1 value
4 values
Question: Summarize this: greek dockers on friday clashed with police outside the merchant marine ministry during a protest march over the deaths of eight people in a tanker accident near athens . Answer: greek dockers clash with police after deadly tanker fire kills eight Text: the european union launched monday in jordan the first of a series of workshops to be held around the world on ways of promoting democracy and human rights , saying middle east violence hampered these efforts . Summary: eu kicks off world workshops on human rights democracy Generate a short summary: britain 's top diplomat for the middle east said monday that hezbollah must be disarmed and a stabilization force set up for lebanon to end spiraling hostilities with israel . Answer: hezbollah must be disarmed and stabilization force set up for lebanon british minister says google said tuesday , in response to threats by rupert murdoch to ban the search engine from listing content from his news empire , that any company could ask to have stories taken off . Short summary: google says murdoch stories can be taken off IN: two giant pandas , as a gift of the central government of china to the government of the hong kong special administrative region -lrb- sar -rrb- , arrived here thursday . summary: two giant pandas arrive in hong kong IN: rags-to-riches drama `` slumdog millionaire '' won the oscar for best picture at the academy awards here sunday . summary:
slumdog millionaire wins best picture oscar
Investigators probing the June crash of an Air France flight in the Atlantic Ocean still do not know what brought the plane down, who was at the controls when it crashed, or what the pilots did in the moments leading up to the disaster, according to a new report released Thursday. "At this stage ... it is still not possible to understand the causes and circumstances of the accident," investigators said in the report. Flight 447 -- an Airbus A330 -- went down in stormy weather in the Atlantic Ocean June 1 while flying from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France. All 228 people on board were killed. Most of the bodies were never recovered. France's air accident investigation agency, the BEA, released its second interim report into the crash Thursday. It had been planning a news conference at the same time, but canceled it because of snow in Paris. The plane hit the water belly first, essentially intact, studies of the debris and the bodies that have been recovered show. Oxygen masks were not deployed, indicating that the cabin did not depressurize, the report said. Automated messages sent from the plane in the minutes before the crash showed there were problems measuring airspeed, the investigators said. But that alone was not enough to cause the disaster, they added. "Inconsistency in the measurements of airspeeds was one of the elements in a chain of events that led to the accident, though this alone cannot explain it," the report says. Large parts of the plane -- including the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder -- have never been found, leaving investigators without key pieces of the puzzle. Investigators are preparing to begin a new search for the recorders in February, the report said. But the area where the plane went down is far out in the Atlantic -- two to four days for ships from the nearest ports in Brazil or Senegal in west Africa. The underwater terrain is rough, with great variations in depth -- that is, underwater mountains and valleys -- over short distances, the report says. The new search will involve air accident investigators from the United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Russia, the United States and France, as well as the U.S. Navy. The search is planned to last 60 days, the report said. Jean-Paul Troadec, director of the French investigation bureau, told reporters earlier this week that the new search, about 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) from Brazil's northeast coast, will involve sonar and robot submarines. Troadec was in Rio de Janeiro to speak to the relatives of the 58 Brazilians who were on board, the French news agency AFP reported Sunday. "We tried to convince the families that we are conducting the investigation with the full intention of getting to the truth," he said. Tests have already brought into question the performance of pitot tubes, which measure the pressure exerted on the plane as it flies through the air, and are part of a system used to determine air speed. Before it crashed, Flight 447 sent out 24 automated error messages that suggested the plane may have been flying too fast or too slow through the thunderstorms, officials have said. The European Aviation Safety Agency issued a directive in late August requiring airlines to replace pitot tubes manufactured by Thales Avionics on Airbus A330s and A340s. It said airlines should replace them with other Thales tubes and those manufactured by Goodrich. Write highlights for this article.
Investigators still don't know what caused an Air France jet to crash. The flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder have never been found. Investigators are preparing to begin a new search for the recorders in February. Flight 447 went down in stormy weather in the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009.
The 2010 United States Census reported that Placer County had a population of 348,432. The racial makeup of Placer County was 290,977 (83.5%) White (U.S. Census), 4,751 (1.4%) African American (U.S. Census), 3,011 (0.9%) Native American (U.S. Census), 20,435 (5.9%) Asian (U.S. Census), 778 (0.2%) Pacific Islander (U.S. Census), 13,375 (3.8%) from Race (United States Census), and 15,105 (4.3%) from two or more races. Hispanic (U.S. Census) or Latino (U.S. Census) of any race were 44,710 persons (12.8%). Which group from the census is larger: White or African American?
an agreement of cooperation between the federation of nepalese chambers of commerce and industry -lrb- fncci -rrb- and the confederation of indian industry -lrb- cii -rrb- here today . Short summary: nepal india sign cooperation agreement china will select enterprises for overseas listing in accordance with the state 's industrial policies , said an official of the china securities regulatory commission -lrb- csrc -rrb- here today . Short summary: china sets aims for overseas listing a man who alarmed fellow passengers in colorado by talking about terrorist threats on a cell phone was pulled from a train and faces a felony charge of endangering public transportation . Short summary: man arrested on us train after alleged threat north korea urged the united states on tuesday to scrap its `` hostile '' policy , as the communist nation marked new year 's day after failing to meet a year-end deadline to declare all its nuclear programs under an international agreement . Short summary:
nkorea calls for end to hostile us policy in new year s message
barack obama: in fact, i am proud to say that no us administration has done more in support of israel's security than ours. none! don't let anybody else tell you otherwise! Please write the text above using proper case. A: **Barack Obama: In fact, I am proud to say that no US administration has done more in support of Israel's security than ours. None! Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise!** additional types of files may also be using the ahs file extension. if you are aware of any other file formats using the ahs file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly. Please write the text above using proper case. A: **Additional types of files may also be using the AHS file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats using the AHS file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly.** german, old and young (18+) Please write the text above using proper case. A: **German, old and young (18+)** rollaway beds can be requested at an additional cost. please contact the property directly to arrange. Please write the text above using proper case. A:
**Rollaway beds can be requested at an additional cost. Please contact the property directly to arrange.**
Answer the question...who was the most decorated soldier of world war ii??
Audie Leon Murphy
Trish : Can you describe your technique a bit for us ? Sarah : I use a lot of different techniques to create my designs . I do a lot of fold forming , forging , hammer texturing ... all of these are techniques used to manipulate the shape and texture of sheet metal and wire . Pieces are joined together by either soldering or riveting . Generate a question about the above context.
What might Sarah do for a living ?
Math Problem Solve -21*i + 8*i + 156 = 0 for i.
Dear Premium Member: With the market gyrating more than usual, monitoring your investments in a timely fashion has never been more critical. We can't do anything about the market (though we wish we could). However, you've made it easy for you to monitor the stocks and funds in your portfolio--and those you've earmarked as prospective Generate a subject line for this email.
How Are Your Investments Doing Today?
1634: The Bavarian Crisis PRECEDED_BY "DeMarce short stories in the The Grantville Gazettes" DeMarce short stories in the The Grantville Gazettes preceded 1634: The Bavarian Crisis. Problem: *Fitzbillies priceRange less than £20; Fitzbillies familyFriendly no; Fitzbillies near Express by Holiday Inn* A: Fitzbillies near the Express by Holiday Inn average food with a price point of less than £20 per meal, Sorry no children allowed. Input: This is some data: 1964 PARTY_LEADER Habib Bourguiba. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output: In the 1964 elections, the leader of the party was Habib Bourguiba. [Q]: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all of Browns Cambridge food French; Browns Cambridge area riverside; Browns Cambridge familyFriendly no; Browns Cambridge near Crowne Plaza Hotel **** [A]: Welcome to the Browns Cambridge. We are not family-friendly. Our food is French, and we are located on the riverside near the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Our price range is moderate. question: Triple: Cotto priceRange more than £30; Cotto area riverside; Cotto near All Bar One answer: Cotto is a place to eat in the riverside area, near All Bar One. Meals at Cotto are priced more than 30 pounds. Question: This is some data: The Waterman eatType restaurant; The Waterman food French; The Waterman priceRange less than £20; The Waterman customer rating average; The Waterman area riverside; The Waterman familyFriendly yes. Generate a detailed description of this data. Answer:
The Waterman is a family friendly French restaurant, located in the riverside area. It has an average customer service rating and prices less than £20.
Q: Translate "É don't want a ceÉÉ." to Czech? A: Nechci ceéu. Q: Translate "She is missed." to Czech? A: Hodně se o ni mluvilo. Bude nám chybět. Q: Translate ""That's terminal," Tyrone said." to Czech? A:
"Konečná," řekl Tyrone.
Question: I still do n't know what was causing the massive failure because I saw no wrecked cars . I can only assume the cluster arose from several semi trucks all huddled together . Once we made it past that , we still had to drive to the exit and park . OPTIONS: - Traffic will build up . - Peace and joy will prevail . - None of the above choices . - People will work with each other in joy . Answer: Answer: Traffic will build up . Question: I love standing outside in a rain storm . The wind buffeting me from its ever - changing directions , lashing me with rain . My hair flying around and matting to my head . OPTIONS: - The wind is hurting it . - They did n't shampoo . - They did n't shower . - They are unclean . Answer: Answer: The wind is hurting it . Question: i m a senior & & ready to graduate & & get out of that hell hole .its not that i do nt like it , sometimes i do nt actually ; its just that i guess i wanna move on to bigger things like , college for instance . i wanna move out & & get my bachlors in forensics as a chemistt [ meaning that i analyze DNA & & fingerprints . ] ; move in with my boyfriendd , have a good , stable , NYC girl typical life . OPTIONS: - The narrator will look to move to Boston . - The narrator will look to move to NYC . - The narrator will look to move to Philadelphia . - The narrator will look to move to any big city . Answer: Answer: The narrator will look to move to NYC . Question: The last semester I was enrolled in ( Fall of 2007 ) my father paid my tuition in advance , again to keep my classes while the Financial Aid department took their sweet time putting my loan through , which I suspect got lost just like my current loan . The woman working at the Bursar that time told my father that the loan would still be processed and that he would receive a refund check in the mail for the amount he paid on his credit card . The interest rates on credit cards , as you must know , are much higher than that of a Federal Stafford loan . OPTIONS: - Their father paid their tuition in advance - They needed help paying for their college - They paid for college with a credit card - None of the above choices . Answer:
Answer: They needed help paying for their college
question: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Strada eatType pub; Strada food Fast food; Strada customer rating low; Strada near Yippee Noodle Bar Answer: Strada is a Fast food pub with a low customer rating. It is located near Yippee Noodle Bar. question: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: The Eagle eatType coffee shop; The Eagle food Italian; The Eagle priceRange moderate; The Eagle customer rating 1 out of 5; The Eagle area riverside; The Eagle familyFriendly no; The Eagle near Burger King Answer: There is a moderate priced poor rated coffee shop The Eagle that offers Italian food near Burger King in riverside. It is not child friendly. question: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Green Man eatType restaurant; Green Man priceRange less than £20; Green Man area riverside; Green Man near All Bar One Answer: Green Man is a sushi restaurant that is located close to All Bar One in City centre on the river. It is a good place to eat for a low price without the kids. question: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Zizzi eatType pub; Zizzi food French; Zizzi customer rating 5 out of 5; Zizzi area city centre; Zizzi familyFriendly yes
Answer: Zizzi is a pub that serves French food. It has received high reviews, is family friendly, and is located in the city centre.
Security would n't have stopped you , you know . " " Oh , " I said , suddenly at a loss for words . Truthfully , Becca and I had remained in the green room like good little girls , not even attempting to leave . I felt stupid . Options are: A). They felt it would be a good action .. B). They felt tired and did not want to move .. C). They felt they would have been blocked for leaving .. D). They felt it was the right thing to do .. Answer the following question: Why did Becca and the narrator stay in the room by themselves ?
Question: e-flavour - camtel ultimate - 7ml from inawera. it is advisable to combine it with no flavor bases inawera. instructions for use: add 4-5 drops of flavor in 10 ml of base and if it is not strong enough add 1-2 more drops. leave the mixture obtained at least 24 hours for the flavor to be absorbed. Answer: --> E-FLAVOUR - Camtel Ultimate - 7ml from Inawera. It is advisable to combine it with no flavor bases Inawera. Instructions for use: Add 4-5 drops of flavor in 10 ml of base and if it is not strong enough add 1-2 more drops. Leave the mixture obtained at least 24 hours for the flavor to be absorbed. Question: and there he saw the daughter of a certain man of canaan named shua, and took her as his wife. Answer: --> And there he saw the daughter of a certain man of Canaan named Shua, and took her as his wife. Question: latest visit 30 january 2009 23:04 Answer:
--> Latest visit 30 January 2009 23:04
Choose your answer from options. Premise: "The houses there had a sinister air in the midst of their dirt and decay." If this premise is true, what does that tell us about whether it entails the hypothesis "The houses were super clean."? Choose from: *yes; *it is not possible to tell; *no;
Q: "Lebanese officials estimate that 3,000 individuals are living in villages situated between the borderline and the official crossing point." to French **** A: Les fonctionnaires libanais estiment à environ 3 000 le nombre des habitants des villages situés entre la frontière et le poste frontière. Translate to French: 5.3 Judges The CMAC is composed of not less than four judges of the Federal Court and such additional judges of a superior court of criminal jurisdiction as may be appointed by the Governor in Council.5 There are currently 62 members of the CMAC. Answer: 5.3 Juges La CACM est composée d'au moins quatre juges de la Cour fédérale et de tout autre juge d'une cour supérieure de juridiction criminelle nommé par le gouverneur en conseil5. Présentement, la CACM est composée de 62 membres. IN: French: Item 9 - Programme of work OUT: Point 9 - Programme de travail question: Ideally the process begins with the crafting of innovative ideas to deal with pressing human security problems. --> French. answer: Avant la création du PSH, le MAECI devait proposer ses idées à des fondations privées et d’autres ministères fédéraux, ne disposant d’aucune source de financement pour les mettre en œuvre lui-même. Some text: • Guider vos patients vers un avenir sans tabac (Conseil canadien sur le tabagisme et la santé, 170, avenue Laurier Ouest, pièce 1000, Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 5V5, no de tél.: (613) 567-3050, télécopieur : (613) 567-2730).
 Translate to English. Translation: • Guide Your Patients to a Smokefree Future

Canadian Council on Smoking and Health, 170 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1000, Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5, Tel: (613) 567-3050, Fax: (613) 567-2730
 Some text: Le stéréotype du terroriste est un homme qui est musulman ou « d’apparence arabe ». Translate to English. Translation:
The stereotypical terrorist is a male who is Muslim, or "Arab looking" and, thus, women are factored
Write a dialog based on this summary: Kelly has to do 10 of these to learn. .
Kelly: how many of these do I have to do? Kelly: Bridget: Oh God, let's see... Bridget: 10? Kelly: it will take forever!! Bridget: sorry, Kelly, but if you want to learn, you have to commit Kelly: commit a suicide, you mean? :D Bridget: go back to work!! :D Kelly: ugh...
Armement : Translate this to English?
Translate "I understood, and we know, that our systems do not provide for an abrogative referendum, nor does the possibility currently exist of subjecting this Constitutional Treaty to a similar evaluation." to Finnish?
Ymmärrän ja kaikki tietävät, ettei järjestelmässämme voida järjestää kumoavaa kansanäänestystä eikä perustuslakisopimusta voida tällä hetkellä alistaa vastaavaan arvioon.
Write an article based on this "Choose your salt. Clarify butter Heat coconut oil or canola oil in a pan. Make the popcorn Add the salt right after the popcorn is popped. Toss in melted clarified butter."
Many movie theaters use salt processed using the Alberger process, as the many jagged edges on the salt crystals help it stick to the popcorn. Diamond Crystal is the only consumer salt brand in the United States that uses this process. You can get a similar effect from extra-fine powdered salt, which is often sold as "popcorn salt" and stocked next to the popcorn. You can create powdered salt at home by grinding any salt in an electric coffee grinder, hand-turned salt mill, or mortar and pestle. If using a coffee grinder, grind a small amount of coffee beans afterward to remove the leftover salt. . Theaters that do use real butter (rather than butter-flavored oil) often use clarified butter. Clarification removes some moisture from the butter, which prevents the popcorn becoming soggy. You can clarify butter at home just by melting it over low heat until the bubbling stops and the liquid turns clear, about 30-40 minutes for 1 lb (0.45 kg) of butter. Strain the liquid through a damp cheesecloth and let cool to make clarified butter. Discard the milk solids left in the cheesecloth or at the bottom of the pan. The famous "buttered popcorn" smell of a movie theater comes from artificial butter flavor. Actual butter won't replicate this perfectly. You may want to save the clarified butter for later drizzling, as it will likely brown or burn if you try to pop kernels in it. Coconut oil used to be the standard in movie theaters (and many still use it), but you may wish to follow a more recent trend and switch to canola oil, which has less saturated fat and a higher smoking point. Whichever you choose, pour just enough oil to cover the base of a large pan. Heat on a stovetop until the oil shimmers. Note that most theaters that use canola oil actually use a more hydrogenated version that contains more fat than consumer canola oil. If using coconut oil, the oil should melt completely. You'll need a pan with a lid, but you do not need to cover it now. . Throw in a few unpopped kernels and cover the pot. Once these kernels have popped, add the rest of the popcorn. Use ⅓ cup (80 mL) popcorn kernels for a 6 quart (5.6 L) pot. Cover and heat, shaking occasionally, until most of the kernels are popped. Pour popped corn into a large bowl whenever the pot gets full. Leave the lid slightly ajar so some of the steam escapes, preventing soggy popcorn. To reduce the number of burned or unpopped kernels, remove from heat right after adding the kernels. Wait for thirty seconds so the kernels reach an even temperature, then return to heat. You'll need about ⅓ tsp (1.5 mL) of fine grained salt in this recipe. The exact size of the salt crystals affects the flavor, so you may need to adjust to taste. Add the salt right after the popcorn is popped, since the steam clinging to the popcorn will help the salt stick. Pour the popcorn into a large bowl. Add 1 or 2 tbsp (15–30 mL) room temperature clarified butter to the hot pan, according to taste. It should melt quickly in the hot pan without additional heat. Drizzle it onto the popcorn when the butter is still yellow or only slightly brown.
Q: the advantages of turning to an online backgammon site in order to receive backgammon instructions are three fold. A: The advantages of turning to an online backgammon site in order to receive backgammon instructions are three fold. Q: tip: incorrect xlam file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your windows operating system. A: Tip: Incorrect XLAM file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system. Q: the revolutionary echoing file analysis tool™ scans, analyzes, and reports back every detail about your echoing file. A: The revolutionary ECHOING File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes, and reports back every detail about your ECHOING file. Q: the wfr-concept from alfa laval includes the installation of two waste oil tanks, one for oil (“lube oil”, lo) and heating oil (“fuel oil”, fo). A:
The WFR-concept from Alfa Laval includes the installation of two waste oil tanks, one for oil (“Lube Oil”, LO) and heating oil (“Fuel Oil”, FO).
How is "Thank you very much, Mr Désir." said in Romanian? Vă mulțumesc foarte mult, domnule Désir. Q: Translate "Lukic, according to the ICTY, led a paramilitary group known as "White Eagles" or "Avengers", blamed for the killings of at least 100 Bosnian Muslims in the Visegrad municipality and surrounding areas between April 1992 and October 1994." to Romanian? A: Potrivit TPII, Lukic a condus grupul paramilitar cunoscut sub numele de "Vulturii Albi" sau "Răzbunătorii", acuzat de uciderea a cel puţin 100 de musulmani bosniaci în municipalitatea Visegrad şi zonele limitrofe între aprilie 1992 şi octombrie 1994. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Cel de-al doilea volum al trilogiei "Spiritul Oraşului Macedonean" de Petar Mulickoski a fost prezentat în 7 august la Galicnik, Macedonia. Q: Translate "This is an example of the attention paid by the new directive to the needs of European citizens." to Romanian? Yes: Acesta este un exemplu al faptului că noua directivă acordă atenţie necesităţilor cetăţenilor europeni. [Q]: Cu toate acestea, trebuie să recunoaştem că acest pas nou nu reduce actualele competenţe ale Uniunii şi ale instituţiilor sale. Translate this to English? [A]: However, we must recognise that this new step does not reduce the current competences of the Union and its institutions. How is "That is why leaving the European Union is more necessary today than ever before, as is the fight for a planned socialist economy." said in Romanian?
Din acest motiv, părăsirea Uniunii Europene este astăzi mai necesară ca niciodată, la fel cum este lupta pentru o economie socialistă planificată.
At one point, she reaches behind the panel with the brush, using it to pick up a piece of a leaf stuck to the fence. Say this using Spanish
En cierto momento extiende la brocha detrás de la tabla y la usa para quitar un trozo de hoja que está pegado a la cerca.
Here are some concepts: bring, mural, room What is a sentence about these concepts?
bring to your living rooms with these murals
Das kann etwas bewirken. Which language is this?
Question: Choose your answer: Is "Ibn Sina's chief reward for this service was access to the royal library of the Samanids, well-known patrons of scholarship and scholars." a good answer to the question "Who was Ibn Sina's first appontment?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer: no Question: Choose your answer: Is "Unlike obligate carnivores, such as the cat family with its shorter small intestine, dogs can adapt to a wide-ranging diet, and are not dependent on meat-specific protein nor a very high level of protein in order to fulfill their basic dietary requirements." a good answer to the question "Dogs do not require a very high level of what when eating?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer: yes Question: Choose your answer: Is "On 1 January 1967, Yugoslavia was the first communist country to open its borders to all foreign visitors and abolish visa requirements." a good answer to the question "In what year did Tito start working in Arab Israeli peace processes?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer:
Sırp Başbakanı Zoran Cinciç, görevi sona ermek üzere olan Sırp Cumhurbaşkanı Milan Milutinoviç'in, BM Savaş Suçları Mahkemesine kendi isteğiyle teslim olmazsa, teslim edileceğini söyledi. Translate this to English?
Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic says outgoing Serbian President Milan Milutinovic must either surrender voluntarily to the UN war crimes tribunal or be handed over.
And the winner is ... Yale. That was the selection made Wednesday by Kwasi Enin, the New York high school student accepted by the eight Ivy League schools -- Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, Princeton and Cornell. He made his pick in style, staging a news conference in the gym of William Floyd High School and delivering the big announcement before teachers and members of the media. A visit to the New Haven, Connecticut, campus helped him decide. "My Bull Dog Days experience last week was incredible," he said. "I met geniuses from all across the world. And everyone there was so friendly and inviting. ... And I believe that their deep appreciation and love for music, like I have, was very critical for me deciding to go there." His father, Ebenezer, thanked all those at the high school who encouraged his son. "We are grateful for all the inspiration," he said. "People think Kwasi is like an angel or somebody who was sheltered. Really, we gave him a lot of freedom, even though at the same time we were very strict with him in terms of academics and the way he behaved. ... We only pray that going forward he will stay focused and not be distracted." Referring to Kwasi's 14-year-old sister, Adwoa, their father said: "I told her, Look, I believe you can do better than him." Enin scored 2250 out of a possible 2400 on his SAT, placing him in the 98th percentile across the country, according to The College Board. He's also ranked 11th in his class at William Floyd High School, a public school on Long Island, according to his principal, Barbara Butler. "I applied knowing that going to any of the Ivy League schools would be wonderful," Enin told CNN earlier this month. "I thought if I applied to all eight, I figured I'd get into one ... but from the first one onwards I said, 'This can't be happening!' I was shocked seeing all these acceptances under my name." Butler said Enin is not only a model academic student, but also plays three instruments for the chamber orchestra, sings in an a cappella group, throws shot put and discus for the high school's track and field team, participates in student government and has had a lead role in school plays since the ninth grade. "Usually kids are good athletes or good musicians or good actors, but they don't have all three and then on top add student government. It's a balancing act. He somehow finds time to do it all and then volunteer at a local hospital," Butler said. Butler has been Enin's principal for six years in both middle and high school. "He is an incredibly modest, humble and respectable person," Butler said. "He is incredibly dedicated and he has his priorities straight. He takes advantage of whatever opportunity he is afforded." Rachel Rubin, the founder of Spark Admissions in Massachusetts, who also previously served on admissions committees at selective universities, said the feat is extremely rare. "It's quite atypical," Rubin said, adding that most students do not apply to all the Ivy League schools. "Standardized test scores and good grades will get a student in the door to have their application read," Rubin said. "But it's their extracurricular activities, leadership experience, exceptional talents, recommendation letters and personal essays that will move a student from a pile of 'maybes' to a pile of 'accepted.' " Harvard's acceptance rate, among the most selective in the country, was just 5.9% for the applicants for the class of 2017, according to its admissions site. Enin was also accepted to Duke University and three State University of New York campuses. Enin admitted all along that he favored Yale. "I really liked their sense of family, relationships between undergraduates and professors, and the residential college," he said earlier this month. "They also have a strong biomedical engineering program, which is a wonderful combination of biology and creative tools that doctors and health care professionals can use." Enin added that Yale also has a strong music program, one of his beloved hobbies that he hopes to continue when he isn't hitting the books in college. He hopes to one day pursue medicine, a dream of his that just so happens to align with his parents' careers. His parents, who immigrated from Ghana in the late 1980s, are both nurses and pushed Enin to receive the highest grades possible and follow his dreams. "Health care is a prominent field that satisfies people beyond finances and edifies people and is about moral development," he said. His advice for future applicants? "Follow your passions in high school and not just follow suit for what you think can get you into these schools," he said. "Develop your outside interests -- not just academics." What are highlight points for this article?
Kwasi Enin, 17, considered all eight Ivy League schools and picked Yale. Yale was "friendly and inviting," he says. Enin was accepted to all Ivy League schools and then some. He plays three instruments, is on the track and field team and acts in plays.
Please answer this question: who is the highest paid actor in big bang theory?
Kaley Cuoco
Blaze těm, kdo pláčou, neboť oni budou potěšeni. Which language is this?
Translate to Turkish: Croatian President Stipe Mesic wrapped up a three-day visit to Jordan on Thursday (June 19th).
Hırvatistan Cumhurbaşkanı Stipe Mesiç, üç günlük Ürdün ziyaretini 19 Haziran Perşembe günü tamamladı.
Bigger Screens, Smaller Profit for Apple? Apple may be late to the dance but in recent months the company is reported to have tested larger smartphone and tablet screens. It’s not clear if Apple will bring them to market, but according to The Wall Street Journal, the company “has asked for prototype smartphone screens larger than four inches and has also asked for screen designs for a new tablet device measuring slightly less than 13 inches diagonally,” according to sources. The current iPhone 5 has a 4″screen, while the iPad has a 9.7″ screen. Samsung’s large-screen phones have proved popular with consumers. Apple reports quarterly profit this week and they’re expected to be lower than this time last year. The company’s more aggressive move in maps buying the online firms HopStop and Locationary is of interest to investors. Apple’s website for developers is shut down after hackers tried to steal sensitive information. The company says an intruder tried to gain access to developer information, which is encrypted on the site. Apple says no customer information has been compromised. American motorists are bracing for further increases in gas prices. Last week the US Energy Department reported a sharp increase in average costs, and another rise is likely when the latest weekly survey comes out today. West Texas crude oil futures rose again this morning. At $108 a barrel they are now at their highest price in 16 months. AAA says retail gas prices are likely to rise more in the coming weeks. Hasbro’s second-quarter earnings fell 16 percent, hurt by cautious consumer spending and a steep drop in sales of boys’ toys. The number two toymaker earned $36.5 million as revenue dropped 5 percent. Sales of boys’ toys declined 35 percent against tough year-ago comparisons. But girls’ toys jumped 43 percent and board game sales climbed 19 percent. Last week rival Mattel’s second-quarter net income fell, hurt by softness in Barbie sales and a write-down on the Polly Pocket line. Yet another big bank has come out with strong second quarter earnings. This time it’s the Swiss giant UBS. Profit rose more than 50 profit compared with the year before. These numbers come hard on the heels of other better-than-expected results from Citigroup, Bank of America and Wells Fargo. The health of the banking sector is strong, and ironically strong results may weaken the industry’s case against regulators’ demands for stronger capital requirements to prevent the likelihood of future problems. Richard Davies Business Correspondent ABC News Radio Twitter: daviesabc What are the most important parts of this text?
Morning Business Memo Apple may be late to the dance but in recent months the company is reported to have tested larger smartphone and tablet screens. It’s not clear if Apple will bring them to market, but according to The Wall Street Journal, the company “has asked for prototype smartphone screens larger than four inches and has also asked for screen designs for a new tablet device measuring slightly less than 13 inches diagonally,” according to sources. The current iPhone 5 has a 4″screen, while the iPad has a 9.7″ screen. Samsung’s large-screen phones have proved popular with consumers. Apple…
Holiday House for rent Vibk Strand Denmark From vacation rental agency Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation?
Holiday House for rent Vibæk Strand Denmark - From vacation rental agency
What is going to be the impact of the GST on the Indian economy and finance? What changes are expected in Indian economy because of GST? Multi-choice problem: Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? Available choices: A). no; B). yes;
Write the last sentence in this story. A Russian ship has been stopped by the British government off the Scottish coast over fears that it is carrying helicopters and missiles to Syria - as Russia announced it was sending troops to the region. The decision to halt the liner followed an intervention from the Government, who warned the ship’s insurers that covering the vessel could breach an EU arms embargo. British marine insurer Standard Club has withdrawn cover from the fleet of Russian company Femco who own the ship. Under EU sanctions, countries are banned from exporting arms to Syria and providing other services including insurance. Halted: Russian ship Alaed has been stopped off the Scottish coast over fears that it is carrying helicopters and missiles to Syria But in what could be a sign of progress, they agreed the OPTIONS: - Alaed people should choose their own government. - British people should choose their own government. - EU people should choose their own government. - Femco people should choose their own government. - Hebrides people should choose their own government. - Russia people should choose their own government. - Russian people should choose their own government. - Scottish people should choose their own government. - Standard Club people should choose their own government. - Syria people should choose their own government.
Syria people should choose their own government.
Johnny Manziel -- I Can Booze With My Mama in Texas Johnny Manziel I Can Booze With My Mama in Texas could've chugged as much Dom Perignon as he wanted to on Saturday night and it wouldn't have mattered to police ... 'cause his MOTHER was right there next to him ... TMZ has learned. As we previously reported, 20-year-old college football phenom hit up Avenu Lounge nightclub on both Friday and Saturday night after leading Texas A&M to a victory in the Cotton Bowl. During the festivities, Johnny posed for several pics while clutching a bottle of Dom ... which raised several red flags, considering he's under 21. But in Texas, there's a HUUGE loophole to the drinking law -- it's OK for someone under 21 to booze in a bar as long as that person is with a parent who consents. We spoke to Shaul Sultan -- the owner of Avenu Lounge -- who confirms Johnny's mother WAS with him on both nights ... so the Heisman winner couldn't have broken any drinking laws. ( We're told Johnny's father was there too). Still, the owner says nobody working in the lounge that night ever saw Johnny consume alcohol either night. In fact, the owner says the bottle of Dom belonged to another customer who had a table by the DJ booth ... and Johnny only used the bottle as a prop for some goofy photos. The owner says Johnny never opened a tab at the bar. FYI -- the parent loophole isn't just in Texas ... it's also in play in Connecticut, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada, Louisiana, New York and Ohio. Please write a summary below. Johnny Football could've chugged as much Dom Perignon as he wanted to on Saturday night and it wouldn't have mattered to police ... 'cause his MOTHER was… Teen takes massive tumble over cruise ship stairwell rail It looks like she fell to her death, but this holidaying US teen managed to walk away relatively unscathed. South Carolina girl Annie Schwenker was skylarking with friends on a cruise ship when she took a terrible spill that looks far worse than it was. Dressed for a night out, 17-year-old Annie and a girlfriend were sliding down the bannisters in one of the ship's stairwells when Annie found herself on an unplanned date with gravity. Annie Schwenker is okay, ladies and gentlemen. (Facebook) "Go, go, go … don't fall, don't fall" she adds as the first friend stutters down the railing with Annie trailing behind. "Annie don't fall," screams the friend. But she's too late, Ms Schwenker is already tumbling backwards into the stairwell's abyss. Many people who saw the video initially thought the teen had died from the fall, but Ms Schwenker has since taken to social media to assure everyone she only suffered one broken rib and a split lip. "Everyone thinks I'm dead, so I'm glad I can just tell people I'm still here… I would probably go railing surfing again, but I just need to make sure to hold on with both hands next time", she said in a post to Facebook. Ms Schwenker even picked herself up off the ground and went clubbing that night. Do you have any news photos or videos? Please write a summary below. It looks like she fell to her death, but this holidaying US teen managed to walk away relatively unscathed. Former Texas High School Coach Faces Felony Charges For Allegedly Giving Student 'morning After' Pill A former Texas high school coach is facing a felony charge for allegedly giving one of her students ‘morning after’ pills after the student told her that she feared she was pregnant after having unprotected sex with her boyfriend, reported. In January, Tracy Steinberg, 32, a coach and math teacher at LBJ High School in Austin, told the student “she and her boyfriend had bright futures, and (Steinberg) could help her out by getting her a ‘morning-after’ emergency contraceptive pill,” The Austin American-Statesman reported, citing the affidavit. Steinberg allegedly took money from the student and her boyfriend and returned with two pills and a Sprite, reported. She allegedly kept the box to avoid getting into trouble, according to the report. After ingesting the pills, the student reportedly began to suffer from side effects. She felt nausea, light-headedness and back pain, the station reported. She reportedly sent the teacher a text message to inform her about the symptoms and Steinberg replied that those symptoms were normal, the station reported, citing the affidavit. Steinberg texted the girl to “take a hot shower and relax,” The Statesman reported, citing the affidavit. The symptoms, however, prompted the girl to tell her mother, who reported the incident to school police, the station reported. The teacher was later put on administrative leave with pay and she eventually resigned on Feb. 1, The Statesman reported. The Austin Statesman reported that the student was 16 years old and, according to the affidavit, a prescription is required for girls under the age of 17. Steinberg initially denied giving the girl the medication, but allegedly confessed under further questioning, The Statesman reported, citing the affidavit. "I still love and care about all my students, I always have and always will," Steinberg said, according to The Statesman. "I always put their needs before my own." Click here for more from Click here for more from The Austin American-Statesman Please write a summary below. A former Texas high school coach is facing a felony charge for allegedly giving one of her students ‘morning after’ pills after the student told her that she feared she was pregnant after having unprotected sex with her boyfriend, reported. Snooki-alike -- Savagely KICKED In Face During Rockfest Brawl Snooki-alike Savagely Kicked in Face During Rockfest Brawl ... she talks like Snooki ... and this weekend, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to the MTV star took a brutal shot to the face ... like Snooki. TMZ obtained footage from Saturday's concert in Kansas City, MO ... where Slash was performing ... when an unidentified took a hard boot to the face from a very angry, very large male. Sources at the scene tell TMZ ... the man had already gotten physical with other concertgoers when the Snook-alike decided to tell him off with a few choice words. The man -- who didn't appreciate the criticism -- responded by planting his foot right in her grill ... dropping her to the floor like a sack of potatoes ... and igniting a massive brawl involving a bunch of scary looking individuals. Eventually, the fight was broken up ... and sources at the scene tell us the Snook-alike appeared to be OK. Please write a summary below.
She looks like Snooki ... she talks like Snooki ... and this weekend, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to the MTV star took a brutal shot to the…
I ca n't help but think that when people have an impossible time relating to the fact that I chose to move to a commonly - thought - of - as - superficial city , they 're also concluding the same about myself . I would n't say it 's not a prevalent issue to deal with , but once you let it overcome you ( including the avoidance of it ) then has n't it actually ruled you ? It was an interesting time in Vegas a couple weeks ago with my girlfriends , meeting people who had flown to Vegas from the easterly parts , the expressions they had after finding out we were L.A. folk . The place which you are from is the second thing people learn about you , and for us it was like a sort of trigger of confusion . Question: Why did the narrator move to Los Angeles ?
They moved to Los Angeles because they had a good job offer .
Translate to Czech: Click thumbnail to see a larger photo of Hotel Rex.
Když kliknete na fotografii hotelu Hotel Rex, zvětší se vám .
BeautysalonsShowallonmap» Please segment the words:
Beauty salons Show all on map »
IN: Review: Sly's best out and out action film. It is a superbly enjoyable movie with some interesting characters, solid performances and Renny Harlins direction is stylishly assured. Stallone is rarely this interesting in his action films and he certainly looks the part in terms of the action scenes. This was one of the best action films of the year and one of the most thrilling and enjoyable of the 90's, a definite genre classic. As a Stallone fan this is one I look back on with fond memories. Plenty of superb action and Sly in prime action man form. Action lovers appreciate this film because it has all the hallmarks that make a good aciton film. The film looks great and there is great support from Janine Turner, Michael Rooker and John Lithgow. **** What is this review like? OUT: positive IN: Review: Much in the same way Frank Miller and his Sin City comics used black and white to express itself (and its film noir influences), so does Christian Volckman with Renaissance. It is the year 2054, in Paris. In the tradition of science fiction, the future is a bright, sparkling multi-teared jewel. This is a jewel in a setting of misery, inequity and darkness; bright and beautiful on top with a dark underbelly beneath. One of these "bright" people at the top, a research scientist from a very large and influential global company (Avalon), is kidnapped. The well known and efficient, Captain Karas (voiced by the new James Bond himself - Daniel Craig), is assigned the task to find her. The plot and layout is not overly original. It is heavily influenced by film noir, Gibson's Neuromancer and other detective stories, along with movies like Blade Runner, Sin City, Fritz Lang's Metropolis and Minority Report. There is the main plot, surrounded by other possible sub-plots that all connect at the end. It is not hard to figure it all out. The movie's strength and originality is in its intense visual presentation. Paris is an intricate array of levels and sub-levels. At its base is the more primitive industrial infrastructure. As the city rises, so does its architectural complexity and luminescence. Yet in this structure, the top does not equate with elevation of human ideals and behavior. Paris has been intricately animated and laid out in brilliant black and white. The movie is closer in spirit with Sin City (the comics) then Sin City the movie was with its source material. This is done all the more easy, because it is still remaining in relatively the same medium; animation. Much in the same way as a Scanner Darkly pushed the visual aspects of story telling, so does this. The light and dark, black and white creates an atmosphere of contrasts, as well as visual ambiguity. Right and wrong, black and white can lose all meaning at the same time it is right in front of us. The movie proves how black and white can be both ambiguous and obvious at the same time. In keeping with the spirit of the movie, I can be both critic and fan. I can love and loath in the same light. It is definitely an experience I recommend for lovers of the visual arts. So pour another Black and Tan, enter the void and enjoy the ride. What is this review like? OUT: positive IN: Review: By submitting this comment you are agreeing to the terms laid out in our Copyright Statement. Your submission must be your own original work. Your comments will normally be posted on the site within 2-3 business days. Comments that do not meet the guidelines will not be posted. Please write in English only. HTML or boards mark-up is not supported though paragraph breaks will be inserted if you leave a blank line between paragraph.We sent an e-mail to when you registered. You must click on the link in that e-mail to complete your registration and enjoy the full benefits of being registered at Whilst you wait for that e-mail, you can still update some of your registration details by using the links below. Don't forget to keep checking your e-mail though! What is this review like? OUT: positive IN: Review: I actually really like what I've seen of this cartoon so far. Sure, the animation isn't the best, but frankly, I'd rather see this type of more cartoony style done quickly and cheaply than the old type of style done quickly and cheaply (which was starting to happen more and more often--it's only a style that looks good when a lot of time and effort is put into it). There's nothing wrong with the angular lines and the little black-dot eyes--in fact, I think it's really cute. As a kid I never thought Scooby-Doo's design was particularly adorable, but I think I might like it better know. Anyway, Shaggy has always been my favorite character, and believe it or not, but I think he has the most potential for some depth. Sure, the show doesn't center around the original "Mystery-solving" theme, but that was just a tired old formula anyway. Don't get me wrong--I'm sure there are writers out there who would be able to bring a lot more interest to Mystery Inc.'s traditional pursuits (which has been lacking as late), but in the mean time this show is a fun deviation from the standard. Shaggy and Scooby are still funny, but no longer only comic relief. They're still cowardly, but finally have the opportunity to use what seems to be (shock!) intelligence. They're the same old over-eating slackers as ever, but now actually seem to be getting on with their lives with the help of Uncle Albert's inheritance. I used to find most original Scooby-Doo jokes to be pure cheese and unintentionally hilarious at best, but this show actually exercises a capacity for real humor. Also, I never really like Casey Kasem as Shaggy anyway, so the new actor doesn't annoy me as much as he does other people. (I still think Billy West was the best, though) Overall, while not a great cartoon in the scope of all of cartoon history, still an achievement among other Scooby incarnations. What is this review like? OUT:
Q: Solve 16*a + 9 - 57 = 0 for a. A: 3 Q: Solve: Solve -12 + 28 = -4*l for l. A: -4 Question: What is the solution? Solve 112 = 13*i + 60 for i. Answer: 4 Problem: Math Problem Solve 36*i = 37*i + 2 for i. A: -2 Question: Solve 3353*n + 8360 = 141241 + 95123 for n.. Answer: 68 Solve 2713 = -23*c + 2460 for c. Solve this plz. A:
And all of these might seem a little daunting when you see it at first, but if you really just break it up, it actually is pretty logical. Translate to Czech Czech:
Všechny tyto struktury mohou vypadat na první pohled děsivě, ale když to rozeberete, je to vlastně velmi logické.
What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Khayelitsa, South Africa? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Kathlehong, South Africa? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information?
Q: Do these sentences have the same meaning? Mr Abbas said : " Every day without an agreement is an opportunity that was lost . His Palestinian counterpart , Mahmoud Abbas , replied that " every day without an agreement is an opportunity that was lost . OPTIONS: - no - yes A: yes input question: " I can tell you that it 's routine for IBM to challenge its internal IT teams to rigorously test new platforms and technologies inside IBM . " " It is routine for IBM to challenge its internal IT team to rigorously test new platforms and technology inside IBM . " OPTIONS: - no - yes output answer: yes [Q]: Progress Software plans to acquire privately held DataDirect Technologies for about $ 88 million in cash , the companies said Friday . Progress Software Corp. is acquiring DataDirect Technologies Ltd . , a privately held supplier of data-access software , for approximately $ 88 million , the companies said Friday . (See options at the end). If the first sentence is true, is the second one also true? OPTIONS: - no - yes [A]: yes Question: S1: Gen. Sattler heads a Combined Joint Task Force based on ship in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean . S2: General Sattler heads a Combined Joint Task Force aboard the command ship Mount Whitney . Are S1 and S2 the same? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes QUES: She estimated it would take three months and would require cancellation of a sub-audit of the Department of Environmental Quality . She said it would take an estimated three months to conduct and require the cancellation of a sub-audit of the Department of Environmental Quality . The sentences above mean the same or not? OPTIONS: - no - yes **** ANS: yes Question: S1: Passenger Keith Charlton , who helped tackle the man , last night praised the efforts of the injured chief flight attendant , known to passengers as Greg . S2: Passenger Keith Charlton , who also tackled the attacker , praised the efforts of the injured chief flight attendant . Are S1 and S2 the same? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: lie, sea, surfboard
young man lying on surfboard in the sea
Q: You should think about who the joke teller is and why he may be telling a certain joke. A father may tell a joke about fathers to a group of people, for example, that may only make sense to other fathers. This may be because he wants to appeal to the other fathers in the group, and you may not get the joke because you are not a father. This can be applied to other professions and groups, as you may need to try to identify with the joke teller’s perspective to fully understand the joke. It can be useful to consider the joke as representative of the humor of the joke teller as well. A person who has a goofy sense of humor may tell a different joke than a person who is more dry and witty. Aligning yourself with the joke teller can allow you to take the joke as it is meant to be taken, which is often not seriously. If you can’t quite determine the intent behind the joke, you can look to the others around you to determine how you should react to the joke. Often, laughter can be infectious and you can end up laughing with everyone else just by paying attention to their reactions. Gauging the reactions of others can also allow you to take the joke less seriously, especially if the others around you are enjoying the joke. According to studies, we do not choose to laugh. Often, laughter is an automatic response that we do unconsciously. This is why it’s difficult to laugh on command or fake a laugh. Paying attention to how others are responding around may cause you to inadvertently laugh at a joke, rather than remain serious and standoffish. To break through your serious approach, you may want to challenge yourself to respond to the joke with a witty comeback or one liner. You can do this by picking up on a theme or idea in the joke and countering with a line you think is funnier or more interesting. For example, a coworker may tell a joke about his toddler always being sad when he leaves the house. You may then respond with a one liner about how your dog is always sad when you leave for the day. This is a funny response because it builds off of the original joke and presents a funny counter-image: your dog, sad at the door, as you head off to work. This will show you are not taking your coworker’s joke seriously and can be part of the fun. Self-deprecation is when you make fun of yourself as a way to elicit laughs. It can be useful when you are not sure how to respond to a joke or you realize you responded too seriously to a joke. Self-deprecating humor can be a good way to brush off an awkward moment and show you can poke fun at yourself. Use self-deprecating humor whenever you feel awkward, on the spot, or unsure of what to say. For example, your friend may make a joke about how awful he is at a certain sport or game. You may respond with self-deprecation, like how awful you are at most things in general. This will likely cause your friend to laugh and allow you to respond to the original joke in a funny way. A: Put yourself in the shoes of the joke teller. Notice how other people around you react to the joke. Respond with a witty one liner. Brush off the joke by being self-deprecating. Q: The yellow skin on quince is tough and waxy, like a tougher apple. Using a standard vegetable peeler will help easily remove the skin. When using the peeler, always pull away from the body to stop the peeler from jumping and cutting your skin. Use a sharp knife as you cut through the core since it will be the toughest and most woody part of the fruit. Make sure the cutting board is secure on your counter or table so it will not slip as you cut the quince. Halve the quinces first and then cut the pieces into quarters from there. Quinces may be difficult to cut due to their spongy and woody quality, so always have a firm grip on the knife handle. Fill a large saucepan with 4 cups (950 ml) of water, 1/2 cup (100 g) of sugar, and 1/4 cup (85 g) of honey. Simmer the mixture and stir until the sugar has dissolved.Add additional flavors like anise or vanilla to enhance the flavors further! When adding the quince, let the poaching liquid boil before turning the heat down to a low simmer. Trap any of the liquid that may evaporate by covering the pot with a lid. As the quince cooks, it will change from a yellowish color to pink. After this time, the quince should be tender and the liquid will have become more syrupy. Strain the quince from the poaching liquid and serve warm. The tartness of the fruit will have now combined with the sweetness of the liquid. To serve later, the quince can be refrigerated with the liquid for up to 1 week. Pair with mild cheese or put the quince in a salad with almonds to further enhance the flavor! A: Peel the quinces with a vegetable peeler. Cut the quinces into quarters with a chef’s knife. Prepare a poaching liquid of water, sugar, and honey. Add the quince to the pot and bring it to a boil. Let the quinces simmer for 50 minutes until they are pink. Serve the quince alone when finished. Q: Take a step back and look at your sprite up to this point. Determine if anything looks off, and then go into correct those inconsistencies or errors. After you've finished coloring and shading, you can add details such as writing, eyes, additional features, and anything else that could take your sprite to the next level. The attention to detail at the end is what separates amateur from professional pixel artists. If you've followed the steps above, you'll have a single static sprite. This is fine as a piece of art, but if you want to make sprites for games they'll likely need to be animated. This means that each frame of animation will have to have its own sprite, with slight changes from the previous frame. The collection of all the sprites used in an animation is called a "sprite sheet". See this guide for detail on animating a sprite sheet in GIMP. Creating unique and attractive animations for sprites is one way that master pixel artists separate themselves from amateurs. A good animation can breathe a ton of life into a sprite. If you want to take your pixel art skills into the video game development world, you'll want to have a solid portfolio to show off to prospective employers. Include several of your best sprites, as well as some animations if you have them. Include a variety of subjects, including characters, scenery, props, and more. A:
Give the sprite a good look over. Add details. Animate your sprite. Create a portfolio.
Q: Where are the majority of the U.S.'s crimes prosecuted? A: Criminal law involves the prosecution by the state of wrongful acts which are considered to be so serious that they are a breach of the sovereign's peace (and cannot be deterred or remedied by mere lawsuits between private parties). Does the answer correctly answer the question
What type of thing is the question "How many calories are in a tomato ?" asking about? Choose from: (a). description; (b). entity; (c). abbreviation; (d). human; (e). numeric; (f). location; Answer:
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Кроме того, игрокам возможность разрабатывать новые игры и узнать удовольствие обострения навыки для онлайн-игр также способствует социальному взаимодействию. Q: Translate "All our bedrooms have been furnished very carefully according to the Renaissance Florentine tradition also due to the presence of old ancient Frescoes dated back to the 18Th century-We have tryed to create special and romantic atmosphere typical of the city of Florence with the intent of giving your vacation a special touch of Florentine Art and style." to Russian? Yes: Мы постарались подобрать предметы мебели и обстановки, объединив Флорентийские традиции с роскошным стилем Возрождения, представленным прекраснейшими старинными фресками XIX-го века. Таким образом, создается особая атмосфера избранности и романтики, позволяющая Вам расслабиться и насладиться шедеврами искусства, которые отличают Флоренцию от всех других городов. [Q]: Товарищества по совместной обработке земли Translate this to English? [A]: Association for Joint Cultivation of Land Question: Это значит, что каждая поместная церковь имеет право сама управлять своими делами. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: 6. The Evangelical Free Church affirms the right of each local church to govern its own affairs. test: Вы так же можете скачать перевод текста песни Weezer Death And Destruction здесь . Мы стараемся сделать так, чтобы слова песни Death And Destruction были наиболее точными, поэтому если у вас есть какие-то корректировки текста, пожалуйста отправляйте их нам. English? translation: We tried to make lyrics as correct as possible, however if you have any corrections for Death And Destruction lyrics, please feel free to submit them to us. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer:
Problem: Write a positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) yelp review. A: Was in Vegas with a bunch of guys. Had just thrown my back out the week before and was on the road to recovery - well, until Vegas. Woke up one the first morning after the festivities and it was going to be a bad day, on the verge of a relapse. Read the reviews on Yelp. 65 dollars for an hour beat the 200+ for an hour at the hotel on the strip. Went there, this is the real deal. Just like in Thailand at a legit place. The girl is from Thailand and studied massage there. It was amazing. Legs, arms, back, neck, hands, feet, ears, scalp. Done by: hands, elbows, being walked on. There was also some partial chiropractic adjustments. Gravy... You will not be disappointed. It will pay dividends for your day. Q: positive A: Hands down the best pizza in Avondale they make everything fresh made once you order. They have great prices not expensive at all they have great deals all the times !!! Once you try it you'll fall in love with there pizza crust it's to die for !!!! Problem: What would be an example of an positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) review? Answer: Three words: BEST CLUB EVER!!!! OMG, this place is incredible and this will have to be one place that I hit up on every Vegas trip from now on. No wonder it's the #1 club in Vegas!! It's huge and gorgeous!! My girlfriends and I went here on the last night of our 4th July girls weekend getaway... and boy did we save the best for last!! Went here on Sunday, July 4. My promoter was AWESOME and got BOTH the girls and guys in for free on the holiday. Love ya Steve!! Anyways, I think we came here about 11ish, after eating at Wazuzu in Encore. The line wrapped around buy my goodness, it was the shortest wait I've ever experienced. Honestly, probably 5 min, 10 minutes wait at the most. Also, unlike Tryst, the bouncers were cute AND friendly!! I flagged down the first guy I saw and he couldn't be nicer... "Hi sweetheart, what can I do?" LOL, I about melted!! Told him I was on the guestlist... and oh btw, 1 extra guy that wasn't on the list originally. He said ok, and gave me the pass, told us to have our ID's out and we ALL got in for free. Went down to the next bouncer where he checked our ID's and stamped our hands... also friendly and cute (not as cute as the first guy, but cute)... walked to the next bouncer and he checked our ID's again...he took my hand, gave me a weird look, and started laughing. "Huh? Why do you have a stamp already?" I was like that guy checked our ID's and stamped it. Oh he said, then you didn't need to come to me... but would like you another stamp anyways? Sure I said. LOL. So he laughed and stamped us all again and told us to have fun. I love the bouncers here. We were walked in by another bouncer, also hot and friendly. Stepped into the club and the entrance is gold. Gold on the walls, on the ceilings, gold body statues... just beautiful. Keep walking up the stairs and down to the club... overlooking the pool!! We walked around to check out the rest of the club... there's cabanas on the lower and upper level. We go up to the upper level to see the whole place. My goodness, did Mr. Wynn know how to have a club!! The main bar area is in the center w the pool surrounding it. Ordering a drink here is not easy... image, this place is 40,000 sq ft, and the place was PACKED!!!! That is a lot of people!! There are also tables for gambling too... the limits are on the higher end, but from what I know, you get free drinks when you gamble... so it might be worth checking out. The dance floor I must say is very small compared to the rest of the club. Personally I loved staying by the pool. Lots of Asians at this club... but there are other ethnics too. Anyways, a pool in a club where you can actually go into... BEST idea ever!! I have never seen so many good looking guys w their shirts off. Oh how I wanted to jump into the pool... but I didn't have a bathing suit on underneath. I should have anyways. It apparently didn't stop many guys who decided to just go ahead and jump in w their boxers or the boxer-briefs (HOT!!!) Also, soaking your feet into the pool after the 3rd night of clubbing in 5 inch heels feels incredible AMAZING!!! The drinks here are good too... didn't taste hard but sure packed a punch afterwards... or maybe bc it was the 3rd night in a row? LOL. Anyways, 4th July at XS was soo much fun!! I bought novelty items for the trip, so we had 4th July headgear and leis... it got some fun attention, LOL. Lots of high-5's from people and drunk guys asking like 5 times, whose b-day it is. Another thing I liked was that the guys here were actually very nice and decent. They just wanted to have fun and didn't try to get you to "hang out after". Some of the guys in the pool were slightly shy, which I thought was adorable. There were beach balls to throw around and everyone was just friendly and having fun, no pressure! This club most def deserved 5 stars!! If I could give more, I would!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this club and will be going here again on the next Vegas trip for sure!! A+++ for this club: - cute and friendly bouncers - pool you can actually go into - friendly and fun crowd (goes for both the girls and guys) - 40,000 sq ft of fun!!! Plus lots of FREE seating (poolside and all around the club) - my promoter getting both the girls and guys in for free!! ... next time, I'll have my bathing suit ready to go... and if not, I'll still going in the pool!! Input: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a positive review for a place Output: O.H.S.O. is probably the best bar I've been to in Phoenix. Coming down from Flagstaff on an evening in late May, my wife and I were looking to celebrate, and remembered seeing this place and feeling intrigued. They still don't have their "nanoBrewery" going, but it looks like that's coming soon. What they do have is a beer tap that knocked my socks off. If you like microbrewed beer, this is the place to go. Half the beer list is from Arizona, including some of our favorite Flagstaff breweries, and many excellent Phoenix area breweries. The left side is from slightly further afield. No Bud Light here. Our biggest disappointment of the evening was that we didn't bring our dog. As soon as we walked in the front door, we saw a flashing sign for a "Dog Friendly Back Patio." The first server we saw told us to sit anywhere, and that the patio was available. When we got out there, the air was cool, the atmosphere was open, and the music was fun but not so loud we couldn't hear each other. The patio was clean, and well established. Our server was attentive and friendly, but not oppressive. We didn't have dinner, just the green chile dip (a warm kind of humus), the beet salad, and some beer. All of the above were tasty, and just what we were looking for. At the end of the evening we went back inside for a performance by the house band, The Persuaders, who were fun to watch. input: Write a positive yelp review (OPTIONS: - negative - positive). output: Went with a large group and had a great time. The staff was totally on top of the service. Food was cooked to perfection and the lamb was some of the best I've eaten. Q: positive A:
I've been here about 20 times :) A tip for locals, the best place to park is MGM self parking off of Tropicana, and just make your way through MGM past the lions and out onto the strip. Gameworks is just past all the people in costumes and M&M world. There's a sign for Glacier Bar, that bar is attached to the inside of Gameworks. I'll start with the bad : - Some of the games break, it's to be expected with all the kids running through there. - Over-priced weak alcohol. - Pay per hour system, just don't do it. Go for the points! Now the good stuff: - A rarity in America, customers always come first here! If you have ANY problems with ANY games the staff will comp you those points and more, and are very friendly about it. The only time they weren't friendly I talked to the manager and that kid got fired on the spot. - Same goes for the weak drinks, tell the barkeep about it and it's fixed no problems! - The food is surprisingly cheap and awesome, I would say on par with Red Robin. Much much more than you'd expect for an arcade. - Loads and loads of games for everybody, more than you'll be able to play in one visit for sure. - Points system! I load up a card for $54 (sounds expensive right!) and it comes with 400 points. $22=120p / $27=190p / $37=260p / $54=400. The average game costs 2-4 points, the highest is 8. I'll use the same card for multiple visits. If you have multiple people load up one card and pass it around. - It's probably the ONLY place on the strip where you can stay entertained the whole day for well under $100.
Choose the next sentence for this paragraph. By Associated Press and Peter Rugg Authorities say a seventh suspect in the kidnapping of a North Carolina prosecutor's father has been arrested in Atlanta. Quantavious Thompson is the seventh person to be arrested in what the FBI has called an 'elaborate plot' to kill the father of Assistant District Attorney Colleen Janssen FBI spokeswoman Shelley Lynch said in a statement that Quantavious Thompson was taken into custody late Wednesday afternoon. Details on his arrest weren't immediately available Thursday. Frank Janssen was kidnapped April 5 from his home and driven in a rented hatchback to Atlanta, where he was held for five days before his rescue. Once there they texted his wife pictures of OPTIONS: - Associated Press tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - Atlanta tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - Colleen Janssen tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - FBI tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - Frank Janssen tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - Janssen tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - North Carolina tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - Peter Rugg tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - Quantavious Thompson tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - Shelley Lynch tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate. - Suspect Jakym Tibbs tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate.
Frank Janssen tied to a chair with messages they would cut him if she did not cooperate.
Les paquets sources Debian ne peuvent pas être véritablement installés, ils sont seulement dépaquetés dans n'importe quel répertoire où vous voulez en construire les paquets binaires. Which language is this?
({{TNG|11001001}}) In early [[2367]], the ''Trieste'' conducted a [[pulsar]] research project. Translate to German
Zudem ist sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch mindestens 66 Stunden entfernt ({{TNG|11001001}}).
Summarize: While you can't control your genetics, you can use the power of illusion to make your hair appear thicker. Ask your hairdresser for the best cut and style to create thickness and volume in your hair. Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to keep it looking fresh and full. Add layers to create fullness, especially if your hair is very straight. If you are feeling daring, consider getting bangs. The contrast between your bangs and the rest of your hair will help accentuate length. Highlights add dimension to your hair, making it appear fuller. However, bleaching your hair extensively can cause breakage, so stay within your natural color range, or ask your stylist to use semi- or demi-permanent dyes. Hair extensions involve temporarily attaching either real or synthetic hair to your head. They can be held in place using thread or glue, or they can clip into place. Extensions can be a great way to add length, volume, and color to your hair. However, if your hair is already thin or damaged, extensions might not be your best option, as they can cause more damage. If you have glue-in or sew-in extensions, they must be replaced every 3 months as your hair grows out. These extensions range in price from $100-$1,000 per set. Clip-in extensions should be taken out at the end of each day. They're much cheaper, but they also look less realistic.
Get a layered haircut so your hair will appear thicker. Add in a few highlights to play up your hair's volume. Get hair extensions to add even more volume.
Question: I ' m finally back in Slidell , at my mom 's house for the rest of the night . Ike 's nowhere near hitting us , yet there 's already flooding here , and there 's a good possibility we 'll lose power . So , we 're camping out here tonight . The flights went well . Answer the following question: What is the narrator going to do for the night ? OPTIONS: - They are going to sleep on the flight . - They are going to sleep at a parent 's house . - None of the above choices . - They are going to go camping . Answer: They are going to sleep at a parent 's house . Question: He watched me . I killed them and and and then I got the key and this egg and I went back and he was there when Primal Torntusk gave me my Rune of the Guard Captain . And dadDad gave me a rune just like it , it 's worn , it was his . He 's proud of me!Dad . Is . What may I be playing ? OPTIONS: - A military shooter video game - A sports video game - A sci fi video game - A fantasy video gane Answer: A fantasy video gane IN: so I was at work today and these two deaf people get in the line and I walk over and they were like ' I ' m big sit ? ' meaning something along the lines of shit I might be too fat to fit . cause yeah they were kinda heavy and I was like ' no ' in asl and they were like ' YOU KNOW SIGN ? ! ' and I started having this conversation about where I learned sign language and if I was going to go anywhere with it . What other methods of communication could they employ to communicate with them ? OPTIONS: - Using a foreign language - Using walkie talkie - Mouthing words - None of the above choices . OUT: Mouthing words Well I just bought a musical keyboard , designed to teach me how to read music and play it . Hope it works . Oddly , 2 - 3 weeks ago someone mistook me for a keyboard player . But I was n't then , I was just going to try out for a 4 person singing group , but I learn by ear , and they did n't have a conductor nor would they record CDs , so I figured it is time to learn to read music . I missed the boat on that group but there will be others . And I got it at London Drugs ( Yo Ken ! Got your back ! OPTIONS: - Others think they 're a drummer . - Others think they 're a guitarist . - Others think they 're a musician . - Others think they 're a producer . Answer the following question: Why may the narrator feel like they are a poser ? Others think they 're a musician . question: If anyone ever rooms with Sanzo it 's usually either you or me , and the only reason Gojyo 's ever really done it before was when I was hurt bad and you needed to stay with me . " Hakkai 's smile never left his face but Goku could have sworn he was starting to look a little nervous . OPTIONS: - Sanzo is not looking for a roommate . - Sanzo is tough to room with . - Sanzo is only looking to room alone . - Sanzo is generally a nice person . Q: Why are the potential roommates of Sanzo being limited ? answer: Sanzo is tough to room with . IN: I just woke up from a dream where the treehouse in my backyard ( RIP ) was some kind of government headquarters and there were groups of people taking turns listening through straws to see if they were the chosen ones . meanwhile , while waiting for my turn I was walking through my backyard finding hella quarters . Like , hundreds of dirty quarters were just strewn about my backyard . Why does the narrator 's story seem so bizarre ? OPTIONS: - They are rambling . - They are mentally unstable . - None of the above choices . - They are in a dream state . OUT:
They are in a dream state .
Problem: Only,ifhecontinue[tolive]adayortwodays,heshallnotbeavenged;forheishismoney. What's a sentence that uses these characters? - Only, if he continue [to live] a day or two days, he shall not be avenged; for he is his money. Add spaces: 8:13Andontheseconddayweregatheredtogetherthechiefofthefathersofallthepeople,thepriests,andtheLevites,untoEzrathescribe,eventounderstandthewordsofthelaw. Answer: 8:13 And on the second day were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to understand the words of the law. Intheformulaeditor,youcanselectthepredefinedformulafromthelibrary(seeFigure4aand4b). In the formula editor, you can select the predefined formula from the library (see Figure 4a and 4b). [Q]: [On24.05.2012missile-boats"S71Gepard"and"S73Hermelin"lefttheirhomeportWarnemündefortheLebanon,wheretheyrelievedtheminewarefare-boats"Ensdorf"and"AuerbachinderOberpfalz"inthemaritimeforceofthe"UnitedNationsInterimForceinLebanon"(UNIFIL).] [A]: [On 24.05.2012 missile-boats "S71 Gepard" and "S73 Hermelin" left their homeport Warnemünde for the Lebanon, where they relieved the minewarefare-boats "Ensdorf" and "Auerbach in der Oberpfalz" in the maritime force of the " United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon " (UNIFIL).] Problem: Add spaces: But,notalltherecoverysoftwaresareefficientenoughtorecoverthedeletedphotofilesandoftendamagethefilesduringtherecoveryprocess. Spaces added: But, not all the recovery softwares are efficient enough to recover the deleted photo files and often damage the files during the recovery process. Problem: ASSEMBLY:Sewskirttogattheside,edgetoedge,butleave18sts(=10cm)foropeningatthetop. What's a sentence that uses these characters? -
ASSEMBLY: Sew skirt tog at the side, edge to edge, but leave 18 sts (= 10 cm) for opening at the top.
QUESTION: answer this: how many species have been named in the order coleoptera?? ANS: 400,000 input: What is the answer to this question? who has taken most catches for csk in 2018? output: Suresh Raina In: what is the term of office for the supreme court?? Out: Life tenure Please answer this: who plays eric on once upon a time? Supernatural Q: Answer this question: who wrote i aint never loved a man?? A: Ronnie Shannon Q: Answer this question: who is the song bette davis eyes about?? A:
Bette Davis
Write a I. tweet. Possible tweet types: Choices: I. negative; II. positive;
@juliaarielle, ouch! That really bites!
input: What is the answer to this question? who has the record for most stolen bases? output: Rickey Henderson input: What is the answer to this question? who wrote the climb sung by miley cyrus? output: Jon Mabe input: What is the answer to this question? when did apple ipad 5th generation come out? output:
March 24, 2017
The Department for Education (DfE) turned down plans for the Phoenix Free School in Oldham, which aimed to "keep kids out of gang culture", last year. But school director Tom Burkard said that decision was overturned after the proposal was resubmitted. He said "a breakdown in communication" meant the DfE originally misunderstood the plan, but that had been rectified. "One of the difficulties we had was that everyone has the impression that because all the teaching staff are ex-forces, this is going to be something like a boot camp," he said. "Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. "They assumed we would be taking people who had come straight out of the military and had no experience in schools. "In fact, virtually all the people who have applied to us have qualifications and experience in education." Plans were first revealed for the secondary school staffed by former servicemen and women in September 2011. The plan's authors claimed the school would "keep kids out of gang culture". Government officials said at the time of the initial rejection that they would be working with Phoenix Free School to help it submit another proposal. The institution is one of five free schools in Greater Manchester and Cheshire approved for opening in 2014. A school for autistic children aged four to 19 run by the National Autistic Society has also been given the go-ahead. Free schools are state-funded schools independent of local authority control. A DfE spokesman described them as: "[Having] the freedom to decide the length of the school day and term, the curriculum, and how they reward their teachers and spend their money." There are already 81 free schools in the UK, with a further 109 in the pipeline. This article was about:
A proposal for a free school staffed by former armed forces personnel has been approved.
Toiseksi kiittäisin esittelijä Knörriä hänen nopeudestaan. Translate to English
Secondly, I would like to thank Mr Knörr for his speediness.
Generate a sentence that describes the following data: AZ Alkmaar, owner, Max Huiberts; AZ Alkmaar, numberOfMembers, 17023
Max Huiberts owns AZ Alkmaar which has 17023 members.
My girlfriend and I got the shaft from a different moving company, and were scrambling to find someone last minute. John was one of the couple different people we called. He was booked up, and couldn't help us last minute.... I can understand why. I can only imagine anyone who has met or dealt with him has come to understand that he offers more than just a service to get things done. Though we did not use his service this time, he was constantly in contact with my girlfriend, making sure that our second moving company was on time, what to look out for, the questions to ask, and followed up to make sure everything went well. All just because he cares about people. Thank you, John. You gave my girlfriend a good piece of mind during a stressful situation. Any time we need a service you offer, we will be calling you. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? Available options: (1). negative (2). positive
Summarize the following: When there's a problem with the anal glands, may dogs exhibit certain symptoms, which you should learn to recognize. Be sure to ask a veterinarian if you've never had this issue before: these symptoms may be a sign of other underlying issues, such as parasites, a sore bottom from diarrhea, or a food allergy, so it's a good idea to let a vet examine your dog. This way you can either rule out these issues, or get your dog the treatment it needs. The typical signs of anal gland issues include: Scooting Excessive licking of the anal area Occasional release of anal gland contents at inappropriate times (other than defecation) - you may notice a fishy odor on furnishings or coming from your dog's anus Red skin in the anal area Bleeding or pus drainage around the anus (this is a sign that you should call your vet as soon as possible - do not attempt anal expression) If you've never expressed your dog's anal glands, ask your veterinarian for a demonstration. She can do the first gland, and then you can try expressing the second one in her presence. Typically, three to four damp paper towels and a pair of latex gloves will be sufficient. If you want to wash the dog, also have ready whatever shampoo or other dog-friendly soaps you use, as well as plenty of towels. Latex gloves are preferable to household rubber gloves as they are thinner and more sensitive, allowing you to accurately palpate the glands. While you can do this process on your own (if your dog is cooperative), it may help to have someone there to hold the dog as you work. The pheromones secreted by the anal glands are very stinky. It's a good idea to wear old clothes that you can take off and wash easily. Often, the bathroom works well for this purpose, especially if you bathe your dog in the tub. You just want to make sure the dog can't struggle free and run off during the process. The dog should be on an easy-to-clean surface. Since the process can be somewhat messy, pairing an expression with a bath is usually a smart idea.
Look for certain signs of anal gland issues. Have a veterinarian demonstrate anal gland expression the first time. Gather your materials. Recruit a helper if you can. Put on old clothes. Secure the dog in a small room.
The seat of the district administration is Vejle The region has 1185840 inhabitants and an area of 12191 km so that the population density is 97 inhabitants per km Could you correct the punctuation please?
The seat of the district administration is Vejle. The region has 1,185,840 inhabitants and an area of 12,191 km², so that the population density is 97 inhabitants per km².
Sentence 1: You have little to fear." Sentence 2: You have to fear. Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: no Sentence 1: In fact, the Vice Presidentas Counsel has already informed the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the House Committee on Government Reform, that the meetings the support staff and other NEPDG members had were to gather information relevant to the NEPDGas work and were not deliberative in Sentence 2: The meetings were to gather information about NEPDGas work and not to persuade the committee to act in a certain way. Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: it is not possible to tell Sentence 1: The heat was already rising. Sentence 2: There was some heat and it was rising. Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer:
Tässä on valtava merkitysero, koska jos sanoo, että ei ole turkkilainen, mutta nimittää itseään turkkilaiseksi, johtaa tämä jotkut ajattelemaan, että kaikki kansallisuudet pitää yhtenäistää yhdeksi mössöksi, josta syntyy uusi ihminen. Could you please translate this to English?
There is a huge difference in meaning, because to say I am not a Turk, but I call myself a Turk leads some to reason that all nationalities should be ground together into one pulp from which a new human race can evolve.
Article:23 December 2014 Last updated at 11:15 GMT All age groups applied for the competition, which has been taking place for 20 years. Building gingerbread houses is a popular Christmas tradition in the Scandinavian country. The winning design of a gasometer took more than 30 hours to make. Take a look at some of the entries! A summary of the above article is?
A Swedish Christmas competition to build a gingerbread house attracted over 130 entries at the weekend.
Problem: Write a negative (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) movie review. Answer: ...and you can look at that statement in different ways, by the way. First of all, it's a mess because of all the gruesome and extremely violent scenes. Your wildest imagination doesn't even come close to some of the explicitly shown scenes here. Entire parts of this movie are just plain sick, disgusting, offensive, brutal and they bring you close to puking your guts out. Now, I love horror movies and I am very 'pro-violence', but I do think that it has to lead somewhere !! Is that too much to ask ? Cradle of Fear is just a series of utterly sick and twisted thoughts. The "movie" contains out of four separate chapters connected by a wraparound story. This results in endless showing of torture, murder and sickness only to find out that the victims have something in common. Not very informative, if you ask me. And yet - it has to be said - the basic plot idea surely HAS potential. It's about a cannibalistic hypnotist who made a deal with the devil himself to avenge himself and cause misery and death to everyone who was involved in his trial. Personally, I think that is an interesting topic, so they should have focused on that a little more instead of wanting to create the most disgusting movie ever. Secondly, the whole production of this movie was a mess. They didn't have much of a budget and they spent it all on fake blood and guts...Tons of it !! The acting performances are a joke and some of the worst I've ever seen. Any other special effects besides the make-up looks very amateurish ( Like that attempt to a realistic car crash, for example ). There's no tension or atmosphere to detect anywhere...not even an attempt to build up one. Cradle of Fear is a failure and a missed opportunity to say the least. With the presence of death-metal icon Danni Filth ( from the band Cradle of filth..get the link ? ) this movie is obviously only meant for the eyes of twisted teenagers who try to be controversial. Troubled girls and boys who take pleasure in worrying their parents by watching crap like this. And then people keep complaining that the amount of suicides and juvenile delinquency is increasing...Bah. I can imagine that this movie can cause a lot of damage when you're easily influenced or dispose of an unstable mind. For every self-respecting horror fan, this movie is an insult. Problem: OPTIONS: - negative - positive positive =++++= Answer: First of all, I think the below comment is unworthy for a site like this. Obviously you have no taste and you don't respect the taste of others. Not to give you a history lesson but I think it needs to be done. Black actors out there are just, if not more, successful as others. If you are not a part of the "Black" race you cannot understand the quality, creativeness, and vibrant of old movies such as "Sparkle" and "Mahogany" and "Cooley High." Since unfortunately you are not Black, you do not have the pleasure of feeling what we feel when we watch these classics, so therefore you need to keep your freaking mouth shut and just stick to your non-dancing race. Thanks. An example of a movie review. positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive). A: Paul Verhoeven's De Vierde Man (The Fourth Man) is one of the most compelling thrillers I have ever seen. It really was a pleasant surprise. The story concerns bi-sexual writer Gerard (Jeroen Krabbe), as he is lured into a relationship with beautiful hairdresser Christine (Renée Soutendijk), but in the twisted mind of Gerard there could be more to the story. Verhoeven and cinematographer Jan De Bont create a beautiful and thick atmosphere full of surreal and sickening sexual imagery, this really pulls you into the story, you don't want to watch, but you can't turn yourself away. This is by far Verhoeven's best film (maybe second only to Robocop). True The Fourth Man isn't for everyone, some of the sex scenes are quite gratuitous (just ignore them, but trust me, if you watch for at least ten minutes you'll be hooked. This is one of those films that you need to know how it ends, a true whodunit it in the Hitchcock tradition, compelling, controversial and thrilling. I even like the spider metaphor. 8/10 Q: What's an example of a movie review? An example of a movie review is here: I'll say one thing about this film: there are no lulls. You can't get bored watching this. The problem is that it is TOO intense. There is too much action and it NEEDS lulls! That is the risk you take in modern action films. You want it interesting but not overdone. This is way overdone. Even though the acting is fine and features a couple of "names" in Gary Busey and Roy Scheider, it still has the feel of a "B" film. The best part of it is Scheider's dialog: the only "A" part of this "B" film. The rest of the story is strictly Rambo mentality but did have a few standout scenes. One in particular was a very innovative scene featuring land mines. That was memorable. Not enough of the other scenes were to make this a keeper for long. Problem: Write a negative (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) movie review. Answer: The entire thing is very beautiful to look at..the European location shooting was a good idea. The lead actors are attractive. The score is servicable. BUT THEN THEY SPOKE! And the non-plot developed! And it was all downhill from there. Pacino is sleepwalking and Keller keeps talking about how bored she is..hello, dear, you're not alone. When he does a Mae West imitation, you might have to hide your face, its that painful to watch. I can't imagine how either actor or director Sydney Pollack got involved with this, or a better question, why it ended up stinking so bad? Since death is represented in almost every scene, one way or another, maybe you're supposed to have low enjoyment here. Maybe its supposed to feel as empty and cold as death. But I still can't recommend it. Problem: Write a negative (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) movie review. Answer:
1 How is it that everyone can understand each other perfectly without devices like universal translators or translator microbes? Did the creators of this show realize that people who were taken from different parts of the earth, in different time frames (Attilla the Hun wasn't a contemporary of preliterate Hellenic cultures, nor were the Vikings contemporary to the Pyramid builders) speak different languages and can never develop a language so similar to modern day English(except for the inflections they "do not" use), which has been influenced by Latin, ancient Greek, Danish and French? 2 Cultural differences can't be overcome so easily, trust has to be won, yet everywhere the team arrives they are welcomed without any suspicion and start ordering people around like they are their appointed leaders. Of course real fans would comment that they are perceived as gods. The people they meet should be shocked by their technology and accuse them of witchcraft and the like. 3 Historical background: none. Visually it might vaguely remind you of Greek or Viking culture, but anyone can dress in a bunch of tablecloths or run to a local costume rental for a plastic helmet with horns and claim to look the part. A small-town theater group probably has better props. 4 Boring! Another lame Canuck production, which inexplicably ran for ten long years. As a kids show it could make the grade, but anyone who has a little knowledge about human behavior and language couldn't bear to even watch the first twelve episodes of season 1, like I just did. I very much wanted to believe I had found a decent sci-fi show, otherwise I would shut it of and cleansed my computer of this refuge after the first five minutes!
Возможно, вы живете в селе, где есть дети, у которых нет воскресной школы. Could you please translate this to English?
Perhaps you live in the country where there are children who have no hour of the Lord's day devoted to them.
IN: al-qaida 's deputy leader said in a videotape aired on sunday that governments could not stop al - qaida attacks and the security of the west depended on respecting islam and ending aggression against muslims . summary: qaida 's zawahri urges west to end attacks on islam IN: the public tender offer for mediaset , which groups the media assets of former prime minister silvio berlusconi , was almost four times oversubscribed , the bank handling the sale said monday . summary: investors rush share offer for berlusconi television assets IN: the indigenization of the national economy would not be achieved in zimbabwe without the redistribution of land which is largely in the hands of the minority whites population , said acting president joshua nkomo today . summary: land ownership crucial for indigenization in zimbabwe IN: thousands of protesters gathered in the center of the georgian capital tuesday , alleging that authorities rigged the results of weekend parliamentary elections . summary:
georgian opposition leaders allege vote-rigging in parliamentary balloting
3 weeks ago 0800 Analdin mom big tits milf mature surprise chubby Spanish mature and boy jordi el nino huge cock A: 3 weeks ago 08:00 Analdin mom, big tits, milf, mature, surprise, chubby, Spanish, mature and boy , jordi el nino , huge cock 85200 Changes in other shortterm debt A: 8.52.00 Changes in other short-term debt This false concept totally blinds its followers eyes to the meaning and purpose of the Christian life after initial conversion after becoming a Christian A: This false concept totally blinds its followers’ eyes to the meaning and purpose of the Christian life after initial conversion – after becoming a Christian. FeaturesRose Gold Tone Stainless Steel Case Brown Genuine Leather Strap EcoDrive Movement Caliber B620 Mineral Crystal Black Dial Chronograph Function Quick Start Function Insufficient Charge Warning Overcharging Prevention Function Luminous Hands Date Display Buckle Clasp 100M Water Resistance
A: Features:Rose Gold Tone Stainless Steel Case Brown Genuine Leather Strap Eco-Drive Movement Caliber: B620 Mineral Crystal Black Dial Chronograph Function Quick Start Function Insufficient Charge Warning Overcharging Prevention Function Luminous Hands Date Display Buckle Clasp 100M Water Resistance...
Sentence from a movie review: bring on the sequel . Select your answer: was the movie seen positively or negatively based on the preceding review? Pick your answer from: (I). negative. (II). positive.
Neutrácejte to. Translate to English English:
Don't spend it. Invest.
Data: name = The Eagle, eatType = coffee shop, food = Indian, priceRange = high, customer rating = average, area = riverside, familyFriendly = yes, near = Burger King. What is a sentence that describe this data?
There is a high priced coffee shop called The Eagle in the Riverside area, near Burger King, with an average customer rating, that serves Indian food and is also child friendly.
Orest Erzeni, Southeast European Times, Tiran -- 02/06/03 Translate to English English:
By Orest Erzeni for Southeast European Times in Tirana -- 02/06/03
In the Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scottia in Canada and Norway to South Africa and Patagonia in southern Argentina Penny wine is the most common dolphin species off the US east coast and in the Gulf of Mexico resvin are also in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean What is the correctly punctuated version of this sentence?
In the Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scottia in Canada and Norway to South Africa and Patagonia in southern Argentina. Penny wine is the most common dolphin species off the U.S. east coast and in the Gulf of Mexico. Öresvin are also in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.
QUESTION: Review: Have I ever seen a film more shockingly inept? I can think of plenty that equal this one, but none which manage to outdo it. The cast are all horrible stereotypes lumbered with flat dialogue. I am ashamed for all of the people involved in making this. Each one wears an expression of fear not generated by the plot, but by the realisation that this project could easily nix their career. Even the many charms of Ms. Diaz don't provide an adequate reason to subject yourself to this. Avoid, it's obviously a style of film that Americans haven't really got a grasp of. Watch the final result if you must, and you'll see what I'm talking about, but DON'T say I didn't warn you... What is it saying?? ANS: negative ===== QUESTION: Review: Faith Domergue (better known as "Dr. Ruth" in THIS ISLAND EARTH) is the only reason to watch this film. The story is very thin, and once the Air Force buddies return to the States with a Cobra Curse upon them the action is just a waiting game. See Faith the Snake Woman and try to pretend the rest isn't happening. What is it saying?? ANS: negative ===== QUESTION: Review: The viewer leaves wondering why he bothered to watch this one, or why, for that matter, anyone bothered to make it. There is no plot - just random scenes of ridiculous action. Mia Sara's shower scene appeals to the male libido, but that's not much reason to make a movie. What is it saying?? ANS:
negative =====
How is "A rigorous pruning, made by a skilled staff, that knows the history of each vine." said in German? In German: Einer strenger Rebschnitt, der von dem qualifizierten Personal, der die ganze „Lebensgeschichte“ der Weinrebe kennt, gemacht wird. How is "However, the technical and logistical problems, and consequently the financial implications associated with such procedures, should not be underestimated." said in German? In German: Allerdings sollten die technischen und logistischen Probleme und folglich die finanziellen Auswirkungen solcher Verfahrensweisen nicht unterschätzt werden. How is "Make a lasting impression on your customers and business partners with prestigious day offices. Your new day office is individually equipped, modern, functional and commission-free." said in German? In German: Das Tagesbüro mieten Sie stunden- oder tageweise an, Ihre Besucher werden freundlich empfangen, ein Türschild weist auf Ihr Unternehmen hin. How is "When you sign in via Skype itself your information is also encrypted and kept safe from malicious third parties." said in German?
In German: Wenn Sie sich über Skype selbst anmelden, werden die Informationen ebenfalls verschlüsselt und sind so sicher vor arglistigen Dritten.
Sentence 1: things like that goes in those boxes but we get tons of catalogs and things like that and magazines and there's no way to get rid of them it just seems like such a waste Sentence 2: Disposing of the huge amount of catalogs and mags is impossible. If the first sentence is true, then is the second sentence true?
There once was an alligator named Albert (who wore an office shirt). He had two good friends - Lock the cat and Gary the hamster. Gary often rode around in Albert's shirt pocket, since it would be hard for him to keep up with Albert and Lock as they walked around. One day, as they were wandering around, a storm popped up, forcing them to hurry indoors to deal with it. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't find a building quickly, so they ended up being frosted over by the dangerous weather. "If we don't get out of this soon, I might die!" yelled Gary, who was cold. "Don't worry, no one's going to die!" yelled Albert, who, as a reptile, was even worse off than Gary. Luckily, they found a house after leaving the forest, which happened to be near the ocean. They ran inside, and dried off, before they headed to sleep. Answer this series of questions: 1. Who doesn't have fur? 2. What was its name? 3. Does he know any other animals? 4. What were their names? 5. Why didn't Gary walk? 6. How did he travel? 7. What did they all do together? 8. WHat happened then? 9. Where they afraid? 10. Who was in the most danger? 11. Where did they go next? 12. Where there any buildings there? 13. What type? Numbered answers:
1. an alligator 2. Albert 3. yes 4. Lock and Gary 5. it would be hard for him to keep up 6. in Albert's shirt pocket 7. they were wandering around 8. a storm 9. yes Gary 10. Albert 11. the ocean 12. yes 13. a house
Question: 2 One who unclutters Please fix the punctuation. Fixed: [2. One who unclutters.] Question: cum in mouth deepthroat stockings anal dogging riding ass Please fix the punctuation. Fixed: [cum in mouth, deepthroat, stockings, anal, dogging, riding, ass] Question: 2 Tap Get started Add account Please fix the punctuation. Fixed: [2. Tap Get started > Add account.] Question: Finally you can now discover everything you need to know about your THM file instantly Please fix the punctuation. Fixed:
[Finally, you can now discover everything you need to know about your THM file... instantly!]
What concepts are described in the following sentence? "Wildwood is a pub that serves Japanese food. It is highly rated and offers an average priced menu." Return the answer as pairs of triples.
Wildwood eatType pub Wildwood food Japanese Wildwood priceRange £20-25 Wildwood customer rating high
input question: Computer-processed data, often from external sources, increasingly underpin audit reports, including evaluations (performance audits) and financial audits. If this premise is true, does that tell us:"Computer-processed data is better than audits because they are more specific."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: it is not possible to tell input question: They called it the suicide package. If this premise is true, does that tell us:"They called their pistols the suicide package."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: it is not possible to tell input question: oh okay well you remember Sam Perkins when he was in North Carolina don't you If this premise is true, does that tell us:"Sam Perkins was awful until he was with North Carolina."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: it is not possible to tell input question: You should also see items crafted from shark's teeth and occasionally even entire jaws. If this premise is true, does that tell us:"The jaws cost $50 each, and a portion goes to local conservation efforts."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer:
it is not possible to tell
Question: Based on the premise "Times passes.", can we conclude that "Time stood still. "? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no **** Answer: no Question: Based on the premise "Dominating the mountain range that provides Kobe's dramatic backdrop is Mt.", can we conclude that "The mountain range is the backdrob to Kobe."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no **** Answer: yes Question: Based on the premise "um i think one of the facets of living in a small town is that often times you are uh sitting in on a jury trial where you might be acquainted with at least maybe not that person but part of their family", can we conclude that "In a small town you might know or know of the accused."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no **** Answer:
Wir können nicht noch ein Jahr lang die alte und überholte GMO von 1966 beibehalten, die als einzige keine einzelstaatlichen Quoten beinhaltet, mit denen jeder Mitgliedsstaat und jeder Erzeuger für sein Verhalten verantwortlich gemacht werden soll. Translate to English
We cannot make it through another year with a COM from 1966, one which is old and outdated, the only common organization of the market that does not have national quotas aimed at making individual Member States and producers responsible for their behaviour.
"What is best 30' monitor?" "What are the best 30' monitors?" Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: I. no II. yes
Write a negative tweet. Possible types: A: It's coming today! It's coming today! Too bad I have a boring family BBQ Write a positive tweet. Possible types: A: @SkYlArSmOmMy8 Well, only 2 were sent lol..But the 2nd one was the last one I needed lol..So, u dont have 2 send them again lol..& Thanx Write a negative tweet. Possible types: A: @dexteraddict hope ur enjoying that holiday while Im freezin my butt of here in Aussie Winter was 12 degrees 2day Write a positive tweet. Possible types: A:
@Zombiefier: hey! who's that?
Answer the question...who plays the voice of the chief in moana??
Temuera Morrison as Tui
Q: Solve 0 = -43310*x + 43271*x - 936 for x. A: -24 Q: Solve 147*o - 154*o = 42 for o. A: -6 Q: Solve -15*a + 9*a + 66 = 0 for a. A: 11 Q: Solve 32958*l = 65820*l - 32914*l + 1924 for l. A:
Question: As I look outside my window , it 's pretty windy outside . We do have some severe thunderstorm warning in the county , and it is heading this way ( hooray , not really . ) . Spending the day watching the Olympic games and lounging around . I was hoping Japan would win their volleyball game , but sadly they did n't . Answer the following question: What sporting event may I be currently watching ? OPTIONS: - The World Series - The Super Bowl - The olympics - The World Championships Answer: The olympics Question: Then he wrapped my hands , put the gloves on me and brought me over to the heavy bag . He 'd call out strings of punches like , " 2 , 3 , 2 , 4 ! " and I 'd have to hit the bag with the corresponding punches that I just learned . That part was fun . Answer the following question: What is the narrator describing ? OPTIONS: - They are describing being coached . - They are describing buying a heavy bag . - None of the above choices . - They are describing the corresponding punches . Answer: They are describing being coached . Question: This was true for school and now realize that it is true in other areas of my life as well . There is something to be said for sheer , inexplicable optimism . I interviewed for a job last week and would have considered the way events played out as a nightmare in the past . I live about two hours away from the interview site and my appointment was scheduled for 10 am . Answer the following question: Why is the narrator trying to stay positive ? OPTIONS: - The narrator is competing in an event . - The narrator is looking to finish a project . - The narrator is looking for work . - The narrator is competing in a triathalon . Answer:
The narrator is looking for work .
Question: Olen kiitollinen kaikille jäsenille, jotka toivat esille ajatuksiaan, ja olen hämmästynyt vallitsevan yksimielisyyden laajuudesta. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: I am grateful to all Members who contributed their ideas, and I am startled by the degree of consensus that exists. test: He eivät odota Euroopan kansanpuolueen ryhmää (kristillisdemokraatteja). English? translation: They are not waiting on the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats). Haluan sanoa Stefano Zappalàlle, että kiitän häntä hänen tuestaan Euroopan maahanmuuttopolitiikalle, ja Zita Gurmaille, että mielestäni naisten ja miesten välinen tasa-arvo on erittäin tärkeää, mutta en tiedä, oliko hänen huomautuksensa tarkoitettu myös minulle. In English? xxxxx I would like to say to Mr Zappalà that I thank him for his support for the European immigration policy, and to Mrs Gurmai that I think that equality between men and women is very important, but I do not know whether her remark was addressed to me as well. How is "Thomas & Friends" said in Finnish? Tuomas Veturi Q: Translate "Thank you all." to Finnish? A: Kiitos teille kaikille! Q: Translate "That family’s case had been reported in the national media, exposing the lack of services for their own children and children in general." to Finnish? A:
Perheen tapauksesta oli kerrottu kansallisissa tiedotusvälineissä ja tuotu esiin, että perheen lapsille ja lapsille yleensä ei ole tarjolla palveluita.
Choose your answer: is the following review positive or negative? We arrived in Vegas, sicker than either of us had ever been and beyond exhausted. We woke up late, having not eaten a real meal in days. So we relied on Yelp (thank you Yelp!) to find a restaurant close by. All the reviews of Phat Phrank's are right on -- you will not be disappointed. First, Frank greets you as if he just saw you yesterday and has known you for years. He is so friendly, and funny, and welcoming. As we told him at the end of our meal... we felt as though we were dinner guests in his home. The food was just great! We were both really hungry because we had been too sick to eat for days. Phat Phranks was the place to be! Portions were large, everything was homemade, and we left feeling full (but not painfully full) and energized. Wonderful... thank you Frank & family! Possible answers: a). negative; b). positive;
in: Almost 50 percent of the world's primates are in danger of extinction, according to a report from an international conservation group that cites habitat destruction and hunting as the two greatest threats. The golden-headed lion tamarin has been brought back from the edge of extinction. The situation is especially dire in Asia, where the report says more than 70 percent of monkeys, apes, and other primates are classified as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered. "We've raised concerns for years about primates being in peril, but now we have solid data to show the situation is far more severe than we imagined," said Russell Mittermeier, president of Conservation International and chairman of the IUCN Primate Specialist Group. "Tropical forest destruction has always been the main cause, but now it appears that hunting is just as serious a threat in some areas, even where the habitat is still quite intact," he said. The report from Conservation International, issued at this week's International Primatological Society Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, looked at the world's 634 kinds of primates, mankind's closest relatives. Conservation International funded the review along with the Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, Disney's Animal Kingdom, and the Swiss-based IUCN, or International Union for Conservation of Nature. The report found that about 90 percent of primate species in Vietnam and Cambodia were at risk of extinction. Populations of gibbons, leaf monkeys, langurs and other species had dwindled, the report said, because of "rampant habitat loss exacerbated by hunting for food and to supply the wildlife trade in traditional Chinese medicine and pets." Jean-Christophe Vie, deputy head of the IUCN Species Program, called the situation in southeast Asia terrifying. "To have a group of animals under such a high level of threat is, quite frankly, unlike anything we have recorded among any other group of species to date," he said in a news release. Great apes like gorillas and bonobos still faced challenges in Africa, the report said, but it was the smaller primates -- such as the red colobus monkey, with its striking white, black and rust-colored coat -- that could die out first. In Africa, 11 of the 13 kinds of red colobus monkeys assessed in the report were listed as critically endangered or endangered, and two may already be extinct, the report said. Bouvier's red colobus has not been seen in 25 years, and despite occasional sightings, no primatologist has recorded a living Miss Waldron's red colobus since 1978, the report says. Primates are important to the health of their surrounding ecosystems, the report's authors say, supporting a wide range of plant and animal life in the world's tropical forests. Healthy forests, in turn, provide vital resources for local human populations. Reforestation is crucial to restoring primate populations because it restores their habitat, the report said. It cites the cases of the black lion tamarin and golden lion tamarin in Brazil, which were downgraded from critically endangered to endangered after three decades of conservation efforts. "If you have forests, you can save primates," said Anthony Rylands, a scientist with Conservation International and the deputy chair of the IUCN Primate Specialist Group. "The work with lion tamarins shows that conserving forest fragments and reforesting to create corridors that connect them is not only vital for primates, but offers the multiple benefits of maintaining healthy ecosystems and water supplies while reducing greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change." out: Report: Almost 50 percent of world's primates in danger of extinction. Situation is especially dire in Asia, where 70 percent of primates threatened. 90 percent of primate species in Vietnam and Cambodia at risk of extinction. in: They are among the most fearsome creatures on earth, but this killer shark looks as though it is flashing a massive grin as it comes face-to-face with a daring photographer. Far from trying to rip 26-year-old cameraman Zach Ransom to shreds with its deadly knashers, it instead appears to pull a series of poses which reveal a somewhat friendlier side. Incredibly, the stunning pictures were taken my Mr Ransom without the safety of a protective cage. Jaws-dropping: A fearsome shark gets up close and personal with cameraman Zach Ransom - and appears to flash him a grin. Smile! The deadly creature flashes his pearly whites as snapper Zach tries his luck and gets ever closer. Poser: The shark strikes another grin for the cameras and is photobombed by a friend. The aquarist at Seaworld Orlando went under water with his friends at Little Bahama Bank in the Bahamas to get the incredible images. The area is a hotspot for tiger sharks, as well as species such as lemon shark and reef shark, allowing the divers to get up close and personal with the potentially dangerous animals. Mr Ransom, from Orlando, Florida, said: 'I've always loved the ocean since I was a child. I think most children start out with a love of sharks, dinosaurs and outer space - I just never grew out of it. 'I have been diving for 14 years now and most of that time has been spent in search of sharks. 'This location north of West End, Grand Bahama, is an incredible area with relatively untouched coral reefs and some of the healthiest shark populations on the planet. Daring: Zach got so close to the sharks he was able to touch them. Fearless: Zach, from Orlando, Florida, opted to go underwater without any protection from a cage. Surrounded: Zach is circled by three sharks hut is unmoved as he continues to take his incredible pictures. 'Sharing the water with such an immense and powerful creature is thrilling for sure but the experience is so much more than that. 'I feel completely calm and at peace in these situations. Sharks are amazingly deliberate and cautious in their movements and though a highly instinctual animal they still display curiosity with regard to the novelties in their world. 'Eye contact is an important part of being in close quarters with large sharks, when you break your gaze, they often decide it's safe to move a little closer. 'So to capture these moments with my camera and share them with the world in hope of possibly breaking some negative stereotypes, that is the payoff for me. 'And if I can play some minuscule role in preventing a species from going extinct in my lifetime then that is my purpose.' Zach argues that while activist groups, film makers and photographers are turning the tide in shark conservation, there is still more that needs to be done to protect them. That's more like it: This shark strikes a more traditional pose. Razor sharp: These teeth could do some serious damage but Zach was undeterred. Endangered: Some shark species have dropped by up to 90 per cent. Under threat: Every year between 20 and 100 million sharks are killed by fishing activity. He added: 'People flock from around the world to see African lions in their natural environment, however, none dare to leave the relative safety of the safari vehicle. 'This is of course due to an innate respect for the apex predator of the ecosystem. Thousands of people interact with sharks everyday unprotected, without incident. 'Lions are often revered and respected as beautiful creatures, iconic to the continent of Africa. As the apex predators of the ocean, sharks should be regarded with the same esteem. 'Every year between 20 and 100 million sharks are killed from fishing activity. As many species are slow to mature and may only produce one pup a year it doesn't bode well for long term population. 'Some species' populations have dropped 50-90% but in recent years many people have become aware of the plight that sharks face with regard to the fining industry and over fishing in general. 'Although the numbers are quite grim - I still have hope that it's not too late.' out:
Fearless Zach Ransom got up close and personal with fish in the Bahamas. He went underwater without any protection in order to get the incredible snaps.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Agustín Barboza, birthPlace, Paraguay; Agustín Barboza, birthPlace, Asunción; Paraguay, leader, Juan Afara; Paraguay, language, Spanish language
Agustin Barboza was born in Asuncion in Paraguay. The country is led by Juan Afara and uses the Spanish language.
What is the sentiment of the following review? This is by far the worst Panda Express I've ever been to. I've been here a few time and every single time, it takes FOREVER to get the ought the drive thru. I've literally sat in the drive thru for 20 minutes waiting to order then get my order. I've ordered the steamed vegis twice and both times they were brown and and the rice always tastes as if it's been sitting out all day. I would not recommend this location to anyone. Choices: A. negative; B. positive;
Do these mean the same? A mechanical nightingale is featured in `` and is used to replace a real nightingale for a princess . A mechanical nightingale is used in `` and '' to replace a real nightingale for a princess . Available choices: [a]. no; [b]. yes;
Here are some keywords about a restaurant: name = The Phoenix, food = Japanese, customer rating = low, area = riverside. Write a sentence that describes the following attributes of a restaurant.
The Phoenix has a low customer rating, but they serve Japanese food and cost more than £30 and they are located in Riverside
How is "Do you like sex, Mr Lebowski? - Excuse me? Sex." said in Czech? Máte rád sex, pane Lebowski? Q: Translate "[IGNORED]" to Czech? A: [IGNOROVÁN] input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Vyberte si. Kolik toho vypijete? Q: Translate "May I have your attention?" to Czech? Yes: Věnujte mi pozornost, prosím. [Q]: "Lord majordom snad svou chválu trochu přehání," poznamenal Silk skromně. Translate this to English? [A]: "The seneschal is perhaps a bit lavish in his praise," Silk noted modestly. How is "GARY: Get down!" said in Czech?
K zemi!