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NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you: - Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism - Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist - Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper - Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups - Reference materials, including source documents and compendia The resources listed below are found within our e-publications and bookstore. Items available in our library are not listed, but can be found by searching in our library catalog.
House Votes to Turn Wildlife Refuges Into Game Farms; Time to Call Senators Shame. The House of Representatives voted Thursday to allow the stuff of wildlife snuff films to happen in Alaska’s 16 wildlife refuges: The denning of wolf pups, the killing of hibernating bears, the spotting of grizzly bears from aircraft and then shooting them after landing, and the trapping of grizzly bears and black bears with steel-jawed leghold traps and snares. Talk about turning back the clock — and turning the refuges into “game farms,” as retired Arctic National Wildlife biologist Fran Mauer put it. Top scientists had backed a ban on those practices last year by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, saying such killing would not increase moose and caribou numbers. Don Young, the Alaskan representative who proposed this unsound legislation, said on the House floor that he has killed wolves in their dens. Bizarrely, he also argued that denning and hunting from the air don’t occur. Hmmm. And he called it a states rights issue — but these are federal refuges. Five Democrats voted with the Republican majority: Henry Cuellar, Vicente Gonzalez and Filemon Vela of Texas, Ron Kind of Wisconsin, and Collin Peterson of Minnesota. Ten Republicans opposed the killing, including Dave Reichert of Washington. Here’s his number, if you’d like to thank him (it was House Joint Resolution 69): 202-225-7761. And here are numbers for Washington’s Senators. Please ask them to block this legislation in the Senate. (Here’s a fact sheet from the Humane Society of the United States.) Sen. Patty Murray: 202-224-2621 Sen. Maria Cantwell: 202-224-3441
What you need to know: - The former cabinet secretary and ex-PS Gwiyo were charged with abuse of office in the construction of the Ronald Ngala Utalii College based in Kilifi County. - The case has been fixed for mention on December 28 when other suspects will be taking plea. - The two denied the charges and were released on a Sh5 million bond with a surety of similar amount or an alternative Sh1 million cash bail. - As if reading the signs, Balala was the first of Mr Kenyatta’s CSs to congratulate Dr Ruto when he was declared President following the August, 2022 polls. When he appeared at the Malindi magistrate’s court yesterday, former Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala was, at least in the eyes of the public, in an unfamiliar territory. Former Principal Secretary Leah Gwiyo was also arrested and she appeared in court alongside Mr Balala. Mr Balala and Ms Gwiyo, who appeared before Malindi Chief Magistrate James Mwaniki, were charged with abuse of office in the construction of the Ronald Ngala Utalii College based in Kilifi County. The two denied the charges and were released on a Sh5 million bond with a surety of similar amount or an alternative Sh1 million cash bail. The prosecution argued that the Sh3.3 billion consultancy jobs awarded to Baseline Architects Ltd, Ujenzi Consultants, Armitech Consulting Engineering and Westconsult Engineers, was against a Cabinet decision, and constituted an improper award to private firms. According to court submissions, the contract award went contrary to a Cabinet resolution not to engage private consultants, which led to irregular payment of Sh3.3 billion to the firms for design, documentation, supervision and contract management consultancy services. “On December 13, 2010, …you jointly used your offices to improperly confer a benefit to Baseline Architects ltd, Ujenzi Consultants, Armitech Consulting Engineering and Westconsult Engineers by resolving to engage private consultants against a Cabinet decision which led to the irregular payment of Sh3,368,494,779.63 to the said firms in respect of Request for Proposal number CTDLT/003/2011-2012 for consultancy services for the design, documentation, supervision and contract management of the proposed Ronald Ngala Utalii College,” the charge sheet reads. Another accused, Joseph Odero, trading as Westconsult Engineers, denied unlawfully acquiring Sh292.4 million from the Tourism Fund, formerly Catering and Tourism Development Levy Trustees. Mr Odero was released on a Sh3 million bond or an alternative of Sh800,000 cash bail. Construction of the tourism college in the Coast region has taken decades, having started way back in 1996. The project, which sits on a 59-acre piece of land that was donated to the government by Rea Vipingo Plantations Limited, has been a subject of heated debate among tourism stakeholders and coastal politicians for years. It stalled despite gobbling up billions of shillings over the years. Although the idea was approved by the Cabinet in 1996, investigations by parliamentary committees show that construction never took off owing to lack of funds. The latest report by the Parliamentary Implementation Committee released in February this year, shows that a second resolution to establish the college was adopted much later in 2007. It was decided that the National Treasury would fund it to the tune of Sh1.948 billion, and work was expected to be completed within four years, under the Ministry of Tourism. This, too, did not materialise. In March 2010, the ministry informed the now defunct Catering and Tourism Development Levy Trustees (CTDLT) of the decision to set up the college. Upon getting the greenlight from the CTDLT board of trustees, the minister then proceeded to approve the project. In the proposal, the facility would have a capacity of 600 students, tuition blocks, student accommodation, staff quarters, a nursery and primary school, a health centre, a public library and recreational facilities. Other facilities were to include a five-star hotel complex that would also be used for training besides earning revenue to sustain the college. However, later on in December, the architectural design was shot down by the college’s board in a meeting that was also attended by the minister. They expressed misgivings over issues that included failure to adopt local architectural designs, the need to ease flow of movement, and lack of recreational facilities among others. It was then that a resolution was made to source for a private consultant and a tender was awarded to the consortium of Baseline Architects through a structured procurement process. The successful consortium, whose contract was signed in May 2012, was led by Baseline Architects as the Lead Consultant, Ujenzi Consultants as the Quantity Surveyors, Armitech Consultants as structural engineers, Westconsult Engineers as electrical/mechanical engineers, Geomeasures Ltd as surveyors and PKF Consultants as environmental impact experts. Upon developing new designs, the consortium estimated that the project would cost Sh8.5 billion, more than six times the initial estimates, with the students capacity raised to 3,000. Following a call for contractors, Mulji Devraj and Brothers Limited was selected, having submitted a bid for Sh8.9 billion which was Sh400,000 more than the projected cost but was declared by CTDLT as the one that was closest to the estimates. A contract was signed in May 2013. In 2014, owing to a cash crunch in government, the National Treasury was tasked with mobilising the consultants to review their designs so that only functional components would remain. This was to scale down the cost to Sh4.93 billion. At the time, construction was already ongoing, so halting it to pave the way for another design led to penalties and accruals, according to the parliamentary committee. By January this year, the National Assembly found that up to 77 per cent of the overall construction was done, with some of the key facilities nearing completion. In releasing all the accused on bond, the court yesterday ruled that none of them was a flight risk and that there were no aggravating factors to deny them bond. Through lawyers Mohamed Balala and Maurice Kilonzo, the former minister and PS had made an application to be released on reasonable bond and cash bail of amounts that were not prohibitive. The lawyers told the court that the accused have been public servants and that their income is based mainly on their pension earnings. "The right to bail is a constitutional right....the court should not be swayed by the amounts of money (indicated on the charge), the accused are not a flight risk and are ready to attend court when needed, " argued Mr Balala’s lawyer. Through lawyer Minyazi Lucky, Mr Odero had sought to be released on bond, submitting that he was sickly. The case has been fixed for mention on December 28 when other suspects will be presented in court to take plea. The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission in a statement urged the remaining suspects on the list to surrender at Integrity Centre or at the nearest regional anti-graft offices. They include former top officials of the Tourism Fund and private contractors. From his rise as Mombasa mayor to a fiery politician then one of the longest-serving ministers in the governments of presidents Mwai Kibaki and Uhuru Kenyatta, Najib Balala’s career has been illustrious. He made a name in political circles as Mombasa mayor in the late 90s when he received accolades for his efforts to uplift the tourism sector. His political muscle would be more evident over the years as he became close to all national heavyweights including Kibaki, Uhuru, President William Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga. This enabled him to serve in the government as a minister for two decades, to a point that when the current regime was taking over, Kenyans on social media kept on guessing whether Mr Balala would once again be among the Cabinet Secretaries in the Kenya Kwanza government. As if reading the signs, he was the first of Mr Kenyatta’s CSs to congratulate Dr Ruto when he was declared President following the August, 2022 polls. "I am happy and humbled and I thank President Uhuru Kenyatta for giving me the chance to serve the nation and I welcome President Ruto and I am ready to serve in his government whenever it’s necessary,” he said. However, hoteliers urged him to hang his boots after serving for 20 years and give way to fresh blood. The former Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary would later be appointed Vice President of Fauna Flora International, a conservation charity organisation. In 2002, he was appointed the Gender, Sports and Culture Minister in Mr Kibaki’s government following his election as Mvita MP through the National Rainbow Coalition. He would later be moved to National Heritage in the Office of the President in 2004 before being sacked at a time when President Kibaki purged those who campaigned against the draft constitution in the 2005 referendum. After the 2007 post-election violence, Mr Balala returned to the Cabinet in the Tourism docket in the Government of National Unity, following a political deal between Mr Kibaki and Mr Odinga. In 2012, Mr Balala teamed up with Uhuru, Ruto and Ms Charity Ngilu to form the Jubilee Summit. At the time, he had formed his party, the Republican Congress Party, which he used to vie for the Mombasa senatorial seat in the 2013 election but lost to Wiper’s Omar Hassan. He was later appointed the Cabinet Secretary for Mining in Mr Kenyatta’s government. In 2017, he was retained in the Cabinet when President Kenyatta won a second term. He was the only CS from the Coast region.
Charity warns 40% of patients in Wales are facing delays to vital cancer treatments A leading Cancer charity has warned that 4 in 10 people with cancer in Wales didn’t start their treatment on time The warning comes following the latest NHS Wales data, published today, which shows that in February only 59.5% of cancer patients started their treatment within 62 days – well below the national target of 75%. It means that during February alone, an estimated 620 people faced delays in receiving vital cancer treatments. Macmillan believes the data continues to show how the Welsh cancer care system, which was under pressure and missing targets even before the pandemic began, is now struggling to cope with a rise in demand. Richard Pugh, Head of Partnerships for Macmillan Cancer Support in Wales said: “The latest Wales cancer waiting times show that 4 in 10 people with cancer here – an estimated 620 people – did not start their treatment on time in February alone meaning they faced anxious and potentially harmful delays. “While the statistics show a slight improvement on last month’s data, the figures also show a worrying variation in treatment times for different cancer types with fewer than half of people with gynaecological, urological and lower gastrointestinal cancers being treated on time. “Today’s figures show why Wales urgently needs a detailed cancer strategy as the only UK nation without one as well as a cancer workforce plan and funding to ensure we have enough cancer professionals in place to treat and support people with cancer now and the future. “Macmillan’s own research shows we need 80 per cent more cancer nurses in Wales by the end of the decade and this can’t happen without the right funding and plan in place.” Responding to the figures released today, a spokesman for the Welsh Government said: “February saw a 2.5% increase in people starting their first definitive treatment following a new diagnosis of cancer from January 2022 and a 6.5% increase in the number of patients starting treatment within the 62 day target. “Next week we will publish a detailed plan on how we will tackle the waiting times for patients whose treatment has been delayed by the pandemic.” Support our Nation today For the price of a cup of coffee a month you can help us create an independent, not-for-profit, national news service for the people of Wales, by the people of Wales.
Fulani herdsmen have listed conditions to be met before in order for them to end open grazing in the country. Herdsmen under the umbrella of the Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore said they are willing to quit open grazing if government would make finance and logistics available for them to create alternatives to open grazing. The herdsmen said thay cannot suddenly quit the age-long practice because there is no alternative way yet to feed their cattle. Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore brand Ambassador, Temitope Ajayi, made this known alongside officials of the association on a courtesy visit to the Minister of Women Affairs, Pauline Tallen, in Abuja, on Thursday, November 11. She said: “Women as Mothers are known to be peace makers. Women and Children bear the brunt (effects) of herders/farmers crisis and all forms of battles and wars, they are the engine room of national development and therefore hold the key to the development of cattle breeding.” - She added there was need to re-orientate and change the mindset and perceptions of the Fulani herders so as to end outdated practices of open grazing. Nat. Standard3 months ago Minister, Idris, challenges Senate to review outdated laws to improve performance in the information sector Education2 months ago Hours after suspending accreditation of degree certificates from Benin Republic, Togo, FG set to extend sanction to Uganda, Kenya, others Sports2 months ago Ayanwale emerge winner of Seyi Tinubu Table Tennis Challenge as Ogunlende, Bolowotan task youths on sports involvement NCC4 weeks ago Telecom Indicators: Nigeria sees steady increase in active voice and internet subscriptions, drop in teledensity Agribusiness1 month ago Borno government tasks media on sustaining public interest, core values Aviation1 month ago NCAA cautions pilots, airlines as NiMet alerts Nigerians of dust haze Aviation4 weeks ago Libya reportedly deports over 320 illegal migrants to Nigeria Aviation4 weeks ago Accurate weather forecasts essential to solid minerals development – NiMET DG
On an Andean cliff overlooking Sacred Valley, there are three ovular glass pods dangling from the rock face. They’re not art, nor are they UFOs. They’re hotel rooms. The “Skylodge” is owned by a tourism company called Natura Vive, and these three suites comprise the entire luxury hotel. The three pods are the size of a tiny airplane cabin, and are transparent on all sides. They’re mostly bedroom and bathroom, with the first taken up entirely by a down bed and the second equipped with curtains for privacy. There’s not much to do in the pods, but then again, you’re not coming for comfort. Just to get there you have to hike up 1,200 feet of Via Ferrara or zipline in (for extra cost). Once there though, you’ll have a bird’s eye view of the valley below, the surrounding Andes, and condors circling in the open skies above.
We don’t always get too excited about dietary staples, but there’s something about corn that we just can’t resist. Maybe it’s the subtle sweetness, or the way it puffs up into a fluffy, light snack. More likely (in our case, anyway) it’s the crunch of hand-cut corn tortilla chips ground with volcanic lava stone, the way it’s done traditionally in Mexico. But corn wasn’t always the most productive and adaptable grain on earth. While today corn grows and thrives on every continent (except Antartica, of course), it has humble origins. Just seven thousand years ago, corn as we know it didn’t exist. Instead, wild grasses flourished in Central America. The Native Americans of the region saw the potential in one particular variety known as teosinte. Teosinte offered the first hints of what could be corn, but the kernels were tiny and very tough – and there were only a handful of them per ear. In fact, teosinte is so different from corn that even botanists once doubted the two could be related. Native Americans slowly cultivated these wild grasses by choosing seeds from the plants that were best suited for a meal. Over many generations, they succeeded in growing larger ears and softer – more delicious – kernels. From all accounts, teosinte wasn’t nearly as delicious as what we call corn these days, so we owe a big thank you to those first brave souls for keeping at it. The multi-coloured maize that resulted was so important to those living in Central America that they had deities and cultural rites dedicated to the plant. When European settlers arrived in the Americas, they were so taken with corn – especially the sweeter yellow variety – that they carried this yellow gold home with them. It wasn’t long before corn began sprouting across the world. We couldn’t be happier that corn evolved from an inedible wild grass to the snack-time star it is today. It’s no surprise that we have a soft spot for tortilla chips. What’s your favourite way to prepare corn?
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Welcome to the web site of the Nanomaterial Fabrication Laboratory where Dr. Svetlana Neretina and her research team are advancing the application, understanding, and material fabrication methods for noble metal nanostructures, an extraordinary class of materials that are used in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, environmental remediation, chemical synthesis, and sensing technologies. Fabrication methods such as nanoimprint lithography, self-assembly, and solution-phase redox reactions are used in combination to define periodic arrays of complex noble metal nanostructures that collectively express the photo- and chemically active surfaces needed to prototype photovoltaic and sensing devices. These same nanostructures are also being investigated as catalysts for hydrogen generation and as photocatalysts capable of promoting green chemical syntheses powered by sunlight. Emphasis is also placed on the development of new instrumentation and in situ monitoring tools needed to fabricate these nanomaterials in a manner that is responsive to the scalability and throughput needs of a manufacturing setting. We are currently accepting applications for graduate researchers! May 2023. Robert Neals receives his Ph.D. diploma at the Notre Dame Graduate School Commencement Ceremony. May 2023. Robert Neals receives an NDIIF award for the best materials science publication image in Small. March 2023. Walker Tuff and Zach Lawson present their research at 2023 Spring ACS meeting in Indianapolis. Walker presented his research on Janus nanostructures published in ACS Nano. Zach presented his paper on plasmonic dimers and trimers published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. March 2023. Our high school intern, Sophie Pairitz, receives numerous awards at the North Indiana Regional Science & Engineering Fair and the State Science & Engineering Fair. 1st Place in Physics Award, Mechanical Engineering Design Award, University of Notre Dame Energy Award, HSEF Senior Award - Regional Science & Engineering Fair. 1st Place in Physics & Astronomy Award and $12,000 scholarship if she goes to Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) - State Science & Engineering Fair. May 2022. Spencer Golze has graduated from Notre Dame. April 2022. Zach Lawson presents his research at the department's TERM seminar. Zach gives a talk entitled "Plasmonic Gold Trimers and Dimers with Air-Filled Nanogaps". March 2022. Walker Tuff receives the Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award for Teaching Excellence. June 2021. Arin S. Preston has successfully defended his dissertation. 2021 Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award from the ND Kaneb Learning Center and the Graduate School. Robert Neal receives an Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award from ND Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence. March 2021. Trevor Demille has successfully defended his dissertation. 2020 Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award from the ND Kaneb Learning Center and the Graduate School. Spencer Golze has received an Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award from the ND Kaneb Learning Center and the Graduate School. Our high school interns, Maria Glazman and Maddalena Stroik, receive the 1st Place Chemistry Award. Maria Glazman and Maddalena Stroik (Trinity High School) presented their research results at the 2020 Northern Indiana Regional Science & Engineering Fair and received the 1st Place Chemistry Award. Congratulations! Nanomaterial Fabrication Laboratory demonstrates superconductivity during the 2018 Science Alive in South Bend. Graduate students Trevor Demille and Arin Preston demonstrated levitation during the 2018 Science Alive event organized by Notre Dame Energy Center. Eric Menumerov gives a talk at 253rd ACS meeting in San Francisco. Eric Menumerov presented his Nano Letter paper at the Spring 2017 ACS meeting in San Francisco. Nanomaterial Fabrication Laboratory demonstrates hydrogen generation at the 2017 Science Alive in South Bend. Eric Menumerov demonstrates "Portable Hydrogen Gas Generator" during the 2017 Science Alive event organized by Notre Dame Energy Center. Will and Nat Watkins are selected as semifinalists in the 2016 Siemens Competition. October 2016.Nathaniel and William Watkins were named semifinalists in the 2016 Siemens Competition, the nation's premier competition in math, science, and technology for high school students. Their project was titled "The Photocatalytic Properties of Cubic Nanostructures of Noble Metals." Spencer Golze receives his M.S. at the 2016 Summer Commencement. Spencer Golze (center) celebrates with faculty from the Nanomaterial Fabrication Laboratory after the Graduate School's graduation ceremony in May 2016. Custom-built reaction chamber presented by seniors. "Nano Solutions" team members Carmen Carachilo, Martin Devlin, Hyunhee Lee, and Will Poskitt presented the reaction chamber they constructed as part of their senior design project in December 2015. It was equipped with motorized syringe pumps. Undergraduate summer researchers get hands-on experience in Professor Neretina's Lab. Undergraduate student Carrigan L Braun (left) works with graduate student Maryam Hajfathalian (right). Kyle D. Gilroy joins Professor Younan Xia's group as a postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology. In July 2015 Kyle D. Gilroy was awarded a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Seniors design a microwave plasma reactor for final project. In April 2013 Zack Eskin, Stephen Ng, Jason Martin, and Matt Bruns built a microwave plasma reactor for their senior design project.
Most Nikon cameras need a huge amount of energy to keep them working all the time. This is the reason why most new Nikon Cameras come with a peg for the number of shots you can take at a time. The built-in battery that comes with the camera usually runs out of power, which means you need to charge it regularly. This article aims to offer some crucial suggestions which will come in handy to recharge your Nikon Camera at any time. We will talk about how you can charge your Nikon Camera without a charger and recommend alternative power sources. How to Charge a Nikon Camera Without Charger 1. Get a Mobile Charger While most Nikon cameras, especially the D series, come with a Li-ion battery, it is accompanied by an Mh-25 charger which will supply the right load for it. In the absence of this mobile charger with a capacity of 8. 4 voltage and 0.9 will be appropriate. These charges are usually called turbochargers because they supply good voltage for numerous gadgets. 2. Get a Good USB cable Using a USB cable to charge the Nikon camera better is also a good alternative. This can be done using a small battery control converter via PC. Click the battery lock in the position of the arrow and put the battery pack firmly in its Chambers. Make sure the terminals are fixed on the battery pack. Open the battery cover while Nikon Camera is off and put the USB plug on the cable. Then put the big connector on the power adapter or USB cable of a computer system. This creates an alternative portable power supply for the camera. When the camera is charged completely, the lights go off. This is a very complicated, old-school but useful method of charging your Nikon camera without a charger. The friction creates heat which in turn produces electricity. It isn’t a professional method, however, it works well. When you discover your Nikon Camera is out of juice, rub the battery on your hand or smooth surface for some time, this will create some power for your camera to come on. 4. Using another battery to charge it Remove the camera better and search for other devices’ batteries related to AA, +AA, AAA, or 9 voltage. Check the descriptions on the battery for the positive or negative connectors, then look for the ones which are suitable and have enough power to charge your Nikon Camera. Buy a good double metal cable online or from a local electrical shop near you. With the cables, connect both batteries for some time and it will work perfectly. 5. Car Battery When your Nikon Camera goes out of juice, find at least half an amp to power into the battery. Also, get a bulb that will perform a regulator role. Most vehicles come with about 14 volts of battery, 50% of this should be enough to power your camera. Buy at least four bulbs with about 5 volts which will be mounted in symmetry lines to allow power to flow through them. Please when using this method to charge your Nikon camera, don’t leave it unattended, it could be harmful to you and your family. Also, refrain from charging too long to prevent overloading camera batteries. 6. Via DC Source and Resistor Another option is searching for a suitable DC power source from reputable online stores. Before doing this, check your battery voltage and Ohms’ law to ascertain the type of resistor that is suitable for power flow. After the resistor is identified, check for affordable resistor brands via online reviews and comparison sites. Good conductors of heat elements are Deep fryers, toasters, or electrical dryers. Also, like the car charger mentioned above, get bulbs to regulate the current. Bulbs are excellent choices because they have increased the intensity when power is reefer and filament is warm. Also, use an amp because it is a great fuse for all electrical appliances. Get an affordable multimeter to gauge current during this process and put on some cover for your eyes and nose. 7. Purchase a power bank For mobile phones and Laptops, there is an auxiliary source of power for a Camera like Nikon which you can use once you are out of power. Most brands with these ‘Power banks’ can be found online, however, their prices vary. These Nikon power banks can also be pocket-friendly, however, there are big banks that are slightly heavy. It depends on how much external power you will need for your trip. You can check New Age, Samsung, Oriamo, and others for the exact external power bank your Nikon Camera will need. 8. Get a New Camera battery or charger Though many online and offline vendors sell user Nikon batteries, if you can, buy new Nikon camera batteries only. The benefits of getting a new camera battery are enormous like the Manufacturer’s warranty, affordable, and lasting longer. It isn’t just about the battery, you could buy a new Nikon camera charger. Luckily for those who buy jew Nikon cameras, most come with two chargers. It isn’t uncommon to have your Nikon camera out of battery suddenly, especially for professional photographers. Carrying extra batteries is recommended, but this article has discussed extensively how to charge a Nikon camera without a charger.
The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has said the throne he occupies puts him miles above partisan politics. He said he would continue to contribute his quota to the peace, unity and growth of the country. Addressing a durbar during an Akwasidae festival in the United States of America (US) on Wednesday, he said he doesn’t have special preference for any political party in the country, adding that his only interest is to see Ghana become prosperous. He also promised to continue to act as a father figure for the state as he had done during his two-decade reign on the Golden Stool. He pledged to continue to settle political disputes and protect Ghana’s peace. “The New Patriotic Party (NPP), the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the Convention People’s Party (CPP) and all the other political parties in Ghana belong to me and that is an undeniable fact that you are all aware of,” he said. “I have my grandchildren virtually in all the political parties in the country, including the NPP and the NDC and so they are all my people,” Otumfuo added. According to him, it is the duty of traditional leaders to use wisdom and dialogue to resolve any misunderstanding and tension between political parties to ensure peace. The Asantehene stated that nothing would compel him to relinquish his special role as a peacemaker for Ghana.
I don't think there are any 10G linecards/modules for the CAT6500 that directly support SFP+ modules. WS-X6700 Series: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/switches/catalyst-6500-series-switches/product_data_sheet09186a00801dce34.html I stand corrected. It seems there is at least one linecard model which offers 4x40G ports (CFP form factor) or 4x4x10G ports with SFP+ form factor (with a "FourX" CFP/4xSFP+ converter like the CVR-CFP-4SFP10G) : The WS-X6904-40G-2T. It requires the enhanced 6509-E Chassis and a Supervisor Module with a Policy Feature Card of the 4th generation (PFC4), for example the VS-S2T-10G. The 6904 also has some particularities in its internal architecture and a "oversubscribed" and "performance" operational mode, see https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/switches/catalyst-6500-series-switches/white_paper_c11-696669.pdf When working with the 8- and 16- port 10G modules, you'll have to make do with some X2/SFP+ converters and either user SFP+ optical modules with these, or the fixed SFP+ ends of a 40G-to-4x10G breakout direct attach cable. And to answer the actual question: Must they be bundled in PortChannel port? See above, Cown's comment to your question: yes, the 10G ports should be configured as port-channel on the 6500. Also bear in mind that most 10G linecards (6700 and 6800 Series) for the 6500 only have 40G of capacity to the chassis' backplane, hence are oversubscribed when more than 4 ports are used. On the 16x10G Module, port groups 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16 each have a reduced capacity when accessing the backplane (read about "performance mode" vs "oversubscription mode" in the document linked above), likewise with the 8 port modules, where 2 ports share the capacity. You may want to keep this in mind and select the ports for the said 4x10G EtherChannel wisely. Within some corner cases due to their internal architecture, the 6700 and 6800 modules can provide full 10G performance for all ports without oversubscription for intra-module traffic flows; that is yet another factor to consider when selecting ports for a use case like yours - you'll have to know where the relevant traffic comes from and where it goes to. The 6900 Series Modules (WS-X6908 and WS-X6904) have 80Gbit/s of backplane access capacity and can run more than 4 10G ports without oversubscription towards the backplane.
|Date of Birth Jane Seymour is an English-American film and television actress whose acting career dates way back to the 1970s. She has garnered countless acting credits on the big screen, the most notable among which are the 1973 James Bond film Live and Let Die, Somewhere In Time (1980), the French epic thriller La Révolution française (1989) and the box-office hit comedy Wedding Crashers (2005). On the small screen, Seymour is known for her role in the 1988 telefilm Onassis: The Richest Man in the World for which she received an Emmy Award. The talented actress is also known for her lead role in the 90s series Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, for which she won a Golden Globe Award in 1995. She was honored with an appointment as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2000. Jane Seymour Biography Jane Seymour was born Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg on February 15, 1951, in Hayes, England. Her father Benjamin John Frankenberg was an accomplished gynecologist and obstetrician while her mother Mieke (van Tricht) was a nurse. She grew up with two sisters Sally and Anne Gould. Jane trained at Tring Park School for the Performing Arts in Hertfordshire and upon graduation, she assumed the name “Jane Seymour” which she presumed to be more marketable. Jane Seymour marked her acting debut in 1969 as an uncredited extra in the musical comedy Oh! What a Lovely War. She landed her first lead role as Lillian Stein in the war drama film, The Only Way (1970). Seymour was cast in a number of guest roles on several TV series before landing her first major small-screen role as Emma Callon in the highly successful BBC series The Onedin Line (1972). Seymour eventually gained international prominence when she featured in the James Bond film Live and Let Die (1973), starring as Solitaire, the sultry love interest of the lead character. Her performance in the iconic film boosted her profile in the British film industry and also facilitated a smooth transition into Hollywood. Starting from the 1970s, the talented actress featured in several movies including the romantic Sci-Fi drama Somewhere in Time (1980) for which she was nominated for the Saturn Award for Best Actress. Other notable film credits include The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982), the two-part French epic La Révolution française (1989), Wedding Crashers (2005) and Fifty Shades of Black (2016). Jane Seymour has also performed excellently on the small screen for which she has bagged many accolades. She received her first Emmy nomination for her role in the TV miniseries Captains and the Kings (1976). The talented actress received her first Golden Globe Award for Best Actress for her role in the 1981 miniseries, East of Eden and also won an Emmy Award for her role in the telefilm Onassis: The Richest Man in the World (1988). She received 2 more Golden Globe nominations and one Primetime Emmy nomination for her roles in The Woman He Loved (1988) and War and Remembrance (1988-1989). For her main role as Dr. Michaela “Mike” Quinn in the 6 season-long Western drama series Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (1993-1998), Seymour received a Golden Globe award out of 2 nominations and was also nominated for an Emmy Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Husband/Spouse and Children Though she is presently unmarried, Jane Seymour has been involved in 4 marriages in the past. She got married to English-born theatre director Michael Attenborough back in 1971, however, the union was dissolved in 1973. She had a second shot at marriage in August 1977 when she tied the knot with Victor Geoffrey Planer, a friend of her first husband. However, the union also ended after 2 years and the divorce was finalized in February 1979. Seymour’s third marital union was to David Flynn whom she married in July 1981. The marriage ended in a divorce in May 1992. Her longest marital union yet was with Hollywood actor and filmmaker James Keach. The duo tied the knot on May 15, 1993, and remained married for 2 decades. They got separated in 2013 and their divorce was finalized in December 2015. Jane Seymour is presently in a relationship with English-born producer and director David Green. The couple has been dating since 2014 and they live together in Malibu. Jane Seymour has four children; 2 from her marriage with David Flynn and 2 from her marriage to James Keach. She welcomed her first child on January 7, 1982, a daughter named Katherine Jane Flynn. Her second child, a son named Sean Michael Flynn was born on July 31, 1985. On November 30, 1995, she welcomed twin sons John Stacy and Kristopher Steven. Her Net Worth Since getting her international acting breakthrough in the 1970s, Jane Seymour has remained very consistent in her career. Also an accomplished writer, the Hollywood star has published numerous self-help and inspirational books over the years. The ageless actress has also received endorsement deals from fashion and beauty brands such as Kay Jewelers, Crepe Erase, and several others. With these and several other ventures, the multitalented Hollywood star has amassed a net worth of $90 million.
China melamine board factory ptst-002 melamine paper color China melamine board factory ptst-002 melamine paper can be used to adorn chipboard furniture. Let’s examine these two materials in more detail. These offer advantages and are frequently utilized in both automotive interiors and furniture. Melamine products are generally supplied in the following sizes: 1220x2440mm or 1200x2800mm (Different products have different sizes and specifications, please click on the following product details)
Having some of the best iPad tips on hand can come in handy when you’re trying to use your device. Look for tips online even if time is not on your side. Below are several popular pieces of advice meant to help you take full advantage of your iPad. Do you get irritated when your iPad asks if you want to join new Wi-Fi networks? It is possible to disable this feature by accessing your settings. Touch the tab for Wi-Fi, and you can turn off the prompt by changing the last option. Wi-Fi notifications can quickly become irritating, so change them in the settings application. You will see the choice that asks if you want to join networks. Choose that and you’ll quit getting bothered by the invites that are incoming. It is possible to preview more than a couple of lines of email by changing settings. Visit “settings” followed by “mail” and find the “preview” setting. Change this setting to show however many lines you want. This will give you a larger range to view when you are skimming. Getting a sound alert every time you receive an email can be very annoying. Thankfully, this feature can be easily disabled. Find your Settings tab, then go to General. You should then select the Sounds menu. Here, you can turn off your New Mail sound or adjust its level. If you need Google Calendar to work with your iPad, get into your mail and then contacts followed by calendars. Go to Add An Account and tap Other. Select the icon ‘Add CalDAV Account, and enter your Google information. Once done, click the calendar app. You should have everything you need now. Are you annoyed by the battery charge display? It may be useful to know that they are easy to turn off. Start off with your Settings menu. Go to General, then Usage. Here, you can turn off the battery percentage indicator if it bothers you. If you do not want Google used as your default search engine you can change that. Simply navigate to Settings, Safari, and then Search Engine. You have the choice of switching the search engine to something more user-friendly if you would like. The iPad is a great gadget, and using it can be a lot of fun. You can get the most out of it if you know what you’re doing, and it can sometimes be hard to find instructions. Use the ones that fit how you use the device. Your iPad can be even better. Use some of the advice and begin having lots more fun with the iPad today. Act now and visit us at our online office visit us to have access to limitless resources.
No, hypnosis is not magic. Hypnosis is a very specific process that anyone can go through to make changes in their life. Changes can include - getting rid of habits, craving and addictions - eliminating fears - relieving PTSD - improve motivation - enhance sports performance - remove anxiety - build confidence and self esteem - …. and more, a lot more. There is little wonder while some people put hypnosis in the realm of magic. Many people have tried everything to gain control of some part of their lives only to have gotten results with hypnosis. So… it MUST be magic, right? No. Hypnosis is not magic. How Hypnosis Works Most people try to make improvements to their lives with conscious effort. Many times it will work, yet for many people there are changes that can’t be made no matter how hard you resolve to change them. A cigarette craving will become overpowering, a chocolate donut will seemingly call your name, anxiety pops up even when you’ve resolved to stay calm. All of these things continue to happen because, even though you’ve made a conscious decision, there is a deeper process going on. This SubConscious process is stronger than willpower and is often tied to deep seated emotions. Hypnosis bypasses your willpower by going directly to the SubConscious level to make changes. This may be experienced in the hypnosis session by a strong focus on the positive things you want instead of removing things you don’t. Sometimes changes happen by reevaluating old events in light of new wisdom. By doing that traumas can be turned into events where something valuable was learned. At no point is the SubConscious mind told it’s bad, wrong or evil. By contrast, the SubConscious mind is recognized for doing the best it could with such limited information. It is then told what would be even better and given specific instructions how to implement the changes. So, So Simple… The SciFi writer Author C. Clark said “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Hypnosis is truly a technology that works to make changes within the human mind. For many it can seem like magic, but for a skilled hypnotist it is an amazing tool for change and self-improvement. Find out how hypnosis can easily work for you. To schedule a your free telephone consultation to call our offices at (603) 589-8033
Lull Mattress near me in Gilbert, AZ. Lull Mattresses Retailers & Stores Near Me in Gilbert, Arizona 85233 The Lull Mattress is made from 3 layers of the highest quality foam readily available. The 1.5 inch gel-infused memory foam cooling top layer takes in and distributes body heat while cradling pressure points. A 1.5 inch foam blend transition layer features reinforcement and motion circulation, without the drooping feeling. What are the Features of a Lull Mattress? - Advanced Sleep Technology. Each layer is created to supply specific comfort and support for all sleeping positions. - Breathable Top Cover. Hand-crafted cover is resilient, soft, and enables cool air to effortlessly travel through. - Cooling Comfort. Gel-infused cooling memory foam top layer contours to your body and promotes optimum air flow. - Healing Support. Exclusive high-resilience foam creates ideal alignment for complete muscle rest and renewal. - Enduring Resilience. Resilient base layer prevents sagging and provides a strong foundation to the rest of the mattress. - Premium Cover. Made from high quality fabrics, the cover quickly hides beneath the sheets. - No ozone depleters, No PBDE flame retardants. Made without phthalates controlled by the Customer Product Safety Commission. All foams fulfill the requirement of fewer than 0.5 parts per million VOC (volatile organic compounds). What is the Lull Mattress Made of? The Lull Mattress is an all-foam bed that utilizes a mix of memory and poly foams to produce a well balanced feel. These aren’t your everyday foams. The memory foam is instilled with gel to assist dissipate heat, and all of the foams are CertiPUR-US Qualified, suggesting they’re without a variety of damaging chemicals. Why Buy Lull Beds & Mattresses in Gilbert? If you do not enjoy your sleeping experience within 100 nights, return your Lull Mattress for a complete refund. Bonus, we’ll even arrange for a free pick-up. Your mattress ships fast and free in the 50 US (Alaska and Hawaii for a small fee). Get your mattress in 1-4 service days. Sleep now, pay later on. Get your new bed on finance with only a fast credit check through Affirm Funding. Get as low as 0% APR and 6 month to 24 month payment plans, based upon qualification. Where To Buy a Lull Mattress in Gilbert, Arizona? Lull sells mattresses direct to customers through its website. Their mattresses can also be purchased online and in conventional brick-and-mortar stores in Gilbert. Lull Mattress is available at select traditional mattress stores in Gilbert, AZ and on the Internet at lull.com. Lull Mattress Dealers & Showrooms Near Gilbert, AZ About Gilbert, Maricopa County, Arizona 85233 Gilbert is a town in Maricopa County, Arizona, United States, located southeast of Phoenix within the city’s metropolitan area. Incorporated on July 6, 1920, Gilbert was once known as the “Hay Shipping Capital of the World”. With a population of 267,918, it is the fifth-largest municipality in Arizona, and the fourth-largest in the Phoenix metro area. It covers an area of nearly 69 square miles (179 km2). Map of Gilbert, Maricopa County, Arizona 85233
Denver Mattress near me in Great Falls, MT. Denver Mattress Stores Near Me in Great Falls, Montana 59401 Denver Mattress is able to provide factory-direct savings as much as 50%, when compared to other big mattress brand names, due to the fact that they make all of their high quality mattresses themselves. This is why Denver Mattress Great Falls has the ability to supply a better mattress, made from better building materials, for a far better cost. The first Denver Mattress store opened in 1995, and their price tags are competitive versus lots of other mattress merchants and name-brand mattresses, which is a great selling point to sleepers. What are the Features of the Denver Mattress? An unique mix of support and luxury, at a cost that will not keep you up at night. Denver Mattresses naturally cradle your body while you rest, helping to eliminate pressure points and tossing and turning. - Denver Mattress designs are available in a wide variety of designs and firmness scores to accommodate a wide variety of sleepers. - Clients report that innersprings and hybrids from Denver Mattress deal robust edge assistance, sleep reasonably cool, and are responsive enough for sexy time. - Our feedback suggests that latex designs from Denver Mattress conform closely for above-average pressure relief; they likewise minimize movement and produce no noise. - Many Denver Mattress mattresses have below-average price-points compared to comparable designs. - If you’re someone who likes to support American manufacturing, it’s nice to know that Denver Mattress Great Falls makes all their mattresses in the USA. What is the Denver Mattress Made of? The Denver mattress building and construction is slightly various for each mattress, however generally, the business has a basic: no cover and three layer style. The very first layer is likewise called the quilt layer and it also functions as the cover of the mattress. The leading layer is made utilizing polyfoam which is one of the cheapest on the market. It does a good job of letting air flow and to protect the two crucial layers below the top layer. The second layer is also referred to as the comfort layer. The comfort layer is used gel-infused memory foam. The gel-infused memory foam is additional supported by small gel particles/beads. The gel particles plus the gel-memory foam operate in conjunction to assist launch the heat from your body. The gel likewise does an exceptional job of aligning the spine of the sleeper and easing pressure, but on the other hand, the memory foam is not really resilient. The 3rd layer or the base layer is used tempered steel coils. The coils do an outstanding job in offering firmness to the mattress and supporting the body of the person sleeping on it. Where To Buy a Denver Mattress in Great Falls, Montana? Denver Mattresses are available on the Web at denvermattress.furniturerow.com and can also be found in conventional brick-and-mortar mattress shops in Great Falls, Montana. Why Buy a Denver Mattress in Great Falls? Denver Mattress in Great Falls, Montana has more than 20 years of factory testing, eliminating the middle man to conserve clients cash, and an objective to enable the healthiest night sleep possible are simply a couple of things that separate our approaches from the remainder of the industry. The fantastic aspect of Denver Mattress is the variety of choices that you have. Many emerging mattress producers only have a couple of variations of their mattresses– this suggests their primary alternative must suit you completely. - With Denver Mattress, you can pick between a variety of different construction methods and assistance levels. - Denver mattresses are understood for their robustness; especially their latex models. - Denver mattresses are surprisingly inexpensive. If you are not sure about what mattress to purchase, Denver is as good choice as any. Denver Mattress Retailers, Dealers, & Stores Near Great Falls, MT About Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana Great Falls is the third most populous city in the U.S. state of Montana and the county seat of Cascade County. The population was 60,442 according to the 2020 census. The city covers an area of 22.9 square miles (59 km2) and is the principal city of the Great Falls, Montana, Metropolitan Statistical Area, which encompasses all of Cascade County. The Great Falls MSA’s population stood at 84,414 in the 2020 census. Map of Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana 59401
Best Paper Award received by SCI faculty, graduate for third consecutive year For a third straight year, the award for best research paper presented at the international Medicine Meets Virtual Reality conference has been won by a team led by Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering faculty members. At the recent conference in Long Beach, Calif., the award went to Kanav Kahol, an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Anushu Sridaran, a recent graduate from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Marshall L. Smith, director of the Simulation and Innovation SimET Center WT-1 for Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix and Sethuraman Panchanathan, director of the School of Computing and Informatics. Kahol and Panchanathan were also among authors of papers that won the award in 2006 and 2007. This year’s winning paper is titled "Physics Based Hybrid Deformation Model for Configurable HapticTraining for Virtual Surgery." The paper presents a configurable system for medical simulation that enables senior surgeons and medical practitioners to customize surgery simulation to individual needs of students. The paper fills a major void in medical simulation research, Kahol says. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality is the leading conference for emerging data-centered technologies for medical care and education.
ASU team searching for signs of life in the stars For centuries, humans have sought to learn whether life exists beyond Earth. That answer is closer than ever to fulfillment, and an ASU team is working on a key part of that quest with NASA’s backing. Thousands of exoplanets (planets around other stars) have been discovered in the past decade, and the next decade likely will bring advances in detecting possible signs of life. One way of doing that is looking at the atmospheric makeup of these planets: Do oxygen or methane – gases that on Earth arise from the action of life – exist there, and are they in fact indicative of life? “In the field of exoplanets, finding exoplanets that could host life is no longer the goal. The quest is to find the signatures of life,” said Steve Desch, an associate professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration. “To do that we need to know for which types of exoplanets are oxygen and methane biosignatures, as opposed to natural geochemical outcomes. “ASU’s strengths lie in bringing together experts across astronomy and geology to answer just these sorts of interdisciplinary questions.” Desch is principal investigator of an ASU-centered team that is one of 16 teams funded by a new NASA research coordination network, the Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS). It will receive $6.1 million over five years to investigate the connections between exoplanets and the compositions of their host stars, and especially to focus on understanding the geochemical cycles on exoplanets with different chemical compositions. NASA’s new network is part of its Astrobiology program. NExSS includes planetary scientists, astrophysicists and heliophysicists who will carry out research to help NASA define future space missions, determine target selection and craft observing strategies, to aid in the characterization of exoplanets and the search for life on them. It is distinct from the NASA Astrobiology Institute, the program that has previously funded astrobiology research at ASU as far back as 1998. Under the direction of Desch, the present research team brings geophysicists, petrologists and geochemists into the fold of exoplanet research, which has so far been dominated by the astrophysicists and astronomers who discover and characterize exoplanets. Broad collaborations across disciplines, like the one to be carried out at ASU, are relatively new in the rapidly changing field of exoplanets. “When I started graduate school a little over 20 years ago,” Desch said, “no exoplanets were known. Today, we know of thousands, with about a dozen orbiting within their star’s habitable zones. … Twenty years from now, we could be talking about known planets with evidence of life. The pace of discovery leaves me in awe.” Just as the Kepler mission found thousands of exoplanets that transit their host stars (pass between us and the star), NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite will be launched in 2017 with the hopes of discovering thousands more among the closest stars. The James Webb Space Telescope, to be launched in 2018, will measure the infrared spectrum of starlight that passes through the atmospheres of some of these transiting exoplanets, discerning what gases are present. “Absorption of starlight by oxygen and methane could be detected by space telescopes, and will be looked for, because on Earth they are produced overwhelmingly by life,” Desch said. “But exoplanets won’t be like Earth. Stars have different chemical abundances, and their planets should, too. “On a planet with different chemistry, it may be methane is produced naturally by water-rock interactions, or oxygen is produced abiotically. To judge whether these are valid biosignature gases, we have to understand the geochemical cycles on exoplanets with compositions different from Earth’s.” To understand those cycles, the team will pursue a multifaceted approach combining astronomical observations, astrophysical and geochemical modeling, and geophysical and geochemical laboratory experiments. They will also conduct biological field studies to better understand how the methane cycle works on Earth, and possibly elsewhere. The ASU team is centered in the School of Earth and Space Exploration, an academic unit in ASU’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, but also involves several faculty members from other college units including the School of Life Sciences, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the Beyond Center. The team also includes researchers from partner institutions, including the American Museum of Natural History; the Global Science Institute in Wisconsin; Johns Hopkins University; Northern Arizona University; San Francisco State University; the University of Rochester; and the University of Washington. From 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Eastern time (1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Arizona time), April 21, NASA will host a panel discussion about exoplanets and NExSS that will include Desch.
New Delhi, 15 July 2021: TECNO, the global premium smartphone brand, once again re-affirms its ‘segment-first reputation by announcing two new products from its popular camera-centric, CAMON series, the TECNO CAMON 17Pro & TECNO CAMON 17. Smartphones in the CAMON series have been known for their segment-defining features of higher camera pixels, Ultra Night lens powered by TAIVOS technology, pop-up selfie camera, Auto Eye Focus and now CAMON 17 pro heralds the transition to the best selfie and videography experience. The introduction of the TECNO CAMON 17 series will further redefine the mid-range smartphone segment photography and videography capabilities. Both smartphones flaunt many segment-first innovations; the TECNO CAMON 17 Pro becomes the first device in the sub-17K segment to offer a 48MP Smart selfie, 64MP Quad rear-cam & Helio G95 Processor. And the all-new CAMON 17 becomes the first in the sub-13K segment to offer a 16MP dot-in selfie camera, 64MP Quad rear camera, 5000mAh battery with 18W, and a big 6.8inch FHD+ dot-in display with a 90Hz refresh rate. Moreover, both smartphones resolve the critical issue of clicking pictures and making videos in low light conditions with its Super Night Lens powered by the TAIVOS AI chip. The smartphones support various pro-grade videography & photography modes such as Movie Master, 4K 30 FPS Clear Recording, Portrait Night Scene Video, and AI smart Selfies among many others. Commenting on the launch, Arijeet Talapatra, CEO of TRANSSION India, said, “With TECNO’s CAMON portfolio, we are constantly pushing the boundary to make cutting-edge mobile camera technology available to everyone at a competitive price. Our CAMON products seek to constantly transform the way photography has been experienced by the category consumers till now. The latest product offerings under CAMON 17 series have been designed keeping in mind the need of the hour requirements of the new-age consumers and offer pro-grade smartphone videography & photography capabilities along with a big screen and a powerful processor for a seamless smartphone experience. We are confident it will be a great success and will set a standard that others will follow.” |Offers till the limited stock |CAMON 17 pro 5000 mAh with 33W |64MP AI Quad Rear camera + 48MP dot-in selfie Camera + Helio G95- available in a single color variant – Arctic Down |Free buds1 worth INR 1999 + 10% instant discount on HDFC Debit/ Credit cards & EMI 5000 mAh with 18W |64MP AI Quad Rear camera + 16MP Dot-in Camera + Helio G85- Available in 3 colors Frost Silver, Spruce green, and Magnet Black |10% instant discount on HDFC Debit/ Credit cards & EMI Key USPs of TECNO CAMON 17 series Segment first flagship Dot-In, 48MP Selfie camera The front camera of the CAMON 17 Pro is equipped with a segment-first 48MP AI Selfie Camera with a smart selfie lens to capture the clearest selfies with ease. It features various professional photography and videography modes such as modes like AI Portrait, Ultra HD, Super Night, 4K Timelapse, 4K 30FPS recording, AR 3.5, and Video Bokeh. Its micro slit adjustable dual front Flashlight, customized filters, Eye Autofocus, wide selfie, and Movie master give value addition to artistic skills of photography. CAMON 17 supports a 16 MP selfie camera Professional grade 64MP AI Quad Rear Camera The CAMON 17 Pro series comprises a 64MP Primary Lens with F1.79 aperture for Ultra-Clear Shots, an 8MP lens for 120˚ Super Wide photos, a 2MP Black and White lens, and a 2MP Blur lens that provides professional-grade blur effect for capturing outstanding artistic portraits. The rear camera complemented with a Quad Flash enables one to click focused illuminated images in the dark. Ultra Pro Video Camera The CAMON 17 Pro smartphone’s ultra-professional Video Mode can record 4K clarity Videos at 30fps with an extremely stable and anti-shake technology. It also features Professional Movie Master to help shoot various scenes, create videos and movie templates with one-click recording and easy transition features, providing an immersive audio-visual experience. The 4K time-lapse intelligently adapts to shooting speed with both the front and the rear camera. The smartphone is also equipped with Ultra Steady Video, Portrait Night Scene Mode and Slow Motion Videos at 960 FPS, Video Bokeh, Video Beauty, and Night Shot Video Modes Blazing Fast Mediatek Helio G95 Processor The CAMON 17 Pro houses a powerful Mediatek G95 Processor with Octa-Core Hyper Engine Gaming Optimization, providing for an incredible gaming experience. The Game Turbo 2.0 Mode along with a 180Hz Touch sampling rate optimizes the screen, touch inputs, inter-frame, and Intra-frame prediction algorithms and reduces power consumption. It also houses a Cortex-A 76 CPU and Mali G76 GPU that can seamlessly support heavy games like Battleground and Fortnite among others. While CAMON 17 is powered by an Helio G85 gaming processor. Premium design with 6.8” FHD+ Display with Tiny dot-in design The CAMON 17 Pro features a large 6.8” FHD+ display with a 90.5% screen-to-body ratio and IPS Display for a bigger and better viewing experience. The 397 PPI pixel density and 500nits brightness with a Tiny dot-in Design make the screen perfect for enhanced outdoor visibility. The 2K+ ultra-clear resolution complemented with the 90Hz Fluid Screen refresh rate with 180Hz Touch sampling rate allows for greater image steadiness, smoother scrolling, and ultimate smartphone usage experience. High Capacity 5000 mAh battery CAMON 17 Pro houses a 5000 mAh battery with a 33w flash charge, charging from 0 to 100 in merely 83 minutes. It provides a standby time of 37 days, calling time of 31 hours, web browsing of 13 hours, video playback of 20 hours, music playback of 164 hours, and game playback of 11 hours. It has a USB Type C port that prevents the smartphone from heating up. Tecno CAMON 17 also comes with a 5000mAh battery and 18W flash charge. Premium Sleek Design The perfect blend of the classy and stylish, sleek, dual-tone design of the CAMON 17 Pro gives it a premium look and feel. The aesthetic curve, greater arc, and anti-fall grip provide for a firm grip of the smartphone in one’s hand. It also sports an industry-first back cover design with a 3.5D Shaped battery cover along with a larger 4.6mm drop. The enhanced Linear texture further augments the beauty of the Dual color. The CAMON 17 Pro hosts a powerful 8GB high capacity LPDDR4x RAM for super-fast functioning and 128GB UFS 2.1 big internal storage, expandable up to 256GB. It runs on HiO7.6 based on Android 11 to provide for an uninterrupted seamless smartphone experience. While CAMON 17 comes with 6GB RAM and 128GB bigger storage.
University of Chicago alumni have a new place to take online courses led by University faculty, connect and collaborate with other graduates, and find curated content from across UChicago. Billed as a site for intellectual inquiry, discussion and engagement, AlumniU launched Sept. 21 and is free and open exclusively to University alumni. “Our alumni are interested in content that is intellectually stimulating and of the highest quality,” said Mark Nemec, dean of the Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies. “We’ve learned what people miss after graduating is opportunities for the rigorous engagement they had while at the University of Chicago.” The road to the launch of AlumniU started more than a year ago, when President Robert J. Zimmer asked Nemec’s team to work with Alumni Relations and Development to create a digital hub that would allow alumni to connect to the University and each other. In the summer of 2015, nearly 1,000 alumni participated in a pilot online course on law and technology taught by Prof. Randy Picker, and another 600 signed up for a course by Prof. Peggy Mason on ethics and neuroscience in January 2016. Participants watched videos of lectures, read suggested articles on the topic, participated in discussions and connected in weekly video discussion—a variation on the popular massive open online courses taught by Picker and Mason. “It really was a lot of fun,” said Mason, who organized her course around a series of knotty ethical questions. “These were very accomplished people, very intellectually curious. I learned a ton working with them. Some had a beautiful way of putting things and insights into questions that I hadn’t had.” Alumni in the class were graduates from a range of divisions and schools. Mary Byrne, AM’77, an associate professor at the School of Social Work at Salem State University, said she took Mason’s course, in part to dig deeper into new findings in neuroscience—a topic she hadn’t been looking to explore but matched well with her work. “I liked the ability to dive deeply into the topic quickly but not superficially, and the flexibility of it was a real plus. I tended to do it over the weekend, when I was able to fit it in and concentrate and take some time,” said Byrne. Alumni-led, interactive environment Although alumni won’t earn credits or certificates for participating, they receive digital badges for completing online courses or through quests—short dives into topics like UChicago’s Nobel laureates and University scholars’ opinions on presidential candidates. The AlumniU experience is highly interactive, with opportunities to join and start conversations and weigh in on topics and ideas. “This is designed to be alumni-led,” said Damon Cates, MBA’05, senior associate vice president of Alumni Relations and Development. “It’s only as good as the people participating and working together.” Cates said that AlumniU’s scope and depth is unlike other online alumni sites. “We know our alumni are not interested in a passive experience. They want deeper conversations, a forum to talk, debate and discuss what they’re experiencing,” he said. “We’ve designed AlumniU not to be episodic, but a dynamic platform. We want a stickiness factor, where people have reasons to come back.” This spring, AlumniU hosted a six-week class titled “Critical Issues in Urban Education” and also launched the first in a series of shorter discussions with faculty. This series, “Connecting the Curious” began with a three-week discussion on “Gravitational Waves: The Significance of the LIGO Discovery” with Prof. Michael Turner. Connecting the Curious continues in the fall with Prof. Hilary Strang’s “Love, Belonging and Other Surprising Concerns of Science Fiction.” Also available this fall will be a six-week class with Asst. Prof. Agnes Callard, AB’97, titled “Plato’s Meno: on the Possibility of Learning How to Be Good.” Over the long term, Nemec sees AlumniU as what could be the first step in a redefinition of what it means to attend a university. Instead of a few years on campus and then an alumni experience that includes receiving newsletters or attending reunions, an incoming student could expect to be directly connected to faculty and alumni as a lifelong learner. “The nature of higher education is not as linear as it once was. People have multiple careers,” Nemec says. “If this really gets traction, it could be something where attending the University is seen as a 65-year value proposition, in which a student can continue learning with University faculty and alumni for a lifetime.”
Fashion newsletters, penned by expert writers, are your backstage pass to the beating heart of style, delivering hot-off-the-press writing that captivates subscribers with scoops on designer collections that shape the season. Their work offers an exclusive glimpse into the fashion world. Newsletter writers are like having a New Yorker fashion insider in your inbox, tipping subscribers off to the latest industry shake-ups and must-know events as they unfold, connecting people with style. With each click, newsletter writers invite subscribers into a world where seasonal style evolutions and fresh aesthetics come to life, keeping your wardrobe as current as the New Yorker’s headlines, captivating people with every update. From runway revelations to streetwear revolutions, these digital dispatches serve up a curated look at what’s ruling the racks and rocking the sidewalks for our subscribers. Subscribe to gain subscribers for a front-row ticket to fashion’s finest moments—no velvet rope required. The Allure of Fashion and Beauty Newsletters Fashion newsletters offer a secret pass to the latest beauty hacks and product drops. They’re your VIP ticket to sales and exclusive events. Exclusive Insider Tips Imagine getting makeup advice straight from the pros. That’s what subscribers to fashion newsletters enjoy. These emails often come packed with tips you won’t find in any magazine or Instagram post. They’re like whispers from the beauty gods, telling you how to nail that perfect look. Industry experts share their secrets, giving readers a leg up in their beauty game. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling amazing because you know you’ve got insider knowledge. First Look at Launches Who doesn’t love being the first to know? Subscribers get front-row seats to the hottest new products hitting the shelves. Imagine opening an email and seeing the latest collaboration between your favorite brand and a top designer before anyone else. These sneak peeks can influence what becomes popular on New York streets or even what books fly off shelves due to newfound attention. It’s like having a crystal ball for what’s going to be big in fashion. Private Sales Invites Now, who wouldn’t want an invite to an exclusive sale? That’s right, nobody! Newsletter subscribers often get these golden tickets sent straight into their inbox. These aren’t just any sales; we’re talking about VIP discounts that make you feel like royalty. It’s not uncommon for these private sales to offer some serious price slashes on high-end items. For avid shoppers, this is like finding treasure—good quality fashion without breaking the bank! VIP Event Access And then there are those invites that make you feel like a true New Yorker—a chance to rub elbows with designers at VIP events! Getting on these guest lists isn’t easy unless you’re part of the newsletter club. Imagine walking into an event where everyone is someone, sipping champagne while previewing next season’s trends before they hit the runways. This is real life for newsletter insiders. Fashion Newsletter Curation and Diversity Fashion newsletters are more than just style updates; they’re cultural touchstones that reflect our diverse society. They bring attention to sustainable practices and shine a light on the talents often left in the shadows. Range of Styles Fashion is as varied as the people who wear it. Newsletters today understand this and offer something for everyone. From high-end couture to streetwear, they curate content that resonates with different tastes, backgrounds, and lifestyles. This isn’t just about keeping up with trends; it’s about representation. When you flip through these digital pages, you’ll see the familiar alongside the avant-garde – a sartorial melting pot that mirrors our world. It’s not all glitz and glamour; fashion has a conscience too. Newsletters are now platforms for change, highlighting brands that prioritize planet over profit. These aren’t niche names hidden away but proud pioneers leading an ethical charge in an industry often criticized for its environmental impact. They show us fashion can be both beautiful and benevolent, turning the spotlight on recycled fabrics, low-impact production methods, and cruelty-free products. Imagine a world where every designer gets their due – newsletters are making this a reality. By featuring designers from marginalized communities or those without massive marketing budgets, they break down barriers to success. These spotlights don’t just celebrate diversity; they enrich our fashion landscape with stories and styles we might otherwise miss. Personal Style Enhancement through Newsletters Tailored Fashion Advice Getting style tips that feel like they’re made just for you can be a game-changer. That’s where fashion newsletters come in handy. They’re like having your own personal stylist, giving you the lowdown on what’s hot and what’s not. Some newsletter writers are like wizards with words, crafting advice that seems to speak directly to you. Imagine getting an email that feels like it was written by a friend who knows your closet inside out. They might suggest pairing those boots you love with a skirt you’d never considered. Runway Trends Made Simple Ever looked at fashion shows and thought, “Cool, but I could never pull that off”? Well, think again! Fashion newsletters can break down those high-fashion looks into something more wearable. A skilled editor or journalist can take a look that’s all the rage on the runway and show you how to rock it in real life. It’s about taking those wild patterns or bold colors and mixing them into your daily outfits without looking over-the-top. For example, say neon is the latest craze. A newsletter might suggest adding just a pop of neon with accessories rather than going full highlighter mode. Visual Inspiration Galore Seeing is believing—and getting inspired! Inspiration boards included in newsletters provide a visual feast for your eyes and ideas for your wardrobe. These boards aren’t just random pictures; they’re carefully curated by pros who know how to create a mood or theme. Think of them as roadmaps guiding you towards your next great outfit. You might see an inspiration board themed around ‘cozy autumn vibes’ filled with rust-colored sweaters and comfy boots. It gives you an instant picture of what pieces to combine for that perfect fall look. Essential Fashion Insights and Wardrobe Tips Keeping your wardrobe up-to-date with seasonal essentials is key. Proper care and mixing strategies can extend the life of your clothes and create new looks. Fashion moves fast. To stay on top, you need the right gear for each season. Think about it like a chef – without fresh ingredients, you can’t cook up anything good! So, what’s cooking in fashion kitchens? Well, every season has its stars. Summer might bring breezy linen shirts while winter calls for a killer coat that says you mean business. - Lightweight fabrics for summer - Cozy layers for winter - Transition pieces for spring and fall But hey, don’t just grab anything off the rack. Your wardrobe should be like your squad – choose wisely who gets to roll with you. Now let’s talk about keeping those threads looking sharp as a tack. You’ve got these awesome pieces; it’s only right to treat them well. Like that favorite pair of jeans – they could last years if you give them some TLC. Check those labels inside your clothes; they’re not just there for decoration! - Wash darks and lights separately - Use gentle cycles for delicate items - Air dry when possible to preserve fabric integrity Remember, a little extra time spent caring means more time slaying in style. Alright, here comes the fun part – mixin’ it up! A true stylist knows their way around a closet like a wizard with a wand. It’s all about creating new spells—er, outfits—with what you’ve got. - Start with neutral basics as your canvas - Add pops of color or patterns - Layer different textures for depth This isn’t rocket science; it’s just smart dressing! Plus, mix-and-match mastery means you get more bang for your buck—more looks without breaking the bank. Strategic Shopping and Sales Navigation Fashion newsletters are your secret weapon for smart shopping. They keep you in the loop about sales and help you choose pieces that won’t go out of style. Alerts on Discounts Imagine getting a heads-up every time your favorite store slashes prices. That’s exactly what fashion newsletters do. They work like your personal sale alarm, buzzing right before those must-have items get their price tags trimmed. You’ll never miss out on a deal again because these alerts come straight to your inbox. It’s like having a friend who knows all the best shopping secrets. Brands love to reward loyal customers with exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming sales. By subscribing to their newsletters, you’re always one step ahead of the crowd. This means you can plan your budget accordingly and strike when the iron is hot – or should I say when the sale is sizzling? Timeless Over Trendy Now, let’s talk about building a wardrobe that lasts longer than your morning cereal stays crunchy. Fashion newsletters often have sections dedicated to timeless style advice. They’ll tell you which classic pieces are worth investing in over fast fashion that fades faster than a fresh tan in winter. This isn’t just about looking good; it’s about making smart choices with your hard-earned cash. A well-chosen timeless piece can be part of countless outfits across seasons and even years. Think of it as buying an all-access pass to looking fab no matter what year it is. Navigating Online Sales Online sales can be like navigating through a jungle – exciting but overwhelming! Newsletters give you tips on how to shop online without going bananas with overspending. They often include guides on how to filter through the noise and find deals that truly matter. Platforms where these sales happen can be tricky, but with advice from seasoned shoppers delivered via newsletters, you become a pro at finding hidden gems. Remember, not every discount is worth diving into headfirst. Sometimes waiting for the right sale pays off more than jumping at every “limited time offer” banner. Commentary and Perspectives in Fashion Fashion newsletters offer more than just style updates; they provide critical insights and bold opinions on the fashion world. From dissecting trends to tackling industry controversies, these editorials are shaping conversations around inclusivity and body positivity. Current Trends Analysis Fashion is always on the move, zigzagging through styles like a model on the runway. Editors keep their fingers on the pulse, predicting what’s next. They ask questions like “Is streetwear still king?” or “What’s the deal with digital clothing?” By analyzing runway shows and street style snaps, they piece together a future wardrobe for the reader. Bold Opinions Shared Sometimes fashion throws a curveball that gets everyone talking. Remember when sneakers met suits? Or when logos got so big they took over entire shirts? Writers dive into these controversial topics, sharing thoughts that might ruffle some feathers but also spark important discussions. Inclusivity in Spotlight The word ‘inclusivity’ isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a powerful movement changing faces across billboards and magazine covers. Posts celebrate brands that embrace all body types, ages, and backgrounds. When a brand nails it or misses the mark, editors are there to weigh in with their two cents. Body Positivity Boost It’s not just about sizes; it’s about smashing stereotypes that have long clung to fashion like lint on a black sweater. Fashion newsletters champion campaigns showing real people with real bodies wearing clothes that make them feel fabulous—not just fitting into them. Seeing yourself in the glossy pages of a fashion mag used to be rare if you didn’t fit a certain mold. But now? It’s getting better every year as more diverse models strut down catwalks and smile from ads. Industry insiders highlight this progress while pushing for even more change. Authenticity and Personalization in Style Communication Fashion newsletters are more than just trends and tips. They’re about finding your voice in a sea of style. Unique Voice Vital Every fashion newsletter should feel like a chat with your stylish buddy. It’s not just about the clothes; it’s the story they tell. Your newsletter’s voice should be as unique as your personal style. Think of it like your fashion fingerprint – no one else has got the same one! You’ve probably heard “be yourself” a million times, but in fashion, it’s golden advice. When you dress to express who you are, that’s when you shine brightest. A good newsletter doesn’t just show you what to wear; it encourages you to wear what feels right for you. Personal Style Stories Ever wonder how that influencer you follow found their killer look? Or how your friend started rocking those bold patterns? Great newsletters share these stories, giving us the scoop on others’ style journeys. They inspire us by showing that our fashion choices can evolve as we do. Influencers Share Secrets Influencers aren’t just trendsetters; they’re storytellers too. When they spill the beans on their own style evolutions, we get more than outfit ideas—we get inspiration. Their stories help us connect the dots between our wardrobe and our personality. Conclusion on the Impact of Fashion Newsletters Fashion newsletters are more than just emails—they’re your secret weapon to slay the style game. They keep you in the loop, from the latest trends to timeless advice, making sure your wardrobe is as fresh as a daisy. With each newsletter, you get a mix of personal stories, savvy shopping tips, and that dash of diversity that makes fashion so spicy. Think of them as your stylish best friend who’s always got your back! Ready to step up your fashion game? Sign up for a newsletter or two and watch your inbox transform into a treasure trove of fashion gold. Trust me, with these gems at your fingertips, you’ll be turning heads and dropping jaws wherever you go. So go ahead, give it a whirl and let the world see the fabulous you! What are fashion newsletters? Fashion newsletters are regular email updates that provide the latest news, trends, and tips from the fashion world. They’re like your stylish friend who always knows what’s hot and what’s not. How can I find the best fashion newsletters to subscribe to for opulent tips, like those from GQ magazine, with a strong base of subscribers? Look for fashion newsletters with a strong reputation or those curated by fashion experts and influencers. Check out reviews or ask for recommendations on social media. Are fashion newsletters free to subscribe to? Most of them are! Designers and retailers often send out free newsletters to keep you in the loop on new collections, sales, and fashion advice. Can I unsubscribe from a GQ magazine newsletter if the topic doesn’t suit my style or interests as a subscriber? Absolutely! If a newsletter isn’t your cup of tea, there’s usually an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email. No hard feelings! Do fashion newsletters cater to specific styles or trends? Yes, many do. Whether you’re into high-end couture or streetwear, there’s likely a newsletter that matches your sartorial interests. How often will I receive emails after subscribing to the fashion magazine newsletter as a subscriber, and can I expect updates from the editor on the latest books in fashion? It varies. Some send daily updates; others might be weekly or monthly. It should be specified before you subscribe so you know what you’re signing up for.
Hundreds of people gathered outside the Wilshire Federal Building in Westwood Monday afternoon to protest the treatment of Palestinians in Gaza. Titled “Hands Off Rafah,” the event was intended to bring awareness to the southern Gaza city where more than 1 million Palestinians gathered after being told they would be safe there, as reported by NPR. Instead, Israeli air strikes and a planned ground invasion might force refugees to relocate once more after four months of fighting. While Israel says the military actions in Rafah are necessary to eradicate Hamas, the perpetrators of the devastating Oct. 7 attack, some — including American officials — are demanding that more be done to protect civilians, of whom at least 28,000 have been killed. In Westwood, the organization LA4Palestine and its supporters held Palestinian flags and demanded the U.S. withhold aid to Israel until the “apartheid” conditions in Israel end.
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WU YAJUN, founder and Chairwoman of Longfor Properties (HK: 960), wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth. But late last year, she was China’s richest woman and the fifth most affluent person in the country, with a massive net worth of 4.4 billion usd. Ms. Wu began life in decidedly humble surroundings. She was born in 1964 in the Southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing. “Her background as the daughter of a dressmaker is clear as sometimes when meeting dignitaries, she can be seen greeting them with one of her traditional homemade qipao dresses,” said a former colleague. Born to an ordinary family in a region of the country known for its tongue-numbing cuisine -- and these days for its equally hot property sector -- China’s second wealthiest woman actually worked in a factory for a few years in the eighties. Her decision to switch to journalism in 1988 was a key turning point in her career. For the next half decade, she worked as a reporter and editor in her hometown at China Shirong News -- a newspaper directly controlled by the Chongqing Construction Bureau. Her tenure in the media profession was instrumental in exposing her to the movers and shakers among the region’s real estate players and policy makers. All of this allowed Ms. Wu to accumulate a formidable network of industry contacts that helped launch a stellar career in property development. By 1995, the then 31-year old Ms. Wu felt confident and well-connected enough to establish Chongqing Zhongjianke Real Estate Co Ltd with a start-up capital of 10 million yuan. That same year she and her now ex-husband – Cai Kui – renamed the firm Longfor Properties, which rode the real estate boom to expand from its home base of Chongqing (China’s largest municipality by area) to Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Dalian. Longfor went public in Hong Kong in November 2009 with cornerstone investors including the Temasek Holdings, which is an investment company owned by the Singapore government, and China’s Ping An Insurance (HK: 2318). As of March of this year, Ms. Wu was the world’s 299th richest person and made it onto Forbes’ “Top 50 Power Women” list. Her power and influence not only manifests itself in the business world but extends into political spheres as well as Ms. Wu is a member of China’s National People's Congress. Ms. Wu is “famous” for playing down her fame, and purposely avoids the media spotlight wherever possible. Three years ago, Chinese state media described her as sticking to a “Three Nos” policy regarding personal publicity: no television appearances, no media interviews and no autographs. This self-imposed media blackout only serves to heighten curiosity about China’s second richest female, and makes the question of whether she can reclaim the top spot all the more intriguing. However, she does know how to make an impression on those in her industry. In its most recently-released results, Longfor recognized revenue of 27.9 billion yuan in 2012, up nearly 16% year-on-year, while the bottom line rose 20% to 5.4 billion. Ms. Wu’s career got off to a roaring start, thanks in large part to the many connections she’d built up over the years. This strategy could be seen very early on in the property tycoon’s life. “All of her teachers really took Wu Yajun her under their wing at an early age and gave her special attention, treating her like a cherished doll as she was the top student in her class. “One of her favorite teacher’s daughters also became her best friend in her childhood, and this same classmate – Zhang Wei – to this day remains one of Ms. Wu’s key business partners,” a neighbor in Chongqing said. The neighbor went on to say that other than scholastic achievement, there was nothing particularly telling in Ms. Wu’s family background to suggest that she would one day be China’s richest woman. “Yajun’s family was very ordinary, and of average means. Therefore I was very surprised when I learned she was Chairman of Longfor. “I used to take some of my clothes to her mother, a seamstress, for mending,” the neighbor added. And as she is only just flirting with fifty, her life story certainly has more chapters in store, especially given the ongoing urbanization drive in the world’s most populous country. Following a costly recent divorce, the real estate mogul slipped to the No.2 spot among PRC women in terms of net worth. After the breakup of her marriage last year, Ms. Wu transferred to her ex-husband around two-fifths of Longfor’s shares the couple formerly held. Her holdings in Longfor fell to 43% from a combined 72%, while her ex retains 29%. Ms. Wu thus ceded the No.1 position on China’s richest female list to fellow property tycoon and Country Garden’s (HK: 2007) top shareholder -- Ms. Yang Huiyan. While Ms. Wu earned had worked for her money, the current No.1 mainly has her father to thank for her proverbial pot of gold. (See: Yang Huiyan Became China's Richest Woman At 26)
Jim Carrey has a second NFT masterpiece is now available on SuperRare, raising much buzz in metaverse circles. The prominent actor and celebrity has also committed some of the proceeds to those devastated by natural disasters. Jim collaborated with his daughter, Jane Carrey, on the multimedia NFT Goon in Moonlight. The digital art, created in partnership with Big Head Club, showcases Jim Carrey’s abilities as a painter, writer, and computer animator. In addition, the NFT has stunningly enigmatic backing vocals from the actor’s daughter. The ‘Goon in the Moonlight’ sculpture is up for auction until Thursday, with a reserve price of $50,000 or 29 to 30 Ethereum. SuperRare announced the drop via a tweet on Tuesday with John Crain, SuperRare co-founder and CEO, who is beyond excited about Jim Carrey’s second drop on the platform. He went on further regarding Jim Carrey as a visionary artist and performer, saying it is incredible to see the evolution of his artistic career. The Canadian-born actor is well-known for his roles in comedies such as Dumb and Dumber, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and The Truman Show. After retiring from the acting and movie industry, given the buzz surrounding NFT art, it was inevitable that the celebrity would enter the NFT art scene. According to Carrey, Goon in the Moonlight is about lost love. Jim conveyed his heart behind the NFT after minting it on Monday, saying that it symbolizes the emotions of being in the inescapable romance of moonlight, where the Goon is fated to retract from the nostalgia of lost loves and the agony of remorse that can reshape any of us into something horrific in our mind. Jim Carrey’s second non-fungible token appears more vintage than his first. Jim Carrey is very well-known in the realm of fine art. Over the previous decade, he has shown his work to critical and artistic acclaim. However, lately, he has sparked debate in certain circles for his politically charged paintings and sketches of Trump and his associates. “I’ve been both fortunate and cursed in this life with a strong imagination and a burning desire to share my quirks and inspirations with you,” he tweeted in June. Sunshower is the name of this small mood booster. “I hope this NFT does for you what it did for me.” The Goon in Moonlight is Carrey’s second digital art release, after Sunshower NFT in June, and was developed in collaboration with filmmaker David Bushell. It is inspired by his picture and boasts a piece that has attracted collectors from many corners of the world. At the auction, the first art NFT received 21 bids and sold for $105,000 to a South Korean animator and director residing in New York. The veteran actor and artist is known for his donations and has engaged in charity work. For his two NFT masterpieces, he made sure that others would also benefit from the success of his NFT. Feeding America is a nonprofit with over 200 Food Kitchens throughout America, receiving a portion of the revenue from the inaugural NFT sale. And, for this second edition, a portion of the revenues from the digital artwork sales will benefit José Andrés’ World Central Kitchen, a nonprofit established to assist feed victims of calamities. Follow NFT Magazine © 2022 NFT Magazine All Rights Reserved
All of my work is composed of small pieces of fabric. Fabric is my paintbrush! My interpretation of any particular subject is intuitive where I combine color and design as I “see” it in an art form, not necessarily realism. I often use colors and fabric designs/patterns that are not seen in Nature, but that I feel intuitively work well together. I was first State juried in the League in Fiber Art about 30+ years ago, and was, at that time, told that I have good color sense. My first works were men’s ties and ladies’ pins. I am now producing framed collage art pieces and enjoy the challenge of creating works of art that can be displayed in a home. All of the matting and glass and other components used in the framing process are archival. The glass is museum quality non-reflective glass that does not detract from the piece and also acts as a dust cover, as these pieces are not meant to be laundered. I prefer to use antique frames, when at all possible, because of their unique characteristics.
Granite Staters watched in confusion and embarrassment last September 29 as a handful of rowdy anti-vaccination protesters shut down a meeting of the state’s Executive Council, taunting the crowd, threatening state employees, and ignoring the law enforcement officers gathered at St. Anselm College. Eight months later, the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office has finally finished its investigation of the event. It says there will be no prosecutions. “Given the specific facts of this case and the state’s inability to prove any potential criminal charges beyond a reasonable doubt, the state will not bring criminal charges against any individual as a result of their conduct on September 29, 2021. The Attorney General’s Office is closing its review and will take no further action on this matter,” Attorney General John Formella and State Police Colonel Nathan Noyes said in a statement. They acknowledged there was evidence the protestors committed the crimes of obstructing government administration and disorderly conduct. But, they said, it was not enough for the state to bring charges. The dozen or so protestors effectively took over the meeting, roaming among the attendees for close to an hour shouting complaints about access to Ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment, repeating false claims of “thousands of deaths” from the vaccine, and warning vaccination supporters they would be treated the way Nazis were treated after World War II. “You’re going to be held accountable,” one woman cried. “Maybe not now, but years from now — Nuremberg trials!” “FEMA camps!” shouted a man wearing a Karen Testerman for Governor t-shirt, referencing a conspiracy theory about government roundups of non-compliant citizens first circulated by progressives against President George W. Bush. Dozens of police officers were on-site from State Police and Goffstown. But they never intervened to stop the protestors. Instead, they escorted employees from the Department of Health and Human Services employees to their cars, employees who said they felt threatened by the protesters. Without those employees on hand to testify, councilors claimed the meeting could not go forward. As video of the police standing by amid the chaos hit New Hampshire TV screens, some citizens began questioning why the trained law enforcement officers did not act. Asked if there had been a review of the officer’s inaction, attorney general spokesperson Michael Garrity told NHJournal, “Any review of the actions of any involved law enforcement officers would be handled administratively by their respective agencies and would not involve this office.” The issue of police refusing to act is particularly sensitive in the wake of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Gov. Chris Sununu’s office did not respond to a request for comment on Tuesday. He also skipped out of the meeting in September, leaving Councilor Dave Wheeler (R-Milford) to announce to the worked-up crowd the meeting was being canceled. Wheeler said at the time several state employees felt unsafe at the meeting and left. Since those employees were needed to answer questions from the council members, the meeting could not take place. “Mission accomplished,” one protester shouted at the news. Councilor Cinde Warmington (D-Concord) said at the time New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Commissioner Lori Shibinette made the decision to have her staff leave as the protesters grew increasingly agitated. Staffers were escorted to their cars by New Hampshire State Police troopers. When the DHHS employees left the auditorium, the situation in the room got worse. “Once that happened, we got reports from State Police and the commissioner of safety that the room had become more disruptive and they felt it had become unsafe,” Warmington said. Despite police deeming the situation unsafe, none of the protestors will be charged. New Hampshire does arrest and prosecute protestors frequently, according to Pat Sullivan with the New Hampshire Chiefs of Police Association. “They’ve charged them at Seabrook protesting the nuclear power plant,” Sullivan said. Sullivan declined to comment on the Executive Council protestors. The town of Newfields wrote an anti-picketing ordinance specifically so it could arrest protesters upsetting the governor’s family by protesting near his house. The Newfields police even arrested the New Hampshire Journal reporter who was covering the protest. That reporter is scheduled to appear in court July 7. Many of the same protestors were arrested at the October meeting for their disruption. Michael Garrity, Director of Communication for the Attorney General’s Office, said none of the prosecutions of those arrested in October will be impacted by Tuesday’s decision. Asked why protesters engaged in the same behavior were not charged with a crime in both cases, Garrity said the office could not comment. “Because the cases that arose out of the 10/13 meeting remain ongoing, we cannot comment on those matters,” Garrity said. The New Hampshire Department of Safety has refused to even say how many police officers were at the meeting. “(T)he Department of Safety does not publicly discuss operational details or tactics,” Paul Raymond with the Department of Safety said in September when asked by NH Journal. Raymond claimed at the time the failure to arrest the protesters in September was due to concern for their constitutional rights. “Decisions on whether to effect an arrest require officers to carefully consider the fundamental rights granted to protesters by the First Amendment, the text of the criminal code, as well as the safety and security of other bystanders and attendees,” Raymond said. That concern was apparently resolved when police arrested many of the same protestors for the same behavior a month later.
Nida Azwer has been designing and working in fashion under the aegis of her eponymous label since 2005, only one month after she graduated from the prestigious Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture. Nida has always been inspired by the fine craft of local Pakistani artisans. She is recognized for her love of more classic and vintage design elements infused with traditional crafts such as tukri ka kaam, rilli, kantha, zardozi and miniature embroidery, worked into contemporary fashion. All clothing and apparel created under the Nida Azwer label is meticulously hand worked in Pakistan using only pure fabrics including Irish linen, chiffons, hand-woven silks, French lace, lame and brocade. Additionally, she prioritizes the revival of traditional craft, specifically embroideries in Pakistan. Drawing inspiration from interior Sindh’s age-old embroideries, she meticulously reinvents stitches such as the Hurmich, Seesha Tanka, Moti Tanka and Heera Tanka on fine quality organza and silk. She is passionate about ensuring the continuation of the craftsmanship, supporting a large number of craftsmen in Pakistan. Nida was nominated for a coveted Lux Style Award for Best Emerging Talent in 2008 and in 2015 for the Best Fashion Designer Pret. She also won the Best Designer Award at the Nesvita Women of Strength Awards in 2009.
Potential postdoc and graduate students who are interested in exploring research opportunities shall contact Prof. Ni. Currently we don’t have extra funding from our research projects but below are several fellowship opportunities that one can explore. - NSF-MPS Ascend Postdoc Fellowship - University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship - HEP Consortium for Advanced Training (HEPCAT) - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) - DOE’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) We have limited number of positions for undergraduate students. If you are interested in exploring undergraduate research opportunities, please first discuss with our group members (postdoc and graduate students) who are most likely be your direct mentor. We expect undergraduate students to devote 6-12 hours/week on research projects once they join the group. Sophomore students shall sign up PHYS-99. Junior and above shall sign up PHYS-199. Summer Research and Visiting Students: Visiting and summer students, usually sponsored by their own individual fellowships, can participate in our research to get experience. For UCSD undergraduate students, there are a number of summer research fellowships available, including the Undergraduate Summer Research Award from the School of Physical Sciences.
How to Pay Traffic Ticket in South Dakota? When you receive a traffic ticket in South Dakota, it is important to take care of it as soon as possible. To pay your traffic ticket, you have a few options available to you. Pay SD Ticket Online Paying your traffic ticket online is a fast and easy option. You can use the South Dakota Unified Judicial System Portal to guide you through the process of submitting the required payment. Make sure to have your traffic ticket information handy when paying online as you’ll need the specific details from your citation. Pay SD Traffic Ticket by Mail If you prefer to pay your traffic ticket by mail, simply follow the instructions provided on your citation. Usually, this involves writing a check or money order for the amount specified on the ticket and mailing it to the designated address. Be sure to include any relevant information, such as your driver’s license number and the citation number, on the check or money order to ensure proper processing. Pay South Dakota Traffic Ticket in Person For those who want to pay their traffic ticket in person, you can visit the local courthouse or county clerk’s office listed on your citation. Bring your traffic ticket and a valid form of payment, such as cash, check, or money order, to pay your fine. Remember to double-check the office hours before going, as they may vary by location. Points and Cost For Different Tickets in SD In South Dakota, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) utilizes a point system to keep track of driving offenses and traffic violations. This system assigns specific points to each type of violation. A driver may face license suspension if they accumulate 15 points within 12 consecutive months or 22 points within 24 consecutive months 1. Below is a table listing common traffic violations in South Dakota, along with their corresponding costs and license points: |Traffic Violation Name |Speeding (1 – 5 mph over) |Speeding (6 – 10 mph over) |Speeding (11 – 15 mph over) |Speeding (16 – 20 mph over) |Speeding (21 – 25 mph over) |Speeding (26+ mph over) |Running a Red Light |Stop Sign Violation |Driving Under the Influence (DUI) |$500 – $2,000 Please note that these costs and points are subject to change and may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the violation. Additionally, reinstating a suspended or revoked license typically incurs a fee ranging from $50 to $2002. To pay a traffic ticket in South Dakota, you can usually do so online, via mail, or in person, depending on the court that issued the ticket3. It is essential to address your traffic ticket promptly to avoid further penalties or consequences. SD Traffic Violations and Penalties in South Dakota In South Dakota, traffic violations are classified based on their severity. Major offenses like DUI (driving under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated) carry much harsher penalties than minor offenses like speeding or failure to yield. The state uses a point system to assign points to different driving offenses and traffic violations. Accumulating too many points on your driving record can result in a license suspension or even revocation. Fines and Penalties Breakdown For minor offenses like speeding, the fines associated with the violation depend on how far over the speed limit you were driving. In general, the higher the speed, the higher the fine. Additionally, your car insurance rates may increase as a result of the violation. More severe penalties are applied to major offenses like DUI or reckless driving. In South Dakota, vehicular homicide is deemed a Class 3 felony, punishable by a 15-year jail term and a fine of up to $30,000. If the offense results in the death of more than one person, it is classified as a Class 2 felony, punishable by up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000. Failing to appear in court for a traffic violation can also result in a warrant for your arrest and further penalties. When it comes to paying your South Dakota traffic ticket, you may be able to do so by mail or in person, depending on the court handling your case. If your violation results in a license suspension or revocation, or if you accumulate enough points for license suspension, you’ll eventually have to pay a $50 to $200 reinstatement fee. It’s important to be aware of the penalties associated with traffic violations so that you can avoid any future problems with your driving record, license suspension, and insurance rates. Remember to abide by South Dakota’s laws and speed limits to ensure a safe driving experience for both you and other drivers on the road. Dealing with South Dakota Traffic Tickets Finding Lost SD Traffic Tickets If you have misplaced or lost your traffic ticket in South Dakota, you must act quickly to avoid severe consequences. Start by contacting the local court where your ticket was issued, and they will provide you with the necessary information and instructions. You can also obtain relevant information by visiting the South Dakota Unified Judicial System website and entering your ticket number. Contesting a SD Traffic Ticket If you choose to contest your South Dakota traffic ticket, you will need to appear in court. To do this, follow the instructions on the citation, which typically involve contacting the court and submitting a not guilty plea prior to your scheduled appearance date. It’s crucial to gather any relevant evidence to support your case and arrive prepared for court. Hiring a Traffic Ticket Attorney in SD Hiring a traffic ticket attorney in South Dakota can increase your chances of successfully fighting a ticket. They will analyze your case, present evidence, and negotiate on your behalf. To find a reputable attorney, you can ask friends or family for recommendations or conduct research online. Keep in mind that the cost of hiring an attorney may vary depending on the complexity of your case. Entering a Plea in South Dakota When you are charged with a traffic violation in South Dakota, you have the option to plead either guilty or not guilty. If you decide to plead guilty, you can either pay your ticket fines by mail, in person, or online through the South Dakota Unified Judicial System Portal. However, pleading guilty may lead to an increase in your car insurance rates or the suspension of your driver’s license. If you plead not guilty, you will need to attend court, and this is when hiring a traffic ticket attorney becomes crucial. During this process, remember to stay confident, knowledgeable, and clear about your rights and options. By following these steps, you can properly handle your South Dakota traffic tickets and lessen the negative impact they may have on your driving record and insurance rates. South Dakota Defensive Driving and Traffic School In South Dakota, completing a defensive driving course typically will not allow you to deduct points from your driving record or dismiss a traffic ticket. However, you might be able to enroll in defensive driving or traffic school to earn an insurance discount. Check with your car insurance provider for details on eligibility and discounts they may offer. Enrolling in a Course Although there is no official defensive driving course in South Dakota, you may take classes offered by various local driving schools. Alternatively, you could look for an online traffic school course that may be completed at home to help you improve your driving skills. When searching for a suitable course, make sure it covers essential topics such as traffic laws, defensive driving techniques, and ways to avoid accidents. Enrolling in a course might help you become a safer and more responsible driver, reducing the risk of receiving future traffic citations. Benefits of Traffic School in SD Attending traffic school in South Dakota can have several benefits for you as a driver. While it may not necessarily remove a speeding ticket or other traffic citation from your record, there are other advantages you may enjoy: - Car insurance discounts: Depending on your insurance provider, completing traffic school could result in a discount on your car insurance premiums. Be sure to check with your provider to confirm if they offer such a program. - Improved driving skills: Traffic school courses focus on teaching defensive driving techniques and providing updates on current traffic laws. These lessons will make you a safer, more responsible driver, reducing the likelihood of future traffic violations. - Avoiding license suspension: Regularly attending traffic school may help you maintain a clean driving record, preventing the accumulation of points that could lead to license suspension. Keep in mind that South Dakota suspends licenses for drivers who accumulate 15 points within 12 months or 22 points within 24 months. Remember to choose a course that meets your needs, whether in-person or online, and take advantage of the benefits provided by traffic school in South Dakota. SD Ticket Effects on Driving Record and Insurance South Dakota Insurance Rates Receiving a traffic ticket in South Dakota can have a significant impact on your driving record and car insurance rates. When you receive a ticket, your driving record is affected by the addition of driving record points. These points can lead to higher car insurance premiums, as insurance companies see you as a higher risk driver. It’s essential to be aware of how your ticket can affect your insurance rates and take steps to minimize the impact. License Suspension and Reinstatement in SD In South Dakota, accumulating too many driving record points can result in a license suspension. If you receive 15 points within a 12-month period or 22 points within a 24-month period, your license may be suspended. Additionally, if you receive a traffic conviction while holding a restricted driver’s permit, your driving privileges can be suspended for 30 days. To avoid the possibility of a license suspension, you should always drive responsibly and obey traffic laws. If your license does get suspended, you’ll need to work with the South Dakota DMV to reinstate your driving privileges. This may involve completing a driver improvement course, paying reinstatement fees, and fulfilling any other requirements set by the DMV. In some cases, car inspections may also be required in order to maintain your driving privileges or have your license reinstated. This typically involves verifying that your vehicle is in good working condition and meets the safety standards set by the state. By understanding the effects of traffic tickets on your driving record and insurance in South Dakota, you can make informed decisions about how to handle any violations and work to maintain a clean driving record. SD Traffic Tickets: Impact on Commercial Drivers South Dakota Commercial Driver’s License Penalties As a commercial driver in South Dakota, it’s crucial for you to understand how traffic tickets can impact your commercial driver’s license (CDL) and your career. The South Dakota Department of Public Safety regulates CDLs and enforces penalties for traffic violations committed in a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). If you receive a traffic ticket while operating a CMV, you could face more severe consequences than those driving a non-commercial vehicle. Some common penalties include: - Disqualification or suspension of your CDL - Increased insurance premiums - Job loss or difficulty finding employment in the transportation industry CDL disqualifications can range from 60 days to a lifelong ban, depending on the severity of the violation and your driving record. Reporting Traffic Violations to Employers It’s essential for commercial drivers to promptly report any traffic violation convictions (excluding parking violations) to their employer. According to South Dakota law, you must notify your employer within 30 days of a conviction, regardless of the type of vehicle you were driving when the violation occurred. In addition to notifying your employer, federal regulations require commercial drivers to report any out-of-state traffic convictions to the South Dakota Department of Public Safety within 30 days, as well. Remember, as a commercial driver, maintaining a clean driving record is crucial for your employment and professional future. By understanding the importance of abiding by traffic laws and reporting any violations as required, you’ll contribute to the safety of South Dakota roads and protect your livelihood. Frequently Asked Questions What is the process for paying a traffic ticket in South Dakota? To pay a traffic ticket in South Dakota, you have several options. You can pay your ticket in person at the court or by mail. Make sure to follow the instructions provided on your citation and ensure you pay within the deadline to avoid additional penalties and fees. For more information, visit the South Dakota DMV. Can I pay my traffic ticket online in Minnehaha or Lincoln County? Currently, there isn’t a direct mention of online payment facilities specifically for Minnehaha or Lincoln County. It is advised to check your traffic ticket or contact the respective county’s court for more information about online payment options. What is the cost of a speeding ticket in South Dakota? The cost of a speeding ticket in South Dakota varies depending on the specific violation and the circumstances surrounding it, such as how fast you were driving and where the offense occurred. It is important to refer to your traffic citation for the exact amount you owe, as well as additional fees and surcharges that may apply. How many points will be added to my license for a South Dakota speeding ticket? In South Dakota, the Department of Public Safety assigns points to your driving record for various traffic violations, including speeding tickets. The number of points added to your license depends on the severity of the offense. For more information on the point system, visit South Dakota DMV. What is the deadline for paying a traffic ticket in South Dakota? The deadline for paying a traffic ticket in South Dakota is typically mentioned on your citation. It is crucial to pay your ticket by the specified date to avoid additional penalties, such as increased fines, license suspension, or traffic school. If you cannot find the deadline on your citation or have further questions, contact the court listed on your ticket.
We feel very strong in this field. We print all book types in limp, hard-back and integrated bindings. Our suppliers are carefully selected and reliable Polish (but not just Polish) offset printing houses that maintain with us permanent contact, practically 7 days a week. Those printing houses have the state of the art printing machinery and highly specialised printing equipment acquired thanks to the subsidies from the European Union. Almost every week it comes to our knowledge that we have at our disposal more new printing plant and machinery. Our suppliers are specialists with long-term experience in the printing industry, therefore, their knowledge, which they share with us, is invaluable. Their experience and our coordination associated with the maximum efforts cause that our clients feel really cared of at every stage of order realisation. We put a great stress on your production to be accomplished in the shortest possible time at the lowest possible price. We permanently analyse any market novelties in terms of provision of the highest possible quality. Our efforts have won recognition of our clients, which has been proven by our cooperation with more than 1500 companies. Cooperating with more than 80 printing houses we are capable of job completion within a time limit that seems apparently impossible to be kept.
NON’s new WEIBO account. NON has created a new social media account. “Weibo” is a Chinese Social Networking Service widely used in China but also Hong Kong, Taiwan, Asia, Europe, and the United States. The service is described as a mini-blog or microblogging. They call it the Chinese version of Twitter.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Udderfest 2014 ready to raise the curtain on five days of theatre and events Prince Rupert's popular Udderfest is back for a five day run, with events taking place at both the Tom Rooney Playhouse and the Lester Centre from August 6th through to the 10th. The line up of theatre events provides for a number of performances with a bit of a local twist, as well as for items of interest on a more general theme. All of it highlighting the large talent base that is part of the Prince Rupert theatre scene. Below is a list of offerings to be presented for the 2014 edition of Udderfest (a short description of each show can be found by clicking on items provided to the Rupert Reigns portal) Dan the Man Digby Towers 2 Toast and Jam The Unsinkable Play Twisted Fairy Tales (no synopsis available) Organizers also offer up a number of Musical Acts for the five days of shows, a performance from the Concert Society and something described as the Late Night Green Room Special. Tickets go for ten dollars per show, or a four show pass available for thirty dollars. Tickets are available at Seahorse Trading Company in the Atlin Terminal, or at the door. A schedule of some of the events can be found on the Rupert Reigns website, which features a day by day calendar to review. You can find out more about the Udderfest line up from Harbour Theatre at 250-624-2636 We will outline any further updates to the Udderfest happenings below, as they become available through the week.
I was trying to explain docker to an IT buddy, suggesting he should be using it but he wasn't sure what I was talking about. Kind of an old-school IT guy, who didn't really use or care about virtual machines so docker was just as foreign. I found this great video. It's by NetworkChuck and explains how Docker/s work. Excellent video.
The video tells a compelling story of Park Min Young, who faced bullying throughout high school. As an adult, she undergoes a full makeover and attends a reunion, resulting in a dramatic confrontation. It's a tale of personal transformation, revenge, and the complexities of social dynamics in adult life. The drama unfolds with unexpected twists, as past bullies are confronted, and Park Min Young reclaims her life with newfound confidence. High School Reunion Drama Unveils Stunning Transformation 🎓 The video opens with the protagonist, Park Min Young, portrayed as a high school outcast, who's now an adult ready to face her past by attending a reunion with a stunning makeover. 💄 Midway through the video, we see the dramatic transformation of Park Min Young, shedding her bullied past and stepping into the reunion with newfound confidence and style. 😲 The climax hits as Park Min Young enters the reunion, and all eyes are on her. The bullies are taken aback by her transformation, setting the stage for a dramatic turn of events. 🤔 As the reunion progresses, past misunderstandings and grudges come to light. Park Min Young navigates the complex social web, confronting her former bullies with poise. 👊 Tensions rise when truth about the high school rumors are exposed, leading to a cathartic moment for Park Min Young as she stands up for herself and addresses the wrongs of the past. 😌 The video concludes on a note of resolution, with Park Min Young's character arc coming full circle as she finds closure and strength after the emotional showdown at the reunion. Read More Summaries About Entertainment and Culture - Navigating Celebrity Marketing and Personal Apologies - Misleading Ads and Consumer Protection: A Deep Dive - Gay for Pay vs Straight Roles: Insights from the Industry - Tantra: The New Age of Horror Movies in 2024 - Lucho Miranda's Inclusive Stand-up at Viña del Mar 2024 - Laughing with Underworld Shark Tank: Animated Entrepreneur Spoof The narrative of '내 남편과 결혼해줘' underscores the importance of self-worth and the transformative power of self-perception. Park Min Young's makeover is not just physical; it represents her psychological metamorphosis and the shedding of victimhood. Dramas like this one delve into the psychology of bullying and provide commentary on the social structures that perpetuate it. The video portrays the reunion as a microcosm of society, reflecting on how adult interactions are often shaped by past trauma. Audience engagement is heightened by the protagonist's relatable struggle against her bullies. The anticipation of the reunion serves as a compelling narrative device that keeps viewers invested in the character's journey and outcome. The drama effectively addresses the theme of revenge versus forgiveness. Park Min Young's decision to confront her past rather than seeking traditional revenge speaks to a more profound sense of justice and personal growth. The portrayal of adult bullying and the persistence of high school dynamics into adulthood is a critical reflection of how certain patterns of behavior can persist if not actively challenged and resolved. The cyclical nature of bullying and its repercussions is a key element explored in the video. The protagonist's journey highlights the necessity of breaking this cycle to achieve personal liberation and peace. By showcasing a strong female lead who overcomes her adversities, the video contributes to the ongoing conversation about women's empowerment and resilience in the face of societal challenges. 1. What is the main theme of '내 남편과 결혼해줘'? The main theme revolves around personal transformation, overcoming bullying, and the pursuit of revenge and justice. 2. How does Park Min Young's character change throughout the video? Park Min Young transforms from a bullied high school student to a confident adult who confronts her past and reclaims her social standing. 3. What role does the high school reunion play in the drama? The reunion acts as a catalyst for confrontation, truth-telling, and the unraveling of past misconceptions, leading to a dramatic showdown. 4. Does the video explore the long-term effects of bullying? Yes, it showcases the lasting impact of high school bullying and the protagonist's journey to address and heal from these experiences. 5. What is the significance of Park Min Young's makeover in the video? The makeover symbolizes her shedding her past and signifies her empowerment and readiness to face her former bullies with courage.
In a previous post (The Nation of (Emotional) Hoarders), I talk about the little things that we keep from past lovers – all those love letters and mementos of the romantic and adorable times you had together. I mentioned a letter that my Hubby had sent me, apologising for punching me in the face. I have decided to publish that letter. Brave? Or stupid? I kept the letter for all this time in case our divorce got messy. The divorce we still haven’t gotten started on yet. Eye roll. Anyway, this is the letter he gave me: “Once a man admits he is sorry, he is completely forgiven for all the wrong-doings.” I don’t think that cuts it here. In fact, I don’t think any dumb movie quote will pull me out of this shit smelling anything nearly like roses. I don’t know how, why or when, but I seem to be destined, pre-programmed or however you want to put it, to mess up or fuck up every time I get something good going.I’ve always done it with everything for as long as I can remember, and now you know it as well. Maybe I’m not the sort of person you should have married. Maybe I’m not the sort of person anyone should. I’m a dick. We all know that. No matter what, maybe I’m never gonna get rid of that cunt that I used to be. Still am. In fact, probably more of. I wanna be happy, have my own family and grow old with someone at my side. The bottom line is, no matter what, I want it to be with you. I’ve always said that if I could change the past, I wouldn’t because it would change me and everything else. Now I’m not so sure. I wish I could take back all the lying and cheating and beating and make everything as perfect as I could between us. But then maybe we wouldn’t be together and something else would have driven us apart. I really want this to work but maybe there’s something really wrong with me. I can’t be fully faithful. I don’t think I can sleep with just one person for the rest of my life. I really want to but I don’t think I can help myself. The little voice keeps telling me I can’t. As I’ve already said, I don’t think I can ever fully get rid of THAT guy. “I love you. Always have, always will” I can promise anything you want like: - Sell the car - Get you a new cat - Get you a new pet - Not go out - Not have a life - Not drink - Do everything you say, when you say it - Play by your rules from now on - Never lie to you about anything no matter how small But none of that really matters. What does matter is I will love you til death do us part. I will treat you as you deserve; like a princess. I will try and be they man and husband you deserve. I’ll TRY and be 100% faithful. I’ll TRY and never lie to you again. I will NEVER hit you again. Writing this down has been really hard. Same as trying to talk to you about it. You know you need an excavation team to try and get my feelings and emotions out. I know this is short compared to what you probably want but I can’t put down anything else at the minute. Except I love you, I want to be with you, I want us to work and most importantly, I don’t want you to leave me. You are my rock and you keep my feet on the ground. It was much harder writing that down than I thought it would be. As I read and tapped away, tears filled my eyes, and as much as I refused to let them roll down my cheek those words still affect me. I remember him giving me that letter with a bunch of roses and a big teddy bear. He walked into the house (for the first time since he punched me in the face,) and took a step back when he saw my face. I don’t think he realised how hard he’d hit me at the time, but the bruises, split lip, stitches and swelling sure reminded him of his own strength. He broke down there and then in front of me. I walked out of the room. I didn’t want to talk about it. I couldn’t bear to even think about it. I should have left him right there and then, right after he gave me that letter. He doesn’t think he can sleep with just one person for the rest of his life? Are you kidding me? Fuck off. I’m worth so much more than that. You CAN sleep with just me for the rest of your life. I’m fucking awesome in bed AND I would have given you everything you never wanted. You absolute cunt. I will never, ever forgive this guy for what he put me through. He almost destroyed me with a torrent of physical and mental abuse. And one day, I hope karma bites him in the ass and gives him all the shit he gave me right back. He deserves everything he gets.
In the north-western part of the Plitvice Lakes National Park stands Medveđak, a wooded mountain hill covered with mountain beech forest. Medveđak has three peaks: Oštri Medveđak (889 m above sea level), Tupi Medveđak (868 m above sea level) and Turčić (801 m above sea level). From the peak Oštri Medveđak, one can clearly see the mountain Lička Plješivica, the villages Drežnik Grad and Ličko Petrovo Selo, as well as the valley of the river Una and the area around Bihać in the neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina. The peak Tupi Medveđak is especially interesting in the spring, before the budding of the trees in the forest, or in the autumn, when the leaves have already fallen, because that is when the visitors can make the most of the impressive panoramic view it offers of the 6 Upper Lakes (Prošćansko, Ciginovac, Okrugljak, Gradinsko and Kozjak). The lowest peak of Medveđak, Turčić, offers a view of the largest lake in the National Park, Lake Kozjak, and the surroundings of the Veliki Slap waterfall. An interesting piece of information is that one of the oldest hiking trails in the Park leads to Medveđak. Back in 1894, a trail was built that led to the peak Tupi Medveđak, and in 1900, during the stay of the Austrian princess Blanka, the Treasury of the Royal Forestry built a trail that led from the hotel to the peak Oštri Medveđak, which was named Blanka’s Trail in her honour. (Blanka was a Spanish princess married to Archduke Leopold Salvator, with whom she had 10 children.)More about hiking trails The common beech trees, which reign over the forests of Plitvice, shade the trail with their crowns, so the climb is pleasant and relatively easy even on the hottest of days. Medveđak was mentioned as early as the Middle Ages as the place that represented the border between the parishes of Gacka and Drežnik. Old records state that these two old Croatian parishes bordered at a place called the Bear’s Foot (“Ad lapidem qui vocatur Pes Ursi”). From a biogeographic point of view, Medveđak is located in the belt of mountain beech forest (Lamio orvale-Fagetum sylvaticae Ht. 1938), the most widespread of all forest communities in the Plitvice area. Apart from the beech, the maple, the Bosnian maple and the sweet cherry also grow here, and somewhat less often we find the fir, the spruce and the wych elm. The shrub layer is made up of the hazel, the alder buckthorn and the fly honeysuckle. Keep in mind that when walking along this hiking trail, you are sharing the space with the bear, the largest animal of our forests, after which Medveđak got its name (“bear” = “medvjed” in Croatian), as well as with the roe deer, the fox, the pine marten, the wild boar, the European fat dormouse, and many more representatives of fauna.
BORIS A. HAYMSON PHD, LPCC, LADC – NPI #1689436461 BORIS HAYMSON is a counselor located in SAVAGE, MN. NPPES recently assigned the NPI number 1689436461 to BORIS HAYMSON on January 26, 2024. It is a Type-1 NPI, indicating this NPI number is associated with an individual. With multiple taxonomy codes selected, the primary taxonomy selected by this provider is 101YM0800X from the Health Care Provider Taxonomy code set, which is classified as Counselor specializing in Mental Health Use the NPI data found here to bill health insurance companies, identify providers enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid services or other HIPAA compliant transactions. See the complete NPI profile for BORIS HAYMSON below. (about 5 weeks ago) SAVAGE, MN 55378-2556 Phone: (952) 200-8262 Fax: Note: NPPES allows providers to attest to the accuracy of their NPI data. When a provider request any change to the NPI record, they will be able to attest to their changed NPI data, resulting in an updated certification date. A taxonomy code is a code that describes the health care service provider's type, classification, and the area of specialization. The primary specialty for this provider is indicated as (Primary) below. |Taxonomy Classification / Specialization - Counselor / Mental Health (Primary) - Counselor / School - Counselor / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) The taxonomy codes are selected by the provider at the time of NPI registration. Selection of a taxonomy code does not replace any credentialing or validation process that the provider requesting the code should complete. - Refer to Part B - Order Durable Medical Equipment Why is my NPI data (personal information) being displayed publicly? If you have an active NPI profile, your profile is required to be disclosed according to the FOIA and eFOIA. HIPAA also requires covered providers to share their NPI with other providers, health plans, clearinghouses and any entity that may need it for billing purposes. How do I correct or change the NPI data displayed here? At any time, providers can make changes to their NPI profile at NPPES. Login to NPPES to make changes online or call (800) 465-3203 for assistance. Changes made at NPPES will be reflected on this web site within a few days. Can I hide my NPI profile from the public? Unfortunately, No. The NPPES discloses health care provider data under the Freedom of Information Act to the public, which means anyone may request such information directly from the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System. See the complete CMS Data Dissemination Notice here.
Buying A House? The 10 “Must Know Steps” Buying a home and becoming a homeowner is an exciting time in life that requires you to know a bit about the steps to get into your new home and your responsibilities along the way. Most home buying experiences are unique to the person and the home that they are buying but there are 10 must know steps in the home purchase process that are common to almost everyone. Knowing what they are can make you be better prepared for what is the largest transaction in most peoples’ lives. Step 1. Confirm Your “Readiness” Home ownership is a very big decision, and it involves a large upfront purchase and ongoing maintenance to preserve the value of the home and property. It also involves knowing what laws and bylaws apply to the land and home that you purchase so that you know what you can and cannot do with them. Some people think that they can do whatever they want on their property, but this is not realty in today’s highly regulated world. Property use is regulated by local zoning bylaws and individual land titles often have things like covenants, building schemes, easements and other restrictions on them. In addition to the costs and responsibilities of home ownership there are risks. For example, in the North Peace region we get large snow falls that have the potential to do damage to homes and most people purchase insurance to address the potential risks thereby adding to the ongoing costs. Knowing and understanding what is involved in the purchase of a home is an essential first step in the home buying process. If you are a first-time buyer check to see if any government plans apply to you (federal or provincial). Speak with one of our North Peace Savings and Credit Union Advisors as they can certainly assist in this big decision. Step 2. Know Your Credit Rating Most likely, you’ll need a mortgage to buy a your house. Your credit rating is important and impacts your mortgage interest rate. Your credit history is maintained by at least one of Canada’s two major credit-reporting agencies. They are TransUnion and Equifax Canada. North Peace Savings & Credit Union and other financial lending agencies use the reports generated by these organizations to decide whether or not to give you credit. The poorer your credit the higher your risk and the more you will pay to borrow money. If your rating is low enough you may not even qualify to borrow money. It is very important to know and understand your credit rating and score so that you understand your financial health from the perspectives of the potential lenders. We can help you better understand these credit scores which range from 300 to 900 in Canada and are produced under names such as Beacon and Credit Score. For example, a score of: - 300-559 may be considered poor - 560-659 fair - 660-724 good - 725-759 very good - 760 and above is excellent. The specific numbers may vary slightly between financial organizations depending on the Credit Agency they use. Higher numbers are better and will provide a us with an indication of how well you manage your financial affairs and therefore the likelihood of successfully paying your mortgage payments. Do you know your credit score, what it means and how to maintain or even improve that number? One of our North Peace Savings and Credit Union Advisors can certainly review where you are and provide guidance on how you can improve on this important financial score. Step 3. Get Pre-Approved Getting pre-approved for a mortgage is very important before you start to shop for a home. That is why it is important that your financial institution so they can work with you on a pre-approval to ensure you know how much you can afford, what type of mortgage you can afford, and also talk about elements such as down payment, closing costs, and any other conditions that would have to be satisfied….all this needs to be done before you go house-hunting. Understand, however that a pre-approval is different from a pre-qualification. If a lender only prequalifies you, they are only providing you with an estimate of what you could borrow. It does not mean that you will get that amount. If you’re pre-approved for a mortgage, that means the financial institution is generally prepared to give you a mortgage after reviewing your financial information. While you are getting pre-approved, and if you are a first-time buyer ask your Financial Advisor if there are any benefits that may apply to you as a first-time buyer. Step 4. Your Needs, Wants and Goals. What are they? Thinking about what you need and want is also very important. How does a house purchase fit into your short, medium, and long-term financial goals? What must you have in a home and property to meet the needs of your family? What would you like to have if you can afford to pay for it? Do you really need to have a nice view or is being close to schools a more important need? Taking the time to think through and document your needs and wants will help you decide when you do start looking for a home. Buying a home can take the form of an emotional experience for some people. After all you will be purchasing your private residence and sanctuary and you will be living in it each day of your life. Have your needs & wants clear so you can narrow down your search; things like location, lifestyle, family & leisure, a yard for children/pets, local amenities, garage/parking and storage. Remember that severe weather winter conditions in our area create slowness in our real estate market and listings. Keep this in mind when planning to buy and move. At North Peace Savings and Credit Union, our advisors will work on getting to know you, your family, and your financial goals and aspirations and then start developing a financial plan for your future. Step 5. Get A Real Estate Agent. The real estate industry is not well understood by too many people. This is borne out by statements such as: I am not willing to commit to a single agent; I am going to interview agents before I hire one; and I do not need the services of a real estate agent. The laws and regulations in BC stipulate that an agent cannot interfere with the professional relationship you have with an agent. In other words, you cannot have more than one agent working for you in the same area. If you choose to “interview” an agent, it is important to remember that they are also interviewing you because they will be committing their time and money to helping you so the fit has to be both ways. As well, as a home buyer you can engage the services of a real estate agent without having to pay anything for their professional services. When you buy a home the agent is paid by the seller through the agent’s agency after the deal completes. Why would you want to do it alone if you can get the help of a professional without having to pay for the services that you receive? In British Columbia you can engage the services of a real estate agent as either an unrepresented party or as their client. To understand the difference, think of the professional business relationship like this. As a customer of the agent, they will be selling you a home. As a client they are doing whatever they can to help you meet your needs in buying a home. The current law that applies to this relationship is referred to as the law of Agency and the current version is explained in a British Columbia Real Estate Council Pamphlet called Disclosure of Representation in Trading Services. As a buyer you are best served by being a client of the agent and the agent should be working exclusively for you as your buyer’s agent. Step 6. Understand The Market & Start Your Search Market conditions can and do affect the price that you can expect to pay for a specific home. Competent real estate agents will understand all of the factors that go into the preparation of an offer and they will be able to advise you on things like terms, conditions, price and down payment. Choosing the right agent is important. When it comes to looking for homes there are many sources of information. Magazines, newspapers, and the internet all can provide information on homes for sale. Choose a general location and look at local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) listings. The home buying process usually involves a process of elimination that starts with choosing a rural or urban area that works for you. The more you can narrow down your search to a specific area or areas, the more time you can spend looking at specific neighborhoods, homes and the features that they offer. After you secure the services of a real estate agent, they should be able to create an account for you and send you MLS listings as soon as new listings come on the market to help you in your home search. Step 7: View Homes & Select Your Top Picks Viewing homes in person is an absolutely essential step. This is best done after you are preapproved. Why you ask? If you find “the home” and fall in love with it, especially in a fast-moving real estate market you will need to be ready to make an offer on it to have a chance at buying it or risk disappointment and losing out on it. If you have to sell your existing house, you can make an offer on a home subject to the sale of your current home. This condition may not be something that some sellers are willing to accepted in some types of market conditions. Sometimes sellers will ask real estate agents to ensure that buyers who wish to view their homes are both qualified and serious and in some conditions they will also ask if the buyer has a home to sell before they can buy when they are not prepared to consider offers of that type. Most buyers will narrow down the homes to a short list of their top picks. When you have narrowed the list down to about three home that could meet your needs it is time to take a second look. Bring a piece of paper and make notes. Jot down what you like and do not like and what you would want included in an offer and if there is anything that you would want excluded. Once you select the best of the three you should be ready to make an offer. Step 8. Make an Offer The real estate offer is where the rubber meets the road. The preparation of an offer requires discussion of price, deposit, and terms and conditions. Most real estate offers will have conditions in them. These are commonly referred to as “subject tos”. The most common address things like title searches, property disclosure statements, financing, inspections and insurance. The offer has timelines as to when the conditions need to be removed. The investigation may involve other professionals such as home inspectors, septic inspectors, land surveyors, biologists, municipal offices, notaries and lawyers etc. It is important to allow enough time for the condition removal period so that they can be scheduled for the appointments and for them to do their jobs and then for you to receive and review the information and then make a decision. The removal of conditions in a real estate contract is an extremely important step. Once conditions are removed and a contract becomes unconditional you have purchased the home via a legally binding contract. Step 9. Complete the Buy The final step of the process involves contracting a lawyer / notary who will deal with the next step of title and money transfer as well as the signing of final mortgage documents. Step 10. Arrange to move into your new home! If you are planning on purchasing a home in the near future, let NPSCU help you through the buying process and discuss mortgage pre-approval. Get started today! Contact a NPSCU Financial Advisor 1-877-787-0361 Cameron Smith, Account Manager, Lending Cameron is an Account Manager, Lending supporting Members with all their lending needs. He is passionate about interweaving financial literacy through his work with members and is proud to be a lead facilitator of Each One Teach One Financial Literacy Workshops. In his spare time Cameron enjoys technology and has even built his own computer. Cameron is passionate about building long lasting relationships with his members and helping members achieve…read more
Six months ago, through a project to help boost the survival of endangered Swan galaxias in Tasmania, NRM South worked with Tasmania’s Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) to move 120 fish to two new sites. Sites were chosen based on habitat suitability and the absence of introduced predators such as trout. The fish were also carefully selected to ensure the best possible genetic mix based on a genetic analysis that had been carried out by the CSIRO. Last week, our Water team joined staff from IFS staff to follow up on how both the source populations and new groups were getting on, to ensure they were in good health and check on numbers. We’re pleased to report all of our source populations have recovered well with good numbers observed at all sites. They also found fish at both of the translocation sites, which is an encouraging sign for the prospects of these populations. We will continue to monitor the health of these populations as they re-establish and grow. This project was funded through the Australian Government’s Environmental Restoration Fund and wrapped up in June 2023.
FIVE SHOES REVIEWED Leatt's Full Shoe Lineup Leatt clearly isn't inclined toward half measures and their shoe line is five models strong and includes two waterproof models. Esker 'The Approach' Canadian-Made Wool Insoles A look at Sea-To-Sky-based Esker's first product, a Canadian-wool fibre insole that's made in Canada. Leatt 2.0 Flat Pedal Shoes Leatt combines a waffle pattern in their RideGrip sticky rubber to deliver a casual looking 90 USD flat pedal shoe.
Tough pet stains and odors are no match for the oxidizing power of OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy Stain & Odor Remover. This powerful oxy-based formula quickly penetrates deep down to lift and remove the toughest stains while eliminating foul odors at their source, leaving your home looking and smelling clean and fresh. Formulated with unique oxidizing agents, OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy goes to work on contact to break the molecular bonds of the toughest pet stains, including urine, feces, vomit, grease, grass, mud, blood, wine, coffee, juice and more. As it lifts the stain, the oxy formula also neutralizes stubborn odors so they are gone for good, not just masked. And unlike ordinary cleaners that can leave behind a chemical smell of their own, OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy leaves a pleasant citrus fragrance that lets you know your home is truly clean. Lifts Away Tough Pet Stains Pets can be messy, and their accidents leave unsightly stains that are difficult to remove. OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy is specially designed to target and eliminate the deep-set stains caused by dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and small animals. The powerful oxy-lifting agents go to work immediately on contact with organic matter to lift urine, feces, vomit and other pet stains from carpets, upholstery, bedding, tile, sealed hardwood and more. By lifting the stain from below the surface, OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy removes both the stain and the odor rather than just masking it. Removes Odors Completely Even after the stain is gone, unpleasant odors can linger. The unique oxy-charged formula of OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy doesn’t just cover up foul smells, it works at the molecular level to completely neutralize odors so they are eliminated permanently. Pet urine and feces contain compounds that produce strong ammonia odors as they break down. By oxidizing these compounds, OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy destroys foul odors at their source, leaving behind only a clean, citrus scent. Safe When Used as Directed OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy is specially formulated to be safe for use around children and pets when used according to label directions. It contains no harsh chemical fumes, bleach or ammonia that can irritate eyes or airways. The child-resistant cap helps prevent accidental exposure. For your safety, wear gloves and ensure adequate ventilation when using this product. Oxidizing Power Against Home Stains In addition to tough pet stains, OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy can be used to lift stains throughout the home. Its oxidizing agents break down tannins from coffee, tea, wine and juice; grease; grass and dirt; makeup; blood; and other stubborn household stains. It works on a variety of surfaces including carpet, upholstery, bedding, tile, sealed hardwood floors, countertops, appliances, outdoor furniture and more. For best results, follow these simple steps: Blot up excess liquid from the stained area. Avoid scrubbing or rubbing the stain, which can drive it deeper into the fibers. Apply OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy directly to the stain. For tough stains, let set for 5-10 minutes before the next step. Blot stained area with clean cloth or paper towels. Repeat application if needed for stubborn stains. Rinse area thoroughly with clean water and blot dry. Let carpet or fabric completely air dry to prevent resoiling. For urine stains, check for fluorescence under a UV blacklight after cleaning. If fluorescence remains, repeat process until fully removed. Frequently Asked Questions Q: How is OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy different from other stain removers? A: OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy contains a unique oxidizing formula that lifts organic stains and destroys odors at the molecular level. It works very differently than detergent or enzyme-based stain removers that mainly use surfactants to solubilize stains. The oxy-powered active ingredients work quickly and effectively to remove the toughest pet stains and odors. Q: What types of surfaces can it be used on? A: OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy is safe for use on carpet, area rugs, upholstery, bedding, tile and sealed hardwood floors, as well as many other water-safe surfaces. Always test on an inconspicuous area first. Avoid using on unsealed wood and delicate fabrics. Q: What stains does it work on? A: The oxy formula is effective against a wide variety of organic-based stains, including urine, feces, vomit, blood, grass, mud, grease, coffee, wine, juice and more. It also removes odors so the stain doesn’t come back. Q: Is it safe for pets? A: Yes, when used as directed OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy is safe for use around pets. Make sure the area is thoroughly rinsed and dried before allowing pets back on treated surfaces. Avoid contact with pet’s skin, eyes and mouth. Powerful on pet stains, safe for homes, OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy Stain & Odor Remover is the cleaner of choice for eliminating the toughest messes while leaving your home smelling fresh and clean. With its stain lifting and odor destroying power, you and your pets can live happy together in a clean home. Order today and let OUT! PetCare Orange Oxy go to work for you!
We Returned Renewed and Celebrate it Our bakery is more beautiful than ever and is now the jewel of Chora Sfakion. Our packaging has changed form and they have already begun to receive the beautiful words of the world. Our new products promote the concept of healthy living and fascinate with their taste. And as if all this good news was not enough, our new website is officially here! Get to know Ntourountous bakery and his people better. Find out about all those nutritional benefits of the Cretan Mediterranean Diet that are enclosed in our bags. Discover delicious recipes and the freshest news of our oven. And best of all? Variety of products. Traditional and organic pastries of high nutritional value. You no longer need to shake the rupee. A few clicks are enough and we will bring our bakery poems to your home. Browse, discover and choose the products of your choice. Put it in your cart with one click and we’ve arrived! Such comfort has never happened before ! We inaugurate our e-shop and celebrate it together! Clicking on the link below will take you to the contest page. Like the photo on facebook or instagram and tag 2 more people in the comments. Five lucky people will win a Christmas box full of delicious Ntourountous products. And remember, every comment and lottery. Every lottery ticket and more chances to win! A new era for Ntourountous bakery We move forward dynamically and continue in our unique way to offer the world products of excellent quality and incomparable taste. Our journey continues. And we are ready to conquer the world with our Sfakian flavors. Having tradition as a pillar in our creations, we are not afraid of anything.
HEAT EXCHANGER APPLICATIONS To prevent the condensate level from rising to the lower tubes of the condenser, a hotwell level control system may be employed. Varying the flow of the condensate pumps is one method used to accomplish hotwell level control. A level sensing network controls the condensate pump speed or pump discharge flow control valve position. Another method employs an overflow system that spills water from the hotwell when a high level is reached. Condenser vacuum should be maintained as close to 29 inches Hg as practical. This allows maximum expansion of the steam, and therefore, the maximum work. If the condenser were perfectly air-tight (no air or noncondensable gasses present in the exhaust steam), it would be necessary only to condense the steam and remove the condensate to create and maintain a vacuum. The sudden reduction in steam volume, as it condenses, would maintain the vacuum. Pumping the water from the condenser as fast as it is formed would maintain the vacuum. It is, however, impossible to prevent the entrance of air and other noncondensable gasses into the condenser. In addition, some method must exist to initially cause a vacuum to exist in the condenser. This necessitates the use of an air ejector or vacuum pump to establish and help maintain condenser vacuum. Air ejectors are essentially jet pumps or eductors, as illustrated in Figure 10. In operation, the jet pump has two types of fluids. They are the high pressure fluid that flows through the nozzle, and the fluid being pumped which flows around the nozzle into the throat of the diffuser. The high velocity fluid enters the diffuser where its molecules strike other molecules. These molecules are in turn carried along with the high velocity fluid out of the diffuser creating a low pressure area around the mouth of the nozzle. This process is called entrainment. The low pressure area will draw more fluid from around the nozzle into the throat of the diffuser. As the fluid moves down the diffuser, the increasing area converts the velocity back to pressure. Use of steam at a pressure between 200 psi and 300 psi as the high pressure fluid enables a single- stage air ejector to draw a vacuum of about 26 inches Hg. Figure 10 Jet Pump
Smart Cannabis Delivery Smart Cannabis – Delivery Smart Cannabis marijuana delivery is the delivery arm of the Smart Cannabis dispensary in Toluca Lake. A solid operation with a ton of experience serving up their customers for years. Free weed every week! Need a free ounce of weed to get you through the week?
In partnership with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce, OCWC hosts cleanup events that encourage visitors to the greater Sedona area to “give back” while learning about the geology, ecology, and other issues pertinent to the watershed. By participating in these events, visitors can visit scenic areas along Oak Creek, red rock country, and northern Arizona forests while making a positive impact. This encourages stewardship and Leave No Trace ethics while promoting the scenic beauty that visitors come to see. Oak Creek Watershed Council partners with various groups to accomplish these cleanup events, large or small. Past and current partners include The Sedona Chamber of Commerce, National Forest Foundation, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, U.S. Forest Service, Slide Rock State Park, REI, and Keep Nature Wild. Collaborating with these events allows us to engage and work with a large, diverse group of volunteers from across Arizona. Encouraging visitors to volunteer while they visit scenic areas across the Sedona area is a win-win. By participating in Voluntourism, visitors can be part of a great cause and give back to the beauty of the unique landscape while they are actively seeing and interacting with it. Volunteers have the opportunity to hike popular trails and creek spots while learning a wealth of information about the area. This opportunity supports Sedona’s objective of encouraging destination stewardship and sustainable tourism. Thank you to the Sedona Chamber of Commerce for supporting this important stewardship and Voluntourism initiative. Please enjoy photos from past events below, and get in touch if you’d like to get involved! Please visit our events page to view upcoming events or sign-up for our e-mail list to receive event notifications.
Fossil energy – discovery Shell today announced a significant discovery at the Leopard prospect in the deep-water U.S. Gulf of Mexico (GoM). The Leopard well encountered more than 600 feet (183 meters) net oil pay at multiple levels. Evaluation is ongoing to further define development options. “Leopard expands our leading position in the Gulf of Mexico and is an exciting addition to our core portfolio, especially given its proximity to existing infrastructure and other discoveries in the Perdido Corridor,” said Paul Goodfellow, Shell’s Deepwater Executive Vice President. “With our US Gulf of Mexico production among the lowest GHG intensity in the world, Shell remains confident about the GoM and this latest discovery will help us deliver on our strategy to focus on valuable, high margin barrels as we sustain material Upstream cash flows into the 2030s.” Leopard is an opportunity to increase production in the Perdido Corridor, where Shell’s Great White, Silvertip and Tobago fields are already producing. Meanwhile, the Whale discovery, also in the Perdido Corridor, is progressing toward a final investment decision in 2021.
The XPRO Defender from 3D Tender, France’s market leading RIB brand, is one of the most popular boats in the range. Incredibly tough, featuring a reinforced marine grade, powder coated aluminium hull and German, Mehler Valmex PVC tubes, this is a rugged and extremely capable RIB. Oversized 45CM tubes help give the boat a massive 700KG payload, yet it weights just 69KG. The deep V hull creates an extremely deep cockpit that delivers a safe and secure ride for up to seven passengers and a full EVA foam deck gives plenty of grip and comfort underfoot. This boat has been used just once and is generally in very good condition apart a small, professionally applied repair patch on the starboard tube where a fish hook caused a small puncture. The boat still has its full, dealer backed 2 year warranty and 100% holds pressure . The RIB can be sold with or without a trailer and we have outboards available also to complete the package. Just contact us for details.
Micronutrients deficiency is a situation whereby our body lacks micronutrients equivalent to Vitamin A, Iron and Iodine. Be wide awake of Ms. Maria Lourdes Vega discussing the precious facets. There is more to mornings than your unprecedented day by day-paper-and-espresso behavior. GMK showcases heightened and unmatched public providers, fair correct exchanges of tales and opinions, and devoted news experiences. GOOD MORNING KUYA Aired July 11, 2014 at UNTV 37 For more info, talk over with /
Ministers were accused of “sitting on the sidelines” as companies protest hundreds of job losses, attributable to the coronavirus pandemic. In contemporary days 12,000 redundancies were supplied, most of them in excessive boulevard retail and aviation, sectors hit hardest by the lockdown. SSP which owns the meals chains Higher Crust and Cafe Ritazza says it may per chance even simply decrease 5,000 jobs on tale of of the energetic tumble in passenger numbers at railway stations and airports. The aerospace huge Airbus says it plans to diminish 1,700 jobs within the UK as segment of plans to shut 15,000 posts globally. The retailer John Lewis has said this day that a few of its shops won’t reopen after lockdown. High Store, Harrods and the shirt maker TM Lewin come by moreover supplied job losses. Boris Johnson has said that whereas the danger to jobs is “very, very extreme”, the Treasury has win the livelihoods of 11 million of us. Huw Edwards offers BBC News at Ten reporting by Trade Editor Simon Jack, Sarah Corker and Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg. Please subscribe HERE g
Tattoos are an amazing way to show off your personality, what you’ve been through, and what inspires you. It’s always a big decision, regardless of whether you want to eventually be tatted up like a walking coloring book or just have 1 to 2 small tattoos with significant meaning. Getting a permanent one means that you’re repping it for the rest of your life. If you aren’t ready for that level of commitment just yet, you also have long-lasting temporary tattoos as an option. Here are some of the best long-lasting tattoo ideas to help you get your fix and join the league of tattoos! 9 Long-Lasting Temporary Tattoos to Consider Even if you don’t end up choosing one of these, they’ll at least get you brainstorming on different ideas. 1. Inked By Dani Looking for something simple, yet organic, for your tattoo collection? If so, check out Inked By Dani for tattoos that cover many different bases. You can choose from realistic-looking tattoos, celebrity tattoos, travel-related tattoos, and so much more! This brand gives you plenty of options to show off your personality. How disappointing would it be to spend the necessary time picking out a temporary tattoo, buying it, and applying it just to have it wear off with one trip to the beach? Talk about frustrating! Tattly can help you avoid that with their waterproof temporary tattoos that fade naturally with time. Another great perk of that, the longer they last and the more they fade, the more they look like faded-in permanent tattoos! If you’re an avid reader, then you’re going to love Litographs temporary tattoos. Their site allows you to choose from combing through the classics such as The Princess Bride and The Great Gatsby to find a line that resonates with you. Several choices to choose from, and each one will show off a different side to your love of reading. Being a tattoo-loving bookworm has never been so rewarding! Do you already have an idea of the tattoo you want and a pdf to prove it? Perfect! Then Tattapic can help you bring that picture to life and make it into an arm tattoo. Simply download the pdf of a picture you’re wanting to be tattooed, let the designers know what tweaks you want to be done to it, and they’ll create AND ship it out the next day… talk about efficiency! Now you can take your fanatical Harry Potter addiction to a whole new level by sticking an HP symbol or two on your body. Careful though, the photo you choose will cast a “Revelio” spell on who you really are! Should you be in the early stages of figuring out which temporary tattoo you want and are having trouble coming up with one, Tattify can help clear that up. In what’s possibly the largest selection, Tattify gives you a virtual library to choose from. Think of any tattoo you’ve considered getting before and this site more than likely has a variation of it! 6. Momentary Ink Are you excited about the thought of temporary tattoos but afraid they’ll look too fake? Momentary Ink’s claim to fame is making your temporary tattoo look as real as possible with their “real teal” solutions. Their selection is fantastic and there are several running promotions to grab yourself a deal! They also have a really cool element to their site where you can buy semi-permanent ink and freehand a tattoo that you’re interested in drawing. While that may take significant skill, if you or your friend have superior Henna-drawing abilities, you can show them off! Looking to make a portion of your body the canvas for which to paint on a beautiful piece of designed art? If so, you’re in luck because Tattoorary can help you make it happen! Whether you’re looking for floral tattoos, small tattoos, couple tattoos, or something relating to the sea, you’ll be looking mighty fine with these choices. There’s even a fun mystery box you can buy if you like to spice it up a little bit! 8. Flash Tattoos Who doesn’t want to put a bit of “flash” and “pizazz” into their lives? Now you can do so with temporary tattoos by Flash Tattoos, which accentuate the beauty and perfectly accent your style. Have you always looked for inspiration from the Queen Bee herself, Beyonce? Well, don’t faint, but they have a Beyonce collaboration collection for you to pick from! No reason to worry about the legitimacy of this brand, many celebrities use and swear by them. 9. Tainted Tats If your next (or first) temporary tattoo purchase is merely to serve as a “trial run” for getting a permanent tattoo, then Tainted Tats are the perfect guinea pig. Tainted Tats products not only look realistic but also lay on your skin as close to a real tattoo as possible. They have a wide range of off-the-wall tattoos and pride themselves on being the outspoken temporary tattoos on the market. Not a lot of beating around the bush with this brand, they’ll have you looking ready to fight the machine and take on the word. Perfect for anyone looking to make a statement with their temporary tattoos! Start Your Tattoo Journey! Long-lasting temporary tattoos can be a great way to test out things like where you’d like a tattoo, what designs you’re interested in, etc. Let these temporary tattoo brands be your “initiation” into the tattoo world. Happy tattooing! Remember that even if you don’t like the way these tattoos turn out, you can always take them off.
For JL owners who want to run larger tires, change their factory lighting functions, or add state of the art accessories like LED lighting, Z Automotive?s Tazer JL Mini Programmer offers a truly user-customizable experience that other programming modules cannot match. Control, disable, and adjust over 50 factory-set features via your steering wheel and navigate menus right on your JL or JT dash display (EVIC). Also, Z Automotive made installation a snap by allowing the Tazer Mini to easily plug into the SGW module next to your OBDII location to have you up and running within seconds. Programming is just as easy and takes only moments by connecting the module with an included mini USB cable. Essential Customizing Tool:?This powerful yet intuitive module allows unmatched controllability over the features your JL or JT is equipped so you can truly personalize your JL Wrangler?s amenities. User-Friendly:?With it?s easy plug and play install along with simple user control using your JL or JT’s steering wheel controls, avoid costly dealer intervention when you outfit your Wrangler for adventure. Advanced Lighting Options & Functionality:?The light show mode is perfect for show vehicles and emergency vehicle conversions by allowing preset and customizable light arrays. Drivers can also modify Daytime Running Light (DRL) and factory fog light options the way you wish, and aftermarket LED conversions are supported. Features Perfect for Off-Roading:?Advanced control over your JL?s TPMS system, sway bar and axle features for Rubicon?s, along with sophisticated steering and braking options make this a must-have for the jamboree and trail running community. Other Features Include: - Supporting after-market LED lighting upgrades - Adjusting auxillary button settings - Change dash cluster splash screen between Wrangler/Sahara/Rubcion
An oil services company in… The long-awaited US$8.5 billion 230,000-barrels… On Tuesday Kinder Morgan Energy Partners completed a deal to buy Copano Energy for $3.9 billion. The purchase will help to boost KMPs advanced position in North American shale gas, adding an extra 6,900 miles of pipeline to their current network of 46,000 miles, giving it processing facilities in plays such as the Eagle Ford in Texas, and adding nine processing plants to its repertoire. Copana Energy, a Houston-based energy company, mainly operates in Texas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming, and provides services such as gathering, processing, treating, and liquids fractionation. Related article: This Week in Energy - 1st February 2013 The acquisition will give KMP 100% ownership of Eagle Ford Gathering, a company that provides all gathering, transportation, and processing services to the Eagle Ford Shale play. Richard D. Kinder, the CEO and Chairman of KMP, announced his excitement at the deal and the possibilities that it brings to his company. “We are delighted to have reached this agreement with Copano, a company that we know very well and have partnered with through the years, as this transaction will enable us to significantly expand our midstream services footprint. As a result of this acquisition, we will be able to pursue incremental development in the Eagle Ford Shale play in south Texas, gain entry into the Barnett Shale Combo in north Texas and the Mississippi Lime and Woodford Shales in Oklahoma. We continue to be bullish on the domestic shale plays and believe they will drive substantial future growth at KMP. Copano’s assets are very complementary to ours, as KMP is principally a pipeline transportation and storage company, while Copano is primarily a fee-based gathering, processing and fractionation player. Broadening our midstream assets will allow us to offer a wider array of services to our customers.” By. Joao Peixe of Oilprice.com Joao is a writer for Oilprice.com
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Secure Firearms Storage At Oley's Armoury we are happy to provide firearms owners with storage options for their firearms. In a dedicated, locked, climate controlled room we provide safe and monitored storage for your valued firearms and ammunition There are many reasons why people need storage for their firearms for both short and long periods of time including: -Not wishing to store them at your residence or transport them between locations -Vacations both long and short -Out of town for work -During a move -For medical reasons -During times of stress -During times of safety concerns Prior to storage firearms must be proved by our staff to be empty and have a secure trigger lock. All items will be tagged with a number identifying you as the owner. It is our policy that firearms must be in individual cases, if you do not have a case for each firearm will provide one for purchase. A valid PAL is required for both drop off and pickup of firearms. For restricted firearms transport and storage must be done following the requirements of the CFO. Storage fees are as follows: $10/firearm/ month with volume and long-stay discounts. $10/Oley's bin (68L Rubbermaid) of ammunition Terms and conditions must be signed prior to storage.
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You probably have sensitive data on your MacBook or iMac. This data may reside in a folder containing various files containing company secrets or your own personal information. Unencrypted, this folder can be viewed by anyone with access to your desktop or laptop computer. However, if you encrypt this folder, only those who have the decryption password can access the contents inside. You can achieve folder encryption with a third-party application, but there is also a built-in tool that can do it for you. This tool is Disk Utility, and it makes it easy to encrypt existing folders on your MacOS machine. The caveat to the method I’m going to describe is that it creates an encrypted image from the folder and leaves the original untouched. Also, once you have created the encrypted image, you cannot add new items to it. For this reason, the method is really best suited for encrypted backups or encryption folders that won’t need to be modified. Also: The Best Encryption Software: Protect Your Data How to Encrypt a Folder in MacOS to Protect Sensitive Data from Prying Eyes Let me show you how it’s done. The only thing you’ll need for this is an updated version of MacOS running on a MacBook or iMac. I’m going to demonstrate on a Macbook Pro with an Apple Silicone M1 chip and MacOS Monterey (v 12.6). I strongly recommend that you test this process on a folder that does not contain any important documents. Once you know how to successfully encrypt folders, you can do so with folders that contain important information. How to access files in the encrypted image Open Finder and navigate to the folder containing the encrypted image. If you double-click on this image (it will end in .img), you will be prompted for the password you added when creating the image. After successful authentication, the Finder will open the image and you will be able to access the content inside it. Also: How to Create a New MacOS Finder Quick Action with Automator And that’s all there is to creating an encrypted folder in macOS with Disk Utility. Although this option is somewhat limited, it is a good way to keep sensitive information away from prying eyes. And if you don’t need to add any new files and folders to the encrypted image, you can feel free to delete the original folder, so that the data in it cannot be accessed without passing by the encrypted image.
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Having set up all the search parameters, you can save your search query to the search folder stored in the database. Press the "Save" button in the search window; the following "Save a search query" dialog box appears: To define the location where your search query will be saved, browse the explorer tree and select the target folder. In the "Query name" box, enter the name for your query and press "OK" to save your search query. Press the "Cancel" button to exit the dialog without saving your settings. To load previously saved search settings, double-click the relevant search query node in the explorer tree; the corresponding search window will appear and the stored search settings will be applied:
I really like how this photo exemplifies Rayven’s theme of “mundane life”. The woman’s yellow umbrella contrasts well with the buildings and street to help draw the eye to her. I like the texture created by the freeze motion of the rain and the bounce back from the street. Its a seemingly ordinary moment captured in a way to show the extraordinary. Kenneth’s photo has really good framing and composition, using the negative space to enhance the foliage surrounding the picture. The bright green contrasts well with the beige sand well and the top down bird’s eye view makes the empty space seem intentional.
Professor S. Schmerler Eng. 1121 Sec. 402 My English 1121 Journey Table of Contents: Unit 1 Journey: - Inner/ Outer Dialogue - My reflection of Unit 1 Unit 2 Journey: - Diary Excerpts - Diary of a Wimpy Kid Reflection - Unit 2 Reflection - John Cage’s 4:33 Unit 3 Journey: - Learning from Each Other: Affinity, and Inquiry - Skill investigation of others and joint learning Unit 1 Journey So, I am here on the train attempting to write in transit for this inner/ outer dialogue assignment. Luckily, I got a seat on the train and the car fairly crowded usually there would be a wave of passengers crowding the platform and rushing into the train. Across from where I was seated was this beige colored guy and his lady. The reason I thought it was his lady is because of how tightly he was tucked next to her on the car seats, he also used his butt to push against her indicating that she should slide over to the end of the seat. “Ping Pong” the train doors close and it’s time to begin my long journey home to Jamaica Queens. For a moment I could tell he felt a little awkward because of a language barrier, from what it seems some of the lady’s family members were seated next to me and they were all engaged in heavy conversation. I tried to pick out a few words from what I heard and concluded that they were speaking Italian. From his body language, showing an uninterested desire to engage and a facial expression showing confusion I could tell he wasn’t familiar with the language. She would occasionally stop to speak with him, and they would converse in English, I think she knew he felt awkward and wanted to help him feel some sort of inclusion. Again, as I wait patiently in the cold terminal for the arrival of the “F” train, I prepare my mind for this long journey ahead. After waiting for ten minutes the train finally arrives and of course, the car in crowded this has started to become a normality. I stood in the car awaiting my chance to get a seat at one of the next stops, in this instance I took some time to observe my surroundings anticipating that when I got a seat i will have some content to write about. From what I observed most of the passengers were coupled up, “PING PONG” the car doors shut and off we go chugging down the tracks. Everyone is being so affectionate tonight; it must be the cold weather or the fact that Valentine’s Day is swiftly approaching. Who knows what it is, but PDA (Public Display of Affection) seems to be the thing tonight. As the train approaches the 34th and Herald Square terminal, majority of the passengers prepare to depart the car. This must have been god answering my prayers because I was tired as hell and I did not want to stand for the remainder of my journey home. It had already been twenty minutes and I still had about an hour left on the train before my stop. I finally sat down and out came my notebook and pen, as I observe the passengers leaving the train and the ones coming onto the train it seems to be a fair trade, meaning the same number of passengers entered the train as the amount that departed. I observed some Mexican guys covered in concrete dust; they must have been on a construction site. They seemed to be familiar with each other and thus a conversation sparked, probably they all work on the same site. From the little knowledge in had in Spanish I tried to decipher their conversation, lets seem what I picked up from watching all these episodes of Narcos. Unfortunately, the only this I could translate was “cervasa” which means beer. I guess after a hard day of work a beer would be a great way to end the day. One of my major struggles in English was that my wording was very simple. I would use words that are more general in meaning than words that would be more specifically catered to what I was demonstrating in my writing. A word like “show” which has a very broad and general meaning can be view in many different contexts according to the reader. So, I started to use words like “Depict” and “Demonstrate” which have more specific meanings and will allow the reader to properly visualize the exact purpose of the reading. This also show ones understanding of vocabulary and the meaning of words that can give a sentence direct meaning. I also struggled with repetition of pronouns and an overuse of conjunctions, often completing paragraphs with numerous run-on sentences which could be fixed by proper punctuation. My ideas were not properly organized so often my paragraphs lacked coherency and appear to be jumping back and forth. After being guided by my professors and receiving feedback for compositions, my writing has enhanced immensely. I have observed a drastic change in my writing, and I feel more confident to compose an essay or research paper. Knowing that I have a better understanding of sentence structure, punctuation, subject/verb agreement and articles creates a feeling of fulfillment. There have been many successes, I am now more fluent in writing compositions, my wording and sentence structure are more coherent with my ideas and paragraph organization. The compositions sound more sophisticated which allows my readers to visualize exactly what I am saying without misconstruing ideas. I have always loved writing compositions, and for a while it became less enjoyable because it felt like more of a task. I have found renewed love for writing and I enjoy picking up a pen and paper or just typing on the computer. Words flow like they never have before and ideas are more transparent. I have found a new love for English because of how my professors have innovated the way they communicate and interact with students. My English professor last semester for Eng. 1101, Professor Cipriani used games like “Kahoots” and programs like “Toolwire” to help with vocabulary building, use of articles, subject/verb agreement and punctuation. These games made class more exciting and enjoyable, in turn, I was able to retain the information better and also participate more in class. It was always great to get feedback about completed essays, to see what areas one can improve on. She also implemented sessions where students would analyze each other’s work, give their personal feedback and also produce a recommended grade based on their personal understanding in accordance to the grading rubric. My English 1121 class is somewhat similar. Professor Schmerler is a very engaging and animated person. She displaces information with words and movements, almost painting a graphic picture of exactly what she is saying. Some assignments in Professor Schmerler’s class are quite similar to that of Professor Cipriani. In both classes I had to write an introductory essay and also log events in a weekly journal. The things that differ though is that Professor Schmerler created an assignment that allows one to write outside of their comfort zone. It was called “Inner/Outer dialogue”, and I was now writing about my daily experiences while in transit to whatever destination I was headed. I started to observe my surroundings a lot more and started to notice new things about the people and places I travel to on a daily basis. This type of assignment was very fascinating to me because of how open my eyes were to my surroundings and also because we had to share each other’s experiences aloud in class. It was interesting to see how much each student’s time in transit was almost similar and it was fascinating to hear about everyone’s experiences. I think I have learned how to articulate my sentences more, so that there is more coherency and my paragraphs have a better flow. I have gotten a little better with punctuation because at first, I had a lot of run-on sentences. Overall, I have become a better writer and I own that to the dedication of my professors to help students learn. I was surprised when professor Schmerler asked us to write while in transit, it was a new experience for me, and it got out of my comfort zone of just writing in class or writing at home. I discovered that most of the readings that we have gotten narratives and are very similar to the ‘Inner/Outer’ dialogue assignment because the author is basically talking about their own experiences. I think they help in how we format and word our own compositions. Unit 2 Journey Extended Diary Excerpt I just woke up and I’m getting prepared for my math class. We are having our third exam today and I feel super confident that I can get a great score. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, then wash my face and log in to take this exam. I am about to start my math exam. I had to download a PDF and then write out the solutions on paper so that I can demonstrate how I came up with the solution. After two intense hours of brain racking mathematics, I am finally finished with my math exam. I was supposed to upload the documents to blackboard, but that task seemed quite difficult, so instead, I scanned all the documents and emailed them to my math professor. Now it is time for my microbiology class, I a bit excited every time class is in session because I learn so much about the microscopic wonders of the world. Who would have thought that learning about bacteria and fungi would be so exciting? My next favorite thing about the class is that we get to conduct experiments. But since the outbreak of the coronavirus there will be no more trips to the lab. I think people are overestimating the severity of the virus. Some may even have the virus and not know because it presents itself like the common cold. Some may even mistake symptoms of the common cold for developing the COVID-19 virus. It’s gotten so crazy that schools are closing, and classes are being canceled. My mother being the clean freak that she is has gotten worst and I can’t even walk into my house without being grilled about washing my hands. I’m always aware of my surroundings and I try to be as clean as possible. I wash and sanitize my hand so many times I might be starting to lose melanin. I think people should really go out and seek proper information about the virus and how it is transmitted, they should also gain knowledge about the virus’s effect when it is contracted. If more people get the right information, I think less people would be in a panic about what’s actually happening. It seems the country has gone in a deeper stage of hysteria due to the rise in coronavirus cases. I witness first-hand how people are reacting to the mandatory self-quarantine. Being able to survive being inside for days, maybe weeks or months seem to be the biggest cause of ruction in the nation. I see how people who know the right information react versus persons who react to everything that is said or seen in media, whether it is social media or other mediums used to broadcast information. I work in a supermarket, actually Fairway Market in the Littleneck area and for the past three days work has been extremely overwhelming. I have been working longer shifts just to help contain the huge amount of traffic in the supermarket. I have seen people being extremely inconsiderate to the fact that they are not the only ones dealing with this pandemic. The effects are nationwide and the fact people from every class need to have supplies in their home in case there is a nationwide lockdown should be considered by everyone when grocery shopping. There has been so much excessive buying that the shelves cannot stay stocked and water is becoming a scarce as gold. I feel like people should be more considerate to the fact that other people are in the same situation and also need to get supplies for their families and them. John Cage’s “4:33” Listening to John Cage’s composition of ‘4:33” was a very interesting experience. When professor Schmerler explained that the piece was going to be silent I did not really know what exactly to expect. I found the composition to be very hilarious but maybe that was because we were watching a video of the composition and could see the movement and antics of the composer. The composer sat, looked at the music sheet and opened the up the piano, it looked like he about to attempt to play the piano, then, he just shut the lid and sat in silence. A feeling of confusion overtook me and then a feeling laughter because of the antics he displayed. I could not help but think the that the composition had a deeper meaning. In the absence of sound is there really music? Is this a metaphor that can be applied to other things in life? These are some of the thoughts that surfaced in my mind as I gazed upon the screen. If a person does not display a certain talent or skill does it mean that they do not possess the skill or is it that they have not unlocked that potential yet? Also, I thought the metaphorical sense could apply to being different in accordance to different genres of writing or music. Is one genre superior to others? If a person’s style of writing or composing is different, does that make them less talented? My mind was boggled with these thoughts as sat there listening to 4:33. Kebeon’s Reflection on Diary of a Wimpy Kid The diary that I chose to read was “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” This book is a classic and reading it reminded me of the old days when I used to watch the cartoon series on the television. Reading Greg’s story reminds me of things I used to see as a child going up and experiences one could never forget. Things like having that goofy friend or trying your hardest to be the cool kid and even things like awkward moments with female species. It was hilarious revisiting those moments and being able to relate to Greg’s experience. I really enjoyed reading this book. I found that the format and font made it easy to read because of how big the words were and how they were spaced on the pages. It was also written as if they were real diary inserts, which made it easy to follow Greg’s life on a daily basis. the illustrations were a plus for me because it helps one’s imagination to depicts a clear picture of the events that took place in each diary insert. Reading the diary made me feel as if I was back in middle school all over again, dealing with bullies, doing pranks and annoying older brothers. “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid” made me reflect on my past and realize how far I have come, and I am grateful for all the progress that I have made over the years. It inspires me to press on in journey through life and continue to strive to become the individual that I am supposed to be. Unit 2 Reflection Unit two was just as enjoyable as unit one for me, I like that we as students get to express our creativity in writing while allowing others to witness our dad to day trials. It has been a difficult journey since the outbreak of the coronavirus and distance learning to me has not been the most ideal way of learning for myself. I really like being in classroom setting, surrounded by my peers and interacting with them and my professor. This new way of learning is very foreign to me, but my professor has created ways for us to stay in touch through all this distance. I must say that my writing has improved over these two units. Being able to paint a vivid picture in someone’s mind of what you have seen by interpreting sounds and adding time and location are certain aspects that help to nurture my writing skills. I am excited to see what wonders the new unit will bring to my writing experience. Unit 3 Journey UNIT III – Learning from Each Other: Affinity, and Inquiry SECTION 1: YOUR SKILL/INTEREST DURING CONFINEMENT/ WITH SOURCES Welcome to Kebeon’s Skill Document MY SKILLS/ACTIVITIES ARE… - Playing Soccer - Video Games 1.Here You will tell us a little bit about WHAT YOU ALREADY KNEW BEFORE the confinement/what your experience has been with this skill/activity. Before confinement I really enjoyed things like taking the train to class, while trying to write diary entries. I also liked the fact of being in class and interacting with my classmates and my professor. She is a very humorous person in her own way. Some of the things I would do in the spare time I had between classes and working was playing soccer and video games; FIFA being my favorite and probably the only one I play. But more or less playing soccer is something I love doing. I have a genuine passion for the sport and a love for the competition and rivalry between each player. It’s a very physical sport that requires strength, skill, lots of concentration and a lot of athleticism. I would usually play in games on five versus five or ten versus ten. It is a sport that requires a lot of coordination between vision and movement and sometimes a little physicality between players. - Here You will tell us SOMETHING NEW you learned about it during this confinement period. If you haven’t learned anything new, then go out now and find out something(s) that you didn’t know about it before! One thing that I learned is that there cannot be any soccer without socializing; people need to come together to play the sport. Not being able to go out to the park for a quick game or just to socialize and have a sense of brotherhood. Another thing I have learned is that we as a people can still come together to socialize through other mediums. I have seen parties, graduations and other events done virtually and that demonstrates to me how innovative we can be as human beings and adapt to different situations. We have changed the way we entertain with live streaming on different social media platforms. - Here You Will Give credit to THE SOURCE(s) of this new information and tell us bit more about this/these sources and why you like them. Show us where we can go to find them. This video serves as a source to give some insight on the skills, physicality, strength and determination it takes to be a soccer player. It is also displayed by the team I have been a fan of since my boyhood days: A little insight into the world of Soccer 4: Context/Brief explanation to explain your skill/interest* Playing soccer is like any other sport, it takes physical attributes, mental toughness, hard work and determination. These things separate good players from great players. You should also be able to enjoy every moment you step on a soccer field to play a match, whether it may be with friends or some official games. It is also a great way to stay fit due to the constant sprinting back and forth. I have been fascinated by this sport since I was young boy and the passion for the sport never dies. I get filled with excitement every time I get to lace up my cleats and step onto a soccer field. SECTION 2: Inquiry — YOUR INVESTIGATION OF OTHERS’ SKILLS AND WHAT YOU LEARNED TOGETHER After you communicate* with your partner, this is what you will both tell us in your shared PAIR document: How ‘s it going Farley? It seems we have been paired to do this assignment and I am really looking forward to sharing my insight on soccer and hearing about your love for baseball. 1.What you have in common — where you meet on common ground on a deeper level, as well K: From a short glance of what you have written I realize that we are both sportsmen who are passionate about our craft and have a genuine love for sports. F: Yes, we have much in common as sportsmen as we know about our craft and know what takes to excel at the sport. K: I realize you started playing at a young age, I used to play soccer as a pass time also when I was a kid. My time would entail running around aimlessly kicking the ball, I had no sense of what exactly to do also there was no structure to my game. As I got older and continued to play, I joined a soccer academy where I was able to nurture my raw talent and play the sport in a more structured way. By learning all the rules that affect the flow of play. I also played competitively in high school winning two championships and also playing in the first and premier divisions of my country’s national league. ???? ask questions of each other…. K:So tell me what made you gain interest in baseball? What spark or significant moment you had that made you develop the love you have for the sport? F: I gained interest from my mom when she suggested that I join an outside baseball league for the summer. I never did play in the league, but I started watching pro baseball more and more, I didn’t actually start playing until freshman year of high school. Similar to you, I didn’t know much about baseball and mostly had raw talent. It wasn’t as until I got older that I started to gain more skill and knowledge about the game. F: Do you still play soccer still to this day? K: Yes, I still play soccer during spring and summer when I have more free time. I have not played competitively in a long while though, I mostly play to keep myself fit and it is fun and stress relieving. 2.What new thing(s) you learned from each other F: I learned that soccer is almost inoperable without socializing. Soccer takes people coming together and playing the game, similar to baseball and how every player literally needs one another to keep a game flowing. Soccer requires physical toughness, similar to that of baseball. K: I have learned that we both have similarities in how we got introduced to our respective sports and that we both love and enjoy the competition and brotherhood formed by playing sports. You build a close knit bond with your teammates because they are the ones who protect you on the field of play, they are the ones that guide you and assist in times of help and that spills over to become a part of one’s general livelihood. I have made some of my longest and closest connections with former teammates that I have played with over the years. He did not start playing competitively until high school which was also similar to how my competitive career started. 3.What new thing the other person pushed you to learn about your own skill F: Kebeon pushed me to learn why more people don’t exhibit the act of sportily brotherhood. What I mean by that is when a lot of people play baseball, they are only worried about their own performance and want to make themselves look good. Some baseball players don’t care about their teammate’s performance and won’t help them gain confidence when they have a bad game. I just want to understand why a lot of people don’t socialize more why playing this game. K: Farley pushed me to realize that brotherhood in playing team sports is extremely important to have a great team performance and it also promotes a stronger bond with teammates. Playing soccer relies a lot on how well each member of the team communicates and works together. 4.What new perspective you gained from doing this exercise? F: A new perspective I gained from this exercise is K: From this exercise I have realized that no matter where you were raised there are people from different cultures that share the same upbringing and experiences that you have. We also share similar characteristics and the determination to strive for greatness in whatever we do. Section 3a: REFLECTION ON YOUR PAIR The peer exercise was a very interesting one, the conversation between Farley and I was a fruitful one. I felt like I got more insight on the sport of baseball due to Farley’s experience and love for the sport. I also found that we both express similar work ethics and always want to strive for the best. I think he will become an exceptional talent with his raw talent, hard work and determination. Section 3b: OVERALL REFLECTION on this PROJECT AND GRADE This unit has taught me that you can learn many things through interaction. You can learn how you and others have things in common and, also learn new things to add to your personal catalogue. Sometimes it may be a new skill like baking or cooking or information about a new sport which could heighten your interest. I have learned that just writing about a simple object that you possess can tell a lot about someone’s interests and personality. The class activities were always intriguing and encouraged my classmates and I to interact. My professor has great energy and was not afraid to open up about her own personal experiences during this tough time period we are in. that shows a lot of courage and character, it also made each student feel more confident to engage and interact with each other knowing our class was a safe space. Overall each activity in unit three was amazing and I would give myself a lovely A.
Part One: Reading Media Texts Towards the end of the Second World War, sociologist Paul Lazarfeld added to the media effects research frame the social aspect of human agency. Rejecting the direct influence of the hypodermic needle or magic bullet theory, he introduced an intermediary between the sender of a message and the audience. This intermediary, dubbed an “opinion leader”, was usually a person of influence with greater access to information. They would be seen as an authority able to filter, interpret and explain media messages. It is the credibility of the weatherman that persuades the individual to bring along an umbrella, rather than the factual data from the meteorological department themselves. And it would be the community or religious leader expounding on the messages released by politicians that actually hold sway over the masses. The two-step flow of information paved the way for research into multi-step models. Another great example to explain the influence of opinion leaders is the world of fashion. Magazines play an important role in showing the trends of the coming season by passing on information from big fashion brands to a wider audience. The reader’s knowledge of next seasons fashions and trends is filtered by the magazines. While this describes a classic two-step flow of communication new technologies have changed the role of the media. Again in the example of fashion, the magazines provide the audience with a chance to describe their likes and needs through participation in the discussion. Information is flowing in many directions through different media channels and filtering through new opinion leaders, such as fashion bloggers. Clicking through the Australian fashion blog breakfastwithaudrey and its links to other influential bloggers demonstrates how connected they are. Such referencing of each other builds a strong network of opinion leaders for the reader audience to follow. Interlinking might also occur between different brands, magazines and other bloggers which makes the process more complex and the flow of information more challenging to follow, especially to understand in terms of influence and power. A single user can be influenced by different sources or opinion leaders when following the trends of the season. The shaping of the user’s opinion follows a more complex pattern and flow. - Pick a point of interest (other than fashion) and create a flow chart of the various sources, pathways and intermediaries that provide or filter information to any interested party. Identify any direct, two-flow and multi-flow conduits of knowledge as well as any other interesting features.
Volunteering with Operation Love Ministries is a simple 3-step process. Throughout your tour and orientation, you will gain education regarding existing programs and opportunities and match your skills with ministry needs: Ready to Volunteer? Sign Up for Volunteer Orientation Orientation includes a quick tour of the building and verbal review of safety rules, guidelines, and expectations for service. Orientation times are scheduled in advance according to staff availability and typically last no more than one hour. Contact us by phone at 765-644-2121 to begin your service at Operation Love Ministries! *Please Note: If you are interested in bringing a group to volunteer, at least one leader is required to attend orientation. This designated group leader agrees to be held responsible for communicating OLM volunteer policies and guidelines to the rest of the group. They will need to uphold these guidelines throughout their service experience. COMPLETE NECESSARY PAPERWORK Each volunteer or group leader must fill out an information sheet and bring a current background check. Group leaders that fill out a volunteer application are responsible for making sure their group members follow OLM guidelines. Volunteers 17 years of age and younger must have an adult 18 or over to supervise them. All minors must have a parent or legal guardian sign a release of liability. Operation Love requires a current criminal background check for each volunteer or group leader. Volunteers can find these at the Anderson Police Department (APD) or use an accredited reporting source (such as a background check received for your church, job, etc.) and must bring them before their first date of service. There is a $7 charge to obtain a background check from the APD. A records search will also be performed from the Indiana Department of Correction Offender database. To uphold the standards and safety of Operation Love Ministries, no one with a current record of violent offenses can serve as a volunteer. Offenses of this nature may include, but are not limited to: homicides, assault and battery, domestic violence, robbery, sexual assault or abuse, resisting an officer, abduction, harassment, or any acts intended to cause injury or harm to another individual. A candidate with a record of nonviolent offenses may serve as determined on a case-by-case basis upon review of the history of offenses. Your staff supervisor or volunteer guide will train you fully in whichever program best matches your skills and the current need. Volunteers complete specific training for each area in which they will serve.
The brain is the center of the nervous system, where serious neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s are products of functional loss in the neural cells (1). Typical techniques used to investigate these diseases lack precise control of the cellular surroundings, in addition to isolating the neural tissue from nutrient delivery and to creating unwanted gradients (2). This means that typical techniques used to investigate neurodegenerative diseases cannot mimic in vivo conditions, as closely as desired. We have developed a novel microfluidic system for culturing PC12 cells, neuronal cells, astrocytes cultures and brain slices. The microfluidic system provides efficient nutrient delivery, waste removal, access to oxygen, fine control over the neurochemical environment and access to modern microscopy. Additionally, the setup consists of an in vitro culturing and electrochemical sensor system that enables real time detection of metabolites, e.g. dopamine from cell cultures and brain slices. In summary we present results on culturing of brain slices and cells in the microfluidic system as well as on the incorporation of an electrochemical sensor system for characterization of exocytotic dopamine release from neural and brain cultures. |Published - 2013 |The Gordon Research Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Microfluidics: Challenges, Advances and New Technologies for Diagnostics - Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort, Lucca, Italy Duration: 9 Jun 2013 → 14 Jun 2013 |The Gordon Research Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Microfluidics |Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort |09/06/2013 → 14/06/2013
New display centres 2012 (VIC & QLD) Coburg Hill Estate – Metropol 30!! Coburg Hill Estate – Boyne Street, Coburg North (MEL REF: 18 B9). “Welcome to the heart of Melbourne’s vibrant, culturally diverse inner Northern Suburbs. Coburg Hill is an exceptional and elevated location, conveniently situated between many inner-city amenities available within neighbouring Brunswick, Carlton and Preston. Enjoy the very best of shopping, dining and everything in-between.” Coburg Hill Location Map This unique display village features Orbits new ground-breaking new design the Metropol 30 – Photography coming soon!! For more information on this home go to – www.orbithomes.com.au “The Metropol by Orbit Homes, has been designed with the luxury and style of modern inner city living, but on a grand scale. The contemporary yet timeless style of the homes façade will grab your attention instantly. This design showcases open plan living at its absolute best with a large gourmet kitchen -complete with Butler’s Pantry, a separate dining and spacious family area which opens seamlessly onto the covered outdoor living room. As you walk upstairs the tranquil zone awaits you. An airy retreat and study area over the landing accesses the private balcony to the front of the home, providing a great space to relax or learn. The first floor also has 3 dou¬ble bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, the Master offering a spacious W.I.R and luxurious hotel-inspired ensuite. Complete with Double Garage, Powder Room and fully fitted Laundry, the functional yet stylish Metropol home design offers all you need for a modern family lifestyle.” Berry Lane Estate – Eton 20, Modena 26 & Seavue 39!! Berry Lane Estate – Tangelo Grove, Mernda (MEL REF: 390 H11). Berry Lane is a prestigious new residential community rich in heritage and takes its name from the original 1850s Bluestone paved road that once bordered the northern edge of the estate and provided access to the Plenty River Flour Mill from Plenty Rd. Just 26kms north of the Melbourne CBD, Mernda is in the City of Whittlesea which is one of Melbourne's five major metropolitan growth areas. Berry Lane Location Map This up and coming display villages showcases Orbit homes new and innovative deisgns the Eton 20, Modena 26 & Seavue 39. These 3 cleverly thought out designs are suitable to different sizes families and are definitely worth a visit. To see more images of these designs go to – www.orbithomes/newhomes-victoria Rochedale Estate – Oasis 33 MK1 & Seavue 40!! Rochedale Estate – McDermott Parade, Rochedale (UBD REF: 202 B15). Located just 12km from Brisbane CBD the excitement of living in a brand new and pacesetting community has heightened at The Rochedale Estates in the southern Brisbane growth corridor, with the opening of the residents’ Lifestyle Centre. Rochedale location map Featuring the Oasis 33 MK1 and Seavue 40, these two homes are the perfect for families looking for space and comfort... To see more images of these designs go to – www.orbithomes/newhomes-queensland
This chair features an adjustable tilt tension for a pleasant rocking motion and an adjustable height of 106-112cm to suit your desk setup. It comes with flip-up armrests for easy access and convenience when pushing under tables. The chair has a sturdy steel base with a 360° swivel movement. It offers comfort with a curved padded seat, an adjustable headrest, and a movable lumbar support. This chair is suitable for gaming rooms, bedrooms, lounge spaces, and more. It can support a maximum load of 120kg. Assembly is required. The chair is black in color and made from faux leather and metal. The overall dimensions are 67W x 75D x 106-112Hcm, the seat dimensions are 55W x 53D x 41-47Hcm, and the backrest size is 55W x 65Hcm. The height from the armrest to the seat is 23cm. The item label is 921-353V71BK.
For those of us who adore baking, nothing beats the sweet aroma of a freshly baked treat wafting through the kitchen. However, for some of our friends with sensitive tummies, traditional flour can wreak havoc on their digestive systems. But fear not! While you order baking supplies online, you can always add the organic oat flour to your cart to save the day as a nutritious and gluten-free alternative. This wholesome flour not only caters to those with dietary restrictions but also adds a distinct and mouthwatering flavour to your baking creations. So, let's delve into the marvellous benefits of baking with organic oat flour and discover some nifty tips to buy and store it. Have you ever wondered about the mysterious origins of organic oat flour? Well, wonder no more! This wholesome flour is made from whole oat grains that are finely milled into a powder. But what sets organic oat flour apart is that the oats used to create it are cultivated and processed using organic farming techniques. This means no synthetic pesticides or fertilisers are used in the growth and production of the oats, resulting in flour that's both nourishing for your body and gentle on the environment. Exploring the Nutritional Benefits of Oat flour The following are some of the nutritional advantages of incorporating oat flour into your diet: - Rich in fibre: With approximately 3 grams of fibre per ¼ cup serving, oat flour is a great source of dietary fibre that helps maintain digestive health, regulate levels of blood sugar, and promote fullness. - Abundant in vitamins and minerals: Oat flour is a valuable source of essential micronutrients such as thiamine, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, which are crucial for maintaining healthy bones, muscles, and overall bodily functions. - Promotes heart health and lowers cholesterol: Oat flour contains beta-glucan, a type of soluble fibre that has been demonstrated to reduce LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels, promoting heart health and reducing the risk of heart disease. - Regulates blood sugar levels: The fibre content in oat flour slows down glucose absorption into the bloodstream, making it beneficial for people with diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes. - Gluten-free alternative: Oat flour is a naturally gluten-free grain, making it a perfect alternative for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. In summary, oat flour is a nutritious ingredient that can be utilised in a variety of recipes. Its high fibre and nutrient content make it an excellent addition to a well-rounded and healthy diet. Tips for Buying and Storing Organic Oat Flour: - Check the label for 100% organic oat flour and avoid additional ingredients or additives. - Choose reputable baking stores online, specializing in organic products. - Select oat flour in a resalable bag or airtight container to maintain freshness. - Verify the expiration date to ensure you purchase a fresh product. - Organic oat flour should be stored in a cool, dry area that is out of the reach of sun and heat, such as a pantry or closet. - Relocate the flour to an airtight container after opening to prevent moisture and odours from affecting the quality. - Label the container with the date of purchase and expiration date to monitor storage time. - Freeze oat flour in an airtight container or freezer bag for up to six months for long-term storage and thaw at room temperature before use. Following these tips will help you maintain the quality of your organic oat flour for longer, making it a valuable addition to your pantry for healthy and delicious baking. From Farm to Table, OrganiQme provides the best quality organic baking supplies to you! Craving some appetising, wholesome baked goodies? OrganiQme has got you covered! Our finest quality organic oat flour is a game-changer for your baking needs. As one of the best baking stores online, we offer a range of organic and healthy baking supplies that are sure to leave you wanting more. Just order baking supplies online from our website, and let us bring the pack of health straight to your doorstep!
|FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: OCTOBER 10, 2020 FABULOUS FIVE MOVE INTO NEW HOME Wednesday, the Fabulous Five Teenagers happily moved into their new home. Our staff helped them extend mosquito nets over their new beds, and get all their belongings moved to the new site. You can see many of the gifts 4 of the teens showed off on moving day. New home, many gifts for Child Headed household. Fourteen year old Fernando is not in the photo as he left early that a.m. to visit a friend, not realizing it was time to move them. Fernando returned late afternoon to find his old house deserted and everyone gone. Neighbors told him where to find his family. Shocked, he came to my house and apologized (rare occurrence around here) to me for not being around to help with the move. After 2 days, the Fabulous Five are well settled in and enjoying their new home. THANK YOU TO THEIR MONTHLY SPONSOR, AS WELL AS THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTED “start-up gifts” so these young adults could have the basic items needed to begin a much better life. Dinha, the 17 year old “head of household”, seemed very relieved that Anna, our Children’s Director, lives so close by. Being responsible for 4 other teens is a BIG responsibility as many of you know. THE NORM IN OUR LIVES Each week we receive an average of 1 or 2 babies into our formula program. New orphan children come in about twice a month because their Mom has died from some disease or during childbirth. CV-19 is not a problem in this area, PTL! A widowed aunt with her 4 children and her sister’s 4 orphans. Your gifts truly make a difference in the lives of this family. This week, Granny Assumia (Ah-soo-mia) reported to Social Services that she needed food help for her 2 orphaned Grandchildren. One year old Jonas and 3 year old Muamede (Moo-ah-med‑y) happily left wearing new clothes and carrying a bag full of food that your love gifts provided. Granny Assumia holds 1 year old Jonas with 3 year old Muamede at her side. The before and after photos are shown here. I wanted to show you the transformation that takes place when they put on new clothes. Don’t be fooled by the lack of smiles for in this culture, a smile means you are not taking the gift seriously. But know they were super happy for Muamede happily skipped off as his Granny headed them towards home. Your gifts provide new clothes for these 2 little boys. RAINY SEASON COMING EARLY. The October food give-outs were completed today for more than 1,000 orphaned children in 22 remote villages. Due to dark clouds hovering over Balama all week with only midday sunshine, our staff “took God’s hint” knowing this means the rains will soon begin. Food give-outs keeps orphans/grannies healthy. November is seed give-out time, so our plan is not to wait, but push on with the final food distribution starting next Wednesday. If heavy rains hit before the 1st 2 weeks of November, we won’t be able to get to many of the villages as the roads are hard packed clay. Clay and water make for slippery mud roads which our trucks can’t negotiate. Even 4‑wheel-drive pickups struggle in some of the deeper mud holes. But I am happy to announce that for the 1st time EVER, Balama has a paved road all the way through our town that connects it to other parts of the Province/State!Rainy season will no longer be a major challenge if we need to go to the Capital of Pemba between December and March. BECAUSE YOU CARE, 1000’S OF CHILDREN NOW KNOW THAT JESUS LOVES THEM. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THAT POSSIBLE. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF
OTS provides a variety of customized production services. Take compressor wheel for example, we not only provide different milling methods, but also different kinds of alloy materials, such as 7075-T6511, 2618-T6511, forged aluminum, titanium etc. For 2618-T6511 we can use the same alloy from KOBELCO as original OEM turbo brand uses. We stock the aluminum bar from size OD 40mm to OD 70mm, so any customer who wants the top level material, we can quickly response even with small quantity requirement like 5~100 pcs. Below is a CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION of KOBELCO aluminum 2618-T651 for reference. Welcome to contact us for more information.
Anindya Bose, Sanjay Nag Increased energy consumption in Cloud Data Centres (CDCs) increases the carbon footprint. Efficiency of the data centres thus needs to be improved through server consolidation using effective virtual machine (VM) placement and migration techniques and minimizing the number of active physical machines (PMs). One of the problems is how to operationally allocate the VMs to PMs. These allocations have both operational costs and energy consumption issues. To achieve the aim of ‘Green Computing’ a number of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms have been proposed for the VM placement. The authors of this paper have provided a detailed discussion and comparison of some of the current research works on energy efficiency. and cons of each of these techniques have been discussed. Some future research prospects in this field have also been mentioned at the end. 2022, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 01, с. 01-12 Nazrul Islam, Shibnath Banerjee The invincible corona virus affected hundreds of thousands societies on the earth. It massacred holistic pace of lives, disrupted academic excellence, economic growths and pushed us many clops of planned future. However, despite the current threat of total education with key constraints in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), how drastically are TVET institutions adopting innovative planning and education governance in Bangladesh? TVET Policy actors, individuals, and relevant communities need to think of risk mitigation and resilience approaches. In general, the approach and solutions that drive towards cyber-supportive preparedness, networking, and partnership may help to tackle the emerging situation. EduTech can help towards the modern TVET system in Bangladesh with globalisation and IR 4.0 to IR 5.0. Given this context, it is more challenging to achieve the United Nations (UN) Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. The intertwined goals of inequality, education, and poverty eradication imply nourishing the TVET sector. This paper mainly focuses on reflecting on the ongoing managerial view of the TVET sector, exploring innovative ways to strengthen the system in Bangladesh. 2022, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 01, с. 21-32 Aman Rao, Sriparna Guha "Flavored carbonated beverages" are popularly known as "Soft Drinks" which typically contain carbonated water, a sweetener, and a flavouring agent. It may also contain caffeine, coloring, preservatives, and other ingredients. Soft drinks are the beverage of choice for millions of people, second only to water. The first marketed soft drinks in the Western world appeared in the 17th century, which were made of water and lemon juice sweetened with honey. There are no nutritionally beneficial components in soft drinks. Soft drinks mostly consist of filtered water and refined sugar. Bisleri International (Bisleri) re-entered the Indian soft drink market in February 2016 with the introduction of "Bisleri Pop." Bisleri, on the other hand, will face a number of hurdles in the coming days. To begin with, two multinational corporations (MNCs), Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, dominated the price and flavour pyramid in India's soft-drinks market. The case study of BISLERI POP, an Indian carbonated soft drink firm, focuses on some of the main problems, such as the company's competitive position, the strengths and weaknesses of its marketing strategies, consumer awareness, customer perception, cultural differences, and so on. This study was conducted using a descriptive research design. Google and other web sources were used to get primary data. In order to do a comparison analysis, information from Bisleri Pvt. Ltd. and other websites is used. Even though Bisleri Pop is one of the most well-known and respected bottled water brands in India, most people were not impressed by it. 2022, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 01, с. 38-46 Mutaz A. Alshaikh The literature review provides an integrative (and occasionally critical) review and evaluation of relevant literature. This is mostly done by putting this study in the context of relevant research in capital markets accounting and asset pricing, such as arbitrage pricing and the empirical evidence on return anomalies. 2022, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 01, с. 13-20 Ari Susanti, Nuke Amalia Introduction: Covid-19 has made changes to health services in Indonesia. It occurs in the hospital service flow, so patients must adjust to the restrictions that apply in the hospital. National health insurance (JKN) in Indonesia provides public access to health services. The existence of health insurance should be the solution for patients who are willing to take advantage of health services. Meanwhile, in the covid-19 condition, health services are essential, so they have to get a lot of attention. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze National Health Insurance (JKN) patients before and during covid-19 in Mother-Child Hospital "Putri" Surabaya. Methods: This study used descriptive analysis of national health insurance hospital patient visits (both outpatient and inpatient) in Mother-Child "Putri" Hospital Surabaya. The data was taken twice, which is before covid-19, from January 2018 to February 2020, and during Covid-19 from March 2020 to December 2021. Result: The results showed that the trend of JKN patients before and during covid-19 was very different. Before covid-19, there was a tendency to see an increase in JKN patients. During COVID-19, the JKN patient was reduced. Conclusion: Covid-19 is one of the factors that affected the reduction of JKN patients in Mother-Child Hospital "Putri" Surabaya. Not only this hospital, but all health-care services. 2022, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 01, с. 33-37 M. Vetrivel, Sandeep Poddar Tourism has been one of the thrust areas of the Government of India from time to time. The Governments at every level have made every effort to promote India as a tourist destination. This has been recognized as a part of the services sector. Every country in the world has attached great importance to tourism. International visitors have been thronging India due to the various facilities available for tourists. Events like tourist fairs and facilities like visa-on-arrival are certain measures in this direction. At the same time, many countries have recognized Indian nationals as potential tourists and have rolled out several attractive schemes specifically for Indian nationals. This study was performed to study the nature of tourism in India in terms of its performance based on both domestic and foreign tourist arrivals, and the larger revenue-generating potential this industry possesses. From the present study, it is evident that over the previous two decades, India's tourism industry has performed admirably. 2022, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 04, с. 01-06 Uttiya Basu, Kaushik Banerjee The Tea Board of India (TBI) has defined a Small Tea Growers (STGs) as an entity having tea plantation areas of up to 10.12 hectares (or 25 acres) without any processing facility since the early 1990s. The mode of production in tea plantations has undergone a major structural shift from a centralized estate sector system to the emerging small tea growers (STG) bought leaf factory (BLF) system, which broadly represents a flexible and decentralized production system. The labour relations in tea gardens are well defined in the organized sector and covered under the Plantation Labour Act 1951. However, the small tea growers (STG) and Bought-Leaf Factories (BLF) specializing solely in tea manufacturing do not have the distinct industrial identity categorized under the unorganized sector in the tea plantation industry. STGs are no longer a small or marginalized group, as they produce more than half of India's green-leaf output while depriving organized-sector workers of the benefits they should get. The moment has come for small tea garden owners to think about their employees' occupational safety, health, and working circumstances. Given the substantial changes in tea plantation methods, the authors sought to determine the scope of collective bargaining for workers in tiny tea gardens in West Bengal's Jalpaiguri region. 2022, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 04, с. 17-25 Dante Abelardo Urbina Padilla Debesh Bhowmik Ed. (2022). An Approach Towards Central Bank Digital Currency. New Delhi: Kunal Books.(HB,pp 358+xxxxviii,$60). Recently Central Bank digital currencies have emerged as a relevant topic in theoretical and empirical research. In this context, the book An Approach Towards Central Bank Digital Currency constitutes an important contribution since it analyzes the issue of digital currency by considering several aspects like theoretical models, economic policies, postmodern mindset, cybercrime, ecology, regulatory framework, financial stability, cashless payment systems, etc. 2022, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 04, с. 43-45 Naw Phyu Zar Thwin, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan, Amiya Bhaumik During the COVID-19 and political crisis period, all business organizations, not just operational staff, but also management teams, increased their workload, allowing them to bear significant physical and psychological stress. The study has an impact on future business performance by emphasizing the work environment within their organization to improve employee motivation and commitment during COVID-19 through positive effects on employee satisfaction, as well as the relationship between the employee and the organization that creates the working environment. The study's goal is to educate executives on how to demonstrate flexibility and create a better working environment in the face of current and future pandemics. The analysis in this study was based on several concepts from human resource management and crisis management in firms, as well as a survey of significant business publications that had been published. The study used a descriptive research survey as its method. Min Ma Haw provided a sample size of 110 employees. The majority of the data for this study was gathered through a closed-ended questionnaire. The study created statistical analysis tools that demonstrate variable analysis. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Statistic) version 20 was used to analyze the quantitative data received from the questionnaire. Stratified random sampling was used to divide and examine the population's divisions. notably disproportionate In order to select the staff, first line management, middle management, and top management, stratified random sampling was used because some strata are small. 2022, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 02, с. 16-23 Anindya Bose, Sanjay Nag Cloud computing is a dynamic technology with various application spheres because of its scalability, cost-effectiveness, and reliability. However, since the energy demand for information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is on the rise, cloud computing is facing new challenges related to environmental protection, power consumption, energy efficiency, and carbon dioxide emissions. The latest technologies that strive for sustainable energy efficiency and a reduced e-waste and carbon footprint are constantly being researched and deployed. These technologies have the potential to transform cloud computing into green cloud computing. In this survey, the authors investigated recent research methodologies such as algorithm-based, architecture-based, framework-based, model-based, methods-based, and general issue-based approaches. Many of these research projects are still in their infancy and are yet to be commercially implemented. The last thing that was talked about was some future research trends and some of the open challenges in green cloud computing. 2022, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management and Technology, № 02, с. 01-15
Our Beach Volleyball series in Mission Bay will brighten your Summer. Learn about the special native flora and fauna that call this forest remnant home, as well as the... Creating a surreal atmosphere in tune with leaves, water, the breeze, city traffic and people. Music in Parks is stoked to be setting up beach-side in Mission Bay, so come get your groove on w... Learn how to observe and draw elegant, bright tropical Anthuriums at the Auckland Wintergardens. Enjoy markets, food trucks, games and entertainment on the shore, or have a go on a waka-ama, sai... Celebrate the month of Francophonie with a special Belgian twist at our French breakfast event.
Visitor Guildelines & Digital Wavers All visitors to O.U.R. Ecovillage must complete the following Waiver and Release of Liability. WAIVER and RELEASE OF LIABILITY and PHOTOGRAPHIC RELEASE I am aware that construction activities, building materials, hand and power tools, and any work sites can be dangerous, and there is a serious risk of personal injury. I acknowledge that OUR Ecovillage, Cobworks, Brandy Gallagher, Trent Berg, and the apprentices, interns, staff, students, volunteers and residents of these organizations are not responsible for my personal injury caused as a result of the use, misuse, malfunction, attempt to repair or any other operation of hand or power tools, working with animals, machines or as a result of any activities which I may be involved in through any aspect of OUR ECOVILLAGE (on or off-site). I undertake these activities at my own risk and acknowledge that these organizations and individuals cannot be held liable whatsoever for these activities. I realize that during my time at O.U.R. Ecovillage, I may be included in photographs or videos taken by residents, other course participants, visitors or members of the press. I authorize the use by O.U.R. Ecovillage of any photographs taken of me during my time at O.U.R. Ecovillage for use in promotional materials, including print and online, that support O.U.R. Ecovillage in building community and marketing courses or events. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT. BY COMPLETING AND SUBMITTING THE ELECTRONIC FORM BELOW, I ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT Guidelines For Visitors At O.U.R. ECOVILLAGE Please also have a look at O.U.R. Information Handbook & Visitor’s Guide Please do not bring any pets onsite. Staff person responsible: see the office to confirm who is on duty that day. Please let the staff know one week in advance, and they will advise the cooks if meals are needed. During summer programs, visiting family and friends are always welcome as long as it does not impact on maximum numbers already onsite, the cooks, or the work projects. Students are responsible for putting information on the visitor board, introduce his/her guest to the community circle, provide guests with a tour of the ECOVILLAGE and show them O.U.R. ECOVILLAGE procedures for chores, dishwashing, the community process, etc. If they would like a comprehensive tour, let us know, and the office folks will organize a time/date. Worksite visitors checking out education programs through ‘TOPIA: The Sustainable Learning Community Institute may be welcomed to participate in the onsite work if it is feasible for the team. Until folks have a necessary level of training, they will need to work with others on the site and often will participate in less specialized tasks. The teachers/facilitators/participants need to be informed ahead of time so that they can decide how to use the energy, the numbers of people, as well as have time to nominate a project leader to oversee the volunteers and do quality control. ‘Skillbuilder’ participants (see ‘Programs/Events page for more info on these programs) must supervise their own friends and/or family members if they are helping on-site. A staff person will clear volunteers with the designated site leader before giving them the go-ahead. The site leader, and any other needs of the week, will be determined at the first Community Meeting of the week. WORK PARTIES happen during the summer – please call or email ahead to confirm O.U.R. schedule Skillbuilder classes are primarily for apprentices and participants enrolled in focused educational programs…if someone wishes to attend a topic class, please make this request to the Program Coordinator for the School. Community Meetings are a daily way for visitors to introduce themselves and become part of the overall group process and understanding of OUR Community. We ask that recognition is given to the work and challenges which have already been experienced within the summer, and that participation in the community meeting is supportive of the folks who live/work onsite on an ongoing basis. Generally O.U.R. Council Meetings (also known as The Heart Circle) are open to folks only if they are planning to be here a minimum of one month. If other facilitators/guests/teachers wish to participate, please contact a regular council member in advance of the meeting. Children are a welcome part of O.U.R. ECOVILLAGE. We ask that the parent/guardian take full responsibility and supervision for their kids while on site. The building sites, woodworking shop, and gardens are potentially dangerous areas and children must have adult supervision at all times in these areas. Waiver: All residents and visitors must sign a waiver when arriving and before working anywhere onsite. If you are completing volunteer, staff, or resident agreement, the waiver is included on those forms. DRUG, ALCOHOL, AND TOBACCO POLICY O.U.R. ECOVILLAGE is a high visibility demonstration space; we also support folks to be fully present to themselves and to all other relationships. We therefore do not allow illegal drugs or their use on O.U.R. Property. Tobacco use is allowed in designated areas, which will be shown to you during a tour of the property. If you are unsure, please ask. Alcohol use is permitted on site only after work hours. It is not permitted during working hours and can be grounds for dismissal.
Have you ever wondered why oysters and champagne are so often paired together in fancy restaurants? Is it just because they’re both expensive or is there something more to this classic pairing? The truth is, there’s a scientific reason behind this culinary match made in heaven, known as umami synergy, and it’s all about how our human taste buds experience flavor. Let’s dive into this interesting topic! The Science of Taste Now, before we dive into the specifics of oysters and champagne, let’s get a brief understanding of what umami is. Umami, which comes from the Japanese word for ‘delicious,’ is one of the five basic flavors detectable by our taste buds. It gives food a rich, savory, and deeply satisfying taste. Think of the flavor in cooked mushrooms, ripe tomatoes, or broth in a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. That’s umami! Umami synergy is a term used when two foods, each containing umami flavor, are paired together, creating a notably synergistic effect that enhances the overall umami taste. It’s like when you combine two awesome superhero powers – they can do a lot on their own, but together, they’re almost unstoppable! The Chemistry of Champagne The Role of Yeast Champagne, the sparkling wine synonymous with celebration, owes its unique taste to yeast. During fermentation, yeast cells consume sugar and produce alcohol, carbon dioxide (which gives the bubbles), and other compounds that contribute to the wine’s flavor. But the yeast’s job doesn’t end there. Dead Yeast Cells and Umami After the yeast cells have done their work, some remain in the bottle for several months, or even years in the case of older vintage champagnes. Over time, these dead yeast cells break down in a process called autolysis, releasing amino acids, among other things. These amino acids contribute to the umami taste of champagne. Story of Oysters All oysters are not created equal when it comes to their umami potential. A study led by student Charlotte Vinther Schmidt from the University of Copenhagen found a significant difference between two types of oysters – the native Danish Limfjord and the invasive Pacific oysters. Limfjord Oysters and Umami According to the study, the Limfjord oysters had a much higher level of umami flavor compared to their Pacific counterparts. This is mainly due to the higher amount of free amino acids present in the native Limfjord species, giving them a unique umami flavor. Power of Pairing Unlocking the Umami - The pairing of oysters and champagne enhances the umami taste in both, creating an uncanny umami synergy. - The amino acids in the champagne, released from the dead yeast cells, combine with the umami-rich Limfjord oysters to amplify the savory taste. - This is why the champagne and oyster pairing is a classic one – it’s not just about luxury, it’s about a scientific, taste-enhancing effect! Unwrapping the Science The Umami Effect Charlotte Vinther Schmidt and her mentor, Professor Ole Mouritsen, found that the umami compounds in both champagne and oysters work together in a unique way. When paired, they create a flavor profile that neither can achieve alone, much like how some colors look more vibrant when placed next to each other. The Role of Amino Acids The process of autolysis in champagne creates glutamate, an amino acid responsible for the umami taste. This happens when the dead yeast cells break down over time, especially in older vintage champagnes. Oysters, particularly the Danish Limfjord species, are rich in another type of amino acid called aspartate. This compound, just like glutamate, contributes to the umami flavor. The umami synergy happens when the glutamate from champagne and aspartate from oysters come together. This combination creates a stronger, more satisfying umami experience, making the champagne and oyster pairing a favorite. Umami and Beyond Balancing the Flavors While umami is at the heart of why oysters and champagne pair so well, there are other factors at play. The briny, salty taste of oysters is balanced by the crisp acidity and slight sweetness of champagne. This balance of flavors adds to the appeal of this pairing. In addition to the flavors, the textures of champagne and oysters complement each other. The creamy, velvety texture of oysters is contrasted by the lively, effervescent bubbles of champagne, creating a delightful sensory experience. Joy of Experimentation Variety is the Spice of Life While the combination of oysters and champagne is a classic, don’t let that stop you from experimenting. Different types of oysters and sparkling wines can offer different levels of umami and other flavors. Just remember, the key is to find a balance that pleases your palate. Everyone’s taste buds are unique. What works for most may not work for you, and that’s perfectly okay. The world of food and wine pairing is vast and exciting. So, go ahead, explore, and discover your own perfect pairings! Evolution of Taste People and Umami Why do people associate umami with deliciousness? Some food scientists believe that our love for umami taste may have evolutionary roots. Early humans who could identify umami-rich foods, which are often high in protein, had a nutritional advantage. Umami in Our Daily Lives While umami is often associated with gourmet foods like oysters and champagne, it’s also present in everyday foods like tomatoes, cheese, and meat. Recognizing the umami taste can enhance your appreciation for these common foods. Umami is Not MSG There’s a common misconception that umami and monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavor enhancer, are the same. This is not accurate. While MSG does provide an umami taste, it’s just one source of it, and not all umami-rich foods contain MSG. MSG is a salt of the amino acid glutamate, which naturally occurs in many foods that we associate with umami taste. When used in moderation, MSG is considered safe by many health organizations worldwide. More Than MSG Umami is a complex and naturally occurring flavor that can be found in a variety of foods, from oysters and champagne to aged cheeses and ripe tomatoes. It’s a taste that goes beyond the artificial and into the realm of nature’s own flavor enhancers. Knowledge of Umami Around the World From the savory soy sauce in Japan to the tangy tomato sauce in Italy, umami can be found in different cuisines around the world. Each culture has its own ways of bringing out this delectable taste in its traditional dishes. While seafood, especially oysters, is a great source of umami, this flavor can also be found in other foods. Meats, vegetables, and fermented foods are all rich in umami. In fact, green vegetables might lack umami on their own, but when cooked with umami-rich ingredients, they can be quite delicious! Future of Food Pairing How Science Plays a Role With the help of food science, we can understand why certain food pairings, like oysters and champagne, work so well. This knowledge can guide us in creating new and exciting flavor combinations, pushing the boundaries of culinary art. Just imagine the unexplored potential for umami synergy with other food and wine pairings. The future of gastronomy promises to be an exciting journey of discovery, with science leading the way! Unlocking the Flavor Code - Understanding the science of umami and umami synergy can enhance your culinary experiences. - The classic pairing of oysters and champagne is a perfect example of umami synergy in action. - Experimentation based on scientific principles can lead to delightful new food and wine pairings. A Toast to Science Cheers to Food Science Next time you enjoy a glass of champagne with a plate of oysters, remember it’s not just a luxurious indulgence. It’s also a celebration of science, a testament to the intricate dance of amino acids that tickle your taste buds and make your meal truly memorable. The Journey Continues Our understanding of taste and food pairing is still evolving. With each new study and scientific report, we’re getting closer to fully understanding how our taste buds interpret the complex symphony of flavors in our food. And that’s something to look forward to! Why Oysters and Champagne Go Together So Well: The Final Word In the end, the reason why oysters and champagne go together so well boils down to science. The umami synergy created by the amino acids in these foods delivers a taste experience that’s hard to beat. It’s a beautiful blend of nature’s bounty and human culinary wisdom, a pairing that delights our senses and keeps us coming back for more. So, here’s to oysters and champagne, to umami, and to the endless adventure of discovering new flavors. Cheers! Claudia Faucher is a fitness trainer and lifestyle blogger, who recently started to pursue her other passions… Southern cooking and creating recipes.
How can I reduce the length of my mortgage term? Tips & advice to pay off my mortgage quicker Lowering your mortgage term can save significant money over time by reducing accrued interest. The good news is that there are a few different strategies you can use to pay off your mortgage a bit quicker. First, consider refinancing your mortgage for a shorter term. While this increases monthly payments, it allows you to own your home earlier and pay less interest. Next, make extra payments to reduce your term and interest. Opting for a biweekly payment schedule can equate to making one extra payment per year. Lastly, apply windfalls or unexpected income to your mortgage to cut down the principal, reducing the interest you owe. While this requires discipline and potential spending cuts, the savings and financial freedom are worth the effort for a debt-free life. Do you know that a mortgage refinance is the right way for you to pay off your mortgage faster? Continue reading for additional tips or apply to refinance with the team at Owning right now. Will refinancing reduce my mortgage term? Refinancing your mortgage can indeed lower your term, allowing you to pay off your home faster. Also, you can often secure a lower interest rate which decreases overall payment amount. However, it’s vital to consider the costs associated with refinancing. By shortening your term, your monthly payments might increase, even if the interest rate is lower. So, make sure you can manage the increased payments. Does making extra payments reduce my mortgage term? Yes, making extra payments can significantly reduce your mortgage term. By making additional payments, you’re essentially lowering the principal, which knocks down the interest that accrues. This, in turn, shortens your mortgage term. So how do you go about it? It’s simple. You just need to make sure that your extra payments go towards the principal and not the interest. This strategy not only shortens your mortgage term but also saves you a considerable amount in interest payments. Would using extra income help pay off my mortgage faster? Absolutely, using extra income can significantly speed up the process of paying off your mortgage. It’s a simple principle; the more you pay, the faster you clear your debt. This not only helps you become mortgage-free sooner but also saves you thousands on interest. However, it’s essential you’re aware of terms and conditions surrounding overpayments. Some lenders may impose penalties if you overpay beyond their set limit. So, always double-check this information. What are the key benefits of reducing my mortgage term? Cutting down your mortgage term can fast track your financial freedom. A shorter term means owning your home quicker, a significant achievement for many homeowners. It also eases your financial burden and offers peace of mind. A key benefit of a shorter term is less interest paid. The shorter the term, the less interest you accrue, so you retain more of your hard-earned dollars. In this case, interest is calculated over a shorter time period, and that leads to a lower total cost. Another advantage is building equity faster. Equity is the home’s value minus what you owe on the mortgage. A shorter term quickly increases this equity, providing a potential safety net. Lastly, it can enhance your credit score. Quick debt payoff reflects well on your credit report and takes the stress out of securing future credit or loans. A shorter mortgage term offers numerous benefits including savings on interest, faster equity build-up, and improved credit score. Remember to ensure your monthly payments for the shorter term fit within your budget to prevent financial issues. How can I start on a mortgage refinance? Starting a mortgage refinance can seem daunting but fear not, it’s doable. The first step involves understanding the why. Are you seeking a shorter mortgage term or a lower interest rate? Next, review your credit history and score. These two factors largely influence the kind of refinancing deal you can secure. Also, arm yourself with knowledge about the current mortgage rates and terms. If you’re ready to start the process, check out our mortgage refinance calculator to get an idea of how much you can save. Then, submit your refinance application and start your journey to reducing the length of your mortgage term. Savings, if any, vary based on consumer’s credit profile, interest rate availability, and other factors. Contact Owning, Inc. for current rates. Restrictions apply. Applicant subject to credit and underwriting approval. Not all applicants will be approved for financing. Receipt of application does not represent an approval for financing or interest rate guarantee. Restrictions may apply, contact Owning for current rates and for more information. All information provided in this publication is for informational and educational purposes only, and in no way is any of the content contained herein to be construed as financial, investment, or legal advice or instruction. Owning, Inc. does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, completeness or timelines of the information in this publication. While efforts are made to verify the information provided, the information should not be assumed to be error free. Some information in the publication may have been provided by third parties and has not necessarily been verified by Owning, Inc. Owning, Inc. its affiliates and subsidiaries do not assume any liability for the information contained herein, be it direct, indirect, consequential, special, or exemplary, or other damages whatsoever and howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with the use of this publication or in reliance on the information, including any personal or pecuniary loss, whether the action is in contract, tort (including negligence) or other tortious action. Owning does not provide tax advice. Please contact your tax adviser for any tax related questions.
The 10th Jalón Ángel International Photography Award 2024 is being held by the Jalón Ángel Photographic Archive, which is under the protection of San Jorge University (San Valero Group). During his 50-year professional career, Ángel Hilario García de Jalón Hueto (1898-1976), popularly known as Jalón Ángel, was one of the most well-known characters in Spanish portrait photography. This highly influential photographer, who has influenced society and individuals greatly, received his initial instruction in Logroño and refined his craft in Lyon and Paris during the early 1900s. He moved to Zaragoza in 1926, where he mixed his most intimate and imaginative studio portraiture with his travel, urban, and natural landscape photography. His social conscience propelled him to support the San Valero Professional School in 1953, the forerunner of the present San Valero Group, whose mission was to give underprivileged youth and adults access to the workforce by means of training. This annual prize honours Jalón Ángel’s memory with two categories: Portrait, where he achieved national recognition, and Travel and Traditions, where he focused a great deal of his photography ingenuity and enthusiasm. This year’s edition also includes a new category specifically for cultural heritage. Entries must belong to one of the following genres: The winners of the awards will be announced on 27 June 2024 through the Jalón Ángel Archive website and social networks. The jury will contact the winners exclusively and will do so by telephone or e-mail. The Archive can organise a physical and/or virtual exhibition that will include the winning photographs and the mentions and/or other participating photographs in their case. The following prizes will be awarded: Note: This amount will be subject to the economic withholdings stipulated by the Ministry of Finance of Spain. It might catch your attention to investigate: Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest 2024 The dates for submitting images for the award are from 10 January to 24 May 2024 at 23.59 hours (Spanish time on the peninsula). The winners of the awards will be announced on 27 June 2024 through the Jalón Ángel Archive.
Full Name: Human Myoglobin Description: r-hMyb is produced by DNA recombinant procedure in E. Coli as an intracellular protein. By expressing the gene encoding the apo-protein in human heart muscle, holoprotein bound with heme is produced. Amino acid sequence of r-hMyb is the same as the native protein. Application: Muscle specific marker protein: Antibody specific to myoglobin is useful for the diagnosis of the damage of skeletal and cardiac muscles.
In recent years, India has emerged as a formidable player in the global technology landscape, with the semiconductor industry at the forefront of this transformative journey. The semiconductor sector, often regarded as the backbone of modern electronics, has witnessed a remarkable surge in India, marked by advancements in research, development, and manufacturing capabilities. This surge is propelled by a confluence of factors, including governmental initiatives, increased investments, a burgeoning pool of skilled professionals, and a rapidly growing market for electronic devices. Historically, India has been a consumer rather than a producer of semiconductors, relying heavily on imports to meet its burgeoning demand for electronic goods. However, recognizing the strategic importance of semiconductor technology in the digital age, the Indian government has been proactive in fostering an environment conducive to the growth of the semiconductor industry. Initiatives such as "Make in India" and "Digital India" have played pivotal roles in encouraging domestic manufacturing and research and development within the semiconductor sector. One of the key catalysts for the semiconductor industry's rise in India is the increasing demand for electronic devices across various sectors, including telecommunications, healthcare, automotive, and consumer electronics. This demand, coupled with a focus on reducing dependence on imports, has prompted both domestic and international players to invest in semiconductor manufacturing facilities within the country. Furthermore, the availability of a skilled workforce has significantly contributed to the industry's growth. India's educational institutions have been producing a steady stream of engineers and researchers specializing in semiconductor technology, creating a talent pool that is driving innovation and development in the field. In this context, this exploration into the rise of the semiconductor industry in India delves into the various factors propelling this growth, the challenges faced, and the potential impact on India's position in the global technology landscape. As India continues to position itself as a hub for semiconductor manufacturing and innovation, the journey unfolds with promises of technological self-sufficiency, economic growth, and a more connected and digitized future.
Colbert Packaging Corporation, a leading manufacturer of folding cartons, rigid setup boxes and paperboard specialty products, has been awarded a US patent (US 9,452,877 B2) for its MedLock EZ family of patient compliance packages. It is the tenth patent issued for Colbert’s paperboard specialty products and the first awarded for MedLock EZ. MedLock EZ is a secure and sustainable unit dose alternative to amber pharmacy vials. Subjected to Consumer Product Safety Commission testing protocols, MedLock EZ has tested to F=1, which is a testament to the effectiveness of its child-resistant, seniorfriendly design attributes. MedLock EZ is available in multiple footprints to accommodate a wide range of medications. The patented design consists of a fully brandable and recyclable outer paperboard shell housing a pill blister card locked into place with an integrated locking mechanism. The lock disengages by squeezing and holding touch-points at one end of the paperboard shell while sliding the blister card out through the other end. Once the blister card is exposed, medication can be pressed through one of the individual blisters. Sliding the blister card back into the outer shell reengages the lock. In addition to the branding and sustainability advantages of a paperboard-based design, MedLock EZ’s large printable area also offers ample opportunity to engage patients in their drug treatment regimen. With MedLock EZ, pharmaceutical companies can promote adherence by communicating clear and consistent dosing instructions, and by making dosages easy to dispense and track. “This new patent, our tenth, demonstrates our unrelenting commitment to new product development and validates our team’s inventiveness,” said Jim Hamilton, president of Colbert Packaging. “By listening to the needs of our customers and continually investing resources into the development of innovative solutions, we’ve built a diverse portfolio of gamechanging packaging products.”
Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (MEDR) Make the most of your endpoint protection by adding managed detection and response. EDR by Experts PacketWatch's team of battle-hardened analysts provides value to understaffed organizations that need threat detection, adjudication, and remediation at scale. Realize the Full Potential of Your EDR Tool You invested in a cutting-edge endpoint client to enhance your security posture and add visibility. However, investing in the latest endpoint client is just the starting point. To truly maximize the value and potential of these tools, organizations recognize the need to partner with a trusted managed security service provider who has the expertise and experience to provide substantial value and insight into their environment. By adding managed detection and response, organizations can unlock a wealth of benefits and ensure they are getting the most out of their technology investments without breaking the bank. Trusted Security Partner Cost-Efficient Security Services Benefits of Managed EDR PacketWatch brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the table, offering onboarding, deployment, configuration, detections, investigations, maintenance, and support to managed EDR clients. This means that clients can offload the burden of finding a dedicated headcount for EDR management and instead focus on their larger core security and IT initiatives. Moreover, a trusted managed service provider can offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals. Don't let your endpoint tool go underutilized – partner with a managed security service provider and unlock the true power of your technology investments. Frictionless Onboarding and Deployment Discounted Licensing and Pricing Expert Configuration and Validation Alert Monitoring, Review, Investigation, Adjudication, and Response Monthly Technical Reporting Prioritized Access to Incident Response Services by PacketWatch CrowdStrike Falcon Platform PacketWatch partners with CrowdStrike to provide leading endpoint protection. Deploy instantly for comprehensive protection across major operating systems. Their Prevent product is ranked #1 for Next-generation antivirus (NGAV) solutions on G2. CrowdStrike Powered Service Provider (CPSP) The CPSP program recognizes PacketWatch as a preferred service partner. In addition to our staff's demonstrated mastery of the platform, we are able to access exclusive licensing bundles and payment structures for our clients.
Are you an annoyed community marketer hoping that this year could be THE year that the celebs align, the dots connect, and you subsequently flow into the arena of MLM profitability? It can happen, and I am here to offer a few essential MLM fulfillment suggestions that permit you to get on the proper track for achievement eventually. It is to the fact even though many human beings recognize the ability of MLM; they’ll not have a clear picture of what this business genuinely is set. If you’re new to MLM, those suggestions will position you ahead of your competition, and you’ll be capable of bypassing the disappointment that many marketers face as they launch their MLM commercial enterprise. Many human beings recognize the capacity of multilevel advertising and marketing as a residual earnings income stream. However, most people who fall off the web page do not have the essential abilities to market their MLM enterprise and flip the corner into profitability. It is simple to be dazzled by way of other humans’ successes for your possibility; however, what you actually need are your personal memories of achievement. Here’s what you need to understand: #1 Check Your Ego on the Door Many a new multilevel marketing marketer enters their possibility with ideas about how they will overcome their possibility of lightning velocity. But the multilevel marketing fulfillment tip is that the majority do not now have backgrounds in advertising and sales and aren’t positioned to attain achievement. What may be even greater tough is for human beings who’ve enjoyed some successes in other companies to discover that those enterprise practices won’t apply to multi-level marketing. If you seek out achievement, the primary component you want to do is depart your ego at the door and set aside your preconceived thoughts approximately how to make community advertising and marketing paintings on your own terms. Many pretty a success people have walked this street earlier than you, and you want to model what they’re doing, now not compete with confirmed and operating techniques simply due to the fact you might imagine you know higher. If reinventing the wheel has been your enterprise approach, you are destined to fail on your multi-level marketing commercial enterprise. #2 This is a Business no longer the Lottery Did your recruiter dazzle you with numbers, statistics, and greenback signs and symptoms? This happens time and time again. And you already know what? This is flawlessly great as chances are the ones numbers are real. However, the ones are a person else’s earning numbers, and even though they excited you enough to join a possibility, if three months from now, all you have got to inform is a story about a person else’s success, you’ll leave your opportunity together with your hard-earned cash on your recruiter’s pocket. MLM isn’t always the lottery, and it isn’t a rely on having fortunate after getting a huge payout. There is only one single manner to succeed in MLM. That is thru attracting those interested in you, your possibility, and your efforts in placing them up for achievement in a commercial enterprise. There is a no different manner. #3 Network Marketing is all about Relationship Building There is the most effective one cause why a person will join your opportunity, which is due to the connection you build with your potentialities and downline. Your opportunity is secondary- without a doubt. It is sporadic to locate a person with a burning passion for a compliment or a juice. They are a part of an enterprise because they consider you are a mentor, a trainer, and a companion who can lead them down the street of fulfillment. Does this concept make you panic? Not too worry, with the right system, you can bypass alongside every piece of information this is wished for achievement in MLM. If you do now not have the right communication skills, then you’ll learn to enhance them. If you are not properly presenting excellent resources that your crew can use, you could have someone help you broaden them. If you do not have a funded inspiration of your very own, then you may use one so that your downline can earn cash at each mandatory step in multi-level marketing recruiting. The most critical multi-level marketing success tip I can provide you with is that your crew is best as strong as the connection you’ve got with them. If you are someone they agree with, and if you are responsive, innovative, and imaginative, they may stay dependable. This is important because, at the end of the day, I will repeat, your opportunity is secondary to the connection you construct. If your possibility faces unforeseen trouble like a lawsuit and it’s far pressured to close, you need to ensure that your group will move with you to another enterprise. And no matter how solid the organization seems, multi-level marketing businesses do fail. You can’t base your lifestyles’ earnings on how someone you don’t know is handling your number one opportunity. If your downline trusts you, all people on the delivery you are steering will stay the course. #4 Doors will Open When you succeed in your multi-level marketing enterprise, you input a whole new international. Three crucial matters are an introduced plus in your multilevel marketing commercial enterprise career. First, you will now have rock stable business and marketing skills that you could re-use for different varieties of corporations you can recollect down the street. Think about this for a second; you may discover ways to educate the marketplace, mentor, and use the Internet in ways that the majority will never understand. In an information age, those abilities are quite demanded. In addition to your multi-level marketing commercial enterprise, you could increase as many other enterprise possibilities for yourself as your creativeness can create. Furthermore, you will study the great human beings’ capabilities, which might be possible. It takes numerous staying power, ability, and compassion to faucet into other human beings’ desires and teaches them how to make them come true. You can be part of this transformation, and it’s miles precious. Besides, multi-level marketing needs private growth and enterprise skills development. Your opportunity has to offer you superior level talents training you could usually want an MBA to receive. Many include certifications that you may use in future possibility advent. If multilevel marketing isn’t your last job, you will have, in my view, developed talents that adapt positively to any commercial enterprise. Lastly, you will be one of the few who triumphs over the Internet. Have you ever observed how people recall the Internet to be a scary monolith that best special experts can recognize? You may be capable of preserve navigating the Internet for earnings. Also, percentage the one’s abilities to every person you pick- this bonus is the first-rate or even if you do now not, in my opinion, analyze the intricacies of the Internet, you will have the sources to outsource any process you need.
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SUBSCRIBE BY EMAIL! If you know me, or don’t know me, you’ll know that it’s weird AF that I have yet another salad recipe on my blog. I hate salads. Why have a salad when you can just eat the meat on top? Oh, Hi! I’m Juli. Food is my love language. It’s my everything. I used to be strict paleo, but I have found a much better balance with food ever since healing my gut AND my relationship with it. These days you’ll find paleo recipes along with anything else I’m dreaming up and enjoying! Just like me, my food is ever-evolving!
Organ transplants and humor transfusions are undoubtedly lifesavers: past twelvemonth astir 4,600 group successful Britain received organ transplants, and astir 200,000 gallons of humor fixed successful transfusions. But now immoderate scientists are starting to inquire whether thing unexpected whitethorn beryllium transmitted astatine nan aforesaid clip arsenic nan organ aliases transfusion. It’s representation — some successful position of cells transmitting quality representation itself (i.e. preferences and characteristic traits), but besides individual cells carrying memories of damaging illness traits. There person been well-publicised stories of group who’ve had organ transplants describing really abruptly they’ve knowledgeable characteristic changes, processing tastes they’d ne'er earlier had — successful nan U.S. a 47-year-old female had a lung transplant from an 18-year-old and developed a craving for brew and fried chicken. Now humor transfusions, too, are thought by immoderate scientists to person this benignant of effect. Last month, researchers astatine Karolinska Institute successful Sweden published a awesome study that suggests a origin of spontaneous encephalon haemorrhage could beryllium transmitted via humor transfusion. Organ transplants and humor transfusions are undoubtedly lifesavers: past twelvemonth astir 4,600 group successful Britain received organ transplants, and astir 200,000 gallons of humor fixed successful transfusions But now immoderate scientists are starting to inquire whether thing unexpected whitethorn beryllium transmitted astatine nan aforesaid clip arsenic nan organ aliases transfusion The study, successful nan Journal of nan American Medical Association, recovered that patients who’d received humor from donors who later had recurring encephalon haemorrhages were much than doubly arsenic apt to suffer 1 themselves. The researchers drew connected a Swedish-Danish database which contains accusation connected donors and patients receiving a transfusion from nan 1970s onwards — much than a cardinal patients were included. The findings propose immoderate factors that tin springiness emergence to spontaneous encephalon haemorrhages tin beryllium dispersed done humor transfusion. However, arsenic only 0.1 per cent of nan donors successful nan study subsequently suffered recurring encephalon haemorrhages, this affected a mini number of patients. Gustaf Edgren, an subordinate professor of epidemiology and 1 of nan researchers, said: ‘Blood transfusions are comparatively common, which makes antagonistic effects an important nationalist wellness issue. ‘However, it’s very improbable that you’d suffer a encephalon haemorrhage from thing transmitted done a transfusion.’ But why is it happening astatine all? The researchers are now readying to analyse samples from nan Danish Blood Donor Study biobank to spot if they tin place aberrant proteins associated pinch nan condition, which mightiness perchance beryllium damaging humor vessels. READ MORE: Experts who deliberation humor transfusions could beryllium HARMFUL: More are being fixed than ever. But pinch perchance deadly side-effects, is it now clip to limit their use? However, different scientists person suggested that thing much subtle whitethorn beryllium down this — and immoderate spell overmuch further, suggesting that nan humor transfusion process whitethorn moreover transportation characteristic traits from philanthropist to recipient. Five years ago, for example, a study by Geneva University reported really astir half of patients reported changes successful their behaviour and values aft receiving humor transfusions. The researchers interviewed 7 group who’d received humor transfusions for orthopaedic surgery, specified arsenic hep replacements, and recovered 3 retired of 7 believed that their personalities had changed. One said he slept and dreamt a batch much than before; and different said his consciousness of sensation had been changed, which he recovered worrying, saying: ‘I dream that nan donor’s humor cannot return over.’ The 3rd diligent reported that aft nan transfusion he felt happier and stronger. The authors concluded that: ‘Better knowing nan wave and value of these perceived changes is important arsenic physicians mightiness person to see specified accusation while getting consent for transfusion.’ Such beliefs whitethorn simply beryllium dismissed, nevertheless scientists studying an emerging section — called cellular representation — opportunity that personality-transference successful nan aftermath of organ transplant aliases humor transfusion is not specified fancy. In a 2019 article successful nan diary Medical Hypotheses, Dr Mitchell Liester, an adjunct objective professor of psychiatry astatine Colorado University, presented an thought that ‘memories from nan donor’s life are stored successful nan cells of nan donated bosom and are past “remembered” by nan recipient pursuing a transplant’. If this sounds outlandish, 5 years ago, scientists reported they’d successfully transplanted memories from 1 snail into different by transplanting their tissues. The scientists gave mild electrical shocks to nan tails of a type of marine snail called Aplysia californica. These made nan snails’ protect withdrawal reflex — wherever they statement to protect themselves from harm — much pronounced. The shocked snails had learnt to evade nan stimulus. Those that received nan shocks contracted defensively for 50 seconds erstwhile their tails were zapped, while those that hadn’t contracted for only 1 second. But aft nan unshocked snails were fixed transplants from nan shocked snails, they contracted for 50 seconds erstwhile zapped. David Glanzman, a professor of biology astatine nan University of California, Los Angeles, who co-authored nan study, said nan consequence was ‘as though we transferred nan memory’. Writing successful nan diary eNeuro, he explained that nan transplanted cells contained familial accusation called RNA, which is progressive successful various roles including really genes are switched connected aliases off. Other scientists now propose that memories whitethorn beryllium stored arsenic chemic codes wrong nan proteins that our DNA is coiled around. But whether this intends memories really are transferred successful humor transfusions aliases organ transplants remains to beryllium seen.
Paw Patrol - Let's Find Adventure A board book with flaps to lift starring Nickelodeon’s PAW Patrol! Chase, Rubble, and the rest of the pups race to the rescue in this sturdy board book. With exciting surprises under every flap, boys and girls ages 0 to 3 can join the heroic pups in their adventures at the beach, on the farm, and elsewhere! Get on the case with Nickelodeon's PAW Patrol! Chase, Marshall, Rubble, Skye, and the rest of the puppy heroes are on a mission to save their friends and protect the community of Adventure Bay using their paw-some vehicles, tools, and teamwork.
Accounting software program offers a host of benefits, especially to smaller businesses that need to regulate cashflow, track expenses and monitor growth movements. Unlike spreadsheets that require manual data gain access to and debt consolidation, accounting tools automatically compile monetary information from multiple resources, making it easier to build key accounts like income statements, revenue and loss reports and balance bed linens. These studies are essential in analyzing organization growth, requiring funding via investors and creating plans for the future. Accounting systems likewise allow for holding and being able to access numerous levels of data without the need for large physical file bedrooms, which means cost savings with respect to small businesses. In addition, accounting systems quite often integrate to business systems and offer soft integration that helps streamline operational efficiency, removes silos info and makes that easy to promote data between teams. Last but not least, accounting software benefits include a host of automation features that help reduce time used on manual accounting and accounting processes. For instance , great programs can automate invoicing and repayment reminders; timetable bank repayments and direct deposits; calculate and pay taxation; process payroll; and quickly generate records. They https://securityonlinesolution.com/best-free-antivirus-for-mac can also provide a much more accurate picture of an organization’s cash placement by reconciling bank assertions with receivables, payables and payroll subledgers. Ultimately, good accounting program will improve decision-making by providing presence into current data that defines the financial health of a firm, whether it be revenue, customer buy rates, product sales or inventory amounts. This level of insight and control varieties a more solid foundation for making important decisions than trust and behavioral instinct alone.
“But if it is by the finger of God that I drive out demons, then the King of God has come upon you.” What was the Good News that Jesus proclaimed during his lifetime? Simply this: The Kingdom of God. In Jesus, the Kingdom of God has begun among us. In Luke chapter 4, Jesus announces that he is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah: “The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Lk 4:18-19). Jesus performs these miracles to signal that the Kingdom of God has broken into this world. Jesus had just healed a man who was mute but who now could speak. Yet some accused Jesus of casting out demons “by the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons” (Lk 15). Jesus responded that it is by God’s power that he drives out demons to reveal that “the Kingdom of God has come upon you” (Lk 4:20). Even so, they cannot, or will, not see this new thing that God is doing among people. Their willful blindness prevents them from perceiving the transforming powers of God in Jesus. Jesus was sent to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God, the news that God is vanquishing evil and establishing his active rule over his creation. The Kingdom of Satan is being replaced by the Kingdom of God. The full establishment of God’s reign lies in the future, but it is already being inaugurated through Jesus. Jesus is Messiah of word and action. With his ascension, he now sends us, his disciples, to announce the Good News of the Kingdom through healing, forgiveness, compassion, and in love for one another. God is doing a new thing in us. Can we see it? Can we perceive it? Deacon Manuel Valencia is on the staff at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center, Sierra Madre, California.
Plants with Purpose In early March, we hosted an excellent workshop – just after the biggest snowfall of the season! Those who were able to dig themselves out had a real treat in store – spending the morning with two award-winning educators: Bonnie Anderson (Outdoor Environmental Education and Healthy Active Living Coordinator for the Simcoe County Board of Education) and Sherri Owen (local artist and outdoor educator). They shared a fascinating project that combined Indigenous plant knowledge with scientific botanical information and beautiful illustrations to create a set of plant cards to showcase important plants in their region. And, these cards are meant to be used by classes! They can be sorted by habitat, by height, by plant type (tree, shrub, wildflower etc.), by origin (native or non-native) or other criteria as needed. They can be used to create a simulated garden for a particular purpose. They could be used for a plant hunt (which of these can you find growing in the schoolyard?) or as an introduction to plants to look for as you visit different kinds of habitats. As an added bonus, each card has not only the English and botanical names, but the plant’s name in Anishinaabemowin, French and Michif. What a wonderful, multi-purpose resource! Bonnie explained that the cards are not intended to be a substitute for a ‘medicine walk’, where more time would be spent exploring the many stories and uses held within each plant. Many children aren’t ready for that kind of detail and have short attention spans. These cards are a wonderful first step to spark interest, encourage observation and build relationships. We had a terrific morning in spite of the weather, learning the importance of respectful interactions with plants, planning imaginary gardens together and thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. Our thanks to Bonnie, Sherri and the Simcoe County Indigenous Education team for sharing this beautiful project with us! To request access to a PDF of the ‘Plants with Purpose’ cards, contact email@example.com
Snow Joe vs. Toro – Things You Need to Know Choosing a suitable snow blower can be a challenging task. As a first time buyer or one that has not purchased one in a long time, you will be confused to choose from a vast selection of single, two, and three-stage models with varying widths and features. Brands of snow blowers like “Snow Joe” and “Toro” offer high-end features like a steering that turns the machine around with ease, heated handgrips that warm your fingers, airless tires that never go flat, and push-button chute rotation. Let’s have a review at some of the best products both brands have to offer. - Snow Joe Purchasing a snow blower from your local big-box store may be easy, but not all snow blowers are made ideal for your situation. Snow Joe uniquely designed each product to suit distinctive regions, driveway, and so on. Although you can find a variety of snow blowers from this company, each has one goal in common, and they are all safer for the environment than the typical gas-powered blower. Here are some of the best products Snow Joe has to offer. Snow Joe iON18SB Cordless Single Stage Snow blower This product from snow Joe is perfect for clearing snow from driveways, decks, and sidewalks. The iON is the recent addition to the Snow Joe products and the first single stage snow blower to offer convenient and secure CORD-FREE operation. It is Powered by EcoSharp technology, Snow Joe’s patent-pending rechargeable 40-volt lithium-ion battery system. It delivers up to 50 minutes of whisper-quiet run time with zero carbon emissions for cleaner air. With the absence of pull-cords, gas, oil, tune-ups, or tangled extension cords that can cause unnecessary frustrations. With a push of a button, the iON operates immediately, and its adjustable handle makes grip comfortable during use. It is equipped with a heavy-duty, steel auger with two rubber blades, and can move about 495 pounds of snow in a minute, with each pass clearing a path 18-inches wide by 8-inches deep. At the unit’s base is a rubber scraper bar that allows users to clear right to the ground without damaging their pavement or deck. With the push of a switch, the 180° auto-rotate chute rotates instantly; the iON also lets you blow snow up to 20 feet in the direction you wish. Unlike heavier gas and electric-powered units, the iON is light-weighted (only 32 lbs), this helps you to quickly hoist it onto your snow-filled deck to clear out fast. The iON has an integrated LED headlight for night-time snow removal, which immediately switches on to increase visibility. - The iON Light-weighted (only 32 lbs) making it easy to clear sidewalks, driveways, and decks It provides up to 50 minutes of whisper-quiet run time with its 40 V iONMAX 4.0 Ah rechargeable lithium-ion battery - It features exclusive EcoSharp technology for no-fade power and maximum performance - Absence of pull-cords, gas, oil, tune-ups or tangled extension cords - The iON cuts a path 18 in. wide by 8 in. deep and its steel auger with two rubber blades moves up to 500 lbs of snow per minute. Snow Joe ION15SB-CT 15-Inch Cordless Snow Blower (Core Tool-No Battery + Charger), Black The Snow Joe iON15SB-CT is the newest addition to the Snow Joe lineup. Powered by iONMAX technology, Snow Joes patent-pending rechargeable 40-volt lithium-ion battery system, the iON operates up to 30minutes of whisper-quiet run time without carbon emissions for cleaner air. With no pull-cords, gas, oil, tune-ups or tangled extension cords (iBAT40-LT and ICHRG40 sold separately).The iON starts immediately with a simple push of a button, and its adjustable handle maximizes user comfort during use. Equipped with a temperature-resistant plastic auger and2 rubber blades, the iON moves up to 440pounds of snow per minute, and with each pass clears 15-inches wide by 8-inches deep path. The scraper bar at the unit’s base lets you clear right to the ground without damaging your deck or pavement. The iON also enables you to throw snow up to 20 feet in the direction you want it to go. - Best use in small driveways, sidewalks, and walkways - It Features exclusive EcoSharp technology for no-fade power and maximum performance - Clears a width of 15 in. (38 cm) and depth 8 in. (20 cm) - Throw distance (max): 20 ft (6 m) Snow Joe SJ625E Electric Single Stage Snow blower | 21-Inch | 15 Amp Motor The Snow Joe Ultra SJ625E was introduced to respond to the need for an easy-to-use machine that could tackle more massive snowfall on mid-sized driveways and walkways. This snow blower is a larger electric snow blower delivering the power of a gas machine with the convenience of an electric unit. Driven by a powerful 15-amp motor, it moves up to 800 lbs of snow in a minute. The Snow Joe Ultra SJ625E has a durable steel auger with two rubber blades that cut a path 21″ wide by 12″ deep each pass. - Ideal for quick snow blowing on mid-sized driveways and walkways - The absence of gas, oil or tune-ups makes it easy to start and maintain - Steel auger with two rubber blades and cuts 21″ wide and 12″ deep in one pass The unique design of Toro snow blower’s auger and drive control makes it work faster and more effective than more massive and more expensive brands. Unlike the manual-shift speed controls of most snow blowers, Toro’s intuitive Personal Pace drive system synchronizes the blower’s wheels speed with how fast you walk. This product also has a convenient electric start and a smooth joystick chute control that allows you to easily direct snow where you want it. Now a look at some of their best available products. Toro 3837115″ 12 Amp Electric 1500 Power Curve Snow Blower No products for "B008FHF91A" found. Toro’s compact, lightweight 1500 electric Power Curve snow blower, with its innovative design, features a curved rotor and inverted funnel housing that offers better power-to-width ratio than the competition. The unit’s Qwik-Key starting, intuitive controls, and just 25 pounds make this snow blower easy for anyone to use and maneuver. Quick to move, and easy to store. It’s perfect for small jobs. - Rates higher than any power electric snow blower and has most clearing power per inch of cutting width - Can cut up to 15 inches wide and 12-inches deep in one pass; throwing up to 25-Feet - Moves up to 500-pounds of snow in a minute to efficiently clear snow and for optimal control - 2 Amp electric snow blower for walkways, decks, small driveways, sidewalks, and other residential areas - 180-degree direction control and zip deflector throw snow exactly where you direct it - The Power Curve technology helps to clear down to the pavement and prevents clogging - It has a 2-year warranty Toro Snow thrower 21″ 212cc This model is equipped with the powerful 212 cc 4-Cycle OHV engine and can move snow up to 35 ft. away while the Power Curve system cleans down to the pavement, clearing compacted snow for maximum snow removal. The snow blower has an electric start, and the Power Propel self-propel system makes the unit easy to use with a heavy-duty rotor that continually touches the ground, and forwardly propels the unit. Toro has a 2-year Guaranteed to Start Promise and warranty; hence, you are ready for whatever winter has in store. - Designed with the powerful 212 cc 4-Cycle OHV engine - Can launch snow up to 35 ft. - The snowblower features electric start - The Power Propel self-propel system simplifies usage - It has a heavy-duty rotor that continuously contacts the ground, propelling the unit forward. Toro 38381 18″ 15 Amp Electric 1800 Power Curve Snow Blower No products for "B003FIQKYO" found. This product is designed to move snow quickly and cleans down to decks, patios, and driveways while helping to tackle clogging. The snow blower’s zip deflector offers a choice between low, in-between, and high snow throwing while its 160-degree chute enables you to direct the snow in many directions. This model comes with an ergonomically-designed handle for a comfortable grip during use. - It is light-weighted (only 25 pounds), making it easy to maneuver for anyone - This model boosts snow clearing by moving up to 700-pounds of snow per minute - 15 Amp electric snow blower for patios, decks, walkways, small driveways, and other residential areas - 18-Inch clearance width and 12-inch intake height for quick removal - It cleans down to the pavement and prevents clogging with160-degree adjustable chute for optimal snow-blowing control - Full-bail ergonomic handle, lift handle, fast level, zip deflector, lightweight design, and easy assembly With a snow blower, you can clear a large area and deeper snow much faster, which is crucial if you have to drive off quickly. Using a snow blower is also much easier on your body, minimizing muscle and back strain. With a suitable snow blower, clearing your driveway and walking paths is almost like mowing your lawn. The snow Joe and Toro brand are specifically designed with features that will help you clear your driveway and sidewalk with ease. If you need to clear vast, deep expanses of snow, you’ll appreciate the wider and more powerful Toro brands.
Dell Latitude 3520 Core i5 11th Gen 1TB HDD 15.6″ HD Laptop The Dell Latitude 3520 Core i5 11th Gen 15.6″ HD Laptop is a durable and reliable laptop capable of handling daily duties and more. It has a 15.6-inch HD display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels, which makes for a sharp and comfortable viewing experience. The laptop is powered by an Intel Core i5-1135G7 11th Generation CPU with a turbo speed of up to 4.20 GHz and an 8 MB cache. The processor is paired with 8 GB of DDR4 RAM, allowing for the smooth and efficient operation of many apps. The laptop also comes with a 1TB HDD & 256 GB PCIe NVMe SSD for quick and ample storage of your files and apps. The Dell Latitude 3520 Core i5 11th Gen 15.6″ HD Laptop comes with an Intel UHD graphics card that can handle basic graphics tasks and games. Among the ports and slots on the laptop are USB Type-C, USB Type-A, HDMI, RJ-45, audio jack, uSim card tray, a card reader slot, and a wedge-shaped lock slot. The Dell Latitude 3520 Core i5 11th Gen 15.6″ HD Laptop also has a camera and microphone built-in for video conferencing and online meetings. The laptop is slim and powerful, weighing about 1.8 kg.
Discover the dramatic diversity of the Spider-Verse in this deluxe, fully-illustrated volume! Take a tour through the colorful worlds of Marvel’s Spider-Verse in this comprehensive guidebook detailing the lives of its many web-slingers. Follow Gwen Stacy, better known as Ghost-Spider, as she jumps between dimensions visiting the countless friendly (and some not-so-friendly) neighborhood Spider-folk whom she has met in her adventures across the Marvel Multiverse. From Peter Parker to Miles Morales, from Spider-Ham to Spider-Man 2099, more than 60 of Gwen’s iconic wall-crawling colleagues are profiled here, each illustrated with amazing original art. Thrilling and vibrant, this arachnophile’s treasury is a must-have collectible for every Spider-fan! - EXCLUSIVE SPIDER-MAN ARTWORK: Marvel Comics: Illustrated Guide to the Spider-Verse is filled with spectacular, never-before-seen artwork. - 60+ ILLUSTRATIONS: More than 60 stunning illustrations celebrate the unique visual styles of the Spider-Verse’s diverse inhabitants. - SWING INTO THE WORLD OF SPIDER-MAN: Showcasing detailed profiles of characters like Miles Morales, Spider-Ham, and Ghost-Spider, this book is the definitive guide to Marvel’s vast web of Spider-beings. - AN ACCESSIBLE SPIDER-VERSE GUIDEBOOK: Featuring an appealing in-universe narrative and a fan-favorite host who explores every Spider-filled corner of the Marvel Multiverse. Advertencia: Las existencias de nuestro sistema no son precisas al 100%, por lo que antes de dirigirte a una de nuestras sucursales, te recomendamos que llames por teléfono para confirmar su disponibilidad.
By the end of summer, the third cohort of Presidential Ph.D. Fellows will officially begin their doctoral student journeys at Penn. Benefiting from a $30 million initiative unveiled by the University in 2020, each fellow receives, for up to three years, a 12-month stipend; tuition, fees, and insurance coverage; and research funds of $10,000 per year. The program, which started during the COVID-19 pandemic to help current graduate students and has evolved as a notable recruitment method, is proving its substantial impact, allowing innovators of all disciplines at Penn the ability to take risks, expand their research, and make major leaps in their fields. “I think fellowships like this allow you to really lean into the entrepreneurial element of being an academic,” explains Linnea Gandhi, an inaugural fellow. “It’s just been such a gift to know that I have this buffer to do my work the right way.” The overarching goal of the Ph.D. Fellowship is to specifically assist students who demonstrate exceptional academic promise while contributing to increasing diversity in their fields. The initiative has awarded 60 students already, with an additional 15 accepted into the program this year. At a networking and celebratory event for the fellows this past spring, Penn President Liz Magill told them that they are influencing the way knowledge is produced and fields are understood, and “making this institution and this community so much more dynamic, so much more insightful, more able to pursue the broadest range of scholarly excellence.” “Your research agendas are exceptional,” added Beth A. Winkelstein, who served as interim provost last academic year. “You have demonstrated all that you are, all of the reasons we want you here, and all that you will be.” Penn Today recently caught up with three Presidential Ph.D. Fellows, discussing what the program has meant for them and their research, their academic progress, and more. Today she spends much of her time in Yi Xing’s lab at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, focused on RNA processing and applying it to different pediatric diseases, such as blood cancers. In other words, she is working to understand how and why patients respond differently to therapies for diseases—ones like acute myeloid leukemia—and to find targetable avenues to better help patients. Her approach is computational, using math and data science to build tools to understand the data from clinical trials and other patient populations. “We hear a lot about immunotherapy or CAR T cell therapy, especially being at Penn, where those kinds of technologies were developed,” she says. “I really want to focus in on the development of new genomics and bioinformatics tools, informed by RNA biology, to improve cancer treatment options with targeted immunotherapies.” She also is completing a dual master’s degree in statistics and data science at the Wharton School, where she is working on characterizing and developing statistical pipelines for the analysis of high-dimensional single-cell long-read RNA sequencing data in cancer. It was 2020, in the thick of the pandemic, when Adams heard of the newly launched Presidential Ph.D. Fellows program, and figured she’d throw her hat in the ring. Officially becoming a fellow in 2021, she says the funds have proven most useful in helping her obtain research supplies—including important technology to do her work—and for conference participation. “Attending conferences and understanding the latest research, while getting to know people in the field, is so important,” she says. “Also getting to present your work at these conferences to a large audience is a huge deal.” A first-generation student and from a low-income household, Adams, who also is a Janssen Oncology Scholar, notes how she feels being at Penn is an “immense privilege” but also one that comes with an “obligation” to spread access and opportunity to those coming behind her. She spends as much time as she can serving in various capacities, including having worked with Penn Rising Scholar Success Academy, which helps rising high schoolers from West Philadelphia prepare for college. She also founded and leads The Black Women and Computational Biology Network, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that recently earned a grant from Google’s Tech Equity Collective Impact Fund, which will help support professional development, training, and conference opportunities for its members. Knowing that she’s secured support from the President’s Ph.D. Initiative has helped ease the financial burden that comes with being a doctoral student, Adams says. It has allowed her the flexibility to make important decisions that affect her everyday learning and her bigger-scale goals. Best of all, she said she is recognizing its impact on “leveling the playing field for Ph.D. students at Penn.” “I love that aspect of it,” Adams says, “because they all are really making great contributions to their fields.” Kimberly Noronha has long been committed to doing work that has a big, positive impact on policy, and ultimately people’s lives. She hopes a Ph.D. will help her accomplish this in the long run. A doctoral candidate in City and Regional Planning at the Weitzman School of Design, Noronha—originally from Mumbai, India—has been conducting fieldwork in Accra, Ghana, and in Kerala, India, studying the lived experience of urban informality using photo-voice and participatory mapping. She is documenting the stories of women who live, work, save, and spend informally, an important step to link policymakers and planners with on-the-ground experience. “Why is one woman with a child running away from the state in one place, and running toward the state in another place?” Noronha asks in her research. “Why is there fear sometimes, but not others, and what role do we as planners have in creating these experiences for people?” Noronha says she chose to come to Penn because of its inherent interdisciplinary approach to research. Throughout her program, and under the guidance of her adviser Eugenie Birch, she has had the freedom to experiment—to learn and choose the best research methods to explore the questions she wants to answer. “I firmly believe that a Ph.D. student should at the very least open up new avenues for research,” Noronha says. “It should not only be part of the field, but it should challenge it.” Like many scholars conducting qualitative studies, Noronha’s research required a pivot during the COVID-19 pandemic. An uncertain period was met with relief when she learned she would become a Presidential Ph.D. Fellow in 2021. “It has been a godsend, and it came at exactly the right time,” Noronha explains. “It’s allowed me to continue doing really good, in-depth field research, research that I am proud of, on two separate continents, and because it is funding from the University, it has helped me maintain my visa status as an international student.” “If it wasn’t for this fellowship,” she continues, “don’t get me wrong, I would finish my Ph.D., but it would be structured very differently, and I don’t think I would be fully satisfied.” Like Adams, Noronha says the funding has also proven useful in allowing her to attend various conferences around the U.S. and internationally, including several where she’s presented chapters of her dissertation. After she graduates next year, Noronha says she is hoping to continue doing similar research in different communities where people’s lives are labeled informal. When policymakers and governments don’t fully understand what’s going on, she notes, how could they possibly create programs that work? “Government should serve people, everybody, including the poorest of the poor, in the best way that helps them,” says Noronha. “That I firmly believe, and it’s ultimately the reason I do this work. And as city planners, we have a huge responsibility toward this group of people. If we’re not doing that, then we’re not doing our jobs.” Linnea Gandhi, originally from Milwaukee, became a Ph.D. student at the Wharton School’s Operations, Information, and Decisions Department in 2020, hoping to mesh her desire for applying and teaching behavioral science with her drive for producing and generating knowledge within the field. After two years of studies alongside game-changers at Penn including Katherine Milkman, Angela Duckworth, and Maurice Schweitzer, Gandhi landed in the lab of Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor Duncan Watts, who now serves as her main adviser. Gandhi’s work with Watts is on creating different methods to produce more reliable, machine-readable, structured data for building knowledge in social science. Her focus is on behavior change and nudging, a space she’s been engulfed in as a practitioner for about a decade. On any given day, Gandhi and her team of research assistants are reading research papers and coding them, creating a living database of hundreds of variables with the intent to eventually be able to use it to predict experiment outcomes. “Say, for example, you want to run an experiment to help a population of patients take the flu vaccine, and you give me a certain set of variables, I should be able to put it into a predictive model that’s trained on the literature, and it should show me what types of techniques are more likely to work than not,” Gandhi says. “Then, when you run the experiment, we can see how good the model is.” Researchers already review past literature to inform future experiments, but must do so qualitatively, navigating the varied designs and narratives of each paper. The process is tedious and highly subjective. Turning the prose of papers into structured data allows researchers to “squeeze the most juice” out of the literature, Gandhi explains, and accelerate the cumulation of knowledge. “I feel like I am fixing something about science, and in a way doing that could be extremely meaningful for practitioners and academics,” she says. “If we can constantly be ingesting knowledge and putting it in a database this way, I think it will be a much more efficient way for us to grow what we know, and know what we know, as a field.” Gandhi’s passion for her research is palpable. Committed and engaged, she talks with enthusiasm about how she didn’t want to settle for smaller projects—the kind that come up here and here—during her Ph.D. program. She also refuses to land on data that is imperfect. That’s why the coding, she says, “has to be done or cross-checked by humans, the expensive, slow, painful, right way.” “I’d like to shoot for the moon and try to make a big change,” Gandhi says, adding that the Presidential Ph.D. Fellowship, which she received in 2021, has been “huge in me feeling I was able to take this risk.” Saving a large portion of her research funds until now, she says she plans to use them this academic year to accelerate her project. “It is very liberating,” Gandhi says. “Money isn’t everything, but it can buy a little bit of freedom. It’s really allowed me to go all in this year with confidence. I am very grateful for the opportunity.” To read more about the President’s Ph.D. Initiative, visit the Penn Valuing Graduate Students website.
Table of Contents Hide - XELA Stock News - XELA Stock Financials - Media Sentiment - Technical Analysis - XELA Stock Forecast Aiming to improve its liquidity, the business process automation leader Exela Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: XELA) is looking to decrease its debts while enhancing performance according to its executive chairman Par Chadha. Meanwhile, XELA secured a $48 million contract – larger than the company’s market cap – which raises the question if XELA stock is undervalued. With XELA being at risk of delisting, the company plans to hold a special stockholders meeting on May 5th to vote for a potential reverse split. As XELA is also set to report its Q1 earnings on May 11th, XELA stock could be one to watch over the coming weeks. XELA Stock News Through its software and services, XELA provides a suite of multi-industry solutions addressing finance and accounting, human capital management, as well as legal management. At the same time, XELA offers industry-specific solutions for banking, healthcare, insurance, and the public sector. Based on this, XELA shows significant growth potential since it already provides its services to more than 4000 customers across 50 countries in addition to serving 60% of Fortune 100 companies. Moreover, XELA’s solutions are popular in the banking industry as it processes over $1 trillion in deposits annually for more than 100 banks across the world including the top 10 US banks. Overall, XELA applies its business process automation services to a range of industries. But its Exchange for Bills and Payments segment is the largest revenue contributor for its ITPS accounting segment which generated $874.2 million. This division has secured a number of high-value contracts over the last few months which could help offset the company’s substantial debt. Considering the popularity of the company’s solutions, XELA recently closed a contract with the French National Insurance Fund to utilize the company’s PCH Global platform to accelerate the agency’s digital transformation process. This contract has the potential to boost XELA’s financials since its initial total contract value is $2.5 million but it could grow to more than $4.5 million over its 4-year period. This contract could also help XELA secure similar deals in the future since the company’s cost-saving solutions may appeal to new audiences due to the high levels of inflation across Europe. In addition to this, XELA secured a 5-year contract with Austria’s National Railway Company (ÖBB) for a total contract value of $2.5 million. As part of this project, XELA will deploy its full digital payment platform that is able to decipher invoices across more than 13 languages. The company is also seeing repeat business from some returning customers such as a 5-year renewal with a leading Irish bank for a contract valued at $19 million. XELA also signed 3-year contracts with two new customers worth $18.3 million. The solutions provided to these new customers will utilize several of XELA’s platforms including payment processing, collaborative workflow, as well as digital mailroom. While all of these are valuable deals, XELA secured an extremely profitable contract for its Exchange for Bills and Payments (XBP) solution with a new customer for $136 million over three years. By allowing consumers and businesses to communicate and transact more efficiently, this solution has allowed XELA to become a leader in bills and payment processing. Thanks to these multi-year, lucrative contracts, XELA could be a valuable investment for those bullish on this space. However, despite the company’s valuable contracts, XELA has been struggling financially due to its high levels of debt. For this reason, XELA launched its Capital Development Strategy to provide value to shareholders by negotiating and reducing its debt as well as repurchasing shares. Currently, the company is aiming to reduce its debt from around $1.35 billion to $1 billion after successfully reducing its debt from $1.56 billion in 2019 to around $1.35 billion. This strategy also included initiating sale processes for a number of its assets that are expected to generate more than $200 million in revenues. On that note, XELA recently received an acquisition offer for a $200 million revenue business unit. While the company has not responded to this offer yet, XELA is actively negotiating with several parties regarding additional acquisition offers. With the company evaluating these offers and other strategic alternatives, XELA stock could be valued higher if the company successfully reduces its debt. In addition, XELA closed a three-year $150 million financing facility with PNC Bank. This new facility will replace the company’s current securitization facility which will save the company $6 million in interest annually based on the current borrowing levels of 4%. As the company continues moving forward with this strategy, XELA could be in a better position financially thanks to these cost-saving measures. As for its share repurchase plans, XELA offered its shareholders the opportunity to exchange 100 million common shares for up to $125 million. According to this offer, units of 20 common shares could be exchanged for one series B preferred share with a liquidation preference of $25 per share. The tendered shares would then be retired – reducing the OS by 20.6%. With this in mind, XELA successfully completed this offer with 41.6 million shares tendered. The company has also discussed using the capital raised from its asset sales to initiate a share buyback in the future. Potential NASDAQ Delisting Meanwhile, XELA had been facing the risk of being delisted since it was out of compliance with the NASDAQ’s listing requirements. To reach compliance, XELA performed a 1:20 reverse share split which triggered a sell-off for the stock. The company was likely denied an extension and was forced to execute the reverse split on July 26th in order to meet the minimum 10 trading days above $1 before its August 8th deadline. While many had been hoping XELA could be a short squeeze candidate, the CEO’s decision to execute a reverse split has led many shareholders to abandon the stock. However, in the long term, the reverse split will put the company in a better position since it is now compliant with the exchange. After the reverse split, XELA has a float of roughly 21.1 million shares however the company has already started issuing approximately 64.8 million shares of common stock. *Updated February 2nd, 2023 Exposure To The AI Sector With OpenAI’s ChatGPT bot witnessing major success, the AI sector has been heating up thanks to its applications’ benefits for businesses. Given that business automation is at the core of the company’s operations, many investors are anticipating news from the company regarding ChatGPT integrations which could send XELA stock soaring. While the company has not shared any news regarding such integrations, XELA stock could be one to watch closely as it could be an AI sympathy play. Currently, XELA is preparing to spin off its European business – XBP Europe, Inc. – through a SPAC merger where XBP agreed to merge into CF Acquisition Corp. VIII (NASDAQ: CFFE). This spin-off values XBP at an enterprise value of $220 million and is expected to close in the first half of 2023. Upon the closure of this deal, the combined company will be called XBP Europe Holdings, Inc. and will be listed on the NASDAQ under the ticker XBP. While this spin-off reduces the value of the company, it could be pivotal for XELA’s long-term prospects since the company would now be able to address its debt situation more efficiently. This could be the case since XELA would not carry the XBP-related debt on its balance sheet. While the company affected a reverse split to maintain its NASDAQ listing recently, XELA is once again at risk of being delisted for not meeting the minimum bid price listing requirements. As a result, XELA was provided until April 10 to regain compliance with the listing requirement. However, XELA’s PPS continued its downward spiral with the stock currently trading near all-time lows below $.1. For this reason, the NASDAQ decided to delist XELA stock from the exchange. On that note, XELA filed an appeal and a hearing date is set for March 2 to decide on the company’s future listing on the NASDAQ. With this in mind, many investors are watching XELA stock since the stock could witness a dead cat bounce in the lead-up to the hearing. Considering that the stock has been witnessing an extremely high trading volume this week, XELA could be a profitable buy in the short term. Given its high debt load, XELA could file for bankruptcy as its revenue growth continues to decline. On that note, XELA’s subsidiary – Exela Intermediate, LLC – failed to make the semi-annual interest payments under its 11.5% first-priority senior secured notes due 2026 and 10% first-priority senior secured notes due 2023. With Intermediate now in a 30-day grace period to make the interest payments, the subsidiary is in advanced talks with third parties to provide it with the required funds to make these payments. Since Intermediate’s efforts to seek funding may not be successful, the subsidiary could be on track to default on its debt which could be an alarming sign for XELA’s prospects. *Updated May 5th, 2023 Fireside Chat with XELA’s Executive Chairman In a recent fireside chat with the company’s executive chairman Par Chadha, Chadha explained that the company aims to improve its liquidity by enhancing performance and decreasing debts. Chadha stated that XELA’s debts were reduced from $1.6 billion at the beginning of 2021 to around $1 billion at the end of 2022 and the company aims to decrease it even more to around $500 million this year. Moreover, Chadha disclosed that the company doesn’t have any plans to perform ATMs to improve its liquidity which could be a promising sign that the company may not dilute anytime soon. Securing a New Contract As of late, XELA secured a contract with a large infrastructure operator in Europe valued at $48 million and is set to last five years. This agreement will have XELA supplying its contractor with highly secure solutions from its Digital Assets Group including AI-led hyper-automation, recognition, archiving, and other industry-leading features. Currently, XELA’s market cap is around $41.4 million, almost $7 million less than the value of its recently secured contract indicating that XELA’s stock might be undervalued and could have the potential to rise moving forward based on that contract alone. Another Reverse Split However, XELA remains a risky investment since the company received multiple noncompliance notices from Nasdaq which might lead to XELA stock being delisted soon. With the company looking to maintain its NASDAQ listing, XELA has a special stockholder meeting planned for May 5th to vote on a reverse split in the range of 1-for-100 to 1-for-200. On that note, such a split won’t cause any dilution to the stock or the shares owned by current stockholders. Yet, after executing its last 1 for-20 reverse split on July 22nd, 2022, XELA’s stock price dropped 43%. With this in mind, XELA’s stock price could further decrease following the upcoming reverse split, putting the stock at a more enticing PPS before its potential recovery. Upcoming Q1 2023 Earnings XELA is to report its Q1 earnings on May 11th, where analysts expect it to report revenue of $291.7 million and an EPS of -0.36 XELA Stock Financials In its 2022 annual report, XELA reported $721.9 million in assets, including $15 million in cash and equivalents. XELA witnessed a decline in assets from $1 billion, including $20.7 million in cash and equivalents in 2021. XELA’s liabilities declined YoY from $1.7 billion to $1.5 billion as its current liabilities decreased from $591.8 million to $510 million. Additionally, the company’s long-term debt decreased YoY from $1 billion to $942 million. XELA’s revenues declined YoY from $1.1 billion to $1 billion and its operating profit decreased from $21.3 million to a loss of $228.7 million. Finally, XELA’s net loss widened YoY from $143.9 million to $415.5 million @777Echo777 is averaging down on XELA stock. @IPOARMY is interested in XELA’s reverse split vote. XELA stock’s trend is bearish as it is currently trading in a downward channel. Looking at the indicators, XELA stock is trading below the 21 MA, 50 MA, and 200 MA which is a bearish sign. The RSI is oversold at 27 and the MACD is bearish but is curling bullishly. Fundamentally, XELA’s most recent catalyst was its $48 million contract while its two upcoming catalysts are the possible reverse split based on the voting during the upcoming stockholder meeting on May 5th and XELA’s upcoming Q1 earnings call on May 11th. The XELA stock price could increase as it is currently trading near the lower trade line, in addition to the MACD curling bullishly and anticipating the RSI to recalibrate. A possible play would be an entry at the current price and taking profits on the retest of the upper trend line. XELA Stock Forecast Based on Chadha’s latest fireside chat, XELA could be improving its liquidity by enhancing performance and focusing on further decreasing its debt to around $500 million. XELA will most likely not be diluting in the near term as the company is not planning for any ATMs in the future. On the other hand, XELA securing a $48 million contract – which is higher than its current $41.4 market cap – could be an indicator that the stock is undervalued and might increase in price later on. With XELA’s upcoming stockholder meeting on May 5th to vote for a reverse split, in addition to its upcoming Q1 earnings on May 11th, XELA is a stock to keep an eye on over the coming weeks in light of these catalysts. If you have questions about XELA stock and where it could be heading next feel free to reach out to us in our free alerts room! Please visit and read our disclaimer here.
Our detailed guide will help you get the most out of Facebook Marketplace! Learn about tips, step-by-step instructions, and safety measures for getting and selling that go smoothly. Start your journey on the Marketplace right away! Facebook Marketplace emerges as a beacon for e-commerce enthusiasts. At its core, the Marketplace is a thriving digital bazaar nestled within the confines of Facebook, one of the world’s most popular social media platforms. Rather than navigating through countless websites and apps to hunt for local deals or rare collectibles, users can seamlessly transition from chatting with friends to browsing or listing products on the Marketplace. The allure of Facebook Marketplace goes beyond its integration into a familiar platform. Its rising popularity stems from its user-centric approach: localized listings ensure you’re dealing with neighbors rather than distant sellers; direct communication channels streamline the negotiation process; and a vast array of product categories guarantees you’re likely to find (or sell) virtually anything. Moreover, its zero listing fees have further sweetened the deal, making it an affordable option for both amateur sellers and small businesses. In the ensuing sections, we’ll delve deeper into the intricacies of the Marketplace, ensuring you’re well-equipped to start your buy-and-sell journey. How to Access the Marketplace on the Facebook App Facebook has designed its app with user-friendliness in mind, ensuring that transitioning to the Marketplace is as intuitive as posting a status update. Here’s how you can dive into this bustling e-commerce hub: Locating the Marketplace Icon: - Open the Facebook App: Ensure you have the latest version of the app. If not, consider updating it through your device’s app store for the best experience. - Homepage: Once you’re on your Facebook homepage (or News Feed), look towards the bottom of the screen. Here, you’ll find several icons representing different Facebook features. - Marketplace Icon: Among these icons, you’ll find one that resembles a storefront or a small shop. This is the Marketplace icon. Simply tap on it, and you’ll be instantly transported to the world of Facebook Marketplace. Requirements and Restrictions: Just like any other platform, Facebook Marketplace has its set of prerequisites and boundaries to ensure the safety and authenticity of its users and their transactions. - Account Standing: New Facebook accounts or those flagged for violations may not have immediate access to the Marketplace. Facebook aims to keep the platform trustworthy, and as such, they might restrict new or suspicious accounts from using the service. - Age Restrictions: Only users aged 18 and above can access and transact on the Marketplace. - Location Access: The Marketplace is not yet available globally. While it’s accessible in many countries, some regions might still be waiting for its launch. However, Facebook is continuously expanding the feature to more areas. - Prohibited Items: Facebook has a list of items that are not allowed to be sold on the Marketplace. This includes, but isn’t limited to, drugs, weapons, live animals, and counterfeit items. Always check Facebook’s Commerce Policies before listing an item to ensure it’s allowed. - Device Restrictions: Some older devices or specific models might face issues accessing the Marketplace. If you encounter such an issue, consider using a different device or accessing the Marketplace via a desktop browser. While accessing Facebook Marketplace is typically straightforward, being aware of its requirements and restrictions ensures a smoother experience. So, whether you’re window shopping or listing your own products, the Marketplace is just a few taps away on your Facebook app. Benefits of Using Facebook Marketplace The meteoric rise of Facebook Marketplace in the world of online buying and selling isn’t mere happenstance. Its success is underpinned by several user-friendly features and benefits that cater to both casual sellers and seasoned merchants. Let’s explore some of the significant advantages of this platform: Localized Buying and Selling - Community-Driven Transactions: Facebook Marketplace emphasizes community-driven e-commerce. This means that more often than not, you’ll be dealing with people in your locality or nearby regions. Not only does this make item pick-up and delivery more manageable, but it also fosters trust. - Customized Search Radius: You can easily adjust the distance range for your search, ensuring you find items within a comfortable and convenient radius from your location. No Listing Fees - Budget-Friendly for Sellers: Unlike many other online platforms, Facebook Marketplace doesn’t charge you to list an item. This makes it incredibly budget-friendly, especially for small businesses or individuals looking to declutter. - More Competitive Prices: Since sellers aren’t burdened with listing fees, buyers often benefit from more competitive prices, creating a win-win situation for both parties. Direct Communication with Buyers/Sellers through Messenger - Seamless Interactions: Once you’ve spotted an item of interest or received an inquiry about a product you’ve listed, communication is a breeze. The integration of Facebook Messenger allows for direct, real-time chats between buyers and sellers. - Maintaining Privacy: With Messenger, there’s no need to share personal phone numbers or email addresses, ensuring your personal details remain private. Wide Range of Categories Available - Diverse Listings: From electronics, furniture, and apparel to collectibles, rentals, and even job postings, Facebook Marketplace offers a broad spectrum of categories. This ensures that you’re likely to find what you’re looking for, or find the right audience for the item you’re selling. - Easy to Navigate: The categorization system on the Marketplace makes browsing straightforward. Whether you have a specific item in mind or you’re just window shopping, the platform’s design ensures you can navigate with ease. In essence, Facebook Marketplace has positioned itself as a formidable player in the online e-commerce domain. Its community-driven approach, coupled with a slew of user-friendly features, ensures that buying and selling are not only efficient but also enjoyable. Whether you’re a buyer on the hunt for a local gem or a seller hoping to reach a broad audience without breaking the bank, the Marketplace has something for everyone. A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying on Facebook Marketplace Facebook Marketplace has rapidly become a favorite destination for countless users looking for unique items, stellar deals, or everyday necessities. But how can one ensure a smooth buying experience on the platform? Here’s a comprehensive guide to assist you: Searching for Products - Access the Marketplace: Open your Facebook app and tap on the Marketplace icon, usually represented by a shop or storefront image. - Use the Search Bar: Located at the top of the screen, this is where you can type in specific keywords related to the product you’re looking for. - Browse Categories: If you’re not sure what you’re in the mood to buy, you can peruse the different categories available. From Electronics to Home & Garden, explore the various sections to discover items of interest. Filtering and Sorting Results - Location: Adjust the location radius to define how far you’re willing to travel for an item. - Price Range: If you’re on a budget, set a minimum and maximum price to filter out items beyond your spending limit. - Category: If you’ve started with a broad search, narrowing it down by category can help you find the most relevant listings faster. - Sort by: You can choose to sort results based on “Newest Listings,” “Closest to You,” or “Price: Low to High” (and vice versa). Checking Seller Profiles and Ratings - View Profile: By tapping on a product listing, you’ll find the seller’s name. Click on it to view their profile and other items they might be selling. - Check Seller’s Marketplace Ratings: Some seasoned sellers may have received ratings from previous buyers. It’s always a good idea to check these out to gauge the seller’s credibility and reliability. - Send Message: If you’re interested in an item, tap on the “Send Message” button. This opens a chat with the seller via Messenger, where you can ask further questions or express your interest. - Be Clear and Polite: Always initiate the conversation with a clear query or statement, like “Is this item still available?” Maintain politeness throughout the conversation for a smoother transaction. Finalizing the Purchase - Negotiation: If the seller is open to offers, feel free to negotiate the price but always do so respectfully. - Pick-up/Delivery Details: Once you’ve agreed on a price, discuss how you’ll receive the item. Whether it’s through in-person pick-up, shipping, or delivery, ensure both parties are on the same page. - Payment: Discuss the preferred payment method with the seller. While some may accept digital transfers, others might prefer cash on pick-up. Always exercise caution when making payments, and avoid methods that don’t offer buyer protection. Remember, while Facebook Marketplace offers a plethora of buying opportunities, always prioritize safety. If meeting a seller in person, choose a public location and consider taking a friend along. With these steps in mind, you’re well-equipped to embark on a fruitful buying journey on Facebook Marketplace. A Step-by-Step Guide to Selling on Facebook Marketplace Selling on Facebook Marketplace is an excellent way to declutter your space, earn some extra cash, or even run a small business. Here’s a systematic guide to help you achieve successful sales on the platform: Preparing Your Item for Sale - Clean and Repair: Make sure the item you’re selling is in its best possible condition. Clean it thoroughly, and if necessary, do minor repairs. A well-presented item often fetches a better price. - Good Lighting: Natural light showcases your item best. Try to photograph your item during daylight, near a window or outdoors. - Multiple Angles: Capture the item from various angles, ensuring potential buyers get a comprehensive view. - Highlight Details: If there are unique features or any imperfections, make sure to capture close-ups. - Background: Use a plain background, like a white wall or a clear surface, so the focus remains on the item. Listing the Item with a Detailed Description - Title: Use a clear and concise title that accurately describes your item. Incorporate relevant keywords to make your listing easily discoverable. - Detail the Item: Describe its features, dimensions, brand, age, and any other relevant information. - Be Honest: Clearly mention any flaws or defects. It’s better for a potential buyer to know beforehand rather than during a meet-up. - Choose the Right Category: This ensures your item reaches its intended audience. Setting a Fair Price - Research: Look up similar items on the Marketplace to gauge the average selling price. - Be Realistic: While it’s natural to want the best price, being realistic ensures a quicker sale. Factor in the item’s age, condition, and demand. - Consider Negotiation: Setting a slightly higher price can leave room for negotiation. Managing and Communicating with Potential Buyers - Prompt Responses: Timely replies make you come across as a serious seller and can enhance your chances of making a sale. - Clear Communication: Be clear about the item’s condition, price, pick-up location, and other details to avoid any confusion later. - Manage Inquiries: If you receive multiple inquiries, manage them efficiently. Remember, an interested buyer today might find another deal tomorrow. Coordinating the Final Transaction - Meeting Up: If you’ve agreed to an in-person exchange: - Pick a Public Place: Safety first. Meet in a public area, preferably during daylight hours. - Bring a Friend: If possible, don’t go alone. - Inspect Payment: If getting paid in cash, inspect the notes to ensure they’re genuine. - Shipping or Delivery: If you’re shipping the item or offering delivery: - Confirm Payment First: Ensure you’ve received the payment before shipping. - Provide Tracking: If shipping, provide the buyer with tracking details. - Digital Payment: If using digital payment methods, use trusted platforms. Be wary of potential scams and avoid methods that lack buyer or seller protection. By following these steps meticulously, you can optimize your selling experience on Facebook Marketplace. Not only will you cater to your buyers professionally, but you’ll also increase the likelihood of making successful sales Tips for Safe Transactions on Facebook Marketplace Ensuring a safe transaction should always be a top priority when buying or selling on any online platform, and Facebook Marketplace is no exception. Here’s a compilation of essential tips to guide you through a secure buying or selling experience: Meeting in Public Places - High Foot Traffic: Always choose a location that’s busy and well-lit, such as shopping malls, coffee shops, or near bank ATMs. These places are not only safer but also have surveillance cameras in most cases. - Avoid Private Locations: Never invite strangers to your home or agree to meet at theirs. No matter how trustworthy someone might seem online, it’s essential to prioritize your safety. - Daytime Meetings: Whenever possible, schedule meet-ups during daylight hours. Using Secure Payment Methods - Cash: While it’s one of the most common methods for in-person transactions, ensure you inspect notes for authenticity. - Digital Platforms: Use reputable payment platforms like PayPal. Avoid wire transfers or money orders, as they can be harder to trace and contest. - Receipts: Always provide or request a receipt, especially for higher-value items. This not only gives assurance but can also be helpful for future references. Avoiding Scams and Fraudulent Buyers/Sellers - Too Good to Be True: If a deal seems too good to be true, it often is. Exercise caution with listings offering high-value items at a suspiciously low price. - Check Profiles: Before transacting, inspect the buyer’s or seller’s profile. A newly created account with no friends or activity can be a red flag. - Avoid Overseas Buyers/Sellers: For personal transactions, it’s best to deal locally. Be cautious of buyers or sellers who claim they’re out of the country and offer to send extra money for shipping. - Never Share Personal Information: There’s no need to share details like your home address, social security number, or bank details. Keep your communication limited to the transaction. What to Do If You Encounter Problems - Document Everything: Keep a record of all conversations, payment transactions, and other interactions. Screenshots can be especially helpful. - Report to Facebook: If you suspect a scam or encounter a fraudulent listing, report it to Facebook immediately. They have mechanisms in place to handle such instances. - Local Authorities: In cases of severe fraud or if you feel threatened, don’t hesitate to contact local law enforcement. Provide them with all the details and documentation you have. - Feedback: If you had a negative experience with a seller or buyer, consider leaving feedback or a review on their profile (if the platform allows it). This helps other users to be informed and cautious. Remember, while the vast majority of transactions on Facebook Marketplace are genuine and trouble-free, it’s crucial to stay alert. Adopting a safety-first approach ensures not only successful deals but also peace of mind. Common FAQs About Facebook Marketplace Facebook Marketplace has grown exponentially in popularity, and as with any booming platform, questions arise. Let’s tackle some of the most frequently asked questions about the platform to provide clarity to both new and seasoned users: Can I sell internationally on Facebook Marketplace? While Facebook Marketplace is primarily designed for local transactions, it’s possible to sell items to international buyers. However, there are some caveats: - Shipping and Delivery: As a seller, you’ll need to determine how you’ll ship internationally, factor in shipping costs, and handle customs declarations. - Payments: Ensure you use a secure payment method that offers protection for international transactions, like PayPal. - Local Regulations: Both sellers and buyers should be aware of the customs regulations and import duties of the respective countries involved. Are there items I can’t sell on Facebook Marketplace? Yes, there are prohibited items and services that you cannot sell on Facebook Marketplace. Some of these include: - Illegal Drugs: This includes prescription drugs and recreational drugs. - Weapons: Firearms, ammunition, and explosives are not allowed. - Animals: Selling pets or animals is generally prohibited, though there are some exceptions, like rehoming with a small adoption fee. - Adult Services or Products: Anything of an explicit or adult nature is banned. - Alcohol and Tobacco: Sales of these products are also prohibited. This is just a small sample. Always check Facebook’s Commerce Policies for a complete list of prohibited items. How does Facebook handle disputes? - Reporting Tools: If you encounter an issue, such as a suspicious listing or problematic buyer/seller, you can use Facebook’s reporting tools. This flags the issue to the Facebook team for review. - No Direct Involvement: Facebook does not typically get directly involved in disputes between buyers and sellers, as transactions are often arranged off-platform. It’s up to individuals to resolve issues. However, if a user continually receives negative feedback or violates terms, their access to the Marketplace can be restricted or removed. - Recommendations: Facebook recommends users meet in public places, use secure payment methods, and communicate through the Facebook platform (as opposed to giving out personal phone numbers) to mitigate potential disputes. Additional Common Questions How do I adjust my privacy settings on Facebook Marketplace? You can adjust who sees your listings by going to the “Your Items” section, selecting a product, and then adjusting the “visibility” setting. Is Facebook Marketplace free? Yes, listing items on Facebook Marketplace is free. However, if you use the “Checkout” feature or promote your listings, there could be associated fees. How long do listings stay active? Listings on Facebook Marketplace remain active for 60 days. After that, you’ll need to relist the item if it hasn’t sold. Understanding the nuances of Facebook Marketplace can enhance your buying and selling experience. Always remember to regularly check the platform’s policies and guidelines, as they can evolve over time. Facebook Marketplace is more than just a fleeting trend. With the immense user base of Facebook combined with the human desire for convenient commerce, it’s no surprise that the Marketplace has rapidly ascended as a premier platform for buying and selling. Its user-friendly interface, the wide range of categories, and the sense of community it fosters make it not just a tool, but a global marketplace experience. Whether you’re on the lookout for that unique vintage piece, hoping to declutter your home, or even aspiring to start a small business, Facebook Marketplace offers endless possibilities. The convenience of localized buying and selling, combined with the potential to reach a broader audience, sets it apart from many other online platforms. For those still on the fence, there’s little to lose and much to gain. The stories of successful transactions, great bargains, and budding businesses birthed from the platform are testimonies to its potential. The digital age’s marketplace is right at our fingertips, beckoning with opportunities. Ready to start your buying and selling journey on Facebook Marketplace? Dive in and discover the plethora of opportunities awaiting you!” Whether you’re a seasoned online seller or a novice eager to explore, the Marketplace offers a realm where commerce meets community. So, why wait? Embark on your Marketplace adventure today!