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111 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a “Why would you say that?” “Why, you ask... ? You are Vice-President of the Student Council, the Class Representative, head of the Archery Club, even the students and teachers as well as everyone else respects you. Your Language Arts composition the other day was also wonderful. The story of The Path you had written, it was more splendid than anyone else's in class, and even my heart was touched. That is why... ” “That is why... ?” I have not noticed the smile on Irie-kun's face has vanished. Expressionless as he is, I await for his ne xt words. “That is why... Irie-kun, I have faith in you. “Faith in me?” All-of-a-sudden, Irie-kun breaks out and begins to speak. “How can you possibly say something like that so calmly, huh? What does Sensei know about me? Have you even seen all that's in my heart? Being Vice-President of the Student Council, being Class Representative, being head of the Archery Club, having students and teachers and everyone respecting me, and I can write a wonderful composition... can you even say that I don't have something l ike a single problem in there?” For an instant, Irie-kun appearance, it overlaps with the figure of that ghastly Joker. I feel as if I am seeing a continuation of that nightmare, my sanity desperately striving to keep it together. “Irie-kun, stop... you are n ot that kind of pupil... ” --so, please... When he speaks as if squeezing out his voice, Irie-kun glares at me with sharp eyes. “I knew you couldn't see anything, Sensei. Nothing at all that's in my heart... ” Then, he quickly speaks his mind. “The one who sent th at was me. ” His words are truth, a fact evident from Irie-kun's worn out expression which has usually never been shown before. --why, why do such a thing... “I wanted you to notice, Sensei. My crying heart... ” --Irie-kun's crying heart... ? “I have always been as king for help, but even then, you just didn't notice at all. ” --always been asking for help... ? What does he mean... ? “Sensei, I'm disappointed in you. ” Irie-kun's voice is trembling, just as he leaves. I can only stand there frozen on the spot. With Irie-kun' s words echoing in my heart many times over again and again like a curse. ~~~~
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112 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a When something one had once believed in crumbles away, people lose hope. Namely, to lose sight of the path. Irie-kun's words-I thought long and hard about its significance. 'I have always been asking for help', he said, but I question what he means. When, in what way, did he bring it up? I have not the faintest idea. However, the exhaustion on Irie-kun's face... to be wholly despaired to make such an expression in that instance, I feel as if I recognise it from somewhere. I desperately trace my memories. He usually has a smile that never goes out, but only once has he... Upon that moment, I remember. A few days ago, I had tasked him to write a composition of The Path as homework for Language Arts, one in which he had given a presentation during class. If I'm not mistaken, it was during that time... Returning to the Staff Room, I pick up the composition into my hand. Then, I give the tale of The Path written by Irie-kun another read. On the page, it is a story in which one boy, worried about taking the exam, sought his own path. In the setting where the young male protagonist is troubled, there is a certain monologue: 'There are many paths in this world. Within every conceivable way, they can lead you down to any kind of location. However, before me lies not a path in sight. If there is no path, there is no hope. If there is no hope, there is no future. If there is no future, there is only despair. No matter how much I cry, no adult can re ach my heart. ' The protagonist... he finds hope in the end, for he will walk to open his own path. But... Of course. This tale is not the work of Irie-kun, not in the least. ~~~~ My grandfather's health has suddenly changed, taking place on the next day. Rounding up the lesson in the morning, I rush to the hospital where my grandfather has been admitted. Fortunately, my grandfather has already recovered somewhat, but according to the doctor, I have been informed that he is expected to reach a critical state either tonight or tomorrow. Late on arrival, I make an enquiry outside the curtains of the sickroom. “Grandfather, it is me, Reika. May I come in?” “Hrm... you may. ” Even now, his weak voice seems to fade.
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113 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a When my grandfather in bed raises the upper half of his body ever-so-slightly, he faintly opens his eyes, to gaze upon the scenery outside from his window. Outside is the beautiful landscape of Nanairogaoka, one he is able to overlook. I sit down on a stool by the bed, and together with my grandfather, we bear witness to the sight beyond the window. My grandfather has provided support many times in life so far. Many of those memories are resurfacing. “Reika. ” It is my grandfather's voice, bringing me back to my senses. Keeping his sight on the scenery outsi de, my grandfather speaks. “You seem to have lost your way. ” Despite such times, it appears my forefather can completely see through the likes of my heart. “... Yes. ” An image of Irie-kun emerges in my mind. “I had intended to provide my attention to the pupi ls, so we may study together; walk together. And yet, somehow or another, it seems I had been self-centred. ” Tightly gripping the top of my knees, my fists quiver. “What did I become a teacher for? I no longer know. I am unable to notice the cries of the p upils' hearts, I am a failure of a teacher. ” At this very hour, I am not qualified to call myself a tea cher anymore, and so I conclude that I have no choice but to resign my position of being one. Even now in life, one can lose their way, for the sight of the path can be lost many times over. But, only this time, I can think of no other alternative than to withdraw from the path of being a teacher. It is because my heart is weak, because I have completely lost the confidence in myself to face Irie-kun from tomorrow onward. However, when my grandfather speaks, they are words most unexpected. “You have already found your way. ” My way... When my own face reflects in the windowpane, I stoically gaze upon it. “Reika, where is your heart? If you can just let it reve al itself, the path will naturally open. ” His words, for what would be an eternity in my heart, have been etched. ~~~~ Around my 2nd-year in middle school, I had been troubled with the path of moving forward. It was an event that should be known as the greatest crossroad to ever confront teenagers. One day, it was decided that I would be the chosen member to study abroad in England. I was selected to be the Japanese representative, so to speak, and I had been arranged to depart in one month.
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114 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a I was greatl y troubled. Studying abroad was something I had personally applied for when I was but a 1st-year pupil. I wanted to learn a variety of things overseas-that dream was coming true. However, at the time, I deeply wanted to be together with four precious fri ends by any means. If I were to study abroad, I would be separated from those companions of mine. The relationship with friends who are more important than studying overseas-what in the world could it have been? What in the world could have happened betw een us? Even now, the memories are unclear. In-spite of my attempts to recall those four, somehow the memories are utterly missing. With those four girls, there are many fun memories. At any given time, we would laugh together, and together we would overco me the hardships as treasured companions. When I first informed my grandfather about the matter of studying overseas, he once wrote a variety of characters for The Path, and he told me this: “Paths may be indirect; paths may be winding; paths may be unplan ned. The path comes in all kinds. Reika, what kind of path is being written in the pages of your life?” Troubled by my woes to the end, I abandoned the path of studying overseas, and chose the path to be with my friends. To my selfishness... my friends and te achers, even my family were greatly surprised. However, the one regret I bear is having not followed the honesty within my own heart. The heart, as it is called, cannot be seen with the naked eye. To live with an honest heart... is unexpectedly difficult. Nev ertheless, if you can gaze upon your truthful heart, if you can so much as decide to have courage, then mankind as a species can push ever forward. Think of important matters for yourself; decide for yourself. I have learnt the importance of that. ~~~~ On that late evening, my grandfather passed away in his sleep. Giving his support to the family in a resolute manner at all times is the type of man my grandfather was. Whenever I was troubled, on occasions I would lose my way, he would teach me about the pat h... Staring at the peaceful face of my grandfather, I make a vow to my heart: I will carve open my path with my own hands. Whether it is an empty land that lays before me, whether it is a steep hill, if I can come to believe in myself and walk on, then sure ly the path can be opened. --where is your heart? If you can just let it reveal itself, the path will naturally open. Thinking back upon my grandfather's final request, I head back to school once more.
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115 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a My journey as a teacher... has only just begun. ~~~~ Afte r school, the pupils of Class 2-1 are leaving the classroom one after another. The number of students, who are gossiping, reduce by one, reduce by one still, until finally there remains the final individual. Exactly in the centre seat is Irie-kun sitting b y his lonesome, his eyes fixed on me being the teacher. With only the two of us in the classroom, it is quite reminiscent of Joker's realm which emerged in that nightmare. Still, I cannot lose heart. That is what I tell myself. “Need something? Sensei. ” I had told him in advance in order to remain after school. “Irie-kun, as this is for your benefit, I thought it best to conduct an additional lesson. ” Irie-kun lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Please quit with the jokes. You know my grades, don't you? I'm always keeping my school grades in the top ten, so what kind of additional lesson on earth am I supposed to receive that I can't do without?” “Pay attention. ” “The others in Archery Club are waiting on me, you know. And if I don't f ace the Student Council today too, then-” “SIT DOWN! This is more important than club activities and Student Councils!” Never as a teacher have I let out a thunderous roar like that until now. Irie-kun, who is trying to stand up, speechlessly reseats himself in his chair. This is also the first time I have ever scolded Irie-kun in such a deafening manner. I softly take in a deep breath before establishing a discussion. “Irie-kun... I have come to realise what you had said. It is true I was quite unable to see into your heart. I thought of you as the perfect student, living day after day bereft of any troubles. The Vice-President of the Student Council, the Class Representative, the head of the Archery Club, even idolised by those among pupils and teachers. For an honour student such as your self, I took it that you were devoid of troubles... But, it seems that is not the case. ” Irie-kun silently pays attention. I recite from memory of Irie-kun's composition titled The Path. “'There are many paths in this world. Within every conceivable way, the y can lead you down to any kind of location. However, before me lies not a path in sight. If there is no path, there is no hope. If there is no hope, there is no future. If there is no future, there is only despair. No matter how much I cry, no adult can r each my heart. '... Irie-kun, was this your own heart crying out?”
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116 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a Irie-kun neither affirms nor denies it, only gazes at me. “How you lost your way... is something I have pondered. The change in your disposition... And then, I remembered. About when I was once a m iddle school pupil. Why I forgot... I was also the same as you... ” “Sensei and I the same... ?” Irie-kun enquires with a dubious look. “As the Vice-President of the Student Council, as the Class Representative, I was relied upon by the pupils and even the teacher s. But, even someone such as myself had troubles. More distressed than anyone else, my way lost, I sought a solution for the path... ” I narrate to him about the memories of those days. ~~~~ Diligent in my studies, I received excellent marks on my test, then one day, a friend of mine asked a question. “Reika-chan, why do you study so much, anyway?” At the time, I was unable to give an immediate answer. Since nary a thought was ever given, about why I study. It was not just studies. Until then, having never dec ided for myself, I realised that I was merely being enticed by others since the beginning. My older brother invited me to go jogging in the morning, my mother requested me to assist in preparing bent ō boxes, everyone in class recommended me in becoming Vic e-President of the Student Council, and also becoming the Class Representative... Why do I study? What is it that I truly want to do? I was unable to see the path paved before me. When I consulted with my grandfather about it, I received a certain piece of advice. “Then, cast aside all that you already do. Stop, and allow yourself to see things as they are. ” His surprising words... left me puzzled. Cast aside all that I already do? It was something unthinkable. However, in accordance with the words of my grandfather, I chose to cast aside all that I did. Jogging in the morning, preparing bent ō boxes, the Student Council, even as Class Representative... Even a friend provided me support on it. “Take some time to think things through, slowly figure out what it is you want from life. ” That said, I came to realise something after careful consideration. The important thing is not just studies. There was so much more I wanted to see, to hear, to know. To find my real purpose in life, I would continue to learn all there was to offer from then on. That is the path I chose...
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117 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a At the time, I realised on the matter that, it was thanks to my important companions. Whatever we did together as well, we woul d always brave the happy and sad times as friends. I am who I am now, because of them. And then, as I came to be an adult, I found out what I really want to do in life--it is the profession known as a teacher. What I have learnt so far, I want to entrust it to the pupils who will shoulder the future. Together with myself and the pupils, I want us to learn much, much more. That is my path. ~~~~ To the attentive Irie-kun who is listening patiently, I continue. “Irie-kun... are you not the same as me in those d ays? The Student Council Vice-President, the Class Representative, the head of the Archery Club... not one were of my own choosing from the beginning, do you see? They began as mere recommendations by others, requests to be given... You seem to be managing it a ll with smiles and perfection. But, the reality is that it is suffering, is it not? None of those in question are really what you wanted to do. What you truly want out of life... is something unknown-the path you walk is beyond your sight. Is it because of that outcome that your heart is screaming out?” Irie-kun, in his silence, has been patiently listening to my speech. However, when I think about that warped expression on him before long, he expresses a profound sigh. “Sensei... I bet it must've been nice. To throw everything away in the middle of it all... ” “... What do you mean?” “When it comes to me, throwing it all away while halfway just isn't in the cards. My school grades, my Student Council duties, even the results of my club activities... the things I do and what I do, it's all being compared to my superior older bro back when he was in middle school. I'm not a copy of my bro ther. I'm me! But... the eyes around won't allow it. My parents, the teachers, my classmates, too... since I'm that superior Irie's younger brother, it naturally meant anything and everything can be done perfectly because that's what they all settled on. So I can't betray their expectations. In front of everyone, I have to always play the honour student with a smile. Can you understand this pa in now, Sensei? I'm just... so tired with the smiling. ” I think back upon Irie-kun's smiling face up until now. Whether it was in the homeroom, during break time, the Student Council or even in club activities, Irie-kun, who has an incessant smile when in tou ch with friends, has been harbouring such a great pain in his heart. I feel ashamed of myself for not realising it.
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118 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a “I wanted Aoki-sensei to notice my crying heart. No, I thought for sure that you would definitely notice, so I tried to test you, Sensei. I regret having done something so foolish. ” With a look as if he has been liberated from a lifetime of heavy burdens, Irie-kun weakly laughs. “Thank you. You have finally revealed it to me-your true heart... ” Gazing upon Irie-kun in earnest, I say to him, “For me, I wanted to abandon it, the path of being a teacher... Nearly crushed by anxiety, I blamed myself for not noticing the SOS of a pupil. Nevertheless, it is because of you that I realised something important. ” Displaying my weakness before a student f or the first time, Irie-kun stares at me in astonishment. “Irie-kun, right now, the path may be invisible to you. Abandoning it may be something you cannot do, for there might be nothing but unseen despair. Even then, the path of yours... will undoubtedly be found someday. You see, for the protagonist of The Path you had written, he diligently finds hope, thus opening the way because of it... You can do it, too. Think of important matters for yourself; decide for yourself. ” ~~~~ How much of my feelings have been passed down to him... has yet to be known to me. Quite possibly, he might decide to continue playing the smiling Irie-kun from this point onward, and thus might continue to struggle. It may still take some time... for him to find one's path. However-having re vealed our true selves, the distance between me and him has certainly shortened more than ever. Beyond the boundaries called teachers and pupils, for an instant, our hearts connected. On that night, I once again have a dream. The location is the classroom of Class 2-1. Desks and chairs are scattered as if struck by a storm, with signs of destruction on the floor and walls. I am being cornered by Joker, my back pressing against the blackboard. I see. It is a continuation of that nightmare. As if to ready th e finishing blow, Joker makes a playing card appear in his hand. “You just don't know when to give up, do you? Why won't you quit being a teacher? Weren't you branded a failure? ” To Joker's relentless question, I provide an answer. “Yes. Perhaps I am a fai lure of a teacher. Because I did not notice Irie-kun's crying heart. ” “Oh hoh, barking back, are you?”
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119 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a “A teacher... I was trying t o be the perfect teacher. I lent my ear s to the voices of all the pupils, the lessons likewise perfect, to prove to be the ideal teacher who could demonstrate to everyone about the path... But then, I realised-there is no such thing as the perfect teacher. No, it is that I do not need to be perfect... Because even teachers can also lose their way. Sometimes, they may not so much as notice the cries of the pupils' hearts. I was able to recognise such self-frailty. As a teacher, it seems to be that I must start anew once more. ” Talking on and on without pause as I am, Joker watches intently in stunned silence. I have no idea where that kind of willpower has been remaining-it is unbelievable. “Before I was a teacher, I was but one individual. From this day forth together with my pupils, whether it be trouble, whether it be failure, I will walk with them side-by-side. That is my path! ” Upon uttering that, I could feel a power surging from the depths of my body. A divine blue light emits from my being, causing Joker to be blown away by the shockwave. “WHAT... !?” Joker is gazing at me in astonishment. In that instant, I remember everything. D uring my time as a middle-schooler, I once fought as Cure Beauty. We spent our time together, where we would overcome the hardships as precious friends-Miyuki-san, Akane-san, Yayoi-san, and even Nao... I was greatly worried about whether I should study ove rseas or not, given that I was none other than a Pre Cure. Even back then, Joker would relentlessly attack my heart. I know not why I have forgotten until now. However, the second I had broken through my doubts, the lost decade old memories have been comple tely restored. When Joker clicks his tongue, he mutters in irritation. “Yet again... ” ~~~~ And then, I awake from my slumber. I am located in the Staff Room. It is already night, and with most of the teachers having left to return home, the empty Staff Room has been rendered quiet. I seem to have dozed off at my desk again. When I take a deep breath, long and hard do I recollect my memories of ten years past. It was about how-following Miyuki-san, Akane-san, Yayoi-san and Nao-I became a Pre Cure as their f ifth member. How the fairies Candy and Pop were despatched from Märchenland. About having opposed the generals of the Bad End Kingdom-Wolfrun, Akaōni and Majorīna-and the many Akanbe under their command. About how Pierrot was revived by Joker; how we s aved this world from him. And about how the five of us together overcame the hardships no matter what, and how we opened the way to the future with a smile...
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120 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a Although it was ten years ago, they were all real events. The picture book drawn by Miyuki-san, The Greatest Smile, is not an original work-it is actually none other than what we had experienced. A picture book with our five precious memories condensed within its pages. If that is the case, then why was I ever so convinced they were just fantastical e vent s until now? Ten years have passed since then... perhaps it is because I became an adult. But the memories of being a Pre Cure... I question if that is something I could just forget over time. No. The days-to-days I spent with my friends, the numerous trials as a Pre Cure, my memories of Candy and Pop, those are all irreplaceable treasures to me. They cannot so easily disappear. So then, why... Just before I awoke from my dream, I recall the last words Joker had muttered: “Yet again... ” What did he mean by that? If it was simply a dream, then it should be just that. However, I feel there is something meaningful to that dream. The vividness of it felt as if Joker was truly attacking my heart. Which reminds me... Miyuki-san and the others, I wonder what they are doing right now? If I can meet up with them, something might become clear to me. In fact, I realise once again about something even more startling. After I graduated from middle school, for roughly a decade-Miyuki-san, including Akane-san and Yayoi-san, as wel l as Nao-I have no recollection of seeing them. We were quite close to a degree, so how it is that we lived without ever having met each other again is the question. To begin with, where and what those four girls are doing at present, even that is unknow n to me. I unfold the schedule book. Even if the memories fade, if I trace back to the arrangements of bygone days, then I thought there might be some clues. And then, on a Sunday just last week, a certain plan has been jotted down: 'Go to see Nao'. --Nao? Upon seeing this, a memory that was also gone resurfaces. Last Sunday, I definitely went to see Nao. Having rescued her from being almost hit by a truck, together we went to her household to hear about her current circumstance, a discussion about our memo ries of ten years past, and then being treated to dinner soon after... But, it was only last week, I ponder how I could have forgotten.
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121 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a As I go back through the pages of the diary, I try to pull on the thread of recollection. Then, the memories that I have f orgotten one after the other began to return. It was not just Nao. I have also been to see Miyuki-san and Akane-san as well as Yayoi-san. We have all proceeded towards each of our dreams, struggling while tasting discouragement along the way: Miyuki-san is a bookstore assistant, Akane-san is in her Okonomiyaki shop, Yayoi-san is a manga artist, and Nao is a soccer coach. After that, everyone had completely forgotten about each other until we reunited. Even my childhood friend, Nao... I am trembling. It is not just those of ten years ago, but the five of us are lacking memories concerning each other's existence. Even if we meet again, we would soon forget once more... I question how something so baffling can even happen. It is as if someone has placed a curse on us in some way. About my precious friends, about being a Pre Cure, too-it is a curse that will make you forget just about everything when you become an adult... It is not unconditionally impossible. After all, the three evil generals of the Bad End Kingdom-Wolfrun, Akaōni and Majorīna-were originally fairies of Märchenland, but their hearts had been painted black by Joker in spite of it, the memories of their time being fairies lost in order for them to do battle against us, the Pre Cure. What if... the five of us now have also been living with our memories utterly rewritten? About my dear friends, about Pre Cure... if I am to assume everything should not exist, then what of the taste of each of our respective discouragements... ? Ten years ago, a certain incident t ook place. Using his powers, Joker trapped us in the 'Ball of Negligence'. Within the ball itself, all the pain and hardships cease to exist, an extensive world where you can simply enjoy yourself perpetually, a fact in which we had lost sight of ourselves. However, the call of both Miyuki-san and Candy brought us back to our senses, freeing ourselves of neglect and transformed into Pre Cure, awakening to a new power and succeeded in a splendid escape. Joker, the one eyeing for the opportunity to our hearts, was a truly horrible adversary. Could it be... For a moment, I realise there to be a possibility as I shudder in fear. This world in which we live in now... is it truly the real world, I wonder? Have the five of us truly lived an entire decade since that day? Are we not trapped in a world similar to the 'Ball of Negligence', having only imagined ourselves that we became adults, perhaps?
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122 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a Incidentally, I recall the Dreaming of a Butterfly mentioned within the textbooks back in Language Arts. Once, Zhuangzi drea mt of being a butterfly that happily flittered about. However, he woke up, and he suddenly realised: Did he himself dream of becoming the butterfly, or perhaps, did the butterfly dream of becoming him just now? Whichever is the truth is left a mystery. The me who is living as thus right now, is this the true me? How can one affirm that this is no dream, I wonder? One time, I borrowed and read a specialised book concerning virtual reality that was in my older brother's bookshelf. According to it, this world in which we live in, it is a world that might very well be a virtual reality constructed by someone. The universe might possibly be a prison simulated by an elaborate program, and we might be prisoners living within it. At the very least, there is no evide nce to the contrary even if it is not the case. That would mean this entire world is a fabrication, but such a thing could hardly be it... However, this town of Nanairogaoka, the school, the students and teacher s who gather there, this desk also, the class lo gbook, the sharp pen device, that stapler, the eraser too and so on... there is even the possibility that just about everything is an imitation for the sole purpose of deceiving my eyes. I leave my seat to collect myself for a short while, staring upon my own visage reflected on the windowpane. On display is unmistakeably the image of my 24-year-old self. Yes... I am Aoki Reika, age 24. The homeroom teacher of Class 2-1 in Nanairogaoka Middle School... Joker was bested around ten years ago in the first place, and P ierrot was defeated. Who could be capable of doing something so monstrous? But then... I notice something. My image reflected on the windowpane. In the background, Joker is staring this way with an eerie smile on his face... Ohh, I must still be exhausted. Most likely that I have not fully awakened yet from the nightmare just now. Or so I tell myself, rubbing my eyes. However, the appearance of Joker in the reflection does not cease to be. I make the daring decision to turn my back around. And then, a voice of d espair gives utterance. “No... ” Standing in the corner of the Staff Room is Joker staring intensely in my direction. It is no dream. It is no illusion. Joker then bows his head in reverence. “Weeell now, so nice to see you again. Cure Beauty. ” The other teac hers already are no longer in the Staff Room, leaving only me and Joker inside the area. “Joker, you should have been vanquished ten years ago... ”
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123 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a Paying me no mind, Joker swaggers about the Staff Room. “As expected from the so-called brain s of Pre Cure, Cure Beauty. You've realised this world is nothing but fiction, I'm very impressed. Let's throw in 99 points for you as a reward. ” The excess shock... it has left me feeling dizzy. Fiction... ? I am quick to not believe in it. Joker breathes an exag gerated sigh. “Even though I'd been in contact from inside your dreams so that you wouldn't notice, you've been nothing but trouble. While you might be an adult, I sooo want you to keep despairing all the same... ” I am taken aback by a realisation. “What of Miyuki-san and the other!?” “Those four girls? They've already took off from this world. ” All-of-a-sudden, immediately after Joker teleports behind my back, he whispers close to my ear. “Which just leaves you. 99 points is a good score so far, but I'm afra id I cannot give you the last remaining point. Because you won't be escaping this world-your story has a Bad End. ” Bringing out the playing cards in his hand, Joker utilises them to attack me. I reflexively began to run, rushing out of the Staff Room-I flee down the deserted hallway. However, as the harlequin teleports in, he joyfully gives chase. Throwing out his playing cards, the lighting and glass windows are being shattered as a result. This lighting, the windows, the floor included, and even the c eiling... is everything a fabrication? I simply cannot bring myself to believe it. During such an occasion, I would be ready to transform into a Pre Cure... But, in order for me to change into Cure Beauty, the Smile Pact is essential. I do not have it at present. Standing in the way of my path, Joker sneers at me. “So sorry, but... in this world, you will not be able to transform into a Pre Cure. Picturing someone like you who became an adult and wants to transform? I would love to take a second to see that. Hah-hah-hah-hah... ” The smile fades from Joker's expression, his eyes shining ominously. “I'm afraid I can't let you return to your fellow associates. The source of your power-it is the tho ughts of each other, trying to overcome the hardships, that strength of heart... So it would be quite the nuisance if you five girls got together, you see. ” Joker approaches me with an eye to kill his prey. “The Smile Pre Cure's Story of Despair, here at Chap ter 5 comes the Bad End. ” I am unable to comprehend what he means. “Chapter 5... ?” “Why, yes. In here is where you are the story's main character after all. ” Joker's laughter echoes down the hallway. I desperately think. There has to be a way to escape from this world... there has to be something. I have to escape, I have to reunite with Miyuki-san and the others. If the other four were able to do it, there should be no reason I cannot do it either.
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124 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a At that moment, I hear a distinct voice. “... Reika~!... ” It is Cand y's voice. She is calling to me for help somewhere. “Candy!?” I strain to hear the voice. The direction is... to the Library Room! I recall the existence of the Book Door. In the past, we were able to instantly travel anywhere through the Book Door as an inte rmediary-such is our secret base, for that is the Mysterious Library. Joker is also aware of Candy's voice, clicking his tongue. “Good grief... quite the noisy fairy, isn't she? And we were just getting to the good part after all that trouble, too... ” At the slightest opportunity when Joker averts his gaze, I make a break for it. Running past the hallway, I make my way up the staircase, aiming for the Library Room. I remember hearing a story from Miyuki-san. There was a time when she went to the Mysterious Lib rary for the first time, meaning the bookshelf in the Library of this middle school is my chance. “... Reika! Help ~kuru!... ” Candy's voice draws near. The sliding door into the Library Room is close at hand. If I can just pass by the classroom of Class 2-1, it will be a step away... In the next instant, a violent explosion occurs inside the library, myself blown away by the shockwave. The library door has been destroyed, a dense smoke hanging in the room. O ut from within the haze comes Joker with an air of compos ure. When the smoke clears behind him, there is the Library Room that has been tragically destroyed. The bookshelves collapse, with countless number of books scattered on the floor. “Too bad. Did you think you could use the Book Door so easily?” Before the triumphant Joker, with both my hands on the floo r, I horrifically gaze upon the library. “You cannot go back to your friends. Alone all by yourself, gladly welcome the Bad End as you despair in this world. ” The jester declares the death penalty as he openly laughs cold-heartedly. However, I raise my face, glaring at Joker. “No. I am not alone. I will not despair. ” “Oh hoh, where are you getting that bluff from... ?” “This world may be fiction. It may not be reality. But, I most certainly lived in this wor ld. With irreplaceably beloved students... ” Saying that, I look up to the plate of Class 2-1. The class where I serve as the homeroom teacher. That classroom... is located immediately to my left.
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125 | C h a p t e r 5 -A o k i R e i k a Realising my intention, Joker's expression is quick to change. However, I am one step ahead before he can move. When I rise up, I kick the floor of the hallway, rushing into the room of Class 2-1. Passing by the front of the teacher's desk, I run up to the bookshelf installed by the window. On the shelves, it is lined with books I would recommend to pupils. Not just that- there are a number of volumes compiling the compositions written by the pupils in Language Arts lessons up until now. From the bookshelf comes a mysterious light shining through, seemingly guiding me. “... Reika~!... ” From inside the bookshelf of the classroom, Candy's voice can be heard. There is no mistake-Candy is on the other side. When I reach the front of the shelf, I then promptly slide the books and compilations. I perfectly remember by heart on how to open the door. Each time a book is moved, there is an unsealing lock in response. Lastly, I slide the collected sentences of The Path composed by all the members of the class. With the composition of The Path as the key, I pave the way to escape fro m this world. It is the moment when the wheels of fate intertwine. But Joker makes the arrival of his presence known by teleporting behind me. His nearby breath han ging so close to my ear... “You WON'T get away!” His hand tries to grab my shoulder in an inst ant--but the Book Door opens, sucking me into the bright illumination. I am now descending through a realm of mysterious light. Candy is calling for help at the end of this radiance. Miyuki-san, Akane-san, Yayoi-san, and Nao-they are waiting for me. I have to join them as soon as possible... I feel relieved in my chest of having ran away from Joker, and though my heart is dancing to the delight of being able to see everyone again, it harbours an indistinct anxiety. How did such state of affairs come to be... ? Then, I remember. This inexplicable event that has befallen the five of us. Joker said... the Smile Pre Cure's Story of Despair. All of this, it was when we were in preparation for the middle school graduation ceremony that was to be soon at hand, it all be gan since that day... *
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126 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Final Chapter-The Greatest Smile Spring warms the heart up thanks to the nice and loving weather. I even have a fully satisfying smile on my face, making me feel ultra-happy. I want to share this happiness with all, with everyone I love. What's more, the rain kept on pouring all the way until i t lifted at dawn, with a vivid rainbow now spanning across the skies. The seven-coloured bridge stretching over the town, it seems almost like it's blessing our brilliant future. In this town of Nanairogaoka, a pretty rainbow often curves over us after a h eavy shower because of the relation between the terrain and the climate. That's also the history of where Nanairogaoka gets its name from. That reminds me -I heard of a legend that a treasure is said to be sleeping at the end of the rainbow, but... is it tru e? I wonder if there's anybody who is really looking for it? An eye for treasure hunting at the end of the rainbow... it sure sounds fairly exciting and fun, doesn't it? But then, I feel anxious when I think about what's ahead. When I think about everyone, it makes my chest a little bit painful and sad. But if I always have a smile on my face, then I'm sure a happy future is bound to be waiting. Bathing in the sunlight flooding in from the o pen window, I turn to Candy with a big smile on my whole face. “Candy! Take a look. The weather's really great outside! The rainbow is beautiful, the air is sweet, and it might be the start of an ultra-happy day... !” Still sleepy, Candy looks up at me as she rubs her eyes. “Miyuki~, why get up early on a Sunday ~kuru?” She would feel that way, of course. On days off with no school, there would be no rush for me to jump to my feet so fast and wake Candy up like this. “Because today is a special day. Come on, Candy, your happiness will run away if you keep sleeping forever. ” “Kuru... ? Special day is... what ~kuru?” Asking as if to say she's listening carefully, I tell her, “We're going to meet up with the others at the Mysterious Library today, so we can plan out our graduation trip. Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, Reika-chan, al l of us will be there. Mhm m~... where should we go, what should we do? I can't make up my mind ♪” Just imagining this and that makes my heart dance with excitement. We defeated t he Emperor of E vil, Pierrot, saved the world as the Pre Cure, and after a whole yea r since then, we became 3rd-year students of Nanairogaoka Middle School. Spring is said to be the season of parting, and the time for us to say goodbye is coming. We're getting ready for the graduation ceremony next week. The five of us... are going to go and walk our separate ways towards our dreams.
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127 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “Haaah~, graduation, huh... ” When I murmur in a sigh, Candy jumps on the desk, and asks with a puzzled look on her face. “Grajuashion... what's that ~kuru?” I slump over my desk. Since coming to Earth from Märchenland, Candy has always been together with me. Her true identity: the next Queen of Märchenland. Back when we were desperate in our fight against Pierrot, the power of the Miracle Jewel saved us, the Pre Cure. Naturally, even though she's the next queen, Candy has so far been spending time with me like always. “Uhm, well, it's just... we're not going to be students of Nanairogaoka Middle School for much longer. We're going to go from middle-schoolers to becoming high school students, and then we'll have to go our s eparate ways. ” “EHH!? Everyone is going to be torn apart ~kuru? Candy doesn't like that ~kuru! Everyone should stay together ~kuru~~!” “Geez, Candy. I didn't mean that we'll always be apart in that way. ” All five of us are going to be moving up to high sch ool in Nanairogaoka, so it's not like we'll be separated in this town. But... Nao-chan is going to the high school with the toughest soccer around on a sports scholarship, and Reika-chan wants to enrol into the most advanced school in Nanairogaoka-those are the schools they are each settling on. As for me, Akane-chan and Yayoi-chan, the three of us are going to stick together in the same school. “We won't get to see each other every day like we always do. It might get a little lonely... ” That's what I heard Ya yoi-chan seemed to say t he other day, and then Akane-chan suggested, “How's 'bout us five go on a graduation trip? We went 'round the world with the Book Door last time, 'member? There's still a dozen places in the world we ain't never been to yet. Let's make 'em our final memories o' middle school!” “That sounds great! Let's go, let's go! Let's make tons of ultra-happy memories with everyone!” And so, that's why the five of us are going to meet up at the Mysterious Library today, where we're all supposed to talk about destinations and plans for our graduation trip. Akane-chan and the others... I'm sure they will be thinking about the possible places where we should go, too.
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128 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e I remember that moment, the instant when I got lost in the Mysterious Library for the first time. When I moved to Nanairogaoka, my first day at school, and when I got sucked into the bookshelves in the Library Room. It was also on that day... when I met Candy. Even the story of us as the Pre Cure, it all started ever since that day... ~~~~ The sinister omen... it came before we set off to the Mysterious Library. Now that I think back on it, I should've realised it a lot sooner. After finishing up breakfast, I face the bookshelf in the room with Candy in my arms. “Well then, to the Mysterious Librar y. Rettsu g ō... ” As I say these words, it's time to slide the books on the shelf. But then a sudden gust of wind blows in from the window that's been left open. The lace curtains flutter, the picture book placed on top of my desk flipping and flapping its pages. “That's no good. The window, I forgot to close it... ” I hurry to shut the window. Somehow, I feel like there is something weird in the breeze... As I seem to think that, I close the book's pages on the desk. It's 'The Greatest Smile' -it depicts the events leading up to the encounter with Candy and then all the way to the Pre Cure saving this world. There is only one copy of this picture book in the whole wide world. Come to think of it, it wasn't open earlier. “Miyuki? What's wrong ~kuru?” Her voice brings me back to my senses, and as I pic k up The Greatest Smile, I hold it close to my heart. For the first time in a while, we'll get to read this picture book with everyone else again, and all the fun we'll have with chatting and reminiscing will bloom like flowers. Those nostalgic days where we cried a lot, where we laughed a lot... we'll all get to look back on them. “Right, this time, to the Mysterious Library! Rettsu GŌ!” I open the Book Door in high spirits. Me and Candy are then sucked into the realm of light. Hugging The Greatest Smile to my chest, for some reason it 's almost like the book's alive with a THUMP! At least it felt like it was a beat. But... that sort of thing couldn't happen, could it? I'm sure it must've been my imagination. That's what I seem to think. ~~~~ The Mysterious Library, it isn't anywhere on E arth. It's in a realm different from the world we live in, a lovely place where fairytales throughout the world are gathered. Although it's called a library, it isn't an ordinary library. It's a dense forest-like realm, with huge complex tree roots and stalks, and is full of mystical sunlight filtering in through the trees. In the middle of it, there is a tree stump that's big enough to make you look up. The stump is arranged into a very cute house through the power of the Cure Décor, and inside is our hangout.
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129 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Before the five of us, who had just become the Pre Cure, set our hearts on the Mysterious Library to be our secret base, there were quite a few twists and turns. With a massive hole in the ground, it would be impossible f or us to make it our hideout, so after a quick debate, we used the Book Door to travel to all sorts of proposed sites in search for a secret base. But, we likewise settled on the conclusion that the Mysterious Library was the most appropriate for us. The t hing we were really looking for... it wasn't in a place somewhere else, but directly close to us. “Everyone! Thanks for waiting~!” When me and Candy finally make it, Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan and Reika-chan are already gathered around the table. There on top of the table are cups of black tea, with steam rising out of them. “Miyuki, y'slowpoke. What were ya doin'?” Akane-chan is puffing her cheeks. “Sorry, sorry. Even though I tried my hardest to get up early, it took some time to get ready.... Hm? Reika-chan, what are you writing?” Reika-chan holds a writing brush with one mean look on her face, writing something on the pure white hanging scroll spread across the table. “It is done. ” On the scroll, written in her familiar beautiful handwriting is 'The Path to a Graduation Trip'. Reika-chan hangs it on the wall in the room, stares at it with satisfaction, and turns around to us. “The graduation trip-it is the journey that summarises our three years of middle school life. Everyone, with each and ever y step of this journey, they will lead to dreams of future prospects. With that in mind, let us be prudent in selecting a destination. ” “Does the trip have to be that great or somethin'? Do we at least get to go out n' play?” Akane-chan puts on a bored fac e with a comedic retort. I pull myself together, and I look around to the others like a proper toastmaster. “Um, well then! With all the members assembled here, I would now like to begin the meeting to decide the destination for our graduation trip!” Every one applauds and clap their hands all at once. Candy's also clapping on top of the table. I take out the picture books and novels t hat I've brought with me, spreading them across the table. All the stories here have only my favourite happy endings. “Girls, where do you think is a good one?” “Uuhh, Miyuki-chan, what's all this?” Nao-chan asks, looking puzzled. “It's reference material for choosing where to travel, of course. Pick number one: Home to the setting of 'Anne of Green Gables' is Prince Edward Isla nd in Canada. I've always wanted to go there at least once last time. And then, pick number two: The setting of 'Treasure Island' is said to be on the Cayman Islands. We might even get to all go together on a traaaysh arrr hunt... ”
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130 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “Treasure hunt!? That could be a bit thrilling!” Yayoi-chan is glimmering at the eyes, nodding somewhat in excitement. “I know, right~~!” But Akane-chan, Nao-chan, and Reika-chan 's reactions are more subtle. “ Miiiyuuukiii~~, ain't those hobbies o' yers tot ally out in the open?” “Then, where do you think is better, Akane-chan?” “Fuumph, Miyuki, I'm glad y'asked!” Akane-chan pulls out a gourmet magazine, opening it to show us a page. “If we're gonna head out on a graduation trip, a gourmet'll be where it's at. The theme'll be: 'The All-travel Nation wide Okonomiyaki Eatin' Out Tour' !” “Oohh~! This looks delicious♪” It's rare for Nao-chan, who often competes in a lot of things, to be seeing her climb on Akane-chan with an intense devouring eagerness for the gour met magazine. I stare at Akane-chan with disapproving eyes. “Akane-chan, yer hobbies are totally out in the open, too... ” “This ain't 'bout hobbies! It's a great job for someone like me! Even if y'get wowed by okonomiyaki, the ingredients as well as HOW y'make 'em's a lil' different in every parts o' the country. Gettin' to stuff down the whole land's okonomiyaki n' all that, it'd make for a convenient way to study their tastes. ” “But other than that, Akane-chan, don't you want to go see Brian in England, at least?” “Wh-What're ya on 'bout? B... Brian's whatever, so it's fine!” Akane-chan's starting to blush. Geez, all because it 's really easy to understand you. Yayoi-chan timidly holds up her hand. “Umm, if we're going to go out of our way to travel throughout the whole country, then... I'd like to go to one of those hero show tours. There's all sorts of local heroes in every corner of the country, you know. There's still tons I haven't seen yet with my own eyes... ” “There's plenty of heroes on telly n' manga, ain't there!” “Yeah, but... I really want to shake hands with a real hero. ” Not paying any mind to Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan makes a proposal. “Never mind that, I wanna watch a soccer game in Spain. ” This time, Reika-chan pitches in her idea. “Everyone, as a compromise, how about we settle on climbing Mt. Fuji?” The others slip down their chairs all at once. “How's climbin' Mt. Fuji a com promise!? I don't getcha!”
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131 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The path we choose in pursuit of our dreams after graduation... may seem almost harsh. However, in times of pain, in times of likely discouragement, the memories of having climbed to the summit of Mt. Fuji, Japan's highest peak, should serve to make our confidence unshakeable against all. ” “It got rejected last time when we were out searching for a secret base, di dn't it? We'll catch a cold, ya know. ”, says Nao-chan with a st unned look. “Point is, just 'cus we got a Book Door doesn't mean we're all gonna bother climbin' a tough mountain for no good reason. ” All of our opinions are falling apart, unable to agree on anything at all. Not willing to just watch, Candy shouts while hopping up and down on top of the table. “Everyone! Don't just choose one ~kuru! Go to ALL of them ~kuru!” “Oh, that's right!” I remember the time we u sed the Book Door to go on a trip around the world. We went about to all sorts of countries throughout the Earth at the time. We felt what it was like to be princesses in the Versailles Palace in France. We enjoyed a gourmet in Taiwan. And also, the Great Plains of Mongolia, the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty in New York, the pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt, the Moai statues on Easter Island, the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, the Big Ben in London, and the Amazon River in South America... Every one of tho se places left a lasting impression on us. “Well, it's just like Candy said-we'll head out to Prince Edward Island where Anne of Green Gables is set, then we'll go on the All-travel Nationwide Okonomiyaki Eating Out Tour, followed by the nationwide local hero show tour, and then watch a soccer match in Spain, not to mention we have to climb Mt. Fuji so... ” “That's CHAOS! There's no way we're gonna get through 'em all at once!” Hmm, that's true... Akane-chan's comedic retort is at an all-time high right now. Th e discussion goes unsettled, and so we sink back into silence. “Hey, girls. There's still some time before our graduation trip, so why don't we all try thinking this over again?” When I suggested that, everyone smiles and giggles before nodding to me. “Yea h, yer right. Let's see if we can't narrow down our choices a lil' more. ” Nao-chan continues next, “A spot appropriate for all five of us... why don't we oughta settle on just one place?” We give it some thought. A destination fit for the five of us, just whe re on earth could that be...
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132 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Breaking the silence, I stand up. “Well then, I would like to put the aforementioned graduation trip on hold for the time being... and continuing on, I'd like to move onto the second division!” Everyone stares at me with blank faces. “Whaddya mean, second division? Weren't we just s'posed to decide on where to go on our trip today?” “Ehehe, I thought so too, but since we're going to graduate very soon, how about we take turns making announcements for today?” “Announce... what?” I answer Yayoi-chan 's question. “Our dreams for the future! What do you want to be when you grow up; what kind of work are you aiming for-let's all five of us share them right here. Everyone's delightful dreams... I don't think we've ever properly heard about them... ” We've always been walking together, but we've never took the time as a group to discuss about our dreams for the future. I have to take this opportunity just before graduation, a chance to properly hear them out. That's what I've been thinking. After which, Reika-chan cracks a cheerful smile as she gets up. “ I believe that is a splendid proposition. Without further delay, would it be all right for me to go first?” “Of course! Top batter-Reika-chan. The honour is yours!” Reika-chan politely bows before giving her speech. “My dream for the future... is to become a middle school teacher. Human beings continue to learn over the course of a lifetime. Therefore I would endeavour to study alongside the students in pursuit of knowledge, improve upon the min ds in extracurricular activities, and walk with each and every student to help discover the path they should take. It is a dream still very much a distant away, but that is my path I must tread. ” “Reika-chan as a teacher, huh~ It might be perfect for you ! You'll even get popular with the students!” Soon after, Akane-chan stands up. “'Kay, next up is ME. My dream's, obviously, to take over the okonomiyaki shop Akane, n' to make it the best joint in Japan. In other words, LOTSA BUSINESS! Be sure to stop by even when yer all grown-ups to chow down at Akane !” “I'd go, I'd go!”, answers Yayoi-chan after raising her hand. “Heeey~, so what about Brian~?” I smirk as when I move in to gently poke at Akane-chan's side with my finger, she gets red in the face again. “So what 'bout Brian? He ain't got nothin' to do with this!”
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133 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Nao-chan is next to stand up. “I'll be a soccer athlete! I'm gonna get into the Girls' Soccer Club in high school no matter what it takes, of course. Everybody in my whole family's lending me their support. To become a member of Nadeshiko Japan in the future is my dream!” “If it's you, Nao-chan, you'll definitely become a skilled soccer athlete. I'll even come and support you, too!” Next is Yayoi-chan who is getting up rather sheepishly. “For m e, I think I should be a manga artist after all. Miracle Peace was recognised as an honourable mention in a Weekly Shōnen Smile magazine, and the person who edited it really appreciates my manga. It would be nice to get it serialised someday. ” “Yayoi-chan, that's amazing! I bet you'll be a great sensei in the future!” “I don't know about that, but it hasn't really been decided yet... ” Even while saying so, Yayoi-chan is delightfully fidgeting around. On the table, Candy makes her declaration. “Candy's dream... i s to be the beautiful Queen of Märchenland ~kuru!” “I'll be cheering for you, Candy. Cheering for your dream!” Being able to h ear everyone talk about their dreams makes me, from the bottom of my heart, feel ultra-happy. Everyone's eyes are twinkling and shining when they discuss about their dreams, where all of us are making our way straight to the future. “Hey hey, Miyuki, don't we only got yerself t o announce still?” “Ah, you're right. ” I stand up after being p estered by Akane-chan. Everyone with their smiling faces are turning to my direction. If I was asked when I was little about what my dream would be, I would almost surely want to become a character inside a picture book... is what I think my answer would be. I still have that certain desire even now, but the moment I seriously set my sights on the future, I have an unshakeable dream. “My dream... is to become a fairy-tale writer for children, to write my own books so that many kids can get to read them. Going 'So much fun!' is the one thing I feel, and I want to live in conveying that to as many people as I can. If I can share my smile with everyone by doing this, then I think it would be a truly ultra-happy thing. ” I then take out The Greatest Smile picture book that I brought f rom home. As soon as I do that, everyone's smiles sparkle in a flash. “Is that... the one Miyuki-chan drew back then... ”
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134 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Noting Nao-chan 's remark, I nod. “The events leading up to where we all became the Pre Cure, and the events as far as saving this world have been made into a book-it's The Greatest Smile! ” I drew the pictures myself, with all the sentences written and finished up for the picture book. When I open the pages, there are sketches of the five of us as the Pre Cure and also Candy. “Candy's in it, too ~kuru!” Everyone gather s around the picture book, seeing the pages with intense eagerness. Just staring at it brings back a lot of memories, and naturally so does the brimming smiles. This very book is filled so much with everyone's happiness. “Miyuki-san, given the rare opportu nity, would you not be willing to read it for the first time in a while to us?” Reika-chan gives a suggestion. “I'd like to hear it, too!” “Miyuki-chan, read it, read it♪” Nao-chan and even Yayoi-chan are urging me to do it, so I clear my throat with a cough. “Well then, I shall answer your requests... ” “Hey now, looks like someone's perfectly rarin' to read since the start, huh. ” I place the picture book on top of the table for everyone to see, opening to the first page. “Somewhere out there, there was once a 2nd-year middle school student named Hoshizora Miyuki-an always optimistic girl who loved happy things and believed that happiness would surely be waiting so long as she had a perfect smile ready on her face... ” As I t urn over the pag es, continuing to read on, many events are being vividly called back in my mind: In order to save Candy who had been kidnapped to the Bad End Kingdom by Joker, everyone banded together as one to face him. There was us transforming into fairy forms in Märchenland, where we mingled with all the other fairies there. There was even the time we got sucked into the picture book world of Cinderella, where we ended up becoming the characters inside and struggled real hard, too... Candy, Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, Reika-chan... while everyone is still listening very closely, their expectations are riding fast on the numerous events of last year. “... And so Miyuki and her friends ha d opened the curtains to a new story. The five lights guiding to the future-what kind of brilliant world could be waiting for them? ” When I finish reading, everyone gives a round of applause with huge fulfilling smiles. I gaze at each and every one of their faces.
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135 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e All of us are walking towards our dre ams one step at a time. From now on, we won't know what sort of things will happen, especially in the future. However, with the memories we spent as the Pre Cure, if what is written in this picture book is etched into our hearts, then we w on't ever lose to any challenge. When looking at everyone's hopeful expressions, a bottomless courage comes welling up. “Girls. The road to our dreams... it all starts here. ” As I say that, everyone gives a firm nod in silence. Yep, from here is where it should have all begun. A brand new story of us five girls heading towards our dreams... Who would've guessed, though, that such a thing would happen... ~~~~ “... Huh?” Looking at the last page of The Greatest Smile, I tilt my head slightly to the side. On the blank page after the whole story is over, there is something like a dark smudge. It's dirty like spilt black paint. But, this sort of stain... has it always been here before? When and for how long? Speaking of which, right before coming to the Mysterious Library, the wind blowing in from the window fanned through the pages to turn and flap loudly, so did something fly by and get caught in the wind at the time or... ? All-of-a-sudden, something unusual happens. The teacups are starting to shake littl e-by-little with a clattering noise. The Greatest Smile, it's... it's vibrating on its own on the table's surface. “The book is... alive!? ” Soon, the black stain stuck to the paper spreads throughout the whole page, expanding messily in a way to fill out the ent ire picture book itself. The front cover as well as the contents of the book have been painted black, and then THUMP! It's throbbing like it's truly alive. “The heck's up with... THIS!?” Everyone couldn't help but just stare at it in complete shock. Dyed in b lack, pulsing with heavy beats, the picture book soars from the top of the table. Although we try to catch it, the book flaps its pages like a crow as it quickly slips through our fingers, and immediately after does it violently smash itself through the door to escape the room. “Aahh! Waaait!” We rush out of the room in a hurry to chase after the book. Outside the room, there are tower bookshelves rising in every direction, and it's in the vast space of the Mysterious Library where many trees have overgrown. The blackened book of The Greatest Smile, having stopped in the centre, floats in the air. We surround the picture book. “Everyone! Be careful ~kuru!” Paying attention to Candy 's warning, I then realise: This isn't normal. Could this be the work of the Bad End Kingdom... ? But, Joker is gone, Pierrot has been defeated, and Wolfrun, Akaōni and even Majorīna have been turned back into fairies of Märchenland. If that's the case, then who in the world could... ?
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136 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e In the next instant, the book in the air gives off a prominently great big THUMP! And no sooner after it pulsates for some time, it grows to about the size of a person's height, which then shoots out malevolent black lightning bolts from within its pages. “GIRLS! WATCH OUT!” Nao-chan yells at us, and we all hit the ground. Usually wrapped in a tranquil atmosphere, the realm of the Mysterious Library is introduced to the rattles and vibration of being struck by the lightning strikes that's all coming through. Lifting my head, my breath is taken away. The black lightning is firing blindly in all directions, draping the place with darkness. The entire set of the whole world's fairytales on the bookshelves, and even things like the stalks and roots of the gigantic trees, are all bei ng painted black. It's like... it almost looks like one of those Bad End Realms that the generals of the Bad End Kingdom once made to appear using the 'Black Paint of Darkness'. However, it's much more evil than that, a hunch that it's even more sinister... “STOP IT! DON'T RUIN OUR MYSTERIOUS LIBRARY!” Right as I scream, the black lightning suddenly stops. We timidly stand back up. In the air, having been painted black and become about as large as a tall person, The Greatest Smile floats still. Looking around the area, the magical sunlight that would filter through the trees and pour from the heavens is being blocked by a heavy black fog. The books on the shelves are also covered with some sort of black soot as if they have been stained in darkness. THE WHOLE WORLD'S FAIRYTALES HAVE BEEN STAINED IN DARKNESS! I rush over to one of the shelves, trying to make the books slide. But-- “The books won't move!?” The books on the shelves, shrouded in a black soot-like substance that is closely packed together, wouldn't budge an inch even as I'm trying to move them. “Say what, that's ridiculous!” Akane-chan also rushes over, trying to move the books with the force of her entire might. However, she isn't able to shift even a millimetre. “It's no good here, either!” Nao-chan is stunned as well as she tries a different stand. The books on the shelves... it seems as if everything has been fixed with glue. Yayoi-chan mutters with a look of hopelessness. “If we can't use the Book Door, then... ” “That must mean... we are trapped in the M ysterious Library... ” Hearing Reika-chan 's words made us speechless. Candy looks all shook up and is seemingly about to burst into tears. And now f rom somewhere unknown, kukukukuku... comes an ominous laughter that can be heard. “Who's there!?” We look around the place. However, we can't find the owner of the voice inside this thick black fog.
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137 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “Right here, ri iiight over here. ” Hearing the voice with alarming clarity, we look up at the bloated picture book floating high above us. And then, we gasp. From within its pages, something three-dimensional comes rising out. That familiar shape is- “HIIIIIIIIII~~, DEAR PRECURES!” “JOKER!?” As if having open ed a pop-up book, from within its pages comes Joker himself who leans out and is scornfully laughing. “Ohh my, what JOY. I get to see your faces twisted once more in such despair... ” The book 's pages are now expanding to roughly the proportions of an actual human being, and because of that, Joker is already at what his original size would be as he looks down on us. “You d id quite well to have defeated Emperor Pierrot of all people. To think you would crawl your way out from that bottomless despair-admirable, to be sure. ” “How!? You should have disappeared after being absorbed by Pierrot... ” I remember the instant when Joke r vanished. The second the Emperor of E vil awoke, Joker was swallowed up by muddled black paint, and then he became a part of Pierrot himself. The unsettlingly delightful voice of his in that moment... I can still vividly remember it. He's the same exact Joke r... but how is he here... ? WAIT, don't tell me-does this mean the sketches I drew in the picture book became real? “If it means meeting you, my Pre Cure friends, then I'll come back for as many times as it takes. You see, even if I lose my body, I'll just become grudge itself. ” “Grudge... ?” Joker 's eyes twitch upwards, his mouth crooked. “Thanks to me becoming part of Emp eror Pierrot, I inherited his almighty Bad Energy, and in turn became an immortal being. With this, I have been looking forward to the moment I would meet you all again. ” A resolute Reika-chan shoots a n intense glare at Joker. “You lost your body, yet you have been roaming this world thus far to nourish your desire for revenge on us. And now, the picture book drawn by Miyuki-san is acting as a yorishiro, a spiritual vessel for your materialisation, which is how you are here addressing us. Am I correct so fa r?” “As expected of you, Cure Beauty. Very quick to catch on, as always. ” I shudder in fear. “Then, at that time was actually... !” Before coming to the Mysterious Library, when a sudden gust of wind blew in through the window, I felt like there was something ominous. In that moment, Joker's grudge had leapt into my room... and possessed The Greatest Smile picture book. “Give it back! That precious book is... it's full of our memories... ”
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138 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “It is BECAUSE it's your precious book that I, you see, had to borrow it as my very own vessel. ” “... !?” “If I am to get my revenge on you Pre Cure dearies, simply putting you down would just be boring. So I must paint the very things you treasure with darkness, since it's clear you won't give in to complete and utter despair. ” We lose the words to speak. Our most treasured things--in other words, The Greatest Smile picture book which is the fruit of all our memories, and then there's our secret base, the Mysterious Library... “Girls!” When the five of us exchange glances, we take out our Smile Pacts. Peace has lasted nearly every day for the longest time, so it's been a while since we have to transform into the Pre Cure. The Greatest Smile, the Mysterious Library, too... we'll show him that we can take them back with our own hands! However--I instantly notice something strange. Our Smile Pacts... all five of them have been absolutely stained in the black soot-like substance and there's zero response. It's the same with the books on the shelves which have all become rigid. “The heck, 's up with this muck!? Since when did it... ” Akane-chan tries to wipe the dark soot off her Smile Pact. But... it's as if it's been turned into what looks like stone. “Oh, I forgot to mention, but in this very room, you cannot transform into the Pre Cure. It's filled with powerful Bad Energy inherited from Emperor Pierrot himself after all. And as you may have realised, using the Book Door to escape is very much impossible. ” Turning to face the triumphant Joker, Candy answers back. “Even if you do this, it's useless ~kuru! On ī-chan will come help ~kuru!” Joker leans himself out more than ever from the pages of the picture book, glaring at Candy. “That nuisance of a fairy-like thing you call Pop? ” Pop... he's in Märchenland right now. Once he realises t here's something unusual happening in the Mysterious Library, he would immediately fly his way here to help us. However, Joker's expression doesn't change. “I'm afraid he won't be coming. As you can see, all the world 's fairytales have now been smeared in a Bad End. I suspect Märchenland' s also being locked away in darkness right about now. ” Candy's face is warped with despair. “Besides, the Book Door is unavailable... that is to say, it isn't just about you lot not getting out from here. No matter how one doe s it, the fact is... trying to get in here from the outside world is simply NOT going to work. ”
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139 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e All of us are speechless. Joker must have been waiting this whole time for the chance to break into our hideout. I regret my own actions. It's all because I brought The Greatest Smile here... When Joker clicks w ith the snap of his fingers, a flash of dark lightning promptly zaps Candy. “KURUUU!!” She screams as her entire being goes numb. Candy's body soon floats up to the sky high above Joker's head, and immediately after, the lightning changes itself into black chains and restrains Candy in the air. “CANDY... !” Trying to rescue a squ irming Candy who has been fastened above, we rush to her side. “Now now, ladies-kindly keep your distance. ” When Joker snaps his fin gers one more time, an extra set of black lightning shoots out again, and the shackle-bound Candy lets out a loud shriek. “KUURUUUUUU!” There is nothing we can do, petrified at the sight. “COWARD! Let Candy go free, face us fair and square!” Nao-chan faces Joker and bravely yells at him. “YEAH! If yer gonna take a swin' at Candy, then why don'tcha take a swin' at us!” “Is that so? Well then, without further ado... ” With the sound of another click from Joker's fingers, bolts of black lightning surge down on us. “KYAA AH!” An intense pain assaults our bodies from head to toe, causing us to collapse to the ground. Only one person-Akane-chan-at least manages to avoid it as soon as she breaks into a run and, with the strength of volleyball-trained legs, she leaps for Candy high in the sky. But... it's only just before the hand touches Candy and no more--Akane-chan's been st ruck directly by black lightning. “UWAAAAAAHHH!” Crying out i n agony, she drops to the floor. “Akane-chan!” Yayoi-chan rushes over, helping her up. This time, Nao-chan swiftly runs like the wind, and when circling around Joker's back, she tries to take the opportunity to rescue Candy. But then... Joker doesn't overlook the attempt, either. Nao-chan is attacked by a dark bolt, ending with her tumbling down. “KUHH... gh!” Reika-chan tries to help her up. During which, Joker breathes a sigh of disappointment in an e xaggerated manner. “How obnoxious -just from seeing that little team spirit of yours helping each other. Your thoughts for one another, believing your strength combine d to be a thing of real beauty-what truly foolish children. ”
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140 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “WE'RE NOT FOOLISH... !” The minute I cry out, I try to stand back up. “We've always been helping each other, with the five of us overcom ing all sorts of painful things, too!” Yayoi-chan stands up as well, mustering her courage. “That's right. If we want to rescue Candy, we'll sta nd tall again and again! Even though we can't so much as transform into the Pre Cure... ” Inside the picture book, Joker flutters and floats around above us as he chuckle s. “Oh, that's right -it completely slipped my mind. Candy-kun is no ordinary fairy. She is the next Queen of Märchenland. I can see why everyone here feels sooo o worked up over her. ” “It ain't 'cus she's the queen!” Following up after Akane-chan, Reika-chan shouts at him. “It is because she is our beloved friend!” I fix my gaze on Joker and cry out, “GIVE US BACK OUR CANDY!” Joker... right when we think he's going to let out a kukukukuku... kind of sneer, he unexpectedly has a serious expression and looks down on us. “In that case... please indulge in a game with me, everyone. ” “Game... ?” We keep s ilent at his surprising proposal that came out of nowhere. “If every single one of you here can CLEAR it, I will set Candy-kun free. ” I remember the last day of our summer break a year ago. It was about t he mysterious dice created by Majorīna called the 'Sucked-Into-Playing-Gaaaames ', which had pulled us to a world of games. In that amusement park-like realm, there was whack-a-mole and bowling and the like, and they said that if we couldn't clear all the games, then we wouldn't get back to our original worl d. We worked together against the three generals for a showdown in the games, and somehow we were able to escape that land of fun. Now, Joker is about to set up a new game for us. What in the world could he be planning? Joker leans out even further than ev er from the picture book. On the page behind him are letters rising to the surface. Our breaths are taken away. These are the table of contents: Chapter 1-Hoshizora Miyuki Chapter 2-Hino Akane Chapter 3-Kise Yayoi Chapter 4-Midorikawa Nao Chapter 5-Aoki Reika
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141 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Unable to understand Joker 's intention, we can do nothing but just stare at the title of each chapter that has our own names on them. Joker continues, “The story of The Greatest Smile --let's have everyone personally experience th e SEQUEL. I happened to listen in not too long ago. About your fu ture dreams. And my oh my~~, they were truly a masterpiece. I just couldn't help myself... I couldn't help but LAUGH at them. ” “What's so funny 'bout our dreams!?” Akane-chan instantly shouts at him. “You have no right to ridicule our dreams. ” Reika-chan declares with words charged with tranquil fury. “Because, my dears, your ideas are naïve. Do you REALLY believe your dreams will come true? Even after this, will that happy fu ture as you 've imagined it still be waiting for you always, perhaps... ?” Without giving me a chance to answer, Joker abruptly brings his face up-close to the very tip of my nose. “ You're far too naïve! Tell me, do you still see yourself wanting to become a c haracter in side a picture book? I'm certain a miracle will happen in the story-your dreams come true. However, you should know that life won't always have a real happy ending!” We are at a loss for words. Life won't always have a real happy ending. That was Joker's remark... and I'm starting to think somewhere in my heart that he might actually be right. But... I try not to be mentally weighed down, so I take one step forward. “That's not true at all. If we believe in the future and keep pushing onward, then happiness will surely be waiting for us!” To my insistence, Joker broadly grins back. “We eell then, why not try it for yourself? Simply g o to the future... ” “The future... ?” “Allow me to explain the rules of the game: everyone will travel from here to the world of the future, where you shall be the protagonists of the 'Story of Despair'. Evolved by my dark powers, the 'Book Door of Despair' will ferry you across without fail. ” We look around at the surrounding blackened bookshelves. The cases are giving off hefty THUMPS! upon each pulse as if responding to Joker's words. The other side of this dark Book Door... leads to our future... ? “Your destination shall beeee... nine years from no w into the future. Age 24. You shall grow up to be full-fledged adults, and you may be come shaken by the rough seas of society. You may even be worried about life or start losing your way. Buuut... none of you will give up on your dreams, right? You can overc ome just about any kind of despair, right ?” Joker provocatively looks down on us. “Of course. I will become a children's stories author. ”
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142 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “I'll make sure my okonomiyaki shop thrives. ” “I'll be a manga artist. ” “A soccer athlete for me. ” “And I a teacher. ” The five of us then exchange glances, nodding to one another. “WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON OUR DREAMS!” That declaration isn't so much as a response to Joker, but rather an oath to our personal future selves. Joker couldn't resist but say to us with an entert ained face. “Those words... how I've so waited for those words. Well then, everyone, do kindly enjoy all FIVE chapters of the Story of Despair. Once each and every last one of you have overcome your grief and sorrows, the Book Door will open, and you may all return here once more. ” Akane-chan laughs it off with a sneer. “If the five o' us work together, it'll be one easy victory!” Joker, in an exaggerated manner, continues. “OOPS! I forgot to mention one very important detail. In the Story of Despair, I shall have the privilege of seeing the memories you lot have spent together be erased. ” I ask in shock, “Our memories erased... ? What do you mean!?” “Within the Story of Despair, it means you will forget that you were all best buddies, and you will forget you were ever a Pre Cure. These memories of hope... well, they would only be a hindrance to the Story of Despair, you see. Everyone here must paddle alone in the stormy seas of life, and only then can you overcome the trial-the trial as very ordinary women... ” We realise the significance, losing our words to speak. The reason why Joker called our future the Story of Despair finally becomes clear. Our memories of meeting Candy, the memories of us five becoming the Pre Cure and overcoming all sorts of hardships a long the way... it's a treasure that can't be easily replaced by anything. To think that those same memories are going to be snatched away... My voice trembles. “Why would you do such a cruel thing... ” “It's like I said-I must paint the very things you treasure and hold dear with darkness, all for the sake of making YOU give in to complete and utter despair. Ohh how I SO want to see it. Everyone here all grown up, living out your miserable little lives as adults. The very pleasure of turning your happy conclusions into bad endings, there is simply no greater joy to be had. Kukukukuku... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Joker keeps laughing in a shrill voice. It's as if he's already won against us, as if the entire world has been seemingly painted with a Bad End.
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143 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “I don't want that. I don't wanna lose my memories o' bein' with ya girls... ” When Akane-chan mutte rs, Yayoi-chan starts to do it, too. “Me, neither... I can't bear to forget everyone entirely like that, I just can't. ” “It'd be like none of it ever happened... I don't want that, either!” “If we lose our memories, then what in the world are we to believe in... ” Tears are swelling in everyone's eyes in our reluctance to part. Still tightly bound in black chains a bove us, Candy gets teary-eyed as well and calls to us. “Candy hates it ~kuru... Everyone completely forgetting Candy, CANDY ABSOLUTELY HATES IT ~KURU!” Joker soon bombastically shakes his head. “Oh dearie me, wherever did all that spirit go just now? Weren' t your eyes sparkling so much from all that discussion about dreams to gether? Don't dawdle now, you have a snappy decision to make, so kindly do so, won't you? The Story of Despair grows impatient for you. ” Despair... It's true, there won't always be real happiness in our future. We might hit a wall, or we might even get all discouraged along the way. However... I wipe away the tears, look hard at everyone's faces, and say, “Girls, let's go. ” Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, and Reika-chan... they all stare back at me. “Even if our memories disappear, our bonds won't change. Even if we're apart, at least we won't forget our smiles. Because the five of us are Smile Pre Cure after all. ” The coming hope and determination ov erflows from e veryone 's expression. “It's just as Miyuki says. ” “I... I'll never give up. ” “Even if it means us being apart... ” “Our hearts are connected. ” We look up to Candy who is restrained high above. “Candy, we'll come save you no matter what, so please b elieve and wait for us. ” Candy tries to hold back the tears while looking back down at us, eventually ending with her crying as she forces a smiling face. Whenever we say bye-bye, we do it with a smile -that was the promise... the promise that Candy had made to her brother, Pop. On o ne of the black-stained bookshelves, it gives off an ominous THUMP! as soon as it starts beat ing-the Story of Despair is calling to us. Once the five of us gather our resolve and turn our backs on Candy, we confront the bookshel f.
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144 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Joker whispers something desirable i n the background. “Now, the five lights guiding to the future-what kind of wondrous despair could be waiting for you? I'm trembling with excitement to find out... ” In an instant, the books on the shelf beg in to slide on their own. Even though the books wouldn't move an inch at all before, now they seem to be moving around almost as if they are alive. And each time, CLICK, CLICK, goes the echoing sound of rusty locks like they are being opened. The five of us join hands. Feeling the warmth in each other's palms, we stand ready. In the next instant, a surge of darkness is set free from the bookshelf before our eyes, swallowing us whole. We've been sucked into the blackness of the case itself. It's usually alway s full of mystical light inside the Book Door. But now, all I can see is darkness-a jet-black darkness stretching on for as far as the eye can see. Is THIS the colour of the future that's waiting for us? Can we even shine on this darkness with our light of hope? No, I can't lose heart. Candy, I'll definitely come back... Immediately as I think that, our connected hands are suddenly pulled apart by the torrent, causing the five of us to become scattered. Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, Reika-chan--everyone's very presence is getting further and further away. The memories of us five having spent together are fading, like it's all melting into the darkness. Candy's existence, about Pre Cure, the fun memories too, even the painful memories, everything... I try to call to them by their names. But... the name themselves wouldn't come out. Even though they are my precious friends, even though there should be countless memories, I can't even remember their faces at all. And now, I no longer know why I got myself in this darkness, I don't know why at all. It's frustrating... it's scary... ... Huh? Who... am I again... ? What was I doing so far? Just now... I feel like I had a long, long dream. In the dream, I met a fairy, banded together as one with my friends, and we saved the wor ld from despair. It was an awfully realistic and dramatic dream. It was almost like I became the main character in the original picture book that I created and drew, 'The Greatest Smile'... * * * Like letters written in invisible ink appearing on a blank page, I've regained all the memories that I had lost. My life, nine years ago, had stopped on that day as a 3rd-year middle-schooler. And the five of us, we'd been living inside the Story of Despair brought to life by none other than Joker himself.
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145 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e I still couldn 't believe it. The town of Nanairogaoka, the bookstore, Mom and Dad, even Yoshimi-chan who I met at the bookstore... just about everything in my nine years of life was all fictional. However, now more than ever, I think about wanting to see the others as soon as possible on that day. Having entered the Book Door f rom the bookshelf, I fall through the realm of light. Beyond this radiance, there is the Mysterious Library itself. Candy is waiting for help. It's not just me. I'm almost certain the others must have overcome despair as well. Even though we haven't reunited yet, I'm convinced. Even if we're separated, I can have faith in them from the bottom of my heart. Everyone 's faces and names are coming back to me-Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, Reik a-chan. On that day, we talked about our dreams for the future together at the Mysterious Library, the promise we made, the touch of our connected hands... I can clearly remember them now. I HAVE to go back to that day. For the sake of saving Candy... To meet e veryone again with a smile... Wait for me! Candy, everyone! I'm coming now! It's only then in that moment. Somewhere far in the distance within the light, I can hear a faint voice. “... Miyukiiiii!... ” It's a dearly missed person whom I've always been with. Nine years ahead in the future, around the street corner of the Nanairogaoka shopping district is when I unexpectedly crashed into, and reunited with, an old friend... There's no doubt about it. That voice is... “Akane-chan!” I find Akane-chan herself falling together with me in the tunnel of light. She expresses a smile like the sun, waving her hand. “Miyuki, y'managed to break out, too!” “It's all thanks to running into you in the other world, Akane-chan! Thank you!” Not just Akane-chan. Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, and also Reika-chan. Everyone with smiling faces is falling down the illuminous domain. As if five girls are sort of skydiving all at once, we descend while trying to gather together in one place. Everyone 's appearance aren't that of 3rd-year middle school students, but have remained as 24-year-old adults. Having become grown-ups, we as the Smile Pre Cure are all together now ! Is what I would say, but we're falling right now. “Miyuki-chaaan~! On the other side, I got to be a manga artist !” Yayoi-chan raises her voice in great delight as she makes a double-peace to me. “I couldn't make it into Nadeshiko Japan over there, but I did get to be the coach to a soccer team!”
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146 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “In that world, I assumed the role of a teacher in Nanairogaoka Middle Sc hool! The homeroom teacher of Class 2-1, to be exact!” Nao-chan and Reika-chan are also waving their hands while getting closer and closer. As I wipe away my t ears of joy, I swim forward in the light in order to seek for their smiles. Everyone overcame the ir hardships in the end. Our dreams came true in the end. And the memories that were lost, we got everything back in the end. Now I know, I'm sure we can move forward to the future. There may be painful things or even tragic things, but the five of us will never forget each other. Always and forever, we'll go forward all together. “Girls! Let's go save Candy!” As t he five of us fall down the tunnel of light, with a nod, we try to stretch out our hands to form a circle. Just a little more and our fingers can finally be within reach-where we can be one. However, a touch of anxiety is born in me. This is the inside of the Book Door. It's strange, then, that it's taking so much time to come out on the other end of the entrance. Moreover, why is it that we're s till in our adult forms, I wonder... ? At that moment, a ferocious howl trembles throughout the realm of light. From the bottom comes a shockwave that strikes us, causing our group to become scattered again just before our hands could come into contact. Not k nowing what happened, we regain our posture, checking on each other's safety. “The heck's THAT!?” Akane-chan raises her voice hysterically, turning our gaze to look down at what she is pointing at far below. Some thing enormously dark is rising beneath us. Spreading its gigantic wings, it spews out the heaviest of sinister black fogs as it looms closer, and that monster is... It's The Greatest Smile picture book possessed by Joker! The size of it has become so huge that it's covering the entire realm, taking flight through the light with jagged wings that once used to be the sheets of the picture book. Leaping out from the pages without warning is Joker's face, now reduced to a blac kened ugly monster, his eyes blazing and bright. Each time he lets out a howl, the realm of light becomes enveloped in black fog, ruled by the darkness. Joker gives off an evil roar against us. “HAHAHAHA! What a pity! Having absorbed an abundance of Bad En ergy from you all as adults, I was blessed with the privilege of evolution! And so shall its name be dubbed BAD JOKER! This here is the Book Door of Despair created by yours truly! And now, in the Smile Pre Cure's Story of Despair, here is your FINAL CHAPTE R! Here is whe re your lives reach a BAD END!”
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147 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Bad Joker flaps the wings of the picture book, attac king us even as we fall. In the passage that has been completely shrouded with darkness, our group is then blown away by the shockwave, causing us to scatte r. “EVERYONE... !” Engulfed by Joker 's gargantuan body and the spreading darkness, I gradually lose sight of Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, and Reika-chan's presence. Even though w e were finally able to reunite... Even though we were supposed to escape a little later... Almost immediately, however, I fall to a rugged ground, hitting my butt hard. For a second, I experience the illusion that I'd fallen out the Book Door and arrived back to the Mysterious Library, but I instantly come to realise that it isn't the case. It's cold and dark, like a vast empty earth created by Bad Joker. I look around the area, but there is infinite darkness no matter which way I face- there is only nothingness itself. There is no exit lea ding to the Mysterious Library. “AKANE-CHAAANNN! YAYOI-CHAAANN! NAO-CHA AAN! REIKA-CHA AANNN!” To the darkness, I aimlessly keep calling out everyone's names. But... there is no answer. Although it seems my heart is giving in to hopelessness, I desperately chee r myself on. “This is foul play! The five of us cleared it like you said, we all overcame our despair, and we even got the Book Door open!” Just then, a sudden gust of wind swoops down from high above. The moment Bad Joker lands in the room right before my eyes, bolts of black lig htning launch from his mouth. I get s truck by a direct hit, its power flinging me across the rocky earth. An intense pain cou rses throughout my whole body, my vision getting blurry. “I'm afraid there is no end to despair! No matter how much you believe in the future and move on, once you grow up trying to make your dreams come true, sooner or later you will FORGET! Your precious friends and dreams and even your memories, EVERY LAST BIT OF THEM... ! ” As I g roan while trying to lift my head, I can see the massive Bad Joker shake the very ground with each passing step as he comes closer. Pressing my hands against the blackened earth, I push mys elf back up. “You're wrong ! My friends, my memories, my whole life with the others is a treasure! I'll never forget them! It's because our time as the Pre Cure, the dreams we talked about, the memories we spent together, every-ONE and every-THING is eternal to me! ” “SHUT. UUUUUUUUP! ” Joker bares his vicious fangs at me. And from his mouth comes another charge of black lightning that's about to fire. In my hazy consciousness, I make a wish.--Please. A miracle... please let one happen. It's in that last second when the dark lightning tries to attack me. “It's just as Miyuki says!”
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148 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e I lift my face up to that voice. “--EVERYONE!” Even after getting scattered, as soon as Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, and Reika-chan descend upon having cut through the dar k skies, they land one after the other. We stand lined up in the darkness of the land, confronting the titanic Bad Joker. “No matter what, we're not going to give up on our dreams!” “We all got our memories back; got over our despair!” “It is not just desp air that resides in the future. There is hope! ” Gazing at the image of everyone standing in the dark, I regain my smile. “Girls... !” Momentarily, a dazzling light overflows from o ur bodies. Struck by the shockwave of light, Bad Joker in his giant form gets f orcefully pushed back, gouging across the dark earth. This sensation, there was a time when I tasted it before. Yes, when I transformed into a Pre Cure for the first time... But wait, that probably means... ! In the next instant, our Smile Pacts appear in front of us. They aren't turned to stone by Joker's power. The ones that are casting a strikingly beautiful light are the genuine Smile Pacts. Bad Joker blinks his eyes at the five lights, raising his startled voice in f right. “IMPOSSIBLE!? This is the INSIDE of my Book Door of Despair... Don't even think you lot as adults can just transform into the Pre Cure to begin with, it's not like you ca-!” “We CAN!” I cry out with confidence. “It's true this may be a world that you created. But above all, it doesn't change the fact that it's a story about us five girls! The main characters are us! Whether it's a happy ending, or a bad ending, ALL OF IT depends on us! Because no matter how hopeless things get, we'll never lose sight of hope! Because miracles truly happen in stories! If we can change the Story of Despair to the Story of Hope with our power, then any miracle can happen! ” I take up my Smile Pact, my eyes fixed on the others. “Girls, let's transform! Become the Pre Cure, turn despair into HOPE! ” Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, and even Reika-chan -their looks of astonishment says it all. “Miyuki... y'serious!? I mean, we're 24 years old 'ere!” “'Adult Pre Cure s'!? So cool, SO COOL!” Yayoi-chan is in high spirits. Nao-chan still has a dumbstruck face. “Hold on, you mean to say we can really transform like this!?” “Of course! After all, it's the FINAL chapter!”
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149 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “Won't we run into any problems... ?” “At any rate, let us put it into practice rather than contemplate further!” Urged by Reika-chan, we nod to one another. One time, there was a powerful potion invented by Majorīna called 'Become-a-Kiiiid', which had caused us five to become very young children. At the time, we were able to transform into the Pre Cure even though we were just kids-but it wasn't only that. With the power of Majorīna's invention in the shape of rings called 'Swaaaapping-Places', me and Candy's minds changed places, but even then, I was able to transform into 'Cure Candy' while still being in her form. Even when our bodies became super tiny with the power called the 'Tuuuurning-Tiny' mallet, everyone who were micro-sized were still able to transform. That means... we should be able to do it even now as adults... no, we CAN do it! Probably! The cover on the Smile Pact s open. We set the transformation Cure Décors in them. 'Ready!' says a heavenly voice, and at the same time we cry out: “Pre Cure! SMILE CHARGE! ” In the next second, 'GO!' says the voice, together with the light pouring out of the Smile Pacts. Mine is a pink light, Akane-chan's is an orange light, Yayoi-chan has a yellow light, Nao-chan's is a green light, and Reika-chan has a blue light. The radiance gathers and crystallises around our right hand, causing puffs to emerge. “Go! Go! Let's Go! HAPPY!” “Go! Go! Let's Go! SUNNY!” “Go! Go! Let's Go! PEACE!” “Go! Go! Let's Go! MARCH!” “Go! Go! Let's Go! BEAUTY!” Riding on the melody, we apply the light onto our bodies with the puffs. Our adult bodies with long arms and legs are then e nveloped in bright glimmer, transforming ourselves into the Pre Cure. Finally, when we dust b oth cheeks with our puffs, the five of us line up with smiling faces. “Twinkling and shining, the light of the future! Cure Happy! ” “The brilliant sun, hot-blooded power! Cure Sunny! ” “Sparkling and glittering, R ock-Paper-Scissors♪ Cure Peace! ” “Intense courage, a straight-up bout! Cure March! ” “Snow, falling and gathering, a noble heart! Cure Beauty! ” With our group s hining brilliantly, we exclaim all at once: “ The five lights guiding to the future! Shining bright! SMILE PRECURE! ”
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150 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e A miracle has happened! We each check on the other's appearance, cheering out of joy. “WE DID IT! All five of us... REALLY became Adult Pre Cure s!” Our bodies stayed as 24-year-olds, but for Happy, Sunny, Peace, March, Beauty --we as the Smile Pre Cure have successfully transformed! What's more, the tiara on our heads have become utterly gorgeous, our outfits arranged all mature-like and evolved, and it's somehow making me very thrilled and ultra-happy! It will be called-- “Okay, I've decided! These will be... Eternal Forms! ” “Hey, what's that 'bout decidin' all on yer own for!?” “Eternal -it is a word that signifies 'never-ending'. I consider it to be l ovely. ” Next to the sharply questioning Sunny, Beauty agrees with a smile. “But wait, that means I'm eternal-happy! ” “My right leg... it should've been injured, but when I transformed, it's totally healed... ” March confirms her condition as she bounces up and down. “Peace, even as a grown-up, yer still playin' out Rock-Paper-Scissors as usual, are ya?” “Of course I am! Today's glittering game is Scissors, Scissors I say! So did everybody win?” “Who're y'talkin' to!? ” “Everyone, we cannot afford to be excited!” Bringing our attention to Beauty, we look up to the sky. Bad Joker is letting out a hideous loud roar, now looking down on us as flashes of black lightning release from his enormous body. “How amusing. Adult Pr e Cures born out of everyone's power... do feel free to show me WHAT IT AMOUNTS TO !” Joker furiously flaps his wings to swoop in for an attack. “Girls! LET'S GO!” We kick off the rocky black earth and break into a sprint. Bad Joker tosses bolts of dark lightni ng to strike us. The air rips apart and quakes in turn; the vast land starting to crack all over. I leap over to avoid the flashes of lightning, quickly soaring above Bad Joker himself. Charg ing up my f ighting spirit, I form a heart shape with my hands, ri ght before shooting out pink-coloured light waves. “ Eternal ! Happy Shower SHINING! ” Bad Joker is bathed in the eruption of light, propelling the giant to drop all the way down to the ground. The unexpected power leaves me startled at my own self. “Ohhh!? I t's like my attack strength has gone up, too! This is the power of Eternal Form!” Sunny sports the energy of mighty flames t hroughout her entire body, ending in her throwing a scorching fireball. “ Eternal! Sunny Fire BURNING! ”
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151 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Peace, using her right hand that's pointed straight toward the heavens, gathers thunder light into a peace sign before immediately releasing it from both hands. “Eternal! Peace Thunder HURRICANE! ” Upon March condensing wind energy into the shape of a soccer ball, she spins her body a round and around into a tornado as she unleashes an intense shot. “ Eternal! March Shoot IMPACT! ” And Beauty converts her energy of ice into an arrow, combining her ice swords together into a bow with which she uses to fire the arrow. “ Eternal! Beauty Blizz ard ARROW! ” Our attacks land one after another. While Bad Joker gives off an agonising roar, he skyrockets high up back into the dark skies. “It's for real! Our powers, they've gotten super strong! ” Sunny gets excited over her own strength. However, in the sky comes a thunderous resounding boom, causing us to look up. Bad Joker is now scattering his black lightning at random. The speeding bolts become tentacles that close in on us soon after, coiling around and restraining our bodies. Although we stubbornly try our best to resist, we get swung about by the feelers, throwing us violently against the uneven grounds. With a horrid deafening noise, blackened clumps of the earth fly into pieces before long. The ground itself collapses, forming a crater-like hole. At the bottom of the pit, we get up out of the chunks of gravel and brush ourselves off. Strangely enough, there isn't that much damage on us. Despite the fact it's been a long time since we had to transform, our strengths are being demonstrated now more than ever. “It's like I thought-we've powered up just as much as we have become adults!” Quickly grabbing the darkened tentacles still coiled around our bodies, we swing Bad Joker around in circles back into the opposite direction, hurling him away with all our might. Bad Joker tumbles further and further up the sky. “Girls!” As soon as we nod to one another, we take flight to the sky. Steadily rising through the darkness that seems to last forever, we eventually discover him floating about. Bad Joker, as if in a last-ditch struggle, counters back with a discharge of dark lightning bolts. However, the five of us don't hesitate. While avoiding the flashes of lightning, we become five streaks of brilliance, drawing ourselves closer to Bad Joker himself in the sky. An image of Candy crosses my mind. The very same Candy who is being held captive in the Mysterious Library. Our loveable Candy...
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152 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “We'll definitely make it back to the Mysterious Library! We'll definitely save Candy no matter what!” With that desire in our hearts, we gaze upon the colossal Bad Joker. In a moment 's notice, seemingly in response to our thoughts, shining into the dark domain is a beam of glimmering hope. Beyond the light, the faraway silhouette of Candy restrained in the Mysterious Libr ary can be clearly seen. And radiating off her chest is the Miracle Jewel, awakening as the queen with her appearance transforming once more to be Royale Candy. Candy 's voice distinctly reaches our ears. “Make everyone's powers as one ~kuru!” Candy... ! We ti ghtly grasp the Princess Candles summoned to our hands, ready to unleash our final technique. “Pre Cure! Eternal Rainbow BU UURST! ” Our group and Candy 's light become one, resulting in a rainbow-coloured lustre that cuts through the darkness. Its sparkling brilliance, its majestic power... with a force surpassing the older technique, it approaches Joker. Although agitated by the oncoming intensity, he sets up a shield with black lightning in defence against it. Our bright light clashes with Bad Joker's darkness. “HAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Putting all our might and feelings into the attack, w e push back the darkness. The power of us five and Candy's combined, it proceeds to overwhelm Bad Joker's shield. Just then, in that moment-- “Everyone, that's... !” Beauty cries out. We all gaze in wonderment. All-of-a-sudden, in the spreading darkness behind Bad Joker, an unusual dimension opens up. On the other side of that gaping wide hole, pages of a picture book are being projected. And what's being depicted in the book is... pictures of our appearances as adults! Me working at the Nanairogaoka Station-Front Bookstore; me getting told that the store is going out of business. Akane-chan saying her goodbyes to Brian; her struggling really hard to make okonomiyaki. Yayoi-chan being extrem ely busy with her manga serial; her requesting to end the series. Nao-chan injuring her right leg; wavering between her job as a coach and her family. Reika-chan being unable to see into a student's heart; losing sight of her path as a teacher. All five gi rls are suffering discouragement with their dreams, reaching their limits, and even facing distress. There are no smiles at all, not with everyone losing their way.
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153 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Turning his large face towards us in order to provoke the group, Bad Joker boldly laughs. “ By no means can the Book Door of Despair ever end! There is simply no hope for the future!” We put more strength into our hands gripping the P rincess Candle s, our thoughts becoming as one. “We'll open up the future! If it's against the fake future that you made, then we'll show you that we can overcome it without a shred of doubt !” Bad Joker 's mouth grins creepily and distorts. “Then I must say that there has been a GRAVE misunderstanding, my dears. I'm afraid the Story of Despair was ne ver a fiction created by me. ” “Eh... !?” “All five chapters of the Story of Despair are, and forever ha ve been, the future illustrated and created by none other than YOUR hearts! Those bad endings were born precisel y because of the despair that lies within you!” Overwhelme d by shock, we lose our words to speak. That future world... was born from our hearts... !? “Maybe you will be met with discouragement at some point. Maybe you will lose your dreams. Your friends and even your memories... maybe someday you'll forget them all. What sense could any of that possibly hold for such a future? If you're just going to be met with failure anyway, then wouldn't it be rather nice to not have those dreams to begin with?” Bad Joker 's shield fashioned out of black lightning, it's starting to dye our light in darkness. We desperately try to endure, but the coming blackness seems to swallow us whole in the end. Bad Joker is convinced of his victory, giving out a loud roar in supremacy. However, I stare a t the darkness without giving in. “It's true that holding onto our dreams is painful. We might get discouraged and be bound for failure, and I'm sure there will be all sorts of difficult things. But... but I want to believe in dreams! After all, we were all a ble to overcome the Story of Despair because of them!” Akane-chan too, Yayoi-chan also, Nao-chan included, and even Reika-chan -everyone fights against the darkness with faces of determination. “Yeah! Though I got all heartbroken, I realised the okonomiya ki's secret ingredient!” “My series is over completely, but I wanted to keep drawing manga always!” “I couldn't get to be a soccer athlete, but I'd the courage to be a coach away from my family!” “I almost lost sight of the path as a teacher, however, I set my heart on walking together with the pupils henceforth!” “We came to think that way because... Joker, it's all thanks to your help. ”
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154 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “... WHAT!?” Bad Joker opens his eyes wide to my remark, becoming speechless. “Living out our lives 'nine years later', we w ere able to realise something very important. If we do our best, someday there will surely be happiness. There is hope beyond despair. The Story of Despair and the Story of Hope... their stories are one and the same. ” “There is no hope! There is only DESPAIR! ” Bad Joker strenuously lets loose the dark lightning from his whole self in opposition. Yet, all five of us persist in pushing forward, exclaiming all at once: “WE WON'T GIVE UP ON THE FUTURE!” “NUAAAAAAAHHH!? STAY AWAAAAAAYYY!” Instantly, with our five lights and Royale Candy's light combined, the divine ray of purity collides into Joker. He screams at the top of his voice in agony, his appearance steadily shrinking. Opening my arms out w ith a huge smile on my face, I tightly embrace him close to my heart. “Joker... thank you. ” The darkness f rom Bad Joker completely fades soon after, restoring The Greatest Smile picture book back to the way it used to be. The darkness that ruled t he realm disperses, and the light comes back. The Book Door of Despair, it returns to being the original Book Door. The Story of Despair becomes the Story of Hope ; the Bad End becomes a Happy End. And finally, t he five of us look up to the curious dimension beyond the wide gaping hole that is soon to be empty. That's where the pictures of our grown-up 'future' selves are being projected. The images, engulfed by the light, vanish. Goodbye-our 'future' selves. Thank you... for showing us a wonderful dream. Let's meet again someday. In the not-too-distant future... ~~~~ In the next instant, falling through the realm of light, I tumble out from exiting the bookshelf. The feel of this ground, the smell of the books, the light streaming down... it's the Mysterious Library! I'm final ly back! When I raise my eyes, the thick black fog that used to fill the area has cleared away, with the magical sunlight now filtering through the trees and pouring from the heavens. The black soot that covered the bookshelves have also disappeared, with the cases holding the entire world's fairytales towering far and as high as ever. The secret library, once locked away in the dark by Joker, has been fully restored!
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155 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “Owww... ” The n ext thing I hear is a voice, and it's Akane-chan who has collapsed in a posture like she'd fallen forward across the ground, holding up her forehead. It isn't only Akane-chan here. Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, and Reika-chan too, they are all sitting down in front of the bookshelves, taking a good look around the area. “Girls... !” The five of us rush together, embracing each other in a hug. We all call out to each other's names, checking on each other's safety. “Akane-chan! Yayoi-chan! Nao-chan! Reika-chan! I'm so... I'm so glad you're all safe !” Our transformation have been undone, and our appearances have returned to us being our original 3rd-year middle-schooler selves. Candy then comes in flying with an explosion of joy. “MIYUKI~! EVERYONE~!” “CANDY!” Candy dives into my chest. The excessive force causes me to fall on my back. “You okay!? You're not hurt!?” “Candy's okay! Everyone being safe makes Candy happy ~kuru!” I pull Candy off my chest. “Hey, about us... exactly how long have we been in that other world that we'd gone to?” Havin g lived in a world as a 24-year-old for so very long, my sense of time has gone numb. It feels like years have passed since then, but it also feels like a moment. Akane-chan brushes up to me, leaning herself forward. “Ya don't think it's been nine years in this worl d too, do ya?” Could it!? If that's true, then... “I do not believe that is so. ”, says Reika-chan, heading inside the stump house. We even follow her in. On top of the table in the room, there are cups of black tea that everyone was drinking before we set off. Reika-chan touches a cup to examine it... and smiles sweetly. “The tea is still warm. It seems after we embarked on our journey, it has only been about ten minutes or so. ” To her cool analysis, we deeply sigh with a feeling of relief. In just over ten min utes, not only did we become 24-year-old adults, but we also happened to transform as we were into the Pre Cure-it was like the event was similar to a dream. However, it wasn't a dream because I was able to drive off Joker. “Candy did her best, too ~kuru! Candy kept cheering for Miyuki and everyone ~kuru!” I remember. Before opening the Book Door in the other world, I heard Candy's voice. Her voice is what sparked my escape. “I heard it perfectly-Candy's voice. ” I give Candy a tight hug once more. “Same 'ere. Candy, y'sure gave it yer all!”
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156 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “Me, too! Candy, thank you for calling out to me, using my name. ” “I might not have made it back if I didn't hear Candy's voice. ” “Even I was by a hair's breadth. ” At that moment, a voice can be heard somewhere. “Everyone~!” This voice... ! We rush out from the stump house. No sooner do the bookshelves give off a divine brilliant light, something leaps out of the Book Door. “EVERYONE! ARE YOU ALL SAFE ~DE GOZARU !?” “Pop!” Pop, who just turned up from Märchenland, is out of breath upon landing. “ON Ī-CHAAAAN~! CANDY WANTED TO SEE YOU ~KURU!” Candy rushes over, embracing Pop. The excessive force causes Pop to go “Nuo oh!” as he falls over on the ground. Stil l, noticing his younger sister makes him express a sigh of relief. “Candy, were you safe ~de gozaru? The Book Door was closed shut by a dark power; I was getting worried ~de gozaru. ” “Is everyone in Märchenland okay!?” When I ask, Pop nods with a smiles. “Safe ~de gozaru. Wolrun, Oninin, and Majorin, everybody is fine ~de gozaru. Putting that aside, what in the world happened ~de gozaru?” Weeell, where should I start explain ing, I wonder? Everyone was talking together about where to go for our graduation trip, talked about our dreams, and then... It's then whe n a sudden realisation hits me. “That reminds me, where's my picture book... ?” The Greatest Smile picture book used by Joker, where did it go... ? When l ooking around, I see the book has fallen on the ground in the centre of the Mysterious Library. I run over to it, picking up the book. It's been turned back to normal without any changes. Joker has disappeared from the last page, and our name s for all five chapters are also gone. I wonder if Joker has completely disappeared for good? Or maybe... he's burning with revenge against us, still prowling around somewhere. In any case, we were able to overcome the challenge given to us by Joker, and even though it may have been a fictional world, we were able to turn despair into hope. I stare at the blank page of the picture book. “I'm going to write it here. Our future... ” Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, Reika-chan, Candy --everyone gazes at the blank page, nodding to one another. And then, we all break out our greatest smiles.
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157 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e Not bothering Pop who is standing up still trying to digest the situation, I say, “I got it! Girls! An idea, I came up with a good one!” “Whatcha mean, a good one?” Akane-chan asks, and I answer with a perfect smile. “The destination for our graduation trip! It's somewhere we can all go to, an ultra-happy place where everyone can get to smile!” ~~~~ To our future selves. ~~~~ It's strange to remember things, isn't it? There are memories that you will immediately forget, and then there are memories that won't ever fade no matter how many years go by. For me, it would be the memories I spent with everyone, a lifelong treasure that can't be easily replaced by anything. Now then, there's one last thing-I have to leave behind a note for those special memories. It's for our group's graduation trip-- On that day, following our discussion at the Mysterious Library, we couldn't settle on where to go on our trip in the end... So I came up with an ultra-happy place instead. ~~~~ It's the day of the Nanairogaoka School's graduation ceremony. Awarded with graduation certificates, our juniors and teachers see us off, and together, we leave the school gates. Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, and Reika-chan... everyone looks onward to the future, their smiles sparkling and shining brightly. When I look up at the sky, there is a rainbow bridge in the air after all that rain has stopped. It's a rainbow so big and beautiful than I have ever seen before. Unable to contain my excitement, I turn around to the others, and propose, “Girls! Let's go on our graduation trip right now! To our ultra-happy place!” Everyone becomes dumbfounded and stares at me. “Right now!? Miyuki, what're ya on 'bout?” When Akane-chan points that out... “I have to go back home to get ready... ” “I can't up and leave my family behind, either... ”, says Yayoi-chan and Nao-chan who are also both at a loss.
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158 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “BUT, we have to go right away or we're not going to make it in time! We go now! ” When I urge them, Reika-chan asks, “Miyuki-san, why not kindly tell us? The whereabouts of this trip is... ?” Point ing at the vibrant arc, I answer with a sweetly smile. “The end of the rainbow!” Looking up at the colourful bridge, everyone become stunned. E ven Candy pops out of my bag, gazing at the rainbow with a very curious expression. “Haven't you girls ever heard of it? There is a tale about a treasure sleeping at the end of the rainbow. So why don't we go together right now? To the end of the rainbow. And seek out our treasure all by ourselves. ” Everyone suddenly starts smiling l ike cherry blossoms in full bloom. “That's typical Miyuki-thinking for ya. ” “I consider it to be a fantastic destination. ” “Then we'd better hurry up n' go before the rainbow di sappears. ” “Let's go, let's go♪” “Candy wants to go, too ~kuru!” Everyone gives their approval unanimously. “OKAY, if we're all decided, Smile Pre Cure, it's time for our special graduation trip! For the treasure hunt at the end of the rainbow, rettsu GŌ!” We set out walking to wards the end of the rainbow. The multi-coloured arc seems to span across the town of Nanairogaoka, with the end connecting to the top of the hills on the outskirts of town. If we take the bus or use bicycles, we might makes it there i n a short time. But instead, we choose to go step-by-step using our own legs. During the time when we were discussing about where to go for our graduation trip at the Mysterious Library, we were only thinking about using the Book Door. It's true that, if we use the Book Door-then from bookshelf to bookshelf-we can go anywhere in the whole wide world. However, I came to realise something. Even if we don't use the Book Door, we can still go on a journey to make memories that can last a lifetime. Alongside beloved friends, in search of a treasure we have yet to see, and heading for the destination with our own le gs. There is just no other graduation trip as dreamy as this! This step-by-step process is etching memories right now, making me feel like it's connecting to the future... While walking silently, we arrive to the outskirts of town. Eventually, the traffic disappears, and even all the houses become sparse. The rainbow that looked so big and pretty not too long ago, now it seems likely to melt and fade away.
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159 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e The end of the rainbow is almost in our sights. If we climb up that hill, we'll find our destination the re, the place where the treasure sleeps. A little more... just a little more... We start running before we know it. Nobody speaks, we just run. After struggling to reach the foot of the green hill, we quietly go up the slope aiming for the summit. The refreshin g spring breeze-the scent of flowers-gently pushes our backs. As I climb the hill in silence, a lot of memories come and go in my mind. About r unning through a whole year as a Pre Cure, and the huge number of irreplaceable events during it... And now a t last, after scaling to the summit of the hill, we finally arrive through all that struggl ing to the end of the rainbow. But t here is nothing atop the hill, just a space where the green grass is swaying in the gentle breeze. While everyone is catching the ir breath after giving it their all, nobody can say a word. I look up at the sky, letting out a sigh in the end. The rainbow has already disappeared. The five of us and Candy... for a brief moment, we are stunned as we stare into the heavens, but eventually o ne of us starts to laugh out of the blue. Soon, w e all join in laughing out loud together, flopping ourselves down to lie on the hill's surface. The faint aroma of the grass carpet, it softly takes us in. A treasure sleeping at the end of the rainbow. It's from that sort of tale that made me come up with a treasure hunt, but nobody ever said we had to dig it out. By now, it seems everyone doesn't care about the silly treasure anymore. Nevertheless, I managed to reach as far as the end of the rainbow togethe r with my dearly beloved friends. Simply having that miraculous experience is enough. The area around us turns completely dark in time, and the sky becomes full of glimmering stars. “Akane-chan, Yayoi-chan, Nao-chan, Reika-chan, Candy... ” As soon as I call out their names, everyone looks back at me in confusion. I smile and laugh. “It's nothing... I just wanted to call to you all. ” The night sky in which we see, it's filled to the brim with twinkling and shining stars. The night breeze is comforting, it feels almost like I'm having a dream. I've always wanted to do this here. If I could, I would want to do it forever...
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160 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e “Gotta makes ya think... I wonder if we'll totally forget someday?” Akane-chan sighs as she says that. “'Bout us bein' friends, bein' the Pre Cure... ar e we all gonna forget once we become adults?” Everyone goes silent. All we can hear... is the sound of the wind, the sound of swaying grass, and finally the sound of our faint sighs. It's a very long, long silence. “We won't forget. ” I proclaim to her. “We'll never forget... never. ” That 's when we set our hearts on something. In the spot at the end of the rainbow, we'll bury a treasure. Our very own special treasure-- That treasure is... yep, this book. The book in which we have personally experienced all six chapte rs of the Story of Hope. Taking o ur irreplaceable memories, we seal them in a time capsule and entrust them to the future. It's so that one day, when we're all grown-ups and have lost hope, we can climb this hill at any time, and open its very pages... It's so that when we dig up the treasure, we can get back our very own smiles again... *
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161 | F i n a l C h a p t e r -T h e G r e a t e s t S m i l e ~~♥~~ To our future selves who have become adults. Hey there, how are you doing right now? Did your dream s come true? Is your work fun? You didn't forget to smile every day, did you? If you have opened this capsule and are reading this, then it's most likely your heart is being troubled. You may have lost sight of your dream, and you may be facing discouragement. You may have even lost your smile, and you may have been s tricken with sorrow. But think back, remember that time. At the end of the day, you girls became the Pre Cure and saved the world. So be brave. You were all able to change the Story of Despair into the Story of Hope after all. And, don't ever forget. You al l have irreplaceable friends who are there for you. Whenever you want to cry, think back to when you used to go to the end of the rainbow with everyone, and remember that day. Somewhere in the twinkling and shining starry sk y, you will surely find happines s. Hoshizora Miyuki ~~♥~~
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162 | E x t r a S e c t i o n -G l o s s a r y =Glossary & Cultural References = -Honorifics- (Note: Full names here are presented in the common Asian order-surname before given name. ) -san: An honorific roughly equivalent to Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Basically, this is used with everyone but close family, friends and little children. -chan : An honorific used to show affection. Otō-san: Used to refer to one's father. Tō-chan : Same as above. Child's language. Okā-san: Used to refer to one's mother. Obā-chan : Used to refer to one's grandmother. Oba-san: Aunt. Similar to the previous example. Onē-chan : Used to affectionately refer to an older girl, or older sister. -ane: A humble honorific used to refer to an older girl, or older sister. -kun: Used to address young males. Can also be used to address females which is slightly more formal and respectful, as well as very close friends and family members. Sensei: An honorific used towards one with a lev el of mastery in an art form or skill. It is generally translated as 'teacher', but the honorific sensei can also be used as a title to refer to or address other professionals or persons of authority. Senpai: An honorific used toward one's senior-for example, an upperclassman. Hierarchy in terms of age and experience is taken very seriously in Japanese etiquette. -Food- Hotpot or nabe : A method of cooking adapted from China. A pot of simmering soup stock is kept in the center of the table; various ingr edients on plates are placed around it, and individual servings are placed in the stock to cook, then transferred to the individual's plate. Usually served with a soy-based dipping sauce. Okonomiyaki: The name means 'grilled as you like it'. It is a savour y type of Japanese pancake containing a variety of ingredients. The dish is mainly associated with the Kansai or Hiroshima areas of Japan. Toppings and batters va ry according to region. However, Kansai-style okonomiyaki is typically composed of flour, grat ed yam, shredded cabbage, egg as a base, with common fillings including pork belly, octopus, squid, shrimp, and various vegetables; the top is then spread with Worcestershire
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163 | E x t r a S e c t i o n -G l o s s a r y sauce and drizzled with mayonnaise, and bonito flakes, flakes of green laver, and /or pickled ginger can be sprinkled on top. -Terminology- “In what month, on what day and at what time, how many times has the Earth turned?” : This is an impossible question that cannot be answered used by Japanese elementary students to annoy another person during an argument. Basically a more complex method to insult someone. Boke & Tsukkomi Routine : Known as 'Manzai', a traditional style often associated with the Ōsaka region, is a stand-up comedy act involving a duo trading jokes at great speeds on various subject s, with the straight man (tsukkomi ) trying to correct the funny man's (boke ) misconceptions that revolve around mutual misunderstandings, puns and other verbal gags. The comedians of ten speak in the Kansai dialect during their acts. Red String of Fate : Also known as 'Red Thread of Marriage ', it is an East Asian belief originating from Chinese legend. The myth describes the gods tying an invisible red cord around the ankles of those destined to meet one another in situations or to help each other. The two people connected by the unbreakable red string are destined lovers. Grad anthology: A book created by a student's entire class. It is a book that compiles all their dreams, hopes, and ambiti ons in short paragraphs. Each student receives a copy. Tetsujin Senshi Robotter : Literally translated as 'Iron Warrior Robotter', it is an in-universe anime pertaining to giant robots. Such popular examples are Power Rangers/Super Sentai series, Voltron, Mazinger, Gigantor /Tetsujin 28-gō, and more... Tokusatsu: Literally meaning 'special effects'. Though in theory this term refers to any kind of live-action show that makes extensive use of special effects, in practice it often refers specifically to those s hows starring a superhero-like figure and villains in elaborate, cover-all costumes, e. g. Super Sentai or Kamen Rider. Power Rangers, the American adaptation of Super Sentai, is one example of this type of show that became popular outside of Asia. Tankōbo n: A Japanese term that means 'independent/standalone book'. It is a term for books that are complete in itself and are not part of a series. It is often used in reference to individual volumes of a single manga, as opposed to magazines which feature multiple series. Weekly Sh ōnen Smile: A pastiche of popular manga magazines aimed toward preteen and teenage boys, such as Weekly Sh ōnen Magazine and Weekly Sh ōnen Jump. 'Shōnen' can be translated as 'youth'.
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164 | E x t r a S e c t i o n -G l o s s a r y Handshake Session: An event where one gets to meet and shake hands with their favourite member, whether it be an idol, singer of a band, or a costumed hero/heroine. Shōwa: The traditional Japanese calendar measures generations or eras based on the length o f an emperor's reign; this period is then named with the emperor's selected posthumous name. Emperor Sh ōwa reigned from 1926 to 1989-the longest of any emperor's reign so far. Nadeshiko Japan, Nadeshiko League: Nicknames for the Japan National Women's Football Team, the most successful national women's team in the Asian Football Federation and the only Asian team to win the FIFA Women's World Cup. Yōkai: a supernatural entity in Japanese folklore, considered similar to a spirit, demon, or a monster. This covers a wide variety of different creatures, from the human or animal-like to the more plant-like, and even those disguised as inanimate objects. One such Yōkai is an oni, a supernatural demon, devil, ogre, or a troll. Kyūdō: It means 'The Way of the Bow'. A Japanese martial art of archery, practiced by thousands worldwide. Archers use a tall Japanese bow made of bamboo, wood and leather using techniques unchanged for centuries. It focuses on Zen Buddhist philosophies and princ iples to achieve a certain state of mind regarding moral and spiritual development. Sharp Pen: A portable pen-sized scanner that can recognise and give definitions on various languages. It is essentially an electronic dictionary in the shape of a large pen. Such products are designed and developed by Sharp Corporation, a Japanese multinational corporation. Yorishiro: A Shinto terminology referring to objects capable of attracting spirits, thus providing them a physical space to occupy. The word means 'approach substitute'. -Definition of Names- Yayoi's name: Yayoi is the Japanese name for the third month of the lunar calendar, most often equivalent to March or April on the Gregorian calendar, hence the association with spring. Yui's nam e: The name Yui is often written with this kanji: 結, as used in the verb musubu, meaning “to tie, to bind” or “to unite. ” Nao's name: The kanji discussed here, with a kun-reading of 'nao' ( 直), means 'straight', 'honest', or 'frank'. -{This project was t ranslated by Gravity Mage and many other contributors using a mixture of Machine Translations and Japanese dictionaries such as jisho. org for definitions, ejje. weblio. jp for sentence references, and thejadednetwork. com for onomatopoei a words }-
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Akutagawa's Birthday! Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown. org/works/48692938. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Relationship: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Character: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Higuchi Ichiyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: One Shot, Atsushi can NOT bake, Never let Atsushi bake, Higuchi is silly, Birthday Fluff, Birthday, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke is Bad at Feelings (Bungou Stray Dogs), Rashomon | Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's Ability (Bungou Stray Dogs), Rashoumon gets the respect she deserves Language: English Stats: Published: 2023-07-19 Words: 2,103 Chapters: 1/1 Akutagawa's Birthday! by greenbriark1 Summary Despite the... unique taste, Akutagawa wholeheartedly felt it was one of the greatest things he'd ever put in his mouth. And that the sensation had absolutely nothing to do with the boy who'd delivered it. Notes Damn this took forever  pls lmk if anyone's ooc. Poor Kyouka has to watch Atsushi bake a cake for AKUTAGAWA. See the end of the work for more notes Atsushi sat at his desk in the Armed Detective Agency. Sipping from his glass of water, he stared at the newspapers, trying to find 'complicated murder cases' on Ranpo's request. “Hey, Atsushi!” Dazai called out, walking into the room. “Could you do something for me?” He turned around. “Oh, uh, yeah.. sure. What?” “I need you to pick up some stuff from the store for me. ”
... Why does it feel like this was something somebody else asked him to do... “Um.. alright, I guess. What do you need?” “Great, thanks! Here's a list!” He said cheerfully before tossing a piece of paper onto his desk and skipping off. Atsushi's eyes scanned the article. Milk, eggs, fruit... It was a pretty standard shopping list. Closing the newspaper and leaving it on his desk, he took the paper and left the Agency building. The stores he would need to go to for the trip were all within walking distance. It didn't take long before he arrived at the first stop. He walked in and looked at the different aisles, quickly gathering everything Dazai asked him to. “Alright.. the last thing I need from here..” Atsushi made his way to the milk. ! Was that.. Higuchi?! What was the Port Mafia doing here?!... Well.. probably shopping.. Honestly, Atsushi hadn't ever thought about the Port Mafia ever going grocery shopping, even though it was obviously a necessity. What do I do now? Just wait until she's done? He stood there, panicked, for a couple minutes. How long does it take to choose groceries?! A few seconds later, Higuchu finally turned around, having finally chosen what she wanted. “Hm..? Who's— The Detective Agency?!” Ah.. Atsushi's hair hadn't been fully concealed around the corner of the aisle. “..Uh.. no..” Atsushi mumbled, trying to get away. “What are you doing here?!” Higuchu asked as she rounded the corner. “Shopping! What else?!” “Then why were you watching me?!” “Also shopping! What else?!” “So if you knew shopping would be the only reason, why'd you ask me?!” “If you knew shopping was the only reason, why did you stalk me? ”
“... ” He couldn't really answer that. “..hm? What's all that in your cart?” Atsushi noticed the odd assortment of items in Higuchi's shopping cart, almost like they were for a celebration. “It's none of your business!” She said hotly. “... Okay..” “... ” “... ” The aisle was silent for about 15 seconds. “Well, fine! Since you're so insistent ('I didn't say anything... ' Atsuhi protested), it's for Akutagawa's birthday tomorrow!” “Akut— What?” “Yup! We've all finally convinced him to celebrate, so nothing will make me mess this up! It'll be utterly perfect!” She exclaims, looking very sure of herself. “..Alright... I'm gonna go get the milk now... ” Higuchi continued boasting in front of him, blocking poor Atsushi's path. “We've set it up at the park near the river tomorrow morning! He'll be so grateful to me after this-” Atsushi quietly snuck past her and went to grab the milk. She was still talking pridefully with her eyes closed, so he quickly took it and left before she noticed his disappearance, although for some reason he doubted she actually cared whether anyone was listening. Akutagawa's birthday, huh?... Maybe I should get him something. We are trying to form an alliance with the Port Mafia, after all... and, he's kept his promise... And, for a reason he couldn't quite explain, he was very eager to do this for the mafioso. Dazed, Atsushi went from store to store and bought everything on the list. And, well, as it happened... he just coincidentally ended up with extra ingredients to bake a cake. By this point, the sun was already setting. If he wanted to get this to Akutagawa, he'd have to make it pretty fast. Atsushi rushed back to his kitchen and got ready to bake. Only to remember he had no clue how. Crap. Alright.. who would have a cake recipe? Um... why do I feel like Dazai is the most likely option? Well, there was no harm in asking. Plus... he just realized... he forgot to give Dazai the groceries he bought, so he'd need to go find him anyway. He walked to the fourth floor, hoping the older man would still be there.
Thankfully, when he stepped in with the groceries, Dazai was sitting on a desk waiting for him. “Hey, Atsushi!” He called cheerfully. “That sure took a while. ” “Oh.. uh, yeah..” Awkwardly, he handed the bags to Dazai. “Hey, Dazai... do you, uh, happen to know any cake recipes?” “Nope!” “..oh. ” “Buuuut, I do have one on paper!” He said...then.. why didn't you just say that first... Dazai rummaged through the drawers in the desk. “Here!~” “Um. Thanks. Do you... always have that in there?” The only reply Atsushi got was his mentor's mysterious smile. Back in the kitchen, Atsushi stared at the paper. Okay.. so.. preheat the oven... Um. Probably like this... 3 cups of flour.. wait. I don't have measuring cups. ... This is probably enough... He tossed in more ingredients, guessing for the right amounts.... I get the feeling this isn't going to turn out so well.. Alright, grease two pans.. um, I think these are nine inches. Beat softened butter and sugar until fluffy.. at medium speed? Does the speed matter? What's considered medium?! Whatever, it'll probably be fine.. It can't possibly make that much of a difference. Wait, it says until fluffy, three to four minutes. Which is it?! I wasn't timing it! Okay, it's probably been three minutes now... but I don't think that's fluffy enough... maybe one more minute... wait no, I think it's good! Alright, adding the eggs, this is the easy part. Mix after each one.. okay, that's enough... Alright, now combine the dry ingredients together.. so, like, the flour, sugar, and baking powder? Hold on, it says gradually add the flour to the butter mixture 'alternatively with milk'... 'beginning and ending with flour mixture'. So, I don't add it to the dry ingredients? Nevermind, it says mixture, so I guess it means all the dry ingredients together.. but how do I begin and end with it? I
guess I just add half and half. Good, now the vanilla. Alright, I think that's it! Finally! Now, pour the batter into the pans, now time to bake. 28-30 minutes? Okay, I guess I'll leave it for 29. 'Until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean'.. I don't think I have any toothpicks. Oh, wait, I can use the very edge of a chopstick.. no, no, that's still way too thick... I'll just use one of the really thin knives. Atsushi set a timer for 29 minutes. He also proceeded to spend all 29 of those minutes staring intently at the oven. The exact moment it hit zero, he lunged at the oven and stopped it. Alright.. yeah, the knife came out clean! It's baked through! Now I just have to let the pans cool for ten minutes. Okay... now I have two very bland cakes. While he was at the stores, he had thankfully remembered to pick up chocolate cake frosting, though to be honest, he had no clue whether or not Akutagawa was a fan of chocolate, but he didn't really have another option. Atsushi spread both cakes out with chocolate frosting. Honestly, it didn't really make them look much better. Hmm. What else could I do... Ooh, I know! I'll add fruit! Which kinds, though? Uh.. maybe.. strawberries? Blackberries? Blueberries? Or just every fruit I can think of with berries in the name? After all, how does the saying go? “The more, the merrier!” and man does Akutagawa need some merry in his life. Atsushi opened the fridge and began grabbing fruit. He cut a few peaches into neat slices and chopped strawberries. He made a ring around the perimeter of both cakes with the peach slices and sprinkled them with blueberries. As the final detail, he spelled out “Happy Birthday” on both cakes, one which said “Akutagawa” and the other saying “Rashoumon” ('Who knows? Maybe Rashoumon is celebrating too!' Atsushi told himself) with sliced strawberries... perhaps slightly crooked. Well, these really do look better! It's basically perfect! I'll just leave these in the fridge overnight and then wait for him tomorrow! In good spirits, Atsushi finally left the kitchen. “Why were you baking?” “..?! Huh?!” He quickly spun around. Kyouka was standing at the door. “O-oh.. I just.. wanted to try it out. ” He mumbled. “... Then why does it say “Happy Birthday, Akutagawa... ?” “I wanted to try baking, for Akutagawa's birthday ,” he elaborated. “... ” “... ”
A mirror of early this morning, the silence lasts for about 15 seconds, although this time, Atsushi is the one to break it. “I'm, uh, going to go to sleep now... ” “... ” A bit confused and embarrassed, he slid past the silent girl and went to his room. “....Okay. ” She finally said, long after he was gone. Although it took Kyouka significantly longer, Atsushi fell peacefully asleep in no time at all. Despite the easy venture into sleep, he woke up incredibly early. Yawning, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked at the clock...Huh?! It's not even 5:00! He'd gone to bed... excited about something... but what? Oh, yeah! It's Akutagawa's birthday today! Maybe it was an omen he'd woken up so early. Now, without a doubt, he'd be there early enough to give him the cake before he was found. He quickly changed out of his sleeping clothes and got ready. Atsushi planned to sit at the designated spot and wait until he arrived, then surprise him. He quietly snuck into the kitchen, trying not to wake his roommate. Atsushi opened the refrigerator doors and grabbed both cakes, trying desperately to balance them. Crap.. I didn't think about dropping them. Plus, chances were, he wasn't getting a taxi at 4:00 am... so, he was stuck walking. Ah.. whatever... it's not that far. Sighing, Atsushi balanced both plates and began walking to the park. It took a while, especially with the agonizingly slow pace he had to take to make sure he didn't drop the cakes, but finally, finally he made it. Alright.. now I wait... for quite a while... Disheartened, he got ready to— Huh?! Is that... Akutagawa?! Why is he here already? *** (POV swap!) Akutagawa sat at the table, sun still low, and the sky still horribly dark. Even though he had no interest in a celebration, he still refused to be late. He'd already been waiting for almost an hour. That's why, when the first silhouette of a person appeared, he noticed it almost instantly. The
stature felt achingly familiar, but it still took a couple seconds before he realized who it was. “Weretiger?!” “Umm... ” “What are you doing here?!” For a few seconds, he stood awkwardly, seemingly frozen in place. “And what are those you're holding?!” Akutagawa continued. “O-oh... Um.. I.. wanted to make you a cake... for your birthday... ” As it happened, Atsushi was one of the only people ever to make Akutagawa go speechless. “You... what?” “Well... I heard it was your birthday... so I wanted to surprise you... ” He trailed off, then picked back up quickly, “Yeah, wait! How come you're here so early?!” “... I am always punctual. ” He replied, dead serious. “I thought this was supposed to be an enjoyable outing for you... ” “Why wouldn't it still be?” “... ” Atsushi stared at him oddly for a few seconds, then finally passed him the cakes “Well, here. Take these. ” Akutagawa accepted the gifts and laid them on the table. “... Why are there two?” A cute grin spread across his face. “One for Rashoumon, obviously!” “... Hm?” He asked, confused. “Well, it's Rashoumon's birthday, too! She can't just leave with nothing!” Akutagawa frowned. “I don't think Rashoumon eats cake. ” “She eats literal space! I'm sure she eats cake, too!” “... That's foolish. Rashoumon doesn't taste. ” “Oh, come on! You don't know that! You should at least let her taste... ” Atsushi caught Akutagawa glaring at him. “Umm... I'm going to go now... have fun..?”
He happily skipped off into the distance. Akutagawa watched him for a long time, and even after he faded from sight, he stared at the spot he'd last been. For ten minutes, he didn't do anything. Then, slowly, he picked up a fork and began to try the cake. Beside him, Rashoumon was happily munching on hers. Despite the... unique taste, Akutagawa wholeheartedly felt it was one of the greatest things he'd ever put in his mouth. And that the sensation had absolutely nothing to do with the boy who'd delivered it. End Notes Higuchi single-handedly carried this fic?? (Her simping is actually a cover for her die-hard shinsoukoku believing) Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!