1 value
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-50 | P a g e are shaded; this means that no quantities are to be recorded for those items. For some items, consumption from home produce is not to be recorded; this is also indicated by shading the appropriate cells. 3. 3. 3. 4 Columns (3) and (5): quantity: Against m ost of the items of Sections 5 & 6, there is provision to record the quantity figure in the appropriate unit. In Sections 5 and 6, a quantity figure has two parts-an integer part and a fractional or decimal part. The integer part will be recorded in the left-hand cell and the fractional part will be entered in the right-hand cell in three places of decimals, in case the units are reported either in 'kg' or 'litre'. If the specified unit of quantity is 'gm', 'no. ', the right-hand cell of the space for quantity has been shaded, meaning that a whole number entry is required to record the quantity. 3. 3. 3. 5 Columns (4) and (6): value: All value figures are to be recorded in whole number of rupees, after rounding off paise figures, if any. 3. 3. 3. 6 Column (7) : source code: Consumption of an item during the last 7or 30 days may bemade out of one or more of several possible sources: namely, purchase, home produce, exchange of goods and services, gifts or charities, and free collection. The source from which the item has been obtained and consumed by the household is to be recorded in code. The codes are as follows: only purchase 1 only home-grown stock 2 both purchase and home-grown stock 3 only free collection 4 only exchange of goods and services 5 only gifts/ charities 6 others 9 When a household H providing a service to another household (or an organization), receives an item of consumption as full or partial payment in kind (or as perquisite), it is a case of goods acquired (by household H) through “exchange of goods and services”. This includes perquisites obtained by salary earners against the services they render to their employers or organi zation. When land owning households obtain crops as crop share from cultivator households, it is also a case of goods received in exchange of goods and services. In these cases, source code will be 5. Code 3 will be applicable, if consumption is made out of both purchase and home-grown stock but not from any other sources. For any other combination of sources, c ode 9 is to be recorded. Consumption out of transfer receipts will get code 9. It is common for many households to receive part of the produce of other households (friends or relatives) as gift. If the household report to receive the same as a gift, then code 6 will be recorded against col. 7.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-51 | P a g e 3. 3. 3. 7 Home processing of food: Some food items listed in Sections 5 and 6 may be prepared in the home from other food items already listed in the respective sections. For example, ghee (item 164, Section 6. 1) may b e prepared in the home from milk: liquid (item 160, Section 6. 1). Pickles (item 294, Section 7. 2) may be prepared in the home from chillies, mangoes, salt, etc. In such cases, the question of where to record the consumption of such food preparations is an swered in general as: against the ingredient items. Thus, consumption of purchased ghee (or ghee received as gift, say) is recorded against “ghee” but that of home-made ghee against “milk: liquid”; consumption of purchased muri is recorded against “muri” but that of home-made muri against “rice”; consumption of purchased pickles is recorded against “pickles” but that of home-made pickles against the ingredients such as “salt”, “mango”, “chilli”, etc. 3. 3. 3. 8 Home produce: As discussed, home produce means t he produce of cultivation or produce of livestock (e. g., milk) and not food made in the home by processing of other food items listed in the questionnaire. Thus, there is no question of home produce of curd or ghee, home produce of pickles, or home produce of liquid tea. However, chira, khoi and rice obtained in the home from paddy are considered as home produce of chira, khoi and rice, as paddy is not an item listed in the questionnaire. Also, “gur” is often prepared at home from sugar cane, etc. Provisio n is made to record consumption of home-made gur against the item “gur” itself in the columns for “consumption out of home produce”. For purchased or home-produced plant stem juices, which do not come under any of the food sub-groups, provision is made in item 276. 3. 3. 3. 9 It follows from the above that source code 2 (consumption from home-grown stock only), source code 3 (consumption from both purchase and home-grown stock) and source code 4 (consumption from free collection) are not permissible for som e of the items of Sections 5 or 6 such as muri, curd, ghee, butter, ice-cream, pickles, tea (cup), etc., which are created by processing of other items of Sections 5 or 6 (rice, milk, sugar, vegetables, fruits, salt, etc. ). Only source codes 1, 5, 6 and 7 c an be entered against these items. In Questionnaire FDQ, symbol '@' appears in the Col. (7), source code against all items of this kind. Note that the purpose of the symbol '@' is not to block the entry from being made in the Col. (7), but to remind the enumerator that source codes 2, 3 and 4 are not applicable for the item concerned. 3. 3. 3. 10 Storing of home-processed food before consumption: Some home-made items such as pickles and ghee may be stored in the home for a number of months before they are consumed. Data collection on consumption during any particular month becomes difficult in such cases. For simplicity of data collection, therefore, the ingredients may be regarded as consumed at the moment when they are used up in the process of preparation of the final food product. This applies to all items of Sections 5 and 6 which may be prepared in the home from other items of Sections 5 and 6.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-52 | P a g e It follows that home-made item such as ghee and pickles, if received by the sample household as gift from anoth er household which prepared the item, and subsequently consumed, should not be accounted as consumption of the sample household. This procedure is a departure from the use approach otherwise followed for food items. 3. 3. 3. 11 Imputation of value: The meth od of imputing values of items which are consumed but not purchased has been given in paragraph 3. 0. 2. 17. 3. 3. 3. 12 Wastage and normal discard of food in the process of consumption It may be mentioned that for all the items in Section 5/6, the quantity wh ich have been actually consumed is to be recorded. However, normal day-to-day wastage like thrown-away cooked food will not be excluded from the quantity of consumption. Similarly, for recording quantities, discard due to normal cleaning, peeling, etc. wi ll be ignored. Thus, a kilogram of jackfruit bought from the market and cooked after throwing away the skin will be entered as 1 kg of jackfruit. But the quantity of impure item, like husk mixed with rice, will be netted out while recording quantity of ri ce consumed, while no adjustment will be made in value of the consumed rice. For example, suppose the weight of a mixture of rice and husk originally weighing 10 kgs becomes only 8 kgs after its cleaning, etc. Then the quantity of rice consumed is to be recorded as 8 kgs only. However, the value of rice to be recorded remains unchanged. 3. 3. 3. 13 Losses of food: An item which is not brought into the consumption process will not be treated as consumed. For example, suppose that 10 kgs of wheat is purchase d for consumption at Rs. 200, out of which, 5 kgs is either stolen, or damaged by insects, infection, etc., or eaten by rats, and the remaining 5 kgs is consumed. Then the quantity of consumption will be 5 kgs and the value of consumption will be Rs. 100. 3. 3. 4 Section 5: Consumption of cereals, pulses, sugar and salt during the last 30 days Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on the quantity and value of consumption of cereals, pulses, sugar and salt by the household during the last 30 days preceding the date of the survey. Consumption details of cereals, pulses and sugar and salt will be recorded in Section 5. 1, Section 5. 2 & Section 5. 3 respectively.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-53 | P a g e Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households. 3. 3. 4. 1 Section 5. 1: Consumption of cereals during the last 30 days Q5. 1 What is the quantity and value of the cereals and cereal substitutes consumed by the household during last 30 days? 3. 3. 4. 1. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of cereal and cereal substitutes mentioned in Col. (1), Q5. 1 during the last 30 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 4. 1. 2 Items 101, 102 and 061 : rice: Rice will mean the grain obtained after husking and cleaning paddy. Rice procured through PDS at subsidized rate using ration card will be recorded against item 101. Consumption of rice received free of cost from PDS s hop/FPS or Point of Sale (POS) under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana (PMGKAY) or from any other state specific schemes are to be recorded under item rice-free (061). For this item value is to be imputed at prevailing local retail market price. Rice consumed from other sources will be recorded against item 10 2. 3. 3. 4. 1. 3 Items 103, 105 & 106: Rice products like chira ( item 103), muri (item 105), khoi/ lawa, other rice products, etc. (item 106) which are obtained by splitting, frying, powdering, parch ing of the grain are covered by these items. However, if such products (e. g., muri) are made from rice in the home, their consumption will be recorded against “rice” (item 101 or 061 or 102) and not against the rice product (muri). Food preparations ou t of rice viz., pastries, cakes, sweets, etc., should not be considered as rice products. These items will be put under the appropriate item of the food group-“processed food”. If they are prepared at home, the consumption will be accounted against the i ngredients (rice, sugar, etc. ). 3. 3. 4. 1. 4 Items 107, 108 and 062 : wheat/atta: This will mean wheat in its whole grain form, broken wheat (not powdered) and also atta used for food preparation. If they are procured through PDS shop at subsidized rate then entr y will be made against item 107. Consumption of wheat received free of cost from PDS shop/FPS or Point of Sale (POS) under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana (PMGKAY) or from any other state specific schemes are to be recorded under item wheat/at ta-free (062) and the value is to be imputed at
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-54 | P a g e prevailing local retail market price. Wheat/atta consumed from other sources will be recorded against item 108. 3. 3. 4. 1. 5 Items 110, 111, 112 & 114: wheat products- Item 110: Maida is wheat flour, that is, wheat in its powdered form (which is purchased as “maida ”), will be included under item 110 ( maida ). Item 111: Suji and Rawa are granulated wheat, used as battering ingredient in many Indian dishes. These are also used as main ingredient in numerous food s, both sweets and savory, like Upma and Rawa Laddoo. Item 112: Sewai are made out by different food grains such as wheat, maida, rice, ragi, etc. and will be recorded against item 112. Item 114: Other wheat products not mentioned above in items 110 to 1 12 will be accounted against item 114 (other wheat products). It may be noted that wheat preparation like noodles, bread, biscuits, cakes, etc., will be accounted for in the packaged processed food sub-group (Section 7. 2). Note: Consumption of bakery bre ad and noodles will be recorded against item 113 and item 015 respectively in Section 7. 2 (packaged processed food). Earlier the same used to be collected in cereal sub-group. 3. 3. 4. 1. 6 Items 001, 070 and 002: Details of consumption of coarse grains-(i) jowar, (ii) bajra, (iii) maize, (iv) barley, (v) ragi and (vi) small millets will be recorded against item code 001, if these items are procured from PDS shop at subsidized rate. If these coarse grains are procured free of cost under PMGKAY or any other s tate specific schemes then the consumption of these items are to be recorded against item 070. If they are procured from any other sources, then consumption details will be recorded against item code 002. Maize (item 002) will in clude popcorn and barley wil l include Sattu prepared by it, etc. Food prepared by these cereals will be recorded against appropriate items of food group, beverages, etc. It may be noted that item code 001 includes coarse grains viz. (i) jowar & its products (055), (ii) bajra & its p roducts (056), (iii) maize & its products (057), (iv) barley & its products (058), (v) ragi & its products (059), and (vi) small millets & its products (060) purchased from PDS shop at subsidized rate. Item code 070 includes coarse grains procured from PDS shop/FPS or POS at free of cost (i) jowar & its products (063), (ii) bajra & its products (064), (iii) maize & its products (065), (iv) barley & its products (066), (v) ragi & its products (067), and (vi) small millets & its products (068).
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-55 | P a g e Item code 002 includes coarse grains items purchased from other sources (i) jowar & its products (115), (ii) bajra & its products (116), (iii) maize & its products (117), (iv) barley & its products (118), (v) ragi & its products (121), and (vi) small millets & its prod ucts (120). Drop Down Menu (DDM) will be provided to record consumption of these items separately in data capturing software. Consumption of each coarse grain will be recorded separately only for the households belonging to the States-Rajasthan, Punjab, H aryana, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Telangana. For rest of the States/UTs, total quantity and value of all the coarse grains consumed by the household during the reference period is t o be recorded against items 001, if procured f rom PDS shop at subsidized rate; will be recorded against item 070, if procured from PDS shop/FPS or POS at free of cost and against item 002, if procured from other sources. 3. 3. 4. 1. 7 Item 122: Other cereals and its products which are not listed in this Section will be recorded against item code 122. 3. 3. 4. 1. 8 Item 129: cereal: sub-total: This is a sub-total item. The entry will be the sum of the entries recorded in that column against each of the constituent items (cereals and cereal products). 3. 3. 4. 1. 9 Item 139: cereal substitutes (tapioca, etc. ): Cereals are usually a person's staple food. But sometimes by choice or due to scarcity, a person may not consume much of cereals or may consume no cereal at all. The food requirement is p artially or wholly met in such cases by consumption of food items which could be treated as substitutes for cereals. Tapioca, for example, is consumed in some parts of the country as a substitute for cereals. Similarly, jackfruit seed, mahua, singara floo r, etc., are also consumed as substitute for cereals. Potato or sweet potato consumed as substitutes for cereals will not however be shown here. These will be recorded under the vegetables group. Note: Sometimes mixed cereal flour, like idli flour, which is a mixture of cereals, pulses and also of spices, is purchased and consumed. In such a case, if the proportion of different constituents of the mixture is not known and/or might be difficult to obtain, the quantity and value of it will be recorded agains t the major constituent item of the mixed cereal flour.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-56 | P a g e 3. 3. 4. 2 Section 5. 2: Consumption of pulses and pulse products during the last 30 days Q5. 2 What is the quantity and value of the pulses and pulse products consumed by the household during last 30 days? 3. 3. 4. 2. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of pulse and its products mentioned in Col. (1), Q5. 2 during the last 30 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and so urce from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 4. 2. 2 Items 140 to 146 & 148: Consumption details of different types of pulses will be recorded against these items. It may be noted that consumption of khesari will be recorded against item code 1 48 (other pulse s). 3. 3. 4. 2. 3 Item 150: besan, gram products: Consumption of besan and other gram products like sattu obtained by frying and powdering of gram (whole grain) will be recorded against item code 150. 3. 3. 4. 2. 4 Item 152: ot her pulse products: Pulse products like soya chunks, soyabean meal and soya flour, etc., will be recorded here. 3. 3. 4. 2. 5 Item s 158 & 071 : Consumption of different types of pulses procured through PDS at subsidized rate will be recorded in item 158. Consump tion of pulses received free of cost from PDS shop/FPS or POS under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana (PMGKAY) or from any other state specific schemes are to be recorded against item pulses-free (071) and the value is to be imputed at prevailing loca l retail market price. 3. 3. 4. 2. 6 Item 159: This is a sub-total item. The entry will be the sum of the entries recorded in that column against each of the constituent items (pulses and pulse products). 3. 3. 4. 3 Section 5. 3: Consumption of salt and sugar du ring the last 30 days Q5. 3 What is the quantity and value of the salt and sugar consumed by the household during last 30 days? 3. 3. 4. 3. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of salt and sugar mentioned in Col. (1), Q5. 3 duri ng the last 30 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7).
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-57 | P a g e 3. 3. 4. 3. 2 Item s 178 & 073 : Consumption of salt procured through PDS at subsidized rate will be recorded in item 178. Consumption of salt received free of cost from PDS shop/FPS or POS under PMGKAY or from any other state specific schemes are to be recorded under item salt (073) and value is to be imputed at prevailing local r etail market price. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3 Item 170: Salt procured from other sources will be recorded here. 3. 3. 4. 3. 4 Items 171-172 & 074 : If sugar is procured from PDS shop at subsidized rate, then it will be recorded against item code 171. Consumption of sugar rece ived free of cost from PDS shop/FPS or POS under PMGKAY or from any other state specific schemes are to be recorded under item sugar (074). Sugar consumed from other sources will be recorded against item code 172. This will also include khandsari. 3. 3. 4. 3. 5 Items 173-174: Consumption of jaggery (gur) will be recorded against item code 173. The quantity and value of purchased “gur” (Molasses or black treacle) will be reported in relevant columns of this item. The ex-farm price for home produced 'gur' will b e reported in Cols. (3) and (4). Consumption of candy, misri will be recorded against item code 174. 3. 3. 4. 3. 6 Item 175: Consumption of honey will be accounted here. 3. 3. 4. 3. 7 Item 179: This is a sub-total item. The entry will be the sum of the entries r ecorded in that column against each of the constituent items (sugar and salt). 3. 3. 5 Section 6: Consumption of milk & milk products, vegetables, fruits, egg, fish & meat, edible oil, spices, beverages during the last 7 days Objectives and Scope To rec ord some basic information on the quantity and value of consumption of 'milk & milk products', 'vegetables', 'fruits (fresh and dry)', 'egg, fish & meat', 'edible oil', 'spices' and 'beverages' by the household during the last 7 days preceding the date of the survey in Sections 6. 1 to 6. 8 respectively. Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-58 | P a g e 3. 3. 5. 1 Section 6. 1: Consumption of milk & milk products during last 7 days Q6. 1 What is the quantity and value of the milk and milk products consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 3. 5. 1. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of milk & milk products mentioned in Col. (1), Q6. 1 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 5. 1. 2 Items 160, 162-167, 003-007, 092: milk and milk products: These items relate to liquid milk, and products of milk obtai ned on transforming milk by heating, churning milk or adding chemicals like acid drops or fermenting agent, in the form of ghee, butter, curd (dahi), yogurt, casein ( chhena ), butter milk, etc. Confectioneries like 'khoya', 'rasagolla', 'pera', etc. prepare d at home out of milk purchased or home-produced will not be treated as milk products and hence will not be accounted against these items. In case a household prepares these confectioneries from liquid milk, its consumption will be recorded against milk: liquid (item 160) and against other constituent items of the preparations. Similarly, when milk products like ghee, butter, curd, etc. are obtained from liquid milk by the household and consumed, consumption will be recorded against milk: liquid and not a gainst the particular milk product. For example, suppose a household purchased 30 litres of milk, out of which 15 litres was converted into curd and consumed. In this case the entire amount of 30 litres will be shown against “milk: liquid” only. But if th e curd is purchased from the market and consumed by the household, the quantity and value will be recorded against “curd”. 3. 3. 5. 1. 3 Item 160: milk: liquid: This will mean milk as directly obtained from cow, buffalo, goat or any other livestock. Milk sol d in bottle or polypack will also be treated as 'milk: liquid'. The unit of quantity for “milk: liquid” is 'litre'. Readily drinkable flavoured and bottled milk should be considered as “milk: liquid” and should also be recorded against this item. Milk tr ansformed into curd, casein, ghee, etc. during the reference period for the purpose of household consumption should also be included in this item even if the milk products are not actually consumed during the reference period (a departure from the consumpt ion approach). The same procedure will be followed even if the milk product is intended to be gifted to some other household. 3. 3. 5. 1. 4 Item 164: ghee: Ghee is a type of clarified butter in which all the milk solids have been removed and is stable at roo m temperature. It is also used as Ayurvedic medicine.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-59 | P a g e 3. 3. 5. 1. 5 Item 163: curd, yogurt: Curd (Dahi ) is a dairy product made by curdling the milk with edible acidic substance such as lemon juice or vinegar whereas Yogurt is created by bacterial fermentatio n of milk by using yogurt culture that consists of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles. 3. 3. 5. 1. 6 Item 165: butter: Butter is dairy product made from the fat and protein components of milk or cream. 3. 3. 5. 1. 7 Item 166: ice-cream: Ice-cream for which major component is milk will be included against this item. Ice with syrup but without milk sold in the villages as ice-cream will not be included against this item. Instead, it will be accounted against item 278 (other beverages, Section 6. 8). 3. 3. 5. 1. 8 Item 003-005: pane er, prepared sweets & cheese : Pane er and cheese are dairy product made from milk and will be recorded against item 003 & 005 respectively. Prepared sweets will include sweets made of sugar, cereals, milk, coconut, etc., obtained by purchase or as gift and will be recorded against item 004. Sweets made at home will not be accounted against this item but against their ingredient items. 3. 3. 5. 1. 9 Item 167: other milk products: Milk products like khoya, etc. which are not recorded against item codes mentioned above will be accounted here. It may be noted that item code 092 includes (i) lassi (006), (ii) butter milk (007), (iii) other milk products (167). Drop Down Menu (DDM) will be provided to record consumption of these i tems separately in data capturing software. 3. 3. 5. 2 Section 6. 2: Consumption of vegetables during last 7 days Q6. 2 What is the quantity and value of the vegetables consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 3. 5. 2. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of vegetables mentioned in Col. (1), Q6. 2 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 5. 2. 2 Items 200 to 217: All vegetables consumed by the sample household will either be accounted against the specific listed items or against item 217 (other vegetables). Other vegetables (item 217) include green fruits like mango, etc. used in preparing pickles in the home. Note that quantity of lemon is to be recorded in number, not in kgs.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-60 | P a g e 3. 3. 5. 3 Section 6. 3: Consumption of fruits (fresh) during last 7 days Q6. 3 What is the quantity and value of the fruits (fresh) consumed by the househ old during last 7 days? 3. 3. 5. 3. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of fruits (fresh) mentioned in Col. (1), Q6. 3 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 5. 3. 2 Items 220 to 238, 093: All fresh fruits consumed by the sample household will either be accounted against the specific listed items or against item 238 (other fresh fr uits). It may be noted that item code 093 includes (i) litchi, (ii) pears/nashpati, (iii) singara, (iv) jackfruit, (v) berries, (vi) pineapple and (vii) other fresh fruits. Drop Down Menu (DDM) will be provided to record consumption of these items separat ely in data capturing software. 3. 3. 5. 4 Section 6. 4: Consumption of fruits (dry) during last 7 days Q6. 4 What is the quantity and value of the fruits (dry) consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 3. 5. 4. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of fruits (dry) mentioned in Col. (1), Q6. 4 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 5. 4. 2 Items 240 to 243, 245-247, 008, 010, 094: All dry fruits consumed by the sample household will either be accounted against the specific listed items or against item 247 (other dry fruits). It may be noted that item code 094 includes (i) apric ot (008), (ii) dry fig: anjeer (010), and (iii) other dry fruits (247). Drop Down Menu (DDM) will be provided to record consumption of these items separately. 3. 3. 5. 5 Section 6. 5: Consumption of egg, fish & meat during last 7 days Q6. 5 What is the quanti ty and value of the egg, fish & meat consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 3. 5. 5. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of egg, fish and meat mentioned in Col. (1), Q6. 5 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-61 | P a g e items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 5. 5. 2 Items 190 to 196: Details of egg, fish and meat consumed by the sample household will either be account ed against the specific items listed in Col. (1) or against item 196 (others). 3. 3. 5. 6 Section 6. 6: Consumption of edible oil during last 7 days Q6. 6 What is the quantity and value of the edible oil consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 3. 5. 6. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of edible oil mentioned in Col. (1), Q6. 6 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items wer e procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 5. 6. 2 Items 180 to 183, 185, 095: edible oil : Oils such as mustard oil, groundnut oil, etc. will be considered as “edible oil” when they are used in cooking. The same oils, when used for toilet purpose, will n ot be accounted against any of these items in this section, but will be recorded against item 017 (hair oil, hair colour) or item 457 (other toilet articles) of Section 9. 1, Questionnaire CSQ. If oilseeds are purchased or grown for extracting edible oil by crushing and the oil is consumed, then the entry will be shown against the appropriate item of edible oil. 3. 3. 5. 6. 3 Refined oil is prepared by chemical processes of neutralisation, bleaching and decolourisation from the raw oil obtained by crushing the seeds. Sunflower, soyabean oil, rice bran oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, palm oil, etc. will be recorded against item 184 (refined oil). 3. 3. 5. 6. 4 Item s 188 & 075 : edible oil PDS and edible oil-free: Consumption of edible oil procured through PDS at subs idized rate will be recorded against item 188, however, if the same is procured free of cost under PMGKAY or any other state specific scheme, then consumption will be recorded against item 075. Note that Vanaspati, margarine (180) and other edible oil (18 5) will be included under the item code 095 (others). Drop Down Menu (DDM) will be provided to record consumption of these items separately.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-62 | P a g e 3. 3. 5. 7 Section 6. 7: Consumption of spices during last 7 days Q6. 7 What is the quantity and value of the spi ces consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 3. 5. 7. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of spices mentioned in Col. (1), Q6. 7 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 5. 7. 2 Items 250-258, 260-261: spices: There are a large variety of spices which are generally used in food preparations. Items not listed in Q6. 7 are most ly purchased in the villages as mixed spice s and it may be difficult to collect information on expenditure and consumption of each individual item of spices. For such spices item 261 (other spices) has been provided. Note that quantity of consumption will be recorded in gm, not in kgs. 3. 3. 5. 7. 3 Item 256: dry chillies: Consumption of dry chillies, whole or powdered, will be recorded in item 256. 3. 3. 5. 7. 4 Item 254: turmeric (haldi): Consumption of turmeric ( haldi ), whole or powdered, will be recorded in item 254. 3. 3. 5. 7. 5 Item 252: cumin (jeera): Consumption of cumin (jeera ) seeds, whole or powdered, will be recorded in item 252. 3. 3. 5. 7. 6 Item 253: coriander (dhania): Consumption of coriander (dhania ) leaf or its seeds (whole or powdered) will be rec orded in item 253. 3. 3. 5. 7. 7 Items 250-251: ginger and garlic: Consumption of ginger and garlic, used as whole, paste or powder, will be recorded against item code 250 and 251 respectively. 3. 3. 5. 7. 8 Item 258: curry powder: Spice mixtures sold as fish cu rry powder, chicken masala, biryani masala, garam masala, etc. will be included in item 258. 3. 3. 5. 7. 9 Item 255: black pepper (kali mirch): Consumption of black pepper (kali mirch), whole or powdered, will be recorded in item 255. 3. 3. 5. 7. 10 Item 257: ta marind: Consumption of tamarind will be recorded in item 257.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-63 | P a g e 3. 3. 5. 7. 11 Item 260: oil seeds: seeds from cultivated crops yielding oil, e. g., rape, sesame, sunflower, etc. will be recorded in item 260. It includes mustard seeds, basil seeds, chia seeds, e tc. 3. 3. 5. 7. 12 Item 263: poppy seeds : Consumption of poppy seeds (khuskhus) is to be recorded against this item. 3. 3. 5. 8 Section 6. 8: Consumption of beverages during last 7 days Q6. 8 What is the quantity and value of the beverages consumed by the househ old during last 7 days? 3. 3. 5. 8. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of beverages mentioned in Col. (1), Q6. 8 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and s ource from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). 3. 3. 5. 8. 2 Item 270: tea-cups (no. ): Quantity (no. ) and value of tea purchased and consumed in cups during the reference period will be recorded in item 270. 3. 3. 5. 8. 3 Item 271: te a-leaf (gm): Quantity (gm) and value of tea purchased in the form of powder, leaf or tea-bags and consumed during the reference period will be recorded in item 271. 3. 3. 5. 8. 4 Item 272: coffee-cups (no. ): Quantity (no. ) and value of coffee purchased and consumed in cups during the reference period will be recorded in item 272. 3. 3. 5. 8. 5 Item 273: coffee-powder (gm): Quantity and value of coffee purchased in the form of powder and consumed during the reference period will be recorded in item 273. 3. 3. 5. 8. 6 Item 274: mineral water: The term “mineral water” will be understood to mean all packaged drinking water regardless of its mineral content. Quantity will be recorded in litre in item 274. 3. 3. 5. 8. 7 Item 011: soda drinks: This includes cold/soft drinks like Thums Up, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Limca, Mountain Dew, Ginger Ale, soda water, etc., and energy drinks like Red Bull, etc. The unit of quantity is 'litre'. 3. 3. 5. 8. 8 Item 275: other cold beverages: bottled/canned: Other cold beverages not included in item 0 11 will be recorded in item 275. The unit of quantity is 'litre'. 3. 3. 5. 8. 9 Item 276: fruit juice and shake, sugar cane/date-palm juice, etc. : The unit of quantity for this item is litre. Fruit juices obtained through purchase like packaged green
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-64 | P a g e coconut water, etc., will be recorded here. Fruit juices obtained by extracting the juice of a fruit at home will not be recorded in this item, but against the relevant fruit item (e. g., orange). Juices obtained from plant stems, such as sugarcane juice and date-palm juice, whether purchased or extracted from home produce or forest produce, will be recorded against this item. Moreover, any amount of such juices used to make “gur” in the home will not be recorded against this item. It will be recorded in item 173 (Section 5. 3). 3. 3. 5. 8. 10 Item 278: other beverages (cocoa, chocolate etc. ): This will include cocoa, drinking chocolate, health drinks, etc. No quantity is to be recorded. If a kg of drinking powder is purchased and only 20% is consumed during the referen ce period, then the cost of 200 gm of that powder will be entered. 3. 3. 6 General instruction for Section 7 3. 3. 6. 1 Columns (1) and (2): item and code: It may be noted that for accounting of items a 3-digit coding system is used in all these sections. De scriptions of the items and their codes are printed in columns (1) and (2), respectively. 3. 3. 6. 2 Unit of Quantity: For each item of consumption, the unit in which the quantity is to be recorded is, in case of some items, shown within brackets after the description of the item in Col. (1). For items, where no unit is specified after the item description in Col. (1), the quantity must be recorded in kilograms (kgs). 3. 3. 6. 3 Columns (3) and (4): quantity and value: In Cols. (3) and (4), total consumption o f the item by the household during the reference period is to be recorded. This includes all consumption out of monetary and non-monetary purchases including goods purchased online and of goods received as gift or charity, obtained through free collection, or as payment in kind. Against most of the items of this section, there is provision to record the quantity figure in the appropriate unit. A quantity figure has two parts-an integer part and a fractional or decimal part. The integer part will be recor ded in the left-hand cell and the fractional part will be entered in the right-hand cell in three places of decimals, in case the units are reported in 'kg'. If the specified unit of quantity is 'gm', the right-hand cell of the space for quantity has been shaded, meaning that a whole number entry is required to record the quantity figure. All value figures are to be recorded in whole number of rupees, after rounding off paise figures, if any. 3. 3. 6. 4 Column (5): source code: Consumption of an item durin g the last 7 days may be made out of one or more of several possible sources: namely, purchase, exchange of goods and services, and gifts or charities. The source from which the item has been obtained and consumed by the household for served and packaged p rocessed food is to be recorded in code.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-65 | P a g e The codes are as follows: only purchase 1 only exchange of goods and services 5 only gifts/ charities 6 others 9 Note: Please refer para 3. 3. 3. 6, Section 3. 3. 3 for more details of the codes related to source of the items consumed. 3. 3. 7 Section 7: Consumption of processed food during the last 7 days Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on the quantity and value of consumption of 'served' and 'packaged' processed food by the household durin g the last 7 days preceding the date of the survey in Sections 7. 1 & 7. 2 respectively. Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households 3. 3. 7. 1 Section 7. 1: Consumption of served processed food during last 7 days Q7. 1 What is the q uantity and value of the served processed food consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 3. 7. 1. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of served processed food mentioned in Col. (1), Q7. 1 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) & (4) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (5). 3. 3. 7. 1. 2 Served processed food (items 280 to 284): The foods that have been listed in Col. (1) are t hose that are normally (but not always) served “hot” or “ready-to-eat” in restaurants, snack bars, roadside eating places, etc. for immediate consumption at the place of purchase, such as samosas, kachoris, puris, parathas, burgers, chaat, paobhaji, vegeta ble or non-veg. rolls, idlis, vadas and dosas, cooked chowmein, golgappas, litti, etc., and meals received outside the home through purchase or in the workplace or as charity. Any of these foods, if prepared at home, will not be recorded as a “processed f ood” item but will be accounted against the ingredients (such as flour, oil, salt, etc. ). That is, there is no change in the existing procedure in this respect.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-66 | P a g e A food thali purchased and consumed will be recorded wholly against “cooked meals purchased” (i tem 280). Even if such a thali contains puris or parathas, no entry will be made against item 283. Chowmein (say) will be recorded against item 283 whether it is served in a snack bar or packed in cooked form for taking home. Similarly, a veg. burger will be recorded against item 283 whether it is served on a plate or packed for taking home. The value of sabzi (cooked vegetables) received with a plate of puris, parathas or kachoris will not be known to informants and no separate accounting of such sabzi need to be done. On the other hand, it might be possible to record the value of sweets and samosas separately ( prepared sweets against item 004, Section 6. 1 and samosa against item 283, Section 7. 1 respectively), even if purchased from the same shop, as they are separate item and have their own value. 3. 3. 7. 1. 3 Items 280 to 282 (cooked meals): It should be noted, firstly, that the term “cooked meals” in items 280 to 282 does not refer to food cooked in the sample household or in any other household. (That kin d of food is always accounted against the ingredients in the household in which it is cooked. ) The cooked meals considered in these items are of the following kinds: cooked meals acquired through purchase, cooked meals received free in the workplace, and c ooked meals received as assistance or charity. 3. 3. 7. 1. 4 Items 076 & 280: cooked meals purchased: As in earlier rounds, cooked meals purchased by the sample household from hotels, restaurants, etc. for own consumption or for consumption of guests or for c harity will be recorded against item 280: “cooked meals purchased”. However, if the cooked meals are purchased at subsidi zed rates under different Government social welfare schemes like, Amma Canteen, Kalaignar, Maa Canteen, Shivbhojan scheme etc. or from Charitable organization, then the same are to be recorded against item 076. Also, cooked meals purchased and used as means of payment for services received by the sample household will be recorded in the household of the person receiving the cooked meals a s payment. In case of student households residing in hostels, the meals received from the hostel mess against payment (usually monthly) will be recorded against item 280 in the student household even if paid for by the parents. 3. 3. 7. 1. 5 Item 281: cooked meals received free in workplace: The number and imputed value of cooked meals received by any member of the sample household free of cost as perquisites or as payment in kind from the organization in which he/she is employed (e. g., free meals from the off ice or factory canteen) should be recorded in this item. Meals obtained at a subsidized price from workplace will, however, be recorded against item 280 and not here. Note that consumption of meals prepared in the kitchen of the employer's household will not be recorded here as it will be accounted in the employer's household (against the ingredients).
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-67 | P a g e 3. 3. 7. 1. 6 Item 282: cooked meals received as assistance: The number and imputed value of cooked meals received free of cost under the mid-day meal scheme or received as charity, flood relief, or other assistance from any government or private organization (such as religious bodies) will be recorded against this item. Meals prepared in the kitchen of any household and served as charity to any member of the sam ple household will not be accounted here but in the preparing household (against the ingredients). Note: If the ingredients of meals, such as uncooked rice, dal, etc. are received, even from schools in lieu of mid-day meals, they should be recorded agains t rice, dal, etc., and not here. For inmates of hostels where meals are provided free of cost by the Government or other organization which runs the hostel, the cost of meals will be imputed at local prices and recorded against item 282. 3. 3. 7. 1. 7 Item 2 83: cooked snacks purchased (samosa, puri, paratha, burger, chowmein, idli, dosa, vada, chops, pakoras, paobhaji, vadapao, etc. ): This item will also include pizzas, kachoris, chhole bhaturey, fries and cutlets, vegetable and non-veg rolls, kulche, dal-bati churma, litti, sandwiches and similar foods. Note that any of these foods, if prepared at home, will NOT be recorded as a “processed food” item but will be accounted against the ingredients (su ch as flour, oil, salt, etc. ). Also, if a meal whose main i ngredient was parathas (or pizzas, etc. ), if reported against item 280, it should not be reported again against item 283. 3. 3. 7. 1. 8 The enumerator should first try to ascertain whether any household member (working adult, school-going child, etc. ) spend s on snacks on a regular basis (e. g., during lunch break). In case these are not heavy enough to be recorded against “cooked meals purchased”, they should be recorded against item 283 or item 284. Apart from this, snacks (such as samosas) may be purchased from nearby shops and consumed by a number of household members together. The number of such occasions during the last 7 days and the average amount spent on each such occasion should be ascertained through suitable questions. Care should be taken not to miss such expenditures as their total over a period of 7 days may be quite substantial. 3. 3. 7. 1. 9 Item 284: other served processed food: This will include chaat, golgappa, jhalmuri, poha, bhelpuri, purchased vegetable curry, and any other served processe d food not covered under the abovementioned items. Note: It may be noted that the quantity and value of the items 280 to 283, consumed during last 7 days, is solely depends on the perception of the informants that which kind of food they have considered a s a meal or snacks, say in southern parts of India, household used to take some dishes like dosa, idli, etc., as their meal in lunch and dinner, also northern household
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-68 | P a g e used to have parathas, pooris in their meal. Therefore, proper care should be taken to r ecord the consumption for items 280 to 283. 3. 3. 7. 2 Section 7. 2: Consumption of packaged processed food during last 7 days Q7. 1 What is the quantity and value of the packaged processed food consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 3. 7. 2. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of packaged processed food mentioned in Col. (1), Q7. 2 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) & (4) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (5). 3. 3. 7. 2. 2 Packaged processed food (items 012-015, 113, 161 and 290 to 296): The food that have been listed as packaged processed food are usually purchased in packaged form, though there are exceptions. The same foods may also be consumed directly at the place of purchase, in sweet-shops, tea-shops, etc. ; even in such cases, they should be listed against the same items. 3. 3. 7. 2. 3 Any of these foods, if prepared at home, will not be recorded as a “processed f ood” item but will be accounted against the ingredients (such as flour, sugar, oil, salt, etc. ). That is, there is no change in the existing procedure in this respect. 3. 3. 7. 2. 4 Item 012: breakfast cereals : Breakfast cereals, namely, oats, conflakes, muse li, granola etc., will be recorded against item 012. This item has been introduced first time in this survey. 3. 3. 7. 2. 5 Item 161: baby food: This relates to all the baby food for which the principal constituent may or may not be milk will be accounted agai nst this item. 3. 3. 7. 2. 6 Item 290: cake, pastry: Bakery items such as cake, pastries, buns and sweet rolls may be included here. 3. 3. 7. 2. 013: biscuits: All kind of b iscuits will be recorded here. 3. 3. 7. 2. 8 Item 291: chocolates, etc. : This item will in clude confectioneries such as toffees and lozenges, and sugar substitutes such as saccharine and sugar-free sweeteners. 3. 3. 7. 2. 9 Item 292: papad, bhujia, namkeen, mixture, chanachur: Papad is usually made from powdered pulses but may also be made from sa go or other cereals. It is usually consumed in fried (or toasted) form, as part of a rice meal or as a separate snack, in most parts of India.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-69 | P a g e Bhujias, namkeens and chanachur (often called mixture) are spicy pulse-based snacks available in grocery shops; they may be sold in packaged form or by weight and in all cases should be entered against this item. 3. 3. 7. 2. 10 Item 293: chips, nachos, puffs, wafers, etc. : The unit of quantity for these items is grams. Consumption of potato chips and similar foo ds (for exa mple, chips made from plantains, nachos, puffs, wafers ) will be entered against this item. 3. 3. 7. 2. 11 Item 294: pickles: The unit of quantity for pickles is grams. Pickles prepared at home by the sample household will not be entered here but ag ainst the ingredients. 3. 3. 7. 2. 12 The “consumption approach”, if followed strictly in case of home-made pickles, would involve reporting only that part of each ingredient of pickles which has been consumed by the sample household during the last 7 days, e ven if the pickles were prepared a year ago in some other household. This is obviously a very difficult task for the field. To simplify data collection, pickles which are prepared by a household may be treated, for purposes of recording information, to be consumed at the time of preparation by the preparing household. In other words, pickles prepared during the reference period will be taken as part of the consumption of the preparing household, unless it is prepared for sale. 3. 3. 7. 2. 13 Item 295 : sauce, j am, jelly, mayonnaise : The unit o f quantity for sauce, jam, jelly, spread and mayonnaise is grams. Jam or jelly prepared at home will not be entered here but against the ingredients. The same approach as for pickles will be followed for these items. 3. 3. 7. 2. 14 Item 113: bread (bakery): consumption of bread (bakery) will be recorded against this item in kgs. 3. 3. 7. 2. 15 Item 014: health supplements (protein powder, probiotic tablet and drinks, chawanprash, etc. ): Health supplements like protein powder, prob iotic tablets & drinks, chawanprash, etc. will be recorded against item 014. 3. 3. 7. 2. 1 6 Item 015: noodles (cup noodles, rice noodles, etc. ): The consumption of noodles (cup noodles, rice noodles or noodles made from any cereal) will be recorded in item 01 5. 3. 3. 7. 2. 17 Item 296: other packaged processed food: Ready-to-cook mixes such as poha, vada mix, dosa mix, gulabjamun mix, etc., soup powder, custard powder, and any other food item, other than the above, sold in packaged form for home consumption will be reported here. 3. 3. 8 Section A1: Summary information of item collected in Questionnaire- FDQ 3. 3. 8. 1 This section will be auto-generated as per the details recorded in Sections 5-7.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-70 | P a g e 3. 3. 9 Section A2: Contact details of the household and time taken by the informant 3. 3. 9. 1 In this section, the contact details viz. mobile number and landline number of the household and time taken to canvass the questionnaire, name of the informant, response code of the informant will be recorded. 3. 3. 9. 2 QA2. 1 Mobi le number of the informant : This information should be auto-generated from Questionnaire-HCQ, item no. 1. 1. 1. However, the mobile number of the informant should also be verified by the informant at the time of canvassing Questionnaire FDQ and updated mob ile number will be recorded, if the informant want s to update the mobile number. Mobi le number consists of 10 digits starting from any one of digits 6, 7, 8 or 9. 3. 3. 9. 3 QA2. 2 Alternate mobile number of the informant : This information should be auto-gene rated from Questionnaire-HCQ, item no. 1. 1. 2. However, the alternate mobile number of the informant should also be verified by the informant at the time of canvassing Questionnaire FDQ and updated mobile number will be recorded, if the informant want s to update the mobile number. Mobi le number consists of 10 digits starting from any one of digits 6, 7, 8 or 9. 3. 3. 9. 4 QA2. 3 Landline number of the informant : This information should be auto-generated from Questionnaire-HCQ, item no. 1. 1. 3. However, the l andline number of the informant should also be verified by the informant at the time of canvassing Questionnaire FDQ and updated landline number will be recorded, if the informant want s to update the landline number. The 11-digit landline number starting t he STD code as applicable, of the household, if exists in the household is to be recorded here. 3. 3. 9. 5 QA2. 4 Time taken to canvass the Questionnaire FDQ (in minutes) : Entry in this item will be made in whole number and in minutes. The time required to ca nvass the questionnaire should be the actual time taken by the enumerator(s) to canvass the questionnaire and will not include the time needed by the enumerator(s) to finalize the questionnaire. 3. 3. 9. 6 QA2. 5 Household's usual consum ption expenditure in a month (in Rs. ): In this item, household's usual monthly consum ption expenditure on food, consumables & services and durables will be recorded in whole number of Rupees. Note: It is to be noted that the information on Household's usual consum ption expend iture in a month (QA2. 5) will be collected only for validation of the data and will not be used for generating any estimates.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-71 | P a g e 3. 3. 9. 7 QA2. 6 Total expenditure incurred on online purchase/payment of food items during the last 30 days (in Rs. ): If any expend iture was incurred by the household for online purchase of food items such as groceries, vegetables, fruits, egg, fish & meat, served & packed processed food, etc. during the period of last 30 days, then total expenditure incurred during the last 30 days i s to be recorded here in whole number of rupees. Definition of online purchase/payment has been provided in para no. 3. 3. 1. 3 of Chapter-3. 3. 3. 9. 8 QA2. 7 Name of the informant: Informant is the person from whom the bulk of the information on the Schedule i s collected. It is always desirable to collect information from one of the household members. In extreme cases, where this cannot be done, information may be collected from a non-household member who is supposed to know the requisite information. In Comput er assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) mode, serial number and name of the household member as listed in Cols. 1 and 2 of Block 3 /3A will appear along with an option 'not a household member' against 'srl. no. of the household member' '99' for selecting the informant. The enumerator should select the 'informant ' from that list as given below: Srl. no. of the household member Name Select the informant o o 99 not a household member o 3. 3. 9. 9 QA2. 8 Response code of the informant as assessed by SE/JSO: This item is meant to categorize the informant according to the degree of his/her co-operation as well as his/her capability to provide the required information in the Schedule. Information on the type of informant will be collected in terms of the following codes: informant co-operative and capable 1 informant reluctant 4 informant co-operative but not capable 2 others 9 informant busy 3
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-72 | P a g e 3. 4. 1 General Instructions 3. 4. 1. 1 This questionnaire relates to energy, education, medical care and miscellaneous goods and services. Expenditure approach as well as consumption approach will be followed while recording information. 3. 4. 1. 2 When a household H obtains an item as gift or charity, or by free collection, no expenditure i s incurred by the household H on the item. 3. 4. 1. 3 When a household W obtains an item as perquisite from the employer, or as payment in kind from a household or enterprise for services rendered by W, then W is considered to incur an expenditure on the ite m received as perquisite or payment in kind. The value of the item at local retail prices is considered to be the amount of expenditure incurred by W. Examples are free provision of accommodation, newspapers and telephone services by employers to employees, and any expenses on domestic account, such as medical expenses, that are reimbursed by employers. Leave Travel Concession (LTC) is another example of perquisites. 3. 4. 1. 4 Credit purchase: In case of credit purchase of any item of this questionnaire, th e actual expenditure made during the reference period will be recorded. If any payment is made during the reference period for any credit purchase made earlier, then that amount will also be included. If the household makes a lumpsum payment against the credit purchase of several items, apportionment will be made for each of the items in proportion to their value. 3. 4. 1. 5 When a household H acquires an item through cash purchase, the time of incurring expenditure is clear. In case of payment by cheque o r through a credit card, the household is considered to incur expenditure at the moment when the cheque is handed over (or sent by post) or the credit card is presented to the seller as means of payment. Note: In general, any purchase made on a given dat e by credit card will be treated at par with cash purchases made on that date. Subject to this, entries for consumption will as usual be made adopting the appropriate approach (use/expenditure). 3. 4 Questionnaire CSQ: Consumables and Services
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-73 | P a g e 3. 4. 2 Section 4. 2: General information on purchase/payment Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on online purchase/payment and procurement of non-food consumables and services and some information on subsidy of the sample household Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected ho useholds. 3. 4. 2. 0 Q4. 2. 0 Whether the household procured kerosene using ration card during the last 30 days? 3. 4. 2. 0. 0 If the household procured kerosene using the ration card of own household or using the ration card of other household during the last 30 days, then code 1 will be re corded in Q4. 2. 0, otherwise code 2 will be recorded. 3. 4. 2. 1 Q4. 2. 1 Whether the household received subsidy on LPG cylinder during the last 3 months? 3. 4. 2. 1. 0 If the household received subsidy on procurement of LPG cylinder for domestic use during the last 3 months, then code 1 will be recorded, otherwise code 2 will be reported. If code 1 is recorded in Q4. 2. 1, then the number of subsidized LPG cylinder purchased by the household during the last 3 months preceding the date of s urvey will also be recorded in the textbox. 3. 4. 2. 2 Q4. 2. 2 Whether the household received free electricity during the last 30 days? 3. 4. 2. 2. 0 If the household received free electricity for domestic use during the last 30 days, then code 1 will be recorded, otherwise code 2 will be recorded. It is also to be noted that if the sample household received electricity during the last 30 days which is partially free then also code 1 will be recorded in Q4. 2. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3 Q4. 2. 3 Whether any of the household members is attending/attended educational institution during last 365 days? 3. 4. 2. 3. 0 If any household member is attending or attended educational institution (formal or informal) during the last 365 days then code 1 will be recorded, otherwise code 2 will be record ed. If code 1 is recorded in Q4. 2. 3, then the number of such members attended/attending educational institution during the last 365 days will also be recorded in textbox. Branching & Skipping If code 1 in Q4. 2. 3, go to Q4. 2. 4 & Q4. 2. 6, else go to Q4. 2. 7
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-74 | P a g e 3. 4. 2. 4 Q4. 2. 4 Whether any member of the household received free textbooks, stationary, school bag or any other item during last 365 days? 3. 4. 2. 4. 0 This question will be applicable only if code 1 is recorded against Q4. 2. 3. If one or more member of the hou sehold has reported to receive free textbook, stationary (geometry box, notebook, pen, etc. ), school bag or any other item used for educational purpose from educational institution, charitable organisation, etc. during the last 365 days, then the correspon ding box in Col. (3) will be checked, otherwise, it will remain unchecked. Also, number of such items received free of cost will be recorded against Col. (4). 3. 4. 2. 5 Q4. 2. 6 Whether any member of the household received reimbursement /waiver of school/colleg e fee during last 365 days? 3. 4. 2. 5. 0 This question will be applicable only if code 1 is recorded against Q4. 2. 3. If one or more member of the household has reported to receiv e reimbursement /waiver of school/college fee during the last 365 days, code 1 wil l be recorded here, else code 2 will be recorded. It may be noted that received/receivable reimbursement of school/college fee from individuals will not be recorded here. It is to be noted that if code 1 is recorded in Q4. 2. 6, then the number of members who have received reimbursement/waiver of school/college fee during the last 365 days will also be recorded here. 3. 4. 2. 6 Q4. 2. 7 Is one or more member of the household is a beneficiary of Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana Card ( AYUSHMAN BHARAT ) or any other state specific public health scheme as on the date of survey? 3. 4. 2. 6. 0 If the one or more household member is a beneficiary of Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana (AYUSHMAN BHARAT) or any other state specific public health scheme, then code 1 will be recor ded in Q4. 2. 7, else code 2 will be recorded. If code 1 is recorded in Q4. 2. 7, then the number of members who are beneficiary of such government health schemes as on the date of the survey will also be recorded here. Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yogona (PMJA Y): PMJAY or AYUSHMAN BHARAT is a progression towards promotive, preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative aspects of Universal Healthcare through access of Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) at the primary level and provision of financial protec tion for accessing curative care at the secondary and tertiary levels through engagement with both public and private sector. It aims at providing health cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary health care hospitalization to poo r and vulnerable families of the Indian population. Under this scheme, beneficiary will get cashless and paperless access to services at the point of service.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-75 | P a g e Any specific health insurance scheme launched by State Government will also be covered here. For e. g., Swasthya Sathi health insurance scheme of Government of West Bengal, Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana of Government of Odisha, Karunya Health Scheme of Government of Kerala etc. 3. 4. 2. 7 Q4. 2. 8 Whether there was any case of hospitalization in the househol d during last 365 days? 3. 4. 2. 7. 0 If any member of the household was hospitali zed as in-patient of a medical institution during the last 365 days, then code 1 will be recorded, o therwise code 2 will be recorded. 3. 4. 2. 8 Q4. 2. 9 Whether one or more member of the household has received benefits of medical treatment (medical-hospitali zation) under Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana Card ( AYUSHMAN BHARAT ) or any other state specific public health scheme during the last 365 days? 3. 4. 2. 8. 0 This question will be applicable only if, code 1 is recorded in both the questions Q4. 2. 7 and Q4. 2. 8. If one or more member s of the household have receive d benefits of medical treatment (hospitalised treatment ) under Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yogona or from any other state spec ific health scheme then, code 1 will be recorded in Q4. 2. 9; otherwise cod e 2 will be recorded. It is to be noted that if code 1 isrecorded in Q4. 2. 9, then the number of members who have received the benefits of such government health schemes during the l ast 365 days along with total amount of expenditure incurred by the household over & above the ceiling limit (i. e., excluding Govt. Spending) for the treatment will also be recorded in the respective items. 3. 4. 2. 9 Q4. 2. 10 Whether any online purchase/payme nt has been made to buy one or more of the goods & services (Fuel & light, toilet articles & other household consumables, education, medicine, services) during the reference period of 30 days? 3. 4. 2. 9. 0 If any online purchase/payment (for definition see p ara 3. 3. 1. 3, Section 3. 3) has been made by the household to buy one or more of the items listed in Col. (2) such as fuel & light, toilet articles & other household consumables, education ( purchase of stationary, books, payment of school/college fee, etc. ), medicine & other medical services, online payment of services (mobile recharge, etc. ), buying air/rail tickets, etc. during the reference period of 30 days, then the corresponding box in Col. (3) will be checked, otherwise, it will remain unchecked. 3. 4. 2. 10 Q4. 2. 11 Whether the household has internet facility as on the date of the survey ? 3. 4. 2. 1 0. 0 The Internet is a worldwide public computer network. It provides access to a number of communication services including the World Wide Web and carries e-mail, news, entertainment and data files, irrespective of the device used (not assumed to be only via a computer-it may also be by mobile telephone, tablet, personal digital assistant (PDA), games
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-76 | P a g e machine, digital TV etc. ). Access can be via a fixed or mobile network. Household with Internet facility will mean that the Internet is generally available for use by all members of the household at any time, regardless of whether it is actually used. The connection and devices may or may not be owned by the household but both should be possessed by the household. If the household reported to have the internet facility in the household premises as on the date of the survey, code 1 will be recorded, otherwise code 2 will be recorded. 3. 4. 3 General instruction for Sec tions 8 & 12 3. 4. 3. 1 To record the entries in Columns (1) to (7) of the Sections 8 & 12, the instruction provided in the paras 3. 3. 3. 1 to 3. 3. 3. 13 of section 3. 3. 3 will be followed. 3. 4. 4 Section 8. 1: Consumption of energy (fuel, light) during the last 30 days) Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on the quantity and value of consumption of energy (fuel & light) by the household during the last 30 days preceding the date of the survey. Consumption details of energy will be recorded in S ection 8. 1. Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households. Q8. 1 What is the quantity and value of the energy (fuel & light) consumed by the household during last 30 days? 3. 4. 4. 1 This section will record information on consumptio n of energy for cooking, lighting and other household purposes with the exception of conveyance during the last 30 days prior to the date of survey. The “consumption out of home produce” will be recorded for 'solar panel (under item electricity)' and 'firewood and chips' only. If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of energy (fuel & light) mentioned in Col. (1), Q8. 1 during the last 30 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). Note that some items such as petrol and kerosene may be used for cleaning as well as for energy, therefore following points may be considered for recording: Only the part used for energy, excluding the use in vehicles, will be recorded. The amount of petrol, kerosene, etc. used in vehicles will be reported in the conveyance section 11. 1. The amount used for cleaning purposes may be entered in item 472 of the “household consumables ” section 9. 2.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-77 | P a g e 3. 4. 4. 2 Item 332: electricity: The consumption will include meter rent and surcharge for electricity also. Quantity in “standard units” (kwh) actually consumed during the reference period is to be ascertained as far as possible. Note that all commodities purchased by the household, including electricity, are to be valued at the purchase price. This means that the entry in the value column will be the expenditure actually incurred, if it is a case of purch ase (“Hooking” is not purchase ). If the household received free electricity upto certain limit, then the imputed value of electricity consumed free of cost at prevailing local price is also to be recorded against item 332. Two common special cases of purchase are discussed below: Sometimes a fixed amount is charged from the household every month by the electricity board or supply agency, assuming an average consumption level which the agency calculates in some manner using past information, or otherwise. For example, the bill every month ma y show consumption as 50 units and charges as Rs. 150. In this case the entry in the value column will be Rs. 150. As for quantity, if the household knows that its consumption during the last 30 days was about 80 units and not 50, then 80 will be recorded. O n the other hand, if they have absolutely no idea of the number of units consumed, then 50 may be recorded. Sometimes the meter is shared with the landlord and the landlord charges a fixed amount 'X' every month from the sample household. This is a case of purchase of electricity from the landlord. Here 'X' will be recorded in the value column and the number of units actually consumed will be ascertained as far as possible and recorded in the quantity column. If the household has absolutely no idea of the quantity, then it may be assumed that the landlord is charging at the same rate as the electricity board or supply agency. This rate should then be ascertained and used to calculate the quantity consumed. Hooking: In case of “hooking”, the quantity will ha ve to be approximately ascertained and recorded. Value of this quantity will be imputed at the local price, that is, the price that would have been charged if the connection had been legal. Generation of electricity: For a household to which electricity is supplied by some person or agency generating electricity by means of a generator, the charges will be shown against item 332: electricity. But if the household generates its own electricity using a diesel or petrol generator, then the fuel charges will be shown against “diesel” or “petrol”. Codes for diesel and petrol will be available under Drop Down Menu at item code 096. If the household use solar panel for generation of electricity, then the imputed quantity and value of consumption of electricity g enerated through solar panel at local rate is to be recorded in Cols. 3 & 4 respectively, against item 332: electricity under home produce.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-78 | P a g e 3. 4. 4. 3 Item 338: LPG: Usually a fixed quantity of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is filled in a gas cylinder and su pplied for domestic consumption. To find out the value of consumption of LPG during the reference period, the number of days normally taken by the household to use up one full cylinder of gas will have to be first ascertained. Suppose the price of a cyli nder of gas is Rs. 'V' and the household usually consumes one full cylinder in 'D' days. Then, the value of gas consumed during the last 30 days will be calculated as (V × 30)/D and rounded off to the nearest whole number of rupees. Note: Caution money dep osited for getting a gas cylinder should not be considered as consum ption expenditure and should not be recorded in this questionnaire. 3. 4. 4. 4 Item 331: firewood and chips: It may be noted that firewood and chips collected free from forests, etc., should not be shown as consumption from home produce. 3. 4. 4. 5 Item 334 & 335: kerosene: Consumption of kerosene procured through PDS will be recorded against item 334 and consumption of kerosene procured from other sources will be recorded against item 335. 3. 4. 4. 6 Item 096: other fuel: To collect quantity and value of the items included in other fuel (096) such as charcoal (item 341), biogas & gobar gas (343), coal (337), dung cake (333), petrol (excl. conveyance) (in litre) (344), diesel (excl. conveyance) (i n litre) (345), other natural gas (CNG, etc. ) (340), matches (box) (336), candle (no. ) (342) and other fuel (346), Drop Down Menu will be provided in the data capturing software. Description of some items included in item 096 is given below: 3. 4. 4. 7 Item 343: biogas (gobar gas, etc. ): Biogas typically refers to a mixture of different gases produced from different organic matters. It can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green waste or food waste. The value of all types of biogas like gobar gas, etc. is to be imputed on the basis of value of inputs used for manufacturing of such gas. 3. 4. 4. 8 Item 344: petrol excluding conveyance (litre) and item 345: diesel excluding conveyance (litre): Petrol, diesel, etc. used for generating electricity for lighting, cooking, etc., will be recorded here, but not fuel used for one's vehicle 3. 4. 4. 9 Item 336: matches (box): Quantity is to be entered as number of boxes, where “box” is understood as th e wooden receptacle against the side of which the match is struck to obtain a flame. A number of boxes (say, 10 boxes) may be packed together in a paper packet; such a packet is not to be considered a “box”.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-79 | P a g e 3. 4. 4. 10 Item 346 : other fuel: This will includ e any other item used asfuel for cooking, lighting or other household purposes. It will include fuel used for puja, etc., but not fuel used for one's vehicle. 3. 4. 5 Expenditure on toilet articles and other household consumables during the last 30 days Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on the expenditure made by the household on toilet articles & other household consumables during the last 30 days preceding the date of the survey. The details of toilet articles and household consumabl es will be recorded in Sections 9. 1 & 9. 2 respectively. Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households. 3. 4. 5. 1 Section 9. 1: Expenditure on toilet articles during the last 30 days Q9. 1 What is the value of the toilet articles proc ured by the household during last 30 days? 3. 4. 5. 1. 1 If the selected household report to have made expenditure on any of the item s of toilet articles mentioned in Col. (1), Q9. 1 during the last 30 days including online purchases /payment, then the value of t hese items will b e recorded in the Col. (3). Expenditure approach will be followed for recording information. Description of the items included as toilet articles are as follows: 3. 4. 5. 1. 2 Item 450: Toilet soap, body-wash, hand-wash, shower gel, face-wash and other items used for bathing purpose will be reported in this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 3 Item 016: Sanitizer is a liquid, gel, or foam generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands. If the household made expenditure to purchase sanitizer or any other kind of disinfectants for surface, air, clothes, etc., then it will be reported against this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 4 Item 451: Toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash or any other items used for the purpose cleaning or refreshing the mouth will be recorded against this it em. 3. 4. 5. 1. 5 Item 453: Shampoo, conditioner, serum/gel, cream/mask and other products used for the purpose of cleaning or styling the hair will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 6 Item 017: Oil, colour and any other products used for nourishing or co louring the hair will be recorded against this item.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-80 | P a g e 3. 4. 5. 1. 7 Item 018: Other hair products, accessories, comb, etc., which are not included in items 453 & 017 will be recorded in this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 8 Item 452 : Powder, cream, body lotion, moisturizers and a ny other products used to moisture/refreshing the body will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 9 Item 020: Other beauty product such as lipstick, nail polish, compact & foundation, eye make-up kit like kajal /surma, mascara, shadow, liner, and any other products used as beauty products will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 10 Item 021: Perfume, body spray, deodorant, roll-ons, etc., used for refreshing the body will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 11 Item 456: Sanitary napkins will be recorde d against this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 12 Item 022: Baby P roducts such as diapers, lotion, powder, etc., used for child will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 13 Item 454 : Shaving blades, shaving stick, razor used for shaving purpose will be recorded against thi s item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 14 Item 455 : Shaving cream, shaving foam, aftershave lotion, aftershave balm used in the shaving will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 1. 15 Item 457 : Other toilet articles such as body oil, make-up brushes and any other products which a re not included in the items mentioned above will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 2 Section 9. 2: Expenditure on other household consumables during the last 30 days Q9. 2 What is the value of the other household consumables procured by the household during last 30 days? 3. 4. 5. 2. 1 If the selected household report to have made expenditure on any of the item s of other household consumables mentioned in Col. (1), Q9. 2 during the last 30 days including online purchases /payment, then the value of these items will b e recorded in the Col. (3). Expenditure approach will be followed for recording information. Description of some of the items included as other household consumables is given below: 3. 4. 5. 2. 2 Item 466: washing soap/soda/powder/liquid detergent: This will include washing soap in cake form, powdered form and also in liquid form (detergent powder is also to be reported) and washing soda.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-81 | P a g e 3. 4. 5. 2. 3 Item 467: other washing requisites: This includes brushes, scrubbers, utensil cleaners, steel wool, etc. 3. 4. 5. 2. 4 Item 465: Floor cleaner, acid, toilet cleanerand other materials used for cleaning purpose will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 2. 5 Item 471: Mosquito repellent, insecticide, anti-rodent etc., used to control mosquito will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 2. 6 Item 464: Bucket, dustbin & other plastic goods used for household purpose will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 2. 7 Item 468: Incense ( agarbatti ), room freshener, air freshener and other products used as freshener will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 2. 8 Item 470: Flower (fresh) used for any purpose will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 2. 9 Item 023: LED bulb, CFL bulbs used for lighting will be recorded here. 3. 4. 5. 2. 10 Item 460: Other electric bulb, tubelight, decorative lights and other products not included in item 023 will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 2. 11 Item 462: Earthenware is glazed or unglazed nonvitreous pottery such as terracotta, etc. and will be recorded against this item. Articles made from paper suc h as plates, glasses are called paperware and will be recorded against this item. Apart from these thermocol plates, etc., used for household purpose will also be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 2. 12 Item 461: Electric batteries will be recorded against t his item. 3. 4. 5. 2. 13 Item 463: Glassware usually refers to glass items such as flute glasses, goblets, mugs, burets, flasks, etc. will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 5. 2. 14 Item 472: Other petty articles like coir, rope, door mat, non-durable electric goo ds, etc., which are not included in the items mentioned above will be recorded against this item. 3. 4. 6 Section 10: Expenditure on educ ation and medical (hospitalization ) during the last 365 days and on medical (non-hospitalization ) during the last 30 days Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on the expenditure made by the household on education & medical (hospitalization) during the last 365 days and medical (non-hospitalization) during the last 30 days preceding the date of the survey. The details of education, medical (hospitalization) and medical (non-hospitalization) will be recorded in Sections 10. 1, 10. 2 & 10. 3 respectively.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-82 | P a g e Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households. 3. 4. 6. 1 Section 10. 1: Expenditure o n education during the last 365 days Q10. 1 What is the value of the items/services procured by the household for the purpose of education during last 365 days? 3. 4. 6. 1. 1 This section will record expenses incurred in connection with education. It will include expenditure on goods purchased including online purchase/ payment for the purpose of education, viz., books and journals, paper, pencil, etc. It also includes fees paid to educational institutions (e. g., schools, colleges, universities, etc. ) on account of tuition and other fees like game fees, library fees, development fees, etc., and payment to private tutors. Expenditure approach will be followed for recording information and will include expenditure in both cash and kind. If the selected household re port to have made expenditure on any of the item/services procured for education mentioned in Col. (1), Q10. 1 during the last 365 days, then the expenditure made on these items/services will b e recorded in the Col. (3). 3. 4. 6. 1. 2 Donations: Frequent, com pulsory payments collected by educational institutions at the time of admission or along with the regular fees are termed “donations” by such institutions. These are not really donations as they are not voluntary, and should be reported against “tuition and other fees” (item 405). Expenditure incurred for training in physiotherapy, nursing, etc. will also be recorded against item 405. Occasional payments to the school fund made on account of charities provided for indigent students, if demanded from the s tudent, are not real donations. They are part of the educational expenses and should be recorded against “other educational expenses” (item 408). It is to be noted that only donations for charity made voluntarily will be excluded from household consum ption expenditure. True donations are (voluntary) transfer payments and will not be recorded anywhere in the questionnaire. 3. 4. 6. 1. 3 Items 400 and 401: Books, journals: first-hand and second-hand: It may be noted that all kinds of books, magazines, journals, etc. including novels and other fiction will be covered under these items. 3. 4. 6. 1. 4 Item 404: stationery, photocopying charges: Stationery, photocopying charges incurred for educational purposes will be recorded against ite m 404. Other photocopying charges during the last 30 days will be recorded against item 497 in Section 11. 2. Note: Newspapers and periodicals purchased will be recorded in Section 11. 3, not in this Section.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-83 | P a g e 3. 4. 6. 1. 5 Item 408: other educational expenses: This item will include expenditure incurred on computer training, music, dancing, swimming schools, schools for typing, shorthand, etc. Any fees paid for enrolment in web-based training courses will also be recorded here. This item will also include expenditure on any CD purchased or hired for educational purposes. 3. 4. 6. 1. 6 Deviation from expenditure a pproach : Money sent to a son or daughter studying away from the parents' household is a remittance made by the parents' household and should not be recorded in the parents' household even if the details of how the money is spent are known fully by the par ents. In addition, tuition fees for a child staying in a hostel are not to be recorded in the parents' household. They are to be recorded in the student's household, even in cases where the fees are paid directly by the parents (or guardians) to the educa tional institution. All efforts should be made to ascertain if the educational expenditure reported by the household includes any expenditure (made on a regular basis) on tuition fees of a non-household member, so that such expenditure can be excluded. 3. 4. 6. 2 Section 10. 2: Expenditure on medical (hospitalization) during last 365 days and Section 10. 3: Expenditure on medical (non-institutional) during last 30 days Q10. 2 & Q10. 3 What is the value of the items/services procured by the household for the purpo se of medical (hospitalization) during last 365 days and for medical (non-hospitalization) during last 30 days? 3. 4. 6. 2. 1 In these two sections, information on medical expenses will be collected. The medical treatment has been classified into two categorie s-hospitalization and non-hospitalization. The hospitalization category will include payments made for goods and services availed of as an in-patient in both private as well as Government medical institutions like nursing homes, hospitals, etc. All medic al expenses incurred as in-patent of a medical institution will be recorded in section 10. 2 and the reference period will be last 365 days. All other medical expenses will be treated under non-hospitalization category and will be recorded in section 10. 3. In this case reference period will be last 30 days. If the selected household report to have made expenditure on any of the item/services procured for medical hospitalization & non-hospitalization mentioned in Col. (1), Q10. 2 & Q10. 3 during the last 36 5 days and last 30 days respectively including online purchases/payment, then the expenditure made on these items/services will b e recorded in the Col. (3) of the respective section. 3. 4. 6. 2. 2 Medical (hospitalization and non-hospitalization) expenses: This includes expenditure on different types of medicines, medical goods, payments made to doctor, nurse, etc., on account of professional fees and also payment made to hospital, nursing home, etc. for medical treatment.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-84 | P a g e 3. 4. 6. 2. 3 CGHS Contribution : For Cent ral government employees receiving medicines and medical services from CGHS dispensaries, only the monthly contribution made will be recorded. If, however, some medicine or service is purchased from outside during the reference period, the expenditure, eve n if reimbursed, is to be included in the relevant item. 3. 4. 6. 2. 4 Medical insurance premium : Medical insurance premium payment is not considered as consum ption expenditure. On the other hand, when an insurance company makes a payment to the sample househ old (or directly to a hospital under the “cashless” system) in settlement of a claim made by the household for medical reimbursement, the amount is to be shown as medical expenditure of the household against items 410 to 414 or 420 to 424. In other words, the value of medical goods and services on which expenditure is incurred will be recorded in section 10. 2 or section 10. 3 in the following conditions: If incurred by the household itself, whether or not reimbursed by employer or insurance company, OR If paid by the employer or by the insurance company directly to the hospital. 3. 4. 6. 2. 5 Other medical expenses : Expenditure incurred on MTP (medical termination of pregnancy) may be recorded against item 414 or 424 depend ing on whether hospitaliz ation was nece ssary for MTP or not. Hiring charges for ambulance may likewise to be recorded against item 414 or 424. However, transport expenses other than hiring charges of ambulance will be considered as travelling expenses and not as medical expenses. The distincti on between hospitalization and non-hospitalization medical expenses lies in whether the expenses were incurred on medical treatment as an in-patient of a medical institution or as out-patient of medical institution. 3. 4. 7 Section 11: Expenditure on convey ance, consumer services (excluding conveyance), entertainment, rent and taxes during the last 30 days Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on the expenditure made by the household on conveyance, consumer services (excluding conveyance), entertainment, rent and taxes during the last 30 days preceding the date of the survey. The details of conveyance, consumer services (excluding conveyance), entertainment, rent and taxes will be recorded in Sections 11. 1, 11. 2, 11. 3 & 11. 4 respectively. Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-85 | P a g e 3. 4. 7. 1 Section 11. 1 Expenditure on conveyance during the last 30 days Q11. 1 What is the value of the services procured by the household for the purpose of conveyance during last 30 days? 3. 4. 7. 1. 1 If the selected household report to have made expenditure on any of the services for conveyance mentioned in Col. (1), Q11. 1 during the last 30 days including online purchases/payment, then the expenditure made on these services will be re corded in the Col. (3). 3. 4. 7. 1. 2 Conveyance expenditure: Expenditure incurred on account of journeys undertaken and/or transportation of goods made by airways, railways, bus, tram, steamer, motor car (or taxi), motor-cycle, auto-rickshaw, bicycle, ricks haw (hand-drawn and cycle), horse carriage, bullock cart, hand-cart, porter or any other means of conveyance will be recorded against the respective items of conveyance. The expenditure will be the actual fare paid by the household irrespective of wheth er the journeys were made by members of the sample household or members of other households. 3. 4. 7. 1. 3 Official tour : Expenditure on journeys undertaken by household members as part of official tours will not be considered as consum ption expenditure of th e household.  But journeys to commute to and from place of work are to be included here. 3. 4. 7. 1. 4 Tour on LTC : The expenditure incurred on journeys undertaken under LTC, etc., even if reimbursed, is to be included. 3. 4. 7. 1. 5 Railway fare : For item 024 (railway fare), season tickets valid for more than a month will be treated differently from other railway fare expenditure. Value of season tickets valid for more than a month and held during the reference period by a household member, will be divided by the number of months covered by the ticket to get the amount to be recorded. For all other railway fare expenditure, the amount actually paid during the reference period will be recorded. 3. 4. 7. 1. 6 Items 504 and 025: Bus fare: periodic (lumpsum ): When a v ehicle is arranged (by the school, office or other agency) for children or office goer to travel to school/office every day, the payment for using such a vehicle is normally made periodically on a contractual basis (usually, every month).  Such payments fo r school/college bus, if made during the last 30 days by the household, will be recorded against item 504.  Such payments for commuting to work, if made during the last 30 days by the household, will be recorded against item 025.  For the purpose of this i tem, 'bus' will include school vans, jeeps and other four-wheelers used for this kind of service.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-86 | P a g e 3. 4. 7. 1. 7 Items 505 and 506 : bus/train/auto fare: daily payments: For those who travel by public bus or tram to school/college or office, payment is usually made on a daily basis. The sum of such expenditures made during the last 30 days will be recorded against item 506 for travelling to school or college and against item 505 for commuting to work. 3. 4. 7. 1. 8 Items 500 & 510: Sometimes, conveyance is not regu lar in nature i. e., made occasionally for ceremonial, picnic or any other purpose. In that case, if the conveyance is made by bus/tram without hiring it, then it will be recorded against item 500 and if it made by hiring the car/bus or any other transport, then it will be recorded against item 510. 3. 4. 7. 1. 9 Petrol and Diesel : In case of owned conveyance, the cost of petrol and diesel are to be shown against items 512 and 513 respectively, and cost of all other fuels (including CNG) and lubricants will be recorded against item 514. 3. 4. 7. 1. 10 Animal feed : Expenses for animal feed for animal-drawn carriage used for domestic purposes will be recorded under item 514. 3. 4. 7. 1. 11 Foreign travel : Expenses for journeys involving foreign travel will include trav el expenses up to the first point of alighting on foreign soil as well as travel expenses from the point of final boarding on foreign territory for return to India, but will exclude all expenses on travel taking place in between these two time points. 3. 4. 7. 2 Section 11. 2: expenditure on consumer services (excluding conveyance) during the last 30 days Q11. 2 What is the value of the services procured by the household for the purpose of consumer services (excluding conveyance) during last 30 days? 3. 4. 7. 2. 1 In this section household's expenditure for consumer services, viz., telephone charges, internet charges, barber, tailor, priest, legal charges, postal charges, watchmen/security guard, driver etc. will be recorded. Reference period is during the last 30 days. If the selected household report to have made expenditure on any of the consumer services (excluding conveyance) mentioned in Col. (1), Q11. 2 during the last 30 days including online payment, then the expenditure made on these services will b e reco rded in the Col. (3). 3. 4. 7. 2. 2 Item 488: telephone charges: mobile: For mobile phones, the expenditure incurred during the last 30 days is to be recorded. However, if recharge was done quarterly/half-yearly or annually, then the expenses incurred divide d by the period in months for which recharge was done is to be recorded against this item. Expenditure incurred on the purchase of mobile phone (instrument) will not be included in this item. Instead, it will be included against item 623 of Section 14. 1, Q uestionnaire DGQ.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-87 | P a g e When expenditure on data usage is not separable and taken as a “plan” by the household the entire expenditure should be taken here. 3. 4. 7. 2. 3 Item 487: telephone charges: landline: For domestically installed landline phones, the telephon e bill last cleared divided by the period in months for which it was charged (i. e., monthly average payable) will be considered as the expenditure to be recorded even if the expenditure was not incurred during the reference period of 30 days. Following poi nts may be considered before recording entry in item 487: Security deposit made for the installation of telephone connection is excluded. Cases of new telephone connections for which no bill has been paid till the date of survey may be ignored. However, installation charges paid to the telephone department like labour charges, cost of wire, etc., will be included under this item. In addition, expenditure incurred during the reference period of last 30 days for making telephone calls from STD/PCO booth or other shops on payment will be accounted against this item. When expenditure on broadband is not separable and taken as a “plan” by the household the entire expenditure should be taken here. 3. 4. 7. 2. 4 Item 496: internet expenses: To record all expenses i ncurred on internet use (excluding telephone charges and when separately available). 3. 4. 7. 2. 5 Item 540: water charges: Water charges last paid to the municipality or other local bodies divided by the number of months for which the amount was paid may be recorded against this item. Exclusion : If water is purchased through tanker, etc., the expenditure incurred will not be recorded here-even if the water is solely used for household consumption and will be recorded against item 497. It is to be noted tha t item 540 was included in sub-group other taxes and cesses in the 75th round and prior to it. 3. 4. 7. 2. 6 Item 483: barber, beautician, spas, etc. : Expenditure both in cash and in kind will be taken into account. In the villages the barber charges might be paid in kind annually. Such annual payments should be apportioned over months-that is, one-twelfth of the annual payment should be considered as “expenditure during the last 30 days”. Thus, even if zero expenditure is reported on the barber during the la st 30 days, the enumerator must ascertain whether any annual payment (or 6-monthly payment, etc. ) has been made to the barber and other artisans, and make the entry accordingly. Note: If a sample household runs a barber's shop and a member of the household has availed services for himself/herself, then the barber charges will be imputed at the prevailing rate and recorded against item 483.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-88 | P a g e 3. 4. 7. 2. 7 Item 480: domestic helper/cook: Wages paid to domestic helper/cook may be recorded against this item. It wil l include the value of both cash and kind payment. When meals prepared in the household are consumed by a domestic helper/cook, the consumption of food will get recorded against the ingredients in the employer household and will not be shown separately as payment to domestic helper / cook against item 480. Entries against items (other than cooked meals) used as means of payment (kind payment) to a domestic helper/ cook, such as clothing and miscellaneous goods, will be recorded in the household of the domes tic helper/ cook. Example: A household has a cook who is paid Rs. 500 in cash and given a new sari worth Rs. 400 during the 30 days prior to the date of survey. Then the value of the cook's services consumed by the employer household will be shown as Rs. 900 (Rs. 500 + Rs. 400) against item 480. If the cook's household is surveyed, the value of the saree will be entered against item 351, Section 13. 1, Questionnaire DGQ. If there was no cash payment to the cook, then the value of the cook's services (paid for wholly in kind) would have been Rs. 400, exactly matching the consumption of clothing in the cook's household. 3. 4. 7. 2. 8 Item 484: washerman, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, dyeing of clothes: Expenditure incurred for taking the services of washerman, lau ndry, ironing, dry cleaning, dyeing of clothes or any other services for cleaning of clothes will be recorded against item 484. 3. 4. 7. 2. 9 Item 481: attendant, babysitter: This item is meant for recording the expenditure incurred on persons engaged by the h ousehold to look after an ailing member, or a child, or an aged person in the household. However, medical services rendered by a nurse, even if performed within the household, will be recorded against item 424, section 10. 3 (other medical expenses). In case a person's duties include those usually performed by domestic servants as well as those of an attendant, the payment made to him/ her may be recorded against item 481. 3. 4. 7. 2. 10 Item 027: watchmen/security guard, driver: Expenditure incurred for ta king the services of watchmen/security guard or driver will be recorded against item 027. 3. 4. 7. 2. 1 1 Item 492: priest: If the priest is paid annually as is done in some villages, the amount may be apportioned to “last 30 days” and recorded. Thus, even if zero expenditure is reported on the priest during the last 30 days, the enumerator must ascertain whether any annual payment (or 6-monthly payment, etc. ) has been made on the priest, and make the entry accordingly. 3. 4. 7. 2. 1 2 Item 495: pet animals (incl. b irds, fish): This item will include expenditure incurred for purchase and maintenance of pet animals. Pet animals include cats, dogs, rabbits,
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-89 | P a g e monkeys, mongoose, birds, fish, etc., but not farm animals or poultry. Maintenance expenses will include cost of feed, treatment expenses, etc. 3. 4. 7. 2. 1 3 Item 494: repair charges for non-durables: This will include service charges paid to artisans for repairing any item of miscellaneous goods not used for productive purposes but used as items of domestic consumptio n. 3. 4. 7. 2. 14 Item 493: legal expenses: Charges like lawyer's fees, legal and court fees, payments made for affidavit, etc. will be recorded in item 493. 3. 4. 7. 2. 15 Item 497: other consumer services excluding conveyance: All other consumer services exclu ding conveyance will be reported here. Examples are: Coachman, cleaner, cobbler, blacksmith, unskilled labourers, etc. Commission paid to the broker for purchase or sale of second-hand car/scooter, hiring accommodation etc. Expenditure incurred for subscr iption to online groceries/food apps. Reconnection char ge for electric/telephone line. Application fees for employment, etc., subscriptions to societies and similar organizations, and generally, expenditure on any other “miscellaneous” items relevant to the section and not provided in the list of items. If water is purchased through tanker, porter, etc., the expenditure incurred will also be recorded here. It will also include e-mail charges, fax charges, photocopying charges (other than for education), pa rking charges, toll charges, coolie/porter charges, etc. 3. 4. 7. 3 Section 11. 3: Expenditure on entertainment during the last 30 days Q11. 3 What is the value of the services procured by the household for the purpose of entertai nment during last 30 days? 3. 4. 7. 3. 1 If the selected household report to have made expenditure on any of the services for entertainment mentioned in Col. (1), Q11. 3 during the last 30 days including online purchases/payment, then the expenditure made on these services will b e recorded in the Col. (3). 3. 4. 7. 3. 2 Here consumption is represented by purchase of entertainment services or articles catering to entertainment. Expenses incurred on subscription to dish antenna, cable TV, digital/IP TV facilities, etc. will be included in item 437. Expenditure incurred for viewing a video show will be recorded against item 430 (cinema, theatre). Insurance premiu m payments will not be recorded.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-90 | P a g e Expenses incurred for newspapers; periodicals will be included in item 402. Earlier it was included in sub-group education. Expenditure incurred on processing, developing, etc., of photographic film will be shown against item 435. For item 433 (club, gym fees, swimming fees & other subscription, etc. ) the last payment made divided by the number of months for which the amount was paid will be noted. But in case of payment of fees for lifetime membership, the entire amount paid for such membership during the reference period of 30 days will be recorded against this item. Expenses incurred divided by the number of months for whi ch the amount was paid for online media service provider or streaming se rvices such as Hotstar, Netflix, Amazon or other streaming services will be included in item 028. Mela/fair/picnic expenses incurred during the reference period of 30 d ays will be included in item 438. Expenses incurred for hiring of VCD/DVD players and CDs will be recorded against item 438. 3. 4. 7. 4 Section 11. 4: Expenditure on rent during the last 30 days Q11. 4 What is the value of the services procured by the household for the purpose of rent during last 30 days & other taxes & cesses during the 365 days? 3. 4. 7. 4. 1 If the selected household report to have made expenditure on any of the services for rent during the last 30 days and other taxes & cesses d uring the 365 days including online payment mentioned in Col. (1), Q11. 4, then the expenditure made on these services will b e recorded in the Col. (3). 3. 4. 7. 4. 2 Item 520: house rent, garage rent (actual): This item consists of rent for residential buildin g and garage rent for private vehicle(s) of the household. Amount last paid divided by the number of months for which the payment was made will be recorded here. The rent for government quarters will be the amount of house rent allowance (HRA) per month not paid to (i. e., forfeited by) the employee plus the license fee deducted per month from the salary for the quarters. The same procedure will be followed for imputation of house rent if the employer is a private sector firm; here it will be necessary to rely on the judgment of the informant regarding the amount of salary he is forfeiting by staying in accommodation provided by the employer. If some amount of money was paid by the household as advance at the time of hiring the house, only that part of the advance which is being deducted every month plus the actual Note: It is possible that on the occasion of attending sports or cinema/video show s some expenditure is incurred on travelling and conveyance and/or on refreshment. Such expenditure will be excluded from this section.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-91 | P a g e amount paid every month towards rent, will be the amount to be recorded as house rent. 3. 4. 7. 4. 3 Exception: departure from expenditure approach Money sent to a depen dant forming a different household from the sender's household is a remittance and should not be recorded in the sender's household even if the details of how the money is spent are known fully by the sender. In addition, rent paid regularly for a dependa nt who is a non-household member is not to be recorded in the payer 's household even if paid directly to the landlord (or to the hostel authorities, in case of a student living in a hostel). Such expenditure is to be recorded in the household of the person using the accommodation (e. g., in case of a student in a hostel, charges for accommodation are to be recorded against item 520 in the student household). Proper enquiry should be done with the sample household to ascertain if the rent expenditure reported by it includes any expenditure on rent for the dwelling of a non-household member, so that such expenditure can be excluded. This procedure, introduced in the 64th round, is a departure from the expenditure approach followed for miscellaneous goods and s ervices generally. It follows that for a household living in a rented dwelling (code 2 in item Q4. 17, Section 4, Questionnaire HCQ), the entry in Section 11. 4, item 520, should be positive. 3. 4. 7. 4. 5 Item 521: hotel lodging charges: The lodging charges pai d by any household member for staying in a hotel, etc., will be recorded under this item. Exclusion : Expenditure on hotel stay during official tours covered by travelling allowance paid by the employer is excluded. 3. 4. 7. 4. 6 Item 523: other consumer rent : Hiring charges for consumer goods like furniture, electric fans, crockery, utensils and charges for decoration on ceremonial occasions are to be recorded here. Monthly maintenance charges payable to co-operative societies, etc. will be included in this item. If any item is hired on monthly/quarterly/annual basis, then the amount of last payment on such goods divided by the number of months for which the payment was made will be taken into account. Exclusion: Hiring of a vendor cart by the sample househol d to run an enterprise will be excluded. Note: Salami / pugree will not be considered anywhere in the questionnaire.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-92 | P a g e 3. 4. 7. 4. 7 Item 539: house rent, garage rent (imputed): This item will be filled in for urban households residing in a house which is either owned or otherwise occupied (excluding accommodation provided by the employ er) by the household, without paying any rent. Otherwise, it may be kept blank. Rent of the house/garage will be imputed on the basis of prevailing rate of rent for similar accommodation in the locality or surrounding areas. A household may occupy a dwell ing unit which is neither owned, nor hired in. In such cases also the imputed rent will be recorded. Moreover, for all rural households, where such rate of rent is available, i. e., code '1' in Q4. 30, Section 4, Questionnaire HCQ, imputed rent is to be ente red in item 539, Section 11. 4 for the house which is either owned or otherwise occupied (excluding accommodation provided by the employer) by the household. 3. 4. 7. 4. 8 Item 899: other consumer taxes & cesses: This item is for recording the expenditure on taxes and cesses paid by the household as a domestic consumer. Road cess, chowkidari tax, municipal taxes are some examples. Consumer licence fees are also included. Examples are fees paid for possession of firearms, vehicles, etc. “House tax”, though a direct tax based on ownership of property, is, by convention, recorded in the NSS consumer expenditure questionnaire against this item. The reference period for item 899 is 365 days. It is to be noted that item 899: other taxes & cesses will be collected as a separate item sub-group and t he reference period for recording the item 899 has been changed to 365 days instead of 30 days. 3. 4. 7. 4. 9 Sometimes, while purchasing a new vehicle, road tax for the whole life of the vehicle is paid. In such cases, the pr oportionate tax for the reference period is to be calculated by dividing the life tax last paid by the life of the vehicle in years. The life may be taken as per norm decided by the local transport authority, or, if this is not known, take it as 15 years (1 80 months). For taxes and cesses paid on quinquennial basis, the entry will be the amount last paid divided by the number of years for which it was paid. Note : Professional tax and income tax are not part of consum ption expenditure.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-93 | P a g e 3. 4. 8 Section 12: Consumption of pan, tobacco & intoxicants during the last 7 days) Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on the quantity and value of consumption of pan, tobacco & intoxicants by the household during the last 7 days preceding the date of the survey. Consumption details of pan, tobacco & in toxicants will be recorded in Sections 12. 1, 12. 2 & 12. 3 respectively. Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households. Note: It is to be noted that to record the entries in Columns (1) to (7) of the Section 12, the instruction pro vided in the paras 3. 3. 3. 1 to 3. 3. 3. 13 of section 3. 3. 3 will be followed. 3. 4. 8. 1 Section 12. 1: consumption of pan during the last 7 days Q12. 1 What is the quantity and value of the pan consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 4. 8. 1. 1 If the select ed household report to have consumed any of the item s of pan mentioned in Col. (1), Q12. 1 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). Consumption approach will be followed here. Reference period will be during the last 7 days. 3. 4. 8. 1. 2 Items 300 and 301 : Value and quantity of leaf of pan consumed by the household during the last 7 days will be recorded against item 300. Item 301 will take into account the quantity and value of finished pan (ready to eat) during the last 7 days. Unit of quantity will be in numbers. 3. 4. 8. 1. 3 Item 302: ingredients for pan: This includes supari, lime, katha, and all other ingredients u sed for preparing pan. Quantity will be recorded in gms.  Supari (betelnuts) in various forms is available in the market. These are fresh supari, sundried supari, fermented supari, boiled and coloured supari and scented supari.  Tobacco, zarda, surti, kimam, etc., which are also consumed with pan, should not be included in item 302. Provision for them has been made in the tobacco group.  However, products such as “Pan Parag” ( pan masala ) will be included in this item.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-94 | P a g e 3. 4. 8. 2 Section 12. 2: consumption of tob acco during the last 7 days Q12. 2 What is the quantity and value of the tobacco consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 4. 8. 2. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item s of tobacco mentioned in Col. (1), Q12. 2 during the l ast 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). Consumption approach will be followed here. Reference period will be during the last 7 days. Consumption of bidi, cigarettes, cheroot, hookah tobacco, etc., will be recorded here. 3. 4. 8. 2. 2 cigarettes: Cigarette paper and tobacco are sometimes purchased separately for making cigarettes. In such cases value to be recorded would be th e value of tobacco plus the value of paper taken together. The corresponding entry in quantity column will be in terms of number of cigarettes actually made and consumed. Sometimes ganja is consumed in the form of cigarettes. Such cigarettes will be consid ered under item 320: ganja, Section 12. 3. 3. 4. 8. 2. 3 leaf tobacco & hookah tobacco: All leaf tobacco consumed during the reference period in any form will be recorded against item 312. Tobacco leaf burnt and powdered for brushing teeth will also be include d against item 312. Hookah tobacco consumed during the reference period will be recorded against item 314. 3. 4. 8. 2. 4 Consumption of bidi (no. ), cheroot (no. ), snuff (gm) will be recorded in items 310, 315 & 313 respectively. 3. 4. 8. 3 Section 12. 3: consump tion of intoxicants during the last 7 days Q12. 3 What is the quantity and value of the intoxicants consumed by the household during last 7 days? 3. 4. 8. 3. 1 If the selected household report to have consumed any of the item of intoxicants mentioned in Col. ( 1), Q12. 3 during the last 7 days, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) to (6) and source from where these items were procured is to be recorded in Col. (7). Consumption approach will be followed here. Reference pe riod will be during the last 7 days. Consumption of liquor, beer, ganja, etc. will be recorded here in litre and gms. 3. 4. 8. 3. 2 Item 322: country liquor: This will exclude country liquor prepared at home from its ingredients and consumed. For liquor prepa red at home, consumption entries will be made against the ingredients like rice, etc.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-95 | P a g e 3. 4. 8. 3. 3 Item 321: t oddy: Toddy is a type of naturally alcoholic sap of some kinds of stem-juice of palm, coconut, etc. If the process of fermentation is being done at home from the juices of home-grown trees or even free-collection, it may be considered as “home-produced”. 3. 4. 8. 3. 4 Item 320: ganja: This will also include ganja consumed in the form of cigarettes and recorded in gms. 3. 4. 8. 3. 5 Item 325: other intoxican ts: This will include drugs used for intoxication but exclude drugs used for medicinal purposes. 3. 4. 9 Section B1: Summary information of item collected in Questionnaire- CSQ 3. 4. 9. 1 This section will be auto-generated as per the details recorded in Sec tions 8-12. 3. 4. 10 Section B2: Contact details of the household and time taken to canvass the questionnaire 3. 4. 10. 1 In this section, the contact details viz. mobile number and landline number of the household and time taken to canvass the questionnai re, name of the informant, response code of the informant will be recorded. 3. 4. 10. 2 QB2. 1 Mobile number of the informant : This information should be auto-generated from Questionnaire-HCQ, item no. 1. 1. 1. However, the mobile number of the informant shou ld also be verified by the informant at the time of canvassing Questionnaire CSQ and updated mobile number wil l be recorded, if the informant want s to update the mobile number. Mobi le number consists of 10 digits starting from any one of the digits 6, 7, 8 or 9. 3. 4. 10. 3 QB2. 2 Alternate mobile number of the informant : This information should be auto-generated from Questionnaire-HCQ, item no. 1. 1. 2. However, the alternate mobile number of the informant should also be verified by the informant at the time of canvassing Questionnaire CSQ and updated mobile number will be recorded, if the informant wants to update the mobile number. Mobi le number consists of 10 digits starting from any one of the digits 6, 7, 8 or 9. 3. 4. 10. 4 QB2. 3 Landline number of the inf ormant : This information should be auto-generated from Questionnaire-HCQ, item no. 1. 1. 3. However, the landline number of the informant should also be verified by the informant at the time of canvassing Questionnaire CSQ and updated landline number will be recorded, if the informant want s to update the landline number. The 11-digit landline number starting the STD code as applicable, of the household, if exists in the household is to be recorded here.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-96 | P a g e 3. 4. 10. 5 QB2. 4 Time taken to canvass the Questionnai re CSQ (in minutes) : Entry in this item will be made in whole number and in minutes. The time required to canvass the questionnaire should be the actual time taken by the enumerator(s) to canvass the questionnaire and will not include the time needed by th e enumerator(s) to finalize the questionnaire. 3. 4. 10. 6 QB2. 5 Household's usual consum ption expenditure in a month (in Rs. ): In this item, household's usual monthly consum ption expenditure on food, consumables & services and durables will be recorded in w hole number of Rupees. Note: It is to be noted that the information on Household's usual consum ption expenditure in a month (QB2. 5) will be collected only for validation of the data and will not be used for generating any estimates. 3. 4. 10. 7 QB2. 6 Total expenditure incurred on online purchase/payment of consumables & services during the last 30 days (in Rs. ): If any expenditure was incurred by the household for online purchase/payment of consumables & services such as energy & light (electricity, LPG cylinder, etc. ), toilet articles, other household consumables, stationary, books, medicines, expenses on travel, rent & cesses or any other services during the period of last 30 days, then total expenditure incurred during the last 30 days is to be recorded h ere in whole number of rupees. Definition of online purchase/payment has been provided in para no. 3. 3. 1. 3 of Chapter-3. 3. 4. 10. 8 QB2. 7 Name of the informant: Informant is the person from whom the bulk of the information on the Schedule is collected. It i s always desirable to collect information from one of the household members. In extreme cases, where this cannot be done, information may be collected from a non-household member who is supposed to know the requisite information. In Computer assisted Perso nal Interview (CAPI) mode, serial number and name of the household member as listed in Cols. 1 and 2 of Block 3 /3A will appear along with an option 'not a household member' against 'srl. no. of the household member' '99' for selecting the informant. The enu merator should select the 'informant' from that list as given below. Srl. no. of the household member Name Select the informant o o 99 not a household member o 3. 4. 10. 9 QB2. 8 Response code of the informant as assessed by SE/JSO: This item is meant to categorize the informant according to the degree of his/her co-operation as well as his/her capability to provide the required information in the Schedule. Information on the type of informant will be collected in terms of the following codes: inform ant co-operative and capable 1 informant reluctant 4 informant co-operative but not capable 2 others 9 informant busy 3
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-97 | P a g e 3. 5. 1 General instructions 3. 5. 1. 1 In general, the Expenditure Approach is followed for durable items. In this Questionnaire, broadly, information on i) online purchase ii) expenditure on clothing, footwear and bedding iii) purchase (including repair & maintenance) and construction of various durable goods during the last 365 days will be recorded. 3. 5. 2 Section 4. 3: Information on online purchase during last 365 days Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on online purchase and free durable goods received by the household through social-welfare scheme will be ascertained. Impleme ntation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households 3. 5. 2. 1 Q4. 3. 1 Whether any online purchase/payment has been made to buy one or more of the items (clothing, footwear, furniture & fixtures, mobile handset, personal goods, goods for recreatio n, cooking & other household durables, crockery & utensils, sports goods, medical equipment & bedding ) during the reference period of 365 days? 3. 5. 2. 1. 0 If any online purchase/payment (for definition see para 3. 3. 1. 3, Section 3. 3) has been made by the ho usehold to buy one or more of the items listed in Col. (2) during the reference period of last 365 days, then the corresponding box in Col. (3) will be checked, otherwise, it will remain unchecked. 3. 5. 2. 2 Q4. 3. 2 Whether one or more member of the househol d received durable items free of cost through social-welfare programme of the Government or any other charitable organization during last 365 days? 3. 5. 2. 2. 0 If one or more member of the household has reported to received free durable items such as PC/lap top, mobile handset, tablet, motor cycle/scooty, bicycle, clothing (school uniform, etc. ), footwear (school shoes, etc. ) or any other durable item during the last 365 days through social-welfare programme of the Government or from any other Charitable organ ization, then the corresponding box in Col. (3) will be checked, otherwise, it will remain unchecked. Also, number of such durable items received free of cost will be recorded against Col. (4). 3. 5 Questionnaire DGQ: Durable items
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-98 | P a g e 3. 5. 2. 3 Q4. 3. 3 Whether the household possessed one or more of the items (television, mobile handset, laptop/PC, radio, bicycle, motorcycle/scooter, motor car/jeep/van, trucks, animal cart, refrigerator, washing machine, air cooler/conditioner) as on the date of the survey? 3. 5. 2. 3. 0 If the household possessed one or more of the items listed in Col. (2) as on the date of survey, then the corresponding box in Col. (3) will be checked, otherwise, it will remain unchecked. Branching & Skipping: If serial no. 1, Q4. 3. 3 is checked, go to Q4. 3. 4, else go to section 13 3. 5. 2. 4 Q4. 3. 4 Which type of multichannel television facility is used by the household as on the date of the survey? 3. 5. 2. 4. 0 This question will be asked, if serial no. 1 (television) of Q4. 3. 3 is checked i. e., if the household reported to possess television as on the date of survey. If the household possess es television as on the date of survey, the type of television facility used by the household will be ascertained here. The codes for recording the television facility are given below: Broadcast televisio n 1 Cable television 2 Satellite television 3 Description of the abovementioned television facilit ies are as below: Broadcast television can be obtained free of cost, over the air using an antenna. For example, free-to-air television channels of Doord arshan. Cable television is a system in which television programmes are transmitted to the sets of subscribers by cable rather than by a broadcast signal. It provides consumers with access to television programs via coaxial cables or through optical fiber cable located in the subscribers' premises. Satellite television is a method of getting television programming into your home that relies on transmitting data from a communications satellite in outer space. These transmissions are routed through a satelli te network and then distributed to consumers' homes. Unlike cable television, which may not require any additional equipment, satellite television relies on the use of a satellite dish to receive programming. In turn, the information received through the d ish is sent to a set-top box inside the consumer's home. Examples: Dish TV, Airtel Digital, Tata Sky etc., and IP TV services provided by various mobile telephone service providers.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-99 | P a g e 3. 5. 3 General instructions for Section 13: 3. 5. 3. 1 For items of clothing, bedding and footwear, consumption of an item is said to occur when a purchase of such items occurs and consumption is considered as occurred at the moment of purchase. It may be noted that all purchases made by the household during the reference period i rrespective of the fact that it is for their own purpose or otherwise is to be reported. 3. 5. 3. 2 Clothing is frequently received at festival times or on an annual or periodic basis by domestic servants and other unorganized and informal sector employees from the employer. The general rule for goods obtained as perquisites will be applicable here, viz., the recipient household will be considered to incur expenditure on clothing at the moment when it is acquired. The imputed value of clothing thus received will therefore be recorded in the clothing section if the time of acquisition falls within the reference period. 3. 5. 3. 3 Entries regarding consumption of clothing items will be the total of all such purchases, and imputed values of consumption out of hom e produce. Transfer receipts such as gift, charity, etc. should be excluded ; the same will be recorded in the giver household and not against the recipient household. Also, care should be taken to exclude purchases made on account of household productive e nterprises. 3. 5. 3. 4 Second-hand purchase: Second-hand purchase of clothing or footwear occurs when an item of clothing or footwear is purchased by a household after it has been used by another household, without alteration. It is said that consumption has occurred at the moment of purchase. 3. 5. 3. 5 Clothing purchased first-hand will be reported against items 030 to 034 and 350 to 374. The total value of clothing purchased second-hand will be recorded against item 375. 3. 5. 3. 6 Imported second-hand ready-made garments will be treated not as second-hand but as first-hand purchase. 3. 5. 3. 7 Quantity and value of livery or uniform supplied by the employer will not be recorded as household consumption even if used during duty hours only. Only if some amount is paid by the employee (may be at a subsidized rate) for such uniform, then that amount is to be recorded. 3. 5. 3. 8 Consumption of clothing out of home production during the reference period will be evaluated at the producer's price (ex-factory price). 3. 5. 3. 9 For 'ready-made' garments, the unit of quantity will be “number”. But if a household prepares a garment out of cloth purchased, then the item of consumption will be recorded as “cloth” and the quantity will be recorded in 'metres'.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-100 | P a g e When any garment is sewn at home by a household member, its value will be equal to the value of cloth only. No labour charges for sewing of the garment need to be included unless the sample household itself runs a tailoring shop. In case the household have a shop and a g arment is sewn there, the value of cloth will be recorded against item 352 or 353 and the tailoring charge will be shown against item 485 in Section 11. 2 of Questionnaire CSQ. Similarly, for a quilt made at home of which the materials (viz., cloth, stuffin g, cotton, thread, etc. ) were purchased, the quantity and value of the materials used will be shown against the respective items. The service charge paid to a hired person for making the quilt will be entered as tailoring charge against item 485 in Section 11. 2 of Questionnaire CSQ. 3. 5. 4 Section 13: Expenditure for clothing, footwear and bedding during last 365 days Objectives and Scope To record some basic information on expenditure incurred on clothing, footwear & bedding by the household during the last 365 days. Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households. 3. 5. 4. 1 Section 13. 1: Expenditure for clothing during last 365 days Q13. 1 What is the quantity and value of the items procured by the household for clothing during la st 365 days? 3. 5. 4. 1. 1 If the selected household report to have incurred expenditure to procure any of the items of clothing mentioned in Col. (1), Q13. 1 during the last 365 days including online purchases/payment, then the quantity and value of these ite ms will be recorded in the Cols. (3) & (4). 3. 5. 4. 1. 2 Columns (1) and (2): In these two columns, description and code of the cl othing items are printed. The unit of quantity for an item is shown within brackets after the name of the item in the list. 3. 5. 4. 1. 3 Columns (3) to (4): quantity and value: Column (3) relates to the quantity of consumption and column (4) to the corresponding value (Rs. ) during the last 365 days. 3. 5. 4. 1. 4 Column (3): quantity: Against most of the items of Section 13. 1, there i s provision to record the quantity figure in the appropriate unit in the quantity column (either in no. or metre).
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-101 | P a g e For most of the items, the unit is “no. ”, and the decimal part of the quantity cell is shaded, meaning that the entry is to be made in whole number. For a few items, the unit of quantity is “metre”; here the integer part of quantity will be recorded in the left-hand cell and the fractional part will be entered in the right-hand cell in two places of decimals. For a few items, the quantity is not required to be entered and the quantity cells are shaded. 3. 5. 4. 1. 5 Items 031 to 034, 354, 356-358, 360-365, 368, 370, 372: All readymade garments purchased by the sample household during last 365 days will recorded against these items. 3. 5. 4. 1. 6 Item 032 & 033: Item 032 (western suit set) and item 033 (sherwani, lenhnga, gown) are added in the clothing section of this questionnaire and to be recorded against the respective item category. 3. 5. 4. 1. 7 Items 352 and 353: Cloth (not garments) purchased by the sample household will be recorded against these two items. Cloth for shirt, pyjama, kurta, salwar, etc., (metre) will be recorded against item code 352 and Cloth for coat, trousers, suit, etc., will be recorded against item code 353. Quantity entry, decimal part: Note that, since the decimal part has to be entered in 2 digits, cloth of length 31/2 metres (i. e., 3 metres 50 cm) should be recorded as 350 (not 305). Similarly, cloth of length 3 metres 10 cm should be recorded as 310 (not 301). 3. 5. 4. 1. 8 Items 358: kurta-pajama suits: males (no. ) and item 360: kurta-pajama suits: females (no. ): In some households, kurta-pajamas are always purchased as a complete set or suit. The investigator may start off by asking whether this is the case for the sample household. If the answer is yes, then items 358 and 360 will suffice to record the household's consumption of kurta-pajamas. There will be no need to make entries in item 361 (kurta, kameez) or 362 (pajamas, salwar), if the household purchased only suit s ets. Note that an entry of 3 (say) in the quantity column against item 358 means 3 kurta-pajama sets for males. 3. 5. 4. 1. 9 Item 356: school/college uniform (boys) and item 357: school/college uniform (girls): Two separate items have been created for sch ool/college uniform to help avoid recall error. All components of school/college uniform may be entered here. The enumerator should ask for information on school uniform purchase only when there are school-going or college-going children among the househol d members. The information collected in Section 3, Questionnaire HCQ will tell the enumerator whether these questions should be asked or not. Quantity in Col. (3) for these items need not to be recorded. 3. 5. 4. 1. 10 Item 361: kurta, kameez, kurti (no. ): Expenditure on kurtas/kameez /kurtis purchased separately and not as part of a kurta-pajama set will be entered here. This procedure is adopted to make the informant's reporting more comprehensive.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-102 | P a g e Note that an entry of 2 in the quantity column will mean 2 kur tas/kameez. 3. 5. 4. 1. 11 Item 362: pajamas, salwar, leggings, plazzo (no. ): Consumption of pajamas/salwars /leggings/plazzos purchased separately and not as part of a kurta-pajama set will be entered here. 3. 5. 4. 1. 12 Item 372: infant clothing: For very youn g babies, clothes are sometimes bought which do not fall into the categories of clothing items used by adult males or females. They may be like towels which can be fastened around the baby. 3. 5. 4. 1. 13 Item 375: clothing (second-hand): All clothing items, like dhoti, saree, ready-made garments, etc., purchased second-hand during the reference period, irrespective of whether used after purchase or not, will be recorded against this item. 3. 5. 4. 2 Section 13. 2: Expenditure for footwear during the last 365 d ays Q13. 2 What is the quantity and value of the items procured by the household for footwear during last 365 days? 3. 5. 4. 2. 1 If the selected household report to have incurred expenditure to procure any of the items of footwear mentioned in Col. (1), Q13. 2 during the last 365 days including online purchases/payment, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) & (4). 3. 5. 4. 2. 2 While filling up this section on expenditure for footwear, the general instructions given for filli ng the section on clothing will be followed. Both quantity (number of pairs) and value (Rs. ) are to be entered in whole number. All footwear purchased second-hand during this period will be recorded against “footwear: second-hand” (item 395). It may be noted that all purchases made by the household during the reference period are to be reported irrespective of the fact that it is for their own use or otherwise. Expenditure approach will be followed for recording. If materials are purchased and footwear i s got made by a cobbler, the cost of footwear will be imputed at the cost of raw materials plus service charges paid to the cobbler. If a one-legged person purchases only one shoe or gets only one shoe made, quantity will be taken as one pair. Plastic foot wear will be included against item 393: rubber/PVC footwear. Straps for slippers wi ll not be included in this section. Such items will be included in Section 9. 2 of Questionnaire CSQ (item 472: other petty articles).
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-103 | P a g e 3. 5. 4. 3 Section 13. 3: Expenditure f or bedding during the last 365 days Q13. 3 What is the quantity and value of the items procured by the household for bedding during last 365 days? 3. 5. 4. 3. 1 If the selected household report to have incurred expenditure to procure any of the items of beddi ng mentioned in Col. (1), Q13. 3 during the last 365 days including online purchases/payment, then the quantity and value of these items will be recorded in the Cols. (3) & (4). 3. 5. 4. 3. 2 While filling up this section on expenditure or bedding, the general instructions given for filling the section on clothing will be followed. Expenditure approach will be followed for recording. Units of quantity will be 'no. ' or 'metre'. Cloth purchased for making mosquito nets will also be recorded against item 385 (mosqu ito net). The quantity entry will be the number of mosquito nets made or intended to be made. Item code 386 (bedding: others) will include mats used as single-person seats, and other small mats. Carpets and darees, however, will be accounted in item 555 o f section 14. 7 (furniture and fixtures). 3. 5. 5 General instructions for Section 14 3. 5. 5. 1 Information on expenditure incurred for purchase and cost of raw materials and services for construction and repairs & maintenance of durable goods for domestic use will be collected in this section for last 365 days. Expenditure will include both cash (including online purchases/payment ) and kind. A purchase will qualify for consideration in this section only if some expenditure-whether in cash or kind or in both cash & kind -is incurred towards the purchase during the reference period. Purchase will include both first-hand and second-hand purchase and will be recorded in separate columns of this section. Expenditure incurred on purchase of durable goods for gif ts or transfer is to be included in the giver household and not against the recipient household. In case of credit purchase of any item of this section, the actual expenditure made during the reference period will be recorded. The following points may be noted: If the seller agrees to accept payment in instalments, it is called hire purchase. In case of hire purchase, only the payment made to the seller during the reference period is regarded as the expenditure incurred.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-104 | P a g e If the household makes a lumpsum p ayment against the credit purchase of several items, apportionment will be made for each of the items in proportion to their value. The term “hire-purchase” does not cover the case of purchase (e. g., of a car) fully financed by a loan from some person or e nterprise other than the seller, where full payment is made to the seller. In this case total amount payable to the seller will be recorded. The time at which the item purchased comes into the possession of the household is not relevant. If the sample hous ehold incurred some expenditure on purchase of an asset during the reference period, then the expenditure incurred will be accounted in this section even if the household has not yet received it till the date of survey. Likewise, suppose a sample household acquired an asset (durable goods) during the reference period and it is in possession of the household but no payment has been made during the reference period. Such purchases are to be excluded. Purchases made by the household during the reference period using a credit card will be included. Note: In general, any purchase made on a given date by credit card will be treated at par with cash purchases made on that date. Suppose an asset which was purchased during the reference period for domestic use is reported to have been sold out during the reference period. Such a purchase will also be accounted. Columns of Section 14: 3. 5. 5. 2 Columns (1) and (2): The three-digit code of the items and the names of the items on which expenditure was made are already pr inted in these columns of the Section. 3. 5. 5. 3 Column (3): first-hand purchase: number purchased: The number of each item of durable goods purchased (first-hand) for which some expenditure has been incurred during the reference period will be recorded in this column. 3. 5. 5. 4 Column (4): whether hire-purchased: If the seller agrees to accept payment in instalments, it is called hire-purchase. Purchase financed by loan (as frequently happens in case of cars) is not a case of hire-purchase but a case of out right purchase. 3. 5. 5. 5 Column (5): first-hand purchase: value: Value of first-hand purchase during the reference period will be entered in this column. In case of hire-purchase, only the payment made to the seller during the reference period is regarded as the expenditure incurred. In case of purchase financed by loan (which is not a case of hire-purchase), the question is whether the transaction with the seller, giving the household the right to possess the durable, took place within the reference peri od. If so, the full market value of the durable at the time of purchase is to be entered here. Otherwise, nothing is to be entered.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-105 | P a g e Loan repayments to the bank/financier are not to be entered here. 3. 5. 5. 6 Column (6 ): cost of repair & maintenance or cos t of raw materials and services for construction (incl. repair & maintenance) : This column is for recording expenditure on materials and services for construction, assemblage, repair and maintenance of all durable goods-first-hand as well as second-hand. Value of durable goods constructed will comprise value of raw materials, services and/or labour charges and any other charges. The total value of raw materials, services and labour charges will be recorded in this column. Expenditure incurred towards rep air and maintenance of items purchased second-hand will also be accounted. Note: 1. The purchase value of a consumer durable constructed or repaired by an artisan for his/her domestic use will be the aggregate of the purchase value of the raw material components used and imputed value of his/her services for its construction/repairs. 2. If an article is repaired during the reference period by one of the members of sample household, then the repair charges will be imputed and recorded against the appropria te item only if the household member is a professional for that repairing job. 3. 5. 5. 7 Column (7): second-hand purchase: number purchased : The number of each item of second-hand durable goods purchased during the reference period will be recorded in this column. An imported item of durables, even if second-hand, will be treated as first-hand purchase and information will be recorded against the relevant columns. 3. 5. 5. 8 Column (8): second-hand purchase: value: Value of second-hand purchase during the reference period will be entered in this column. 3. 5. 5. 9 Column (9): total expenditure: It is the sum of value of first-hand purchase, cost of raw materials and services for construction and repair /maintenance and value of the second-hand purchase. Column ( 9) = Column (5) + Column (6) + Column (8). 3. 5. 6 Section 14: Expenditure for purchase and construction of durable goods for domestic use during last 365 days Objectives and Scope To record information on expenditure for purchase & construction (includi ng repair & maintenance) of durables goods during the last 365 days. Implementation Notes To be canvassed for all the selected households
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-106 | P a g e 3. 5. 6. 1 Section 14. 1: Expenditure for purchase (including repair & maintenance) of personal goods for domestic use during the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 1. 1 In this section expenditure incurred by the households towards purchase & repair /maintenance of personal goods like spectacles, umbrella, torch, PC, Laptop, back-pack, etc. will be recorded. Reference period to collect information is last 365 days. All the personal durable goods for domestic use have been categorized into eleven item groups. Information will be recorded against these eleven items groups. Item code 622 (PC/Laptop/tablet, etc. ) will also include purchase o f software. Printer will also be recorded here. Emergency lamp with torch will not be included against item code 442. It will be recorded against item code 583 of section 14. 5. Back-pack, handbags, vanity bags, purse, clutch, etc., will be recorded in item 554 of this section and not in furniture & fixtures. Item 035: headphone, earphone, ear pod, airpod, b luetooth devices/speakers etc., has been added in this section and to be recorded against this item. Item 625 : any other personal goods will include it ems such as power banks, hair dryers, hair straightener, hair curler, trimmer, groomer, epilator and any other durable goods for personal use. Total expenditure for purchase, repair/maintenance of household durable goods will be auto-populated against item code 629. 3. 5. 6. 2 Section 14. 2: Expenditure for purchase (including repair & maintenance) of transport equipment for domestic use during the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 2. 1 In this section expenditure incurred by t he households towards purchase, repair and main tenance of transport equipment will be recorded. Reference period to collect information is last 365 days. Transport equipment procured by the household for personal use will be recorded against five groups as listed in this section. Item Code 603 (tyres & tubes) will include all those tyres and tubes which are purchased for replacement in vehicles. If repairs are done only on tyres and tubes then the expenditure incurred on repair will be taken into account against this item in column (6). Item Code 604 (other transport equipment): This item includes all transport equipment not covered by items 600-602 when used exclusively for non-productive domestic purposes, will be included against this item, like all hand-and cycle-drawn vans, Livestock animals like horses and bullocks used for transportation, Conveyance such as horse cab, bullock cart, etc., Maintenance for these livestock animals will be accounted in column (6).
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-107 | P a g e If these animals and means of conveyance are used both for household enterprise and fo r domestic use, only the part ascribable to the latter purpose will be considered for recording the value of purchase. Purchase of animals will always be recorded under “first-hand purchase”. 3. 5. 6. 3 Section 14. 3: Expenditure for purchase (including repa ir & maintenance) of sports goods for domestic use during the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 3. 1 This section is included in the questionnaire for the first time. In this section expenditure incurred by the households towards purchase, repair and maintenance of spor ts goods like treadmill, fitness cycle, weighing machine, badminton racket, etc., for personal use will be recorded. Reference period to collect the information is last 365 days. Sports goods procured by the household for personal use will be recorded aga inst four groups as listed in this section. All sports goods not listed in this section will be recorded against 'other sports goods' (item code 097 ). 3. 5. 6. 4 Section 14. 4: Expenditure for purchase (including repair & maintenance) of medical equipment for domestic use during the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 4. 1 In this section expenditure incurred by the households towards purchase, repair and maintenance of medical equipment like wheelchair, massagers, hearing aids, nebulizer, etc., for domestic use will be record ed. Reference period to collect the information is last 365 days. Medical equipment procured by the household for domestic use will be recorded against five groups as listed in this section. Item 042: nebulizer : It is a piece of medical equipment that a person with asthma or another respiratory condition can use to administer medication directly and quickly to the lungs. It turns liquid medicine into a very fine mist that a person can inhale through a face mask or mouthpiece. If the household made an expe nditure on nebulizer during the last 365 days, it will be recorded against item 042. All medical equipment not listed in this section like blood pressure monitoring machine, pulse oximeter, thermometer, gluco meter, etc., will be recorded against 'other medi cal equipment' (item code 611 ).
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-108 | P a g e 3. 5. 6. 5 Section 14. 5: Expenditure for purchase (including repair & maintenance) of cooking and other household appliances for domestic use during the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 5. 1 In this section expenditure incurred by the households towards purchase, repair and maintenance of cooking and other household appliances will be recorded. Reference period to collect the information is last 365 days. Cooking & other household appliances procured by the household for domestic use w ill be recorded against the groups as listed in this section. Item 586: stove, gas-burner, induction: This will include both oil stoves and gas burners. Induction used by electric will also be recorded here. Item 590: water purifier: This item will include “Aquaguard”-type (filtration-cum-ultra-violet radiation) purifiers, RO purifiers as well as the older “filter candle” type (filtration only). It will also include resin-based purifiers. Item 584: sewing machine: Machines used mainly for household enterpri se purposes will not be included here. Item Code 583 (lantern, lamp, electric lampshade, etc. ): This will exclude electric bulb. Item 592: other cooking/household appliances : All cooking & other household appliances not listed in this section will be recor ded against 'other ' (item code 592 ). This will include items not listed in this section like ice-cream maker, solar panel, etc. 3. 5. 6. 6 Section 14. 6: Expenditure for purchase (including repair & maintenance) of crockery and utensils for domestic use durin g the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 6. 1 In this section expenditure incurred by the households towards purchase, repair and maintenance of crockery and utensils will be recorded. Reference period to collect the information is last 365 days. Crockery and utensils p rocured by the household for domestic use will be recorded against five groups as listed in this section. Water bottle/feeding bottle will be recorded against item 050. All non-metal crockery items not listed in this section will be recorded against item “other crockery & utensils ” (item code 573 ). 3. 5. 6. 7 Section 14. 7: Expenditure for purchase and construction of furniture and fixtures for domestic use during the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 7. 1 In this section expenditure incurred by the households towards purc hase (including repair & maintenance) & construction of furniture and fixtures will be recorded. Reference period is last 365 days.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-109 | P a g e Furniture and fixtures procured by the household for domestic use will be recorded against seven groups as listed in this s ection. Item 550: bedstead: This is usually called a “cot” in India. It is usually the wooden or metal structure on which the mattress or bedding of a bed rests. Its surface may be made of coir rope or nylon. The item will include folding beds but not baby cots or perambulators. Item 551: almirah, dressing table: Full-size wardrobes, dressing tables will be included against this item. Item 555: carpet, daree and other floor mattings: This will include carpet, daree and other floor mattings which are more or less fixed in position. Mats used as single-person seats, and other small mats will not be included here. They will come under “bedding: others” in Section 13. 3 (item 386). Item 557: other furniture & fixtures (couch, sofa, etc. ): Waist-high (usually wo oden) planters will be included under this item. Kitchen cupboards (free-standing) and complete sofa-sets will also be included. 3. 5. 6. 8 Section 14. 8: Expenditure for purchase (including repair & maintenance) of goods for recreation for domestic use duri ng the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 8. 1 In this section expenditure incurred by the households towards purchase, repair and maintenance of goods for recreation like television, camera, musical instruments, etc., will be recorded. Reference period to collect inform ation is last 365 days. Goods for recreation procured by the household for personal use will be recorded against five groups as listed in this section. Item Code 562: CD, DVD, pen-drive, etc. : This item is kept for accounting the expenditure made for CD, D VD, pen-drive used for storing songs, film, video games, etc. If these goods are used for purposes other than such storing, it is to be recorded in item 622 (Section 14. 1). All other goods for recreation not listed in this section will be recorded against 'others ' (item code 564 ). 3. 5. 6. 9 Section 14. 9: Expenditure for purchase and construction of residential building, land and other durables for domestic use during the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 9. 1 In this section expenditure incurred by the households towards purchase, construction and repair of residential building, land and other durables will be recorded. Reference period to collect information is last 365 days. Item 632: residential building and land (cost of minor repair only): It should be noted that the purchase of residential building and land, whether first-hand or second-hand, should not be entered in this section. The total expenditure incurred by
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-110 | P a g e the household towards minor repairs and maintenance of dwelling unit and land during the reference perio d would be entered against this item. Repair /maintenance & construction of other durable goods not listed in this section will be recorded against others in code 633. 3. 5. 6. 10 Section 14. 10: Expenditure for purchase (including repair & maintenance) of jew ellery and ornaments for domestic use during the last 365 days 3. 5. 6. 10. 1 In this section expenditure incurred by the households towards purchase, repair and maintenance of jewellery and ornaments will be recorded. Reference period to collect information is last 365 days. Jewellery & ornaments procured by the household for personal use will be recorded against four groups as listed in this section. Item 640: gold ornaments/diamond/platinum jewellery : If gold ornaments are purchased in exchange of gold and some amount of cash, only the cash payment made will be taken into account. But if they are purchased in lieu of cash or cash and kind (other than gold), the total value of cash/cash and kind will be accounted. The same approach will be followed for diamon d or platinum or other jewellery. All other jewellery & ornaments including artificial jewellery not listed in this section will be recorded against 'others ' (code 643 ). This will also include imitation jewellery. Note: For many durables such as TV, refri gerator, etc., “exchange offers” are frequently availed of by households whereby the household, by giving an old, used durable such as an old TV set to a company, receives a new durable at a price lower than the market price. For such transactions the hous ehold's expenditure will be recorded at the market price (not the reduced price) of the new durable, the expenditure being understood as incurred partly in cash and partly in kind. Note that the approach followed for gold ornaments purchased in exchange of some gold and some cash, as set out in the previous paragraph, is a special case which is not treated in the same way as these exchange offers. 3. 5. 7 Section C1: Summary information of item collected in Questionnaire- DGQ 3. 5. 7. 1 This section will be auto-generated as per the details recorded in Sections 13-14.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-111 | P a g e 3. 5. 8 Section C2: Contact details of the household and time taken to canvass the questionnaire 3. 5. 8. 1 In this section, the contact details viz. mobile number and landline number of the household and time taken to canvass the questionnaire, name of the informant, response code of the informant will be recorded. 3. 5. 8. 2 QC2. 1 Mobile number of the informant : This information should be auto-generated from Questionnaire-HCQ, item no. 1. 1. 1. However, the mobile number of the informant should also be verified by the informant at the time of canvassing Questionnaire DGQ and updated mobile number will be recorded, if the informant want s to update the mobile number. Mobi le number consists of 10 digits starting from any one of the digits 6, 7, 8 or 9. 3. 5. 8. 3 QC2. 2 Alternate mobile number of the informant : This information should be auto-generated from Questionnaire-HCQ, item no. 1. 1. 2. However, the alternate mobile number of the informant sho uld also be verified by the informant at the time of canvassing Questionnaire DGQ and updated mobile number will be recorded, if the informant want s to update the mobile number. Mobi le number consists of 10 digits starting from any one of the digits 6, 7, 8 or 9. 3. 5. 8. 4 QC2. 3 Landline number of the informant : This information should be auto-generated from Questionnaire-HCQ, item no. 1. 1. 3. However, the landline number of the informant should also be verified by the informant at the time of canvassing Qu estionnaire DGQ and updated landline number will be recorded, if the informant want s to update the landline number. The 11-digit landline number starting the STD code as applicable, of the household, if exists in the household is to be recorded here. 3. 5. 8. 5 QC2. 4 Time taken to canvass the Questionnaire DGQ (in minutes) : Entry in this item will be made in whole number and in minutes. The time required to canvass the questionnaire should be the actual time taken by the enumerator(s) to canvass the question naire and will not include the time needed by the enumerator(s) to finalize the questionnaire. 3. 5. 8. 6 QC2. 5 Household's usual consum ption expenditure in a month (in Rs. ): In this item, household's usual monthly consum ption expenditure on food, consumable s & services and durables will be recorded in whole number of Rupees. Note: It is to be noted that the information on Household's usual consum ption expenditure in a month (QC2. 5) will be collected only for validation of the data and will not be used for generating any estimates.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-112 | P a g e 3. 5. 8. 7 QC2. 6 Total expenditure incurred on online purchase/payment of durable items during the last 365 days (in Rs. ): If any expenditure was incurred by the household for online purchase/payment of durable items such as cloth ing, bedding, footwear, mobile, TV, transport equipment, sports goods, medical equipment, furniture & fixtures, household appliances, jewellery & ornaments, etc., during the period of last 3 65 days, then total expenditure incurred during the last 3 65 days i s to be recorded here in whole number of rupees. Definition of online purchase/payment has been provided in para no. 3. 3. 1. 3 of Chapter-3. 3. 5. 8. 8 QC2. 7 Name of the informant: Informant is the person from whom the bulk of the information on the Schedule is collected. It is always desirable to collect information from one of the household members. In extreme cases, where this cannot be done, information may be collected from a non-household member who is supposed to know the requisite information. In Compute r assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) mode, serial number and name of the household member as listed in Cols. 1 and 2 of Block 3/3A will appear along with an option 'not a household member' against 'srl. no. of the household member' '99' for selecting the in formant. The enumerator should select the 'informant' from that list as given below. Srl. no. of the household member Name Select the informant o o 99 not a household member o 3. 5. 8. 9 QC2. 8 Response code of the informant as assessed by SE/JSO: This item is meant to categorize the informant according to the degree of his/her co-operation as well as his/her capability to provide the required information in the Schedule. Information on the type of informant will be collected in terms of the following c odes: informant co-operative and capable 1 informant reluctant 4 informant co-operative but not capable 2 others 9 informant busy 3
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-113 | P a g e Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and their replies Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1. General --A priest resides in a temple and takes prepared food from the colony/village residents, where will the entry of these meals take place? The entry will be recorded in the household who prepares the meals. 2. General --If a car is purchased by taking loan from bank and instal ments are being paid to the bank as repayment of loan, whether the full purchase amount of the car is to be considered as consum ption expenditu re or only the amount of instal ments paid during the reference period is to be reported? The total purchase amount of the car will be considered for recording consum ption expenditure. 3. General --Where to make entry for insurance charges for motor vehicles? Insurance premium amount paid will not be a par t of consum ption expenditure. Please refer to para no. 3. 0. 1. 6 for further clarifications. 4. General --Whether purchase made during abroad trips and consumed over there during the reference periods are to be considered for reporting in this survey ? It will not be considered. Only expenditure incurred on domestic account should be considered.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-114 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Questionnaire HCQ: Household Characteristics 5. 3-7 The parents of a child report that their child is 5th standard pass, but the child could not read or write any message in any language. Is the child to be treated as illiterate or literate with primary standard pass? Illiterate and code 01 is to be given. 6. 3-7 What will be the code of highest educational level for a person whose educational level is second ary but has been conferred with honorary degree of doctorate by some Institute or University? His educational level will be considered as 'secondary', since the person did not complete the specific level of education (doctoral degree) to obtain the degree. 7. 3-8 If a member of the household completed B. Tech from a recognized college/university, then how entry will be recorded in Col. 8? The total year of schooling will be counted from the beginning when the member was first enrolled in education upto the last completed class/course. In this case, if the member has completed B. Tech (duration of 4 years) course from a recognized college/ university, then the total year of schooling will be: 14 + 4 = 18 years including pre-primary course of 2 years, if atte nded.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-115 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 8. 3-8 If a member of the household cannot pass the class XII in 2 attempts, and got success in the 3rd attempt, then whether the 2 years in which the member does not get success will be counted for recording in Col. 8? Total years of schooling will be counted from the beginning when the member was first enrolled in education upto the last completed class/course considering the full academic year without repetition. 9. 3-8 If a student has pursued his/her Ph. D from a recognized college/ university but does not receive the degree of doctorate till now, then how the entry will be made in Col. 8? Since, the student does not receive the doctorate degree from the college/university as on the date of survey, he/she will not be reported to have completed P h. D degree and thus it will not be counted in the total year of schooling. The total year of schooling will be recorded based on the last course completed by him/her. 10. 3-10, 11-15 If a household member stays away from home for last two to three months f or employment purpose, where would the expenditure incurred by him be reported and how? All efforts should be made to find out the approximate consumption of the member and record it against item 280, Section 7. 1, Questionnaire FDQ. For consistency, no. of meals consumed by the person should be reported against Col.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-116 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 15 of Section 3. 11. 3-10, 14, 16 A family takes meal for 4 days from the Langar free of cost and for 9 days from the stock of food which he brought from home on his pilgrimage. What will be the entry in Cols. 10, 14 & 16? In Col. 10 entry will be 13 days. No. of meals taken free of cost from the L angar will be recorded in Col. 14 for 4 days. Food prepared at home and taken as a stock during trip to pilgrimage will be recorded Col. 16 and no. of meals taken for 9 days from stock of food brought from home will be recorded here. For further clarifications, please refer t o para nos. 3. 1. 3. 12 to 3. 1. 3. 12. 3 of Instructions to Field Staff, Vol. I. 12. 3-12-15 If a person does not take any meal during the last 30 days, what is to be entered? 0 may be entered in this case. 13. 3,7 Section 3 & Q7. 1/ 280 12-15 A hotelier takes food from his own hotel. Where his consumption should be recorded in Sections 3 & 7? The number of meals the hotelier has consumed from his own hotel should be recorded in Col. 15 of Section 3 (HCQ) and the quantity and imputed value calculated at production cost should
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-117 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) also be recorded in Section 7. 1, item 280 (FDQ). 14. 3-12-15 Where and how should the food given to the in-patients by the Government hospitals be recorded? If hospital stay is not free, food charges may be assumed to be included in hospital charges and need not be separated out from Section 10. 2, item 413 (CSQ). If hospital stay is free, food expenses should be impute d and reported against item 282 (FDQ). It is to be noted that in both the cases, meals taken at hospital should also be recorded, in Col. 14, Section 3 (HCQ). 15. 3-13-15 A person left his home for another place 8 days ago in search of a job and is worki ng as caterer there. In which column will his expenses on meals be recorded? If the person takes meals on payment, then the no. of meals will be recorded in Col. 15. However, if the meals are received free of cost either from employer or others, it will be recorded in Col. 13 or in Col. 14, as the case may be. 16. 4 Q4. 5, Q4. 6 -If there are more than two sources of income of a household, then which industry code will be given? The source of income from which maximum income was derived by the household will b e considered for recording in Q4. 5 & Q4. 6.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-118 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 17. 4 Q4. 1- Q4. 10 -While recording entry in questions Q4. 1-Q4. 10 should the paying guests/domestic helpers be considered or not? No, paying guests and domestic helpers are not to be considered in making entri es against these questions. 18. 4 Q4. 12 -The head of the household residing in A & N Islands, possesses SC certificate issued by some other State Govt. A & N Islands does not have any caste declared as SC. In such situation whether to report the social grou p as SC or as 'others' category. If the head of the household belongs to SC, due to possession of SC certificate issued by some state, code 2 is to be reported. 19. 4 Q4. 13 -The head of the sample household cultivates the land which is owned by his father. His father lives in another place. Will this be treated as owned land of the sample household? The land should not be treated as owned and thus should not be recorded against Q4. 13. 20. 4 Q4. 13 -A sample household resides in a rental dwelling and the head of that household owns land at its native place which is not leased out. Will the household be considered to own any land? Yes, any land owned by the household within the jurisdiction of the country will be recorded in Q4. 13. 21. 4 Q4. 13 -A household is in possession of government land in a village. Will such type of land be considered as No, it should not be considered as land owned.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-119 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) owned? 22. 4 Q4. 13 -If some land is received by a household under long-term lease, will it be considered for entry? Yes, the l and will be considered as land owned and will be recorded in Q4. 13. 23. 4 Q4. 13 -Residential building of somebody else is occupied and possessed since last 40 years without any right, registration, etc. Will this be considered as owned? Such type of posses sion will not be treated as owned and will not be reported here. This building will be considered for entry in the household of the actual owner, if selected. 24. 4 Q4. 15 -How to record area of land owned & possessed for a household staying on the upper fl oor of a multi-storeyed building? It is to be apportioned among all the owners of the multi-storeyed building in proportion to area occupied by the owners. 25. 4 Q4. 17 -A house has been leased-in by the sample household for 5 years by paying a lumpsum amoun t of Rs. 10 lakhs (as a security deposit), refundable in full after the said period and the household is not required to pay any monthly rent. In this case what code is to be recorded in Q4. 1 7? Code 2 is to be reported in Q4. 17, if the dwelling unit is hir ed out. 26. 4 Q4. 16, Q4. 17 -What code is to be given if the household has built its own house in an encroached land? If the household have a dwelling unit or unit of accommodation availed by the household for residential purpose, Code 1 will be recorded i n Q4. 16.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-120 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) However, a house in encroached land will not be treated as owned and thus code 3 (others) will be recorded in Q4. 17. 27. 4 Q4. 17 -If the widowed sister stays in the house constructed by her brother without paying any rent, what will be the code fo r dwelling unit? Code 3 (others) will be recorded. 28. 4 Q4. 18 -The walls of a structure are made up of bricks by just stac king one brick on the other and are not joined by cement and are of purely temporary nature. What code will be provided in such case? Code 2 or 6 may be reported based on whether the bricks are burnt or not. 29. 4 Q4. 19 -The roof of the building was not made by cement/RCC, but due to leakage problem the roof of the building has been further modified or constructed by cement. What material is reported for roof? The material for roof will be basic building material used for major part of the roof area of the dwelling. 30. 4 Q4. 23 -A household collects drinking water from RO treated kiosk managed by Government. What code should be reported in such case? Code 01 is to be reported if the household collects RO treated drinking water from the kiosk. 31. 4 Q4. 23 -What will be source code of drinking for a single Code 04 is to be reported.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-121 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) member household where drinking water is collected daily through tap supplied from bore well in the office premises where he/she works? 32. 4 Q4. 23 -A household is using diesel pump to extract water from underground and then the water is supplied to the household through pipes. What code is to be reported in this cas e? In this case appropriate code for recording is code 06. However, if any agency is making arrangement to supply water in the household through pipe, then it will be considered as piped water and accordingly code 02 will be recorded. 33. 4 Q4. 23 -A househ old uses two sources of drinking water viz., bottled water and hand pump both equally for the purpose of drinking water. In this case, what code will be recorded? If a household uses two sources for drinking water, the source from which most of the water i s obtained is to be entered. However, if the household gets equal amount of water from the two sources during the last 365 days, the code appearing first in the code-list is to be recorded. 34. 4 Q4. 23 -In a sample village, arrangement is made by the villa gers for bringing water up to their respective households from a source, i. e., from spring through The main source from where the household get the water is to be recorded.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-122 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) pipes. What code will be given for the source of drinking water? 35. 4 Q4. 24 -If more than one member of the household fetches water from the source, then how it will be reported in Q4. 24? Average time taken by all the members to fetch the water is to be reported. 36. 4 Q4. 25 -If a public/community latrine in a locality has been encroached by a single household and that household does not allow other households in the locality to use it. Which code will be given to the household who encroached and uses that public/ community latrine? Code 3, i. e., public/community latrine without payment is to be recorded. 37. 4 Q4. 26 -In a household, the members use different types of latrine, in such case, w hat code will be recorded? Type of latrine used by most of the household members will be recorded here. 38. 4 Q4. 29 -In a household it was found that the ir ration card is with the parent household from where they had separated and are now a separate household. The ration card is with the parent household and all the members of this household have their names in it. As such whenever required, they have acce ss to the ration In cases where the sample household has separated from a parent household which continues to possess the ration card, the sample household will also be considered to possess the ration card provided at least one of its member's names appear on the card and he/she is in position to use it.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-123 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) card and occasionally they also do make purchases against it. What will be the status regarding possession of ration card for both the households? 39. 4 Q4. 29 -It is common to find people using other's ration cards for subsidi zed purchases. In some cases, people are found using ration cards of BPL households, while they themselves belong to APL category. How to deal with such situations? Use of others' ration card does not mean that the household will be considered to possess the ration card. If the sample household possesses any of the ration card mentioned in Q4. 29, then only entry will be recorded here. Note that: For making entries against PDS items of Sections 5, 6 & 8 (FDQ), possession of a rat ion card by the sample household is not important. 40. 4 Q4. 29 -If in a family of household size 5, two members possess “Antyodaya” Ration card and rest possess BPL card, what code will be recorded? In case the household has more than one ration card, prior ity is to be given to Antyodaya ration card, and next to BPL. 41. 4 Q4. 29 -In some states, some state specific ration cards were issued to the households for procurement of food grains at subsidized rate. Code 5 will be recorded.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-124 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) In this situation, what code will be recorded in Q4. 29? Questionnaire FDQ: Food items 42. General --It is a common practice in villages that BPL and APL card holders take wheat, rice, etc. from the ration shop and pay a lump sum amount, they don't know the rates of these items. Ho w will the value information be entered for these items? Separate rates of all items may be ascertained from the PDS shop or from a knowledgeable person of the village and noted down. 43. General --Under PMGKAY, food grains (rice, wheat) are provided fre e by the Government. What should be the price of the commodity and where should the entry be made? The value is to be imputed at prevailing retail market price and the entry should be made against the rice-free (061) & wheat/atta-free (062) respectively. 44. General -- A household bought some food items from the market but due to damaged packet, all the items fell into the ground and thus cannot be used for consumption purpose. In this case, should the purchased food items be recorded in this section? No, i f all the food items purchased have been destroyed, then it will not be recorded in this section. For clarifications on wastage and loss of food, please refer to para no. 3. 3. 3. 12 & 3. 3. 3. 13, Instructions to Field Staff, Vol. I. 45. 4. 1 Q4. 1. 3-If a househo ld purchased some items online by using a device of another household, then whether it will be considered as It will be considered as online purchase for the selected household irrespective of the fact that the device is
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-125 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) online purchase or not? owned or po ssessed by the household or not. 46. 4. 1 Q4. 1. 3 -(a) A household has ordered food from a restaurant over telephone or via text message and made a payment using e-wallet. (b) A household has ordered food online through an app of a restaurant and made a payme nt in cash on delivery. Whether the purchases mentioned in (a) & (b) will be considered as online purchase/payment? (a) Since the household has ordered food using telephone or text message, it will not be considered as online purchase/payment. (b) In this case, food is ordered online through a restaurant app, it will be considered as online purchase/payment. For further clarifications please refer to para no. 3. 3. 1. 3 of Instructions to Field Staff, Vol. I. 47. 4. 1 Q4. 1. 5 -In case no meals were served to non-household members, what is to be recorded here? '0' should be entered. 48. 4. 1 Q4. 1. 5 -Is number of cooked meals consumed by the maidservant to be reported here or not? Yes, if he/she is not a household member. 49. 5, 6 all PDS items 5, 6 (a) An item is pur chased from a PDS shop, but separate item code for recording under PDS category is not available for this item. In this case, whether it will be considered as purchase from PDS? (b) If the household a) It will not be considered as PDS item and will be recorded against the respective item category. b) It will be considered as procured through PDS, provided the system of distribution of the commodities at
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-126 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) purchased a few PDS items at PDS rates without ration card, is it treated as PDS purchase? controlled prices at the shop is such that no ration card is required to procure the item. 50. 5. 1 Q5. 1/ 101/061-If a household received free PDS rice using a ration card, should value of their consumption be imputed and if yes whether at the average local retail pr ices or the subsidized prices of BPL/APL/AAY rates prevailing during the reference period. Imputed value of the rice at the local retail price of that quality will be recorded against item rice-free (061). 51. 5. 1 Q5. 1 102 7 In some places rice is supplied a s substitute for mid-day meal. What source code should be given? Code 9 (others) will be recorded. 52. 5. 2 Q5. 2/ 152-Where will the consumption of soyabean be reflected? It will be recorded against item 152 (other pulse products), Q5. 2. 53. 5. 3 Q5. 3/ 172-Will sugar-free products be recorded here? It will not be recorded in this section. It will be recorded against item 291, Section 7. 2. 54. 5. 3 Q5. 3/ 173 7 A sample household consumed gur which is prepared at home during the reference period. What source cod e will be given for this item? Gur prepared in the home will be recorded in item 173. Source code will be given depending on the source from which the ingredient of the gur is obtained. 55. 6. 1 Q6. 1/ 164, 160-A student living away from his parental house consumes ghee obtained Since the milk has already been considered in the
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-127 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) from his parents' house where it is home-made. Will it be considered in student's household? If yes, against which item: 160 or 164? parents' household when it is converted into ghee, it will not be reported against student's household. For clarifications, please refer to para no. 3. 3. 3. 10 of Instructions to Field Staff, Vol. I. 56. 6. 1 Q6. 1 -Where should the consumption of prepared sweets be recorded; in Section 6. 1: milk & milk produ cts or in Section 7. 2: packaged processed food? Consumption of prepared sweets will be recorded in Section 6. 1: milk & milk products against item 004. 57. 6. 1 Q6. 1 Where to record the consumption of soya paneer made from soyabean? The consumption of soya pa neer will be recoded against item 152, Section 5. 2 and not against item 003, Section 6. 1. 58. 6. 4 Q6. 4 -If a household consumed chia seeds, flax seeds, basil seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. during the reference period, then whe re should it be reported? It will be recorded against item 247 (others), if these are procured in eatable form. 59. 6. 6, 8. 1, 9. 1 Q6. 6, Q8. 1, Q9. 1/ 181, 346, 017, 457 2, 3 A person purchased 1 litre mustard oil and used it partly for cooking, partly for lig hting lamps, and partly for hair oil, body massage, etc. Under which item will the amount of cooking Some items are of multi-purpose use. The portion of mustard oil used for cooking will be entered ag ainst item 181, Section 6. 6 and the portion used for lighting lamp will be
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-128 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) oil used for lighting lamps, hair oil, etc. be entered? entered against item 346, Section 8. 1 and used for hair against item 017, Section 9. 1 & portion used as body massager will be recorded against item 457, Section 9. 1. 60. 6. 7 Q6. 7 -How to record the consumption of the spices that are procured from a grocery shop in a single pack on which only the quantities of the items is printed, but the values of the items are not printed individually. The value of the commodities consumed should be recorded at market price of the items. 61. 6. 7 Q6. 7/ 253-There is wide difference in the rate and the use of dry dhania and dhania leaf. The dry dhania is used as spices whereas, the green leaves of dhania are used as a sauce also. In this case, where t o report the dry seed of dhania, whether powder or whole and green leaves of dhania? Both dry seed of dhania, whether powder or whole and green leaves of dhania will be reported against item 253. Please refer para no. 3. 3. 5. 7. 6 for clarifications. 62. 6. 7 Q6. 7/ 260-Where should the consumption of 'Til' be reported? It will be reported against item 260 (oilseeds. ) 63. 6. 8 Q6. 8/ 271/272 -A household purchased tea bags of flavoured tea such as cranberry flavoured, etc., which can be prepared using hot water on ly. Where The consumption of any kind of tea bags will be recorded against item 27 1, Section 6. 8.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-129 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) such kind of consumption be recorded, in item 270 or item 271 ? 64. 6. 8 Q6. 8/ 278-Where is consumption of ice-cream made without milk to be recorded? It will b e recorded against item 278 (other beverages), Section 6. 8. 65. 6. 8 Q6. 8/ 278-A fruit powder drink s like 'Tang' 'Rasna' was purchased by a household for drink preparation. Where should it be reported? It may be reported against item 278 (other beverages), Section 6. 8 and only value of the item consumed will be recorded here. 66. 7. 1 Q7. 1/ 280-A person invited his friends for lunch at a hotel. Will all the meals consumed by the person and his friends be reported against item 280? Yes, all the meals consumed by the sample household along with his friends will be reported against item 280. Also, the number of meals consumed by his friends will be accounted in Section 4. 1, Q4. 1. 5 on 'no. of meals served to non-household members'. 67. 7. 1 Q7. 1/ 280, Section 4. 1, Q4. 1. 5 5,6 A daughter purchased cooked meals for her parents, who are members of different household. In which household is this expenditure to be accounted? It will be recorded against daughter's household. Also, the number of meals consumed by his parent s and family will be accounted in Section 4. 1, Q4. 1. 5 on 'no. of meals served to non-household members'.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-130 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 68. 7. 1 Q7. 1/ 280-282-Where will the cooked meals received free from temples as Anna dana and from a marriage ceremony feast at a public hall be shown? Cooked meals received from temples will be recorded under item 282, Section 7. 1. The meals received from marriage ceremony will not be recorded in the sample household as the meals are received from other households. 69. 7. 2 Q7. 2/ 012-Whether processed cereals such as cornflakes, ragi flakes, muesli made from cereals and used as breakfast meals be recorded in the Section 5. 1 or in Section 7. 2? All the processed food used as breakfast such as cornflakes, ragi flakes, muesli, oats, granola, etc. will be recorded against item 012, Section 7. 2. 70. 7. 2 Q7. 2/ 012-A household has a child of age 5 months and for the consumption of a child, milk powder such as Similac, Lactogen, Cerelac, Nan was purchased by the household. Whether this consumption be recorded against item 162 (milk: condensed/ powder), Section 6. 1? All baby food items for which the principal constituent is milk or not will be recorded against item 161, Section 7. 2. 71. 7. 2 Q7. 2/ 293, 296 -Where to record the consumption of popcorn and sweet corn? Popcorn will be recorded against item 293, and sweet corn will be recorded against item 296 (other packaged processed
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-131 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) food), Section 7. 2. 72. 7. 2 Q7. 2/ 014-What kind of health supplements is to be recorded against item 014? Protein powder, probiotic tablets & drinks, chawanprash, giloy syrup/tablets, amla gummies, granules, etc., will come under health supplements. Questionnaire CSQ: Consumables & Services 73. 4. 2 Q4. 2. 1 -A household knows that the subsidy on LPG gas cylinder is provided to them but does not know that whether they got the subsidy during the last 3 months or not. In this situation, what code will be provided in Q4. 2. 1? Since, the household does not know that whether they have received the subsidy on LPG cylinder during the last 3 months, code 2 may be reported in Q4. 2. 1. 74. 4. 2 Q4. 2. 2 -In some states, electricity is provided free to the household upto certain limit. After that limit the consumption of electricity is chargeable. In this case, what to record in Q4. 2. 2? If the household received e lectricity free or partly free, code 1 will be recorded against Q4. 2. 2. 75. 4. 2 Q4. 2. 4 -A member of the household received free textbooks and stationery from another household during the reference period, whether it will be recorded here? If any member of t he household received free textbooks or stationery during the reference period from any organization, institution or individual, it will be recorded against Q4. 2. 4 and no. of such items received free of
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-132 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) cost will also be recorded. 76. 4. 2 Q4. 2. 7 -In some st ates, AYUSHMAN BHARAT scheme or Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana was not launched yet, instead they are providing health benefits through some other state-oriented scheme. In such situation, what code will be recorded in Q4. 2. 7? If any member of the house hold is entitled to receive benefits under any health scheme provided by central or state government, then code 1 will be reported against Q4. 2. 7. 77. 4. 2 Q4. 2. 10 -In the present scenario, there are many online learning apps (such as Byju's, Unacademy, Extramarks, etc. ) for which annual/quarterly/monthly expenditure for subscription was incurred by the households. In this case, where to record such expenditure. The payment for subscription to learning apps can be made only through online. Thus, if any hous ehold has taken subscription to these apps during the reference period, then Col. (3) serial no. 3, Q4. 2. 10 may be checked. Also, the expenditure incurred to get the subscription of the same may be reported against item 406, Section 10. 1. 78. 8. 1 Q8. 1/ 334, 335-Kerosene was purchased by a family from the PDS shop at PDS rate, but the family does not possess ration card. Where should it be entered: in item 334 (from PDS) or 335 (from It should be reported against item 334 (from PDS) with re marks.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-133 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) other sources)? 79. 8. 1 Q8. 1/ 331-How to record free collection of firewood and chips? Record the quantity in Col. 5 and its imputed value at retail market price in Col. 6 and source code '4' in Col. 7, if procured only from free collection. 80. 8. 1 Q8. 1/ 331 5,6 Woodb rought from the forest as a free collection without incurring any expenditure on transportation is used as firewood & chips. Is it to be reported in Columns 5 & 6? Record the quantity in Col. 5 and its imputed value at retail market price in Col. 6 and als o record source code '4' in Col. 7, if procured only from free collection. 81. 8. 1 Q8. 1/ 332-An unauthorized electric connection was taken from a BPL meter. Will the consumption value of electricity be calculated at subsidized (BPL) rate? Yes, value will be calculated at subsidized rate. 82. 8. 1, 11. 3 Q8. 1, Q11. 3/ 332, 437-A cable company is using the electricity from the household for its junction box and the amplifier. In return, the company is providing cable connection free of charge to the household. In such a case, where should the amount of electricity consumed by the cable company be reported and what will be the entry against cable fees? For simplicity, both the household's own consumption of electricity and the amount consumed by the cable company f or the junction box may be reported against item 332, Section 8. 1 and item 437, Section 11. 3 may be left blank. 83. 8. 1 Q8. 1/ -A gas cylinder has been Actual price of the gas
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-134 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 338 purchased from the black market. What price is to be quoted? cylinder purcha sed will be recorded. A remark should also be provided in this case. 84. 8. 1 Q8. 1/ 346-Will the entry of ghee which is consumed for puja be made in item 164, Section 6. 1 (FDQ) or in item 346, Section 8. 1? Entry will be recorded in item 346, Section 8. 1 (ot her fuel). Please refer to para no. 3. 4. 4. 10, Instructions to Field Staff, Vol. I. 85. 9. 1 Q9. 1/ 016-Where to record the expenditure made on disinfectants used to sanitize air, surface, etc. It will be recorded against item 016, Section 9. 1. 86. 9. 2 Q9. 2/ 468-Whether the fresheners used in the cars as air freshener is to be recorded against item 468, Section 9. 2? Yes, it will also be recorded against item 468, Section 9. 2. 87. 10. 1--Should the voluntary donation in cash be considered as expenditure or not ? Donations for charity made voluntarily in cash will not come under the purview of consum ption expenditure. Please refer para no. 3. 4. 6. 1. 2, Instructions to Field Staff, Vol. I for further clarifications. 88. 10. 1--Will the cost of books, journals and o ther educational items purchased by a student residing in a hostel for his use come in the consumption of the parents' household? No, such cost will be recorded in the student's household. Please refer to para no. 3. 4. 6. 1. 6, Instructions to Field Staff, Vo l. I.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-135 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 89. 10. 1 Q10. 1/ 400-Should the value of books supplied by the Government free of cost be recorded against this item? No, it will not be recorded here. 90. 10. 1 Q10. 1/ 408-Where is school bag purchased for educational purpose to be recorded? It will b e recorded against item 408 (other educational expenses). 91. 10. 1 Q10. 1/ 408-A man has taken an education loan for his child`s education. He pays a regular interest on this loan. Is this interest to be taken in this section? No, it will not be recorded. 92. 10. 2/10. 3 Q10. 2, Q10. 3/ 410-414 420-424-A married daughter visited her aged parents during summer vacation. The daughter incurred all medical expenditures for her father's eye treatment. In which household medical expenditure is to be accounted. Medi cal expenditure incurred will be recorded against daughter's household. 93. 10. 2 Q10. 2/ 410-414-If the informant is unable to break-up medical expenses and provide the detail of total expenses, then where to record the details of medical expenses incurred? Efforts should be made to get the approximate break-up of medical expenses. However, even then if it is not possible to get the break-up of medical expenses, then it will be recorded against that item on which major expenditure was done during the referen ce
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-136 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) period. 94. 10. 2 Q10. 2/ 410-414-Does expenditure incurred during child birth at hospital come under medical expenditure during last 365 days? All expenditure incurred for hospitalized childbirth during the reference period of last 365 days will be recor ded in the Section 10. 2. 95. 10. 3 Q10. 3/ 424-Where to record the CGHS contribution made by Central Govt. employees? The entire amount may be recorded against item 424, Section 10. 3. 96. 11. 1 Q11. 1 -Should expenses incurred during the visit to foreign countr ies be taken into consideration for consum ption expenditure? No, only expenditure incurred on domestic account should be considered. Please refer to para no. 3. 4. 7. 1. 11 for further clarifications. 97. 11. 1 Q11. 1/ 024, -Value of meals served during journey by Shatabdi/Rajdhani is not available separately. How should it be recorded against item 280 (FDQ) ? The value of meals served during the journey need not to be separated from the railway fare. The entire amount should be entered against item 024, Section 11. 1. 98. 11. 1 Q11. 1 514-Where to record the expenditure made on ride by animal cart? It will be recorded against item 514. 99. 11. 2 Q11. 2/ 480-Second-hand clothing e. g., used saree, was given to a domestic servant. Should the imputed value of saree be en tered against item Second-hand clothing given to a domestic servant is not to be considered for making entry against item 480.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-137 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 480? 100. 11. 2 Q11. 2/ 487, 488-A household uses landline and mobile phone both for domestic as well as for work purpose. But the landline and the mobile call charges are fully reimbursed by the employer. Is the expenditure incurred for domestic purpose alone to be separated out and reported here? The expenditure incurred on the services provided by the employers to the employees as a perquisite and are reimbursed by the employer will be recorded in the employee's household. Thus, in this case, the whole reimbursed amount is to be reported against respective items. For further clarifications, please refer to para no. 3. 0. 2. 12, Instruc tions to Field Staff, Vol. I. 101. 11. 2 Q11. 2/ 488, 496-A person recharged his mobile phone which also provides internet facility. He used his phone's internet facility for ten days during the reference period. Where will we record this entry? For simplicit y, the entire amount will be reported against item 488 in such cases. 102. 11. 2 Q11. 2/ 496 497-Will the service charges portion paid for booking railway ticket through IRCTC's online services come under item 496 (internet expenses) or in item 497: 'other consumer services'. Such kind of service charges will be recorded against item 497 (other consumer services). 103. 11. 2 Q11. 2/ -Should the excess The excess payment, if
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-138 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 497 payment/tips made to the supplier of LPG cylinders find place in this section? If yes, i n which item? it is given as tips, should not be recorded. However, if it is paid as service charge then it will be reported against item 497. 104. 11. 2 Q11. 2/ 497-A person booked a railway ticket from his house through the internet f acility. Since he/she did not have a printer at his/her house to print the ticket, he/she got it printed outside at a computer services shop using a pen-drive. Where to record the expenses incurred towards getting a printout of the ticket? Such expenses wi ll be recorded against item 497. 105. 11. 2 Q11. 2/ 497-Will the annual usage service charges paid for using ATM services and additional service charges paid for using other bank's ATM services come under consum ption expenditure survey? Yes, it will be record ed against item 497. 106. 11. 2 Q11. 2/ 497-Entrance ticket has been purchased by the household for temple darshan. Where to record it? This may be reported in item 497. 107. 11. 2 Q11. 2/ 497-How and where to record the installation charges in respect of sola r heater? Installation charges may be reported against item 497 if installation was done within the reference
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-139 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) period. 108. 11. 2, 11. 4 Q11. 2,497 Q11. 4/ 899-Generally, it is observed that the flat owners pay monthly maintenance charge which includes taxes al so. Where to report this expenditure? The taxes included in the total maintenance charge may be segregated and reported against item 899, Section 11. 4 and the rest of the amount may be reported against 497, Section 11. 2. Tax to be paid to the municipality is, normally, not included the maintenance charge which is to be paid to the 'flat owners' association' and it is the responsibility of the individual flat owner (and not the flat owners' association) to pay monthly municipal tax, water charge, etc. 109. 11. 2 Q11. 2/488 If a household member recharged his/her mobile with 3 months plan before 45 days. Do we have to record this value in proportionate against this item? Apportioned amount is to be recorded. 110. 11. 3 Q11. 3/ 028, Q11. 2/ 497-Should the expenditure incurred for subscription to groceries/food apps such as Bigbasket, Grofers, Zomato, Swiggy etc. be recorded against item 028? Expenditure incurred for subscription to groceries/food apps will not be recorded against item 028. These expenditures will be made monthly/ quarterly/ yearly. If the household has incurred
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-140 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) expenditure on such subscription during the reference period, then it will be recorded against item 497, Section 11. 2 (consumer services). If the payment is made annually/quarterly basis, then th e amount of last payment on such subscription divided by the number of months for which the payment was made will be taken into account. 111. 11. 3 Q11. 3/ 438-Where should the expenditure incurred on crackers & colours during festivals like Diwali, Holi or o thers be recorded? It will be recorded against item 438 (other entertainment), Section 11. 3. 112. 11. 3 Q11. 3/ 437-A household incurred expenditure on a set-top box connection and it will also include charges for setting-up the connection and monthly charg e of package selected by the household. In this case, what should be entered here against item 437? Whole set up cost spend earlier or only the monthly cost? What about advance payment? In this situation, monthly charge of the package selected by the house hold on cable TV should be recorded. The set-up cost of set-top box should also be recorded, if incurred during the reference period; otherwise, it will not be recorded here. Also, advance payment made in the reference period should not be apportioned but recorded in total in item 437.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-141 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Questionnaire DGQ: Durable items 113. General --Will expenses on major repair of any durable goods be included as consum ption expenditure? Yes, all the expenses on major repair of any durable goods will be included as consum ption expenditure. 114. 4. 3 Q4. 3. 3, Srl. no. 1 3 Two brothers are staying in the same house but belong to different households. There is only one TV owned by one brother and watched by members of both the households. Cable charges are shared by the two househo lds. How to make entry for the sample household which does not own the TV? If the selected household does not possess TV and merely shares the expenses on cable charges, entry against Q4. 3. 3 may not be reported, but the cable TV charges shared may be repor ted against item 438 (other entertainment), Section 11. 3 (CSQ ). 115. 13. 1 Q13. 1 -Should the consumption of second-hand clothing received as perquisites be considered here? No. Only second-hand clothing purchased will be considered for recording in this section. 116. 13. 1 Q13. 1/ 372 3-4 Readymade clothes were purchased for a child aged 1-2 years. Dresses were purchased separately in 2 pieces to make a set. Where to record in Section 13. 1? The items purchased for child aged 1-2 years may be recorded against item 372, Section 13. 1. 117. 13. 1 Q13. 1 -Should second-hand clothes purchased from market and used be considered as consumption of a household or not? Yes, it will be considered and recorded against item 375, Section 13. 1.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-142 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 118. General (Section 14)-6 Whether AMCs would be treated as service expenses in column 6. Also, if AMC expenses has been incurred prior to 365 days and is for tenure of 2/3 years whether apportioned value per year is to be reported. AMC of durable goods is to be recorded against Column 6 of the respective item. Only the expenses incurred for AMC during the period of last 365 days is to be considered for recording. 119. 14. 1 Q14. 1/ 442-Will the expenditure on emergency lamp with torch light be reported against item 442, Section 14. 1? No, it will be reported against item 583, Section 14. 5. 120. 14. 2 Q14. 2/ 602 6, 9 Kindly clarify whether major expenditure incurred by the household towards repair of motor car like overhauling of engine will be accounted in this section. Yes, it will be reported against item 602, Section 14. 2. 121. 14. 3 Q14. 3/ 036-Whether dumbbell (weights), skipping rope used for exercise will be recorded in this section? Yes, dumbbell (weights) will be recorded against item 036 and skipping rope against item 432, Section 14. 3 122. 14. 4 Q14. 4-Where to record medical equipment such as thermometer, pulse oximeter, etc. It will be recorded against item 611 (other medical equipment), Section 14. 4. 123. 14. 5 Q14. 5/ 582-A household member has purchased a new battery for inverter in exchange of ol d and used battery, at a price lower Market price of the battery should be recorded against item 582 (inverter), Section 14. 5 and the
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-143 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) than the market price. What price will be recorded for the battery and where? expenditure incurred may be considered as partly in cash and partly in kind. 124. 14. 5 Q14. 5/ 582 5,9 The cost of the battery has been included in the cost of the inverter. In this case, how to report the cost? The cost of the battery need not be separated out and not to be shown somewhere else. It may be fully reported in item 582, Section 11. 5 since battery is an integral part of inverter, without which it cannot function. 125. 14. 5 Q14. 5/ 592-In which item are the expenses for purchase and repair of wheat flour grinding machine (for household purpose only) to be reported? It will be reported against item 592 (other cooking & household appliances). 126. 14. 5 Q14. 5/ 592-Where will the expenditure incurred on purchase of solar panel be recorded? The expenditure on solar panel will be recorded against item 592 (other cooking & household appliances), if purchased for domestic use. 127. 14. 6 Q14. 6/ 573-What type of crockery is to be taken in this item? All non-metal crockery excluding casseroles and other thermoware. 128. 14. 8 Q14. 8 -Whether projectors, if used for domestic purpose be recorded here? Yes, it will be recorded against item 564. 129. 14. 9 Q14. 9/ 632 6, 9 What type of repair on residential building and land will be covered by this item? Any minor repair on the residential building and land should be taken.
Chapter Three Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Instr uctions to Field Staff, Vol. I, C-144 | P a g e Sl. no. Section Question/ Item Column Query Reply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 130. 14. 9 Q14. 9/ 633-Hand pump/ submersible pump for drinking water is installed in the household dwelling. Are the expenses on this item to be taken or not? If yes, then in which item? Yes, it is to be recorded against item 6 33, if installed for domestic use. 131. 14. 10 Q14. 10/ 640-Will purchase of gold coin come under item 640? Gold is purchased during 'Akshaya Thritya' day, which is considered auspicious to purchase gold in the belief that it will bring wealth and prosperity. Such purchases might be in the form of gold coins or statue forms of God/ Goddesses to adorn the puja room. Is gold in the form of an ornament or used as an ornament to be included in this item? All such expenses are to be recorded against item 640. 132. 14. 10 Q14. 10/ 640-If gold jewellery is purchased by giving gold what expenditure should be entered? Only the additional cash payment made during the purchase should be recorded. The imputed value of old gold will not be recorded here.
E-1 APPENDIX-I LIST OF NSS REGIONS AND THEIR COMPOSITION sl. no state/u. t. (code) NSS region detailed composition of region code description sl. no. name of district code (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1. Andaman & 351 Andaman & 1. Nicobars (01) Nicobar Islands Nicobar 2. North & Middle Andaman (02) (35) Islands 3. South Andaman (03) 2. Andhra Pradesh 281 Coastal Northern 4. Srikakulam (01) (28) 5. Vizianagaram (02) 6. Visakhapatnam (03) 7. East Godavari (04) 8. West Godavari (05) 3. 282 Coastal Southern 9. Krishna (06) 10. Guntur (07) 11. Prakasam (08) 12. Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore (09) 4. 283 Inland Southern 13. Y. S. R. (Cuddapah) (10) 14. Kurnool (11) 15. Anantapur (12) 16. Chittoor (13) 5. Arunachal 121 Arunachal Pradesh 17. Tawang (01) Pradesh 18. West Kameng (02) (12) 19. East Kameng (03) 20. Papum Pare (04) 21. Upper Subansiri (05) 22. West Siang (06) 23. East Siang (07) 24. Upper Siang (08) 25. Changlang (09) 26. Tirap (10) 27. Lower Subansiri (11) 28. Kurung Kumey (12) 29. Dibang Valley (13) 30. Lower Dibang Valley (14) 31. Lohit (15) 32. Anjaw (16) 6. Assam 181 Plains Eastern 33. Lakhimpur (08) (18) 34. Dhemaji (09) 35. Tinsukia (10) 36. Dibrugarh (11) 37. Sivasagar (12) 38. Jorhat (13) 39. Golaghat (14) 40. Charaideo (30) 41. Majuli (33) 7. 182 Plains Western 42. Kokrajhar (01) 43. Dhubri (02) 44. Goalpara (03)
Appendix I Questionnaire LCES 2022: list of NSS regions Instructions to Field Staff, Vol-I: Household Consumption Expenditu re Survey E-2 sl. no state/u. t. (code) NSS region detailed composition of region code description sl. no. name of district code (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 45. Barpeta (04) 46. Bongaigaon (20) 47. Chirang (21) 48. Kamrup (22) 49. Kamrup Metropolitan (23) 50. Nalbari (24) 51. Baksa (25) 52. South Salmara Mankachar (31) 8. 183 Cachar Plain 53. Karbi Anglong (15) 54. Dima Hasao (16) 55. Cachar (17) 56. Karimganj (18) 57. Hailakandi (19) 58. West karbi Anglong (29) 9. 184 Central Brahamputra 59. Morigaon (05) Plains 60. Nagaon (06) 61. Sonitpur (07) 62. Darrang (26) 63. Udalguri (27) 64. Hojai (28) 65. Biswanath (32) 10. Bihar 101 Northern 66. Pashchim Champaran (01) (10) 67. Purba Champaran (02) 68. Sheohar (03) 69. Sitamarhi (04) 70. Madhubani (05) 71. Supaul (06) 72. Araria (07) 73. Kishanganj (08) 74. Purnia (09) 75. Katihar (10) 76. Madhepura (11) 77. Saharsa (12) 78. Darbhanga (13) 79. Muzaffarpur (14) 80. Gopalganj (15) 81. Siwan (16) 82. Saran (17) 83. Vaishali (18) 84. Samastipur (19) 85. Begusarai (20) 86. Khagaria (21) 11. 102 Central 87. Bhagalpur (22) 88. Banka (23) 89. Munger (24) 90. Lakhisarai (25) 91. Sheikhpura (26) 92. Nalanda (27) 93. Patna (28) 94. Bhojpur (29) 95. Buxar (30) 96. Kaimur (Bhabua) (31) 97. Rohtas (32) 98. Aurangabad (33)
Appendix I Questionnaire LCES 2022: list of NSS regions Instructions to Field Staff, Vol-I: Household Consumption Expenditu re Survey E-3 sl. no state/u. t. (code) NSS region detailed composition of region code description sl. no. name of district code (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 99. Gaya (34) 100. Nawada (35) 101. Jamui (36) 102. Jehanabad (37) 103. Arwal (38) 12. Chandigarh 041 Chandigarh 104. Chandigarh (01) (04) 13. Chhattisgarh 221 Northern 105. Koriya (01) (22) Chhattisgarh 106. Surguja (02) 107. Surajpur (26) 108. Balrampur (27) 14. 222 Mahanadi Basin 109. Jashpur (03) 110. Raigarh (04) 111. Korba (05) 112. Janjgir-Champa (06) 113. Bilaspur (07) 114. Kabeerdham (08) 115. Rajnandgaon (09) 116. Durg (10) 117. Raipur (11) 118. Mahasamund (12) 119. Dhamtari (13) 120. Balodabazar (19) 121. Gariyaband (20) 122. Bemetara (23) 123. Balod (24) 124. Mungeli (25) 15. 223 Southern 125. Uttar Bastar Kanker (14) Chhattisgarh 126. Bastar (15) 127. Narayanpur (16) 128. Dakshin Bastar Dantewada (17) 129. Bijapur (18) 130. Kondagaon (21) 131. Sukama (22) 16. Dadra & 251 Dadra & 132. Diu (01) Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (25) 133. Daman (02) 134. Dadra & Nagar Haveli (03) 17. Delhi 071 Delhi 135. North West (01) (07) 136. North (02) 137. North East (03) 138. East (04) 139. New Delhi (05) 140. Central (06) 141. West (07) 142. South West (08) 143. South (09)
Appendix I Questionnaire LCES 2022: list of NSS regions Instructions to Field Staff, Vol-I: Household Consumption Expenditu re Survey E-4 sl. no state/u. t. (code) NSS region detailed composition of region code description sl. no. name of district code (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 18. Goa 301 Goa 144. North Goa (01) (30) 145. South Goa (02) 19. Gujarat 241 South Eastern 146. Panch Mahals (17) (24) 147. Dohad (18) 148. Vadodara (19) 149. Narmada (20) 150. Bharuch (21) 151. The Dangs (22) 152. Navsari (23) 153. Valsad (24) 154. Surat (25) 155. Tapi (26) 156. Chhota Udepur (29) 157. Mahisagar (32) 20. 242 Plains Northern 158. Mahesana (04) 159. Sabar Kantha (05) 160. Gandhinagar (06) 161. Ahmadabad (07) 162. Anand (15) 163. Kheda (16) 164. Arvalli (27) 21. 243 Dry areas 165. Banas Kantha (02) 166. Patan (03) 22. 244 Kachchh 167. Kachchh (01) 23. 245 Saurashtra 168. Surendranagar (08) 169. Rajkot (09) 170. Jamnagar (10) 171. Porbandar (11) 172. Junagadh (12) 173. Amreli (13) 174. Bhavnagar (14) 175. Botad (28) 176. Dev Bhumi-Dwarka (30) 177. Gir Somnath (31) 178. Morbi (33) 24. Haryana 061 Eastern 179. Panchkula (01) (06) 180. Ambala (02) 181. Yamunanagar (03) 182. Kurukshetra (04) 183. Kaithal (05) 184. Karnal (06) 185. Panipat (07) 186. Sonipat (08) 187. Rohtak (14) 188. Jhajjar (15) 189. Gurgaon (18) 190. Mewat (19) 191. Faridabad (20) 192. Palwal (21)
Appendix I Questionnaire LCES 2022: list of NSS regions Instructions to Field Staff, Vol-I: Household Consumption Expenditu re Survey E-5 sl. no state/u. t. (code) NSS region detailed composition of region code description sl. no. name of district code (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 25. 062 Western 193. Jind (09) 194. Fatehabad (10) 195. Sirsa (11) 196. Hisar (12) 197. Bhiwani (13) 198. Mahendragarh (16) 199. Rewari (17) 26. Himachal 021 Central 200. Kangra (02) Pradesh 201. Kullu (04) (02) 202. Mandi (05) 203. Hamirpur (06) 204. Una (07) 27. 022 Trans Himalayan 205. Chamba (01) & Southern 206. Lahul & Spiti (03) 207. Bilaspur (08) 208. Solan (09) 209. Sirmaur (10) 210. Shimla (11) 211. Kinnaur (12) 28. Jammu & 011 Mountainous 212. Kathua (07) Kashmir 213. Jammu (21) (01) 214. Samba (22) 29. 012 Outer Hills 215. Punch (05) 216. Rajouri (06) 217. Doda (16) 218. Ramban (17) 219. Kishtwar (18) 220. Udhampur (19) 221. Reasi (20) 30. 013 Jhelam Valley 222. Kupwara (01) 223. Badgam (02) 224. Baramula (08) 225. Bandipore (09) 226. Srinagar (10) 227. Ganderbal (11) 228. Pulwama (12) 229. Shupiyan (13) 230. Anantnag (14) 231. Kulgam (15) 31. Jharkhand 201 Ranchi Plateau 232. Garhwa (01) (20) 233. Lohardaga (11) 234. Purbi Singhbhum (12) 235. Palamu (13) 236. Latehar (14) 237. Ranchi (19) 238. Khunti (20) 239. Gumla (21) 240. Simdega (22) 241. Pashchimi Singhbhum (23) 242. Saraikela-Kharsawan (24)