Saboda haka, wannan wa'adi ne wanda har yanzu ba a cika shi ba.
Therefore, this is a promise that has yet to be fulfilled.
Therefore, this is the one that is now not in touch with it.
Saboda haka, wannan wa'adi ne wanda har yanzu ba a cika shi ba.
Therefore, this is a promise that has yet to be fulfilled.
Therefore, this is the one that is now not in the sight of it.
Saboda haka, wannan wa'adi ne wanda har yanzu ba a cika shi ba.
Therefore, this is a promise that has yet to be fulfilled.
Therefore, this is the one that is now not in the sight.
Saboda haka, wannan wa'adi ne wanda har yanzu ba a cika shi ba.
Therefore, this is a promise that has yet to be fulfilled.
Therefore, this is the one that is now not in the sight of that.
Saboda haka, wannan wa'adi ne wanda har yanzu ba a cika shi ba.
Therefore, this is a promise that has yet to be fulfilled.
Therefore, this is the one that is now not in the way it is not.
Rai da ruhu su ne ɓangarori biyu na asali marasa nassi waɗanda Nassosi ya ba da labarin ɗan adam.
The soul and the spirit are the two primary immaterial parts that Scripture ascribes to humanity.
Riyadh and Ruhu are two parts of the original publication that Nassosi has not had an article of the Lord.
Rai da ruhu su ne ɓangarori biyu na asali marasa nassi waɗanda Nassosi ya ba da labarin ɗan adam.
The soul and the spirit are the two primary immaterial parts that Scripture ascribes to humanity.
Riyadh and Ruhu are two parts of the original publication that Nassosi has not had an article.
Rai da ruhu su ne ɓangarori biyu na asali marasa nassi waɗanda Nassosi ya ba da labarin ɗan adam.
The soul and the spirit are the two primary immaterial parts that Scripture ascribes to humanity.
Riyadh and Ruhu are two parts of the original publication that Nassosi did not have an article of the Lord.
Rai da ruhu su ne ɓangarori biyu na asali marasa nassi waɗanda Nassosi ya ba da labarin ɗan adam.
The soul and the spirit are the two primary immaterial parts that Scripture ascribes to humanity.
Riyadh and Ruhu are two parts of the original publication that Nassosi has not had an article of the people.
Rai da ruhu su ne ɓangarori biyu na asali marasa nassi waɗanda Nassosi ya ba da labarin ɗan adam.
The soul and the spirit are the two primary immaterial parts that Scripture ascribes to humanity.
Riyadh and Ruhu are two parts of the original publication that Nassosi did not have an article of the people.
Mataye sun faye cikin baye-bayen karamci, jinkai, koyarwa da taimakai.
Many women excel in gifts of hospitality, mercy, teaching, evangelism, and helping/serving.
It is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world.
Mataye sun faye cikin baye-bayen karamci, jinkai, koyarwa da taimakai.
Many women excel in gifts of hospitality, mercy, teaching, evangelism, and helping/serving.
It is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world.
Mataye sun faye cikin baye-bayen karamci, jinkai, koyarwa da taimakai.
Many women excel in gifts of hospitality, mercy, teaching, evangelism, and helping/serving.
It is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world.
Mataye sun faye cikin baye-bayen karamci, jinkai, koyarwa da taimakai.
Many women excel in gifts of hospitality, mercy, teaching, evangelism, and helping/serving.
It is the most popular in the world, the world, the world, the world, the world, and the world.
Mataye sun faye cikin baye-bayen karamci, jinkai, koyarwa da taimakai.
Many women excel in gifts of hospitality, mercy, teaching, evangelism, and helping/serving.
It is the most popular in the world, and it is the most popular in the world.
Yin nazarin wannan wurin yana ba da wasu mahimman gaskiya game da abin da Littafi Mai Tsarki ya ce ya kamata aure ya kasance.
Studying this passage provides some key truths concerning what the Bible says marriage should be.
The presence of this place does not have some major concerns about what the Book of the Church should have been.
Yin nazarin wannan wurin yana ba da wasu mahimman gaskiya game da abin da Littafi Mai Tsarki ya ce ya kamata aure ya kasance.
Studying this passage provides some key truths concerning what the Bible says marriage should be.
The presence of this place does not have some major concerns about what the Church's Book should have been.
Yin nazarin wannan wurin yana ba da wasu mahimman gaskiya game da abin da Littafi Mai Tsarki ya ce ya kamata aure ya kasance.
Studying this passage provides some key truths concerning what the Bible says marriage should be.
The presence of this place does not have some major concerns about what the Church’s Book should have been.
Yin nazarin wannan wurin yana ba da wasu mahimman gaskiya game da abin da Littafi Mai Tsarki ya ce ya kamata aure ya kasance.
Studying this passage provides some key truths concerning what the Bible says marriage should be.
The presence of this place has no some major concerns about what the Book of the Church should have been.
Yin nazarin wannan wurin yana ba da wasu mahimman gaskiya game da abin da Littafi Mai Tsarki ya ce ya kamata aure ya kasance.
Studying this passage provides some key truths concerning what the Bible says marriage should be.
The presence of this place does not have some major concerns about what the Church's Book should be.
Addu'ar ƙungiya tana da mahimmanci saboda yana haifar da haɗin kai (Yahaya 17:22-23), kuma shine maɓallin keɓaɓɓen masu bi na ƙarfafa juna (1 Tassalunikawa 5:11) da kuma ƙarfafa juna akan ƙauna da ayyukan kirki (Ibraniyawa 10:24).
Corporate prayer is important because it creates unity (John 17:22-23) and is a key aspect of believers’ encouraging one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and spurring one another on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
The adjudicate is a righteous person because they are unfathomed (Jaw 17:22-23), and it is a righteous person who is a righteous person (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and a righteous person who is a righteous person and a righteous person who is a righteous person (Ibranians 10:24).
Addu'ar ƙungiya tana da mahimmanci saboda yana haifar da haɗin kai (Yahaya 17:22-23), kuma shine maɓallin keɓaɓɓen masu bi na ƙarfafa juna (1 Tassalunikawa 5:11) da kuma ƙarfafa juna akan ƙauna da ayyukan kirki (Ibraniyawa 10:24).
Corporate prayer is important because it creates unity (John 17:22-23) and is a key aspect of believers’ encouraging one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and spurring one another on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
The adjudicate is a righteous person because they are unfathomed (Jaw 17:22-23), and it is a righteous person who is a righteous person (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and a righteous person who is a righteous person who is a righteous person (Ibranians 10:24).
Addu'ar ƙungiya tana da mahimmanci saboda yana haifar da haɗin kai (Yahaya 17:22-23), kuma shine maɓallin keɓaɓɓen masu bi na ƙarfafa juna (1 Tassalunikawa 5:11) da kuma ƙarfafa juna akan ƙauna da ayyukan kirki (Ibraniyawa 10:24).
Corporate prayer is important because it creates unity (John 17:22-23) and is a key aspect of believers’ encouraging one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and spurring one another on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
The adjudicate is a righteous person because they are unfathomed (Jaw 17:22-23), and it is a righteous person who is a righteous person (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and a righteous person who is a righteous person and a righteous person (Ibranians 10:24).
Addu'ar ƙungiya tana da mahimmanci saboda yana haifar da haɗin kai (Yahaya 17:22-23), kuma shine maɓallin keɓaɓɓen masu bi na ƙarfafa juna (1 Tassalunikawa 5:11) da kuma ƙarfafa juna akan ƙauna da ayyukan kirki (Ibraniyawa 10:24).
Corporate prayer is important because it creates unity (John 17:22-23) and is a key aspect of believers’ encouraging one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and spurring one another on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
The adjudicate is a righteous person because they are unfathomed (Jaw 17:22-23), and it is a righteous person who is a righteous person (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and a righteous person who is a righteous person who is a righteous person (Ibranias 10:24).
Addu'ar ƙungiya tana da mahimmanci saboda yana haifar da haɗin kai (Yahaya 17:22-23), kuma shine maɓallin keɓaɓɓen masu bi na ƙarfafa juna (1 Tassalunikawa 5:11) da kuma ƙarfafa juna akan ƙauna da ayyukan kirki (Ibraniyawa 10:24).
Corporate prayer is important because it creates unity (John 17:22-23) and is a key aspect of believers’ encouraging one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and spurring one another on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
The adjudicate is a righteous person because they are unfathomed (Jaw 17:22-23), and it is a righteous person who is a righteous person (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and a righteous person who is a righteous person in the church (Ibranians 10:24).
Romawa 3:10-18 tana bamu hoto filla-filla na abin da zunubi yake a cikin rayuwarmu.
Romans 3:10-18 gives a detailed picture of what sin looks like in our lives.
Romans 3:10-18 says that you have a full-fledged philosophy of what is revealed in your life.
Romawa 3:10-18 tana bamu hoto filla-filla na abin da zunubi yake a cikin rayuwarmu.
Romans 3:10-18 gives a detailed picture of what sin looks like in our lives.
Romans 3:10-18 says that you have a full-fledged philosophy of what is revealed in your lives.
Romawa 3:10-18 tana bamu hoto filla-filla na abin da zunubi yake a cikin rayuwarmu.
Romans 3:10-18 gives a detailed picture of what sin looks like in our lives.
Romans 3:10-18 says that you have a full-fledged philosophy of what you have in your life.
Romawa 3:10-18 tana bamu hoto filla-filla na abin da zunubi yake a cikin rayuwarmu.
Romans 3:10-18 gives a detailed picture of what sin looks like in our lives.
Romans 3:10-18 says that you have a full-fledged philosophy of what is made up in your life.
Romawa 3:10-18 tana bamu hoto filla-filla na abin da zunubi yake a cikin rayuwarmu.
Romans 3:10-18 gives a detailed picture of what sin looks like in our lives.
Romans 3:10-18 says that you have a full-fledged philosophy of what is revealed in life.
Questions about Eternity
Questions about Eternity
Questions about Eternity
The English
Questions about Eternity
English English
Questions about Eternity
English language
Waɗansu daga dokokin domin su sa Isra’ilawa sani yadda za a yi biyayya da a gamshi Allah (Alal misali, Dokoki Goma), waɗansun su domin su nuna masu yadda za a yi wa Allah sujada (tsarin hadaya), waɗansu dai a sauƙaƙe domin su mai da Isra’ilawa dabam da waɗansu al’ummomi (sharuɗan abinci da sutura).
Some of the laws were to reveal to the Israelites how to obey and please God (the Ten Commandments, for example).
Those who are among the disciples of Israel are the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah (Al-Masih, Goma), the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, and the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah.
Waɗansu daga dokokin domin su sa Isra’ilawa sani yadda za a yi biyayya da a gamshi Allah (Alal misali, Dokoki Goma), waɗansun su domin su nuna masu yadda za a yi wa Allah sujada (tsarin hadaya), waɗansu dai a sauƙaƙe domin su mai da Isra’ilawa dabam da waɗansu al’ummomi (sharuɗan abinci da sutura).
Some of the laws were to reveal to the Israelites how to obey and please God (the Ten Commandments, for example).
Those who are among the disciples of Israel are the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah (Al-Masih, Goma), the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah.
Waɗansu daga dokokin domin su sa Isra’ilawa sani yadda za a yi biyayya da a gamshi Allah (Alal misali, Dokoki Goma), waɗansun su domin su nuna masu yadda za a yi wa Allah sujada (tsarin hadaya), waɗansu dai a sauƙaƙe domin su mai da Isra’ilawa dabam da waɗansu al’ummomi (sharuɗan abinci da sutura).
Some of the laws were to reveal to the Israelites how to obey and please God (the Ten Commandments, for example).
Those who are among the disciples of Israel are the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah (Al-Masih, Goma), the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, and the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah (Al-Masih, Goma).
Waɗansu daga dokokin domin su sa Isra’ilawa sani yadda za a yi biyayya da a gamshi Allah (Alal misali, Dokoki Goma), waɗansun su domin su nuna masu yadda za a yi wa Allah sujada (tsarin hadaya), waɗansu dai a sauƙaƙe domin su mai da Isra’ilawa dabam da waɗansu al’ummomi (sharuɗan abinci da sutura).
Some of the laws were to reveal to the Israelites how to obey and please God (the Ten Commandments, for example).
Those who are among the disciples of Israel are the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah (Al-Masih, Goma), the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Israel, and the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah (Al-Masih, Goma).
Waɗansu daga dokokin domin su sa Isra’ilawa sani yadda za a yi biyayya da a gamshi Allah (Alal misali, Dokoki Goma), waɗansun su domin su nuna masu yadda za a yi wa Allah sujada (tsarin hadaya), waɗansu dai a sauƙaƙe domin su mai da Isra’ilawa dabam da waɗansu al’ummomi (sharuɗan abinci da sutura).
Some of the laws were to reveal to the Israelites how to obey and please God (the Ten Commandments, for example).
Those who are among the disciples of Israel are the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah (Al-Masih, Goma), the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah, the ones who have lived in the covenant of Israel, and the ones who have lived in the covenant of Allah (Al-Masih).
Babu wani abu da ba daidai ba tare da amfani da wannan ilimin da iyawar zuwa warkarwa ta jiki.
There is nothing wrong with applying this knowledge and ability towards physical healing.
Make a job that doesn’t work with the use of this science and can get to the end of the day.
Babu wani abu da ba daidai ba tare da amfani da wannan ilimin da iyawar zuwa warkarwa ta jiki.
There is nothing wrong with applying this knowledge and ability towards physical healing.
Make a job that doesn’t work with the use of this science and can get to the end of the year.
Babu wani abu da ba daidai ba tare da amfani da wannan ilimin da iyawar zuwa warkarwa ta jiki.
There is nothing wrong with applying this knowledge and ability towards physical healing.
Make a job that doesn’t work with the use of this science and can get to the scratch.
Babu wani abu da ba daidai ba tare da amfani da wannan ilimin da iyawar zuwa warkarwa ta jiki.
There is nothing wrong with applying this knowledge and ability towards physical healing.
Make a job that doesn’t work with the use of this science and can get to the scratch of the game.
Babu wani abu da ba daidai ba tare da amfani da wannan ilimin da iyawar zuwa warkarwa ta jiki.
There is nothing wrong with applying this knowledge and ability towards physical healing.
Make a job that doesn’t work with the use of this science and can get to the scratch of the world.
A lokaci guda, dole ne mu yi hankali idan ya zo ga wahayi da fassarar wahayi.
At the same time, we must be careful when it comes to visions and the interpretation of visions.
In a single time, we’re going to make sure if you’re going to be for the fate of the fate of the fate.
A lokaci guda, dole ne mu yi hankali idan ya zo ga wahayi da fassarar wahayi.
At the same time, we must be careful when it comes to visions and the interpretation of visions.
In a single time, we’re going to make sure if you’re going to be for the fate and the fate of the fate.
A lokaci guda, dole ne mu yi hankali idan ya zo ga wahayi da fassarar wahayi.
At the same time, we must be careful when it comes to visions and the interpretation of visions.
In a single time, we’re going to make sure if you’re going to be for the fate of the fate.
A lokaci guda, dole ne mu yi hankali idan ya zo ga wahayi da fassarar wahayi.
At the same time, we must be careful when it comes to visions and the interpretation of visions.
In a single time, we’re going to make sure if you’re going to be for the fate and the fate of fate.
A lokaci guda, dole ne mu yi hankali idan ya zo ga wahayi da fassarar wahayi.
At the same time, we must be careful when it comes to visions and the interpretation of visions.
In a single time, we’re going to make sure if you’re going to be for the fate and the fate of a fate.
A lokaci guda, Yesu Allah ne cikakke, tare da madawwamin yanayi, marar zunubi (Yahaya 1:14; 1 Timothawus 3:16; Ibraniyawa 2:14-17.)
At the same time, Jesus was fully God, with an eternal, sinless nature (John 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
At one time, Jesus God is blessed, with the teachings of the Lord, with the worship (Yahweh 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
A lokaci guda, Yesu Allah ne cikakke, tare da madawwamin yanayi, marar zunubi (Yahaya 1:14; 1 Timothawus 3:16; Ibraniyawa 2:14-17.)
At the same time, Jesus was fully God, with an eternal, sinless nature (John 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
At one time, Jesus God is blessed, with the teachings of the Lord, with the worship (Julia 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
A lokaci guda, Yesu Allah ne cikakke, tare da madawwamin yanayi, marar zunubi (Yahaya 1:14; 1 Timothawus 3:16; Ibraniyawa 2:14-17.)
At the same time, Jesus was fully God, with an eternal, sinless nature (John 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
At one time, Jesus God is blessed, with the teachings of the Lord, with the worship (Jaw 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
A lokaci guda, Yesu Allah ne cikakke, tare da madawwamin yanayi, marar zunubi (Yahaya 1:14; 1 Timothawus 3:16; Ibraniyawa 2:14-17.)
At the same time, Jesus was fully God, with an eternal, sinless nature (John 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
At one time, Jesus God is blessed, with the teachings of the past, with the worship (Jaw 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
A lokaci guda, Yesu Allah ne cikakke, tare da madawwamin yanayi, marar zunubi (Yahaya 1:14; 1 Timothawus 3:16; Ibraniyawa 2:14-17.)
At the same time, Jesus was fully God, with an eternal, sinless nature (John 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
At one time, Jesus God is blessed, with the teachings of the Lord, with the worship (Yal 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17.)
Za a ɗaukaka Allah ta karɓan taimakon kuɗin kwaya, ko kuɗin sata da aka ƙwace daga banki?
Would God be honored by receiving donated drug money or money stolen in a bank robbery?
Do you know that God is the one who gives you the gift, or the one who gives you the gift from the bank?
Za a ɗaukaka Allah ta karɓan taimakon kuɗin kwaya, ko kuɗin sata da aka ƙwace daga banki?
Would God be honored by receiving donated drug money or money stolen in a bank robbery?
Do you know that God is the one who gives you the gift, or the one who gives you the gift from a bank?
Za a ɗaukaka Allah ta karɓan taimakon kuɗin kwaya, ko kuɗin sata da aka ƙwace daga banki?
Would God be honored by receiving donated drug money or money stolen in a bank robbery?
Do you know that God is the one who gives you the gift, or the one who gives you the gift from the banks?
Za a ɗaukaka Allah ta karɓan taimakon kuɗin kwaya, ko kuɗin sata da aka ƙwace daga banki?
Would God be honored by receiving donated drug money or money stolen in a bank robbery?
Do you know that God is the one who gives you the gift, or the one who gives you the gift?
Za a ɗaukaka Allah ta karɓan taimakon kuɗin kwaya, ko kuɗin sata da aka ƙwace daga banki?
Would God be honored by receiving donated drug money or money stolen in a bank robbery?
Do you think that God is the one who gives you the gift, or the one who gives you the gift?
Idan aka kwatanta da Sabon Alkawari, akwai ƙaramin jayayya game da batun Tsohon Alkawari.
Compared to the New Testament, there was much less controversy over the canon of the Old Testament.
If you have heard of the Word, there is a question about the subject of the Word.
Idan aka kwatanta da Sabon Alkawari, akwai ƙaramin jayayya game da batun Tsohon Alkawari.
Compared to the New Testament, there was much less controversy over the canon of the Old Testament.
If you have heard of the Word, there is a question of the subject of the Word.
Idan aka kwatanta da Sabon Alkawari, akwai ƙaramin jayayya game da batun Tsohon Alkawari.
Compared to the New Testament, there was much less controversy over the canon of the Old Testament.
If you have heard of the Word, there is a question about the subject of Word.
Idan aka kwatanta da Sabon Alkawari, akwai ƙaramin jayayya game da batun Tsohon Alkawari.
Compared to the New Testament, there was much less controversy over the canon of the Old Testament.
If you have heard of the Word, there is a question about the Word.
Idan aka kwatanta da Sabon Alkawari, akwai ƙaramin jayayya game da batun Tsohon Alkawari.
Compared to the New Testament, there was much less controversy over the canon of the Old Testament.
If you have heard of the Word, there is a question of the subject of Word.
Gabaɗaya, Arminiyawa sunyi imanin cewa akwai "tsaka-tsakin yanayi" tsakanin ƙazantar lalacewa da ceto.
In general, Arminians believe there is an “intermediate” state between total depravity and salvation.
In the meantime, the Armenians believe that there is a "sustainable conflict" between the settlement and the ceto.
Gabaɗaya, Arminiyawa sunyi imanin cewa akwai "tsaka-tsakin yanayi" tsakanin ƙazantar lalacewa da ceto.
In general, Arminians believe there is an “intermediate” state between total depravity and salvation.
In the meantime, the Armenians believe that there is a "sustainable conflict" between the armed forces and the ceto.
Gabaɗaya, Arminiyawa sunyi imanin cewa akwai "tsaka-tsakin yanayi" tsakanin ƙazantar lalacewa da ceto.
In general, Arminians believe there is an “intermediate” state between total depravity and salvation.
In the meantime, the Armenians believe that there is a "sustainable conflict" between the settlement and ceto.
Gabaɗaya, Arminiyawa sunyi imanin cewa akwai "tsaka-tsakin yanayi" tsakanin ƙazantar lalacewa da ceto.
In general, Arminians believe there is an “intermediate” state between total depravity and salvation.
In the meantime, the Armenians believe that there is a "sustainable conflict" between the armed forces and ceto.
Gabaɗaya, Arminiyawa sunyi imanin cewa akwai "tsaka-tsakin yanayi" tsakanin ƙazantar lalacewa da ceto.
In general, Arminians believe there is an “intermediate” state between total depravity and salvation.
In the meantime, the Armenians believe that there is a "sustainable conflict" between the settlement and the ceto settlement.
Hukunce-hukuncen da ke zuwa na Farawa 6:5-7 suna da alaƙa da abin da ya faru a cikin Farawa 6:1-4.
The oncoming judgment of Genesis 6:5-7 is linked to what took place in Genesis 6:1-4.
The instructions to Pharaoh 6:5-7 are the same as what happened in Pharaoh 6:1-4.
Hukunce-hukuncen da ke zuwa na Farawa 6:5-7 suna da alaƙa da abin da ya faru a cikin Farawa 6:1-4.
The oncoming judgment of Genesis 6:5-7 is linked to what took place in Genesis 6:1-4.
The instructions to Pharaoh 6:5-7 are the same as what has happened in Pharaoh 6:1-4.
Hukunce-hukuncen da ke zuwa na Farawa 6:5-7 suna da alaƙa da abin da ya faru a cikin Farawa 6:1-4.
The oncoming judgment of Genesis 6:5-7 is linked to what took place in Genesis 6:1-4.
The instructions to Pharaoh 6:5-7 are the following of what happened in Pharaoh 6:1-4.
Hukunce-hukuncen da ke zuwa na Farawa 6:5-7 suna da alaƙa da abin da ya faru a cikin Farawa 6:1-4.
The oncoming judgment of Genesis 6:5-7 is linked to what took place in Genesis 6:1-4.
Revelations to Pharaoh 6:5-7 are the same as what happened in Pharaoh 6:1-4.
Hukunce-hukuncen da ke zuwa na Farawa 6:5-7 suna da alaƙa da abin da ya faru a cikin Farawa 6:1-4.
The oncoming judgment of Genesis 6:5-7 is linked to what took place in Genesis 6:1-4.
Revelations to Pharaoh 6:5-7 are the following of what happened in Pharaoh 6:1-4.
Don haka, sa’anda Allah da gaske ya shari’anta Isra’ila (da hallakar Urushalima ta Romawa cikin A.D. 700, baiwar harsuna bai zama kuma da manufar da aka nufa ba.
Therefore, when God did in fact judge Israel (with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70), the gift of tongues would no longer serve its intended purpose.
Thus, God said that he had given the righteousness of Israel (and the righteousness of Urushalim in Rome in A.D. 700, and that he had not been given the righteousness and that he had not been given the righteousness.
Don haka, sa’anda Allah da gaske ya shari’anta Isra’ila (da hallakar Urushalima ta Romawa cikin A.D. 700, baiwar harsuna bai zama kuma da manufar da aka nufa ba.
Therefore, when God did in fact judge Israel (with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70), the gift of tongues would no longer serve its intended purpose.
Thus, God said that he had given the righteousness of Israel (and the righteousness of Urushalim in Rome in A.D. 700, and that he had not been given the righteousness and that he had not been given it.
Don haka, sa’anda Allah da gaske ya shari’anta Isra’ila (da hallakar Urushalima ta Romawa cikin A.D. 700, baiwar harsuna bai zama kuma da manufar da aka nufa ba.
Therefore, when God did in fact judge Israel (with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70), the gift of tongues would no longer serve its intended purpose.
Thus, God said that he had given the righteousness of Israel (and the righteousness of Urushalim in Rome in A.D. 700, and that he had not been given the righteousness and that he did not.
Don haka, sa’anda Allah da gaske ya shari’anta Isra’ila (da hallakar Urushalima ta Romawa cikin A.D. 700, baiwar harsuna bai zama kuma da manufar da aka nufa ba.
Therefore, when God did in fact judge Israel (with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70), the gift of tongues would no longer serve its intended purpose.
Thus, God said that he had given the righteousness of Israel (and the righteousness of Urushalim in Rome in A.D. 700, and that he did not become and that he did not become.
Don haka, sa’anda Allah da gaske ya shari’anta Isra’ila (da hallakar Urushalima ta Romawa cikin A.D. 700, baiwar harsuna bai zama kuma da manufar da aka nufa ba.
Therefore, when God did in fact judge Israel (with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70), the gift of tongues would no longer serve its intended purpose.
Thus, God said that he had given the righteousness of Israel (and the righteousness of Urushalim in Rome in A.D. 700, and that he did not be and that he did not be.
Allah ne kaɗai zai iya yin mu'ujjizan cikin jiki.
Mary, of course, could not impregnate herself, and in that sense she was simply a “vessel.” Only God could perform the miracle of the Incarnation.
God is the one who will be able to give us the righteousness in the world.
Allah ne kaɗai zai iya yin mu'ujjizan cikin jiki.
Mary, of course, could not impregnate herself, and in that sense she was simply a “vessel.” Only God could perform the miracle of the Incarnation.
God is the one who will be able to give us the righteousness of the world.
Allah ne kaɗai zai iya yin mu'ujjizan cikin jiki.
Mary, of course, could not impregnate herself, and in that sense she was simply a “vessel.” Only God could perform the miracle of the Incarnation.
God is the one who will be able to give us the righteousness in the earth.
Allah ne kaɗai zai iya yin mu'ujjizan cikin jiki.
Mary, of course, could not impregnate herself, and in that sense she was simply a “vessel.” Only God could perform the miracle of the Incarnation.
God is the one who will be able to give us the righteousness.
Allah ne kaɗai zai iya yin mu'ujjizan cikin jiki.
Mary, of course, could not impregnate herself, and in that sense she was simply a “vessel.” Only God could perform the miracle of the Incarnation.
God is the one who will be able to give us the righteousness of the earth.
Idan kana amincewa cikin Yesu kaɗai a matsayin mai cetonka, zaka iya sami tabbas
cewa zaka yi zama na har abada tare da Allah cikin samaniya!
If you are confessed in Jesus as a preacher, you can see the testament
Idan kana amincewa cikin Yesu kaɗai a matsayin mai cetonka, zaka iya sami tabbas
cewa zaka yi zama na har abada tare da Allah cikin samaniya!
If you are confessed in Jesus as a preacher, you can see the disciples
Idan kana amincewa cikin Yesu kaɗai a matsayin mai cetonka, zaka iya sami tabbas
cewa zaka yi zama na har abada tare da Allah cikin samaniya!
If you are confessed in Jesus as a preacher, you can see the truth.
Idan kana amincewa cikin Yesu kaɗai a matsayin mai cetonka, zaka iya sami tabbas
cewa zaka yi zama na har abada tare da Allah cikin samaniya!
If you are confessed in Jesus as a preacher, you can see the truth
Idan kana amincewa cikin Yesu kaɗai a matsayin mai cetonka, zaka iya sami tabbas
cewa zaka yi zama na har abada tare da Allah cikin samaniya!
If you are confessed in Jesus as a preacher, you can see the word
Ba wai kawai sau bakwai ba, amma "sau saba'in sau bakwai" (Matiyu 18:22, KJV).
Not just seven times, but “seventy times seven” times (Matthew 18:22, KJV).
They just don’t know what they are doing, but “there’s what they are doing” (Matthew 18:22, KJV).
Ba wai kawai sau bakwai ba, amma "sau saba'in sau bakwai" (Matiyu 18:22, KJV).
Not just seven times, but “seventy times seven” times (Matthew 18:22, KJV).
They just don’t know what they are doing, but “there’s what they are doing” (Matthew 18:22, CJV).
Ba wai kawai sau bakwai ba, amma "sau saba'in sau bakwai" (Matiyu 18:22, KJV).
Not just seven times, but “seventy times seven” times (Matthew 18:22, KJV).
They just don’t know what they are doing, but “there’s what they are doing.” (Matthew 18:22, KJV).
Ba wai kawai sau bakwai ba, amma "sau saba'in sau bakwai" (Matiyu 18:22, KJV).
Not just seven times, but “seventy times seven” times (Matthew 18:22, KJV).
They just don’t know what they are doing, but “there’s what they are doing” (Matthew 18:22, JV).
Ba wai kawai sau bakwai ba, amma "sau saba'in sau bakwai" (Matiyu 18:22, KJV).
Not just seven times, but “seventy times seven” times (Matthew 18:22, KJV).
They just don’t know what they are doing, but “there’s what they are doing” (Matthew 18:22, KJV)
Yahuda 6 kuma ya ambata mala'ikun da suka yi zunubi.
Jude 6 also mentions angels who sinned.
Judah 6 and he made the covenant with his servants.
Yahuda 6 kuma ya ambata mala'ikun da suka yi zunubi.
Jude 6 also mentions angels who sinned.
Judah 6 and he made the covenant with the creatures.
Yahuda 6 kuma ya ambata mala'ikun da suka yi zunubi.
Jude 6 also mentions angels who sinned.
Judah 6 and he made the covenant with the creature.
Yahuda 6 kuma ya ambata mala'ikun da suka yi zunubi.
Jude 6 also mentions angels who sinned.
Judah 6 and he made the covenant with the creation of the people.
Yahuda 6 kuma ya ambata mala'ikun da suka yi zunubi.
Jude 6 also mentions angels who sinned.
Judah 6 and he made the covenant with the creation.