1 value
4 values
Sentence 1: Houston is really humid now Sentence 2: Houston is freezing and dry right now. Choose from: i. yes. ii. it is not possible to tell. iii. no. Is this second sentence entailed by the first sentence?
Problem: Washington (CNN) -- A trio of congressional Republicans passionately appealed to the Pentagon on Thursday to drop charges against three Navy SEALs accused of assaulting an Iraqi suspected of orchestrating the 2004 killing and mutilation of four U.S. contractors. Flanked by about a dozen retired Navy SEALs at a news conference near the Capitol, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-California; Rep. Dan Burton, R-Indiana; and Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, insisted that the U.S. is sending the wrong message to its troops. "These Navy SEALs were apprehending a terrorist murderer, and they are being accused of roughing him up? Give me a break! These men should be given medals, not prosecuted. These men are heroes," Rohrabacher said. Burton agreed, saying, "These people are laying their lives on the line every day, and they can't go into a combat situation with kid gloves on." The congressmen said they plan to present to Pentagon officials petitions signed by thousands of people supporting the SEALs. The Iraqi suspect, Ahmed Hashim Abed, complained to investigators he was punched during his detention. One of the three SEALs, Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe, 24, accused of assault, stood next to his attorney at the event Thursday. McCabe did not speak. Gohmert said those who bring harm to Americans should not get the same judicial treatment as U.S. citizens. "They get all their constitutional rights. Well, we've got heroes around who deserve the constitutional rights of an even better caliber. And yes, there are different levels of constitutional rights," he said. 1. who agreed with Rohrabacher 2. how many republicans appealed to the pentagon? 3. what rank was Matthew McCabe? 4. how many SEALs were accused? 5. how old is McCabe? 6. what is he accused of? 7. how many people signed petitions supporting the SEALs? 8. what state does Rohrabacher represent? 9. and Gohmert? 10. who represents Indiana? 11. who flanked them at the news conference? 12. what were the assaulted Iraqi's suspected of? Answer: 1. Burton 2. Three 3. Petty Officer 2nd Class 4. three 5. 24 6. assault 7. thousands 8. California 9. Texas 10. Dan Burton 11. retired Navy SEALs 12. orchestrating the 2004 killing and mutilation of four U.S. contractors Problem: CHAPTER ELEVEN EXPERIMENTS "The first of June! The Kings are off to the seashore tomorrow, and I'm free. Three months' vacation--how I shall enjoy it!" exclaimed Meg, coming home one warm day to find Jo laid upon the sofa in an unusual state of exhaustion, while Beth took off her dusty boots, and Amy made lemonade for the refreshment of the whole party. "Aunt March went today, for which, oh, be joyful!" said Jo. "I was mortally afraid she'd ask me to go with her. If she had, I should have felt as if I ought to do it, but Plumfield is about as gay as a churchyard, you know, and I'd rather be excused. We had a flurry getting the old lady off, and I had a fright every time she spoke to me, for I was in such a hurry to be through that I was uncommonly helpful and sweet, and feared she'd find it impossible to part from me. I quaked till she was fairly in the carriage, and had a final fright, for as it drove of, she popped out her head, saying, 'Josyphine, won't you--?' I didn't hear any more, for I basely turned and fled. I did actually run, and whisked round the corner where I felt safe." "Poor old Jo! She came in looking as if bears were after her," said Beth, as she cuddled her sister's feet with a motherly air. "Aunt March is a regular samphire, is she not?" observed Amy, tasting her mixture critically. 1. When will the Kings depart? 2. what date? 3. Is Meg happy about it? 4. Who was home when she arrived? 5. Did Jo greet her at the door? 6. what was she doing? 7. Was Beth making lemonade? 8. who did? 9. What was Beth doing? 10. were they clean? 11. Why was Amy making lemonade? 12. What was Jo afraid of? 13. to where? 14. why didn't she want to go? 15. What did Beth say Jo looked like? 16. Are Jo and beth cousins? 17. are they related? 18. how? 19. what did she do to Jo's feet? 20. with what? Answer: 1. tomorrow 2. "The first of June 3. yes 4. Jo, Beth and Amy 5. no 6. laying upon the sofa 7. no 8. Amy 9. taking her boots off 10. no 11. for the refreshment of the whole party 12. that Aunt March would ask her to go with her 13. Plumfield 14. because she says it's as gay as a churchyard 15. as if bears were after her, 16. no 17. yes 18. they're sisters 19. cuddled them 20. a motherly air Problem: Turkish people (), or the Turks (), also known as Anatolian Turks (), are a Turkic ethnic group and nation living mainly in Turkey and speaking Turkish, the most widely spoken Turkic language. They are the largest ethnic group in Turkey, as well as by far the largest ethnic group among the speakers of Turkic languages. Ethnic Turkish minorities exist in the former lands of the Ottoman Empire. In addition, a Turkish diaspora has been established with modern migration, particularly in Western Europe. The ethnonym "Turk" may be first discerned in Herodotus' (c. 484–425 BC) reference to Targitas, first king of the Scythians; furthermore, during the first century AD., Pomponius Mela refers to the "Turcae" in the forests north of the Sea of Azov, and Pliny the Elder lists the "Tyrcae" among the people of the same area. The first definite references to the "Turks" come mainly from Chinese sources in the sixth century. In these sources, "Turk" appears as "Tujue" (), which referred to the Göktürks. Although "Turk" refers to Turkish people, it may also sometimes refer to the wider language group of Turkic peoples. In the 19th century, the word "Türk" only referred to Anatolian villagers. The Ottoman ruling class identified themselves as Ottomans, not usually as Turks. In the late 19th century, as the Ottoman upper classes adopted European ideas of nationalism the term "Türk" took on a much more positive connotation. The Turkish-speakers of Anatolia were the most loyal supporters of Ottoman rule. 1. What did the word "Türk" refer to in the 19th century? 2. In the middle of the 19th was this a term that the ruling class used to describe themselves? 3. Was the term seen as more favorable as time went on? 4. What is the largest ethnic group in Turkey now? 5. Did the Turks all stay in Turkey? 6. What area is a popular place to migrate to currently? 7. Who was the first king of the Scythians? 8. When did Herodotus live? 9. What is another term that might refer to the Turkish people? 10. What language do they generally speak? 11. Is there more than one variation of the Turkish language? Answer:
1. Anatolian villagers 2. No 3. Yes 4. the Turks 5. No 6. Western Europe 7. Targitas 8. 484–425 BC 9. Anatolian Turks 10. Turkish 11. Yes
How is "New "Nudge cursor to stop coasting" checkbox (Thanks, Petteri Hiisilä, Dustin Harman!" said in German?
Neue Einstellung "Scrollen durch Cursorbewegung stoppen". Bei Verwendung der Magic Mouse muss in den Systemeinstellung für die Maus dazu "Scrollen ohne Nachlauf" eingestellt sein.
Write some highlights for the following article: Ralph Mata was an internal affairs lieutenant for the Miami-Dade Police Department, working in the division that investigates allegations of wrongdoing by cops. Outside the office, authorities allege that the 45-year-old longtime officer worked with a drug trafficking organization to help plan a murder plot and get guns. A criminal complaint unsealed in U.S. District Court in New Jersey Tuesday accuses Mata, also known as "The Milk Man," of using his role as a police officer to help the drug trafficking organization in exchange for money and gifts, including a Rolex watch. In one instance, the complaint alleges, Mata arranged to pay two assassins to kill rival drug dealers. The killers would pose as cops, pulling over their targets before shooting them, according to the complaint. "Ultimately, the (organization) decided not to move forward with the murder plot, but Mata still received a payment for setting up the meetings," federal prosecutors said in a statement. The complaint also alleges that Mata used his police badge to purchase weapons for drug traffickers. Mata, according to the complaint, then used contacts at the airport to transport the weapons in his carry-on luggage on trips from Miami to the Dominican Republic. Court documents released by investigators do not specify the name of the drug trafficking organization with which Mata allegedly conspired but says the organization has been importing narcotics from places such as Ecuador and the Dominican Republic by hiding them "inside shipping containers containing pallets of produce, including bananas." The organization "has been distributing narcotics in New Jersey and elsewhere," the complaint says. Authorities arrested Mata on Tuesday in Miami Gardens, Florida. It was not immediately clear whether Mata has an attorney, and police officials could not be immediately reached for comment. Mata has worked for the Miami-Dade Police Department since 1992, including directing investigations in Miami Gardens and working as a lieutenant in the K-9 unit at Miami International Airport, according to the complaint. Since March 2010, he had been working in the internal affairs division. Mata faces charges of aiding and abetting a conspiracy to distribute cocaine, conspiring to distribute cocaine and engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity. He is scheduled to appear in federal court in Florida on Wednesday. If convicted, Mata could face life in prison. CNN's Suzanne Presto contributed to this report. Highlights:
Criminal complaint: Cop used his role to help cocaine traffickers. Ralph Mata, an internal affairs lieutenant, allegedly helped group get guns. He also arranged to pay two assassins in a murder plot, a complaint alleges.
'Skyfall' finishes back in first place at the box office, becoming highest grossing movie in Sony's history Daniel Craig stars as James Bond in 'Skyfall.' James Bond renewed his license to thrill. "Skyfall" surged back into first place in its fifth weekend, with $11 million — bringing its worldwide total to $918 million. Daniel Craig's third turn as Agent 007 is the most successful installment in the 50-year history of the Bond franchise. And in the process, the movie has become Sony Pictures' highest grossing movie of all time, beating out "Spider-Man 3." "I've never seen this exact trajectory on a movie — returning to first place after dropping out three weeks ago," said Paul Dergarabedian, box office analyst for "'Twilight' opened bigger, but 'Skyfall' has been building because of word of mouth. "It's transcends being just a typical Bond movie, it's crossed over to fans who want to see a good movie that has some Oscar potential." Meanwhile, Gerard Butler's new romantic comedy, featuring the hunky Scot as a soccer coach, scored the box office equivalent of an own goal. The animated "Rise of the Guardians" climbed into second place in its third weekend with $10.5 million. "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" dropped from first place to third, but added another $9.2 million, proving there was still plenty of life left in the vampire romance saga after four weeks. And Oscar buzz propelled Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln" to a $9.1 million weekend. The film has grossed $97.3 million so far. Newcomers will face the equivalent of another dragon to slay at the box office next weekend with Friday's opening of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," the first installment of Peter Jackson's prequel trilogy to "The Lord of the Rings." What was this article about?
James Bond renewed his license to thrill. "Skyfall" surged back into first place in its fifth weekend, with $11 million — bringing its worldwide total to $918 million. And in the process, the movie has become Sony Pictures' highest grossing movie of all time.
The fifth World Social Forum (WSF) has kicked off in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that the sentence below is true? The WSF takes place in Brazil. Pick from: (a). yes (b). no
Problem: Wholesale and retail trade is the largest sector in the citys economy, contributing 24.0 percent of Bangkoks gross provincial product. It is followed by manufacturing (14.3%); real estate, renting and business activities (12.4%); transport and communications (11.6%); and financial intermediation (11.1%). Bangkok alone accounts for 48.4 percent of Thailands service sector, which in turn constitutes 49.0 percent of GDP. When the Bangkok Metropolitan Region is considered, manufacturing is the most significant contributor at 28.2 percent of the gross regional product, reflecting the density of industry in the Bangkoks neighbouring provinces. Automotive industry in Thailand based around Greater Bangkok is the largest production hub in Southeast Asia. Tourism is also a significant contributor to Bangkoks economy, generating ฿427.5bn ($13.38bn) in revenue in 2010. How many percent more is the second largest sector of the economy compared to the lowest? Answer: 3.2 Q: Bolivia is inhabited mostly by Quechua people (45.6%) and Aymara people (42.4%), while minorities include 37 Indigenous peoples in Bolivia (0.3% average per group). The Spanish, Quechua language, Aymara language, Guarani languages, as well as 34 other native languages are the official language of Bolivia. Spanish is the most-spoken language (60.7%) within the population. The main religions of Bolivia are Catholicism (81.8%), Evangelicalism (11.5%), and Protestantism (2.6%). Education is of poor quality, and has a 91.2% literacy rate. An estimated 7.6% of the countrys gross domestic product (GDP) is spent on education. The average monthly household income was Boliviano1,378 ($293) in 1994. In December 2013 the unemployment rate was 3.2% of the working population. Average urbanisation rate in Bolivia is 67%. How many percent of the Bolivian people are not literate? A: 8.8 Problem: General Yudenich, the Russian commander from 1915 to 1916, drove the Turks out of most of the southern Caucasus with a string of victories. In 1917, Russian Grand Duke Nicholas assumed command of the Caucasus front. Nicholas planned a railway from Russian Georgia to the conquered territories, so that fresh supplies could be brought up for a new offensive in 1917. However, in March 1917 , the Czar abdicated in the course of the February Revolution, and the Russian Caucasus Army began to fall apart. The Arab Revolt, instigated by the Arab bureau of the British Foreign Office, started June 1916 with the Battle of Mecca, led by Sherif Hussein of Mecca, and ended with the Ottoman surrender of Damascus. Fakhri Pasha, the Ottoman commander of Medina, resisted for more than two and half years during the Siege of Medina before surrendering in January 1919. The Senussi tribe, along the border of Italian Libya and British Egypt, incited and armed by the Turks, waged a small-scale guerrilla war against Allied troops. The British were forced to dispatch 12,000 troops to oppose them in the Senussi Campaign. Their rebellion was finally crushed in mid-1916. Total Allied casualties on the Ottoman fronts amounted 650,000 men. Total Ottoman casualties were 725,000 . Answer this question based on the article: How many years was Yudenich a commander for? A: 2 Question: In the United States, conscription began in 1917 and was generally well received, with a few pockets of opposition in isolated rural areas. The administration decided to rely primarily on conscription, rather than voluntary enlistment, to raise military manpower for when only 73,000 volunteers enlisted out of the initial 1 million target in the first six weeks of the war. In 1917 10 million men were registered. This was deemed to be inadequate, so age ranges were increased and exemptions reduced, and so by the end of 1918 this increased to 24 million men that were registered with nearly 3 million inducted into the military services. The draft was universal and included blacks on the same terms as whites, although they served in different units. In all 367,710 black Americans were drafted , compared to 2,442,586 white . Forms of resistance ranged from peaceful protest to violent demonstrations and from humble letter-writing campaigns asking for mercy to radical newspapers demanding reform. The most common tactics were dodging and desertion, and many communities sheltered and defended their draft dodgers as political heroes. Many socialists were jailed for "obstructing the recruitment or enlistment service". The most famous was Eugene Debs, head of the Socialist Party of America, who ran for president in 1920 from his prison cell. In 1917 a number of radicals and anarchists challenged the new draft law in federal court, arguing that it was a direct violation of the Thirteenth Amendment's prohibition against slavery and involuntary servitude. The Supreme Court unanimously upheld the constitutionality of the draft act in the Selective Draft Law Cases on January 7, 1918. What happened first, the Selective Draft Law Cases or Eugene Debs' run for president? Answer: Selective Draft Law Cases question: The car also won the 1961 British Saloon Car Championship season, 1962 British Saloon Car Championship season, 1969 British Saloon Car Championship season, 1978 British Saloon Car Championship season and 1979 British Saloon Car Championship season, as well as the British Rally Championship in 1962, 1963 and 1970, the European Rally Championship in 1965 and 1966, and won the Finnish Rally Championship in 1965 and 1966. Minis also won the 1965 Lowood 4 Hour endurance race, and the final Finnish Grand Prix in 1963. The Cooper S also had some success in the European Touring Car Championship, winning in 1964 and 1968, the Guia Race of Macau (a 1-2-3 finish in 1965, a 1-2 finish in 1970 and a win in 1972), and the Australian Touring Car Championship, winning its class in 1962, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967 and 1968. A further title was the 1971 Sun-7 Chesterfield Series. The Mini also enjoyed class wins at the 1963 Armstrong 500, repeating this feat every year until 1969 Hardie-Ferodo 500, and having class wins at the 1964, 1965 and 1971 Sandown 250, and Six Hour Le Mans in 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970 and 1972, as well as the 1971 Phillip Island 500K. The car also won the Welsh Sports and Saloon Car Championship in 1998. Mini Leyland came 4th place in the under-2-litre category in the 1966 Trans-Am season, 1967 Trans-Am season and 1969 Trans-Am seasons, improving to 3rd in 1970 Trans-Am season. Answer this question: Which championships were both won in 1965 and 1966? answer: European Rally Championship question: John Graunt noted that in London over a 35-year period in the 17th century (1628–62), the birth sex ratio was 1.07; while Koreas historical records suggest a birth sex ratio of 1.13, based on 5 million births, in 1920s over a 10-year period. Other historical records from Asia too support James hypothesis. For example, Jiang et al. claim that the birth sex ratio in China was 116–121 over a 100-year period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries; in the 120–123 range in the early 20th century; falling to 112 in the 1930s. Answer this question: Did the birth sex ratio in China have a wider range in the 18th and 19th centuries or the early 20th century? answer:
18th and 19th centuries
Problem: I want to start a serious relationship with someone, will telling him about my past be a good idea? I told my girlfriend, who is a virgin, that I will not sleep with her if she is unsure about her love for me. I'm a virgin too, but I want her first time to be with someone she loves sincerely. I don't want her to have regrets. Did I do the right thing by telling her that? Answer: no Problem: Why do people hate Hillary Clinton? How is it that people hate Hillary Clinton? Answer: yes Problem: Has anyone gotten a refund from Ramit Sethi's courses? Has anyone received refund from vit? Answer: no Problem: What is a word or name for pet lovers, especially dogs? Why is there so much anger about the Yulin Festival (a festival in which dogs are eaten)? Answer:
Pour la mise en oeuvre, la deuxième catégorie d'activités constitue un déterminant essentiel du succès de la politique linguistique. Translate this to English?
Activities of the second type will be a major determinant of the successful implementation of a language policy.
Problem: What type of thing is the question "What Triple Crown-winning horse took the 1973 Belmont Stakes by 31 lengths ?" asking about? Answer: entity Problem: What type of thing is the question "How many casinos are in Atlantic City , NJ ?" asking about? Answer: numeric Problem: What type of thing is the question "What is the C programming language ?" asking about? Answer:
Context: One had to go through again the harrowing experience of being pushed and crushed by that mindless mass of humanity . So apathy finally gave way to a firm resolve for action . And before the brain that had been reduced into an unthinking automaton by a mismanaged train system knew what was happening , one was suddenly standing in front of the MRT station supervisor and eyeing him through orange - tinged sunglasses . Question generated: What will the supervisor say after the narrator has had their piece ? OPTIONS: - The supervisor will guide the narrator through the mass of a crowd to their destination . - The supervisor will reprimand the narrator until the narrator resolves to be on time to work . - None of the above choices . - The supervisor will apologize and may offer the narrator a free ride . Context: She 'd hoped to make it down to the compound to organise sitting of some sort for the next morning , as she had work to do with the building crew . It did n't seem like it would happen though , a bit frustrated with herself for leaving it so late . Closing the door to Jackson 's room , she hoped that this time he would stay asleep . Question generated: Why does she hope Jackson will stay asleep ? OPTIONS: - Jackson will wake her up if he is awake . - None of the above choices . - Jackson will tiptoe around and let her sleep . - She needs to sleep at work during her busy day tomorrow . Context: I feel much better now : I feel like I know the campus a little better , though I am still learning my way around , and also I know that I have a social network here . There are people here who are willing to help me when needed , hang out with , and just be around . I did nt have such at Tarleton and that was a main component for why I was so unhappy there . Question generated: What happened to make me feel better ? OPTIONS: - I went to Tarleton - I got lost on campus - I made new friends - I felt unhappy Context: So I got separated from afire 's people and they ended up in this tiny little taxi in the car lane . It was like an Asian clown car , oh man . So I got in and we drove outside the con building and met up with a bunch of GL cosplayers a Kamina , Simon , Nia , and Yoko ) . Outside it was like Baltimore , and suddenly all the cosplayers were on the roof of a huge skyscraper , and they joined hands and jumped off . They landed on their feet holy crap . Question generated:
What may happen after getting into the tiny taxi ? OPTIONS: - None of the above choices . - It would feel very tiny with not much space . - We all take the cosplayers home for a party . - The cosplayers walked down the stairs of the skyscraper .
QUESTION: Generate a question with a factual answer? ANS: As what type of ruler did Constantine unite the empire and church? QUESTION: Generate a question with a factual answer? ANS: In which century did Portugal see the arrival of Modernism? QUESTION: Generate a question with a factual answer? ANS: After a bill is assigned a number, what is it made ready for? QUESTION: Generate a question with a factual answer? ANS:
For what event was the largest amount of signatures collected in an attempt to keep Kanye from performing at it?
1999 MENS_40 SunWest Razorbacks def Sydney Mets; 1999 MENS_45 Northern Eagles def Hunter Western Hornets The mens 45 when mens 40 was Sunwest Razorbacks def Sydney Mets was northern eagles def hunter western hornets. Elliot See ALMA_MATER University of Texas at Austin; University of Texas at Austin AFFILIATIONS University of Texas System; Elliot See OCCUPATION Test pilot; Elliot See BIRTH_PLACE Dallas Elliot See (born in Dallas) went to the University of Texas at Austin which is affiliated with the University of Texas System and was a test pilot. The Phoenix eatType restaurant; The Phoenix food Italian; The Phoenix customer rating 5 out of 5; The Phoenix area riverside
The Phoenix is an Italian restaurant located by the river. It has great reviews with a five star rating.
What are some TV shows/ movies with a scene where a female falls, specifically, face-first into something like a cake, a mud puddle, pie, etc.? What are some TV shows/movies with a scene where a female falls face-first into something like a cake, a mud puddle, pie, etc.? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Pick from: (1). no; (2). yes;
Q: Translate "This initiative will aid the concept of a European judicial culture so that the entire citizenry of the EU will be treated fairly and with dignity." to Romanian? A: Această inițiativă va sprijini conceptul de cultură judiciară europeană, astfel încât toți cetățenii UE vor fi tratați corect și cu demnitate. Q: Translate "During the two-day visit, the commissioner met with Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, the justice and internal affairs ministers, and parliamentary representatives." to Romanian? A: În cursul vizitei de două zile, comisarul s-a întâlnit cu primul ministru Ivo Sanader, cu miniştrii afacerilor interne şi justiţiei şi cu reprezentanţii parlamentului. Q: Translate "Construction must begin by the end of this month and should completed by June 2009." to Romanian? A:
Construcţia trebuie să înceapă la sfârşitul acestei luni şi are ca termen de execuţie luna iunie a anului 2009.
This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Designedtoplaceallyourgearinapracticalandorder... Designed to place all your gear in a practical and order ... input question: Fix spacing: Revisionr6717349Downloads,Releasedon2010-07-27 output answer: Revision r6717 349 Downloads, Released on 2010-07-27 Problem: DriveoverthehillswithaBen10atv.Beverycarefulandyoucanwineverystageyourextremedrivingskilscanhelpyou.Collectthepointstoincreaseyourscore.maketrickstoincreaseyourpoints What's a sentence that uses these characters? - Drive over the hills with a Ben 10 atv. Be very careful and you can win every stage your extreme driving skils can help you. Collect the points to increase your score.make tricks to increase your points Add spaces: TransferfromCauteretstoLourdes(LDE)lentokenttâ Answer: Transfer from Cauterets to Lourdes(LDE) lentokenttâ Thisstandarddocument,identicalinmostEUcountries,helpsyourecordthefactsandmakesiteasiertosettleanyclaim. This standard document, identical in most EU countries, helps you record the facts and makes it easier to settle any claim. Add spaces: Fortheanimalbynowithasbecomeavitalnecessitytokillinordertolive,theanimals'worldisaworldofkilling,andintheanimalkingdom,towhichtheearthlyhumansstillbelong,theyexperiencethepeakoftheunfoldingofthekillingprinciple,intheformofwar,violence,terrorandphysicalandspiritualcrisesandsufferingswhichwecallillnesses. Answer:
For the animal by now it has become a vital necessity to kill in order to live, the animals' world is a world of killing, and in the animal kingdom, to which the earthly humans still belong, they experience the peak of the unfolding of the killing principle, in the form of war, violence, terror and physical and spiritual crises and sufferings which we call illnesses.
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Uns hat uns sehr gefallen, dass die Mitarbeiter an der Rezeption sehr zuvorkommend waren und uns auch Fragen bezüglich ÖV beantwortet haben. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Aber nun sind wir mit diesem Bericht befasst, der, nach vielen anderen, auf die er sich im Übrigen beruft, hartnäckig noch einmal wiederholt, was seit Jahren bereits festgeschrieben ist, und was, in Hinblick auf das Personal, in Richtlinien, im Statut verankert ist. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Auch Stücke von First Choice als input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer:
Bis vor kurzem war das nur ein Traum. Aber glücklicherweise gibt es die eigenwillige Ricoh, die diesen Traum scheinbar wahr werden lässt.
Premise: A man twirling a flaming baton. Hypothesis: A man performs a circus act. .Choose the correct answer: Given the premise, can we conclude the hypothesis? pick from the following. [+] yes; [+] it is not possible to tell; [+] no;
it is not possible to tell
Having jointly seized Beijing in 1920, the Fengtian and Zhili cliques controlled the nominal government of China. Tensions soon began building between the two cliques in their uneasy coalition government. In 1922 the Fengtian clique replaced Premier Jin Yunpeng with Liang Shiyi without getting prior consent of their partner, the Zhili clique. While the Zhili had the backing of the British and Americans, the Fengtian leader was backed by Japan. The Japanese government had once supported their enemy, the Anhui clique, but had switched sides soon after the change of power. On 25 December 1921, a cabinet under Liang Shiyi's leadership was formed with strong support from Zhang Zuolin, whereupon the new cabinet immediately granted amnesty to six former cabinet members of the Anhui clique. The Zhili clique strongly opposed the plan but were overruled. The conflict further intensified as the new cabinet refused to give some $3 million in military budgets previously promised to the Zhili clique. As a result, Wu Peifu and other Zhili clique members forced Liang Shiyi to resign on 25 January 1922. With the pro-Fengtian clique cabinet having collapsed only a month after its formation, Zhang Zuolin threatened to resolve the conflict by force. Troops were deployed on 10 April 1922, though Wu Peifu and his Zhili clique did not formally denounce their opponent until 25 April 1922. Which happened first, the granting of amnesty to former cabinet members or the resignation of Liang Shiyi? A: amnesty to six Q: In a game that various analysts considered a potential Super Bowl XLVII preview, the 7-1 Bears faced the also 7-1 Houston Texans on Sunday Night Football, in a game waged in the rain. The first half proved disastrous for Chicago, as Kellen Davis had the ball stripped by former Bear Danieal Manning, and recovered by Texans linebacker Tim Dobbins. Shayne Graham later kicked a 20-yard field goal to give Houston the first points of the game. On Chicago's next possession, Michael Bush fumbled, and the Texans recovered again. The Texans drive wouldn't last long, as Tim Jennings would intercept Matt Schaub. However, the Bears failed to take advantage of the turnover, as Jay Cutler's pass would get intercepted by Manning. A quarter later, Jennings once again intercepted Schaub, which set up a Robbie Gould 51-yard field goal. Later in the quarter, Justin Forsett broke a 25-yard run to the Bears 3-yard line, which set up Arian Foster's 2-yard touchdown catch. Late in the first half, Cutler was hit by Dobbins, giving him a concussion, which sidelined him for the rest of the game, and was replaced by Jason Campbell. With less than two minutes left in the third quarter, Gould hit a 24-yard field goal to draw the Bears within four points, but Graham would make a 42-yarder to increase the deficit to seven with less than five minutes left in the game. Gould had attempted a 48-yard field goal earlier in the fourth quarter, but the ball hit the left upright. The loss snapped Chicago's six-game winning streak, the longest since their seven-game streak in 2006, and dropped Chicago to a 7-2 record, and 0-3 all-time against the Texans. How many yards was Graham's longest field goal of the game? A: 42 P: The Lions went home for a Week 12 duel with another NFC South team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. In the first quarter, Detroit struck first as QB Daunte Culpepper completed a 15-yard TD pass to WR Calvin Johnson. The Lions continued their early success as safety Daniel Bullocks returned a fumble 44 yards for a touchdown, while kicker Jason Hanson got a 38-yard field goal. Although the 17-0 early advantage was the largest lead the Lions would obtain all year, it didn't even last until halftime. In the second quarter, the Buccaneers' RB Warrick Dunn got a 13-yard TD run, while QB Jeff Garcia completed a 36-yard TD pass to WR Ike Hilliard and a 24-yard TD pass to TE Jerramy Stevens. In the third quarter, Tampa Bay added onto their lead as RB Clifton Smith returned a punt 70 yards for a touchdown, along with CB Ronde Barber returning an interception 65 yards for a touchdown. Detroit scored when Hanson got a 40-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, only the Buccaneers scored when kicker Matt Bryant nailed a 48-yard field goal. Answer this: Which player caught a pass for the first score? A: Calvin Johnson Problem: The citys most populous ethnic group, non-Hispanic Whites, have proportionally declined from 72.1% of the population in 1990 to 47.9% in 2010, even as total numbers of all ethnicities have increased with the population. Hispanics or Latinos of any race make up 31.5% of the population. Of those 24.0% are of Mexican, 1.4% of Salvadoran, 0.9% of Puerto Rican, 0.9% of Cuban, 0.6% of Guatemalan, 0.2% of Peruvian, 0.2% of Colombian, 0.2% of Honduran and 0.2% of Nicaraguan descent. How many more percentage of the population are Cuban than Columbian? Answer: .4 In the first quarter, the Buffalo Bills scored first with a 17-yard rushing touchdown by running back C. J. Spiller to lead 7-0. In the second quarter, the Bills scored again with a 5-yard rushing touchdown by C. J. Spiller to lead 14-0. The Bills continued to extend their lead when quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick threw a 10-yard touchdown pass to tight end Scott Chandler to lead 21-0 at halftime. In the third quarter, the Chiefs finally scored with a 33-yard field goal by Ryan Succop to make it 3-21. The Bills answered with a 49-yard touchdown pass from quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick to wide receiver Steve Johnson to make the score 28-3. The Bills continued to dominate with an 88-yard punt return touchdown by Leodis McKelvin to lead 35-3. In the fourth quarter, the Chiefs finally got going with Matt Cassel throwing a 33-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Dwayne Bowe to make the score 10-35. The Chiefs managed to score again with Matt Cassel throwing a 5-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Dwayne Bowe. The Chiefs fantastic effort in the fourth quarter was not enough, the final score is 17-35 as the Chiefs fall to 0-2. Which player had the most first half touchdowns? A:
C. J. Spiller
Here are some keywords about a restaurant: name = Cotto, eatType = coffee shop, food = Indian, priceRange = moderate, customer rating = 3 out of 5, area = riverside, near = The Portland Arms. Write a sentence that describes the following attributes of a restaurant.
Cotto is a coffee shop providing Indian food in the moderate price range. It is located in the riverside. It is near The Portland Arms. Its customer rating is 3 out of 5.
Do these two sentences from wikipedia have the same meaning? was introduced by Bharathiraja first in the film `` Alaigal Oivathillai '' . First Bharathiraja was presented by Karthik in the film `` Alaigal Oivathillai '' . (A). no. (B). yes. The answer is:
How is ""Judge Goldstone has confirmed that there were war crimes committed by the Israeli forces and also crimes against humanity, attacks on civilians that had no military purpose, excessive destruction of buildings, blockage of food and other essentials to the civilian population." said in French?
« Richard Goldstone a confirmé que les forces israéliennes ont commis des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre l'humanité, qu'elles ont attaqué des civils sans aucune justification militaire, procédé à des destructions excessives de bâtiments et empêché l'approvisionnement de la population civile en nourriture et autres biens de première nécessité.
Here are some keywords about a restaurant: name = Cocum, eatType = pub, priceRange = high, customer rating = average, familyFriendly = yes. A: Cocum is a pub with a average customer rating. It has a high price range and it's children-friendly. Here are some keywords about a restaurant: name = The Phoenix, food = Italian, priceRange = high, area = riverside. A: If you are looking for Italian, do not go to The Phoenix in riverside. You will find expensive food and bad customer service. Here are some keywords about a restaurant: name = Cotto, eatType = coffee shop, food = Indian, priceRange = moderate, customer rating = 3 out of 5, area = riverside, near = The Portland Arms. A:
Cotto is a coffee shop providing Indian food in the moderate price range. It is located in the riverside. It is near The Portland Arms. Its customer rating is 3 out of 5.
What is an example of a tweet?
Working through hundreds of assignments
Sentence 1: But not now. Sentence 2: But they wouldn't be leaving right now. If the first sentence is true, then is the second sentence true?
it is not possible to tell
Problem: *Browns Cambridge eatType coffee shop; Browns Cambridge food Indian; Browns Cambridge customer rating high; Browns Cambridge area riverside; Browns Cambridge familyFriendly yes; Browns Cambridge near Crowne Plaza Hotel* A: Browns Cambridge is an Indian coffee shop with a high customer rating in Riverside near Crowne Plaza Hotel. It is also family friendly Problem: *The Twenty Two eatType restaurant; The Twenty Two food French; The Twenty Two area riverside; The Twenty Two familyFriendly yes* A: On the riverside, you can find the kids friendly French restaurant The Twenty Two. Problem: *Java ETHNIC_GROUP Banyumasan people; Singapore LANGUAGE English language; Ayam penyet REGION Singapore; Ayam penyet COUNTRY Java* A: The Banyumasan are an ethnic group from Java which has ayam penyet as one of its foods. Ayam penyet is a food dish from Singapore where English is also spoken. Problem: *The Mill eatType coffee shop; The Mill food Japanese; The Mill priceRange £20-25; The Mill area riverside; The Mill near The Sorrento* A:
The Mill is a coffee shop providing Japanese food in the average price range. It is located in the riverside near The Sorrento.
Generate a sentence that includes all the following words: controversy, hate, hut, island, local
new beach huts on the island have caused some controversy some locals love them others hate them
A drunk driver who killed a young woman in a head-on crash while checking his mobile phone has been jailed for six years. Craig Eccleston-Todd, 27, was driving home from a night at a pub when he received a text message. As he was reading or replying to it, he veered across the road while driving round a bend and smashed into Rachel Titley’s car coming the other way. Craig Eccleston-Todd, 27 (left) was using his mobile phone when he crashed head-on into the car being driven by Rachel Titley, 28 (right). She died later from her injuries. The head-on crash took place in October 2013. Mr Eccleston-Todd's car was barely recognisable (pictured) Police said Eccleston-Todd had drunk at least three or four pints of beer before getting behind the wheel. He was found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving at Portsmouth Crown Court yesterday. Miss Titley, a 28-year-old solicitor’s clerk from Cowes, Isle of Wight, had also spent the evening with friends at a pub but had not drunk any alcohol, police said. She was driving responsibly and there was ‘nothing she could have done to avoid the collision’, they added. Lindsay Pennell, prosecuting, said: ‘Craig Eccleston-Todd’s driving resulted in the tragic death of a young woman, Rachel Titley, a death that could have been avoided. ‘Mr Eccleston-Todd took the decision to pick up his mobile phone whilst driving and, either reading or replying to this text message, was so distracted that he failed to negotiate a left-hand bend, crossing the central white line into the path of Miss Titley’s oncoming car. Miss Titley was pulled the wreckage of her Daihatsu Cuore but died later from her injuries in hospital. ‘Miss Titley [had] a bright future ahead of her. She was also returning home having spent an enjoyable evening with friends and was driving responsibly. ‘She had arranged to contact her friends when she got home to confirm that she had arrived safely. Her friends sadly never heard from her after they parted company. ‘Miss Titley’s death in these circumstances reiterates the danger of using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving.’ Police were unable to take breath or blood tests from Eccleston-Todd immediately, but in tests several hours after the accident he was only marginally under the drink-drive limit. The judge agreed with police that he would have been over the limit at the time his red Citroen hit Miss Titley’s blue Daihatsu Cuore on a road near Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, on October 11, 2013. His phone records showed he was also texting around the time of the crash. PC Mark Furse, from Hampshire constabulary’s serious collision investigation unit, said: 'Our thoughts are with Rachel's family at this time. She had been out with friends at a pub in Shalfleet that evening, but had not had any alcohol. 'Our investigation showed that there was nothing she could have done to avoid the collision and sadly it cost her her life. 'Mr Eccleston-Todd had left work in Yarmouth and met with friends at a pub where he drank at least three to four pints of lager. He hadn't long left the pub to return home when the collision occurred at around 9.30pm. 'We weren't able to take breath or blood tests from him immediately and although blood taken several hours after the collision showed he was marginally under the limit, we maintain he would have been over the limit at the time of the collision and in summing up today, the judge agreed. 'The analysis of his phone records showed that he was texting on his phone around the time of the collision so it's highly likely this would also have contributed to his dangerous driving and loss of control.' Eccleston-Todd was found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving following a trial at Portsmouth Crown Court (pictured) He added: 'Mr Eccleston-Todd will now spend six years behind bars, but Rachel's family have lost her forever. 'I hope this will make people think twice before drinking any alcohol and getting behind the wheel, or using a phone once they're on the road. 'The dangers of drink driving and driving whilst using a mobile phone are obvious. Those who continue to do so risk spending a substantial time in prison. This case highlights just how tragic the consequences of committing these offences can be.' ‘Mr Eccleston-Todd will now spend six years behind bars, but Rachel’s family have lost her for ever. I hope this will make people think twice before drinking any alcohol and getting behind the wheel, or using a phone once they’re on the road. This case highlights just how tragic the consequences of committing these offences can be.’ Eccleston-Todd, of Newport, Isle of Wight, was also disqualified from driving for eight years after which he will have to complete an extended re-test. Write highlights for this article.
Craig Eccleston-Todd, 27, had drunk at least three pints before driving car. Was using phone when he veered across road in Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. Crashed head-on into 28-year-old Rachel Titley's car, who died in hospital. Police say he would have been over legal drink-drive limit at time of crash. He was found guilty at Portsmouth Crown Court of causing death by dangerous driving.
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 359 = 4*f + 347 for f.
Translate "The Federal Government holds the view that there is no apparent connection between the period of time needed to process asylum applications and the rights laid down in the Covenant." to French?
Le Gouvernement fédéral estime qu'il n'y a pas de lien manifeste entre les délais nécessaires pour examiner les demandes d'asile et les droits énoncés dans le Pacte.
Emil: we're already at the festival Emil: you? Rosa: still on my way Rosa: I'll arrive at 3pm Emil: alright Rosa: I'm here. Rosa: where are you guys? Rosa: hey Rosa: Can't reach you somehow, I'll try later Emil: sorry we were doing some siesta :) Rosa: no worries, I already checked in at the hotel Rosa: now I'm hanging out at the vendors' zone Emil: cool, we'll meet you there Emil: so, we're here, where r u? Rosa: sorry I moved Rosa: I'm at the main stage right now Rosa: where Tundra is playing Rosa: I'm at the left side Emil: ok, we're coming, DON'T MOVE! What was that dialogue about? Emil is at the festival. Rosa will arrive at 3 PM. Emil is doing some siesta. Rosa checked in at the hotel. She is at the stage where Tundra is playing, on the left side. Emil is coming to her. Eve: what are you doing? Logan: looking at cheap flights in winter Eve: where too? Logan: to a paradise Eve: haha, eg? Logan: Caribbean, South Africa, Thailand Eve: and? Logan: quite expensive, there are some offers but in most of the cases you have to pay 700 euro Eve: ouch! Logan: the price of paradise I guess Eve: indeed Logan: would you like to join me Eve: hmm, I haven't though about it, but it sounds quite amazing Logan: it would be a bit cheaper to travel in 2 Logan: we are both singles, we are tired with winter Eve: true, a sweet escape Logan: Let's do it Eve: I have to ask my boss first if he would give me a short leave Logan: ask and let me know before Christmas Eve: is February good for you Logan: perfect I think What was that dialogue about? Logan is looking at cheap flights in winter. He wants to go to Caribbean, South Africa or Thailand. Logan wants Eve to join him. She will ask her boss for a short leave. Jessie: Grace: who the hell is that Jessie: JIMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grace: go to hell What was that dialogue about?
Jessie sent Grace Jimmy's photo.
Write a sentence not in English.
On ne connaît aucune source naturelle d'acrylonitrile.
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -366 = 8*q - 422 for q. ++++++++++ answer: 7 question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 0 = -1616*c - 25058 - 35377 - 22486 - 1111 for c. ++++++++++ answer: -52 question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 0 = -443*y + 157*y - 925 + 5787 for y. ++++++++++ answer: 17 question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -4052*n + 9400 = -2192*n - 2048*n for n. ++++++++++ answer:
In the city, the population was spread out with 28.1% under the age of 18, 9.2% from 18 to 24, 26.2% from 25 to 44, 21.4% from 45 to 64, and 15.1% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 36 years. For every 100 females, there were 83.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 77.7 males. How many percent were not from 45 to 64?
Problem: La conservation de cette catégorie de renseignements personnels est régie par un calendrier de conservation des dossiers négocié avec les Archives nationales du Canada. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: 2), il est vraisemblable que les espèces de gallinacés les plus chassées connaissent aussi une considérable incidence de plombs incrustés. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Demande instamment aux gouvernements, aux organisations inter-gouvernementales ainsi qu'aux organisations non gouvernementales de prendre des mesures pratiques pour faire mieux connaître les Règles et en faciliter l'application, et de proposer des mesures pour poursuivre la défense et la protection des droits fondamentaux des personnes handicapées, d'améliorer la coopération dans le système des Nations Unies dans le domaine des handicaps et de trouver des modalités de suivi de l'application des Règles; Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Les ressources supplémentaires à prélever d'urgence sur le compte d'appui aux opérations de maintien de la paix se monteraient à 11 365 400 dollars, soit 5 006 900 dollars pour la création de 181 postes [2 D-2, 1 D-1, 8 P-5, 104 P-4/3, 8 P-2/1, 8 GS (1re classe) et 50 GS (autres classes)] et 6 358 500 dollars pour les objets de dépense autres que les postes. Which language is this? +++++ Language:
Mme James raconte comment la collectivité a été créée. Which language is this?
News article: If she scores this jaw-dropping book deal, Lena Dunham won't be just one of the "Girls" anymore. Bidding for Dunham's upcoming book skyrocketed to $3.6 million on Wednesday, according to's Mike Fleming. Fleming reports that this number could climb even higher: The numbers for the book of advice and anecdotes from the 26-year old creator of the HBO series Girls should go even higher as publishers see her as an influential creative voice for young women. She met yesterday with editors. Stay tuned. Dunham's literary agent Kim Witherspoon of InkWell Management is working on the deal, which should be finalized soon, according to Witherspoon is an ideal agent to contend for Dunham's deal, as she herself founded an agency at 26 years old and now represents the likes of Sophie Kinsella, Lionel Shriver and Anthony Bourdain, the New York Observer notes. Slate's David Haglund reported on Monday that Dunham's book deal had a set an "in-house floor of $1 Million” for U.S. rights to the book. Dunham told the online magazine: “There is nothing gutsier to me than a person announcing that their story is one that deserves to be told, especially if that person is a woman.” Dunham's book, tentatively titled "Not That Kind of Girl: Advice by Lena Dunham," is a collection of essays with an advice motif. "In the intro, Dunham is self-deprecating about the idea that she has any wisdom to share, but says that if the book can help anyone avoid some of the mistakes she’s made it will be worth it," according to Slate. The proposal says the work will include candid accounts of "losing her virginity, trying to eat well (detailed diet journal included), obsessing about death, and so on, along with tips about how to stay focused on work, how not to ruin a potential relationship, and what have you." Dunham's potential multi-million dollar deal is certainly impressive addition to her list of accomplishments. The 26-year-old filmmaker and actress has written for The New Yorker and Rookie. Her feature-length film "Tiny Furniture" won Best Narrative Feature at the 2010 South by Southwest festival. ||||| Lena Dunham’s proposal for the book Not That Kind Of Girl reached $3.6 million last night. Her lit agent Kim Witherspoon from InkWell Management is working the deal, and it should be finalized soon. The numbers for the book of advice and anecdotes from the UTA-repped 26-year old creator of the HBO series Girls should go even higher as publishers see her as an influential creative voice for young women. She met yesterday with editors. Stay tuned. Get Deadline news and alerts sent to your inbox. ||||| The Girls creator and star Lena Dunham had the honor of attending Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit earlier this week and in an interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, she revealed some details about what is to come for her hit HBO series. Dunham has come into the spotlight incredibly fast since Girls premiered last April. Having been nominated for multiple prestigious Emmys, it is hard to believe that the show even has critics. But O’Brien pointed out in their interview, of which Fortune has the whole transcript, that some critics have found the show elitist for following four white girls. “In the second season there are a multitude of new characters who enter. Some are people of color, some are not, some are Caucasian, because I went to the actors who I wanted to work with,” Dunham said. “I don't care about satisfying the critics, but I care about satisfying my viewers. And I know I have viewers who are women of color who want to see themselves reflected on screen. So, that's what matters to me.” The Huffington Post reported last May that Donald Glover was seen on set filming for the second season of Girls, and it's speculated that it was because of the criticisms. Girls is expected to return in January 2013 on HBO. ||||| What is a shorter version of the above article?
– If you wanted proof that Lena Dunham qualifies for the "rising young star" label, has it: Bidding for her book proposal Not That Kind of Girl: Advice by Lena Dunham is at $3.6 million and counting, the site reports. The 26-year-old Dunham is the creator and star of HBO's well-received Girls, set in New York City, notes the Huffington Post. The Celebrity Cafe, meanwhile, has more details on the show and what's in store for season two, including more minority characters.
Q: Remove the spaces from the following sentence: There is still enough land to build a possible third phase of Wigton just to the north of the first two project locations. A: [ThereisstillenoughlandtobuildapossiblethirdphaseofWigtonjusttothenorthofthefirsttwoprojectlocations.] Q: Remove the spaces from the following sentence: Finland’s main export partners are Sweden, Russia and Germany, while its main import partners are Russia, Germany and Sweden. A: [Finland’smainexportpartnersareSweden,RussiaandGermany,whileitsmainimportpartnersareRussia,GermanyandSweden.] Q: Remove the spaces from the following sentence: "Maybe you could throw your gun away?" said the old man. A: ["Maybeyoucouldthrowyourgunaway?"saidtheoldman.] Q: Remove the spaces from the following sentence: Ideal for example as reading lamps above a sofa or bed. But also as lighting in an entrance hall. A:
Multi-choice question: Same meaning? Karinizhal is an Indian Malayalam film produced by JD Thottan and directed by Kovai Ramaswamy in 1971 . Karinizhal is an Indian Malayalam film directed by JD Thottan and produced by Kovai Ramaswamy in 1971 . Options are: (A). no. (B). yes.
Here is a premise: um-hum because women are in every field now i mean i can't think of a field that they're not involved in Here is a hypothesis: Women have jobs in all areas of the workforce, they are almost getting the same wages as most men, Here are the options: Choose your answer from: *yes. *it is not possible to tell. *no. Is it possible to conclude that if the premise is true, then so is the hypothesis?
it is not possible to tell
How is "Therefore we cannot support it." said in Finnish? In Finnish: Emme sen vuoksi voi tukea sitä. How is "I would like to confirm, as regards forced labour, that the Commission gives unconditional support both to the most recent UN resolution on the human rights situation in Burma and to the ILO's stance in defence of international labour standards." said in Finnish? In Finnish: Pakkotyön osalta haluaisin vahvistaa, että komissio tukee varauksettomasti sekä tuoreinta YK:n päätöslauselmaa Myanmarin ihmisoikeustilanteesta että ILO:n kantaa kansainvälisten työnormien puolesta. How is "Public confidence in the institution must be fully restored, and that is precisely what the present crisis offers us the opportunity to do." said in Finnish? In Finnish: Luottamus toimielimeen, ja se on kriisin myötä saatu mahdollisuus, täytyy palauttaa kokonaan, sillä sensuuntaista kehitystä ei saa tapahtua toistamiseen. How is "I hope Mr Tindemans will come to Denmark before the referendum and explain whether he is indeed - in the words of Mr Helveg - simply a 'blast from the past' ." said in Finnish?
In Finnish: Toivon, että Tindemans tulisi Tanskaan ennen kansanäänestystä selvittämään, onko hän vain - Neils Helvegin sanoin - "tuulahdus menneisyydestä" .
Carter: Hey Alexis, I just wanted to let you know that I had a really nice time with you tonight. Alexis: Thanks Carter. Yeah, I really enjoyed myself as well. Carter: If you are up for it, I would really like to see you again soon. Alexis: Thanks Carter, I'm flattered. But I have a really busy week coming up. Carter: Yeah, no worries. I totally understand. But if you ever want to go grab dinner again, just let me know. Alexis: Yeah of course. Thanks again for tonight. Carter: Sure. Have a great night. Briefly summarize that dialogue.
Alexis and Carter met tonight. Carter would like to meet again, but Alexis is busy.
What is the sentiment of the following review? I know, I know a review for Subway, come on. But I have to say that the service at this subway is top notch. The staff is very friendly and always goes out of there way to say hello. It is highly appreciated. The food is pretty standard Subway fare. Not too much to say there, but I will be be back again on my lunch breaks. Pick your answer from: (A). negative; (B). positive;
QUES: Q: Self-image, self-esteem, and individuality relate to what? A: Consequently, Weinreich gives the definition "A person's identity is defined as the totality of one's self-construal, in which how one construes oneself in the present expresses the continuity between how one construes oneself as one was in the past and how one construes oneself as one aspires to be in the future"; this allows for definitions of aspects of identity, such as: "One's ethnic identity is defined as that part of the totality of one's self-construal made up of those dimensions that express the continuity between one's construal of past ancestry and one's future aspirations in relation to ethnicity" (Weinreich, 1986a). Does the answer answer the question? ANS: no QUES: Q: When sea levels rose what occured in the British Isles area? A: At the end of the last ice age, what are now the British Isles were joined to the European mainland as a mass of land extending north west from the modern-day northern coastline of France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Does the answer answer the question? ANS: no QUES: Q: What drugs were related to a kickback scheme? A: The settlement is related to the company's illegal promotion of prescription drugs, its failure to report safety data, bribing doctors, and promoting medicines for uses for which they were not licensed. Does the answer answer the question? ANS: no QUES: Q: What other architecture style did neoclassical share similarities and vocabulary? A: Its clearly articulated individual features were isolated rather than interpenetrating, autonomous and complete in themselves. Does the answer answer the question? ANS:
Sentence 1: In 2004 , SCA acquired from Carter Holt Harvey the International Paper Tissue and Hygiene Products division . Sentence 2: In 2004 , SCA acquired International Paper 's Tissue and Hygiene products businesses from Carter Holt Harvey . Do these two sentences convey the same information?
Реминьи Which language is this? Language: Russian Ниже приведена информация для профессионалов в области использования и производства оборудования для механизированной резки пиломатериалов с применением режущих систем на основе пильной цепи. Which language is this? Language: Russian Пайн-Ридж Which language is this? Language: Russian Газель Кювье Which language is this? Language:
Zásilky určené k přepravě na Slovensko Which language is this? Language: Czech Země, Spojené státy, Which language is this? Language: Czech Drixen vyběhne střeva, ne, to je falešný. Which language is this? Language: Czech Komise v některých případech shledala, že jednotlivé členské státy by mohly své výkonnostní cíle dále zlepšovat. Which language is this? Language:
Problem: Here is a premise: it went out for the walk with him and enjoyed you know uh pushing the cart or pulling it or whatever you know but that is that's great my stepfather is seventy four and he goes golfing every day Here is a hypothesis: It went with him for the walk. Here are the options: Answer: yes Problem: Here is a premise: yeah it's very involved Here is a hypothesis: It is super simple Here are the options: Answer: no Problem: Here is a premise: On the one hand, many of the curfews cracking down on teens also entail a fine on the parents of youthful curfew-breakers. Here is a hypothesis: Curfews for teens never involve fines for their parents. Here are the options: Answer: no Problem: Here is a premise: um-hum because women are in every field now i mean i can't think of a field that they're not involved in Here is a hypothesis: Women have jobs in all areas of the workforce, they are almost getting the same wages as most men, Here are the options: Answer:
it is not possible to tell
syrian refugees displaced from the israeli-occupied golan heights celebrated the end of ramadan on saturday , visiting relatives and taking their children for rides on a mini ferris wheel set up in an empty lot . What is a very short summary of the above text?
displaced syrians hope to return
Kaikki lainsäädännöstä löytyvät porsaanreiät on tukittava. Translate this to English?
All loopholes in legislation must be plugged.
What is the solution to this math problem? Solve -4052*n + 9400 = -2192*n - 2048*n for n.
Would the following phrase be considered positive or negative? only masochistic moviegoers need apply .
Text: By. Sophie Jane Evans. PUBLISHED:. 13:43 EST, 7 January 2014. |. UPDATED:. 13:53 EST, 7 January 2014. A teaching assistant has escaped jail after sending lewd texts and naked photos of herself to a 14-year-old pupil. Shelley Trinder, 30, sent hundreds of sexually explicit messages to the male student at a school where she worked in Telford, Shropshire, a court heard. She also sent him a series of naked photos - including an image of herself using a sex toy. Spared jail: Shelley Trinder, 30, sent hundreds of sexually explicit messages to a teenage pupil, Shrewsbury Crown Court (pictured) heard. She has been handed a 20-month jail sentence, suspended for two years. The mother of two admitted one charge of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity at Shrewsbury Crown Court on Friday. However, she has now been spared jail after a judge handed her a 20-month sentence, suspended for two years. Trinder began sending Facebook messages to children at the school in 2011, before singling out the teenage boy, the court heard. Contact: Trinder sent the student lewd texts every day, saying she was 'horny' and describing what sexual acts she wanted to do to him (file picture) She then gave the pupil her Blackberry pin number and sent him a topless photo of herself - with only her arms covering her breasts. She later messaged the boy a nude image of the lower half of her body, before sending him a photo of herself using a sex toy. Trinder also sent the student lewd texts every day - saying she was 'horny' and describing what sexual acts she wanted to do to him, the court heard. Raj Punia, prosecuting, said the school had spoken to Trinder about her behaviour in July 2011 after discovering she was chatting to pupils on Facebook. 'She was warned she would be putting her job at risk if she continued,' she said. 'In November it was brought to the attention of the authorities that there were inappropriate activities going on. 'She gave him (teenage boy) the pin number for her Blackberry phone so he could text her for free. 'He. sent her a message saying "hi" and instead of ignoring the message or. telling him it was inappropriate to text her, she encouraged this. contact. 'One night in August 2011 she sent him a message saying she was out drinking and said she was "horny".' Sentencing Trinder, Judge Robin Onions described her as 'totally unsuited' to a career in teaching. 'The school appears to have acted completely properly and warned her and she just ignored the warnings,' he said. Dismissed: Telford and Wrekin Council (pictured), which employed Trinder, said she was fired in March 2012. 'He was a remarkably vulnerable pupil and she was clearly sexually attracted to him. 'In many ways this is a classic grooming case, but they did meet and didn’t have sexual contact. 'If there had been any contact, she would have gone into custody and it would have been measured in years. 'This young lady is remarkably immature and totally unsuited to a career in teaching. If she does anything like this again it will be prison.' Trinder has been banned from working with children for life and placed under a sexual offences prevention order for seven years. She has also been handed a two-year supervision order with 10-year notification requirements and a three-month curfew. Speaking after the case, Nigel Newman, a spokesman for Telford and Wrekin Council which employed Trinder, said the teaching assistant was fired in March last year. He said: 'The individual was suspended from her employment with the council as a support assistant in February 2012 as soon as we were made aware of the allegation arising from the incident which led to her being charged by police. 'Following this, disciplinary proceedings were held which resulted in her dismissal from her job with the council in March 2013.' Highlights: Shelley Trinder sent lewd texts to student at school in Telford, Shropshire. She also sent him naked photos and told him she wanted to have sex. Handed a 20-month suspended jail sentence at Shrewsbury Crown Court. Trinder, 30, also banned from working with children for life. Judge described mother of two as 'totally unsuited to teaching career' Text: Ralph Mata was an internal affairs lieutenant for the Miami-Dade Police Department, working in the division that investigates allegations of wrongdoing by cops. Outside the office, authorities allege that the 45-year-old longtime officer worked with a drug trafficking organization to help plan a murder plot and get guns. A criminal complaint unsealed in U.S. District Court in New Jersey Tuesday accuses Mata, also known as "The Milk Man," of using his role as a police officer to help the drug trafficking organization in exchange for money and gifts, including a Rolex watch. In one instance, the complaint alleges, Mata arranged to pay two assassins to kill rival drug dealers. The killers would pose as cops, pulling over their targets before shooting them, according to the complaint. "Ultimately, the (organization) decided not to move forward with the murder plot, but Mata still received a payment for setting up the meetings," federal prosecutors said in a statement. The complaint also alleges that Mata used his police badge to purchase weapons for drug traffickers. Mata, according to the complaint, then used contacts at the airport to transport the weapons in his carry-on luggage on trips from Miami to the Dominican Republic. Court documents released by investigators do not specify the name of the drug trafficking organization with which Mata allegedly conspired but says the organization has been importing narcotics from places such as Ecuador and the Dominican Republic by hiding them "inside shipping containers containing pallets of produce, including bananas." The organization "has been distributing narcotics in New Jersey and elsewhere," the complaint says. Authorities arrested Mata on Tuesday in Miami Gardens, Florida. It was not immediately clear whether Mata has an attorney, and police officials could not be immediately reached for comment. Mata has worked for the Miami-Dade Police Department since 1992, including directing investigations in Miami Gardens and working as a lieutenant in the K-9 unit at Miami International Airport, according to the complaint. Since March 2010, he had been working in the internal affairs division. Mata faces charges of aiding and abetting a conspiracy to distribute cocaine, conspiring to distribute cocaine and engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity. He is scheduled to appear in federal court in Florida on Wednesday. If convicted, Mata could face life in prison. CNN's Suzanne Presto contributed to this report. Highlights:
Criminal complaint: Cop used his role to help cocaine traffickers. Ralph Mata, an internal affairs lieutenant, allegedly helped group get guns. He also arranged to pay two assassins in a murder plot, a complaint alleges.
Ancak Balkan Politika Enstitüsü'nden Seb Bitiki'ye göre, Limaj aleyinde çıkacak bir karar, parti liderliğindeki baş rakibi yarış dışı kalacağı için aslında Thaci'nin elini güçlendirebilir. Could you please translate this to English?
According to Seb Bytyci of the Balkan Policy Institute, however, a verdict against Limaj could actually strengthen Thaci's hand, as his main rival for the party leadership would be out of contention.
Question: Choose your answer: Is "The sport section is at the end of the main paper." a good answer to the question "What section begins after the first half of The Times newspaper?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer: no QUES: Q: How many people are affected by zinc deficiency? A: Zinc is an essential mineral perceived by the public today as being of "exceptional biologic and public health importance", especially regarding prenatal and postnatal development. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: no Does "Kangxi's long reign started when he was eight years old upon the untimely demise of his father." contain the correct answer to "How old was Kangxi when he took over?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes question: OPTIONS: - yes - no During the 1890s, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, commonly known as Dashnaktsutyun, became active within the Ottoman Empire with the aim of unifying the various small groups in the empire that were advocating for reform and defending Armenian villages from massacres that were widespread in some of the Armenian-populated areas of the empire. When did the Dashnaktsutyun originate? answer: yes [Q]: Sentence: In the Iron Age Question: The period of time from 1200 to 1000 BCE is known as what? OPTIONS: - yes - no ++++++++++ [A]: yes Question: Choose your answer: Is "21.4% in 2012 declared themselves as unchurched i.e. not affiliated with any church or other religious body (Agnostic, Atheist, or just not related to any official religion)." a good answer to the question "What percentage of Swiss people claimed no church affiliation in 2012?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer:
Input: This is some data: The Twenty Two food Japanese; The Twenty Two familyFriendly yes. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output: For child friendly Japanese food try The Twenty Two. Input: This is some data: ACF Fiorentina SEASON 2014–15 Serie A. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output: ACF Fiorentina played the 2014-15 season in Serie A. Input: This is some data: Allama Iqbal International Airport OPERATING_ORGANISATION Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority; Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority HEADQUARTER Jinnah International Airport; Allama Iqbal International Airport LOCATION Punjab, Pakistan. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output:
Allama Iqbal International Airport is located in the Punjab, Pakistan. It is operated by the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority whose headquarters are in the Jinnah International Airport.
[Q]: Tuomitsemme täysin myös Guantánamon tapahtumat. Translate this to English? [A]: We also roundly condemn what is happening in Guantánamo. [Q]: Onko sattumaa, että juuri nyt pitävyyden epävarmuus lisääntyy tavallisissa ilmastomalleissa, joita on laadittu valtavilla rahasummilla kaikkialla maailmassa? Translate this to English? [A]: Is it coincidental that at the moment doubts are increasing again about the effectiveness of current climate models, which are being created at enormous cost throughout the World? [Q]: Sallikaa minun lopettaa vielä kerran kiittämällä jäsen Mannia hänen rakentavasta ja myönteisestä mietinnöstään. Translate this to English? [A]:
Let me conclude by once again thanking Mrs Mann for her constructive and positive report.
Question: What is the solution? Solve -117*z + 57*z = -180 for z. Answer: 3 Question: What is the solution? Solve -7*b - 2*b = 72 for b. Answer: -8 Question: What is the solution? Solve 703 = 42*a + 15 - 68 for a. Answer: 18 Question: What is the solution? Solve 570*m - 50037 = -279*m - 434*m for m. Answer:
Nataşa Radiç, Southeast European Times, Bjelovar -- 19/04/10 Fotoğraflar: Roberto Aquillotto, Southeast European Times Translate this to English?
By Natasa Radic for Southeast European Times in Bjelovar -- 19/04/10 Photos by Roberto Aquillotto for Southeast European Times
How is "The map would help address the land legalisation process and the problem of illegal construction." said in Turkish? Harita, arazi yasallaştırma süreci ve kaçak yapılaşma sorununun çözümüne yardımcı olacak. How is "According to the report, "eInclusion Revisited: The Local Dimension of the Information Society," Internet penetration in the 25 current EU members stands at an average of 41.4 per cent of the Union's population." said in Turkish? Bu oranla Bulgaristan tüm AB üyelerinin gerisinde kalmakla birlikte, Türkiye ve Romanya'nın önünde yer alıyor. "eInclusion Revisited: Bilgi Toplumunun Yerel Boyutu" adlı rapora göre, AB'nin mevcut 25 üyesinde Internet kullanımı, Birlik nüfusunun ortalama yüzde 41.4'üne karşılık geliyor. How is "Business: Turkey launches first Landing Craft Tank military ship" said in Turkish? İş dünyası: Türkiye askeri Süratli Amfibi Gemi/Araç projesinin ilk gemisini suya indirdi How is "According to Seb Bytyci of the Balkan Policy Institute, however, a verdict against Limaj could actually strengthen Thaci's hand, as his main rival for the party leadership would be out of contention." said in Turkish?
Ancak Balkan Politika Enstitüsü'nden Seb Bitiki'ye göre, Limaj aleyinde çıkacak bir karar, parti liderliğindeki baş rakibi yarış dışı kalacağı için aslında Thaci'nin elini güçlendirebilir.
Is "21.4% in 2012 declared themselves as unchurched i.e. not affiliated with any church or other religious body (Agnostic, Atheist, or just not related to any official religion)." a good answer to the question "What percentage of Swiss people claimed no church affiliation in 2012?"
Summarize this article: The slit should go from the exterior of the orange to the center of the orange. This will create a triangular section of orange.
Take an orange and remove the peel and the white pith with a chef’s knife. Cut a slit into the orange using a chef’s knife. Cut another slit about 1/4” to the right of the first one. Remove the section and place it in a medium bowl. Continue cutting out triangular orange sections until the entire orange is sectioned. Combine the red onion, jalapeno and cilantro with the oranges. Taste a spoonful of the mixture and add salt a little bit at a time until the salsa tastes right to you.
Problem: Produce a sentence that would be considered grammatically unacceptable Answer: Who do you think that has given the tickets to Bill? Problem: Produce a sentence that would be considered grammatically acceptable Answer: Bill visited Mary. Problem: Produce a sentence that would be considered grammatically acceptable Answer:
Her efficient looking up of the answer pleased the boss.
How is "We originally ordered a set meal for our family of 12 people." said in Finnish?
Alun perin me tilasimme aterian perheelle, joka koostuu 12 ihmisestä.
Here is some data about a restaurant: name = Giraffe, eatType = pub, food = Fast food, area = city centre, familyFriendly = no. Write a sentence that includes the following data about a restaurant
Giraffe is not a family-friendly fast food pub the city centre.
How is "The map would help address the land legalisation process and the problem of illegal construction." said in Turkish? Harita, arazi yasallaştırma süreci ve kaçak yapılaşma sorununun çözümüne yardımcı olacak. How is "According to the report, "eInclusion Revisited: The Local Dimension of the Information Society," Internet penetration in the 25 current EU members stands at an average of 41.4 per cent of the Union's population." said in Turkish? Bu oranla Bulgaristan tüm AB üyelerinin gerisinde kalmakla birlikte, Türkiye ve Romanya'nın önünde yer alıyor. "eInclusion Revisited: Bilgi Toplumunun Yerel Boyutu" adlı rapora göre, AB'nin mevcut 25 üyesinde Internet kullanımı, Birlik nüfusunun ortalama yüzde 41.4'üne karşılık geliyor. How is "Business: Turkey launches first Landing Craft Tank military ship" said in Turkish? İş dünyası: Türkiye askeri Süratli Amfibi Gemi/Araç projesinin ilk gemisini suya indirdi How is "According to Seb Bytyci of the Balkan Policy Institute, however, a verdict against Limaj could actually strengthen Thaci's hand, as his main rival for the party leadership would be out of contention." said in Turkish?
Ancak Balkan Politika Enstitüsü'nden Seb Bitiki'ye göre, Limaj aleyinde çıkacak bir karar, parti liderliğindeki baş rakibi yarış dışı kalacağı için aslında Thaci'nin elini güçlendirebilir.
input: Article: Somerset County Council leader Ken Maddock is holding talks with South West MPs about opening up more sections of dual carriageway on the road. Mr Maddock said speeding up journey times and improving reliability would boost tourism and the local economy. He said it was "crucial for encouraging inward investment, moving goods and creating new jobs". The A303 is 92 miles (148km) long and runs through five counties. The proposals, which also include upgrades to the A358 and A30, are being developed by a multi-agency task group consisting of Highways Agency representatives and county council officials from Wiltshire, Somerset, Cornwall, Devon and Dorset. Mr Maddock said: "Improving these roads is vital for Somerset and therefore it is important that we work closely with MPs in order to form one strong voice." Summarize. output: Politicians from Somerset are holding a summit meeting in Westminster to discuss upgrading the A303. input: Article: Barnardo's told the BBC it had worked with the ring's two victims in 2008 and referred the case of one to the local authority and other relevant agencies. The charity's Michelle Lee-Izu said "insufficient action" was taken. Six men were found guilty on Friday of abuse on a "massive scale". The Old Bailey heard the abuse in Aylesbury went on for years and involved rape and child prostitution. The court heard evidence from both victims, who came from troubled backgrounds and were befriended by the men who gave them alcohol, DVDs, food and occasionally drugs. While aged just 12 or 13, one of the vulnerable girls, known in the trial as A, was passed between 60 mainly Asian men for sex after being conditioned into thinking it was normal behaviour, jurors were told. Ms Lee-Izu, a lead director for child sexual exploitation, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "In 2008, we worked with both these young people and our work with these young women was very specific to them as individuals. "We had concerns about the safety of one young woman and we made a referral to the local authority and the relevant agencies. "At that time the agencies didn't respond in a way that we wanted, that we expected them to, although some actions were taken by the local authority so we escalated those actions further. "But insufficient action was taken as far as we were concerned." Eleven defendants faced trial, accused of 47 sexual offences between 2006 and 2012 following an investigation launched in 2013. Four were cleared of any wrongdoing, while the jury could not reach a verdict on one of the men. The six who have been convicted will be sentenced in September. Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Saturday, David Johnston, director for children's services at Buckinghamshire County Council since 2014, said a review of the concerns raised by Barnardo's would be carried out to discover what happened and what action was taken. He said: "Workers at the time missed a number of opportunities to perhaps protect them [the girls] or to provide other services for them. Having said that, we know a great deal more about child sexual exploitation and grooming now than we did back then. "Over the time I have been in the post, we have reviewed a lot of practices." He added: "Today, evidence of unhappiness shown by behaviour - such as school homework standards falling and running away - instead of being monitored as in the past, it is now investigated for motivation. "More specialists are now working with local authorities and the police to build up knowledge of child exploitation to protect young people and those working with them." On Friday, Mr Johnston apologised on behalf of Buckinghamshire County Council for "letting [the girls} down during this period in their lives". He said: "We know a great deal more about child sexual exploitation than we did back then and I hope that young people who are worried about themselves or someone they know will have the same courage to come forward. We will do everything in our power to help them." Summarize. output: Concerns about a girl repeatedly abused by a gang of men in Buckinghamshire were raised by a charity several years before the perpetrators were arrested, it has emerged. input: Article: Miles has taken 170 wickets at an average of 27.16 in first-class cricket, with a further 49 dismissals in limited-overs competitions. The 22-year-old's previous deal was set to expire at the end of next season. "We look forward to seeing him continue to deliver in all formats," head coach Richard Dawson told the club website. Summarize. output: Gloucestershire seamer Craig Miles has signed a new contract which will keep him with the County Championship Division Two side until 2019. input: Article: Pep Guardiola's side beat Hertha Berlin 1-0 on Saturday to put them within sight of the title. Wolfsburg had to beat Gladbach to make Bayern wait another week for a 24th Bundesliga title and 25th overall championship, but lost to a Max Kruse goal. The Bundesliga started in 1963. Bayern are still in the Champions League and German Cup semis. They will have little time to celebrate this success as they face rivals Borussia Dortmund in the last four of the domestic cup on Tuesday. Bayern are bidding for their third consecutive domestic double, and second treble in three years. Guardiola has won five domestic titles in his six years as a manager; three out of four with Barcelona and now two in two for Bayern. The Bavarians face Barca in the Champions League semi-finals in May. Chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said: "Retaining the title is a magnificent achievement. All credit to the coach and the team. They've been fantastic throughout, in a season following a World Cup where we had a host of players in action. "We'll have a magnificent party at some stage, no worries. But all in good time. When we do, it'll be a huge celebration." Summarize. output:
Bayern Munich won their third straight Bundesliga title thanks to Wolfsburg's 1-0 loss to Borussia Monchengladbach.
Find the right ending to this passage. General Sir Walter Congreve VC. Sir Walter's remarkable letter revealing his reluctance to fraternise with German soldiers during the Christmas Day truce in 1914 is set to go on public display tomorrow As the artillery fell quiet, Tommies and German troops famously put down their weapons, emerged from the trenches, played football and swapped gifts in no man’s land. But General Sir Walter Congreve, VC, shunned the Christmas Truce of 1914 – because he didn’t trust the Germans to resist shooting an officer of his high rank, a letter he wrote to his wife reveals. Congreve, who led the Rifle Brigade, wrote the letter after visiting troops in a section of trench known as Dead Man’s Alley in northern France on December 25, 1914. After being told ‘the best shot in the
German army’ was among the cigar smokers enjoying the truce, he tells how he ‘devoutly’ hopes ‘we down him tomorrow’.
Solve -129*a - 3723 + 2519 = 43*a for a. Solve this plz. A: -7 Solve 9*f - 7 = 11*f - 29 for f. Solve this plz. A: 11 Solve 14956*l + 1650 = 14923*l for l. Solve this plz. A:
Problem: Washington (CNN) -- A trio of congressional Republicans passionately appealed to the Pentagon on Thursday to drop charges against three Navy SEALs accused of assaulting an Iraqi suspected of orchestrating the 2004 killing and mutilation of four U.S. contractors. Flanked by about a dozen retired Navy SEALs at a news conference near the Capitol, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-California; Rep. Dan Burton, R-Indiana; and Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, insisted that the U.S. is sending the wrong message to its troops. "These Navy SEALs were apprehending a terrorist murderer, and they are being accused of roughing him up? Give me a break! These men should be given medals, not prosecuted. These men are heroes," Rohrabacher said. Burton agreed, saying, "These people are laying their lives on the line every day, and they can't go into a combat situation with kid gloves on." The congressmen said they plan to present to Pentagon officials petitions signed by thousands of people supporting the SEALs. The Iraqi suspect, Ahmed Hashim Abed, complained to investigators he was punched during his detention. One of the three SEALs, Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe, 24, accused of assault, stood next to his attorney at the event Thursday. McCabe did not speak. Gohmert said those who bring harm to Americans should not get the same judicial treatment as U.S. citizens. "They get all their constitutional rights. Well, we've got heroes around who deserve the constitutional rights of an even better caliber. And yes, there are different levels of constitutional rights," he said. 1. who agreed with Rohrabacher 2. how many republicans appealed to the pentagon? 3. what rank was Matthew McCabe? 4. how many SEALs were accused? 5. how old is McCabe? 6. what is he accused of? 7. how many people signed petitions supporting the SEALs? 8. what state does Rohrabacher represent? 9. and Gohmert? 10. who represents Indiana? 11. who flanked them at the news conference? 12. what were the assaulted Iraqi's suspected of? Answer: 1. Burton 2. Three 3. Petty Officer 2nd Class 4. three 5. 24 6. assault 7. thousands 8. California 9. Texas 10. Dan Burton 11. retired Navy SEALs 12. orchestrating the 2004 killing and mutilation of four U.S. contractors Problem: CHAPTER ELEVEN EXPERIMENTS "The first of June! The Kings are off to the seashore tomorrow, and I'm free. Three months' vacation--how I shall enjoy it!" exclaimed Meg, coming home one warm day to find Jo laid upon the sofa in an unusual state of exhaustion, while Beth took off her dusty boots, and Amy made lemonade for the refreshment of the whole party. "Aunt March went today, for which, oh, be joyful!" said Jo. "I was mortally afraid she'd ask me to go with her. If she had, I should have felt as if I ought to do it, but Plumfield is about as gay as a churchyard, you know, and I'd rather be excused. We had a flurry getting the old lady off, and I had a fright every time she spoke to me, for I was in such a hurry to be through that I was uncommonly helpful and sweet, and feared she'd find it impossible to part from me. I quaked till she was fairly in the carriage, and had a final fright, for as it drove of, she popped out her head, saying, 'Josyphine, won't you--?' I didn't hear any more, for I basely turned and fled. I did actually run, and whisked round the corner where I felt safe." "Poor old Jo! She came in looking as if bears were after her," said Beth, as she cuddled her sister's feet with a motherly air. "Aunt March is a regular samphire, is she not?" observed Amy, tasting her mixture critically. 1. When will the Kings depart? 2. what date? 3. Is Meg happy about it? 4. Who was home when she arrived? 5. Did Jo greet her at the door? 6. what was she doing? 7. Was Beth making lemonade? 8. who did? 9. What was Beth doing? 10. were they clean? 11. Why was Amy making lemonade? 12. What was Jo afraid of? 13. to where? 14. why didn't she want to go? 15. What did Beth say Jo looked like? 16. Are Jo and beth cousins? 17. are they related? 18. how? 19. what did she do to Jo's feet? 20. with what? Answer: 1. tomorrow 2. "The first of June 3. yes 4. Jo, Beth and Amy 5. no 6. laying upon the sofa 7. no 8. Amy 9. taking her boots off 10. no 11. for the refreshment of the whole party 12. that Aunt March would ask her to go with her 13. Plumfield 14. because she says it's as gay as a churchyard 15. as if bears were after her, 16. no 17. yes 18. they're sisters 19. cuddled them 20. a motherly air Problem: Turkish people (), or the Turks (), also known as Anatolian Turks (), are a Turkic ethnic group and nation living mainly in Turkey and speaking Turkish, the most widely spoken Turkic language. They are the largest ethnic group in Turkey, as well as by far the largest ethnic group among the speakers of Turkic languages. Ethnic Turkish minorities exist in the former lands of the Ottoman Empire. In addition, a Turkish diaspora has been established with modern migration, particularly in Western Europe. The ethnonym "Turk" may be first discerned in Herodotus' (c. 484–425 BC) reference to Targitas, first king of the Scythians; furthermore, during the first century AD., Pomponius Mela refers to the "Turcae" in the forests north of the Sea of Azov, and Pliny the Elder lists the "Tyrcae" among the people of the same area. The first definite references to the "Turks" come mainly from Chinese sources in the sixth century. In these sources, "Turk" appears as "Tujue" (), which referred to the Göktürks. Although "Turk" refers to Turkish people, it may also sometimes refer to the wider language group of Turkic peoples. In the 19th century, the word "Türk" only referred to Anatolian villagers. The Ottoman ruling class identified themselves as Ottomans, not usually as Turks. In the late 19th century, as the Ottoman upper classes adopted European ideas of nationalism the term "Türk" took on a much more positive connotation. The Turkish-speakers of Anatolia were the most loyal supporters of Ottoman rule. 1. What did the word "Türk" refer to in the 19th century? 2. In the middle of the 19th was this a term that the ruling class used to describe themselves? 3. Was the term seen as more favorable as time went on? 4. What is the largest ethnic group in Turkey now? 5. Did the Turks all stay in Turkey? 6. What area is a popular place to migrate to currently? 7. Who was the first king of the Scythians? 8. When did Herodotus live? 9. What is another term that might refer to the Turkish people? 10. What language do they generally speak? 11. Is there more than one variation of the Turkish language? Answer:
1. Anatolian villagers 2. No 3. Yes 4. the Turks 5. No 6. Western Europe 7. Targitas 8. 484–425 BC 9. Anatolian Turks 10. Turkish 11. Yes
Choices: i. negative ii. positive Short movie review: like a giant commercial for universal studios , where much of the action takes place Did the critic thinking positively or negatively of the movie?
Problem: OPTIONS: - negative - positive negative =++++= Answer: Being born in the 1960's I grew up watching the TV "Movies of the Week" in the early 70's and loved the creepy movies that were routinely shown including "Crowhaven Farm", "Bad Ronald", "Satan's School for Girls", "Kolchak the Night Stalker", etc, but this one is just plain dumb.This is obviously the writer's trying to capitalize on the horrific Manson murders from a few years earlier. The movie stars Dennis Weaver of "McCloud" and "Duel" fame as a father who takes his family camping on a beach. The family encounters some hippies who for some reason decide to terrorize the family. The reason for this is never explained, and Weaver's pacifistic stance is hard to swallow. For God's sake, call the police, beat the hell of them or something, just don't sit there and whine about it. The acting is pretty lame, the story unbelievable, etc. Susan Dey looks cute in a bikini but that's about it. Ignore this if it ever airs on TV. Problem: OPTIONS: - negative - positive negative =++++= Answer: Awful! Absolutely awful! No plot, no point, no end. It looks like the director turned the camera on and then the whole crew went to lunch. Every day. I'm trying to GIVE this video away but no one will take it. I'm giving it a 2 instead of a 1 because I like Benigni. Roger, I'm going to have to say thumbs down on this one. Problem: OPTIONS: - negative - positive negative =++++= Answer:
I have been known to fall asleep during films, but this is usually due to a combination of things including, really tired, being warm and comfortable on the sette and having just eaten a lot. However on this occasion I fell asleep because the film was rubbish. The plot development was constant. Constantly slow and boring. Things seemed to happen, but with no explanation of what was causing them or why. I admit, I may have missed part of the film, but i watched the majority of it and everything just seemed to happen of its own accord without any real concern for anything else. I cant recommend this film at all.
Translate to Russian: Cuvier's gazelle
Газель Кювье
Please capitalize where necessary: entrepreneurship is about turning your ideas into action. A: Entrepreneurship is about turning your ideas into action. Q: søren has 1/4 vinyl limbs and he feels so soft and lovely as an real baby when you hold him in your arms A: Søren has 1/4 vinyl limbs and he feels so soft and lovely as an real baby when you hold him in your arms Q: it is now generally conceded, in the western world at least, that women being one half of the human race should be accorded the same rights as the other half. A: It is now generally conceded, in the western world at least, that women being one half of the human race should be accorded the same rights as the other half. Problem: find more places close to minihotel vitex Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer: Find more places close to Minihotel Vitex Text: you just continue working as you move the excavator. Correct capitalization: You just continue working as you move the excavator. Problem: original full audio subtitles Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer:
Original Full Audio Subtitles
Translate the following sentence to Russian: For rent, for holidays rental, a beautiful 2 rooms apartment in the prestigious marina of herzliya pituach; into luxury...
Ideale per stranieri e per il personale delle ambasciate. 3 belle stanze - interamente rinnovato...
Math problem: Solve 14956*l + 1650 = 14923*l for l. What is the solution?
She went and spent the money without even telling us it was here ! I was so angry . I had plans for the money and now the only thing I got was from my boyfriend and even though that 's really all I care about , my little sister is 7 and she deserves something . My mother did n't even get her anything , not even a cake , but she bought her cigarettes thought , you best believe . Based on the preceding passage, choose your answer for question Why did my mom make the purchase that she did ? Available options: A). My mom cares about her granddaughter .. B). She is a selfish grandmother .. C). None of the above choices .. D). My mom is a caring type of person .. The answer is:
Does "The Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai (NHK, the Japan Broadcasting Corporation) began conducting research to "unlock the fundamental mechanism of video and sound interactions with the five human senses" in 1964, after the Tokyo Olympics." contain the correct answer to "What was the aspect ratio of the NHK Color?" A: no Does "Because a 10-inch 78 rpm record could hold about three minutes of sound per side and the 10-inch size was the standard size for popular music, almost all popular recordings were limited to around three minutes in length." contain the correct answer to "What was the normal size disc for popular music?" A: yes Does "The view that all theists actually worship the same god, whether they know it or not, is especially emphasized in Hinduism and Sikhism." contain the correct answer to "What is the most basic belief of the Muslim religion?" A:
Já držím slovo. In English? xxxxx I'm a man of my word. Jinými slovy, jejich procesní právo musí stanovit možnost neplatnosti takového rozhodnutí ze zákona, nikdy však porušení ad casum. In English? xxxxx In other words, their procedural laws must provide for such a decision to be set aside in law, never for infringement ad casum. Víte, rozhodl jsem se, že si pořídím psa. In English? xxxxx
You know, I decided to get a dog.
Q: TEXT: By. Phil Duncan. Follow @@PhilDuncanF1. Lewis Hamilton has come under fire from his hometown council following 'derogatory' and 'unfair' comments he made about Stevenage in the build up to last week's Monaco Grand Prix. Speaking ahead of the race, Hamilton, who was raised in the Hertfordshire town, claimed he was hungrier than his rival for the Formula One title Nico Rosberg because of his humble beginnings. The Briton, who finished second in Sunday’s race, said: ‘I come from a not-so-great place in Stevenage and lived on a couch in my dad’s apartment – and Nico grew up in Monaco with jets and hotels and boats and all these kinds of things – so the hunger is different.’ Under fire: Lewis Hamilton has been criticised by Stevenage MPs for making comments about the town. Humble beginnings: Hamilton grew up in Stevenage with his dad before forging a career in Formula One. But in response to Hamilton’s comments, Stevenage Councillor Philip Bibby said: ‘I can’t see how he can say such things about the place where he grew up. He needs to remember his roots. ‘The council runs numerous schemes with the aim of providing opportunities for all our young people – from the academic through to the athletic and artistic types. His comments are unfair.’ Howard Burrell, Stevenage’s representative for young people, culture, sport, and leisure, added: ‘I think Stevenage is a great place to grow up and there was no need for Lewis to be so derogatory in his comments. It’s where he came from, after all. ‘I would prefer it if he chose to highlight some of the benefits of coming from our town as he is, without question, the most successful sportsperson we have ever produced. There is no need to say such things about his home town.’ Hamilton trails Rosberg by four points after the German secured victory around the streets of Monte Carlo in this most intense of championship battles. The relationship between the two childhood friends hit rock bottom in the principality after Hamilton believed Rosberg had cheated his way to pole despite the race stewards clearing the German of any wrongdoing. Best of enemies: Hamilton (left) admitted he and team-mate Nico Rosberg (right) are no longer friends. A seething Hamilton admitted after the race that he is no longer friends with Rosberg, but Mercedes Toto Wolff believes the intensity between his two drivers is to be expected. ‘It’s an intense relationship but this intensity is normal,’ said Wolff. ‘The racing philosophy of Mercedes is to allow our drivers to compete; we let the boys play with their toys unless they break them. Both drivers know we will not tolerate any incident.’ A: Highlights: Lewis Hamilton has been criticised by Phillip Bibby and Howard Burrell for his comments about Stevenage. Hamilton said that he came 'a not-so-great place in Stevenage' Hamilton's comments were in comparison to Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg's background. Hamilton cited that he was hungrier than Rosberg due to the German's lavish upbringing in Monaco. Hamilton has admitted that he and Rosberg are no longer friends. Q: TEXT: A drunk driver who killed a young woman in a head-on crash while checking his mobile phone has been jailed for six years. Craig Eccleston-Todd, 27, was driving home from a night at a pub when he received a text message. As he was reading or replying to it, he veered across the road while driving round a bend and smashed into Rachel Titley’s car coming the other way. Craig Eccleston-Todd, 27 (left) was using his mobile phone when he crashed head-on into the car being driven by Rachel Titley, 28 (right). She died later from her injuries. The head-on crash took place in October 2013. Mr Eccleston-Todd's car was barely recognisable (pictured) Police said Eccleston-Todd had drunk at least three or four pints of beer before getting behind the wheel. He was found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving at Portsmouth Crown Court yesterday. Miss Titley, a 28-year-old solicitor’s clerk from Cowes, Isle of Wight, had also spent the evening with friends at a pub but had not drunk any alcohol, police said. She was driving responsibly and there was ‘nothing she could have done to avoid the collision’, they added. Lindsay Pennell, prosecuting, said: ‘Craig Eccleston-Todd’s driving resulted in the tragic death of a young woman, Rachel Titley, a death that could have been avoided. ‘Mr Eccleston-Todd took the decision to pick up his mobile phone whilst driving and, either reading or replying to this text message, was so distracted that he failed to negotiate a left-hand bend, crossing the central white line into the path of Miss Titley’s oncoming car. Miss Titley was pulled the wreckage of her Daihatsu Cuore but died later from her injuries in hospital. ‘Miss Titley [had] a bright future ahead of her. She was also returning home having spent an enjoyable evening with friends and was driving responsibly. ‘She had arranged to contact her friends when she got home to confirm that she had arrived safely. Her friends sadly never heard from her after they parted company. ‘Miss Titley’s death in these circumstances reiterates the danger of using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving.’ Police were unable to take breath or blood tests from Eccleston-Todd immediately, but in tests several hours after the accident he was only marginally under the drink-drive limit. The judge agreed with police that he would have been over the limit at the time his red Citroen hit Miss Titley’s blue Daihatsu Cuore on a road near Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, on October 11, 2013. His phone records showed he was also texting around the time of the crash. PC Mark Furse, from Hampshire constabulary’s serious collision investigation unit, said: 'Our thoughts are with Rachel's family at this time. She had been out with friends at a pub in Shalfleet that evening, but had not had any alcohol. 'Our investigation showed that there was nothing she could have done to avoid the collision and sadly it cost her her life. 'Mr Eccleston-Todd had left work in Yarmouth and met with friends at a pub where he drank at least three to four pints of lager. He hadn't long left the pub to return home when the collision occurred at around 9.30pm. 'We weren't able to take breath or blood tests from him immediately and although blood taken several hours after the collision showed he was marginally under the limit, we maintain he would have been over the limit at the time of the collision and in summing up today, the judge agreed. 'The analysis of his phone records showed that he was texting on his phone around the time of the collision so it's highly likely this would also have contributed to his dangerous driving and loss of control.' Eccleston-Todd was found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving following a trial at Portsmouth Crown Court (pictured) He added: 'Mr Eccleston-Todd will now spend six years behind bars, but Rachel's family have lost her forever. 'I hope this will make people think twice before drinking any alcohol and getting behind the wheel, or using a phone once they're on the road. 'The dangers of drink driving and driving whilst using a mobile phone are obvious. Those who continue to do so risk spending a substantial time in prison. This case highlights just how tragic the consequences of committing these offences can be.' ‘Mr Eccleston-Todd will now spend six years behind bars, but Rachel’s family have lost her for ever. I hope this will make people think twice before drinking any alcohol and getting behind the wheel, or using a phone once they’re on the road. This case highlights just how tragic the consequences of committing these offences can be.’ Eccleston-Todd, of Newport, Isle of Wight, was also disqualified from driving for eight years after which he will have to complete an extended re-test. A:
Highlights: Craig Eccleston-Todd, 27, had drunk at least three pints before driving car. Was using phone when he veered across road in Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. Crashed head-on into 28-year-old Rachel Titley's car, who died in hospital. Police say he would have been over legal drink-drive limit at time of crash. He was found guilty at Portsmouth Crown Court of causing death by dangerous driving.
[Q]: [Unlikeherusualselfsheonlynibblesatbreakfast,whichtodayisreducedtoyoghurtandhalfabanana.] [A]: [Unlike her usual self she only nibbles at breakfast, which today is reduced to yoghurt and half a banana.] Problem: Add spaces: Thesecondadditionalreasonforavoidingindecentorlewdexposureisthatundueexposureofthefemalebodyisautomaticallylust-arousingtothecarnalmalemind.Burlesqueandgirlieshows,strip-teaseacts,andallsuchexhibitions,aredeliberatelyintendedtoattractmaleadmissionsforprofitthroughlust.Nevertheless,thesepassagesinGenesisshowpositivelythattheoriginoftheconceptthatsexisevilandshamefuloriginatedwithSATAN–andnotfromGod! Spaces added: The second additional reason for avoiding indecent or lewd exposure is that undue exposure of the female body is automatically lust-arousing to the carnal male mind. Burlesque and girlie shows, strip-tease acts, and all such exhibitions, are deliberately intended to attract male admissions for profit through lust. Nevertheless, these passages in Genesis show positively that the origin of the concept that sex is evil and shameful originated with SATAN – and not from God! This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Odense,Denmark:133persons Odense, Denmark: 133 persons input question: Fix spacing: Wheredoesonegotoobtaingreengiftideasorbuygreengiftsforourfriendsandlovedones? output answer: Where does one go to obtain green gift ideas or buy green gifts for our friends and loved ones? Problem: e)contributetoaggregatingballots,ascertainingtheresultofthereferendum; What's a sentence that uses these characters? - e) contribute to aggregating ballots, ascertaining the result of the referendum; Itisatthispointintheinitialinvestigatoryprocessthatthecandidateiscalled“theservantofGod.”Thepurposeoftheseinvestigativeproceduresistwofold:thefirstistoestablishwhetherthecandidatehasasolidreputationforholiness,andsecondtogatherpreliminarytestimonyastowhetherthattestimonyissupportedbyfacts.
It is at this point in the initial investigatory process that the candidate is called “the servant of God.” The purpose of these investigative procedures is twofold: the first is to establish whether the candidate has a solid reputation for holiness, and second to gather preliminary testimony as to whether that testimony is supported by facts.
question: Whether or not there was a land bridge between Great Britain and Ireland at this time is somewhat disputed, though there was certainly a single ice sheet covering the entire sea. What happened with the Devensian glaciation ended? answer: no question: F (46 °C) on June 19, 1960, and July 28, 1995, and the record minimum temperature was 6 °F (−14 °C) on January 7, 1913. What was Tucson's record low? answer: yes question: Sam Nujoma was sworn in as the first President of Namibia watched by Nelson Mandela (who had been released from prison the previous month) and representatives from 147 countries, including 20 heads of state. Who swore in the first President of Namibia? answer: yes question: It is also known as the "Great Dying" because it is considered the largest mass extinction in the Earth's history. What percentage of marine life died during the extinction? answer:
What are the keywords in the following sentence: inscription in chalk on a blackboard
blackboard, chalk, inscription
Ques: In seconds you will learn exactly what type of ADOBENET file you have the software program associated with your file the publisher who created it its security safety status and a variety of other useful information Fix the punctuation. Ans: In seconds, you will learn exactly what type of ADOBENET file you have, the software program associated with your file, the publisher who created it, its security safety status, and a variety of other useful information. Ques: In North Korea even the elite are subject to the oppressive totalitarian rule of the regime Fix the punctuation. Ans: In North Korea even the elite are subject to the oppressive totalitarian rule of the regime. Ques: When its deleted by Symantec Client Management Suite the infected DLL file would be removed too Fix the punctuation.
Ans: When it's deleted by Symantec Client Management Suite, the infected DLL file would be removed too.
Translate the following sentence to Russian: For rent, for holidays rental, a beautiful 2 rooms apartment in the prestigious marina of herzliya pituach; into luxury... Russian:
Ideale per stranieri e per il personale delle ambasciate. 3 belle stanze - interamente rinnovato...
Here are some concepts: couch, love, pillow What is a sentence about these concepts? Sentence is below. gray couch and striped pillows love the pendant lights Here are some concepts: politician, speech, watch What is a sentence about these concepts? Sentence is below. people watch a broadcast of politician responding to speech in september . Here are some concepts: land, pilot, plane What is a sentence about these concepts? Sentence is below. pilot landing a small plane after scenic flight Here are some concepts: branch, create, table What is a sentence about these concepts?
Sentence is below. create a coffee table or accent table with branches
Q: En conclusion, le CESE plaide pour que le droit des actionnaires ne soit pas limité par des considérations sans rapport avec leurs intérêts. Could you please translate this to English? A: In conclusion, the EESC makes a plea for the shareholders’ right not to be restricted by considerations extraneous to their interests. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Un appareil ou accessoire fonctionnel est un article, un produit ou un équipement qui sert à maintenir ou à améliorer les capacités fonctionnelles des personnes ayant une incapacité. [Q]: "Open file : damprojectsthailand.doc Publisher :" --> French? [A]: Ouvrir le fichier : damprojectsthailand.doc Éditeur : Q: "Strategic Traffic Information may be provided as an STI on shore in a RIS/VTS Centre or in an office." to French **** A: Les informations stratégiques sont transmises soit à un centre de SIF/STM soit à un bureau. Translate to French: One speaker noted that local traditional knowledge and community participation in public health provision were important. Answer: Un orateur a souligné que la participation du savoir traditionnel local et des communautés aux soins de santé publique étaient importante. Q: Les indemnités d’assurance-récolte comprennent uniquement celles des programmes publics; les indemnités de l’assurance-grêle privée sont exclues. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Crop insurance payments include only government crop insurance programs; private hail insurance payments are excluded.
Question: Let's complete this passage. (CNN)After the Paris attacks by al Qaeda-aligned Islamic terrorists, much of the world -- even some Muslim world leaders -- seems united in the defense of free speech and freedom of religion. And at the Golden Globes recently, Hollywood declared its aversion to attacks on liberty, mocking North Korea's Kim Jong Un for trying to shut down the movie "The Interview" and announcing its united front with France against terrorism. "Je suis Charlie," said Jared Leto. "Together we will stand united against anyone who would oppress free speech," said Hollywood Foreign Press Association president Theo Kingma. George Clooney talked about the millions who marched for unity in Paris: "They marched in support of the idea that we will not walk in fear. We won't do it." It's lovely to see all these folks "stand with OPTIONS: - CNN." - France." - George Clooney." - Golden Globes." - Hollywood." - Hollywood Foreign Press Association." - Islamic." - Jared Leto." - Je suis Charlie." - Kim Jong Un." - North Korea." - Paris." - The Interview." - Theo Kingma." - al Qaeda." Answer: France." Problem: Choose the next sentence LONDON, England (CNN) -- The BBC is refusing to broadcast a plea from leading British charities for aid to Gaza, saying the ad would compromise the public broadcaster's appearance of impartiality. Demonstrators protest at the BBC's central London offices Saturday against the broadcaster's decision. The decision prompted weekend protests in England and Scotland, with one group saying Sunday that 100 people had occupied the foyer of the BBC building in Glasgow, Scotland and would not leave until the BBC runs the ad. The Disasters Emergency Committee, which includes the British Red Cross, Oxfam, Save the Children and 10 other charities, plans to launch the ad on Monday. If deciding to accede to the OPTIONS: - BBC request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - British request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - CNN request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - Disasters Emergency Committee request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - England request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - Gaza request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - Glasgow request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - LONDON request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - London request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - Oxfam request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - Red Cross request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - Save the Children request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - Scotland request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. - U.K. request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. Answer: Disasters Emergency Committee request would be seen as political then deciding not to accede to it is also political. Question: Let's complete this passage. By Jonathan O'Callaghan The charred remains of least 50 mummified Egyptians have been found in a plundered tomb in Cairo. It is thought most of the bodies were members of the ancient Egyptian elite, and inscriptions suggest the tomb contains a prince and princess, related to two pharaohs who ruled during the 14th century BC. But excavation wasn’t easy because the tomb is covered in soot - from a fire started by grave robbers in the late 19th century. A tomb containing up to 50 mummified remains has been found in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings. Pictured can be seen fragments of coffins, cloth and pottery within tomb KV 40. The tomb was used twice, once in the 18th dynasty (14th century BC) and again in the 22nd dynasty (9th century BC) Up to now, nothing was known about the layout of tomb OPTIONS: - BC, nor for whom it was built and who was buried there. - BC., nor for whom it was built and who was buried there. - Cairo, nor for whom it was built and who was buried there. - Egyptian, nor for whom it was built and who was buried there. - Egyptians, nor for whom it was built and who was buried there. - Jonathan O'Callaghan, nor for whom it was built and who was buried there. - KV 40, nor for whom it was built and who was buried there. - Valley of the Kings, nor for whom it was built and who was buried there. Answer:
KV 40, nor for whom it was built and who was buried there.
Please capitalize where necessary: the reason for this is that not all votes are electronic and meps sometimes vote by a show of hands. today, more and more votes are, however, recorded electronically. A: The reason for this is that not all votes are electronic and MEPs sometimes vote by a show of hands. Today, more and more votes are, however, recorded electronically. Please capitalize where necessary: here at hotel norge knut hamsun stayed several times per year during the 1930'ies and always in room 302. A: Here at Hotel Norge Knut Hamsun stayed several times per year during the 1930'ies and always in room 302. Please capitalize where necessary: for only the second time in its 66-year history of the united nations security council in new york has authorized the use of virtually unlimited military coercion against a member country (the first ma lwar the authorization to warfare november 1990 against saddam hussein's occupation of kuwait). A: For only the second time in its 66-year history of the United Nations Security Council in New York has authorized the use of virtually unlimited military coercion against a member country (the first Ma LWAR the authorization to warfare November 1990 against Saddam Hussein's occupation of Kuwait). Please capitalize where necessary: 6 years ago 20:05 tubewolf flexible, dogging A:
6 years ago 20:05 TubeWolf flexible, dogging
Problem: Does "The TA provides a small percentage of the UK's operational troops." answer the question "How much of the UK's troops are provided by the TA?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Problem: Does "Compton reestablished the Washington University football team, making the declaration that athletics were to be henceforth played on a "strictly amateur" basis with no athletic scholarships." answer the question "Where did Arthur Holly Compton work before returning to Washington University?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Problem: Does "The managing director of London Weekend Television (LWT), Greg Dyke, met with the representatives of the "big five" football clubs in England in 1990." answer the question "Who was the London Weekend Television's managing director?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A:
Would the following phrase be considered positive or negative? sappy script negative Would the following phrase be considered positive or negative? this masterfully calibrated psychological thriller thrives on its taut performances and creepy atmosphere even if the screenplay falls somewhat short . positive Would the following phrase be considered positive or negative? 's nothing to gain from watching they negative Would the following phrase be considered positive or negative? convince almost everyone that it was put on the screen , just for them
Sentence from a movie review: company once again dazzle and delight us Select your answer: was the movie seen positively or negatively based on the preceding review? Pick from: -negative. -positive.
Q: Des initiatives comme celles-ci et les processus consultatifs régionaux entre les pays d'origine et de destination sont au nombre des meilleures pratiques qu'un monde à l'heure de la mondialisation devrait adopter - ne serait-ce que pour faire des migrations internationales un jeu auquel tout le monde gagne quelque chose. Could you please translate this to English? A: Initiatives like these and regional consultative processes between sending and receiving countries are some of the best practices that an increasingly globalizing world should adopt — if only to make international migration a win-win game. Q: 5.5.6 Un site Web de la mission est en construction et peut être trouvé sur l'unité [i:] de la mission. Could you please translate this to English? A: 5.5.6 A Mission web site is under construction and can be found on the Mission [i:] drive. Q: On ignorait l'impact de cette initiative. Des informations faisaient toutefois régulièrement état de pertes civiles disproportionnées au cours des opérations militaires des forces étrangères. Could you please translate this to English? A: It remained unclear what impact this had, although there were regular reports of disproportionate civilian casualties as a result of international military operations. Q: Les indemnités d’assurance-récolte comprennent uniquement celles des programmes publics; les indemnités de l’assurance-grêle privée sont exclues. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Crop insurance payments include only government crop insurance programs; private hail insurance payments are excluded.
Translate "I hope Mr Tindemans will come to Denmark before the referendum and explain whether he is indeed - in the words of Mr Helveg - simply a 'blast from the past' ." to Finnish?
Toivon, että Tindemans tulisi Tanskaan ennen kansanäänestystä selvittämään, onko hän vain - Neils Helvegin sanoin - "tuulahdus menneisyydestä" .
John Graunt noted that in London over a 35-year period in the 17th century (1628–62), the birth sex ratio was 1.07; while Koreas historical records suggest a birth sex ratio of 1.13, based on 5 million births, in 1920s over a 10-year period. Other historical records from Asia too support James hypothesis. For example, Jiang et al. claim that the birth sex ratio in China was 116–121 over a 100-year period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries; in the 120–123 range in the early 20th century; falling to 112 in the 1930s. Answer this question: Did the birth sex ratio in China have a wider range in the 18th and 19th centuries or the early 20th century?
18th and 19th centuries
Ich begrüße die Erklärung des Herrn Kommissar und die Arbeit des Parlaments, die wirklich deutlich macht, welch konkretes Interesse wir an diesen Fragen haben, gerade unter den derzeitigen Umständen. Translate to English
I should like, in passing, to pay tribute to the Commissioner' s statement and to all the work that Parliament has carried out, which shows that we attach real importance to these issues, particularly in the current circumstances.
Summarize this article: Mr Hunt said GP contract changes brought in by Labour in 2004 had "undermined the personal link between GPs and the people on their lists". But Clare Gerada, chair of the Royal College of GPs, said the problem was "nothing to do with the contract". "It's to do with the fact we are 10,000 GPs short," she said. Labour accused the current government of leaving A&E on the brink of crisis. Labour's Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham, who will raise the issue as an urgent question in the House of Commons later today, said: "In Jeremy Hunt's first year in office, nearly 1 million people waited more than 4 hours in A&E. "Ministers have left it too late and until they face up to the fundamental causes - the collapse of social care and front-line job losses - the NHS will continue to struggle. "This is further proof you can't trust David Cameron with the NHS. We can't have another year in the NHS like the last one - he needs to urgently get a grip." Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Mr Hunt, who will outline proposed changes to ease pressure on stretched emergency departments, said: "A&E staff [now] know some patients better than their own GPs." He told the BBC the government had "plans for 2,000 more GPs" and he would be "looking to see if that's enough". Mr Hunt said it had become "impossible" for GPs to oversee their patients' treatment throughout the health and social care system. He added: "I think it will take about four years to undo the damage done by those changes in 2004 but at least if we can undo it for the most frail and vulnerable older people next year, that will be an important step in the right direction." "We need a much better way for vulnerable old people to journey through the NHS," Mr Hunt wrote in the Telegraph. "They need someone from the service to be keeping tabs on them and championing them through the system all the time - and making sure they're a name, not a number, whether or not they are in hospital. "As a member of the public I would like that responsible person to be my GP - but of course they will need support from many others, including our dedicated district nurses." He added: "Since the last government's misguided changes to the GP contract, it's become easier to go to A&E and harder to go and see a GP." Dr Gerada said GPs worked very long days, and even at night they were "delivering more care than most of the NHS". She said the system was still working, but added: "It's working less well now, I'm afraid, than since [before] the massive cuts that we've seen, and also the enormous top-down reorganisation that we've just had." Speaking about the health secretary's comments, she said: "I'm sure Mr Hunt regrets saying that emergency doctors know their patients better than their GPs because there's blatantly no evidence for that." But in response, Mr Hunt said it was true that some patients know A&E doctors better than their GP.
Elderly people often feel there is no reliable alternative to hospital, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said, as he called for improved care from GPs.
The fifth World Social Forum (WSF) has kicked off in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? The WSF takes place in Brazil.
question: What are the jobs Quora has eliminated? We've seen how automation has eliminated jobs in certain markets. What effect will AI have on the job market and other ways of life in the future? answer: no question: What are the lyrics to Boom Chicka Boom? Do you read lyrics? answer: no question: Which is the best (windows) laptop for architects 2016? Which is the best (windows) laptop for architects 2015? answer:
Mark: Hey, sup? Thomas: Sorry, still doin maths hw but I'll brb, almost done Mark: What?? Dude, we had homework???? Thomas: Yea, been doing that all day today bc I forgot too, it's anightmare Mark: Shit... I haven't even started,there's no way I can make it now. Help a bro out?? Thomas: Wanna copy mine? Mark: PLEASe Thomas: Mark: You da real MVP, man. I owe you my life!!! Briefly summarize: Mark forgot doing his homework, so he is going to copy it from Thomas. Here is a dialogue: Daniel: Has anyone seen the new Aquaman? Eve: Not yet, I will watch it this weekend Daniel: I want to see it, but I am not sure if to go alone or with Jil :p Arthur: I watched it online, but it was decent fun :p Daniel: So can we both join you this weekend? Eve: Absolutely :) Write a short summary! summary: Eve is going to watch the new Aquaman this weekend. Daniel and Jil are going to join Eve. Arthur watched Aquaman online and he recommends it. Question: Dialogue: Teresa: Hey, I found a red bad after the party. Is it yours, Rita? Rita: Nope, maybe the gf of Tom? Tom: Small red leather bag? It's Suzie's! Answer: Teresa has found Suzie's bag. Helen: hey Helen: Can you take me to the vet? Rich: When? Helen: 2morrow after work? Rich: what time? Helen: around 6? Rich: sure no prob Rich: Pick you up at work? Helen: that would be great Rich: so 5 at your office Helen: yes thank you Helen: youre a lifesaver What was that dialogue about? Rich will pick Helen up tomorrow at 5, and he will take her to the vet. IN: Dialogue: Audrey: Are you going to vote? Beth: Of course! Are you? Audrey: I plan to, but what day is the election? Beth: ahah you should know that x) Audrey: Can you just tell meeee? Beth: The election is this Tuesday. Audrey: U serious? I thought it was like in 3 weeks.. Beth: Nope, this Tuesda girl aahah Audrey: It's a good thing I asked you then. Beth: That should've been something you knew already. Audrey: I couldn't remember. Beth: Whatever. Just make sure you go vote. Audrey: Yeah Yeah I will. What was going on? **** OUT: Beth reminds Audrey to go vote this Tuesday. Carter: Hey Alexis, I just wanted to let you know that I had a really nice time with you tonight. Alexis: Thanks Carter. Yeah, I really enjoyed myself as well. Carter: If you are up for it, I would really like to see you again soon. Alexis: Thanks Carter, I'm flattered. But I have a really busy week coming up. Carter: Yeah, no worries. I totally understand. But if you ever want to go grab dinner again, just let me know. Alexis: Yeah of course. Thanks again for tonight. Carter: Sure. Have a great night. Briefly summarize:
Alexis and Carter met tonight. Carter would like to meet again, but Alexis is busy.