1 value
4 values
Translate "Emiliano Alessandri, a transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund, told SETimes that the report is bolder than in the past in pointing out areas of serious lack of progress, or even regression, such as freedom of expression." to Romanian?
Emiliano Alessandri, un cercetător de peste ocean care lucrează la Fondul German Marshall, a declarat publicaţiei SETimes că raportul este mai îndrăzneţ decât în trecut în sublinierea domeniilor în care se înregistrează o lipsă serioasă a progresului sau chiar regresul, cum ar fi cel al libertăţii de exprimare.
Q: Translate "The authorities in Belgrade, he says, must do more to help the Kosovo Serbs and not content themselves with speeches and declarations." to Romanian? A: Autorităţile din Belgrad, afirmă el, trebuie să facă mai multe pentru a-i ajuta pe sârbii kosovari, nu să se mulţumească cu discursuri şi declaraţii. Q: Translate "Secondly, in view of the deepening economic crisis in the EU, it is essential to make even wider use of both EU budgetary resources and funding, in the form of loans and credits, from the European institutions to support development in the Member States, and the SME sector in particular." to Romanian? A: În al doilea rând, având în vedere criza economică din UE în curs de agravare, este esenţial să se utilizeze şi mai mult, atât resursele bugetare UE, cât şi finanţările UE, sub formă de împrumuturi şi credite, provenite de la instituţiile europene pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea în statele membre, şi, în special, sectorul întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii. Q: Translate "Unemployment has risen and, under these circumstances, the situation of the most vulnerable people, such as women, children, young people and the elderly, is more precarious." to Romanian? A:
Nivelul șomajului a crescut și, în aceste circumstanțe, situația celor mai vulnerabile persoane, precum femeile, copiii, tinerii și bătrânii, este mai precară.
QUES: unacceptable (OPTIONS: - unacceptable - acceptable) ANS: It may exist a man in the park. QUES: unacceptable (OPTIONS: - unacceptable - acceptable) ANS: Louis was sent a book to. QUES: unacceptable (OPTIONS: - unacceptable - acceptable) ANS: The student met the senator for John to meet Bill. QUES: acceptable (OPTIONS: - unacceptable - acceptable) ANS:
The man went to the store.
Q: when did the song stand by me first come out? A:
April 1961
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Context: Researchers are aware that chimps have used similar methods in the past, but it was not fully known if the tools they used were designed specifically for the task of gathering the insects. Of all the tools the chimps left behind and Sanz's team recovered, 80% were custom made by their owners. Sanz says the new study has determined that their methods have since evolved, proving previous hypotheses. Hypothesis: Chimps design tools to catch termites.
Problem: Add spaces: StartupRepublic:HowFrancereinventeditselfforthe21stcenturybywooingentrepreneurstoParis|xComputer Spaces added: Startup Republic: How France reinvented itself for the 21st century by wooing entrepreneurs to Paris | xComputer Problem: Add spaces: NewPolarM200ScreenProtector-MikvonflexibleTemperedGlass9H(RetailPackagewithaccessories)Fr.7.95 Spaces added: New Polar M200 Screen Protector - Mikvon flexible Tempered Glass 9H (Retail Package with accessories) Fr.7.95 Problem: Add spaces: IfyoudonotdeletetheseprogramsfromyourPC,youmightputyourvirtualsecurityonthelinewithoutevenknowingit.OurmalwareresearcherswarnthatthereareseveraldifferentreasonswhyyoushoulddeleteCoolncheapfromyouroperatingsystem. Spaces added: If you do not delete these programs from your PC, you might put your virtual security on the line without even knowing it. Our malware researchers warn that there are several different reasons why you should delete Coolncheap from your operating system. Problem: Add spaces: TraditionalPiedmontcuisine:abigtavernwithfireplaceisatyourdisposalandwecanorganisewinetastingandspecialdinners. Spaces added:
Traditional Piedmont cuisine: a big tavern with fireplace is at your disposal and we can organise wine tasting and special dinners.
What is the sentiment of the following movie (choose your answer from the options) review sentence? , you 're definitely convinced that these women are spectacular . Options are: (I). negative; (II). positive; The answer is:
News: The word “Alaska” or a variant of it in a reality-show title sets you up for low expectations. “The Last Alaskans,” an affecting series that begins Monday on Animal Planet, defies quite a few of them. Where Alaska-based shows about truckers, pilots, gold miners, fishermen or survival-competition yahoos tend to be characterized by humans-against-nature bravura, this one thrives on sensitivity and solitude. It’s about the handful of people who still live at least part of the year in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northeast Alaska, their right to do so grandfathered in. “In 1980, the U.S. government banned new human occupation from the refuge,” the program explains. “Only seven cabin permits remain.” And then we meet an assortment of these residents, living in isolation (they are widely separated from one another), though some electronic contact with the rest of the world is evident. This is in some sense just another survivalist show — these hardy people try to live off nature, so much of any given episode involves the hunting of moose or caribou, the catching of salmon. “I tell you, caribou heart, caribou kidneys, caribou liver and caribou stomach — boy, you couldn’t ask for a better meal than that,” says Heimo Korth, whose story was previously told in a Vice documentary, in the book “The Final Frontiersman” and elsewhere. But unlike in other shows, here the quests for sustenance are presented merely as facts of life. The compelling part of the series is the why: Why live like this? The answers vary, and though sometimes the subjects address the question directly, for the most part their reasons emerge only slowly, as the patient camera lets you get to know them. Mr. Korth and his wife, Edna, have a particularly heart-rending reason to stay. Another resident, Tyler Selden, describes the lifestyle as a kind of addiction, and like drug or alcohol addictions, it has cost some of these people relationships. Plenty of Americans dream of going off the grid, but the bittersweet message of this series is that solitude, sometimes blissful, also entails a certain melancholy. Oh, and beyond that, wilderness living is just plain hard. “Everything’s work,” says Bob Harte, who lives by himself, as he tries to drag a heavy engine to his boat alone. “It’s work putting the boat in. It’s work taking it out. It’s easy to die up here. Everything else is work.” A version of this review appears in print on May 25, 2015, on page C6 of the New York edition with the headline: One Appeal of Roughing It: Caribou Liver for Dinner . Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe Title: Review: ‘The Last Alaskans,’ a New Animal Planet Series News: LOS ANGELES – A manhunt linked to a killing, kidnapping and the wounding of two deputies is focused in a rugged, five-square-mile California area. Investigators haven't confirmed the crimes were committed by the same man, said Kern County sheriff's spokesman Ray Pruitt. Dozens of deputies and helicopters combed the high desert area 30 miles from Bakersfield in 100-degree heat on Monday. The area is challenging for searchers because it's sparsely populated with mobile homes, trailers, unoccupied homes, cabins, ranches and outbuildings. "We're having to move very slowly and meticulously," Pruitt said. "This is a suspect we consider to be armed and very dangerous. He has shown he is not hesitant to engage law enforcement officers in a shootout." Authorities believe the man is on foot in the area where two elementary schools and a middle school have been closed indefinitely, Pruitt said. Residents were advised to stay inside and lock their doors and windows. The manhunt began Tuesday after a squatter in a remote cabin was approached by three young men — two 20-year-olds and a 19-year-old from Bakersfield. They were greeted by a man who asked why they were on his property. When one of the men said it was his cabin, the squatter pulled a shotgun and ordered them into the cabin where he held them for more than an hour and threatened to kill them. The three men escaped and hiked several miles to a road. Meanwhile, the suspect left in their car, which was found abandoned on Wednesday two miles away. Several firearms stolen from the men and the cabin also were found but not the shotgun. On Thursday, 64-year old David Louis Markiewitz's worried family found him fatally shot to death in his cabin about 10 miles from the first dwelling. Pruitt didn't know what type of weapon was used to kill the victim. "It appears he's been breaking into homes in the area that are unoccupied and gaining access to firearms," Pruitt said of the fugitive. On Saturday, SWAT deputies were entering a mobile home during their search when they were confronted by a man with a high-caliber handgun, Pruitt said. The deputies returned fire and Deputy Michael Booker was struck twice by bullets — once in each arm — and airlifted to a hospital with severe injuries, Pruitt said. He remained hospitalized in stable condition. Senior Deputy Jose Perez was treated for a minor wound to his right ear. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has sent SWAT deputies and vehicles to aid the search. Authorities described the fugitive as a white man in his early 30s, 5 feet 8 inches, 160 pounds with long brown hair, blue eyes and wearing an olive colored T-shirt, olive colored pants, brown corduroy hat and green bandanna. Title:
Rugged California area searched in ongoing manhunt for gunman suspected of killing, kidnapping
Question: Un raport asupra traficului cu persoane publicat de catre Departamentul de Stat al SUA releva ca victimele traficate in si prin Bulgaria provin predominant din Georgia, Ucraina, Moldova, Romania, Rusia, Letonia si Lituania, iar fetele si femeile din Bulgaria, impreuna cu cele traficate prin Bulgaria, sunt mai departe trimise spre Albania, Austria, Bosnia, Cipru, Republica Ceha, Danemarca, Franta, Kosovo, Germania, Grecia, Italia, Macedonia, Olanda, Polonia, Africa de Sud, Spania si Turcia. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: A report on trafficking persons released by the US Department of State in June said the victims trafficked to and through Bulgaria were predominantly from Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Lithuania and Latvia, while Bulgarian women and girls and those in transit through Bulgaria were trafficked to Albania, Austria, Bosnia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Kosovo, Germany, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Spain and Turkey. Question: El a afirmat că bisericile nu pot fi reconstruite "de cei care le-au distrus", declanşând astfel conflictul cu sinodul bisericii, care doreşte ca aceste clădiri să fie refăcute cât mai curând posibil. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: He said the churches could not be reconstructed "by those who had torn them down", thus sparking conflict with the church leadership, which wants the buildings rebuilt as soon as possible. Question: Mai mult, până când Europa va indica faptul că doreşte să fie guvernată, pieţele şi speculatorii pot pur şi simplu să preia controlul. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Moreover, until Europe indicates that it wishes to be governed, the markets and speculators can quite simply take the reins. Question: Se întâmplă însă adesea ca lucrătorii să se confrunte cu legislaţiile naţionale din domeniul serviciilor pe care nu le înţeleg, ceea ce conduce frecvent la probleme sau neînţelegeri. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
However, they are often confronted with national laws relating to services which they do not understand and which frequently lead to problems or misunderstandings.
question: What is the answer: What was the two-word title of Dawn French’s 2007 autobiography? answer: dear fatty question: What is the answer: As in the famous song Girl From Ipanema, in which country is Ipanema? answer: brazil question: What is the answer: "Which popular British comedian had as his catch-phrase, ""You Lucky People""?" answer: tommy trinder question: What is the answer: Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, the official mistress of Louis XV of France from 1745 to 1750, lent her titled name to what hairstyle? answer:
Q: How do you say "“The third element in the calculation was the relative strength of the two sides in Ballistic Missile Defense." in Spanish? A: "El tercer elemento en el cálculo fue la fuerza relativa de las dos partes en la defensa contra proyectiles balísticos. Q: How do you say "How can we know the quality of a ship which has never been to sea? Truly, exertion is blessed, for through intense labor we prepare ourselves for higher understanding." in Spanish? A: ¿Cómo podemos saber la calidad de un barco si nunca ha estado en el mar? Verdaderamente, el esfuerzo es una bendición ya que a través de una intensa labor nos preparamos a una comprensión elevada. Q: How do you say "It also suggests a history of cultural democratization policies in France, and reports also on researches conducted within the framework of the interministerial program « Cultures, Cities and Social Dynamics »." in Spanish? A: También propone un historial de las políticas de democratización cultural en Francia, y da cuenta de investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el marco del programa interministerial Culturas, ciudades y dinámicas sociales . Q: How do you say "For more info please contact us." in Spanish? A:
Para más información póngase en contacto con nosotros.
Question: Passage: LONDON, England -- "Ocean Emerald" is a superyacht with added wow-factor. Her startling appearance has made sure of that and in real life she is every bit as dramatic as she appears in these photographs. "Ocean Emerald" is the second time Lord Foster has designed a superyacht. We were among the guests invited to the superyacht's official launching in La Spezia, in northern Italy, when her celebrity designer and his team walked down the red carpet to cast his eyes upon his latest masterpiece. Lord Foster of Thameside is no stranger to eye-catching and dramatic design. His architectural firm Norman Foster + Partners is responsible for iconic London landmarks such as 30 St Mary Axe, better known as the Gherkin, and the Millennium Bridge. Foster is the master of the curved line. Imagine for a moment a photograph of the Gherkin split in two lengthwise and laid flat, recall the sweeping curves of the Millennium Bridge and you will see how he has managed to combine the drama of those two creations into what is arguably the most visually stunning superyacht of the year. Query: Design and external appearance aside, OPTIONS: - England is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - Foster is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - Gherkin is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - Italy is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - LONDON is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - La Spezia is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - London is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - Lord Foster is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - Millennium Bridge is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - Norman Foster is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - Norman Foster + Partners is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - Ocean Emerald is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - St Mary Axe is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. - Thameside is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. Answer: Ocean Emerald is different from every other 41-metre superyacht in that she is not to be the sole property of any one owner. Question: Passage: By Daily Mail Reporter An undertaker who poured flour over a neighbour’s Mercedes for blocking in his hearse was jailed yesterday. Funeral director Julian Riley, 39, and Peter Elliot, 60, had argued over parking for weeks after the property developer bought a house opposite Riley’s business, a court heard. Then last September Riley was caught on CCTV emptying a 2lb bag of self-raising flour over Mr Elliot’s black Mercedes E-320. Julian Riley, 39, who was jailed yesterday for pouring flour over his neighbour's Mercedes The court was told it set ‘like cement’ when it rained and some of it could not be removed without scratching the paintwork. Query: Peter Elliot, who was a neighbour of OPTIONS: - CCTV, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it - Daily Mail, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it - Elliot, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it - Julian Riley, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it - Mercedes, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it - Mercedes E-, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it - Newport Magistrates, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it - Peter Elliot, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it - Riley, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it - Undertaker, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it Answer: Julian Riley, and had his car damaged when flour was poured over it Question: Passage: Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal has hit back at Sam Allardyce's claim that his team are a long-ball side - and insists he has the facts to prove it. The United boss turned up for his press conference ahead of Wednesday's match at home to Burnley clutching four sheets of paper that he says rubbish claims Allardyce made after Sunday's draw at West Ham. The whole scene was a slightly bizarre episode that evoked memories of Rafa Benitez's press conference rant, directed at Sir Alex Ferguson, over referees in 2009. Louis van Gaal brandishes part of his dossier as he attempts to prove that United are not a long-ball side Query: In 2009, Benitez erupted during a press conference and attacked former United boss OPTIONS: - A4 with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Alex Ferguson with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Allardyce with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Burnley with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Louis van Gaal with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Man Utd with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Manchester United with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Old Trafford with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Rafa Benitez with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Sam Allardyce with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - United with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - Van Gaal with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. - West Ham with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'. Answer:
Alex Ferguson with some similarly pre-planned 'facts'.
AGFAPHOTO Digital Photo Frame drivers are tiny programs that enable your Digital Photo Frame hardware to communicate with your operating system software Maintaining updated AGFAPHOTO Digital Photo Frame software prevents crashes and maximizes hardware and system performance Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation? AGFAPHOTO Digital Photo Frame drivers are tiny programs that enable your Digital Photo Frame hardware to communicate with your operating system software. Maintaining updated AGFAPHOTO Digital Photo Frame software prevents crashes and maximizes hardware and system performance. Another major hindrance to effective prayer is unbelief and doubt Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation? Another major hindrance to effective prayer is unbelief and doubt. Did someone email you a XCD file and youre not sure how to open it Maybe you have found a XCD file on your computer and wondering what its for Windows might tell you that you cant open it or in the worst case you might encounter a XCD file related error message Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation?
Did someone email you a XCD file and you're not sure how to open it? Maybe you have found a XCD file on your computer and wondering what it's for? Windows might tell you that you can't open it, or in the worst case, you might encounter a XCD file related error message.
Q: What is the solution? Solve 253*u = 79 + 174 for u. A: 1 Q: What is the solution? Solve -1090 = -265*v - 502 + 2327 for v. A: 11 Q: What is the solution? Solve 19*s - 104*s + 1365 = 20*s for s. A:
This means that China has made a conscious choice in favour of openness, and this will not only be in the area of trade. Translate to German
Damit hat es bewusst für Offenheit optiert, und dies wird nicht nur für den Bereich Handel gelten.
Queen Victoria Victoria's father was Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, the fourth son of the reigning King of the United Kingdom, George III. Until 1817, Edward's niece, Princess Charlotte of Wales, was the only legitimate grandchild of George III. Her death in 1817 precipitated a succession crisis that brought pressure on the Duke of Kent and his unmarried brothers to marry and have children. In 1818 he married Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, a widowed German princess with two children—Carl (1804–1856) and Feodora (1807–1872)—by her first marriage to the Prince of Leiningen. Her brother Leopold was Princess Charlotte's widower. The Duke and Duchess of Kent's only child, Victoria, was born at 4.15 a.m. on 24 May 1819 at Kensington Palace in London. Q: Who did Prince Edward marry in 1818 in the hopes of producing a child?
Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
test: Jeden Morgen stellen wir Ihnen ein appetitliches und vielfältiges, kontinentales Frühstücksbüffet bereit. English? translation: Every morning we serve you an appetizing and varied continental breakfast. Die Bürger der Technopolis scheinen keine Ahnung zu haben, wie radikal sich die Wahrnehmung ihrer Stadt durch die Außenwelt verändert hat. In English? xxxxx The citizens of the techno-polis appear oblivious to how the outside world’s perception of them has changed, and radically so. How is "Lech Wałęsa (pronounced "Lek va-wen-sa", born September 29 , 1943 , Popowo, Poland ), is a Polish electrician, trade union activist, and politician." said in German? Seit 1967 arbeitete er als Elektriker auf der Lenin - Werft in Danzig (polnisch: Gdańsk). Q: Translate "Thus, the IEBS embraces event history data on employees liable to social security, benefit recipients, persons who are searching for employment, unemployed persons and participants in measures of active labour market policy." to German? A: Somit beinhaltet die IEBS zeitraumbezogene Daten zu sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten, Leistungsempfänger/innen, Arbeitssuchenden, Arbeitslosen und Maßnahmeteilnehmer/innen. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Und dies sollten wir auf eine rechtliche Grundlage stellen. test: Was den präventiven Aspekt des Paktes betrifft, so hat die Prüfung der Stabilitäts- und Konvergenzprogramme für 2005, die wir in den ersten Monaten des Jahres 2006 durchführten, deutlich gemacht, dass die Mitgliedstaaten ihre mittelfristigen Haushaltsziele gemäß den vereinbarten Grundsätzen festgelegt haben. English? translation:
With regard to the preventive aspect of the Pact, the assessment of the 2005 stability and convergence programmes, which have been carried out during the first months of 2006, have shown that the Member States have set their medium-term budgetary objectives in accordance with the agreed principles.
Sentence 1: The eparchy was the seat of the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate of Cilicia from 1866 until 1928 , when the patriarchal seat was moved to Beirut , Lebanon . Sentence 2: From 1866 to 1928 , eparchy was the seat of the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate of Cilicia until the patriarchal seat of Beirut was moved to Lebanon . Do these two sentences convey the same information?
Авиабилеты следует приобретать непосредственно в агенстве Эль-Аль, а не у торговых агентов или посредников. In English? xxxxx You must purchase the tickets directly from El Al and present your authorization. Чача In English? xxxxx Chacha 9,2% (1 237 млн. руб., в том числе доходы от ОАО "Ростелеком" - 594 млн. руб.). In English? xxxxx
Revenues from other telecom operators also remain a strong part of revenue breakdown and amount to 9.2% (RUR 1.2 bln, including RUR 594 mln from Rostelecom).
What are the most important words in the following sentence: coaches watch the karate competition
coach, competition, watch
input: What is the answer to this question? the si unit for the mass of a substance is? output: kilogram input: What is the answer to this question? when does andi mack season 2 come out? output: October 27, 2017 input: What is the answer to this question? dean’s blue hole is one of deepest? output:
salt water blue hole
horseshoe bend (arizona) - pictures, landscapes of the united states, united states - photos of landscapes Make this proper case
Horseshoe Bend (Arizona) - pictures, Landscapes of the United States, United States - photos of landscapes
Patricia: Amyyyy Amy: Hmm? Patricia: Have you finished your maths homework? Amy: Not yet, why? Did you want to copy it? Patricia: XD' Maaaaybe... Amy: Patty, no... Patricia: Eh :( Amy: If you only copy, you'll fail the next test for sure... but I wouldn't mind helping you with it Patricia: Really??? Amy: Yeah, are you free now? Patricia: Yep! Please teach me :) <3 What was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?
Amy will help Patricia with her maths homework.
Premise: " To Help You Order " If this premise is true, what does that tell us about whether it entails the hypothesis "Do your order on your own."?
Question: Summarize this: new zealand 's deputy high commissioner to the solomon islands , bridget nichols , was killed sunday in honiara , the capital of the solomon islands . Answer: new zealand diplomat killed in solomon islands Question: Summarize this: israel allowed cash shipments into the gaza strip , but the amount would not be enough to pay salaries for the palestinian national authority -lrb- pna -rrb- employees , sources said on wednesday . Answer: israel sends cash to gaza Question: Summarize this: the dollar rose against the euro on monday as stocks rebounded on wall street , but the u.s. currency fell against the yen despite news of a sharp drop in japan 's trade surplus . Answer:
dollar gains against euro
Summarize this article: It should have been a triumphant night for Michael Douglas when he won the Emmy Award for Behind the Candelabra last month. But his victory speech was marred by the somber admission that he is desperate to see his incarcerated son, Cameron, who is locked away in solitary confinement at the Federal Corrections Institute in Cumberland, Maryland. “He’s spent almost two years in solitary confinement,” Michael said at the Emmys of his son, a former drug dealer. “Right now I’ve been told that I can’t see him for two years. It’s been over a year now. And I’m questioning the system.” Now, activist Tony Papa of the Drug Policy Alliance has started a new campaign to pressure Attorney General Eric Holder to allow Cameron and Michael to reunite, and for other families with incarcerated loved ones to do so as well. PHOTOS: Michael Douglas At Deauville Film Festival After Split From Zeta-Jones Confirmed “Every father should be able to see his imprisoned son,” Papa, an advocate for Cameron, tells exclusively. “At first, Michael blamed his son for the mess he got into, but now, he is questioning the Bureau of Prisons and asking why he is being prevented from visiting his son for two years. Prison does not end at the prison wall… It severely affects the family members and loved ones of those who are incarcerated. Michael Douglas is being punished for his son’s drug addiction.” Papa has started a petition explaining Cameron’s position and asking Attorney General Eric Holder and John Caraway, the warden of Cameron’s prison, for relief. Cameron “is currently serving nine and a half years of hard time for a nonviolent drug conviction and is being punished because of his drug addiction,” Papa writes. PHOTOS: Celebs Who Have Done Jail Time In April 2010, he was sentenced to five years in prison for possessing heroin and dealing large amounts of cocaine and methamphetamine out of an NYC hotel room. Just over a year later, he failed a drug test and pleaded guilty to possessing drugs in prison. “Cameron, who has struggled with drug abuse, got caught with a small amount of drugs for personal use while in prison,” Papa says, “and the judge in his case brought additional charges, which resulted in adding on an additional four and a half years to his five-year sentence.” “Along with additional charges that resulted in more time,” Papa explains, “Cameron was also thrown into solitary confinement and many privileges were taken away, including phone calls and visits with family.” Cameron appealed the sentence “as excessive and unjust,” and Papa worked with him to present a brief from experts who argued that addiction treatment, and not more jail time, would be a better solution. His appeal was subsequently denied. PHOTOS: Pushy Paps Clash With Michael Douglas & Wife Catherine “Unfortunately our government continues to lock up people with drug addictions instead of giving them treatment,” Papa says. “Treatment is valid for fighting the demons of addiction and an effective tool in overcoming the government’s use of incarceration and punitive measures in response to nonviolent drug law offenses stemming from addiction. Hopefully Michael Douglas will be able to visit his son and the issue of punitive punishment such as this will change and individuals with similar circumstances will be provided relief.” If Douglas’ sentence is not amended, he will be released in 2018. His struggles have been a major cause of Michael and estranged wife Catherine Zeta Jones’ marital problems, as reported. ||||| Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period. ||||| Summary:
– Michael Douglas hasn't seen son Cameron, who's in solitary confinement, in a year—and he's been told he won't be able to see him for two more years, he revealed at the Emmys. So Tony Papa, a Drug Policy Alliance activist and an advocate for Douglas, has launched a campaign in the hopes of getting Eric Holder to agree father and son can reunite. The younger Douglas' sentence is "excessive and unjust," Papa tells Radar, and his father "is being punished for his son's drug addiction."
Question: Irwin was born on his mother's birthday to Lyn and Bob Irwin in Essendon, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. He was of Irish descent on his father's side. He moved with his parents as a child to Queensland in 1970, where he attended Landsborough State School and Caloundra State High School. Irwin described his father as a wildlife expert interested in herpetology, while his mother Lyn was a wildlife rehabilitator. News of Irwin's death prompted reactions around the world. Then-Prime Minister John Howard expressed "shock and distress" at the death, saying that "Australia has lost a wonderful and colourful son." Queensland's then-Premier Peter Beattie remarked that Irwin would "be remembered as not just a great Queenslander, but a great Australian". The Australian federal parliament opened on 5 September 2006 with condolence speeches by both Howard and the Leader of the Opposition, Kim Beazley. Flags at the Sydney Harbour Bridge were lowered to half mast in honour of Irwin. In the days following Irwin's death, reactions dominated Australian online news sources, talk-back radio programmes, and television networks. In the United States, where Irwin had appeared in over 200 Discovery Network television programmes, special tributes appeared on the Animal Planet channel, as well as on CNN and major TV talk shows. Thousands of Irwin's fans visited Australia Zoo after his death, paying their respects and bringing flowers, candles, stuffed animals and messages of support. Criticism of Irwin's career following his death came from Dan Mathews, vice-president of the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Comparing Irwin to a "cheap reality TV star", Mathews accused him of "antagonising frightened wild animals ... a very dangerous message to send to children", contrasted his methods with the behaviour of "a responsible conservationist like Jacques Cousteau", and said it was "no shock at all that Steve Irwin should die provoking a dangerous animal." The son of Jacques Cousteau, Jean-Michel Cousteau--also a producer of wildlife documentaries--took issue with Irwin's "very, very spectacular, dramatic way of presenting things" and suggested instead that "You don't touch nature, you just look at it." Jacques Cousteau's grandson and Jean-Michel's nephew, Philippe Cousteau Jr., on the other hand, called Irwin "a remarkable individual"; describing the Ocean's Deadliest project (on which he worked along with Irwin), Philippe said, "I think why Steve was so excited about it that we were looking at these animals that people think of as, you know, dangerous and deadly monsters, and they're not. They all have an important place in the environment and in the world. And that was what his whole message was about." In the weeks following Irwin's death, at least ten stingrays were found dead and mutilated on the beaches of Queensland, with their tails cut off, prompting speculation as to whether they might have been killed by fans of Irwin as an act of revenge, although, according to the chairman of the Queensland fishing information service, anglers regularly cut the tails off of accidentally caught stingrays to avoid being stung. Michael Hornby, a friend of Irwin and executive director of his Wildlife Warrior fund, condemned any revenge killings, saying that "We just want to make it very clear that we will not accept and not stand for anyone who's taken a form of retribution. That's the last thing Steve would want." Using a quote from the above article, answer the following question: When did he die? HHHHHH Answer: Question: Phillips was born in Albany, Georgia, to Sheryl (Jacks) and Phillip LaDon "Donnie" Phillips, Sr., and moved to Leesburg, Georgia when he was 12. He has two older sisters, LaDonna, the eldest, and Lacey. Phillips grew up in Sasser and Leesburg, and attended Lee County High School. He graduated from Albany Technical College with a major in Industrial Systems Technology, but missed the graduation ceremony due to his obligations to American Idol. Phillips auditioned in Savannah, Georgia. He sang "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder. The judges then asked him to perform a second song with his guitar, and he performed Michael Jackson's "Thriller." He advanced to the Hollywood rounds, and later to the Las Vegas round. On February 23, 2012, Phillips was chosen as one of the Top 25 semi-finalists, and was then voted into the Top 13. His performance style on the show has been compared to Dave Matthews, and he covered one of his songs, "The Stone," in the competition. When asked about Phillips' imitation of his style, Dave Matthews said: "More power to him, I don't mind," and added "He should kick my ass, [then] maybe I can retire and he can take over my band." Mentor Stevie Nicks said Phillips would have been good enough to join Fleetwood Mac back in 1975, after his performance of Jonny Lang's Still Rainin, which he received a standing ovation from the judges. After the Top 13 performance night, Phillips was taken to a doctor for possible kidney stones. He had eight procedures while he was on Idol, and considered quitting the show due to the pain. For his Top 3 performance, Phillips sang Bob Seger's "We've Got Tonight." For Top 4, he did a cover of Damien Rice's Volcano - which has been heralded as one of the best American Idol performances of all time. As the sole contestant who was never in jeopardy of elimination in any week of the competition, Phillips became the winner on the finale against Jessica Sanchez after a record-breaking 132 million votes were cast. His coronation song, "Home," was released after his performance, and had the biggest digital sales week for any Idol winner's coronation song. ^Note 1 Due to the judges using their one save on Jessica Sanchez, the Top 7 remained intact for another week. Using a quote from the above article, answer the following question: What else did he perform on Idol? HHHHHH Answer:
"We've Got Tonight."
Sentence: Sesame oil is an ingredient in beef kway teow, made in Singapore and Indonesia. What structured data could we extract from this sentence?
Beef kway teow, ingredient, Sesame oil; Beef kway teow, country, "Singapore and Indonesia"
Write a dialog based on this summary: Hannah encourages Lexi to come this evening. Lexi is not in the mood for socializing..
Hannah: Are you coming this evening? Lexi: I don't know Lexi: I'm not in the mood Hannah: Come on! It will be fun Hannah: We will drink some caipirinha :D Lexi: I don't want to see people Lexi: Everyone pisses me off
Read this and answer the question. If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". According to the Sixth China Census, the total population of the City of Nanjing reached 8.005 million in 2010. The statistics in 2011 estimated the total population to be 8.11 million. The birth rate was 8.86 percent and the death rate was 6.88 percent. The urban area had a population of 6.47 million people. The sex ratio of the city population was 107.31 males to 100 females. How many people were considered to be living in the urban portion of Nanjing?
6.47 million
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Fitzbillies eatType coffee shop; Fitzbillies food Fast food; Fitzbillies priceRange high; Fitzbillies customer rating 1 out of 5; Fitzbillies area riverside; Fitzbillies familyFriendly yes
Fitzbillies located at riverside is children-friendly Fast food coffee shop rate 1 out of 5 high priced.
Looking to be over .500 for the second time this season, Washington returned home to face the 4-0 Atlanta Falcons, in hopes of snapping a 7-game home losing streak, as well as, as previously mentioned, be over .500 for the first time since Week 1. A game that was billed to be a game with lots of offense, and little defense, ironically had the script flipped on its head. In the first quarter, neither team was able to threaten the other, and the teams played to a scoreless tie, with both teams struggling to get the offense in its normal rhythm. In the second quarter, Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan threw an interception to Redskins linebacker Ryan Kerrigan who returned it for a Redskins touchdown. After an Atlanta three-and-out, Washington got into the red zone, but Redskins kicker Billy Cundiff, who had missed three field goals the week before in Tampa Bay, shanked one from 31 yards out, and Washington was unable to build upon its advantage. Subsequently, the Falcons got the ball back, and Matt Ryan was able to find legendary tight end Tony Gonzalez to even the score at 7-7. In the third, defenses continued to set the tone. On its second possession of the second half, Washington moved the ball effectively into the red zone. However, on third down, Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III scrambled to the left, slid down, and was hit hard by Falcons linebacker Sean Weatherspoon, and left the game with a concussion, and did not return. Cundiff gave Washington a 10-7 advantage by booting a 23-yard field goal, but Washington's main concern now was the health of their quarterback. In the fourth, Washington's defense, who had been on the field far more than it had been off, began to wear down. Matt Ryan found Julio Jones in the corner of the endzone to give Atlanta its first advantage of the day, at 14-10. However, the Redskins, in spite of an injured Griffin, fought back. Fellow rookie Kirk Cousins entered the game and, on 3rd-and-9, found a wide open Santana Moss for a 77-yard strike to put Washington back in the lead, at 17-14. On Atlanta's ensuing possession, veteran kicker Matt Bryant evened the score at 17-all. After a Washington punt, Ryan got the ball back. With a now-exhausted Redskins defense on the field again, Ryan picked the Redskins defense apart, then watched his running back, Michael Turner gash Washington and reach the endzone, and gave Atlanta a 24-17 lead. On Washington's ensuing possession, they were able to get to Atlanta's side of the field, but Cousins showed his rookie colors, stared down a receiver, and veteran cornerback Dunta Robinson made him pay, intercepting him. After Washington's defense stood tall, Washington got one final chance at it. However, Cousins was intercepted again on its first play of the ensuing drive, this time by Thomas DeCoud, sealing the win for Atlanta. Atlanta improved to 5-0. With the loss, Washington fell to 2-3 and lost their eighth consecutive home game. They have not won at home since their Week 2 win over the Arizona Cardinals last season. After the game, Washington was fined $20,000 for not updating Robert Griffin III's status. Answer this question: How far was Cundiff's attempted field goal he missed?
31 yards
an explosion brought down a building in the pakistani port of karachi thursday which was believed to be a base for islamic extremists , killing four people , police said . Summarize the aforementioned text in a single phrase.
four die in karachi building blast police draw link to terrorism
Input: This is some data: A Fortress of Grey Ice PUBLISHER Tor Books. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output: The book "A Fortress of Grey Ice" was published by Tor Books. Input: This is some data: Soviet Union (URS) TOTAL 1; COUNTRY Soviet Union (URS); Equestrian at the 1960 Summer Olympics; Soviet Union (URS) RANK 4. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output: Rank 4 at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Equestrian went to the Soviet Union, with 1 total medal. Input: This is some data: Bacon sandwich COUNTRY United Kingdom; Bacon sandwich ALTERNATIVE_NAME "Bacon butty, bacon sarnie, rasher sandwich, bacon sanger, piece 'n bacon, bacon cob, bacon barm, bacon muffin"; Bacon sandwich INGREDIENT Bacon. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output:
Popular in the UK, a bacon sandwich includes the ingredient bacon and can also be known as a bacon butty, bacon sarnie, rasher sandwich, bacon sanger, piece 'n bacon, bacon cob, bacon barm, or bacon muffin.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Delicious food and courteous service provided by staff from the beginning to end of your dining experience. We are excited for the brand to be opening in Summerlin as well as we have frequented Town Square as a local destination.
input question: I heard the Ambassador telling you his wife hoped you would come to them at the Embassy right away. If this premise is true, does that tell us:"I heard the Ambassador asking you to come to the Embassy immediately."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: yes input question: yeah well if they went AWOL what are you going to do shoot them put them in jail If this premise is true, does that tell us:"Well if they're AWOL then what will you do? "? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: yes input question: Is it worth sacrificing a small amount of freedom for cheaper auto insurance? If this premise is true, does that tell us:"I'm not sure the discount is really worth it."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: it is not possible to tell input question: how about some of the ads do you go by the ads when you look at them or the reviews do they influence you a lot If this premise is true, does that tell us:"The reviews are dependably."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer:
it is not possible to tell
Please capitalize where necessary: uncoordinated walk, apparent dizziness, wobbly eye movements
Uncoordinated walk, apparent dizziness, wobbly eye movements
name = The Waterman, eatType = restaurant, food = French, customer rating = high, area = riverside, familyFriendly = no. **** Answer: The Waterman is a French restaurant situated on the riverside. It has a high rating, not child friendly and price range of £20-£25. Data: name = The Eagle, eatType = restaurant, food = Chinese, customer rating = 3 out of 5. A sentence that describes this data: The Eagle is a Chinese restaurant with an average customer rating Problem: Data: name = The Eagle, eatType = coffee shop, food = Japanese, priceRange = moderate, customer rating = 1 out of 5, area = city centre, familyFriendly = yes, near = Burger King. Can you generate a sentence? Answer: The Eagle is a kid friendly Japanese coffee shop in the city centre near Burger King with a moderate price range and has a customer rating of 1 out of 5. Generate Problem with Attributes: name = Bibimbap House, food = French, area = riverside, near = The Rice Boat Generation: Bibimbap House offers French cuisine and is located near The Rice Boat in the riverside area. Data: name = Zizzi, eatType = pub, food = Japanese, customer rating = low, familyFriendly = yes. A: A pub of Japanese food is Zizzi that has a low customer rating and family friendly. name = The Golden Palace, eatType = coffee shop, food = Indian, priceRange = cheap, customer rating = average, area = city centre. **** Answer:
The Golden Palace is a cheap Indian coffee shop located in the city centre, and has an average customer rating.
Context: The film premiered on March 17, 2000, in 2,587 theaters across the United States and Canada, earning $10,015,822 on its opening weekend, with an average of $3,871 per theater. Final Destination placed at No. 3 in the United States box office on its opening weekend, behind biography film Erin Brockovich (film) and the science fiction film film Mission to Mars. The film remained at No. 3 during the second weekend, before dropping to No. 7 on its third weekend. Final Destination continuously dropped across subsequent weekends until it fell from the top-10 list on its eighth weekend. The film lasted in theaters for 22 weekends, its last screening airing in 105 theaters and grossing $52,675, placing at No. 56. Final Destination grossed $53,331,147 in the United States and Canada on its total screening, and earned $59,549,147 in other territories, earning an overall gross of $112,880,294 internationally. The film is frequently considered a sleeper hit. Question: How many weeks did it take for Final Destination to lose it's spot on the top-10 list? Answer:
Here is a dialogue: Eve: thank you for last night <3 Eve: Is everyone alive? Got home safe? Carl: got home safe, not alive... Elise: hey Eve I owe you money Eve: I know. Don't worry Elise: I'll give you cash tomorrow ok? Eve: No problem Elise: Carl are you there??? Carl: my head... Elise: Dave? Eve: Dave's with me Elise: alive? :) Eve: Not sure... Carl: is he snoring? Eve: Can't hear, he is downstairs Carl: not alive then... Dave: hey I'm alive and doing great! Carl: liar Dave: too much beer Carl, too much... Carl: no more beer. NEVER. Eve: Right... Dave: Eve your coffee is ready here... or you want me to bring it to your bed? :) Carl: wooow Elise: any news for us guys? :) :) :) Eve: No!!! I'm coming downstairs right now! ;) Dave: just being a perfect guest ;) Elise: then you're my guest next time :) What were they talking about?
Eve, Elise, Dave and Carl had a party last night. Elise owes Eve money, she'll give it to her tomorrow.
question: News article: FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) – A teenager who killed four people while driving drunk has been sentenced to probation. Prosecutors were pushing for 16-year-old Ethan Couch to spend 20 years in prison. However, State District Judge Jean Boyd sentenced Couch to a decade of probation. There was no debate about who was behind the wheel last June, when Couch plowed into and killed four people. Couch has admitted to being the driver, and court records show his blood alcohol level was .24 at the time of the crash, three times the legal limit for an adult. Prosecutors also presented evidence that Couch and some friends stole beer from a Burleson Walmart on June 15, the night of the crash. After consuming the alcohol, Couch and seven others got back into his pickup to go to another store. During the trip, he hit four pedestrians, killing them. Two teens riding in Couch’s pickup were thrown from the truck and severely injured. Couch’s attorneys argued his parents were responsible for the teen’s actions that night because of the way he had been raised. Defense attorneys put a psychologist on the stand who testified Couch was a product of wealth and got whatever he wanted. The psychologist also testified the teen was allowed to drink at a very young age and began driving at 13 years old. Defense attorneys argued Couch needed treatment, not jail and suggested a facility that costs almost half a million dollars a year. The victim’s family members began crying in court when the sentence was announced Tuesday evening. Youth pastor, Brian Jennings, Hollie and Shelby Boyles, and Breanna Mitchell were all killed in the crash. Eric Boyles, who lost both his wife and daughter, broke his silence for the first time after the sentencing. “There…there are just some things that even today…are just too difficult to talk about. At this point, we are trying to take life one day at a time. I do look forward to the day that we can put some of this behind us. Today could have been a good start at that…and unfortunately the wounds that it opened only makes the healing process that much greater,” said Boyles through tears. Couch’s family did not comment on the sentence. Couch was not allowed to go home with his parents. He will be housed at the detention center until he can be placed at a treatment facility. Latest News: Top Trending: ||||| The seed for this crawl was a list of every host in the Wayback Machine This crawl was run at a level 1 (URLs including their embeds, plus the URLs of all outbound links including their embeds) The WARC files associated with this crawl are not currently available to the general public. ||||| What is a shorter version of the above article? ------ Shorter version: – Ethan Couch got drunk last June, drove with a blood alcohol level three times the legal adult limit, and killed four pedestrians. But instead of the 20 years the 16-year-old Texas teen could have served in prison, he got 10 years of probation, CBS Local reports. Why? Apparently Couch's attorneys' controversial argument worked: They said Couch's wealthy parents were actually to blame, because Couch was used to getting whatever he wanted. He also started driving at 13 and was allowed to drink. (Although the alcohol from the night in question may have been stolen by Couch and his friends ... from a Walmart.) The defense team argued that Couch needs treatment, and the judge told Couch she doesn't think he could get the therapy he needs in jail, WFAA reports. His attorneys' suggestion: a California facility that costs $450,000 a year, with Couch's dad footing the bill. A psychologist who testified said Couch should also have no contact with his parents during his one or two years in treatment; he actually used the term "affluenza" to describe what the teen apparently suffers from. The only time Couch, who was driving around 70mph in a 40mph zone when the crash occurred, will spend in a detention center is the time it takes for him to be placed in a treatment facility. question: News article: Must Reads Nebraska Man Changes His Name To 'Tyrannosaurus Rex' i itoggle caption Oli Scarff/Getty Images Oli Scarff/Getty Images He made this decision before scientists told us that, back in the prehistoric day, dinosaur farts likely contributed to climate change: Tyler Gold of York, Neb., is now officially named Tyrannosaurus Rex Joseph Gold, the local York News Times reports. But there's no sign that Tyler ... er, Tyrannosaurus Rex ... is rethinking his choice because of any breaking news about breaking wind. According to the News Times: "In Gold's official filing with the court, he said he wanted to change his name 'because the (T-Rex designation) is cooler. Also, as an entrepreneur, name recognition is important and the new name is more recognizable.' He verbally repeated his reasoning during the court proceedings, while on the witness stand [Monday]." Of course, he probably isn't even in first place on The Two-Way's list of guys with unusual names. Who's going to top Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop? One last note: Here's another reason why this old hack/new blogger still loves local newspapers. Back in March, between notes about child support and divorce cases, the News Times slipped in a notice that the local court would be considering "the matter of the name change of Tyler Joseph Gold, York, ... seeking change to Tyrannosaurus Rex Joseph Gold." That's news you can use. ||||| Sorry, this zipcode is not in our deliverable area for this subscription service. Re-enter zip code or sign up for digital access. Get digital access ||||| What is a shorter version of the above article? ------ Shorter version:
– When he woke up yesterday, Tyrannosaurus Rex's name was Tyler Gold. But after a court hearing, the 23-year-old Nebraska man can legally call himself the king of the lizards, the York News Times reports, in a story spotted by NPR. Gold told the court he was changing his name "because the (T-Rex designation) is cooler. Also, as an entrepreneur, name recognition is important, and the new name is more recognizable." The court deemed that sensible, and now his legal name is Tyrannosaurus Rex Joseph Gold. Maybe he can hang out with Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop?
Question: how many wimbledons did borg win in a row?? Answer:
Tudela de Duero Translate to Russian Russian:
Is the premise "A rugby game being played, one man in a green jersey is being lifted up by his teammates with the ball, while a competitor in a red jersey is similarly lifted to tackle him." true if "The green team is winning the game"? Possible answers: [1]. yes [2]. it is not possible to tell [3]. no
IN: Bill O'Reilly: A very disturbing situation involving John Kerry and Michelle Obama This woman, Samira Ibrahim, an Egyptian women's rights activist was supposed to be honored by the State Department tomorrow in Washington receiving the International Woman of Courage Award. Scheduled to attend Secretary John Kerry and First Lady Michelle Obama, who is set to laud her for challenging Egypt's so-called virginity test where women were abused by government doctors. Now there's no question Miss Ibrahim has shown bravery but she's also shown something else. Anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism. At the attack in Bulgaria last summer that killed five Jews Miss Ibrahim tweeted "Today is a very sweet day with a lot of sweet news." Last August she quoted Adolf Hitler. "No act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place except with the Jews having a hand in it." And when a mob attacked the U.S. Embassy in Cairo last September 11th Miss Ibrahim tweeted "Today is the anniversary of 9/11, may every year come with America burning." Amazing right, that this woman, this woman was chosen by the U.S. State Department to be honored? "The Weekly Standard" edited by Fox News guy Bill Kristol who first exposed the madness and today the State Department surrendered. VICTORIA NULAND: We at the department became aware very late in the process about Samira Ibrahim's alleged public comments. After careful consideration we've decided that we should defer preventing this award to Miss Ibrahim this year so that we have a chance to look further into these statements. O'REILLY: Careful consideration, please? "Careful consideration" should have gone into choosing the international honorees and obviously it did not. For the record, Miss Ibrahim says her Twitter account was hacked, but that's hokum. Her statements have been displayed for months without her ever taking them down. The secretary's position speaks for the chaos that is the U.S. Department of State. We saw it in Benghazi, Libya. We are seeing it again now. John Kerry better reorganize this very important department quickly. It is an acute embarrassment to America. - You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to: What is a short summary of the above article? OUT: The O'Reilly Factor on – with Bill O'Reilly, Weeknights at 8 PM and 11 PM EST IN: Why we need to keep talking about ‘rape culture’ Which is why it’s so disappointing that the country’s largest anti-sexual-violence organization, RAINN, recently advised a White House task force that efforts to curb rape on college campuses should move away from the “unfortunate trend towards blaming ‘rape culture,’ ” because “rape is caused not by cultural factors but by the conscious decisions, of a small percentage of the community, to commit a violent crime.” RAINN President Scott Berkowitz told me that the memo to the White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault wasn’t meant as a thorough critique of sexual violence in America. He agreed there are systemic issues: from untested rape kits to justice system treatment of survivors. But he stood by the passage about rape culture, arguing that the term “muddies” the conversation about how to help survivors and risks alienating allies. “Many people interpret it — men in particular — as accusatory,” he said. “We need to encourage their good instincts rather than pointing a finger.” Yet Tracey Vitchers of Students Active for Ending Rape says talking about rape culture has been instrumental to her work. “The concept of rape culture provides students with the language to contextualize what is happening and how they can talk to administrators and peers,” Vitchers says. “Rape culture speaks to the larger systemic problem of why bystanders don’t intervene, why victims don’t feel safe going to campus police and why you see such levels of PTSD among college survivors.” Feminists have also taken issue with RAINN’s recommendation that colleges should promote personal risk-reduction messages. “We know that tips about traveling in groups, not wearing short skirts and avoiding taking a sip of alcohol” — messages young women have been given for decades — “just do not work,” activist Wagatwe Wanjuki says. Wanjuki further questions RAINN’s criminal justice focus, given that the system can be sexist, racist and “a grossly inadequate venue to most survivors.” Instead, Wanjuki and activists like her focus on campus solutions, such as using the anti-discrimination law Title IX to pressure school administrations to handle rape accusations swiftly and fairly. In its recommendations, RAINN insists that a focus on rape culture is misguided because most young adults know rape is wrong, thanks to “repeated messages from parents, religious leaders, teachers, coaches, the media and, yes, the culture at large.” But knowing that “rape is wrong” means little if you don’t know what rape is. When one witness in the 2012 Steubenville rape case was asked why he didn’t stop the assault on a high school girl, he testified that he didn’t know the attack was rape: “It wasn’t violent. . . . I thought [rape] was forcing yourself on someone.” Earlier that evening, this teen took car keys away from a drunk friend. At some point he got the message that drunken driving is wrong, but never that penetrating an unconscious girl is rape. Even some politicians don’t seem to fully understand what rape is. “Rape, when I was learning these things, was the violation of a chaste woman, against her will, by some party not her spouse,” Tennessee state Sen. Douglas Henry said in 2008. It was only two years ago that then-Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri suggested that “legitimate rape” doesn’t cause pregnancy, and the FBI revised its definition of rape, which had included only women (no mention of male victims) who had been “forcibly” attacked. Talking about rape culture isn’t meant to shift focus away from rapists but to paint a fuller picture of how rapists operate and the best ways to stop them. RAINN — which works with Congress on policy and sets political agendas — should know this. And if it is worried about alienating allies, it shouldn’t dismiss the efforts of feminist activists. I agree with Berkowitz when he says: “We all do this work because students deserve to be safe. Survivors deserve to be well-treated, and perpetrators deserve to be punished.” But ignoring the culture in which rapists commit and get away with crimes won’t stop rape. And it will hurt victims. Read more from Outlook, friend us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. What is a short summary of the above article? OUT:
Despite a major group’s suggestion, we need to keep talking about it.
Write a sentence not in English.
În același timp, îmi pot imagina ce vor cuprinde.
Q: Translate "Most people found out that BPA existed only when they saw a BPA-free sticker on bottles at their local store." to German? Yes: Die meisten Menschen werden sich der Existenz von BPA überhaupt erst bewusst, wenn sie in ihrem örtlichen Geschäft auf Flaschen ein Etikett mit der Aufschrift „BPA-frei“ sehen. [Q]: Dieses charmante Hotel befindet sich in einem wunderschönen, originalen Gebäude aus dem 19. Jahrhundert in hervorragender Lage direkt am Strand. Translate this to English? [A]: With a superb location, right by the beach, this charming hotel is based in a beautiful original building from the 19th century. Question: Götaland erstreckt sich südlich der Beiden großen Seen Vänern und Vätttern. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: The area of Götaland is situated in the south of the two large Swedish lakes which are lakes Vänern and Vättern. test: Herr Präsident! Ich möchte Frau Carlotti zu ihrer Rede beglückwünschen. English? translation: Mr President, I should like to congratulate Mrs Carlotti on her speech. Angaben über die voraussichtliche Lieferfrist sind unverbindlich, soweit dem Kunden nicht im Einzelfall eine schriftliche verbindliche Zusage erteilt wird. In English? xxxxx In the unlikely event that the goods are unavailable, the customer will be notified by Email. We can either offer an equal replacement or withdraw from the contract. Das Babington-Komplott versuchte, die protestantische englische Königin Elisabeth I. zu ermorden und die schottische Königin Maria Stuart auf den englischen Thron zu bringen. In English? xxxxx
The Babington plot tried to kill the Queen Elisabeth I. of England and to replace her on the throne by Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland.
Possible review types: Choose your answer from: +negative; +positive;. Generate a negative review for a place
Horrible! My girlfriend came in for gall bladder surgery. While they were inserting the breathing tube they cut her throat. Sent her home the same day and within less then 24 hours her throat was now infected, swollen, almost shut and Her neck was now twice the normal size. They also managed to blow out both arm veins from the IV. Since we then had to go back to emergency so they could fix the mistake they created, they now can't get a new IV in either arm. Very disappointed and now upset. Check out hospitals before u need one.
What are the keywords in the following sentence: detail of building in old town limestone ornate balcony and facades
balcony, building, detail
Write highlights for this article: Manchester United striker Robin van Persie will miss Holland's friendly with Mexico on Wednesday after manager Guus Hiddink confirmed he is 'not quite fit'. Van Persie captained his country to a third place finish at the World Cup, but Hiddink's side have had a difficult run of form since the tournament, picking up just one win from their first three European Championship qualifiers. The 31-year-old forward, who played 90 minutes for United against Crystal Palace last weekend, should be back in time to face Latvia on Sunday. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Robin van Persie displaying quick feet in Holland training. Robin van Persie leaves the Dutch training session with fitness coach Rene Wormhoudt on Tuesday. The Manchester United striker had taken part in training, but is not fully fit according to his manager. Holland will also be without Bruno Martins Indi and Jordy Classy for Wednesday's game in Amsterdam. 'Van Persie is not quite fit,' Hiddink told reporters on Tuesday. 'He trained today, but he did not fully participate. I don't think he will be used against Mexico.' Despite a career constantly interrupted by injuries, Van Persie says he hopes to continue playing for another decade. Holland are hopeful that their captain will be fit for Sunday's European Championship qualifier against Latvia. Van Persie, who played 90 minutes on Saturday, says he wants to play professionally until he is 40. 'I hope that I can play football for as long as possible but I'm aiming for around the age of 40 because I love the game so much,' the Dutch star said in a Facebook Q&A session. The former Arsenal captain also revealed how seriously he takes his footwear, explaining that he always carries his boots with him when travelling. 'I am probably the only football player who brings his football boots with him in the plane because I want to make sure that those exact football boots [are] travelling safely and nothing happens to them.'
Robin van Persie will miss out on Wednesday's friendly in Amsterdam. Van Persie took part in Tuesday's training but was not fully fit. Holland manager Guus Hiddink hopeful Van Persie will play against Latvia. Van Persie says he wants to carry on playing until he is 40, despite injuries.
What are the most important words in the following sentence: Giraffe eating from a tree behind a rock.
eat, rock, tree
Translate from Spanish to English: Tened valor. No os desaniméis por vuestras dificultades. English:
Have courage. Do not be discouraged by your difficulties.
Here is a premise: The simple rule is, if in doubt about what to do, then check it out both from a technical and value oriented perspective. Here is a hypothesis: The rule also suggests rolling into the fetal position, Here are the options: Choose from: (a). yes (b). it is not possible to tell (c). no Is it possible to conclude that if the premise is true, then so is the hypothesis?
input question: Sentence: Buenos Aires has the governing body of Buenos Aires City Legislature. Structured data: Buenos Aires, governingBody, Buenos Aires City Legislature input question: Sentence: Aaron Deer is an Indie rock musician, who plays the keyboard. The stylistic origins of Indie rock are in Garage rock and new wave music. Structured data: Aaron Deer, genre, Indie rock; Indie rock, stylisticOrigin, Garage rock; Aaron Deer, instrument, Keyboard instrument; Indie rock, stylisticOrigin, New wave music input question: Sentence: The Atlas II originated from the United States, the capital of which, is Washington, D.C. Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the United States, where the inhabitants are called Americans. The leader of the United States has the title President of the United States. Structured data: United States, ethnicGroup, Asian Americans; United States, demonym, Americans; United States, capital, Washington, D.C.; Atlas II, countryOrigin, United States; United States, leaderTitle, President of the United States input question: Sentence: The nationality of Abraham A. Ribicoff was American. Structured data:
Abraham A. Ribicoff, nationality, American
Question: Where was the German Peasants' War? Is "After the Eighty Years' War in the Low Countries and the French Wars of Religion, the confessional division of the states of the Holy Roman Empire eventually erupted in the Thirty Years' War between 1618 and 1648." the correct answer? Select from: + yes; + no;
Problem: 12 Magical Moments From the NHL's Winter Classic Showcase You don't have to be a hockey fan to appreciate the NHL's annual Winter Classic. The premise itself is cool enough: Two teams from the world's top hockey league facing off outdoors in an iconic sports stadium. For many NHL players, it harkens back to the days when they first learned to play hockey on frozen-over ponds. For fans, it's a fun way to experience the game they love in a setting both novel and traditional. And for many photographers, the entire situation is a dream come true. This year's first Winter Classic took place on Jan. 1. The University of Michigan's legendary "Big House" football stadium played host to the Detroit Red Wings and Toronto Maple Leafs. A reported crowd of more than 105,000 fans — the largest to ever watch a live hockey game, pending official verification — braved sub-freezing temperatures as Toronto eked out a shootout win. Snow fell, fans screamed and we were once again reminded of the magic sports can conjure. Above are 12 of our favorite shots from the match. But if they only whet your appetite for more stunning sports photography, see below. Write a one or two sentence summary. Summary: One of the most legendary football stadiums in America hosted a snowy NHL game, producing this set of ethereal photos. State Says American Flag Violates Law A Maryland community is up in arms after state highway workers removed an American flag honoring military personnel from a traffic circle and threw it into a dump truck. “We want our flag back,” Rhonda Winkler told Fox News & Commentary. “We are patriots and we love America.” Winkler and her family erected the flag in a traffic circle three years ago in the town of Woodbine. They posted the flag to honor their nephew, a soldier deployed to Afghanistan. About a month ago a car crashed into the roundabout damaging a tree and destroying the original flag. So Winkler’s husband and an 88-year-old World War Two veteran replaced the flag. And that’s when the trouble started. Winkler said she received a telephone call alerting her that state highway workers had taken down the flag and the flag pole, tossing both into the back of a dump truck. “They told us it was against the law to erect a flag on the traffic circle,” Winkler said. “They told my husband that whoever put up the flag could be arrested for trespassing.” State highway workers also told her that people had complained about Old Glory. “We figured it’s the American flag and we live in the United States of America – how can anyone have a problem with it,” Winkler asked. David Buck, a spokesman for the state high department, told the Baltimore Sun that there is also a safety issue. “They don’t have traffic control out there, and they don’t have (road work) vests on,” he told the newspaper. The flags removal sparked outrage across the community. Dozens of people turned out for a rally – many people waving flags. It was especially moving for local residents who have loved ones serving in the military. “It brought tears to my eyes,” Daniela Schnetzler told the Baltimore Sun. Her son just returned from Iraq. “We need that support. Freedom isn’t free, I’ll tell you that.” And Winkler said that’s why the flag has been flying all these years – to support not just her nephew but every member of the military. “If it was something derogatory or inappropriate, that’s one thing,” resident Gene Mellin told the newspaper. “But to take the flag down, it’s not right. I know they have rules, but it’s just a flag. It’s the flag.” Winkler said she hopes her three young children will learn a lesson from the incident. “When you believe in something, you have to take a stand,” she said. “That doesn’t mean going out and rioting and sleeping on streets and not going to work. It means you work hard, you work for yourselves, and you work for your country so that we are a better people.” As for now – there’s no indication if the state of Maryland will reverse their decision – or if the Winkler family will get back their flag. She said state workers have refused to return the Stars and Stripes. Winkler said she is typically not one to raise a big stink about stuff – but not this time. “We as Americans have to take a stand,” she said. “No matter what, we support the flag.” So why raise a big stink? “Because it’s the American flag,” she said. summary: By Todd Starnes/TWITTER A Maryland community is up in arms after state highway workers removed an American flag honoring military personnel from a traffic circle and threw it into a dump truck. “We want our flag back,” Rhonda Winkler told Fox News & Commentary. “We are patriots and w Q: California mayor faces accusations he behaved inappropriately toward female city employee LATHROP, Calif. – The City Council of a Northern California town voted unanimously to let a grand jury investigate claims the town's mayor behaved inappropriately towards a city employee, Fox 40 reports. The council's decision Monday was motivated by a 50-page report prepared by the unnamed employee's attorney. The report details multiple and sometimes bizarre incidents of alleged misconduct by Mayor J. "Chaka" Santos, the mayor of Lathrop, California, towards the employee. In the report, the employee claims Mayor Santos approached her and said things "he should only say to his wife," Fox 40 reports. She claims the mayor called her "baby," held a handshake for "too long" and said he wanted to meet her after work. The employee also claims in one strange instance Mayor Santos pretended to lick rubber bands the employee had previously held. The report says the employee did not say anything for fear of ramifications at her job, but after a while began to feel "creeped out," Fox 40 reports. According to the report, Mayor Santos denied the rubber band incident and said he felt most of his actions were misconstrued. The mayor addressed the accusations at the City Council meeting before the vote, saying he wants the grand jury to clear his name. "From my heart to all of you guys, what happened, happened," Mayor Santos said. "All I can say is that, if you decide to do so, let the Grand Jury decide, and let them decipher what is going on." He also said he felt the accusations may have been politically motivated. Mayor Santos has served since 2010, and is up for re-election in the fall. Click here for more on this story from Fox40. What was this article about? A: The City Council of a Northern California town voted unanimously to let a grand jury investigate claims the town's mayor behaved inappropriately towards a city employee, Fox 40 reports. Input: Real Gadgets Inspired by Top Movies MEDICAL TRICORDER ‘Star Trek’ (1966-1969) // Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy diagnosed ailments with a sweep of his Tricorder. Now a $10 million prize has been offered by the XPrize Foundation for a product that can diagnose 13 conditions. Among the finalists is Scanadu ( ), a pill-shaped sensor that measures heart rate, temperature, blood pressure and oxygen levels. What was this article about? ++++++++++ It's about:
The futuristic gadgets seen in blockbuster films are now becoming reality as science catches up with fantasy.
Read the following article and answer the question by choosing from the options. I had mentioned my call from Omaha in my previous entry and I finally got a hold of the HR lady who was trying to reach me . Like I had expected , it was far from a solid offer , rather just seeing if I was still interested in positions . Still it was the first real bite I ' ve gotten from the line I had sunk in that pond and its not like I have a whole lot of options , so I said I was still interested . Why is the narrator not overwhelmingly excited about the job offer ? Select from the following. - The narrator feels the offer does n't offer enough vacation days .. - The narrator feels the offer is too lucrative .. - None of the above choices .. - The narrator feels the offer is not paying well enough .....A:
The narrator feels the offer is not paying well enough .
By. James Rush. PUBLISHED:. 10:46 EST, 28 September 2013. |. UPDATED:. 11:08 EST, 28 September 2013. Three men and a youth have appeared in court charged with murder over a house fire which killed four members of the same family. Shaun Carter, 24, Jackson Powell, 19, and Nathaniel Mullings, also 19, all appeared alongside a 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, at Leicester Magistrates' Court. They each face four charges of murder in relation to a deadly house fire in the Wood Hill area of Leicester in the early hours of Friday, September 13. Bilal Taufiq Sattar (left) and his brother Jamal (right) died with their sister Zainab and their mother Shehnila Taufiq in the house fire. Four people have now appeared in court charged with murder. The deadly house fire took place in the Wood Hill area of Leicester in the early hours of Friday, September 13. Shehnila Taufiq, 47, her daughter Zainab, 19, and sons Bilal, 17, and Jamil, 15, were all killed in the blaze. The four defendants were remanded in custody for a bail hearing on Tuesday, with a plea and case management hearing due to take place at the city's crown court on October 12. Two men, aged 20 and 19, remain in police custody after being arrested in connection with the fire. Separately, Kemo Porter, 18, has already been charged with four counts of murder in relation to the blaze and is due to appear back at the crown court next week. The four defendants were remanded in custody for a bail hearing on Tuesday. Sorry we are unable to accept comments for legal reasons. Write highlights. A 24-year-old man, two 19-year-old men and a 16-year-old appear in court. Each face four charges of murder in connection to deadly house fire. Shehnila Taufiq and her children Jamal, Bilal, and Zainab were killed in fire. By. Becky Evans. PUBLISHED:. 13:42 EST, 14 March 2013. |. UPDATED:. 13:43 EST, 14 March 2013. A husband has been arrested on suspicion of beating his wife to death with a vacuum cleaner  six months ago. Anthony Tyron Mayo, 37, is accused of murdering his wife Beverly McFarlane, 40, at their North Las Vegas home in August. Ms McFarlane was taken to hospital when police were called to her house and she told them she had been beaten. Anthony Tyron Mayo, 37, is accused of murdering his wife Beverly McFarlane, 40, with the household appliance. Despite treatment, she died at the University Medical Center two weeks later. Police arrested Mayo on Tuesday at an apartment in Mojave City, California, following a joint investigation between forces in Southern California and Nevada and the FBI. Mayo faces charges of murder, coercion and domestic battery by strangulation, according to the LA Times. Ms McFarlane called police on August 10 and alleged that her husband had strangled her before hitting her on. the head with a vacuum cleaner two days earlier. She was taken to University Medical Center and treated for a brain injury but died two weeks later on August 23. Following her death, Mayo fled and despite numerous appeals police were not able to find him. He is currently in a Los Angeles Police Department jail awaiting extradition to Nevada. Ms McFarlane called police alleged that her husband had strangled her before hitting her on the head with a vacuum cleaner two days earlier. The couple have two children, aged five and nine years old, who were in the house at the time of the alleged attack, according to the LA Times. Neither are believed to have been physically harmed. During the appeals, police said Mayo had the name of his wife tattooed on his right forearm and the words 'RIP Jr' on his right shoulder. Ms McFarlane's family said she was so severely injured that she could not recognise them when they visited her in hospital. Sorry we are unable to accept comments for legal reasons. Write highlights. Beverly McFarlane, 40, suffered a brain injury and died in August last year. Anthony Tyron Mayo, 37, fled but was arrested on Tuesday in Mojave City. He faces charges of murder, coercion and domestic battery by strangulation. By. Sarah Griffiths. PUBLISHED:. 05:00 EST, 6 August 2013. |. UPDATED:. 06:52 EST, 6 August 2013. American scientists have recreated the world's most famous painting on the world's smallest canvas, which measures just 30 microns in width. The Mona Lisa, originally painted by Leonardo da Vinci, has now been 'painted' on a substrate measuring one third of the width of a human hair, using tiny chemical reactions. The scientists believe 'Micro Lisa' demonstrates a technique that could potentially be used to achieve nanomanufacturing of devices as they were able to vary the surface concentration of molecules on such short-length scales. Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology have created the 'Mini Lisa' on a substrate surface approximately 30 microns in width. The image demonstrates a technique that could potentially be used to achieve nano-manufacturing of devices. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, which is the best known and most parodied painting in the world. The famous image was re-created with an atomic force microscope and a process called ThermoChemical NanoLithography (TCNL). Going pixel by pixel, scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology positioned a heated cantilever at the substrate surface to create a series of confined nanoscale chemical reactions. By varying only the heat at each location, PhD Candidate Keith Carroll controlled the number of new molecules that were created - the greater the heat, the greater the local concentration. More heat produced the lighter shades of grey, as seen on the Mini Lisa's forehead and hands. Less heat produced the darker shades in her dress and hair, which can be seen when the molecular canvas is visualised using fluorescent dye. Each pixel is spaced by 125 nanometers. Jennifer Curtis, an associate professor in the School of Physics and lead author of the study that was published in journal Langmuir, said: 'By tuning the temperature, our team. manipulated chemical reactions to yield variations in the molecular. concentrations on the nanoscale. 'The spatial confinement of these. reactions provides the precision required to generate complex chemical. images like the Mini Lisa.' The famous image was re-created with an atomic force microscope (pictured) and a process called ThermoChemical NanoLithography (TCNL). Going pixel by pixel, scientists positioned a heated cantilever at the substrate surface to create a series of confined nanoscale chemical reactions. Production of chemical concentration gradients and variations on the sub-micrometre scale are difficult to achieve with other techniques. The scientists produced chemical gradients of amine groups, but expect the process could be extended for use with other materials. Professor Curtis said: "We envision TCNL will be capable of patterning gradients of other physical or chemical properties, such as conductivity of graphene. Professor Curtis (pictured) said technique should enable a wide range of previously inaccessible experiments and applications in fields as diverse as nanoelectronics, optoelectronics and bioengineering. 'This technique should enable a wide range of previously inaccessible experiments and applications in fields as diverse as nanoelectronics, optoelectronics and bioengineering.' She said another advantage is that atomic force microscopes are fairly common and the thermal control is relatively straightforward, making the approach accessible to both academic and industrial laboratories. To facilitate their vision of nano-manufacturing devices with TCNL, the Georgia Tech team has recently integrated nanoarrays of five thermal cantilevers to accelerate the pace of production. Because the technique provides high spatial resolutions at a speed faster than other existing methods, even with a single cantilever, Professor Curtis is hopeful that TCNL will provide the option of nanoscale printing integrated with the fabrication of large quantities of surfaces and everyday materials, whose dimensions are more than one billion times larger than the TCNL features themselves. Write highlights.
The tiny picture is 'painted' on a substrate that is just 30 microns in width using tiny chemical reactions. American scientists controlled the number of new molecules created - the greater the heat, the darker the shade of grey. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology believe 'Mini Lisa' demonstrates a technique that could be used in nanomanufacturing.
Input: REGIONS EUROPE - CAN THATCHERISM SURVIVE BRITISH SLUMP? - LONDON WHEN Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher discusses the very serious economic recession that Britain is experiencing, she often employs homely metaphors to explain her conviction that better times must follow, if only the course is held true. ''It's like a nurse looking after a patient,'' she said recently, in a characteristic explanation of why the Government thinks it has to be tough and austere in the face of soaring unemployment and industrial decline. ''Which is the better nurse,'' The Prime Minister asked, ''the one who smothers the patient with sympathy and says, 'Never mind, dear, there, there, lie back and I'll look after you,' or the nurse who says, 'Now come on, shake out of it. It's time you put your feet to the ground and took a few steps. Now get back and take a few more tomorrow.' '' As no one in Britain needs to be told, Mrs. Thatcher is the firm nurse in that metaphor. But her political problem, of course, is that the patient can always get another nurse. As this particular nurse nears the midpoint in her tenure at 10 Downing Street, the British economy is in worse shape, by most measures, than it has been in years. Unemployment stands at nearly 9 percent and is increasing so relentlessly that The Sunday Times began publishing a weekly listing, headlined ''Jobless Britain,'' of factories that have closed and the number of jobs were lost at each. The number unemployed, now well over two million, increased by 900,000 in 1980. Industrial production has been declining more sharply than at any time in years, and the rate of inflation is 15 percent. That is lower than the peak reached last summer but still well above the 10 percent inflation when Mrs. Thatcher took office 21 months ago. Millions of people, including the newly unemployed and their families, feel directly aggrieved by the Conservative Government, and the party -and Mrs. Thatcher in particular - are slipping steadily behind the opposition Labor Party in the public opinion polls. ''Maggie, Maggie, Maggie - out, out, out,'' the marchers chanted at a huge unemployment protest in Liverpool one cold day last fall. Within the Conservative Party, and even within the Cabinet, there is growing concern that that could become a rallying cry for the whole country. With its comfortable majority in the House of Commons, the Conservative Government will not have to call an election before 1984. But that date, which looked so far away at the beginning of Prime Minister Thatcher's term, looks closer now. As one of her advisers said, ''It could be disastrous if our policies haven't begun to show some good by the time we have to go to the voters.'' Even by some within her own party, the Prime Minister is increasingly being urged to relent a bit on her strict austerity program and to increase -instead of cut - public spending, step up help for ailing industry and rely less on firm monetarism as the ultimate weapon against inflation. To Mrs. Thatcher's great irritation, even former Prime Minister Edward Heath, also a Conservative, has described her economic policy as ''catastrophic.'' Nonetheless, every time she is asked about it, she replies like the firm nurse. ''Our goal must be to bring down inflation and to build a realistically strong economy in which productive, well-based industry can prosper,'' she said recently. ''For years, we have been paying ourselves more than we produced. This must stop.'' The economic pressures of the past year have forced some companies to become leaner and more efficient and some labor unions to moderate their demands. Defenders of the Government say this will happen more and more, and the result will be a stronger, more competitive Britain charged with self-reliance and the spirit of free enterprise. They also like to point to the one bright spot on the economic horizon: the steadily swelling flow of oil from the North Sea. With current production of 1.7 million barrels a day, exceeding such giants as Indonesia and Kuwait, Britain has become self-sufficient in oil, saving this country billions of dollars in import bills. ''It gives us a cushion against shortages and supply fluctuations, not to mention a great income to apply elsewhere in the economy,'' said an oil executive here. But even that good news has a dark side. The oil production has been a major factor in the appreciation of sterling, which is now trading at a level 50 percent higher than in 1976. Though good for some people in Britain, the strong pound has had a devastating effect on exporters, making their goods more expensive abroad. Such traditional exporting industries as textiles have been particularly hard hit, and so has the automobile business, which suffers from competition with cheaper imports. Well over half the cars now sold in Britain are foreign made. Sir Michael Edwardes, the chairman of BL Ltd., the automobile company that used to be called British Leyland, expressed a widely held view among industrialists when he declared in exasperation that, if the Government could not figure out a way to keep the oil from hurting big business, it should ''leave the bloody stuff in the ground.'' Illustrations: drawing of Margaret Thatcher chart of unemployment What was this article about? ++++++++++ It's about: LONDON WHEN Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher discusses the very serious economic recession that Britain is experiencing, she often employs homely metaphors to explain her conviction that better times must follow, if only the course is held true. ''It's like a nurse looking after a patient,'' she said recently, in a characteristic explanation of why the Government thinks it has to be tough and austere in the face of soaring unemployment and industrial decline. ''Which is the better nurse,'' The Prime Minister asked, ''the one who smothers the patient with sympathy and says, 'Never mind, dear, there, there, lie back and I'll look after you,' or the nurse who says, 'Now come on, shake out of it. It's time you put your feet to the ground and took a few steps. Now get back and take a few more tomorrow.' '' Input: Search ongoing for missing Tas boat duo Almost a week after a group of four mates set off for a fishing trip southeast of Hobart, police and volunteers are still looking for two of their bodies. Crews on Saturday will return to patches of sea adjacent to the boat's launch spot at Cremorne, searching for any sign of the 4.9-metre fibreglass runabout or two men missing, presumed dead. They are a 26-year-old Hobart man and a New Zealander aged 35. The alarm was raised on Sunday when the foursome failed to return as planned after a few hours. The next day the bodies of Hobart men Magnus Julian Ritter, 34, and Luke William Davies, 32, were recovered. What was this article about? ++++++++++ It's about:
Nearly a week after they went missing in waters southeast of Hobart, two men remain the focus of a sea search.
Question: Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative? know a star Answer: positive Question: Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative? hilarious ode Answer: positive Question: Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative? depressingly thin and exhaustingly contrived . Answer:
Please answer this question: Whose debut album released in 1998 was entitled The Voice of an Angel?
charlotte church
What is the answer: Philosopher and writer Jeremy Bentham, 1748-1832, is associated with what school of thought?
A 46-year-old man from Austin, Texas, died Sunday during the swim portion of the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco, according to race officials. "We have reason to believe the gentleman suffered from a massive cardiac event as he entered the water and began the swim," race director Bill Burke said in a statement. "Water safety noticed him immediately and initiated CPR while he was in the water and as they transferred him to land," he added. Burke said he believes the man's death marks the first in the triathlon's 33-year history. "The thoughts and prayers of the entire Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon team are with the family and friends of the racer as they mourn this loss," he said. The statement did not identify the triathlete who died. 'A lot of people seemed to be having trouble on the swim' The race, which took place in June last year, was scheduled earlier this year to accommodate the 2013 America's Cup. The change in date meant athletes competed in colder conditions. Approximately 2,000 people take part in the race each year, according to the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon website. The competition includes a 1.5 mile swim from Alcatraz Island, an 18-mile bike race and an 8-mile run. Alcatraz Island, in the San Francisco Bay, is known for a high-security prison that operated there for some 30 years before closing in 1963. Officially, no one ever escaped from Alcatraz, but a handful of prisoners who attempted to escape were never found and remain listed as "missing and presumed drowned," according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Write highlights. The 46-year-old man is said to have suffered a "massive cardiac event" He was participating in the 33rd Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. The race includes a 1.5 mile swim, an 18-mile bike race and an 8-mile run. By. Tara Brady. Jerome Ellis was sentenced to six years detention for killing his stepfather in a savage knife attack with his big brother. A 14-year-old boy was sentenced to six years detention for killing his stepfather in a savage knife attack with his big brother. Jerome Ellis, 14, and Joshua Ellis, 23, stabbed Neil Tulley, 54, to death as he lay on the sofa at the family home in Cedar Way in Guildford, Surrey, last August. A jury at Guildford Crown Court, found Jerome not guilty of murder but guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter on the basis of loss of control. Joshua was found guilty of murder. Mr Tulley, who was in a relationship with their mother Marie, was caught by surprise as he lay 'asleep or nearly asleep' at the time of the attack, which was so severe he was nearly beheaded. He suffered more than 60 blows to his body. Judge Christopher Critchlow told Jerome: 'The evidence is not clear as to who did what in that savage attack - it maybe that Joshua did more than you. 'You accept that you used the knife and you knew what you were doing.' A year earlier Mr Tulley had threatened to kill Joshua and had swung at him with an axe, the court heard. He was arrested and charged with making threats to kill but was acquitted by a jury - although he had admitted some of the behaviour. He later returned to the crowded family home but by August last year the relationship between Mr Tulley and Ms Ellis had deteriorated and he was living on the sofa. A jury at Guildford Crown Court found Jerome not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter. Joshua Ellis, 23, (left) and Jerome Ellis, 14, (right) stabbed Neil Tulley, 54, to death as he lay on the sofa. A post-mortem examination confirmed that Mr Tulley had died from multiple stab wounds and found he had '65 separate sites of injury' across the whole of his body. The most severe wounds were at the neck, with one 8cm (3 inches) deep. Neil Tulley, 54 (left) was stabbed to death by the brothers. Their natural father Gary Ellis (right) wept as his young son gave evidence. Write highlights.
Joshua Ellis, 23, and Jerome Ellis, 14, stabbed stepfather Neil Tulley. Mr Tulley was stabbed to death on the sofa of the family home in Surrey. Jerome was found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter. Mr Tulley who was in a relationship with their mother Marie. He suffered more than 60 blows to his body during the attack.
input question: uh-huh right and and they've changed that now now stop it go play and leave me alone yeah and so i'm using the other ones now because they're just as easy to get to and then they're nickel a gallon cheaper so If this premise is true, does that tell us:"The other ones charge more interest though. "? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: it is not possible to tell Question: Based on the premise "It's a space-ship.", can we conclude that "It is a water bound ship."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no **** Answer: no Question: Sentence A: and they never told us why these two people had such a vendetta against each other and the crime was uh uh attempt to commit murder you know and Sentence B: They went on and on about why the two people were such enemies. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Question: More strikingly, Intel's successful Intel Inside ad campaign has created a brand name for a product that observers once believed was the very definition of a commodity. Intel's campaign was a total failure. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Problem: Here is a premise: She added that physician buy-in is critical to overcoming professional resistance, and that it is important to identify additional partners who can move intervention services forward in a particular setting or institution. Here is a hypothesis: She talked of the importance of the physician buy-in. Here are the options: OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: yes Question: Instead of categorically defending a woman's right to an abortion, they have chosen to challenge pro-lifers on the pro-lifers' turf. Does it follow that "They have chosen to challenge pro-lifers instead of defending a woman's right to abortion, which is harder to do on pro-lifers turf."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
it is not possible to tell
Article: WASHINGTON -- The United States escalated a standoff with the Chinese government on Monday over the alleged use of hacking by military officials to give Chinese companies an advantage over American industries. At a Justice Department press conference, officials announced the indictment of five members of the Chinese military on federal hacking charges. Wang Dong, Sun Kailiang, Wen Xinyu, Huang Zhenyu, and Gu Chunhui are all officers in the Third Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398. A federal grand jury in the Western District of Pennsylvania indicted the five Chinese military officials on May 1, but the case was only unsealed on Monday. It's unlikely that the Chinese military hackers will end up in a U.S. federal court. But the charges represented a significant action by the U.S. government, and in some ways an acknowledgement that diplomatic and public efforts to make the Chinese government hold them accountable had failed. Attorney General Eric Holder said the Obama administration "will not tolerate actions by any nation that seeks to illegally sabotage American companies and undermine the integrity of fair competition in the operation of the free market." While Holder conceded that "all nations are engaged in intelligence gathering," he said what distinguishes this case is that it's about the Chinese government obtaining an economic advantage over American companies. "It’s no secret that the Chinese government has blatantly sought to use cyber espionage to obtain economic advantage for its state-owned industries," Robert Anderson, executive assistant director of the FBI, said at the press conference. "Diplomatic efforts and public exposure have failed to curtail these activities. So we have taken the next step of securing an indictment of some of the most prolific hackers of the 3PLA." FBI Director James Comey said the Chinese government "has blatantly sought to use cyber espionage to obtain economic advantage for its state-owned industries" for too long. David Hickton, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, called it "21st century burglary" and said the hacking had directly damaged American companies. The charges stem from actions allegedly taken against six American entities in the nuclear power, metal and solar products industries. The defendants used screen names like "UglyGorilla" and "KandyGoo" when targeting the American companies from an office in Shanghai. One of the military officials, for example, sent a "spearphishing" message to an employee at U.S. Steel that was designed to trick the employee into allowing access to the computer. In another case, the defendants targeted the United Steelworkers union after its president issued a "call to action" against Chinese trade policies. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, praised the charges. ||||| BEIJING (AP) — China on Tuesday warned the United States was jeopardizing military ties by charging five Chinese officers with cyberspying and tried to turn the tables on Washington by calling it "the biggest attacker of China's cyberspace." This wanted poster is displayed at the Justice Department in Washington, Monday, May 19, 2014, after Attorney General Eric Holder, Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Carlin, U.S. Attorney... (Associated Press) China announced it was suspending cooperation with the United States in a joint cybersecurity task force over Monday's indictments, which accused the officers of stealing trade secrets from major American companies. The testy exchange marked an escalation in tensions over U.S. complaints that China's military uses its cyber warfare skills to steal foreign trade secrets to help the country's vast state-owned industrial sector. A U.S. security firm, Mandiant, said last year it traced attacks on American and other companies to a military unit in Shanghai. The charges are the biggest challenge to relations since a meeting last summer between President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, in Sunnylands, California. Ties already were under strain due to conflicts over what Washington says are provocative Chinese moves to assert claims over disputed areas of the East and South China Seas. Beijing complains the Obama administration's effort to shift foreign policy emphasis toward Asia and expand its military presence in the region is emboldening Japan and other neighbors and fueling tension. Beijing has denied conducting commercial spying and said it is a victim of computer hacking, but has given little indication it investigates foreign complaints. "The U.S. accusation against Chinese personnel is purely ungrounded and absurd," said a statement carried by the official Xinhua News Agency and read on the state TV midday news. The Ministry of Defense warned that the U.S. accusations would chill gradually warming relations between the two militaries. "The United States, by this action, betrays its commitment to building healthy, stable, reliable military-to-military relations and causes serious damage to mutual trust," it said. Despite the pointed language, damage to U.S.-Chinese relations is likely to be limited, with little change in trade or military links, because Beijing realizes the indictment of the five officers is symbolic, said Shen Dingli, a director of the Center for American Studies at Shanghai's Fudan University. He has close ties to China's foreign policy establishment. Beijing is unlikely to engage in tit-for-tat retaliation such as issuing its own indictments of American soldiers and probably will go ahead with plans to take part in U.S.-hosted naval exercises next month, Shen said. He said cybersecurity cooperation is likely to be suspended indefinitely, but that should have little impact because the joint group achieved little in its three meetings. "Political, security and commercial espionage will always happen," Shen said. "The U.S. will keep spying on Chinese companies and leaders, so why can't China do the same?" The Cabinet's Internet information agency said Chinese networks and websites have been the target of thousands of hacking attacks from computers in the United States. "The U.S. is the biggest attacker of China's cyber space," Xinhua said, citing a statement by the agency. "The U.S. attacks, infiltrates and taps Chinese networks belonging to governments, institutions, enterprises, universities and major communication backbone networks." Monday's indictment said the People's Liberation Army officers targeted U.S. makers of nuclear and solar technology, stealing confidential business information, sensitive trade secrets and internal communications. The targets were Alcoa World Alumina, Westinghouse Electric Co., Allegheny Technologies, U.S. Steel Corp., the United Steelworkers Union and SolarWorld. The Justice Department said the charges should be a national "wake-up call" about cyber intrusions. American authorities have previously announced details of cyberattacks from China but Monday's indictment was the first accusation to name individuals. The Justice Department issued wanted posters with the officer's photos on them. In announcing the suspension of its work with the cybersecurity group, the Chinese government warned of further retaliation "as the situation evolves." The working group was established in April 2013, following the publication of allegations of spying by the Chinese military and held its first meeting last July. The new indictment attempts to distinguish spying for national security purposes — which the U.S. admits doing — from economic espionage intended to gain commercial advantage for private companies or industries. The United States denies spying for commercial advantage, though documents released by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden said the NSA broke into the computers of Brazil's main state-owned oil company, Petrobras. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said if that was true, then the motive would be to gather economic information. "China has already expounded its stance and is strongly opposed to stealing commercial secrets," said Xiong Zhiyong, a foreign relations specialist at Tsinghua University. "I think there is no difference between China and the United States in allowing cyberspying for national security, though there is no open announcement by the Chinese government." The indictment says the Chinese hackers stole proprietary information from the companies and the labor union, including design specification for Westinghouse pipes and pricing and strategy information from SolarWorld. Working from a building in Shanghai, prosecutors say, the hackers in some cases gained access to networks by sending emails to company employees that looked authentic but that actually contained a link to malicious code. The defendants are believed to be in China and it was unclear whether any might ever be turned over to the U.S. for prosecution. ___ Associated Press writer Christopher Bodeen and researcher Yu Bing contributed to this report. ||||| Image copyright FBI Image caption The FBI issued a "Wanted" poster for the five army officers China has denounced US charges against five of its army officers accused of economic cyber-espionage. Beijing says the US is also guilty of spying on other countries, including China, and accuses the US of hypocrisy and "double standards". China has summoned the US ambassador in Beijing over the incident. It says relations will be damaged. US prosecutors say the officers stole trade secrets and internal documents from five companies and a labour union. The BBC's John Sudworth in Shanghai says it is extremely unlikely that any of the accused will ever be handed over to the US. China's defence ministry put out a strongly-worded statement on its website on Tuesday saying that China's government and its military "had never engaged in any cyber espionage activities". It also took aim at the US, saying: "For a long time, the US has possessed the technology and essential infrastructure needed to conduct large-scale systematic cyber thefts and surveillance on foreign government leaders, businesses and individuals. This is a fact which the whole world knows. "The US' deceitful nature and its practice of double standards when it comes to cyber security have long been exposed, from the Wikileaks incident to the Edward Snowden affair." Analysis: Carrie Gracie, BBC China editor Image copyright AFP Image caption The two countries' defence ministers met just last month China always insists it is a victim of hacking, not a perpetrator. And when US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden appeared in Hong Kong a year ago with evidence of US hacking into Chinese networks, Beijing felt vindicated. The US acknowledges that it conducts espionage but says unlike China it does not spy on foreign companies and pass what it finds to its own companies. Beijing typically shrugs this off as a smear motivated by those who find its growing technological might hard to bear. But to see five named officers of the People's Liberation Army indicted by a US grand jury is not something that can be brushed aside so easily. China has already announced the suspension of co-operation with the US on an internet working group. And once it has had time to digest this loss of face, it is likely to consider more serious retaliation. The defence ministry added that China's military had been the target of many online attacks, and "a fair number" of those had been launched from American IP addresses. It said the arrest of the five Chinese army officers had "severely damaged mutual trust". A Xinhua report on Tuesday stated that between March and May this year, a total of 1.18 million computers in China were directly controlled by 2,077 machines in the United States via Trojan horse or zombie malware. Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang lodged a "solemn representation" with US ambassador Max Baucus on Monday night, Xinhua reported. 'US losses' On Monday US Attorney General Eric Holder said a grand jury had laid hacking charges against the Chinese nationals, the first against "known state actors for infiltrating US commercial targets by cyber means". He identified the alleged victims as Westinghouse Electric, US Steel, Alcoa Inc, Allegheny Technologies, SolarWorld and the US Steelworkers Union. "The alleged hacking appears to have been conducted for no reason other than to advantage state-owned companies and other interests in China, at the expense of businesses here in the United States," Mr Holder said. In the indictment brought in the western district of Pennsylvania - the heart of the US steel industry - the US named Wang Dong, Sun Kailiang, Wen Xinyu, Huang Zhenyu, and Gu Chunhui, all officers in Unit 61398 of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), as the alleged conspirators. FBI officials said the hacking - between 2006 and 2014 - caused "significant losses" at the companies and that there were likely to be many more victims. Last year, cyber-defence company Mandiant published a report on a Chinese military unit the firm said was behind the vast majority of significant attacks on American federal agencies and companies. In March, Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said the Pentagon planned to more than triple its cyber-security capabilities in the next few years to defend against such internet attacks. What is Unit 61398? Image copyright AFP •A unit of China's People's Liberation Army, to whose Shanghai address US cyber security firm Mandiant says it traced a prolific hacking team •The team was said to have hacked into 141 computers across 20 industries, stealing hundreds of terabytes of data •Mandiant says the team would have been staffed by hundreds, possibly thousands of proficient English speakers •China said Mandiant's report was flawed and lacked proof ||||| Video The indictments of five Chinese military hackers by the Justice Department on Monday has raised questions of what actions, if any, American officials plan to take against members of the more than 20 other hacking units that American officials and their partners are currently tracking inside China. “If you look at all the groups that we track in China, this is just the very tip of the iceberg,” said George Kurtz, a co-founder of Crowdstrike, a private security firm that has been tracking the People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398 and other hacking groups in China. “The indictments are just one piece of a broader puzzle.” Beyond Unit 61398, the National Security Agency and its intelligence partners are currently tracking more than 20 Chinese hacking groups — over half of them Chinese military and naval units — as they break into an array of American government agencies and companies, ranging from drone and nuclear weapon parts makers to technology, retail and energy firms and nonprofit research organizations, according to a half-dozen United States officials who declined to be named because of the classified and ongoing nature of the investigations. Security officials said that the indictments were intended to push China to get serious about reining in various P.L.A. hacking units and that they have been in the works for two years. One of the major challenges, officials said, was persuading the victim corporations — which feared a loss of sales in China or state retaliation — to come forward. “They had to gather really strong evidence that these companies had been hacked, and then had to convince the companies to go public, despite fear of retaliation,” said James A. Lewis, a cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic Studies in Washington, who has participated in several official Sino-American discussions on cyberespionage. The indictments, Mr. Lewis said, are not about what the United States will do with these hackers, but what the Chinese government will do with them. “The indictment is meant to send a clear public message to China that they need to take action,” he said. “They need to get these P.L.A. entities under control.” While the majority of the groups the N.S.A. has been tracking, including Unit 61398, are P.L.A. units, officials say many of them are murky collectives of hackers from privately owed Chinese companies and state-funded universities that officials believe have been contracted by the Ministry of State Security, China’s civilian spy agency, to hack victims — such as clean energy firms — that help China meet its economic objectives. Officials say it is unclear how the Chinese government tasks such missions, a quandary that has taken on more urgency after analysts were able to trace sophisticated cyberattacks against a disconcerting list of victims — drone and missile makers and nuclear technology developers among them — to three privately contracted groups of Chinese hackers. Officials say one of these privately contracted groups, based in Guangzhou, China, has been tied to attacks against defense contractors — including missile, satellite and space technologies and nuclear propulsion technology developers — in the United States, Britain and Russia. More recently, two officials said that the group has expanded its targets to include law firms, which hold valuable intellectual property for their clients but often lack the security defenses of a larger corporation. Separately, officials say, the N.S.A. and its partners have been tracking a group of privately employed technology workers based in the industrial city of Tianjin. Since 2005, officials say, they have tied attacks on defense contractors and technology and energy firms, as well as Chinese separatists, to the group. One of these groups of privately employed Chinese hackers that have officials most concerned is also one of the least prolific.<<< Since 2008, officials say members of this group have surgically struck a number of companies that develop drones and satellite technology. Officials say that they believe these groups work at the behest of the Ministry of State Security and that the fact that they are contracted but not directly employed by the state gives Beijing a degree of deniability. But the vast majority of groups the N.S.A. and its partners are tracking are units of the People’s Liberation Army’s Second and Third Departments, which maintain eavesdropping posts across China. They say Unit 61398 — formally the Second Bureau of the People’s Liberation Army’s Third Department — accounts for only a slice of the attacks orchestrated by the P.L.A.’s Third Department. According to interviews with three former government officials, the N.S.A. began tracking the PLA’s Third Department in 2004 after its First Bureau hacked into the Pentagon’s networks, two former government officials said. Since then, the unit has been tied to numerous cyberattacks on foreign telecom and technology companies that specialize in networking and encryption equipment, like the types manufactured by American companies including Cisco, Juniper and Broadcom. Judging by their victims, officials say other P.L.A. bureaus are assigned to targets — including politicians and diplomats at government agencies — in specific geographies. For example, one P.L.A. bureau has been tied to several attacks against diplomats and politicians in South Asia, while another has been linked to attacks on targets in Central Asia, including the foreign ministries of Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. Officials also say that thousands of attacks against the military networks of the United States and a number of Asian countries, including South Korea and Japan, have been attributed to the Chinese Navy’s First and Second Technical Reconnaissance Bureaus. After Monday’s indictments, American officials say that they will be looking to see what, if any, steps Beijing takes to curb cyberespionage. “A lot of this will depend on how the Chinese react to this in private,” said Mr. Lewis, the cybersecurity expert. “If they blow this off, you could imagine actions by the Treasury, visa restrictions on travel or restrictions on study.” He added: “The Chinese have more to lose in this than we do.” |||||Summary:
– Eric Holder described the cybercrimes charges against five Chinese military officers as a "wake-up call" and China is certainly paying attention: Government officials have summoned the US ambassador in Beijing, suspended a cybersecurity agreement made with the US last month, and denounced the charges as an "absurd" move that has "severely damaged mutual trust," reports the BBC, which notes that it is "extremely unlikely" that any of the accused will ever be sent to the US to face charges. The government's Internet information agency was also quoted as saying, "The US is the biggest attacker of China's cyberspace." More: Federal officials say the five people charged, all members of the Chinese military's secretive Unit 61398, were part of a hacking campaign that gave Chinese industries an advantage at the expense of American firms, reports the Huffington Post. They allegedly used screen names like "UglyGorilla" and "KandyGoo" as they tricked their way into computer networks. How they reportedly tried to gain access in many cases: by sending "spearfishing" messages that appeared to come from "trustworthy senders." According to the indictment, the targeted entities included Westinghouse Electric Co., US Steel Corp., the United Steelworkers Union, and SolarWorld, the AP reports. The hackers are accused of stealing proprietary information including design specifications for Westinghouse pipes and pricing and strategy information from SolarWorld. In the case of the latter company, the indictment claims the hackers stole thousands of email and attachments during a period in which SolarWorld was "an active litigant in trade cases against Chinese solar manufacturers." Officials say that beyond Unit 61398, the NSA and other agencies are tracking at least 20 other Chinese hacking groups targeting the American government and US industries. "If you look at all the groups that we track in China, this is just the very tip of the iceberg," a co-founder of security firm Crowdstrike tells the New York Times. "The indictments are just one piece of a broader puzzle."
Write an article based on this "Teach a Doberman to respond to its name. House train a Doberman Pinscher. Socialize a Doberman Pincher as early as possible. Socialize adult dogs that are fearful of strangers." Article:
This is an important first step for further training. Begin calling your dog by its name as soon as you adopt it. Even though the dog won't understand that you are talking about it right away, the repetition over time will help it to learn that you are talking about it. Pick a name for your dog that is easy to say. This will allow you to teach the dog its name more easily. This is an important bit of training that is key to having a happy and healthy relationship with your pet. House training a dog is a bit different than teaching commands. Dogs instinctually want to keep their bathroom spot separate from where they sleep and eat. Because of this, house training a dog is more about showing the dog the boundaries of home and bathroom than directing the dog when to go to the bathroom. The key to house training is taking your dog out on a regular basis. When you first begin training your dog, there will probably be accidents between trips outside, as the dog is not used to the routine yet. However, over time the dog's system will adjust to the regular intervals between trips outside. If a dog goes to the bathroom in the house, immediately take it outside to finish its business. The important part of this is taking the dog outside immediately. A dog doesn't have the ability to make a connection between going to the bathroom inside and being taken outside unless these things happen basically simultaneously. Dobermans, like all dogs, need to be socialized at a young age. This means that you must take your puppy to parks, dog-friendly stores, and other places your pup will meet new people. You want your puppy to constantly be meeting new people, so that it understands that this is a normal, and pleasant, part of life. If your puppy goes with little socialization, he or she will not be friendly to other dogs in the future. This will prove to be a major problem. If you adopt an adult dog that has not been socialized you should begin remedial socialization with them. This means that you need to start with the basics to get them used to people and animals out in the world. Start by building trust with the animal. It needs to trust and follow your commands in order to be trained how to respond to strangers and other animals. Once you have bonded with your adult dog, then start doing short excursions into public. You should keep your dog away from actual contact with strangers and animals at first, simply letting the dog see that others out in the world mean it no harm. Gradually introduce the dog to new people. Get a friend to help with this training. Have the person stand near the dog in a non-threatening position, but not so close that the dog could actually make contact. Have your helper use a kind voice and hold treats for the dog, so that it gradually goes to the helper on its own. Also introduce your dog to other dogs. This is a delicate and gradual process, in which the dog first needs to see and smell the other dog before being allowed to get close enough to make contact with the other dog. This may take quite awhile if your dog is aggressive to other dogs. Over days, and probably weeks, gradually expose your dog to the sights and smells of other dogs.
Question: it's complicated Does it follow that "The math on this is complicated."? Answer: it is not possible to tell Question: In addition, five percent of the total amount of sulfur dioxide allowances available for allocation each year will be auctioned. Does it follow that "Sulfur dioxide needs to be siphoned off "? Answer: it is not possible to tell Question: Maybe, maybe not. Does it follow that "Perhaps, or perhaps not."? Answer: yes Question: Boone claims that the album's purpose is to attract metal enthusiasts to Jesus, and that his get-up was a spoof of his old choirboy image. Does it follow that "Boone's get-up is a nod to rodeo clowns."? Answer:
Generate a question with a factual answer. Generated: What did quadraphonic recording feature? Generate a question with a factual answer. Generated: What is note worthy about the bird population of Burma ? Generate a question with a factual answer. Generated: When was the treaty to regulate mining agreed upon? Generate a question with a factual answer.
Generated: Who is the head of government?
Translate the following sentence to French: Fundamental rights & anti-discrimination
Droits fondamentaux & antidiscrimination
Q: Translate "The second you touch the trigger, you create national news, and a nationwide manhunt." to Czech? A: Ale ve chvíli, kdy zmáčknete spoušť, zaplníte celostátní zprávy a začnou vás všichni pronásledovat. Q: Translate "It's evident, e-vi-dent there's something wrong here!" the young man cried hotly, and he ran downstairs." to Czech? A: Tady zřejmě, ale zř-ř-ejmě něco nehraje!" chrlil rozčileně mladík a už pádil ze schodů. Q: Translate "Claire, please, I know you don't wanna hurt me." to Czech? A:
Prosím, Claire. Přece bys mi neublížila.
IN: Bernard Mathew Leadon III (pronounced led-un; born July 19, 1947) is an American musician and songwriter, best known as a founding member of the Eagles. Prior to the Eagles, he was a member of three pioneering and highly influential country rock bands: Hearts & Flowers, Dillard & Clark, and the Flying Burrito Brothers. He is a multi-instrumentalist (guitar, banjo, mandolin, steel guitar, dobro) coming from a bluegrass background. He introduced elements of this music to a mainstream audience during his tenure with the Eagles. Leadon was the last original member to join the Eagles, a band initially formed by guitarist/singer Glenn Frey, drummer/singer Don Henley, and former Poco bassist/singer Randy Meisner. Leadon is often credited with helping shape the band's early country-rock sound, bringing his strong sense of harmony as well as his country, bluegrass and acoustic sensibilities to the group. Instruments he played during his tenure in the band were electric guitar, B-Bender, acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, dobro and pedal steel guitar. Upon the release of their debut album, Eagles, the group met with near instantaneous success, due largely to the strength of their hit singles, "Take It Easy", "Peaceful Easy Feeling" and "Witchy Woman" (co-written by Leadon and Henley), all of which highlighted Leadon's multi-instrumental talent on electric guitar, B-Bender, banjo, and harmony vocals. Their follow-up, Desperado, was another strong country-rock venture highlighted by the classics "Tequila Sunrise" and the title track. Leadon had a prominent role on the album, but it was met by surprisingly lukewarm reviews and lackluster sales. As a result, the band attempted to distance itself from the "country rock" label for their third album On the Border. In doing so, Leadon encouraged the group to recruit his old friend, guitarist Don Felder, to the band. The result was the guitar-heavy top ten hit "Already Gone". The album also included "My Man", Leadon's touching tribute to his old bandmate and friend, Gram Parsons, who had died of a drug overdose the year prior at Joshua Tree National Monument in southeastern California. With the wild success of On the Border and its follow-up smash, One of These Nights, tension within the band grew, as Leadon grew increasingly frustrated by the band's direction away from his beloved country and bluegrass and toward album-oriented stadium rock. He famously quit the band in 1975 by pouring a beer over Glenn Frey's head. He later cited a need to get healthy and break the vicious cycle of touring, recording and heavy drug use that was rampant within the band. Upon his departure, Asylum Records released Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975), which highlighted the band's Leadon years and went on to become the biggest-selling album of all time for sales in excess of 42 million units, awarded to the band members by the RIAA. He was replaced by former James Gang guitarist/singer, Joe Walsh. Although it has long been believed that he left because he was dissatisfied with the band moving into rock and roll, Leadon denies it and said in 2013: "That's an oversimplification; it implies that I had no interest in rock or blues or anything but country rock. That's just not the case. I didn't just play Fender Telecaster. I played a Gibson Les Paul and I enjoyed rock & roll. That's evident from the early albums." Was ths album more successful than the previous one? OUT: IN: Jerry Fulton Cantrell Jr. (born March 18, 1966) is an American musician who is best known as the founder, lead guitarist, co-lead vocalist and main songwriter for the rock band Alice in Chains. The band rose to international fame in the early 1990s during Seattle's grunge movement, and is known for its distinctive vocal style, and the harmonized vocals between Cantrell and Layne Staley (and later Cantrell and William DuVall). Cantrell started to sing lead vocals on Alice in Chains' 1992 EP Sap. After Staley's death in 2002, Cantrell took the role of Alice in Chains' lead singer on most of the songs from the band's two albums without Staley, Black Gives Way to Blue (2009) and The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here (2013), with DuVall harmonizing with him in the new songs and singing Staley's vocals in the old songs. Cantrell has been most famously seen playing a G&L Guitars' Rampage model. The two models most closely identified with Cantrell are instruments manufactured in the 1980s. They feature a maple body, maple neck and ebony fingerboard. The bridge is a Kahler Tremolo as opposed to a Floyd Rose tremolo which was commonly seen on instruments made throughout the 1980s and 90s. The guitars feature a single-bridge humbucker wired to a volume pickup. G&L Guitars makes two Jerry Cantrell Signature guitars available to the general public for purchase. The first is a Rampage model which is very similar to the instrument most closely identified with Cantrell, known as the "Blue Dress Rampage" for having an image of a vintage pin-up girl wearing a blue dress, which Cantrell taped to the top of his first guitar. The second is a guitar called the 'Superhawk'. This guitar features a fixed bridge and the addition of a neck pickup. Cantrell used the original "Blue Dress" guitar on the music videos for "Man in the Box", "We Die Young", "Sea of Sorrow", "Grind", and "Again". The guitar can also be seen in the movie Singles. In 2011, Cantrell told that he had to retire the guitar due to a hairline crack from the neck all the way through the back of the body. Before that, he had never gone on tour without it. Apart from his signature G&L Guitars, Cantrell has also been seen playing a Les Paul and a Telecaster Cantrell used a variety of amplifiers such as those made by Bogner, Mesa Boogie and Marshall throughout his career. He has most recently been using a signature amp called the, 'JJ100' made for him by Friedman Amplification. What kind of band did he work with? OUT:
Write the last sentence in this story. Sean Dyche has challenged Danny Ings to prove that his head has not been turned by speculation of a move to Liverpool by firing Burnley to Premier League survival. The Burnley boss admitted after last weekend’s defeat at Sunderland that the England Under-21 striker looked as though he had been distracted by the transfer talk. Liverpool failed to sign Ings before deadline day but are expected to try and agree a pre-contract that would guarantee the 22-year-old a £5million move to Anfield in the summer. Danny Ings has impressed during his debut season in the Premier League with Burnley - scoring seven goals He said: ‘Danny’s a big player in
Burnley but there’s a long way to go until you’re a really big player, and he has now gone onto a different level of learning.
Question: Gaza out of control We are entering a very dangerous time. Everyone has their own gun and there is no one person in control.. BY ANDREW METZ. GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- The young men wore hostile expressions and carried guns Which topic is this article about? Answer: World Question: Another Slide in IE #39;s Market Share New research from Web analytics firm WebSideStory said usage of Microsoft #39;s dominant Internet Explorer (IE) has dropped slightly. Which topic is this article about? Answer: Science/Tech Question: Astros 7, Cardinals 5 Roger Clemens won his 327th career game with seven strong innings, and the Houston Astros kept pace in the NL wild-card race by holding on for a 7-5 victory over the St. Which topic is this article about? Answer: Sports Question: Sun stands between Liberty and finals NEW YORK - The New York Liberty needed a last-second shot in the decisive game of their first-round series against Detroit to earn a trip to the Eastern Conference final, and will try to advance to the WNBA Finals for an unprecedented fifth time. Which topic is this article about?
Answer: Sports
Q: Sapphire is the birthstone relating to which month of the year? A: september Q: In the musical and T S Eliot's book Cats, which was the railway cat? A: skimbleshanks Q: In the US television show ‘The Sopranos’, what is Salvatore Bonpensiero’s nickname? A:
big pussy
Question: Bilim haberlerinde ayrıca: Romanya haberleşme bakanlığı bir e-Romanya İnternet portalı hizmete soktu ve bir Türk bilim insanları ekibi, manyetik soğutmada çığır açtı. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Also in science news: Romania's communications ministry launches an e-Romania internet portal, and a team of Turkish scientists make a breakthrough in magnetic cooling. Question: AB temsilcisi Wolfgang Ischinger, "Denemediğimiz yol kalmadı." dedi. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: "We left no stone unturned," said EU representative Wolfgang Ischinger. Question: Dita-Tomescu yarışı 2:23:45'lik zamanla bitirdi. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Dita-Tomescu finished with a time of 2:23:45. Question: AB dönem başkanı İspanya'nın Dışişleri Bakanı Miguel Angel Moratinos 26 Ocak Salı günü Brüksel'de yaptığı açıklamada, ülkesinin Sırbistan'ın 27 ulustan oluşan bloğa üyelik başvurusu konusunda çabuk bir karar verilmesi için bastıracağını söyledi. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
Spain, the current EU presidency chair, will push for a quick decision on Serbia's application for membership in the 27-nation bloc, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said in Brussels on Tuesday (January 26th).
Ancak yetkili, bu olayların sadece Türkiye'de yaşanmadığını, "dünyada çeşitli ülkelerde de görüldüğünü" ve "yasadışı satın alma ağlarının herhangi bir ülkeyi hedef alabileceğini" belirtiyor. Translate this to English?
However, he stresses that these cases don't just happen in Turkey, but "in several countries around the world" and that "illicit procurement networks will target any country".
Problem: The lowest part of the Earth's atmosphere, where we live, is called what? ====== A: troposphere Problem: Which American General led the 'Confederate' armies in their early run of successes during the Civil War? ====== A: stonewall jackson Problem: Tony and Maureen Wheeler began publishing what travel publications in the early 1970s? ====== A: lonely planet Problem: Alexander the Great died in which ancient city? ====== A:
Write a positive movie review.
Gypo Nolan (Victor McLaglen) is as poor as anyone on Earth. Living in 1920s Ireland, Gypo and his fellow Irishmen are part of an underground rebellion against the oppressive Brits. One particular rebel, wanted for murder by the English, arrives back into town secretly. He thinks he can trust his friend Gypo, but the £20 reward proves too tempting. Gypo gets his friend killed and sinks into a pit of despair and drunkenness. Meanwhile, the other Irish rebels are searching for the informer. Right away, Gypo, with money burning a hole in his pocket, is their main suspect, but they, who are his friends, don't want to believe it. The story of The Informer is simple in its plot, but complex in its moral and emotional issues. It's easily one of John Ford's most emotionally involving films. What Gypo did was wrong, but we can certainly understand his motives. We also understand his sorry character, and there's a lot of sympathy that arises for him. The script is very suspenseful, as well. It's the kind of suspense where we are pretty sure we know how everything will end up, so we have to grit our teeth and bear along with it. The acting is remarkable. Victor McLaglen, who acted in many of Ford's films, probably gave his best performance here (and won an Oscar for it). Every other performer in the film deserves his or her kudos. In addition to an amazing script and acting, The Informer is one of John Ford's most expressionistic films. I love the darker side of Ford. In its mood, as well as in its themes, The Informer reminds me of two of my other favorite Ford films, The Long Voyage Home (1940) and The Fugitive (1948); it's also a bit similar to The Grapes of Wrath (1940) in these respects. 10/10.
Question: Goal: To split a sheet of wood into two equal sections, you can Which of the following methods is more reasonable for accomplishing this goal? OPTIONS: - Use a table saw to carefully split the wood - Use a hand saw to carefully split the wood Answer: Use a table saw to carefully split the wood Goal and options: How to make wood chips smoke for longer? OPTIONS: - Dip the wood chips in the fridge and let them sit for an hour, then place them in water to dry out before using them - Dip the wood chips in water and let them soak for an hour, then place them in the fridge to dry out before using them output answer: Dip the wood chips in water and let them soak for an hour, then place them in the fridge to dry out before using them [Q]: Which of the following solutions is better for the following goal: where is the Scorpius constellation located OPTIONS: - To find it, face south about 10 PM toward the middle of the month. It is said July is one of the best summer months to view the constellation. Near the horizon you'll find the bright red star Antares, the heart of the scorpion. Down and to the left of Antares is the scorpion's tail with the stinger raised to strike. - To find it, face south and north about 10 PM toward the middle of the month. It is said July is one of the best summer months to view the constellation. Near the horizon you'll find the bright red star Antares, the heart of the scorpion. Down and to the left of Antares is the scorpion's tail with the stinger raised to strike. [A]: To find it, face south about 10 PM toward the middle of the month. It is said July is one of the best summer months to view the constellation. Near the horizon you'll find the bright red star Antares, the heart of the scorpion. Down and to the left of Antares is the scorpion's tail with the stinger raised to strike. input question: To prevent colon cancer, OPTIONS: - get your first colonoscopy when you are 50 years old. - get your first mammogram when you are 50 years old. output answer: get your first colonoscopy when you are 50 years old. [Q]: Objective: To make hot chocolate out of Nutella, OPTIONS: - use chocolate flavored Nutella and heat it up int he microwave after mixing it with milk. - use Nutella, hazelnut and butter inside a pan heated slowly with a tad bit of pepper added. [A]: use chocolate flavored Nutella and heat it up int he microwave after mixing it with milk. [Q]: Objective: Make ice coffee without watering it down OPTIONS: - Fill an ice tray with hot water, let it set for while, then freeze the ice cubes. Add water ice cubes to hot coffee to cool the coffee down. - Fill an ice tray with hot coffee, let it set for while, then freeze the coffee cubes. Add coffee ice cubes to hot coffee to cool the coffee down. [A]:
Fill an ice tray with hot coffee, let it set for while, then freeze the coffee cubes. Add coffee ice cubes to hot coffee to cool the coffee down.
Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative? set it apart from other deep south stories
Write a sentence in Spanish.
Hay muchos falsos profetas entre vosotros ahora.
What is the solution? Solve -30*l + 1029 = 2120 - 281 for l.
Input: Read this: The same divine agencies who caused disease or harm also had the power to avert it, and so might be placated in advance. Divine consideration might be sought to avoid the inconvenient delays of a journey, or encounters with banditry, piracy and shipwreck, with due gratitude to be rendered on safe arrival or return. In times of great crisis, the Senate could decree collective public rites, in which Rome's citizens, including women and children, moved in procession from one temple to the next, supplicating the gods. Question: What act was decreed in times of crisis in Rome? Output: public rites Input: Read this: In the United States, two of the wealthiest nonprofit organizations are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has an endowment of US$38 billion, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute originally funded by Hughes Aircraft prior to divestiture, which has an endowment of approximately $14.8 billion. Outside the United States, another large NPO is the British Wellcome Trust, which is a "charity" by British usage. See: List of wealthiest foundations. Note that this assessment excludes universities, at least a few of which have assets in the tens of billions of dollars. For example; List of U.S. colleges and universities by endowment. Question: What is one of the largest NPOs outside of the United States? Output: British Wellcome Trust Input: Read this: After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis. Question: What percentage of GDP was the budget surplus of Greece in 2009? Output: unanswerable Input: Read this: The mosaics of St. Peter's often show lively Baroque compositions based on designs or canvases from like Ciro Ferri, Guido Reni, Domenichino, Carlo Maratta, and many others. Raphael is represented by a mosaic replica of this last painting, the Transfiguration. Many different artists contributed to the 17th- and 18th-century mosaics in St. Peter's, including Giovanni Battista Calandra, Fabio Cristofari (died 1689), and Pietro Paolo Cristofari (died 1743). Works of the Fabbrica were often used as papal gifts. Question: What year did Pietro Paolo Cristofari die? Output:
Generate a movie review with negative sentiment.
a friend of mine bought this (very cheaply) and decided to give it to me as a birthday present. i thought i'd never watch it 'cause i knew it was a joke and the cover of the DVD looked pathetic, but then my friends and i got really bored and watched it. from start till finish! i know quite an accomplishment but it really is a masterpiece. it's hard to describe. you should see it, it's a real lesson on what people are capable of when they believe they're creative and smart and really aren't. The "acting" is sous-terrain (you can actually see the "leading lady" laugh on some occasions, she's definitely the worst). the "story" is to stupid to be summed up and really everything in this film sucked. please, pay special attention to "the sheriff". the guy is an adult and therefor has absolutely no excuse to be involved in this. he's extremely bad as well. whatever it did have some hilarious moments. check it out, haha
Question: 9:15And now, O Lord our God, who took your people out of the land of Egypt with a strong hand and made a great name for yourself even to this day; we are sinners, we have done evil. Please remove spaces. Answer: 9:15Andnow,OLordourGod,whotookyourpeopleoutofthelandofEgyptwithastronghandandmadeagreatnameforyourselfeventothisday;wearesinners,wehavedoneevil. Question: You can bring money into the game from your account or add funds. Please remove spaces. Answer: Youcanbringmoneyintothegamefromyouraccountoraddfunds. Question: When the person stops taking drugs, the pain and discomfort are manifested in withdrawal. Please remove spaces. Answer: Whenthepersonstopstakingdrugs,thepainanddiscomfortaremanifestedinwithdrawal. Question: Pin and stitch the shoulder seams. Please remove spaces. Answer:
Input: The privately owned and operated SpaceShipOne spacecraft has won the \$10 million Ansari X Prize by successfully making its second manned flight into space. OPTIONS: - World - Sports - Business - Science/Tech Output: Science/Tech Input: Dinka men once danced in a green field here in Darfur. A weave of drum rhythms would rise with the smoke of their twilight bonfires. OPTIONS: - World - Sports - Business - Science/Tech Output: World Input: ALES are still falling at Marks amp; Spencer, the company revealed today, sparking fresh fears for the retailers recovery. The group confirmed that half-year profits will be between 285m-295m, in line with OPTIONS: - World - Sports - Business - Science/Tech Output:
use the left-front and the right-front outputs from your home theatre system. don’t worry about the separate subwoofer output jack there is typically enough bass in the left and right front channels. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? Answer: Use the Left-Front and the Right-Front outputs from your home theatre system. Don’t worry about the separate subwoofer output jack there is typically enough bass in the left and right front channels. check rates and availability for hue riverside boutique resort and spa. then proceed to booking. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? Answer: Check rates and availability for Hue Riverside Boutique Resort and Spa. Then proceed to booking. there has been a general increase in the number of active volunteers and voluntary organisations in the eu over the past ten years. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized? Answer: There has been a general increase in the number of active volunteers and voluntary organisations in the EU over the past ten years. books and discussions can, at best, serve only as guides for the individual inward search. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized?
Answer: Books and discussions can, at best, serve only as guides for the individual inward search.
Select the correct sentiment of the following review: I thought this movie was LOL funny. It's a fun, not to be taken seriously, movie about one man's twisted views on life, love, and... well, ladies "from the lowly bus station skank, to the high-class débutante... bus station skank." Tim meadows plays a guy (Leon Phelps) who was raised by in a Playboy-style mansion by a Hugh Hefner-esquire father figure, surrounded constantly by beautiful porn models and actresses. When his "father" kicks him out on the street he must learn to fend for himself with nothing but the chauvinistic outlook on life that his youth has taught him... that and an unfathomable, nearly mystical level of charm and dumb luck. And so the hijinx begin! If you haven't seen this movie and you enjoy a light-hearted, semi-mindless, comedy/love story, then I highly recommend renting "the Ladies' Man". Available options: [I] negative; [II] positive;
Here is an article: It was a bright, sunny day in May 1971 as we took our seats in the bus on the forecourt of the University of East Anglia, where I had been recently been appointed a junior lecturer in history. The department was taking faculty and students on a day-long excursion to visit the villages, churches and countryside of Norfolk and Suffolk. As I slid into my seat, the senior professor, a formidable historian of Tudor and Stuart England, asked the group: "Have you all got your Pevsners?" Eight hands shot up into the air, each clutching a brown-backed paperback entitled The Buildings of England: Suffolk. I was embarrassed, speechless and bookless. What on earth was a Pevsner? It got worse, and then better. It got worse because that day I was left further and further behind, intellectually speaking. As our tour bus arrived at the beautiful medieval town of Lavenham, Suffolk, it deposited us beside the stunning flint-walled Perpendicular church, and we walked around it, then surged inside. A little later, we strolled down the hill to inspect one of the most wonderful arrays of timber-framed 15th-century buildings in the world. And all the time, my colleagues were muttering: "That's a funny chimney on the Old Dairy House; what does Pevsner say?" Or: "What are Pevsner's comments on the Corn Market?" And they would open their copies of Suffolk. Thirteen years later, as I left East Anglia for Yale, it was better. In the intervening years I had become utterly Pevsnerised. I had his various Buildings of England in my pocket or car wherever I travelled in England. I was continually consulting what was probably the greatest work of individual research and scholarship in the 20th century. Toynbee, Braudel and the other greats, stand aside. There is no comparison. Who was he? Nikolaus Pevsner, born in 1902, was a German Jew and a promising scholar of architectural history when the rise of the Nazis permanently changed his place of abode. He had already written impressive works on modernist architecture, English buildings and rococo design. He had visited England for research in the early 1930s, but now returned, a bereft refugee. One of his first jobs was as nightwatchman at Birkbeck College, London. Thanks to a small number of Englishmen who recognised his seething talent, he was moved into academe. Perhaps his greatest benefactor was Sir Allen Lane, founder of Penguin, who hired Pevsner to be editor of the publisher's History of Art series and then became a life-long friend. This was what Jung termed synchronicity - in this case the coming-together of a writer of genius and a benign patron. For Pevsner had an idea - in fact a complaint - to put to Allen Lane: there was absolutely no guide to the buildings of England like, say, the German scholar Georg Dehio's handbook to German monuments. England possessed tens of thousands of historic buildings; it was time to describe and recognise their full glory, for here was the richest trove of human architecture in the world, with Italy perhaps the only other contender to that title. It needed its historian. Pevsner began his Buildings of England project in the late 1940s. What followed in the next three decades is not only legendary, it is - or should have been - physically and mentally impossible. After all, Pevsner was by now teaching both at London and Cambridge, was continuing as editor at Penguin Press and was in demand to give lectures and sit on learned boards. He was still writing books on many other subjects. But, for several months a year, he set off into the English countryside in a dilapidated car, at first with his beloved wife Lola, later with his astonished and frequently exhausted research assistant of the moment, to map and describe the noteworthy buildings of every county in England. Rising around 6am after a few hours' sleep, Pevsner and his assistant would set off on a pre-planned tour of, say, Devonshire with the rear seats of their rickety car full of books and notes. Pevsner's aim was to cover around 15(!) villages or small towns in a day. As he approached the town church, he gave a running commentary on its architecture, then later on its internal monuments, brasses, pulpits, rood-screens, before marching off to inspect and remark upon the local manor house, the 16th-century pub, the 18th-century folly and so on. Arriving at a grubby bed-and-breakfast around 7pm, Pevsner would write up the notes and add comments while his shattered research assistant made telephone calls to ensure access to the next day's list of buildings. This would go on for seven days a week, over those two to three months. His productivity was phenomenal. In 1951 Penguin published his volumes on Cornwall, Nottinghamshire and Middlesex (not at all geographically adjacent to each other, it might be noted, and the car was in frequent need of repair). The next year there followed volumes on north Devon, south Devon, and London 2 (excluding the Cities of London and Westminster). In 1953 there came Hertfordshire, Derbyshire and County Durham. That's nine volumes in three years! He then slowed down to about two per year, but by 1962 and again by 1966 it was back to three. As his energies faded, he was joined in his authorship by other scholars of English architecture such as John Newman and Ian Nairn. The last few volumes of The Buildings of England are written entirely by a collaborator or pupil, but always in the Pevsner style. Earlier volumes were then expanded, again by his colleagues and friends. In his later years there began parallel series, on Scotland, Wales and Ireland, which are not yet complete but are supported by a trust set up to accomplish Pevsner's vision. In 1976, on receiving an honorary degree at the University of Pennsylvania, he challenged American scholars to produce The Buildings of the United States, a challenge that is still being undertaken. He died in 1983, by then Sir Nikolaus Pevsner, having changed the way an entire nation thought about its buildings, its landscape, its past. So what was the "Pevsner style"? In so many of his entries (remember, he liked to do 15 parishes a day), it was terse, clipped, abbreviated: a nondescript Wesleyan chapel on the Lancashire moors would be described as "Built 1767. Uninteresting." It was also very technical, although to his credit he always provided a glossary of terms, which helped me a lot in my early years of becoming a Pevsnerite. What, after all, are strainer arches, triple-champfers, or intersected ogee curves, which he mentions casually in his account of Wells Cathedral? But at other times, Pevsner's prose could be heavenly, lyrical and almost Shakespearean (though also a bit Wodehousian). Here is the some of the early, pre-technical part of his description of Haddon Hall in Derbyshire: "Haddon Hall is the English castle par excellence, not the forbidding fortress on an unassailable crag, but the large, rambling, safe, grey, lovable house of knights and their ladies, the unreasonable dream-castle of those who think of the Middle Ages as a time of chivalry and valour and noble feelings. None other in England is so complete and convincing..." Mind you, he could also be withering and dismissive. For a foreigner, he had a remarkable gift for insults. Proud owners of country houses and grand churches went into fits when they read some of the following descriptions applied to their property: "aspiring but otherwise obscure", "ornate and irresponsible", "picturesque and heavy-handed", "deplorably unattractive", "ill-advised", "coarse" and (my favourite) possessing "unmistakable Teulonesqe hamfistedness". Poor SS Teulon was a mid-Victorian architect whose designs and rebuildings of churches were a particular target of Pevsner's. Of the Baptist Church in Leicester, built in 1866 by one Thomas Carter, Pevsner observes: "As far as its architecture is concerned, thoroughly horrible. It would take up too much space to describe the discrepant motifs and demonstrate the unfeeling way in which they are assembled." Of the church of the Holy Trinity in Oare, Pevsner suggests: "It may well be considered the ugliest church in Wiltshire." (No surprise that Teulon was its architect.) Of the prison at Wormwood Scrubs, London, the only remark is "built by convicts", leaving readers to draw their own conclusions. Some of these judgments were challenged and overturned, and sometimes a greater appreciation was written into the second edition by one of Pevsner's successors. The second editions were also an improvement since their authors had far more time, and were able to include many more details upon vernacular town architecture, as well as upon industrial structures and more modern buildings, all of which had played a relatively minor role in Pevsner's "churches and castles" approach. In making these additions, the series really did become a virtually complete analysis of all of the buildings of England. But whatever the deficiencies, no one could approach this field again without checking on what Pevsner had written, or making some reference to Pevsner. Simon Jenkins, in his breathtakingly beautiful book England's Thousand Best Churches (Penguin, 1999), writes: "Three great ghosts inhabit all English churches - those of John Betjeman, Alec Clifton-Taylor and Nikolaus Pevsner". But he is quick to add: "Over both Betjeman and Clifton-Taylor towers the magisterial Pevsner - he is indispensable." Other scholars use words like "shattering" and "unrivalled". The writer and journalist Geoffrey Moorhouse, who accompanied Pevsner when the great man did his last building inspection (the Old Rectory at Sheen in Staffordshire), stated flatly: "There is nothing in the world to match The Buildings of England." Slowly, however, the enterprise lost steam. The close link with Penguin faded, especially after Allen Lane's death and then the passing-away of Pevsner himself. The costs had been mounting and were reflected in the much higher prices. The first paperback volumes cost three shillings and sixpence each (about 18p); newer volumes, now only in hardback, began to cost £2 or more. Some went out of print. This was a serious money-loser for Penguin, and by the mid-1950s the project was in danger of closing down. But then a second set of godfathers came along, for by this time more than architectural historians recognised the towering achievement represented by The Buildings of England. The philanthropic Leverhulme Trust stepped in, and the brewing company Guinness (led by its admiring managing director Sir Hugh Beaver) also gave considerable sums, as did the Pevsner Memorial Trust somewhat later. In 1994 the Buildings Books Trust was established, to keep the series going and, just as important, to extend it to Wales, Scotland and Ireland, which was a great step in itself and also produced many newer donors. As I write this review, new and gorgeous volumes are steadily appearing and, although I do not possess them all, I am sitting at home this raw Sunday afternoon, wondering whether I should turn first to Gwent/Monmouthshire (Wales), North Leinster (Ireland) or Stirling and Central Scotland. There has been one more development in this 50-year tale. Recent changes in publishing made the Pevsner series less of a "good fit" at Penguin than they were in Allen Lane's time. The entire enterprise has therefore been moved to Yale University Press. The new Yale reprints of earlier volumes, and of the many recent launchings, are considerably larger and longer than the older editions, more sumptuous, and more thorough. The move guarantees a safe haven for an extraordinary enterprise, and when all the volumes are complete they will number close to 75. I am already looking for new bookshelves. © 2003, Tribune Media Services International. · All of the volumes in print can be ordered from Yale University Press, New Haven and London. Write a title for it.
Paul Kennedy salutes Nikolaus Pevsner
Obávám se, že rychle stárnu. Which language is this? Language: Czech Na to spoléhám. Which language is this? Language: Czech Zvýšené smysly jsou u nás vzhledem k našemu stavu běžné. Which language is this? Language: Czech No, tři, plus ten první, u kterýho jsi byl. Which language is this? Language:
What would be an example of an positive review?
Brunch, brunch, brunch. It was a surprise to find a place on a Monday that served breakfast after 1PM (I think we went around 2), but it was MLK Day and it felt like a Sunday to me. So anyway, cute place... we were seated by the window and didn't have a wait. Woohooo! Open space, yet cozy interior. I ordered the Cali Benny- love that hollandaise sauce, even better with avocado- which was delicious. Fresh and not ridiculously filling. I also tried the banana-peanut butter pancakes, which were interesting as well. Toast is a pretty solid spot, so I'll definitely be back. Oh- and as we left, we asked for a coffee to go- the very nice employee gave us a complimentary cup, so naturally we left him a couple of dollars as a thank-you.
Here are some reviews for a movie: 1. It's all just filler between the dance scenes, which are admittedly fun. Think Pussycat Dolls with slightly more clothes on. Unrepentantly formulaic, but enjoyable all the same. 2. The film should have been called Rehash Dance, because it is Flashdance without any new ideas. 3. ...yet another tedious inspirational tale revolving around a would-be dancer's efforts at transcending her wrong-side-of-the-tracks upbringing to become a professional hoofer. 4. Another dance movie this year? Seriously, where the heck do they keep coming from? 5. This film's limp retelling of the against-all-odds cliche just doesn't bump, grind or sweat enough to make it happen. 6. We know the trajectory, it's a question of how brightly the rocket burns and how interested we are in the astronauts aboard this dance missile from small town Indiana to Chicago Big Time Dance School 7. It's hard to dislike all these urban musicals aimed at teenage girls, and even harder to tell them apart. 8. Mary Elizabeth Winstead [has] star quality. 9. Then you wait for the moment one of the regular girls gets injured, the hostess has to find a replacement and... the rest you know. 10. So predictable that you know exactly what's going to happen at any given minute. What was the overall consensus about the movie?
Cheap, predictable, formulaic and unimaginative generic dance film. Comes across as Showgirls for simpleton teens, but with much less flesh on show.
Write an article based on this summary: Voting has now closed for the BBC's Overseas Sports Personality of the Year 2015.
The award recognises the overseas athlete who has made the most substantial contribution to sport this year and, for the first time in its history, is decided by a public vote. And if you missed out on this vote, you can still register for a BBC iD now which will let you cast your vote for the main Sports Personality of the Year award on Sunday, 20 December. The Overseas winner will be announced ahead of the main awards show in Belfast. How to get a BBC iD sign-in BBC Sports Personality of the Year terms and conditions So who are the contenders for the BBC's Overseas Sports Personality of the Year 2015? In alphabetical order, they are: Age: 29 Country: Jamaica Achievements in 2015: Usain Bolt enjoyed another stellar year in the big competitions, winning three gold medals at the World Championships in Beijing to ensure he successfully defended the trio of titles he won in Moscow in 2013. He beat doping offender and clear favourite Justin Gatlin in both the 100m and 200m - ending the American's 28-race unbeaten run in the former in a time of 9.79 seconds. Did you know? Bolt has won the Overseas award three times - a record he holds with tennis star Roger Federer and boxing legend Muhammad Ali. What they said: "Usain Bolt was challenged in Beijing more than he has been at any time during his career. Put on top of that the burden of 'saving the sport' which was placed on his shoulders, it means that the pressure was there. I have to give him so much credit for his performance." Eight-time world champion Michael Johnson. Age: 33 Country: New Zealand Achievements in 2015: The All Blacks became the first side to win consecutive Rugby World Cups when they beat Australia in a thrilling final at Twickenham in October. Carter scored 19 points in the final and was named man of the match, completing a superb individual tournament in which he kicked 23 conversions, 10 penalties and two drop-goals. Did you know? Carter is rugby's all-time leading points scorer, with 1,598 from his 112 Tests. What they said: "Dan Carter will be number one in the pantheon. Clearly number one." Australia's World Cup-winning outside-half Stephen Larkham, when asked who is the greatest ever fly-half. Age: 28 Country: Serbia Achievements in 2015: It has been the most successful year to date for the world number one in tennis, with victories at the Australian Open, Wimbledon and the US Open. He also reached the final of the French Open. In total, he has won 11 titles in 2015 - a career best - and his record of winning three Grand Slams and reaching the final in the other has not been matched since Roger Federer managed it in 2006 and 2007. Did you know? Djokovic was spotted as a six-year-old by former Yugoslav tennis player Jelena Gencic at Mount Kopaonik, where Djokovic's parents ran a fast-food restaurant. What they said: "As a single season, I think Djokovic's is the best since Rod Laver in 1969." Former French Open men's doubles winner Patrick McEnroe compares Djokovic's achievements with those of Laver, who won the calendar-year Grand Slam in 1969. Age: 18 Country: USA Achievements in 2015: Ledecky has had an incredible year, the highlight being five gold medals and two world records at the 2015 World Championships in Kazan, Russia. The Olympic gold medallist won gold in the 200m, 400m, 800m and 1500m freestyles and the 4x200m relay. Only Ledecky's compatriot Missy Franklin has won more world titles. Did you know? Ledecky became the first swimmer to win L'Equipe newspaper's Champion of Champions award in 2014. Previous winners include Serena Williams, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Usain Bolt and Lionel Messi. What they said: "Every time Katie gets in the water [it's like] 'hey, we'll just give the world record a shot tonight'. Why not? It doesn't even look like she's breathing hard. It's just unbelievable." American swimmer Michael Phelps, who is the most decorated Olympian of all time. Age: 22 Country: USA Achievements in 2015: In the space of just 71 days, Spieth went from a promising young golfer to one who had written himself into history by winning both the Masters and the US Open - a feat achieved by only five other golfers. He was tied for fourth at The Open and runner-up to Jason Day at the USPGA, but ended the year by winning the £7.5m Tour Championship in Atlanta. Did you know? Spieth became the youngest winner of the US Open since Bobby Jones in 1923. What they said: "He's a grizzled veteran at 21 years old. Jordan is so beyond his years. I like everything about the young man. He's polite. He's humble. He handles himself so well, on and off the golf course. And he's obviously a wonderful player." Jack Nicklaus, who holds the record for the most major victories (18). Age: 34 Country: USA Achievements in 2015: Serena Williams is now her country's most decorated female tennis player after winning the Australian Open, French Open and Wimbledon during 2015 - she reached the semi-final in the other Grand Slam, the US Open. She has now won 21 career Slams, overtaking compatriots Helen Wills Moody (19), Chris Evert (18) and Billie Jean King (18), and sits just one victory behind Steffi Graf's modern-day record of 22 wins. Did you know? Serena Williams has been ranked as the world number one for 268 weeks - only Graf (377) and Martina Navratilova (332) have spent longer at the top of the rankings. What they said: "Serena is the greatest to ever play the game when she is on [form]. Martina Navratilova would try to do something that people don't do, which would be to attack her. I would say she wouldn't have a lot of success. If they played 10 times, maybe she could win a couple. I think it would be tough to win a majority for sure." Tennis legend John McEnroe discusses who would win if Serena Williams and Martina Navratilova played each other at their peaks. This year, the panel consisted of: Media playback is not supported on this device
Translate "These are concrete actions." to Finnish?
Nämä ovat konkreettisia toimia.
Problem: The Jecnova River is a tributary of the River MureÅ in Romania . The Jecnova River is a tributary of the Mureş River in Romania . -+- A: yes Problem: It was born in 2005 , and in 2006 was published the debut - EP `` The Departure '' . It was released in 2005 , and in 2006 the debut EP `` The Departure '' was born . -+- A: no Problem: Chananian is a village in Leepa Valley , Hattian Bala District of Azad Kashmir , Pakistan . Chananian is a village in Azad Kashmir , the Leepa Valley , Hattian Bala District , Pakistan . -+- A:
What's an example of a task that requires knowledge of physical objects to perform?
Secure standard band-aid on fingertip.
Premise: "I couldn't rightly say, sir; it was shut but I couldn't say whether it was bolted or not." Based on this premise, is the hypothesis "I can confidently say that the door was bolted shut." true? Available choices: *yes *it is not possible to tell *no
Dört polis memuru trafiği idare ederken, yaklaşık 20 yetkili ve gazeteci de Bosna-Hersek'in (BH) doğusundaki Bratunac kentine uzanan iki şeritli yolun kenarındaki paslı korkulukların üzerinden dikkatle aşağısını seyrediyor, aşağıdaysa yarım düzine adam, kazma küreklerle yol kenarındaki bir hendeğin çamurlu zeminini kazıyordu. Which language is this? Language: Turkish Tiran'da düzenlenen imza törenine katılan iki ülkenin başbakanları, Makedonya'dan Nikola Gruevski ve Arnavutluk'tan Sali Berişa, bunun bölgenin Avrupa ve Avrupa-Atlantik geleceği açısından önemli bir adım olduğunu söylediler. Which language is this? Language: Turkish Her birimiz, mümkün olduğu kadar gerçekçi acil durum planları hazırlamaya çalışıyor. Which language is this? Language: Turkish Sağlık ekipmanları, giysi, battaniyenin yanı sıra ambulanslar ve jeneratörlerin de yer aldığı 7 bin tonluk yardım paketini taşıyan ilk Türk gemisi, geçtiğimiz hafta İstanbul'dan Somali'ye doğru yola çıktı. Which language is this? Language:
Problem: *Puma Ocean Racing Team Il Mostro DESIGN_FIRM Botin Carkeek; Puma Ocean Racing Team Il Mostro BUILDER Goetz Custom Boats & Customline Yachts* A: Goetz custom boats & customline yachts were the builders of the boat designed by Botin Carkeek. Problem: *Thailand SILVER 0* A: Thailand won 0 silver medals during the 2011 BWF World Junior Championships. Problem: *Arem-arem COUNTRY Indonesia; Arem-arem REGION "Nationwide in Indonesia, but more specific to Java"; Indonesia LEADER_NAME Joko Widodo; Indonesia CURRENCY Indonesian rupiah; Indonesia LANGUAGE Indonesian language* A: The dish arem arem is found nationwide in Indonesia, but is more specific to Java. In Indonesia, the currency is called the Indonesian rupiah, the language spoken is Indonesian and a leader is Joko Widodo. Problem: *Atlanta IS_PART_OF Georgia (U.S. state)* A:
Atlanta is part of Georgia in the U.S.
Text: requests by patients for doctor-assisted suicide are not rare , a washington state study concludes . Summary: doctors often asked to assist in suicide study says Text: a parliamentary panel that wants muslim women to stop veiling their faces recommended tuesday that france ban such garb in public facilities , including hospitals and mass transit , and refuse residence cards and citizenship to anyone with visible signs of a `` radical religious practice . Summary: lawmaker s report wants limits on muslim face veil Text: pakistani prime minister benazir bhutto , facing criticism at home , won praise from the leading authority of sunni islam for standing up for her religion before the un population conference here monday . Summary: bhutto wins praise from al-azhar Text: south african president and african union mediator thabo mbeki arrived in ivory coast on monday in a visit aimed at reviving the divided west african country 's moribund peace process . Summary:
mbeki in ivory coast to revive stalled peace process