1 value
4 values
Have you ever fallen for someone you shouldn't have? Have you ever fallen for a person you can't have? Please tell me if those questions are the same.
test: Tam venku je dost děvčat... ..které prohlížejí, že mám... ...pár kil navíc. English? translation: There are a lot of girls out there who can see past the fact that I just happen to be... a few pounds overweight. test: Druhá oběť, Craig Tomlin, seděl za unesení ženy na parkovišti, přinutil ji, aby ho odvezla na jiné místo, kde ji napadl. English? translation: Our second vic, Craig Tomlin, served time for grabbing a woman in a parking lot, forcing her to drive to another location before attacking her. None of that was mimicked here. test: Schovává si to, aby vytvořil případ... proti jednomu z nás. English? translation: He's keeping it to build a case... against one of us. test: Vyhecovala jsem ho a vymstilo se nám to. English? translation:
I mean, I dared him and it backfired.
Q: Solve: Solve -97*a = -81131 + 78415 for a. A: 28 Q: Solve: Solve 112 = -57*y - 230 for y. A: -6 Q: Solve: Solve 22*w = -18*w + 203 - 43 for w. A:
Article:The bosses of Scotland's biggest music festival want to make the Perthshire estate its home this year and every year from now on. However, locals say the matter has divided opinion in the area, wildlife groups have clashed with festival organisers, and thousands of comments were submitted during public consultations. The council's development management committee unanimously approved the plans after hearing arguments from both sides - but only for the next three years. Festival organisers DF Concerts decided to move on from Balado, the annual event's home since 1997, after "substantial" concerns were raised by the Health and Safety Executive about the Forties oil pipeline which runs underneath the site. The group examined more than 100 potential sites across Scotland and the north of England, before settling on fellow Perthshire estate Strathallan. They said the appealing natural setting of the estate was a key factor in the decision, alongside its central location and proximity to power lines. The move was backed by part-owners of the estate, but has drawn criticism from some other local residents. Initially it was argued that the event would only require full planning permission if it was on site for more than 28 days. Most campers would arrive on Thursday 9 July, and leave on Monday 13 July, but several weeks of setting up and clearing up works would be involved on either side of the event itself. Local residents raised concerns, and one couple who live on the doorstep of the proposed festival site wrote to the Scottish government asking them to intervene. Ministers ruled that a full environmental impact assessment would need to be carried out ahead of planning consent being granted. Opponents of the move, such as the Strathallan T Action Group of local residents, said they were not against the festival, but think Strathallan is the wrong place for it. They voiced concerns over local wildlife and watercourses, the effect on local tourism, and the suitability of local roads to handle tens of thousands of vehicles. Supporters of the festival cited surveys which claim the event generates £15.4m for the Scottish economy each year, as well as £2.7m locally in Perthshire. They also pointed to the event team's experience of planning and record of environmental protection at Balado. An initial 28-day public consultation drew a mixed response from residents, with 273 letters of objection and 241 letters of support submitted. A second public consultation was then held after fresh information was submitted to the council, this time prompting 1,351 objections and 552 letters of support. In addition, a petition of 1,922 signatures supporting the plans was handed in to the council by DF Concerts, although the Woodland Trust Scotland ran their own petition in opposition. T in the Park bosses also commissioned a survey of local residents by professional pollsters Survation, which claimed 62% of respondents backed approval of the plans, with 19% against and 19% undecided. There were no formal objections from statutory consultees, although Sepa did initially lodge concerns about flooding before settling matters with DF Concerts. The owners of the Gleneagles Hotel spoke out about noise and traffic levels, citing "real concerns" about anti-social behaviour from unauthorised campsites and pedestrian traffic. The issue of wildlife was the most controversial, with RSPB Scotland and the Woodlands Trust both issuing strong statements about an osprey nest at the site, an issue also raised by Scottish Natural Heritage. Ospreys are a protected species, and anyone who disturbs them while nesting could face criminal prosecution. The initial plan was to move the birds to a new nest - one was specially constructed further away from the festival site, but festival bosses were unable to gain access to remove the original nest due to a disagreement with a landowner. They instead tried to encourage the birds to avoid the old nest by setting up a cherry picker festooned with flags and balloons nearby. The move proved controversial, with RSPB Scotland describing it as "unethical and unacceptable", and police were even called in to investigate. When it became clear the ospreys had settled at the old nest - prompting the swift removal of the cherry picker - DF Concerts sat down with RSPB Scotland to draw up plans to mitigate the potential impact on the birds. This will see full-time monitoring of the nest by an on-site expert, a 500 metre buffer zone around the nest while chicks could be present, and bans on fireworks and any use of the access tracks nearby. As well as the ospreys, DF Concerts put together specific protection plans for red squirrels, otters and bats. There was also monitoring on site for other species including badgers, pine martens, kingfishers and barn owls, while RSPB Scotland recommended regular checks for ground nesting birds and red kites, another protected species which would require a buffer zone if found nesting near the site. Festival organisers insist that they will do everything possible to protect the local environment, given that the estate's natural beauty was one of the key factors which attracted them. The Roberts family, part-owners of the estate who have backed the plans, said that they are "conservationists at heart" and noted: "It's the beauty that brought DF Concerts here. They're not interested in desecrating that or decimating it - it's in their best interest and ours to maintain the environment that's here." Planning bosses recommended banning any setup or clearing work taking place at night, and restrictions on the amount of light and noise overnight which could disturb animals nearby. Local residents certainly think so, with the impact of some 85,000 music fans and 9,000 staff travelling to the rural site a common theme among consultation comments. The council's transport planning group said there would be just under 69,000 vehicle movements during the festival, but noted that there is "sufficient road capacity" to handle this. Yorkshire-based SEP Ltd, the traffic management firm who put the plans together, insist they are confident in their "scientific calculation" and models of traffic movement. However, planning bosses said "delays and disruption" were likely on local roads, including a condition for approval that local routes should be surveyed and upgraded before and after the event, at the expense of the applicant. It was never entirely clear what would have happened if the plans had been thrown out by the development management committee - bands were booked months ago and tickets went on sale last year. Prior to the decision, DF Concerts chief Geoff Ellis said the whole future of the event could be at stake if the Strathallan plans were rejected. He told BBC Radio Scotland: "I don't think there is a venue, without going very far north in Scotland, which would be viable for T in the Park, so yes, I don't think it would carry on if we didn't host it at Strathallan this year." In any case, the committee has not ruled on the long-term future of the event - councillors gave approval only for the next three years, so that the impact of the festival can be assessed. Summarize the main points of that article.
Perth and Kinross councillors have settled the long-running debate over whether this summer's T in the Park festival can be hosted at Strathallan Castle.
Sentence 1: The Kal unbuckled the straps and dropped the iron jaw to the dirt. Sentence 2: The straps were unbuckled. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: yes Sentence 1: She went quickly along the passage to Mrs. Vandemeyer's bedroom, which had long French windows leading on to a balcony that ran the length of the flat. Sentence 2: Mrs. Vandemeyer's bedroom had long French windows with blue curtains leading on to a balcony. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: it is not possible to tell Sentence 1: The jagged mountain ranges and dense forests leave less than two-fifths of the country suitable for habitation and farming. Sentence 2: Less than 40% of the country is suitable for habitation and farming. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer:
Summarize this article in one sentence. 1918 October - Arab troops led by Emir Feisal, and supported by British forces, capture Damascus, ending 400 years of Ottoman rule. 1919 - Emir Feisal backs Arab self-rule at the Versailles peace conference, following the defeat of Germany and the Ottoman Empire in World War I. 1920 March - National Congress elected the previous year proclaims Emir Feisal King of Syria from the Taurus mountains of Turkey to the Sinai desert in Egypt. 1920 June - San Remo conference puts Syria-Lebanon under a French mandate and Palestine under British control. King Feisal flees abroad ahead of French occupation forces the following month. 1920-21 - Syria is divided into three autonomous regions by the French, with separate areas for the Alawis on the coast and the Druze in the south. Lebanon is separated off entirely. 1925-6 - Nationalist agitation against French rule develops into uprising. French forces bombard Damascus. 1928 - Elections held for a constituent assembly, which drafts a constitution for Syria. French High Commissioner rejects the proposals, sparking nationalist protests. 1936 - France agrees to work towards Syrian independence and dissolves the autonomous regions, but maintains military and economic dominance and keeps Lebanon as a separate state. 1941 - British and Free French troops occupy Syria. General De Gaulle promises to end the French mandate. 1943 - Veteran nationalist Shukri al-Kuwatli is elected first president of Syria, leads the country to full independence three years later. 1947 - Michel Aflaq and Salah-al-Din al-Bitar found the Arab Socialist Baath Party. 1949-1954 - Civilian government disrupted by repeated coups. 1955 - Shukri al-Kuwatli returns to power, seeks closer ties with Egypt. 1958 February - Syria and Egypt form the United Arab Republic. Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser heads the new state. He orders the dissolution of Syrian political parties, to the dismay of the Baath party, which had campaigned for union. Israel occupied the Golan Heights in 1967 during the Six Day War Golan Heights profile 1961 September - Discontent with Egyptian domination prompts a group of Syrian army officers to seize power in Damascus and dissolve the union. 1963 March - Baathist army officers seize power. 1966 February - Salah Jadid leads an internal coup against the civilian Baath leadership. Hafez al-Assad becomes defence minister. 1967 June - Israeli forces seize the Golan Heights from Syria and destroy much of Syria's air force in the Six Day War with Egypt, Jordan and Syria. 1970 November - Hafez al-Assad overthrows president Nur al-Din al-Atasi and imprisons Salah Jadid. 1973 - Rioting breaks out after President Assad drops the constitutional requirement that the president must be a Muslim. Suppressed by the army. 1973 October - Syria and Egypt go to war with Israel, but fail to retake the Golan Heights seized in 1967. 1975 February - President Assad says he's prepared to make peace with Israel in return for an Israeli withdrawal from "all occupied Arab land". 1976 June - Syrian army intervenes in the Lebanese civil war to ensure that the status quo is maintained, keeping its Maronite Christian allies in a position of strength. 1980 - After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Muslim groups instigate uprisings and riots in Aleppo, Homs and Hama. Syria profile Hafez al-Assad brought stability, but did so through repression Obituary: Syria's shrewd master Syria profile 1980 September - Start of Iran-Iraq war. Syria backs Iran, in keeping with the traditional rivalry between Baathist leaderships in Iraq and Syria. 1981 December - Israel formally annexes the Golan Heights. 1982 February - Muslim Brotherhood uprising in the city of Hama suppressed by army, tens of thousands of civilians killed. 1982 June - Israel invades Lebanon and attacks the Syrian army, forcing it to withdraw from several areas. Israel attacks the PLO base in Beirut. 1983 May - Lebanon and Israel announce the end of hostilities. Syrian forces remain in Lebanon. 1984 - President's brother Rifaat promoted to vice-president. Return to Lebanon 1987 February - President Assad sends troops into Lebanon for a second time to enforce a ceasefire in Beirut. 1990 - Iraq invades Kuwait; Syria joins the US-led coalition against Iraq. This leads to improved relations with Egypt and the US. 1991 October - Syria participates in the Middle East peace conference in Madrid and holds talks with Israel that founder over the Golan Heights issue. 1994 - President Assad's son Basil, who was likely to succeed his father, is killed in a car accident. 1998 - President Assad's brother Rifaat is dismissed as vice-president. 1999 December - Further talks with Israel over the Golan Heights begin in the US, but are indefinitely postponed the following month. 2000 June - President Assad dies and is succeeded by his second son, Bashar. 2000 November - The new president orders the release of 600 political prisoners. 2001 April - Outlawed Muslim Brotherhood says it will resume political activity, 20 years after its leaders were forced to flee. 2001 June - Syrian troops evacuate Beirut, redeploy in other parts of Lebanon, following pressure from Lebanese critics of Syria's presence. 2001 September - Detention of MPs and other pro-reform activists, crushing hopes of a break with the authoritarian past of Hafez al-Assad. Arrest continue, punctuated by occasional amnesties, over the following decade. 2002 May - Senior US official includes Syria in a list of states that make-up an "axis of evil", first listed by President Bush in January. Undersecretary for State John Bolton says Damascus is acquiring weapons of mass destruction. 2004 January - President Assad visits Turkey, the first Syrian leader to do so. The trip marks the end of decades of frosty relations, although ties sour again after the popular uprising in 2011. 2004 May - US imposes economic sanctions on Syria over what it calls its support for terrorism and failure to stop militants entering Iraq. The killing of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri sparked anti-Syrian protets in Beirut Syria withdrawal: Lebanese speak 2005 February-April- Tensions with the US escalate after the killing of former Lebanese PM Hariri in Beirut. Washington cites Syrian influence in Lebanon. Damascus is urged to withdraw its forces from Lebanon, which it does by April. 2006 November - Iraq and Syria restore diplomatic relations after nearly a quarter century. 2007 March - European Union relaunches dialogue with Syria. 2007 April - US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi meets President Assad in Damascus. She is the highest-placed US politician to visit Syria in recent years. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice meets Foreign Minister Walid Muallem the following month in the first contact at this level for two years. Israeli forces destroyed what they said was a nuclear facility under construction. Syria says it was an unused military facility 2007 September - Israel carries out an aerial strike against a nuclear facility under construction in northern Syria. 2008 July - President Assad meets French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris. The visit signals the end of the diplomatic isolation by the West that followed the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri in 2005. 2008 October - Syria establishes diplomatic relations with Lebanon for first time since both countries established independence in 1940s. 2009 March - Jeffrey Feltman, acting assistant US secretary of state for the Near East, visits Damascus with White House national security aide Daniel Shapiro in first high-level US diplomatic mission for nearly four years. Meets Foreign Minister Walid Muallem. Trading launches on Syria's stock exchange in a gesture towards liberalising the state-controlled economy. 2010 May - US renews sanctions against Syria, saying that it supports terrorist groups, seeks weapons of mass destruction and has provided Lebanon's Hezbollah with Scud missiles in violation of UN resolutions. 2011 March - Security forces shoot dead protestors in southern city of Deraa demanding release of political prisoners, triggering violent unrest that steadily spread nationwide over the following months. Pro-democracy protests erupted in 2011; the government responded with violence President Assad announces conciliatory measures, releasing dozens of political prisoners, dismissing government, lifting 48-year-old state of emergency. 2011 May - Army tanks enter Deraa, Banyas, Homs and suburbs of Damascus in an effort to crush anti-regime protests. US and European Union tighten sanctions. 2011 June - The IAEA nuclear watchdog decides to report Syria to the UN Security Council over its alleged covert nuclear programme reactor programme. The structure housing the alleged reactor was destroyed in an Israeli air raid in 2007. 2011 July - President Assad sacks the governor of the northern province of Hama after mass demonstration there, eventually sending in troops to restore order at the cost of scores of lives. 2011 October - New Syrian National Council says it has forged a common front of internal and exiled opposition activists. 2011 November - Arab League votes to suspend Syria, accusing it of failing to implement an Arab peace plan, and imposes sanctions. The uprising against President Assad gradually turned into a full-scale civil war 2012 February - Government steps up the bombardment of Homs and other cities. 2012 March - UN Security Council endorses non-binding peace plan drafted by UN envoy Kofi Annan. China and Russia agree to support the plan after an earlier, tougher draft is modified. Divisions and concern about the role of Islamists have bedevilled the opposition Guide to the Syrian opposition 2012 June - Turkey changes rules of engagement after Syria shoots down a Turkish plane, declaring that if Syrian troops approach Turkey's borders they will be seen as a military threat. 2012 July - Free Syria Army blows up three security chiefs in Damascus and seizes Aleppo in the north. 2012 August - Prime Minister Riad Hijab defects, US President Obama warns that use of chemical weapons would tilt the US towards intervention. 2012 October - Fire in Aleppo destroys much of the historic market as fighting and bomb attacks continue in various cities. 2012 November - National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces formed in Qatar, excludes Islamist militias. Arab League stops short of full recognition. 2012 December - US, Britain, France, Turkey and Gulf states formally recognise opposition National Coalition as "legitimate representative" of Syrian people. 2013 January - Syria accuses Israel of bombing military base near Damascus, where Hezbollah was suspected of assembling a convoy of anti-aircraft missiles bound for Lebanon. Government forces have faced - and denied - repeated allegations of chemical weapons use Rise of Islamists 2013 September - UN weapons inspectors conclude that chemical weapons were used in an attack on the Ghouta area of Damascus in August that killed about 300 people, but do not allocate responsibility. Government allows UN to destroy chemical weapons stocks, process complete by June 2014. 2013 December - US and Britain suspend "non-lethal" support for rebels in northern Syria after reports that Islamist rebels seized bases of Western-backed Free Syrian Army. 2014 January-February - UN-brokered peace talks in Geneva fail, largely because Syrian authorities refuse to discuss a transitional government. 2014 March - Syrian Army and Hezbollah forces recapture Yabroud, the last rebel stronghold near the Lebanese border. 2014 June - Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militants declare "caliphate" in territory from Aleppo to eastern Iraqi province of Diyala. 2014 September - US and five Arab countries launch air strikes against Islamic State around Aleppo and Raqqa. 2015 January - Kurdish forces push Islamic State out of Kobane on Turkish border after four months of fighting. 2015 May - Islamic State fighters seize the ancient city of Palmyra in central Syria and proceed to destroy many monuments at pre-Islamic World Heritage site. Jaish al-Fatah (Army of Conquest) Islamist rebel alliance takes control of Idlib Province, putting pressure on government's coastal stronghold of Latakia. Russian intervention 2015 September - Russia carries out its first air strikes in Syria, saying they target the Islamic State group, but the West and Syrian opposition say it overwhelmingly targets anti-Assad rebels. 2015 December - Syrian Army allows rebels to evacuate remaining area of Homs, returning Syria's third-largest city to government control after four years. 2016 March - Syrian government forces retake Palmyra from Islamic State with Russian air assistance, only to be driven out again in December. 2016 August - Turkish troops cross into Syria to help rebel groups push back so-called Islamic State militants and Kurdish-led rebels from a section of the two countries' border. 2016 December - Government troops, backed by Russian air power and Iranian-sponsored militias, recaptures Aleppo, the country's largest city, depriving the rebels of their last major urban stronghold. 2017 January - Russia, Iran and Turkey agree to enforce a ceasefire between the government and non-Islamist rebels, after talks between the two sides in Kazakhstan.
A chronology of key events:
Compose the next sentence for this paragraph. ( -- Saturday was the big day for "Bachelor" and "Dancing with the Stars" contestant Melissa Rycroft, who tied the knot with her fiancé, insurance agent Tye Strickland, in Mexico on Saturday, PEOPLE has learned. The couple, who met three years ago in their hometown Dallas, got engaged in June, less than four months after Rycroft was jilted on national television by "Bachelor" star Jason Mesnick. "I'm really happy for her," Mesnick told PEOPLE. "This whole journey took her to a place where things looked like they were down for her. But then she ended up with the person she was meant to be with. That's what life's all about. I couldn't be happier for her." Indeed, after what looked like a downer season of "The Bachelor", it turns out that
Jason Mesnick and his top three choices on the dating show all found love in 2009.
Question: It will support formal and nonformal learning experiences and activities across all sectors -- Answer: It will support formal and non-formal learning experiences and activities across all sectors. Question: A manufacturer of LEDTUBE Vedio Type at zhongshan karnar lighting electron factory -- Answer: A manufacturer of LED-TUBE Vedio Type at zhongshan karnar lighting & electron factory. Question: Type We BW produce aviation pilot drill series including pilot Core Drill pneumatic pilot Core Drill and double margin pneumatic Core Drill made by high speed steel and carbide with diamond coating material -- Answer: Type: We BW produce aviation pilot drill series, including pilot Core Drill, pneumatic pilot Core Drill, and double margin pneumatic Core Drill, made by high speed steel and carbide with diamond coating material. Question: ICANN also has some ad hoc working groups where DIFO with Political Director Lise Fuhr has participated in ATRT link box among others and thus has helped to assess whether ICANN meets the requirements of reliability and transparency -- Answer:
ICANN also has some ad hoc working groups, where DIFO with Political Director Lise Fuhr has participated in ATRT (link box) among others, and thus has helped to assess whether ICANN meets the requirements of reliability and transparency.
input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: had my first roadkill today. sorry, momma pheasant input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: Eating a stroopwafel while Dyanthe & I are waving at Emma, Iris & Marie, who are walking outside. input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet:
back in barrie... tired and sore!! i don't wanna work tomorrow!!
Question: Also, new advisers would not have to register initially with a state or states, then deregister and register with the SEC if they had the expectation of being eligible for SEC registration within 120 days. New advisers would have to register first with state or states before registering and deregistering with the SEC. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Problem: Here is a premise: i like Italian food Here is a hypothesis: I hate eating Italian food. Here are the options: OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Sentence 1: If she fails to respond, he said, the House will have no choice but to call for the vice president's impeachment. Sentence 2: If she does respond, the House will have to try to impeach the VP. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: no Question: Though the region's oldest surviving trulli date back only to the 16th century, the construction technique is believed by some to be prehistoric, brought here perhaps from Greece or the Middle East. Does it follow that "Even the oldest truli still remain in excellent condition, with only slight discoloration of the stone."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Q: If what's the name of it again Life Extension, can we say that "Besides the name being Life Extension, it can also be Life Enhancement.and Extension."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no A: it is not possible to tell Question: That he was not in the house last night. He was not at the house last night. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
Thyrsopteris Translate to Russian
Instruction: Produce a brief English sentence that would be considered grammatically as category: acceptable All categories: A brief sentence: Although Dick is handsome, I'm still going marry Herman. Instruction: Produce a brief English sentence that would be considered grammatically as category: unacceptable All categories: A brief sentence: the whistle tune was beautiful. Instruction: Produce a brief English sentence that would be considered grammatically as category: acceptable All categories: A brief sentence: Spot ate a cat treat. Instruction: Produce a brief English sentence that would be considered grammatically as category: acceptable All categories: A brief sentence:
Frank bought Jane the piano.
Write a sentence that about [Batchoy COUNTRY Philippines; Batchoy INGREDIENT Pork].
Batchoy is eaten in the Philippines and one of the ingredients in it is pork.
Sentence: The order Rosids features almonds which are an ingredient in ajoblanco. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Ajoblanco, ingredient, Almond; Almond, order, Rosids Sentence: Abraham A. Ribicoff was born in the US and once worked for the United States Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare office where he succeeded John N Dempsey. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Abraham A. Ribicoff, office, "United States Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare"; Abraham A. Ribicoff, successor, John N. Dempsey; Abraham A. Ribicoff, birthPlace, United States input question: Sentence: The ICAO Location Identifier of Agra Airport which is in India is VIAG. Structured data: Agra Airport, location, India; Agra Airport, icaoLocationIdentifier, "VIAG" Sentence: The Akita Museum of Art has 3 floors and 3746.66 square metres of floor area. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Akita Museum of Art, floorCount, 3; Akita Museum of Art, floorArea, 3746.66 (square metres) Sentence: The Atlas II originated from the U.S. where the inhabitants are called Americans. The leader of the United States is the President of the United States and African Americans are one of the ethnic groups. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: United States, demonym, Americans; Atlas II, countryOrigin, United States; United States, ethnicGroup, African Americans; United States, leaderTitle, President of the United States Sentence: Akron is a part of Summit County in Ohio . It is located in the United States where the capital is Washington DC and the English language is spoken. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
United States, capital, Washington, D.C.; United States, language, English language; Akron, Ohio, country, United States; Akron, Ohio, isPartOf, Summit County, Ohio
QUES: However , then I saw someone running after them so we figured out that they had gotten out of the field . Just then they started running towards my car and I did n't have anywhere to go . I was getting a bit nervous because I was n't sure if they were scared enough to attack my car or not . Just as I was getting really scared they all stopped right next to my driver window , stood there and looked at me . Question with options: What may I do one minute after this ? OPTIONS: - None of the above choices . - I may ask them to get into my car . - I may look for an opening in the road to drive away . - I may get out of my car and shoo them away . ANS: I may look for an opening in the road to drive away . Problem: This orientation takes place every Saturday . Then the people can volunteer . Seems to be something the girls I talked to forgot to mention . And I actually did see something like that when snooping around on the shelter 's site but I thought there must have been some kind of mistake since the other girls went there easily . But anyway , we ca n't do that animal shelter at all since we have to turn in the research plan for the project that Sunday and there 's just not enough time , so we give up there . What would happen if we went to the animal shelter ? OPTIONS: - We would help sign up volunteers at the orientation . - We would fix the shelter 's website . - None of the above choices . - We would get a bad grade on our assignment . A: We would get a bad grade on our assignment . Question: Yet another stressful and lethargic day in the life of the InfernaBeast . Woke up quite late today because I did n't see the need to wake up early . Did n't have breakfast and went out with Dad and Mum to Northpoint . Dad needed to purchase some printer ink cartridge , and we thought we could just go around shopping . It seems like John Little is having a storewide sales , so we went and took a look . Answer the following question: What may be the reason to go shopping ? OPTIONS: - We needed ink . - We needed food . - We needed a phone . - We needed a computer . Answer: We needed ink . Question: After we finished work on the deck we drove around different places selling watermelons out of the back of Norm 's truck . We got about 150 for $ 100 and sold them 1 for $ 3 or 2 for $ 5 . We figured it 'd be an evening of easy money . Only we only sold about 20 so we did n't even make back our investment . Why is the person selling watermelons ? OPTIONS: - They are looking to make it their main business . - They are looking to use it as a side hustle . - None of the above choices . - It is their primary income . Answer: They are looking to use it as a side hustle . IN: He made some great saves . Mason was a rock at the back winning loads of tackles and getting the ball forwards . Skid got some blocks and cleared the danger . In midfield Tom and Declan were busy and we saw 2 great moves , the first involving Michael & Declan and the 2nd involving Tom & Michael . Why were Tom and Declan busy ? OPTIONS: - A lot of players entered the outfield - A lot of players made loads of tackles - A lot of players entered the midfield - None of the above choices . OUT: A lot of players entered the midfield Well apart from all the birds we have had this Summer at the bird table in the garden , we also had a little frog and a little mouse who stopped by to say hello . The frog only stayed for a week . We thought it was going to stay for longer and we made a little pond for it , but I seen it making its journey out of the garden last week , so onto pastures new for her . But the little mouse keeps coming back for more and I suppose we are encouraging her by leaving food out for her every night . OPTIONS: - We leave food out at night for her . - The mouse brings her mate to the garden . - The birds build nests in the high trees . - The frog makes its summer home in the pond . Answer the following question: What may happen after the mouse visits the garden ?
We leave food out at night for her .
Article: The combined value of deals across the 20 top flight clubs is £99.75m, up from £71.8m last season, according to research from Sporting Intelligence. The previous record was set by Germany's Bundesliga last season. The downturn-beating sponsorship growth has been largely driven by huge new deals struck by individual clubs. Liverpool's £20m-a-year contract with Standard Chartered is worth more than double its previous agreement with Carlsberg. And Manchester United's fresh £20m-a-season deal with insurers Aon replaces the previous arrangement worth £14m a year with AIG. Last month it emerged that Tottenham Hotspur, which has signed a £10m -a-year contract with Autonomy, was looking at negotiating deals to sponsor shirts in each competition the team play in. However, seven clubs have deals worth £1m or less - including newly-promoted West Bromwich Albion who have signed a £750,000 agreement with Homeserve after spending the previous two season without a permanent sponsor. At £500,000-a-year, Blackpool's sponsorship is the least valuable, according to the report. Deals remain unchanged for eight clubs including Everton, West Ham and Birmingham. Shirt sponsorship typically makes up between 2% and 10% of total club revenues, industry figures suggest. But Alex Miller, who carried out the study, said there was "an increasing chasm between the haves and the have-nots". "You've got the really big earners and then the rest. For some of them, the amount they can command for shirt sponsorship is almost beer change, especially when compared with television revenues." But he added the Premier League would be pleased to now have more valuable kit deals than the Bundesliga. "It shows how successful the English top flight is when firms will pay such huge sums for their brands to be seen in stadiums and, crucially, on television around the world." Mr Miller warned there may be a too-heavy reliance on online gambling firms, which sponsor seven of the Premier League clubs. "These companies appear to be coming in with fairly short-term deals with the aim of raising their profile quickly and then getting out. "I don't think we'll be seeing any long-term partnerships as we did with, say, Liverpool and Carlsberg for example." Gareth Moore of the consultancy Sport+Markt agreed that the gap between the clubs at the top and bottom of the sponsorship table was too large. He said the deals of the lower-placed teams were valued at about the same level as some of the agreements in Germany's second division. ++++++++++ Summarize: Premier League football clubs have negotiated a world record level of shirt sponsorship for the new season of almost £100m, a study suggests. Problem: The conference call was between Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan, First Minister Peter Robinson and Mr McGuinness on 14 January last year. In a statement, Sinn Féin said the conference call was a matter of public record which Mr McGuinness highlighted in his evidence last week to Stormont's Finance Committee. Mr McGuinness said last week that it was "absolutely misleading" for the DUP to suggest he was fully informed and engaged with a bid from one prospective US buyer, Pimco. Nama: The key figures and background you need to know Timeline of Nama's NI property deal During the 2014 call, Mr Noonan, Mr Robinson and Mr McGuinness discussed Nama's decision to dispose of the 850-property loan book by auction, as opposed to accepting an unsolicited offer from Pimco. Mr Robinson is quoted as saying "they did not align themselves with any particular buyer". The minutes note: "However, he reiterated the comfort provided by the commitments Pimco had made to the executive through a letter of intent regarding their management of assets if they were the successful acquirer." It goes on to state Mr Robinson agreed to provide this letter of intent to Nama "for informational purposes". No contribution is recorded from Mr McGuinness in the note of the call. In its statement, Sinn Féin stated: "Martin McGuinness was not involved in the drafting, nor did he consent to, the correspondence referred to in the call with Mr Noonan. "He was kept in the dark of the nature and extent of meetings and correspondence on this matter." The National Asset Management Agency (Nama) sold its NI loan book to a US investment fund. A Stormont inquiry began after it was claimed a Northern Ireland politician was to get a payment as a result of the sale. Mick Wallace, an independent politician in the Republic of Ireland, made the claim about a Northern Irish politician in the Irish parliament. Cerberus, which bought the loans from Nama, has denied that any improper or illegal payments were made on its behalf. Nama says the sales process was "robust, competitive and secured the best outcome for the Irish taxpayer". What was that article about? A: The Irish government has released details of a conference call about the NI Nama loan sale at which Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness was present. Problem: A historical society which offers trips of the site at Rhydymwyn, near Mold, say the restrictions are unnecessary. The group have called for site owner Defra to lift the ban in time for the 70th anniversary of the bomb test that formed part of the Manhattan Project. Defra said it was vital to protect sites that are home to bats. The Rhydymwyn Valley Works Site in Flintshire has been open to the public as a nature reserve since 2003 and its history can be traced back to a foundry in 1747. In World War Two it was used for making mustard bombs and smoke grenades for the allied forces and its location was so secret it did not figure on any local maps. "There is no reason why we can't continue to pick it up again if someone takes a more reasonable view." Colin Barber, chairman, Rhydymwyn Valley History Society In 1942, as part of Britain's highly secretive Operation Tube Alloys project, work into producing weapons-grade uranium with atomic potential started there. Many of the scientists who worked on Operation Tube Alloys worked on the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb. The research was conducted in Building 45, which was listed in 2008. The bat protocol order introduced in 2012 prevents people entering Building 45 between April to November each year. "We showed due diligence. We knew the bats were in the buildings. We are confident that numbers increased during this period and there wasn't any real reason why we should have been excluded from taking the parties round," insisted the history society's chairman, Colin Barber. "And there is no reason why we can't continue to pick it up again if someone takes a more reasonable view." More than 60 species of bird, including kingfishers, have been identified at Rhydymwyn as well as 150 species of flowers and signs of otters. Defra said it is an offence to disturb bats and affect their ability to roost. It said: "Access to Building 45 is only restricted during the months of the year when the creatures are roosting." It added: "Defra owns the Rhydymwyn site, and we take advice on its management from Welsh bodies such as Natural Resources Wales. "Bats are protected by law, which means we need to close Building 45 at certain times of the year. Any landowner in the same position would be legally obliged to take the same decision." A spokesperson for Natural Resources Wales said it had nothing further to add to Defra's comments. What was that article about? A:
Roosting bats are preventing access to a former top secret World War Two munitions bunker that was home to research on the first atomic bombs.
Based on the premise "During the fifth century a number of Celtic tribes came together to form the Kingdom of Rheged, which is said to have stretched north over what is now the Scottish border and south as far as the River Mersey.", can we conclude the hypothesis "It was also during the fifth century that Germans rules the northern isles." is true?
it is not possible to tell
Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Athens International Airport, cityServed, Athens; Athens, country, Greece; Greece, leader, Prokopis Pavlopoulos; Greece, demonym, Greeks; Greece, leader, Nikos Voutsis
Nikos Voutsis and Prokopis Pavlopoulos are leaders in Greece where the inhabitants are given the demonym of Greeks. The country is the location of the city known as Athens which is served by Athens International Airport.
Write a sentence that is about a restaurant with all the following properties: name = Cocum, eatType = coffee shop, food = Japanese, priceRange = cheap, priceRange = more than £30, customer rating = 5 out of 5, familyFriendly = yes
A family friendly venue, Cocum is a Japanese coffee shop that boasts low prices and high ratings.
Already4,000yearsagotheEgyptiansricavavanosubstantialbenefitsfromthebarkandrootofthepomegranatefromPersiaandAfghanistan.Allthenoblefamiliesofthetimeha... What's a sentence that uses these characters?
Already 4,000 years ago the Egyptians ricavavano substantial benefits from the bark and root of the pomegranate from Persia and Afghanistan. All the noble families of the time ha ...
Translate from English to Spanish: There are many approaches to EQ. Hopefully this will provide one example of how to begin EQ'ing Tracks in your Mix.
Esperemos que esto proporcionará un ejemplo de cómo comenzar ecualizando pistas en tu mezcla.
Battle begins over who will pay more taxes John W. Schoen , NBC News One of the biggest political battles in decades - how to spread the tax burden of helping to balance the federal budget - has just begun. It's likely that not many taxpayers will emerge unscathed. President Barack Obama met Friday with Congressional leaders to begin work on an agreement over how – or whether – to raise more revenues to help pay down the deficit. Both sides in the long-simmering debate have until the end of the year to head off hundreds of billions of dollars in tax hikes scheduled to take effect in January. The White House has said the president wants to raise some $1.6 trillion in new revenues over the coming decade – mainly from top-income earners. "When it comes to the top 2 percent, what I'm not going to do is to extend further a tax cut for folks who don't need it," Obama said at a news conference Wednesday. The president campaigned on a plan that would raise the current top two tax brackets of 33 percent and 35 percent to 36 percent and 39.6 percent. Single taxpayers making less than $200,000 a year and married couples making less than $250,000, would not see their tax rates go up. Republican opponents of the plan argue that the higher rates would hurt small businesses, many of which pay individual, not corporate tax rates. But the two new tax brackets would hit only 2.5 percent of small businesses, according to a recent report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a research group focused on issues affecting low- and moderate-income households, based on a Treasury Department analysis. The new rates would restore the top tax brackets to pre-Bush levels, which were already lower than for much of the last century. Until the sweeping tax reform in 1986, the top marginal rate was 50 percent or more, although most of the wealthiest households paid a much lower effective rate, thanks to dozens of loopholes and tax breaks that were eliminated by the tax code overhaul. Now, the proposed new tax brackets would also apply to a relatively small number of households – among the top two percent of incomes. Most of the new revenues would come from the very top one-tenth of one percent, or those making an average of $8.4 million a year, according to a study by the Tax Policy Center. “The heated debate over whether to extend all of the tax cuts or whether to extend merely the vast majority largely concerns whether to extend an extra $310,000 in tax relief to the wealthiest 120,000 taxpayers,” wrote Tax Policy Center researcher Adam Looney. Despite the sizeable income pool at the top, the new revenues raised by the proposed higher rates would be a drop in the deficit bucket, the study found, raising roughly $68 billion a year – or about 7 percent of the current deficit. That leaves the White House roughly $920 billion short of its goal to raise revenues by $1.6 trillion over the next ten years. A bigger source of new money will likely come from the expiration of a payroll tax “holiday” for all wage earners that, for the past two years, knocked two percent off their payments into the Social Security system. Eliminating the payroll tax break, which seems likely, will add another $125 billion in revenues. Social Security taxes already account for roughly 36 cents of every dollar the government collects in revenues, down from 42 cents before the recession of 2009 hit and the tax was cut to spur growth. That share of overall taxation had been steadily rising over the past few decades as increased lifespans have boosted the program’s future costs. That leaves corporate income taxes – the subject of a number of reform proposals - as another potential source of revenues for the federal government. In 2011, corporations paid roughly 8 cents of every dollar the Treasury collected, down from nearly 15 cents in 2005. Though official corporate tax rates in the U.S. are among the highest in world – nearly 40 percent when state and local tax laws are combined – numerous breaks and subsidies lower the effective tax rate - the amount companies actually pay - to about a third of that, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of tax data earlier this year. As a result, U.S. companies pay less in taxes, as a percentage of gross domestic product, than nearly all of their competitors in the developed world, according to the Tax Policy Center. In 2008, U.S. companies paid taxes at all levels of government of about 26 percent of GDP, compared with an average of 35 percent among member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Of those countries, the U.S. ranked fourth from the bottom in revenues raised from corporate taxes relative to GDP. summary: One of the biggest political battles in decades - how to spread the tax burden of helping to balance the federal budget - has just begun. I... Massachusetts leads the nation in technology workforce Nearly one in 10 Massachusetts workers is employed in fields such as software, telecommunications, and technology manufacturing, making the state’s labor force the techiest in the nation. CompTIA, an information-technology industry group, counted 286,000 tech jobs in Massachusetts last year, using data from the US Labor Department. The figure amounted to 9.8 percent of the state’s labor force, edging out Virginia for the top spot. According to the report, titled “Cyberstates 2015,” a decline in federal spending led to the loss of 8,900 tech jobs in Virginia, where many companies do business with the government. Massachusetts added 8,600 technology jobs last year, the fourth-largest growth of any state. “It’s generally consistent with what we’ve been seeing,” said Tom Hopcroft, head of the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council, which has conducted its own research on the industry’s size and scope in the state. “Creating jobs isn’t the hard part for the tech sector right now. It’s filling them.” California remained the nation’s top tech employer in absolute terms, with 1.1 million jobs out of a national total of 6.5 million. Massachusetts ranked fifth, after Texas, New York, and Florida. The average wage in the Bay State’s tech sector, $121,000, was the second-highest in the country and nearly double that of the average worker here, making tech-sector employers responsible for almost a fifth of the wages paid out to Massachusetts workers last year. One of the main strengths in Massachusetts was the tech industry’s research and development category, CompTIA said, which overlaps with the life sciences industry. The report found 50,600 people employed in Massachusetts were doing R&D and testing work, about one-third the total number of employees in those fields in California but more than in any other state. The tech industry is expected to continue to grow in Massachusetts. The number of positions advertised here grew faster than the national average, with 15.6 percent more openings late last year than in the same period in 2013. Nationally, the rise was 11.3 percent. “I think we have critical mass in Massachusetts around the tech sector,” said Patrick Larkin, director of the Innovation Institute at the Massachusetts Technology Coll-aborative, another trade group. “The future’s guaranteed to no one, but we have clearly a wonderful running start.” The collaborative has conducted similar research that found strength in the state’s broader “innovation economy,” which includes other high-wage fields that require highly educated workers. And Hopcroft’s group, the Mass. Technology Leadership Council, has calculated that spending by tech-nology businesses and their em-ployees supports more than 400,000 jobs across the state in other sectors, from public relations to pizza par-lors. Tech jobs continue to grow Massachusetts ranked fourth in terms of tech-sector jobs added last year. summary:
A report from an industry trade group said Massachusetts remained the most tech-heavy workforce in the country and keeps adding jobs.
input question: Who shot Lee Harvey Oswald ? Would the answer to this question be an entity, an abbreviation, a description, a human, a location, or a numeric value? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location your answer: human Input: Where in the Bible does it tell about Jesus Christ 's brothers and sisters ? What kind of thing would answer this question? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location *** Output: location What is the question "What cancer is commonly associated with AIDS ?" asking about? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location A: entity Part1. What are boxcars ? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location **** Part2. description QUES: OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location So, would the answer to "How high is the city of Denver ?" be an abbreviation, an entity, a human, a human, a description, or a numeric value? ANS: numeric QUES: OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location So, would the answer to "Who liberated 19th century Sicily and Naples ?" be an abbreviation, an entity, a human, a human, a description, or a numeric value? ANS:
Premise: "The mergers required that the organization quickly adopt new organizational structures and address new business requirements." Based on this premise, is the hypothesis "The mergers mandated that the organization rapidly follow new organizational structures and address new business essentials." true? OPT: 1. yes. 2. it is not possible to tell. 3. no.
Q: Complete: Washington (CNN) -- The plot sounds like something plucked from today's headlines: foreign hostages, terrorism, presidential power and American diplomatic relations with the Middle East. But the nation's first war on terror was waged by Thomas Jefferson, not George W. Bush or Barack Obama. In place of al Qaeda or ISIS, Jefferson was fighting the Barbary pirates. In Jefferson's time, European powers conceded to terrorism by paying annual tribute and ransom to groups like the Barbary pirates, according to Robert F. Turner, co-founder of the Center for National Security Law and professor of American Foreign Policy. Once the American colonies gained independence from Britain, their ships were left without protection from piracy at sea. As American commerce began to increase, the Barbary states targeted American merchant vessels that traveled the seas without a strong naval defense. It's a principle that persists in OPTIONS: - America's battle against ISIS. - American's battle against ISIS. - American Foreign Policy's battle against ISIS. - Barack Obama's battle against ISIS. - Barbary states's battle against ISIS. - Britain's battle against ISIS. - CNN's battle against ISIS. - Center for National Security Law's battle against ISIS. - European's battle against ISIS. - George W. Bush's battle against ISIS. - ISIS's battle against ISIS. - Jefferson's battle against ISIS. - Middle East's battle against ISIS. - Obama's battle against ISIS. - Robert F. Turner's battle against ISIS. - Syria's battle against ISIS. - Thomas Jefferson's battle against ISIS. - Washington's battle against ISIS. - al Qaeda's battle against ISIS. A: America's battle against ISIS. By Richard Shears PUBLISHED: 06:58 EST, 23 April 2013 | UPDATED: 07:19 EST, 23 April 2013 British grandmother Lindsay Sandiford faces an agonising wait of up to 18 weeks before she learns whether a new appeal against her death sentence has been successful. The day after Britain's Court of Appeal ruled the UK government was not obliged to pay for an 'adequate lawyer' for her in Bali, a local solicitor has agreed to continue fighting for her without charge - for now. Fadillah Agus said today that he had lodged a last-ditch appeal to Indonesia's highest authority, the Supreme Court. He added that he hoped that friends and supporters would be able to find the £8,000 she needs to cover his fees. He hit out at the OPTIONS: - Bali government's decision not to fund his client's case. - Britain government's decision not to fund his client's case. - British government's decision not to fund his client's case. - Court of Appeal government's decision not to fund his client's case. - Fadillah Agus government's decision not to fund his client's case. - Indonesia government's decision not to fund his client's case. - Lindsay Sandiford government's decision not to fund his client's case. - Richard Shears government's decision not to fund his client's case. - Supreme Court government's decision not to fund his client's case. - UK government's decision not to fund his client's case. ===== Britain government's decision not to fund his client's case. Problem: Find the right ending to this passage. By Ryan Gorman PUBLISHED: 15:35 EST, 16 October 2013 | UPDATED: 16:49 EST, 16 October 2013 A women’s basketball player who left the College of the Holy Cross is suing the school over allegations of emotional, physical and verbal abuse from the team’s head coach. Ashley Cooper, 20, played two seasons under long time head coach Bill Gibbons, 66, before giving up a full scholarship and leaving after complaints of him striking and shouting at players went unanswered by school administrators. Filed in Manhattan because Ms Cooper now attends New York University, the lawsuit against the Worcester, MA., based school seeks compensation for tuition and expenses at NYU, as well as other unspecified damages, according to ABC News. --> The lawsuit, according to ABC, says Mr OPTIONS: - ABC News’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - Ashley Cooper’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - Bill Gibbons’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - College of the Holy Cross’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - Cooper’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - Holy Cross’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - MA.’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - Manhattan’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - NYU’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - New York University’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - Ryan Gorman’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ - Worcester’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ Answer: Bill Gibbons’ ‘actions constitute the worst type of bullying because not only is defendant Gibbons her coach and supervisor, but also he is someone she is supposed to respect.’ Question: [passage completion] (CNN) -- Boutonnieres, photographers, smiles and tears of joy -- requisite wedding fixtures -- abounded Sunday at Seattle's City Hall. But for 133 couples, the day's fanfare brought an extra dimension. After exchanging vows at five stations set up in City Hall, they walked outside and down rain-slickened steps, greeted by cheers, confetti and a brass band celebrating the first day same-sex couples could marry in Washington. "Today was really about the state of Washington recognizing us," said Robin Wyss, who married Danielle Yung, her partner of eight years. "People beyond our close friends and family saying our family is as valid as any other family." "After a commitment ceremony (this past summer) we just thought we would go down to OPTIONS: - Boutonnieres, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. - CNN, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. - City Hall, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. - Danielle Yung, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. - Maine, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. - Maryland, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. - Robin Wyss, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. - Seattle, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. - Seattle City Hall, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. - Washington, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon. Answer:
City Hall, fill out paperwork and call it good," said Bacon.
Why is it that some wizards can do magic without wands in Harry Potter? What was the most powerful piece of magic performed by anyone in the Harry Potter books? Answer: no Why is it that Jatin Rajput only responds to beautiful women? What is your confession? Answer: no Will Samsung Galaxy note 4 get a update after 2 years? Is the Samsung Galaxy 4 worth buying now? Answer: no Can the fair Christian God exist? Does the Christian God exist? Answer:
Premise: "Missed the link to more blather on independence?" If this premise is true, what does that tell us about whether it entails the hypothesis "The link is hard to see."?
it is not possible to tell
Is africa stuck in a form of economic colonialism? If WW2 was a war waged against the country led by an evil man, Hitler, how do countries justify the centuries of colonialism in Africa and Asia? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no What is the most rewarding job? What is the most rewarding job you have ever had? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes What companies order food to the office everyday as an employee perk? Not an in-house cafeteria, I'm talking about catering. My father works in oil india limited and income is more than 6 lakh but not an officer..can I get obc ncl certificate? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no What do you think about the ethics of privacy? What do you think about ethics? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
[Q]: Membrii unei subcomisii parlamentare însărcinate cu cercetarea campaniei vor examina mai îndeaproape numărul celor arestaţi, inculpaţi şi condamnaţi. Translate this to English? [A]: Members of a parliamentary subcommittee in charge of analysing the campaign will be taking a closer look at the number of those arrested, indicted and sentenced. [Q]: Acesta a subliniat încă o dată un factor de importanță majoră: cel al IMM-urilor considerate și resimțite ca un model de producție, prin urmare, un model social, deoarece acestea formează piatra de temelie în ceea ce privește ocuparea forței de muncă. Translate this to English? [A]: He laid stress once again on a factor of prime importance: that of small and medium-sized enterprises seen and experienced as a model of production, hence, as a social model, because they form the basic building block when it comes to employment. [Q]: Colegii mei şi eu ne-am pregătit şi ne-am concentrat asupra importanţei Jocurilor Olimpice şi sper că vom avea succes", a afirmat Shala. Translate this to English? [A]:
My colleagues and I have been preparing and concentrating on the importance of the Olympic Games and I hope we will do well," Shala said.
Arvoisa puhemies, arvoisa komission jäsen, hyvät kollegat, Kulttuuri 2000 -ohjelman täytäntöönpano on ollut valiokuntani jatkuvana huolenaiheena. Translate this to English?
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the implementation of the Culture 2000 programme has been a constant concern of the parliamentary committee of which I am a member.
Problem: smoking constricts the pulmonary arteries, while cannabis dilates them. Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer: Smoking constricts the pulmonary arteries, while cannabis dilates them. Problem: they can thus never at any time have begun and will never at any time come to an end. Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer: They can thus never at any time have begun and will never at any time come to an end. Problem: the king was terrified; he threw himself on the soldier's mercy, and merely to be allowed to live at all, gave him his kingdom for his own, and the princess to wife. Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer:
The King was terrified; he threw himself on the soldier's mercy, and merely to be allowed to live at all, gave him his kingdom for his own, and the princess to wife.
The main purpose was to ascertain local knowledge and userpreferences which along with an analysis of formal legal requirements in this field are to insure that any future implementation is conducted with local accept and support Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation? The main purpose was to ascertain local knowledge and user-preferences which, along with an analysis of formal legal requirements in this field, are to insure that any future implementation is conducted with local accept and support. This Pandora Murano glass bead in charcoal black features a floral design Each glass bead is hand made from the finest Murano glass using extreme heat making the glass bead unbreakable to every day wear Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation? This Pandora Murano glass bead in charcoal black features a floral design. Each glass bead is hand made from the finest Murano glass using extreme heat making the glass bead unbreakable to every day wear. Complex pairs MT4 Indicators Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation?
Complex pairs - MT4 Indicators
Q: Translate "The industry is facing a thorough restructuring, which will lead to a major overhaul of activities in the sector and potential job cuts." to Turkish? A: Sektör, faaliyetlerde geniş çaplı bir elden geçirme ve potansiyel işten çıkarmalara yol açacak ayrıntılı bir yeniden yapılanmayla karşı karşıya bulunuyor. Q: Translate "Swedish furniture maker and retailer IKEA wants to invest between 875m and 1 billion euros in five retail outlets and possibly a factory in Serbia, Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic said after meeting with IKEA board chairman Mik El Ohlson on October 17th." to Turkish? A: Sırbistan Başbakanı Mirko Cvetkoviç, IKEA yönetim kurulu başkanı Mik El Ohlson ile 17 Ekim günü yaptığı toplantının ardından verdiği demeçte, İsveçli mobilya üreticisi ve perakende firması IKEA'nın Sırbistan'da 875 milyon ila 1 milyar avro arası yatırım yaparak beş perakende satış mağazası ve muhtemelen bir de fabrika açmayı istediğini söyledi. Q: Translate "Unemployment will stay at the level registered last year, 4.1%." to Turkish? A:
İşsizlik ise geçen yıl kaydedilen seviyesi, %4,1'de kalacak.
– A billionaire businessman has apologized for his real estate company's controversial sign in downtown Detroit that says "See Detroit Like We Do" with an image of a majority white crowd. Quicken Loans founder and Cleveland Cavaliers majority owner Dan Gilbert posted on Facebook Sunday, saying the ad was "tone deaf" and his Bedrock company "screwed up badly." Per the post, "We became the City's largest employer of Detroiters because diversity and inclusion are core fundamental values to our entire mission of helping to grow Detroit's population, driving job growth, and increasing economic opportunity for all." The ad posted on the Vinton Building—a residential high-rise Bedrock has spent more than two years rebuilding—during the weekend of the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Detroit riots resulted in social media uproar. The campaign's photograph contradicted 2010 US Census data indicating the city is more than 82% black, reports the AP. Gilbert says the display posted Friday was only part of the final ad, but that it still distorted the company's message. He says the image was removed Saturday and the "dumb campaign slogan" has been "killed." Expand this summary.
DETROIT (AP) — A billionaire businessman has apologized for his real estate company's controversial sign in downtown Detroit that says "See Detroit Like We Do" with an image of a majority white crowd. Quicken Loans Founder and Cleveland Cavaliers majority owner Dan Gilbert posted on Facebook Sunday, saying the ad was "tone deaf" and his Bedrock company "screwed up badly." The ad posted on a residential high-rise during the weekend of the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Detroit riots resulted in social media uproar. The campaign's photograph contradicted 2010 U.S. Census data indicating the city is more than 82 percent black. Gilbert says the display posted Friday was only part of the final ad, but still distorted the company's message. He says the image was removed Saturday and the campaign has been "killed." ||||| ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2017 AND THEREAFTER-In this July 23, 1967 file photo, a man is taken into custody by police during a riot in Detroit. The riots engulfed the city beginning July 23, 1967... (Associated Press) ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2017 AND THEREAFTER-In this July 23, 1967 file photo, a man is taken into custody by police during a riot in Detroit. The riots engulfed the city beginning July 23, 1967 and continued for five days _ one of many to hit the U.S. that summer. The violence prompted President... (Associated Press) ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2017 AND THEREAFTER-In this July 23, 1967 file photo, a man is taken into custody by police during a riot in Detroit. The riots engulfed the city beginning July 23, 1967 and continued for five days _ one of many to hit the U.S. that summer. The violence prompted President... (Associated Press) ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2017 AND THEREAFTER-In this July 23, 1967 file photo, a man is taken into custody by police during a riot in Detroit. The riots engulfed the city beginning July 23, 1967... (Associated Press) Gun battles raged in Detroit's streets. Snipers clashed with National Guardsmen and police. Many residents huddled for safety in their homes, while others — both black and white — looted businesses. Many of the businesses were then set ablaze. The riots engulfed the city beginning July 23, 1967, and continued for five days — one of many to hit the U.S. that summer. The violence prompted President Lyndon Johnson to send in federal troops to quell the upheaval. Forty-three people — 33 blacks and 10 whites — were killed. More than 7,000 people were arrested. Over 1,400 buildings were burned. Fifty years later, Detroit is still recovering. On the anniversary, The Associated Press offers excerpts of its coverage from those tumultuous days. Some of the dispatches have been edited to correct typos. ___ The trouble began before dawn Sunday after police raided a Negro nightspot in a predominantly Negro neighborhood and arrested 73 persons. Sixty-one were later released. Police said the nightclub was selling liquor illegally. Negroes in the neighborhood claimed police kicked a hand-cuffed teen-aged Negro down two flights of tenement steps in making the arrest. Some 200 Negroes milled about in a three-block area near where the raid was made and began pelting police with stones and bottles. Rioters set fire to a shoe store and looted about a dozen other stores in the area, most of them owned by whites. ___ Fires flared anew Monday, as the nation's fifth largest city reeled under the second consecutive day of rioting, plundering and killing. By midafternoon, at least four new fires had been set on the fringe of downtown Detroit. One collapsed the roof of a supermarket, which had been looted throughout the night. As firemen struggled to control flames two stories high, an integrated crowd of looters continued to pillage a five- and ten-cent store across the street. "Ooh, golly, look at what that man is bringing out," shouted a small Negro boy as a white man passed by carrying a hobby horse just taken from the store. Groups of young girls — Negro and white — streamed from the stores dodging firemen as they struggled to carry pairs of shoes, dresses, pole lamps and boxes upon boxes of sweaters and blouses. The only law enforcement in sight was a single national guardsman standing by nearby fire trucks. "Why don't you stop them?" he was asked. "Would you?" he countered, gesturing toward several muscular white men wearing beards and dressed in tight pants, colorful shirts and sun glasses, much like hippies, as they carried off armloads of loot. "My orders are to watch the engines," the Guardsman added. "I don't like it any more than you do." ___ The Negroes who live near 12th Street hate what their own people have done to the neighborhood, but they hate the police even more. They blame the police for showing up too late with too little, dealing brutally with those arrested and failing to help the sick and wounded. But when a group of them gathered Monday at the corner of 12th and Taylor, one block from the illegal after-hours saloon where a Sunday morning raid touched off mass violence, they spoke of the looting and store-smashing with revulsion. Johnny La Duece, 26, said it reminded him of Vietnam, where he served with an Air Force rescue team until seven months ago. "We'd go to the small villages that had been bombed," he said. "People would go through the garbage looking for food. This reminds me of that — and it's sickening." ___ Shouting whites as well as Negroes ravaged one integrated Detroit neighborhood, residents said Monday, looting and burning to the ground furniture warehouses and homes. "This wasn't no Negro riot," said a Negro woman who lived two doors down from a blackened front wall, all that remains of a three-story brick warehouse on 14th St., just south of one of the heaviest damage areas along Grand River Avenue. "It's an all of 'em riot. They're putting it on one side but it's both sides." Earlier, a newsman observed white looters emerging from the shattered windows of supermarkets and grocery stories on Third St., cradling loads of beer and whiskey bottles in their arms. "There were almost as many whites as Negroes," said Mrs. Theresee King, a white woman who watched all evening from her front yard across the street (from where) the warehouse was turned into a pile of rubble. "They were laughin', talking, having a good time. It seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves." ___ Crack Army paratroopers rolled into this beleaguered city Monday night to help police and National Guardsmen quash two days and two nights of wild rioting. At least three police precincts in widely separated sections of the city were besieged by snipers as the toll of dead rose to 17. A fireman, shot down by a sniper, and a civilian were the latest to die. ___ (President) Johnson, appearing before a national television audience, said he made the decision to send the troops from their stations outside the city "with the greatest regret and only because of clear, unmistakable and undisputed evidence." He said that the federal government intervenes only in "extraordinary circumstances." ___ National Guard tanks clattered along the expressway in the darkness and police cars, their lights out, sped at 70 and 80 miles an hour toward areas of heavy sniper fire. Streets in the riot area were deserted except for small pockets of people near the sniper zones. Women screamed from apartments at each volley of gunfire. ___ As the battles intensified Guardsmen opened fire with .50-caliber machine guns mounted on armored personnel carriers. A raging gunfight blazed within a mile of the affluent Grosse Pointes several miles east of the main trouble center. Associated Press Photographer Eddie Adams, a veteran of front line photography in Vietnam, saw two Guardsmen shot down in a 1 ½-hour exchange of sporadic gunfire at one intersection. "We were pinned down," he said. "Then the Guardsmen pulled out, so I got out of there. Their radio told them: 'Shoot anything that moves.'" |||||
Write an article based on this summary: The blow was officially landed by the European Commission who came up with a last minute requirement, on 16 February, for the London Stock Exchange (LSE) to sell its Italian bond trading platform (MTS). Article:
Although not a massive contributor to the revenues of the LSE, the Italian government bond market is Europe's biggest, because Italy has the most debt. MTS is a systemically important company in that market and the LSE was not prepared to sell it. The reason, according to the LSE, is two-fold. First, it had spent a long time talking to Italian regulators reassuring them of the LSE's commitment to invest in its Italian business. To then turn tail and sell at short notice for the sake of expediency would look bad. That argument sounds a bit thin. The second reason concerns responses to a questionnaire sent out by the LSE and Deutsche Boerse to their customers and other market participants, to canvass their concerns over the merger. The ownership of an Italian bond clearing platform did not even make the short list of concerns. The LSE concluded from all this that the Commission was playing games and once it had decided to be that capricious, there was no point playing the game. That sounds a bit more like it. So the question then is, who put the Commission up to it? The two prime suspects are France and Germany. France has been aggressively trying to pinch business from London, as Paris sees itself as the city best placed to pick up any post-Brexit business. A deal between Frankfurt and London, goes the the argument, would have shored up their positions, making both of them stronger and less likely to leak business to Paris. It is a deal which would tighten the bonds that Paris hoped Brexit would loosen. There is one big problem with that theory. France would have received a massive boost if the deal had gone ahead because the LSE had already agreed to sell a major part of its financial clearing business (LCH Clearnet SA) to the French company Euronext. If you are after more euro-denominated business being done by a French company, in France, this deal would have achieved that in a stroke. Which leaves Germany. Politicians from the region of Hesse, which is home to Frankfurt, have always been deeply suspicious of any power shift to London. Despite painstaking efforts by both parties to explain that the individual LSE and Deutsche Boerse businesses would continue to be governed by national (UK, Italy, German etc) regulators, Hesse never got over its misgivings about locating the European headquarters of the new joint enterprise in London. Indeed, it seems that many German politicians were convinced that the headquarters would ultimately end up in Frankfurt in keeping with Deutsche Boerse's 54% majority shareholding. When it became clear that the company was determined to base itself in London, reservations began to build, particularly in a German election year. Finally, although the German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schauble, was relaxed about the deal at first, a series of allegations around the timing of share purchases and awards to the chief executive of Deutsche Boerse, Carsten Kengeter, wafted an unpleasant smell over the deal into the political arena. Carsten Kengeter denies any wrongdoing. There is, as yet, no smoking gun. In fact, we do not even have a body. Sources close to both parties tell me the deal to merge the two stock exchanges is not yet dead. The parties have a few weeks to try and breath life back into this. But as one shareholder of the LSE told me today, "this deal was always going to be difficult, Brexit made it more difficult and when you realise are clearly swimming upstream against the European Commission, sometimes its best to call it a day". The other possibility is it was self-inflicted. It just did not make sense after Brexit, so why not kill it off? The Commission was doing everyone, especially the LSE, a favour by asking for something they could decline in a principled (and grateful) huff. There is no doubt that piloting this deal through turbulent waters was going to be a hard slog and take up valuable management time and effort. One source close to the deal said: "This is the problem with Europe in microcosm - we tried to do a Europe-facing deal for everyone's benefit and Europe killed it off". There are also those who think the LSE would be better facing west and pivoting away from Europe. The big exchanges in the US will be poring over all this very carefully and may yet make sure LSE shareholders are well rewarded. This is a very tempting theory but both the UK and German sides swear blind it is not true and both seem keen to rescue the current deal if at all possible. Defenders of this grand deal claim politics and emotion has trumped over business rationale. With Article 50 about to be triggered, we may have to get used to that.
If That's it, said Tuppence., can we conclude that "Tuppence said, "That is it and that is all we can do.""? Choices: - yes. - it is not possible to tell. - no.
it is not possible to tell
What is the subject line for this email? FYI - Medicine Bow incremental Firm Capacity effective 11/12/01 is up to 4530 from 3410. As far as the maintenance tomorrow, Adele said they won't decide on cuts until after 1st cycle and then the cuts will be based on nominations. I'll let you know after lunch. Theresa Subject Line:
Medicine Bow
Decision-making on public health needs to take place in a transparent and democratic manner, recognizing the conditions of complexity and uncertainty in which it operates, and in this the precautionary principle can serve as a useful tool in risk management. Translate to French
La prise de décision en matière de santé publique doit avoir lieu d’une façon transparente et démocratique, compte tenu de la complexité et de l’incertitude qui l’entourent et, au cours de ce processus, le principe de précaution peut être un instrument utile pour la gestion des risques.
Article: Sick of painstakingly flossing with your bare hands? A helpful tool called a floss threader can make it easier to get the floss behind your braces. The threader looks similar to a small plastic needle, and it can be used to floss. It’s the same way you would thread a sewing needle. Insert the plastic needle under the archwire of your braces and pull the floss through. Now that it’s in position, grab the floss in your hands and floss down between the teeth. Pull the floss out and repeat with the same threader. The threader is useful for making it easier to get the floss into the correct position without scraping up your fingers. Be careful when you apply the pressure to get in between your teeth — go gently with a back and forth movement. Question: What is a summary of what this article is about? Try using a floss threader. Thread a piece of floss into the eye of the threader. Use the floss as you normally would. Article: Before you can begin to address or cope with your habit of overthinking things, you'll need to learn what kinds of thoughts occur when you're engaging in this damaging behavior. Any time you find yourself indulging in painful, unpleasant, or self-doubting thoughts, you are on the road to overthinking because of cognitive distortions. Likewise if you find yourself listing reasons to not do something, or otherwise making excuses for your self-doubt. The most common cognitive distortions include: All or nothing thinking - believing things are absolute and seeing every situation as being black or white. Overgeneralization - seeing one negative event as a continuous cycle of defeat or embarrassment. Mental filtering - dwelling only on negative things (thoughts, feelings, outcomes) while ignoring all the positive elements of those situations or scenarios. Discounting the positives - believing that none of your admirable qualities or accomplishments matter. Jumping to conclusions - either assuming that other people are reacting/thinking negatively towards you without any real evidence (called "mind reading") or believing that an event will turn out badly without any evidence for this conclusion. Magnification or minimization - blowing bad things out of proportion or reducing the importance of good things. Emotional reasoning - believing that the way you feel reflects an objective truth about yourself. "Should" statements - chastising yourself or others for things that should or shouldn't have been said/done. Labeling - turning a mistake or shortcoming into a character attribute of yourself. (For example, turning the thought "I messed up" into "I'm a loser and a failure.") Personalization and blame - internalizing fault for situations or events you aren't responsible for, or blaming others for situations/events that they had no control over. There are numerous ways to overthink, many of which are caused by cognitive distortions. One form of overthinking is the thought pattern known as "catastrophizing." Catastrophizing occurs any time you automatically predict a negative outcome to some event or series of events, and jump to the conclusion that such an outcome would be devastating and unbearable. Catastrophizing is a combination of jumping to conclusions and overgeneralizing. Try to identify which cognitive distortions affect your overthinking the most. Write down the thoughts you experience, and try to label which thoughts could fall into the category of cognitive distortions. Practice learning to recognize your "overthinking" thoughts in the moment, as they arise. Simply naming them when you become aware of them may be helpful. Try silently saying the word "thinking" whenever you begin to overthink - it may help ground you and break you out of your spiraling thought pattern. It's easy to fall into "autopilot" mode during the course of your day. But if your day is filled with situations that have the potential to induce anxiety, you may be walking blindly into a situation that will cause you to overthink and catastrophize. Try mandating a personal "check in" for yourself. Assess how you're feeling as you enter different scenarios and situations that tend to evoke your pattern of overthinking. Identify any instance in which you begin to indulge patterns of overthinking. Don't judge yourself for it, just acknowledge it before you work to change it. Once you've identified an incident of overthinking or catastrophizing, you can now begin to challenge the validity of those thoughts. Challenging those thoughts by remembering that thoughts are not facts may help you break out of your pattern of overthinking. Thoughts do not always reflect reality, and they are oftentimes warped, uninformed, or simply wrong. By letting go of the infallible perception of your thoughts, you'll be more capable of considering other possibilities, or at least accepting that your overthinking isn't always right. Examine what (if any) real, objective evidence you have to support the cognitive distortions and patterns of overthinking that you're experiencing. There is a good chance that you will not be able to come up with any real, compelling evidence that the thoughts you're experiencing have any basis in truth. Try silently saying to yourself, "These are just thoughts, and they are not truth." Repeating this mantra may help you disengage from the spiraling thought patterns you're stuck in. If your patterns of overthinking are spiraling out of control, it may feel difficult to break out of that thought pattern. However, once you learn to recognize that the thoughts you're experiencing are not factual, you can then fairly easily replace that thought pattern with a more realistic one. Tell yourself, "If I accept that my assumptions and overthinking are not grounded in facts, then what are the facts in this situation?" Even if a situation ended badly, you can focus on what to do differently next time as an alternative to dwelling on what you should have said/done in the past. It won't come easily at first, but once you retrain your brain to process situations differently, it will eventually get easier. Try asking other people who are aware of the situation for their input. Sometimes asking a trusted friend, relative, or colleague whether you're overreacting or overthinking things can help you realize that there's no reason to continue thinking that way. Try positive self-talk to replace self-doubt or overthinking. The way you talk to yourself (and think about yourself) can affect how you feel. So instead of criticizing yourself or ruminating on bad thoughts, try to focus on the things you did well and continue to do well. Question: What is a summary of what this article is about?
Learn different cognitive distortions. Identify how you overthink. Take note of how you're feeling. Challenge your automatic thoughts. Replace cognitive distortions with real facts.
Choose the correct sentiment from candidates: [I] negative [II] positive TEXT:This is short and to the point. The story writing used for Star Trek: Hidden Frontier is surprisingly good. Acting is all over the map, but the main characters over the years seem to have worked at improving their skills. It is hard to believe that this series has been going on for almost 7 years and will be coming to end mid-May 2007. I will not rehash what has already been said about the sets and graphics. Considering this is all-volunteer, for no profit, it is pretty amazing. If this was being ranked as a professional production, I would have to give it a 5 for a good story but terrible sets. However, as a fan-based production I have to give it an excellent rating as with the exception with a few other efforts, this is in a league of its own. For sheer volume, I don't think this has been matched. Congratulations to the cast and crew for an effort that many admire.
Problem: Dans les forums internationaux où il est question de commerce, d'environnement ou d'autres sujets, le dénominateur commun des discussions et de l'élaboration d'approches de précaution est la nécessité d'avoir des gouvernements qui conservent leur capacité de réglementer dans l'intérêt public, et de protéger les intérêts commerciaux et économiques des entités nationales et étrangères. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Elle a été animée par l'Ambassadeur Despouy. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: On y trouve également des liens ayant trait aux exigences relatives à l’habitat de ces espèces. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: 5 254 membres; 5 présidents de groupes politiques; 13 commissions générales de l'Assemblée. Which language is this? +++++ Language:
Question: Article:Gunmen killed 10 people in the village of Shawa and a further 17 in Alagarno, police and witnesses said. The area is near Chibok, where the schoolgirls were abducted last month. On Tuesday 118 people died in a double bombing in the central city of Jos, also blamed on Boko Haram. The abductions of more than 200 girls caused international outrage and prompted foreign powers, including the US, to send military advisers to assist Nigeria's army. In another development on Wednesday, US President Barack Obama said 80 military personnel had been deployed to neighbouring Chad to help search for the missing girls. "These personnel will support the operation of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft for missions over northern Nigeria and the surrounding area," Mr Obama said in a letter to Congress. Many parts of restive north-east Nigeria are no-go zones for the military and insurgents operate freely there, correspondents say. Analysis by Will Ross, BBC News, Abuja The big question is where is Nigeria heading? The ferocity, frequency and geographical spread of the attacks is alarming. The military continues to fail to protect civilians in the north-east despite endless promises from the government that additional help is being sent there. Boko Haram has in the past said it wanted to create an Islamic state. The current bombing campaign is indiscriminate, killing Christians and Muslims. Following most of the devastating attacks in the remote north-east this year, the government has been silent. These days the president and government officials take less time to condemn, but there is no real sign that the military has the capacity to turn the tide against this brutal campaign of violence. That is terrifying. The attack on Shawa happened on Monday and that on Alagarno on Tuesday, but were only reported on Wednesday. Witnesses in Shawa said the gunmen had been on motorcycles. Villagers in Alagarno said the suspected Boko Haram fighters had arrived at night, forcing many residents to flee into the bush. The militants left the village some four hours later with stolen food and vehicles. One survivor told the BBC that every building had been torched. In Jos, the search for bodies has been continuing in the rubble left by the twin bombings. The attacks targeted a crowded market and a hospital, and the second blast went off 30 minutes after the first - killing rescue workers who had rushed to the scene. "People were using wheelbarrows to move bodies and limbs," eyewitness Janzen Weyi told the BBC. There has been widespread international condemnation. US state department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the bombing, and other recent attacks blamed on Boko Haram, were "unconscionable, terrorist acts". UK Foreign Secretary William Hague called the attack in Jos a "cowardly, inhumane crime". Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan said those who carried out the attacks were "cruel and evil". The president announced increased measures to tackle the militants, including a multinational force around Lake Chad which comprises a battalion each from Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Nigeria. Nigeria's government has been accused of not doing enough to tackle the Islamist extremists - criticism that has grown since the abduction of the schoolgirls. Earlier this month, the Nigerian senate unanimously approved a six-month extension of a state of emergency in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states. Boko Haram is fighting to overthrow the government and create an Islamic state. More than 1,000 people have been killed in attacks linked to the group this year alone. Summarize the main points of that article. Answer: The Islamist group Boko Haram has been accused of killing at least 27 people in attacks on two villages in north-east Nigeria, close to where hundreds of schoolgirls were seized. Question: Article:Media playback is not supported on this device Burnett won the IBF world bantamweight title by split decision as two judges had him a 119-107 winner but Clark Sammartino had him losing 118-108. "His scorecard was excellent: it was just the wrong way around," Hearn said. British Boxing Board of Control general secretary Robert Smith told BBC Sport the judge "won't be coming back". Smith said he had not spoken to Sammartino but would be speaking to the IBF next week about the American's performance. "He got it wrong," Smith added. "Luckily, the right man won. "I will advise the IBF of our dissatisfaction." Burnett, 25, knocked down defending champion Haskins, 33, in the sixth and 11th rounds during Saturday's fight in Belfast. "I've never seen anything like it," said Hearn. "I presume the split decision will be revoked. It'll be a unanimous decision, it must be." Belfast boxer Burnett was taking part in only his 17th professional fight. Media playback is not supported on this device Asked if he would be bothered by the result being declared a split decision, Burnett said: "Absolutely not." He added: "I almost fainted in the ring. I thought, 'they're going to take it off me here'. "Thank God the decision went in the right direction." Summarize the main points of that article. Answer: Promoter Eddie Hearn believes the judge who scored Lee Haskins as the winner against Ryan Burnett got the two identities of the boxers mixed up. Question: Article:James McCormick, from Langport, Somerset, made a fortune selling his detectors to Iraq and other countries. At his Old Bailey trial in 2013, Judge Richard Hone QC said that McCormick's fraud had undoubtedly cost lives. Now the same judge has ordered that his cash, properties and a luxury motor cruiser should be taken from him. In total the proceeds of crime order amounted to £7,944,834. Judge Hone ordered that some of that money should be paid in compensation to nations around the world who bought the bogus devices, including Bahrain, Lebanon, Niger and Georgia. Iraq is due to receive £2.3m in compensation. McCormick is thought to have made £50m from sales of the fake devices - his trial heard of one invoice showing sales of £38m over three years in Iraq alone. They came to be used and trusted by soldiers, police, border guards, and hotel security staff. McCormick would buy novelty "golf ball detectors", which were little more than radio aerials, from the US for less than $20 each (£14), before selling them as bomb detectors for $5,000 each (£3,500), his trial heard. At the time, Judge Hone told him: "The device was useless, the profit outrageous, and your culpability as a fraudster has to be considered to be of the highest order." Summarize the main points of that article. Answer:
A British businessman serving a 10-year jail term for making bogus bomb detectors has been ordered to forfeit cash and assets worth nearly £8m.
who won the academy award this year for best actor??? Answer: Gary Oldman Question: what kind of car was the time machine in back to the future? Answer: DeLorean Answer this question: when did i can only imagine get released?? 2001 Q: who scripted gandhi's favourite song vaishnav jan to?A: poet Narsinh Mehta Input: who played the bishop in the bishop's wife? Output: David Niven what country and city hosted the 2008 summer olympics??? Answer:
Beijing, China
Summarize this article: Was it a fight, cheating, or did you feel that he slowly lost interest? Understanding why he broke up with you will help you understand if trying to get him back is the best thing to do. Think about his behavior in the weeks before the breakup. This will help you determine if the relationship can be saved. If it was a sudden breakup resulting from a disagreement, then he just may need some cooling off time. If the relationship had been going wrong for months, then consider if trying to get him back is worth the effort. If it was an argument that led to the breakup, understanding why the fight happened will help you fix it. Was it your first fight, or was the fighting consistent? People fight, break up, and make up all the time. But if it was a pattern, this indicates bigger problems in the relationship as a whole. If the fight was physical, understand that physical violence is never okay. It is not a good idea to get back into a relationship with someone who uses physical violence against you. Alternatively, it is never okay to use violence against a partner. Seek help from friends, family, and possibly a doctor if you have or have had thoughts about harming your partner. If the relationship ended due to cheating, think about if a healthy relationship will be possible. More often than not, a relationship that ended due to cheating should stay that way. If he cheated, consider if you could truly forgive him. You may be reacting emotionally if the breakup was recent. If you cheated, consider if trying to get him back is fair to him. The betrayal of cheating is difficult for most people to get past. There was probably a root cause for the cheating. It is possible that the one who did the cheating was not satisfied in the relationship. If the relationship faded because of a loss in interest, then consider the reason. The timing could have been off, you may have been going through a hard time, or you may not be the right person for him. He could have lost interest because one of you changed. You may have gone through a temporary change due to difficult circumstances, or you may have changed for the better. Sometimes people grow apart. If the relationship ended because one or both of you changed, then it might be best for both of you to move on. If you think that you did something wrong, you should accept it, and prepare yourself to admit your wrongdoing. Understand that if you caused him pain, he was probably hurt by your actions. Make sure that you will do your best to not make the mistake again. If he takes you back, then it is important to not repeat your mistakes. Consider if you truly want him to take you back, or if you only want him back because he broke up with you. You may feel the need to prove to yourself that you can get him back if your confidence was hurt when you were broken up with. Alternatively, the breakup might have made you realize how much you care for him. Do not try to get back together with him if you do not have honest intentions. This will only lead to heartbreak for both parties.
Try to understand why the relationship ended. Evaluate the cause of the argument. Consider if you could get past cheating. Understand why he lost interest. Accept the mistake. Understand your intentions.
TEXT: Continue writing the following text: if we could get the addlebrained old idiot to come home and hold the festival , you would revive ; you would be filled with the life of all of those in babylon who would see you on the processional way . ' '' ` that 's a nice idea , azriel , and there 's some truth in it , but i have no love for the new year 's festival , for residing in the statue and holding hands with the king . i get tempted in the very middle of it , to knock the king down and away from me and right to the gutters of the processional CONTINUE: way TEXT: Continue writing the following text: she was a million miles away , someone he 'd never have . katie 's warning was clear enough , even if it did embarrass mari-keep away . when his date 's lips landed on his neck , mari shot him a disgusted look and walked out . trystan pulled his date off his throat , but mari was already gone . katie watched her friend walk out the door and looked back at CONTINUE: trystan TEXT: Continue writing the following text: `` so tell me all about your travels . it is n't the same when you call me from some place . '' victoria took a sip of red wine and savored the final rays of the setting sunshine . `` well , it certainly is n't boring , '' she said . `` you 've been to twelve cities in four months and all you can say is that it is n't CONTINUE: boring TEXT: Continue writing the following text: hellenistic sector , business vicinage ... sphinx corporation third branch office ... mr. griffin studied reports on his desktop computer when the phone rang , interrupting his work . he picked up the receiver and answered , `` yes , cathy . '' `` mr. griffin , your 6:00 appointment is here , and orthos is on line two . '' `` hmm ... my head of security must have an update for me . '' mr. griffin leaned forward , put his ear piece in , and spoke into the phone receiver , `` thank you , CONTINUE:
so in each of the dorms you have a place for that Does it follow that "there's a place where people can put their coats and umbrellas in every dorm"? Select from: a). yes; b). it is not possible to tell; c). no;
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Antwerp International Airport OPERATING_ORGANISATION Flemish Government; Antwerp International Airport OWNER Flemish Region; Antwerp International Airport CITY_SERVED Antwerp; Antwerp International Airport ELEVATION 12.0; Antwerp International Airport RUNWAY_LENGTH 600.0
Antwerp International Airport, which serves the city of Antwerp is owned by the Flemish Region. Its operating organisation is the Flemish government. It is situated 12 meters above sea level and the length of the airport's ruway is 600.0.
Translate the following sentence to Turkish: All three have pleaded not guilty to all charges brought against them by UN prosecutors, blaming their superiors and subordinates for the atrocities. If convicted, they could be sentenced to life imprisonment.
Üç sanık da BM savcılarınca taraflarına yöneltilen suçlamalara kabul etmeyerek sucsuz olduklarini one surmus ve üst ve astların katliami yapmakla suclamisti.Sanıklar, suçlu bulunmaları halinde ömür boyu hapis cezasına çarptırılabilirler.
Here is some data about a restaurant: name = Alimentum, eatType = restaurant, priceRange = cheap, customer rating = 5 out of 5, area = riverside, near = Yippee Noodle Bar. Write a sentence that includes the above data about a restaurant
There is a cheap fast-food restaurant Alimentum near Yippee Noodle Bar, in the riverside area that has a 5 out of 5 rating.
Please,introduceavalidemailaddress. Please segment the words.
Please, introduce a valid email address.
[Q]: Um zu erfahren, wie das Brennen mit Nero und nutzen die verschiedenen Funktionen ist ein umfassendes Handbuch. Translate this to English? [A]: To learn how to burn with Nero and use the various features is a comprehensive guide manual. [Q]: Die ''Enterprise'' wird von einem gigantischen [[Traktorstrahl]] festgehalten. Es ergibt sich, dass Dr. Munroe hinter all dem steckt, ein Mann dem Kirk schon vor elf Jahren auf der [[USS Farragut (23. Jahrhundert)|USS ''Farragut'']] begegnete. Translate this to English? [A]: The plotlines are varied, including a hostile takeover of a [[Federation]] research facility, exploring strange alien environments and the return of [[Trelane]], now infatuated with the first World War. [Q]: Ich bin ein Spielleiter, welche Dinge tut BioWare für mich? Translate this to English? [A]:
I'm a Dungeon Master, what stuff do you do for me?
Sentence: John Major was a commander during the Gulf War. What structured data could we extract from this sentence?
Gulf War, commander, John Major
Sentence: name = The Rice Boat, eatType = restaurant, food = Japanese, customer rating = 5 out of 5, familyFriendly = no Can you represent the content in this sentence in data form?
The Rice Boat is a highly rated Japanese restaurant located near center city not for family meals.
Question: Along the way, you will see aboriginal Negrito fishermen the only human residents allowed to stay here by park authorities setting or checking their nets. Does it follow that "The Negrito fisherman is the oldest man in the area."? Answer: it is not possible to tell Question: Shh, Dave Hanson. Does it follow that "Dave Hanson would you please speak up we cannot hear you."? Answer: no Question: They may never be great film artists (but then, how many great American film artists have there been, other than Griffith and Welles?) Does it follow that "They are certainly going to be great film artists."? Answer: no Question: It is a building of great ingenuity from the outside it looks like a small Greek-style temple, but is in fact two stories high and contains eight rooms. Does it follow that "You can stay in the building overnight for a hefty price if you want to experience the design."? Answer:
it is not possible to tell
What is the greatest act of kindness you have ever witnessed? What is the most touching act of kindness you have ever witnessed? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other?
In: who were the allies fighting in the european theater?? Out: Bulgaria In: what is the benefit of a fluted barrel?? Out: to reduce weight In: when was the 24 second shot clock introduced?? Out: the 1954–55 season In: who gets the most monthly listeners on spotify?? Out:
Short movie review: that works Did the critic thinking positively or negatively of the movie?
A business development manager is a high-ranking executive who has to work long hours and travel often. They are responsible for networking and visiting clients to make them feel valued. Though that may not sound like a drawback to you right now, remember that the entire process of becoming a business development manager takes years. How do you picture your home life in 10 to 15 years? If you want to be settled down, think twice before going down this road. Business development managers need excellent people skills to keep regular contact with potential and existing clients. This type of work requires strong public relations and presentation skills. You also need to be able to convince them your company knows what it’s doing. If people around you enjoy your presence and value your input, you may have the right personality for the job. Job functions as a business development manager can include overseeing the work of fellow employees. A typical workday may entail some level of human resource duties such as conducting training sessions and workshops. The job demands strong organizational skills and analytical abilities in addition to leadership skills. The field requires extensive knowledge and familiarity in how business operations work and to be able to understand, analyze and develop business strategies when working with clients. All large corporations have business development managers, so you have the opportunity to work in a variety of industries. Do a search on a job listings website for “Business Development Manager” and see what comes up. This will give you an idea of the industries that hire one, or even a team of business development managers. While you’re there, see what the typical minimum and preferred qualifications are so you can start gearing your resume toward the job now. For an entry-level job, you need a bachelor’s degree and at least 5 years’ experience in the industry. Summary: Look into typical work schedules. Reflect on your interpersonal skills. Figure out which sector you want to work in. Think about the required education. When it comes to white pants, go with a thicker material like cotton or denim. Thin material, like linen, tends to show every little bump and crinkle. Transparency can also be an issue. Avoid pant pocket linings from showing through (or worse!) by opting for white pants made of thicker fabrics. If you find a pair you adore but they’re more see-through than you’d like, consider taking them to a tailor to have them lined. This isn't a cheap option, although cost will vary depending on what material you choose to line the pants with. Go with something very lightweight, like thin cotton. White capris are a great summer look, but avoid the ones with large cuffs, big side pockets, drawstrings and elastic waistbands. These can unfortunately make you look frumpy or create the illusion of extra weight. Avoid heavy cargo styles for the same reason. Try a slim-fit denim pair with minimal detail and hardware for a sleek look. Choose a pair that zips and buttons in the front to maintain a sleek silhouette. Skinny jeans aren’t for everyone, and a pair of wide-legged white pants can look fabulous! Choose a flowy material to create a summery, casual vibe perfect for a beach party. Wear a white button-down in a similar fabric to complete this look. Opt for a wide-legged pair made of chiffon, lightweight knit, or a thin cotton-linen blend. If you’re on the slim side, a loose-fitting pair of trouser cut pants can create the illusion of curves without swallowing up your small frame. Look for a simple design, with two pleats in front, and a flowy fabric. Add a bright-colored blazer to complete the look. Go for materials like soft knits, poplin and jersey. Patterns can make white pants appear even less slimming, so try to avoid them. Look for plain white pants with a flat front and no additional detail around your problem areas. Avoid drawstring waists, pleats, large belt loops and big pockets; opt for sleek and minimal. Summary: Choose a thicker material. Choose capris with minimal detail for a sleek look. Go with a wide-legged pair for a breezy look. Create curves with a tuxedo or trouser style. Avoid busy patterns for a slimmer look. If you have a pump-action shotgun, twist off the end-cap located at the top of the pump, right next to the barrel. Sometimes the barrel will stick – if your barrel is sticking, slide the pump arm all the way down and then open the breach, which will release the barrel. Twist the barrel off away from the gun itself. For single-shot shotguns, take off the forearm and then remove the barrel. For semi-automatic shotguns pull the action all the way back. Unscrew the forearm cap and then slide the forearm off. Remove the thick, caked-on carbon buildup, which is created by the friction of use. Inspect and wipe carefully to remove any traces of old oil and all unburnt powder buildup. Clean all the gaps well. Be sure to wipe the ejector and the area around the chamber, too. You will find that after cleaning certain areas, your cloth will be black. Clean these areas more until this no longer happens. It is better to spray more solvent than you need rather than not enough. Make sure to cover all areas and focus on those that are visibly caked with dirt and buildup. After generously applying the solvent, allow it to sit for 15 minutes so that the dirt and buildup are well-soaked. There are many solvent products on the market. Some are quite toxic, so be sure to read instructions and warnings on the bottle before using. If recommended by the manufacturer, use a face mask to reduce inhalation of toxicants and wear gloves. Some solvent products are safe for skin contact. If possible, look for these products and use those for your gun cleaning. M-Pro 7 is one such product. You can buy special brushes made for this, but a soft-bristled toothbrush will also work great. Scrub the surface thoroughly, working in the solvent, which helps loosen the buildup on the gun. Be thorough and try to get into all the nooks and crannies with your brush. In this instance, a completely lint-free cloth allows for the most effective cleaning. Wipe the entire surface of the gun, removing all of the dirt and solvent. Concentrate on any areas that turn your cloth black and wipe until no more black appears. Spray the solvent all over the gun, just as you did before, and wipe it down thoroughly again. Concentrate on any areas that turn your cloth black and strive to get into the nooks and crannies. This second wipe-down will get the surface of your gun pristine. Gun cleaning picks are usually made of high-strength polymer, which will not scratch the surface of your gun. The most common area for carbon deposits is in the chamber, and the most effective way of cleaning this is with a pick. Gun cleaning picks are tools with different kinds of hooked and pointed ends designed to clean the really hard to reach areas of your gun. They look a lot like the dental picks your dentist uses during a routine tooth cleaning. Be sure to also clean in the corners and sides of the metal, since there are other areas where buildup often occurs. Use a cleaning rod to swab the cloth into the bore. Repeat this action with more clean, solvent-soaked cloths until the clothes come out with no visible residue on them. Then use a dry cloth to swab any remaining dirt from the barrel. Soak another clean cloth in oil and swab the barrel with this, which will protect it from rust. Instead of using a cleaning rod and cloth to clean the barrel, try a reusable foam swab made particularly for gun cleaning. This looks like a household Q-Tip except much larger, and you can remove the tip, wash it, and reuse it. For a less precise cleaning on a pump-action shotgun, run a bore snake through the barrel. This is a good instrument to use when your gun doesn't need a deep cleaning, but rather a quick touch up.
Summary: Remove the barrel. Wipe down all components with a clean cloth. Spray solvent liberally on all components. Scrub all over the surface of the gun with a soft-bristled brush. Wipe the gun down with a lint-free cloth. Soak the gun insolvent again. Use a gun cleaning pick to clean off any carbon and powder buildup. Swab down into the barrel using a clean, solvent-soaked cloth.
Sentiment analysis: Once was enough for me. Parking is a pain. The place is small and cramped as well as hot. They do offer drop off service which even though I haven't used it has to be better then trying to do laundry in this hotbox. I prefer the self serve laundry on mckellips across from the police station. OPTIONS: - negative - positive +++++++++ negative Sentiment analysis: I loved this place when I moved in. I thought it was perfect. I had a great view from my balcony, steps away from Pita Jungle and Lola Coffee. There was a park right across the street for my dogs to run around in. I didn't think much of it when then management changed from Greystar to Birkshire. Didn't see any huge differences. They seemed really friendly... until I decided to move out. And then they make it their job to screw me out of every last dollar to my name. I will admit, I had a fast move out. I forgot a box in the apartment and I didn't have a maid service come in and do a professional cleaning. I figured paying a few hundred dollars wasn't that big of a deal to save me the hassle. And then I got the $1300 bill. Yes you read that correctly. There are two zeros at the end of that number. They charged me $1300 to clean a 700 sf. apartment. I did what any sane person in my situation would do and I refused to pay it. That is until I was sent to collections and faced destroying my credit and rental history. So I settled it with the collection agency and moved on with my life. I genuinely thought that Roosevelt Square was done ruining my life. I was wrong again. Almost a year later, I put in an application for another apartment complex and was told that my credit report shows that I STILL owe money to Roosevelt Square and that they cannot rent to me unless I can provide them with documentation that this debt was paid. So I called Roosevelt Square and SURPRISE, they have no record of my settlement with them. In fact, they came up with another $500 that they claim I still owe them. My only option at that point was to contact the debt collection agency. They were able to provide me with a copy of my settlement in full letter in under an hour. A debt collection agency was more helpful and more competent than this joke of an office. Roosevelt Square looks really nice, is in a great location and has a bunch of really awesome amenities. But so do all of the other apartment complexes in the area. Do yourself a favor. Move somewhere else and stay away from this bottomless money pit. OPTIONS: - negative - positive +++++++++ negative Sentiment analysis: I like this place. I like it a lot. I'm a sucker for run down places with good food and a kid friendly atmosphere. I've never eaten anything here that I wasn't happy with. OPTIONS: - negative - positive +++++++++
Sentence: AZ Alkmaar's ground is the AFAS Stadion and it has 17023 members. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: AZ Alkmaar, ground, AFAS Stadion; AZ Alkmaar, numberOfMembers, 17023 input question: Sentence: Alvah Sabin was born in Georgia, Vermont and died in Sycamore, Illinois. He represented Vermont as Secretary of State and was followed by Homer Elihu Royce. Structured data: Alvah Sabin, region, Vermont; Alvah Sabin, office, Secretary of State of Vermont; Alvah Sabin, successor, Homer Elihu Royce; Alvah Sabin, birthPlace, Georgia, Vermont; Alvah Sabin, deathPlace, Sycamore, Illinois Sentence: The ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ACM Trans. Inf. Syst.) has the ISSN number 1558-2868, LCCN number 89646863 and CODEN code ATISET. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: ACM Transactions on Information Systems, issnNumber, "1558-2868"; ACM Transactions on Information Systems, LCCN number, 89646863; ACM Transactions on Information Systems, abbreviation, "ACM Trans. Inf. Syst."; ACM Transactions on Information Systems, codenCode, "ATISET" Sentence: Alessio Romagnoli used to play for the Italy national under-19 football team and is in the country's under 16 team coached by Daniele Zoratto. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alessio Romagnoli, club, Italy national under-16 football team; Italy national under-16 football team, coach, Daniele Zoratto; Alessio Romagnoli, club, Italy national under-19 football team Sentence: Born in Dothan, Alabama, Allen Forrest, has a background as a solo singer. The musical genre of Allen Forrest is hip hop music. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Allen Forrest, genre, Hip hop music; Allen Forrest, birthPlace, Dothan, Alabama; Allen Forrest, background, "solo singer" Sentence: The College of William and Mary is the owner of the Alan B. Miller Hall, that is situated in Virginia and built in the Georgian architecture style. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A:
Alan B. Miller Hall, location, Virginia; Alan B. Miller Hall, owner, College of William & Mary; Alan B. Miller Hall, architecturalStyle, Georgian architecture
The funny thing is , she will walk right under Lulu the shepherd mix without realizing that those four furry brown pillars she 's passing are supporting a dog . So long as she does n't look up and see that she is near a dog , she 's fine . I ' m pretty sure she achieved PSK mode about 800 times by noon today ; since then , she seems to have either worn herself out or begun to catch on to the fact that the dogs are just not worth getting your panties in a bunch about . Based on the preceding passage, choose your answer for question Why may the pet being discussed go into a panic mode ? pick from the following. -- None of the above choices .. -- They may see a mouse which thet are afraid of. -- They are a cat and cats naturally fear dogs. -- They are a person and people are naturally afraid of dogs. The answer is:
They are a cat and cats naturally fear dogs
Source : Ministère des affaires étrangères et de la coopération régionale. Translate to English
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation
Q: Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society, which dates back to 1761, is making a series of improvements to its course in Barnton. The bunkers are to be redesigned and repositioned to reflect the distances club golfers are now striking the ball. Golf course architects Mackenzie and Ebert have been commissioned to carry out the work. The course will be restored to a par 71 by extending the current par 4 13th hole to create a par 5 and introducing a new signature par 3 16th hole to replace the existing par 3 12th. The project is due to get under way later this year. A: One of the world's oldest golf clubs in Edinburgh is set to undergo a £1m revamp. Q: Gajendra Singh, from the western state of Rajasthan, was taken to hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead. Mr Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) had staged the rally in Delhi to protest against Prime Minister Narendra Modi's controversial land acquisition bill. Opponents of the bill say it will hurt the interests of farmers. However, the government says it will boost the economy. The bill was passed in the lower house of parliament last month but has not yet been approved by the upper house, where Mr Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party is in the minority. Since 1995, more than 300,000 Indian farmers have killed themselves because of debts or poor harvests. However, correspondents say this is the most high-profile incident of its kind, taking place before thousands of people at a rally in the capital. Witnesses say the farmer only attracted the crowd's attention when he climbed to the top of the tree and tied a scarf around his neck. AAP volunteers reportedly tried to stop Mr Singh from hanging himself but they could not reach him in time. Spectators at political rallies in India often climb trees and other tall structures to get the best view. A suicide note, written in Hindi, was recovered, in which Mr Singh said he had three children. "I was driven out of my home after my crops were destroyed [by bad weather]. Please tell me how I go home," he wrote. A local journalist who visited the farmer's home in his village in Rajasthan's Dausa district told BBC Hindi that his family appeared unaware of the news. However, others in the village had learnt of the suicide from the television news. Mr Kejriwal addressed the rally shortly after the man was taken to hospital. He said he had been telling the police to save the farmer but they were "not in our control". The chief minister visited the hospital after his speech. He also said the country's farmers had lost faith in Mr Modi's government. Mr Modi tweeted that he was shocked by the death. "At no point must the hardworking farmer think he is alone. We are all together in creating a better tomorrow for the farmers of India," he said. India's Home Minister Rajnath Singh tweeted that he was "deeply pained" by the news and ordered the Delhi police commissioner to hold an inquiry. Senior Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi also visited the hospital after news of the suicide and urged the country's farmers not to panic. Unseasonal rainfall and hailstorms in many parts of India in recent weeks have destroyed standing crops, putting further strain on impoverished farmers. A: An Indian farmer has died after hanging himself from a tree before a huge crowd at a rally addressed by the chief minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal. Q: Those with the rarest blood group, AB, are the most vulnerable - they are 23% more likely to suffer from heart disease than those with blood group O. The researchers do not know why this is, but are now looking at how blood groups respond to improved lifestyle. The findings are published in an American Heart Association Journal. The study also found that for individuals with blood group B the risk of heart disease increased by 11%, and for blood type A, by 5%. Lead author Prof Lu Qi, from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, said: "While people cannot change their blood type, our findings may help physicians better understand who is at risk of developing heart disease. "It's good to know your blood type the same way you should know your cholesterol or blood pressure numbers. "If you know you're at higher risk, you can reduce the risk by adopting a healthier lifestyle, such as eating right, exercising and not smoking." The British Heart Foundation stressed it is important that we all look after ourselves to reduce the risk. Doireann Maddock, a senior cardiac nurse from the charity said: "Nobody can influence what type of blood they are born with but a healthy lifestyle is something everybody can have an influence over. "Eating healthily, getting active and stopping smoking are the types of things you should be worrying about, not your blood type. "While these findings are certainly interesting we'll need more research to draw any firm conclusions about blood type and its role in heart disease risk." The study did not look at why different blood types appear to have different risks of heart disease. Prof Qi said: "Blood type is very complicated, so there could be multiple mechanisms at play." However, blood group AB has been linked to inflammation, which plays an important role in artery damage. There is also evidence that blood group A is associated with higher levels of the 'bad' type of cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), a waxy substance that can clog arteries. While those with blood group O may benefit from increased levels of a chemical which helps blood flow and clotting. The findings are based on two large US analytical studies - 62,073 women from the Nurses' Health Study and 27,428 adults from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. They were between the ages of 30 and 75 and followed for 20 years. As this study group was predominantly Caucasian, the researchers say it is not clear if their findings would be reflected in other ethnic groups. The work is published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, an American Heart Association journal. The team is now looking at whether people with different blood groups respond differently to changes in lifestyle, such as diet, exercise, cholesterol intake. A: People from blood groups A, B and AB are more at risk of heart disease than those with the more common blood type O, a study suggests. Q: The U's have brought in 10 players this summer, but have seen midfielders Kemar Roofe and Callum O'Dowda leave. "I'll be disappointed if we don't get at least two or three more in the next week," Appleton told BBC Radio Oxford. "We're two to three players short of making sure we can be as competitive as we can in this division." He continued: "I think it will happen. We just have to be patient as these things take time." Oxford played Premier League champions Leicester City in front of a crowd of more than 10,000 at the Kassam Stadium on Tuesday. Chris Maguire's free-kick gave them an unexpected lead before goals from Demarai Gray and Jeff Schlupp secured a 2-1 victory for Claudio Ranieri's side. Appleton said facing a side including Riyad Mahrez, Wes Morgan, Danny Drinkwater and Kasper Schmeichel had been an ideal pre-season test. "We're grateful for Leicester for coming here and for giving us the game they did," he added. "It will do the players the world of good later in the season." A:
Oxford United manager Michael Appleton is continuing to search for new players with less than three weeks to go until they start their League One campaign.
Problem: This review is like what? Review:I saw this film at the Chicago Reeling film festival. To pick up on the previous reviewer's remarks, the claustrophobic feel and off colors of the film is I sense quite intentional and conveys the sense of limited space, drab architecture, overall drabness that constitutes the urban environment of most people in Eastern and Central Europe. A bit shabby housing project style is how I'd describe it, and this is how many people live on the outskirts of larger cities. I can't say that I'm familiar with Bucharest, Romania where the action unfolded, but I have visited and lived in Eastern Europe for six months. When I visited Russia as a student for a semester, my entire group had to drag their luggage seven stories up the staircase of a shabby student dorm building, just as the heroine does when moving in with a woman, because the elevators weren't working. But, I do concur with the reviewer, that the claustrophobia and muted colors, it's overdone, for there are, to be sure, beautiful historic buildings, parks, squares you can find in Bucharest or in any historic city center of Eastern Europe, and Bucharest's didn't get much of any footage in this film. For me watching this film conveys well the claustrophobia that I would feel during my half-year stay there, feeling trapped and limited. (It makes you see why someone would want to immigrate and find a better life, just as people if hope to escape from a United States urban ghetto.) Also, given the climate of homophobia, say, circa, US in the 1980s, the two young women who fall in love with one another are forced to keep their love a very private matter; hence, the focus on their interaction in the apartment. It's remarkable and commendable in my view that this queer themed film was even made in Romania, and I find the complaint of the previous reviewer about the poor film quality quite uninformed and patronizing. It's unlikely that the director and producer drummed up much government support and funding for their film, and they did the best they could with their likely limited resources. The actors were fairly good and believable; the dialog was overall well done, and I could identity with these women. The film offers an added twist to that of forbidden love between two young women, Kiki, an energetic, fun-loving free spirit with a dark, troubling secret (her admiration and love for an abusive, incestuous brother, Sandu) falls in love with Alexandra, a bright, bookish, idealistic young woman who moves to Bucharest to begin her college studies. Opposites attract, and their personalities seem to complement one another, though there is some tension between the ambitious, studious, intellectual Alexandra and Kiki, who seems to be attending college to please her parents. Keeping their love hidden from their parents seems manageable, though we don't get any sense of the tension it requires, nor do we ever see or meet any other students--hard to believe--and the tension keeping their love secret would have entailed. The chief threat to their love is Kiki's brother and her difficulty in trying to severe her relation to him. But Kiki's love for Alexandra seems to give her the strength she needs to finally severe this bond, or does it? That's what the suspense of the film focuses on as the narrative develops, and I won't say how it concludes. Ironically, Kiki's love "sickness" isn't love for another woman, but her illicit, incestuous love for her brother. Thus, loving a woman offers the potential cure to the sickness of loving a sibling. Though this feel of this film is stifling and claustrophobic, overly confined to interactions between Kiki and Alexandra, it was still engaging and moving to watch, so I'll give it a 7. +++++++++ A: positive Problem: This review is like what? Review:Although at one point I thought this was going to turn into The Graduate, I have to say that The Mother does an excellent job of explaining the sexual desires of an older woman. I'm so glad this is a British film because Hollywood never would have done it, and even if they had, they would have ruined it by not taking the time to develop the characters. The story is revealed slowly and realistically. The acting is superb, the characters are believably flawed, and the dialogue is sensitive. I tried many times to predict what was going to happen, and I was always wrong, so I was very intrigued by the story. I highly recommend this movie. And I must confess, I'll forever look at my mom in a different light! +++++++++ A: positive Problem: This review is like what? Review:This "tragicomedy" written by famous Serbian theatre/film writer Dusan Kovacevic is probably one of the best movies ever made in the comedy category. And yet, its appearance of a theatre play transformed into a feature film takes nothing of its value. A masterpiece one should not miss to see (preferably with subtitles, and not dubbed). In an aged bus en route to capital Belgrade, a looming war decides the passengers' behaviour. Two Gypsy musicians sing of their miserable life but also foresee a tragedy to come; their singing both divides and connects stages in this extraordinary road movie (real life Kostic brothers are amateur actors, but together with Stanojlo Milinkovic as farmer who's plowed the road give a real-life performance). The spectrum of characters gives a brilliant image of a society facing a war, an insight into nation's collective person: everyone is aware that war is just about to begin but they try to live their own lives the best they can, hoping that ignorance might avert the tragedy. Using a simple movie language, director Slobodan Sijan paints a picture of society torn by previous war (World War I), but also highlights personal portraits with success: provincialism of a singer, inexperience of the newlyweds, seriousness of the Great War veteran who is on way to visit his recently conscripted son, and gloomy predictions from a man who seems to be a German spy. Brilliant in its narration, with memorable soundtrack (especialy the Gispsy songs) and adjusted atmosphere, well photographed and edited, this feature (Sijan's feature debut) was only an introduction into a series of the directors bitter-sweet comedies that will define Serbian cinematography of the 1980s: "Maratonci trce pocasni krug", "Kako sam sistematski unisten od idiota", and my other director's favourite "Davitelj protiv davitelja"). +++++++++ A: positive Problem: This review is like what? Review:Watching It Lives By Night makes you wonder, just who in the world greenlit this crap. A newlywed couple go spelunking on their honeymoon, get attacked by bats and the husband starts to run around in his pajamas attacking various people. And where exactly are they? They're in the desert, then they're skiing, then they're in a small town that looks like it has mountains nearby. The town is run by a sheriff who likes to watch and has a personal vendetta against whiny doctor boy. The ski hospital is run by a really groovy guy with a nice thick mustache and the wife looks like Mary Tyler Moore or Marilyn Quayle. There's no dramatic tension and the ending will leave you filled with anger. Special effects and makeup guru Stan Winston did the effects for this movie. I guess you have to start somewhere. +++++++++ A:
Premise: "I'm looking for a friend of mine whom I thought might have walked this way."" Based on this premise, is the hypothesis "I thought my friend came here, so I'm looking for him but I guess he's not here." true?
it is not possible to tell
Choose your answer. Will Expand Beyond's Patents Lead to New Partnerships? (Ziff Davis) Ziff Davis - Wireless software provider Expand Beyond has been awarded 46 patents for its wireless monitoring and management software #151;what will that mean for the company? Which topic is this article about? Choices: + World. + Sports. + Business. + Science/Tech.
Disfruta de un espectáculo de magia, una sesión de cine al aire libre, un concierto, participa en una excursión nocturna en canoa por el Loira, en un torneo de petanca o incluso en una noche de juegos. How do you say this sentence in English? In the evenings Watch a magic show, an outdoor film, a concert, take part in an evening canoe trip on the Loire, a petanque tournament, or a games night. Se hacen sondas ÒprimersÓ específicas que afectan la secuencia de un gen especifico asociado a una enfermedad en donde se sabe que existe la mutación esta región es entonces amplificada por PCR. How do you say this sentence in English? Specific PCR primers are made that span the sequences of a given disease gene where a mutation is known to exist and the region amplified by PCR. Cuna: Un bebé igual o menor de 2 año(s) se puede alojar por MXN 194.06 por persona y noche en una cuna. How do you say this sentence in English? Cot: One child equal or under 2 years is charged MXN 194.06 per person per night in a child's cot/crib. Al realizar su pedido ud. está de acuerdo en obtener acceso instantáneo a MindZoom, conocimiento de la Garantía Sin Riesgo de 8 Semanas y que acepta los siguientes: How do you say this sentence in English?
By placing your order you agree to get instant access to MindZoom, knowledge of the No-Risk 8 weeks Money Back Guarantee and that you read and agree to the following:
Write a negative tweet. Possible types: OPTIONS: - negative - positive A: @richardbadge got it to work by standing next to window - proof of concept but not practical for main lecture theatre input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: Oops. Apparently my site doesn't look so good in IE. IN: OPTIONS: - negative - positive Write a tweet that is negative. OUT: @decodiva Yep, I'm being followed. +laugh+ I used to have an antique Steinway, but my mom gave it away when we moved. Q: negative (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) A: waiting at Charles mgh now, maybe a corneal ulcer? Q: Write a positive tweet. A: ok ok i like it i cant stop listening to it now. there's a reason the chorus has been my text alert since the 30 second leak. input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet:
the party of yesterday was great but i'm so tired, because i don't sleep nothing! eating an enormous menu of macdonald's ...
How is "Maasai language" said in Finnish? Maasain kieli How is "That is why we must surely make use of the optional modulation system of 20%, I mean by redirecting funding from the first to the second pillar." said in Finnish? Tästä syystä meidän on varmasti käytettävä vapaaehtoista 20 prosentin mukauttamisjärjestelmää siirtämällä rahoitusta ensimmäisestä toiseen pilariin. How is "Of course, the victims, arguably, are prepared to take drastic risks to enter the countries of the European Union." said in Finnish? Uhrit ovat tietysti valmiita ottamaan suuria riskejä päästäkseen Euroopan unionin valtioihin. How is "After the summer, everyone in the Netherlands will pay with coins with German reverse sides." said in Finnish?
Yhden kesän jälkeen kaikki maksaisivat Alankomaissa kolikoilla, joissa on saksalainen kansallinen puoli.
Onların geçmişleri, benim Kosova'yı daha iyi anlamama aracı olan kişisel hikayeler haline geldi. Which language is this? Language: Turkish Fakat araç inceleme fırsatı bulunamadan havaya uçuruldu. Which language is this? Language: Turkish (Çeşitli kaynaklar – 04/07/07-11/07/07) Which language is this? Language: Turkish Proje "çatışma yaşamış bölgelere yönelik, çatışmaların sonrasında yaşamayı sürdüren gençlere seslenen, bir deneme projesi" olarak niteleniyor. Which language is this? Language:
QUESTION: answer this: where is knotts berry farm located in california?? ANS: Buena Park, California input: What is the answer to this question? how far is college station from dallas tx? output: 187 mi In: who gave susan a kidney in desperate housewives?? Out: Beth Please answer this: what is the record for wins in major league baseball? 116 Q: Answer this question: when did australia qualify for the world cup?? A: 2006 Question: what is the meaning of the name melanie? Answer:
Choose your answer: If "On a lawn with fog in the background, a young woman holds a boy of toddler age and makes a funny pose along side four others, two young women and two young girls, who are caught on camera in midair while they are ecstatically jumping.", does it logically follow that "Five females posing for a camera with a lilttle boy in one of there hands."? pick from the following. a). yes. b). it is not possible to tell. c). no.
question: For additional information on data quality and methodology please contact (footnote, reference or link to reference). --> French. answer: Pour des renseignements supplémentaires sur la qualité des données et la méthodologie, s'adresser à (note en bas de page, référence ou lien à une référence). question: Crawford also spent time researching potential partnersto great success. --> French. answer: M. Crawford a aussi consacré du temps à chercher des partenaires éventuels – pour son plus grand bonheur. question: Articles 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Articles 19 and 22 of the First Geneva Convention --> French. answer: Articles 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 1t 147 de la Quatrième Convention de Genève et Articles 19 et 22 de la Première Convention de Genève. question: RD’s archive of searchable disclosures are available for on-line searching. --> French. answer:
Les archives de divulgations de RD sont accessibles aux fins de la recherche en ligne.
Complete: `` i 'm not wearing a collar , '' amara said quietly . lady aquitaine arched an eyebrow . `` why on earth not ? '' `` i 'm aware of how dangerous they can be , your grace , '' amara said . `` and i have certain reservations about the notion of closing one around my neck . '' odiana covered a titter with one hand , dark eyes shining as she stared at
Opravdu? In English? xxxxx CYNTHIA: Ne, to není všechno co víte. In English? xxxxx No, that's not all you know. Jak moc? In English? xxxxx
We've been bad.
Might as well be dead . And I went back to being Harleen Quinzel , and you were my patient again -- of course , this is the most dream - like bit , 'cause even if I was given another sanity certificate , and by some miracle became a head doctor once more , they 'd never assign me to you again . I 'd wake up then , shivering and whimpering . Q with options: Give answer the following question using evidence from the above passage: How did the narrator feel about the dream ? Choose from: [A]. They shivered , in desire .. [B]. They assigned it Harleen .. [C]. They were upset by it .. [D]. They whimpered , sad to see it end ..
Q: Binignit, ingredient, Coconut milk; Binignit, course, Dessert; Dessert, dishVariation, Sandesh (confectionery) A: Sandesh (confectionery) is a dish that can be served as a dessert and binignit (which contains coconut milk) should also be served as a dessert. Q: Juan Perón, party, Labour Party (Argentina); Alberto Teisaire, nationality, Argentina; Argentina, language, Spanish language; Alberto Teisaire, inOfficeWhilePresident, Juan Perón A: Argentinian, Alberto Teisaire was in office while Juan Peron was President. Perón was a member of the Labour Party in Argentina where the dominant language is Spanish. Q: Allama Iqbal International Airport, location, Pakistan; Allama Iqbal International Airport, runwayName, "18R/36L"; Allama Iqbal International Airport, runwayLength, 2900.0 A: Allama Iqbal International airport is located in Pakistan and has a runway named 18R/36L. The runway length is 2900.0. Q: Rock music, musicFusionGenre, Bhangra (music); Al Anderson (NRBQ band), instrument, Singing; Al Anderson (NRBQ band), genre, Rock music A:
Al Anderson, a rock music performer, is a singer in the band NRBQ. Bhangra music comes from Rock music and is a part of the fusion genre.
Q: Group demands lawmaker take down cartoon depicting Arizona immigration law as bigoted A California-based conservative group is fuming over a cartoon they found hanging in a state senator’s office depicting Arizona’s strict immigration law as racist. Members of the group “We the People Rising” apparently saw the cartoon -- which shows Arizona police officers pointing guns at immigrants traveling in a van near a highway sign that says “Welcome to Arizona” – during a visit in the summer to the office of Long Beach Democratic Sen. Ricardo Lara. Speech bubbles in the cartoon had police officers saying in a mix of German and English: “Stoppen yer auto” and “Achtung! Ve want to see your papers!” A sign under “Velcome to Arizona” says “If you’re brown leave town.” “Had this been a white senator and minorities were complaining, I think the wall hanging would have been removed at the first complaint and never been put up again,” said Robin Hvidston, executive director of We the People Rising told Fox News Latino. The organization claims to have over 500 members and says it is a non-partisan organization open to anyone who cares about immigration. “Honestly, I think a white senator wouldn’t even dare to take this action.” The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the 2010 Arizona law's most contentious section — a requirement that police, while enforcing other laws, question the immigration status of those suspected of being in the country illegally. But the courts have either struck down or blocked enforcement of other sections of the law known as SB1070, such as a requirement that immigrants carry registration. The activists with “We the People Rising” evidently took down the cartoon when they visited the office, and told Lara’s staff they found it offensive, but learned that it was hanging on the wall again. “What are you doing with this cartoon in a taxpayer funded senator’s office presenting an inappropriate, divisive, negative depiction of law officers,” Hvidston explained. “It’s a cartoon. That’s freedom of speech. We think it’s inappropriate for it to be in the senator’s reception area in his foyer.” The group wants an apology from Lara, and also wants the City Council to get involved in seeing that the cartoon comes down from the wall permanently. “It’s basically saying that anybody who is against illegal immigration is a racist,” the Long Beach Press Telegram quoted Wes Parker, a member of the group, as saying about the cartoon. Lara said in an emailed statement quoted by local newspapers: “The satirical piece depicts Arizona’s well-known discriminatory, anti-immigrant and anti-Latino attitudes in recent history. I obtained the piece at an ACLU of Southern California event where I proudly accepted the Legislator of the Year Award in the Assembly for my work on behalf of all Californians.” “The Republican Tea Partiers who visited my district office, many from outside of my district, also enjoyed my personal collection of LGBT and Cambodian art, as well as Latin American art from (the Museum of Latin American Art),” Lara said. The lawmaker said while he respects art criticism, he also values the diversity of opinion “such as those expressed by the artist.” "The art piece will remain on the wall and my district office will continue to welcome all constituents,” he said, “even those belonging to groups like the Tea Party.” Follow us on Like us at What are the most important parts of this text? A: A California group that favors strict immigration enforcement is demanding that state Sen. Q: Censoring a Business Normally the approval process for a concession slot at Denver International Airport is routine. But when the franchise is Chick-fil-A, normal goes out the window. Members of the Denver City Council are now holding up approval on grounds that they don’t like the support for the “biblical” view of marriage expressed several years ago by the chicken chain’s CEO, Dan Cathy. At a council meeting earlier this month, member after member took issue with Chick-fil-A on marriage. One fretted that allowing an airport location would... What are the most important parts of this text? A: Denver politicians cluck about a Chick-fil-A exec’s views on marriage. Q: Needham’s Extreme Reach extends scope with $485m purchase of TV ad service With a $485 million deal, a little-known Needham company has vaulted to the top of a crowded field of tech firms that distribute and track commercials across all screens, from whopping TV sets to tiny smartphones. Extreme Reach Inc. has grown rapidly in just the past few years, fueled by big brands such as Ford and Geico that use its technology to digitally distribute ads to television stations, or to make them pop up at the right moment on YouTube and Hulu. Now, Extreme Reach has agreed to buy the TV ad delivery business of Digital Generation Inc. of Irving, Texas, taking out a rival in the crowded ad tech marketplace. “There are dozens, if not hundreds, of ad tech companies competing,” said John Roland, Extreme Reach chief executive officer. “When we are combined with DG, and we have $300 million in revenue, that makes us bigger than many of the other competitors combined.” The deal is just one of the latest in a string of acquisitions in the advertising technology sector. On Tuesday, mobile ad company Millennial Media Inc. agreed to pay about $225 million for Boston mobile marketing start-up Jumptap Inc., and last week AOL said it would buy the online ad platform for $405 million. And this is just the beginning of a major consolidation, said Roland. His company expects to acquire others in the near future, and would consider an initial public stock offering in the next 12 to 18 months. “People will start to hear about us quite a bit going forward,” Roland said. Extreme Reach has grown to 225 employees and recorded revenue of about $60 million. It delivers some 120,000 commercials to TV stations a month, and since it was founded in 2008 has sent billions of ads to online video services. A key reason for its growth is that Extreme Reach is among the few ad tech companies that can seamlessly distribute video to all media, said Andrew Frank, an analyst with Gartner Inc. “Extreme Reach has identified a relatively unpopulated, yet crucial niche,” he wrote about the company. The ad tech sector is made up of small start-ups and big companies alike that are coming up with new and more effective ways for advertisers to continue to reach their target audiences as more viewers use a variety of devices and services to view video content. Companies such as Extreme Reach not only help clients get commercials on a multitude of devices, they also have sophisticated tools for tracking viewer behavior across the Web to determine where ads will be most effective online. In fact, many of these ad tech companies are in the Boston area. Local start-ups such as DataXu Inc., Nexage Inc., and Celtra Inc. have attracted millions in venture capital dollars and are hiring dozens of engineers and developers. The Extreme Reach deal to buy Digital Generation’s TV division comes just three months after it received $51 million in funding from Boston private equity firm Spectrum Equity, which acquired a minority stake in the company. Spectrum will invest an additional $47 million to fund the acquisition. What are the most important parts of this text? A:
With a $485 million deal, a little-known Needham company has captured a leading spot in the advertising technology market to distribute and track commercials across all screens, from tiny smartphones to whopping TV sets. Extreme Reach Inc. has grown rapidly in just the past few years, fueled by big brands such as Ford and Geico that are using its technology to distribute ads to television stations or to have them for having them pop up at the right moment on YouTube and Hulu. Now, Extreme Reach has agreed to buy a major chunk of Digital Generation Inc. of Irving, Texas, taking out a rival in the crowded ad tech marketplace. “There are dozens, if not hundreds, of ad tech companies competing,” said John Roland, Extreme Reach chief executive officer.
Math problem: Solve 15*o + 18*o = 66 for o. What is the solution?
i) À déterminer leur capacité à fonctionner sans défaillance; Could you please translate this to English?
To determine their capacity to function reliably;
Write a short summary for this text: tens of thousands joined a rally in hong kong on sunday to demand justice for victims of the manila hostage bloodbath , as the city 's filipino community staged its own memorials for the dead . Summary:
hong kong stages march over manila hostage tragedy
QUES: unacceptable ANS: We caught them ate the bananas. QUES: acceptable ANS: They're believing everything you say. QUES: unacceptable ANS: I washed me. QUES: acceptable ANS:
Cynthia nibbled .
If The expanding summer resort and its long, sandy beaches co-exist with Europe's largest and oldest salt industry., can we conclude that "The sandy beaches of the resort co-exist with Europe's largest and oldest salt industry."?
Question: Choose your answer: Is "In 1995 the first public videoconference between North America and Africa took place, linking a technofair in San Francisco with a techno-rave and cyberdeli in Cape Town." a good answer to the question "In what year did the first public video-conference take place?" Answer: yes Question: Choose your answer: Is "After the new Protector General of the Western Regions Chen Mu (d. AD 75) was killed by allies of the Xiongnu in Karasahr and Kucha, the garrison at Hami was withdrawn." a good answer to the question "Which Basin did the Han lose authority of?" Answer: no Question: Choose your answer: Is "While most Hokkien morphemes have standard designated characters, they are not always etymological or phono-semantic." a good answer to the question "Hokkien morphemes are not always what?" Answer:
Solve -64 + 3366 = -1115*l - 6733 for l. Solve this problem.
Question: Some legal scholars, such as Robert Bork, claim these search powers are unconstitutionally broad. Does it follow that "Robert Born has no comment on search powers."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Q: If It has the largest collection of books, articles, and papers on the history of the West Indies in the world and is an important archive for students and academics., can we say that "This is better than what most libraries have available."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no A: it is not possible to tell Premise: "Statement on Compliance With Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards" Hypothesis: There is a statement on compliance with private auditing standards. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no no input question: oh i read all kinds of things for um helping people uh survive a divorce uh The Road Less Traveled was probably one of my favorites have you read that If this premise is true, does that tell us:"The Road Less Traveled is my favorite book ever written about divorce."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: it is not possible to tell Question: Based on the premise "Our pools are closer to perfection than theirs, not being contaminated by city air, and we see more.", can we conclude that "Their pools are close to perfect whereas ours are nowhere near, filthy and in need of repair."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no **** Answer: no input question: it does seem to have quieted down there just a little bit that's that's for sure no i the US policy uh towards Central America as far as uh well i kind of go back to to the El Salvador thing because Texas Instruments had a a plant down there for a while and i worked in there for a little while and at that particular time let's let's see that was seventy three seventy four kind of before the the uh the the uh Civil War really picked up down there and US policy at that particular time there was of course military assistance to uh to the government itself you know anything that's that's anticommunist you know we kind of had a tendency to be pro it don't matter what their excesses were and i believe at the time that i was down there that uh the If this premise is true, does that tell us:"Things have gotten better now."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer:
it is not possible to tell
Yes one is most likely to notice the benefit in the areas of strength and rigidity of the penis and also a reduction in the occurrence of premature ejaculation A: Yes, one is most likely to notice the benefit in the areas of strength and rigidity of the penis and also a reduction in the occurrence of premature ejaculation. analysis of strange attractors A: analysis of strange attractors; If you have dry skin this type of foundation is not for you unless it also moisturizes the skin at the same time A: If you have dry skin, this type of foundation is not for you unless it also moisturizes the skin at the same time. Now three rooms are apparently having some type of issue with Merge Gaming and US poker players should keep a very close eye on this situation as RPM Black Chip and Hero Poker are three of the largest US poker rooms in the industry
A: Now three rooms are apparently having some type of issue with Merge Gaming, and US poker players should keep a very close eye on this situation as RPM, Black Chip, and Hero Poker are three of the largest US poker rooms in the industry.
Problem: What type of thing is the question "What was the name of the Crimean meeting of Roosevelt , Churchill , and Stalin ?" asking about? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location Answer: entity Q: Is the question "Where can I find a case on Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1991 ?" asking about an entity, an abbreviation, a description, a human, a location, or a numeric entity? A: location OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location "Which company claimed to be `` the world 's biggest toy store '' ?" human input question: Who is the superstar in rent-a-cars ? Would the answer to this question be an entity, an abbreviation, a description, a human, a location, or a numeric value? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location your answer: human Input: What was William F. Cody 's better-known name ? What kind of thing would answer this question? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location *** Output: human Problem: What type of thing is the question "Who is the Pope ?" asking about? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location Answer:
Please capitalize where necessary: in a series of articles he generalized results in the classical fourier theory to more general spaces (hilbert spaces) by investigating various orthonormal systems of functions, their summability and the representation of functions in such systems by fourier series and fourier integrals and more general integral transformations. A: In a series of articles he generalized results in the classical Fourier theory to more general spaces (Hilbert spaces) by investigating various orthonormal systems of functions, their summability and the representation of functions in such systems by Fourier series and Fourier integrals and more general integral transformations. Q: place the beef in small casserole dish and sprinkle with 1/3 cup of the shredded cheese. A: Place the beef in small casserole dish and sprinkle with 1/3 cup of the shredded cheese. Q: 8:35 and the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the son abideth ever. A: 8:35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. Problem: on our web site with angry 3d online driver find the latest angry driver 3d games. this is a web site filled with angry driver 3d, newest games angry driver 3d made in order to relax, 3d games and you send in a new world with magic angry driver 3d. Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer: On our Web site with angry 3d online driver find the latest angry driver 3d games. This is a web site filled with ANGRY DRIVER 3D, newest games angry driver 3d made in order to relax, 3d games and you send in a new world with magic Angry driver 3d. Text: to supplement the information in the navigation/sea charts you should always also talk to local sailors and the harbour masters. Correct capitalization: To supplement the information in the navigation/sea charts you should always also talk to local sailors and the harbour masters. Q: british airways said most long-haul flights due to land in london tomorrow (sunday, may 28) are expected to arrive as normal. “we are working to restore our services from tomorrow, although some delays and disruption may continue into sunday,” the company said. A:
British Airways said most long-haul flights due to land in London tomorrow (Sunday, May 28) are expected to arrive as normal. “We are working to restore our services from tomorrow, although some delays and disruption may continue into Sunday,” the company said.
Create a set of triples that describes the content in the following sentence. Tim Brooke-Taylor was born in the UK.
Tim Brooke-Taylor BIRTH_PLACE United Kingdom
Some text: M. Larsen a été admis au programme de doctorat en sociologie de l’Université York. Translate to English. Translation: 
Mr. Larsen was admitted to York University’s PhD program in Sociology. Some text: L'affinité accrue pour le Ca2+ chez les groupes D et HD (déterminée par les plus faibles valeurs de Km) est une découverte intéressante et pourrait découler de variations dans la composition de la bicouche lipidique sarcolemmmale suite à une hyperlipidémie induite par le diabète. Translate to English. Translation: The increased affinity for Ca2+ in both the D and HD groups (determined by the lower Km values) is an interesting finding and may be due to changes in sarcolemmal lipid bilayer composition secondary to diabetes-induced hyperlipidemia. Some text: Nous estimons que le recrutement d'un conseiller en matière des droits de l'homme serait une bonne manière d'atteindre ce but. Translate to English. Translation:
We believe that the recruitment of a human rights adviser would be a good way to achieve that goal.
Translate to Romanian: The most important thing is to renew and make uniform standards in those segments which are not yet regulated by EU legislation (and which for that reason are characterised by regulatory fragmentation and a lack of enforcement), in order to integrate them into the single approach. Romanian:
Cel mai important lucru este revizuirea şi uniformizarea standardelor în acele sectoare care nu sunt încă reglementate de legislaţia UE (şi care, din această cauză, se caracterizează prin fragmentarea reglementărilor şi prin neaplicarea acestora), pentru a le integra într-o singură abordare.
Открытые позиции в бухгалтерии кредиторов Использование В отчете "Открытые позиции КР" отображаются все открытые позиции в бухгалтерии кредиторов по кредиторам для выбранной ключевой даты и сводка всех выбранных позиций на уровне кредитора. In English? xxxxx Account Payable Open Items Use The AP Open Items report shows all open payable items by creditor for selected key date, and summarizes all selected items at a creditor level. Формат .mdir рекомендуется только для таких Папок, в которых содержится много (20 и больше) больших (100К и выше) сообщений. In English? xxxxx The MailDir format is recommended only for those Mailboxes that contain many (100 or more) large (1MB or more) messages. Независимо от цели Вашей поездки, выезжаете ли Вы за рубеж или путешествуете по Казахстану, предпочитаете "бизнес" или "экономический" салоны обслуживания, независимо от выбора авиакомпании, в нашем Агентстве Вы всегда встретите заботливое радушие со стороны персонала. In English? xxxxx
Independently of the purpose of your traveling whether you departure oversea or travel around Kazakhstan, whether you prefer business or economy classes independently of airlines chosen by you, you always meet attentive kindliness from the personnel.
Write an article based on this "A mass rugby-style game dating back to the 14th Century has been won after hours of play." Article:
The Haxey Hood event is contested by patrons of pubs in the neighbouring villages of Haxey and this year's winner Westwoodside. The Hood, a leather tube about one metre in length, is pushed in a scrum until it reaches one of four pubs. The contest, which includes the Smoking of the Fool, is held annually on the Twelfth Day of Christmas. The tradition started when Lady de Mowbray was out riding between Westwoodside and Haxey - between Gainsborough, Scunthorpe and Doncaster - when her silk riding hood was blown away by the wind. She is said to have been so amused to see local farm workers chasing it she rewarded them land - on condition the chase would be re-enacted every year. The story says the worker who caught the hood was too shy to approach her and handed it to a fellow worker to return. It is said Lady de Mowbray thanked the man who returned the hood and said he had acted like a lord. The worker who caught it was labelled a fool. Part of the event involves the Fool giving a speech, during which a fire is lit close by - this is known as the Smoking of the Fool. There is also a procession around participating public houses, The Carpenters Arms in Westwoodside, and the Kings Arms, The Loco and the Duke William, all in Haxey. The main event starts when the hood is thrown into the middle of the scrum, or sway, as it is known locally. The sway pushes through the villages, with each team trying to direct it towards their pub. The contest, which can last for hours, ends when the Hood is touched by the landlord of the winning team's pub.
Něco se k tobě brzy donese, protože tady I zdi mají uši. Could you please translate this to English?
Um... look,Y-You're gonna hear about something because everyone around here hears about everything.
Problem: president bill clinton and his wife , hillary , will attend monday 's burial of jacqueline kennedy onassis at arlington national cemetery in virginia , the white house said saturday . What is a very short summary of the above text? ++++++++++ A: clintons to attend burial of jacqueline onassis Problem: the un agency for refugees has begun laying the groundwork for the return of hundreds of thousands of iraqi refugees to their country , a unhcr spokesman said in jordan on sunday . What is a very short summary of the above text? ++++++++++ A: un lays groundwork to repatriate iraqis but says conditions still not right Problem: bosnia has a clear path to membership in the european union but it must reform its constitution , german foreign minister said friday . What is a very short summary of the above text? ++++++++++ A:
german foreign minister says bosnia needs reform
Question: Question 1: What percentage of theists are terror-ists in the world? Question 2: What percentage of agnostics are terror-ists in the world? OPTIONS: - no - yes Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Answer: no Question 1: How do biotic and abiotic factors differ? Question 2: How do biotic and abiotic factors compare and contrast? OPTIONS: - no - yes A: yes QUES: First question: How can I avoid alcohol/smoking? Second question: How do I avoid smoking? Are these two questions asking the same thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes ANS: no Questions: Q1: What will President Obama's legacy be? Q2: Why did Donald Trump admit President Obama was born in the U.S.? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no INPUT: Are the people more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Please tell me if those questions are the same. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** SAME OR NOT OUTPUT: yes INPUT: What are the advantages of being anti-social? As an Introvert, am I frustrated and criticized for being anti social ? Please tell me if those questions are the same. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** SAME OR NOT OUTPUT:
The Bengals started the season at home against the Ravens. In the first quarter, the Ravens scored as Justin Tucker kicked a 25-yard field goal to make it 3-0. They would increase their lead in the second quarter when Joe Flacco found Jeremy Maclin on a 48-yard pass to make it 10-0. This would be followed up by a 2-yard touchdown run by Terrence West to make the score 17-0 at halftime. In the third quarter, the Ravens would go back to work with Tucker kicking yet another 25-yard field goal to make the score 20-0. A scoreless fourth quarter made this the eventual final score of the game. With the loss, the Bengals started their season 0-1. This is the team's first shut-out loss at home since 2001. Andy Dalton set a new career high for total turnovers in a game with 5 (4 interceptions, 1 lost fumble) Answer this question: How many yards was the difference between the first and second touchdowns in the game?
Problem: Data: Larry Csonka COLLEGE Syracuse; Larry Csonka POSITION Running Back What would a sentence about this data be like? A: There is a running back who went to Syracuse for college. Question: This is some data: Asian Championships YEAR 1975; Asian Championships VENUE Seoul, South Korea. Generate a detailed description of this data. Answer: In 1975, the Asian Championship was held in Seoul. Alan Bean OCCUPATION Test pilot; Alan Bean DATE_OF_BIRTH "1932-03-15"; Alan Bean BIRTH_PLACE Wheeler, Texas; Alan Bean WAS_SELECTED_BY_NASA 1963 Alan Bean was born on 15 March 1932 in Wheeler Texas. He was a test pilot who was selected by NASA in 1963. Problem: *Raelene Boyle LOCATION Mexico City* A: Raelene Boyle ran a race in Mexico City. Input: This is some data: 2 HIGH_REBOUNDS garnett (13); 2 DATE november 4. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output: Garnett had the highest rebounds on November 4. Aromi eatType pub; Aromi customer rating low; Aromi area riverside; Aromi familyFriendly yes
Aromi, a family-friendly Riverside pub, has a relatively low customer satisfaction rating.
Summarize the following: These reactions reward the dog with attention and are to be avoided. Shouting is also ineffective. Instead, completely ignore any barking. Telling the dog to be “Quiet” could be counter-effective. In some cases, spritzing your dog's with a spray bottle full of water can be an effective and harmless way to startle her out of barking. However, some dogs see this as a game rather than a distraction, so you'll have to determine whether it works for your dog. Rewarding your dog for behaviors you want to eliminate must be avoided, as this will only reinforce those behaviors. For example, if your dog barks at you to get attention and you respond by giving him attention, you've just rewarded him for the action you want to remove! Ignore your dog when he's barking for attention. This can be tough, akin to ignoring a crying baby, but in order to avoid confusing your dog it's important that you not pay him any attention when he's demanding it. Don't reward your dog's demand for attention with glances, pets, or talking. If you're able to, turn your back to him. This will signal that you don't like this behavior. Eventually, the dog will quiet down. When your dog stops barking, praise him and give him treats. As he begins to understand the system, require him to stay quiet for longer periods of time before you reward him. If your dog is not a nipper, it can be helpful to close your dog's mouth when she barks inappropriately. This is a physical reinforcement that you do not approve of the dog's behavior. There are leashes and halters that allow you to gently pull the mouth closed while you're out on a walk. When feasible, remove your dog from anything that triggers barking. Close blinds or curtains if your dog barks at people passing by. Put your dog alone in a room if she barks at guests. Territorial barking can often be addressed by changing what your dog is able to see. Installing a wooden fence instead of a chain link fence or covering your windows with opaque film (that still allows light through) can help a territorial dog quiet down. If your dog startles at unfamiliar noises, play a white noise machine or leave a fan running while you're not home. This can help distract your dog from the other noises she hears. If your dog barks whenever she sees other dogs or people, she may not get enough socialization. Model good behavior at the dog park, on walks, and when you interact with people. This can help teach territorial dogs that they don't have to bark to protect their territory everywhere they go. You can also take your dog to “doggie day care,” where she can play with other dogs and learn good dog behavior. summary: Avoid speaking to the dog or giving a hand gesture. Remove rewards for barking. Close your dog's mouth. Control the environment. Socialize your dog. Summarize the following: Antibiotics are the only way to really treat a UTI, but given that they often pass in a few days, there are things you can do to help ease the symptoms and make it less likely for the infection to recur. The most straightforward of these is just to drink plenty of water throughout the day, approximately a glass every hour. When you urinate your bladder is cleansed, and this can help flush out bacteria. Do not hold in your urine. Holding in your urine can cause the UTI to get worse, by encouraging the bacteria to breed. Drinking cranberry juice is often cited as a home remedy for a UTI. While there is little evidence that cranberry juice can actually fight an infection, it may help prevent one. If you have recurring UTIs try taking higher-strength cranberry capsules. As with water, drinking plenty of fluids helps you to flush out and cleanse your system. Do not take cranberry juice if you or your family has a history of kidney infection. You should not take cranberry juice capsules if you are taking blood-thinning medication. There is no medically specified dose of cranberry juice to take, as its effectiveness is not proven. One study found positive results for women who took either one tablet of concentrated cranberry juice a day, or drank 8oz of unsweetened cranberry juice three times a day for a year. Taking vitamin C supplements when you first start to feel the symptoms of a UTI can help to limit a developing infection. The vitamin C helps to acidify the urine, which discourages the bacteria from colonizing your bladder while strengthening your body’s immune defences. Try a 500mg dose every hour, but stop if your bowel movements become loose. You can combine vitamin C supplements with mild anti-inflammatory teas, such as goldenseal, echinacea, and nettle. If the symptoms persist after a few days, go to the doctor regardless. There are certain things you consume which can be irritants, the effects of which are heightened when you have a UTI. The two biggest culprits to avoid are coffee and alcohol. Not only are they irritants, but they also dehydrate you which can make it more difficult to flush the bacteria from your urinary tract. You should also avoid soft drinks that contain citrus juices until after your UTI has cleared. Restricting caffeine and alcohol in your diet can also be used as a preventative measure against future UTIs if you are susceptible to these infections.
summary: Drink plenty of water. Try some cranberry juice. Take vitamin C supplements. Avoid consuming irritants.