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Here is a news article: Courtesy OREO This is not a drill, people. And it’s not a way-too-early-to-be-funny April Fool’s joke, either. Introducing new Red Velvet Oreos filled with cream cheese-flavored centers. The limited-edition flavor will arrive in stores on Feb. 2 — just in time to be a part of the Valentine’s Day flood of red and pink foods — and sell for $4.49 for 6-8 weeks, or until packages run out. We know that red velvet is heavenly in cakes, whoopie pies and even hot chocolate. But an Oreo? To find out, we let our staff of eager taste-testers sample and rate the new cookies: The Design: It’s a standard Oreo set-up: Two cookie wafers with a sweet, white cream in the middle. The cookie bookends are chocolate flavored — like a traditional red velvet cake base — and dyed red (ingredient “red 40 lake” makes a not-so-surprising appearance on the back of the package). The filling is a “cream cheese flavored crème.” The Scent: Opening the package for the first time, we smelled that unmistakable scent: cake. Specifically, it reminds us of those super-sugary, frosted confections that “you buy at the grocery store and serve at birthday parties at a bowling alley,” said one tester. The Taste: When we pulled apart the cookie layers (like any good Oreo eater should do) and tasted the cookie wafers on their own, we found that they tasted just like regular chocolate Oreos, because, you know, they basically are — just with some red dye mixed in. The cream cheese center, however, is not-so-delicious on its own. It “very closely resembles the flavor of concentrated canned frosting,” said one staffer. Said another tester: “It’s not tangy, it doesn’t taste like cream cheese,” (probably because the ingredients don’t actually include any dairy) and it “leaves a very sweet, cloying taste in your mouth” when sampled solo. When we put the sandwich back together, though, the crunchy chocolate cookies “balance out that sugary filling” said a staffer. It’s still a super-sweet bite — even more so than regular OREOs — but, “when the flavors combine, it’s yummy,” and certainly qualifies as a tasty guilty-pleasure treat. The Verdict: It does not taste like real red velvet cake — did we really think it was going to? — but the flavors do work together. A 20-cookie package is worth the $5, if just so you can taste the novelty. Any Oreo fan will love dipping this new red treat into milk — but, said one tester, “If you’re an Oreo hater, these definitely won’t become your new favorite dessert.” —Morgan Gibson, @morgangibson ||||| The new Oreos, made with red cookies and cream cheese-flavored filling, will be released across the U.S. on Feb. 2. The new Oreos, made with red cookies and cream cheese-flavored filling, will be... Read More The new Oreos, made with red cookies and cream cheese-flavored filling, will be released across the U.S. on Feb. 2. Close Mondelez International Inc. (MDLZ) plans to introduce red velvet Oreos, the brand’s second departure from its traditional black chocolate cookies in more than 100 years, aiming to win over foodies and cupcake fanatics. The new Oreos, made with red cookies and cream cheese-flavored filling, will be released across the U.S. on Feb. 2, according to Deerfield, Illinois-based Mondelez. The new product was developed for more than a year and will be sold at U.S. stores for at least six weeks or while supplies last. Mondelez’s Nabisco began selling vanilla-flavored golden Oreos in 2004, straying from chocolate cookies for the first time since the snack was invented in 1912. Red velvet Oreos, hitting shelves in time for Valentine’s Day, will test U.S. consumers’ appetite for a chocolatey flavor that’s gained a wider following in recent years. Red velvet was long considered a Southern dessert, before spreading across the country in recent years -- helped in part by its popularity as a cupcake flavor. “We’ve seen consumers really getting fanatical about the flavor of red velvet cake,” Janda Lukin, senior director for Oreo North America at Mondelez, said in a phone interview. “We think it stays true to who we are as Oreo but can also really satisfy those folks who are red velvet fanatics.” ‘Restless Palate’ The red velvet cookies come with a suggested retail price of $4.49 per bag. Global sales of Oreos, the world’s top-selling cookie, doubled from 2007 to 2011 and climbed to $2.4 billion in 2013, Mondelez said. As foodie culture seeps into the mainstream, Americans are developing “restless palate syndrome,” said Michael Whiteman, president of Baum & Whiteman International Restaurant Consultants in New York. He said red velvet will join pumpkin spice as big packaged-food flavor trends this year. “We’ve become flavor junkies,” Whiteman said in an e-mail. “That’s part of why you see red velvet staining everything from onion rings to waffles to ice cream to cocktails -- especially around St. Valentine’s Day.” (A previous version of the story was corrected to fix the year that golden Oreos debuted.) To contact the reporter on this story: Craig Giammona in New York at To contact the editors responsible for this story: Nick Turner at Kevin Orland ||||| No cookie can compare to the original Oreo. It's kind of a perfect cookie. While we're fans of some Oreo flavors, like Lemon and Peanut Butter, bad ones -- ahem, Watermelon -- make us rule out flavored Oreos altogether. For this reason, whenever a new Oreo flavor is announced, we instinctively greet it with speculation. Imagine our skepticism when we found out the latest limited-edition flavor: Red Velvet Oreos. It's the first time ever that these cookies have been released. Red velvet anything is indisputably the most overrated dessert in America. It's mediocre at best, and we can't figure out why year in and year out, red velvet products keep hitting the food scene. Was the Red Velvet Latte from Dunkin' Donuts really necessary? Fortunately for Oreo fans everywhere, the new red velvet cookie defies expectations. It's actually... quite good! Sure, it has that elusive, slightly artificial flavor that comes with the red velvet territory, but somehow it works. The cream cheese-flavored filling might smell like canned frosting, but in a good way. The cookie itself is a twist on the classic Oreo. It's dyed a dark, almost burnt red, so it looks just like red velvet cake, and it tastes like a slightly less chocolatey version of the original Oreo. The filling is cream cheese-flavored creme, which is pretty great. What would be even better than eating one (or five) Red Velvet Oreos in one sitting, would be making a cake from stacking the cookies. But that might be giving red velvet an upgrade it doesn't deserve. The new Oreos will hit shelves nationwide on February 2, just in time for Valentine's Day. Want to read more from HuffPost Taste? Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr. ||||| A summary of this is?
– Red Oreos? Yep. Specifically "red velvet" Oreos will debut Feb. 2 for a limited run to take advantage of the Valentine's Day rush, reports Bloomberg. The normally black chocolate cookie wafers will be dyed red, and they will sandwich a "cream cheese flavored creme," says maker Mondelez International. The iconic cookie is looking to cash in on the "red velvet anything" dessert craze—often a red-colored cake topped with cream cheese instead of frosting—which Alison Spiegel at the Huffington Post calls "indisputably the most overrated dessert in America." And yet, she thinks the weird-looking Oreo is "quite good." "Sure, it has that elusive, slightly artificial flavor that comes with the red velvet territory, but somehow it works," she writes. "The cream cheese-flavored filling might smell like canned frosting, but in a good way." Tasters at People also gave it a mostly thumbs-up review. "It does not taste like real red velvet cake—did we really think it was going to?—but the flavors do work together. A 20-cookie package is worth the $5, if just so you can taste the novelty."
News article: This article is over 3 years old Peter Will wrote a goodbye note to his family from a concentration camp but after a mix-up with his belongings it was not delivered until this year The family of a second world war Dutch resistance fighter killed in a Nazi concentration camp has received his farewell letter seven decades on. Peter Will wrote the goodbye letter to his wife and six sons shortly before he was deported to a concentration camp in 1944 by his Nazi captors. 'Nazi gold train' investigators start surveying site in Poland Read more But the letter was not delivered to its intended recipients until this year when a family friend spotted a wallet belonging to Will while surfing an online archive documenting the fate of Nazi victims. That discovery led to the return of the wallet – which held not just the letter, but also photos – to the family, said the International Tracing Service (ITS) archive. “It was extremely emotional for us. This isn’t something you expect any more,” said one of Peter’s sons, Joop Will, who was just 10 years old when his father was captured. “There is no end to the story for us, it is always in our thoughts,” he said. Peter’s family had not expected to find any more personal belongings after his bible, wedding ring and a fountain pen were returned to them as early as in 1949. But it turned out that the wallet had been mistakenly matched to someone else’s name. Over the years, Joop’s brothers Peter and Bert have been tracing the life of their father and had even compiled a book about it. They found out that their father, a meat inspector, had helped downed Allied pilots to escape, including hiding them in an abandoned shed at a slaughterhouse. “After learning this, the older sons recalled that their father would often stand on the terrace, holding a pair of binoculars, watching the air attacks and then would disappear,” said the ITS. He was finally arrested in Nijmegen in December 1943, and was killed in the final days of the war in 1945. His family decided not to speak about the content of the letter. ||||| In this photo provided by International Tracing Service (ITS), Joop and Peter Will, sons of late Dutch resistance fighter Peter Will, look through family memorabilia including a farewell letter to his... (Associated Press) BERLIN (AP) — Joop Will was only 10 years old when his father, Peter, was seized by the Nazis for being a member of the Dutch resistance. Will never saw his father again after the December 1943 arrest, but thanks to a series of fortunate coincidences and a newly online Holocaust-era archive, the 82-year-old has finally received his father's last letter, written to his wife and six sons as he prepared to be deported to a concentration camp in Germany. "I've now been away from you at home for the 42nd Sunday," the father wrote, counting time by the days of worship missed with his family. "It is very emotional, he thought of us, he had concerns for us, and now we have the letter that he had in his hand," Will told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from his home near Amsterdam, his voice quavering. "To know his thoughts were with us, that is a very emotional thing." The letter, handwritten in pencil on two sides of a small piece of paper, was folded into Peter Will's wallet along with family photos and was recovered by the British army when it liberated the Neuengamme concentration camp in northern Germany in 1945. It was transferred in 1963 to the International Tracing Service in the German town of Bad Arolsen, which was established by Western Allies in the final days of World War II and initially run by the Red Cross to help uncover the fates of Holocaust victims and others. In 2007, scholars and researchers were allowed access to the documents, beginning the archive's transformation from a tracing service to a research institution. The Will family contacted the ITS to see if they had any details on Peter, who died in April 1945 as the Nazis were moving him by train to another camp, but his effects had accidentally been filed under the name of Will's wife — possibly taken from a letter from her to him that was also in the wallet — and they were told there was nothing in the archive. But in October, the ITS began putting its archive online, and Peter Will's belongings were among the 50,000 images initially posted, of some 30 million documents and images in its collection. A Dutch woman unknown to Will happened to see a news report on the effort and went online to try and track her own relatives' records, and came across the images of Peter Will's effects. She decided to track town the Will family, and Joop and his two surviving brothers were stunned by her discovery. "I was only 10 when my father was arrested but even after such a long time one never forgets," he said. "He's always been in my thoughts." Peter Will, a Nijmegen meat inspector, joined the Dutch resistance after the Nazis overran his country in 1940, distributing the forbidden newspaper Trouw, and hiding downed Allied pilots in a slaughterhouse shed and helping them escape. Arrested by the Nazis in 1943, he was handed over to the SS's intelligence agency, the SD, and taken to a transit camp in Amersfoort, Netherlands, in May 1944. He was able to communicate by mail with his family from the camp, but on Sept. 17, 1944, upon learning he was to be taken to a concentration camp in Germany, he wrote what would be his last letter. It was never sent. Unknown to Will at the time, it was the same day Allied troops were being dropped by parachute into the Netherlands in "Operation Market Garden" — immortalized in the film "A Bridge Too Far" — and Nijmegen and Will's family would be liberated in the coming days. The Allied attack actually delayed Peter Will's deportation, but he was shipped a month later to a satellite camp of Neuengamme in Germany and forced into slave labor. As the Allies closed in he was put on a train in April 1945 to be taken to another camp. He died on board and was buried in a mass grave near the town of Brillit, between Bremen and Hamburg in northern Germany. The family has decided to keep the contents of the letter private — for their own memories alone. But Will gave a glimpse into his emotional words. "He wrote that 'I've now been away from you at home for the 42nd Sunday,'" Will said. "He didn't talk about days or weeks, he talked about Sundays — he was a man of deep belief, and in the letter he talked about his beliefs." Will and one of his brothers traveled to Bad Arolsen to pick up the effects earlier this month from ITS. With the letter back in the family's possession, they're now trying to decide how to best preserve it. "We're looking for a place where we can best keep it for his grandchildren," Will said. _____ Online: The ITS Digital Archive: ||||| What is a shorter version of the above article?
– The thoughts Peter Will had on his mind before he died en route to a German concentration camp were of his wife and six sons—and surviving family members now know this for sure thanks to a letter delivered more than 70 years after the fact. Although the family wishes to keep most of Will's handwritten letter private, Joop Will, who was just 10 when his father, a Dutch resistance fighter, was arrested by the Nazis in December 1943, revealed one telling line to the AP in a telephone interview from his Amsterdam home. "He wrote that 'I've now been away from you at home for the 42nd Sunday,'" said Joop, now 82. "He didn't talk about days or weeks, he talked about Sundays—he was a man of deep belief, and in the letter he talked about his beliefs." "It is very emotional, he thought of us, he had concerns for us, and now we have the letter that he had in his hand," Joop continued. Peter had been a meat inspector when he joined the Dutch resistance shortly after the Nazis infiltrated the Netherlands in 1940. He disseminated an underground paper and helped downed Allied pilots escape Nazi detection by hiding them in a slaughterhouse shed. After his 1943 capture, Peter was sent first to a Dutch transit camp, then to a German concentration camp; he died on a train to a second German camp in April 1945. In 1949, the Will family received what they thought were the last of Peter's effects, including a wedding ring and a Bible, AFP reports. But Peter's wallet, which contained the letter and some photos, was recovered by the British and filed under the wrong name; the items were discovered only after a Dutch woman saw them in an online archive and tracked the Will family down, per the AP. "Even after such a long time one never forgets," Joop Will says. "He's always been in my thoughts." (A letter to an elderly man revealed he had a 61-year-old son.)
Целью проекта КАБИНЕТЫ КИНЕТОТЕРАПИИ В ШКОЛАХ И ДЕТСКИХ САДАХ является улучшение состояния здоровья детей с хроническими заболеваниями, которые посещают школы и детские сады, посредством увеличения доступа к лечебной гимнастике. Translate to English
The purpose of the project PHYSICAL THERAPY FACILITIES AT SCHOOLS AND KINDERGARTENS is improvement of health of children with chronic diseases which attend schools and kindergartens, by increasing access to physical therapy.
2000 Based on the 2000 United States Census, there were 242,820 people, 98,782 households, and 59,269 families residing in the city. The population density was 1,619.7 people per square mile (625.4/km2). There were 111,927 housing units at an average density of 746.6 per square mile (288.3/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 62.46% African American, 35.07% White American, 0.17% Indigenous peoples of the Americas, 0.80% Asian American, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 0.62% from Race (United States Census), and 0.83% from Multiracial American. 1.55% of the population were Hispanic or Latino American of any race. Answer this question based on the article: How many percent of people were not Pacific Islander?
Translate the following sentence to Czech: So you might as well get hurt in your own healthy, normal ways-- ways you come up with on your own and can't blame me for. Czech:
Můžeš si taky ublížit na svém vlastním zdraví, normálně-- způsoby na které narazíš, když jseš sama a nemůžeš mě z toho obviňovat.
Translate "IOC President Jaques Rogge urged the organisers of the Athens Olympics to complete construction of the main venues. [AFP]" to Romanian?
Preşedintele IOC, Jaques Rogge, a solicitat organizatorilor Jocurilor Olimpice de la Atena să încheie construcţia principalelor stadioane. [AFP]
Concepts: altar, carve, depict A: altar with carved decoration possibly depicting the myth Concepts: building, demolish, machinery A: an old building being demolished by heavy machinery Concepts: diamond, ring, shoulder A: diamonds curve up the sides and shoulders of this platinum engagement ring . Concepts: foliage, giraffes, graze A:
Group of giraffes grazing with foliage and trees
please fill in all fields marked with an *. This is all lower case. Can you fix that?
Please fill in all fields marked with an *.
Problem: positive =++++= Answer: NB: Spoilers within. This great movie is "about" so many things, all of them successfully: sci-fi time travel, unstable psychologies, dystopian society, the what-is-real syndrome, gradual undermining of belief systems, worldwide bioterrorism, and a nascent love story. The ramifications of the story's twisted time line stir up loads of heated debate - witness the discussions within this site; or, as an extreme, check out the dissertation at Whew! Such temporal emphasis speaks mostly to the brilliant plot, coming from the magnificent work of writers David and Janet Peoples, not to mention the inspiration of Chris Marker's "La Jetee." Without a doubt, this is one of the most successful, fascinating time-travel movies ever conceived. But there are many other levels speaking here. The movie's real genius is to focus on the nasty side effects of time-travel in the mind of James Cole (Bruce Willis, doing the best work of his career here). His journey progresses from gung-ho vaccine-hunting warrior to gradually unhinged victim – and back again. The other broad sweep of the story increasingly emphasizes the personal tale between James and Dr. Kathryn Railly (the wonderful Madeleine Stowe). I love the simultaneous shifting/opposing viewpoints of these two characters. For me it all comes to a head in the fleabag hotel room scene. By this point, James – once gripped by an unshakable determination – now slumps in utter doubt about his own reality; while Dr. Railly – the cool and rational scientist – has finally become wildly convinced, after absorbing James's proofs, of his horrific predictions. Her desperation to get through to James and hang on to the mission shows how far she's come. Gilliam makes us care about these characters, especially through the crescendo of tension threading their lives. The balance held between emotional roller-coaster and mounting sci-fi puzzle/thriller is exquisite. And the denouement at the airport is heart-poundingly intense because we see it coming so clearly through James's dreams. It is here, just after James has decided to quit the whole mess – and is fighting his insanity more than ever – that he steps back up to the plate and does what is necessary for mankind. See Jose and the gun… (Just before this, the references to Hitchcock's "Vertigo" and identity switching/confusion are brilliant.) This is a movie to be hashed out between thinking people; it not only holds up under repeated viewings, it demands them. "Twelve Monkeys" is intelligent, provocative, bizarre, funny, and suspenseful stuff. The supporting cast is excellent, especially Brad Pitt stealing all of his scenes and showing great flexibility as Jeffery Goines, crazed and spoiled, but ever the survivor. And there is David Morse as Dr. Peters (interesting how the movie simply leaves to the viewer his wicked motivation) and Christopher Plummer as Dr. Goines. But the biggest accolades belong to Terry Gilliam, surpassing here - just barely - his outstanding "Brazil." (Lots of parallels, of course, especially the lonely combatant trying to escape his crumbling surroundings: lunacy within, lunacy without.) Every frame of this movie has his unique stamp and tone. The soundtrack is terrific, too. This is one of the great achievements of the 90s, a true favorite of mine, and sure to hold up for a long time to come. Problem: positive =++++= Answer: These are one of the movies that don't require any brain or thinking, it's a very funny time pass which you forgot in the next hour or so. I was really surprised with John Abraham's acting he usually playing the gangster like character with the emotionless face,so from that to playing the complete opposite and does it successfully,by managing to shine amongst the comic geniuses such as Paresh Rawal and Akshaye Kumar. I was also quite surprised with the Akshaye's 3 girls because there roles don't require much talent but mostly moaning about Akshaye's dissapearence(to the other girls) i was surprised as they managed to establish and actual persona and you could differentiate between them which is a good thing ,also majority of songs are good,it is colourful and fun so on a boring Sunday evening this will sure lighten your mood. Problem: positive =++++= Answer:
You're waiting to see if the remake is better or worse. I rated the Audie Murphy movie a 3 (I'm a harsh grader), the second lowest I ever gave Audie (the worst being "Battle at Bloody Beach" if you're curious). I give this movie a rating of "8" (and I'm a harsh grader) It's the Civil War story of renegade "soldiers", if you want to call them that, against the North. People like Quantrell, and the men who rode with these outlaws. The original was a watery version, very clean cut, while still depicting the horror of what these men did. Actually, movies such as the older version are best viewed by mature audiences, who can discern the story. I would be more apt to rate the original "R" and this one, with it's gruff nature, a GP, because the newer movie gives a very honest version, a message more easily deciphered by a juvenile than the older version. Film makers since the early sixties have boasted about "Realism", but few of them deliver. Instead, they just give the drab scenery, drab costumes, and drab events, but with comic book cardboard stereotype characters, the weakness of the spaghetti era. Modern film makers have realized this mistake. It is evident in a superior style of Western we usually see today. This movie is an example. It gives the realistic settings, but also gives us characters we can believe exist in that era. It has a few lulls, which makes a complete sit through a bit hard, and it has some unexplained situations. But unexplained situations are okay as long the entire movie holds up, and the characters are intriguing enough. It begins a bit campy, but really improves. The main character is one we can identify, and at least have some sympathy for. The Audie Murphy character of the early movie really evokes no sympathy, and is too self righteous without motivation. The character in this movie follows the lines of a true anti-hero. There is motivation, and a method to his madness. We never feel he is truly "right", but we can understand where he comes from. There is plenty of action in the movie. There is also some humor. One good scene is when the heroine tells the hero she wouldn't lie to him, and he mulls that over. This movie succeeds in doing what film makers have been trying to do for decades. This director and writer team got it right. Recommended. Complete success.
Write a sentence that is about a restaurant with all the following properties: name = Cocum, eatType = coffee shop, food = Japanese, priceRange = more than £30, customer rating = 5 out of 5, familyFriendly = yes
For more than £30, the coffee shop Cocum serves Japanese food in a children friendly atmosphere. The hold a 5 out of 5 customer rating.
Problem: Find the right ending to this passage. (CNN) -- Chris Brown's nightmare cross-country trip to face trial in Washington ended Monday five days after it began in Los Angeles. The singer's "Con Air" flight landed in the D.C. area, and he was escorted by U.S. marshals to a local jail where he will be locked up until his assault trial later this month, according to a Marshals Service spokesman. He had been chained at his ankles, waist and arms much of the time since marshals took him into custody from the Los Angeles County sheriff last Wednesday. Brown's lawyer failed to convince a judge at a hearing Monday that his assault charge in Washington should be dropped because of prosecutors' misconduct. Judge Patricia Wynn rejected the argument by Mark Geragos that the U.S. attorneys abused the grand jury process in preparation for Brown's trial. --> Even if Brown is acquitted, he could still have to return to OPTIONS: - Brown the same way he got there -- in custody. - CNN the same way he got there -- in custody. - Chris Brown the same way he got there -- in custody. - Christopher Hollosy the same way he got there -- in custody. - Con Air the same way he got there -- in custody. - D.C. the same way he got there -- in custody. - Los Angeles the same way he got there -- in custody. - Los Angeles County sheriff the same way he got there -- in custody. - Mark Geragos the same way he got there -- in custody. - Marshals Service the same way he got there -- in custody. - Patricia Wynn the same way he got there -- in custody. - U.S. the same way he got there -- in custody. - Washington the same way he got there -- in custody. Answer: Los Angeles the same way he got there -- in custody. Problem: Find the right ending to this passage. (CNN) -- India's cricket tour of Australia lurched to new lows on Friday, which proved to be unlucky January 13. The visitors slumped to a disappointing 161 all out in Perth and then saw David Warner smash the fourth fastest century in Test history as Australia reached 149-0 at stumps on day one. Down 2-0 in the four-match series, the second-ranked Indians went into the third encounter with doubts about the pitch at the WACA after ground staff were filmed on Thursday night drinking beer and walking on the playing surface in bare feet. Curator Cameron Sutherland defended his employees on national radio. They traditionally have pre-match drinks under the scoreboard, but this time followed Sutherland out to the middle for his final check. --> If India's batsmen found it hard against the four-man pace attack, the bowlers received a fearful pummeling from OPTIONS: - Australia. - CNN. - Cameron Sutherland. - David Warner. - India. - Indians. - Perth. - Sutherland. - Test. - WACA. Answer: David Warner. Problem: Find the right ending to this passage. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A Senate subcommittee Tuesday tackled one of the most contentious issues in U.S. sports: the fairness of the Bowl Championship Series that decides the top college football team each season. Tim Tebow, right, of the Florida Gators talks to coaches at the 2009 BCS national championship game January 8. Convened by Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the hearing by the Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights subcommittee provided a sounding board for his state's disappointment over the inability of the undefeated University of Utah to qualify for the BCS national championship game last January. The BCS operates under an agreement among the major college football conferences that decides which teams qualify for the biggest bowl games each season, including the national championship game. --> He also warned against seeking anti-trust relief in court, saying a ruling against the OPTIONS: - Alabama would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Antitrust would end its existence without creating an alternative. - BCS would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Bowl Championship Series would end its existence without creating an alternative. - CNN would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Competition Policy would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Consumer Rights would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Florida Gators would end its existence without creating an alternative. - GOP would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Hatch would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Orrin Hatch would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Republican would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Senate would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Sugar Bowl would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Tim Tebow would end its existence without creating an alternative. - U.S. would end its existence without creating an alternative. - University of Utah would end its existence without creating an alternative. - Utah would end its existence without creating an alternative. - WASHINGTON would end its existence without creating an alternative. Answer: BCS would end its existence without creating an alternative. Problem: Find the right ending to this passage. Pastor and father-of-two Alan Martin set the bar high when he was bestowed with a 'Never-Ending-Pasta-Pass' six weeks ago: He planned to eat at the restaurant each day, twice a day. It's a challenge that might have defeated even the most voracious eaters but Mr Martin, from North Carolina, is on track - eating 95 meals at Olive Garden over the past six weeks. And with the pass costing just $100, the Olive Garden fan has already made his money back 15 times over - but insisted he has not gained any weight. Scroll down for video Alan Martin considers himself something of a celebrity at his local Olive Garden in Burlington, where he chows down a bowl of pasta for lunch and dinner - with extra cheese - each day --> It was a carb-loading dream when OPTIONS: - Alan Martin announced the 'never-ending pasta pass' in September - which sold out in 45 minutes. - Burlington announced the 'never-ending pasta pass' in September - which sold out in 45 minutes. - Martin announced the 'never-ending pasta pass' in September - which sold out in 45 minutes. - Never-Ending-Pasta-Pass announced the 'never-ending pasta pass' in September - which sold out in 45 minutes. - North Carolina announced the 'never-ending pasta pass' in September - which sold out in 45 minutes. - Olive Garden announced the 'never-ending pasta pass' in September - which sold out in 45 minutes. Answer:
Olive Garden announced the 'never-ending pasta pass' in September - which sold out in 45 minutes.
Single/multi-select question: Is it possible to conclude that "Two couples are walking under pink peach trees, while their blossoms fall." if "Two couples hold their lover close under the falling blossoms."? Choose your answer from: -- yes -- it is not possible to tell -- no...I think the answer is
it is not possible to tell
[Q]: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all of Bibimbap House eatType restaurant; Bibimbap House food Japanese; Bibimbap House priceRange less than £20; Bibimbap House area city centre; Bibimbap House near Clare Hall **** [A]: Bibimbap House is a Japanese restaurant with a price range of less than £20. It is in the city centre near Clare Hall. question: Triple: 155 U.S._VIEWERS_(MILLIONS) 12.15; 155 WRITTEN_BY tom donaghy answer: Tom Donaghy wrote an episode that had 12.15 million viewers in the US. Problem: Data: Zizzi eatType coffee shop; Zizzi priceRange moderate; Zizzi customer rating average; Zizzi area riverside; Zizzi familyFriendly yes What would a sentence about this data be like? A: Zizzi is a coffee shop located by the riverside which has a high price range with an average customer rating. they are children friendly Question: This is some data: The Waterman eatType pub; The Waterman customer rating 5 out of 5; The Waterman area city centre. Generate a detailed description of this data. Answer: The Waterman is a five star pub near City centre. Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio COUNTRY Switzerland; Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio DEAN Mario Botta; Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio ESTABLISHED 1996; Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS 600; Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio ACADEMIC_STAFF_SIZE 100 The Dean of The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio located in Switzerland is Mario Botta. The Accademia was established in 1996 and has 600 students and 100 academic staff. Problem: *Aarhus Airport LOCATION Tirstrup; Tirstrup COUNTRY Denmark; Denmark LANGUAGE German language; Tirstrup IS_PART_OF Central Denmark Region; Denmark LEADER_NAME Margrethe II of Denmark* A:
Aarhus Airoprt is located in Tirstrup, Central Denmark, Denmark (German speaking), led by Margrethe II of Denmark.
input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: negative Generated tweet: @shaundiviney wait wheres bradie input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: positive Generated tweet: @SarahBettens im a huge fan!! Would love to see you perform input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: positive Generated tweet: had fun at the twilight party..ah we all know that movie to well input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: positive Generated tweet:
PTL my car is back on the road and it was fixed for free
Gordon: Did you see my car, bro? Gordon: Gordon: It's my first car ever! And I love it! :) Leo: Grats, bro! Leo: It looks awesome, I have to see it with my own eyes! Gordon: Are you home? Leo: Yeah Gordon: Look out of the kitchen window :) Leo: No shit :D Leo: Wait, I'm coming! Gordon: Waiting :D Briefly summarize: Gordon has bought his first car and shows it to Leo. Carl: Have you seen the latest news about Brexit? Olivia: Yeah, I've no idea what they're trying to do Carl: TBH I srsly doubt it'll end well for us Olivia: Yeah, we should move out of this country Carl, the sooner the better… Carl: Ah, I wish I could move out… Briefly summarize: Carl and Olivia are critical of Brexit. Olivia believes she should emigrate and Carl wishes he could do that. Jeremy: it was great running into you yesterday Carolyn: i know!! Carolyn: i can't believe we hadn't seen each other in 3 years Jeremy: it's been too long (ಥ﹏ಥ) lol Jeremy: you look the same though Carolyn: lol you're just trying to make me feel good Jeremy: i'm not!!! you haven't aged a bit Carolyn: i forgot to ask you yesterday Carolyn: have you seen angie recently? Jeremy: no Jeremy: i think i haven't seen her in years Carolyn: i always liked her and would love to see what she's up to Carolyn: but she's not on facebook or twitter Carolyn: or any other social media Carolyn: and i don't have her number Jeremy: bryan may have her number :-D Carolyn: what bryan? Jeremy: bryan mackenzie Jeremy: they used to go out, you don't remember him? Carolyn: no Carolyn: but if you could get her number from him i would be really grateful Jeremy: let me text him right now Briefly summarize: Jeremy will text Bryan Mackenzie to get Angie's number for Carolyn. Katy: Hellooo Brendon: Hi there :D Katy: You still available to help me in the animal association tomorrow morning? Brendon: Of course, I want to help. Katy: Cool, thank you so much! Brendon: Your welcome. So what time do I need to be ready? Katy: If you can be there at 8:00 Am it would be great. Brendon: Yeah no problem. Katy: It's a little bit early I know but we need to prepare the meals for the little baby kittens, they demand a lot of attention. Brendon: Don't worry about it. And I love cats :p Katy: Well you are going to be surrounded by them tomorrow x) Brendon: I am perfectly ok with that ahhah Katy: After that we feed and clean the litter boxes of the bigger cats, do the same for the dogs and then back to the babys. Brendon: Wow seems like hardwork. Katy: It is :p But when you see those precious animals and how happy they are because we are there just fills someone's heart. Brendon: Indeed it does, animals are the best. Katy: Bring some fruit or snacks if you want to eat during the morning, afterwards we can grab lunch from a nice spot around the corner. Brendon: Alright. Looking forward for tomorrow! Katy: Thank you for the help again. Brendon: My pleasure, cya tomorrow! Katy: Bye, see you. Briefly summarize:
Katy needs Brendon's help in the animal association tomorrow morning. They arrange to meet at 8 am to prepare meals for baby kittens and to clean the boxes of dogs and bigger cats. Brendon doesn't mind that as he loves cats. He should bring a snack for the morning and they arrange a lunch later.
Q: Keywords: come, mountain, storm, tree, wind What is a sentence that includes all these keywords? A: palm tree swaying in the wind of a storm coming from the mountains Q: Keywords: cat, luggage, piece, sleep What is a sentence that includes all these keywords? A: Two grey cats sleeping in an open piece of luggage. Q: Keywords: appliance, fill, room What is a sentence that includes all these keywords? A:
A room filled with two appliances and other equipment.
What is the version of the following sentence with correct punctuation? We treat all our customers according to these rules
We treat all our customers according to these rules:
[Q]: Which of the following solutions is better for the following goal: To restore moisture to your face without lotions, etc. OPTIONS: - Take cold showers and apply lotions to super dry spots. - Take cold showers and apply chapstick to super dry spots. [A]: Take cold showers and apply chapstick to super dry spots. input question: How to keep croquettes from going mushy after cooking? OPTIONS: - When frying the croquette use only a small amount of cooking oil, once they've been cooked keep them in the pan and rest the pan on a cooling rack - When frying the croquette use only a small amount of cooking oil, once they've been cooked remove from the pan and allow to rest on a cooling rack output answer: When frying the croquette use only a small amount of cooking oil, once they've been cooked remove from the pan and allow to rest on a cooling rack [Q]: Objective: To make icing for carrot cake. OPTIONS: - Beat together mascarpone, icing sugar and vanilla extract with a mixer until smooth. - Beat together mascarpone, icing sugar and vanilla extract with a fork until smooth. [A]: Beat together mascarpone, icing sugar and vanilla extract with a mixer until smooth. Q: Here is a goal: To tighten a wrench. How would you accomplish this goal? OPTIONS: - You need to get a different wrench from the tool box. You'll have to get one that's already tight enough. - The spinning gear adjusts the wrench grip. You can make it tighter or looser as needed. A: The spinning gear adjusts the wrench grip. You can make it tighter or looser as needed. Goal: To make a water resistant handle for a knife, you can OPTIONS: - Use metal - Use wood Answer: Use metal input question: Use emergency stain remover. OPTIONS: - Clean with baby wipes. - Clean with napkins. output answer:
Clean with baby wipes.
Question: when does the new x-files show come on?? Answer:
March 21, 2018
[Question]: What concepts are described in the following sentence? "250 Delaware Avenue is located in the United States where Barack Obama is the leader and his title is President of the United States. One of the ethnic groups of the United States are the African Americans." Return the answer as pairs of triples. [Tripleset]: United States ETHNIC_GROUP African Americans United States LEADER_TITLE President of the United States 250 Delaware Avenue LOCATION United States United States LEADER_NAME Barack Obama [Question]: What concepts are described in the following sentence? "The earnings per share when the net profit is 16.2 million dollars is 8.3 cents" Return the answer as pairs of triples. [Tripleset]: 2006 NET_PROFIT_(US_$M) 16.2 2006 EARNINGS_PER_SHARE_(¢) 8.3 [Question]: What concepts are described in the following sentence? "The Dumpling Tree is a restaurant that serves fast food for less than £20." Return the answer as pairs of triples. [Tripleset]: The Dumpling Tree eatType restaurant The Dumpling Tree food Fast food The Dumpling Tree priceRange less than £20 [Question]: What concepts are described in the following sentence? "The Cricketers is a coffee shop near The Portland Arms. It is family friendly. It serves Indian and has an average customer rating." Return the answer as pairs of triples. [Tripleset]:
The Cricketers eatType coffee shop The Cricketers food Indian The Cricketers customer rating average The Cricketers familyFriendly yes The Cricketers near The Portland Arms
Context: I ' m going to be honest and admit that if I did n't gain weight , I 'd be the crappiest eater in the whole world . I 'd live on donuts , pie , soda , and other things that could be zapped in the microwave . Laziness and I are BFFs . Question What type of foods can be zapped in the microwave . Possible answers: Choose your answer from: * Bananas are zapped to preserve them .; * None of the above choices .; * You can zap things from other planets in a microwave with your ray gun .; * Fresh fruits are zapped to keep them crisp; The answer:
None of the above choices .
Here is a premise: Early in 1650 Oliver Cromwell stationed his garrison here while attempting to subdue the rebellious Scottish monarchists; he was victorious at the Battle of Dunbar. Here is a hypothesis: Cromwell tried for seven months to subdue the Scottish monarchists. Is it possible to conclude that if the premise is true, then so is the hypothesis?
it is not possible to tell
Next question: when did the world population reach 6 billion?
Write a positive tweet. Possible types: OPTIONS: - negative - positive A: @asty_ananta find some cemilan n then back to your twitter. That'd help input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: @KevinJonasJr - I love how you're all showing some leg! You do have beautiful legs. And faces xxx IN: OPTIONS: - negative - positive Write a tweet that is positive. OUT: @BookThingo I think it's very hard to make twinkling look good on real people Q: negative (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) A: Pittsburgh is losing, not again Q: Write a positive tweet. A: @Gacka Don't tease me like that input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet:
@snufsnuf work ape? sdri ke work opis? lame la i x paint,bz sgt
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Agra Airport LOCATION India; Agra Airport ICAO_LOCATION_IDENTIFIER "VIAG"
The ICAO Location Identifier of Agra Airport which is in India is VIAG.
Solve this math problem Solve -640*q + 564*q = -1353*q - 832*q + 33744 for q.
Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Guinea-Bissau: Portuguese natives comprise a very small percentage of Guinea-Bissauans. After Guinea-Bissau gained independence, most of the Portuguese nationals left the country. The country has a tiny Chinese population. These include traders and merchants of mixed Portuguese and Chinese ancestry from Macau, a former Asian Portuguese colony. What natives comprise a very small percentage of the population? A: Portuguese Question: Read this and answer the question Several studies have suggested that DST increases motor fuel consumption. The 2008 DOE report found no significant increase in motor gasoline consumption due to the 2007 United States extension of DST. What year was the DOE report about fuel consumption published? Answer: 2008 Problem: The term "great power" was first used to represent the most important powers in Europe during the post-Napoleonic era. The "Great Powers" constituted the "Concert of Europe" and claimed the right to joint enforcement of the postwar treaties. The formalization of the division between small powers and great powers came about with the signing of the Treaty of Chaumont in 1814. Since then, the international balance of power has shifted numerous times, most dramatically during World War I and World War II. While some nations are widely considered to be great powers, there is no definitive list of them. In literature, alternative terms for great power are often world power or major power, but these terms can also be interchangeable with superpower. During what 2 wars was the balance of power shift most dramatic? The answer is the following: World War I and World War II Schwarzenegger rolled profits from the mail order business and his bodybuilding competition winnings into his first real estate investment venture: an apartment building he purchased for $10,000. He would later go on to invest in a number of real estate holding companies. How much did Schwarzenegger pay for the first apartment building he bought? $10,000 Input: Han dynasty Even before Han's expansion into Central Asia, diplomat Zhang Qian's travels from 139 to 125 BC had established Chinese contacts with many surrounding civilizations. Zhang encountered Dayuan (Fergana), Kangju (Sogdiana), and Daxia (Bactria, formerly the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom); he also gathered information on Shendu (Indus River valley of North India) and Anxi (the Parthian Empire). All of these countries eventually received Han embassies. These connections marked the beginning of the Silk Road trade network that extended to the Roman Empire, bringing Han items like silk to Rome and Roman goods such as glasswares to China. Which diplomat helped gather information on the country of Anxi? Output: Zhang Qian Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Switzerland: The structure of the Swiss militia system stipulates that the soldiers keep their Army issued equipment, including all personal weapons, at home. Some organizations and political parties find this practice controversial but mainstream Swiss opinion is in favour of the system. Compulsory military service concerns all male Swiss citizens; women can serve voluntarily. Men usually receive military conscription orders for training at the age of 18. About two thirds of the young Swiss are found suited for service; for those found unsuited, various forms of alternative service exist. Annually, approximately 20,000 persons are trained in recruit centres for a duration from 18 to 21 weeks. The reform "Army XXI" was adopted by popular vote in 2003, it replaced the previous model "Army 95", reducing the effectives from 400,000 to about 200,000. Of those, 120,000 are active in periodic Army training and 80,000 are non-training reserves. Who can serve in the Swiss military voluntarily? A:
Problem: *The Vaults eatType pub; The Vaults priceRange cheap; The Vaults customer rating 5 out of 5; The Vaults near Café Adriatic* A: Near Café Adriatic, The Vaults is a cheap pub with a 5 out of 5 customer rating. Input: This is some data: AFC U-16 Championship (Group B) OPPONENTS Indonesia; AFC U-16 Championship (Group B) SCORE 9-0. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output: South Korea defeated Indonesia 9-0 in football on October 6, 2008. [Q]: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all of ACF Fiorentina MANAGER Paulo Sousa; Paulo Sousa CLUB Maccabi Tel Aviv F.C.; Paulo Sousa CLUB Portugal national football team; Paulo Sousa CLUB Inter Milan **** [A]: Paulo Souza is manager of ACF Fiorentina, plays for Maccabi Tel Aviv F.C., InterMilan club and the Portugal National Football Team. question: Triple: Batagor COUNTRY Indonesia; Batagor MAIN_INGREDIENTS "fried fish dumpling with tofu and vegetables in peanut sauce" answer: Batagor ingredients are fried fish dumpling with tofu and vegetables in peanut sauce and it is found in Indonesia. Problem: Data: YEAR 2002; 2002 MEN'S_INDIVIDUAL Adam Wheatcroft (USA); 2002 MEN'S_TEAM United States; World Archery Championships; 2002 WOMEN'S_INDIVIDUAL Mary Zorn (USA) What would a sentence about this data be like? A: Adam Wheatcroft and Mary Zorn of the United States participated in the 2002 World Archery Championships. Input: This is some data: Loch Fyne eatType restaurant; Loch Fyne food Chinese; Loch Fyne priceRange moderate; Loch Fyne familyFriendly yes. Generate a detailed description of this data. Output:
There is a Chinese restaurant named Loch Fyne which is kid friendly and has a moderate price range.
Premise: "Today, in the '90s, right on schedule, fashions of the '70s are being given a nostalgic, sympathetically accurate whirl in such movies as Hilary and Jackie and The Ice Storm . A genial gaze is being cast on them just as flared trousers, square-toed shoes, and long male hair are once again looking normal in the real-life fashion universe." Hypothesis: Today's fashions have throwbacks from the 1970's. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no yes Premise: "And then there's everyone else in the city." Hypothesis: The city is home to a bunch of people who can't be reduced to a single group. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no yes Premise: "The book owed its commercial success to its soothingly simplistic thesis--and to astute marketing." Hypothesis: Because the book was marketed and written well, it sold well. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no
it is not possible to tell
Ques: Ea Energy Analyses and Lokalenergi were commissioned by United Nations Industrial Development Organisation UNIDO to assist Egypt in developing a policy framework and a 10year roadmap for improving industrial energy efficiency in Egypt Fix the punctuation. Ans: Ea Energy Analyses and Lokalenergi were commissioned by United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) to assist Egypt in developing a policy framework and a 10-year roadmap for improving industrial energy efficiency in Egypt. Ques: Arthur was educated at Loreto Convent where like his sister he showed considerable musical talent winning a prize for his playing of the piano Fix the punctuation. Ans: Arthur was educated at Loreto Convent where, like his sister, he showed considerable musical talent, winning a prize for his playing of the piano. Ques: A state police investigation found that Brunelle was attempting to pass several vehicles along Little River Road when he lost control of his car and struck a guardrail on the Grist Mill Bridge around 1230 a Fix the punctuation.
Ans: A state police investigation found that Brunelle was attempting to pass several vehicles along Little River Road when he lost control of his car and struck a guardrail on the Grist Mill Bridge around 12:30 a…
Sentence 1: (The republic, as you probably know, contains three competing clans.) Sentence 2: The clans are all equal in strength. Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: it is not possible to tell Sentence 1: The rule requires employers to establish and maintain a respiratory protection program and includes requirements for program administration; worksite-specific procedures; respirator selection; employee training; fit testing; medical evaluation; respirator use; cleaning, maintenance, and repair; and other provisions. Sentence 2: Employers are required to have an maintain proper employee training under the rule. Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: yes Sentence 1: Hannah was recently spotted in New York wearing a hat with a star on it, while Kennedy was photographed elsewhere in the Big Apple wearing a T-shirt with--are you sitting down? Sentence 2: Hannah was recently spotted wearing a hat with a star on it, Kennedy was spotted wearing a T-Shirt with stripes on it. Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer:
it is not possible to tell
INPUT ARTICLE: Article: Many online sites, magazines or books offer reviews by a fitness expert or a number of other consumers. Reading over a few of these reviews may clue you in on the quality of the DVD you're interested in. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews. Try to understand why the user did or didn't like the DVD - did it promise something that wasn't achievable? Were the workouts described appropriately? Were the workouts easy to follow? They may point out aspects of the DVD that will prompt you to purchase it or not. Consider what your current fitness level is - are you a beginner? Or are you a well-seasoned exerciser? This information will help you decide which exercise DVDs are appropriate for you level. Read reviews or descriptions on the DVD to find out what fitness level is required. Most DVDs will provide some information regarding the types of exercises performed in the routines and how fit you need to be to complete them. Also think about your goals. Some DVDs have both beginner, intermediate and advanced programs included. Even if you start at the beginner level, you may be able to move up to more advanced routines as your fitness level improves. A variety of online sites offer fitness DVD rentals. In addition, you may be able to borrow some DVDs from your local library. This may be a good option before committing to a DVD and purchasing it. You'll be able to try out a variety of programs, trainers and types of exercises before spending your money on something you may not like. Consider the length of the routines. Depending on your time, you may want to have a variety of length options to fit into your schedule. Look for DVDs that offer quick workouts in addition to full length workouts. You may start out with just 1 DVD. However, you may get bored with those routines, so having a few more DVDs to keep things interesting may help keep you motivated long-term. Watching free videos online is another alternative to purchasing DVDs. Many fitness sites offer short, free videos to follow along with at home. It's the combination of both types of physical activity that produces the best results and will help maximize your weight loss. This may also help cut down on cost of multiple DVDs and save you time from doing multiple workouts. If you're lacking on time try routines that do both cardio and strength training at the same time. Or, just go for cardio as this burns the most calories per minute compared to strength training. Like many nutrition, diet and fitness products, not all exercise DVDs deliver what they promise. Be wary of programs that look too good to be true. Any program that promises large quantities of weight loss in a short amount of time is most likely not safe and is most likely not promoting accurate or reliable information. The best weight loss occurs in small amounts of longer periods of time. Also be aware of exercise programs that promise you significant increases in fitness levels or muscle mass in just a short amount of time or in few minute increments. Again, it takes time, energy and patience to increase your aerobic fitness levels and to increase muscle mass. SUMMARY: Read user reviews. Rate your current fitness level. Rent or borrow DVDs. Choose a DVD that incorporates both aerobic and strength training exercises. Avoid gimmicks and "quick fix" programs. In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: Once you've gathered everything, figure out what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of. Put away what you want to keep, and donate or discard what you don't want to keep. If you need to toss items, make sure to read the back of the can on things like paint and chemicals. Often, you'll need to take these items to a hazardous waste disposal center instead of just tossing them. To make it easier on yourself, consider renting a dumpster to get rid of your large trash. You can often rent one from your city, though many companies rent them, too. They'll place the dumpster in your front yard, and then haul it away when you're done taking your trash to it. If you're not sure what size to order, talk to the company you're renting from. They can usually suggest a size based on what kind of project you're doing. Carry any debris left behind out to your dumpster. Use the walk-in door if possible, as it is much easier than trying to throw it over the edge. Carry heavy items with a dolly or the help of a friend. Even if you get the correct size, space is going to be at a premium in your dumpster. Make sure to load container-like items, such as bathtubs, facing upward so you can put stuff in them. Place long pieces lengthwise in the dumpster, and tuck smaller items around larger items so you're not wasting space. Summary: Gather tools and leftover materials into one place. Rent a dumpster. Haul large debris to the dumpster. Pack the dumpster smartly. There is most likely a specific reason for the rift in your friendship. Consider the situation as objectively as you can. Does one of you bear a larger portion of involvement? Even if you feel wronged by your friend, consider the possibility that somewhere along the line you have also hurt them in subtle ways that you weren't aware of. On the other hand, if you know you're the one who made a mistake, spend some time reflecting on what you did and why, and how you can prevent doing it again. If there seems to be no clear reason for your friend's distance, don't jump to conclusions. It may have nothing to do with you; your friend might have something troubling them. You may want your friend back, but until you're ready to acknowledge your own mistakes and/or forgive your friend theirs, you won't get anywhere. That said, you may need to have a long talk with your friend before the wounds start to heal. The important thing is to make sure you feel ready and willing to put things back together, rather than nurse a grudge. Your friend may not listen at first, but with time and you showing that you care, they will forgive. ++++++++++ One-sentence summary -- Reflect on what has happened. Beware of assumptions. Be prepared to accept responsibility and/or forgive. Q: There are only three bets taken: An even money bet that the total will be under 7. An even money bet that the total will be over 7. An odds bet that the total will be 7. Typical odds are 4 to 1, although some casinos pay only 3 to 1. (Although 7 is the most likely number to be rolled on two dice, the actual odds are 5 to 1 against its being rolled.) Most commonly, the dice (made of wood) are rolled down a chute by a dealer. Instead of rolling the dice down a chute, they may be rolled in a cup and concealed as in Cho-Han Bakuchi. A: Place bets on the outcome of the dice roll. Roll the dice. Pay winners and take money from losers according to the outcome of the dice roll. Article: Your bookmark is deleted. Any text associated with the bookmark remains, however. To delete book the bookmark and its associated text, select the item and press the "Delete" key on your keyboard. To make sure the bookmark is also deleted, follow the instructions under "Show Bookmark Brackets in Text." Question: What is a summary of what this article is about? Display the Bookmark dialog box. Select the name of the bookmark you wish to delete. Click the "Delete" button. INPUT ARTICLE: Article: . One of the best things you can do for your lips, in fact for your skin in general, is to make sure to drink a lot of water. Water not only hydrates your body, it nourishes your skin and promotes new cell growth. In fact, dry lips can be a sign that your body is not getting the amount of water it needs. Although it might be counterintuitive, wetting your lips by licking them with saliva actually causes drying. If you tend to bite your lips when nervous or without realizing it, try using chewing gum to satisfy an oral fixation. Biting your lips causes cracking and can create open sores that may need to be treated with antibiotics. Foods that contain vitamins B and C are especially good for your skin. Consider taking a supplement if your diet lacks these vitamins. Omega-3 fatty acids are also extremely good for your skin and can be found in foods like fish, avocado, and almonds. You can also take a daily Omega-3 supplement. SUMMARY:
Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day Refrain from licking your lips. Try not to bite your lips. Eat a diet heavy in fruits and vegetables.
What are the keywords in the following sentence: a passenger departs the train at station
depart, passenger, station, train
who wrote as good as i once was??
Scotty Emerick
input: Write a negative yelp review (OPTIONS: - negative - positive). output: I wanted to order a "gourmet" burger as their sign advertises. When I tried to order it medium-rare I was told medium-well or well only. Huh? Gourmet burgers and you won't even cook to temperature? If you don't trust how your meat is being handled I'm sure not going to. input: Write a positive yelp review (OPTIONS: - negative - positive). output: I love the "hi" and "bye" when you enter and exit the store; not because I feel welcomed, particularly, but because I appreciate the business model and human psychology behind it*... it's a prime example of GREAT leadership and well-thought out business practices coming to fruition. Also, there are always cops there (which I think is a great thing), it's very well-lit, and it always pretty well-stocked. I also really love the ice selection (one of which, in a certain part of Texas, is called "Snowman poop". Seriously. Denton, Texas.) And, Thomas, it means QuikTrip. Durrrrr *In retail, the more effort you exert in making individual, verbal contact with a customer, the less likely they are to vandalize, steal, or otherwise decrease the bottom line. Also, it increases the consumer's confidence and trust in an organization by giving a face to the relatively faceless mass that is corporate America. input: Write a negative yelp review (OPTIONS: - negative - positive). output:
One word to describe the experience here, condescending. That was the attitude that we experienced during our visit. It was my first time here and I heard great things so I was excited to check it out, but our waitress was awful and extremely rude. One of the people at our table ordered saut\u00e9ed scallops and asked the waitress how they were prepared, she answered in her most condescending tone "uh! saut\u00e9ed" when the person was just trying to figure out if they had lemon in them. She gave the same attitude to another person in our party that was trying to figure our which salmon dish to order. I guess she was just too good for the restaurant and too good to offer guests a nice experience. I started with the clam chowder which was really runny, not a chowder consistency at all. I had the salmon Oscar for dinner and it was just OK, nothing special. We didn't order dessert because the waitress was just too rude for us to tolerate any longer.
Write a negative yelp review. the food here is awesome! I would give it more stars if the customer service had been better; the Egg & I getting 2 stars is over the most ridiculous thing! A couple weeks ago we went there and I have been there a lot, I enjoy their food. My friend and I both ordered sandwiches; we asked to skip the bacon and bread for a healthier meal of course. We all know even though you skip stuff off the meal ordered, you end up paying full price which is fine. Well we asked if we both add avocado to both our meals in place of bread and bacon considering those items are priced higher. After going back and forth with our server who claimed it was against their policy to sub, a veggie/fruit item for a meat/bread item, she brought out the manager. The manager explained that they have two different accounts where they order meats/breads from and where they order veggies/fruit from and they could not, in fact they refused to sub it. We got over it, added the avocado and enjoyed our meal. It wasn't about having to spend the money for it, it was the principal. I bring a lot of friends and family to this place, therefore I expected them to sub it out for me because in the end, it was actually more cost effective for them. I thought it was silly and ridiculous, she actually looked slightly stupid for coming out and to explain the reasoning as to why we couldn't sub it. I actually laughed. So although the food might be at least 4 stars, their service and policies were not and I doubt it was worth it for them to do that to my friend and I earning this some-what bad review. There are a lot of great breakfast spots in Las Vegas so I will hunt down one to take people where they don't fret over silly substitutions on sandwiches. I am very open-minded and understanding; in fact I have ran a restaurant for yrs in the past and know when it is worth it to suck it up and do the substitution.
Write a dialog about anything you want
Michael: Do you have any plans for the weekend??? Ava: Noo! Lets meet up.. Its been a while Michael: Don't worry baby... I'll pick you up at 8 on Saturday.. Love you... Bye Ava: :heart Love you
Do these questions have the same meaning? What is the origin of click/klick as a unit of distance? "What is the origin and original meaning of 'Falana Dimka'?"
Article: Nutritional anthropology is a synthetic concept that deals with the interplay between economic systems, nutritional status and food security, and how changes in the former affect the latter. If economic and environmental changes in a community affect access to food, food security, and dietary health, then this interplay between culture and biology is in turn connected to broader historical and economic trends associated with globalization. Nutritional status affects overall health status, work performance potential, and the overall potential for economic development (either in terms of human development or traditional western models) for any given group of people. Now answer this question: Nutritional anthropologists investigate the interplay between economic systems and what?
food security
Translate from English to Spanish: Healthy fats are found in olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, avocados, and salmon. Spanish:
Las grasas saludables se encuentran en el aceite de oliva, aceite de maní, guacamole y el salmón.
Write a sentence in English.
Other 1995 data are also revealing:
Sentence 1: It's almost too hot, she murmured. Sentence 2: She said it was too cold. Is this second sentence entailed by the first sentence?
What is the best way to: How can I shred sweet potatoes for a hash?
You can shred sweet potatoes for a hash by washing them in water, peeling them with a vegetable peeler, then using a food processor, place the sweet potatoes into the food processor with the shredding blade.
Q: ...but a lousy film. As Maltin says this was Christopher Lee's attempt to make a serious horror film. Well, it is serious...TOO serious! The plot is silly and slow (something about old people inhabiting the bodies of young children to achieve immortality)...the film is all talk talk talk talk talk talk talk about the same things over and over again. I actually dozed off a few times! The film is sooooo dull! The cast sleepwalks through this with the sole exceptions of Peter Cushing and Lee...but this was probably a labor of love for both (they often complained about horror movies being too violent...well, this has NO violence!). Avoid at all costs...unless you have insomnia...this will put you to sleep! A: negative Q: Johnny Dangerously falls completely in the hit or miss category with it's overblown gags and complete lack of a comprehensive script or story that makes ANY sense. But that's the point, right? The cast is likable; Michael Keaton an excellent comic performer before he took himself too seriously as the years passed. Griffin Dunne, Peter Boyle, Joe Piscopo, Marilu Henner and Danny DeVito all perform with enthusiasm and at least get a lot of laughs from me. But the complete scene stealer here is Richard Dimitri (sneaking the word "Iceholes" into movie history) as a mobster who fares best at murdering the English language. I associate many childhood memories with this film, as I watched it quite often so maybe I'm prone to enjoy it more than many others. Johnny Dangerously is at least a completely innocent gangster film spoof that even relays some well meaning messages about the dangers of smoking (and sex). I like it but it's hard to recommend. 7 out of 10. A: positive Q: Firstly, this is simply the funniest movie I have ever seen. It incorporates perfectly-timed slapstick, sexual humour, and cleverly-thought-up stand-up. But it goes deeper than that. The Souler Opposite is an original love story (something we don't see that often) that gave me hope that there is love out there;that two people who love each other can work through their adversity; and that such a comedic take on life (something I believe we all should have) can be accepted by the people that really matter. Chris Meloni gives a such a convincing performance as Barry Singer that he should have won an oscar. The film is brilliantly written and I hope we will be seeing more films from everyone involved in the future. A: positive Q: An Insomniac's Nightmare is the story of a man's plunge into insanity. Having chronic Insomnia, Jack is plagued by hallucinations; causing him to try and determine what is real and what isn't. We find out interesting things about Jack near the end, and think that by the time the movie is over we will have a "happily ever after" Hollywood ending. Wrong. This is New York City, the place where nobody sleeps. Tess Nanavati (Writer and Director) has herself a good film in 'An Insomniac's Nightmare'. A talented filmmaker and writer (she made this film right after her High School Graduation), she has real potential and will be one to watch in the upcoming future. As I watched this short film I was constantly uncomfortable; between the music, bleak scenery, and realistic portrayal of an insomniac by Dominic Monaghan (as Jack), I desperately wanted to turn this off at times just to escape from it.
A: positive
This question has options. How would someone go about accomplishing this goal? rock grinder OPT: 1). can chew rocks well 2). can chew gum well
A mother is facing up to eight years in jail for allegedly endangering her sick son's life by contaminating his IV line at a Cincinnati children's hospital. Candida Fluty, 35, of Kermit, West Virginia, was apparently caught on camera as she took her nine-year-old son's colostomy bag and removed feces using a syringe. She then injected the waste matter into the boy's intravenous drip, which reportedly caused his fever to spike. Scroll down for video. Candida Fluty, 35, of Kermit, West Virginia, was apparently caught on camera as she took her nine-year-old son's (pictured here) colostomy bag and removed feces using a syringe. The mother (seen above) then injected the waste matter into the boy's intravenous drip, which reportedly caused his fever to spike. Fluty's son suffers from a rare disease called Hirschprung's. The congenital condition, which affects muscle movement the bowels, has required numerous surgeries. However, it's thought his symptoms may have been exacerbated by Fluty, who's believed to be a perpetrator of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. The psychological disorder is marked by attention-seeking behavior by a caregiver through those who are in their care. An indicator of her mental illness was apparently the fact that she openly wrote about her son's condition on Facebook. It's thought Fluty had performed the alleged IV-injecting stunt on previous occasions. Video courtesy WSAZ News Channel 3. Fluty's son suffers from a rare disease called Hirschprung's - The congenital condition, which affects muscle movement the bowels, has required numerous surgeries. The mother was indicted Tuesday on charges of felonious assault and child endangering with a hearing set for early February - She could face up to eight years in prison if convicted of all allegations. She was arrested on January 17 and later released from jail after posting a $50,000 bond. She was indicted Tuesday on charges of felonious assault and child endangering. A hearing has been set for early February. She could face up to eight years in prison if convicted of all allegations. Court records reveal that Fluty’s attorney, Elizabeth Zucker, said the entire situation was a 'total misunderstanding,' Following the alleged poisoning incident, Fluty's son is in the custody of West Virginia Children's Services but staying with an aunt. A judge has imposed a no-contact order on Fluty. Write highlights. Candida Fluty, 35, was indicted Tuesday on charges of felonious assault and child endangering. The mother from West Virginia was apparently caught on camera as she took her son's colostomy bag and removed feces using a syringe. She then injected the waste matter into the boy's intravenous drip, which reportedly caused his fever to spike. Fluty's son suffers from a rare disease called Hirschprung's. The congenital condition, which affects muscle movement the bowels, has required numerous surgeries. However, it's thought his symptoms may have been exacerbated by Fluty, who's believed to be a perpetrator of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. Problem: It's the largest producer of cocaine in the world and a key supplier of heroin to the United States. According to the CIA, Colombia produces 535 metric tons of cocaine a year, most of it for the U.S. market. The South American country has retained its status as key cocaine producer in spite of an ambitious anti-drug agreement launched a decade ago with the financial support of the United States. The agreement is called "Plan Colombia." Since 2000, the plan has cost the United States $7 billion, according to the Inter-American Dialogue, a Washington think tank that has closely monitored the implementation of Plan Colombia. The money has been mostly used to help Colombia strengthen its police and military. Before the implementation of Plan Colombia, 50% of the Colombian territory didn't have a government security presence. Marta Lucia Ramirez, a former Colombian minister of defense and one of the architects of Plan Colombia, says the agreement has helped her country to strengthen democracy and government institutions. It has also increased the Colombian government's ability to fight what she calls "narco-terrorism." But Ramirez also says that the high drug demand in the U.S. makes it difficult to eradicate production at home. "I really believe that the American strategy against drugs is not enough. It's probably a failure. It's [a policy] that they have to review," says Ramirez. Colombia welcomes U.S. drug czar Gil Kerlikowske this week. Kerlikowske, in his role as director of the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy, will do a progress evaluation of plan Colombia as part of his trip. Ahead of his visit, Kerlikowske told the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo that he sees a commitment on the part of the government of President Juan Manuel Santos, who took office in August. "We're going to talk about the continuation of the relationship between both countries, not only in terms of reduction but also in terms of prevention and demand," said Kerlikowske. Security experts, including Colombian Aurelio Suarez, say Plan Colombia has improved security, but it has fallen short on its original goal of reducing drug production in the region. In what is known as the balloon effect, increased army attacks against drug traffickers in Colombia has moved coca and poppy crops elsewhere. "And the quantity of the drug production from the Andean countries like Bolivia, Peru and Colombia is the same as 10 years ago," says Suarez. Salud Hernandez, a journalist who has traveled extensively in areas where coca is grown, has witnessed the balloon effect. She says drug traffickers just move to other countries, but also relocate within Colombia. "There are still drug dealers [in Colombia]. There's still a lot of drug trafficking, and there are still a lot of crops in many regions of the country," says Hernandez. What's even more troublesome, the Washington-based Inter-American Dialogue says that roughly 90% of cocaine sold in the United States still comes from Colombia. Michael Shifter, the organization's president, says that "Plan Colombia's many critics rightly point to the policy's failure to meet the fundamental purpose for which the program was developed: To reduce the availability of drugs, particularly cocaine in U.S. communities," says Shifter. In Colombia there's a new push to refocus government efforts on improving socioeconomic conditions for the population as a means of making organized crime and guerrillas associated with drug traffickers less appealing to peasants who live in marginalized areas. Colombia's problems go well beyond drug trafficking and security. About 50% of Colombians live in poverty, and 60% have no regular employment. Now that security has improved, many Colombians such as security analyst Suarez say it's time for the Colombian government to address issues such as social inequality and long-term development as a way to slow down the seemingly never-ending production of illicit drugs in Colombia. Summarize this article. Answer:
Since 2000, U.S. has funded anti-drug initiative "Plan Colombia" at cost of $7 billion. One of the architects of plan points out democracy has been strengthened in Colombia. Critics point out that 90% of cocaine sold in U.S. comes from Colombia. U.S. drug czar Gil Kerlikowske will visit this week to check on progress of anti-drug effort.
[Q]: Sentence: Since playing Pong while filming Jaws in 1974, Spielberg has been an avid video gamer. Question: What movie was Spielberg working on when he first played Pong? ++++++++++ [A]: yes [Q]: Sentence: At Live Aid, held at Wembley on 13 July 1985, in front of the biggest-ever TV audience of 1.9 billion, Queen performed some of their greatest hits, during which the sold-out stadium audience of 72,000 people clapped, sang, and swayed in unison. Question: How big was Live Aid's TV audience? ++++++++++ [A]: yes [Q]: Sentence: There is "little coherent relationship between the amount and mix of homosexual and heterosexual behavior in a person's biography and that person's choice to label himself or herself as bisexual, homosexual, or heterosexual". Question: What is there little coherent relationships between? ++++++++++ [A]:
Upgrading the Districts API With RGeo Last year we launched the Districts API, which enables users to retrieve political districts for a location within New York City. The Districts API had its roots in a web application called Represent, which was built using a Python framework with spatial capabilities. At the time Represent was launched, the options for building Ruby mapping applications that used PostgreSQL’s spatial features were fairly few, and when we built the Districts service we chose a Ruby adapter that supported many of the most common geometrical features supported by PostGIS. This week we upgraded the Districts API in two ways: (1) by switching it from Rails 2 to Rails 3, and (2) by replacing the spatial adapter with RGeo, a broader suite of Ruby libraries that implements the standard OGC Simple Features Specification in order to display and manipulate spatial objects such as points and polygons. (Although RGeo has been released as open-source code, its development is sponsored by a commercial firm, GeoPage Inc.) The driving force behind the switch is RGeo’s breadth of development: not only does it include adapters for several database back ends, but it also offers libraries to make it easy to read ESRI shapefiles — a popular format for geospatial data used by the Census Bureau and many other providers of map data. The rgeo-shapefile gem can read shapefiles and makes it possible to work with their contents in other formats. In practice, that means a cleaner Ruby syntax for accessing spatial data from shapefiles than the traditional command-line method called ogr2ogr. Using RGeo meant changing a few things in our Rails application, especially within the database configuration file called database.yml. A development setup using PostgreSQL and PostGIS might look like this: Note that the adapter is listed as postgis and that the attribute template has been added to specify that when the development database is created, it should be based on the postgis template. That way the database tables containing spatial references are automatically added. The postgis adapter extends Rails’ ActiveRecord connection adapter so that you can create database migrations using spatial columns, among other features. Simple spatial queries still need to be written in SQL, but support for more complex ones should be coming in Rails 3.1. What this means for the Districts API is that future enhancements, like the addition of GeoJSON responses that we’ve had on the list for a while, should be easier to roll out. Shapefile support makes it easier to add data outside New York City as well. Check out the API documentation and join us in the forum. Write a one or two sentence summary.
We've upgraded the Districts API, moving from Rails 2 to Rails 3 and replacing the spatial adapter with RGeo.
Problem: Write an article based on this "A teenager has died after he was stabbed in north-east London." Article: A: Paramedics found the 17-year-old when they were called to High Street, Walthamstow, shortly after 23:30 BST on Sunday. He was taken to hospital but died. He is the ninth teenager to be fatally stabbed or shot in London this year. The Met Police said the victim was walking along the road with friends when they were approached by two men on bikes at the junction of Buxton Road. The teenager was stabbed during an altercation. Det Ch Insp Matt Bonner added: "At this stage we are investigating whether the two suspects left the area on bicycles. If you were in the area last night and saw anything that may help us, or you have information that will assist, please get in touch." Officers are awaiting formal identification, but next of kin have been informed. No arrests have been made. The victim was the sixth teenager to have died this year from stab wounds, while the other three teenagers were shot. BBC Home Affairs Correspondent Danny Shaw said there had been 29 fatal stabbings in London this year, including the six teenagers, compared to 23 by this time in 2016. The latest victim was the second to be fatally stabbed in the city in 48 hours, with the incident coming after the death of a 23-year-old man, who was found unconscious by police in Waterloo Road, Uxbridge, west London, early on Saturday. Last week, the Met Police launched the latest phase in its campaign to crack down on knife crime. During the week, 393 arrests were made as part of Operation Sceptre, including 73 for possession of an offensive weapon/knife and 144 stop and search arrests. The Met Police said the taskforce had been created to tackle an increase in knife crime across London, with about 100 officers deployed to knife crime hotspots. According to official statistics released last month, knife crime in London increased by 24% in the year up to April, with 12,074 recorded offences. Knife crime that resulted in an injury also increased, with a rise of 21% to 4,415 recorded incidents. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, said carrying knives on London's streets would not be tolerated. He said: "My message today is clear: if you carry a knife in London, we will catch you and arrest you." Problem: Write an article based on this "Chancellor George Osborne has said that he will deliver a new Budget on 8 July." Article: A:
He claimed it would have "a laser-like focus" on raising productivity and living standards. He said he was making the unusual move of having a second Budget in one year in order to "deliver on the commitments we have made to working people". Labour said the chancellor would have to set out "who is going to pay" for what it called "uncosted promises" in the election campaign. Speaking outside 11 Downing Street, the chancellor gave a broad outline of his plans for the forthcoming Budget but refused to be drawn on the details, including the Conservatives' planned £12bn of welfare cuts. "I don't want to wait to deliver on the commitments we have made to working people," he said. "It will continue with the balanced plan we have to deal with our debts, invest in our health service and reform welfare to make work pay. "But there will also be a laser-like focus on making our economy more productive so we raise living standards across our country. "We're going to put Britain into good shape for the long term." The last Budget was held on 18 March and included tax cuts for first-time house buyers. Writing in the Sun, Mr Osborne admitted it was "unusual" to have two Budgets in the same year, but he wanted to turn "promises made in the election into a reality". Again, Mr Osborne did not specifically outline how the Conservatives plan to fulfil a pledge to cut £12bn in welfare spending but said he wants to make the welfare system "fair for the people who pay for it". He writes: "We will protect the NHS and give it more funding each and every year, while making savings across Whitehall. "We'll crack down hard on tax avoidance and aggressive tax planning by the rich - because everyone should pay their fair share. "We will always protect the most vulnerable, but we also need a welfare system that's fair to the people who pay for it. If you can work you should be working, so we'll take the next steps in our benefit reforms to make sure that happens. "Second, we've got to go on helping businesses create jobs in Britain, so we move towards full employment. That means facing a hard truth: in Britain we produce about a quarter less for every hour we work than countries like America or Germany. Fixing that long-running productivity weakness is the big challenge for the next five years. "So in the Budget we'll spend less on welfare, and instead invest to create three million more apprenticeships, so that young people can learn a trade, get better jobs and earn more." After the Budget in March independent forecaster the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said that Mr Osborne needed to spell out exactly how he plans to cut £12bn from welfare spending. Of those £12bn planned cuts, £2bn were outlined ahead of the general election - all the cuts are supposed to be in place by 2017-18. Labour's shadow energy and climate change secretary, Caroline Flint, accused the Tories of making "a number of uncosted promises" during the election campaign. She told the BBC: "It will be interesting to see who is going to pay for those uncosted policies when they bring the Budget in July."
Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative (see options at the end)? who approaches his difficult , endless work with remarkable serenity and discipline . pick from the following. (a). negative (b). positive
asia-pacific countries including the world 's worst polluters -- the united states and china -- will outline tactics for the post-kyoto fight against climate change at a major summit this week . What is a very short summary of the above text?
asia-pacific leaders to outline climate change tactics
Tivat, yeniden yapılanma planlarına ev sahipliği yapıyor. [AFP] Could you please translate this to English?
Tivat is the site of new redevelopment plans. [AFP]
Q: How do you say "The educational material, understood as an important pedagogical tool, articulates fundamental themes for the development of Sistema Único de Saúde (Brazil's National Health System)." in Spanish? A: El material educativo, visto como un importante instrumento educativo, articula los temas clave para la construcción del Sistema Único de Saúde. Q: How do you say "In his views, the Israeli bombers in 1982 were not fighting for freedom, but had become the new oppressors, fighting to deprive another minority of their freedoms." in Spanish? A: En su opinión, los bombarderos israelíes de 1982 no estaban luchando por la libertad, sino que se habían convertido en los nuevos opresores, luchando para privar a otras minorías de sus libertades. Q: How do you say "Presentation > Volunteers > Previous editions" in Spanish? A: Presentación > Voluntarios > Ediciones anteriores Q: How do you say "31.01 Animal or vegetable fertilisers, whether or not mixed together or chemically treated; fertilisers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment of animal or vegetable products 3101 00 00" in Spanish? A:
31.01 Abonos de origen animal o vegetal, incluso mezclados entre sí o tratados químicamente; abonos procedentes de la mezcla o del tratamiento químico de productos de origen animal o vegetal 3101 00 00
test: Если они правы, то нет какого-либо различия между такой научной дисциплиной как история, основанная греками 2400 лет назад, для того чтобы вести правдивые записи о прошлом, и мифами, которые каждая культура рассказывает, чтобы утвердить свое самоуважение. English? translation: If they are right, there is no difference between the intellectual discipline of history, founded by the Greeks 2400 years ago to record the past truthfully, and the myths that every culture tells to affirm its self-worth. test: Самые различные формы и богатство цветовых оттенков смогут придать помещению неповторимость. English? translation: A variety of shapes and rich colors at once give the room a unique look. test: Довольно заманчиво использовать оператор lock для решения всех проблем с организацией поточной обработки. English? translation: It is tempting to use the lock statement to solve all threading problems. test: Созомен English? translation:
Ask a question about The Blitz.
What kind of strategy did the Luftwaffe use to give their bombers better protection?
Solve 8*v = -372 + 396 for v.. What is the answer??
Produce a detailed sentence about a restaurant using the following words: name = The Waterman, food = Chinese, priceRange = cheap, customer rating = average, area = riverside
The Waterman provides Chinese food in the cheap price range. It is located in the riverside. Its customer rating is average.
Add spaces: Productdetails:KOKUAsidekickstandforwoodlearnerbikes
Product details: KOKUA side kickstand for wood learner bikes
Dialogue: Francis: it won't work :/ Jason: why Lara: he is too clever Francis: yea, it's not worth the risk Jason: so... no cheating then Lara: it's only 2 chapters Francis: we can do this What is a summary of this dialogue?
Francis and Lara are against cheating as they can manage to learn material from two chapters.
Q: drops christmas: crochet drops christmas tree star with lace pattern in ”belle”. A: DROPS Christmas: Crochet DROPS Christmas tree star with lace pattern in ”Belle”. Q: the world contains the possibility of orders other than those that are governed by reason. A: The world contains the possibility of orders other than those that are governed by reason. Q: struers - preventive maintenance plans A: Struers - Preventive Maintenance Plans Q: the social programme of the first-level course consisted of four evening meetings: A:
The social programme of the first-level course consisted of four evening meetings:
IN: This is an email IntercontinentalExchange Firm Physical Natural Gas Price Bulletin For Natural Gas Delivered on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 (Trade Date of Tuesday, November 20, 2001) Click here to access index history. * volume represents sell-side only * Region Hub High Low Wtd Avg Index Change ($) Vol (mmBtu) Hub Name LOUISIANA ANR SE $2.7900 $2.1000 $2.6126 +.5901 222,600 American Natural Resources Pipeline Co. - SE Transmission Pool Columbia Onshore $2.7450 $2.1500 $2.5128 +.3097 305,200 Columbia Gulf Transmission Co. - Onshore Pool Henry Hub $2.8200 $2.2200 $2.6180 +.5406 1,538,500 Henry Hub tailgate - Louisiana NGPL LA $2.7400 $2.0550 $2.5180 +.5460 287,900 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Louisiana Pool Tenn 500L $2.7400 $2.2800 $2.5295 +.4989 275,100 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.-Zone L, 500 Leg Pool Tenn 800L $2.7300 $2.2450 $2.4840 +.4767 248,800 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.-Zone L, 800 Leg Pool TETCO ELA $2.7900 $2.2500 $2.5993 +.4619 164,900 Texas Eastern - East LA TETCO WLA $2.7700 $2.3300 $2.5976 +.6778 208,300 Texas Eastern - West LA Transco 65 $2.8200 $2.3000 $2.6756 +.5535 176,100 Transco - Station 65 Trunkline ELA $2.7600 $2.0000 $2.5481 +.5686 82,500 Trunkline Gas Company - East Louisiana Pool TxGas SL $2.8400 $2.2800 $2.6244 +.5326 245,000 Texas Gas Transmission Corp.-Zone SL FT Pool MIDCONTINENT MichCon, citygate $2.9000 $2.2500 $2.8052 +.6308 219,800 Michigan Consolidated NGPL Midcont $2.5900 $2.2300 $2.4805 +.6875 221,700 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Mid-Continent Pool NGPL Nicor, citygate $2.7975 $2.1300 $2.6082 +.5992 1,231,800 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Nicor Citygate NGPL NIPSCO, citygate $2.8000 $2.5400 $2.7380 +.7435 107,500 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Nipsco Citygate NNG Demarcation $2.7000 $2.1250 $2.4831 +.4382 214,200 Northern Natural Gas, Demarcation Pool NORTHEAST Columbia TCO $2.9100 $2.2900 $2.7287 +.5870 533,300 Columbia Gas Co. - TCO Pool Dominion So.Point $3.1000 $2.7800 $2.8973 +.5502 235,300 Dominion - South Point TETCO M3 $3.3100 $2.8000 $3.0520 +.5224 218,400 Texas Eastern - M3 Zone Transco Z-6 (NY) $3.4100 $2.9000 $3.2445 +.6188 100,000 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. - Zone 6 (NY) WEST El Paso non-Bondad $2.4500 $2.1600 $2.3522 +.6445 183,900 El Paso - San Juan Basin, Blanco Pool Huntingdon/Sumas $2.4500 $2.3200 $2.3958 +.5708 126,000 Westcoast Energy & Northwest Pipeline Corp. Opal $2.4100 $1.9600 $2.2514 +.6931 109,800 Opal PG&E Citygate $2.6500 $2.3800 $2.5525 +.5769 227,500 PG&E - Citygate SoCal Border $2.7200 $2.4000 $2.5593 +.6743 208,000 Southern California Border Points (Ehrenberg,Topock,Needles) WEST TEXAS El Paso - Keystone $2.5300 $2.3700 $2.4526 +.7034 606,000 El Paso - Keystone Pool Waha $2.5700 $2.3800 $2.5118 +.6383 245,300 Waha Hub - West Texas Includes all firm physical fixed price trades done from 7 AM to 11:30 AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date specified for natural gas delivered on the specified date(s). IntercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid trading platform for over-the-counter energy and metals. Active markets include North American power and natural gas, global crude and refined oil products, and precious metals. Traded instruments include forwards, swaps, and options. In order to receive the proprietary information contained in this email, you acknowledge and agree that you shall not further disseminate the IntercontinentalExchange Market Data contained herein to any person or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. Furthermore, you acknowledge that (1) IntercontinentalExchange has exclusive and valuable property rights in this data; (2) IntercontinentalExchange's data is being made available to you only for your own business or personal activities; and (3) you cannot communicate the data, in any form, to any other person or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. This data is provided to you free of charge. IntercontinentalExchange reserves the right to cancel this service at any time for any reason or no reason at all. You agree that IntercontinentalExchange does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the data. To become an Exchange Participant or inquire about the indices, please contact To unsubscribe from this service, click here unsubscribe. ?Copyright IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. 2001, All Rights Reserved. What is the subject? OUT: Gas Indices QUESTION: I will be out of the office from Wednesday through Friday. Please refer trading questions to Ryan Slinger or call me on my cell phone...503-887-3449. Thanks, Propose a subject line for this email? ANS: Out of the office Folks- Attached are several documents relating to the Annual Retreat to be held again at the Villagio Inn & Spa on November 14-16, 2001. Please read the Annual Retreat Cover Memo for instructions for registration. Also, please feel free to pass this information on to anyone who may be interested in attending our Retreat. Please contact me or Julia with any questions. We look forward to seeing all of you!! Thanks, Q: What is a potential subject line for this email? answer: CESG Annual Retreat Registration Information I noticed that a few of you had revised/validated several curves and that your work was not accurately reflected on the Progress Summary sheets. These sheets are an essential reporting tool for project management. Please update the progress sheets with your recent work or communicate your progress to Kathy Kelly so that she can perform the updates on your behalf if necessary. As a reminder, the sheets are located at O:\CurveValidation\Estate Reporting\Gas organized by region (Progress Summary - East, Progress Summary - Texas, etc.). Also, when you complete a template by either revising or validating the ERMS pricing data, please remember to place an "R" or "V" in the yellow box near the top of the template. Thanks for your help. Regards, Answer: Forward Curve Validation/Revision Progress Tracking Here is an email: John, Thanks for your help with the TGP deal. Corey wants you to send him a confirmation by Tuesday of next week. Gerald Nemec has the GISB and is reviewing it, he will get back to us asap on it. ( I told him to contact you with any questions) Please let me know if you need anything else. Regards, What is a potential subject line for this email? A: Virtual Compression Deal with TGP QUESTION: In addition to granting full edit access to David Minns in our Australia office, he has also required that Alison Keogh and Rob McGrory in his office be granted access. Can you let them know when they have full edit capability. Thanks Propose a subject line for this email? ANS:
financial trading database access
Wie reinige ich meine RuToo E-Zigarette? In English? xxxxx The top on my cartridge is loose. Dies ist genau der Grund, warum die unmittelbare Umsetzung unserer angepassten Geschäftsordnung ebenfalls nicht Sache des Parlaments ist. In English? xxxxx This is exactly why the immediate implementation of our adjusted Rules of Procedure is not down to Parliament either. Jetzt komme ich zum letzten Bericht, dem von Frau Martínez-Orozco über Frauen, die Minderheiten angehören und der von besonderer Bedeutung ist – wie Frau Karamanou bereits erwähnt hat. In English? xxxxx
I now come to the last report, by Mrs Martínez-Orozco, on women from minority groups, which is of particular importance – as Mrs Karamanou has already mentioned.
Problem: Hoping to rebound from their loss to Jaguars, the Dolphins stayed at home for an AFC East rematch with the New England Patriots. From start to finish, Miami stayed in the driver's seat and lead throughout the game. In the first quarter, the Dolphins' dominating day began with kicker Olindo Mare getting a 35-yard field goal in the first quarter, while also getting a 33-yard field goal in the second quarter. In the third quarter, Miami continued their hot day as QB Joey Harrington completed a 32-yard TD pass to WR Marty Booker for the only score of the period. In the fourth quarter, RB Sammy Morris got a 3-yard TD run, which was followed up by a completed 2-point conversion pass from Harrington to Booker. An impressive Dolphins defense held the Patriots to just 189 total yards of offense, while sacking Pats QB Tom Brady four times. With the win, Miami improved to 6-7. Answer this question based on the article: How many field goals were kicked in the first half? A: 2 Problem: The Jets got the ball first and Pennington led the Jets on a 16-play, 83-yard drive that took 8:30 off the clock before Mike Nugent kicked a 27-yard field goal. On the Browns' next possession, Reuben Droughns had two big gains to put the Browns in position for Phil Dawson's 47-yard field goal, knotting the score, 3-3. Pennington was then intercepted by Sean Jones, and Charlie Frye led the Browns on a long drive that was capped by a 2-yard touchdown run by Droughns. Frye would get intercepted by Eric Smith on the Browns' next possession, but Nugent missed a 52-yard field goal wide right, his first missed field goal since Week 1. However, the Jets would get a break as Dawson missed a chip-shot 26-yard field goal at the end of the first half. Still, Cleveland led 10-3 at halftime. Cleveland got the ball first in the second half, and Droughns continued to move the ball, picking up solid yardage before Frye found Kellen Winslow II open on a 30-yard touchdown reception. After the teams traded punts, Leon Washington fumbled on the Jets' 10-yard line, with Nick Eason forcing and Kamerion Wimbley recovering. Dawson knocked in a 21-yard field goal to give Cleveland a 20-3 lead with 3:51 left in the third quarter. The Jets got an immediate lift when Justin Miller returned the ensuing kickoff 99 yards for a score, his second return of the year, to cut the lead to ten. After a Browns punt, Pennington drove the Jets into position for Nugent's 47-yard field goal to narrow the deficit to 20-13. But on the Jets' next possession, Pennington was again intercepted by Jones, but Cleveland was forced to punt. After another trade of punts, the Jets took over on Cleveland's 47-yard line with 1:56 to play. On 4th-and-4 from the Cleveland 24 with 1:06 to play, Pennington lofted a pass that Chris Baker leapt for and caught with one hand as he began to land. Just before his foot hit the ground, the Browns' Brodney Pool levelled Baker, who landed out-of-bounds but still in possession of the ball. The referee ruled that Baker was out-of-bounds, rather than ruling he was forced out, which would have led to a touchdown. Eric Mangini called a timeout in the hopes that the referees would review the play, but since it was a judgement call, it was non-reviewable under NFL rules. Frye took a knee to end the game. Answer this question based on the article: Which player kicked the second longest field goal? A: Mike Nugent Problem: The persecutions did not end, however. In violation of the promise made by Beria to the arrested opposition leaders, mass arrests and executions continued. The political guidance of the anti-revolt operations was effected by the GPU chief in Georgia, Solomon Mogilevsky, and the repressions were largely supported by the Transcaucasian Central Committee. Stalin himself is quoted to have vowed that "all of Georgia must be plowed under". In a series of raids, the Red Army and Cheka detachments killed thousands of civilians, exterminating entire families including women and children. Mass executions took place in prisons, where people were killed without trial, including even those in prison at the time of the rebellion. Hundreds of arrested were shot directly in railway trunks, so that the dead bodies could be removed faster—a new and effective technical invention by the Cheka officer, Talakhadze. The exact number of casualties and the victims of the purges remains unknown. Approximately 3,000 died in fighting. The number of those who were executed during the uprising or in its immediate aftermath amounted to 7,000-10,000 or even more. According to the most recent accounts included also in The Black Book of Communism , 12,578 people were put to death from 29 August to 5 September 1924. About 20,000 people were deported to Siberia and Central Asian deserts. Answer this question based on the article: How many more people were deported than were executed? A:
Choose from the possible answers, would the following sentence, by the strictest standards, be considered correct by a linguist? Who did you say my talking to would bother? Options: (A). unacceptable. (B). acceptable.
Problem: Write a negative (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) yelp review. A: Well, it was barely okay. The fries were the only good part. All the beer is in bottles, they have no wine list (but pointed to five bottles on the counter to choose from). I had the sliders and a side of truffle fries. The patty size on the sliders was almost funny. They were tiny even on a slider bun. As I said, the fries were good, but that was about it. Q: negative A: I do NOT get it!!!! Breakfast is "our thing". We go out to breakfast pretty much EVERY weekend since we have a toddler, don't have access to a babysitter and don't get to go out to night-time, kid-unfriendly places. So again... I don't get it! We've tried to like this place. Went back a couple times thinking maybe it was a fluke, that we were just there on an off-day or something. And each time we go back, we're mad that we wasted our time waiting in their long line and that we spent our money on this sub-par food. I think if you're a breakfast place, you should at least do homemade potatoes... I'm pretty sure they use Ore-Ida's. One good thing I can say is that whoever wrote their menu did a good job of making things sound good and building them up, unfortunately though the food just doesn't cut it. I'd say skip it to anybody thinking of coming here! (BTW... BLEW MY MIND that Food Network Mag. called this the best breakfast in AZ!!! OK... who's paying off who at Food Network Mag?!?!) Problem: What would be an example of an positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) review? Answer: Amatrices de jolies robes, entrez dans cette boutique \u00e0 vos risques et p\u00e9rils! Difficile d'en ressortir les mains vides. Selon les saisons, les styles se ressemblent parfois un peu. La boutique offre la plupart du temps des robes aux couleurs \u00e9clat\u00e9es et tendances. Je dirais que les prix semblent parfois un peu gonfl\u00e9s, mais il y a assez fr\u00e9quemment des sp\u00e9ciaux qui en valent la peine. Le proprio est sympathique, f\u00e9ru de mode et aime donner des suggestions aux clientes. Seul hic, si vous \u00eates comme moi, d'assez grande taille, vous trouverez sans doute que les robes sont souvent un peu courtes. ;) Input: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a negative review for a place Output: Totally overpriced for mediocre sushi. That's a no-no in my book. We ordered our usual sushi pieces (assorted nigiri and rolls) and didn't even finish half of it. That really saddens me. I believe sushi shouldn't be wasted but ugh, in this instance, it was unavoidable. input: Write a positive yelp review (OPTIONS: - negative - positive). output: I was visiting in LV and this was close by. Beings I'm from a small town with few restaurants like this, I gave it a try. I liked it! I had a HUGE Nacho Burrito for lunch. I went back for dinner and had one of their salads. The salsas are really tasty. All in all I'll be back whenever I make it back to the area. It's on the order of Rubio's and Chipolte, which I've tried in other cities, not mine for sure........ Problem: Write a positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) yelp review. A:
Nothing is as great as the original but this is pretty close. The place is a lot nicer and newer with the same great menu and beer selection. It's always seems to be fairly busy and noisey but you just cant beat the food. Half priced apps from 4 until 6pm is the best happy hour special in town!
Problem: November 18, 1869 saw the opening of what lockless waterway, which connects Port Said to Port Tawfik? ====== A: suez canal Problem: About which county did Daphne Du Maurier usually write ====== A: cornwall Problem: Which long-running TV series first aired on UK TV in 1963? ====== A: dr who Problem: """Tiramisu"" is a type of what?" ====== A:
Same meaning? He was known for his spiritual understanding and discipline , regardless of his sorrow . Regardless of spiritual sorrow , he was known for his quick understanding and discipline . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Same meaning? He was born and grew up in Podgorica ( now Titograd ) in a family of musicians . He was born in Titograd ( today Podgorica ) in a family of musicians and grew up there . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Same meaning? Founding member Dan McGruer left the band in 2014 and was replaced by Devin Abrams . In 2014 , founding member Devin Abrams left the band for 15 years and was replaced by Dan McGruer . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Same meaning? Later in life , Toth became one of Procopio 's close friends . Later in life Toth became one of close friends of Procopio . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
Question: What is the solution? Solve 18*p + 220 - 22 = 0 for p. Answer: -11 Question: What is the solution? Solve -9 = 14*z + 75 for z. Answer: -6 Question: What is the solution? Solve -79908*h + 79687*h = 2210 for h. Answer: -10 Question: What is the solution? Solve 0 = 2*t - 15 + 13 for t. Answer:
Q: Does "This segment runs in the Mount Morris Historical District and crosses portions of Lenox Avenue (Sixth Avenue), Seventh Avenue, Frederick Douglass Boulevard (Eighth Avenue), and Manhattan Avenue." provide a valid answer to "At which intersection does W 122nd Street terminate?"? A: no Q: Does "Some speculation exists that the Pechenegs drove off the Tivertsi and the Ulichs to the regions of the upper Dniester river in Bukovina." provide a valid answer to "What did the Pecheneg frequesntly do over the span of two centuries?"? A: no Q: Does "The country had only 598 physicians in 2002." provide a valid answer to "How many physicians did Namibia have in 2002?"? A: yes Q: Does "The Times current prices are £1.20 for the daily edition and £1.50 for the Saturday edition." provide a valid answer to "What is The Times current price for the daily edition?"? A:
Translate "The fact of the matter is, we should be obliged to examine the financial impact of committee reports." to German?
Ich möchte dazu nur eine kurze Bemerkung machen: Es geht hier darum, dass eine Verpflichtung entstehen soll, bei den Ausschussberichten die finanziellen Auswirkungen zu prüfen.
Q:WhatisaGuildPoint,andhowdoIgetthem? Please segment the words.
Q: What is a Guild Point, and how do I get them?
Translate the following sentence to Romanian: The EU is firmly committed to continuing to help bring about peace, stability and development for the population of the country.
UE este angajată ferm să sprijine în continuare realizarea păcii, a stabilităţii şi a dezvoltării pentru populaţia acestei ţări.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: 
Un Comité consultatif sur le programme d’activités de l’APES, composé de membres des organisations, ONG ou organes internationaux participant aux travaux de l’Accord partiel élargi conformément à l’article 2.6, sera créé. [Q]: "The National Archives will work with federal government managers, increasing their awareness and knowledge of their responsibilities and providing them with tools for the effective management of the information that government creates; and it will develop an integrated program for the management of electronic records." --> French? [A]: Elles travailleront de concert avec les gestionnaires du gouvernement fédéral pour les sensibiliser à l’importance de la gestion de l’information et leur faire mieux comprendre leurs responsabilités à cet égard; et elles mettront à leur disposition les outils nécessaires à la saine gestion de l’information gouvernementale. Q: "The significant spatial and temporal variation in elemental fingerprints meant that it was possible to confound spatial differences with temporal differences." to French **** A: Les variations spatiale et temporelle significatives des empreintes chimiques font qu'il est possible de confondre les différences spatiales et les différences temporelles. Translate to French: After a year's application, in any case, it should be said that it has not been the disaster foreseen in some quarters, even for the agricultural sector; but there is no doubt that, as other Members have said, there have been problems. Answer: Du reste, après un an d'application, il faut dire que la catastrophe que certains prédisaient n'a pas eu lieu, pour le secteur agricole également; toutefois, il est indubitable, comme l'ont dit d'autres collègues, qu'il y a eu des problèmes. IN: French: There is also concern that the agencies that are collecting the data are focusing on the quantitative aspects of the situation without attempting to assess the underlying qualitative factors that influence the quantitative data. OUT: Le Bureau a joué un rôle important dans l'examen et la révision de la circulaire du Secrétaire général intitulée « Déclaration de situation financière et déclaration d'intérêts » (ST/SGB/2006/6). IN: French: Such engagement, it would appear, is only warranted insofar as these efforts are integrated into the university fabric. OUT:
Plus de 800 étudiants canadiens en architecture ont ainsi passé quatre mois en Italie, ce qui, selon eux, fut leur expérience éducative la plus précieuse.
How is ""It is for a judge to decide if a political party oversteps the law," he said." said in Romanian? "Un judecător trebuie să decidă dacă un partid politic încalcă legea", a declarat acesta. How is "They praised "progress made towards strengthening democracy", in a resolution adopted at the summit." said in Romanian? În rezoluţia adoptată la summit, aceştia au lăudat "progresul făcut în direcţia consolidării democraţiei". How is "The Prime Minister is doing nothing about it." said in Romanian? Prim-ministrul nu face nimic în această privinţă. How is "(Applause)" said in Romanian?
No, Amazon and Apple stock did not crash Monday. And if you held Mattel stock, you’re not suddenly rich. But incorrect stock data on the popular Google Finance, Yahoo Finance and Bloomberg sites appeared to be freaking out some investors Monday evening, after test data was apparently misinterpreted by third-party providers to those sites. As of 11 p.m. Eastern, Google Finance said Inc. shares were down more than 87%, to $123.47. Previously, Yahoo Finance said Amazon was down 74%, to $248.49. In reality, Amazon AMZN, +0.89% finished the day down 1.5%, at $953.66, and was up 0.1% in after-hours trading, according to FactSet. Apple Inc. shares were similarly skewed, with both Google and Yahoo Finance saying they were down 14%, also to $123.47. Actually, Apple AAPL, -0.06% ended the day down just 0.4%, at $143.50, according to FactSet, and was up slightly in after-hours trading. $123.47 — or amounts close to that — appeared to be the common denominator for the test data, wildly skewing some stocks down to that level while others skyrocketed up to it. For example, the test data sent eBay Inc. EBAY, -0.46% soaring 253%, Mattel Inc. MAT, -0.06% skyrocketing 473% and Microsoft Corp. MSFT, +0.04% up 79%. Page views to MarketWatch’s stock pages — which remained accurate — soared as investors double-checked exactly what was going on Monday evening. A spokesman for Nasdaq put the blame on third-party data providers. “As part of its normal process, the UTP distributed test data and certain third parties improperly propagated the data. Nasdaq is working with third-party vendors to resolve the matter,” a Nasdaq spokesman said late Monday. The spokesman speculated that the day’s early close might have caused confusion with some closing prices for a number of third parties, including Bloomberg and Yahoo, but emphasized that no trades were affected by the erroneous quotes. Yahoo Finance and Bloomberg appeared to be showing correct ticker data as of 11 p.m. Eastern, but Google Finance was still showing the test data. Google’s website says Swiss-based SIX Financial Information provides end-of-day prices, and New York-based Interactive Data Real-Time Services, Inc. provides intra-day prices. Interactive Data Real-Time Services’ parent company, Intercontinental Exchange, did not immediately respond for comment. A Google spokesperson confirmed vie email that its third-party data service provided inaccurate information which it had received from Nasdaq, while a SIX spokesman said his company wasn’t at fault. “We checked with our data team — our data is correct and in no way corrupted,” the SIX spokesman said in an email. ||||| The share prices of Amazon and other major tech companies appeared to go haywire on the eve of the July 4 holiday after a market data glitch. The confusion arose when some websites incorrectly showed Amazon (AMZN) plummeting 87%, Apple (AAPL) dropping 14% and Microsoft (MSFT) jumping 79% late Monday. U.S. markets had closed early ahead of the holiday. But the crazy moves weren't the result of wild after-hours trading, according to Nasdaq, the exchange where the stocks are listed. Nasdaq said the misleading prices came from test data it sent out that was "improperly" used by third party companies that supply information to websites. Nasdaq is working with third party vendors to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. — Nasdaq (@Nasdaq) July 4, 2017 The bizarre numbers didn't affect actual trades in the stocks, Nasdaq spokesman Ryan Wells said. If they had, the money involved could have been staggering. An 87% plunge in Amazon stock would have wiped nearly $400 billion off the company's market capitalization. In the test data, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft's share prices were all listed as exactly $123.47. So were those of eBay (EBAY) -- a theoretical increase of 254% -- and video game developer Zynga (ZNGA) -- an implausible leap of 3,292%. The erroneous prices showed up on the websites of CNNMoney, Bloomberg and Google Finance. But they didn't appear on Nasdaq's own website, which showed the stocks' moves were far more muted in reality: Apple -0.4%, Amazon -1.5%, Microsoft -1.1%, eBay -0.9% and Zynga -0.6%. Related: Stock market madness returns as techs plunge Nasdaq said the data that was sent out was part of "normal evening test procedures." It urged third party data providers to switch back to its official closing prices that were effective at 5:16 p.m. ET. By early Tuesday, the correct data was starting to appear on the websites affected. ||||| Write a summary.
– In browsing finance websites Monday, investors may have mistakenly thought they'd gained millions or billions of dollars—or lost as much. In reality, Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, CNNMoney, and Bloomberg mistakenly reported Monday that share prices for a variety of companies were exactly the same: $123.47, reports CNNMoney. That suggested Apple and Amazon stock had suddenly crashed, while Microsoft was up 79%, eBay was up 254%, Mattel was up 473%, and video game developer Zynga was up a whopping 3,292%, per MarketWatch. Nasdaq explains the sites shared incorrect data sent out as part of "normal evening test procedures," adding that no trades were affected.
Write an article based on this summary: Visit a physical therapist. Try ultrasound therapy. Talk to your doctor about getting a steroid injection. Try chemonucleolysis. Get surgery. Article:
They will be able to perform special exercises and stretches to greatly increase your rate of recovery. This is a special machine that uses sound waves to reduce pain and muscle tension. Your doctor can inject a steroidal medication close in the affected area to reduce pain and swelling. This is an effective treatment for sciatica that is safe when done under a doctor's care. Steroids can cause side effects if used long term, but they are safe for short term use. This is another injection done by a doctor to help shrink or soften the damaged disk. Although this should be the last step taken, surgery can help to correct a difficult case of sciatica by relieving the pressure on the sciatic nerve or correcting a damaged disk.
Write a short summary for this text: former us first lady laura bush called sunday for new international pressure on myanmar in order to force its military leaders to stop human rights abuses .
former us first lady urges efforts to stop repression in myanmar
Find the right ending to this passage. (CNN) -- President Barack Obama reframed U.S. foreign policy priorities on Tuesday by focusing his administration's immediate attention on Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and the Middle East conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. "While these issues are not the cause of all the region's problems, they have been a major source of instability for far too long, and resolving them can help serve as a foundation for a broader peace," he said in a 50-minute speech on the opening day of the U.N. General Assembly in New York. At the same time, Obama challenged the world body to enforce its ban on chemical weapons by agreeing to crack down on Syria -- even militarily -- if the regime of President Bashar al-Assad fails to turn over control of its stockpiles. Arab states -- and those who have supported the OPTIONS: - Barack Obama -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - Bashar al-Assad -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - CNN -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - Iran -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - Israel -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - Middle East -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - New York -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - Obama -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - Palestinians -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - Rouhani -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - Syria -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - U.N. General Assembly -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - U.N. Security Council -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - U.S. -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel." - United Nations -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel."
Palestinians -- must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution with a secure Israel."
How is "His call came ahead of the two-day EU summit, opening in Brussels on Thursday, at which the leaders of the 25 member states are expected to endorse a decision on Croatia's bid to join the Union." said in Romanian?
El face acest apel înaintea summitului UE de două zile, care începe joi la Bruxelles. În cadrul summitului, liderii celor 25 de state membre urmează să ia o decizie cu privire la efortul Croaţiei de aderare la Uniune.
The Mill eatType pub; The Mill food Fast food; The Mill priceRange moderate; The Mill area riverside A pub called The Mill is on the riverside and serves Fast food at a moderate price. Denmark LANGUAGE Danish language The language of Denmark is Danish. Florida 19 INCUMBENT Robert Wexler; Robert Wexler FIRST_ELECTED 1996
Incumbent robert wexler is first elected in the Florida 19 district is in 1996
Write a A). yelp review (Options are: A). negative B). positive).
One star for the free Wi-Fi. Worst airport that I have to travel too: 1. Takes for ever to get you bag. Took over one hour AND we had no idea what carousel our flights bags were coming out on. 1, than 3, than back to one. 2. Going through security is a complete joke, especially if you are flying out of B. One long line, 1 lane open, and their answer to solve the problem? Letting us know we could go through C. Took one hour to get through security. 3. Terminal B is to crowded (especially, Gates 10-14). All flights arrive around the same time, and depart around the same time. Creates so much confusion, that adds stress to the experience. Did I say they have free Wi-Fi?
Convention uses the name "The English Civil War" to refer collectively to the civil wars in England and the Scottish Civil War, which began with the raising of King Charles I's standard at Nottingham on 22 August 1642, and ended on 3 September 1651 at the Battle of Worcester. There was some continued organised Royalist resistance in Scotland, which lasted until the surrender of Dunnottar Castle to Parliament's troops in May 1652, but this resistance is not usually included as part of the English Civil War. The English Civil War can be divided into three: the First English Civil War , the Second English Civil War , and the Third English Civil War . For the most part, accounts summarise the two sides that fought the English Civil Wars as the Royalist Cavaliers of Charles I of England versus the Parliamentarian Roundheads. However, as with many civil wars, loyalties shifted for various reasons, and both sides changed significantly during the conflicts. During this time, the Irish Confederate Wars continued in Ireland, starting with the Irish Rebellion of 1641 and ending with the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland. Its incidents had little or no direct connection with those of the Civil War, but the wars were mixed with, and formed part of, a linked series of conflicts and civil wars between 1639 and 1652 in the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, which at that time shared a monarch, but were distinct states in political organisation. These linked conflicts are also known as the Wars of the Three Kingdoms by some recent historians, aiming to have a unified overview, rather than treating parts of the other conflicts as a background to the English Civil War. Who continued to fight after the official ending of the English Civil War?
organised Royalist resistance
Generate a sentence that includes all the following words: frame, pattern, texture
patterned texture as a square frame
input: When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than the standard treatment the new treatment may become the standard treatment fixed: When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than the standard treatment, the new treatment may become the standard treatment. input ---- Toast Masters primary task is that schedules are respected to speeches and songs floating in connection with servings output ---- Toast Master’s primary task is that schedules are respected, to speeches and songs floating in connection with servings, Add punctuation: If you dispose of such fruit on your compost heap you will attract wasps Wormeaten apples also hide small butterfly caterpillars such as those of winter moths which spend the winter in the ground in spring the females climb towards the apple blossoms to infect the fruit for the coming year So that the caterpillars and later on the pupae do not spend the winter in your compost heap it is better to dispose of fallen fruit with organic rubbish As an alternative you can dig a hole two spades deep and bury the fruit A: If you dispose of such fruit on your compost heap, you will attract wasps. Worm-eaten apples also hide small butterfly caterpillars such as those of winter moths which spend the winter in the ground; in spring, the females climb towards the apple blossoms to infect the fruit for the coming year. So that the caterpillars and, later on, the pupae do not spend the winter in your compost heap, it is better to dispose of fallen fruit with organic rubbish. As an alternative, you can dig a hole two spades' deep and bury the fruit. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: To prevent large skin tears you must handle and restrain the affected dog carefully and always inform visitors of the dogs condition so that accidental injuries do not occur ANS: To prevent large skin tears, you must handle and restrain the affected dog carefully, and always inform visitors of the dog’s condition so that accidental injuries do not occur. QUES: The padlock symbol on your browser indicates you are on a secure server correct the punctuation. CORRECTED: The padlock symbol on your browser indicates you are on a secure server. QUES: Buy now cheap Rheumatrex No prescription tablet US correct the punctuation. CORRECTED:
Buy now cheap Rheumatrex No prescription tablet U.S.
test: Julkiset ja yksityiset kumppanuudet eivät kuulu Euroopan vahvuuksiin, mihin pitäisi puuttua. English? translation: Europe is weak in public and private partnerships, and this needs to be sorted out. Olemme kuulleet, että vettä ei ole riittävästi ja että sen vuoksi ihmisten on mahdotonta peseytyä ja suojautua tulehduksilta. In English? xxxxx We have heard that there is not enough water and that it is therefore impossible for people to wash and to protect themselves against infection. How is "In the Council, ministers expressed their concerns regarding the state of the Geneva talks and urged the Commission to continue with its efforts to ensure that there is a broadly based round." said in Finnish? Neuvostossa ministerit ilmaisivat huolensa Geneven neuvotteluiden tilanteesta ja kannustivat komissiota jatkamaan ponnisteluita laaja-alaisen kierroksen varmistamiseksi. Q: Translate "I have therefore once again failed to understand today – and I say this because I am concerned – the speech by the President of the Commission when he says that the weighting of votes is very good, but that, on the other hand, the number of Commissioners must be changed." to Finnish? A: En näin ollen taaskaan ymmärtänyt – ja sanon tämän, koska olen huolissani – komission puheenjohtajan tämänpäiväistä puhetta, jossa hän totesi, että äänten painotus on erittäin hyvä asia mutta että komission jäsenten lukumäärää on muutettava. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Kamerunia on vaadittava noudattamaan tätä yleissopimusta ja löydettävä keino sulkea tämä maa ulkopuolelle, samoin kuin kaikki muut maat, jotka rikkovat allekirjoittamiaan yleissopimuksia. test: Kyse ei ole yhdestä, kahdesta eikä kolmesta henkilöstä vaan koko kollegiosta, ja meidän on syytä pitää tämä mielessä. English? translation:
This is not about one person, it is not about two or three people; it is about the whole college and we should be aware of that.
Sentence 1: 'Oh right. The bomb.' Sentence 2: I forgot about the bomb. If the first sentence is true, then is the second sentence true?
How is "On the other hand, your position in the Commission also calls for optimism." said in Finnish?
Toisaalta myös tehtävänne komissiossa edellyttää optimismia.
@InnocntBystnder i missed the mtv awards How would the sentiment of this tweet be described? Options are: (1). negative (2). positive
Briefly summarize this sentence: russia 's president is congratulating president barack obama on winning the nobel peace prize , saying the award will encourage further u.s.-russian cooperation .
russian president congratulates obama on nobel
Sentence: 1001 Gaussia has a rotation period of 33012.0 and an epoch date of 31 July 2016. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: 1001 Gaussia, epoch, 2015-06-27; 1001 Gaussia, rotationPeriod, 33012.0 Sentence: The Moro and the Ilocano people are ethnic groups within the Philippines where batchoy is eaten and the language used is Philippine Spanish. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Philippines, ethnicGroup, Ilocano people; Philippines, language, Philippine Spanish; Batchoy, country, Philippines; Philippines, ethnicGroup, Moro people Sentence: Alan Martin played for Hamilton Academical FC at their New Douglas Park ground, and is now a footballer for Aldershot Town FC. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A:
Alan Martin (footballer), club, Hamilton Academical F.C.; Hamilton Academical F.C., ground, New Douglas Park; Alan Martin (footballer), club, Aldershot Town F.C.
Q: Skype adds video-calling to iPhone app By Jon Swartz, USA TODAY SAN FRANCISCO — Internet phone company is bringing live video calls to iPhone and iPad screens in an aggressive bid to cash in on the popular devices and build momentum for its imminent public stock offering. Skype today begins offering a two-way video application for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch — its most significant app for Apple products since Skype got into the market in April 2009. Skype's first iPhone app offered only voice and text. (Skype video calls are not available on Android devices.) "It's a natural extension of video on smartphones," Skype CEO Tony Bates says. "You can use video-calling now, via Skype, any time and anywhere." Skype's technology lets users make free calls between two PCs, smartphones or TVs, but the company charges users to call over land-line phones. The company is profitable, earning $13.1 million for the six months ended June 30, according to its S-1 filing to go public. No date has been set for its IPO. Skype rushed the app for New Year's Eve, the biggest day of the year for video calls. More than 70 million iPhones and nearly 7.5 million iPads have been sold. A new iPad is rumored to be unveiled soon and feature front and rear video cameras, according to multiple websites, including DigiTimes, citing unnamed sources. USA TODAY was unable to confirm the report. To be sure, Skype faces hurdles. It has competition from the likes of Cisco Systems, Google and Microsoft— which continue to enhance their Internet-calling products — and smaller video-calling companies such as Fring and Qik. Apple's FaceTime video chat works over Wi-Fi but not 3G networks. Skype was also bruised by an outage that affected millions of its users last week, the worst glitch in its seven-year history. Some 23% of Internet users in the USA had video-calling services in the summer of 2010, compared with 20% in April 2009, according to Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. About 40% of Skype-to-Skype calls — most of them PC-to-PC — are now video vs. 34% a year ago. Few details are in Skype's IPO regulatory filing, including how much the company — owned by private investor Silver Lake Partners, eBay, venture fund Andreessen Horowitz and others — plans to raise or how many shares it intends to sell. Regardless, Skype appears ready to go public. With 25 million concurrent users a day — 140 million to 150 million unique visitors a month — it is aggressively expanding its customer base beyond PCs and smartphones. It has designs on tablet computers and televisions, as evidenced by deals with the likes of Samsung and Panasonic that will put its products into about 40 million TV sets. You share in the USA TODAY community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. Use the "Report Abuse" button to make a difference. A: Internet phone company Skype is bringing live video calls to iPhone and iPad screens in an aggressive bid to cash in on the popular devices. Q: Cheap Fuel Costs for Thanksgiving, Christmas For the first time since 2009, the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline will drop below the $2 mark. That’s the prediction being made this week by AAA, which states that due to factors including a “bearish sentiment” on global petroleum prices and normal early winter declines in demand for gas, “pump prices are expected to move lower to close out the year, barring any unanticipated outages or supply disruptions.” In all likelihood, this means that the national average for gas–$2.16 as of Monday, down 7¢ in the past week—will fall below $2 per gallon, most likely by Christmas. The national average hasn’t been this low since the onset of the Great Recession. The observers at the gas price-tracking site GasBuddy seem to think that AAA is actually playing it conservative in terms of forecasting how quickly—and how deeply—prices will decrease in the coming weeks. Not long ago, GasBuddy had predicted the national average would maybe hit $1.98 by Christmas. Instead, the site’s analysts now foresee even steeper drops by December 25: Some of the cheapest stations in the nation could drop to $1.49/gallon by then, with the national average dropping into the $1.80s. It’s even possible that by Thanksgiving we could see a sub $2/gal national average. It’s worth noting that gas prices right now are exceptionally cheap compared to last year, with a national average of nearly 75¢ less per gallon. What’s more, all signs indicate that prices will remain cheap next year. “Global supply continues to outpace demand, while a strengthening U.S. dollar, which makes crude oil more expensive for buyers holding foreign currencies, is expected to keep a ceiling on prices into 2016,” this week’s AAA report states. A: National average expected to dip under $2. Q: Victoria's Secret model Erin Heatherton wears cheerleading uniform on 'Grown Ups 2' set Erin Heatherton films scenes for "Grown Ups 2" in Marblehead, Massachusetts on May 29th, 2012. Who’s up for a sponge bath by a Victoria's Secret model? Erin Heatherton was snapped in a crop top and barely-there skirt on the set of “Grown Ups 2” Tuesday, soaping up cars – and herself for a scene in the upcoming comedy. Pictures of the 23-year-old beauty in a wet, green cheerleading uniform are sure to get her fans in a lather, too. Erin Heatherton on the set of "Grown Ups 2" in Marblehead, Massachusetts on May 29, 2012. (FameFlynet) Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriend seductively poses on a vehicle in her two piece uniform before giving it a wash in the scene. PHOTOS: CELEBS DRESS UP LIKE SCHOOLGIRLS Heatherton is in Massachusetts filming scenes for the sequel to Adam Sandler's 2010 hit, “Grown Ups.” Erin Heatherton on the set of "Grown Ups 2" in Marblehead, Massachusetts on May 29, 2012. (FameFlynet) She tweeted to a fan that she 'had a blast' filming on Tuesday. “If you ever need a sponge bath, you know who to call,” the model posted on Twitter. Also on set was “Saturday Night Live” funnyman Andy Samberg, who stole the spotlight from Heatherton when he stepped out in a pair of short shorts for the car washing scene. Andy Samberg on the set of "Grown Ups 2" in Massachussetts on May 29, 2012. (Jeff Steinberg/ PacificCoastNews) A:
Who’s up for a sponge bath by a Victoria Secret model? Erin Heatherton was snapped in a crop top and barely-there skirt on the set of “Grown Ups 2” Tuesday.
ATHENS, Greece -- It was just after 8 am Wednesday, and across the street from the downtown Hilton, hundreds of media waited for the ultimate Greek tragedy to reach its sad conclusion. What is a good title for this?
Sprint stars create new Greek tragedy
How does this story end? Los Angeles (CNN) -- When the curtain rises on the 64th Primetime Emmys Sunday night, viewers can expect "genuinely weird stuff" from host Jimmy Kimmel and perhaps TV award show history made by "Mad Men." With 26 statuettes to be handed out, the three-hour ABC-TV broadcast from the Nokia Theatre in downtown Los Angeles should be packed with hastened acceptance speeches, but at least some drama. "Mad Men" has dominated the best drama category in its four seasons and could set a record with a fifth-straight win this year, but Showtime's psychological thriller "Homeland," which just started a second season, and AMC's "Breaking Bad" may stand in its way.
Jimmy Kimmel told CNN the Emmy producers have given him a lot of creative freedom to make the show entertaining.
Write a sentence not in English.
Um auf eigenen Füßen zu stehen gehört mehr dazu als intakte Beine.
Based on the premise "Was the problem getting time in busy operating rooms?", can we conclude the hypothesis "Were the occupied operating rooms a hindrance? " is true?
Generate Problem with Attributes: name = The Golden Curry, eatType = restaurant, food = Chinese, food = English, priceRange = more than £30, familyFriendly = yes, near = The Bakers Generation: Located near The Bakers, The Golden Curry Chinese restaurant is child friendly but be prepared to pay more than 30 British pounds. Generate Problem with Attributes: name = The Rice Boat, food = Japanese, customer rating = 5 out of 5, area = city centre, familyFriendly = no Generation: Offering Japanese food, The Rice Boat is located in the city centre, is not family-friendly and has high customer ratings. Generate Problem with Attributes: name = The Eagle, eatType = coffee shop, food = Indian, priceRange = cheap, customer rating = 5 out of 5, area = city centre, familyFriendly = yes, near = Burger King Generation: The Eagle is a cheap-priced coffee shop that provides Indian food and is located in the city centre near Burger King. It is family friendly and the customer rating is 5 out of 5. Generate Problem with Attributes: name = The Rice Boat, eatType = restaurant, priceRange = cheap, customer rating = 5 out of 5, area = riverside, familyFriendly = no, near = Express by Holiday Inn Generation:
The Rice Boat is a restaurant located riverside near Express by Holiday Inn with a cheap price range, not family-friendly and a customer rating of 5 out of 5
Chapter Twenty-One The Three Adepts The Sorceress looked up from her work as the three maidens entered, and something in their appearance and manner led her to rise and bow to them in her most dignified manner. The three knelt an instant before the great Sorceress and then stood upright and waited for her to speak. "Whoever you may be," said Glinda, "I bid you welcome." "My name is Audah," said one. "My name is Aurah," said another. "My name is Aujah," said the third. Glinda had never heard these names before, but looking closely at the three she asked: "Are you witches or workers in magic?" "Some of the secret arts we have gleaned from Nature," replied the brownhaired maiden modestly, "but we do not place our skill beside that of the Great Sorceress, Glinda the Good." "I suppose you are aware it is unlawful to practice magic in the Land of Oz, without the permission of our Ruler, Princess Ozma?" "No, we were not aware of that," was the reply. "We have heard of Ozma, who is the appointed Ruler of all this great fairyland, but her laws have not reached us, as yet." Glinda studied the strange maidens thoughtfully; then she said to them: "Princess Ozma is even now imprisoned in the Skeezer village, for the whole island with its Great Dome, was sunk to the bottom of the lake by the witchcraft of Coo-ee-oh, whom the Flathead Su-dic transformed into a silly swan. I am seeking some way to overcome Coo-ee-oh's magic and raise the isle to the surface again. Can you help me do this?" 1. How many adepts were there? 2. What was the first one's name? 3. And the second? 4. What about the last? 5. Who had never heard their names before? 6. Were they boys or girls? 7. Did they show Glinda any respect? 8. How? 9. Who spoke first? 10. Where did the maidens glean secret arts? 11. Did one of them have blonde hair? 12. What color, then? 13. Is Glinda thought to be good or bad? 14. Is the a medicore sorceress or pretty decent?
1. three 2. Audah 3. Aurah 4. Aujah 5. Glinda 6. girls 7. Yes 8. The three knelt 9. Glinda 10. Nature 11. unknown 12. brownhaired 13. Good 14. great
Which cartoon gunfighter was so fast he could outdraw his shadow? What is the answer?
lucky luke
Alle Zimmer ausgestattet mit Klimaanlage, LCD Flat screen TV, Video on demand, Highspeed Internet und Wireless LAN. Which language is this?
Write a sentence that about [During the wartime Flight TOTAL 93,283].
During the wartime fight there were 93283 Germans.