floor and tied it in a loose and massive bun at the back of her head. "I want to open your bun again," I said. "But this time you will have to use your penis for it," she replied. Saying that she sat in front of me and tilted her bun towards my hungry erection and as if on cue it found the centre of her bun and slid inside. I placed my hands over her shoulders and started moving in a rhythm back and forth in an effort to free that heavy silk. Slowly but surely the heavy mass started opening up and suddenly cascaded to the floor in a giant heap. "Oh my God! That was awesome!" I exclaimed. Again she tied her hair in a bun and asked me to open it, this time with my face. I buried my face in her fragrant bun and started moving it around. The circular motions of my face once again started to undo her hair and again it fell in a heap to the floor. "You know something, I can’t take this any more Reena. You may be experienced in this thing, but for me all this is too exciting and I don’t think I can hold out any longer," I whispered. She gave me the knowing smile and both of us stood up. We stood there facing each other stark naked. Suddenly she took all her hair over her shoulder and firmly tied my tumescence along with my testicles in her hair. I placed my hands on her hips and she pushed my head down to her full breasts. My tongue found her taut nipples and I started sucking her noisily. "Oh yes!" she screamed. After a long time, yes, long time, I let go off her breasts and she turned around. "Let’s go to the bedroom," she said. "But you have tied me in your hair," I replied. "Don’t you like it?" she asked. "Oh I love it." "Then just shut up and follow me." Saying that she started walking towards the bedroom. I rushed after her like an obedient student with my throbbing erection firmly tied in her hair and my hands on her hips, inhaling the erotic fragrance emanating from her big thick hair. "Your hair is so thick and long that even when you have tied my penis, it still almost reaches the floor. If you don’t release me now I will have a hair job right here," I said. "We are almost there. I won’t keep you waiting for long now," she replied. We both climbed on to the bed with my tumescence still entangled in her hair. Then she carefully released me again from her hair and turned around. Bending on her knees with her back to me she offered her buttocks to me and said, "Have you ridden a horse before or seen dogs doing it?" she asked. "Show me," I replied. She tilted her head and I caught her awesome mane in my hands. Then I inserted my penis inside her warmth and we started to move in a rhythm. I started pushing deeper into her and she cried, "Harder, harder, harder!" Then I released her hair and placed my hands on her hips and started taking her "doggy style". We moaned and she started moving back and forth harder and harder for a while until suddenly both of us exploded together. Later, much spent, we both lay together in each other’s arms when I told her that I was hungry. "Well, the dinner’s ready," she said. "I’m hungry for you." "Let’s eat something first." Saying that she got up and I followed her to energize myself for the next round. But I was having some other thought in my mind. I was thinking of giving this lady the moment that she can remember for her whole life. I was thinking of raping her, despite the fact that she has offered herself to me very politely. As she was preparing the dinner I went to the kitchen and gave her massive bun a sharp tug. She screamed on that and a tear rolled down her cheeks. She asked that why I have done that act of brutality, but instead I gave her a very tight slap on her face. She was in total shock and horror. Then without wasting time I dragged her to the bedroom and beat her to hell. I was loving what I was doing. I removed all her clothes and made her stand upside down on her head. I was holding her hair in my right hand and with my left hand I pushed my erection into her hole.She was not expecting me to fuck her in ass. But animals are animals. I kept fucking her ass and pulling her hair very brutally. I thought of giving her more pain. So I came n her face and dragged her in the whole house by pulling her by hair like we do to pets. At this time she was begging for mercy, but I could not control myself.This was the extent of savage behavior. But to my shock, Reena said that she has loved all that because she has always wanted that. This has brought us closer and now we are living together.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 35
Mindy was a teacher and a lesbian at the city high school. Her lesbian lover was also a teacher in the same school and both had kept the secret for over 2 years. During the day, they avoided each other but at night they were furious in bed testing their limits and enjoying a BDSM life-style that they choose. They were both submissive and took turns trading off dominating the other.One summer evening in her class, Mindy noticed that one girl Kerry had her legs wide underneath the desk and wearing no panties. She tried to avoid looking at the young girl pussy before her but her glaze kept coming back to it and the girl did nothing but smile at her. Her words were starting to stammer so she gave the class the rest of the hour to do homework as she tried to concentrate on the papers in front of her. Her glaze kept again glancing up and starting at the mound. As the bell sounded for the her last class of the day, she started to gather her papers and await Jeannie her lover arrival to go home. Her pussy was soaking wet from the view he had to endure throughout the day. As she started to get up, she noticed Mindy still sitting there with her shirt hiked farther back and her finger rubbing her mound. Mindy was dying to get her tongue in their and tried to sound calm when she told her class was over and she could go home.Mindy just sat there. "I don't want to go home. I think I prefer to have you come here and lick my pussy." Mindy smiled and told her. "You and Mrs. Bain are lesbians I found out. I seen you rubbing and slapping her ass several times in the teacher restroom when you thought no one was around. I also know you love to have your fat ass spanked by her and now it's my turn to have some fun. Get undress for me now."Mindy was confused. She totally desired to be the young lady slave but at the same time she had a professional job to maintain. Kerry awoke her from her thoughts with a warning she was going to tell everyone unless she obeyed her commands. Slowly she started removing all her cloths till she was down to her panties and bra."I said everything," said Kerry rubbing her pussy mound more with Mindy standing their licking her lips.Mindy slowly removed her bra exposing her huge mounds and lowered her panties. She was told to get the ornament paddle on the wall and put it in her mouth and then crawl over to Kerry. She wiggled her ass in anticipation as she walked and got the paddle, put the rope end in her mouth, and crawl forward to Kerry desk wondering what was in store.Kerry smiling at her picked up the paddle and demanded she laid belly down on the desk top. As she complied to get in position she felt the paddle tap her ass several times lightly as cum leak out her pussy exposing her to the young student."Such a naughty little slut," said Kerry. "I guess I'll have to punished you for looking at young ladies pussies in class. I think 30 should be enough for a large ass such as yours.""Yes ma'am," said Mindy rubbing her mound on the desktop. "Please don't hit too hard."Kerry leaned back and brought the paddle hard on the teacher upturned ass causing her to yell in pain. That's just a starter she teased and continued laying the paddle on the wide ass in front. By the fifteen hit, Mindy was in tears begging her young mistress for mercy and promising anything she wanted."I could stop at 20 if you promise to be my slave from now on instead of Mrs. Bain." Kerry announced. "I plan to own her ass anyway when she gets here. So what do you say teach? Do you want to be that bitch slave or mine. She slapped her ass hard again with the paddle causing Mindy to ass to jump up and her pussy juice to leak out.""Yours ma'am, no more please." Mindy promised her. "I promise to be a good slave and do whatever you say. Make me your bitch and Jeannie too. No more please."Kerry laid the paddle on the floor and told the teach to get under the desktop and service her pussy. Mindy immediately got up and crawled underneath and started lapping the pussy she had dreamed about all day. She felt the young lady reach orgasm but continued as the door open and Jeannie walked in stunned at the sight before her.Kerry just smiled up at her. "Your lover is now my slave. She's such as little pussy licker. No wonder you like her so much. I told you when you expelled me that day, I would get even and I got a camera hidden in this room recording everything that is going on. Your ass is mine now."Mindy was astonished at the words above but in such a state of arousal she continued her licking."What do you want," said Jeannie."Why your ass of course." Kerry laughed. "You will be a slave like her to me and do anything I want. I'm going to pay you back for everything."Jeannie tried to plea for bargaining but knew it wasn't going to happen. Not only did she have her lover on film but knew their secret. They would be fired and never hired again anywhere. Finally she agreed with Kerry holding Mindy head in her hand guiding it where she wanted."I want you to strip naked now," she said.Jeannie removed all her clothing and stood naked in the center of the room till she was told to get down on her knees. Mindy head was pushed away and Kerry demanded she crawl back to her desk and get under it with ass out till she called for her. She walked over to Jeannie and started rubbing her face cheeks."My pussy has already came enough for now so what should you lick for me slut and it better be the part I want licked." She said rubbing her face cheek.Jeannie looked up with tears forming in her eyes. "Please mistress, may I lick your sweet ass."Kerry turned around and press her ass in Jeannie face rubbing her nose deep within the crack. "Lick my asshole slut and if you don't do a good enough job, I'm going to paddle that fat ass of yours and throw all your clothes out the window so you can go home naked."Jeannie stuck out her tongue and started rimming the brown hole in front of her. She had done it several times in the past with Mindy, but for some reason now it was more exciting. Her pussy was already wet. She knew she was at the young lady mercy and was starting to enjoy it despite her better judgment."Not bad for a slut," said Kerry pushing her ass off Jeannie face. "Now crawl under the desk like Mindy there. I sure you both can squeeze in except for those fat asses of yours."Jeannie crawled forward and squeezed her way in with Mindy underneath the desk. Neither could mover a muscle and was clenched in so tight they were having trouble breathing. Kerry meanwhile had gotten the paddle and returned sitting in the teacher seat and moving it forward so she had a perfect view of the two large asses in front."Time for punishment sluts," she said. "By the way, Mindy I lied. You'll get the ten I didn't do earlier while Jeannie will get 30. Mindy was begging and after the first ten on Jeannie ass, she started also. She continued to give Jeannie two to Mindy one for the rest of the duration as the teachers asses was totally red and begging for mercy below. Neither one of them could move and their asses made perfect targets.Kerry got up temporary and returned with 2 pieces of chalk which she inserted slowly up their assholes."I think I'll take you slut's home with me tonight." She told them. "Mother enjoys a good pussy and ass licking as well as I do. Do you think that is a good idea? Maybe a little more paddling will convince you.""No mistress," yelled both teachers. "We'll be good little slaves. Please take us home with you and let us lick your mother's pussy and ass.""I guess you'll do," said Kerry pushing the chalk into their assholes farther till it disappeared. "Get your dresses on but nothing else."Both teachers were finally dressed except for their bras and panties, which Kerry laughed and threw out the class window.Maybe some boy will find them and smell your nasty ass smell on them; she teased leading them with chalk still in ass out the class to her car. Both teachers said nothing as they drove towards Kerry home and arrived at a two story nice house. Kerry walked behind slapping their asses as they made their way to the door. The chalk in their asses was melting from the heat as if it was a laxative.When they entered, Kerry called for her mother who showed up in her housecoat."These are the teachers I was telling you about mom." She announced. "This one is the one that expelled me and this is her toy. They just love playing with each other and now they belong to me."Kay smiled at the women and told them to strip. They were told to present their tits for her inspection and then to spread their pussies as she slipped a finger inside testing their sizes. As they were told to turn around, she laughed at the sight of their white assholes as the chalk had melted on them."Kerry, why don't you show toy Mindy the playroom and have some fun with her. Meanwhile, I have a score to settle with this one for expelling one of my family members from school." Kay said. "Jeannie was pleading for mercy as Kerry grabbed Mindy by the hand and started leading her upstairs. Jeannie was told to bend over the couch and awake her punishment.Just a fantasy, how was yours?Pallidan
I'm a third year medical student and my wife, Laura, is a doctoral student in counseling psychology with an interest in trauma recovery, particularly rape trauma. We are both 26 years old.Laura and one of her classmates, Marty, have become close friends, although Marty and I have never met - that is, we've never met in the ordinary sense of that word. Let me explain.Marty, also a doctoral student in psychology and 24 years of age, recently disclosed to Laura that she was raped when she was 15 by a boy, Rod, who was 17 at the time and whom she had dated only a couple of times. Their two dates had consisted only of going to movies; the rape occurred in his car after their second date. Rod had driven his car to a secluded area to make out. Marty had never had sex before the rape and has never had sex since - she can't get over the fear of being helpless and vulnerable while alone with men. She remembers that her rapist had an unusually large penis, causing the rape was physically painful as well as emotionally traumatic. Although Marty has received extensive psychological counseling, she is still so fearful of men that she cannot become intimate. At 24, she is worried that she cannot have a fulfilling adult life until she finds a way to recover from the trauma of her rape nine years ago.Marty disclosed her rape experience and her fears to Laura, who is an exceptionally good listener and a wonderfully supportive friend, as well as a specialist in rape trauma. Laura had an idea about a treatment for Marty that involved me. She talked her idea over with me and asked me if I were willing to participate. In reply to my curiosity, Laura explained that Marty is very attractive, petite and trim with a sizable bust and a cute face. I was willing, so she proposed her idea to Marty, who also accepted, although with some trepidation. This story tells what happened.Laura explained to Marty that I am an intelligent, sensitive, caring, and emotionally healthy man... and also extremely well endowed - my erect penis is nearly eleven inches long. Laura's plan involved inviting Marty to our home where I would be already bound, hands and feet tied to the four corners of our king-size bed. A large sheet would be completely covering my body except for a hole where my penis and testicles would be passed through and accessible to Marty and Laura for use during the therapy. The hole had a drawstring so it could be slightly tightened around the base of my penis and under my scrotum, causing my external sex organs to be the only visible part of my body.I would have earphones with music so I could not hear what Laura and Marty would be saying during the session. Also, I was committed to not speaking throughout the treatment so Marty would not feel that she was with a "real human being." In effect, my disembodied genitals would symbolically represent her rapist, and would be used to help Marty work through her fears, feelings of helplessness, and anxiety about being out of control with men in sexual situations.The therapy session was scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm on a Saturday afternoon and last as long as necessary, perhaps into the evening.Marty arrived exactly on time and rang the doorbell. Laura had prepared me on the bed and gave me an appreciative kiss before putting on the earphones and pulling the sheet over my head. Finally, she placed a small towel over my genitals before answering the door. Much of the following report is from Laura, since I was not able to see or hear anything until the session was over many hours later.Laura accompanied Marty into our bedroom. Laura had suggested that they both dress in skimpy negligee to heighten Marty's feeling of being exposed and vulnerable, albeit in a safe situation. (Laura wore negligee simply to be "in sympathy" with Marty to increase her comfort.) Laura explained that although I was her husband, Marty should let go of any feelings about "being with another woman's husband" or other concerns about Laura's jealousy or possessiveness of me. Rather, she helped Marty regard my genitals as simply a physical object that she could experience in any way she wished. Marty understood that I would not speak or otherwise manifest my "humanity" as a known person. The only rule about using my genitals in this therapeutic setting was that Marty must not hurt or injure me. However, she could disregard my sexual needs entirely. Indeed, Marty was not to feel responsible for taking care of me or responding to my needs. In fact, the therapy plan included allowing Marty to frustrate me mercilessly as a way to experience a sense of control and power while being with men.Laura and Marty sat cross-legged across from each other with my mid-section directly between them. After a few minutes' talking to help Marty relax and become oriented to the setting, Laura invited Marty to remove the towel from my genitals whenever she felt ready to do so. As I felt the towel being slowing pulled aside, my already half-erect penis quickly grew to its full eleven-inch dimension as I realized a woman whom I had never met was gazing at my exposed genitals. Now that my genitals were on full display to Marty, Laura said: "Marty, think of these sex organs as the 'Universal Male' - not as belonging to any particular man. They are a part of every man - your rapist who used them to violate and hurt you, your father who spawned you, your future lovers who will use them to give you pleasure, your future spouse who will use them to father your children, and your sons, if you have male children. But before you can have healthy relationships with male people, you have some unfinished business with your rapist. The opportunity you have today is to progress toward completion of that business, to come to terms with his maleness that hurt you, and to differentiate your rapist from other men."Laura continued: "When you were raped, you were vulnerable. No one was there to protect you from Rod, who abused his power and who exploited your trusting vulnerability to satisfy his own selfish needs. But right now you are safe in the presence of the Universal Male. You are the one who has control. The male is securely tied up and not able to move. He can't hear you, or see you, or speak to you - you are anonymous in his presence and free to do whatever you feel comfortable doing, and feel that you should do, to finish your unfinished business. You and I - two women - are the only real people in this room. I hope you can trust me to help you heal your hurt, and to guide you in using these sex organs of the Universal male, which are provided for you simply for that purpose."Marty fully understood what Laura meant in this opening statement, and was immediately able to perceptually frame their setting as Laura proposed. As a check, Laura asked Marty how many people are in the room. "Two," replied Marty.Laura encouraged Marty to discuss her feelings, as she looked at a huge penis - indeed, any penis - for the first time in nine years. Marty replied that she felt a complex mixture of fear, anger, fascination, and some sexual curiosity. Laura invited Marty, whenever she felt ready, to touch and explore the sex organs of the Universal Male. With some hesitation, Marty reached out and lightly touched the skin of my shaft. For several more minutes she lightly touched me as she tentatively explored these foreign and frightening male sex organs. She examined the texture and viscosity of my precum, which was already generously oozing from the tip, spreading it over my pulsing glans. Laura continuously invited Marty to describe her emotions as she explored my genitals, and Marty became more comfortable revealing her deep anxieties, imagery, and feelings to Laura. Over the next half hour or more, Laura invited Marty to become more assertively exploratory with her touch. In time, she wrapped a hand around my shaft and felt my testicles, pushing them around inside my scrotum. She gradually felt more authorized and assertive in making contact with this quintessentially male object - my genitals - the sex organs of the Universal Male.Marty then reported a flashback she was having about the rape experience. Rod had taken his penis out of his pants and tried to get Marty to touch it. She refused. He then forcibly took her hand and put it around his erection, making her move her hand up and down to masturbate him. She became frightened, as Rod got more aroused and aggressive, so she pulled her hand away. That's when he got angry and raped her. Thereafter, male sexual arousal felt dangerous to her.To help Marty understand male sexuality, Laura demonstrated how men masturbate by gripping my cock mid-shaft and pumping several times, causing the skin to ride up over my corona. She then guided Marty's hands to do the same, explaining that only a minute or so of this action in my state of arousal would cause me to ejaculate. Marty became anxious and fearful as she sensed the hardening of my cock and the quickening of my breathing, recalling how this had happened just before Rod raped her. Laura reminded Marty that she could stop masturbating me any time she wanted to, regardless of how aroused I became, and that I was completely restrained and so could not force her to do anything. Marty was gradually beginning to feel that she did indeed have control over the Universal Male, and would never again be his victim.Laura also demonstrated how to handle testicles, including how firmly they can be squeezed before causing significant discomfort or pain. With Laura's expert coaching, Marty was able to grip my testicles in her hand so she had the feeling of "having a man by the balls." The fact that she could, if she chose, give them a crushing squeeze and that "he" (that is, I) could do nothing to prevent it, was an empowering experience for Marty. She experimented with gripping my balls until Laura recognized by my body movements indicated that I was beginning to feel pain, and coached Marty to relax her grip slightly. With both hands gripping my testicles, she was able to voice her feeling of power, "Now I've got you by the balls, big guy. What are you going to do about it? It's my turn to call the shots now. How do you like that?!" She gave them a quick squeeze, causing my body to tense. Laura reported later that Marty smiled with pleasure at her feminine power over the male aggressor.Next, Laura began to help Marty experience the power of controlling the male's orgasm, noting that many women feel that men control sexual experiences by the urgency of their orgasms. This was very meaningful to Marty, since she had felt during the rape that her Rod's overwhelming urgency to climax was what drove him to attack and violate her. During this therapy session, Laura invited Marty to resolve to regain a feeling of power by exercising complete control over my orgasm, allowing me to have no influence whatsoever over its timing.Marty needed help with this since she had never experienced a man's orgasm except on the occasion of the rape. Because of her trauma, she had never fondled a man so she did not recognize the stages of arousal and imminent ejaculation. Laura proceeded to expertly teach her these skills and sensitivities.All the while, I was lying bound and completely helpless, unable to see or hear, entirely covered by a sheet except for my sex organs protruding through the drawstring hole, visualizing my wife with another woman who was a stranger to me manipulating my genitals - an extremely erotic image. Laura and I had refrained from having sex for a few days so that my physical reactions during the session would be intensified for Marty's benefit. I was approaching a state of nearly unbearable sexual tension. But relief was not "near at hand." The session had gone only a couple of hours by this time, and it would be several more hours before I was delivered of my agony. Forcing my legs farther part and my knees to bend so the soles of my feet were facing each other, Laura sat between them to demonstrate how to grasp my testicles in her left hand, pulling them slightly away from my body, while slowly stroking my throbbing erection with her right hand. In this position, she showed Marty how to recognize the visual and tactile signs of approaching ejaculation, such as the involuntary retraction of my testicles, the darkening redness of my glans, the hardening sponginess of my corona, as well as my breathing.After Laura's expert demonstration, Marty assumed the position between my legs. In this "driver's seat," she was invited to arouse, frustrate, and deny my orgasm as long as she wished. Marty quickly became quite skilled at this, bringing me tantalizing close to ejaculating, then removing her hands and watching my pulsating cock bounce in space, frantically seeking more stimulation. Although I was committed to not speaking words, my groans and guttural moans of desperate yet powerless urgency added to Marty's experience of being in control. Although I could not hear Marty's voice, Laura reported later that Marty was able, with Laura's facilitation, to give voice to her anger with expressions such as, "Take that, you bastard!" "How do you like being the one who hurts, asshole!" You think I care about your needs? ... think again, motherfucker!" "Time for you to suffer, jerk!" At times, I could hear Marty's voice over the music in my headphones as she shouted epithets at the man who raped her, represented symbolically by my sexual organs. Over and over, Marty would bring me close to ejaculating, stop, remove her hands, lean back on her back stretched arms in a posture of taunting disregard to watch the display of my sexual frustration, then yell angrily, releasing her pent-up rage that had built up over the past nine years since her rape.Marty again recalled her rape, tearfully saying she wished she could have had this control over Rod. It would have been nice, she said, to be able to explore her sexual curiosity about his genitals without fear that he would attack her when he become aroused. She slapped herself on her knees several times in frustration and anger.Recognizing that Marty needed to cathartically express her aggressive physical energy, Laura showed her how she could slap my huge throbbing cock, knocking it from side to side like a bozo doll, without injuring me or causing great pain. Being able to physically strike at the hated object of her rage was very therapeutic for Marty, and she did so vigorously for a long time. Laura told me later that Marty swung her open hand as hard as she could, slapping my erection while gripping my testicles in her other hand, yelling and cursing, ventilating her rage. When my cock slightly softened, she would pump it again until it was fully engorged and near orgasm, imagining that she was punishing Rod for his selfish insistence on sexual gratification. She felt she was getting revenge against her rapist, evening the score that had been so imbalanced these past nine years. This went on for over an hour as I endured helplessly and mostly silently. Lying with my legs spread wide and knees bent, with this angry man-hating woman sitting between them, I was completely vulnerable to her aggression. I was protected only by Laura's moderating guidance of Marty's anger. I shuttered to think of what Marty, in her rage, might do to my exposed and vulnerable balls if Laura were not there to protect me.Eventually... at about 6 pm, five hours after we began... Marty's anger began to subside, gradually being replaced by more tender and sexual feelings. She told Laura she would like to see semen, for the first time in her life. Semen represented to Marty a more life-affirming and less dangerous aspect of the Universal Male. Laura, wanting to preserve my complete ejaculation for a possible later purpose (I'll explain soon), agreed to show Marty how to bring out just a small drop of semen. She gripped the base of my penis while also forcing my testicles to be extended from my body. She then carefully stroked my shaft until she felt my testicles retract and a thickening of the base of my penis caused by the first surge of semen begin to enter it. My body shuttered with agonizing frustration when she stopped stroking at the exact moment that allowed only a small drop of milky fluid to emerge from the tip. I could barely maintain my commitment to not speak, wanting to shamelessly beg for release. Actually, I did quietly utter "please" through clenched teeth in a deep groan. Laura said that Marty's demeanor seemed to change at that moment, recognizing that there was a real person attached to the penis who was suffering intensely under her control.After pausing about 30 seconds to let my interrupted ejaculation subside, and with her hand still gripping my balls, Laura invited Marty to take the drop of semen between her fingers to compare its consistency and slickness to precum, and to taste it. At first Marty didn't want to taste my semen, but when she saw Laura put it to her tongue she agreed to try. But, as the first drop of semen had already been removed, Laura carefully and firmly gripped my shaft about mid-length between her thumb and forefinger and slowly stripped it toward the top, which brought another small milky drop to the surface. Laura put her lips around my glans and licked it off, then asked Marty if she would like to do that.Seeing the mouth-to-penis contact emotionally touched Marty, saying it resembled a tender and affectionate kiss. So, Laura stripped my penis again, this time from its base, and one more drop of semen emerged, which Marty then took into her mouth by putting her lips around my glans. If she had not paused for several seconds, the sensation of her mouth on my penis would have brought on an uncontrollable eruption of semen. Instead, Marty learned that, notwithstanding their urgent protestations, men could survive even the most intense sexual frustration - even interrupted orgasm at the moment it begins.My erection had barely softened at all, since Laura had so expertly limited the release of semen to only a few drops. I still had a full load of ejaculate waiting to be released. For the next several minutes Laura and Marty were apparently talking to each other, while gently stroking my penis, which brought it back to full engorgement. It actually felt like their stroking was absent-minded, as if their attention was focused on something else. The next thing I knew, one of the women (I didn't know which one at the time) straddled my torso on her hands and knees. I could feel my penis being rubbed against wet, hot labia before being guided to the opening of a vagina. Very slowly, its tip was gently slipped between her labia and pressed against the opening.Since I knew well the feeling of Laura's vagina, and sensing this one was very tight, it was now clear that my penis was at the vestibule of Marty's vagina - an immensely erotic realization, heightened by the fact that I had never seen her nor talked to her. I understood that, for the benefit of her therapeutic experience, I must remain completely still, allowing her to have total control over how quickly and how deeply I entered her.Despite a nearly overwhelming urge to thrust my cock into her, I forced myself to remain motionless, granting her complete control over what was happening. After all, I reminded myself, this was therapy, not an ordinary sexual act.Later I learned that Laura had invited Marty to experiment with putting my erect penis to her genitals, to rub it against her labia, and to let it enter her as far as she was comfortable. Laura had selflessly offered to leave the room to give Marty privacy while she experimented with voluntary sexual intercourse for the first time in her life. But the bond of trust had formed so strongly between the two women that Marty asked Laura to stay to provide additional guidance.I could tell that Marty was fumbling and unfamiliar with how to guide my penis into her vagina, which was complicated by the fact of my size. After a few minutes, I could feel Marty getting off of me and Laura getting on. Laura expertly guided my penis slowly into her vagina, apparently demonstrating for Marty how it is done. She then slowly moved her body up and down a few times, deliciously milking my shaft, before settling down as far as she was able before my penis reached her cervix, showing Marty about four inches of my shaft remained outside her vagina. She also pointed out that I did not attempt to thrust deeper, which could hurt or injure a woman, and reassured Marty that she could safely let my penis fill her up without fear of being hurt.Although Laura and I both wanted to complete my orgasm immediately, she moved off of my body so Marty could remount me. I could feel two sets of hands on my penis as they guided me gently between Marty's outer labia and into her opening. It took several minutes of slow, gentle, and intermittent pressure, completely controlled by her, for my penis to enter her. As a safety measure for Marty, Laura kept her fist tightly around my shaft, first allowing only a couple of inches to enter Marty's vagina at first, then gradually moving her fist down the shaft to allow more length to enter. I "hit bottom" with about five inches of my length still to go (A disadvantage of being eleven inches long is that I have never felt the satisfaction of being inserted "to the hilt" - but I'm not complaining!).As I remained completely motionless, Marty slowly moved up and down, sliding my shaft in and out of her nearly virginal vagina. Once she became comfortable and confident that I would not thrust and hurt her, Laura removed her fist so Marty could be in full control of her first true act of sexual intercourse. She gradually quickened the pace of her movement and I could sense that she was approaching orgasm. Because of the partial ejaculation earlier, my orgasmic response was dulled, which allowed Marty to have a complete orgasm before I ejaculated. Through my earphones I could hear her loud gasps as she climaxed. At the moment she stopped moving I was again on the edge of ejaculating. My temptation was immense to thrust slightly, which would have launched a spasm that I could not have controlled. But, realizing that this was an extremely delicate moment in Marty's therapeutic recovery from rape trauma, I forced myself to remain motionless.When her orgasm was complete, Marty relaxed, lowered her body, laying her chest on mine, with my pulsing erection still inside, still lodged against her cervix. For the first time, I could feel the ampleness of her bare breasts as they pressed against my chest through the thin sheet. I could tell by her body's movements that she was sobbing.The convulsing of her body while sobbing nearly caused me to ejaculate, despite my remaining motionless. She cried loudly for several minutes, gradually beginning to speak to Laura about her feelings of grief mixed with happiness. All the while, I stayed completely quiet so she could have all the time she needed to resolve her emotions and become ready to move away from me. Indeed, it was her tears of release and relief that constituted the main "therapeutic moment" of her experience that day - I swore to not selfishly interfere with her healing.After Marty moved off of me, I was again lying with only my genitals exposed to these two women as they continued talking. After a while, I felt Laura's familiar mouth envelope the head of my penis and begin to caress my glans with her tongue. Then I felt a different mouth, as Marty did the same. They switched back and forth several times, as Laura instructed Marty in the finer points of fellatio. Again I was approaching orgasm, hoping that this time I would finally be allowed to have a complete ejaculation, yet still being unsure what Laura had in mind as the therapist. When I began to spurt, I realized my time had finally come. I tried to control the muscular spasms that wracked my body, but wasn't completely successful - I felt two hands firmly gripping my exploding penis, preventing it from thrusting too deeply into my deliverer's throat.It was Marty's mouth that received my voluminous semen that had been built up over the past seven hours of this unique therapy session. I could feel the tenderness and affection transmitted through her lips and hands as she gave me the full satisfaction I yearned for. She seemed to be telling me how much she appreciated my help. I felt for the first time that she acknowledged that I was a real human being in the room with her, not just a set of sex organs representing the Universal Male.As I lay exhausted, I was barely aware that the two women left the room. In a few minutes, Laura returned, removed the sheet that was over my body, untied me, and removed the headphones. It felt wonderful to be free to move my body again. We smiled and kissed as she lay down beside me.In that interim, Laura had accompanied Marty to the door, and they had hugged in a tearful embrace that perhaps only women can completely understand.I did not actually meet Marty "in person" for nearly a year after that experience. Then, last week, I attended a party held for Laura's graduating class. Laura guided me to a corner of the room and introduced me to a beautiful, petite young woman and her male companion."Honey, I'd like you to meet my friend Marty. And this is her boyfriend, Jerry." We exchanged the usual greetings that accompany such introductions, but with a special twinkle in our eyes.Marty and Jerry looked happy together.END
I was driving home one night long ago and decided to stop in a magazine store that was open late. I was hoping to buy a Penthouse magazine I think. The girlie magazines were in the back of the store and while browsing, I discovered a 'nudist' magazine. Excited by the prospect of full frontal nudity, I picked it up, looked around to make sure no one was watching and flipped through the pages.It was full of women in the normally expected playful poses, but there were also naked men. I'd never really thought about, or even had a good look at another man's cock before. To my surprise I found myself staring at them. I couldn't believe how excited I got looking at them. It was closing time by now and the large and friendly man behind the counter politely asked, "Is there anything you'd like to buy? Because I'm closing the store."I was startled, but still excited. I quickly put the magazine down and left the store.When I got home and went to bed, I was still a little confused about my excitement. It seemed especially naughty looking at those naked men, but I couldn't stop thinking about them. I jerked off thinking about them that night, wondering what it would be like to touch them. I cummed intensely and fell asleep.***The next day I couldn't stop thinking about those pictures. I even found myself wondering what my co-workers looked like naked. I went back to the magazine store that night. I was too embarrassed to buy the magazine, but I couldn't stop staring at those beautiful cocks. Again I went home and dreamed of what I would like to do to them, if only I had the chance. The longer I fantasized the bolder I got. I started out just wanting to look at them, then wanting to touch and stroke them, next I was kneeling in front of them. After a while I realized that what I really wanted was to kiss and lick them, take them into my mouth and suck them. I thought I'd never have the chance to actually do something like that though. This went on for days. I was too timid to buy the magazine, but I was grateful that the man at the counter let me hang out for hours. One night at closing he went into the back room. I knew my time was soon up, and composed myself in preparation for the trip home. Suddenly, the man called to me from the back room, asking me to give him a hand. He'd been so nice to me, letting me hang around that I was glad to help so I hurried into the darkened back room. To my complete shock he was standing there with a huge hard cock and balls sticking out of his trousers. He told me, "I thought you might like to see the real thing."I was paralyzed with shock and terror, but I couldn't take my eyes off it. He told me, "Go ahead and kiss it if you'd like?"I wanted to. My knees were so weak I fell on them in a heartbeat. The big head of his cock was in front of my face and almost as if I was in a trance, I moved my face closer to his dick and took it into my mouth. I didn't waste any time with teasing or anything like that. I just started bobbing my head up and down on the clerk's dick. I took it all the way down my throat with every stroke until his heavy balls rested on my chin. I could feel his dick getting harder, longer and thicker in my mouth. The harder it got, and the more I wanted to suck it. It felt wonderful and completely natural. I could also taste his pre-cum as it started to leak out of his pee-hole. His pre-cum tasted a little like my own cum tasted, but it wasn't as thick. "Oh yeah, that's good boy, keep sucking my cock," the old guy crooned. I did as the guy told me and kept bobbing my head up and down on his now fully hard cock. As I moved my mouth over his cock I used my tongue to massage the bottom of it. The guy started moaning softly now, and before I realized what was happening I felt his hand wrap around the back of my head and pull my face tight to his stomach. I could feel he was going to cum but I couldn't stop. His cock surged in my mouth, filling it with cum, and I just kept sucking, gulped every drop of it down. He shot at least 4-bursts of cum in my mouth and down my throat before I felt him ease up on the back of my head and give me a chance to breathe. "Ugh, that was good boy. Now clean me up real nice," the old guy said. His hand was still on the back of my head, but there was no pressure to it. It was more like he was just resting it there or something. I pulled my mouth off his cock a little, and then I sucked off all my saliva and his cum until his cock fell out of my mouth with a soft plopping sound. Then I took his cock back into my mouth and used my tongue to get any of his cum that might have gotten caught in the ridge at the head of his cock. When I was sure that it was thoroughly clean, I flicked my tongue over his pee-hole and tasted a little cum there, so I sucked on the head of his cock like it was a straw and made sure I got every last drop of his cum. I was operating in pure lust mode. It didn't really even occur to me that I was sucking on another guys cock and eating his cum. But regardless I was really turned on.He stepped back, put his dick back in his trousers and zipped up. It all happened so fast that I hardly got to see it. He told me he enjoyed what I did and that I should come back if I wanted to it again. He helped me to my feet and led me out of the store. I was so dazed and excited my hands were trembling as I tried to start my car. It all happened so fast it seemed like a dream, but that unmistakable taste of cum in my mouth told me otherwise. One thing I knew for sure; I couldn't wait to do it again.I couldn't get anything done at work the next day. All I could do was think about what I had done last night and how wonderful and natural it felt. I felt proud that I could take that big cock all the way into my mouth, but the best thing was making it cum. I wanted to suck that cock again and I wanted to be good at it too. His cum had seemed like a reward and proof of a job well done. I loved the idea of swallowing it too, having a part of it inside me. I wanted to discover everything that beautiful cock likes, to serve it and show my adoration for it. If only the time would pass more quickly. ***The following night I went back to the bookstore about 10-minutes before closing. The man seemed glad to see me and winked at me. It made me feel much more comfortable, but it seemed like forever until the last customer left and he locked the door. I followed his instruction as he led me to the back room. He told me that he knew I would come back for more, but he was surprised to see me so soon. He unfastened his trousers and slipped them off. I was almost uncontrollably excited at the sight of his half hard cock. Things were going a little slower tonight so I was able to actually look it. He was about 8 ½-inches long, and pretty thick. He seemed huge compared to my 7-inch staff. Knowing what was going to happen made it even better than the first time. He sat down on an old overstuffed chair and told me to kneel between his legs and follow his instructions, explaining that he wanted to help me reach my full potential as a cocksucker. I immediately obeyed, relieved that I no longer had to stand on my shaking legs. I thought for a moment about being called a cocksucker and decided that I liked it. As soon as I was on my knees I leaned forward to take his cock into my mouth, but he stopped me. He told me to just look at it while and to tell him about the time I spent looking at cocks in the magazines. It seemed impossible; having a big beautiful cock in front of my face was too terrible a tease, but I swallowed hard and started my confession.It was difficult at first, but after a little while I told him about seeing the pictures of naked men and how it aroused a desire that I didn't even know I possessed. I told him about the secret desires I been having. I told him how beautiful I thought all those cocks were and how I longed to have them in front of my face like his was. I told him how I wanted to kiss and lick all of them, how they made my mouth water and my throat ache to be filled with them. He told me I that I had done very well, and from the look of his cock, it was just as exciting for him too. He told me he was ready to have his cock and balls licked and kissed, which I was dying to do. I started by wrapping my tongue around the bottom of his ball sack and licking up the sides, occasionally feeling the thick heavy shaft of his cock brush against my face. I couldn't help but think of the sweet load of cum they held for me. I moved on to his shaft, starting at the base and covering every inch of it with little licks and kisses. I stopped from time to time to tell him how I had dreamed of doing this and how much I adored his cock. It looked especially beautiful, glistening with saliva in the dim light.He told me to suck it now, but to do it nice and slowly. I took it into my mouth gently, feeling the magnificent head of it slide over my tongue and fill my aching throat. It felt both weird and incredibly exciting to be on my knees with a rapidly stiffening cock in my mouth. I kept licking and sucking and bobbing my mouth around on his cockhead and the sensitive area all around the rim, and getting totally turned on by giving such pleasure to this man. He groaned as I rapidly flicked my tongue, his cock rock hard by now. He grabbed my head with both hands and started pushing his shaft inside my mouth and said, "Deep throat me. Take all my cock down your throat." I was so turned on, I was ready to do anything he asked, so shoved my face forward and pushed his big cock all the way down my throat. It hurt a bit when his cockhead hit the back of my throat, but it felt so sexy and exciting to have my mouth and throat stuffed full of his huge cock and to have his hands pushing on my bobbing head as he thrust his cock again and again into my mouth.Groaning and moaning he said, "What a good little cocksucker you are. Take it deep, take all my dick inside your dirty little mouth." In a couple of more long slow strokes I felt his thick sweet cum surge into my mouth and down my throat. It was so perfect. All I could do was hold it all the way in my mouth as I rested my head on his thigh. I wanted this to last forever.After a while he took his still hard cock out of my mouth and started stroking it. He told me I did such a good job sucking him that he wanted to jerk off into my mouth while I stroked my own cock. I promptly obeyed, getting out my own cock and playing with it while I obediently held my mouth open for him. The taste of cum in my mouth, the feeling of the head of his cock brushing over my lips, and wanting to show him how much I wanted to feel him cum again were all very exciting. I tried to take as much of the head of his cock into my mouth as I could as he stroked it. I took his balls in my hand as I stroked myself and soon I felt that wonderful warm gush over my lips and tongue. I licked all the cum from his fingers as I cummed myself.After that I visited the bookstore several times a week, but every time was new and different experience. Sometimes I would just get on my knees in front of him and he would fuck my mouth frantically until he shot his load in my mouth. Sometimes he would tease me and make me beg to lick or suck his cock. My favorite though, was sitting with his cock in front of my face for about an hour, while I admired it between kisses, licks, and strokes. Of course the real satisfaction was always taking his load in my mouth.***One day I was even more cock-hungry than usual, and when I followed the guy to the back room he said he had an extra special surprise for me. I was so excited at just the thought of having a cock in my mouth again that I didn't pay much attention. When I turned the corner into the back room I was shocked to find two big construction worker type guys standing there. I was kind of scared at first, but the bookstore man reassured me that they were his friends and just wanted to see the cocksucker he'd been bragging about. As I stood there paralyzed, my fear suddenly turned to embarrassment. When I thought of what he might have told them about me, I felt my face redden as I started to blush. He reassured me that everything was all right and said he had something he knew would relax me. With that he unfastened his belt and unzipped his trousers. As soon as he pulled out his semi-hard cock I felt that uncontrollable suck urge come over me. I seemed to forget about everything else and just fell to my knees and took it into my mouth.It felt so good now that I had a dick in my mouth, and he was right, it did relax me. I started to suck in a long slow rhythm, enjoying that feeling of his growing hardness, delighted that he enjoyed my efforts to make my mouth soft and wet for his beautiful cock. I wasn't nervous or embarrassed at all anymore, and that hunger to suck was all gone. I felt like being there on my knees sucking that big stiff cock was completely natural to me. I didn't have to work hard at it, or even think at all. All I had to do was surrender myself to pleasing the cock in my mouth, letting it somehow tell my lips and tongue what to do. It slid all the way down my throat without the slightest effort, and it felt good to hug the base of it with my lips when his balls rested on my chin.By now I was completely unaware of anything else in the world, contently bobbing my head up and down on the bookstore man's cock. Letting it glide between my lips and closing them around it as I took it deep into my mouth and finally into my throat. He put a hand behind my head, and began to fuck my mouth in earnest. I could feel his balls begin to tighten and knew it wouldn't be long before he spurted his cum into my mouth. "Oh fuck! I'm gonna to cum in your mouth! Oh fuck! It feels so good!" he grunted.It was getting real hard now and I was getting ready to swallow some cum when I became vaguely aware of some shuffling around. Suddenly I heard the unmistakable sound of a belt buckle and zipper. I opened my eyes and there was a cock on either side of the bookstore man, both pointing right at my face. This was a dream come true. The cock on the left was incredibly thick, with an enormous head and big balls, and the one on the right was long and thin, with its head just peeking out of its foreskin. I reached up and took one in each hand just as the bookstore man let out a low groan. Then within seconds his throbbing manhood started spewing hot sticky cum in my mouth. I gulped down his load and kept swallowing his hot sweet cock juice down as it erupted from his cock deep in my mouth and down my throat as I stroked a hard cock in each hand. The bookstore man quickly stepped aside, and before I could even swallow the thick cock was in my mouth. I really had to stretch my jaw to get it into my mouth, and I could feel the huge head push the rest of the load down my throat. He put his hand on the back of my head as I sucked, telling me what a good cocksucker I was. It was amazing how different his cock felt from the bookstore man's, but it felt great. Even though I never sucked this cock before I felt like I knew just what to do, and the growing hardness told me I was doing it right. I reveled in the power I had to make this cock explode. I wanted it, and I craved it. I reached up and cupped his balls in my hand. They more than filled my hand and a second later I felt first blast of cum hit my tongue and I liked the salty flavor.As the second blast of cum filled my mouth I gagged as I tried to swallow it all. I swirled it around inside my mouth, enjoying the bittersweet taste and texture of it for a moment. And then he pushed it down my throat with the big head of his dick. I was trembling with excitement when the next cock was put in front of my face. I put my hands on his hips to steady myself and started to lick his balls. I wanted to lick them longer but the shaft of his cock kept brushing across my face, making me want to suck it really bad. I did manage to stop long enough to look at his cock for a moment though. The foreskin draped over the head of his cock was adorable. I opened wide and took the whole thing into my mouth in a single motion. The extra soft foreskin was a wonderful contrast to the hardness of his shaft, and I delighted in playing with it with my tongue as it slid in and out of my mouth. I thought about how wonderful each cock felt in its own special way, how they had their own personality and needs. I loved the thought of sucking many more, and learning how to please them.His cock twitched as I sucked... his hands on the back of my head clenched as I devoured him. Right now the cock in my mouth was getting ready to give me its' load, and I was just as hungry as the first time I ever took one in my mouth. He let out a soft moan as his cock jerked in my mouth. Hot, sweet cum shot from him and into the back of my throat. I took everything he had, swallowing him whole. After the third squirt I gulped down I thought he was finished, but to my delight he just kept cumming for about five or six more shots. I wished it would go on forever. Once I'd emptied his balls, I sank to the floor enjoying the moment. Afterwards he helped me to my feet and we all said "Thanks!" at the same time, then we laughed about it. The bookstore man spoke first, saying that we would all definitely do this again. He motioned for me to stay while he let the other men out of the store.When he returned he had his semi-hard cock in his hand and suggested that I suck him off again while I play with my own cock. I was still very excited and slipped out of my jeans as I took my usual place between his legs. I intended to take my time with this and began to lick his balls tenderly as I lightly stroked our cocks. He told me he got excited watching me suck those two cocks, and that he'd never seen anyone with as much natural talent for pleasing a cock as I had. It made me feel good to hear this and I told him I would gladly suck as many as he wanted me to and that I was grateful for the opportunities he gave me to be a good cocksucker.I could tell this talk was getting him hot and he started stroking himself with just the tip of his dick brushing against my lips. I continued talking, telling him how much I loved serving those men and how good their cum tasted. Just then he shot on my lips and tongue, triggering my own shuddering orgasm. I licked up all of the cum and kissed his cock for a while afterwards.We got up, dressed and headed for the door. On the way out he told me he was off tomorrow and he wanted to take me to a different kind of bookstore. He said there would be lots of cocks there that needed to be taken care of.I couldn't wait until tomorrow...The end
Author's Note: For those who know who she is, Constance Marie played Angie on The George Lopez Show. I read she now stars in Switch At Birth on ABC Family.I labeled this "Making Babies" fantasy only because I'm taking full creative liberty with Constance's childhood. Like alternate reality stuff. When I first Googled her I didn't find any background on her before age nineteen. At the same time, a story idea came to mind and that's what I decided to run with.I wanted to find out who her mother was for this story and so I tried Google once more. When I just went back a few minutes ago I did find information about her mother that wouldn't fit this story so I'm totally rewriting Constance's past. ;-) Let's see how I do... G***[Los Angeles, Fall 1978]I love Mexican pussy. Always have. There's nothing like sinking my cock into a hot, wet Mexican woman...It doesn't matter if she's single, married or lesbian, I'll fuck them all. And I have no problem bagging married and lesbian Mexicans. I have this natural charm and charisma, the ladies can't get but want me.Especially the older Mexican women. They love the attention of a young guy like me.I recently was sent out to Los Angeles by the company I work for to help out at that location. I had planned to stay at a motel but I saw this amazing Chica and we ended up fucking in my back seat.Damn she was hot! Long, black hair down to her full, wide, round ass, dark brown eyes, huge titties on top of an hourglass figure, an unshaven cunt with a small line of her running from her pubes to her navel. Classic!After while we shared some weed and cuddled, we got to talking. She asked about me and I told her I was in town on business. When I asked her if she could recommend a good motel she offered to let me stay with her family, saying her husband was away for work himself and wouldn't be back for weeks.I thanked her and tried to beg off, but she was insistent. And she promised me all the cunt I wanted. So I told her at least let me pay which is what I'd have to do if I stayed at a motel."Gracias! We could use the money," she said.Back at her house, I met her family. Most of her children were boys, ranging from three years of age to eleven, she had five sons. They were too busy running amuck to pay me any mind.She led me up to the second floor - closing a door at the bottom of the stairs - which was much quieter. The house had great insulation, if you know what I mean. She told me all the boys had bedrooms downstairs and weren't allowed upstairs, so no one would suspect we were fucking. The second floor hallway was long and narrow, thickly carpeted. Four doors ran along one wall, no doors along the other. There was window at the end of the hallway and several lamps along it across from each door. She flipped on a switch at the beginning of the hallway, which turned on all the lamps, saying there was another at the other end.She knocked on the first door and opened it."This is my daughter," she said. "She likes to be called Connie."A girl was sitting on the end of the bed doing homework. Her long, black hair was in a braided ponytail. When she looked up I could see she wore glasses, dark eyes like her mother's behind them.She had on a white blouse - I assumed part of a school uniform, a plaid skirt lay over the back of a chair near the bed - and jeans.When she smiled I saw she had braced."Hi," I said, enamored by the girl."This is Jim. He's going to stay with us for a few days while he's in town.""Hi," Connie said, giving me a shy wave.Her mother closed the door."She's such a good niná," She said. "Always studying and helping me with her little brothers."We passed the next door, which was the bathroom. The third door she opened."This was my son's room," she said. "He went away to College, graduated and got his own place now. You can use this room. When you're not using me." She winked.She opened the closet door. "This was his closet. We opened the wall on the other side where my husband and my bedroom is so I'd have more closet place. You can slip through here anytime and we can fuck in my bedroom where Connie won't hear us..."She turned to leave. "I'm going to put the boys to bed and I'll see you later," She winked, leaving the room.And I did see her later. We spent half the night in her room fucking wildly. She couldn't get enough, and neither can I ever.But I kept thinking about Connie the whole time I was pounding into her mother's hairy cunt and jizzing into it. I'd never fucked anyone younger than me before.And I wanted Connie bad...The next morning I was up early to take a shower for work. When I got downstairs Connie's mother was dressed too. She had to go to work herself after the bus picked up her boys. She said she took work where she could get it.Connie was cooking breakfast. Now that she was standing, she looked to be more than a foot shorter than my near 6'5".She had her skirt on now, which showed a lot of coltish thigh."Good morning," I said, so only she'd hear me. "You look very nice.""Thank you," she smiled shyly, blushing. "And good morning."Soon the boys were off to school and their mother gone too. She'd given me a key to the house just in case.Connie washed the dishes and said she had to leave for school too, grabbing her backpack."Does your bus pick you up in front of the house too or somewhere else?" I asked nosily."I have to walk," Connie said as we stood on the porch and she locked the house."Let me give you a ride," I offered."You'll spoil me," she smiled. "But okay. Thanks.""De Nada."On the way we talked some. She told me about school, her favorite music, and how she loved to dance."I want to be a famous dancer someday," Connie admitted, blushing."I'm sure you can do anything you put your heart to, Connie," I assured her. "And it doesn't hurt that you're gorgeous and sure to be a knockout when you're older."Connie just smiled, blushing darker.I dropped her off at school and headed to work. It turned out I actually didn't have to do much, mostly look over how things were being run, go though some figures and reports. I actually got through a lot of stuff early, and decided to surprise Connie and pick her up from school."You ARE spoiling me," she smiled. But I could tell she liked to be around me.So for the rest of the week I basically fucked the girl's mom at night if she wasn't working and happily shuttled her to and from school, getting to know her better.I found out her father was always gone, weeks or months at a time.Connie hardly saw him, hardly knew him, so they weren't close. Maybe that was why she liked me being around.Friday came and when I brought Connie home from school the phone rang. It was her mother. Connie said she wanted to talk to me.Her mother told me she was on her way out of town. She got some good work through to Monday and asked me if I'd drop her sons at their grandmother's house. She had made plans previously to take them for the weekend."I'm going to miss your big, hard cock," she said breathily."I'm sure you will," I teased. I had to be careful what I said, with Connie standing right there. "Anything you need to tell Connie? She's right here.""No. Just tell her she can stay with her grandmother too if she wants.""I'll tell her. See you Monday. Bye.""What did mom say?" Connie asked.I told her."If you don't mind, I'd rather stay here," she said."I don't. I'd enjoy your company," I said.She blushed.She went upstairs to change. I followed a minute late.Stopping outside of her door, I knelt and peeked through the keyhole.Connie was sitting on the edge of her bed, rolling off her white knee high stockings. Then she stood and unbuttoned her blouse, slipping it off. Connie had a t-shirt on under it. I could see her decent-sized breasts punching out against it.Soon the t-shirt was off too. Her belly was flat and sexy as Hell. Reaching back, she unclasped her bra and shrugged it off.Shit! I was rubbing my cock through my pants as I checked out those tits. She looked to be a large B, maybe a C-cup. Her areolaes were dark brown and at least medium in size, oval in shape.Connie reached back again and unbuttoned her plaid skirt, slipping it off. Her white panties clung snuggly to her mound, her dark pubes shadowed underneath.But soon those were slipped off as well, and her thick patch of black pubes were before me. My cock was rock hard now.Grabbing a pair of jeans, she pulled them on before I could see her ass. Oh, well, there was time.Rising, I headed back downstairs before Connie did, willing my hard on to go down.When the boys got home I packed them in the car and drove them over to their grandmother's. I asked Connie if she wanted to squeeze in, but she said she'd get to making dinner.I dropped the boys off and returned to the house. It smelled delicious. I've always loved Mexican cooking as well.I snuck up behind Connie in the kitchen and slipped my arms around her waist."Smells amazing," I said."Thanks," She smiled, leaning back against me. Her hair smelled amazing.My cock started to get hard and press into the girl. She gasped and moved forward. I took my arms off of her and moved away.When she finished cooking Connie turned and her eyes zeroed in on my bulging crotch. She looked away, blushing.I sat down at the table to hide my hard on as Connie ladled the contents of the different pans into the bowls she'd laid out on the table.Soon she joined me and we filled out plates with food."Delicious," I smiled as I took my first taste.Connie just smiled, her dark brown nipples visibly stiffening, her breasts braless under her blouse.We talked little during dinner. After I insisted on helping Connie wash the dishes and pans."Thanks," she said shyly.Connie would wash and I'd dry.I accidentally touched her hand once taking a plate. Connie stiffened. My cock re-stiffened. We pretended nothing happened.After she said she was going to take a shower. I waited a minute after she left the kitchen and then rushed upstairs.I waited at the top of the staircase and waited for the black-haired girl to leave her bedroom in just her robe and enter the bathroom.I rushed up to the door and knelt at the keyhole. Connie was reaching into the shower and turning on the water. Then she unsashed the robe and let it drop.I was finally seeing the young teen's ass. It was nearly identical to her mother's, definitely out of proportion with the rest of her young body but in a very good way.I watched Connie carefully step into the shower, now out of my view. I removed my cock from my pants and began to masturbate, picturing Connie naked, soaping up her firm, smooth body, and that womanly ass...I took my time, but wanted to jizz before she came out. Finally I reached the point of no return and whipped out my handkerchief. Balling it up, I grunted and began to spew into it eight or nine times.Of course my cock stayed hard after as it always does.Rising, I went to my bedroom and left the soiled handkerchief. Then I went back to the top of the stairs and waited once more.Soon after the shower stopped. And less than two minutes later Connie emerged in her robe and went into her bedroom.I hurried over to the door and bent over this time to peek through her keyhole. As soon as she dropped her robe I straightened up and opened her door. Connie gasped, covering her breasts and bush. She didn't notice my exposed cock."I've already seen you naked," I said."Twice. Once when you came upstairs to change before your brothers came home, then when you doffed your robe in the bathroom before your shower. So there's no need to cover up."The girl blushed bright red. Then she saw my exposed cock and gasped.I closed the door behind me. I moved towards Connie and slid my arms around her naked body, pulling her to me. I kissed her.She groaned, kissing me back as her arms wrapped around me. My cock throbbed against her belly. Connie started to grind her belly against my cock. She was ready.Picking her up, I carried her to the bed. Climbing up on it, I lay Connie down, spread her legs and mounted her.I started rubbing my cock along her hairy haven. Connie closed her eyes and groaned. She was wet but soon grew wetter. Her cunt leaked all over my cock.Once it was covered in her juices, I grabbed it and rubbed the head between her lips until it found the opening and slid forward.Connie gasped, her body writhing.I eased my cock forward, until it butted her cherry.Pulling back, I said, "Get ready."Connie grabbed my arms, bracing herself.I slammed my cock through her cherry. The girl screamed and thrashed under me. I kept pounding her cunt hard. Soon her body relaxed and she stopped screaming.Connie began moan. Her body began to writhe. Her moans became groans and she began to thrash again.It wasn't long before her first orgasm hit her. Connie screamed again. Her cunt spasmed, clamping around my cock tightly.As her orgasm passed, her body relaxed and I was able to sink my cock into her deeper. I kept ramming away at the girl as she groaned and convulsed under me, and soon she was having her second orgasm.I lasted a good forty minutes, Making Connie orgasm dozens of times. Finally I grunted and jizz into her cunt deeply. I pumped about ten bolts of jizz inside the hot girl.Spent, I slid my messy cock out of her as it softened a little. A looked down at Connie.We were both sweaty and out of breath, but Connie looked so damned beautiful as I hovered over her.She smiled up at me."Do you regret it?" I asked.Connie shook her head."Are you glad it was me?""Mmmm, yes!" she squealed softly, "I'm so glad it was you! It was amazing!""Good, because we're going to do it all weekend," I informed her.Connie nodded excitedly."And I'm going to teach you other things as well," I added, "like how to suck my cock." I slid up her body until my dripping cock was inches from her open mouth... THE END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Celebrity Parody Archive
"Okay now Jon, we need to make a really good film today. I want your full enthusiasm and co-operation. We've allowed you to rest for three days, so you should be in perfect physical condition. I want no complaining or resisting. Our clients have been clamoring for a new "Jon Film." You're not getting any younger you know, and any day now the fresh blush of boyhood will fade from you, and your sweet smooth young body will turn to a more muscular, harder teenage form. "We need to capture that boyish charm and beauty before it disappears. If it seems sometimes like I am pushing you, please understand that we need to make the most of your age and looks. We need to make as much money off of you as we can before you grow older in looks. I know you get tired and worn our and sore. Believe me, our doctors are making careful note of everything we do, and they assure me, you are good to go!"Now, let's see how you look in your schoolboy uniform. I think I explained to you that in today's film, you are an average boy of twelve or thirteen coming home after school. That's why we have created this perfect kitchen set with everything a real kitchen would have. I am really quite proud of our set designer, Woody, and you might want to thank him later for his fine work by sucking his cock for him. Ok? We had this uniform specially made for you. "Oh my yes, those shorts are going to give our viewers lots of hard dicks. Oh, really Jon, how can you say you are ashamed to wear them, when thousands of men have seen you absolutely naked taking juicy dick after dick up your sweet little teenage ass? It's kind of silly to be humiliated buy a pair of small shorts, right? I know they are cut a bit higher than real school boy shorts. That way, more of your slender, smooth, hairless boy legs show. What beautiful legs you have, Jon."And I can't tell you how magnificent your little round ass looks in the thin material of the shorts. Positively angelic. I think you'll have to thank our costumer Felix with a good long cock suck for his fine work as well, ok? I want you to know, Jon, that our entire staff thinks you are the very best cocksucker of all of our boys. "True, a few of them prefer to be sucked off by younger boys, something about the softness of the mouth and the way the mouth has to stretch to accommodate the large dripping fuckers, but for sheer cocksucking excellence, you are the very best. Some of the older actors could learn some lessons from you, believe me. I mean, just because Kevin is fifteen, that does not automatically make him a champion dick sucker."He doesn't deep throat nearly as well as you do. And because you are small and slender, it is lovely how when a big dick is down your throat, it actually shows bulging in your neck. Just think of the community service you are performing, Jon. Thousands of lonely men with selective sexual tastes get to masturbate to your films. It's kind of like they are growing up with you, sharing your most intimate moments."Turn around Jon, and give our camera man Pete a really good look at your ass in those shorts. OH my, Pete has got a raging hard-on already. Don't forget to thank him with a nice blow job after filming is finished. The rest of the school uniform is really cute at well. I love the thin white shirt... your nipples show through the material so nicely. And the school tie is cute. "What Jon, are you crying already? Now, cut that out. We need you fresh-faced and happy at the start of the film. You have to be a happy, normal, boy just into his teens. And, look, Pete, how cute his dickie lump looks in those shorts."Okay, are we ready to shoot? Quiet on the Set, please! Is Axel ready? Good. Jon, when I say 'Action' you come through the kitchen door with your books, like you just got off the school bus. Stop sniffling Jon, time is money, and I expect an award winning performance from you today. I know you don't know what to do... I will direct you. We will loop in sound later, so just follow my direction. Okay? Lights! Camera ready? Action! "Okay It's a nice sunny day. The sun is pouring through the window of this beautiful middle class kitchen. Pan to the photos of Jon on the refrigerator door. Okay swing back to the outside door as Jon enters the kitchen. NO CRYING JON, DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME? Okay, Jon, throw your books onto the kitchen table. It is a typical day, after school. Check your phone Jon for texts. Set your phone on the table. "Holy Fuck you look cute. Kick off your shoes. Go over to the counter and grab a doughnut and eat it. Close up on the bitch eating the doughnut. Smile at how good it tastes, Jon. Open your mouth, so we can see the mushy chewed up doughnut in your mouth. Yeah, that's hot. Now while you are eating the doughnut, reach down and peel off your socks. Get a good close-up of those sexy feet with those cute little toes. Wiggle your toes, Jon. "Okay Jon, what's the first thing a normal healthy boy wants to do after school, get out of his school uniform. So, loosen your tie. I want you to take your shirt off, but leave the neck tie on...that's sexy. Slowly unbutton your shirt, Jon. Tease those meat beaters in the audience. You can believe me, they will have their dicks in their hands already. "Great, now slowly open up and peel off the shirt. Camera get a great close-up of those boy nipples as they are first exposed! Holy Shit look at the titties on that kid. It gets me every time. My dick is leaking like crazy! "Show the camera your titties, Jon. Stick your chest out like a cheap whore. Look at those little pink discs. Every pervert watching this will want to pinch and suck and bite and twist those nipples. Jon, your nipples itch for some reason, so I want you to take your fingers and lightly scratch your tits to get them erect! Look at the camera and smile, Jon. Now play with your titties. "Pull and twist your nipples, Boy! Stretch them out an inch from your chest! If you don't pull them out far enough, we are going to have a punishment session, Jon, and you know how you dread those! That's right, working those fucking little boy nipples. Stick your tongue out of your mouth for us. Oh look, Pete, his tongue is coated with doughnut. It looks like cum!"All right now, Jon, time to take off your shorts. Boys all get changed when they get home after school. So unbutton your shorts. Take them down and show us your cute little underpants, specially made for you by our costumer. These underpants are a special really thin material, so the pink of your little pecker will show through. Turn your back toward us, so that when you peel the shorts down, your little ass mounds will appear to the camera. "Just think, Jon, thousands of horny men dream of fucking your little ass every night. Wiggle your ass a bit as you lower the shorts. Give the men a teasing underpants covered ass show! Get in close to see his little ass! Alright, let the shorts drop to the floor and kick them off."Nothing like the sight of a little boy in his underpants. You know, we've got a lot of clients who are Dads, and when they look at our films, they think about fucking their own sons. I think that is so sweet. Now stand with your hands on your hips, back to us. Now twist around just enough to smile at the camera. Fucking Adorable! "Now slowly turn around Jon to show us your dickie bulge. Pretty soon, that little boy pecker will turn into full-fledged teenage fuck meat, and you will no longer be our most popular star. How sad! Okay, stop half way around, so we can see a nice profile of your dickie. Push your hips forward just a bit. I swear his fucker has grown since last week's film!"Now face the camera. Show us your dick full on. Okay, Jon, hook your thumb into the waist band and tug the underpants down just enough to show us that you don't have any pubic hair. The guys will like that. Just down almost to your dick root. Smile at the camera, Jon. No tears now! This is not so bad, is it? Not like last week with those big dogs. Now reach your hand into your underpants and cup your little fucker and nuts. Are you getting this Pete?"Great. Now, Jon, go over to the sink and get a glass of water. You are very thirsty. Great, now drink some of the water. Now, accidentally spill the water onto the front of your underpants! Make it look like an accident. Show us what a great actor you are! That's right, get the front of your underpants soaking wet. "Now give us an expression on your face that you are really upset. Take a dish towel off of the counter. Stand still! Pete get a close-up of the kid's soaking wet crotch. Turn the lights up just a bit, so we can see the pink prick and balls through the underpants material. Now, Jon, with the towel rub your crotch. Rub it until you begin to get a hard on."What the fuck do you mean, you don't know if you can get a hard on? Do you want us to have to stop filming? You know what happens then! Punishment Time! You just rub your fucker until it gets hard! Pretend you are trying to wipe up the soaking water. Rub that fucking dick, you shit faced little moron! There we go... it's starting to stiffen. Nothing like the sight of a little boys hard little prick. "Now, notice some of the water has gotten on the floor. Listen carefully. I want you to spread your legs, ass toward the camera. Now without bending your knees, spread your legs enough to allow you to bend down and clean the floor. Oh my yes, look at that prize winning fuckable ass! Did you ever think Jon, before you came to us, just how totally fuckable your little boy ass is? Of course not. You didn't even know there were men who love to fuck boy ass, did you?"Okay, Jon, realize that your underpants are too wet to keep them on. Peel off your undies and kick them away. Show us that beautiful, totally naked little boy body. Ah, such perfection. Such innocence. Stretch for us, Jon, Hands above your head, so every inch of your fuckable boy body shows. Shit, some of the viewers are going to lose it for the first time right here. Look at that smooth crotch and that cute pink dick pointing out, and that sweet hairless little boy fuck sack with those little marbles in it. Reach down, Jon and casually scratch your nuts for us. And now, Jon, you feel an itch in your asshole. "C'mon, you are a better actor than that. You feel an intense itch up inside your little boy asshole. Make a face, Jon, like it is really bothering you. Wiggle your ass. Okay, Jon, take one finger and shove it up inside your ass to scratch the itch. Get that finger deep into your ass. You can't reach where it is itching. Really probe with that finger. But it's not doing any good. It still itches. Look more uncomfortable. "Now take the finger out of your ass and suck on it. Get it nice and wet and then shove it back up your ass to try to reach the itch. You are not happy, Jon. You can't get to the itch. Look at the camera and say, 'I can't reach the itch up my asshole!' We'll dub in the sound later. "Now sit on the very edge of the kitchen chair and lift and spread your legs. Spread them wide. Now work that finger up inside your asshole real good! Now pull out and stick two fingers in your mouth to wet them. Now work two fingers up inside your asshole."What do you mean, your hole is sore? We've allowed you to rest for three days! Now, get two fucking fingers up your boycunt! Spread your legs more. Pete, get a shot of his cute feet with his toes curling. I swear his legs are getting longer. If he grows up any more, the little shit will be useless to us. "Okay, Jon, I want you to pretend like it's not working. Look at the camera and say, 'It's not working. My inner asshole still itches!' Now stand up and look around the kitchen. You spy a large wooden cooking spoon on the counter. Go and pick up the wooden spoon. Spot the can of Crisco. Stick the wooden spoon handle into the Crisco. Now sit on the kitchen table, lean back. Spread your legs and shove the handle of the wooden spoon up your asshole. The itch is so bad. "Look at the camera and say, 'The fucking itch is so bad!' Fuck the handle of the wooden spoon up into your ass cunt. Come on, Boy, don't hold back. I don't give a fuck if it hurts. Fuck your ass with the wooden spoon! "Deeper... get it deeper. I want to see at least eight inches of spoon up your pussy! Fuck it in and out. Now shake your head like it's not working. Pull the spoon out and turn it around so you can shove the spoon end up into your cunt! Work that hole, Jon, or so help me, we will have the worst Punishment Session yet! I want to see you fuck yourself hard with the spoon! Ram it up your hole! Harder, you fucking loser!"Okay, suddenly you hear the door bell. You look shocked! You get off the table with the wooden spoon still deep up your ass. You walk to the window with the spoon sticking out of your ass. THAT IS HOT! I don't give a fuck if it's painful to walk with a wooden spoon up your ass... just do it! "Okay, carefully look out the window through the curtains. The doorbell will ring again. Now look frantic, Jon. You try to pull the spoon out of your fucked boy ass, but you can't get it out. The spoon end was too large and it is wedged up in your rectum."You grab a large towel from the counter and wrap it around your waist, with the spoon still up your ass. Then you cross to the door and open it."Okay, close up of the kid's face as he sees Axel! I mean how many kids, naked except for a towel, with a wooden spoon stuck up their assholes, find themselves looking at a six foot eight inch black muscular giant? Axel smile when you see the naked kid. Can you give us a look like you want to eat him alive? Now look at the camera and say, 'I've come to look at your pluming!' That's great. Jon look scared. Believe me, you will be scared when you see the size of Axel's fuckmeat."Okay, let's take a short break. Ten minutes. Jon, you need to keep the spoon up your ass, sorry! Everybody else, let's have a glass of whiskey. This is going great. I know, I know, Axel, you can't wait to get your cunt buster up the kid's pussy and down his throat. Hang on...we're just going to readjust the lighting a bit, for when you fuck him on the kitchen table! "Okay, ten minutes, everyone!"To be continued?*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 85
I heard her screaming before I saw anything and hurried up the hill, pulling an arrow from my soft quiver. There were two of them; large men, one still a horse and the other at the fancy carriage, tearing at a struggling girl's clothes. A small body lay on the ground. My first shot went deep into the would-be rapist's back and my second flew high and hit the rider in the throat. I put another in him and knocked him off his mount. The girl was on her knees, bodice torn wide open, and she was trying to revive a young boy as I knelt and cut the throat of the man who had been attacking her. She looked up. "He tried to save me."I went to a knee, listened to the child's chest and then picked him up and put him in the carriage. "Just knocked out, I think," I told her, startled by her beauty and knowing I had seen her before. "He'll be all right I'm sure."She nodded and hugged me, bare breasts against my leather shirt.I patted her back and then helped her up to the driver's seat where a body lay slumped. I pulled the dead man down and put his body in the carriage as well."They had guns, pistols, shot him; poor old man," she said, holding her dress together as I checked the bodies for purses and yanked out my bloody arrows.I drove and she sat beside me, silent for a good while. "That's my brother, down in there, he tried to defend me. That man clubbed him down with his pistol, the one pawing at me.""I think he'll recover. My name's William; I'm called Bill. I'm from the clan Gregor.""Beatrice," she said, "Beatrice de More. I'm sure you've heard of my father.""Indeed," I said. He was, by far, the richest man in the county, perhaps in the whole region while my family had, I'm sure, more acres and more tenants if you count my uncles and cousins. But De More had gold, pirate gold it was said.We reached her home within the hour and found her brother awake but still groggy. I helped him stumble into the kitchen and the girl followed.Soon they both disappeared, and I found myself in the library with her corpulent father, trying to explain what had happened."Lucky you came along," he said after pouring me some wine."She gave a good account of herself but he was a lot bigger.""Aye, I'm sure. She's much too pretty, that one.""Indeed, sir, a beauty. Is she spoken for, promised?" The idea simply jumped into my mouth before I had really thought about it.He arched an eyebrow. "Interesting question. No, she free of encumbrances and has a fine, substantial dowry as well as her maidenhead." He smiled. "I'd like to see her wed. Hard to have two women in the same house, and I've a fresh, new wife."'Then I would ask your permission to court her, for I am in need of a wife.""Your family has land, I believe."I nodded. "A great deal. I can support her well, but not in such a fine house as this.""You may speak to her. She is willful. I will wish you luck.""How old is she, sir?"He sniffed. "Not sure, fifteen or sixteen I suppose. Ask her. Here she is."She swished in with her long hair neatly combed, dressed in a simple gown of gray wool with a deep curve across her pale bosom which displayed the valley between her high breasts."We were talking about you," said her father. "This fool would like to marry you." He laughed.She looked at me, licked her lips and said, "Really?""To court you, Miss. So that you might get to know me." I bowed. "And I you, of course.""I know you are brave and strong. But you are hardly my idea of a handsome knight, my girlish dream. You look the part of a ruffian I fear, a potter perhaps or smithy. Come dine with us and I will judge your table manners and ability to converse. I can grant that, at least." She gave me a small smile. "I already have many suitors, a legion of them."So I sat beside her at the meal, admiring her nearly bared chest, and trying to keep up my end of the chatter and ignore the aroused state of my male member.When we were done, she took me aside. "Now I have another test or two before I agree to be courted. Come."She led me up to a spacious bedroom with windows that looked out over a lake and introduced me to her handmaids, two sturdy young women who curtsied gracefully. 'This is Jean and that is Jan," she said. "My maids and confidants. I would like to watch you, ah what word should I use, yes, copulate, make physical love to them and then have them tell me whether or not you are worth considering." She gave me a brief smile. "I need a vigorous lover.""And you intend to watch?"She grinned and nodded."A stern test indeed." I turned to the maids and asked which would be first. The one called Jan wriggled out of her gown, shed her shoes and hopped up on the high bed in her lacy chemise.I sat, pulled off my jerkin and boots and then my tight britches and followed, bare as the day I was born and reasonably aroused, long and hard and curved a bit upward, my weapon ready for the test. I heard a gasp as my thick root became more excited but ignored it and grasped and kissed the girl offered to me. "Has she done this before?" I whispered after we kissed.She shook her head and kissed me back.I was gentle and thorough in arousing her, and she was soon wet and warm in her private folds so I mounted and eased my stiff cock into her tight valley. She arched and gasped as it penetrated slowly until I was fully engaged, my ball sack buried in her, and she was thoroughly engorged, whimpering and squeezing her eyes closed. My stalk is, I must admit, longer, wider and harder than most, so I had been told on several occasions. I had enjoyed several amorous complaints although I fear I brag when I say it.I started slowly with long, steady stokes, aware that the luscious girl was watching. Soon she was matching my movements with hip surges of her own and then she squealed and climaxed, beating on the covers with her fists, liquefying within. I rolled off and lay on my back with my rod standing proudly, straight up and dripping, a tower of blood-hot flesh, its sloping head almost purple. The other maid, still fully clothed, her corset unlaced, swung a leg over my loins and mounted, wiggled me into her, leaned forward and rode me hard, bringing her heavy dugs to my mouth, bouncing until she was satisfied and flopping down on my body, sobbing.Still aroused and proud of my cock which still stood high before me after I managed to free myself, its head nearly at my navel, I found my clothes and sat to dress. The fair girl was quickly beside me and took my manhood in her small hand. She could not get her fingers all the way about it."You didn't spurt, did you?"I smiled and shook my head, pulling my jacket on."That isn't fair," she said, holding back her fine hair and bending to suck my cock head and knead my stones. I was shocked as well as pleased.One of her maids came and knelt between my legs. The girl sat up and the maid all but swallowed my prick, bobbing up and down until I trembled and ejaculated in her mouth, holding her head to my groin. The girl beside me moaned in her throat.The maid sat back on her haunches, smiling and licking her lips. "He will do, miss, you can trust me on that."Beatrice smiled, thanked and dismissed her maids and came to sit on my lap after I had dressed and put my well-satisfied member away.We kissed and I fondled her breasts and patted her lean thigh."Legions of suitors?" I asked arching an eyebrow."A battalion, an army if you will" she answered, kissing me open mouthed and stiff tongued.When my lips were free, I asked, "And may I join your company?""In the lowest rank, I fear, a mere novice who must wait his turn." She kissed me again."When shall we wed?" I asked her."This evening, I think, if the minister can be found.""A long wait," I said, getting to my feet with her in my arms. I carried her to her bed and rolled in beside her, still bootless.She pushed me away, laughing. "No, no, you must wait, sir. I am a true virgin and will not be boarded or trifled with. Go your way and take that ugly thing with you.""Oh my," I said mournfully, my cods in my hand, "you have hurt its feelings. It droops. Look at it.""I cannot," she said, turning her back to me. "It's much too ugly.I tossed her dress up and eased my rod between her thighs. "Ah, see, it wants you, wants to be loved, to be petted."She palmed its head. "Really, William M'Gregor, you must wait. Just a few hours if my father will permit, and I think he will be happy to have me gone."And, as the stories go, they lived happily ever after.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out anyof the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 77
Part 2 – Fun With The Babysitter My name is Rick and I am twenty-six years old. My wife Sarah recently had a baby. She had a pretty good job and couldn't really afford to take too much time off. It was the type of job that also required her to take work home at night. Between this and the baby she was becoming overwhelmed. I thought a good solution would be to hire a temporary live-in babysitter. All of the older experienced nanny's were well beyond our budget, which left us in a real dilemma. Then one of my wife's co-workers had an idea. She had a thirteen-year old niece who lived out of state. Her mother and stepfather were having some marital problems and were looking for a place for their daughter to stay during the summer while they were working things out.I was somewhat reluctant to have such a young girl taking care of our baby, but was assured that she was very responsible and mature. I was also not sure of sharing my house with a stranger.We had a spare bedroom with only one bathroom between it and ours but we were so desperate for help, we decided to give it a try. We made arrangements for the babysitter to spend the next three months with us...***On Sunday there was a knock at the door. Opening it, in walked the thirteen-year old carrying a suitcase. She told us her name was Amy. Amy was medium height and had long brunette hair. She said she would be going to eighth grade in September. Seeing that it was summer, she was dressed in short/shorts and a tube top.And everyone was right; Amy was mature – at lease physically mature. Her tight shorts showed off her nice round butt while there was a definite cameltoe at her crotch.But her most magnificent feature was her breasts. They were of course braless beneath the tube top and looked to be at least D-cups, very developed for a middle-schooler.Upon seeing her, all of my reluctance about having a live-in sitter vanished. I had recently started to notice girls her age during my trips to the mall and at the neighborhood pool and was happy to have her living with us.Since Sarah was holding the baby, I was the one to show Amy up to her room. As we both reached for the suitcase, our hands touched. Surprisingly she did not immediately pull away, but kept in contact for a moment. I hoped Sarah did not notice.As I talked to her while walking upstairs, I could just tell there was an instant connection between us, an almost unspoken attraction. Once in the guest bedroom, Amy asked me to show her which dresser drawers and closet space she could use. While I was doing this, she started to unpack. She made a point of proceeding slowly, giving me a chance to see what she was unpacking. As if teasing, she put away a stack of pink cotton little girl panties. They did not seem to be very sexy in light of how she was dressed outwardly. What was sexy, however, was the nightshirt she hung up. It was pink thin cotton and seemed like it would barely cover her butt. Evidently pink was her favorite color. As she continued to put things away, I caught a glance of a very small pink bikini as well as a number of pink short skirts and tops.Holding up a pink leotard, she spoke. "Do you mind if I do yoga in my free time?" she asked. "As long as I can watch," I joked.She gave me a teasing smile as she folded it up. Finally, as she was putting away her toiletries in the bathroom, I got a real surprise. I noticed that she had a plastic case of birth control pills. More surprising than the fact that she had them, was the fact that she made no attempt to hide them from my sight as she put them in the medicine cabinet. After doing it, she gave me another look. This one was more serious. I was beginning to think I was really going to enjoy having Amy here.After finishing, I brought her downstairs to Sarah who spent the rest of the day giving her instructions about the baby. ***After dinner, Amy went upstairs to put the baby down for the night and Sarah and I went into the den to watch TV. As was usually the case, Sarah fell asleep after a little while. She had been exhausted from both her job and the baby. In a little while I was pleasantly surprised. Amy came in to watch TV with us. Evidentially she had taken our instructions to make herself at home quite literarily. She was dressed in her pink nightshirt and walked into the den like it was perfectly natural.I of course was delighted. Like I said, the nightshirt was so short it barely covered her bottom. When she sat on the chair opposite me, the hem rode up exposing her pink cotton crotch.But perhaps the best part for me was the way her D-cup breasts pressed out under the fabric. Not only were they full and voluptuous but also her nipples poked up through the thin material.Needless to say, I got an instant hard-on. Luckily Amy could not see it from where she was sitting. After a while Sarah woke up. She really didn't pay much attention to Amy as we excused ourselves and went up to bed. Being so horny, I tried to get something going with Sarah.But she was a lot less interested in sex since the baby, not that she was that much into it or adventurous to begin with. She rolled over and fell back to sleep leaving me alone with my hard-on.Reaching down, I masturbated to a mellow orgasm, picturing Amy in her nightshirt the whole time...***The next few weeks were going very well. From the beginning it was clear Amy was comfortable around us and especially me. Not only would she watch TV in her nightshirt, but also she would join us for breakfast in it before changing. I got to enjoy many views of her long legs, panty clad butt, crotch, and bouncing breasts as she scampered around the kitchen getting breakfast and cleaning-up. Sarah, as usual, was oblivious to this and to what Amy was doing to me.I'm sure Amy noticed my constant hard-on. I'm also sure that is why she continued to tease. She was provocative not only in her nightshirt, but in her everyday attire. When she wasn't wearing short/shorts and tube tops, she was wearing miniskirts and crop tops. I don't know what was making me crazier – her long legs or magnificent breasts. She also started flirting with me. It began with stolen looks – me staring at her breasts or Amy staring at my crotch. Then there was the verbal flirting and teasing. I never knew how many things could have a double meaning.Finally things started to get physical. There was lots of hand touching as we dealt with holding the baby and such. There was also body contact as we leaned into each other during normal activities.But the most blatant physical contact came during her second week here. On Saturday Sarah was working inside, the baby was sleeping, and I was outside doing yard work. All of a sudden I saw Amy come outside to sun bathe. She was in her pink bikini and on her it was even smaller than I first imagined. The bottoms were cut so low they barely covered her pelvic bone while the top was so small, half of her D-cup breasts spilled out.Walking over to me she spoke. "Do you mind putting this sunscreen on me?" she asked. "I can't reach my back."Being more than willing, I went right over to her as she handed me the bottle and turned away.Putting a generous amount onto my hands, I started by rubbing it into her shoulders and then down her back. She seemed to relax as I lowered my hands down past the bra strap to her lower back. Feeling bold, I applied the lotion just below her buttocks onto the back part of her upper thighs and rubbed it in. She didn't even flinch. After finishing off her legs she turned around.I was face-to-face with her spectacular breasts. Taking the bottle from me, she squirted the lotion onto the top of her bra-covered breasts."Well what are you waiting for?" she asked, teasingly. "You've been waiting to touch my thirteen-year old tits ever since you first saw them. I've been waiting for you to do so also."I didn't have to be asked twice. Placing my hands on the skin above her bikini bra, I starting rubbing in the lotion. It was Amy that pulled forward the cups so that my hands could slide inside and caress her bare skin. My palms landed on her nipples and as I rubbed, they expanded to the size of little pencil erasers. I could tell she liked this from her heavy breathing and moans. Taking my hands out, I started to slide them down her abdomen to her crotch.Just then I heard Sarah coming out and I pulled away. She had a tray of drinks. She was again clueless about what was going on. She didn't even notice the tent in my shorts. After a while, we all went inside for dinner, our normal TV routine, and then bedtime. As usual, Sarah fell asleep the minute her head hit the pillow and I was still getting ready. In only my underwear, I went through the door into the shared bathroom. Evidentially Amy forgot to lock our side for she was inside in her nightshirt, brushing her teeth."Oh sorry," I said, as I started to leave."Hey, no need to leave," she said. "Don't mind me, just do what you have to do.""Well I have to pee," I said.She reiterated, "don't mind me, just do what you have to do."Hearing that, I went over, lifted the seat, pulled out my cock, and tried to pee. Since I always had trouble going in front of other people, it did not come out right away. "What's the matter?" she snickered. "Are you shy in front of thirteen-year old me? How about if I help?"With that Amy came over and took hold of my cock. Flaccid, it is about six-inches long and pretty thick. She seemed matter of fact as she held it. It didn't appear that it was the first cock she had ever felt.As she held it, I started to pee and by the time I finished, it had expanded to its full eight-inches. Tapping it dry, she tucked it into my shorts, even though it formed a visible tent."My turn now," she said lowering the seat.After pulling her panties down to her knees, she swatted about six inches above the toilet and started to pee. She made eye contact with me, making sure I was watching the whole time. I got my first look at her thirteen-year old pussy. But before I could fully study it, she wiped, flushed, stood up and pulled her panties back up."I'm glad you're here," she said. "It gives us a chance to finish our business.""And what business is that?" I asked."You know, what we started outside," she answered, placing my hand inside her panties.As I rubbed my palm up and down her slit, I felt it getting moist."Let's take this into my bedroom," she said, leading the way.Once inside, we locked the door between the rooms. "How would you like to fuck my thirteen-year old pussy?' she asked, teasingly."I assume from the pills I saw, you are not a virgin," I said."No, I lost by virginity just after I reached puberty when I was eleven," she said."It was to my step father. He's a lot like you," she continued."I'm sorry. Did he rape or abuse you?" I asked."No silly," she answered. "I seduced him. Don't you know little girls can love sex too? We've been fucking since then. That's why he put me on the pill. That's kind of why my mother and he are having problems. That's kind of why I had to leave my house for a while.""So do you want to fuck me or not?" she asked again.I simply reached out, pulled her against me, and gave her a passionate kiss. After a while of making out she stepped back and pulled the nightshirt over her head.I finally got to look at her thirteen-year old breasts. Even though they were D-cups, they were perfectly proportional to her petite body. They made her look sexy beyond her age.I also got to see her panties again. Instead of the sexy bikini's one would expect she was wearing plain pink, little girl cotton panties.I must have looked puzzled for she took some time to explain."My step daddy loves these panties," she said. "He likes his little girl and wants to keep her this way. Do you like this little girl?""Absolutely!" I exclaimed."Well then, I bet you'll really love this?" she said, pulling off the panties and laying on the bed.As she spread her legs, I understood what she was talking about. Up close, I could see how completely bald her pussy was. There was no pubic hair at all. I don't know whether it was because she shaved or it hadn't grown yet, I only knew that she was a little girl down there.And there was something else little girl like. Instead of a plush developing pussy, she had only two thin outer lips with a mere slit in the center – kind of like what the preteen pussies I saw on the legal nudist Internet sites looked like.Also like other young girls in the pictures, her pubic mound was protruding slightly, thrusting her pussy up front and center. I just had to have an even closer look.Placing my hands on each side of her thin outer lips, I spread them open. Much to my delight an equally thin set of inner labia lips became visible. It also exposed her clitoral hood with her little bud peeking out below it. Wanting to examine further, I took each thin outer lip between my thumb and index finger and pulled them up and open. I was amazed how elastic and stretchy this little girl's pussy lips were. As I opened wide, I could now see deep into her vaginal opening. There was indeed no sign of a hymen. Letting go of these lips, I plunged my finger into her pussy hole. It went in deep, never bottoming out. I was surprised how deep it went.As I was fingering her thirteen-year old cunt, I leaned up and gobbled her breasts into my mouth, one at a time. Her nipples again became erect, this time in my mouth.Pulling back, I was overwhelmed by the sight of her naked little girl body from her out-of-character breasts to her dripping splayed open little girl twat.It seemed however, that Amy had enough of my exploring. After pulling my shorts off, she pulled me up over her body and centered my eight-inch penis over her pussy. It had no trouble finding its way to her wet open pussy hole and when I pushed forward it slid right in.Unlike in some of the stories, where the girls had to rest in order to get used to the feel of a cock, I was the one who had to pause in order to savor the feel of my first thirteen year old pussy.Then once again it was Amy who took the lead. She started pushing her pussy up onto my cock until I took the initiative to begin pumping in and out. This I did with great pleasure. I fucked her with long deep strokes, watching her face for signals of when to speed up or slow down.Her pussy felt so tight and deep, I didn't bottom out even when she wrapped her legs around me. Who knew that a thirteen-year old pussy could take an adult cock?The neat thing about this was, that unlike my wife Sarah, Amy was enthusiastic in her fucking. Her pussy rocked up with every one of my strokes. Her mouth opened up below mine, swallowing my tongue. And her breasts crushed against my chest, taking my breath away. It wasn't long before I felt the walls of her pussy, expanding and contracting around my penis. This caused me to empty a pent-up load of my cum, deep into her pussy.When I pulled out, a steady stream of semen flowed onto the sheets. (I suggested that Amy wash the sheets tomorrow when Sarah was at work.) After giving her another passionate kiss, she whispered, "Thank you step daddy, I mean Ricky."I don't know if I was substitute step dad or a lucky lover. I didn't care. I only knew I was in for one heck of a summer...***From then on, we had sex whenever we were alone. Unlike Sarah, Amy liked to try all different positions. My favorite was cowgirl. I loved watching her big tits bounce up and down as she rode me. In this position she controlled the depth of the penetration."Fuck my thirteen-year old pussy with that big cock of yours," she would say.She loved to talk dirty which was something else my wife refused to do. And she also loved to switch up positions during sex.While fucking me cowgirl style, she would spin to reverse cowgirl. That gave me a chance not only to watch her butt slap against my pelvis, but then gave me a chance to grab her tits from behind."I'm only a little girl," she would say. "Do you like pinching my thirteen-year old nipples?" From this position, after cumming, I could watch the semen coat my shaft and leak out of her pussy.Like most girls, Amy's favorite position was doggy.There was nothing quite like the feeling of my pelvis slapping against her nice round butt as I slammed my cock in and out of her little girl pussy.In this position, I again could reach forward and cup her large tits and even rub her clitoris. And she could feel the head of my cock rubbing against her G-spot. This would always result in a more intense orgasm and cause me to erupt deep inside of her."Blast your hot cream inside my little thirteen-year old cunt," she would scream.And I did love cumming inside her little girl pussy. Besides the feeling, I loved watching my cream pie drip out, especially in the missionary position.After cumming, with Amy on her back and legs spread, I would watch the cum leak out of her hairless thirteen-year old slit. Sometimes it would plop out of her pussy hole in large globs. At other times it would just dribble out and flow onto her ass crack.In any case, I never got tired of looking at that thin lipped, protruding little girl twat.But as much as I like cumming in her pussy, there was somewhere else I wanted to cum even more...***It was my day off, Sarah was at work, and the baby was napping.I heard some moaning coming from Amy's room and I went inside to see if she was all right. There was Amy completely naked with her fingers on her clit masturbating."Hey, why are you doing that yourself? Don't you know that's what I'm here for?" I kiddingly scolded."Sorry, it was just feeling so good," she explained."Well I think I may have something that might feel even better," I said.Climbing onto the bed, I put my face between her legs. Pulling her hand aside, I replaced it with my mouth, smack dab on her clitoris. Then I started I started to lick back and forth and up and down."Woooo!" she exclaimed, "That DOES feel good. No one has ever done that to me before."It was hard for me to imagine her step daddy never ate her little pussy before. I wanted to make her first time really special. Using the broad part of my tongue, I licked her smooth hairless pussy from her clit, down her slit, to her moist pussy hole and back. I lapped up and down, making sure to insert the tip of my tongue into her slit, into her inner labia, and into her cunt hole.The juices were flowing freely. It was the sweetest little twat I ever tasted. Soon I had her thirteen-year old body thrashing all over the bed.After calming down she spoke. "You were really good at that. I bet you get a lot of practice?" she said."Not really," I answered. "My wife thinks it's dirty and won't let me do it to her.""Well you can do it to me any time," she assured me. "And I bet there's something I can do for you that your wife won't? My step daddy DID teach me this."Pulling off my clothes, Amy laid me naked on my back. My eight-inch boner was sticking straight up.Putting her face between my legs, she started using her tongue to explore my cock. Her tongue was long, hot, and moist. Without steadying it with her hands, she licked me all over from the tip to the base. She used her lips to suck sideways up and down my shaft. When she got to the bottom, she licked the space between the base of my cock and the top of my ball sack. Then she went down and slipped my balls gently into her mouth, first one testicle and then the other. Her breath was hot and her tongue was wet as it swirled around the sensitive skin. After popping them out of her mouth, her tongue focused on the flap of skin in back, just above my anus.My cock was as hard as it's ever been and leaking pre-cum out the tip when her mouth finally came up and engulfed my cockhead. Before going all the way down, her tongue licked around it in circles.After five minutes of this, she started slowing pushing her mouth down over it. As she bore down, she managed to do three things simultaneously: she ran her tongue up and down the underside of my shaft, she sucked my cockhead creating a vacuum suction, and she contracted her throat muscles, simulating a milking sensation. She never used her hands the whole time. Her step daddy taught her well.When she had swallowed my cock as deep as it could go, she reversed herself and slid her mouth back up. This she did over and over slowly. As she did, I could feel her hot saliva starting to flow. It was a hot, wet, sloppy blowjob.As I lay there squirming, pushing my pelvis up faster to meet her mouth, I think she could tell I was close to cumming. Sensing this, Amy started to speed up. With this I felt my balls tighten up, my cock throb, and then I started to ejaculate load after load of thick hot cum into her mouth. Surprisingly she did not pull away. She kept her mouth on my cock and managed to swallow the cum with me still inside. In fact she kept me engulfed in her hot mouth until I went soft.When she finally plopped me out, she used her tongue to clean the residual cum off of my cock and balls. She even licked clean my cum spotted pubic hair. Looking up she gave me a wicked smile."How did you like my thirteen-year old mouth on your cock? I bet your wife won't do this for you, will she?" she winked."No, and you can do this to me any time you want," I reiterated...***Amy and I were having all kinds of fun.Remember the pink leotard? I finally got to see her in it, well for a while anyway. On another one of my days off, while Sarah was working and the baby again sleeping, I heard Amy call me into the den. She was sitting on the floor in her pink leotard."Hey, I remembered that you wanted to watch me do yoga," she said."Actually I just wanted to see you in that leotard," I said."Well now you get to see both," she answered, as she began a series of stretches and poses.Now I loved seeing this thirteen-year old naked but watching her in the leotard was equally exciting.The thin pink material clung closely to her body, showing off every curve. Seeing the flat little gymnast girls in their leotards on TV was one thing, but seeing Amy's D-cup breasts filling out the outfit was ten times better.Not only were they full and bouncy but also her nipples were clearly poking through. And better yet was her crotch area. Although her lips were too thin to form a cameltoe, the material pushed deeply into her slit leaving little to the imagination. And her butt seemed extra round while it made her legs look extra long.And I could not believe how sexual some of the yoga poses were. I had a hard-on as I watched her progress through a sequential routine. Finally during one pose, I couldn't take it anymore.Amy was on the floor, propped up on her shoulders with her legs spread above her. The fabric at her crotch had come out of her slit and was stretched tightly across her pussy. I kneeled in front of her and started to kiss the flesh of her inner thighs, just below her crotch. Then after a while, I put my mouth right on her cloth-covered twat."Stop it," she giggled. "I'm trying to do my routine.""Don't mind me. Go right ahead with what you're doing." I said.As I licked the fabric over her pussy, it started to get wet and the cloth went back inside the slit. When it did, I could see the outline of her clitoris at the top. This made an even better target for my tongue. I licked some more and could tell she was really starting to get into it.I decided to pull aside the cloth and eat her bare pussy. I never got tired of seeing and tasting that thirteen-year old twat. Besides licking her slit between the two thin lips, I reached down and pumped my finger in and out of her hole. This caused her to explode in a rather strong orgasm. When she did, she lost her balance and fell onto her back."Sorry to disrupt your yoga routine," I said sarcastically."Actually you didn't. This is the next pose in the sequence," she said, bending her knees outward and pressing her heals together. It's called the Reclining Bound Angle or something.""It looks a lot like missionary to me," I said, first stripping myself and then reaching over and peeling off the leotard. This fully exposed not only her little girl pussy, but also her big girl tits.I propped myself over her and slid my cock into her pussy. With her knees spread apart and her heals together, it created a different sensation for both of us. Though the penetration was not as deep, the angle seemed to be hitting both her G-spot and the head of my cock.Soon she shook in another orgasm while I felt like I was just getting going.Continuing the yoga, with me still inside her, she went into a bridge pose. In it she arched her pelvis up in the air while planting both her hands and feet firmly of the ground. I had to stand up into order to stay inside her. In this position the top of my shaft rubbed on her clitoris during each stroke. Needless to say, this prompted another orgasm in her. "Do you like having your big cock inside my teenage pussy?" she asked. "What would your wife think?"I simply pulled out and waited for her to assume the next pose. This time it was the reverse of what she just did. Flipping over, with her hands and feet still on the ground, she arched her butt as far as it would go up into the air. From my position behind her, I could see the little slit peeking out between her upper thighs.Stepping forward, my eight-inch cock slid right into her little girl pussy. Because her legs were together, her pussy canal was super tight. The angle, however, gave me a direct route to deep inside her cunt – as deep as I ever was.This was great because I love a deep penetration. I like it when I can feel every inch of my shaft being gripped by a pussy, especially a thirteen-year old pussy. I like it when I can feel the spongy flesh of a pussy, massaging every part of my cockhead. And I really love it when the base of my cock is being squeezed as tightly as the tip. And to think – I was this deep inside a thirteen-year old!In this position I could also grab her D-cup breasts. As I pumped in and out, my hands cupped her soft mounds while my fingers pinched her nipples. This brought them to the attention I love.Surprisingly we were able to fuck for fifteen minutes in this pose. It was the expanding and contracting of her pussy walls that caused me to finally cum deep inside her.When I pulled out, Amy sank to her knees, grabbed her leotard, and slipped it back on.As she continued her yoga routine, my cum dripped out of her pussy, forming an expanding wet circle on the crotch of her leotard.My cock got hard again and I was about to grab and fuck her again, when the baby started crying and she had to leave.We did, however, repeat the yoga scenario many times, experimenting with positions I never thought were even possible...***One day Amy made one of my deepest fetishes come true. It was again at night, after both Sarah and baby were asleep. I went into Amy's room for our evening fuck. I was surprised to find her in her nightshirt and not naked and waiting."I'm got my period today," she said. "We can have sex if you want, but it might get a little messy.""Oh that's okay," I said. "Maybe we can do something else I've been wanting to try. You have the perfect body for it."After stripping, I reached over and removed her nightshirt. Then I pulled off her little girl panties. Although I wasn't going to fuck her, I always enjoyed looking at her thirteen-year old twat. Today was a little different. There was the string of a tampon sticking out the bottom of her slit.I climbed above her, straddled her chest and laid my hard cock right in the space between her D-cup tits. I directed her to take her hands and squeeze them around my cock. Then I rocked my cock back and forth between the soft mounds. It felt very different than anything else I had ever done. It was, however, somewhat dry. Remembering the tube of lubrication in her nightstand drawer, I reached over for it and squirted some between her tits on her chest. Sliding between them now felt super sensual.It was also a psychological arousal. Watching my cockhead poking out from between her breast mounds was a real turn-on. I loved seeing my cock moving in and out between them.Even though I was having a good experience, I could tell she just wasn't into it. I remembered that next to the lube was a bullet vibrator. Grabbing it I turned it on, reached back, and put it directly on her clitoris.This made all the difference in the world. She began getting as turned on as me. Amy squeezed her tits around my cock, trapping them like a plush pussy.Removing my dick from between her tits, she rubbed my cock all over her erect nipples. They must have been sensitive for she seemed to be getting even more turned on. Putting them back between, she leaned her head up, licking the tip of my cock when she could.There I was, fucking a pair of thirteen-year old D-cup breasts. It was something I wanted to do since I first met her. After a little while, the vibrator on her clit must have done its trick. I felt her whole body start to shake. Taking her hands, she pressed her breasts closer together, hugging my cock even tighter. This, combined with her shaking, caused me to explode all over her face and body. She was able to catch some of my cum in her mouth but the majority ended up all over her chin and upper chest. Using her hands, she rubbed it into her skin, sensuously tasting some every now and then.After a while she spoke, "does your wife let you do this to her or do you just titty fuck little girls?""Frankly I don't think my wife even likes sex," I answered, as I left Amy to go back to my own room...***A few days later I got off of work early and decided to surprise Amy with an afternoon delight. I knew Sarah was still at work.Rushing home, I snuck in and went up to Amy's room. Quietly opening the door I got quite a surprise. There on the bed was my wife Sarah. She was naked with her legs spread.Between her legs was Amy, enthusiastically eating out Sarah's pussy.It seems Sarah WAS interested in sex, just not the kind I was offering.More accounts to follow...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 86
Chapter 1My story begins: I discovered that my now ex wife had been cheating on me. I deviously set out to once and for all prove that I had no jealousies. I had a deeply inward wantonness to be a part of and contribute to her pleasures outside the normal range of our lovemaking at home.I incorporated my wife's best friend to help me. She had been lied to about the whole situation herself. She was told by my ex that I would freak out if I even knew about her outside exploits. My wife's best friend is snake lady. We both agreed to once and for all to exploit my ex's pleasures by a devious a plan involving a sexual encounter together with my ex snake lady being bi sexual.The plan was to get my lovely Spanish wife over to Snake lady's house and set our plan into motion to pleasure my wife who was a mere tiny woman Snake lady nick named little momma or woman because she stood a mere 5ft. She had and still has the longest most beautiful long black hair that even now cascades down her small framed back to her knees. Her tiny breasts that were meager 30A in size, even after birthing three children, stood out proudly. They were caped by two marble like nipples which would tell her arousal in an instant. Even her beautiful butt remained as tightly youthful after birth and except for a few stretch marks on her lower abdomen one would swear that at 22 years of age she looked more like youthful 12 or 13.I and snake lady had set up the whole thing and had already at this point gotten the time place and full layout of our devious plan organized . I had gone shopping in a close by adult shop and bought a few items that would prove both useful and indeed a powerful way to get back at my wife.So the evening came, I agreed to baby sit our children. The ladies met at Snake Lady's house for drinks and womanly comradeship so to speak. After my wife left home, I took the children to a baby sitter. I informed the sitter I was going to a local tavern with some of my buddies and I would return for them in a few hours. Instead, I drove over to Snake Lady's home. Hurriedly parking the car, I walked to the front door and rang the bell. Snake Lady opened it, winked and whispered in my ear your little woman is sucking the drinks down and will be primed in a bit for our plan. I must confess I was turned on as never before the idea of this plan going so smoothly so far.Once inside and sitting down, Snake Lady brought me a beer from the ice box while I and my wife spoke a bit about where the kids were and why I had come there. I told her I just wanted to sit and have a few drinks. I had gone to the joint, as we termed it, and none of my buddies were there so I left and decided to come party a bit with the girls and chat about whatever their evening's events of gossip and such would be. The talk was lively and soon we were all laughing. I had indeed brought liveliness Snake Lady knew I would manipulate my little woman into having sex with her. To insure this she had spiked little mommy's drink. The plan was working. Momma weakness and horniness from drinking crown and coke alone would set in motion the sexual deviousness planned by Snake Lady and I. She winked at me and looked at my little mommas drink to tell me she had spiked this one really well with the potion she herself had gotten from some wicked site on the internet and made it. She tried it on herself and was so horny she did things I'll not even speak of as yet.Soon little momma was primed and ready. As I watched she began squirming and moving unable to sit quietly any longer; revealing to us she was getting horny. And as yet she wasn't drunk just a bit tipsy from the several rounds of crown and coke Snake Lady made a bit stronger than usual to insure the drug working on my wife.Snake Lady said, "Little momma why don't we do some of that nose candy you and I been snorting and keeping from your honey." You could have heard a pin drop. Yet another discovery I made about her exploits away from home."I would like do a line or so, myself" I said. My little momma was suddenly shocked. Now she had to acknowledge my knowing she occasionally snorted with Snake Lady. As the mirror was brought out, lines made and offered to us, Little Mama at first didn't do much at all. She took a tiny snort. Snake Lady broke in, "Oh, come on Little Momma don't play miss innocent. Shit do it like we do it when we're alone. Your old man is cool with it. Why you thought all of this was so damned secretive is beyond me. You know he knows about your boyfriend on the side and how you've been fucking him for now several months." And with all that out of the way my little woman then snorted her entire line. Snake Lady and I alike tuned our senses with little mommas and soon the atmosphere was openly jovial and we were laughing at this and that and each other.We were high and effects of the coke began to consume my little woman in it's own way making her ever increasingly more aroused. I could see her nipples harden under her shirt getting marble like. Soon I would be watching and participating. Our dream of tag teaming my little woman and have Snake lady's true deep desire to eat my wife's pussy would be fulfilled. Snake Lady would indeed find she was like a fruit from an island in both pleasure and taste. I had many times eaten my little momma I was going to watch and help Snake Lady eat her pussy and make love to her. Another secret fantasy I had longed to have a reality and now it was going to be just that! I took an opportune moment to get the whole thing started leaning over, soulfully kissing my Little Momma. Snake Lady scooted over, laid her hand on my wife's tiny firm and shapely thigh. Little Momma shivered. I broke our deep tongue kiss leaving my wife aroused as never before. Snake Lady exposed our plan. "Little Momma have you ever fantasized about being with another woman?"Little Momma sat shivering knowing where this was heading as Snake lady's hand roamed up into her shorts. "I-I have th-thought about it yeeyes," she stammered. "I don't, I want, I don't know," was all she could say. She looked at me as if to see my reaction to what was going on.I said, "Why not explore your desires, if you want to do it then I'm ok with the two of you getting it on." She shivered all over stammering, "I-I-d-don't know a-about th-this at all." Snake Lady replied, "Have you ever thought about what it would feel like, little momma, to have your pussy eaten" Your old man says he loves eating your pussy. I have fantasized so much to myself I want to do it as well."Instantly my wife silenced. I leaned over and whispered into her ear. She shivered with lustful thoughts. Snake Lady began again " My tongue can do things to a woman's pussy that is seldom if ever again matched. Only a woman knows a woman's pleasures spots." She went on, I can offer you so much pleasure if you will allow me to do so." Little Momma squealed. Her little girl voice whimpering, "I-I-I wa-want to do I it bu-but I'm afraid to." Seizing the moment, I told her it would be a pleasure to watch and help participate and do whatever she needed for her pleasure. I explained to her how I had fantasized about this for so long. She looked into Snake Lady's eyes lustfully. Little Momma then in complete wantonness said, "I-I wa-want to bu-but wha-what I if I don't li-like it." Snake Lady broke right in, saying, "Little Momma if you do not like it. I will stop and that will be the end of that." Both of us knew that once her tongue was on Little Mommas small and juicy cunt there would no return. All of us would find only deep lustful pleasure of the moment and would fully participate to the ultimate end.While I noticed both women lusting for each other wantonly, shivers of my own passion were building. I watched Little mommy's legs partially open as Snake lady's hand snaked ever more into her shorts and rubbed so gently and caressingly over my wife's thigh. I leaned back to her and again locked into a full passionate kiss with my wife as her legs opened ever more allowing Snake lady's hand to find its way to her neither regions. Her fingers probed across my wife's beautiful and tiny but so heatedly swollen lips as she shivered all over and moaned. The soulful french kiss and the fingers on her vagina had primed for the taking. All inhibitions and guilt were all laid aside as the pure outright pleasure of Snake Lady's finger lightly rubbed her swollen and wanton lips. "I think we need to take your little momma to the bedroom and pleasure her don't you think so old man," said Snake Lady as she got up and lifted my wife to her feet with her hand still under her shorts. I broke the kiss with my wife and said, "Uh huh," and arose and helped little momma to her feet. We went to the bedroom where everything was carefully laid out and awaiting this very moment of pleasure for my Little Momma.CHAPTER TWO: MY WIFE'S BI DISCOVERYOur objective was in full swing. We led my Little Momma into the bedroom. We played with her butt and fondled her on the way in. Once in the room I stood with her and kissed her deeply. Snake Lady pushed her hands under my wife's shirt fondling her breasts and playing with the marbled nipples. I felt my wife shiver. She gave a little moan out as our kiss broke off. Snake Lady leaned over feverishly tongue probing her mouth and causing my tiny wife to all but fold in pleasure as she was being kissed by another woman. My own passion was building. I was getting an erection that was no longer possible to conceal. I wanted to throw my wife on the bed, take off our clothes and fuck her hard. I properly reserved the thought knowing I would have mine later after the lesbian session about to unfold between she and snake lady. While Snake Lady was exploring my wife's mouth with her tongue and deeply kissing her, I tugged and pulled off her shirt. Snake Lady came up for air while my wife was so melted we had to all but hold her up to get her pants off. When they dropped I heard my wife heavily and lustfully breathing in the heat of the moment. Now only her bra lay between she and Snake Lady. Reaching behind her I released the fasteners and it loosened so that her hard nipples and the rest of her small A cups were open to both Snake Lady and I. Little Momma was fully exposed now. I saw snake lady looking lustfully taking in the shape and size of my wife's excitedly hardened nipples as she bent down to suck them. "Damn Little Momma you have some breasts that look like they belong on a twelve year old."This in turn made my wife now half gasp knowing she was now being looked at sexually. No one other than I had ever looked and pleasured such firm tiny globes of flesh. Now it was her panties which I pulled down to expose even more of her pleasure ridden body. Snake Lady's eyes watched intently waiting leering as a vulture leers at its feast. She watched as my wife's perfectly half moon shaped upper mound began to be exposed the dark black hair ridden part just now coming into view. While I pulled down her panties, she was shaking with the lust of what was happening. Her cunt was wet and dripping dew. She was pleading to be allowed to lie down. Her knees were wobbly. All these things signaled to us she was wet and ready for the sexual venture ahead. We both gasped at the beautiful pouted lips that were before us.She now stood perfectly and beautifully naked before her two pleasure seekers. Snake Lady had an evil sadistic look. She said, "Damn Little Momma! You are so damned young looking. I feel like a pedophile about to pleasure some young ass little girl.If I didn't know your age I would be like, oh shit, this is surely jail bait. I know that is why your husband is attracted to you. Your small frame and youthfulness fulfill his sexual dreams. You are beautiful girl! The only thing that gives your age away is your stretch marks. You are going to be pleasured as never before."We pushed her back onto the bed. The two of us standing over her trying to take in my wife's full gorgeous bronze body. She was panting with wantonness from the coke.Her hands were roaming all over she was not able to wait for Snake Lady to get on the bed beside her. She was unable to stop playing with her nipples and her pubic hair. "I want this hot little Mexican woman child first. Before I dip into that cute twat I want to add to my pleasure by shaving her," said Snake Lady.My wife looking deep into Snake Lady's eyes agreed to the shaving. I went to the bathroom and got a razor a washcloth and some shaving cream. I also got a bowl of water. Snake Lady wet the washcloth and then placed it over Little Mommas cunt. Then she applied the cream and began to remove her pubic hair. She also removed the hair from her ass. She was totally bald. She dried my wife and then got on to the floor. "I am going to eat her now. I am going to suck and lick till she can't stand any more."Snake Lady began to eat. I got on the bed and kissed her and played with her nipples. My wife was in ecstasy. She moaned and began to shake with pleasure. Her clit was so swollen and it's dark pinkish like color mixed with her dark brown skin color made it show ever greatly and it's protruding little knob was all but throbbing before us as she lay heatedly panting like some bitch dog in heat awaiting a cock or anything to cure and satisfy her animal like desires. She laid on the bed panting and breathing with heavily laden lustful breaths her tiny titties and chest rising and falling with heated labored breath. I kissed her with fevered intensity, as I heard her give out a deep in the soul, "NNNNGGH!" through our tongue twisting kiss. I felt and noticed out of the corner of my eyes her legs open ever wider as I now saw snake lady's head buried between her legs and could tell she was indeed now at long last tasting the fruits of my wife's passion. My sadistic eyes looked down to see Snake Lady place her hands on the trembling dark brown thighs of my wife and push them up into the air; while I heard a combined slurping like sound and the mmmmmmm of Snake lady's loving, what I had so many times tasted myself, my wife's absolute tasty juices. I felt the vibrations of my wife's own cry of moaning pleasure through our kiss. Her whole body trembled as the most powerful orgasm I had ever witnessed or been a part of with consumed her. I broke our heated passionate kiss and heard her gasp out as I looked down to see Snake Lady's mouth over my wife's entire cunt lips latching and sucking her clit while my wife stiffened with her intense orgasm. I heard Snake Lady's tongue doing its bidding in her pussy, watched my wife's belly ripple and tremble as she squirmed wildly about. Then gasping for air she completely and totally collapsed. Her orgasms were multiple and seemed to go on and on. Her pussy was so wet she dripped down her thighs. Finally I saw snake lady move her head back her lips and chin covered with the juices of my wife's powerful orgasm. While my wife lay limply heavy heated labored breath from her orgasms, Snake Lady looked up at me from her fully soaked mound and said "Damn old man your woman came like crazy. Your right that pussy is the best I've ever had. It's time for her next pleasure.She stood up leaving Little Momma open and slightly gapped. The next part of her passion was about to begin....I will write another chapter of this story if all find this to be an erotic story. Otherwise I may or may not finish this tale. My secret will remain with me unless I hear from you, dear reader. My wife's passion for not only another woman's pleasure for her but other things as well came alive that night and the next day.Continued is part 2...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 35
"Danielle, you almost ready?" I asked."Yeah, I'm ready Kelly," she replied.I smiled and put my cooler in the boat. We got in, untied the moorings, and we sped off across the Sound. Danielle quickly got naked ad I just shook my head as she got the attention of boaters and fishermen alike. I had to admit, she was beautiful; absolutely stunning; tan skin glistening in the sunlight. We spent the day basking in the sunlight and exploring the open water. "What's that?" Dani asked. It was an island, and after a quick exchanged look, we both decided to go ashore and explore a little. We anchored in less than three foot of water and walked ashore. Danielle was all ready naked. I thought to myself, "Oh what the hell!" and got undressed myself. Both of us were completely shaved down there and watching Danielle although I was curious, I had never had a lesbian experience. I found myself watching her though with growing amusement. I would watch the way her body moved. The subtle shift and sway of her hips. I at once wanted to put my hands around her waist.I more than once caught her looking at me too. I smiled and felt myself blushing slightly. The island itself was mostly brush and marsh. No trees. There was a small beach circling the island. Clumps of sea grass and oyster shells cluttered the sand in places. We were climbing one of these cluttered mounds of shells, when Dani cried out. She collapsed to the sand on the other side. I rushed to her side. She was clutching her foot. I fell to her side, rubbing the sand off her foot. Her flesh was soft and warm in my hands. "What happened?" I asked. "Cut it on those shells," she said. I looked it over. "Oh," I said. Sure enough there was a small slit along the arch, like a paper cut. I bent and kissed it. "There. All better." "MMM," Dani moaned lightly, biting her lower lip. I smiled, kissing the arch again, massaging her foot in my hands. She leaned back as I took turns massaging each foot; I had not noticed how she had started rubbing the small nub between her legs. I smiled and looked up into her eyes. Her want matched my own, and so I began kissing along her arch of one foot, moving to her calf, licking slowly along her inner thigh, letting my dark hair tickle her thighs. Mmmm I could almost taste her all ready. I wrapped my arms under her thighs and brought my left hand back across raking gently down her belly, letting my middle finger trail across her clit and into her cleft. I immediately followed with my tongue, savoring the wetness I found there all ready. I cupped her ass and pulled her towards me as I licked all over, tasting, savoring mmmm....She began grinding her hips, rolling them towards me as I licked and kissed. I sucked her clit into my mouth. I could feel that tremble building in her thighs applying just enough pressure on her clit with my finger as I licked and savored her. She began to moan louder.Something darted through the marsh, startled by us in our passion. Of course this destroyed the mood immediately. We both sprang to our knees."What the fuck was that?" She asked. "I dunno, but it was big," I responded. "Maybe we need to get back to the boat.""Good idea." We continued walking around the island, thinking we were closer to continue around than to turn back. I held her hand, and we walked close. Even as scared as we were, the way her body brushed against mine, made my nipples hard. "Look!""Oh shit!" I exclaimed. Up ahead, five wild dogs roamed the beach. They were mutts, mostly labs I suspected; jet black with a patch of white along their chests. "What do we do?" As soon as the words escaped her lips, the dogs spotted her and came running.We held each other as the dogs drew closer, growling. Something warm ran down my leg and I soon realized I was scared enough to piss myself.But as they circled us, they were sniffing, drawing closer. I realized they could smell our arousal from earlier. The first one darted ahead and plunged his cold wet nose right into Danielle's crotch, knocking her back. I spun, following her with my eyes as she fell. A second dog jumped, and all I remember is his nails digging into my thighs. His weight brought me down also. I watched now in horror as the first dog had mounted Danielle, still on her back, his legs around her leg, humping her shin. A third dog had her by the hair, gripped in his menacing teeth, yanking her head back. The second dog mounted me his forepaws gripping my waist as he began thrusting, I could feel his cock warm and dripping against my thigh. I lowered my head and could see his red cock, thrusting from its furry sheathe. His forepaws drew blood around my waist as he gripped me harder, and suddenly, violently he entered me fucking me with the likes of which have not been meant since. My knees sunk in the sand as he fucked me forward. I was crying, as this juge dog raped me. I looked over at Dani, who had three dogs on top of her, now lying down. "DANI!" I cried. She responded but it was too muffled. I could feel the dog inside me growing bigger. He gripped me tighter forceful jabs, the painful tip feeling like it was slicing right past my cervix into my very womb. His pace changed, jabbing harder as if trying to force more inside me. This actually hurt a little almost like having the wind knocked from you. I drew my knees to my chest, concentrating solely on catching my breath. something bigger weird feeling overcame me. I would later realize this was his knot. And just as quick he was filling me with his warm seed. I struggled under him to regain my breath, my own body responding as a mini orgasm racked my body, toes curling in mud and sand. he stopped and now I could see Dani. She was willingly sucking one dog as she stroked another. I couldn't believe it. The dog inside me was still tied with me. My own body was shaking under him, sweaty and exhausted. He tried turning, dismounting but still stuck, turning ass to me, painfully pulling me backwards. As I knelt there, the last dog came and tried mounting me from the front his huge cock inches before my face, fucking back and forth. But had I even wished, I could not have taken him orally. The position was not right, but I sat there mesmerized at this cock growing before my eyes, the smell of sex thick in the air, these nasty dirty dogs, and Dani, oh Dani.She was on her hands and knees now, being fucked just as I had while the others circled her, awaiting their turn. The dog humping air in front of me forepaws around my shoulders, began to cum shooting all over my face, stinging my eyes, and over my breasts and belly.I spat as some shot in my mouth. It wasn't unpleasant. I could not believe there was so much cum. The dog inside me softened, warm cum spilled from me and down my thighs pooling on the soles of my feet. I rolled over onto my back. Dani screamed again, this time in the throes of her passion. Another dog came over and licked my cunny. I turned over, my own mind lost in lust, and presented my ass to him. He mounted, sliding inside me on the first try. Danielle came over to me and smiled. Her hair was slick and matted with dog cum. In fact she was covered in it.She smiled and rubbed my cheek. "It'll be all right..." her voice trailed off. I knelt there, mounted time and time again by the dogs, some numerously having a go at me. And then I simply remember Danielle holding me, smelling; reeking of dog. Both of us. The dogs had gone on; each having left its mark on us. We had discovered a new passion in us. Something new and gratifying and very taboo. Danielle rubbed my cheek and asked how I felt. "Pretty good considering," a small sob escaped my lips. "Good," she said, kneeling between my thighs, her tongue snaking inside me. I could feel the cum escaping me, and she hungrily gulped it up. I was dizzy with my own sexual high, giving in; I grabbed her waist as we moved into a 69 position, tasting, exploring each other... finding a new taste for dog cum and a new love for women.It was night before we got back to the boat. The ride back was long and my cunny literally hurt. We didn't talk much but shared an occasional smile at each other. Finally, Dani looked at me. "What do you think about getting a few dogs?"END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 52
Chapter 16: New Kid in TownAs day after sun-warmed day slipped past, Linda almost forgot about the world outside, obediently licking the eager women and screwing the enthusiastic animals in varying combinations. The pretty blonde spent some sleepless nights before she realized she now really needed to have a warm canine cock at bedtime. Sally and Denise smiled in amused approval when the blushing girl stammered out her problem and asked permission to bring a big dog up to her bedroom every night. The brunette and the redhead quickly agreed and watched in silence while the exhausted blonde pillowed her head on Mick's furry belly and slid her lips instantly down the animal's swollen cock. Linda nursed the dog's dick in sighing contentment, sucking leisurely at the softly whining wolfhound for almost an hour before drifting off to sleep with the pulsing cock between her lips. After that night, Denise and Sally simply waved and blew the girl a kiss when she strolled casually back to the kennels to choose her animal pacifier for the night.The suntanned blonde was in the back yard crouched on all fours underneath the Harlequin when sudden inspiration struck her. The sweating teenager fought to concentrate on her idea as the steadily humping animal arched over top of her, his smooth hot cock spearing her dripping snatch with maddening rhythm. Linda rocked mechanically backward against the dog's powerful thrusts and clamped tight on the throbbing hardon as she pondered and probed at her gradually unfolding plan. The girl was so preoccupied she scarcely paid attention as she swiveled her hips rhythmically under the panting animal, grinding his pulsing erection deeper into her hot bronze-curled cunt. She was caught by surprise and gasped in amazement as the whining Dane suddenly locked in place on top of her, slamming his pulsing cock full-length into her dripping slit and pumping spurt after spurt of hot dog come into her spasming pussy. The blonde gave a squeal of astonishment as she felt the big dog's throbbing dick jetting up inside her like a fountain of come; she dropped her shoulders to the ground and purred with contentment, raising her clamping snatch to take the last inch of swollen doggie cock. You learn something new and delicious with these fabulous fuckers every day, Linda thought with a smile.When the satiated Harlequin finally pulled his pulsing shaft out and lurched off her back, Linda stayed patiently crouched, warm and dreamy as eager Mick closed in on her. The blonde waited while the aroused animal pranced close around her, pink hardon pulsing for the suntanned teenager. The girl spread her heels wide and arched her back with a harsh gasp of anticipation as the wolfhound moved forward expectantly. Linda dropped her shoulders until her face was flat on the ground. With a quick check to make sure she could swivel her snatch around a pivot of thrusting dog cock, the delighted blonde settled back with a sigh and edged her knees a little wider, spreading the lips of her tingling pussy as the wolfhound moved forward."Mount up, big boy, that's a good dog," Linda whispered urgently, patting the inside of her thigh, "mount Linda now, sweetheart, Linda wants you right now. Aaahhhh, yesssss," she hissed as the big dog arched over her hips, furry cock sheath sliding over her clitoris, "that's my good good boy, Mickie, that's Linda's lover puppy." The gasping blonde broke into goosebumps as the wolfhound's hot dick slipped easily into her eager slit, the soft-furred hilt of the animal cock rubbing luxuriously into the lips of her snatch."Go slow, big dog," the girl whispered huskily, shoving her hips up and back against Mick's powerful humping, "go slow, lover, make it last for Linda. Yes, oohhhh yes yes yes, just like that, good dog, that's just right. Just keep that up, pretty boy, while Linda does some more thinking...mmmmm, that's my sweetheart....."The teenager spent the rest of the day on her hands and knees in the yard, mulling over her idea as the enthusiastic animals swarmed around, mounting her one after another for hours. The sweating blonde shrieked and sobbed as spurting dog cocks thrust her to orgasm after screaming orgasm throughout the afternoon. When her aching knees would no longer support the weight of the rutting dogs, the girl staggered to her feet, tottered over to a lounge chair and collapsed on her back, leaving her knees spread wide for the Shepherd clambering up over top of her. The animals kept mounting obediently every time the blonde roused enough to rub her come-drenched snatch and beg for another doggie hardon. By the time she had sorted out the main points of her great idea, Linda was moaning constantly with tears sliding down her face while Prince rhythmically stroked his swollen cock deep into her bush. Sally and Denise found the teenager with her arms and legs wrapped tight around the Dane's body, grinding her clit up against the humping animal's hairless dick, whispering instructions and praise in a half-hypnotized chant.It took four more days of nonstop screwing for Linda to figure out every angle of the plan and a cover for every contingency. The blonde had already decided how to broach the subject with Denise and practiced her presentation on a big dog every evening. In bed at night she rehearsed answers to every question she imagined the woman might ask, murmuring softly against Rex or Mick's throbbing cock, emphasizing points with deliberate strokes of her tongue while the animal panted and whined at her skillful tongue. Imagining the brunette shivering under her caresses, the teenager gauged her argument against the twitching Shepherd's swelling erection, adding tantalizing kisses and delicate licks to each new aspect of the unfolding plan.Growing impatient when the big dog's thrashing disturbed her concentration, Linda jumped out of bed to grab a pair of stockings from the bureau; knotting the pair into a silk rope, the frustrated girl quickly short-leashed the animal's collar to the bed frame and swarmed back down onto his dick. Sliding her left arm under Rex's side, the determined blonde caught the panting Shepherd's left haunch under her armpit as she curled forward into his crotch. She scooted down further in the big bed, pulling the tied-down animal out full-length until his swollen cock thrust rigid to her lips, her shoulders easily shoving the dog's hind legs wide apart. Curling her left arm around his back, Linda held the trapped Shepherd in place, rubbing his back while she fondled his furry nuts and kissed the bristly sheath of his glowing erection. Picturing Deni writhing helplessly in place of the leashed whining Shepherd, Linda slavered over the animal's hot dick and began her dress rehearsal. Licking and whispering, the blonde nursed the helplessly twitching dog, sucking and arguing through her presentation for nearly an hour, persuading with luxurious kisses. After holding the trapped animal jerking on the edge of orgasm, she finally silenced his whining by sliding the length of his swollen and pulsating cock halfway down her throat while he exploded into howling orgasm. After two more nights of practice, Linda knew she was ready to try her plan on the brunette; Denise's eyes widened when the teenager begged her to spend the night instead of asking for one of the big dogs.The blonde dressed in her sexiest babydoll nightie to seduce the woman, wearing her fanciest hose with the lacy garter belt she knew Denise liked best. She met Deni at the door with a prolonged French kiss and began stripping the brunette as they moved toward the bed; Denise was shivering with desire by the time the girl peeled her out of her panties and gently pushed her backward onto the wide bed. Linda rolled immediately between the brunette's knees as she leaned back against the piled pillows, crouched over the woman, kissing her way tantalizingly down over her shoulders and onto her breasts, licking gently at her dark nipples. She began gently caressing the brunette's stomach and thighs, hands sliding slowly over the woman's ribs and down onto her taut belly, inching closer and closer to the red-pink clitoris. Denise whimpered eagerly and twitched her ass as the teenager's teasing hands stroked nearer to her clit; panting hard, Linda finally reached out and teasingly rubbed her index finger over the brunette's hot pink button.Denise gave a moaning whimper as she felt the girl's first delicate touch on her dripping brown-furred snatch. Gasping and giggling, the excited blonde pulled her hand away long enough to slide her fingers into her wet mouth, licked them deliberately past the second knuckle, then reached down and delicately stroked slippery fingers over the brunette's hot clit. Denise shivered and her long legs instantly spread wide as she felt Linda's exploring fingers on her snatch, and the teenager sighed with satisfaction as she stroked carefully up and down the moaning woman's open pussy. The freckled brunette sighed contentedly as Linda positioned her fingers deliberately and stroked harder at her slippery snatch; Linda giggled when the wet curls around Deni's clit tickled her little finger at every stroke."Oh yes, I'm gonna spread you right out and take it real slow tonight, pretty girl," the teenager whispered softly, spreading the woman's long legs wide, "I've been doing a lot of thinking about us the past few days, and I want to show you how much I've missed you. Deni's nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles trembled as she got hotter and hotter on the girl's incessant fondling.The determined runaway began to masturbate the woman faster, with gentle quick circling of slippery fingertips; the brunette was shivering in delight, panting in deep gasps between prolonged moans of lesbian ecstasy. Denise gave an arching wiggle, thrusting until her slow-switching bush was almost brushing the girl's blonde bangs; the twitching brunette made another quick arching thrust, moaning urgently as she felt the teenager's gasping breath warm on her exposed snatch. Linda ran her hands down the woman's sleek thighs while the sure success of her plan flooded her brain. Caressing the pleading brunette's crotch with both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on the woman's quivering clit; Denise moaned softly and writhed on the soft mattress, freckled thighs spreading wider as she shifted her knees. Linda lay on her belly with her mouth an inch from the brunette's snatch, panting furnace-hot breath over her clit."I can't let us get carried away yet, sweetheart," she whispered softly, her lips brushing the damp curls around Deni's slit, "I told you I've been thinking everything here and there's something I need to talk with you about."When the gasping brunette stayed rigid with anticipation, the eager blonde leaned forward and gently licked at the delicate skin of her inner thigh next to the thick bush. Denise's breath caught in her throat as the ardent runaway's hot tongue slipped over the sensitive skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch, but the velvet touch of the artful blonde's tongue was slow and carefully measured. The sweating brunette sighed and rolled her head from side to side as Linda kissed lingeringly over the woman's curly dark brown pubic hair."Deni, I've had a kind of idea that I want to ask you about," the excited teenager continued casually, quickly sliding her tongue over the brunette's snatch; Linda's eyes sparkled and flashed in triumph as Denise reached down with one hand and spread her slit wider. The blonde dropped her head until her lips and tongue were hovering over the woman's pink vagina; she was salivating over the throbbing clit, panting over the dripping slit while Denise gently rubbed her cheek. Linda leaned over the woman's wet clitoris, lowering her head and slavering down onto the exposed slit while Deni fondled with her own rigid nipples."I've been very happy and I've learned a lot since I've been here with you and Sally and the boys," she whispered in furnace-hot breath over the writhing lesbian's pussy, "and now that I realize how good things can be, I want more, lover. I don't want you two to have to hide me or keep me a secret and I don't want to stay a runaway forever. I want to be able to be a real partner in Fox and Hounds, and I think I see how it can happen..." The suntanned teenager paused to let the brunette think that over, dripping a thin line of slaver as she fondled the woman's glowing pink clitoris."There's two different things that we need to happen, lover," the blonde continued, her phrases broken as she put tantalizing brief licks and kisses on Deni's clit, "first is making sure we get another girl just to take care of the good dogs for a little while," she whispered, fondling Denise's dark-brown pubes with one hand. "And the second thing is getting me back to Aunt Jane's house and in control of my inheritance." Linda looked up as Deni's eyes widened, rolling her slippery tongue exquisitely slowly over the woman's clit and added, "My folks were both killed when a train hit their car, Deni, a signal wasn't working or something; the railroad had to pay off big, there's like more than a half-million dollar trust fund, I'm not supposed to get it till I'm eighteen. Now here's my idea, baby, listen to this..."The well-rehearsed blonde held the gasping brunette on the frantic edge of orgasm while she whispered softly over the woman's pussy, feeling the minute changes in the throbbing pulse of the Deni's clit and licking leisurely at her slit in response, keeping the brunette seconds away from creaming. By the time the teenager slowly licked and kissed her way through her plan, Denise's cunt was aching and throbbing, shivers rippling over her bobbing stiff-nippled tits while she strained toward the blonde's teasing tongue. Sweat rolled down Linda's forehead as she fought to keep herself from giving in to sucking Deni's pussy, salty drops falling onto the brunette's clit while her own curly bronze pussy dripped down to a spreading wet spot between her thighs."...and I think it would work fine for all of us," the blonde sighed, licking delicately at the gasping brunette's hot slit, "don't you, lover? I don't expect you to answer me right away, Deni," she added, kissing the shivering woman's pulsing clit, "just lie back and think about it while Linda takes care of you, okay?" She planted her open lips against Denise's spread snatch and sucked the brunette's pussy into her mouth, thrusting her tongue up into Deni's slit, sending her into moaning orgasm before the woman could say a word.Linda had to go through the whole thing again the next day, after Denise talked to Sally. Knowing what turned Sally on, the blonde made sure she was in a chair with Mick lying between her ankles when the redhead came out to the pool to talk with her. The teenager slowly spread her legs wider for the animal's tongue as she answered Sally's questions, sweat beading on her forehead and rolling down her cheeks as the wolfhound lapped devotedly between her sleek thighs."I have to admit this sounds real good, angel," the redhead said finally, smiling in satisfaction as the blonde moaned and twitched under the big dog's tongue, "but I still don't think there's much chance of finding a sweet volunteer like you. If you can figure out where we'll find another pretty runaway to take your place, we might be able to talk some more.""Well, I did some thinking about that myself, Sally," Linda gasped, rubbing the wolfhound's ears as he licked deliberately at her spread pussy, "and you're probably right, I don't think we're likely to find another runaway as easily as I turned up. That's not such a big deal though, really; if we look around, I'll bet we can find a way to, draft a volunteer, you know..."***Kinya didn't realize she had missed the church bus back home until well after choir competition was over. She’d wandered into a room at the back of the auditorium for just a minute while the last choir was singing, and somehow she got so absorbed in conversation with the friendly white girl that she lost all track of time. When the cute little blonde finally stopped chattering and waved goodbye as she slipped out the back door, Kinya realized with dismay that everyone else was gone and the rest of the building was empty. She ran outside in time to see the last set of departing bus tail-lights disappear in the distance. It was pitch dark and pouring as she stepped out, the wind whipping sheets of rain across the empty lot; the black girl turned back, but the door had locked behind her. The pretty soprano's shoulders sagged as she tugged at the door again, realizing she was stranded in a strange town 200 miles from home. The girl wondered how she would explain when she called Mama and where she could wait while someone came for her. After months of pleading and begging Mama to let her go to the choir competition and now this on top of it, Mama's old-fashioned attitude was sure to get worse. I'm nineteen years old, Kinya thought sullenly, I think I can take care of myself for one night. I just want to learn new things and have experiences that will help me grow, and what I do but make a stupid mistake the first time I'm allowed away from home. She took a deep breath and was almost ready to plunge across the huge empty lot to the pay phones when a shiny van pulled over to the curb beside her. The teenager saw a young brunette woman winding down the passenger side window as the truck came to a stop."Hi, babes, need a ride?" the dark-haired woman called as lightning speared the sky and the rain began pounding down."Wow, yes, thanks, you're a lifesaver," Kinya said, "I missed my bus; I thought I was gonna have to hitch in the rain, get washed down a sewer and disappear forever. Which way are you headed?"“I thought I was supposed to ask you that," the dark-haired woman replied with a laugh, "someplace warm and dry, sweetheart, where do you wanna be on a night like this; just catch that side cargo door and jump in before you get soaked."The side door scraped along the slide-track as Kinya jerked back on the handle. Kinya gave a quick prayer of gratitude at getting a ride so easily and scrambled quickly into the dark interior; she barely noticed there was no dome light on as she plunged inside. The shivering black girl had only a brief glimpse of the dark interior, some kind of curtains just behind the front seats, a half-naked blonde girl thrusting something toward her. Kinya barely had time to realize it was the same blonde she’d just been talking to, and then she felt the stun-gun spark against her arm as she pitched forward onto the carpet. She heard the door slam as she twitched helplessly on the floor and the van pulled quickly out onto the highway. Muscles jerking and quivering, Kinya still wasn't sure what happened; she sprawled like a broken puppet as hands pulled her floundering up onto the back seat. There was a ringing in her ears and her hands and feet felt numb and tingly.Confused and weak, every muscle quivering, Kinya tried to focus on the pretty blonde dressed only in lace panties as the girl gently pulled her right hand up to the metal bar at the back of the seat frame. Before Kinya could move, Linda took a strip of wide velvet ribbon tied to the bar and looped it around her wrist, tying a neat bow to anchor the choirgirl's arm in place. The shivering black girl couldn't make her arms or legs move as the nearly naked blonde dragged her left arm into place and tied that wrist solidly to the seat. As Kinya opened her mouth to scream, Linda wrapped a length of ribbon across her mouth and pulled it deep between her lips and tight over the cheeks, making a fancy bow beside her ear. The twitching choirgirl tried feebly to kick as the bare-breasted blonde pulled her left ankle over and lashed it tight to something fastened to the floor. The trapped black girl's angry yells came out as muffled moaning noises while the blonde shoved her right ankle across the carpet, tying it solidly in position. The longhaired girl watched as Kinya heaved and jerked uselessly at the velvet straps holding her spread-eagle on the back seat. Satisfied that the captive choirgirl was firmly tied down, the suntanned blonde settled next to her and whispered in her ear."You might as well just relax and get ready to enjoy the ride, angel," Linda breathed huskily, "like they say, leave the driving to us, okay? Don't worry, baby, you won't get bored, I promise; in fact, I guarantee this'll be the most exciting thing that ever happened to you."Leaving the helpless black girl struggling helplessly on the seat, the blue-eyed girl slipped through the curtain blocking off the driver and passenger seats. Kinya saw her silhouette against the fabric as she told the driver, "We're all set, Sally, she's nice and comfy, no problems. I think she's gonna work out just fine, we might as well go for a spin."The choirgirl jerked desperately against the ribbons at her wrists and ankles, but it was like trying to pull down a brick wall; her brain went into screaming panic and she whined and gurgled behind the ribbon gag covering her mouth. Kinya abruptly froze motionless when she saw the dark mound behind the driver’s seat moving. Her eyes widened as the biggest German Shepherd she had ever seen got stood up and came back toward her. The pretty black teen sat dead still and watched nervously as the huge animal approached; she flinched when the Shepherd sniffed at her toes and his cold nose slid over her bow-wrapped ankle. The captive black girl thought she'd die of embarrassment when the dog casually poked his muzzle under her long skirt and began sniffing his way up the smooth skin of her inner calf toward the thigh. The big dog sat soundlessly between her spread legs and leaned forward in front of her, tongue hanging as he sniffed at Kinya's thin cotton panties. The Shepherd's hot panting huffed over the trembling black girl's leg, steaming against her thighs and crotch.Kinya squirmed and wriggled helplessly on the seat as the dog nosed further up between her spread legs, her skirt sliding over his neck and down his back. The choirgirl nearly fainted in shock when she felt the huge Shepherd's hot breath huffing over the front of her panties; her screams emerged as shrill nasal whining while the big dog nosed eagerly at her cotton-covered crotch. The desperate black teen tried swiveling her hips away from the dog's questing muzzle, but all her frantic wiggling didn't seem to discourage the animal at all. Kinya screamed in horror when the big dog's rough tongue rasped over her thinly-covered crotch. She heaved frantically against the ribbons anchoring her wrists and ankles, whining shrilly and squirming frenziedly as the Shepherd began delicately licking at her crotch and thighs. Kinya's gagged as the sweltering dog-tongue rasped at the thin material stretched over her snatch, but the velvet touch was inescapable. The squirming black girl shrieked in her throat as the big dog started a slow steady lapping at her pussy, drooling on her frizzy black pubic hair. The dog panted and slavered over the anguished choirgirl's snatch and her panties soaked as doggie saliva saturated her crotch.Kinya gasped and retched as the Shepherd's tongue lathered over her thinly-covered bush onto her thighs and then dropped back down onto the light fabric covering her crotch. The black girl made a pleading whimper through her velvet gag, shuddering from her taut thighs over her belly; the Shepherd ignored the shaking spade's desperate whining, his wide tongue stroking rhythmically against the cotton stretched over her sensitive clit. The big dog soundlessly continued lapping and snuffling over the trapped choirgirl's squirming crotch regardless of her whimpering pleading and thrashing. The Shepherd growled once between her legs and Kinya stopped twisting and screaming, frozen in fear with his gleaming fangs inches away from her bush; the big dog never slowed the eager licking at her crotch. Kinya collapsed against the seat, sobbing helplessly as the animal continued to his eager tongue job. As soon as she lay still the dog intensified the maddening licking, tail wagging contentedly as he slavered over the choirgirl's dripping black pussy.In spite of her terror and mortification, Kinya started breathing faster and her nipples stiffened inside her skimpy bra; the choirgirl's stomach twitched as the pulse raced in her steamy snatch. When her quivering pussy began dripping into her soaked panties, the big dog licked harder and faster at the delicious spade crotch spread open in front of him; the hair on Kinya's arms was standing up and her full tits broke out in goosebumps as he lapped her. The inescapable tongue swarming over her thinly-covered bush made the captive choirgirl squirm and sweat despite her terror of his gleaming fangs and the ribbons that kept her lashed helpless against the seat for him. After twenty or thirty minutes of the dog's interminable licking, Kinya was gasping so hard she couldn't even try to scream anymore. She lay helpless on the seat, crying breathlessly with the aroused Shepherd wedged between her thighs, moaning as the fiery rough tongue danced over her throbbing pubes. She blinked frantically through the tears when there was a sudden lapse in the rhythm of the dog's incessant licking. When she saw the bare-breasted blonde moving back toward her, the desperate black girl tried to beg for help, grunting and mumbling behind the gag; her eyes brightened with hope as the dark-tanned girl settled beside her."Hello again, angel, my name's Linda, and I know from your ID that your name is Kinya. You've already met Rex, sweetheart," the blonde whispered, "you'll have to forgive him for being so forward; he wants to make friends so quick. Sally and Deni were sure he'd like you, and I know you're gonna love him, angel."Kinya's eyes widened in anxiety as the half-naked girl reached over and tugged open her sweater; the black girl snapped into full-blown panic when Linda started unbuttoning her blouse. She writhed helplessly as the topless blonde spread her blouse wide, exposing the choirgirl's full jugs with stiff nipples standing out against the skimpy cotton brassiere. Kinya groaned in horror behind her gag as Linda's hands moved down to her long pleated skirt and the blonde methodically ripped off one button after another, tearing open the skirt front nearly up to her waist to give Rex better access to her snatch. Kinya's round breasts bounced as the blue-eyed girl snapped the seam between the cups of her bra, leaving her full dark-brown nipples quivering erect. Kinya was too frantic to scream when she felt Linda softly rubbing her tits; the gentle massage was so casual and deliberate the sheltered choirgirl couldn't believe it, especially when the half-naked blonde focused on fondling her stiff nipples. The feel of the young girl's kisses on her areolas drove Kinya to a frenzy of helpless thrashing and whining; the blonde-haired beauty crouched close beside squirming black girl, looking up at Kinya while licking sensually on the choirgirl's stiff and sensitive nipples."Hearing you rolling around back here with Rex really made me so hot, babydoll," the blonde whispered, trailing kisses up Kinya's neck and sighing hot breath into her ear. "I was ready to come myself just hearing you wiggling around with him, honey," she continued, drawing her nails excruciatingly over the captive black girl's tingling nipples, "and I really think sexy Rexie wants to get to know you better now that we have the chance. You just lie back and take it easy, angel, and let Linda help you relax for him, okay?"She leaned over and sucked Kinya's dark chocolate nipples one after another, keeping her hand pressed against the shivering choirgirl's throbbing pubes. Kinya sobbed in despair as Linda pushed the Shepherd's muzzle away from her crotch and tugged gently at the front of her panties. The desperate black girl writhed and jerked against her bonds, horrified to imagine what the bare-busted blonde had in mind. She got her answer as the girl caught the elastic of her panties and jerked abruptly, snapping the string, ripping the shredded panties completely away. The captive choirgirl screamed hysterically behind her gag as the big Shepherd lunged forward again and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. His eager lapping parted the shaking black girl's drool-soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the slippery probing dog tongue."Now there, isn't that better, baby," Linda whispered to the sobbing black girl, running her fingers easily over the frantic choirgirl's hard nipples. "Rex really loves eating pussy, honey girl, and you've never had anything as wonderful as his licking in your life. How about I just stay here and keep you company while he gives you a treat; I want to watch him make you wiggle and sweat."Kinya screamed in mortification, shudders heaving her belly and shaking her round tits; she wriggled futilely in the seat as the Shepherd's wet tongue washed her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. The big dog seemed even more intent now that her hot pussy was totally exposed to him, rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail as he worked on the gasping choirgirl. Moaning and shaking, Kinya collapsed on the seat and dropped her head back, crying silently as the eager animal lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy. She realized she was totally helpless, tied spread-eagle and powerless to stop the obstinate animal licking eagerly between her legs.With a burst of absolute horror, Kinya suddenly realized that Mama wouldn't even knew she was missing for hours; everyone thought she had caught another bus, she wouldn't be missed and this crazy half-naked bitch could let the canine demon between her legs keep doing it to her until she went insane. At the smiling blonde's softly whispered command, the dog sat deliberately on his haunches between her knees, his wide tongue lathering over her open pussy as fast as he could lick. The mortified choirgirl was panting for breath and shaking uncontrollably, her buzzing clitoris driving her wild. Shrieking shrilly against the gag, the horror-stricken black girl heaved and thrashed desperately against the ribbons pinning her wide open for the Shepherd's attention."That's right, angel, fight it, that's real good," Linda purred, kissing the frantic choirgirl's nipples, "work hard, you try real hard, baby. Rex really likes to feel pretty girls squirm when he eats 'em and we just love to watch. I want you to try everything you can think of, sweetheart, watching you fight to get away from it is really sweet."The choirgirl gasped with relief as the blonde straightened up and stopped sliding her tongue over Kinya's stiff nipples. Her relief turned to sobs of despair when Linda reached down and ripped off three more buttons, spreading her skirt completely open and leaving the horrified black girl stripped practically naked before the eager Shepherd. Overwhelmed by shame and disgust, she shrieked incoherently against the velvet ribbon gag and jerked her hips away from the animal's probing tongue. The Shepherd growled once between her legs and Kinya gave a muffled scream behind her gag as the dog abruptly snatched the waist of her torn-up skirt in his fangs and snapped his head back and forth savagely, shaking the girl like a doll. The last buttons snapped instantly and the animal jerked the tattered rags completely away; the stunned teen sprawled against the seat trembling as the now docile animal resumed the awful licking, tail wagging happily as he drooled over her dripping pussy. The black girl burst into choking screams again as the blonde reached down and started petting the dog while the animal lapped delicately at her exposed clit. Kinya struggled uselessly against the ribbons as Linda giggled and whispered praise and encouragement to the enthusiastic dog."Oh yeah, all right, pretty boy," the blonde crooned to the big dog, reaching over to spread Kinya's pubic bush wide for the eager Shepherd, "Pretty Kinya can't stop you and I know she won't say a word about it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to her real good, good boy." The black teen's dark nipples were achingly hard and her belly twitched as she got hotter and hotter on the unrelenting doggie licking.There was no way the frenzied choirgirl could escape the obedient animal licking eagerly at her crotch. Sensing that the quivering black girl had no way to resist, the big dog gave a low growl and began slowly washing the retching choirgirl's bare pussy, tongue languidly flicking between her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris. Within minutes, Kinya was moaning through the gag and writhing against the restraints, loins throbbing as her snatch warmed under the dog's incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic and shame even while her traitorous pussy responded terribly to the exquisite torture of the velvet tongue."Oooohh, Jesus, that's good, she's really good, Rex, go on baby, do it nice for her now, don't stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes," Linda hissed through clenched teeth, watching the pulse in Kinya's burning snatch, "do it now, Rexie, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, pretty Kinya can't stand it, big dog, this pretty little spade is gonna cream all over you...."Powerless to escape the bestial licking, Kinya clenched her fists and screamed behind her velvet gag, panting for breath as waves of awful ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. As her thoughts raced with fear and total mortification, her hips rolled mechanically back and forth under Rex's lingering licking, adding to the intensity of each slow stroke. Despite her determination to fight against the horrible feeling, the choirgirl felt her ass tighten with every flicker of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. She whined in disgust as she found herself spreading her legs wider to the big dog, straining the tendons at the side of her snatch like cables from the edge of her drool-soaked nappy bush to the sensitive skin of her inner thighs."Jesus, yes oh yes, Kinya, come now, baby," Linda whispered hoarsely in her ear, watching the struggling choirgirl, "I can't believe how much you need it, go ahead and do some more for us, good girl." The captive black girl's tits heaved as she sobbed, her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come on the big dog's skillful licking."Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that's good sweetheart, that's so good, Kinya, go on baby, do it for Linda now, don't stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes," the blonde panted, sensing the orgasm pounding in the writhing teen's throbbing snatch, "please do it now for us, angel, mmmmmm, oooohhh, don't stop now, baby doll, we've gotta have it all now, come all over for us, angel girl."Kinya felt like her crotch was being electrocuted; it was like bolts of slow-motion lightning striking her clit, running straight up her spine. The choirgirl's first orgasm was so intense it short-circuited her mind, leaving the shattering guilty sensation of coming and coming as Rex's incredible tongue slithered over her pulsing snatch. Back and belly muscles rigid, thighs and calves cramping, the sobbing black girl sat paralyzed while the massive Shepherd panted and lapped at her melting black-bushed cunt."MMmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnno," she shrilled through the ribbon smothering her cries, "nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhh, ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnnnhhhhhmmmmmmmm...." Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed only to encourage the dog, who burst into excited licking at her spasming crotch.The disgusted choirgirl's brain exploded into a revolting fireball of orgasm, panic and mortified shame as the animal's inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt. Tears slid and dripped from her rigid nipples as the frantic black girl squirmed into her first mind-boggling orgasm. Howling and whining around the ribbon strip, Kinya gagged and retched as the smiling blonde watched the big dog make her come, petting his neck and murmuring praise as he snarled and drooled over Kinya's dripping ebony-bushed pussy. The overwhelming orgasm seemed to last forever to the sheltered choirgirl, leaving her shuddering, exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the big dog's exquisite licking.Kinya was stunned and paralyzed when the huge Shepherd kept on lapping eagerly at her dripping, quivering snatch. Aroused by the taste of the horrified choirgirl's dripping young pussy, the big dog seemed impatient to keep on licking no matter how Kinya reacted. As the unnerved black girl tried to slide her ass back on the seat, the blonde whispered a command and Rex reared up on his haunches and clamped his forepaws over her legs. The dog's powerful shoulders easily shoved her thighs apart, keeping her hips pinned inescapably and holding her snatch wide open at the front of the seat. Kinya wailed desperately to the watching blonde as the big dog lathered at her dripping snatch; her gaze locked on Linda's face, pleading for relief from the mind-blowing animal lapping between her legs. The sweating black teen moaned in despair when the smiling blonde picked up the choirgirl's ruined panties and used them to wipe away the sweat trickling down her forehead."There, that's better for you, huh babes," Linda crooned softly, blotting Kinya's tears with the scraps of tattered cotton, "Linda knows how Rex makes a girl sweat, and we wouldn't want anything to distract you from his wonderful tongue, would we? Oh I know, don't worry, sweetheart," she added, smiling as the captive black girl wriggled frantically and muffled begging whined behind the gag, "I know how much you want to give up more of that sweet spade pussy for him; don't worry, angel, Linda isn't gonna make him stop. You're just starting to get the good stuff, angel," Linda whispered huskily, petting the Shepherd as he licked steadily at the sobbing black teenager, "you won't believe how good it is once he gets warmed up. Let's see if Linda can pump up a little more enthusiasm for you, babydoll."Kinya watched in unbelieving horror as the lovely blonde slid down next to the huge Shepherd, reached between his legs and started playing with the animal's hairy organ. The choirgirl retched as the big dog's penis swelled quickly and pretty Linda pumped the furry dog tool meticulously, whispering praise while the Shepherd's tongue crawled over her crotch. The animal growled between Kinya's knees as the blue-eyed blonde giggled and pumped his dick, his tongue lathering Kinya's pussy as fast as he could lick.Whimpering shrilly against her muffling ribbon, the horror-stricken choirgirl heaved and thrashed desperately against her bonds, pinned wide open for the Shepherd's deliberate attention. Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed only to encourage the watching blonde, who started a high-speed pumping at the panting animal's swollen cock. As the shaking black teen tried again to scoot her ass back away from the big dog, Rex reared up and snapped his fangs on her left sleeve, heaving backward until material shredded. Linda laughed out loud as the Shepherd grabbed again near Kinya's shoulder and ripped the whole sleeve away, long shreds dangling from the cuff at her velvet-tied wrist."No no, Kinya, you need to be a good girl, be still," Linda said sharply, "puppy won't like it if you make him disappointed, you don't want him to get angry, so be still, good girl, still."Kinya lay obediently still as the animal chewed and jerked her other sleeve, ripping her blouse away, leaving tatters trailing beside the dark mounds of her breasts. She gagged with disgust as the big Shepherd licked the salty sweat off her tits, tongue crawling repulsively over her stiff nipples; the eager dog dropped back down and clamped his paws over her legs. Gritting her teeth to keep from throwing up, the frenzied choirgirl arched futilely up against the animal's heavy forepaws, shaking her head as the excited Shepherd slavered over her, tongue dancing maddeningly at her slime-soaked pussy. Kinya realized with horror that the huge animal wouldn't stop while the gorgeous blonde-haired maniac kept fondling his throbbing organ; her gaze locked on the blue-eyed blonde kneeling beside her, eyes pleading for release as Linda stroked the dog lapping her disintegrating snatch."I think you're ready for the final lesson, baby," Linda cooed tenderly as sweat beads rolled down the black girl's forehead, "watching you give it up for sexy Rexie has me about ready to come myself, but I saved the best for last."The horrified choirgirl literally couldn't believe her eyes when the lovely blonde curled up beside the panting animal and leaned in underneath his belly, saying "I know you can't thank me now, it's all right; you can pay me back later. You watch now while Linda shows you how to really get the most out of one of these pretty boys, okay?"The stunned black girl's eyes widened in amazed disgust as Linda crawled in until her lips were inches away from the whining animal's red erection and added, "You'll want to watch real close, sweetheart, you'll need to know this later."Linda looked up at the captive choirgirl and winked wickedly, then turned back and deliberately thrust the dog's organ into her mouth. As the pretty blonde's lips slipped down the length of his cock, the Shepherd lowered his head over Kinya's snatch again; Kinya screamed and gagged behind the ribbon as Rex gave a low whine of delight and launched into furious lapping at her snatch while Linda sucked him. Kinya's muffled cries and groans turned into breathless shrieking as the frenzied choirgirl thrashed helplessly on the seat. Twisting and writhing, the sweat-drenched black girl moaned and pleaded with the bare-breasted blonde as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping tongue while Linda licked happily up and down his glistening red organ.Gritting her teeth around the gag to keep from throwing up, the frenzied choirgirl heaved futilely against the seat back as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm. The excited Shepherd slavered over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, tongue sliding loathsomely over the clamping ring muscle of her drool-soaked ass. The sobbing black girl felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbed brain. As the incredible shuddering spasms shook her bobbing jugs, Kinya realized with horror that the huge animal still refused to back off and the enthusiastic velvet tongue was still there. Muffled cries and groans turned into a constant nasal moaning as the hysterical choirgirl thrashed helplessly on the seat with eager Rex crouched slavering between her thighs.Kinya's mind shattered in a red cloud of orgasm, guilt and horrified squirming desire as the dog's inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt. Tears mingled with the sweat dripping from her throbbing nipples as the shrieking choirgirl started on another mind-boggling orgasm. Howling and whining through the gag, she could not keep herself from straining toward the panting Shepherd and pressing her knees against his shoulders as he snuffled and drooled over her avid ebony-bushed pussy. Limp as a dishrag and sobbing uncontrollably, Kinya groaned and giggled crazily through the strip of muffling velvet, wriggling and thrusting her bush at the eager animal slavering between her thighs. Alternately begging, screaming and praying behind the gag, the delirious choirgirl gripped the seat back with both hands, spreading her thighs wide to hold her dripping lips apart, exposing her throbbing and demanding clit to Rex's velvet tongue.Kinya screamed and fought the overwhelming ecstasy, sobbing behind the muffling ribbon, gagging and retching as the dog made her come; as the endless doggie cunnilingus kept on, the demented choirgirl couldn't even recognize separate orgasms. She kept coming and coming and still coming, on and on as the dedicated animal lapped and licked at her screaming snatch. The black girl gave another hoarse scream as the blonde's tongue flicked against the big dog's dick and passed out. Kinya was never sure how many times she fainted; when she came back to consciousness, the van was stopped, the blonde-haired degenerate and her dog were gone; she saw the brunette woman and a pale redhead sitting on either side of her.***"...has been disconnected. If the name appears in your directory, the listing has been changed. Please hang up and make sure you are dialing correctly. This is a--"Linda banged the receiver back on the hook and swore in frustration. It was her third call from a different phone booth in the bus station, she'd tried once more in hopes it was some mistake. The teenager couldn't believe it when she got the first recording, but she couldn't deny it now; there was no answer at Auntie's number, not even a ring, just the jerky tape message that the phone had been disconnected. The blonde had spent the long bus ride from the station in the town nearest the kennel rehearsing her apology and explanation to Aunt Jane and she was stunned to realize she might have trouble at this stage of her plan. The old maid had never taken a vacation in Linda's lifetime, so where could she be now that Linda finally needed to talk to her?One final flash of inspiration sent the anxious runaway searching through the yellow pages with shaking fingers; Auntie never did anything without talking to her lawyer, Mr. Kravitz would know what had happened. Linda told the secretary her name and waited in nervous anxiety until Kravitz picked up the call. When the old man told her the news, the blonde hung up in numb silence and cried quietly in a chair by the door until the cab came to pick her up. Her eyes were swollen and tears streaked her cheeks as she walked into the attorney's office; she was still weeping silently while he talked for nearly an hour." couldn't have known, she absolutely forbade any mention of her illness around you, Linda," Kravitz concluded, shaking his head in regret. "I of course urged her to let you know that her condition was terminal, particularly when the pain became severe and you two began to quarrel.""Oh god, Mr. Kravitz, I feel so terrible," Linda sniffled, "if only I'd known, we could have worked harder or something. And if it hadn't been for the wonderful ladies who took me in, I'd never have come back, I'd never have known. They did so much for me, Mr. Kravitz, they made me really think about what I want and what I need to do and how to learn to like a job and responsibilities and everything, all the things Auntie tried to show me. Oh god, what will I do now, I thought everything would be okay once I came back and explained and apologized, now everything is screwed up...""Well, this probably isn't the best time to mention it, but things aren't all bad," the lawyer replied understandingly, "your aunt knew she had to make some plans after you ran away. She had put off telling you what she intended to do until it was too late to take you into her confidence, but we made the best arrangements I could develop to under the circumstances. Since she had never charged you with being a runaway, it left some avenues open that made things easier. Before I go into the details of her will and your inheritance, there is one important item to explain; does the term emancipated minor mean anything to you, my dear? If not, please listen carefully..."It took a couple of weeks to get through the court forms and getting the estate settled and all the insurance paperwork finished and then finally have her new ID delivered. The new driver’s license and the checking and savings account books were brought to the house by a young lawyer named Jack, the youngest partner in old man Kravitz’s office. Jack had been very friendly since the first day Kravitz had introduced him to Linda, and eagerly volunteered to take over all the donkey work of dealing with the estate details. After he handed her the license, her savings account info and checkbook, Linda walked the young lawyer to the door; she was just ready to say thanks and goodbye when Jack reached into his satchel briefcase and pulled out a large beige cardboard folder.“I think that takes care of the last of the professional details, Linda,” he said, smiling and looking directly into the surprised blonde’s eyes, “and now that the business stuff is all finished, I was wondering if maybe I could ask you for one little personal favor?”“Why sure, Jack, I guess so,” Linda replied uncertainly, “I mean, I really do appreciate all the help you’ve given me, so if there’s something I could do show my gratitude” She trailed off in bewilderment as he extended the manila folder and placed it in her hand with an even bigger smile.“I was hoping,” he said, handing her a pen as she glanced down in confusion and began to open the folder, “that maybe you’d autograph a couple of these for me”Linda pulled open the folder in total mystification and then gasped and burst into laughter when she realized the contents: the first thing she saw was an 8 by 10 color computer photo printout of her, down on all fours with Rex mounted on top of her like Lassie. She flipped to the next photo, a close up on her face, looking into the camera with a smile as she sucked Prince’s cock with come dripping off her chin. The folder was filled with still prints from her videos, all shots of her sucking and fucking the Shepherd, the wolfhound and the massive Harlequin. Linda looked up from the photos and found the young lawyer watching her with a huge grin.“I recognized you the minute I walked into Mr. Kravitz’s office that first day,” he said simply, “I’ve got all your videos from day one at the kennel, and I’d say I’m one of your biggest fans. I’d really love to have your autograph on a couple of those pictures, and maybe someday you could tell me how you got into that situation, and how you managed to get out.”“Sure, Jack, I’ll sign a couple of them,” Linda said with a chuckle, “anything for a fan.” She quickly scrawled ‘Love & kisses from Linda, big boy’ on the top two pictures and handed the pen & folder back to the smiling attorney, adding, “Maybe sometime I’ll talk more with you about what happened.”“And maybe some day, if you’re really lucky,” she continued, walking him out the door and staring him straight in the eye with a smile, “you might catch me in the right mood and I’ll give you a private show.”Linda gratefully locked the door as the young lawyer drove away, and then closed all the blinds before wriggling out of her clothes; the delighted blonde gave a loud whistle and burst into laughter as the year-old Pyrenees stud galloped into the room and eagerly thrust his muzzle between her legs. The nearly-grown snow-white pup weighed over a hundred pounds and was barely sexually mature; he was a smart and obedient dog and had learned amazingly quickly under the teenager's skilled training. Linda spread her legs, leaned back with a sigh of satisfaction and picked up the phone as her big fuzzy bear licked lovingly at her spread snatch. She rubbed the animal's ears as she dialed and waited for the distant phone to ring."Hi, Sally, it's your lover-girl," she giggled when the redhead answered, "Did you guys get my card? Yeah, it is amazing; I still didn't believe it until all the paper shit was finished. Oh yes, the house, my inheritance money, plus insurance and savings and I still don't know what all; I just got the checkbook & my driver’s license today. I'll show you all the stuff when I come up this weekend, okay?"Yes, you nosy bitch, I did get a dog of my own, he's right here at my feet while we're talking; no, a Great Pyrenees, he's all white and furry and beautiful. The breeder said he'll go about a hundred and eighty pounds when he's full grown, I'm not sure I'll be able to hold him up. If he gets me pinned over a footstool or bench or something I guess I'll just have to fuck till he gets tired of screwing. How are you all doing down there, is Deni around? All out by the pool, hey, I can imagine what's going on; is Kinya there by any chance, I'd like to talk to her. Oh, I'm sure she's a little tied up right now, I thought she might need a lot of training. Spending every night out in the pen is she; she must be a bad girl. Just hold the phone next to her ear, lover."Hello sweetheart, how are you? This is Linda, you remember me, we met at the auditorium, and I was with Rexie the night we picked you up. Oh no, baby, you don't understand, it's going to be wonderful for you, you'll see, the pretty boys are only being nice to you like Sally and Denise taught them. Of course I'll help you, angel, I'm going to show you all kinds of things just as soon as I get there. Kinya, that's not the kind of help you really want and I know it, just forget all about that and try letting yourself go. Yes I will help you; I'll help you learn everything you need to know no matter how long it takes for you to understand. I'm sure we'll find you're really a dog lover at heart..."Now is that any way to talk, how can you be so ungrateful? Yes I do know what they're doing to you and I know you're going to accept it more and more as time goes on. I'm really disappointed in you, angel, you shouldn't say things like that to me, you know you'll regret it later. I can see I'm going to have to spend a lot of time with you when I come back, baby; I'm sure I can make you love me after a while. Now screaming like that won't help, I can't understand a word you're saying with you crying that way..."Oh hi, Denise, I can't wait to see you again. Oh yes, I can hear her all right, sure is noisy isn't she? Yeah, I think it's exciting too, good thing you're out in the boonies with plenty of privacy. Oh I think we can bring her around all right, I've been doing some reading and I have a couple ideas. Have you ever seen those electric shock collars they advertise in the dog magazines? No, not for the pretty boys, you doofus, for that pretty little piece of dark meat you have tied in the chair. Uh-huh, I'll bring it with me when I come this weekend. I love you too, Deni, bye..."Linda dropped the phone back on the cradle with a giggle and slid easily off the couch beside her fuzzy loverpup. The teenager spun on her hip to lay end for end with the dog, opened her legs and slid her hands over the animal's belly as the excited yearling began faithfully lapping at her pussy. The dog whined imploringly as the blonde's fingers danced over his furry cock sheath and the girl giggled again as she leaned over the swelling pink hardon."That's right, baby, lick Linda real pretty," she coaxed, skinning back the sheath to expose the full length of the young dog's swelling erection, "yes yes yes, that's my good, good boy, oh baby that's wonderful. You go on lover, go on and lick Linda sweet," she added, leaning over the animal's sensitive dickhead, "it's time for Linda to show you what a real dog treat is"THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 59
Erotic Exotic Ball - The Pre EventThis story takes place at the infamous Erotic Exotic Ball held around Halloween each year in San Francisco. Around this time I was dating Irene. More precisely, Irene and I were having a good sexual relationship. Both of us new we had no intention of being together for the long haul, but we had enough in common to enjoy each others company. And we were very sexually compatible. This came in handy since we had several mutual friends at work, many of which I had had sexual relations with. It was especially important the night of the Erotic Exotic Ball.The event planning started innocently enough at lunch in the corporate cafeteria. Being in our mid-twenties and single our conversation easily turned to sex and dating quite frequently. That day we were discussing Halloween plans and were any good parties might be when Cory let us know she usually goes to the Erotic Exotic Ball each year. We had heard of this event, but only Arlene had ever gone before.Cory surprised us with her comments, not appearing to be someone who would relish this kind of event. Cory described the event in detail. For her, the biggest thrill was seeing everyone else wandering around naked and the trade booths were a variety of adult products were pitched and available for demo. When pushed she denied she had ever worn anything revealing or tried the toys. What she usually wore was a bikini or short shorts. Cory did say that by the time she left she was really horny.Arlene had another remembrance. She said she only went once and was pretty trashed. She remembers having sex with a lot of guys. No more details were forth coming, although it did not seem to be a bad memory to her. Cory also confirmed that she had seen people having sex and it was fun to watch.The plans solidified over the next week and Irene and I went to buy the tickets. I had to be a very lucky man. I was going to the ball with five women. We were going to meet at five p.m. at Irene's apartment in San Francisco. We would change there into our outfits and take a cab to the ball from Iran's. The next week was one of anticipation. As the only male I was somewhat left out of the females' conversations, particularly the one's surrounding costumes.I arrived early to help Irene set up. Rather than dinner we arranged a buffet of snacks along with several good wines. I'll describe each of the guests as they arrive, starting with your hostess.Irene is Japanese-American and every bit the exotic Asian beauty you could imagine. She is taller at 5' 6" and in extremely good shape. Irene is a semi-competitive runner and all of her training has left her with an incredible set of long, toned legs and nice healthy tan. Her butt is tight and tone and her hips very womanly. Irene is not incredibly endowed up top. In fact, her breasts remind you more of an undeveloped pre-pubescent male's chest except for one important difference. She has amazingly long and hard nipples.Nancy, one of Irene's best friends, arrives first. Nancy is an all-American mid-westerner girl born and raised in Chicago. She is a cute blonde that enjoys a good dirty joke. Her sexcapades are legendary and something she is quite proud of. Nancy has been naturally endowed with a set of 40D tits. Something she is quite willing to flaunt to get attention. At twenty-five her tits are still nice and firm and her body trim, although many of us speculate she is the body type that will become an overweight housewife by her mid-forties. All the more reason to enjoy her now.Joan and Cory arrive together. Roommates for the last several years they are opposites in many ways. Cory is fondly referred to as "Rebecca of Sunny brook Farm." She is a sandy-haired petite blonde that can hold her own roughhousing with the boys. An active cyclist her body is tone and her legs toned. Somewhat fair skinned she carries a light tan from her outdoor activities. Her breasts are a nice B-cup. They fit nicely inside the palm of your hand. Her nipples are a rich pink and puffy texture when aroused.Joan would never be called innocent, although her reputation is not as bad as her actual behavior. A brunette, Joan's hair is medium-length and reaches the middle of her 34D breasts. She has a beautiful face highlighted by deep, inviting brown eyes and a cute dimpled outlined smile. However, her most memorable feature is those tits. A part-time aerobic instructor, she is in great shape and has well-toned and thin arms and shoulders. Her chest muscles are developed and support her cleavage, keeping her firm mounds well secured and protruding from her chest.Arlene is the last to arrive. Her nickname at work is "Arlene the Dream." She has earned in two ways. First, she truly is a California blonde dream. An executive administrative assistant Arlene dresses very stylishly but always in a way that shows her body to it's fullest. Her skirts are just short enough to expose the sleek line of her tan legs. Her blouses sheer enough to tempt the eye to see her treasures, which are never truly exposed; however, the shape of her nice 34C breasts are clearly outlined."Arlene the Dream" refers to the endless amount of male foot traffic that passes her open cube everyday, even though it is out of the way. "Arlene the Dream" is also a remark we use to tease her about the ego she denies she has. Arlene is very well aware how gorgeous she is, but pretends she does not know she is so pretty or that it is really not that good of a thing. However, she has been caught many times making her grand entrance. Sizing up the other women to see if anyone matches up to her and making sure the male attention has shifted in her direction. If disappointed she can be counted to pout for a while.We settle down to the snacks and wine. The conversation drifts to the ball and expectations. In general nobody really knows what to expect but a sense of openness to whatever happens is conveyed across the group. Individual's alternate form expectations of complete lewd public behavior to a simply watching. Likewise, we vacillate between what needs to be done to control our urges to what needs to be done to get the attention and service we desire. Time draws near and the women retreat to different rooms to change into their ball attire.Irene has been thoughtful and supplied each of us with a light full-length raincoat we can use to go to and from the ball. Irene has also been good enough to provide my costume, which she has in her room."Yours is in the bag. I hope you like it." Irene explains. I see the bag but it no bigger than a small lunch bag. I am hesitant as I open the bag and pull out my costume for the night. "I hope your OK with it. I think it will turn everyone on to see you in this."At best my costume is a mini g-string. Small string form the outlines of a thong with a pouch for my balls and what looks like a 9" sleeve for my cock. The sleeve has a Velcro closure on it and looks to be made to stand our firmly."I know you are always jealous at how woman 'parade' around naked. I thought tonight would be your chance to be nude in public. I made the sleeve hard because I thought you could use it as a prank and it would help with your fear of popping a boner in public." I agree to use it and ask what the Velcro is for."That's in case any of us want access to the real thing. I thought it could be a discreet way to get you out and going and put you away really quick as well. I got a mask for you as well so you can be somewhat hidden and hard to recognize if that helps."I hesitate only briefly before Irene finishes the encouragement. "Come on, honey. It will be fun. Want to see what I am wearing?" I agree and watch in anticipation as she pulls out her outfit. Irene has two pieces. The first she pulls out is a slink black camisole top. The second item is a skimpy black thong panty. "I hope your going to be happy. The top only cost me $10. If I want to go topless I won't feel bad about losing it. And the front of the bottom is really skinny. I'm not sure it is going to cover all of my labia. If I spread my legs or twist wrong I'm sure a part of my mound will show. And you know, I had to shave for this." The thought of Irene topless and nearly bottomless with a shaved pussy brought me back into the mood to wear anything. This was going to be fun.We undress facing each other across her bed. She pulls off her T-shirt and quickly puts the camisole on. I nod in approval. The fabric thin and clingy, her nipples poke out distinctly from her chest. She waits for me to be naked before pulling down her running shorts. True to her word her pubic region is shaved, except for just a tuft hair right above her clit. "How do you like it?" Irene asks, striking several model poses before reaching for her thong. She slides it on and adjusts the fabric. It cannot be more than an inch wide in front. The black lace is semi-transparent and appears more revealing than it really is.I drop my shorts and stand naked in front of her as I arrange her costume. "I see you like it." Irene smiles appreciatively, my semi-hard cock giving away my thoughts. I smile back as I pull my g-string on, place my cock in the sheath and tuck my balls away. I spin to give her a full view. She seems pleased with her work.We hug as both of our hands explore the familiar exposed cheeks of the other person ass. The g-strings leaving nothing to the imagination. As I reach to fondle her nipples she cuts me off. "Let's get on our coats and see how everyone else is doing."Arlene and Nancy are waiting for us in the living room. Cory and Joan are not far behind as we hear them coming down the stairs. We all look at each other with a sense of anticipation. The raincoats cover all, yet we know some interesting things are going on just underneath. Irene suggests a shot of tequila before we unveil ourselves. We all oblige in a hearty toast and wait for the next step.Arlene volunteers to go first. "I hope you won't be disappointed. I didn't get a costume yet but I should be getting one at the ball." We are confused by her comments as she unties the belt of her coat and lets it slide of her shoulders. "Arlene the Dream" is completely naked. She turns to the right and left and asks, "What do you think." I clap in appreciation. "Thank you" Arlene responds and bows in acknowledgement.Her body is truly great. She is nice and tan all over; apparently her stories about the tanning salon are true. Her breasts are bouncy with nice perky nipples that extend slightly upwards. Her pubic hair is blonde and tightly trimmed. She leaves the coat on the floor and sits down in her chair. "Might as well get used to being naked." She smirks. "Whose next?""I'll go." Irene volunteers. She stands in the center of what is now a circle and also unties her belt. She teases us by first flashing open the right side and then the left side of the coat. Shouts of admiration let Irene know we like what we see. With one final move she throws open both sides of the coat and lets it fall to the floor. The black color complements her skin and hair very well. Her ass looks amazingly firm and inviting, the wisp of fabric not even visible in her ass crack.Irene takes the seat next to Arlene. Her panties so sparse she looks bottomless as she sits down. "I have a treat for you all. I designed the following costume and hope you like. Honey, please show the ladies what you have in store for them." Irene states, naming me to go next.With only a shrug I quickly remove my coat. Being the only male in the room, the stares from a room of semi-naked women is overwhelming. "Nice ass" Arlene comments to break the ice. I turn to complement her and I am startled ass a pair of hands firmly grip my cheeks."I want to get me some of that!" Nancy exclaims as she lets go. She starts a trend as each woman fondles, spanks or grabs my butt. The attention is nice but unsettling in how unusual it is. I sit next to Irene, the cock sheath sticking out at attention. I cannot forget my basic nudity as I smile at Nancy and suggest she go next.Obviously more attune to flaunting her assets Nancy struts to the middle of the room. She teases us by exposing her naked legs before turning her back on us. She picks up the hem of the coat and flicks it over her ass. We now have a clue to her clothing. She is wearing white, almost see-through panties. They appear French-cut as they ride high on her hips, yet the cloth covers most of her ass. A little fuller than the rest of the women she has chosen to cover more of her butt.With flair she flicks the coat off. Her top appears to be a matching white corset. The corset binds her middle, accentuating the curve of her hips. Her hands cover her breasts as she turns to face our direction. My first thought is Nancy is bare breasted but my eyes are drawn to her pussy. Her panties are French-Cut, very tight and very transparent in front. The tuft of her pubic hair and outline of her vaginal lips are clearly visible through the fabric.Nancy smiles as she can tell we are approving of her outfit. She removes her hands from her boobs and flings her arms out to her side. At the same time she throws her head back at lets out a loud "TA-DA!" Her corset ends just below her breast, providing a shelf-bra to help support and lift up her good-sized tits."Oh my God!" I exclaim, "I gotta get some of that!" I mention back to Nancy."I hope you do!" Nancy smiles back as she takes a seat.Cory is next and stands to remove her coat. "I don't think this will surprise anyone." She states as her coat drops to the floor. She has been quite creative and is dressed as a naughty Little Bo Beep. The first thing you notice is her dress is transparent. She has somehow created a blue and white checker bad pattern in the fabric that you can see at certain angles. At others it appears as if she is wearing nothing. On her shoulder are little puffs of white fabric much like you see on little doll clothes.She is topless and her little boobs look cute under the cloth. She has chosen a red thong for her undergarment. As a final surprise she picks up her accessories. A riding crop to "herd the sheep" and an oversized lollipop. She gives it a big lick and asks what we think. "I think your flock is going to 'frock' you tonight!" Joan exclaims."I feel overdressed." Joan states, being the last person wearing a coat. She picks up a whip lying next to her and snaps it sharply on the floor. As she does it again she manages to drop her coat off of her. She is dressed as a very kinky dominatrix. She has on a leather halter that ties up the front. It just barely covers her breasts, which appear to be trying to squeeze out. Her panties appear to be leather as well. She wears leather mid thigh high boots and leather gloves that stop just above her elbows. We nod in approval."Well, this is quite an assortment." Irene comments. "That got me horny. I'm not sure I should go out in public like this. I'm likely to fuck the 1st guy or gal that comes along.""1st, I might just fuck the first five." Nancy adds in to a round of laughter."Well, we have about 45 minutes before we need to leave. Any ideas?" Irene continues on."I think I need to go get a vibrator and get these sexy thoughts out of my head." Cory comments. "I don't really think I want to get their this horny.""I think I do." Arlene chimes in. "It's a great place to have sex.""Would you all stop it." Joan comments. "More talking about it is making me even wetter. And with this leather I don't think I'll be getting any tonight. I could use a good fucking right now.""Hey honey, think you could get us all calmed down before we get there." Irene teases, drawing me into the conversation."I'd be happy to try." I bluff back."Well, we only have 25 minutes so you better be quick." Cory adds."I got an idea." Nancy adds. "How about he gets us started. Then those that want to get there really horny will. If you want to get off you can finish yourself.""Do go on." I add."OK, each lady gets the following. Their breasts fondled for and nipples licked while you stroke his cock for one minute. Her pussy licked once and gets fucked for one minute. That should give us enough time and get our motors started." Nancy concludes. Everyone seems to nod in agreement.Needless to say I take up this offer. Nancy is elected to go first and I approach her anxious to get my hands on those tits. They are everything I imagined. Firm yet much too big to handle with one hand. I disappear into them, licking and sucking at the flesh surrounding me. I feel her hand find my sheath. "How do you get his cock out of here?" She questions. I hear the sound of the Velcro being pulled apart. Fingers reach under the band of my g-string and pull it down around my ankles. Nancy's hand is quick to find my cock and masturbates me vigorously.Both hands are filled with Nancy's tits. I push them together and try to get her nipples to meet so I can suck them both at once. I am buried in her breasts and enjoying the quick work she is making of my cock. I am only vaguely conscious of the other four people in the room."Times up!" Arlene shouts. "Let's get on with it!" Nancy pulls away and positions herself on the floor. The room is very quite I kneel between her legs. She lifts her ass so I can pull her panties off. I look to my left and right, the women are transfixed as I toss Nancy's white panties aside. She spreads her legs wide as my mouth descends to her lips. I give her a big lollipop stroke, starting just above her asshole and going all the way up to her pubic hair.I move up and position my cock at her entrance. The room is deathly quite as I make I contact with Nancy. Her hands touch my hips and guide me forward and into her. Not fully wet yet, I only a 1/4th of my cock penetrate on the first thrust. I continue to push forward going deeper with every thrust. After four or five I feel the moisture starting to emanate from her hole. With the next stroke she opens fully and I plunge my length into her.With less than a minute to go I fuck Nancy hard. Her unconstrained tits bounce on her chest as I pound her good. I hear Cory whisper under her breath "He's really fucking Nancy right her on the floor in front of everyone." The only other noise I hear is deep breathing and the slurping sound of my cock rapidly working Nancy's little hole."Time" calls Irene. Nancy looks disappointed. "Sorry, I'd really have liked to see you to cum together, but we only got so much time. Who's next?""Why don't you go." Nancy smirks back. "Let's see how to experienced lovers fuck!"I start to get up but Irene's gentle touch on my shoulder keeps me down on my knees. She kneels in front of me so we are at equal height. Her hand reaches and starts to gently fondle my balls as our mouths meet. Our tongues are entwined as she slowly strokes my cock. One of my hands is under her camisole fondling her nipples while the other cups and squeezes her exposed ass cheeks. A minute passes to quickly.Again, Irene takes charges and guides me onto my back. She straddles over me, pulling the narrow fabric of her thong back to expose her pussy. I pull her hips down to me and give her a long lick. She leaves too quickly and positions herself over my enraged cock. I watch as she guides it to her vagina and slowly slides it in.Irene rides me for the remainder of the time. Slowly and sensuously stroking my cock with her pussy walls. I watch as my cock gets shinier and shinier from her wetness. I watch her fingers fondle her clit as my cock slides in and out of her dripping cunt. She almost orgasms but Nancy has her revenge and calls time.Irene has just gotten off of me when Arlene lies down on top of me. We roll over on our sides and face each other. Hardly anytime has expired before Arlene has her tongue exploring the insides of my mouth. Her hand is expert. With her open palm she applies pressure against my cock, squeezing it against my stomach. She slides her hand down the shaft and over my balls and back again over and over. My hand explores her chest and explores her breast with urgency. She guides my head down to her nipple, which I hungrily take into my mouth. Her hand now engulfs my shaft and strokes me hard and fast. Her bud tight in my mouth I hear her whisper in my ear. "My other hand is in my pussy right now, making it nice and wet for you. I want you to fuck me hard. My clit is ready to burst. I want you to pound me. I want to cum." Her dirty talk is doing the trick.She rolls over on her back and I quickly plant my sword in her. She wraps her legs around my neck. My shaft is buried to my balls in her. I feel her fingers down around our coupling, playing with her clit. I place my hands under her knees and lift her ass even higher. Pounding her for all my worth as her head arches back. The hand that was working her clit falls back to her side. Her back arches as she starts to let out guttural "Ohs!" As her climax builds her pussy clamps down on my cock. I try to push through put Irene calls time.Arlene lays on the floor, her chest heavy hard, and smiles at the crowd. "That's better," she says quietly and contently."Cory, you want to go next?" Joan questions her and Cory being the only two who have not had a turn."I don't think I can" Cory says. "I'm just not ready to do that in front of everyone." She still seems rattled and continues to babble. "That was really hard core sex. I mean I like to have sex. I like to fuck and everything but I can'' just let go like that. I mean I am getting really horny watching and part of me wants to fuck right now. But I don't think I can."The women politely cut her off encourage Joan to take her turn since the taxi van will be here in five minutes. I lay on the floor exhausted from the rapid-fire sex of Nancy, Irene and Arlene. I am in disbelief that I have just fucked three women and am onto my fourth in under a half and hour. Joan's hands quickly loosen the front of her leather top. Her breasts bop free from their covering."If Cory doesn't want her time can I have it?" Joan questions as she squats on the floor and pulls down her leather pants. The general answer is no."I don't think I can go another a couple of minutes." I interject."Oh come on, I'll do the work if you want." Joan answers back."No, I mean I don't think I can last another couple of minutes without cumming!" I pant."You can cum on me if you want." Joan contends as she lowers her left nipple to my mouth."Oh my God!" Cory moans as the other debate. The women agree that Joan can get an extra minute of intercourse or up until the van comes or I do.Joan lies over me with her hips over to the side. My hands fondle her breasts as each nipple takes turns in my hungry mouth. With her leather clad hand she strokes my ravished cock. The feel of the leather is wonderful but unfortunately the minute is up.Joan rolls over onto her back and one of her hands disappears between her legs. She encourages me to hurry up as I crawl between her legs. Joan is one of the erotic sites a man could behold. A pretty face oozing lust from her sweet brown eyes. Her perfect exposed breasts lying tight against her chest. Her legs spread and vagina wet and open. Her finger playing with herself.I am in here quickly. Her pussy wonderful I start and nice steady rhythm. Joan's hips move wildly as well, making the penetration that much more deeply and smooth. Her walls are magical and I don't think I even last the full minute. I pull out of her and watch as my first spurt lands on the bottom of her breasts. I lean forward and deposit more of my semen on her belly.I feel a hand on my cock. Arlene is next to me milking the last drops. Cory is dumbfounded as she licks the tip of my penis and comments on how good it tastes. I watch Cory's mouth drop at what happens next. Arlene leans forward and licks another drop of cum off of Joan's chest.Irene moves in next and starts to lick the cum from Joan's upper stomach. I watch Joan tense from the sensation of the two tongues touching her. I descend on her pussy with my mouth. Her lips are still encouraged and parted from our recent coupling. My tongue pushing deeply into her folds before flicking up the length of her hole. She moans and raises her hips in pleasure.I hear Nancy's voice and know she has also joined the crowd. I curl my tongue and push it deep into Joan's vagina. Trying to fuck her with my tongue. I replace my tongue with my finger as I catch my breath. Arlene's head is just above mine licking the last of the jism from around the top of Joan's pubic patch. Irene is suckling Joan's left nipple and Nancy is attached to her right.I return to her waiting area and find her clit. I play with it in my mouth as my fingers continue to stroke her inner walls. Joan bucks nicely during her 1st and 2nd orgasm. She is starting into her third when the doorbell rings.All of our heads pop up, except for Cory who still looks amazed at what she has just witnessed. "That must be the taxi!" Irene comments. "Somebody needs to go down and hold it. Come we got to get going."We all look around. Cory is sitting on the chair. Perfectly capable of greeting the taxi driver except that her dress reveals everything. Arlene reacts 1st and grabs a coat from the pile. She bounds down the stairs as she hurriedly fastens the belt around her waist. "Hurry up, they only wait a little while," she yells to everyone else. We hear here great the taxi driver and let him know we will only be a minute.Cory is next to grab her coat and hurry down. Nancy had already put her panties back on and is 3rd. Irene shifts through the remaining pile of clothes and finds her tiny panty. She slides it on as I start to put my g-string back on. Joan is just getting up from the floor. I bring her panties to her and she puts them on quickly as we all bound down the stairs to catch the taxi.Luckily Irene has thought ahead and arranged a taxi van. Rather than a regular car we were in a Ford Aerostar. Everyone else was in and waiting. Nancy had taken the front seat. Cory and Arlene were in the middle two seats, which left the back for Joan, Irene and myself. Irene got in 1st and slid over to the left. Joan went in next and got the other seat. I was content to sit in the middle.The door shut and driver asked were to? We told him the Erotic Exotic Ball and he chuckled. "I kind of got that. Those coats are good for walking around in, put when you ladies went to sit down, all I can say is thanks!"Continued in Part 2 ... The Opening Act
PART 11I had gotten to fuck in one fashion or another about 4 or 5 times my whole senior year in high school.My bizarre relationship with Dan, the high school janitor no longer seemed as interesting or sexual as it had been when I was "younger." For a couple of years, off and on, I would strip naked in his office; he would make love to my naked body; suck me off; and then masturbate on me. As I was finally fucking girls and trying not to be a homo, I had stopped going to Dan for sexual relief in my senior year.But, after I split with my 21 year old girlfriend, Terry, in the Spring, I was still not pleased with my fuck life. I continued to jerk off in round about and perverted ways. One fetish was to strip down completely and drive around in my car, beating my meat, bare-assed naked. I occasionally got a honk from a passing bus or trucker as they spied my perversion, but it was not particularly satisfying, as I really didn't want to get caught. I was simply horny and I enjoyed driving naked. I would fantasize about other women or men doing the same thing. I continued to occasionally get naked and masturbate in other inappropriate places like church or Todd's house while he was fucking Andrea.One reason I didn't call Terry again was that it was Senior Prom time and I wasn't going to ask her to go with me. It would have been too bizarre. So, for lack of a girlfriend, I called my old one, Dawn. She was home from college and, much to my surprise, she accepted.Todd and I made reservations at a motel - single room, two double beds, for that evening and the four of us - Andie and Todd, myself and Dawn, went to Andie's and my senior prom.After a pleasant evening, the four of us were in my car outside the motel room. Todd and I were both stoned and he and Andie had been freely making out. By this time, Andie's head was bobbing up and down on Todd's cock.However, I had neglected to mention our plans to Dawn, hoping that she would just go with the flow. I hoped that I would wow her with my charm and good looks and we could just spontaneously sleep together.She wasn't interested. She was pleasant enough, but she didn't want to spend the night in a motel with us or even just me. She simply didn't want to fuck. She wasn't interested in joining Andie in giving out blow jobs either. Well, it had been a year since I had last seen her. Shit. However, I tried to be a gentleman about the whole thing. I let Todd and Andie off, promising to come back and drove Dawn home. We actually kissed our good nights and I was left alone. A gentleman. A horny, pissed off, frustrated gentleman. It was my senior prom and here I was, once more in Dawn's driveway, hard, but alone. Shit.I drove back to the motel.They were in bed, more or less passed out. Todd groggily answered the door, in the nude, once he realized it was me. He fell back into bed with Andie and I stripped and fell into bed alone. As I fell out, it occurred to me that I had been doing the same thing a year ago with Bill and Cathy. Same position. Same everything. Shit.In the morning, I got up first and after using the bathroom, I woke up Todd by handing him a joint I had lit. I was still naked and so were they. "Jesus Christ, Greg," said Todd as I forced the joint upon him, "I haven't even woken up yet."After coughing up a reluctant hit, he struggled out of bed to go to the bathroom."Mind if I wake up Andie?" I said, almost slyly, standing up, my soft cock, semi-erect and moving a little.He stopped and looked at me. He looked at my cock. He reached back for the joint and took another hit."No, go ahead, whatever you want," he said as he breathed out smoke. He turned, went into the bathroom and closed the door.Putting the joint down, I uncovered Andie's naked body. She stirred and opened her eyes."Whatever you want?" she said, looking at me, a firm glint in her eye. "Uhh, we, uhh, I, well," I stammered, stoned now, and not sure what it is that I or Todd meant anyway.She stretched her arms, sitting up, making her naked breasts stick out. Then she turned over, rolling like a cat, twisting her body, showing the curves of her ass, her legs, the back of her cunt slit surrounded by blond pubic hairs; I could see the wet spot on the bed where she had laid and my cock began to rise."Ooof," she exclaimed as she plopped onto her stomach on the bed. "It's too early..."Tentatively, I touched her shoulders, massaging them lightly with my fingers. "Mmmmmm, okaayy," she murmured appreciatively.Taking this as encouragement, I sat down on the bed, pressing harder on her shoulders and moving my hands down her back."Ohhh, yeah. That's nice," she whispered as I continued to massage her. She continued to murmur her approval and gradually, I put my legs over her thighs and sat down, my naked balls pressing against the crack of her ass, my stiff cock jutting out over her, the cock head wet with excitement and my hands pressing into her flesh, eliciting little moans as I worked my way down her body. I slid down her thighs, bending over and pressing my hard manhood into her warm flesh, rubbing against her, the head of my penis leaving a wet trail of pre-cum down her ass, as I kept moving my hands down her spine, working my way towards the small of her back. Man, this was nice. My prick felt so good probing at Andie's legs..."Greg," said Andie, "I gotta pee."O Fuck!, I thought. She squirmed a bit and giving her ass an annoyed little slap, I got off of her. She rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom door, not even glancing at my erection."Todd?" she called, knocking on the door. "I have to pee. Let me in."Shit, I thought again. I flopped back onto their bed, my stiff cock pointing up toward my chest. I shook my head in disgust and grabbed for the smoldering joint."All right, all right," Todd said as he opened the door. "I was just..."Andrea pushed by his still naked form, went into the bathroom and shut the door.Todd looked at me, my wet dick waving in the air."Hey," he said, indicating my cock. "Put that thing away, it looks dangerous.""Fuck you man," I said, flicking the joint in the air at him, which he adroitly caught without burning himself. "It'll go away soon enough.""Just don't make me touch it. I ain't givin' no ride on no Hershey highway," said Todd, taking a toke on the joint."Ohhh, fuck," I muttered, turning over and burying my face in the pillow."Todd," said Andrea's muffled voice from the bathroom. "Come here.""Duty calls, man," said Todd.I looked up and saw him grinning as he opened the bathroom door. I caught a glimpse of Andie's nude body, her legs spread, sitting on the can, before he closed the door again.I am one sorry motherfucker, I thought. This is fucked up. But I was fucked up too. Stoned. Naked. Stoned naked. I rolled over and started caressing my own meat. I closed my eyes and pulled at my balls, raising my stiff shaft into the air. I rubbed my ass on the wet spot on the bed - Todd's cum that had leaked out of Andie's pussy in the night. I felt the cold puddle lick lewdly at my flesh. Wrapping my fist around my aching organ, I had visions of Dawn, nude - tied up. I was fucking her in the ass, coming all over her face. My hand moved up and down on my hard shaft as I fantasized."Shhhhh," I said to Dawn as I coerced her into an empty classroom. I had dragged her away from the gym and the dance and now I led her to this dark secluded space. Her blond, curly permed hair framed her beautiful athletic body. She was wearing a very tight fitting, low cut gown. I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her. She resisted slightly, but let me probe my tongue into her wet mouth. I could tell that she was getting aroused and my hands wandered down her back which was bare down to her waist. I pressed my hips into hers and began rubbing the front of my pants against her gown covered cunt.'No, Greg," she said, backing off, "I want to go now."With both hands, I yanked the top of her gown down, trapping her arms with the sleeves and exposing her hard tits. I put my mouth over one of her nipples, biting softly with my teeth."NOooooo," she moaned, but with even less force than before.As I held her struggling body, the classroom door opened and Todd walked in with Andie. He was naked from the waist down and his cock stuck out obscenely in front of him. "Stop him, please," begged Dawn, as I ripped the gown from her body, leaving only panties, nylons with garter belts and high heels.My pants and underwear were off now too, my dick making wet stains on her panty clad pussy. I grabbed the back of her head and forced her down to my hard tool."Suck me, cunt!" I commanded.Shaking, she opened her mouth and took me in. I looked at Todd and motioned him to walk around to her backside. I moved my hips back and forth, fucking her mouth while her panty clad ass was pointing at Todd's throbbing cock. He ripped her panties in half, thrusting his hands in the hole, between her legs and opening up her pussy lips. She started to struggle on my dick, but I forced myself deeper into her throat, while Todd drove his meat into her hot snatch. We smiled at each other as we started fucking her from both ends while she struggled, impaled on our hard organs.Andie was naked by this time and she put her face next to Dawn's and began licking my cock and balls as I moved them in and out between Dawn's lips. I twisted my hips slightly to give her hot tongue access as she slurped over Dawn's face and my balls in orgiastic splendor.Still holding her head in a firm grip, I pulled out from Dawn's mouth and plunged my cock between Andie's questing lips. She eagerly sucked my hard tool in, gobbling up my meat. "Oh, stop. You're fucking me. My cunt is on fire. Pleeease," moaned Dawn as Todd's thick tool continued to batter her fuck hole.I moved Andie's mouth off my prick and indicated that she should lie down on one of the classroom desks. She did so. Her legs were splayed open, exposing her dripping wet pussy and her head was over the edge of the desk. While Todd was still fucking Dawn, I forced her face down onto one of Andrea's hard nipples."Suck on her tit, slut." I urged.By now, Todd's constant fucking of her inflamed cunt had gotten Dawn turned on and in spite of her resistance, she groaned and started licking Andie's nipples. I shoved my throbbing dick back into Andie's mouth and buried it in her throat. "Suck her cunt, Cunt!" I told Dawn.Todd pulled her down Andie's body until Dawn's face was over Andie's open legs. Then we both pushed Dawn's mouth onto Andrea's soaking wet vagina."NNngggggggg," Andie cried around my cock in her throat as she started twitching and jerking."UHHHNGG AAHHNGGG," She gurgled again, clamping Dawn's head to her cunt as she writhed in hot orgasm."Fuckkkk yeah!" Todd pulled a squirting prick out of Dawn's wet slit and started shooting cum all over her ass and back."OHHHH, I'MM CUMMMINGG," Dawn moaned into Andie's pussy as her own hand went to the wetness of her own cunt and moved furiously, masturbating herself to orgasm."AAAAAAHHHHH," I cried, shooting my sperm down Andie's gullet, pulling out of her mouth and letting gobs of cum jet out to fall on her face. I spewed semen all over her face, then her tits, my spunk splashing onto her nipples. I shot my load into Dawn's hair and, as she lifted her head from Andie's pussy, directly into her face. Andie and Dawn were dripping with cum. It was oozing on their faces, their hair, their naked breasts.The cum dribbled down my fingers wrapped around my penis. The first splash had shot onto my chest, the next onto my stomach and now it was oozing out the top of my prick.Todd and Andie were still in the bathroom. Fuck. I didn't even make it to where I had Dawn tied up naked, leading her across the dance floor, letting every guy fuck her every hole until she was drenched in cum. I rolled over and wiped my sperm on their sheets and then I fell back into the other bed, still naked, and went back to sleep. **Then, it was the Summer 1972. That was the year; that was the week that Alice Cooper came out with "School's out for summer! School's out Forever!"And school was out completely. We were done, done, done, and the first thing I was going to do was to hitchhike across the country.Todd and Andie and I got together constantly in the week between school being out and my hitting the road. We went nuts. Todd and I were perpetually stoned and he and Andrea were perpetually fucking.One fine day that week at the end of June, we were in Andrea's father's convertible, with the top down. I was driving the car about 100 miles an hour on a very long stretch of back county road, happily stoned out of my gourd. We were all three of us in the front seat - Todd in the middle next to me and Andie on the passenger side. Todd and I passed a pipe back and forth maniacally singing along with the music blaring from the radio and bullshitting about all the insane, outrageous things that the three of us had done all year. Andrea had a contact high from our sheer foolishness, while Todd and I were both flying high - kings of all creation; stoned; in a hot caddy convertible; on a hot spring day; making the world zip by with an endless life of freedom ahead of us.Then Andrea started in, nuzzling Todd; nibbling on his face and licking the side of his neck. Todd responded and they began casually playing with each other. He turned to her and their lips joined and they started to sink into each other. Their hands began roving over each other heads and backs. This was routine for them. However, when Andrea began grabbing Todd's crotch, my interest was... aroused.We were all sexual creatures, but so far they had kept "discreetly" to the back seat; the next bed over; or even another room. And I had always been just out of sight line. But when Andrea's hands were busy at Todd's pants, undoing them while he was sitting next to me, this marked a new opening in our relationship.While she was opening up his pants, Todd began attacking her blouse and bra. I was still driving fast, fast, fast and watching this indecent frenzy of lust out of the corner of my stoned eyes. I was getting a massive erection.Both of them finished pulling down Todd's pants and freed his semi-stiff cock. Andrea immediately leaned over and covered him with her mouth and teased his manhood to grow. Her head began moving up and down on his glistening shaft. Todd leaned back and put his hands up into the wind, looking first at Andrea's bobbing appreciatively, and then at me as he inhaled sharply."Fuckin' Moran," he said with an erotic grimace as Andrea sucked on his hard shaft. "Ohh, Yeah!" he yelled again. He moved his hands down and began fumbling under the front of her blouse, trying to finish unfastening it and stripping it off.He finally pulled her up to rip her loosened blouse off of her shoulders and to unhook her brassiere. This was the first time I actually saw Todd's fully erect cock up close and personal. He was about 7 inches long and thicker than I was. Just as I had thought. I got harder in my pants as Andie went down on him again, her upper body now naked. Todd put his hands underneath her and played with her tits as she started squirming and raping his stiff rod with her mouth. This was getting wild, even for us. I reached over with unabashed lust and began massaging Andie's naked back and neck with a free hand. Then I put my hands back on the wheel again because as horny as I was, I didn't want to slow down. This was too fucking great and I needed the control.Todd lifted Andie up again and leaned her back against the passenger side door. The hot sun and hard wind was hitting her naked breasts and he began to lick them and taste them in exhilarated abandon. While his mouth was fastened on her tits, her hands were working on taking his shirt off. And his hands were busy under her skirt. He kicked his pants totally off and pulled her panties off at the same time. He threw them up in the air and they left the scene by sailing down the back road, never to be seen again.Now this was altogether surreal. Todd was totally naked, his hard dick wet Andrea's saliva and Andie had only her short skirt on. Once more, her head swooped down and she swallowed his stiff cock. Then Todd bent over, reached under her skirt, opened her legs and started playing with her pussy lips. His fingers danced in and out in and out of her hot, wet box. "Hey, hey, hey!" I shouted over the music and the wind to their semi-deaf ears, "you don't mind if I get a little more comfortable, do you?"Todd briefly glanced at me, smiled and passionately nodded in stoned approval as Andie sucked his throbbing tool back into her throat. Without stopping, I shucked off my shirt and then undid my shorts. I pushed them down over my legs (I had had lots of practice by now stripping while driving and beating my meat in traffic) and kicked off my sneakers while I was at it.Now, I was as naked as they were and I started sensually rubbing my stiff cock to this porno performance next to me. This was a first - live sex and stoned erotic onanism, while driving in public on a hot spring day. There were no other cars behind us - I was driving too fast. And the rare car we passed saw two guys with their shirts off. Andrea was lying on the seat slobbering all over Todd's prick and licking his balls and groin. Maybe they did see her. Who knows? I was too stoned and erotically charged to care.Eventually I yelled, "Switch!""Switch!" is what Todd and I yelled at each other when we took it into our stoned gourds to switch drivers while driving without stopping. We had it down to an insane, as opposed to totally fucking stupid, science. Todd looked at me and said, "What the fuck..." nodded his head and slid over to me, pulling his dick from Andie's questing mouth."Guys, no..." she said, but she didn't really protest.I think she just wanted Todd's cock back in her mouth.His naked thigh pressed against mine as his feet moved into position and I rose up so that he could slide under me. While I was still steering, his foot was on the gas. He slid underneath my naked ass, his ramrod stiff cock briefly poking me between my legs as he moved into the driver's seat. As soon as he could peer around my body, he grabbed the steering wheel and I slid off of his cock, falling into Andie's lap."You missed me, you fucking homo," I boasted, while at the same time I flipped up Andie's skirt again and put my face to her naked pussy. "You're the homo," Todd said to my ass as it rubbed against his naked thigh. Just as though this were a regular activity, Andie opened hers legs to my mouth, drawing up her knees up so that her wet slit was free to my exploring tongue."Oh yeah, fuckkk," moaned Andie, her head shuddering while I licked her hot secretions.I realized how incredibly awkward this was when Todd said "Car."I sat up and pulled Andie's head down to my lap. She lay there for a moment, her cheek getting wet from my dripping cock as the car whizzed by. "You and I Switch," I said to Andie.She sat up and I slid over, putting my arm around her and lifting her up onto my lap. I paused as her bunched up skirt and half naked buttocks sat on my stiff member. I put my hands around her on her breasts and massaged them as she leaned against me, her naked back on my naked chest. "Ummmmm," I murmured, squirming slightly, trying to untangle my cock from her skirt while I lick the back of her neck and shoulders. "Hey man," said Todd, "We're coming to Highway 5, now what?""Just turn around," I said.I could care less now that a nude Andrea was sitting on my pulsing prick.I was incredibly turned on. I didn't know why I hadn't tried to join Todd and Andie's fuck life before this. Well, yeah, I did know why. Because I couldn't. I didn't want to intrude. I didn't want to be rude. Such a weird boy... But now Andie was Hot; Todd and I were Stoned out of our minds; and Sex was Fun! Fun, fun, fun, 'til we have to put the T-Bird away.I slid over to the window and Andrea lay down again as Todd stopped at the intersection of the state highway and this county road. Andie's head went back to his cock, licking it back to life. She pulled at his cock head with her teeth and he jumped."Oh fuck," he groaned with pleasure, his manhood stiffening between Andrea's lips.Rubbing her naked ass and thigh, I pushed my fingers between her closed legs while I massaged my own tight meat and balls. Todd turned off onto the highway just as a car pulled up behind us and we headed off, looking for a place to turn around to go back the way we came. We were now in four lane traffic, all naked, driving slower as Todd looked for a turn-off and the thought of the various people driving by, being able to see me for sure, if not Andie and Todd, turned me on even more. Andrea had sucked Todd back to hardness and was passionately licking his cock shaft, playing with his nuts and she had opened her legs to give me access to her very wet, very hot cunt. I played with her fuck tunnel, getting my fingers wet with her fluids enjoying the sporadic startled looks of cars that pass us by. Todd finally found a residential street to turn down. We were in stoned sexual heaven."Oh man," Todd moaned, as Andie engulfed his naked prick with her hot mouth. "This is totally insane." He pulled into someone's driveway to turn around and I, the danger seeking pervert, looked at him with wonder. My heart was pounding away in my chest at the possible danger of getting caught, and he's turning around in a fucking driveway. My cock felt like it was glowing in my hand."Fuck it," I moaned, emboldened by my randy sexual desire as Todd pulled back to the state highway, turning left to get back to our county free flying straightaway.I pulled Andie's hips and told her, "Kneel on the seat. I want to eat you.""Mmmmmmmm," she murmured, her mouth never leaving Todd's stiff prick. She turned and climbed up on the seat. I flipped up her skirt, leaving her naked ass waving in the air. Then I slid down and spread her ass cheeks, exposing her brown-pinkish asshole and her wet slit. Putting my mouth to the back of her gash, I slid my tongue into her hot fuck hole, tasting her juices."OOhh Goddd," she moaned around Todd's prick and her ass shook in my face. "You guys are fucked," Todd panted, Andie's hot mouth teasing his hard cock unmercifully. "Every fucking person we drive by can see you..."He moaned at Andie's assault, my face buried in her naked ass plainly visible to any car driving by. And even if a person couldn't see it, it would be obvious that she was sucking off the driver.With my face drenched in her hot pussy juices, I could have cared less. I just wanted to bury myself in her hot cunt. I heard the air horn of a truck go off appreciatively as he passed us on our right. Then Todd stopped to turn left back onto the county road. A horn sounded and I looked up to see a woman driving with another woman passenger stopped directly behind us. They were looking at my face, dripping with Andie's cunt juices and this was the ultimate turn on for me. They looked shocked, but also agog at this mad display of public sex. I couldn't help myself, and as Todd turned, with traffic still whizzing by, in front of this stopped car with these two women, I got up and knelt on the seat. Grinning like a maniac, looking directly at these women's faces, I opened Andrea's wet pussy lips and pushed my hard, bare, pulsing meat into her waiting, wet snatch. "OOOHHHHH," moaned Andie onto Todd's stiff tool as he made a hard left onto the county road.The two ladies behind me had their mouths open in shocked disbelief. I suspect that they may have chalked it up as a bizarre hallucination. In the back of my mind, I thought about license plate numbers and police, but the front took over and I started vigorously fucking Andrea for all she was worth. "Ohh man. Yeah! Fuuckkkk!" I yelled to the wind as Todd took off, getting his own rod sucked by Andie's hot mouth.I pumped my hips in and out, in and out, slamming into her sloppy, wet cunt, feeling the pressure build in my balls. I knew that Andrea Slut was on the pill now and I wanted to blast my load inside of her. I was delirious with stoned carnal passion. I felt like a fucking god; open to everything, speeding along in the wind, my steel hard cock hotly fucking a writhing moaning Andrea. "AAAAHHHHH!!" I screamed into the wind, plunging my shaft deep into her fiery, liquid cunt, releasing my juices, shooting my sperm deep into her womb."Unnnn, uhhh, uhhh," Andrea moaned around Todd's cock, her hot ass wiggling in sensual pleasure, her cunt grasping at my pumping dick. "Fuckkk, Fuck, Fuckkk!!" I moaned, as each thrust brought a new spurt of cum and I orgasmed in stoned bliss."Ohhhhh," I groaned as my tremors subside, my cock still inside Andie's drenched pussy; my hands still gripping her naked hips.Todd continued driving down the road, pushing 100 again as Andie ate his stiff manhood. I watched this hot scene, my prick still in her pussy, until after what seemed like an eternity, my erection wilted and slipped out of Andrea's twitching vagina, letting my sperm drip from her wet cunt. I slumped back into the passenger seat, my nude body satiated and I leaned against the door. Andie and Todd were still going at it and she licked his cock, his groin, his stomach and chest until finally, he pulled over on a farmer's tractor road. Stopping the car, they climbed into the back seat and he fucked her sloppy, sperm filled cunt while I languored naked, in a buzzing, satisfied, sultry stupor.That was one of the most erotic fucks of my entire life. That was a good time. Continued in part 12...
Let me tell you about my self before we begin, my name is Jane I'm 45 and until 2 years ago was happily married to John, I have no children and until I left John had been completely straight.Then I met Mary at work, she took over the job of the girl who used to sit opposite me, we immediately got on like a house on fire and before long began going out for the occasional drink.John wasn't too happy as up until then I had hardly ever gone out with girlfriends, but hey I was early forties and Mary seemed to have so much fun since she became divorced, so I put up with John constant moaning.Then one night I was dolling myself up to go out with Mary when John had a right go at told me if I was off out again not to bother coming back.I stormed out the house and went straight round to Mary's, I told her what John had said and she agreed I should stop the night at hers.Well I did stop that night and actually never went home again as Mary and I began a lesbian relationship, the first for both of us actually that lasted over a year.I always knew we would end eventually but was still glad that I had left John and had begun to enjoy myself again.I was living in rented accommodation since I split with Mary and had been looking for my own place ever since.I spotted a nice 2 bed apartment and had my offer accepted, a date was set for the move. I didn't have that much stuff to move but my little car could only carry one box at a time so I rang a removal firm.A guy came to see how much needed moving, he was middle aged fat and balding and informed me of the cost, which was surprisingly low, I addressed this issue and was told that due to the small amount of furniture to move it would only take one guy and one van.When the moving day came I waited for the fat man to arrive but was pleasantly suppressed when a young guy turned up. He was probably in his late teens and fairly well build which I suppose he would be in the removals game.I had packed most of my belongings into boxes leaving larger items like my wardrobe and bedside cupboards for the guy to carry.All the things in the bedside draws I had left so as to save on unpacking this was to prove an eventful error.The guy Carl was his name moved swiftly and before long had all my belongings loaded into the van and ready to roll.It was a nice sunny day and I had decided to wear a pretty little skirt and top to keep cool with all the carrying and unpacking to be done, Carl must have thought the same thing only he had on cut off denims and no shirt.As we drove to the new apartment my thoughts turned to Carl which was kind of strange as I hadn't really thought about men since I had my affair with Mary, anyway my mind continued to be drawn to Carl's tight shorts which clearly outlined his amply cock, I'm sure he caught me looking as he struggled with a large packing crate but just gave me a quick smile.I dismissed the thoughts and focused on the new apartment, we arrived and began unpacking, I told Carl where to put things which he dutifully obeyed.I offered to make a cool drink and went into the kitchen, Carl began unloading my chest of draws and was caring them through the door when I came out with the drink, he asked me to walk in front of him to make sure he didn't trip over any boxes.So I guided him into the bedroom, as I got through the door the chest of draws decided to collapse, damn flat pack, and spilled there contents onto the floor behind me.Carl appologised and began picking up the contents and passing them to me over the ruin of my drawers, I had my back to Carl and my chest pressed against a pile of boxes I would reach behind and Carl would pass the item then I would stretch over the boxes and drop it onto the bed.This continued as Carl passed underwear and socks the occasional jumper, then I reached out and Felt something suddenly familiar in my hand. A shudder ran though me as I slowly turned to see my largest vibrator humming, Carl was still holding the butt end and had turned it up full throttle!We just stood there holding opposite ends of the vibrator as the sensation coursed through us, I glanced down at Carl's crotch and saw his obvious arousal, we exchanged furtive glances before Carl released the vibrator.I turned and leaned over the box to drop the vibrator onto the bed and found it impossible to turn and face Carl from embarrassment, I needn't have worried as I suddenly felt Carl's hand brush my bottom!I froze and had the most incredible surge of excitement run through me, I remained with my back to him and could hear him climb over the broken draws and move close behind me.We were squeezed in between the boxes and I could feel Carl's hard cock press against my bottom, he reached around and cupped my breasts giving them a gentle caress, I felt my knees go weak as he raised my skirt and gentle slid down my panties.I heard the coarse unzipping and removal of Carl's cut off denim shorts followed by the softer rustle of his underwear, his hand moved between my buttocks and gentle spread my thighs. He ran his thumb along my fanny which was sodden with excitement, I gasped and pushed myself against it.We were both now breathing heavily, as Carl one hand massaged my breast and the other probed my dripping vagina, then he moved his hands and began lining up his oversized manhood against the oozing opening of my fanny.I braced myself with both hands holding the packing case tightly, I had my eyes shut in anticipation, I felt the engorged head of his cock push against me followed by a slight give before his thick cock was inside me, a slow grinding and thrusting began and I was in heaven.I mean a mid forties divorcee and lesbian being fucked by a hot teenage stud with a huge rock hard cock I was nearly collapsing from the huge rushes of excitement surging through me! I continually orgasmed, multiple was an under estimate.This was the first piece of cock I had received in nearly 2 years and the hardest and longest since I was a teenager myself, and in that case I was too young to appreciate it.Carl continued to pump and thrust, he pulled my top off over my head so I was now completely naked, our bodies stuck together with sweat, I could smell his strong male odor mixed with my own boiling juices, I arched my back and he kissed my neck and ear, all the while increasing his speed and reaching deeper inside me, I suddenly felt him jerk and tighten as he gripped my body then he blasted his youthful semen deep into me, it continued to pump seemingly of its own accord for what seemed like minutes.I turned around for the first time and we exchanged kisses, panting and smirking at one another, we cleared a path to the bed and he held me in his arms for a while.After Carl big cock I realised how much I missed men and went back on the straight and narrow well almost.Carl continued to call around for the next few months and he would fuck me senseless with his rock teen cock every time, just call me Mrs. Robinson.The EndPlease e-mail me with your experiences I always like to hear.
This is a true story of how my beautiful wife and me came to be if you are looking for a crude fuck story this is not for you. If you are looking for a little sex and romance, read on and enjoy knowing that this all really happened. It all started so innocently. I have to start out several years ago so you can understand totally what happened. My whole life I have been very involved with my church. By the time that I was a senior in high school I was teaching several times a month on Sunday nights.Lacy was several years younger then me, at this time I was eighteen and she was just thirteen so I only looked at her as this sweet, smart, little girl. That fall I went away to college and hardly ever made it home. I went to school all year round, I took every time slot I could and because of this I graduated with 4 years degree in Microbiology in only 3 years.After I graduated I moved back to my small town and got a very good job making more money then 99% of people my age. Needless to say I got very involved in my church again and picked up just where I had left off three years ago. I was asked to start teaching the youth group on Sunday nights not a week after I moved back. This is when I first noticed the sweet little girl that I had known all her life wasn't so little anymore. Being so close to their age, I quickly developed a very trusting relationship with all the kids that I taught. They all knew that If they ever needed someone to talk to our had a little to much to drink at a party, that I was there for theme without giving theme some long drawn out speech. They all had my cell phone number, lab number, and phone number.It never seemed to fail that at least once a week one kid would either stop by at two in the morning some Saturday night, or I would get a call and have to give some drunk kid a ride home. Then calm down there parents so they didn't get killed. This is when Lacy and my relationship took an interesting turn. I guess this would be a good time to describe Lacy and me. I was Twenty-Two years old 6'3' 220Lbs I have short blonde hair and work out for at least Ten hours a week. Lacy was Sixteen 5'6' has Long blonde hair 110lbs at most, and has a very classic beauty to her. She has the perfect size of breast for her body a very nice B cup. Late one night I hear a knock at my door. When I open it there stands Lacy tears streaming down her beautiful face. As soon as I open the door she just wraps her arms around me and started weeping into my shoulder. I ask her what's wrong several times 's and walk her to my couch before she calms down enough to tell me what happened. She starts telling me about here boyfriend who just broke up with her after she gave her virginity to him. My first instinct was to go find this little punk and beat the living shit out of him, but I know that that wouldn't help Lacy out at all. She started crying again so I pulled her to me and just held her till she calmed down and quite crying. Once she stopped I had her call her parents and let theme know that she's OK and will be out very late. Then I started telling her how beautiful, sweet, and smart she is. And how big of an Idiot this guy was for doing this to her. Before long she was smiling, laughing, and thanking me for being so kind. As I walked her to her car she just looked me in my eyes and out of know where she just kissed me, then smiled climbed into her car and drove away. Needless to say I was instantly hard and masturbated several times that night thinking of that lovely girl. The next night at Church I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. As soon as class was over she came up to me and told me that we needed to talk and she would be over later. That night when she showed up she told me how good it felt the night before when I was just holding her. I couldn't hold back any longer I had to fell those lips against mine again. I pulled her close and kissed her passionately, as I felt her tongue enter my mouth I about blew my load right there. I knew what I was doing was wrong I just couldn't stop myself. Her was this sexy girl that over the last couple of months I had slowly fell in love with in my arms kissing me just as hard as I was kissing her. I couldn't take it any longer I had to have her. I quickly asked her if this was OK with her as I grabbed her firm ass. She just smiled reached out and stroked my growing bulge in my jeans. To my surprise she dropped to her knees and slowly pulled my pants and shorts down letting my nine-inch hard on free. She quickly wrapped those hot lips around the tip of my cock and started deep-throating me.Before long I was pumping load after load into that beautiful face of her's. I couldn't believe it, her was this innocent girl that just gave me the best blowjob of my life. Later I found out that she had been giving oral sex to her boyfriend's for several years but only had had sex with the one ass whole that dumped her as soon as he had got what he had wonted. I quickly picked her up and carried her to my bedroom. As soon as we where there I pulled her shirt over her head and quickly sucked one of her perfect tits into my mouth. I kissed my way down her flat stomach till I reached the top of her jeans. I had to taste her. I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down her long legs. To my surprise she wasn't wearing any panties and was totally shaved. As I licked her slit from bottom to top she immediately grabbed my head and forced it into her mound as she came. She pulled me up and covered my lips with hers. As I kissed her neck she whispered that she wonted me inside of her now. She pushed me down on the bed climbed on top of me grabbed my aching dick -- lined it up and slowly lowered her tight young cunt down on to me. I couldn't believe how tight she was. But she took all of me in one movement.She started bucking like wild and in no time we where cumming together. Watching her cum was one of the hottest things that I had ever seen. She collapsed in my arms and I just held her for what seemed like days. I looked at her and knew immediately that I wonted to spend the rest of my life with her. When she awoke she looked into my eyes and before I could tell her how much I loved her she told me. She said that she had had a huge crush on me since she was twelve. I kissed her deeply and told her how beautiful she was and how much I loved her. That was five years ago, we have been together every since that great night and kept it a secret. We just didn't think that people would understand. As soon as she turned Eighteen we let it be known that we where dating. Several months later we where married and our first child was on the way. This all really happened exactly how it's told. If it seams kind of boring, I really don't care. I just had to put down how my lovely wife and I came to be. ***
Nancy Anne Postle peddled her new mountain bike down the bike path alongside the river. The path was paved and wide enough for bikes to pass safely. Every quarter mile the path had a pull over where one could relax, wade in the water along the shore line of the river, where the water wasn't to deep. Some visiting the park would fish for dinner.The sylphlike 12 year old girl's hair tied in a ponytail, flowed out behind her. Looking at the young girl's lovely hazel colored hair with light brown intricate curls flowed trailed out behind her and which she had tied close to her head. Still a child, although her face appeared to make her seem older, Nancy had a natural smile that caught everyone's attention she met or knew.Many of them observing the girl were undoubtedly drawn to her unnatural beauty. Some attempted in what they considered their best acts of personal behavior, even if obscene to draw her immediate attention to have her stop to speak with them.Some words and actions by ill mannered youths or wicked older men Nancy understood and ignored. Mostly she was innocent to the point that she didn't comprehend comments made in poor taste. Mostly the lovely girl simply walked by and smiled at those she didn't wish to be near or speak with. Her youthful body was developing into what would assuredly become truly lovely. So much so that if she followed in her mother's beauty and body contour, there was no doubt Nancy would be a future Miss Something or a state beauty queen.This morning as she dressed after her bath, Nancy studied her pointed and less than AA-Cup breasts. Actually she thought I'm not even an AAA-cup. Nancy noted there wasn't the first sign of hair beginning to crown her mons pubis. Not only was there no hairs and she laughed at the fact not even fuzz crowned the fatty area above her sex.In a moment of additional humor, she wrote a note on her bathroom vanity mirror with her eyeliner, "Be sure to glue some hair on you know what this evening. Important." Then Nancy considered removing the message from the mirror in the event her mother should see her personal note of humor to her self. "Heck, mom will find the humor in my "problem" as only a couple weeks ago I asked her when I would get hair on my sex."Now as she coasted to a stop at one of her favorite spots to walk down and watch the flowing water. Nancy noted the man seated on the ground and leaning against where she always parked her bike. Nancy loved this spot and enjoyed the sounds of the water rushing against and over the river rocks. One thing that the young girl enjoyed see was how the park department and local residents had planted lovely flowers in the surrounding grass area.Locking her bike in the rack, Nancy walked with an assured step to where the man was seated. As she approached him, she couldn't help but notice the man was attractive and likely the most handsome male she had ever looked upon.The man smiled, and in her normal courteous demeanor, returned the visual greeting. "Hi, I see you found my favorite spot along the river," Nancy said with her bubbling enthusiasm before she stopped about three feet from where the man relaxed and she noticed he looked up and down her body, from her feet and up to her hair and back.Nancy was aware of the personal space factor and attempted to keep at least three feet between her self and whoever she was near, if the conditions allowed such distance between herself and others."Darn and I believed all along this was my personal space in Heaven right here on Earth," the man replied with a broad smile across his face."Sorry, but it's mine. Tell you what though," Nancy said with a wide grin on her perky face, "it is so lovely, I guess I can share it with you. Deal?""I'll try not to steal it all, and will share it with such a lissome young lady. Has anyone told you that you're truly a lovely young woman?" and added, "Sit with me; I haven't had such a nice companion for a considerable time."Having been warned repeatedly about speaking with strangers and dangers of being with someone she didn't know, Nancy decided this man was nice. Anyone who found her fav-spot in the world beautiful couldn't be bad.The man was wearing dark sunglasses with large "DG" emblems on each stem. See the gold DG emblem on the sunglasses the man was wearing she thought, "Wow, those are Dolce Gabbana shades and very expensive," she said to her self. Nancy knew what the DG stood for because her father had a similar pair. Plus her mother purchased this designer's clothing and other items. Looking at the man's shorts, slacks and shoes noted they were also designer label items.The large frames on the man's sunglasses and the way the kind of wrapped around the side of his face to protect his eyes from the sunlight prevented Nancy from seeing the man's eyes. Had Nancy been able to see the man's eyes, she would have seen they were fastened on viewing the legs beneath the short skirt the sylph like preteen was wearing. The skirt Nancy was attired in had a loose fit with a ruffle design around the hem. This permitted the man to view under her skirt and enjoy the pale green panties that were partially visible to his eyes.Today Nancy had dressed to match the spiritual being she considered herself to be. Today Nancy believed she was a dryad and a spiritual wood nymph. One thing Nancy enjoyed was pretending she lived during the times told of in Greek mythology. "Yes, I'm a fairy that lived in the shady green forests, and I rested on thick green moss," she told her self.The skirt she was wearing she'd purchased in a high line fashion department store. When she saw the skirt on display in the store it reminded her of the skimpy clothing fairies wore in her books. When reading or looking at the artistic renderings in her books on fairies that she collected, Nancy would study those that dealt with her favorite "pretend friends."From the time she was old enough to look at books, Nancy's mother indulged her with such books, believing it was a way for her daughter to increase her knowledge of the world. Nancy's bedroom was decorated with prints of fairy type creatures and several dolls of the mythology based creates were scatted on her bed. Unknown to Nancy her skirt was bunched up to the extent the man could view under the garment covering her lower body and the narrow front of the panties she was wearing was visible to his gaze. This provided him a vision of her young charms and the fact one side of her panty had slipped over and was splitting her hairless slit and allowing him to see something no male had ever before gazed upon.Only a couple of males had ever enjoyed scrutinizing her body before to such an extent, and unknown to the trusting preteen, the type of stranger she had been warned to stay away from, was becoming turned-on with the young girlish favors hidden inside the narrow band of light green material exposing half of her pubic area.On his part, the man had to question if the girl was aware he could see the pale green garment wasn't complete covering her sex. Had she known her panty was available for the man to view half of her pussy, Nancy would have been tremendously embarrassed. Her right labium was displayed and a small part of her sex was also displayed to show its pink like interior. Although she liked wearing the latest trend in clothing, Nancy understood that at times she had trouble when her skirts or dresses being so short they revealed tremendous amounts of her overly long preteen shapely legs.There were times when her skirts or dresses provided anyone who took the time to look, a vast expanse of skin covering her round hips. Like other girls her age, Nancy enjoyed the apparent lack of modesty when it came to hiding her body from the eyes of some boy, including those older males who winked at her in a subtle manner.Boys she knew and some she didn't spoke to her and her girlfriends at the mall and would express their comments that her legs were superb. One older male spoke to her one day as she sat having a burger, fries and a soft drink at Mickey D's and wanted her to open her legs wider. Recalling the time, she remembered she was to have met up with her friend Diane Johnson. Diane never showed up so she decided to eat lunch while she waited for a while to see if her friend showed up. While eating, she got the feeling someone was starring at her. The preteen looked and noticed the man at the table directly across from her was looking under her table. Knowing she was wearing one of her short skirts, Nancy saw him smile and say, "Marvelous legs you have, Pretty One. Would you open then a little more?' and at the moment Nancy understood she was holding her legs spread wide apart. Nancy remember thinking, "Gee whiz, the man is able to view my panties because I've got my legs spread apart as they danced around under the table. Instead of being embarrassed and either leaving the restaurant or moving to another table, she smiled at the man and did even more than he asked.After looking around and seeing no one could observe her, Nancy took advantage of the fact and parted her delicate young legs evidently wider than the man expected. Reaching her fingers down to her panty, she first scratched at the crotch and then eased her finger tips in the material of her thong and pulled it over to the opposite side. She watched the man apparently choke on the bite of sandwich he had just bitten off.Nancy had held the crotch of her panty to one side for at least five minutes and allowed the man to see all of her young charms. Only when she saw others approaching her out of the corner of her eye did she remove her fingers and close her legs tight together. When she got up from the table, she opened her legs as wide as possible and allowed her crotch to be displayed and knew that she had left her panties pulled to one side. So let him have one last look she recalled thinking at the time.From that moment on, Nancy became aware of having advantage over the opposite sex, but never displayed her sex to anyone as she had the man in the restaurant. When she left Mickey D's the man attempted to follow her and she went back inside the restaurant until she saw him drive away.There was a hidden knowledge she didn't understand about the opposite sex looking at her young body, but she had the intelligence young girls learn to attract the opposite sex. Including the newly found pleasure young girls have teasing boys and adult males if and when she can without being caught in the act.One boy, Tad Garrison, was a couple years old than she, and told her many times, "Hey Nancy, if you ever want to make out, let me know. Boy I love you legs. I just saw your yellow panties. And from the back, could see your wearing a thong. Great hips girl!" Turning and looking at Tad, she smiled and told him, "You are a nasty boy Tad, but I like you." To her surprise Tad moved so he was standing behind her and he reached out and lightly patted her buttock under her skirt. When his finger moved between her butt cheeks and his fingers moved under her body until they found the center of her panties and pressing his fingers against her sex.For a moment Nancy stood and enjoyed the first feel of a boy's fingers on her body. Seeing a couple of girls walking around the coroner and toward where she and Tad were standing by the lockers she moved from his touching her. Thank God I had my locker door open or someone would have seen me being felt up, she had told her self that day.After that she had permitted Tad to reach beneath her skirt and wiggle his fingers all over the crotch of her panty. On one of those occasions she had done so in the garage of her home, and with no one besides her was home. She permitted him to touch her private area for several minutes. When Tad slid his fingers inside her panty she felt him trying to shove it up inside her and she became scarred and thought they were having sex. She had turned eleven a couple of days before when that experience occurred and Nancy became fearful that she would become pregnant and told him he could only touch her on the outside of her panties.For more time than she knew the boy had played with her panties and once again slipped his finger under the material. For a moment she permitted him to play with her thing, and even push his finger up into her body. Perhaps a minute of this foreplay took place and when a strange feeling moved through her young sex, Nancy moved so his finger came out of her sex. Somehow she found out that a girl doesn't get pregnant by a boy sticking his finger in a girl and she became receptive to Tad touching her. After that she permitted Tad to play with her as she wasn't scarred he would push his finger in her and she would become pregnant. Sometimes Tad pushed his finger in her and it hurt and she would make him take it out. When he promised not to hurt her she allowed him to finger her sex again. This became something she liked and kept promising Tad she would let him put his thing in her, but by the time she decided to let him, he and his parents had moved.Now as she and the man relaxed in the park along the river, the man's eyes moved to view the small puffy area of her breasts that pressed out under her shirt. The shirt buttoned up the front, and was actually a belly blouse. The man noted the tan shirt fit smugly and showed she had small breasts buds that must have just started to grow on her chest and didn't shove out further than an inch. She is a very tall girl he noticed and could definitely be a model. I wonder what her mother looks like... most likely one beautiful woman, if her daughter is so ideal.The man pointed to a spot near where he wished the cute lass to sit; then asked, "How about you sit down there? And would you be so nice as to face me so I may look at your fetching and adorable face? With the river and the patches of flowers between you and the water I will be able to capture some wonderful photographs of you."Reaching in the small bag by his side took out a camera and asked, "You don't mind if I take a couple of photos of you, do you... what is your name? You're lovely and as the camera is digital, so you will be able to view what I've taken immediately.""Sure, I guess that would be okay - my name is Nancy," she remarked without fear in allowing a stranger to take her photo. After all she reasoned, we're in public and people are passing by all the time while we sit here.Taking close-up of Nancy's face and requesting she turn her face in various directions. In one shot Andréa caught only a small fraction of her face in the photo. The portrait type shot caught her hair as the focal point in the prism and the camera's lens reflected the image and beauty of the girl's hazelnut colored hair. The photo and the lighting from the sun and with the flash set for fill, it highlighted Nancy's ponytail.Andréa could see the natural beauty of the girl and believed he had an award winning photo. How do I go about using this photo without her parents' permission? No doubt they'll be very upset if they discover their daughter allowed an unknown man to photograph the preteen."Perfect. I can't believe how the sun and shadows show the loveliness and highlights of your hair and illuminated by the sun's rays. Nancy, look at how shimmering and shinning your hair is across your head. Notice the beautiful way your tresses reflect their lovely coloring," he stated while showing Nancy the image on the camera's LCD screen, before adding, "I can't wait to see this photo printed.""Gee, that is a terrific photo of me... you must make me a copy. Please, I can meet you the day after tomorrow to get the picture. Will you do that for me? You make me look beautiful," Nancy said in an earnest voice and not one that could be considered bragging about her attractiveness."Yes, I would love to make a copy for you. Let me take a few more," Andréa remarked and was again taking shots of the lovely girl. This time he asked she pose with her right leg pulled back and to rest her head on her arms that rested on her knee. Without her being aware of what he asked, Nancy was positioned so her panties were visible to his camera lens.Shooting her in various angles, and moving her legs in different positions, the preteen girl was exposing her inner thighs and between her legs, covered by her panties. Asking her, "Nancy, how about you stand up and rest your arm against the tree? No, move your arm down the tree another couple inches... perfect."The camera was capturing shots of her preteen crotch, and Andréa knew the girl had no idea of what he was shooting. Instead, after viewing the head shot, he knew the girl loved how she appeared so pretty in the photos. This permitted Nancy to move and pose however the man wished. Nancy was unaware her thong had slipped over and one side of her labia was in view. Had she known it is certain Nancy wouldn't have been so willing to move into the poses she was asked to do? For the next fifteen minutes, Nancy was enraptured with the idea of being a model.Knowing young girls loved thinking they'd be discovered and be the next world's top-model, this girl was assuredly worthy of that distinction, Andréa thought. Plus she'd loved hearing him expressing how terrific she appeared as he moved her from one pose to another, and she was certainly lovely.Andréa decided to go for broke and asked, "Nancy, I know of a place just a short distance from here that would be ideal for some terrific outdoor shots. Would you like to pedal your bike with me and allow me to do a few more photos of you?""I'm not supposed to go someplace with a strange man, but hey, this is fun and you're a nice man. You're a terrific photographer, but you know that anyway; right?" and took her bike from where she had placed it while being photographed. "I'm ready, wish I had other clothes with me."He wasn't surprised when he heard the girl relate her mother was the state beauty queen and was second in some national contest. Hearing the girl's comment about her mother, he could understand why this girl was truly lovely and so composed for such a young girl. Andréa asked, "How old are you Nancy?" while pedaling his bike alongside the girl."12... my birthday was three weeks ago yesterday. Next year I will be a teenager. Man I can't wait to be a teen and especially sixteen so I can get my driver's license," Nancy replied.When he dropped in behind Nancy as a bike was approaching from the opposite direction, he noticed that her skirt would flip up and reveal the back of her buttocks. The small strip of material from her thong panty allowed her buttocks to show as they were parted by the bike seat. Taking his camera in his hand, he told Nancy, "Turn around and smile at me, but don't wreck your bike."With the motor drive running, Andréa was certain he had some terrific shots of her young butt exposed while her skirt flowed out and up as she peddled in front of him.Within a short time of peddling, they were moving away from most bikers as the majority of people turned around and headed back down the path. In a few more miles Andréa remarked, "At the next turn off take a left and be careful as there are loose stones that can bounce you pretty good. Once I hit a rock and bent my wheel. I had to carry my bike back to my car, okay Miss Nancy?" and they turned off the bike path and headed up a small dirt path."Yeah, I know. I've been up this path before, but I'm on my mountain bike so it doesn't bother me like it might you," she replied."You've got that right. Guess I need to get myself a bike like yours."Then Nancy asked, "Do you know the spot where the rocks makes a small circle about half way up that hill we can see ahead?""Sure do and that is where I thought we could do some photos. The scenery from that spot shows the river for several miles, and also the hills in the distance makes a lovely backdrop," and Andréa thought how lucky he was the girl knew where he wanted to take her. Plus he thought, "With luck she will be nude in fifteen minutes and I can see all of her youthful charms."After pushing their bikes up the sloping hill from the dirt path, they were soon in the center of the small natural amphitheater. Leaning their bikes against some rocks they decided to take a break and enjoy a drink of the water they had on the bikes. Taking two plastic vials from the side pocket of his oversized fanny pack, he reached behind the bike and opened an insolated bag he carried cold bottles of water in which were flavored drinks. Pulling the tab on aluminum can, he carefully poured some powder into the drink, and also emptied an ounce or more of vodka in the drink and handed it to the inspecting girl.Nancy didn't notice Andréa slip the liquid or small amount of powder in the can of energy drink he offered her. Andréa slipped only half of a milligram of the date rape drug Rohypnol in the drink he handed Nancy, and hoped it and the vodka would bring the girl to a position where he could do with her as he wished.Thinking Nancy is young and the amount should be sufficient of the drug to render her unknowingly acceptable to sex. Andrea knew Rohypnol was the more popular of the date rape benzodiazepine drugs. Having slipped the drug in other young girls' drinks to get then in the mood to be photographed nude and then to engage in sex with them, Andréa knew Nancy shouldn't be any different mount, except she was young - very young for sex he thought. In the past the girls were eighteen or older, although Chelsea something or the other was only sixteen. Smiling inwardly he remembered she had been a regular little whore who informed him he must pay fifty dollars for her charms.Thinking how she had told him, "Normally I get a hundred for doing guys your age." To even up the score, he gave her an extra pill and discovered later she OD and was found parked in her car at an interstate road side park. When the state police searched her personal items the news report indicated they found the young girl had three Ecstasy pills in her purse. There were also evidence of marijuana and a crack pipe in her vehicle. The autopsy showed she had overdosed on the illegal date rape drugs. Andrea had always felt the extra three pills he had slipped in her purse were worth the expense. He loved placing the date rape drug in the drinks of older women, be it a cocktail or whatever drink the women were having. Finding that giving this drug to unsuspecting older females he overcome any resistance they presented when he attempted to take them to bed after at times a wicked set of photos.Without a doubt on many occasions the drugs facilitate rape on his behalf. One drawback he found when using the drug was how the woman might not be consciences enough to make the sex good. Never the less, he recalled one woman who refused his offer for any nude poses, although she loved to meet him for dinner or cocktails, and pose for teasing photographs, but stopped short of undressing, even down to her bra or panties.The woman was a stunning forty-six year old divorcee who loved to tell him each time he attempted to bed her or see her nude when doing her photos, "You must believe me, but when I met Bernie my ex, I was a virgin on my wedding night. After divorcing the shit seven years ago I have not been with another man, and won't be until I'm married once again."Looking at the woman, and seeing how attractive and trim she was, he found it hard to believe she hadn't been bedded in seven years. When he was at her home doing some photos of her, and she had dressed in her workout clothes, he was even more in want to bed her.Sophia Coen was "stacked as the proverbial outhouse" with her long legs which were perfect symmetrical in shape. They taped in perfect dimension from her waist line to her ankles, and her feet were the small and meaty type instead of the long bony shape he found revolting to view and from a personal desire, he could never bring himself to caress a woman's foot if it was structured with long bony features.One Sunday afternoon they were swimming in the pool at his home and she was wearing a one piece bathing suit that was a French cut with the sides cut high on the sides and small across her mid-section, with only a small piece of material over her sex. It was for certain that she didn't trim her bush completely and the hair on the sides of her sex showed, as did part of the patch crowing her mons.When she asked him to fix her a Bloody Mary cocktail, he was finally able to slip a Rohypnol pill in her drink and stir the drink until he was certain it had blended with the cocktail. For the next half hour he joked with Sophia and watched the pill taking effect.When he moved to where she was standing in the pool sipping her Bloody Mary, he hugged her and she didn't make any effort to stop his personal contact with her body. Even when feeling her breasts and between her legs, Sophia did nothing to hinder his feeling her body and simply leaned against him.Ten minutes later they were on his bed and he was riding the luscious body of the divorcee and hearing her cry out the satisfaction she was receiving from only the second man to enter her body. He took her twice and they curled up and went to sleep. After he had slept about an hour, he got up and taking his camera took several photos of her nude body. Sophia slept for another three hours before she woke up.He wanted to laugh when she woke and looking around at him seated nude in the chair across from his bed, the lovely woman sat up in bed and pulling the sheet up over her breasts, shuddered and asked in a quiet like voice, "Did I... did we... oh... I let you, did...?" and she made a mournful cry of alarm, "Ugggggggnoooo!"For several minutes he sat in the chair as she rested against the headboard of his bed and asked to hear every detail of what they had done. He laughed when she told of feeling his male juices between her legs. One question he thought odd was her asking him, "How many loads of your semen did you put in me?"He told her that she had welcomed him in her body twice and the second time she was ready before he, but in moments her hand brought him to a stiffness that he was surprised to obtain. Then he listened to why the woman was so upset about his semen being sprayed up inside her body.Sophia cried out in complete grief, "My God Andréa I'm not on any kind of birth control... what if...?" and then she begin to cry.He remembered walking to the bed and he was erect and when she noted his cock was hard, she asked in what was truly a fearful voice, "You put that in me... oh Andréa, not to be vain, but I can't remember any of what we've done, but did I make you happy? Forgive me for asking, but will you make love to me again... God I hope I don't get pregnant?"She remained until the next morning and they indulged in every form of sex known to man and woman. Her mouth brought his semen into her mouth and she told that this was the first time she had ever performed oral sex. He loved bringing her off with his mouth, and she sobbed out her release over and over. Even her anus was his for the taking and she cried during the time he rode her hips. Again she claimed that her anus had been virginal when he entered her back hole. Yet Sophia had wanted him between her buttocks for the second time the next morning before she left his house.That was the only time he was ever with her. About seven moths later he saw her walking through the mall and she was pregnant. I wanted to speak with her and ask if it was mine, but thought she might want to make our relationship permanent, and that I didn't want, so I watched the lovely pregnant woman walk away and I never saw her after that time.One thing Andréa had found over his years of bedding women was they loved his making love to their feet. He had long ago, when only a youth of nineteen and joking told a girlfriend that he loved her while she was seated on the floor of her bedroom with her back against her bed. With his head resting on her lap he was enraptured looking up at her breasts. Until that day she had never permitted him more than a quick crop of her boobs, which seemed hard as rocks, and anything else was surely off limits.For whatever the reason he had turned his face toward her feet and as she was wearing shorts he could view her lovely legs that he had wanted to caress and get between many times. That day he first kissed her legs where the entered the legs of her shorts. As she giggled he moved his lips down onto her legs and kissed ever so slowly down her legs until he reached her feet. Nothing had been said, but every so often he had felt Darcy's legs and evidently her body tightens as he kissed all the way down her thighs, on her knees and then the calves of her legs.When his lips reached her ankles, he kissed all over her puffy like feet and as his lips reached her toes, he not only kissed them, he licked between them. He recalled moving around until he was lying at her feet and slowly kissed the souls of her feet and once more her toes. While licking between her toes the second time, he moved his mouth over her toes and sucked them one after the other. Then he repeated the same thing on her other leg and lastly her feet and toes.While sucking her toes on left foot, he listened as Darcy told him, "Oh Andréa, come up here." Looking up he saw she had unfastened her top and was unsnapping the clasp on the front of her bra. Seeing how firm and pointed her breasts were nearly caused him to come in his boxers. Before he moved up to her, she reached down and undid the button on the side of her shorts, then she pulled the zipper down.Never would he have believed at the time that kissing and sucking some girl's feet could have led her to be so free in her actions, and as he sucked her toes for a moment once more, she spoke in her gentle voice, "You may remove my clothes as I know you love me Andréa. I've never done anything before, so be nice... please?"Getting her virginity was not only a total surprise, but a bombshell of amazement that nearly caught him off guard. After dating her for the past three months and now getting even to first base, he hit a home run from what he knew was sucking her toes. Once thing was certain about Darcy, and that was her being a virgin. She bleed more than any virgin he ever got into and not one virgin since came close to bleeding as much as that lovely seventeen year old girl did. Her bed was a complete mess and both of their bodies showed the evidence of her lost innocence.Darcy had an extremely thick hymen and he had difficulty breaching her tight vagina easily and completely. Eventually he entered her and before he tore her cherry apart, she sobbed out each time he shoved against the piece of skin that made her a virgin.Finally Darcy told him, while crying rather profoundly, "My God you must just do me and get it over with or we must stop. Do it Andréa... do it... aughhh, you're killing me... yes, wait a minute... you're in me all the way now, aren't you my darling?"Other than getting his nuts off in the woman's vaginal canal, Andréa at times wondered if it was worth using the drug. Knowing Nancy would like the alcoholic laced high energy drink, Andréa watched as she watched him open the can. He knew that once she had sipped the liquid that only a few moments would pass and she would become somewhat lackadaisical when posing, but he would work around the problem."Here you go Nancy; have one of these," Andréa said as he handed Nancy a cold can of energy drink that was loaded with caffeine. Andréa watched as she tilted the can and knew in minutes she would be under him and her virginity would be another one notched on the head of his seven inches and somewhat thick manhood.Only then did the preteen note the man had a small cooler bag on the back of his bike as he asked, "Do you like the drink... I use them when I'm riding my bike or jogging for the energy it provides."Oh yeah, it's nice and cool, but the taste and is different than when I've had this once or twice before. I've got to get one of those bags. I saw them in the bike store last Saturday when shopping with my father. This stuff is really tasty from what I remember and I feel like it is giving me a buzz."Smiling as he listened and watched the pretty girl, Andréa had to know, "You know what it is to get a buzz on... do you smoke pot? Be honest as I'll never tell on you Nancy.""No, will not really - once I and two of my girlfriends went to a party being held by some guys a few years older than us and they were smoking pot. The guys all lived in our neighborhood so I knew them personally. Brad, who lived a couple doors from me and invited me to the party, offered me what he called a hit. I took a puff on it and thought I would die.Everyone laughed at me for choking and coughing like crazy. That's the only time I've ever done drugs. But I remember feeling really strange and funny in a few minutes after taking one puff of a marijuana cigarette. They convinced me to take more drags as they passed the thing around, and I must have got real crazy. At one point I found my panties down to my knees and Brad saying, "Hey guys, she is too young, she hasn't got any hair on her beaver yet. Boy was I embarrassed... does it bother you I don't have hair?""Nope. Don't you have any?" he replied with a smile on his face that Nancy understood was to make her feel grown up and happy."Guess I got a buzz on and high, huh? Darn, the guys left me chaste and so they were nice guys, right?" Nancy suddenly determined about what she had done for the first time. The preteen understood something like that might happen today if she didn't watch out, but the man didn't offer her a hit.Nancy had decided the man was involved with modeling by the way he asked her to pose. Nancy enjoyed Andréa requests for her to make facial expressions with either a laugh, smirk, smile or other ways to express her feelings while moving her body in every-which direction.Nancy realized she didn't know the man's name and asked, "What is your name? I told you mine so you must tell me yours, now isn't that a proper way for us to be friends?" and the look of sexuality floated across Nancy's youthful face.Noting how sexual the girl just became in her facial expression and seemed to position her body in even more inviting poses, Andréa wondered if by chance this charming young beauty wasn't by chance a mischievous imp of a 12 year old sex pot and the date rape drug wasn't necessary.She's a virgin if her comments about the guys she got high with are true, so why should I doubt her? At her age she might change her mind about posing nude and eventually having sex with me. I must be careful as she just might take off running and screaming hell-bent-for-an-election. Not wishing the girl to know his real name, Andréa replied, "Ted, I'm just plain old Ted.""Okay Ted. How would you like me to pose for you now? You're really nice and I'm glad you enjoy seeing my favorite places in the whole world. I'll bet you are too surprised to hear it, but I've ridden the bike bath all the way to the end and back different times. Do you know it is twenty-five miles from one end to the other?" and as she spoke struck a pose that had her standing with her legs spread wide and her right hand as if she was cupping her left breast.While speaking to the man, Nancy for a reason she didn't understand, moved to where the man stood and lightly struck his shoulder as her body seemed to become heated. Never in her life had Nancy felt the way she was now and the heat passing though her body wasn't from the temperature in the air. Her mind seemed to be lost in a battle that gave her strange and unknown to her, adult like desires.Nancy placed her hand on his wrist and asked, "Isn't this the most wonderful place in the world. Look at the river below us and the trees and green grass from the river up to the hills over there? I just love seeing the fields where the farmers have crops growing. Those over there are corn fields."Something tells me, and certainly I hope she will strip off her clothes for me to start my being with this beautiful female creature. Wondering what the girl was thinking as she stood with her hand on the top of his, he slowly turned his palm over and took the 12 year old girl's hand in his. "Honest to God, and I know one thing for certain, and the fact is simply, Nancy is coming on to me," he told him self.Then he asked a personal question in a way he hoped wouldn't offend her, "Do you a boyfriend... like one you kiss and do things with? You know like let him touch you or perhaps you love him enough you permit him to do other nice things between the two of you... you know what I mean don't you?" and felt her squeeze his hand with her own.The 12 year old girl wasn't experienced and other than playing kissing games like spin-the-bottle or made up games where the boy and girl would be required to hide in the closet alone for a minute or so, Nancy thought she hadn't done any of the things Ted was perhaps asking if she'd done.Speaking in a tranquil and serene voice and standing with her body against Ted's, as she gripped his hand more firmly, Nancy remarked, No... no Ted, I've never really kissed a boy. I'm still an innocent girl... you know, like I've never done things with a boy... I'm a v-virgin. Honest Ted. May I say something to you and you won't laugh at me?""Yes," and as he spoke he moved his arms and pulled the pretty girl against him and clasping her tight against his body, whispered, "I could never laugh at you. Hearing you tell me you're a virgin, Nancy that is terrific. You know for certain I believe you're a virgin. After all why would I doubt you - other than you are so lovely and guess the boys your age would be after you and tell you, you're really stacked."Pressing her body against Ted's as he held her, Nancy felt strange feelings in her body that created a need for her to wiggle against the man holding her in his arms. Then some knowledge she had never had reason to understand before this moment, Nancy knew what the hard thing pressing against her lower body and between her young legs was. "Gee, he has an erection," Nancy told her self as she pressed her sex parts against the man's sex thing.Ted understood the girl was feeling his erection against her young pussy and decided not to rush things and asked, "Ready for more photos pretty one?"Nancy felt a sense of need and hated to break the feeling of her sex being stimulated for the first time in her life and before moving away from the man, rubbed the center of her legs against what she understood was his firm penis. Nancy replied, "Yes, and I will let you..."In five minutes Ted had taken more photos of the girl and asked, "How about taking your shoes off? Perhaps you could unbutton your top half way down the front?" and noted the expression that appeared on Nancy's face as she realized what he was asking her to do.Although she didn't truly breasts yet, Nancy knew her small bumps would some day likely be as large as her mothers. Thinking to her self, "I should have worn a bra or at the minimum a camisole under my top so I wouldn't appear nude with my shirt unfastened. That way my naked chest couldn't be seen." Nancy thought, "Ted won't be able to see anything with my shirt hanging open on each side so I guess I'll be okay."While looking at the LCD screen on the camera, Andréa could see a small rise on the girl's chest. Ted wondered if Nancy was aware her breasts would be exposed if she didn't maintain some modesty in the way she posed with her shirt unbuttoned. Ted was pleased the preteen unbuttoned her shirt slowly and one button at a time until she'd unbuttoned it all the way down the front.Watching the girl's image on the LCD screen Ted caught quick images of the tiny round ice cream cone shaped breasts on Nancy's body that protruded perhaps an inch. He loved the ends of her breasts topped with pencil eraser size nipples and perhaps dime size areolas.Nervously tugging the shirt-tales of her shirt, Nancy hoped Ted was somehow seeing her puerile boobies and wasn't embarrassed exposing her body to someone she'd only meet an hour or so before. Nancy pulled one side of her shirt behind her and knew the action completely exposed her right breast.Somehow the mind of the young girl was saying to her, "Only the camera is seeing my boob, not Ted. What would it be like if Ted touched my breast?" Having drunk the last of her laced caffeine drink, Nancy was now acting on behalf of the drug and her desire to taunt and tease the older handsome man with her body.Before much longer the teasing 12 year old preteen would be having sex and be in a near state of amnesia and most likely not recall what occurred under the influence of the drug.Taking a break, Andréa moved and lay back on the grass next to where Nancy was seated. Looking at the girl's loveliness, he took the camera in his hand and captured more images of her small left breast exposed to his camera's lens. His growing lust was accentuated even more with the exposure of the small breast before his eyes in all its glory no more than two feet from him.Seeing the girl expose her breasts while she was now standing away from him, she pulled her shirt open completely. Now she was so near he could reach out and touch her innocent young boobs if he wished. Telling Nancy to move her shoulders in various positions he knew she was aware her breasts were exposed.Andréa wondered if Nancy simply didn't consider nor care she was displaying both of her lovely pink tipped oversized candy kisses to his eyes. This was the first time Andréa had ever viewed such young breasts and his passions were growing in both his soul and inside his pants.Going for broke, Andréa said, "Darling, let you top fall off both of your shoulders and catch it in the crook of your elbows... yes like that... perfect and now be so nice to remove it completely. Allow it to drape it over your left shoulder? Terrific; perfect pose darling. Drop if off your other shoulder. Your doing great... dangle it over your shoulder and down your back. Let me stand and take some different shots. Move like that. You're beautiful Nancy."Within her mind, and for reasons she didn't understand since she had struck Ted's shoulder and she'd held his hand and pressed her body against his, Nancy felt pleased in Ted viewing her breasts. "He called me darling - does that mean he likes, no does he love me?"Without being asked, the lanky girl unfastened her skirt and eased it down over her hips. "Do you like me like this Ted? Want me to take my panties off... oh boy Ted I don't know if I can... oh I can't take my panties off... can I, Ted darling? Do you think my panty is pretty?" and as they were her favorite pair, Nancy said in a soft voice, "Ted these are my favorite panty and I love the color and the lace on the front. Do you think they are pretty?"His eyes took in the lovely image before him and the panties that she was wearing were without doubt seductive. Thinking he had seen lots of females in just their panties, but none caused him to wonder if this female wasn't truly the most adorable. Was he considering this because the girl wearing them was young and truly stunning in appearance? Saying, "Nancy they are the loveliest panties I've ever seen on any woman. You look gorgeous."Nancy whispered, "Take my photo in them. Tell me how to pose any way you like seeing me in my favorite panties. I'll do anything you want me to do for you sweetheart. Anything you want me to do for you I will do, just ask what you wish for me do, Ted. Even the thing... you know... I'll do the s-sex thing if you... oh Ted I will if you want that."Nancy hoped the sentiment wasn't for naught as she struggled in her young mind on what was appropriate or taboo. Knowing she was allowing the man to view her dressed in only panties would really and truly upset her mom. However, Nancy was responding to strange and unordinary emotions and understood she was enjoying peculiar and unexpected passionate desires. Also her body seemed to respond in strange ways she couldn't understand. Never before had she experienced such poignant and heart rendering needs in her life.For the next several minute Andréa was taking one shot after the other of the lovely vision before him. To his surprise Nancy said, "Ted, I'm embarrassed taking my panties off. If you wish to photograph me wearing nothing but my smile, you must remove my panties. I feel funny and tired. I feel as if I will fall asleep. You didn't hypnotize me did you my darling Ted?"Looking at the pretty preteen he replied, "Why would I do something like that, I'm enjoying your company. You'll permit me to remove your very pretty panties?" and Andréa wondered if she was open to sex with him after all the things she had said about doing anything he wished.Nancy felt a little embarrassed as she knew Ted was assuredly used to older females and they'd have hair on their sex. She spoke in a soft voice, "Ted. I don't have any hair yet... down there."As she spoke Nancy pointed her fingers at her pussy. "Will that embarrass you by not having hair on my sex, but I'm young?" only then did Nancy consider the size of her breasts that had been displayed for at least the last half hour.Moving to where Ted was sitting while taking her photo, Nancy kneeled on her knees with her feet and the calves of her legs pointing out behind her. Nancy nervously informed him, "Okay, remove them if you want... darling."Knowing where things were leading and was too crazy to even consider, Ted's hand moved and placed both of his hands on the girl's small waist line. Asking, "You're certain about this Nancy" You are such a delightful looking female... I could love you, if you..."The murmur sound of Nancy's voice replying to his comment when speaking the words was mellifluous. Ted could barely hear her response, "Yes. Yes, you may do... do anything you want. Hurry before I change my mind. I'm kind of scarred, but I like you a lot... Ted, I'll be yours."His fingers slipped inside the waist of the thong panty Nancy was wearing and slowly slipped then just below her pubic area. His eyes took in the sight of her hairless sex. The small fatty mons and smooth hairless labia was a lovely thing to view. Ted knew he wanted to capture this image of her for his personal viewing of the lovely creature in the future."Don't move cute one as I want to capture your loveliness just as you are. Nancy you are a truly remarkable gnome of a female. God, you're such a lovely creature to behold. In moments Ted was snapping photo after photo as Nancy allowed her image to be recorded on the magnetic card in the 14 pixel digital camera.In disbelief Ted watched the 12 year old lean backward, while resting on one hand behind her. She used her other hand to push down the pale green panties with a lace insert of the same color as the satin the panty. The lace was such it exposed the expanse of skin across her lower stomach. A hint of her narrow slit sex was visible. Like her fingers were moving in slow motion, Nancy eased down her panty until it was down to the point where her smooth lipped vagina opening was in view. Next she eased it below her vaginal lips and continued pushing it downward until her sex was fully exposed. Nancy knew her body was of interest to Ted, and watched him move so his camera was capturing images of her vulva. Then the preteen pushed her panty half way down her thighs.For the older man and one who had photographed many teen girls and older woman, it was a certainty he'd never looked at such a young female vision and so turned on sexually. His thoughts of entering between the smooth lips of the fresh virgin sex of Nancy and working his cock into the girl until she cried out a sound that told her virginity had been breached. This view caused Andréa to stop taking photos and place his camera on the ground. Then he motioned for the girl to move to him.Never in his life was there such smooth, tightly squeezed together and only lightly puffed up vaginal lips as he was viewing before him. Damn, to think I'm going to be the man to split her cherry. Andréa watched the impish girl move her feet to where he waited.Nancy stopped before him and displayed her hairless sex that he wanted to spear open with his raging cock and so stiff in his clothes it hurt.With a faraway look on her face as she asked, "Do you enjoy seeing all of me... is my little thing pretty Ted? Do you like it, even though I don't have any hair on my little hole? You can have my tiny thing if you want... what is making me feel so funny and flushed?" and she made as sexy of a smile as had ever adorned her face."She asking me to make love to her... how can I resist such an offer?" he asked himself. His erection was full and painfully constrained in his under wear and he knew that when he released it from its confines, it would seek another tight place to hide.Stepping closer, Nancy stopped directly in front of Ted and in a deeper voice remarked. "Okay Ted, take them off... my panties are yours to remove, if you must. Do with me whatever you wish. Ted I know what that means, but I truly don't know what I should do to assist you. Do you care if I lay down? Gee I feel so..."Smiling at the pure sexual image that only a girl this young could produce, Ted's vanity forced him to ask Nancy as he had the other virgins or females who were reluctant when it can to giving in to sex. "Dear Nancy did you just say and mean I can fuck you" If that is what you mean? Please tell me so I know what I can or cannot do. Otherwise I can't bear to do anything with you unless you've told me fucking you is okay and our love matters?"With what assuredly was going to be words Nancy would speak during their carnal acts, Nancy would for certain be led to express what she was feeling and to ensure the 12 year old girl would ask to be fucked, Ted once more asked her to say she wanted him to fuck her. "Nancy if you want me to fuck you, tell me you want my cock in your pussy and to fuck you."Expressing such words was adherent to the preteen and had often heard girls don't say such vulgar words, including fuck. Now she was being asked to say them. This caused Nancy to think of what Ted wanted her to say. Knowing she must reply to the man viewing all of her and what she wanted him to do with her sexually. Nancy looked at Ted and knew he wished to hear ask, "Y-you want me to say the bad word... do you really want me to say f-fuck? Oh darling I said that awful word. Yes, oh Ted, I want you to f-fuck me." Ted observed the look of surprise spread across Nancy's face and knew that she was susceptible to his taking her sexually. Nancy was in the state of sex and her body was charged without him ever touching her so far. In fact he smiled thinking how she had led her self to the point of asking for sex and she was only 12.Looking at the man and she knew her face had a silly look on it, Nancy knew Ted was planning on doing with her and decided she wanted it as well. Once more she uttered, "Fuck me, you want to fuck me don't you Ted? I know what that means. You'll put your thing in mine. Gee maybe we shouldn't."Andréa had long ago discovered woman are so different when it comes to using the "F" word and normally found they didn't until becoming used to having sex. The majority of woman will shy away from saying the graphic word for sex, unless prompted to utter the word by the man giving them sexual satisfaction.Andréa watched Nancy's eyes flutter and a smile moved across her face. He could see she took a deep breath as she thought of what she was about to do with a man for her first time. Looking at the girl, Ted decided to take more photos of the girl, especially of her vagina and he positioned her so her lovely face was in most of the next fifty or so photos he took of the relaxed nude body of the lovely 12 year old virgin.One thing is certain, I will take a photo of her face as I get her cherry. I hope she understands the pain she will obviously feel when I take her and the hurt and pain her suffers from when giving up her cherry.Yes, stretched out on the grass before him was the vision of a young and innocent virgin. A young virgin who asked only a couple minutes before, " you enjoy seeing all of me... is my little thing really pretty Ted? You can have it if you want..." Nancy had remarked something to that effect while standing and informing him he could remove her panties.Both of them were aware at the time what Nancy was saying. A 12 year old with no experience had told him to remove her panties and do whatever he wished with her. Ted knew exactly what Nancy meant as she said in a loving voice, " take them off and if you must, then do whatever you wish. Ted I know what that means..."After taking several photos of her young and hairless pussy, he was amazed at how smooth her labia were. Not one blemish could be noted on her entire body, except for a small scar on the outer side of what some day would be her fully developed right breast. "I wonder how she got that scar?" he asked aloud as he studied her body.Although her voice was sweet, Ted could hear a fear of the unknown in her question as she asked, "How bad does it hurt a girl her first time... some girls have said it's very painful to have a guy split her open the first time?" "There will likely be some pain darling, but I'll do something first to make it easy for you." Placing the camera on the ground, he positioned his body so his face was above her pubic area. His lips moved to cover her young sex and in seconds were performing oral sex on her. For the next five minutes or so Ted licked and kissed the entire area of her sex."Um, oh my Ted... that is so strange. We are doing... you're doing oral sex on me, aren't you?" and as she asked her young hips wiggled around as the sensations from her clitoris (which she didn't realize was what the man was stimulating) and inside her sex was causing her to squirm in pleasure. Nancy whispered, "That is nice... I like that Ted... oh darling, oh my what are you doing to me? Uh... uuuuugggghhhh," Nancy moaned out as she climaxed for the first time in her life.Moving slowly and savoring the moment, Ted slid his long six-foot-three body up between the lovely thighs of the 12 year old virgin. My God her thighs are so exquisite and the smoothness of her vulva was matched by the smooth skin of her legs and torso. This girl had perfect skin and she would become one very attractive woman.Moving his erection with his hand to the sexual entrance of her body, it took some time before he completed lodging the crown of his cock within the narrow channel leading to her mark of purity. Slowly and gently he eased his cock into her body opening.Only at the last moment did he remember his camera and using the motor drive to record the girl's face as he took her virginity. Ted eased his cock twice against her hymen, and on the third shove against her virginity, he split her hymen and continued shoving forward with his cock until his body was pressed against her pubic area.Nancy made a wailing sound as her cherry was spit. Her voice and the sounds that came from her throat he would never forget. Ted listened as the young girl sobbed out in pain of some degree and he listened as Nancy uttered, "Ugh ohhhhh, ho noooo, Teddy it hurts some," and tried to pull her hips back as he breached her cervix all the way with his complete cock until the end of his cock was against her womb's door."Ughhh, oh Teddy it hurts some. Move easy... oh gee, wait a minute before pushing back in me. Help me Ted; help me make it stop hurting. Oh I love you and want you to do me, but be gentle. Wow you feel so deep now," and the young hips bumped up from the ground with strength enough to push Ted up with her.To his surprise the girl wasn't as vocal as some of the older virgins he had captured with his cock, and this girl seemed to be moving her body so she was rubbing her sexual entrance against him.Nancy's birthing channel was tight and Ted worked slowly to gain complete entrance into her body as deeply as he cock could reach. After nearly seven or eight minutes he filled her non-child bearing womb at the present time with his thick white mucous of semen.After entering her vagina and his erection stroking deep inside her body, Ted felt himself completing the act of sex with the lovely girl and initially splitting her still, at the start of entering her body, he was striking her fully intact vaginal membrane. Things had changed as he stroked his cock back and forth in her tight and gripping channel, and now placed the first load of semen ever to squirt up inside her youthful pussy.Yes, Nancy's thin mucous membrane with the medical name hymen, he had ruptured with his thick cock head and had slowly worked his cock in and out of the now bleeding sex slow and as gentle as possible until flooding it with his male juices. Now that he had unleashed his thick male cream, he shoved up into her and was held himself tightly lodged as deep as he could reach within her clasping sex.Knowing his cock was against the entrance of he young womb and squirting it full of his come, gave him intense pleasure and relief. He loved feeling Nancy's arms moved around his neck.A female's virginity was honored and named after Hymen, the Greek god of marriage. But for ted, he was enjoying and glowing in the knowledge he had just captured another cherry - his nineteenth to have split asunder.Nancy lay curled up over the man who had just injured her, and this was the only way Nancy could describe what they had done together. Her sex felt raw and seemed to burn like around the entrance and just inside her opening. Her young sex felt stretched and yet she was happy knowing the man loved her. She had posed for him and when she had watched him undress; her eyes couldn't believe what a man looked like. Yes, she liked the man and knew two days from now would be even better. Even with her little pussy being plundered the second time, Nancy thought how much woman suffer so the man she loves can enjoy her.When will the pain stop and it will be all pleasure that she had read about in some books that didn't have graphic details but spoke of how a man made a woman feel such pleasure she would faint from the joyful bless?END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 58
The airport was crowded and his flight was delayed for over an hour. She was all dressed up and excited to see him as it had been 2 months since he visited. All Tiffany could think about was getting him home and seducing him. The terminal started to clear as planes had landed. She sat with an anxious look about her. Her time was spent reading his stories over and over. He enjoyed texting her erotic fantasies to her phone. Tiffany could feel her pussy lips begin to plump up. She could feel herself wet. Across the way was the airline clerk. He was handsome though not her type. He caught her eye and smiled. She smiled back. She saw him watching her from the corner of her eye and often.As she read his stories she would glance up and he was looking at her. He had that look on his face and with her pussy leading her thoughts she was aroused.The seating area was empty. No more flights would come for some time. The other clerks took their meal breaks. He called her over to the desk. He told her it would be close to 2 hours before the flight arrived. He could see her face was flush and she had that look in her eyes. She thanked him and headed to the lounge. It was dark and empty. She sat and waited for a server but none were around. She started to read another story and got into it.Tiffany inserted her hand into her blouse and began pinching her nipples. This drove a line of electricity straight to her pussy. A shock wave. She loved it.After a few minutes the clerk came in. He watched her do this from a distance. His cock began to bulge. He rubbed it. She was so wet at this point that she didn't feel she could wait at least 3 hrs for her lover to arrive and then drive home. She had to cum. She started to finger her wet pussy. Her head went back into the seat. She imagined her lover was touching her and she moaned. Minutes later she felt her nipple being touched but not by herself. She looked back and the clerk was exploring her nipples with one hand and stroking his cock with the other. She gave in to him.Both masturbating and both needing to cum, he came around the table and climbed underneath. He spread her legs like he owned her pussy. He devoured her juices and finger fucked her. He buried his face in her lips and reached up and pinched and twisted her nipples. She came and he licked her clean.He crawled out and held out his hand. He led her to the pool table, bent her over, spread out her arms and legs and lifted up her skirt. His cock slid in with ease. They both groaned.He thrust his hot thick cock in her pussy and each time he went further and further. She came many times. His cock was covered with her juices. He grabbed onto her tits from behind and slammed her hard as he came. He had so much cum it was dripping out from her.He went to lick it up and she stopped him. Her lovers flight had landed. She quickly settled herself, kissed the clerk on the cheek and then went to her lover's gate. Mark apologized for his plane being delayed and hoped she wasn't too bored while waiting. They collected his luggage and headed home. Her pussy was overflowing with cum, both the clerk's and hers.The ride was all talk about sex. Neither could wait to fuck each other. It had been so long. He asked what she did today and she told him she read his stories and played with herself while waiting for him. He asked if she was wet and she said he would have to find out. This she knew would blow his mind. They got home and immediately hit the bed. Tiffany said she had a surprise for him and to lay back. She stood over his face, legs spread. She began to tell him what happened. His cock started to stand. She gave minute by minute details and as she stood over him her pussy dripped onto his face. When she was finished with the story she asked if he was mad. He told her with cum drips on his face that it was super hot. She lowered herself onto his face and he cleaned her loaded pussy. When he was done he flipped her over and fucked her ass. He filled her with his hot cum then pulled out to also cum on her ass. He licked his cum off her ass then came up to kiss her, his mouth full of 2 men's cum. He tongued it all into her mouth as he kissed her. She swallowed and savored the taste and said, "Wait till your next flight." END
7:45 AM Monday, Mr. Benjamin arrives at his office Anjou is waiting and follows him in and slams the door shut"OK YOU SON OF A BITCH, YOU WERE RIGHT AND I HATE YOU!" Anjou really had not intended to yell at Mr. B but it just came out that way."Sounds as though you and I might be able to have an adult relationship now, why don't you sit down." As Mr. B invitingly motions to a seat on the couch with an open palm he notices that Anjou's posture has changed, imperceptible to most except those with the most educated eye. As she sits he returns to his desk and removes his lap top from its case, plugs in, turns it on, pulls out some folders from his laptop bag and lays them on his desk and picks up the phone and touches three buttons."mornin' darlin' howse yer weekend?" in his best southern drawl. Luanne had been with Mr. B for 24 years and had now plumped up, but the word was that in her day she was more than just a real looker. She was a southern belle transplant to the Bay Area who knew how to protect her executive from all but guns pointed at her head, and even then she might find a way. "Quite festive Sir, and I want to personally thank you for the opportunity to evaluate the new janitorial supervisor, it went quite well," she giggled. "He has my personal recommendation." Mr. B had asked her to evaluate the single 40ish Black man who had applied for the position. He came in at 4PM on Friday but it appeared that Luanne had a 'scheduling conflict' so she had to change the appointment to that evening at her condo; and she had a special penchant for well hung black men as they were taboo where she came from."Well good, glad I could be of assistance. Would you send out for my usual and..." "Anjou what would you like from Starbucks?" "Double non-fat soy decaf cappuccino" Anjou replied. Mr. B laughed and handed Anjou the phone "Here, tell her yourself, I don't understand a fucking word you just said." Anjou did and Luanne knowingly finished off with "put your middle finger up his ass when you blow him and smack him around, He'll love it." Anjou blushed as she hung up the phone, not lost on the ever observant Mr. B who notices everything. She returned to her seat."OK, let's resume our conversation" Mr. B had seated himself in the arm chair at right angles to the couch while the Microsoft jingle sounded in the background. "I'm an S.O.B., I'm right and you hate me. Is that where we're at?" "What you said to me rang in my ears. It was the truth. I had never been 'properly fucked'" "You really put me in deep turmoil, I didn't know if I should sue you, or hate you or what...but it kept ringing in my ears that you were right, I was never properly fucked." Anjou was more composed now."You could still try to sue me if you want." Mr. B offered 'the sue me' gambit while grinning broadly."No. I went to the Redwood Room at the Clif,t" Anjou began, "I know it well" Mr. B interjected."I had taken a suite upstairs because that was the only way I could get in" Mr. B nodding his head in approval, impressed at her tenacity to get into the 'right' bar."I met two tall, handsome, really well built Russian Doctors..." she continued. "Yanik and Boris?" he asked with a great grin as his eyes lit up. Beet red was an understatement to describe Anjou's reaction...and she was speechless. Mr. B realized his mistake in not allowing Anjou to tell her own story and was quick to take her off the hook."Oh, my dear, tell me you didn't fuck them both in one night. They have monster cocks and, well, if you had them baby, not only have you been properly fucked, but my hat is off to you." Mr. B was convincing in his awe of Anjou. "Did you have them both?" he had to know.Anjou nodded her head yes, recovering from her beet red blush and proudly smiling now."Did they DP you?" Mr. B wanted the details. Anjou cocked her head sideways to question what he meant. He clarified "Double penetrate. Did they take you at the same time?" He began to breathe a bit irregularly as his excitement was more than simply a vicarious thrill. Reliving this escapade through another sparked his prurient interest at a deep level of his Anjou, whether or not she knew it, temporarily had the upper hand."Boris fucked my face while Yanik pounded my cervix." She continued as Mr. B's eyes continued to widen. "Then Yanik, for the second time, fucked my ass, rolled me over and had his brother fuck my cunt at the same time. It was then Mr. B, that I thought of you. I thought 'why would I think of that SOB at a time like this' And then it occurred to me that what you wanted me to learn was that when getting properly fucked, one has to relinquish control completely. That I had never relinquished control ever, during sex, and these two boys would have destroyed me had I not surrendered totally and completely. Oh, I came and came and came all night long Mr. B."Now Mr. B was struggling with maintaining an even breath. It was evident now to Anjou that she had affected him deeply. She saw the tent rise in his slacks. She smiled at him while looking him straight in the eye. She curled her index finger at him a few times in the 'come here' command.Now she was beginning to connect the dots. Luanne's suggestion made sense. He rose and walked towards Anjou. She deftly unbuckled Mr. B and his slacks dropped around his ankles. She pulled down his boxers and swallowed his 6 ½ inches all at once almost down to his root. She came back up and after teasing the pre-cum from the tip of his cock released his member from her lips."How do you know the boys?" she asked as she returned to her mission at hand. He remained silent enjoying her engulfing his now wet cock again. One more pump, one more lick of the tasty tip juice and then, "Do you have personal knowledge of them?" And right back down on the shaft, this time pressing her nose into his pubic hairs. She paused and inhaled deeply through her nose to experience his full aroma. He still hadn't answered. Back up the shaft ever so slowly this time, pausing longer now to polish the head with her tongue. She was grateful to the boys for stuffing their massive pricks down her throat because Mr. B's 6 1/2 incher was easy now. He still hadn't answered. She looked up at him, he though she was asking him for approval and closed his eyes and moaned. She swung with an open palm as hard as she could and caught him flush on the cheek. The blow knocked Mr. B back onto the couch and he was startled. His cock slipped from her suctioning lips with a loud sound, not nearly as loud as the slap."I asked you a question. Do you have personal knowledge of them?" as she was demanding an answer she wrapped her strong tennis forearms around his thighs and slid him forward on the leather couch so that his ass was almost at the edge of the cushion and engulfed his softening cock in her mouth. She bobbed her head rapidly to re-engorge his cock with the blood flow needed to retain an erection. Again he had not yet answered and he closed his eyes and moaned... after all, her ministrations were better than any whore ever could be. WHAP another slap landed flush."Yes, Yes, they have both fucked me on several occasions." She immediately shoved her middle finger in his mouth and knowing the drill he licked it sensually as she removed it. She kept her nails short to properly grip her tennis racquet so she was not worried about nicking his insides as she roughly inserted the finger up his ass. She maintained full suction on his cock the second time she slapped him and he did not lose his erection this time. It didn't take long. Mr. B spurted gooey gobs of jism down Anjou's throat. She thought of Maria and did an excellent job of cleaning up any mess.The light on Mr. B's phone had been flashing and now he lifted the hand set from the phone in front of him on the coffee table. "Yes you may bring it in now. Thanks darlin." Mr. B's boxers and slacks were still bunched around his ankles and Luanne brought in their coffee. Mr. B's boner was almost faded and the red welt on his face was plain and obvious. Luanne placed the two coffees on the table and tossed Anjou a wet wash cloth which was well folded to retain the heat. As Anjou unrolled the washcloth to clean her finger, the one which had just been in her bosses bum, Luanne kneeled in front of her long time lover and confident and carefully used the other washcloth she had brought with her to wipe Mr. B's ass as she took his limp dick in her mouth. Tried as she might, she was not able to arouse the spent member. She turned to Anjou and with sincerity said "good job!"But Anjou was not done. She'd come for her own division and was not about to leave her bosses office this morning without it. In addition, after the annulment from Mike, she decided that from now on any time she gave head; she'd better get head in return. So as she was removing her slacks Mr. B wanted to know "what are you doing?" "Did you just have a shattering orgasm from that exquisite blow job I gave you?" Anjou demanded."Yes." "Well I came here for my division presidency this morning after getting 'properly fucked' this weekend..." "Which you now have Ms President," Mr. B interjected. "Congratulations my dear," as Luanne had not yet left the room and was sincere in her good wishes. "And..." Anjou continued, "since you just got great head, one good turn deserves another." "Oh good luck dear, he only eats pussy when he's had too much wine, you better take a rain check on that one," Luanne chimed in. "Hmmm. You know she's right Luanne. I respect that. She is now in charge of a vital part of the growth and future of this organization and I must keep a clean slate with Anjou." "So you're going to eat pussy in the middle of the day?" Luanne wanted to know. "Well, no. I'm not. As you know I have a very heavy calendar. Please call my consort and explain my predicament and see whether she has any suggestions.""Yes Sir!" as Luanne picked up the wash rags and returned to her own office and Mr B. pulled up his shorts and pants."I will honor my commitment to you, but not just now as I am already running behind schedule. Please block out two hours with Luanne so that we can plan out our new division together. Also please tell Luanne to schedule an off-site executive meeting for later in the week so that we can celebrate your appointment and officially introduce you to the other division Presidents. And finally, as you know, we're all off to New York for market at the end of next week, have Luanne cancel your plane reservation, re-arrange your hotel...I want you in an adjoining suite if possible and have her get you an AMEX platinum business card.""Wow, I truly appreciate everything and understand your intention to keep your commitments with me and I feel honored". Anjou extended her hand to shake and Mr. B clasped and added his other hand warmly, in a show of sincerity. "I understand and will do all. You mentioned flight arrangements; do I need to do something about that?"Mr. B chuckled. "We have our own corporate jet. Just have Luanne make a limo reservation for you. Also ask her to have the architect, oh, what hell is... Raines, have Raines in here with you of course, so we can create an office for you, design room, showrooms in Los Angeles and New York..." Mr. B quieted here. "Anjou, let's complete our conversation about 'proper fucking', control and surrender. You have all of it correct thus far, and Luanne gave you good coaching on the finger in my ass and roughing me up. You now know how to get well and properly fucked for your enjoyment, pleasure and release." Mr. B continued."So here is my question to you: 'Do you care to learn how to become the fucker?' The reason I ask is that as a division president, there will be times you will have to fire people, put vendors and companies out of business and generally become a cunt who is also a fucker. You will become an ass licker as well as an ass fucker, a cunt sucker as well as a cunt fucker and generally able to dish out as much as you can withstand. "Obviously having enjoyed Yanik and Boris tells me you have great capacity. Slapping me as you did and controlling my eruption with your finger as you did also tells me you can dish. Are you ready to learn how to dish out pain to those who perceive it as pleasure, and help them fulfill themselves?"Anjou took a deep breath and focused on not erupting in anger or violence on Mr. B as she composed her response."Mr. B. At the end of my work week last week you told me I had a prim and proper stick up my ass, that you wanted to remove and shove up my cunt, and probably my ass too, in order for me to enjoy orgasmic bliss, or something along those lines. So what do I do? I follow your instructions and go out over the weekend and get myself royally fucked. And I enjoyed it, I really did. Now, here and now on Monday, you're telling me that in order to be successful in business I need to learn how to enjoy S & M. You really don't give a girl much time to adjust do you?"Anjou paused and thought for a moment."I would greatly enjoy fucking you Mr. B. In addition I would take great pleasure in watching you being fucked by others as well if that's what you like. You know what Mr. B? I am going to become the most successful division in this organization. I am going to apply my knowledge of the arts to The fine art of domination and submission, so subtly, that most will never know why they enjoy my treatment of them. I get it. I guess the mentor is only as good as the student is ready. I'm ready!""I see! Bravo! You are smarter than any I have ever encountered. I do believe you will teach me, not eventually, but from the very outset. But at any rate, find an assistant. I would like to meet that assistant before a formal offer of employment is made. They should be able to serve you 24/7. They need at a minimum a masters degree, but I would prefer a Ph.D. "Basically I need for you to try and replace yourself in the job you are leaving." He continued in a completely different tone...maybe even somber "One note of caution...I am, and will always be, THE dominant force in this company. Never, ever forget that lest you run afoul my darkest side.""Clear," replied the new protégée. "Crystal clear."To be continued...
It was 4 years ago, but I remember it like it was today. It was one of those days that seems perfect, too perfect. The sun was out and it wasn't too hot, all the kids were running around outside or were on vacation somewhere, well all the kids except this one, my precious little angel.I was sitting in my room, what used to be the basement, and I was lounging around in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt just watching some TV when the doorbell rang, somewhat reluctant to get up I answered the door only to find the most delightful thing waiting for me. Her name was Kim, she was 13 on that June day. She was dressed in one of those cut cutoff jean skirts and those tube tops that tie in the back, things that mothers have their little girls wear to look cute. Kim was small, but she was beautiful. She was a Latina, with wonderfully tanned skin. She had fragile little hips and bird-like arms. Her legs had some muscle, she was a runner, and a good one. Her hair was jet black and down to her mid back. She was graced the most lovely brown eyes, a deep honey brown with dark flecks."Hey Albert," she gave me a big bear hug and held me tight, then she looked up at me and said in the most sincere voice, "Oh how I love you." I hugged her back and responded, "I love you too my little one, my angel." Kim was a member of the household as far as we were concerned. "Is Matt home?" she asked. This was nothing unusual, Matt was my youngest brother and her best friend. They went to school together, they were in the same grade."No, he went with my mom to the store, but he will be back in a little while" I told her.She smiled, a smile that lit up an entire room. "Ok, I'll just wait for him here." She helped herself to the fridge and took out a can of soda. She was a regular at our house, she was practically my youngest sister. I thought about it for a moment and then I decided that I would entertain her until my brother showed up. I led her down the two flight of stairs and she followed with that soda in her hand and her hair flailing all over the place.She invited herself to my bed which served as a couch, being that it was located directly in front of the TV. I sat down next to her and watched her for a moment. The way she held the can in her right hand while playing with the frills from her skirt, the way her hair fell perfectly to frame her young face, especially the way her young breast were already starting to fill out, she was Dominican so there was nothing unusual about her early budding. In that moment I fell for her, I wanted her more than other woman I had ever seen. I looked down and I saw that I had a major boner. I tried to calm myself and I looked at her and I calmly spoke to her, "Kim, have you ever kissed a boy."She put the soda can down on my nightstand and she turned to me and replied in her kiddish voice, "No, boys have cooties, everybody knows that." I couldn't help but smile, kids were so foolish in these years. "Kim, do you know that's not true?" She stared at me in disbelief, "For real?" I looked at her in a lusty way, "If you don't believe me then I'll prove it to you." She seemed interested now, "Ok, how?" she asked. I told her my plan, "What about this, I'm going to kiss you and if nothing happens than boys don't have cooties, if your tongue turns purple and you get orange spots all over you then boys have cooties." We looked at each other and we started laughing. I looked at her nervously, "Are you ready?" She took a moment to answer but then she responded with the nod of her head.I leaned into her and my heart was pounding. I felt every nerve in my body start sending sporadic signals to my brain, I was shaking but Kim was so calm that I had to hold myself together, for her. I brought my lips to hers and I slipped my tongue inside her mouth. She was sweet from the soda, but also from her age. Her mouth was warm, virgin territory, like the rest of her body, I pushed my tongue into her mouth and with my hands I pulled her into the kiss. She wasn't struggling, but she was confused. I slowly retracted my tongue and I opened my eyes and looked at her. She licked her lips to catch my saliva that didn't make it into her tiny mouth, she was a natural.She looked at me and then she looked at herself, after realizing that there was nothing wrong with her she looked up at me, "Ok, so boys don't have cooties." I laughed, "I told you so, I know everything," she protested, "No you don't, you don't know everything." "Yes I do," we went back and then I attacked her, tickling her and making her laugh hysterically, she was tickling me too, quite successfully. We stopped laughing and the tickling ceased. Kim was laying down on the bed with me on top, this was bad- very bad, but oh so good.Kim was naive, she had no clue what guys were capable of. She had spent her whole life in the protected bubble that her parents had made for her and I was going to bring her into reality, I was going to pop this bubble, among other things.I wanted to move but I couldn't, I just stood there, my body began moving for itself. I lowered myself to Kim and I pressed my groin to her fragile hips. She was clueless. I leaned in to kiss her again, she didn't resist, she opened her mouth and she kissed me back, using her tongue. I was loving her more every second. With my hand I slid off my pants and boxers and returned my hand to her, I moved her little skirt up to her stomach. I broke the kiss and I looked at her. She really had no clue what was going on, and even though I knew this would hurt her, her not knowing made it all the better.I moved up close to her and I whispered in a big brother tone, "because you were so brave before I'm going to do something for you." I put my finger in my mouth and I wet it, then I let it find its way down between her legs. I moved her cotton panty to side and I let my finger rest on her pussy. I looked at her, she was becoming a little uneasy, but she trusted me, after all I was- in all terms- her big brother. I pushed my finger into her pussy and it was so warm and impossibly tight. I slowly moved it up into her. Kim moaned, I looked at her. "What's wrong?" I asked her."Nothing," she replied, "it just feels weird." I laughed, if only she knew what was gonna happen.I continued until I had worked 3 fingers into her, it was uncomfortable for her and she started squirming and then she spoke, "Albert, I don't like this anymore. It doesn't feel good." This was going to be difficult; there was no way I was going to fit inside of her, no way. I slowly pulled my fingers out and apologized, "I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't know." I kissed her again and then I asked her, "what about kissing, do you like that?" She smiled widely, "yes I like that a lot." We kissed all the while my heart was pumping, she was going to be mine, I brought my throbbing cock to her wet cunt and I whispered almost inaudibly in her ear, "Baby, I'm going to do something now and it might hurt a little, but I want you to be a big girl and not scream. Can you do that for me?" Kim was panicking, she looked around but then she came back to me and she nodded while biting her lip.I put my head next her neck and I pushed my throbbing cock into her untouched pussy, I pushed through her hymen and I felt the blood try to squeeze between my dick and her tiny stretched pussy. Kim wasn't prepared for this pain, she screamed and she tried to push me away. "Albert, stop it!" she screamed like a woman in labor. I spoke in a harsh tone, "You promised me that you wouldn't scream."Tears were starting to stream from her face. "It hurts, I don't like it! Stop it, please." I pinned her hands down to the bed with my right hand and I covered her mouth with my left hand, I didn't want to do it like this, but she was going to be mine one way or another.I pulled myself out just a few inches, I felt like I was being squeezed to death by her walls. I thrust myself back into her, all the while her tears were streaming and her head was thrashing back and forth, she was trying to free her wrists but she wasn’t going anywhere. I thrust myself in and out of her, her own blood acting as a lubricant for my thick cock in her tight little pussy. It took only a few minutes for me to want to blow my load. I pushed myself deep into her and I blew everything into her. I began to soften and I looked at her, her eyes were swollen with tears. I gently removed my hands which were white from applying constant pressure to her. I looked down at her, she was more beautiful than ever, I slowly pulled myself out of her and I felt her body tense up but she slowly relaxed. My precious little angel wasn’t a little girl anymore, she was a woman, I had made her one and I had my blood stained sheets to prove it.Kim was quiet; she had curled into the fetal position and was sobbing. I felt so relieved fucking her but seeing her like this made me feel like a dog. "Baby I’m sorry," I reached my hand out to touch her but her sobs grew louder. She hated me, the one person I loved and she hated me. I was angry now, "If you don’t stop crying I’ll do it again. I’ll hurt you." Kim stopped crying and she turned and looked at me, I tried to be nice and spoke in my big brother tone, "You know how you say you love me, well I just proved it. I proved how much I really love you," she was so confused. I spoke again "you say you love me and I just made love to you." She whimpered, "I don’t like love, it hurts." "Only for the first few times, then it gets better, you’ll like it." She shook her head, "there isn’t going to be anymore times." I put my hand back between her legs, "There will come a day when you’ll want to do this." She winced, my hand was hard on her bruised and newly ravaged pussy, her eyes started tearing. "Please don’t cry sweetheart, I didn’t mean for this to hurt you."I cleaned her up in the bathroom; I gently washed away the blood that had coagulated on her legs and ass. I kissed her head gently, Kim was quiet, it was better than her crying. I told her that happened in my room had to be kept a secret, she couldn’t tell anyone. She just nodded and whispered, "ok." That was the last I saw of her. After that it was time for me to move onto campus and get serious about school. I thought about her every now and then, but I was more focused on my life.***Four years after that faithful day I graduated college and I came back home to see my family and enjoy a family get together. It was about 5pm I guess and I went outside to get soda out of my mom’s car and then I froze, in the front yard next door to me there was a wonderfully delicious girl. Clad in tiny black shorts and a bikini top it was hard to miss her. She had shimmering black hair, large breasts, 32C and long sensuous legs, I knew those legs- it was Kim. My little angel wasn’t so little anymore, I called out to her, "Kim?" She tipped her dark sunglasses and looked at me. Just as quickly she tipped them back up and started moving to get inside. I darted between the car and over her lawn and caught her before she reached her porch."Angel, look at me," I pleaded. "Don’t touch me Albert," she sneered. She wasn’t the sweet little girl that I fell in love with. "What’s the matter?" I asked. She ripped her hand out of my grip, she spoke quietly but harshly, "What the matter is, that you raped me when I was a little girl. Albert I trusted you, I fucking loved you. You were my big brother, I looked up to you."I was shocked, I hadn’t known that I had hurt her so much. She continued, "And because of you, it took me years to learn that not every man would hurt me like you did. I don’t ever want to see you again." With that she walked inside and closed the door, I heard the door click, she locked the door and she never looked back. I realized then how much I had hurt her, and since I can’t ever talk to her again, this is the only way I can repent, by telling everyone her story.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 42
God I didn't want to get up the next morning. Not after the night I had just spent. Besides it was Saturday morning, and really there was no need to get up other that a couple of two year old twin girls. I wondered what they would say or think if they came into my bedroom and saw me. Oh it had been one hell of an exciting night. The first one like it in our married life. Our married life being four years. My wife and I had decided to expand our pleasure and last night had been the first time. It had been one hell of an exciting night. I hugged her too me as I continued to work my cock in and out of her now well fucked cunt slicked and lubricated with my fertile sperm. The exciting part too was that she had told me that it was her fertile time of the month, her most fertile time of the period. I wondered why she had let me fuck her during her most fertile time of her fertile period. But I wasn't going to turn her down. It was going to be one hell of a night, and I knew she was going to be staying the weekend with me, me fucking her and keeping her full of my hot fertile sperm. As I slowly pumped my cock in and out of her fertile sperm lubricated cunt, she snuggled back against me trying to drive my cock even deeper inside of her. She wiggled and squirmed with her firm petit ass, grinding my cock around and around her tight hole. She was like me, really enjoying it. Finally when she again orgasmed, just one of the seven or eight that she had during the night, I drove my cock into her as deep as I could get it and once again flooded her fertile cunt and womb with my fertile sperm. She finally moved and pulled my cock out of her hot cunt, turned over until she faced me and putting her arms around my neck kissed me passionately. "Oh god it has all felt so good. I've loved having your cock fucking me and cumming in me filling me with your fertile sperm. God I'm so glad that we have all weekend to fuck so you can keep me full of your cock and hot cum." she whispered between kisses. With that, she moved down until her lips were pressed against my wet, cunt juice sperm coated cock head. She licked it clean, then sucked it into her mouth. Not just a little of it but my entire cock. I couldn't believe the way she slipped my cock down her throat. Damn she could suck a cock just as good as she could fuck. Yes, this would be one hell of a weekend, for both me and my wife, Kimberley. Was it Kimberley in bed with me talking about my fucking her all weekend and keeping her full of my hot fertile sperm, so I could knock her up? No, this was not my wife presently sucking my cock. The woman was the wife of my next door neighbor, Cory. Terra, the woman sucking my cock, was his wife. Where was my wife? Well my wife was in the other bedroom with Terra's husband getting the hell fucked out of her. Also getting load after load of Cory's hot fertile sperm, filling her own hot fertile cunt and womb. Yes, both of us knew that the other was going to be impregnating our wife. They had planned it that way. Both of us already had two daughters. We both had been married four years and our daughters were all the same age, within three or four months of each other. Our older daughters were now three and a half and our younger daughters were still only one, but close to two. Me fucking Terra and Cory fucking Kimberley had all been our wives idea and plans. They had been talking about sex and how both of our sex lives were beginning to get boring and falling into a rut. They began talking about what would be exciting to them and came up with the idea that they would like to swap husbands once in a while just to spice up our sex life. Well the more they talked about it and the more they come to want it, the more they wanted to do even more than just fuck each others husbands. Then they came up with their having each others husband's babies. What finally decided them was the fact that they both could get pregnant by the others husband at the same time, as both always had their periods at the same time. So swapping during their fertile time, they could both get pregnant at the same time and have the baby at the same time. Maybe even on the same day and at the same time. They had talked about that several times, giggling and laughing at the thought. It had been a week before when our wives got all of us together and told us husbands what they wanted to do. At first they didn't say anything about wanting to get pregnant when the other husband fucked them, they only talked about how exciting it would be the four of us all in bed together and us each watching our spouse fuck and suck the others spouse. At first Cory and were hesitant about it not being sure we wanted our wives to fuck someone else. But we knew our wives were right about our sex lives becoming boring and routine. The more they talked to us about it and the more he and I talked about fucking each others wife and watching each other, the more exciting it became to us. Our wives actually set the date and night or I should say weekend, which was the following week end which was only a couple of days away by then. The four of us got together on that Friday night. We had a babysitter watch our four daughters, while we went out for dinner, dancing and few drinks. The only thing was, his wife was acting as my wife and my wife as his wife. Yes, it was exciting even though that spark of jealousy was still there when I watched Kimberley kissing and hanging on Cory. I know he felt that same spark because of the way he watched me kissing Terra. Talk about a chill when I saw Kimberley take his hand and put it on her soft firm petit tit which I knew was braless. I had watched her dress. About the same time Terra took my hand and put it on her own soft firm petit braless tit and held it there. Hell what could I do but start squeezing it? Even thought I had that spark of jealousy of him squeezing and playing with my own wife's tits. But things slowly changed with a couple of drinks and a few dances where I had Terra's body pressed up against me rubbing my hard stiff cock. Especially when a couple of times, there on the darkened dance floor she slipped her hand down and squeezed my hard cock. Once we started our antics it went from there. It was almost like she was my wife. and my wife was his wife. By the time we got home we were like lovers with the others wife. I know that the little twelve year old babysitter, who was our other next door neighbor's daughter, wondered what was going on, the way we were acting like lovers with each others wife. I know that she sure gave us some funny but excited looks. Just looking at her I wondered if she was as sexually excited as she looked. After all I knew that she had probably seen me kissing and fondling Terra's breasts and Cory kissing and fondling Kimberley's breasts. I could see the way her own little nipples were stiff and poking out her blouse. I knew from that she was also braless. I wondered what her little tits looked like. She had our daughters in bed by the time we got home. As soon as she left, our wives, had the lights turned down to a very romantic stage and they had their blouses off, leaving them naked from the waist up. They then melted in our arms. Needless to say it did not take long before I was really enjoying her soft firm naked tits, with my hands and my mouth. As I fondled, licked, kissed and sucked her tits, she unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall. I was surprised because she was also pantiless. She was standing there with me sucking and nibbling on her nipples completely naked. I glanced over at my own wife and I'll be damned if she wasn't standing there naked in the arms of Cory another man. At this point, that only increased the excitement of what we were doing. We slowly graduated to our bedroom with the large king sized bed. We were soon all on it, with each others wife in our arms, enjoying their firm, soft, warm, smooth bodies. Terra had her hand wrapped around my hard cock as we kissed and I fondled, squeezed and enjoyed her tits. Suddenly she pulled away and kissed and licked her way down my stomach, not stopping until her lips were kissing my wet, pre-cum coated cock head. With her kissing my cock head, then licking it, cleaning it of my pre-cum, I pulled her around until her wet cunt was right at my mouth. When she sucked my cock into her mouth and down her throat, my tongue was buried as deep inside of her wet cunt as I could get it. While she sucked my cock, I licked, sucked and tongue fucked her juicy delicious pussy. God I loved the taste of her cunt. Finally she pulled my cock out of her mouth and moved away from my mouth and tongue, straddling me. She leaned down and kissed me with those cum coated lips of hers and when she did, she dropped herself on my cock and cried out with both pain and pleasure when my cock drove up into her and slammed into her cervix. Boy did that wife of another man, a man who was being fucked by my own wife; I looked over and saw her pumping herself up and down on his big stiff cock just as his wife was doing to me. Then came the shock. Our wives, as they fucked themselves up and down on our cocks, as we began wondering what the hell they were doing, told us softly and in whispers that the were both fertile and that they were going to fill their fertile cunts with the others husbands hot fertile sperm. I know I froze just laying there the thought of my wife being pregnant with another man's baby. but Terra wasn't just sitting there; she continued bouncing up and down on my hard cock. I was so close to cumming anyway when they said what they were going to do, with the movements of Terra's ass, and the way she used her cunt muscles on me, I quickly shot one hell of a load of hot fertile sperm deep inside of her. I knew that if she was fertile, I probably shot at least half of it right through her partially open cervix right into her fertile womb. Just about then I heard him groan and when I glanced over I saw my own wife with that look of pleasure as she held herself down on his cock keeping it deep in her own cunt. From the look on his face and his moaning and groaning I knew that my own wife was receiving one hell of a load of hot fertile sperm in her own fertile womb. The fertile sperm of another man. Too late to stop ourselves, they had planned it well, we couldn't stop cumming in them. They looked at each other knowing that each of them now had the fertile sperm of the others husbands fertilizing their fertile eggs. What could we say, it was too late to say or do anything. We lay there staring at our own wives. Staring at our own wives with another man's cock buried deep inside of them and with their wombs full of another man's fertile sperm. At first both of us were upset, but that quickly changed. We looked at each other, at our wives, at each others wife and both of us at the same time said "Oh to hell with it" And began fucking those wives with a vengeance. I rolled his wife off of me, onto her back, then I pounded her hard and fast. I drove my cock in and our of her just as hard as I could, When she screamed out with the orgasm brought on my hard rough fucking, she pulled me tight into her with her legs and held me there. I let myself go and for the second time she received a load of my fertile sperm. I just figured that I might as well enjoy myself as long as they were probably already being impregnated. I thought to myself that as long as she wants it I am going to make sure she is pregnant just like my wife is probably going to be pregnant by her husband. I filled her with three large loads of my hot fertile sperm taking about three hours of fucking to do it. I took my time after my second load of hot sperm in her. I would fuck her slow, then fast, then slow just to keep from cumming. I was going to enjoy fucking her as long as I could. Finally after my third cum, my cock slowly softened and I pulled it out. I rolled off of her and lay by her side. I watched my wife as she received another load of Cory's fertile sperm. I didn't know how many times he cum in her, I had been too preoccupied with fucking his wife. Oh yes, she had one hell of a tight cunt and sure knew how to use those cunt muscles, just like I knew Kimberley was using her well trained cunt muscles on him. After we had finished fucking and cumming in them and lay there the four of us side by side, Kimberley and Terra finally told us that they wanted to spend the weekend together wanting to fuck us all weekend to make sure that they got pregnant. They also told us that they would not fuck their own husband, only the others. Of course they also told us, I guess just to please us, that from then on we could fuck either of them whenever we wanted to. But only after they knew for sure that they were pregnant. They told us that they would not fuck their own husband until after they knew for certain that I had impregnated Terra and Cory had impregnated Kimberley. But we could fuck each others wife when ever we wanted. And that is what I was doing that Saturday morning when I woke up with my cock buried deep inside of Terra's tight hot cum filled cunt. After we had fucked them as many times as we could, Cory and my wife, Kimberley went into one of our other bedrooms. Yes we could have all slept in our big bed, but after filling them as full of sperm as we could, the women decided they wanted to sleep only with us who were getting them pregnant. I had my cock buried inside of Terra as we lay there naked, no covers, slowly slipping my cock in and out of her. She was enjoying it too, when two little girls came into the bedroom. It was their little three year old and our little three year old. I didn't know what to do, I knew the way we were laying they could see my cock slipping in and out of her wet cunt. She knew though, she just kept fucking me slowly and after they got a good look at me fucking her, she told them to go to the other bed room and see them. Then she giggled at the thought of those two seeing there mama and daddy fucking just like they had seen us. Well I thought, this was going to be one hell of a weekend. Our wives wanting us to keep fucking them and we had four little girls that would probably be catching us doing it all weekend. I was hoping that they wouldn't realize exactly what we were doing. Hoping they were two young to comprehend what was going on. I didn't know how many times I would be able to fuck Terra, but since we started it, I was going to fuck her every chance I could. I was going to enjoy her body. Hell I might as well, she already had herself knocked up by me, just as I knew my wife already had herself knocked up by Cory. I guess that you could now say that Cory and I were related. His wife having my baby and my wife having his baby. That meant that all of our daughters were now related also, in a round about way anyway. It was an interesting situation. I had to kind of laugh at our situation, all developed because our wives wanted to fuck each other husbands and have their babies. Oh well life is full of surprises and interesting happenings. I wondered just what our two wives were going to come up with next to enhance our sex lives. God how both Cory and I were shocked when they did finally tell us what and how they wanted to make our sex lives even more exciting. But then, you can never guess what women will come up with. END
Dana was your average 15-year old. She was 5'5" about 115lbs with short dirty-blond hair, slight-to-medium build, and quite good-size but firm breasts. By all accounts, Dana was well on her way to being a very attractive young woman."Dana! Don't forget to clean out the basement while I'm in town today. Ok?" Yelled her mom as she was getting ready to leave. "Sure mom, no problem." As her mother left Dana went downstairs to the basement. Old furniture and boxes were scattered all around the place. 'Damn, look at this junk. I wonder why mom bothers to keep this shit,' Dana thought to herself. A few hours later while Dana was sorting through boxes she came across a old footlocker. 'Wow, this thing looks old. I wonder what's in it.'As Dana opened the footlocker she saw that it was filled with old clothes and books from her father. Removing the books and clothes Dana found a small box, looking into it she gasped. Inside were various sex magazines, a large vibrator, and a envelope. Opening up the envelope Dana was shocked at the pictures that dropped out. They all showed her mother masturbating, some showed her using the vibrator, while others showed her using her hands. One picture in particular got her attention. It showed her mom laying on the floor working the vibrator into her opening while she pinched one of her large tits, her mouth open in a cry of ecstasy.At first, Dana was shocked. She had never seen anything like this. Let alone with her mom being part of it. Then the more she looked, the more she felt herself getting more intrigued.'Wow, mom sure looks like she's enjoying herself,' she thought. Reaching into the box and picking up the vibrator Dana was surprised by its weight. At this point, Dana had let a couple guys touch and kiss her breasts - since they were really big for her age - and had given a few hand jobs, but had never gone beyond that. Or even thought about it.The vibrator suddenly looked inviting. And safe. It was about 10" long and 2" wide. 'Damn, this thing looked like it made Mom go crazy.' Spreading out all of the pictures Dana started to rub the vibrator around the crotch of her pants, and rubbing her breasts through her shirt. Feeling herself becoming excited she decided to remove her clothes and enjoy herself, even though she really didn't know what she was doing, or what to expect.Putting down the vibrator she slowly started to roll her nipples, while her other hand went down to her slit. Feeling the heat of her opening, Dana groaned. Using her fingers to spread herself open she lazily started to flick a finger around. 'Mmmm, damn am I getting wet.' She had been excited before, but never like this. It felt so real, and yet, she'd never known that she could feel anything this intense.Laying down Dana held her labia open with one hand as she slowly pushed a finger into herself, feeling her sticky love juice ooze around her finger as she moved it in and out of her mound. Pulling her finger out of her mound she started to rub her love juice onto her tits. Shuddering as her fingers rubbed her tits Dana reached over and picked up the vibrator. As her hand continued to rub her tits, Dana started to kiss and suck the head of the vibrator. She had held a guy's penis in her hand a couple time, and had even milked a guy with her hand until he came, but she'd never held anything this big in her hand. And she'd never wanted to do anything like what she felt like doing now.Slowly bringing the vibrator down to her opening, she started to rub it around her wet slit. "Oh shit!" she moaned as the rough vibrator rubbed across her sensitive clit. She pushed the rounded end of the heavy, but surprisingly flexible vibrator against her opening. She suddenly wanted to have it inside her, just like the pictures of her mom that lay in front of her. She groaned and pushed, but her opening didn't seem wide enough for the 2 inch diameter of the vibrator. The vibrator was about the size of a tennis ball can. She couldn't imagine being able to get it in. 'Maybe Mom could because she was older and had kids,' she thought. Dana grunted and groaned, as she could feel her opening starting to stretch, but not far enough. She was getting more and more excited, but it just wouldn't go in.Then, finally, bringing her legs up, bending at the knees, Dana reached down and turned on the vibrator..."HOLY SHIT!!" she yelled as the electric vibrations shot through her virgin body like a bolt of lightning. Gasping, she watched as the vibrator was getting covered with more and more of her love juice as she rubbed it into her mound. She looked down, and could feel herself stretching further and further open. "Oh my god!! It's going in!" she cried, as her opening became more and more distended, until the girth of the vibrator started fill her up.Jumping as the head of the vibrator entered her opening, Dana firmly grasped the base and started to push the vibrator into her. "Oh fuck yes, Fuck me! Oh GOD!" she groaned as she slid the vibrator deep into her belly. Her watched her lower abdomen start to bulge as it got further and further into her.Her whole lower abdomen kept expanding until the last of the 10 inches were buzzing away inside her. Listening to her opening hungrily sucking at the vibrator, she started to slam it in and out of herself. Dana looked down, and saw the bulge in her lower abdomen created by the vibrator, and saw how far open she had stretched to take the vibrator in, and almost went into orbit at the sight. Dana started to pinch her rock hard nipples. "OH GOD, YES, YESSS!!" Dana yelled as she started pumping the vibrator in and out of herself. Her body felt like it was about to explode. Her vagina felt like it would burst at any second.Suddenly, Dana could feel something different building inside her. Like she had to go the bathroom, but it was exciting. The muscles in Dana's butt started to twitch. Then her whole 15-year-old body was starting to seize up. "OH MY GOD, WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" she cried at the top of her lungs. All the muscles in her bottom and around her middle were getting into a rhythm. Dana felt things coursing through her that she had never felt before, and didn't understand. As hot as she was, a fear of the unknown heightened the whole experience she was having."OH FUCK ME! FUCK!!" she yelled as she continued to push more of the vibrator into her gushing opening. Feeling herself starting to pulse around the hard shaft Dana savagely started to twist her nipples. "OH, OH SHIT!! YESS!!" She screamed as her inner thigh convulsed around the hard shaft of the vibrator. Cramming the vibrator deeply into herself, until the whole thing, base and all, disappeared inside her, feeling the electric jingle across her opening made Dana's orgasm crash over her, sending her to a new height, a new awareness of what her body could do. Then it happened again. And again. Each time it was like getting an electric shock.After about 15 minutes, Dana couldn't take any more, and switched the vibrator off. She lay there for what seemed like an eternity. 15 straight minutes of cumming, of having her body pushed to its absolute limit, had drained her. She slowly took the vibrator out of herself, grabbed a towel, and started cleaning up.When she went to put the vibrator back, Dana saw another envelope. This one was taped shut. 'Hmmm, I wonder what's in here. More good stuff?' she wondered. Dana opened the envelope, and saw even more explicit photos. One photo had her mom at the height of an orgasm, and, as Dana looked closer, that same vibrator was almost the way up her butt!'Hmm, maybe another day...' thought Dana. 'I'm tired.' And there definitely would be another day.'Wow, I gotta get Sarah and Meghan over here to try this,' Dana thought. She started thinking of ways that she could tell her two best friends about this discovery, and how they could share it. Then she started thinking more thoughts, about what it would be like to watch Sarah use the vibrator, or how on earth a skinny girl like Meghan could get this thing inside her. Dana remembered the sight of her abdomen and her opening when the vibrator was inside her, and thought immediately about her friends in that situation. Dana was suddenly really intrigued about helping her friends try her new discovery. 'How could they not like this", she thought.All of a sudden Dana's thoughts vanished, as she heard the audible CLICK of the cellar door. Only the door was closing, and not opening."OMIGOD, snagged!" Dana thought out loud. But who was it? Who had been watching her, and for how long?Dana hurriedly put her clothes back on, and silently made her way up the cellar stairs. She opened the door slightly, and saw her younger sister, Jodi trek into the kitchen and grab a soda from the fridge. 12-year-old Jodi was tall for her age, almost the same height as Dana, quite thin, with jet black hair. Jodi was just starting to develop, having just switched out of a training bra over the past few months, and getting taller seemingly by the day. Jodi would never have the compact, hourglass figure that Dana had - but it was clear that Jodi was going to have the tall, slender figure that most women would die for.Dana thought quickly. 'Did she see me? Or hear me? Hmmm. Maybe I'll just pretend nothing happened.' She paused for a minute, then opened the cellar door, and came up into the kitchen."Hey, what's up?" Dana said. "Mom asked me to clean the cellar. You sure got out of here quick this morning. Thanks for being around to help!""Yeah," Jodi said, pausing. "But you never know what you'll find down there. I'm not too sure I wanted to be looking around down there."Dana was frozen. She knew Jodi knew what had happened. But how much did she know? Dana decided she had to find out - fast. "So... um... I'm not sure what to ask, but... was that you at the door a while back?""Yup.""Oh boy," Dana said. "I can explain, Jodi. Just let me.""It's OK," Jodi jumped in. "I heard you yelling, and it sounded like you were in trouble or being attacked or something. I opened the door and snuck down a couple steps. I was going to call the police if you were in trouble. I hope you don't think I was spying, you just sounded like you needed help or something."Dana was relieved. Obviously it seemed like her sister wasn't going to tell on her. "So, you saw what was going on?" Dana asked tentatively."Yeah... it um... looked like you were enjoying yourself," Jodi said, kind of embarrassed. "I thought you were being shocked by that thing, I wasn't sure what it was doing to you, but you looked like you were going crazy."Dana's thoughts shifted all of a sudden. She wondered to herself if Jodi would ever be interested in this. 'I wonder if she could handle it,' Dana thought. Jodi was awfully thin, but not as thin as Meghan. Was she old enough?"Well," said Dana, "you sound curious. If you wanted to see it, I'd show you. But you can't tell Mom. This is going to be our secret. She was be totally pissed if she knew we found this.""OK. I promise", said Jodi, smiling, happy to share a secret with her big sister.Dana opened the cellar door, and went down the steps first. 'Gotta put these pictures away. Jodi would freak if she saw them.' "Let me clean all these papers up," Dana said, as she picked up all the pile of pictures and put them aside.Jodi came over, and saw the vibrator. "Wow, so that's it, huh?""Yup", said Dana. "It's really wild. I mean, different.""Like what?"Dana paused for a second. The more she looked at Jodi, the more she wanted to be there when Jodi tried this out for the first time. "Like nothing you could ever imagine," Dana said.There was a pause. 'Time to ask,' Dana thought."So... um... do you... want to see what it does?""Well, yeah. But how long will Mom be gone?" Jodi asked.Dana knew her mother wouldn't be back for hours. "Mom's gone for a while.Nothing to worry about there. So you're in?""Yeah.""OK," said Dana. "First thing we both need to do is get rid of our clothes.That's OK, right? I mean shit, you already saw me!" Dana laughed.The two sisters shared a laugh. Jodi finally broke in, "OK, not like you haven't seen me. You remember who helped me pick out my first bra, right?"Dana thought to herself, 'I remember.' Dana was slowly getting more and more turned on by looking at her sister, and thinking about what she was going to try with her. Dana ignored the fact that this was her sister. All Dana knew was that she wanted to try to get the massive vibrator inside Jodi, which she knew wouldn't be easy.Dana and Jodi undressed. Even as sisters, the two girls couldn't help but study each other, even as they hoped their glances went unnoticed.At 12 years of age, Jodi didn't have much restraint. "Wow, Dana, you're huge!" she said.Dana blushed. "Gee thanks. It's not all it's cracked up to be, let me tell you. You're not doing too bad yourself, squirt," Dana said, looking at Jodi. Jodi had just started to blossom, now nearing an A cup, which wasn't too bad for her age. Jodi had only a few wisps of black hair starting to cover the area between her things.'OK, time to get things moving,' Dana thought."So do you want to see what this thing does, or not?" Dana asked her sister, picking up the vibrator."Sure. Does it give you a shock or something?""No. Here, hold it," Dana said, handing the vibrator over to Jodi. Jodi close her and around it and studied it."Ready?" Dana said, as she flipped the switch to start the vibrator."Oooh, wow! So that's what it does!" Jodi said, as the vibrator buzzed loudly in her hand. "It kind of feels like a shock."Dana switched the vibrator off. "It's not a shock. It's different. Better. Much better. You won't understand until you...." Dana paused, and looked at her sister. She couldn't wait any longer. "Tell you what," Dana continued, "lean back against that box behind you. Don't get freaked out. Just let things happen.""OK...." Jodi said, somewhat unsure. But this was her sister, right? She wouldn't do anything that would hurt her.While Jodi slid over to lean back against the boxes, Dana brought the head of the vibrator to her lips, wetting it. "Close your eyes, and relax..." Dana said to Jodi. Jodi closed her eyes.Dana brought the head of the vibrator down, touching it to Jodi's right nipple. Jodi gasped at first, then relaxed, as Dana circled Jodi's nipple with the head of the vibrator."Oh wow...that feels good," Jodi said, feeling something unknown start to stir within her body. Dana continued for a few minutes, moving over to circle Jodi's other nipple with the head of the massive vibrator. Slowly, Jodi's pink nipples came erect."Mmmm... This feels so cool," said Jodi."Wait, it gets better," Dana said.Dana moved down to between Jodi's thighs, nudging them apart with her hands. Dana touched the vibrator to Jodi's lower abdomen, then slowly moved it down to between Jodi's thighs, across her thin tuft of black hair, down to Jodi's opening."Dana.. what are you doing.. this feels..." Jodi said, in half-sentences."Just relax. Relax and enjoy this. And don't be scared, I'm right here," said Dana, reassuring her little sister.Dana slowly rubbed the vibrator around Jodi's inner thigh, crossing back and forth gently across Jodi's clitoris. Dana could see that Jodi was getting quite wet, and could tell by Jodi's breathing that she was getting very excited. Dana was getting so excited watching her sister feel these feelings for the first time, that she forgot this was her sister. Holding and controlling the movement of the vibrator in her right hand, Dana reached up with her left hand and cupped one of Jodi's breasts. Slowly, Dana started rolling Jodi's nipple between two of her fingers. To Dana, all that mattered right now was to please Jodi."Dana... I... what are you... we can't..." Jodi gasped."It's OK. Just let the feelings go," Dana almost whispered to Jodi. Jodi's breast felt warm and soft to the touch. Jodi's eyes were closed, as the feelings rushing through her body began to take her over. Dana continued to work the vibrator all around her little sister's opening, caressing Jodi's breasts all the time.Dana could see that Jodi was getting very excited. 'Time to test this out", Dana thought, as she pressed the head of the vibrator a little more firmly against Jodi's opening, working the head around inside her younger sister's outer labia. Jodi arched her back a little, pressing back against the massive vibrator.Dana leaned down and whispered into Jodi's ear, "Are you ready to try this?""Yeah..." Jodi's voice trailed off."Just hold on, and let the feelings take over. I'm right here. This is going to be so good..." Dana's voice trailed off as she slid her right hand down off of Jodi's chest down to waist level, then slid it underneath Jodi's butt.Dana paused to look at Jodi, knowing what she was about to do to her little sister, pausing to wonder if Jodi's body could take it, what she'd feel. But Dana wanted to bring these feelings to Jodi - now.Dana pressed the massive vibrator firmly against Jodi's opening, and switched it on."Uhhhhhh!" Jodi half-cried, half-gasped, as her whole body seized up at the jolt of the vibrator."It's okay, you can do it, just relax. Just enjoy it," Dana said to her little sister. Dana kept whispering assurance in Jodi's ear, and slowly the 12-year-old's muscles began to relax. Dana took that opportunity to push more firmly with the vibrator, and slowly Jodi's opening began to widen. Dana now knew that she could get her little sister's body to take on all of the vibrator - all she had to do was get Jodi so worked up that she couldn't say no."Aaah.. Aahhh.. Dana! Oh god, Dana! It won't fit... Oh god! It!!" Jodi cried out as her opening expanded to start taking on the width of the vibrator.Dana could see that Jodi was pushed to her absolute physical limit. Dana remembered how it felt for her, how it felt like she was too stretching too far, that she would explode. Dana knew these feelings were now even more intense for the thinner, less- developed Jodi; she thought these thoughts as she watched Jodi start to take on the massive vibrator, and found herself getting very excited."It will fit," Dana reassured her sister. "Just relax. Relax and enjoy what your body can do..." Dana's voice trailed off as she cupped Jodi's bottom, and worked the head of the vibrator up into her little sister."Oh no," Jodi moaned, as Dana started slowly working the vibrator up into her, filling her up millimeter by millimeter. The pain and fear seemed to gradually have ebbed from the 12-year-old's expression. As Dana pushed the vibrator further up into Jodi, she could feel the telltale signs of Jodi's excitement. As Dana cupped her little sister's bottom, she could feel the muscles in and around Jodi's butt starting to contract and release, in rhythm.Before long, Dana looked down and realized that Jodi had taken almost all of the huge vibrator up inside her. Jodi's lower abdomen bulged almost grotesquely to be able to account for the huge width of the vibrator."Look," Dana whispered to Jodi, as she held the ever-pulsing vibrator inside her little sister, "Look at how full you are. Look at yourself..." Dana's voice trailed off as she whispered those words into her little sister's mouth.Jodi opened her eyes, and looked down to see that her body confirmed the intense pressure that she was feeling. Jodi's whole lower abdomen was almost double its size. A mixture of fear and confusion swept across Jodi's face."Dana! What are you doing to me?! Oh god, what's happening?!" Jodi asked her sister as she felt more and more erotic feelings rushing through her. Jodi leaned back and closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the erotic feelings now coursing through her.Dana couldn't hold back any more. She had to bring her sister over the edge - now."Just hold on," Dana reassured Jodi, "hold on and let the feelings flow..." Dana's voice trailed off as she slowed started to draw the vibrator out of Jodi's body, then slowly push back in. Dana saw that her little sister had passed the point of no return, and suddenly lowered her mouth to her little sister's nipple, knowing she had to bring Jodi to a level of excitement she could never dream of."DANA! What are you..? OH GOD! OH GOD!" Jodi cried, as she felt Dana's mouth close over her nipple. Jodi's whole body began to rhythmically tighten and relax, tighten and relax.Dana knew Jodi was getting close, even as she tried to come to grips with the fact that she was so turned on by doing this with her preteen sister. She looked down and saw that Jodi's lower abdomen bulged almost beyond belief. Dana saw that Jodi's eyes were tightly closed - a factor of both the newness of the building climax within her, and the physical pressure that she had taken on in getting this huge buzzing monster inside her.Dana knew it was time, as she sped up her movement of the vibrator, and continued the rhythmic suckling at Jodi's breasts, alternating right to left and back. Jodi's breathing picked up as Dana pumped the vibrator in and out of her, faster and faster."OOOHH... Dana!! OH GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jodi yelped, as her body began to seize up over and over, bringing the unknown sensations of an impending orgasm closer and closer.Dana heard Jodi on the edge, and quickened her assault, as she plunged the vibrator in and out of her sister as an almost blinding clip. Dana had to make sure her 12-year old sister was thoroughly pumped, that she felt those same sensations that Dana herself had felt on a short while ago.The orgasm built and built inside Jodi until it was ready to crash over her. All of a sudden, Jodi's body seized up like she received an electric shock. Jodi arched her back, causing Dana to take even more of her little sister's breast into her mouth. Even as Jodi began to seize up, Dana continued pumping her sister for all she was worth."OH GOD YES!!" Jodi screamed, as she reached the first orgasm of her life.As Jodi climaxed, without even pausing to think why, Dana positioned herself to be able to kiss and suck at Jodi's clitoris. Dana was even more turned on once she got a close-up look at Jodi's opening, seeing and hearing the vibrator as it buzzed away inside he little sister's vagina. After Jodi's first orgasm subsided, Dana lowered her mouth down and started kissing her little sister's most sensitive area, all the while frantically pumping away at Jodi with the massive vibrator.Jodi was too far gone to comprehend, as she came almost constantly for the next five minutes, her body seizing up over and over, until she was too tired to respond. Dana made sure that she had wrung every drop of sexual energy out of Jodi, then slowly withdrew the vibrator and switched it off.Jodi laid back with her eyes closed, her body and mind still recovering, and fell into a deep sleep. Dana kissed Jodi lightly on the cheek and neck a few times, then held Jodi as she slept.Dana thought back to the picture she had seen earlier - with the vibrator up her mom's butt. She knew she HAD to try this, and that Jodi would be there to do it to her. Dana knew it wouldn't feel quite right any other way...END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 69
Experience ICarol, my sister, Helen, Ernie and me were the best of friends. Neighbor kids in a California track development. We were always doing things together. I think I was about 10 when Helen introduced me to 'doctor'. Helen was 12 at the time, thin long straight black hair of Indonesian decent. Helen's mom used to babysit for us daily, as my mother and father both held full time jobs. We were all watching cartoons, and Helen's mother was still sleeping. Ernie was making a chocolate toast sandwich and Helen was just getting up. Me and my sister Carol were engrossed with the Road Runner. Ernie and her were both 2 years younger than me. I hadn't given a thought of sex with any of them, nor had I even had the opportunity to gaze at a girly book at this age. Anyhow my sister and I were watching TV when I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I looked around and saw Helen in her robe waving for me to follow her. Getting off the couch I followed her into her bedroom. She seemed to know exactly what she wanted by closing the door, and dropping the robe from her shoulders to the floor. She directed me to undress and lay back on her bed naked. I had no idea what she had in mind, but since we were so close for so long, I didn't hesitate to do what she said. Once on my back, she straddled my hips, and began rubbing her bald cunt against my flaccid dick. "Do you like this?" she asked. "Sure," I replied. "What are you doing?" "It makes me feel good, doesn't it make you feel good?" "Um, I guess so..." I replied. She kept rubbing herself against me with her eyes closed. Her breathing became raspy and her mouth hung open. She was sure getting into it, I still had not an idea what was going on. After awhile she got off of me, and told me that I shouldn't tell anyone what happened just then, and she put her robe back on. I agreed not to talk, and had no idea why, but I kept my promise. Helen asked me to do this with her often for about a month. One night we had a sleep-over and at bed-time we were all put in Helen and Ernie's bedroom. They had 2 big beds in their room, Ernie and me in one, and Helen and Carol in the other. Helen asked Ernie if he would like to get in bed with Carol so she could be with me. They swapped beds, and again Helen was on top of me grinding herself into me in front of my sister and Ernie. Helen suggested that my sister try this with Ernie. Carol got undressed and straddled Ernie the same way Helen was doing me, and started rocking back and forth. Helen did the same as always, breathing getting harsh and she got off of me. I had no idea what she liked about this, but I certainly didn't mind it. Then she asked my sister if she'd like to do it with me. I silently freaked out when my sister crawled into the bed with me nude and started rubbing herself against my dick. Meanwhile Ernie was on his back with his sister rubbing herself against him. None of us knew what was going except Helen, who wasn't sharing her secret with us. Experience II A couple of years went by, now I was 12. My mother and father decided to foster a few kids for awhile and I met Chris, Kathy and John. Chris was 14 and a lovely creature. I was always trying to catch her tits in my hands, and often got hurt trying... how often can you get slapped in the face before you get the idea to knock it off? I was constantly in a sexual frenzy and still didn't have the concept of the hard dick I'd wake up with in the morning. Damned thing would get hard during the day for no reason at all, and I'd have to snake myself away from everyone to try to make it go away. Often I'd go the bathroom to wait it out. It was during one of these bathroom visits that I discovered one of my foster sisters Kotex pads. I knew what these were for and I knew they pressed against my foster sister's pussy, so I pulled one out. I leaned back against the toilet and started rubbing myself lightly with the pad. I couldn't believe the feeling it had on my hard-on and surprised myself with the sticky-precum that was leaking out of my dick. I had no idea what that was about, I thought I was kinda peeing on myself, so I ignored it and shuttered the pad across my cock anyways. There was an awful feeling that I felt come from the bottom of my stomach, but I couldn't stop rubbing myself with the pad. Suddenly my stiff dick erupted a stream of white sticky cum that coated the pad and my belly as well... All I could do was think of Chris when I was cumming on the pad. When I was done, I tried to figure out what had happened... I was still lost, but at least I knew what I'd done and that I would do it again over and over again. Experience III Mom got rid of the foster kids and I was alone with my sister. We hadn't done anything with each other since being with Helen and Ernie. After our swimming lessons we walked home talking lightly and she steered the conversation back to the incident that happened years ago. I couldn't help myself and I turned to her and kissed her quite non-brotherly like, slipping my tongue into her mouth like I'd seen in dads magazines.I was shocked at how she responded by pressing her mouth against mine and playing her tongue against mine. We just stood there on the street like natural young lovers kissing in front of everyone. Then she pulled away and took my hand as we continued down the street toward home. It was at that point in my life that I realized that my sister and I were lovers and nothing was going to tear us apart from each other. When we reached home, we found the house empty as usual because both of our parents worked. We made ourselves sandwiches for lunch and stuffed ourselves with peanut-butter and jelly. I had homework to do and my sister told me she was going outside. I tried working on my studies but my mind kept wandering back to my beautiful sister and the sexy kiss we'd exchanged. I plainly couldn't concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing, so getting up from my desk, I found I had a miserable hard-on (again) and walked around the house trying to walk it off. My prick kept waving inside my shorts and ended up getting bigger rather than shrinking, I got desperate. I wanted to jack off, but at the same time I wanted... something else. I just couldn't define what it was exactly.I opened the front-door and saw my sister Carol playing with friends in her bathing suit. God she was beautiful I thought to myself, by dick becoming painfully hard now. I called out to Carol, and asked to speak with her inside and she came to me. Once inside I closed the door and pressed her against the door kissing her deeply again, pushing my body against hers. I loved her with all my heart and I needed to show her. I rubbed myself against her while kissing her, our tongues dancing with each other and then she started laughing when she realized that my hard-on was poking at her belly. "You want to be boyfriend and girlfriend?" she asked me.There was nothing else in the world that I wanted to do at this point and I took her hand and brought her to her bedroom. There we both stripped off and looked at each other. I had a lot of pre-cum built up at the head of my dick by then and was virtually dripping, it actually dribbled to the floor. Carol's tits were starting to form and her waist was flared just like the women I saw in the magazines.I didn't really know what I was doing, all I knew was that I enjoyed being naked with her and she seemed okay with it too. I pushed her back onto the bed and landed on top of her and started kissing her again. Carol lay there passively, but allowed me to press myself against her and fondle her tits. Then after a while I rolled off her and began kissing her tits and rubbing my hand between her legs. It just seemed like the thing to do and she must have liked what I was doing, because she spread her legs wider, allowing me to get right into her tight slit with my fingers. All this rubbing of her cunt and sucking her nipples made me feel like I was going to explode. I didn't know what to do, but without knowing why I climbed on top of my sister and tried pushing my stiff throbbing dick inside of her slit. Carol was too tight for me to even begin entry and started crying in frustration. Of course neither one of us thought of a lubricant. So I just enjoyed the feeling of my cock between her thighs, as she pressed them together around my cock while I rocked back and forth. She moaned when I pressed really low and rubbed my dick-head against her pussy slit.That's when I started shooting my cum all over my sister's ass and thighs. Never had I cum like that before and I had her to thank for the experience. Carol got upset because I had made such a mess on her. At that point in her life I guess she didn't know what an orgasm was, but I sure did! We did this a few more times during the weeks that followed, of course I always had to beg her to participate but she always gave in to me sooner or later. After about ten times of empting my balls between my sister's thighs she informed me that she didn't want to do it anymore. She didn't like the idea that I was leaving a mess in her bed and between her thighs and reminded me that we were brother and sister and this wasn't what brothers and sisters were supposed to be doi8ng with each other. Our relationship was suspended. Experience IV Years later my parents decided to move from California into the woods of Vermont because of a job advancement that our dad had received.My sister and I had no idea what to do with ourselves without any or our friends, so we relied on each other for company. We ended up getting very close with each other sexually and played a lot, kissing and touching. It was really me that made it happen, Carol always seemed reluctant until we started kissing and fondling, then she would get into it too.One evening I suggested that we sleep outside together under in a make-shift tent I had made earlier. Our parents didn't have a problem with the idea, so my sister and I trudged off into the woods with our sleeping bags under our arms. When we reached our destination, I suggested that we zip the sleeping bags together so we could stay warmer. Carol thought that was a good idea since the nights there got real chilly. I heard from a friend, that it was warmer if you slept with your clothes off, rather than on in a sleeping bag, since you can sweat and end up freezing. I relayed this information to Carol, but she was hesitant about removing her clothing. I pulled my clothes off anyway and tossed them aside, slipped into the sleeping bag, hoping that she would do the same. I watched her pull her blouse off followed by her pants and panties. She didn't give me much of a chance to see anything as she shuttled herself into the bag with me. I did notice that her tits had grown into nice firm mounds and she had pubic hair that made me want to touch her there.I was in love again, smelling her thick long hair as she lay in the sleeping bag next to me. I reached out for her. She was lying on her side facing me and I pulled her toward me and kissed her.Carol opened her mouth and surprised me by pressing her tongue into my mouth, and worming it around. I played with her tongue moaning and pressed my hard cock against her belly. Still kissing me, she pulled her hips away and reached down between us and wrapped her fingers around my hard-on. This was the most incredible feeling I had ever had before, to have a girl's hand on my stiff dick, I was in heaven. My sister began jerking me off in our sleeping bag with me still kissing her. I was still young then with little or no experience with women and I came fast and furiously with her fist wrapped around my dick. She didn't seem to mind the mess this time, because she kept her hand around my hard-on even after my throbbing subsided and let me sleep that way, all stick and warm. Experience V After having lived in the woods Vermont for two years and still "playing" with each other an a fairly regular basis, (I was always pestering my sister) one day things took a real turn in our relationship.During the fall months in our boredom we found excitement in breaking into the summer cabins that were around our house and stealing liquor from them to get drunk. One of the cabins we broke into had a wealth of old Playboy magazines in a box and we rifled through them to find an issue featuring twin sisters in it. Sharing a bottle of 'Ol GranDad' we flipped through the pages of the magazine. I watched Carol's face as we made it through the magazine and saw that she had that odd look in her face again. It was the look that always meant that she wanted something, generally me! While we were sitting on the bunk in the cabin I pushed her backwards to kiss her. She was more than ready, showing me by wrapping her arms around me and pulling me tightly to her. The magazine must have gotten her hot, because she was rubbing her hands all over my back and kissing me like she never had before. Also the fact that we were older now - helped I'm sure. I reached into her shirt and was rewarded by her set luscious tits, I think my sister has the perfect tits of any female I've ever seen, even many years later she's still my ideal. Carol sat up to allow me to pull her shirt off over her head. I loved it that she never wore a bra. Her tits were an incredible sight as usual. I stood and stripped my clothes off and sat back on the bunk with her. Not to be outdone, Carol did the same, standing in front of me.I reached up and pulled her down to me and pressed my face into her pubis. She started rubbing herself against my face and spread her legs wider for me to lick her slit. The taste was always incredible, slightly salty, but with a female tang that always got me going.I couldn't stop licking my sister and she didn't seem to want me to stop either. She kept grinding her pussy slit into my nose and mouth as I licked her, I never wanted this to stop. My cock was harder than it ever had been before and I knew at this point that I had to fuck her.By now we knew what fucking was. The fact that we hadn't done it up to then was because carol always put me off. She said she was afraid of getting pregnant and that it was incest and that we just couldn't do it. I pulled her up and stood in front of her and kissed her, turned her around and laying her on the bunk. Kissing her passionately I held my stiff throbbing cock to her pussy and I pressed the head of my dick against her slit. I felt the warmest, sweetest glove a brother could ever feel as the head slipped into her sopping slit. Carol was as wet and as tight as I could have ever dreamed. My cock slipped inside of her and was encased in a warm slippery haven. I had to fuck her, I was helpless to stop myself and began thrusting slowly into her. Even though she was my sister, I had to have her. Carol must have felt the same because she wrapped her arms around my back and locked her legs around my ass. I couldn't stop fucking her for anything, the world could have come to and end, but I wouldn't have stopped.I looked into my sister's face, her eyes were closed and she had an expression of pure joy as I pounded into her. Then she started gasping for breath and I realized that I was doing it too. I wanted to cum in her so bad. Thrusting one last time as deeply as I could into her I started cumming inside of her pussy. Each throb of my cock made me press harder against her.We had both cum together in perfect harmony and as it turned out Carol didn't get pregnant... that time. But once we found out how wonderful intercourse be began to have it regularly.Epilogue:Looking back I can't understand why we didn't take some precautions, but we didn't and Carol became pregnant within a couple of months of our active sexual encounters.I was scared to death and so was she. But as it turned out she had a miscarriage before we had to tell our parents, but that experience was our last. We'd learned our lesson when we'd dodged that bullet.The sad fact turned out to be that my sister's miscarriage ended up making her unable to have children and she never did have any of her own, although her and her husband did end up adopting two kids, so I guess things worked out for her in the end.The good thing is that she never blamed me, and all I have in the memories of our closeness and loving relationship, one that I've never been able to reproduce with another woman. Yes, I'm still deeply in love with my sister and there's nothing I can do about it. END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 63
My son Ricky had turned twelve just three months ago. I had noticed some of my panties would disappear from the dirty clothes for a few days and then they would be there and others would be missing. I was cleaning his room one afternoon and imagine my surprise to find a pair of my red lace panties under his mattress. It didn't take me long to figure out what he was doing especially when I noticed they were stiff with his dried cum. I couldn't believe my baby boy was jerking off into my panties. I could feel my pussy getting wet as the picture of him lying on his bed stroking his hard cock played in my mindI guess I should tell you something about myself. I'm thirty-four years old, light brown hair and I have a fairly good figure. My measurements are 36B, 28, 38. I know I could stand to lose a few pounds but most of us could. I have been married for three years to a great guy who takes excellent care of me in bed and out, but he is kind of a prude about certain things. Like he would probably have a heart attack if he knew some of the things I did before we ever met.Some of you may have read a story I wrote about when I worked at a skating rink. There were other things as well like my brother was my first lover but that is another story. I have recently been chatting online and swapping pictures with other women, I have some pictures my ex-boyfriend taken 4 years ago before he was killed in a car wreck. I even have some younger boys who like to jerk off for me on cam. Anyway back to what happened. I quickly stripped and lay on his bed and began playing with myself. I squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples causing me to moan as I put my panties up to my nose so I could smell his dried cum. I slid my hand down to my pussy. I was soaking wet so I slid two fingers into my waiting hole. I moaned as I thought of Ricky between my legs fucking me hard. I wondered how big his dick was. I fucked myself faster and I could feel my orgasm approaching. I put a third finger in my dripping pussy and rubbed my clit with my other hand. I was so close to having a mind blowing orgasm. I took my clit between my thumb and forefinger and squeezed it as my hips came off the bed and I screamed, "OH RICKY FUCK ME! FUCK YOUR MOM! MAKE ME CUM! I WANT TO FEEL YOUR DICK IN ME SO BAD!" My hips were bucking trying to get my fingers deeper in my pussy as my juices were flowing out of me making a big wet spot on his bed. I lay there panting trying to catch my breath when I got a wild idea. I took the panties I had found and wiped my pussy with them till they were as wet as if they had just come out of the washer. It was getting late in the afternoon and I knew he would be home from school soon. I quickly got dressed and changed the sheets on his bed then put the wet panties under the mattress for him to find. He came in and after his snack he went to his room to 'study'. It was all I could do not to breakout laughing as I thought of him finding the wet panties.At dinner that night he was very quiet and would barely look at me. But when he did I just smiled. My husband was going to be out of town that weekend and most of the next week on business. My mind was racing with ideas of what I could do. Ricky ruined my plans when he asked if his friend Scott could spend the night Friday. I reluctantly agreed then thought 'oh well, Scott's cute it may be fun to watch him run around here in his boxers like they always do.'Friday came and my husband left saying he should be home Wednesday. I played online all day. I must have cum seven or eight times while I watched some thirteen and fourteen year old boys jerk off. I even have one special boy who eats his cum for me, damn that always makes me cum so hard. It was finally four o'clock and the boys came in from school. Ricky has dark hair and about average height for his age but Scott is at least five inches taller and he has bright red hair and a ton of freckles. I really have a thing for redheads ever since I was thirteen and my cousin Shelly, who has flaming red hair, and I started playing around. The evening went as usual, we ordered pizza and the boys played video games, they even got old Mom to play some games. It was getting late and I told them goodnight and went to bed. I could hear them still playing games as I lay in bed slowly rubbing my pussy till I fell asleep. I thought I heard something and looked at my clock it read one-thirty. \I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a pee. I never understood why you say 'take a pee' I've never taken anything from the bathroom I always leave something; oh well back to the story. I saw the light in the den was on so I peeked in to see what they were doing. I almost fell over when I saw what was on the computer screen. It was a picture of me NUDE. Ricky and Scott had figured out my password and were looking at the pictures of me that my ex had taken. Not only were they looking at the pictures but they had their dicks out and were jerking off. I tried to get a look at their dicks but they were sitting with their backs to me and all I could see was their arms moving."Man your mom is so hot. I'd love to fuck her." "Me too, I've been thinking about her since the day I found these pictures."They clicked to another picture. I felt my pussy getting wetter as I listened to them. "Holy Shit, look at her sucking that cock." Scott said as I watched his arm move faster. "I wonder who the guy is.""I think it's my real dad. These pictures look a few years old.""Wow he had a pretty nice dick. I can see where you get yours from.""Thanks but mine's not near as big as yours. And you have more hair than I do.""Let's see what else she has on here." Scott said as he clicked through the files. They looked at all the pictures I have then they watched the movies I have of boys on cam. Then they found the stories I have written and read about my younger days."Man I'm so horny I think I'm gonna explode." Scott said as he finished reading."Yea me too. That was such a hot story.""You think it's true?""I don't know but I'd love to find out." They both laughed as they kept jerking off."Hey, maybe we should go see if she would do us. I mean you did say that you think she left her wet panties for you.""I know but I don't think she'd really do anything."I don't know what happened but something inside me snapped. Here were two young boys wanting to fuck me and I was gonna make their dreams come true. I pulled my night shirt over my head and stepped into the den. "If you boys are tired of looking at pictures maybe you'd like to see the real thing." I couldn't believe I'd said that but I was so horny I swear I could feel my juice running down my thigh. They both jumped and tried to hide their hard cocks but I walked over to them and pulled their hands away and got my first look at these sweet young cocks."B-B-But M-Mom what are you doing?""I'm fulfilling everybody's fantasy. I'm gonna have some young cock and you two are gonna get your first taste of pussy." As I said this I took them in my hands and marveled at how nice they were. Ricky's was about four inches long and as thick as my two little fingers. He had just a few dark hairs just above it and it jerked in my hand as I gave it a small squeeze. Scott's dick was bigger about five inches and as thick as my two middle fingers and he had a nice little patch of bright red hair. "You boys both look delicious." I said as I dropped to my knees in front of them. I looked at both of these hard boy cocks and I knew there was no going back as I leaned forward and took my son's cock completely in my mouth."OH GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD! MY MOM IS SUCKING MY DICK!" Ricky moaned as I sucked his young cock. "I can't believe it your dick is in your mom's mouth. That's the hottest thing I've ever seen. Suck him Mrs. Welles suck your son's cock."I moaned around Ricky's cock as I bobbed my head faster. I also had Scott's hard dick in my hand and was slowly stroking it. I knew neither one would last long so I switched and started sucking Scott's young cock. Taking him completely in my mouth I could feel the head of his cock just starting to enter my throat. I moved faster as I felt his dick get even harder then start to throb. I pulled back till just the head was in my mouth and licked around the rim of it. That was all it took and his cock jerked and I felt the first shot of his young sweet cum fill my mouth."OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'VE NEVER FELT ANYTHING LIKE THIS! OH SHIT SUCK MY COCK! SWALLOW MY CUM! He screamed as shot after shot of hot boy cum filled my mouth. I held it in my mouth as long as I could savoring the taste then I swallowed it loving the feel of it sliding down my throat. Scott's knees gave out and he collapsed to the floor as I swallowed the last of his cum. Ricky was standing there watching his mom swallow his best friend's cum. His mouth was open and his dick was jerking. God how I wanted to taste my baby's cum. I pushed him back into the chair then crawled between his legs. I gave his hard cock a lick and looked into his eyes and said. "Now Momma's gonna suck her little man's hard cock. I want you to fill my mouth with your hot cum."I started sucking his dick licking the shaft and head as I bobbed up and down. I pulled my mouth off it with a loud pop then licked down the shaft to his hairless balls. I took each one in my mouth and gently sucked causing him to moan loudly. I grabbed a hold of his legs and pulled him toward me till his ass was barely on the seat. I licked lower licking along his smooth ass crack. He moaned and his legs jerked as my tongue ran over his young asshole."HOLY SHIT MOM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? OH FUCK THAT'S AMAZING!" He groaned as I forced my tongue up his tight ass. I continued licking his ass while I looked up into his face. I could see his cock jerking and he was lifting his ass off the chair. I knew he was about to shoot a fountain of cum. I pulled my tongue from his ass and took his dick back in my mouth. I had been fucking my self with my fingers so I took my hand from my pussy and slid my wet finger up his tight ass. That did it he grabbed my head and humped his crotch into my face and he screamed as I felt the first shot of my boys cum splash against the back of my throat."OH FUCK MOM, I'M CUMMING! OH SHIT I'M SHOOTING MY LOAD IN MY MOM'S MOUTH! FUCK MY ASS WITH YOUR FINGER! OH GOD IT'S AMAZING!"I kept sucking his cock and had my finger buried deep in his ass. I could feel his asshole gripping my finger as he filled my mouth with twelve year old cum. I moaned as I swallowed his sweet load and suddenly my body shook as my own orgasm swept over my body. I slammed three fingers of my left hand up my wet cunt and I felt it spasm as I covered my hand with my hot sticky fluid. I fell to the floor exhausted. I lay there catching my breath and enjoying the afterglow of an amazing orgasm. I looked up and Scot was stroking his hard cock and Ricky had his eyes closed and was breathing heavily. I was amazed his cock was still hard and standing proud."That was the hottest thing I've ever seen Mrs. Wel...."I cut him off and said. "Please Scott call me Lisa or if you want call me mom." I looked and as I said mom his dick jerked and I knew that excited him. I looked at the boys sitting there and said. "If my two boys will help their mom up we can go to my bedroom and have some more fun."I lay on the bed with a boy on each side of me. I pulled Ricky's face to mine and kissed him. He was unsure what to do so I slipped my tongue into his mouth and he quickly got the idea and our tongues wrestled passionately. Scott was sitting on my other side and he started playing with my left breast. He squeezed it then he rubbed and pinched the nipple. I was moaning into Ricky's mouth and I pushed his hand to my other breast. I was in heaven it had been several years since I had had two people pleasing me. I pushed Ricky's head down to my breast and he sucked my swollen nipple into his mouth."Oh yes baby suck momma's nipple just like when you were a baby. I loved it then and I really love it now."Scott looked at me and said. "What about me? Can I suck momma's nipple too?"I pulled his head to my breast and said. "Oh yes, let me feel both of my boys sucking momma's tits." I felt a hand on my pussy. I didn't know, nor did I care whose it was. I felt an inexperienced finger trying to find my hole then I groaned as it slipped in. suddenly I felt anther hand rubbing my pussy then another finger slip inside. My ass was lifting off the bed trying to get their fingers deeper in my wet cunt. I pushed their heads lower and said. "I don't care who does it but somebody lick my pussy."They both went for my pussy and I could feel two tongues licking me. I knew I was about to explode as one of them licked along my slit then I felt his tongue go deep in my pussy. I shivered as the other tongue slid over my clit. I grabbed his head and held him so he would stay on my clit. I felt my pussy contract and I screamed as I came so hard I thought I would die."OH FUCK! EAT ME BOYS! MAKE MOMMA CUM! OH SHIT! THAT'S IT LICK ME RIGHT THERE!" I humped my ass hard against their tongues as I covered their faces with my hot girl cum.As my orgasm passed I looked at my cute young boys their faces wet with my cum and I had to laugh as I pulled them both to me and licked their faces clean. I looked at Ricky and said. "I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your hard cock in my wet pussy."He crawled between my legs and I reached down and positioned his dick at the mouth of my wet cunt. I looked in his eyes and said. "Fuck me son. Let your momma feel your hard cock." He pushed and I felt him slide in I started cumming again as my baby boy fucked me. As Ricky was fucking me Scott moved to where I could suck his cock. I was moaning as I sucked him and my son fucked me. I pulled Scott's dick from my mouth and put it up to Ricky's. He looked at me and I said. "Suck it son. I want you to suck his cock." Obediently he opened his mouth and took Scott's dick in his mouth. Scott wasn't sure what to think but he started fucking Ricky's face. I was cumming again as I watched my son suck his friend's cock. Ricky was having a hard time keeping his rhythm as he fucked me and sucked Scott. I gently pushed Ricky from between my legs and moved them into a 69 position. Scott immediately swallowed Ricky's cock and I sat back and watched them sucking. I rubbed my wet pussy then I wet a finger on both hands and slid them up each of the boy's asshole. Ricky moaned as I fucked his ass but Scott flinched when he felt my finger pushing in. He finally relaxed and I slid my fingers in and out of them. They were sucking hard on each other's cock. Then I saw Scott start to shake and I knew he was pumping his cum into my son's mouth. Ricky swallowed as fast as he could but a little leaked out of his mouth. Then his body stiffened and he filled Scott's mouth with his cum. I could feel their assholes grip my fingers as they swallowed the others cum.As their orgasms subsided they pulled their mouths off their softening dicks. I kissed each of them savoring the taste of boy cum from each of them. We were all exhausted and we fell asleep in each others arms. I was so happy having a twelve year old on both sides of me. ***I awoke the next day about noon. I looked over and the boys were busy sucking each other. I looked at them and said. "Can I join in?" They laughed and attacked me each sucking a hard nipple. I felt their hands on my pussy then I felt Ricky's finger rubbing my asshole. I groaned as he slipped it in. I love being fucked in the ass. I had Scott lay on his back and I straddled him lining his cock up with my pussy. I sat down on it feeling it slip into me. I told Ricky to get the tube of lube from the dresser and rub it all over his cock and my ass. He covered his cock then he slid a finger up my ass then another. I was moaning as he fingered my ass. "Ok now put your dick in my ass." He positioned himself then I felt him push. It was amazing my little boy's dick slid up my ass and I heard him groan as he started fucking me slowly. I started moving my hips up and down on Scott's dick getting in rhythm with Ricky. I was moaning as I felt their dicks rubbing against each other. I hadn't felt like this in years."OH FUCK I'M CUMMING!" Scott screamed and I felt his hot cum coating the walls of my pussy. That triggered my orgasm and I groaned as my pussy and ass squeezed their young cocks. I felt Ricky slam into me one last time then his dick spit hot boy cum deep in my ass. The room was filled with our moans and screams as pleasure rocked our bodies. We lay there holding each other knowing we could never go back to the way we were before we discovered the pleasure we could give each other. The rest of the day was spent trying every possible combination and position. I watched as the boys fucked each other and they each filled all of my openings. Scott stayed the next night and he still spends a lot of time at our house. We have been talking about trying to get his mom or his older sister involved but we haven't figured out how to make that happen. The boys know I'm bi and they want to watch me eat another woman. My husband still doesn't know what's happening and I make sure I keep him satisfied as well. I think I have it made, two young boys and a great husband, how could life get any better.ENDPlease send any comments to*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 46
I kissed her, long, soft, and felt her melt a little. Best Italian restaurant in town and a few martini's afterward and she was just about as horny as I was. But still, the little matter of getting it all started, getting the ball rolling, getting the boat away from port. The handcuffs.I dangled the pair in front of her eyes again and felt her body stiffen. Yeah, she was turned on, but the cold gleam and harsh reality of steel was maybe not what she thought would do the trick. I knew she considered herself a little experimental, but in her mind, a blow-job in a backseat of the bar parking lot was the limit. This would be pushing the envelope."I don't know..." Her face scrunched up and I knew it was for my benefit. She was trying to divert to something more familiar. Something safe. Oh, she definitely was curious. But the cuffs scared her. As well they should. In the hands of the wrong person, such instruments could very well be a huge set-back to personal freedom. They spoke so much, those little circlets of steel. Once the final ratchet clicked they weren't coming off without the key.I grinned. "I'll even give you the key." I showed her the little key chain and the bronze colored key that dangled from it. As I clicked the cuffs shut and worked the key in the little slot on one of them, she watched with doe eyed fascination. With a quick twist, I popped the cuff open and she shuddered. Whether that was for me or real I couldn't tell. It sure was pretty fucking sexy. "See, nothing to it. I'll give you the keys and if you get a little frightened you can just take them off yourself."She tentatively reached out and took the handcuffs. I could see her eyes widen even more when she held the full weight of the bracelets. Oh yes, these were the real thing - not the plastic toys they sold at Spencers. She moved one of the folding circles back and forth and finally clicked it home. Using the key she opened it back up."I don't know," she murmured and, God, I almost lost it with those three words. So innocent. So uncertain. So sexy.I kissed her full lips again until she returned it. Pulling away, I whispered, "It's all about trust, Teri. You trust me, don't you?"She hesitated just a moment and I could see she was weighing the month or so that we'd shared sitting next to each other on barstools, crying our souls out about how unfair the world was and how shitty our ex-lovers had been to us against getting locked up and helpless. But this was our first real date and I could tell she wanted to show me that she was appreciative of me being there for her in her hour of need. Yeah, to some extent she thought she could trust me."Ok," she bit her lip. "But just for five minutes. I've never had anything like this on me before." She delicately slipped her left wrist between the circles of steel and gently clicked the band shut.God, what a sight. Nothing beats a girl with a set of handcuffs dangling from her wrist. She began to slip the other in and I grabber her hand gently."No, no, dear. Behind your back." She stiffened immediately and I knew it would take another kiss. I leaned in and gave her the thousand dollar sell. When I pulled away, we were both breathing pretty hard and there was a hungry little gleam in her eye."Five minutes," she murmured. I helped her find the cuff behind her back, directing her wrist to the waiting ringlet. She fumbled a little, but I wanted to make sure that she was the one that clicked her fate shut. Click. Now both her hands were locked behind her. She still held the little key in the palm of her hand and I could see she fought the urge to immediately try to get it in the slot.I turned her around so she faced me and gave her a quick up and down. She looked gorgeous with her hands locked behind her. I gave her a long, deep kiss, pulling her into me and feeling her breasts against my chest got me moving. I only had five minutes after all.I pulled away and reached down under the sofa. She was too busy experimenting with the feel of having her hands taken away from her to notice the coil of rope I brought out."This isn't so bad," she started to say, as I turned her back to me, then sucked in her breath sharply as I pulled her elbows together and quickly looped the rope around her upper arms. She let out an adorable little squeak as her arms were pulled tightly back and cinched tightly together by the rope. By the time she got any more words out of her mouth, her arms were lost to her completely."What the fuck-" I pushed her down on the sofa face-first and crawled on top of her immediately. Straddling her ass, I reached down under the sofa again and pulled out the fat rubber ball-gag. I could feel her fingers going to town with the key, trying to get it into the slot and I grinned. Pulling her head back by her shoulder length auburn hair, I slid the ball-gag in between those full, sexy lips and buckled the strap tight.She was still fumbling with the little handcuff key and now shrieking, and I avoided her eyes as I rolled her over. To look into her eyes now would be like falling into a well. I would not be able to finish her.I swung my legs around so now I sat on her tight little belly and, taking still more rope from under the sofa - it was a damn good thing she hadn't looked under there before we got started - I caught her flailing legs. Two coils went around her knees, good and tight, and more around her ankles, so tight I would have to check her circulation later. I was a sucker for tight ropes. Actually, just about everything had to be tight with me. If it didn't cut into the flesh, why bother.Now I could step back and get my first real look at her. Teri, my date. Ball-gag crammed deep into her mouth making her cheeks puff out like a chipmunk. Arms tightly tied behind her forcing her breasts to jut out lewdly behind her sweater. Legs lashed together oh so tightly.I reached down and pulled her to her feet by her shoulders. She tried to struggle but short of falling down on her face, a few ineffective twists of her torso was all she could muster. She was shrieking, of course, and her soft doe eyes had turned to raging, scared coals of fire. I turned her around and took the handcuff key from her fingers. This brought a wail from behind the gag."Now, now, dear, I said five minutes and I'm a man of my word." I slid the key into the lock and popped one band off her wrist. Immediately she started flailing her free arm around, as best she could with her elbows tightly tied they way they were. It took a little work to get the other cuff off, but when it finally popped free, I dodged her little fists as I made one last trip under the sofa. She began to cry as I caught first one wrist then the other and quickly, methodically tied them together.That was that. I reached around form the back and felt her breasts for the first time. Sure, if I had played my cards right, I would have undoubtedly gotten a feel of those nice jugs anyway, with her curvy and naked beside me upstairs under the sheets, maybe a bottle of Chianti mostly drained, candles on the nightstand, maybe a little incense going from the hallway. Sure, that would have been fun, kind of romantic actually. We would whisper in each other's ears, I would start the kissing and eventually, I would roll over on to her and we would make wild, passionate love. Then maybe snooze a little, and she would maybe start the second round, somewhere in the dark of the night, and this time it would be animal, not that romantic crap. Just pure animal. Later, at breakfast over pancakes and bacon, she would blush and apologize for being so uncharacteristically rough. I would pat her on the ass through my bathrobe, which she was wearing and maybe reach out and cup a breast, to get things started again.I squeezed the flesh between my fingers hard and watched her eyes narrow to two little slits. Well, time to get moving. Bending over at the waist, I lifted her up over my shoulder and made my way to the basement. There were many things to torment my girl with down there. As well as the cage that she would have to get used to.Part II"OK, hon, now's your chance to vent a little - which I'm sure you'll take the opportunity to do - but more importantly, this is one of the few times I'll give that sexy little tongue of yours free reign."I rolled the leather strap of Teri's ballgag through the buckle at the nape of her neck, and caught the alluring smell of her perfume and sweat. Before I released the tension on the straps that had made her cheeks puff out so sweetly, I closed my eyes and kissed the fuzzy back of her neck and thought of the things I would do with my girl.Standing back from where she slumped in the hard wooden chair in the center of the soundproofed playroom in my basement, I pulled the big ballgag from her lips and unleashed hell."You fucking bastard! Fucking monster! Asshole!"Lovely words from a thoroughly tied and helpless female and the shrieking pitch was music to my ears. I turned my back on her and reached for the humidor. From the creaking of the chair, I could tell that she was working herself up pretty good."Monster is a little harsh," I said, pulling out a Fuente Black Ribbon."Particular tastes are what I call this room."I turned back around and the sight of her almost dropped me. Ankles and knees tied tightly - one of her high heels had apparently not made the trip downstairs. Tight skirt hiked a ways up her toned and straining thighs. Breasts bulging against a sweater pulled tight from elbows and wrists tied together behind her back. Curls of her auburn hair fell about her shoulders, her bangs plastered to her forehead from the sweat of struggling and probably a bit from fear. And those eyes, hot coals of fire. And around her, behind her, the tables littered with gadgets of all types, toys made to restrain and hurt and torment. A few rings were bolted to the ceiling beams from which chains hung. In the corner was a three foot square cage, much like you would find in a dog kennel and sure enough, there was a dog bowl laying inside. In another corner was a bed, very comfortable looking in spite of the leather shackles anchored to the four corners. Every wall was soundproofed - I tended to like the live moans and cries better than the gurgles from behind a gag. Unquestionably - a lady was sexiest with her lips suckling a big old ballgag. But they just said the darndest things if you let them. And in the center, tied into a warm parcel of female, was Teri on the questioner's chair.With steady fingers, I lit the end of the cigar."I trusted you, you sick fuck!" Her voice rose to an almost hysterical pitch. "And look what you did to me!" A strand of hair fell across her face, hiding those wonderful eyes momentarily. "What do you want from me?"I blew smoke up at the ceiling. "That's a loaded question, hon. On a purely physical level, seeing you tied up like that turns me on like hell. I'm not sure why, spent a few years questioning it, then just gave in and decided it was one of my fetishes. Nothing personal, it's just that, to me, chicks are sexiest when they're tied."I had her attention - her struggles stopped and she was looking at me through the auburn strand of hair. "As for the other part, the cerebral part, that goes a little deeper. Remember a few weeks back when we were talking about the crazy things that we did as kids? Remember? At Harpo's, sucking down, what was it that night? Jack and cokes! That's it. And you told me a story about cowboys and Indians and not wanting to be rescued and being tied to a tree for hours -"She got the strand of hair out of her eyes. "You asshole! That's different. I was a fucking kid!"I pulled up a chair and swung it around so I could sit on it backwards. The smoke from my cigar curled lazily around her head - she'd said before that she loved the smell of a good cigar. I smiled at her patiently. "First of all, you can tone down the sailor tongue - such language isn't becoming a lady.""Fuck you."Still smiling, I reached out and found her nipple, which was hard even beneath the sweater and bra and gave it a good squeeze."Oww, you bast-"I squeezed harder and her words trailed off into a thin moan. My hand slid down and cupped her breast, my thumb rubbing the wounded nipple. "Second, you'll find that if you did a little more listening and thinking that things would go better for you and you may learn something about yourself." I blew a small smoke ring above her head and she watched it curl up towards the ceiling before dropping her eyes to mine. "The deeper part of all this is harder to explain and involves a little more honesty with yourself. Close your eyes. Come on, close them."I waited while she glared at me - had her hand been free, I'm sure I would have had the one-finger salute in my face. I sighed and went to my table, fishing around until I found the satin blindfold. "You're having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that I can do anything I want with you. Do anything I want TO you." I gently slid the blindfold over her eyes. "Anything," I whispered in her ear, treating myself to a slow feel of her breasts.Still whispering in her ear, I said, "How often do you let someone you hardly know rub you this way? The sacred female breasts - never to be touched, only looked at, worshipped. And yet, now I can touch -" I caressed the tender full weight in my hands, "or pinch-", I found a nipple with each hand and worked the bud between my fingers. Her breath caught and I wondered if her eyes were indeed closed now behind the blindfold. "Or I can be mean-" I squeezed her mounds hard, crushing the nipples beneath my palms and digging my fingers deep into her flesh. She yelped in surprise and I fought the urge to strip her and fuck her right then.I pulled back and my lips found hers. At first she tried to turn away, but I held her chin fast, my tongue sliding over hers and finding the deep hot recesses of her mouth. She shuddered against me and I knew that I hadn't been wrong, way back when I decided that she would be right for this. But she still needed some educating.I pulled away and stepped behind her, running my fingers through thick auburn tresses. She flicked her head, whether to try to break free of my fingers or because there was a smoldering fire inside her, deep inside, one that she'd always known about, maybe, but kept under control. And that was really what this was about. In one word."I control you now, hon," I whispered softly in her ear. "Feel the ropes - how tight they hold you the way I want you to be held." I nipped at an earlobe and slid my hands down over her shoulders, past her breasts and to her skirted hips. "I control what you feel." I lightly ran my hands across her pelvis, my fingers grazing, as best they could over the nylon skirt, the upper rise of her mound."No," she moaned weakly and tried to shift away from my hands."Yes," I whispered, biting her neck. "I control your world, now. I have taken your power to run, to object, to decide." I ran my tongue along the nape of her neck, caressing the red bite marks. "But I also give back power - my power. Through pleasure-" My hands again found her hips, and quickly I slid her skirt up and out of my way. Her panties were soft, warm, and wet, and when I rubbed a finger along the raised line of her pussy lips, she arched her back hard into the chair."Or pain-" With the hand already at the mouth of her pussy, I rammed two fingers in, the cotton of her panties her only means of resistance. With the other arm, I pinned her chest and found a nipple, squeezing hard and long. I let her shriek for a time, then withdrew abruptly, stepping back and admiring the way her body reacted. She was like a machine with a dangerously high idle. Her chest pumped air in and out, her limbs jerked against the ropes, her skin flushed. I sat down and puffed on the cigar. Reaching across, I pulled the blindfold off.Her eyes were squeezed shut, a single tear poised to race down her cheek."No," she whispered. "I don't want this. Let me go."She looked up at me with over-bright eyes, timidly, as if she were seeing the most beautiful sight on earth and didn't know whether she should like it or not. I patted her face and she nuzzled my hand at first, then pulled away."Yes you do. You want this now more than ever. But it scares you. And it should." I got up and went to my table of toys. The sadistic streak was riding high now. She was so vulnerable, so open, so pliable. I wanted to crush her completely. I wanted to make her mine forever."I can gag your pretty lips," I picked up the penis-gag harness, "here's a good one. Look, it even has a hose threaded through it so it can mimic the male orgasm." I gave it a squeeze and a thin line of water squirted from the tip.She watched the stream of water with big eyes. I went back to the table of toys, smoke trailing me like a lazy cloud. "This is a ring gag," I said, tossing the gag towards her where it clanged at her feet. "Good for getting a blowjob and not loosing anything important. Lots of spittle, though."I picked up a pair of connected nipple clamps. "These go on your nipples. I can vary the tightness with this little screw and with the chain connecting them, any movement translates a little pain to both of your delicious breasts." I tossed these at her feet too and she barely stirred. Her head slowly turned from side to side in a tiny 'no' motion."This is a collar, mostly for symbolic purposes, but this particular one also helps you, the slave, maintain proper posture. I'll be fitting you with one of these soon."That tear cut loose from her eye and streaked down her cheek. "This is supposed to be a date," she whispered. "I thought I knew you. But I didn't - you're crazy. I was planning to spend the weekend with you if things worked out. Instead ..." She was on the verge of breaking down completely.I came over and stood behind her, rubbing her shoulders, feeling the effect that the strain from her tied elbows was having on her. I kissed her neck again and it was as if an electric current had entered her. Casually I reached down and picked up the slave collar. Before she knew it, I had it locked tight around her neck.That was it - silent sobs took her. I knelt in front of her and she tried to kick me away, but her motions were slow, trance-like and weak. "Now, now, hon, it isn't so bad." I pulled the big ballgag from the floor and stuffed it far back into her mouth. She took it almost willingly, her lips going around the big red ball like they belonged there. "I have a proposition. Using all these sick toys you see here, I will make you come in five minutes. If I can't, you walk out of here whenever you want. Haul my ass away for kidnapping and rape, if you want. If you do come however, you stay the weekend. On my terms."She looked down at me with those big doe eyes and I could tell she was on overdrive. Stimulus overload. "Now I know I stretched the truth with the handcuffs - yes, I had them off you in five minutes and look where you ended up. But from this point on, trust is something you will have to have in me. You see, I know more about you than you think. You are one sexy, complicated girl with a fucked up dark side." I counted the fingers on one hand. "One, failed marriage with a wife-beater. Two, confidence problems. Three, raped in your teens. Four, out of control wild streak that gets you into trouble. You're practically a clich . But I know different. You're just restless. You haven't found what you're looking for. It's a beast inside you, driving you, pushing you. And you are afraid to look at it. Afraid to let it out."I lowered my voice. "Just like me. We both have a beast here, deep inside.Only I know what my beast looks like. I think it's time you met yours."She sat perfectly still, my lovely lady wrapped in ropes and gagged like a chipmunk. I leaned close and whispered in her ear, "You said once, I can't remember when exactly, that you wanted a total, complete mindfuck to wipe away all the shit that's happened to you. Welcome to Mindfuck Central."I pulled the gag out, and her eyes dropped. "Fuck you," she whispered.Part III"When the thought of being helpless, even for five minutes, entered your mind - that was a threshold. You crossed over," I whispered, loudly enough so she could hear through the fall of her auburn hair. She was bent over almost double, a chain attached to the ropes that bound her hands behind her back pulled her arms up to the ceiling."When you clicked the second handcuff around your wrist, locking your hands behind your back and placing you, your body, your safety, in my care, even for five minutes, and even though you had the key - that was a threshold. You crossed over.""No", she moaned, pain from her position giving her words a delicious edge. Her face was shrouded from me by her hair, and she hadn't seen the pair of utility scissors I had in my hand."Now, now, hon. 'No' is not a word in your vocabulary anymore." I'd pulled the gag back out - gag in - gag out. The stunning visual of her mouth stretched open to hold the big red ball, the black leather strap puffing her cheeks, was offset by her words. They say the eyes are a window to the soul. In my opinion, the mouth was a window to the mind. I wanted to feel her accept her submission. I wanted her reaction - of course, the way her body accepted the unwanted restraints was as good an indication as any, with the subtle squirming and testing of the ropes, the frantic heaving of her breasts, the balance she tried to maintain with her limbs taken from her. But what she said, her swearing, her cries, her moans - that was the voice of her growing submission. Her reluctance to accept her beast within, and the birth of the slave I knew she could be.I took the scissors and deftly slit her thin sweater from her waist to the mounds of her breasts. "When I tied you, made you completely helpless and took your power for my own - your power to resist, your power to run, your power of freedom - that was a threshold. I carried you over." She turned her head, trying to look at me through the falling hair but it was no good. She had too much of the auburn tresses to push aside with just one motion.Cutting her clothes off her was a tough decision. I didn't want her to taste freedom at all, even for a brief second, at least not this early. In the end, I decided that she would have no use for them in the near future and they could be easily replaced. Besides, feeling the clothes that she had no doubt spent some time deciding on wearing on this, our first date, trying to give the right signal, project the right mood or statement or whatever I had been lead to believe from the other women I had known - feeling this skin of choice being cut away and ruined, that was a reaction I wanted to watch."You bastard! You're destroying my good -"I reached over and pulled her hair away from her face and was met with a fiery glare. Her cheeks were flushed from the slightly upside down position and the posture collar wasn't giving her much room to move her head. I tucked the strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her. She spasmed in her ropes as she fought to get away from me and the moan that followed as she relaxed and let me kiss her, let my tongue bury itself in her mouth without her returning the kiss told me that she was beginning to realize that there was nothing she could do but accept this. But I wanted more. I wanted her to embrace this.I slid the scissors higher up as I pulled away from her lips, her hair once again hiding her angry and frightened eyes. "You're at another threshold, hon. And this is a big one. I can help you to some degree - in fact, you may say that I'm dragging you along. But this threshold you have to cross on your own." The front of her sweater fell away revealing the black lacy bra holding her breasts. A few snips along her arms up to her bound elbows and the sweater was no more. "There's something waiting for you on the other side of this next threshold. Something I know you know is there."I snipped the thin ribbon of lace between her breasts and the bra fell away - I could have unhooked it, but what the hell, I had already started cutting. Two more snips and I tossed the remainder of the lace bra into the corner. Her breasts now hung, firm and full, her hair brushing the upper rise of flesh."Fuck you," she whispered. It was, apparently, one of her favorite phrases.I reached down and found both nipples hard. "That something behind this threshold has a life of its own." I squeezed each nipple firmly, rolling the hard nubs between my fingers and, hearing her gasp, I went on. "You keep it deep inside, under control, but it rules you in ways you don't realize. The relationships you seek out. The thoughts that come at you, seemingly from nowhere. The images that sneak into your mind in the dark hours of night, filling you with a dark, rich lust. A lust of ropes, of whips, of collars. And before you realize it, you're squeezing your own nipples through your nightie like this -" I squeezed her flesh hard and she screamed. I leaned close into her ear and whispered, "All you want is to be tied, teased, hurt and loved. And you fight it."I let her go and stepped back. The soundproofed walls absorbed the last of her scream and the silence that followed was punctuated by her gentle sobs. I pulled her shiny pvc skirt down to her ankles and cut away her panties. Kneeling before her, looking up at the tear stained face in the center of the shroud of hair I found her eyes. "I'm right. Aren't I?"She closed her eyes and shook her head 'no' once. Then a sob overtook her."Yes," she whispered.I kissed her again and this time she responded. A bound female, naked and helpless, bent in two by my ropes, kissing me with a hunger that surprised even her. I got up and went to my toy table."I'm not ready for this. Not now." Her voice had a nice pleading sound to it. I found the thin rope and a few small clamps. "You were right. Maybe we could talk about this. Please? This isn't fun."I stooped in front of her and caressed a breast. "I don't think we're talking about fun here. At least not for you. I'm enjoying myself immensely." I looped a coil of the thin rope around her breast, pulling the base of her mound tightly in a circle. Quickly, I roped the breast with tighter and tighter coils until her flesh was pulled taught and the shape was nicely ballooned. Immediately the orb started to turn a darker shade."No, wait."I glanced up and fixed her eyes, while finding the somewhat flattened nipple of her bound breast. "You're along for the ride, hon. And too many objections gets a gag." I squeezed the nipple once, getting the moan I wanted and set about tying her other breast. She watched in silent fascination, probably never realizing that a breast could be tied, and once tied, that it would get both larger and more sensitive. "And there is the matter of stimulation. Some you will no doubt find quite pleasant."I snaked a finger up into her pussy, finding it moist, and stroked her clit. She shuddered and her hips pressed against my hand. With the other hand, I found a nipple and clamped it with one of the clamps. Her scream tapered off into a startled moan as I drove three fingers deep into her pussy. Finding a rhythm that her hips matched, I fucked her with my fingers and clamped the other nipple. Even with her legs tightly tied together, she was so wet I had no trouble pistoning my fingers, now four, deep into her pussy. With each thrust, my thumb found the increasingly engorged button of her clit. She began to sway. I glanced up and the image of her tightly closed eyes, the shiny tear streaked cheeks, the tangle of hair about her face and below that, the tightly tied and clamped orbs that were her breasts - all this brought me down the home stretch. I slowed my fingers in their invasion of her pussy, taking more time to flick her clit. My other hand pulled a nipple clamp - first one then the other - until her breasts were almost bobbing back and forth, the tiny pincher's twisting and pulling inflaming her flesh even more.She began to shudder and I went for the knock down blow. First loosening her knee ropes, I buried my face in her pussy, both hands pushing her thighs apart. My tongue found her engorged pussy lips and dove inside. She tasted wonderful and within seconds her hips were thrusting into my face out of control. Finding her clit, I bit down, hard and she shrieked, her legs almost buckling. If my arms hadn't found her ass at the last second to hold her up, she probably would have torn her shoulders out of their sockets. I felt her body shudder violently as a wave of pleasure rolled through her. I bit again and her breath caught, her body stiffening. The second orgasm slammed into her on the heels of the first. My mouth was filled with her taste and I almost came right then.But the night was young. I would have time for that later. Cradling her torso with one hand, I reached around and unclipped the chain holding her arms in the strappado. She slumped against me, her breath hot on my neck and we both slid to the floor. Her head rested against my shoulder, her tied legs curled up tightly against my crotch. I fondled a bound breast, twisting the clamp on her nipple. "You know, you lost."She stirred, trying to look up at me. I twisted the clamp even more and she moaned. "That was less that five minutes." I held her head against my chest and abruptly unclamped the nipple, her shriek muffled by my shirt. "And under the terms of the bet, which I believe you agreed to, albeit under forced conditions, you must spend the rest of the weekend with me, accepting every wish as a command."I fondled the other clamp and she tried to pull her legs up tighter to her chest. Her hands, useless behind her back, grasped my thigh tightly in preparation for the pain that was sure to come. "Now, Teri, I am going to give you one last chance, in spite of the bet you lost. You can walk away from here right now. Walk away with no strings attached except for one. I will never see you again." I pulled the clamp while at the same time, I found the mound of her pussy. She shrank against me, torn between the pain in her tit and the fire in her puss. "And you will have to find that beast inside you on your own. Without me."I let the clamp go and withdrew my finger. Turning her around so she could look into my eyes, I sized her up. A beautiful girl, arms lost behind her, legs tied and pulled up under her, both breasts bound to a cherry pink, a clamp dangling from one nipple. And she looked at me with a mixture of lust and uncertainty. She knew what she was, what she feared, what she wanted. It was the threshold that frightened her. But it was a threshold she would have to cross on her own. She looked down, at her breasts, then all about her, as much as the collar would allow, at the table of toys, the chains and cage. And then at the pile of her clothes in the corner, familiar and yet altered by their shreds. Then she looked at me and I saw into her soul. "I trusted you once. Can I trust you now?"I ran a finger down her cheek over the drying tears, to her lips, so full."Any slave of mine will have no fear that they are safe and loved."She bit her lip, her eyes never leaving mine. Then she smiled, the devil dancing in her face. "Fuck you. Master. And that was way more than five minutes."
(This story will stand on its own, but you might want to read "Melinda's Sex Education" first.)Melinda had learned to masturbate a few months ago. She had seen her parents having sex one night and as she lay in her bed replaying everything she had seen, she put her hand down the front of her panties and rubbed her little cunt. She had also put her finger up inside of herself and imagined that her father was in the bed with her, doing all the things to her that she had seen him do with her mother.Since that night she watched her parents very closely. A few times, she saw daddy rub his hands over moms' ass as she stood at the stove cooking dinner. And once she saw him back her up against the washing machine. He raised her T-shirt up over her breasts and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth while her mother giggled and tried to push him away. Once she woke up in the middle of the night and heard her mother moaning. She went down the hall hoping she could spy on them again, but their door was closed all the way this time. She stood outside their door and listened. "Oh yes, Frank, Fuck me!! Fuck me hard!!""Susan, God your pussy's so wet and tight!""Yes, yes! Slam that big cock into me!"Melinda stood outside the door and listened to her parents fucking. She could picture her father on top, sliding his big cock into her mother while she squealed with pleasure. Again, she had an image in her head of daddy on top of her, sliding his big cock into her little pussy!She went back to her room so she could rub herself off. She stripped off her nightgown and climbed back into bed and moved her teddy bear out of the way so she could spread her legs and get to her cunt. "Move out of the way now, Grandma Bear." (Her grandmother had given her the bear when she was just a little girl. Her mother told her that at twelve years old, she was getting too big to play with teddy bears, but Melinda still talked to hers when her mother wasn't around. And her mother was definitely too busy right now to worry about Melinda talking to toys.)"Unless, of course, you want to help." Melinda giggled as she picked up the furry toy and clutched it to her naked chest with one hand as the other hand traveled down to her wet little pussy. Melinda's breasts were just starting to grow. They were just small bumps on her chest, not even a hand full, yet. But her nipples were very sensitive. They were small and pink and right at this moment they were very hard. The soft fur of the teddy bear felt so good brushing over the little nubbins of flesh. She rubbed her pussy harder as she pressed the face of the bear to her breast and pretended that Grandma Bear was sucking her nipple. Her fingers flew faster over her dripping little girl hole. She let go of the bear and left it lying on her chest as she used both hands on her pussy. She pushed two fingers up inside of herself and rubbed her clit in little circles.And, of course, she thought of her father as she played with herself. Her big handsome daddy and his big hard cock. Oohh, she wished that her daddy were with her now. Sucking on her little pink nipples and plunging his fingers into her virgin pussy, getting it wet and ready for his prick. She was so excited by this fantasy, that she could almost feel his mouth on her nipple...sucking and licking...pulling the hardened nubbin of flesh into his mouth.Melinda stroked her fingers into her pussy faster and harder. Her breath came in shallow panting gasps. She pressed down on her clit and her thighs clenched shut on her thrusting hand!! She could almost feel her daddy biting lightly on her tittie as the waves of ecstasy flowed through her little body. She felt her pussy gush as she came all over her hand. Melinda's breathing slowed and her muscles relaxed as she slowly relaxed after her orgasm. She reached down to pull the sheets up over her naked body and snuggled up with Grandma Bear and drifted off to sleep.The little girl didn't notice that one of her nipples was swollen and wet.To be continued...Authors Note. Any comments would be appreciated. And if you have any ideas for Melinda's future adventures, let me know. (
I guess I had always been a sissy-boy, but this is the story of how I evolved -- at the tender age of 13 -- into a full fledged sissy-slut.From the time I was very young, I've known I was "different". I was fascinated with women's and girls' clothing and shoes. Like all little sissy-boys, I loved girlish "dress-ups". But I didn't have to sneak my mother's adult-size clothing, because I had a sister who was my same size -- my fraternal twin. And she didn't even mind when I tried on her things! I'm Christopher, by the way, and my sister's name is Andrea. I usually went by "Chris"... but when she and I were alone, and I was being girlish (which was often), I got a special thrill out of being called "Christine".Looking back on my boyhood, I laugh at how much of a stereotypical little queer I was, right from the start. I was flamboyant in my speech and gestures, and feminine in the way I ran and threw a ball. I adored playing with Barbie dolls and combing their hair. When people asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said "fashion designer"!Even in the early years of elementary school, none of the boys wanted to associate with me, and as a result I was always something of a loner. Fortunately I got along OK with some of the girls... and with Andrea, who was my only real friend. Andrea and I looked surprisingly alike... not just because of the close family resemblance, but from the fact that we had nearly identical hair styles. This was the mid-1970s, and long hair on boys was actually stylish. I let my straight, silky, light-brown hair grow down to my shoulders, parted down the middle... just like Andrea's. Stylish or not, I still got teased all the time about looking like a girl.The ironic thing was than Andrea was kind of a tomboy when we were young, and wanted everyone to call her "Andy" when she was around 10 and 11. She didn't really care about the dresses that Mom and both grandmothers bought for her. The good part of that was that she never cared when I took them to my room to wear them. I remember the exquisite burgundy velvet dress she got when we were 10. She wore it exactly once, but I wore in dozens of times, modeling in front of my bedroom mirror, wearing Andrea's patent leather shoes and lacy ankle socks, loving the way the dress rose up when I twirled.Andrea and I shared a wing of the house that was well-separated from my parents' room. We were in and out of each other's bedrooms constantly. Whenever Andrea got a new dress or night gown, she'd always let me try it on. She didn't even mind me wearing her panties, which I always thought were so much nicer than my boys' underpants. Sometimes we'd play a game where Andy would wear my clothes too, right down to the cartoon-character briefs, and she would pretend to be a boy. Whenever we "played house", Andy was the father and I was the mother!We weren't at all modest about seeing each other nude, since we took baths together all through childhood. And we sometimes engaged in naive pre-adolescent sex-play... practicing kissing... touching each other's private parts... "playing doctor". I was fascinated with her girl-slit, and she was equally interested in how my penis would stand up like a little thumb when she played with it.One time when we were playing doctor, we decided to take each other's temperature... anally, just like Mom had done when we were young. But instead of using the rectal thermometer, we used a smooth ballpoint pen with a rounded end. It felt so good, sliding into me on a coating of vaseline! (She didn't like the feeling when I did it to her.)After discovering the fun of anal play, I experimented on my own, exploring my bottom-hole and pretending it was a girl-slit. This was when I was 10 and 11, and my ass was the center of my most intense pleasure sensations... much more so than my little penis. Besides a finger (or two... or more!) I used a variety of toys, but my favorite was the smooth plastic handle of a hair brush... about 4 inches in length, an inch diameter, and oval-shaped with a rounded end. One time I talked Andrea into sliding it into me as I lay face-down on the bed with my ass raised up, clutching a pillow to my chest. I begged her to slide it back and forth inside me, but she thought it was gross and only fucked me for less than a minute. After that, I kept the activity to myself.About the time we turned 12, Andrea entered puberty. This caused a variety of changes in our relationship. She was much more private about her body; she became interested in boys (and them in her) and stopped being a tomboy; and finally, she acquired a selection of bras that I could try on! At first the bras were padded when she only had puffy nipples standing out from a flat chest. But soon she had developed pert little breasts that actually filled the cups of a bra. (I stuffed these with tissues when I wore them.)A little while after, I started to develop as well. The first sign was that my little ball-sack got fuller and started hanging down lower. By the beginning of 7th grade, my penis was getting plumper and longer when it was stiff, though still boyishly small when it was soft.In junior high school (just 7th and 8th grades back then) Andrea was in the "popular" group at school... unlike me, since I was as shy as ever. In addition to flirting with boys and trading gossip with the most popular girls, she was also getting invited to parties... even ones given by 8th graders. When we were younger, Andrea and I would tell each other everything. But now she was getting more secretive, especially when I asked her to tell me all about the parties. She'd tease me with tidbits about how the parties usually had a "make-out room" -- typically a nearly-dark basement rec-room where boys and girls paired off to kiss and feel each other up. Although she never gave me any details about what she did and with whom, sometimes I was told about what she saw other kids doing in the dim light. And one time she couldn't help blurting out a detailed description of how a certain 8th grade cheerleader got drunk on beer, stripped down to just her panties, and -- with everyone watching -- got on her knees and actually sucked the stiff penis of Brian Watson, the most handsome and popular boy in the 8th grade. (He was one of the boys at school that I had a secret crush on... staring at him in the hall and on the playground... daydreaming about being his friend.)The hormones of my impending puberty were starting to kick in, and I was getting my introductory sex education from the stories of adolescent make-out activities reported by Andrea. My fantasies started taking on an overtly sexual context for the first time, and then took a massive leap forward when I found a pornographic paperback novel on the side of the road. It was battered from being run over and missing its cover and some pages, but it contained incredibly explicit scenarios of college students fucking and sucking in a fraternity house and having lesbian sex in a sorority. The descriptions... and the raw vocabulary of pornographic sexuality... burned into my brain and energized my body as I read them over and over. But I wasn't identifying with the college boys in the story, with their muscular bodies and big cocks. Instead, I was fantasizing that I was a sexy, slutty co-ed, whose nipples got "hard as cherry pits" (according to the porn book), and whose hot pussy dripped with "honey" when a boy put his hand in her panties and his finger slid into her slit. And the way the girl characters always worshiped a boy's big stiff cock made me want to do the same thing, getting on my knees to suck a handsome stud... or on my back to be fucked.The idea of doing sexual things with a handsome boy captivated my imagination, and my eyes constantly fixed on the most desirable boys at school -- usually the most mature athletic types. I wished it had been ME at that party, sucking Brian Watson's cock! I experimented sucking my fingers or thumb when I was alone in my room, before moving on to various appropriately shaped objects. I also tried - without success - to suck my own cock, which was now almost 4 inches when stiff. My cock-substitute of choice was an uncooked hot-dog. It seemed perfect, and I could eat the evidence at the end of my imaginary play!In my room at night, with the lights out, I played out fantasy scenarios in which I was a pretty girl, alone with a handsome, horny boy. Sometimes my brain generated an image of Brian Watson or some other boy from school. Other times I imagined teen celebrities like Shaun Cassidy or Leif Garrett or Andy Gibb. The fantasy was particularly intense if I was dressed in Andrea's clothing. I imagined my "boyfriend" hugging and kissing me and telling me how pretty I was. Inevitably, he'd be sliding his fingers up inside my bra to play with my budding tits... though of course it was really just my own fingers eagerly making my tiny boy-nipples stiff. And then I imagined him telling me to strip off my clothes and get on my knees to give him a blow-job. Kneeling on the floor beside my bed -- imagining him standing above me, his pants pulled down -- I held the smuggled hot dog against the mattress at an upward angle and let it glide between my lips. Flicking with my tongue, I sucked all along the 5-inch length, eventually being able to take it past the entrance of my throat, just like the porn novel talked about.As I sucked, my plump pre-adolescent penis would get rock-hard, and I'd hold it in my hand and squeeze it gently. (I was so naive... I still didn't know how to masturbate.) After a while I'd switch to anal play, imagining the boy coaxing me onto the bed and stimulating my "pussy" with his fingers to make me hot. A hot dog didn't work for fucking, of course, so I kept using my old faithful hair brush handle... lying on my back with my legs pulled back, or face-down with my ass inclined upward... reaching around to stroke it into my bottom-hole until I was exhausted and satisfied.In the late Spring, just about the time the 7th grade year ended, Andrea and I were hanging out in my bedroom with nothing to do. I said "remember how we used to play that I would be a girl and you'd be a boy? Wanna do that again?" After some coaxing, she finally agreed, and we got dressed. She wore my khakis and a button-down shirt and tie. I put on her smoothest satiny panties, one of her mini-skirts, a bra, and a frilly white blouse. She had some lipstick (the only make-up she was allowed to wear), and I carefully applied it to my lips... a skill at which I was becoming accomplished. She tied her hair in a ponytail and stuffed it under her collar. This was perfect! I acted like a flirty girl, and she was a macho boy... my boyfriend "Andy"!"Show me what happens when they turn off the lights at a party, Andy," I begged. We lay down on the bed, and it was like my fantasies were coming to life as she french-kissed me and slid her hand along my ass and up my inner thigh. Soon, Andy was on top of me, humping between my wide-spread legs as I urged her on, talking to her as if I were a girl and she a boy. With my mini-skirt bunched up to my waist, and my legs wrapped around her slender hips, Andy's crotch was rubbing deliciously against the 4-inch boner that was bulging inside my satin panties. I think she was getting off on it too!Then I took a chance and said "Andy; remember when you slid the brush handle into my pussy? Would you do it again? Please? Would you fuck me with it, good and hard, and I'll be a slutty nympho?""CHRIS!!! That's gross! And where did you get that language?"Shit! I had taken the game too far, just when it was getting really good, and now it was over. She stormed out of my room in a huff, while I lay on my bed with my girl-clothes disheveled and my lipstick smeared... and still incredibly horny! Oh well; if she wouldn't do it....I got the brush and the jar of vaseline, pulled down the panties, and lay back on the bed. "Oh, Andy! Fuck me, lover! Oh, yes! Shove it in me," I moaned softly as the makeshift dildo reamed my ass. "Oh, yes... fuck my pussy!" I said, repeating the dialogue from the porn book.Just then the door swung open, and there was Andrea, changed back into her regular clothes with my boy-clothes in her hands. I stopped thrusting the handle into my rectum, but didn't try to cover myself."You are SUCH a little pervert, Chris," she said. But she giggled when she said it, and there was a grin on her face. I could tell she wasn't angry with me. She dropped the clothes on the floor, closed the door behind her and came over to sit on my bed. "Go on," she said; "keep doing it." And when I resumed the fuck-strokes, she reached out and began fondling my penis, making it instantly hard. "It's bigger than it used to be, Christine," she murmured admiringly, as she wrapped her fingers around my stiff boy-cock and began stroking it up and down. Her other hand began caressing the soft pouch that held my nearly-adolescent balls."Does that feel good, Christine?""Oh yes, Andy!" I gasped. "It's REALLY good!" I closed my eyes and groaned as I rammed my ass more vigorously. I had never masturbated my cock up-and-down like that, and her stroking hand was blasting my nervous system into a whole new realm of sensation. I wondered afterward whether she'd done this to other boys, in some dimly-lit room at a party. But at the time I was totally consumed by lust. Being masturbated for the first time... by my own sister... as the brush handle churned inside my ass... each thrust making my anal nerves hungry for more. Soon, the incredible feelings rose to such a peak of stimulation that my whole body trembled and vibrated, as my first-ever orgasm shot through me. There was no cum, but the euphoria was all-encompassing. I stopped fucking myself and told Andrea to stop stroking my cock, which glowed crimson from her intense jacking."Oh, Andy... that was great!"She grinned, but then said "Chris... you know I love you.... But I don't think I should do that again.... OK?""I understand. I won't ask you. And Andrea... and I love you too."I made good on my pledge and kept my sexual fantasies -- and activities -- to myself. It was strange that I had learned how to masturbate from my own sister, but I took to it with gusto. I practiced it often, usually in tandem with anal play, until I could string together several dry orgasms with just a brief pause between each. Being on summer holiday, I was spending long periods of time in the refuge of my bedroom... fantasizing, dressing up, and masturbating. Andrea, on the other hand, had an active social life, hanging out with her circle of girl friends.One of Andrea's best friends was a pretty girl who had moved into our neighborhood at the beginning of the school year. Her name was Debbie, and her family had a lot of money. She was allowed to use makeup whenever she wished, wore the latest clothing styles, and got a generous allowance that resulted in her having all the newest records as soon as they came out. One day in late June, she came by our house and invited Andrea over to listen to her newest Fleetwood Mac purchase (this was 1977)."You can come over too, Chris... if you want," she said. I readily agreed. I'd never been to her house before. Maybe I'd get to see her 15-year-old brother, Bobby, who was home on summer vacation from a boarding school up north. I'd only seen him a few times, from a distance, and he looked incredibly handsome.When we got over to Debbie's house, nobody was home. We went back to her bedroom -- which was done in an over-the-top-feminine decor that I thought at the time was totally wonderful. As we sat around listening to the music play on her stereo, Debbie said something that almost made my heart stop."Let's try on some of my clothes? We can do make-up too. OK? You too... Christine." She spoke my secret girl-name with a teasing voice. "I've heard all about how you like to dress up."She grinned at me slyly as I felt my face redden with embarrassment. Then I looked over at Andrea with an accusing look on my face.She looked a little guilty, but said "Sorry, Chris, but Debbie was telling me secrets about her brother, so I HAD to give her something in return. Right?" For some reason, that seemed like a reasonable explanation for disclosing my secret fondness for dressing in girls' clothing. "Don't worry; Debbie promised that she won't tell anyone. And... like... you DO want to try on her clothes; right?"I nodded my head in agreement... embarrassed, but increasingly excited. Debbie went over to her closet and took out her skimpy cheerleader outfit and held it out to me. Bright red, trimmed with white; a picture of a megaphone on the front with the word "Springfield" (the name of our junior high). All hesitation in my mind evaporated as I took the outfit from her and held it up in front of me, looking at myself in the mirror. I smiled shyly as the girls giggled happily and searched for things to wear from Debbie's brimming closet. Debbie then handed me a pair of red panties that matched the dress, and a bra... a padded bra!I went to the private bathroom that adjoined her bedroom to undress, hearing the girls still giggling in the other room as they changed. I was thrilled as I stood nude in front of the big mirror and slipped on the panties and bra. My penis stiffened with erotic excitement, and I rubbed it with one hand while the other hand wandered over the padded B-cup bra. Then I put on the short pleated skirt and form-fitting top and twirled around a few times.As I walked back into the bedroom, Debbie was wearing a very short and slinky black mini-dress that barely covered her matching panties and clung to her slender body. It took me a few seconds to figure it out, but then it hit me.... the reason Debbie had given me a padded bra was because she was flat-chested herself! But now she wasn't wearing a bra, and her small budding nipples just barely pushed out the silky material. She looked like a fashion model! Andrea was wearing a disco outfit of very tight, very low-slung, satin bell-bottom pants and a matching blouse that left a wide swath of skin showing at her flat belly. They both looked great!"Let's do our make-up and hair," said Debbie. "Can I do your eyes, Christine?" My cheeks warmed again at the sound of someone other than Andrea saying my secret girlish name, but Debbie was very friendly as she sat me down at her vanity and began applying garish blue eyeshadow, as well as mascara and eye liner. I did the rest - lipstick, blush for my cheeks, and fixed my hair with a curling iron and hair spray.Each of us tried to achieve a look of sexy sophistication, and I was overjoyed at how I looked. I could almost pass for a 15 or 16-year-old girl! When I had walked into Debbie's house, I looked like an androgynous boy with delicate features, but now I was a stunningly pretty girl cheerleader!Our conversation turned quickly to boys... looking over issues of Tiger Beat, Fave, and 16... searching for the hottest pictures of teen heart-throbs. Debbie and Andrea treated me exactly as if I was just one of their girl friends, giggling about how sexy certain celebrities were. And then the conversation turned to boys at school. Amazingly, I felt comfortable telling Andrea and Debbie which boys I'd fantasized about during the just-completed school year. When I mentioned Brian Fisher, an athletic 8th grader, Debbie giggled mischievously."Did Andrea ever tell you about the time she and Brian were making out on the sofa at Suzy Wilson's party...""Debbie!" said Andrea, seeing where this was going."... and he had her blouse unbuttoned and her bra undone... and he had his jeans open and his zipper down...""DEBBIE!!!"Debbie cut short her account, but I was left with a strange mixture of revulsion and arousal at the image of Andrea having her hands on the hard cock of an 8th grader (a boy that I had a crush on!), while he felt up her bare breasts. But the arousal feelings won out, and I decided to ask her about it next time we were alone.We kept talking about boys, and I mentioned that I thought Debbie's brother Bobby was handsome. Now it was Andrea's turn to giggle... and get some revenge."Well, you can hear all about it from Debbie. She was just telling me yesterday about how...""About how I gave him a hand-job," said Debbie with a laugh, not at all embarrassed to take up the story. "He acts like more of a pervert each time he comes home from that stupid boarding school on holiday. He's always asking if he can feel me up. And he leaves his door part-open so I can see him jacking off on his bed. And he started pestering me to give him a blow-job! As if! He kept at it so much that I told him I'd give him a hand-job just to shut him up.... Well, and also because I wanted to check out that big cock of his up close," she said with a giggle. Then she added "anyway, it's not like it was the first time I felt a boy's boner.""Wow!" was all I could say."Ya know, Christine," she said; "I might even give you a hand-job if you do a little strip-tease for us. It's so freaky that you're like a girl with a dick. Take down your panties and let me give you a feel." I didn't like the way this was going. Yeah; I knew I was a bit "freaky", but it hurt to have someone else point it out. And then came the kicker from Debbie."Maybe I'll even fuck you in the ass with a hair-brush. I just KNOW you like that!"I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. I was almost nauseous that Debbie knew my most embarrassing secret. I should have unloaded on Andrea for her betrayal, but instead I just ran to the bathroom, crying, and changed back into a boy as quickly as I could, wiping off the make-up as tears flowed down my cheeks."Chris! I'm sorry!" came a voice through the door. It was Andrea; not Debbie.I left without a word, humiliated, running home and locking myself in my room, and crying into my pillow. But when I'd settled down, my thoughts returned to Debbie's room. Incredibly, I started thinking about how sexy it would have been to have Debbie fucking me in the ass while she stroked my cock. What had been mortifying in reality was incredibly arousing as a fantasy! Before long, I had the hair-brush out and lubed it up....A few days later, I was riding my bike down to the shopping center to buy some candy, and as I rode past Debbie's house, there was her brother Bobby in the front. He was tossing a basketball into a net that was mounted beside the driveway, wearing only a pair of short tight athletic shorts (they were nothing at all like the baggy basketball shorts boys wear today!). A sheen of sweat emphasized muscles on his chest and abs that had to have been acquired by hard work in a gym. I slowed my bike almost to a stop, watching him shoot jump shots and do fancy dribbling. Then he looked over at me and called out."You're Chris, right? Andrea's brother? Come on over and shoot some baskets with me."I didn't know what to say. Me? Hang out with him? But I rode my bike into the driveway and got off. He bounced me the ball, and I made a weak shot at the goal that missed by a lot. He jumped for the rebound and swished a shot through the net... shooting while still in mid-jump. Then he got the ball and tossed it to me again."I'm kind of a spaz, Bobby. Can I just watch you shoot?""Sure, kid. That's fine," he said, and proceeded to put on a show that demonstrated his natural athleticism. Much as I was impressed with his basketball skill, I was far more interested in his body. He was mature-looking for a 15-year-old. Maybe 5'10"; lean and broad-shouldered, with tufts of hair beneath his armpits."Want to come inside and have a coke? We can get to know each other. OK?" he said after a few minutes."Sure!" I replied, flattered by his attention, then added "uh... is Debbie here?" I didn't want to deal with her right now."Nah; she and my mom went into the city to buy clothes. As if Little Miss Fashion Model needed more clothes, huh?" he said with a grin. "They won't be back for a few hours."As we entered the kitchen, he told me to sit at the table. I still couldn't keep my eyes off Bobby body's as he moved around the kitchen, getting Cokes and filling glasses with ice. His pants were so short and so tight that they outlined the bulge in front. I remembered how Debbie had commented on the size of his cock, and I was hypnotized... fantasizing what he'd look like nude. When I finally pulled my eyes away from his crotch, Bobby was grinning at me."You like what you see, huh?" he asked in a sly tone as his hand slowly rubbed the front of his shorts."I... I... I...." No words were forming in my brain. I was totally flustered as Bobby walked over to me an handed me a glass."Don't worry. I don't mind." Even after giving me the Coke, he continued to stand right next to were I sat, looking down at me. I was looking at his hairless, muscled chest, afraid to meet his eyes. He was so close I could smell the musky sweat that glistened on his smooth torso, and it inflamed my arousal. To my utter amazement, Bobby slowly peeled down his shorts to mid-thigh, revealing a jock-strap that bulged with its stiffening contents. "Take out my cock. Feel it. I know you want to. You've had your eyes on my crotch, so might as well get your hands on it. Go on; check it out."I was mesmerized. My hand trembled slightly as it pulled aside the cotton pouch. Bobby's cock sprang out... half-hard, and incredibly masculine, with a thick patch of dark hair at its base. As my fingers wrapped around it, I felt its heat... felt it throbbing in my hand. It instantly stiffened all the way, standing up almost 7 inches, medium-thick, glowing dark red and pulsing with engorgement. I don't know what got over me, but I had a burning desire to suck his it.From where I sat, I barely had to lean forward to kiss Bobby's beautiful cock-head. My wet lips spread around the circumcised glans... and then I just kept taking more of the shaft into my mouth... almost as if I couldn't stop myself. When I had taken a little over half of Bobby's cock, my throat gagged and I had to back off a bit. But I moved my lips back down, hungry to take this incredibly beautiful adolescent boner all the way to its base (just like the girls did in my porn novel). It was like a religious experience, and I was worshiping this perfect cock."Whoa! Ease up," said Bobby as he pulled my head away from his crotch, stuffed his erection inside the jock, and hiked up his pants. "Man! You're even more eager than I thought you'd be."Then he looked at me with a devilish gleam in his eye and said "Debbie told me how much of a sissy-boy you are... Christine."My heart stopped, and I could feel my face becoming instantly flushed. He knows! He even knew my secret girl-name."I... That is... I don't..." I mumbled, lamely. I sat there feeling sacred and stupid, wishing I could dig a hole and climb in.But Bobby just reached out his hand and ran his fingers tenderly through my long hair. I felt light-headed at his touch."You have nice hair," he said, in a voice that was both soothing and sexy. "I can tell you'd be a beautiful girl." I was speechless. And then he said "I have a few kinks myself. It's pretty well unavoidable at a place like the Athens Preparatory School for Boys." He said the name of his boarding school in a sarcastic tone of voice. He stroked my hair again, this time leaving his fingers entwined in the strands and tilting my head up to meet his eyes. "There's a kid at my school who's a lot like you. Same grade as you, and almost as pretty. His name is Vernon, but he likes to be called Veronica when he's doing his girl thing. He likes to have fun with horny upperclassmen like me, and he always has a lot of takers since there aren't any girls around. There's a little game we play... he pretends to be my girlfriend, and I treat him just like he was a chick. Works out really well for both of us." He paused, his eyes burning into my soul, and then continued in that honey-toned baritone voice. "Think you might be interested in playing that kind of game? I know exactly what a sissy-boy like you wants."I nodded my head timidly, not saying a word, but knowing with all my heart that I desparately longed to "play that game"."You done much sex stuff with other guys?" he asked. I shook my head from side to side, still not uttering a word. "You done ANY sex stuff with a guy?" Again I answered with a head shake."A virgin, huh?" he said in a surprised tone."But I want to play the game," I murmured, feeling my face blushing with embarrassed excitement. "I'd really like to be your girlfriend." The words were difficult for me to get out, but I'm so glad I said them."You're on, girl! I'll take it slow and teach you how to take care of a man's needs. This'll be great!"Then he pulled me up from the chair to stand facing him. While looking into my eyes with sultry gaze, he reached out and unfasten my pants. "Pull them down, Christine," he murmured. "Let me see what you've got."I pulled down my shorts and briefs in one motion, lifting the bottom of my tee shirt up to proudly show off my rigid 4-inch penis. I looked up at him with a hopeful smile. He reached down and his fingers fondled my ball-sack briefly and then stroked my erection. "I like a hairless cock on a sissy-boy," he said. "Veronica has some pubes, but she shaves it. Do you shoot cum yet?" I shook my head from side to side, hoping he wouldn't be disappointed."Perfect!" he said, as his fingers stroked up and down on my little cock-shaft and he played with my dangling balls with his other hand. "Let's go up to Debbie's room and find something appropriate for you to wear. Mom and Deb will be out shopping for at least 3 more hours. We can play around for a good long time in my bedroom. Follow me."I fastened my pants and followed him down the hall and into Debbie's room. He entered her walk-in closet and started rummaging around. I stayed outside, again admiring Debbie's frilly decor and the vanity table laden with various kinds of make-up. Bobby finally emerged holding a black baby-doll nightgown that looked like it wouldn't even cover my butt. And the material was so silky that it was practically see-through. Then he went to her dresser and pulled out a pair of black silk panties -- the skimpiest bikini panties I had ever seen!"What do you think, Christine?" he asked. I just smiled and reached for the sexy garments. "You put them on while I take a shower. Put on some make-up too if you like... and if you're good at it. Make yourself beautiful for me... OK?"And then he did something that blew me away. He drew me to him and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. As I pressed back, he opened his mouth and let his tongue flick out. For a few long moments, our tongues were entwined in a wet, sexy, hungry, wrestling match.He broke the kiss and said "come to my room when you're ready. It's right across the hall." And then he left, as I stood there panting for breath, with my cock standing up rigid in my pants.As I changed into the nightie, my excitement level rose and my heart thudded in my chest. It was smoother than any material I'd ever felt and so sheer that I could see my nipples as I looked in the mirror. The panties barely contained my little boner, and only a small portion of my ass was covered in back. I wished I had breasts to complete the image of total femininity, but wearing a padded bra under a sheer nightie would be all wrong.As I listened to the shower running in the room directly across the hall, I quickly but carefully put on some make-up from the considerable array on Debbie's vanity. I even put some blush on my nipples to make them look sexier. Then I curled my hair a bit, as I had done the last time. Hearing the shower turn off, I quickly finished up, dabbed my neck with a little perfume, and made my way across the hall, nervous but brimming with excitement.Bobby had a typical boy's room, with a variety of posters on the walls: cars, sports and rock music stars... and that one of Farrah Fawcett where she's wearing a red bathing suit and has the fantastic hair. He walked out of his private bathroom wearing a blue terrycloth robe that came down to mid-thigh. He was drying his hair with a towel, and it arranged itself in natural loose curls."Christine... you look beautiful," he said, sounding totally sincere as he took hold of my trembling hands in his and kissed me gently. He made me feel so warm inside... like I was melting into a puddle. I knew that I would do anything he asked."Still a little nervous, huh?" he said. I nodded. "Do you like to dance? Go over and pick out a record and put it on the stereo."I glanced through his albums and choose the soundtrack of "Saturday Night Fever". I'd heard some of the cuts on the radio, but not the record. As I dropped the needle on the disc, the sound of the Bee Gees singing "Stayin' Alive" filled the room with throbbing disco music. I had practiced dance moves in my room for years, copying what I saw on TV and in the movies, and I knew I was good. I began to dance, loose and feminine."Nice!" murmured Bobby as his eyes scanned my scantily-clad body, gyrating in the middle of his bedroom. He started dancing too, in a more rigid style, like most teenage white boys did. But then he put his arm around my waist and took my hand, and we began doing a simple version of "the hustle" -- the dance that was the rage in the discos. (I'd seen it on TV and practiced it with Andrea.) I was starting to feel totally at-ease with Bobby. He was supremely self-confident... so charming... so handsome. And when the music changed to a slow song titled "How Deep Is Your Love", he took me in his arms and pressed his body against mine. His arms were around my waist, and mine around his neck, as we began slow-dancing. His hands slipped down to my ass, which were only half-covered by the nightie. Then his hands slipped inside the tiny panties, and caressed the slender globes of my butt cheeks... squeezing, stroking, pulling them apart... bringing his fingers to my puckered hole and stimulating the exquisitely sensitive nerves at its entrance. A moan escaped my lips, and I closed my eyes to savor the sensations.Bobby gently kissed my neck, and I heard him inhale deeply. I think he appreciated the perfume I had applied there. His hands were now inside the nightie we slow-danced, roaming up and down the smooth skin of my back and shoulders. Then he whispered in my ear."Open up my robe, Christine, so you can feel how hard you're making me."I reached down and undid the sash at the waist of his bathrobe and pulled the robe apart, returning my arms to his neck as I snuggled against his warm bare skin. He shrugged the robe off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Now he was completely naked. His big cock was fully stiff, pressing against my belly as we danced. We kissed. Deeply, hungrily... tasting each other's tongues.Without breaking the kiss, Bobby reached around and picked me up, lifting me with ease... with one strong arm around my upper back, the other holding up my bare legs."Let's make love, Christine. You're such a beautiful girl!"Oh, God! His words made me dizzy with sexual desire. He was so right when he had said that he knew just what a sissy-boy wanted. I longed to be treated just like a desirable teenage girl, and he was doing it so perfectly."Yes!" I breathed. "Yes Bobby; take me."He laid me down on my back on his double bed, on a soft and fluffy comforter. I stretched out, trying to look sexy... like a picture of Marilyn Monroe I'd seen. Sitting down beside me, Bobby leaned down and kissed my mouth as his hand played with my smooth chest, pinching my nipples and making them stiff. He pushed the nightie up around my shoulders and began sucking at my tiny rouged nipples, as his hand slid down to caress my inner thighs."Your breasts are beautiful, Christine," he murmured, as his tongue flicked at my titties. He was just playing to my sissy fantasies, but I absolutely loved to hear it!Bobby's mouth continued lower, kissing my flat belly as he maneuvered himself between my spread legs. He nuzzled my crotch, and I could feel his hot breath through the silk panties. Then his fingers took hold of the waistband of the panties and pulled them down, exposing my desperately stiff little boner.I held up my legs, and his hands quickly pulled the panties all the way off. I lay there with the nightie bunched up, totally aroused, and panting for Bobby to make love to me. Would he fuck me right away? I knew I was ready for it. Probably more ready to be fucked than any other virgin 13-year-old boy had ever been. But Bobby was going to show me a good time before he took me for his pleasure."Oh, Bobby!" I gasped, as his lips slid onto my plump little erection. "Oh, YES!"His hot mouth plunged down the length of my hard cock, and his tongue slathered all along the 4-inch shaft. On the upward stroke, he applied slow, delicious pressure to the shaft before sliding down again. Up and down his mouth went, like a wonderful machine, pressing against the hairless skin at the base of my erection, then rising to flick the glans and the piss-slit with his tongue. I grabbed the bed-covers, my whole body alive with electric chills like I'd never before experienced. When he made my cock-head graze back and forth along the bumpy roof of his mouth, it was so intense I practically jumped out of my skin.All too soon, he pulled his mouth off. But when he started sucking my balls, it was almost as good. I lifted my legs back and apart to give Bobby more space to work, and when I did, his mouth shifted once again... farther down, planting itself firmly on my puckered pink hole.The handsome teenager spread my ass-cheeks apart with his hands and licked all around the rosebud. I squealed like a little girl on a roller coaster as his tongue pushed into the circle of muscle... into this most erogenous part of my body."Yes! Oh yes, Bobby! Lick my pussy! Oh, YES!" It was just like I had read in the porn novel! I flexed the hole open and felt his tongue burrow into me. And when his tongue came away, it was quickly replaced by a finger... carefully entering me to the knuckle... then all the way to the hilt... then moving slowly in and out. He began finger-fucking my secret place, and I pushed my bottom up, wanting more, wanting it harder... faster... deeper.As his finger plunged and twisted inside my hole, his lips returned to my cock, his head bobbing up and down, saliva running down the pink shaft that swelled and twitched in his hot mouth. I could feel it happening... the ecstatic pleasure... the incredible buildup of pressure. The dam was about to burst. I could barely stand it, growing more and more intense as Bobby continued to suck.I was babbling incoherent pleasure noises in my high-pitched sissy-voice as the electric sensation of orgasm rushed through my body. Bobby continued to move his mouth on my cock and my immature penis stayed fully erect. The pleasure continued on an unbelievably intense plateau, and I'm sure he could have brought me to a string of multiple dry climaxes if he'd kept going. I wanted to orgasm again and again with my cock in his talented mouth and his finger in my asshole. But at last he rose up, kneeling between my legs and smiling down on me as I panted for breath, a helpless slave to my lust and to his masterful will."I can't wait to make love to you, Christine," he said in his rich, sexy voice. "But first you need to get my cock ready with your mouth."As he moved up and straddled my chest, I grasped his manly cock in my hand and guided it to my lips. Bobby put another pillow beneath my head and held onto the rail at the top of the head board. As I began to suck him, I knew instinctively what to do. I also knew that I was doing it well."Yeah, baby! That's it! Give your man's cock a good suck. Get it ready to fuck your beautiful pussy." His tone was soothing, but the words dripped with wanton lust.I gave myself over completely to serving Bobby's cock, devoting all my concentration to this sacred act about which I had fantasized for so long. He was motionless as I worshiped his cock-head with my lips and tongue and slowly began taking his erection deeper into my mouth. I put my hands on his ass cheeks and pulled him toward me, making his cock sink deeper. When it reached the entrance of my throat I paused for a moment, took a deep breath, then craned my neck and pushed my mouth farther onto the shaft.Bobby's cock was considerably bigger than those hot dogs I had practiced with, but I was determined to do it. Bit by bit, I took it deeper... past the entrance, then squeezing into my tight throat. Bobby groaned with pleasure, and his hips began moving... slowly at first... drawing back a little, then forward. When he was in to the hilt, as deep as he could go, I felt an incredible rush... I did it! I swallowed his cock all the way into my throat! Not only did I not mind it... I ADORED it! He began slowly face-fucking me in long strokes, and I was loving it. Bobby was looking down excitedly at his cock disappearing between my lips, and I was looking up at his handsome face. I couldn't speak, of course, but my mind was saying 'I love you, Bobby. I love you!'"You're incredible Christine! God, that was good!" said the muscular teenager when his cock finally popped out of my mouth, glistening with saliva, dark red and pulsing with arousal. "Are you ready for me to fuck you?""Yes," I whispered. "Oh, Bobby... YES!""Turn over, baby" he instructed; "face-down, and put a pillow under your hips." He reached over to the bedside table and got a small plastic bottle of liquid, squeezed some onto his palm, and stroked it onto his cock. Then his slippery fingers eased between my ass cheeks again, and I raised up my butt to him. Two lubed digits entered my hole and I flexed open to accept them as they twisted into my rectum. I had sometimes put all four of my own slender fingers in there before, so I could easily accommodate his two."Damn, girl! I don't even need to get you ready for it!" he said as his two fingers slid back and forth inside me."Do it now, Bobby! Fuck me, honey," I purred in the most sensuous voice I could generate. How many times had I fantasized about this moment? How may times had I shoved that brush-handle into my ass, imagining it was an older boy's hot cock? And now it was going to happen for real!As I craned my neck to look back at him, Bobby knelt behind me, took his stiff cock in his hand, bent it forward, and rubbed it back and forth across my anal pucker. I reached back and pulled my ass cheeks apart. My pussy flexed open, rhythmically, like a little mouth hungry for food. When he pushed forward slowly, I felt a pang of discomfort as the head of his cock pushed through the passage. I suppressed a gasp, and he just kept on pushing into me. He began moving his cock in and out, slowly and just an inch or so at a time at first... gradually building up to long thrusts to the hilt. I felt wonderful sensations of delicious fullness and warm erotic pleasure."Oh, yes! Oh, Bobby! Give it to me!" I whimpered. He was in total possession of my body, and it was utterly fantastic... my sexiest dreams becoming reality."You're my little slut, aren't you baby? Your ass is mine, Christine, and I'm gonna give you a fuck to remember."Then he slapped my right butt cheek... once, twice, three times."Oh yes! Spank me Bobby!" I moaned. Even though the slaps stung, they served only to increase my lust and my joy at submitting to this handsome teenager. He gave me three more hard slaps to my left butt cheek. Yes, he was right; I was his willing little slut... his sissy-boy whore. At this point, I wanted nothing more than to have his big hot cock plowing back and forth inside my ass... stimulating my most sensitive pleasure nerves.With each long stroke of his cock, I raised up my butt to receive his thrust. And each time his hips drove into my ass, my rigid, throbbing erection slid across the pillow under me. The friction of my sensitive cock-head against the soft cotton pillowcase merged with the anal pleasure I was feeling, creating an ever building peak of sexual ecstacy. Faster and faster he slammed his slippery cock deep into my body. His guttural vocalizations signaled his approaching orgasm, and his sweat dripped onto my back. My own orgasm was very near too, taking me to a place that was even more wonderful than when he had sucked me."Uh... Uh... Harder, darling... Yes; faster... Oh, yes; fuck me!" I pleaded in my high pitched sissy voice. My body was trembling all over as the wave of orgasm reached its highest peak and then crashed down with a thundering impact. My anal muscles spasmed in time with the vibrations in my little boner, and Bobby grunted as he gave me a half-dozen rapid, urgent thrusts that preceded the blast of hot cum into my pussy. I could feel his cock throbbing inside me, shooting its nectar into my love-hole.Bobby collapsed onto my back, his cock still deep inside me, still trembling with the aftermath of his powerful orgasm. I squeezed my ass muscles around it, giving him a cock-massage, milking out every bit of his cum. He wrapped his strong arms around my torso and kissed the back of my neck."Damn, Christine! Between you, and Veronica back at school, I gotta admit that sissy-boys make better lovers than chicks," he murmured in my ear. "That was awesome, baby!"Then his softening cock slid out of me with a "pop". He turned me over on my back and took me in his arms. For a long, leisurely time, I drifted on a cloud of happiness as he hugged me to his strong body, caressed my skin with his fingers, and kissed me gently and slow. As the merger of our lips and tongues became ever more aggressive and urgent, I felt my erotic energies recharging. When he began fondling my dick, it stiffened instantly. And his cock was also rising to erection as it humped against my thigh."Do you want to fuck me again Bobby?" I offered, in a hopeful voice.Bobby looked over at the bedside clock. "We still have plenty of time to play. How about something different.... You go back to Debbie's room and get dressed up like a total slut. Use more make-up too... you're good at that. I'll wash up a bit, and you can give me a nice blow-job. How's that sound?""Yes, Bobby. I'll do anything that you want," I replied, with total honesty.I hopped up from the bed and pranced across the hall, wearing only the ultra-short nightgown. My stiff erection swayed back and forth as I ran in mincing steps. Going through Debbie's things, I was once again struck by how much clothing she owned... and how jealous I was! Bobby wanted me to be a "total slut", so I picked out a black leather mini-skirt, knee-high boots, a padded bra, and a fuzzy pink short-sleeve angora sweater. The sweater left a swath of my tummy uncovered, exposing my belly-button. I decided not to wear any panties. Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw a stereotypical young teenage girl prostitute. I was certain it would please Bobby!At Debbie's make-up table, I put on excessive amounts of blush, eye liner, mascara, and eye shadow. I picked a garish shade of lipstick that emphasized the full ripeness of my lips. Perfect! "Yeah, baby! You know exactly how to please me, alright!" It was Bobby, standing in the doorway of the bedroom, wearing tight flared slacks and a black satin shirt, unbuttoned to mid-torso. He looked like he was ready for a night at the disco, and I jumped up to serve him. I struck a pose with one hand behind my head and the other on my hip. I tried to look as sexy and naughty as I could. Then I raised up the hem of the mini-skirt and exposed my stiff penis and balls."That's it, bitch; show me what you've got!" I vamped some more for him, as he undid the top button of his pants. "Come over here and get down on your knees; give me a suck," he ordered.I knelt before him and lowered his zipper. He wasn't wearing underpants, and his half-hard cock sprang out, right in front of my face. His hand came down and lifted my chin up, making me look into his handsome, smouldering eyes."Blow me, you pretty little sissy-whore. Suck it good!"My lips captured the head, and I lavished attention on it with my tongue, making his erection pump fully hard. As Bobby's fingers slid through my long hair, my mouth descended the rigid pole of masculine flesh, deeper and deeper.Yes! I had found the purpose of my life. This was were I wanted to be... servicing a handsome stud with my mouth, or submitting to a vigorous fucking. As his cock-head lodged deep in my throat, my hand went to my straining boyish erection and began to stroke. Oh, yes! This was heaven!...That entire summer, I had many other opportunities to explore the world of sex with Bobby. Sometimes I could dress up when we had his house or mine to ourselves. Other times we went deep into the woods that adjoined our neighborhood, and we had boy-on-boy sex in every way he suggested.At Bobby's urging, I asked my parents if I could apply to his boarding school. I had always had excellent grades, and my parents were well-off financially. Mom wasn't sure if I should go, but she knew how unhappy I'd been at public school. And I overheard Dad telling her "maybe an all-boys school will make him more of a man." They finally said OK, and my application to the school in Athens, New York) was accepted.But rather than "making a man of me", I blossomed as a sissy. I was in a friendly competition with Vernon/Veronica for the title of reigning Queen of Athens Prep. Veronica and I eventually became roommates and shared each other's stash of girl clothes (as well as sharing each others beds). And we always had our pick of horny upperclassmen who had no compunction about using a sissy-boy for sex since no real girls were around.If you like, maybe I'll tell you about some of my adventures as a nympho sissy-slut at an all-boys boarding school.The EndWrite to me at bil47_new@yahoo.comAll my stories are available on Nifty Archive ( to Nifty's "prolific net author" page and look under "Bill". This story has been posted on Nifty, but isn't on my list in the author index, because "trans" stories are segregated (for some reason).~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 62
{Author's note: This one is dedicated to my muse. She knows who she is. My world will be a much sorrier place when she stops working her magic.}***"OK, Larry, you guys have fun," he said as he hung up the phone."Let me guess," she said, as she finished dusting off the last of his golf trophies on the mantle," they're going over to Sapphire's again.""Yeah," he shrugged as he fumbled with his tie and glanced at his watch. "You know Larry. Gotta make it there before the two-for-one specials are over."She tugged at the waist of her dusty T-shirt with one hand as shook the feather duster in the ashcan with the other. She wrinkled her nose. "Cheapskate." He walked over to her and grabbed her around the waist from behind. "Hey, as many as he gets, he needs to save all the money he can. Twenty bucks doesn't go nearly as far as it used to.""Oh," she said in mock indignation as she threw her head back into his shoulder, "like it did when YOU used to go there with them?" He squeezed tighter. "Don't you mean, when WE used to go there with them?"She put her hands on his wrists and slowly pulled his arms apart. "Hey, for educational purposes only," she smiled. "And watch those sleeves, mister, unless you want to be the one to take that suit to the dry cleaners. I'm filthy."He whispered in her ear as he withdrew. "Only above the neck, darlin'. Only above the neck."She walked towards the kitchen, then turned. "You know, it's not too late to catch them, if you really want to. I won't mind."He stretched his arms and yawned. "Nah. I'm beat. I think I'll just pass out in the comfy chair for a while," he said as he threw his jacket onto the sofa and plopped down on the recliner. "Suit yourself," she smiled as she walked to the stereo and turned it on. I'm going to take a shower before I start dinner.""Take your time," he mumbled as he closed his eyes and drifted off, despite the fact that the volume on the stereo was a bit higher than he was used to. Sometime later, he awoke to the feeling of an arm around his neck. "Hey, Mister," came a voice in his ear. "What you say I take you back in the corner and abuse you with my body."He slowly opened one eye. Then the other. Then he blinked twice, but when he reached up to rub his eyes, her hand caught his and brought it up to her mouth. "I promise," she purred. "It'll be the best twenty bucks you'll ever spend." She was sitting on one arm of the recliner, leaning provocatively on his shoulder. She was wearing an emerald green gown, split so far up the sides that her green t-back was visible as she raised her left leg and gently laid it across his lap. "If you wanna talk for a while, that's OK too, but I gotta make a living, you know," she smiled as she brought her right hand up to play with her hair, which was held up with a large golden dragon hairpin. "It's been kinda slow tonight, what with the playoffs and everything." He finally managed to clear the sleep from his eyes and attempted to take in his surroundings, but found he just couldn't focus on anything other than those green eyes and the smell of lilies. He breathed deeply."Oh," she said with a toothy smile. "Can't get enough of that body wash, can you? One of the best investments I ever made. In this line of work, we gotta take advantage of every little thing we can. Lot of competition, you know." She started playing with his tie."None like me, though. I give the BEST dances in the whole town."He started to say something, but was interrupted by the sound of the DJ announcing a song change. Suddenly, she jumped from the recliner and stood before him, looming over him, shaking all over."I LOVE this song. C'mon, Mister, whataya say?"Again, he looked up into those green eyes and all he could do was nod.She grinned and lifted both hands to the straps of the gown, then turned her back to his and proceeded to lower first the right strap, then the left. Bending down in front of him, she leaned back so her head was on the edge of the recliner seat to give him a view as she slowly lowered the gown past her breasts. Then she slowly rose on top of him, rubbing her back on his chest as the gown came down past her waist to reveal the whole of the green t-back. Lowering herself onto his lap, she raised her legs one at a time, slowly dragging the gown over one, then the other, finally lifting it up to his face and draping it slowly about his neck. Again, he breathed deeply, taking in the floral aroma.Slowly raising herself again, back still to his, she craned her neck back so it lay on his left shoulder and whispered in his ear. "Don't be shy, Mister. Enjoy," she said seductively as she grabbed his right hand in hers and brought it up to her waist. Then she grabbed his left in hers and brought it gently to her thigh as she rubbed her body up and down on his chest, nibbling his left ear as she continued. "Watch this."With both his hands still in hers, she brought them over to her shoulders and placed them there. Then she leaned forward, put her hands on his knees, and began moving slowly in his lap, side to side, up and down, grinding to the beat of the music, feeling him growing under her, smiling as she felt him respond, finally moving his hands up and down her arms as she rocked back and forth merrily on his lap.After a few more moments of this, she slowly bent down on the floor, adjusted her t-back, and turned around to face him. Slowly she ran her hands on the inside of his thighs, moving her body up between his legs and rubbing her breasts, one then the other, over his crotch; all the time looking up at him and smiling widely as their eyes locked. Then, again, very slowly, she rose up against his chest, raising her right leg to lie over his left and leaning her head on his left shoulder. Grinding her left leg slowly into his lap, over and over again, she nibbled on his ear and continued to whisper."C'mon, don't be shy, Mister. This is the best dance you're ever gonna get. Enjoy it."Then she rose further above him and, cupping her left breast in her hand, brought it to his mouth, letting out a slight sigh as he responded, slowly, delicately, tickling her nipple with his tongue as she continued to move her leg up and down his lap. Then he moved his hands down and stroked her buttocks, drawing a smile and halting giggle."That's more like, it, Mister. Yeah. Just like that. Now, you're learning...""Err, thanks, I guess," he managed weakly between gasps of pleasure. Then he smiled knowingly. "Uh, I'm kinda new at this... you're going to have to...""Sure," she interrupted as she caressed the back of his neck though the gown. And then she withdrew in front of him and turned her back to him once again. Leaning backwards, she laid her head on his right shoulder and brought his hands to her breasts, all the while moving her butt vigorously in his lap. "A few house rules," she whispered as she licked his earlobe and moaned slightly as he tweaked her nipples. "First," she said as she moved one of his hands to her neck, "you can touch as high as possible..."And moved his other hand to her thigh, "and as low as possible..."Then she moved both her hands to cover her crotch, smiled wickedly, and whispered as she continued grinding away, "so long as you leave possible alone.""If there's one thing the boss doesn't tolerate, it's the customers playing around with the possibilities," she chuckled, and moved his hands back to her breasts.He smiled broadly at that, but not enough to forget where he was and what he was doing. His hands continued to manipulate her nipples as his tongue reached out and found her neck. "Second, "she moaned, then after hesitating for several seconds as she caught her breath, continued, "Mr. Happy has to stay in the pants.""Awwww," he frowned and nibbled on her neck. "Where's the fun in that?" She reached down and stroked the inside of his thigh as she continued to grind her leg into his lap. "Don't tell me Mr. Happy's not happy at the moment, Mister," she replied as she grabbed a hand from her breast and plopped one of his fingers in her mouth, moving it in and out obscenely. Of course, he had no answer for that. Letting out a soft laugh, she adjusted herself once more, rising off him and turning back around to face him. Her hands went first to her mouth, then to his chest, as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He raised his hands to her head and started playing with her hair. Then as her hands snaked under his shirt and found his nipples, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply.His eyes still closed, he took in the sensation as she deftly circled his nipples with the wetness from her fingers. He continued to play with her hair as he felt her rise up and down over Mr. Happy, not particularly caring which part of her body she was using at the moment. He was long past that now. A few moments later, she raised her face to his and he felt a warm breath on his nostrils as he opened his eyes. She lightly touched her lips to his, but drew away before he could return the kiss. Pleadingly, he looked back into her eyes, but she was smiling and glancing down at his lap. His eyes followed hers and his mouth fell open when he noticed not only was his zipper down, but his fly area was a gaping chasm, open for all to see. Looking back at her in amazement, he saw she was flexing her jaw back and forth. Then she smiled and mouthed silently. "Hey, Mister, I figured you for a boxers kinda guy."His hand went to his mouth as he tried to stifle a laugh. Not waiting to get his reaction, she turned her back towards him and sat down on his lap and began grinding once again. His eyes closed and his hands once again found her hair. Slowly as she worked, he pulled the pin from her hair and felt it tumble over his arms. Then the song ended. Immediately, the pressure on his lap vanished and his eyes flew open. She was reaching for her dress which had fallen beside him on the recliner. He looked at her with a strange mixture of puzzlement and frustration. "What's wrong?"She shrugged as she started to step into the gown. "I'm due to go on stage next. Then I gotta tip out the DJ and bartender. But thanks for the dance, Mister. You really saved me."He stood up straight and picked her and the gown up in one swift motion. He didn't even stop to turn off the stereo as he headed to the bedroom. "Hey, what gives?" She giggled playfully."You and me and Mr. Happy have some REALLY serious possibilities to explore," he said as he closed the door behind them.END
Chapter Six: Sturm und Drang "So what are the rules going to be?" Bryce asked as he, Tyler and I walked off towards the baseball field where the boys played. There was an early morning game the boys were playing in.It had been three days since we'd mutually molested Tyler. I knew that later that night he and Bryce had apparently fucked their brains out in Tyler's bed, and I'd let Tyler fuck me four times since that first day. He had to be trained up, after all, much like how I'd taught Bryce everything he knew about male/female sex."Rules for what?" I asked."For you sleeping with the boys on the team.""Well, she has to get fucked by each of them, of course," said Tyler."Yeah, and we need a way to verify that she's done it. So how about either me or Tyler has to be there to watch and join in?"I rolled my eyes. "You little monsters just want to get laid some more."Grinning widely both boys nodded.I couldn't help but laugh. "Ok, ok. So if Colt will be the last boy, then which boy should I do first?""How about Storm?" suggested Tyler. "I've thought about sex with him before. I know he's probably still a virgin, too.""Yeah, Storm's fuckin' HOT!" Bryce said enthusiastically.Storm was thirteen, like most of the other boys on the team (Tobey was twelve and Angelo was fourteen, but otherwise). He had black hair and blue eyes and he was pretty damn hot. His name came from his part Gypsy who named his twelve-year-old sister Rain. Their parents had wound up getting divorced and now their mom worked something like two jobs to keep everything going."Hmmm... ok, I'll do Storm," I said with a grin. "But how do I get one of you in the same place?"Tyler said, "I think I might have an idea."For the rest of the walk down to the ballpark we discussed Tyler's idea. The more I heard, the more I liked it. It would be quite complex, but if we pulled this one off, we could do just about anything. I agreed with the boys that it would work, and by the time we got to the park, they were ready to concentrate more on baseball than sex.Once we were at the ballpark, I got up into the bleachers and looked around. I was trying to find... there she was. Rain. I knew she always came to see her brother play. I walked over and sat down next to her."Morning, Rain.""Oh, hey, Amber. How are you?""I'm doing well. How about you?""I'm ok."We sat there and made idle chat while we watched the teams take batting practice and get ready. Soon the game had started, and I cheered wildly every time Bryce, Tyler and Storm came up to the bat."Your brother is really, really hot," Rain said to me with a giggle when she saw Tyler hit a double."Storm's really sexy, too," I said with a giggle of my own. I was very happy to hear what she thought of Tyler. It would make my life significantly easier. "You should ask Tyler out on a date or something.""Yeah, well, would you ever think about asking Storm out?""Of course. Like I said, he's really sexy. I bet he'd be great fun in bed."Rain blushed a little. "Yeah, well, I don't think of him like that, but, yeah, he's pretty cute, I guess.""Would you care if I fucked Storm?" I asked her."Oh... uh... I don't know. I guess not," she said with a shrug."Good. Just for the record, if you wanna fuck Tyler, I wouldn't care.""Oh... well, I never really thought about it.""You're still a virgin?"Blushing again, Rain said, "Of course.""Well, I know Tyler isn't. If you're going to lose your virginity, it should be to a boy who knows what he's doing.""Oh," Rain said. I saw her eyes following Tyler as he wandered around."I'm glad you don't care if I fuck Storm," I said. "I'm getting a little tired of Bryce.""Bryce? I thought he was gay?""He is. But he's still fun in bed."Rain laughed a little and rolled her eyes. "You change boyfriends like some people change socks, don't you? I've heard stories about you.""Probably all true."Just then Storm came up to bat. "If he hits at least a double, I'll give him a blowjob," I whispered to Rain who laughed.Storm got up to bat and managed to very quickly strike out. "So now what do you do?" Rain asked."I guess I'll just have to fuck him, then," I said.Rain laughed again. "I wonder what I should do when Tyler's up to bat.""Guess we'll have to wait and see."As it happened, the next time Tyler ended up to bat, he got hit on the arm by a pitch, so it didn't really wind up mattering. After the game, which Tyler's team won by 4 - 1, Rain and I went down to meet the boys as they came out of the locker room."You did wonderfully, Storm," I said, walking up to him and giving him a hug. I could feel him start a little in surprise, but he hugged back."Uh... thanks, Amber."Then he really seemed surprised as I reached down and gently cupped his firm little ass. Nicer than Tyler's and Bryce's both, but didn't seem as nice as I thought Colt's would be. "You and I should spend more time together.""We should?" he squeaked. Then he seemed to recover a bit and said, "Uh... yeah, ok. Sure, that sounds like a good plan.""Cool.""I liked watching you play, too, Tyler," said Rain, sounding a little shy."Thanks, Rain." Tyler grinned at her.As the four of us walked, I put an arm around Storm's waist and said, "You know what? The four of us should hang out together.""That sounds cool," Rain said, making me proud. Very shyly she emulated me, putting her arm around Tyler's waist."Like a double-date or something?" Tyler asked, right on cue."Something like that. Maybe we could just all hang out somewhere together. Like one of our houses. Watch a movie or listen to music something.""I like that idea," said Storm."Where you guys wanna hang out at?" asked Tyler. What happened next would depend greatly on which answer was given."How about our place?" suggested Storm, much to my happiness. I figured both he and Rain would feel more comfy if what we planned took place on their ground. "We got a bunch of good CD's and such, and I got a real kick-ass stereo in my bedroom."I shrugged. "Sounds good to me. Tyler? Rain?""Sure," said Tyler."Yeah, ok," said Rain. "You wanna do this today?""Yeah, if that's ok?"Rain looked at Storm. "Mom's not going to be home until like nine tonight. You think it'll be ok for us to have two other people over?" It was just a little after noon now, so that would give us plenty of time.Storm said, "I don't think she'll really care.""Well, ok, then.""Cool." I moved my hand down onto Storm's butt, feeling it move as he walked. "Let's go, then!"While we walked, Rain made me proud again, reaching down to rest her hand on Tyler's butt. This was very encouraging.When we got to their house, Rain and I took a few moments to disappear up into her bedroom. She wanted to get changed, and I wanted to talk with her a little bit."I think Tyler really likes you," I said with a smile. I knew Tyler wasn't THAT interested in her, but I knew also he wouldn't say no if she wanted him to fuck her."Yeah, he's really nice." She started taking off her clothes and changing into a loose t-shirt and shorts. Her body reminded me of mine when I was twelve. Her breasts were small and she had only a few strands of hair around her vagina."I saw you put your hand on his butt," I said with a little grin. "What did you think?""He's got a really cute butt," Rain said, giggling a little. "I liked touching it, that's for sure. Besides, I saw you with your hand on Storm's, so I figured it wasn't a big deal.""You know what you can do it you really wanna drive Tyler nuts?""What?""Take your bra and panties off and keep on the t-shirt and the shorts. He'll get little glimpses here and there and it'll drive him just nuts.""Really?""Yeah.""Well... I don't know... I mean... I don't know if I'm ready for, you know, stuff like that."I shrugged. "I got fucked the first time when I was a little younger than you. It's the best feeling EVER, believe me. Having a boy's dick inside you is just mind blowing.""Really?""Really! You've fingered yourself before, right?""Yeah.""Having a boy's dick in there feels about twenty times better."She raised an eyebrow. "It does? Really?""Yep. And anyhow, you might as well start as soon as you can. That way you have more time in your life to really enjoy fucking. That's especially important since you probably won't cum the first time. But, really, the only way there could be a problem is if you still have a hymen," I said, remembering my own deflowering."A what?""Hymen. You don't know what that is?""No.""Ah. Well, it's a small bit of... well, skin or membrane that can partly cover the entrance to your vagina. When a boy puts his penis into you the first time, that can get torn and hurt and bleed a little.""Oh, THAT sounds fun.""It's not, really.""How do I know if I have one?"I dimly remembered something I'd done when I was thirteen. I said, "Well... are you going to try the no bra and undies thing?""Yeah, I think so. If you will.""Fair enough. Go ahead and get undressed and I'll check you out and see if there's likely to be any problems.""Well, ok." She stripped naked again and looked at herself in the mirror. "You really think he'll want me?""Of course he will. He's a boy," I said simply. "Just follow my lead and you'll have Tyler eating out of your hand.""Yeah. Ok. Now what?""Lay down and spread your legs.""Ok." Rain did so.I looked closely at her preteen vagina. "I don't see anything off hand. I'm going to have to touch you, though, ok? Don't get nervous or anything.""I won't."Reaching out my hand I rubbed it across Rain's vagina. She let out a soft gasp. "First time anyone's ever touched you there?" I asked."Yeah..."I rubbed her clitoris very gently. "I'm just trying to get you a little wet. Don't worry.""Oh... ok..."In the back of my mind I was very pleased at how good I was managing to make her feel. I'd done some lesbian stuff a couple years ago, and while it hadn't really done anything for me, at least I'd gotten pretty good at it."Ok, Rain," I said. "I'm going to slip a finger inside. Just relax.""Alright."Being very careful I slowly worked my index finger up into Rain's vagina. It was very odd for me to be fingering another girl. It took a few moments for me to get used to it, but once I was comfortable, I probed around, feeling everything. After a few more moments I inserted a second finger and started moving that around."I don't feel any sign of a hymen," I said, truthfully, as I withdrew my fingers from Rain."Ooooh... ok.""So that means the first time you have a boy fuck you, it probably won't hurt much.""Oh? That's good.""Did you like that?" I asked her with a grin as she sat up."Well... it felt pretty good, yeah." She blushed.I nodded. "Yeah. It's not a big deal, fingering. That's why I don't mind doing it. Anyhow, you might wanna go ahead and get dressed. The boys are waiting."She nodded and put back on the loose fitting t-shirt and her shorts. "Feels kinda weird without the bra and panties.""You'll get used to it." I stood up, wiggled out of my clothes and put back on the shorts and t-shirt without the bra and panties. "Shall we?""Sure."We walked over to Storm's room and knocked on the door. I heard music playing and Tyler said, "Just a second!" There were some sounds of busyness and the door opened. Storm and Tyler stood there, both looking a little rumpled. They had their shirts off. I raised an eyebrow at my brother and he grinned in return. This meant he'd probably gotten Storm good and horny with conversation like, "I think Rain's really hot! I'd love to fuck her! What do you think of Amber?""Come on in," Storm said. Once we were all inside, we sat down on the floor, getting comfortable together. I put an arm around Storm's waist and he did the same with me. Rain and Tyler did the same.The four of us sat there, talking idly as we listened to the music from Storm's stereo. He had ok taste in music, but I wasn't really interested in that."You got a nice room, Storm," I said."Thanks.""Got a nice body, too," I said, placing a hand on his chest and running it down to just above his pants. His nipples stiffened.Storm's eyes widened. "Thanks," he said."You got a nice body, too, Tyler," Rain said, running her hand down Tyler's chest."Your body is nicer," he said with a grin.I crossed my legs, sitting so that I knew the boys could see up inside my shorts, were they sitting correctly. Rain did the same. I winked at her and she blushed and grinned a little. Of course what she didn't realize, really, is that the way we were sitting not only could Tyler see up her shorts, but so could Storm."You played really well today," I said softly to Storm."Thanks.""You played so well you deserve a kiss." I grinned a little at him.Storm blinked. "Oh, yeah? Cool."I leaned over and very gently pressed my lips against Storm's. It wasn't much of a kiss, but that was ok. There would be many, many more of them later."That was cool," Storm said, smiling."Was that your first kiss?" I asked coyly.He shook his head. "No, I've kissed a couple other girls before. Nothing really big, though.""Cool." I looked over at Tyler and Rain, who had their lips locked firmly together. "They seem to be getting along nicely."Storm chuckled a little. "Yeah."I pulled Storm closer to me and started kissing him some more, eventually slipping my tongue into his mouth. I could tell he hadn't had any real experience French kissing before. Thankfully, I knew that Tyler was better at it, which meant Rain was having a good time. She was optional to all this, but her participation made everything a little easier."This is fun," Tyler said after breaking his kiss with Rain, who giggled a little."Yeah. Storm's a good kisser," I said, hugging him."Tyler's pretty good, too," Rain said, blushing a little. She seemed to do that a lot. I was happy it was something I was basically past.Suddenly I said, "I'm kinda warm," and pulled my shirt up and off me, laying it next to me on the floor. "That's better," I purred, starting to make out with Storm again, who looked like he'd been hit with a baseball of his own, judging by how surprised he looked. It was certainly nice feeling his bare skin against my breasts.Tyler, of course, was pretty unimpressed, having seen my bare breasts more than a few times already. Rain, on the other hand, looked almost as surprised as her brother. Tyler looked at Rain and said, "You don't have to take yours off. If you don't want to."Rain looked uncertain. Much hinged on what she did next. "Well... it's ok. I want to take mine off, too." Very slowly she pulled her shirt off, exposing her smaller breasts. Tyler, I could tell, still wasn't very impressed, but he hid it well. He just looked at Rain, smiled and started kissing her again."Hey, Amber?" Tyler said after a few minutes of us all silently making out."Huh?""Dare you take off your shorts.""Yeah, right," I snorted. "You first."Tyler looked nonchalant. Casting a glance over at Rain, he said, "You care if I take off my pants?""Uh... what do you have on under them?""Boxers."Rain shrugged. "I guess it's ok."Tyler sat up a little and wiggled out of his pants. Clad only in his boxers he sat back and grinned at Rain. "You like?"She nodded a little, blushing yet again. "Yeah.""Cool." He smirked over at me. "Well?""Yeah, ok, but I'm not wearing, you know, underwear," I muttered, forcing myself to blush."I don't mind!" Storm said quickly.I bet, I thought to myself. "You don't?""No!""Well... if I take my shorts off, will you take off your pants... and your boxers?"Blinking in surprise, Storm said, "Uh..."I ran my hand down his chest once more. "We'd both be naked. You don't mind that idea, do you?""Uh... I guess not.""I'll go first." I slowly removed my shorts and sat there, cross-legged, next to Storm, now totally nude. "Much nicer," I said with a seductive smile."Yeah..." Storm whispered, looking me over."Your turn."Storm shed his pants easily enough, but hesitated when it came to pulling off his boxers. I think the fact that Rain was in the room was really throwing him off. Remembering the first time I had to get naked in front of a sibling myself, I could empathize.Speaking of which... I looked over at the other couple. My brother was currently sucking on one of Rain's nipples and rubbing the crotch of her shorts. It looked like he'd wiggled a finger up into them and was rubbing against her twelve-year-old vagina, but I wasn't sure. What was certain was that, from the look on her face, Rain was having a grand old time."Take them off, Storm," I whispered.Slowly Storm sat up a little and pulled his boxers off, setting them on the floor next to his pants. I looked him over. He looked fantastic! Like Bryce and Tyler he was, of course, in great shape. Between his legs, his thirteen-year-old penis was very hard, and curved just slightly to one side. He had only a small dusting of black pubic hair."Very, very nice," I whispered, wrapping a hand around Storm's erection and stroking it slowly, gently. "This could make a girl very happy.""It could...?""Oh, yes..."I went back to kissing Storm while keeping one eye on Tyler and Rain. My brother was whispering softly to her while moving his hand back and forth inside her shorts. She nodded and Tyler unzipped and unbuttoned the shorts, pulling them slowly off her and exposing her nearly hairless vagina. Gently he then worked a finger up inside, all the while kissing one of her nipples. I caught Rain's eye and winked at her. She smiled weakly and tried to wink back, but wound up just closing her eyes and moaning."You know you're going to fuck me, right?" I whispered to Storm."I... I am?""Yeah..." I gave his penis a gentle squeeze. "I can't wait to have this inside me."Storm suddenly shut his eyes and moaned. In my hand, I felt his penis start jerking around. Several sharp blasts of teenage sperm shot out all over his chest and my hand. Whoops."I'm sorry," he whispered, breathing hard. "I'm sorry... I just...""It's ok," I said, wiping my hand on the floor.Tyler looked over. "Made him cum, eh?""Yeah."He looked down at Rain. "Don't move." Tyler reached over and ran a finger through the puddle of sperm that had collected on Storm's stomach. "Just need to borrow some of this." He grinned at Storm's startled face and then turned back to Rain."Wait until you feel this," he said, slowly inserting his sperm-coated finger into Rain's vagina."Tyler, that's... oh... oh, god," she moaned out as he started rubbing her clitoris."But... that's my..." Storm started to say."Shhhh... don't worry about it.""But what if she gets pregnant?" he whispered to me."She won't," I said, hoping to be right. If I wasn't, well, then as things stood it'd be another virgin birth."Oh, ok."Tyler looked at Storm. "I need some more. Hold still." He reached over and scooped up as much of Storm's sperm as he could and slowly worked it up into Rain's vagina. "Yeah... that's the stuff. Feel good?" he asked Rain."Yeah..."Looking at Storm again, Tyler said, "Got anymore?"Storm shook his head. "I don't think so.""Let's see." Before Storm could react Tyler reached over and took the other boy's penis in his hand, giving it a couple good, milking strokes. A few drops of sperm appeared at the tip. "There we are. Come to Tyler," he said, rubbing it up onto his finger and then into Rain's vagina.Not wanting to let Storm digest all this, I took hold of his hand and placed it against my vagina. "Looks like he's having fun. You wanna have some, too?""Sure!" Storm said, all attention now on me.I extended his middle finger and guided it into me. "There... now move it back and forth a little.""Ok," Storm replied, doing so. "Wow... that's fucking cool.""Mmm... yeah..." I said, laying back and enjoying it. I looked at Tyler and Rain. My brother had removed his boxers and head was down between her legs, and he was licking away like a madman. Judging from how much the boy liked sucking dick and how quickly he'd taken to eating me out when I taught him how, it was becoming pretty clear that Tyler had a major oral fixation going on.Finally I'd had my fill of foreplay. Frankly, Storm wasn't doing that good at fingering me. I mean, it was ok. It is, after all, a hard thing to screw up. But he wasn't doing it THAT well. And, basically, I needed to get fucked."Ok, Storm. That's enough of that.""It is?" he asked, sitting up a little and blinking."Yeah. Do you wanna fuck me?"Storm nodded mutely."Good. Get on top of me."Moving unsteadily, Storm got on top of me, his penis brushing against my vagina. As I took it in my hand and lined it up, I heard Tyler whisper to Rain, "Hey... let's watch your brother lose his virginity." I saw him sit up a little, one of his fingers still buried inside Rain's vagina as she peered over at her brother and I.Once Storm's erection was in place, I said, "Just push gently and you'll be inside me."Doing as he was told, Storm applied a gentle pressure with his hips and very slowly and easily his thirteen-year-old virgin penis slid down into my tight fifteen-year-old vagina. I let out a faint sigh of pleasure as he entered me. My fourteenth boy and yet another virgin. Bryce had been twelve and Tyler was number thirteen. I'd planned for Colt to be twelve, but oh, well. Given that I had Angelo, Spencer, Tobey, Matthew and Ezra to still go through, Colt was probably going to end up being number twenty."Oh, yes, Storm," I whispered, letting one of my hands drift down to the usual place on his cute little butt. "Fuck me...""Oh, god, Amber... I'm really inside you..." he whispered, looking totally amazed."Yes... now fuck me...""Like this...?" he asked, moving in and out a little."Yeah..." I ran my other hand all over his back and shoulders as the young boy started pumping into me. "Oh, yes... oh, god, that's nice..." I was overacting a little, largely for the benefit of Rain. I looked over at her, fluttering my eyelids a little. "Oh, Rain... you gotta try this..."On top of me, Storm was moving steadily and grunting a little each time he pushed into me. I knew it wouldn't be long, even though he'd already cum once, less than ten minutes ago. Sure enough, he suddenly let out a little howl of pleasure and I felt his sperm start shooting up into me. Oh, it was quite nice feeling him filling me. I wasn't going to cum myself, but it was still sweet.As soon as he was done cumming, Storm fell on top of me. It caught me by surprised and nearly knocked my wind out, but I controlled myself and stroked his hair while smiling over at Rain and feeling her brother's slightly softening penis still inside my body."Oh, you have to try it..."Rain looked at me and then at Tyler. "Will you... will you be real careful, Tyler?""Of course.""Well... ok. But you have to stop if I don't like it, ok?""Alright!"Rain looked at me. "Can you... kinda help me...?""Sure. Storm. Up."Reluctantly, Storm sat up, his penis withdrawing from me. I scooted over towards Rain. Having Tyler fuck her had always been part of the plan, but not a major part. It was just a nice bonus. I was happy for both of them that it was happening, though."Ok," I said to her. "Lay on your back and spread your legs really wide and lift them up a little.""Like this?""Yeah." I looked at Storm. "Get on the other side of her, ok?""Me? Why?""Because the girl who just took your virginity is asking you to.""Oh. Ok." Storm did as he was told."Good. Now, Tyler, get into position."Tyler knelt between Rain's legs, his stiff penis sticking up. He took it in his hand and rubbed it softly against her vagina."Alright. Now, Storm. There's a chance that when Tyler enters her, it might hurt just a little bit. So you and me are going to have to distract her so that it won't hurt.""Oh. Ok. How?"I put one of my hands on one of Rain's breasts. "You put your hand on the other and do exactly what I do.""What? But she's my sister!""So? You don't want to have her first time hurt, do you?""Well, no.""Then do it."Looking awkward as hell, Storm placed his hand onto the other one of his sister's breasts. I saw his penis jump just a little as he did so."Right. Now rub it like this.""This way?""Yes. Feel good, Rain?""Yeah..."I nodded at Tyler, who slowly started pushing forward. Rain let out a little gasp."Just relax, Rain," I said, running my fingertips over her nipple and happy to see Storm doing the same to the other one."I'm trying to...""Ok."Tyler looked at me again and I nodded. We'd discussed the possibility of him taking Rain's virginity and I'd given him a few pointers. They seemed to be working. He was taking it nice and slow, sliding just a little bit in and then pulling almost all the way out, and then sliding back in again. Doing it in this slow, steady way I watched as my brother's thirteen-year-old penis worked its way gradually but inevitably into Rain's twelve-year-old virgin vagina.When Tyler stopped pushing and just held himself there, Rain whispered, "Amber...? Is he...?""See for yourself," I said.Rain lifted her head, looked past my hand and Storm's and down to where Tyler's penis disappeared up into her body."Oh, god...""How's it feel?" I asked her, caressing her breast gently and making sure Storm did the same.Rain bit her lower lip just a bit. "It feels... it hurts a tiny bit... but mostly good...""Good." I pulled my hand away and nodded for Storm to do the same, which he did.Tyler slowly started moving back and forth inside Rain's vagina. He was taking his time, as I'd taught him to do. I didn't want him to start jack hammering her and I didn't want him to cum too soon and neither of those looked likely. Rain's deflowering was actually going smoother than mine had, the lucky bitch."You like it now?" Tyler asked.Rain nodded. "Yeah... it's... yeah...""Cool." My brother lowered his lean, naked body down to Rain's and started to kiss her while he fucked her a little faster."That is some cool-ass shit," I said with a grin to Storm as he came and sat back next to me."Yeah... I never thought I'd watch my own sister get fucked.""Tyler's seen me do it a couple times.""He has?""Yeah. It's not a big deal. He's even fingered me before.""Wow, really?"I nodded. "Pleasure is pleasure. Who cares who the person giving it to you is?""I guess that makes sense.""Well, you liked having your hand on Rain's tit, right?"Storm blushed a little. "Yeah, kinda.""Well, see? No big deal.""I guess."Down on the floor in front of us, Tyler was nearing his orgasm. I could easily tell when it hit. First his butt started to twitch a little and then he moaned and pressed heavily into Rain, his body shaking as his penis catapulted its load of sperm up into her preteen vagina.Once Tyler had rolled off her, I smiled down at Rain. "Welcome to adulthood.""Thanks." She smiled a little."What did you think?" I asked."That was... yeah... wow...." Rain grinned."That's what I thought, too," said Storm. His penis had stiffened up again."My, my, look what we have here," I said, putting a hand around it and stroking a little."That looks like a penis," said Tyler."Four points for you.""Let me see that for a second," he said, scooting over to Storm. Once again before Storm could react, Tyler put his hand on the other boy's penis and started to rub it. "Nice...""Uh... Tyler?" Storm said."Yeah?" Tyler didn't stop stroking."What are you doing...?""Jerking you off," Tyler said as I moved over close to Rain."Sit up and watch this," I whispered to her. She did so."Yeah, I know that, but-" Storm started to say."But there's a problem?" Tyler asked."Well, kinda.""Yeah. You're kinda sticky from Amber. Hold on, I'll clean you up." So say, Tyler lowered his mouth gently down around Storm's penis and started giving the other boy his first blowjob."Oh, holy shit," Storm whispered, putting his hand on the back of Tyler's head. "Tyler... why are you..."Tyler lifted his face up. "Shush and enjoy," he said, and then went back down to it."Tyler's bisexual and he LOVES sucking dick," I said to Storm's amazed face. "Don't worry. Just let him have his fun." I turned to Rain. "Pretty cool looking, huh?" I asked her."Yeah, kinda," she said with a nod."It really turns me on," I said with a smile to Storm.He grinned a little weakly. "It does?""Yeah." I pointed down at Tyler's penis, which was completely hard again. "Try jerking him."A little uncomfortably, Storm reached down and wrapped his hand around my brother's penis, masturbating him slowly."See? That's not so bad.""Yeah.""I love watching two boys together," I confided to Rain."Yeah, it is pretty hot," she admitted.Tyler popped his head back up, though he continued to masturbate Storm. "What if we wanna see two girls together?""What?" Rain asked."Sure." Tyler sat up. "What if we wanna see two girls together? I mean, we're jerking each other and I was just blowing him. The least you two could do is, say, kiss? Does that sound cool to you, Storm?""Uh..." Storm looked thoughtful and then nodded and grinned. "Yeah, that'd be pretty cool."I traded glances with Rain. She didn't look to excited about the notion and frankly, neither was I. But part of the deal with Tyler was that after I'd had Storm, he'd get him, too, and I had to help with that."Well..." I turned to Rain. "I don't know. What do you think?" Before she could answer I said, "I got an idea. If you two kiss, we'll kiss." Whispering to Rain, "Don't worry, just go with it.""Ok," she replied."Sure, I'll go for it. Storm?""Uh... I don't know, Tyler. Sounds pretty gay," he said, still stroking my brother's penis.Tyler gave him a look. "It's just a kiss, dude, and we get to see the girls kiss."Storm nodded a little and then shrugged, "Yeah, ok." He leaned over and gave Tyler a quick kiss on the mouth."That's the best you can do?" I asked looking amazed."Well...?" Storm shrugged.I rolled my eyes. "Ok." I gave Rain a very quick kiss, just like the one between Storm and Tyler."Oh, come on," Tyler protested. "You can do better than that.""So can you two," I challenged. "You wanna see us do better, you gotta do better."Tyler looked at Storm and said, "Right. Hold still, Storm," and then proceeded to give the other boy the kind of tonsil twirling kiss that I knew he was pretty damned got at. Storm resisted a little at first, but then actually seemed to get into it, taking the hand that wasn't on Tyler's penis and moving it up to the back of his head."Wow... that is pretty hot," whispered Rain."No shit!"Finally the boys broke their kiss and Storm looked over at his sister and I. "Ok, we're done."Looking at Rain with a "let's get this over with" expression on my face I pulled her close and started giving her the same kind of kiss Tyler and Storm had just had. It wasn't the best thing in the world, but it was ok and it was in a good cause."There," I said, breaking the kiss and grinning at the boys."Cooooool," said Storm. A thought seemed to strike him. "So... since Tyler and I are jerking each other off, does this mean you two should be fingering each other?"Damn, that boy was a little smarter than I wanted him to be. Oh, well. I looked over at Rain and shrugged a little. "You mind?""I guess not."I scooted over a little closer to Rain and put my hand between her legs, rubbing gently against her clitoris and then working a finger up inside her, feeling the sperm my brother had left there. Rain moved a little more uncertainly, but soon had her own index finger inside my vagina."You like?" I asked the boys in a husky voice.Both of them nodded."Nice though this is," I said after a few minutes, withdrawing my finger from Rain's vagina, "I'd really rather get fucked.""Really?" Storm perked up right away, letting go of Tyler's penis and getting between my legs. "Sure!"Tyler got behind Storm, wrapping his hand around the other boy's penis yet again. "Here, let me help you get it in." I experienced a serious case of deja vu here."Ok..."Tyler ran Storm's penis up and down against my vagina and then put him in place. "Push," he said, all the while rubbing his own penis against Storm's butt.Storm pushed forward, sliding deep into me. He let out a little moan of satisfaction."Perfect," said Tyler, caressing Storm's ass. "Now fuck her really slowly. That's what she's gonna like the best and it'll help you last a little longer. If you think you're gonna cum just stop moving and, like, think of baseball.""Ok," Storm whispered, doing as Tyler said.Once Storm was doing his thing, Tyler looked over at Rain."Can I fuck you some more?""Ok." She laid on her back next to me and spread her legs. Tyler got on top of her and guided his teenage penis up into her preteen vagina. She let out a moan very much like her brother's and wrapped her arms around Tyler, holding him close as he began fucking her."God, you have a nice dick, Storm," I said to him as he fucked me."I do...? Thanks...""I like... your dick, too... Tyler," Rain managed to say."Thanks," Tyler said, grinning down and kissing her.An evil little thought took up place in my mind. I looked at Rain. "It's too bad you can't feel Storm's. It's really sweet.""It is...?""Yeah." Storm slowed down and then stopped moving entirely. I could tell he was trying not to cum."Well... Tyler's is good... too...""Hey... I got an idea," I said to her."What...?""I'll let Tyler put his in me for a few seconds if you let Storm put his into you for a few seconds."Tyler raised a surprised eyebrow at me. Storm had a similar look on his face."I can't... he's my brother..." Rain muttered, looking down to where her brother's penis disappeared up into my vagina."It's not a big deal. Not you'd actually be doing anything wrong. It's just that you'd get a chance to see what Storm feels like and I'd get to see what Tyler feels like." I looked up at Storm. "Would you mind switching? Just for a moment. If she wants to.""Uhm... I guess I don't mind.""Pull out," I said to him. Storm did so and I gestured down at his penis. "See, Rain? Don't you wanna know what that feels like?""Kinda.""Well? I'll let Tyler put his dick into me for just a few seconds if you let Storm put his dick into you. I'll even go first with Tyler. What do you say?" I really hoped she'd say yes. The idea of watching another brother and sister couple have sex was incredibly arousing.I saw lust and disgust warring in her eyes. "Well... ok, I guess it's alright.""Cool." I looked at Tyler. "Ready when you are.""Alright." My brother pulled out of Rain and moved between my legs. He pressed his penis against my vagina. "You ready?""Yeah..."Tyler moved smoothly, entering me easily. He got a satisfied look on his face as we began our incestual coupling. "Cool... not as nice as you, Rain, but cool.""Yeah... you're pretty good, too, Tyler... I think I like Storm better, though...""Ha... see what you think of this," my brother said as he started slowly, smoothly fucking me."Ahh... not bad..."We both looked over at Storm and Rain. He was sitting next to his sister looking a little awkward. They traded looks with each other.I said to them, "Well?"Storm asked Rain, "Are you ready?""Yeah." She spread her legs for him."Ok." Storm got on top of his sister, penis in hand. He poked it around a little. "Here?""Yeah."Swallowing a little Storm said, "Ok." I saw his body tense as he started to push and very slowly his penis disappeared up into his little sister's vagina. As soon as he was all the way inside her he let out a breath he'd been holding."Wow..." he whispered. "God, it's... wow...""Yeah..." Rain whispered to her brother."Go ahead and fuck her a little, dude," Tyler said to Storm. "Then you'll both know what that feels like together.""Ok," Storm whispered as he started fucking his sister very slowly. "Wow... this is cool...""What do you think, Rain? Does he have a good dick, or what?""Yeah... he does..."I was really getting into Tyler at this point. I said, "Hey... if you let Storm cum in you, I'll let Tyler cum in me."To my surprise she didn't even really hesitate. She just said, "Ok."I really was starting to get off at this point. The combined sensation of watching Storm fucking his sister while feeling my own brother's penis inside me was driving me quickly to Orgasmville. I wanted to hold off until Storm came, though.Rain managed to surprise me again, though. She must've been just about as turned on as I was, because she let out a low moan and grabbed hard at her brother's thrusting body, starting to wiggle and quiver under him as he fucked her.Storm seemed startled by his sister's orgasm, but pretty soon he must've stopped caring, I think, cause he began cumming himself, pumping his sperm deep into her young vagina. I wondered if he might end up getting her pregnant. I was on the Pill, but I doubted she was. There was a good chance that either Tyler or Storm might have knocked her up.That was an even bigger turn on for me and it was what finally pushed me over the edge. I held onto Tyler and moaned as my vagina began clutching hard at his thrusting penis. And my orgasm finally pushed Tyler into his, as his erection began bucking and kicking, sending several blasts of sperm up into my body.For a while we all laid there, trying to recover. None of us really said anything for several minutes, we just basked in the pleasant afterglow of incestual intercourse. Each boy had kept his penis inside his sister's vagina and it wasn't long before we were all having slow, lazy sex once again.During the course of the rest of the day, the boys basically took turns. Sometimes I got fucked by Tyler, but mostly it was Storm. Storm also wound up giving Tyler a blowjob and both Rain and I had a boy cum in us about seven times each. It was SWEET.At the end of the day, Tyler and I made our way back home, talking about everything that had happened. I was really pleased by how it had all gone, as was he. Little did we realize that tomorrow we'd be hearing some very surprising news from Bryce."Hey, guys. I got fucked by Spencer, and wait until I tell you who's dick he's had up his ass!"Continued in part 7...If you want to contact me, you can email me at ! I hope to hear from you soon! Thanks!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 28
When 45 year old Steve Summers married his 32 year old girl friend, he assumed that his sex life would be set for the next 10 or 15 years. After all, Erin had never once turned him down in the 2 years they had been dating. But as with most men, he was about to find out that the words "I DO" should be changed to "I DON'T"!The newlyweds enjoyed daily sex for the first few months of their marriage, then it began to taper off as Erin begged off with various excuses that left Steve frustrated and horny.Not lost on this decrease in activity was Erin's 13 year old daughter Olivia. Her bedroom was beside her mothers and the nightly sexcapades did not escape her eager ears. She would often press her ear to the wall and listen as her mother moaned with pleasure, hearing the bed springs squeaking faster and faster along with her mother's moans. When she heard her mother saying "Oh God Steve... oh fuck... I'm cumming!" Olivia would dip her trembling finger inside her wet pussy and experience her own orgasm.But as the months passed, Olivia was disappointed that the noises were hardly coming from her mother's room at all. OLIVIAIt was the last week in August, 2005 and Olivia was planning to make the most of her last few days of summer. School would be starting next week and she was not looking forward to it. She had settled into her new home and liked the neighborhood. Her Step-dad was cool and usually took her side whenever she disagreed with her mother. This of course, pleased her to no end! Plus he took the time to include her in his plans, which this week included daily trips to the beach and staying up late together watching scary movies.STEVEGrowing more frustrated by his wife's lack of interest in the bedroom, Steve began to spend more time outdoors as he tried to remain active and not focus on his slowly crumbling marriage.His Stepdaughter Olivia was always eager to spend time with him, and he began to enjoy her company.Olivia was striking. Steve had just began to notice that the awkward little red head he first met 2 years prior was now blossoming into a woman. He had taken her to the beach and when she removed her t-shirt and shorts, his jaw nearly hit the sand as she stood before him in a revealing 2 piece string bikini. Somewhere in the past 2 years little Olivia had sprouted breasts and an amazing pair of long legs!OLIVIAOn their first trip to the beach together, Olivia noticed Steve looking at her. It was a strange look, one she seemed to be getting from a lot of guys lately. But she liked that they were looking at her. It made her feel pretty, and... something else? Steve took her out for ice cream at the Dairy Queen before they headed back home. When she gave him a hug to thank him she thought she felt something pressing into her belly, but wasn't sure what it was.STEVEWatching Olivia dash into the waves and squeal in laughter reminded Steve that she was still very much a child and he focused on the older girls who were abundant on the beach today. He called Erin on his cell and she said supper would be late because she had a migraine and was lying down. So he decided to hit the DQ on the way home to grab a snack. Olivia was tickled to get some ice cream and as they sat on the bench eating their cones Steve found himself once again checking out Olivia. Her hair was red and straight, running down to her shoulder blades. Her eyes were green and seemed to sparkle with her smile. She was a mini version of Julia Roberts. Although only 13, she stood a full 5 feet 6 inches, and Steve guessed that she couldn't weigh over 105 pounds. He was snapped out of his day dream when Olivia pinched his arm and said "Come on silly, let's go home!" As he placed their napkins in the trash can, Olivia gave him a bone crushing hug and thanked him for the day. This hug was different, because she didn't let go right away. It lingered, and suddenly he felt his cock growing against his will. Within seconds he was hard and his cock was firmly pressed into Olivia's belly.She didn't say a word, nor did she seem to react.OLIVIAOn the drive home Olivia realized that her Step-dad had gotten a hard on when they hugged.She was not oblivious to sex, just surprised that he would have that reaction to her. She never dreamed that he looked at her in that way, but that might explain a lot of things... including the looks other men had been giving her lately.Olivia decided to test her theory that very night.STEVEOlivia hadn't seemed to notice his hard on, and in fact seemed down right bubbly as they drove home. Steve sighed a gentle breath of relief and swore at himself for being weak. After arriving home he found Erin snoring away, the house a mess, and no sign that she had even gotten out of bed at all. He tossed a few hotdogs in the microwave and told Olivia that he was going to shower real quick. Olivia responded by telling him to hurry up so she could shower to. Steve stepped into the soothing spray and once again his mind wandered to Olivia. Soon his cock grew ridged once again, and he eagerly began to stroke it.OLIVIASeeing that her mother was still in bed, Olivia began to clean up the house. Steve was getting a shower and she wanted one also. The beach is great she thought, but the sand makes you feel nasty! She went into the laundry room and noticed that her mother had not brought in the clothes she had hung out to dry that morning."Great!" she muttered. Trudging out to the back yard, Olivia saw the light from the bathroom window and saw Steve inside... in the shower. STEVEPicturing Olivia in her string bikini, Steve jacked off with a new found passion. His lack of sex caused his ejaculation to shoot across the bathroom and hit the window, some 5 feet away!Although he was 45, Steve had always been a virile man, and in his current state his cock remained hard. He wanted to go again, but knew that Olivia was waiting on the shower. Reluctantly he turned off the water and toweled off.OLIVIAShe stood transfixed, her eyes locked in on Steve as he jacked off before her. She glanced around to see if any of the neighbors were outside, then returned her gaze to the show her Step-dad was putting on. The water was cascading over his head as he pumped his cock rapidly. Olivia ran one hand over her B cup breasts and the other one snaked in between her legs. Soon she was fingering herself in the same rhythm as Steve, and her mounting orgasm began to grow stronger. Suddenly Steve threw his head back and a stream of white cum shot across the room and struck the window just inches from her face. Olivia felt the contractions inside her building and as Steve shot his second load her knees buckled as the most intense orgasm of her young life overtook her.STEVEPutting on his boxers, Steve came into the kitchen and removed the hot dogs from the microwave. A minute later Olivia came inside carrying the laundry that they had hung out that morning. Steve shook his head in disgust, what the hell had Erin been doing all day? Olivia folded the clothes and told him she was going to shower. She gave him a wink as she passed by him and said "Did you leave me any hot water, or did you take a cold shower?"He blushed, hoping she didn't notice.OLIVIAShe made her shower a quick one, anxious to put her theory to the test. Steve had promised to watch a scary movie with her, and she did not want to risk him going to bed before she got finished. Her fears were unfounded though, because Steve was sitting on the couch with the remote in hand when she emerged from her shower dressed in her shortest white t-shirt. Steve had set up a spread of hot dogs, chips, pickles, and sodas. He obviously was not tired.STEVEOne thing about spending the day at the beach is it leaves you famished. Steve was horny, but also very hungry! He busied himself with preparing a late night feast fit for a King.He checked in on Erin, but she was still snoring away. He noted the empty Vodka bottle on the nightstand and chuckled sarcastically. He returned to the living room and turned on the DVD as he awaited Olivia. When she came into the room, Steve felt his cock begin to stir once again.OLIVIAOlivia ate a little, not as much as she normally would have, but she wasn't thinking about food! When Steve started the movie she sat directly to his left in the recliner. As the previews played, she made small talk, but when the main feature began she became quiet. When she felt that Steve was fully engrossed in the movie she would put her plan in place.STEVEThe t-shirt barely covered her ass. Steve was thankful when she sat in the recliner and not next to him on the couch. As the movie began, she drew her legs up to her chest and seemed to be watching the movie. Then she turned and draped her legs over the side of the recliner, giving him a perfect view of her sweet young pussy. He couldn't believe what he was seeing!Quickly hitting the pause button on the DVD, Steve excused himself to go to the bathroom.OLIVIAWhen she turned in the recliner, Olivia knew it was now or never! Did she have the power? The ability to control? When Steve left to go to the bathroom, she knew! He had seen her naked little pussy and was now rushing off to do what he had done earlier when she had spied on him. Olivia quickly snuck outside to peek in on him.ERINHaving grown bored with Steve, Erin decided to draw her daughter into their sex life. It was so easy!! All she had to do was feign interest in sex. She knew that Steve would turn to Olivia.Erin slowly approached her little girl from behind, the strap on dick securely attached around her waist. Olivia was not wearing panties... just the white t-shirt Erin had folded earlier that day and placed on her daughters bed.She knew her baby girl would not wear the clothes that had been left on the line outside... they would be stiff and uncomfortable. Olivia would never go for anything stiff and uncomfortable.Until now. OLIVIASomeone grabbed my hair and slammed me into the side of the house, then I felt something hard and big rip into my ass. I passed outSTEVEWow! Erin was all over me tonight! It's like our first time! ERINI have the power! Why did I play my husband and my little girl? BECAUSE I CAN!END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 37
Everyone knew! Mary Norman just finished anchoring the six o'clock news hour with her co-host, John McMillian, and sat alone in her change room. And cried! What could she do? Everyone politely ignored her, people whispered behind her back, and her make-up girl asked if the rumors were true. After a little checking around, she discovered they were - the local network decided to replace her with another girl, a twenty year old girl! In a fit of rage, she had thrown her make-up girl out of her room, accomplished the news hour, then returned here to feel sorry for herself. If there was one thing she didn't have the right to do, it was feel sorry for herself. At sixteen she won her first local beauty contest. At nineteen she graduated from community college, started to work in TV from the very beginning, landed an anchor spot when she was twenty four, married a wonderful man at twenty-two, with two kids within the next four years, plus ten wonderful years working at her job. It didn't matter if she couldn't pick news stories from crap, only that she could deliver the news the way the viewers wanted. She was the local favorite. Mary studied herself in the wall-sized mirror. The wrinkles had begun at twenty-seven, the small bags under the eyes three years later. With make-up, her aging had practically ceased. But the past year, it took more and more work to keep her youthful appearance. Not to say she wasn't beautiful any longer - she was! She was tall, five-eleven, with long legs and a thin waist that she still enjoyed showing off. She had begun to style her hair about five years ago, until it was a now large blond mane. Her breasts were even better than when she was sixteen; they were bigger and firmer (after her last child she had implants). She pretended to hate the jokes or names that the crew called her, like "tall Amazon," "leggy blond," "hot model," "sexy," "beautiful," "hot," and even "dream goddess." She loved them all. Mary was very vain, that much should be clear by now. Her whole life was build around the way she looked, her legs and "cute" face being her best assets. Of course she never thought she would always work as an anchorwoman, but she never planed or anticipated the inevitable. The more she looked within the madder she became, at her boss, the show's producer, and definitely at the station manager. "How can they do this?" She turned her head side-to-side studying herself, drying her tears away. "The city loves me!" She noticed a wrinkle in her make-up near her eyes. "It's that prick Chuck - likes his reporters young and stupid. With me he had beautiful and smart. He probably was scared shitless!" During this time of self-pity the thought of her wonderful husband or their two darling daughters never even crossed her mind; so self-centered was she that all she thought of was herself. Mary finished cleaning the make-up from her face, working fast and without looking into the mirror. Then she applied the normal, everyday make-up she used. Satisfied, she studied the reflection in the mirror. "There has to be a way to make Chuck realize I'm still a young, valuable member to the news team!" she asked herself in the mirror. "I'll just go and see the little prick right now!" She surprised herself when she said it. She intended to have a battle with the station manager. She slammed the door to his office behind her, his secretary unable to stop her. Mary came over and placed both fists onto the top of his desk, bending over, and ready for anything. "Yes, Mary?" He sounded bored. "Is it true Chuck? You're hiring some young bimbo to replace me?" she practically yelled. Behind her the secretary opened the door to check with her boss; he waved her away. "You're being replaced, Mary. But I wouldn't call her a bimbo." He opened a file on his desk and spun an eight-by-twelve photo around. "She's more experienced than you." Mary looked down into the blue eyes of the blond beauty. She was very beautiful with an intelligent, yet innocent, face. Mary exploded and grabbed the picture, tore it down the centre and threw it back at her boss. Then she collapsed into the chair, convincing herself not to cry - it would only prove that she was a weak woman. Chuck sat motionless while his anchorwoman had her little tantrum. He was an experienced people-person and didn't want to give her any fuel to keep her fires burning. While she caught her breath he noticed her shapely thighs, for her mini-skirt had ridden up slightly, giving him a peek at her panties. He tore his eyes away, feeling very unprofessional, yet his eyes came in contact with her round firm breasts. He turned his chair around to look out the window and not stare at the woman's body. Mary was trying to figure out her next argument. There were too many to list, but she caught his eyes glaring at her crotch then rising up to her chest. She noticed the familiar admiration and desire in his eyes, and realized her boss was just a man. And since puberty she had always known how to manipulate men. With a more civil voice, "Chuck, perhaps we could make a spot for her on the weekend news, or the twelve o'clock spot?" He spun back around, staring right into her eyes. Mary slowly crossed her legs, seeing him glimpse quickly down at the sound of silk rubbing. She knew that she could control him, but wondered how much it would cost. "I'm not arguing her credentials, but just asking why the decision to replace me?" She ran her tongue over her lips slowly, and struck a pose - shoulders back, legs crossed, her skirt almost at the junction where her legs and waist met, one hand on her thigh, the other against her stomach pressing her blouse inward, her head back and her eyes and mouth gentle but attentive. "The decision wasn't mine, Mary, but my father's. But" - he openly stared down at her breasts - "I'll talk to him." At that moment, she knew she couldn't just flash him some thigh and then get whatever she wanted. She looked at her boss, seeing the small overweight man she always ignored. She couldn't stand unattractive people. She wondered if she had to sleep with him to get her own way, and wondered if she could. She uncrossed her legs, and opened the knees ever so slightly, knowing her pantied crotch could be seen, testing him. Chuck glanced quickly down at her white-pantied pussy, then guiltily returned to her eyes. "Were you planning on firing me, or just letting me host a kids' show Saturday mornings?" She cursed herself, she had to control her anger. "I'm sorry, Chuck. Perhaps we can work something out?" She pretended shyness, looking down at the floor, knowing he would be able to look upon her uncovered upper thigh unhindered. "That's always a possibility, Mary. What do you have in mind?" She could almost feel his eyes on her covered sex mound. Chuck stared directly at Mary's upper thighs and at her crotch. He was excited, his penis hard in his pants. It was not the first time a woman tried to seduce him to get a job, but it was the first time a woman did it to keep a job. He felt sorry for Mary's husband. "Oh, I don't know. Perhaps a personal service contract?" She tried to sound sad, but he could hear the anger and bare control in her voice. He was perfectly aware that she was trying to manipulate him. "You mean, the station would control you for whatever they wanted?" He asked playing dumb, wanting her to say it. Timidly she replied, "No, *you*!" She looked back up into his eyes. After a long pause, Chuck said, "Are you trying to seduce me, Mary?" She wondered how anyone could be so stupid. But controlled herself. "Yes! If that's what you want?" Shyly she smiled at him, wondering what having sex with this blob would be like. A smile of triumph came to his lips as he ordered, "Spread your legs wider." Slightly surprised, she did, letting him have a perfect view of her silk-covered mound. A shiver ran through her as she watched his vision hungrily taking the sights she gave him. Openly Chuck studied her long legs, her strong shapely thighs, and of course her crotch. "Stand up and take your clothes off." was his second order. Surprised that he was being assertive, she complied. Mary stood up, and began to disrobe. The honey of the network was determined to keep her job, whatever it took! She reached under her skirt and pushed down her silk nylons. After kicking them over into the corner she began to undo the buttons of her white blouse. He studied every movement, every inch that became revealed, his hungry eyes taking it all in. She pushed the expensive fabric off her shoulders, allowing it to fall to her feet. Then, with only one zip, her skirt also fell to her feet. Before she could continue with only her undergarments on, Chuck ordered, "Come here!" He waved towards him, around the big desk. She walked seductively around the mahogany desk and saw that he wanted her to sit on his lap facing him, her thighs straddling his. "So, let me get this right," he said after she sat down on him, his face barely an inch away from her bra- covered breasts, his hands already cupping a naked buttock in each hand. "If you stay as the anchorwoman, you'll be my little sex toy?" Using her work smile, the one that made her the darling of the city, she nodded then bent forward to kiss his chubby face and lips. Another shiver ran through her as his tongue forced itself into her mouth, exploring hers. His hands were playing with the g-string of her panties, pulling them painfully up her crack. "Say it!" He ordered, his eyes piercing into hers, waiting. Seductively she said, "I'll be your little sex toy, Chuck." She kissed him gently, "Only yours!" He smiled. "Take your bra off!" Her hands reached around and quickly undid the hook. She allowed the lace bra to fall off her shoulders. He studied her perfect breasts, his hands coming off her ass to play with a breast in each. He felt the firmness, pressed them together, pinched the nipples, shook them before bending over, sucking on one, then the other nipple, her hands maternally holding his head, letting out a pleasing moan to let him know she felt good. He spoke into her chest, between nipples, "What exactly are you willing to do?" She whispered, "Anything you want!" "Like...?" "Well...anytime you want to have a private meeting..." He interrupted her. "No, I mean would you suck my cock?" His eyes looked up from between her breasts. She would do it, only actually saying it bothered her. "Of course, Chuck! Anytime..." He seemed to be getting anxious. "And swallow every drop?" The thought revolted her. "I'll even lick every inch of you clean!" She would too, just to keep her job. Though she would never let her own husband cum in her mouth, she would let this short fat dump of a man. Her values were showing through. Chuck's face came back up to hers, their lips smacking together as they kissed passionately and hard. He stuck his tongue into her mouth, and she began to suck on it, as if it was the cock they had been talking about. Up and down, her head bobbed on his tongue. Mary could feel the hard bulge on the underside of her thigh and against her groin. She humped up against it, trying to stimulate him. She wanted to make this "session" go quickly, so she would do anything to finish him. Chuck's fingers returned to her asscheeks, one finger even playing with the hard little muscle of her anus. Mary tried to cover up the enviable shiver. He pulled his tongue back into his mouth. "Well, my little slut..." Mary hid her hate of this man and that word he used about her. ."..time to show me how much you want to keep your job. On your knees, my little toy!" He gave her a push. Chuck had to hide a laugh as he watched the very pretty face when her hands pulled his hardened cock out of his pants. She covered very quickly, then smiled up at him, but he wasn't fooled. The bitch had always despised him, for what he had no idea, but she never gave him a side-glance. Now she was going to pay for that mistake, in spades. Both his hands encircled her head and pulled it towards his throbbing member. Mary's mouth opened and the cock slipped past her red-tinted lips. A very erotic sight. He kept pulling until he felt her nose against his large stomach. A gag escaped her lips, though there wasn't much room. She controlled the natural gagging motion and began to suck on him, her tongue running on the underside of his cock. Chuck loosened his hold and let her pull up, and after a quick second, she descended down onto his lap again. "God, that feels good, Mary!" He meant it - she was quite an experienced cocksucker. And of course this boosted Mary's esteem, causing her to work harder on pleasing him. The better she did the shorter this "torture" would end, she thought. She had measured the hard penis while it was in her hand. It was larger than her husband's, half-an-inch longer and almost twice as thick. She cursed God for allowing this little troll to have such a magnificent cock when her handsome husband wasn't as well endowed. During the blowjob, she kept her eyes closed and concentrated on only the penis, not who it belonged to. She was not sure how long she worked on it, but it seemed like a very long time. Mary hoped the dwarf wouldn't want to cum in her mouth. It caused her horror just to think of it. Up until the time her hand measured the cock, Mary had been unexcited; now the gorgeous cock was getting her vagina a little wet. It would cause her to be very excited, if only she didn't have to fight the idea of who it belonged to. The first indication that his cock was about to explode was his hands descending again around her head, messing her hair. The next was the fact it gotten harder, if possible, and then a little larger just before it exploded. The cum shot against the back of her throat, and she could feel it trickle down into her stomach. As she expected he forced her mouth down until it encircled the whole cock, but after his first shot, he quickly yanked her hair and head off his cock. The next shot hit her half-open mouth, the next her cheek. He pulled her head back against him, rubbing his slowly softening cock along her wet cheek and closed eyes. Slowly the jerking subsided, and the flow of sperm stopped. Mary was extremely revolted. Just the thought and feel of that sperm rubbing along her soft white skin of her beautiful face caused her to almost throw up. "Oh god, that was good! I'm starting to think you may be a valuable asset to this station." His hands had let go of her head, and she looked up into his face, smiling her award-winning smile while the sperm coated at least half her face. Chuck's finger rubbed along her cheek, then pushed into her mouth. Amused he watched as she hid a gag then tried to seductively suck it clean before he repeated the sequence. Almost tenderly, he said, "Lick me clean, Mary. Then I'm going to fuck you good and hard." Slowly her head descended and her tongue stuck out of her mouth. She lapped along his semi-hard cock, cleaning the sperm and spittle from its uneven surface. She swallowed hard, after sucking her tongue clean between licks. Chuck lifted the gorgeous thirty-four year old up by her arms and held her. She stood still, waiting for his command. His eyes descended down her attractive body, then zeroed in on her white silk panties. He could see the dark mark where her juices had stained the virgin white surface. He ran a finger along the length of the soft material, feeling the coarse hair beneath the fabric's surface, and under that a slimy softness. He pushed the fabric past the hair and into the gully of her pussy lips. A shiver ran through her when he poked at a hard little bud of her clitoris. His hands guided her body to his desk; she bent over the big wooden table, her ass not two feet from where he had been sitting. He commanded, "Arch your back, slut!" She did as commanded, while realizing she could feel his warm breath on her left cheek. His fingers tugged at the gee-string, pulling it past her hips, then down past her ass and to her mid- thighs, where he left it. His hands again played with her generous but shapely asscheeks. Chuck could see her dark crack descending between her thighs, and when he pulled her cheeks apart, he could see her puckered little anus, and lower, her hairy brown bush with only a little pink visible. "Spread your legs wider, fuck toy!" She complied, knowing the end was in sight. After he fucked her, he would give her job back to her, and let her go home. She knew after a new contract she wouldn't have to let this little troll fuck her ever again. A picture of her husband flashed into her head, and she knew she was doing this for him. She was wrong. She spread her legs until the mid-thigh panties hindered her; she arched her back out knowing he was getting an eyeful, thinking, 'You'd better enjoy it - it'll be the last time you have such a gorgeous woman to fuck.' A thick, chubby finger pressed against her anus. Mary almost screamed out, but bit her lip. Would the dwarf sodomize her? Of course she would let him, but the "forbidden" act scared her. His finger ran down to her flowered-open cunt lips. He pushed inwards, his finger slowly disappearing into her warm wet grotto of love. This time she bit her lip from the pleasure of his digit inside her aching cunt, wondering how she could get excited from this hideous monster. "Hold your asscheeks apart, slave!" Slowly she did, hating the vulnerable position she was in. The chair behind her squeaked, and she could sense him standing behind her. Chuck's finger pulled out of her loose wet cunt and his cock entered her. Fast and hard. She couldn't hold back the scream this time. The office door opened and the plain secretary was standing there, mouth open and eyes glued to the scene behind her boss' desk. Chuck smiled at her, then waved her away, amused at her startled and questioning look. Mary was horrified - someone knew! She didn't have time to contemplate the fact that someone had seen her half lying on her boss' desk, naked, with her own hands holding her asscheeks apart, and her boss' stomach pressed against those same asscheeks. The reason was that Chuck began to fuck Mary, hard and fast. Her cunt was making squishing, popping noises while the sound of his front hitting her cunt and ass reverberated around the room. His long, wide cock filled her up like none other. She hated it, and loved it at the same time. Chuck felt great. Here he was, fucking the anchorwoman over his desk, the same one that always looked upon him with disdain. She was making noises like she was indeed enjoying herself, not just pretending. But Chuck wanted to make her pay, he wanted to let her know she was being degraded. Mary felt the first smack on her bottom as the sharp pain ran up her spine. Chuck began to spank her shapely behind, alternating between cheeks. She wiggled her ass, screamed for him to stop, and promised him an eternity of sex. But he didn't stop, only laughed - an insane, enjoyable laugh. Again and again, he spanked her round bottom, getting great enjoyment from the act. His lunges got faster, harder, more determined. Mary realized her voice could be heard outside the door, and the secretary would be listening to the animal sex sounds inside the office. Would the woman tell anyone? As long as Mary kept her job, nothing else mattered. Chuck stopped spanking her, and ceased his lunging. The both of them caught their breath. When he was about to renew his fucking of her wet gash, a finger slid down her sweaty ass crack to her anus. There it entered her quickly and sharply, not caring for her discomfort. Again, Mary was made to yell out in pain. The finger pulled out and entered her again and again, in time to his thick cock in her pussy. It was perverse and degrading, but the not-so-young anchorwoman was enjoying herself. She hadn't realized it until she felt the familiar itching of her crotch, but an orgasm was building. Of course she didn't stop screaming or trying to crawl across the desk - she had to convince her boss that he was harming her, it wasn't seemly for a lady to be in such a position and to enjoy it. But she soon lost control of herself. The screams of pain and pleading turned to passion. She ground herself against his ample stomach on every downthrust, enjoying the feel of his hairy stomach against her now-tender asscheeks. She could feel his balls slamming the underside of her crotch in time to his thrusts. Even his violating finger was enjoyable, and brought a new sensation upon a never-before-experienced nerve. Chuck loved it! With his free hand he reached up, grabbed at her messy mane of fake blond hair, and pulled. This caused her back to arch even more, her ass to get rounder and the channel of her cunt to be smoother, and Mary moaned out her pleasure at the new position. Words escaped his mouth, "Ride me, bitch!...Wet me how much this job means to you!," among other things. While Mary moaned and screamed out, "Yes! Thick cock... finish me... God, please... fuck me... yes!" Of course, many of the words couldn't be used on the air. Surprising to both, Mary was the first to cum, her orgasm shaking the heavy wooden desk and almost dislodging her partner. Outside the accompanying scream of pleasure could be heard clearly by the embarrassed secretary. Before Mary even stopped shaking, Chuck began to shoot his sperm into the anchorwoman, violating her with his life-giving juices a second time. He pushed his finger into her mouth, reaching around her body. She sucked on it hungrily, not knowing it was the same that had been in her asshole. When finally Chuck pulled out his considerably smaller cock from the slimy wet hole and fell back to his chair, Mary fell to her knees in front of him. Quickly taking his cock into her mouth, she cleaned him expertly with tongue and lips, almost with a love that had not been present several moments before. She worshipped the swiftly softening penis, the object that had caused her a surprising amount of pleasure, surprising since she had never liked the taste of her own juices or even sperm before. Only when Chuck's cock was clean did Mary take her head off his lap and leaned in on a beefy trouser-covered leg, eyes looking up into his. "Well, darling?" He didn't say anything, just sat with his head back, resting. "Is it a deal?" He finally moved, slowly and resistant, as if not wanting to be interrupted. "I will talk to my father, and I'm sure he'll see things my way!" He pushed her head off his lap and zipped up his pants. Mary was very happy. She had won! Chuck would let her keep her job, doing what she knew only she could do, and if she had to sleep with him again, that wouldn't be so bad. He wasn't as bad as she had originally thought! Her orgasm was certainly proof of that, rare as they were. As she dressed, using her still-moist panties to wipe her face and inner thighs clean, she tried to still be seductive, hoping to again catch his eye, letting him now she was now available. She would of course need a quick trip to her dressing room to clean up. When finally she was dressed and fairly presentably she turned to the relaxing man, happy she pleased him, and was about to speak. He interrupted. "If only the audience could see you now, hum?" She laughed, knowing that she still needed much work to look as she always did to the viewers every night, but took it as a compliment. "As we agreed, you would continue to work at this studio, and as my personal assistant. Here, sign this..." He pushed a prepared sheet towards her. Her old temper began to flare. He had already made the decision to keep her on, but let her lower herself to desperate acts while he already had a contract written out. Then she realized that most men couldn't possibly control themselves with an attractive seductive woman like herself, offering them a chance at her. Without really looking at the writing she signed the paper, then bent over the desk to deeply kiss her boss, now lover. Mary was almost out the door when Chuck again spoke up. "See you tomorrow, in studio six." She spun around. That was the daytime talk show studio! Was he just playing games with her? She saw his malicious smile of triumph. "You'll be the new host of our home show, and of course you'll have to move your stuff out of the newsroom by tomorrow." A tear began in her eye. "Now get the fuck out of my office!" he shouted, standing up. Her whole body was frozen. She hadn't won after all. He only used her to get whatever he wanted. She would be the host of some mindless housewife show after ten years as the host of this city's best news hour. A glob of sperm and vaginal juice slid out of her uncovered cunt and down the insides of her thighs, reminding her of what had happened earlier. Mary felt very sorry for herself. She didn't think about her kids or her husband, only about her own selfish needs. She spoke up, afraid for the first time of the short fat man on the other side of the room. "What about our deal... the personal contract?" She had earlier hoped that it would have been enough to convince her boss, but she doubted it now. He laughed, "You're still a good-looking woman Mary, but you're getting old. And besides the new girl replacing you is much more convincing!" Mary left his office, his laughter still echoing in her ears. The secretary watched nervously out the corner of her eye, slight amusement hidden on her face. The ex-anchorwoman ran to her car and drove quickly home. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 64
On the bottom floor of one of the dorms at the University of Victoria all the rooms are quite large, have queen-sized beds and come with all the other furniture as well. In the one room is an attractive young 20 year-old brunette named Laura; she is 4'10", 120 lbs., 36D chest, 34 butt – a very nice but small and voluptuous figure. She is currently alone in her room, working on an English literature essay; she is dressed in only a thin housecoat – and nothing else under it at all. It is towards the end of October, when they have their first mid-term exam, and Laura is trying to make sense of the outline requirement for the essay. The girl she normally studies with is living just down the hall from her, and Laura goes down there to see if Desiree is home. Just as she is about to knock on the door, she can hear moans from inside the room; it seems to be like moans of pleasure to Laura's ears. So she decides that now is not the time to see if Desiree can lend her a helping hand. So the voluptuous, pretty, and lonely brunette heads back to her room to wait for Desiree to finish whatever it is she's doing with her boyfriend, Laura figures. But curiosity overcomes her, so she sneaks quietly back and listens near Desiree's door; she can definitely hear the sounds of a pussy squelching up and down a cock, and moans accompanying the sounds. She lets a hand stray down to fondle a breast, but when she notices how erect her nipples are already, she gets embarrassed and goes back to her room. Laura finds that she is shocked at her behaviour, but listening to the sounds from Desiree's room aroused her a bit – so when she sits down at her desk again, she is squirming a bit. Her thighs are pressing together in an effort to stimulate herself without the use of her fingers; but it doesn't work at all. She loses her concentration and wanders off mentally, daydreaming, remembering the times when she was making the very same sounds emanating from the room down the hall. Laura snaps out of her daze when she hears a set of high heels clicking on the floor, coming from the direction of Desiree's room – there was no mistaking that sound. She pokes her head out the door to see who it is, notices that it is one of the female professors – a very attractive one, too. She watches as the professor walks out of sight around the corner, her high heels fading away. So she goes back to trying to work on the essay, and eventually becomes engrossed in it; she barely notices a knock on her door an hour later. She figures that it is Desiree, and answers "Who is it?" then looks around to see who has entered – and it is Desiree. Laura notices the way that Desiree is dressed: a long crushed black velvet coat that goes about mid-thigh length, light red hose, and 3" red high heels. She can also see that the blonde is wearing a very lacy red bra, as the coat is buttoned but open a bit near the middle showing her very nice cleavage. Her hair is freshly brushed nice and long, hanging down past her shoulders and looking quite shiny. She has struck what would be a very seductive pose then says throatily, "Hey baby – want to do some studying?" and then she cracks up laughing at the look on Laura's face. Then Laura cracks up giggling also when she realizes how silly she probably seemed to react – they enjoy a good laugh to break up the rigors of studying for exams. Desiree has closed the door behind her, then locked it without Laura knowing, moving over to where the attractive brunette is sitting at her desk, and places a hand on her shoulder as they continue to chuckle. Laura notices the hand finally because it is quite warm on her shoulder – then she notices the subtle aroma of the nice smelling perfume that Desiree has on. It is quite pleasing to the senses, almost arousing with its aroma – but not overly noticeable. It is at just that moment Laura gets a muscle kink and spasm in her neck – Desiree notices this right away, and then offers to rub and massage her neck. Laura doesn't get much of a chance to reply with a very belated "I'm OK" when she feels the blonde pull up a stool behind her and starts rubbing her neck gently. When Laura feels Desiree's strong fingers probing the sore muscles in her neck, it feels quite good after a short bit – really good. When Desiree's fingers hit some of the sore spots, Laura moans at the pain of the muscle kinks and stiffness; but the blonde's strong fingers are taking it away. Desiree is asking, "Does that feel good?" which is a redundant question, but she wants to hear the answer anyway; Laura replies, "Oh... mmmm... oh... yesss." The way she has replied has Desiree smiling, then lowering her fingers so she is starting to massage the brunette's shoulders. Desiree stands up behind Laura – on the premise of giving the massage from a better angle – and pulls Laura's head back slowly so that it rests right between her breasts. She can now see down a little bit into Laura's bathrobe, seeing the large swell of her lovely breasts through the robe, and definitely enjoying what she sees. And Desiree would love to touch them, fondle them, and caress them with her tongue – to make Laura come with her tongue. But for now she concentrates on giving her brunette friend a really good but relaxing massage to take her mind off the upcoming exams. Laura's moans are starting to excite Desiree a bit, plus the fact that she has been peeking down the front of Laura's robe, and has seen her nipples grow hard from her touch; you can even see them sticking out against the material of the robe. Desiree wants desperately to let her hands wander down to fondle those 36D beauties that have very little sag – but she manages to keep her hands away – for now. Instead, she concentrates on giving the massage again; she was too easily distracted. Her hands are around the area of the collarbone, using the thumbs on the neck and her fingers forward – when Laura starts to yawn. She stretches back and up like a cat with her arms, and her beautiful body shifts upwards a bit, causing & inadvertently letting Desiree's fingers to stray across her hard nipples. The feeling of Desiree's finger lightly grazing across her nipples sends a small jolt like electricity through her nubile young body, and then she blushes fiercely at the thoughts racing through her head. Laura likes the feel of this beautiful woman having her hands on her young body, but in the back of her mind this seems almost...immoral – or is it? She tosses the thoughts around her pretty head rather quickly, but dismisses her thoughts as paranoid, and then doesn't think much except how nice the massage feels on her sore muscles. Desiree then decides to change her own position for massaging, and stands up behind the brunette seated in the chair, pushing the stool away. She gets Laura to lean forward for a little bit, getting the back of her neck massaged really well. Then Desiree starts giving Laura a nice light nail scratch on the back of her neck, making Laura's hair feel like it is standing on end. It feels really good – she moans her assent of the nail scratch as it is helping her to relax; the fingers start working their way along the side of her neck. Laura leans back in her seat, letting Desiree continue with the scratching; the fingers gradually work their way down onto the front of the collarbone over a period of several minutes. Desiree is getting the brunette to relax as much as possible so that she can do what she would really like to do: try to please Laura. She goes back to massaging the brunette's shoulders, making the thin robe move gradually with every movement of her hands. Desiree is trying to make sure the movements are subtle enough that Laura won't notice for a bit; Laura's eyes are closed as she enjoys the massage. Slowly the thin robe is being inched off the shoulders so that the front of the robe is open, exposing Laura's lovely full breasts for Desiree to admire. She has made sure that Laura's eyes stayed closed, and that her movements have been slow enough, allowing the sexy brunette to get used to the robe becoming open gradually; all this done without Laura noticing. Finally the thin robe is open wide at the front; Desiree slowly moves her hands down the sides of the chest, and they finally meet when she cups both of Laura's firm large breasts. They both take a breathe at the same time when Desiree's fingers start fondling the breasts, feeling how soft yet firm they are to touch, and the nipples have become erect. Desiree moans softly her desire for this voluptuous sexy brunette, saying, "Oh god Laura – you feel so nice and soft." Laura surprisingly is just content to let this happen for now – it does feel rather nice, and she hasn't had any sexual attention in quite a while. Plus the fact that she has found Desiree to be rather attractive – so she figures "I can let this go for now." Desiree is definitely enjoying playing with Laura's full breasts, loving the softness and round firmness of them, plus the fact that she has got the brunette to start squirming a little bit in her seat. She lowers her face down, starting to nibble gently on Laura's collarbone area, then letting her tongue start to explore around the base of her neck and around near the ear. This gets a reaction from the brunette – her nipples harden under Desiree's fingers with the desire that has been locked away for so long inside of her. Laura gasps softly as her body awakens under the combination of Desiree's tongue, and the fingers that are teasing her full breasts – which are becoming somewhat sensitive. Laura can feel how close Desiree is when she can feel the attractive blonde pressing her breasts up against the back of Laura's neck, almost as if cradling her. She finds that she doesn't mind the feel of her breasts resting there; they actually feel good there – kind of erotic to her senses. Laura's body is becoming quite alive & awake from the attention; she turns her head to face towards Desiree as the blonde slowly kisses her way around to the front of Laura's face. Their lips meet, Desiree nibbling on Laura's lips gently, getting her to relax and open her mouth a bit – all the while she is still fondling Laura's heavenly breasts. Laura has her eyes closed, thinking that if she opens them to see an attractive woman is kissing her that she might change her mind. So for now she lets Desiree kiss her softly on the lips, then she finds that she is responding to the blonde's kisses a bit more now. Laura finds herself drawn to the attractive blonde, and starts opening her lips in response to Desiree's tongue wanting to probe into her mouth. Their mouths open simultaneously into a slow French kiss – Laura moans at the feel of Desiree's tongue meeting hers. She stands up, not breaking the kiss, Desiree not letting go of those full breasts that she is having so much fun with, and Laura moves the chair out of the way. Desiree murmurs into Laura's mouth, "I want you" then moves the brunette so she is backed against the desk where her essay is. Laura reaches behind herself, and manages to move the majority of the paperwork out of the way, and then she finds herself being raised slightly by Desiree's hands so that she is now sitting on the desk. They are still kissing, Laura not caring too much anymore that her robe is wide open, exposing all her voluptuous charms for Desiree to see and touch. The blonde is standing close into Laura, encouraging the brunette to place her hands timidly around her waist, or where ever she would like to. Desiree lowers a hand, gently spreading Laura's thighs apart, and then starts running her finger up and down the furry thatch of sparse pussy hair. She does it slowly; making Laura's hips start to shift and squirm as the finger arouses her. Laura is moaning softly into the blonde's mouth her desire for the finger, wanting it to enter her now moist pussy; then finally the finger does enter. She sighs with relief as Desiree slips her finger all the way as far as it will go inside, wriggling it around slowly, feeling the tight pussy muscles clenching on her finger. Desiree starts moving her finger in & out of Laura's tight pussy slowly, occasionally letting the finger slip out and rub her clit, then placing it back inside. She gradually moves her finger faster; she is listening as the brunette's breath quickens and becomes a bit ragged as her climax approaches. Laura is barely able to sit still on the desk; her body is squirming all over the desk from the sensations of the finger inside of her pussy. Laura now has her hands resting on Desiree's shoulders, helping to maintain some sense of balance as she slowly loses control of her body. Desiree murmurs into her mouth, "Uh-huh, that's it...let yourself go, Laura – cum for me." Laura's moans are just about sounding frantic as she feels waves of pleasure start crashing through her nubile young body. Desiree can feel the pussy muscles clenching spasmodically as her orgasm gathers strength; she rubs the clit at the same time as she fingers the brunette. Then she leans down, taking a nipple into her warm mouth, licking and sucking all around it, feeling it grow in her mouth. This is the final straw for Laura's senses: she feels like she will overload on pleasure, because the orgasm is so intense and pleasant in it's feeling. She is moaning frantically because Desiree doesn't stop her ministrations with her finger or mouth; Laura leans forward and clenches Desiree's shoulder. She almost wants to bite it due to the sensations racing through her voluptuous young body, and her hand is grasping the shoulder rather firmly while she cums on the desk. Desiree purrs her approval as the sexy young brunette climaxes on the desk by way of her finger and tongue; she moves her mouth back & forth between Laura's nipples, teasing them with her tongue. When she finally pulls her mouth away from the now very erect nipples, they are noticeably grown in size, and are shiny from the saliva – very sexy looking. Desiree stops moving her finger around when Laura has stopped squirming, but leaves it inside the wet pussy – she is not yet done with the sexy brunette. Laura comes back to her full senses after a bit, realising that she is clinging to Desiree's shoulder, panting and gasping with the excitement from her orgasm. She suddenly gets embarrassed when she remembers how uninhibited she became briefly when she was being fingered by the attractive blonde, and tries to shy away. But she can't exactly go anywhere – she is still sitting in front of Desiree with her robe open and exposing her lovely body. She finds her face being kissed softly again by Desiree, who is saying, "It's all right, Laura – it's okay" to which she replies softly, "I've never done this before." Desiree doesn't say anything, but she smiles at Laura, and then motions her with one shoulder off the desk – still deliberately leaving the finger inside the wet pussy. Laura shudders a bit as she regains her feet in front of Desiree, still ashamed and very shy suddenly; Desiree kisses her lips again, letting her tongue enter Laura's pretty mouth again. She slowly moves the two of them around so that Laura is now against her bed, standing next to it while Desiree fondles a full breast, letting her thumb rub gently over the nipple. Laura moans her lust at the feel of the electricity between the two of them; she is still wearing her thin robe, and Desiree is still dressed in her outfit. Laura has her hands resting on Desiree's waist as they continue to kiss passionately now, their mouths pressing firmly into one another, tongues meeting. Desiree says to Laura, "Why don't you remove my jacket for me" to which the brunette pauses for a long moment, then decides to undo the buttons at least. She is unsure about this, but it is only a jacket to be removed – she has removed jackets before, so she slips the jacket off Desiree's shoulders. She takes it and places it on the chair at the desk; Desiree is smiling at her still, saying, "Now take off my bra." That has Laura stopped for a moment – she has never done this, but Desiree slowly places Laura's hands on her shoulders, telling her softly again, "Take off my bra, Laura – I don't bite, you know." Laura is shaking from the state of her nerves and the excitement of the moment, but she finally reaches around back timidly and undoes the clasp. The whole time she has kept her eyes on Desiree's, not wanting to look away from them, as she feels herself falling into them. Desiree shrugs the bra off her shoulders so that it basically falls into Laura's hands, who then takes it off entirely and places it on the chair also. Desiree tells Laura, "Why don't you lay back on the bed, put your head on your pillow, and let me please you with my tongue now." Laura gasps involuntarily, but doesn't resist when the blonde pushes her gently onto the bed; she scoots up the queen-sized bed until her head is resting against her pillow, and lies back as directed by Desiree. Desiree smiles at her the whole time as she crawls onto the bed after Laura, laying in between her legs which she spreads a bit. Laura tries to cover herself with her robe, but it is rather purpose defeating as she isn't really resisting Desiree spreading her legs open. Desiree says, "I'd like you to relax and enjoy my tongue, Laura – let yourself go – you seem like you've been wanting this for quite some time." Laura won't admit it out loud, but Desiree is correct: after what she heard at Desiree's door and whom she saw leaving, yes, she would like to have a woman make her climax. Desiree starts kissing the insides of Laura's legs, up the insides of her thighs towards her pussy, teasing with little licks of her tongue as she moves closer. Finally she arrives at Laura's pussy to feel the brunette shaking with anticipation; she places the tip of one finger onto the clit, flicks it softly and revels at the feel of it twitch. She lowers her mouth down onto Laura's pussy, licking it from bottom to top, and then letting her tongue slide inside. She smiles at the groans coming from the sexy young brunette as she dips her tongue deep inside, almost using her tongue as a scoop. Laura clenches the comforter as waves of pleasure start going through her body again. Desiree tells her, "Why don't you use your hands and play with your breasts, Laura – play with them the way you like them to be fondled." Laura finds herself unable to resist what Desiree's voice is telling her to do – she slowly starts running her hands over her full breasts, fondling them the way she likes. She moans her lust, gasping as she feels Desiree place her mouth onto her erect clit and starts flicking it, softly but rapidly. It feels absolutely wonderful – then Desiree spreads Laura's legs as wide as she can get them to open on the bed, to increase the stimulation to her pussy. Desiree then places a finger inside Laura's sweet pussy, moving it back and firth while using her tongue at high speed on her clit; the sensations are driving Laura almost crazy. Desiree reaches up the brunette's voluptuous body and cups her left breast with her one free hand while Laura is still fondling her own breasts. Laura is gasping at the pleasure, her hips are starting to move on their own volition under the tongue-lashing she is receiving – she gasps, "Oh god, this feels wonderful!" Desiree is still smiling while using her tongue and finger, enjoying making this sweet young brunette putty. She can feel Laura fondling her full breast, then occasionally tweaking her nipple between her fingers – groaning loudly when she does. Desiree moves her finger in & out of the pussy a bit faster now, trying to reach deeper in the pussy as she increases the tempo of her tongue as it flicks over Laura's clit lightly. She can feel the pussy muscles clenching and spasming suddenly as the brunette arches her back, her head buried back in the pillow as the first wave of orgasmic bliss washes through her nubile body. Laura stops breathing for a long moment, and then it is expelled in a loud gasp as she cums – hard. Desiree has to almost hang on for dear life when the brunette climaxes that suddenly, but she manages not to do any damage to Laura or herself. She keeps the finger going in & out rapidly, but her mouth is now like a vacuum on the clit; she sucks on it as if it were a candy – not too hard. This sucking on her clit causes Laura to buck and start thrashing about on her bed as the orgasm intensifies drastically; she blacks out momentarily from an overdose of pleasure. When she comes back to reality, Desiree has stopped her sucking, but still has her finger inside of her pussy – and it is stilled as well. Laura is panting with the intensity of the climax as she tries to regain her composure on her bed; Desiree takes this moment to raise her hips up and removes her panties, tossing them to the floor. Laura is still massaging her breasts, slowly though, as she tries to recover from her intense orgasm. Then Desiree removes her finger from Laura's wet pussy, moves her own body so she is laying partially on top of the brunette, and when the opportunity is right places her finger into Laura's mouth. This catches the brunette totally off guard; she has already wrapped her lips instinctively around the finger, sucking her own juices off as she discovers too late. But she takes it all in stride – it doesn't taste all that bad – and she is getting Desiree even hotter by the fact that she is swirling her tongue around her finger as if it were a cock in her pretty mouth. Desiree pulls the finger out with a popping sound, then moves up next to Laura on her bed, cuddling up to her a bit, and placing one arm over the brunette in a friendly manner. She asks Laura, "Well, how was that? Was it all that bad?" to which the lovely brunette smiles then blushes, replying, "It was quite nice, smart aleck" and then realises what she said, and how. She says, "Sorry – I meant... that, yes it felt... very nice." Desiree chuckles and says, "Don't worry, silly goose – I'm glad I was able to make you happy. Like I said earlier, you seemed like you needed the relief." Laura's curiosity gets the better of her, and she asks, "Are you a lesbian?" to which Desiree chuckles again, then answers truthfully, "No, I'm not a lesbian – but I am bisexual." Laura contemplates that answer for a minute, then tells Desiree, "The reason I ask is because earlier I was about to knock on your door, and what stopped me was the sounds coming from your room. I thought that was you having fun with some guy, so I went back here to my room, and I figured that we could meet up later for this essay. Later I heard a pair of high heels from the direction of your room, and when I looked out the door, I saw one of the professors, Mrs. Rafferty. She was the one wearing the heels and was leaving your room. Then I got to wonder: does she have some toys or something like that in her room? But it was none of my business, so I didn't say anything when you first came in the room." Desiree has turned a nice deep shade of red in embarrassment at the fact of being partially found out by Laura, but manages to reply, "She came to visit me – we've been seeing each other occasionally. Toys – not really, only a couple." Laura is fascinated, so she asks more questions, "But Mrs. Rafferty... she's... married, so why would she..." she trails off as the realisation comes to light: the professor may be married, but she is obviously bisexual also. She asks, "So what were you and her doing?" to which Desiree looks surprised, but answers, "She wanted me to please her." She ends her answer there, as she is somewhat embarrassed by where the conversation was headed; but she also finds that she is a bit happier to find out that Laura is at least a bit curious about things. There is a pregnant pause in their conversation, then Laura asks, "So now what?" to which Desiree replies, "What would you like to do? Would you like to fool around for a bit, or what?" Laura thinks about it for a moment, then replies, "We could...fool around, I guess. But I don't know what to do, or if I should, or what. I'm not sure what I want right now." Desiree fixes the answer for her, getting the brunette to roll over so she is straddling the blonde over top of her body, and says softly, "I might be able to help you out there. I know what I would like – more of you." With that, she brings Laura's face down to hers, and starts French kissing her softly at first, then becoming more passionate with every moment. She cups Laura's full breasts as they hang down, thumbing her nipples, gently teasing them again. After a minute or so she reaches down to Laura's pussy, slipping a finger lightly over the pussy lips, making sure that they are still moist as she suspects they are. Then she says, "Laura, there is something that I would really like to share with you" to which the brunette mumbles in reply between kisses, "What is that?" Desiree places her hand on Laura's hip, moving her back a bit, then pushes her hips down, saying, "This" and pushes her sweet young pussy down onto her very hard 7" cock. Laura gasps out loud "Oh!" which is then silenced by Desiree kissing her deeply and intensely; the blonde pushes Laura all the way down while lifting her own hips up into the sexy brunette. The sounds coming from Laura are reduced to soft "mmpphhh" as she is rocked slowly onto that hard cock, feeling every inch as it fills her sweet pussy. Laura finds herself once again powerless to resist events as they happen, and this has definitely caught her totally off guard. As she is forced down onto the hard cock, she feels her pussy lips spreading quite willingly – probably due partially to the fact that she is rather wet from being so aroused by this pretty blonde. Both of them are amazed and happy at how easily Desiree's hard cock slides into the warm moist pussy, and how excited both of them have become. But Laura won't admit that she is turned on by the turn of events - not even to her own self. She manages to break the kiss with Desiree, sitting herself up a bit, but not getting off the cock – Desiree still has her hands on Laura's hips, holding her down in place so that she can't remove her snug pussy. Desiree is really enjoying having Laura sitting impaled on her hard cock, especially when she can see the look of absolute delight on her face when she has been saying no, she doesn't want this. Laura is squirming a bit on Desiree's lap, as trying to remove her pussy, but not seeming as if she is trying very hard at all. She manages to gasp, "So is this what you meant earlier when you said that there were no toys really used in your room earlier?" to which Desiree replies throatily, "You're very observant, Laura." As the sexy looking brunette is resting on her hands, arms extended, she is staring intently at Desiree as she wonders how she ever got into this situation. Desiree is slowly moving Laura back and forth, rocking her velvety smooth wet pussy along her cock, and loving the feel of the brunette shuddering in delight with every stroke. Then without any warning, Laura climaxes – hard and intensely; she gasps for breath, her body is bucking almost out of control as her pussy muscles are clenching on the cock. The sounds coming out of her mouth, "nnnn... oohhhh godddd" which is turning Desiree on immensely, listening as the brunette, as she grinds her pussy on her cock, her breath coming out in gasps as she whimpers in delight. Laura is still in shock as to her own unspoken wanton lust for this act they are doing – her body is revelling in the pleasure being given to her pussy. When she finally fully realises what is going on when she regains her proper senses, she finds that she is still sitting impaled on Desiree's hard cock – and it feels quite good inside of her. Laura manages to gasp, "You're a hermaphrodite?" to which Desiree replies, "You've heard of them?" "Yes, but I've never met one. I've seen pictures, but..." Desiree smiled and said, "You've seen pictures? Maybe you've been curious to meet one like me? Maybe even fantasized about it?" Laura's face went red, and she shyly nodded yes. The blonde has removed her hands from Laura's waist when she has figured out that the skittish brunette is not leaving her lap, and so then places her hands once again onto Laura's full breasts. She loves the feel of the firmness of her breasts as they sway pleasantly in her face; she reaches out with her tongue and starts licking around one nipple. This causes Laura to moan from the sensations of a woman's mouth as gradually encircles her nipple, drawing it into her warm mouth, and sucking it gently. The sensations are driving Laura almost crazy with pleasure, so to escape temporarily she sits up straight; as she does, the sensations of her pussy sinking all the way down onto the hard cock cause her to groan quite loud. It fills her up rather nicely as she closes her eyes and enjoys it while Desiree moves her hips in short, rapid thrusts up into the sexy looking brunette. This has Laura climaxing once again in very short order – she looks so alive and sexy as her breasts bounce joyfully up & down while having the cock thrust into her. Laura's hips are grinding back and forth in time with Desiree's movements, and her orgasm is just about continuous for around a minute or so. Desiree decides to increase the intensity of Laura's orgasm by gently rubbing her clit as she sits up straight; this just makes Laura moan very loud and explode in a huge orgasm. She then collapses on top of Desiree, wrapping her arms around the sexy blonde, panting and trying to regain her breath, whimpering with the overdose of pleasure. Desiree is kissing Laura softly as she wraps her arms around the brunette, finally letting her attempt to settle her senses down to some semblance of normal. Desiree notices with a smile that Laura hasn't made any move to get off her cock; she still has not orgasmed as of yet, but would definitely like to – with Laura. They stay like that for a little bit, Laura commenting shortly, "My god, I have never come like that before; not that hard." Desiree is smiling and chuckling a bit, then asks, "So is this all that bad, or are you finally starting to see this is fun?" Laura pauses for a moment, then replies, "This is so... incredible, you being like this, and" She trails off not knowing what she could say in return to the question, but decides she would like to know about her visitor. She asks, "So I am still curious - what exactly was Mrs. Rafferty doing in your room earlier? When I went to see if you were around earlier, I could hear what sounded like a woman being made love to, and I thought that it was you. But then when I heard a pair of high heels on the floor leaving from the direction of your room, I poked my head out and saw her leaving the direction of your room. I'm just curious – were you doing something with her earlier, or what?" Desiree replies, "Why do you want to know?" Laura already knows the answer, but she just would like to hear it from Desiree; she answers softly, "I'm naturally curious like anyone else, that's all – there is nothing meant by it; I'm simply curious. I mean, she is attractive for an older woman" So Desiree tells her that the professor was tutoring her one evening, seduced her thinking that she would be in control, then ended up finding out Desiree's secret – the hard way – literally. Laura thinks about all that the pretty blonde has told her, then finds herself being hugged very close again. Desiree manages to roll the two of them around so Laura is on the bottom now – doing it without separating her cock from the snug warm pussy. Laura still has her thin robe on, spread out on the bed as Desiree starts slowly pumping her still erect cock into Laura very slowly, making the young brunette shiver with pleasure. Laura gasps again as the delightful hardness slides in & out quite easily of her very moist pussy; Desiree sees the look on the brunette's face. She asks, "Do you want me to tell you about tonight, Laura?" to which she replies breathlessly, "Sure, why not." Desiree ponders for a minute about where to start, then tells her about how horny Mrs. Rafferty is, "She likes to dress up when she visits me in my room. Even though she is married she isn't getting very much from her other half, so once she discovered that I have everything she could possibly want and need, she came around almost every night." Laura is curious, so she asks, "What does a married woman like her want to do with you when she visits? I mean, what does she like to do – out of curiosity." Desiree smiles at the memories from earlier, then replies, "She likes to kiss for a bit, she definitely likes to use her mouth on my cock – sometimes making me cum that way. Then she wants me to strip her until she is wearing only her high heels, hose, and garters – and I tell her that I want to feel her married pussy on my cock. She always gets onto my lap, straddling me – normally with me sitting on the bed – then slowly rides me, telling me dirty stories about some of the students she has seduced. Letting her make love with me helps my grades, she gets satisfied the way that she likes – which pleases me as well. Lately she's been wanting me to tell her about some of the students that she would like to see me seduce, and that she would love to see them in lingerie while they ride my cock." She finishes there, trailing off as if embarrassed; the whole time she was telling Laura all the facts about the professor she has been slowly pumping in and out of the brunette's pussy, not missing a stroke. Laura has climaxed a couple of times during the story – small ones, mind you – but is quite interested about the nymph professor, as she has the woman for one of her subjects. So she asks more questions, "So has she told you about who she has pleased?" to which Desiree replies, "Yes, she has told me about quite a few of them – both men and women that she has pleased. Why? Did you want to hear a couple of the incidents?" She is smiling when she asks the question to Laura, who replies softly, "Sure, I wouldn't mind that." Before Laura can have her wish, Desiree picked up the brunette's legs, spreading them wide open on the bed for maximum stimulation, and then proceeds to make love to Laura missionary style. She pumps the voluptuous young brunette until she is squirming and moaning loudly her orgasm as it crashes through her sexy body. Laura is clamped tightly in a ball around Desiree as she climaxes almost continually while the pretty blonde is pumping her until she is begging her to stop. Laura whimpers at how good it feels – then Desiree tenses up; she shoots her hot cum deep inside the brunette's sweet tight pussy. The pussy muscles are tightly clamped around the hard cock, milking it for every drop as Desiree twitches on top of the sexy brunette. Laura is surprised at how transformed she has become tonight, letting a total stranger make love to her in a way that she only dreamt of – until now. When they are done, Laura invites Desiree into her ensuite for a shower so they can clean up; they have a quick but thorough shower. Desiree is still very horny and feeling frisky; she convinces Laura that they should lay down on the bed together, and she will finally tell the brunette some of the stories about Mrs. Rafferty. Just before they do lie down, Desiree asks Laura what lingerie she has to wear; the brunette shyly goes to her dresser and shows Desiree the one piece that she has. It is a white satin baby doll – plain looking – but quite sexy looking at the same time; it has thin spaghetti straps at the top holding it up, and is quite a smooth almost see-through satin. Desiree has a lust filled look on her face as she softly asks Laura, "Would you mind putting this on for me – I'd love to see what it looks like on you, Laura." Desiree then helps Laura put it over her head, letting it slip down onto her voluptuous body, and then stands back at arms length admiring the sexy brunette. Laura is blushing under the scrutiny of the attractive blonde hermaphrodite; she notices too late that her nipples have given away how pleased she is with the attention from the blonde. Desiree is overwhelmed by how beautiful Laura looks in the white baby doll; she plants a wet French kiss on Laura's lips while her hands cup the full breasts and fondles them so that the nipples are very erect and standing out. She feels them through the satin fabric, loving the feeling of the heavenly breasts through the material, and moaning her approval of the lingerie on Laura. The brunette places her hands around Desiree's waist, pulling them closer together while the blonde excites her body again, then she lowers a hand to Desiree's crotch area. She finds that the blonde has already grown hard from the excitement of pressing up against Laura's sexy voluptuous body dressed in the white baby doll. Without any further words the two of them move onto Laura's bed, Desiree leans against the pillows so she is propped sitting up slightly, and Laura straddles the blonde. Desiree fondles the brunette's full breasts as they sit under the satin right in front of her, thumbing Laura's nipples continually while they kiss passionately. Laura eventually breaks the kiss and asks, "Are you going to tell me a story about the students that Mrs. Rafferty had some fun with?" then she starts grinding herself against Desiree's cock without letting it enter. The blonde chuckles, and then says, "You sure have changed your tune, Laura" to which the brunette replies, "Yes I have – you have had an influence with that." Desiree smiles, then asks, "I'll tell you a story about the Prof., but I want to watch you riding my cock – I want to watch your face when you orgasm again." With that, Laura sits straight up, raises herself over top of the cock, grasping it with one hand and lining it up – then sinks down very slowly. She groans quite loud as the hard cock fills her pussy with its rippling pleasure; she moans, "Oohhhhh" as she settles all the way down on it. She looks incredibly sexy sitting like she is on top of Desiree, dressed in the white satin baby doll lingerie, her full breasts visible through the filmy material. The blonde starts, "One that comes to mind was an attractive curly haired brunette in her first year at the University; her name was Nikka. She always wore dresses, which is what attracted the Prof. to her – plus the fact that she was innocent looking was in her favour unknowingly. She was asked to stay after class one day – they had completed a big essay and had it handed back to them; on Nikka's was a note saying for her to see the teacher after class." Laura has started moving herself up & down the hard shaft slowly, surprised at how easily the cock has slid into her very wet pussy. She is starting to get quite aroused by the way that Desiree is telling the story, and wants to hear more of it. Desiree continues, "Both of them were wearing dresses that day, Nikka's was shiny black to match the high heels she was wearing; the Prof. had on a red dress. It was ironic that both their dresses had very low cut vee-fronts – which was how Mrs. Rafferty made her move when she could. She placed her hands down the front of the girl's dress when she was seated, fondled her, and seduced her right there. "She removed the dress off the girl, removed her own dress – she was wearing garters with no panties – removed the girl's panties and bra so that she was wearing only her stockings and high heels. She had the girl sit on the desk in front of her while she ate her out, got Nikka to do the same for her; then she got a strap-on and made love to the girl in many positions, making her orgasm a lot. She then wanted the girl to put the strap-on around her waist and fuck Mrs. Rafferty with it – in every conceivable position. "And that is how I saw the two of them the first time; there were other occasions after that for me to watch unseen. I found that watching the two of them was as exciting as actually doing it – I loved it. So, what did you think of that story, Laura?" The answer from the brunette is to shove her pussy down all the way onto her hard cock and orgasm rather intensely. She is panting and moaning frantically while waves of pleasure crash through her nubile young body again. Eventually she stops twitching and shaking all over the place; she rolls off the excited blonde and lays next to her on the bed, trying to regain her normal breathing. Desiree is still very excited, so she rolls over top of the brunette, pulling the straps of the baby doll down so her full breasts are exposed, the nipples standing upright. Desiree licks and sucks Laura's breasts for a while, making her squirm, and then decides exactly how she wants to be pleased. She then gets up, straddles the brunette's breasts with her hard cock, placing it right in between them, and nudges her cock forward until the tip of it is resting at Laura's pretty mouth. She pushes until the sexy brunette opens her mouth, forming her lips in an "O" around the head of the cock, and then pushes it in until Laura grasps her butt and starts controlling the movement. Desiree is extremely excited at watching this luscious brunette wrap her pretty lips around her hard shaft, and work it into her mouth. She can feel Laura swirling her tongue around the tip, teasing her and then starts moving Desiree back and forth into her mouth while she sucks her off. It only takes a minute before the blonde tenses up, then without much warning – shoots her hot load of juice- right down Laura's pretty throat. She watches as the brunette gulps all the cum juices frantically, but there is so much that it spills out of her mouth, a little bit dribbling down onto her heaving breasts, coating them with cum. Laura is moaning frantically as she tries to get every drop, but by the time she is done her full breasts are partly covered with sperm juices; it looks erotic. Her breasts are shiny and heaving with the pleasure she has given this gorgeous blonde – finally when there is no more juices, she removes the cock with a loud pop. Desiree rolls off the panting brunette, and rubs her juices into Laura's breasts, making the young brunette squirm with pleasure again. Desiree cuddles Laura, as they settle down to relax for a bit she tells Laura, "That was wonderful – thank you" then kisses her on the lips. They make small talk for a while, and then Desiree manages to convince Laura that she will take her out tomorrow shopping for lots of lingerie and heels. Laura agrees, they get up off the bed; Desiree takes her stuff reluctantly away so that they can actually continue to work on the essay – as they had originally planned...END
Make sure you read part 1 of Spores first. You'll not only miss a lot of good stuff if you don't, this part of the story will make a lot more sense if you do.***Several weeks passed, and Christina had moved in with Cheryl, their days and nights filled with passion and experimentation. They could hardly wait to get home from work, tear off their clothes (or each others' clothes) and play with the new "male" organs that had formed from what used to be their clitorises after skinny dipping in some strange waters.One afternoon Cheryl had a new idea, and she began to get wet (both from her pussy and her new penis) just thinking about the possibilities. She called Chris over, and could see that the other woman's dick was lengthening and engorging with anticipation, a jewel-like drop of pre-cum already beading out of her red, flexible tentacle. Cheryl made sure there were no gaps in the living room drapes and, her own organ leaking pre-cum as it nearly touched the floor, she got down on her hands and knees.Christina raised an eyebrow, wondering if she were guessing Cheryl's intentions correctly and moved closer, the penis-tentacle slowly snaking back and forth by itself like a cat's tail."Chris," said Cheryl over her shoulder, "do you know what happens when some animals do it? Like... dogs?"The other woman's eyes got bigger but she shook her head no."No? Well it's really very interesting," Cheryl continued as she got back up. "Tell you what... why don't we try something... get down like I just was...""You know I always love to experiment with you," said Chris as she went down on all fours, a broad smile quickly forming across her blushing, girlish face. "But `doggie style' doesn't seem very adventurous after what we've been through."Cheryl knelt behind Chris, her red, 12-inch penis-like organ quivering with lust. "Let me show you why it's called `doggie style' like an actual dog, hon."Cheryl's serpentine dick now began to tease back and forth along Chris' hindquarters, snaking back and forth across her buttocks and lightly massaging her girlfriend's waiting slit. Slowly she began penetrating the wet and waiting cunt from behind, a moan of pleasure and a gasp coming from the woman in front of her as she went deeper with the enormous cock. They had only been fucking each other for a few weeks, so their tunnels were still pretty much average sized, but she knew that Chris liked it especially large and always willed her tentacle to be nice and thick for her lover since it could be any size and shape she liked.She slowly and gently thrust her tentacle dick into Chris at first, but then started moving faster until she could begin to feel Chris' vaginal muscles start to contract around her organ. Then Cheryl began forming a thicker knob deep inside Chris' pussy, making it thicker and thicker until it was unable to come back out, just like a dog's knot.Chris screamed something that sounded like "oh god... oh wow!!!" and shoved herself back onto the thick, hard, hot tentacle wielded by her girlfriend as she orgasmed intensely. Chris threw her head back and moaned loudly, and Cheryl made the knot even larger as she came as well, hot cum shooting deep into her lover's pussy. Chris' inner muscles milked the dick dry as they crashed their hips together with passion, her own massive red snake shooting a load onto the floor as it writhed and lengthened to almost two feet in its lust.Still locked together by the huge knot, Cheryl thrust in and out so that Chris could feel the push and pull on her pussy lips as the knob tried unsuccessfully to come back out, the sensation giving the woman gooseflesh as she panted and moaned out the rest of her orgasm. With one final delicious shudder, Chris slowly pushed back into Cheryl and squeezed the knot as hard as she could with her cunt muscles, giving Cheryl an involuntary shudder of pleasure as well."Cheryl, wow... do dogs really get stuck together like... this?" Chris' last word was delayed by another delicious shiver as she felt the thing move inside her pussy."Yep, sometimes they get locked together for up to an hour by the knot... like this one." She made the huge knob even bigger for a moment, feeling Chris' elastic vagina walls stretch around her alien dick tentacle and hearing her lover's gasp of pleasure and surprise.Finally releasing the knot and returning her organ to its usual four-inch "at rest" size, Cheryl pulled out, a surprising amount of semen pouring from her friend's pussy lips and onto the floor where it joined Chris' load to form a large puddle. Cheryl started to get up to make her way to the kitchen, but Chris got behind her and gently pressed on her back."Not so fast... you really, really need to experience this. You gave me a gift, and now I want to repay it," said Chris, smiling.Cheryl grinned and hugged her, her tentacle lengthening as she suckled on Chris' nipples for a moment, then she went down.Chris knelt behind but didn't tease; her serpent found its mark quickly and penetrated her friend's cunt quickly but gently. Now it was Cheryl's turn to gasp with pleasure as she felt the big dick enter her. They rocked back and forth a little, their breath turning to short panting gasps as Chris' dick enlarged and they moved together faster and faster. Cheryl was on the edge of orgasming even without the knot when she felt the bulging head begin to push apart her inner pussy walls, then she went over the edge.Groaning and gasping, Cheryl pushed back so that the knot penetrated her more deeply, the tentacle getting larger and larger until she thought she would come apart, but the pressure only excited her more and intensified her orgasm to the point that she began shooting jism from her penis just as Chris shot her load deep inside her friend's spasming vagina. The huge knot, being deeper inside than the tight ring of muscle at the entrance of her pussy, held them fast together and wouldn't come out until Chris willed it, and she wasn't quite ready to let Cheryl go yet.The sensation of it pulling at her slit and not being able to escape drove Cheryl to another orgasm on the heels of the first, the sheer size of the bulb inside her elastic pussy now clearly visible just below her navel. Chris reached back and felt the huge knob pulsing inside her, shivering with pleasure as she felt it grow even larger, the pressure of it's massive size deep inside her cunt giving her another small orgasm.Slowly Chris released her lover, and finally retreated completely, a gush of semen coming from Cheryl's widened pussy. After a few minutes of silent afterglow and a cold drink of water, it was Cheryl's turn again. She had another idea.Taking Chris by the hand and moving into the bedroom, she motioned for Chris to lay on her back on the bed. Cheryl climbed on top, her red tentacle ready to penetrate. This time she made it the size of an average man's penis and gently penetrated, getting a smile and moan from her girlfriend as a reward."So you liked it big like a dog?" Cheryl asked her.Her friend grinned and nodded, panting a little as her friend's organ writhed and explored her cunt."Well let's try the opposite... see if you can guess what I'm doing this time."Chris laid back, her eyes closed, and felt Cheryl's tentacle move around inside her pussy. Then she felt a new sensation, one she couldn't figure out. The dick felt big inside her, but there was a new tickle in a second place, just under her navel. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to figure it out, her breath coming a little faster.Cheryl carefully filled up her friend's tunnel with part of the tentacle, and then extended a very thin finger up through Chris' cervix and explored her womb, the sensation giving her a thrill. Slowly, Cheryl enlarged just the head of the penis inside Chris' uterus, carefully stretching it as she also pulsated the part of her snake that was in Chris' vagina. As Chris began to moan and become wetter, her own tentacle moving of its own free will and engorging as she became more excited, Cheryl was encouraged to continue enlarging herself inside Chris' womb.Chris' eyes flicked open as the realization of what was happening dawned on her. With a gasp, she looked down and felt her belly with her hands;Cheryl rewarded her by writhing the snake inside her partner's uterus like a kicking embryo. Panting quickly, Chris moaned for more, and Cheryl began enlarging more quickly, the other woman's belly rippling with movement and pushing outwards as if three months pregnant. Still Cheryl pushed more of herself into the other woman's womb.Chris orgasmed fiercely, her pussy muscles contracting tightly on Cheryl's tentacle dick and drawing still more of it inside her belly as if milking the cum out of a man's penis. Cheryl gave her still more, the woman's womb swelling to five months, then six months, then seven months of pregnancy in size. Chris stared at herself and kept cumming, her hands rubbing her rapidly enlarging belly as she impaled herself forcefully on Cheryl's alien serpent. Moaning as she did, Cheryl finally lost control and orgasmed intensely, uncontrollably willing still more of herself inside Chris' womb, both women groaning and screaming with pleasure as Chris felt the thing filling her up even more, her belly swelling still further with her lover's tentacle firmly planted inside.Looking at her engorged belly, now the size of a woman in her last month of pregnancy, Chris gave a shudder of pleasure as she rubbed her hands all over the huge, smooth surface of her new shape. Cheryl smiled and moved the organ inside, making Chris' skin ripple with interesting, snake-like shapes and causing her to groan once again with delight as her pussy twitched around the other end of it uncontrollably. Locked together even more than when they were exploring "doggie style", it took a few minutes of concentrated effort for Cheryl to reduce the size of herself enough to come back out. Chris was disappointed to see herself shrink back to normal, but knowing that she could become "pregnant" any time she liked sent a shiver up her spine - she had always had a pregnancy fetish but never wanted to tell anyone about it until now.Cheryl marveled at how truly huge her snake could become, yet she could make it return to her "stealth size" of just four inches when she needed to be discreet. And now Chris wanted to see just how large she could become as well.Reversing their positions, Cheryl was now on the bottom as Chris began to penetrate her girlfriend, her tentacle pulsing with anticipation as she first entered and filled up Cheryl's cunt, then started to push her way through the cervix.Cheryl began to moan as she felt the slender, tentative finger of Chris' dick explore her womb, but then Chris stopped and gasped."My god, don't stop now!" panted Cheryl, "I want you to fill me up the same way! Oh god, I can't wait!" Her hips shook as she awaited the feeling of a hugely swollen womb rippling with life."But honey," said Chris with a quivering voice, "you're already pregnant."Continued in part 3...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 29
"You hear that fuggin' McKim's marrying Sim's redheaded girl?"I said I hadn't and it was a damn shame."Her daddy owed him two year's rent. Poor bastid, couldn' pay.""Still ain't right."He nodded. "Today I think, this morning.""Fucking toad; that's what he is.""Biggest Tory around, richest too.""Yep. Today? Too late now I reckon.""Party's still going on.""Might wander over. T'ain't right."So I did and he was telling the truth. They were still drinking and dancing and such. So I went on in his big house and up to the front bedroom and had a rest, thinking about what to do, what was right.Time it was getting dark, here they came with a bunch cheering down in the yard.He was surprised to see me. So was the girl. She sure was a pretty thing, young and pale.He cursed me and told me to get out so I hit him in the mouth and he sat right down on the floor. I gagged him with his neck cloth and tied him to the bedpost and then I asked the girl if he had hurt her.She shook her head."You know he's had three wives already?"She nodded."And some folks think he killed two of them."She nodded again."So your Pa made you do this?""He asked me, asked me for the family, sort'a begged, said they'd have to give up the place. I'm the oldest. There's six others younger than me.""How old are you?""Fifteen. Fifteen last month.""You been poked?"She looked down and shook her head, sniffed and swallowed. "When Pa said I had to do this, he showed me what men had and told me what men did. But he didn't do it, just showed me. I seen dogs and goats, y'know."McKim was wearing some fancy britches, knee pants, with a front flap so I yanked that open and his shriveled prick flopped out. "You want him to poke you with that?"She shook her head and backed away, hand to her mouth."Awful nice dress.""Mama's. Promised not to mess it up. Got three sisters.""Let's take it off." I unbuttoned her and she wiggled out, and we put the dress on a chair and then she unlaced her little set of stays, just a waist cincher. McKim watched all this and I saw that his fid was swelling some."I was planning on making you a widow, that all right with you?"She nodded and made a very small smile."Trouble is, we have to show you were really married to this foul piece of shit here."She blinked at me and I pulled her shift right over her head. My, but she had a nice young body and her little tittles was tipped with pink nipples and she had a small nest of curls between her thighs.She got off her shoes and stockings and so did I, and then I got out of my clothes and we stood there looking at each other and she made a face. I'm not very petty to look at, all hairy and beat up including some whip scars."So Missy, we'd better do it and make some blood on the sheets and then I can toss him out the window, and you'll own pretty near everything he has."She nodded. "That the price, let's do it." She sniffed, "But your things awful big and ugly."By then my woman pleaser had gotten right excited and was standing out there stiff and long, kind of quivering too. I might a'laughed.She crawled up on the high bed and I admired her backside and her tight-lipped slit and followed right after her, and we petted and kissed and licked and stuff and when she was breathing hard and her groin was wet, I got her up on her hands and knees and set my horn where it would do us both the most good."Take a deep breath.""Don't hurt me.""Maybe some, but be brave." And I poked her, gently and got my blunt headed ram into her. Screwed it in sort'a, gentle as I could. She was young and tight.She grunted and I held her hips and pushed and in it went, slowly, but in and in. She whimpered."Feels funny, like, oh my, that hurt, that really hurt.""Sorry." I kept right on pushing it in since I was less than half way to where I wanted to be and my cods was already pumping.I kept one hand on the small of her back and reached under to pet her belly some and pulled back and pushed in a few times, and she kind of calmed down and started moving with me, sort of back and forth. So I moved my hands to her lean hips and got to work.I glanced at McKim who was struggling to get free so I pulled out, reached down and kicked him in the balls twice and he quit.The girl giggled because she had looked back to see what I was doing. I rolled her over on her back and got into her nose to nose and pretty soon her heels were up by my ears and we were really going at it, both of us gasping and pushing and heaving and rutting and kind of clawing at each other.I didn't want to put a baby in her, she being so young and pretty, and I was sure she could find a decent husband right quick if she didn't have a babe at her breast, so I pulled it out when I felt the rush inside me and spurted over the side of the bed and then on McKim a couple of times.She just lay back and smiled, her legs still spread and some bloody bubbles developing in her bruised slit. The sheet was spotted just like I wanted.I got back in my clothes, opened the window, looked down and saw that the hillside sloped away so the drop was about thirty feet or so and then I told the foul man to pray.I untied him and pulled the gag out of his mouth, and he begged me, offered me money, said I could have the girl.I threw him out the window and watched him try to fly.He landed more or less head first and his body tumbled all the way down the hill and ended up in the creek."Tell people he must have been drunk and after he did it to you he got up and fell out the open window. Understand?"She nodded and opened her arms. "Again, please."So I pulled her to the side of the bed and fished out my tool and we enjoyed each other again and at the end she bent down and sucked my ram when it pushed out my cream. Licked it clean she did.I went out back and down to the creek and the bastard wasn't dead so I put my boot on his head and held him down in the water until he stopped making bubbles.She had to mourn for six months but then, so I heard from a friend, she married a good man, a rebel like me.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 75
Mikaela rolled over in the bed on Sunday morning only to find the other half of the bed empty. She had spent the previous night with her boyfriend, Sam Witwicky, as she had many nights prior. It was the weekend before Sam would leave for college and she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. Mikaela sat up and saw a note on the counter:Hey babe,Went college shopping with my mom. Will be back as soon as I can.-Love,SamMikaela Barnes had been hoping to wake up to the touch of her boyfriend. They had been together for a few months now, ever since Sam had saved the human race from the evil Decepticons. After that day, they had been inseparable. But now, she was horny and lonely.She got out of bed and began to walk around the Witwicky house in one of Sam's old tee shirts and her underwear. She went down to the kitchen and made herself breakfast. She had spent so much time at the Witwicky house lately that Sam's parents were used to seeing her around. When she finished eating, she was still horny and frustrated by the fact that Sam was not there this morning. She was used to fucking Sam every morning. Mikaela was a beautiful young woman who had never had trouble getting laid since she lost her virginity to Trent DeMarco at age 15.Today was different though, she felt a tingling in her pussy that would not go away and needed to be satisfied. Sam had picked her up last night so she had no ride home and would have to wait there until Sam got back. She decided to try and sleep it off.On the walk back to Sam's room, she heard, "Hello, Mikaela," as she walked by Sam's dad's study.She stopped short. Oh shit! She didn't know anyone else was home. Sam's dad just saw her in her underwear! She took a few steps back and leaned into the doorway, where she saw Ron Witwicky, "Good morning, Mr. Witwicky," she said smiling. She wanted to get out of there as quick as possible."Any idea where Sam is this morning? I saw Bumblebee is gone." Bumblebee was Sam's car and also an alien robot who fought with Sam to defeat the Decepticons."Uh, yeah, he went college shopping with Judy. He said he would be back later, but these trips have tended to take all day," she said laughing."Nice tee shirt." Ron said laughing back. Mikaela hadn't realized that she had gone from leaning into the doorway to standing in full view. She was wearing her white lacy Mikaela was about to laugh and run back to Sam's room when she suddenly got an idea.She paused for a second, looked down, up at Mr. Witwicky, bit her bottom lip and replied, "You think so?" Mikaela slowly walked into the room. She needed it bad today and she was gonna get it. So what if it was Sam's dad?Mr. Witwicky was caught off guard but was playing along. He always thought Mikaela was a very pretty young girl and his wife no longer wanted to do anything in bed, which was very frustrating for a man of 45. What is she doing? Oh well, why not have some fun? I'll play along. "Um, yeah, it's one of Sam's right? I like it.""You wanna see what's under it?" She asked seductively.Ron was surprised by the young girl's actions and knew he had gone too far, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to go back. He couldn't manage any words, he just stuttered stupidly. He was sitting in a chair in a tee shirt, sweatpants, and wearing his glasses, just reading the newspaper.She kneeled down next to the chair and looked him in the eyes. She reached up and began rubbing his chest. He opened his mouth to say no but she raised a finger and he was immediately silenced.Mikaela rose to slowly pull his glasses from his face and continued to rub his chest. She then began to slide her hand down lower she felt his cock growing in his pants, which pleased her very much. As Mikaela began to stroke his cock through his pants, Ron finally got the courage to say something."I don't know about this" he muffled out.Mikaela sat up a little and looked him in the eyes. "Aww, you're nervous. That's so adorable. I can help with that." And before he knew it, Ron had his pants on the floor. Next, Mikaela was pulling his shirt over his head. His big beer belly stuck out but she didn't seem to care."Let's see what these babies are hiding" and Mikaela grabbed Ron's boxers and yanked them down to his ankles. Ron proceeded to flick them across the room. Mikaela paused for a moment at the sight before her. Ron's cock stuck out 8 inches and was thick. "I'm impressed. Judy must love playing with this.""Actually... Judy doesn't... really... like to... anymore" Ron said, stammering to get out any words."Well I promise you, it will get the attention it deserves." She then moved and knelt down in front of him and proceeded to stroke his manhood softly. She quickly picked up the pace and Mr. Witwicky was in ecstasy. She stopped to see his head titled back and his eyes closed. This was all the encouragement she needed as she leaned forward, taking as much of Mr. Witwicky's dick in her mouth as she could. She bobbed up and down, stroking him hard all the while."You're a lot bigger than Sam" she said quickly as she came up for air, then went right back to worshipping the idol in front of her.After a short while, Ron leaned forward, his first time moving during this whole event, which caught Mikaela by surprise and she stopped. He grabbed the hem of her shirt and said "I want to see what is underneath." She smiled wickedly and helped him remove her shirt. Underneath, she was hiding the most beautiful pair of breasts he had ever seen. He grabbed the right one and began to play with it in his hand, causing Mikaela to moan softly. She continued to stroke him as he played with her breasts."Fuck it, let's do this." Ron said, the first confident thing he said it a while. He got off the chair and pulled Mikaela's lace panties down and stared at the pretty young cunt in front of him. She had trimmed a little landing strip, just as Sam liked. Ron dove in, first with one finger, then two, then three, causing Mikaela to teeter back and hold onto Ron's desk for support. She was loving it but it wasn't enough. She lifted him back up onto the chair and climbed on as well, positioning herself on top of his cock.She smiled seductively at Ron and he responded by grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. It was wet, sloppy and amazing. Mikaela had never been kissed like that before. When the kiss broke, she stared at Mr. Witwicky for a few moments before he asked her "Well, what are you waiting for?" She snapped back to reality and began bouncing up and down on Mr. Witwicky's cock. The pleasure was phenomenal.Sam had been a virgin before Mikaela, but Ron had been around the block a few times and knew how to pleasure a woman. She was in pleasure-filled heaven. She came loudly, still bouncing up and down on top of Ron."I'm cumming." Sam usually came in the condom, but Mikaela had been so focused on sex that she forgot one completely. She hopped off of his cock and got back down on her knees. Mr. Witwicky stood up and Mikaela grabbed and vigorously stroked his cock. She pumped away until thick streams of cum shot out from his dick and onto Mikaela's face, tongue and breasts. He shot five or six long ropes of cum onto Mikaela before she swallowed whatever landed in her mouth and sucked as much as she could more out of Ron's cock."Fuck, Mr. Witwicky, I never knew what a good fuck you would be.""Well maybe after Sam leaves for school, we can explore this some more.""Definitely," Mikaela said smiling wickedly, looking up at her new lover, whose cock still rested on her face."WHAT THE FUCK???" They had been so distracted by Ron's orgasm and making future plans that they didn't hear the front door open. They both turned at the same time to see Sam standing in the doorway, mouth open, bags dropped at his feet. Utterly speechless.END
A year had come and went before Nina finally mustered the courage to confide in her best friend Jamie about her sexual relationship with Frank. She knew she could trust Jamie to keep her secret. From the very first time Frank took her in her daddy’s office she knew the importance of keeping their relationship under wraps. She may have only been 16 years old but she was smart enough to know that the law frowned upon 30 something year old men engaging in sexual play with teenage girls even if she had been asking for it. And the fact that the man in question worked for her father only served to complicate matters further. She had gotten permission from her parents to sleep over Jamie’s house the plan was that she was to sneak out and go to Frank’s apartment once Jamie’s parents went to bed and then sneak back in before they woke in the morning. With Jamie’s parents in their room for the night she changed out of her pajama’s and into a red low waist plaid mini skirt, black crop top and black knee high boots the outfit made her look very grown up and sexy. Jamie helped her with her with her makeup before Nina sneaked out the backdoor. Taking quick short steps she walked to the bus stop. As she got on the bus she couldn’t help but notice the bus driver checking her out. His eyes wandered from her face, down to her flat stomach, down her long legs and then back up to her face again. Nervously, she ran her fingers through her soft long brown hair before taking a seat near the back of the bus. Folding her hands she let them rest on her lap as she took a long deep breath trying to calm the flutter of butterflies she felt deep inside her belly. It was a short bus ride from Jamie’s house to Frank’s apartment she could feel the bus driver’s eyes piercing into her as she exited the bus. It didn’t take her long to reach Frank’s apartment, as he was only a block from the bus stop. She could feel her hand shake slightly as she reached out to ring the doorbell. He buzzed her in. As she walked down the long hallway making her way to his apartment she could hear the murmur of televisions through the various doors. She could also hear a man and a woman arguing she thought she could hear the woman crying. She tapped lightly on Frank’s door. He called out to her letting her know that the door was unlocked she turned the doorknob and let herself in. Frank was sitting on the couch his friend John sat in a chair opposite him Nina hadn’t seen John since the day she had reluctantly agreed to a threesome with him and Frank. She felt a slight twinge of disappointment realizing that she would not be alone with Frank for the night."Hey beautiful," Frank said as she came to him. Standing up he pulled her towards him as he cradled the back of her head with his hand. He ran the tip of his tongue along her soft lips she rested the palm of her hands against his hard chest. He slipped his hand between her thighs stopping just short of her cunt. He kissed her hard as he squeezed her inner thigh. The sensation that his touched produced sent small waves of pleasure through out her entire body. He sat back down on the black leather couch pulling her next to him there was no mention of a threesome but she knew that he planned to share her that night. Having been down this road before she was a little bit more open to the idea however she still found it difficult to comprehend how he could so readily share her with others. Whether she fully comprehended it or not her unspoken devotion to him would not allow her to go against his wishes. He had slowly drawn her into his web and now he possessed her completely mind, body and soul. John came over to the couch where Nina and Frank were sitting and sat next to her. Grabbing a bottle of tequila off of the coffee table he offered Nina a shot. He instructed her to lick her hand; he then sprinkled salt on it. He showed her how to hold the lime between her thumb and index finger. Licking the salt she brought the shot glass to her lips she downed it in one gulp she made a face as she felt the liquor burn her insides as she bit down on the lime John and Frank laughed. He poured her another; the second one went down a little easier. "Now let’s do body shot’s," John said. Instructing Nina to lean back John licked the area of her stomach just right above the belly button before sprinkling salt on it. Nina shivered as John held the bottle of tequila over her belly button and poured. She could feel some of the liquor trickle down her sides. Leaning forward John licked the salt and then slurped at the tequila that he had just poured on her body before biting into the lime. He repeated the process once more this time lifting her top up over her head in order to expose her breasts; he sprinkled salt on one of her breast and then rubbed the lime on the other. Leaning forward he licked the salt off of her breast before bringing the bottle of tequila to his mouth and taking a swig, he brought his mouth down to the breast where he had rubbed the lime and sucked as Frank looked on. With a slight stiffening of his cock John grabbed at the sides of Nina’s mini skirt he pulled her skirt and white cotton panties down in one quick motion. Drawing back for a moment he admired her hairless cunt. His cock craved her tight teen pussy, it begged to be released; he could feel it pulsating inside his pants. He ran his fingers along her lips before inserting his index finger inside her mouth she sucked on it. With his finger now moist with her saliva he traced the outer lips of her cunt before slipping his finger inside. Having her spread her legs wider he positioned himself between her thighs. He nibbled on the inside of her thighs. He lapped at her pussy. A small whimper escaped Nina’s throat as she felt his tongue on her clitoris. He drove his tongue in and out of her pussy he breathed in the heat that her body was releasing. No longer caring to be a spectator Frank quickly undressed. Kneeling on the couch he held his engorged cock in his hand, softly he slapped it against Nina’s face. Parting her lips she allowed his cock entrance into her mouth he pumped his cock in and out of her mouth her Chinese red lipstick leaving a red ring around his cock. Wanting to feel Nina’s mouth around his cock too John undressed and knelt down next to Nina opposite of Frank they took turns fucking her mouth with their cocks. Ready to explore her cunt again John had Nina get on all fours, facing Frank she gripped Frank’s cock and stroked his shaft causing the head of his cock to swell further she took him back in her mouth. Taking his cock in his hand John guided it into Nina’s pussy he groaned as her pussy tightened around his cock. Clinging tightly to her waist John drove his cock in and out of her cunt. Grabbing the back of her head Frank forced Nina to take his cock deeper down her throat the forcefulness of his thrust caused her to lose her breath and gag slightly. He pulled out long enough to allow her to catch a deep breath before driving his cock deep down her throat again. Brutally, John pounded Nina’s cunt pulling out almost completely each time before driving his cock back into her full force making her body shake with each assault. The sound his cock made as it entered her tight pussy to the hilt was that of someone punching the palm of his or her hand with a fist. Not wanting to cum just yet Frank pulled out of Nina’s mouth. Wanting Nina to straddle his cock John pulled out of her pussy long enough to change positions. John sat on the couch and leaned back, Frank had Nina take John’s cock back into her mouth before straddling him she could taste herself on him. With her back to John, Nina climbed onto his lap and straddled him, moving in and up and down motion she rode his cock. Frank watched with interest as his hot young slut rode his buddy’s cock. Watching his buddy’s cock disappear into Nina’s tight little pussy made his cock ache for more of her. "Let’s move this to the floor," Frank said.With John lying on the floor Nina straddled him again he squeezed her ass as she continued to ride his cock. Ready to join back in Frank began to work his index finger into Nina’s ass she flinched as his finger entered her. He worked his finger in and out of her for about a minute before adding another finger. Feeling that she was ready to take his cock in her ass Frank slowly eased his cock inside her. Nina winced in pain at the intrusion she bit down on her bottom lip as he worked his cock deep inside her bowels. This was a new experience for her she had never had two men deep inside her at the same time she was a double penetration virgin. With everything happening so fast she didn’t think to protest instead she kindly offered every orifice on her body to them for their pleasure, no body part was sacred and no hole went unexplored she had become a Frank's filthy slut. Slowly Frank eased his cock out of her almost completely before thrusting forward hard her small frame sandwiched between the man that she obsessed over and his friend was in sharp contrast to their more manly figures. Roughly both men pumped both of her holes simultaneously. No holes bared shoved full of cock both of her orifices being violated Nina teetered on the verge of losing control. The perversity of the act made her feel both shameful and aroused. The two cocks continued to stuff her tiny holes Nina’s breath became rapid as she submitted her beautiful body to the hardest, most extreme, pounding possible. Feeling himself getting ready to cum Frank pulled out of Nina’s ass, grabbing a fist full of hair he rammed fucked her throat again before draining his nuts down her throat and making her swallow it. With Nina on her hands and knees now John buried his cock in her ass. Over and over again he pumped in and out of her reaming her asshole until it gaped. A deep grunt escaped his throat as he pumped her ass full of cum. Her hair a mess and her lipstick and mascara smeared Nina just laid there as John and Frank watched cum ooze out of her gaping asshole. To be continued?*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 33
I'm married to a wonderful man. We live in a nice house in a good neighborhood. My husband travels on business often and plans on making a long trip this week.His long trips sometimes leaves me sexually frustrated so I have to resort to playing with my toys. My mind starts drifting as I play with my vibrator. My head leaned all the way back as I rub my clit.I can see a picture in my head of our new neighbor. He's black and very muscular. I get the idea from him that he could be very dominant. I fantasize about a situation where I am with him and I've been in a relationship with him for a while. We've been seeing each other often. Whenever my husband is on one of his long trips. I get a phone call from him just hours before my husband leaves on his trip.He tells me it's long overdue that I should be black bred. I try to explain that my husband would kill me if he found out I was pregnant with a black baby. He won't listen to my pleads and explains how he wants me to prepare for the evening.He tells me this before hanging up and I spend the whole day at my job in a terrible state, just anticipating.On a break, perhaps my cell phone rings, and it is him, telling me just a hint about what is in store and a 'suggestion' about where I should be when he arrives at my house that evening.I fix dinner for us, and he arrives at my front door a bit late. The table is set, and he takes the bottle of wine out and a pair of glasses out to pour us a drink. I go upstairs to take off my clothing- cooking naked is not a good idea when you are excited and likely to spill something. We sit outside on the deck as the sun goes down, and he tells me the rest of his plans.I love the way wind feels on my body when I'm naked, it's one of the nicest things about living in the country. I love sunbathing in the nude. I suspect my neighbor has seen me many times out in my back yard.It starts to cool off, as it does in the desert in the evening, and I move to sitting with him on a love seat on our back porch. I move to sit on his lap. I'm already wet I have been all day, more or less. I would wonder how he knew THIS was the day I ovulate, as even I don't usually keep track of my periods that closely. I am not very organized though, and he is.He tells me how sexy he thinks I am, runs his hands up and down my sides and caresses my breasts before tweaking my nipple. "I want to see these get even bigger."I shiver. This isn't usually a fantasy of mine- I am a double D, which is quite enough when you are running after an out of control puppy that your student has let, for some unknown reason, off leash. Tonight though, is not about practical. It's about need. I have to ask myself, "Why does my husband have to take these long trips?"My pussy feels like a vacuum, pulling the rest of my body in towards it, desperate to be filled with something.I can't resist any longer, I reach down to touch myself, but he grabs my hand. "Tonight, you are receptive, and you will receive nothing I don't give you."I make a noise that is somewhere between a groan of frustration and a laugh. We are a partnership, with give and take, but he has his moments of this, and it is, as I know, natural.I am an independent, strong-minded individual, and I don't really think of myself as submissive, but when he really wants something? He usually gets it, and it turns me on. A lot of people throw around the words 'dominant, submissive, alpha'- it's sort of a trade hazard for me, as I am a dog trainer. And it usually makes me laugh, because when people in ahem, the adult world, start tossing the terms around? Well... some of the interpretations are pretty weird. The dominant wolf- or dog- in a pack doesn't go around picking fights, and he doesn't get his jollies bossing someone. Dominance simply means that when he DOES feel the need for things to go a certain way, they do. Tonight, the dominant one wants to breed me- and I will be bred.He leans towards me then, and takes my nipple in his mouth, bites gently and then smiles at me. "Let's go upstairs."I know, if I wanted to, I could say no, and he would respect it. But I don't WANT to say no. The practical considerations are not my responsibility any more- he has taken all that and reduced me to my most basic, primal self. I am sitting across his lap, straddling him, and I use the excuse of standing up to grind against him- just once."Ah-" he cautions, the same sound we use with our dogs, who are out in the kennel tonight, as if I am an animal incapable of language. I nearly am. Sensation is far more important than thought at this point, but his disapproval is clear and I subside.He stands up, and we walk into the house and up the stairs to our master bedroom together. The bedroom my husband and I share. The lights are not turned on, but the room is not completely dark. Silvery light comes from the windows on the outer wall and illuminates the bed, covers neatly folded at the foot, one of my duties this afternoon."Go lay down," he says. "On your stomach." I KNOW he is going to draw this out, and I am ready NOW- but I obey, propping my head on my crossed arms and looking back at him, waiting.He unbuttons his shirt, folds it. "Now you are just being mean." I say. His normal routine is dropping things on the floor, where I inevitably trip over them.He smiles. "So?" He unbuttons his pants, removes his boxers, his shoes were already gone at the bottom of the stairs. I spread my legs, wriggle, I hope, provocatively, and he drops his pants and climbs onto the bed himself, lightly slapping me on the ass. "Stay still." I laugh.He begins to rub my back, lightly, starting with my shoulders, the back of my neck (which he bends to kiss and then nip, which is completely, unfairly erotic for no reason I can explain). Working down my spine, across my buttocks.It seems like hours but is probably only a minute or two, before he tells me to turn over and lays down next to me on his side, so we are facing each other."I can't wait," he says. "To see your belly grow and know that it is my child." He reaches out and places a hand on my abdomen, approximately where said bump will be, hopefully. "I want to fuck you from behind when you are full and round and heavy with a black child.""I want to drink from your nipples and watch you squirm, knowing that it was me who made you this way, and will again."He sits up, I start to follow, but he motions me back down, moving to sit between my spread legs, leaning over me. He runs his hands down my body again, circling my nipples- which are so hard at this point they are painful, avoiding my ribs, which is good, as I am ridiculously ticklish, especially when aroused. He fits his hands around my waist, thumbs rubbing over my hip bones, continuing down, to rest on my thighs.He is kneeling, and he slips his hands under me to lift me so that my lower body is resting on his knees, giving him full access to my crotch with his hands. This is a position he's used in the past for teasing me, and a game we've played before- just how long does it take before I begin to beg for him to hurry up and fuck me?He runs a finger gently down the lips of my pussy, which are thick, fleshy, and used to bother me as 'abnormal' from the tight, tiny-lipped things of girls in porn videos and pictures. With my legs spread as they are though, they are pulled tightly open, just enough flesh for him to pinch and pull at in a way that is almost, but not quite so intense as to be painful.He traces inside the lips, around my pussy itself, then touches the little spot just above my clit that drives me mad even when I am too sensitive for my clit to be stimulated directly. I gasp and strain to open my legs wider.My pussy strains, longing for something, anything to fill it, to be drawn up inside of me and to fill the empty places inside me exactly as nature intended them to be filled.He presses a finger, two fingers inside of me and I can't help my pussy tightening on them, but they are deliberately withdrawn, kept out, pulled back, leaving me emptier than ever.I moan, something about "I want you inside me," but probably less sensible, as my brains have migrated to my crotch; every nerve in my body is there, on fire, and he does it again, harder, pressing this time with the heel of his hand against my pubic bone and I buck, desperate now.He is as hard as a rock, I can feel his black cock frustratingly near and yet not inside of me. "Please.""Tell me what you want," he says, stilling the motion of his hand, although the pressure remains. My pulse throbs, I squirm."I want you to fuck me," I say. "Please, for god's sake, just fuck me." He smiles, motionless, and I know he wants to hear it all. "Please, fuck me and cum in me and make me pregnant. I want to have your baby. I want you to fuck me when I'm pregnant and big and tight and I want you to do it again and again-" And he does.His cock slides into me easily, fitting into me as if I was made to fit it like a custom made glove- he's large but it feels just right. He leans over me, rearranging us on the bed, him still in me, until I can bear it no more and move my hips. He is filling me, but I am still empty, and I NEED more.He pulls back, then pushes back into me. I push my hips up at him as he moves, we move, and together we begin the long fall into ecstasy, speeding up together as we both near our climaxes.I come quickly, having been on edge so long, but just as the final waves are washing over me, he hits bottom, the head of his prick bumping up against my cervix, and I come again, thinking about the nearness of his black cock to my fertile womb."Cum in me," I manage to gasp, breathless. "I want your cum in my belly making me big and tight and pregnant."I have heard, but never believed, that women can feel it when a man ejaculates. Scientists insist it isn't possible, but I can tell you that it is.He explodes in me with a gasp and a sudden bursting of warmth that sets off a third explosion in me, and I wrap my legs tighter around him, not sure when they got there, but I pull him to me, deeper and deeper, and we both finish together. He remains on top of me, inside me, as he softens, and I murmur a denial as he finally withdraws, wanting to keep the full feeling.And I am black bred.I hope you enjoyed my story. If you would like to learn more about me and read my bio than please visit my web site at: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 67
Part 2 I made my move on Cameron. Sixteen years old. Sweet. It was exhilarating to be freed from the fear that'd haunted me since the college firing. I dreamt about her every night for a week. I was willing to risk my career again to get my dick into her stunning young body. As soon as she arrived at my place I took her in my arms. Her body felt small but firm against mine. Those beautiful tits were as good to feel against me as they looked in class. In my hands now her ass felt wider than imagined when I masturbated to her image.She climbed the outside stairway of the house wearing a knee-length, autumn weight coat, looking demure. "Smart girl" I thought as she slipped it off: her teenage outfit was dazzling and would have attracted too much curiosity. High suede boots, black tights, faded cut-off jeans so short and tight they were obscene, a wide black leather belt with silver studs, a blue sash around her waist, a midi-top of grey lycra showing nipples, and a deep cleavage in the plunging neckline. On her ass across the butt silver bead work in the form of spread eagle wings. She might as well have carried a sign that said, "I am ready to fuck." If my devout elderly landlord downstairs had noticed her arrival the coat made a modest covering. "You look beautiful," I told her.She accepted this as naturally true and beyond doubt and said "So are you... I see you everyday in class and that's what I think all the time." I kissed her neck while my dick started to go rigid quickly. We stood in close embrace for a long, long time, hugging, squeezing, feeling, our roaming hands looking for tight warm places, getting ourselves wet and excited. Our warming bodies started to smell of sex and it worked on me, releasing damned up feelings I had for her and many other students. The perfumed scent of her hair intoxicated. I put my nose down in her cleavage and inhaled warmth, adolescent hormone heat. I had a silly thought that I was a bad host for not having even offered a drink to my guest. Presently, in my sun filled living room she slid down my body, sank to her knees in front of me, undid my belt, lowered the zipper and let my shorts drop to the floor. No underwear. Up it springs, seven clean inches just for her. Cameron licks and sucks on the head, to get a sample of the taste. In between the suck action she tells me things:"I knew it would be thick."suck"Your cock is beautiful."suck"Your body in class gets me hot to see."suck"You ass is smooth."suck"You ass is firm."suckShe rubs her middle finger along my crack and it tells me to expect more.Oh, Camy, you beautiful, beautiful slut. You little teenage whore. Take all my dick and suck on it good. I'll fuck your young ass into next week.And that's just what she does. She greedily sucks as much as she can get. She pushes my dickhead a little way down her throat again and again. I come in her mouth and she swallows.When we rested I played the host. Settled on the couch with drinks she shared a few intimate details of her sex life. Cameron had her first full sex experience at age 12, with her cousin, a girl who also attends our school. At 13 she and a neighbor boy the same age masturbated each other in his parent's garage all one summer. At camp one of the beautiful 18 year old counselors taught her to lick pussy when Camy was 14. That same year she started fucking boys. She readily admitted she liked sex more than anything else and masturbated almost daily even if she played with someone that same day. She fell in love with Ann because Ann was so sexy and cool and could teacher her more about sex than her age mates.I felt challenged to do something to Camy that would put me on the same level in her eyes as Ann. We started to hug and kiss and feel and work ourselves up to another orgasm. My cock was as rigid again as it was when she arrived and she admired it again with her eyes and hands and tongue. Then I placed her face-down on the couch and knelt on the floor. I paid homage to that beautiful ass with my lips, gradually working closer and closer to her anus. I could tell she was anticipating my tongue there. An inch from that spot I breathed on it and asked if she liked it, if anyone had done this to her. In her passion I think she admitted more than she wanted: it was her cousin. With that I pressed my tongue against her asshole, wetting and probing and pushing until she was juicy and slick. She smelled of soap and musk. She moaned and cried and moaned and whimpered like a little cat, and raised her ass to receive more and I knew then that this was just the beginning of our sexcapades.Finally, we fucked. Ann was better, but I had to make allowance for the kid's age. She had all the moves and with a little practice would come up to champion level quickly. To be continued?Thanks to those who wrote to me after reading part one. I am working on part three, the concluding part, and would appreciate suggestions that will bring the action to a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 53
I’d been following Ms. Caine for almost six months before it happened. What had originally been nothing more than "innocent" teenage revenge fantasy changed into something completely different. Something I never would have imagined.Let me back up a little bit. My name is Anna, and I’m a junior in high school. Near the end of the last school year one of my teachers, Ms. Caine, caught me and my boyfriend at the time celebrating my "sweet sixteen" in one of the empty classrooms. That would have been humiliating enough, but she called a meeting with my parents to discuss what had happened, which lead to problems at home, and I had to attend weekly detention meetings with her and listen to her lecture me on the dangers of teen sex.Oh, and of course word got around the school, giving me a reputation. And my boyfriend ditched me and is now banging my former best friend.Naturally, I wanted revenge.I spent most of the summer trying to learn anything and everything I could about Ms. Caine. Eventually I began following her, learning her routine and taking pictures. My plan, or what little plan I had, was to find a way to embarrass her the way that she had embarrassed me. Ms. Caine is a young teacher, mid-twenties but looking more like a teenager herself. Most parents tend to think she’s a student at the school rather than one of the teachers responsible for their children’s education. She’s also very attractive, thin and athletic. But she comes across to her students as very conservative, even prudish... despite her youth and beauty, and the fact that she dresses to obviously take advantage of her body’s natural gifts. I never did believe that about her. Even as she was "educating" me on the evils of premarital sex and lecturing me about the immorality of having sex with a boy at the school, I never did buy her "prude" act. I just KNEW there’s was more to her than she let on.So I resolved to prove it. I planned to get some kind of embarrassing pictures to post anonymously on the internet or around the school. And it turned out that I had something of a gift when it came to "spying". I managed to follow her just about everywhere she went, and before long I had roll after roll of photos. But none of them particularly interesting. I began getting closer. I would sit near her at restaurants and eavesdrop on her phone conversations. I snuck into her purse and broke into her locker in the teacher’s lounge. None of which provided anything useful. I was getting more and more frustrated, and that frustration was slowly altering my initial "innocent" revenge fantasy into thoughts considerably less innocent.And then it happened. I followed her to a restaurant one evening where she met a man. I’d seen him before during my surveillance, but never really gave him much thought. They didn’t seem to be anything more than friends. Until that night, that is.I had grown bold in my amateur detective work and was sitting at a table not even ten feet away from them, situated slightly behind them, just out of her peripheral vision. It was a "nice" restaurant, meaning the light level was low for mood and atmosphere. Also, while I don’t think of myself as necessarily Unattractive, I am rather plain, making it easy for me to blend into the background if I want to. In other words, I really wasn’t worried about being noticed at this point.At one point during their dinner, Ms. Caine’s friend reached into his pocket and pulled out two small objects which he set on the table in front of her. She seemed shocked and grabbed one of the items quickly, glancing around as if to make sure no one had seen her. They spoke in hushed tones for a minute or two before Ms. Caine got up from the table and went to the restroom. I waited a few seconds and then followed. As I passed their table I glanced quickly to see the item that remained in front of the man and it looked for all the world like a garage door opener, or maybe a very small remote control.Intrigued, I stepped into the bathroom and saw that Ms. Caine was the only person in there. She was in one of the stalls, but I could tell she was standing, and seemed to be fidgeting with something. I took the stall next to hers, being as quiet as I could so as not to "disturb" her, and put my ear up to the wall between us. It sounded like she was adjusting her dress. Then she got very still and quiet, though I could tell she was still just standing there. After a minute of absolute silence she suddenly let out a small gasp. I imagined I could hear a very faint buzzing sound but it was quickly muffled and followed by another gasp, and even a small moan. My mind was reeling. I told myself this couldn’t be happening, but another soft moan from the next stall and the almost imperceptible buzz sound confirmed that it was. My imagination began running wild, picturing what sort of "toy" the prudish Ms. Caine could be using on herself over there. I pressed my ear tighter to the stall divider, straining to catch every detail of sound, considering even sneaking a peak under the divider, when Ms. Caine shifted and opened her stall door. I peered out through the crack of the door and watched her move to the sink. Her back was to me as she washed her hands. She wasn’t carrying a purse and there were no pockets in slinky black dress, so at first I couldn’t figure out what she’d done with her toy. But then she shuddered and caught herself on the edge of the sink. She stood tensely like that for a few seconds before letting out her breath, shaking her head slightly and moving quickly back out into the restaurant.I was stunned. Unless I was imagining things Ms. Caine had just strapped some kind of vibrator onto herself under her dress and was now walking back out into public, still wearing it and apparently with it still buzzing away. I had to splash cold water on my face to snap myself out of it, my mind racing with the possibilities. I had to get back out into position, had to see for myself if what I suspected was going on was really going on.I moved back out to my table, taking the long way around to avoid passing directly in front of Ms. Caine and her man. But even before I sat back down, even from halfway across the room, I could see that the man was holding that little remote control in his hand under the table. Ms. Caine seemed to be composed at the moment, smiling and talking casually. But as I reached my seat I saw the waiter come up to their table, and noticed Ms. Caine’s friend press a button on his remote. Ms. Caine nearly jumped out of her seat, but quickly caught herself and smiled up at the waiter. She wasn’t talking though. She just smiled, and her eyes glazed over a little bit. The waiter spoke to the man, asking how their meal was, and then continued on his rounds. The man did something with the remote again and Ms. Caine visibly relaxed, her eyes fluttering as she regained her breath.This happed many more times over the next half hour or so, with the man apparently using the remote to activate whatever Ms. Caine had put on under her dress anytime anyone came near their table. Clearly there was a game going on here. One I couldn’t have imagined Ms. Caine playing, even in my wildest dreams.I couldn’t catch my breath and I felt light headed. I had to leave, had to get out and get some fresh air. I left the restaurant and went out to sit in my car. The chill night air cleared my head somewhat, and I began to take in exactly what had just happened. And as I put it all together, I noticed something even more shocking than this new revelation about my "conservative" young teacher. I realized that I was extremely turned on.So I sat there, in my car in the parking lot of a very popular restaurant, and played with myself. I leaned my seat back and pushed my hand down the front of my pants and touched my wet pussy, and for the very first time made myself cum with the thought of Ms. Caine. Before I could continue to a second orgasm however, the happy couple came outside and walked to their car. I sat back up and started my own car and followed them out of the lot and all the way to Ms. Caine’s house. They both went inside together, and I parked down the street and made my way up to the side of the house. I’d been outside her house many times during my surveillance, but never this close. I moved to the only window with a light on at the moment and peered as best I could through the small crack in the blinds. And what I saw, then and over the course of the rest of the night, changed my life. Literally.I watched as Ms. Caine and the man have sex. I watched as several other people, three men and two women, arrived at the house and let themselves in. I watched as Ms. Caine was taken by all of these people into another room of the house (with a larger window and a slightly clearer view for me) and tied, standing naked and helpless, while everyone took turns doing things to her. And I watched as the whole thing was videotaped.And just like that, my entire revenge fantasy changed completely.***So, here we are. That was then... this is now.It’s taken awhile to get everything in order. First I had to come to grips with everything I’d seen, everything I’d learned about Ms. Caine that night. And then I had to come to terms with everything I’d subsequently learned about MYSELF. Ms. Caine had humiliated me in front of family and friends, cost me my so-called boyfriend, and tried her damnedest to make me feel ashamed for my sexual behavior. I’d spent months thinking what I wanted was to get revenge by posting embarrassing pictures of her around the school, but I’d never imagined it would be anything more than maybe a secret panty shot, or maybe her taking a shower, or even smoking or drinking. It seems that I had been almost as "conservative" in my own way back then as Ms. Caine always seemed to be.Now it turns out what I really want isn’t revenge. Not THAT kind of revenge, anyways. What I want... is Ms. Caine herself. I wouldn’t have even imagined it before. I’ve never been attracted to women before, and had no idea that the sorts of things I witnessed that night outside Ms. Caine’s window would ever turn me on. I was a pretty average teenage girl with what I thought was a pretty average sex drive. But I’d discovered an entirely new side to myself, and embraced a whole new world of desire and fantasy.And today, I’m going to live out that fantasy.When she first comes into the classroom she doesn’t notice me. She’s carrying an armload of papers to grade and is too busy reading one of them as she walks to see me sitting behind her desk. Halfway across the room she looks up and sees me."Anna? What are you doing here?""Lock the door," I say. She stands there for a second, confused. Then she comes over and puts her papers down on the desk."What’s going on, Anna," she asks testily. "School’s been out for almost an hour. And you shouldn’t be in here anyways. Haven’t you already gotten into enough trouble for being in class after hours without permission?" She gives me an odd little smile which I’m sure is meant to be intimidating but instead just turns me on even more."You’re going to want to lock that door, Ms. Caine. In fact you’ll probably want to make sure all the windows are locked and the blinds fully drawn. Trust me.""Is this a joke?" She’s annoyed, and possibly just the tiniest bit concerned. I can hear it in her voice.I reach into the top drawer of her desk and take out the remote control for the television mounted near the ceiling in the corner of the room. I press the video play button and motion for her to pay attention.At first there’s nothing but static. But after a second or two the picture clears and we see a man and a woman in bed, naked. The camera is obviously in the hallway outside the bedroom so it’s not the best view, but we can make out that the man is between the woman’s legs performing oral sex. Shortly the man makes the woman stand at the foot of the bed and play with herself. At first she stands with her back to the bedroom door, facing her boyfriend as he sits in bed. Eventually she turns to face the camera. She apparently has no idea the camera is there, in the shadows outside her room, but she still puts on quite a show. The camera zooms in closer to get the best possible view of Ms. Caine playing with herself, her legs spread wide apart, the fingers of her right hand moving over her neatly trimmed pussy, her small breasts thrust forward as she leans back, giving her boyfriend a look at her ass as she thrusts her hips against her hand."Tell me your name, baby," the man in the video says."Wendy. Wendy Caine," she replies.Ms. Caine watches the video in shock. She’s bracing herself on the edge of the desk, her face white as a sheet."Do you remember our first night together," the man in the video continues. "Tell me what you did.""Oooh... I whipped you." Ms. Caine’s voice on the tape is a sultry whisper. She’s still touching herself, her eyes closed as she thinks back."More specific," her boyfriend tells her. I’ve watched this tape many times, so I look over to see how Ms. Caine is taking it. She’s still watching, still holding the edge of the desk for support, but the color is coming back to her face. Her own words from the video seem to knock the wind out of her... or maybe they’re turning her on?"I tied you to the bed and I whipped your cock while you used your mouth. And then I gagged you and whipped your balls when I was done."At that I use the remote to mute the volume. Ms. Caine closes her eyes but stands motionless."Where did you get that," she asks angrily."From your place, of course. This is a copy I made. One of many copies, actually. Right now there’s one in each VCR in each classroom, as well as about a dozen other copies in various places around town." I watch as she sags visibly. Finally she turns to face me."What do you want?""You," I say simply. She blinks once, uncomprehending. "I want you, Ms. Caine. And YOU are going to want to go lock that door now I think."She stands for a minute longer and I watch her eyes as it all sinks in. There’s a sort of calm in her face now. There’s still a rising flush to her skin, either from embarrassment or, as I’d prefer to imagine, from arousal. But in her eyes I see some kind of acceptance.As she considers what to do I take the video off mute, turning the volume up a bit just in time to hear her recorded voice say..."Oh baby, I loved being punished. I loved being fucked and whipped. Please, whip me. Make me cum."With that, Ms. Caine finally moves over to the classroom door and uses her key to lock it. I lower the volume almost all the way, but I don’t mute it. I want it just as subliminal background noise for us. She walks to the windows and checks that they’re all locked, then she draws the blinds and makes sure that they are as seamless as she can make them. I know from experience, and I’m sure she at least suspects, that there will always be gaps in the blinds that someone could conceivably see through. So there’s no guarantee that what’s about to happen won’t be witnessed. But somehow I doubt that bothers her as much as she’d like to pretend."Now what," she ask softly."Undress and then come over here," I tell her.She doesn’t hesitate this time. She sits in one of the class chairs and takes off her shoes and socks. Then she stands and takes off her pants, folding them neatly and setting them aside before unbuttoning her blouse. She’s wearing a rather plain bra and panties, white and unadorned. She stands there like that for a second before I motion for her to continue. She takes off her bra, exposing her small but firm breasts. She’s lightly tanned and smooth skinned. The half globes of her breasts are just slightly accentuated by their whiteness. I notice with a barely suppressed shudder of lust that her nipples are hard.She takes off her panties and lays them with the rest of her clothes and then walks slowly over to me, now completely naked. I rise from behind the desk to meet her.The video tape has now reached a point where the previously unseen camera operator and several of her friends are tying Ms. Caine in the living room. The first man in the video is not holding the camera, filming as his girlfriend is secured helpless and the other people in the room begin taking turns fucking her... among other things."Now undress me," I say. She steps close to me, her body nearly touching mine. She looks directly into my eyes for a moment, both of us holding our breaths. Then she reaches up and lifts my shirt up over my head. She tosses it aside and puts her hands on my bare arms, running her fingers up to my shoulders, raising gooseflesh. My own nipples harden beneath my lacy black bra. She notices and smiles. Both her hands move around behind me, nearly embracing me and moving her even closer to me, and she unfastens the clasp on my bra. She pulls the straps off my shoulders and lets it drop between us, and now she’s so close that our naked breasts touch, her nipples rubbing stiffly over my own. This is the very first time my skin has touched the nude skin of another woman and I swear, if I could take my eyes off hers long enough to look down, I’d see sparks arcing between us. And then she leans in and kisses me.As my mouth explores hers, she caresses her hands down my back to the waistband of my pants. She grips my ass through my jeans firmly. And then one hand moves around to the front, pressing between my legs and finding the heat of my sex. She moves her hands over my body this way, all the while kissing me passionately. Then she begins unfastening my belt and pants, and from the video above us comes the very faint sounds of someone cumming.She pulls away from me and drops to her knees in front of me. She kisses my stomach and runs her tongue from my navel down to the waistband of my panties, now exposed as she finishes undoing my pants and begins sliding them down over my hips. Her fingers hook my panties as she pulls off my pants and they both come off together. I have only a second to enjoy my exposure to this beautiful woman whom I used to hate and now desperately lust after before she puts one hand on my stomach, the other on my ass and presses her soft mouth to my wet pussy.I almost faint from the sensation of her tongue first touching my clit. It’s better than I could possibly have imagined. It seems like an eternity now that I’ve been fantasizing about this moment. I lay awake at night and touch myself, imagining this. I dream about this while I sleep. I daydream about it during class as Ms. Caine stands at the chalkboard or moves about the room, lecturing and educating her students.As her mouth works expertly on my pussy, and her fingers stroke and penetrate me, I throw my head back and have my first orgasm. Through the gasp of my breath and the roar of the blood in my ears I hear the video continue, now it’s reached the point where one of the women, Becca, has taken a whip and is bringing it down over and over again on Ms. Caine’s ass. As I cum into her mouth, I listen to the sounds of Ms. Caine whimpering and grunting behind her gag as she’s being whipped by a stranger and her boyfriend videotapes it. And I remember what ELSE I’ve fantasized about over the past months.I push her face away from my pussy finally, my body shaking and my legs weak. She reaches up and pulls me down to her, pulling me to my knees in front of her, face to face, as she kisses me passionately once again. I taste my own wetness on her mouth. Her hands continue to move over my body, my breasts, my ass. She takes my hands and puts them on her, moving one of them between her own legs. I feel the swollen lips of her pussy and how hard and swollen her clit is. I rub at it, pinching and rolling it between my fingers and slipping my fingers inside of her. She moans into my mouth and presses her hips against my hand. I move my mouth to her ear and pull her tight against me, now fucking her with my fingers. "You humiliated me, Ms. Caine," I breathe into her ear. "I wanted nothing more than revenge. I wanted to punish you for what you did. I used to follow you around. I’ve got pictures of you, all kinds of pictures. I watched you in the restaurant with your boyfriend that night, when he made you wear that toy in public. I followed you home afterwards and watched from outside your window as all of that was happening... while that video was being made. And I’ve watched other things too. I’ve seen you do all sorts of things, Ms. Caine."Her breath quickens and she grinds her pussy into my hand harder and faster. I can hear in moans that she’s close. She likes being talked to like this."I think I may have fallen in love with you. I’ve wanted you for months. I’ve needed you. I think I might be in love with you..."The first orgasm hits her then. She buries her face into my neck and whimpers. I continue fucking her and rubbing her clit, my other hand now on her ass. I press a finger into her asshole and she cries out and immediately another, harder orgasm hits her."But I also want to punish you," I whisper. And with that I push her away, her orgasm unfinished. She falls onto her back on the floor and uses her own hand to finish herself off. I stand up and walk back around the desk, sitting in her chair and watching until she’s done. When the last waves of pleasure finally fade, I reach under her desk and grab the bag I’ve set there. I place it on the desk with an audible thud. She looks up at the sound."Stand up and come here," I say. She does. I motion to the bag and she takes it and looks inside. Again, her face goes slightly pale."Please, Anna," she says softly. "It doesn’t have to be this way.""Hand it to me and sit right here," I motion to the edge of the desk right in front of me. Ms. Caine sighs and reaches into the bag. She takes out the whip, a short leather crop, and hands it to me. She then obediently sits in front of me on the desk."Now spread your legs and lay back. I want you to use your hands to hold your pussy open for me. I’m going to whip your clit and I want you to help me."Laying back on the desk with a little whimper she reaches down between her legs and uses her fingers to push the lips of her pussy aside. Sitting in the chair I’m at exactly the right height, positioned directly in front of her between her spread legs. I reach up one hand and light stroke her still swollen clit."You’re mine now, Ms. Caine. Anything I ever want you to do, anytime and anywhere, you’ll do. Right now I’m going to whip your pussy. Sometimes, while I watched your video up there, I would slap my own clit while I masturbated. Just to see how it feels. I watched them do that to you, and I wondered what it was like. Once I even used a belt and slapped myself as hard as they were whipping you. I only did that once though, because of course it hurt a LOT. Well I’m going to whip you even harder than that. "I’m not going to tie you up. Not this time at least. You’re going to hold still and LET me do this to you. In fact you’re going to beg me to do it to you. This is not the last time I’m going to do this to you, either. I think this will be a regular part of our relationship, so you might as well get used to it. Unless you want that video, or any of the others I’ve made without you even knowing, to get out."She’s shaking now, obviously frightened. I place the leather loop at the end of the crop on her clit and give it just a couple of very light taps."Now, Ms. Caine... beg.""P-please... please Anna, I want you to whip my pussy..."I lift the crop and bring it down hard directly on the swollen little bud of Wendy Caine’s clit. She cries out and bucks her hips. But to her credit, she doesn’t move her hands. And after a second, she sighs, "Yes, please. Punish me. Whip me harder."So I do.To be continued?Feedback to any of my stories is welcome.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 41
At a sleep-over at my best friend Jeff's house, it was real late and we were still up in the darkness, giggling and stuff. I am desperately ticklish, and we were having a tickle fight. I didn't know wrestling around and stuff could lead to more. I actually didn't think anything of it at all.Out of the clear blue, Jeff asked, "Wanna see something that feels really good?" I said "Sure." He disappeared under the covers and began fumbling around with the elastic of my undies. I can still feel his fingers clumsily feeling their way in. He touched my little boyhood and wrapped his hand around all of it. It was real different, because it had never been touched except to pee and wash. He pulled my undies down a little and I picked my butt up a bit to let him do as he wished. I felt the now familiar feeling of my dick being exposed. Jeff rubbed on it for a few minutes and got real close with his face. I could feel his warm breath on it. All of the sudden he tickled me like I had never been tickled before. It sent a chill through my entire body and made me breathe out real loud. It was warm, swirly, tickling, breath-taking and strange. I reached down there to feel what was going on. I felt Jeff's hair. Feeling on down, I discovered that he had his mouth on "it." I pulled my knees up and pulled at his face to get himn to stop. It felt incredible, but I couldn't stand it. It tickled too much.I had no idea of what he was doing to me. I only knew I liked it. It felt devilshly excellent. I did know it was being bad. I was real interested.I asked him what he was doing down there and he didn't want to tell me. Finally, he took my forefinger into his mouth and began moving both of his lips and his tongue all around in a swirly motion. I wanted to do it to him, but he wanted to play with mine some more.Jeff explained that I had never "felt good" before, so I was too ticklish to be sucked. He told me I can do it by myself. I was REAL curious about that.He showed me to take my penis between my forefinger and thumb, and begin jerking up and down - real fast. So I pulled my undies down to my feet, and slid my hand down there. I took my little penis between two fingers, and started pulling on it. It started feeling real good and getting a little bigger. I don't remember ever having a hard-on before this, and it was the coolest thing ever! I never had a feeling like this before.He was laying next to me watching the expressions on my face and the action "down there" by the nightlight. Jeff would look me in the face for a minute then look down at my privates for a minute. He was asking me questions, trying to get me to tell him what I was feeling. "Does it feel good?" I could barely answer him with a cooing, "Uh-huh." "Do you think you can stop?" All I could do was moan, "Uhn-uh." I could feel a line going up the center of my little balls all the way up to the base of my 2 inch pre-mie hard on.Then it all changed. It was getting better and better, and all I could think about was how good it felt. Then everything spun around a couple of times. I could feel my little dick swelling up - something was fixing to happen. A chill went down my spine and made me shiver once - real hard. It shook the bed.Then it all changed again, and my little dick began throbbing for the very first time. My upper body seemed to be throbbing at the same time. My hips started pushing themselves into the air, and I couldn't control them. My butt's coming off the bed, but I couldn't stop pulling on it, either. At the same time, my body seemed to want to pull away from this. For some reason, I sort of curled up with my neck and I had my teeth clenched. It was like hitting in waves or shocks, pulsating at a slow frequency. I stayed like that, all tensed up for a few seconds, but it felt like forever. Butt still in the air, the head rush was subsiding, and my dick started getting ticklish.I didn't notice that nothing came out. I didn't know it was supposed to, and he didn't tell me either. Maybe he didn't know? It was quite awhile before stuff started coming out.It got so ticklish that the fastest I could pull my hand away, wasn't fast enough. And I laid there for a minute, all curled up on my side. He wanted to touch it, but couldn't stand it. It would start jumping again, and I would curl up all the more - and giggle. I asked, "Man, what was THAT?!" I was hooked.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 36
Even though the men at the office where I work are pretty good most of the time about how they treat the women, and I really dress very modestly, (especially during the time I was engaged to that guy who shall remain nameless,) I still feel the stares of some of the older men and occasionally, they might comment about wishing they were younger, and that they wish they knew then what they know now; stuff like that. I suppose I should take it as a compliment, but somehow I don't find it humorous, and it all seems so pointless, like, what am I going to do - wear my shortest dress just to keep THEM happy? I know what I've got, and I'll know when the time comes to give it away. At least, that was what I always thought...When I woke up, that spring morning, the sun was already bright and the fresh breeze carried with it the scent of moist earth and something green. I inhaled deeply and felt the need to get outside and enjoy the morning. A walk up the hill to the fire tower in the State Forest seemed like a good idea.When I'm in the woods, I feel as if I am in my element. I have a strong sense of sexuality outdoors, by myself and alone with my thoughts. Call it silly, but I tend to think of it as a celebration of nature; I imagine myself kind of like a modern day 'Queen of the Jungle.' I try to be smooth and quiet when I walk in the woods, and unencumbered. Typically, I'll wear sneakers, my best fitting shorts, and a tank top which is, well, a little snug. My shorts are, well... short. Perhaps a 3 inch inseam, but this time, I took another neat fold, making them even shorter. I always wear sexy underwear too; this time it was the pink lace set, top and bottom and very, very small.I set out in my car for the State Forest, which was not very far away, and thought about how much I would prefer spending this outdoor time with a guy who thought as I did about being in the woods. I parked the car near a trail I like and headed up the hill toward the fire tower. If I hurried, I would see the morning ground fog still in the valleys, with the sun highlighting the east facing slopes.As the trail steepened, my breathing became full and purposeful. I could feel my heart getting a good workout as well. "A little sweat is good," I thought, and felt very balanced and strong. The lace edges underneath rubbed lightly, reminding me of their presence, and I let my mind dwell there as my body worked at the hill.The trail finally broke out into a clearing, with the vacant ranger's cabin, an old burned out fire circle with a small pile of charred sticks in the middle along with burned up beer cans, where the high school kids like to party. On the other side of the clearing, was the fire tower. The State Environmental Agency once tried to keep people off it, and put a fence around the bottom. They finally stopped fixing the recurring cut in the fence when they realized that no harm would come to the area if they just trusted the visitors. I walked right up to the tower and started climbing the stairs, thinking about the rewarding view at the top.I pushed open the trap door in the floor of the lookout hut, and took the last three steps up and into the little room. The wind was stronger at this height above the trees, and the glassless windows did not offer any protection. The sunlight was bright, and I hoped I hadn't missed the morning's magic."Hi, Jean," said a voice behind me. My heart, still pounding, gave an extra pump of surprise, and my knees buckled a little bit. It was James, from the office! I couldn't believe it!"Where did YOU come from?" I finally managed to say."Slept here all night - I didn't want to miss the meteor shower - it was gorgeous. How did YOU get here? I didn't hear you coming!""I stay pretty quiet in the woods - sometimes I'll startle deer drinking in the stream, but they usually see me before I see them, and I just hear them crashing off .I followed his eyes as he inadvertently gave me a once over. They paused for a split second looking at my breasts, and I remembered from looking in the mirror that the shade and outline of the low-cut bra could be discerned through the white tank top by an attentive viewer. His eyes quickly returned to a conversational aspect, but he realized that I had caught him, and he was off balance. James was about the nicest guy in the office, and one of the few men I didn't feel uncomfortable around. He always treated me with respect, and I never had the feeling that he was mentally undressing me."What else do you like to look at up here... besides meteors?" I asked, gesturing with my hand to the view outside, so that he wouldn't take my question the wrong way, but acknowledging my advantage with a smile."Uh...well, there's a hawk's nest that I just noticed last weekend," he said, pointing off into the distance at an outcropping of rock that fell away in a steep drop off on the west side of the hill."You're very observant," I said, realizing that once again, he might take it the 'wrong' way...but what of it if he did? I didn't mind a little kidding around as long as I felt in control, though I admit that is a little bit of a double standard. I took a few steps over to where he was standing and looked in the direction he indicated."And here comes Mama Hawk," I said, as a large graceful bird landed on the edge of the nest."Wait, I can't see!" he said, laughing. I turned, and saw that the wind had blown my hair across his face. Before I could do anything about it, though, he collected it all together, holding it like a bouquet of flowers in one hand."What do I do now?" he asked in a mock tone of exasperation.I wiggled my hand into a pocket of my shorts and brought out the rubber band that I use to make a pony tail if I get too hot and want to keep my hair off the back of my neck. I handed it back to him, and our hands touched - not too long, but longer than was necessary. It felt warm and friendly. He doubled the rubber band and brought a loop of my hair through it, keeping the ring low enough to corral any wayward strands."Well," he said, "I never expected company up here, otherwise, I would have picked up a bit."I looked around and saw the rumpled pile of his sleeping bag on a wide sturdy shelf, and in the corner, a half smoked joint. "Oops - busted!" he said."Again," I added."Pretty observant yourself," he answered."But you're a gentleman, at least.""You mean I manage to hide it, that's all.""Hey - I know I'm a woman, and thank goodness there are men. I just don't like being looked at like something hanging up in the meat market.""Well, I couldn't help it, you know - if you dressed like that at work, no one would get anything done. Just a flurry of 'instant messages' all day long."Those fat old farts.""Count me in!""But you're different - you're... nice." I took his hand in mine, suddenly realizing that he still held my hair, but his arm had been resting lightly on my shoulder, since I turned towards him. "And you better not dress like THAT at work either, or the rest of the girls will be the ones sending 'instant messages.'" Indeed, he was only dressed in a pair of cut-offs,- they were too short to roll up into neat folds like mine."Yeah, right - as if you girls look at the men the same way!""You should hear some of the conversations in the ladies' room. (Though actually, it was my own thoughts about him, now that my relationship with my fiancée had come to a screeching halt.)"What do they say?""I promised never to tell... and are you going to keep the rest of that joint to yourself or am I going to have to turn you in?""THIS early in the morning?""OK, I'm turning you in!" and I faked a move for the trap door."Wait!" He grabbed my hand and held on. "Ok, ok - I was just kidding. I was just about to light up when you disturbed my peace and quiet.""Well, - I can still leave.""No, no. Here. Sit down. Since you're my guest, I'll light it for you.""Some hospitality. I hope you leave some for me.""You won't need much - I promise." And he struck a match, waited for the sulfur to burn off, and drew on the joint until the end glowed brightly."'ere," he said, croaking through his held breath.I started my own draw, but it was really strong, and I started to choke. I grimaced, and held the joint away from me, shaking my head. Even so, I soon noticed the beginning of the familiar warm buzz behind my forehead and between my ears. "Let me breath it for you," he said. "I don't have any communicable diseases that I know of, and it would be a shame to waste the morning not getting a good buzz on.""OK, I know what you mean." As he pulled on the smoking joint, I exhaled fully. Finally, he indicated that he was ready to share his hit with me.Our lips touched and formed a seal. I relaxed and tried to time my inhaling with his letting go. It was very gentle and slow, and as we broke apart our lips formed a kiss. It was really very nice, and very, very pleasant. I held the hit as long as I could, then lifted my chin to him, signaling that now it was his turn to 'catch.' By the time the exchange was done, I felt quite giddy and warm, and not a little horny."Is there more where that came from?" I asked."Not to be a party poop, but I think you'll find that you've had enough to do the job." he said."Well," I giggled, "we could practice."He sat down next to me, and brought his face close to mine. Our lips met, pressed together, and before too long, our tongues were exploring each other. I started to shiver as I realized what was coming, but I had no desire to stop it now. I had always had ‘interesting thoughts’ about James, and assumed he was "taken," but here we were, all alone, and I wasn't going to ask any questions.Soon we were embracing, and I felt one of his hands start to wander. Slowly down my back, around my shoulder, and just barely going inside my top, touching the lacy shoulder strap of my bra."Ohhhh, that's pretty nice," he said softly."I wear this to work sometimes, when I'm in the mood.""God! You'd never know.""It's my little secret.""So I see," he said, no longer trying to hide his gaze as he used his position to look down my front."I never knew you cared," I said."I sure do now!""This is what you get for being such a good boy.""Oh, I'll be good - real good!""We'll see."I stood up, took a few steps away from him, and, facing away from him, peeled off my tank top and let it slowly fall to the ground. I turned back towards him, and heard him moan "Oh my God!""Here," I said. "I don't want you to die of eye strain." My heart was pounding with excitement and disbelief at my own audacity. I saw his eyes rivet their gaze on my breasts as I stepped back towards him - the lacy tops of each bra cup just ringing the smooth mounds of my modest endowment. His hands reached for me, covering each breast gently, feeling me up and exploring the contours of my unexpected gift to him.My hands undid the top button of my shorts and slid the zipper about half way down, exposing nothing but skin - yet. I looked at him, and nodded. "Your turn."He stood up, with an awkward looking bulge in his shorts, and started to undo the top of his shorts. He fumbled a bit, probably out of nervousness. "Let me help you," I said.I came around behind him, and put my hands on his stomach, lightly brushing my breasts against his back. I inched my hands down, undid his shorts, and let them fall, but kept my hands on him - now flat against his lower stomach - he didn't have any underwear on at all. I inched my fingers down to his pubic hair, and then held his warm penis firmly in my hand. I lightly slid my hand the full length up and down it. I have to say, it was stiff from one end to the other.He turned towards me as I let go with my free hand, and his eyes went right to my own shorts."Well?" I asked.He quickly slid the zipper on my shorts the rest of the way down, and let them fall. He gasped in amazement at the tiny patch of lace that made up the front of my panties."You wear THAT to work?""Sometimes - when I'm in the mood and thinking about sex.""Oh, what I've been missing!""Well,... now you know."He dropped to his knees as I released my grip on him and buried his nose between my legs, moaning in ecstasy and gently massaging my buns. I felt myself growing moist and warm. There was no point in trying to hide my own excitement. I held onto his head and pressed myself against his face, with his nose the focal point of my 'love button.'"Let's get more comfortable," I suggested after a bit, and we spread out his sleeping bag. I lay down first, stretched out and slowly raised my arms above my head so that I was ‘full length’ naked before his gaze except for the wisps of pink lace covering the important parts. His hungry eyes took me all in, from head to toe, and for once I really liked the feeling of the sexual vulnerability. Watching him look me all over made me all the more anxious to have him inside me. "Bring that over here," I said, nodding towards his obvious hard-on, drawing the crotch of my panties aside so that he could enter me and still enjoy the view."You think I'm that easy, huh?""I’ll bet you are," I answered.I won’t say that he had a monster-size cock, but he was good and strong, and a bit larger than I expected. I was already moist, and said to reassure him, “I’m still on the pill.”Even though there is some eroticism for the “first time,” there is something to be said for a couple who know what to do with each other for a very pleasing outcome. James took his time entering me and obviously enjoyed fucking me.....slowly. When he paused, either at full depth or at my entrance, I gave his penis some good squeezes to keep him hard. "Just keep doing that," he said, and held his position. I worked at it, tightening around his shaft and pushing against him, jerking him off with my vagina essentially. I wanted it. Bad.I saw him grimace and tense up, and the tell-tale tightening of his buns told me that he was on the verge. I let go of him and grabbed my feet, splaying my legs as far apart as they would go, inviting him to drop his load waaay inside me. He started to thrust on his own now, and purposefully. A strong push at the end of each stroke told me that he was near to climaxing. His rhythm increased along with the strength of his thrusts, and soon he was pounding me in and and out. He gave a low growl and pressed into me at full depth, pushing as deeply as he could. I felt the familiar pulsing of a penis inside me and I knew that I now owned a part of him in a very special way. After a bit, he slipped out of me, as docile as a lamb, and as limp as wet noodle, as they say."You will keep this a secret, won't you?" I asked."That depends," he said."Next Saturday night, at my place?" I asked."Mum’s the word."
Please feel free to Email me at to tell me if you like my stories. ***One day I had a surprise at the checkout of the local supermarket. I had paid for my shopping, when I saw the Supervisor stroll across to me. "May I invite you to have a chat with our manageress," she said. "There is nothing the matter, but she wants to ask a favour of you." I noticed all the checkout women smiling and nodding at me as I was ushered into a small office. I was introduced to a smart looking tall woman of about forty who told me her name was Clare. She welcomed me and gave me coffee out of a jug standing on her desk. She shook hands with me and said, "Mrs Bennett, I don't know if you know, but each year the women working here have a party. We all drink a little too much and have a good time with no men present. One of the features of the evening is the crowning of the Supermarket Princess."Call me Pam," I replied, "How can I help?""Well, Pam," she said, "Usually we have a candidate for Princess right here in the store. The checkout girls usually elect the youngest and prettiest of their number. But this year, there just is not a suitable girl. They are all too old. Now, we have naturally discussed what is to be done and someone suggested your daughter. I gather she is very popular here." I have been shopping there for a few years and I suppose the checkout girls have got to know Wendy and me. I felt proud that they liked Wendy enough to choose her as their Princess, and felt comfortable with me so they could ask me. "That sounds possible," I said, "but of course I will have to ask her." Clare was pleased at my reaction, "I must tell you that these evenings sometimes get a little out of hand. Of course, you will be there, but the women will be disappointed if Wendy does not enter into the fun of the evening. Do you think that will be alright with her?"I told her that I thought Wendy would love the attention and was told that she would certainly have plenty of that. "All the checkout girls really fancy her, you know," said the manageress. What on earth did she mean? As I went past the checkouts on the way out of the store, the girls smiled at me and several made a thumbs up sign. I felt they were all appealing me to ensure that my daughter agreed to be their Princess. I would of course ask her, but I felt I already knew what her answer would be. Wendy loves to be the centre of attention and this promised to be a good party. When Wendy came in from school, I put the supermarket's request to her. She agreed at once.Next day, when I went shopping, I asked to see the manageress. "Well, Pam." she said, "What did Wendy say?"She was delighted to hear that Wendy was to be the Princess, and went to tell all the women. When she returned she told me that the girls had elected one of them called Debbie to be the Princess's Lady in Waiting. "This means that she will look after Wendy and make her costume." Clare told me. She pressed a button on her telephone and said, "Send in Debbie, please."Debbie was a woman of about thirty, small and neat. "Debbie," said Clare. "May I introduce our Princess's mother?"Debbie was delighted to hear that she was to be Wendy's attendant and made an arrangement to visit us that evening. Since the crowning was to be in seven days, there was no time to be lost in making the costume. When Debbie arrived, as agreed I went out for a couple of hours so they could agree on the costume and Debbie could take Wendy's measurements. When I returned, Debbie had gone. Wendy flatly refused to tell me the details of the outfit. "You will see it on the night," she said. During the next week, every time I went shopping, the checkout girls thanked me for letting Wendy be their princess. I felt the atmosphere heating up as the great day approached. I still did not know what the Princess's costume was to be, as Debbie and Wendy kept it secret! I received my invitation. As the Princess's mother, I was to be an honoured guest and sit with Clare, the manageress.When the great night came, Wendy went off first with Debbie, who carried a costume well wrapped up. The Princess was to be robed in her own bedroom at the hotel where the function was to be held. Wendy came to kiss me goodbye. "The next time you see me, I will be wearing the costume," She said. "I hope you will like me in it." And she kissed me on the mouth. I saw Debbie watching and her smile told me she fully approved of our mother/daughter kiss. They went off in a taxi and I went to dress and made my way to the hotel.The party was to be held in a big function room. I found it and went in. Immediately, one of the checkout women I knew came to me and welcomed me. As she took me to my table, the women stood and clapped as I went past. She brought me to a table just below the stage, where Clare was sitting. I noticed after I sat down there were still two vacant places. Everyone looked very nice, dressed in long evening dresses. Not at all like the overalls of the working day. Clare thanked me profusely, telling me that I was not to worry about the evening. She told me that the women were out to enjoy themselves but that she, Clare would make sure things did not get out of hand. She said that Wendy and Debbie would be joining us for dinner after the crowning ceremony. The stage curtains were drawn shut, so I realised that the ceremony would be taking place there. I heard footsteps behind the curtain and muffled voices. Debbie appeared beside us, "Clare, we are ready for you now," said Debbie "Hello, Pam, I do hope you will be pleased with the way Wendy looks. She will be sensational."Clare and Debbie left us and a moment later there was the sound of a fanfare and the room lights died. The curtains swept back. On the stage in a brilliant pool of light was a throne. On the throne was my daughter. She was wearing a cape of dark blue satin. Clare and Debbie stood on either side. Clare spoke, "Welcome everyone to the annual crowning of the Princess. I would like you all of you to applaud Pam and Wendy for agreeing to attend." There was widespread clapping and a few cheers."And now I have pleasure in crowning Princess Wendy." Clare placed a jewelled tiara on my daughter's head. I felt so proud to see my lovely girl standing there bathed in the glow of the women's applause. Clare and Debbie then each took one of the Princess's hands and brought her to the edge of the stage. The audience left their seats and clustered as close as they could to the place where the three women stood. I saw Clare and Debbie each take hold of the margin of the cape, and they pulled it off her. Wendy stood there, looking for all the world like a true princess. But Diana had never looked like this. The dress was made of a heavy material, which flowed down her body. But it revealed more than it concealed. Wendy's beautiful breasts were completely bare! She stood proudly in a spotlight with all those women going mad with delight. I was so proud of her. Gradually the applause died down and Clare and Debbie brought the Princess down to our table. I congratulated Debbie on the costume. I noticed Clare could not keep her eyes off the delightful 16-year-old breast flesh so artfully displayed. I knew from the puffy state of my daughter's nipples that she was already quite stimulated.Dinner was served. It passed in a hubbub of excitement as several of the checkout women came by to compliment Wendy and thank me for allowing her to be there. After dinner there was dancing. Clare and Wendy led it off by dancing together. They looked good together, the tall brown haired manageress holding the blonde princess with the bare breasts. Clare held Wendy tight in her arms and every so often they exchanged a sweet kiss. Most of the other women also danced but Clare and Wendy held the eye. I danced with little Debbie and listened as she told me about how much she had enjoyed looking after Wendy and making the dress. Debbie told me she had loved preparing my daughter's body for the evening's fun, She had worked on her breasts with powder and rouge, and she told me there was another surprise for me later. I saw that every so often another woman would tap Wendy's partner on the shoulder and take the Princess into her own arms. Clare and I sat together watching the dancers. I knew my daughter was enjoying the dancing as I saw the women kissing her and some were so bold as to caress the Princess' offered breasts. "Are you happy, Pam?" asked Clare. "I knew Wendy would be the centre of attention." I replied that it was a shame the evening had to end. Clare gave me an enigmatic look.While we sat enjoying the spectacle, I noticed that several women came and whispered in Clare's ear. Just after yet another had come over to us, Clare spoke up. "Pam, sometimes at these parties, if we have an exceptionally exciting princess, if she agrees, we carry on with another stage of the entertainment. Those women who you saw talking to me have asked if we could do this tonight." I was all ears, it sounded exciting. "Would you let the women pay homage to their Princess in a really passionate way?"I replied that it seemed only right to allow them freedom to do whatever they wanted, but that Wendy must agree. Clare thanked me and asked Debbie to take Wendy backstage again, tell her about the plan and get her ready. I waited eagerly for whatever was to happen.Again Debbie appeared beside Clare. "Wendy has agreed and is ready now," she said to us. Again Clare went up onto the stage and again the room lights went down. The curtains opened and all was the same as before, with Wendy on the throne in her cloak. The same except that in the silence I could have heard a pin drop. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. The room was full of sexual promise. The three women came forward as before. Clare announced, "Tonight, ladies, there will be further entertainment. You are invited to pay homage to your Princess," and the cape was swept off revealing my daughter totally naked. Her lovely body was displayed for all the women to see and lust over. Her sweet smiling face, her strong shoulders and arms, her high set breasts and the flat belly. To my surprise I saw that her blonde fur had been entirely removed. So that was what Debbie had meant, she had shaven my girl's vulva! Her long strong legs completed the picture. Music started and the women went mad as Clare used a dance to show the audience the full delights of their Princess. As she twirled my girl around, I saw that Debbie was reorganising the room. The chairs were arranged in a circle around a pile of satin cushions. Some sort of exhibition was obviously being planned, as the encircling chairs were only inches from the cushions. The women tore themselves away from the delights on stage and sat waiting the next part of the entertainment. One of them kindly made sure I had a chair in the circle too. All the lights went out and we sat in total darkness. I heard rustling and light footsteps. Then one brilliant light went on shining directly down onto the cushions. Wendy was spread out on her back, stark naked with her body completely available to all. Her shaven cunt looked especially inviting, with the spotlight glistening off its moisture. Clare's voice said, "Would the first two ladies step forward." I saw Debbie and another girl come into the light. "Make homage to your Princess!" said the firm voice. Debbie and the other woman dropped to their knees beside my outstretched naked daughter and began to make passionate love to her. Debbie kissed her mouth and felt her breasts while her friend took the proffered cunt with her hungry mouth. So started a continuous session of protracted fucking. Wendy was taken by over twenty women that night. Some of them dropped the tops of their dresses, the better to use their own breasts to stimulate those of the Princess. One large breasted woman used her long nipple to stimulate my daughter's erect clit. Each pair were given ample time to procure the multiple orgasms which wracked their princess's lovely body. Every climax was applauded by the audience. Debbie had the honour of bringing on the first come with her tongue deep inside my daughter's vagina. Wendy's cunt-juice was drunk that evening by all the women in turn, but she still stained the cushions. Twenty hungry mouths stimulated her breasts; the owners of each I now realised had lusted after her so often in the shop. Every so often, the woman currently fucking her looked up and mouthed a thank you to me before bending once more to further ravage their naked Princess. Eventually about three in the morning everyone was exhausted. Wendy lay gasping on her cushions, her wonderful body streaked with girl-come. Her nipples were puffed up and lightly scarred where the lustful women had bitten. Her cunt lay open, literally dripping with her adoring subjects' saliva and her own cunt-juice. The wide smile on her pretty face confirmed that she had enjoyed every minute.Gradually, the women reluctantly filed out as Debbie, Clare and I helped Wendy to dress. Clare, who alone had not fucked the Princess offered to drive us home. We again thanked Debbie for her work and said good night. I invited Clare to come in and over coffee we discussed the evening. Clare was so pleased. "I get so few chances to give those women what they really want." Wendy had fully recovered and shyly asked Clare why she had not joined in. Clare answered, "Darling, I was so excited to see all my colleagues enjoying your body that I missed my chance." "Mum, dear," said Wendy "do you think that is fair? Couldn't Clare stay with us tonight?"So it was that we all went to my big bed together. I had the honour of seeing the elegant manageress have the fuck she so badly needed. The unselfish woman gave my darling multiple orgasms. Clare started by finger fucking Wendy. Then she did her with her lovely mouth deep in the darling's pussy, finishing up with a passionate strap-on fuck, which again sent my daughter over the edge. We three slept together with Wendy sandwiched between us plugged deeply from the back by Clare's plastic shaft. I fell asleep with my breasts against hers and our mouths enjoying passionate kisses.Now each time we go to the supermarket, I am conscious of all the eyes following my daughter around the store. I realise the women's lust is still rampant as they fantasise that they are still in that hotel room, with their beautiful Princess naked in their arms and the taste of her cunt-juice on their thirsty tongues.THE ENDPlease feel free to Email me at to tell me if you like my stories.
I was visiting my local adult theatre and arcade last night to pick up a movie when something completely unexpected and startling happened to me. If I had known what was going to happen, I certainly wouldn't have gone there.I always thought of myself as an average straight male. Sure, I had occasionally admired some of the guys' larger equipment in porno films, but I thought that was natural. It wasn't something I talked about, but I figured other guys probably did the same thing. I really thought I was totally straight.You see, I'm married and I enjoy a good sex life with my wife. There isn't really anything that I'd like her to do that she doesn't already do. Our sex life is really very satisfying. The porn I watch always has women in it; sometimes there are only women. And I've never watched anything with two guys together. I'd occasionally wondered what it might be like, but those thoughts never inspired any real arousal.So, last night when I went to the theatre, I was after my usual type of movie to rent. I spent a little time examining the titles and found a gangbang film that starred two of my favorite actresses. I didn't pick it up right then, though. I sometimes go into the theatre to watch the feature, and I decided to do that last night.I got my ticket and entered the dark theatre. I stood at the back until my eyes became accustomed to the dark, and then I found a seat about halfway down the isle over on the right side. I don't like to sit too near the center of the theatre because I don't really want to be seen there. I find I like it off to the side, because it's darker there. Sometimes guys try to pick me up, but I just tell them I'm not interested and they always leave me alone. At least that's the way it's always been before.Last night I was settled in my seat in the dark. I had unbuckled and unzipped my shorts and was slowly jacking off as I watched the girl on the screen take these two very large cocks. That kind of thing has always turned me on and last night was no exception. I was quite hard and enjoyed the feelings I felt as I stroked my cock. I think I have a pretty nice cock. It is cut, fairly thick and a good six-inches long with a large head.Anyway, I was stroking myself when this guy came and sat right next to me. I was prepared to tell him that I wasn't interested, but he didn't ask me anything. He didn't try to touch me either. He did unzip his pants and pull out a very large cock, though. I was a little stunned, but at a loss. He wasn't really bothering me, so I didn't think I should ask him to move.I could have gotten up and moved myself, but I didn't. I have to admit that I was sort of mesmerized by his huge cock. It had to be twelve inches long and was proportionally thick. So, I just sat there and continued to play with myself, alternating my attention between the movie screen and the seat next to me. I found that I was abnormally excited. I have never jacked off to completion in the theatre and I didn't think I should now, but I did want to cum. So, I zipped up and got up and went to find some privacy.I left the theatre and went into the arcade. I found an open booth and went in and shut the door behind me. I would have locked it, but there was no lock. I put a ten in the machine and pulled my pants down and sat down on the seat. I hadn't paid any attention to what was playing in the booth, and I was surprised to find only gay sex videos. I was about to leave when I noticed a finger poking through a hole in the wall of my booth. I had been there enough to know what that meant, though I had never taken anybody up on their offer before.This time, I felt differently. I was soooo very excited, I thought, "What the hell!" I knelt in front of the wall and stuck my hard cock through the wall. It was only seconds until I felt the hot wetness of someone's mouth close around me. I just knelt there while he (I assumed it was a he) worked his magic. It was probably less than a minute when I started to cum.I emptied my balls right down his throat, and he took it all. After another minute, I started to soften and he released me. I got up and sat back on the seat and tried to regain my composure. I still had plenty of time left on the video machine, so I sat back and watched this guy suck another guy. I guess I wasn't really surprised when I started to get hard again.I was surprised when this huge cock poked through the hole in the wall! At first I didn't move, but after about fifteen seconds, I got down and knelt by the wall. I couldn't believe what I was doing! I just felt this compulsion to suck the cock in front of me! So, I did it! I bent forward, opened my mouth as wide as it would go, and slipped my lips around it. I have to admit that I liked it. I actually liked everything about it! I liked the way it felt in my mouth and I liked the way it filled my mouth so completely. I moved back and forth a few times, sucking slightly. I did it for about a minute, and then I started to panic. What if he had a disease?! What if I got caught?!I finally came to my senses and rocked back, dropping the cock from my mouth. I sat back up on the seat and waited for the cock to withdraw, but it didn't. I thought I should leave immediately, but I was so flustered. I was afraid that people might be able to tell what I had been doing. I was sure that my face must be flushed, so I thought I'd sit there for a couple more minutes and then I'd leave.I was relieved to see the cock finally withdraw through the hole in the wall. I thought I'd be okay now that it was gone. I couldn't have been more wrong! I was sitting there, just starting to relax a little when the door to my booth flew open. This large black man stepped inside and pulled the door closed behind him. I just sat there stunned as he undid his pants and pulled out his huge hard cock!It was the guy from the theatre, and pretty obviously the guy from the neighboring booth. I told him that I wasn't gay, but he didn't seem to care. He told me that it was my turn, and that he wasn't going to leave until I sucked him off! I'm pretty big, 6'5" tall and 200 lbs, but this guy was bigger, probably 6'8" and 250 pounds. I could have probably fought my way out of the booth, but I still had my pants down, and I didn't relish the thought of barging out into the hall with my pants around my feet. I decided to do what he asked.I opened my mouth and he moved forward and pushed the head of his huge cock in me. Once again, I felt the satisfaction and pleasure of having his cock in my mouth. It actually had a soothing affect on me. I started to move my head back and forth, trying to take as much of him as I could. He obviously liked what I was doing because he started moaning and telling me how good I was. I think he just liked it because he had forced me to do it! As I sucked him, sliding my lips up and down his thick shaft, I started to get hard again. In all of the previous excitement, I had completely lost my erection, but now as I sucked his giant cock, it came back with a vengeance! I was sucking cock and loving it!He talked to me as I did him, telling me what a good cocksucker I was. He wasn't quiet about t either, and I was sure if anyone was nearby, they would surely here him. It made me a little nervous, but I soon lost myself in trying to please him. As I continued to suck him, he started to move his hips back and forth, essentially fucking my mouth.He became more and more forceful, until he was jamming the head of his cock against the back of my throat with each thrust. He put his hand behind my head and rammed his thick meat into me harder and harder, until the head of his cock started to actually enter my throat!I didn't fight him, but tried to relax so that I could take more of him. It was difficult, because it hurt some, but still I tried to relax. Eventually, e was able to push his cockhead into my throat! He couldn't get it in very far, but I figured I had eight of his twelve inches in me.I could tell he liked it by his moans. By now I had my hands on his ass as I pulled him into me. I could tell he was getting close and I couldn't wait until he came! I didn't have to wait long! He stiffened and then thrust forward, burying the head of his cock down my throat as he began to squirt!I could feel the threads of cum pouring down my throat and it felt wonderful! I held him inside me wishing I could take him all as he continued to pump out throbs of cum. He probably came for a full minute, and then he was done! He pulled out of me and zipped up, leaving me sitting there with my mouth open and cum dripping from the corners of my mouth. Then he told me that he wanted me to come back at the same time the next night. Without even thinking, I nodded and muttered that I'd be there for him.He opened the door to the booth and stepped outside. I was still sitting there with my pants on the floor, and several guys in the hall looked right at me. I felt so embarrassed and wished he'd shut the door, but he wasn't done with me quite yet. He stood there in front of those other men and said, "You're a good cocksucker, but tomorrow I'm going to fuck you. Okay?!" From his expression I could tell that he was serious. I imagined his huge tool in my ass and it excited me! He pressed me to answer, and I heard myself say, "okay."Then he left. I pulled the door closed as the men in the hall watched. I pulled up my pants and fastened them, and then I opened the door and stepped out into the hall. The other guys watched me as I walked away. I was soooo embarrassed! I managed to get out of there and into my car, and I drove away.I learned so much about myself last night. I think it can only make me a more understanding and passionate lover, and I'm glad it happened. I'm sitting here now with a condom and some lube in my pocket. It's 7:30 PM and I'm trying to work up the courage to go to the theatre. I still have my inhibitions and fears, but I know I can force myself to go. All I have to do is get in my car and drive over there.I'm scared, but I know I'll love it. I'll let you all know how it went.Bobby
Based on the Short Story:My Sister Alexandriaby Kathy ( can be found in directory 1***My boyfriend likes my sister, Alexa. When I was away last year he took her out a couple of times, not as a date, but in order to be closer to me, virtually. Alexa is my twin. Alexa was always quieter than I and never had the luck with guys -- not all good luck, by any means -- that I did. But she did like Robert and came along with us sometimes to the movies, or out on a picnic, or to a party when she was alone. I didn't mind; we were twins. Last New Year's Rob and I threw a party at our house. It was very successful and a lot of our friends turned up. Alexa met a seemingly-nice guy named Jim and danced with him most of the evening. Just after midnight, however, I found her alone in the bathroom in a flood of tears. "What's wrong?" I helped her off the floor and onto the commode seat. I wet a hand-towel and wiped her face. "Where is Jim?""We had an argument," she sobbed. "Blow your nose," I told her. She blew her nose into the hand towel and explained: "He wanted me to go home with him and I said no and he wanted to--hic--know why and I told him I liked him but I didn't think I should go home with him on the first--hic--date and we were all right for a while but after a while he started to--""Okay, okay," I said. "I get it."She sniffed loudly. "I'm a moron, aren't I?"I told her she was but I kissed her on the forehead to show her it was all right. "Where is he now?" I asked. "Gone," she said morosely. "I think."I left for a moment to circuit the house but Jim was indeed gone. Bastard."You stay here tonight," I told her. She was legally drunk anyway and I wasn't driving her home. I was a little drunk myself. And I wanted my sister."You're sure?" she said."Of course, I'm sure." I guided her back downstairs and into the kitchen and made her eat some food. "Rob won't mind?"A hilarious image ripped through my mind. "Rob wouldn't mind it if you fucked him," I said aloud.She sprayed Doritos and dip into her hand. "Kathy!"I started laughing. "God!" She wiped her mouth and rinsed her hand under the faucet. "You shouldn't do that. You embarrass me.""That's why I did it," I said.At two o'clock we shut down the party and bedded our guests in every available space. Two couples and five singles shared the basement; Alexa was on the couch; four acquaintances lay on air mattresses in the living room, and four of my best friends were in the two spare bedrooms upstairs. I locked the bedroom door to keep the riffraff out. "Are we gonna fuck?" Rob wanted to know."Are you gonna make me?" I asked him."I can make you if you want me too," he said.I took off my clothes and made him screw me good.* * *At just after three o'clock I awoke and went to the bathroom. My bladder was bursting. We have two bathrooms upstairs so I had this one locked up. There was a knock on the corridor door."Kath?" It was Alexa."Yeah.""Let me in."I let her in and she scuttled over to the commode, yanked down her jeans and sat down. "Oh, God," she sighed, letting her urine out. "I thought I'd die."I rinsed my hands and dried them on a towel. I played one hand through her blonde hair. "You okay?" I asked.She shrugged."I think that Jim's a real asshole, Alex." "I do too.""I don't even know him.""I wish I didn't.""Where'd he come from, anyway?"She shrugged again."Listen," I said. I had been thinking about this since midnight and it had the right feel. "You remember when we were thirteen?""Yeah," she said slowly."Remember how upset you were that, that boy, whatever his name was--""Richard.""Yeah, Richard, how he had you all upset and crying your eyes out? How I wanted to beat him up?"She sat on the commode and bobbed her head. Her face was starting to redden. Her hands gripped tightly in her lap. "You remember what we did, Alex?""I remember.""Didn't you feel better afterwards?" I asked."Kath," she muttered, eyes not meeting mine. She shifted uneasily on the seat, forgetting to wipe herself. "Maybe tonight's a good night to find out if we still have the power to heal ourselves, Alex," I said. Then I bent down and I kissed her.* * *At four o'clock Rob rolled over onto his side to face us. He pulled the bed sheets up to his chin, depriving Alex and I of cover. We giggled softly so as not to awaken him."Do you think he'll know?" Alex whispered."I think there's no doubt about that." I traced the line of her nose, around her lips, over her chin, and down between her breasts. I cupped one breast gently in my hand, then let my fingertips continue southward on their journey. Alex shuddered. "You heal real good," she said."You're the perfect patient," I told her. I let my fingertip circle her bellybutton and she shuddered again. "It was different this time," she said."We're older.""That isn't all.""We're more mature." I let my fingertips glide down her belly to the thin stripe of pubic hair and then between her legs. We both shuddered now. "Can we do it again?" she pleaded.I drew her to me and wrapped her tight with my legs and with my left arm while my right hand cuddled her bottom. Her lips parted and we danced with our tongues; sounds suspiciously like deep moans echoed in our chests. Nuclear reactors began to redline in our groins. I probed her with my middle finger and let her enter me with her own. We coiled like mating snakes, twisted like spaghetti. Orgasm arrived and we rode it like a magical surfer. We wanted more--desperately--but didn't want Rob waking to find us like that. "I could wake him," I whispered. "I know he likes you."Her eyes flared momentarily, but she shook her head. "I like him too but you and Rob are a couple. You might not mind now, but events have a way of turning around on you when things go bad." I wanted her to be happy, but she was right. A forced relationship could shipwreck us both. And besides, being with her was enough. "You promise me," I told her, drawing her back to my lips, "next time you get screwed over by a guy, you come and see me.""I will," she promised.And my sister always keeps her promises.THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 31
CHAPTER 1Chloë Parsons thought she had fucking died and gone straight to heaven! She fluffed her blonde hair, using her reflection in the microwave door glass, and she went out the kitchen door into the backyard. Her tits heaved provocatively, and the nipples made pointy erections in the front of her t-shirt."Hi," she said. "You must be new in the neighborhood!"The boy who was standing on the back porch of the house next door just smiled. His teeth were dazzling. Chloë felt her cunt beginning to drip into her panties. There really was a God, she thought."Friendly neighborhood," the boy replied. His voice was deep and smooth. He was older than he looked, too, Chloë thought. Eighteen, maybe. Well, she did like older men! Oh, Christ, he was stone fucking gorgeous! She leaned against the fence, tantalizing her nipples by rubbing sideways in slow motion. He came down off the porch, moving toward her in a limber, sexy walk. Oh, he knew he had it, all right, and he was showing it all off, too!He wasn't that tall -- five-nine, maybe, but he looked much bigger. Slim-built, and giving the impression of size, with a head full of dark curly hair and a gorgeous tan. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and the silky fine hairs on his chest glistened in the sunlight. His brown eyes seemed to smolder, and he was giving Chloë the once-over. Even better, he was obviously liking what he saw.She straightened up, pushing her tits outward a little -- just enough to emphasize the sweet round cupcakes and their pointy erect tips. She stroked her hair, fluffing it again, and she opened her blue eyes widely, batting them with what she hoped was an irresistibly seductive come-on. He came on."My name's Dwayne," he told her. Dwayne had always seemed a really nerdy name to Chloë before, but looking up at him, across the fence, she changed her mind fast. "I'm staying here this summer, with my aunt," he added, resting his hand atop the fence. Chloë looked down at his fingers, imagining them curved around the swelling apple of her tit."Oh," she said. "You're Joanna's nephew, then?" She didn't know Joanna Murphy all that well. The lady next door worked with Chloë's mom, sure. Chloë had never felt any need to make friends with her. But if their neighbor could possibly be aunt to such a fucking hunk as Dwayne, then it was incumbent on Chloë to get much better acquainted!Dwayne nodded. "Yeah," he said. "The old home town got too hot for me, so I'm banished up here for a while. Aunt Jo got me a job, and I'm just hanging around till I start work, you know?""Well, I'm Chloë," the little blonde replied. "That's with a dieresis." He gave her a blank stare. Guys always did when she used that come-on line. She decided to junk it from her repertoire. Too bad. Belinda could get away with it, but Belinda wouldn't know a dieresis if one bit her on the ass -- damn nearthe only thing that had never done so yet! Belinda could get away with fucking near anything, but Belinda wasn't here right now, was she?Chloë glanced down at the front of his pants. Oh, sweet Christ! she thought. The faded, stonewashed denim clung boldly to the shape of his dick, outlining it in breathtaking clarity. Chloë felt her knees grow wobbly. She had never felt so much in need of a good hard fucking as she did right now, eating Dwayne with her eyes. She knew he couldn't tell a dieresis from an umlaut, but she intended to make damn sure he didn't forget her name."Well," she told him, her throat dry with nervousness, "why don't you let me buy you a drink, since you're new in the neighborhood? I was just getting a Coke, and I know there's another in the 'fridge. Bet you're thirsty, on such a hot day." "Yeah," he said, "I am kinda thirsty ... " His hand moved lightly but demonstratively onto Chloë's. She looked up into his eyes and she felt as if she were melting from the heat.***He dipped his tongue in and out of Chloë's cunt. She leaned back, lifting her snatch into his face while she clutched at her stiff-nippled tits. He put one hand on her chest, smoothing it down possessively over a breast, and he squeezed, sending pulsations of ecstasy through the girl. If you didn't count Belinda, nobody had ever licked Chloë's snatch before, though it was something she had dreamed about -- a lot -- and all her goddamn dreams were coming true right now, for sure! Again and again his tongue played flourishes of delight on her stiffened clit, the wiggly labes of her dripping cunt. The teenager oozed cumjuice like a fullgrown woman!She looked down in ecstasy, watching him as he concentrated on his work. He had her pussy flaps spread, and his tongue slicked in and out of the open pink trench. He screwed it into the gaping hole of her cunt, pushing deep, and she moaned and squirmed and whimpered, pissing pussygoo onto his exploring tongue. "Oh, eat me," she gasped, "eat my fucking pussy!!!"He moved his lips along her upper thigh, taking a momentary break from her cunt. She hadn't shaved her legs in a week, and there was fine soft stubble on her flesh. His lips stroked it, and Chloë went wild, trembling from her clitoris outward while she worked her fingers again and again through his dark wavy hair.He wormed a finger into her hole, screwing it in and out of her, until Chloë was heaving with lustful arousal. She was sopping wet, and the more he pronged her, the wetter she got. Hers was not nearly the first snatch he'd ever eaten, and she was so glad she was getting the benefit of his expertise.He'd been as ready as she was. No guy who looked like Dwayne could possibly be a holdout when it came to sex. He'd been on her almost as soon as the door closed behind them, and now they were lying on the pink-covered bed in Chloë's room, doing what had been on her mind from the first sight of him.He twisted around, so that she could get hold of his hard, ripe cock, and she took it in her fist with eagerness. Oh, God! The blood pulsated through the length of his shaft as she slid her hand up and down him, and pre-cum leaked from his tip onto her fingers. She squeezed at the bulbous knobby crown, feeling the wetness dribble from it. Her throat was dry, but she knew she'd be drooling saliva as soon as she got that dick of his into her mouth. And she was aching to show him that he wasn't the only one who knew how to suck. She'd had her lips wrapped around a few peters here and there, too, and her mouth was dry with the longing for Dwayne's tool. She stroked it harder, licking her lips, anticipating.His mouth preyed upon her clit, teasing it into an erection that was both painful and delicious, all at once. He sucked her bud, pulling it with his lips, laving it with his tongue. His finger pushed deeper, more forcefully, into her cunt, and she moaned. "Oh, goddamn you," she sighed, "will you lemme suck your dick just a little, too?"Obviously he had no objections. He raised his head from Chloë's pussy and he straddled her prone body, his hard cock protruding like a log from his slim body. She took it in both hands, worshiping it with her fingers. She stroked her hard nipples with it, licking her lips as she stared at the purple swollen knob and the bubble of pre-cum that formed in his slitted opening.He pushed her tits together around his cock and he fucked it back and forth in slow, sensuous strokes. Chloë wished she had D cups instead of A+s. She'd love to have smothered his prick in the fleshy warmth of her tits. The thing fucked in and out, and she leaned her face forward, tongue extending, lapping toward the oncoming point of Dwayne's dick.She made contact suddenly, and her eyes got really big. The hot velvet of his cock knob made her tongue tingle. She trapped him inside her hands and she fed him into her mouth, sucking like a leech. He thrust, meeting her sucks, and half his cock plunged into Chloë's mouth. She gagged on the big hard thing, but she couldn't stop sucking, oh, no, not with his meat filling her mouth! She was too greedy, too aroused. She wanted it all!And Jesus, he gave it to her, too! He fucked hard into Chloë's mouth. He didn't seem to mind that she was so young, that she wasn't used to sucking such a big fat prick as his. He held her head in his hands and he fucked her eager, gulping mouth with the stiffened power of his cock, while she gurgled and gagged and did her goddamnedest to eat every inch of his lust.Spit was running out of her mouth when she drew back and said, "Oh, Dwayne, baby, I want to feel this thing inside me, inside my fucking pussy, you bastard... "Realistically, she knew she had to fuck him now. Partly because she was fucking dying for it, and partly because her mom would be home from work in less than an hour, and if she was gonna do it, she had to do it! The last thing she needed was to get caught with eight inches of stiff peter in her pussy. No, the last thing she needed was to go fuckless. Her cunt ached for the biting thrust of Dwayne Murphy's rod, and she squirmed beneath him, her hands busy and horny on the length of his stiff meat, urging him to get it on!"Well?" she panted, looking up from his spit-shined cock. Her blue eyes flashed a challenge she hoped was absolutely irresistible. "Are you gonna fuck me, or aren't you ???""Yeah," he grinned, his fingers toying with her hard-nippled tits. "I think I'm gonna fuck you, Chloë..."Up close, she thought, he wasn't really all that handsome. You'd never mistake him for Tom Cruise or Rob Lowe. But when he looked into her eyes there was something that just growled like Barry White and said, "Baby, I know what turns you on." Chloë had never met a guy like that before. She'd heard about them, dreamed about them, sure. All women did -- even teenage girls. But now she was about to fuck one of them.***She screamed aloud as his ravenous prick wedged itself between the taut wet flaps of her cunt and shoved home. He had the biggest dick Chloë had ever fucked, and it felt like a treetrunk cramming up her tight hot hole. It banged into her depths, ravishing her twat, and she kicked her feet high into the air, deepening the availability of her cunt.He leaned down, trapping her nearest tit-nipple in his lips. He pulled it until the rubbery flesh screamed, and his teeth dug into the responsive tissue. His prick banged in and out of Chloë, hitting the bottom of her pussy tunnel on each thrust, and she bounced and rocked beneath him. Oh, fuck! It was gonna be a great summer with a dude like this living next door!The only thing she had to worry about was whether Belinda would try to take him away from her. Sisters could be such cunts, if you gave them half a chance...She looked up into Dwayne's eyes, sinking into their warm brown depth. Jesus, he was so goddamn gorgeous, and he could fuck like a son of a bitch! She wished she could kiss her thanks onto the mouths of every girl he'd screwed in the past, just to show her appreciation for what they'd taught him about how to satisfy a pussy!He began to fuck harder, faster, really plowing his cock into Chloë. She wrapped her legs around him, and all she could do was hang on. His belly rammed against hers with each thrust, and she moaned from deep in her guts, feeling the come-frenzy building irresistibly inside herself. Her cunt sucked up and down the length of his dick, eating him like a thirsty leech. Would he get as sweet, as hot, as tight, a fuck from Belinda? Chloë thought not, and she squirmed, vacuuming her pussy around him, horny to prove that she was the best fuck he'd ever find in Albany!And then she began to come, screeching as the frenzy hit her. "Oh, shiiiiiittt!!!" she squealed, sucking him deeper yet into her hole. She banged up to meet his downcoming thrusts, and her pussy became maniacal around Dwayne's dick.Her cunt went into a paroxysm of response, squeezing and sucking wetly at the hard tool Dwayne kept shoving into her juicing hole. His knob plumbed the depths of her pussy and she screamed like a bitch as she was fucked, repeatedly, deliciously! God, nobody had ever fucked her like this before! The boys she'd played around with were just small change next to Dwayne! His tool bloated inside her, engorging as the fever captured him, too, and it was difficult to slamdunk her as furiously as she'd have wanted, because the fit was just too fucking tight. But, oh, Jesus, could he ever fuck!"I'm so sore," she moaned, "oh take it out, baby, let me suck you the rest of the way off... "Her cunt moaned too, as his cock emerged, and then he was astride her chest, sliding his prick through her tits once again. Chloë gasped, watching the steady back-forth thrust of Dwayne's dick, and she took him in hand, pulling his fattened purple knob to her hungry lips. This time she'd show him what cocksucking was really all about!She pursed her lips, kissing Dwayne's prick, but that wasn't enough. She opened them, and she sucked him inside, saliva running like a river around the throbbing meat of his knob. He slid forward, shoving more cock into Chloë, and she sucked in a frenzy, gargling, inhaling. His dick rammed to the back of her oral chamber and into the upper end of her throat, and she blew his tool without even a gag, a groan. It was easy, once you got the hang of it. And speaking of hang, oh, Jesus, was Dwayne ever hung!!! She trapped the knob behind her front teeth, sucking at it while her hands slipped and slid up and down the drool-wet length of Dwayne's shaft. She could feel the male power surging within his rod. As she began to jerk him faster, more furiously, he reached back and stuffed a couple of fingers up her tight teenaged cunt. Chloë squealed at the sudden, excited penetration, and she was pretty damn excited, too. She gulped faster and deeper at his cock, her fingers more and more aggressive up and down his throbbing length."Okay!" she heard him gasp, and she knew that he was going to come.Chloë opened her throat and jerked him in her hands, waiting for the spurting surge of his cum. Yes! It splashed across her tongue and she began to guzzle the fluid down her gullet as his cock emptied itself into her hungry cum-starved mouth._Oh, Christ_, she told herself, _I've gotta try to keep him a secret from Belinda! There's no way I'm ever gonna share anything like this, not even with my sister_!CHAPTER 2"Any calls for me, Monkeyface?" Belinda Parsons asked her sister."Try the machine, bitch," Chloë suggested. "Hostile today, huh?" Belinda kicked off her shoes and unzipped her uniform down the front. If she never saw another fucking burger again, she'd die happy. She was going to turn vegetarian. Or at least give up grease totally. She glanced at her kid sister, and the look on the squirt's face just wasn't right. Belinda could read every expression the little whore possessed. "What's with you, anyway, Chloë? You don't _look_ hostile. In fact, you look like the cat that ate the canary. There's even a feather or two on your mouth. What gives?""Nothing," Chloë insisted. "Absolutely nothing."Belinda smiled knowingly, stepping out of the jumpsuit she wore on the job at Regal Burger. Under it she was wearing a filmy bra and string panties, like always. Chloë sneaked a glance at her older sister, envying Belinda those sumptuous curves. Oh, God, she thought, if Dwayne ever gets a look at her, I'm sunk!Chloë turned over and lay on her belly, pretending to read SEVENTEEN. Belinda came over to the bed and sat down. She put her hand on the small of her sister's back. "C'mon, tell me," she said. "You know I can torture anything out of you if I try."Her fingers began to tickle Chloë's ribs. Chloë squealed. Belinda flipped her over and pinned her to the bed. She leaned down closer, her long golden hair dangling into Chloë's face. She had the blue eyes that ran in the family, and they stared straight into Chloë's. "You got fucked today," Belinda said triumphantly. "I can see it in your eyes. But why don't you want to tell me about it? We don't keep secrets from each other, right, squirt? Like, we know too much already, hmmm?" And she began to lift the bottom of Chloë's t-shirt, pulling it up past the soft smooth white cups of her sister's bra. The fabric clung to Chloë's tits, and the perky nipples were already making indentations in it.Belinda leaned down and pressed her lips against Chloë's. They were soft and warm. Her breath tasted slightly of onions and coffee but it wasn't an unpleasant taste. Chloë opened her mouth beneath Belinda's and the tip of her tongue met her sister's.A little lower, Belinda's fingers were undoing the front snap of Chloë's bra, pushing the cups loose from the apple-firm titties. They trapped the pointed nipples, rolled them delicately, erotically. Chloë sighed, her lips fluttering against her sister's. Belinda's boobs dangled a little, inside their bra. They brushed across Chloë's upper arm, her chest, her neck. Chloë began to squirm a little. She was heating up, as she always did when Belinda started to play with her."Tell me all about it," Belinda whispered, between kisses. Her fingers had pulled her sister's nips to quivery erections, and she bent down to glide her wet velvety tongue across one pink cap, licking until it glistened, until Chloë was murmuring from low in her throat. "It was a new guy," Chloë whispered, searching her imagination for lies. "He's Joanna's nephew, from next door, come up here to stay the summer with her. I think he's from Pomeroy or someplace.""Cute?" Belinda wondered, undoing the button of her sister's shorts. Obediently, without being asked, Chloë lifted her ass, allowing Belinda to tug the shorts and panties down in one fluid motion. She came back down onto the bed, her legs apart, and Belinda put a hand between them. The fingers moved provocatively through Chloë's soft furry pussy region, tickling the hot tight little mouth that lurked behind the filmy fuzz of hair."No, no!" Chloë desperately insisted. "A real Goober. No, I guess you'd call him a Gomer. Maybe even a Barney Fife. Like, if 'dork' was in the dictionary, it would have his picture instead of a definition."Belinda's finger caressed her sister's tingly gash. The lips puckered and then parted, allowing the finger to move daintily into the smooth slick trench itself. The flesh within was warm and beginning to dampen. The soft blonde hairs on Chloë's cunt were so fine and sparse as to be almost invisible to the eye, but Belinda could feel a crackle as she slid her finger through them. There was still an electric excitement clinging to her sister's twat. She gave Chloë's pussy mouth a testing poke. The muscles quivered and began to draw her into the tight hole, and she could feel the oozy moistness coming down her sister's pussy tunnel. That was all the evidence she needed."Bullshit," she said. "Your little cunt is as hot as a two-dollar pistol. You're still turned on. Oh, you must have gotten it good today! Don't lie to me, squirt! I wanna know _everything_!"Chloë groaned as Belinda's finger poked deeper, into her hot depths. It was true. She couldn't disguise anything from her sister. Belinda knew how Chloë's pussy felt when it was aroused, and it was still revved up from the fucking Dwayne Murphy had thrown into her. As Belinda worked her finger in and out, the cunt began to shiver and suck, muscles milking up and down the alien object.Belinda raised her face and kissed Chloë again. Chloë certainly didn't think of herself as queer, just because she loved to be kissed by another girl. She didn't think of Belinda as queer because she loved to come on to Chloë. It was just something very special and sexy that they shared, as sisters. And Belinda knew just how to use it to her own advantage. Chloë couldn't keep a secret of any kind when she was being attacked like this. She arched her pussy toward the exploring finger and she moaned softly from low in her guts, oozing her juices onto her sister's probing digit.The finger was in her, to the second knuckle now, moving gingerly but evocatively in and out of Chloë's twat. The younger girl spread her legs wider, pumping her pussy up to meet the finger's more and more aggressive thrust. She fucked her tongue into her sister's mouth, one hand on Belinda's head of golden hair, the other pawing with a burgeoning excitement at the bra cups which momentarily restrained Belinda's tits. Behind the silky fabric, Chloë's sister also had hard nipples -- very hard nipples -- and Chloë's fingers burned for the touch of them.Belinda rose slightly, and Chloë undid her bra. The hooters seemed to jump straight out. Chloë grabbed them, in both hands, and buried her face between the big doughy mounds. She drank in the sweat and heat of her sister's body, and then she was feeding one nip after the other, into her mouth -- sucking, biting, chewing. The salmon-rose buds stiffened against her tongue and she could feel the hot pulsation that shot through them as her teeth dug in, as her tongue sloshed drool onto the swollen teats.The finger shoved deep and hard into Chloë, and the younger girl moaned excitedly around the spongy tit that was jammed into her mouth. She writhed, sucking her sister's finger into her hot wet cunt. Belinda thumbed Chloë's clit, stroked it rapidly back and forth, while her finger wiggled like a snake deep inside. It was a lot like fucking a guy, but it was different, too, and it was tremendously exciting in its own special way.Belinda took her finger out suddenly, and Chloë gasped "No, please don't stop..." but, as always, Belinda was in control. The older girl straddled her sister's body, grinding her panty-covered cunt down upon Chloë's belly. She wriggled her way upward, squeezing her sister's tits together and dancing her pussy atop them. Belinda's panties were yellow, like the undone bra that hung from her shoulders, and they were starting to show a damp stain at the very center of the crotchpiece. The bold, swollen shape of her bunlike pussy, its deep hungry gash, were outlined where the fabric clung tightly to her.She wriggled forward, and now her snatch was within striking distance of Chloë's face. She held her sister's head and smiled down at her, knowing that Chloë could not resist the offer. "So eat me, squirt," she told her younger sister, inching just a little closer.Chloë sighed, her eyes rolling, and she pressed her mouth against the front of her sister's panties. Jesus, she could taste the pussygoo oozing out of Belinda, even through the panties, and her tongue worked appreciatively up and down, until the panties were so wet as to be transparent. She took hold of the crotchstrip and pushed it aside, baring the cunt within.It was neatly barbered for summer, the hairs waxed away so that only a narrow furze-like hedge remained, guarding the long deep slash of Belinda's cunt. The lips were puckered and pouting, as they always seemed to be, and the pearly pink button of the clit was visible at the upper end of the slice. Chloë leaned forward, her tongue extended, and she began to lick her sister's clitoris.Belinda purred like a cat, riding Chloë's face, feeding her on pussy. "You get better and better, squirt," she told her sister. "Turning you on was the best investment I ever made. It means I never need to put up with a horny cunt. When I get the itch, all I have to do is sit on that little monkey face of yours!"It was true, of course (except for the disgusting "monkey face" slander), but Chloë had little time to think about that. She was much too busy eating the ripe wet pussy which had been smacked down on her face.She pulled the panties further aside, baring the pussy completely to her mouth. She'd been eating her older sister for almost as long as she could remember, and the taste of Belinda's cunt on her tongue was still very nearly the most exciting thing Chloë could imagine. But she'd encountered something just as exciting today, and now, goddamn it, the odds were about fifty to one that Belinda was going to take it away from her. Chloë looked up at her sister's swaying body as it fucked her face, and she sighed. Make that a million to one.How could she ever compete with Belinda, for Christ's sake? She was five-one, and cute as a button -- she always assured herself, though she had no evidence anybody else in the world agreed -- but a little skinny by anyone's count, admittedly. Her tits were adorable cupcakes, hard and round, and her ass had a provocative wiggle, but look at Belinda!Her big sister was a statuesque 38-C and had more curves than the road into West Virginia. Legs to the neck, an ass made for bouncing on bedsprings, a face that still looked like a cover model even after a day of frying greasy burgers. She had everything that men thought they wanted in a woman. Belinda made Chloë feel like a '71 VW Beetle parked next to a Coupe DeVille. Even guys who could _never_ get their dicks into her fucked Belinda raw with their eyes.Dwayne Murphy would take one look at Belinda and cum in his pants, and that would be the last that Chloë ever saw of him, unless she was able to sneak a peek at Dwayne fucking her big sister sometime!Life was a son of a bitch, no matter how you looked at it. Right now Chloë was looking at life through her big sister's pussy hairs, however, and despite the funk she was in, life didn't look so bad at all. It had a rather pink complexion, and it tasted like warmed-up honey that had had a clam steeped in it for a short time. She pulled her sister's cunt open and thrust her tongue up into the sticky hot hole."Eat me, squirt," Belinda giggled, delighting -- as she always did -- in forcing her snatch upon Chloë. Not that Chloë was fighting it. She really didn't have to be forced, once she got her tongue into the yummy pit of her sister's pussy. In fact, the tangy sweetness of the cunt almost made up for the fact that she was bound to lose her newfound Dwayne to her sexy big sister.The older girl leaned forward, shoving twat into her kid sister's face. Chloë was drowning in pussy sweetness, but she didn't mind. She held the flaps open and she fucked her tongue in and out, bringing it up from time to time so she could lap the tingly throbbing clit as well. Belinda always went crazy when her clitoris was sucked, and this time was no exception at all, man! Chloë kept her tongue busy on it and she could feel the come-fever bubbling out from her sister's depths. She reached up, filling her hands with Belinda's spongy tits. They were so big and sexy! She'd kill for a rack like her older sister's! Her palms squeezed down, mashing the hard nipples into the dough-soft flesh beneath, then feeling the nips spring back up, hard and hot and pointy. She twisted her wrists, as if she were turning the dial on a radio, and the tits throbbed inside her hands, urging themselves forward with passion and heat. Belinda fucked down, smashing her cunt against Chloë's face. She squirmed, and her pussy labes spread, enveloping her sister in the sticky wet pinkness. Chloë moaned and kept on sucking cunt, her hands becoming very aggressive all over Belinda's body.The older sister lifted her leg and turned around. Chloë had only a moment when her face was not covered by snatch. She took advantage of the chance to breathe, and then she thrust her face back up into Belinda, still sucking, still moaning, her tongue just as nasty as ever.Belinda leaned forward, her own face moving into Chloë's cunt. She went into the pussy upside down, the blood rushing to her head as she began to slurp and lick the tight young twat whose funky, sex-permeated aroma drifted up into her nostrils.Chloë, meanwhile, was still holding the panties out of the way and she was eating her sister's snatch. She gasped as she sucked, her mouth full of the ever more thrilling taste. Her tongue licked in and out, stimulating a clit that really didn't need any more help. She covered it with her lips and sucked, as if she meant to siphon the honeycum out of Belinda.Her tongue couldn't help moving upward, too. She spread her sister's buttocks, dilating and exposing the tiny little butthole, and it was definitely time for a rimjob! Chloë stuck out her tongue and licked Belinda where she shit. Belinda squealed at the nasty penetration, but she didn't take her ass out of tongue's reach, and Chloë knew that was encouragement and then some! Just like always with her hot bitch big sister!Belinda slurped downward too, adorning Chloë's hot little ass with her tongue. But that wasn't enough for the bitch. After she'd done licking, she replaced her tongue with her finger and she thrust it straight into Chloë without even asking.Chloë screamed aloud. Jesus, she hoped Mom hadn't gotten home yet! It would be embarrassing as hell to be compelled to explain to your mother just why you had 3 inches of tongue inside your sister's butthole!Belinda, riding Chloë's face, was the first to climax. She always was, the cunt! She pushed her snatch down and wiped Chloë's trembling face with her juices. All Chloë could do was eat, but Christ, she ate! She fucking ate!!!And then her own body erupted. Not as yummy as the come Dwayne Murphy had fucked out of her this afternoon, but it was a hot juicy come all the same, and Chloë just let it flow -- mostly into her sister's gobbling mouth.Belinda went limp atop Chloë, and the two girls rolled into a loving, tit-pressing embrace. Their bodies rubbed together, and they squirmed in a frenzy, sharing kisses and feels at the same time."So," Belinda whispered, running the back of her hand across her sister's nearest, stiffest nipple, "what about this guy you met today? He sounds really interesting..."Chloë lay there against Belinda, torn between the desire to talk and the need to keep her discovery secret for as long as she could. The stiffness of her sister's hot, lust-hardened nipples against her own tits was both torture and tantalization. "You better tell me everything, too," Belinda added in a soft but unmistakably demanding murmur. "If you don't, I'll get Mom's vibrator and fuck your little ass raw!"Chloë sighed. She'd known it would come to this, but still she had been hoping in her heart that she might somehow be able to keep Dwayne all to herself. Right. _Well_, she thought, _if I have to, I have to..._ "I saw him from the kitchen window," she whispered, snuggling up to her big sister's still-jiggly tits. "And the moment I saw him I knew I wanted to fuck him, so..."CHAPTER 3Joanna Murphy knew it was silly, but the mere fact that someone else, a stranger, was in her house made it almost impossible for the woman to close her eyes and go to sleep. Even though it wasn't a stranger. It was Dwayne, her brother's only son. But she had lived alone for a long time, and the alien presence was almost tactile in the air.She got out of bed, slipping into her robe. Maybe she should have a cup of warm milk. In another day or two she'd be accustomed to Dwayne's presence, she was sure.His door was ajar, thin light shining like a blade out into the dark hallway. Joanna stopped a moment by the door. If he was awake, maybe she'd invite him to join her. They hadn't talked very much yet. He'd arrived this morning, just as she was leaving for work. She knew more or less what kind of trouble he was in at home, and she had avoided the subject, but maybe they should get it out into the open and discuss it.Or maybe not. There was something about the boy's eyes that made Jo feel uneasy. He had a way of looking at a woman that made you feel as if he was stripping you bare -- not just your clothes, but everything else that concealed your soul. Joanna had heard of men like that. She strongly suspected she'd feel just that response if she was ever lucky enough to meet Paul Newman face to face.There was no getting around the fact that her nephew was a strongly virile young man, the kind women responded to. Didn't his escapades in Pomeroy prove that point? Girls had been falling over Dwayne's feet since even before his voice changed, though that particular episode went a little further than just impressionable young girls. She could almost understand, having spent some time with him, and she began to wonder if having him stay at her house was such a very good idea after all. Not, of course, that it was anything that should concern her directly. After all, she was his aunt, and twenty years older, and she considered herself pretty immune to men -- even the charismatic ones.Joanna looked around the edge of the door. Dwayne was lying on his bed, headphones strapped to his ears. He was naked except for his shorts. They were tight, bikini-style, and Jesus! did they ever hug and accentuate his crotch! Joanna's eyes seemed to flit immediately to that bulging presence, a big lumpy wad of cock and balls, stretching the tight fabric of his underpants.She had changed his diapers when he was a baby. He'd grown a lot since then.Dwayne was a strapping boy -- no, a young man, she reminded herself; after all, he was eighteen now. He wasn't particularly tall, but his build was quite good and he gave the impression of size, even lying on his back. His shoulders were broad, his chest smooth and tan, his waist narrow, his legs long and firm-muscled. He had his eyes closed as he listened to his music, and he tapped his hands rhythmically on his smooth flat tummy. She couldn't hear the music, but she could hear the soft pat of his palms.For a moment she considered calling to him, but she wasn't sure he'd hear her, over the headphones. She watched a moment longer, saw one of his hands slide lazily downward. It rested lightly atop his prick bulge, and Joanna's heart gave a disturbing flutter. Her own palm began to itch and she wasn't sure why.Dwayne's hand moved, the fingers stretching out, then clenching, around his cock lump. He squeezed himself, his eyes still closed, his lips moving soundlessly as if he were synching with the music in his ears. Joanna watched, totally fascinated, as her nephew began to flex his cock and balls.He yawned and stood up, the radio in one hand, the other hand still clutching his cock. Joanna shrank back, hiding around the edge of the doorframe. God, had he seen her? She was blushing already, terribly ashamed of herself for snooping on Dwayne, but at the same time she found herself hoping that she might sneak at least one more peek.She glanced around the edge of the door. He was turned away, facing the bedroom window, and he was starting to dance a little, on his feet, moving with the music that filled his ears. He put the radio under his arm and Joanna saw both his hands go to his front. She gulped, knowing what he was up to and -- oh, God! -- wishing she could see, just a little!The back of his shorts slipped slightly, baring the upper edge of Dwayne's asscrack. He swayed to the side, just enough for Joanna to see that his dick was flipped over the upper end of his partly-lowered shorts. It bounced up and down as his hands stroked it. Even soft, Joanna's nephew had some piece of meat!She reached inside her robe, touching the quivery mounds of her tits. Through the thinness of the sleep-T she wore, Joanna's nipples were pulsatingly erect. Their stiffness collided with her finger, and a ping! shot through her boobs, resonating through the rest of her body like the shockwaves of an earthquake. There was a sudden frigid coldness at the back of her head, as if her mind had been frozen numb. But, oh, Christ, the rest of Joanna Murphy was sizzling hot!She squeezed forcefully at her tit. It pushed into her clutching hand, the nipple hard and hot in her trembly palm. She pressed down, squishing the button-like nip down into her spongy-soft tit, feeling it rise up again, irrepressible in its arousal.Her robe was hanging open now. She'd forgotten completely about the warm milk for which she'd left her bed. Her hands were upon her body, and her eyes were glued to the sight of her handsome, virile young nephew -- God, she thought, is he _ever_ virile! -- as he stood by the bed, obviously masturbating his cock.His shorts moved a little lower, baring his tight small ass almost completely now. Joanna gulped at the sight. She'd always had a weakness for guys with really cute asses. Those guys rarely had much weakness for her, sure, but she often watched and she could always dream, right?She lifted the tail of her sleep-T and let a hand stroke the front of her panties. Her pussyhairs seemed to crackle, as if they were full of static electricity. She was sure she could feel sparks. Her thighs ached, as if she'd been riding a bike for hours. As she began to caress her cunt through the panties, she found herself moving up and down in a gentle but insistent rhythm.A floorboard creaked softly beneath her, and she froze. Dwayne didn't turn. Oh, shit, he was still plugged into his Walkman! He hadn't heard! Her fingers moved back into action, scratching insistently, aggressively, across the crotchstrip of her panties, arousing the fur-flossed labes within.She winced a little, pinching at her nipple, but God, it felt so fucking good! The nip arched between her fingers, quivering, tingling, sending vibrations back into the rest of Joanna's body. Her armpits were moist with sweat, and there was a wetness inside her panties, too, leaking from the excited gash of her twat. As she stroked down there, she could feel her clit coming to life, and she frigged at it, panting when the feelings got too intense to ignore.Dwayne, innocent in what he thought was his privacy, turned halfway around, and Joanna gasped, so loud she was sure he must have heard her despite the radio headphones clamped to his ears. His dick was sticking out, big and long and hard. Oh, God, she thought, he's no boy! He's no goddamn boy!!!Her eyes misted over. She blinked hard, unwilling to miss anything. Dwayne was fisting his cock now, stroking it lazily but firmly, his hand moving up and down the shaft from knob to nuts. He had a big knob, and she could see enough of his nuts to know that they were no pikers either. They hung over the lowered top of his shorts, bouncing slightly as his hand worked his prick.Joanna's own hand was inside her panties now. She couldn't believe that she was actually masturbating herself while she watched her nephew play with his peter. But the heat that shimmered from her turned-on gash, bathing her exploratory finger in a steamy mist of arousal, told her that it was true. She wetted her finger in her pussy trench, smeared the warm juice across the budding tip of her clit, pushing it like a button and moaning delicately, fearfully, in her response. It felt so good she wanted to scream, but she didn't dare make a bit more noise than was absolutely necessary. She couldn't allow Dwayne to find out she was spying!But he was wrapped up in himself now, she could tell, even through her filmy eyes, her shimmering vision. He stood by his mirror, watching himself as he whacked off. His eyes were fixed on the glass that reflected him. Obviously the sight turned him on, as it did Joanna.He began to sway more responsively to the music, and even though she couldn't hear it, the rhythm spread to Joanna as well. She pushed a finger into her cunt, shoving it deep, stirring it round and round, feeling the piss-like flow of moisture down her digit and into the hollow of her clutching hand. Her pussy was tight and wet and hot inside. I don't do things like this! Joanna told herself in shock, but she couldn't stop. She'd already pulled her sleep-T up to bare her tits, and she was leaned forward, her tongue lapping at the nipples as her hand lifted them toward her mouth. Her tongue was like a hot wire scraping her skin. Her other hand was busy as hell in her pussy, fucking in and out, stopping momentarily to send a little more delicious stimulation to the throbbing tip of her pearl-pink clitoris. She squeezed at her wet patch of cunt fur and moaned again, a growly sound from deep in her belly. Dwayne paused in his whacking-off, at almost the same moment, and Joanna felt as if she were going to shit where she stood. His hand dropped off his rigid dick and his head turned to one side. At least he wasn't looking toward the door. Joanna hesitated, her tits heaving and bare, her finger crammed up her wet tight cunt. Dwayne's body followed the direction of his head and he walked lazily toward the window. The curtain was drawn on the lower part of the glass, but the upper end was uncovered. Joanna watched as her nephew peered out the window."Damn," she heard him say aloud. "Not fucking bad at all..."What was he looking at? His window faced the Parsons house, next door. Joanna thought a moment. Oh, shit, she said silently. Letting her sleep-T drop, she tiptoed into the bathroom, which lay between her bedroom and Dwayne's. She went to the window and peeked out, and her jaw dropped.Belinda Parsons was undressing in her bedroom, the light on, the window open. The nasty little slut! Joanna thought. Look at her!Her teenage blonde neighbor had apparently just come in from a date. She was a little more dressed-up than usual, and Joanna had to admit that it looked good on her. Belinda unbuttoned her skirt and stepped out of it. She wore lacy white panties, pale stockings, and a white garter belt underneath. Hooker underwear, Joanna thought. What was getting into teenaged girls these days, anyway?Belinda pulled her top upward. Under it she wore a little camisole. Her full, fluffy-looking tits made prominent bulges under the lacy garment. Joanna's eyesight was 20-20. She could even see the bullet-like bulge of Belinda's nipples punching out the front of the camisole. It was undone down the front, and as the girl leaned forward, one fully-tanned tit, capped in a big pink nipple. Belinda tossed back her blonde hair and straightened up to her full five-eight, tit still sticking out. She slid her hand over it, then opened the camisole the rest of the way, exposing both tits to the open window at which she stood.A moment later she took off the camisole, tossing it over her shoulder. She turned around, stroking her full, lush hips, then hooked her thumbs in her panties and slid them downward. She stepped out of them and remained a moment, back to the window, before she turned. Joanna couldn't restrain a soft "Whew!" at the sight of her teen neighbor, almost totally nude. Belinda had a great body. I would have killed for a body like that when I was her age, Joanna thought enviously. The girl stood languidly, as if she were unaware of how good she looked. But that was silly. No one could look like Belinda Parsons and not know it.She walked around the room in her garters, stockings, and high heels, prancing like a stripper, as if she were fully aware that she was being spied upon from the house next door. Joanna shivered, imagining what her nephew was doing as he stared at Belinda. She could see that hard cock of Dwayne's, pulsing in his hand. Yes, he was jerking it now, she knew, stroking his meat as he watched Belinda. No normal eighteen-year-old boy could look at something like Belinda Parsons and keep his fucking dick under any kind of control!Joanna had never before really considered how sexually provocative Thalia Parsons's daughter was. Seeing her now, parading around like that, Belinda looked like a porno starlet. She was one sexy little number! But she wasn't little at all, not with her height, her big bouncing C-cup tits, her swelling ass, her long sinuous legs. Joanna shook her head and turned away. She was starting to have some very uncomfortable thoughts and she didn't want to have them. She tiptoed out of the bathroom and back into the hallway, down to Dwayne's partly-open door. She peeked around the edge and she saw exactly what she'd known she would see. Dwayne was hanging onto the window with one hand, and holding his cock in the other. His panting was loud and unmistakable as he stroked his meat, and his eyes were fixed upon the free show from the house next door. "Goddamn," Joanna heard him sighing, "oh, goddamn! I think I'm gonna like it here in Albany!"His voice was audible. Probably he was speaking louder than he intended, because the headphones were still plugged to his ears. Joanna went back up the hallway, into her own bedroom. She dropped her robe and she lay down on the bed in her sleep-T and panties. She tossed for a moment, and then she sat up, pulling the T upward and off. She cupped her tingly-nippled tits, leaning down to kiss the brown gumdrop buds. Her thighs squeezed together against the yearning bun of her cunt. Her snatch ached so deliciously, and she knew she had to do something about it. Well, Dwayne was occupied, and the music in his headphones would probably mask the noise. With a sigh, Joanna opened her nightstand drawer and took out the vibrator. "Looks like it's me and you again tonight," she told the cool plastic tube, pressing it against her lips for a soulful, sad kiss. Her thumb flipped the switch to "on" and she lay back, legs open, pussy waiting for the humming battery-driven caress.CHAPTER 4Dwayne Murphy smiled. It came so fucking easy to him. He knew he wasn't the smartest guy around, and surely he wasn't the best-looking dude in the world either, but when he was with a woman -- any woman -- he was on his home turf and he was carrying the ball. Every time. Every goddamn time.Take this lady, for example. All he had to do was smile, and she looked at him as if Tom Selleck had just called for a date. Looking back into her bright blue eyes, he knew that if he wanted it, he could have her panties off and his dick up her snatch in a minute. It never failed. It was his second day in Albany, and his first day on the job. Aunt Jo had gotten him summer work here at the university, for which he was really grateful. He could use the money, and anything that got him out of Pomeroy was an advantage. He couldn't believe how dumb he'd been, but, Christ, what could a guy do, after all? Did you tell them "No, I don't want it"? When it was there, spread out on the table and ready to be eaten. Too goddamn bad he hadn't eaten a little more of it and fucked a little less of it, but there was no use crying over spilt cum, right?"Now, this is important," the lady was telling him, but he wasn't really listening. He was studying the curve of her tits under the rather thin summery blouse she was wearing. She had nice tits. A little small, sure, but they looked like perfect little apples when she moved just so, and the fabric of her shirt clung to the rounded shapes. He could see the lace of her bra, outlined under the blouse, showing through when she turned slightly toward the light. She went on talking about the complexities of sorting and routing the huge amounts of incoming and outgoing mail, but Dwayne wasn't really listening. Fuck, he thought, anybody could handle mail! If there was a problem that common sense couldn't solve, he'd just wing it. He always came through when he winged it. He eyed Thalia, appraising her compact but firm-looking body.She was at least thirty-eight, he figured, but that wasn't important. Older broads were usually the best fucks of all. They had been around the track a few times and knew all the nastiest tricks. Like, Robin had been a dynamite screw, but she'd been cherry till she was seventeen and everything she knew she'd learned from Dwayne. Sticking his dick in her had been like fucking a mousetrap -- a wet hot mousetrap -- but she had never gotten the knack of sucking his tool. He'd tried often enough to teach her! Robin's mom, on the other hand, could gobble peter like a wolf in heat. And when he'd suggested that it might be fun to try something a little different, Mindy had rolled over and pulled her asscheeks open, so that her little brown shitter winked at him like a Saturday night slut, and she'd told him, "I thought you'd never ask, baby! Why don't you put that sweet tool of yours straight up my goddamn asshole???"Looking at Thalia now, Dwayne wondered if she'd ever taken it up the ass. As she walked around the vault-like room there was a swing to her butt that suggested to Dwayne this lady might possibly be amenable to the idea. Surely it had happened to her somewhere along the line, right?She was small and blonde, pretty good-looking, with the promise of a nice compact body under her clothes. She kept looking back at Dwayne, and he kept smiling in his natural way, and he could feel her melting a little with each smile. He followed her into the adjoining copy room. "The toner," she told him, "is in the cabinet here. You have to check the level at least once a day. These machines get a heavy workout. Oh, would you come here, a sec? I can't quite reach it..." She pointed up to a door in the cabinet, about four inches higher than her arm could stretch. Dwayne brushed against her as he reached up and opened the door. He felt the pressure of her tit, touching his arm, and he looked down at Thalia, smiling. Her tit was very firm and round against him, and the flutter in her eyes as he looked at her told Dwayne all he wanted to know.Thalia backed up against the xerox machine. She was breathing a little heavily. Aunt Jo had turned him over to her when she brought him to work today. "Thalia will show you the ropes," she'd said, before going off to her own station. Did she really mean that? Dwayne decided to find out. He'd had a nice little get-acquainted fuck yesterday afternoon, with that cute crazy blonde nymphet from next door. She could screw like a house on fire, sure, but she was just a kid and not half as hot as she thought she was. Still, her tight wet hole was a nice place to soak a stiff dick, and he was pretty damn sure he'd be fucking her again, soon. He had no doubt he'd made a good impression on Chloë.Last night he'd gotten a flash of another delicious blonde who must have been Chloë's older sister, and he was determined to make the acquaintance of the yummy number who'd done that sexy strip while he beat his meat in appreciation. But it was ten a.m., and he wouldn't be finished here at the U till five. Plenty of time to take the edge off his hornies, right?He moved against Thalia where she stood, brushing her with his body. He felt her shiver slightly. Older women usually did that, when a younger guy was making a play. As if they were a little unwilling, sure, but not a turn-off by any means. He looked down at her, and she glanced away, but her eyes came back to meet his, and he knew he was going to get it, if he wanted it. He took another look, up and down Thalia, and he decided that he wanted it."I really appreciate your helping me out," he said, his hands coming naturally to rest on her slim waist. He touched her hipbones. She felt very firm for a woman her age. She hadn't gone to flab at all. He squeezed down and eased his body against hers, brushing her with his basket for only a moment. But in that moment she felt the power of his dick, and he saw her eyes open in surprise.Dwayne took the edge she'd given him, and he pressed inward, stroking her again while he held her hips and waist. She was breathing harder, and her tits lifted and fell beneath the front of her shirt. The edge of her tie lay atop one rounded, curvy tit, and it moved up and down. His eyes followed the motion."What do you think you're doing, young man?" she asked in a thin breathless voice. "If you touch me, I'll scream...""There's nobody else on the floor," Dwayne whispered. He leaned in, nuzzled her cheek, pushing back the blonde hair to get at her earlobe with his lips."Please," Thalia whispered back, urgency vibrating in her voice, "I don't want to do this. I'm a respectable woman. I'm a mother. I've been a widow for four years.""Then you're probably overdue for it," Dwayne smirked, grinding his crotch against Thalia. His dick was already half-erect inside his jeans, and the denim had begun to stretch as the meat pushed it outward. He moved himself up and down, giving her a full-length feel of what he had.She drew back her hand and slapped him, hard, across the face. His head jerked, and he caught her wrist. Bending it back until she opened her mouth in choking protest, Dwayne rammed his lips onto Thalia's, fucking her mouth immediately with his thirsty tongue."Uhhhh ... " she gasped, and then her body went soft under his and she put her arms around his neck, pulling his face down tighter, closer. Her saliva began to flow into Dwayne's mouth and her tongue played back against his, duelling, teasing. She opened her legs and he moved into the fork of her body, shoving his ever-hardening prick insistently against Thalia's pussy.They dry-humped for what seemed an eternity, there by the xerox machine. He could sense the hesitancy in her, and he used his mouth and hands knowingly, warming her up step by step. He opened her blouse and reached inside, cupping the small firm tits. She wasn't wearing a bra, just a smooth satiny slip. It did nothing to contain the growing heat of her tits as he squeezed and massaged them. The nipples hardened in the hollow of his palms. Her thighs enfolded him, began to flex around his legs, her cuntal region grinding provocatively against his jeans-bursting dick.He kissed his way down her neck, pulling the blouse free of her shoulders as he did so. Her slip was deeply veed in front, and his mouth moved down onto the exposed inner cleavage of Thalia's small round tits. "Oh, you shouldn't be doing this..." she said, running her fingers through his hair, guiding his face lower and lower into the vee of her slip.He slid her shoulder straps down, and the garment fell, baring her boobs to his eyes and mouth. They were perfect, man! Apples of amazing rondure, firmness, capped by tiny but totally stiff pink nipple points. Like pale cherries set atop a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Dwayne licked his finger and stroked one of the nipples, feeling Thalia's body quiver in response. He squeezed, and she lifted upward, a long low sigh oozing from her lips. He turned his face to the other tit and let his tongue graze teasingly across the pink point.His mouth opened, and he sucked her tit inside, feeding on her as if he were a nursing baby. The longer he sucked, the more vigorously he sucked, tweaking the nipple with his mouth, caressing it with his tongue. His teeth gnawed gently into the firm cone of Thalia's titty. Its hungry nipple throbbed against his lapping tongue. The other nipple, still squeezed between his fingers, lengthened responsively, the flesh heating, heating, heating... He leaned back, licking his lips as he smiled up at the older woman. Yeah, he thought, they're all the same. He really liked that about women.Thalia stood there, bare to the waist now, her slip fallen and her tits heaving as she stared down at Dwayne. "What the hell am I doing?" she asked, dazedly, as she worked the slip down over her hips and let it slide down her legs.Under the slip she was wearing panties and pantyhose. Dwayne didn't really like pantyhose, unless the lady was bare under them. He thought of the hot teenager he'd watched last night, and the sexy garters and stockings she'd worn as she paraded, otherwise totally nude, around her bedroom, and his dick got a little harder, if that was possible.He was already so hard he felt as if his pants would burst or his cock would shatter in about two more seconds. He stood up, reaching for his belt, his zipper."We've got to hurry," Thalia murmured, stroking his chest, leaning in to kiss him on the nipple. "Someone could walk in on us any moment.""That makes it all the more exciting," Dwayne smiled. He lowered his pants and shorts, freeing his cock. Thalia gasped at the sight of his tool, thrusting forward in full erection.She took hold of his prick, her fist folding around it. Looking up into his eyes, she began to stroke him. He was pulsating rapidly, and she could feel it bubbling through the length of his cock. "This is insane," Thalia said. "Totally insane..." But she didn't let go. Her hand got tighter. Possessive. She offered her mouth for another kiss. Dwayne pulled her to him, his hands sliding down her back to yank down her pantyhose and panties. He cupped the bare cheeks of her ass and squeezed, his fingers moving into her crack. Her pussyhair was silky to the touch, and the lips of her cunt were already protruding with interest, their flaps moist from her excitement.He knelt before Thalia, pulling her underwear the rest of the way down, to her ankles. She kicked off her shoes and he stripped her bare. He held her by the waist, still on his knees, and he started to lick her thighs, her tummy. She leaned back, her legs open, and his face moved into her crotch. There was an unmistakably sexy smell coming from her cunt, and it made Dwayne's tongue tingle in anticipation.He sat her on the edge of the xerox machine, and he lapped her pussy until her clit was sticking out, big and hard. He kissed the juicy button over and over, his fingers busy on Thalia's crack. The lips opened to receive him, and he thrust into her. She wasn't as tight as a teenager, but every inch of her cunt was throbbing with life and arousal. He straightened out his finger, fucked it in and out of her, while he kept on sucking her clit. The button grew within his lips and her heat dried the drool on his tongue. But only for a moment."Ahh ... ahhhhh ... " Thalia moaned, her legs lifting and falling around Dwayne's shoulders. His fingers came out of her and his tongue went in. He licked her inside out.She came all over his tongue while he used his pussywet fingers to frig her throbbing clit. He tasted the juicy funk of her cum, bubbling through her snatch, and he tongue-whipped her, thirsty for more. He got it."Oh, God," he heard her sob, and he raised his face from her cunt. He stood up, and pulled her forward. Her legs enfolded him, his dick rapping against her belly, while he kissed the pussyjuices onto her trembling lips. She lapped her flavor from his mouth, giggling like a schoolgirl who'd just discovered how much fun it was to be naughty. Something in the giggle reminded him of that nutty little Chloë he'd fucked yesterday. Maybe Chloë would grow up into a piece like Thalia, one of these tomorrows. She had the potential.He stepped back and she leaned further down. His cock was standing up straight and hard as a crowbar, but a hell of a lot bigger. Thalia took it in both hands. She closed her eyes dreamily and rubbed his dick all over her tits, her face. Pursing her lips, she blew warm moist breath across the hard throbbing rod, and then she pressed a kiss onto the knob -- a soft, wet, murmuring kiss. The vibration of her lips made his tool get harder still.She lapped his meat, gingerly at first but with a growing excitement as she tasted the horny eagerness of his flesh. Her lips ovaled, and she slipped the end of Dwayne's dick onto her tongue, squeezing it with her red mouth, leaving little smears of lipstick on him. She sucked daintily but effectively. Her mouth was knowing, her tongue sophisticated. She'd done this before, and she enjoyed doing it. Yeah, Dwayne thought, it's always the older broads that really know how to eat a peter.Her sucking got more aggressive. She gagged a little, not used to the size he was feeding her, but she got acclimatized fast, and he fucked deeper into her mouth. As she ate him, he had his hand busy in her crack, tickling her pussy, her clitoris, sometimes spearing into her for a little additional stimulation -- for him, as well as for Thalia. The feel of her livewire cunt snapping and crackling around his inserted finger was nothing but turnon, man!But it wasn't a blowjob he wanted. The feel of that pussy was making his balls balloon with lust, and he thought he might die if he didn't get his cock into the hole he'd already sucked off. He screwed his finger into her, again and again, while the juice just squished out of Thalia and her pussy muscles went hog fucking wild around him.He pulled Thalia's head upward, her leechlike mouth reluctant to leave his cock until it was forced. Her lips slid off him with a smack. Drool ran down her chin, and she licked the rim of her mouth, a luscious twinkle gleaming in her blue eyes."You're terrible," she said. "I have half a mind to tell your Aunt Joanna how bad you are." And she smiled in a very nasty way. The shine of her teeth made Dwayne's dick ache with the need to fuck her goddamn brains out!"Do you?" he asked, easing her down onto her back. She drew her knees upward, spreading automatically, and the wet whiskers of her cunt could not hide the open red glimmer of the aroused crack that split Thalia.He put the knob of his prick against her half-open slice and he pushed, his meat easily entering her sex-loose pussy. She was greasy-wet inside, and he fucked deep and true on the first stroke, burying his bone totally inside Thalia. He hit the bottom of her cunt chute, and ground his belly against her fuzzy bun. He lifted her feet into the air and wrapped his arms around her legs.Thalia stiffened, pressuring back against his fuckstrokes, and Dwayne began to ram her, again and again. "Deep," she gasped, "mmm, baby, deep and hard and strong! Fuck me like a man, and I'll take it like a woman..."She was playing with her tits while he fucked her. Her fingers were savage on the nipples, pulling them almost an inch long and twisting the pink points almost viciously. She moaned and squealed. The only other sounds were Dwayne's grunting pants and the soft muted thwack of his crotch ramming onto Thalia's when he filled her afresh with his aroused dick.He stroked her legs while he fucked her pussy. He could feel the excitement ripple through her muscles. Her legs were long, for her size, and sinuous, though not wiry like a jogger's. Her pussy was deep, almost bottomless, and it sucked his cock ravenously, pulling him all the way into her and clenching like a vise around his swollen log of lust. He moaned a little, loving the squeeze of her twat on his prick, and he began to fuck harder, faster too."Yes, yes, oh, Christ, yes," she whined, reaching down to frig her clit as he pricked in and out of her hole. "Just like that, you dirty young fucker! I'm almost old enough to be your mother, and you're fucking me..."He sure was! Oh, damn, Dwayne thought, it was gonna be great living here in Albany! He might never go home to Pomeroy, not even when the coast was clear!His nuts groaned with the load of his boiling cum. He rammed harder, her snatch widening to accept the thrust of his bloated cock. Her pussy gaped, and he shoved. His belly ground into Thalia's crotch, and he felt as if his balls were being sucked into her hole along with the full throbbing length of his aroused dick. She was still flogging her clit, and it was obvious that Thalia was about to pop again. Dwayne gritted his teeth and slamdunked her cunt with a burning passion, a driving need to blow his balls wide open. This was some hot piece of woman he was dicking. For the first time in his eighteen years, Dwayne Murphy found himself wondering if he would be able to go the course!Thalia erupted in orgasm, squealing and flopping, her pussy a ferocious mouth around his cock. Nothing missing but the teeth! The explosive reaction enfolded the boy, and he thrust again, two or three times, then stiffened and let his sperm gush into the vortex of Thalia's convulsing twat."Are you gonna tell Aunt Jo about that, too?" he asked later, as he helped her into her clothes. "How I fucked you and made you come like a moaning bitch?""No way, buster," Thalia smirked. "She might want to horn in on it! I think I'm gonna keep you my own little secret. And I may be back down after lunch to see how you're coming along. Mmm, Dwayne, it looks like this could be a very interesting summer..."She eased the slip down over her head, and Dwayne guided it into place. He couldn't resist a patting caress of her firm round tits. The nipples were still hard. Her face was flushed from sex, and she looked ten years younger. Thalia was a hell of an attractive lady, he decided, and he was glad he'd fucked her. He looked forward to fucking her again."Who knows," she went on, "I might even come over to Jo's house and throw myself at you sometime."Dwayne grinned. "Wouldn't she get suspicious?""Not really," Thalia said. "I mean, I live next door. The house on the right? Didn't she mention that?"No, Dwayne thought, she hadn't mentioned that at all. Christ! Thalia was the neighbor in the next house? That meant -- shit! -- she was the mother of that kinky little nympho he'd balled yesterday? And the mother of that hot number he'd watched last night, too? He had a distinct sense of deja vu. Yeah, he thought, it could be a _very_ interesting summer... CHAPTER 5Belinda Parsons looked out the window and her blue eyes began to sparkle. Jesus! There he was! The guy who had fucked her kid sister to a frazzle yesterday. This was her first good look at Dwayne and she really liked what she saw. She knew he'd watched her last night -- she'd been counting on it -- but he'd been in the shadows and she hadn't really seen him.The squirt had gone out to do whatever little airheads amused themselves with these days. Mom was going to be late -- she was shopping, with Joanna Murphy -- and that meant Belinda had a clear field, with at least two hours' grace. She took a deep breath, checked her makeup in the mirror, and went out onto the front porch.Dwayne was just going up the front steps of Joanna's house. Belinda leaned across the banister and said, "Hey, dude!" He stopped short, and he smiled. Belinda's pussy began to drip into her bikini panties.***When she invited him into the house, they both knew what she was after. Two minutes later they were making out on the couch in the living room. Belinda's skirt was up to her waist and he had both hands inside her blouse, massaging the big juicy mounds of her tits."I like a girl who knows what she wants," he purred into her mouth, between moist pecking kisses. His fingers stroked the risen pink points of her nipples, and the buds quivered responsively. Shit, _all_ of Belinda was quivering!She couldn't get over it. Everything the squirt had said was true, for Christ's sake! This guy wasn't all that great-looking, and at five-nine, he was barely an inch taller than Belinda. She'd be embarrassed to go out with him if she were in her spike heels. But there was something in his eyes that said "I know how to touch you where you live, baby," And when he put his hands on her tits, oh, shit, he was touching her _exactly_ where she lived!No wonder he'd gotten the squirt into the sack in five minutes. But then, almost anybody could get Chloë's pants off. Belinda herself could do it with the crook of a finger.She reached down into Dwayne's lap and felt the bulging presence of his tool. "Mmmm, baby," she slobbered into his ear, "I think you have something I need down there..."She stood up, dancing just out of his reach, giggling, ready to peel. She loved to take her clothes off in front of a guy, to see the facial reactions as her delicious body went on display. Dwayne had already seen her last night -- they'd shared that secret coming through the front door -- but it was from a distance. Now he was gonna get the full treatment. In throbbing closeup. She'd finished work at Regal early, bribing another girl to fill out her shift, so at least she wasn't wearing the dipshit jump suit required on the job. She was in a sexy blouse, sheer enough to show off her underwear, and a mini that flattered her mile-long legs. From the look on Dwayne's face, she was sure he approved.Still dancing, she wriggled out of the skirt, dropping it down her legs and kicking her feet free. She took off her blouse, too, and she smoothed her hands across the bulge of her tits, swinging free and loose beneath a lacy mini-slip. Dwayne had already felt her up, but he hadn't seen her boobs bare yet -- at least, not close-up. She decided to make him wait just a little longer.She turned around, flipping up the slip and wiggling her ass at him. Her panties were tiny, barely covering her asscrack, and they were so sheer he could have seen a pimple on her butt, if a pimple had been brave enough to sprout on those round ripe globes of delight. She stroked her asscheeks, then reached underneath herself and let her fingers walk through the crotch of her panties. Straightening, Belinda turned, holding the slip up just long enough for Dwayne to see the dull gold of her pussyhair showing through the front of her filmy underpants. She let the slip drop back down and she danced away from him, to the far side of the room.She leaned back against the wall, by the tv, and she swayed, her eyes closed, her mind already anticipating what was going to happen. She couldn't get over this guy. There was just something about him that made her cunt purr with excitement, that made her ovaries hum with the knowledge she was going to fuck him deaf, dumb, and blind.Belinda reached up, under the slip, and she eased her panties downward. The hem of the slip kept her pussy more or less under wraps, for the moment. His eyes were eating her. She hoped his mouth had the same intention.He was on the sofa, watching her, nodding in approval. He already had his cock out of his pants. It protruded upward, stiff and impressive. She wasn't a size queen, but she knew he had a big one, probably the biggest she'd ever seen in the flesh, and her mouth began to water. Chloë had described it as a pink zucchini. It wasn't _that_ big, but it was large, and it was hard, and it wanted Belinda as much as she wanted it. And she wanted it soooo bad!She flipped her slip upward, flashing him with her pussy for a brief moment. His brown eyes sparkled, and he licked his lips. She dropped the slip again and turned, easing a strap down over one shoulder. When she rotated toward Dwayne again, one tit was bare.She bounced it in her hand, pointed the nipple at him. She squeezed the big pink berry and said "Bang!" He stood up, his dick extended eight or nine inches from his loosened jeans. Belinda lowered her other shoulder strap, baring her left tit. Dwayne came toward her, following the lead of his prick. Belinda wiggled away from him. She wanted it, but she didn't want him to think she was @U(really) easy. Let him work a few moments longer. He'd appreciate it that much more."Chloë tells me you're working at the U," she said. "How do you like it there?""It's not bad. Why don't you come a little closer and I'll show you what I did on the job today?""I'm sure!" Belinda giggled. "Like, do they have a fuck break now, along with the coffee breaks?" But he got her by the waist and pulled her to him, and she knew it was time to stop playing and start fucking.She stood still while he pulled her slip upward, off her body, and she stood naked in front of him, wearing only her thigh-top stockings. His hands moved up and down her body, testing the contours of her tits, the firm smoothness of her belly, the swelling voluptuous curvature of her hips. He reversed his hand and rubbed it up and down the bunlike swell of her pussy, fingers sliding through her muff of dull gold hair. Belinda sighed and rubbed herself on his hand, her cunt doing a tremulous little dance of passion."Are all of you Parsons women natural blondes?" he asked. Belinda beamed and nodded. His knuckles were tickling her gash and she was leaking cunt ooze like a cracked pipe.She put her arms around him and gave him her most sensuous kiss. He seemed to like it. Belinda certainly did. His tongue tasted a little like pussy, she decided, as it moved in and out of her mouth. She reached down again and took him by the dick, working his hard column of flesh in a firm, well-trained hand. "I want to suck your cock," she told him in a soft breathy voice. He didn't say no. She hadn't figured he would. Guys never said no when a blowjob was in the offing.Belinda opened his shirt and kissed her way down his chest. She spent a little time licking his nipples. She knew that guys enjoyed it almost as much as girls did. His nips hardened beneath her lapping tongue, and she bit one of them, just for the pleasure of hearing him gasp -- the same way, Belinda noticed, that she herself always gasped when a guy began to chow down on her titties.Her mouth moved southward, the hard lance of his cock pointing up. A big bubble of pre-cum already oozed from his piss-slit, and she thirsted for the taste of it.She moved downward, her tongue gliding lusciously, drippingly, over the bulbous crown of Dwayne's peter. She covered every inch of his knob with her drool, and she lapped up and down the dominant half of his fully-impacted dong. Mmm, a sweet-tasting, meaty-hot nine-incher, she decided, still licking. Belinda was on her knees now, guiding his prick into her mouth. She gulped him down, all the way into her throat on the first suck. She made moaning sounds around his rod, and she hummed and purred and twisted her head while she ingested the totality of Dwayne's tool. Raising her face, she began to lick his knob round and round.Her hands were pulling his pants further downward so she could get at his balls too. She cupped them in a fist, squeezing as she gobbled his big bulging cockhead. It moved in and out of her mouth in short, gulpy swallows, and sometimes she pushed her face all the way down till she was kissing his balls and her nose was full of cockhairs. She heard him say, "Oh, Jesus," and she knew she was on the right track.More to the point, she was starving for the taste of his cum. She sucked harder, siphoning the stuff out of him. His balls were working overtime. She felt the heat of them, inside her clutching fist, and she flexed and clenched just for the pleasure of hearing him gasp again and again. He thrust up, into her mouth, and she sucked down every inch he could give her. She could have taken two or three inches more. She would have taken two or three inches more if it fucking killed her! Her drool ran down his shaft and her tongue lapped his prick as it moved in and out of Belinda's hungry mouth.She took the knob between her lips, trapping it behind her front teeth, and she sucked like a leech. Her fist encircled the base of Dwayne's dick and she stroked up and down, more and more excitedly. She kept hitting herself in the mouth with her hand but she didn't give a fuck about that. She could feel his bulbous knob expanding, enlarging, and she knew he was about to fill her mouth with the sticky hot squirt of his lust!"Ahhhhh..." Belinda gasped as his jizz began to pour across her lapping tongue. She tightened her fist and milked him dry, guzzling down every drop of Dwayne's sperm. Her mouth tightened around him, and she sucked hard. She was full of his squirting jizz, and she gargled it down her throat, savoring the rich, viscous porridge as it trickled down to her churning tummy. His prick kept on quivering, though it was drained, and she sucked without letup. He stayed hard. Oh, God, did he ever stay hard!She raised her mouth from his cock. A few strings of cum oozed from her lips, dripping down her chin. "Does Chloë suck dick that good?" she asked, leering her challenge. She didn't expect an answer. She knew the squirt couldn't compete with her when it came to blowing the stuffings out of a hard cock.Dwayne sank to his knees and pushed Belinda over onto her back. He covered her mouth in a kiss, his tongue plunging between her lips. His hard tool banged against her belly. His hands ranged up and down her long tanned body, exploring every sensuous spot she had, locating a couple that she hadn't know were sensuous until Dwayne Murphy got his fingers onto them.He went down on her tits, sucking the nipples harder than she had ever thought they could get. His teeth gnawed. His hand was on her cunt, spreading the tight and tender lips, a finger pushing into the sopping depths. She moaned at his penetration but she squeezed her thighs together and sucked him deep into her hole. Belinda writhed, up and down, pulling him in and out, fingerfucking herself on his probing digit. Her juices drenched him, and she fondled his head while he ate her tits. Christ, she thought, if he were four inches taller, I'd fucking _marry_ the son of a bitch!!!He kissed down her belly, toward the dull gold shimmer of her pussyfur. The hairs were matted and damp with her cuntal leakage. He pushed his lips down into them, taking out his finger as he began to lick and lap her pussy flaps. He kept the labes open wide, and his tongue roved through her trench, stimulating her hole, her clitoris. He rolled her over and she giggled inanely as he spread her asscheeks and applied his tongue to her shithole, too!No one had ever licked Belinda's asshole, except for Chloë. Guys didn't seem to know that a girl enjoyed some mouth work at her back door. Dwayne knew, though, and he dug his fingers into the spongy cheeks of her butt, spreading them, dilating her hole, exposing it to the horny attack of his hot wet tongue.He licked down, onto her cunt from the rear. His tongue slipped up her hole, pushing deep, and she whined in gratification. She squirmed about, rubbing her clit on the carpet. Ya know, she thought, when you're lying down it doesn't matter a shit how tall anybody is...Her ass l lifted to Dwayne's face, and he cupped her pussy, squeezing it hard, as he alternated his tonguework between her twat and her asshole, licking and sucking till Belinda was about to jump out of her taut tanned skin."You better fuck me, dude," she panted, looking back over her shoulder. "You damn well better fuck me..."***That was exactly what Dwayne had in mind. He pulled her up, onto her knees, with her nice big ass juttinginto the air, and he knelt behind her. He slapped her butt with his hard, sticky cock, using the knob to tease her shitter and her pussy in alternate passes."Oh, don't make me wait," Belinda snarled, reaching beneath herself. She grabbed the end of his dick, giving the knob a squeeze so hard a bubble of cum squirted without warning into the hollow of her hand.She put his bulb against her pussymouth and she wriggled backward, impaling herself on him in one quick snatchgulp.As he filled her cunt with his throbbing hard rod, Belinda's head jerked back and she made a whining shriek. Dwayne shoved until he was fully engulfed within her. Her tight teen cunt and his swollen rod made a perfect fit.Belinda frigged her clit in spasms while he fucked her. He turned her face around and covered her mouth in another of those wild kisses. His tongue fucked her throat almost as hard, as deep, as his cock fucked her pussy.She liked getting it from the rear, especially when he took two big handfuls of tit, mauling the fat bouncy jugs while he screwed her pussyhole. His cock got slicker and harder, the more it slid in and out of her, and Belinda's cunt got wetter, more responsive, if that was possible. She clenched her muscles around him, milking at the fattened shaft of his dick. She heard his husky voice growling in pleasure -- or was that her own ecstatic moaning and murmuring? She took the deep probing stabs of his dick, her cunt lengthening with each thrust, sucking more and more of Dwayne's tool into her bubbling sexual vortex.He fucked her hard, just the way she liked it. They didn't have all day, anyway. Mom and Joanna would be back sooner or later, and Belinda didn't really want to get caught with her pussy full of rod. Mom knew she fucked, but it would be a little embarrassing to be discovered in the act. Or would it? She felt so goddamn good she was starting to think she wouldn't care if the whole fucking world walked in on her!Dwayne was the best fuck she'd ever had. God, she could hardly believe he'd moved in next door to her! She hadn't even been saying her prayers lately, but she would from now on -- even if they had been answered!His cock slipped out of her pussy and she felt suddenly lost and empty. She frigged her clit, stuffed a finger into her vacant hole, murmuring, "Oh, don't stop now, you motherfucker!!!"And then she felt the big, swollen, pussyslick knob beginning to poke at her asshole. "You ever get the urge to try it a little differently?" Dwayne was asking."You mean, like, up the shithole?" Belinda giggled. "Oh, maybe if the right guy asked me, I might be willing to try. So, are you asking, dude?""No," Dwayne said, and he slapped her lightly on the butt. "I'm telling. Your ass is about to meet my dick."CHAPTER 6Belinda had never let a guy put his rod up her ass before. Sure, she liked to be licked and fingered back there. But what the hell, it was just a hole, right? And holes were made to be fucked."Stick it in before I cool off totally," she panted. "I might not let you if I get my senses back."His rod was slick from its immersion in her oozing cunt. The plumlike knob battled with the tightness of her asshole, and he had to do a little licking and fingering, just to open her. She tried to help, frigging her clit while he played with her butt. The heat in her crotch simmered enticingly, and she found herself more and more aroused.His tongue slid in and out of the hole while his fingers spread the cheeks, and then he gave her a quick thrust that popped her assring. She yelped and stiffened, but it wasn't the hurt, it was the surprise of his sudden intrusion. "Ooohh," she said, "you've got big fingers, dude!""Got something bigger," he reminded her, reaming her hole with his middle finger. She squirmed and writhed, wiggling her ass from side to side. The tightness relaxed, and her shitter got bigger. His finger moved deep, the nail scratching toward her colon, and she gave a deep grunting moan.He got another finger inside, and she said "Ohhhh..." Her ass lifted into the air. Dwayne kissed her crack, and his tongue tickled. She was still massaging her clit, slipping a finger into her pussy. God, she could feel his fingers moving inside her ass, when she was in her cunt! The tips touched, only a thin layer of flesh separating them.And then his finger came out, and he rose behind her. He pushed his cock straight into the hole, still dilated from his fingerwork, and his bulbous knob entered Belinda's shitchute. It was a _hell_ of a lot bigger than his fingers, and she grunted again, as if she were straining to pass an oversize turd. But the pressure was coming _into_ her, not going out. Oh, fuck, she thought, what am I getting myself into???He pinched possessively into the fleshy cheeks of her butt, squeezing down as he prodded her with his prick. He moved deeper, and there was a hot burning sensation in Belinda's rear end."Noooo," she whimpered, but she wasn't sure she meant it. Her fingers pinched her clit. Juice ran like piss from the mouth of her cunt.She poked into her pussy, arousing it to even greater excitement while Dwayne stirred her shit. She was rapidly getting used to the feel of his tool jammed up her tailpipe. God, she thought she liked it! And then he started to fuck in and out of her, and she _knew_ she liked it!!!He fucked as hard as he could, given the tightness of her asshole. His groin banged against her buttcheeks, the flesh rippling like billowy tanned waves under his repeated impact."Oh, Christ, fuck me," she moaned, "oh, fucking fuuuuuuck meeeeeee!!!!"His tool burned inside her ass, but it was a sweet wild burning that drove her mad with lust. She shoved fingers up her tight wet cunt, fucking them in rhythm to the steely ramrodding that reamed her shithole. Dwayne was in his element. She could feel the smug power that drove his dick, and she was happy to surrender to it. For fucking like this, she'd surrender to Peewee Herman!He came out of her, and she said, "No, no, you son of a bitch, I want you to keep on fucking meeee..."He rolled her over, lifting her legs high, spreading them wide. Her ass lifted from the floor and his cock sawed back and forth along her gash. Dwayne pulled back and shoved his cock up her ass again, and she could look down between the gunsight mounds of her tits and watch the driving, furious thrust of his prick. Her heels dangled over his shoulders, and both of them were playing with her cunt while they assfucked. She squeezed her clit, pinching it like a pimple, and Dwayne gave her four fingers up the snatch to counterpoint the stabbing of his ass-maddened cock.She knew she was gonna come, and she moaned in anticipation of the delicious moment of release. She frigged her clit raw. She might not fuck for weeks! But she'd drop her pants again as soon as she had a chance to get Dwayne alone, and she knew it. "Oh, you bastard, fuck me," she gasped, over and over, ramming her body up to meet the downthrusts of his rockhard prick. "Fuck me in my goddamn ass!!!""Jesus, how filthy!" a chirpy voice said. "He's actually got his _dick_ up your butt?"Dwayne shoved home and looked upward. Belinda's head spun around. The squirt was standing beside them.Chloë licked her lips, staring down at the fuck in progress. She cupped her tits, perky under a thin t-shirt, and squeezed them. Her thighs rubbed together, pressuring the warm little cunt that nestled inside the crotch of her shorts."What the fuck are you doing back here???" Belinda snapped. "I told you to get lost!"Chloë just stared at Dwayne's tool. Her mouth began to water. She wondered if she could talk him into fucking her ass, too. But, God, wouldn't it hurt, having something that big shoved up a hole as tight and tiny as her own?"I fucked him too, remember?" she said. "In fact, you wouldn't even have known about him if you hadn't tortured the information out of me, you slut." She pulled up her shirt and flashed her boobs at Dwayne. "Remember these?" she giggled. "Or has my big sister's rack spoiled you for cute titties altogether?"Dwayne grinned. The kid was cute, even if she wasn't very pretty, but the big smile went a long way toward making up for her being shortchanged on looks. The tits were pretty cute, too. And he had to admit she could put out a first-rate fuck for somebody her age.He worked his tool inside Belinda, and the hot, big-busted blonde started to moan all over again. Chloë smiled. She loved to watch Belinda getting it. A couple of times her big sister had allowed Chloë to peek from concealment while she got it on with some local stud. Of course, it wasn't as much fun as trading pussy licks with her sister. But this was different. She wasn't peeking around the door. With a giggle, she gave her sister a thwack on the ass.Then Chloë knelt, and she leaned down to lick Belinda's pussy. Dwayne took his fingers out, and Chloë sucked them into her mouth. She hoped it would remind him that she was also pretty good when it came to a cock in her mouth. But his dick was kind of occupied, wasn't it?From her vantage point she had a clear shot of Dwayne's rod stuffed into her sister's tailpipe. The sight was intoxicating. She rocked up and down, pressing her ass down against her calves, imagining that she was the one who was getting fucked in the butt.Her tongue lolled through her sister's pussy gulch, visiting the big hard clit. She licked it, kissed it warmly, then licked it again, her mouth getting wetter and wetter. Drool ran from her lips, spilling into Belinda's sloppy pink groove. She eased her tongue into the hole while Dwayne spread it for her, and she licked her sister inside out.Then she stood up, lowering her shorts and panties. She straddled Belinda and presented her pussy to Dwayne. He leaned up into her gash and started to suck. He was just as good as he'd been yesterday. He went straight to her most erogenous spots and he made them even more erogenous. She fucked his face, murmuring encouragement. "Yes, mmmm, yessssss..."She could hear the thwack as his body rammed against Belinda's, she could hear the squelchy sound of his cock invading and reinvading her sister's shitter. Hands crept up her legs, and she recognized Belinda's knowing touch. She smeared wet hot teen pussy all over Dwayne's slurping mouth, and then she eased back from him, squatting down upon her sister's face.They'd never done anything quite like this before, and Chloë was thrilled to the gills. Maybe she hadn't lost him at all. Maybe he was man enough to take care of both Parsons sisters. It wouldn't be half as fantastic as having him for her own personal private fuck-toy, but life was all about compromise, and half of Dwayne's dick was a hell of a lot better than someone else getting _all_ of it.Chloë was juicy wet in the pussy, and Belinda was obviously thirsty for the taste of it. The older sister's tongue plunged into Chloë, fucking the tight pink portals of her ripe little snatch, and her hands squeezed energetically at Chloë's buttcheeks. She licked gash, then moved her tongue to her kid sister's asshole. It couldn't be half as exciting as what Dwayne was doing to Belinda's shitter, but it was enough to make Chloë Parsons squeal and whine and moan.Chloë leaned forward, going down on her sister's cunt while Dwayne continued to fuck the hole next door. Belinda rocked and rolled beneath Chloë, beneath Dwayne. Chloë wondered if this was what you could call an orgy. She hoped so. She'd always wanted to be in an orgy.By stretching a little, she found that she could also lick Dwayne's cock while it moved in and out of Belinda. His prick tasted like shit, but it was her sister's shit, and Chloë had been eating that almost all her life. Her tongue walked up and down the jabbing shaft, then fluttered back into Belinda's cunt, and she was in hog heaven, no doubt about it.Dwayne yanked his rod out of Belinda and shoved it into Chloë's mouth. The younger girl gasped at the sudden intrusion, but once she got her lips wrapped around it, she couldn't do anything but _suck_ that cock, and did she ever suck! Dwayne rammed her mouth till his meat dripped with her spit, and then he shoved himself back up Belinda.He alternated that way, ramfucking Belinda's shitter for half a dozen strokes, then feeding his ass-greasy rod to Chloë. Belinda didn't seem to mind the occasional emptiness in her well-fucked butt. She kept on gobbling her sister's snatch and steam was rising from her pussy, whether it was being licked or handled by Chloë.Chloë felt the need to come boiling in her blood, and she squirmed down, forcing her cunt into her sister's mouth. "Eat me, you slut!!!" she chirped, and Belinda's tongue worked like a live wire across her fully-erected clit, whipping it till Chloë gasped and giggled and pissed a river of juice into her sister's mouth.Dwayne was still counterpointing his peter between Belinda's ass and Chloë's mouth. Chloë sucked him desperately, hoping to shit that he would spill his load on her tongue. She had half her fist shoved up Belinda's pussy, fucking it as if her hand were a cock, and slobber ran down her chin when she was not mouth-full of Dwayne's rod. She panted, hardly able to wait for him to return his shit-smeared prick to her hungry mouth.But she felt Belinda convulse beneath her, and she knew that her sister was coming, and she looked up at Dwayne's face and she knew that he was just beginning to spill his load up Belinda's asshole. "Give me some, motherfucker!" she gasped, grabbing his rod with her free hand and pulling it out of her sister's butt.He came out squirting. His cum splashed Chloë's face and she lapped it as it spurted. Her mouth ovaled, and a long slimy splatter drenched her extended tongue. She got him by the balls and gave them an almost vicious squeeze, and still more of the white cock-milk gushed from him, into her mouth, onto her face. She lowered her lips over him and sucked until his peter went totally soft along her tongue, and even then she didn't want to let go.***"You said yesterday," Chloë purred, playing with Dwayne's soft, cum-slimed tool, "that you got into trouble at home and had to come up here to hide out. What kind of trouble was it, stud?"Dwayne grinned. "Well," he said, tickling Belinda's nearest nipple, "it's really a little embarrassing. But if you have to know, I was sorta fucking this girl, named Robin.""What's 'sorta fucking'?" Chloë wondered. "Did you just dry hump her?""No," laughed Dwayne, "I didn't dry hump her. I wish I had. She got pregnant. The only problem was, I was also fucking her mother, and _she_ turned up pregnant too. I just can't figure out what relation Robin's kid is going to be to Mindy's kid, y'know? Aunt and niece, or would they really be sisters?""God," Belinda said, "that's almost disgusting!""I think it's nasty," Chloë put in, "and I _like_ nasty! Hey, dude, which of them was better? The calf or the cow?"Dwayne shrugged. "Mindy, I guess," he confessed. "Older women kinda turn me on.""I bet she wasn't a goddamn bit better than I am," Belinda said with assurance. "Was she?"Chloë giggled. "We better watch out," she told her sister. "Maybe he's just using us so he can get at _our_ mom!" She cackled in laughter and then her blue eyes became enormous. "Oh, shit! I completely forgot! The reason I'm home is because I ran into Mom and Joanna at the mall. Mom let me out while she parked the car, and then she was going over to Joanna's for a cup of coffee, but she'll be here any fucking second!"***Joanna Murphy followed Thalia Parsons through the front door. She was a little surprised to see her nephew Dwayne, with Thalia's two daughters. No, she wasn't surprised. She'd seen Dwayne last night, watching Belinda undress through his window. She'd figured her nephew would try to meet the cute blonde next door.Maybe, she thought, she should tell Thalia just why Dwayne was living with her this summer. Just in case anything happened, right? It was the least she could do for her friend. Surely Dwayne's troubles back in Pomeroy had taught him something. Hadn't they?Though, God knew, you couldn't really put a damper on teenagers, once their hormones got activated. But at least Thalia ought to know. Yes, she decided, I will tell her. Before anything happens that all of us might regret."Well," she told her nephew, trying to sound more casual than she felt, "I wondered where you were."Dwayne smiled. "Just visiting the neighbors," he said. "You know, getting acquainted around the block."His face was a little flushed. Joanna wondered just what he and the Parsons girls might have been up to. She was positive she could see a hair caught between his upper front teeth. But surely there was an innocent explanation. Wasn't there???She glanced at Thalia, whose face bore an expression that looked a _hell_ of a lot like shock. But why should she be so stunned-looking? Joanna frowned. She wondered if something was going on that she knew absolutely nothing about.CHAPTER 7Joanna awoke from the midst of a very strange dream. Her nephew Dwayne sat naked on a throne, his cock erect and capped with a big purple bulb, like a sceptre, while women threw themselves at his feet and rose reverently to press their lips against the unbelievably swollen crown of his peter.She could even recognize the women who were so anxious to lick her nephew's dick. There was Belinda Parsons, and her kid sister Chloë, and -- Jesus! -- the woman standing behind Chloë, tapping her feet in impatience, looked exactly like Thalia! "Hurry up," she was saying. "I want my turn on that sweet fat rod..."Joanna sat up in bed, shaking her head. "Jesus," she said in a soft voice. "That was fucking weird!"She shivered softly in the darkness. The luminescent clock read 2:08. What an unholy hour to be awake! She lay back, closing her eyes, willing herself back to sleep. But then her eyes opened and she sat up again. What the _hell_ was that sound?Quietly, she got out of bed and went tiptoeing down the hall. The closer she got, the more certain she was that the noises were coming from her nephew's bedroom.But this time the door was shut tight -- unlike last night -- and she frowned. She could hear soft whimpering sounds, and the rhythmic rock of bedsprings, but she could not see what was happening on the other side of that goddamn door!"Ohhhhh...Dwayne..." The purring invitation of a soft, sex-charged voice. Damn it! Joanna thought. That long-legged slut Belinda had sneaked into Dwayne's room. No doubt she was in there getting ready to fuck his brains out!Just like his troubles in Pomeroy, Joanna reminded herself. Dwayne simply couldn't keep his dick in his pants, when it came to women, and now he was starting all over again with the girl next door.From inside the bedroom came the panting sounds of a girl in heat. Even with the door shut, Joanna could easily imagine what was happening now. Maybe her dream hadn't been so far off the mark after all.But she wasn't sure, and she didn't want to make a big stink until she was positive what her nephew was up to. Joanna tied the sash of her robe. Damn it, she had to find what was going on, didn't she? And there was only one way.She crept into the kitchen, opening the back door delicately. The neighborhood was dark, shut down for the night. All except for whatever was taking place in her nephew's bedroom. A misty rain was just beginning to fall. The tv weatherman had predicted a rainy, damp weekend, and Joanna could smell the precipitation in the air. She wished to hell she'd at least put on her slippers. The grass was already getting wet beneath her feet.She went around the side of the house, making for the lighted window. The curtain was not entirely drawn, and she could see enough to make her jaw drop in shock.It wasn't Belinda who was in her nephew's room. Dwayne was frolicking with Chloë Parsons! Joanna was truly startled at the sight. She'd never suspected anything like this out of Chloë. Belinda, yes. The big blonde was obviously a slut, but she'd always regarded Chloë as a sweet innocent.But watching, Joanna realized that she had certainly been on the right track when she got suspicious, finding her nephew in the Parsons house this afternoon. She no longer had the slightest doubt why he'd had a hair between his teeth, either. She'd only been wrong about his co-conspirator.Chloë was stripped naked, her slim, almost childlike body glowing in sexual arousal. She fondled her small, pointy tits, and her head was tossed back, soft moaning sounds oozing from her lips. "Oooohhh, Dwayne, eat my motherfucking pussyyyyy!!!" she squeaked. "I love the way you suck a cunt!"Dwayne's head was down between her legs, and the tiny young blonde jerked spasmodically each time his mouth attacked her. She giggled, and she squeezed her thighs against the sides of his head.He was lying at the foot of his bed, in plain sight of the window. He was as naked as Chloë, and his dick was sticking straight out, bobbing against his thigh as he continued to suck on the girl next door.Joanna hung to the windowsill, staring in horror. Oh, Jesus, this was awful! How could she ever explain this to Thalia Parsons? She was pretty sure Dwayne had screwed Belinda (as if someone in Albany _hadn't_?), but to think he was also doing it to cute little Chloë???Dwayne's head rose from between the hot young nymphet's legs. She stretched out, running her hands up and down her quivering little body. She squeezed passionately at her bee-sting tits, teasing the nipples to make them even harder than they already were. "Oh, I came soooo good," she trilled. "Now come up here and give me a great big kiss. I wanna see if your mouth tastes like my pussy!"Dwayne stretched out beside her, his hands replacing Chloë's in the caress of the young girl's sex-flushed frame. She gasped as he mauled her little tits, and her body lifted toward him. She put her arms around his neck and licked his face, his lips, giggling when she found the taste of her cunt on his mouth. His lips parted and she fucked him with her tongue.Her thigh was thrown across his lap, the soft smooth flesh stroking at the bobbing length of Dwayne's upright cock. From time to time she reached down and tickled him, just below the knob, then squeezed him inside her eager fist.He went down on her tits. As his lips pursed to suck one long pink tab, Chloë gave a squeal. "Sshhh!" Dwayne snapped. "I don't wanna wake up Aunt Joanna!"Chloë just smirked. "Maybe she could join us," she said. "You told me and Belinda you dug older women. But if you like them so much, how come you keep on fucking us young ones?""Because you're here," Dwayne said frankly. "And speaking of 'here', why don't you put your mouth where it will do both of us the most good?"Joanna snorted in disbelief, peeking through the window, as the lithe, monkey-agile Chloë wiggled around and shoved her face down into Dwayne's lap. She got his dick in both hands and rubbed it on her face, her tits. She squeezed the little mounds together around it and fucked him up and down. "Mmmm," she purred as the friction heated up her skin. She thrust out her tongue, licking at the knob when it shoved into her face.Dwayne worked his fingers through her silky blonde hair as she tongued his tool. "Not bad," he told Chloë. "By the time you're legal, you oughta be one hell of a fuck."She stuck her tongue out at him, then lapped his cock even more lewdly, giggling all the while. "I'm one hell of a fuck right now, buster," she murmured between slurps, "and if this doesn't remind you of that fact, maybe I should be looking for a _real_ man." Outside the window, Joanna was still in total shock.Which didn't decrease when Chloë stopped teasing and started sucking. Her innocent face looked anything but, full of Dwayne's sizable hard prick. She rolled her eyes appreciatively, too, making cute but sexy faces at him, but mostly she ate his dick.Joanna's temples pounded as she watched through the window. She pressed her body against the outside of the house, suddenly becoming aware that her nipples were rock-hard under her t-shirt, that her pussy was dripping juice into her panties. Oh, Jesus, she thought, I hope nobody looks out _their_ window and sees me looking into my own like some Peeping Tammy!She glanced around. The nearby houses were all dark. Especially the Parsons'. She was most happy about that. The rain had begun to pick up a little intensity, spattering down in a heavier stream. Joanna was soaked to the skin, her hair hanging in soppy ringlets. Under her bare feet, the ground grew soft and squishy.Chloë's mouth worked wetly on Dwayne's cock. She didn't suck him deeply, but she sucked him with passion, releasing him from her mouth every few moments so she could lick hungrily up and down his shaft. She nursed his balls, even put her finger back into the crack of his ass, jabbing at him while she tongued the big bulging cum vein."Ahhh," Dwayne growled, "you're one nasty little bitch tonight, Chloë -- you jealous because I fucked your big sister before you could get your licks in, this afternoon?"So it had been Belinda's hair, wedged between Dwayne's teeth, then? Joanna had thought as much. But she was willing to bet he had a few of Chloë's hairs in his teeth, on his tongue, right now.The little blonde slipped the knob of Dwayne's dick into her mouth, holding it tightly. She pressed the flats of her palms against his shaft, from either side, and started to work them up and down, stroking him off."Oh, you want some cum, huh, baby?" Dwayne said, caressing her head. "Well, I think we could manage that! Just suck me a little longer..."Joanna pushed her tits against the shingles. Ohhhh! Her nipples were so hard they hurt! But the more she rubbed them on the wall, the less they seemed to hurt, the more excited they seemed to become. She couldn't deny it. She was getting really turned-on.She cupped her tits, squeezing them. The nipples arched outward, punching the soaked fabric of her t-shirt. Even the damp cloth couldn't quell the heat that bubbled from within her boobs. She felt as if she were standing in a cloud of steam as the cool rain continued to fall upon her heated body.This was what she'd done last night, she realized, only then she'd had the decency to do it inside, in private. She was about to jerk herself off, out here in her backyard. Even on a moonless, rainy night, it seemed a rather public thing to do, but she was too far gone to care.Chloë's slim, glowing body caught Joanna's attention most of all. She'd always found Chloë adorable, like a frisky kitten, but now it was something more. Oh, no, she thought, is this happening again?She wasn't a lesbian. She'd never been a lesbian. Sure, a couple of times she had -- but she wasn't a lesbian. Her eyes drank in the sleek, adolescent freshness of the nude, cocksucking Chloë. Her hands moved down her front, to her crotch. The rain, and the exudations of her cunt, had left her panties dripping wet. She stuck a hand into her pants, squeezed her quivering cunt, and licked her lips as she watched her neighbor's younger daughter in action on Dwayne. I'm not a lesbian, she reminded herself.Chloë's gasp and gurgle were audible, as Dwayne's cum spilled across her tongue. She milked him rapidly with her hands, and she sucked the fluid from his spurting cock. It ran from her mouth, down the shaft, into the tangle of hairs at the base of his prick. She kept on sucking.Lifting her face from his prick, she tightened a fist around him and moved it up the shaft, squeezing fiercely just below the knob, until another bubbling drop of jizz oozed from the slit. She licked it off him, and then she licked her cum-wet fingers, and then she cleaned his tool off with her tongue.Dwayne stayed rock-hard while Chloë licked him. Nobody could go soft, with that frisky, energetic tongue tiptoeing all over his prick. Joanna's finger poked in and out of her pussy, and she was trying not to moan out loud.Chloë stood up on the bed, momentarily facing the window. Joanna was sure the girl had seen her, but Chloë gave no sign, if that was the case. She stood there a moment, her petite body totally on display. She was like a flower just bursting into bloom at the outbreak of spring. Her cupcake tits sported stiff pink nipples, her darling face beamed with sexual hunger, and the sparsely-fringed pussy was split just enough for the interior pink to show through."Now we fuck," she announced, turning to the bed and squatting downward upon the prone, still rockhard upthrust of Dwayne Murphy's cock.Her cunt opened as she spread herself. Joanna's heart jumped into her throat at the sight of Chloë's petaled pussy. It descended toward the upstanding lance of Dwayne's cock. When she got near enough, Chloë took it in hand and guided it to her crack. She closed her eyes, and she made a murmuring sound as she fed the prick into her tight teenaged hole."It's so bigggg..." she whimpered, as always, when the pointed snout of his tool slid between the snug lips of her snatch.To Joanna, it looked like a salami being pushed into an engagement ring. But Chloë wanted it, and she took it, squeezing her cunt downward to gobble the hungry thrust of Dwayne's dick, and she kept moving downward until she was full of him. Her tits heaved, and her tummy sucked in, and she writhed atop the boy. She stroked his balls, squeezed them, frigging her clit at the same time. The kid was clearly having the time of her life.She began to ride up and down on the cock, once she'd gotten used to the swollen presence within her supertight young hole. As she rode Dwayne, she moaned and purred and kept her hands busy, playing with everything that moved. Dwayne massaged her buttercup tits, her cherrypink nipples."Will you stick it up my ass, like you did Belinda???" Chloë panted, fucking him for dear life. "I really think I'd like to try that!""Not with Aunt Jo asleep on the other side of the bathroom, baby," Dwayne said. "But you just keep the K-Y handy. I'll do it to you one of these days.""Ooohhh!!! I'll be counting the hours, Dwayne!" Chloë giggled. Joanna was as horrified as she was aroused, and that was considerable.But the rain was heavier now, and she was drenched. She couldn't stay out here another moment. As much as she hated to leave, she would have to go inside and put on some dry nightclothes. And she wondered if Dwayne and Chloë would hear the soft buzz of her vibrator.No, she decided, I'd better just use my fingers. Why not? They were already busy inside her panties, frigging her clit and fucking her wet hot pussy. She staggered through the wet grass, toward the back door, masturbating as she walked.All she could see was the delicious delightful nakedness of young Chloë, all she could think about was, God, what a waste! Throwing that sweetness away on a cad like Dwayne!Sure, her nephew was beautiful, but he was a bastard, too. Chloë deserved something better for her first love. She deserves -- me! Joanna thought wildly. Her middle finger shoved to the hilt up her cunt, she crept through the backdoor and tiptoed to her bedroom, closing the door as quietly as possible.But she could still hear the moaning and the rocking of the bed, and she knew that Dwayne was fucking the living shit out of Chloë's cunt. I wish it was me, Joanna sighed to herself. God help me, I wish it was me on top of the lovely little bitch!!!She stripped off her soaked sleep-T and panties, then tossed herself down onto the bed. She put the pillow between her legs and humped it, while she massaged and licked the ends of her tits. The sounds from Dwayne's room grew louder, as Chloë fucked nearer and nearer to an orgasm.The noises were like a spur to Joanna's clit. She kicked the pillow from between her thighs and took her cunt in both hands, viciously peeling back the flaps and thrusting three fingers into her hot wet snatch. A low growl leaked from her lips and her bed began to shake and rock almost in rhythm to the bed rattles that came from the room down the hall. But she knew that Dwayne and Chloë were so wrapped up in themselves they'd never hear her noises, and, oh, God, she needed to get off!!!"Yessss..." she hissed, the fingers up her cunt, the heel of her hand grinding against her throbbing clit. An orgasm began to rush down the tubes of her pussy. Her teeth chattered, her temples pounded, her body oozed cold sweat. She could hear the whimpering moans of Chloë's climax, happening at almost the same moment, and she threw herself even more madly into her come, pretending that she was sharing it with the darling little blonde from next door.I've gotta be crazy, she thought, lying back, finally, drained. And I've gotta send that kid back to Pomeroy before he fucks up my entire life!!!CHAPTER 8What a fucking shitheap of a week! Belinda Parsons decided. But she was a brave, cheerful, positive girl, and she flashed her most dazzling smile at Chuck Woods, wishing to _fuck_ she had checked into the Cozy Rest Motel with Dwayne Murphy, instead.On the other hand, she was definitely going to get screwed, and that was always something to look forward to. Chuck was already opening the pint of whiskey, getting ready to make a couple Seven-and-Sevens. As if Belinda needed to be juiced in order to get juicy!Motels really weren't Belinda's thing, but they couldn't go to Chuck's and they couldn't go to her house either, and she absolutely refused to fuck in the back seat of Japanese cars since a near-accident in tenth grade. So Chuck, who was out of school and had a job, had sprung for a room here at the hot sheets. Not the first time, but she was still sorry she wasn't here with the guy from next door.She was convinced, for one thing, that meeting Dwayne had been the catalyst that had changed her life forever. Unfortunately, other than that dynamite fuck in the living room of her house, she hadn't had much chance to try his rod on for size. And now, a week later, she was still thinking dreamily of the sweet hot fuck he'd thrown into her -- including that unprecedented ramrodding of her almost totally virgin asshole -- and she was wondering if Chuck was man enough to satisfy her newfound needs.Not that Chuck was so bad. Like, she'd been going out with him for quite a while, and he was under the impression he was her steady. And he was a pretty good lay, when you got right down to it. But he wasn't Dwayne, goddamn it!Belinda paraded around the room, conscious of Chuck's eyes upon her. Well, let him look. He was gonna get it, right? And he'd certainly had it before. She was strutting a little, but that was just the spike heels she wore. Chuck was 6'4", and she liked to be able to look him in the eye.She was dressed for a date, with a tight black sheath dress, no sleeves, the hem striking her about a third of the way down her thighs. She'd found it in some of her mom's old clothes, a leftover from the early 60s, but it looked just great in '88, and especially on Belinda. The way Chuck was eyeing her, she was sure of it.While he poured the drinks, Belinda took off the dress. If it looked good, what she wore under it was even more fine. Her bra and panties were black, dark against the sunkissed gold of her skin. Chuck liked garters and stockings, and she had worn a pair just for him. Curlicue applique ran down both sides of her hose, accentuating the length and sinuosity of her legs.Chuck handed her a glass of Seven-and-Seven. She tipped it to his, and smiled alluringly over the rim. She could already see the bulge in his pants. He had a nice dick, but it wasn't like Dwayne's. At least, he didn't use it as well. But he could sure fuck up a cloud of smoke, and she figured she might as well make the most of him.Chuck put down his glass and slipped his hands around Belinda. She sipped her drink while he began to feel her up. She enjoyed being felt up, as always.His hands moved over her black, bra-covered tits. The bra wasn't _that_ much of a covering, and her nipples began to push out the centers of the black lacy cups. His fingers stroked them back and forth, feeling the ever-lengthening indentations as they got harder and harder.His body brushed hers, and she could feel the bulge of cock in his pants. Until she'd met Dwayne Murphy, Chuck's cock had been plenty for Belinda, but now, even with its hardness rubbing against her, she felt a little disappointed. But not so disappointed that she didn't plan to fuck this dude's brains out.He unsnapped her bra, and the cups fell away from her tits. He sighed, as he always did when the tits came into view, and his hands covered the bare, Jello-jiggly mounds. He squeezed down as if they belonged to him, personally. Belinda just closed her eyes and oozed her titties into his clutching fists. Her hand went down to stroke his full-grown bulge. Yeah, he was hard, all right!She put her drink on the dresser table and gave him her full attention. She opened his shirt. His chest was broad and hairy. He'd been a football star in high school, though not good enough to merit a scholarship -- which explained why he was pumping gas at the Exxon, not pumping coeds at Ohio State.But his body was still hard and primed. She loved to feel it. Pushing the shirt off his shoulders, she caressed his chest, his shoulders, his neck. The high heels put her in great shape to be kissed, and she opened her mouth to his questing tongue.He manipulated her hard nipples, and she decided she wasn't all that turned off in any case. Her teats stiffened between his fingers, and he bent down to suck on them. "Oooohh, Chuckie," she giggled, feeding him a randy tit.His other hand was between her legs, stroking the crinkly satin of her black panties. His finger pushed, stuffing itself and the wraparound panty fabric into Belinda's cunt. He couldn't move very deeply, but he moved in and out, and she wiggled and giggled and she spread her legs a little wider, deepening her pussy hole to his attack.He fucked finger and panties into her hole, poking shallowly, and she bounced up and down in her spikey heels, feeding her cunt to his finger. She was already tugging down his zipper and reaching inside his pants to find that old familiar cock of Chuck's. Belinda had no idea how many times she had fucked it, sucked it, but she was pretty sure she was about to do it one more time.He picked her up and carried her to the bed. She lay back, posing, while he stripped down. Too bad he'd had a car payment due this week, and not enough cash left over for a porno tape rental. They were extra here at Cozy Rest. But they could make their own live-action porno.She watched his pants drop, saw his cock rise up, thick and hard. She touched her titties, pleasuring the already-rigid nipples with the tip of long red nails, and she wondered if Chuck had ever stuffed that tool up a girl's asshole. She wondered if his dick would feel as good up her asshole as Dwayne Murphy's had, a couple of days ago. She wondered if she was _ever_ gonna get the chance to slime Dwayne's tool with her mouth, ass or pussy again!Chuck joined her on the bed, his big hairy body rubbing all over hers. He stuck his hand down the front of her panties and felt her pussy, leaking piss-warm juices already, and he cupped a fistful of that pussy and squeezed, as if he were wringing an orange. Belinda was turned on. When was she not turned on? But it had been soooo different with Dwayne. He'd spoiled her for other guys, she was sure.Chuck buried his face between her boobs and blew on them, slobbering and nipping his way up from the pit of the cleavage to the tingly tips of the nipples. He opened his mouth wide and sucked a whole tit inside. He had a hell of a big mouth!Belinda's 38-C vanished into his yawning maw and he sucked hard on it, putting a vacuum pressure on the throbbing nipple while his hand continued to slide through the soft hairs of her cunt, stroking the bubble of her clit and the drippy arousal of the slit.Now his finger went inside her, for real this time, nothing to hold it back, and Belinda moaned from deep in her guts. He had a middle finger the size of some guys' cocks, and he used it like a dick inside her, probing, prodding, thrusting almost to the pit of her pussy.It was the usual Saturday night at Cozy Rest, Belinda decided, rolling and rocking under Chuck's assault and listening to the noises that crept through the flimsy walls. Someone had sprung for a porn film, a room or two away; she could hear the cheap tinny generic music that always played on the soundtracks. And closer, probably two rooms down, somebody was getting one _hell_ of a fucking!"Ohhhhhhhh..." A woman's voice, moaning like a banshee in heat, and tuned to the rhythmic rock of a bed. Belinda closed her eyes, drinking in the sound. It was a slow dreamy fuck, she could tell from the bedsounds, the woman's cries. As Chuck's finger stabbed in and out of her like an oil drill about to bring in a gusher, she listened to the noises of that other couple, envying them the rhythm and the pace of their sweet sex. Chuck wasn't bad, but sometimes he was in too damn much of a hurry.But Belinda was in a little bit of a hurry herself. He was turning her on like crazy, and she found her snatch sucking thirstily at his finger, wishing his nail could spout a geyser of jizz into her creamy hole. She could use a hot squirt right now, just to cool her down a little!She wriggled from beneath him, throwing herself forward upon his cock. She'd rather have been sucking on Dwayne's, and she'd hinted -- fuck, she'd come right out and asked him -- that she wanted to go out with him tonight, but he'd been busy.Doing what, for shit's sake? Had he already found somebody else to fuck here in Albany? Was he finished with her after one goddamn screw? She couldn't imagine that was possible. She knew how good she was. A man could fuck her for an eternity and still want more. Chuck sure wasn't tired of it yet. She heard his groan of satisfaction as she began to lick his dick, and she smiled at the swollen knob where it protruded from his unclipped foreskin. Hiya, big boy, she told it with her eyes and her tongue.She slipped her lips over his knob, sipping him in and out. The friction of her mouth and tongue made his rod grow harder, hotter. She could taste the excitement flowing through his meat, pre-cum oozing onto her tongue with each lustful swipe.Lifting her head, she squeezed his knob from beneath, until the piss-slit winked open. She attacked it with her tongue, thrusting as if she meant to penetrate him. He yelped and grabbed her head, guiding her downward. "Oh, baby, your sucking's the greatest," he said hoarsely. Her tongue moved through the tiny slit like a saw blade, and his prick trembled inside her hand.She licked downward, to his nuts, stroking the uppermost half of Chuck's dick. Her mouth opened wide to suck on his balls. She rocked his stones around with her tongue, and the power surged through his upstanding prick where her fist encircled it. She pushed the balls out of the way and licked his shithole, too, her tongue pointed and perky and passionate. Then it was back to his balls for a little more sucking, and at last her tongue walked back up Chuck's tool, making for the big purple knob.His foreskin was peeled all the way down, the knob entirely exposed. It looked as big as a budded tomato, and almost as red. Belinda made her mouth a wet ripe oval and she slid it down over the end of Chuck's dick, pushing south until her lips were flush against his groin and the head of his prick was somewhere inside her right lung.She moved up and down in a series of slow rises and falls, taking his cock down her throat to the nuts again and again. Guys were always impressed with that, especially guys who had dicks as big as Chuck, and Belinda loved to show off a little. But his tool was heating up like a stewpot on the boil, and even more than the showing off, she fucking loved the way his prick tasted!She was on her hands and knees beside him, face angled down into his crotch, her ass pointing toward his head. He put his hand up her crotch once more, and he used his fingers like a drillbit in her dripping pussy. His thumb entered her cuntal mouth and he reamed her mercilessly, grinding his hand against her aroused clit, her tingling labes. One finger tickled the sensitized tightness of her asshole. He'd dated her before, and he knew she liked that, too. She kept on sucking, hungry for the squirt of his jizz.Chuck explored the taut petals of Belinda's twat, scooping juices out of her wet hole and smearing them onto her antechambers. She got slicker and slicker. He pulled out his wet thumb and rubbed it on her tiny starfish asshole. Belinda murmured and purred and giggled around her total mouthful of his dick.She almost bit his cock in two when he started to shove his thumb up her butt, though! It was a little further than he usually went, but he seemed to be a little more turned-on than normally, tonight, and that was fine with Belinda, who was about to burst from arousal.Part of it was the feel of his throbbing cock stuffed to the gills in her throat. Part of it was the normal anticipation of getting fucked. Part of it _had_ to be the nonstop noises that came from the room down the row.That woman must be getting the fuck of a lifetime, to judge from the way she was moaning and whining! Now and then her voice drifted higher, toward a softly sensuous scream. It made Belinda's clit tingle, just listening to her, and she was sure it was arousing Chuck as well.And now it was Belinda's turn to scream, though she couldn't get out much sound with her mouth totally full of Chuck's dick. His thumb popped her assring, lubed by the juice it had squeezed out of her pussy, and he began to ream her butt.She swayed tremulously, her mouth gone slack on Chuck's peter, and she absorbed the grinding rotation of his thumb as it opened her wide. Mmmm, she thought, I believe Chuck may get luckier than he ever dreamed possible...But she could almost taste the passion surging in his rod, and each time she squeezed on his balls, a little squirt of jizz bubbled from the tip of Chuck's peter. He couldn't last two more minutes without shooting. It was no time to begin an assfuck that would be over before it ever got good.She rocked back against his buttboning thumb. The heel of his hand pressed her dripping pussymouth, friction humming on her hard hot clit. She raised her face from his cock, just hanging onto it now, and she did the grind on Chuck's hand until her heart seemed to explode inside her. An orgasm exploded inside her pussy, transmitted itself somehow to her asshole as well!"Gonna fuck you for a minute, now," she panted, popping her ass off his inserted thumb. She turned, straddled him, rammed her cunt down over the uplifted end of Chuck's prick. Her hole was open, wet, greasy -- fucking ready, man! She slammed downward, eating him to the balls in one gulp, and she leaned forward as her hips rose and fell.She slapped him in the face with her big dangling tits. "Fuck me, oh, fuck me," she moaned, over and over.He sucked on her jugs while he rammed cock up into her plunging hole. He was on a really short leash now, as anxious to squirt as she was to feel another come detonate inside her pussy. She just wanted to get this fuck out of the way so they could have another drink and get primed for the sweet tight surprise she had decided to give Chuckie baby. When she took it up the ass, she wanted it to last a _loooonng_ time!!!The woman in heat, down the row, was apparently on fire now. Everybody in the fucking motel -- hell, everybody in Athens County! -- could probably hear her every gasp, every moan, every sigh. Belinda could almost hear the squish of the cock that plumbed her hole and brought the woman to this pinnacle of delight. Just listening to the sounds of another bitch in heat made Belinda herself that much more excited."Dwayne, oh, Jesus, you fuck me like a god!!!" the woman was squealing, the bed audibly rocking beneath her. Belinda's head jerked around. Dwayne? Oh, shit, there were probably a hundred thousand guys named Dwayne in Ohio, right? But how many of them could fuck women like a god? she couldn't help wondering.Chuck bit into Belinda's nearest tit, and she turned her attention back to the job at hand. His dick felt the size of a watermelon inside her now, stretching the walls of her snatch almost to the breaking point. It was all she could do to keep her pussy sliding up and down.He grabbed her by the ass and pulled her down, lunging up at the same moment to impale her totally on his bulging prick. His face contorted in the moment of orgasm, and she felt the hot gushing discharge of his jizz, the milky cum squirting straight into her uterus.Her cunt ground hard against his belly as it sucked his cock dry, and the pressure on Belinda's clitoris was enough to make her come again too, even more intense than the orgasm she'd felt when Chuckie reamed her pussy and asshole with his horny fingers. She squirmed down upon his tool, the slime oozing out of her dick-stretched sheath to clot in their entangled crotch hairs. And not far away, that other bitch was coming too. She screamed like a hyena in the rush of her climax, the sounds penetrating the room Belinda and Chuck shared. Her cries excited Belinda almost as much as her own sensations, and they intensified the orgasm that was racing through the ripe teenaged blonde. It was as if the two women were fucking the same dick, Belinda thought madly, collapsing atop Chuck, her pussy full of his thick squirted jizz.She slid off him, the slime running out of her tingle-lipped hole and down her smooth gold thighs. She stroked herself, standing by the bed, and she licked the discharge off her fingers. Mixed with her own cum, it tasted even better than when she drank it straight from the squirting knob of his dick."Oh, shit," she said, turning, "the ice is all melted, and I need another drink in the worst way!" She slipped into her panties, pulled on Chuck's t-shirt, grabbed the styrofoam ice chest. The ice machine was outside, but she was dressed decently enough for the Cozy Rest."I'll be back in a sec," she promised Chuck, "and when I do, I'm gonna make your day, like, totally, dude!" She winked, and went out the door.CHAPTER 9All in all, it had been an okay week, Dwayne Murphy decided, while Thalia Parsons lay across him, her mouth full of his ripe hard cock, her jaws working frantically as she gulped his meat. Of course, he did feel a little weird about checking into a motel with a lady old enough to be his mother, but fuck, man, that was life!Like, they couldn't fuck at Thalia's place because her kids were around and she didn't want them to know about her and Dwayne. He damn sure couldn't bring her over to Aunt Joanna's.They could have parked in the woods, but the back seat on his Suzuki was a little small for making out. And anyway, it had been raining steadily since last night, so they needed to find someplace dry and comfortable. Besides, Thalia said she was much too old to get screwed in a parked car in any case -- even her own.But she wasn't too old to get her buns fucked off, and she had pretty much insisted he do her tonight. Damn, and Belinda had been after him for a date, too! That was the big problem of fucking a mother and daughter when neither one knew you were screwing the other. You had to sneak around so much! Just like Robin and Mindy, he thought, while Thalia's tongue slithered wetly around the bloated knob of his cock. _Just_ like Mindy, he remembered with a smile.So here they were at the Cozy Rest. Thalia said all the Mr and Mrs Smiths in Albany checked in here. It wasn't the Sheraton, but it had a bed, and it had a little privacy.For a few bucks extra they could have had a fuck film on the tv, but who needed stimulation like that when you had Thalia? The bitch was on him as soon as the door closed behind them, climbing his body like an ivy vine and rubbing him up with every sweet hot thing she had!While Thalia sucked his dick, Dwayne lay back, enjoying the shit out of it, and listening to the sounds that came from nearby rooms. Lot of fucking going on here tonight. He was happy to add his bit to the big picture.She could suck the hair off a cock, Thalia could. She licked his sides, and her tongue had a slightly sandy feel to it, like a fine-grain file scraping across his flesh. It made his spine tingle and his skin crawl, just a little, and it kept his peter hard as a board.She went down on his balls, and she even turned him over and licked his asshole, playing with his tool while she tongue-washed his butt. He liked the nasty feel of her tongue back there, and he told her so. She just sighed and sucked his ass a little more. He farted while she was rimming him, and she didn't even stop. He was starting to think the bitch was in love with him.Christ knew she'd fucked him blind on the job! Every morning and every afternoon she'd sneak down for a quick one in the mail room or the basement xerox room or one of the storage closets. He'd had his tool in her mouth, her pussy, between her tits.Once he'd jerked himself off in her armpit, while she flexed her thin but wiry arm around his thrusting tool, and then she'd taken his load all over her beaming face, lapping like a dog as the hot white milk gushed from his jerking cock. The gleam in her blue eyes as she allowed his jizz to splatter her had been enough to keep his cock hard and primed, and he'd fucked her again on the spot, banging her cunt until she moaned.She hadn't let him fuck her up the ass yet, though she'd come closer and closer to it. He'd had his fingers in her shithole, and his tongue, and once in the mail room she'd flipped up her skirt, showing him she had no panties underneath, and allowed him to tease her tight and tiny butthole with the big swollen knob of his tool.He could still feel the snug resistance of the minuscule opening -- so small it was hard to believe she used the thing to shit with, in fact! The hole had parted gingerly, allowing just the point of his cock to enter where his finger and tongue had already been. But the fact that she'd let him do that much was a goddamn good sign, wasn't it?She was still a little coy about it, but he could sense her resistance dwindling, and he was determined to bone her shithole tonight or die trying. What better place to assfuck Thalia than here at the local hot sheets motel, anyway?All things considered, Thalia was one hell of a piece. Sure, she was thirty-eight or forty, and she was small and kinda titless, but her petite body was toned and trim, and she had moves like a Swiss watch. Four years of widowhood had fine-tuned her desires, and now that she could work them all out with Dwayne, she was acting as if she'd never heard of the word "No".When the heat was on her, Thalia was a wild athletic fuck, and Dwayne sometimes had trouble keeping up with her. She was as horny as Belinda, and as nasty as Chloë. It was happening all over again, just like with Robin and her mother Mindy, back home in Pomeroy. Dwayne really didn't mind. And he was sure Thalia liked it too.Her tongue prodded into his shitter. She held the cheeks open and she made humming sounds as she licked his ass. This was the second or third time she'd done it to him, and she hadn't even needed to be asked, this time. She licked as if she loved the taste of his shit! Her tongue felt like a tiny wet turd trying to crawl back up into his lower intestine. He shoved his butt at her and she ate it up.Well, Dwayne thought, I kinda know what Thalia's angling for tonight, and I think I may just give it to her!He turned around, his dick sticking out almost a foot long. It whacked her in the face. She grabbed it with both hands, fed it into her mouth, downthroated him in a single gulp. Dwayne gasped and thrust, again and again, into her wet, dentate heat.Her teeth clenched around his cock but he was so hard they didn't even hurt. He just fucked himself in and out of her, while she did her goddamnedest to suck him dry.Dribbles of jizz squirted from his cock as she blew him, but he willed his balls to hold back, to save something for the real action. If he closed his eyes and imagined Aunt Jo's face, watching in horror as he fucked Thalia, he found that his balls relaxed to the proper degree. But Thalia's tongue reheated him, and the process began all over again.Thalia could have taught both her daughters a lot about sucking peter, Dwayne decided. She could have taught them a little about being ladies, too. The girls were, after all, just a bit aggressive, especially Chloë.But that was all a big part of their appeal, and he loved the tight fresh taste and feel of their bodies. Thalia's skin wasn't as taut, nor her cunt as snug. But mmm, could she ever fuck!!! And she looked like the very model of propriety most of the time, like a woman who didn't even know she had a pussy.Her head rose and fell like a piston on his jutting prick. He kept fucking her throat, and she kept swallowing him with audible gulps and groans. The noises vibrated along his entire shaft, and his balls jingled in response. His arm lay on the curve of her ass, and he stroked her warm, livewire body while he fed her.Dwayne moved his hand back, and into the crack of her ass. He stroked lightly, ticklishly, from the base of her spine to the starfish opening of her shitter, and he could feel the response being transmitted to his dick.She worked her head from side to side, grinding her upper front teeth back and forth over his bloated cum vein. Little more of that and the bitch would have herself the mouthful she was obviously thirsting after! As it was, his dick gushed another little dribble of cum, splashing her tongue as it lapped him, and he saw her throat move as she gulped down the appetizer.He got his fingers wet in her pussy, which was about as juicy as the Muskingum River, and he moved them in and out of her hole. He had thumb and forefinger up her. She was almost big enough that he could snap his fingers inside her twat, but the more he worked on her, the tighter, the cuntier, she seemed to become around him. He kept his fingers busy, priming that pussy for what he had in mind."I don't wanna come in your mouth, baby," he told her. "I wanna shoot my jizz all over that uterus! Why don't you bring that pussy up here and let me finish getting it ready for some fucking?""It's ready already," Thalia smirked, sounding more like a teenager herself than the mother of two highschoolers, but she was right there anyway, straddling his chest and bringing her snatch down to him. He got her by the asscheeks and shoved his face up into her pussypie, sniffing at the funky, hot aroma of her arousal.She looked really sexy tonight, in a bra that was cut so low the pink tips of her nipples stuck out over the lacy top, and until he took them off, she'd been wearing a pair of panties that covered only her fluffy blonde bush. The back end was just a string that rode tautly between the firm cheeks of her ass. Looked like something she might have nicked out of Belinda's panty drawer, he thought, but it flattered the mom as well as it did the daughter.She still had on a garter belt and blue textured nylons that had made Dwayne's cock harden at first sight. Borrowed from Belinda, Thalia explained. Dwayne reached up to stroke the garter belt, the straps that stretched over Thalia's hips. She scooted closer, pushing her cunt into his face. He opened his mouth and started to eat.He didn't have to be asked twice to eat Thalia's snatch. It tasted fucking good, man! Robin's mom had had kind of a stale taste, until he began screwing her regularly. Thalia's cunt had a ripe musky flavor from the start, a little like anchovies but with a hint of honey. Dwayne spread the flaps and scratched the insides with his fingertips while his tongue began to explore the inner folds of the older woman's twat.She moved forward, dominating him with her cunt. He was in the mood to be dominated. The funky miasma of her pussy enfolded his face like steam, and he let his tongue glide through her groove easily, almost casually. But each spot at which he lingered was guaranteed to make the bitch moan her guts out, and you bet your ass that's exactly what she did!He sucked at her clit until it was as hard as it could be. The pearl-like button peeked from its little crevice, so big you had to wonder how it could have hidden away in that tiny nook. But here it was, and it glistened with his saliva. Each fresh lick made it wetter, and each kiss made it bigger. He took it between his lips and tapped it with his tongue, humming at the same time."Ohhhhhhh..." Thalia gasped, slamming snatch down into his mouth. He got his nose full of her hairs, but they tasted almost as good as her flesh.He opened his mouth, covering her gash with it, and he sucked, pulling the inner labes to even longer protrusions. His tongue poked and prodded between them, into the heart of Thalia's shimmering damp cunt, and her moaning got more heartfelt, more intense."Eat my pussy, you horny son of a bitch," Thalia panted, pumping him with her snatch. He kept on sucking, his hands tight on her ass. The fingertips were in her crack, and he kept tickling her butthole while he gobbled her twat. He had something special in mind for her butthole, and he suspected she would like it too.He rolled her off his face, so that she was on her back, her knees up. He moved into the spread of them, descending upon her cunt like the wolf upon the fold.He peeled back the inner labes, which stuck out half an inch by now, and he bared the cherry-red interior of her cunt to his delighted eyes. His mouth moved down and his tongue strolled through her groove from clit to perineum.With his shoulders against the backs of her thighs, he pushed, lifting her butt slightly upward and baring the taut wrinkle of her asshole. His tongue dropped down to visit her there, and she definitely enjoyed it."You nasty little bastard," she sighed soulfully, "you're licking me where I shit..."He stuck a finger into his mouth, sucking it wet, then pushed it into her pussy. She would never again be as tight as Chloë, but she was snug with lust, and the mesh of her muscles made for a little resistance to the plunge of his finger. He persisted, and the finger sank into her, up to the knuckle. He rotated it, and Thalia screeched with delight."Yessssss!!!! Fuck my cunt with your motherfucking finger, babyyyyy!!!" She bounced beneath him, her snatch sheathing and unsheathing his stabbing digit, while his tongue kept on arousing her excited asshole.The smell of her jizz was tangy in the air. She was coming her guts out while he diddled her. Good. The more she came, the better she fucked.He gave her ass one more lick for good luck, and then he climbed up her body, mounting her where she lay writhing and moaning. He lifted his groin from atop her, and he straightened out his dick, ramming it straight into Thalia's twat.The bulbous knob parted her gash lips and sank into her. She stiffened beneath him, gasping, "Ohhhh, Dwayne, fuck meeeee!!!" and her legs folded around his body as she held him in a pussy deathgrip.He rose up, half-withdrawing his cock, then plunged home again, a savage fierce thrust that shook her like an earthquake beneath him. She closed her eyes, moaned, and climaxed again.Dwayne pressed down with his prick, fully imbedding it in Thalia, and he held himself there, crammed to the nuts in her snatch. The gravy of her cunt flowed around his meat, and her vibrating cuntal walls lapped like a hundred thirsty mouths along the barrel of his shaft.He began to fuck, finally, doing it slowly, carefully, the friction of his cock maintaining the simmery heat that bubbled within her cunt. His strokes were long, strong, deep, and slow, and he felt her responding tumultuously beneath him. She lifted her hips from the bed, levering herself with her legs around him.Dwayne grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed and stuffed it under Thalia. His hands moved down to cup the cheeks of her ass. He held them possessively while he slicked his cock in and out of her juicing hole. She couldn't stop moaning. He felt like moaning, himself. The suction of her pussy on his peter was like, sooooo fine!!!Again he caressed her asscrack, tickling her while he fucked her. She liked it as much as he did, and she giggled like one of her schoolgirl daughters. His finger sought her shitter, and her blue eyes opened wide."You're incorrigible," she whispered. "Absolutely incorrigible!"His finger poked into her asshole, the muscles resisting for a moment and then surrendering. His finger went deep, and her eyes almost popped out of her skull. "Bastard!" she gasped. "Dirty asshole-fucking bastard!!!""Bet your ass I am," Dwayne whispered, "and after we finish this round, I'm _really_ gonna fuck your asshole, mama!"The words seemed to drive her wild. She rocked frantically beneath him, using every muscle in her cunt to pressurize his peter. He got stiffer and bigger inside her, and her cunt seemed to contract to almost unbearable tightness.He had to fight for every stroke, but he was young and tough, and for pussy like this, fighting was not too big a price to pay. He worked his hips, driving her with his dick, and his finger pushed deeper into her tight, greasy asshole."Oh, Dwayne, you fuck me like a god!!!" she screamed, bursting into yet another orgasmic explosion beneath him.It wasn't the first time a woman had told him that; he doubted it would be the last. But it was always good to hear, and the words made his dick get bigger and bigger inside her.He leaned down, licking her hard-nippled tits where the pink buds extended over the lacy top of her bra. She moaned again, and he started to suck her tits, milking at the nipples as if he expected them to squirt his mouth full of homogenized. His prick sawed more furiously into her cunt, and his finger continued to ream her asshole. She was coming like a bitch, and his balls were about to pop, too.Suddenly he jerked his cock out of her and aimed it at her face. "Ohhhhhh, Dwayne..." she sobbed as his jizz splattered her. He'd intended to come in her cunt, but he had felt the sudden need to see her face slimy with his sperm, one more time!She basked in his cum-spray, hand massaging the sticky scum into her face, her tits. Her other hand seized his dick, finished the job of draining him. She lapped the jizz off his peter and sucked at the knob, thirsty for more. She didn't look like anyone's mother, blowing his sticky tool.He collapsed beside her, panting. His dick would not go soft, and he knew he would fuck her again, but he needed a moment to catch his breath."God, I need a drink," she sighed, running a hand over his broad smooth chest. She tweaked a nipple, leaned down to kiss it.She'd insisted on bringing a fifth of Scotch, and she'd been cutesy-indecisive about letting Dwayne have a sip, since he was under twenty-one. Like, it was okay to suck his dick but not to give him alcohol?Dwayne slid off the bed. "No ice," he told her. She smiled, and she looked _exactly_ like somebody's mother, assigning a chore to a reluctant kid. "Okay," Dwayne said, picking up his pants. "I'll go get some more fucking ice, Thalia. But when I get back, you better watch your ass, baby -- and I mean that literally!"He zipped up, not bothering with a shirt, and he went to the door, barefooted. The motel furnished these cheap styrofoam ice buckets. Even with the airconditioning on, the ice melted in record time. But refills were free, at the chest outside.Dwayne opened the door and went out -- damn, it was still raining like a son of a bitch. He pattered down the walkway in his bare feet.Someone was already at the ice cooler. From the back she looked good. It was a tousle-haired blonde, wearing a guy's shirt and black stockings with curlicues appliqued up the sides. He could see the garter straps coming down from under the tail of the shirt. He supposed she was wearing panties, but he couldn't really tell. She had a fine, fine ass, and that was for sure.She started to close the lid, and he called, "Don't bother, I need some ice, too."She turned, and he nearly shit. "Dwayne!" she said, in a shocked voice.Oh, fuck, it was Belinda! What the hell was she doing here? He searched his mind for excuses, alibis, but it was no go. His brain was totally numb at the shock of the encounter and his wit had momentarily deserted him.Belinda couldn't believe what she saw when she turned around. She dropped her styrofoam ice bucket and the cubes hit the pavement. "You bastard!" she said. "You couldn't go out with me but you're here at the Cozy Rest! What did you do, run into some slut who fucks better than I do???"Her voice was loud and accusatory. Dwayne blushed. He couldn't remember ever having blushed before, in his whole life. But he was a little embarrassed right now, and he thought he had the right to be. How would he ever explain to Belinda that he was fucking her mother in the next room up the row?"You son of a bitch," she went on, picking up some of the spilled ice cubes and throwing them at him. "You no-good son of a bitch!"And at that moment the door behind Dwayne opened. With his shirt wrapped around her shoulders, Thalia Parsons leaned out of the doorway and said, "You better hurry up, stud! As soon as I get that drink, I'm going to blow your dick hard and let you stick it straight up my -- Belinda!!!!""Mom????" the teenaged blonde gasped in reply. She stared at the open shirt, through which one of her mother's small firm tits protruded, its pink nipple stiff and perky. And then both of the Parsons women turned to Dwayne."Surprise, surprise," he shrugged.The shit has hit the fan, he thought. Let's see how bad it stinks.CHAPTER 10Joanna Murphy lay in bed, listening to the rain outside. It had been raining steadily for almost twenty-four hours.Normally the sound of rain left Joanna in a mellow, laid-back mood. Not tonight. She was still thinking about what she had seen the other night, in Dwayne's bedroom. Her nephew, fucking little Chloë Parsons from next door.She could hardly believe it, though her eyes had seen it all. And as she lay in the darkness, she found her mind reluctantly summoning up the image of Chloë, naked, seductive, filled with a lust that was far beyond her tender years. God, she thought, I'm old enough to be her mother! And her mother is my best friend!But the sparkle in the girl's blue eyes, the quavery jiggle of her tiny tits, the excitement with which she'd forcefed her pussy to Dwayne's big hard cock -- the images simply would not go away! And the more she thought about them, the more vivid they became to Joanna Murphy.She turned over and curled up into a foetal ball, but she could not find the relief she sought in sleep. Her hand began to creep into the space between her legs, stroking her cunt from beneath as she huddled with knees up. Just as she'd done the other night -- just as she'd done a couple of times a day ever since.At least she had the grace to blush as her pussy unfolded like a rose before the caress of her fingers, as her clit began to bud and grow under the stimulation. There was a burgeoning warmth deep inside her pussy and she knew she was going to jerk off one more time, remembering what she had seen.She straightened out, pulling her sleep-T up with one hand, running the other across her aching tits. Joanna could hardly believe the feelings inside her. As a young girl, she'd had strange attractions and sensations, which she had carefully repressed because they seemed so nasty. As a mature woman, she'd lived out her fantasies a time or three, never satisfactorily, but never any less satisfactory than her relationships with men.She was a dud at sex, except when it came to jerking off, she thought bitterly, and now she was fantasizing about a young girl who would probably be horrified at the very idea of touching another female body. She felt like a pervert, but she was unbearably aroused."Damn it, I'm alone in the house, finally!" she said. "I can do whatever the fuck I want!" She reached into the nightstand's lowest drawer and came out with her vibrator. A test showed that the batteries were in fine shape. She slid her panties down. With Dwayne around, she hadn't been able to make much use of her comforting toy, but she'd make up for it tonight!Joanna stroked her bared nipples with the buzzing vibrator, watching them erect in quivery spurts and shudders. Her hand was down between her legs, pawing through the bearded bun of her cunt. The inner labes were itchy with lust, and she stroked them repeatedly while she teased her tits with the vibrator. Slowly she began to move the sex toy down her stomach, toward the upper edge of her pussy bush.She knew she wasn't a beauty. Her face was only passable, her body just so-so. She wasn't overweight or rail-skinny, but she would never stand out in a crowd. The dildo made her feel very very special, though, and she glowed in her building arousal.Her clit was hard, tingly-tipped, and she attacked it with the vibrator, stroking in short kamikaze passes. The clitoris kept on hardening, and a milky ooze formed just within the scarlet trench of her cunt. She spread the labes, baring her wettening twat to the night air, and she grazed her gash with the buzzing head of the vibrator."Ahhh," she purred, writhing as the feelings got better and better. The dildo stayed busy, her cunt opening to expose more and more of itself to the vibration of the plastic prick. It did a better job for her than any flesh-and-meat prick she'd ever fucked, and that was for damn sure."Fuck me," she panted, "fuck me like Dwayne fucked that darling little Chloë!!!" She straightened the vibrator, its point already snagged within the loose moist mouth of her snatch, and she gave it a vicious shove, burying three inches of the whirring machine up her aroused pussy. A soft moan dribbled from her lips, a moan as liquid as her cunt. The buzz trembled through her cunt. She pushed the object deeper, then pulled it out, cunt-sopping, and used it on her clit once more.She sat up, rising onto her knees, and she fucked herself from behind, reaching over her ass to guide the vibrator in and out of her pussy from a new angle. She gave herself a dozen fast, furious strokes, then withdrew it again, bringing the point to bear against her constricted asshole.Sometimes she liked to stick fingers up her butt while she played with herself. A time or two she'd even stuck the vibrator up her shithole. She worked her tight anal opening, undecided how far to go. The constant whir of the full-power machine was a goddamn persuasive argument for some asshole masturbation!As she continued to tickle her ass, she reached beneath herself and stuck a couple of fingers into her pussy. She didn't have to worry about Dwayne hearing the sound of her vibrator. She didn't have to worry about him hearing the sound of her whimpering sexual moans. It was a great night for fucking! Even for fucking herself!She decided that her cunt needed more attention than her butt, and she stuffed the vibrator back into her hole. It fucked better than any man she'd ever been with, and she never failed to come when she was riding her faithful friend. She couldn't have -- could _never_ have Chloë Parsons, but she could fuck the zing out of the Duracells in her vibrator!She turned, abruptly, her ears perking. What the hell was that noise??? She switched off the vibrator, pulled up her panties, while her ears searched the air for clues. Oh, God, there it was again! She shoved the vibrator under the pillow and sat trembling in the dark, terrified. But she had to do something.Joanna got out of bed, her heart in her throat. She had distinctly heard the sounds of someone trying to jimmy open a window. And then a loud thumping sound. A burglar? In Albany? Jesus!"Ohhhh..." A soft whimper of hurt.The sound came from outside. She could hear it most clearly from the kitchen, despite the steady downpour of the rain. Joanna took a deep breath and opened the kitchen door, then went out onto the porch, a flashlight in her hand.The backyard was mostly mud. She stepped into it with bare feet, grimacing. Turning the corner of the house, she stopped short. Chloë Parsons was lying on the ground, just below Dwayne's window. The girl looked up as the light caught her. "I, uh," she started to say, but then her eyes dropped and she looked very very embarrassed.Joanna took her into the house. The girl was mud from neck to ankles. She had obviously taken a hard fall, and she walked with a ginger step, rubbing at her cute little butt as if it hurt."I was, uh, well, uh..." Chloë stammered, avoiding Joanna's eyes."You were trying to get into Dwayne's room, weren't you?" Joanna challenged. "And you fell down." Chloë blushed and nodded. Joanna sighed. "Okay. Let's see how badly you might be hurt. And we'll try to get you cleaned up."***Chloë was wearing shorts and a thin top which clung to her apple-sized tits, accentuated the pointiness of the nipples. Joanna tried her goddamnedest not to look, but it was impossible. The rain had soaked Chloë's clothing, and it was almost glued to her lithe young body."Are you hurt?" Joanna asked. "Should we maybe call the emergency squad?"Chloë shook her head. "I just bumped my ass, honest, Jo! My foot slipped." She was sitting on the toilet, while Joanna dabbed at the scratch on one thigh. The crotch of her skimpy shorts had risen high into her crack. Joanna glanced up and saw the thin tufts of Chloë's pussyhair showing -- even the edges of her plump little cunt.Joanna sighed again. "I know what you were up to," she said. "I saw you the other night." Chloë looked up, her blue eyes big, her jaw slightly dropped. She had perfect teeth. The pointed tip of her tongue showed between them. Her lips were soft and moist, and Joanna had to turn away lest she betray herself.The tub was almost full. "Okay," Joanna said, "let's get you cleaned up now so we can tell if there's any damage."She knew there was no one home next door. She'd seen Belinda going out, earlier in the evening, and Thalia was out as well. And for that matter, Chloë's window-climbing venture had been a waste of time, since Dwayne also wasn't home, in any event. So it was incumbent upon Joanna to see to the girl's first-aid, and it seemed essential to get her out of those muddy clothes and find out if she had sustained any serious injuries in her fall."Come on, get your clothes off and into the tub," Joanna commanded, helping Chloë up. The girl took off her top, her shorts. She had nothing underneath. Obviously she'd been expecting some action in Dwayne's bedroom.Closeup, her body was golden and sylphlike. Her small tits were capped in pointy pink nipples, her pussy was thatched in a soft furze of dirty-blonde hair, her crack plainly visible amid the pale, sparse curls.Joanna felt the most horrible need to reach out and touch the girl from next door. She wanted to crush that soft sweet tender body against her own, drown Chloë's mouth in a hot kiss, enfold the girl with the heat of her own tits. Again and again she tried to tell herself that it was crazy, that Chloë would be horrified, traumatized for life, perhaps. She felt like a pervert.Chloë stepped into the tub, momentarily exposing her pussy crack. The inner pink glistened, and Joanna's heart leaped into her mouth. Chloë sank down into the tub, sighing. "Mmmm, that feels real good," she purred.She came back out, and Joanna was ready with a towel. As noncommitally as possible, she patted the girl dry, then turned her around. No bruises. The lithe young body looked perfect.Chloë sat down on the john. "I'm really sorry to be so much trouble, Joanna."The older woman turned away. Her fingers were itching, and her tongue was bone dry. "Chloë," she asked, turning again, "how do you think of me?"Chloë giggled. "Well, you're my mom's best friend, and about her age, so I guess I think of you sort of like my aunt." Joanna's heart turned to lead. The girl stood up. "But on the other hand," she said, "I can see that your nipples are big and hard under your shirt, and everytime you think I'm not looking, you sneak a peek at my pussy." She giggled again, seeing her words strike home like arrows. Joanna's face was flushed, her lower lip quivering uncontrollably.Chloë added, "And even if you really were my aunt, Jo, if you wanted to, I'd probably let you do _everything_ I already let my sister do to me..." She went to Joanna, her arms open, her young tits lifted high and proud and perky, her smile an irresistible invitation.***"I'm not a lesbian," Joanna Murphy insisted, her mouth exploring up and down Chloë's body. "I'm really not a lesbian.""Coulda fooled me," Chloë giggled. She fed one of her tits into Joanna's lips, sighing as they took hold of the nipple and began to suck. Joanna's hand was down between Chloë's legs, stroking the soft pussy bun. From between the tight lips, moisture was already beginning to seep outward.Chloë was a little surprised, but not displeased, that Joanna had come on to her. It was a _lot_ different from doing it with Belinda.But her sister tended to be kinda bitchy, and she only wanted to do it when she was horny or trying to get something out of Chloë. Joanna was just the opposite. She made love to the young girl, anxious to give her pleasure. And Chloë was getting a hell of a lot of it! She moved her hands up and down Joanna, discoveringthe tactile delights of the older woman's body.Naked, Joanna wasn't bad-looking. She wasn't especially pretty, but she had nice tits, with enormous brown nipples whose points were as thick as Chloë's thumb. It was a real hoot to roll the nips between her fingers, to milk them like a cow's teats, and to feel them stiffening with more and more arousal, need, hunger.The titflesh was soft and spongy, and Chloë's fingers sank into it as if she were squeezing on a feather pillow. She bounced the tits, loving the shuddery ripples that ran through them. And then her hands moved downward, into the hairy patch at Joanna's crotch. The fur was dark and thick, and the pussy lips were full and prominent beneath it. Chloë's finger traced the gash, poking in and out of it, feeling the steamy heat that was coming out of her neighbor's twat.Joanna moved around so Chloë could get deeper into her cunt. She moaned around the tit she was eating, as the finger suddenly plunged like a miniature cock into the depths of her hole. Chloë giggled and fucked in and out of Joanna. She responded just like Belinda, the younger girl decided. Shit, making it with girls was a cinch! And Chloë already knew how much fun it could be."Let's suck each other," Chloë suggested. "Belinda and I do that all the time! I'm the littlest, so I should be on top."And with that, the tiny teenager mounted Joanna, wiggling down into position. She presented her cunt to the older woman with no false modesty, no teasing preliminaries. Like, if she couldn't get a piece of Dwayne's dick tonight, she didn't have to go home with an unfulfilled clit, right? Joanna seemed more than willing to do the honors!Chloë sighed as Joanna opened her and started to suck, lick, and kiss her snatch. She wondered how many times the other woman had actually done it. Joanna wasn't a habitual pussy eater, definitely -- she was a little awkward and tentative -- but she was plenty eager, and her tongue entered the tight tiny pussy pocket, slurping sticky juices from the fibrous mouth. She knew where the clitoris was, and she knew what it was for, too!Joanna drank in the smell, the taste, of Chloë's pussy. Maybe, she thought, maybe I really am a lesbian. She'd never had any luck at all with men. But it tasted like her luck was on the verge of changing, for sure!Chloë rocked atop Joanna for a long moment, relishing the way the older woman ate her. With a little practice, Joanna could be one hell of a blowjob, the teen decided. Her tongue got more and more wicked, the more it lapped, and Chloë's cunt began to drool honeycum into Joanna's mouth. She could smell the arousal in her new lover's twat, and she began to feel a little hungry herself.She licked delicately, up and down the gash. She got some hair on her tongue but she didn't really mind. Joanna really oughta trim her bush a little. Maybe Chloë would do that for her, later. For now, though, she just spread the furry flaps, exposing the sweetmeats inside, and she dipped her tongue down into it, siphoning the juices from up the tube. The deeper she slipped her tongue, the wetter and sweeter Joanna tasted.Damn, Chloë thought, I shoulda gotten into this a _long_ time ago! We coulda been having a lot of fun!Joanna couldn't keep her tongue off Chloë's cute little clit. It was tiny and pinkish, and it kept peeking out of its hideyhole like a turtle, nosing cautiously out of its shell. Her tongue sloshed it each time the button emerged, and it seemed to take heart from the licking. It grew, though it remained tiny -- the size of a perfectly made baby pea -- and Joanna could feel the heat, the excitement of it beneath her tongue. She pushed her face in closer and pressed a longing kiss onto Chloë's clitoris, her lips reluctant to let go.Chloë, meanwhile, was just sticking one of her fingers into Joanna. Her pussy was tighter than Belinda's, the younger girl was delighted to find, and she had to struggle to get inside it. But when she did, she felt Joanna convulse beneath her. She poked her finger in and out, using her own lips on Joanna's clit, paying the older woman back suck for suck, lick for lick.Beneath her, Joanna was rocking up and down, shoving herself up at Chloë, and the little blonde teen could smell orgasm on the way.She wasn't doing badly herself. She swished her pussy back and forth over Joanna's face, and she squeezed in with her thighs, momentarily entombing the woman in her steamy teen cunt. The mouth was glued to her pussy. A river of juice ran from her snatch into Joanna's sucking lips. She bounced her snatch up and down, and an excited, quivery orgasm shot through her cunt while Chloë lifted her head and howled, her finger stuffed to the knuckle up the pussy of Dwayne's aunt.They slid apart, their bodies dripping sweat, radiating heat, both of them panting like dogs. Chloë grabbed the pillow and hugged it to her tingly little tits, and as she did, she saw the vibrator Joanna had stuffed there when she was interrupted."Oh, naughty, naughty!" she giggled, picking it up. "You been using this on yourself? Mmm, Jo, who needs toys when you could have had me???"She sniffed the vibrator, and her blue eyes sparkled mischievously. "You've definitely been using this on yourself," she went on. "I can smell your pussyjuice on it. Oh, yes," and she let her tongue glide along the shaft, "I can _taste_ your pussyjuice on it too, Joanna!"She fed the vibrator in and out of her mouth, sucking it just like a cock. Joanna's head swam. Chloë was incredibly sexy-looking, with those eyes that could drift from bland innocence to total awareness with just a flutter of the lashes.The older woman reached out for the young girl, who came giggling into her arms. As their bodies contacted, Chloë flipped on the vibrator and rubbed it across Joanna's heaving tits."Can we fuck each other with this thing, Aunt Jo?" she asked, her voice as innocent as her eyes were not. "Maybe in the pussy? And maybe -- " her eyes sparkled lasciviously "-- maybe in the ass, too, if we wanted to be really naughty???""Yes," Joanna whispered, "yes, honey, I think we can..."She took the dildo from Chloë's hand and she began to caress the overheated young girl with it. Chloë purred as her firm little tits were teased to total nipple erections. "You said you'd fuck me," she pointed out, reaching down to spread her pussy.Joanna, a slave to fate, slid the buzzing tip down the flat tummy of her giggling young lover and she moved the point into the exposed pink trench, guiding it between the fingers that opened the hole. "Oooohhh, it tickles!!!!" Chloë squealed. "Now stick it in! Fuck me like Dwayne fucks me, Joanna! Fuck me like a god!!!"Joanna closed her eyes and shoved, ramming the dildo into the young girl's bubbling hole. "And then you'll do me?" she whispered, but Chloë was too busy coming to answer. Joanna fed a tit into the girl's whimpering mouth and she felt the firm knowing suction. She could never face Thalia Parsons again, but she would have enough memories to last the rest of her life.CHAPTER 11"Mom! You cunt!" Belinda shrieked. "You're fucking Dwayne???""You slut!" her mother replied. "What are you doing at this cheap sleazy motel yourself, bitch?""Get inside," Dwayne said, grabbing Belinda's arm and hustling her into the room. "No sense giving the whole town a free show."Inside, the two women glared at each other. "I can't believe this," Belinda said. "My own mother, fucking my boyfriend...""My daughter, slutting out at a hot sheets motel... And what do you mean, _your_ boyfriend, anyway?""Oh, fuck," Dwayne said, unzipping his pants. The two women turned immediately at the sound. "This," he said, hauling out his dick, "is what's got your snatches in an uproar. So what's the fucking problem???"It was essentially the same speech he'd made to Robin when she found out about him and her mother Mindy, and he figured what the hell? It had worked once, right?And it worked again. Just like before.***Dwayne lay on the bed, with Belinda on one side, her mom on the other. His pants were off, and both of them were stripped down to their garters and stockings. He had a hand on each ass, and he turned from side to side, sharing a knock'em dead smile and a tongue-swapping kiss with each woman in turn.A stiff dick did wonders for relieving hostility, and their hands were all over his. And it was stiff. You bet your ass it was stiff! Belinda's hand was cuddling his balls, while her mother stroked her fist up and down the throbbing shaft."This is insane," Thalia Parsons was saying, between licks at Dwayne's mouth. "I cannot possibly be sharing you with my daughter.""Daughters," Belinda corrected with a smirk. "He got into Chloë's pants even before he fucked me and you. The little whore just saw him and grabbed him."Thalia's jaw dropped. She knew Belinda was fucking, but Chloë, too? That was a shock. On the other hand, she wondered if it was possible for _any_ woman to resist a guy like Dwayne. She certainly hadn't been able to, and she was long past the age for schoolgirl infatuations. But Chloë???"You bastard," she told Dwayne. "You fucked both of my little girls? And then you fucked me, too? You're scum. And if you weren't such a fantastic screw, I'd turn you in to the police!""Shut up and suck me," Dwayne commanded. It was time to show these bitches who was really in charge, right? He pushed Thalia's head down until she was staring his one-eyed wonder worm eye to eye. She looked at it for a long moment, then opened her mouth and fed it inside. Dwayne gave a contented grunt as his tool vanished into Thalia.Belinda shook her head. "Jesus," she said, watching her mom suck dick. The worst of it was, Mom wasn't all that bad. Dwayne's tool vanished into her mouth, thrusting deeply, and Thalia sucked it with a voracious passion. She made gagging sounds as she ate, but she took him to the hilt again and again. Belinda's throat began to ache a little, just watching.Dwayne leaned down and licked at her hard-pointed tits. He teased the pink buds with his tongue, then sucked them into his mouth, lips stretching widely as he ingested more and more of Belinda's jiggly 38-C.She pressed her chest against his face, guiding his hand down to her cunt. His finger entered her hole and started to ream out the wet tightness, and she squeezed with her thighs, milking his finger as if it were a cock about to gush her with squirting jizz. And she watched her mother eat peter, envy starting to simmer right behind the tits Dwayne was suckling.Thalia came up for air, drool running out of her mouth. Dwayne's rod was slimy with her slobber. She slid her hand up and down, massaging the spit back into his pecker flesh. Belinda pushed her mom's hand away and took the prick into her own fist. "Now I'll show you how it's really done," she sneered, twisting around to get within sucking distance.Belinda took a lot of pride in her blowjobs. She gave Dwayne the full treatment. First she licked her mother's drool off him, replacing it with her own hot saliva. She lapped every inch of his exposed cock, from the knob straight down the nine-inch shaft to the bloated balls. Opening wide, she sucked on them too, while her finger played between his asscheeks, tickling his shithole the way she knew he liked.Glancing up from his balls, she saw that Thalia was once again lipping Dwayne's knob. "Cool it, bitch," she growled. "It's my turn now." Her mouth moved upward, but Thalia did not let go. Belinda tongued the hard shaft, climbing north, and when she got to the tip, it was still in her mom's mouth.She started to kiss around Thalia's lips, attacking everything else she could reach. In the process, her mouth touched her mother's. She saw her mom's eyes open wide at the contact, and then Belinda was staring into her mother's eyes and it was like hearing the Beastie Boys for the first time. Her eyebrows lifted, and so did Thalia's, and the older woman slowly raised her mouth from Dwayne's dick.Her lips were still wet, still parted, the tip of her tongue showing between them. Belinda took the knob of the cock in hand and she leaned toward her mother. Her eyes closed dreamily as their mouths touched, and then they were kissing hotly, passionately, the same way Chloë loved to be kissed by her big sister.Open mouth pressed against open mouth. Tongue met tongue. Drool flowed from mother to daughter and back again. Their hands dueled along the throbbing length of Dwayne's rod, but they were no longer rivals. They'd discovered something that was almost as nice as what they were getting from the visitor next door! Jesus!Dwayne leaned back, smiling as he watched. _Just_ like Robin and her mom, he thought. Turned on to each other as well as to him. And Christ, did it make his dick tingle to watch a couple of women French kissing!He took a tit in each hand, one of Belinda's, one of Thalia's, and he pinched the hardened nipples. "Remember me?" he called.They broke off their kiss, turned blushing toward him. They wouldn't be blushing after he'd put them through a few more of their paces. Glowing, maybe, but not blushing.He touched the hands that held his cock. "I think I want to fuck," he announced. "Who's gonna be first?""Age before beauty," Belinda giggled. "I wanna watch you screw my mom!"Thalia gave her daughter the finger, but she was beaming as she spread 'em, and Dwayne climbed aboard. Belinda reached in between their bodies and guided the cock into her mother's hole. She wrapped her arms around Dwayne, shoving her tits into his side, and as he thrust home, he was positive that Belinda's jerk of reaction was even more vibrant than Thalia's.His prick shoved deep into Thalia, and she lifted her feet high into the air, kicking hard. "Oh, fuck me, baby," she gasped, "fuck me while my little girl watches!"Belinda wasn't nearly a little girl, Dwayne thought -- not at five-eight and 38-C -- but she was giggling like a child. "Fuck my mom," she encouraged. "Give her what you've been giving me!"She throbbed with each thrust, her hands, her mouth, her tits all over Dwayne's body. She reached down his back, grabbing his balls from the rear, and she wrenched them encouragingly as he screwed her mother's cunt. "But you goddamn well better save something for me," she whispered into his ear, underlining it with her tongue.As he fucked Thalia, her daughter slid around behind Dwayne. She kissed his shoulders, his neck. Her hands caressed his body, reaching down from time to time to cop a feel of her mother as well. She mounted him from the rear and humped her cunt against his ass while he drove dick into her mom's pussy. He could hear her panting, feel her saliva dripping onto his back.She moved downward, kissing her way down his spine. Her mouth worshiped his asscheeks, biting, kissing, chewing, licking. She spread his buttocks and attacked his shitter with her lips and tongue. It made him plunge harder, deeper, into Thalia, especially when Belinda stretched him wide open and tried to fuck his asshole with her nasty, aroused tongue.Beneath him, Thalia was climaxing. His cock ramrodded into her orgasm, intensifying it, deepening it. "Oh, you rotten little bastard," she moaned, "you fucked us all..." Belinda's tongue was shoved up his asshole and he was within an ace of blowing his nuts too.He came out of Thalia, fighting Belinda off his back, and as he turned, she assumed the position. He pulled her onto him, as he squatted on the bed, and he fed his cock up into her snatch. She was wet and greasy, her cunt open, ready, excited. He stabbed it, and it squeezed responsively around his prick."I'm gonna fuck you..." Belinda panted, pushing him backward. He lay flat, and she rode him from above. Her pussy pistoned up and down on his prick, and he felt the unmistakable contraction of her orgasm, a moment or two before she knew she was about to come."Fuck you, baby," he gasped, ramming hard. She stiffened atop him, moaning from low in her guts.Thalia Parsons was positive that she had reached the pits of degradation. What had she to lose now, for Christ's sake??? She rose to her knees, hand-frigging her orgasmic pussy, and she went back to her daughter for more kisses, more feels."Don't get any wrong ideas," she told Belinda. "You still have to do the dishes at home," and her mouth clamped down upon her daughter's, her small conical tits shoved tightly against Belinda's.The blonde teenager began to come, almost without warning, except to Dwayne, who had known for a couple of minutes she was going to blow her ovaries. He pronged her tight box, filling and refilling it with his swollen cock, until she seemed to expand around him and float to the ceiling.She rolled off his stiff prick, collapsing into a body-smashing embrace with her mother. Dwayne watched the two Parsons women break more and more taboos as they writhed there on the bed.Thalia had her finger up her daughter's convulsing snatch, and Belinda was eating her mom's tits as she had not done since she was an infant. She fed on the pink nipples so much like her own, and the drool ran out both sides of her mouth.He looked down at his own still-hard cock and he decided that he was in more of a mood to fuck than he had ever been in his life. Okay. He had plenty of things to fuck, right here on the motel room bed.Dwayne guided Thalia's body onto her daughter's. It didn't take much persuasion. The woman was aroused, and so was her older child. Belinda opened her legs, making room between them for her mom, and then she squeezed them together. Pussy bumped pussy as the two horny women banged each other nearer and nearer to still more climaxes.He kissed Thalia's ass, licking her crack, tonguing her cunt and Belinda's while they continued to rub and bang together. Both of them were in obvious heat. His tongue moved to Thalia's shithole, and it was not nearly as tight as usual. That was a damn good sign. He wetted his finger in Belinda's snatch, then in her mother's, and he brought it to the older woman's exposed, slightly-dilated butthole. Carefully he began to screw himself into her.Thalia's assring popped, audibly, and his finger poked deep into her rear tunnel. It only made her squirm more frantically atop her daughter. Dwayne gave her another knuckle joint of finger, and she slammed hard against Belinda, like a punk rock dancer in the frenzy of the music. His finger followed her motion, poking deeply all the while. More of his digit sank into the woman's butt.He'd had her almost ready for an assfucking before he went out for ice and accidentally bumped into Belinda. It felt as if she was still ready, and more than ready.He got up behind her, and he took his finger out of her butt, replacing it almost immediately with the head of his cock. She screamed at the sudden intrusion of his hugeness, but she didn't try to wiggle free, and he pushed, giving her another inch or so of totally engorged, totally horny, prick meat."You son of a bitch!!!" she wailed. "Oh, you've got it in my asshole..." And did he ever!Beneath her, Belinda giggled. "Isn't it like, totally incredible, Mom? Having your ass full of that big juicy dick?""It ... isn't ... full ... yet ... " Thalia panted.Dwayne laughed and shot her another couple of inches. He knew it must hurt like hell, but he didn't really give a shit. Her ass seemed unwilling, unable, to take any more of him, so he began to pump in and out with the portion of his cock that had found entry into Thalia.She was tight as hell, hot as hell. He kept on reaming her with his swollen cock, expanding upon the leverage he had already gained. And with each thrust, her ass seemed to open a little deeper for him.Now he had five inches inside her, and he was gaining. Her anal tube spread reluctantly, and she kept on moaning and groaning, but not once did she tell him to stop. And he didn't stop. He fucked her, while she continued to hump and grind against her daughter's livewire body.In and out, ramming, driving -- Dwayne fucked Thalia Parsons. Each stroke was transmitted as shock effect to her daughter, moaning beneath the middle-aged woman. It was almost as if Dwayne was fucking both women with the same dick.He took his prick out of Thalia and shoved it up Belinda's pussy. "Oh, you cocksucker," she trilled, "I want it in my ass, too! Just like you did the other day in our living room!""God," he heard Thalia sigh. "This is like something out of a goddamn porno movie..."The two women rolled apart. Both of them were on their knees now, with their thighs open and their asses sticking up. Dwayne pushed his tool back into Thalia and he put his fingers to work on her daughter's exposed butthole.His thumb punctured the ring, poking into the younger blonde. She made a shrill sound of acceptance, and he reamed her boldly, getting her ready for the big time while he ravished her mother's cornhole.Thalia exploded again, fucked to orgasm solely by the excitation of being assbanged in her daughter's presence. Dwayne pronged her churning hole for a few more moments, then withdrew his cock and presented it to Belinda. She was already holding her asscheeks wide open, purring filthy invitations in his direction."Fuck my asshole, baby, I want you to fuck my goddamn asshole..."His thumb had given him the preparation he needed. It came out and his dick replaced it. Belinda's anus opened more quickly than her mother's. Without warning, he was inside her to the balls, and her shitter spread so wide for him that he halfway thought he might get his nuts up her as well.But instead, he just fucked, driving his cock up the teen blonde's more than eager butt, stroke after hot throbbing stroke. He sank into her, balls-deep, and he could go no further. So he fucked her, poking his cock in one gut-busting stab after another. His hand was on her pussy, his fingers joining hers in nasty play around the dripping crack of her snatch, and he kept his prick active, and more than active."Ooooh, you're making me commmmmme!!!" she shrieked at the top of her lungs. None of the other customers at Cozy Rest could be at all ignorant that someone in room 105 was on the verge of orgasm. Dwayne poked his cock into that building pussy frenzy, his fingers puddling in Belinda's cummy cunt, and not three strokes later he was rewarded by the feel of her orgasm, surrounding his hard prick.He stabbed again, again, until she went limp beneath him. Her ass was tight as a drum around his cock. It spat him out when it could take no more. He emerged, his shitsmeared prick as hard, as brittle, as glass. He would come, squirting jizz into the air, in another moment if no one touched him, but he would come like a fountain if one of these women saw fit to caress him even with a pinky finger."I'm gonna squirt -- oh, Jesus, I'm gonna squirt!!!"It was true. Great minds thought alike. Thalia turned, licking her lips, and she burrowed her mouth down over the end of the cock that had just fucked her ass, and her daughter's ass too. She sucked him deep into her throat and she made despairing noises around him.Belinda turned, too, still dazed from the orgasm she was still experiencing. "Give me some of it, you whore!" she told her mother, her lips ovaled for the ingestion of randy cock.Dwayne closed his eyes and fucked their mouths, one after the other. They were rivals no longer. Now they were just two women sharing a peter and anxious to make it dynamite for themselves, for the cock. Belinda took a deep longing suck, then passed the tool back to her mother, who displayed her skills just as freely. They shared his prick from one mouth to another, each of them sucking it deeply, voraciously.In the midst of the sucking, Dwayne said, "Okay, bitches, you've fucking _got it_!!! The first squirt of his jizz splattered Thalia's tongue, the insides of her mouth.She coughed him out and Belinda took over, drinking more oozing cum. Her hand milked the shaft, teasing from it more sperm than Dwayne had ever been aware he had.***"You know," Belinda sighed, "the one I really feel sorry for is Chloë. Too bad she's not here with us, having a good time, instead of sitting around the house with nothing to brighten up her dull life. She may be just a squirt, but she would have _loved_ this...""And what about Joanna?" Thalia put in. "She never goes out, never has any fun. Dwayne, you horny fuck, you really oughta take some pity on your aunt and share a little of that cock with her, too. Or -- you nasty son of a bitch -- are you _already_ giving it to her? Are you fucking _all_ of us???"Dwayne didn't answer for a moment. Fuck Aunt Jo? He'd never really thought about it. Anyway, she wasn't his type. Was she? Was there any woman, anywhere, who _couldn't_ be his type? Maybe nine inches of hard hot dick really could put a little fun into his aunt's life."You know who else is neglected?" Dwayne teased, lying full-length between the two women. They both shook their heads."The guy, whoever he was, that brought you here," Dwayne pointed out to Belinda. "And let you borrow his shirt so you could go for ice. I bet he thinks you've been kidnapped by terrorists.""Shit!" Belinda sat up. "I forgot all about poor old Chuck!"She leaned across the bed, got the telephone, asked the central switchboard to connect her with Room 009. "Chuck?" she asked when the phone had stopped ringing. "You better get dressed and go home," she told her boyfriend. "I will definitely _not_ be getting back to our room tonight. And maybe not tomorrow either. No, it's too long to explain. Trust me on this one, dude."Belinda hung up the phone. "Well, that takes care of that," she simpered. Do you think, Dwayne, that it might turn you on to watch me and my mother do it?" And she giggled again. She had no doubt as to the answer.Still, she had to feel a little sorry for her sister and for Dwayne's aunt. Jo and Chloë had missed out on all the good stuff, as usual. But there was no need crying over spilt cum, and after all, tomorrow was definitely another day.CHAPTER 12It rained the whole night, and morning was a gloomy shade of gray. Dwayne was fucked dry. Those bitches had worn his dick to a nub. His balls ached with every step, from the Parsons driveway to his aunt's house, and for the first time in his life he was thinking about crawling into bed and sleeping for a week, not whose cunt he might get into next. Thalia and Belinda invited him to stay over, but he just shook his head. They couldn't have been a bit more disappointed than he was, but hey, even Superman got a day off from time to time.The clock in the kitchen said 8 AM. Dwayne just wasn't sure which day it was. He took a long piss and decided he'd sleep till Monday rolled around.The door to his aunt's bedroom was wide open and he glanced in as he went past. Damn! Aunt Jo was lying face down naked on the bed. His eyebrows lifted. She didn't have a bad ass at all, though God hadn't given her such a hot face. He stopped a moment to take in the sight. Her legs were long and her rump curved nicely. She should definitely wear tighter clothes on it. Maybe some guy would notice and she would't be a drying-up spinster _all_ her life. Hell, Dwayne was noticing, wasn't he?Aunt Jo sighed softly in her sleep. She rolled halfway over. Tits were a little saggy but bigger than he'd have thought. Oversize blouses and sweaters really didn't do her justice. The nips were big and brown, with fat tips. Most guys would enjoy sucking on those, Dwayne decided.There was another movement in the bed and for the first time Dwayne noticed a second shape, hidden under the sheet, next to Joanna. A hand emerged from beneath the bedclothing, stretching slowly across his aunt's chest. A small hand, attached to a skinny arm. It looked almost familiar. He knew his aunt didn't have a boyfriend. So who the _hell_ was sharing her bed, this rainy Saturday morning?The sheet twitched, and a blonde head began to emerge. Dwayne grinned. God_damn_, he thought.Chloë's eyes opened very slowly, still full of sleep. Snuggling closer to the warm body besie her own, she let her fingers play across Joanna's full, round tits, teasing gently at the nipples. They were still hard from last night's fun and games. She kissed the sweaty shoulder of her bedmate. Jo just purred in her sleep. Chloë kissed her again.A shiver crept down her spine and suddenly she knew that someone was looking at her. She blinked hard, three or four times, to clear her eyes, and she looked up. Dwayne was standing in the open bedroom door, his arms folded across his chest, a big shiteating grin on his face. Obviously he was just coming in, and he looked like he'd been partying for a week.He entered the room, stepping lightly. "Looks like somebody's been busy," he said in a soft voice. "You and my aunt. Well. That's kind of a surprise, and I didn't think there was anything that could surprise me.""You look pretty rumpled yourself," Chloë replied. "Out all night with some whore, huh? What's Belinda gonna say when she finds out?""She knows," Dwayne smiled. "The whore I went out with was your mom, if you have to know. And Belinda caught us. I spent the night fucking them to a frazzle.""Yeah?" smirked Chloë. "Looks like they gave as good as they got." A lightbulb seemed to click on above her head. "My _mom_? You're fucking my mom _too_?" Her voice rose, and Joanna made a groaning sound.Dwayne put his fingers on his lips to signal that Chloë should keep it down. But he was staring at the more fully revealed frontal view of his naked aunt. Hmm. He'd never figured her for the kind of woman who shaved her pussy. But, damn, that trim looked fresh, still a little red where the razor had scraped a bit too closely. She was all bare down the crack, with the puffy inner lips showing vividly where they poked out of her cunt."Well, fuck," said Chloë, "I guess I'm out of it completely now. You're not gonna have any time for me at all.""Not necessarily. Your mom knows all about you and me and Belinda. And no, she didn't shit a brick. Hard for her to shit _anything_, if you get my drift. So what are you worried about, Chloë? Looks like you've got a little something of your own going, hmmm?"Chloë squealed shrilly, then clapped her hand over her mouth, but it was too little, too late. Joanna's eyes snapped open, instantly awake. She looked up at her nephew, then down at her naked body, snuggled up with Chloë. 'Way, 'way too late she reached for the sheet, pulling it up to preserve any modesty that might remain. Her face turned scarlet and she cast her eyes downward, not wanting to look back at her nephew's."Oh, fuck it, Jo," Chloë giggled, kissing the older woman on the cheek. "He's already seen it all." She pulled the sheet back down, until her lover's big, fat-nippled tits were once more exposed. "Some rack, huh, Dwayne? Now I know why you guys all like the big ones!" she added with a smirk, reaching around Jo to cup the tits. Her fingers scratched lasciviously across the big nips and she wiggled closer, pressing her body into Jo from behind."This bastard spent the whole night fucking my mom _and_ my sister," Chloë explained to the older woman. "Do you believe that? He's fucking insatiable!" She looked up at Dwayne. "Did you do them separately or together?""Together. They seemed to like it that way."Chloë squeezed hard on Jo's tits. "Ooohh," she purred, "do you see what that means, Jo? _We_ don't have to hide anything now!" She kissed down into the crook of Jo's neck, then up the cheek. Jo turned her face slightly and her mouth met Chloë's.They rolled into a hot wet kiss. Dwayne could see that his aunt's face was still red, but Chloë was a bit too much for most people to resist when she got a hot on. He'd be willing to bet a dollar that the little whore had started the whole thing. It was her style. Even now, though Joanna was responsive enough, it was Chloë who took the initiative, holding the older woman's head with both hands, twisting it this way and that so she could suck bigger and hotter kisses from Joanna's lips. Just like she was showing off in front of Dwayne. He grinned. _Just_ like ...Chloë fucked her tongue in and out of Joanna's mouth. Belinda had obviously taught her how to kiss. She overdid it, sure, but she was young and hot and eager and she could be forgiven a little surplus of enthusiasm. The eagerness seemed to be catching, though. Aunt Jo's hands were getting busy now, stroking up and down Chloë's skinny young frame. She cupped the younger girl's ass and squeezed possessively.Dwayne sat down on the side of the bed. The women seemed not even to notice that he was there. He touched the top of Chloë's blonde head. He saw her eyes glance toward him. Joanna's were shut and she looked as if she was drowning in that kiss.Chloë eased Joanna down onto the bed, still kissing her. She touched the woman's tummy. Joanna's tits heaved and jiggled, the nipples straining hard. Again Chloë flashed her eyes up at Dwayne. He knew exactly what they were telling him. No way, he responded with his own. I fucked myself dry last night. There's nothing left.But he put his hand out and, before he knew where it was going, it lay atop one of Joanna's quivering tits. Jeez, she was hot! It almost burned his fingers just to touch her. He squeezed testingly at the stiffened nipple. It was big and firm and fat, but yielding at the same time. He rolled his fingers around it. Husky murmurs sounded from deep in his aunt's chest, but she didn't take her mouth away from Chloë's.Dwayne leaned in and started to lick the nipple he was teasing. His lips closed around it and he sucked. There was a yeasty taste to her flesh. It reminded him of his mom baking bread in the kitchen on a winter day. He sucked harder. Jo made a murmuring sound that was stifled by the wet steamy pressure of Chloë's mouth, but Dwayne sensed that she knew he was suckling her. Like, who else could it be? She already had a mouthful of Chloë's tongue, right?Chloë took hold of his other wrist and guided his hand down into Jo's crotch. He stroked the smooth skin, scraped across the barely perceptible stubble. His fingers traced her crack, stroked the protruding inner lips -- already damp, already twitching ever so slightly at his touch.He fingered her more insistently, feeling the heat that seeped from her gash. The lips parted, his fingertip slipping between them, into the damp slick wetness. He stroked toward, but not onto, her clitoris, bringing with his finger the moisture oozing from inside Jo.Chloë's eyes were on him as she continued to kiss Aunt Jo, and Dwayne returned the gaze. She wiggled her eyebrows. It could have meant anything. He thought he read her correctly and he put his lips onto Jo's cheek, an inch from the corner of her mouth. Chloë's eyes smiled. That was what she wanted.Chloë slid her mouth away from Jo's, and Dwayne's replaced it. Jo was a moment realizing the difference. Her eyes popped open and she made a gurgling sound. But she didn't jerk her face away from her nephew's. Dwayne straightened his finger and slipped it right into the hot, tight -- Jesus, had she _ever_ been fucked? -- tube of her pussy. He thrust deep with his finger in her cunt and equally deep with his tongue into her mouth. She put one of her arms on his shoulder, then wrapped the other around his neck and pulled him closer.The bed creaked, and bounced a little. A moment later Dwayne felt hands busy on his shoes. It was Chloë. She yanked the shoes off his feet and they hit the floor with a thud. He didn't hear his socks drop but he felt them being taken off. Then her hands were on his belt, and he shifted to give her some room. Before he knew it, she had dragged his pants down his legs and then over his ankles and off.Underneath he had nothing at all. His shorts had gotten lost somewhere in the mess of that motel room. Chloë got herself a handful of dick and jacked it. No way, kid, he thought, but almost before he knew it, his rod had begun to twitch and grow in her fist. Maybe he wasn't _quite_ fucked out, after all.It got confusing after that. The bed was big enough for two but a little crowded for three, and while he was fingerfucking Aunt Jo, Chloë had crawled back aboard and stuffed his tool into her mouth. Christ, that kid sucked as if she'd never been weaned!He closed his eyes, still tonguing his aunt's mouth, and let his prick surge in and out of Chloë's suckjob. Her drool flowed down the shaft and dampened the pubic hairs at its base. She squeezed his balls while she sucked him, and Dwayne knew that he had at least one more fuck left in him."This is crazy," his aunt said. "I shouldn't be doing this." If that was how she felt, why didn't she let go of his goddamn neck? Why did she keep pulling him back so she could kiss him again? Why did she thrust her pussy up against the inward pressure of his probing finger? Why didn't she just ask him to stop?Her nephew's eyes bored into her. She shivered under his stare but she couldn't avoid it. It was as if Dwayne was looking into her soul. She had felt that senation before, but she had never felt it until now in the same way that the Parsons women had all experienced. Looking into his eyes, she knew her nephew was going to fuck her and that she was going to love it. But she was still frightened."I'm a lesbian," she said firmly. "I'm definitely a lesbian. I don't want anything to do with men. Ever.""Sure," Dwayne agreed, twisting his finger inside her pussy. Joanna moaned, thrust her cunt back at his probing finger. She could hear the squish as he wiggled inside her wet sheath. She felt each pulsating throb of her clitoris. It was as if she had overdosed on niacin. Every pore of her body tingled and hot flashes of excitement raced through her.Gasping, Chloë raised her mouth back up the shaft of Dwayne's boner. She crawled up their bodies and horned her way into the kiss, making it a threesome, giving equal time to Jo and to Dwayne. Turning to the boy, she said, "Fuck her now.""Oh," Jo panted, "I don't think I can do that ... " but her legs spread and Dwayne moved into their gap. Chloë reached down and grabbed his cock, brought its swollen knob to the slit of Joanna's shaved pussy, and worked the bulb into that hot tight aperture. Dwayne felt her moisture coat him and he hovered above his aunt for what seemed an eternity, just wetting himself in her pussy juice, before he clenched his buttocks and _shoved_ it up her.She shrieked as his cock bit home. Her legs shot into the air and his thrust deepened. He hit bottom. His groin meshed with hers, the juice oozing out of her cunt to soak his pubic hair. Inside, she was steaming, her pussy so tight he could hardly believe she was almost forty years old. Even Chloë wasn't as tight as this. It was like fucking a virgin.Chloë threw her leg across Dwayne, her hands busy on his body. She nipped his nuts from behind, with her fingers. She tickled his ass crack, teased her fingertip into his butthole itself. She bit his ear, his shoulder. "See," she panted into his ear, "Auntie Jo is just like the rest of us. C'mon, Dwayne -- fuck her like a god!!!"He fucked her.Aunt Jo squealed with every thrust, but she wasn't fighting, she wasn't asking him to stop. Her legs curled around him and she pulled him deep and tight and hard into her cunt, grinding back at Dwayne with just as much as he was giving her. "You horny bastard," she told him. "You've turned me into a whore just like the rest of them. Oh, Christ, fuck me some more!"He covered her mouth with another kiss, sucking the air out of Jo till he felt like a dirigible and she seemed a pancake. His strokes in her pussy were short and fast and hard. She seemed to like it that way. He could feel an orgasm boiling in her belly, about to explode around his cock.Chloë's finger shot up his asshole without warning, plunging deep and fierce. His entire body stiffened, making his hard cock seem an overcooked noodle by comparison. He pounded his aunt's pussy relentlessly, with Chloë continuing to finger-ream his shitter. She also leaned down and bit him on the ass and he thought he was gonna shoot his wad right then and there."I want some too," he heard the younger girl husk into his ear. She bit him there too, between words. Jeez, she was even crazier than usual. Maybe she _was_ nearly as hot as she liked to think she was! But before he could fuck the nutty little bitch, he still had a major job to take care of.He yanked his cock out of Joanna. "Roll over," he said. "I think you're gonna like it this way, too.""This is insane," Joanna protested, but she went onto her belly, ass lifted. "I shouldn't even be letting you kiss me like that ... "He slipped a pillow under her stomach, stroked her sweaty thighs, and eased his cock back into her pussy from behind. He seemed to go even deeper than he had before, and Jo squealed in acceptance.The position made her asshole gape slightly, and his eye was drawn to it automatically. He was willing to bet she'd never had a dick up there before, and he wondered what Aunt Jo would think if he took his cock out of her pussy and slid it straight up that even tighter tunnel.No! That was madness. She wasn't ready for anything so radical. Not just yet. Maybe somewhere around the middle of next week. As he continued to fuck his aunt's spasming pussy, Dwayne Murphy already took it for granted that this was not the last time he was gonna have his dick inside his aunt Jo.He just closed his eyes and fucked, until it occurred to him that Chloë wasn't cunting around on him like she had been before. He looked down and saw that she and Jo were kissing like teenagers on a hot date at the drive-in movie.That Chloë! She was just insatiable. He really liked that in a girl. She was more squirrely than pretty, but she was a lot of fun to be around. If he had to take his choice of the Parsons women ... But he didn't have to choose. He'd had them all. And now he had his aunt as well. This end of the block was pretty well covered. He wondered idly who lived down the street.Dwayne's cock boned Jo more intensely, his hands busy on her body. One of them groped at her tits, the other massaged her now-swollen clitoris. He could tell it was there for the taking. All he had to do was bring it out of her.She shrieked again as orgasm flooded through her -- as if she had not climaxed in years and needed to do it all, right fucking _now_! Dwayne fucked hard into her come and rode her till she subsided and lay panting beneath him. "Oh my goddd ... " he heard her moan, between hot mouthy kisses with the beaming Chloë."You," he said, slithering his wet but still rock-hard dick out of his aunt and pointing to the excited teenage fuck bunny. Chloë abandoned Jo without looking back. She threw herself onto Dwayne and knocked him flat on his ass, then straddled his body and shoved her pussy straight down his upright cock. Her groin slammed his and she writhed atop him, sucking up the feel of her pussy once more full of his dick.She bent down to kiss him, her mouth still wet with Joanna's drool, her pussy just as wet where it clung like saran wrap around the stiffness of his thrusting cock. She bounced hard, sheathing and resheathing him inside her twat. The cute little slut was really aroused. Dwayne knew he was in the homestretch. Chloë would be pissing her juices down his rod in a matter of moments.Damn, there was a lot to be said for a girl who enjoyed fucking as much as Chloë Parsons did! As much as he got off fucking her mom and her big sister, he was starting to think that Chloë was definitely the pick of the litter at the house next door. His hands were on her hot little butt while she rode him, and he paid her back for some of that anal fingering she'd given him while he screwed Aunt Jo. Of course, she liked it as much as he did, and she squirmed madly around his dick while he slicked in and out of her tight little butt. That gave him an idea. He lifted his hips and fucked up at Chloë, hard enough to send her sprawling onto her side. He rose above her, cock protruding like a flagpole."Sit on Aunt Jo's face," he suggested. "I want to do something different."Chloë's blue eyes sparkled. She seemed to know what he was talking about. They had a kind of rapport, he decided, like great minds thinking alike. Quickly the girl reverse-straddled the prone Joanna, who was still panting from her own explosion. She wiggled her pussy down until it met the older woman's mouth and she put her own face between Joanna's legs.Dwayne got behind Chloë and tested her asshole with his finger. She sighed at the penetration, or maybe she was sighing because Jo had a mouthful of her pussy at the same time. Whatever. Dwayne eased his finger out of her ass and nosed the tip of his cock into the tight but more than willing hole. Chloë's skinny little ass trembled as he pushed a little deeper."Can you see what he's doing to me, Jo?" she asked breathlessly. The older woman couldn't really answer, because she was too busy eating pussy.Dwayne's cock slid two inches up Chloë's butt, wedging his big snout-like knob firmly within her tunnel. She gulped, but it was what she wanted. "You better fuck me," she told him. "I might change my mind.""No fuckin' way," Dwayne laughed. "Much too late to change your mind now."He held her by the waist, steadying the young girl for the first full insertion of his cock. She'd wanted it so badly the other day, and if her mom and his aunt hadn't come in, he'd probably have given it to her. Now it didn't matter whom he fucked, or in what hole, either, when you got right down to it. Nothing was over the line. Holding Chloë tightly, he slid his cock a little deeper into her ass."Yowwww!!!" she shrieked, her eyes rolling in their sockets. It was nothing like the vibrator she'd talked Jo into sticking up her butt last night. It throbbed, it pulsated, and she could feel every inch of hot living flesh that was thrust into her backdoor. She pushed her cunt down into Joanna's face.A moment later her ass was full of Dwayne's hard cock. Jesus, this was one hell of a way to start the morning! If she'd known it was gonna happen, she'd have greased herself up with Vaseline before going to bed! But she'd taunted and begged him for it, ever since watching him butt-fuck Belinda, and now she'd finally gotten what she wanted.He gave her a moment or three to acclimatize herself to having her ass crammed, and then he began to work his dick in and out of her.At first it was all he could do to move his meat back and forth. Chloë grunted and shivered with every short stroke. It felt like she was having a hemorrhoid removed with a jackhammer. But she was young and elastic, and by the time he'd given her a dozen strokes, her pliant anus was cooperating fully with Dwayne's stiff cock.Jo's mouth was busy on her cunt, and the constant tongue lashes at her erect clitoris made shudders of excitement race through Chloë's entire body. Her pussy oozed juice, which seeped out into the fine blonde hairs that hedged her crack and onto the face of the older woman who was currently being smothered by Chloë's humid cunt.Dwayne kept ramming his way up her tailpipe. She really wasn't sure she liked it, now that she'd tried it, but it was about as intense a fuck as she could ever imagine getting. Her belly heaved with each thrust, as his cock slammed into her guts again and again. It was almost as if he meant to fuck it straight up her esophagus and out her mouth!Jo's horny mouth brought on a sudden orgasm and Chloë squealed in excitement. Her come intensified under Dwayne's relentless cock-attack. "Stop," she moaned, "I just can't take any ... fucking ... more!" Was that her voice? Was Chloë Parsons crying "Uncle"?Dwayne slid his cock out. She reached back to touch the gape of her asshole, slipped four fingers into the fucked-out opening. Oh, Christ, would it ever snap back into shape? Had she ruined herself? Even as her fingers probed, though, she could feel her natural elasticity returning. It got very tight and she pulled her fingers free, rolling over to gaze up at Dwayne, who knelt on the bed, his cock stiff and absofuckinglutely enormous from where Chloë lay."Guess we need to get you off," she said throatily, reaching for his dick. She was a little rough, still overexcited from this unexpected wakeup call. He groaned as she fisted him hard, slamming up and down the rigid shaft from knob to balls.Chloë sat up, and Joanna rose warily beside her. "Try it," Chloë suggested. "It hasn't been anyplace your tongue never got to." She pointed the blood-red knob at Joanna's face, then put her hand on the older woman's shoulder, urging her to come closer.Joanna closed her eyes and ovaled her mouth. Chloë giggled, sliding the cock into that pursed opening, squealing when Jo's lips tightened around it. She kissed Jo on the cheeks and forehead and eyes, ran fingers through her hair, purred soft sexy words of encouragement into her ears. "Suck it," she said, "it tastes just like me!"Wetly, dreamily, Jo moved her mouth up and down her nephew's stiff meat. Her eyes were closed and she hummed as she sucked him. _Why, she's really pretty doing this_! Chloë thought, but then her natural jealousy took hold. "Lemme have some of that," she growled, fighting the cock out of Jo's mouth.She swallowed half his length in one gulp, worrying his meat like a puppy with a chew toy. She heard him gasp, a sound she knew pretty well by now. Chloë guppied him in and out a few more strokes, till she felt the first wet hot squirt blast across her lapping tongue. Her head shot back, disengaging Dwayne's cock, and she gave it a couple of quick strokes with her hand. Semen flew from the big slit at his very tip.Some of it hit Jo in the face, and some of it gushed directly into her open mouth. She looked as if she'd never tasted a guy's cum before. Chloë laughed out loud and kept on jacking. Her own mouth covered the knob and siphoned off yet another thick spurt of the stuff. She stroked him again, but no more came out. His cock shuddered, and she could feel it beginning to go limp. They'd fucked the stuffings out of him.She let go of Dwayne's dick and turned her attention back to Jo. The cum was still in her mouth, and she threw herself upon Jo for a kiss, allowing the goo to run between Jo's lips. Their tongues sloshed the mixture of sperm and saliva back and forth. Dwayne lay on his side, panting, and he grinned like a shit-eating dog.Chloë and Joanna slouched back, arms still tight around each other's sweat-soaked bodies. "God," Chloë smirked, staring at her lover, "you look like you've been _fucked_, lady!""I can't believe we did that," Jo responded, her voice soft, almost shy. Shy, after what she'd just done? Chloë shook her head. Women! Who could figure them? She stretched one hand toward Dwayne. "You know," the girl sighed, "I think this might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. As long as _I_ get to be your very _best_ friend, you know?"Staring at Dwayne, as she was, Chloë didn't see the sudden look of shock that came over Joanna's face at those words. Dwayne saw, however, and he knew what it meant. This could still be a little bit of trouble, Dwayne thought, taking the petite blonde's hand. He'd already added two plus two and come up with sixty-nine, to explain what Chloë was doing in his aunt's bedroom. He was pretty damn sure his auntie had major hots for the little nympho from next door. He halfway suspected the only reason Jo had even let him fuck her was so she could stay close to the feisty teen blonde.But Chloë had a possessive streak in her which didn't bode well with the situation that had developed. Right now she acted like she didn't give a shit about Jo -- she was just oozing all over Dwayne. Aunt Jo's was making a "Who shot my dog?" face. Chloë was kissing his shoulder and tickling the root of his cock as if she meant to get it hard again. He could smell jealousy smoldering in the room like a sneaky fart.But he was sure he could manage Chloë. Somehow. And even if it was trouble, it was the best kind to be in. Everything would work out, sooner or later. He could handle women.THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 25
Author Note: The usual disclaimers apply. If you don't like what you're reading, bugger off. There is some pretty descriptive stuff in this story. You have been warned. Feedback is always appreciated, so don't be shy, and I will answer any emails.***-= Chapter One =-Rachel Higgins was a small girl. At sixteen, she had the body and looks of a twelve year old. Flat-chested, she was thin, and gangly. She stood at maybe five-two, but seemed smaller, because she'd walk fast, her head down, her long auburn hair covering her face, and she wore glasses. She was incredibly bright, with an I.Q. that made Einstein look like a coal miner, I heard on the neighbourhood grapevine, and she was so painfully shy, it was a shame to see her literally run from human contact.She lived with her Mom and Dad a few doors down from me. My grandfather had bought the house I'm living in as a wedding present for my parents, and I was born and raised in it. Now, it was mine, and freehold.Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Alfred Marks, Alfie to my friends and my not-friends can call me what they like, I don't care. I'm six-two, wide shoulders tapering to a slim (ish) waist, and I work by doing odd jobs and casual work here in my home town. Even with the economy the way it is, I never go hungry, or miss a bill payment.When my parents died when I was seventeen, their insurance paid off the house, and I have to tell you, don't always believe what the press tell you about bank managers, because the bank manager here in town took me into his office, sat me down, and explained to me how much was in my parents bank accounts, and gave me options on how to invest it. Good business practice, I thought. The money stayed in his bank, he got a cut from my investments in the way of interest, and I ultimately made on the deal.So, at thirty-three, I could live comfortably if I wanted to. But, sitting on your ass all day is boring, and I liked to keep busy with my hands, as it also kept my mind busy as well. I won't tell you how much I have in the bank, but you can bet I really don't need to work. Let's just leave it at that, shall we?I'm single, and prefer it that way. I suppose you could get all psychotherapist about it, and say that I was afraid that I'd turn out like my old man, but, I drank beer on occasion, though I usually stopped after about a half-dozen or so. I also drank white wine sometimes, just to treat myself at the dinner table. I don't like red wine, I never developed a taste for it.Like I said, both my parents died when I was seventeen, killed in a car wreck. My dad, an asshole at home, and a perfect gentleman away from it, took my Mom out of town to go on a drinking binge with his buddies, lowlife's and losers, every one of them. He did that on a regular basis, so no-one who knew him in town would know what he was really like.People in town thought he was a regular guy, clean and sober, happy-go-lucky, but he was a devil in disguise, and made my Mom's and my life a living nightmare. He was an ugly violent drunk.He would always force my Mom to go along, and leave me at home. He hated me. He blamed me for a lot of things while he was alive, one of them being the fact that I was an only child. Mom had got pregnant again when I was nearly sixteen, but the baby, a girl, had died the next day, they told us, and a nurse had taken the body away, and strangely, she never showed up for work the next day, telling Personnel that she was too traumatised by watching the baby die, so it was an empty casket we buried. Mom had complications during the birth, and to save her life, the doctors had to do a hysterectomy on her.Dad, when he got drunk at home, which seemed to be all the time, would rant and rave at me, making me, a terrified young man, or teenager, take your pick, stand at the kitchen table and force me to listen to him yelling, telling me I had 'gutted' his mother, and I'd 'fucked up everything' for him. He had wanted a daughter, he used to cry into his booze, and I found out years later why. If he was still alive, I'd have killed him anyway.I never knew what they did when Dad would force Mom to go with him, but he'd bring her home late at night, then while she'd run to the bathroom and make herself vomit into the toilet bowl, he'd be strutting around, cock-of-the-walk, and sneer at my Mom, telling her she was a 'cunt who'd got what she'd deserved', and mock her attempts to get clean, and she would spend hours in the bath, scrubbing herself, and weeping in shame.It took me years to understand what that ammonia smell was that she'd reek of when she came home. Her face, hair, and clothes would be smeared, soaked, and matted with the stuff.When Mom and Dad was coming home that last time, he was so drunk that no-one could understand how far they'd got before the wreck took their lives. He was literally pickled in alcohol. The car failed to take a corner, and went through a crash barrier, and plunged a hundred and twenty feet straight down like a falling star, and there literally wasn't much to save. The coroner found a large amount of seminal fluid in my Mom's vagina, and lots of it in her belly.I managed to get my hands on the crash report, and the autopsy file, and they counted nineteen different sperm donors that had had their turn with my Mom. I wanted to dig the bastard up, and burn his bones to ashes, and then start all over again, I was that furious.I went through the house afterward, and took everything that was his, and made a bonfire out of it, and I felt real good about doing so. I erased his memory from my house.Rest in peace, Mom. You earned it the hard way, and I'm sorry I didn't know.***I used to watch Rachel over the years as she grew up, and she would always without fail get off the school bus, and hurry into her house, and the kids on the bus would jeer and hoot at her, the girls being the loudest. They'd throw insults and comments after her, and her face would always be red from shame, and most times, she'd be crying.I never saw her parents much. When her dad would come out to mow his lawn, or do outside chores, he'd never smile, and then disappear back inside fast. Her Mom was a blowsy woman the wrong side of forty, and it always looked to me like a cigarette was nailed to her lips. Occasionally, I would hear screaming coming from the house, but it would quickly stop, and I'd wonder what Rachel's Mom was getting her britches in a twist about this time.I felt sorry for her. But what could I do? I was a single man, and I'd get a hollow feeling in my gut when I witnessed her daily humiliation.I'd go for walks sometimes in the early evenings, greet my neighbours and stop and talk to them, then carry on, lost in my thoughts. I always ended up at the park, where I would sit at a picnic table, and watch the few families that would congregate there, and sometimes, a family that I'd known most of my life would offer me something to eat or drink, and we'd chat, while the children played.Most times, one child or another would come up to me, and hold their hands out, girls mainly, and I'd pick them up and sit them on my knee. You'd be surprised at the depth of conversation you'd have with six year olds!Every now and then, one of the young girls of the neighbourhood would come down with a bad crush on me, sometimes it didn't last long, and they'd find a new boy-band to cry over, and sometimes, I'd have to have a talk with a parent or two, and there'd be tears, but they were made to understand the ramifications of wanting to give themselves to me, an older man, and the laws involved.It was flattering, I suppose, when I'd have a girl or two, or three, standing outside my gate, sometimes for hours, trying to get me to notice them. One girl went so far as to wear clothes that were so small and tight on her, it was embarrassing. But, I managed to send her home, and told her I wouldn't tell anyone, and thanked her for the effort, and that I was grateful she'd tried to look nice for me. I had a laugh over it, but damn, it was sure tempting!Rachel's family was 'new' in the neighbourhood, meaning she hadn't been born there. There were rumours floating around, each person giving their theory about where the Higginses came from, what their previous lives were, but as the family didn't mix with anyone, and kept to themselves, conjecture reigned supreme.No-one knew what their problem was, and they sure didn't go out of their way to mix with anyone either. But, on the odd occasion that Rachel would come out of her house, and stand on the front lawn, she'd have a look of longing on her face, she'd gaze at the houses, and her neighbours, and then her eyes would tear up, and she'd hang her head and go back inside, her Mom standing on the porch glaring at her.We didn't even know when her birthday rolled around. There were no parties, no sleep-overs, no friends come to visit. Everybody on the planet may as well not have existed.Sometimes, as she'd be going home, having been made to get off at the stop before hers by the ravening pack on the bus a joke, which I didn't think was funny, as she hurried past my house, and if I was outside, I'd wave and call out, "Hi, Rachel! Nice to see you!"At first, she ignored me, tucked her head down more, and walked faster. Then, I noticed she'd flick glances my way, and one day a miracle occurred, and the sun stopped its forward movement.She smiled!It was a brief one, a microsecond's worth, but it was a smile, a good start.***I knew the lonely girl was sixteen, because when the Higgins family moved into the neighbourhood, Mrs. Higgins was loudly showing off her cute little three year old to the women who'd come over to welcome them. Mrs. Higgins was by herself at the time, and she tried to get a group of mothers together, but she began to use psychological tactics on them, playing them off against each other, and became bullying.Mr. Higgins turned up a few months later, and he was dropped off in a prison van. Not a good look, or a good impression to make in front of our little community. He ruled the roost as bad as she did, and from then on, they kept to themselves, and everybody was to blame.One day, I heard a yelling match in the 'Hell House', as their house was called, and Rachel came out, shut the front door, and sat on the front steps. She hung her head, and I could see her shoulders shaking, and I knew she was crying again.So, I cut some flowers, and tying them with a blade of grass, I casually walked past her house, quickly placed the bouquet on their lawn, and just as casually walked back to my gate, leaning on it. Then I stood there, pretending to look the other way. She had watched me, and giving the door a quick glance, making sure her jailors weren't watching, she got up, darted down to the flowers, picked them up, smelled them, and she turned her head, raised her chin, and gave me a big bright smile. She hugged the blooms to her chest, and rushed back to her seat.Then her mother came barging out the front door, and grabbed her arm, hauling her to her feet. She noticed the flowers in Rachel's hand, and growled, "You got a boyfriend, you little slut? If you have, I'll fucking kill you, and your horny fucking dog boyfriend!"My face went hard, and I began to stand erect, willing to take a hand if she went violent on the poor girl. Rachel cringed, and stammered, "No, Mom! Honest! I asked Mr. Marks over there if I could have some, I thought you'd want them, they're so pretty!"Her eyes went to me, silently begging me for help. I walked up to her Mom, and she watched me like a predator watching her prey, her blue eyes hard, no pity there at all.I stood there loose and easy, and fixed this ugly-spirited woman with a hard look of my own. I'd spent five years in the Army, and it wasn't behind a desk, either. I'd retired Sargent, and still had my uniform in the closet, put away, but not forgotten.There was a battle of wills between us, and she stood there, and began to squeeze Rachel's arm, making her whimper softly. She couldn't hurt me, so like the bully she was, she was taking it out on her own daughter.Then Mrs. Higgins broke contact with my eyes, and looked at the crying girl, and spat, "Go ahead, slut! Keep your fucking weeds! I hate flowers!" Then she turned to me, and as she opened her mouth to say something, I said, "Any time you want some flowers Rachel, you just help yourself, you hear me, now? It's alright; you take as many as makes you happy!"Then Mrs. Higgins stormed inside, dragging Rachel like a rag doll, and slammed the door behind her.***Then one day, both our lives changed. I think maybe Divine Providence stepped in and took a hand.I was in my garden, doing some weeding, thinking of my mother, and then I heard a scream, and Rachel's voice yelled, "No! Leave me alone! I'm not going anywhere with you!," and then she was running for the dubious shelter of her house. I looked up, and one of the teenaged boys who lived down the street chased her, yelling, "You get back here, jailbird! I'll teach you what a real man can do!"I knew him. He was Freddy Winton, he was seventeen, and his Dad was a pot-bellied beer-swilling 'good ol' boy', and had the attitude to match. Both father and son were losers, and Freddy was even worse that his father, a dope smoking vicious little cockroach.As she passed me, Freddy was a couple of steps behind her, and I swung my arm out and clothes-lined him. His feet left the ground, and with a bounce and a 'whoof' of air leaving his lungs, he hit the sidewalk on his back, and the back of his head hit the concrete with a thud.He sat up, both of his hands going to his head, howling in pain. "You fucking queer bastard!" he screamed at me, and then he looked up, and saw Rachel running at him. She had a look of sheer rage on her face, her eyes hard, and she was terrible in her fury. She ran at him, her school uniform skirt flying around her legs, gave a skip, and then her sneaker-encased foot flew up toward his head, and Freddy went to roll out of the way but her foot connected with the side of his jaw with a loud thump!, and he rocked back, righted himself, and then his eyes rolled up into his head, and he flopped sideways, unconscious!"Holy shit!" Rachel breathed, staring in amazement and not believing she'd had the courage to do that!I stared at the sleeping boy, stepping up to her, put my arm around her shoulders, and without a second thought, she leaned into me, and put her arm around my waist."Rachel!" I said, stunned, "that was magnificent! I'm really proud of you!"She stiffened under my arm, realised what we were doing, and she dropped her arm, stepping back away from me, shooting a look at her house. Then she looked at the bundle of meanness lying on the ground, she shuddered even though it was warm, and in a fearful voice, told me she was in so much trouble now.I told her not to worry, this piece if trash had it coming, and when his daddy found out he was beat up by a girl, he'd have hide up in the Artic, he'd be so humiliated!Rachel hesitated, and I assured her it was fine, to go home, and I'd take care of cleaning up the street. She gave me a grateful look, and went to walk away, but stopped, and looked back at me. "Did you mean what you said?" she asked."What? That I was proud of you? Of course I did! You stood up for yourself, and you fought back! Never let anyone put you down, Rachel. One day, you're not going to get back up again, and the world will be a sadder place with you gone!"She stood taller and slowly walked back to her house, and she was smiling openly, for the first time in years.***I picked up the sleeping teen, and put him on my shoulders in a fireman's lift, and walked back to his house. The boy was rank with marijuana tar fumes, stale sweat and urine. When I got there, his father and a couple of buddies of his were in the garage, drinking beer and listening to country music. His father, Tom Winton, stood about five- seven, was obese, and was waddling toward me, bellowing, "What you done to my boy, queer?" I dropped his 'boy' on his driveway with a thump, and began to roll the sleeves of my shirt up. Tom Winton stopped, looking at my muscles, his buddies stood behind him, and only one of them looked even remotely like getting serious."First, asshole," I growled, "I'm not queer, and I'll thank you to remember it! Second, he was beat up by a girl, for trying to molest her! He got what was coming to him, and I was just cleaning up the trash!"Then I stepped up to him, and looked down into his sweating face. He stank! Body odour was coming off him in waves, and I had to swallow to get the taste out of my mouth, and I wanted to spit.Tom Winton looked at the still form of his boy, and he growled, "He got beat up by a piece of tail? I'm going to have to teach that boy a lesson he won't soon forget!""Tom Winton," I told him, pushing him with a finger, making him rock on his heels, "he touches any girl in a bad way, and I'm coming for him! Then, I'm coming for you!" I looked at his buddies, and gave them my hardest glare, and told them, "I'll be coming for anyone who disrespects girls!"They wisely chose not to say anything.Then I turned around and walked away, and left them to argue the merits of what I'd told them.By the time I'd reached the street, I was grinning, remembering the kick Rachel had given that sorry lump of dung still asleep behind me!***There was a loud screaming match again that night at the Higgins place, and this time, there was another voice involved! I could hear Rachel's voice, even in my living room, three houses down. I couldn't of course hear the exact words, but the argument was a doozy.Out of morbid curiosity, I went out to the street, and the argument got louder, and Rachel was in fine voice, disagreeing with something she wasn't going to do. I noticed a few of my neighbours had come out, and Mrs. Sweet, from across the road, came over to me, and told me it was about time that girl had stood up for herself, but Mrs. Sweet was worried, hoping her parents wouldn't beat her.I told her what Rachel had done that day, and her jaw gaped open, and she cackled with laughter. She was grinning, and told me that guaranteed, everyone in the neighbourhood would know about it by morning. Nobody liked Tom Winton and his vile offspring, and we all sympathised with Mrs. Winton, who had to put up with them.Just then, the front door of the Higgins house opened, and Rachel was ejected from it, flying through the air, to hit the lawn on her feet, and then she was rolling, and stopped in a heap on the lawn. I was moving before I knew it, and then I was picking the abused girl up and pushed her to stand behind me, prepared to defend her from this angry, raging woman, who was supposed to be her mother. A large garbage bag of her belongings followed her, including her school backpack.Mrs. Higgins was screaming, "Fine! You don't want to live here? Well, that's easy fixed! Live on the street like the vermin you are! You'll come crawling back, and I'll make you pay for the way you spoke to me, and acted tonight, you little slut!"Then she noticed me, and sneered, "Well, well! Looks like you got your first fuck for the night, girl! He'll pay you good money for your honey-pot, if he don't just take it first! I wouldn't be surprised if there's a line of men waiting for you by morning!"Then she spoke one last time to her terrified daughter. "You don't go thinking you're welcome on this doorstep anymore, hussy! We don't have a daughter, we never did! Go away, we don't want you anymore!"Cackling like a demon, she turned, and again, slammed the door behind her. Seems she loved making a point of doing that.Rachel was in shock. Several of the ladies from houses around us came up to her, and surrounded her, talking and fussing over her, inviting her to come with them, promising everything they could think of to calm her, but Rachel pushed through them, and hugged me, gripping my waist tight, and then she was sobbing, great wracking sobs that broke my heart to hear them."What have I done?" she cried into my stomach. "Mom's thrown me out! What will I do? Will she take me back? I don't want to go back!" This is a shortened version of what she was saying in her shock, the words coming thick and fast.She kept on in this vein for a while, and then became quiet, just crying, and sixteen years of pain and grief was washing out of her. I was so furious; I could have razed the Higgins house to the ground with my own two hands, and pissed on the rubble.The consequences of her actions came crashing down around her, and she was a scared little girl, alone in the world, and I don't know why, but she had chosen me to be her protector, her knight in shining armour. I was trying to think of something to say, to do, but every time I went to say something, she'd sob louder, and all I could do was hold her, and stroke her hair. The women around us tried to prise her away from me, but she locked her hands behind me, and wouldn't budge.Then one of the women said, "Well, we can't stay out here all night. Let's get her under cover and a hot drink in her!" I looked around, and had to volunteer my place, considering how the girl wouldn't let me go, but another of the women said, "Mr. Marks, I really don't think that's wise, you know. She's a young girl, and you're a single man! What would people think?"I had had enough, and told her, "I really don't care at this point what you, or other people think, Mrs. Malman!" I looked down at Rachel, and she snuffled against me. "Come on, Rachel," I said, gently. "Let's get inside where it's warm, ok?"***We adjourned to my house, and the women fussed over Rachel, and some of them were like a flock of magpies, poking into every nook and cranny they could find, annoying me, but I kept the peace. This would give the neighbourhood gossips fuel for months to come.Every time I went to go out of the room, Rachel would give a start, and make ready to follow me. I told her to stay put, I had something to do, I'd be back shortly, and several hard-eyed women accompanied me to the Higgins residence. I didn't know what I was going to say, but these people really annoyed me, and I hoped I could control my temper when I saw them, face to face.When we as a group got the door, I knocked, and Mr. Higgins opened it."What the fuck do you assholes want?" he growled. He stood five-eight, standing there in dirty singlet and grubby jeans, and he had biker boots on his feet. He was overweight, and his belly hung over his belt buckle. I could smell the rank odour coming from the boots and he was unwashed and several days' worth of stubble covered his face. "Where's my fucking slut daughter?""Apparently, you don't have a daughter, Mr. Higgins," I told him. "Your wife made that point very clear tonight! I'm here to tell you that you and your wife are no longer welcome in this neighbourhood, and we'd appreciate it if you were to move on."I looked at him, and he sneered at me, and tried to look mean, after five years in the Army, I'd seen men like him come and go, and he didn't frighten me at all.He knew it, too."Do it soon, Mr. Higgins," I told him, "We can do without you two fouling up the place. We'll even help you pack, if you want!"He gave a snort, and looked at the women behind me, and grabbed his crotch."Why don't you ladies come in? I got something that you'll remember me by!" He gave a disgusting laugh, and told me, "Don't you worry, honey! I won't muss your queer ass up too bad! You might even love me for it!" Then he cackled, and I was revolted by the mere fact he was inhaling the same oxygen we humans were breathing.Mrs. Higgins came to the door, two more full garbage bags in her hands. She tossed them at me, and said, "Garbage day! That should be all her stuff!""Enjoy her while you can, pretty boy! It might not be all that long before she's all used up," and she cackled in the same vile way as her husband. "Go on," she told me, "be a big brother to her! I'm sure she'll really enjoy that!" And then they slammed the door in our faces, laughing at a joke only they understood.I was getting very annoyed at that happening.In a cloud of fury I picked up the bags, and strode home, the women almost running to keep up.***I got home still furious, and as I walked in the door, Mrs. Malman and her cronies were trying to drag Rachel off the couch, telling her to come with them, poor girl, and she was tucked up a ball, fighting them off, nearly hysterical. "What the hell is going on!" I thundered at them. "Leave her alone! Mrs. Malman, I think it's time you and your 'friends' went home now!" Then Mrs. Malman and her cronies got into a huff, and with their noses in the air, trooped out of the door. Mrs. Atherton, a long-time family friend, quickly gathered up the rest of the ladies, and shooed them outside, promising to keep them advised of developments, and assured them the girl would be fine.They left, and Rachel ran to me, and hugged me, and I gently untangled her arms, and sat down, the frightened girl following suit. She lay against me, hugging me, and with a smile, Mrs. Atherton, Judy, went into the kitchen, and I heard her getting cups ready for coffee. I heard her move around, then my jug pinged, and then she came in, and handed me a coffee, and for the sad forlorn girl, a hot chocolate.Judy had been a friend to my mother, and she was mine now as well. She had been a girl when she and Mom had first met, many years ago, and the two girls grew up together, and they'd been as close as could be, given our family circumstances. Judy never brought up the past, and I didn't tell her.She had always come over when I needed a shoulder to lean on, and her husband, Peter, was a friend, although we weren't close. He was okay with his wife coming over, and told me one day, Judy was very good at listening to other people's problems, and giving sound advice, and he was right, Judy had seen me through some difficult times. I loved her in my own way, but it was as a brother for his big sister, and we three all knew that, and it remained so for us.So that's why she knew where everything was in the kitchen, and knew how I liked my coffee.***Judy sat on the big chair opposite us, an old leather-covered recliner I had picked up at a garage sale. As she held her cup, she looked over the top of it, and said in a light voice, "Well, Rachel, what are we going to do with you? We'll have to call the authorities in the morning, and Child Welfare will become involved, and this, my dear, is a powerful big mess we have!"I looked at the scared young girl sitting next to me, and I asked her, my voice as neutral as I could make it, "What were you all arguing about, Rachel? I could hear you from here, and you obviously didn't want to do something."Rachel sat there, her hair framing her face, and she took a sip of her drink to gather her thoughts. I began to think she didn't want to answer the question, she took so long, but then she raised her head, and fixed me with an angry look."Today is my birthday. I turned sixteen today, and there was no presents, no card, nothing! There never has been! Dad, he, that man! wanted to take me to bed, to have sex with him! That was my birthday present, he said, and that woman, she wanted to watch! They wanted me to take my clothes off, and suck his penis!"She spluttered in rage. "I would rather die first!" she spat, vehemently.Judy spoke up, and said quietly, "We'll have to get the police involved, you realise that? This can't go unpunished. No man should do that to his daughter, or any woman, for that matter, Alfie."She looked at me, and I knew what she was thinking. We didn't have say anything, we both knew what she meant.Rachel shook her head, and said no. "They'll know it was me that told on them! They'll find me, and they'll kill me. They told me that many times before, and they'd do it too! They're real bad, dangerous, you have no idea!"She looked at Judy and I, and she said, "I told them no, I wasn't gonna do that! I told them, I didn't care anymore, I just didn't want to stay there anymore, and I kept saying to myself what you told me today, Mr. Marks, about standing up for myself, and fighting back, and about the world being sad at my not being here, and something inside me broke! I just couldn't stand them any longer!"***We sat up most of the night, Judy and I, going over the strange events and looking at it from every angle, and somehow, the police weren't called, although we should have, but we just kept putting it off. Somewhere along the line, Rachel had fallen asleep, and I picked her up, and because I knew that I wouldn't be getting much sleep, put her in my bed, and left Judy to take care of taking off the outer layer of her clothes and settling her, while I put the jug back on , and replenished our coffees.When we were seated again, I could hear a vehicle outside up the road, and it sounded like a big one. I took no notice, because sometimes trucks would get lost, and make their way up our street, their GPS units confused.I felt gritty, and told Judy I was going to have a shower. She gathered our cups, and took them into the kitchen, and as she washed them, told me to get some rest, tomorrow was another day, and we'd get this mess sorted out. I went to the bathroom, and she left, closing the front door softly.***Afterward, I lay on the couch, and pondered this strange turn of events. What was I going to do? I searched my feelings, and having the girl under my roof seemed natural, like a part of me, missing for years had been restored, and I felt whole. I was disturbed by this revelation, because I wasn't interested in young girls, and taking advantage of the one under my roof didn't appeal to me. She had put her trust in me, and she looked to me as her protector. I knew I'd have to talk about that with her.But why me? What had I done that she had come to me and not any of the women tonight, when she should have? It confused me. My head was awhirl with these thoughts, tired as I was, and then I drifted off, and slept.***I awoke a couple of hours later, and Rachel was sitting in the chair that Judy was in last night, fully dressed, her legs tucked up underneath her, and she was leaning sideways, as she had been watching me as I slept. I yawned, and stretched; she smiled, and thanked me for letting her sleep in my bed. I sat up, and there was a cup of coffee on the coffee table, and it was still hot. Now that's how a person should wake up in the morning!I asked her how she knew it was my bed, taking a sip. It was good! She told me with a smile that lit up her face that when she woke, she could smell me on the sheets, and so she lay there, wrapped in the blankets, all warm and cosy, and she told me she had felt safe for the first time in years.We heard truck doors banging up the street, and Rachel's brow furrowed, and then she got up, and looked out the window into the street. She gasped, and in a panicked voice said, "They're leaving! They're going, and I'm being left behind!"The truck engine revved, and Rachel was out my door, flinging it open, and dashing outside. There was a moving truck outside the Higgins residence, and it was about to leave. They must have been up all night packing. I quickly followed the distraught girl, and caught up with her as Mrs. Higgins was climbing into the cab. Rachel was in a state of shock, pleading for them to talk to her, to tell her what they were doing.I got up to the cab, and demanded to know what the hell they were doing. Judy was there beside me, and she held the terrified girl, who clung to her.Mrs. Higgins looked down at me, with a sneering superior attitude, and she laughed, a mean, spiteful laugh, and she held up a piece of paper that had been compacted into a small ball. She tossed that at me and it bounced off my chest, and rolled under the furniture removal truck."Well, Big Brother," she said spitefully, "did you enjoy your new pet? Why don't you read what's on that piece of paper I just gave you? I just know you'll enjoy it. We did for the last thirteen years we've been here!"Then roaring with laughter, they drove off.***I found the ball of paper in the gutter, and I unrolled it. I hated those two. Bad enough that they threw their only child out like piece of trash, now they were driving away to parts unknown, leaving her behind, abandoning her! I swore softly at myself, because I realised I hadn't taken notice of the licence plate, or the name of the moving company truck. Hopefully, the police could track them down, and make the scumbags pay for what they've done.Rachel was sitting on the ground, wailing in sorrow at her abandonment, despite what she told us last night. I felt for her. She would be in the Welfare system soon, and I shuddered to think of what kind of life she'd have, whether anyone would take her in, and a glimmer of an idea came to me.I looked up, and people were watching us, and Mrs. Malman had a spiteful look on her face, obviously not forgiving me for booting her out of my house last night. I didn't care what that biddy thought. Every time you'd think she was human, she'd bite you. Figuratively, of course, but she was spiteful.As I unrolled the sheet of paper, I saw it was a birth certificate. Then smoothing it out, I saw the name on it, and the name of the parents, and the date of birth, and my body went cold, and I could taste bile, and I wanted to vomit. It couldn't be! It was impossible! Everything spun around me like a vortex, and I felt the ground lurch beneath my feet, and I wanted to faint. A cold sweat appeared on my body, and I was wracked as a shiver went through me. Judy asked me what was wrong, and so, numbly, unable to speak, I handed her the paper sheet. She took it; she read it and gasped, looking at me, at the sobbing girl, and back to the paper. She went pale, and started to cry."Oh, Alfie," she sobbed, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. How could we have known?"The Higgins couple weren't human; they were demons from the deepest pit of Hell. For thirteen years, a sweet lovely young girl had put up with the hate, the spite, the sheer bloody terror of living under their roof, not a home, but a prison, not three doors down from me. It was the worst form of torture. So near freedom, yet never knowing it was there just within reach.I should have been someone who could have given her love, kindness, and a pair of arms to hold her, to kiss away her tears, to raise her and tell her that life was worth living.I could have protected her.Written on the birth certificate was the name, Rachel.Rachel Antonia Marks.My sister.-= Chapter Two =-I was jolted out of my fog by Rachel tugging on my shirt, asking me "What are we going to do, Alfie?"Before I could say a word, my stomach rumbled. "Trust your gut," someone once told me, and so I did. I told her, "The first thing we're going to do, young lady, is get some breakfast! You look hungry, and so am I!". Judy wiped the tears from her eyes, and said, "that's a good idea, I'm hungry too! Let's go!"So the three of us went back to my place, and soon the smell of bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee was filling up the kitchen. Rachel ate like she'd never seen so much food before, and I mean she packed it away. She almost growled at me when, as a joke, I went to take a piece of bacon off her plate, and she grabbed her plate, and a snarl appeared briefly on her face, and the hungry child raised her plate off the table, and held it away from my hand. Then, mortified by embarrassment, she put her plate back down onto the table, and looked like she was going to cry.Another reason for me to hate the Higginses. The trembling girl began apologising, and when I reached over to put my hand on her shoulder, to comfort her, she flinched away from my hand, as though I was about to strike her.I got up, causing her flinch again, tighten her shoulders and hang her head in shame, I went to her, and held her gently, and told her that she shouldn't be scared of me, I was only playing, and from now on, I wouldn't touch her plate, no matter how hungry I was.She managed a small smile when she noticed I was only joking. She threw her arms around me, and kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," over and over, and so I just held her, soothing her, and stroking her hair.She calmed down, and although my breakfast was cold, I still ate it, because she had helped to make it, her excitement contagious, and refreshing. As she had opened the fridge and got the butter and eggs out, she was amazed that there was so much food in there. She told Judy and I that there was never enough food at her old place, she wasn't allowed to go near the fridge, and she was constantly hungry. Little wonder she wolfed down her breakfast, then.As we sat there, she timidly asked me if we were going to try to find her, and she choked saying this, her "Mom and Dad'. I turned to her, and keeping my voice level, but unable to keep the anger out of my voice, told her no, we'd let the police do that.She sat there, digesting this, and asked when were they arriving? I told her that we hadn't called them yet, because there was still something I had to tell her. She could tell by the look on my face she probably wasn't going to like it.***After we had cleared the table, and done the dishes, I took her hand, and led her into the living room. I sat her down, and then sat next to her. I struggled for the right words, and my mouth was dry, and for the first time in my life, I felt truly afraid.Rachel looked at me, trust shining in her eyes. But I knew what was coming, and she didn't. I feared the storm, and I didn't know which way she'd rage when I told her. How would she take it? What would she do?What would she do? That question haunted me.So I took the bull by the horns, and asked her what her full name was."Rachel Antonia Higgins," she replied.I nodded, and asked her if she'd noticed the ball of paper Mrs. Higgins had tossed at me. She said, Uh huh, but she didn't know what it was.I told her it was a birth certificate, and got a blank look. I said it was her birth certificate. Still nothing, except a frown. She was expecting me to get to the point.So I handed her the piece of paper, and she glanced down at it, and then froze. She went pale, and then she began to tremble as she read it. Judy wrapped an arm around her in comfort and support, and I sat there, waiting for the storm to hit. I didn't have to wait long.Her face went from dead white, to red with rage and anger. She turned to me, and snapped, "You are kidding, right? Is this a joke?" She waved the certificate at me. "Because if it is, it's not a very funny one!""No, my darling sister," I told her, angry at the two hell-hounds that masqueraded as her parents. "The joke was on us, for thirteen years!"She searched my eyes, but saw only truth, pain, anger for all those missed years, and compassion for her. Then Rachel threw the certificate away, and buried her face in her hands and sobbed, harder than she'd done previously. After about ten minutes, she started to hiccup, and with her nose and eyes streaming, (thank god for kleenex!), she told us, "I knew it! I just knew something was wrong! No wonder I never fit in! I always used to dream of a knight who'd come to rescue me, but I didn't know he'd be my brother, because I didn't know I even had a brother!"She wept again, and then my eyes were streaming, so were Judy's, and we all held each other and cried our eyes out.I'm glad Tom Winton didn't see that. So much for my tough-guy image!***When the police arrived, we were a tight-knit group of three. We sat there and answered all their questions, as honestly as we could, leaving nothing out, gave as much detail as we could, and then Rachel was taken into the kitchen by a female officer, and went through it all again. Judy and I had to do likewise.One of the detectives shook his head, and told me that this was a damn fine mess, and as his grandfather used to say, "Now the shit's really gonna to hit the fan, boy!"He wasn't far wrong in his assessment!They wanted to put Rachel into Welfare care until this all was sorted out, but I knew that that would take months. So I was adamant. She was staying with me at my place, because I was her brother, so I claimed responsibility for her. A female detective told me I was being presumptuous, and told me I should ask Rachel, or 'the girl', whether or not she wanted to stay with a stranger, someone she didn't know, or know whom she could trust.Rachel blew the head off the detective's shoulders at that! You should have seen her! She was impressive in her anger."I've finally found my brother after being kidnapped my entire life, and you dare to call him a stranger? You didn't rescue me, HE did! I'm staying here! Try and make me go!"That was the sum of her speech to the shocked detective!***It had taken hours, and Rachel, surprising us all, turned out to have a photographic memory, and was a fair artist with pencil and paper. She was with a police sketch artist, and she became frustrated with him, he couldn't seem to get a nose right, so she took the pad away from him, and then demanded his pencil, and she went silent, and about twenty minutes later, there was Mr. and Mrs. Higgins staring up at us from the sheets of paper.Rachel apologised and told us they weren't very good, being self-deprecating, but everyone who saw them only gave her positive praise and comments for her efforts. The police sketch artist grumbled that Rachel was putting him out of a job, but he said so with a smile!One of the lead detectives got up from the table, and told us he was going 'to put this on the wire' and see if any other police agencies had anything on them.Detective Morris, a tall clean shaven man with a shaved head, the lead detective, stood, and said he supposed that a news release should be given, to put the pictures out on television, and see if they got any hits from that.Rachel, Judy and I asked that our identities be kept secret, as the commotion caused by the press would be a major disruption.We were right. Local, state, and nation-wide services picked it up, ran with it, and it snowballed. They bayed like hounds on a scent for any scrap of information they could find. Nobody could talk about anything else except the young girl who'd been kidnapped as a baby, and held prisoner for sixteen years by a pair of desperate people now on the run.We knew eventually the press would get wind of who we were, and it was Mrs. Malman that opened that can of worms. She was paid handsomely for her efforts. Unfortunately for her, she also became persona-non-grata in our neighbourhood, a non-person. Nobody would talk to her, including the flock of magpies she'd hung out with! She was a pariah, and they didn't want to be associated with a Jonah.Rachel had gone back to school, and tried to live her life as though nothing had happened. But with one 'teensy' little change.With her freedom came a new change in confidence. I had offered to drive her to school, and then pick her up afterward, but she insisted on taking the school bus, telling me it was something she had to do, and so I left it alone. She started to come home from school with black eyes, split lips, bruises, her school blouse was torn a couple of times, and she had scrapes on her knuckles, from getting into fights at school, and on the school bus. She fair pounded her tormentors, she said, and she glowed with pride each time she told us about it!"They're not going to put me down anymore, Alfie," she defiantly told me. "Nobody is keeping me prisoner anymore!"She would have nightmares about the Higgins coming back to get her, and in her dreams she would see Mrs. Higgins especially looming over her bed, cackling like a demon, and telling her that she was going home, they were coming for her.The police psychiatrist assured us that this was normal behaviour exhibited by the patient, as he referred to Rachel, saying that the mind was freeing itself from the constraints imposed on it, and she was freeing herself from years of captivity."She'll be fine!" he told me with a smile.***We gave into the pressure, now that our identities were known thanks to a certain non-individual, and we stood united as we gave a press conference. The lead detective, Morris, helped us, and stepped in when questions became too personal, or when he felt it was necessary. We were grateful. Eventually, thank god, the fuss died down, and the press went away, pursuing more juicy stories. I helped Rachel get her drivers' licence, and she passed with flying colours. One of the other things we did shortly after the Higgins left town, was that we went shopping, and a whole new wardrobe was purchased for my sister, from the skin out. And that meant underwear, jeans, tops, skirts, shoes, some makeup, toiletries, the list was inexhaustible! I had no idea a girl needed so much!She'd been having her periods regularly since she was twelve, and so she knew how to take care of her feminine needs, having to literally find out about such things all on her own. All her old clothing went into the trash. She couldn't bear the sight of it.I had cleaned out one of my spare rooms, the largest one, and that became Rachel's space, and she promptly set about decorating it, and I helped, which caused me to get rewarded with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.She spent most of her time in her room, only coming out to use the toilet, or coming to the dinner table to eat. Some habits die hard, I guess. She had a healthy appetite, and she slowly but surely started to fill out, her figure rounding out and gaining womanly curves, and she would giggle as she told me about boys at school who'd hit on her, begging her for a date. She'd made a few friends as well, a couple of them girls who wouldn't talk to her when she was "skinny".When she started to fill out, she surprised me by buying some new bras out of an allowance I had given to her. Rachel had never had money of her own before, and she held me, trying not to cry, thanking me profusely. What the surprising thing about it was, was that when she showed them off to me later, she was wearing them at the time!***They were mainly white, and she had a beautiful pair of breasts on her chest. They were smallish, rounded, and firm, and Rachel giggled when I blushed, and told her to put a shirt on, telling her that, although I was proud of her, she was my sister, after all, and she shouldn't be showing herself off to me that way, and I was slightly uncomfortable below my waistline about seeing her almost nude from the waist up.Then, as Rachel's confidence grew, and a relationship of love and trust was established between us, she would come out to the living room more often, and spend more time there with me, and her room was for when she wanted some alone time, and for sleeping.She wanted to be with me a lot at night. She'd talk, and her life story would pour out of her, and more than once, we'd be clinging to each other, and we would both cry, our sadness and grief washing out of us. I would tell her what I remembered of Mom, and she'd smile, and hold my hand, and prompt me whenever I'd get lost in a memory.I decided to show her the accident and autopsy reports, when I became reticent about talking about our father, and she asked me why. When she'd read them, especially Mom's autopsy report, she was horrified, and in a quiet voice, I told my sickened sister how our parents would be when they came back from their 'outings', then pale and trembling, she threw her arms about me, and cried again.***Rachel was full of surprises. She wanted to learn how to cook, she told me, so one afternoon, the kitchen became an utter mess as we tried different things, finally ending up baking some cookies. Judy received a big handful of them. She complimented Rachel on them, saying that they were really very tasty, so from then on, Rachel baked regularly. The house was always filled with the smells and aromas of cookies, cakes, biscuits, and all sorts of things.Then she wanted to learn how to ride a horse, so we went to a farm not far from where we were, and I talked to the owner there, whom I had done some work for, and she happily lent us a horse, a saddle and a bridle, and I spent a couple of hours with Rachel, who sat on the horse, and was happy to just sit there and let the horse do all the work. Rachel glowed and couldn't keep a grin off her face.In the evenings, Rachel would shower, and she'd taken to wearing an old tee shirt of mine, one I'd thrown out, but she'd pulled it out and claimed it, and it was now hers. She shyly came into the living room the first time she'd worn it, stood for a moment at the door, then gathering her courage, walked over to the 'Big Chair', as she called it, sat down and tucked her legs under her.We sat there for a minute or two, and we watched each other. She was glowing from her shower, flushed and smelling sweet from her shampoo and body wash. I had frozen, my eyes following her, as if on their own.The thin plain self-effacing girl was nowhere in evidence, she had gone. Rachel was a breath-taking young woman. She was beautiful! She'd made an effort to really impress me, I knew, and oh, boy! I surely was!Her long auburn hair had been washed, brushed, and hung down to cover her head and shoulders. The tee shirt hung around her body like a robe, and I saw her nipples harden as I looked at her, so that told me she was bra-less underneath it. When she'd sat down, I had caught a flash of pink panties, and as I sat there, her nipples weren't the only thing that had gotten hard.I was suddenly out of my depth, and there was no firm ground under my feet. I sat there, drinking in the sight of my lovely little sister, and a small smile tugged at the edges of her mouth as she watched my reaction to her, her blue eyes boring into my skull."Wha, what are you doing?" I managed to choke out."I'm sitting in this chair!" she told me impishly.I flushed, and I suddenly had the urge for a shower. Yes, I thought to myself that would give me time to get myself pulled together.I managed to stand up without wrenching my erection, and bent over slightly, trying to hide it with my hand, I staggered down to the bathroom, mumbling that I was going to shower now.Her soft laughter followed me down the hallway, and I firmly closed the door of the bathroom, and leaned against it, gasping for breath.***I quickly got used to seeing her dressed like that in the evenings, and didn't say anything more about it. But I could feel her eyes on me, and a prickling on the back of my neck told me she was doing it. My libido would kick in occasionally, and I would put my book down to cover it, and Rachel would smile, and ask if I wanted anything to drink, and I'd find my mouth dry, and say, yes please, so she'd get up, and with a languid walk, go into the kitchen to make us one.We had book reading in common. She was fascinated with my small library of books, and she would stand there in front of it, and run her finger back and forth along the spines of the books, and then she'd make her choice, and go back to the Big Chair, sit down and tuck her legs under herself, and start to read.One night, she looked up from a book she was reading, and asked why I didn't have a computer. I looked up. She'd moved her legs, and they were slightly open, her inner thighs silky and smooth, and I saw she wore a pair of red panties covering her pouting sex. I flushed, and quickly dropped my eyes to my book, but I didn't see any words, just the sight of her young cloth-covered pussy, the outline of her clitoral hood and full outer lips sharply defined.I managed to say that I had given it some thought, but I suppose I had just put it off, and always thought I get around to it one day, and amazed, she asked me how did I expect to keep up with the modern world, if I didn't have a computer, and internet connection?She rolled her eyes, and with a grimace, said "Men!"By this time, she'd closed her legs, and I sighed with relief. I remember thinking, "I really need to start dating again!" Having this extremely good-looking, and yes, if I admitted it to myself, very nubile and sexy young woman in my house was having a detrimental effect on my libido, and I was highly strung with sexual tension.***So the next Friday evening, we went shopping. We canvassed several stores, and finally settled on a computer that was an all-in-one, no bulky tower, just a screen that had the computer as part of it. I decided to go all out, and bought a couple of one terabyte external hard-drives, a couple of thirty-two gig memory sticks, some accessories, and a laptop for Rachel, who whooped, causing several people to give a start, and when they saw Rachel hugging me, and almost knocking me off my feet, were smiling at her display of affection.We got home, set up the computer, and she explained to me how it worked, and then she took the lead, and called an internet company, but I had to get that set up, as I would be paying the bills for it.We spent most of the night on it, and she was sitting in the chair in front of, telling me how to copy and paste, how to save, and she joked, "What's the difference between a man, and Jesus?" Then she said "At least Jesus knows how to save!" pointing at the computer. That set her off into gales of laughter, drumming her feet on the floor, and I couldn't help but join her in her mirth.Rachel showed me how to use to internet, and as soon as she got up to use the bathroom, I sat down, and I was hooked immediately.I saw Rachel out of the corner of my eye, and she told me she was going to shower, and when I didn't say anything, she said the football team was coming over and that she was going to be busy for a while. My head jerked up, and I gaped at her. Rachel laughed and shook her head, then went to go get wet.***She returned half an hour later, and she had her laptop with her. She plugged it in, and let the battery charge. Then she came up behind me and watched over my shoulder, her hands rubbing my shoulders, which broke my concentration, and I sat up straight and groaned, enjoying the feel of her hands massaging me, easing the tensions away, but there one more part of me that needed easing, and he woke up, feeling interested.I ignored him. He became insistent, with Rachel rubbing my neck, so I turned to her and asked if she could put the jug on. She stopped her hands, and smiled, and walked away, and I watched her butt and hips as they rolled and swayed as she went into the kitchen. I realised I had held my breath, and let it out, and I was warm and slightly out of breath.She came back in a few minutes later, and handed me a hot coffee, and as she stood by me, sipping her hot chocolate, I suddenly noticed she was only wearing her bra and panties. I had gotten so used to seeing her in that tee shirt, that her being in her underwear hadn't registered. Her small frame, filled out now, was lush and seemed to be inviting my eyes to roam over it.God help me, they did.They went from her firm round breasts, down her smooth flat stomach, and came to rest on her white panty-covered mound. My hands began to tremble, and I put my cup down on a coaster nearby on the table, and I asked why she was dressed like that?She looked at me, and told me her tee was in the wash, and she didn't feel like putting anything else on, and did I have a problem with that?I looked down, and in a shaky voice, told her that yes, I did have a problem with that. The mood became serious, and she asked me why. I had told her earlier that I would always tell her the truth, so I looked into her eyes and told her earnestly that she was a very sexy young woman, and that I was afraid, and that I might not be strong enough to control myself, and I confessed to her that I was seriously considering dating again, because I was constantly horny with her around.***Rachel looked at me with hooded eyes, her blue orbs unreadable, and told me she was sorry that she'd put such pressure on me, and then she turned around, and went down to her bedroom, returning shortly wearing another tee, this time one of hers. It was better on my nerves, but it was also shorter, and her panty-clad vagina kept peeking at me as she stood there, and she asked me if that was better. The material of the panties was thin and silky, and I could see the tiny ridges of the curls of her pubic hair under it. I agreed, and thanked her, my tone of voice and hungry eyes asking for understanding.Then she sat in her usual way on the Big Chair, and asked me who I was going to ask out on a date?I confessed that I really didn't know. Rachel surprised me by saying she knew of a couple of ladies who were interested in me, but she hadn't said anything to me about them, because of, and she looked down as she said it, "personal reasons.""Why, what's wrong with them?" I asked.She laughed, lightening the sombre mood, and told me nothing, that was something she'd have to work out, and then she proceeded to tell me about the two ladies, and I realised that I knew one of them. Her name was Evelynn, she was twenty seven, and she had a nice body, brown eyes, and she had a pleasing smile that made you want to return it, and she worked in a lingerie shop at the local mall, and so Rachel and I talked about her, Rachel giving me a glowing recommendation of this woman.We sat talking for a couple of hours, and the computer was forgotten. I had shut it down and moved to the couch. A big old comfortable one that was at least seven feet long, I had also found at a garage sale, and it weighed a ton!***Around eleven, I yawned and told my beautiful young sister I was going to bed, and she got up, pulled my head down to hers, and going up on tiptoe, she gave me a kiss on the lips, and she quickly darted her tongue across them, before looking me in the eye and telling me she was grateful for the laptop, for everything I had done for her, and that she'd pay me back soon.I held her, and told her it was free of charge. Then cryptically, she told me that wasn't what she was talking about, then let me go, and went to the bathroom to do her nightly rituals.Don't ask me, I couldn't tell you if I tried, so I won't bother.***I was lying in bed that night, thinking about Rachel and the look on her face as she realised that I had just bought her the laptop, some other bits, and external hard-drive. She looked like a small child being gifted with the world, and her expression so open, so innocent of guile, that I sat there smiling in the darkness of my room.I heard a tap at my door, and Rachel asked if she could come in. That's one of the things that I loved about Rachel. She respected privacy, not having much of that as she was growing up. I said it was fine, and she came in, and she was still in her bra and panties, having discarding her tee. She stood by my bed, and told me she was lonely, and could she spend some time with me, just for a little while?I said sure, that would be okay, I guess, and asked her get me a pair of boxers out of my top drawer, and when she asked why, I told her that always slept nude, year round. She cocked her head, gave a giggle, and said she wasn't bothered, and she lifted the sheet and blanket just high enough to slide in, then she was facing me, and her thighs were against my member, and I clamped my mind on it, and he fought back, wanting to get filled with blood, but I wouldn't let him. We both settled for half-hard.Rachel could feel it against her thighs, and she began to breathe shallowly, and then she put her arms around me, and cuddled into me, her warm breath on my chest, and I inhaled the fragrance of her.She didn't say anything, she just held me. Then she groaned softly, and told me she loved my smell. She looked up at me, then rolled over onto her back looked up at the ceiling, but not seeing it, and told me that when she had woken up in my bed that time, so long ago now it seemed, she had felt so safe and secure that she hadn't wanted to wake up, fearing that she would wake in her old bed, and the nightmare was real all over again.I still didn't say anything, just looking at her. She looked like she had something on her mind, and I was willing to let her talk. She took my hand, and placed it on her stomach, and I felt it rise and fall with her breath. Her fingers played with mine, like she was memorising them, reading them in braille.***"I lay there in your bed," she continued, "and I was only wearing my socks, panties and slip, and I knew you hadn't undressed me, because I could smell Judy's perfume."She moved my hand further up towards her chest, and she gripped my hand in hers, and she said, "I lay there, and I could smell you on the pillow, and on the sheets, and for the first time in my life, I was truly happy!"She moved my hand a bit further, and now my little finger lay against the fabric of her bra. She gave a sigh, and spoke again, a bit breathless now."I remember looking around, looking at everything in your room, and I didn't see anything that told me you had a woman in your life, just a picture on the dresser that looks like Mom. I don't know why, but that made me very happy! I ran my hand over your pillow and sheets, and that's when I realised I loved you.""I love you, Alfie. I always will."***I looked down at her, and she gazed up at me, wanting me, willing me, to reply. I bent my head towards hers, and her lips parted, but I kissed her on the forehead instead. She seemed disappointed, and gave what sounded like a frustrated grunt."I love you too, Rachel," I told her, and then I had an epiphany.I loved her! I really did! I loved her; heart and soul, and the knowledge floored me, even though I was in bed!How's that for a simile!(Men are brighter than you might think, ladies!)She wrapped her arms around my head, and made happy sounds as she almost throttled me. I hugged her back, and we lay there for a while, till I told her that we really should get some sleep. She pouted, and looked cute doing so, but rolled over on her side, her back to me. She wriggled that warm and oh-so-cute butt of hers against my crotch, and suddenly, he had free reign, and I was hard. Rachel felt it poking at her, but she giggled, and let it do so. Then she took my hand, tucked it under her chest, my palm cupping her breast, and whispered, "Goodnight, my love."Breathless at her forwardness, and affectionate actions, I whispered, "Goodnight, my darling."Then we both slept, and this time she didn't have any bad dreams.***I was dreaming. I knew I was dreaming, and it was a dream that confused me, but it was like a part of me was standing back, watching. I was drifting on a solar wind, flying with the speed of light through the universe. Planets, suns, and whole galaxies flashed by, but I could still see every detail of them.My whole body began to throb, and a feeling of love and lassitude came over me. I heard a woman's voice tell me she loved me, and I was so happy knowing that, I wanted to weep, but couldn't, for some reason. "I will always love you!" she said adamantly, and I looked around, still moving, but I couldn't see her.Then my heart began to race, I could hear it beating like a drum, boomboomboomboom, like that, really loudly, and then the universe exploded around me, and I cried out in joy, a joy that that felt like I was spread across the universe, becoming one with it.Then, everything went black, and I knew no more until I woke in the morning.When I finally opened my eyes, and blinked in the light, Rachel was next to me, her hair across her face, and I reached over, and with a finger, pulled it back to look at her. She was lying there, on her side, her knees up, and her hands together under the pillow. She was smiling, and she looked smug.***I moved out of the bed, trying not to wake her, and putting on a pair of boxers, went to the bathroom to empty my full bladder. I realised I felt happy, and free of tension. I wondered why, but didn't want to. So, smiling, I flushed, washed my hands and face, and went to the kitchen to put the jug on. As I left it to boil, I started to make some toast.I was munching on a piece of toast, leaning up against the sink, looking out the window at the fine and sunny day, just drifting, when Rachel came into the kitchen, and she came up to me and moulded herself against my back, hugging me gently, and she made a "Mmmmm" sound, and rubbed her cheek against me."What's for breakfast," she inquired, and she told me she'd smelled toast, and was there any for her?"Sure," I replied, "sit down while I make some more," and turned around. She was still in her underwear, her hair was mussed, and she still looked half-asleep. She smiled up at me, and then a mysterious look came into her eyes, and she asked me how I slept."I slept great," I told her. "I had the weirdest dream, though!"She sat down, and with her chin cupped in her hands, she asked me to tell her about it, if it wasn't a 'naughty' dream. I assured her it wasn't which seemed to disappoint her. I said nothing, just wondering about that, and then as I made some more toast, and made her a coffee, I told her about the dream.She sat there listening, and when I was finished, she asked, "how do you feel?," and I told her I felt great actually, and at peace, and my tension was gone, I was relaxed for first time in months.She then had that same smug look on her face, as I told her, and she spent the rest of the morning smiling, and she even hummed a few times, and when I asked what was up? She laughed, and told me a woman had to have her secrets!.-= Chapter Three=-As it was a fantastic day, I wanted to go for a walk, and Rachel agreed, and so we got ready, and then we were off, and I showed her the neighbourhood, introduced her to a few of the people I knew, and she had a ball, revelling in her freedom.We ended up at the park, and stood there, watching some kids playing ball, and seeing the few families having a great day. The park was three blocks from my place, and we just stood there, and Rachel took a deep lungful of air, and said it was a marvellous day, then a cloud went over the sun, the temperature dropped, and then Rachel screamed, looking behind me, and as I turned to look at what she was seeing, lightning hit me in the lower back, a ripping feeling, the pain excruciating. I turned, and Freddy Winton stood there, a crazed look in his eyes, and he was holding a knife, and then he spat at me, and sneered, "Fucking queer bastard!," and then I felt weak, and dropped to my knees. Rachel was still screaming, holding me up, and Freddy Winton raced off, laughing evilly.I fell to the ground, and couldn't move. I was sad, for Rachel mainly, and I tried to speak, to tell her not to worry, that I loved her, but no words came out. I went cold, and shivered. There were people all around me, but I had gone deaf, I saw their mouths moving, but couldn't hear a word they were saying. Then I was above my body, and Rachel was lying on me, shaking me, screaming at me, telling me to get up, and I saw two men pull her off me. Her hands were covered in blood, and I wondered if she was hurt.The sky was going dark, and I thought that that was strange. EMT's were working on me, then everything skipped to me on a hospital gurney, lights whizzing past, and people were yelling, and then everything around started to glow a peaceful white, and then I was standing in front of Mom, and I began to cry, happy to see her again. She took my hands and told me I had done a wonderful job with Rachel, she was proud of me, and I could feel the love that she had for me.She looked into my eyes, sadly but with a depth of love that comforted me, and told me I had to go back, that Rachel needed me, we still had much to do, people to help. I cried, and told her I loved her, and she said she knew, she loved us both, but I couldn't stay, and she promised that she'd see us both again and let go my hands, and then I was zipping backwards, and then I felt a heaviness envelop me, and I knew I was in my body again, and I was looking at the ceiling of a hospital room.***Rachel was sleeping on a chair beside the bed, her legs drawn up, and she looked terrible. She was haggard, and her eyes were puffy and red, and she had my hand in hers, and I had the feeling that she hadn't let it go the entire time I'd lain in that bed.I must have made a sound, because Rachel's eyes snapped open, and with scream of joy, threw herself on me, and I groaned, and then she was weeping and hugging me, and nurses rushed into the room thinking there was an emergency, but seeing me weakly grinning over Rachel's antics, they checked me over, pronounced me fine and doing well.Then Judy was there, and Rachel wasn't, and I hadn't realised I'd slept until I woke, and Judy took my hand and asked me how I felt."Like death warmed up!" I said weakly."You gave us all a scare," she said. "You died three times before they got you into the operating theatre. It was like you didn't want to come back!""No wonder my chest hurts," I winced, "and they must have used the paddles on me.""And you're right; I didn't want to come back. I was with Mom, and I saw her, and held her hands, and she looked great! She looked strong and happy, and peaceful, at rest."I told Judy what had happened.I began crying, grief at being separated from my Mom a second time tearing at me worse than the knife in the hand of that crazed druggie, Freddie Winton. Judy came to me, and held me as I sobbed into her chest. When I stopped, I was gasping, out of breath."She told me I had to come back, Rachel needed me. How is she? Where is she?""We took turns watching over you; otherwise she'd have stayed here, and pined away for you. You've done well with her. Your Mom is not the only one who's noticed, you know!"She smiled, her eyes twinkling. "I'll call her, and let her know you're awake and asking for her. She didn't want to go to school today, so I called the school, and they understand why she's not there today."I must have looked confused, because she told me, "It's Monday. You've been out for nearly two days". Judy told me to relax, and went to give Rachel the news I was awake.***I was in the hospital for a week, doctors coming to check on me, and Judy bought Rachel in almost every day, Rachel looked thin and pale, not eating much, worried for me. I growled her for not eating, and she glared at me, and then she smiled, and she had the grace to blush under my telling off.Then I was ready for home, to convalesce under Judy and Rachel's care. I was still weak, and Rachel couldn't keep her eyes from my face, and she didn't want to let me go for a moment.When we got home, they helped me to rest on the couch, and as I sank onto it, I gave it a pat, and said, "Hello, old friend, good to see you again!"Both women looked at me, then each other, then that broke the sombre mood, and they were laughing, and Rachel came to me, hugged me, her eyes tearing up, and told me not to leave her again, she'd die of a broken heart, "which almost happened," she said, her voice cracking."Not if I can help it," I told her. "I'm under orders to look after you!" I told her pointing upward. Rachel's eyes bugged, and she gasped, "You saw her? You saw Mom?""Sure did," I told her. "She's well, and she loves you."Rachel went "Awww," and started crying again, burying herself into my embrace.***The police went straight to the Winton house, and after a thorough search, they found the knife he'd used, a hunting knife, up in the crawlspace above the ceiling where he'd thrown it. It still had my blood and his fingerprints on it. He was stoned when he attacked me, probably to get his courage up, and his father tried to stop them taking 'his boy' and assaulted a couple of officers, so both of them had a ride to the jail, and with the bloody knife as evidence, over a dozen witnesses to the attack, and his spittle on my clothes giving a DNA match, Freddie wouldn't see free sky for a very long time. They gave the little bastard life without the possibility of parole for attempted murder. The Wintons moved not long after that, and a nice family moved in, Carl and Roberta Jamison, with their thirteen year old daughter, Mary-Louise.The doctor I saw for a regular check-up following my release from hospital told me that I was extremely lucky, that two inches higher, and the point of the knife would have penetrated my kidney, and I would have bled out in under two minutes, and nothing would have saved me.Then the doctor, who'd been our family doctor and friend, dropped a bombshell on Rachel and me as we sat there in his office. He looked uncomfortable, and he fidgeted in front of us. Finally, he gave a growl and told us, "Dammit, you two, but what I got to tell you, well, I'm breaking my oath, so you better listen up good!"He told us that when I'd been in the theatre, Rachel, being distraught and panicking, offered her blood as I'd lost a great amount, and they tested mine and hers, and we weren't a match, different blood types. I held my sister's hand and gave it a squeeze in gratitude.The doctor gave a "Humph" and said, "But that ain't the point! You don't have the same blood! Two different fathers and neither were your Dad, Gregory Marks. Same mother, different fathers."We were in shock, to put it mildly. The doctor went on to say that the man we thought was our father was sterile, and so he punished our mother by 'farming her out' for gang-bangs, charging money for attendance, and he almost spat as he told us that, so great was his distaste for the mongrel our mother had married."Your mother made me promise not to tell anyone, when I had to clean up the damage a time or two, and my oath made that easy. But, I've been carrying this around inside me for too many years, and I can't hold it in any longer."He leaned back in his chair, and shook his head. "Your mother," he said, "was a wonderful, gentle woman. Why she didn't just kill that sumbitch in his sleep is beyond me. Who knows, maybe she did, finally. She could have turned the wheel, causing the car to wreck out there that day! It would do my heart good, knowing he screamed on the way down, as your mother would have screamed as she was raped!"***We didn't say anything as we drove home that day. The weather matched our mood, and it rained all the way back to the house.Judy came over to see how we were, and we sat down and shared with her what the doctor had said. Her eyes were hard at the news about what Gregory Marks had done, but she hung her head, and confessed she knew about the vile man using our Mom like he did."Your Mom made me swear on our love for each other that I'd never tell you what he had done," she told us. "The doctor telling you makes that promise invalid, now. She was in a bad situation, and for your sake, Alfie, she stayed with him, and put up with his vile practices. We'd sit in your kitchen, right here, and her throat would be sore and hoarse from the screaming she did as she was raped. But that piece of inhumanity she called her husband enjoyed hearing her scream as she was taken, time and again."I looked at Judy sitting there and wringing her hands. I felt for her, and so I got up, went around the table and hugged her. She stood, and then Rachel was there, too, and we all held each other, and the women cried, their sadness matching my own, and I felt a deep sense of loss and shame. Loss for our mom, and Judy's friend, and shame for what the man she had married had done to her.I let them go, and I said to Judy, "You mentioned your love for each other. Was that love as friends, or something more?"Judy stood there, and I saw something in her eyes besides tears, and she stood taller, held her head high, and looking me in the eye, she said "This may come as a shock, you two, but your mother and I were lovers!"***We sat at the table for hours, talking about Judy's relationship with our mother, and she was relieved when we didn't judge her, just accepted her and the bond she had had with our Mom, and she told us that Peter, her husband, didn't know any of the details of our family past, of her past with Janice, our Mom, and she asked us to keep it that way.We of course promised, and were a tight group of three again, and then Judy got up, and said she had to go and get Peter's dinner on, as he'd be home from work shortly. She gave us a hug, and left. Rachel looked at me, and said nothing. I didn't feel like talking either, so we had dinner in silence, and then we went and had our respective showers, and went to bed.***One day, about three weeks after the attack, I was at home on the computer looking for information on something, and I heard the front door open, and I heard Rachel say, "Just go in, and I'll be with you in a minute!"Then a stunning red-haired girl shyly walked into the living room, and she gave a start, and said, "Oh! I'm sorry. Rache' said for me to come in. I sorry if I disturbed you!".I was about to say something, but I noticed her shortened version of Rachel's name, and that confused me for a moment, and so I got up, and held out my hand, and told her that my name was Alfie Marks, "just call me Afie."She smiled, and the sun shone a bit brighter there in my living room. Then she looked at her hand in mine, and I let it go, saying sorry, and I asked her if she wanted something to drink. She looked around, and then it hit me she was looking for a booze cabinet! She also had a worried look on her face, and I said, "Oh, no, sorry! I meant a hot chocolate, or something?"Then my sister came into the room, changed into her at-home clothes, and introduced me to Mary-Louise, "call her Mel," who had moved into the old Winton place.Rachel explained that, as the new girl on the bus, the bullies had tried to pick on her, but she'd had to make them leave her alone, and she held up her hand, and her knuckles were skinned.Rachel grinned, and told me that the other girls were very sorry, and apologised for their mistake! Then the girls looked at each other, and burst out laughing.Then Rachel asked us if we've introduced each other yet, and apologised for not doing it. Rachel turned to the stunning girl, and asked, "So what do you think of my Big Brother?""God Rache'," she breathed, "you weren't kidding! He is a hunk!"I looked at my sister, and she giggled, and Mel followed suit, and the visitor to our home blushed under my scrutiny, and I must have looked foolish standing there, lost for words, because that set them off again, and then Rachel grabbed her hand, and towed her down the hallway to her room, where I could hear them laughing and talking at the same time, both of them.About time she'd got a friend to come home with her, I thought.***Later as we sat in the living room, Rachel was sitting on the Big Chair. She'd claimed it as hers, and I was happy with that, because I still had 'Old Faithful', as I had christened the couch. I could see her out of my peripheral vision. I found myself doing that more and more when she wore that thin old tee shirt! She looked up from the chair, and put her book down, put her knee up, leaned back, and put her hands behind her head, causing her tee shirt to press against her breasts, and she was bra-less, I noticed, and she said, "So, what do you think of Mel? Is she pretty, or what?"I looked up, and put my book down, and turned to her, I gasped, because I could see right between her legs, and her panty-covered womanhood was right in line with my eyes. I couldn't speak for a moment, and my jaw hung open. Then she giggled, and told me to answer the question!She'd gone shopping. Again, I thought, because these panties were new and almost sheer, and I could make out the curls of her dark pubic hair, and the swell of her thin clitoral hood, and her vaginal lips were full, and I could see a hint of her inner lips.Her nipples grew hard under my gaze, and my breathing became shallow, and I realised I was starting to gasp for breath as I looked at her, Her blue eyes were devilish, and I wondered how far she was going to take this."Oh, god, Rachel," I moaned, exasperated, "you make things so hard for me sometimes!""Well, I should hope so, I've been trying to for a while now, and you can be so gentlemanly and thick sometimes, it's annoying!" she almost snapped at me.Then I realised what she was saying, and it all clicked into place. "We can't, Rachel, we're brother and sister, for god's sake!""I know that, Alfie! But I told you I loved you, and I meant it! I think I fell in love with you that day when you gave me those flowers! No-one had been that kind to me, and I knew then that as soon as I smelled those flowers that I wanted you!"Then a steely look came into her eyes, and she told me, "I want you, and I'm giving myself to you, Alfie, whether you want me to or not!"I had sat up, and I was in shock, and then my own body betrayed me. My friend decided to wake up, and nothing I could think of would make him see sense. I stood, but I didn't know what I was going to do next. I was in a fog, and Rachel could see my erection, hard and aching with need in my jeans, and she sat there looking at it, her arms over her head, and her leg opened wider, and then I could smell her arousal.She stood, tore off her tee shirt and threw it onto the floor, and walked over to me, a languid slow walk that made my friend jump in my jeans. My gaze was fixed onto her chest, watching her breasts, so smooth and round, and I licked my lips, wanting to reach out and take her small round breasts into my mouth, and suck her very hard, rosy-tipped nipples.Then she was standing against me, kissing my chest, her breath light and feathery, her hands going to my belt, undoing it, and then her hands were at my zipper, and my jeans were pushed down to my feet, and I stepped out of them and kicked them away. My raging manhood stuck straight out, and she was sliding my boxers down my legs, and they joined my jeans.She took my length into her hands, and she moaned with happiness.***This beautiful woman took my hand, and led me to my bedroom, not saying a word, and then, sliding her panties down her thighs and off her legs, she knelt on the bed, and opened her arms to me. I joined her, hypnotised by her lush curves, and the light mat of hair at the base of her belly and we kissed, a deep slow kiss that radiated our longing for one another. My friend bobbed at her, full and heavy with need, and he poked enthusiastically toward her sex.Then we lay down and Rachel pushed me onto my back, and began to run her hands all over my chest, belly and thighs. She was making a contented noise in her throat, like a purr, and she was in heaven. She finally had the man of her dreams under her, and she loved it, revelled in the knowledge!I could tell by the look in her eye, and the triumphant smile on her face. Then running her fingertips across my chest she looked me in the eyes, and said, "I almost lost you, Alfie. I thought that if you'd died, I was going to follow you. I can't live without you.""You really have no idea, do you?" she continued. "Not a clue, you thick-headed, stubborn blind fool of a man! You are my hero, my knight in shining armour, you stood up for me, when no-one else did or would! You gave me kind words, words that burned themselves into my heart, and I would lie in bed at night and hear you saying them again, word for word, and I would see myself in your arms, and we would be happy together!""You saved me, my beautiful, wonderful, adorable Big Brother! You saved me when I thought I would be locked into the hell of being with the Higgins for the rest of my life!"Rachel straddled me, and she sat across my lower torso, and my impatient friend down there was touching the parting of her silky-skinned bottom."It's going to be tonight, my love," she purred, her eyes hooded with want and lust. "I can't wait any longer! I can't take that chance!"I hadn't touched her or said a word at this stage, I was stunned, and my mind had shut down, and my lecherous, twitching drooling friend down there was doing all my thinking for me.I was still afraid, afraid of the act we were about to commit, that would consummate the depth of love and longing that plagued us both. I was afraid of what tomorrow would bring, how would we feel about each other, if Rachel had decided that she'd made a mistake, or if I couldn't live with the guilt of knowing I had made love to my own sister?She was kissing my chest now, and her bottom was up, and she was rubbing the wet aroused slit of her hungry sex against my friend, they were meeting for the first time, and he was excited, eager at the introductions. Her hips were bobbing, a slight up and down motion, getting us both slick with our juices, and I had the powerful urge to grab her hips and ram myself into her.So, my reservations I buried deep, and I made the decision to give myself to her fully, and damn the consequences. Rachel wanted this, and if I wanted to be seriously and completely honest with myself, so did I!***My lust-filled, beautiful, exciting, intoxicating younger sister went to raise herself up, and I reached for her, and she said, no, later, she wanted me Now!, and she was panting in her desire. Rachel stood on the bed, looking down on me for a moment, and she had an exultant grin on her face. She'd won the prize, the jackpot, and she was going to enjoy it!She squatted down slowly, trying to keep eye contact with me. She wanted to share this moment with me as much as possible, and she wobbled for a moment on the bed, righted herself, and reached behind herself as soon as she was low enough to.Then she found me, and she moaned, and stroked me for a moment, and her body shivered in delicious delight. I still hadn't said a word, and she seemed happy for me not to. I then realised that the light was still on, but I had no memory of it being turned on. My eyes drank in the scene in front of me, and if it was at all possible, I became harder. Rachel drew the moment out, and so she should. This was her production, her moment in time, and it would never come again in her, or our, lifetimes.Then Rachel lined up the tip of my turgid member, and eased herself onto it. I could feel the petals of her virgin flower open to receive me, and she was hot and wet with her need. She made sure I wouldn't fall out, and I could feel her contract around my head, then she pushed back slightly, as she felt me begin to slip away from her. Then he was lodged against her firmly, and Rachel sat there, her weight on her hands on my chest, and on her feet on either side of my hips.She raised her head, gave a grin, but I could see a hint of reservation in her eyes, and I heard her whisper so low I almost missed it, "Please don't hurt, please don't hurt!" and then she gritted her teeth, and let herself slide down my member.I did feel her tunnel spasm around me as I went through the last barrier between us. She was so tight, so very moist and tight, and I groaned. Rachel sucked in her breath, a small whimper escaped her mouth, and then she was holding still, the head of my hard penis within her, she was panting, as though gathering herself for the final plunge.I felt something drip onto my pubic bone, into my pubic hair, and then once again, and looking down, I could see the blood from her ruptured hymen. Rachel reached down, dipped her finger in it, and held it up so I could see it, then she reached over to me, and smeared it from my hairline to my eyebrows, then dipping her finger again, smearing it from my brows to the tip of my nose. I took her finger, and licked the now-drying blood from it. It was coppery, and sweet from her juices.She held herself there, my turgid fullness still inside her, twitching with impatience for the final act, and Rachel grinned, dipped her head, the said, "Hail, my conquering hero! You have subdued the beast!" Then she giggled, and I felt her sheath contract around me."For now, anyway," she giggled.Then the sweet young girl took a deep breath, exhaled, and said, "Right, now for the moment of truth."Then she gave a sigh, and let go, and with a cry, her eyes wide open, her head back, looking at the ceiling, she slid down, until her pubic bone met mine with a bump.She surrendered finally, and she was filled.***Rachel sat on my hips and groin, and her head was down, and her hair was all around her head, so I couldn't see her face. I knew she was alive, because I could see her breathing. She still held some weight by her outstretched arms, her hands splayed on my chest. Her small rose-tipped nipples on her breasts rose and fell, and they were mesmerising."You know how they say that the fantasy is always better than the reality?" she asked, then flicked her hair away from her face so that I could see her."Well, in this case," she said quietly, awed, "they're damned well wrong!"And then she grinned, and started to move, raising herself up and then sliding down with a sigh. I started to move with her, into her, building up a rhythm, and she gave a happy sigh, and whispered, "I was wondering if I was going to have to do all the work!""Smartass," I growled at her, speaking for the first time, and she giggled, and we upped the tempo, and in the end, she held me even as I held her, and I was pounding up into her, her now no-longer virgin pussy taking me, being filled with me, and Rachel sobbed and cried for joy, tears of happiness running in rivulets down her cheeks.Time had no meaning. The minutes ticked by, but we didn't notice them, they slid past even as I slid into my joyous sister, and we were two of a kind, and then we were one.Then that old feeling started to boil up from the pit of my groin, and I could feel my climax approaching like a train, a big one, I knew, because I hadn't been with a woman for so long, and I became faster, even more frantic, wanting to bury as much of myself into her as I possibly could. Rachel knew I must be near, because she thrashed atop me, and then, like an explosion of two elemental forces, we were overcome with our orgasms, and we both collapsed, spent, onto the bed.****I lay there, blissful and happy. I had just made love to my sister, and I felt no guilt, far from it. I was glad to have done so, proud of it even, proud that I had made my little sister happy. She lay atop me, and she was slowly running her fingertips on my chest, and I softly asked her how she felt. She rubbed her cheek on me, and sighed, and then I felt the cool air on me, and I suddenly needed to go to the bathroom.Rachel raised her head, and kissed me, slowly, gently, and then she climbed off me, stood by the bed, my ejaculate tinged pink with her hymen blood starting to dribble down her thigh. She held her hand out to me, and asked if I wanted to shower with her.I was moving in a heartbeat.***We were back in bed, and I told Rachel to go to sleep, she needed to get up for school in the morning. She lay there, just looking at me, seeming to me like she was trying to memorise my face, and she snuggled against me, and asked, "Do you still love me?"I looked at her face, and she was worried, worried that I didn't love her for what she, we, had done, and she looked so vulnerable. I held her tight, and told her, yes, I still loved her, more than ever now, and I wasn't sorry at all, that if she wanted to, I'd like do it again with her, but I would never pressure her to repeat the wonderful experience.She buried her face against me and began to cry softly. She was elemental, emotional, because now that she didn't have to hold her emotions in anymore, she was learning that it was okay to show them."You always know what to say," she sniffed. "I'm so happy!"Then she snuggled into me as much as she possibly could, and then she closed her eyes, and with a happy smile went to sleep.I wasn't far behind her.***When I awoke in the morning, Rachel was already up and moving around. She had trained herself to get up at the same time every day, even on the weekends. Something had woken me. I looked around, and steaming cup of coffee was by my bedside, its aroma making my mouth water. Trust Rachel to know how to get me up.In the morning.Oh, hell, you know what I mean! Get that damn silly grin off your face!***I showered again, and walked out to the kitchen, with a towel around my waist, and using another to scrub the water out of my hair. Rachel was humming, dressed in her school uniform; she waltzed up to me, kissed me on the cheek, and started to dish up a hot breakfast. Scrambled eggs on toast, more toast, with butter and marmalade.I love marmalade!I sat down, and she came to my side, and I held her by the hip, and she pressed her near-side hip into my chest. I thanked her for the wonderful effort, and she told me thank you, and then she looked down at me, and she leaned down, and kissed me on the lips, then walked around the table to sit and start her breakfast. She kept watching me as she ate, not saying a word.I played her game! I was watching her, and a battle of wills was being played, each trying to outlast the other. I tried so hard to keep a smile off my face, but it broke through, and suddenly both of us were laughing, laughing at nothing, and we both looked and felt happier than we'd ever been.***Rachel was gone to school, and I wasn't in any hurry to go out and find some work, even though there were a couple of calls, both involving heavy lifting. I called them and thanked them for their offers, but I couldn't do it, as the doctor had told me to take it easy for a few weeks, to give my body a chance to heal. I still had stiffness and soreness in my back, and as they knew about the attack, being in the news, they understood, and promised to keep me on their books.The day passed reasonably quickly, and I was in the kitchen, getting food prepped for dinner. I heard Rachel come in, and I called out to her that I was in the kitchen, and did she want anything to drink? Then I heard a musical voice say, "Oh my God! He cooks! Rachel, now I'm really jealous! You have the Perfect Man!"I turned, and my back twinged, and I saw Mel standing there, looking as beautiful as ever in her school uniform.Both girls came through the door, and Rachel kissed me on the cheek, giving Mel a sideways look, a bit proprietarily, maybe, but she smiled and said, "That's right, and he's all mine!" Then both girls grinned, and then Rachel came to stand by me, and she watched me for a moment, then turned to Mel, and said, "Come on, let me show you my undies!," and then they were gone, and I stood there in shock, the potato and peeler forgotten.I could hear them cackling in the bedroom.Show Mel her undies? The vision of Rachel standing there and lifting her school dress up and flashing Mel her panties got me hard in less time that it takes to say it. My friend was smug and happy, and he wanted me to know all about it!***Rachel had convinced her new friend to stay for dinner, and then Mel called her parents, Carl and Roberta, to ask for permission, they agreed, so long as Mel didn't come home too late, and I told Mel to tell them I would walk her home when she was ready, earning me a startled look from her, and then the dinner was on the table, and we had a ball, chatting, having a lively conversation, and I got to understand this bright young girl, and to know her as she opened up to me.They had moved from a small town, she told me, because her father had gotten a transfer, he was in the computer IT sector, he was in the Army reserves, which I perked up at hearing, and she said that they were having trouble getting a horrible smell out of the house. "It's really disgusting," she said. "At night, it seems to get worse, and Dad has gone over every inch of the place, under the house, up in the attic crawlspace, but no dead animals were found, 'cos that's what it smells like!"I told her about Tom Winton and his sons' bathing habits, or rather, their lack of them; she wrinkled up her nose and shuddered, and promised to tell her Mom and Dad about it.-= Chapter Four =-Rachel left Mel with me, or should I say, in my company, while she went to shower after dinner, and she re-appeared wearing her tee shirt and panties, and that caused Mel to gasp in shock and blush prettily.Rachel was wearing one of her tees, which of course was shorter than my/her old one, and she had a pair of thin panties on, that really hugged her mons as she walked. As she walked into the living room, I, of course, pretended not to notice, but Mel sure did!Rachel had gone into a store at the mall and got them to personalise a tee for her, and the one she'd got had a big heart in red rhinestones, with the words, Big Brothers Rock! on it. She was wearing that, and she walked like a Queen when she entered the room. Mel grabbed her by the arm when she sat down on the Big Chair, as they both could fit on it, and she whispered in Rachel's ear loud enough for me to hear, "Rachel! What are you doing! He's your brother; you can't wear something like that in front of him!"She was horrified, but titillated as well, and her eyes glittered in excitement, for her friend was doing something dangerous and forbidden, at least for her, and she was feeling an adrenaline rush, I knew.I looked up, and in a mock bored voice, said, "Oh, Rachel does that all the time! She thinks she can get a rise out of me. Huh! Thank god for books!," then I pretended to read again.Rachel dropped her jaw, outrage on her face, and Mel was looking at her, at me, and her eyes had flown open, and suddenly both girls were giggling and laughing. I got up, and before they could defend themselves, I attacked them both, and tickled them. Both girls shrieked, wriggling trying to get away, almost falling off the chair, and I was laughing, and then they turned the tables on me, by jumping up at the same moment, and ganged up on me!Then I was on the floor, trying to get away, my arms at my side, and one of the girls fell on me, and her knee went into my back. I howled, and then I was groaning in pain, bent backwards in agony, and suddenly, the fun evaporated, and they were all over me, panicking.Mel was crying, apologising profusely, and when I could speak again, I tried to calm her down, panting in pain. They lifted me up, and helped me onto the couch. Rachel told Mel to sit with me, and then she went into the kitchen, saying she was putting the jug on. But as soon as she was out of sight, I heard her crying softly.Mel was saying sorry all the time, and her eyes pleaded for forgiveness. I held her, and managed to calm her down. I apologised to her for scaring her, and then she was in my arms, and she was hugging me for all she worth, and I could feel her young teenaged body, so firm and yet so soft, she smelled so clean and girly, and there was an aroma underlying that, and my friend woke up, and I had that old argument with him, and he lost. Then the pain went away, and I began to relax. That communicated itself to Mel, and then, we were just sitting there, holding each other, quietly.***Mel didn't leave my side, surprising me, when Rachel came back in. She gave me a coffee, and Mel a hot chocolate, and Mel held me, and was trying to comfort me, even though I was feeling better. Rachel sat on the Big Chair, watching us, and she was sombre, and then I noticed what I thought was a calculating look in her eye. She put her cup down, and said, "You know, Mel, it's the weekend in a couple of days. Would you like to come here for a sleepover?"Mel looked at her, then at me, and she blushed, and replied, "Um, I don't know. I'm sure Mom and Dad would let me, but what about you, Alfie, um, Mr. Marks?"I said, "Alfie is fine Mel! And yes, you can come over, you're always welcome here! Just because we had a little accident doesn't mean I'm going to hold it against you. You're more than welcome in this house!"She became excited at that, and soon both girls were back in the Big Chair, and enthusiastically making plans for the weekend.***Then Friday was here, and Rachel and Mel had planned for them to come straight here to our place instead of Mel going home first. She had gone home that night, and I walked beside her, and we talked about what happened, and I made my point that it was indeed an accident, and I was fine. I told her it was okay, she was still invited to have a sleepover, because now both Rachel and I had invited her, and she was outnumbered, so there!Mel giggled prettily at that, and at her gate, she shot a look at her house, and when she didn't see anyone watching, stepped up to me, held me for a moment, and kissed me on the lips, and thanked me for a 'really neat night', and then turned away and went inside her house, but the way her bottom swished in her school uniform made me a little tight in the jeans.So now, it was Friday afternoon, and there was two chattering, giggling girls in my house, and both bugging me to rent a video, and make 'absolutely tons of popcorn!', and then, our night was sorted.I splurged for pizzas, and a case of soft-drinks, and then we were ensconced on the living room floor, in the evening, preparing to watch "Love, Actually," a British chick-flick.Don't knock it; it's actually a damn fine movie.Rachel was dressed a little more demurely that night. But I caught her looking at me, and I knew she wanted to wear her tee and panties.Then we watched a favourite of mine, an old Richard Dreyfuss movie called, "Always," a love story.What? Can't men enjoy a good movie once in a while?Then, full of pizza, popcorn, and fizzy drinks, the girls retired to their room. I got up, cleaned up and turned everything off.***I showered and went to bed. There wasn't a sound coming from Rachel's bedroom, and the door was closed. I thought they might have gone to bed, and both would have been comfortable on it, because I had got Rachel a Queen-sized bed when she moved in with me, and she was in love with it, because she had been sleeping in an old single bed before.When we'd set it up in her room, she lay on it, her arms spread out in a cross, and she had looked like a doll on it, a small girl on a big bed. We didn't always spend our evenings together. Sometimes she just wanted to have alone-time, and would spend her time in her room, and would lie on her bed, and just do her own thing.After I had been in bed for about an hour, my door slowly opened, and I turned my head slowly, and saw both girls at my door, looking in my direction. It was a moonless night, so they couldn't see me all that well. There was a murmured conversation, and Rachel left Mel at the door, crept tiptoed up to my bed, and whispered softly, her lips against my ear, "Pretend to be asleep! This is important!" Then she tiptoed back to the door, and there was hissing of them having a whispered argument.So Rachel just matters into her own hands, and opened the door with one hand, and pulled Mel into the room with the other. Mel was reluctant, and Rachel said to her in a soft normal voice, "Well? You wanted to know what a man's penis looked like. Now's your chance. Are you telling me you're chickening out? Too late for that, Mel!"Mel shot a look at me, but I pretended to be asleep. I wondered what Rachel was up to. Since we'd made love, it was like another woman was living with me. She'd changed, become more self-assured, more mature.Mel looked torn, she wanted to find out what I looked like, but being a virginal young girl, she was scared. She wanted to do this, Rachel throwing down a dare she didn't want to back down from, but she was in deep, and she had no firm ground under her feet. I could identify with her; I had been the same with Rachel not that long ago myself.***"But what if he wakes up?" she whispered. "He'll be mad!"That's right, I thought, shift responsibility onto me, and I was supposed to be asleep, not knowing they were there!"He won't wake up. I know him, remember? He can sleep through a truck driving through the house. Here, watch!" She bent over me, and snapped her fingers next to my ear, but I just swatted my hand, like I was waving an annoying fly away. "See?" she said.I pretended to mumble, then placed my hands on my stomach. The sheet and blankets were up to my waist, so all they saw was the top half of my body. Then Mel figured she had an ace-in-the-hole, and played it."He'll be wearing underwear! How do you plan to get them off?""That's easy!" Rachel said. "Look!," and then she pulled the blankets away, and I was fully naked in front of the shocked teen."Holy cow!" she breathed. "Are you sure he won't wake up?""Nope," Rachel told her. "We need some light so you can see him better," and then she slid my drapes open, and the light from the street lights poured into the room, illuminating my body. I murmured, and placed my arm over my eyes, but didn't cover them completely, so the young girl thought I was merely shielding my eyes from the minimal glare coming in. I had my eyes cracked open slightly, and I could see them clearly."Oh my god, Rachel," Mel told her, "If Mom and Dad found about this, I'm dead! If Alfie wakes up, he'll go ballistic! Maybe we should forget about this, and go to bed!"***Rachel stood there, and she was in her bra and panties. Mel was wearing a nighty, and I saw her nipples were hard, and I could see the outline of small breasts under her shift. Rachel's nipples were hard as well, and I started to feel the tingle of an approaching erection, and the battle was on, and I was determined to win it. I had no idea what Rachel had in mind, and I didn't want to ruin it for her."No. We stay, because you wanted to see a penis. Well, Mel there it is! Go on, touch it! Do something!"Mel just stood there, and she was staring at my penis lying on my thigh. She couldn't keep her eyes off it, and she swayed in its direction, but didn't move toward me. With an exasperated noise, Rachel took her hand, and towed her to the bed. Mel squealed, and looked at me guiltily. They stood by the bed, and Rachel told her, "Okay, I'll go first, seeing as you're so shy. But you gotta have your turn, are we clear on that?"Mel was undecided, but she eventually nodded, still staring at my member.So my crafty sister sat on the bed, and Rachel reached over, scooped her fingers around my penis, curled her hand around it, and started to stroke up and down the piece of flesh between my legs. Mel moaned, and looked amazed, and I was catching a whiff of arousal, and it wasn't from my busy sister!"Ohmigod!" Mel breathed. Then, like a mouse in the hypnotic gaze of a snake, she slowly came over to the bed, and reached over, and Rachel let go of me, and Mel took over. As soon as she took my penis in her hand, and began stroking, I started to grow in her hand. She let go of me quickly, and got off the bed, looking at her hand, and then looking at me."Oh, for god's sake," my sister said, "It's not going to hurt you! They always do that! Really Mel, you're so naïve!"That coming from a girl who was a virgin herself, not that long ago?***Mel looked hurt, and went to move away, and Rachel went to her, held her, and apologised for being so mean. "Come on," she told the skittish girl, "let's start again. It's not that hard," then they both looked at my now-deflated penis, "not yet, anyway!" Then they both giggled softly, and both of them sat on the bed, one either side of me.Rachel told Mel to try again, so she reached over, and scooped me up, like she saw Rachel do.The red-haired teen was concentrating on what she was doing. She was surprisingly gentle. She didn't want to wake me, for fear of the consequences. She stroked me in an up and down motion, and I briefly thought that girls must be born with the ability to do hand-jobs, because her hand felt like she'd been doing it all of her short life. Then the smell of her arousal became stronger, and she began to breathe shallowly, and she began to shift around on the bed as she masturbated me. Her free hand began to slide toward her young pert breasts, so Rachel got up, went around to her side, and started to pull her nighty off.***Mel immediately let me go, and wrapped her arms around her chest."What are you doing!" she gasped."What do you think?" Rachel said. "You were trying to get to your boobs, and I'm helping you!""Rachel," she protested, "I'm not wearing a bra! What if he sees?""He won't," my sister told her, "he's asleep, remember? If it will help you any, I'll go topless too!"With that, she reached behind herself, and undid the catch of her bra, and her lovely orbs were being bathed in the glow of the streetlights, her nipples hard."See? No problem! Now you!"Mel looked confused. She looked up to her protector, as Rachel looked up to me. I felt for her. She really wanted to fit in with this older girl, but she was a young skittish thirteen-year-old, and she was having one shock to her system after another.With an anguished, "oh my god!" she took hold of her nighty hem and slowly pulled it up over her head. She was beautiful! I almost ruined things by moaning at the sight of her pert young breasts. They were round and small, her puffy nipples going hard without anything to cover them, They were pale, and she had a scattering of freckles on her upper chest, and I began to fill with desire, and then Mel sighed, and turned her attentions back to me, softly stroking me again.Rachel moved behind the girl, and began to give her a shoulder massage, and Mel quickly began to unwind, and then she was relaxed under Rachel's hands. Rachel moved her hands down her back, stroking and rubbing Mel, and Mel had a dreamy look on her face, and her fingers gripped my now very hard tumescence, and she began a rolling motion in time to Rachel's hands, spreading my pre-cum along its length.Then Rachel moved her hands up to Mel's shoulders again, and she stayed there for a little while, then her hands slipped down, and then she was massaging Mel's breasts! She seemed to know exactly what she was doing; she rolled Mel's nipples, and softly kneaded the sweet young mammaries. Mel leaned back into Rachel's breasts, her mouth open and she groaned in pleasure.***Mel's hand had stilled, so Rachel gently reminded her to continue, and Mel was in a world of sexual feelings, and she murmured, "Hmmm?""Your hand, keep going, he's near, I can tell," my sister murmured into her ear.She wasn't wrong. I could feel my climax approaching, and it was bubbling, waiting for release.Rachel began to apply a bit more pressure to Mel's dainty breasts, and she mewled, her head back, and her mouth gasping for breath. Rachel had been watching me, waiting for me to blow. She told Mel, "Look down! There, do you see?"Mel looked at my erection throbbing in her hand, and then when she focussed on it, my hips bucked up, and I was spurting all over my chest and belly, and then I did groan, I couldn't help myself. But I kept my eyes shaded, and led Mel to believe I was still asleep.***Mel had her mouth open; she couldn't believe what just happened. For the first time in her young life, she'd given pleasure to a man, and her eyes lit up with amazement and pride. She looked at Rachel, who grinned at her."Congratulations!" Rachel told her, "You did a great job! I'm so proud of you!" She threw her arms around the girl, and hugged her, and Mel sat there, stunned and groggy with the praise. She held her hand up, and looked at it, then down to my deflating cock, and breathed, "Holy cow! Did I really do that?"Rachel giggled, and said, "Yep!," and then she pulled Mel out of the room, pushing her to the bathroom, and told her, "Get cleaned up, and I'll clean up in here, otherwise he'll know something happened!"Mel disappeared quickly. Rachel went and got a towel, and closing my door, she came up to me, smiled, then kissed me, and as she wiped me off, asked "So, how was it?"I grinned at her. "You're a devious young woman, Rachel Marks," I told her. "But thank you anyway. She's got a lot of potential, and I wonder how far you'll take this?"Rachel picked up her and Mel's clothing, kissed me again, smiled at me, then she was gone, and I was feeling exhausted.***I have to admit, breakfast was a tad strained the next morning. Mel couldn't take her eyes off me, watching me for any sign that I knew what had happened the night before, and Rachel was trying not to laugh at her as Mel sat there, her eyes boring into me. I put my fork down, and wiped my hand over my face, and I asked Rachel if I had a booger hanging out of my nose?Rachel lost it, and bolted from the table, laughing so hard she was choking in mirth. Mel sat there mortified, and she was making strangling sounds, and I sat there with an innocent look on my face. I fixed Mel with a confused look, and asked if anything was wrong, and what had happened, had I gone ugly?She bolted from the table, as well, and then I heard Rachel explode with mirth again, and I didn't see them for the rest of the morning.***I took the girls to an art exhibition that had opened that day, and we wandered around, and then went for burgers and fries at a take-out I knew. Rachel was just as fascinated as Mel, neither having seen that part of town before. I would give them the history of the places we went to, and both were their old selves, chatting and gaping like the young girls they were.We were sitting in a park, at a bench off to one side, watching some ducks swim in the pond. Mel couldn't understand why Rachel was so surprised and ignorant about the places we went to. Surely she'd seen them before, having grown up there? Was she acting that way for her benefit?Rachel looked at me, and I held her hand, and told her that if she wanted to explain why, that was up to her, but I thought it would be better if she did it. So Rachel walked away with Mel, and sat at a bench not far away. I just sat at mine, and waited.When they came back, Mel was weeping, and Rachel had her arm around her. She sat her friend down next to me, and Mel buried her head into me, and held me, gripping me tightly, as she sobbed for her friend and the life she'd had. Rachel leaned into her back with her arms around her waist, her cheek on the girl's shoulder, and she held the crying young teen while she poured out her grief.***I did my best to cheer Mel up, but she was looking at Rachel in a new way, as a girl who'd lived for years under a sadistic regime, who'd survived, and now was relatively 'normal', and Mel's respect for her skyrocketed. Mel was also looking at me in a different way, as well. As a man who'd stepped in and saved his sister from a life of brutality, and as someone who could be trusted to never let that happen to anyone. But, I can't save the world. I'm not superman. Some of her barriers came down, and she would stand or walk closer to me, with fewer reservations now.When we got home, Rachel went into the kitchen to prepare the dinner. We had spaghetti and sauce, a thick ground beef sauce that clung to the noodles, and we were full and happy when we finally pushed our plates away. Mel helped with the dishes, and Rachel asked her if she wanted to stay again tonight? Mel ran to the phone, and within a couple of minutes, she was smiling and told us she had permission, and her Mom was impressed I had taken her to an art exhibition.Judy came over, and we introduced our new friend to her. Judy's eyes gleamed as she gave the girl an up-and-down look, then she smiled at the girl and shook her hand, and then Judy turned to look at Rachel and I, and Mel didn't see the wink she gave us. Judy leaned into us, licked her lips, and whispered, "Mmmm, nice!"She stepped back, and we all grinned, but Mel didn't get the joke. We chose not to say.***Let me tell you a little about Judy. She stood about five- six, was slim, had dark brown, almost chestnut hair, and it had red highlights that were natural, and glinted in the sun. Her legs were firm and shapely, and she had an impressive bust. It wasn't big, huge, I mean, but she looked damn good to any red-blooded male! And for that matter, any woman who'd noticed her attributes. I had never seen her naked, so I can't tell what she looked like under her clothes, but she had a fine figure for her age, and she knew it, but she never played on it.She always reminded me of an Earth Mother, and you automatically trusted her. She was easy to get along with, and she could listen to you talk for hours, having a natural ability to fade into the background, then reappearing to give you sound advice.As I said before, I loved her, and she was like a second mother to me.Judy stayed with us for a couple of hours, as Peter was out of town on a business trip, and so feeling a bit lonely in an empty house, she'd came calling to hear the sound of human voices.I did notice Judy and Rachel exchanging long and meaningful stares, as though they were having a telepathic conversation, and I did feel like asking them about it, but I left it. It didn't really bother me, and every girl needs her secrets, right?As I didn't really watch television, having my books, and now the computer, it wasn't switched on. Mel asked if she could sit at the computer, saying there was something she wanted to look up, and so I let her, and she was quickly absorbed in surfing the net. She zoned out, and we left her to it.Judy and Rachel stood up, and Rachel told me she wanted to talk to Judy about something, made sure Mel was fine with her not being there, but the teen just waved her had at them and told her 'to go for it,' and so they went down to Rachel's room, and I heard the door close. Rachel and Judy had gotten close during my stay in hospital. When they were together, they were always standing close to each other, and would hold whispered conversations, occasionally turning to look at me, whether to see if I was listening, or what, I didn't know, and didn't really care.Rachel was not my exclusive property, and I gave her her freedom, and she respected that, but didn't abuse it. We had to live in the same house together, and I would rather live with her, than without her.***At some point, I had to empty my bladder, and so I made my way to the bathroom and relieved the built up pressure. After washing my hands, I went to return to the living room, and I heard what I thought was a cry from Rachel's room. I stopped outside her door, and listened for a moment, wondering if she was alright, and was about to call out, resting my hand on the door, when it swung inward a couple of inches. I looked into the room, and I was stunned by what I saw, and my erection exploded into life by the scene before me! Rachel was lying on her back on the bed, her knees up, nude from the waist down, and Judy was kneeling on the floor, and she had her head buried between my sister's legs, busy licking her pussy!Neither saw me, so I held the door handle, and pulled it back, just so I could see them. Rachel was tossing her head, her eyes half-closed, and her hands were splayed, gripping the duvet in convulsive movements, and she was making disarticulated sounds. Her hips were moving under Judy's tongue, and Judy's slacks and underwear were around her knees, and a hand was busy between her legs, and she was moaning into Rachel's sex while she was orally stimulating her, and goading her own peak into fruition.Then Rachel raised her head and climaxed, her body shuddering, her hips flicking up into Judy's face. Then her head flopped back down, and Judy began to ride her own climax to glory.I softly closed the door as quietly as I could, and crept back up the hallway, lost in thought.***They reappeared about ten minutes later, looking like nothing had happened except girl talk, and I said nothing, but I did notice that Rachel looked flushed.I began to look at Judy in a new light from that point in time, as a sexual being, surprising myself that I hadn't before. I knew she was married, and that she and Mom had been lovers, but I hadn't seen her as an active sexual partner before. The thought didn't disturb me, as such, but I was disquieted by my lack of foresight.Judy left after another half-hour, saying she was tired, and needed some sleep. Rachel walked her to the door, and saw her off, wishing her a good night, then returned, and sat in her favourite chair, a smile on her face, staring off into space, while Mel was still busy on the computer.***Another hour later, and we called it a night, and Mel thanked me for using the computer, and then they headed off to shower and get ready for bed. I cleaned up, then turned off the lights, waited for the girls to finish their showers, had mine, and I climbed into bed, replaying in my mind what I'd seen in Rachel's bedroom.A couple of hours later, I was woken by Rachel sliding into my bed. She was nude, and she held me and was silent, as if gathering her thoughts."Thank you," she said, finally."For what? I replied. "For not saying anything. Judy didn't see you, but I did. I really should make sure that door is properly closed before anything happens. She would have been embarrassed if she'd seen you standing there, and it would have caused a big problem for us."She went up on an elbow, and she touched my face. "Judy thought we were being discreet. She loves you, and she doesn't want to hurt you, and if she knew you'd seen her with your sister, I don't know what she'd say or do."Then Rachel asked me if I had any problems with what I'd seen them doing. I thought for a minute or two, but I looked her in the eye and told her that what they did was between the two of them, and I really had no right to judge them for finding happiness in each other's arms, or body parts. I confessed to her that I'd been turned on by it, actually.Rachel looked at me, and hugged me, telling me she was happy that I was okay with them then. I said I was, and not to worry about it. When they chose to bring it up, I would support them, no matter what. I loved them both, and that thought made me happy.***Rachel smiled, and pulled me onto her. We kissed, and before too long, we were both hot and bothered, and my erection bloomed into life, and Rachel reached down, held me in her warm hand, gave me a couple of strokes, and positioned me at her cleft. I entered her slowly, basking in the feel of her hot wet and oh-so-tight tunnel, and then I was joined with her, and we began to move against each other, slowly, quietly, lest we wake Mel.Rachel told me that she had lain in bed feigning sleep until Mel had dozed off, and once she was positive that Mel was deeply asleep, had gotten out bed and came to me. We continued moving together, and Rachel began to gasp, and I'd pull out until only my crown was in her then slide forward until I was buried to the hilt. I did this over and over again, causing Rachel to gasp, "You're really good! We should do this more often!" causing both of us to chuckle, and shush each other.Then I was riding my peak, trying not to ram myself into her. Rachel began to convulse, attaining her own release. We moved together slowly, until I had no hardness left, and I slipped from her wet and willing sex, soft and sated.***In the morning, Mel had breakfast with us, and then she went home, thanking us both for a wonderful weekend. I assured her again that she was welcome to come over anytime she wished; the door would always be open to her. Mel smiled widely, and with a wave, she left, almost skipping with happiness.-= Chapter Five =-As Rachel got out and explored her new world, she made friends in the neighbourhood, and sometimes, one or three of them would appear on the doorstep, and then they'd disappear down to her room, and they'd have a ball. She weeded out the bad ones, and the troublemakers, choosing girls who were bright, intelligent, and were easy to get along with, and she didn't care about how old they were, either. Rachel was no respecter of persons, meaning she accepted them for who they were, and not for their social standing or perceived abilities or ages.There was one girl, Diana Marie Slocum, who at eleven, was a genius, and at school that made her an outsider, and a social pariah, labelled 'geek' and 'freak', and her life at school was miserable, to say the least.Rachel took her under her wing, and soon, the preteen was blossoming under the older girls' protection, guidance, and love.They'd usually be found in Rachel's room, working on a homework problem of one description or another, sprawled across the bed, and having a conversation that revolved around a variety of subjects. If truth be told, she loved Rachel as a big older sister, and Rachel always had time for her.Diana was a forward girl, who radiated maturity, even at her young age. She'd confessed one time to me, that she'd always felt like she'd been 'born old'.Rachel had graduated from glasses, to contacts, and she was a stunning beauty, and where there's an attractive teenage girl there's always a teenage boy hanging around somewhere. One young man would make a habit of walking outside our house, sneaking looks at the house, hoping Rachel would look at him.At first, Rachel used to joke, "My admirer's back!," or something to that effect, but as she got to know him, or about him, (here's a word of warning, fellas. Women have their own intelligence system, and the CIA would be out of business in a heartbeat if the governments of the world adopted it!), she found out that he had slight mental problems, and as much as she felt for him, she didn't want to go there, some things being too painful to confront.In the end, I had to have a word to his parents, and he didn't come around anymore. I really didn't feel proud of myself afterward.***Then one day, Diana, who was sitting on the Big Chair, her legs tucked under her was drinking hot chocolate, imitating Rachel's way of sitting, the eleven year old looked at me, and dropped a bombshell on me that threatened our very existence. She fixed me with a look, and turning her cup in her hands, said matter-of-factly, "You and Rachel are having sex."I froze; suddenly tense, and my fight-or-flight response kicked in, and my body went cold. Rachel, who was about to enter the room, stopped dead, and she went pale, looked at me, and went still. Then, gathering her courage, walked quietly over to me, and sat down, and held my hand.We three looked at each other, and then Diana nodded, and said, "No denial. No guilt. That means you are not sorry for it happening. I had to be sure."She gave a mysterious smile, and said, "I won't judge you. I seduced my father when I was nine. I was waiting for my body to catch up, but I couldn't wait any longer. It hurt the first time, of course, because this body wasn't ready for him, but he tried to be so gentle with me, and so I forgave him his mistakes."She smiled into her cup, and said quietly, "He's such a dear man. I couldn't have asked for better."***"It's easy to spot," she continued, looking up at us. "Once you've crossed that line, you can see the signs, if you look for them."Rachel and I sat there, everything around us forgotten, shocked to our core at this startling disclosure, not knowing what to say, or do. Diana had put a noose around our necks, and had willingly done the same for herself, and her father, sharing and entwining our fates, and we were now party to all of our hidden secrets."So, what happens now?" I asked this mature woman who was trapped inside a preteen's body.She just sat there, her old eyes watching us, and she said, "Nothing. We carry on, and don't tell anybody, of course. We all have our secrets, and our various skeletons hidden away in our respective closets, and so that now we know where we all stand, nothing changes. You continue your relationship in your own way, and I will mine with my father. My mother left us when I was a child, or," she grinned ruefully, "younger than I am now, and if she'd stayed around, that could have made things a bit, shall we say, difficult?"She laughed, but it was as a grown woman, not a child, who did. She stood, and put her cup down. "I really must go now. Dad will be home from work soon, and he enjoys having dinner waiting for him. It lightens his responsibilities to have me cook for him, and I enjoy doing so for him". She gave Rachel a look, and said, "I hear you bake! We'll have to have a bake-off!"Diana moved to the door, and stopped, turned to us as we sat there stunned by this development, and said, "Expect a call in a couple of days. Dad and I belong to an exclusive group, and so do you now. It would relieve him of his burden of guilt knowing he's not alone. He really needs another male to talk to, someone who knows what he's going through, someone who won't judge him.""I hope you'll do this for me," she asked, her eyes soft, "because I love him dearly, and who knows," she said looking at my crotch, "maybe we can do a foursome!"Then she giggled, and walked out of the door.***As the door closed and latched my sister and I just sat there, our heads swimming, and I felt a great relief, an unburdening, like a death sentence over my head that had been pardoned.Rachel looked shocked, and said, "Nine? She gave herself at nine? Holy shit!"We sat there, dinner forgotten, and talked it out, and no resolutions were arrived at, and we agreed to leave things as they were until the Phone Call, and then went to our respective beds, and I know neither of us got much sleep that night.That Friday, early evening, I was on the computer, researching incest, and its various forms and punishments, waiting for dinner to cook. It was pot roast, and I had made plenty, as I liked it cold as well, when the phone rang. Rachel was there in an instant, and we both looked at it, like it was a rattlesnake waiting to bite us if we picked it up. Rachel, who was nearest to it, picked it up finally, and said, "Hello? Marks residence."She listened for a moment, and then handed the phone to me, a scared look in her eyes. She hugged herself, and looked worried. I took it, my hands sweaty. I said "Hello? This is Alfie Marks," and a quiet, deep male voice, shy and trembling a little, said, "Mr. Marks? This is Robert Williamson; I believe you know my daughter, Diana?"I said yes, she was a friend of my sister, Rachel. He sounded relieved, and said, "Mr. Marks; I believe we have something in common. Can Diana and I come over and talk about it with you? As soon as possible, if that's alright with you?"***I took a deep breath, and told him that if he liked pot roast, why don't they come over for dinner tonight?"There was a moment of silence, and I could faintly hear a whispered conversation in the background. He must have had his hand over the receiver, and was talking to Diana. Then he came back onto the line, and said, that would be fine, and what time should they come over, and did they need to bring anything?I told him six-thirty, and nothing else, unless they wanted to. He had a smile in his voice, and promised to be here then, said goodbye, and rung off.I didn't realise I'd been holding my breath, and let it out slowly, somewhat alleviated, yet more wound up."So that's it then," I said to Rachel. "We have guests for dinner, so I guess I'll put more vege's on!" Then I got up, and to keep my hands from trembling, I peeled a few more potatoes, and tried not to think of the coming meal.***When the knock at the door came, both Rachel and I leapt to our feet, and almost ran to the door, yet dreading to do so. We stood there as it opened, a united front, and when the door opened, I felt a sense of disappointment, astonishing me for some reason. Robert Williamson didn't look how I'd pictured him, but don't ask me to tell you how I had done so, as I couldn't even if I tried.He stood just over six feet, good looking in a rugged way, and he was tanned and fit, his belly flat, slightly muscular, causing Rachel to murmur appreciatively, and he had an open face. I could see worry in his eyes, and he held Diana around the shoulders, a little bit possessively, and also for comfort, for him, mainly.He had a full head of blonde hair, and he wore glasses, being short-sighted I guessed, correctly as it turned out later as we chatted in the living room. He'd bought a bottle of sparkling white wine, and I looked at the label, and complimented him on his choice, knowing the winery, which caused him to raise his brows in surprise, and he smiled in appreciation.I had visited it while on a road trip, and ended up buying a case of their vintage wine, sweet and smooth, just the way I liked it.When they were inside, we sat in the living room, and we got to know them, and they us, but the real subject of their visit wasn't mentioned, and we fenced back and forth, neither side wanting to bring it out into the open. We were wary, not wanting to say the wrong thing, unable to say the first word about the 'I' subject.***Then it was dinner time, and I opened the wine, getting glasses for all of us, and Robert and Diana relaxed, as did Rachel and I, then we were full, and dinner was over, the bottle empty. The two girls said they were going to do the dishes, 'to give us men a chance to talk,' giving us a meaningful look, and pointing at the living room. We looked at each other, and grinned sheepishly. Robert said to me as we went in, "Do they always know how to make a grown man feel like child?" He was grinning still, and had broken the ice by making a joke. I smiled back and told him, "don't worry, it was in their genes," and we both stopped, turned at the same time, and looked at their butts as the girls stood at the sink, their jean clad rear-ends looking really good, and then they must have felt our eyes on their derrieres, because they turned and with mock severity, shooed us out, giggling.We sat there like two schoolboys, looking, yet not looking, at each other. Rachel and Diana came in, handed us each a coffee, and went to Rachel's room, leaving us alone to talk. Robert sipped his coffee, and hummed appreciatively. "She always knows how to make a great cup of coffee," he said, meaning his daughter. "She can brighten up a rainy day, just by doing so.""Same with Rachel," I replied. "She taught herself all the basics after moving in with me. She's a quick study, and never gets it wrong more than once."Then Robert put his cup down onto the coffee table, and sat back, and said, "Okay, Alfie. May I call you Alfie? Call me Bob. We both know what we have to talk about. I admit it to you, I'm just too damn scared to start off, because I'm not sure I believe what Diana told me about you."I gazed at this scared, defensive, and defenceless man in my living room, who kept rubbing his hands down his jeans, his hands sweaty, and I could sympathise, because mine were too. I put down my cup, and I took the bull by the horns, saying, "Okay Bob. This is how it goes, and I'm going to be completely honest with you, no holding back. Judge me if you will, but you're going to get the truth!"Then, leaning forward, I fixed my eyes on his, and said, "Bob, I'm having sex with my sister. We make love occasionally, and I took her virginity. She gave it to me, actually, as she wanted to claim me as her own. I have no qualms about sleeping with her. I love her, and I am not sorry, nor am I feeling guilty about what we do. That's our life, and come hell or high water, we aren't going to be stopping anytime soon!"After that speech, I sat back, the ball in his court now.Bob sat there digesting what I'd told him, and he had a quizzical look on his face."Diana was a precocious child," he said quietly. "She was always smart, intelligent, I mean, and she was always so much more mature than her mother. She used to pull her mother up all the time for not looking after me properly, and somehow, she found out about our sex life, or lack of it, after she turned three. It was an easy birth, like she couldn't wait to come out and experience the world around her. After Diana was born, Lorraine didn't want me to touch her, pushing me away and telling me no, even if I tried to hold her, to give her hug!"He rambled back and forth, trying to get his thoughts in a coherent order. He stopped talking, and took a sip of his coffee. I did the same."When Diana was five" he continued, "she'd had an argument with Lorraine. Diana asked her flat out why she didn't have sex with me anymore! She even asked her mother if she was having an affair! I heard it all! They were at each other, hammer and tongs, and it was a doozy! But when Diana asked her mother that question, Lorraine went pale, and didn't say a word. My whole world came crashing down, and I was heart-broken. I didn't know! I had no idea. Lorraine walked out a couple of days after that, and left us alone."***"Diana just stepped into her mother's shoes after that. She'd sleep in my bed, she'd shower with me, we'd wash each other and we came to know each other's bodies intimately. She was helping me with the chores, and she was like she was always in a hurry, like she was waiting for something to happen, but it wasn't until she turned nine that she told me she wanted to have sex with me.""I just couldn't, you know?" His eyes were stricken, and tears came into his eyes, to run down his cheeks. I felt for him. I knew something of the battle he'd had with himself. I nodded, and told him so."I hadn't touched another woman after Lorraine walked out of our lives, and when I masturbated, all I could see in my fantasies was Diana's body as I washed her in the shower. I felt unclean, a monster in the dark, and yet, when she'd hold out her arms to me, I always picked her up and held her, and I'd fall in love with her every time!""Then that fateful night happened, just after she'd turned nine. We were lying in bed, and she reached over, took me into her hand, told me I wasn't to play with myself any more, that she was going to take care of me from now on, and that she'd waited long enough."I felt a shiver run down my spine, our stories were so alike, too damn familiar!He got a far-away look, and he said softly, "I don't know where she'd learned how, but she took me into her mouth, and blew me! I was so shocked; she was so good, that I couldn't move!" Bob had a rapturous expression, remembering that night. "Then, when I was hard, she got me to lie over her, and she took me, held me against her, and told me to push. I did, I couldn't help myself, and she screamed, but stopped herself from doing so, by stuffing a pillow into her own mouth""I was in a panic! I tried to get off her, to help her, just to do something! But, Diana just lay there, her little legs up in the air, her thighs opened under me, and told me, told me, to continue, that she wanted this, and she said so did I""She was right. I didn't want to stop, not really. But I was revolted with myself for what I was doing, what I'd become. I feel so damn guilty! But I love her, and she loves me, she tells me that every day, more than once! She doesn't want me to feel guilty anymore, that's why she set up this meeting! She told me we'd always to be together and that I should just sit back and get used to the idea!"Then gasping to get his breath back, he reclined into the couch, and sat there, and it looked like a massive burden had been lifted from his shoulders.***I didn't say anything for a time. I ran over in my mind what he'd just shared with me, marvelling at the similarities of our stories. Bob sat there, and he became twitchy, uncomfortable when I didn't speak. As he opened his mouth to say something, I held up my hand.Then, in a quiet voice, I shared with him my story, leaving nothing out, letting him know that I, too, had gone through a crisis of conscience. And the battle with myself, and how I tried to deny my feelings toward Rachel, my forward, lovely amazing sister, now my adored and cherished lover.We sat there, not saying a word after I'd finished, and Bob said, "I always thought I was the only one, a terrible monster, but after talking to you, I do feel better. Thank you, Alfie, it's been a wonderful experience, finally getting everything out into the open."I told him that if Diana really meant what she said, he'd be a fool to fight with himself over this, and that he should take Diana's advice, and accept the situation, and "just sit back and get used to the idea!"We laughed, and the girls chose that moment to walk into the room, and Bob held out his arms, tears in his eyes, a big smile on his face, and Diana, seeing the new change in him, happily rushed to jump into his clasp, and they sobbed into each other's embrace.***I was sitting in the Big Chair for once, and Rachel was sitting on my lap. She'd changed into tee shirt and underwear, her normal night-time wear, and Bob had raised his eyebrows in appreciation, making Rachel do a pirouette for his benefit, showing off her panties, and we all laughed, and Diana gave her a wolf whistle, causing Rachel to tell her to watch herself, or there be a show on the floor in front of us, with the two girls being the main attraction! Bob's jaw dropped, looking at her, and Diana just lay there on the couch, and had a thoughtful look in her eye, one I'd seen in Judy's eye once or twice, now that I knew what to look for.Diana was lying on the couch between her fathers' legs, her head on his thigh, the top of her head on his crotch. She'd rub her head against it every now and then, and when Rachel told her that, Diana had a big smile on her face, and she patted her father's crotch, and said, "Oooh, There you are! I was wondering if you were in a coma!"She raised herself, and we all could see Bob was hard in his jeans. He apologised profusely, but we took it all in good humour, and told him not to worry about it, he was fine!After we'd had our talk, Bob had mellowed considerably. He was laid back, easy-going, and he talked like he didn't have a care in the world. Hard to compare him to the uptight, defensive twitchy man who'd walked into my house a couple of hours ago!I held Rachel after she settled into my lap, and told her that maybe we should introduce Diana to Judy, if she wanted, and that maybe Judy could teach her some new moves! We shared a laugh, and Diana, who by now was rubbing her father's erection, asked who Judy was?Rachel and I shared a look, and told the preteen that Judy was an old family friend, and that she needed to be talked to by Rachel, who'd sound her out, and we'd get back to her about it.Diana confessed to us then that she'd always wanted to experience another girl, and asked her father if that would be alright?Bob went red, and he was having trouble talking, with his daughter's hand busy rubbing him. He managed to gasp that if he could watch, there wasn't a problem! We all laughed at that, and we could see a look pass between them."Done!" Diana said, sealing the deal, and so we left it at that, and the two of them got up shortly after that, saying they had to get home, Bob settling his hard-on more comfortably, and Diana still giving it a rub, a lascivious look in her eye, and promised to keep in contact. Bob gave me his number, and told me to call anytime, as he wanted to continue our friendship, if I wanted to do so. I assured him I did, and they left, smiling at each other, and were arm in arm, in love.***Another of Rachel's friends was Julie Anne Porter, a vivacious honey blonde seventeen year old girl. Julie was about five-four, her hair always in a ponytail, and never wore dresses, only jeans and shirts when not in her school uniform. Her nick-name was 'Butch', and given that she was about a few pounds heavier than normal, you'd be forgiven in thinking she was a lesbian. But Julie loved her men, and looking toward Rachel one day, told me pointedly that she was also bisexual.Point taken.She had a 'D' cup bust, and she had a sexy way of swishing her hips. The young woman may have been a bit large, but her belly didn't sag, "just my boobs a little!" she quipped. Julie was surprisingly toned, and I would always give her a second look, which Rachel took in good stride, smiling.She always had a smile on her face, and she truly was a ray of sunshine, and as she had been on the fringes at school, Rachel had approached her one day at school, sat with the lonely girl, and talked with her at lunch break. They were now fast friends, and the girls who previously called her 'bull-dyke' now had learned to keep their snide comments to themselves, or out of Rachel's hearing.My sister did go and have a talk to Judy, and told her about Diana, and Judy expressed an interest in meeting the young girl, and promised not to "jump her bones!," as she put it. Rachel talked to Diana, and then I was asked one day to go over to Bob's place, and spend some 'quality' time with him, as there was going to be a girls-night in happening that night.Rachel had called Julie, and invited her over, so there was going to be the four of them there, and no men allowed! As it was a Saturday, there was no problem with having school to worry about. Peter was told that Judy would be giving the girls pointers on baking, to explain her absence from the house, and they actually did bake a cake, and it was delicious!***After dinner on Saturday, there was a knock on the door, and Judy walked, very excited, like a young girl, but trying to mask it, so I smiled, and chatted with her until it was time to go to Bob's place. Then, as I was going out the door, both Diana and Julie were at the door, both arriving at the same time. I invited them in, then closed the door behind me, and walked away, smiling, my imagination going mental with images of the four women in the house alone.Bob and I spent some quality 'Man Time', drinking beer, playing pool, and half-watching football games on his TV in the garage. We spoke of this and that, our women, his daughter, and my sister, and generally had a ball. He was even more self-assured now, and I was amazed at the change in him. A new self-confidence shone from him, his guilt and self-loathing was gone, and it was good to see. He wasn't a bragger, and always spoke softly and surely.***It was going on midnight when we called it quits, and as I shook his hand to go, he held on a bit longer, and with gratitude and sincerity, thanked me again for my help. He promised to always be there should I need anything, and although I don't usually hug men, I just didn't have all that much practice doing that, I suppose, I enfolded him in a bear hug, and told him things were going to be fine now, and thanked him too.The house was dark and silent when I got home, so thinking that Diana had stayed over with Rachel, I let myself in, and quietly made my way to the bathroom.There was a light on at the end of the hall, coming from Rachel's room, and the sounds of gasps and panting came from in there. I needed to go badly, and I thought for a moment to go outside and water the flowers, but my body told me I wasn't going to make it, so, I crept down the hall, and as I passed the door to Rachel's room, the door was ajar, and the sight inside made me forget going to the bathroom!They were all naked, and a lickfest was happening! Diana was on her back, legs splayed and up, bent at the knees, her preteen body shaking as Judy knelt between her legs, her soft full breasts hanging down, her nipples rubbing on the bed, lapping at Diana's almost hairless sex, attacking her clit, and her lips were puffy and full, and looked amazing! Lying on her back, she didn't have breasts as such, and her little nipples were hard.Rachel was kneeling over the girl's face, and she was moaning and gyrating her hips in a back and forth dance, grabbing her breasts and pinching her distended nipples. Julie was kneeling behind Judy, and her head was down behind her, and Judy moaned at what she was doing back there. Julie's hand was between her own legs, and she was pushing two fingers into herself, humping them, and I noticed she was shaven clean, and her mons looked soft and smooth, and by the sounds coming from the women on the bed, they were all close. Suddenly, Rachel began to climax, and that set the others off, and within moments, they were all coming and crying out in release.I was nailed to the spot, and my member was rock hard, and I had the overwhelming urge to pull him out, and masturbate in front of them.It was Julie who saw me first, and she collapsed into a fit of giggles when she saw the dumb look on my face. I was slack-jawed, and my erection was making a noticeable lump in my jeans!There was a mad scramble for clothes, and Judy was so shocked at seeing me there, she actually dived to the floor on the other side of the bed with a scream! That broke the spell I was under, and with as much aplomb as I could muster, I said, "I'll just get that door fixed tomorrow, shall I?"Then I walked away, had a shower, and went to bed.***After the women had got themselves under control, and got dressed, Julie walked Diana home, and there was a long whispered conversation between Judy and Rachel, and then Judy left. Not long after that, Rachel had a shower, and then nude, came into my room after knocking first. I was still awake, and very hard, unable to get the images of the four women out of my head. Rachel saw the state I was in, and slid in beside me and without a word, dipped her head, and took me into her mouth.She applied a light suction on my crown, and then her tongue began to move, licking the underside of it, and then all over the head, she began a slow bobbing motion, and taking me into her mouth a bit at a time, taking me as much as she could. Rachel continued like this for a few minutes, and then I felt my release coming, and giving her warning that I was coming, she began to lick and suck me harder.I exploded into her mouth, and she swallowed it all, not even choking or gagging, and she continued to suck me until I was spent, and she let my deflated member slip from her mouth, and cuddled into me, sighing with happiness. She leaned up, and we kissed, and I could taste my ejaculate in her mouth, but I didn't mind.Rachel moved up the bed, and half-sitting against the headboard with a pillow behind her, held my head against her breasts, her nipples hard against my head and neck. I put my arm around her waist, and closed my eyes, listening to her heart beat, and inhaling her scent. She brushed some strands of hair away from my face with her finger, and sighed, and said, "You must promise to fix that door tomorrow. Judy was in a right state.""She really must come to terms with you knowing about her. You and I know about her relationship with our mother, but she's afraid you'll push her away if you know about her and I. I think that it's about time we sat her down and talked with her!"***"I will fix that door tomorrow," I promised, "and yes, I think so too. Can you call her tomorrow and ask her to come over? I too think it's time to get the dust shaken off this."Then going up onto my elbow, I kissed my sister's lush and inviting lips, and softly said, "My turn!"Her eyes popped open, and she said breathlessly, "Your turn, what?"But I left her there, slid down the bed, and parted her legs, and kissing her stomach, and licking her belly button, causing her to writhe and giggle, and then made my way down her body until my lips were nuzzling her pubic hair. Rachel opened her legs wider, and she was aroused instantly, her aroma heady, drawing me down until I was kissing her wet cleft."Oh my beautiful man," she breathed, and then she lay back, giving herself to the sensations emanating from my darting tongue. I ran my tongue up and down her pouting sex slowly and gently, over and over, and she opened up as I did so, and I loved her taste, her feel, and her lips invited me in, and I took advantage of that, and drove my tongue deep, causing her to buck beneath me. I returned to her hard button, rasping my tongue over it, around it and Rachel was gasping, writhing, and she took her breasts into her hands, and gripped them, and twisted her nipples, and then she was crying out, her hips off the bed, and then she slumped down, and lay panting, as I slowly licked her clit, and she shuddered in time to my ministrations. She came again, a small one, her body jolting with the force of it.Rachel lay there, almost purring, a satisfied smile on her face. I moved up the bed, and took her into my arms, she cuddled into me, and we held each other tenderly."You have no idea how long I've waited for you do that," she sighed, and then we both slept, and we were content.-= Chapter Six =-I had to replace the door. It was old, and it had warped. That was why it wouldn't close properly. I called a hardware store, gave them the measurements, and the man there told me it would be ready when I came to pick it up. Rachel helped me to set it up and she held it while I put the lugs in it. After swinging it back and forth a couple of times, I closed it, and it sat snug. I opened and closed it again, and it was a perfect fit.Rachel was relieved that now her privacy was assured, and to thank me, we had a little 'us' time, and we lay together, on her bed afterward, sweaty and tired.My god, but that girl was inventive!Don't ask.Rachel called Judy, and asked her if she could come over, as we wanted to talk to her about something. For once, she was reluctant, but Rachel succeeded in convincing her to come, and so a few minutes later, a very timid Judy walked in our door.Judy sat at the kitchen table, maybe because she and Mom had spent so much time there together, she felt comfortable sitting with the sun on her back. She wasn't this time, and kept squirming, not looking at me, a blush on her face.I decided that this had gone on long enough, and asked her, "Judy, why are you embarrassed by spending time with Rachel?"Judy gasped, and shocked, said, "Oh, god, you know?""Of course I know! I saw you two the night that Mel was here. Rachel's door opened, and I saw you both, and if it's any consolation, I approve! If you are happy giving Rachel pleasure, then why should I have a problem with it?"Rachel took her hand, and told her that it was nothing to be ashamed about!"But, I was so afraid you'd turn me away! That's what Gregory did, when he came home one day, and caught Janice and I! He made her suffer for my mistake! It was me who convinced her to spend some time in bed together that day! I was in love with your mother! And that man ruined it!""I'm not that man, Judy," I told her gently. "You can spend as much time as makes you both happy with Rachel. It's her decision to share your love, and I've loved you all my life, so let's get this put to bed, so to speak, shall we?"Judy looked at me, and then she was crying, and the guilt she'd carried around all those years came out in great wracking sobs. I moved around to hold her, and at first she resisted me, then she melted into my arms, and held me with a strength that surprised me. Rachel joined us, and then as they cried together, I had tears as well, and I was sandwiched between them, and we stood there until both girls calmed down.Judy wiped her face, and then, smiling ruefully told me to let her go, she was going to put the jug on, and then we were our old selves again, but now, there were no more secrets between us, and that made us closer, stronger.***PostscriptI was cleared for work by our doctor a couple of weeks later, and it felt good to out using my hands again. My time convalescing had weakened me, so it took another few weeks to get fit and in condition again. Rachel would still bake, and on the weekends, if she wasn't having someone over, or at a sleepover, or a party or two she'd been invited to, she would spend the day with me.We'd go out, and take in a movie, or walk in the park, which was good therapy for both of us, even though she kept looking over her shoulder, but this time, there was no drug-crazed teenager coming at me with a knife.Time rolled by, and one day, she met a fine young man, and she fell in love with him, they married, and she's got two girls, and she's happy. She keeps in contact, and sometimes comes to stay for a weekend, brings the girls, and they love their Uncle Alfie. We don't sleep together anymore, but I still have the memories.Mel went on to go into the ministry, as both of her parents were Christians, and last I heard, she was in Cambodia, on a mission there, and loving it.Bob and Diana moved away, and I never heard from them again, but they were happy, and as she grew up into a young woman, she'd pass herself off as his young wife. Them having the same last name helped. We never got around to having that foursome. I sure miss them.They found the Higginses. The fools tried to snatch another child, and the two of them died in a shoot-out with the child's parents. Good riddance to bad rubbish.Judy passed away, dying of a brain aneurism, a picture of Janice, my Mom, in her hands, one sunny day. Peter was devastated, and everyone who knew her showed up for the funeral. There were at least a hundred people there, and the tears flowed like rain.I'm still single, and prefer it that way. My libido isn't what it was, and my friend there spends more time sleeping than I do.I still miss Mom, and I can't wait to see her again.So, that's my story. I hope you enjoyed reading it, as I've enjoyed telling you about it.Time to say goodbye.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 75
Chapter 5: Absolute WhoreThe day was rainy and miserable and Mia wanted very much not to go out. But she had little choice in the matter. Dina comforted her and gave advice but it did little to stop the anguish she felt over her date with Angi, the actress who demanded her company that afternoon.Her reputation was widely known in the club and many avoided her for her extreme sexual tastes. Those that did like her company were deviant hardcore girls who likeed many things that Mia and Dina would never get involved with. Though Mia was curious, she could only go by the advice given her about the strikingly beautiful Angi. Over the past six months her whole life had changed. Gone was the normal work girl who thought sex was a semi-weekly event that she cared less about. Gone were her boundaries of morality. Even her lovers had drastically changed. There were no more men in her life. Now it was women, girls and to her surprise, animals, who loved her better than most of the men did.She did not know how far she would go, but she was open to change and sexual preferences. She knew that Angi liked to train girls to fuck her stable of horses and donkeys. The thought of doing such a thing did not disgust her, but it did frighten her. She had succumbed to dogs and loved the feel of their beautiful cocks inside her. But Angi's animals were far different and life changing in the very least.But the offer from Angi was for a coffee or drink only and not a session with animals. At least she assumed that. None-the-less, she prepared herself. She cleaned up, shaved her pussy and dressed sexily. Dina watched her getting ready and frowned at how sexy Mia looked. Dina did not want to be jealous, but she had strong feeling for her new lover. Also, she worried about what might happen to her in the hands of such a dominant person such as Angi."I have to meet her at the restaurant in fifteen minutes," said Mia."I'll call a cab for you," said Dina, who hugged her and kissed her.The cab came and Mia got waving goodbye to Dina who stood by the window. Mia took a deep breath and sat back awaiting her fate with the beautiful Angi.The restaurant was in the downtown area and as the cab pulled up she noticed a long limo parked in the lot. As she got out one of the windows quietly slid down. Angi popped her head out, smiling and waved her over."Hurry, love, get in." she said as Mia did so. "I've decided that this place wasn't good enough for us."Mia sat close to Angi, smelling her expensive perfume and aware of how incredible she looked. "I'm so happy you decided to meet me. I've had my eye on you since you first entered the club. At first I thought I was looking at a ghost. You look so much like your mother. She was so lovely, so very hot."All Mia could think of saying was, thank you. The ride was luxurious and the interior cabin fitted with a portable bar."Please have a drink with me, Mia, I promise I won't bite," smiled Angi who filled a glass with whiskey.Mia excepted a drink and sipped it. It was strong and intoxicating. It was obvious that Angi's world was filled with the very best of everything. Yet, she seemed to be without her family often. "My hubby is on location in Europe. The kids are away on a skiing trip in Switzerland with their Aunt and poor little me has the country home all to myself. So I'm very happy that you could join me today my little sexy girl."Mia, feeling the first drink accepted another and took smaller sips. She didn't want to lose control before she ever made it to their destination, wherever that might be. They left the city and took the road into the suburbs which soon led them over an hour later in the hills and country. Mia now knew that their destination would be Angi's country home or farm. Her fears were becoming realized and also her curiosity. She could feel the drinks doing their work, tearing down her barriers, one brick at a time. Angi moved closer to her, sending sexual waves over Mia who couldn't believe she was with this famous actress. Angi kissed her softly at first, then harder just as they entered the grounds of her country home."You're going to love this place, Mia. So many things to do here, though I only want one thing with you." Came her sultry voice as she reached out to cup Mia's breast making the young girl moan.They got out of the limo and quickly went into the house. Mia was awe struck by the immensity of the place. It seemed to go on forever. Pictures of her famous husband and family decorated the walls. Many of her awards were strategically placed throughout. Mia was like a wide-eyed admirer ready to get an autograph, but Angi had other ideas.She led Mia toward the rear of the house and to a large media room. It looked like a regular movie theater only slightly smaller. "I think you're going to love what I have for a surprise love. It's one that I think you'll appreciate."They sat together, Angi's hand sliding over Mia's thighs. The room went dark and the screen lit up. To Mia's surprise her mother's face showed on the large screen. She was smiling and happy. Beside her was Angi holding her hand. Both were naked and inside a barn. She assumed it was the one they passed on the property. Someone was running the camera, but Mia could not see who it was. "Hi," said Mia's mom to the camera. "Were here to have fun and do very naughty things."Angi bent low to suck her mom's nipples making Mia's mom close her eyes in pleasure. Angi sucked and nibbled away at her mother's fabulous breasts. Soon both were on the floor writhing and licking and fingering. Mia watched in amazement as her mom and Angi fucked. The camera person left no angle untouched as Angi's fingers slid in and out of her mother's wet luscious cunt. Her mother moaned and begged for more like a whore as Angi slid another finger and another until her whole hand slid wetly inside her. Her mother's legs spread wide as she bucked upwards to accept Angi's small hand. Mia felt Angi pressing her fingers between her legs and closed her eyes loving the pressure she was making. Her clit was so sensitive and Angi made a point of rubbing over it. That and seeing her mother squirm under the same woman were overwhelming."Like my little film, darling," asked Angi as she rubbed Mia's cunt through her panties.Mia, unable to speak only nodded. Her senses were being assaulted sexually and she was lost in what was happening. Now she knew why so many feared this woman. She was expert in seducing girls and making them do whatever she wished and it appeared that she was on her way to being another notch in Angi's well renowned stable. The movie got hotter as both women began to rub their crotches together, pussy on pussy. Angi took control as she ground her pelvis onto her moms. They fucked sweetly both cumming often. Then from the left of the screen came a horse, a very large one. Mia watched as if hypnotized as the stallions head moved down behind their writhing forms to sniff at their heated thighs. Angi looked behind her and winked at the camera person and raised her ass a bit as the horse sent out its long tongue to swipe at her upraised ass. She groaned in pleasure at the invasion and to Mia's surprise, her mom opened her legs even wider as the horse dug is nose into her crotch."Watch, my little beauty. Your mother was a true slut. She was the best of them," said Angi as she slid her hand inside Mia's damp panties.Mia, her eyes just lust filled slits did watch as she saw her mother moan as the horses tongue entered her cunt. All the while, Angi was licking her nipples and rubbing her clit. Each woman enjoyed the attention of the horse and soon both moved to the rear of the animal taking turns sucking its cock. Mia had never seen such a huge cock in her life. It's length had to be at least twenty inches and as thick as her arm. Her mother, like the whore she was took the head of it into her waiting mouth. The horse snorted and moved slightly as she licked and swallowed more of it. Then it was Angi's turn as she licked the large balls and worked her way to the flanged head taking it into her hot mouth.Both worked on the animal making it whinny and snort in excitement. Then the shot of Mia's mom laying upon a bench beneath the animal her long legs wide her cunt juicy and gaping with Angi aiming the large flanged head of the creature at her cunt. The next shot showed her mom taking half of the horses length inside her and her crying out in orgasm as the horse moved in jerks to fuck her. Angi knelt to the side occasionally looking at the camera, smiling. The horses cock was buried deep inside her moms cunt now and she was holding onto the creatures belly as it fucked her. Then came the horses orgasm. Mia could not take her eyes off the screen as a flood of horse cum sprayed out everywhere as it popped from her mother's wide open cunt.The film ended and Angi turned to Mia who was spread legged as she felt Angi's fingers inside her."What do you think my hot bitch. Like seeing your lovely mom sucking and fucking my prize stallion?"Mia, her mind racing, her body so horny could only nod. Angi's fingers were moving in and out, her cunt was on fire and the wet sticky sounds from being finger fucked sounded so loud in the quiet theater. They kissed hard and Angi whispered into her ear."Your mother fucked all my stallions. She loved their cocks. She also loved my donkeys. She loved to take them in her tight ass. I bet your just like her my dear. I'd love to see you fuck my babies."Mia knew she was fighting a losing battle as Angi slid three fingers inside her dripping pussy. Her panties were on the floor of the theater and her legs were hanging on either side of the chair arms. "I don't think I could handle those kinds of cock," said Mia softly.Angi kissed her and smiled."Yes you can, like mother, like daughter. I bet I can fist fuck this beautiful cunt. If I can, will you try one of my lovely stallions?"Mia, her bottom moving up and down upon the seat matching Angi's fingers, nodded. She had lost. She knew this and didn't care. Maybe she was exactly like her mom. Maybe she was intended to be a slut a whore. In either case she loved what this woman was doing to her and wanted to please her."Mmmmmmm...good girl. Relax baby and let Angi take care of you."Slowly Angi moved her fingers inside the girls silky smooth cunt. She was so wet it was easy to get the first three fingers deep inside her. She wished that the girl's mother hadn't died, but lived and helped to prepare her baby girl. That, would have been something to see. Mother and daughter, incest and horse fucking. Just the thought of it made her cunt shutter. Mia did relax, loving the feel of Angi's fingers inside her. It felt so good and she played with her nipples as she felt another finger push its way inside her open cunt. It hurt and she groaned."That's it baby, take it. You'll really love it soon enough," said Angi as she pushed the four fingers all the way inside the young girl. Her thumb sliding over the girls engorged clit. Mia cried out in orgasm, spraying Angi's hand with her cum. The four fingers were lubricated and now moved much easier. Now came the final act as Angi added the last finger, pushing easily, turning her hand this way and that until her knuckles and then hand slipped inside the girl's pussy."Yesssss," said Angi softly as she began to move her fist in and out. Mia was moaning at the intrusion, but it was not pain. It was absolute pleasure. Like her mother she was enjoying being taken, used and fucked hard and deep. She now knew what it was like to be fisted and Angi wasted no time ramming her hand in and out of her sopping cunt."That's it Mia, fuck me, use that body for what it was intended for, to be used for sex."Mia pushed against Angi's hand driving it past the woman's wrist and deeper still. The feeling was one of complete fulfillment, and of being filled. She loved it and came again as Angi began to suck her swollen clit into her mouth.After she came again she felt Angi slowly remove her hand from her. She groaned in disappointment with the loss of it but Angi had other plans."Come," she said as she led Mia from the theater and out to the barn. Mia now began to feel fear. She was going to be introduced to one of Angi's stallions and she was not sure if that was a good idea, though her body thought otherwise. She was so turned on and horny that she would have fucked a fencepost. Her cunt was on fire after being fisted and Mia knew that she was capable of being stretched wide. Angi undressed and held Mia close, their nipples pressing together as they kissed. "You're so fucking beautiful, Mia. Your cunt is special and I want to show you why."She left and returned with one of the most spectacular horses that she had ever seen. It had a coat that was shiny black with a long mane that was combed to perfection. "This is my stallion, Warlord. He is my prize stud. He especially loves tight young cunt. He is well trained my hot little bitch."Mia moved towards the incredible animal and the horse nuzzled her face. She giggled and was rewarded by the horse's long tongue swiping at her breasts. It was so long that it ran across both breasts making her nipples hard. "He likes you my love. He knows how much you want him. Look..." Angi pointed to the rear of the horse. The creatures cock was almost dangling to the barn floor. He was huge.Angi led her to the rear of the horse and both knelt on either side. "Like this," said Angi as she grasped the long, leathery looking cock in her hand and then began to take it into her mouth, sucking it in long deep movements. Then she handed the cock over to Mia who grabbed it delicately. She could not believe she was actually doing this, actually handling a horse's cock. But it was such a beautiful thing and she lowered her mouth onto the head of it. It tasted so good, so big in her mouth. The horse snorted as it felt the hot mouth cover his cock and Angi soothed it with soft words."That's the way to do it, Mia. Suck it nice and smooth. He likes that. Take more into your mouth, yes, like that my dear," Angi said as she taught the young girl to service her horse.Mia obeyed, sucking more of the huge prick, filling her mouth with it. She was giving the horse a blow job and loving it. She looked over to find Angi but she was at the other end of the stable getting a long bench. She told Mia to lie upon it and spread her legs very wide. Mia knew what was about to happen and did as she was told, being a good submissive girl to Angi. Angi took a tube of KY jelly and rubbed it over her cunt and inside. Then began to fuck her cunt with her fingers again until her whole hand was once again inside her. Mia was in heaven as she began to squirt cum everywhere. She loved the feeling of so much inside her cunt and then a new feeling.She looked down to see Angi maneuvering the horses huge cock against her cunt. Fear overtook her as she saw the massive prick poised at her pussy. She wanted to get up and run from the barn, but remained, her body demanding to be like her mother, to take this cock and experience all that her mom did. The horses cock head push into her and she felt its heat and girth as it stretched her pussy wider than it had ever been."Relax, baby. Let him do the work, he's trained for just this. Open your legs wide and move forward more. That's right, Mia. Mmmmmm... you're going to love this." said Angi as she reached up to fondle the horses balls.The horse jerked forward driving his cock into the girl, feeling the tightness surrounding his cock as he had done so many times before. Mia, groaned as she felt her cunt being opened wide with every inch the animal pushed into her tight pussy. It was hurting now as its thickness widened. "Angi, it hurts... ohhhhhhhhh!" she cried out.Angi moved to her, her hand moving between her legs capturing her clit and pulling it as she licked her hard nipples. This helped Mia as the horse moved back and forth. Her cunt was getting wetter and wetter. The size of the cock was stretching her and she was finally getting used to it. More of the cock entered her and she wondered if she could take much more, but she did as ten inches disappeared.Her legs moved up on either side of the horses flank as she began to move her ass up to meet its thrusts. Angi smiled in victory as she won over another hot girl to her stables. This girl was particularly hot. She took to horse cock well and she was witnessing it even now. Mia was fucking back as the horse thrusts over and over into her. His large, thick cock flew in and out covered with her juices. Then Mia felt the cock expand and knew what was coming. The horse snorted and drove its cock deep as it came. Hot strong bursts of cum filled her cunt, filling her and pouring out in a wave of sperm as she cried out in orgasm. The horse pulled out leaving Mia's cunt gaping and drenched in horse cum.Angi took the horse away leaving Mia upon the bench spent with her legs still wide open. When she came back she knelt between the girls thighs and began to eat her cunt. Mia moaned as she felt Angi's tongue licking inside her cunt and over it, taking time on her swollen clit."Did my little girl like that?" she asked as she nibbled on Mia's clit."Yesssss....'" said Mia in a soft ethereal voice. "Stay the weekend, my little horse whore and experience all of them with me. I'll teach you even more."With that she slid her tongue inside Mia's asshole, fucking her with it. Mia moaned and grabbed at Angi's head, pulling it into her. She would stay and let this woman use her, teach her. She wanted to fuck everything and anything Angi wanted her to fuck."Mmmmmm...I'm guessing that means, yes."Indeed it was. She would have to call Dina. She knew that it was not going to be a good call. But her body was very demanding, and she had to fulfill its wants and needs."Come, my little Mia. I want to introduce you to my lovely donkey, Julio. He loves to slide his big cock into little girl's asses."Mia got up and followed her. She was Angi's slave. She could not wait to experience it all.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 72
Part 1Being the owner of a large construction company, I was used to seeing my workers pulling pranks on each other on a daily basis.On April Fools' Day I received an e-mail with just a large, flashing arrow pointing to a link saying "click here." Knowing that it was from them, I sportingly clicked on the link and an adult video appeared on the screen. There was a pretty little redhead on her knees sucking a man's cock with another man sitting in a chair watching them. Shaking my head, I chuckled and shut it down thinking, "Damn knuckleheads." I went on about my day but the few seconds of the video kept flashing in my mind. When the guys went to lunch, I went into my office, clicked back on the video and within a few minutes I realized that it was of a man watching his wife with another man. Without rhyme or reason, my mind turned the woman in the video into my wife and immediately I became extremely excited. That's the moment that my fantasy began and I thought about it almost constantly. The man in my fantasy was always unrecognizable but the woman was always my wife. This is the story of how an unexpected phone call, instantly added a face to the man. My fantasy was complete, and it was perfect.For years now, I had fantasized about watching my wife with another man, and for the last several months the man in my fantasy was my best friend Rob. We literally, grew up together and have been best friends all our lives. Rob is a great guy, tall, handsome, very athletic and had married his high school sweetheart, Kerry. He was totally dedicated to Kerry and the four of us spent almost every weekend together boating, hiking, playing tennis or just hanging out at our pool.We were nearly floored the evening that Rob called and said that he had come home to an empty house and a note from Kerry saying that she was leaving the country with her boss and she had filed for divorce. I was heartbroken for my best friend, but at the same time, I was excited when the man in my fantasy instantly had an identity. It was Rob. That was nearly a year ago and Rob had never recovered. My wife Samantha (Sam) and I had tried everything to help Rob get over his broken heart but nothing had helped. He would go to work, come home and stay inside with the curtains drawn and the house dark.I was determined to get my best friend back and I was praying that he would be the one to help fulfill my fantasy. After calling numerous times, surprisingly he answered. "Hey Buddy, how ya' doin'?" I asked. He replied, " Terry, I'm sorry but I really don't feel like talking, you understand." "Not good enough," I thought. "Listen Rob, I really miss spending time with you and Sam asks about you every day. How's about coming over tonight? I don't want you to sit there alone all weekend. We can have dinner, sit out by the pool, maybe catch a little buzz."Reluctantly, he agreed. Rob and Sam got along great. He had mentioned many times how lucky I was to have such a sweet, caring wife. More than once I saw his eyes linger on her little butt when he thought that no one was looking. I always took it as a compliment because without a doubt, Sam has the nicest little butt in town. Perfectly round with each cheek being barely more than a handful, it bubbled just slightly, attracting the eyes of every male around her as if it were a cock magnet.Sam is a gorgeous little thing with a body built for fucking. At just over five feet tall, with big green eyes and her flaming red hair almost always pulled back into a ponytail, she looked ten years younger than her age of thirty four, and filling a 32C bra to its absolute limit, she had men of all ages constantly hitting on her. Sam was a virgin when we married directly out of college, twelve years ago and she was extremely naïve about men and the way we think, so the constant cat calls and rude comments always left her flustered and embarrassed. The problem was, that the more flustered she became, the larger the nipples on her pert, luscious titties would grow causing even more of a stir with the men. In college Sam was sought after by nearly every guy on campus but because of her extremely high moral values, she soon became the campus 'stuck up' prude and spent most of her evenings and weekends alone or in the library. Sam is adorable. To this day, she doesn't notice the fact that early every Saturday when she would start her morning jog, every man and teen boy in the neighborhood suddenly had lawn work to do but when she was done, the neighborhood looked like a ghost town. I'm the envy of every male in the neighborhood and I love it.Sam had a nice dinner in the oven and it would be about an hour before Rob would arrive so I suggested we have a couple of drinks and then I would surprise her with a new bright green bikini and sheer white sundress that I had bought her (saving it for just this occasion). Sam always wore the same blue one piece swimsuit that she wore while on the swim team in college but after a third cocktail and a lot of encouragement, she reluctantly agreed to wear her new "gifts." "Just for me," she said. Part 2I started putting the pieces together when my husband took my hand, led me upstairs and surprised me with a "gift." Terry had many times, bought clothes for me in the past but never anything so revealing.He knew that I was reluctant to expose much of my body and I always tried to respect him by dressing with a little class. To be perfectly honest, I've always been a little naïve and maybe even somewhat of a prude, especially when it comes to sex and the way men think about sex. I thought that I'd come a long way since we got married. I researched new things and tried very hard to please him but out of the blue, a few months ago, he told me that he'd like to try a couple of things to spice up our love life. Although I was perfectly satisfied with the way things were, I love my husband very much and I wanted to be sure that he would never be bored with me, so I agreed to try. Terry has always been a wonderful lover. He's patient with me and very generous in bed. He's always made sure that I was totally satisfied and I reciprocated by learning how to do everything that he liked and doing my very best.It all started with a couple of drinks, a few videos and a little frilly, white mask. I've never been much of a drinker but I was willing to try in order to relax with all of these new things, but especially to please my husband. Most of the videos were kind of disgusting but some parts were okay. Not until now did I realize that there was a pattern. All of the videos were of married men watching their wives with another man and being new to this, I honestly didn't know. I only knew that he got extremely horny when we watched them and I was gonna' get some great lovin' but tonight, things were different and it was starting to make sense. He had started with the videos and mask, to maybe plant the idea into the back of my mind. He knew that one, maybe two, cocktails was my limit yet the evening hasn't even started and he's encouraged me to have three. He made a "gift" of a tiny bikini and a sheer sundress that he knows I'd NEVER buy for myself but being a little tipsy, I had agreed to wear them. All of this on the night that his best friend Rob, was coming over for "dinner" and spend the evening with us. Rob was in the middle of a crisis and we hadn't seen him for several months. Now it all makes sense. My husband "thinks" that he wants me to have sex with his best friend and he "thinks" that he wants to watch. That is absurd! I can't believe that he thinks that I'd EVER do that and it would drive him crazy if I DID.I decided to teach him a lesson and get that silly idea out of his head once and for all. I don't know if Rob is involved in his little scheme but it'll be twice the fun if he is. I'm going to strut around in front of Rob wearing my new "gift," I'm going to be "extra" nice to him, I'm going to do things totally out of character that I'd normally never do and I'm going to tease the hell out of both of them before I put the hammer down. I'm gonna' play his silly game, and I'm gonna' play it well. We'll just see who cracks first!Part 3 Sam looked absolutely stunning when she stepped onto the patio. Donning the new gifts that I had given her, her beautiful red hair sporting a little ponytail and her big green eyes bursting with color, my cock began to immediately respond causing a bulge in my shorts that I wasn't going to be able to conceal for very long. All of this, ("Just for me") So far, so good.The torches surrounding the pool produced just enough light for me to see through the sheer sundress and the outline of her petite, tight little body underneath. Having had a little more alcohol than she was used to, Sam quickly obliged, when I asked her to remove the sundress and let me see her in her bikini. The little top tied in the back and was straining to hold in her beautiful titties. Her nipples proved to me that she was definitely excited and when she turned around, my already semi-hard cock came to full attention. The tiny bottoms barely covered her tight little butt and I couldn't help myself but to pull her to me and kiss her beautiful full lips. She was wearing the bright red lipstick that I loved sooo much, ("Just for me")Without a doubt, this sight would get Rob's attention for sure. Knowing that Rob hadn't been with a woman in a long, long time and if I can get them both tipsy enough, maybe I can as least get my fantasy plan started. Her little tongue darted quickly into my mouth and she pressed her fuzzy little mound against my anxious hard on. Just as I reached around her to untie the knot of her top, the doorbell rang. She reached down, gave my cock a nice firm squeeze and whispered, "I'll take care of you later." "I certainly hope so, I thought, we'll see."Rob's timing was perfect, my plan was not for me to fuck Sam, not tonight, but a few more minutes and it would have been too late.My little goddess was getting drunk and horny and that's exactly what I had in mind. As Sam was putting the little sundress back on, I went inside to answer the door. Rob's face was nearly expressionless as we shook hands and exchanged pleasantries but that quickly changed when Sam entered the room. She had put the sundress on but she had neglected to button it. The alcohol must be taking effect. This is great! She would be extremely embarrassed if she knew that her top was revealing her beautiful cleavage to someone else and especially the way her excited nipples were fighting to break their way free through the fabric. The tiny bottoms were extremely tight, accentuating her little pussylips and her meticulously trimmed bush formed a perfect mound just above them. This couldn't be starting off any better if it had been planned.Rob's eyes lit up and he managed a crooked half smile when she crossed the room, gave him a firm, lingering hug and totally out of character, pressed her firm little body against his. As she slowly released her arms from around his neck she suggested that we boys have a drink on the patio while she finished dinner. This was perfect.I had hidden a few joints in the patio bar and I was determined that tonight, even if it's just for one night, my best friend was going to loosen up and hopefully, have the night of his life. We had just finished the first joint and lit the second one when Sam walked out onto the patio.I was caught by surprise and quickly tried to hide the joint behind my back when I heard her say, "Something smells good out here, are you guys gonna' share that with me or what?" I was totally shocked. I knew for a fact that Sam had never smoked pot, yet here she is asking to join in."Uhhh Sure" I said, and I held the joint out for her to take. Shaking her head briskly with her cute, little ponytail whipping from side to side she said, " No, not like that, take a nice big toke and give it to me with a kiss."You could have pushed me over with a feather but I wasn't about to let this opportunity pass, so I took a big long drag, inhaled deeply and pressed my lips to hers. Just as she had done earlier, Sam's tongue darted inside my mouth and she took a long deep breath, holding it for a few seconds and slowly exhaled. I handed the joint to Rob. He took a big drag and handed it back to me but before he could exhale, Sam put two fingers to his lips and scolded, "No, no, no! You gotta' share with me." Rob quickly turned his head towards me with a look of surprise and confusion on his face like I had never seen before. I looked at my sexy little wife and said, "C'mon Rob, look at those pouty little lips. How could you not share?" Sam reached up, put her arms around Rob's neck, put her lips to his and pressed her little mound firmly against his cock. She gave him no choice but to exhale the smoke into her hot little mouth while she once again slowly and deeply inhaled the magic potion into her virgin lungs and it appeared that her tongue was in his mouth. Again, I was shocked!I was beginning to get excited, but if things keep going at this pace, either Rob could get uncomfortable and possibly leave, or he could realize that this is what he needs right now more than anything and things could maybe work out even sooner than I'd planned. Either way, I'm seeing a side of Sam that I or anyone else had ever seen and I'm lovin' it!Sam finally broke the kiss, gave him another quick little kiss and said, " Ya' know guys, I'm not really hungry yet, I think I'll have a quick dip in the pool before dinner." With that, she slipped the little sundress off her shoulders letting it drop to the patio floor, turned and dove head first into the pool, swimming to the far end and back, then climbing the ladder back onto the patio. The water was dripping down her pretty little face, down her chin and onto her beautiful breasts. Her bottoms were clinging to her tight little butt and her rock hard nipples were giving us a magnificent show. She looked at me and I could see her huge green eyes were glazing from the alcohol and the pot. She turned her eyes to Rob, looked down towards his crotch and smiled. Rob's mouth was wide open and he was sporting a huge hard-on. I was sure that she had noticed. She looked over at me, winked, and said, "Hey Honey, how's about another drink?" This could be a great night! (A great night for everyone.)Part 4I was having fun teasing the guys but my husband seemed to be enjoying the show as was Rob, and he didn't appear to have any idea as to what was going on. Growing up, all the girls called me "miss goody two shoes" and all of my married life I've always been a loving, devoted wife, but tonight, I was quickly beginning to experience feelings that were totally unfamiliar to me. Strange, surreal, erotic feelings, and it felt good.With the effects of the alcohol, the pot, Rob's eager tongue exploring my mouth and his hot, rock hard cock pressing hungrily against my little mound, I may be starting to think just a little bit dangerously. I'm thinking that maybe I'm enjoying it just a little bit too much. I'm getting a little bit too excited, a little bit too high and I may be letting it go a little bit too far. My thoughts turned to, "What if it IS what my husband really wants? What if it might ruin our marriage? What if it might ruin Rob and Terry's friendship, and what if I do this and he wants more? My head is spinning and I'm confused. The only things that I'm sure of, is that my body is getting very warm, I'm getting very excited, and I'm beginning to fantasize about what it might be like to be with Rob. He is extremely handsome, he's going through the most devastating time of his life, my husband appears determined to make it happen, and his cock felt way above average when I pinned it between our bodies. My alcohol, pot riddled brain began to think for itself, "Besides, I've only been with one man in my entire life. Who more than anyone, needs and deserves to sample my sweet little honeypot? My husband's deeply depressed best friend. Poor, lonely (well hung) Rob."Okay, new plan! I'll have a few more drinks, let the guys feed me a little more pot and turn up my flirting. If it still appears to be what my husband really wants and the perfect situation presents itself, I'll just go for it. But, I'm drunk and I'm beginning to get really horny, so if I DO fuck Rob, I'll only fuck him with my husband watching, but I'm gonna' fuck him hard and I'm gonna' fuck him a lot! Let the games begin.Part 5With everyone agreeing, and for obvious reasons, we decided that we would postpone dinner until later. Dripping water I went inside to get some towels, put our dinner back in the oven and fix everyone another drink. When I returned the guys had lit yet another joint and as before, I insisted that they share the magical smoke with me from their mouths' and my husband was encouraging us to continue. Soon, Rob and I began openly face fucking one another with every exchange of his smoke and it was beginning to take its toll on my body. I was LOVING this! Rob was constantly taking drags just so that we could continue and we were getting buzzed out of our minds. I glanced over at my husband to see his reaction and he was staring at us smiling. His nostrils were flared and I could see that he was breathing heavily, so I decided to turn it up a notch. I locked my eyes onto his, sucked Rob's tongue deep into my mouth and began sucking it in and out of my mouth as though it were his cock. Staring back at me, he lowered his hand and began squeezing his cock through his shorts. We continued for quite a few seconds before my mouth released Rob's tongue. Bewildered, maybe even somewhat embarrassed, and probably trying to conceal the huge bulge in his shorts, Rob walked over to the patio table and sat down. A few seconds of silence seemed like an eternity before Rob finally decided to speak. With slightly slurred speech he said, "Listen guys, I really appreciate the invitation and your willingness to spend time with me, but what's really going on here?" Caught by surprise Terry started stammering, not making any sense whatsoever. I realized that this was the situation that I had been looking for, so I decided to just jump in and put it straight on the line.Not something that I would do were I sober and definitely not words that I would use were I sober, but what the hell. I was drunk, I was high, my little pussy was on fire and I wanted to get it over with and find out if Rob was gonna' be fuckin' me. "Rob, I said, Terry asked you over and got us fried, because he wants you fuck me and he wants to WATCH you fuck me." There was no response, total silence. I began again, "He's been planning this for some time and I gotta' tell ya', If that's what he truly wants, then I'm totally on board with it. I'm drunk, I'm horny and I'm ready to fuck, so whadda' say?" Rob was at a loss for words but his eyes were locked on my breasts and it was obvious from the bulge that I had created in his shorts, that his cock was screaming, "HELL YES!"I quickly looked over at my husband and said, "Why didn't you just tell me what you wanted?" He said, "I didn't think that you would understand and I didn't want you to think that I don't love you because I do, very much. Sam, this has nothing at all to do with love. It's just my fantasy and it's just for sex, no other reason.I absolutely love making love with you but you're so beautiful and so so sexy, that I wanted to be able to see all of your body and the expressions on your beautiful face while you're enjoying a big, hard cock pounding your sweet little pussy. That's all." Talk about putting it all on the line! I looked into his eyes and said, "I love you too Baby and I do understand." I leaned over Rob's chair with my breasts only inches from his lips and whispered in his ear, "I guess that now all we need to know is, Rob, do you wanna' fuck me?" I turned my back to him with my tiny butt merely inches from his face, sat down on my knees, reached my hands down behind me and said, "Give me your hands Rob." I leaned back, took his hands in mine and pulled them around me to my breasts, squeezing them, encouraging him to do the same. He looked over at Terry. Terry smiled and slowly nodded his head up and down with his approval. Rob began to gently massage my breasts. I arched my back and squeezed harder on his hands. I turned my head to one side and said, "The knot on my top Rob, untie the knot on my top." He slowly removed his hands from my breasts and clumsily untied me. My top dropped to the patio floor and once again I said, "Give me your hands Rob." He reached around me and began massaging my breasts, gently hold my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. I began to quiver from the excitement of having another man's hands fondling my body. His hands were warm and large, nearly covering my entire breast. My pussy warmed as I felt my blood filling my clit with excitement. I pulled his hands from me, stood and turned around, allowing him his first ever, full view of my proud, firm, naked breasts. Staring in his eyes, I hooked my thumbs inside the waistband of my bikini bottoms and slowly pulled them down my hips, past my knees and onto the floor, my fuzzy, little bush level with his face.I bent over, touching my nipple to his lips and again whispered in his ear, "Well Rob, do you wanna' fuck me now?" Rob looked nervously over at his best friend. Terry winked at him and Rob looked up and said, "Oh my God Sam yes I wanna' fuck you! I REALLY wanna' fuck you!" "It's been a long, long time for me, I've been really lonely and I've fantasized about fucking you for years. What do you want me to do?" I looked back at my husband and said, "Baby, that big bulge is his shorts belongs to me tonight, but this is your fantasy and I insist that you have exactly what you want." Terry stood, took my hand and without saying a word, led us upstairs to the bedroom. He lit a candle above the bed, turned off the light, quickly removed his clothes and sat in a chair at the foot of our bed. He could see us but we couldn't see him and he merely said. "I'm not here." The decision has been made, Rob is gonna' fuck me.Part 6Recalling the videos and without saying a word, I took Rob's hand and led him to the foot of my marriage bed, where I was sure that my husband could see everything. He reached for me but I stopped him and forced his hands back down at his sides. I reached up, put my hands behind his head, and for a few seconds, I lightly brushed my tongue back and forth across his lips. Releasing his head, I slowly unbuttoned his shirt. I placed my hands on his chest and I could feel it heaving as though he had been running. I could feel his heart pounding furiously in his chest and his body tense, as I began to lightly caress his nipples with just the tips of my fingers and they quickly began to respond. I unbuttoned the top of his shorts and pulled the zipper down, allowing them to drop to the floor. The head of his engorged cock was peeking out the top of his boxers and it was beautiful. I could see it throb with every beat of his heart and I was in awe of its size. This was about to be the only cock other than my husbands', that I had ever touched, and I planned on touching every inch of it. I slowly dropped down to my knees and pulled his boxers to the floor. Here I am, naked at my marriage bed, on my knees, with another man's beautiful rock hard cock merely inches from my lips and my husband is sitting across the room anxiously watching my every move. If he doesn't stop this soon, it'll be too late. I had never in my life felt so excited and so in control. I was ready. I cupped his tight balls in my left hand, wrapped my right hand gently but firmly around his cock and slowly stroked it up and down. My eyes were locked on his magnificent tool. So warm in my hand, its veins pulsing, its enormous head throbbing with excitement, giving the appearance of a huge magic wand. Little did I know, but soon I would learn, that it actually WAS a huge magic wand. I leaned my head forward, touched my tongue to the underside of his cockhead and it immediately jerked violently upward. I pulled his beautiful cock back down to my lips and sucked just its head into of my mouth. His cockhead began throbbing in my mouth and he moaned as if he were in pain. It was obvious, this cock hasn't been relieved for quite some time and it wasn't going to be able to hold back much longer. I pulled my lips from his cockhead with a pop and decided that I wasn't wasting one drop of its first eruption. Rob's cock is ready and I am definitely ready. It's time to fuck.I released my grip on his cock and his balls, stood up and laid back on the bed, raising my knees and placing my feet on the very edge of our mattress, where both Rob and my husband could see my perfectly manicured bush and the lips of my eager little pussy. I raised my arm, Rob took my hand, I pulled him to the edge of the bed and between my legs. I leaned forward grabbing his ass cheeks forcing the underside of his firm rod tightly between my pussylips and began to raise my hips up and down in a fucking motion. The feel of his throbbing cockhead against my clit was incredible! Never had I been this turned on. My body began to tremble as I continued to rub my little slit up and down the entire length of his beautiful, unfamiliar cock and I couldn't wait any longer to feel its girth part my pussylips and enter my body. I took my right hand from his ass cheek, reached over, wrapped my hand around his blood engorged manhood and began sliding his cockhead up and down, just inside my slightly parted pussy lips. I looked at Rob and he was staring down in disbelief at his cock parting the entrance of his newly discovered treasure. At that moment, I sensed a slight movement and I could see the silhouette of my husband standing just a few feet away. He had stood and moved closer to us not wanting to miss the sight of Rob's hard cock entering me for the first time. I could see the shadow of his arm moving up and down, obviously stroking his cock and I knew that he was enjoying the show. I looked back at Rob and whispered, "Rob, we love you very much and we want you to have what you deserve. I have some very special plans for you and we have plenty of time, but right now what I want, is for you to fuck me. Just fuck me Rob. Bury your beautiful cock inside of me and just fuck me. Fuck me hard and fast. Give me everything that you've been holding inside for so long and just fuck me." I released my grip on his cock, reached back around him and sunk my fingernails into his ass cheeks pulling him towards me. His cockhead parted my pussylips and his body began to shake almost uncontrollably. He started slowly entering my body with short strokes and just a few inches each time. Once again I whispered, "It's okay Rob, give it to me, give me your cock. I want every inch of your beautiful hard cock buried inside of me." With that, Rob pulled his hips backward until just the tip of his cock was touching my entrance and slowly but forcibly, pushed his entire cock deep down inside of me. My body tensed as his cock forced my pussy open further than I had ever imagined that it could and the feeling was incredible. "Oh God, Oh my fucking God!" I moaned, as my pussy had no choice but to allow its girth. He began moaning as I raised my hips to meet his thrust. He kept his cock buried inside of me and pushed against my mound with incredible force.Never had I experienced such pleasure and I knew that we were both on the verge of incredible orgasms. Again, he pulled back to the very tip of his cock and pushed forward, once again filling me with his manhood, and this time, I decided that I would assure him of the wise decision that he had made to fuck me. When I felt his balls touch my ass, I lightly gripped his cock with my well trained pussy muscles and released.I gripped him again, this time slightly firmer, and released. When I heard him pant, "Oh God," I gripped and released him rapidly three or four more times staring directly into his eyes. His gaze met mine and I gripped onto his beautiful cock with all of the strength my little pussy could summon. I knew, from hours of exercising and practicing to please my husband during twelve years of marriage, that this would be it. I removed my hands from his ass cheeks, wrapped my legs tightly around his back, hooking my feet together at my ankles, grabbed his forearms and he grabbed mine. "Fuck me Rob!" I demanded. Rob pulled back again, but this time he plunged back into me immediately and began feverishly ramming my little pussy with everything that he had. Fast and hard, that's what I had asked for and that's what I was getting. I raised my hips to meet his every thrust and my pussy never released its grip on his throbbing, relentless cock. He started pounding me faster than my little hips could keep up, so I pushed up hard against him and continued my grip on his cock.I could feel his cock begin to swell to an enormous size and my orgasm began. After a multitude of furious thrusts, Rob buried his cock to the hilt and exploded inside of me. I nearly passed out feeling stream after stream of his thick hot cum pounding my womb and filling my little pussy to capacity while my body was being rocked with wave after wave of pleasure. My pussy was completely full of his hot seed and I could feel it begin to overflow down onto my bottom, but Rob wasn't finished. He continued sliding in and out of me but now with long, full, continuous strokes touching the very bottom of my pussy each time, and my pussy was again beginning to respond. I wanted more cock and Rob was gonna' give me more cock. His strokes continued and I could feel every inch of his girth massaging the sides of my pussy as I felt my next orgasm begin to boil inside of me. I raised my hips as my body started to spasm over and over. I could feel his cock swelling, its mushroomed head throbbing, anxious to release even more of its year long, pent up frustrations inside of my already full body. I couldn't imagine that he could possibly have any juices left, but I was wrong. Boy was I wrong. Once again, Rob's cock exploded inside of me with incredible force and I could feel his cum gushing out of me and down my backside. He pumped more and more of his precious, neglected nectar inside of me. Mixing with my juices and the enormous load that he had delivered merely moments earlier, Rob filled me once again with more thick, hot cum than I'd ever had. My legs refused to release their grip from around his back and his hips refused to stop hammering my "new best friend" into the very bottom of my greedy pussy until every drop of his man juice had been hidden deep inside of my body. I remembered that earlier, I had told Rob to "Fuck me hard and fast" and that is EXACTLY what he did. He fucked me until both our bodies had reached their absolute limits. The velocity of his strokes slowly decreased and being totally spent, both my arms and legs dropped to the bed simultaneously. Exhausted, Rob gently lowered his body down on top of mine and with one last thrust, he buried his cock deep inside of me and held it there. I wrapped my arms and legs back around him and slid my pussy up and down on his cock, enjoying the glorious aftershocks of my orgasms. When I finally came down from the clouds, I realized that "poor Rob" was totally spent and he had fallen asleep on top of me with his cock still inside of me. Just as with my husband, Rob's cock slowly softening inside of me, its girth tickling the walls of my pussy, assured me that he had received all of the attention that he so deserved.I dozed off under him proudly convinced that he had just experienced the best fuck of his life, and like it or not, it was too late. My husband had received exactly what he had asked of me. Now, I had tasted the fruit that been presented to me, and I was still hungry. I had earlier promised Rob that I had other very special plans in store for him and I was anxious to make good on that promise.Part 7I awoke in a fetal position with a man's arms around me, cupping my breasts and holding me close against his body with what I would soon recognize as his hard cock humping gently but insistently against my butt. It felt sooo good, warm and hard, desperately wanting to be between my legs with its thick head buried deep up inside of me. Terry often woke me up this way and I absolutely loved it. No expectations, just lie here and enjoy the feeling of his warm, familiar cock sliding in and out of me until it would swell and his balls would release their warm, thick juices inside of me. His hot cum dripping down onto my leg, and knowing that my husband had been pleasured was a wonderful feeling for me. I raised my leg, reached down behind me and took his cock in my hand. It was so warm and extremely hard. I could feel it throbbing in my hand as I forced it downward between my legs. With two fingers, I pulled my little panties to the side and began rubbing its eager head between the lips of my pussy, feeling its pre-cum lubricating the entrance to his treasure. Wait! Panties?My body suddenly froze as I began to recall the earlier events of the evening. At first I thought that I had experienced an extremely erotic dream but I quickly began to realize that it had actually happened. If it had actually happened then why was I wearing panties? Why does the bed feel so strange, why am I not a sticky mess and most of all, who's cock am I on the verge of sliding up inside of me? His hands began gently kneading my breasts, his hips pushed forward, his hot cockhead parted my pussylips and with one long, slow thrust he buried his magnificent tool to the hilt deep up inside of me. "Oh my God! This feels soooooo fuckin' good!"Instinctively, I reached my left hand behind me, buried my fingernails into his muscular ass and pushed back with my hips, being sure that I was getting every inch of his manhood inside of me and squeezing it with what little bit of strength that my pussy muscles had left. Once again, wait! I needed answers and I needed them quickly. "Honey?" I whispered. He pulled back and began thrusting in and out of me with long, methodic strokes. My pussy began to respond and I found myself pushing my hips backward allowing him full access. Realizing that I was still feeling the effects of the alcohol and pot, I knew that as good as his cock feels inside of me, I had to know. Once again I whispered, "Honey?" He wrapped his strong arms tightly around me pulling my body firmly back against his, pushed forward burying his warm, hard cock deep into my pussy and stopped."No Sam, it's me, Rob." Immediately, I released my grip on his ass, pushed my hips forward and slid my reluctant little pussy off of his cock. Feelings of guilt began to fill my alcohol rattled brain. Not because of what had happened earlier, that was for Terry and definitely not because I enjoyed it as much as I did. My husband would never know, but fucking Rob was the best sex I had ever had in my life. As good as our sex life was, I had never experienced such intense, body draining orgasms. The guilty feelings were because right now more than anything in this world, I wanted to slide my pussy back onto Rob's beautiful cock and allow him to drain his magnificent balls inside of my disappointed little honeypot. This was wrong. This was supposed to be for my husband and as badly as I wanted it, I just can't. I had to say something. "Rob, we can't do this. You were great and I am extremely flattered that you wanted me as badly as you did, but what we did was for Terry. Once I realized that he really wanted it to happen, I was excited that he chose you but Rob, Terry loves you like a brother and he chose you for a reason. He wanted you out of the terrible funk that you were in, and putting you and I together would fulfill his fantasy AND possibly help you begin to heal. I'm sorry that I got you all excited and then stopped but I love Terry and it would be cheating if we did this without him." There, I had said it."Baby, everything's fine." It was Terry. "Watching the two of you was the sexiest thing I had ever seen in my life. It was better than I had ever imagined and I can never thank you enough for understanding. Honey, you were a mess, the bed was a mess, I wanted more and Rob definitely wanted more, so we carried you to the bathroom, gave you a nice warm bath, put those sexy white panties over your cute little butt and brought you to the guest room. I love you Baby, please, continue." That was all I needed to hear. I quickly raised my legs and started to remove my panties when Terry said, "No leave the panties on." This was fantastic! I loved it that way because I knew from our past experiences that a man loved the feel of panties sliding across the side of his cock. "Anything for my man" I said. I scurried to the foot of the bed, got up on all fours and raised my butt up to Rob. I wanted to be sure that my husband could see everything.Staring at the little gift that I had eagerly presented to him, Rob said, "Oh my God Sam, you have the most perfect ass I've ever seen. You are absolutely gorgeous." Without another word, he crawled up behind me, put his knees outside of mine, put his hands on each of my hips and pushed forward placing his blood engorged cock perfectly between my panty encased pussy lips. I reached back under me, wrapped my hand around his cock and once again with two fingers, pulled my panties to the side. I rubbed his cockhead gently up and down my pussylips until I felt his pre-cum lubricate my entrance and I pushed backward until his cock was totally buried inside of me, just as I had done a few minutes earlier, but this time it's going to stay.It's going to stay until I'm finished with it and that could take some time. Rob moaned, "Ahhhhhhhhh" and I knew that he could feel my strong pussy muscles squeezing his manhood like a little vise. I looked up at Terry and he was staring at us wide eyed with his cock in his hand stroking it feverishly. "Come here Baby" I said. "I'm gonna' suck your beautiful cock." He quickly stepped forward and touched his cock to my lips. He knew what he was about to receive. Terry loved having his cock sucked and I love Terry, so I had learned how to be the best there was at sucking his cock. Rob began a nice slow rhythm of sliding his cock in and out of me and moaning with every stroke. "Ahhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh" he muttered, like a perfectly timed, well oiled machine. I turned my head to the side and said, "Fuck me Rob, just fuck me, this is for you and Terry." I turned my head back, looked directly into Terry's eyes and sucked the entire length of his cock deep into my throat. He moaned loudly, placed a hand on each side of my head and began furiously pumping his rod in and out of my mouth from its tip all the way to his balls. The whole time I was thinking, "Give it to me big boy, you know I can take it." And he did. Terry would look at me sucking his cock deep into my throat and then he'd look at my ass with Rob plowing my little pussy feverishly from behind. Back and forth as though he couldn't decide which one excited him more. Just then, Rob leaned forward, wrapped both of his muscular arms around my waist, laid his head on the small of my back and began pumping me furiously, with fast, short strokes, just like a male dog would hammer a little bitch in heat and for that moment that's exactly what I was, his little bitch in heat. I was ecstatic! My body began to tremble and my pussy spasmed as I felt Rob's cock expanding inside of me ready to fill me with another huge load of his thick, hot cum. I knew that neither one was going to last much longer as I felt Terry's cock swell inside of my throat. Almost simultaneously the three of us began to cum. Rob's cock exploded inside of my pussy with a force like I'd never felt from behind and at nearly the same time, Terry's cock erupted into my mouth with nearly the same force. Gusher after gusher of thick hot cum poured into my pussy and into my mouth filling both with much more than either could possibly hold. I could feel Rob's cum filling my pussy and dripping down onto my leg, and I could feel Terry's hot load fill my mouth, gulping as much as I could down my throat and the rest rolling across my lips and dripping down my chin. Rob raised up, grabbed each of my shoulders and continued to slide his cock in and out of me with long, slow strokes. I knew that he was spent but obviously my tight little pussy felt too good to stop.Terry had stopped his onslaught of my mouth but I refused to stop sucking until I felt his tense body muscles begin to relax and his man muscle begin to soften. I slowly pulled back as my lips constricted on his cock, stopping with just the head still in my mouth. With my lips clamped tightly on its base, I "nursed" it until I was sure that I had stolen the last few drops that it could produce. I looked up at him, my mouth still hiding his cockhead and swallowed. His cock flexed its tiring muscles, he pushed it deeply back into my mouth and moaned, "Oh God Baby" and I began sucking again, enjoying his moans of pleasure. Drained and nearly soft, his hips pulled backward and his grateful manhood slipped out of my mouth. Once again, I looked up at him, my tongue licked as much of his seed as it could reach from my lips and I swallowed. He muttered, "Baby, you're amazing, I love you." I smiled up at him and said "I love you too." To be sure that both of my guys were going to sleep well tonight, I clamped my pussy muscles tightly to Rob's softening cock and he moaned, "Ahhhhhhh!" With one final thrust he buried his cock deep inside of me and collapsed onto my back driving my body deep down into the mattress. Terry looked down at Rob and began laughing hysterically. "Buddy, don't die on me," he said. "We're gonna' get a shower, have some dinner, get some sleep and do it all again tomorrow night, after the game of course." "Hey mister, I chimed in, get the hell up off of me and I'll give you a half time treat that'll make football extra special for you for the rest of your life." Still laughing, Terry added, "You'd better get up pal, trust me, that's a treat you're not going to wanna' to miss." He was right! Rob groaned and rolled over off of me. Terry helped me up off the bed and I put my feet on the floor but I couldn't stand. My legs felt like rubber and I was exhausted. He picked me up, carried me to the bathroom, carefully lowered me down into the tub and turned on the water. I added some bubble bath and let the water rise up to my chin. Oh, this feels soooo good. Boy, I really needed this.After an hour long soak, I noticed the clock on the bathroom wall. Oh no, two a.m. I still have the messy beds to contend with and I'm sure that my dinner was ruined. I have to do those things or I won't be able to sleep. Funny, for six hours I was a cock craving slut, literally covered from head to toe with the sperm of two different men, and now, one hour later, I've turned back into little miss homemaker.Never in my wildest dreams would I ever have imagined that I would do the things that I did, but then again, I never would have imagined that I could enjoy having another man's cock exploding inside of me as much as I did. Go figure. I just pray to God that I didn't ruin my marriage. I walked into our bedroom and there was my husband already in bed. "Hi Baby, are you okay, you were in there for a long time?" he asked."Uh yeah," I replied. "What's going on?" He replied, "Well, Rob and I figured that you would be exhausted so we redid the beds and cleaned up the kitchen. Sam, you're a princess and you should be treated like one. Now, climb in here and back that beautiful little ass up here against your man." I happily gave him a little salute and said, "Yes Sir." Evidently, he is happy and I am DEFINITELY happy. "Anything for my man."Part 8I was awakened with the telephone ringing. Terry answered and I heard him say, "Oh, hi Rob, Yeah sure, that'll be great. We'll see you then." "Honey, Rob's coming over around six and he's gonna' bring dinner." "Uh great" I said, "but why would he call so early?""Early?" He chuckled, "Sweetie it's eleven thirty." I thought to myself, Oh no, eleven thirty, I missed my morning jog. Well, there's a lot of lawns that won't be getting mowed today. Yes, I've noticed and I'm embarrassed to admit it, but deep down, I kinda' enjoy it. I'm a little naïve but I'm not stupid. Anyway, I may have missed my jog but I'm not gonna' miss my Saturday morning fuck. I turned over on my side and backed my butt up against my husbands' cock. He wasn't quite ready, but a little light humping and he will be. In less than a minute, I was raising my leg and holding his manhood in my hand. Pulling my panties to one side I began rubbing his cockhead between my pussy lips encouraging him to enter me. He pushed forward and his cockhead popped into my hungry little pussy. I winced and he quickly pulled back. "I'm sorry Baby, are you too sore for this?" He chuckled. Wow, I AM a little sore, I thought. My pussy has never been sore before, but then again, I've never been fucked so hard so many times before. I replied, "Oh no Baby, you just felt soo good and I guess I wasn't quite ready. Now bring that big boy back here and put him where he belongs.He pushed his hips forward and slid just a few inches up inside of me. "Ahhhhhh Baby that's nice" he whispered. He began to slowly and gently slide in and out of me giving me just a little more length each time. Prior to last night, my husband had never heard me speak "nasty" during sex. When the "ladies" in the videos would start to talk "dirty," I thought that it was disgusting. Last night, the "game" that I'd been playing had somehow turned into reality and I actually became one of "those ladies." The alcohol, the pot, and the passionate eagerness of both Rob AND my husband had taken total control of my mind, my body and my inhibitions. The only thing on my mind was SEX!With no thought whatsoever, I had no problem spewing really nasty things to Rob and he absolutely loved it. I could literally feel his manhood respond inside of me the second the nasty words passed my lips. It felt natural and besides, I hadn't been quiet while fucking Rob and I was sure that Terry had heard every word that I had said. I love my husband very much and I wanted to afford him everything that I could possibly offer, so I decided to try it with him. I knew that I would be able to tell if it was actually a "guy thing." "Anything for my man." I closed my eyes, pushed my hips backward and said, "Fuck me Terry, bury that big, beautiful cock of yours inside of me and fuck me like the little slut I am." His response was immediate. He pulled back and slammed his cock up inside of me exactly as Rob had done. "Ahhhhhhhhhh Baby, you've got the sweetest little pussy" he moaned and started hammering his cock in and out of me harder than he ever had. His hot cock felt sooo good sliding in and out of my little pussy and within a matter of minutes, his body stiffened, his throbbing cock swelled (to nearly the size of Rob's) and he began pouring load after load of his hot thick cum into my hungry pussy. Once again, my little pussy was overflowing with white, hot cum and once again I was feeling and loving every drop of it. Just as Rob had done, Terry slowed his pace, but he continued to slide in and out of me with long, slow strokes. With one last moan, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Terry buried his cock deep up inside of my pussy and held it there. Oh YES! It feels sooooo good inside of me. My man was spent and I was happy. I love pleasuring my husband and I'm sure that he's been pleasured. He slid his cock back slowly out of me and I could feel his warm seed rolling out of me and down onto my leg. He fell back onto the bed with a thud and before I knew it, I had drifted back off to sleep. Obviously, it's a "Guy Thing." Within the past sixteen hours I have totally sucked the life out of a strong, virile cock and I've been fucked and filled four times by two amazing, sexy men who wanted absolutely nothing more than to fuck me. Yep, I've decided. There is absolutely no better feeling in the world than having your pussy pumped totally full of hot cum by a man who thinks that you have the worlds' sweetest pussy and I am SURE that I know two men who think that I have the worlds' sweetest pussy. Hmm, maybe I DO! Rob won't be here until SIX? I have a feeling that it's gonna' be a LONG day.Part 9I awoke to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and I really needed some. I took a quick shower, put on my robe and went downstairs. Terry was sitting on the patio with his coffee, reading his newspaper. I poured myself a cup of coffee, walked out onto the patio, gave him a quick kiss and sat down across from him at the patio table. After a few moments of silence I knew that I had to speak up. "Honey, we need to talk." He lowered his paper and smiled at me. "Go ahead" he said. I began again, "Terry, you know that I love you more than anything in this world and you know that I would never dream of ever cheating on you." Smiling, he reached for my hand and said, "Princess, let me stop you right there. I love you too and I know you. You're feeling guilty because you enjoyed it, right?" I looked down at the table and nodded my head. "Sam, look at me." Nervously, I looked back up at him and he said, "Baby, you were SUPPOSED to enjoy it. I told you before, watching the two of you was better than I had ever imagined. Watching your tiny body tremble under Rob's big frame while he pleasured you, watching your sexy little hips pushing up at him insisting on burying every inch of him inside of you, seeing your body tense, your face flush with desire when you started to orgasm and knowing that he was cumming inside of you nearly drove me out of my mind. All of those things were a part of my fantasy and everything was perfect. "Absolutely perfect. Sam, thank you for understanding and thank you for fulfilling every aspect of my fantasy. I can only hope that you're okay with it and that we can continue. If you're not okay with it, please just tell me, but I will never get tired of watching you. You were perfect, Rob was perfect and I got exactly what I wanted. Are we good?" Good? Oh God YES, we're good! I looked into my husbands' eyes and said, "Absolutely, we're good Baby, anything for you." This is amazing. I stood, walked over to my husband, gave him a quick kiss and said, "Thank you Sweetie, I have a few things to do. You just finish your paper and enjoy the sunshine." As I turned back and walked towards the house my mind quickly turned to the thought of Rob's cock. Rob's big, beautiful, hard cock and how I hadn't had much time to just hold it in my hands and admire it. How I hadn't had time to suck it up into my mouth deep down into my throat and impress him with my abilities. Tonight I will take that time. Tonight I will give these two men the best sex of their lives. Guaranteed! DAMN! What time is it?I laundered my new outfit and puttered around in the flowerbeds a little bit but I couldn't concentrate on anything but six o'clock. My body was on fire and numerous times I found my hands wandering down to my pussy and rubbing my anxious clit, but I was still a little tender and I realized that I would just have to wait. Like a zombie, I wandered around the house trying to look busy but the entire time I was fantasizing different scenarios in my mind. Finally it hit me, looking for an aspirin while visiting my brother, I noticed Viagra in his medicine cabinet. Rob had definitely not needed anything last night but it might be fun and I had a couple of anxious hours on my hands. I grabbed my keys and shouted, "Honey, I'm gonna' pick up some wine, need anything?" "Nope," he said, and I headed across town. No one was home. Even better. I let myself in, grabbed a couple of the little blue pills and headed home. After my wine purchase I was on my way home and decided on a plan. Rob was coming at six, the football game didn't start until eight. I was gonna' tease them. For two hours, I'm gonna' tease the hell out of them. Then, we'll just let nature take its course. Perfect! The only problem now is the clock. I found myself constantly looking up at the clock and noticing for the first time ever how slowly it actually moved. Come on clock, MOVE!Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the doorbell rang. Once again I looked back at the clock. Five thirty. Hmmmmm, It appears that someone else is as anxious as I am. With a huge smile on my face, I scurried up the steps to grab a quick shower and get prepared.I heard Terry open the door and greet his friend. The two of them were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying so I quickly showered, dried off and began getting ready. I pulled my hair back into the ponytail that I knew my husband loves. He said that it made me look like a teenager. Quite a compliment! I put on my new bikini and stepped in front of the mirror to be sure that everything was in order. Wow! I LOVE this new bathing suit! The little top pulled my breasts together showing the perfect amount of cleavage and the fabric proved that my nipples had a mind of their own. Looking down at the bottoms I could see the perfect outline of my pussylips and my manicured, little bush creating a nice little mound just above them. Turning around I could see that the tiny bottoms barely covered my butt cheeks and I was impressed. I had not really paid that much attention to it before, but now I realized that I really DO have a cute little bubble butt and I was gonna' use it to drive my two guys out of their fucking minds. Perfect! I'm anxious to get started.When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I could see that my guys were out on the patio, sitting on the edge of the pool having a beer, with their feet dangling in the water. The sun was setting and they had already lit the tiki torches. I stopped at the edge of the patio doors when I saw Terry light a joint, take a long draw and hand it over to Rob. After a few times of passing it back and forth, their conversation about football stopped and they became quiet. I knew that the pot was taking its magical effect when Rob looked over at Terry and said, "Look man, maybe we should talk." Just as he had done with me, Terry interrupted him by putting his hand on Rob's shoulder and saying, "Hey Buddy, there's nothing to talk about unless you want to discuss how great my wife is in bed." Rob stared down into the shimmering water and said, "Terry, Sam is amazing. I hope that I don't offend you but that little lady has the tightest little pussy I've ever seen. She's like fucking a virgin who knows what she's doing." Terry started laughing and said, "Offend me? I already know that and hearing it from you is a huge compliment. Listen man, you might not understand but this is exactly what I've been fantasizing about for years. I'm sorry for your misfortune but I gotta' tell ya', it happened at the perfect time for me. You're my best friend, you're safe, clean, and trust me, Sam thoroughly enjoyed being with you. It's a win, win, win. Just relax and enjoy yourself because I am." "Okay," Rob replied. "If you're sure." "Oh, I'm sure," Terry told him. I had heard enough. My heart was pounding and my blood was beginning to boil. I have to stop this, I'm gonna' be in charge here and there won't be any doubt about it. I crushed one of the pills, got my guys two fresh beers and added the magic potion to one. I stepped out onto the patio and shouted, "Hey guys, what the hell, did you start this party without me?" They looked up at the same time. Both of their mouths' opened and their eyes nearly popped. I could tell what they were thinking and I LOVED IT! Finally, Terry laughed and said, "We sure did, ya' snooze- ya' lose."He took a big toke from the joint, handed it to Rob, stood, walked over to me and pressed his lips to mine forcing a huge cloud of smoke into my lungs. I inhaled deeply, held it for a few seconds and reluctantly allowed it to escape across my lips. I handed him his beer and headed towards my stud. Rob's eyes were locked on me as I walked across the patio. I handed him his "fresh" beer and leaned down with my breasts just inches from his lips. My excited nipples were straining against the fabric of my top, just begging him to suck them deep into his mouth. I whispered into his ear, "How about you Mister, are YOU gonna' share with me?"He raised the joint to his lips, took a long toke and put his hand to the back of my head pulling my lips to his. I immediately began tongue fucking him and he responded in kind. I inhaled deeply, broke our kiss and stood up slowly releasing the precious smoke. I looked down and saw that he was wearing loose fitting boxer style swim trunks sporting a very nice bulge. I kneeled down on one knee, put my hand on the back of his head and pulled his lips to mine pulling his tongue into my mouth sucking on it as if it were his cock. I reached my hand down to the loose leg of his shorts, snaked my hand inside, wrapped my hand around his cock and gently pulled it down exposing its beautiful, throbbing head out the bottom of his shorts. I released his tongue, broke our kiss and gave his cock one last firm squeeze. I whispered in his ear, "How nice!." I let go of his cock, stood up and as though nothing had happened I said, "I'm starved, what's for dinner?" I looked over at the patio table and saw that there was a nice little picnic style dinner of fried chicken, potato salad and biscuits sitting on a bright red and white checkered tablecloth with a candle, matching napkins and a bottle of wine chilling in a little ice bucket in the center of the table. They were both staring at me wide eyed and obviously excited as I strolled over to the table. Saying that I didn't want to get anything on my dress, I raised my arms and pulled it up over my head exposing my little bubble butt to them knowing that I was in charge and they were loving it. I sat down, glanced back at Rob and said "This looks delicious Rob, thank you." I smiled sheepishly as I saw Rob frantically trying to force his cock back up into his shorts without hurting himself. "This is hilarious I thought, you guys are sooo easy" I had them wrapped around my little finger. I knew it and they knew it.They both scrambled to get to the table. Terry poured a glass of wine for me and we began to eat, their eyes locked onto my cleavage like radar during the entire meal. Huh, with my little pussy on fire and having had nothing on my mind all day except Rob's cock, ( my new best friend ) I hadn't realized how hungry I was. I thought, "This is great, my boys are doing a wonderful job. Keep up the good work."Part 10When I had finished eating, I stood up and on my tiptoes, stretched upward reaching my hands as high over my head as I possibly could, holding it for quite a few seconds knowing that their eyes were locked on my body and loving it. "That was great Rob, I'm gonna' need the nourishment, thank you" I said. Staring at my breasts with flared nostrils and a flushed face he was finally able to mutter, "Uh, you're welcome Sam, I'm glad you liked it." With that, my two little trained puppies insisted that I have another glass on wine and relax by the pool while they cleaned up. I "reluctantly" agreed, walked over to a chaise lounge, sat down and placed a foot on either side lying back and allowing them to enjoy the view. Enjoy it they did. Scurrying around and tripping over each other like a couple of teenage boys, it took them quite a while. It was hilarious! When I saw that they were finished I quickly downed the rest of my wine, stood up and said, "I'm gonna' take a little dip guys, why don't you get us another drink and have a seat on the edge of the pool." I dove in, swam to the far end and by the time I swam back, they were seated on the edge of the pool with a beer on each side and a glass of wine between them. I swam over to my husband and pulled myself up between his legs with the bulge in his shorts just inches from my lips. I reached over for my wine and drank nearly all of it. I sat the glass down, reached up the leg of his shorts and pulled his cock out exposing its head. I turned my head up, sucked his cockhead into my mouth and began sucking it like a baby would nurse on a bottle. His body tensed and he gripped tightly on the edge of the pool. Almost immediately, his cock began to swell and I released it with a pop. "Oh no you don't" I said. "I'll decide when it's time." Grinning like a schoolboy he said, "Yes Ma'am." I reached up, wrapped my hand around his cock, pulled it back down to my lips and sucked its entire length into my mouth deep down into my throat, gripping it firmly until it once again began to swell. With my husbands' cock in my throat I looked up at Rob and he was staring down at me with his glazed eyes wide open. Once again with a pop, I released Terry's cock from my mouth and took it in my hand slowly stroking its entire length up and down. Still looking at Rob, I pouted my lips and said, "Rob, my glass is nearly empty." Immediately, he picked up my glass started getting up and said, "Oh, uh yeah, sorry, I'll be right back." As Rob left to get my drink I continued stroking my husbands' cock and said, "Well, how am I doing?" Grinning from ear to ear he replied, "You ornery little shit, you're driving us crazy and you know it." I smiled back at him and said, "Of course I do and you're loving it." I released my grip on his cock and he said, "Hey, don't stop." Still smiling I said, "I told you, I'll decide when it's time. I'll decide what you get, when you get it and how much you'll get." I pushed away from the pool and swam to the other side. I swam back and Rob was sitting there with my wine and another freshly lit joint. I took a nice long drink of the wine, sat the glass down and worked my way over between Rob's legs just as I had done with my husband, my lips a mere inches from his cock. I looked over at the joint in his hand and said, "Are we gonna' share that?" Rob took an extremely long draw on the joint, handed it to Terry, reached down under my arms, pulled me up to him and planted his lips on mine. Once again, our tongues began fucking and he forced the smoke into my mouth deep into my lungs. I held it for a few seconds and without breaking our kiss I exhaled, forcing the smoke back into his mouth. I broke our kiss and dropped back down into the water. Just as I had done with my husband, I reached my hand up the leg of his trunks and pulled out his cock but I didn't tease it. I wrapped my lips around his beautiful cock and sucked its entire length deep into my throat. Rob's body jerked as if he'd been shocked and his cock popped up and out of my mouth. I grabbed it, pulled it back down to my mouth and began furiously bobbing my head up and down its length from its tip to his balls. Once again, just as I had done with Terry, when I felt his cock begin to swell, I buried it deep into my throat slowly pulling back and stopping at the head giving it just a few quick sucks. I made sure that it popped when I finally released it. Pushing away from the poolside with my feet, I childishly said, "Catch me if you can." Terry started laughing and Rob immediately lowered himself into the pool swimming after me. Being more than six feet tall, it didn't take him long to catch me. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me under the water. I grabbed at his trunks and pulled them down with me. With his bare cock touching my chin, I opened my mouth and sucked it in, once again burying it deep into my throat. After a few seconds of deep throat sucking I released his cock, rose to the surface and began swimming towards Terry, holding Rob's trunks up out of the water displaying my trophy. It took Rob a few seconds to recover and he couldn't catch up before I reached the edge of the pool. I handed his trunks to Terry and he flung them backwards over his head and onto the patio. Being totally fried, we all laughed like a bunch of goofy teenagers. Once I was finally able to catch my breath, I realized that teasing Rob had ignited a fire in my pussy. I wanted Rob's cock and I wanted Rob's cock right now. I worked my way back between Terry's legs and encouraged him to raise his hips so I could remove his trunks. Taking Rob's arm, I pulled him up behind me, wrapped my lips around my husbands' cockhead and began "nursing." I grasped his forearms, placed my feet against the side of the pool and pushed upward presenting my little butt to Rob, showing him that I was his for the taking. Rob grasped my hips pushed up against me and nestled his cock firmly between my little butt cheeks. I reached down taking his cock in my hand and wiggling my little butt, managed to get its head inside of my bikini bottoms and between the lips of my hungry pussy. I pulled firmly on his cock encouraging him to enter me. He reached around me getting a firm grip on the edge of the pool and pushed. With one thrust, Rob buried his magnificent cock deep up inside of me and still having having my lips gripped tightly around Terry's cockhead, I moaned, "Mmmmmmmmph!" I was in heaven! I began bobbing my head up and down my husband's cock and Rob began hammering my little pussy like a madman from behind. I was on the brink of orgasm and I could feel Rob's cock swelling inside of me when I suddenly realized, Hey wait a minute, I'm in charge here and you'll cum when I say you'll cum. I suddenly released Terry's cock with my signature "pop" and dropped down into the water sliding quickly off of Rob's cock.Like a mother scolding a child I said, "Ah ah ah boys, not yet" Terry started laughing and Rob muttered, "Oh my God!" as I swam to the ladder and climbed out of the pool. I was halfway to the patio doors when I stopped, turned around to face them and seeing the look of desperation on their faces, I reached behind me, untied the knot in my bikini top and let it drop to the patio presenting my proud, firm breasts and overly excited nipples for them to view in the flickering light of the flaming torches. I looked at Terry and then to Rob, slowly back and forth numerous times allowing their eyes to feast on my flesh. I said, "Drink up boys, I'm going inside and you can't come in until you finish your drinks. They gulped down their drinks and locked their eyes back onto my naked breasts. "I said, I'm going in now, come join me."After a few moments, I turned around and with just a tiny bit of extra sway in my hips, I walked slowly across the patio and into the house allowing them to have a little more time to let the sight of my little bubble butt burn into their brains. Once inside I giggled like a schoolgirl, but I felt a little bit sorry for them. Okay, I had teased them enough. Besides, my greedy, little pussy has had its first taste of the day of (my new best friend) and it wanted more. Much, much more.Part 11When I heard my guys enter the house, I walked into the living room, lit a candle and laid a blanket on the floor in front of the couch. Terry entered the room first with Rob close behind. I was impressed at the way both of my cocks were extremely rigid, standing up perfectly straight and tall like guards at the palace door, and extremely proud of myself, knowing that I had created their absolutely perfect condition. Having been assured that what my husband wanted more than anything, was to watch me fuck and be fucked, I took his hand, led him across the room to a chair and said, "you'll sit here." The sofa sat at a forty five degree angle of the chair where I had seated Terry, giving him an unobstructed view. Still reeling from the frustration of releasing Rob's cock from me while in the pool, I also knew what I wanted more than anything. I took Rob's hand, led him to the sofa and said, "You'll sit here, I'm gonna' sit on your lap." I pushed him onto the sofa, stood in front of him and said, "This little girl's gonna' rock your fuckin' world!"I looked directly into Rob's eyes as I wiggled out of my bikini bottoms, kicked them off to the side, straddled him, and lowered myself down onto his lap. Thrusting my hips forward, I pushed his cock backward against his belly forcing his underside to part my pussylips. Placing my hand on the nape of his neck I pulled his head forward until his lips were touching my nipple. His lips parted and I arched my back popping my nipple inside of his warm, wet mouth. He began to gently nurse on my sensitive nipple and what felt like little waves of electricity started to flow through my body and down to my eager little pussy. He sucked me deeper into his mouth and I began humping my pussy top to bottom on the underside of his cock bathing it with my juices. He began pushing up with his hips forcing the underside of his cock deeper inside my pussylips. From the corner of my eye I could see Terry. His hand was slowly stroking up and down on his cock and I was satisfied that he could see everything. Rob moved his lips to my other nipple and began nursing me with an urgency that I could no longer ignore. Once again on the verge of orgasm I reluctantly pushed Rob's head back away from my nipple and raised my leg placing my foot flat on the sofa cushion. I raised myself up, reached under me, took his cock in my hand and began flittering its head across my clit causing my entire body to tremble with anticipation. I looked down into Rob's begging eyes and being sure that my husband could hear I said, "Rob, I've teased you long enough, I'm gonna' fuck you now." He looked down with anticipation at my tiny hand wrapped around his throbbing cock and I lowered myself down onto him taking his entire length up inside of me. We moaned in unison as I raised myself back up to the very tip and lowered myself down again filling my pussy with his throbbing man meat. I raised myself just halfway up his cock, stopped, looked into his eyes and began to squeeze. Rob moaned, his eyes closed and his head fell back against the sofa. I began a steady rhythm of half strokes up and down while my pussy continued its death grip on his cock. I looked over at my husband and he was staring at my body rising and falling onto his friend, his hand pounding furiously on his cock. He raised his eyes to meet mine, the muscles in his jaws tightened and he yelled, "FUCK HIM SAM, FUCK HIM, FUCK HIM HARD!" That was the very moment when I finally understood the meaning of the term "dirty talk," and learned that it wasn't just a "guy thing." My mind went blank and my pussy clamped onto Rob's cock with tremendous force. I could feel my juices rolling down his shaft. Almost immediately, I felt his cock swell to an enormous size and I knew that it was time. He pushed upward and grunted loudly. I felt the first enormous blast of his cum hit my womb and my orgasm began. I placed my hands on his shoulders and put my knee back down onto the sofa forcing my body down onto his, burying his cock deep up inside of my pussy. I began bucking my hips against him, grinding with more force that I knew I had. His cock continued to erupt inside of me as his cum poured down my legs. My head was thrashing back and forth with my ponytail slapping my eyes and stinging them. Amidst all of the noise that we were making I heard my husband moan loudly and I knew that he was shooting a huge load of his own onto his chest, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I knew that he was satisfied. After what seemed an eternity our orgasms began to subside and I collapsed down onto his chest still feeling his beautiful cock inside of me filling my pussy. I started gently sliding back and forth on his cock feeling its girth against the walls of my pussy, greedily enjoying my little aftershocks.Rob's cock began to soften inside of me but I sat very still because every few seconds his body would spasm, his cock would enlarge, I would give him a little squeeze, and he would shoot another few drops of his sweet cum up inside of me. I wanted all of it. I heard a strange noise and suddenly realized that Terry had fallen asleep and had begun to snore. Ah, my little honey was exhausted. I giggled and slowly raised my hips causing Rob's cock to slide out of my pussy and flop down onto the sofa. Again I giggled, Ah, my other little honey is spent too.Desperately needing to "tinkle" I got up from the sofa and wobbled to the bathroom. After answering Mother Nature's call, I cleaned myself up, dampened a washcloth for my guys and wobbled back to the living room. Well, what do you know. My two studs missing their precious game and neither one cared. Once again, my little pussy had been filled with the nectar from my "new best friend" and for the moment, I am "temporarily" satisfied. Looking down at my men I whispered, "Don't get too comfortable boys, we're just getting started."I cupped my hand to my still warm pussy with nothing on my mind except the desire for more cock. I want cock in my hands, I want cock in my mouth, I want cock between my legs and there's two beautiful cocks right here in front of me. Time to get started boys.I walked over to Terry and woke him by wiping the mess from his chest and his balls. He smiled at me and said, "Sam, you were absolutely amazing, you just keep getting better. Thank you so much."I smiled back at him and replied, "Well, thank you too Baby. Now that I can relax with this, I'm really enjoying myself. This is fantastic. And by the way, you're gonna' want to stay awake. I'm gonna' wake Rob and you're definitely not going to want to miss this." He smiled and said, "Can't wait."Kneeling on the floor between Rob's legs, I took his limp cock in my hand and attempted to wipe away the enormous mess that this beautiful hunk of man meat and I had created earlier. The ecstasy I had experienced while making this mess was beyond description but trying to remove it with this washcloth was futile. I was surprised when I heard Rob speak, "Ah God that feels good," he said. I looked up and his eyes were open and staring down at me. I smiled, wrapped my hand around his limp cock and began to gently squeeze. Rob smiled back at me and chuckled, "Sam, this feels great and I hate to say this, but I really gotta' pee." We all started laughing when Terry quickly retorted, "Oh my God man, me too." I gave his cock one last nice squeeze, gently scratched the underside of his balls with my fingernails and released my grip. "Hurry back," I chuckled. With that, they hurried off towards the bathrooms. Part 12I replaced the towels where Rob had been sitting with fresh ones from the linen closet, readjusted my ponytail and knowing what my husband likes, applied a coat of bright red lipstick. Hearing the shower in the guest bathroom running, I poured myself a fresh glass of wine, walked back to the living room and sat down. Sipping my wine while patiently waiting for my guys to return, I began to reminisce about the earlier events of the evening. My God that's a beautiful cock, I thought and suddenly recognized the familiar feeling of my blood rushing down my body and warming my little pussy. I raised my glass to my lips, planted my feet firmly on the floor, reached down with my free hand and began gently rubbing my clit with my fingertips. Not realizing that I was actually speaking I muttered, "Beautiful, beautiful, hard, throbbing cock" and my fingertips responded by pressing down firmly on my little mound and increasing their tempo back and forth across my clit. "Ahhhhhhhh God YES, YES, fuck me Rob, fuck me." My hips pushed upward and my fingers began racing faster and faster back and forth across my clit quickly bringing me to orgasm, "Ahhhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhh," I moaned as my hips bucked upward against my fingertips and my juices flowed down my thighs. I could feel my body begin to relax as my orgasm slowly subsided but my fingertips continued to instinctively brush across the very tip of my little clit allowing me to enjoy the spasms and little aftershocks that I always experienced afterwards. For the second time within little more than an hour, the heat between my legs brought on by my new sexual scenario, had been "temporarily" lowered. My body went limp and I pushed my hand down firmly against my quivering little pussy, holding it tightly and enjoying the pressure that it created. "Baby that was beautiful." Startled by the sound of my husband's voice, my body jerked and my wine spilled down onto my chest rolling onto my belly. I jumped up from my chair and shouted, "Oh boy, that's cold." Slightly embarrassed, I continued, "I'm sorry Baby, I didn't know you were there." "Don't be sorry, he said, Sam, you are so, so sexy!" He walked over to me, took my hand, raised it to his lips sucking my fingers into his mouth. "Baby, you taste great" Slowly sliding his mouth back off of my fingers, he looked at me and whispered, "I love you Baby, I love you and I am really happy that you are enjoying bringing my fantasies to life. I was a little apprehensive at first but watching you alone and hearing the things that you were saying, convinced me that you are okay and you are definitely enjoying yourself. I hope that you are getting everything that you want out of this and you should know, you're doing wonders with Rob. He hasn't been happy for a long time and trust me, you fucking his brains out is making him happy, REALLY happy. And oh, by the way, please feel free to continue to express yourself, I love it." I smiled at him and said, "Anything for my man, anything." When Rob entered the room, he was sporting half a hard on but he had a full smile on his face. I took my husband's hand and said, " We're going to the bedroom."Part 13When we entered the bedroom, I lit a candle on top of the dresser, pulled a pair of black, silk boxers from its top drawer, handed them to Rob and said, "Put these on." I instructed my husband to get his chair from across the room and place it close to the head of our bed. As they were (of course) meeting my demands, I reached to turn out the light and questioned, "Just out of curiosity, what is it with you guys and the dirty talk?" Without hesitation Terry replied, "Sam, it's not the dirty talk that's such a big turn on, it's dirty talk from you, a lady." Grinning I asked, "What?" Rob immediately chimed in with, "That's right Sam, dirty talk from just anyone isn't sexy, sometimes it can actually be a turn off but with you it's fantastic. When you looked at me and said, "Fuck me Rob," I was done, I almost lost my fuckin' mind. You're a real lady Sam, that's what's sexy." I wasn't sure that I understood but I was sure that I liked what I'd just heard.Feeling on top of the world and (basically) fishing for more of these wonderful compliments I said, "With everything that I've let you do to me, you still think of me as a lady?" "Oh God yes Sam, I've always considered you to be one hundred per cent a lady and I always will." Swelling with pride I thought, "Wow! I've been fuckin, these guys for two days. Here I am, standing in our marriage bedroom, stoned and completely naked ready to fuck them again, and they think of me as a lady. Well, let's see if they still think I'm a lady an hour from now." I ordered my husband to his chair, told Rob to lie on his back with his head on a pillow in the center of the bed at the headboard, straddled his face with a knee on either side of his head, grasped the headboard with both hands and lowered my pussy until it barely brushed his lips. "Give me your tongue Rob, I ordered. Give me your tongue and lie still." Rob obeyed. When Rob's tongue touched my pussylips, my body spasmed and he began sliding his tongue top to bottom the entire length of my pussy bathing it with his saliva and sending tiny shock waves throughout my entire body. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I purred as he continued licking and began wiggling his tongue with the speed of a vibrator. I looked over at my husbands' ashen face a mere two feet away, wide eyed, massaging his balls with his left hand and firmly gripping his cock with his right. Seeing him so utterly aroused sent me over the edge. My body began to shake and my little pussy began to spasm uncontrollably. I tightened my grip on our headboard and slammed my pussy down onto Rob's face, forcing his tongue deep up inside of me. My well conditioned pussy muscles constricted on his tongue with all of their power and I began to grind hard down on his face, holding his tongue demandingly, exactly where I wanted it to be, deep up inside of me. Rob grabbed my taut muscled, little butt cheeks in either hand and pulled me forward putting even more pressure on my pussy and my blood engorged clit. My head thrashed wildly, my ponytail slapping my face as I began a series of intense, seemingly endless stream of orgasms, sending my juices down my pussy and onto Rob's lips. I could feel him sucking wildly, desperately trying to capture my juices into his mouth, yet still my pussy refused to loosen its grip on his tongue. "Oh my God Rob, Oh my fucking God, I screamed, Ahhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Within seconds I could hear my husband moaning and I could feel enormous amounts of hot cum splattering the nape of my neck and beginning to flow down my back. I glanced over and Terry was standing with his left foot on the floor and his right knee on the bed pumping his cock and sending stream after stream of his warm jism onto my body. I was exhausted! I heard Terry flop down onto his chair and I had no choice but to release my grip from Rob's strong, obedient tongue. I couldn't help but giggle when I finally raised my hips a few inches and heard poor Rob gasping for air yet still trying to reach the juices on my pussylips with his tongue. "Quite a trooper, I thought, I like that." I lowered my body until I could feel the tip of his tongue touch my pussylips allowing him access to my precious nectar. He slid his tongue up and down my little slit stopping only briefly to swallow his prize. I pulled my pussy back until my clit was touching the tip of his tongue and knowing what I was demanding, began rapidly flicking it back and forth across my clit, patiently allowing my greedy little pussy it's gratifying series of spasms and aftershocks that it expected and definitely deserved. After a few minutes, my pussy was satisfied and my body muscles relaxed. I lowered my body down pushing my pussy onto Rob's face and he buried his stiffened tongue deep up inside of me holding it there until I was sure that I had had enough. His tongue wiggled desperately as I slowly raised my hips putting my pussy out of its reach. I slid down his body until we were face to face and touched my lips to his accepting his anxious tongue inside my mouth, sucking it greedily with exactly the same enthusiasm as I would be soon be using on his beautiful cock.I put my hands on Rob's heaving chest and pushed myself back to the edge of the bed. I lowered my feet to the floor and attempted to stand up but the alcohol and pot were still doing their jobs and my little legs were exhausted. I began to sway so I grabbed the bedpost to help hold myself upright. Terry started laughing and stood up clapping his hands shouting "Bravo, Bravo my little lady." Laughingly I said, "Jeesh, I'm going to have to start working out my legs muscles a little harder, you guys are killin' me.""My ass! Rob shouted, if you'd held out any longer I'd have suffocated!" We all began laughing hysterically. I looked at Rob and said, "Aw, quit your whinin' ya' big crybaby, your times comin'. Catch your breath 'cause I'm gonna' get a drink of water and I'll be right back, we ain't done yet." I reached my hand behind his neck, pulled his face up to my breast and let him suck my hard nipple for a few seconds before I pushed his head back, turned and walked away, the whole time thinking, "Damn that felt good, I should have let him suck a little longer. But no, I gotta' be in charge, damn this is fun!" Knowing that they were staring at my tight little butt as I walked away, I stopped at the door, looked back at them, touched my index finger to pouted lips and bent over. I gave them just a few short seconds, raised up and walked out the door. I heard Rob shout, "SON OF A BITCH!" and they started laughing.Part 14Outside the door, I decided to stop to eavesdrop for just a minute and I heard Rob say, "Buddy, your wife is fuckin' amazing. She's beautiful and her little body is absolutely perfect. Perfect little ass, tiny waist thick sexy lips and her titties, my God those titties, Buddy, those titties just drive me out of my fuckin' mind with their perfect nipples almost always hard and just daring you to try to stop staring at 'em. And then, to put the icing on the cake, that tiny, tight sweet pussy. Man, her little pussy tastes so sweet, I could lick her little pussy all day every day. I honestly don't know how you can ever leave the house." "I know man I know, Terry said excitedly. and how about that grip?""Aw fuck man, the grip." Rob replied. "I couldn't fuckin' believe it!" "The first time my cockhead popped through her little pussylips, she was wet and she was so fuckin' tight that I was afraid that I wasn't gonna' last but two or three strokes, man I started getting' worried and then she clamped down on me like a fuckin' vise. I mean, I'm not sure that I could have cummed if I'd wanted to!" They both started laughing and Terry said, "I know man I know. Rob, Sam's been a great wife for me. She actually practiced and exercised a lot just to be able to do that for me AND she practiced oral for me. Man I gotta' tell ya', she's the best! NO ONE can suck a cock like Sam.""Well, Rob said, I only got just a little taste of that, and they both busted out laughing, but it was easy to tell that the little munchkin really knew what she was doing, without a doubt. Terry, she teased me out by the pool until I thought my head was gonna' explode, but when she got serious, Oh God man, it was worth the wait." Terry laughed and said, "Well Buddy, I'm not sure because just when I think that Sam's gonna' zig, she zags, but I think that you just might be minutes away from another one of her many mind blowing talents and once again, you're not gonna' fuckin' believe it, we'll just have to wait and see." Terry said, "Hey man, did you know we missed the game?" "Fuck that game," Rob replied and they started laughing. "I'd miss football forever AND Christmas for pussy like that."Terry laughed and said, "Oh yeah, me too, we're probably not gonna' make the playoffs anyway." Rob responded with, "Well yeah, but and I had heard enough. I walked on towards the kitchen for a badly needed drink of water thinking, I probably should feel at least a little bit guilty for enjoying this as much as I am but for some reason, I don't. I just don't and I don't know why. There's not a person in the world who knows me, that would believe what I've been doing if I told them myself. I've gotten more cock and cum inside of me in two days than any of my girlfriends get in a month, maybe two, but then again, maybe if they loved their man like I do, stopped complaining so much and try a little harder, they could be having better sex too. Not as good as mine of course, but better. Anyway, I'm getting a lot of fantastic hard cock and tons of hot man cream and I'm lovin' it! The more I get, the more I want, and right now I want more, lots more.I stopped at the bathroom for a warm, wet washcloth and headed to the bedroom.Part 15I walked back into the bedroom with a little extra energy in my step, making sure that my titties were bouncing for my guys. They stopped talking and stared at me strutting across the room. I stood on the floor at the center of the bed, started barking orders and they began to scramble. "Rob, sit here in front of me on the edge of the bed." And he did. "Terry, put our extra blanket in the center of our bed, I'm gonna' make a mess." And he did. "Now, come stand beside me." With a huge smile on his face, he did. "Rob, spread your legs." And of course, he did. I stepped between his legs, took his hands and placed one on each of my hips. I took his head in my hands, pulled him toward me until his lips were on my nipple and said, "Suck Rob, suck me like you did before." Rob sucked my nipple into his mouth and began nursing me. "Oh my God Rob, that feels good, that feels sooo fucking good," I whispered. Rob began sucking harder drawing more and more of my titty into his mouth and I started to feel the blood flowing into my clit warming my little pussy. "This feels soo fucking good," I thought. "I honestly believe that I could cum right here if he sucked long enough, however, this part isn't for me." I pulled his head back off of my breast, and pushed it firmly to the other, feeling him suck as much of me as he could into his mouth. I bent down with my knees until the tip of his stiff cock was touching the bottom of my furry little mound. I reached down for his cock and slightly spread my legs, just enough for his beautiful cockhead to part my pussylips and hide itself inside them then pulled my legs back together, trapping his cockhead inside of me. I began to slowly rise up and down, sliding just his cockhead in and out of my tight little pussy. Rob's head pulled back off of my nipple and he moaned, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh." He tried to push up further inside of me but I stopped him. Grabbing the back of his neck and forcing his lips back onto my titty I whispered into his ear, "Suck me Rob, suck me." He began sucking my titty back up into his mouth and I continued pushing my myself up and down, sliding his cockhead in and out of my teasing little slit. I looked at my husband and he was staring down at Rob's lips sucking my titty into his mouth and he began stroking his cock. I looked into his eyes, shook my head and said "No, not yet, I'm gonna need that ." He took his hand off his cock and placed it on my butt cheek nearly covering my entire tiny cheek and holding it in place as I continued to ride Rob's cockhead in and out of my pussy.The moment that I felt Rob's cock begin to swell, I stood up sliding its head out of me and watched it thump quickly back against his belly. I put my hands on each side of his head and reluctantly pulled it back off of my nipple. I looked into his eyes and whispered, "Rob, I've teased you long enough. I want you to get up on the bed and lay your head on the pillow, I'm gonna' stroke your cock. No teasing. I'm gonna' stroke your beautiful cock until your balls drain every drop of cum that your body can possibly produce. I'm gonna' stroke your cock until it is totally soft and lying useless in my hand. Rob, you have a beautiful cock and I want to watch it swell in my hand and spew its load. This one's for me. Once I'm convinced that you're totally drained, I'm gonna' wrap my lips around your cock, feel it grow in my throat, force it to produce another load of your thick, warm cum and swallow every last drop." Without a word, Rob crawled up to the middle of the bed and laid his head on the pillow. "Terry, take my two scarves off the dresser, tie them around Rob's wrists, tie them to our headboard and have a seat." He did. "Rob, spread your legs." And he did. I crawled up on my knees between Rob's legs, and sat down with my legs under me. "Terry, Rob needs another pillow." Quickly Terry rose, pushed another pillow under Rob's head and sat back down. I smiled at Rob and said, "I wanted to be sure that you would be able to see my titties." His nostrils flared and he grinned at me like an ornery little boy. "Remember Rob I said, I'm not gonna' tease you. Once I start stroking your cock I am NOT going to stop." Still grinning, he nodded his head and I began.I cupped his balls with my left hand and began lightly scratching the underside with my fingernails. I put my fingertips to the underside of his cock and began lightly sliding them up and down the length of his shaft from its tip to his balls and back. In less than a minute Rob slightly raised his hips telling me that he was still primed from the cock teasing that my pussy had been giving him just the moment before. I grasped just the skin of his ballsack, pulled down gently, and at the same time began kneading the skin on the underside of his cock right at the vee of his cockhead, rolling it between my thumb and fingertips. (Once again, twelve years of marriage and paying attention was paying off.) His head raised from the pillow and his legs stiffened assuring me that I was doing this exactly right. I was surprised when he spoke, "Will you do that with my balls when it's time?" I giggled and whispered, "Anything you want Rob, anything at all." Silence.I cupped Rob's balls carefully but firmly in my hand and began kneading them. I wrapped my hand around his cock and squeezed. I began slowly stroking up and down its entire length and whispered, "Speak up Rob, tighter, too tight, faster, slower, tell me, whatever you want." Silence. I increased the speed of my stroking and almost immediately his legs stiffened, he raised his hips and moaned. "Ahhhh, Oh my God Sam that feels soooo good" he muttered.Once again I increased my speed and his cock began to throb. I continued massaging his balls and stroking his cock. I glanced at Terry and he had his hand around his cock. It was nearly purple from the pressure that he was applying. I frantically began shaking my head and he smiled at me and released his grip. It had only been a few short minutes but I could feel Rob's cock start to swell and I knew that it was nearly time. I tightened my grip on his cock and began furiously stroking up and down its entire length. The muscles in his legs tightened, his hips raised and his arms were pulling hard on their bindings desperately trying to escape. His cock swelled to an enormous size and I remembered that bulging feeling inside of me. My little pussy was on fire as I stared in disbelief at the size of his cock, increasing my grip and hammering up and down, determined to not slow down. Having been in this position a countless number of times, I knew that persistence and timing were everything if it were to be perfect and I knew without a doubt, that it would be perfect.His head began thrashing quickly from side to side, his arms and legs were flailing wildly and I knew when his hips drove downward deep into our mattress, that it was time. The next time his hips raised, I was going to see my prize. Gripping his cock tightly and stroking at breakneck speed, I grasped the skin of his ballsack, pulled it tightly against his balls and demanded, "Give it to me Rob, give me your cum, give it to me!"His hips raised high in the air, his cock throbbed and I released my pressure allowing his cock to erupt, shooting an enormous stream of cum into the air and upward onto his face and chest. It was a beautiful sight.He moaned countless times, "Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!" as stream after stream of cum shot into the air splattering onto his heaving, muscled chest and belly. He drove his hips back down into the mattress and I tightened my grip on his cock stroking with everything I had. Once again his hips shot upward, I released my pressure and his cock spewed its next stream of his beautiful seed into the air landing in my hair, and onto my hands and wrists, seeping down over his balls, but this time he held his hips high in the air pushing with all of his strength as I continued stroking and stroking and stroking. As his body began to tremble and his hips began to slowly lower, I continued to hold the skin on his ballsack tightly against his balls, slightly tightened my grip and stroked feverishly on his cock. His muscles began to slowly relax and his hips lowered down onto the mattress but I continued with exactly as I was doing knowing that soon he would be experiencing little spasms and aftershocks of his own. His body would convulse, his cock would enlarge, I would loosen my grip and he would give me a few more little squirts of his thick, warm cum. Of course, I was right. Eventually, his cock began to soften, his torso went limp, his legs went limp and his arms were limp and dangling in their bindings. I released the skin of his ballsack, cupped his balls and began massaging them around and around in my hand. I slowly decreased the momentum of my strokes and loosened my grip, still sliding up and down the length of his rapidly softening cock.Within minutes, it was totally limp and its once proud, throbbing head was flopping back and forth timidly in my hand. I gave his balls one last little squeeze and moved my left hand up to his cock, placing its base between two of my fingers. I wrapped a finger and thumb from my right hand around the base of his cock and pressing down with my left hand, I slightly tightened my grip and slid my hand from bottom to top, up the length of his cock squeezing the last drop of his cum from his once intimidating tool. I released his cock and it flopped down onto his leg, totally spent and lifeless. Watching Rob's cock swell in my hand, every vein pulsing with each beat of his heart and seeing its beautiful, throbbing head growing to nearly twice its normal size, allowed me to know exactly what it looked like when I clamped down on it with my powerful, demanding little pussy as it was buried deep inside of me. I knew exactly what it looked like when it erupted, pounding against my womb with stream after glorious stream of his thick, hot cum. It had been a beautiful sight and I was anxiously looking forward to the next time its girth would be rubbing against the walls of my pussy, filling me with its magnificent seed.I had completed part one of my promise and it's time for part two.Part 16I looked at my husband. He was staring down at us smiling, wide eyed, shaking his head back and forth with his patient, hard cock pressing against his belly and said, " Ya' know Sam, this might sound strange, but it's kind of exciting that someone else knows what I've been able to experience all these years. I know that they all fantasize about what it would be like to be with you, but in actuality their fantasies aren't even close. I'm the luckiest man in the world, and Rob, if he's still alive, is second luckiest man in the world." I chuckled and said, "Well, thank you Baby, I'm sure Rob's okay. Besides, I'm not done with him yet. There's one other thing that I do very well and don't you think that someone else should know how lucky you are in that department?" Terry laughed and said, "Oh yeah, but I think that he should at least be conscious so he'll be able to remember." We both laughed and I said, I'll clean him up a little bit and then you can watch me bring him back to life. I can promise you that he'll remember and he'll never forget!" Terry smiled, handed the washcloth to me, and I began to clean up the enormous mess that we'd made, wiping cum from his forehead all the way down to underside of his hairy balls. His body jerked as I was cleaning his limp cock. He opened his eyes and smiling he mutterd, "Holy mother of God." I chuckled, leaned down and sucked his lifeless cock into my mouth, stretching it is far as it would go. His hips jerked violently downward and his cock popped from my mouth falling back down on his leg. Nearly apologizing he lowered his eyebrows and said, "Uh, I think I'm gonna' need a few minutes." I reached down, wrapped my hand around his cock and squeezed. I bent down, touched my nipple to his lips and whispered, "Suck me Rob." His lips pulled my nipple into his mouth and once again he began nursing me. In a matter of seconds his cock started to twitch. Still holding his cock in my hand, I sat upright, my nipple popped from his mouth and I said, "See, you don't need a few minutes now do you?" With my husband staring down at us and not wanting Rob's cock to be hard, I quickly laid on my side laying my head low on his belly. Being sure that Terry had full view, I began to lightly scratch the underside of his balls, wrapped my lips firmly around his limp cock and sucked it deep into my throat as far as it would possibly go. "Ahhhhhh God!", Rob moaned. I held his cock firmly down my throat and began to rapidly push my tongue up and down the underside of its entire length causing him to moan again, "Oh God Sam, Oh my fucking God, that feels soooo fucking good!"Still scratching his balls and working his cock with my throat and tongue, he began raising his hips slightly up and down and I could feel his cock begin to respond. I was extremely excited having Rob's totally soft cock inside of my mouth, anxiously awaiting the feel of his blood beginning to fill its veins, pulsing life into its torso. The feel of his cockhead beginning to mushroom into the incredible size that was quickly becoming familiar to my mouth and my little pussy. The feeling of its shaft coming to life inside of my mouth, growing inch by inch, slowly crawling across my tongue, filling my cheeks with its girth and forcing its way deep into my throat, knowing that soon, it would be rock hard and swollen, exploding inside of my mouth, allowing me to swallow its precious, sweet nectar inside of me becoming a part of my body. It began to grow rapidly and without loosening my grip, I crawled over him and pushed my knees between his legs forcing them to spread. Sitting on my knees, I pulled back slightly, forcing his half hard cock downward. I began sucking harder and gripping it tighter with the muscles in my throat. In an instant, his legs wrapped around my back, locked at the ankles and he began squeezing me with incredible force. His hips began pushing up and down rapidly and my throat refused to relinquish its grip. Holding his cockhead deep in my throat, I began a rapid swallowing motion, forcing it to push in and out the back of my throat with short quick strokes. In less than a minute, his cock had become much too hard for me to continue holding it downward without hurting him and I certainly didn't want to do that. This big boy needs to stand up. I raised up on my knees and pushed my body forward allowing his cock to point upward. I loosened my grip and lowered my head, forcing the entire length of his wonderful cock deep into my throat immediately gripping it even tighter. Rob's hips began rapidly thrashing back and forth and he was making animal like sounds that I had never heard from him. I glanced over at my husband and he was holding his cock in his hand, nostrils flared with his chest heaving rapidly in and out. With my blood engorged clit pulsing with anxiety, I grasped each of Rob's knees with my hands and pulled. He released my body and dropped his legs, driving his heels into the mattress and pushing up harder against my face. I pulled my head upward, stopping with my lips locked tightly around his cockhead and began swirling my tongue around its tip, bathing it with my saliva. I wrapped my hand around its torso, began rapidly stroking up and down, popped my lips from its tip and raised my anxious, little butt high in the air presenting it as though I were an animal. I glanced back at my husband and yelled, "Fuck me Big Guy, fuck me right now!" I guided Rob's cock back into my mouth, lowered my head, sucked it into my throat until my lips touched his belly and the top of his balls. The muscles in my throat tightened instinctively and I gripped his cock just as I had done with my pussy. I began to gargle my saliva and Rob's pre-cum, sending him to the absolute edge.Terry jumped onto the bed and straddled my legs. With his feet planted on either side of me on bended knee, I felt him guide the head of his rock hard, pulsing cock between my quivering pussylips, pushing slightly forward and popping it into my slit sending shockwaves shooting throughout my entire body. His hands grasped my hips and he began stroking just his cockhead rapidly in and out of the entrance to his little treasure. I reached back, grasped Terry's hip and pulled, slowly burying his cock deep into my pussy, I then pushed back gently until its tip reached my pussylips and pulled again, driving it deep back down inside of me. Understanding what is was that I wanted, he loosened his grip on my hips and began sliding in and out of me with long, constant strokes. I moved my hand from Terry's hip and began bobbing my head up and down the length of Rob's cock. As my husband continued to obediently slide in and out of me, I could feel Rob's cock begin to swell inside of my mouth. I reached my hands to his nipples and began to roll them between my thumbs and forefingers feeling them harden with anticipation. Having been denied release for quite some time, I felt my husbands' cock also begin to swell and it was swelling fast! Knowing that both of my guys were becoming anxious, I tightened my throat onto Rob's cock, increased my momentum up and down his shaft and pushed backward with my hips, driving my little butt cheeks into Terry's thighs. Refusing to be denied for another moment, Terry's hips lunged forward burying his cock to the hilt. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he began to mimic the motions that he had seen Rob do with me just the night before. He pulled my body tightly against his, laid his head on the small of my back and began doggy-fucking me with furious, rapid strokes. My pussy muscles gripped his cock tightly and I could actually feel his cum dart from his balls, up through his throbbing shaft, slam against my womb and immediately fill my tiny pussy. Our juices mixed and began to gush out of me and drip down onto our legs. As Terry continued his onslaught on my pussy, I felt Rob's cock swell to nearly bursting. His hips pushed upward and I immediately lowered my head and sucked his cockhead deep into my throat. My throat muscles once again, gripped his shaft with amazing force and I tightened my lips tightly around the base of his cock. When I felt his load driving up his shaft, my throat muscles released their grip from his cock and allowed his fiery cum the freedom that it needed to explode inside of my mouth and slam against the back of my throat. Exactly as with the perfect handjob, the same is true for the perfect blowjob. Timing is everything. I had shrewdly awarded him his hand job first, knowing that there was no way that my little mouth and throat would be able to handle THAT load. The moment that his first spasm subsided, I immediately gripped his cock and gulped down the huge load that he had just given me. knowing that he couldn't possibly produce much more, I continued to suck furiously on his beautiful cock, feeling small streams of his cum jetting into my mouth and swallowing each one of them. Again, as with his perfect handjob, I was determined to allow Rob a perfect blowjob. Although his cock was still solid, I knew that my work here was almost done. While I was concentrating on Rob's cock, Terry had been pleasuring my little pussy from behind. Terry hadn't required my attentions, he merely required my pussy. He had just needed to fuck. Although thoroughly enjoying the sensations of my husband pounding me relentlessly, burying his demanding cock deep inside of me with every stroke, I hadn't concentrated on an orgasm of my own. I decided to grip Rob's cockhead deep into my throat and allow my husband to extinguish the out of control fire burning between my legs. Having patiently met my demands to withhold pleasuring himself for such a long time and knowing that he had only moments ago erupted inside of me, I assumed that I had plenty of time to enjoy a nice, long, satisfying orgasm. I was wrong. Fucking me with wild abandonment, I felt his cock swell inside of me and I suddenly realized that I had pushed my pre-determined plans to the very limit and I had maybe waited too long to concentrate on myself. At that very moment, once again, Terry's arms tensed, clinching tightly around my waist. He buried his massive, swollen tool deep inside of me and began to release another huge load of his man juice deep into my desperate pussy. I locked my pussy muscles tightly onto his cock and began to feverishly slide up and down its length praying for only another mere minute. His hips pushed forward, he rammed his cock into me and his body shuddered as he blasted what was to be the last stream of his juices deep inside of me. He began to tremble and fell backwards onto the bed taking his cock with him. My pussy was on fire and Terry's cum was dripping out of me when I realized that Rob's cock was still hard. Rob was dead to the world, but his cock was still rock hard. Obviously, my decision to "spike" his drink with the "magical little blue pill" had turned out to be a wise one. Frantically, I pulled my head upwards and my mouth released Rob's cock with my signature "pop." I crawled up Rob's body, placed a foot on either side of his hips, wrapped my hand around his cock and guided it between my pussylips. I lowered myself down onto his unsuspecting horse-cock, sliding it greedily, deep up inside my well lubricated pussy. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" I moaned as Rob's big beautiful cock invaded my pussy forcing my husband's cum to gush out of me and down onto his balls. I put my hands on Rob's muscular chest, sat upright and began to grind my pussy furiously against him. Incredibly, Rob's hips raised slightly, allowing me to drive him even further up inside of me. I immediately took full advantage of his powerful hips and began to grind forcefully against them realizing that I had become addicted to this amazing gift that my husband had so generously given to me and that Rob had no choice but to become addicted to me. "Oh my God, Oh my fucking God!" bellowed from my mouth as I clinched my pussy tightly to Rob's cock with my blood engorged clit pushed firmly against him demanding satisfaction, and It was time. In just a few short moments, my body began to shudder and my orgasm began. I leaned forward pressing my breasts against his chest, wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, slightly loosened my grip on his cock and began to rapidly buck my hips up and down pumping his incredible man meat in and out of my greedy little pussy, using its entire length with every stroke. To my amazement, Rob's knees began to rise, he planted his feet flat on the mattress and began to raise his hips up and down attempting to match my thrusts. I happily adjusted our rhythms and within seconds we were fucking like animals. My juices were flowing, my little pussy began to spasm and I began to moan, "Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh." My orgasm was turning my body to jelly and just as I reached my peak, I yelled, "FUCK ME ROB, FUCK ME, OH GOD ROB FUCK ME!"At that very second, Rob's cock swelled and exploded inside of me sending a huge blast of red-hot cum slamming against my womb, once again filling my pussy with his precious seed. His hips fell down against the mattress and my pussy quickly followed, pressing hard against him. I held my grip tightly around his neck with my breasts firmly pressed to his chest and my little pussy clamped tightly onto his cock. I released my grip and raised my hips lazily up and down allowing his girth to caress the walls of my pussy until my body had finished enjoying its aftershocks. My exhausted body collapsed around his and I laid very still not wanting to wake him, loving the sensuous feeling of his cock tickling my little pussy as it rapidly softened inside of me. Soon, his amazingly dependable tool was limp and lifeless. I reluctantly sat up and slid backwards allowing his cock to slowly slide out of me and down onto his leg. I bent down, placed a little kiss on Rob's cockhead and giggling, I whispered " Thank you, you've been a VERY, VERY good boy." I crawled across the bed, stepped down onto the floor and was startled as Terry began to snore. He had rolled off the bed and was sound asleep on the floor. I had just experienced one of the best orgasms of my life and I'm not sure that either one of my guys was awake to see it. I headed off to "tinkle" and clean myself up. I returned with a warm washcloth, cleaned Rob from the mess that I'd made on him and untied his hands from our bed. As I scanned from his handsome face down to his muscular, exhausted body lying motionless on my marriage bed, my eyes locked on his cock, his beautiful, dependable cock. It jerked slightly upward as though it knew I was looking. I cupped my hand over my warm, tired, but extremely satisfied little pussy and thought, "That fabulous chunk of man meat has been neglected for far too long and it's gonna' be welcomed back to life in the morning with a well deserved surprise. Yep, we're gonna' be spending a LOT of time together" I laid on the bed beside Rob with my head at his waist, wrapped my lips around my "new best friend," sucked it deep into my mouth and drifted off to sleep.It's been four months since that weekend and things couldn't be better.As for me?, as strange as it sounds, I'm happier with my sex life than I'd ever imagined. I enjoy watching my wife and Rob have sex almost as I enjoy having sex myself. They never hook up without me and no one else has a clue. Rob "visits" every weekend and sometimes a week night or two. We go out together often and we do a lot of things together that we used to do. My desire to watch my fantasy become reality is as strong as that very first weekend and I have my best friend back.As for Sam?, well, Sam's the same perfect little lady and the perfect little wife that she's always been. She doesn't give any extra special attention to Rob in public that you wouldn't give to any good friend, but when our door closes behind us, our secret life begins, and Sam sees to it that everyone's needs, wants and desires are completely, totally satisfied and she's lovin' every minute of it! She's enjoying a sex life that, I'm sure, very few (if any) women have ever been able to experience.As for Rob?, Rob's doing extremely well. He's totally recovered from his breakup with Kerry and he got a huge promotion at his work nearly doubling his salary. He still treats Sam with the utmost respect and nearly every weekend, he brings her something a little naughty to wear for us and she's always more than happy to put it on display. Kerry's little escapade with her boss didn't work out so well and she calls him night and day trying to reconcile but he just tells her that he's not interested and that he's seeing someone else.Rob's happier than he's ever been, but why shouldn't he be?Every time he comes to "visit," all he has to do is look at my gorgeous, little wife and her tiny panties drop to the floor. I love it, Sam loves it and Rob definitely loves it. It doesn't get any better than that.Our lifestyle is definitely not for everyone, but it works great for us and we don't see it even slowing down anytime soon.ENDComments are appreciatedSend to and enter Sam in the subject line.
"Mom, what are you doing home so early?" Jodi asked rubbing her eyes.I covered myself with the sheet as I watched and listened to Jodi and her mom. Even though I knew about Jodi and her mom being lovers it was still embarrassing to be caught naked with Jodi in her mom's bed."Bill had to go to work. But that doesn't matter. What are you and Lisa doing in my bed? And why are there beer cans and clothes all over the living room?""I'm sorry mom; we had a few beers after work and one thing led to another. You know how it is.""I don't mind you having a few beers or having a friend over. But you have to clean up your mess. And why did you wind up in my bed?""We took a shower and your bed was the closest, besides it's bigger than mine." Jodi said as she walked over to her mom and hugged her. Then Jodi kissed her mom and squeezed her right breast. I couldn't believe Jodi was feeling her mom up right in front of me.Her mom pulled away and said. "What are you doing? Lisa is right over there.""Its ok mom, she knows all about us. It turns her on. Look she's rubbing her pussy now." Jodi said as she pulled the sheet off of me. "I think she wants you mom." I hadn't realized I had started rubbing myself. Her mom stared as my fingers rubbed my clit. "I can see why you have wanted her for so long." She said as she rubbed Jodi's ass. "She does look tasty, but I could get into trouble if anyone found out.""It's ok Mrs. Miller I won't tell anyone." I said as I spread my legs wider so she could get a better look. "Besides, Jodi knows some of my secrets too."Jodi started unbuttoning her mom's blouse as I slid 2 fingers into myself. "What the fuck, I may as well enjoy the opportunities when I can. And Lisa, call me Mary it sounds better than Mrs. Miller." I got out of bed and started helping Jodi undress her mom. We slid her blouse over her shoulders letting it fall to the floor. She was wearing a black lace front hook bra. Jodi unhooked her bra and released her huge breasts. I squeezed her left breast then took her large nipple into my mouth. I heard Mary moan as Jodi and I nursed at her breasts like 2 starving babies. Jodie removed Mary's skirt leaving her standing there in her black bikini panties and garter belt and stockings. "You look so sexy Mary." I said "I've never seen anyone wear a garter belt before."We had Mary lie on the bed so we could continue exploring her luscious body. Jodie pulled her panties off and I heard her gasp. "MOM, what happened to your pussy? All the hair is gone." I looked down and she was as smooth as a baby."Bill and I played around last night and he shaved it off. Do you like it?""I don't know, it's going to take some getting used to not having the hair tickling my nose." Jodi said with a big grin."Well I think it looks great." I said "It reminds me of when I first started having fun with my cousin and her pussy was just as smooth.We all laughed and I rubbed my hand over her smooth pussy slipping my middle finger into her. She moaned as I kissed my way down over her stomach and buried my face in her soaking wet pussy. "Oh Lisa wait, you might want to let me shower first. Bill fucked me just before I left and he shot a big load of cum in me.""That's ok Mary," I said looking at her from between her legs. "I love cum too." And I went back to eating her sweet pussy. I licked her slit from the bottom to the top taking her clit in my mouth and gently nipping it with my teeth. I loved the feel of her smooth lips rubbing on my face as she humped her ass grinding her pussy into my mouth. I had almost forgotten Jodi till I felt her tongue slide into my pussy then up to my ass. I moaned as I felt her tongue slide into my ass and two of her fingers slip into my pussy. I could feel my orgasm building as I lifted my face from Mary and moaned. I looked at Mary and she was sucking her own nipple and squeezing the other one. I knew from her moans that she was going to cum so I took her clit in my mouth and sucked as hard as I could. Then I slid a finger up her ass. That was all it took and pulled my head tight against her gyrating pussy."OH FUCK, I'M CUMMING! EAT ME LISA MAKE ME CUM! SHOVE YOUR FINGER UP MY ASS!" Mary screamed as she flooded my mouth with a mixture of her sweet juice and Bill's tangy cum. I could feel her asshole gripping my finger as her orgasm shook her body and I could feel my pussy contract around Jodi's fingers. I moaned into Mary's pussy as my body exploded and I knew I was coating Jodi's hand with my hot cum.Mary released my head and I came up gasping for breath as my body recovered from a massive orgasm. Mary and I lay there panting and kissing each other lightly when Jodi said. "Hey what about me?" We laughed as she crawled between us and we started kissing and sucking her hard nipples. Mary got out of bed and said. "I know what she needs." Then she went into her closet. I began licking Jodi's pussy and she moaned as I slid my tongue up her wet pussy. "Oh shit," Jodi moaned "Eat my wet pussy Lisa; suck all of my juice out. I love your tongue I want it in me forever." I licked her clit and slid my tongue deep into her making her squirm. I felt Mary grab my shoulder and she said. "Ok Lisa it's my turn." I gasped as I turned and looked and there stood Mary with a huge dildo strapped around her hips. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen, Mary who was no more than 5'4" tall with huge 40DD breasts and a 12" cock. My pussy began throbbing I was so excited I could feel my juice running down my leg. "Are you really going to fuck her with that big thing?" I asked.Mary looked at me and smiled as she said. "Yes I'm going to fuck my horny daughter with my big dick. She loves to have her mommy fuck her, don't you Jodi?""Oh yes mommy stick your big dick in my pussy and fuck me till I can't move."I moved out of Mary's way as she crawled between Jodi's wide spread legs. She was stroking her big cock covering it with some type of lube. I stared wide eyed as Mary placed the head at the mouth of Jodi's wet pussy and pushed slipping 2 inches into her daughter. I heard Jodi moan as her mom kept sliding that huge cock into her."OH FUCK THAT FEELS SOOO GOOD! FUCK ME MOM! PUT IT ALL IN ME!" Jodi screamed as she moved her ass trying to get more cock in her stretched pussy.Mary pulled back till just the head was left in Jodi's pussy then she slammed forward burying all 12 inches. Jodi screamed and her legs were shaking as she started to cum. I was rubbing my clit as I watched Mary fucking her daughter. I couldn't believe how wide Jodi's pussy was stretched and Mary began fucking her harder slamming her huge cock into her with every stroke."You like mommy's dick don't you? You want me to fuck you? You want your friend to watch your mommy fuck you?""YES MOM I LOVE YOUR DICK! PLEASE FUCK ME! OH FUCK, OH MOM I'M CUMMING HARDER THAN EVER! OOOOOOOOHHHHHH FUUUUCCCK MMMEEEE!" Jodi screamed as she collapsed on the bed. Mary kissed her softly on the lips as she lay there with her dildo still buried in Jodi's pussy. She slowly pulled it out and I stared at Jodi's stretched pussy. Even after her mom had pulled it completely out Jodi's pussy still gaped wide.Mary looked at me and said. "Would you like to feel my dick in your wet little pussy?""I don't know if I can handle something that big." I had been fucked by several guys including my brother when I was 13 but none of them had a dick near that size. My last boyfriend had been the biggest and his was only 8 inches. I thought for a few minutes and finally my throbbing pussy got the better of me. "I can't believe I'm saying this." I said as I lay on my back and spread my legs. "Please fuck me Mary, let me feel your big dick stretch my pussy."Jodi sat up and watched as her mom lined her huge dick up with my pussy. She pushed forward sliding a couple of inches in me. I could feel my pussy stretching wider than ever as she continued to gently slide her cock deeper in me. She had it about half way in when she stopped and asked. "Are you ok Lisa? Do you want me to stop?""I'm fine and HELL NO I don't want you to stop. Let me feel it all. Fuck me Mary, please fuck me."She started fucking me harder sliding deeper than anyone had ever been. Finally I felt her pelvis against my pussy and I knew I had taken it all. "OH YES! FUCK ME WITH YOUR BIG COCK!" I yelled as I felt myself cum. She fucked me hard and fast and I loved being so stretched and full. I was humping my ass up to meet every stroke. "Does my other little girl like my big dick in her tight cunt?""OH YES FUCK ME HARD! MAKE ME CUM! OH SHIT, I'VE NEVER FELT ANYTHING LIKE THIS! I'M CUUUUMMMMING!" I screamed and then I blacked out. When I came to Mary and Jodi were both rubbing my face and kissing my forehead. "Are you all right?" Jodi asked. "The first time taking something that big is exhausting.""I'm fine I just never felt anything like that before.""Why don't you two stay here and rest I need to take a shower and run some errands." Mary said as she kissed me then got out of bed. "I hope you'll come and visit us again. I really enjoyed having two 'daughters' today." "Don't worry 'mom' I would love to spend more time with you and my new sister."Jodi and I laughed and hugged each other as her mom went to shower. We fell asleep in each others arms and didn't wake up till 12:30. We took a quick shower and got dressed because Jodi had to work the afternoon sessions at the rink. Thank goodness I was off, I was so sore I could barely walk.The end of part 3...All comments are welcome at
Chapter 7After what seemed like hours sitting outside in the chilly dark air witnessing the macabre demonstration inside, my world suddenly changed. There was a commotion on the steps inside as a few young athletic looking men came down. The crowd seemed very excited to see them. Many of the dwellers moved toward them, shaking their hands, slapping them on the backs, and offering them drinks. As more of them moved down the steps, I could only figure that this was the soccer team the devilish man had mentioned to me. As I saw a young nude woman come down with a few of them, I could tell she was one of us. Suddenly my eyes widened, "Melissa! It is Melissa!" As she came down the stairs, accompanied by some of the younger men, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. Her hair looked different, her bangs fell straight down upon her forehead, not the usual curl she liked to wear. The look on her face was one of fear and shame. She kept her eyes cast downward as she moved down the staircase. Her hair was ruffled, and I could see red blotches or bite marks on her neck and speckled around her large breasts. She moved toward the line of chairs behind the other girls, but before she could sit, one of the young men who was talking to group of seemingly younger men and women summoned her over. I stared at her, tears beginning to run down my cheeks as I watched my wife, mother of my children, standing nude and shaken in front of the group. I wanted to rush to her right now! In a swift and careless motion, the man grabbed Melissa by the arm and pushed her toward the young group. As several of the punks held their hands up in triumph, one shook hands with the player in a very gracious manner. As they moved toward the stairs, they were stopped by the large man who seemed to be in charge. After speaking to one of them for a moment, they were diverted with Melissa to a door on the ground floor. As I strained to watch her leave, the large man came quickly out the door and shouted at me. "Twenty seven, follow me and bring your chair, I am doing you a large favor." I quickly grabbed my chair and followed him into the darkness around the side of the complex. One of the guards followed me as I was led an open spot just outside a well lit window. "Put your chair here," he ordered while pointing to the ground outside the window. "You make sure you stay with him!" he snapped at the guard as he rushed past us heading back into the building. As I sat in my chair, I could see a group of boys and one girl standing around and watching as one of there peers was savagely raping a woman on the bed. Melissa sat alone, at the edge of the bed in the barren white room while the group that brought her in moved toward the others to watch the action. She sat with her hands on her knees, her large breasts pushed forward by her arms. All at once, the sweat soaked boy, after making a few last exhausting thrusts into the young woman, rolled off her to the approval of the smiling group. At that point, a chubby girl, no older than 18 and full of piercings on her ears and nose, walked to Melissa and spoke to her. Without hesitation, Melissa crawled onto the bed and placed her face between the legs of the sprawled out woman. The crowd began to move closer to the bed and take delight in the girl telling Melissa just what to do. I sat in horror as I watched my wife licking the cum soaked pussy of a complete stranger. My mind raced a thousand places, I could see her proudly holding our first born in the photo we kept by our bed. Her laughing face as she emerged from the ocean during our summer vacations, that cute look she would give when she wanted something she knew we would be better off not buying. I saw her lovely face singing with the choir in our church. Now, in what seemed like only a split second, she was being used for the amusement of hooligans young enough to be our children. The girl seemed to be whispering something to her as she leaned close to her ear and helped work her face between the spread legs. As the group began moving closer to take in the sight, I was oblivious to the fact that many of the guards had moved in behind me and were evidently enjoying the show. "Ummm she likes it I think," grunted one of them. Apparently at the direction of the girl who was talking to her, Melissa rearranged herself by pulling her knees inward and thrusting her rear in the air. At that moment, the crowd parted as one of the young men moved through and began to remove his pants as he ambled up behind Melissa. I closed my eyes tightly for a few seconds, only to reopen them and see the young man grabbing Melissa’s ass cheeks as he worked his way into her. "Was he in her ass? No way," I thought. Through all my years with her, that is the one vice she never allowed me. Even as she matured and her bottom got a bit larger, I still would ask her for no other reason to hear her mumble how ‘sick’ I was as she walked away. As he began thrusting forward into her, I saw her head drop between the legs of the semiconscious woman. At that point, he reached down and grabbed her already matted hair and jerked her head upward. He eyes were clinched shut and she had sucked her lips into her mouth and pinched them together with her teeth. Faster he began pumping into her. Another man appeared from the crowd and moved beside him. Smiling he licked his finger and stuck it just above the other man’s shiny pumping cock. I could tell by Melissa’s reaction, he had his finger in her tight little asshole. As the rapist pumped away, the other man placed his hand around Melissa’s neck as he pumped his finger in and out of her ass. Her face reddened and her mouth popped open as he began cutting off her air supply. Her eyes were wide open as she gasped for air. She raised her right hand halfway up to try and release his grip, but then she let it fall back to the bed. Now both men were laughing and chanting as they abused her. As her face reddened, I could take no more. "Goddamnit stop them!" I blurted as I sprang from my seat. As I turned to one of the guards, the last thing I remember was a heavy thud on the back of my skull.Chapter 8"Brad," a soft voice whispered. My eyes squinted as the light flooded my aching head. "Honey... honey it’s me," came the familiar whisper. My eyes focused enough to see Melissa, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stroked my forehead with her caring fingers. "Melissa..?" I whispered as I tried to raise my head. Slowly she wrapped her arm around me and buried her face in my neck and began sobbing. "Oh Brad... I’m so sorry... what has happened to us... I am so, so sorry," she muttered as she began crying uncontrollably and squeezing me against her. "Don’t be sorry, don’t be sorry, this is not your fault, we are going to be OK," I stammered as tears began welling up in my eyes. A hard knot formed in my throat as I fought back the urge to cry. She raised her head and looked at me. "I never thought I’d see you again, never. The guards... they kept telling me things... I have done everything for them..." she sobbed. "I have done everything, so I could see you again, they are horrible to me... horrible to us!" she moaned as she dropped her head back down and began crying uncontrollably. "Shhh... it’s OK... it’s all going to be OK, I am here now, we are going to be alright." We embraced each other and sobbed for what seemed like hours, so happy to be back together again. Looking around, I could see that we were in an old, musty room which appeared to be a hotel of some sort. The mattress we laid on had no sheets, there was one chair, the curtains had been removed, and a hole stood where the knob to the door had once been. There were water bottles strewn about the room. As Melissa rose, she gingerly walked over and sat in the chair. I could see marks on her beautiful body. Her neck still had black and blue marks from the episode last evening. I could see her neck and breasts had red blemishes and bite marks. Her bottom was worst of all. The imprints of fingers and hands where she had been spanked and squeezed were evident. As I looked at her, sitting in the chair, eyes cast downward, arms covering her breasts, as if in the company of strangers. Looking out the window, I could see that we were on the second floor. A huge chain link fence went from the ground to the roof and surrounded the exterior walkways. The property was obviously very over run. There were vehicles, some of them vans, a couple of buses, and others that looked like military issue. "Have you been here the whole time?" I asked turning toward her. She barely nodded her head yes as she stared at the floor. "Are you alone in here? Or do you have others that stay here?" Again, her eyes filled with tears and she buried her face in her hands and began to cry. "I’m sorry honey, I’m so sorry," I said as I moved toward her to comfort her. "I don’t want you and the kids to see what they make me do!" she blurted through the sobs. "It’s OK... it’s OK, the kids are fine, don’t think about that, don’t think about that at all Melissa." "I do those things for you and them, so I can be with you again... the other girls and ladies who don’t... who don’t love their family as much as I do... many of them were... were... oh god why me?" I held her tight as she cried out loud. "You are very brave honey, very brave, you are doing everything for your family, please...please don’t cry, everything will be alright, we will be home soon, together with our family, I am sure of it." I added as I tried to console her. "Well! Well!" came the raspy voice as the door opened. Startled, we both cast our glances to the sunlit opening. "Who is this 27?" Is this Mr. 27 I presume?" spoke the skinny man in the wheelchair. He appeared to be about 60 years old, and obviously something had robbed him of his motor skills. His head bobbed around uncontrollably and his left foot kept wiggling on the foot rest of his chair like a hyperactive kid in math class. "Yes Fordham, this is my husband." "Hmmm, I see," he snapped as he glanced over my nude body. "Well dear, I have something for you, and I am sure you want it don’t you?" he said looking at Melissa. She sat silently and just stared. "DON’T YOU?" he hissed. As tears began streaming down her face she looked toward him. "He is my husband Fordham... p-please, another time?" "FUCK NO!" he echoed as his convulsive movements intensified. "Now, or you will have to skip a day, and we both know that is not a good idea, don’t we?" he grinned. Biting her lip, she turned to with sad wondering eyes. "Honey... would you please go into the bathroom for a few minutes... please, for me?" I was speechless as I looked back and forth between the knarly old man and my wonderful wife. "Go you motherfucker!" wailed the old man. "Please Brad... please," as the tears began to flow again. In a trance like state, I slowly backed up a few steps and turned to walk into the bathroom. "Better close the door motherfucker!" he cackled again. As I closed the door, I stood dumbfounded in the small white bathroom. There was no shower curtain, and what looked like a commercial roll of toilet paper hanging from a wire in the hole that used to be a door knob. Without the door knob, the door would not remain shut, and I could here his voice in the room with my wife. Like a child, I leaned over and placed my ear to the hole. I heard a voice, which sounded like it came from outside, bark something into the room in what sounded like a German voice. "Just a minute... I just got in here!" retorted the old man. "You ought to be glad that I am the one who is bringing you your pill now. Or did you like some of the other staff members better?" I heard him ask. "No Fordham," I heard Melissa whisper. "I don’t know what you do for big ole Angelica, but I nearly have to fight her everyday to get you on my route!" He boomed with laughter. "Here is new one for you... what do you think? I heard him say.I them heard a barely audible whisper from Melissa. "The chair Melissa, I think the chair this time," he said. After several seconds waiting to hear something, the silence was broken by his voice. "Good girl... very nice... very nice. Play with your tits with your other hand... there we go... very good. How does that feel Melissa?""Good!" came a soft whisper. "Work it in there, and keep playing with your tits... I want you to suck one of your nipples while you are doing it... very good... you are a lovely woman. Who’s pussy is that Melissa?""Yours Fordham," came the whisper."Tell me louder!" "It’s your pussy Fordham," she spoke. "Yes it is Melissa... yes it is," he softly said. "Hear that Motherfucker!!" he yelled. "It’s MY pussy!" he laughed. Unable to stand it anymore, I slowly bent down and pushed the door open enough to look through the hole of the vacant door knob. There, on the chair with her legs spread, Melissa sat facing the man while she worked a dildo in and out of her pussy. She alternate pulling up each of her tits and licking the nipples for him. "Put both hands on that cock and work it in deep for me now," he ordered. "Deeper!" As Melissa grimaced, he laughed. "A little sore down there are we? I heard you had a big night last night. Let me hear you, let me hear you before I leave this room and take your dose with me," he snapped. "Ummm, it feels good. Aaaahhh so good," Melissa forced. "Ummm... ummmm.""Get on the mattress now and let me watch you work it on your knees." Melissa pulled the rubber dick out and quickly moved to the mattress where she put her face down and raised her ass into the air. The old man rolled himself over to get a closer look. "Put that dick all the way in girl... show me what a good whore you are. Well, the boys must have worked on that bouncy bottom of yours last night dear," he mused. "I see some battle scars and that tight little hole has some dried blood around it. Did they work your ass last night?" "Yes, yes they did.""Do you want me to make you put that fat rubber in your ass for me?""No Fordham, no I do not.""Then you better start fucking yourself, and let me know that you are fucking yourself," he quipped. "Ooooh it feels so good, ummmmm... I think I am going to cum." Fordham let out a burst of laughter. "I don’t think you're going to cum dear, but let’s see how good you can fake it!" he added. I could hardly control my anger as I watched Melissa work the dildo into her while he flailed around and stared at her quivering bottom. I felt rage as she loudly faked an orgasm and called his name per his orders. I think he enjoyed the idea of humiliating me, because it got worse when he noticed I was watching. Once she finished, she crawled to him and opened her mouth. Smiling, he dropped a small tablet in her mouth and told her what a good ‘whore’ she was. "Go clean your whore juice off my toy and bring it back to me," he ordered. Raising up, Melissa headed toward me as I backed my way back into the bathroom. I could hear her cut the water on and clean the sick mans filthy toy. As I watched her walk back to him, he had her place the rubber dick in a bag on the rear of his chair. As he turned to leave, he added, "I think these birth control pills are putting a little weight on you Melissa, your tits and ass wiggle more when you walk now. But I guess that is better than you and Mr. 27 raising the kid of some guy who blows his load into you, huh?" Melissa did not speak as the man wheeled his way out the door. "Until next time my sweet Melissa," he added in a matter of fact voice as he wheeled out of sight.To be continued?*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 37
Author's Comment: This story is written in three versions. This is version Bravo. While there are similarities and shared text between the stories, they have been written to appeal to specific (different)tastes. While all the versions are coded, the main theme of each version is presented here to assist you in choosing which version you wish to read:Version Alpha: Incest between the boys and their mothers.Version Bravo: Incest between the boys and their sisters. Sex between in-laws.Version Charley: More or less a free-for-all of incest between just about everybody, with a little husband sharing thrown in for spice.Caution: This is not a story about bestiality, per se. However, since this is a story that involves horse breeding, there are elements of light bestiality which are necessary for the plot to develop. As a point of interest, the description of hand breeding is factual and was provided by a reader I'll just call Charles. His description led to this story.***Bobby turned his head for possibly the thousandth time and gazed out the window of the car as it sped through miles and miles of... miles and miles. He had grown bored with the flat topped little mountains and piles of house-sized boulders an hour ago. He'd counted more cows than he cared to, even though he wanted to stay ahead of his sister, who was counting things on the other side of the car, competing with him. They counted everything in their friendly competition: Windmills, power pylons on high-tension lines, silos, parked motorcycles, even old time water pumps. Basically anything that was repetitive could be counted and claimed. Each kept track on a pad of paper. He sighed. He was bored, but that was the only way they had to pass the time when they were on trips. Especially when they were going to his Aunt Diedre's ranch in Wyoming. He remembered the last few times they'd driven up there, but only parts of each visit. They'd gone when he was ten and his sister, Megan, was nine. He remembered that time because his Uncle Tom had taught him to shoot the .22 rifle. That was a high point of his life. Then they'd gone again when he was thirteen. He remembered that time because he got to ride the horses and... He closed his eyes, remembering back to that night when he got back from a trail ride having to pee so bad that he was about to go in his pants. He was a city boy, though, and couldn't bring himself to just haul it out and let fly on the ground, like other men on the ranch did. So he had dashed for the bathroom, slamming through the closed door, pulling his zipper down. His cock was hard from holding it in and he pulled it through the open zipper just as he realized he wasn't alone in the bathroom. Aunt Dee was there. She had just turned off the water which had muffled his entry. As he hauled out his stiff cock, she opened the glass door and stepped out, reaching for a towel to dry off her dripping... naked... luscious... womanly... soft... pale body. He remembered how brown her nipples had looked, sitting on those big soft looking breasts. He remembered her wide green eyes and the way her mouth went into an "o" as she looked at what was in his hand. He remembered his eyes dropping to where he expected to see golden hair, like the honey colored tresses on her head, and how there was nothing there but skin. And something else that hung down between her thighs. Pussy lips. At thirteen he knew what he was looking at, and if he hadn't had boner from having to piss so bad he would have sprouted one anyway. He couldn't remember the sobbing explanation he made, or what she'd said to him, exactly. All he remembered was being unable to get a stream of urine started because he was hard as a rock, and the pain in his bladder making him almost ill.Aunt Dee had wrapped a towel around her amazing body, kissed him on the cheek and said "I'll just leave you alone to deal with your... problem." Then she'd kissed him on the cheek AGAIN, which did nothing whatsoever to soften the rock that was currently his prick. He DID remember he'd had to sit down, like a girl, to pee. That was what he remembered about the last time they'd been to the ranch. Now he was seventeen, and a foot and a half taller, with broad swimmer's shoulders and curly dark hair. He glanced at his sister. He always thought of Megan when he thought about his Aunt, because she looked like a younger copy of the woman. His mother too sometimes. Cathy and Diedre were known as "The Miller twins" when they were growing up, even though Cathy was a year older than Dee. And Megan looked just like the pictures of her mother and aunt when they were her age. She had the same hair, the same high cheekbones and even, in a lot of ways, the same temperament. He didn't know about the hair between her legs. Try as he might, he'd never been able to get a glimpse of that part of his sister. He'd seen her tits, though. She wasn't shy about walking around in just panties, though she always wore at least those. And, at sixteen, her body had flowered into something most men would drool over. She wasn't shy in other ways either, having more self confidence that seemed either fair or legal. One of the things she wasn't shy about was ogling the lump in the front of the white briefs Bobby wore around the house. Megan had a reputation as a tease at school. Bobby had never had to "protect" her, though. If a guy started getting pushy she used her Karate skills to cool him down. She knew enough pressure points that she usually didn't have to hit them. And if a guy was stupid enough to claim he'd crawled between her legs... well, she was a popular girl and she knew all the other popular girls. More than one guy had gone through a long dry spell because Megan whispered that she thought he had herpes, or genital warts, or whatever. She didn't ACT like a little sister around him. She acted like a girl, about his own age, maybe a neighbor girl who had grown up next door to him, and had shared all her secrets. They were very comfortable around each other. Unfortunately, that made her sexy, to his way of thinking. She was looking out the other window, counting a herd of... Buffalo of all things! She was wearing a tank top, without a bra. He could see where her adolescent nipples poked through the thin yellow cotton that covered them. Their mother was constantly trying to get her daughter to wear bras, but Megan resisted. She wore them to school, and on dates, but that was it. As if she had radar or something Megan turned her hazel eyes toward him. She saw where he was looking before he could avert his own eyes. "If you're counting those I'm going to win for sure," she said, not all that softly. Bobby blushed. Why did she have the power to unsettle him every single time? He saw her eyes go to his lap. "I've got one!" she yelled, her eyes leaving no doubt whatsoever that she was counting... boners. "One what?" asked Rudy, their dad. He was the one driving and was alone up in the front seat. Their mother, Cathy, had to stay home because she couldn't get off work to come with them. There had been an argument between the siblings, calling "Shotgun" and then fighting about who had called it first. Rudy simply said it was a tie and that meant they BOTH had to sit in the back. He didn't put up with a lot of yelling. Megan giggled. "One... what do you call them? Those thingies that have... milk in them, and you have to grip the long rod and move it up and down, and it makes... butter?" Rudy looked in the rear view mirror. "Butter churn? You saw a butter churn? Where in the world did you see one of those?" Bobby looked down at the "rod" his sister had been talking about gripping. His gym shorts were poked out at least six inches and it was obvious he had a major hard-on. In panic he grabbed the pillow between him and Megan and pulled it onto his lap. "Oh, it was on a sign. For a dairy or something. Don't those count?" she asked innocently. Rudy looked back at the road ahead. He knew his daughter, and that tone of voice meant she was teasing her brother. Both of them were just sitting there, though, and there was no clue as to what the teasing was about. Except that Bobby was beet red in the face. "I don't think signs count." he said. "Oh" said Megan, smiling at her brother. "They should. It made me all hungry... you know, the thought of all that cream, and making it come out..." she was grinning at her brother now, making the up and down classic gestures with her closed fist that any boy recognized instantly. " butter." she finished, giggling again. Bobby reached out and slapped her arm. Naturally he did it just as his father looked in the mirror again. "What's going on back there?" demanded Rudy. "Bobby you know better than to hit your sister. Now, kiss and make up." That was one of the ways their parents had handled sibling rivalry as they grew up. If the two kids got in a fight they were made to kiss and make up. When they were little that worked wonders, as neither child wanted anything to do with kissing the other. But their attitudes had changed just a little in the last three or four years. For Megan, it was a chance to kiss a boy and then stop, which appealed to her sense of exploration. For Bobby, all he had to do was look at Megan's green eyes and wheat colored hair and then close his eyes and pretend he was kissing Aunt Dee. It had made for some interesting "punishment". Bobby automatically leaned toward his sister, who leaned toward him. When their lips touched her tongue darted out and drilled its way between his lips, pressing into his mouth. He jerked back in surprise as Megan laughed out loud. Rudy turned back to the road and drove. The rest of the trip was made in silence. Two hours later they arrived at the big gate of the ranch. Bobby had always liked the gate, which had two tall poles on either side, with an arching metal sign between them. It had a big "R" on it with what Bobby had thought was a smile underneath when he was little. He always smiled when he went under that arch, like the smile under the R, because that meant he'd get to see his beautiful aunt. They turned up the long, straight dusty road that led from the blacktop to the house, with its attending barns, sheds and trees. The house was set back into a hillside that was covered with trees, and looked cool and inviting after all the dust and barren looking wastes they'd driven through. Everyone was ready to be out of the car, so they could stretch and ease tight muscles. Bobby stared toward the porch. There were two women waiting for them. One was his Aunt Dee. She was tanned and muscular from all the riding she did. She had on a worn and faded baseball cap that had a National Rifle Association emblem on it. Her usual pony tail hung through the back of the cap and dangled almost to her waist. Bobby sighed. She was the kind of woman who, when she walked in a room, got the attention of the men... and probably some of the women too, if they swung that way. She was just a ball of walking, talking sex. And the funny part was that she didn't seem to have any idea what effect she had on men OR women. The other woman was perhaps a little taller than his aunt. He peered closer and was astonished to recognize the second woman as his cousin, Molly. While they'd been friends when they were little, he hadn't spent much time with her in years. The last time he was at the ranch she was gone to summer camp somewhere. Molly looked as different from her mother as Megan looked similar to her aunt. Molly had long straight black hair that a lot of Hawaiian women have, with that almost blue sheen to it. She was deeply tanned and looked exotic. But she too had the green eyes that were so common in the females of the Miller clan. She was almost painfully slim, except for her breasts, which stuck out like a Barbie Doll's breasts, out of proportion to the rest of her body. Bobby thought she looked like some fairy princess brought to life out of the swords and sorcery books he liked to read. She was a year older than him, though, and, to his High School trained mind, was "not available" because she was older. Girls like her just weren't interested in boys younger than themselves. Bobby stared at her healthy firm breasts and felt his dick begin to stiffen again. He couldn't do anything about it except walk around to put the car between the women and the telltale lump in his pants. His father looked at him from the other side. "Aren't you coming?" he asked. "Um... I'll come in, in a minute," said Bobby, unable to explain the real reason he wasn't walking toward the hug he knew he'd get from his aunt. Rudy wasn't stupid. He had the same reaction to seeing his beautiful sister-in-law and her daughter as any other man would have, and he knew his son was a man, at least in so far as he reaction to beautiful women. "Don't sweat it," he said, handing Bobby a box that he could hold over his crotch. "You're normal. They're both babes. Molly sure has grown up in the last few years." He winked at his astonished son and grabbed a suitcase, which he held covering HIS lap. If they thought the girls would all go inside, leaving them to ferry things inside and let their erections go down, they were mistaken. Diedre stood, hands on hips, one leg cocked, with the toe pointing out. "You boys can carry that stuff in later. I need HUGS here!" she demanded. Bobby tried to get away with just leaning in for a kiss, but Dee took the box from his hands and set it on the porch railing next to her. She pressed her soft womanly body against him and kissed him soundly on the lips. Her eyes popped open and stared into his as she felt his cock pressing against her mons. "My, my, have YOU ever grown up!" she said, grinning. Then she dropped her arms and turned to her brother-in-law. "Rudy, are you ever a sight for sore eyes!" she said. Rudy dropped the suitcase on the porch and took his sister-in-law into a bear hug. Not only did he let her feel his arousal, he pressed it into her crotch, squeezing her and crushing her breasts against his chest. He gave her a long kiss on the lips. She had met him on a blind date and been so effusive about his qualities that Cathy started going out with him too. He and Dee had never done more than some adolescent groping, but both had enjoyed that and had always been comfortable with each other physically. They had a tendency to flirt with each other too."That goes for me too," he said, as he let go of his breathless sister-in-law. Bobby watched, his eyes getting bigger and bigger as his aunt dropped her hands to his father's hips and PULLED them against her lower body. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and he got even harder. He grabbed the box and turned toward the front door of the house only to run into Molly. She was staring at him. "Hi Bobby." she said shyly. Her voice had a melodious alto timbre to it. "Um... yeah, Hi," he said, blushing. "I haven't seen you in a long time," said his cousin. She didn't add anything to that, and an awkward silence stretched out. "Yeah" he said finally, shy too. This gorgeous creature was actually talking to him and it made him squirm. "You're a lot bigger than I remember you." He almost grimaced and felt stupid. Her smile made his balls get tight. "You too. Maybe after you guys get settled in we can catch up." Megan was right there then, squealing, and Molly's behavior changed to that of confident teenager as she greeted her female cousin. They had been pen pals for many years, and felt completely comfortable around each other. Then it was tote that barge and lift that bale for the two men, who moved in enough belongings stashed in the station wagon and trailer to keep them going for the two months they planned on staying. Bobby groused about it, since, in his opinion, most of it was Megan's. And he thought about why they were there. Bobby had gotten to read the letter from his Aunt that had arrived several months previously. Uncle Tom had been elected as State Representative for the Wyoming District at Large, and was going to have to spend a lot of time in Washington D.C. The biggest problem with that was that he'd be gone during the time of year they bred most of their prize horses. The ranch raised prize winning Quarter horses and Arabians, and the proceeds from the sales of these horses, along with the breeding program, were the primary income of the whole operation. They also had cattle and some goats, but those were mostly for feeding the family and trading to Mexican migrant workers, who loved to eat goat more than any other kind of meat. In their valley hideaway, surrounded by high hills and part of the Rockies, they had all kinds of weather and were able to raise crops as well as animals. Hired help dealt with all the crops and stock, except the horses. Only the Brooks family and one or two others handled them. Chance, their eldest son, had gone off to college and was finishing up an internship, so he couldn't be there for another two or three weeks. Tom was in Washington. That left Dee and Molly, and the operation needed more than just the two of them. So the Tanner family was invited to come and spend two months, to help during breeding season. Rudy ran his own business, so he could take time off. He had a couple of employees who basically ran things, though he stayed involved because he liked to. But they could handle things for two months with no problem, particularly if he called them once in a while to make any decisions they didn't feel comfortable making themselves. His wife, Cathy worked as a nurse, though, and couldn't get that much time off. She hoped to be able to fly up for a four day weekend during their stay, but that was probably all the time she'd be able to spend away from work. The rest of the day and that night they sat around catching up on years gone by. Molly took Bobby and Megan on a tour of the immediate environs, showing them the stalls, where the milk cow was kept, the breeding pens, hay and alfalfa storage areas, oat bins and so on. Bobby couldn't keep his eyes off his beautiful cousin. She was wearing a man's short sleeve shirt with the top three buttons undone and the tails tied below her breasts. Her midriff was bare above pale blue jeans shorts that were so worn they looked like they might actually fall to pieces at any second. She had tennis shoes on her feet with socks that came just to the tops of the shoes. Her long black hair was tied back in a pony tail that hung to her shoulder blades. Megan had taken her suitcase to a bedroom and had changed into a tube top that hugged her precious teen breasts like two gentle hands and did nothing whatsoever to conceal her nipples. She had on a pair of white cotton shorts and flip flops, which were giving her fits as she tried to pick her way through the hay and... other things... on the ground. She did a lot of jumping from one place to the other, and her breasts bounced beautifully. All in all, Bobby was getting eye strain from watching the two gorgeous girls. He had changed into jeans, primarily because he could put his cock down the leg of those and it was under better control. It was uncomfortable, though, when it tried to stiffen, which it did all through the tour. He was looking forward to being alone in bed so he could jack his prick until it spurted all his growing lust out into a tissue or something. He was disconcerted when during dinner, his Aunt apologized and said "Bobby, honey, I didn't have time to clean out Chance's old bedroom. So we put up his bed in Molly's room. The girls will have to share a bed and you can have the other one. Is that OK?" The look on Bobby's face as he realized he would NOT be able to release the pain in his scrotum must have been something to see. His Aunt sighed. "I'm really sorry Bobby. Honest, I just didn't have a chance to get things organized. Rudy's going to have to sleep on the couch. Eventually we'll get you both in Chance's old room. We'll make that the first thing we do when we get a chance, OK? It won't be so bad, I promise." Bobby's eyebrows rose as she heard the comments about the sleeping arrangements. He looked at his father, who shrugged his shoulders and then, as if they had a secret, grinned. Rudy leaned over and whispered in Dee's ear. "Are you sure it's a good idea? I mean putting a seventeen year old boy with your daughter?" Diedre smiled and whispered back. "They haven't seen each other for years. What could they possibly do with Megan there? Besides, girls nowadays aren't as curious about sex as you and I were." She grinned at her brother-in-law. "And, it isn't as crazy as putting YOU in there with them. It'll be fine, I'm sure." And so it was that, when Bobby went to bed that night, he was treated to the sight of two very beautiful young women, wearing the scantiest of nightwear, some of which was almost see-through, as they brushed their hair and chatted about all the things that young girls chat about. Bobby got up and went to the bathroom, where, as he beat his meat furiously, he tried to hit the water in the stool. He missed with four strong spurts of his teenage spooge as it blasted out of the tip of his prick, and he had to use a handful of toilet paper to clean things up. The next morning , at breakfast Dee got all business-like and started handing out assignments. There were some chores to do that would require Rudy, supervised by Dee, and helped by Molly, and those had been put off until Rudy got there, so she explained that and then turned to Megan and Bobby. "So that means I'll need you two to start with the breeding. It isn't hard, though it's going to be a little strange to both of you at first. Tom usually handled it all with Jaun, but Juan had to go back down south of the border because his wife was sick. I've helped Tom before, though, so I know what has to be done. I'll run through it with you a couple of times. Rudy and Molly can watch so they know how to do it too. Once we get everything up to snuff we'll all take turns. OK?" Megan and Bobby just nodded their heads. They had no idea what they were in for. Dee took the whole crowd to the collection of barns. Mares had their own barn, as did the males. She showed them the lists that had been prepared, showing which stallions would be mated to each mare. There were both names and numbers on the list and she showed everyone how the stalls were numbered. She and Molly had already put the horses in their assigned stalls that would be processed that day. She turned to Bobby. "Do you think you can handle the stallions?" "I don't know," said Bobby, thrilled at the idea of working with horses. "What would I have to do?" "Well, you'd be going to get them out of their stalls and bringing them to the breeding pen. Then there are some things that need to be done before we let them get together. After they breed, then you'll help take them back to their stalls. Sometimes the stallions get a little frisky when they smell the mares, but I think you can do it. You're a strapping young man. I can't believe how much you've grown since you were here last." "Sure, I guess I can do that," he said. "OK then, that will be your job. I did that when I helped Tom, and once you get the hang of it, it will be easy." Then she turned to Megan. "Your part is the part that's going to take some getting used to. It's called prepping. I've never actually done it myself, but I've watched Tom, and it's not hard. It's just... well, I'll do the first couple and you'll see. Bobby's part of the operation was a no-brainer, really. All he had to do was control the stallions, and there were tricks he could use that helped him do his job. Like covering the eyes of the stud so he couldn't see anything. He could still smell the mare, and that excited him, but he didn't know where to try to get to, so he just stood there... a horny horse, so to speak. Watching his Aunt do her part was... well, he really didn't know the word for what it was. If he'd have had to describe it so someone (and he would have to... many times in the years to come) he'd have just told you what she did and you could imagine it. First they brought in the mare they were going to breed and hobbled her, putting her in a chute that surrounded the front two thirds of her body. That left her hindquarters exposed. Then Bobby brought in one of the three stallions Dee had chosen to breed this particular mare and held his head while Aunt Dee showed Megan and everyone else how to 'prep' him. She had a little three legged stool that was usually used for milking the cow, and a bucket with a mild disinfectant in it, mixed in water. She put on rubber gloves, put the stool beside the back leg of the stud and then sat down. The stallion, having already smelled the mare was ready to go. Guys are like that. When we think about sex we're... just ready to go. So his penis was erect and extending from its sheath a foot and a half or so. The skin of a horse's penis has pigment in it just like the skin under his hair, so a penis could be all one color, or mottled. According to Dee they felt like velvet and were hard as a rock. She explained all this while the others stood, wide eyed, staring at the long hard penis that was drooping slightly down from under the horse. She went on to say that papered mares are valuable animals, and people brought their prize mares from all over to get them bred to one of the Brooks studs. They expected to get a pregnant mare back, with no side effects from the breeding. The Brooks ranch preferred to do what was called "Hand Breeding", which gave the breeders more control over the process. Any errant bacteria might cause a problem. You don't want that, so it was the job of the "prepper" to wash down the stallion's penis with the disinfectant and clean him before he was allowed to enter the mare. Now how you do that is to grasp the penis with one hand and get it nice and wet with a soaked rag from the bucket. Then you sort of squeegee off the fluid. The hands, circled around the erect penis, make a perfect squeegee. That squeegee/stroking action also had the effect of making sure the stallion was completely hard, so when he mounted the mare everything went well. So, all things considered, Bobby and the others watched his aunt jacking off the stallion. If you were experienced at it, it only took one swipe from the base to the tip to effectively get all the extra disinfectant off the stallion's penis. But if you'd never done it before you had a tendency to stroke it several times. So, after they watched Dee stroke that hard cock several times, she stood up and moved up to where Bobby was holding the stud's head. She helped him lead the horse to the mare and then pulled him back as the stallion did what came naturally to him. If you've never seen horses mating you should find a way to do that. It's something you'll never forget. That huge muscular male jumps with his front legs like he doesn't weigh a thing, and cozies up to the mare's rear. If she's ready, she moves her tail and, just like that, two FEET of hard cock slide into her. A couple of three humps and it's over. Talk about your premature ejaculation. A horse could never satisfy a woman, because he'd never last long enough. But it's an awfully erotic thing to watch. While Dee was doing the second one Megan made a sound in her throat. "I don't know if I can do that." she said. Dee looked up and saw both Megan and Molly staring wide eyed at what her hands were doing. "It's nothing," she said. But her deep breathing denied her flippant attitude. "It's just a thing you're cleaning. Think of it as a cucumber or something." She stood up as she finished and Bobby led the stallion to the mare. Their coupling was both violent and swift as the stud rammed his stiff cock into the mare. The mare whinnied, as if she were excited too. As the stallion dragged his cock out of the mare, he hadn't quite finished inside her. His still mostly stiff dick dripped a clear viscous fluid down into the dust. Bobby's glance automatically went to the women, who were all standing together, and he saw all three women take deep breaths as they saw that. Three sets of healthy breasts pushed hard at the coverings over them and Bobby felt his own prick begin to emulate that of the stud. Then Bobby looked at his father, who was standing with his mouth open, staring at the two horses. Dee took a deep breath. "We hope they stay on long enough to get all their semen inside the mare. If that would have happened here it would have been a perfect mating. If that happens, just annotate the record so we know to breed that pair again. OK, that's all there is to it. Take your time and be careful. If a stallion gets too excited you know what to do. Megan, stay clear of the hooves. You'll do fine." Bobby and his sister were left alone together as Dee led her daughter and brother-in-law back toward the house. All three looked over their shoulders as they left, though not at the same time. Megan stood, breathing like she'd run a mile. She turned to Bobby. "I don't know..." she said. Bobby couldn't resist the jab. "Hey, you're the one who was counting hard-ons. This should be fun for you." Megan gave him a dirty look, but rose to the bait and said "OK, big brother, let's just see how much fun I can have!" Together they took the stallion and mare back to their stalls. Together they got the next mare ready. And together they went to get the next stud. Megan leaned down to look under the stallion and gave a sigh of relief. When Bobby looked too he saw that the horse's penis was still sheathed. They got the stallion ready and Megan slowly put the stool and bucket where she thought they'd be needed. She picked up the rubber gloves and held them out. They were wet and cold. "Yuck" she said, frowning. She'd been thinking about touching one of those long hard male things while they got ready. She'd never actually touched a boy's penis before. Not a naked one anyway. She'd given a couple of boys a quick swipe of her hand over their jeans, playing with them... teasing them. And she'd let them kiss her deeply. She loved to French kiss if it was the right boy, and she'd even let some of them caress her breasts through her shirt. But she'd never touched a boy's naked penis. Part of her couldn't wait to see what one felt like, even though it was a horse's. To her mind she expected it would be about the same. And so, Megan made a decision that would have a profound effect on her life. She decided to prep the stallion without the gloves. When Megan sat down on the little stool, Bobby heard her intake of breath. "What's wrong?" he asked. "It's hanging out now," she said, her voice breathy. "It must smell the mare," said Bobby. "Is it like the other ones?" "It's bigger," she said, her voice soft. "It's huge Bobby. It has to be two feet long." Bobby tried to stand to one side, so he could see what Megan was doing. The stallion tossed his head and whickered. Bobby stroked his forehead and spoke softly to him. He saw Megan reach out tentatively with her hand. "Ooooo it's warm," she sighed. She moved her arm and a ripple of muscles flowed along the stallion's back. "It's hard as a ROCK!" she said, "But it feels like velvet too on the outside." "Aren't you supposed to be washing it?" asked Bobby. Megan looked up and flushed. "OK, OK, don't get excited. I just wanted to know what it was going to feel like. Hold him tight." Bobby noticed that the hand holding the horse's penis didn't move as she reached for the rag in the bucket. He couldn't see under the horse from the angle he had, but it was obvious Megan wasn't grossed out by holding the penis. If she had been she'd have let go of it. "Hey, you don't have the gloves on." Bobby pointed out as her hand came out of the bucket with the rag dripping. "They were all yucky," she said, reaching in under the horse. "And what you're doing with your bare hands isn't?" Bobby was amazed at his sister's reaction. "It feels nice," she said. "It's not at all like I thought it would be. Her arms moved and the horse tossed his head. "Well it feels nice for the horse too. He's starting to get nervous or something. Aren't you about done?" asked Bobby. "Yeah," she sighed. She stood up and moved back. Bobby led the stud to the mare and stepped back as he nosed the mare. In a flash he was up and Bobby could see what Megan had just sterilized. It was almost pure black, with a whitish-pink band around the middle. The blunt head was the same color. Bobby was standing only a yard away as that penis was brought to bear and slithered into the mare's vagina. The stallion's muscles bunched and he hopped with his back legs, ramming that huge phallus into the receptive mare. Three more convulsive lunges and he pushed off her hindquarters to land beside her, that long black and pink penis now dangling almost to the dust. "Wow," said Bobby. "It happens so fast." He reached for the halter on the stallion and turned to lead it back to its stall. Megan was standing, arms at her sides, her face slack. She backed up from the stallion as it came near her, so fast that she tripped over the stool and almost fell. "Relax, he's not going to hurt you," said Bobby. "That thing would kill me in an instant," she gasped. Bobby realized she was talking about the penis and stopped, his own mouth hanging open. Megan looked at him and blushed. "Well it would. It's huge." Bobby felt a surge of emotion rush through him at the thought of his sister being mounted by a horse. It was horrible to contemplate, but exciting too somehow. He felt disgusted with himself for feeling that excitement. It sobered him. "Well then, just make sure you don't wear your hair in a pony tail then. You should be safe." Megan slapped out at him and startled the stallion, which jumped. She stepped back, her hands up. "Sah-reeeee," she singsonged. They did another set, and this time, when Megan stood up, she was sweating. Beads of sweat covered her brow and she wiped at it with the back of her hand. It was hot in the barn, with little air moving to cool them. She had worn a white T shirt and the heck was dark in a V between her breasts. She stood watching as the stallion mounted the mare and bred her. "It's so amazing," she said, breathing hard. "How can she take that huge thing in her and not complain?" "She's made for it," said Bobby, reaching for the halter. After the next pair Megan's sweat had spread down the shirt, so much so that the tips of her breasts were now pushing through damp cloth. Her nipples were spiked but she didn't notice it. She watched the horses. Bobby noticed though, and he suddenly realized that he had been affected by things too. He was already mostly hard. Seeing Megan's nipples poking through the shirt just finished the job. They moved on to another pair. When Megan slid down onto the stool she gasped. "This one's much slimmer and the head is pointier," she said, breathing rapidly. "It almost looks like one of those toys you see pictures of." she said, not realizing that she'd said it out loud. She and Tanya Howell had surfed to a sex toy site on the internet one night during a sleepover and examined dildos, giggling and laughing at the long two-headed ones. That image of a long slim dildo had stuck in her mind, though, and it was what she saw transposed onto the stallion in front of her. She took so long to clean this one that Bobby had to ask her what she was doing. Megan didn't answer, but then dropped her hands finally and stood up. This time Bobby could actually see dark circles through the shirt where her areolas and nipples showed through the translucent cloth. Bobby tore his eyes away from her shirt and took the stallion to the mare. He noticed that both of them looked different than the other horses. They were slimmer, almost graceful looking, and weren't brown like the heavier horses they'd been dealing with. He would later find out they were Arabians, but for now he thought they must just be younger. They acted just like the others had, though, except that the male didn't stay on... or rather in... the mare long enough. When he pulled back and his penis slicked out of her vagina, it was still spurting long streams of silvery-clear semen. Bobby heard Megan gasp and turned to see her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide. He took the stallion back to its stall, but decided it was close enough to lunch that they'd just stop. When he went back to the pen to tell Megan, she and the mare were gone. He went looking for her and heard her before he saw her. To be technically correct, he heard what sounded almost like a little girl sobbing, and located the sound in a stall where he recognized the mare that had just been bred. He opened the stall gate and walked in, turning his head toward the sound. He'd never forget what he saw. Megan had unbuttoned her cargo shorts and her right hand was stuffed down into them, moving rapidly as she obviously frigged her pussy. Her left hand gripped the stall boards beside her. Her head was thrown back, her eyes closed, and the sounds he heard were coming from her mouth. They were little yips and whines and cries that, now that he could see her, sounded much more like advanced pleasure than the pain he'd thought was generating them. "What are you DOING?!" he blurted, instantly feeling stupid. He knew exactly what she was doing. He just couldn't believe it was his sister doing it. Megan's eyes snapped open, alarmed. He saw a series of emotions flow through those eyes... surprise... shame... anger... and then something wild. In truth, what happened, as she later told him, was that she had been very close to getting her cum. After a split second of horror at seeing her brother watching her masturbate, she was suddenly excited by the situation, and that tipped the balance. That wild look in her eye was while she was cumming on her fingers. "Megan?" whined Bobby. This was all wrong. His sister didn't DO this kind of thing. She teased and loved innuendo, but she was pure and chaste and a virgin and just didn't DO... what HE did every single day. "Oh lighten up you goof," she gasped. "You know what I'm doing. I couldn't help it. I got so horny I had to do something. And the only thing around here to do something with was this." She pulled her hand out of her pants. Her fingers glistened in the dim light. She wiped them on her shorts and began re-buttoning them."But... you CAN'T do that!" moaned Bobby. "Of COURSE I can!" she said indignantly. "YOU do... isn't that right? Isn't that what you're doing when the bed smacks the wall and keeps me awake when I'm trying to get to sleep? And if YOU can do it, then I can do it too!" She finished smugly. "In fact I bet you want to do it right now! Am I right Bobby? Don't lie to me. I can see that lump in your shorts. Those horses got you hot too, didn't they!" It may have been phrased like a question, but it was really a statement of belief. "What?" asked Bobby, quite sure the world was coming to an end. "You want to do it too. So go ahead!" said Megan. "I did it and I feel much better... even if I feel like doing it again already." Bobby didn't know what to do. He wondered what alien space ship had landed while he wasn't looking and substituted whoever this was for his sister. What he didn't know was that, as long as he had been trying to get a peek at his sister's pussy, she had been trying to get a peek at his stiff penis. She knew what it looked like soft, but whenever it was hard he hid it from everyone. Now that she'd seen a hard horse cock, she wanted to see what a hard boy cock looked like even more. "No," said Bobby, but the way he said it didn't make any sense. It was more like he was saying "No, this isn't happening to me." rather than saying he didn't want to masturbate. Megan had never seen her brother so off balance before. She stepped toward him, unbuttoning her shorts again. "I feel like doing it again Bobby. I'm so horny I can't stand it. Do it with me? Please? I think that would be so hot! It makes me so horny just thinking about it." She went for broke and took her hands from her shorts to grasp the hem of the T shirt. She pulled it up over her head, baring her naked breasts to her brother. Bobby stared. A little bit of drool had collected between his tongue and teeth and it finally spilled out of one corner of his mouth. He'd been frozen for so long he'd forgotten to swallow. Megan's tits were gorgeous. He was sure he was in a fantasy world, where things like this happened that would never ever happen in the real world. That fantasy world urged him to let his cock free... to stroke it. He felt his hard-on lurch and suddenly wanted to let it out of his pants, where it could romp and play like he was just sure it was supposed to. And, to his utter amazement... he did! He came back to the real world with his cock in his hand and a drip of pre-cum whipping in the wind as his hand moved along his stiff cock. Megan's eyes were big as she stared at the thing she'd wanted to see for so long. Then her own hands went to her shorts and, instead of fastening them up again, she undid them completely and pushed them down her legs, her panties going with them. She stepped out of one leg and spread her feet a little more than her shoulder's width. Then she darted her right hand between her legs and matched her brother's stroke as she slid a finger into her pussy. "Ooooo I was right," she panted. "This is soooo hot." Megan actually got to her apex first, because she was already primed to feel that luscious pain again. And it was obvious to Bobby when she had her orgasm. She crouched and her hand took on a jerky non-rhythm, with a jerk, and then a pause and then another jerk and then a pause and Bobby recognized that non-rhythm. It was the same non-rhythm he used on his prick as it began to spurt long ropes of thick white cum. Bobby bent slightly backward as his prick fired again and again, his hand matching Megan's little jerks. Her face was a rictus of pleasure as she watched her brother's cum flying through the air. She gasped and had to take a step as she leaned too far and lost her balance. The only thing she had to grab onto was her brother, and she ended up with one hand on his shoulder, her head down, as her eyes devoured the last few jerks he made on his cock. She leaned her head against his chest and let out a gust of air she didn't even know she'd been holding in her lungs. Then she relaxed against him. Bobby couldn't see those last few jerks that he made, milking his cock for just a little more of that stuff that soothed his abused prick as it oozed out. But he could smell Megan's hair, just below his chin, and her touch on his shoulder and where her head leaned against him felt so right that all his doubts and fears vanished. His left hand came up and rested on her shoulder too and they stood there, holding each other up. Megan's head finally rose, and the look in her eye was something Bobby had never seen. There was love there, but it was a different kind of love, and it thrilled him to the bone. He couldn't help kissing her lips. Megan saw him coming and, though she hadn't planned on touching her brother, that kiss was so welcome that she opened her lips to him. Their lips were soft and spongy as they met and before long their arms were around each other. Bobby's cock nestled between Megan's legs, kissing her pussy too, and Megan thought about what Bobby had said. The horse's huge penis was made to go in the mares. And the smaller penis pressing against her pussy was made to go inside a girl. Megan knew, then and there, who would take her virginity. She didn't think about how taboo that was, or what anyone would think or say. She just knew she had to have that magnificent spurting thing deep in her pussy where her finger couldn't reach. That kiss... or more correctly that series of kisses... went on for a long time. Bobby had kissed girls before, but never like this. The feel of Megan's body against him, even though he was still clothed, felt wonderful, and the smooth naked skin of her back felt even more wonderful to his hands. And, though most boys would have wanted more, at that moment Bobby was as happy as he'd ever been. He just reveled in tasting her lips and feeling her under his hands. "YOO HOO!" came the distant voice of Aunt Dee. She was coming to see how they'd been doing.CHAPTER TWO The two teens felt the stab of panic that most young people never feel because they've never done anything that would get them in that much trouble.Their scramble was both frantic and funny to them both. Bobby had only to get his shrunken cock back in his shorts and get them zipped up. Megan, of course, was a little more frantic and she put her own shorts back on without even trying to get the panties on. Bobby saw her stuff those in her back pocket and then he turned and left to intercept Aunt Dee, so that Megan would have time to get her shirt on. It was inside out and lying on the hay.Dee walked through the door of the barn just as Bobby turned the corner and they almost bumped into each other. Dee's hands went out automatically and grasped his forearms. As she said "Oh!" startled by his sudden appearance, her hands felt the strength in those arms and she looked up at her nephew. How he had grown! He was almost a man, she thought. She backed up. "You startled me. How's it going?" Bobby's mind was still reeling from all that had happened. He hadn't thought of what he'd say, just that he had to give Megan time to finish getting dressed. "It's hard!" he gasped. Dee had a glimmer of understanding already. Just in showing them how to prep a stud she had gotten excited herself. That two foot rock hard penis was something she didn't think anyone could touch without it affecting them. And, as Megan suddenly walked out behind Bobby, her eyes wild, her face flushed, Dee knew she had been right. "It's OK," she said, pushing Bobby aside and hugging her niece. "It affects everyone that way. Don't feel guilty." Megan had no idea how much her aunt knew about what had just happened, but her admonition that how she felt was normal calmed the girl considerably. Megan burrowed her head into her aunt's bosom. "I don't think I'll ever be able to date after this." she moaned. Dee laughed. "It's not quite the same sweetheart. Men are even more fun." Then she blushed as she realized what she'd just said to a mere fifteen year old girl. "Anyway, you have time to get over it. How many did you get done?" she asked. Bobby and Megan pointed out on the list, the pairs they had mated and Dee was both surprised and happy. "You two did very well for your first time." she said. "And, you'll get a break. I just got a call from Chance and he's going to be here tomorrow. Then he and Molly can share the burden. I think I may be able to get Rudy to help me with some of it too, so that will give you time to recuperate between sessions. How's that sound?" Megan was already looking forward to mating horses again. Bobby wasn't so sure. Some of his doubts were back. They'd almost gotten caught, and that made him nervous. But for now, it was safe. Because it was time for lunch. At lunch Megan chatted animatedly while Bobby just ate as much of the delicious meal as he could. Molly wanted to know what it was like to prep the stallions, and asked all kinds of questions. Dee and Rudy just listened as Megan described how strong the horses were, and how large they seemed, and how well Bobby controlled them. She mentioned that one of them didn't stay on long enough. Dee nodded. "I'm glad you told me, but we'll breed each pair three times before we're done. That ensures the best results." Megan shivered, but it was a shiver of excitement. That was a LOT of studs that would have to be prepped. And she had decided she loved prepping stallions. Molly, for her part, had a reason for all her questions. Unknown to any of them at the table, she and Chance had been... experimenting... with each other for several years. They had started by just exploring each other's bodies, to see what they were like. Chance was the first boy Molly ever touched. As she dated, when she contemplated doing something with a boy, she did it with Chance first, to see what it was like, and to figure out the best way to do whatever it was. They had never actually had sex, though they'd gotten pretty close a few times. Once Chance's penis had spurted with the tip nudged right in between Molly's pussy lips, making a mess of slippery goo that she rubbed into her pussy, and which caused an orgasm in her that was so hard that she was afraid something had gone wrong with her at first. Then she figured out that she had just really liked the feeling of that warm slippery fluid squirting into her pussy mouth, and got him to do that a lot after that. And then, the last night before he went off to college, her passion higher than it had ever been by knowing that he'd be gone the next day, she'd pulled him into her. It had hurt when he destroyed what was left of her hymen, but the pain hadn't lasted long and soon he was lustily fucking his sister with long pounding strokes. Molly had two orgasms before Chance groaned and slammed his seed into her in jerky grunting thrusts. Molly thought all that warm slippery fluid felt even better way up inside her. When he left she was both relieved and distraught. She was relieved because they'd just had a lesson on conception in Biology class and she couldn't believe she hadn't gotten pregnant with her brother. She was unhappy because she missed his prick up in her, spurting all that dangerous stuff. He'd gotten to come home for a few days during the holidays, and she had snuck into his room each night to crawl in bed naked with her brother. By then she didn't care about the danger. She just wanted him in her. Since then, though, he'd been working too much to be able to come home. So Molly was horny. She knew exactly what her brother's hard cock felt like in her hand. That's why she was so interested in finding out what a horse cock felt like. But she couldn't explain that to the people at the table. Dee looked up. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Chance called and he got cut loose from his internship early. He said he'll be here tomorrow morning if all goes well." Molly couldn't keep a squeal of delight inside her. Her obvious joy that her brother was coming home made everyone else at the table look at her. She realized she had drawn too much attention and put her fork down. Looking with a level gaze from one to another around the table she said "What? Is it so terrible to love your brother?" Megan flushed bright red and Bobby choked on a piece of meat. The adults thought they were just holding in acid remarks about each other, unaware of how close to how they felt that Molly had come with her simple question. That afternoon Megan and Bobby walked slowly back to the barn. Megan looked over at him. "I'm already excited." she said. Bobby looked back. She had changed shirts. This one had buttons down the front. She had on the same shorts, though. "Are you sure you want to... you know... go that far?" he asked."Bobby Tanner!" she said, stopping to face him. "Didn't you have the best time you've had in a long time this morning? I know I did!" Bobby was stunned. He'd thought he was the one who pushed things too far that morning with his kiss. "Well... yeah." he said. "OK then," she said, "And it's not like we did anything really serious." she sniffed, turning and continuing through the door of the barn. They did three sets of horses before she wanted a kiss. Bobby was more than ready to give her one. After that she got a long sloppy kiss after each set, pushing her body against her brother's. "I want to rub" she whispered into his mouth, "but I want to save it too. Saving it makes it even better." Bobby didn't agree at all. He'd been wanting to beat off ever since she'd unbuttoned three buttons of her shirt to let some air in and he'd been staring at her pink tipped breasts every time she leaned forward to wash a horse cock. In fact, if she hadn't wanted to wait, things might have turned out differently. If she'd have let them ease their passion halfway through the afternoon she might not have been so completely charged up when she finally broke and dragged Bobby up a ladder into the haymow, where she thought they'd have more notice that someone was coming and couldn't be walked in on. "I want to touch you," she panted as she got naked again in front of her brother. There was an old horse blanket hanging on a nail nearby and she took that and spread it out. "Let's lie down." she breathed. Bobby too was way beyond controlling what he was feeling, and he got naked as well, wanting to feel her skin against his. They crushed their lips together as her hand slid between them, searching for and finding his rigid tool. "Mmmm you're warm too," she breathed into his mouth between kisses. She stroked his cock several times and he pushed it toward her by instinct. During the next kiss Megan got the idea to use his cock tip to rub her clitty, and she lifted one leg and hung it over his, scooting closer. When she was able to get close enough to dig his penis into her pussy mouth she knew she was going to love doing it. Bobby kept giving little lurches, again by instinct, and it was one of those lurches that dug the pointy tip of his cock far enough into her pussy that her tight pussy lips stretched and snapped over the glans. Megan's wild masturbating sessions in the past had removed her troublesome hymen and, other than the pain of things stretching, which was bearable and dissipating already, it wasn't uncomfortable for either of them. All that warm pussy wrapped around his cock head, however, brought out something in Bobby he didn't even know was there. He automatically rolled on top of his sister. That act alone shoved two inches of his hard prick into her defenseless pussy. Then the instinct that had been making him push made him push again and his pubic bone mashed up against her clit as their pubic hairs mingled. Megan had, on some level, known this was going to happen. She was, in some ways ready for it. Bobby was not. It had happened so fast, and without conscious thought, that when his brain caught up and he realized just where his rock hard prick was, that knowledge tripped a switch and his balls emptied. It was a classic case of premature ejaculation. Thankfully, Bobby's teenage prick was able to stay hard after it spurted his sister full of his thick white spooge, and the urge to push, combined with Megan's hands rubbing his back and her voice, cooing in his ear, caused Bobby to begin fucking his first woman, who just happened to be his sister. That he had shot off in her helped, because she was now well lubricated. Still she was tight and it took three or four minutes for the discomfort of being stuffed full of hard cock to morph into a delightful feeling of being stroked and massaged on this inside by something warm and wonderful. And, when Megan began having orgasms, she had them rapid fire, one after another until she had stampeded through four of them. She put her hands on Bobby's chest and pushed. "Stop!" she gasped. Bobby, afraid that she hated what he was doing, stopped. When she said "I can't breathe" and sounded genuinely breathless, he started to pull out. Her hands slapped on his ass cheeks. "Don't take it out." she panted. "Just stay still for a minute. Staying still was not easy, halfway in as he was. So Bobby let himself sink down on his sister, which drove his cock to her cervix, where he let it soak in hot pussy. Just breathing made him move enough that his bone massaged her clit. She felt another orgasm coming on and took a deep breath. Bobby had been moving inside her tight tunnel each time she had gotten off before. But now, immobile inside her, when her orgasm flowed over her and her pussy started rippling, he could feel it. It felt remarkably like he was being jacked off, and when Bobby suddenly felt the urge to shoot again, he let it go. Megan's pussy milked his cock several more times and the first shot thundered into her depths. This time she felt the added heat of his cum and that intensified her orgasm, causing her pussy to milk his cock for another spurt. They lay still, her pussy working on him, semen still bursting, then, eventually just seeping from his softening cock. Then they collapsed limply. It took them five more minutes to rouse themselves. The reality of what had happened began to manifest itself, and the danger of discovery impressed itself on them. Both stared at her recently fucked pussy lips, which ran with sticky white sperm. Silently they got up and dressed. That silence built until Megan couldn't stand it any more. She turned to Bobby. "I'm not sorry it happened!" she said loudly. She was afraid. She couldn't have put details to that fear, but it showed in her face. Bobby didn't want her to be afraid. He held out his arms. "I'm not either." Megan rushed into his arms and they hugged each other. Megan lifted her face, her eyes filled with glistening tears. Bobby whispered "I love you Megan." Then she cried, tears mixed of pent up emotion, the release she had just experienced, and joy that the man who had taken her virginity loved her. That he was her brother just made it sweeter somehow. Megan insisted that they mate one more pair of horses before they went back to the house. She needed the time to get control of her emotions. This time, when she fondled the stallion's cock it wasn't so bad. She knew that her need could be met if it was necessary. After they had returned the two horses to their stalls Megan kissed Bobby one more time. By the time they got to the house no one could have told that they'd shared something so intimate... or so forbidden. Dinner that night was surprisingly relaxed, at least from the vantage point of Megan and Bobby. Both still seethed with the excitement of discovered love and lust, but they were also tired. The others had worked hard around the ranch and were also tired. When Dee asked Bobby and Megan how things had gone and they answered glibly, she assumed they were just trying to put forward a brave face. "Chance will be home sometime tomorrow. Until then maybe Rudy and I could work with the horses. That will give you two a break. I know how... taxing... it can be. Neither Megan or Bobby argued. For Megan, she still felt, or imagined she felt, her brother's heavy spunk in her womb. She hadn't thought about the risks and dangers of having unprotected sex while she was having... unprotected sex. But she knew that if she handled horse cocks again she'd want to handle Bobby's cock again. And she knew that if she handled Bobby's cock again, she'd let him slide it into her sex and spurt again. That brought mixed feelings to her. She didn't want to get pregnant, but, at the same time, she ached to feel his penis in her again. So a break from handling horse cocks was welcome in a way since she felt she could control her lust away from that environment. Bobby was more worried about being caught. He too knew that if Megan allowed him to, he'd fuck her again. He'd never even think of forcing her, but if she welcomed him, he'd be helpless. Both had forgotten they'd be sleeping in the same room that night. At bedtime, Molly told Bobby to take his shower first, and that the girls would take theirs after. She did that so she could talk to her cousin alone. "So? What was it really like?" she asked Megan. Megan sighed. "If you're going to do this with Chance, I hope you like him a lot." Molly looked surprised. "What? Of course I like him. He's my brother. Why? What did Bobby do? Did you two have a fight?"Megan was so full of emotion she started to laugh hysterically. "We had the farthest thing from a fight you can have. Molly, handling those horses does something to you. I got so... so... so horny I couldn't STAND it!" Molly frowned. "I was afraid of that. When I saw Momma prepping that stud, and thought about what that was going to be like... I got all chills and stuff." Megan slumped. "I got so horny I had to rub off." Molly stared. "Get out! Did you really? Wow." "And Bobby caught me," said Megan, still staring at the floor. "What'd he do?" asked Molly. "I can't talk about it," said Megan. "You'd hate me." Molly felt a thrill. If Megan and Bobby had done something then that meant she and Chance weren't the only perverts on the planet. "Did he get... excited too?" she asked. Megan just nodded her head. Molly frowned again. "Did he hurt you Megan?"Megan's head came up. "Oh no. It was my fault really. I dared him to jerk off, so I could too. I was so horny Molly. And things got... I don't know... strange.""How strange?" asked Molly. "You'd hate me if I told you," moaned Megan again. Molly knew that if it bothered Megan that much it was a whole lot more than a kiss or mutual masturbation. It had to have been something more akin to what she and Chance had done. She made a decision. "Megan," she said. When Megan finally looked at her she went on. "On the last night Chance was here, before he went to college, I went to his room to kiss him goodbye. Based on what you just said, I'd have to say that kiss was... strange." Megan's eyes opened wide. "You don't mean you...?" Molly leaned in close and whispered. "He fucked me senseless." Megan's mouth opened wide and then snapped shut. She stood up and, for a second, Molly thought she'd made a terrible mistake. But then she was almost knocked over as Megan hugged her. "Ohhh thank you Molly, thank you so much. I thought we did something horrible," cried Megan. Molly hugged her cousin. "Well, I suppose it is pretty horrible, depending on who's talking about it. I mean I sure don't want the neighbors to know, or the kids at school, or my Mom and Dad." she ticked them off on her fingers. "But I can't wait for him to get home." she added meaningfully. The bathroom door closed down the hall and the two girls stepped apart. Bobby came in the door and then stopped. "Sorry, I should have knocked, huh?" he said. He was dressed in gym shorts, which is what he usually slept in. "My, but aren't you a handsome thing." said Molly eyeing his half naked body. She turned to her cousin. "Megan, doesn't he look comfortable? I think he looks comfortable. Why is it that boys get to dress comfortably and girls don't? You think we should sleep dressed like that? I bet it would be a lot more comfortable than what we usually wear." Megan realized Molly was teasing, but she felt so relieved that she joined in. "You might just have something there." She turned to Bobby. "Have you got any more gym shorts we could borrow to sleep in?" Bobby was staring at both girls like they had each sprouted an extra nose. The image in his mind of the two girls prancing around in only gym shorts had caused his newly cleaned penis to begin to fill with blood. It was also beginning to tent out his shorts. That both girls were obviously checking out the front of them didn't help any. Molly laughed and told Megan they should go take a shower to let Bobby "get settled" before they came back. When the girls were gone Bobby kept thinking about what it might look like if all the girls were wearing around the bedroom was panties. He thought about beating off, but he didn't know how long they'd be gone. Instead he lay there in bed, eyes closed, replaying in his mind that picture of two teenaged girls, walking here and there, doing this and that, unconcernedly topless. The trip and the work he'd done that day and especially the sex with Megan had taken more out of him than he realized. He drifted off to sleep, his dick still hard. In the bathroom the girls were still in chat and giggle mode, comparing notes on sex. Molly reached into the shower and turned it on. Their shared secret had brought them closer together than a month of knowing each other could have. It was therefore easy for them to strip naked in front of each other in the bathroom. They had started talking about sex with their brothers as soon as the bathroom door was securely closed, comparing the feelings and describing to each other how strange and wonderful it had felt. By the time hot water was coming out of the shower head both girls stood naked, their nipples spiked and their pussies damp. "You go first" said Molly, her training about how to treat guests even stronger than her own feelings at the moment. "No, you go first." came back Megan, who wanted to rub her pussy. She and Molly had talked about some very intimate things, but she couldn't masturbate in front of her cousin if Molly was watching her, waiting for the shower. Molly solved the problem by grabbing Megan's hand and pulling her into the shower with her. Molly grabbed the soap and tried to break it in half, but it didn't work. Instead it slipped out of her hands and fell with a thump to the floor of the shower. "Damn!" she said, trying to squat down to find it. It was too crowded though, and her face ended up right by Megan's pussy. Molly had the strangest urge to lick that pussy, but fought it down. She was astonished at the urge. She got out of the shower and reached in to retrieve the soap. "We'll have to share" she said, getting back in. She handed the soap to Megan. Megan, not understanding exactly, assumed she was supposed to soap up Molly's back, which was now turned toward her. She ran the soap over Molly's shoulders and back, then worked it in with her free hand while she handed the soap to Molly over her shoulder. Molly tensed up at the feel of her cousin's hand at first, then relaxed as she was handed the soap. She soaped up her breasts and stomach while Megan washed her back. When she turned around, Megan did too, and the process was repeated. The result was two horny girls, feeling soft stroking hands on their bodies, and their lust was intensified. Molly bit her lip, thinking about her brother coming home the next day. She had to find a way to get him alone... and soon!Megan, though, was too horny to wait any longer and after a cursory washing of her breasts, she got her hand soapy and slid it between her legs. Her finger entered her pussy and she pulled upward to put pressure on her clit. Then she began finger-fucking herself with a vengeance. "Ohhhhhh!" she moaned as she began feeling the pleasure. "What?" asked Molly. Megan bent forward so she could reach her pussy better and Molly saw what she was doing. "MEGAN!" gasped Molly. "I can't help it!" moaned Megan. "I feel so horny!" Molly did too, but had tried to push it back. Now that her friend was rubbing off though, she let go of her control and grabbed the soap. Soon both girls were almost squatting as the water cascaded over them and they finger-fucked themselves. "Mmmmmmm!" moaned Molly as she felt herself getting close. "Ahhhhhhh!" chimed in Megan as she felt the first twinges of what she knew would make her pussy squirt. Then, like they had done everything all day, the two girls orgasmed at almost the same time. Each cried out as the water pelted down on them and their pussies squelched, their juices running out of them to be washed down the drain. They ended up leaned toward each other and then, suddenly they were hugging. And then, to the astonishment of both, their lips touched and they kissed a long, wet, slippery kiss that took both girls breath away. Almost as one they pushed away from each other. Wide eyes stared into each other's and they panted, trying to understand the feelings they were having. Finally Molly pushed the curtain back and stepped out. Megan turned off the water and, as she got out of the cubicle, Molly tossed her a towel. The girls dried themselves off first, then wrapped towels around their wet hair. Finally Molly spoke. "What do you suppose THAT was?" she asked "I don't know," admitted Megan. "Nothing like that has ever happened to me." "Me either," agreed Molly. "What do you think about it?" "I don't know," said Megan. "Are we lesbians?" "I don't FEEL like a lesbian," said Molly. "I don't know what a lesbian feels like, so how do you know you don't feel like one?" asked Megan. Molly felt a surge of panic. She didn't want to be a lesbian, but that kiss had sure been interesting. Suddenly she smiled. "Remember what Bobby was doing to you in the barn? I know I'm not a lesbian because I wouldn't mind it one little bit if he did that to me," she announced with pleasure. "Oh!" yipped Megan, who also didn't want to be a lesbian, but who had also enjoyed that kiss a great deal. "Why didn't I think of that? I loved having Bobby's penis in me. That means I'm not a lesbian either!" "At least you're lucky enough that your brother is sleeping in the same room with us tonight." said Molly. Megan turned around. "You mean you think I should...?" she asked. Molly giggled. "I know what I'd do it if was Chance. But if you don't want to, can I borrow him?" Megan thought about what had just happened in the shower and decided she'd like very much to have her brother's long hard prick up inside her belly again. The thought of him doing that with Molly didn't bother her so much, but she wanted to confirm in her own mind that that kiss she'd shared with Molly was just a kiss between cousins, and not something more. Megan smiled. "I'd love to sleep with him tonight. We'd never get that opportunity at home. And Chance will be home tomorrow, right? Can you wait until then?" Molly grinned. "I just rubbed off in the shower. I can rub off while you take care of that nice lump he was growing when we left. He may think it's kind of weird, but if I know boys, he'll make room in his bed for you, even if I'm there. That decided, the two girls helped each other dry their hair. They were still naked, but they no longer felt awkward about what had happened and chatted as they combed out each other's wet hair. Megan suggested that they'd better have on their sleepwear when they left the bathroom. So, fully clothed, they went out and, just to make sure the coast would be clear, they went to find Dee and Rudy. The adults were sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and talking. Megan hugged her father and kissed him good night, while Molly did the same to her mother. "Are you're sure it's going to work out with Bobby in the room with you?" Dee asked Molly. Molly nodded. "Yeah, I don't think it will be a problem. We're all pretty tired and he was already in bed when we went to take our showers. He's probably already asleep. I just hope he doesn't snore." "I'd be more worried about him sleep walking." said Rudy, grinning. "It might be pretty exciting if he did that and then got back in the wrong bed." Megan laughed. "He wouldn't stand a chance against the two of us Daddy. We'd have him pinned before he could do anything stupid." Rudy smiled. "That might be just what he was hoping for. I know if I woke up with two beautiful girls holding me down I'd just have to resign myself to doing whatever they told me to." He leered. "Of course I might have a couple of suggestions for them." Molly laughed. "Well then, Uncle Rudy, it's a good thing YOU aren't sleeping in there with us." She turned to her mother. "What time do we need to get up? I'll set the alarm." Dee thought about that. "Just get up whenever you wake up. Rudy and I are taking first shift with the horses, so you don't need to be up early, but there are some things you kids can do out in the garden until it's time to go pick up Chance." The girls darted a glance at each other. This was working out better than they had dreamed it could. They left the adults and went back down the hall to Molly's bedroom. To their surprise Molly had been right. Bobby WAS asleep already. Megan slipped out of her T shirt and panties and, naked, lifted the covers and climbed in with her brother. Molly turned out the light as soon as Megan was situated and got in her own bed. CHAPTER THREEBobby was having a nice dream, wherein a warm naked girl had climbed into bed with him and was spooning him, her hot breasts pressed into his back and her hand reaching around him to grasp his penis, which was satisfyingly hard. He knew the girl in his dream was Megan, because she smelled like Megan. He frowned in his dream. Could you smell things in a dream? He didn't think so. Could you wonder about whether or not you could smell in a dream... if you were dreaming? The girl's hand in his dream slicked along his boner and distracted him from the philosophical question he'd been trying to think about. It didn't matter. He decided to roll over in his dream and hug Megan. When he did she kissed him and made noises in her throat.It was about that time that Bobby decided he wasn't actually dreaming. He came fully awake as he felt his cock nestle between his sister's legs and press into her pussy lips. "Megan?" he whispered. "What are you doing?" "What does it feel like I'm doing you ninny?" she whispered back. "You can't do that," he said to the girl who was obviously doing it anyway. "What about Molly?" "It's OK. I'll explain it in the morning. Right now I don't want to talk." she murmured.Bobby lifted his head and looked across the dark lump that was Megan's head. His eyes were adjusted to the dark and he could see, by the stray light from the yard light that Molly was in her bed. Her head was turned toward him and there was a momentary glint, as of light reflecting off open eyes. There was movement under the sheet covering her and that movement was right about where her legs met her torso. It looked to Bobby like she might actually be masturbating. About then Megan reached between them and lifted her top leg. She grasped his cock and swabbed the tip between fiery hot pussy lips that were slick with the juices of her arousal. Molly had been right. Bobby's desire to sink his cock into Megan's pussy was so strong that it overcame his reluctance to do it in front, for all practical purposes, of Molly. He rolled, and landed on top of his sister, between thighs she had spread to make room for him. Silently she positioned his cock, and he surged upward, sheathing his rock hard rod in her belly in one long thrust. Megan couldn't suppress a groan of satisfaction as she was filled for only the second time in her life. There was still some pain, but it was sweet pain as she was stretched. The tip of Bobby's prick dug into something deep inside her that tingled and made her want to open herself wider so he could do that a lot and go even deeper, and she spread her legs wider, pulling her knees up to clamp them against his sides. Bobby was still aware of Molly, and even though he thought she must know what they were doing, he was reluctant to fuck Megan in the classic in and out style that would make the sheet covering them move in an obvious fashion. It felt just as good to press into her and soak. Something deep inside her was rubbing against the sensitive tip of his cock, and he knew that if he just kept doing that he'd have no trouble spurting. He tried to bring pressure to bear on Megan's clitty so she could cum too. It worked. Her thrusts up at him grew stronger and more frantic as she rubbed her clit against the base of his cock and reached for that special feeling. Her breath came in strong pants and she made little noises in her nose, her mouth tightly closed. Then she went rigid and her knees clamped hard against his sides before flopping outwards to land on the bed as she opened herself up to him completely. She was in that open, inviting position as his semen rushed through his cock to soak her womb in strong spurts that sucked all the energy out of him. Megan's lips found his and they breathed each other's exhales as they slowly sagged. Bobby put his hand in her back and rolled, turning her with him. Her leg reached across his hip and she snuggled up to him, kissing him some more. "Thank you," she whispered. "I should be thanking you," he said back softly. They both heard Molly's strained breathing as she rubbed furiously. She had just figured out that her cousins had cum, and that helped her reach her own orgasm. In ten minutes all three teens were asleep. Bobby woke again in the middle of the night, his arm lifeless where Megan's weight had cut off the circulation. In the process of trying to get it out from under her she woke too and reached for him again. They made love silently, this time with Megan lying on top of her brother, her legs straddling him. She had no trouble getting her cookies while Bobby lay there just feeling wonderful. Then she got his spunk flowing by whispering in his ear that she wanted to feel him spurting up inside her. This time they fell asleep with Megan still lying on top of him, her pussy firmly plugged with his cock. They lay there like that until they were shaken awake by Molly. "Get up you two. It's after eight. We wouldn't want them coming to get us up and finding you two like that." Bobby was horrified, but Megan lifted her head and said "I owe you Molly. It was the best night I ever had." Molly smiled. "I was so jealous I had to rub off three times. But I'm glad you had fun." Bobby's horror had faded when it became obvious that Molly wasn't horrified by what they'd done. Megan looked at her brother. "Molly and Chance do this too." she explained. "I found out last night." "You're kidding," said Bobby. "Not at all," said Molly. "I can't wait for him to get home." "She tried to borrow you last night," said Megan. "But I was stingy and wouldn't let her." Bobby was already hard with his morning woody. His cock had fallen out of Megan during their sleep, and was now rigidly poking between her thighs. The thought of being "borrowed" by Molly made him want to sheath it back in his sister. Or maybe Molly. That would be fun too. But Molly was right. If an adult came into the room right now the world might end. Megan threw back the sheet and climbed out of bed, leaving Bobby lying there naked in plain sight, his boner sticking up at a forty-five degree angle. Molly stared at it. "Oh Megan, it's beautiful. I've never seen one that wasn't circumcised. Chance's looks completely different. It's all knobby and rough looking, not smooth like Bobby's."Bobby felt the strongest urge to cover his cock with his hands, but, under the circumstances, that would be silly. Instead, he let his cousin look. Molly exerted some self control. "Cover that thing up or we'll never get out of here." she said. Then she pulled Megan by the hand. "You need another shower. You smell like sex," she said. They left the room to let Bobby get up and get dressed while they took care of their morning ablutions. At breakfast Dee said that she and Rudy would take care of the breeding that morning. She gave Molly a list of things that were needed from town. The gardening wouldn't take long with all three of them working at it. Bobby could drive the pickup and carry the heavier items, like feed sacks and the fifty pound bag of flour. With all three youngsters shopping they could get it all done and still pick up Chance at the bus station, where he was due about noon. Molly was very excited. The gardening went well, except that the girls teased Bobby mercilessly. They talked about sex like Bobby wasn't there, comparing notes out loud about what they liked the most when their brothers mated with them. Bobby's prick was stiff the whole time. Then it was time to go to town and the kids piled in the old truck and took off in a cloud of dust. Meanwhile, down in the breeding pen, Dee looked at Rudy and he grinned. She shook her head. "Rudy, I've never done much of the prepping. Tom always did that in the past, and I helped. I have to tell you right now that handling those big horse cocks does something to me, and I may act a little strange. But just don't pay any attention if I say things I shouldn't." Rudy could imagine what it must be like for a woman to fondle a horse cock. He looked at his beautiful sister-in-law and grinned. "I'll only pay attention to what you want me to pay attention to." In his mind's eye he heard Dee saying she needed a nice long, hard cock. That was something he would be tempted to pay attention to. The first two sets of horses went well. Rudy liked talking to the excited stallions and calming them with strokes on their muzzles. It was, indeed, unforgettable to see the males jump and then hump the mares. For the first time the term "humping" made perfect sense. Dee was flushed, but it was a warm day, and she spent a lot of time bent over or working her arms, so that didn't seem strange to him. She started out using rubber gloves, but they were too big for her and she took them off, throwing them in a corner. When she stood up after prepping the third stallion she was sweating freely. She unbuttoned one button of her blouse and then pulled the cloth back and forth, fanning it to cool herself. She was breathing hard. On the fourth stallion Dee started making noises. She took a long time and Rudy leaned around the horse to see her running her hands up and down the stallion's rock hard penis three or four times."Dee?" he said to get her attention. She turned her head toward him and eyes were strange looking. "Huh?" she responded. "I think he's clean," said Rudy. Dee's head jerked and she pulled her hands off of the big cock. "Uh... yeah," she said. Dee was breathing fast when she stood up, like she'd just run somewhere. She swayed as the stallion mounted the mare and slammed his two foot prick into her. Rudy saw what Megan had been talking about when the stallion jumped off too soon and a stream of clear semen shot into the dust. Dee said, "Oh shit!" and Rudy knew she'd seen it too. Rudy took the stallion back to his stall and got the next one out. Dee was already in the breeding pen and had put the mare in the chute when he got back. This stallion was bigger than the rest and was already excited. Rudy spoke softly to him and stroked his neck, but he still stomped his hooves in the dust. "Careful," said Rudy. "This one's a little eager." "Umm," was all he heard from Dee, who had sat down on the stool. Again Rudy leaned over to see how she was doing, and this time her hands just kept moving along that stallion's long hard penis. Her breathing got ragged. She was really squeezing that thing too, and the horse started to dance even more. She seemed to be in a kind of dream-like state, unaware of what was going on around her. Rudy had visions of her being stomped and was about to yell at her when, all of a sudden, there was this fire-hose kind of event from under the horse. She'd jerked that eighteen inch prick one too many times, and it was pointed right at her when it went off. One thing Rudy learned that day was that horses produce a lot of semen when they ejaculate. Now the term "a lot" is relative in many ways. "A lot" of clothing might be the three shirts you wear, one on top of the other, in the winter time to keep warm. That's "a lot" of clothing. And if you sat down to a chicken dinner and somebody served you a whole chicken, that's "a lot" of chicken. And a virile man might produce "a lot" of semen when he ejaculates, and that might be three quarters of an ounce. In the real world, that's "a lot" of semen. Human semen, anyway. Horses produce amounts of semen that are proportionally larger than their penises are to human penises. To follow the same analogies, if horse semen were winter clothing, you'd be so warmly dressed you wouldn't be able to move. And if it were chicken... Well, it wouldn't even BE chicken. We're talking more like Ostrich. That's why Rudy thought of it as a "fire-hose" type of event. When she got hit she was so surprised she leaned back on that little three legged stool, and horse goo splashed just every-fucking-where. I mean it was like there was somebody under there with one of those 'Super-Jumbo-two-gallon-backpack-mounted-summertime-for use only in the pool-squirt-cannons' and they had just water-cannoned her but good. She was soaked. It hit her right about at the top button of her blouse, but it got her face, her hair, her blouse, her arms and the legs of Rudy's jeans just soaked. She spluttered and her arms waved and she fell backwards off the stool onto the hay, like she was having a seizure or something and the horse - and Rudy would swear to his dying day this was true - the horse let out a big long sigh, stepped to the left, and relaxed all of a sudden. That put the horse right over Dee when round two rocketed out. Rudy saw it sort of drift on the wind for a split second, a long thumb-thick line of that watery looking fluid that hung, suspended above his sister-in-law, who was lying on her back on the hay, her jeans-clad legs spread and up off the ground, like she was waiting for her lover but had forgotten to take off her pants. Then it descended and the crotch of those jeans turned dark as they were soaked too. In a line from crotch to chin that second shot splashed on her already wet body. It was eerily quiet. Dee went as limp as a sock full of marbles. Rudy looked down at his semen-splattered legs. He pushed the stallion back to the right and bent over Dee to see if she was OK. Her eyes opened and she looked at him, upside down. Then, in the most normal voice you could even imagine, she said "Damn, now we'll have to let him charge again before we can breed him." "Are you OK?" Rudy asked. "I'm all icky," she said, still looking at him upside down. Her eyes went to the wet stains on the legs of his jeans. "You're kind of icky too." she added. She sat up with his help and looked around, sort of dazed. "We need a shower," she said. Rudy helped her stand up. She looked around, still dazed. "It's a good thing the kids are gone. What would they say if they saw us like this?" "I expect they'd laugh and tell the story for years to come," said Rudy. Rudy helped her stand up and she took his hand and pulled him toward the bunkhouse, which was closer than the big house. There wasn't anybody in there. They were alone on the ranch. She pulled him to the shower room, which was a big tiled room with three shower heads sprouting from the walls, and started taking her soaked clothes off. Rudy just watched in awe as she took off first the boots, and then she got her blouse off, baring tight high-riding breasts that were so firm the only time she needed a bra was when she rode horses. Her nipples were dark and Rudy licked his lips looking at them. She seemed to have forgotten he was in the room. She turned on one of the showers. Then she pushed her jeans and panties down and stepped out of them. Like they had done this a hundred times Dee turned to him. She didn't tell him to get undressed. He was just standing there, his hands hanging at his sides. Dee undressed her brother-in-law, taking his shirt off first. Her hands flitted across his muscular chest and she hummed. Then she knelt and unbuckled his belt, her face only inches from the lump that would soon be exposed if she continued to undress him. When she jerked his jeans down and the evidence that he found her nakedness attractive was exposed, it popped up and slapped his abdomen like it had been spring loaded, a catapult made of flesh that sent a little ball of pre-cum flying up into the air.Dee stopped and stared at it and said "I shouldn't be doing this Rudy. Cathy would be really mad at me if she were here." By now Rudy was as thoroughly aroused as Dee was. They had flirted for years, and their hugs had been close and more than just friendly. "Cathy's not here." he said. "You're even more beautiful than I thought you'd be." he said, his voice husky. "Bastard," she said, still looking at his prick. "You were supposed to talk me out of this." Then her hands came up and she stroked his penis, just like she had stroked the stallion's penis only a few minutes ago. "If you keep doing that you're going to have another accident," said Rudy, bending backward. Dee stopped, and let go of him and, for a few seconds, Rudy thought she'd gotten control of herself and was going to break it off. But, instead, she pushed his jeans down further. "Kick your shoes off." she ordered, and when he did he lifted a foot so she could get the leg off of it. Then the other one and suddenly he was standing dressed only in socks. He leaned over and pulled them off as she stood up. Her bush was right in front of his face, and he looked at it longingly. When he stood up Dee was staring at him, hot-eyed. Then she tugged him toward the flowing water. She grabbed a bar of soap and pressed it to his chest, rubbing it in a circle over his hard pecks. She was humming again. Her hair was wet now, and it hung down in strings across her face. Rudy reached up and pushed her wet hair off of her cheek, and her blue eyes looked up into his. "I have to wash you," she said, panting. "I got stuff on you." "Well, if you're so busy doing that, then maybe I should wash you," he said. He took the soap from her and lathered up his hands while she slid hers all over his upper body. When his hands were thick with slippery lather he put them on her shoulders and then slid them directly to her breasts. She moaned. He'd wanted to see her breasts naked for years, and now they were in his hands Her nipples were dark brown, set on lighter areolas and they were as big as his little fingertip. They were also standing at attention like an honor guard Marine. Dee washed lower and lower, sinking slowly down to her knees. She stared at his erect prick. It was pointing up, like an anti-aircraft gun looking for a target. Her soapy hands slid closer and closer until suddenly, she was... prepping her sister's husband. She heard him groan as the ecstasy of what she was doing flooded his brain and he unconsciously arched his back, shoving his prick closer to his sister-in-law's face.She whimpered as she stroked him. "So long," she whispered. "So hard." "Hard for you." he said. Dee pulled and Rudy sank down to where she was kneeling. She kept pushing until he was laid out on his back on the cool tiles. She stared at his clean, wet prick and licked her lips. She knew she shouldn't, but she couldn't control herself. As Rudy looked up at her, Dee scrambled over him, squatting until her pussy was right over his cock. She leaned over and fisted it one more time, notched it in her pussy, and sank down, filling her pussy with Rudy's cock. "Ahhhhhhhhhh," she groaned as the end of his prick kissed her cervix. "Ooohh yeaaahhhhh," groaned Rudy, as his cock was enveloped in hot slippery pussy.Rudy had never cheated on Cathy before. He wouldn't have thought about cheating with anybody else except Dee. Their friendship had, for many years, been deeper and more intimate than most men have with a woman not their wife, or a woman has with a man, not her husband. They had felt the pull of sexual interest between them, and had even teased each other about it. But neither had ever thought they'd end up like this. Rudy was longer than Tom, and the head of his cock went places no cock had ever been in her. She felt pain as her cervix was abused, but it was a sweet pain that she decided she loved. It had been a long time since she had felt any of the things she was feeling now.For Rudy, it was like making love to a teenager. She was so tight and her slim body was so light that she felt like a sixteen year old to him. When he felt his cock press hard into her cervix her hands came down on his chest. Her hips slid toward his face, and then reversed themselves with alarming violence, sliding back toward his feet. Again he felt the tip of his cock dig into the opening to her womb and she wailed, howling like a cat in heat. Her hips were jerking so hard that Rudy was sure she was going to slide completely off him. Then she slowed, finding that place where his cock tip tickled her cervix and, while she wiggled on it, she leaned over to kiss him. Her wet hair hung down and stuck to his face as her pussy began to flutter and ripple. "I'm cumming Rudy," she groaned into his mouth. "I'm cumming all over that beautiful prick of yours." She wiggled more and began to shake. Rudy felt the tip of his cock slip between tight inner lips and he knew he was almost in her womb. It was too much to resist. With a bellow he let his balls jump and jerk as he shot Dee's womb full of his thick, rich seed. "Ohhh Deeee," he moaned, as his cock jerked and spat another rope of baby makers into her. "Ohhh fuck me Rudy," she answered him back, wiggling more and planting the head of his cock even deeper into her belly. Then she lay down on his chest as the water beat over them, limp and satisfied. Dee didn't want to move, but she didn't know how long they'd been at it, and it was possible the kids could be coming back any time. With a sigh she pulled herself off of Rudy. She offered him her hand and pulled him up. They rinsed off and then toweled dry in silence. "You OK?" he asked. "Actually, I'm wonderful," she said. "What are we going to do for clothes?" asked Rudy.Dee went to the door of the bunkhouse. Her naked hips rose and fell as she padded over there and Rudy couldn't help but admire her slim athletic lines. She opened the door and looked out. "I don't see the pickup, and I don't see any dust on the road. How do you feel about streaking to the house?" Like kids they ran, hand in hand, laughing. Rudy's feet were too tender for the tough grass and gravel and he hopped around, complaining. When they got to the porch and into the front door Dee hugged him. "I want to do it again, but we don't have time." she said. She looked at him seriously. "We really shouldn't have done that should we Rudy?" "I think you needed it, and I know I enjoyed it. Let's just give it a little time and then we can talk about it and make decisions," he said. "OK," she said. "That's fair." Then they went and got dressed in dry clothes. ***In town the kids hurried through the shopping. They packed the back of the truck so that there was an aisle down the middle. Molly said that somebody would have to ride in the back, and that way they could lie down and get out of the wind. "I wonder who that will be?" asked Megan, laughing. "He's been gone so long" whined Molly. "And you two got to take care of your urges. It's only fair that Chance and I have an opportunity to... talk," she ended. Bobby chuckled. "It's going to be too loud back there to talk. You may have to communicate in some other way." Molly's cheeks pinked up. "I'm sure we'll think of something." They had been parked at the bus station for almost an hour when the big red white and blue bus pulled in. Molly jumped up and down, her large breasts bobbing under the T shirt she had worn. They were obviously contained in a bra, but they still bounced. People began stepping off the bus, leaning this way and that, stretching from sitting in one position for a long period of time. A tall sandy haired young man wearing jeans and a cowboy hat stepped down and Molly squealed. Chance was a big boy, over six feet tall, and well built. He had a ready smile, which spread across his face as he saw his sister running toward him. He caught her up in a hug and swung her around in a circle. "Hey baby sister," he said, kissing her neck under her flying hair. She'd left it loose because she knew he liked it that way and it flowed around them, almost like a cape. "I missed you so much," she said into his own neck. Then she pushed him back. "Guess what? Bobby and Megan are here!" She pulled him toward the siblings, who had stayed where they were to guard the truck, even though it didn't need guarding in that small community. "Oh," he said, dejectedly. "I mean I'm glad to see them and all, but I hoped you'd pick me up alone." "Don't worry," she said. "I have so much to tell you." Then chance saw Megan and his interest perked up. He was thinking of how good it would be to spurt inside Molly again. He'd dated at school, but didn't try to have sex with any of the girls. It was too much hassle, as far as he was concerned. But he knew a good looking girl when he saw one, and Megan fit that bill perfectly. She was smiling and Chance took in her curves, appreciating the swell of her breasts that were smaller than his sisters, but still nice humps in her shirt. He looked over at Bobby and was startled at how much he'd grown since Chance last saw him. "Hey guys," he said as they approached his cousins. "Boy am I glad you're here," said Megan, giving him a hug. His prick had already started to awaken as soon as he saw Molly. It continued to stiffen as Megan pressed her body against his. "I was beginning to think Molly would jump Bobby's bones." She giggled. Chance stepped back, looking at all of them. "What's going on here?" he asked warily. Molly jumped up and down, her breasts bobbing again. "They know about us," she said. He couldn't figure out why she would be happy about that until she went on. "They do it too Chance! They did it in my room last night! I got so horny. I'm SO glad you're back." The mental image of Bobby humping Megan finished the job on Chance's cock and his jeans bulged as he had to move his prick around to accommodate its growth. "Wow," he said, not knowing what else to say. "They're going to be in the front on the way back home." Molly half pointed to the truck. "We saved a place where you and I can ride in the back... lying down." Chance wasn't to sure about that. This was all a little new to him. "We'll see." he said carefully. "Don't worry," piped Megan. "We won't watch." Her hand was behind her back and her fingers were crossed. She knew what Bobby's prick looked like, and had seen a lot of horse cocks, but she wondered about that description Molly had given of Chance's rough, gnarled organ. "Besides, I have to help Bobby drive. He's a terrible driver. I bet it... bounces you two around back there." she ended with a giggle. There was a thick layer of hay in the little slot that had been left for the "riders" to use, and that had been covered with a horse blanket. It wasn't wide enough for two people to lie side by side, unless they were pressed firmly against each other. Molly climbed in and sat upright, though. She knew they'd need to do that until they got out of town. Chance crawled in too, and Bobby put his bags just in front of the tailgate. It made a nice, private space for Molly to welcome Chance home. While they were sitting up, and once the Bobby got the truck going with a grind of the gears, Chance relaxed a little. "Are you sure about this?" he loudly over the wind and road noises.CHAPTER FOURMolly was already reaching behind her, up into her shirt, to unsnap her bra. "They did it right next to me in your old bed!" she yelled back. "Your room is still full of junk, so Mom moved your bed into my room. Megan and I were supposed to sleep in one bed and Bobby in the other, but it didn't work out that way." Molly reached into her shirt and pulled on the bra, sliding her arms inside through the arm holes. Her hand appeared out of the bottom of the shirt with her bra in it. By this time they had reached the outskirts of town and were turning onto the gravel county road that led toward the ranch. Joyfully Molly pushed the shirt up to her neck, exposing her large succulent breasts to her brother's view. Her back was to the cab. "I want you to suck my titties," she yelled. "Nobody's sucked my titties since you left." "They'd better not have" growled Chance, reaching for his sister. Bobby actually kept his eyes front most of the time, only occasionally checking the rear view mirror. When he saw Molly's shirt come off he told Megan. She turned around excitedly and stared unabashedly through the dirty back window of the truck. "I thought you said you weren't going to watch," said Bobby, grinning. "I lied," admitted Megan. Then she described how things happened. She told how Molly tried to get undressed while her brother crawled over her, also trying to get his jeans down and his shirt off. Then she described how Molly was on her back, her shorts and panties hanging off of one ankle as Chance, unable to take his boots off, just shoved his pants down far enough to free his dick. "Oooooo, it IS all rough looking," said Megan as Chance's prick came into view. "And it's really hard and BIG!" "Now he's over her... now he's putting it in... OH! Bobby! He just shoved it right in her! He must be splitting her open!... No, she's kissing him... UH OH STOP!" screamed Megan. "WHAT HAPPENED?! yelled Bobby hitting the brakes. "Chance's shirt just blew out of the back of the truck. Back up!" Chance's face suddenly appeared at the back window, his mouth open as he shouted, wanting to know why they'd stopped. The window was down and Bobby yelled out of it as he backed up "YOUR SHIRT!" Bobby could see it in the side mirror, lying on the gravel road, a splash of color in an otherwise dreary landscape. When he stopped he jumped out and Megan jumped out too and they both raced for the shirt. Megan, at the top of her lungs, yelled "KEEP GOING, WE'RE JUST GETTING YOUR SHIRT!" Bobby got to the shirt first and Megan, laughing, pointed at the truck. It was rocking on it's springs and making a creaking sound. Bobby and Megan snuck up to the tailgate and peeked in, to see Chance's naked buttocks bobbing between Molly's spread thighs as he lustily drove in and out of his sister's pussy with his dick. They could see his low hanging balls, swaying and slapping Molly's buttocks as she thrust upward against every lunge. Molly was moaning and crying out her pleasure. Chance only made a grunting noise every time he thrust into his little sister. "OH YES!" screamed Molly as she had an orgasm. "Ooohhhhh Noooooo!" groaned Chance as his balls gave up and powered his jism deep into his sister's slot. He'd wanted to go a lot longer than this, but he was just to excited. "It's OK," soothed Molly. "It's a long way home. We have time to do it again." Bobby nudged Megan, whose eyes were big and round as she got a close-up view of Chance jerking his cock into his sister as it sprayed it's precious load hard. He pointed toward the front of the truck and mouthed "Come on". They got back in and started the truck moving again. Bobby still had the shirt and he handed it to Megan. "Are you hard?" asked his sister. "Yeah," he said, steering around a big hole in the road. "Can I see?" she asked. "While I'm DRIVING?" he asked incredulously. "I just want to see," she whined. "OK," he said. Her hands flashed to his pants and fought with belt, button and zipper until he put both feet on the floor and raised his butt so she could wiggle his pants down to his thighs. His boner stuck up toward the wheel. Suddenly he saw Megan's head... the BACK of her head, dive under his right arm and stop in his lap. He felt her hot mouth engulf the head of his cock. "MEGAN!" he yelped. "You just said you wanted to see!" She dragged her mouth off his cock, sucking and slurping long enough to say "I lied." and then went back for more. Bobby could see that one of her hands was in the waistband of her now open shorts. She was rubbing herself as she sucked on his cock. In the back, Chance had been delighted to find that even though he'd spewed Molly full of creamy cum, he stayed hard as a rock. He had, after all, missed her too. Molly was even happier, because the erratic movement of the truck meant that Chance could stay deep inside her and the truck made his body move and rub her clitty in the most delicious manner. She gritted her teeth in a happy grimace as she came again, her body bouncing under Chance's. When he was fucking her he couldn't get to her breasts, which, in his hurry, he had neglected, so Molly brought her own fingers up and squeezed and pulled at her turgid nips, intensifying her orgasm. Bobby, feeling he was about to shoot off in his sister's mouth, braked and pulled her hair to get her off of him. He didn't want to cum in her mouth. Not this time. She looked up in surprise and he barked "Get your shorts off." Megan giggled and sat back up, raising her hips off the seat and sliding shorts and panties down. She kicked them off on the floorboard and sat back down, naked from the waist down. She spread her legs and frigged her pussy. "Get out." commanded Bobby as they stopped. Once outside they couldn't lie down, because of the dirt and gravel. So Bobby pushed Megan against the fender of the old truck and took her from behind. They'd never done it this way and Megan had to back up, her hands still on the fender, and bend over, spreading her legs and wagging her butt at her brother. She looked something like a half naked felon being arrested. Bobby, seeing his target exposed, aimed his prick at her dripping pussy lips and moved up against her. He couldn't see, but fisted his prick, nosing it around until he felt her cleft, and the shoved his hips forward. "Ooooohhhh Yeeaahhhhh!" moaned Megan as she was filled. In this position his cock didn't rub her clit, so she took one hand off the truck and stuck it between her legs, pressing and squeezing her clit while he began to slide in and out. The truck rocked and both teens looked to see Chance's and Molly's heads appear over the roof of the truck. "What are you guys doing?" asked Molly, giggling. "I guess you were right," said Chance. Shortly he had Molly bent over the roof, fucking her from behind too, while they watched Megan toss her head and moan her way through an orgasm. Then Bobby stiffened and thrust up and forward, just like the stallions they'd seen the day before, as he unloaded his baby makers into Megan's belly. Chance wasn't far behind and Molly cooed as she felt her pussy being bathed again with hot, wet spunk. Over her shoulder she smiled at him. "I've missed you so much Chance," she said, sounding just as happy as a lark. "And I'm not even close to showing you how much yet," she added, reaching to him for another kiss.***Dee and Rudy had gotten dressed and then fixed something to eat, since it was getting close to lunch. They talked about what had happened over lunch. "I don't know whether to be sorry or not," confessed Dee. "I've been attracted to you since we dated. I only bowed out because it was my sister who wanted you." "I'd feel worse except that Cathy told me I could keep dating you if I wanted to when we first started going out. She said life wasn't fair, and that if two girls loved the same guy they should be able to settle down with him and all live happily ever after." "You're Joking!" gasped Dee. "MY sister said that?" "Yup," said Rudy. "Course that was a long time ago. She might look at things differently now. But I feel a little guilty about Tom." "Don't feel too bad," she said. "A horse kicked him twelve years ago and he hasn't made love to me since." "Twelve YEARS?" Rudy gasped. "You haven't had sex in twelve YEARS?! Why didn't you say something?" asked Rudy. "We didn't know." "Cathy knew," said Dee, frowning. "I told her all about it. Tom's testicles were crushed and he hasn't had any sex drive since then. He can't even get an erection. Why wouldn't Cathy tell you about that?" she mused. "I don't know," said Rudy. "When I left she said... you know what she said Dee? She said I should do whatever you needed and take care of you while Tom was gone. You don't suppose she..." Dee was looking stunned. "I can't believe it. You think she WANTED this to happen?" Then she sat back in her chair. "You know, you just might have something there. It would be just like her to think I had gone long enough without." "Um... I don't mean to be indelicate... but... you did sort of go wild." Dee ignored him. "Is Cathy at work right now?" "Yeah, why?" "I want to talk to that girl." said Dee. "But I can't do it while she's at work. I'll have to wait until tonight." "So what do we do in the meantime?" asked Rudy. "What do you mean?" "We have more breeding to do this afternoon," he said. Dee looked at him, her eyes calculating. "You enjoyed it Rudy." "Of course I did," he admitted. "I'm a man. Men love doing that. But I don't want to do anything that would come between you and Cathy, or ME and Cathy, or you and Tom for that matter." "Try not to kill me with all the compliments," said Dee grumpily. "You think if we breed this afternoon I'll lose control again." Rudy sighed, "I'd be HOPING you lost control again." Dee stuck out her chin. "Well I won't. So THERE!" "You're acting like a teenager Dee," said Rudy. "Well, only because you MADE me feel like one. I haven't felt like that since I WAS a teenager!" Rudy grinned. "I am built like a stud horse, aren't I." He made a show of preening. Dee laughed. "Look at us. What a pair we are. Little miss hot pussy and mister big dick." She giggled. Then she got serious. "Maybe we can both work on controlling our urges. I mean we owe it to... them... to at least try, right?" "Yeah, we do," said Rudy. "Besides, the kids will probably be back before it gets too bad and we... do anything," she said. "Yean... right," said Rudy. When they got to the breeding pen again and Dee was ready to prep the first stud Rudy said "Maybe if we joke around it will help." Dee positioned the stool and bucket. "We can always try." Rudy waited until she got busy swabbing the big penis. "So, I wouldn't feel bad if I were you," he said. "I mean it takes a while to get used to dealing with a penis that huge. I know it took Cathy a long time to get used to it." Dee had been thinking about how smooth and hard the penis was she was stroking. But she was trying to listen to Rudy too, to distract herself. She put the rag in the bucket and stood up while Rudy led the stallion to the mare. "What?" she said, looking at him. "What about Cathy?" "It took her a while to get used to handling something as big as that." He pointed at the stallion, which was about ready to mount the mare. "When did she ever do that?" asked Dee, confused. "When she decided to marry ME!" he laughed. Dee bent over and picked up a handful of hay and dirt. She threatened to throw it at him. "Very funny mister big shot. Or should I call you big dick?" Now she laughed. "I've heard people called Big John and Big Jack and even Big Bill, but never Big Dick" The stallion jumped and humped. The mare whinnied. Both watched as the stud slammed into the mare five or six times and grunted, before falling back to the ground. His penis hung down, dripping. "Oh my goodness," said Dee. "It doesn't matter how many times I see that, it still makes me feel..." She turned to Rudy. "And joke all you want, but it's not that easy to touch something so... so... so male." "Surely it's not that bad," said Rudy. "When was the last time you handled a foot long iron hard cock?" asked Dee. She immediately wished she hadn't said it. "Well, that would have been the last time Cathy was upset with me and made me sleep on the couch." he said grinning. "I asked for that," she said, shaking her head. "You did?" he quipped. "No wonder Cathy sent me up here alone." Dee knew she should quit while she was behind. "Joking around isn't going to help if you joke around about something that felt so good in me about an hour ago." "That's probably why the only jokes I can think of involve a penis," he said. "All I can think about is where my own was an hour ago." Dee smiled a wry smile. "Well we can't think about that. We have breeding to do." "Just exactly what I had in mind." Rudy smiled widely as he grabbed his crotch. Dee slapped his chest, but it wasn't a hard touch. "Don't tempt me. I'm very vulnerable right now. Handling a REAL cock has gotten me all excited. You better keep it in your pants, buster. I wouldn't want to be disappointed at how tiny it is... by comparison... and hurt your feelings." Rudy grabbed his chest with both hands and leaned backwards, like he'd been shot. "Yes ma'am." They got back to work and did two more pairs of horses. With each succeeding prep the look in Dee's eyes got a little wilder though. She was sweating now, and as they watched the last pair breed she unbuttoned two buttons of her blouse. They put those horses up and brought in another pair. This time, when Dee washed the long hard cock in her hands, it seemed to take longer, and Rudy craned his neck to see what was happening. He saw Dee's arms moving as she swabbed the prick in her hand several times. "Dee?" he said. She didn't look up and her response was only, "Hmm?" "You about done there?" he asked. Her head jerked and she pulled her hands away from the penis. She stood up shakily and almost tripped over the stool. Rudy led the stallion to the mare and it hopped up and entered her immediately. Rudy stepped back and felt Dee's hands on his waist, pulling. "Don't get too close," she said from behind him. "He was quick," said Rudy. The feel of Dee's hands on his waist made him want to turn around and put his hands on her waist, but he resisted. He was really trying to give her all the options. If Cathy really had sent him up here thinking he could give Dee what Tom couldn't, she should have said something to him about it. The stallion jumped back off the mare and Rudy caught the halter rope. He turned to see Dee standing rigidly, her eyes a little glassy. Finally she went to the mare and got ready to take her back to her stall. The next time Rudy had to pull Dee off the stallion's cock when she wouldn't answer his questions. The only way he could do that was to reach through her arm pits and pull her back. There was just no way he could do that without ending up with his hands full of her breasts. She stumbled to her feet and pressed back against him, grinding her butt into his hard-on.The stallion found his way to the mare and bred her. Rudy held his sister-in-law, his hands still covering her breasts as they watched the mare get bred. "Hey," he said into her ear. She was trembling and her hands had come up to cover his. She wasn't trying to remove his hands from her braless breasts. Her hands felt warm and soft on top of his. "Are you OK? Do you need to take a break?" "I'm hornier than a sixteen year old virgin in a dildo factory," said Dee. "Let's do another one." "Maybe we need to take a break," he insisted. He couldn't make himself let go of those soft breasts. She turned in his arms, her hands going behind his back to pull him against her. "Maybe you need to kiss me Rudy," said his smoky-eyed sister-in-law. "I thought we were only going to tease each other," he said. Feeling her against him was making him hot. His dick started to fill with blood. "I think you're a bald faced liar." she said, her mouth only inches from his. "What?" he asked. "About not wanting to fuck me again. Rudy no man has ever made me feel like that. You couldn't have made me feel that way and not enjoyed it yourself." "I admitted I enjoyed it," he said. "I didn't lie about that." "Yeah, but I think you came here gunning for me," she said. "I remember that hug when you got here. I bet you've got a hard-on right now." "No I don't," said Rudy. Technically it wasn't completely hard yet. Dee ground her mound against the front of his jeans. "I think you're lying. I think I'd better take a look, though, because I hate thinking that my favorite brother-in-law would be a low-down liar." "I'm your only brother-in-law Dee." he said, shoving his hardening prick against her crotch. "All the more important that we don't have this misunderstanding," she said. She licked her lips. "OK, I might have fudged just a little," he said softly. It was his last attempt to joke... to break the mood... to give her time to stop. She didn't. Instead she sank to her knees and unbuckled his belt. She ran her hands over the outside of his jeans, stroking the lump there. Then she unbuttoned and unzipped the jeans. They fit tightly around his butt and he had to help her slide them past that obstruction. She clawed at his briefs until his prick sprang out, bobbing in front of her face. "Ohhhhh" she said in a sad voice. "I've missed you." she said to the penis in her hand. Her hand wrapped around it and she skinned the foreskin back, exposing the purplish head. "It's only been two hours and I almost forgot what you looked like." Her hands went to his balls, which were hanging low. She hefted them as if she were weighing them. "Hi fellas," she said to them. "Did you make up another nice big batch of goodies for me?" Her eyes slid up to his as he stared down into her eyes. "I don't care if Cathy sent you up here to service me or not," she said. Keeping eye contact with him, she opened her mouth and slid it over the head of his cock. Rudy saw her cheeks collapse inward as she sucked. Leaving her mouth on him she unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on her shirt and shrugged it off, dropping it on the hay behind her. Then she pulled off his cock and stood up, tearing at the buttons of Rudy's shirt and pulling the halves apart so she could press her naked breasts against his chest. She reached up for a kiss and when it was over she whispered, "We have breeding to do Rudy." He crushed his mouth to hers, no longer capable of resisting her charms. He threw off his shirt and leaned over to pull his jeans off. They didn't go anywhere. She dragged him to a stall that was full of hay bales and spread out a tarp on the loose hay that was on the floor. Both of them stripped naked in almost no time and, accompanied by the whinny of a mare being bred, Dee accepted Rudy's cock into her body again. He covered her, pressing her down, pinning her to the ground with his sexual spike and she loved it. She made noises... happy demanding noises... telling him to go deeper, then harder as she neared her apex, then crying out for his seed to be delivered to her womb. As his sperm flushed into her Rudy finally asked what had been worrying him all along. "Speaking of breeding... If you and Tom haven't been doing anything, that would suggest you're not on birth control. What happens if I knock you up?" "My belly will get big," she hissed. "Now... shut up and fuck me," was her only answer. ***The kids had finally worn themselves out with their impromptu orgy, and were both relaxed and tired when they pulled into the lane that led to the ranch house. Then they had to carry the supplies and Chance's luggage into the house. When that was done they stopped for a cool drink and to rest. "Where's Mom?" asked Chance. "She and my dad are doing the breeding today," said Megan. "I'm going to go tell her I'm here," said Chance. "We'll go with you," said Molly, relaxed and happy now that her pussy was full of her brother's thick cum. The teens walked slowly down to the barns. None of them said much, all being tired from their amorous activities. While they were approaching the pen they heard a mare whinny. They turned the corner just in time to see a stallion jump down off the mare, his thick prick hanging low. But neither Rudy nor Dee were there with the horses. "They must be getting another pair," suggested Bobby. "They wouldn't do that," said Megan. They'd have too many horses to handle at once." "This is strange," said Chance. "When I helped Dad we always stayed with them while they bred." Megan looked at Bobby. "You don't suppose..." She shook her head. "No, Daddy wouldn't do that." "What?" asked Molly. Megan looked uncomfortable. "Well, when Bobby and I were doing this we kind of got... carried away." Chance looked stunned. "You mean you did it? Right here?" Megan blushed. "No, not then. Not exactly. We did... some things, but not that... not until later that night." Just then, from down the breezeway, they heard a moan. It was obviously a female moan and it wasn't the kind that sounded like someone was hurt. Chance, still looking stunned, held his finger up to his lips and tiptoed off down the breezeway. The others followed. They found the stall Dee had dragged Rudy to and carefully peeked inside. They were just in time to hear Rudy's breathy voice say "Speaking of breeding... If you and Tom haven't been doing anything, that would suggest you're not on birth control. What happens if I knock you up?" And they heard Dee's response: "My belly will get big," she hissed. "Now... shut up and fuck me." Molly was suddenly very aware of the heavy load of her brother's spunk in her womb. She wasn't aware yet, of course, that she would bear her brother's twins in nine months. But the obvious willingness of her mother to be impregnated by Uncle Rudy made butterflies dance in her stomach and she felt a thrill that surprised her. She was shocked at that thrill, because, intellectually, she knew she should be irate at her mother for cheating on her father. But she wasn't irate. Unbelievably, she was horny again! The overflowing emotions caused her to bark, "MOMMY!" The result of her exclamation would have been humorous to a bystander. First of all she scared Megan and Bobby with her outburst and they both yelled. Chance, who had been leaning to one side to see through a slat in the side of the stall, jerked and his boot slipped on the hay as he fell down with a thump that raised a cloud of dust. Rudy, on the verge of cumming because of Dee's welcoming statement, froze as his balls began pumping his semen into his penis. Dee felt the issue of hot wet spunk into her pussy with one part of her mind, recognized the voice of her daughter with another part of her mind and was instantly embarrassed to death. Her hands came up and covered her face as her breath caught in her chest. Rudy's mind caught up with Molly's exclamation and, like a guilty teenager caught humping a girl by her irate father, rolled off of Dee, his prick still spurting. He rolled onto the hay, which stuck him in the ass painfully. His adult mind, however, was not used to being assaulted by a guilty reaction. The result was an explosive "SON OF A BITCH!" as he tried to evaluate what was happening. Four teenagers, two of them drained of sperm, and the other two full of it, stared at Dee's supine body, her legs spread, her pussy lips flowered open and weeping thick white goo. There was another stripe of Rudy's creamy spend lying on her mons, one end just above her clit, which bulged out, swollen and erect. Molly squeaked, "MOMMY!" again, reflexively, and Dee's legs slammed shut. She was slim enough, however, that her pussy lips, though now closed, still bulged prominently, glistening with shiny fluid. Dee's attempt to cover her eyes, then her breasts and finally her pussy too, led to her hands fluttering all across her body. Both teenaged boys felt their dicks start to stiffen. A part of each of their minds was astonished, because they both thought they couldn't get hard again this soon to save their lives. Megan, staring in open-mouthed astonishment, darted a glance at her father, who was crouched on the balls of his feet, tensed in an automatic reaction to jump, run or defend, whichever was needed. His dripping prick, no longer fully stiff, dripped and Megan couldn't help but think of the stallion's pricks she had seen, hanging and dripping after they serviced the mares. She felt a tingle in her pussy, just like when she'd seen the horse cocks. Molly also looked at her Uncle's hanging phallus and gasped as she took her first breath since screaming her mother's "name". Chance looked up to see his Uncle looming over his head, which was now extended beyond the stall wall, in the open gate area. "I'm home." he said weakly, unable to think of anything else to say. "Ohhhhhh," moaned Dee. "I'm soooo embarrassed." Her hands continued to cover as much of her naked body as they could manage. She was so red it looked like she was sunburned from her forehead to just below her breasts. Rudy was able to react first. There was another horse blanket hanging on the stall gate post and he grabbed it and flung it over Dee. Then he stood up, anger making his own face red. He knew he didn't have a right to be angry, but it was the natural response his body produced to the interruption of the mating it had not quite finished satisfactorily. "OUT!" he thundered, pointing. Megan, for some reason, suddenly noticed the hair on her father's body. She'd known for a long time that he had dark hair on his chest and stomach. The bush around the base of his penis and balls, though, was an extension of his hairy chest that she hadn't thought of before, and seeing it was shocking to her. She wondered what all that hair would feel like pressed against her naked chest. Bobby was still staring at his naked aunt. Here was the stuff of his masturbation fantasies of years, and his eyes drank in her breasts, her hips... all of her. He couldn't make himself tear his eyes away from his dream, even though it was now covered by a horse blanket. Chance was experiencing conflicting feelings too. He also had a response of anger at finding his uncle fucking his mother. But the stiffening in his prick told him that anger was for the wrong reason. He knew his father couldn't perform sexually since the accident, and it surprised him to realize that he hadn't thought of his mother's needs in all the time his father had been unable to do anything to satisfy her. The conflicting feelings paralyzed him too. Molly alone moved when Rudy shouted. To her surprise she moved toward Chance. Some response deep in her mind heard the anger in Rudy's voice and she automatically looked to her brother to protect her. "OUT!" Rudy shouted again. "WE'LL TALK ABOUT THIS LATER!" A confused look came over his face as he realized his statement was something very near ridiculous, and that he really had no right to order anybody around. He focused on the dazed and startled looks on the faces of the four teenagers who had caught their mother... or father, as it were... in this situation. "Give her a chance to get dressed," he said more calmly, standing there nude, not caring that they could see him. "We'll be out in a minute."CHAPTER FIVEThat got the kids moving, albeit slowly, as they forced their frozen muscles to respond to the situation. Silently Molly helped Chance up and pulled him toward the open yard beyond. Megan too pulled at Bobby's sleeve and he moved, his eyes still unfocused as he remembered what his beautiful aunt looked like splayed naked on the ground. "They're gone," said Rudy, kneeling on one knee and rubbing his buttock with one hand. Dee peeked between her fingers. "Oh Rudy, what have we done?" "We did what we needed to do," he said. "It can't be undone. Let's just deal with it." Dee sat up and took her clothing as Rudy handed it to her. She looked down and saw the streak of his cum across her abdomen and wiped at it with two fingers absently. Just as absently she stuck the fingers in her mouth and cleaned them off. "What are we going to say to them?" she asked, pulling on her jeans. "Let's just play it by ear," suggested Rudy, getting dressed. Outside the four teens were talking animatedly. "I can't BELIEVE that!" said Molly, panting for reasons she didn't understand. "Me either!" said Bobby. "Well I know how they felt." said Megan, uncharacteristically. "You do too Bobby, if you just think about it." "Yeah," said Bobby, but our dad with their mom?" "You're my brother, you dufus," said Megan pragmatically. She had the beginnings of an idea. "Look, we know how doing the horses can make you feel, right?" Bobby nodded while Molly and Chance stood there listening. "So they got horny, just like WE did," she said. "And THEY did something they weren't supposed to do... just like WE did." she said. "Yeah," said Bobby, who hadn't caught on yet. Megan turned to Molly and Chance. "And you guys too!" she said excitedly. "You guys have been doing it too, right?" Chance looked at her warily. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with..." "They can't yell at us for doing it. Don't you see? THEY'RE doing it too! So they can't complain about US doing it!" she finished excitedly. Molly's face was ashen. "You mean TELL them?!" she asked in a horrified voice. "YES!" squealed Megan. "Don't you see? They can't say anything because we CAUGHT them!" "Blackmail them?!" asked Chance, his face looking sour. "Well... no... that's not what I meant," said Megan, realizing how it must have sounded. "I mean they'll understand WHY somebody would WANT to do that... and they won't be able to tell us WE shouldn't, because THEY did too." She didn't sound so sure of herself any more. "That's crazy," said Bobby. "I agree with him," said Molly. "They don't know about mom and dad." said Chance to Molly. Bobby and Megan looked at him confused." "Oh," said Molly, her hand covering her mouth. "That's right... they DON'T know!" "Know what?" asked Bobby and Megan together. Chance thought for a minute. Since he had had time to think his anger had melted away. He knew how hard it was for him to stay away from Molly, and how much Molly enjoyed what they did. He hadn't thought about what it must be like for his mother, not being able to do things with her own husband that every wife wanted... and needed... to do. He thought about that now. "Dad got hurt - kicked by a horse - and he can't... they can't... they can't have sex any more." "Oh my gosh," said Megan in a hushed voice. "When?" "It's been years... since I was little," said Molly, also suddenly thinking about what it would be like to go without sex for years. "So... we really can't blame them for what happened," said Bobby. "Yeah," said Molly, "but I don't think we should tell them about us." "Here they come," said Chance. Rudy walked out first. Dee was behind him, unconsciously trying to hide behind his bulk. It was bright enough in the sunlight that Rudy couldn't really see yet and his eyes squinted almost closed. He walked up to the four shapes he could see and stopped. He hadn't the faintest idea what to say. "Look..." he started. But then he had nothing to follow it with. "It's OK Daddy," said Megan. She wasn't so sure any more about telling the adults what had happened. "We understand." She hoped that would be enough. "What?" asked Rudy, unprepared for that kind of response. "We understand how you can get... carried away. Working with the horses and all." she tried expanding. Her father still looked confused. She should have let it drop there, but she felt compelled, somehow, to make him understand that they really DID know how working with the horses made someone feel. "I mean Bobby and I got all excited too." Had Bobby not been there, or had Rudy's eyes not have become accustomed to the light, the words alone might have slipped past him. He was, after all, in an emotional turmoil. But when his daughter said that, and he looked at his son, and his son not only turned red, but couldn't meet his eyes, Rudy instinctively understood that something had happened between the two. He couldn't wrap his mind around that enough to get any images, but it was obvious they'd done... something. "What did you do?" the father in him had to ask. Fear clutched at Megan's heart. "We just understand," she said feebly. Molly didn't feel guilty at all about what she and Chance had been doing for years. She loved her brother and if forced to would run away with him. But she did feel a little guilty about encouraging her cousins to do the same thing. Seeing her cousin under the gun she felt compelled to defend her. "Chance and I understand too," she stuck her chin out. Dee had been listening with half an ear, since listening to them talk was easier than trying to think of what she could say to her son and daughter about what they'd seen. Molly's tone made her motherly instincts perk up, though. She stepped around Rudy. "What do you mean you understand too?" she demanded. "You two haven't even worked with the horses." Chance felt the same way about Molly as she felt about him, so he tried to defend HER. "I helped Dad a couple of times," he said. "And I saw what you showed us about prepping." said Molly, her chin still stuck out. She was in offensive mode now and spoke without thinking. "And Megan and Bobby told us what happened to them. It's only natural to get excited!" "And what... exactly... did Bobby and Megan tell you?" asked Rudy, his voice flat. Megan couldn't take it. "YOU guys did it!" she yelled. "And WE FELT THE SAME WAY! WE COULDN'T HELP IT!" Rudy got plenty of mental images now. They flooded his mind, though mostly they consisted of Megan's face on Dee's body. He took a step backward at the thought. "You're not telling me that you and Bobby..." he said weakly. Megan was aghast at what she'd admitted, even though she'd thought about doing that very thing not so long ago. "Daddy... please... it was so..." she turned to her aunt, her hand reaching out. "Tell him Aunt Dee... you know what it's like." Dee's mind was reeling too. Something told her this was a pivotal point for all of them. "OK, look, lets just all go up to the house, and get something to drink and sit down and discuss this. OK?" She reached out and took the sleeve of Rudy's shirt and pulled gently. "Come on Rudy, let's go up to the house. Come on kids. We'll talk about this there." Her voice had taken on a soothing tone as she unconsciously tried to lessen the tension in the air. They all trooped up to the house and into the kitchen. Chance went and got another chair, since the kitchen table only had five around it. Dee got glasses for tea while everyone else sat down. When she had served them all, she sat too. "OK" she said, not touching her own drink. "I think we all have some talking to do." Rudy, unsure of his own feelings at the moment, just sat mute.' Dee tried to break the ice. "Rudy and I got carried away. We admit that. We shouldn't have done what we did. But we did and we can't undo that." She didn't think it was necessary to tell the kids about that morning. "I still love Tom and Rudy still loves Cathy. It's... possible... that Cathy knew this might happen." "What?" asked Bobby. "Tom and I haven't been able to... be... um man and wife for a while. There was an accident.""We know that," said Bobby. When his Aunt Dee looked surprised he added, "Chance and Molly told us." "And just how did that come up in conversation?" Dee asked, an edge to her voice. "After we caught... after we saw you," said Bobby. "Oh." Dee felt a little better that her kids hadn't just blabbed about it. "We understand that," said Molly, still trying to minimize the discussion. "We don't blame you." All the other teens nodded in agreement. "So... what's all this other stuff about?" asked Dee. "About you and Megan," she said to Bobby. "And you two." she looked at her own children. Both girls turned red. Bobby fidgeted. Chance sighed. "OK, well... a while back... I guess maybe Molly and I got curious or something." He stopped, looking at Molly for help. She was looking at the table. "And?" prompted his mother. "We sort of did some things. You know, because it was nice and it felt good." "And because we love each other," Molly said tightly. Chance looked stricken. "Yes!" he said. His hand reached for Molly's. "I should have said that." "You love each other," said Dee. Molly looked up. Her jaw started to jut again. "Yes, Mother, we love each other." Dee sat back in her chair. "More than... most... brothers and sisters... love each other?" "Yes," said Molly, still tightly. "Oh my," said Dee. Rudy couldn't keep quiet any more. "And you two?" he asked his children. "It just happened since we've been here," said Megan, looking beseechingly at her father. "We've liked kissing for a long time... and I teased Bobby a lot. But when we were doing the horses we just got carried away I guess." "And did you..." Rudy couldn't bring himself to say the word 'fuck', "Did you... ah do what you saw Dee and me doing?" Megan held his eyes. "Yes Daddy," she admitted. Dee leaned forward. She reached out and took Molly's hand. "And you too Molly? You and Chance? Look at me Molly!" she demanded. Molly's eyes had tears in them, but they were tears of frustration, not shame. She was afraid that what she and Chance shared would be no more. "Yes, Mother." she said. "And we love each other and we don't want to stop." Dee sat back again. "Oh my!" she said. "This is crazy!" blurted Rudy. "You can't love your brother or sister that way!" "You love my mother that way," said Molly. "That's different!" said Rudy. "And how is that so different?" asked Chance. "You're both married. You're not supposed to do that just like we're not supposed to do it. I haven't touched another girl since Molly and I made love." There. He'd said it. "How did you get on the pill without me knowing it?" asked Dee, addressing Molly. Molly's eyes went back down to the table. "So you used condoms?" she looked at her son. Chance's eyes darted around. "Oh my," said Dee, slumping. "We don't do it very often," said Molly meekly. "How about you two?" asked Rudy, to his children. "Jeez Dad," said Bobby. "We didn't even know it would happen. We didn't PLAN on it happening." "Oh my," said Dee yet again. "What did you mean about Mom maybe thinking you and Aunt Dee would... make love?" asked Megan suddenly. Now Dee flushed a little. "Cathy knew about Tom and me and our problem." she said. "She also knew that breeding the horses might get me excited. And Rudy has flirted with me for years. We used to go out before he married my sister." "You did?!" gasped Bobby. "Dee I'm sorry about the flirting. If I'd have known about Tom I wouldn't have teased you that way," said Rudy. "Cathy knew you were doing it. She even egged you on a time or two. I thought she was just being the mean sister. I'm not so sure now," Dee sighed. "So... what's going to happen now?" asked Molly. Dee looked at her daughter and saw the emotion there... the way she looked at Chance. She knew what that look meant. She could try to forbid them, but it wouldn't work. She knew that in her bones. "Well, we have to get you girls on some kind of birth control pronto for one thing," said Dee, looking sideways at Rudy to see his reaction. "Mom?" came from Chance. "Yes dear?" she responded. "Don't we need to get you on some kind of birth control too?" Dee colored. "Yes, I suppose that would be a good idea too." Things got a lot more relaxed after that. While specifics weren't discussed, feelings that the young ones had for each other were talked about and explored. It became obvious to the adults that the siblings at least BELIEVED they were in love. How long that might last no one could tell, but the feelings were genuine right now. Dee got up and started supper, even though it was early. Chance asked about cleaning out his room and Dee waved them all away to take care of that. As they were leaving she barked "No shenanigans. Not until the girls are protected." All four teens made a huge overblown show of unhappiness about that, to the point that both adults had to laugh. There was great relief on the part of the kids as they took boxes out of Chance's old room and made space for beds to go back in it. Then there was discussion as to who would sleep in which beds. "Don't push it," said Chance. "We got out of that whole thing incredibly lucky." The girls nodded, if somewhat sadly. In the kitchen the talk was similar. What the heck do we do now?" asked Rudy. "This is all just too strange for me. What in the world am I going to tell Cathy?" "The same thing I'm going to tell Tom, which is... I have no idea!" she finished. "We've got two more months," said Rudy. "Easy big fella," chided Dee. "You'll get your chance at me again." He looked surprised. "That's not what I meant!" he said before he saw her smile at her little joke. "What about the kids?" "Rudy, you know as well as I do that once a boy and girl start doing things, nothing on earth will keep them from... doing things. I don't think that it matters if they're related or not." "I know," he said in a defeated voice. "But... wow... I just can't get used to the idea of my little Megan..." he trailed off. "She's growing up Rudy. You knew it would happen sooner or later," said Dee. "Yes... but I didn't think it would be with her brother!" he said. "Well, you're no more shocked than I am." she said, putting meat loaf batter into two pans. "They've apparently been carrying on for... years!" she said with amazement in her voice. "And I never noticed a thing!" "Maybe Cathy wouldn’t notice either," mused Rudy. "I don't know," said Dee. "It would be awfully risky not to tell her." "She'll divorce me when she finds out about us anyway," said Rudy. "I don't think so," said Dee. "I'm still going to call her tonight. I think she knows more than either of us did." she said. Then, "You know what I mean." "Ok," said Rudy, still a little dazed by all that had happened. "Rudy?" said Dee. "Umm?" "Since they... know... you don't have to sleep on the couch tonight." "Isn't that a little bald faced?" he asked. "Considering what they've been doing behind our backs, I don't really care too much." "What about what Chance said? About the birth control, I mean," said Rudy. Dee dried her hands on a towel. Then she came to him and straddled him, sitting on his lap and put her arms around his neck. "For some reason I don't think I care about that right now either." "I'm not at all sure Tom would see it the same way," Rudy had to say."Tom knows that we wouldn't have stopped with Molly. We wanted to have four or five kids. And since he can't give them to me he'll just have to understand that somebody else could. If it comes to that. You're only going to be here two months Rudy. Tom and I had to try for six to get Molly.""Still," said Rudy. But he didn't have anything else to add."Does that mean you WILL be sleeping on the couch tonight?" asked Dee, grinding her pussy into his lap.Rudy thought about being able to make love to this fabulous woman for hours instead of just minutes."No. I don't think so. The couch is awfully uncomfortable and I have a bad back, you know," he said, looking at the ceiling."You're such a liar," said Dee. She kissed him. "And I want you to keep lying... in bed with me."She began kissing him and soon she was rubbing her whole body against his lap and chest. She broke the kisses finally, panting. "Isn't it bedtime right now?" she asked.Rudy glanced at the window, through which sunlight still shone. "It's only about seven you hussy."Dee wiggled on his boner some more. "You know what they say... early to bed and early to rise...""You really want your children and my children listening in at the door? Hearing you scream?""You have an awfully high opinion of yourself." said Dee, licking his lips. Then she leaned back. "But I guess you're right. They would listen and then they'd go make babies themselves. We need to police the sleeping arrangements... for them at least."Dee got off Rudy, slowly, making it obvious she didn't want to. Somehow she had unbuttoned three buttons of her shirt and she pulled it open, exposing her breasts. She looked down at them."Well, fellas, nothing yet. But you two just be patient and I'll get you licked and sucked later." She looked through her eyelashes at Rudy, who was staring at her breasts. The she closed her blouse, making it clear she was doing so because she couldn't get what she wanted just then, so she wasn't going to let Rudy see what HE wanted just then either.She took his hand and pulled him toward the bedrooms, where they found the teens industriously arranging it so that Chance's room had the bunk beds restored and the extra bed was rearranged in Molly's room.Dee stood and watched for a minute. Then she called all the kids together."Look, I have to be the mother here. And, as the mother, I have to say no girls allowed in the boys' room."There were sullen looks all around.Dee went on. "Since the couch hurts Rudy's back, I'm going to have to put him on one side of my bed and I'm going to have to sleep on the other side. So please don't bother us because it's going to be hard enough to get to sleep without us having to stay up late to watch you guys, so we're trusting you to do what you're supposed to."Dee took Rudy's unresisting hand and dragged him down the hall toward her bedroom. As the two sets of siblings watched, their mouths open, Molly said "I can't believe this."Megan turned around and looked at the extra bed they had just set up in Molly's room. "That's my bed." she said, unbuttoning her blouse. "Go get in it Bobby." she ordered.Molly held up her hand. "Mom wasn't kidding," she said."Yes," said Megan, "But she very clearly said we couldn't go in the boys' room. She didn't say anything about the boys not being allowed in our room. Did she."Molly looked doubtful. Chance came up behind her and reached around to cup her breasts. That was all it took and she was on board too."But we can't make a bunch of noise," she warned.That admonition was basically pointless. Thirty minutes later the house sounded vaguely haunted. There were moans and groans coming from Dee's room, and moans and groans coming from Molly's room. It was clear to everyone in the house that no one in the house was sleeping.And, as copious amounts of virile equine semen had been pumped into receptive equine vaginas all day long, copious amounts of human semen flowed into the wombs of the three receptive women in the house that night.CHAPTER SIXThe next morning Dee was up first. She rubbed her abdomen, thinking about the two times Rudy had spurted her full the night before and wondered if she had made a mistake. She was pretty sure that Tom wouldn't care if it was Rudy who got her pregnant. He'd said many times that he felt bad that she couldn't have the large family she'd wanted, but she'd always kissed him and said that she was content with her lot in life. They had talked once or twice about adopting, but it was a time consuming process and they were always busy at the ranch. Just once, when she had held him crying, he suggested she should find a man who could satisfy her. She'd shushed him and held him, saying they'd talk about it later. Later had never quite come around.And her sister had to know that putting Rudy in this situation was a recipe for possible infidelity. She'd forgotten to call Cathy the night before, in her impatience to feel Rudy rutting between her legs again.On impulse she went to the phone. It was early, and Cathy might be grumpy, but she wouldn't have gone to work yet. The phone rang four times before she heard her sister's voice answer."Hey cutie pie," said Dee."I wondered when you'd call," said Cathy's surprisingly chipper voice."It's early, but I needed to talk to you," said Dee."So how's it going?" asked her sister. "They got there OK?""Yes, and we spent all day working yesterday. They've been a big help.""Is my husband behaving himself?" asked Cathy, a hint of something like amusement in her voice."He's trying" said Dee. "But I'm having a hard time behaving Myself," she confessed."I figured maybe that might happen," said Cathy. "Is it going to be OK?""That depends on how you feel about things," said Dee. "This may not be a good idea Cathy."There was a moment of silence on the line. Then Cathy spoke. "Look, I understand your situation. What I can't understand is how you can stand it. Rudy takes good care of me, and if he didn't... or couldn't... I don't think I could stay sane. So here's what I think. I think that if you and Tom have a strong enough relationship to stay together through what you've had to endure, then Rudy and I can deal with whatever we have to face in the future."Dee took a breath. "You're basically giving me permission to seduce your husband, Cathy.""Am I?" asked Cathy. "I know how he flirts with you. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to seduce YOU!"Dee's eyes got misty. "You don't know how much this means to me," she said, her voice choked."Yes I do," said Cathy. "I've had to go to bed horny and alone for two nights, and it's about to kill me. I can't imagine what it's been like for you all these years. You just make sure he has something left for me when he gets back. And tell him this is a special favor, and not to get any ideas about any other women.""I don't think you have to worry about that. All things considered he's resisted me as much or more than most men would have," said Dee."Get your ashes hauled then," said Cathy. "And just remember... you owe me big sister," she laughed."Um... thanks, but there's just one more thing," said Dee, rubbing her abdomen again."What's that?" asked Cathy."I haven't been on the pill for a long time Cathy," said Dee, wondering how her sister would react to that."Dee, honey, I love you, and I love my nephew and niece. If I had more than one nephew or niece I'd love them all."Dee stared at the wall. "Cathy you're being awfully generous about this," she said."What are sisters for?" asked Cathy. "I've got to get ready to go to work. Is there anything else you want to ask for?'Dee thought about Bobby and Megan, but decided she had pushed her luck far enough already. "Maybe later," she said.Cathy laughed. "I can't WAIT to see what that might be. Bye... I love you. Give Rudy a big wet kiss for me and tell him to think of me while he's... helping you out."Dee hung up the phone. She decided breakfast could wait. She went back to her bedroom, where Rudy was still sleeping. He wasn't sleeping for long.It was because of that distraction that Dee didn't find all the teenagers in one room when she finally went to get them up. While Rudy had made love to her she told him about her conversation with his wife. He had been like a wild man.Having gotten another helping of Rudy's patented baby makers, after which he lay gasping, she got up and dressed, intentionally leaving her pussy full. It was only then that she went to the girls' bedroom to get them up.It was empty, and, had she not come from a room that already smelled like a cathouse bedroom, she might have noticed that the odor in her daughter's bedroom was just like that in her own.She found the girls in the kitchen, getting ready to make breakfast. She didn't know it, but the boys were in their room getting dressed, still breathing deeply after scurrying down the hall to the room they were supposed to have slept in."Morning girls," she said."Morning Mommy" said Molly at the same time Megan just said, "Morning.""Did you sleep well?" asked Dee, not really meaning it as a question designed to actually get information."I had a little trouble getting to sleep," said Molly. "Somebody told us not to make a lot of noise and then made a lot of noise herself."Dee blushed. She still wasn't used to the idea of such a free atmosphere in the house about things sexual."Sorry," she mumbled."Chance and I will do the breeding this morning," said Molly. "That will give you two a chance to get your strength back.""Molly!" said Dee, the mother in her bridling a little at the suggestiveness in her daughter's voice.Molly turned around. "Look, Mom, this is weird for all of us. But it's a little like that spilt milk Grandma used to talk about all the time. We can't just pretend nothing happened."Dee sighed. "That's true, but still... Oh I don't know WHAT to do. I feel like I should do SOMETHING, but I don't know what.""The only thing I'm worried about is Daddy," said Molly.Megan made herself busy getting glasses and silverware out. She tried to be inconspicuous as her cousin and aunt talked."Your father..." started Dee. She had been about to tell her teenaged daughter that Tom had suggested some things that might shock her daughter, but decided not to. "I think your father will be able to deal with things." she finished."Then there's not a problem," said Molly, in typical teenage fashion. "There could most DEFINITELY be a problem," said Dee sternly. "Babies can be a real problem when they come along at the wrong time in a woman's life.""Mom," said Molly patiently. "I know you and Daddy wanted to have more children. And you said Daddy would be able to deal with it."Dee looked at her daughter in amazement. "I was talking about YOU, dear daughter. And Megan too!""Oh," said Molly, looking sheepish, finally. Then she raised her head. "Couldn't we raise two babies just about as easily as one?" she asked."I do NOT believe I'm having this conversation." moaned Dee. "Sweetie you have your whole life ahead of you. And it's one thing to have a baby, but it's entirely another to have your BROTHER'S baby!""Mom" said Molly patiently. "I have no plans other than to stay here and work the ranch. I love this life. I love Chance. I love you and Daddy. I don't see how having a baby would ruin any of that.""Your father might not agree," said Dee."Maybe Daddy doesn't have to know who the father is," said Molly."You're insane!" said Dee. "You think that if you get used to being with Chance like that, that when your father comes home - and your father WILL come home - that you can just pretend that there's nothing between you?""Chance is going to finish college." said Molly. "And then I don't really know what he'll do after that. But by the time Daddy gets home it will be too late to do anything about me being pregnant, and Chance probably won't even be here then anyway. He'll be mad for a while, but he'll get over it.""But honey, there are so many ways to avoid getting pregnant," argued Dee."Maybe," said Molly, "but since my last period was two weeks ago... I kind of think it's probably already too late to do anything to... um... prevent it."Dee looked at her daughter, astonished. "But Chance just got back yesterday!"Molly blushed and looked down. "I... um... I missed him a lot Mom," she said.Dee turned to her niece. "And what about you, little missy?"Megan had listened with intense interest to the conversation. She had grown up a lot in the last couple of days, cramming what most girls would only experience in a year's time into those short hours. Her attitude about things had changed immensely since she'd climbed out of the car when they got to the ranch."I'm not sure how I feel," she answered truthfully. "I know I love Bobby. And if I got pregnant I know I'd love the baby. I don't think I WANT to get pregnant, but the idea of BEING pregnant isn't as scary as I thought it would be."Dee shook her head. "I think you need to talk about this with your father. I know your mother would have a fit if something like that happened.""I know," said Megan unhappily. She preferred to just be happy and worry about the consequences later. Such is the inexperience of youth.About then Chance and Bobby sauntered into the kitchen, not having any idea what had just been discussed between the women. His mother looked at him and sighed as she saw a handsome young man in the prime of his life. There were probably a lot of girls out there who might be tempted to have his baby. She still couldn't get used to the idea, though, that one of them was his sister. Her eyes went to Bobby and she saw the same thing. He had an infectious grin and was just a good kid. She remembered that time, years back, when he'd burst into the bathroom with his overflowing bladder while she was stark naked. Tom's accident had only happened a year or two before that, but she was still bemoaning the loss of sexual companionship. The way he'd looked at her then had made her pussy damp. She'd tried to bluff her way through it and thought she'd been successful. But she'd remembered his strong young penis long after he'd gone back home. She could easily understand a girl... or even a woman... lusting after him.She shook her head again and pushed the girls out of the way to make breakfast herself. It helped to be doing something while she thought about all the changes that had entered her life recently.It was because of her concern about Bobby and Megan that she arranged for them to help her and Rudy do various chores around the ranch while Chance and Molly took care of the breeding chores that morning. That way they would be chaperoned and it would give Rudy a chance to talk to them about their taboo desires.After breakfast, therefore, Molly and Chance found themselves walking side by side toward the barns."Mom talked to me this morning," said Molly."Is she pissed off?" he asked."Not really," said Molly. "What would you feel like if... if what we did got me pregnant?"Chance was silent for so long that Molly got butterflies in her stomach. Finally he said, "I'd be really unhappy about it if it ruined your life," he said."What if it didn't ruin my life?" she asked, not sure exactly how he felt about the possibility of siring a child on his own sister."I guess it would depend then on how much I got to be around the baby," he said."If you knock me up don't expect me to put it up for adoption!" she said with some heat.He stopped and faced her. "That's not what I meant Molly," he said. "If you get pregnant, that makes you kind of like my wife in my mind. You can't marry me. So some day you're going to go off and meet some guy and marry him and have a family with him and then my son or daughter will call somebody else their father. I'm not sure I like that idea.""What if I didn't go off and get married?" she asked, looking into his eyes. "What if I stayed here and worked the ranch?""Is that what you really want to do?" asked her brother."I think so," she said. "I don't think that would be such a horrible life. It's not a horrible life now." She bit her lip. "But what about you?""I have to declare my major next semester," he said. "I was thinking about animal husbandry. Or maybe vet med.""We already have a vet in town," said Molly."Yes, we have Doc Hudson, but he's in his fifties. He might want a partner one of these days," said Chance."Have you talked to him about that?" asked Molly."Well, I wasn't going to tell anybody about it. I'm not sure that's what I want to do, but yes, he and I had a discussion about it last summer. He was pretty excited about the idea. He says he's got more to do than he wants.""So you might come back home after school?" she asked.Chance looked at the woman he loved. "Yes, especially if I had a son or daughter toddling around the place."Molly realized there were tears in her eyes and she crashed into her brother's arms. That embrace lasted a long time while neither of them said anything. Then, hand in hand they went to the barn to get the first breeding pair done.Perhaps because of that conversation, it only took two pairs of horses before Molly was fairly jumping with horniness. When Chance led the second stud to the mare and let him loose, she watched as that long hard cock entered the mare and felt her own pussy squelch. She wanted some hugs and kisses.She got them. Chance, being a male, was almost always ready to go, and while they kissed he pressed his own erection against his sister. They forgot about the horses as they traded kisses and their hands roamed all over each other's bodies.There was noise from across the stall and they looked. The stallion was mounting the mare again. "Watch them" said Chance as he pulled Molly's ass into his erection. He slid his hands up under her shirt, over her smooth belly skin, to her naked breasts. He cupped them and found her nipples with his finger tips. He squeezed her nipples and she moaned, her hand darting between them to feel his hard cock. The stallion jumped, his hooves landing on the mare's hindquarters. Chance's hands dropped to the fastening of Molly's jeans and he unbuttoned them, then unzipped them. He slid his hand between her legs and immediately slicked a finger into her pussy as she writhed, pressing back against him. "I'm sooo hot!" she moaned. "Take your pants off," he panted. Molly kicked her tennis shoes off without untying them and then reached down and pulled the legs of her jeans off her feet. In the process she showed her naked butt to Chance. He grabbed a horse blanket and draped it over some hay bales and then pushed her onto it, pressing her breasts into the blanket. He approached from behind, just like a stallion and put his hands on her naked hips. His cock hurt and he tore his own jeans open, freeing it as he shoved them down to his knees. Molly craned her neck. "Yessss put it in me Chance." And she wiggled her ass at him, reaching her hands back and pulling her ass cheeks open. He saw her pussy opening and it was wet. He nosed his prick tip into her slick pussy mouth and leaned forward, impaling her on his tool in one lunge. Both of them let out a groan of satisfaction. Molly wormed one hand down to her pussy and began diddling her clit as Chance started making long slow strokes, his flesh slapping on her jiggling buttocks. Molly had her first orgasm about thirty seconds later. She started working on number two immediately and told Chance that he was doing just wonderfully. Seven minutes and three more orgasms later Chance gave a long sigh and said "I can't wait any more Molly... gonna cum!" He leaned into her, pinning her to the hay bales, and the tip of his long, thick cock went off, parked right next to his sister's cervix. When it comes to a man's normal issue of semen, it comes in varying strengths. Some writers (like me, for instance) occasionally use silly terms like "man milk" to describe or identify what comes out of a man's cock during an ejaculation. If you were to take that idea to extremes, it would work like this: Some men produce the equivalent of skim milk, runny and almost clear. Then you have your two and four percenters, whose sperm count is respectably higher. Those guys you see with six or seven kids and a wife who smiles all the time? They shoot whole milk... vitamin D fortified milk, and a woman who lies down with one of them had better want her belly to bulge if she's not using protection.Now some of that is genetic, but a lot of it depends on diet and exercise, and the general health of a man. Chance Brooks was in the prime of his life, healthy as a bull in the prime of ITs life, with bulging muscles and a body fat index of about seven percent. Chance didn't produce four percent or even whole milk. Chance's balls were filled to overflowing with raw milk, straight from the cow, cream still in it, thick and rich and just brimming with perky, interested sperm cells just aching to fertilize something. And when Chance's cock provided a conduit from his balls to his sister's cervix, what gushed forth into and through that cervix and into her womb was the most potent stuff her womb could have hoped to suck up. That womb happily slurped in as much as it could hold and then gave a little squeeze, pushing it up the attached fallopian tubes, to the egg that was carelessly descending at the time. That egg didn't have a chance... no pun intended. It was punctured by a strong viable swimmer that burrowed through the wall of the egg. That egg, for reasons still not understood by modern science, determined that it needed to split in a way that would create two zygotes, each of which would become a fetus. Not knowing he was already the father of twins, Chance pushed harder and kept serving up his raw milk to his sister who was shaking hard in the throes of her own final teeth-gritting orgasm.***Meanwhile, in a storage shed on the other side of the barn yard, Dee was busily sorting through old paint cans and containers of herbicides and pesticides to identify items that were past their expiration dates or unusable. They would be loaded on the truck and taken to the county disposal site for hazardous waste. She was doing most of the work, and just handing things to Megan, who carried them to the pickup. Rudy and Bobby were putting nails in loose boards on the shed and repairing a broken hinge on one of the doors."This might be a good time to talk to your father," she suggested to Megan."I'm not sure I want to," said Megan, her voice low."You have to dear," said her aunt. "You want to act like an adult. That has consequences and responsibilities that go along with it. You can't have one without the other."It took a while, but finally Megan stopped with two cans of paint in her hands, where her father was drilling holes for the new hinge."Daddy?" she said."Yes?" he glanced at her."What are we going to do?" she asked, her voice tense with worry. "About Bobby and me?"Rudy had thought about that himself. The idea of his daughter and son having sex was something he didn't like. If someone would have asked him whether he'd prefer that his daughter have sex with some other boy or Bobby, he'd have said he didn't want her having sex with ANY boy. If pressed, though, he'd have admitted that if it HAD to happen, he'd prefer that it happened with Bobby until she was old enough to have a decent chance at being able to tell the good guys from the bad ones."What are the chances that I could talk you out of doing anything else with Bobby?" he tried."Not good Daddy," she said. "I won't lie to you about that.""Then we need to get you on the pill," he said gruffly. "You're too young to be knocked up. And you don't need to be knocked up by Bobby anyway."Megan, who had expected an explosion of anger, and was somewhat shocked by her father's relatively docile response, took what she was offered."OK Daddy," She started to walk away but stopped. "Thank you Daddy. This means a lot to me."The tenor of her voice, and the emotion she couldn't hide struck Rudy, the same way it strikes any father when his baby girl comes home one day and announces that she's in love. Normally, a father resists that whole concept, regardless of the age of his daughter. Most fathers don't believe the boy is good enough for his daughter, whether he's met the boy or not. But things were complicated by the fact that the boy, in this case, was his son... who WAS good enough for any girl. The recognition of that tone in her voice, and his almost forced acceptance of the mate she'd chosen because of who that mate was, made him react differently than most fathers do when faced with that situation.He stopped doing what he was doing and turned to his little girl. He hugged her and kissed her forehead."Sweetie, I think you're crazy. I think THIS is crazy. And I have no idea in the world how I'm going to explain this to your mother when we get home. She'll probably have my balls for a snack. You just try to control yourself until we can get you protected. I'll figure out a way to live with that. OK?"Megan hugged him fiercely. "I know this is strange for you Daddy," she said. "It's strange for me too, but I know how I feel, and I know how Bobby feels, and we can't change that."Bobby, who had been standing nearby with a nail in one hand and a hammer in the other, listened, his stomach tight. He too had a hard time believing that his father was being so understanding about all this."Me too Dad," he said. "Thanks, I mean.""YOU just shut up and fix those boards," said Rudy gruffly. "I may have YOUR balls for a snack. That would solve the problem too."But Bobby knew the threat was empty. He knew his father was posturing to save face. When it was time to break for lunch they all headed for the breeding pen to collect Chance and Molly. Megan ran ahead, worried that her cousins might be unprepared for visitors. She found them working on a fresh pair of horses. Molly was breathing hard, but her motions with the prepping were quick and sure."Your mom is on the way." said Megan. "It's time for lunch.""Good" said Molly. "We're ready for a break.""I know how you feel," said Megan, watching the stud mount the mare."That's not what I meant," said Molly giggling. "I think I wore him out."They watched as Chance captured the stallion after he hopped down off the mare."He doesn't look worn out to me," whispered Megan."He'll get over it," said Molly grinning. "We only did it twice. I'm going to have to change pants when we get back to the house," she grinned.During lunch Dee called the doctor in town and explained what she needed for Megan. When she came back to the table she sat down and looked at Megan and Robby."The doctor has an opening day after tomorrow. Can you two behave yourselves until then?" she asked."Yes Ma'am," said Robby, trying to impress his father.Rudy just snorted.That afternoon Rudy and Dee took the breeding chores. She pointed to the paint she had set aside on the back of the pickup. "How about Chance and Bobby use that up on the house, while you girls go into town with the rest?" It was an obvious attempt to keep the lovers apart while she and Rudy were busy with the horses. It fell flat when all four of the kids agreed with good humor. Sex wasn't the only thing they thought about.Dee lasted for four sets of horses before she dragged Rudy into the same stall that Bobby and Megan had used when they sated their passions. By now she had had time enough to think about things that her long-suppressed desire for more children had re-awakened. She welcomed his heavy body pinning her to the hay, and the feel of his hot seed blasting into her womb as she strained against him. Her orgasm was as sweet as any she'd ever had."Remind me to do something VERY nice for my sister," she panted as Rudy emptied his balls into her.Rudy's reply, amidst the peak of his own orgasm, was unintelligible.Meanwhile, four gallons of paint was spread on two sides of the farm house as the boys talked about sports and ranching and girls. And, thirty miles away, a twenty-two year old employee of the Davis County Hazardous Waste Collection Point ogled the two beautiful teenage girls who brought in a pickup truck load of mixed chemicals that, according to him, would take over an hour to process. During that hour he stole looks at the girls unfettered breasts that were under their shirts, and the swell of their hips. The girls noticed his hot looks and giggled between themselves, feeling desirable and sexy.At lunch that day the kids were happy and excited. Rudy looked tired. Dee was bright and cheerful, noting that the breeding was going well, and that all the mating pairs would be bred successfully in the month and a half left if things kept going as they had thus far. Bobby and Megan offered to take the afternoon breeding duties, causing Dee to look at Rudy with a raised eyebrow. Rudy waved a hand. "I don't care. I need a nap."Dee blushed, but no one seemed to notice. Chance said vaguely that he had some things to do and welcomed Molly's offer to help. By the time Dee had cleaned up the refuse from lunch, both sets of kids were gone. She went to make sure Rudy was comfortable. It was a good thing the kids weren't in the house. Rudy's moans that she was going to kill him might have drawn attention.In the barn there was no pretense as Megan stated flatly that she was going to start this breeding session in a different manner and calmly began taking her clothes off. The first "pair" bred that afternoon were Bobby and Megan. Their lovemaking was somehow less hurried and more tender as they lay straining against each other, sharing kisses and touches. Megan's orgasm was one of sweet surrender, rather than an overwhelming emotional storm. When Bobby's turn came he simply sagged down on his sister's soft body and released his sperm. Their sedate actions weren't based on anything like boredom. Rather, they had both come to an understanding that this sharing of their love was something that might not last much longer. Their aunt's comment about the month and a half they had left before they had to face their mother made them savor their time together as something precious.As any fertility expert will tell you, tension can affect fertility. Perhaps because Megan was so relaxed as her brother flushed her full of his teenaged sperm, her cervix opened a little wider, or her womb accepted a few more million of the wriggling little cells. Or maybe Bobby's contentment at just being able to cum in his sister made his testicles give an extra surge. In any case, one of his sperm cells found the egg it was seeking and, in a much more agitated way than the boy who produced it, struggled, its tail wagging frantically, as it hit the outside of the egg several times. The egg, as if impressed by that sperm cell's desire, surrendered like Megan had and let the tiny cell inside. While Megan didn't know whether she wanted to be a mother or not, her body knew, and the decision was made for her.Molly grabbed a quilt on the way out of the house and carried it under her arm as she followed Chance."What's that for?" he asked."Us," she said simply."Oh really?" he commented.She just smiled. "Yes, really."They went to a low hilltop in a pasture that was twelve inches deep in grass, and spread the blanket out. Molly, loving the feel of the sun on her naked skin, mounted her stallion and rode him to a breath-stealing conclusion as he tried unsuccessfully to buck her off. They lay in the sun, like broken, lifeless dolls on the blanket, arms and legs akimbo, until Chance revived and rolled on top of his sister, her long black hair fanned out on the quilt. He assumed the dominant role this time, pounding into her lustily as she moaned and whined her way through two more orgasms. Neither of them knew she was already bearing twins, but their efforts made it look like they were trying hard to get her in that condition.Back in the house Dee, after getting her third pussy-ful of Rudy's cum that day, melted against him, her naked arm draped over him, and finally let him sleep. She drifted off too.In the barn, Megan found out that her instincts had been correct. Having just had an orgasm, and with her brother's sperm resting warmly in her womb, she was able to work six sets of mating pairs before her lusts were inflamed again. As they walked slowly toward the house to get supper, she carried only one additional serving of her lover's sexual essence in her already pregnant abdomen.***At supper, Dee expressed her amazement that Megan and Bobby had managed to get six pairs of horses bred."That's wonderful," she said animatedly. The nap had done both Rudy and her a lot of good. "You're getting better at this."Megan, getting used to the idea that she was a sexual being and that everyone at the table knew that, was more forthcoming than she might have been otherwise."We figured out the secret to it," she said."Oh?" asked their Aunt as she passed a bowl of green beans."Yes," said Megan, buttering a roll. "You just take care of all those urges before you start and then you don't have to stop in-between."Her announcement was met with silence as everybody at the table looked at her in wonder."Really," she said, unconcerned. She took a bite of her roll. "It really worked.""I thought you two were going to behave yourselves until we got to the doctor," said Dee."Yeah!" said Rudy. "That's what I thought too.""Well, I'm tired of being horny all the time," said Megan. "And it worked, so don't try to make me feel bad!" She went on eating.In fact, her announcement of her discovery of a "fix" to the problems that handling horse cocks caused settled into the minds of the others at the table. In the remaining month and a half of the breeding season, that "fix" became the norm. Each couple, as they started their morning or afternoon of breeding duty, sated their lust and THEN began to get the horses to do the same thing. Things went so smoothly that there were days when no breeding was required at all, and they got to relax. They went to a concert, and fishing several times as a group. By the time the Tanners only had a week left before they went back to city life, the six people had merged into a family with ties that would never break. The result was that everything got done as it had in years past, even though the people doing it were all, more or less, amateurs.On the last night before Rudy would take his children home, the crescent moon rose over the ranch, shining down on it with a ghostly pale light. There were, at that moment, sixty-four females on that ranch... sixty mares... and four humans. All of them were pregnant. It had been a very successful breeding season on the Rocking R Ranch. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 48
A kinky episode happened two summers later. Mary was working for a bank in a ritzy resort town. Her bank manager needed some video surveillance equipment installed and Mary recommended me. Her boss (a late 30's divorcee) called me and offered the job. It was going to take me about two weeks to complete everything she wanted done at the bank and at home, so she offered to put me up at her place while I did the work. When I got there and talked to Mary, I found out that her boss had been punishing her ass every Friday night since she started work, and Mary loved it. I also found out the real reason the boss whose names was Linda, wanted the video equipment was to catch her employees (tellers at the bank and maid at home) doing something wrong so she could try to punish them. I did the work at her house first, because the maid was out of town for the week and Linda wanted the cameras hidden from the maid. That Friday night, we tried out the cameras and recorder by taping Linda and I punishing Mary. Linda really enjoyed getting licked by Mary while I fucked Mary's cunt and ass. That Saturday, the three of us romped around the house and pool stark naked, sucking and fucking everything we could. Linda may have been twice our age but she was a really enthusiastic fucker. Saturday night we went to dinner and an x-rated movie. Both ladies wore tube tops, denim miniskirts and sandals (no bras, no panties) and they were very hot. After the movie, we bent Mary of the hood of the car, pulled up her skirt and spanked her ass right there in the parking lot. Then Linda pulled down Mary's tube top and we both sucked on her tits, fingering her cunt and ass until Mary was begging for a fucking. We allowed Mary to strip completely naked and suck my cock a bit, then we laid her out on the hood of the car again, this time face up. As I opened her legs and slid my cock into her hot juicy cunt, Linda hiked up her skirt and sat her cunt down on Mary's mouth. Later we went back to Linda's for a late night swim and more fucking. On Sunday Linda's maid Rosetta returned. She was a fleshy little Mexican girl, slightly younger than Mary, but still legal age. Linda, Mary and I watched her for more than an hour from the control room, before we saw her unpack a few ounces of pot. We rewound the tape and set it up to playback to the TV in the living room. Mary brought Rosetta into the living room and Linda began her act. Eventually Rosetta was begging Linda not to call the police or immigration, saying that she would do anything for us. Linda told her that she needed to be properly punished and that the three of us would do it. Then she told Rosetta to strip. Rosetta hesitated and Linda nodded to Mary and me. I grabbed Rosetta's arms and Mary began to unbutton Rosetta's uniform. We dropped the uniform to the floor leaving Rosetta wearing just her bra, panties and shoes. Linda told her that she was to obey every command we give her or she would be turned over to the police for them to strip-search. Rosetta nodded and fumbled with her bra until it popped free and she slowly exposed her big fleshy tits. She was bigger and fleshier than Mary. Linda told Mary and me to measure Rosetta. We took a cloth tape measure and measured around her chest, and then around each tit, and then across each areola and then between nipples and finally we measured how long we could make her nipples grow. She shivered every time Mary pulled or stroked her nips. Then Linda told her to strip off her panties. She slowly peeled then down to show us the hairiest pussy I have ever seen. Linda had her turn around to make sure the cameras got a good view of her for posterity. Then Linda told her that she needed to be cleaned up before any further inspection could take place. We brought her to the master bedroom and I reset the controls to videotape the bedroom instead of the living room. We put Rosetta on the bed and Mary and I held her legs up and open so that Linda and the camera would have a good view. Linda then got her equipment out and proceeded to cut off all of Rosetta's pubic hair. Then she shaved the stubble, even having us turn Rosetta over onto her knees so that Linda could shave her ass. I had seen a shaven cunt in porno movies but this was the first one I had the chance to play with. Then Linda had us take Rosetta into the bathroom and stand her in the tub. Linda prepared an enema bag (I had only heard about these, Mary had already been introduced to them by Linda). Mary and I watched (and played with each other) while Linda lubricated Rosetta's asshole, inserted the nozzle and filled her ass with hot soapy water. After two enemas, we let her shower, with us watching of course. Then we returned to the living room. Mary and I then measured the rest of Rosetta. How large her hips were, how log her slit was, how long her clit was, how far from her cunt to her asshole, etc. Then Linda brought out a long dildo and inserted it into Rosetta's cunt. Then we bent her over and Mary and I held her arms so her tits dangled down free. Her legs were spread wide and Linda began the spanking. She spanked Rosetta until her ass-cheeks were a hot pink. Then she had Mary and I deliver a slap to each cheek. We stood her up. Linda told her to undress Mary. She hesitated but did it after another slap on the ass from Linda. As she uncovered Mary's tits Linda told her to kiss them to apologize for being so naughty. Rosetta slowly kissed Mary's right nipple just enough to have done it. Then Linda told her to suck Mary's left one. Rosetta hesitated again, until Linda poked a finger between her ass-cheeks and into her asshole. Linda had her take off Mary's panties and kissed her pubic mound and then had Mary turn around and bend over. Linda pushed Rosetta's face against Mary's ass and instructed her to kiss and lick Mary's pale ass. Linda was finger fucking Rosetta's asshole while Rosetta performed. When she told Rosetta to strip and suck me. Rosetta did not hesitate, but got her ass fingered by Mary anyway. She was a good cocksucker and after all the playing Mary and I had done, I came fairly quickly filling Rosetta's mouth. Linda warned her not to lose a single drop of my cum, but to swallow it all. Then Linda presented herself to be stripped and kissed by Rosetta. She held Rosetta's head while she sucked on Linda's tits. She did a good sucking this time. When Linda was completely naked she sat down on the couch and spread her legs. She told Rosetta that she should lick her mistress's cunt. Mary and I grabbed Rosetta's arms and pushed her down to her knees in front of Linda's wet cunt. We began slapping Rosetta's ass lightly until she surrendered and began licking. She seemed to service Linda quite well with proper instruction from Linda. Mary wanted to get fucked so she sucked me until I was erect and then we fucked watching Rosetta do her lesbian duties. When Linda was finished cumming and I had shot a load of cum (not much but some) into Mary's cunt, Linda took the dildo out of Rosetta and positioned her over Mary for a 69ing. Mary absolutely devoured that hot hairless cunt. And Rosetta licked my cum out of Mary's hole. After they were finished, we sent Rosetta to make lunch and bring it to us at the pool. She was told to stay completely naked. We lounged a poolside naked until Rosetta brought lunch. Then as we ate lunch, we had Rosetta orally perform on each of us. Not enough to make us cum, but enough to please us and keep Rosetta busy. We swam and sunned ourselves all afternoon, while Rosetta did her normal duties (still naked). That evening Rosetta made and served dinner naked and again orally serviced us while we ate. After dinner, we retired to the living room and watched a replay of Rosetta's strip, inspection, cleaning and oral servitude. Rosetta was then told to lie out on the floor and masturbate for us. She spread her legs and fingered her hot hairless cunt for 5 minutes before she was near cumming. Mary and Linda knelt beside her and held her arms and legs, so that she could not continue her fingering and could not prevent me from accessing her slick cunt. Linda asked Rosetta if she was ready to fuck me. When Rosetta asked her not to let me fuck her, Linda instructed me to poke the dildo into Rosetta's cunt. It slid in so easy and Rosetta moaned all the way. Linda repeated her question and Rosetta just shook her head. Linda then told me to pump the dildo into her. I slowly began sliding it in and out, and Rosetta began writhing. Linda stopped me and repeated her question. Rosetta shook her head (slower and less than before). Linda had me pump the dildo a bit faster. Rosetta moaned louder this time and really tried to wiggle her hips. Linda stopped me again and repeated the question. This time Rosetta nodded yes. Linda told Rosetta to say it. Rosetta asked Linda to let me "do" her. Linda told her that she would have to be more explicit in her sexual requests. Rosetta asked her to let me fuck her. Linda motioned for me to move closer. I scooted closer and took my cock and slowly moved the head up and down her wet slit parting her fleshy cunt-lips. Linda told Rosetta to ask for it again. Rosetta began begging for a fucking and Linda told me to fuck her silly. I plunged into her and she moaned and groaned as I fucked her hot slick cunt-hole. I had cum in her mouth twice already that night and this fuck was going to take a long time. After Rosetta's second orgasm, Linda and Mary let go of her and they laid down for some 69ing next to us. When they finished, they had me stop and they moved Rosetta over a hassock and I slid into her cunt from behind. I did not last much longer watching Linda and Mary pulling on Rosetta's tits and getting their own sucked on by the girl I was fucking. We rested a long time and then after desert sent Rosetta to bed with another spanking. We retired to Linda's bedroom to watch (and record) Rosetta fingering herself. We fell into bed and sucked and fucked a while before falling asleep. The next day we went to the bank and all did our jobs with only the slightest of snickers when we looked at each other. That night before dinner Linda had Rosetta shower with each of us. First with Linda and then with Mary and finally with me. We washed her tits and cunt and ass until she was squeaky clean. We had her wash all of our sensitive parts as well and use her mouth where appropriate. Since I was the last to get washed and I saved her cock-sucking until the end, Linda used that time to give Rosetta another enema. After she filled Rosetta ass with the soapy water, she stuffed a butt plug into her. Then Linda and Mary began spanking Rosetta's ass. The first slap caused her to close her mouth around my cock a bit too tight, but Linda warned her to be gentle with my cock or they would have to use paddles or straps to punish her ass.After that Rosetta was very careful with my cock in her mouth. They spanked her (not too hard but hard enough) in synch with her cock-sucking action so that my cock was deep into her mouth as a hand landed on her ass-cheek. I finally shot a huge load of cum into her mouth. It was too much for Rosetta to swallow all at once and some dribbled out of her mouth. Linda stood her up and she and Mary licked Rosetta's face clean. Then they bent her over to my cock and had her lick all the cum off my cock. I got out of the shower and Linda pulled the plug out of Rosetta's butt and let her sit on the toilet. Then Rosetta had to get back into the shower, and masturbate for us with the handheld shower head. Her giggling tits were really sexy when she started cumming. At dinner, Rosetta had to serve us naked again, and service us orally as well. After dinner, Linda dug out a videotape for us to watch. It was about 3 girls getting their asses fucked at a summer resort.We tied Rosetta into a large stuffed chair, with her butt scooted toward the front and her legs over the arms of the chair. She was in a perfect position to watch the movie and get licked at the same time. And we each ate her to two orgasms (six total). After the movie, we untied Rosetta and took her into the dining room. Linda bent her over to hold onto the table with her hands. Her tits were dangling down like full udders wanting to get milked. With her legs spread her hairless cunt and ass glistened with her cum and our saliva. Linda had me get in front of her and had her take my cock in her mouth. Then Linda and Mary began to lubricate her virgin asshole with softened butter. They each held one ass-cheek aside and alternated pokes into her backdoor. Rosetta moaned softly with my ever enlarging cockhead in her mouth. The ladies stretched Rosetta's asshole with each probe until she could take two fingers into her tail, and then they began pumping two fingers in and out. Linda had Mary insert a finger from each hand and pull Rosetta's asshole open so she could push more butter inside. When Linda felt that Rosetta's asshole was stretched and slick enough, she had me pull out of Rosetta's mouth and she took a handful of soft butter and slathered my raging hard-on with it. My cock was just an inch or two from Rosetta's mouth. Linda asked Rosetta if she wanted me to cum, Rosetta said yes. Linda rubbed my cock head on Rosetta's cheeks and lips and asked her if she wanted me to cum inside her, Rosetta said yes. Linda had Mary poke two fingers into Rosetta's asshole and rubbed my buttery cock across her lips and asked if she wanted me to cum inside her ass, Rosetta said yes. Linda had me move behind Rosetta and Linda put a chair in front where I was. She sat in the chair so she could watch Rosetta's face and play with her big dangling tits. Linda told Mary to take hold of my cock and rub it up and down Rosetta's crack. She told Rosetta that she would have to ask me to fuck her virgin ass before they would let me inside Rosetta's asshole. Rosetta asked me to fuck her ass. Linda told her to ask us to 'deflower her virgin ass'. Rosetta asked Mary and I to 'deflower her virgin ass'. Linda told Mary to insert just the head of my cock into Rosetta's backdoor. Mary put one arm around Rosetta's waist and with the other pushed my cockhead into Rosetta's hot buttered ass-pucker. Her asshole was so hot and so tight, she held my cock tight, but she was so buttery slick that she wouldn't keep me out. Linda pinched Rosetta's nipples and told her that she was no longer a virgin ass, but that I wasn't going to fuck her until she asked us to make her into a sluty ass-fucker. Rosetta pleaded with Linda to let me fuck her ass. Linda repeated that Rosetta would have to ask us to make her into a sluty ass-fucker and pulled on her hard nipples until she winced. Rosetta asked Mary and I to make her into a sluty ass-fucker. Linda told Mary to push my cock all the way into Rosetta's ass. Mary reached behind me and slowly pushed me into Rosetta's backdoor. Her ass was so tight, she felt like a glove gently fitted onto my cock. The buttering made it so easy to slide in despite her tightness. When I was all the way in, Linda had us stop and told Mary to kneel down beside Rosetta. After she got used to having a cock fill her ass, Rosetta began to slowly squirm her ass back at me. Linda asked Rosetta if she was ready to become a hot sluty ass-fucker. Rosetta said yes and begged to get her ass fucked. Linda told me I could start fucking her for all she was worth (her ass was worth a lot). I slowly pulled almost all the way out as Rosetta moaned. When I pushed back in (a bit faster), Rosetta moaned even loader. I steadily increased the speed of my strokes and Linda increased her playing with Rosetta's tits. Mary didn't want to be left out so she started playing with Rosetta's slick cunt. Rosetta began to suck on Linda's small pointed tits and almost bit them when she came. We gave her two orgasms before the tight warmth of her ass got me to unload my cum into her tail. That night we tied Rosetta to her bed so she couldn't play with herself. Later in the week, we watched some more movies, this time I sat in the chair and each lady climbed on and impaled her ass onto my cock and lay back against me. We would watch the movie while the other two ladies would be licking her cunt and my balls. We ended the evening with Mary and Rosetta 69ing while I fucked Rosetta's ass (not quite as tight as the first time, but still great). On Friday night, we went out to dinner with all three ladies wearing just light summer dresses and NO bras, panties, pantyhose, etc. When we got back, Linda had us come out to the pool and had Rosetta strip on the diving board and jump into the pool, Mary was next, then me and finally Linda joined us and we spent most of the night fucking and sucking and eating. On Saturday morning, I was awakened by a hairless cunt being pressed to my mouth. I began licking at it, thinking that Linda had made Rosetta wake me up this way. When I felt another hairless cunt mounting my cock I opened my eyes and realized that this wasn't Rosetta I was licking, it was Mary. When I had gotten Mary to cum, she rolled off and I saw Linda riding my cock. Linda told me that she and Rosetta had woken Mary with a surprise shaving and that she decided to join them. After we both came, Linda took me into the bathroom and we had a leisurely shower. When we got out, we went to the dining room to find Rosetta and Mary had laid out a fine breakfast and had climbed onto the table to be offer their hairless cunts for eating as well. Linda and I rotated between the two cunts and all the other tasty food on the table. Finally we finished breakfast and we all went to shower (we had gotten a little sticky from honey, jam, maple syrup, etc). I had to catch a noon train for home and Linda was going to drive me to the station. She had me get into the back seat of her car and had Mary and Rosetta get on each side of me. They were still stark naked. As we pulled away from the house Linda told them to give me a good going-away sucking. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 64
She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her hairless pussy, freshly shaven that morning, and firm 15 year old breasts, upturned nipples hard, stared back at her, ready for the day.She had been visiting her mother now for 2 weeks this summer, over her own birthday, and missed her boyfriend terribly. She had decided a while back to let him, finally, have her, but she had been trapped in Toronto since then, and there was only so much fingers and her imagination could do for her! She was in such a state of agitation.Today she planned to go shopping before getting on the train at Union station that would take her home. Buy her Daddy and Alex, her boyfriend, each presents to show how much she missed them. She wasn't sure just what to buy yet, but shopping was fun, and she had the whole day.She walked naked to her room...the spare room used for guests in her mom's apartment. She knew that she risked being seen by her mother's new husband. He was her step-father she supposed, but in her mind she was just the guy her mom had married, not any real relation to her, so she enjoyed teasing him. Unfortunately, he was otherwise occupied, and she got to her room unseen, and dressed herself in a short skirt, and a top that tied up behind her neck and lower back. It was summer after all and no sense in having more on than that. Her mom would be dropping off her bag at the train station later today, so all she had to do was pack up what she wasn't wearing. Her thoughts still on sex, she deliberately ignored panties, in favour of light coloured stockings. They made her feel even sexier, and she squirmed a bit, touching her breast lightly, the nipple instantly hardening and poking through the thin fabric of her shirt."Damn, I better get going," she said, reluctantly stopping and grabbing her purse.Off to the bus stop she went, barely saying goodbye to the man who was, as she had heard almost every night for her two week visit, fucking the hell out of her mom. He made her a bit uncomfortable, really, because he must be good at it... and that made her curious. And he was so -old-. He must be almost 40! To a 15 year old Corwyn, that was fascinating and odd at the same time...The day was windy, and her light skirt fluttered in the breeze, threatening to lift off at any moment like a kite in the wind. The cooler are felt good on her bare skin, her pussy caressed with each gust, and it made her eyes widen each time she caught the fabric flapping higher. Luckily the bus arrived before she had an accident of any kind, and she found herself a seat at the back."Fuck," she said, absently running a finger up and down her thigh, "I can't wait to get home. I need to have Alex..." her finger traveled her thigh, pausing occasionally in it's vertical movement to trace circles on the bare flesh above the band at the top of her stockings. She was almost unaware of this, until an older teen sat down opposite her, near her stop, and flashed a sudden grin. She assumed for a moment that he was simply attracted to her, and was flattered... until she followed his gaze, and realized he was looking at her finger, a mere inch way from her hairless, exposed pussy!Excited and scared beyond what she had ever experienced in her 15 years, she quickly stood up, pushing the stop button, and rushed to the doors. She got off at the next stop, a full 2 city blocks before her stop at the big mall."Oh my god," she thought. "I cannot -believe- I just did that."The idea of her touching herself while someone watched excited her, but having been so close to doing it, and in front of a stranger, had her wet.She looked about, examining her surroundings. This wasn't the best part of downtown, but it wasn't so bad. She may even be able to check out some of the stores on the way.Two city blocks are not, however, two small town blocks, and the shoes she was wearing were not great ones for walking distances. Soon enough her feet began to ache, and when she spotted a shoe store she knew she was going to buy some comfortable sandals.***She went into the store, the air conditioning cool on her skin, raising goose bumps. She sat gratefully on one of the chairs provided as a salesman came to assist her."Hello there Miss. And what can we help you with today?" he asked, smiling lightly, but in that distracted and almost bored way most salespeople do."Sandals...something that are comfortable for walking. These..." she held out one foot for him to see, "...these are just too uncomfortable, and I don't want blisters"After a small discussion involving sizes and styles, the salesman went to fetch some boxes, and Corwyn relaxed into the soft chair. She was still more than slightly excited, and the cool air had served to stiffen her nipples to hard points in her shirt. The salesman returned, boxes un hand, and knelt before her, taking her foot in his hands and undoing the strap, slipping it off. It wasn't until he looked up that the slightly bored expression left his face. The young girl sitting in the chair, head back and looking up was not wearing panties! Her hairless pussy, slightly wet, was looking at him from between her stocking clad thighs, exposed by his raising of her foot, and therefore leg. His eyes bugged out a bit, and his fingers fumbled with the shoe, dropping it to the floor. Corwyn was unaware of her second flash of the day, his warm hands on her foot relaxing her as much as the comfortable chair had. He opened the first box blindly, grabbing the strappy sandal and slipping it on her, his eyes never leaving the 15 year old pussy in front of him. The flush on his face may have been lust, or it may have been shame... he could have had a daughter this age.He carefully reached for the sandal, one that complimented her pale skin, and slipped it on, having to lift her foot slightly higher to do so. His eyes never left her sex, his fingers trembling slightly as he slipped the straps into place."I'll have to put on both for you to walk around, test the fit.""Sure," she replied, absently, her mind on her previous experience that day.He set her foot on his knee, and lifted her other. This placed her legs at an angle, opening them at the knee, slightly spreading her lips. He lowered his head, concentrating on both the vision of beauty and forbidden desire in front of him, and on removing the shoe. It was as he was placing the second sandal on her foot that she happened to look down slightly... and saw herself in the mirror.Saw her naked pussy exposed to the salesman.Saw her WET naked pussy.Corwyn's eyes widened and she almost closed her legs....and then changed her mind. She leaned back into the chair a bit more, and rested her head on the back, her eyes half closed, watching in the mirror. The salesman continued to stare at her, noticing that she was growing wetter by the second. This young girl was definitely turned on...and by now he was actually scared to look up. Just in case.From behind her slitted eyes she watched him. He was flushed and sweating, his eyes glued to her virgin sex. Did he want her? She thought so. He was old enough to be her father, and yet he wanted her. What would he do? What should she do? Here she was with her legs spread, wet folds exposed to a man inches away, able to see the slippery baldness of her, the spreading moisture...smell the arousal in her.And she wanted more!It was at that moment that an ample lady entered, her two young children, yelling and fighting with each other, entered the store, calling out for service. In a flash the spell was broken, and the salesman stood on unsteady legs, visibly shaken, stumbling over to greet the lady. Corwyn herself sat up, her legs closed tight. In a daze she gathered up her purse and walked out of the store, her shoes forgotten, and neither her nor the salesman remembered about her not purchasing the sandals, until much later.It was in a fever of arousal and a daze of confusion that Corwyn wandered down the street, hardly paying attention to where her feet, now more comfortable, took her. Yes, she was still headed downtown, but she must have forgotten to turn at the second block, because the street she wanted was behind her.Easy enough to take a shortcut and backtrack.As she cut down a side street, she noticed that the neighborhood in this area was even worse than the previous, and she increased her pace, paying more attention now to her surroundings. Before she had gone much further she saw something that gave her pause, in her aroused state...."Adult Bookstore: Must be over 18," the sign said.The windows were covered in simple lettered advertisements, the phrasing almost vague, but the word sex was repeated several times.Her feet, led by urges not entirely brain related, took her into the store. It was not well lit inside, and the two isles in the main room contained racks with Magazines, movies...and other things. Oh, Corwyn knew what these were, toys. Sex toys. She wandered over to one, picking up the package. 8 inch realistic cock. That phrase circled in her mind. Taunting her..."Can I help you girlie?" Corwyn was startled by a voice behind her. Yes, of course, the person running the store."Uh, well," she replied. "Maybe. How much for this?" She held up the box with the dildo in it.The manager squinted at her, looking her up and down, taking in the sleekness of her legs, and the nipples standing at full attention on her perky young breasts."And how old are ya, kid?""...old enough..." she muttered.He laughed. "20 bucks. Want some loonies for the arcade?""Arcade?" she handed over a 50 from her purse."Yeah. Movies in the booths." He looked at the box, smiling, then back up at her face. "Good movies." He handed her the change, several dollar coins in the mix.Corwyn looked over at the open doorway leading deeper into the store. "Oh..." She smiles nervously, and headed through, seeing a hall lined with booths on either side, each with a door that read occupied or not. She chose one at random that was unoccupied, near the middle of the hall. As she stepped inside, she saw a seat on the same wall as the door, and a movie screen attached to the opposite wall. The rest of the closet sized booth was dark, although she knew from the feel of the floor that it had not been unused that day. "What the hell am I doing?" she asked herself, even as her fingers dropped a coin into the slot beside the screen.The sight of a large cock thrusting into the mouth of a young woman filled the room with a flickering light, and filled Corwyn with an unexpected rush of lust. She sat down, stunned, on the chair, her feet splayed and her eyes glued to the screen. Desire and curiosity warred in her. She had never seen a cock that big. Had only seen things in art like "David" at museums, and never hard and erect like that.The sudden breeze of her open legs on her pussy made her again begin to become wet, but this time she planned to do something about it. Fast as the thought came, she had lifted her skirt to her waist, and began to play with her clit. She watched the woman on the screen suck as if she liked it, and in that moment, Corwyn became a devoted cocksucker. The memory of watching this would never leave her.She spread her legs further, her delicate fingers parting her completely exposed folds to pinch and tweak her much teased clit. All day her body had been in a state of denied arousal, and finally she was going to fix that! She cupped her sex in her palm, a finger rimming her entrance, juices already dripping down onto the chair as she slowly slipped one inside her. She looked over at the box on the arm of the chair, and flushed. The manager of the store, and anyone else who saw her come back here, surely they thought she was fucking herself. Surely they believed that 8 inch monster was inside her even now. But it wasn't true, and as her finger pushed in far enough to touch her hymen gently, she knew that she was going to wait.At least until the cock was real!But she did open the package, taking the flexible toy in hand. She looked up at the screen, and slipped another finger into her 15 year old pussy as her tongue circled the head of her new friend. She slid the cock like toy past her lips, taking an inch inside, imagining herself to be the woman on the screen, imagining the cock to be real, and the taste to be skin, not rubber...The two fingers inside her were bringing her close to orgasm, faster than she ever had before. Her breath came in gasps around the cock-toy in her mouth, and she almost missed the flicker of light beside her.Someone had entered the booth on her right...and there was a small hole in the wall!She quickly closed her legs, the dildo forgotten where she tossed it onto the chair as she pressed herself against the wall where the hole was, trying to hide. If she could see into THEIR booth, then surely they could see in...The movie started next door, the same one she was watching, a curious stereo effect happening that cancelled out other sounds from other booths. She heard a belt buckle, and a zipper. Oh my god! Someone in there was going to masturbate!Like she had been...The booth was small, but from her crouched position she could peek into the next booth. This pressed her against the far wall slightly, but that was ok. She couldn't see his face. Yes, it was a man. Definitely a man, because she could see his cock.He was stroking it.This was better than any movie, even if the hard cock being stroked in front of her was smaller than the one in the movie. It was maybe 7 inches at most, but hard and throbbing in his hand as he pumped slowly. There was a shiny bit on the head that he touched, and drew back a sticky clear fluid, raised higher out of her vision range.Her own hand reached below her skirt, and she began again to tease her pearl, the orgasm she had almost achieved before approaching again. Her eyes were firmly glued to his cock, and he stroked his balls with his other hand, only pausing to scoop up some of his pre-cum again...she had to see what he was doing with it, and leaned forward a bit further...Oh my god, he was licking it off his fingers!Her startled gasp caused his eyes to leave the screen and lock on hers. She was caught, and her heart raced with as much fear as increased excitement. He smiled, and stood. Without a word, he brought his cock to the hole, and pushed it through. It stood proud and erect, less than an inch from her face. Unable to control her actions, and perhaps unwilling to, she reached out and touched her first cock. It was warm and smooth, and twitched when her hand encircled it. She looked up at the screen again for a moment, and the finger on her clit convinced her. Her lips moved forward, and parted. Her tongue touched the tip, and tasted the pre-cum on him. Sweet. Just a bit salty... She summoned her courage or lust and slipped it past her lips, the same way she had with the forgotten toy. It tasted different. Musky scents from his member overpowered the odd assortment from the rest of the store, and she moaned onto his shaft, taking just a bit more than the head into her mouth.She was sucking cock!She tried to keep an eye on the screen, to get an idea of what to do, and how to do it. She licked under the head, and his entire shaft twitched again, and she ran her tongue up and down the entire thing. But she liked it best when she pushed it into her mouth. It took a few tries to figure out how to not touch it with her teeth, because he flinched when she did that. For several minutes the 15 year old sucked and rubbed his cock, and when her own orgasm hit it was startling. She bucked against her fingers, the juices dripping directly to the floor in her crouch, making a small puddle of her own to join the rest. Her moans on the hardness in her mouth threatened to make him cum, but he took hold of the base and held tight for a moment. This was too good to be true, and he must have wanted to prolong it.Fifteen minutes is a LONG time to be crouched though, and the force of her orgasm almost brought her to her stocking clad knees. Only a quick thought about what was probably on the floor, and what that would look like on her stockings reminded her that was a bad idea, and, cock still in mouth, she stood, bent over and placed her hands on the wall in front of her for support. Her bare ass was pressed against the opposite wall, and she held her head still as the cock in her mouth began to slide in and out of its own accord."Oh my god he's fucking my mouth!" Corwyn thought in amazed lust.With her backside pressed against the opposite wall, she never had a chance to see that there was a second hole. Nor that the booth was now occupied.He had been following her. He had seen her on the bus. He had seen the teen's startled reaction to Corwyn's actions there. He had seen her expose herself to the salesman. And he had seen her enter the adult bookstore.But so far, he had not seen what he desired. What the others had.Until now.There, spread as if framed against the hole in his side of the wall was her beautiful, wet, 15 year old pussy. It was wet and slick, almost dripping from her orgasm, and his cock hardened in his pants instantly."Holy fuck Lou, this is your lucky day!" he said to himself as he dropped his pants and walked forward.Corwyn was so engaged in having her face fucked, the hardness sliding past her lips faster and faster, occasionally touching her throat that she didn't notice a soft kiss on her pussy lips. She was still twitching from orgasm, and the man in her mouth was close. His cock became more and more rigid, throbbing in time with his heartbeat. He pushed forwards hard, and she was about to pull off him, not sure if he should cum in her mouth, when suddenly she felt something warm and hard slip between her folds, and her eyes widened in shock.That was a cock!She was about to cry out when the one in her mouth exploded with jet after jet of cum, filling her, dripping past her lips. She tried to swallow, but there was so much. Way too much to handle her first time. The taste excited her, and for just a moment she stopped struggling against the cock slowly penetrating her virgin pussy.That was enough.The man behind her thrust forward, breaking her cherry, the pain she felt unvoiced because of her efforts to suck down the load of cum in her mouth. She could almost picture herself, skirt up around her waist, cum dripping from her face as she had a cock in either end. She could almost see it in her mind...and she liked it!The pain passed quickly as the man behind her began to slide his meat in and out of her. She was tight, more so than anything he had ever felt. Her slick walls gripped his shaft like a vice, at first resisting, and then trying to hold him in. The momentary blockage he had experienced was wiped from his mind by the sensations enveloping him.But not from her mind.Corwyn moaned around the softening cock in her mouth, pushing herself back into the one in her pussy. She had swallowed a stranger's cum, and as he slipped out of her mouth, a trail of it clung to her lips, and her cheek. In her mind she could hardly form coherent thoughts as the new feelings surged through her. She was being fucked. A cock was in her. At 15 she was standing in a porn booth, cum on her face and in her mouth with a stranger's cock taking her virginity from behind a wall...And she loved it.She reached a hand down, still disbelieving, to encircle his shaft in her delicate fingers where it entered her He was thicker than she had thought, considering how easily he was sliding into her. With all the wet running down her legs now, it was no wonder. She stroked him as he fucked her, his pace increasing slowly, his balls sticking through the hole with his member, slapping against her fingers. She removed them, finally believing it. She was being fucked. She wondered about the man who fucked her now, about who he was, and if he knew he was sliding his cock into virgin pussy. She wondered why she had waited so long.Biting her lip to keep from crying our, she barely noticed the man in the booth in front of her leaving. She reached up to her shirt, undoing both the top and back, tossing it onto the chair. Her fingers went to her breasts at once, pinching first one nipple, then the other. She never noticed the second man enter the now vacant booth.He had watched her come in, of course, and had suggested the arcade. The manager had seen the other man come in, and leave tucking himself in with a wide smile. He knew...that young piece of flesh was giving it away, and he wanted his share.Fucking or being sucked by a young girl doesn't happen every day.Before he placed his cock in the hole he took a quick peak, seeing her open mouth mid-moan and her fingers busy on her breast. My god, that tight piece of ass was getting pounded over there, and only the volume on the movie screens was hiding it at all. Barely. He stood, and shoved his cock through the opening. Corwyn saw it, and offered no resistance as it entered her mouth, sucking on it eagerly. She was cumming again, her pussy rippling on the cock in her, and she wanted more cum. She wanted it now! She sucked on the protruding cock like it was a straw, her tongue lively on the head. Her thoughts were animalistic now, her only concerns the man in her lips and the drink she would get there, and the man behind her, pounding her wet cunt with abandon. He was bottoming out in her regularly now, his balls slapping her clit with each thrust.He looked down at the hole each time he pulled back, the perfect bald pussy and puckered asshole framed so beautifully in the flickering movie-light. He didn't know how old she was, but this slut was young, that much he understood. He could barely take his eyes off his cock slamming into her with each thrust. He knew that he couldn't take much more of this. She was too tight, and her near-constant orgasms were trying to drain him. Trying to make him cum.Corwyn achieved a perfect rhythm with her two lovers. They thrust over and over, faster and faster into her, each thrusting at the same time, as if to meet in the middle. It was all she could do now to hold herself upright as she was fucked so hard her knees buckled. Both men were nearing that moment when they would not stop, would be unable to stop. She knew what was going to happen...They were going to cum in her.The one in her mouth went off first, the initial blasts causing him to slip out, shooting across her face and tits, and dripping from her nipple before she could get him back in, sucking him like a straw in a milkshake, drinking down his fluids with as much desire.Her own orgasm peaked, and she cried out loud enough around the cock that each of her lovers heard her, and the one in her pussy went rigid as he SLAMMED into her, shot after shot of hot sticky cum filling her wet cunt, dripping out as he continued to pound her like there was no tomorrow. Corwyn felt each hot blast inside her, coating her inner walls, dripping down her leg and into her stocking, mixing with her own juices. Never before had she had an orgasm as good, and she hoped that this would not be a one time thing. She needed cock now... needed to be filled, to drink. Cum. This was her desire, and the men in her were giving her all she could handle.For now.Having sucked the manager clean, he realized that there was no one watching the store, and he hurriedly pulled out of her mouth, hearing a disappointed moan, and shoved himself back into his pants. He rushed to the front, not wanting to be caught. Yes, she looked young...but he hoped she would not know it was him, and he resumed his position at the counter, smiling slightly, sweating profusely.The man in her pussy leaned against the wall, his softening member sliding out of her inch by inch, the mess of their orgasms and the darkness of the booth hiding the small amount of blood on him. He realized that he had to know who she was, had to find out if she did this regularly. Her whole day seemed to be revolving around sex so far, and he wanted to know more... and that meant he had to leave first. He wiped his cock on her ass, leaving a trail of mixed cum, and quickly left the store, walking a bit further.Corwyn herself felt aching and empty when they left. She had felt whole when filled, but now, she was missing something important. She stood on unsteady legs, and looked at herself. Skirt up to her waist like a belt, her chest coated in cum. It was probably in her hair, and when she touched her cheek she smiled, and scooped as much into her mouth as she could. Her stockings were ruined, a stain having formed on the inner thigh of each, where any could see. She quickly stripped them off and used them to clean herself up a bit, replacing her shirt and sandals after, trying to look at least a bit presentable.As she left the booth, she put the dildo in her purse, knowing it would come in handy now. It barely fit, leaving no room for her stockings, so she carried those in her hand as she headed to the front. When she saw the manager, the smile on his lips and the ring on his finger said it all... he was the second man she had sucked, had drained and drank. His taste was still in her mouth, salty and slick, and she flushed with shame and lust. The stockings, soaked now from her cleanup, she threw at his counter, and with a flirty grin said, "...keep them. I don't need them now," to his surprised face. With a sway of her hips she left the store, a smile on her face.Her train was not for hours, and she still had the whole day to buy her presents.It was going to be a good day...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 51
Author Note: Hi all, I don't want to go into too much detail about who I am, but I will tell you, that I am a 6th & 7th grade teacher and that, the story you are about to read is from one of my students. She is real, and when she says that, she is a D-cup, I would say that, she is not over exaggerating. ***When she talks about the men that look at her, she could have easily added my name. I came across this, because Frankie left her notebook behind. As I was lifting it a disc fell out with the title you see below. I of course was interested, so I put it in my computer. After I read it, I knew immediately, that it belonged here. I hope you enjoy it. One last thing... She does not exaggerate her breast size. They are especially big on her small frame. It is truly amazing. Her nickname really is "Juggs". She probably could have gone into more detail, about how pretty she is as, she really is a doll.CHAPTER 1I will begin by telling you, that my name is Francesca or Frankie as everyone calls me. In four more months I will be 12. I have really big boobs for my age and body size. I don't know where I get it from, because my mom is only a B-cup and my 16 year old sister is the same. I think my grandma, (on momma's side) is a B too and my other grandma is maybe a C cup. Who can tell? They are both old and I don't think many people would think their bodies are attractive.Anyways, I have honey blonde hair to the middle of my back. I am 4' 11" and weigh 91 lbs. You probably wanna know about my boobs? Well, they are really big. Ok? When I was 10, I had a bigger bra cup than my mom and they have gotten even bigger. I get a lot of looks from men and older boys. Men often talk to me about nothing, just so they can glance down into my shirt. My best friend Katie, is the one who noticed that. That may or may not be true, I don't know. However, I do know, that my boobs attract the older boys. Especially because, of the things they say to me and the names they call me. I actually like one of those names, "Juggs". I know, you are anxious to know, so I will just tell you... I wear a 30D bra. Yes... 30D and yes, I am only eleven. Other than my boobies, there is no doubt, I am only eleven. My waist is tiny and my hips are small.People wanna call me a woman/child, but that wouldn't be accurate, unless you are looking at my chest. This story began with me, still a virgin, but not naive. I did some experimenting, with a couple of older boys and had a pretty good idea of what foreplay is and all the ways to have sex without having intercourse. I won't bore you with that stuff though. Instead, let me bore you with the first time I practiced what I knew, with a man. A man as old as my daddy. What you are about to read, began four days after Hurricane Wilma hit South Florida. Almost every one's power was off and the electric, company was doing everything it could to bring power back to everyone. A small business section, three blocks away, was lucky and their power was restored. In the midst of the businesses was a small park with a couple of outlets. My dad, being a very smart man, suggested that I take his and mom's cell phones down to the park and get them recharged. My dad isn't the only smart guy...There was another man there, about my dad's age, maybe a year or two older, charging his cell phone. There are two outlets, so we were both able to charge our phones with out any problems. That first day, all that was said between us was "hi". I did notice him looking my way a lot and taking glances at my chest. It was warm, with no air conditioning (as we didn't have any power). I was wearing a T-shirt, that showed some cleavage. Hey, don't get the wrong impression... I'm not a tease, but if a cute boy wants to look, I don't mind. CHAPTER 2The next day, I was sent again to charge the cell phones and Peter, a man in his forties was there. He was also charging his phone again. I was walking toward the park and as soon as he saw me, he smiled and waved at me. That day, I had on a tight, red shirt, with an open neck line, that showed about 3/4 of my cleavage. It was early in the day and a little chilly, so I was also wearing a denim jacket, that was designed to stop just below my rib cage. It wasn't that cold, so I left it open. Oh, I also wore a denim mini skirt. As I plugged into the power, Peter initiated a conversation. We exchanged names and little tidbits about each other and he introduced himself as Peter and that is what I called him at first, but now, he is my Peter. He said he owned a couple of businesses, one was a business supply store, that was two blocks away. It didn't have any power yet either. You maybe asking why didn't he charge his phone through his car? I asked the same thing. Apparently, a tree had fallen on it. We did lots and lots of talking. I may have done a little lying. For example; I told him I was 17 and that I was a senior in high school. I liked it, that he believed me. By the way, Peter tried so hard, to be a true gentleman, but I continually caught him glancing at my chest. He would never just stare, but when he thought I was looking away he was getting in as many glances, as he could and yes I liked that too.It was strange, but I didn't mind his age at all. A guy that rich, that important, good looking and his age, interested in me. It made me feel special. We ended up saying goodbye to each other and that, we would see each other, the next day. For the rest of the day, I thought about Peter and what I should wear for him on the following day. That night, I lay in bed wondering, if my Peter was married or if he had a girlfriend? Some how, I would have to ask him and find out. Not that I had a chance, I mean, I was 11 (well 17, as far as he knew) and he 40. Why would he want me? True, I had a better set than most women, but that's all I had. Hmmm... I wonder if I have a chance. I mean, Peter sure was looking down my shirt, as often as he could. I was anxious to see Peter again. Those were the thoughts I had, as I fell asleep. ***Day six, since Hurricane Wilma hit, was day three of me meeting, at the park. South Florida still had 85% of the people without power, us included and hopefully Peter. I was lucky, because it was going to be hot today and my mom said I could dress, to stay cool. She said, it was ok to wear a bikini top. I picked out my red one, as Peter seemed to like the last red top I wore. I also wore the bottoms, but I used a same color knit wrap-around, that worked as a skirt. My mom said I looked older and like a lady in it, so she was ok with me going out, in public like that. Bikini top and all. I was walking to the park, to charge the phones again and so many guys in cars, were slowing down, taking good looks and honking. I knew I was putting on a good show, because I knew with each step my top heavy boobies were bouncing a little. I knew Peter would be happy. He was and it was obvious too. He made me so happy, because he kept saying "wow" and how pretty I looked and that I could be a model. (Men... Show 'em a little breast flesh and they go nuts. Huh?) Anyways, the shops and food places around us were open and Peter asked if he could buy me breakfast. Actually what he said was, "How about an impromptu date?" How about you letting me buy you breakfast?" I said yes. I won't bore you with all the details of that date, but as you probably know, Peter looked into my cleavage a lot. Sometimes as we were engaged in conversation, I again felt special. I had just had a date, with a man my daddy's age. As I walked home, with cars again slowing down and honking, I felt so giddy, I dropped off the cell phones and headed straight for Katie's, my best friend. I had to tell her everything. I had to tell someone and I knew I could trust her. Katie was happy to see me, as it had been three days since we last talked. We got permission, from her mom, to go walk around. Again, the cars slowed down and honked as they drove by us. A couple of times guys would pull up next to us and just want to talk. Katie said, the only time that ever happens is when I am around. I said, ah-huh and pointed out to her, how there were a bunch of seventh and eighth grade boys, who liked her. She explained that she was talking about men, grown men in cars and with money. I couldn't argue with her, it was true. Just as we were on that conversation, we walked in front of Peter's business supply store. Luck was on my side. Peter saw me and he motioned for us to come in. We did and I introduced him to Katie. While we were in there, it was obvious to Katie, that I liked Peter and that I was trying to make sure he liked me. When we left, she flooded me with questions and accusations. I never came right out and admitted that I liked him, but she knew. I mean, we have been best friends since we were in 1st grade, so why wouldn't she know? I explained how we met and told her almost every sentence of our conversations with each other. I even used the word date. (Actually I made sure to use the word date), in telling her about earlier in the morning. Katie was cool about it all and she let me finish. Then she started giving me a bad time about how I kept stretching and leaning over for him. Then she said something that really threw me. She said, "You better be careful Frankie. Your "boob man" is married." "MY boob man?" "Yeah, your "boob man", Katie said. "Those big, oversized eleven year old boobies of yours have attracted another man and you know it. Just like Mr. Fisher (math teacher), Mr. Cain (neighbor), Mr. Abrams (store owner), and Mr. Johns (soccer coach). They wanted it bad and so does he. It's so obvious Frankie, you can see it in his eyes. He even blushed when he realized I saw him taking a long stare at 'em." I said, "So?""So!" she said. "So... He is married and has two daughters. You know them, Kathy XXXXX, a girl a year ahead of us and Debbie, a girl a year younger than us. They go to my church." All I could say was, "oh." I was so bummed when Katie told me this and she could tell. "Look Frankie, you're a woman. Yeah, you're only eleven, but God made you a woman early. He blessed you with those D's. Hell our moms and older sisters are jealous of those and you know it too. Just be careful, don't let him hurt you." "Do you think I have a chance?" "Yeah," Katie responded. "It's pretty obvious. He was acting like a boy around you." There was a slight pause and then Katie said, "Frankie for real, with those, yeah you have a chance."A real chance?" I asked. "Do you think he is too old?" Katie just smiled and kinda bit her lip and she nodded no. There was a sparkle in her eye and because of her response I got a sparkle in mine. I felt good again. A man, a real man and not a pervert or some loser wanted me. A man who would treat me right and treat me special... Every woman's dream.CHAPTER 3The next day was just as hot as the one before and mom let me leave the house wearing only a bikini top and short blue jean shorts. I couldn't wait to see Peter. I so hoped that he hadn't gotten his power back on. My luck continued, as he still didn't have power yet either. I went up to him, gave him a hug and a small kiss on his cheek. He asked what that was for and I explained that, that's what I do with all my friends. Friends... wrong word, that word friend. It started him asking me questions about Katie and my age. See... just like Katie knew him, he knew Katie. I guess introducing Katie to him wasn't exactly the smartest idea. I hated lying to Peter, but what could I do? I told him that she is a neighbor girl, who was sitting alone and feeling dejected and that I felt sorry for her, so I asked if she wanted to tag along. I told him that I know her older sister from school. He believed me, and the courtship continued. He gave me some money to get us some rolls and drinks. When I returned I sat right next to him and we shared with each other. It was intimate and we could easily be taken as a couple. He said if I wasn't doing anything today, I could go over to his store and hang out with him. He had gotten a big, portable generator and would have a little air conditioner running in his office. He offered pizza for lunch, I said it sounded good and I would probably be there.I returned home to give mom and dad their cell phones. They were just getting ready to leave. I guess an uncle stopped by and said that grandma was having troubles and so they were going to go over there for a couple of days. They instructed me to behave and to mind my older brother and sister. (Talk about luck...huh?) Almost as soon as they left I took off to go be with Peter. I had a pretty good time with Peter. He taught me how to play backgammon and I think he let me win a couple of games. We ate the pizza and he asked if I wanted to go to the mall. (The malls had power after only four days and almost everyone was going to them.) He suggested going to a movie. As we looked through the paper to pick out a good movie, a couple of his employees showed up. He introduced me to them and they seemed nice but gave me funny looks. Anyways, we left and headed for the mall. Peter had rented a convertible whilst his Lexus was being repaired. It was a nice day and we drove with the top down. On the way, as I was fiddling with the radio, Peter made the comment that, this was our second date. I looked up at him and he smiled at me. I found a good station and moved myself next to him. He didn't say anything and I didn't either. We went to see 'Weather Man', an ok sort of movie. We got popcorn and a drink. We were there on a real date and as a real couple. Almost immediately into the movie, Peter put his arm around me and this prompted me to snuggle into him, as well as I could. I was in heaven. About five minutes later Peter started to caress my arm. Then it happened... His finger tips began caressing the side of my breast. I bit my lower lip just as Katie had done yesterday and thoughts ran through my head. I attempted to snuggle closer to Peter and twisted my torso, so that Peter could use more than just his finger tips to caress my breast. I was now positioned so that if he wanted, he could get a whole hand on my tit. Peter responded by going for it. He gave my tit a good feel and then said, "woops... sorry." I told him it was ok. He gave another squeeze. Katie was right, (I was glad she was). Peter was a "boob man". It took about ten minutes of caressing and I was suddenly beginning to get feelings of wanting to please Peter and to make out with him. I turned and looked up to him, as I did that, he lowered his lips to mine and we began to kiss. Oh my god! I was making out with a man, as old as my dad and it's exactly what I wanted to be doing at that time. It didn't matter that he was married or had kids my age. He was a hunk and he was MY hunk. I knew his wife, but I wasn't too worried about her, as I had bigger boobs than her. As long as Peter was interested in my 30 D's, he would be mine, all mine. The movie ended and Peter took me home. I told him to drop me off two blocks from where I actually lived. I wanted to have a chance to do some end of date kissing. Did I tell you that Peter is a great kisser? Well, he is and my head was swimming, as I got out of the car. I walked around to the driver's side to give him one last kiss goodbye, when Peter asked me if I would be his girlfriend. "Yes! YES! Yes!" I said. I left so happy and was smiling from ear to ear.I figured I would have some answering to do when I walked through the doors. I was lucky no one was there. My sister and brother showed up about 20 minutes later and I was able to tell them that, I had been home all day. Of course once they got home and I knew I was in the clear, I took off to go see Katie. I couldn't wait to tell her about the day. Katie was so nice. She listened to everything and she seemed like she was truly happy for me. She did say something that seemed a little strange though. She said that she was somewhat surprised, because of how much of a Christian she knows Mr. XXXXX (Peter) is. I responded with, "Yeah but..." and I pulled my shoulders back and stuck out my chest. Katie looked right down into my bikini top and smiled and nodded her head up and down. She said, "Yeah your right." It would have been ok, except that Katie mentioned it one more time. She reiterated, that she just did know, that Peter was very loyal to Jesus and would be able to fight the temptation. I kinda got mad at her and asked her why she didn't say that yesterday. I reminder her that she said she thought I had a chance, because he might be a "boob man". She said, yeah, but that she had run into Kathy and Debra today and they told her about how next weekend he had reserved a weekend resort for their church. It was suppose to be a revival for all the church members to gain unity within their families. Wow! I felt so dejected. Katie said, she didn't want to tell me, but she thought I should know. I said, "What about the girlfriend thing though? Why would he ask if I would be his girlfriend?" Katie didn't have any answers for that, she just said that as tempting as my big boobies are she thought his devotion to God would be enough to fight the temptation they would give him. She asked if I wanted to stay over-night, but I said no thanks. I had to be alone and think all of this out. She understood. As I walked home, I decided I would just forget what Katie told me and act like I never knew. I would still be Peter's girlfriend.CHAPTER 4It's Tuesday. A whole week had gone by and still 60% of the county was without power including us. One benefit was that, there still no school. It was announced that there would be no school the rest of the week. Mom and dad were staying with grandma, so I would have some freedom too. Awesome, huh? I am in the midst of having a boyfriend (I hope). Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were awesome. Peter and I would meet in the mornings each day started with a morning kiss and hug. We would eat breakfast together and then go to his store. His employees suspected things, but never knew, because we would be in Peter's office. We would only stay for an hour or two and then take off. We went to the beach once, a movie and clothes shopping for me, (my favorite) and horseback riding. The horseback riding was on Thursday. I had never done that before and it meant so much to me that, I decided to reward Peter during our daily make out session. Plus, it was Thursday and I was remembering what Katie had said about Peter reserving a whole resort this weekend, for a focus on families.I decided if Peter was going to be gone this weekend, it wouldn't be his wife he would be thinking about, it would be me and my enormous hooters. While we were kissing and he had his hand under my shirt, feeling my tits. I knew now was the time. It was time for my shirt and bra to come off. Peter made me giggle with his response of "sweet Jesus". Then he held my face in the palms of his hands and he gave me an "I love you" kiss. That kiss lasted about two seconds and then Peter broke it and moved his intimacy to my breasts. Believe me when I say Peter is a "boob man". He spent the next fifteen minutes sucking and kissing and caressing them. He made the softest and sweetest moans, as if he was in heaven and he spoke the words, "I love you." I think he whispered those words at least three times. It was the first time I ever had my ta-ta's given any affection and to be honest, I loved it. It made me very horny. All I wanted to do was be as close to this man as possible. I held his head tight against my flesh and encouraged him to continue. I remember saying, "Yes, yes, suck on them Peter, Peter, Peter I want you." It was then that I started to hear him say the words I love you. There were times when he laid on me and I laid on him. I knew he was hard. I could feel it pressing into my thighs. Believe me when I say it was hard... hard, thick and long.***That night, I stayed awake replaying the day's events and remembering his gentle touches, my touches, his words, my words and even the way he enjoyed sucking on my boobs. I remembered his boldness and yet the grace he showed. But it was his cock, that incredible hardness he had between his legs that I remembered most. I wanted it so badly. What scared me was that, it might be too big for me. I mean, even though I can out do almost any woman in the boob area I'm still only eleven, 4' 11', and weigh less than 100 lbs. would it be possible for me to lose my virginity to him? I sure hoped so, it's what I desired and it was time to find out. Then I would realize that maybe all he wanted was to titty-fuck me. That would be ok but what I really wanted was, to lose my virginity to him. The next Friday, Peter and I met that morning like we had been for the whole week. He gave me the bad news that he would be gone until next Monday. He never said why he would be gone and I didn't ask. He remembered that school was supposed to resume on Friday, so he asked if I would stop by his store when school was over. I promised I would. So maybe Katie was right and maybe she wasn't. Maybe he was going on that retreat because it had been planned and he couldn't get out of it. He did ask me for my phone number, so he could call me. He promised to call me at least twice a day. That made me feel a little better. Plus, that Friday afternoon he did call me and said that he was already missing me. I asked him if it was me or my boobies. We both laughed at that and he said that he missed me and my boobs. We didn't get to do too much more talking because his wife was yelling for him. He promised to call later that night. The only other significant news for that day was that we got our power back that day. I stayed in the house waiting for his call. The whole weekend I waited for his call, but it never came. Each hour I waited and waited. I couldn't eat, I couldn't watch TV or read a book. All I did was listened to music and wrote Peter a really long letter about how much he meant to me. I even told him the truth about my age. I guess it was me who needed Peter and not him needing me. Well, by the time Monday morning finally came around, I was upset. I was anxious to see Katie so she could tell me about the retreat and why Peter didn't call. The news wasn't good. Katie told me that, Peter recommitted himself to God, his wife, and his family. That he stood up in front of everyone and confessed that this retreat is exactly what he needed. That he had shown a wandering eye and was being tempted by the flesh, he said that although he had not committed adultery he felt that, had the retreat not happened he would have. Katie said, the congregation, the pastor, his family and his wife were very proud of him and that, since he had not had sex, he should feel good and realize that all are tempted sometimes, but that he had beaten it. Then she said, Peter fell to his knees crying and asked Jesus to forgive him and for the Holy Ghost to give him strength. Holy shit, huh? Yeah that's what I thought too. I didn't know what to do and Katie wasn't any better. She said I should leave the man alone. It wasn't until Thursday that I finally got so frustrated that I skipped the last two class periods and went to Peter's store. When Peter saw me his face said it all. His eyes got big and he got a scared look in his face. He did ask me to his office and that caused a couple of looks by his employees, but who cared. I was only in there for ten minutes and I left crying. Peter told me everything that Katie had. Then he asked if I would pray with him, to God and a bunch of other Christian stuff. He said I had to let God in and Satan out and like I said a bunch of other Christian junk. I told him all I wanted to do was give him a letter, that I had written last weekend. I gave it to him and left crying. You would have cried too, had the one you love told you, that you are evil? But, this is not the end of the story...CHAPTER 5I was not going to give up without a fight. I asked Katie if I could go to church with her and her family. When I got there I immediately sought out Peter. I couldn't find him. Katie said that, that's what I was trying to tell you, he is a very committed to the church and to God. He has a very important position. He keeps the books and makes sure that the church functions properly. "So where is he?" I asked. She told me that since it was the first Sunday of the month, he would be in the pastor's office, doing all the paper work. The reason he worked in there is because, a speaker was hooked up in there and he could hear the whole church service whilst he did the books. She showed me where the office was. Five minutes after the service started, I told Katie I had to use the bathroom and I headed straight to where Peter was. Before I walked in, I undid a couple of buttons on my blouse and I took my bra off. I walked in holding it behind my back. When Peter looked up his eyes went straight to my chest. He said, "Frankie if I had known you were only eleven, I would never have done what I did." I asked, "Why? You weren't attracted to me?" He said, "Yes, but..."I said, "So I'm not attractive to you anymore?""No, it's not that, you're... it's just... just... how did you have..." Like I said, his eyes were staring at my out-thrust chest. "Boobs?" I said. "Yeah.""And how can they be so big?" I said."Yeah." As he was responding with his "yeahs", I walked around the desk and brought the bra out in front of him and threw it at him. It hit him right in his face. He held it up and looked at it and said wow. As he held it, I began unbuttoning the rest of my blouse and I started straddling Peter's legs. He tried to stop me and even pushed his chair away from me. Peter stared, asking for Jesus' help. I bent over and put my finger to his lips to quiet him. I said, "Peter, kiss me please." Peter's eyes were looking into my shirt, into the valley my boobs created, as I bent over. This gave me the idea to sway side to side creating a pendulum type action that seemed to hypnotize Peter. But I think Peter was more impressed with me only being eleven. He kept muttering, "How? How can they be so big, she is only eleven?" I told him to touch 'em and he did. I had him!He lifted my boobs in his palm and I finished taking my blouse off. I leaned closer to Peter's face, positioning my boobs right in front of his face. He responded by kissing and sucking on them. I straddled his lap and let him continue feasting on my tit flesh. I held his head close and gave him words of encouragement. "Do it Peter. Love me. Love your little big-boobed girl." OMG! I must've hit a nerve because Peter moaned, the sucked a little harder and leaned back a little more and pulling me with him. He was making comfort room for his cock. But of course this was uncomfortable and we weren't in that position long. Raising his lips to mine, Peter started kissing me and he lifted the two of us up and carried me to the couch. As soon as I touched the floor I reached for Peter's pants. He started to help me and I realized, mine had to come off too. OMG! It was going to happen! I was going to do it! I was going to lose my virginity to this man. YES! He started kissing me again in only panties and Peter without his pants. As we resumed our kissing, I could hear the pastor reading some scripture from the bible. It was something about adultery. That stirred up memories from the last weekend and I no longer wanted to make love with Peter. I wanted to seduce him.I positioned my boobs in front of his face again. He took the bait. I let him really get into it. It was as though he was in heaven. He buried his face into my flesh and spoke whispering sounds. I did the same. I whispered, "Oh Peter, Yes Peter. Love me Peter." He responded with, "Baby I do." That's when I decided it was time to spring it on him. I had held his head tight to my flesh, but now I was letting up some. As I did, I continued to whisper, but not as soft. It was with a whisper of concern. "Peter, what about your wife?" "Fuck my wife." "What about God?" Peter said, "Fuck him too." "Oh Peter, are you sure?" He whispered in the same tone I was using, "O'lil baby yes I'm sure. I need you. I have to have you." I knew I had him, but I had to hear it one more time. I asked him to say fuck God again and he did. He said it a little louder and he said it twice the second time he said it as he went back to bury his face into my boobs. I couldn't help but be happy. I lifted my chin and pulled his head deeper into my bosoms. I said, "Yes Peter, yes say it again." He spoke the words with his mouth filled with my left boob. "Fuck God!" he said again. It was a clear pronunciation. As he said these words, I opened my eyes and saw Katie at the doorway. She had her hand over her mouth and it looked like her eyes were ready to bug out. I looked at her and gave a big smile. The smile wasn't for her, it was because, I felt so wicked at the time, and feeling wicked felt so good. Then Peter did what he did, when we were on the chair. He looked to kiss me on the lips while pulling me on top of him so, that we were lying on the couch.I could feel his hardness. I could feel that big, old piece of meat just waiting to be given freedom. There was some Christian hymn in the background now, not romantic at all, but I didn't care. Remember, it wasn't love anymore, it was pure, wanton lust and a desire to seduce this Christian man. I was able to get my panties off and I reached for his cock. Gawd, it was big. I had a full grasp of it, but I guess my hands were too tiny, because they didn't even reach the whole way around. All the time I knew Katie was there watching. I wondered if she thought her Mr. XXXXX was loyal to his wife and his only one week old, renewed vows to her and to God now. I had mixed emotions. I wanted to humiliate him, but yet I was horny and thinking about that cock. I had to get it in me. I wanted so bad to experience the sensation or should I say, sensation. I pushed the head into my opening. It was big... Very big. The head of his hard penis was just as thick as the shaft. I didn't know how it would ever fit. I was determined and I tried to guide it in. Peter kinda took it from there. He would thrust up into me, slow and easy, getting slightly deeper and deeper with each upward thrust. It was amazing, I don't understand how the female body works, but it is magical. As Peter was being gentle and going little by little, I started to create a fluid to assist. Plus, my opening seemed to realize what was happening and it widened its doors. I could feel more and more of him. Truth be told, Peter is huge and fucking him hurt. Peter, himself made a comment about it. He said, "Oh God, you're so tight." Of course I think that was a comment of passion, rather than observation.Now it was up to me, if my cherry was going to pop. I had to do it. Plus, I was driven by my a wanton desire that was driving me crazy. I don't know how much of Peter was in me, but I could feel the head of his cock pushing at my hymen. He was probably only a fourth or fifth of the way in (that's how big his cock is). I sat up a bit, so that I could make a final plunge downward. In this position, Peter was able to use his hands and knead into my tits. I looked down into his eyes and asked him if he loved me. His hands continued to squeeze and he said, "Yes, Yes Frankie I love you." As he spoke those words, I thrust myself downward. I tried to be quiet, but the pain caused me to grunt and moan for about two seconds. Then the fucking continued. It didn't take long and the pain turned into pleasure. It was incredible. The most incredible thing I have ever experienced. I will never forget it. This man, my man, Peter, we were one. There was unity between us that I never knew could exist. Peter's hands were still squeezing my tits and he was saying stuff that left me with no doubt that, if I had been a normal eleven year old girl he wouldn't be making love to me right now. As he squeezed he said, "Frankie, Frankie, you big-boobed goddess. Oh Frankie, I love your body. These big huge boobs... they are incredible. My big boobed eleven year old child." My body was in the same motion it was when we were horseback riding. My hair was dancing and when I leaned over Peter whilst kneading my tit flesh. It hung down and danced among his arms. I looked Peter in the eyes and asked him, "Am I better than your wife?" He said, "You are my wife." Then he moved his hands from my boobs and let me collapse onto him. My chest on his, thrust against him, my boobs squashed with tit flesh, having to seek release along the sides. Our lips met and the kiss we exchanged was the greatest kiss I have ever had.We were locked into each other and continued our fucking. Then I heard it. The intercom was sounding with the pastor's sermon. I heard it, because the pastor mentioned Peter's name and he spoke about the commitment and example for the whole congregation, that Peter had made the previous weekend. I broke the kiss and whispered into his ear. I said, "Peter you're sinning." He whispered back, "I know. Ain't it awesome?" "What about God?" "He don't matter, you do." "What about your wife?" "I don't want her, I want you." "Oh Peter cum in me, please cum, please... do it now." We started fucking harder and within 20 or 30 seconds Peter gave me his seed. As he did, he kinda froze and his whole body went rigid. I could feel his ejaculation and as he shot gob after gob of semen into me and I hugged him as close tight to me as possible. We laid there for about 20 seconds, Peter grunting and shooting the last of his seed into me. It was then, that I remembered Katie. I looked up and saw her with that same smile I had, had about fifteen minutes earlier. Then she mouthed to me "U R so bad..." Peter started to get up and Katie disappeared. As Peter popped out of me and he sat up he became aware of the sermon, we both did. Plus, the pastor was yelling into the mic at this time. The pastor was talking about how sinful lust and adultery is. I asked Peter if he had any regrets. He kissed me and said, "No. I meant it when I said you're my wife now." I asked him what that meant. He said, that it meant he would not have sex with her anymore. That, from now on, it would only be me. He kissed me again and said for me to get dressed, that soon after the sermon, the ushers would be bringing the offering plates, with all the money. I did get dressed, but as I did I couldn't help but notice the crucifix that was on the wall. I looked at it and I couldn't help but be proud. My wickedness defeated it and Peter's ridiculous pledge. I purposely left my bra off and I hid it between the couch cushions. Peter was tying his shoes and I walked over to give him one last kiss.I went back to sit with Katie. We looked at each other and she did that 'Peter biting, of the lip smile'. She again mouthed to me that I am so bad. I mouthed back to her, "Do you believe it?" She responded with, "No! He is a Christian!" I smiled big at her and said, "Not no more." The congregation was singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" and Katie looked into the hymnal for about 5 seconds, before asking me, "Is that why you did it?" I nodded my head up and down and mouthed the word, "yep." The service finally ended and I wanted to be even more wicked, so I made it a point to meet Mrs. XXXXX. I shook her hand and told her that I thought she was so lucky to be married to such a handsome man. She gave me a curious look and she said, that she was glad I was so young, otherwise I might be a temptation to her husband. Of course she looked at my chest, as she said that. I was about to ask her what that was suppose to mean, when the pastor came up to us and asked who I might be. He said, he noticed me come in, right after he had finished his sermon. I introduced myself to him and I actually think he was kinda cute. He looked in his mid 30's and I wouldn't doubt if he worked out. I think I'll be coming back to this church a few more times.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 40
I reckon it is the change in hormones, or some such thing, that makes older guys like me crave cock. When I was younger I guess you could call me homophobic, but now, well as I mentioned, I feel a need for cum, other men’s cum. Yes I’m married, have children, a bit of a sex life, but not much really. I spend a lot of my time in adult chat rooms and that has been my downfall.I have always had a reasonably senior position, in charge of others, used to giving orders, but underneath I have also had a desire as a submissive, not just a submissive, but a sissy submissive. This is the way I play when in the chat rooms, using cyber sex to be “used” by real men. Not that I am weak, I stand 5’10” and am slim and fit, I work out several times a week. In the cock area, probably slightly small but not too bad, almost 6” cut. My hair, at 52, is receding and grey. In the chat rooms I always play the submissive, and wear fem undies, no body hair etc. etc.. Well, eventually I chatted with someone not far from where I live. To cut a long story short, I agreed to meet up, not only to meet, but to be wearing the fem undies I described in the chat session. Of course I didn’t own any, so I bought some. Deep red lace thong panties, matching suspenders and red fishnet stockings. I wore them under track pants, had a pair of runners, a loose jacket and nothing else. The location we agreed on was a very secluded spot outside, next to a river. It was a fair walk from the parking area, and there were other cars there, so I was very nervous. The person I was to meet, Peter, described himself as a top, 35 year old, blond blue eyes, 6’2” 200lbs. He also claimed to have a 9” fat cock. All kinds of thoughts flooded my mind as I suddenly, virtually fell onto him.He laughed and easily held me stopping me from falling. Then he suddenly slapped my face, shocking me, he called me names, like slut, faggot, cock sucker. I was quite scarred, but at the same time, I felt my erection grow. He told me to remove my top, and like I was hypnotised, I obeyed. I do have I guess man tits, even though I work out I have tissue on my tits and nipples more like a woman. He pulled and twisted on them staring into my eyes. I didn’t resist. He moved behind me, stroking me, saying nothing, he pulled my wrists behind then suddenly I heard some clicks, and was handcuffed. Now I was very nervous, my erection had completely gone, as had my desire to do anything further. You must understand that up until this point I had never even touched another man’s penis, yet here I was, now helpless, with a complete stranger. He pushed me backwards and I fell onto the grass. He pulled off my runners and track suit pants. He smiled and told me I looked like a real cum slut. I stammered a weak protest telling him I had changed my mind, and he just laughed louder. He surprised me by removing all of my clothing, and this frightened me even more, we were in a public place, and I had a family. He made me stand and he took out a bottle and started rubbing crème all over my body, especially my genitals, but it did nothing to arouse me. After a few minutes my fear increased again, as I heard a sound in the bush, three men appeared. I tried to get away, but of course it was impossible, also impossible to hide my nudity. However, the men knew Peter, and when they thanked him for finding another slut, I almost passed out. Peter broke my trance like state by telling me I had better clean of my body before the crème had a permanent effect. He pushed me into the river, which was quite cold and when I realised what had happened I was devastated. All of my body hair was gone, he had put a strong delipidation crème all over me. One of the men had a towel and dried me off, they replaced my female attire. Peter attached a collar around my neck which had a small chain hanging behind me. To that he fastened the cuffs, pulling my arms up my back, making my “tits” stand out. They all started handling me, calling me names, and to my surprise, it did turn me on, despite my really difficult circumstances. When one of them felt my erection they all laughed and he pulled it out from under my panties. I was pushed down to kneeling position, and Peter then showed me that he wasn’t exaggerating about his weapon, if anything it was bigger and fatter than he said. My mouth was open at the size, so he took advantage and pushed it into me making me choke and cough to their amusement. It didn’t last long, and he pulled it out and in front of my face he covered his now hard pole with crème, and I was horrified as I realised what he was about to do. I was pulled up, bent over, another man pushed a fat dirty uncut cock in my mouth then pain like I had never felt made me scream onto the meat invading my throat. Peter rammed hard into my virgin hole, slapping my ass as he did. They fucked both ends hard and fast giving me just pain and fear of the consequences, no pleasure. It didn’t take them too long, and they seemed to cum in unison. Both of my virgin holes were filled with cum. For the first time, I had tasted and swallowed cum. The man in my mouth made me lick him clean, and I yelped in pain when Peter pulled out of me. He pushed his still large cock in front of my face, it was covered in cum blood and ass slime. He complained of the mess I had made and pushed the foul thing into my mouth. I tried hard not to vomit and managed to lick him clean. I didn’t think it could get worse until I felt his cock twitch deep in my mouth and then my throat burned with the acrid taste of his urine. They all laughed as I coughed and spluttered, a lot I had to swallow, but a lot also ran down my face soaking my feminine undies. He eventually pulled out and sprayed my face and hair, burning my eyes, even squirting up my nose. I felt so depraved, humiliated and saddened. While this was going on the other two men had been using a knife to trim some branches. I was again bent at right angles, and my mouth was filled with man cock. They other three then took turns at whipping my defenceless ass with the branches, and kept going until the branches broke and the man had exploded his load in my throat. After that I was used in real life as a slut just like I had been in the chat rooms. I was devastated, soaked in cum and piss, it was running from my ass and down my face. I thought I had been smart, leaving my wallet i/d etc. in the car, just bringing my car keys. The men all stood up, I was laying on the grass. They had all used me as a toilet, making me drink their piss, they had all used me as their bitch.I thought it was all over, until the fifth man showed up holding a video and digital camera. The fifth man started using my mouth as I saw one of the other men taking my car keys and my clothing, apart from the fem attire I had on. When the man returned, the fifth man had finished using me. I knew they knew my name address, where I worked, I started sobbing. Peter smiled saying that I was just like a stupid female. he threw me my keys, removed my bondage, and they left me there sobbing. I had nothing to clean up the cum and piss with , and had to sneak back to my car, and wait until dark before I dared get into it. I was shivering the cum and piss had dried onto me. They hadn’t left my clothes, so I had to drive home almost naked. Somehow I managed to avoid our teenage children, but not my wife. She caught me grabbing some clothes and trying to get into the bathroom. It was obvious from the smell and the crusted cum, that I was covered in piss and cum. She also saw my hairless body. She had caught me before in the chat sessions, but never expected this. I stammered and sobbed. She was very calm, surprisingly so. She told me to shower, and change. She told me she would wash my new undies, and she took all of my male jocks as I stared at her. She explained that there would be some major changes in our life, starting right now.I sobbed quietly in the shower, realising that I still had an erection that hadn’t been relieved. I was still sobbing when I reached my orgasm!
She wouldn't be living in Bronx if her mom didn't remarry to a black guy. A second step-father. She refused to accept him. She remembered shouting "Mom he's black!" when her mother introduced him to her. He was quite well built. Height seven feet, with muscular arms and six-pack, he could've been a model if he wanted to. Emily didn't care if he was one of the richest in their current town, she didn't care that he could make them live a good life, but when her parents told her they were moving to Bronx, Emily was stunned. It was the only neighborhood known to have most crimes, worst schools, and dirtiest environment throughout America. Even more, most of the population were black or Latinos. She would have to go to a black school, black restaurant, black friends and more. She didn't hate blacks, no, not at all. It's only that she feared being the minority. It made her less self-confident and scared. She found it out at a soccer camp near Chicago. Where the camp's only white was her, few Asians and rest Mexicans and blacks. They ganged up on her in arguments, ignored her for no reason what-so-ever. They played cruel pranks and sometimes caused her pain by kicking her during practices. But that was then, Emily thought. She only had two relatives. Her mother, and her mother's uncle, who was now in his 50s. He often visited her house, and sometimes touching her mother, and sometimes her. Her mother was only child, so was her father. Her father was killed in a car accident when she turned two. Sometimes Emily would see his face during dreams, nightmares, and sometimes in deep thoughts.Her mom struggled to keep Emily up to other kids fashion and financial wise. She had remarried before to some rich white man in his late 30s when Emily was around five, then they divorced when she was six due to some stupid argument about positioning a TV set in their mansion. Having a mother with high self-esteem was just a bad luck. They got 300,000 for the divorce, and the relations were no more. It was May when she moved there, and it was May when her mother told her about moving to Bronx. It was June they had High School End of Year Dance, and voted the hottest girl and boy in the school. She was only an 8 grader last year, and she still got the award. Never in history did a seventh grader got the title "The Beauty", but she did. She was already blossoming during 8th grade, and now a one fine woman. A beautiful face, long hair and stunning smile, a body like 35B-19-26, or in words - perfect tits, thin waist and a one juicy, beautiful, and round ass, everybody in their school lusted after her, including the teachers. When walking during class changes, she would often feel people grabbing her ass, touching her boobs and often bringing her hand to their crotch.She just smiled at times, she didn't like it, and often she'd slap their hands away when she found out who. Her social studies teacher offered her extra credit in his class for a blowjob when she was failing. She told him that she'd consider the thought, politely refusing it. A week later, the principle said he'd ace her in every class for one time sex. She took the chance. She wasn't a whore or a slut, but she took the chance. And that was only a week before her mom told her they were moving to Bronx. She had to leave her friends she just made last year, and leave the principle she had occasionally gave blowjob to for grade.She rode in the back seat during the drive. It was a long drive from Indiana. Her father suggested that they leave at 4:00pm, so there won't be as many cars. Emily slept for a while. When she woke up, they found the car to be stopped and her mom bent over from passenger's seat to driver's, sucking her stepfather's 12-incher. Emily didn't sit; she kept lying on the seats. She could see her mother gagging and the visible outline of the massive cock in her mother's throat. Her lips were parted; it looked as if the cock was stretching her mouth. Her step dad was pushing her mom's head down. Her eyes started to get big; Emily stared at the scene and then looked at her father. He had an excited smile on his face, glanced over to Emily and grinned. Making out the words with his mouth silently, "I will fuck you". Emily was shocked. Her dad showed Emily his tongue, and moved it rapidly in and out of his mouth, simulating Eating-A-Pussy. Emily was disgusted. She could see the man's hand fondling her mom's breast while the other pushed the head down. "Oh yeah baby, some nice tits you got." Emily's mom squirmed in delight. And made more effort to pleasure her master. Emily got her body from her mom. Her mom, once a model for some local magazine, had a body of a goddess. She had 40D breast, a very slim waist, and 30 inch round for her beautiful ass. She resembled the shape of sand clock, so to speak. Oh, and her beautiful face, causing her positives and negatives. It was her beautiful face that made her a model, that beautiful face made her rich for a while, beautiful face made her dead husband fall in love with her, and that beautiful face made her inherit three millions of dollars from the 67 year old dead husband, which was long gone in stock deals, shopping and vacations only in 10 years.It was also that beautiful face gotten her straight A's during her high school years with a kinky relationship with her principle. Failing two classes meant that she could be held back. Principle, being witty, declined the offer of money from her parents. Then the time came where the beauty had to offer her body for extra credits. Every Wednesday she'd stay late in the principle's office, telling her parents that a friend is tutoring her, and sucked the principle. Then later taken to a motel or principle's house, and fucked till curfew. At the end of the senior year, the principle was busted for having sex with a student. It happened to be that the reason she had sex Wednesday, was because Monday and Tuesday were filled in by two cheerleaders. She had to offer herself to each teacher, while assistant principle continued the job of the busted principle, fucking his students.It was also her beautiful face that got her raped by the whole wrestling team. Just finishing her sign language club, she walked quietly to the door with her friends. Soon after she and her friend parted, she was dragged into the locker room. Coach had already left, leaving the key to the captain because captain was his son. At least twenty guys fucked her. Hands pressed down by two, and one cock in each hole, and sometimes two in the mouth at the same time, she thought she would never survive. She was then taken to a boy's house. Her parents knew she was responsible, and didn't contact the police. While the jocks stayed in the house, fucked her three days and nights, then thrown to her backyard.During the few days after being raped by the wrestling team, she could hardly walk from the soreness from her ass and pussy. She begged her mom to call the school and stay home, but her mom ignored her. Her dad, instead of caring, took the chance of opportunity in the house and touched her in private places, claiming to be an accident. He would not catch her when she stumbled, but he grabbed her round ass when she was falling, and holding her shirt so he could see her tits, or just touch those two precious breasts. He would get her drunk slightly on weekends with red wine and drug, just enough to keep her eyes open and rape her before her own eyes. Enjoyed the hopeless look and flinching. He did not stop this until she left her house at age 18. Shortly after leaving her house, she found out that her dad wasn't really her dad biologically, but legally. She was also unlucky with her uncle. With her hands tied to her back, only food she could get was his piss and slowly regenerating sperm. She was just visiting her uncle after graduating college, then the 35 year old man invited her for wine, drugged her, and tied her hands to the back, and enjoyed her screaming and begging to stop for a week before letting her go. He often blackmailed her after the event, getting more and more of her beautiful ass. It was her uncle who introduced this 21 year old model to a man in his 60s, claiming to be still live and pumping. Even after the marriage, her uncle forced sex on her niece, sometimes with a few friends, sometimes as a fuck toy for their Hunters club.She wasn't a fan of sex until she met this black stud in a bar with biggest cock she's seen. The man said he was a businessman, had a few houses along the country including suburbs in Chicago, NYC and Seattle. He convinced her that he was so rich he could burn a dollar every second and still make a fortune. After meeting in the bar, they got a room in a local inn, and spent the night disturbing neighbors with their banging noises and moans. He made a slave, he told to her. He said call me master when we're alone or when I tell you to, or just call me by my name or honey. He said you're mine, you will obey my demands and will make efforts to pleasure me. He said you will fuck who I tell you, you will suck who I tell you, and you will everyday be on your knees when I am working in my study under my desk, and when I take you to my office. She didn't care, she had a beautiful cock all to herself. She agreed with no hesitation. Last of all, he said, we will move to Bronx, to my primary resident. He laughed. She was curious why, and asked. "Why are you laughing?" He slapped her, "Fucking call me master when we are alone. And what's your name anyway?" She then noticed that they didn't even know each other's name. "Master, my name is Sydney." "Mine is Frank, slave. You will marry me in May, this is April so you have a month to convince your family members.""Yes master.""Good, you may resume sucking on my cock."Emily was now scared. This man is going to take my virginity, she thought. He will kill me with that huge penis. I will die from suffocation if that thing goes into my mouth. Suddenly, Sydney patted the ground. It seemed as if she needed air bad. The man took joy and pinched her nipples hard. Sydney's eyes were slowly shutting. Emily was scared, was he going to kill my mom was that big cock? Should I help? About a minute passed, her mom had fainted. "Stupid whore, can't pleasure her husband." Frank said, looking at Emily. Then he took his penis out of Sydney's mouth and sprayed sperm on her face, some dripping down to the seat. Frank slapped her slightly, and said "Wake up honey, time to continue on." Sydney woke up, licked her mouth, collecting the sperm from her face and the seat, and then swallowed it all. "Good girl." Frank said, touching her tits. "You want to drive?" "Sure." whispered Sydney."What did you call me?" Frank whispered in a strong tone. "What did you just fucking call me?""Sorry, sorry master." Sydney whimpered. She got out of the car and went to the driver's seat. Master? Did my mom just call him a master? Emily was now confused. Frank came out of driver's seat, and right in front of the car, he lifted Sydney, put her on the car, and did her doggy style. Her mom's eyes were closed, enjoying the pleasure. Emily felt betrayal. Her mom's face was joy and pain mixed. About ten minutes passed, Emily fell asleep. She woke up from the door closing noise, and they were on their way to Bronx. They arrived around 5'o clock in morning. Frank took the suit case and moved it to his house. Opened the rear door, and touched Emily's perfect tits. Emily wasn't sleeping at all, she was just tired of the driving. Frank, after playing with her tits for a few seconds, smirked and tapped her arm. "Wake up Emily, we're here now." Emily pretended to be asleep."Emily, we're at Bronx." Next time he talks, I'll wake up. Emily thought."Hmmm..." Frank sighed, and moved his hand to Emily's crotch."What are you doing?" Emily shouted at him."Just waking you up." Frank replied. "Take some of the suitcases, I'm tired than you are. We'll go to register you to a school tomorrow, as in not today after sleeping from 5:00am, but in tomorrow."Emily went into a room that Frank assigned to her. It wasn't so bad, it had bulletproof glasses to counter the street fights, high security alarm, air conditioner, two stories high, an 80" plasma TV, and an 18" monitor with T3 connection. She didn't care though, at their old house they didn't need bulletproof glasses, high security alarm, had air conditioner, and having AOL Dial-up was enough to keep her satisfied talking to her friends. She sat down on her bed and started sleeping.She could hear thrusts and moaning from her parent's room. Still a novice and curious about sex, she silently walked to the room. The door was opened, her mom's head was pressed to the pillows, with her ass facing the ceiling. Frank made powerful pumping into her pussy. Her mom's eyes were closed, her index and middle finger were in her mouth. She seemed to be sucking them. Emily gasped at the sight. Frank turned his head around, and saw Emily."Fuck me harder master, oh god, please master!" Her mom whispered loudly. Frank spanked her ass, "Emily might hear us, slave. And call me daddy." Frank said looking directly at Emily."Oh please, fuck me daddy!" Sydney whimpered. Frank fucked her with a faster pace."I'm cumming daddy!" Sydney screamed. She didn't care, she was enjoying a fuck that every woman wanted. Emily could see her mom's juice coming out, dripping down. Frank made no effort to save the bed sheets, instead he pulled his cock out and lied on his side, facing the door and Emily. "Suck it, whore." Sydney scooted down, parted her full lips and wrapped it around the gigantic monster. Frank held onto Sydney's hair, and pushed and pulled her head, fucking it with a slow rhythm. Frank smiled at Emily, who was shocked at the sight. Emily ran to her room. Why would he look at me like that? she wondered. Is he really going to fuck me? Emily felt a small ticklish in her crotch. She ignored it and slept.Next day, Frank drove Emily to a local public school. It seemed that there were only two other white girls in the whole junior high. Consisting of 200 students, kids running with mp3 players, dressed ghetto and playing hip-hip music. The principle was a black man, about 5'9, a bit fat, but there seemed to be confidence and he seemed quite energetic. "You can start coming to school next Monday." The principle said. "You can call me Mr. Emlenton.""Thanks, Mr. Emlenton." said Emily. Turning around, she saw a white girl surrounded by a few black guys in the end of the hallway. They touched her legs, waist and butt. She was near crying. Frank held onto Emily's hand, and dragged her out of the school. And left for his house."Do you need anything for school?" Frank inquired, driving the car."No, I have everything in my book bag." replied Emily."Good. Liked the show yesterday?" Frank smirked at Emily."What show?" Emily pretended."You know what I am talking about, and I'm pretty sure you wanted it to be done to you.""I really don't know what you're talking about.""Sure you do, maybe this will remind you." Frank unzipped his pants, and pulled out his soft cock. Emily closed her eyes and screamed."I remember! I remember! Put it back in!" "Why? I thought you liked it." Frank, using his right hand held Emily's left wrist, and dragged it to his penis. "Make your daddy happy."Emily tried taking his hand off of her. She pushed it off with her left hand, no use. The muscle was no match for her. She felt the penis on her hand, and she held a fist, refusing to touch it. Frank let go of her hand, and moved it to her tits and grabbed'em. "Stupid girl." Frank noted. "This will happen often, so either you'll accept it or live with it for rest of your life. If you refuse what I do, I will kill you." Frank continued on fondling on her breast. Emily tried pulling his hand away from her. Frank moved his hand to her neck, held it and pushed it, isolating air from her lungs. "I am not kidding." He said, "Nod if you understand what I'm talking about." Emily nodded, she could feel tears in her eyes. Frank went back on fondling her breast, and occasionally went down to her crotch and rubbed between her legs. "Fucking jeans."Traffic was stuck midway. A car saw what was happening between Frank and Emily. They hooted. One of them pulled close next to them, and the driver actually touched her tits."Damn nice tits they are." the driver said, with a satisfied smile on his face. Emily could have not been degraded anymore than this. She closed her eyes, and tears flowed.They had reached their house. Emily walked slowly to the door, still nervous from shock. Frank came behind her and patted her ass. "Keep it moving honey, we have a house to go into." Then he left it on her ass, feeling up and down, and pushed his index finger to what would be her asshole under the tight jean. Emily walked faster, opened the door and proceeded to her room. She opened the closet, and found a few cloths that Frank bought for her. A blouse, a tight jean, a pink shirt saying "Sassy", a skirt that reached her knees and another skirt that barely covered three inches more than what the underwear covered. She opened the drawers and her face blushed. She found two g-string bras and two thongs. And two regular panties and bras. The thongs were white and baby blue, but both seemed to have stain on them. She held them and sniffed and licked it to identify. Then Frank came in."Hey," Frank said, taking notice of his daughter sniffing his sperm. "Ah, I knew you liked it. I had to get off before going back to Indiana to get your mother, so I used your thongs.""What?" Emily was petrified. She was licking her father's sperm."No worries, it won't kill you," Frank laughed. "Here's your bookbag, I'll leave it here.""What about my mom?""She's sleeping in my room, probably got tired from yesterday. You would know.""I do know." Emily replied."Good, you're learning." Frank said. "Why don't you put these cloths on in front of me and show your daddy?""No way." Emily sighed.Frank suddenly walked up to her, covered her mouth and pushed her to bed. He then grabbed a pillow with the other hand, put it down and pushed her face into it, holding both of her arms with his big hands, and moved his crotch to her ass, dry humping it. Emily couldn't move, she screamed but the pillow prevented any sound coming out except moaning. Emily jerked her legs and her arm."Do as I say, or I'll fucking rape your brain out," Frank whispered. "You might not like what I am doing, you might want to run away and tell others, but trust me - I have money and will hire people who will track you down, bring you back and fucking fuck you even worse. Now if you will just put the fucking cloths on that I bought for you, I'd like that. If you want to put the cloths on, nod. If not, keep screaming."Emily calmed down, and nodded her head like out of mind. Frank got off of her, turned her around, lied next to her and laid a hand on her ass, gently going up and down, and sometimes down to her ass crack. "Just do as I say, and everything will be fine. Now get up and put on any of those cloths, I don't care if you put on skirt or jean, thong or not, I just want to see the cloths I bought in work."Emily stood up, and opened the closet. She took the jean, the blouse and the bras and the panty, and held them to her chest in two hands. Then walked to the door."Whoa whoa whoa, stay in here." Frank noted. "Change in here.""But..." Emily mumbled her words. "Change in here, or else." Emily pulled her bra down from under her shirt, trying to avoid from Frank seeing her tits. After a few tries, she finally pulled the bra out. Frank walked up to her."Why don't I just do it for you." Frank said. He then reached under the shirt, and pulled it up so half of her tits were visible. He then used his index finger and went across both of them. Licked his finger and did it again. Emily was scared now. She kept her hands to her side, without moving, just in case it'll cause Frank to go psychotic again. "Nice, gotta love them." Frank commented. He then pulled the shirt higher. "Arms up." Frank pulled it to above her head, the shirt was now covering her face. Frank licked his lips, and placed them on the left nipple. "Stay like that for a minute." Frank said, and his face was buried into her chest, and right hand on the right tit. He pinched with his right hand, and bit with his mouth. The pain was hurting Emily, and he knew it. Emily gritted her teeth to counter the pain. Finally, what seemed like forever, Frank pulled his head back. Emily was hardly breathing through the shirt. Frank chuckled. "Heh, sorry. Too sweet." He then pulled the shirt off of her, and gave her the bra. "Put it on." Emily turned around, with face blushed to strawberry, she slowly put the bra on. Frank was already working on her jeans from behind her. His arm went around her, with his cock pushed to her ass, he slowly circled his fingers under Emily's belly and found the zipper. Emily shuttered in the ticklish feeling. She couldn't put the bra on completely because Frank was behind her, preventing her from using her arm to it's extent. Frank slowly unzipped, pushing his hard cock closer to Emily's ass, he moved his hands bit higher to find the button so he could take her jean off. Then something twitched in his brain, and it moved up to Emily's breast, pulled the unworn and hanging bra off, and caressed it. He grabbed her tits with his right hand, while his left hand explored Emily's shaved, and virgin pussy under her panties. His hands were too big to go any farther down. Frank cursed, turned her around facing him. He sat down in front of her, and pulled her jean down. Now the only thing that would stop him would be this piece of cloth, he thought. Emily, remembering how Frank played with her pussy, held onto her underwear. Frank understood her mind, and said "It's okay, I won't take your virginity, not today." Somehow these words soothed her mind. She let go and Frank pulled the panties down to her knees, and pulled the jean a little more down to her ankles.He then lifted her up once more, put her on the bed, and pulled her jean and panty off her leg. He placed his hand on her calve, slowly made his way up to her thigh. "Please, don't..." Emily whimpered."Don't worry, it won't take long." Frank said with excitement. "Maybe I will take your virginity today, if you don't shut the fuck up." Frank learned over, and licked her clits. "God, so sweet. Sit Emily, sit." Grabbing Frank's arm to support her, Emily sat down on the bed. Frank then took the chair under her desk, and sat across from her. He unzipped his pants, and with almost a "pop!" sound, his cock was released. Emily covered her eyes with her hands. "Yeah, that's fine. I just have to get it off." Frank said, then slowly stroke his cock. "Want to help?"Emily shook her head. "Damn," he said. "I'll just use that underwear of yours then." He then held it in his hand, bringing it to his face. "Fresh scent of pussy of a ninth grader..." Emily was just zoomed. He's masturbating with my underwear that I just wore, she thought. "You'd be so tight.. so wonderful around my cock..." He moaned slightly. His cock dripping drops of precum rhythmically onto her panty. "Look baby, you're gonna wear this." He told her while stroking his cock with the other hand. "Wish you would suck it, but you'd do that later these days."Emily could only stare at her panty that was almost completely wet and sticky with precum. She could only look at the man who will fuck her later on, and stared at his cock as it dripped more precum. "Oh fucking shit!" He shouted loudly, loud enough for even his wife to hear her. He grabbed her tits, then pushed her onto the bed. Pulled her leg down so her leg and her upper body were perpendicular, her ass being on the edge of the bed."You said you wouldn't!" Emily said gasping."I won't." Frank said. "Stop fucking annoying me." Frank pinched her clit, grabbed her waist and turned her around. The perfect view of her beautiful ass was a killer for him. He knew he won't last any longer, he knew any men will not last long looking at this ass. He guided his cock to her ass crack. Emily breathed louder and faster. Frank then rubbed his cock up and down of her asshole and her pussy. Sometimes push just a bit in to give him a demo of her wonderful fuck holes, while giving his daughter a chill which obviously turned him on. "On your knees, you won't suck it.""No."Frank slapped her ass, "Now." Then he slapped it again, again and again until she got on her knees. Emily, on her knees, wondering what could be in store for her. Frank then, stepped closer to her. "Wha" Emily was about to ask, then thick and gooey sperm came out, covering her face, some going into her lips, her tits, her knees, her hair and the floor."There we go," Frank said with a sigh. He then using her panty, wiped off the sperm. "Put this on." Emily learned fast, and this tone was Frank's version of "Say no and you will be fucked." She slowly pulled it up, not letting it touch her pussy, and it fit loosely. Frank then collected his sperm from Emily's body, and rubbed it on her stomach. "Don't take a bath today." He said, "Open your mouth."Emily opened her mouth, feeling safe from the sight of his soft cock. Frank then gathered sperm from her face, where most of them reached when landing, and put his index and middle finger into her mouth. "Lick it."Emily slowly licked it off with her soft tongue. Frank moaned. He then continued on getting sperm to put it in her mouth. "Don't wipe yourself off." Frank said, and opened the drawer under computer desk, taking out a digital camera."Cheese!" He said cheerfully, and took photos of his daughter's naked body covered in sperm. He plugged it to the computer, and it started uploading."Hmm, ten minutes." Frank noted. Only thing that covered Emily was her panty, which was also covered in Frank's sperm. Frank walked to her, pulled the panty down, grabbed her ass and tits and enjoyed them, and got his cock rock hard again. He then pushed her to the bed, he lied on his side. "Face me."Emily was facing him. This man just masturbated from thoughts of her, made her drink his sperm. Emily cried. The tears left a trail, cleansing a bit of sperm that was dried onto her face. Franked grabbed her hand, and guided it to his balls. "Play with them while the photos upload." Emily caressed his balls, her eyes closed in disgrace. They were size of a mid-sized tomato. Frank put his hand behind Emily's hair, and played with it gently. He then wiped her tears with his hand, and moved his index and middle finger to her. "Suck it."Emily enclosed the thick fingers with her mouth. They were at least six inches in length, and quarter coin thick. She licked the fingertip, she could still taste the sperm on his hand, and she could feel his fingernails. There was a beep sound from the computer, telling them the upload for the photos were over. Frank pulled his fingers out, and told her to suck his pinkie. After a minute or so, Frank moved his hand to her ass. And his pinkie circled Emily's asshole. "No!!" Emily yelled. Frank was using Emily's saliva as lubricant. He slowly pushed it into her asshole."Damn fuck it's tight." Frank noted, and he pushed the whole finger in. Emily shrieked in pain. She jerked her legs but the pain gained as she tried to resist."If I put my fingers into your pussy, you won't be a virgin anymore." He said. Then he pulled his finger out. "Clean it, and I'll leave." Emily shook her head. She tried turning around, letting go of his huge balls. Frank rolled over and got on top of her. "Clean it and I leave, or I'll fuck you right now and everyday after today." Frank's cock was hard a long time ago. Emily opened her mouth. "Good girl." Emily licked the finger that's been into her asshole. She sucked it, and licked it. Frank pushed it in farther, reaching back of her throat. She gagged slightly, but Frank didn't care. Emily could feel Frank's penis on her stomach. It's weight pushed her chest down since he rolled over onto her. "Yeah, your tits are big enough." What? Emily thought. Big enough for what? Frank scooted up, sitting on her chest, and supporting himself with his knees. He placed his hard cock between her breast, pushed her tits to the center and slowly fucked it. "Not that big, but big enough." Frank commented. Emily closed her eyes again, she cried. My step father is raping me, she thought.Not a minute has passed, and Frank rolled off of her. "It'll take too long to get me off now."Frank stood up, "Thanks baby," he said zipping his pants up. "I'll use these photos for good." Emily could only stare at her step father while he printed naked photos of her, covered in gooey juice. Frank then walked to Emily. "You're mine." Frank said with a serious tone. "And get some cloths on, slave." He then walked out of her room.Emily felt tears running from her eyes again. She wasn't abused to the degree of raped, but he did use him to satisfy his own sexual needs. And this was only the first day in Bronx. Not soon after cleaning the room and herself, she gathered new cloths and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Cleansing herself from disgrace and dirtiness, she closed her eyes to relax her senses. She then heard jiggling of a key chain, and her bathroom door opening. A tall shadow showed on the curtain, and a voice came. "Today is Tuesday, and Friday I will really have you."END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 29
This is a true story a visit to my doctor several weeks ago.After almost sixteen years of marriage, like many couples, are sex life had become stale and almost nonexistent. Before then we had a very conventional but healthy sex life, but without any particular excitement.For several days I had a pain in my left breast which was bothering me and I finally got around to booking an appointment with my GP. It was late in the evening when I finally was shown into his surgery. I had been at the end of a line of other patients that had taken longer than he had expected. My doctor about 50 years old, a bit flabby but otherwise reasonably good looking although nothing I had ever remarked about before, and I am 42 and after 2 children still in reasonable shape.In his office, he had me strip down to my panties and bra; and I then lay on my back on his examination table. At his order I removed my bra and he proceeded to feel my breasts for any lumps or other problems. I didn't really think anything and from what I could tell his manner was totally professional. However he then asked me to slip my panties off as he wanted to check the glands in my groin area. Even then I never really registered anything other than that this was a normal examination. I was a bit embarrassed though when he gently pulled my thighs apart and I realised that I was totally naked. His fingers prodded and probed in my groin, and at one stage he cupped my pubic area completely in one hand as he prodded my breast with another.Inexplicably I started to notice that this was not quite normal and I tried to shut my thighs which simply trapped his hand sending a finger snaking into my now slightly moist slit. He immediately withdrew his hand and said that the pain in my breast as being nothing particular other than hormonal and that I could now get dressed.I sat up and started to pull on my clothes whilst he sat down behind his desk and wrote me a prescription for the pain. I was turned away from him struggling with my bra strap, but now wearing my skirt when I felt him behind me. He grabbed both my breasts and thrust his hips against my buttocks. Through the thin material of my skirt I could feel his rock-hard erection in his pants. He was breathing hard and pulling on my breasts:"You know you want it Annie, I bet you haven't had a decent cock in years; there is no-one else here and no-one will ever know... come on, bend over the table and I will fuck you like you have never been fucked before.He was strong as an ox, and I struggled against him as I felt him lifting up my skirt and pressing me against the high examination table."No," I gasped. "I don't want to... please!" I implored him. I was frightened now, he was really strong and my skirt was bunched up around my waste and a strong hand was holding me hard down on the table top. I felt him pull my panties aside and then with mounting terror I could feel his naked cock sliding up and down against the crack of my bottom. I struggled harder and harder; but my movements simply brought his cock up against my slit and with a shove he slipped partly inside my cunt, and then another and another and he was fully inside. I could feel his pubic hair against my skin and his hard member deep inside me touching my womb."For god's sake" I shouted, but my words were muffled by the position I was in, my face pressed into the leather of the table, a hand on the back of my head and his elbows pressing into my back keeping me from struggling. This was pure rape and I could do nothing about it. I knew there was no-one else in the surgery.He grunted as he started to pick up his rhythm, and despite my protests, my cunt responded to the unnatural feeling of a strong cock pistoning in and out of me. I started to pant, and closed my eyes as I felt my body responding. He leaned back a bit taking his weight off my back. He knew he had won and that I was now his for the taking. "Please don't cum inside me, doctor. I am not on the pill. Please, please!" I gasped as he thrust in and out, sometimes withdrawing until just his head was teasing my lips and then thrusting again until he was fully embedded.If he heard he didn't respond. A finger was inserted in my anus and I twitched and bucked like a spiked fish. I must have made an incredible sight, bent over the doctors table, my skirt bunched up at my waist, and a cock hammering in and out of my soaking cunt. I could feel his thrusts becoming more urgent. "Oh god, no please don't cum in my..." I yelped again trying to escape.Suddenly he pulled back, and in one movement grabbed my shoulders, spun me around and pushed me to my knees and holding my chin in one hand and his cock in the other he shoved all 8 inches of swollen purple cock into my mouth and with a grunt, he thrust as deep as he could and my mouth was suddenly filled with hot salty cum that spurted and spurted into my gagging mouth.He left the head between my lips and slowly wanked himself to ensure that I had got every possible drop, before withdrawing and stepping back to zip himself back into decency. I on the other hand was kneeling, sobbing gently on the floor, my mouth full of his cum, and my pussy sticky with my own juices from the frantic fucking it had just received."Thanks Annie," He said quietly. "I needed that, and have been wanting to fuck you for years." He helped me to my feet and handed me my clothes. "Lets do it again, call me whenever you want" he said as he handed me my prescription and his cell phone number.I don't think I said a single word; I was so dazed that I just stumbled blindly out of his surgery and down the stairs to my car and home for a shower before I faced my family. I knew, and he knew, that I would say and do nothing. I never phoned him, but I did get a call from him asking me to come to the surgery next week!END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 54
Coach Black had just finished fucking Joey Gonzales' ass. The poor teenage jock was totally wiped out and his asshole was stretched quite large, not only from the coach's big dick but also from the rough relentless fucking he'd received. The coach loved to grind deep into a boy, moving his hips around and feeling and hearing his big balls slap against the kid. While he fucked, his hands controlled the young jock's body by the nipples. He yanked and stretched the young tits to move the boy back and forth. In this manner, he fucked Joey for twenty minutes. There were times when poor Joey literally could not breath. His muscular chest rose and fell erratically as the coach plowed prick deep into his guts and then pulled out until only the dick head was lodged in the stretched teen boy rectum. Now Joey lay on the floor, totally exhausted. The coach squatted next to the boy's face and lifted his head. "Here, Cunt, clean me off." His half flaccid dick swung heavy and thick, leaking what was left of the cum from the piss hole and coated with glistening spunk and ass slime. "OOOHHH... I... ehhh... puhlease..." The cute Latino boy's mouth was stuffed with slick wet spent dick-meat."That a girl. Good girls always clean off their boyfriend's dicks after they get fucked. Make sure you lick Mike's dick clean after each of your three nightly fucks. Remember, you'll be on camera." The coach stood up, his dick swinging from side to side. He kicked Joey and the boy rolled into a fetal position. "Come on Cunt, time for gym class and some nice football practice.""Oh, God, I can't even walk. Please Coach; don't make me go to gym. I can't run, I just can't... MY ass hurts so badly.""What hurts so badly? If you say it correctly, I might have some mercy on you." Joey lifted his head. His lips were coated with dick and ass slop. "My pussy. My pussy really hurts from your dick. Please let me rest." The coach had to smile at the sight of the sixteen year old boy so degraded. "Well, I suppose I could be nice to you and allow you to just watch gym class today. You could observe from the sidelines." "Oh please...yes coach. Just for today. I hurt so bad, my pussy hurts so bad, just let me watch." "I've got a great idea." The coach kicked a footstool over to the window of his office that looked out on the playing field. "Crawl over here to the window. Maybe you can rest here and watch gym class from this window." "Oh thank you coach, thank you." Joey crawled, his muscular ass up in the air, the asshole raw and red and slightly open, cum dripping from the fucked hole and running down onto the back of his big hanging sack. "Sure you can kneel right here on this comfortable padded footstool and that will put you just the right height to see everything. Just rest your chest against the window ledge." The coach got something from his desk. "Look, your nipples are just the right height. Now watch, just to make sure you don't wander off during gym class." The coach uncapped something and squeezed some goo onto the window ledge, then he put a dab of goo on the bottom of Joey's big stretched nipples. Then he had the boy lean forward so his nipples rested on the edge of the window, when the super glue made contact with itself, it bonded instantly. Joey was glued to the window ledge by his tits. Joey put his hands on the sill and tired to take some pressure of his stretched nips, but they were already firmly sealed to the wood. His tits burned. "Coach, what are you doing? Ooh God! It burns coach..."The coach coated the top of Joey's big brown tits with more glue so the bond was really secure. Then he grabbed the boy's arms and twisted them behind his back and cuffed them there. Now Joey's entire balance was on his tits as he knelt on the footstool. "There, you can watch your classmates during gym class. I'll come back later, and don't sorry, I have the right stuff to dissolve the glue. But if you try to pull yourself away, you'll rip those slut nipples right off your chest." Joey's mouth hung open in pain and horror...spit dripped from the boy's chin. The pressure on his chest was intense and the sting in his big nips terrible. "Now lets get you a bit more comfortable." The coach moved the footstool back away from the window a bit, so Joey was forced to lean forward, still on his knees on the footstool. This shoved Joey's muscular ass cheeks up and out, caused his back to arch, and put all the pressure on his tits on the window ledge. "Oh God, Coach! I can't stand it! I can't stand it!" Joey was screaming."We can't have you screaming like that young man, you'll disturb the classes. Let's see if I can find something to shove in your mouth," he rummaged through a drawer. "Here, how about this? One of Brian Sheridan's dirty jock straps. That should do. Open your mouth Bitch. Good Little Bitch. Sixteen-year-old boy Bitch. Now let's see... to make you really comfortable... lift your right leg... just a bit for a second while I put these thumb tacks on the footstool cushion. Now your left leg. Oh my, those thumb tacks are sticking right in your strong young legs... I don't think you're going to complain about going to gym class after our morning sessions any more. "Let's get something nice and big up your ass-cunt, should we? How are those titties feeling...stretched and sore? I'll bet. Nice big spic titties. You know I fought against accepting you at the school. I said, we don't want any wet back greasy Mexican cunt coming to our fine school, but they didn't listen to me. I told them you'd probably infect all the boys with your fucking south of the boarder venereal diseases, but they didn't care. Your father was too fucking influential. So I have to take matters into my own hands. "How about if we shove this football trophy up your ass? Its nice and heavy and big... that should stretch your twat muscles while you watch us at gym class. We'll seal it in with tape. Now stop complaining, it's only half way in, and it has to go cunt deep. Look at that pussy eat it up."Yessir, you are developing one hell of a pussy. In a couple of weeks you'll have to wear diapers, your turds will drop right out. Ha, ha, ha, ha! I have to admit, you do have a sweet looking ass. Especially after it's been whipped. And look at those big swollen nuts of yours... so round... so firm... so fully packed, not bad for our second day of discipline." In the dorm corridor, Sam Jordan took a deep breath and knocked on Brian Sheridan's door. He was a bit scared to approach the senior, but he felt he needed help with the photos he possessed. He needed some advice as to what to do with them, and Brian was one of the most influential students on campus. Sam knocked again."Just a fucking minute!" Brian opened the door. He was totally naked except for a pair of small white jockey shorts. And from the size of his bulging dick in the underpants, Sam could guess that the boy had been beating off. Brian smiled a big lopsided grin. "Well lookie who's here. Little pretty boy freshman Sam Jordan. What can I do for you Miss Jordan?" Brian stood there, hands on hips, his hips thrust forward a bit, pushing out his dick lump.Continued in part 9...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 26
PART 1Dave fumbled with the hot pizza as he tried to balance the plate, his laptop, and the remote as he made himself comfortable on the couch. Monty Python blared on the television. He was taking full advantage with his wife gone for three days. It was a rare time to geek out, eat greasy pizza, and maybe even jack off to some raunchy porn in the living room or the sun room... hell, where ever he wanted to.On the tv, John Cleese was now walking in an amusingly awkward way. Dave booted up his laptop and ate some pizza. After a long pull of beer, he browsed a few websites before going to Craig's List. He had been trying to find a bike before the weather warmed up, but so far no luck.Perhaps it was because he was home alone, but Dave eyed the Personals. With a laugh, he scanned the 'Casual Encounters'. He shook his head at the obvious spam. A few caught his eye and he wondered idly if any of them worked. Clicking out, he noticed 'Missed Connections'Man, he hadn't looked at those since they were called that in the Chicago Reader. He pulled it up and began reading a few of the ads.All of you improve dudes - w4mCute barista in Wicker Park - w4mYou liked my perfume - w4mLincoln pub crawl - w4mI've got a crush on you - w4mA shock ran through Dave's body as he read the posting.I've got a crush on you - w4mI have an unbearable crush on you. We are both married but I feel an immense chemistry. I nearly about choked when you mentioned that you were going to be lonely with your wife away till Thursday. Was that a hint? Or was that just the crazy Super Moon doing crazy things to our libidos? You are adorable.Nervously, he ran his hands through his curly red hair. It sounded like him. He had mentioned his wife being gone for a few days and then had chatted about the Super Moon... Could it really be for him? He opened up his email to respond back. And then closed it. What could he say? He had a pretty good idea who it was at work... if it was him. He felt his cock harden in response. Josie had caught his eye since the first day of work. She was shorter, maybe 5'4" and curvy with luscious breasts and sensual hips. She always had a witty comment and was fun and flirty, but he was married and she was married. He had always thought it was a safe outlet for her to flirt without having to worry about a response.When they would have the occasional lunch, Dave always had to fight to keep his eyes off her beautifully large breasts. A few times, he thought she intentionally wore something low cut or left a button undone to draw his attention. Because of his fair skin (damn that Irish blood!), he blushed easily. She'd laugh with her green eyes and smile innocently.He reopened his email. Hesitantly, he typed out. Hi,I think I know who this is and I think your posting is for me. I am going to ask you tomorrow if you'd like to go to lunch. If this is really you, suggest we go to Potbelly's.Dave hit send before he could reconsider and wondered if he was making a fool of himself. He realized that he was rock hard. He took a deep breath and resisted the impulse to jack off at that moment.***Dave glanced up at the clock. 10:05. He nervously wiped his hands and glanced around the office. He could see the tops of heads as his co-workers continued as if this was any other day. Should he do this? What if he was wrong? Taking a deep breath, he got up and walked down the hallway. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach. He almost stopped at the bathroom but took a deep breath and powered on.He turned the corner. Was Josie looking for him?He saw a mass of dark red hair tumble forward and she appeared to be working furiously."Hey Josie," Dave endeavored to act relaxed. They had gone to lunch many times... there was no reason to be nervous."Oh... hey Dave." She smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear."Busy day for you?" He pointed at the screen.Josie giggled and shook her head. "Not so bad... you know, the usual stuff."Dave leaned against the cubicle wall. Feeling it tilt dangerously, he stumbled upright as Josie's laughter pealed out."Careful Dave!" Josie's hand shot out and grabbed his forearm. Her hand felt warm and goosebumps shivered up his arm."Thanks." Blush warmed his face and blurted out. "Do you want to go to lunch today?"Their eyes met."Sounds great! How about..." Josie's smile grew wider "Potbelly's?"Dave gave an inward sigh of relief and felt his own smile widen in response. "That'll work. Noon?""It's a date!" Josie winked and Dave felt himself blushing once again.Excitement shot through his body as Dave made his way back to his desk. He looked up at the clock, only 10:15. He wondered if he was going to get any work done before lunch.The restaurant was loud as Josie and Dave sat across from each other, both about halfway done with their sandwiches and an unusual silence between them. Dave tried to think of a sly way to bring up Missed Connections when Josie nearly caused him to choke."Was it your wife being away or the supermoon comment that clued you in?"Dave fought to swallow his sandwich and he looked up at his flirtatious co-worker. Josie leaned forward and Dave realized just how low cut her shirt was. Cleavage jiggled enticingly. He knew he was staring and didn't care."Well," Josie took a deep breath, filling her shirt even more. "I'm waiting.""Um," he licked his lips. "It was kind of both. I didn't bring up Cady leaving for work to too many people.""When does your wife get back?""Not until Thursday night.""So what are your plans for tonight?"Dave chuckled. "None really..." Something in the expression on her face, a mixture of fun, passion, and excitement, made his cock harden. "Do you have any ideas?""Oh I have lots of ideas." Josie covered her mouth with mock innocence. "But we are both married."He felt his stomach drop. Perhaps this was all just flirtatious fun after all."Of course if we just cuddled on the couch."Dave laughed. "Like teenagers?"She nodded. "Even kissing. Kissing is not really cheating. I miss the days where the make out session was the goal and not a stop along the way to getting into a girl's pants.""What about your husband?""Ryan? He's has volleyball tonight and won't be home until late.""I suppose we should get back to work." Dave got up regretfully. "What time did you want to come over?"The brilliant smile that lit up Josie's face put Dave at full staff. His cock pressed painfully against his pants. As they walked back to the office, Dave hoped his bulge wasn't too obvious.*** By 7:30, they were watching Breakfast Club. After all, Dave opined, if they were going to make out like teenagers what better movie? They were on the couch with Josie settled into the crook of his arm. His heart hammered nervously as the warmth waxed between them.He smoothed her hair around her ear and she moaned and settled in deeper. Christ, he really did feel like a teenager again. Slowly he leaned forward and kissed just above her ear.Josie turned, her teeth flashed before him... slowly she leaned forward. He closed his eyes and leaned towards her. He smelled her perfume, light and flowery. He felt her body press against his. His arms pulled her closer. And they kissed.He slipped his tongue and lightly play across her teeth. He felt her breasts pressed deliciously against him. So different from Cady! He pulled her closer and she came willingly. Their lips intertwined, followed by their tongues. Excitement coursed through Dave's body. Josie's tongue was playful as it darted and danced with his. Josie leaned back. "Well, that was just as delicious as I envisioned."Dave laughed. "So I am delicious am I?""Most definitely!"Josie leaned forward, full of passion. Dave felt his body respond, his cock erect. He moved his hips forward, pressing himself so she would know exactly the effect she was having on her. Josie groaned in pleasure and kissed him harder.Dave got lost in the kissing. She would nibble along his bottom lip and playfully bite it. His lips wandered to an ear and then back. Their tongues hungered with longing. Vaguely, he heard the closing credits from the movie. Had they really been kissing that long? His hands wandered along her shoulders down and cupped her breasts. Full breasts that filled his hands and felt incredibly sexy. He kissed her back, kneading her breasts, feeling the nipples harden through her shirt. With his right hand, he let his fingers move back to trace along the outline of her perkiness.But when he moved to go beneath her shirt, Josie pulled back.Her face was flushed with pleasure, but she shook her head no. "Kissing is ok... but more?"Dave wasn't usually so bold, but he grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her back to him. As they kissed, he heard her purr with pleasure. He tightened his grip and the purr turned into a low moan. Slowly he pulled her back. Their lips almost touching as he stared into her eyes. They were an aching green that he had never notice before. "You like me taking control don't you."Josie looked down and nodded. "I do... but really kissing is my limit..."Without releasing her hair, Dave's left hand took hers and put it on his cock. He rubbed slowly up and down."You can feel how much I enjoyed kissing... but what about this?"He saw her actually blush! But when he released her hand, she didn't pull away. Softly, her fingertips outlined his cock.She looked up at him. "Any ideas on how without crossing a line?""Hmm..." Dave was so turned out, he was surprised he didn't cum from her light touching. "I suppose we could watch each other masturbate. That'd be just like jacking off to porn."Josie blushed an even deeper shade of red. "I-I've never done that. Don't know if I could."Dave released her hair. Did a shadow of disappointment flit across her face? He laid down on the couch."Well if we are going to truly go back to high school days, then I say you climb on top for a little dry humping."Josie's face bloomed with surprise before she broke into laughter. Before Dave could say another word, she climbed on top of him. Straddling him, he felt her groin line up with his. He was about to pull her towards him, when a wicked smile lit up Josie's face.Her hips began to undulate as she bit her bottom lip. Her hands travelled all around her body. Dave couldn't believe how hot she was! He had never had a woman move in that way. Usually with a woman on top (particularly Cady) it would just be up/down, up/down until they switch positions or he came.Jose hips danced back and forth, side to side... every so often she would grind hard and he cock could feel the heat of her pussy. Her hands had now moved to her breasts. She kneaded them until he could see both nipples bulleting her shirt. She pressed them up so they jiggled in time with her gyrations.Dave felt his orgasm building. Josie must have sensed it. She leaned forward, hungrily kissing him without missing a beat in her lap dance. Dave returned the kiss with just as much fervor. He grabbed her hips humping against her harder and faster.The orgasm crashed through him! He couldn't believe he had cum from dry humping. He grabbed her hair roughly and kissed her until his spasms stopped. They lay like that, each catching their breath. His fingers now gently playing with her hair. She snuggled up closer and he felt every beautiful curve of her body pressed against his. The television was now completely dark and silent and only their heavy breathing filled the room.End of Part One...Have any comments? Sure you do! Write me at
I had never considered myself a 'Peeping Tom' before that late Autumn night in Oak Hill, W.V.If anything, I considered myself to be a normal, healthy, law abiding man. I guess we never know who we are for sure!My name is Aaron, and I'm a 40 year old white male. I was working the 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. shift at the Fayetteville Dam that night. I had recently broken up with my 26 year old girlfriend after a two year relationship. Although things were never good between us, the sex had always been great. But, sex is not love, and we both decided that splitting up was the best thing to do. Of course, when you are my age, getting to bang a 26 year old WAS pretty close to love... or Heaven!Being used to having sex every day, I was often horny and frustrated when I'd arrive home after work. I would jack off, but that was getting old quick. I needed something else to help relieve the stress. So I took up jogging. The City had recently opened a jogging trail which was near my home. So that night I left work and headed home to change into my running clothes. The trail itself was dark, but there was a full moon so I decided that it would be safe. I began at a slow pace, reasoning that since it was my first time I would break my run into jogging then walking, so as to not get sore the first night out. I loved the solitude of being alone, as there were no other people jogging at 11:45 p.m.The trail had a few steep inclines, which I chose to walk, but then leveled out after about a mile.Being mid October, there was a definite chill in the air, but my body temperature had risen from the exertion and I was actually quite comfortable.The trail ran behind the Timber Ridge Apartments, separated by a six foot wooden fence. A recent storm had knocked down a tree, which in turn knocked down a section of that fence... and that it what led me to this story.I was at a point in my run where I knew I should pull up and walk, so I did. That's when I saw the broken fence and the open bedroom window with the light on. Timber Ridge faced away from the trail, so the bedrooms were in the back. I suppose the residents assumed that the woods and the high fence would provide them with complete privacy, so why bother to close your blinds? I don't know why I stopped when I saw that light. To this day I can not tell you why! I stood there, transfixed by the light, knowing that there was a person inside who had no idea that I could look in at them.I think that was what drew me closer, that feeling of being invisible. All I know is my feet began to move and I was walking towards that light. My eyes were scanning the other windows, but none had lights on. I slowed my pace and stopped about ten feet from the window and waited. After a few seconds I could hear music, and it seemed to be in rhythm with my heart as it pounded in my head. I suddenly realized that I was in a bad place. Every moral fiber in my body screamed "Aaron, run!" But I did not.Instead, I moved closer to the window, my eyes still scanning all around me. I was now at the window and had a full view of the bedroom inside.It was obviously the room of a girl. I could see the stuffed animals on her bed, the posters of pop boy bands on the wall, and the CD tower next to her stereo. What I did not see was a girl.That's when a door opened in the back of the room and I saw her for the first time! She was anywhere from 10 to 13 years old, it's hard to judge nowadays. All I know is she was a beauty!!She emerged from what I know knew to be her bathroom, draped in a towel. She red hair, and the way the towel was wrapped tightly around her, I knew she wasn't quite a woman yet. She walked towards her bed and sat with her back towards me and began to run a brush through her hair. That's when the window began to fog up on the inside as the steam from her shower made it's way into the bedroom.Her image faded, but I could still see movement.I strained against the glass, throwing caution to the wind by pressing my nose and face into the coldness of it's surface as I sought the vision of loveliness that I knew sat mere inches away!My breath made the fogging worse though, as it was now forming outside the window as well.I resigned myself to the fact that this unusual episode in my life was over, and my erection began to recede as I took a step back from the window. What was I thinking? Why was I here?As I turned to leave, the window flew open and my heart leaped into my throat! I was caught! Busted!! She had seen me and now the police would soon be swarming the trail and hauling me away in cuffs! I wanted to run, but I was a deer caught in headlights. I gave in to my fate and froze. My heart was beating so loudly I was sure the young girl inside could hear it. Seconds became minutes, and I simply stood there and waited for the police to arrive. They never came. The music inside the bedroom stopped, and suddenly the silence around me was terrifying.Now she could hear me! The light inside the bedroom went out, and as my eyes adjusted to the change I could see that there was still light coming from a night light next to the bed. As the minutes passed my courage returned and I realized that she had opened the window to cool off her room. My cock began to stir again as I once again approached the open window. It was darker inside, but now I could see the girl lying on her bed, the stuffed animals tossed aside. She was no longer wearing her towel. She was naked, and only the soft light of her night light was illuminating the room. But it was enough! Slowly she rubbed her small breasts, tiny mounds peaked by nipples that rose bigger with every stroke of her thin fingers.Her fingers lingered there for a few moments, then they slipped down to her belly.I looked at her face and knew that she was not seeing/hearing me. She was in her own world, as was I! I could see enough from the night light that she had placed a finger inside her pussy, and I grabbed my cock and began to stroke it. As she brought herself to climax, I did the same! I'm not proud of the fact that I got off to a little girl, but I did! Like I said, you never know who you are!Did I go back? Hell yeah!! I like to watch. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 37
I met Kathy at a college football game. Beth, a mutual friend who worked with Kathy, introduced us. Beth is a buxom brunette with a great face and smile. She stands a well endowed 5'6", 130 pounds, with a tight little behind. Kathy on the other hand, has light brown hair, almost strawberry blond. She also has a great face, but smaller breasts and a great butt. Beth had been married for a few years before Kathy and I were married, but her husband was a gambler and a philanderer. It was only a matter of time before they divorced and the end came sooner, rather than later. This story happened after they had been divorced about 18 months. Kathy approached me one night after a wild night of love. "I have to ask you a favor.""Anything love." "It involves Beth." I expected Kathy to ask for me to hook up Beth with a friend, as she seemed a little down after the divorce. She had gone through two loser boyfriends quickly and I had several available friends. "Beth wants to have a baby before it gets too late.""Beth is only 28, she has plenty of time," I said."She wants you to father her child."Although I had come twice in short order, I instantly became hard. Beth and I had been platonic friends, but I had lusted after her for a long time. The thought of getting to see Beth naked was something I found very exciting. She had breasts Kathy could only dream about. "I take it that the way you're hardening is an affirmative?" Kathy playfully squeezed my cock and we made it a third time, a first for me.We set the date to a Friday night. Beth was going to join us for dinner, and then Kathy was going to spend the night at her sister's. About 4:00 PM, Kathy and I took a shower together and Kathy had to keep me away from her. I was hard just thinking about the evening, but Kathy wouldn't let me waste my semen on anyone but Beth.Beth arrived at 5:00 PM, right on schedule. Both Kathy and Beth wore bluejean shorts and button down short sleeve shirts. Kathy's was maroon while Beth's was white. The buttons seemed strained and Beth's white bra was somewhat visible underneath. We had a great dinner of fish and salad with fresh bread. Between the three of us, two bottles of chardonnay had been consumed and another had been opened. All of us were feeling no pain and had loosened up, which was good. None of us had any experience with this sort of thing. We retired to the living room after dinner, each with a glass of wine and Norah Jones playing soft in the background.I sat in a recliner while the girls sat on the couch. Kathy took another sip of her wine, but then set it down. "I better slow down." Beth moved back to Kathy's side of the couch and handed her back the wine glass, saying, "Relax and enjoy, we don't get together enough."It wasn't lost on me that Beth didn't move back. Kathy moved as if to get up. "I really should leave so you two can..." But Beth put her hands on Kathy's shoulders. "You don't have to leave on account of me," said Beth softly. I watched in amazement as Beth slowly began to massage Kathy's shoulders and neck. Kathy downed her wine in one gulp, set down her empty glass and shifted on the couch so her back was to Beth and was facing me. Beth continued massaging Kathy's shoulders, but had scooted closer so her front was molded against Kathy's back. Kathy's eyes were closed and she hummed "mmmmmm" under her breath. She loved getting her shoulders and back rubbed by me under any circumstances, but especially when she drank wine.I noticed Beth's hands had moved down to rub my wife's upper arms and she kissed the back of her neck softly. She nuzzled up to Kathy's ear and kissed the lobe while her hands moved to the inside part of the arms, the back of Beth's hands "inadvertently" brushing the sides of Kathy's breasts. I had to shift in the chair as my erection was becoming uncomfortable, but was afraid to break the moment.I suddenly saw pink, as Beth's tongue snaked out of her mouth and danced on Kathy's ear. She softly nibbled on the lobe while at the same time, her hands moved directly over Kathy's breasts. Kathy sighed audibly and tilted her head so Beth could nibble her neck. Beth's hands rubbed the front of my wife and danced down her stomach, fluttering on her thighs for a moment before moving up to her neck. She stroked Kathy's throat for a moment, then moved down to the blouse unbuttoning as she went. Once completely unbuttoned, Beth pulled the shirt tails out and began to rub each cup of Kathy's bra. Her mouth nibbled on Kathy's neck, but her body was not still. She rubbed against Kathy's back and made a humming sound herself. She rubbed her large, sensitive breasts against my wife's back while massaging Kathy's smaller breasts. Beth was now pinching Kathy's nipples through the bra; something I knew would get Kathy going further. The bra was a front clasp type and I held my breath as Beth quickly undid the clasp and freed Kathy's 34B breasts. The nipples were pink and hard as erasers. Beth pinched them between her knuckles and looked over Kathy's shoulder at her chest. She squeezed the whole breast, and then would lightly rub her fingernail over the nipple, causing Kathy to moan."What does Kathy like?" For the first time, Beth acknowledged me and Kathy opened her eyes, as if she had forgotten I was in the room. "She likes her nipples pinched and bit. Bite them with your teeth." Kathy moaned and closed her eyes just hearing me say it. Beth pulled Kathy back on the couch and moved her head over Kathy's shoulder, nibbling the front of her neck, her chest and finally her breasts. Nibbling on the nipples, Kathy's back arched as Beth's hands moved down her body, playing in the navel before unsnapping and unzipping the shorts.My wife, who had only had sex once before she met me and had never shown any bisexual tendencies, was moaning like I'd never seen. Her hands were on the back of Beth's head, stroking and pushing the head into her bosom. Beth sat up and I could see the spittle shining on each breast. Both women stood up and kissed, their tongues plainly visibly sliding into each other's mouth.Kathy moved her hands from Beth's head, down her arms and onto the breasts I'd been thinking about for a long time. She stopped kissing and moved around behind Beth, both of them facing me. Kathy's hands unbuttoned Beth's blouse and pulled it off. The breasts seemed to swell in the lacy bra before Kathy undid the front clasp and revealed them, finally, to me. Each breast stood firm and perfectly proportioned to her body. The nipples were brown and at least a half inch long. When Kathy pinched the nipples between her finger tips, Beth moaned and her knees buckled slightly. Beth turned around and kissed Kathy again. Both women rubbed their breasts against the other. Beth lowered her head and bit Kathy's nipples, her hands pulling down my wife's shorts and panties. I clearly saw how wet the slit was and could now smell the unmistakable odor of sex. Beth's finger knuckled the slit and twirled Kathy's clit. The moan's escaping Kathy's mouth were continuous now. Beth pulled off her own shorts and panties before moving her head back up and kissing my wife, my sweet innocent wife, right on the lips. Each girl humped the other's thigh, rubbing their vulvas over the smooth, creamy skin. Beth looked over at me and said, "Are you gonna join us or what?" I looked to Kathy, who gave me a wink before doing something I'll never forget.She lowered her head and began licking and sucking on Beth's nipples. Turning Beth so both of were sideways to me, she suckled the nipples with her teeth, pulling them away from the body. The effect was instantaneous. Beth moaned loudly and again her knees buckled. Kathy moved her hands to Beth's vulva, opening up that pink flower and moving her finger up and down the slit. One finger disappeared while at the same time, Kathy bit down sharply on Beth's left nipple. Beth began to cum, her pelvis gyrating with my wife's finger. I stood up and removed my clothes. My cock was so hard, it hurt. The head was red and inflamed. I was afraid to touch it, for fear I would come on the spot. Before I could join in on the fun, Beth admonished me. "Not yet big boy, it's her turn first." Kathy lay down on the couch. My wife, who in the past was the most modest person I knew, was naked in my living room with an equally beautiful woman. "Kathy, have you ever tasted pussy?" To my surprise, Kathy nodded yes demurely. "I've tasted myself once and awhile." She looked embarrassed for the first time this whole evening. Beth kneeled on the floor next to Kathy and pinched her wonderfully sensitive pink nipples. She lowered her head and licked them, biting occasionally. One hand inched its way up Kathy's thigh, finally settling on the light brown mound. Beth moved to the other nipple, which forced her breasts to dangle over Kathy's navel. Kathy adjusted her pelvis, so Beth's chest now made contact with her mound. Raising her right knee, Kathy humped up towards one 38D breast. Beth took the hint and climbed on the couch, lying between Kathy's thighs.Beth rose up on her elbows, rubbing first one and then the other breast into Kathy's cunt. As Kathy became more and more excited, Beth started thrusting into Kathy, actually fucking with her breasts. One hard, brown nipple would enter and then the other, back and forth. Both girls were breathing heavy, moaning under there breath, when suddenly Kathy started humping up wildly, cumming harder than I'd ever seen. She locked her ankles behind Beth's back and pulled Beth's breasts into her pussy. She groaned "Oh my, oh my, oh FUCK, aaaarrrgghhh!" and came, rotating her hips into her good friends chest. Beth kept biting Kathy's nipples, groaning herself. Once Kathy unlocked her ankles, Beth moved up and dangled her breasts into Kathy's face. "Taste it! Taste your pussy on my tits!" Kathy wildly licked and sucked not only the nipples, but the whole breast, covering Beth's chest in spittle. Beth moaned, grinding her nipples into my wife's, face. I moved towards them, unable to stand anymore. My penis stood up against my belly, the head wet with pre-cum. My own nipples were hard as rocks. Beth's ass was in the air and her pussy was dribbling juice down her thighs. I planned on entering her from behind, but Kathy stopped me. "Your turn," was all she said, but that was enough. "Fuck her tit's, that's what you want." It was too. I knew it. Kathy knew it. Beth knew it and lay on her back, squeezing her nipples. I straddled Beth's stomach, looking down at her breasts shimmering with my wife's juices. "Do it!" was all Beth could say. Her eyes were half closed and a slight smile crossed her lips. I moved my cock to one breast, scooping up Kathy's pussy juice with my cock head and rubbing it into one brown, erect nipple. Beth moaned and looked down at my penis pricking her nipple. She grabbed it and guided me between both breasts, mashing both of them around my shaft. I moaned and threw my head back. Titty-fucking was something I had only been able to do with Kathy once or twice, but something I never failed to get off on. Kathy kneeled next to us, fingering her slit with one hand and pinching her nipple with the other. She then moved towards the two of us. "Pinch his nipples Beth, he loves to have his nipples pinched." I did too and when Beth pinched hard with her knuckles, Kathy squeezed Beth's breasts together and I thrust forward once wildly, my cock head sliding between her well lubricated breasts to emerge under her chin. Beth moved her head down, licking the purple head of my dick with her pink tongue, groaning the whole time. Beth squeezed my nipples and a body buzz tingled from my nipples to my groin. My balls shifted involuntarily, making me groan again.Beth looked at Kathy and said, "I can taste you Kathy. I can taste your juice on your husband's penis." Kathy and I both groaned and I pulled back, my penis sliding down through Beth's cleavage. The backstroke was amazing, as the friction from her tits almost made me cum. My penis quivered and pre-cum oozed out onto the left breast. "He's almost ready to come. Can you see Beth?" There was a line of pre-cum between the breasts, mixing with the pussy juice and saliva to create a warm, oozing lubricant."Do you want him to come in my mouth, or on my chest?" asked Beth to Kathy, breathing heavy. "I've never seen a guy come.""I don't know, what do you want?" Both girls looked to me expectantly. I stroked forward again and Beth took just the tip in her mouth, swirling her tongue around and around, frenching the tip. I pulled back again, groaning as the fullness of her breasts squeezed my penis like liquid velvet. Another thrust forward, this time across one nipple, Beth's eyes fluttering as I did it, but opening her mouth for the first inch or two of my penis. I pushed farther into her mouth and my balls scraped across her erect nipple. Beth groaned around my penis as I pulled back out, again loving the feeling of my head as it slid between her breasts.Kathy moved her head down to Beth's crotch for a moment. I could see in the mirror on the wall next to us, Kathy tonguing Beth's pussy. Beth moaned and moved her hands from my chest to my wife's head, pushing it into her vulva. Kathy licked at the clit, one lone stroke up and down. Beth shuddered from head to toe, causing her breasts to jiggle around my penis. I stroked forward again, twirling my balls against her nipples, loving the feeling of those hard little points against my scrotum. I rubbed the head of my penis against first one and then the other breast while at the same time, Kathy lightly nibbled Beth's clit, sending Beth into her second orgasm.Kathy moved back to Beth's face and kissed her, just inches from me. Both tongues thrust and caressed the other. "Have you ever tasted pussy before?" Kathy asked, but Beth shook her head negatively. They kissed again, this time more sweetly, Beth's lips pulling at Kathy's and licking slightly, tasting her own juices on Kathy's lips. "Are you ready to cum now?" Kathy asked me. "Mouth or chest?" asked Beth.I stroked forward while Beth held her breasts together. The bottom of my head rubbed against the soft skin between her breasts. Her breasts rubbed all along my shaft until my balls encountered the warm softness and again, Beth took me into her mouth. Kathy's hand reached under my butt and stroked my nuts with her fingers, rolling them very softly back and forth. As I pulled back, the resistance of all that breast meat against my penis was too much. I started to cum, a white rope of it spraying across one breast and Beth's neck. As I thrust forward, my come preceded the thrust, squirting between the breasts and onto Beth's lips as I entered her mouth. The warmth of that mouth and her tongue licking the head made me stream again, this time into her mouth. I pulled out and through the slippery cleavage, sending another rope onto Beth's chest. Kathy pulled me towards her and rubbed my head into the rock hard nipple of her right breast. I sprayed another spasm of semen.Kathy pulled my hips forward and placed her lips over my penis while Beth pinched my nipples. I let loose with a final torrent, surprised Kathy would keep me in her mouth, but she milked my penis with her tongue, moaning all the while."Lay down hon." And I did. Both girls moved as I lay on the floor. Two sets of hands fluttered over my body, and we began again...The End
Author Note: Paul, is an adult story with adult content. It is more a story about a young man with mind control containing occasional bouts of graphic sex than a piece written with the express intention of getting the reader off.As in all works of fiction any resemblance to real people or places is simply that, a resemblance. Feel free to email me with questions, comments or suggestions nsj153 [at]***Chapter 2 – Skipping is not WalkingSusan was buckling her seat belt in the passenger seat of her father's truck when she came too. Something was wrong. She feel dizzy thinking about it. She looked at her father, he was already behind the wheel and starting the truck."What..." She trailed off unable to finish her sentence. Why was she so confused? She looked to her father with the intention of questioning him but her mind grew foggy. She couldn't seem to ask but she did notice that her father looked tired."Where are we headed?" She asked. She was proud that she asked something though she knew that it wasn't the correct question as soon as it passed her lips. It was the only one she seemed capable of asking though."Home." Her father said through clenched teeth. There was something wrong with his voice. For some reason that reassured her. Whatever this was that was happening to her, she wasn't alone."What..." She started again. They were slowly spiraling down through the parking garage that was connected to the hospital. Something was wrong. Her mind seemed to work in fits and starts but always arrived at the same conclusion. Something was not right. She suddenly visualized herself skipping and then crawling but she did not understand why. She felt like the images should mean something to her but when she tried to follow that thread of thought she got lost in the fog.When her father slowed down for the gate but did not stop she gripped the arm rest hard. The truck broke through the barrier. It wasn't a big explosion of wood and metal like a Hollywood movie. The wooden barrier simple popped off the metal arm and clattered to the ground."What the fuck?" She half screamed. Her father did not react in any visible way."I can't stop until we get home." Her father said devoid of emotion.Something came over her. This was completely wrong. Something was wrong with her mind. Something was wrong with her Father's mind. Her brother... PAIN.The pain shot through her and she screamed again, this time with the full force of her lungs. As she struggled against the restraint of the seat belt, her father did not respond. The first stoplight just outside the hospital went yellow as they approached and then red. She braced against the seat and let out a deep breath as the truck began to slow. It eventually came to a stop. She was sure he was going to run the light.She looked at her father and saw a single tear rolling down his face. He never cried. Something was so wrong. She panicked. It felt like her skin was on fire. She had to move. She had to move now.She unbuckled her seat beat and opened the door almost without thinking. She had one foot on the ground when the light changed and her father stepped on the gas. She stumbled out and away from the moving vehicle.Now that she was no longer in the truck she knew she had made the correct choice in leaving. She was surprised, at first, that she could even walk toward the parking garage. She laughed as she picked up the pace and ran. She felt like a child for a while enjoying the pure feeling of running.The confusion was still there. She did not know why she chose to head back to the hospital but whatever was wrong with her thinking did not effect her feelings. She felt it was the correct thing to do so she did it.Once she reached the parking garage she grew fearful. Her mind was foggy and she did not know why. Only that there was danger here. She saw the gate he had driven though and the booth where someone should check tickets or take money. It appeared to be empty. She walked past without looking too closely sure that whoever was inside would somehow recognize her.On the ground level she saw the brightly lit area where the stairs and elevator were. She knew safety existed there. She took one step towards it though and knew that was not way to go. She moved towards the rows of parked cars. She felt like she was stalking from tree to tree in a dark forest where there were all manner of predators after her.She reached the second level and followed the ramp around until she could see the sliding glass doors that connected to the hospital. A van was parked in the temporary parking spaces directly in front of the doors. The van looked wrong to her. It made her shiver. She ducked down behind a car aware of how odd she must look to anyone who could see her.She felt drawn to the doors though. She moved forward darting from the cover of one car to the next. She ducked down behind a car when the sliding glass doors slid open. A man and woman excited the hospital. She let out a breath she was not aware she held. They were just people, they weren't dangerous.She stood up and moved forward as she watched the couple wait for the elevator to another level of the parking garage. Thankfully these doors lead to the second level of the hospital and most people parked in the big lot out front. Only the doctors and nurses and the regulars who had applied for parking passes parked here. Hopefully there wouldn't be anyone else before she reached the doors.She ducked between two cars when the doors opened again. This time two men in suits exited. She shot to her left hiding between the two vehicles. The feel of wetness and the smell of urine was how she learned she had pissed herself.The men frightened her and yet she had never seen them before in her life. She pressed her face to the ground and looked beneath the car. She could not see anything because another car was in the way. She did the bravest thing she had ever done. She took a deep breath and crawled towards the wall. There was enough room to slip past the front of the car. Once past it she dropped onto her stomach and pressed her head to the floor. Now there was only a single vehicle protecting her from the men. The van was far enough away that she could see up to the men's waists but not far enough that she could see them completely.One man was gone, probably already in the van. The other was operating the mechanical device at the back of the van. A flat piece of metal was lowering itself to the ground.The doors opened again and Susan was surprised to see Megan. The nurse was pushing someone in a wheel chair. A third man in a dark suit followed her. Susan tried to concentrate on the boy in the wheelchair but it hurt to even look at him.The boy was asleep. His head had rolled to one side. His body was covered with a blanket. Before they reached the van she lost sight of their faces due to the confines of her position. She watched as they loaded the wheelchair onto the mechanical lift and then into the van. All the people eventually got in, including Megan.When the van started she panicked. They would see her. Her heart raced and she was sure had she not already wet herself she would have done so then. She remained on the ground pressing her face into the concrete. When the van drove past she squeezed her eyes shut too scared to even look to see if they had noticed her.Almost against her will she shot forward after it had passed. She squealed at her own surprise movement. This was the right thing to do though. She needed to know where the van was going. She saw the license plate and heading toward the glass doors at a run.Once inside she reached over the reception desk and grabbed a pen and piece of paper. The two girls behind the desk took note of her urine soaked jeans, her dirty clothes, and the tears on her cheeks. They were trying to ask her what had happened. If everything was okay. She ignored them.She scribbled down the plate numbers and took off at a run. She had no idea what to do now, but letting the two receptionist catch her and cage her was not going to happen. She didn't understand why she had done what she had done, only that every odd step had felt correct. Somehow she knew that with the plate numbers there was still hope.She left the hospital and walked. At first people noticed her jeans but the urine soon dried. She was walking past a gas station when she noticed a police car at a fuel pump. Almost before she knew it she was in the car. She started it up just as the officer was exiting the convenience store.She stepped on the gas. The radio squawked as the police officer reported the stolen cruiser. She drove two blocks and pulled into a car wash. It was the kind that offered bays with garage doors that closed. She pulled the doors closed and tried working the laptop in the center of the car.Eventually she found the program to report a stolen vehicle. She was just starting to input the information for the van when she had a better idea. She was looking for the amber report information so she could send the whole police force after the van when she found the DMV look up functions instead.She typed the information to find that the van belonged to an assisted living village. She almost drove through the front garage door in her excitement to leave the car wash. Instead she got out and opened the door first. She considered turning the sirens on but the chatter on the radio was still about the stolen cruiser.They kept warning the 'female occupant' to give herself up. That the car had a low jack device, that they would find her quickly. She knew she should be scared but instead she felt excited. Driven. As if for the first time in years she had purpose. When she examined those feelings she almost rear ended a truck. She did not know what she was trying to do but thinking too strongly about it did not seem to help.She left the car two driveways down from the assisted living center. She popped the hood and trunk and with a tool she found in the trunk forced one of the contacts off from the battery hoping that would disable the low jack and give her more time.She considered taking one of the shot guns from the trunk or the bulletproof vest that said police in large bold letters but she did not. Something felt wrong about drawing attention to herself even if it made her feel safe.She entered the property from the back of the adjoining lot. It was an apartment complex's parking lot. She had to hang around before she felt it safe enough to climb up onto the dumpster and over the eight foot chain link fence.Once over the fence she was on the assisted living home's property. There was a steep hill that rose as high as the fence itself before dropping quickly away. She had seen the same long tall hills on property that bordered highways. It was a way to deflect the sound as well as create a sense of privacy. The hill was littered with small bushes and evergreen trees to further break up the space and make it seem like a natural border.She stayed in the cover of the trees as she approached the building. Only a few of the tennis courts or shuffle board courts were in use. Several groups of elderly people were playing cards on the umbrella covered tables set up behind the large apartment building. Female workers moved between the tables with trays of drinks.The workers wore white shirts with something blue in the upper left of their chest. Some sort of logo. Their skirts were white as well. The inclusion of the tennis shoes made the young women look like tennis players, though the skirts came down to their knees, far longer than any tennis skirts she had seen.She did not see any men in dark suits but she was terrified of being spotted by anyone. The large L-shaped building ran all the way to the small hill. She made her way to the edge of the building by staying in the trees but then found she had no idea of what to do next.She felt a need to get inside but it was overpowered by so much fear that she could not move. She stood against the building staring at the hill. She was panicking but she did not know why. When she heard police sirens that seemed to force her hand. She was surprised at how steadily she walked around the corner into the unknown.She entered the first door she came too. Inside was a garage. Vans rested in straight lines. Dark vans like the one that picked up...She shook her head. The van had picked up Megan and... the boy in the wheelchair. She tried not to follow her curiosity about who he was. Instead she looked at the vans' plates. The one from the hospital was not there. There were four empty spaces.Perhaps they would not come back here. Perhaps whoever had taken him had simply stolen a van and this was a dead end! She was about to turn around when she considered the last place she had seen the van. It had been idling by the entrance of the hospital so that it had been easy to put the wheelchair into the vehicle. If the van was here it would be parked out front near the entrance so they could get... the wheelchair out.As she moved towards the door that led into the building she was overcome with fear. She continued on though because as scared as she was it was better than turning around and not having a purpose. Even if she could not understand exactly what her purpose here was.Opening the door to the building was hard. She expected to see long lines of men in suits or the police. Instead she saw a long wide hallway carpeted in the same crappy carpet you find in any building like this. The brown walls with the red diamonds seemed to fit with the whole idea of this place. Hand rails were attached to everything and ran down the length of the hallway. Somehow everything seemed a bit too stereotypical. This hallway could be in any convention center or mid-priced hotel across America, yet it filled her with such dread.There was a door on each side of the hallway but then smooth wall for a long period. When one of the white shirted workers turned the corner some distance away and started towards her she darted through the door to her right.She smiled when she realized it was a changing room. The lockers were not locked and it did not take her long to find one that held a uniform.There were no personal effects in any of the lockers she opened but she was too busy to notice that fact. She undressed quickly and pulled the skirt on. It fit well but the shirt did not. She knew she was not in the best shape but the girl who wore this uniform had large breasts and an extremely fit stomach and it appeared, when she tried a second shirt on, that all the shirts were tailored.She froze when the door opened. As she spun she was surprised to see Megan following one of the uniformed girls into the room.Susan did not move as the girl led Megan to a locker."This will be your locker." The girl said in a calm flat voice. Neither of them looked at Susan except to glance in her direction once."You will come directly from your room here and change into your uniform. If you return from somewhere else you will come here first and change. You will place your old clothing into the locker and then report to the station for your assignments." The girl said. Megan nodded.The girl leading her turned and left the room and Megan followed. The girl in the uniform did not seem to notice her. Megan smiled at her vaguely as she walked past but said nothing.When the door closed behind Megan. Susan took a huge breath as she collapsed to her knees. Was Megan helping them. What she under this same power... Susan lost her train of thought.When she was fully dressed, Susan made her way back into the hallway. She picked up a tray with empty glasses from a table just outside the next room and walked around the building searching. She stopped when it suddenly struck her that she was not searching for Megan. If she was looking for Megan she would have spoken to her in the locker room. Or in the very least felt something at seeing her.No. She must be looking for her... The man in the wheelchair. The boy. The young man. Her mind skipped around trying to remember him clearly. She settled on the fact that he was not an old man. Even better than that, she realized she would feel oddly when she looked at him. This confusion could be useful in identifying him.She turned a corner on the second floor and almost bumped into a man in a dark suit. She corrected her course and was already past the man when she realized what had almost happened. She could hardly breathe. She came to an open door and when she saw uniformed women working inside she turned in. Two women were making up the bed and another was removing the trash bag near the desk.None of them looked at her as she put the tray on the empty table and sat down in the large chair. The room looked like a hotel room, including the in-the-wall air conditioning unit.The women moved like dancers even about their simple chores. Each one was beautiful in her own way. When she realized she was watching how they moved Susan blushed and turned her head away. She had to come up with a plan. Something. Anything.When she was ready she left the room and continued searching. She watched from a window in one of the rooms as a few of the men in dark suits stood near police officers out in front of the building. She saw a large group of police but they simply stood in line shoulder to shoulder. No one spoke and none ever entered the building to her knowledge.She found several rooms that were oddly furnished but she did not worry about it, none contained a non-old man in a wheelchair. By the fourth floor she found it odd that she saw none of the elderly inside. She opened some of the doors at random to find that the rooms were empty.She made her way back down to the room where she had almost bumped into the man in the dark suit on the second floor.He was still standing guard outside the room. He looked to be about forty. He was in good shape and seemed alert but he did not seem to pay any attention to her. It was the same reaction as the other staff, or non-reaction as it were. She found herself walking up to him."The police are coming over the back fence." She said hoping he would leave. The man did not respond at all. He did not even look down at her. She reached slowly for the door. Still he did not move. Excitement mixed with her fear. There was a chance.She opened the door and expected the man to attack her but he did not. As she was closing the door she paused."What are your orders?" She asked quickly when the idea came to her."To make sure the young man does not leave the room." The man replied. She felt a wave of excitement flush through her.She closed the door behind her after she entered. She found it hard to look at the young man. This was the one. The wheelchair was beside the bed. He was lying on the bed with an I.V. in his arm. She did not know what was in the bag but she did not think it was there to help him.She pulled the needle from his arm. That was when she noticed the leather cuffs around his wrists. They were connected with a short chain to a metal ring on the side of the bed. She quickly unstrapped his wrists then checked him. His ankles were cuffed as well. It was hard to see what she was doing as she removed the ball gag from his mouth.She opened the curtains to look outside. There was a wide garden of flowers between the window and a paved path. Then there were a few tables and the tennis courts. His window faced the back of the property. That was good it meant they did not have to deal with the police lined up like pins out front.She searched the window only to find it was incapable of being opened. It was solid. She considered trying to fight the guard but she figured he would fight back even if she was not trying to take the...She searched the room for weapons. In the end she discarded the idea. She made her way out into the hall and entered the room directly across from... She peeked out of the blinds. She could see the men in suits standing in front of the police officers. Both groups were in exactly the same position as she had seen them before.One man in a suit was speaking to an officer. He finished and stepped to the side to speak with another. Though she could not see his face she suddenly feared him.When she realized that there were not many police officers left to speak to she felt a cold sweat come over her. She had to hurry. Whatever happened she knew she had to be done and gone by the time the man was done speaking with the police.She rushed back across the hall. She took the front panel off the air conditioning unit and examined it. She did not have the tools or the know how to remove it. She had thought she might be able to push the in-wall unit out and pull his body out behind her. She was feeling panic well up in her.She loaded the person into the wheelchair with her eyes closed. She could work so much easier when she wasn't looking at him.She took a lamp out into the hall with her. She lifted the lamp above her head and was ready to strike the guard when a thought occurred to her."Do you leave your post?" She asked."No." He answered."What if there is an attack?" She asked."No." He said."What is there is a fire?" She asked with a smile."No.""What if you are ordered away?" She asked."Yes." He said simply."You were ordered to go into that room and close the door behind you." She said pointing at the room across the hall.He took a few steps forward and opened the door. When he entered he closed the door behind him. She stood staring after him for a long moment before she shook herself.She ran back inside and put the lamp back. She pushed the wheelchair quickly down to the set of elevators. She was happy that when the doors opened the elevator was empty. She took the elevator down to the lobby and tried to act like she worked here.She paused long enough in the lobby to go over and look out the front windows of the main waiting area. The man in the suit was speaking with the second to last police officer in line.He would be finished soon. She knew the search would begin shortly after that. They would notice the man not standing at his post and they would come after her. She glanced at the police outside then pushed the wheelchair near the door marked stairs at the side of the room. She raced up the stairs to the second floor.She ran back to the room and ordered the man back to his position. He silently obeyed. From the hallway it looked just the same as it had before. Now they would have to enter the room or speak to him to know anything was wrong.She ran back to the wheelchair and pushed the wheelchair to the garage. After a few minutes monkeying with a van's controls she gave up. She pulled the body from the wheelchair and physically dragged the person's limp body inside the van so that it was lying on the floor. She made her way to the front seat and started the van. She pulled it forward within inches of the garage door.She made her way back inside the building. No one paid any attention to her. She made her way to the lobby and spoke to the girl behind the reception desk."You have been ordered to go to the fourth floor and wait in one of the rooms." Susan said."Which room?" The girl asked."Four-oh-two." Susan said at random hoping the room was unoccupied. The girl stood up and walked away.Susan waited behind the desk. The girl had a book she had been reading. Susan picked it up and waited. Nothing happened for a while. She watched the minutes slowly tick forward on the digital clock. She had to wait for the men outside to leave. That or she had to attempt to drive past all of them and even considering that possibility made her shiver in fear.Suddenly she saw dark colored suits entering the building. The men moved like robots. They were of all races but each man looked fit and able to handle himself. If each man was given sunglasses and the little ear buds they would look like secret service agents.After they passed she felt her throat lock up as the door opened again. The man that entered caused her to wet herself again. Fear pulsed through her. He looked ordinary, somewhere in his mid-thirties. He was speaking with a female police officer who walked besides him.She moved in the same groggy manner as her father had moved in the truck. After Susan watched them enter the elevator she stood up and walked quickly to the garage.She froze when she entered the garage. There was a man standing at attention near the door that lead from the garage to the building. He looked at her once but then returned to his statuesque position.She forced herself to wear a smile as she walked past him. The man did not respond as she walked to the door that led outside. She had to make sure the coast was clear. It was. As she passed him again she stopped to speak with him. These robot-men were nowhere near as frightening as the man who had gotten on the elevator."Do you have money?" She asked him."No." He said. She nodded."There is money in the equipment room." He said. She tensed. The other man had not offered any information without her asking a direct question. She feared a trap. When nothing continued to happen she took a risk."Show me to the room." She said.The man took her inside the building and pointed at the room across the hall from the changing room. The first door to the left.She opened the door and immediately attempted to wet herself again. She would have been embarrassed if she could feel anything but the fear.She had no room in her head to think at all except to look carefully at the six men pointing guns at her.It was over. They had caught her. She should have known when the man gave up information with out being asked. She was a fool.She did not know how long she waited for them to shoot her before she realized they were not going to. They stood three to a side. Each one had a MP5 pointed at her. She could see they wore Kevlar beneath their suits."You are ordered not to shoot me." She said. None of the men spoke. She thought about leaving but there was a door only a few short steps in front of her. That had to be the equipment room. They would need money to buy gas, or another car. There was no point in escaping if they could not afford to get away. She took a hesitant step forward. The men tracked her with the tips of their weapons but no one spoke. She took another step then another.She passed between them and they turned back to the door behind her. She opened the door in front of her and slipped inside. She was shocked. She did not take too long staring though. The room was filled with weapons. Rifles and pistols and grenades. There were even rocket launchers behind some of the larger locker doors. The money was easy to find.It was laid out on a table in large stacks held together with a rubber bands. The stacks were different sizes and the bills seemed to be inconsistent. Here twenties and fives and ones, there fifties and hundreds.She walked over to the metal briefcases stacked against a wall and attempted to lift one. It was far heavier than she would have guessed. She opened it on the floor and was surprised to see several handguns and some other things she did not recognize. That's when she noticed the duffel bags. They were empty and squished down into one of the areas below a bench. She walked over and pulled a few out. There were several sizes.She filled one with all the money on the table. She grabbed items at random from the lockers. One or two of each weapon. She filled another bag with ammunition though she was not sure what went to which gun.She left the grenades and rocket launchers but took a full duffel of smoke grenades and flash bangs. She was suddenly grateful for the time she spent playing video games with her boyfriends. The games had taught her the look of most of the items. When she was done she had several large duffel bags on the floor. Most were too heavy to drag let alone lift.She stepped out into the small room that was between her and the hallway where the six men with guns stood."You are ordered to help take these bags out to the garage." She said. The men did not move. She went out to the garage and brought the man back with her. A few trips later and the man had all the bags on the floor of the garage near the rear of the van.She was too scared to have him load the van. He might see the other passenger and she had no idea how he would react.It took her some time but she got the heavy bags into the back of the van and was finally ready to leave.She opened the small man door besides the large garage door and checked the drive way again. There was only one police vehicle left in the large parking lot in front of the building. The driveway to the street was clear.She got into the van and took a few deep breaths before she hit the remote garage door opener. She glanced back once to check that there was a body in the back. Then she drove. She expected men in suits to jump out of the bushes at any second or bullets to rip through the tires and windshield.She had no idea where she was heading but she found herself on the highway headed west. She drove until the fuel light came on. She pulled off the highway and filled up. The whole time she stood at the pump she waited for men with guns to come out of the building or cars to come skidding into the gas station. She had to go inside to pay. She did so quickly. The uniform had no pockets but she took cash inside in a sweaty wad. She was sure that they would at least question her about that.She bought a few of the novelty shirts they had as well as food and soda for the road. She grabbed two bottles of caffeine pills near the register as well.She tried to check on the other passenger. In the end she simply closed her eyes and felt the pulse at his neck. It was strong and steady. There were no seats in the back of the van but the man had not shifted much during their trip.As she merged with traffic getting back onto the highway she felt a lot of her fear drop away. It felt good to be on the road. No, that wasn't completely true. It felt good to be on the road and driving away from Shady Oaks Assisted Living Community.To be continued...Next time the readers learn about another of the gifted, his experiences with the power, and the consequences of his actions.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 73
This is an expanded and (we hope improved) version ofthe story "Bred by My Brother-In-Law" posted to DarkWanderer by Jenny. A comparison will show this isstill Jenny's story. HV has merely inserted someexplanatory details and added dialogue.It all started out harmlessly enough. Ken and Suziewere over at our house having dinner, again! I neverparticularly liked these occasions. Ken was resentfulof his younger brother's success in business while hehad remained strictly blue collar and he tried to hidehis envy by constantly making off-color jokes andlittle references to their working-class origins. Myhusband Jack, on the other hand, just liked his olderbrother, no matter, and paid no attention to thejibes. I, however, couldn't help but bristle and Kenwas aware of, and reciprocated, my dislike for him. Tonight he was on one of his favorite subjects."So, Jack-boy, when are you going to be puttin' a bunin the cute little oven of that prissy little girl youmarried? I'll guarantee you, the lovin' gets a wholelot better when a woman's got your baby swelling herup! They just can't get enough of the cock that put ababy in'em, idn't that right honey?" he grinned as hereached over to pat the prominent bulge in Suzie'stummy. Suzie just giggled and snuggled closer to Ken."Guess that's one reason I'll be going for numberfour when Suzie pops this one for me!"Jack just laughed. "Katherine is up for juniorpartner this year, Ken. Not a good time to bestarting a family. Besides she's is not really the'mommy type.'" I was grateful that Jack was supporting me, although Iknew that part of him DID wish I stayed home cooking,cleaning and taking care of a houseful of babies, ashis mother had done for his father and his sevenbrothers and sisters. I knew, too, he wished I'd meethim at the door each night eager for him to fuck mybrains out. If I did, though, the same could happento me as to MY mother. I was probably as fertile shehad been and I had seen her plans for a career delayedand ultimately derailed by one quick pregnancy afteranother. My desire to avoid having a baby had to takesome of the spontaneity out of lovemaking, since Icouldn't take the Pill.In fact as my career prospects improved, I became evenmore cautious. Even with rubbers, I seldom let Jackfuck me for five or six days on either side of my"danger zone." Subtracting out my menses and theuncertainties of a rather irregular period, thereweren't many nights I could relax and just get fucked.Nor, knowing how easily I get turned on could I giveJack head or let him eat me in between times.Not being a tease, I tried to keep Jack from gettingtoo wound up when I wasn't going to be able to satisfyhim. I started dressing more conservatively, seldomshowing off my long legs and nice boobs in the frillyblouses, miniskirts, and strappy heels he loves. Fearing my own romantic reactions, I steered us awayfrom candlelight dinners, wild parties, and going outdancing. I didn't dare wear the sexy lingerie andsleepwear that Jack gave me and I had to be prettycareful about snuggling up close at night; it wouldhave been too cruel. In a word, I avoided all thosethings that the women's magazines advise for puttingthe spark back in your marriage. I didn't want anysparks starting a fire I could not control.Ken roared at Jack's comment. "Katie not the 'mommytype?' ANY woman is the 'mommy type' Jack-boy, onceshe's getin' fucked properly. Maybe you're not bedoin' a good enough job on Miss Society Girl. I'd sayole Katie's got a bod built perfectly for makin'babies. Look at those hips! Plenty of room for twinsor triplets. And those hooters, man, she couldproduce enough milk for quadruplets. How about it,Sis?" He leered at me, knowing how I hated for him tocall me "Sis" or "Katie." "Does caveman Jack-boythrow you down and fuck you 'til you don't know orcare whether he's knockin' you up or not?"That got Jack mad and he told Ken he was out of line,but he was mollified later that evening when Kenpromised to come around to help out around the housewhile Jack was gone on his business trip. I wasn'tthrilled by the idea.That night I helped Jack pack and the next morning Ikissed him good bye for two weeks. Knowing we mightmiss the next "safe" window I decided to risk gettinga couple of condoms ready, hoping to get a "good-bye"fuck that morning, but Jack was in a hurry and left mefeeling pretty horny. Of course, I knew that wasn'tthe only reason; I was always horny in the middle ofmy cycle. Ken was partly right: Mother Nature agreedthat I had a body built for making babies and Shedidn't agree with my brain's decision to wait.Later that day Ken came over. He was actually quitefriendly and really did help moving a lot of thingsout of the garage into the attic as he'd promised. Hepoured us a couple of glasses on the wine he'd broughtwhile I put the sandwiches and chips on the table. Wewere talking about nothing at all but he kept lookingat me as we ate. The wine really seemed to go to myhead because I was soon feeling strange, like I hardlyknew what Ken was saying. What I did know was thatthe vague feeling of horniness from this morning hadgotten MUCH stronger. I could feel my pussy gettingmoist. When I stood up after lunch, I staggered alittle.Ken put his arm around me. "Boy that stuff worksfast.""What are you talking about," I asked sluggishly."Why the drug I put in your wine, Sis," he grinned. "They said it might take another half hour to hityou," he replied pulling me closer and nuzzling myneck."Drug?" I asked stupidly."Yes, just a little something to loosen up myin-control sister-in-law to make you one sleepy, hornylittle girl.""No, no!" I tried to protest, but Ken just laughed."If you're not horny, Katie, why are your boobs sohard? I hadn't even realized when he put his handsinside my blouse. "Do you always get turned on soeasily?" he taunted."No, it's just that ..." I gasped as he released mybra and began to worry my nipples with his fingers."I'd say you're wrong, Katie. You must be reallyhorny to enjoy letting your own brother-in-law feel upyour tits like this. It does feel good, doesn't it,Katie?""Uuuuu. Yes" I grunted."I thought so, but maybe we should be really sure.""Be sure?""Yeah, Katie baby! Let's see how wet you are." Ifelt my panties being drawn down over my hips andKen's middle finger slip in. I gasped with pleasure."Fuckin' A! You're leaking like a sieve down therehoney. I guess ole Jackie-boy didn't give you anycock this morning. You must need some help, eh?""Uuu No!" I was trying to fight the feelings, butKen's hand on my nipple and the other in my pussy wasdriving me crazy. "Please, please stop! Why are youdoing this to me?" I cried."Well, it might be that I'm a nice guy who knowsyou're a horny little slut who isn't getting the harddirty sex you need from my brother." His fingers n mycunt had me on the verge of orgasm. I could hardlythink. "That's what you are, right, Katie? A slut? Would a cool career woman be just about to come on athick finger in her hot fuck hole?""Noooo!" I moaned, needing him to push me just alittle further."Would a nice society girl beg me to make her comewith my hand?""Noooooooo" I moaned longer and louder."Then show me you're a slut. Do it!" he barked.I was insane with lust. I'd have said anything. "Oh,god, Ken! Please!""'Please' what, Katie baby?""Please let me come. Make me come!""Well if I were a 'nice guy,' I would. But I'm not! I am sick of you looking down on me and my wife causeshe is a stay-at-home mommy for our two and a halfkids while you wont give my whimpy brother even onebaby. But if you want to come, that's going tochange." He scooped me up over his shoulder andcarried me upstairs. He settled me into my bed andhandcuffed my arms to the bedposts. Only then did Inotice the video camera."Before I finish with you, slut, you're going to begme to give you my baby. I'm going to make a tape ofthis afternoon. An edited version will make sureyou'll keep it, or them. See, that drug I put in yourwine also is a fertility drug.""Oh god he's going to knock me up and blackmail meinto keeping the baby," I thought. Finishing removing my blouse he said, "Let's see thosetits you always are hiding" As he threw my bra ontothe floor, he exclaimed, "Damn fine boobies; my babywill love these.""God no!" I screamed. He pushed my knees apart. "Iknow how to shut you up," he said, starting to kiss mytits and belly. I went wild. The cuffs were nolonger necessary and he removed them. The camerarecorded a rutting woman getting just what she needed."Aiiiiii!," I moaned as his tongue reached myoverheated pussy. After about the fourth orgasm, Ifound his cock in my mouth. Soon, I was bobbing andsucking his dick while he taunted me and played withmy pussy. Then he stiffened. "Swallow it all bitch,"he whispered, "Or your hubby will find out."I bobbed up and down swallowing as fast as I could ashe came. "Nice job baby we have to make this a regularthing" He smiled and laid down on the bed pulling meon top of him "Time to make you a mommy" As he forcedme onto his dick he played with my clit and sucked mytits to make me bounce up and down on his dick. "Yeabitch, being a mommy will calm your lawyer ass down. Now beg for me to make you a mommy or I tell hubby.""Noooo oh god," I moaned. "Make me a mommy!" Tearsrolled down my face. Suddenly I arched and came. "Oohhh nooooo ahhh." I was so embarrassed having comefor him like that. "Good girl," he smiled, "Now here's your baby! Ahhh!"he roared as he unloaded his spunk into me. Iclimaxed again. He held me tight as he came in metime after time. After he finished he made me staythere on him and kiss him. "Say thank you for makingme a mommy" I was still delirious from more orgasms ina few minutes than I'd had with my husband in months. Not thinking about the camera I bowed my head, "Thankyou Ken for making me a mommy" before the combinationof the drug and series of powerful orgasms sank meinto blackness.When I awoke I felt Jack in me fucking me deliciously.As soft orgasm was starting to build and I pulledmyself closer to him. Then my head cleared furtherand I realized it was not my husband, but Ken, rockhard again and in me. I was to far gone even to thinkabout resisting. In moments he was again filling myunprotected pussy with his seed and my body consentedto the breeding with a massive orgasm.By the time Jack returned I knew I was pregnant. Alittle creative calendar manipulation persuaded Jackthat he was responsible for my missed period. He wasoverjoyed at being a father. Unfortunately, he wasonly going to be a daddy. I wish I could say that letting Ken fuck me was aone-time thing. It wasn't. Whether it was theexcitement of an illicit affair or that Ken's lewdwords that night were all too true, I couldn't getenough of the cock that had put the baby in me. Kenwas out of work around then and managed to screw mealmost daily during my early pregnancy. Sometime hewould come to the house after Jack left early for workand before I did. Sometimes I took a room for us in ahotel near my office.It was wild, exciting. When Ken's cock was in me, Itotally lost control and would do anything for him,things I would never do for Jack. He showed me thedoggie position and how to ride him. I giggled as hegot me out of all those sexy things I wouldn't wearfor Jack. He taught me to give head and to loveswallowing. I let Ken eat me for hours, making meorgasm over and over on his tongue. And many of theseflings he continued to film. We watched them togetherbefore fucking on future occasions. With Jack, on theother hand, I felt no desire, whether from guilt orbecause Ken was filling all my sexual needs, Icouldn't say. Jack seemed very understanding of hispregnant wife's quirks and soon stopped pestering mefor sex.******Almost 9 months later some of my friends from workwere giving me a baby shower at our home. I was ontop of the world. My dangerous and embarrassingaffair with Ken had come to an end when he got a jobout of town on a construction project. In desperationat first and them with real feeling, I'd startedgetting Jack to fuck me daily if not more often. Hewas surprised and pleased by his newly horny wife andI was enjoying sex with my loving husband as neverbefore. Soon I would be a new mother, but I would bereturning to work afterward. I would have the best ofboth worlds.Ken and Suzie stayed around after the other guestsleft. Suzie had given birth to number three and wasabout seven months pregnant again. "Looks like youtwo have a lot in common," Ken said as he playfullyrubbed my belly. "So," he said to Jack, "You must behappy Katie is going to be a mommy. You going to keepher hat home so she'll be handy for starting on thenext one?"Jack just sighed "I tried to talk her into it. Theway my business is going, she doesn't have to work. But she is hiring a nanny and intends to stay with thelaw firm.""Well, maybe she'll change her mind once the baby'sborn," Ken said, ominously, I thought.A week later I had twin girls we named Jacqueline andJocelyn. Several of weeks after that I was homefixing the nursery, preparing to go back to work atthe end of my maternity leave when Ken showed up atthe house. He picked one of the babies up and handedher to me. "Okay Miss High and Mighty, you listen tome. Get your cow tit's out and start nursing thatbaby! If you don't want Jack to find out what a slutyou are, you will leave your job and be a stay at homemommy""No, Ken. Your evil game is over," I replied calmly. "I've had a chance to think. I'll risk your tellingJack. After all, I could tell you wife, too."That's when I heard Suzie laughing in the hallway"Stupid bitch!" she said. "Who do you think came upwith the idea to knock you up to knock you off yourhigh horse?"Ken pushed my daughter into my arms and whispered inmy ear. "Come on, Mommy, you can do it.""Yeah. Get some practice. I've got three already;you can help me care for this one," Suzie smiled asshe rubbed her belly. "It's only fair.""Fair?" I shook my head, not understanding."You weren't taking very good care of Jack's need forsex while when you were first pregnant," she laughed. "Poor guy was pretty horny. One day he saw mebreastfeeding little Jennifer and before he knew it,he was nursing from the other tit. Then I let himsuck my pussy until he was drunk on my cum and tookhim to bed. I've been keeping his eyeballs fucked outsince, usually early in the mornings while Ken wasover at your house taking care of his littlemommy-slut!. This one is Jack's most likely.""You bitch!," I spat."No, darling, just a normal, sexy young mommy likeyou're going to be from now on," Jack said walking in."Jack! You knew!""Yeah, Suzie and I arranged for me to 'catch" her andJack going at it one day and showed him the tapes."Ken explained. "He couldn't believe his reservedlittle wife had such slut potential. But I told himto play it cool and he could have a horny littlestay-at-home mommy like I have.""And that's what I intend to have," Jack leered. "There are a still lot of your old friends and familythat might be interested in seeing some tapes of youraffair, if you get any ideas about going back towork."My career-girl world collapsed. I sat down inresignation. Jack handed me the other baby and begannursing them both, rocking and cooing as they drankhungrily from my breasts.Its been a few months now and Suzie and I are nursingthree newborns and getting fucked daily by Ken andJack. Since there are only two of them, Suzie and Iget together often for some girl/girl fun andsometimes we have foursomes with our men. Of coursethey never use condoms, so it's only a matter of timebefore I'm pregnant again with Jack's baby or withKen's. Suzie says she hopes her next one is Jack'sagain.I sometimes still think about my old life and plans,but I know that's irrevocably lost. I could nevergive up the hard, hot, frequent sex I'm getting now. The other day Jack told us he and Ken intend to keepSuzie and me pregnant horny mommies for years to come.We giggled and nodded in agreement.The EndComments please toJenny jdsjett@webtv.netorHomer stories are now found on (Thanks Lazeez) (Thanks, Art)/~Vargas/stories.html
At the ranch my wife gives her cute miniature donkey a bath every Saturday afternoon. She usually comes back to the house to tell me her small donkey pops a huge erection as she washes him! She gets so turned on from her "hung" donkey that she will smoke a joint and ask me to lick her pussy until she has a strong orgasm. I contribute to my wife's kinky desires by teasing her – I suggest she'd enjoy sucking her pet donkey's big penis until he fills her mouth with semen, and she ought to let the donkey fuck her like those shows in Mexico we've heard about! One Saturday afternoon I told my wife I was going out to buy ranch supplies while she bathed her donkey, and I'd return in an hour. My truck wouldn't start, so I ended up working on the engine in the warm garage. After a while I needed a break from the heat and stood next to the open window. I saw my wife sunbathing nude by the pool after bathing her donkey. She had oiled herself and was smoking a joint while wearing non-prescription sunglasses. She couldn't see me through the window just ten feet away as she began masturbating! I guess the donkey's erection got her excited again, and she couldn't wait for me to come home. This was very exciting to watch. Then I saw her donkey push open the pool gate with the latch I keep forgetting to fix. Soon his soft velvet nose grazed my wife's pussy. She jumped and said; "You horny little donkey!" He moved back and began licking the coconut oil off her feet and legs. It wasn't long before my wife was stroking her donkey's penis with coconut oil, and the animal was licking oil and juices off her pussy lips. I had a throbbing erection as he licked her pussy with her legs splayed off to each side of the lounge chair with her feet on the ground. That miniature donkey had an erection completely out of proportion to his relatively small body! And he was soon straddling the lounge chair over my wife trying to mount her! She tried to slide out from under him but the upper part of the lounge chair that held her head and shoulders collapsed to the ground, positioning her pussy just right. Soon his penis knob was inside her pussy! Another thrust and my wife was impaled by about eight inches of engorged donkey penis! I watched silently, listening to my wife moaning in lust, along with wet, squishing noises of the mating, through the open garage window. My wife was high and being serviced by her pet donkey! Then I heard; "Oh my God I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum", and she wrapped her arms around him, pulled herself closer to him, raised her legs up around his flanks, and pumped her hips. With every thrust she moaned, "Ahhhhhh Ahhhhh, and then began wailing; "I'm cummming, I'm cummming, Ohhhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhhhhhhh!" The donkey was bucking wildly and suddenly a lot of donkey semen oozed out of her pussy around its penis. His big penis popped out with a loud "plop" I'll never forget, and he shot a final wad of semen in her pubic hair! Then he walked forward straddling the lounge chair with his penis knob sliding over her belly, breasts, and face, leaving a semen trail. I walked out to the pool to stare at my wife's pussy full of donkey semen with a throbbing erection. Her legs were spread wide displaying her donkey semen-matted pubic hair and gaping pussy. What could I say after all the times I'd suggested doing this every Saturday when I licked her pussy? She soon realized I was home and begged me to lick her pussy. So I licked right through wads of donkey semen until she had a second orgasm! I threw her legs over my shoulders to insert my penis, but her semen filled pussy was way too loose! So I went inside for Vaseline, lubed her asshole, threw her legs over my shoulders again, and fucked her ass hard for the short time it took to ejaculate wad after wad of warm semen deep inside her. Both of her holes were now filled with semen, and she was smiling like a very satisfied woman! After that day we'd get high together. Then she'd wash "Mr. Stud" as I stroked his thick twelve-inch penis with Vaseline until it was dripping, which gave me a throbbing erection too! My wife would stretch open her pussy with a big dildo and we'd let Mr. Stud fuck her silly as she laid face down on top of me, on the special bench I designed, kissing me as her donkey reamed her juicy pussy! Mr. Stud is usually a "premature ejaculator", so my wife will roll over for me to lick her sloppy pussy until she has an orgasm. I soon developed a lust for that sweet nutty flavored donkey semen. One morning I was very horny and decided to get high by myself in the barn. I stroked Mr. Stud's penis with Vaseline until he got a huge erection. Then I sucked his organ until he filled my mouth with copious spurts of semen about a minute later, leaving me sitting in the barn choking on a huge load of semen like a gay boy who had just serviced his well-hung boyfriend. I got hooked on Mr. Stud's sweet tasting donkey semen, and suck him off almost every morning. If my wife wants him later, he'll be able to thrust a lot longer, and bring her to a strong climax, before he fills her pussy to overflowing with his hot donkey semen! END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 73