1 value
4 values
Math Problem Solve 0 = 1257*y + 4087 - 11629 for y.
Please capitalize where necessary: additional information electronic adjustment of the suction power. storage compartment for accessories. radius of 9m. indicator of pollution output filter. override bagless. soft rubber wheels. auto-start feature A: Additional information electronic adjustment of the suction power. storage compartment for accessories. radius of 9m. indicator of pollution output filter. Override bagless. soft rubber wheels. auto-start feature Q: everything made by the nature - chemistry. A: Everything made by The Nature - chemistry. Q: location: enschede, netherlands | closing on sep 30 A: Location: Enschede, Netherlands | Closing on Sep 30 Problem: the doctor was very helpful and override the right therapy from which we finally better. i went through a difficult period, i'm really lost weight, but now it is getting better. i have to physically recover and rehabilitate the damage caused by years. Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer: The doctor was very helpful and override the right therapy from which we finally better. I went through a difficult period, I'm really lost weight, but now it is getting better. I have to physically recover and rehabilitate the damage caused by years. Text: all the books were sold to book stores that same day and immediately created both scientific and public interest. Correct capitalization: All the books were sold to book stores that same day and immediately created both scientific and public interest. Q: did someone email you a hfs file and you're not sure how to open it? maybe you have found a hfs file on your computer and wondering what it's for? windows might tell you that you can't open it, or in the worst case, you might encounter a hfs file related error message. A:
Did someone email you a HFS file and you're not sure how to open it? Maybe you have found a HFS file on your computer and wondering what it's for? Windows might tell you that you can't open it, or in the worst case, you might encounter a HFS file related error message.
Q: Solve: Solve -44*s + 24 = -48*s for s. A: -6 Q: Solve: Solve 24 = 25*w - 126 for w. A: 6 Q: Solve: Solve -90*n = -67*n + 69 for n. A:
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Arviolta 20 000 ihmistä työskentelee kalastussopimuksen puitteissa suoraan kalastusaluksilla. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Yhteisiä määritelmiä, syytteitä ja sanktioita koskevaa puitepäätösehdotusta aiotaan viedä eteenpäin kesän jälkeen. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Naisten osuus EU:n tutkimuselimissä, samoin kuin Marie-Curie -stipendeissä, on saatu määrätietoisilla pyrkimyksillä korotettua jo lähes 40 prosenttiin. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer:
How is "I voted for this report as the proposal helps boost the industry's competitiveness by simplifying current legislation, increasing transparency and reducing the administrative burden which businesses have to bear, as well as to support Romania's interest in introducing the compulsory assessment of performance of products covered by harmonised standards, the issuing of the declaration of performance, and affixing of the CE marking." said in Romanian? Am votat acest raport deoarece propunerea contribuie la creşterea competitivităţii industriei de profil prin simplificarea legislaţiei existente, îmbunătăţirea transparenţei şi diminuarea sarcinilor administrative pe care trebuie să le suporte întreprinderile, cât şi pentru a susţine interesul României de a introduce obligativitatea evaluării performanţei produselor acoperite de standarde armonizate, emiterea declaraţiei de performanţă şi aplicarea marcajului CE. How is ""There isn't enough initiative in countries like Albania or Montenegro." said in Romanian? "Nu există iniţiativă suficientă în ţări precum Albania sau Muntenegru. How is "If not organized, quantitative majority cannot become strength," he emphasised." said in Romanian? Dacă nu este organizată, majoritatea cantitativă nu poate deveni putere", subliniază el. How is "The next item is the report by Mrs Wallis, on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs, on policy options for progress towards a European contract law for consumers and businesses." said in Romanian?
Următorul punct pe ordinea de zi este raportul elaborat de dna Wallis, în numele Comisiei pentru afaceri juridice, referitor la opțiunile de politică în perspectiva unui drept contractual european pentru consumatori și întreprinderi.
Data: name = The Twenty Two, eatType = restaurant, food = Italian, familyFriendly = no. What is a sentence that describe this data?
The Twenty Two is a non family-friendly restaurant that serves Italian food.
Article:Neil Parnell, 52, of Nottingham fell from Bristley Ridge, between Tryfan and Glyder Fach at about 15:00 GMT on Saturday. His body was airlifted to Ysbyty Gwynedd where he was pronounced dead. A post mortem revealed he died from natural causes. An inquest will not be held. A summary of the above article is?
A man who died after falling a "considerable distance" from a Snowdonia mountain has been named by the North West Wales Coroners Office.
Question: so well we did do that we we stripped the paint off or the paper off of one of our you know off of our part of our house and then repapered it and it's that was not any fun We took the paint and paper off of the house and put new paper on it. Answer: yes Question: when do you get out I know that you're getting out tomorrow Answer: no Question: The Clinton surrogates also held the high ground in the context war. The Clinton followers kept to the higher ground in the discussion. Answer:
Sentence: "It is this hat that it is certain that he was wearing." Would a linguist rate this sentence to be acceptable linguistically?
Argument:1. To cut supply would be inadvertently to reduce demand , and eventually ensure that the trade in live animals would cease , to the benefit of the wild animal populations themselves . 2. If found to contain wild animals , they could be sent back to where they had arrived from and hopefully re-placed in their natural habitat . 3. States concerned with the protection and welfare of wild animals are able to close zoos , release the animals back into their natural habitats and thereafter enforce immigration regulation that would ensure they any live cargo entering the country would be searched and checked . Claim: States can have immigration regulations in place that protect and conserve the populations of wild animals Argument:1. Such manners are the direct consequence of familiarity with the device and an understanding of appropriate use in certain contexts . 2. In any case , children often have better phone manners than adults they are less likely to shout into the phone , more likely to text discreetly , and more aware of text and phone etiquette . 3. Mobile phone use develops skills for the modern workplace with its need for tech-savvy employees with communication skills and the ability to work flexibly . 4. To prevent a child from having a mobile phone at that age is to put them at a clear social disadvantage compared with their peers . 5. The average age at which children get their first mobile phone is eight according to a recent study . 6. So children need to grow up making use of technology such as mobile phones if they are to be able to fully participate in contemporary society . 7. Information and Communication Technology -LRB- ICT -RRB- is now a normal part of modern life , used by everyone from toddlers to pensioners . Claim: Children should be comfortable with modern technology Argument:1. If the government wouldnt have been involved in regulating the internet in the first place , big companies wouldnt have had any incentive to attempt regulatory capture . 2. Another example from the telecommunications industry is the lobby effort by several large corporations , who have succeeded in eroding consumer protection in their favour . 3. The phenomenon whereby companies succeed in shaping government policies according to their own wishes is called regulatory capture . 4. One example of this is the Stop Online Piracy-Act -LRB- SOPA -RRB- , wherein U.S.-based music and movie companies proposed that they themselves would be able to police copyright infringements against websites that are hosted outside of the United States . 5. Large companies have an active interest in shaping the structure of the internet . Claim: Internet regulation is an attempt by big interest groups to regulate the internet in their favour Argument:1. If they have to sing or dance , then they do it badly which doesnt make for good entertainment . 2. They rely on humiliation and conflict to create excitement . 3. Reality shows are bad , lazy and corrupting television . 4. They mostly show ordinary people with no special talents doing very little . 5. This sends a message to people that this is normal behaviour and helps to create a crude , selfish society . 6. One American reality show , Are You Hot ? 7. Joe Millionaire , where a group of women competed for the affections of a construction worker who they were told was a millionaire , was simply cruel.The emotions of the contestants were considered expendable for the sake of making viewers laugh at their ignorance . 8. Furthermore , the programmes are full of swearing , crying and argument , and often violence , drunkenness and sex . 9. , in which competitors submit to a panel of judges for appearance-rating , was blamed by eating disorder experts as encouraging the notion that appearance is the most important thing -LRB- Becker , 2003 -RRB- . 10. Furthermore , Paul Watson , a former reality TV show producer , believes they are predictable and just creates more of the same and makes our film makers lazy -LRB- Jury , 2007 -RRB- . Claim:
Reality shows make for bad, lazy and corrupting television, encouraging such behaviour in society
Possible tweet sentiments: i. negative ii. positive Write a tweet that is ii..
@GDGOfficial But it's another beautiful day here in europe, you have to make the most of it Rock the house again tonight!
Q: Translate "She just... I don't know." to Czech? A: Ona prostě, nevím. Q: Translate "E-1712/09 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (17 March 2009)" to Czech? A: E-1712/09 (EN) Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) Komisi (17. března 2009) Q: Translate "How can you love that ending?" to Czech? A:
Jak se ti to muze libit?
QUES: How's the review for the movie? has been remarkable about clung-to traditions ++++++++++ ANS: positive QUES: How's the review for the movie? terrific casting and solid execution ++++++++++ ANS: positive QUES: How's the review for the movie? only masochistic moviegoers need apply . ++++++++++ ANS:
Les indemnités d’assurance-récolte comprennent uniquement celles des programmes publics; les indemnités de l’assurance-grêle privée sont exclues. Could you please translate this to English?
Crop insurance payments include only government crop insurance programs; private hail insurance payments are excluded.
Summarize: French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde and Governor of the Bank of Mexico Agustin Carstens will fight it out for the top job. The post became available after the former head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned. Mr Strauss-Kahn was arrested in the US last month on charges of an alleged sexual assault. He has denied the charges. The IMF said it expects to complete the selection process by 30 June. "The Executive Board will meet with the candidates in Washington DC and, thereafter, meet to discuss the strengths of the candidates and make a selection," the fund said. Ms Lagarde is considered by many as the front runner for the post. She is backed by the European Union and in recent days she has also won the support of Egypt, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mr Carstens has the support of Latin American countries. However, he acknowledged that his rival had the edge in the race. "I'm not fooling myself. It's like starting a soccer game with a 5-0 score," Mr Carstens said during an appearance at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on Monday. However, Mr Carstens said that if a European candidate is appointed to the post, it may result in a conflict of interest, given the ongoing debt-crisis in some of the European countries. "We could have a situation where borrowers dominate the institution," he said. Mr Carstens said that the European debt-crisis had snowballed into a big problem over the years and the region needed a fresh perspective in order to solve the problem. "What will help me is precisely to have a fresh pair of eyes," he said. "Also someone coming from the outside can in a way speak of their mind more frankly and I think that will be an advantage," he added. Ricardo Ochoa, head of international affairs at Mexico's finance ministry, said that Mr Carstens' experience as the head of the country's central bank, would allow him to be more sensitive to the problems of countries which needed IMF aid. "He has been on the other side of the table," Mr Ochoa told the BBC. "Mexico already has been in the situation where important reforms have to be implemented, and I think that puts him in a situation - to have a more understanding and more sensitive IMF," Mr Ochoa added.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has shortlisted two candidates to take over as its managing director.
Problem: Here is a premise: Among the most frequent visitors to Penthouse magazine's Web site are employees at AT&T, Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM, and NASA. Here is a hypothesis: Employees at NASA masturbate at work. Here are the options: OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Sentence 1: you know it's either it's either you go out and you and you steal something or you you bash somebody over the head Sentence 2: You do not commit crimes. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: no Question: OMB will make a decision regarding approval of this information collection between 30 and 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Does it follow that "OMB will make a decision within 5 days of Federal Register publication."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Q: If actually no um, can we say that "Um, no."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no A: yes Premise: "In recognition of these tensions, LSC has worked diligently since 1995 to convey the expectations of the State Planning Initiative and to establish meaningful partnerships with stakeholders aimed at fostering a new symbiosis between the federal provider and recipients of legal services funding." Hypothesis: Meaningful partnerships with stakeholders is crucial. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no it is not possible to tell Sentence 1: um-hum because women are in every field now i mean i can't think of a field that they're not involved in Sentence 2: Women have jobs in all areas of the workforce, they are almost getting the same wages as most men, OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer:
it is not possible to tell
Q: Keywords: grate, key, lock, miss, reach What is a sentence that includes all these keywords? A: Someone reaches around the grate with the key but misses the lock. Q: Keywords: forest, parent, walk What is a sentence that includes all these keywords? A: little girl walking with one of her parents through the forest Q: Keywords: rise, sky, tower What is a sentence that includes all these keywords? A:
clock tower rises into the sky at dusk
`` excellent , i 'd hoped you would . my apologies for scaring you with the thought of losing your position within locke , adam . you are a valued member of our teaching community , but i believe this position will likely suit you a lot better for the time being , '' said colt . `` thank you , dean colt , i wo n't disappoint you , '' said
Premise: you know he gets three meals a day and and he probably Hypothesis: He gets three meals a day. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: yes Premise: Among the most frequent visitors to Penthouse magazine's Web site are employees at AT&T, Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM, and NASA. Hypothesis: Employees at NASA masturbate at work. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Premise: They are two delightful women! Hypothesis: The two women are good cooks as well. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Premise: In recognition of these tensions, LSC has worked diligently since 1995 to convey the expectations of the State Planning Initiative and to establish meaningful partnerships with stakeholders aimed at fostering a new symbiosis between the federal provider and recipients of legal services funding. Hypothesis: Meaningful partnerships with stakeholders is crucial. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no
Answer: it is not possible to tell
Answer the following question: when was the rime of the ancient mariner written?
Sentence 1: But not now. Sentence 2: But they wouldn't be leaving right now. If the first sentence is true, then is the second sentence true?
it is not possible to tell
Q: Complete: Tuwaitha, Iraq (CNN) -- The shell of former Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein's efforts to produce a nuclear bomb is being slowly dismantled along the banks of the Tigris River, but its radioactive legacy lingers on. The Tuwaitha research complex, about 18 kilometers (11 miles) southeast of Baghdad, was bombed by Israel in its 1981 airstrike on Iraq's Tammuz 1 research reactor. It was bombed again during the Persian Gulf War of 1991, and it was looted extensively after the 2003 U.S. invasion that ousted Hussein. Now, engineers and technicians are working to dismantle the laboratories and equipment at the site, but the extensive contamination left behind complicates their work. The bombardment that accompanied the 1991 war inflicted extensive damage to the OPTIONS: - Baghdad plants. - CNN plants. - Cleanup plants. - Hussein plants. - Iran-Iraq war plants. - Iraq plants. - Iraqi plants. - Israel plants. - Persian Gulf War plants. - Saddam Hussein plants. - Tigris River plants. - Tuwaitha plants. - U.S. plants. A: Tuwaitha plants. (CNN) -- Facing mounting criticism over the alleged behavior of one of his players, Miami Dolphins head coach Joe Philbin says the buck stops with him. "I am in charge of the workplace atmosphere," he said at a news conference. Philbin said he was unaware of alleged misconduct by Richie Incognito against fellow offensive lineman Jonathan Martin until Martin's representatives informed the team Sunday evening. "We immediately took those concerns very, very seriously," and informed NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to request a review, Philbin said. ESPN also reported that Martin never brought his concerns to Philbin. But many who know the ins and outs of pro football say Philbin should have known what was going on in his ranks and taken action much sooner. "... OPTIONS: - CNN either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). - ESPN either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). - Joe Philbin either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). - Jonathan Martin either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). - Martin either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). - Miami Dolphins either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). - NFL either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). - Philbin either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). - Richie Incognito either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). - Roger Goodell either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). ===== Joe Philbin either actively neglected his team culture (his claim) or he knew and did nothing (which would be worse). Problem: Find the right ending to this passage. Beijing (CNN) -- Wang Jingyao creaks open a metal door to let us into his cramped apartment. In a modest living room, he shows us a meticulously kept shrine to his wife. "My wife had always been a kind person since she was young. She was kind-hearted and gentle," he says. The photos come from a different era in China. One shows Wang and his wife, Bian Zhongyun, shoulder to shoulder and smiling at the camera. They made a handsome couple. Both joined the Communist Party in the heady post-revolution years of the early 1950s. Wang was a historian at the Chinese Academy of Science. Bian became a respected educator at an elite Beijing middle school. They dreamed of helping the Party build a new China. --> OPTIONS: - Beijing called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - Bian called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - Bian Zhongyun called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - CNN called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - Chairman Mao called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - China called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - Chinese Academy of Science called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - Communist Party called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - Red Guards called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - Wang called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. - Wang Jingyao called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. Answer: Chairman Mao called on a new revolution to stamp out what he called bourgeois and counter-revolutionary influences. Problem: (CNN) -- Jersey, Guernsey, Holstein; the world's dairy cattle breeds bear the names of some of the wettest, lushest, and greenest places in Europe, testament to the fact that to produce milk you need a lot of water. Industry experts say one cow must consume three liters of water a day to produce one liter of milk. For high-performing cattle that's equal to 150 liters a day. Saudi Arabia --with an average annual rainfall of just 2.3 inches (59mm) -- might seem an unlikely candidate to be among the world's top 10 dairy producers, but its mega-dairy Almarai has grown to be one of the biggest food producers in the Persian Gulf. Almarai's fleet of 1,000 refrigerated tankers then deliver it to 55,000 stores in six OPTIONS: - Almarai nations. - CNN nations. - California nations. - Europe nations. - Guernsey nations. - Holstein nations. - Jersey nations. - Persian Gulf nations. - Saudi Arabia nations. - Saudi Arabian nations. Answer:
Persian Gulf nations.
Q: 5 free things to do during the week of July 21-26 The Going Out Guide recommends free things to do this week. In partnership with California Walnuts, chef Devin Alexander, known for her role as the chef on NBC's "The Biggest Loser," will be preparing snacks and sharing tips for staying healthy during the summer at two locations in the District. Friday. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Yards Park, 355 Water St. SE. and Saturday. Noon to 5 p.m. The parking lot of PNC Bank, 1201 Wisconsin Ave. NW. This week in free concerts: Vijay Iyer and Rudresh Mahanthappa In conjunction with the exhibition "Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation" (at the National Museum of Natural History through Aug. 16), award-winning pianist Vijay Iyer and alto saxophonist and composer Rudresh Mahanthappa join forces for a jazz concert. Thursday. 7:30 p.m. Freer Gallery of Art, Jefferson Drive and 12th Street SW. 202-633-1000. Free, tickets required. First Baptist Church of Glenarden's young adults ministry invites adults ages 18 to 35 to an event featuring performances by Black Alley, Marlee in the Mixx and Musically Yours. There will also be food trucks on site. Saturday. 6 p.m. First Baptist Church of Glenarden, 3600 Brightseat Rd., Landover. Tunes in the Triangle: Andrea Pais and Alison Carney Singer-songwriter Andrea Pais left a career in engineering to pursue music. She is a classically trained pianist and District native with a sound that blends R&B, soul and pop music. Alison Carney was raised in Washington. In 2011, the singer-songwriter released a mixtape called "AlisonWonderland." Hear these two perform live as part of the Tunes in the Triangle concert series. Thursday. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Pais) and Carney 6 p.m to 8 p.m. Mount Vernon Triangle, Fifth and K Streets NW. This week in free movies: The final screenings of the 10th annual film festival will be "Mrs. Doubtfire," the classic 1993 film starring the late Robin Williams; and "Imitation Game," the 2014 film based on the story of Alan Turing starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley. Friday and Saturday. 9 p.m. Woodmont Triangle, Norfolk and Auburn Avenues, Bethesda. Macy L. Freeman is an editorial aide for the Weekend/Going Out Guide section at The Washington Post. A: The Going Out Guide recommends free things to do this week. Q: ‘Alma Thomas’ Review Hanging in the last gallery of “Alma Thomas,” a large evocative abstract painting titled “Cherry Blossom Symphony” (1973) seems to place viewers amid hundreds of the delicate pink flowers. Or hovering above them, looking down on a sea of pink. Composed not of discernible petals, but of rosy-hued daubs of paint piled on under-layers of blues, greens and reds, it’s a marvel, the conceptual equivalent of a warm... A:
Alma Thomas was an underappreciated artist who immersed herself in a lifetime of learning and beauty.
<strong>Analysis</strong> locks itself in for a generation OPTIONS: - World - Sports - Business - Science/Tech Correct title: Science/Tech CBC SPORTS ONLINE - Catcher Doug Mirabelli reportedly is the first of 16 free agents to re-sign with the World Series champion Boston Red Sox. What's this about? OPTIONS: - World - Sports - Business - Science/Tech Sports Input: South Korea and the United States agreed to push for an early resumption of negotiations to end the North Korean nuclear crisis as soon as the US presidential election comes to a close, top diplomats of the two nations said Tuesday. OPTIONS: - World - Sports - Business - Science/Tech Output: World Choose your answer. Eye on IT Nokia today at CTIA IT launched Preminet, a global mobile content initiative and distribution platform. Preminet will source and certify Java and Symbian OS software from developers and content publishers, giving Which topic is this article about? OPTIONS: - World - Sports - Business - Science/Tech Science/Tech question: AMD Debuts Dual-Core Opteron Processor AMD #39;s new dual-core Opteron chip is designed mainly for corporate computing applications, including databases, Web services, and financial transactions. OPTIONS: - World - Sports - Business - Science/Tech answer: Science/Tech IN: President Bush #39;s quot;revenue-neutral quot; tax reform needs losers to balance its winners, and people claiming the federal deduction for state and local taxes may be in administration planners #39; sights, news reports say. OPTIONS: - World - Sports - Business - Science/Tech OUT:
A young girl is sitting on Santa's lap. A little girl is sitting on Santa's lap Rate the textual similarity of these two sentences on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is "no meaning overlap" and 5 is "means the same thing". Options are: (A). 0; (B). 1; (C). 2; (D). 3; (E). 4; (F). 5;
Complete the following text: he smiles huge , and turns , saying , `` emma has a vase here . she said you could take it with you ... '' `` edward , stop . '' but he does n't . he 's smiling like he 's happy , totally ignoring that my mood does n't match his . i push away from him , but he 's walking away from me to get the
Bulgaria toteuttaa tätä hanketta itsenäisesti. Mitä tässä tapauksessa merkitsee Euroopan solidaarisuus ja oikeudenmukaisuus? Could you please translate this to English?
If it lacks support, Bulgaria will take on this project independently, but where does that leave European solidarity and justice?
Answer this question: rank of indian economy in terms of nominal gdp??
input: Article: The Brazilian was just 0.006 seconds quicker than Raikkonen as less than four-tenths covered the top six. This is a very special grand prix and if we are going to win a race in the next few weeks let's hope it's this one. But Red Bull, Lotus and Mercedes are so strong here Red Bull's Mark Webber was third, split from team-mate Sebastian Vettel by Lotus's Romain Grosjean. Ferrari's Fernando Alonso was sixth having set his time earlier in the session on a slower track - as did Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton in 9th. Alonso was just 0.353secs behind team-mate Massa and the 15 minutes between their laps could easily have accounted for that margin. Force India's Paul di Resta was seventh, 0.673secs off the pace, and just ahead of team-mate Adrian Sutil. Toro Rosso suggested they have made a step forward with their car as Jean-Eric Vergne took 10th ahead of Hamilton's team-mate Nico Rosberg. McLaren continued to struggle, despite a significant upgrade to their car, with Jenson Button down in 12th, 1.25secs off the pace and team-mate Sergio Perez 14th. The team decided overnight not to use the new front wing they have brought to this race. Williams, another big name that has had a poor start to the season, have also brought updates and also appear not to have moved forward relative to the competition. Red Bull team boss Christian Horner said: "It was an interesting session. The wind is quite critical and it's getting the sectors together. We're very strong in the final sector but have a bit of work to do in the first sector. Media playback is not supported on this device "You want to be as high up as you can, but as long as you are in the first three rows you should be OK." Ferrari development driver Pedro de la Rosa said: "We have been working flat out since Bahrain, but F1 races are never easy and we obviously face very tough competitors. "This is a very special grand prix and if we are going to win a race in the next few weeks let's hope it's this one. But Red Bull, Lotus and Mercedes are so strong here. "We have done good development in the past few weeks, good testing on Friday, we have a good understanding of the car. "We are looking towards the race. I am not too worried about qualifying - it is more important to save enough tyres for the race. "Pole here is not as important as it used to be. But this is one of the strongest circuits for Fernando and he will obviously fight hard." 1. Felipe Massa - Ferrari - 1:21.901 2. Kimi Raikkonen - Lotus - 1:21.907 3. Mark Webber - Red Bull - 1:22.044 4. Romain Grosjean - Lotus - 1:22.069 5. Sebastian Vettel - Red Bull - 1:22.229 6. Fernando Alonso - Ferrari - 1:22.254 7. Paul Di Resta - Force India - 1:22.574 8. Adrian Sutil - Force India - 1:22.729 9. Lewis Hamilton - Mercedes - 1:22.740 10. Jean-Eric Vergne - Toro Rosso - 1:22.759 11. Nico Rosberg - Mercedes - 1:22.839 12. Jenson Button - McLaren - 1:23.151 13. Esteban Gutierrez - Sauber - 1:23.371 14. Sergio Perez - McLaren - 1:23.373 15. Pastor Maldonado - Williams - 1:23.385 16. Nico Hulkenberg - Sauber - 1:23.388 17. Valtteri Bottas - Williams - 1:23.660 18. Daniel Ricciardo - Toro Rosso - 1:23.767 19. Charles Pic - Caterham - 1:24.775 20. Jules Bianchi - Marussia - 1:24.793 21. Max Chilton - Marussia - 1:25.135 22. Giedo van der Garde - Caterham - 1:25.250 Summarize. output: Ferrari's Felipe Massa edged Lotus's Kimi Raikkonen to set the pace in final practice at the Spanish Grand Prix. Question: Article:JW Ledford Jr's lawyers argued death by firing squad would be more humane as lethal injection would be too painful. But witnesses said the 45-year-old - who was served a 5,000-calorie last meal - showed no obvious discomfort as he was put to death early on Wednesday. He was convicted of knifing his 73-year-old neighbour to death in 1992. His victim was the physician who delivered Ledford at birth. In Georgia's first execution this year, Ledford was pronounced dead at 01:17 after an injection of compounded barbiturate pentobarbital. Witnesses said the prisoner grinned as they entered the viewing area of the death chamber at the state prison in Jackson. Asked if he wished to make a final statement, Ledford appeared to quote from the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke, starring Paul Newman. "What we have here is a failure to communicate," he said, a phrase uttered by the warden in the classic prison drama. "Some men you just can't reach." Ledford added: "I am not the failure. You are the failure to communicate." Still smiling, the prisoner said: "You can kiss my white trash ass." Ledford continued talking, but his microphone was cut off. Witnesses said he shut his eyes, took several deep breaths and went still three minutes after the warden left the room. For his final meal on Friday, Ledford requested filet mignon wrapped in bacon with pepper jack cheese, large french fries, 10 chicken tenders with sauce, fried pork chops and a blooming onion. For dessert he had pecan pie, vanilla ice cream and sherbet, washed down with a Sprite, according to WGLC-TV, an Atlanta news station. Should killers on death row get a last meal choice? Ledford robbed and murdered his neighbour, Dr Harry Johnston, stabbing him in the neck at his home on 31 January 1992. He then threatened the victim's wife before stealing money, four guns and vehicle from the house. The parole board rejected a request for clemency on Monday after Ledford's lawyers said he had a rough childhood and suffered an intellectual disability. His legal team had argued that a lethal injection would expose him to "unconstitutional pain" because he had been taking a drug for nerve pain which they said could alter his brain chemistry. They had argued that firing squad would be less painful, but a federal appeals court rejected the bid. Only three states allow for this option as an alternative to lethal injection - Mississippi, Oklahoma and Utah. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Georgia executed nine men last year, more than any other US state. US death sentences fall to 40-year low Summarize the main points of that article. Answer:
A grinning death row inmate in the US state of Georgia used his final words at his execution to insult the witnesses.
Problem: Does "A vertical toolbar known as the charms (accessed by swiping from the right edge of a touchscreen, or pointing the cursor at hotspots in the right corners of a screen) provides access to system and app-related functions, such as search, sharing, device management, settings, and a Start button." answer the question "What is the purpose of charms?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Does the sentence "In a 2013 Save the Children report, Greece was ranked the 19th best country (out of 176 countries surveyed) for the state of mothers and newborn babies." provide a valid answer to the question "What rank does Greece hold for the condition of mothers and new born babies?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Question: Choose your answer: Is "Both Clarkson and Guarini made a musical film, From Justin to Kelly, which was released in 2003 but was widely panned." a good answer to the question "What was the name of the film that the two finalists made together?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer: yes QUES: Q: What are space suits an example of a solution to? A: Humans have shown extreme inventiveness in devising clothing solutions to environmental hazards. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: yes Does "The young Feynman was heavily influenced by his father, who encouraged him to ask questions to challenge orthodox thinking, and who was always ready to teach Feynman something new." contain the correct answer to "What person influenced Feynman to think deeply?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Problem: Does "In the Iron Age" answer the question "The period of time from 1200 to 1000 BCE is known as what?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A:
Generate a sentence about this data: Bakewell pudding, region, Derbyshire Dales; Derbyshire Dales, leader, Patrick McLoughlin; Bakewell pudding, dishVariation, Bakewell tart; Bakewell tart, ingredient, Frangipane
The frangipane-based dessert Bakewell pudding (or tart) originates from the Derbyshire Dales where Patrick McLoughlin is a leader.
Q: 1: Spacious south facing apartment in the exclusive gated community Las Alamandas in the heart of Nueva Andalucia. Close to golf courses and only a few minutes with the car to Puerto Banus and the beach.; 2: Spanish. A: Amplio apartamento orientado al sur en la exclusiva urbanización Las Alamandas en el corazón de Nueva Andalucía. Cerca de campos de golf y a sólo unos minutos en de distancia en coche a Puerto Banús y a la playa. Q: 1: The cost of anti-resorptive treatments is so high in comparison with vitamin D that the attainment of optimum levels of 25(OH)D is efficient from a therapeutic point of view. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to achieve these optimum levels of 25(OH) through diet which means that it is necessary to include supplementation as part of the treatment, which facilitates its achievement.; 2: Spanish. A: El coste de los tratamientos antirresortivos es tan elevado en comparación con la vitamina D, que la consecución de niveles óptimos de 25(OH)D resulta eficiente desde un punto de vista terapéutico. Desafortunadamente, resulta prácticamente imposible de obtener dietéticamente esos niveles óptimos de 25(OH)D por lo que deben instaurarse la suplementación mediante tratamientos, que faciliten su cumplimiento. Q: 1: Esto no estaba pasando ahora.; 2: Spanish. A: Ahora no me puedo ir. Q: 1: "Any democracy with huge pockets of poverty, any democracy with exclusion, any democracy without justice, is a crippled and inadequate democracy,” he stated. Ambassador Valero argued that democratic governance “must have justice and more inclusive societies as its foundation.”; 2: Spanish. A:
"Una democracia con amplísimos sectores de pobreza, una democracia con exclusión, una democracia sin justicia, es una democracia amputada e insuficiente", afirmó Valero. Añadió que para que haya una gobernabilidad democrática es necesario que ésta “se apoye en las bases de justicia y que haya sociedades más incluyentes”.
Q: Translate "On Diseño - Proyectos: Residencia de estudiantes en Castelló": Spanish --> English. translate: On Diseño - Projects: Student residence in Castelló Q: Translate ""Bolas de algodón o una pequeña cantidad de bateo de dejar de fumar": Spanish --> English. translate: " Cotton balls or a small amount of quit batting Q: Translate "Por tanto, hay un destino de felicidad, de unión plena con Dios, que sigue a la fidelidad con la hemos quedado unidos a Jesucristo en nuestro camino terreno.": Spanish --> English. translate:
Therefore, there is a destiny of happiness, of full union with God, which leads to the faithfulness with which we are united with Jesus Christ on our earthly journey.
Translate the following sentence to German: With a new image processing engine and a 7.1x optical wide zoom lens (28-200 mm in 35 mm camera format) mounted on a slim body only 20.6 mm at its thinnest point, the Ricoh Caplio R7 takes photography to an even higher level of image quality. German:
Bis vor kurzem war das nur ein Traum. Aber glücklicherweise gibt es die eigenwillige Ricoh, die diesen Traum scheinbar wahr werden lässt.
Please briefly summarize this news article: Space radiation: Should frequent flyers worry? We’re bombarded with the radiation of supernovae and other cosmic sources when we fly – how concerned should we be? One day, shortly before boarding a flight from Paris to Montreal, I began to think about the risks of flying for the first time. It was not the fear of engine failure or crashing into a mountain that worried me. Rather I realised I was about to make my 39th plane journey of the year, and as a result was exposing myself to higher than normal levels of radiation from space. Like most holidaymakers, I had checked the weather forecast. But now, as I waited to board the plane, I wondered whether I and other frequent flyers should be more concerned with checking the space weather before we take off. The Earth is constantly being bombarded by high speed, sub-atomic particles. These interact with the atmosphere and our planet’s magnetic field to generate cosmic radiation which rains down on us. Our exposure levels rise when we travel by plane, especially at higher altitudes and latitudes. What do scientists know about the dangers that cosmic radiation might pose during regular flights, and is there anything that aviation authorities or passengers can do to minimise risk? Cosmic radiation consists mainly of protons and helium nuclei that originate outside our galaxy. Scientists have long speculated over their origins, with likely candidates being powerful events such as star collisions, gamma ray bursts, black holes and supernovae – explosions that mark the death of large stars. Earlier this year US astronomers concluded supernovae were indeed a significant source of cosmic radiation hitting Earth. Particles thrown out by our Sun are another source. These sub-atomic particles can be both low- and high-energy. Many are deflected by the Earth’s magnetosphere, without which cosmic rays would wipe out complex life forms pretty quickly by damaging tissue, DNA and causing lethal radiation sickness. Only very high-energy cosmic rays can reach our atmosphere at latitudes close to the equator, however lower-energy ones can reach polar latitudes. Those that do penetrate the Earth’s magnetic shield collide with nitrogen, oxygen and other atoms in the air, generating highly energetic and invisible showers of ionised “secondary particles”, which cascade down on us in vast numbers, penetrating everything and everyone. The atmosphere provides good protection for those on the ground because particles hitting them will have undergone more collisions with atoms, but exposure is greater at high altitudes because the air is thinner. What can this do to the body? Cosmic radiation is ionising, which means the particles involved are energetic enough to knock charged particles from atoms – potentially causing chemical changes in body tissue that can increase risks from cancers and genetic abnormalities. While this might sound scary, it should be made clear that we are regularly exposed to low doses of ionising radiation in other forms with no apparent health consequences in the overwhelming majority of cases – from radon in the air, naturally occurring radioactive substances in the ground such as uranium, building materials and during medical procedures. The risks of individuals suffering health effects as a result of being exposed to ionising radiation of any kind – whether from cosmic rays, a nuclear power plant, an X-ray machine, or airport full body scanner – are measured in sieverts or rems (1 sievert equals 100rem). “The same potential risks exist,” says Major Alan Hale at the US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. “Health risk assessments are based on frequency, duration, and intensity level.” The average person on Earth is exposed to around 350 millirems (mrem) per year. The average annual dose for US citizens is 620mrem , according to the US National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. About half of this comes from man-made sources such as X-ray, mammography and CT scans, while the other half comes from natural sources, of which only about 9% comes from cosmic radiation. Summary:
We’re bombarded with the radiation of supernovae and other cosmic sources when we fly – how concerned should we be?
test: A jedeme. English? translation: Director: And rolling. test: Vždycky když se vrátím domů, je to stejný. English? translation: What? Every time I come home, it's the same. test: Dobrá, projel jsem sériové číslo z té kamery. English? translation: We're still processing his clothes. Okay, well, I ran the serial number on the lipstick cam. test: Já zabiju Kurtze, oni zabijou mě, hlavouni, kteří to všechno řídí zpod Cheyenne Mountain, pošlou někoho nového, nějaký Kurtzův klon, který naváže přesně tam, kde Kurtz skončil. English? translation:
I kill Kurtz, they kill me, the brass running this show from under Cheyenne Mountain send out a new cleaner, some Kurtz clone that'll pick up where Kurtz left off.
question: Generate a tweet. negative answer: Just came in from a trip to Dairy Queen...its blazin hott out here in the Queens City! I wonder when boo is getting home from work??? question: Generate a tweet. negative answer: i'm soooo aqqravated....i'm tryinq not to sweat the small stuff but i quess i am question: Generate a tweet. positive answer:
.@HildyGottlieb & I was just saying to Maha'al yesterday, everything we ever needed to know was in Beatles' lyrics - you prove my point!
question: OPTIONS: - yes - no So an additional problem beyond canceling the unwanted reactance is of matching the remaining resistive impedance to the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. What is included between the transmission line and the antenna element? answer: no [Q]: Sentence: Port cities were also attacked to try to disrupt trade and sea communications. Question: Why were port cities targeted by the Luftwaffe? OPTIONS: - yes - no ++++++++++ [A]: yes Q: Does "Sea level changes exposed the land-bridge between Alaska and Asia." provide a valid answer to "What is the link between North and South America called?"? OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Problem: Does "Nigeria was also a founding member of the Organisation for African Unity (now the African Union), and has tremendous influence in West Africa and Africa on the whole." answer the question "Nigeria is a 'standard-bearer' in what international group?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Does the sentence "Whereas the first phase of shōen development in the early Heian period had seen the opening of new lands and the granting of the use of lands to aristocrats and religious institutions, the second phase saw the growth of patrimonial "house governments," as in the old clan system." provide a valid answer to the question "What grew during the second phase of shoen development?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Does the sentence "The managing director of London Weekend Television (LWT), Greg Dyke, met with the representatives of the "big five" football clubs in England in 1990." provide a valid answer to the question "Who was the London Weekend Television's managing director?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A:
Premise: "Julius shook his head." Hypothesis: Julius said "no" by moving his head. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no it is not possible to tell input question: A stealthy footstep on the stairs? If this premise is true, does that tell us:"On the stairs, a quiet footstep?"? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: yes Question: Based on the premise "seemed like the thing to do at the time", can we conclude that "It didn't seem like a good thing to do at the time."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no **** Answer: no Question: Sentence A: with uh green beans not green beans but green peppers and red peppers and onions Sentence B: I really love to saute the onions til they get soft. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Question: and and and you know the years that we were good we had Staubach and Morton Staubach and Morton were some of the worst players we've ever had. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Problem: Here is a premise: The Clinton surrogates also held the high ground in the context war. Here is a hypothesis: The Clinton followers kept to the higher ground in the discussion. Here are the options: OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
1. Entertainment that tickles the justice-for-all glands. 2. This is often a very funny film, made more relevant by a recession which began after the film was made. Michael Moore should watch out - he has competition. 3. Most of the ideas are admirable and pretty funny. 4. Funnier and more useful than Sacha Baron Cohen's Brüno. 5. This movie is glorious testimony to the moral power of satire. 6. Even more so than in the previous film, The Yes Men Fix the World indulges in faux-naďve disappointment. 7. It's fun, ballsy, edited with color, humor & hopefully will bring some awareness to the price of greed, and inject some ethics into discussions among the rich and powerful. 8. The Yes Men are dissidents of such fearless ingenuity that you want to believe them at face value 9. Occasionally funny and often audacious, but this is too smug to satisfy and too much like Ashton Kutcher's 'Punk'd' to be considered cutting edge. 10. You have to admire their ability both to pull off these stunts and to extract such honest expressions of greed from such corporate victims. What is a brief summary of the following reviews?
The Yes Men aim their barbs at the capitalist fat-cats with gutsy and hilarious performance pranks.
Answer the following question: when was the rime of the ancient mariner written?
Question: Passage: ASHEVILLE, North Carolina (CNN) -- In 1988, a relatively unknown rock and blues guitarist named Warren Haynes got some of his friends together to play music in Asheville, North Carolina. It was just an opportunity for local musicians to jam during the holidays, the one time of year they were all in town together. Warren Haynes' good work has been noted by the street named after him. The artists also wanted to give back to the community, so they gave the money raised by their show to various charities. The tradition has continued. Now celebrating its 20th anniversary, Haynes' Christmas Jam has evolved into an epic annual event for the musicians, fans, and particularly Habitat for Humanity. Query: Going into 2008's shows, which were held December 12 and 13, the Christmas Jam had raised more than $665,000 for Answer: ASHEVILLE's Habitat For Humanity. Question: Passage: By John Drayton Floyd Mayweather Jr. can now organize and market fights in Nevada all on his own. The Nevada Athletic Commission voted on Wednesday to grant the undefeated welterweight champion a promoter's licence. The 37-year-old Mayweather has previously worked with fight promoters Top Rank and Golden Boy Promotions in his televised matchups in Las Vegas. Money maker: Floyd Mayweather Jnr has been granted a promoter's license in Las Vegas Rematch: Floyd Mayweather Jnr takes on Marcos Maidana for a second time in September VIDEO Mayweather challenges Maidana to put his money where his mouth is Boxing promoters are responsible for everything from insuring fighters against injury to paying for drug tests and hiring a ring announcer. Query: The super bout between Mayweather and Answer: Manny Pacquiao could take place next year Question: Passage: By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 20:37 EST, 20 September 2012 | UPDATED: 20:54 EST, 20 September 2012 Microsoft Corp., the Hewlett-Packard Co. and other multinational corporations have avoided billions in U.S. taxes by shifting profits offshore and taking advantage of weak, ambiguous sections of the tax code, Senate investigators said on Thursday. Microsoft used 'aggressive' transactions to shift assets to subsidiaries in Puerto Rico, Ireland and Singapore, in part to avoid taxes, said the report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. In one example, the report said that the Washington state-based software giant saved $4.5 billion in taxes from 2009 to 2011 by shifting assets to Puerto Rico, a U.S. commonwealth that offers numerous tax breaks to businesses. Query: The report, released at a subcommittee hearing, also said that since at least 2008, Answer:
HP has used complex offshore loan transactions worth billions of dollars to avoid paying taxes while using the money to run its U.S. operations.
IntroducedinAustriathiskindofbouquetisknownworldwideasabunchofBiedermeier(Biedermeier). Introduced in Austria this kind of bouquet is known worldwide as a bunch of Biedermeier (Biedermeier). WatersofOravareservoir,Slovakia Waters of Orava reservoir, Slovakia PríncepJordiEspanyacanbereservedonlyifthebookingstartdateisbetween31Dec2015-15Jan2016 Príncep Jordi Espanya can be reserved only if the booking start date is between 31 Dec 2015 - 15 Jan 2016 Itisatthispointintheinitialinvestigatoryprocessthatthecandidateiscalled“theservantofGod.”Thepurposeoftheseinvestigativeproceduresistwofold:thefirstistoestablishwhetherthecandidatehasasolidreputationforholiness,andsecondtogatherpreliminarytestimonyastowhetherthattestimonyissupportedbyfacts.
It is at this point in the initial investigatory process that the candidate is called “the servant of God.” The purpose of these investigative procedures is twofold: the first is to establish whether the candidate has a solid reputation for holiness, and second to gather preliminary testimony as to whether that testimony is supported by facts.
обслуживание до 253 компьютеров из локальной сети; Translate this to English?
servicing of up to 253 PCs in the LAN;
Problem: Math Problem Solve -4513*p + 4553*p + 320 = 0 for p. A: -8 Problem: Math Problem Solve -3843*d = -3761*d - 2214 for d. A: 27 Problem: Math Problem Solve 0 = 1257*y + 4087 - 11629 for y. A:
This text is missing some spaces, please add them: PhotosofAnneLinnet-DMA08Saturday23February2008 Photos of Anne Linnet - DMA08 Saturday 23 February 2008 This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Justdrag&dropyourphotostoVisualLightBoxwizardwindow,press"Publish"andyourownwebsiteimagealbumwithbeautifulLightBoxeffectswillopeninyourbrowserinstantly!Nocss,htmlcoding,javascript,imageediting,justaclicktogetyourcsswebsitealbumready. Just drag&drop your photos to VisualLightBox wizard window, press "Publish" and your own website image album with beautiful LightBox effects will open in your browser instantly! No css, html coding, javascript, image editing, just a click to get your css web site album ready. This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Riversofthelargestandmostfamous-theSeverskyDonets.Ingeneral,thestateofwaterresourcesfromthecategoryof"itcouldbeworse,"nodtotheindustrialecologyfield.Fish,surprisingly,isnotthewholeextinct,butthenumberhasdeclined.
Rivers of the largest and most famous - the Seversky Donets. In general, the state of water resources from the category of "it could be worse," nod to the industrial ecology field. Fish, surprisingly, is not the whole extinct, but the number has declined.
Translate the following sentence to Finnish: Wolf!"
I was n't really in the mood to , but I decided I better take Bug on a short walk . I come home to find that my front door has blown open and Flash was sitting on my stairs , and Sprout was on the ground darting under the stairs . I herded Flash and Bug inside , and somehow during that 20 seconds Sprout managed to disappear completely . Delightfully I had a dentist appointment in ten minutes so I had to leave instead of looking for her . Answer the following question: Why did the narrator not look for sprout ?
They had a dentist appointment .
Choose your answer: is the following review positive or negative? A large selection of food from all over the world. Great atmosphere and ambiance. Quality of food is on par with a 5 star hotel. But did not have lobster and king crab that I was expecting for this kind of price. Choose your answer from: (1). negative. (2). positive.
Translate the following sentence to French: Order No. 1991-R-140 dated May 17, 1991 - City of Lethbridge, mileage 110.95 Taber Subdivision.
L'arrêté no 1991-R-140 du 17 mai 1991 - ville de Lethbridge, point milliaire 110,95 de la subdivision Taber.
(1) The campus newspaper , `` The Oklahoma Daily '' , is produced daily during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer semester . (2) The campus - newspaper `` The Oklahoma Daily '' is produced weekly during the autumn and spring semesters and daily during the summer semester . Do these two sentences mean the same thing?
'Skyfall' finishes back in first place at the box office, becoming highest grossing movie in Sony's history Daniel Craig stars as James Bond in 'Skyfall.' James Bond renewed his license to thrill. "Skyfall" surged back into first place in its fifth weekend, with $11 million — bringing its worldwide total to $918 million. Daniel Craig's third turn as Agent 007 is the most successful installment in the 50-year history of the Bond franchise. And in the process, the movie has become Sony Pictures' highest grossing movie of all time, beating out "Spider-Man 3." "I've never seen this exact trajectory on a movie — returning to first place after dropping out three weeks ago," said Paul Dergarabedian, box office analyst for "'Twilight' opened bigger, but 'Skyfall' has been building because of word of mouth. "It's transcends being just a typical Bond movie, it's crossed over to fans who want to see a good movie that has some Oscar potential." Meanwhile, Gerard Butler's new romantic comedy, featuring the hunky Scot as a soccer coach, scored the box office equivalent of an own goal. The animated "Rise of the Guardians" climbed into second place in its third weekend with $10.5 million. "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" dropped from first place to third, but added another $9.2 million, proving there was still plenty of life left in the vampire romance saga after four weeks. And Oscar buzz propelled Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln" to a $9.1 million weekend. The film has grossed $97.3 million so far. Newcomers will face the equivalent of another dragon to slay at the box office next weekend with Friday's opening of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," the first installment of Peter Jackson's prequel trilogy to "The Lord of the Rings." What was this article about?
James Bond renewed his license to thrill. "Skyfall" surged back into first place in its fifth weekend, with $11 million — bringing its worldwide total to $918 million. And in the process, the movie has become Sony Pictures' highest grossing movie of all time.
a joint metallurgy group has been set up by three companies in this , china 's largest industrial city . Write a brief summary in a sentence or less.
shanghai sets up metallurgy group enterprise
Sentence 1: In 2004 , SCA acquired from Carter Holt Harvey the International Paper Tissue and Hygiene Products division . Sentence 2: In 2004 , SCA acquired International Paper 's Tissue and Hygiene products businesses from Carter Holt Harvey . Do these two sentences convey the same information? Select from the following. A). no. B). yes.
Here the largest town of the district is located: Nordenham , lying opposite to Bremerhaven at the Weser mouth. Translate to German
An der B 211 befindet sich in Loyermoor der so genannte „Geest-Abbruch“, der eine Höhendifferenz von gut 30 Meter überbrückt.
What is a shorter version of this: german engineering giant siemens said tuesday it would pursue former directors for damages in an unprecedented action based on a claim they ignored widespread corruption revealed nearly two years ago .
siemens weighs legal action against former executives
Here is some data: Blockbuster (comicsCharacter) CREATOR Gardner Fox; Blockbuster (comicsCharacter) CREATOR Tom Lyle; Blockbuster (comicsCharacter) ALTERNATIVE_NAME "Mark Desmond". Write a sentence that describes this data:
The comic character, Blockbuster, has the alternative name, Mark Desmond and was created by Tom Lyle and Gardner Fox.
Problem: Spanish. Answer: Atenas, fotos de Atenas, Atenas imágenes, Atenas - la capital de Grecia Problem: Spanish. Answer: Sistemas de seguridad en San Pedro de Copán (Copán, Honduras) Problem: Spanish. Answer: 500 fans, admiradores de fotos fotos fotos video fotos fotos video Enrique del Cerro o curiosos han visto durante esta semana la pagina especial de la estrella fotos fotos fotos video fotos fotos video Enrique del Cerro Problem: Spanish. Answer:
El modelo de evaluación de los aprendizajes
Problem: Zrinski and Frankopan were executed by beheading on 30 April 1671 in Wiener Neustadt. Their estates were confiscated and their families relocated — Zrinski's wife, Katarina Zrinska, was interned in the Dominican convent in Graz where she fell mentally ill and remained until her death in 1673, two of his daughters died in a monastery, and his son Ivan Antun died in madness, after twenty years of terrible imprisonment and torture, on 11 November 1703. The oldest daughter Jelena, already married in northeastern Upper Hungary, survived and continued the resistance. Some 2,000 other nobles were arrested as part of a mass crackdown. Two more leading conspirators — Ferenc Nádasdy, Chief Justice of Hungary, and Styrian governor, Count Hans Erasmus von Tattenbach — were executed . In the view of Emperor Leopold, the Croats and Hungarians had forfeited their right to self-administration through their role in the attempted rebellion. Leopold suspended the constitution - already, the Zrinski trial had been conducted by an Austrian, not a Hungarian court - and ruled Hungary like a conquered province. Answer this question based on the article: How many years after his mother did Ivan Antun die? A: 30 Problem: San Diego led 24-14 in the third quarter before the New Orleans Saints rallied for a 31-24 victory. The Chargers' Melvin Ingram was called for roughing the passer, nullifying a Drew Brees interception returned for a touchdown that would have put the Chargers ahead 31-14. Rivers had two costly turnovers in the fourth quarter: an interception that led to a Saints field goal and a fumble as San Diego was driving to tie the score in the game's last minute. With the loss, San Diego missed an opportunity to take a two-game lead over the Denver Broncos for the AFC West. The Chargers dropped to 3-2 while the Saints would get their first win of the season and improve to 1-4. Brees, a former Charger, broke an NFL record with his 48th straight game with a touchdown pass. He finished with 370 yards and four touchdown passes. Rivers threw for 354 yards and two touchdowns, both to former Saint Robert Meachem; they were Meachem's first touchdowns of the season. Answer this question based on the article: How many more touchdown passes were thrown by both quarterbacks? A: 6 Problem: As of the 2010 United States Census, there were 42,040 people, 16,210 households, and 11,364 families residing in the county. The population density was . There were 18,133 housing units at an average density of . The racial makeup of the county was 94.7% white, 2.2% black or African American, 0.5% Asian, 0.2% American Indian, 0.5% from other races, and 1.9% from two or more races. Those of Hispanic or Latino origin made up 1.3% of the population. In terms of ancestry, 26.4% were Germans, 15.4% were Irish people, 12.0% were Americans, and 11.9% were English people. Answer this question based on the article: How many more people, in terms of percentage, were white compared to people from "other races" and Asian combined? A:
обслуживание до 253 компьютеров из локальной сети; Translate this to English?
servicing of up to 253 PCs in the LAN;
did someone email you a hfs file and you're not sure how to open it? maybe you have found a hfs file on your computer and wondering what it's for? windows might tell you that you can't open it, or in the worst case, you might encounter a hfs file related error message. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized?
Did someone email you a HFS file and you're not sure how to open it? Maybe you have found a HFS file on your computer and wondering what it's for? Windows might tell you that you can't open it, or in the worst case, you might encounter a HFS file related error message.
Q: Attributes: name = The Phoenix, food = Italian, customer rating = low, area = city centre. Produce a detailed sentence about this restaurant. A: [The Phoenix has low customer ratings. It is Italian and located in the city centre.] Q: Attributes: name = Zizzi, eatType = pub, food = Italian, customer rating = 1 out of 5, familyFriendly = yes. Produce a detailed sentence about this restaurant. A: [Zizzi is a children friendly pub serving Italian food with 1 out of 5 customer rating.] Q: Attributes: name = Zizzi, eatType = coffee shop, priceRange = high, customer rating = 5 out of 5, customer rating = average, area = riverside, familyFriendly = yes. Produce a detailed sentence about this restaurant. A: [The coffee shop Zizzi is a children-friendly place in riverside with a average customer rating and high price range.] Q: Attributes: name = The Golden Curry, food = Fast food, customer rating = low, area = riverside, familyFriendly = yes, near = Café Rouge. Produce a detailed sentence about this restaurant. A:
[The Golden Curry is a family-friendly fast food place with low customer ratings. It is near Café Rouge in the Riverside area.]
As of the 2010 United States Census, there were 42,040 people, 16,210 households, and 11,364 families residing in the county. The population density was . There were 18,133 housing units at an average density of . The racial makeup of the county was 94.7% white, 2.2% black or African American, 0.5% Asian, 0.2% American Indian, 0.5% from other races, and 1.9% from two or more races. Those of Hispanic or Latino origin made up 1.3% of the population. In terms of ancestry, 26.4% were Germans, 15.4% were Irish people, 12.0% were Americans, and 11.9% were English people. Answer this question based on the article: How many more people, in terms of percentage, were white compared to people from "other races" and Asian combined?
Q: "(see Part I of this Regulation)" to French **** A: (voir la première partie du présent Règlement) Translate to French: Based on this submission, the Agency concludes that BWIA was aware that one of the pieces of missing baggage contained a walker and finds it unfortunate that BWIA did not make this clear to Air Canada in their exchanges. Answer: En se fondant sur cette affirmation, l'Office conclut que BWIA savait qu'un des bagages perdus renfermait une marchette et estime dommage qu'elle n'a pas clairement transmis cette information à Air Canada lors des échanges. IN: French: Despite a casual and often bungled recruiting process, and haphazard mobilization marked by the energetic but eccentric style of Minister of Militia (and enthusiastic amateur soldier) Sam Hughes, the First Contingent of a Canadian Expeditionary Force was in England by mid-October,* thirty thousand strong but with mostly inexperienced officers and men only half-trained in the barest fundamentals of soldiering.They spent a wet and muddy winter on Salisbury Plain, learning simple military skills but never dreaming that their experience with Wiltshire mud would serve them in such good stead in Flanders and Picardy. OUT: Ils passent un hiver humide et boueux dans la plaine de Salisbury, à assimiler des notions militaires élémentaires, sans s’imaginer que leur expérience de la boue du Wiltshire leur sera si utile dans les Flandres et en Picardie. Avec eux, se trouvent cinquante des cent « diplômées de presque toutes les écoles d’infirmières du Canada... dont quelques Canadiennes françaises », selon le lieutenant (infirmière) Mabel Clint, de Montréal, qui avait tôt fait d’entrer au Service médical de l’Armée, « pour la durée de la guerre ». question: Nice little town, with big heart crew at Der Sonnberg Hotel. --> French. answer: A small, intimate hotel where you feel taken care of in very modern, stylish surroundings. Some text: DISPOSITIONS COMMUNES DES LOIS ET DES POLITIQUES Accès à l’information Définition des documents du gouvernement § Définit un document aux fins de la Loi sur l’accès à l’information, et la définition inclut les documents qui n’existent pas, mais qu’il est possible de préparer à partir d’un document informatisé à l’aide de matériel, de logiciel et de compétences techniques normalement utilisés par l’institution fédérale. Translate to English. Translation: COMMON LEGAL/POLICY PROVISIONS Access to Information Definition of Government Records § Defines a record for the purposes of the Access to Information Act and extends this to include records that do not exist but can be produced from a machine-readable record using computer hardware and software and technical expertise normally used by the government institution. Some text: b) Aspects positifs Translate to English. Translation:
(b) Positive aspects
She went and spent the money without even telling us it was here ! I was so angry . I had plans for the money and now the only thing I got was from my boyfriend and even though that 's really all I care about , my little sister is 7 and she deserves something . My mother did n't even get her anything , not even a cake , but she bought her cigarettes thought , you best believe . Based on the preceding passage, answer the following question Why did my mom make the purchase that she did ?
She is a selfish grandmother .
Q: Translate "ISA Prime Developments Company continues construction of Phase 2 of Horizon Park Business Center (HPBC 2) – 40,000 square meters at Mykoly Hrinchenka St., 4, Kyiv." to Russian? A: Компания "ИСА Прайм Девелопментс" продолжает строительство 2ой очереди "Horizon Park Business Center" (HPBC 2), 40 000 квадратных метров, расположенного по адресу ул. Q: Translate "- The spring in the clip to hold your phone is quit tight so no worries that it will fall out." to Russian? A: Очень хороше делать фотки на которых хочешь сам засветиться, не плохой гаджет, плюсом заказал объектив, теперь делаю отличные фотки на свой 4s. всем советую кто хоть немного занимается фото, хоть и не профессионально Q: Translate "servicing of up to 253 PCs in the LAN;" to Russian? A:
обслуживание до 253 компьютеров из локальной сети;
This is some data: Al-Taqaddum Air Base RUNWAY_LENGTH 4019.0; Al-Taqaddum Air Base CITY_SERVED Fallujah. Generate a detailed description of this data
The runway length of Al-Taqaddum air base is 4019.0 and it serves the city of Fallujah.
What is the sentiment of the following movie review sentence? , the film is n't nearly as downbeat as it sounds , but strikes a tone that 's alternately melancholic , hopeful and strangely funny .
Translate the following. English: This mode is used to program the PIC on a Pic wafer card. In combination with the right software, you can program any 16Fxxx type chip in this mode. Spanish:
. En este mode el programador es compatible con el programador JDM/LUDI En este mode puedes programar todos los tipos de tarjetas PIC 16Fxxx).
Problem: OPTIONS: - negative - positive negative =++++= Answer: The memory banks of most of the reviewers here must've short-circuited when trying to recall this Cubic Zirconia of a gem, because practically everyone managed to misquote Lloyd Bochner's Walter Thornton, when in a fit of peevish anger, he hurls the phallic garden nozzle at his new wife, Jerilee Randall-Thornton, (a nearly comatose Pia Zadora) which was used to sexually assault her earlier in the movie...but I'm getting ahead of myself. In any case, poor Lloyd could've been snarling that line at the speechless audience as much as he was his put-upon co-star. Hard as it is for most of us to believe, especially these days, nobody in Hollywood sets out to INTENTIONALLY make a bad movie. This is certainly not the most defensible argument to make, since there just seem to be so damn many of them coming out. But then again, there is that breed of film that one must imagine during the time of its creation, from writing, casting and direction, must've been cursed with the cinematic equivalent of trying to shoot during the Ides of March. THE LONELY LADY is in that category, and represents itself very well, considering the circumstances. Here we have all the ingredients in a recipe guaranteed to produce a monumentally fallen soufflé: Pia Zadora, a marginal singer/actress so determined to be taken seriously, that she would take on practically anything that might set her apart from her peers, (which this movie most certainly did!); a somewhat high-profile novel written by the Trashmaster himself, Harold Robbins (of THE CARPETBAGGERS and DREAMS DIE FIRST fame); a cast who probably thought they were so fortunate to be working at all, that they tried to play this dreck like it was Clifford Odets or Ibsen; plus a director who more than likely was a hired gun who kept the mess moving just to collect a paycheck, (and was probably contractually obligated NOT to demand the use of the 'Alan Smithee' moniker to protect what was left of his reputation.) Like Lamont Johnson's LIPSTICK, Meir Zarchi's I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, Roger Vadim's BARBARELLA, Paul Verhoeven's SHOWGIRLS or the Grandmammy of Really Bad Film-making, Frank Perry's MOMMY DEAREST, THE LONELY LADY is still often-discussed, (usually with disgust, disbelief, horrified laughter, or a unique combination of all three), yet also defies dissection, description or even the pretzel logic of Hollyweird. Nobody's sure how it came to be, how it was ever released in even a single theater, or why it's still here and nearly impossible to get rid of, but take it or leave it, it IS here to stay. And I don't think that lovers of really good BAD movies would have it any other way. An example of a movie review. positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive). A: I've always liked this John Frankenheimer film. Good script by Elmore Leonard and the main reason this wasn't just another thriller is because of Frankenheimer. His taut direction and attention to little details make all the difference, he even hired porn star Ron Jeremy as a consultant! You can make a case that its the last good film Roy Scheider made. I've always said that Robert Trebor gave just a terrific performance. Clarence Williams III got all the publicity with his scary performance and he's excellent also but I really thought Trebor stood out. Frankenheimer may not be as proud of this film as others but it is an effective thriller full of blackmail, murder, sex, drugs, and real porno actors appear in sleazy parts. What can you say about a film that has Ann Margaret being shot up with drugs and raped? A guilty pleasure to say the least. Vanity has a real sleazy role and a very young Kelly Preston makes an early appearance. A classic exploitive thriller that shouldn't be forgotten. Q: What's an example of a movie review? An example of a movie review is here: Police Story is one of Jackie Chan's classic films that helped shape the Hong Kong cinema. It is a masterpiece that should not be missed by any action movie fan. From the beginning it is obvious that Jackie Chan's stunt team literally risked their live to make this film. Both the action and the stunts are extremely realistic and innovative. Even today, no movie has outdone police story in dangerous stunts. Many people were hospitalized in Police Story including Jackie Chan. The fighting is not as indisputably exceptional as the stunts but the fighting in this movie helped change and define Jackie Chan's use of props. Throughout the film Chan uses odd object to stop attackers and is constantly throwing assailants through thick glass. The action feels real because the stuntmen are giving the movie all they have to give and Jackie Chan's coordination is outstanding. The rest of the aspects of the film are not without flaws but they will not disappoint any action fan. Chan not only plays a believable risk taking cop but shows the powerful changes that his character goes through as he falls into escalating desperation. The plot is powerful but a modern viewer may find it tedious at times. While the comedy will provide a good number of laughs it does not always distract the audience from the lack of action. However, for the time period it was made in, the driving aspects of the plot are entertaining. There a good number of interesting and well played characters dispersed throughout the film as well. Overall police story is without a doubt one of the best action movies ever made. And even in Hollywood the influences of this one film are not to be ignored. Problem: Write a positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) movie review. Answer: Deranged and graphically gory Japanese film about little beings taking people over and turning them into necroborg-zombie like machines- which beat and hack each other apart so that the winner can eat the loser. In the middle of this a pair of lovers become infected. Technically superb horror comedy(?) is only for those with strong stomachs as blood and body parts go flying. Good taste prevents me from describing what happens here, but lets just say its pretty gruesome. If you like this sort of thing with form several steps above slender content by all means see this film. Personally I'm not normally one to enjoy films like this on anything but the how sick and twisted do they go level. Here I was intrigued enough that I can suggest it to people I know who like really gory movies.. Its also a film with enough going on in the details that I want to see it again since now that I know what was going on-as revealed in the end-I want to go back and see what it was I didn't catch on to. There is an internal logic rare in these films. 7ish out of 10 for those who like blood and severed limbs, its a zero or more precisely a run and hide alert for everyone else. Problem: OPTIONS: - negative - positive negative =++++= Answer:
I have been known to fall asleep during films, but this is usually due to a combination of things including, really tired, being warm and comfortable on the sette and having just eaten a lot. However on this occasion I fell asleep because the film was rubbish. The plot development was constant. Constantly slow and boring. Things seemed to happen, but with no explanation of what was causing them or why. I admit, I may have missed part of the film, but i watched the majority of it and everything just seemed to happen of its own accord without any real concern for anything else. I cant recommend this film at all.
Sentence 1: Houston is really humid now Sentence 2: Houston is freezing and dry right now. Is this second sentence entailed by the first sentence?
You: Please ask me a question. Me: Whose biography by Maurice Zolotow is titled Shooting Star ? You: Please ask me a question. Me: What was Einstein 's IQ ? You: Please ask me a question. Me: Who is Prince Naseem Hamed ? You: Please ask me a question.
Me: Who was Camp David named for ?
Următorul punct pe ordinea de zi este raportul elaborat de dna Wallis, în numele Comisiei pentru afaceri juridice, referitor la opțiunile de politică în perspectiva unui drept contractual european pentru consumatori și întreprinderi. Could you please translate this to English?
The next item is the report by Mrs Wallis, on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs, on policy options for progress towards a European contract law for consumers and businesses.
Question: Between 2001 and 2011, the greatest nominal population increase was in the White, Other group from 3,780 to 13,825 – an increase of 10,045 – likely due to migration from Eastern Europe. The largest growth relative to their 2001 numbers was in the Black, African group, recording a 376% increase from 1,361 to 6,473. The largest nominal fall in population was in respondents reporting as White, British, there being 8,146 fewer such residents in 2011 than 10 years previous. The largest fall relative to their 2001 numbers was in the White, Irish group, their count falling 20.3% from 3,838 down to 3,060. How many more people were in the White, Other group in 2001 compared to the Black, African group in 2001? Answer: 2419 Question: After Kraków had been devastated during the 1241 Mongol invasion of Poland, it was re-established according to Magdeburg Law by Prince Bolesław V the Chaste. In 1291 the Duchy of Kraków fell to the Přemyslid king Wenceslaus II of Bohemia who in 1300 also became King of Poland. Upon the extinction of the Přemyslids in 1306, the Piast duke Władysław I the Elbow-high assumed the rule at Kraków, while in 1310 the Bohemian Kingdom passed to the House of Luxembourg. The new king, John of Bohemia, continued to claim the Polish royal title and moreover sought to vassalize the Piast dukes of the adjacent Silesian region. How many years before the Bohemian Kingdom passed to the House of Luxembourg did the Přemyslid king Wenceslaus II become King of Poland? Answer: 10 Question: Coming off an embarrassing loss to the Bills, the Dolphins played their final home game of the year on a rainy Monday Night in an AFC East fight with the New York Jets. After a scoreless first half with QB Joey Harrington playing a mediocre 7/15 for 42 yards, back-up Cleo Lemon came in to begin the second half. In the third quarter, New York broke first with kicker Mike Nugent getting a 22-yard field goal for the only score of the period. In the fourth quarter, Miami finally went on the attack with Lemon completing a 7-yard TD pass to TE Randy McMichael. However, the Jets responded with QB Chad Pennington completing a 32-yard TD pass to WR Jerricho Cotchery. Even though the Dolphins managed to tie the game with kicker Olindo Mare's 25-yard field goal. New York made sure that head coach Nick Saban got his first losing season with the Dolphins after Nugent nailed the game-winning 30-yard field goal with ten seconds left. With the loss, Miami fell to 6-9. Who threw the shortest touchdown pass? Answer: Cleo Lemon Question: In the city, the population was spread out with 28.1% under the age of 18, 9.2% from 18 to 24, 26.2% from 25 to 44, 21.4% from 45 to 64, and 15.1% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 36 years. For every 100 females, there were 83.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 77.7 males. How many percent were not from 45 to 64? Answer:
Summarize this article: The slit should go from the exterior of the orange to the center of the orange. This will create a triangular section of orange. Summary:
Take an orange and remove the peel and the white pith with a chef’s knife. Cut a slit into the orange using a chef’s knife. Cut another slit about 1/4” to the right of the first one. Remove the section and place it in a medium bowl. Continue cutting out triangular orange sections until the entire orange is sectioned. Combine the red onion, jalapeno and cilantro with the oranges. Taste a spoonful of the mixture and add salt a little bit at a time until the salsa tastes right to you.
Question: so well we did do that we we stripped the paint off or the paper off of one of our you know off of our part of our house and then repapered it and it's that was not any fun We took the paint and paper off of the house and put new paper on it. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: yes Question: when do you get out I know that you're getting out tomorrow OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Question: The Clinton surrogates also held the high ground in the context war. The Clinton followers kept to the higher ground in the discussion. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
Problem: Article: If your child eats solid food, back snacks like granola bars, applesauce, crackers, or Cheerios. Pack milk, formula, or baby food--if this is what you feed your child. Make sure general liquids are under 3.4 ounces so they pass security inspections. However, you should be able to bring greater, reasonable quantities of breast milk or formula through without issue. Just have them out of your bag, ready for inspection, and tell the screening agent what they're for. They may need to test the liquids, as a security measure. You can also buy milk, water, and juice after you get through security. You may want to pack a cover so you have privacy while nursing. You can also use a blanket or towel, though bring your own. A bib will help with messes while eating. Pack washable or plastic bibs when traveling. Bring at least one cloth to use for burping if your baby is still prone to spitting up. Since you probably won't be able to clean your bottles thoroughly during travel, you probably want to bring enough so that you can use each one just once. You can probably get by with fewer plates/utensils, if any. Summary: Pack snacks, formula, and baby food. Consider a cover-up if you are still nursing. Bring a bib and burp cloth. Pack bottles and sippy cups, as well as plates/utensils, if needed. Problem: Article: Turmeric is a brightly-colored spice that helps breaks down fat and stabilize the body's metabolism. Turmeric is also known for reducing inflammation, and it may help reduce the risk of diabetes. Add turmeric to eggs, curries, and stir-fries. Purchase ground turmeric (or turmeric supplements) in health food stores. Cumin boosts digestion and provides energy, while also supporting the immune system. As an added benefit, cumin may help reduce symptoms of asthma and arthritis, and offer added support to those with kidney disease and colon cancer. Use cumin in chili, tacos, and Spanish rice. Season root vegetables (like beets, carrots, and potatoes) with cumin and roast in the oven. Like most of these spices, cinnamon has been shown to boost metabolism. Cinnamon is special in that it can also increase insulin levels, which helps lower the risk of diabetes. Use cinnamon in savory dishes like curries, rice pilafs, and stir-fires. Add cinnamon to coffee. Sprinkle cinnamon on buttered toast. This Indian spice is another metabolism booster. Cardamom is known for promoting smooth, healthy digestion. You can find whole cardamom pods at international grocery stores, or purchase ground cardamom in your spice isle. Use cardamom in puddings and other (low sugar) desserts. Pair cardamom with cumin in lentil or vegetable dishes. Summary: Eat turmeric. Add some cumin. Choose cinnamon. Sprinkle cardamom. Problem: Article: Place the tack strips about 0.25 to 0.5 inches (0.64 to 1.27 cm) from the wall in a straight line. Make sure the tacks are pointed toward the wall, not the center of the room. Use 2 nails for each strip, nailing it into the wood below. Some tack strips come with the nails already in place, and you just hit them in. If you need to cut a strip to size, slice through it with a handsaw. On concrete, you may be able to just pound it in the same way if the concrete is soft enough. If not, drill holes where the nails go using a concrete bit of the same size and then pound aluminum nails in. You'll also need tacking strips around things like floor vents. Roll out the padding, starting from one side of the room and moving to the other. Slice it off with a box cutter when you get to the other wall, making sure you have enough on both ends. Cut it just on the inside of the tack strips. Roll out the next set of padding right next to the first. Make sure you're matching up the seams evenly so that you don't have hills and valleys on the floor. Walk across the floor and press staples into place every 2 feet (0.61 m) or so. Also, make sure to staple the padding along the inside edge of the tacking strip to hold it in place against the strip. With concrete, you need to put padding glue down underneath the padding instead. In that case, just lift up one side at a time to apply the glue in an even layer. After you've rolled and cut the whole floor, use a long piece of duct tape down each seam. You may need to use more than 1 strip, but the duct tape will help keep the seams together. Smooth it out with your hands to make sure it won't come up. Summary: Nail the tack strips into place as needed. Lay out the padding on the floor. Staple the padding into place with a staple gun. Duct tape the seams together. Problem: Article: Cut the mushrooms, carrots, beans, and bamboo shoots lengthwise into slices 1 in (2.5 cm) wide. Also slice up the chiles, but don’t remove the seeds. Pour the oil into a wok or a large pan. Wait a couple of minutes for the oil to get hot. Place the chiles in the oil and let them cook until they become fragrant. This happens between 1 and 2 minutes. They lose moisture as they cook, so watch for any signs of shriveling. If this happens, move on to the next step immediately. Mix in the carrots to get them coated in the oil. After about 2 minutes, they will have softened. Stir them into the oil, then wait between 3 to 4 minutes for them to soften. Move the cooked and sliced bamboo into the pan. Stir it to coat it in oil, then let it stir-fry for 3 more minutes. Pour the soy sauce into the pan and mix the ingredients to coat them evenly in it. Wait 1 last minute as the stir-fry finishes. Immediately serve and enjoy it. Store any leftovers in a sealed container in the refrigerator. It should stay fresh for a couple of days. Summary:
Slice up the vegetables and chiles. Heat sesame oil over medium-high heat. Cook the chiles for 2 minutes. Add the mushrooms and cook for 7 to 9 minutes. Stir in the carrots and cook them for 2 minutes. Add the beans and cook them for 4 minutes. Stir in the bamboo and cook it for 3 minutes. Mix in the soy sauce and cook for 1 more minute.
Image caption Alistair Grimason died after being hit by a stray bullet while he was sleeping in his pram A man who killed a Scottish toddler in a shootout at a Turkish cafe in 2003 has been shot dead at his own wedding. Two-year-old Alistair Grimason was hit by a bullet as he slept in his pram in the Aegean seaside town of Foca. Daimi Akyuz, 46, was jailed for life for killing the child and another man during the shootout. Akyuz was released last week but, according to reports in the Turkish media, was gunned down at his own wedding in Izmir on Saturday. Image caption David Grimason said he had expected Akyuz to spend a long time in prison The toddler's father, David Grimason, from East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire, said: "He was sentenced to 58 years with a maximum of 36, so I really expected he was going to spend a long time in jail. "I don't take any joy in what has happened. I would rather that he was in prison and being punished for what he did. "I was told that he was at his wedding and stepped outside for a cigarette and someone came along and shot him. "It's a big story over in Turkey because the man that killed Alistair has been killed in the same manner I suppose." Image caption Daimi Akyuz was arrested and sentenced for killing the toddler Mr Grimason has since split up from Alistair's Turkish-born mother Ozlem, who has moved back to Izmir. He added: "Ozlem has moved back to Turkey recently, so there was an opportunity they could have bumped in to each other. It is a horrible thought. "No-one informed us that he was being let out. "We were told at the time he would serve his full sentence. They were making an example of him. But here we are 13 and half years later and they let him out. "We went through months of court cases. It was a tough time for us. But it's worse for his family at the moment, I remember he had two kids. "They've let him out to be killed." Image caption David Grimason and his wife Ozlem at the funeral in 2003 Alistair had been sleeping peacefully in his pram when he was caught in the crossfire of the gunfight. A stray bullet pierced his lung, killing him instantly. Akyuz, who was a car salesman, was found guilty in July 2004. According to Turkish media, police are interviewing five suspects in relation to his shooting. After the death of Alistair, his parents began campaigning for tighter gun controls. Image caption The Grimason family were at a cafe in the Turkish resort of Foca The campaign secured more than 300,000 signatures which were presented to the Turkish parliament in December 2003. Mr Grimason now lives in East Kilbride with his partner and three-year-old son. ||||| Get daily updates directly to your inbox + Subscribe Thank you for subscribing! Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email A man who shot and killed a British toddler in a Turkish cafe almost 14 years ago has been shot dead at his own wedding. Two-year-old Alistair Grimason was hit by a bullet as he slept in his pram after a gunfight broke out in a cafe in the Aegean seaside town of Foca in 2003. Daimi Akyuz, 46, was jailed for life in 2004 at a court in Izmir for killing Alistair and another man during the shootout. He was released early and six days later on Saturday, according to reports in the Turkish media, was gunned down at his own wedding in Izmir. The toddler's dad David Grimason, from East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire said: "He was sentenced to 58 years with a maximum of 36, so I really expected he was going to spend a long time in jail. "I don't take any joy in what has happened. I would rather that he was in prison and being punished for what he did. "I was told that he was at his wedding and stepped outside for a cigarette and someone came along and shot him. "It's a big story over in Turkey because the man that killed Alistair has been killed in the same manner I suppose." David has since split up from Alistair's Turkish-born mother Ozlem, who has moved back to Izmir. He added: "Ozlem has moved back to Turkey recently, so there was an opportunity they could have bumped in to each other. It is a horrible thought. No-one informed us that he was being let out. "We were told at the time he would serve his full sentence. They were making an example of him. But here we are 13 and half years later and they let him out. "We went through months of court cases. It was a tough time for us. But it's worse for his family at the moment, I remember he had two kids. "They've let him out to be killed." A source in Turkey said prisons are "overflowing" since the attempted coup last year and a number of inmates, who had served more than 10 years, were offered early release. Alistair had been sleeping peacefully in his pram when he was caught in the crossfire of the gunfight. A stray bullet pierced his lung, killing him instantly. Ozlem had been enjoying a family day-out while visiting her Turkish parents with the two-year-old. On the evening of Monday July 7, Ozlem, Alistair and his grandmother had been at a small cafe in Foca, about an hour from Izmir. Alistair was asleep in his pram as the two women chatted. But the peace was shattered when an argument broke out at another table. Akyuz, who was a car salesman, pulled a gun on three others and opened fire, killing Ali Bektas, a mobile phone salesman, injuring two other men and killing the toddler. He was found guilty in July 2004 and sentenced to 58 years, albeit Turkish law meant that he would serve a maximum of 36 years. According to Turkish media, police are interviewing five suspects in relation to his shooting. After the death of Alistair, his parents began campaigning for tighter gun controls. The campaign secured more than 300,000 signatures which were presented to the Turkish parliament in December 2003. David now lives in East Kilbride with his partner and three-year-old son Emil. ||||| Write a summary.
– Six days after he was released from prison for the shooting death of a 2-year-old boy, a Turkish man was himself shot dead—at his own wedding on Saturday. Daimi Akyuz, 46, had been sentenced to a maximum of 36 years in prison after he opened fire at a cafe in the Turkish town of Foca in 2003, killing one man and injuring two others reportedly seated at his table, reports the Daily Record. Scottish toddler Alistair Grimason was also killed when a stray bullet pierced his lung as he slept in a stroller next to his Turkish mother, reports the BBC. Despite serving less than a third of his sentence, Akyuz was freed late last month; a source says prison overcrowding as a result of last year's failed coup spurred Akyuz's early release. His freedom, however, was swiftly cut short. According to reports, Akyuz was gunned down outside his wedding in Izmir as he smoked a cigarette. Few other details are known, but authorities say they're in the process of interviewing five suspects. "It is ironic—he was not scared to use guns and that is how he was killed himself," says Alistair's father, David Grimason, who has campaigned for tighter gun controls since his son's death, per Yahoo News. But Grimason recalled that Alistair's killer had two children himself, "and they have lost their father. I don't take any joy in what has happened. I would rather that he was in prison and being punished for what he did," he continues. Grimason says his understanding was that Akyuz was to serve the entirety of his sentence. Instead, "they've let him out to be killed." (In the US, a bride lost her life just minutes after her wedding.)
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a joint metallurgy group has been set up by three companies in this , china 's largest industrial city . Write a brief summary in a sentence or less
shanghai sets up metallurgy group enterprise
Problem: Article: Forward Fabbrini, 22, has signed a deal until 2017, while defender Gabriele Angella has agreed a five-year deal. Last year's loanee midfielders Almen Abdi and Cristian Battocchio have returned on three-year contracts. The club also expects deals for Marco Cassetti, Davide Faraoni and Javier Acuna to be confirmed. On top of those seven Daniel Pudil will join from Granada following his loan spell last season. The Hornets, are waiting for ratification from the Football League for the latter four, but do not anticipate any problems. Under the terms of the embargo, Watford can still sign players with prior permission from League officials. Udinese have become a source of players for Watford as both clubs are owned by the Pozzo family, with 10 players making a loan switch between Stadio Friuli and Vicarage Road last season. Swedish defender Joel Ekstrand and Scotland-born midfielder Ikechi Anya, who were two of those loanees last season, are training with the squad and are also expected to join. Fabbrini has scored twice in 21 Serie A games for Udinese and netted once in eight during a loan spell at Palermo last season. His one and only senior Italy appearance came as a substitute in Angella is a 24-year-old Italian defender who scored four times in 14 Serie A appearances last season. Abdi, 26, and Battocchio, 21, will be familiar to Hornets fans after playing 60 games between them last season to help Watford reach the Championship play-off final. Paraguayan striker Acuna, 25, has agreed a deal until 2016, having joined Udinese from Real Madrid B earlier this summer. The 21-year-old Faraoni is a former Inter defender who played 11 times for Udinese in Serie A last season and has signed terms until 2018. Meanwhile, Czech full-back Pudil, 27, and defender Cassetti, 36, who were influential for Gianfranco Zola's side last season, have signed until 2017 and 2014 respectively. Answer: [[Watford have confirmed the permanent signings of seven players from sister club Udinese, including Italy international Diego Fabbrini.]] Problem: Article: Paul Domanski made the threats at Falkirk Police Station after he was arrested on an outstanding warrant. Prosecutor Samanatha Brown told a court that Domanski was initially calm when led into the charge bar on Wednesday. However, the 22-year-old then began to shout aggressively and threaten the police officers. Domanski told them: "I'll chop up your kids with a machete. I'll wipe out your families. "When I see you in the street, you're dead. I'll chop up your daughters." Miss Brown said: "He continued to shout and swear at the officers for several minutes and required to be restrained and removed straight to a cell." Domanski, from Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire, appeared from custody at Falkirk Sheriff Court and admitted threatening and abusive behaviour. Defence agent Abigail McMurtrie said: "He has a lengthy and unenviable record of analogous previous convictions." She said Domanski wanted to be jailed and would not co-operate with any community-based order. Answer: [[An amateur bodybuilder who told police officers he would "chop up" and "wipe out" their family members has been jailed for six months.]] Problem: Article: The celebrated novelist is the author of books including The Handmaid's Tale, Cat's Eye and The Blind Assassin. British composer Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, master of the Queen's Music, has also been honoured. The membership of the academy, founded in 1898, comprises writers, musicians, artist and architects. Other members include cellist Yo Yo Ma, actress Meryl Streep and the directors Woody Allen and Martin Scorsese. Italian author Roberto Calasso, Canadian composer Raymond Murray Schafer and Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima have also been named honorary foreign members. Leading book editor Robert Gottlieb has also been honoured with the Distinguished Service to the Arts prize. Gottlieb worked on classics like Joseph Heller's Catch-22 and is former editor of The New Yorker. Answer: [[Canadian writer Margaret Atwood has been named a foreign honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.]] Problem: Article: JW Ledford Jr's lawyers argued death by firing squad would be more humane as lethal injection would be too painful. But witnesses said the 45-year-old - who was served a 5,000-calorie last meal - showed no obvious discomfort as he was put to death early on Wednesday. He was convicted of knifing his 73-year-old neighbour to death in 1992. His victim was the physician who delivered Ledford at birth. In Georgia's first execution this year, Ledford was pronounced dead at 01:17 after an injection of compounded barbiturate pentobarbital. Witnesses said the prisoner grinned as they entered the viewing area of the death chamber at the state prison in Jackson. Asked if he wished to make a final statement, Ledford appeared to quote from the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke, starring Paul Newman. "What we have here is a failure to communicate," he said, a phrase uttered by the warden in the classic prison drama. "Some men you just can't reach." Ledford added: "I am not the failure. You are the failure to communicate." Still smiling, the prisoner said: "You can kiss my white trash ass." Ledford continued talking, but his microphone was cut off. Witnesses said he shut his eyes, took several deep breaths and went still three minutes after the warden left the room. For his final meal on Friday, Ledford requested filet mignon wrapped in bacon with pepper jack cheese, large french fries, 10 chicken tenders with sauce, fried pork chops and a blooming onion. For dessert he had pecan pie, vanilla ice cream and sherbet, washed down with a Sprite, according to WGLC-TV, an Atlanta news station. Should killers on death row get a last meal choice? Ledford robbed and murdered his neighbour, Dr Harry Johnston, stabbing him in the neck at his home on 31 January 1992. He then threatened the victim's wife before stealing money, four guns and vehicle from the house. The parole board rejected a request for clemency on Monday after Ledford's lawyers said he had a rough childhood and suffered an intellectual disability. His legal team had argued that a lethal injection would expose him to "unconstitutional pain" because he had been taking a drug for nerve pain which they said could alter his brain chemistry. They had argued that firing squad would be less painful, but a federal appeals court rejected the bid. Only three states allow for this option as an alternative to lethal injection - Mississippi, Oklahoma and Utah. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Georgia executed nine men last year, more than any other US state. US death sentences fall to 40-year low Answer:
[[A grinning death row inmate in the US state of Georgia used his final words at his execution to insult the witnesses.]]
what does reduce do? Write the above sentence using proper case.
What does reduce do?
Q: Translate "We need this Research Council." to Finnish? Yes: Tarvitsemme tätä tutkimusneuvostoa. Q: Translate "We will see how the point on the agenda unfolds." to Finnish? Yes: Sitten näemme, kuinka tämä esityslistan kohta etenee. Q: Translate "We originally ordered a set meal for our family of 12 people." to Finnish? Yes:
Alun perin me tilasimme aterian perheelle, joka koostuu 12 ihmisestä.
Question: Но если он произойдет, он не будет следствием рядовых демократических экспериментов в городах и деревнях; скорее это будет управляемый элитой переход, осторожно сохраняющий контроль правительства. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: But if it happens, it will not result from grassroots democratic experiments in towns and villages; rather, it will be an elite-driven transition, careful to preserve the government's control. test: Вам необходимо знать Ваш номер клиента, номер счёта, который требуется оплатить и сумму. English? translation: In this case you have to know your client number and account number. This information can be received at information call centre 123. Взнос правоучастия индивидуальных исполнителей и дуетов - 10 Евро. In English? xxxxx Fee for participation right for individual performers and duets - 10 Euro. How is "A charming building in the heart of Amsterdam, beside a main canal and next to the Dam, the Rembrandt Classic offers you an ideal location and a relaxing atmosphere." said in Russian? Очаровательный отель со спокойной атмосферой, расположенный в центре Амстердама рядом с главным каналом и площадью Dam, станет для Вас идеальным местом проживания. Q: Translate "Operating: 0℃~50℃" to Russian? A: Работать: 0℃~50℃ Q: Translate "servicing of up to 253 PCs in the LAN;" to Russian? A:
обслуживание до 253 компьютеров из локальной сети;
Article:Pearce, 29, missed the majority of the League One campaign last season through injury, but returned for the last five games as the Addicks went unbeaten. "I want to keep progressing and be at a progressive club and I believe Charlton is the right place for me," he said. The former Bournemouth, Portsmouth and Leeds defender made 24 appearances in all competitions last season. Summarize the main points of that article.
Charlton Athletic centre-back Jason Pearce has signed a new three-year contract with the club.
Write a sentence about the following things: deity, stain, window
stained glass window of deity
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Эгг Q: Translate "The second one is the so-called handler." to Russian? Yes: Второй параметр - так называемый обработчик. [Q]: Образовательная программа «Семейные традиции живой природы» стала очередным этапом реализации Программы сотрудничества «Киевстар» с зоопарками и дельфинариями Украины. Translate this to English? [A]: Cognitive program “Family traditions of live nature” is the next step of Kyivstar and Ukrainian zoos cooperation. Question: L'hфtel Ambassadeur est un bel hфtel 3 йtoiles standard, adaptй aux groupes et aux individuels. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: L'hôtel Ambassadeur est un bel hôtel 3 étoiles standard, adapté aux groupes et aux individuels. test: RAIMPBA4 Корр. плана/бюджета под предназн. (заказы) . English? translation: RAIMPBA4 Adjustment of Plan/Budget to Agree with Assigned Vals (Orders) . input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer:
Газель Кювье
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -1056*h = 790 + 1101 + 2333 for h. ++++++++++ answer: -4 Solve 10*s + 41 = 1 for s. Solve this plz. A: -4 QUESTION: Math problem: Solve -18*u - 6*u - 48 = -0*u for u. ANS: -2 Q: What is the solution? Solve -19356 - 16178 = -5767*w - 145466 - 80379 for w. A: -33 Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 147*x = -116*x - 819*x + 34624 for x. answer: 32 Q: Solve: Solve -90*n = -67*n + 69 for n. A:
Question: Another day full of accomplishments . I got a locker , signed up for direct deposit , got my associate discount card , and finished all my computer lessons due within the next six weeks . Oddly enough the lessons that mentioned HDTV and MP3 ' recommendations ' are missing . Answer the following question: When will you know if you were not hired ? Answer: I was already completed the hiring process . Question: But the bike did not have a rear reflector . I had gone to Target and Wal - Mart to find a reflector for it today . Neither store had a basic reflector . Both sold $ 8 + lights , but no $ 2 reflector . Answer the following question: Why is the narrator in the market for a reflector ? Answer: The narrator bikes at night . Question: She went and spent the money without even telling us it was here ! I was so angry . I had plans for the money and now the only thing I got was from my boyfriend and even though that 's really all I care about , my little sister is 7 and she deserves something . My mother did n't even get her anything , not even a cake , but she bought her cigarettes thought , you best believe . Answer the following question: Why did my mom make the purchase that she did ? Answer:
She is a selfish grandmother .
AMD Debuts Dual-Core Opteron Processor AMD #39;s new dual-core Opteron chip is designed mainly for corporate computing applications, including databases, Web services, and financial transactions. Multi-choice problem: What is this text about? Pick from: [1]. World. [2]. Sports. [3]. Business. [4]. Science/Tech.
Kosumi, "Raporun, Kosova'da gerçekleştirilmiş bütün süreçlerin bir devamı niteliğinde olmasını umuyorum. In English? xxxxx "I hope that the report is in the continuity of all the processes Kosovo has been through. Bunlar faşist. In English? xxxxx They are fascist. Ancak Yeğin, kararın "kesinlikle bir bedeli olacağını" da ekledi. In English? xxxxx
However, he added, the decision "certainly will have a price".
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 359 = 4*f + 347 for f.
As others have mentioned, all the women that go nude in this film are mostly absolutely gorgeous. The plot very ably shows the hypocrisy of the female libido. When men are around they want to be pursued, but when no "men" are around, they become the pursuers of a 14 year old boy. And the boy becomes a man really fast (we should all be so lucky at this age!). He then gets up the courage to pursue his true love. Did this review think positively or negatively of the movie (see options below)? Available options: [-] negative. [-] positive....I think the answer is
Translate to Russian: Cuvier's gazelle Russian:
Газель Кювье
Question: Solve -390581 + 127934 = 7189*z + 21113 + 406384 for z.. Answer: -96 Question: Solve z + 1 = 5 for z.. Answer: 4 Question: Solve 202 = -43*k - 568 + 2619 for k.. Answer: 43 Question: Solve 359 = 4*f + 347 for f.. Answer:
Sentence: 1634: The Ram Rebellion, which can be found as an e book, was written by Eric Flint, Virginia DeMarce et al. and has the ISBN number 1-4165-2060-0. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: 1634: The Ram Rebellion, mediaType, E-book; 1634: The Ram Rebellion, author, "Eric Flint, Virginia DeMarce, et al."; 1634: The Ram Rebellion, isbnNumber, "1-4165-2060-0" input question: Sentence: HIV is classed as a Retrovirus and is of the genus Lentivirus. The AIDS journal comes under the academic discipline of HIV/AIDS. Structured data: HIV, genus, Lentivirus; HIV, family, Retrovirus; AIDS (journal), academicDiscipline, HIV; AIDS (journal), academicDiscipline, HIV/AIDS Sentence: Allen Forrest performs hip hop music, a style that originated from disco. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Hip hop music, stylisticOrigin, Disco; Allen Forrest, genre, Hip hop music Sentence: Bionico is a dish found in Mexico, where Spanish is spoken and Silvano Aureoles Conejo is leader. Honey can be added to bionico, which is a dish served as a dessert. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Bionico, country, Mexico; Mexico, language, Spanish language; Mexico, leader, Silvano Aureoles Conejo; Bionico, dishVariation, Honey; Bionico, course, Dessert Sentence: The Indian rupee is the currency in India where the leaders are T. S. Thakur and Vajubhai Vala. Bhajji comes from the Karnataka region in India. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Bhajji, country, India; India, currency, Indian rupee; India, leader, T. S. Thakur; Bhajji, region, Karnataka; Karnataka, leader, Vajubhai Vala Sentence: Aaron Hunt plays for the club, Hamburger SV. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A:
Aaron Hunt, club, Hamburger SV
Choose your answer. Wood's Suspension Upheld (Reuters) Reuters - Major League Baseball\Monday announced a decision on the appeal filed by Chicago Cubs\pitcher Kerry Wood regarding a suspension stemming from an\incident earlier this season. Which topic is this article about? pick from the following. A). World; B). Sports; C). Business; D). Science/Tech;
Q: Write a negative tweet. A: @soisoss yay welcome back! i thought you'd abandoned us lol. sorry 2 hear bout ur memorials hope everything is better now. kissgive baby question: Generate a tweet. negative answer: O.kk? Thats weird I cant stop following people on twitter... I have tons of people to unfollow input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: positive Generated tweet: @grammarnazi926 ok. As long as you and goose are good Write a positive tweet. Possible types: OPTIONS: - negative - positive A: @purplesime no worries, glad you like them now go and tell all your friends that they missed out on the 40%! input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: Going out Sailing today. Who would have thought that it would sunshine today input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: positive Generated tweet:
.@HildyGottlieb & I was just saying to Maha'al yesterday, everything we ever needed to know was in Beatles' lyrics - you prove my point!
Distance no barrier in job search How do I conduct a long-distance job search? A long distance job search doesn't actually differ very much from a local job search. In the 21st century, much networking is done by phone or e-mail anyway, so where you are sitting while you do your networking matters less and less. Once you know where you want to search, work your plans for relocating into your networking scripts. It doesn't need to be detailed. "I am relocating to Boston this spring and am in the process of researching employers in the alternative energy field" is all you need to say to let your contacts know that you aren't down the street. The rest of your conversation will be standard networking fare. You provide a brief overview of your qualifications and ask your contact for information about their company or field. If your contact is someone you want to know better, towards the end of the interview, let him know that you are planning to make a trip to the area at some point and ask if you could come by the office when you do. Usually, the answer will be "yes." Keep a list of the people you would like to meet. When you feel like you have enough people to make the trip worthwhile, or when you get your first interview and know when you will be in town, call your list of contacts and arrange to meet as many people as possible. In reality, you will probably meet as many people face-to-face in your long distance search as you would if you were searching locally. totally disagree with this bland "nothin' to it" take on a long distance search. I have done three myself, and was the trailing spouse on two others. Fla., WA., ID, VA, MD, MA. Things differ region by region, from attire to hours to attitude. An engineer in Atlanta is a different breed of cat than one in Sil. Valley, trust me. A lawyer in Miami would hardly recognize her counterpart in D.C. Instant-return email is the norm in someplaces - 11:35 p.m.? - while almost a breach of etiquette in others. Company cultures, the geographic region and even socio-economic status vary within seemingly similar positions and careers. A legal associate who lives well in Boise has a counterpart in Arlington who is brown-bagging it. Group interviews in the tech world are nothing like the private offices of the halls of D.C. Business entertaining demands are high in Richmond, nonexistant in Portland, Ore. Work may seem an apples to apples comparison but I beg to differ, what look alike is not. Posted by: FloridaChick | June 23, 2010 9:38 PM Report Offensive Comment What is a short summary of the above article?
With cell phones and e-mail, distance is no longer a problem when it comes to looking for a job.
Problem: I want to start a serious relationship with someone, will telling him about my past be a good idea? I told my girlfriend, who is a virgin, that I will not sleep with her if she is unsure about her love for me. I'm a virgin too, but I want her first time to be with someone she loves sincerely. I don't want her to have regrets. Did I do the right thing by telling her that? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no question: What is actual meaning of life? For you what is the meaning of life? OPTIONS: - no - yes answer: yes Is vitamin D deficiency causing reflux? Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no How can you get a dog declawed? What is the best way to get a dog? Please tell me if those questions are the same. OPTIONS: - no - yes A: no What does a fluffer on the porn set do exactly and how do they do it? Why does porn exist? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: What is a word or name for pet lovers, especially dogs? Why is there so much anger about the Yulin Festival (a festival in which dogs are eaten)? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: