3 values
We consider Hermitian and symmetric random band matrices $H$ in $d \geq 1$ dimensions. The matrix elements $H_{xy}$, indexed by $x,y \in \Lambda \subset \Z^d$, are independent and their variances satisfy $\sigma_{xy}^2:=\E \abs{H_{xy}}^2 = W^{-d} f((x - y)/W)$ for some probability density $f$. We assume that the law of each matrix element $H_{xy}$ is symmetric and exhibits subexponential decay. We prove that the time evolution of a quantum particle subject to the Hamiltonian $H$ is diffusive on time scales $t\ll W^{d/3}$. We also show that the localization length of the eigenvectors of $H$ is larger than a factor $W^{d/6}$ times the band width $W$. All results are uniform in the size $\abs{\Lambda}$ of the matrix. This extends our recent result \cite{erdosknowles} to general band matrices. As another consequence of our proof we show that, for a larger class of random matrices satisfying $\sum_x\sigma_{xy}^2=1$ for all $y$, the largest eigenvalue of $H$ is bounded with high probability by $2 + M^{-2/3 + \epsilon}$ for any $\epsilon > 0$, where $M \deq 1 / (\max_{x,y} \sigma_{xy}^2)$.Comment: Corrected typos and some inaccuracies in appendix
Quantum Diffusion and Delocalization for Band Matrices with General Distribution
quantum diffusion and delocalization for band matrices with general distribution
hermitian dimensions. indexed lambda variances satisfy sigma exhibits subexponential decay. diffusive localization eigenvectors lambda matrix. extends cite erdosknowles matrices. satisfying sigma eigenvalue epsilon epsilon sigma .comment corrected typos inaccuracies
A previously proposed algebra of asymptotic fields in quantum electrodynamics is formulated as a net of algebras localized in regions which in general have unbounded spacelike extension. Electromagnetic fields may be localized in `symmetrical spacelike cones', but there are strong indications this is not possible in the present model for charged fields, which have tails extending in all space directions. Nevertheless, products of appropriately `dressed' fermion fields (with compensating charges) yield bi-localized observables.Comment: 29 pages, accepted for publication in Annales Henri Poincar\'
Spacelike localization of long-range fields in a model of asymptotic electrodynamics
spacelike localization of long-range fields in a model of asymptotic electrodynamics
asymptotic electrodynamics formulated algebras localized unbounded spacelike extension. electromagnetic localized symmetrical spacelike cones indications tails extending directions. nevertheless appropriately dressed fermion compensating charges localized pages publication annales henri poincar
In the present paper we study forward Quantum Markov Chains (QMC) defined on a Cayley tree. Using the tree structure of graphs, we give a construction of quantum Markov chains on a Cayley tree. By means of such constructions we prove the existence of a phase transition for the XY-model on a Cayley tree of order three in QMC scheme. By the phase transition we mean the existence of two now quasi equivalent QMC for the given family of interaction operators $\{K_{<x,y>}\}$.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur
On Quantum Markov Chains on Cayley tree II: Phase transitions for the associated chain with XY-model on the Cayley tree of order three
on quantum markov chains on cayley tree ii: phase transitions for the associated chain with xy-model on the cayley tree of order three
markov chains cayley tree. markov chains cayley tree. constructions cayley scheme. quasi .comment pages figur
We give pole free strips and estimates for resolvents of semiclassical operators which, on the level of the classical flow, have normally hyperbolic smooth trapped sets of codimension two in phase space. Such trapped sets are structurally stable and our motivation comes partly from considering the wave equation for Kerr black holes and their perturbations, whose trapped sets have precisely this structure. We give applications including local smoothing effects with epsilon derivative loss for the Schr\"odinger propagator as well as local energy decay results for the wave equation.Comment: Further changes to erratum correcting small problems with Section 3.5 and Lemma 4.1; this now also corrects hypotheses, explicitly requiring trapped set to be symplectic. Erratum follows references in this versio
Resolvent estimates for normally hyperbolic trapped sets
resolvent estimates for normally hyperbolic trapped sets
pole strips resolvents semiclassical normally hyperbolic trapped codimension space. trapped structurally motivation comes partly kerr holes perturbations trapped precisely structure. smoothing epsilon schr odinger propagator erratum correcting corrects hypotheses explicitly requiring trapped symplectic. erratum versio
Every set (finite or infinite) of quantum vectors (states) satisfies generalized orthoarguesian equations ($n$OA). We consider two 3-dim Kochen-Specker (KS) sets of vectors and show how each of them should be represented by means of a Hasse diagram---a lattice, an algebra of subspaces of a Hilbert space--that contains rays and planes determined by the vectors so as to satisfy $n$OA. That also shows why they cannot be represented by a special kind of Hasse diagram called a Greechie diagram, as has been erroneously done in the literature. One of the KS sets (Peres') is an example of a lattice in which 6OA pass and 7OA fails, and that closes an open question of whether the 7oa class of lattices properly contains the 6oa class. This result is important because it provides additional evidence that our previously given proof of noa =< (n+1)oa can be extended to proper inclusion noa < (n+1)oa and that nOA form an infinite sequence of successively stronger equations.Comment: 16 pages and 5 figure
Kochen-Specker Sets and Generalized Orthoarguesian Equations
kochen-specker sets and generalized orthoarguesian equations
infinite satisfies orthoarguesian kochen specker hasse subspaces hilbert rays planes satisfy kind hasse greechie erroneously literature. peres pass fails closes lattices properly class. proper inclusion infinite successively stronger pages
We construct and discuss Hadamard states for both scalar and Dirac spinor fields in a large class of spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes characterised by an initial phase either of exponential or of power-law expansion. The states we obtain can be interpreted as being in thermal equilibrium at the time when the scale factor a has a specific value a=a_0. In the case a_0=0, these states fulfil a strict KMS condition on the boundary of the spacetime, which is either a cosmological horizon, or a Big Bang hypersurface. Furthermore, in the conformally invariant case, they are conformal KMS states on the full spacetime. However, they provide a natural notion of an approximate KMS state also in the remaining cases, especially for massive fields. On the technical side, our results are based on a bulk-to-boundary reconstruction technique already successfully applied in the scalar case and here proven to be suitable also for spinor fields. The potential applications of the states we find range over a broad spectrum, but they appear to be suited to discuss in particular thermal phenomena such as the cosmic neutrino background or the quantum state of dark matter.Comment: 42 page
Approximate KMS states for scalar and spinor fields in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes
approximate kms states for scalar and spinor fields in friedmann-robertson-walker spacetimes
hadamard dirac spinor spatially friedmann robertson walker spacetimes characterised exponential expansion. interpreted fulfil strict spacetime cosmological horizon bang hypersurface. conformally conformal spacetime. notion approximate massive fields. reconstruction successfully proven spinor fields. broad suited phenomena cosmic
A technically convenient signature of Anderson localization is exponential decay of the fractional moments of the Green function within appropriate energy ranges. We consider a random Hamiltonian on a lattice whose randomness is generated by the sign-indefinite single-site potential, which is however sign-definite at the boundary of its support. For this class of Anderson operators we establish a finite-volume criterion which implies that above mentioned the fractional moment decay property holds. This constructive criterion is satisfied at typical perturbative regimes, e. g. at spectral boundaries which satisfy 'Lifshitz tail estimates' on the density of states and for sufficiently strong disorder. We also show how the fractional moment method facilitates the proof of exponential (spectral) localization for such random potentials.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure, to appear in AH
Anderson localization for a class of models with a sign-indefinite single-site potential via fractional moment method
anderson localization for a class of models with a sign-indefinite single-site potential via fractional moment method
technically convenient signature anderson localization exponential fractional moments ranges. randomness indefinite definite support. anderson establish criterion fractional moment holds. constructive criterion satisfied perturbative regimes boundaries satisfy lifshitz tail sufficiently disorder. fractional moment facilitates exponential localization pages
{Let $B=(B_1(t),...,B_d(t))$ be a $d$-dimensional fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index $\alpha<1/4$, or more generally a Gaussian process whose paths have the same local regularity. Defining properly iterated integrals of $B$ is a difficult task because of the low H\"older regularity index of its paths. Yet rough path theory shows it is the key to the construction of a stochastic calculus with respect to $B$, or to solving differential equations driven by $B$. We intend to show in a series of papers how to desingularize iterated integrals by a weak, singular non-Gaussian perturbation of the Gaussian measure defined by a limit in law procedure. Convergence is proved by using "standard" tools of constructive field theory, in particular cluster expansions and renormalization. These powerful tools allow optimal estimates, and call for an extension of Gaussian tools such as for instance the Malliavin calculus. After a first introductory paper \cite{MagUnt1}, this one concentrates on the details of the constructive proof of convergence for second-order iterated integrals, also known as L\'evy area
From constructive field theory to fractional stochastic calculus. (II) Constructive proof of convergence for the L\'evy area of fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index $\alpha\in(1/8,1/4)$
from constructive field theory to fractional stochastic calculus. (ii) constructive proof of convergence for the l\'evy area of fractional brownian motion with hurst index $\alpha\in(1/8,1/4)$
fractional brownian hurst alpha paths regularity. defining properly iterated integrals older regularity paths. rough stochastic calculus solving intend papers desingularize iterated integrals singular perturbation procedure. proved constructive expansions renormalization. powerful call malliavin calculus. introductory cite magunt concentrates constructive iterated integrals
Random skew plane partitions of large size distributed according to an appropriately scaled Schur process develop limit shapes. In the present work we consider the limit of large random skew plane partitions where the inner boundary approaches a piecewise linear curve with non-lattice slopes, describing the limit shape and the local fluctuations in various regions. This analysis is fairly similar to that in [OR2], but we do find some new behavior. For instance, the boundary of the limit shape is now a single smooth (not algebraic) curve, whereas the boundary in [OR2] is singular. We also observe the bead process introduced in [B] appearing in the asymptotics at the top of the limit shape.Comment: 24 pages. This version to appear in Annales Henri Poincar
Random skew plane partitions with a piecewise periodic back wall
random skew plane partitions with a piecewise periodic back wall
skew partitions appropriately scaled schur shapes. skew partitions piecewise slopes describing regions. fairly behavior. algebraic singular. bead appearing asymptotics pages. annales henri poincar
The present article considers time symmetric initial data sets for the vacuum Einstein field equations which in a neighbourhood of infinity have the same massless part as that of some static initial data set. It is shown that the solutions to the regular finite initial value problem at spatial infinity for this class of initial data sets extend smoothly through the critical sets where null infinity touches spatial infinity if and only if the initial data sets coincide with static data in a neighbourhood of infinity. This result highlights the special role played by static data among the class of initial data sets for the Einstein field equations whose development gives rise to a spacetime with a smooth conformal compactification at null infinity.Comment: 25 page
Asymptotic simplicity and static data
asymptotic simplicity and static data
considers einstein neighbourhood infinity massless set. infinity extend smoothly infinity touches infinity coincide neighbourhood infinity. highlights played einstein spacetime conformal compactification
We investigate the properties of the zeros of the eigenfunctions on quantum graphs (metric graphs with a Schr\"odinger-type differential operator). Using tools such as scattering approach and eigenvalue interlacing inequalities we derive several formulas relating the number of the zeros of the n-th eigenfunction to the spectrum of the graph and of some of its subgraphs. In a special case of the so-called dihedral graph we prove an explicit formula that only uses the lengths of the edges, entirely bypassing the information about the graph's eigenvalues. The results are explained from the point of view of the dynamics of zeros of the solutions to the scattering problem.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figure
Dynamics of nodal points and the nodal count on a family of quantum graphs
dynamics of nodal points and the nodal count on a family of quantum graphs
zeros eigenfunctions schr odinger eigenvalue interlacing inequalities derive formulas relating zeros eigenfunction subgraphs. dihedral lengths entirely bypassing eigenvalues. zeros pages
We consider co-rotational wave maps from (3+1) Minkowski space into the three-sphere. This is an energy supercritical model which is known to exhibit finite time blow up via self-similar solutions. The ground state self-similar solution $f_0$ is known in closed form and based on numerics, it is supposed to describe the generic blow up behavior of the system. In this paper we develop a rigorous linear perturbation theory around $f_0$. This is an indispensable prerequisite for the study of nonlinear stability of the self-similar blow up which is conducted in a companion paper. In particular, we prove that $f_0$ is linearly stable if it is mode stable. Furthermore, concerning the mode stability problem, we prove new results that exclude the existence of unstable eigenvalues with large imaginary parts and also, with real parts larger than 1/2. The remaining compact region is well-studied numerically and all available results strongly suggest the nonexistence of unstable modes.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures, acknowledgments adde
On stable self-similar blow up for equivariant wave maps: The linearized problem
on stable self-similar blow up for equivariant wave maps: the linearized problem
rotational minkowski sphere. supercritical exhibit blow solutions. numerics supposed generic blow system. rigorous perturbation indispensable prerequisite blow companion paper. linearly stable. concerning exclude unstable eigenvalues imaginary numerically nonexistence unstable pages acknowledgments adde
We conclude our analysis of bubble divergences in the flat spinfoam model. In [arXiv:1008.1476] we showed that the divergence degree of an arbitrary two-complex Gamma can be evaluated exactly by means of twisted cohomology. Here, we specialize this result to the case where Gamma is the two-skeleton of the cell decomposition of a pseudomanifold, and sharpen it with a careful analysis of the cellular and topological structures involved. Moreover, we explain in detail how this approach reproduces all the previous powercounting results for the Boulatov-Ooguri (colored) tensor models, and sheds light on algebraic-topological aspects of Gurau's 1/N expansion.Comment: 19 page
Bubble divergences: sorting out topology from cell structure
bubble divergences: sorting out topology from cell structure
bubble divergences spinfoam model. divergence gamma twisted cohomology. specialize gamma skeleton decomposition pseudomanifold sharpen careful topological involved. reproduces powercounting boulatov ooguri colored sheds algebraic topological gurau
We generalize key aspects of arXiv:1010.5367 (and also arXiv:1010.5327) to the case of {\em massless} $\lambda \phi^{2n}$ quantum field theory on deSitter spacetime. As in that paper, our key objective is to derive a suitable "Mellin-Barnes-type" representation of deSitter correlation functions in a deSitter-invariant state, which holds to arbitrary orders in perturbation theory, and which incorporates renormalization. The representation is suitable for the study of large distance/time properties of correlation functions. It is arrived at via an analytic continuation from the corresponding objects on the sphere, and, as in the massive case, relies on the use of graph-polynomials and their properties, as well as other tools. However, the perturbation expansion is organized somewhat differently in the massless case, due to the well-known subtleties associated with the "zero-mode" of the quantum field. In particular, the correlation functions do not possess a well-defined limit as the self-coupling constant of the field goes to zero, reflecting the well-known non-existence of a deSitter invariant state in the free massless scalar theory. We establish that generic correlation functions cannot grow more than polynomially in proper time for large time-like separations of the points. Our results thus leave open the possibility of quantum induced IR-instabilities of deSitter spacetime on very large time-scales.Comment: 40 pages, several figures, v2: added references, more discussion in app.C and in proof of thm.1, other minor change
Massless interacting quantum fields in deSitter spacetime
massless interacting quantum fields in desitter spacetime
generalize massless lambda desitter spacetime. derive mellin barnes desitter desitter orders perturbation incorporates renormalization. functions. arrived analytic continuation sphere massive relies polynomials tools. perturbation organized somewhat differently massless subtleties field. possess goes reflecting desitter massless theory. establish generic grow polynomially proper separations points. leave instabilities desitter spacetime pages app.c thm. minor
The sum of the first n energy levels of the planar Laplacian with constant magnetic field of given total flux is shown to be maximal among triangles for the equilateral triangle, under normalization of the ratio (moment of inertia)/(area)^3 on the domain. The result holds for both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, with an analogue for Robin (or de Gennes) boundary conditions too. The square similarly maximizes the eigenvalue sum among parallelograms, and the disk maximizes among ellipses. More generally, a domain with rotational symmetry will maximize the magnetic eigenvalue sum among all linear images of that domain. These results are new even for the ground state energy (n=1).Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur
Sums of magnetic eigenvalues are maximal on rotationally symmetric domains
sums of magnetic eigenvalues are maximal on rotationally symmetric domains
planar laplacian maximal triangles equilateral triangle normalization moment inertia domain. dirichlet neumann analogue robin gennes too. maximizes eigenvalue parallelograms maximizes ellipses. rotational maximize eigenvalue domain. .comment pages figur
The 6j-symbol is a fundamental object from the re-coupling theory of SU(2) representations. In the limit of large angular momenta, its asymptotics is known to be described by the geometry of a tetrahedron with quantized lengths. This article presents a new recursion formula for the square of the 6j-symbol. In the asymptotic regime, the new recursion is shown to characterize the closure of the relevant tetrahedron. Since the 6j-symbol is the basic building block of the Ponzano-Regge model for pure three-dimensional quantum gravity, we also discuss how to generalize the method to derive more general recursion relations on the full amplitudes.Comment: 10 pages, v2: title and introduction changed, paper re-structured; Annales Henri Poincare (2011
A New Recursion Relation for the 6j-Symbol
a new recursion relation for the 6j-symbol
symbol representations. momenta asymptotics tetrahedron quantized lengths. presents recursion symbol. asymptotic recursion characterize closure tetrahedron. symbol ponzano regge generalize derive recursion pages title changed structured annales henri poincare
Consider a small sample coupled to a finite number of leads, and assume that the total (continuous) system is at thermal equilibrium in the remote past. We construct a non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) by adiabatically turning on an electrical bias between the leads. The main mathematical challenge is to show that certain adiabatic wave operators exist, and to identify their strong limit when the adiabatic parameter tends to zero. Our NESS is different from, though closely related with the NESS provided by the Jak{\v s}i{\'c}-Pillet-Ruelle approach. Thus we partly settle a question asked by Caroli {\it et al} in 1971 regarding the (non)equivalence between the partitioned and partition-free approaches
Adiabatic non-equilibrium steady states in the partition free approach
adiabatic non-equilibrium steady states in the partition free approach
remote past. steady ness adiabatically turning electrical leads. mathematical challenge adiabatic adiabatic tends zero. ness closely ness pillet ruelle approach. partly settle asked caroli equivalence partitioned partition
In this paper, we show that massless Dirac waves in the Schwarzschild geometry decay to zero at a rate $t^{-2\lambda}$, where $\lambda=1, 2,...$ is the angular momentum. Our technique is to use Chandrasekhar's separation of variables whereby the Dirac equations split into two sets of wave equations. For the first set, we show that the wave decays as $t^{-2\lambda}$. For the second set, in general, the solutions tend to some explicit profile at the rate $t^{-2\lambda}$. The decay rate of solutions of Dirac equations is achieved by showing that the coefficient of the explicit profile is exactly zero. The key ingredients in the proof of the decay rate of solutions for the first set of wave equations are an energy estimate used to show the absence of bound states and zero energy resonance and the analysis of the spectral representation of the solutions. The proof of asymptotic behavior for the solutions of the second set of wave equations relies on careful analysis of the Green's functions for time independent Schr\"odinger equations associated with these wave equations.Comment: 45 page
Asymptotic Behavior of Massless Dirac Waves in Schwarzschild geometry
asymptotic behavior of massless dirac waves in schwarzschild geometry
massless dirac schwarzschild lambda lambda momentum. chandrasekhar whereby dirac split equations. decays lambda tend lambda dirac zero. ingredients solutions. asymptotic relies careful schr odinger
We initiate the study of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Klein-Gordon system in the presence of a negative cosmological constant, a model appearing frequently in the context of high-energy physics. Due to the lack of global hyperbolicity of the solutions, the natural formulation of dynamics is that of an initial boundary value problem, with boundary conditions imposed at null infinity. We prove a local well-posedness statement for this system, with the time of existence of the solutions depending only on an invariant H^2-type norm measuring the size of the Klein-Gordon field on the initial data. The proof requires the introduction of a renormalized system of equations and relies crucially on r-weighted estimates for the wave equation on asymptotically AdS spacetimes. The results provide the basis for our companion paper establishing the global asymptotic stability of Schwarzschild-Anti-de-Sitter within this system.Comment: 50 pages, v2: minor changes, to appear in Annales Henri Poincar\'
Self-gravitating Klein-Gordon fields in asymptotically Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes
self-gravitating klein-gordon fields in asymptotically anti-de-sitter spacetimes
initiate spherically einstein klein gordon cosmological appearing frequently physics. hyperbolicity formulation imposed infinity. posedness statement norm measuring klein gordon data. renormalized relies crucially weighted asymptotically spacetimes. companion establishing asymptotic schwarzschild sitter pages minor annales henri poincar
We consider the semiclassical asymptotics of the sum of negative eigenvalues of the three-dimensional Pauli operator with an external potential and a self-generated magnetic field $B$. We also add the field energy $\beta \int B^2$ and we minimize over all magnetic fields. The parameter $\beta$ effectively determines the strength of the field. We consider the weak field regime with $\beta h^{2}\ge {const}>0$, where $h$ is the semiclassical parameter. For smooth potentials we prove that the semiclassical asymptotics of the total energy is given by the non-magnetic Weyl term to leading order with an error bound that is smaller by a factor $h^{1+\e}$, i.e. the subleading term vanishes. However, for potentials with a Coulomb singularity the subleading term does not vanish due to the non-semiclassical effect of the singularity. Combined with a multiscale technique, this refined estimate is used in the companion paper \cite{EFS3} to prove the second order Scott correction to the ground state energy of large atoms and molecules.Comment: Small typos corrected on Sep 24, 201
Second order semiclassics with self-generated magnetic fields
second order semiclassics with self-generated magnetic fields
semiclassical asymptotics eigenvalues pauli beta minimize fields. beta effectively determines field. beta const semiclassical parameter. potentials semiclassical asymptotics weyl i.e. subleading vanishes. potentials coulomb singularity subleading vanish semiclassical singularity. multiscale refined companion cite scott typos corrected
The main goal of this work consists in showing that the analytic solutions for a class of characteristic problems for the Einstein vacuum equations have an existence region larger than the one provided by the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem due to the intrinsic hyperbolicity of the Einstein equations. To prove this result we first describe a geometric way of writing the vacuum Einstein equations for the characteristic problems we are considering, in a gauge characterized by the introduction of a double null cone foliation of the spacetime. Then we prove that the existence region for the analytic solutions can be extended to a larger region which depends only on the validity of the apriori estimates for the Weyl equations, associated to the "Bel-Robinson norms". In particular if the initial data are sufficiently small we show that the analytic solution is global. Before showing how to extend the existence region we describe the same result in the case of the Burger equation, which, even if much simpler, nevertheless requires analogous logical steps required for the general proof. Due to length of this work, in this paper we mainly concentrate on the definition of the gauge we use and on writing in a "geometric" way the Einstein equations, then we show how the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem is adapted to the characteristic problem for the Einstein equations and we describe how the existence region can be extended in the case of the Burger equation. Finally we describe the structure of the extension proof in the case of the Einstein equations. The technical parts of this last result is the content of a second paper.Comment: 68 page
Local and Global Analytic Solutions for a Class of Characteristic Problems of the Einstein Vacuum Equations in the "Double Null Foliation Gauge"
local and global analytic solutions for a class of characteristic problems of the einstein vacuum equations in the "double null foliation gauge"
goal analytic einstein cauchy kowalevski intrinsic hyperbolicity einstein equations. geometric writing einstein cone foliation spacetime. analytic validity apriori weyl robinson norms sufficiently analytic global. extend burger simpler nevertheless analogous logical proof. concentrate writing geometric einstein cauchy kowalevski adapted einstein burger equation. einstein equations.
The conventional approach to the infrared problem in perturbative quantum electrodynamics relies on the concept of inclusive collision cross-sections. A non-perturbative variant of this notion was introduced in algebraic quantum field theory. Relying on these insights, we take first steps towards a non-perturbative construction of inclusive collision cross-sections in the massless Nelson model. We show that our proposal is consistent with the standard scattering theory in the absence of the infrared problem and discuss its status in the infrared-singular case.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX. As appeared in Ann. Henri Poincar\'
Towards a construction of inclusive collision cross-sections in the massless Nelson model
towards a construction of inclusive collision cross-sections in the massless nelson model
infrared perturbative electrodynamics relies inclusive collision sections. perturbative variant notion algebraic theory. relying insights perturbative inclusive collision massless nelson model. proposal infrared infrared singular pages latex. appeared ann. henri poincar
We propose a spectral curve describing torus knots and links in the B-model. In particular, the application of the topological recursion to this curve generates all their colored HOMFLY invariants. The curve is obtained by exploiting the full Sl(2, Z) symmetry of the spectral curve of the resolved conifold, and should be regarded as the mirror of the topological D-brane associated to torus knots in the large N Gopakumar-Vafa duality. Moreover, we derive the curve as the large N limit of the matrix model computing torus knot invariants.Comment: 30 pages + appendix, 3 figure
Torus knots and mirror symmetry
torus knots and mirror symmetry
propose describing torus knots links model. topological recursion generates colored homfly invariants. exploiting resolved conifold regarded mirror topological brane torus knots gopakumar vafa duality. derive torus knot pages
In a previous paper, we presented a matrix model reproducing the topological string partition function on an arbitrary given toric Calabi-Yau manifold. Here, we study the spectral curve of our matrix model and thus derive, upon imposing certain minimality assumptions on the spectral curve, the large volume limit of the BKMP "remodeling the B-model" conjecture, the claim that Gromov-Witten invariants of any toric Calabi-Yau 3-fold coincide with the spectral invariants of its mirror curve.Comment: 1+37 page
A matrix model for the topological string II: The spectral curve and mirror geometry
a matrix model for the topological string ii: the spectral curve and mirror geometry
reproducing topological partition toric calabi manifold. derive imposing minimality assumptions bkmp remodeling conjecture claim gromov witten invariants toric calabi coincide invariants mirror
Self-adjoint Schrödinger operators with δ and δ′-potentials supported on a smooth compact hypersurface are defined explicitly via boundary conditions. The spectral properties of these operators are investigated, regularity results on the functions in their domains are obtained, and analogues of the Birman–Schwinger principle and a variant of Krein’s formula are shown. Furthermore, Schatten–von Neumann type estimates for the differences of the powers of the resolvents of the Schrödinger operators with δ and δ′-potentials, and the Schrödinger operator without a singular interaction are proved. An immediate consequence of these estimates is the existence and completeness of the wave operators of the corresponding scattering systems, as well as the unitary equivalence of the absolutely continuous parts of the singularly perturbed and unperturbed Schrödinger operators. In the proofs of our main theorems we make use of abstract methods from extension theory of symmetric operators, some algebraic considerations and results on elliptic regularity
Schrödinger operators with δ and δ′-potentials supported on hypersurfaces
schrödinger operators with δ and δ′-potentials supported on hypersurfaces
adjoint schrödinger potentials hypersurface explicitly conditions. regularity analogues birman–schwinger variant krein’s shown. schatten–von neumann powers resolvents schrödinger potentials schrödinger singular proved. immediate completeness unitary equivalence absolutely singularly perturbed unperturbed schrödinger operators. proofs theorems algebraic considerations elliptic regularity
Noncommutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants for abelian orbifold singularities can be studied via the enumeration of instanton solutions in a six-dimensional noncommutative {Mathematical expression} gauge theory; this construction is based on the generalized McKay correspondence and identifies the instanton counting with the counting of framed representations of a quiver which is naturally associated with the geometry of the singularity. We extend these constructions to compute BPS partition functions for higher-rank refined and motivic noncommutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants in the Coulomb branch in terms of gauge theory variables and orbifold data. We introduce the notion of virtual instanton quiver associated with the natural symplectic charge lattice which governs the quantum wall-crossing behaviour of BPS states in this context. The McKay correspondence naturally connects our formalism with other approaches to wall-crossing based on quantum monodromy operators and cluster algebras
Instanton Counting and Wall-Crossing for Orbifold Quivers
instanton counting and wall-crossing for orbifold quivers
noncommutative donaldson thomas invariants abelian orbifold singularities enumeration instanton noncommutative mathematical mckay correspondence identifies instanton counting counting framed representations quiver naturally singularity. extend constructions partition refined motivic noncommutative donaldson thomas invariants coulomb branch orbifold data. notion virtual instanton quiver symplectic governs crossing context. mckay correspondence naturally connects formalism crossing monodromy algebras
Let (M,g) be a n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold. We consider the magnetic deformations of semiclassical Schrodinger operators on M for a family of magnetic potentials that depends smoothly on $k$ parameters $u$, for $k \geq n$, and satisfies a generic admissibility condition. Define the deformed Schrodinger eigenfunctions to be the $u$-parametrized semiclassical family of functions on M that is equal to the unitary magnetic Schrodinger propagator applied to the Schrodinger eigenfunctions. The main result of this article states that the $L^2$ norms in $u$ of the deformed Schrodinger eigenfunctions are bounded above and below by constants, uniformly on $M$ and in $\hbar$. In particular, the result shows that this non-random perturbation "kills" the blow-up of eigenfunctions. We give, as applications, an eigenfunction restriction bound and a quantum ergodicity result.Comment: To appear in Annales Henri Poincar\'e. 23 pages. Background information on semiclassical wavefronts and eigenfunction concentration has been added. Some notational changes made as well. Further changes made were suggested by the refere
Averaged Pointwise Bounds for Deformations of Schrodinger Eigenfunctions
averaged pointwise bounds for deformations of schrodinger eigenfunctions
riemannian manifold. deformations semiclassical schrodinger potentials smoothly satisfies generic admissibility condition. deformed schrodinger eigenfunctions parametrized semiclassical unitary schrodinger propagator schrodinger eigenfunctions. norms deformed schrodinger eigenfunctions uniformly hbar perturbation kills blow eigenfunctions. eigenfunction restriction ergodicity annales henri poincar pages. semiclassical wavefronts eigenfunction added. notational well. refere
We construct time-dependent wave operators for Schr\"{o}dinger equations with long-range potentials on a manifold $M$ with asymptotically conic structure. We use the two space scattering theory formalism, and a reference operator on a space of the form $\mathbb{R} \times \partial M$, where $\partial M$ is the boundary of $M$ at infinity. We construct exact solutions to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation on the reference system $\mathbb{R} \times \partial M$, and prove the existence of the modified wave operators.Comment: 27 page
Existence of wave operators with time-dependent modifiers for the Sch\"odinger equations with long-range potentials on scattering manifolds
existence of wave operators with time-dependent modifiers for the sch\"odinger equations with long-range potentials on scattering manifolds
schr dinger potentials manifold asymptotically conic structure. formalism mathbb infinity. hamilton jacobi mathbb
Using the methods developed for the Bianchi I case we have shown that a boostrap argument is also suitable to treat the future non-linear stability for reflection symmetric solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system of Bianchi types II and VI$_0$. These solutions are asymptotic to the Collins-Stewart solution with dust and the Ellis-MacCallum solution respectively. We have thus generalized the results obtained by Rendall and Uggla in the case of locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi II spacetimes to the reflection symmetric case. However we needed to assume small data. For Bianchi VI$_0$ there is no analogous previous result.Comment: 30 page
Future non-linear stability for reflection symmetric solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system of Bianchi types II and VI$_0$
future non-linear stability for reflection symmetric solutions of the einstein-vlasov system of bianchi types ii and vi$_0$
bianchi boostrap argument treat reflection einstein vlasov bianchi asymptotic collins stewart ellis maccallum respectively. rendall uggla locally rotationally bianchi spacetimes reflection case. data. bianchi analogous
We analyze general enough models of repeated indirect measurements in which a quantum system interacts repeatedly with randomly chosen probes on which Von Neumann direct measurements are performed. We prove, under suitable hypotheses, that the system state probability distribution converges after a large number of repeated indirect measurements, in a way compatible with quantum wave function collapse. Similarly a modified version of the system density matrix converges. We show that the convergence is exponential with a rate given by some relevant mean relative entropies. We also prove that, under appropriate rescaling of the system and probe interactions, the state probability distribution and the system density matrix are solutions of stochastic differential equations modeling continuous-time quantum measurements. We analyze the large time convergence of these continuous-time processes and prove convergence.Comment: 44 pages, no figur
Repeated quantum non-demolition measurements: convergence and continuous-time limit
repeated quantum non-demolition measurements: convergence and continuous-time limit
analyze repeated indirect interacts repeatedly randomly probes neumann performed. hypotheses converges repeated indirect compatible collapse. converges. exponential entropies. rescaling stochastic measurements. analyze pages figur
International audienceIn this paper we consider a variational problem related to a model for a nucleon interacting with the $\omega$ and $\sigma$ mesons in the atomic nucleus. The model is relativistic, and we study it in a nuclear physics nonrelativistic limit, which is of a very different nature than the nonrelativistic limit in the atomic physics. Ground states are shown to exist for a large class of values for the parameters of the problem, which are determined by the values of some physical constants
Ground States for a Stationary Mean-Field Model for a Nucleon
ground states for a stationary mean-field model for a nucleon
audiencein variational nucleon interacting omega sigma mesons nucleus. relativistic nonrelativistic nonrelativistic physics.
We show how to approximate Dirac dynamics for electronic initial states by semi- and non-relativistic dynamics. To leading order, these are generated by the semi- and non-relativistic Pauli hamiltonian where the kinetic energy is related to $\sqrt{m^2 + \xi^2}$ and $\xi^2 / 2m$, respectively. Higher-order corrections can in principle be computed to any order in the small parameter v/c which is the ratio of typical speeds to the speed of light. Our results imply the dynamics for electronic and positronic states decouple to any order in v/c << 1. To decide whether to get semi- or non-relativistic effective dynamics, one needs to choose a scaling for the kinetic momentum operator. Then the effective dynamics are derived using space-adiabatic perturbation theory by Panati et. al with the novel input of a magnetic pseudodifferential calculus adapted to either the semi- or non-relativistic scaling.Comment: 42 page
Semi- and Non-relativistic Limit of the Dirac Dynamics with External Fields
semi- and non-relativistic limit of the dirac dynamics with external fields
approximate dirac relativistic dynamics. relativistic pauli sqrt respectively. speeds light. imply positronic decouple decide relativistic operator. adiabatic perturbation panati pseudodifferential calculus adapted relativistic
We study driven systems with possible population inversion and we give optimal bounds on the relative occupations in terms of released heat. A precise meaning to Landauer's blowtorch theorem (1975) is obtained stating that nonequilibrium occupations are essentially modified by kinetic effects. Towards very low temperatures we apply a Freidlin-Wentzel type analysis for continuous time Markov jump processes. It leads to a definition of dominant states in terms of both heat and escape rates.Comment: 11 pages; v2: minor changes, 1 reference adde
Heat bounds and the blowtorch theorem
heat bounds and the blowtorch theorem
inversion bounds occupations released heat. precise meaning landauer blowtorch stating nonequilibrium occupations essentially effects. freidlin wentzel markov jump processes. escape pages minor adde
In the framework of non-relativistic QED, we show that the renormalized mass of the electron (after having taken into account radiative corrections) appears as the kinematic mass in its response to an external potential force. Specifically, we study the dynamics of an electron in a slowly varying external potential and with slowly varying initial conditions and prove that, for a long time, it is accurately described by an associated effective dynamics of a Schr\"odinger electron in the same external potential and for the same initial data, with a kinetic energy operator determined by the renormalized dispersion law of the translation-invariant QED model.Comment: 22 pages, AMS Late
Effective dynamics of an electron coupled to an external potential in non-relativistic QED
effective dynamics of an electron coupled to an external potential in non-relativistic qed
relativistic renormalized radiative kinematic force. slowly slowly accurately schr odinger renormalized translation pages
In this article, I study the diffusive behavior for a quantum test particle interacting with a dilute background gas. The model I begin with is a reduced picture for the test particle dynamics given by a quantum linear Boltzmann equation in which the gas particle scattering is assumed to occur through a hard-sphere interaction. The state of the particle is represented by a density matrix that evolves according to a translation-covariant Lindblad equation. The main result is a proof that the particle's position distribution converges to a Gaussian under diffusive rescaling.Comment: 51 pages. I have restructured Sections 2-4 from the previous version and corrected an error in the proof of Proposition 7.
Diffusive limit for a quantum linear Boltzmann dynamics
diffusive limit for a quantum linear boltzmann dynamics
diffusive interacting dilute gas. begin picture boltzmann sphere interaction. evolves translation covariant lindblad equation. converges diffusive pages. restructured corrected
The Eynard-Orantin topological recursion relies on the geometry of a Riemann surface S and two meromorphic functions x and y on S. To formulate the recursion, one must assume that x has only simple ramification points. In this paper we propose a generalized topological recursion that is valid for x with arbitrary ramification. We justify our proposal by studying degenerations of Riemann surfaces. We check in various examples that our generalized recursion is compatible with invariance of the free energies under the transformation (x,y) -> (y,x), where either x or y (or both) have higher order ramification, and that it satisfies some of the most important properties of the original recursion. Along the way, we show that invariance under (x,y) -> (y,x) is in fact more subtle than expected; we show that there exists a number of counter examples, already in the case of the original Eynard-Orantin recursion, that deserve further study.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure
A generalized topological recursion for arbitrary ramification
a generalized topological recursion for arbitrary ramification
eynard orantin topological recursion relies riemann meromorphic formulate recursion ramification points. propose topological recursion valid ramification. justify proposal studying degenerations riemann surfaces. check recursion compatible invariance ramification satisfies recursion. invariance subtle counter eynard orantin recursion deserve pages
We develop a general framework for the quantization of bosonic and fermionic field theories on affine bundles over arbitrary globally hyperbolic spacetimes. All concepts and results are formulated using the language of category theory, which allows us to prove that these models satisfy the principle of general local covariance. Our analysis is a preparatory step towards a full-fledged quantization scheme for the Maxwell field, which emphasises the affine bundle structure of the bundle of principal U(1)-connections. As a by-product, our construction provides a new class of exactly tractable locally covariant quantum field theories, which are a mild generalization of the linear ones. We also show the existence of a functorial assignment of linear quantum field theories to affine ones. The identification of suitable algebra homomorphisms enables us to induce whole families of physical states (satisfying the microlocal spectrum condition) for affine quantum field theories by pulling back quasi-free Hadamard states of the underlying linear theories.Comment: 34 pages, no figures; v2: 35 pages, compatible with version to be published in Annales Henri Poincar
Quantum field theory on affine bundles
quantum field theory on affine bundles
quantization bosonic fermionic affine bundles globally hyperbolic spacetimes. concepts formulated satisfy covariance. preparatory fledged quantization maxwell emphasises affine bundle bundle principal connections. tractable locally covariant mild generalization ones. functorial assignment affine ones. homomorphisms enables induce families satisfying microlocal affine pulling quasi hadamard pages pages compatible annales henri poincar
We consider a general class of random matrices whose entries are centred random variables, independent up to a symmetry constraint. We establish precise high-probability bounds on the averages of arbitrary monomials in the resolvent matrix entries. Our results generalize the previous results of [5,16,17] which constituted a key step in the proof of the local semicircle law with optimal error bound in mean-field random matrix models. Our bounds apply to random band matrices, and improve previous estimates from order 2 to order 4 in the cases relevant for applications. In particular, they lead to a proof of the diffusion approximation for the magnitude of the resolvent of random band matrices. This, in turn, implies new delocalization bounds on the eigenvectors. The applications are presented in a separate paper [3]
Averaging Fluctuations in Resolvents of Random Band Matrices
averaging fluctuations in resolvents of random band matrices
entries centred constraint. establish precise bounds averages monomials resolvent entries. generalize constituted semicircle models. bounds applications. resolvent matrices. delocalization bounds eigenvectors.
We show how general principles of symmetry in quantum mechanics lead to twisted notions of a group representation. This framework generalizes both the classical 3-fold way of real/complex/quaternionic representations as well as a corresponding 10-fold way which has appeared in condensed matter and nuclear physics. We establish a foundation for discussing continuous families of quantum systems. Having done so, topological phases of quantum systems can be defined as deformation classes of continuous families of gapped Hamiltonians. For free particles there is an additional algebraic structure on the deformation classes leading naturally to notions of twisted equivariant K-theory. In systems with a lattice of translational symmetries we show that there is a canonical twisting of the equivariant K-theory of the Brillouin torus. We give precise mathematical definitions of two invariants of the topological phases which have played an important role in the study of topological insulators. Twisted equivariant K-theory provides a finer classification of topological insulators than has been previously available.Comment: 93 pages, 1 figure; v2 has minor corrections and clarifications for publication in AH
Twisted equivariant matter
twisted equivariant matter
principles mechanics twisted notions representation. generalizes quaternionic representations appeared condensed physics. establish foundation discussing families systems. topological deformation families gapped hamiltonians. algebraic deformation naturally notions twisted equivariant theory. translational symmetries canonical twisting equivariant brillouin torus. precise mathematical definitions invariants topological played topological insulators. twisted equivariant finer topological insulators pages minor clarifications publication
In this paper, we extend the work in \cite{D}\cite{ChrusLiWe}\cite{ChrusCo}\cite{Co}. We weaken the asymptotic conditions on the second fundamental form, and we also give an $L^{6}-$norm bound for the difference between general data and Extreme Kerr data or Extreme Kerr-Newman data by proving convexity of the renormalized Dirichlet energy when the target has non-positive curvature. In particular, we give the first proof of the strict mass/angular momentum/charge inequality for axisymmetric Einstein/Maxwell data which is not identical with the extreme Kerr-Newman solution.Comment: 27 page
Convexity of reduced energy and mass angular momentum inequalities
convexity of reduced energy and mass angular momentum inequalities
extend cite cite chrusliwe cite chrusco cite weaken asymptotic norm extreme kerr extreme kerr newman proving convexity renormalized dirichlet curvature. strict inequality axisymmetric einstein maxwell extreme kerr newman
We study the level spacing distribution for the spectrum of a point scatterer on a flat torus. In the 2-dimensional case, we show that in the weak coupling regime the eigenvalue spacing distribution coincides with that of the spectrum of the Laplacian (ignoring multiplicties), by showing that the perturbed eigenvalues generically clump with the unperturbed ones on the scale of the mean level spacing. We also study the three dimensional case, where the situation is very different.Comment: 25 page
On the eigenvalue spacing distribution for a point scatterer on the flat torus
on the eigenvalue spacing distribution for a point scatterer on the flat torus
spacing scatterer torus. eigenvalue spacing coincides laplacian ignoring multiplicties perturbed eigenvalues generically clump unperturbed spacing.
In this paper we consider lattice systems coupled by local interactions. We prove invariant manifold theorems for whiskered tori (we recall that whiskered tori are quasi-periodic solutions with exponentially contracting and expanding directions in the linearized system). The invariant manifolds we construct generalize the usual (strong) (un) stable manifolds and allow us to consider also non-resonant manifolds. We show that if the whiskered tori are localized near a collection of specific sites, then so are the invariant manifolds. We recall that the existence of localized whiskered tori has recently been proven for symplectic maps and flows in Fontich et. al. (submitted), but our results do not need that the systems are symplectic. For simplicity we will present first the main results for maps, but we will show tha the result for maps imply the results for flows. It is also true that the results for flows can be proved directly following the same ideas.Comment: This version corrects a bibliographical typo that appears in the version published in Annales Henri Poincare: Reference [FdlLS12] was wrongly listed by the publisher as "submitted to Jour. Diff. Equ." in the published version. Reference [FdlLS12] has not been submitted to Jour. Diff. Eq
Localized Stable Manifolds for Whiskered Tori in Coupled Map Lattices with Decaying Interaction
localized stable manifolds for whiskered tori in coupled map lattices with decaying interaction
interactions. manifold theorems whiskered tori whiskered tori quasi exponentially contracting expanding directions linearized manifolds generalize usual manifolds resonant manifolds. whiskered tori localized manifolds. localized whiskered tori proven symplectic flows fontich submitted symplectic. simplicity imply flows. flows proved corrects bibliographical typo annales henri poincare fdlls wrongly listed publisher submitted jour. diff. equ. version. fdlls submitted jour. diff.
We derive explicit formulas for the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the elliptic Calogero-Sutherland model as infinite series, to all orders and for arbitrary particle numbers and coupling parameters. The eigenfunctions obtained provide an elliptic deformation of the Jack polynomials. We prove in certain special cases that these series have a finite radius of convergence in the nome $q$ of the elliptic functions, including the two particle (= Lam\'e) case for non-integer coupling parameters.Comment: v1: 17 pages. The solution is given as series in q but only to low order. v2: 30 pages. Results significantly extended. v3: 35 pages. Paper completely revised: the results of v1 and v2 are extended to all order
Explicit solution of the (quantum) elliptic Calogero-Sutherland model
explicit solution of the (quantum) elliptic calogero-sutherland model
derive formulas eigenfunctions eigenvalues elliptic calogero sutherland infinite orders parameters. eigenfunctions elliptic deformation jack polynomials. nome elliptic integer pages. order. pages. extended. pages. revised
We study worldsheet conformal invariance for bosonic string propagating in a curved background using the hamiltonian formalism. In order to formulate the problem in a background independent manner we first rewrite the worldsheet theory in a language where it describes a single particle moving in an infinite-dimensional curved spacetime. This language is developed at a formal level without regularizing the infinite-dimensional traces. Then we adopt DeWitt's (Phys.Rev.85:653-661,1952) coordinate independent formulation of quantum mechanics in the present context. Given the expressions for the classical Virasoro generators, this procedure enables us to define the coordinate invariant quantum analogues which we call DeWitt-Virasoro generators. This framework also enables us to calculate the invariant matrix elements of an arbitrary operator constructed out of the DeWitt-Virasoro generators between two arbitrary scalar states. Using these tools we further calculate the DeWitt-Virasoro algebra in spin-zero representation. The result is given by the Witt algebra with additional anomalous terms that vanish for Ricci-flat backgrounds. Further analysis need to be performed in order to precisely relate this with the beta function computation of Friedan and others. Finally, we explain how this analysis improves the understanding of showing conformal invariance for certain pp-wave that has been recently discussed using hamiltonian framework.Comment: 32 pages, some reorganization for more elaborate explanation, no change in conclusio
On a coordinate independent description of string worldsheet theory
on a coordinate independent description of string worldsheet theory
worldsheet conformal invariance bosonic propagating curved formalism. formulate manner rewrite worldsheet describes moving infinite curved spacetime. formal regularizing infinite traces. adopt dewitt phys.rev. coordinate formulation mechanics context. expressions virasoro generators enables coordinate analogues call dewitt virasoro generators. enables dewitt virasoro generators states. dewitt virasoro representation. witt anomalous vanish ricci backgrounds. precisely relate beta friedan others. improves conformal invariance pages reorganization elaborate explanation conclusio
We present a new rigorous approach based on Orlicz spaces for the description of the statistics of large regular statistical systems, both classical and quantum. The pair of Orlicz spaces we explicitly use are, respectively, built on the exponential function (for the description of regular observables) and on an entropic type function (for the corresponding states). They form a dual pair (both for classical and quantum systems). This pair has the advantage of being general enough to encompass regular observables, and specific enough for the latter Orlicz space to select states with a well-defined entropy function. Moreover for small quantum systems, this pair is shown to agree with the classical pairing of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space, and the trace-class operators.Grant Number N N202 208238; Foundation for Polish Science TEAM project cofinanced by the EU European Regional Development Fund for W.A. Majewski; National Research Foundation for L.E. Labuschagne
On applications of Orlicz spaces to statistical physics
on applications of orlicz spaces to statistical physics
rigorous orlicz quantum. orlicz explicitly built exponential observables entropic advantage encompass observables orlicz select function. agree pairing hilbert trace operators.grant foundation polish team cofinanced fund w.a. majewski foundation l.e. labuschagnehttp
In one and two spatial dimensions there is a logical possibility for identical quantum particles different from bosons and fermions, obeying intermediate or fractional (anyon) statistics. We consider applications of a recent Lieb-Thirring inequality for anyons in two dimensions, and derive new Lieb-Thirring inequalities for intermediate statistics in one dimension with implications for models of Lieb-Liniger and Calogero-Sutherland type. These inequalities follow from a local form of the exclusion principle valid for such generalized exchange statistics.Comment: Revised and accepted version. 49 pages, 2 figure
Local exclusion and Lieb-Thirring inequalities for intermediate and fractional statistics
local exclusion and lieb-thirring inequalities for intermediate and fractional statistics
logical bosons fermions obeying fractional anyon statistics. lieb thirring inequality anyons derive lieb thirring inequalities lieb liniger calogero sutherland type. inequalities exclusion valid revised version. pages
A class of curves with special conformal properties (conformal curves) is studied on the Reissner-Nordstr\"om spacetime. It is shown that initial data for the conformal curves can be prescribed so that the resulting congruence of curves extends smoothly to future and past null infinity. The formation of conjugate points on these congruences is examined. The results of this analysis are expected to be of relevance for the discussion of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om spacetime as a solution to the conformal field equations and for the global numerical evaluation of static black hole spacetimes.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figure
A class of conformal curves in the Reissner-Nordstr\"om spacetime
a class of conformal curves in the reissner-nordstr\"om spacetime
conformal conformal reissner nordstr spacetime. conformal prescribed congruence extends smoothly infinity. conjugate congruences examined. relevance reissner nordstr spacetime conformal pages
We study a functional on the boundary of a compact Riemannian 3-manifold of nonnegative scalar curvature. The functional arises as the second variation of the Wang-Yau quasi-local energy in general relativity. We prove that the functional is positive definite on large coordinate spheres, and more general on nearly round surfaces including large constant mean curvature spheres in asymptotically flat 3-manifolds with positive mass; it is also positive definite on small geodesics spheres, whose centers do not have vanishing curvature, in Riemannian 3-manifolds of nonnegative scalar curvature. We also give examples of functions H, which can be made arbitrarily close to the constant 2, on the standard sphere such that the boundary data consisting of the standard spherical metric and H has positive Brown-York mass while the associated functional is negative somewhere.Comment: 36 page
On second variation of Wang-Yau quasi-local energy
on second variation of wang-yau quasi-local energy
riemannian manifold nonnegative curvature. arises quasi relativity. definite coordinate spheres nearly round curvature spheres asymptotically manifolds definite geodesics spheres centers vanishing curvature riemannian manifolds nonnegative curvature. arbitrarily sphere consisting spherical brown
International audienceIn this article, we consider quantum crystals with defects in the reduced Hartree-Fock framework. The nuclei are supposed to be classical particles arranged around a reference periodic configuration. The perturbation is assumed to be small in amplitude, but need not be localized in a specific region of space or have any spatial invariance. Assuming Yukawa interactions, we prove the existence of an electronic ground state, solution of the self-consistent field equation. Next, by studying precisely the decay properties of this solution for local defects, we are able to expand the density of states of the nonlinear Hamiltonian of a system with a random perturbation of Anderson-Bernoulli type, in the limit of low concentration of defects. One important step in the proof of our results is the analysis of the dielectric response of the crystal to an effective charge perturbation
The Reduced Hartree-Fock Model for Short-Range Quantum Crystals with Nonlocal Defects
the reduced hartree-fock model for short-range quantum crystals with nonlocal defects
audiencein crystals defects hartree fock framework. nuclei supposed arranged configuration. perturbation localized invariance. yukawa equation. studying precisely defects expand perturbation anderson bernoulli defects. dielectric perturbation
We consider the Landau Hamiltonian perturbed by a long-range electric potential $V$. The spectrum of the perturbed operator consists of eigenvalue clusters which accumulate to the Landau levels. First, we obtain an estimate of the rate of the shrinking of these clusters to the Landau levels as the number of the cluster $q$ tends to infinity. Further, we assume that there exists an appropriate $\V$, homogeneous of order $-\rho$ with $\rho \in (0,1)$, such that $V(x) = \V(x) + O(|x|^{-\rho - \epsilon})$, $\epsilon > 0$, as $|x| \to \infty$, and investigate the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues within a given cluster, as $q \to \infty$. We obtain an explicit description of the asymptotic density of the eigenvalues in terms of the mean-value transform of $\V$.Comment: 27 pages, to appear in Ann. H Poincar\'
A Trace Formula for Long-Range Perturbations of the Landau Hamiltonian
a trace formula for long-range perturbations of the landau hamiltonian
landau perturbed perturbed eigenvalue accumulate landau levels. shrinking landau tends infinity. homogeneous epsilon epsilon infty asymptotic eigenvalues infty asymptotic eigenvalues transform .comment pages ann. poincar
We derive rigorously the leading asymptotics of the so-called Anderson integral in the thermodynamic limit for one-dimensional, non-relativistic, spin-less Fermi systems. The coefficient, $\gamma$, of the leading term is computed in terms of the S-matrix. This implies a lower and an upper bound on the exponent in Anderson's orthogonality catastrophe, $\tilde CN^{-\tilde\gamma}\leq \mathcal{D}_N\leq CN^{-\gamma}$ pertaining to the overlap, $\mathcal{D}_N$, of ground states of non-interacting fermions.Comment: 39 page
Anderson's Orthogonality Catastrophe for One-dimensional Systems
anderson's orthogonality catastrophe for one-dimensional systems
derive rigorously asymptotics anderson thermodynamic relativistic fermi systems. gamma matrix. exponent anderson orthogonality catastrophe tilde tilde gamma mathcal gamma pertaining overlap mathcal interacting
We define a double affine $Q$-dependent braid group. This group is constructed by appending to the braid group a set of operators $Q_i$, before extending it to an affine $Q$-dependent braid group. We show specifically that the elliptic braid group and the double affine Hecke algebra (DAHA) can be obtained as quotient groups. Complementing this we present a pictorial representation of the double affine $Q$-dependent braid group based on ribbons living in a toroid. We show that in this pictorial representation we can fully describe any DAHA. Specifically, we graphically describe the parameter $q$ upon which this algebra is dependent and show that in this particular representation $q$ corresponds to a twist in the ribbon
Graphical Calculus for the Double Affine Q-Dependent Braid Group
graphical calculus for the double affine q-dependent braid group
affine braid group. appending braid extending affine braid group. elliptic braid affine hecke daha quotient groups. complementing pictorial affine braid ribbons living toroid. pictorial daha. graphically twist ribbon
We show how to relate the full quantum dynamics of a spin-1/2 particle on R^d to a classical Hamiltonian dynamics on the enlarged phase space R^d x S^2 up to errors of second order in the semiclassical parameter. This is done via an Egorov-type theorem for normal Wigner-Weyl calculus for R^d [Lei10,Fol89] combined with the Stratonovich-Weyl calculus for SU(2) [VGB89]. For a specific class of Hamiltonians, including the Rabi- and Jaynes-Cummings model, we prove an Egorov theorem for times much longer than the semiclassical time scale. We illustrate the approach for a simple model of the Stern-Gerlach experiment.Comment: 24 page
Semiclassics for particles with spin via a Wigner-Weyl-type calculus
semiclassics for particles with spin via a wigner-weyl-type calculus
relate enlarged semiclassical parameter. egorov wigner weyl calculus stratonovich weyl calculus hamiltonians rabi jaynes cummings egorov semiclassical scale. illustrate stern gerlach
The Penrose inequality in Minkowski is a geometric inequality relating the total outer null expansion and the area of closed, connected and spacelike codimension-two surfaces S in the Minkowski spacetime, subject to an additional convexity assumption. In a recent paper, Brendle and Wang find a sufficient condition for the validity of this Penrose inequality in terms of the geometry of the orthogonal projection of S onto a constant time hyperplane. In this work, we study the geometry of hypersurfaces in n-dimensional euclidean space which are normal graphs over other surfaces and relate the intrinsic and extrinsic geometry of the graph with that of the base hypersurface. These results are used to rewrite Brendle and Wang's condition explicitly in terms of the time height function of S over a hyperplane and the geometry of the projection of S along its past null cone onto this hyperplane. We also include, in an Appendix, a self-contained summary of known and new results on the geometry of projections along the Killing direction of codimension two-spacelike surfaces in a strictly static spacetime.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, Late
Geometry of normal graphs in Euclidean space and applications to the Penrose inequality in Minkowski
geometry of normal graphs in euclidean space and applications to the penrose inequality in minkowski
penrose inequality minkowski geometric inequality relating outer spacelike codimension minkowski spacetime convexity assumption. brendle validity penrose inequality orthogonal projection hyperplane. hypersurfaces euclidean relate intrinsic extrinsic hypersurface. rewrite brendle explicitly hyperplane projection cone hyperplane. projections killing codimension spacelike strictly pages
28 pagesInternational audienceThe interplay among the spectrum, geometry and magnetic field in tubular neighbourhoods of curves in Euclidean spaces is investigated in the limit when the cross section shrinks to a point. Proving a norm resolvent convergence, we derive effective, lower-dimensional models which depend on the intensity of the magnetic field and curvatures. The results are used to establish complete asymptotic expansions for eigenvalues. Spectral stability properties based on Hardy-type inequalities induced by magnetic fields are also analysed
Magnetic effects in curved quantum waveguides
magnetic effects in curved quantum waveguides
pagesinternational audiencethe interplay tubular neighbourhoods euclidean shrinks point. proving norm resolvent derive curvatures. establish asymptotic expansions eigenvalues. hardy inequalities analysed
We consider homogeneous Bose gas in a large cubic box with periodic boundary conditions, at zero temperature. We analyze its excitation spectrum in a certain kind of a mean field infinite volume limit. We prove that under appropriate conditions the excitation spectrum has the form predicted by the Bogoliubov approximation. Our result can be viewed as an extension of the result of R. Seiringer (arXiv:1008.5349 [math-ph]) to large volumes.Comment: Revised and extended version. 26 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Annales Henri Poincar\'
Excitation spectrum of interacting bosons in the mean-field infinite-volume limit
excitation spectrum of interacting bosons in the mean-field infinite-volume limit
homogeneous bose cubic temperature. analyze kind infinite limit. bogoliubov approximation. viewed seiringer math revised version. pages figures. annales henri poincar
The scaling and mass expansion (shortly 'sm-expansion') is a new axiom for causal perturbation theory, which is a stronger version of a frequently used renormalization condition in terms of Steinmann's scaling degree. If one quantizes the underlying free theory by using a Hadamard function (which is smooth in $m\geq 0$), one can reduce renormalization of a massive model to the extension of a minimal set of mass-independent, almost homogeneously scaling distributions by a Taylor expansion in the mass $m$. The sm-expansion is a generalization of this Taylor expansion, which yields this crucial simplification of the renormalization of massive models also for the case that one quantizes with the Wightman two-point function, which contains a $\log(-(m^2(x^2-ix^0 0))$-term. We construct the general solution of the new system of axioms (i.e. the usual axioms of causal perturbation theory completed by the sm-expansion), and illustrate the method for a divergent diagram which contains a divergent subdiagram.Comment: v2: some explanations added; 26 pages; version to appear in Ann. Henri Poincar
The scaling and mass expansion
the scaling and mass expansion
shortly axiom causal perturbation stronger frequently renormalization steinmann degree. quantizes hadamard renormalization massive homogeneously taylor generalization taylor crucial simplification renormalization massive quantizes wightman term. axioms i.e. usual axioms causal perturbation completed illustrate divergent divergent explanations pages ann. henri poincar
We construct an extensive adiabatic invariant for a Klein-Gordon chain in the thermodynamic limit. In particular, given a fixed and sufficiently small value of the coupling constant $a$, the evolution of the adiabatic invariant is controlled up to times scaling as $\beta^{1/\sqrt{a}}$ for any large enough value of the inverse temperature $\beta$. The time scale becomes a stretched exponential if the coupling constant is allowed to vanish jointly with the specific energy. The adiabatic invariance is exhibited by showing that the variance along the dynamics, i.e. calculated with respect to time averages, is much smaller than the corresponding variance over the whole phase space, i.e. calculated with the Gibbs measure, for a set of initial data of large measure. All the perturbative constructions and the subsequent estimates are consistent with the extensive nature of the system.Comment: 60 pages. Minor corrections with respect to the first version. To appear in Annales Henri Poincar\'
An extensive adiabatic invariant for the Klein-Gordon model in the thermodynamic limit
an extensive adiabatic invariant for the klein-gordon model in the thermodynamic limit
extensive adiabatic klein gordon thermodynamic limit. sufficiently adiabatic beta sqrt beta stretched exponential vanish jointly energy. adiabatic invariance exhibited i.e. averages i.e. gibbs measure. perturbative constructions extensive pages. minor version. annales henri poincar
Our previous constructions of Borchers triples are extended to massless scattering with nontrivial left and right components. A massless Borchers triple is constructed from a set of left-left, right-right and left-right scattering functions. We find a correspondence between massless left-right scattering S-matrices and massive block diagonal S-matrices. We point out a simple class of S-matrices with examples. We study also the restriction of two-dimensional models to the lightray. Several arguments for constructing strictly local two-dimensional nets are presented and possible scenarios are discussed.Comment: 42 pages, 1 Tikz figure. The final version is available under Open Access. An erratum concerning Definition 3.4(4) of the right-mixed Yang-Baxter equation is available at . This arXiv version contains the corrected definitions and proposition
Integrable QFT and Longo-Witten endomorphisms
integrable qft and longo-witten endomorphisms
constructions borchers triples massless nontrivial components. massless borchers triple functions. correspondence massless massive diagonal matrices. examples. restriction lightray. arguments constructing strictly nets scenarios pages tikz figure. access. erratum concerning baxter corrected definitions
From quantum mechanical first principles only, we rigorously study the time-evolution of a $N$-level atom (impurity) interacting with an external monochromatic light source within an infinite system of free electrons at thermal equilibrium (reservoir). In particular, we establish the relation between the full dynamics of the compound system and the effective dynamics for the $N$-level atom, which is studied in detail in [Bru-de Siqueira Pedra-Westrich, Annales Henri Poincar\'e, 13(6):1305-1370, 2012]. Together with [Bru-de Siqueira Pedra-Westrich, Annales Henri Poincar\'e, 13(6):1305-1370, 2012] the present paper yields a purely microscopic theory of optical pumping in laser physics. The model we consider is general enough to describe gauge invariant atom-reservoir interactions
Characterization of the Quasi-Stationary State of an Impurity Driven by Monochromatic Light II - Microscopic Foundations
characterization of the quasi-stationary state of an impurity driven by monochromatic light ii - microscopic foundations
principles rigorously atom impurity interacting monochromatic infinite reservoir establish compound atom siqueira pedra westrich annales henri poincar siqueira pedra westrich annales henri poincar purely microscopic pumping physics. atom reservoir
We study zero modes of Laplacians on compact and non-compact metric graphs with general self-adjoint vertex conditions. In the first part of the paper the number of zero modes is expressed in terms of the trace of a unitary matrix $\mathfrak{S}$ that encodes the vertex conditions imposed on functions in the domain of the Laplacian. In the second part a Dirac operator is defined whose square is related to the Laplacian. In order to accommodate Laplacians with negative eigenvalues it is necessary to define the Dirac operator on a suitable Kre\u{\i}n space. We demonstrate that an arbitrary, self-adjoint quantum graph Laplacian admits a factorisation into momentum-like operators in a Kre\u{\i}n-space setting. As a consequence, we establish an index theorem for the associated Dirac operator and prove that the zero-mode contribution in the trace formula for the Laplacian can be expressed in terms of the index of the Dirac operator
Zero modes of quantum graph Laplacians and an index theorem
zero modes of quantum graph laplacians and an index theorem
laplacians adjoint conditions. trace unitary mathfrak encodes imposed laplacian. dirac laplacian. accommodate laplacians eigenvalues dirac space. adjoint laplacian admits factorisation setting. establish dirac trace laplacian dirac
We consider general cyclic representations of the 6-vertex Yang-Baxter algebra and analyze the associated quantum integrable systems, the Bazhanov-Stroganov model and the corresponding chiral Potts model on finite size lattices. We first determine the propagator operator in terms of the chiral Potts transfer matrices and we compute the scalar product of separate states (including the transfer matrix eigenstates) as a single determinant formulae in the framework of Sklyanin's quantum separation of variables. Then, we solve the quantum inverse problem and reconstruct the local operators in terms of the separate variables. We also determine a basis of operators whose form factors are characterized by a single determinant formulae. This implies that the form factors of any local operator are expressed as finite sums of determinants. Among these form factors written in determinant form are in particular those which will reproduce the chiral Potts order parameters in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 45 page
On the form factors of local operators in the Bazhanov-Stroganov and chiral Potts models
on the form factors of local operators in the bazhanov-stroganov and chiral potts models
cyclic representations baxter analyze integrable bazhanov stroganov chiral potts lattices. propagator chiral potts eigenstates determinant formulae sklyanin variables. solve reconstruct variables. determinant formulae. sums determinants. determinant reproduce chiral potts thermodynamic
We give a complete framework for the Gupta-Bleuler quantization of the free electromagnetic field on globally hyperbolic space-times. We describe one-particle structures that give rise to states satisfying the microlocal spectrum condition. The field algebras in the so-called Gupta-Bleuler representations satisfy the time-slice axiom, and the corresponding vacuum states satisfy the microlocal spectrum condition. We also give an explicit construction of ground states on ultrastatic space-times. Unlike previous constructions, our method does not require a spectral gap or the absence of zero modes. The only requirement, the absence of zero-resonance states, is shown to be stable under compact perturbations of topology and metric. Usual deformation arguments based on the time-slice axiom then lead to a construction of Gupta-Bleuler representations on a large class of globally hyperbolic space-times. As usual, the field algebra is represented on an indefinite inner product space, in which the physical states form a positive semi-definite subspace. Gauge transformations are incorporated in such a way that the field can be coupled perturbatively to a Dirac field. Our approach does not require any topological restrictions on the underlying space-time.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, statement of Proposition 5.1 correcte
Gupta-Bleuler Quantization of the Maxwell Field in Globally Hyperbolic Space-Times
gupta-bleuler quantization of the maxwell field in globally hyperbolic space-times
gupta bleuler quantization electromagnetic globally hyperbolic times. satisfying microlocal condition. algebras gupta bleuler representations satisfy slice axiom satisfy microlocal condition. ultrastatic times. unlike constructions modes. requirement perturbations topology metric. usual deformation arguments slice axiom gupta bleuler representations globally hyperbolic times. usual indefinite definite subspace. transformations incorporated perturbatively dirac field. topological restrictions pages latex statement correcte
Random operators may acquire extended states formed from a multitude of mutually resonating local quasi-modes. This mechanics is explored here in the context of the random Schr\"odinger operator on the complete graph. The operators exhibits local quasi modes mixed through a single channel. While most of its spectrum consists of localized eigenfunctions, under appropriate conditions it includes also bands of states which are delocalized in the $\ell^1$-though not in $\ell^2$-sense, where the eigenvalues have the statistics of \v{S}eba spectra. The analysis proceeds through some general observations on the scaling limits of random functions in the Herglotz-Pick class. The results are in agreement with a heuristic condition for the emergence of resonant delocalization, which is stated in terms of the tunneling amplitude among quasi-modes
Resonances and Partial Delocalization on the Complete Graph
resonances and partial delocalization on the complete graph
acquire multitude mutually resonating quasi modes. mechanics explored schr odinger graph. exhibits quasi channel. localized eigenfunctions delocalized eigenvalues spectra. proceeds herglotz pick class. heuristic emergence resonant delocalization stated tunneling quasi
We provide a detailed analysis of the classical and quantized theory of a multiplet of inhomogeneous Klein-Gordon fields, which couple to the spacetime metric and also to an external source term; thus the solutions form an affine space. Following the formulation of affine field theories in terms of presymplectic vector spaces as proposed in [Annales Henri Poincare 15, 171 (2014)], we determine the relative Cauchy evolution induced by metric as well as source term perturbations and compute the automorphism group of natural isomorphisms of the presymplectic vector space functor. Two pathological features of this formulation are revealed: the automorphism group contains elements that cannot be interpreted as global gauge transformations of the theory; moreover, the presymplectic formulation does not respect a natural requirement on composition of subsystems. We therefore propose a systematic strategy to improve the original description of affine field theories at the classical and quantized level, first passing to a Poisson algebra description in the classical case. The idea is to consider state spaces on the classical and quantum algebras suggested by the physics of the theory (in the classical case, we use the affine solution space). The state spaces are not separating for the algebras, indicating a redundancy in the description. Removing this redundancy by a quotient, a functorial theory is obtained that is free of the above mentioned pathologies. These techniques are applicable to general affine field theories and Abelian gauge theories. The resulting quantized theory is shown to be dynamically local.Comment: v2: 42 pages; Appendix C on deformation quantization and references added. v3: 47 pages; compatible with version to appear in Annales Henri Poincar
Locally covariant quantum field theory with external sources
locally covariant quantum field theory with external sources
quantized multiplet inhomogeneous klein gordon couple spacetime affine space. formulation affine presymplectic annales henri poincare cauchy perturbations automorphism isomorphisms presymplectic functor. pathological formulation automorphism interpreted transformations presymplectic formulation requirement subsystems. propose affine quantized passing poisson case. algebras affine separating algebras redundancy description. removing redundancy quotient functorial pathologies. applicable affine abelian theories. quantized dynamically pages deformation quantization added. pages compatible annales henri poincar
We consider the question whether a static potential on an asymptotically flat 3-manifold can have nonempty zero set which extends to the infinity. We prove that this does not occur if the metric is asymptotically Schwarzschild with nonzero mass. If the asymptotic assumption is relaxed to the usual assumption under which the total mass is defined, we prove that the static potential is unique up to scaling unless the manifold is flat. We also provide some discussion concerning the rigidity of complete asymptotically flat 3-manifolds without boundary that admit a static potential.Comment: introduction revised; an outline of a space-time approach adde
Static potentials on asymptotically flat manifolds
static potentials on asymptotically flat manifolds
asymptotically manifold nonempty extends infinity. asymptotically schwarzschild nonzero mass. asymptotic relaxed usual unless manifold flat. concerning rigidity asymptotically manifolds admit revised outline adde
We show how to reduce the general formulation of the mass-angular momentum-charge inequality, for axisymmetric initial data of the Einstein-Maxwell equations, to the known maximal case whenever a geometrically motivated system of equations admits a solution. It is also shown that the same reduction argument applies to the basic inequality yielding a lower bound for the area of black holes in terms of mass, angular momentum, and charge. This extends previous work by the authors [4] (arXiv:1401.3384), in which the role of charge was omitted. Lastly, we improve upon the hypotheses required for the mass-angular momentum-charge inequality in the maximal case.Comment: 34 pages; final version. This article builds on previous work of the authors (arXiv:1401.3384) by including the electromagnetic fiel
Deformations of Charged Axially Symmetric Initial Data and the Mass-Angular Momentum-Charge Inequality
deformations of charged axially symmetric initial data and the mass-angular momentum-charge inequality
formulation inequality axisymmetric einstein maxwell maximal whenever geometrically motivated admits solution. argument applies inequality yielding holes charge. extends omitted. lastly hypotheses inequality maximal pages version. builds electromagnetic fiel
Given a unitary representation of a Lie group G on a Hilbert space H , we develop the theory of G-invariant self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators using both von Neumann's theorem and the theory of quadratic forms. We also analyze the relation between the reduction theory of the unitary representation and the reduction of the G-invariant unbounded operator. We also prove a G-invariant version of the representation theorem for closed and semi-bounded quadratic forms. The previous results are applied to the study of G-invariant self-adjoint extensions of the Laplace&-Beltrami operator on a smooth Riemannian manifold with boundary on which the group G acts. These extensions are labeled by admissible unitaries U acting on the L 2-space at the boundary and having spectral gap at &#8722;1. It is shown that if the unitary representation V of the symmetry group G is traceable, then the self-adjoint extension of the Laplace&-Beltrami operator determined by U is G-invariant if U and V commute at the boundary. Various significant examples are discussed at the end.A. Ibort and J. M. Pérez-Pardo are partly supported by the project MTM2010-21186-C02-02 of the spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and QUITEMAD programme P2009 ESP-1594. F. Lledó was partially supported by projects DGI MICIIN MTM2012-36372-C03-01 and Severo Ochoa SEV-2011-0087 of the spanish Ministry of Economy and Competition. J. M. Pérez-Pardo was also partially supported in 2011 and 2012 by mobility grants of the “Universidad Carlos III de Madrid”
On Self-Adjoint Extensions and Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics
on self-adjoint extensions and symmetries in quantum mechanics
unitary hilbert adjoint extensions neumann quadratic forms. analyze unitary unbounded operator. quadratic forms. adjoint extensions laplace beltrami riemannian manifold acts. extensions labeled admissible unitaries acting unitary traceable adjoint laplace beltrami commute boundary. end.a. ibort pérez pardo partly spanish ministerio ciencia innovación quitemad programme lledó partially projects miciin severo ochoa spanish ministry economy competition. pérez pardo partially mobility grants “universidad carlos madrid”
We explore the possibility that the Higgs boson of the standard model be actually a member of a larger family, by showing that a more elaborate internal structure naturally arises from geometrical arguments, in the context of a partly original handling of gauge fields which was put forward in previous papers. A possible mechanism yielding the usual Higgs potential is proposed. New types of point interactions, arising in particular from two-spinor index contractions, are shown to be allowed.Comment: Corrected typos and added journal info, Annales Henri Poincar\'e (2014). Springer link:
Natural extensions of electroweak geometry and Higgs interactions
natural extensions of electroweak geometry and higgs interactions
explore boson member elaborate naturally arises geometrical arguments partly handling papers. yielding usual proposed. arising spinor contractions corrected typos info annales henri poincar springer
In this article we discuss an exactly solvable, one-dimensional, periodic toy charge density wave model introduced in [D.C. Kaspar, M. Mungan, EPL {\bf 103}, 46002 (2013)]. In particular, driving the system with a uniform force, we show that the depinning threshold configuration is an explicit function of the underlying disorder, as is the evolution from the negative threshold to the positive threshold, the latter admitting a description in terms of record sequences. This evolution is described by an avalanche algorithm, which identifies a sequence of static configurations that are stable at successively stronger forcing, and is useful both for analysis and simulation. We focus in particular on the behavior of the polarization $P$, which is related to the cumulative avalanche size, as a function of the threshold force minus the current force $(F_{\mathrm{th}} - F)$, as this has been the focus of several prior numerical and analytical studies of CDW systems. The results presented are rigorous, with exceptions explicitly indicated, and show that the depinning transition in this model is indeed a dynamic critical phenomenon
Exact results for a toy model exhibiting dynamic criticality
exact results for a toy model exhibiting dynamic criticality
solvable d.c. kaspar mungan driving depinning disorder admitting record sequences. avalanche identifies configurations successively stronger forcing simulation. cumulative avalanche minus mathrm systems. rigorous exceptions explicitly depinning phenomenon
We study magnetic quantum Hall systems in a half-plane with Dirichlet boundary conditions along the edge. Much work has been done on the analysis of the currents associated with states whose energy is located between Landau levels. These edge states are localized near the boundary and they carry a non-zero current. In this article, we study the behavior of states with energy close to a Landau level that are referred to as bulk states in the physics literature. The magnetic Schrödinger operator is invariant with respect to translations in the direction of the edge and is a direct integral of operators indexed by a real wave number. We analyse the fiber operators and prove new asymptotics on the band functions and their first derivative as the wave number goes to infinity. We apply these results to prove that the current carried by a bulk state is small compared to the current carried by an edge state. We also prove that the bulk states are exponentially small near the edge
Characterization of bulk states in one-edge quantum Hall systems
characterization of bulk states in one-edge quantum hall systems
hall dirichlet edge. currents landau levels. localized carry current. landau referred literature. schrödinger translations indexed number. analyse fiber asymptotics goes infinity. state. exponentially
Two simple model operators are considered which have pre-existing resonances. A potential corresponding to a small electric field, $f$, is then introduced and the resonances of the resulting operator are considered as $f\to0$. It is shown that these resonances are not continuous in this limit. It is conjectured that a similar behavior will appear in more complicated models of atoms and molecules. Numerical results are presented.Comment: 54 pages, 11 figures. No changes w.r.t. preprint version of 03/29/2014, except publisher information added. The final publication is available at
Instability of pre-existing resonances under a small constant electric field
instability of pre-existing resonances under a small constant electric field
resonances. resonances resonances limit. conjectured complicated molecules. pages figures. w.r.t. preprint publisher added. publication
To any solution of a linear system of differential equations, we associate a kernel, correlators satisfying a set of loop equations, and in presence of isomonodromic parameters, a Tau function. We then study their semiclassical expansion (WKB type expansion in powers of the weight hbar per derivative) of these quantities. When this expansion is of topological type (TT), the coefficients of expansions are computed by the topological recursion with initial data given by the semiclassical spectral curve of the linear system. This provides an efficient algorithm to compute them at least when the semiclassical spectral curve is of genus 0. TT is a non trivial property, and it is an open problem to find a criterion which guarantees it is satisfied. We prove TT and illustrate our construction for the linear systems associated to the q-th reductions of KP - which contain the (p,q) models as a specialization.Comment: 49 page
Rational differential systems, loop equations, and application to the q-th reductions of KP
rational differential systems, loop equations, and application to the q-th reductions of kp
associate kernel correlators satisfying isomonodromic function. semiclassical powers hbar quantities. topological expansions topological recursion semiclassical system. semiclassical genus trivial criterion guarantees satisfied. illustrate reductions
When a flux quantum is pushed through a gapped two-dimensional tight-binding operator, there is an associated spectral flow through the gap which is shown to be equal to the index of a Fredholm operator encoding the topology of the Fermi projection. This is a natural mathematical formulation of Laughlin's Gedankenexperiment. It is used to provide yet another proof of the bulk-edge correspondence. Furthermore, when applied to systems with time reversal symmetry, the spectral flow has a characteristic $Z_2$ signature, while for particle-hole symmetric systems it leads to a criterion for the existence of zero energy modes attached to half-flux tubes. Combined with other results, this allows to explain all strong invariants of two-dimensional topological insulators in terms of a single Fredholm operator.Comment: final version, to appear in Ann. H. Poincar
Spectral flows associated to flux tubes
spectral flows associated to flux tubes
pushed gapped tight fredholm encoding topology fermi projection. mathematical formulation laughlin gedankenexperiment. correspondence. reversal signature criterion attached tubes. invariants topological insulators fredholm ann. poincar
In this paper we extend our previous results concerning Jackson integral solutions of the boundary quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations with diagonal K-operators to higher-spin representations of quantum affine $\mathfrak{sl}_2$. First we give a systematic exposition of known results on $R$-operators acting in the tensor product of evaluation representations in Verma modules over quantum $\mathfrak{sl}_2$. We develop the corresponding fusion of $K$-operators, which we use to construct diagonal $K$-operators in these representations. We construct Jackson integral solutions of the associated boundary quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations and explain how in the finite-dimensional case they can be obtained from our previous results by the fusion procedure.Comment: 36 pages; some small additions and corrections concerning mero-uniform convergence (Defn. 6.1) and rectified some notation issues for the function \mathcal{Y} (p21 and onwards). appears in Annales Henri Poincar\'e, 201
Boundary quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations and fusion
boundary quantum knizhnik-zamolodchikov equations and fusion
extend concerning jackson knizhnik zamolodchikov diagonal representations affine mathfrak exposition acting representations verma modules mathfrak fusion diagonal representations. jackson knizhnik zamolodchikov fusion pages additions concerning mero defn. rectified notation mathcal onwards annales henri poincar
We propose a way to study one-dimensional statistical mechanics models with complex-valued action using transfer operators. The argument consists of two steps. First, the contour of integration is deformed so that the associated transfer operator is a perturbation of a normal one. Then the transfer operator is studied using methods of semi-classical analysis. In this paper we concentrate on the second step, the main technical result being a semi-classical estimate for powers of an integral operator which is approximately normal.Comment: 28 pp, improved the presentatio
Semi-classical analysis of non self-adjoint transfer matrices in statistical mechanics. I
semi-classical analysis of non self-adjoint transfer matrices in statistical mechanics. i
propose mechanics valued operators. argument steps. contour deformed perturbation one. analysis. concentrate powers presentatio
We consider the non-interacting source-free Maxwell field, described both in terms of the vector potential and the field strength. Starting from the classical field theory on contractible globally hyperbolic spacetimes, we extend the classical field theory to general globally hyperbolic spacetimes in two ways to obtain a "universal" theory and a "reduced" theory. The quantum field theory in terms of the unital $*$-algebra of the smeared quantum field is then obtained by an application of a suitable quantisation functor. We show that the universal theories fail local covariance and dynamical locality owing to the possibility of having non-trivial radicals in the classical and non-trivial centres in the quantum case. The reduced theories are both locally covariant and dynamically local. These models provide new examples relevant to the discussion of how theories should be formulated so as to describe the same physics in all spacetimes.Comment: 27pp v3: Some comments added; minor corrections and typos fixe
Dynamical locality of the free Maxwell field
dynamical locality of the free maxwell field
interacting maxwell strength. contractible globally hyperbolic spacetimes extend globally hyperbolic spacetimes ways universal theory. unital smeared quantisation functor. universal fail covariance locality owing trivial radicals trivial centres case. locally covariant dynamically local. formulated comments minor typos fixe
Author's manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via available online: 14 February 2015In this work, we present an abstract framework that allows to obtain mixing (and in some cases sharp mixing) rates for a reasonable large class of invertible systems preserving an infinite measure. The examples explicitly considered are the invertible analogue of both Markov and non-Markov unit interval maps. For these examples, in addition to optimal results on mixing and rates of mixing in the infinite case, we obtain results on the decay of correlation in the finite case of invertible non-Markov maps, which, to our knowledge, were not previously addressed. The proposed method consists of a combination of the framework of operator renewal theory, as introduced in the context of dynamical systems by Sarig (Invent Math 150:629–653, 2002), with the framework of function spaces of distributions developed in the recent years along the lines of Blank et al. (Nonlinearity 15:1905–1973, 2001).European Research Council (ERC
Mixing for some non-uniformly hyperbolic systems
mixing for some non-uniformly hyperbolic systems
manuscript. publication springer february sharp reasonable invertible preserving infinite measure. explicitly invertible analogue markov markov maps. infinite invertible markov addressed. renewal sarig invent math blank nonlinearity .european council
We consider a real periodic Schr\"odinger operator and a physically relevant family of $m \geq 1$ Bloch bands, separated by a gap from the rest of the spectrum, and we investigate the localization properties of the corresponding composite Wannier functions. To this aim, we show that in dimension $d \leq 3$ there exists a global frame consisting of smooth quasi-Bloch functions which are both periodic and time-reversal symmetric. Aiming to applications in computational physics, we provide a constructive algorithm to obtain such a Bloch frame. The construction yields the existence of a basis of composite Wannier functions which are real-valued and almost-exponentially localized. The proof of the main result exploits only the fundamental symmetries of the projector on the relevant bands, allowing applications, beyond the model specified above, to a broad range of gapped periodic quantum systems with a time-reversal symmetry of bosonic type.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figures. Minor corrections implemented, some references added. To appear in Annales Henri Poicar\'
Construction of real-valued localized composite Wannier functions for insulators
construction of real-valued localized composite wannier functions for insulators
schr odinger physically bloch separated localization composite wannier functions. consisting quasi bloch reversal symmetric. aiming constructive bloch frame. composite wannier valued exponentially localized. exploits symmetries projector allowing specified broad gapped reversal bosonic pages figures. minor implemented added. annales henri poicar
In 1969, Choquet-Bruhat and Geroch established the existence of a unique maximal globally hyperbolic Cauchy development of given initial data for the Einstein equations. Their proof, however, has the unsatisfactory feature that it relies crucially on the axiom of choice in the form of Zorn's lemma. In this paper we present a proof that avoids the use of Zorn's lemma. In particular, we provide an explicit construction of this maximal globally hyperbolic development.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, v2 small changes and minor correction, v3 version accepted for publicatio
On the Existence of a Maximal Cauchy Development for the Einstein Equations - a Dezornification
on the existence of a maximal cauchy development for the einstein equations - a dezornification
choquet bruhat geroch maximal globally hyperbolic cauchy einstein equations. unsatisfactory relies crucially axiom zorn lemma. avoids zorn lemma. maximal globally hyperbolic pages minor publicatio
We present a rigorous and fully consistent $K$-theoretic framework for studying gapped topological phases of free fermions such as topological insulators. It utilises and profits from powerful techniques in operator $K$-theory. From the point of view of symmetries, especially those of time reversal, charge conjugation, and magnetic translations, operator $K$-theory is more general and natural than the commutative topological theory. Our approach is model-independent, and only the symmetry data of the dynamics, which may include information about disorder, is required. This data is completely encoded in a suitable $C^*$-superalgebra. From a representation-theoretic point of view, symmetry-compatible gapped phases are classified by the super-representation group of this symmetry algebra. Contrary to existing literature, we do not use $K$-theory to classify phases in an absolute sense, but only relative to some arbitrary reference. $K$-theory groups are better thought of as groups of obstructions between homotopy classes of gapped phases. Besides rectifying various inconsistencies in the existing literature on $K$-theory classification schemes, our treatment has conceptual simplicity in its treatment of all symmetries equally. The Periodic Table of Kitaev is exhibited as a special case within our framework, and we prove that the phenomena of periodicity and dimension shifts are robust against disorder and magnetic fields.Comment: 41 pages, revised version with a new abstract, introductory sections and critique of the literatur
On the K-theoretic classification of topological phases of matter
on the k-theoretic classification of topological phases of matter
rigorous theoretic studying gapped topological fermions topological insulators. utilises profits powerful theory. symmetries reversal conjugation translations commutative topological theory. disorder required. encoded superalgebra. theoretic compatible gapped classified super algebra. contrary classify reference. thought obstructions homotopy gapped phases. besides rectifying inconsistencies schemes conceptual simplicity symmetries equally. kitaev exhibited phenomena periodicity shifts robust disorder pages revised introductory critique literatur
In this sequel paper we give a shorter, second proof of the monotonicity of the Hawking mass for time flat surfaces under spacelike uniformly area expanding flows in spacetimes that satisfy the dominant energy condition. We also include a third proof which builds on a known formula and describe a class of sufficient conditions of divergence type for the monotonicity of the Hawking mass. These flows of surfaces may have connections to the problem in general relativity of bounding the total mass of a spacetime from below by the quasi-local mass of spacelike 2-surfaces in the spacetime.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur
Time flat surfaces and the monotonicity of the spacetime Hawking mass II
time flat surfaces and the monotonicity of the spacetime hawking mass ii
sequel shorter monotonicity hawking spacelike uniformly expanding flows spacetimes satisfy condition. builds divergence monotonicity hawking mass. flows connections relativity bounding spacetime quasi spacelike pages figur
We propose a new family of matrix models whose 1/N expansion captures the all-genus topological string on toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. These matrix models are constructed from the trace class operators appearing in the quantization of the corresponding mirror curves. The fact that they provide a non-perturbative realization of the (standard) topological string follows from a recent conjecture connecting the spectral properties of these operators, to the enumerative invariants of the underlying Calabi-Yau threefolds. We study in detail the resulting matrix models for some simple geometries, like local P^2 and local F_2, and we verify that their weak 't Hooft coupling expansion reproduces the topological string free energies near the conifold singularity. These matrix models are formally similar to those appearing in the Fermi-gas formulation of Chern-Simons-matter theories, and their 1/N expansion receives non-perturbative corrections determined by the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit of the refined topological string.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures; v2 : typos corrected, comments adde
Matrix models from operators and topological strings
matrix models from operators and topological strings
propose captures genus topological toric calabi threefolds. trace appearing quantization mirror curves. perturbative realization topological conjecture connecting enumerative invariants calabi threefolds. geometries verify hooft reproduces topological conifold singularity. formally appearing fermi formulation chern simons receives perturbative nekrasov shatashvili refined topological pages typos corrected comments adde
We prove a formula for the global gravitational anomaly of the self-dual field theory in the presence of background gauge fields, assuming the results of arXiv:1110.4639. Along the way, we also clarify various points about the self-dual field theory. In particular, we give a general definition of the theta characteristic entering its partition function and settle the issue of its possible metric dependence. We treat the cohomological version of type IIB supergravity as an example of the formalism: a mixed gauge-gravitational global anomaly, occurring when the B-field and Ramond-Ramond 2-form gauge fields have non-trivial Wilson lines, cancels provided a certain cobordism group vanishes.Comment: 38 pages. v3: Corrections in the discussion of the global anomaly cancellation in type IIB sugra. Typos correcte
The global anomaly of the self-dual field in general backgrounds
the global anomaly of the self-dual field in general backgrounds
gravitational anomaly clarify theory. theta entering partition settle dependence. treat cohomological supergravity formalism gravitational anomaly occurring ramond ramond trivial wilson cancels cobordism pages. anomaly cancellation sugra. typos correcte
The initial-value problem for the drift-diffusion equation arising from the model of semiconductor device simulations is studied. The dissipation on this equation is given by the fractional Laplacian. When the exponent of the fractional Laplacian is large, large-time behavior of solutions is known. However, when the exponent is small, the perturbation methods used in the preceding works would not work. Large-time behavior of solutions to the drift-diffusion equation with small exponent is discussed. Particularly, the asymptotic expansion of solutions with high-order is derived
Asymptotic expansion of solutions to the drift-diffusion equation with fractional dissipation
asymptotic expansion of solutions to the drift-diffusion equation with fractional dissipation
drift arising semiconductor studied. dissipation fractional laplacian. exponent fractional laplacian known. exponent perturbation preceding work. drift exponent discussed. asymptotic
The divisible sandpile starts with i.i.d. random variables ("masses") at the vertices of an infinite, vertex-transitive graph, and redistributes mass by a local toppling rule in an attempt to make all masses at most 1. The process stabilizes almost surely if m<1 and it almost surely does not stabilize if m>1, where $m$ is the mean mass per vertex. The main result of this paper is that in the critical case m=1, if the initial masses have finite variance, then the process almost surely does not stabilize. To give quantitative estimates on a finite graph, we relate the number of topplings to a discrete biLaplacian Gaussian field.Comment: 34 pages, to appear in Annales Henri Poincar
The divisible sandpile at critical density
the divisible sandpile at critical density
divisible sandpile starts i.i.d. infinite transitive redistributes toppling attempt stabilizes surely surely stabilize vertex. surely stabilize. relate topplings bilaplacian pages annales henri poincar
We define the (total) center of mass for suitably asymptotically hyperbolic time-slices of asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes in general relativity. We do so in analogy to the picture that has been consolidated for the (total) center of mass of suitably asymptotically Euclidean time-slices of asymptotically Minkowskian spacetimes (isolated systems). In particular, we unite -- an altered version of -- the approach based on Hamiltonian charges with an approach based on CMC-foliations near infinity. The newly defined center of mass transforms appropriately under changes of the asymptotic coordinates and evolves in the direction of an appropriately defined linear momentum under the Einstein evolution equations
On the center of mass of asymptotically hyperbolic initial data sets
on the center of mass of asymptotically hyperbolic initial data sets
suitably asymptotically hyperbolic slices asymptotically sitter spacetimes relativity. analogy picture consolidated suitably asymptotically euclidean slices asymptotically minkowskian spacetimes unite altered charges foliations infinity. newly transforms appropriately asymptotic evolves appropriately einstein
We consider a finite region of a $d$-dimensional lattice, $d\in\mathbb{N}$, of weakly coupled harmonic oscillators. The coupling is provided by a nearest-neighbour potential (harmonic or not) of size $\varepsilon$. Each oscillator weakly interacts by force of order $\varepsilon$ with its own stochastic Langevin thermostat of arbitrary positive temperature. We investigate limiting as $\varepsilon\rightarrow 0$ behaviour of solutions of the system and of the local energy of oscillators on long-time intervals of order $\varepsilon^{-1}$ and in a stationary regime. We show that it is governed by an effective equation which is a dissipative SDE with nondegenerate diffusion. Next we assume that the interaction potential is of size $\varepsilon\lambda$, where $\lambda$ is another small parameter, independent from $\varepsilon$. Solutions corresponding to this scaling describe small low temperature oscillations. We prove that in a stationary regime, under the limit $\varepsilon\rightarrow 0$, the main order in $\lambda$ of the averaged Hamiltonian energy flow is proportional to the gradient of temperature. We show that the coefficient of proportionality, which we call the conductivity, admits a representation through stationary space-time correlations of the energy flow. Most of the results and convergences we obtain are uniform with respect to the number of oscillators in the system.Comment: 52 page
Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of weakly stochastically perturbed system of oscillators
nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of weakly stochastically perturbed system of oscillators
mathbb weakly harmonic oscillators. nearest neighbour harmonic varepsilon oscillator weakly interacts varepsilon stochastic langevin thermostat temperature. limiting varepsilon rightarrow oscillators intervals varepsilon stationary regime. governed dissipative nondegenerate diffusion. varepsilon lambda lambda varepsilon oscillations. stationary varepsilon rightarrow lambda averaged temperature. proportionality call conductivity admits stationary flow. convergences oscillators
International audienceWe study the aging behavior of a truncated version of the Random Energy Model evolving under Metropolis dynamics. We prove that the natural time-time correlation function defined through the overlap function converges to an arcsine law distribution function, almost surely in the random environment and in the full range of time scales and temperatures for which such a result can be expected to hold. This establishes that the dynamics ages in the same way as Bouchaud's REM-like trap model, thus extending the universality class of the latter model. The proof relies on a clock process convergence result of a new type where the number of summands is itself a clock process. This reflects the fact that the exploration process of Metropolis dynamics is itself an aging process, governed by its own clock. Both clock processes are shown to converge to stable subor-dinators below certain critical lines in their timescale and temperature domains, almost surely in the random environment
Convergence of Clock Processes and Aging in Metropolis Dynamics of a Truncated REM
convergence of clock processes and aging in metropolis dynamics of a truncated rem
audiencewe aging truncated evolving metropolis dynamics. overlap converges arcsine surely hold. establishes ages bouchaud trap extending universality model. relies clock summands clock process. reflects exploration metropolis aging governed clock. clock converge subor dinators timescale surely
In this paper, we introduce new methods for solving the vacuum Einstein constraints equations: the first one is based on Schaefer's fixed point theorem (known methods use Schauder's fixed point theorem) while the second one uses the concept of half-continuity coupled with the introduction of local supersolutions. These methods allow to: unify some recent existence results, simplify many proofs (for instance, the main theorem in arXiv:1012.2188) and weaken the assumptions of many recent results.Comment: In this version, I change from 3-dimensional case to n-dimensional cas
Applications of Fixed Point Theorems to the Vacuum Einstein Constraint Equations with Non-Constant Mean Curvature
applications of fixed point theorems to the vacuum einstein constraint equations with non-constant mean curvature
solving einstein schaefer schauder continuity supersolutions. unify simplify proofs weaken assumptions
We study inverse scattering problems at a fixed energy for radial Schr\"{o}dinger operators on $\R^n$, $n \geq 2$. First, we consider the class $\mathcal{A}$ of potentials $q(r)$ which can be extended analytically in $\Re z \geq 0$ such that $\mid q(z)\mid \leq C \ (1+ \mid z \mid )^{-\rho}$, $\rho \textgreater{} \frac{3}{2}$. If $q$ and $\tilde{q}$ are two such potentials and if the corresponding phase shifts $\delta\_l$ and $\tilde{\delta}\_l$ are super-exponentially close, then $q=\tilde{q}$. Secondly, we study the class of potentials $q(r)$ which can be split into $q(r)=q\_1(r) + q\_2(r)$ such that $q\_1(r)$ has compact support and $q\_2 (r) \in \mathcal{A}$. If $q$ and $\tilde{q}$ are two such potentials, we show that for any fixed $a\textgreater{}0$, ${\ds{\delta\_l - \tilde{\delta}\_l \ = \ o \left( \frac{1}{l^{n-3}} \ \left( {\frac{ae}{2l}}\right)^{2l}\right)}}$ when $l \rightarrow +\infty$ if and only if $q(r)=\tilde{q}(r)$ for almost all $r \geq a$. The proofs are close in spirit with the celebrated Borg-Marchenko uniqueness theorem, and rely heavily on the localization of the Regge poles that could be defined as the resonances in the complexified angular momentum plane. We show that for a non-zero super-exponentially decreasing potential, the number of Regge poles is always infinite and moreover, the Regge poles are not contained in any vertical strip in the right-half plane. For potentials with compact support, we are able to give explicitly their asymptotics. At last, for potentials which can be extended analytically in $\Re z \geq 0$ with $\mid q(z)\mid \leq C \ (1+ \mid z \mid )^{-\rho}$, $\rho \textgreater{}1$ , we show that the Regge poles are confined in a vertical strip in the complex plane.Comment: 52 page
Local inverse scattering at a fixed energy for radial Schr{\"o}dinger operators and localization of the Regge poles
local inverse scattering at a fixed energy for radial schr{\"o}dinger operators and localization of the regge poles
schr dinger mathcal potentials analytically textgreater frac tilde potentials shifts delta tilde delta super exponentially tilde secondly potentials split mathcal tilde potentials textgreater delta tilde delta frac frac rightarrow infty tilde proofs spirit celebrated borg marchenko uniqueness rely heavily localization regge poles resonances complexified plane. super exponentially decreasing regge poles infinite regge poles strip plane. potentials explicitly asymptotics. potentials analytically textgreater regge poles confined strip
We present a generalization of Minkowski's classic theorem on the reconstruction of tetrahedra from algebraic data to homogeneously curved spaces. Euclidean notions such as the normal vector to a face are replaced by Levi-Civita holonomies around each of the tetrahedron's faces. This allows the reconstruction of both spherical and hyperbolic tetrahedra within a unified framework. A new type of hyperbolic simplex is introduced in order for all the sectors encoded in the algebraic data to be covered. Generalizing the phase space of shapes associated to flat tetrahedra leads to group valued moment maps and quasi-Poisson spaces. These discrete geometries provide a natural arena for considering the quantization of gravity including a cosmological constant. A concrete realization of this is provided by the relation with the spin-network states of loop quantum gravity. This work therefore provides a bottom-up justification for the emergence of deformed gauge symmetries and quantum groups in 3+1 dimensional covariant loop quantum gravity in the presence of a cosmological constant.Comment: 38 pages and 9 figure
Encoding Curved Tetrahedra in Face Holonomies: a Phase Space of Shapes from Group-Valued Moment Maps
encoding curved tetrahedra in face holonomies: a phase space of shapes from group-valued moment maps
generalization minkowski classic reconstruction tetrahedra algebraic homogeneously curved spaces. euclidean notions replaced levi civita holonomies tetrahedron faces. reconstruction spherical hyperbolic tetrahedra unified framework. hyperbolic simplex sectors encoded algebraic covered. generalizing shapes tetrahedra valued moment quasi poisson spaces. geometries arena quantization cosmological constant. concrete realization gravity. justification emergence deformed symmetries covariant cosmological pages
We show that the Anderson model has a transition from localization to delocalization at exactly 2 dimensional growth rate on antitrees with normalized edge weights which are certain discrete graphs. The kinetic part has a one-dimensional structure allowing a description through transfer matrices which involve some Schur complement. For such operators we introduce the notion of having one propagating channel and extend theorems from the theory of one-dimensional Jacobi operators that relate the behavior of transfer matrices with the spectrum. These theorems are then applied to the considered model. In essence, in a certain energy region the kinetic part averages the random potentials along shells and the transfer matrices behave similar as for a one-dimensional operator with random potential of decaying variance. At $d$ dimensional growth for $d>2$ this effective decay is strong enough to obtain absolutely continuous spectrum, whereas for some uniform $d$ dimensional growth with $d<2$ one has pure point spectrum in this energy region. At exactly uniform $2$ dimensional growth also some singular continuous spectrum appears, at least at small disorder. As a corollary we also obtain a change from singular spectrum ($d\leq 2$) to absolutely continuous spectrum ($d\geq 3)$ for random operators of the type $\mathcal{P}_r \Delta_d \mathcal{P}_r+\lambda \mathcal{V}$ on $\mathbb{Z}^d$, where $\mathcal{P}_r$ is an orthogonal radial projection, $\Delta_d$ the discrete adjacency operator (Laplacian) on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ and $\lambda \mathcal{V}$ a random potential.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure; Introduction reorganized, Corollary 1.3 added and almost sure essential spectrum now characterized (Proposition 1.4
Anderson transition at 2 dimensional growth rate on antitrees and spectral theory for operators with one propagating channel
anderson transition at 2 dimensional growth rate on antitrees and spectral theory for operators with one propagating channel
anderson localization delocalization antitrees weights graphs. allowing involve schur complement. notion propagating extend theorems jacobi relate spectrum. theorems model. essence averages potentials shells behave decaying variance. absolutely region. singular disorder. corollary singular absolutely mathcal delta mathcal lambda mathcal mathbb mathcal orthogonal projection delta adjacency laplacian mathbb lambda mathcal pages reorganized corollary sure
We obtain a reduction scheme for the study of the quantum evolution of an atom in constant magnetic fields using the method developed by Martinez, Nenciu and Sordoni based on the construction of almost invariant subspace. In Martinez-Sordoni \cite{MaSo2} such a case is also studied but their reduced Hamiltonian includes the vector potential terms. In this paper, using the center of mass coordinates and constructing the almost invariant subspace different from theirs, we obtain the reduced Hamiltonian which does not include the vector potential terms. Using the reduced evolution we also obtain the asymptotic expantion of the evolution for a specific localized initial data, which verifies the straight motion of an atom in constatnt magnetic fields
Born-Oppenheimer approximation for an atom in constant magnetic fields
born-oppenheimer approximation for an atom in constant magnetic fields
atom martinez nenciu sordoni subspace. martinez sordoni cite maso terms. constructing subspace terms. asymptotic expantion localized verifies straight atom constatnt
We consider the problem of finding universal bounds of "isoperimetric" or "isodiametric" type on the spectral gap of the Laplacian on a metric graph with natural boundary conditions at the vertices, in terms of various analytical and combinatorial properties of the graph: its total length, diameter, number of vertices and number of edges. We investigate which combinations of parameters are necessary to obtain non-trivial upper and lower bounds and obtain a number of sharp estimates in terms of these parameters. We also show that, in contrast to the Laplacian matrix on a combinatorial graph, no bound depending only on the diameter is possible. As a special case of our results on metric graphs, we deduce estimates for the normalised Laplacian matrix on combinatorial graphs which, surprisingly, are sometimes sharper than the ones obtained by purely combinatorial methods in the graph theoretical literature
On the Spectral Gap of a Quantum Graph
on the spectral gap of a quantum graph
universal bounds isoperimetric isodiametric laplacian combinatorial edges. combinations trivial bounds sharp parameters. laplacian combinatorial possible. deduce normalised laplacian combinatorial surprisingly sometimes sharper purely combinatorial
We study the spectral properties of the Sturm Hamiltolian of eventually constant type, which includes the Fibonacci Hamiltonian. Let $s$ be the Hausdorff dimension of the spectrum. For $V>20$, we show that the restriction of the $s$-dimensional Hausdorff measure to the spectrum is a Gibbs type measure; the density of states measure is a Markov measure. Based on the fine structures of these measures, we show that both measures are exact dimensional; we obtain exact asymptotic behaviors for the optimal H\"older exponent and the Hausdorff dimension of the density of states measure and for the Hausdorff dimension of the spectrum. As a consequence, if the frequency is not silver number type, then for $V$ big enough, we establish strict inequalities between these three spectral characteristics. We achieve them by introducing an auxiliary symbolic dynamical system and applying the thermodynamical and multifractal formalisms of almost additive potentials.Comment: This is a revised version. We generalize the results for all the frequencies of eventurally constant type. Accepted by Annales Henri Poincar
The spectral properties of the strongly coupled Sturm Hamiltonian of eventually constant type
the spectral properties of the strongly coupled sturm hamiltonian of eventually constant type
sturm hamiltolian eventually fibonacci hamiltonian. hausdorff spectrum. restriction hausdorff gibbs markov measure. fine asymptotic behaviors older exponent hausdorff hausdorff spectrum. silver establish strict inequalities characteristics. introducing auxiliary symbolic thermodynamical multifractal formalisms additive revised version. generalize eventurally type. annales henri poincar
We present a definition of indefinite Kasparov modules, a generalisation of unbounded Kasparov modules modelling non-symmetric and non-elliptic (e.g. hyperbolic) operators. Our main theorem shows that to each indefinite Kasparov module we can associate a pair of (genuine) Kasparov modules, and that this process is reversible. We present three examples of our framework: the Dirac operator on a pseudo-Riemannian spin manifold (i.e. a manifold with an indefinite metric), the harmonic oscillator, and the construction via the Kasparov product of an indefinite spectral triple from a family of spectral triples. This last construction corresponds to a foliation of a globally hyperbolic spacetime by spacelike hypersurfaces.Comment: 24 pages, Annales Henri Poincar\'e, online version 201
Indefinite Kasparov modules and pseudo-Riemannian manifolds
indefinite kasparov modules and pseudo-riemannian manifolds
indefinite kasparov modules generalisation unbounded kasparov modules elliptic e.g. hyperbolic operators. indefinite kasparov module associate genuine kasparov modules reversible. dirac pseudo riemannian manifold i.e. manifold indefinite harmonic oscillator kasparov indefinite triple triples. foliation globally hyperbolic spacetime spacelike pages annales henri poincar
We study random Hamiltonians on finite-size cubes and waveguide segments of increasing diameter. The number of random parameters determining the operator is proportional to the volume of the cube. In the asymptotic regime where the cube size, and consequently the number of parameters as well, tends to infinity, we derive deterministic and probabilistic variational bounds on the lowest eigenvalue, i.e. the spectral minimum, as well as exponential off-diagonal decay of the Green function at energies above, but close to the overall spectral bottom
Quantum Hamiltonians with weak random abstract perturbation. I. Initial length scale estimate
quantum hamiltonians with weak random abstract perturbation. i. initial length scale estimate
hamiltonians cubes waveguide segments diameter. determining cube. asymptotic cube tends infinity derive deterministic probabilistic variational bounds eigenvalue i.e. exponential diagonal
We analyze spin-0 relativistic scattering of charged particles propagating in the exterior, $\Lambda \subset \mathbb{R}^3$, of a compact obstacle $K \subset \mathbb{R}^3$. The connected components of the obstacle are handlebodies. The particles interact with an electro-magnetic field in $\Lambda$ and an inaccessible magnetic field localized in the interior of the obstacle (through the Aharonov-Bohm effect). We obtain high-momenta estimates, with error bounds, for the scattering operator that we use to recover physical information: We give a reconstruction method for the electric potential and the exterior magnetic field and prove that, if the electric potential vanishes, circulations of the magnetic potential around handles (or equivalently, by Stokes' theorem, magnetic fluxes over transverse sections of handles) of the obstacle can be recovered, modulo $2 \pi$. We additionally give a simple formula for the high-momenta limit of the scattering operator in terms of certain magnetic fluxes, in the absence of electric potential. If the electric potential does not vanish, the magnetic fluxes on the handles above referred can be only recovered modulo $\pi$ and the simple expression of the high-momenta limit of the scattering operator does not hold true
Aharonov-Bohm Effect and High-Momenta Inverse Scattering for the Klein-Gordon Equation
aharonov-bohm effect and high-momenta inverse scattering for the klein-gordon equation
analyze relativistic propagating exterior lambda mathbb obstacle mathbb obstacle handlebodies. interact electro lambda inaccessible localized interior obstacle aharonov bohm momenta bounds recover reconstruction exterior vanishes circulations handles equivalently stokes fluxes handles obstacle recovered modulo additionally momenta fluxes potential. vanish fluxes handles referred recovered modulo momenta hold
One manifestation of quantum resonances is a large sojourn time, or autocorrelation, for states which are initially localized. We elaborate on Lavine's time-energy uncertainty principle and give an estimate on the sojourn time. For the case of perturbed embedded eigenstates the bound is explicit and involves Fermi's Golden Rule. It is valid for a very general class of systems. We illustrate the theory by applications to resonances for time dependent systems including the AC Stark effect as well as multistate systems.Comment: Version to appear in Annales Henri Poincar\'
Energy-time uncertainty principle and lower bounds on sojourn time
energy-time uncertainty principle and lower bounds on sojourn time
manifestation resonances sojourn autocorrelation initially localized. elaborate lavine sojourn time. perturbed embedded eigenstates involves fermi golden rule. valid systems. illustrate resonances stark multistate annales henri poincar