Wajibi ne su lura sosai.
They must be vigilant.
The need is to get a lot of money.
Wajibi ne su lura sosai.
They must be vigilant.
The need is to be a good one.
Wajibi ne su lura sosai.
They must be vigilant.
The need is to get a lot of good.
Wajibi ne su lura sosai.
They must be vigilant.
The need is to get a lot.
Wajibi ne su lura sosai.
They must be vigilant.
The need is to be a good.
Sakamakon taimako na Ubangiji da kuma himmar al'ummar musulmi (ta Iran) an share fagen fata mai kyau cikin shekara ta 1392, cikin yardar Allah za ta zamanto shekara ce ta ci gaba da yunkuri da kuma samun kwarewa.
According to the outlook that has been delineated for us by Allah's favor and thanks to the determination our faithful people, the year 1392 will be the year of progress, dynamism and experience for the Iranian nation, not in the sense that the enmity of the enemies will decrease, rather in the sense that the Iranian people will be more prepared and their presence will be more effective.
The events of the United Kingdom and the Muslim community (in Iran) share the best fate in the year 1392, in the war of God for the past few years in the development of the righteousness and receiving awareness.
Sakamakon taimako na Ubangiji da kuma himmar al'ummar musulmi (ta Iran) an share fagen fata mai kyau cikin shekara ta 1392, cikin yardar Allah za ta zamanto shekara ce ta ci gaba da yunkuri da kuma samun kwarewa.
According to the outlook that has been delineated for us by Allah's favor and thanks to the determination our faithful people, the year 1392 will be the year of progress, dynamism and experience for the Iranian nation, not in the sense that the enmity of the enemies will decrease, rather in the sense that the Iranian people will be more prepared and their presence will be more effective.
The events of the United Kingdom and the Muslim community (in Iran) share the best fate in the year 1392, in the war of God for the past few years in the development of the righteousness and the reward.
Sakamakon taimako na Ubangiji da kuma himmar al'ummar musulmi (ta Iran) an share fagen fata mai kyau cikin shekara ta 1392, cikin yardar Allah za ta zamanto shekara ce ta ci gaba da yunkuri da kuma samun kwarewa.
According to the outlook that has been delineated for us by Allah's favor and thanks to the determination our faithful people, the year 1392 will be the year of progress, dynamism and experience for the Iranian nation, not in the sense that the enmity of the enemies will decrease, rather in the sense that the Iranian people will be more prepared and their presence will be more effective.
The events of the United Kingdom and the Muslim community (in Iran) share the best fate in the year 1392, in the war of God for the past few years in the development of the righteousness and the receipt of worship.
Sakamakon taimako na Ubangiji da kuma himmar al'ummar musulmi (ta Iran) an share fagen fata mai kyau cikin shekara ta 1392, cikin yardar Allah za ta zamanto shekara ce ta ci gaba da yunkuri da kuma samun kwarewa.
According to the outlook that has been delineated for us by Allah's favor and thanks to the determination our faithful people, the year 1392 will be the year of progress, dynamism and experience for the Iranian nation, not in the sense that the enmity of the enemies will decrease, rather in the sense that the Iranian people will be more prepared and their presence will be more effective.
The events of the United Kingdom and the Muslim community (in Iran) share the best fate in the year 1392, in the war of God for the past few years of the development of religion and receiving awareness.
Sakamakon taimako na Ubangiji da kuma himmar al'ummar musulmi (ta Iran) an share fagen fata mai kyau cikin shekara ta 1392, cikin yardar Allah za ta zamanto shekara ce ta ci gaba da yunkuri da kuma samun kwarewa.
According to the outlook that has been delineated for us by Allah's favor and thanks to the determination our faithful people, the year 1392 will be the year of progress, dynamism and experience for the Iranian nation, not in the sense that the enmity of the enemies will decrease, rather in the sense that the Iranian people will be more prepared and their presence will be more effective.
The events of the United Kingdom and the Muslim community (in Iran) share the best fate in the year 1392, in the war of God for the past few years in the development of the righteousness and the receipt of awareness.
Wannan shaidanin da a yau yake zuwa muku ta hanyoyin internet, tauraron dan'adam da sauran hanyoyin sadarwa na zamani, yana da wasu maganganu na zamanin ma.
The modern devils who attack you through the internet, satellite channels and highly advanced tools of communication - they have modern things to say.
This approach is now on its way to the world of Internet, Internet and other social media, has some traditions and traditions.
Wannan shaidanin da a yau yake zuwa muku ta hanyoyin internet, tauraron dan'adam da sauran hanyoyin sadarwa na zamani, yana da wasu maganganu na zamanin ma.
The modern devils who attack you through the internet, satellite channels and highly advanced tools of communication - they have modern things to say.
This approach is now on its way to the world of Internet, Internet and other social media, has some traditions and features.
Wannan shaidanin da a yau yake zuwa muku ta hanyoyin internet, tauraron dan'adam da sauran hanyoyin sadarwa na zamani, yana da wasu maganganu na zamanin ma.
The modern devils who attack you through the internet, satellite channels and highly advanced tools of communication - they have modern things to say.
This approach is now on its way to the world of Internet, Internet and other social media, has some of the traditions and features.
Wannan shaidanin da a yau yake zuwa muku ta hanyoyin internet, tauraron dan'adam da sauran hanyoyin sadarwa na zamani, yana da wasu maganganu na zamanin ma.
The modern devils who attack you through the internet, satellite channels and highly advanced tools of communication - they have modern things to say.
This approach is now on its way to the world of Internet, Internet and other social media, has some of the traditions and issues.
Wannan shaidanin da a yau yake zuwa muku ta hanyoyin internet, tauraron dan'adam da sauran hanyoyin sadarwa na zamani, yana da wasu maganganu na zamanin ma.
The modern devils who attack you through the internet, satellite channels and highly advanced tools of communication - they have modern things to say.
This approach is now on its way to the world of Internet, Internet and other social media, has some of the traditions.
Ka sanya mu karkashin inuwar Alkur'ani a ranar lahira.
Dear God, put us in the shade of the Holy Quran in the hereafter.
You have made us the price of the Qur’an in the day of the day.
Ka sanya mu karkashin inuwar Alkur'ani a ranar lahira.
Dear God, put us in the shade of the Holy Quran in the hereafter.
You have made us the price of the Qur'an in the day of the day.
Ka sanya mu karkashin inuwar Alkur'ani a ranar lahira.
Dear God, put us in the shade of the Holy Quran in the hereafter.
You have made us the price of the Qur’an in the day of day.
Ka sanya mu karkashin inuwar Alkur'ani a ranar lahira.
Dear God, put us in the shade of the Holy Quran in the hereafter.
You have made us the price of the Qur'an in the day of day.
Ka sanya mu karkashin inuwar Alkur'ani a ranar lahira.
Dear God, put us in the shade of the Holy Quran in the hereafter.
You have made us the price of the Qur’an on the day of the day.
Jagoran juyin juya halin Musuluncin har ila yau ya kirayi jami'an gwamnati da su taka tsantsan da kuma yin duk abin da za su iya wajen fada da kokarin yada fasadi da muggan kwayoyi da makiya suke yi. Tun da farko dai said a Ayatullah Tabataba'i Najad, wakilin Jagora kuma limamin juma'ar garin Isfahan ya gabatar da jawabinsa a wajen wannan taro.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that promoting moral corruption and use of drugs is a means that is used by the enemies to further their political goals. He called on the people, government officials and the youth to be vigilant in this regard. Referring to Isfahan's Islamic seminary and prestigious universities, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described Isfahan as a center of religious and scientific studies.
The Islamic State is the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State and the state of the Islamic State.
Jagoran juyin juya halin Musuluncin har ila yau ya kirayi jami'an gwamnati da su taka tsantsan da kuma yin duk abin da za su iya wajen fada da kokarin yada fasadi da muggan kwayoyi da makiya suke yi. Tun da farko dai said a Ayatullah Tabataba'i Najad, wakilin Jagora kuma limamin juma'ar garin Isfahan ya gabatar da jawabinsa a wajen wannan taro.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that promoting moral corruption and use of drugs is a means that is used by the enemies to further their political goals. He called on the people, government officials and the youth to be vigilant in this regard. Referring to Isfahan's Islamic seminary and prestigious universities, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described Isfahan as a center of religious and scientific studies.
The Islamic State is the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State and the state of the Islamic State.
Jagoran juyin juya halin Musuluncin har ila yau ya kirayi jami'an gwamnati da su taka tsantsan da kuma yin duk abin da za su iya wajen fada da kokarin yada fasadi da muggan kwayoyi da makiya suke yi. Tun da farko dai said a Ayatullah Tabataba'i Najad, wakilin Jagora kuma limamin juma'ar garin Isfahan ya gabatar da jawabinsa a wajen wannan taro.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that promoting moral corruption and use of drugs is a means that is used by the enemies to further their political goals. He called on the people, government officials and the youth to be vigilant in this regard. Referring to Isfahan's Islamic seminary and prestigious universities, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described Isfahan as a center of religious and scientific studies.
The Islamic State is the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State and the state of the Islamic State.
Jagoran juyin juya halin Musuluncin har ila yau ya kirayi jami'an gwamnati da su taka tsantsan da kuma yin duk abin da za su iya wajen fada da kokarin yada fasadi da muggan kwayoyi da makiya suke yi. Tun da farko dai said a Ayatullah Tabataba'i Najad, wakilin Jagora kuma limamin juma'ar garin Isfahan ya gabatar da jawabinsa a wajen wannan taro.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that promoting moral corruption and use of drugs is a means that is used by the enemies to further their political goals. He called on the people, government officials and the youth to be vigilant in this regard. Referring to Isfahan's Islamic seminary and prestigious universities, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described Isfahan as a center of religious and scientific studies.
The Islamic State is the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State and the state of the Islamic State.
Jagoran juyin juya halin Musuluncin har ila yau ya kirayi jami'an gwamnati da su taka tsantsan da kuma yin duk abin da za su iya wajen fada da kokarin yada fasadi da muggan kwayoyi da makiya suke yi. Tun da farko dai said a Ayatullah Tabataba'i Najad, wakilin Jagora kuma limamin juma'ar garin Isfahan ya gabatar da jawabinsa a wajen wannan taro.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that promoting moral corruption and use of drugs is a means that is used by the enemies to further their political goals. He called on the people, government officials and the youth to be vigilant in this regard. Referring to Isfahan's Islamic seminary and prestigious universities, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described Isfahan as a center of religious and scientific studies.
The Islamic State is the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State, the state of the Islamic State and the state of the Islamic State.
A saboda haka lalle za mu iya.
Yes, we can.
That is why we can do it.
A saboda haka lalle za mu iya.
Yes, we can.
Because of this we can do it.
A saboda haka lalle za mu iya.
Yes, we can.
Because of this we can.
A saboda haka lalle za mu iya.
Yes, we can.
That is why we can do so.
A saboda haka lalle za mu iya.
Yes, we can.
This is why we can do it.
Ku fahimci Musulunci ta hanyar Alkur'ani da rayuwar Annabin Musulunci (tsira da amincin Allah su tabbata a gare shi da Alayensa).
Gain information about Islam through the Qur'an and the life of its great Prophet.
You know the Muslims through the Qur’an and the life of the Muslims (therefore the beliefs of Allah are in the place of Alayensa).
Ku fahimci Musulunci ta hanyar Alkur'ani da rayuwar Annabin Musulunci (tsira da amincin Allah su tabbata a gare shi da Alayensa).
Gain information about Islam through the Qur'an and the life of its great Prophet.
You know the Muslims through the Qur’an and the life of the Muslims (therefore the beliefs of God are in the place of the Alayensa).
Ku fahimci Musulunci ta hanyar Alkur'ani da rayuwar Annabin Musulunci (tsira da amincin Allah su tabbata a gare shi da Alayensa).
Gain information about Islam through the Qur'an and the life of its great Prophet.
You know the Muslims through the Qur’an and the life of the Muslims (therefore the beliefs of Allah are in the place of the Alayensa).
Ku fahimci Musulunci ta hanyar Alkur'ani da rayuwar Annabin Musulunci (tsira da amincin Allah su tabbata a gare shi da Alayensa).
Gain information about Islam through the Qur'an and the life of its great Prophet.
You know the Muslims through the Qur'an and the life of the Muslims (therefore the beliefs of God are in the place of the Alayensa).
Ku fahimci Musulunci ta hanyar Alkur'ani da rayuwar Annabin Musulunci (tsira da amincin Allah su tabbata a gare shi da Alayensa).
Gain information about Islam through the Qur'an and the life of its great Prophet.
You know the Muslims through the Qur'an and the life of the Muslims (therefore the beliefs of Allah are in the place of the Alayensa).
Tun daga wadannan ranaku na farkon nasarar juyin juya halin Musulunci an samu wadansu mutane da suka shigo fage da taimaka wa 'yan gwagwarmaya wajen samun hanyar magana da sojojin.
Since the early days after the victory of the Revolution, certain people stepped in and helped the revolutionary elements to find a way to speak to the Army.
We are from a number of countries in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world.
Tun daga wadannan ranaku na farkon nasarar juyin juya halin Musulunci an samu wadansu mutane da suka shigo fage da taimaka wa 'yan gwagwarmaya wajen samun hanyar magana da sojojin.
Since the early days after the victory of the Revolution, certain people stepped in and helped the revolutionary elements to find a way to speak to the Army.
We are from a number of countries in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world.
Tun daga wadannan ranaku na farkon nasarar juyin juya halin Musulunci an samu wadansu mutane da suka shigo fage da taimaka wa 'yan gwagwarmaya wajen samun hanyar magana da sojojin.
Since the early days after the victory of the Revolution, certain people stepped in and helped the revolutionary elements to find a way to speak to the Army.
We are from a number of countries in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world.
Tun daga wadannan ranaku na farkon nasarar juyin juya halin Musulunci an samu wadansu mutane da suka shigo fage da taimaka wa 'yan gwagwarmaya wajen samun hanyar magana da sojojin.
Since the early days after the victory of the Revolution, certain people stepped in and helped the revolutionary elements to find a way to speak to the Army.
We are from a number of countries in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world.
Tun daga wadannan ranaku na farkon nasarar juyin juya halin Musulunci an samu wadansu mutane da suka shigo fage da taimaka wa 'yan gwagwarmaya wajen samun hanyar magana da sojojin.
Since the early days after the victory of the Revolution, certain people stepped in and helped the revolutionary elements to find a way to speak to the Army.
We are from a number of countries in the world, and we are in the world, and we are in the world.
Manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce gina mutum; manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce samar da al'umma ta Musulunci mai ayyananniyar manufa, wacce take da batun tabbatar da adalci a cikinta, akwai tauhidi a cikinta da kuma abubuwan da suke kusata mutum da Ubangiji.
A less important goal is self-education. A less important goal is to establish an Islamic society in which all the characteristics of an Islamic society are present, including justice, monotheism and spirituality.
I think that this is a way of protecting people; I think that this is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people.
Manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce gina mutum; manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce samar da al'umma ta Musulunci mai ayyananniyar manufa, wacce take da batun tabbatar da adalci a cikinta, akwai tauhidi a cikinta da kuma abubuwan da suke kusata mutum da Ubangiji.
A less important goal is self-education. A less important goal is to establish an Islamic society in which all the characteristics of an Islamic society are present, including justice, monotheism and spirituality.
I think that this is a way of protecting people; I think that this is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people.
Manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce gina mutum; manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce samar da al'umma ta Musulunci mai ayyananniyar manufa, wacce take da batun tabbatar da adalci a cikinta, akwai tauhidi a cikinta da kuma abubuwan da suke kusata mutum da Ubangiji.
A less important goal is self-education. A less important goal is to establish an Islamic society in which all the characteristics of an Islamic society are present, including justice, monotheism and spirituality.
I think that this is a way of protecting people; I think that this is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think it is a way of protecting people, I think it is a way of protecting people, I think it is a way of protecting people, I think it is a way of protecting people, I think it is a way of protecting people.
Manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce gina mutum; manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce samar da al'umma ta Musulunci mai ayyananniyar manufa, wacce take da batun tabbatar da adalci a cikinta, akwai tauhidi a cikinta da kuma abubuwan da suke kusata mutum da Ubangiji.
A less important goal is self-education. A less important goal is to establish an Islamic society in which all the characteristics of an Islamic society are present, including justice, monotheism and spirituality.
I think that this is a way of protecting people; I think that this is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people.
Manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce gina mutum; manufa wacce ta ke kasa da wannan ita ce samar da al'umma ta Musulunci mai ayyananniyar manufa, wacce take da batun tabbatar da adalci a cikinta, akwai tauhidi a cikinta da kuma abubuwan da suke kusata mutum da Ubangiji.
A less important goal is self-education. A less important goal is to establish an Islamic society in which all the characteristics of an Islamic society are present, including justice, monotheism and spirituality.
I think that this is a way of protecting people; I think that this is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people, I think that it is a way of protecting people.
Ni dai ba ni da kuri'ar da ta wuce guda daya.
The Leader has only one vote.
I don't know that I've got a lot of money.
Ni dai ba ni da kuri'ar da ta wuce guda daya.
The Leader has only one vote.
I don't know that I've got a lot of time.
Ni dai ba ni da kuri'ar da ta wuce guda daya.
The Leader has only one vote.
I don't know that I've got a few times a single.
Ni dai ba ni da kuri'ar da ta wuce guda daya.
The Leader has only one vote.
I don't know that I've got a few times.
Ni dai ba ni da kuri'ar da ta wuce guda daya.
The Leader has only one vote.
I don't know that I've got a lot of a single.
Ko shakka babu yanayin al'ummomi da kasashe cikin dukkanin komai ba daya ba ne, to amma akwai wadansu kama da ake da su wadanda za su iya zama masu amfani ga kowa.
Undoubtedly, conditions differ among nations and countries. Nonetheless, there are truths that can prove beneficial for all people.
If you don’t have any information about the markets and markets in the markets, there’s no one, but there’s a good idea that those who can be users for the market.
Ko shakka babu yanayin al'ummomi da kasashe cikin dukkanin komai ba daya ba ne, to amma akwai wadansu kama da ake da su wadanda za su iya zama masu amfani ga kowa.
Undoubtedly, conditions differ among nations and countries. Nonetheless, there are truths that can prove beneficial for all people.
If you don’t have any information about the markets and markets in the market, there’s no one, but there’s a problem that those who can be users for the market.
Ko shakka babu yanayin al'ummomi da kasashe cikin dukkanin komai ba daya ba ne, to amma akwai wadansu kama da ake da su wadanda za su iya zama masu amfani ga kowa.
Undoubtedly, conditions differ among nations and countries. Nonetheless, there are truths that can prove beneficial for all people.
If you don’t have any information about the markets and markets in the markets, there’s no one, but there’s a good idea that those who can be users for the markets.
Ko shakka babu yanayin al'ummomi da kasashe cikin dukkanin komai ba daya ba ne, to amma akwai wadansu kama da ake da su wadanda za su iya zama masu amfani ga kowa.
Undoubtedly, conditions differ among nations and countries. Nonetheless, there are truths that can prove beneficial for all people.
If you don’t have any information about the markets and markets in the markets, there’s no one, but there’s a good idea that those who can be users for the market will.
Ko shakka babu yanayin al'ummomi da kasashe cikin dukkanin komai ba daya ba ne, to amma akwai wadansu kama da ake da su wadanda za su iya zama masu amfani ga kowa.
Undoubtedly, conditions differ among nations and countries. Nonetheless, there are truths that can prove beneficial for all people.
If you don’t have any information about the markets and markets in the markets, there’s no one, but there’s a good idea that those who can be users for the market are.
A yayin wannan ganawar, Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya jinjinawa shahid Muhammad Zadeh yana mai cewa: tsawon wadannan shekarun duk wani hakurin da wannan shahidi mai girman matsayi yayi sakamakon wahalhalu irin na raunukan da ya samu a wajen yaki, lalle ladan hakan na nan a wajen Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence praised the lofty and desirable station of Shahid Mohammadzade, saying: “Over the course of these years, every moment and every hour during which this dear shahid endured pain and difficulties resulting from his disability will be recorded and rewarded by Allah the Exalted.
In the course of this discourse, the Jewish judgment of the Muslim has been told by the judge Muhammad Zadeh says that: in the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course.
A yayin wannan ganawar, Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya jinjinawa shahid Muhammad Zadeh yana mai cewa: tsawon wadannan shekarun duk wani hakurin da wannan shahidi mai girman matsayi yayi sakamakon wahalhalu irin na raunukan da ya samu a wajen yaki, lalle ladan hakan na nan a wajen Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence praised the lofty and desirable station of Shahid Mohammadzade, saying: “Over the course of these years, every moment and every hour during which this dear shahid endured pain and difficulties resulting from his disability will be recorded and rewarded by Allah the Exalted.
In the course of this discourse, the Jewish judgment of the Muslim has been told by the judge Muhammad Zadeh says that: in the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course.
A yayin wannan ganawar, Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya jinjinawa shahid Muhammad Zadeh yana mai cewa: tsawon wadannan shekarun duk wani hakurin da wannan shahidi mai girman matsayi yayi sakamakon wahalhalu irin na raunukan da ya samu a wajen yaki, lalle ladan hakan na nan a wajen Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence praised the lofty and desirable station of Shahid Mohammadzade, saying: “Over the course of these years, every moment and every hour during which this dear shahid endured pain and difficulties resulting from his disability will be recorded and rewarded by Allah the Exalted.
In the course of this discourse, the Jewish judgment of the Muslim has been told by the judge Muhammad Zadeh says that: in the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course.
A yayin wannan ganawar, Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya jinjinawa shahid Muhammad Zadeh yana mai cewa: tsawon wadannan shekarun duk wani hakurin da wannan shahidi mai girman matsayi yayi sakamakon wahalhalu irin na raunukan da ya samu a wajen yaki, lalle ladan hakan na nan a wajen Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence praised the lofty and desirable station of Shahid Mohammadzade, saying: “Over the course of these years, every moment and every hour during which this dear shahid endured pain and difficulties resulting from his disability will be recorded and rewarded by Allah the Exalted.
In the course of this discourse, the Jewish judgment of the Muslim has been told by the judge Muhammad Zadeh says that: in the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course.
A yayin wannan ganawar, Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya jinjinawa shahid Muhammad Zadeh yana mai cewa: tsawon wadannan shekarun duk wani hakurin da wannan shahidi mai girman matsayi yayi sakamakon wahalhalu irin na raunukan da ya samu a wajen yaki, lalle ladan hakan na nan a wajen Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence praised the lofty and desirable station of Shahid Mohammadzade, saying: “Over the course of these years, every moment and every hour during which this dear shahid endured pain and difficulties resulting from his disability will be recorded and rewarded by Allah the Exalted.
In the course of this discourse, the Jewish judgment of the Muslim has been told by the judge Muhammad Zadeh says that: in the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course of the course.
To al'ummar Iran tamkar wannan matashi mai manyan damatsa ne da kuma shiri wanda idan har ya yi kokarin da ya kamata, to kuwa zai isa ga wannan koli, zai iya zama zakara. Haka al'ummar Iran take, ta kuma nuna hakan.
The Iranian nation is like a talented and well-built youth who can become a world-renowned champion if he tries hard enough. The Iranian nation is like that, and it has proven this.
To say that Iran is the leader of this war, it is the leader that if it has given the right to do so, it will be the leader of this war, it will be the leader of the war. To say that Iran is the leader of the war, it will be the leader of the war, it will be the leader of the war.
To al'ummar Iran tamkar wannan matashi mai manyan damatsa ne da kuma shiri wanda idan har ya yi kokarin da ya kamata, to kuwa zai isa ga wannan koli, zai iya zama zakara. Haka al'ummar Iran take, ta kuma nuna hakan.
The Iranian nation is like a talented and well-built youth who can become a world-renowned champion if he tries hard enough. The Iranian nation is like that, and it has proven this.
To say that Iran is the leader of this war, it is the leader that if it has given the right to do so, it will be the leader of this war, it will be the leader of the war. To say that Iran is the leader of this war, it will be the leader of the war, it will be the leader of the war.
To al'ummar Iran tamkar wannan matashi mai manyan damatsa ne da kuma shiri wanda idan har ya yi kokarin da ya kamata, to kuwa zai isa ga wannan koli, zai iya zama zakara. Haka al'ummar Iran take, ta kuma nuna hakan.
The Iranian nation is like a talented and well-built youth who can become a world-renowned champion if he tries hard enough. The Iranian nation is like that, and it has proven this.
To say that Iran is the leader of this war, it is the leader that if it has given the right to do so, it will be the leader of this war, it will be the leader of the war. To say that Iran is the leader of the war, it is the leader of the war, it is the leader of the war.
To al'ummar Iran tamkar wannan matashi mai manyan damatsa ne da kuma shiri wanda idan har ya yi kokarin da ya kamata, to kuwa zai isa ga wannan koli, zai iya zama zakara. Haka al'ummar Iran take, ta kuma nuna hakan.
The Iranian nation is like a talented and well-built youth who can become a world-renowned champion if he tries hard enough. The Iranian nation is like that, and it has proven this.
To say that Iran is the leader of this war, it is the leader that if it has given the right to do so, it will be the leader of this war, it will be the leader of the war. To say that Iran is the leader of the war, it will be the leader of the war.
To al'ummar Iran tamkar wannan matashi mai manyan damatsa ne da kuma shiri wanda idan har ya yi kokarin da ya kamata, to kuwa zai isa ga wannan koli, zai iya zama zakara. Haka al'ummar Iran take, ta kuma nuna hakan.
The Iranian nation is like a talented and well-built youth who can become a world-renowned champion if he tries hard enough. The Iranian nation is like that, and it has proven this.
To say that Iran is the leader of this war, it is the leader that if it has given the right to do so, it will be the leader of this war, it will be the leader of the war. To say that Iran is the leader of this war, it will be the leader of the war.
Mai yiyuwa ne mafi girman manufar da ke cikin aikin hajjin, kamar yadda muka samo hakan cikin Alkur’ani mai girma shi ne ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmi da ayyukan annabawa cikin tarihi’. Wato kamar yadda ya zo cikin Suratul Bakara – wanda mafarinsa daga halittan dan’adam da sujadar Mala’iku gare shi da irin abubuwan da (annabi) Adamu ya gani a cikin aljanna, sannan daga baya kuma da zuwansa bayan kasa da kuma amfani da irin kwarewar da ya samu a Aljanna wanda ya hada da saba wa doka da kuma tuba da komawa ga Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Based on the Holy Quran, maybe the biggest goal of hajj is the connection between the Islamic Ummah and the activities of the prophets throughout history. That is to say, according to Sura al-Baqara, it began with the creation of Adam and Eve when angels prostrated in front of them, their experiences in paradise, their banishment to earth and finally their use of their heavenly experiences, including committing sins, repenting and complete submission to divine commands.
The Qur’an is the most prominent in the work of the Qur’an, as it is known in the Qur’an, as it is ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmans and the activities of the history’. The Qur’an as it is written in the Qur’an – which is known from the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an.
Mai yiyuwa ne mafi girman manufar da ke cikin aikin hajjin, kamar yadda muka samo hakan cikin Alkur’ani mai girma shi ne ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmi da ayyukan annabawa cikin tarihi’. Wato kamar yadda ya zo cikin Suratul Bakara – wanda mafarinsa daga halittan dan’adam da sujadar Mala’iku gare shi da irin abubuwan da (annabi) Adamu ya gani a cikin aljanna, sannan daga baya kuma da zuwansa bayan kasa da kuma amfani da irin kwarewar da ya samu a Aljanna wanda ya hada da saba wa doka da kuma tuba da komawa ga Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Based on the Holy Quran, maybe the biggest goal of hajj is the connection between the Islamic Ummah and the activities of the prophets throughout history. That is to say, according to Sura al-Baqara, it began with the creation of Adam and Eve when angels prostrated in front of them, their experiences in paradise, their banishment to earth and finally their use of their heavenly experiences, including committing sins, repenting and complete submission to divine commands.
The Qur’an is the most prominent in the work of the Qur’an, as it is known in the Qur’an, as it is ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmans and the activities of the history’. The Qur’an as it is written in the Qur’an – which is known from the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an.
Mai yiyuwa ne mafi girman manufar da ke cikin aikin hajjin, kamar yadda muka samo hakan cikin Alkur’ani mai girma shi ne ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmi da ayyukan annabawa cikin tarihi’. Wato kamar yadda ya zo cikin Suratul Bakara – wanda mafarinsa daga halittan dan’adam da sujadar Mala’iku gare shi da irin abubuwan da (annabi) Adamu ya gani a cikin aljanna, sannan daga baya kuma da zuwansa bayan kasa da kuma amfani da irin kwarewar da ya samu a Aljanna wanda ya hada da saba wa doka da kuma tuba da komawa ga Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Based on the Holy Quran, maybe the biggest goal of hajj is the connection between the Islamic Ummah and the activities of the prophets throughout history. That is to say, according to Sura al-Baqara, it began with the creation of Adam and Eve when angels prostrated in front of them, their experiences in paradise, their banishment to earth and finally their use of their heavenly experiences, including committing sins, repenting and complete submission to divine commands.
The Qur’an is the most prominent in the work of the Qur’an, as it is known in the Qur’an, as it is ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmans and the activities of the history’. The Qur’an as it is written in the Qur’an – which is known from the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an.
Mai yiyuwa ne mafi girman manufar da ke cikin aikin hajjin, kamar yadda muka samo hakan cikin Alkur’ani mai girma shi ne ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmi da ayyukan annabawa cikin tarihi’. Wato kamar yadda ya zo cikin Suratul Bakara – wanda mafarinsa daga halittan dan’adam da sujadar Mala’iku gare shi da irin abubuwan da (annabi) Adamu ya gani a cikin aljanna, sannan daga baya kuma da zuwansa bayan kasa da kuma amfani da irin kwarewar da ya samu a Aljanna wanda ya hada da saba wa doka da kuma tuba da komawa ga Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Based on the Holy Quran, maybe the biggest goal of hajj is the connection between the Islamic Ummah and the activities of the prophets throughout history. That is to say, according to Sura al-Baqara, it began with the creation of Adam and Eve when angels prostrated in front of them, their experiences in paradise, their banishment to earth and finally their use of their heavenly experiences, including committing sins, repenting and complete submission to divine commands.
The Qur’an is the most prominent in the work of the Qur’an, as it is known in the Qur’an, as it is ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmans and the activities of the history’. The Qur’an as it is written in the Qur’an – which is known from the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an.
Mai yiyuwa ne mafi girman manufar da ke cikin aikin hajjin, kamar yadda muka samo hakan cikin Alkur’ani mai girma shi ne ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmi da ayyukan annabawa cikin tarihi’. Wato kamar yadda ya zo cikin Suratul Bakara – wanda mafarinsa daga halittan dan’adam da sujadar Mala’iku gare shi da irin abubuwan da (annabi) Adamu ya gani a cikin aljanna, sannan daga baya kuma da zuwansa bayan kasa da kuma amfani da irin kwarewar da ya samu a Aljanna wanda ya hada da saba wa doka da kuma tuba da komawa ga Allah Madaukakin Sarki.
Based on the Holy Quran, maybe the biggest goal of hajj is the connection between the Islamic Ummah and the activities of the prophets throughout history. That is to say, according to Sura al-Baqara, it began with the creation of Adam and Eve when angels prostrated in front of them, their experiences in paradise, their banishment to earth and finally their use of their heavenly experiences, including committing sins, repenting and complete submission to divine commands.
The Qur’an is the most prominent in the work of the Qur’an, as it is known in the Qur’an, as it is ‘alakanta al’ummar musulmans and the activities of the history’. The Qur’an as it is written in the Qur’an – which is known from the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an.
Abin da a halin yanzu yake faruwa a duniya, shi ne cewa masu takama da karfi da gwamnatocin da suke ikirarin kiyaye adalci, babu wata maganar girmama adalci da suke yi face sai adalcin da yayi daidai da kuntatacciyar siyasarsu ta zalunci.
Today, what is witnessed in the world is that powers and those governments which claim to support justice do not at all behave in a fair way except in the inner circle of their narrow, limited and oppressive polices.
As it is currently the world’s highest level, it is that the people of the world and the people of the world who have the right to make the right, not the people of the world who have the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right.
Abin da a halin yanzu yake faruwa a duniya, shi ne cewa masu takama da karfi da gwamnatocin da suke ikirarin kiyaye adalci, babu wata maganar girmama adalci da suke yi face sai adalcin da yayi daidai da kuntatacciyar siyasarsu ta zalunci.
Today, what is witnessed in the world is that powers and those governments which claim to support justice do not at all behave in a fair way except in the inner circle of their narrow, limited and oppressive polices.
As it is currently the world’s highest level, it is that the people of the world and the people of the world who have the right to make the right, not the people of the world who have the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right.
Abin da a halin yanzu yake faruwa a duniya, shi ne cewa masu takama da karfi da gwamnatocin da suke ikirarin kiyaye adalci, babu wata maganar girmama adalci da suke yi face sai adalcin da yayi daidai da kuntatacciyar siyasarsu ta zalunci.
Today, what is witnessed in the world is that powers and those governments which claim to support justice do not at all behave in a fair way except in the inner circle of their narrow, limited and oppressive polices.
As it is currently the world’s highest level, it is that the people of the world and the people of the world who have the right to do so, not the people of the world who have the right to do so, and who have the right to do so, and who have the right to do so, and who have the right to do so.
Abin da a halin yanzu yake faruwa a duniya, shi ne cewa masu takama da karfi da gwamnatocin da suke ikirarin kiyaye adalci, babu wata maganar girmama adalci da suke yi face sai adalcin da yayi daidai da kuntatacciyar siyasarsu ta zalunci.
Today, what is witnessed in the world is that powers and those governments which claim to support justice do not at all behave in a fair way except in the inner circle of their narrow, limited and oppressive polices.
As it is currently the world’s highest level, it is that the people of the world and the people of the world who have the right to make the right, not the people of the world who have the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right to make the right.
Abin da a halin yanzu yake faruwa a duniya, shi ne cewa masu takama da karfi da gwamnatocin da suke ikirarin kiyaye adalci, babu wata maganar girmama adalci da suke yi face sai adalcin da yayi daidai da kuntatacciyar siyasarsu ta zalunci.
Today, what is witnessed in the world is that powers and those governments which claim to support justice do not at all behave in a fair way except in the inner circle of their narrow, limited and oppressive polices.
As it is currently the world’s highest level, it is that the people of the world and the people of the world who have the right to do so, not the people of the world who have the right to do so, and who have the right to do so, and who have the right to do so.
A daidai wannan lokaci mai matukar muhimmanci, sannan a watannin karshe karshe na rayuwarsa ne, Manzon Allah (s.a.w.a), bisa umurnin Ubangiji, yayi bayanin wannan lamari mai muhimmancin gaske. Wannan lamarin kuwa shi ne batun yadda za a gudanar da hukuma a bayansa.
At the command of Allah the Exalted, the Holy Prophet (God's greetings be upon him and his household) addressed an important and fundamental issue in that sensitive condition and during the last months of his life. This important issue was attending to the issue of government after the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) time.
At the time of this critical importance, in the world of life, the Lord of God (s.a.w.a), the author of the universe, presents this critical importance. This critical importance is the subject of how to conduct the judgment of the universe.
A daidai wannan lokaci mai matukar muhimmanci, sannan a watannin karshe karshe na rayuwarsa ne, Manzon Allah (s.a.w.a), bisa umurnin Ubangiji, yayi bayanin wannan lamari mai muhimmancin gaske. Wannan lamarin kuwa shi ne batun yadda za a gudanar da hukuma a bayansa.
At the command of Allah the Exalted, the Holy Prophet (God's greetings be upon him and his household) addressed an important and fundamental issue in that sensitive condition and during the last months of his life. This important issue was attending to the issue of government after the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) time.
At the time of this critical importance, in the world of life, the Lord of God (s.a.w.a), the author of the universe, presents this critical importance. This critical importance is the subject of how to conduct the judgment in the process.
A daidai wannan lokaci mai matukar muhimmanci, sannan a watannin karshe karshe na rayuwarsa ne, Manzon Allah (s.a.w.a), bisa umurnin Ubangiji, yayi bayanin wannan lamari mai muhimmancin gaske. Wannan lamarin kuwa shi ne batun yadda za a gudanar da hukuma a bayansa.
At the command of Allah the Exalted, the Holy Prophet (God's greetings be upon him and his household) addressed an important and fundamental issue in that sensitive condition and during the last months of his life. This important issue was attending to the issue of government after the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) time.
At the time of this critical importance, in the world of life, the Lord of God (s.a.w.a), the author of the universe, presents this critical importance. This critical importance is the subject of how to conduct the judgment in the context.
A daidai wannan lokaci mai matukar muhimmanci, sannan a watannin karshe karshe na rayuwarsa ne, Manzon Allah (s.a.w.a), bisa umurnin Ubangiji, yayi bayanin wannan lamari mai muhimmancin gaske. Wannan lamarin kuwa shi ne batun yadda za a gudanar da hukuma a bayansa.
At the command of Allah the Exalted, the Holy Prophet (God's greetings be upon him and his household) addressed an important and fundamental issue in that sensitive condition and during the last months of his life. This important issue was attending to the issue of government after the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) time.
At the time of this critical importance, in the world of life, the Lord of God (s.a.w.a), the author of the universe, presents this critical importance. This critical importance is the subject of how to conduct the judgment in the matter.
A daidai wannan lokaci mai matukar muhimmanci, sannan a watannin karshe karshe na rayuwarsa ne, Manzon Allah (s.a.w.a), bisa umurnin Ubangiji, yayi bayanin wannan lamari mai muhimmancin gaske. Wannan lamarin kuwa shi ne batun yadda za a gudanar da hukuma a bayansa.
At the command of Allah the Exalted, the Holy Prophet (God's greetings be upon him and his household) addressed an important and fundamental issue in that sensitive condition and during the last months of his life. This important issue was attending to the issue of government after the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) time.
At the time of this critical importance, in the world of life, the Lord of God (s.a.w.a), the author of the universe, presents this critical importance. This critical importance is the subject of how to conduct the judgment in the case.
Wajibi ne kowa ya zage damtse wajen tabbatar da kayayyakin da ake samarwa a cikin gida da kuma karfafa tattalin arziki na cikin gida.
Everybody must make efforts in order to give promote national production and to strengthen our economy.
It is a good idea to ensure that the products are being delivered in the home and to improve the quality of the home.
Wajibi ne kowa ya zage damtse wajen tabbatar da kayayyakin da ake samarwa a cikin gida da kuma karfafa tattalin arziki na cikin gida.
Everybody must make efforts in order to give promote national production and to strengthen our economy.
It is a good idea to make sure the products are being sold in the home and to improve the quality of the home.
Wajibi ne kowa ya zage damtse wajen tabbatar da kayayyakin da ake samarwa a cikin gida da kuma karfafa tattalin arziki na cikin gida.
Everybody must make efforts in order to give promote national production and to strengthen our economy.
It is a good idea to ensure that the products are being sold in the home and to improve the quality of the home.
Wajibi ne kowa ya zage damtse wajen tabbatar da kayayyakin da ake samarwa a cikin gida da kuma karfafa tattalin arziki na cikin gida.
Everybody must make efforts in order to give promote national production and to strengthen our economy.
It is a good idea to make sure that the products are being sold in the home and to improve the quality of the home.
Wajibi ne kowa ya zage damtse wajen tabbatar da kayayyakin da ake samarwa a cikin gida da kuma karfafa tattalin arziki na cikin gida.
Everybody must make efforts in order to give promote national production and to strengthen our economy.
It is a good idea to ensure that the products are being delivered in the home and to enhance the quality of the home.
Alal hakika ya sauya tarihin wannan yankin da kuma tarihin duniya ma; wani sabon fasali ne ya kunno kai.
That is to say, a new page has been turned in the history of the region and, consequently, the world.
Alal has revealed the history of this region and the history of the world; a new philosophy has been revealed.
Alal hakika ya sauya tarihin wannan yankin da kuma tarihin duniya ma; wani sabon fasali ne ya kunno kai.
That is to say, a new page has been turned in the history of the region and, consequently, the world.
Alal has revealed the history of this region and the history of the world; a new philosophy has been found.
Alal hakika ya sauya tarihin wannan yankin da kuma tarihin duniya ma; wani sabon fasali ne ya kunno kai.
That is to say, a new page has been turned in the history of the region and, consequently, the world.
Alal has revealed the history of this region and the history of the world; a new philosophy has been founded.
Alal hakika ya sauya tarihin wannan yankin da kuma tarihin duniya ma; wani sabon fasali ne ya kunno kai.
That is to say, a new page has been turned in the history of the region and, consequently, the world.
Alal has revealed the history of this region and the history of the world; a new philosophy has been.
Alal hakika ya sauya tarihin wannan yankin da kuma tarihin duniya ma; wani sabon fasali ne ya kunno kai.
That is to say, a new page has been turned in the history of the region and, consequently, the world.
Alal has revealed the history of this region and the history of the world; a new philosophy has been revealed to you.
Wato manyan masanan falsafa sun amfana daga tabarmar da Annabawan Ubangiji suka baza; to amma wannan tabarmar ba wata tabarma ce ta wasu ‘yan tsirarun mutane na musamman ba ne.
Great philosophers obtained the maximum benefit from the widely shared blessings of the divine prophets.
There are many philosophical traditions that are derived from the university and the university; to but this university does not be derived from some ‘specific people are not.
Wato manyan masanan falsafa sun amfana daga tabarmar da Annabawan Ubangiji suka baza; to amma wannan tabarmar ba wata tabarma ce ta wasu ‘yan tsirarun mutane na musamman ba ne.
Great philosophers obtained the maximum benefit from the widely shared blessings of the divine prophets.
There are many philosophical traditions that are derived from the university and the university; to but this university does not be derived from some ‘specific people’ are not.
Wato manyan masanan falsafa sun amfana daga tabarmar da Annabawan Ubangiji suka baza; to amma wannan tabarmar ba wata tabarma ce ta wasu ‘yan tsirarun mutane na musamman ba ne.
Great philosophers obtained the maximum benefit from the widely shared blessings of the divine prophets.
There are many philosophical traditions that are derived from the university and the university; to but this university does not be derived from some'specific people' are not.
Wato manyan masanan falsafa sun amfana daga tabarmar da Annabawan Ubangiji suka baza; to amma wannan tabarmar ba wata tabarma ce ta wasu ‘yan tsirarun mutane na musamman ba ne.
Great philosophers obtained the maximum benefit from the widely shared blessings of the divine prophets.
There are many philosophical traditions that are derived from the university and the university; to but this university does not be derived from some ‘specific people’s interests.
Wato manyan masanan falsafa sun amfana daga tabarmar da Annabawan Ubangiji suka baza; to amma wannan tabarmar ba wata tabarma ce ta wasu ‘yan tsirarun mutane na musamman ba ne.
Great philosophers obtained the maximum benefit from the widely shared blessings of the divine prophets.
There are many philosophical traditions that are derived from the university and the university; to but this university does not be derived from some'specific people's interests.
Ya ku 'yan'uwa musulmi maza da mata, tabbas a wannan shekarar alhazan Iran ma'abota shauki da tsarkin zuciya ba su sami halartar aikin hajji ba, to amma zukatansu na nan tare da alhazan da suka fito daga dukkan duniya, suna cikin damuwar yanayinsu, sannan suna addu'ar cewa kada Allah Ya sa wadannan la'ananniyar zuriyar dawagitai ta samu damar cutar da su.
Muslim brothers and sisters! This year enthusiastic and sincere Iranian pilgrims are absent from the hajj ceremonies, but they are spiritually present among the pilgrims from different parts of the world and they are concerned about them and they pray that the evil progeny of the taghut do not succeed in harming them.
You have become Muslims and teachers, the people in this year of Iran's religious and religious commitment do not understand the hard work of the world, but the people who have come with thousands of people from all over the world, are in the highest level of knowledge, others are in the world that when God is in the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world.
Ya ku 'yan'uwa musulmi maza da mata, tabbas a wannan shekarar alhazan Iran ma'abota shauki da tsarkin zuciya ba su sami halartar aikin hajji ba, to amma zukatansu na nan tare da alhazan da suka fito daga dukkan duniya, suna cikin damuwar yanayinsu, sannan suna addu'ar cewa kada Allah Ya sa wadannan la'ananniyar zuriyar dawagitai ta samu damar cutar da su.
Muslim brothers and sisters! This year enthusiastic and sincere Iranian pilgrims are absent from the hajj ceremonies, but they are spiritually present among the pilgrims from different parts of the world and they are concerned about them and they pray that the evil progeny of the taghut do not succeed in harming them.
You have become Muslims and teachers, the people in this year of Iran's religious and religious commitment do not understand the hard work of the world, but the people who have come with thousands of people from all over the world, are in the highest level of knowledge, others are in the world that when God is in the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world.
Ya ku 'yan'uwa musulmi maza da mata, tabbas a wannan shekarar alhazan Iran ma'abota shauki da tsarkin zuciya ba su sami halartar aikin hajji ba, to amma zukatansu na nan tare da alhazan da suka fito daga dukkan duniya, suna cikin damuwar yanayinsu, sannan suna addu'ar cewa kada Allah Ya sa wadannan la'ananniyar zuriyar dawagitai ta samu damar cutar da su.
Muslim brothers and sisters! This year enthusiastic and sincere Iranian pilgrims are absent from the hajj ceremonies, but they are spiritually present among the pilgrims from different parts of the world and they are concerned about them and they pray that the evil progeny of the taghut do not succeed in harming them.
You have become Muslims and teachers, the people in this year of Iran's religious and religious commitment do not understand the hard work of the world, but the people who have come with thousands of people from all over the world, are in the highest level of knowledge, others are in the world that when God is in the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world.
Ya ku 'yan'uwa musulmi maza da mata, tabbas a wannan shekarar alhazan Iran ma'abota shauki da tsarkin zuciya ba su sami halartar aikin hajji ba, to amma zukatansu na nan tare da alhazan da suka fito daga dukkan duniya, suna cikin damuwar yanayinsu, sannan suna addu'ar cewa kada Allah Ya sa wadannan la'ananniyar zuriyar dawagitai ta samu damar cutar da su.
Muslim brothers and sisters! This year enthusiastic and sincere Iranian pilgrims are absent from the hajj ceremonies, but they are spiritually present among the pilgrims from different parts of the world and they are concerned about them and they pray that the evil progeny of the taghut do not succeed in harming them.
You have become Muslims and teachers, the people in this year of Iran's religious and religious commitment do not understand the hard work of the world, but the people who have come with thousands of people from all over the world, are in the highest level of knowledge, others are in the world that when God is in the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world.
Ya ku 'yan'uwa musulmi maza da mata, tabbas a wannan shekarar alhazan Iran ma'abota shauki da tsarkin zuciya ba su sami halartar aikin hajji ba, to amma zukatansu na nan tare da alhazan da suka fito daga dukkan duniya, suna cikin damuwar yanayinsu, sannan suna addu'ar cewa kada Allah Ya sa wadannan la'ananniyar zuriyar dawagitai ta samu damar cutar da su.
Muslim brothers and sisters! This year enthusiastic and sincere Iranian pilgrims are absent from the hajj ceremonies, but they are spiritually present among the pilgrims from different parts of the world and they are concerned about them and they pray that the evil progeny of the taghut do not succeed in harming them.
You have become Muslims and teachers, the people in this year of Iran's religious and religious commitment do not understand the hard work of the world, but the people who have come with thousands of people from all over the world, are in the highest level of knowledge, others are in the world that when God is in the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world.