635. 9er future advantage may come from a fall. So offer your hands to those who fall, because you do not know whether that fall is the resolutive crisis of an illness that dies forever, leaving in the blood a purification that brings about health. In our case: that brings about holiness. Be instead severe with those who have no respect for My Blood, and with their souls just cleansed by the divine bath, throw themselves into filth one and one hundred times. Do not curse them, but be severe, exhort them, reproach them seven­ ty times seven, and have recourse to the extreme punishment of cutting them off from the chosen people, only when their ob­ stinacy in a fault that scandalises the brothers, compels you to take action in order not to become accomplices of their deeds. Remember what I said: “If your brother has sinned, correct him between your two selves. If he does not listen to you, correct him in the presence of two or three witnesses. If that is not sufficient, inform the Church. If he does not listen even to the Church, con­ sider him as a Gentile and. a publican”. 9In the Mosaic religion matrimony is a contract*. In the new Christian religion let it be a sacred indissoluble act, on which may the grace of the Lord descend to make of husband and wife two ministers of His in the propagation of the human race. From the very first moments try to advise the consort belong­ ing to the new religion to convert the consort, who is still out of the number of the believers, to enter and become part of it, to avoid those painful divisions of thought, and consequently of peace, that we have noticed also among ourselves. But when it is a question of believers in the Lord, for no reason whatsoever what God united is to be dissolved. And when a consort is Chris­ tian and is united to a heathen, I advice that consort to bear his/ her cross with patience, meekness and also with strength, to the extent of dying to defend his/her faith, but without leaving the consort whom he/she married with full consent. This is My ad­ vice for a more perfect life in the matrimonial state, until it will be possible, with the diffusion of Christianity, to have marriages between believers. Then let the bond be sacred and indissoluble, and the love holy. * is a contract, as in Tobit 7: 14. 416
It would be bad, if owing to the hardness of, what happened in the old faith should happen also in the new one: the authori­ zation of repudiation and dissolution to avoid scandal created by the lust of man. I solemnly tell you that everybody must bear his cross in every state, also in the matrimonial one. And I also sol­ emnly tell you that no pressure is to subdue your authority in saying: “It is against the law” to those who want to marry for the second time before one of the consorts is dead. It is better, I tell you, that a putrid part breaks off, by itself or followed by others, rather than to keep it in the Body of the Church, grant it something contrary to the holiness of marriage, scandalising the humble and making them express thoughts unfavourable to sac­ erdotal integrity and on the value of wealth and power. Marriage is a serious and holy act. And to prove that, I took part at a wedding and I worked My first miracle there. But woe if it degenerates into lust and whim. Let marriage, the natural contract between man and woman, be elevated to a spiritual contract, by which the souls of two people who love each other swear to serve the Lord in reciprocal love, offered to the Lord in obedience to His order of procreation to give children to the Lord. 10And also... James, do you remember the conversation on 635. 10 Mount Carmel? Since that time I have spoken to you about this. But the others do not know... You saw Mary of Lazarus spread ointment on My limbs at the supper of the Sabbath at Bethany*. I then said to you: “She has prepared Me for My burial”. In actu­ al fact she did. Not for My burial, because she thought that that sorrow was still far away, but to purify and embalm My limbs from all the impurities of the road, so that I might ascend the throne scented with balsamic oil. The life of man is a road. The entry of man into the next life ought to be an entry into the Kingdom. Every king is anointed and perfumed before ascending his throne and showing himself to his people. Also the Christian is the son of a king, and he goes along his road, directing his steps towards the kingdom where the Father calls him. The death of a Christian is nothing but the entry into the Kingdom to ascend the throne that the Father has ___________ * conversation on Mount Carmel, in 258; at the supper of the Sabbath at Bethany, in 586. 6/8. 417
prepared for him. Death is not frightful for him who is not afraid of God, knowing that he is in His grace. But let the garment of him who is to ascend the throne be purified of all rubbish, so that it may be preserved beautiful for the resurrection, and let his spirit be purified, so that it may shine on the throne that the Father has prepared for him and he may appear in the dignity befitting a son of such a great king. Let the unction given to dying Christians, or rather, to Christians being born, because I solemnly tell you that he who dies in the Lord is born to the eternal life, let that unction be an increase of Grace, the annulment of sins of which the man is fully repentant, the exciter of fervent yearning for Good, the giver of strength for the supreme struggle. Repeat the gesture of Mary on the bodies of the chosen ones. And let no one deem it unworthy of him. I accepted that balsam­ ic oil from a woman. Every Christian should consider himself honoured by it, as a supreme grace of the Church whose son he is, and should accept it from the priest to be cleansed of the last stains. And every priest ought to be happy to repeat on the body of his dying brother, the gesture of love that Mary made on the suffering Christ. I truly tell you that what you did not do to Me then, letting a woman exceed you, and now you think of it with so much regret, you can do in future and for as many times as you will bend over one who is dying to prepare him to his meeting with God. I am in beggars and in dying people, in pilgrims, in or­ phans, in widows, in prisoners, in those who are hungry, thirsty or cold, in who is grieved or tired. I am in all the members of My mystic Body, which is the union of all My believers. Love Me in them and you will make amends for your indifference on so many occasions, giving great joy to Me and so much glory to yourselves. 11Finally, consider that the world, age, diseases, time, per­ secutions conspire against you. Therefore do not be avaricious with what you have received and do not be imprudent. For this reason transmit the Priesthood in My Name to the best disciples, so that the Earth may not be left without priests. And ensure that the sacred character is granted after a severe examination, not verbal, but of the deeds of him who asks to be a priest, or of him whom you judge suitable to be one. Consider what is a Priest. The good he can do. The evil he can do. You have had the example of what can be done by a priest who 418635. 11
has lapsed from his sacred character. I truly tell you that this country will be dispersed because of the sins of the Temple. But I also truly tell you that also the Earth will be destroyed when the abomination of desolation* will affect the new Priesthood, by leading men to apostasy in order to embrace the doctrines of hell. Then the son of Satan will arise and peoples will moan in dreadful fright, as only few will remain faithful to the Lord, and also then, after horrible convulsions, the end will come after the victory of God and of His few Chosen ones, and the wrath of God on all the cursed ones. Woe, three times woe if for those few there will still be no saints, the last pavilions of the Temple of Christ! Woe, three times woe, if to comfort the last Christians, there will be no true Priests, as there will be for the first ones. Really the last persecution will be horrible, as it will not be the persecution of men but of the son of Satan and of his fol­ lowers. Priests? Those of the last hour will have to be more than priests, so wild will be the persecution of the hordes of the An­ tichrist. Like the man dressed in linen, who is so holy as to be beside the Lord, **in the vision of Ezekiel, they will have to be untiring in marking a Tau with their perfection on the spirits of the few faithful ones, so that the flames of mayhem do not cancel that sign. Priests? Angels. Angels swinging the thurible of the incenses of their virtues to purify the air of the miasmata of Sa­ tan. Angels? More than angels: other Christs, others Myself, so that the believers of the last times may be able to persevere until the end. That is what they will have to be. 12But future good and evil have roots in the present. Ava­ 635. 12 lanches begin with a snowflake. A priest who is unworthy, im­ pure, heretic, unfaithful, incredulous, tepid or cold, dull, insip­ id, lustful, does ten times as much harm as a believer guilty of the same sins, and he drags many more to commit sin. Laxity in the Priesthood, the reception of impure doctrines, selfishness, greed, concupiscence in the Priesthood, you are aware of the re­ sult of all that: deicide. Now, in future ages, the Son of God can no longer be killed, but the faith in God, the idea of God, can. So a deicide will be accomplished, which is even more irreparable, because it is without resurrection. Oh! it can be accomplished, * abomination of desolation, in Daniel 9: 27; 11: 31; 12: 11. ** vision, in Ezekiel 9: 2. 3. 11 ; 10: 2. 6. 7. 419
635. 13yes. I see... It will be possible to accomplish it, because of the too many Judases of Kerioth of future ages. How horrible!... My Church demolished by its own ministers! While I support it with the help of victims. And they, the Priests, who will have only the garment and not the soul of a Priest, who help the ebul­ lition of the waves agitated by the infernal Snake against your boat, Peter. Stand up! Rise! Transmit this order to your succes­ sors: “Hands on the rudder, the lash on the shipwrecked people who wanted to be shipwrecked, and try to founder the boat of God”. Strike, but save and proceed. Be severe, because just is the punishment for marauders. Defend the treasure of the faith. Hold the lamp aloft, like a lighthouse above the rough sea, so that those who follow your boat may see and not perish. Shep­ herd and pilot for the dreadful times, gather, guide, hold My Gospel high, because safety is found in it and in no other sc ience. 13The days will come when, as it happened to us in Israel, but even more deeply, the Priesthood will think it is a chosen class, because it knows the superfluous and does not know the indis­ pensable any longer, or is aware of it in the deaf form in which the Priests now know the Law: in its garment, exaggeratedly overburdened with fringes, but not in its spirit. The days will come when all the books will replace the Book, and this will be used only as one who must use an object by force, handles it me­ chanically, as a peasant ploughs, sows, harvests, without medi­ tating on the wonderful providence which is that multiplication of seeds that is renewed each year: a seed is thrown into turned soil and it becomes stalk, ear of corn, then flour and then bread through God's paternal love. Who, putting a mouthful of bread in his mouth, raises his spirit to Him Who created the first seed and for ages has made it spring up again and grow, giving the right quantity of rain and heat, so that it may open and grow and ripen without rotting or getting burnt? Likewise the time will come when the Gospel will be taught scientifically w ell, spiritu­ ally badly. Now, what is science if it lacks wisdom? It is straw. Straw that fills and does not nourish. And I truly tell you that the time will come in which too many among the Priests will be like swollen straw-stacks, proud straw-stacks, that will stand up straight in 420
the pride of being so swollen, as if they had given themselves all those ears of wheat that crowned the straw, as if the ears were still on the summits of the straw, and will think that they are everything because, instead of the handful of wheat, the true nourishment that is the spirit of the Gospel, they will have all that straw: a heap! A heap! But can straw be enough? It is not even sufficient for the stomach of a beast of burden, and if its master does not strengthen the animal with fodder and fresh herbs, the beast of burden nourished only with straw wastes away and may even die. And yet I tell you that the time will come when the Priests, forgetting that with few ears of wheat I taught spirits the Truth, and forgetting also what it cost their Lord that true bread of the spirit, drawn completely and only from the Divine Wisdom, spo­ ken by the Divine Word, dignified in its doctrinal form, inde­ fatigable in its repetitions, so that the truth spoken should not get lost, humble in its form, without the false glitter of human sciences, without historical or geographical completions, will not take care of its soul, but of the garment to be thrown on it, to show the crowds how many things they know, and the spirit of the Gospel will get lost in them, under avalanches of human science. And if they do not possess it, how can they transmit it? What will these swollen straw-stacks give the believers? Straw. What nourishment will the spirits of the believers get from it? Enough to lead a wretched languishing life. Which fruit will ripen from such teaching and from this imperfect knowledge of the Gospel? The coolness of hearts, the replacement of the only true doctrine with heretical doctrines, with doctrines and ideas that are more than heretical, the preparation of the ground in favour of the Beast for his transient icy dark horrible kingdom. I truly tell you that, as the Father and Creator multiplies the stars so that the sky may not become depopulated because of those that perish, when their lives end, likewise I shall have to evangelize thousands of times the disciples that I will scatter among men in future ages. And I also truly tell you that the des­ tiny of these disciples will be the same as Mine: the synagogue and proud people will persecute them as they persecuted Me. But both they and I have our reward: that of doing the Will of God and serving Him even to death on a cross, so that His glory 421
may shine and the knowledge of Him may not perish. 14But you, Pontiff, and you, Shepherds, watch that the spirit of the Gospel may not get lost in you and in your successors, and pray the Holy Spirit untiringly that the Pentecost may be con­ tinually renewed in you-you do not understand what I mean, but you will soon know-so that you may understand all the lan­ guages and choose and distinguish My voices from those of the Monkey of God: Satan. And do not allow My future voices to be­ come void. And each of them is an act of mercy of Mine to assist you, and the more are the reasons by which I see that Christian­ ity needs them to get through the storms of times, the more nu­ merous they will be. Shepherd and pilot, Peter! Shepherd and pilot. It will not be sufficient for you one day to be shepherd if you are not pilot, and to be pilot if you are not shepherd. You will have to be both to keep the lambs gathered together, as hellish tentacles and fierce claws will try to snatch them from you, or music of false impos­ sible promises will seduce you, and to proceed with the boat caught in all the winds blowing from the north, south, east and west, lashed and tossed by the powers of the depths, hit by the arrows shot by the archers of the Beast, burnt by the breath of the dragon, with its edges swept by its tail, so that the imprudent ones will be burnt and will perish, falling into the stormy sea. Shepherd and pilot in dreadful times. And your compass is the Gospel. In it there is Life and Safety. And everything is said in it. Every article of the holy Code, every answer for the man­ ifold cases of souls are in it. And ensure that Priests and be­ lievers do not depart from it, and that no doubts arise about it. And take care that no alterations, changes and adulterations are made to it. The Gospel is I Myself. From My birth to My death. In the Gospel there is God. Because the works of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit are manifest in it. The Gospel is love. I said: “My Word is Life”. I said: “God is Love”. So let people know My Word and have love in them, that is, God, to have the Kingdom of God. Because he who is not in God, does not have the Life in him. Because those who do not receive the Word of the Father will not be able to be one thing with the Father, with Me and with the Holy Spirit in Heaven, and they will not be 422635. 14
able to belong to the only Fold, which is as holy as I want it. They will not be vine-shoots joined to the Vine, because he who, wholly or partly, rejects My Word is a member in whom the sap of the Vine no longer flows. My Word is juice that nourishes, makes one grow and yield fruit. 15You will do all that in memory of Me, as I taught you. There is still much that I should tell you about what I have now said to you. But I have only sown the seed. The Holy Spirit will make it sprout in you. I wanted to give you the seed Myself, because I know your hearts and I know how you would falter with fear at spiritual, non-material orders. The fear of deceit would par­ alyse all will in you. So I am the first to speak to you of all things. Then the Paraclete will remind you of My words and will enlarge on them in detail. And you will not be afraid, be­ cause you will remember that I gave you the first seed. Allow yourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit. If My hand was kind in guiding you, His Light is very mild. He is the Love of God. So I am going away happy, because I know that He will take My place and will lead you to the knowledge of God. You do not know Him yet, although I have said so much to you about Him. But it is not your fault. You have done everything to un­ derstand Me and you are therefore justified, even if in three years you have understood little. The lack of Grace dulled your spirits. Even now you understand little, notwithstanding that the Grace of God descended upon you from My cross. You are in need of the Fire. One day I spoke* to one of you about it, while going along the roads near the Jordan. The hour has come. I am going back to My Father, but I am not leaving you all alone, because I leave you the Eucharist, that is, your Jesus made food for men. And I leave you the Friend: the Paraclete. He will guide you. I pass your souls from My light to His Light, and He will accomplish your formation. » 16«Are You leaving us now? Upon this mountain? » They are all desolate. «No. Not yet. But time flies and it will soon be that moment. » «Oh! do not leave me on the Earth without You, Lord. I have loved You from Your birth to Your Death, from Your Death to * I spoke, in 361. 5. 635. 15 635. 16 423
635. 17Your Resurrection, and always. But it would be too sad to know that You are no longer among us! You heard the prayer of Eli­ sha's father. You have satisfied so many. Hear mine, Lord! » im­ plores Isaac on his knees with his hands stretched out. «The life you could still have would be a sermon on Me, per­ haps the glory of martyrdom. You have been a martyr out of love for Me, a baby, are you now afraid of being one for Me glorious? » «It would be my glory to follow You, Lord. I am poor and fool­ ish. What I could give, I gave with a goodwill. Now this is what I would like: to follow You. But let it be done as You wish, now and always. » Jesus lays His hand on Isaac's head, and leaves it there on a long caress, while He addresses them all saying: «Have you no questions to ask Me? These are the last lessons. Speak to your Master... See how the little ones are on familiar terms with Me? » In fact also today Marjiam leans his head on Jesus' body, press­ ing himself against Him, and Isaac did not show any shyness in expressing his wish. «Really... Yes... We have something to ask... » says Peter. «Ask then. » 17«Well... Yesterday evening, after You left us, we were talk­ ing among ourselves of what You had said. Now other words are urging us with regard to what You have said. Yesterday and al­ so today, if one considers them properly, You have spoken as if heresies and separations were to arise, and soon. This makes us think that we shall have to be very prudent with those who will want to come among us. Because the seed of heresy and separa­ tion will certainly be in them. » «Do you think so? And is Israel not already divided in coming to Me? You mean this: that the Israel, that loved Me, will never be heretical and divided. Is that right? But has she ever been united for ages, even in the ancient formation? And has she been united in following Me? I truly tell you that the root of heresy is in her. » «But.. » «But she has been idolatrous and heretical for ages under the outer appearance of faithfulness. You know her idols. And her heresies. The Gentiles will be better than she is. That is why I have not excluded them, and I tell you to do what I have done. That will be one of the most difficult things for you. I know. 424
But remember the prophets. They prophesy the vocation of the Gentiles and the hardness of the Judaeans*. Why would you like to close the gates of the Kingdom to those who love Me and come to the Light that their souls were seeking? Do you think that they are bigger sinners than you, because they have not known God as yet, because they have followed their religion and they will follow it until they are attracted by ours? You must not. I say that many a time they are better than you because, while they have a religion that is not holy, they know how to be just. There is no lack of just people in any country and religion. God ob­ serves the deeds of men, not their words. And if He sees that a Gentile, out of the justice of his heart, according to nature does what the Law of Sinai prescribes, why should He consider him contemptible? Is it not more meritorious that a man, who does not know God's command not to do this or that because it is evil, should take upon himself not to do what his reason tells him is not good and should follow it faithfully, than the very relative merit of him who, knowing God, the scope of man and the Law that enables him to attain it, comes to continuous compromises and designs, in order to adapt the perfect order to a corrupt will? What do you think? That God appreciates the ways out of obedi­ ence devised by Israel in order not to sacrifice her concupiscence too much? What do you think? That when a Gentile departs from this world, and is just in the eyes of God as he has followed the right law that his conscience imposed on itself, God will consid­ er him a demon? I tell you: God will judge the actions of men, and the Christ, the Judge of all peoples, will reward those to whom the desire of their souls was a voice of an intimate law to attain the final scope of man, which is to be reunited to his Creator, to the God unknown to the heathens, but to the God Who they feel is True and Holy, beyond the painted scenery of any false Olym­ pus. 18Even more, pay attention not to be the cause of scandal to the Gentiles. Too often the name of God has already been derid­ * They prophesy the vocation of the Gentiles for example in: Isaiah 45: 14-17; 49: 5- 6; 55: 5; 60; Jeremiah 16: 19-21; Micah 4: 1-2; Zephaniah 3: 9-10; Zechariah 8: 20- 23; and the hardness of the Judaeans for example in: Exodus 32: 7-10; 33: 5; 34: 8; Deuteronomy 9: 1-14; 31: 24-27; 2 Chronicles 30: 7-8; 36: 14-16; Jeremiah 3: 6-25; 4: 1-4; 7; 21-28; Ezekiel 2: 3-8; 3: 4-9; 6: 11-14; 7: 15-27; 8; 11: 2-12; 20; 22. Already in chapter 177. 4. 635. 18 425
ed among the Gentiles because of the deeds of the children of the people of God. Do not consider yourselves the absolute treasur­ ers of My gifts and of My merits. I died for the Judaeans and for the Gentiles. My Kingdom will belong to all peoples. Do not take advantage of the patience with which God has treated you so far, by saying: “We are allowed everything”. No. I tell you. There is no longer this or that people. There is My People. And in it the vases used up in the service of the Temple and those that are now being laid on the tables of God have the same value. And more than that, many vases used up in the service of the Temple, but not of God, will be thrown into a corner, and in their stead on the altar will be placed those that do not yet know incense, oil, wine or balm, but are anxious to be filled with them and to be used for the glory of the Lord. Do not demand too much of the Gentiles. It is enough for them to have faith and to obey My Word. A new circumcision replaces the old one. Man is to be circumcised in his heart, from now on; in his spirit, even better than in his heart, because the blood of the circumcised, symbolising the purification from the concu­ piscence that excluded Adam from the divine filiation, has been replaced by My most pure Blood. It is valid both for those who are circumcised and for those who are uncircumcised in their bodies, providing the latter have received My Baptism and they renounce Satan, the world, the flesh, out of love for Me. Do not despise the uncircumcised. God did not despise Abraham. Be­ cause of his justice God chose him* as the head of His People even before circumcision had bitten his flesh. If God approached Abraham uncircumcised, to give him His orders, you can ap­ proach the uncircumcised to teach them the Law of the Lord. Consider to how many sins and to what sin the circumcised have come. So do not be inexorable towards the Gentiles. » «But shall we have to tell them what You taught us? They will not understand anything, because they do not know the Law. » «You say so. But did Israel, who knew the Law and the Proph­ ets, understand? » «That is true. » «But be careful. You will say what the Spirit advises you to * chose him, for instance in: Genesis 12: 1-3. 7. 426
say, verbally, without any fear, without wanting to do it by your­ selves. 19When false prophets arise among the believers, and they profess their ideas as if they were inspired, and they are the her­ etics, then you will have to fight their heretical doctrines with means firmer than words. But do not worry. The Holy Spirit will guide you. I never say anything that may not happen. » «And what shall we do with heretics? » «Fight the heresy itself with all your strength, but with eve­ ry means try to convert the heretics to the Lord. Never get tired in looking for the sheep that have gone astray in order to take them back to the Fold. Pray, suffer, get people to pray, to suffer, go around begging the pure, the good, the generous believers for sacrifices and sufferings, because these are the means to convert your brothers. The Passion of Christ continues in Christians. I have not excluded you from this great work, which is the Re­ demption of the world. You are all members of one single body. Help one another, and let those who are strong and healthy work for the weaker ones, and those who are united stretch out their hands and call their brothers who are far away. » «But will there be any, after they have been brothers in one house? » «There will be some. » «Why? » «For so many reasons. They will still have My Name. And what is even more, they will take pride in that Name. They will work to make it known. They will help in making Me known as far as the extreme boundaries of the Earth. Let them do, be­ cause, I remind you, who is not against Me is for Me. But, poor children! their work will always be incomplete, their merits al­ ways imperfect. They cannot be in Me if they are separated from the Vine. Their works will always be incomplete. You, I say you, referring to your future successors, must be where they are. Do not say pharisaically: “I am not going in order not to be contami­ nated”. Or lazily: “I am not going, because there already is who preaches the Lord”. Or timidly: “I am not going in order not to be driven away by them”. Go. I tell you: Go. To all peoples. As far as the boundaries of the world. So that all My Doctrine and My Only Church may be made known and souls may be able to be­ come part of it. »635. 19 427
635. 20«And shall we tell them or write all your actions? » «I have told you. The Holy Spirit will advise you what it is right to say or be quiet about, according to the times. You can see it! What I have done is believed or denied, and at times is used as a weapon against Me, manipulated as it is by hands that hate Me. They have called Me Beelzebub when, as the Master, I worked miracles in the presence of everybody. And what will they say now, when they learn that I have acted in such a supernatural manner? They will curse Me even more. And you would be perse­ cuted before the time. So be silent until it is the time to speak. » 20«But if that hour should come when we, the witnesses, are dead? » «In My Church there will always be priests, doctors, proph­ ets, exorcizers, confessors, people who work miracles or are inspired, as is necessary so that peoples may have from the Church what is necessary. Heaven: the Church Triumphant will not leave the Church Teaching all alone, and the latter will assist the Church Militant. They are not three bodies. They are only one Body. There is no division among them, but commun­ ion of love and of purpose: to love Charity and enjoy it in Heav­ en, its Kingdom. And for this reason the Church Militant will have to provide with love for the suffrages on behalf of that part of it which, already destined to the Church Triumphant, is still excluded from it, because of the satisfactory expiation of faults absolved but not entirely expiated with regard to the Perfect Divine Justice. In the mystic Body everything is to be done in love and through love. Because love is the blood that circulates in it. Assist your brothers who are being purified. As I said that the works of corporal mercy achieve a reward for you, in Heaven, so I told you that also the spiritual ones achieve it for you. And I truly tell you that a prayer for the souls of the dead, that they may enter into peace, is a great work of mercy, for which God will bless you and the souls for whom you have prayed will be grateful. When, at the resurrection of the bodies, you are all gathered before Christ Judge, among those whom I will bless, there will be also those who showed love for their brothers who were being purified, making offerings and pray­ ing for their peace. I tell you. Not one of the good actions will be left without fruit, and many will shine brightly in Heaven, 428
without having preached, administered, made apostolic jour­ neys, embraced special states, but only because they prayed and suffered to give peace to the souls that were being purified, to lead men to conversion. They also, priests unknown to the world, unknown apostles, victims whom God alone sees, will receive the reward of the workers of the Lord, as of their lives they made a perpetual sacrifice of love for their brothers and for the glory of God. I truly tell you that one can arrive at eter­ nal life along many ways, and this is one of them, and it is so dear to My Heart. 21Have you anything else to ask? Speak up. » «Lord, yesterday and not only yesterday, we were thinking that You said: “You will sit on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel”. But now we are eleven... » «Elect the twelfth. It is your duty, Peter, to do so. » «Mine? Not mine, Lord! I ask You to choose him. » «I elected My Twelve once and I formed them. Then I appoint­ ed their chief. Then I gave them Grace and I infused the Holy Spirit into them. It is their turn now to walk, because they are no longer babies unweaned unable to do so. » «But at least tell us where we are to lay our eyes... » «Here you are. This is the chosen part of the herd» says Jesus, making a circular gesture on those of the seventy-two who are present. «Not us, Lord. Not us. The place of the traitor frightens us» they say imploringly. «Let us take Lazarus. Do You agree, Lord? » Jesus is silent. «Joseph of Arimathea?.. Nicodemus?.. » Jesus is silent. «Yes! Let us take Lazarus. » «And do you want to give the perfect friend that place that you do not want? » asks Jesus. «Lord, I should like to say something» says the Zealot. «Speak. » «I am sure that Lazarus for Your sake would accept also that place and would hold it in such a perfect manner as to make peo­ ple forget whose place that was. But I do not think it is befit­ ting to do so for other reasons. Lazarus' spiritual virtues can be found in many among the humble people of Your flock. And I635. 21 429
think that it would be better to give them the preference, so that the believers may not say that we sought only power and wealth, as the Pharisees do, instead of virtue only. » «You are right, Simon. And what you said is so much more true, as you have spoken with justice, without letting Lazarus' friendship prevent you from speaking. » «Then let us appoint Marjiam as twelfth apostle. He is a boy. » «In order to cancel that horrible empty space, I would accept it, but I am not worthy of it. How could I, a boy, speak to an adult? Lord, You must say whether I am right. » «You are right. But do not be in a hurry. The time will come and you will be surprised at all being of the same opinion. Pray, in the meantime. I am going away. Withdraw to pray. I dismiss you for the time being. Ensure that you are all at Bethany on the fourteenth of Civ. » He stands up, while they all kneel down prostrating them­ selves with their faces on the grass. He blesses them and the light, the maid who announces Him and precedes Him when He comes as she receives Him when He departs, embraces Him and hides Him, absorbing Him once again. 636. The supplementary Passover. 23rd April 1947. 1Jesus' order has been carried out to the letter, this time, and Bethany is crowded with disciples. Meadows, paths, orchards, Lazarus' olive-groves are full of them and as they are not suf­ ficient to hold so many people, who do not want to damage the property of Jesus' friend, many of them have spread out also among the olive groves that are between Bethany and Jerusalem along the roads of the Mount of Olives. Closer to the house are the disciples of early days, many others are farther away. Faces not well known or completely unknown. But who can now recognise so many faces and mention their names? I think there are hun­ dreds of them. Now and again, in the medley, a face or a name reminds me of faces seen among those helped and converted by Jesus, even at the last hour. But it is beyond my capability to re­ member so many faces and names, and to recognise them all. It 430
would be the same as if one expected me to recognise who was among the people that crowded the streets in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday or on Good Friday, or covered Calvary with a carpet of faces, most of which were drawn with hatred. The apostles go in and out from Simon's house, moving around the people to keep them quiet or to reply to their questions. Al­ so Lazarus and Maximinus help them. At the upper-floor bal­ cony windows of Simon's house one can see all the faces of the women disciples appear and disappear: grey-haired or brown­ haired heads, among which shine the fair-haired heads of Mary of Lazarus and of Aurea. Now and again one comes out, looks and withdraws. They are all there, really all of them, the young ones and the old ones, also those who had never come, such as Sarah of Aphek. On the terrace many children are playing, those gathered by Sarah, the grandchildren of Anne of Merom, Mary and Matthias, the little boy Shalem, who was crippled and was the grandchild of Nahum and who is now happy and healthy, and some more. A flock of happy little birds, watched over by Mar­ jiam and by other young disciples, such as the little shepherd of Enon and Jaia of Pella. Among the children I now see also the lit­ tle boy of Sidon, who was blind. It is obvious that he was brought by his father. 2The sun is beginning to set in a very bright clear sky. Peter consults with Lazarus and with his companions. «I think that it is better to dismiss the people. What do you say? He will not come today either. And many of these people have to consume the little Passover this evening» says Peter. «Yes. It is better to dismiss them. Perhaps the Lord has wisely decided not to come today. All those of the Temple have gathered in Jerusalem. I do not know how they heard that He was coming and... » says Lazarus. «And even so? What can they do to Him any more? » says Thaddeus vehemently. «You are forgetting that they are they. And these words of mine say everything. Even if they can do Him no harm, they can do a lot of harm to these people who have come to worship Him. And the Lord does not want to damage His believers. And then! Do you think that they, blinded by their sin and their thought, which is always the same one, among the contrasting ideas in636. 2 431
636. 3their heads, do not also have the idea that the Lord has risen, that is, that He never died and He came out from there like one who awakes by himself or with the complicity of many? You do not know what wild confusion of thoughts, what entanglement, what storm of suppositions is in their minds. They have created it all in order not to admit the truth. We can really say that those who were accomplices yesterday are divided today, for the same cause that previously kept them joined together. And some peo­ ple have been seduced by their ideas. See? Some are no longer among the disciples... » says Lazarus. «And let them go! Other better ones have come. Certainly, those who have informed the Sanhedrin that the Lord will be here on the fourteenth day of the second month, are to be looked for among those who have gone away. And after the delation they no longer have the courage to come. Come on! Stop it! Enough of traitors! » says Bartholomew. «We shall always have some, my dear friend! Man!... He yields too easily to impressions and to pressures. But we must not be afraid. The Lord said that we must not be afraid» says the Zealot. «And we are not afraid. A few days ago we were still fright­ ened. Do you remember? I, as far as I am concerned, was afraid when I thought of coming back here. Now I no longer seem to be so frightened. But I do not trust myself too much, and you as well ought not to trust your Cephas too much. I have already proved once that I am made of clay that crumbles, instead of being of solid granite. 3Well, let us dismiss these people. It is your duty, Lazarus. » «No, Simon Peter. It is yours. You are the chief... » says La­ zarus kindly, embracing Peter's shoulder with his arm and push­ ing him thus towards the staircase and up it, as far as the terrace surrounding Simon's house. Peter makes a gesture meaning that he wants to speak and the people nearby become silent and those farther away move towards him. Peter waits until most of them are near him, then he says: «Men from every part of Israel, listen. I exhort you to go back to town. The sun has already begun to set. So, go. If He comes, we will let you know at all costs. God be with you. » He withdraws, going into an airy room where, around the 432
Blessed Virgin, there are all the more faithful women disciples and also other women who loved the Lord as their Master, al­ though they never followed Him on His pilgrimages. And Peter goes and sits in a corner, looking at Mary Who smiles at him. The people, outside, slowly part into two groups: that of those who remain and that of those who go back to town. Voices of adults calling the children, the shrill voices of children replying to them. Then the buzzing noise subsides. «And now» says Peter «we will go as well. » «Father, but the Lord said that He would come!... » «Eh! I know! But, as you can see, He has not come. And this is the day He prescribed... » 4«Yes, and my brother has already prepared everything for you, and here is Mark of Jonas, who has come to take you there and open the gate to you. But I am coming as well. We are all coming. Lazarus has provided for everybody» says Mary of Magdala. «And where can we consume the supper with so many peo­ ple? » «Gethsemane itself will be the Supper room. Inside the house, the room for those who Jesus said. Outside, near the house, the tables for the others. That is what He wanted. » «Who? Lazarus? » «The Lord. » «The Lord? But when did He come? » «He came... What does it matter to you when? He came and He spoke to Lazarus. » 5«I think that He will come, and even more, that He has come to each of us, even if none of us say so, keeping that joy as his dearest pearl, that he is even afraid to show, fearing it may lose its most beautiful light. The secrets of the King! » says Bartholomew, and he looks at the group of the virgin dis­ ciples, whose faces blush as if the beams of the setting sun set them aflame. But it is a spiritual flame of intense joy that lights them. Mary, the Virgin of the virgins, all white in Her linen dress, a lily dressed in white, lowers Her head smiling, without speak­ ing. How much She resembles, at this moment, the young Virgin of the Annunciation!636. 4 636. 5 433
636. 6«Certainly... He will not leave us all alone, even if He does not appear visibly. I say that it is He Who puts certain thoughts in my poor heart and even more in my poor mind... » admits Matthew. The others do not speak... They look at one another while they put on their mantles, scrutinising one another. But the very care with which some cover their faces as much as possible, to keep concealed the wave of spiritual joy enlivened by the recollection of the divine secret meetings, reveal them as the most favoured ones. «Well, say so! » exclaim the others. «We are not jealous! We are not so intrusive as to want to know. But we shall be com­ forted by the hope that we shall not be deprived of His sight for good! Remember the words* of Raphael to Tobias: “It is certain­ ly right to keep the secret of the king, but it is more honourable to reveal and publish the works of God”. The angel of God is right! Keep the secret of the words He has given you, but disclose His continuous love for us. » James of Alphaeus looks at Mary, as if he wished to be en­ lightened by Her, and realising by Her smile that She agrees, he says: «It is true. I have seen the Lord. » Nothing else. And he is the only one to say so. The other two, who have covered them­ selves carefully, do not utter one word. 6They all go out and in groups, the eleven ahead, then Lazarus with his sisters and the women disciples around Mary, last the shepherds and many of the seventy-two disciples. They set out towards Jerusalem along the upper road that takes one to the Mount of Olives. The children who have stayed run backwards and forwards happily. Mark shows them a path that avoids the Field of the Galileans and the busier areas and goes directly to the new enclosure of the Garden of Gethsemane. He opens, lets them pass, and closes. Many disciples whisper to one another and some go to ask the apostles, and John in particular, questions. But they make a ges­ ture to wait, as it is not yet the time to do what they ask, and they all remain quiet. How much peace in the vast olive-grove, still kissed by the last sunbeams in the upper part, whereas the lower ones are al­ * words, in: Tobit 12: 7. 434
ready in the shade! A light rustling of the wind among the silver- green leaves and the cheerful chirping of birds greeting the dy­ ing day. 7Here is the little house of the keeper. On the terrace, which is its roof, Lazarus has had a number of tents put up, so that the terrace has changed into an aerial supper room for the disciples who were not able to consume the Passover the previous month. Downstairs, on the very clean threshing-floor, there are more tables. In the house, in the best room, is the table for the women disciples. The roasted lambs, lettuce, unleavened bread and the reddish sauce are brought to the various tables of those who have not cel­ ebrated the Passover, and the ritual chalice is placed on the ta­ bles. But on the table of the women there is no chalice, but as many cups as the people sitting at the table. The women were ob­ viously exempted from that part of the ceremony. On the table of those who have consumed the Passover at the proper time there is the lamb, but there is no unleavened bread and no lettuce with reddish sauce. Lazarus and Maximinus supervise everything. And Lazarus bends over Peter to tell him something that makes the chief Apostle shake his head violently in obstinate denial. «And yet... it is your duty» says Philip, who is beside him. But Peter points at James of Alphaeus: «It is his duty. » 8While they are discussing so, the Lord appears at the be­ ginning of the threshing-floor and says the greeting: «Peace to you. » They all stand up and the noise warns the women of what is happening. They are on the point of going out, but Jesus enters the house greeting them as well. Mary says: «Son! » and She worships Him more deeply than the others, teaching them by such a gesture that, no matter how Jesus may be a friend, such a friend and relative as to be even Her Son, He is always God, and is to be worshipped as God. Al­ ways worshipped, with an adoring spirit, even if His love for us is so full as to urge Him to give Himself with full confidence, as our Brother and Spouse. «Peace to You, Mother. Sit down and eat. I am going upstairs, where Marjiam is awaiting his reward. »636. 7 636. 8 435
636. 9 636. 10He goes out to climb the little staircase and He calls in a loud voice: «Simon Peter and James of Alphaeus. Come. » The two He has called go up behind Him and Jesus sits at the central table, where Marjiam is, and says to the two Apostles: «You will do what I tell you» and to Matthias, who is at the head of the table, He says: «Begin the Passover banquet. » This even­ ing Jesus has Marjiam beside Him, where John was the last time. Peter and James are behind the Lord awaiting His orders. 9And the banquet is celebrated with the same ritual of the Passover Supper: hymns, questions, libations. I do not know whether it is the same at the other tables. I look fixedly where Jesus is, unless His will compels me to look elsewhere, and I for­ get everything to contemplate my Lord, Who is now offering the best morsels of His lamb-He has taken it on His plate but He does not eat any of it, neither does He take any lettuce or sauce, and He does not drink of the Chalice-and He offers the best morsels to Marjiam, who is really blissful. At the beginning Jesus made a gesture to Peter to bend and listen to Him, and Peter after listening to Him said in a loud voice: «At this moment the Lord offered the chalice for us all, as He was the Father and Head of His Family. » Now He makes another gesture to Peter, who listens again and then stands up and says: «And at this point the Lord girded Himself to purify us and teach us what we are to do to consume the Eucharistic Sacrifice worthily. » The supper proceeds until at another sign Peter says again: «At this moment the Lord, after taking the bread and the wine, offered them, and praying blessed them, and after breaking the bread into parts, He handed them to us saying: “This is My Body and this is My Blood of the new eternal Testament, and it will be shed for you and for many to the remission of sins”. » 10Jesus stands up. He is most imposing. He orders Peter and James to take a loaf of bread and break it into small morsels and to fill a chalice, the biggest one there is on the tables, with wine. They obey and hold the bread and the wine in front of Him, and Jesus stretches out His hands over them and prays without any other action except His enraptured look... «Hand out the morsels of bread and offer the brotherly chal­ ice. Every time you do this, you shall do it in memory of Me. » 436
The two Apostles obey, full of veneration... While the distribution of the Species takes place, Jesus goes down to the women. I think, but I cannot see, because I do not go in where they are, that Jesus administers Holy Communion to His Mother with His own hands. This is what I think, but I do not know whether it is true. But I cannot understand why He should go there, if it were not to do that. 11Then He goes back up to the terrace. He does not sit down any more. The supper is about to end. He asks: «Is it all con­ sumed? » «It is all consumed, Lord. » «As I did on the Cross. Stand up. Let us pray. » He stretches out His arms, as if He were on the cross, and He intones the prayer of the Our Father. I do not know why I am weeping. I think that it is perhaps the last time that I shall hear Him say it... And, as no painter or sculptor will ever be able to give us the true image of Jesus, so no one, however holy he may be, will ever be able to say the Our Father so manfully and at the same time so gently. I shall always feel a great nostalgia for these Our Fathers as I heard them from Jesus, a real conversation of His soul with the most loved and adored Father of Heaven, a cry of honour, of obedience, of faith; of submission, of humbleness, of mercy, of wish, of trust... eve­ rything! «Go. And may the Grace of the Lord be in all of you and may His peace accompany you» Jesus says dismissing them. And He disappears in a bright light that by far exceeds the moonlight, as the moon is now full and high over the silent Garden, and the light of the lamps placed on the tables. Not a voice. Tears on faces, adoration in hearts... and nothing else. The night watches and knows, with the angels, the throbs of those blessed hearts. 637. Farewell to Her Mother before ascending to His Father. Everything we have is through Mary. 22nd February 1944. 1I always see the room where Mary lives. The signs of the Pas-636. 11 637. 1 437
637. 2 637. 3sion have disappeared. The Virgin is sitting and reading. They must be holy books; because She certainly does not read anything else in the scroll She is holding in Her hands. She is no longer tortured. Her face is more serious than before the Passion, more mature. But it is no longer that tragical face. It is stately but serene. It seems to be morning, because the sun is already shining brightly and through the open window it illuminates the quiet room, but one can see that the garden, surrounded by high walls and on to which the window opens, is still all fresh with dew. 2Jesus goes in. He is still wearing the wonderful garment of the morning of the Resurrection. His face sheds brightness and His wounds are like small suns. Mary kneels down smiling, then She stands up and kisses His right Hand. Jesus presses Her to His Heart and kisses Her fore­ head, smiling, and asks Her for a kiss, which She also gives Him on His Forehead. «Mother. The time of My stay on the earth is over. I am as­ cending to My Father. I have come to say a special farewell to You, and to show Myself to You once again as I shall be in Heav­ en. It was not possible for Me to show Myself to men in this splen­ did garment. They would not have been able to bear the beauty of My glorified Body. It exceeds by far their possibilities. But to You, yes, Mother. And I have come to gladden You once again with it. Kiss My Wounds, so that in Heaven I may smell the per­ fume of Your lips and the sweetness of My Blood may remain on them for You. 3But be sure, Mother, that I will never leave You. I will come out of Your heart only those few moments necessary for the con­ secration of the Bread and of the Wine, to return there, after get­ ting detached from You with difficulty, with an eagerness of love like Your own, o My living Heaven of which I am the Heaven. We shall never be so united as from now on. Previously there was My embryonal inability, then My childhood, then the struggle of life and of work, then My mission, and then the Cross and the Sepul­ chre to keep Me away and to prevent Me from telling You how much I love You. But now I shall be in You no longer as a creature that is being formed, no longer near You among the obstacles of the world that forbids the fusion of two who love each other. Now 438
I shall be in You as God, and nothing, nothing on Earth and in Heaven will be able to separate Me from You, You from Me, Holy Mother. I will speak words of ineffable love to You, I will give You caresses of inexpressible kindness. And you will love Me for those who do not love Me. Oh! Mother, with Your perfect love, You fill the measure of love that the world will not give the Christ. So, rather than a farewell, Mine is the greeting of one who goes out for a moment, as if I were going to pick roses and lilies in this flowery gar­ den. But from Heaven I will bring You other roses and other lil­ ies, more beautiful than these that have bloomed here. I will fill Your heart with them, Mother, to make You forget the stench of the Earth, that does not want to be holy, and to give You in ad­ vance the air of the blissful Paradise, where You are expected with so much love. And the Love, Who cannot wait, will come upon You in ten days' time. Make Yourself beautiful with Your most beauti­ ful joy, o Virgin Mother, because Your Spouse is coming. Win­ ter is over... the vineyards in blossom shed their scent, and He sings*: “Rise, o most beautiful one. Come, My Bride, you will be crowned”. With His Fire He will crown You, o Holy Mother, and will make You happy with His spirit, which will be infused into You with all its magnificence, o Queen of Wisdom, His Queen, Who understood Him since the dawn of Your life and loved Him as no creature in the world ever loved. 4Mother, I am ascending to Our Father. Upon You, Blessed Mother, the blessing of Your Son. » Mary beams with joy in Her ecstasy, in the room that is still bright in the light of Christ. 5Jesus says: «Do not discuss, men, whether it was or was not possible for Me to change garment. I no longer was the Man bound to the ne­ cessities of man. I had the Universe as My footstool and all the powers as My obedient servants. And if, while I was the Evan­ gelizer, I was able to become transfigured on the Tabor, should I have not been able to become transfigured for My Mother, when * sings, as in: Song of Songs 2: 11-13. 637. 4 637. 5 439
637. 6 637. 7I became the glorious Christ? Or rather, change Myself for men and appear to Her as I was by now, divine, glorious, transfig­ ured, from Man as I showed Myself to everybody in What I really was? And yet She had seen Me, poor Mother, transfigured by tor­ tures. It was fair that She should see Me transfigured by Glory. 6Do not discuss whether I could really be in Mary. If you say that God is in Heaven and on the earth and everywhere, why can you doubt whether at the same time I could be in Heaven and in the Heart of Mary, Who was a living Heaven? If you believe that I am in the Blessed Sacrament and enclosed in your tabernacles, why can you doubt whether I was in that most pure and ardent Tabernacle that was the Heart of My Mother? What is the Eucharist? It is My Body and My Blood united to My Soul and to My Divinity. Well, when She was pregnant with Me, what else had She in Her womb? Did She not have the Son of God, the Word of the Father with His Body, Blood, Soul and Di­ vinity? Do you, perhaps, not have Me because Mary had Me and She gave Me to you, after carrying Me for nine months? Well, as I left Heaven to dwell in Mary's womb, so, now that I was leaving the Earth, I was electing Mary's womb as My Tabernacle. And which tabernacle, in which cathedral, is more beautiful and holy than this one? 7Holy Communion is a miracle of love that I worked for you, men. But at the summit of my thought of love, there was shining the thought of infinite love of being able to live with My Mother and make Her live with Me until we should be reunited in Heav­ en. I worked the first miracle for the joy of My Mother, at Cana in Galilee. The last miracle, or rather, the last miracles, for the consolation of Mary, in Jerusalem. The Eucharist and the veil of the veronica. The latter, to give a drop of honey to the bitterness of the Desolate Mother. The former, to prevent Her from feeling that Jesus was no longer on the Earth. Everything, everything, everything, but try and understand this once and for all, you have through Mary! You ought to love and bless Her at each breath of yours. The veil of veronica is also a goad to your sceptical souls. Since you, o rationalists, o tepid people vacillating in your faith, proceed through arid examinations, compare the face of the ve­ ronica with that of the Holy Shroud. One is the Face of a living 440
person, the other of a dead one. But length, width, somatic types, form, distinctive features, are identical. Superimpose the imag­ es. You will see that they correspond. It is I. I Who wanted to re­ mind you how I was and how I had become out of love for you. If you had not gone astray, if you were not blind, those two Faces should be enough to bring you to love, to repentance, to God. The Son of God leaves you, blessing you with the Father and with the Holy Spirit. » 638. Final teachings at Gethsemane and farewell. Ascension of the Lord. 24th April 1947. 1As the day dawns the eastern sky is tinged with a light rosy hue. Jesus is walking with His Mother along the slopes of Geth­ semane. No words are spoken, only glances of indescribable love are visible. Words have probably already been spoken. Perhaps they were never uttered. The two souls have spoken: Christ's and Christ's Mother's. Now it is loving contemplation, recipro­ cal contemplation. The dewy nature, the pure morning light are acquainted with it, the kind creatures of God: the herbs, flowers, birds, butterflies are acquainted with it. Men are absent. 2I feel even ill at ease being present at this farewell. «Lord, I am not worthy! » I exclaim among the tears falling from my eyes, as I look at the last hour of the earthly union of the Mother and Her Son, and I consider that we have come to the end of the loving fatigue, that is Jesus, Mary and the poor, little unworthy child, whom Jesus wanted as witness of all the Messianic time, and whose name is Mary, but whom Jesus loves to call «little John» or also the «sweet violet of the Cross. » Yes. Little John. Little, because I am a nonentity. John, because I am really the one to whom God has done great favours, and be­ cause, in an infinitesimal measure-but it is all I possess, and by giving everything that I possess I know that I give in a perfect measure that pleases Jesus, because He is the «all» of my nothing -and because in an infinitesimal measure, I, as the great beloved John, have given all my love to Jesus and to Mary, sharing tears638. 1 638. 2 441
638. 3and smiles with them, following them, anguished at seeing them distressed and at not being able to defend them from the hatred of the world at the cost of my very life, and now palpitating with the throbs of their hearts for what ends forever... Yes, sweet violet. A sweet violet that has tried to remain hidden among the grass so that Jesus should not avoid it, as He loved all created things so much, since they are the work of His Father, but He should press me under His divine foot, and I might die exhaling my light scent in the effort to sweeten His contact with the rough hard earth. Yes, sweet violet of the Cross. And His Blood filled my calyx even to make it bend on the ground... Oh! my Beloved Who, first, filled me with Your Blood, making me contemplate Your wounded feet, nailed to the wood «... and at the foot of the cross there was a little plant of sweet-smell­ ing violets in bloom, and drops of the divine Blood were falling on the little plant of sweet-smelling violets in bloom... » A re­ mote recollection*, and always so close and present! A prepara­ tion to what I was later: Your mouthpiece who is now completely besprinkled with Your Blood, with Your perspiration and tears, with the tears of Mary Your Mother, but who also knows Your words, Your smiles, everything, everything about You, and no longer smells of sweet-smelling violets but of You alone, my One and Only Love, of that divine perfume that yesterday evening lulled my sorrow, and comes to me, as sweet as a kiss, as com­ forting as Heaven itself, and makes me forget everything to live only in You... 3I have Your promise** in me. I know that I shall not lose You. You have promised me and Your promise is sincere: it is the promise of God. I will still have You, forever. Only if I sinned of pride, falsehood, disobedience, I should lose You, You said so, but You know that, with Your Grace supporting my will, I do not want to sin, and I hope that I will not sin, because You will sup­ port me. I am not an oak-tree. I know. I am a sweet violet. A frail * A remote recollection, that of the “vision” of 22nd April 1943 (related in “The Notebooks. 1943”) where her mission was revealed to M. V. The day after, Good Friday, she received her first “dictation”. ** I have Your Promise, that of 14th March 1947 (reported on “The Notebooks. 1945- 1950”) under the date 16th March 1947. The object of that promise can be de­ duced from the following text. 442
stalk that can be bent by the foot of a little bird and also by the weight of a scarab. But You are my strength, o Lord. And my love for You is my wing. I shall not lose You. You have promised me. You will come, entirely for me, to give joy to Your dying sweet violet. But I am not selfish, Lord. You know. You know that I should like You to be seen no longer by me, but to be seen by many more people, whom I should like to believe in You. You have already given me so much, and I am not worthy of it. You have really loved me as You alone know how to love Your beloved children. 4I think of how pleasant it was to see You «live» as Man among 638. 4 men. And I think that I shall no longer see You so. Everything has been seen and said. I also know that You will not be canceled out of my thought in Your actions of Man amongst men, and that I shall need no books to remember You as You really were: it will be enough for me to look within myself, where all Your life is fixed with indelible letters. But it was sweet, sweet... Now You are going to ascend... The Earth will lose You. Mary of the Cross will lose You, Master Saviour. You will re­ main for her the most sweet God, and You will no longer pour Blood but celestial honey into the violet calyx of Your sweet violet... I am weeping... I have been Your disciple with the oth­ er women disciples along the roads of mountains and forests, along the barren dusty roads of the plains, on the lake and near the lovely river of Your Fatherland. You are now going away and only in my memory I shall see Bethlehem and Nazareth on their hills green with olive-trees, and Jericho burning in the sun and with its rustling palm-trees, and friendly Bethany, and Engedi, a pearl lost in the deserts, and beautiful Samaria, and the fertile plains of Sharon and Esdraelon, and the strange ta­ bleland beyond the Jordan, and the nightmare of the Dead Sea, and the sunny towns on the Mediterranean coasts, and Jeru­ salem, the town of Your sorrow, its roads uphill and downhill, the archivolts, the squares, the suburbs, the wells and cisterns, the hills and even the sad valley of the lepers, where so much of Your mercy was effused... And the house of the Supper room... the little fountain weeping nearby... the little bridge on the Kidron, the place where You sweated blood... the court-yard of the Praetorium... 443
638. 5Ah, no! everything that is Your sorrow is here. It will remain forever... I shall have to look for all the souvenirs to find them, but Your prayer at Gethsemane, Your scourging, Your ascent to Golgotha, Your agony and death, and the sorrow of Your Moth­ er, no, I shall not have to look for them: they are always present. I may forget them in Paradise... and it seems impossible to me that they can be forgotten even there... I remember everything of those dreadful hours. Even the shape of the stone on which You fell. Even the bud of a red rose that knocked against the stone that closed Your sepulchre, and looked like a drop of blood on the granite... My most divine Love, Your Passion lives in my mind... and it breaks my heart... 5The day has dawned completely. The sun is already high and the voices of the apostles can be heard. It is a signal for Je­ sus and Mary. They stop. They look at each other, One in front of the Other, then Jesus opens His arms and presses His Mother to His chest... Oh! He was really a Man, the Son of a Woman! To believe it is enough to watch this farewell! Love overflows in a shower of kisses for the beloved Mother. Love covers the beloved Son with kisses. They seem unable to part. When they seem to be on the point of doing so, another embrace joins them again and among the kisses words of reciprocal blessings are uttered... Oh! it is really the Son of Man Who is leaving Her Who gave birth to Him! It is really the Mother Who, in order to give Him back to the Father, dismisses Her Child, the Token of the Love for the Most Pure Mother... God Who kisses the Moth­ er of God!... Finally the Woman, as a creature, kneels at the feet of Her God, Who is also Her Son, and Her Son, Who is God, imposes His hands on the head of the Virgin Mother, of the Eternal Be­ loved, and blesses Her in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then He bends and lifts Her up, with a last kiss on Her forehead, which is as white as a petal of a lily under Her golden hair still so young-looking... They go once again towards the house, and no one, seeing how calmly they proceed One beside the Other, would think of that wave of love that overwhelmed them shortly before. But how much difference there is also, in this farewell, from the 444
sadness of other farewells of the past and from the torture of the farewell of the Mother to Her Son Who had been killed and was to be left all alone in the Sepulchre!... In the present case, although their eyes are shining with the natural tears of those who depart from their Beloved ones, their lips smile out of joy knowing that this Beloved is going to the Abode befitting His Glory... 6«Lord! Out there, between the mountain and Bethany are all those that You told Your Mother You wanted to bless today» says Peter. «All right. We will go to them now. But come first. I want to share the bread once again with all of you. » They go into the room where ten days previously were the women for the supper of the fourteenth day of the second month. Mary accompanies Jesus so far, then She withdraws. Jesus re­ mains with the eleven. On the table there is some roasted meat, some cheese and small black olives, a small amphora of wine and a larger one with water, and some broad loaves of bread. A simple table, not set for an important ceremony, but only for the necessity of tak­ ing some food. Jesus offers and makes the portions. He is in the centre be­ tween Peter and James of Alphaeus. He has called them to those places. John, Judas of Alphaeus and James are in front of Him, Thomas, Philip and Matthew are on one side, Andrew, Bar­ tholomew and the Zealot are on the other. So everybody can see Jesus... A quick, silent meal. The apostles, who are at their last day with Jesus, not withstanding that the subsequent appari­ tions, both collective and individual, from the Resurrection on­ wards, have been full of love, have never got out of that reserve and veneration that have characterised their meetings with the Risen Jesus. The meal is over. 7Jesus opens His hands over the table, with His usual gesture when facing an unavoidable fact, and says: «Well. The hour has come when I have to leave you to go back to My Father. Listen to the last words of your Master. Do not go away from Jerusalem during these days. La­ zarus, to whom I have spoken, has seen to the fulfilment of the desires of his Master, and he gives you the house of the Last 445638. 6 638. 7
638. 8Supper, so that you may have a residence where to hold meet­ ings and concentrate in prayer. Remain there during these days and pray assiduously to be prepared for the coming of the Holy Spirit, Who will complete you for your mission. Remem­ ber that I, although I was God, prepared Myself with severe penance for My ministry of evangelizer. Your preparation will be easier and easier and shorter and shorter. But I do not exact anything else from you. It is sufficient that you pray assidu­ ously, together with the seventy-two and under the guide of My Mother, Whom I entrust to you with the concern of a Son. She will be for you a Mother and Teacher of love and perfect wisdom. I could have sent you elsewhere to prepare yourselves to re­ ceive the Holy Spirit, instead I want you to remain here, be­ cause it is Jerusalem, the denier, that must be astonished at the continuation of the divine prodigies, which are given in reply to its denials. Later, the Holy Spirit will make you understand the necessity that the Church should arise just in this town, that from a human point of view is the most unworthy of having it. But Jerusalem is always Jerusalem, even if sin overwhelms it and the deicide was accomplished here. Nothing will be of avail to it. It is condemned. But if it is condemned, not all its citizens are condemned. Remain here for the few just people who are in its bosom, and remain here because this is the royal town and the town of the Temple, and because, as predicted by the prophets, here, where the King Messiah has been anointed and acclaimed and raised, here is to begin His kingdom over the world, and here again, where the synagogue received the libel of repudiation from God for its too many horrible crimes, the new Temple is to arise, and the peoples of all countries will come to it. Read the prophets*. Everything is predicted in them. My Mother first, the Spirit Paraclete later, will make you under­ stand the words of the prophets for this period of time. 8Remain here until Jerusalem repudiates you as it repudiat­ ed Me, and hates My Church as it hated Me, brooding over plots to exterminate it. Then take the See of this beloved Church of * the prophets, for instance: Isaiah 2: 1-5 ; 49: 5-6; 55: 4-5; 60; Micah 4: 1-2; Zecha­ riah 8: 20-23. 446
Mine elsewhere, because it must not perish. I tell you: not even hell shall prevail against it. But if God gives you the assurance of His protection, do not tempt Heaven by exacting everything from Heaven. Go to Ephraim as your Master went there be­ cause it was not the hour for Him to be caught by His enemies. I say Ephraim, meaning the land of idols and heathens. But it is not Ephraim in Palestine that you must choose as the See of My Church. Remember how many times, I spoke of this to you, all united or to one individually, foretelling you that you would go along the roads of the Earth to arrive at the heart of it and es­ tablish My Church there. It is from the heart of man that blood circulates through all the members. It is from the heart of the world that Christianity must spread all over the Earth. At present My Church is like a creature that has already been conceived but is still forming in the matrix. Jerusalem is its ma­ trix, and inside it the still tiny heart, around which the few mem­ bers of the dawning Church gather, gives its small waves of blood to these members. But, when the hour marked by God comes, the stepmotherly matrix will expel the creature that formed in its womb, and it will go to a new land, and it will grow there becom­ ing a great Body spread all over the Earth, and the throbs of the strong heart of the Church will propagate to all the great Body. The throbs of the heart of the Church, freed from all ties with the Temple, eternal and victorious over the ruins of the perished and destroyed Temple, living in the heart of the world, will tell Hebrews and Gentiles that God alone triumphs and wants what He wants, and that no hatred of men or group of idols can stop His will. But this will happen later, and at that time you will know what to do. The Spirit of God will lead you. Be not afraid. For the time being hold the first meeting of the believers in Jerusalem. Then more meetings will take place as their numbers grow. I truly tell you that the citizens of My Kingdom will increase rap­ idly like seeds sown in very good soil. My people will spread all over the Earth. The Lord says* to the Lord: “Because you have done this, and for My sake you have not spared yourself, I will bless you and I will make your descendants as many as the stars * says, like for Abraham in: Genesis 22: 15-18. i447
638. 9 638. 10of heaven and the grains of sand on the seashore. Your descend­ ants shall gain possession of the gates of their enemies and in your descendants all the nations of the Earth shall be blessed”. My Name, My Sign and My Law are blessings, wherever they are known as sovereigns. 9The Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier is about to come and you will be replete with Him. Ensure that you are as pure as eve­ rything that is to approach the Lord. I also was Lord like Him. But I had put on a garment over My Divinity to be able to stay among you, and not only to teach you and redeem you with the organs and the blood of that garment, but also to bring the Ho­ ly of Holies among men, without it being unbecoming that eve­ ry man, even an impure one, could lay his eyes on Him, Whom the Seraphim are afraid of looking at. But the Holy Spirit will come without the veil of flesh, and will alight on you and will descend in you with His seven gifts and will advise you. Now, the advice of God is such a sublime thing, that it is necessary to be prepared for it with a heroic will of a perfection that may make you resemble your Father and your Jesus, and your Jesus in His relationship with the Father and with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, perfect charity and perfect love in order to be able to understand the Love and receive Him on the thrones of your hearts. 10Get lost in the eddy of contemplation. Strive to forget that you are men and strive to change into Seraphim. Throw your­ selves into the furnace, into the flames of contemplation. The contemplation of God is like a spark that flashes from the fric­ tion of steel on flint-stone and gives fire and light. The fire that consumes the opaque and always impure matter and transforms it into bright and pure flame is purification. You will not have the Kingdom of God in you, if you do not have love. Because the Kingdom of God is the Love, and ap­ pears with the Love, and through the Love it is established in your hearts in the brightness of a huge light, that penetrates and fecundates, removes ignorance and gives wisdom, devours man and creates the god, the son of God, My brother, the king of the throne that God has prepared for those who give themselves to God, in order to have God, God, God, God alone. So be pure and holy through fervent prayer that sanctifies man, because it 448
plunges him into God's fire, which is charity. You must be holy. Not in the relative meaning that this words has had so far, but in the absolute meaning that I gave it, as I pro­ posed the Holiness of the Lord as its example and limit, that is, perfect Holiness. Among us the Temple is called holy, holy the place where the altar is, the Holy of Holies the veiled place where the ark and the propitiatory are kept. But I truly tell you that those who possess the Grace and live in holiness out of love for the Lord, are more holy than the Holy of Holies, because God does not only alight on them, as on the propitiatory that is in the Temple, to give His orders, but He lives in them, to give them His love. 11Do you remember My words of the Last Supper? I promised you the Holy Spirit. Well, He is about to come to baptise you, not with water, as John did with you, preparing you for Me, but with fire to prepare you to serve the Lord, as He wants you to do. So he will be here, within a few days. And after His coming your capabilities will increase immeasurably, and you will be able to understand the words of your King, and do the deeds that He told you to do, to spread His Kingdom all over the Earth. » «So will You rebuild the Kingdom of Israel then, after the coming of the Holy Spirit? » they ask interrupting Him. «There will no longer be a Kingdom of Israel, but My King­ dom. And it will be accomplished when the Father said. It is riot for you to know the times and the moments that the Father has reserved for Himself in His power. But you, in the meantime, will receive the virtue of the Holy Spirit Who will come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judaea and in Samaria and as far as the boundaries of the Earth, establish­ ing meetings where men meet in My Name; baptising peoples in the Most Holy Name of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit, as I told you, so that they may have the Grace and they may live in the Lord; preaching the Gospel to everybody, teaching what I taught you, doing what I ordered you to do. And I shall be with you every day until the end of the world. 12And I want also this: James, My brother, to preside over the meeting in Jerusalem. Peter, as head of all the Church, will often have to set out on apostolic journeys, because all the neophytes will wish to meet the Pontiff Supreme Head of the Church. But638. 11 638. 12 449
638. 13great will be My brother's ascendancy over the believers of this first Church. Men are always men and they see as men. They will think that James is a continuation of Me, only because He is My brother. I truly tell you that he is greater and more like the Christ because of his wisdom than through relationship. But it is so. Men, who did not look for Me while I was among them, will now look for Me in him who is a relative of Mine. And you, Simon Peter, are destined to other honours... » «That I do not deserve, Lord. I told You when You appeared to me and I tell you again now in the presence of everybody. You are good, divinely good, besides being wise, and You rightly judged me, who denied You in this town, ill-suited to be its spiritual head. You want to spare me so many just derisions... » «We were all the same, except two, Simon. I also ran away. Not because of this, but because of the reasons that He men­ tioned, the Lord has destined me to this place; but you are my Chief, Simon of Jonah, and I acknowledge you as such, and in the presence of the Lord and of all my companions I profess obedi­ ence to you. I will give you what I can to help you in your minis­ try, but I beg you, give me your orders, because you are the head and I the subject. When the Lord reminded me of a conversation of long ago*, I bent my head saying: “Let Your will be done”. I will say the same to you, because, once the Lord has left us, you will be His Representative on the Earth. And we will love each other, helping each other in the sacerdotal ministry» says James, bowing from his place to pay homage to Peter. «Yes. Love one another, helping one another reciprocally, be­ cause that is the new commandment and the sign that you really belong to Christ. 13Do not be upset for any reason. God is with you. You can do what I want of you. I would not impose things on you if you could not do them, because I do not want your ruin, on the con­ trary I want your glory. Well. I am going to prepare your places beside My throne. Remain united to Me and to the Father in love. Forgive the world that hates you. Call sons and brothers those who come to you, or are already with you out of love for Me. Be at peace knowing that I am always ready to help you to * conversation of long ago, in chapter 258. 450
carry your crosses. I will be with you in the work of your min­ istry and in the hours of persecutions, and you will not perish, you will not succumb even if those who see with the eyes of the world think so. You will be oppressed, grieved, tired, tortured, but My joy will be in you, because I will help you in everything. I truly tell you that, when you have the Love as a Friend, you will understand that everything suffered and lived for My love becomes light, even if it is a heavy torture of the world. Because for him who clothes all his actions, whether they are voluntary or imposed, with love, the yoke of life and of the world changes into a yoke given to him by God, by Me. And I repeat to you that My load is always proportioned to your strength and My yoke is light, because I help you to carry it. 14You know that the world does not know how to love. But from now on you are to love the world with a supernatural love, to teach it how to love. And if seeing you persecuted, they should say to you: “Is that how God loves you? Making you suffer, griev­ ing you? Then it is not worth while being of God”, reply: “Sor­ row does not come from God. But God allows it, and we know the reason and we are proud of having the part that Jesus Sav­ iour, the Son of God, had”. Reply: “We are proud of being nailed to the cross and of continuing the Passion of our Jesus”. Reply with the words* of Wisdom: “Death and sorrow were brought in­ to the world by the envy of the demon, but God is not the maker of death and sorrow and He does not take delight in the sorrow of creatures. Everything coming from Him is life and wholesome”. Reply: “At present we seem persecuted and defeated, but on the day of God, when lots have changed, we just people, who were persecuted on the Earth, will stand gloriously in front of those who oppressed and despised us”. But also say to them: “Come to us! Come to the Life and Peace. Our Lord does not want your ruin, but your salvation. That is why He sent His beloved Son, so that you all might be saved”. 15And rejoice at taking part in My sufferings, so that later you may be in the glory with Me. “I shall be your exceedingly great reward” the Lord in Abraham promised** all His faithful serv­ ants. You know how the Kingdom of Heaven is conquered: by --------------- * the words, which are in: Wisdom 2: 23-24. * * promised, in: Genesis 15: 1. 451638. 14 638. 15
638. 16 638. 17strength, and one arrives there through many tribulations. But he who persevers as I persevered will be where I am. I have told you which is the way and which is the door that lead to the Kingdom of Heaven, and I was the first to walk along it and I have gone back to the Father by it. If there had been an­ other one, I would have taught you it, because I take pity on your weakness as men. But there is no other one... And pointing it out to you as the only way and the only door, I also tell you, I repeat to you which is the medicine that gives strength to go along it and enter. It is love. Always love. Everything becomes possible when there is love in us. And the Love Who loves you will give you all the love, if in My Name you ask for so much love as to be­ come athletes in holiness. 16Now let us give each other the parting kiss, My beloved friends. » He stands up to embrace them. They all imitate Him. But, while Jesus smiles peacefully, a smile really divinely beautiful, they weep, they are all upset, and John, throwing himself on Je­ sus' chest, shaken by all the sobs that are so violent as to break his chest, on behalf of everyone, as he realises everybody's wish, asks: «Give us at least Your Bread, that it may fortify us in this hour! » «Let it be so! » Jesus replies to him. And taking a piece of bread, He breaks it, after offering and blessing it, repeating the ritual words. And He does the same with the wine, repeating then: «Do this in memory of Me» and He adds: «Who have left you this pledge of My love, to be still and always with you until you will be with Me in Heaven. » He blesses them and says: «And now let us go. » 17They come out of the room, of the house... Jonah, Mary and Mark are there outside, and they kneel down worshipping Jesus. «May peace remain with you. And may the Lord reward you for what you have given Me» says Jesus, blessing them while passing by. Mark stands up saying: «Lord, the olive-groves along the Bethany road are full of disciples awaiting You. » «Go and tell them to go to the Field of the Galileans. » Mark darts away with all the speed of his young legs. 452
«So, they have all come» say the apostles to one another. 18Further aside, sitting between Marjiam and Mary of Clopas, there is the Mother of the Lord. And She stands up when She sees Him coming, worshipping Him with all the palpitations of Her heart of Mother and believer. «Come, Mother, and you too, Mary... » says Jesus inviting them, when He sees them stand still, immobilised by His majesty that blazes as in the morning of the Resurrection. But Jesus does not want to overwhelm with His majesty, and He kindly asks Mary of Alphaeus: «Are you alone? » «The other women... the others are ahead... With the shep­ herds and... with Lazarus and all his family... But they left us here, because... Oh! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!... How shall I put up with not seeing You any more, blessed Jesus, my God, I who loved You even before You were born, I who wept so much over You when I did not know where You were after the slaughter... I who had my sun in Your smile after You came back, and all, all my blessings?... How many blessings! How many You have giv­ en me!... Now I am really becoming poor, a widow, all alone!... While You were here, there was everything!... I thought I had experienced all sorrow that evening... But the very grief, all the sorrow of that day had dulled my mind and... yes, it was not so deep as it is now... And then... there was the fact that You were going to rise. I seemed as if I could not believe it, but now I re­ alise that I did believe it, because I did not feel what I am feel­ ing now... » she says weeping and panting, so much do her tears choke her. «My good Mary, you are worrying just like a little boy, who thinks that his mother does not love him and has abandoned him, because she has gone to town to buy him presents that will make him happy, and who will soon go back to him to cover him with kisses and gifts. And am I not doing so with you? Am I not going to prepare joy for you? Am I not going to come back and say to you: “Come, My dear relative and beloved disciple, mother of My beloved disciples”? Am I not leaving you My love? Shall I give you My love, Mary? You know whether I love you! Do not weep so, but rejoice, because you will no longer see Me despised and fatigued, no longer chased and rich only in the love of few peo­ ple. And with My love I leave you My Mother. John will be like a638. 18 453
638. 19son to Her, and I ask you to be a good sister to Her, as you have always been. See? My Mother is not weeping. She is aware that, if Her nostalgia for Me is the file that will consume Her heart, the wait will be always short as compared to the great joy of an eter­ nal union, and She also knows that this parting of ours will not be so absolute as to make Her say: “I no longer have My Son”. That was Her cry of sorrow on that day of sorrow. Now hope sings in Her heart: “I know that My Son is ascending to His Father, but He will not leave Me without His spiritual love”. That is what you believe, and everybody... 19Here are the other men and women. Here are My shepherds. » The faces of Lazarus and of his sisters among all the serv­ ants of Bethany, the face of Johanna like a rose under a veil of rain, and those of Eliza and of Nike, already marked by age-and wrinkles are now deepened by pain, always pain for creatures, even if the soul rejoices because of the triumph of the Lord-the face of Anastasica, the lily-like faces of the first virgins, and the ascetic face of Isaac, the inspired one of Matthias, and the virile face of Manaen, and the severe ones of Joseph and Nicodemus... Faces, faces, faces... Jesus calls to Himself the shepherds, Lazarus, Joseph, Nic­ odemus, Manaen, Maximinus and the others of the seventy-two disciples. But He particularly keeps the shepherds close to Him­ self saying: «Here. You were near the Lord Who had come from Heaven, bent over His annihilation, You are to be near the Lord Who is going back to Heaven, with your souls rejoicing because of His glorification. You have deserved this place, because you did be­ lieve notwithstanding that all the circumstances were unfa­ vourable, and you were able to suffer for your faith. I thank you for your faithful love. I thank all of you. You, My friend Lazarus, you, Joseph, and you, Nicodemus, who took pity on the Christ when to do so might have been very dangerous. You Manaen, who despised the filthy favours of an unclean man to follow Me on My way. You, Stephen, flowery crown of justice, who left what was imperfect for what was perfect and will be crowned with a garland, with which you are not yet acquainted, but will be announced to you by the an­ gels. You John, for a short period of time brother to the most pure 454
breast* and who have come more to the Light than to the sight. You, Nicolaus, who, as a proselyte, have been able to console Me for the grief of the sons of this Nation. And you, good women dis­ ciples, stronger, in your kindness, than Judith. 20And you, Marjiam, My child, and from now on you will be called Martial, in remembrance of the Roman boy** killed on the road and laid at Lazarus' gate with the defying script: “And now tell the Galilean to bring you back to life again, if He is the Christ and has risen from the dead”, the last of the innocents who lost their lives in Palestine to serve Me also unconsciously, and first of the innocents of every Nation who, having come to the Christ, will be hated for that and extinguished prematurely, like buds of flowers torn off the stems before blooming. And may this name, o Martial, show you your future destiny: be the apos­ tle in barbarian countries and conquer them to your Lord, as My love conquered the Roman boy to Heaven. 21You are all blessed by Me in this farewell, as from the Father I invoke the reward for those who have comforted the sorrow­ ful journey of the Son of Man. Blessed be Mankind in the chosen part there is among Hebrews and Gentiles, and that has mani­ fested itself in its love for Me. Blessed be the Earth with its herbs and flowers, and its fruits that have given Me pleasure and refreshment so many times. Blessed be the Earth with its waters and its tepidness, for its birds and its animals that many a time exceeded man in giving relief to the Son of Man. May you be blessed, sun, and you, sea, and you, mountains, hills, plains. Blessed you, stars, My com­ panions in My night prayers and in My sorrow. And you, moon, who illuminated Me as I wandered around in My pilgrimages of the evangelizer. May all you creatures be blessed, the works of My Father, My companions in this mortal hour, friendly to Him Who had left Heaven to relieve tortured Mankind of the troubles of the Sin that separates from God. And may you also be blessed, you innocent instruments of My torture: thorns, metals, wood, twisted hemp, because you have assisted Me in fulfilling the will of My Father! » * brother to the most pure breast, as narrated in: 365. 8. ** will be called Martial, as foretold in 198. 8, in remembrance of the Roman boy, seen in: 508. 4/7-509. 7/9-538. 1-550. 8-623. 3. 455638. 20 638. 21
638. 22 638. 23How thundering is Jesus' voice! It spreads through the tepid calm air, like a bronze gong that has been struck, it propagates in waves over the sea of faces looking at Him from all directions. 22I say that there are hundreds of people around Jesus as He goes up, with His more beloved ones, towards the top of the Mount of Olives. But when Jesus arrives at the Field of the Gali­ leans, in which there are no tents in this period of time between two festivities, He says to His disciples: «Stop the people where they are, and then follow Me. » He climbs farther up, as far as the highest summit of the mountain, the one closer to Bethany, which it dominates from above, than to Jerusalem. Close to Him are His Mother, the Apostles, Lazarus, the shepherds and Marjiam. Farther away, in a semicircle, are the other disciples to hold the people back. 23Jesus is standing on a large stone, that protrudes a little and stands out in its whiteness among the grass of a clearing. He is brightly illuminated by the sun that makes His garment shine as white as snow and His hair like gold. His eyes spar­ kle in a divine light. He opens out His arms in the gesture of an embrace. He seems to be wishing to press to His chest the mul­ titudes of the Earth, whom His spirit sees represented in that crowd. His unforgettable inimitable voice gives the last order: «Go! Go in My Name to evangelize the peoples as far as the ends of the Earth. God be with you. May His Love comfort you, may His Light guide you, may His Peace dwell in you until you reach eternal life. » He becomes transfigured in beauty. Handsome! As handsome and even more so than He was on Tabor. They all fall on their knees worshipping. While He is already rising from the stone on which He is standing, He looks once again for the face of His Mother, and His smile reaches a power that no one will ever be able to express... It is His last goodbye to His Mother. He rises, rises... The sun, now more free to kiss Him, as no fo­ liage, not even a thin leaf, intercepts its beams, brightens with its splendour the God-Man, Who with His most Holy Body is as­ cending to Heaven, and displays His glorious Wounds that shine like living rubies. The rest is a pearly smile of light. And it is re­ ally the Light that is revealing itself for what it is, at this last moment as on Christmas night. Creation sparkles in the light of 456
the Christ Who is ascending. A light exceeding that of the sun. A superhuman and most blissful light. A light descending from Heaven to meet the Light ascending to it... And Jesus Christ, the Word of God, disappears from the sight of men in this ocean of brightness... On the earth, only two noises in the deep silence of the ecsta­ tic crowd: the cry of Mary when He disappears: «Jesus! », and the weeping of Isaac. The others are struck dumb with religious as­ tonishment, and they remain there, as if they were waiting, until two snow-white angelical lights, in human form, appear repeat­ ing the words mentioned in the first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. 639. The election of Matthias. 26th April 1947. 1It is a placid evening. The light is fading gently and the sky 639. 1 so far purple, is becoming a delicate amethystine velarium. It will soon be dark, but at present there is still light, and this faint evening light is pleasant after so much burning sunshine. The court-yard of the house of the Supper room, a large yard among the white walls of the house, is crowded with people as in the evenings after Resurrection. And a harmonious whispering of prayers, interrupted now and again by pauses of meditation, rises from these people engrossed in thought. As the light becomes fainter and fainter in the court-yard, surrounded as it is by the high walls of the house, some people bring lamps and place them on the table, close to which the apos­ tles are gathered: Peter in the centre, James of Alphaeus and John beside him, and then the others. The flickering light of the small flames shines upwards on the faces of the apostles, mak­ ing their features stand out and showing their expressions: con­ centrated the expression of Peter, as if he were overstrung in the effort to perform these first functions of his ministry in a wor­ thy way; ascetically mild that of James of Alphaeus; serene and dreaming that of John, and beside him the pensive face of Bar­ tholomew, followed by the countenance full of life of Thomas, and then Andrew's, veiled by his humbleness that makes him 457
639. 2stay with his eyes almost closed, his head slightly bent: he seems to be saying: “I am not worthy”; close to him Matthew, one elbow resting on the hand of the other arm, his cheek leaning on the hand of his raised arm; and then Judas of Alphaeus, Thaddeus, with his authoritative face and his eyes that remind one so much of the eyes of Jesus, with their colour and expression: a real ruler of crowds. Even now he is keeping the meeting quiet, under the fire of his eyes, more than all the rest together; and yet, from his invol­ untary regal magnificence, the feeling of his heart filled with compunction can be seen to emerge, particularly when it is his turn to intone a prayer. When he says the psalm*: «Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory for Your mercy and loyalty, so that the nations may not say: “Where is their God? » he really prays with his soul prone before Him Who chose him, and the strongest feeling within him vibrates in his voice; with all his praying he also says: «I am not worthy of serving You, Who are so perfect. » Philip, beside him, his face already marked by age, although he is still in full manhood, looks like a man who is contemplat­ ing a sight known to him alone, and is standing with his hands pressed against his cheeks, a little bent and somewhat sad... whereas the Zealot is looking up, far away, with an intimate smile that embellishes his face, which is not beautiful, but is charming because of its austere distinction. James of Zebedee, impulsive and quivering, says his prayers as if he were still speaking to his beloved Master, and the twelfth psalm is uttered impetuously by his inflamed spirit. They end with the long and beautiful psalm one hundred and eighteen**, of which they say a strophe each, in two turns to complete the number of the strophes. 2Then they all become absorbed in silence until Peter, who had sat down, stands up, as if he were urged by an inspiration, praying in a loud voice with his arms stretched out as the Lord used to do: «Send Your Spirit to us, o Lord, so that we may see in His Light. » «Maran atha» they all say. * the psalm : Psalm 115: 1-2. ** twelfth Psalm and Psalm one hundred and eighteen are, in the neo-vulgate: Psalm 13 and Psalm 119. 458
Peter collects his thoughts in an intense silent prayer, but perhaps he listens more than he prays, or at least he waits for words of light... Then he raises his head again and once again he stretches out his arms, which he had folded across his chest, and as he is small as compared to the majority of his companions, he climbs on his seat to dominate the little crowd thronging the court-yard, and to be seen by everybody. And everybody, real­ ising that he is going to speak, becomes silent and looks at him paying attention. 3«My brothers, it was necessary that the Scripture predicted* 639. 3 by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of David and concern­ ing Judas should be accomplished, Judas in fact was the guide who led those who captured the Lord and our Blessed Master: Jesus. He, Judas, was one of ours, and was entrusted with this min­ istry. But his election changed into ruin for him, because Satan entered into him through many ways and from apostle of Jesus made him the traitor of his Lord. He thought he would triumph and rejoice and thus revenge himself on the Holy Master, Who had disappointed the unclean hopes of his heart full of every concupiscence. But when he thought he was going to triumph and rejoice, he realised that the man who makes himself slave of Satan, of the flesh, of the world, does not triumph, on the con­ trary he bites the dust like one who is defeated. And he learned that the taste of food given by man and by Satan is very bitter and completely different from the sweet simple bread that God gives His children. He then became acquainted with despair and he hated the whole world after hating God, and he cursed every­ thing the world had given him and he killed himself by hanging himself from an olive-tree in the olive-grove that he had bought with his iniquities, and on the day that the Christ rose gloriously from the dead, his putrid and already verminous body burst and his bowels were scattered on the ground at the foot of the olive- tree, making that place unclean. The redeeming Blood rained on Golgotha and purified the Earth, because it was the Blood of the Son of God, Who had be­ come incarnate for us. On the hill near the place of the ill-famed * predicted, in: Psalm 41: 10. 459
639. 4Council, not blood, not tears of good remorse, but the filth of rot­ ten bowels rained on the dust. Because no other blood could be mixed with the Most Holy Blood in those days of purification, in which the Lamb was washing us in His Blood, and less than ever was it possible for the Earth, that was drinking the Blood of the Son of God, to drink also the blood of the son of Satan. The fact is well known. And it is also known that Judas, in his fury of a damned soul, took the money of the infamous transac­ tion back to the Temple, striking with it, unclean as it was, the face of the High Priest. And it is known that with that money, which had been taken from the Treasury of the Temple, but could no longer be put back into it, because it was the price of blood, the princes of the Priests and the Elders, after consulting with one another, have bought the field of the potter, as the prophecies* had said, specifying even its price. And the place will be handed down to posterity under the name of Hakeldama. So everything about Judas has been said, and let even the memory of his face vanish from us, but let us bear in mind the ways through which, from being called by the Lord to the Heav­ enly Kingdom, he descended to being prince in the Kingdom of eternal darkness, so that we ourselves may not tread on them im­ prudently, becoming other Judases for the Word that God has en­ trusted to us and which is still the Christ, the Master among us. 4But it is written** in the book of Psalms: “Let their house be­ come desert, let no one live in it and let his office be taken by somebody else”. So it is necessary that one of these men, who have been with us all the time that the Lord Jesus was with us, coming and going, beginning from the Baptism by John until the day in which from the middle of us He ascended to Heaven, is ap­ pointed to be witness with us of His Resurrection. And it is nec­ essary to do so quickly, so that he may be present with us at the Baptism of Fire, of which the Lord has spoken to us, so that he, who did not receive the Holy Spirit from the Master, may receive it directly from God and be enlightened and sanctified by it, and he may have the virtues that we shall receive, and he may judge and remit and do what we shall do, and his actions may be valid and holy. * prophecies, in: Jeremiah 32: 6-10 ; Zechariah 11: 12-13. ** is written, in Psalm 69: 26; 109: 8. 460
I would suggest to choose him among the most faithful of the faithful disciples, those who have suffered for Him remain­ ing faithful also when He was the One Unknown to the world. Many of them come to us from John, the Precursor of the Messi­ ah, spirits modeled throughout years for the service of God. The Lord was very fond of them, and the most fond among them was Isaac, who had suffered so much because of the child Jesus. But you know that his heart broke during the night that followed the Ascension of the Lord. Let us not mourn him. He has joined his Lord. It was the only desire of his heart... And also ours... But we have to suffer our passion. Isaac had already suffered it. So you are to suggest some names among these, so that the twelfth apostle may be elected according to the usages of our people, leaving the power of indicating, in the gravest circumstances, to the Lord, to Him Who knows. » 5They consult with one another. After a short time the most important disciples (among the non-shepherds), by mutual con­ sent with the ten apostles, inform Peter that they propose Jo­ seph, the son of Joseph of Saba, to honour his father, a martyr for Christ, by means of his son, a faithful disciple, and Matthias, for the same reasons as for Joseph, and, further, to honour also his first master: John. And as Peter agrees to their advice, they make the two come forward to the table and in the meantime they pray with their arms stretched forward in the usual attitude of the Hebrews: «Most High Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Only and Trine God, Who know the hearts of all men, show us which of these two You have chosen to take in this ministry and aposto­ late the place of Judas, who prevaricated, and go in his stead. » «Maran atha» they all reply in chorus. As they have no dice or anything else with which to cast lots, and as they do not wish to use coins for this purpose, they take some small stones spread about the yard, some poor little stones, as many white as dark, and they decide that the white ones are for Matthias, the others for Joseph. They put them in a bag, after emptying it of its contents, they shake it and they offer it to Pe­ ter who, after making a blessing gesture on it, puts his hand in it, praying with his eyes at the sky, strewn with stars, and pulls out a little stone: as white as snow. 639. 5 461
639. 6 640. 16The Lord has indicated Matthias as Judas' successor. Peter goes to the front of the table and embraces him «to make him like himself» he says. Also the other ten make the same ges­ ture amid the applause of the little crowd. At the end Peter, after going back to his place holding by the hand the chosen apostle who is beside him-so Peter is now be­ tween Matthias and James of Alphaeus-says: «Come to the place that God has reserved for you and with your justice cancel the memory of Judas, helping us, your brothers, to accomplish the deeds that Jesus told us to do. May the grace of Our Lord Je­ sus Christ be always with you. » He addresses all the others, dismissing them... While the disciples disperse slowly through a secondary ex­ it, the apostles go back into the house taking Matthias to Mary, Who is engrossed in prayer in Her room, so that the new apos­ tle may receive the word of greeting and election also from the Mother of God. 640. The descent of the Holy Spirit. End of the Messianic cycle. 27th April 1947. 1No voices or noises can be heard in the house of the Supper room. None of the disciples are present, at least I cannot hear anything that can authorise me to say that people are gathered in the other rooms of the house. There is only the presence and the voices of the Twelve and of the Most Holy Virgin gathered in the hall of the Supper. The room looks wider, because the furniture is placed differ­ ently and leaves all the centre of the room and also two of the walls free. The large table used for the Supper has been pushed against the third wall, and between them and the wall, and al­ so at the two narrower sides of the table, they have placed the couch-seats used for the Supper and also the stool that Jesus used for the Washing of feet. But the couch-beds are not verti­ cal to the table, as they were for the Supper, but parallel to it, so that the apostles can sit down without occupying all of them, and they have left one, the only one placed vertically to the table, 462
all for the Blessed Virgin, Who is at the centre of the table, in the place that Jesus occupied at the Supper. There are no table-cloths or tableware on the table, there is nothing on the sideboards, and the ornaments have been taken off the walls. Only the chandelier in the centre is lit, but only one flame is lit, the other small flames on the circle forming a corolla to the strange chandelier are out. The windows are closed and barred with heavy metal bars placed across them. But a sunbeam penetrates boldly through a tiny hole and like a long thin needle it descends on the floor forming a round spot of sunshine. 2The Blessed Virgin, sitting all alone on Her seat, has Peter and John at Her sides, on their seats, Peter on Her right, John on Her left hand side. Matthias, the new apostle, is between James of Alphaeus and Thaddeus. In front of Her, Our Lady has a large low chest of dark wood, which is closed. Mary is dressed in deep blue. Her hair is covered with a white veil, over which is placed the edge of Her mantle. All the others are bare-headed. Mary is reading slowly in a loud voice. But as the light that arrives there is very faint, I think that rather than read She is re­ peating by heart the words written on the scroll that She is hold­ ing spread out. The others follow Her in silence, meditating. Now and again they reply, when it is appropriate. Mary's face is transfigured by an ecstatic smile. I wonder what She sees, that is capable of inflaming Her eyes, like two clear stars, and make Her ivory cheeks blush, as if a rosy flame reflected on Her! She is really the mystic Rose... The apostles bend forward, sitting a little sideways, to see Her face, while She smiles so gently and reads and Her voice sounds like the song of an angel. And Peter is so deeply moved that two large tears fall from his eyes, and stream down along wrin­ kles on both sides of his nose to get lost in the thicket of his grey beard. But John reflects the virginal smile and is inflamed like Her with love, while he follows with his eyes what the Virgin is reading on the scroll and, when he hands Her a new scroll he looks and smiles at Her. The reading is over. Mary's voice stops. The rustling of the parchments rolled and unrolled comes to an end. Mary concen­ trates in secret prayer, joining Her hands on Her breast and lean­640. 2 463
640. 3 640. 4ing Her head on the chest. The apostles imitate Her... 3A very loud and harmonious roar, that resembles the wind and the harp, as well as human singing and the sound of a per­ fect organ, suddenly resounds in the silence of the morning. It comes near, more and more harmonious and loud, and with its vibrations it fills the Earth, propagates them and impresses them on the house, on the walls, on the furniture. The flame of the chandelier, so far immobile in the peace of the closed room, flickers as if a wind were blowing and the little chains of the chandelier tinkle vibrating under the wave of the supernatural sound that strikes them. The apostles raise their heads frightened, and as that most beautiful rumble, in which are all the loveliest notes that God gave the Heavens and the Earth, approaches them more and more, some stand up ready to run away, some crouch on the floor covering their heads with their hands and mantles, or beat their breasts asking God to forgive them, some press against Mary, too frightened to keep the reserve they always have for the Most Pure Mother. Only John is not frightened, because he sees the bright peace of joy that is accentuated on the face of Mary, Who raises Her head smiling at a thing known to Her alone, and Who then slides down on Her knees opening Her arms, and the two blue wings of Her mantle so open stretch out on Peter and John, who have imi­ tated Her, kneeling down. But all this, which took me some minutes to describe, has tak­ en place in less than one minute. 4And then the Light, the Fire, the Holy Spirit enters, with a last melodious loud noise, in the form of a very shining burn­ ing globe, into the closed room, without any door or window be­ ing moved, and remains hovering for a minute over Mary's head, about three palms above Her head, which is now uncovered, be­ cause Mary, upon seeing the Fire Paraclete, has raised Her arms to invoke Him and has thrown Her head back with a cry of joy, with a smile of boundless love. And, after that moment in which all the Fire of the Holy Spirit, all the Love, is collected in His Spouse, the Most Holy Globe splits into thirteen canorous very bright flames, of so bright a light that no earthly comparison can describe, and it descends to kiss the forehead of each apostle. 464
But the flame that descends upon Mary is not a tongue of a straight flame on Her forehead that it kisses, but it is a crown that embraces and encircles the virginal head like a wreath, crowning as Queen the Daughter, the Mother, the Spouse of God, the Incorruptible Virgin, the Wholly Beautiful, the Eternally Loved, the Eternally Maiden Whom nothing can humiliate, and in nothing, Whom sorrow had aged but Who has revived in the joy of the Resurrection, sharing with Her Son an accentuation of beauty and freshness of bodies, of looks, of vitality... having already an advance of the beauty of Her glorious Body received into Heaven to be the flower of Paradise. The Holy Spirit makes His flames shine round the head of His Beloved. Which words does He speak to Her? Mystery! Her blessed face is transfigured with supernatural joy and smiles with the smiles of Seraphim, while blissful tears shine like dia­ monds on the cheeks of the Blessed Virgin, struck as they are by the Light of the Holy Spirit. The Fire remains so for some time... Then it vanishes... In memory of its descent there remains a fragrance that no earthly flower can exhale... The Perfume of Paradise... 5The apostles collect themselves... Mary remains in Her ec­ stasy. She only folds Her arms across Her breast, closes Her eyes, lowers Her head... Her conversation with God continues... in­ sensible to everything... No one dare disturb Her. John, pointing at Her, says: «She is the altar. And the Glory of the Lord has rested on Her glory... » «Yes. Let us not upset Her joy. But let us go and preach the Lord and let His works and His words be known to peoples» says Peter with supernatural impulsiveness. «Let us go! Let us go! The Spirit of God is burning in me» says James of Alphaeus. «And it is urging us to act. All of us. Let us go and evangelize the peoples. » They go out as if they were pushed or attracted by a wind or by a vigorous force. 6Jesus says: «And here the Work, that My love for you all has dictated and that you have received through the love that a creature has had640. 5 640. 6 465
for Me and for you, is over. It ended today, the day of the Commemoration of Saint Zita from Lucca, the humble maid who served her Lord with char­ ity in this Church of Lucca, where I, from remote places, have brought My little John, so that he should serve Me with charity and with the same love that Saint Zita had for all unhappy peo­ ple. Zita used to give bread to the poor, remembering that I am in each of them, and that blessed will they be, who, side by side with Me, give bread and drink to the hungry and thirsty. Mary- John has given My words to those who languish in ignorance or in tepidness or in doubt about Faith, remembering that Wisdom said* that those who work hard to make God known, will shine like stars in eternity, giving glory to their Love by making it known and loved, and to many people. And, further, it ended today, the day in which the Church raises the pure lily of the fields Mary Theresa Goretti to the al­ tars, the lily whose stem was broken while its corolla was still a bud. And by whom was it broken if not by Satan, envious of that purity that shone more than his ancient angelic aspect? Bro­ ken because it was sacred to the Divine Lover. Mary, virgin and martyr of this century of disgrace, in which also the honour of the Woman is held in contempt, by spitting the slaver of reptiles to deny the power of God to give an inviolate dwelling to His Word, Who was becoming incarnate by the Holy Spirit, in order to save those who believe in Him. Also Mary-John is martyr of the Hatred, who does not want My wonders to be celebrated by the Work, the weapon capable of snatching so many preys from him. But also Mary-John knows, as Mary Theresa knew, that martyrdom, whatever its name and aspect are, is the key that without delay opens the Kingdom of Heaven to those who suffer to continue My Passion. 640. 7 7The work is finished**. And with its end, with the descent of the Holy Spirit, ends the Messianic cycle, that My Wisdom has * said, in Wisdom 3: 1-9 ; Daniel 12: 3-4. ** The Work is finished, the Messianic cycle ends here with the Discent of the Holy Spirit. In the original handwritings immediately afterwords follows “ The Fare­ well to the Work” written on 28th April 1947. Since there are writings (mostly dated 1951) which concerne and complete the same Work, they have been in­ cluded from here on. For this reason 11 The Farewell of the Work ” has been post­ poned to the end of this book. 466
enlightened from its dawning: the Immaculate Conception of Mary, to its setting: the descent of the Holy Spirit. All the Mes­ sianic cycle is the work of the Spirit of Love, for those who see properly. It was therefore right to begin it with the mystery of the Immaculate Conception of the Spouse of the Love, and fin­ ish it with the seal of the Fire Paraclete on the Church of Christ. The revealed works of God, of the Love of God, end with Pen­ tecost. From then onwards the intimate mysterious work of God continues in His believers, united in the Name of Jesus in the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church; and the Church, that is, the assembly of the believers-shepherds, sheep and lambs-can proceed without erring because of the continuous spiritual operation of the Love, the Theologian of theologians, He Who forms the true theologians, that is, those who are lost in God and have God in themselves-the life of God in them through the direction of the Spirit of God that guides them-that is, those who really are the “children of God” according to the concept* of Paul. 8And at the end of the Work, once again I have to put the com-640. 8 plaint that I have put at the end of each evangelical year**, and in My grief seeing My gift despised, I say to all of you: “You shall not have anything else, because you have not received this that I have given you”. And I say also that about which I had you in­ formed last summer*** to call all of you on the right path: “You will not see Me until the day comes when you will say: 'Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord'”. » The Work was finished today 27th April 1947. Viareggio, Via Fratti 113-Maria Valtorta. * concept, in: Romans 8: 14-17. ** at the end of each evangelical year, in 140. 7, in 312. 14 and in 540. 13. *** last summer, on May 21, 1946. 467
641. 1641. Peter celebrates the Eucharist in a meeting with the first Christians. 3rd June 1944. 1It is one of the very first meetings of Christians, in the days immediately after Pentecost. The twelve apostles are once again twelve, because Matthias, already elected in the place of the traitor, is among them. And the fact that all twelve are there proves that they had not yet parted to go and evangelize, according to the order of the Master. So it must have been Pentecost only a short time ago, and the persecu­ tions of the Sanhedrin against the servants of Jesus Christ have not yet begun. Because if they had begun, they would not cel­ ebrate with so much calm, and without taking any precautions, in a house even too well known to those of the Temple, that is in the house of the Supper room, and exactly in the room where the Last Supper was consumed, the Eucharist was instituted, and the true and total betrayal as well as the Redemption began. The large room, however, has undergone a modification, nec­ essary for its new function as a church, and required by the num­ ber of the believers. The large table is no longer near the wall of the little staircase, but it is near, or rather against the wall fac­ ing it, so that even those who cannot go into the Supper room, already crowded with people-in the Supper room, the first church of the Christian world-can see what is happening there, thronging the entrance corridor, near the little door, completely open, that admits to the room. In the room there are men and women of all ages. In a group of women, near the large table, but in a corner, there is Mary, the Mother, surrounded by Martha and Mary of Lazarus, by Nike, Eliza, Mary of Alphaeus, Salome, Johanna of Chuza, in short, by many of the women disciples, both Jewish and not Jewish, whom Jesus had cured, comforted, evangelized, and who had become sheep of His fold. Among the men there are Nicodemus, Lazarus, Joseph of Arimathea, a large number of disciples, among whom there are Stephen, Hermas, the shepherds, Elisha the son of the leader of he synagogue of Engedi, and many more. There is also Longinus, not in his military uniform, but as if he were an ordi­ nary citizen, with a long plain greyish tunic. Then many more, 468
who have certainly entered the flock of Christ after Pentecost and the first evangelization of the Twelve. 2Peter speaks also now, evangelizing and teaching the peo­ ple present. He speaks once again of the Last Supper. Again, be­ cause from his words it is clear that he has already spoken of it. He says: «I tell you once again» and he stresses these words very much «of this Supper in which, before being sacrificed by men, Jesus the Nazarene, as He was called, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Saviour, as He is to be called and believed with all our hearts and minds, because our salvation is in this faith, sacrificed Himself of His own free will, and out of excess of love, giving Himself in Food and Drink to men and saying to us, His servants and continuators: “Do this in memory of Me”. And that is what we do. But, as men, as we, His witnesses, believe that in the Bread and in the Wine, offered and blessed, as He did, in His memory and out of obedience to His divine order, there is His Most Holy Body and His Most Holy Blood, that Body and that Blood that are of a God, of the Son of the Most High God, and that they have been crucified and shed for the sake and the lives of men, so you also, all of you, who have come to be part of the true, new, immortal Church, predicted by the Prophets and founded by the Christ, must believe it. Believe and bless the Lord Who to us-His crucifiers, if not materially, certainly moral­ ly and spiritually, because of our weakness in serving Him, be­ cause of our dullness in understanding Him, because of our cow­ ardice in abandoning Him running away in His supreme hour, in our, no, in my personal betrayal of a man fearful and cowardly to the extent of disowning and denying Him and denying that I was His disciple, and more than that, the first among His serv­ ants (and large tears stream down Peter's face) shortly before the first hour, there, in the Court of the Temple-believe and bless I was saying, the Lord, Who leaves this eternal sign of forgiveness to us. Believe and bless the Lord, Who allows those, who did no know Him when He was the Nazarene, to know Him now that He is the Word Incarnate reunited to His Father. Come and take it. He said: “He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood will have eternal Life”. And we did not understand then (and Peter weeps again). We did not understand because we were slow in under­ standing. But now the Holy Spirit has brightened our intelli­641. 2 469
641. 3gence, has fortified our faith, has infused charity into us, and we understand. And in the name of the Most High God, of the God of Abraham, of Jacob, of Moses, in the most high name of the God Who spoke to Isaiah, to Jeremiah, to Ezekiel, to Daniel and to the other Prophets, we swear to you that this is the truth and we beseech you to believe, so that you may have eternal Life. » Peter is full of stateliness while speaking. There is no longer anything in him of the rather coarse fisherman of not long ago. He has climbed on a stool to speak and to be seen and heard bet­ ter, because, small as he is, if he had remained standing on the floor of the room, he could not have been seen by those farther away, whereas he wants to dominate the crowd. He speaks mod­ erately, in an appropriate voice, with the gestures of a true ora­ tor. His eyes, always expressive, are now more eloquent than ev­ er. Love, faith, authority, contrition, everything shines through his eyes anticipating and reinforcing his words. 3He has finished speaking now. He comes down from the stool and passes behind the large table, in the space between the table and the wall, and waits. James and Judas, that is the two sons of Alphaeus and cousins of the Christ, now lay a white table-cloth on the table. To do so they lift the large low chest, which is on the centre of the table, and they spread a very fine linen cloth also on its lid. The apostle John goes now to Mary and asks Her something. Mary slips off from Her neck a kind of a small key and gives it to John. John takes it, goes back to the chest, opens it, letting down the front panel, which is laid on the table and covered with a third linen cloth. Inside the chest there is a horizontal partition that divides it into two sections. In the lower section there is a chalice and a metal plate. In the upper section, in the centre, the chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper and for the first Eucharist, the re­ mains of the bread broken by Him, laid on a small plate as pre­ cious as the chalice. On the sides of the chalice and of the small plate laid on it, on one side there is the crown of thorns, the nails and the sponge. On the other side one of the shrouds, rolled up, the veil with which Nike wiped Jesus' Face, and the one that Mary gave Her Son to gird up His loins. At the bottom there are other things, but as they remain rather concealed and no one 470
speaks of them or shows them, it is not known what they are. The other ones, instead, and which are visible, are shown to the peo­ ple present by John and Judas of Alphaeus, and the crowd kneels in front of them. But neither the chalice nor the small plate of the bread are touched or shown, nor is the Shroud unfolded, but only the rolled cloth is shown, saying what it is. Perhaps John and Ju­ das do not unfold it in order not to awake in Mary the sorrowful memory of the cruel tortures suffered by Her Son. When this part of the ceremony is over, the apostles in chorus intone some prayers, I should say some psalms, because they are sung as the Hebrews used to do in their synagogues or in their pilgrimages to Jerusalem for the solemnities prescribed by the Law. The chorus of the apostles is joined by the crowd and so it becomes more and more impressive. 4At the end they bring some bread that is laid on the small metal plate, which was in the lower section of the chest, and also some small amphorae, which are also of metal. John, who is kneeling on the other side of the table-whereas Peter is always between the table and the wall, but facing the crowd-hands the tray with the bread to Peter, who raises it and offers it. He then blesses it and lays it on the chest. Judas of Alphaeus, who is also kneeling beside John, in his turn, hands Peter the chalice of the lower section and the two amphorae that were previously near the small plate of the bread, and Peter pours their contents into the chalice, which he then raises and offers, as he had done with the bread. He blesses also the chalice and lays it on the chest beside the bread. They say more prayers. Peter breaks the bread into many morsels, while the people prostrate themselves even more, and he says: «This is My Body. Do this in memory of Me». He comes out from behind the table, taking the tray full of the morsels of bread, and as first thing he goes to Mary and gives Her a morsel. Then he goes to the front of the table and hands out the consecrated Bread to all those who approach him to have it. A few morsels are left over, and still on their tray, they are laid on the chest. He now takes the chalice and offers it, always beginning from Mary, to those who are present. John and Judas follow him with the small amphorae and they add the liquids when the chalice641. 4 471
641. 5 642. 1is empty, while Peter repeats the elevation, the offering and the blessing to consecrate the liquid. When all those who asked to be nourished with the Eucharist are satisfied, the apostles consume the bread and wine left over. Then they sing another psalm or hymn and after it Peter blesses the crowd who, after his blessing, go away little by little. 5Mary, the Mother, Who has always remained on Her knees during the whole ceremony of the consecration and the distribu­ tion of the species of the Bread and Wine, stands up and goes to the chest. She bends across the large table and with Her forehead She touches the upper section of the chest, where the chalice and the small plate used by Jesus at the Last Supper are laid, and She kisses the edges of them. A kiss that is also for all the relics gath­ ered there. Then John closes the chest and hands the key back to Mary, Who puts it again round Her neck. 642. The blessed Virgin takes up Her abode at Gethsemane with John who foretells Her assumption. 21st August 1951. 1Mary is still in the house of the Supper room. All alone in Her usual room, She is sewing some very fine linen cloths, like long narrow table-cloths. Now and again She raises Her head to look at the garden and ascertain thus the time of the day by the position of the sunshine on its walls. And if She hears a noise in the house or in the street, She listens carefully. She seems to be waiting for someone. Some time goes by so. Then there is a knock at the door of the house, followed by the rustling of sandals of someone who rushes to open it. Voices of men resound in the corridor and they become louder and louder and closer and closer. Mary listens... Then She exclaims: «Are they here?! What on earth has happened?! » While She is still uttering these words, somebody knocks at the door of Her room. «Come in, brothers in Jesus, My Lord» replies Mary. Lazarus and Joseph of Arimathea enter, and greeting Her with deep veneration they say: «Blessed are You among all moth­ ers! The servants of Your Son and our Lord greet You», and they 472
prostrate themselves to kiss the hem of Her dress. «The Lord be always with you. For what reason, and while the ferment of the persecutors of the Christ and of His followers has not yet ceased, have you come to Me? » «First of all, to see You. Because seeing You is still seeing Him, and thus we feel less distressed because of His departure from the Earth. And then to propose to. You what we have re­ solved to do, after a meeting in my house of the more loving and faithful servants of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord» Lazarus re­ plies to Her. «Tell Me. It will be your love that speaks to Me, and with My love I will listen to you. » 2Joseph of Arimathea now begins to speak and says: «Woman, You know and You have said so, that the ferment, now even worse, still lasts against all those who have been close to Your Son and God's, either through relationship, or faith, or friendship. And we are aware that You do not intend to leave these places, where You have seen the perfect manifestation of the divine and human nature of Your Son, His total mortification, and His total glori­ fication, through His Passion and Death as true Man, through His glorious Resurrection and Ascension, as true God. And we also know that You do not want to leave the apostles all alone, as You wish to be a Mother and guide to them in their first tri­ als, You, the See of Divine Wisdom, You, the Spouse of the Spirit Revealer of the Eternal Truths, You, eternally beloved Daugh­ ter of the Father Who from eternity chose You as Mother of His Only-Begotten Son, You, the Mother of this Word of the Father, Who certainly taught You His infinite and most perfect Wisdom and Doctrine, even before He was in You, as a creature that was forming, or He was with You as a Son Who grows in age and wis­ dom to such an extent as to become the Master of masters. John told us the day after the first astonishing sermon and apostolic manifestation, which took place ten days after the Ascension of Jesus to Heaven. You, in turn, know, as You saw it at Gethsemane on the day of the Ascension of Your Son to His Father, and as You were told by Peter, John and other apostles, that Lazarus and I, immediately after the Death and Resurrection, began to build a wall around my vegetable garden near Golgotha and at Gethse­ mane on the Mount of Olives, so that those places, sanctified by642. 2 473
642. 3the Divine Martyr's Blood, that dropped, alas!, warmed by fever at Gethsemane, and frozen and clotted in my garden, may not be profaned by Jesus' enemies. The work has now been completed, and both Lazarus and I, and his sisters with him and the apos­ tles, who would suffer too much not having You here any longer, say to You: “Take up Your abode in the house of Jonah and Mary, the keepers of Gethsemane”. » 3«And Jonah and Mary? That house is a small one, and I love solitude. I have always loved it. And I love it even more now, be­ cause I need it to get lost in God, in My Jesus, so that I may not die of anguish, not having Him here any longer. It is not fair that human eyes should be laid on the mysteries of God, because He is God now more than ever. I Woman, Jesus Man. But our Human­ ity was, and is, different from every other one, both because of our immunity from sin, also from the original one, and because of our relationship with God One and Trine. We are unique in these things among all creatures past, present and future. Now man, even the best and most prudent one, is naturally and inevi­ tably curious, particularly if he is near an extraordinary mani­ festation. And only Jesus and I, as long as He was on the Earth, know what sufferings... yes, also shame, uneasiness, torture is experienced when human curiosity pries into, watches, spies up­ on our secrets with God. It is the same as if they placed us naked in the middle of a square. Think of My past, how I have always sought secrecy, silence, how I have always concealed, under the appearance of the common life of a poor woman, the mysteries of God in Me. Recall how, in order not to reveal them even to My spouse Joseph, I almost made of him, a just man, an unjust one. Only the angelic intervention avoided that danger*. Think of the life so humble, hidden, common, led by Jesus for thirty-three years, how easily He would withdraw and become isolated when He was the Master. He had to work miracles and teach, because that was His mission. But, He told Me Himself, He suffered-one of the many reasons for the severity and sadness that flashed in His large powerful eyes-He suffered, I was saying, because of the exaltation of the crowds, because of the more or less good cu­ riosity with which they watched every action of His. How many * that danger, in Matthew 1: 18-21, described by the Blessed Virgin as “our first Passion” in 25. 9/11. 474
times did He order His disciples and those He had cured miracu­ lously, saying: “Do not mention what you have seen. Do not men­ tion what I have done for you”!... Now I should not like human eyes to inquire into the mysteries of God in Me, mysteries that have not ceased with the return to Heaven of Jesus, My Son and My God, no, on the contrary they last, and I should say that they increase, thanks to His goodness, and to keep Me alive, until the hour comes, for which I have longed so much, of joining Him for­ ever. 4I would like only John with Me. Because he is prudent, re­ spectful, loving with Me like another Jesus. But Jonah and Mary will know... » Lazarus interrupts Her: «It has already been done, o Blessed Mother! We have already seen to it. Mark, Jonah's son, is among the disciples. Mary, his mother and Jonah, his father, are already at Bethany. » «But the olive-grove? It needs to be taken care of! » Mary re­ plies to him. «Only when it is time to prune, to plough and pick the olives. So, only a few days each year and which will be even fewer, be­ cause in those periods I will send my servants from Bethany with Mark. You, Mother, if You want to make us happy, my sisters and me, will come to Bethany in those days, to the Zealot's solitary house. We shall be close to one another, but our eyes will not be indiscreet with regard to Your meetings with God. » «But the oil-mill?.. » «It has already been transferred to Bethany. Gethsemane, completely enclosed, the property even more reserved, of La­ zarus of Theophilus, is awaiting You, Mary. And I assure You that the enemies of Jesus, out of fear of Rome, will not dare to violate its peace and Yours. » «Oh! since it is so! » exclaims Mary. And She presses Her hands against Her heart, and looks at them, with a countenance that is almost ecstatic, so blissful it is, with an angelic smile on Her lips and tears of joy on Her fair eyelashes. She continues: «John and I! Alone! We two all alone! I shall seem to be once again at Nazareth with My Son! Alone! In peace! In that peace! Where My Jesus gave forth so many words and so much spirit of peace! Where, it is true, He suffered so much that He sweated blood and received the supreme moral sorrow of the infamous642. 4 475
kiss and the first... » A sob and a very painful recollection inter­ rupt Her words and upset Her face that, for a few moments, has once more the sorrowful expression it had on the days of the Pas­ sion and Death of Her Son. She then collects Herself and says: «There, where He went back to the infinite peace of Paradise! I will soon send Mary of Alphaeus instructions to look after My little house in Nazareth, which is so dear to Me, because the mys­ tery was accomplished there and My spouse so pure and holy, died there, and Jesus grew up in it. So dear! But never as much as these places where He instituted the Rite of rites and He became Bread, Blood, Life for men, and He suffered and redeemed, and He founded His Church and, with His last blessing*, He made all the things of Creation good and holy. I will remain. Yes. I will remain here. I will go to Gethsemane. And from there, walking along the outside of the walls, I shall be able to go to Golgotha, and to your vegetable garden, Joseph, where I wept so much, and I shall be able to come to your house, Lazarus, where I have al- 642. 5 ways had so much love, in My Son first, and then for Myself. 5But I should like... » «What, Blessed Mother? » they both ask Her. «I should like to come back here as well. Because togeth­ er with the apostles, we had decided, providing Lazarus allows us... » «Everything You want, Mother. Everything I have, is Yours. Previously I used to say so to Jesus. Now I say it to You. And if You accept My gift, it is always I who receive a grace. » «Son, let Me call you so, I should like you to allow us to make of this house, that is of the Supper room, a place for meetings and for the brotherly agape**. » «It is just. In this place Your Son instituted the new eternal Rite, He founded His new Church, elevating His apostles and disciples to a new Pontificate and Priesthood. It is just that that room should become the first temple of the new religion: the seed that tomorrow will be a tree, and then a huge forest, the embryo that tomorrow will be a complete vital organism, and that will grow more and more in height, depth and width, spreading all over the Earth. Which table and altar are holier than the ones on * His last blessing, in 638. 21. ** agape : ritual Eucharistic meal. 476
which He broke the Bread and laid the Chalice of the new Rite, that will last as long as the Earth? » «That is true, Lazarus. And, see? For it I am sewing clean ta­ ble-cloths. Because I believe, as no one will believe with equal strength that the Bread and Wine are He, in His Flesh and in His Blood; Most holy and innocent Flesh, Redeeming Blood, given in Food and Drink of Life to men. May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you, o good wise men, who have always been compassionate to the Son and to His Mother. » 6«So it is decided. Take this. It is the key that opens the vari­ ous gates of the enclosure of Gethsemane. And this is the key of the house. And be happy, as much as God grants You to and as much as our poor love would like You to be. » Now that Lazarus has finished speaking, Joseph of Ari­ mathea in turn says: «And this is the key of the enclosure of my vegetable garden. » «But you... you are quite entitled to go in! » «I have another one, Mary. The market-gardener is a just man, and so is his son. You will find only them and me there. And we will be prudent and respectful. » «May God bless you again» repeats Mary. «Thanks to you, Mother. Our love and the peace of God to You, always. » They prostrate themselves after this last greeting, they kiss the hem of Her dress once again and they go away. 7They have just gone out of the house, when another moderate knock is heard at the door of the room in which Mary is. «Come in» says Mary. John does not make Her repeat it twice. He goes in and closes the door, somewhat worried. He asks: «What did Joseph and La­ zarus want? Is there any danger? » «No, son. There is only the satisfaction of a wish of Mine. A wish of Mine and of other people. You know how Peter and James of Alphaeus, the former the Pontiff, the latter the head of the church of Jerusalem, are desolate at the thought of losing Me, as they are afraid they will not know what to do without Me. James in particular. Not even the special apparition of My Son to him, and his election by the will of Jesus, comfort and fortify him. But also the others!... Lazarus is now satisfying this general wish and makes us the masters of Gethsemane. You and I. All alone642. 6 642. 7 477
642. 8there. Here are the keys. And this is the key of Joseph's garden... We shall be able to go to the Sepulchre, to Bethany, without go­ ing through the town... And to go to Golgotha... And come here every time there is the brotherly agape. Lazarus and Joseph are granting us everything. » «They are really two just men. Lazarus received a lot from Jesus. That is true. But, even before receiving, He always gave everything to Jesus. Are You happy, Mother? » «Yes, John. So much! I will live, as long as God wants, helping Peter and James and all of you, and I will help the first Chris­ tians in every way. If the Judaeans, the Pharisees and the priests are not wild animals also towards Me, as they were for My Son, I shall be able to depart where He ascended to His Father. » 8«You will ascend as well, Mother. » «No. I am not Jesus. I was born in a human way. » «But without stain of origin. I am a poor ignorant fisher­ man. With regard to doctrines and scriptures I know only what the Master taught me. But I am like a boy, because I am pure. And so, perhaps I know more than the Rabbis of Israel, because, He said so, God hides things from the wise and reveals them to the little and pure ones. And that is why I think, or better, I feel that You will have the destiny that Eve would have had, if she had not sinned. And even more, because You have not been the spouse of an Adam-man, but of God, to give the Earth the new Adam faithful to Grace. The Creator, when He created our first Parents, did not destine them to die, that is to the corruption of the most perfect body created by Him, and made the most no­ ble among all the bodies created, because it is endowed with a spiritual soul and with the gratuitous gifts of God, whereby they could be called “adoptive sons of God”, but what He wanted for them was only a passage from the earthly Paradise to the celes­ tial one. Now You have never had any stain of sin on Your soul. Not even the great common sin, the heritage of Adam to all hu­ man beings, affected You, because God preserved You from it by a singular unique privilege, as from ever, You had been des­ tined to become the Ark of the Word. And the Ark, even the one that, alas!, contains nothing but cold, arid, dead things, because, really, the people of God do not put them into practice as they should, is and must always be most pure. The Ark is, yes. But 478
among those who approach it, Pontiff and Priests, who is really as pure as You are? No one. That is why I feel that You, the second Eve, and Eve faithful to Grace, arą not destined to death. » 9«My Son, the second Adam, Grace itself, always obedient to His Father, to Me, in a perfect manner, died. And of what death! » «He had come to be the Redeemer, Mother. He left His Father, Heaven, He took Flesh upon Himself, in order to redeem men, through His Sacrifice, give Grace back to them, and then elevate them once again to the rank of adoptive sons of God, heirs to Heaven. He had to die. And His Most Holy Humanity died. And You died in Your heart seeing His cruel torture and His Death. You have already suffered everything to be the redeemer with Him. I am a poor foolish boy, but I feel that You, the true Ark of the true living God, will not be, You cannot be subject to corrup­ tion. As the cloud of fire protected and guided the Ark of Mo­ ses towards the promised Land, so the Fire of God will attract You to its Centre. As the branch of Aaron* did not wither, did not perish, on the contrary, although detached from the tree, it put forth buds, leaves and yielded fruit and lived in the Taber­ nacle, so You, chosen by God among all the women who lived and will live on the Earth, will not die like a plant that withers, but You will live forever, with Your whole Self, in the Tabernacle of Heaven. As the waters of the Jordan** opened to let the Ark, its bearers and all the people pass in the days of Joshua, so the bar­ riers that the sin of Adam placed between Heaven and Earth will open for You, and from this world You pass to the eternal Heav­ en. I am sure of that. Because God is just. And the decree issued by God for those who have neither hereditary nor voluntary sin on their souls applies to You. » 10«Has Jesus revealed that to you? » «No, Mother. The Spirit Paraclete tells me, He Who the Mas­ ter informed us would reveal future things and all truth to us. The Comforter is already telling me in my spirit, to make less bitter for me the thought of losing You, blessed Mother, Whom I love and venerate as much and even more than my own mother, because of what You have suffered, because You are good and * the cloud of fire, in: Exodus13: 21-22; Numbers 9: 15-23; the branch of Aaron, in Numbers 17: 23-26 : ** the waters of the Jordan, in: Joshua 3: 14-17. 642. 9 642. 10 479
643. : 643. :holy, inferior only to Your Most Holy Son among all present and future Saints. The greatest Saint. » And John, deeply moved, prostrates himself venerating Her. 643. The Blessed Virgin and John in the places of the Passion. 8th September 1951. 1 1It is dawn. A clear summer dawn. Mary, with faithful John, leaves the little house at Gethsemane and walks quickly through the silent desert olive-grove. Only the singing of some birds and the chirping of nestlings break the deep silence of the place. Mary without any hesitation directs Her steps towards the rock of the Agony. She kneels against it, She kisses where some thin fissures in the rock still show rusty-red traces of Jesus' Blood, that penetrated into the fissures and coagulated there, She caresses them, as if She were still caressing Her Son or part of Him. John, standing behind Her, watches Her and weeps si­ lently, wiping his eyes quickly when Mary makes the gesture of standing up, he even helps Her to do so, and he does it with so much love, veneration and compassion. 2Mary now goes down to the open area where Jesus was cap­ tured. Also there She kneels down and She bends to kiss the earth, after asking John: «Is this exactly the place of the horrible ill-famed kiss, that contaminated this place even more than the filthy corrupting conversation of the Serpent with Eve disgraced the earthly Paradise? » She then stands up saying: «But I am not Eve. I am the Wom­ an of the Ave. I turned things upside down. Eve threw what be­ longed to Heaven into the filthy mud. I have accepted everything: incomprehension, criticism, suspicion, sorrow-how many sor­ rows and of how many kinds, before the supreme grief-to re­ move from the filthy mud what Eve and Adam had thrown into it, and elevate it again towards Heaven. The demon was not able to speak to Me, although he tried to, as he tried with My Son, to destroy the redemption plan definitively. He was not able to speak to Me, because I closed My ears to his voice and My eyes to his sight, and above all I closed My heart and My spirit against 480
every attack of what is not holy and pure. My limpid ego, but which, like a pure diamond, cannot be scratched, opened only to the announcing Angel. My ears listened only to that spiritual voice, and so I repaired and rebuilt what Eve had damaged and destroyed. I am the Woman of the Ave and of the Fiat*. I restored the order upset by Eve. And now I can remove and wash with My kiss and My tears the impression of his cursed kiss and of that contamination. The greatest of all of them, because it was done not by a creature to a creature, but by a creature to his Master and Friend, to his Creator and God. » 3She then goes towards the gate, which John opens. They come out together from Gethsemane, they go down to the Kidron, they cross the little bridge, and there also Mary kneels down to kiss the rustic parapet of the bridge, on the spot where Her Son fell on it. She says: «Every place where He suffered supreme sorrows and abuse is sacred to Me. I should like to have everything in My little house. But it is not possible to have everything! » She sighs and then says: «Let us go on quickly, before people get about. » And She takes to the road again with John. 4She does not go into town. They go along the Hinnom valley and the caves where the lepers live. She raises Her eyes towards those caverns of sorrow. She gives John a nod and he at once lays on a rock some foodstuffs that he had in a bag, uttering a cry at the same time to call them. Some lepers look out and come to­ wards the rock thanking them. But none of them ask to be cured. Mary notices it and says: «They know that He is no longer here and shocked as they are at His horrible Death, they can no longer have faith in Him and in His disciples. Twice unhappy! Twice lepers! Twice? No, even more, completely unhappy, lepers, dead! Both on the Earth and in the next world. » «Shall I try and speak to them, Mother? » «It is useless! Peter, Judas of Alphaeus, Simon Zealot have tried... And they derided them. Mary of Lazarus came, as she always assists them in memory of Jesus, and she was derided as well. Lazarus also went, with Joseph and Nicodemus, to con­ vince them that He was the Christ, telling them of his resurrec­ tion worked by Jesus, after being for four days in the sepulchre, * of the Ave and of the Fiat : of the “Hail” and of “Let your will be done”. 643. 3 643. 4 481
643. 5 643. 6and of that of the Man-God, through His own power, and of His Ascension. It was all to no avail. They replied: “Lies. Those who know the truth say that they are lies”. » «And they are certainly the Pharisees and the priests. They are the ones who are working to destroy faith in Him. I am sure it is they! » «It may be, John. It is certain that the lepers who were not converted before, in the face of Jesus' miracles, will not be con­ verted any more. No more. A sign and symbol of all those who, throughout ages, will not be converted to the Christ, and by their free will, will be lepers of sin, dead to the Grace, which is Life, the symbol of all those for whom He died in vain... And in that manner!... » and She weeps, quietly, without sobbing, but with a real flood of tears. 5John takes Her by the arm when Mary, to conceal Her tears from some passers-by who are watching Her, covers Her face with Her veil. John, while leading Her lovingly, says to Her: «It is not possible for Your tears, for Your prayers, for Your, even more, for Your and Jesus' love for all men-Yours, because Yours is active, as active, perfectly active as Jesus' glorious in Heaven, and Your sorrow, because of the deafness of men, and His, be­ cause of the obstinate sinning of too many people-not to yield fruit. Have hope, Mother! Men have given You and will still give You much sorrow, but they will also give You love and joy. Who will not love You, when he hears about You? Now here You are not known, the world is unacquainted with You. But when the Earth knows, because it has become Christian, how much love will come to You! I am sure, o holy Mother. » 6Golgotha is now close at hand, and Joseph's vegetable gar­ den is even closer. When they reach the latter, Mary does not go in. She goes to Golgotha first. And in the places where particu­ lar episodes took place during the Passion, that is, in the places of His falls, of His meeting with Nike and with Her as well, She kneels down and kisses the ground. When She arrives at the summit, Her kisses become more fre­ quent at the place of the Crucifixion. Kisses and tears, the for­ mer almost convulsive, the latter calm, but as thick as rain, fall on the yellowish earth wetting it and making its yellowish col­ our darker. 482
A little plant has come up just where the earth was moved to plant the cross there, a humble wild little plant, with heart- shaped leaves and little flowers as red as rubies. Mary looks at it, She becomes pensive, then She removes it delicately from the soil with a little loose earth, She lays it in the hem of Her mantle, saying to John: «I will put it in a vase. It looks like His blood, and it has come up in the earth made red by His Blood. It is certainly a seed carried by the whirlwind of that day, it came from who knows where and fell there who knows why, to take root in the dust fertilised by that Blood. I wish it were so for all the souls! Why is the majority of them more reluctant than the arid and cursed earth of Golgotha, the place of torture for highwaymen and killers, and of the deicide of a whole people? Cursed? No. He has sanctified this dust. Cursed by God are those who turned this hill into the place of the most horrible, unjust, sacrilegious crime that will ever be on the Earth. » Now Her sobs are joined to Her tears. John embraces Her shoulders with his arm, to make Her feel all his love, and he convinces Her to leave that place, which is too sorrowful for Her. 7They go down to the foot of the hill again. They go into Jo­ seph's vegetable garden. The Sepulchre shows its inside with a wide opening, no longer closed by the stone, which is still lying overturned on the ground among the grass. It is empty inside. All traces of the Deposition and of the Resurrection have disap­ peared. It looks like a sepulchre that has never been used. Mary kisses the stone of the unction, She casts loving glances at the walls. Then She asks John: «Tell Me once again how you found things here, when you came here with Peter at dawn of the Resurrection. » And John, moving here and there, outside and inside the Sepulchre, describes how the things were and what he and Peter did, and he ends by saying: «We should have collected the linens. But we were so upset by all the events of those days, that we did not think about it. When we came back here, the linens were no longer here. » «Those of the Temple must have taken them, to desecrate them» says Mary interrupting him and weeping. And She Con­ cludes: «Not even Mary of Magdala thought that they should643. 7 483
643. 8 644. 1have been taken away to be given to Me. She was too upset as well. » «The Temple? No. I think that Joseph has taken them. » «He would have told Me... Oh! Jesus' enemies must have tak­ en them for a last insult! » says Mary moaning. «Do not weep, do not suffer any more. He is now in His glory. In infinite perfect love. Hatred and insults can no longer touch Him. » «That is true. But those linens... » «They would be the cause of sorrow to You, as is the first Shroud, that You have not the strength to spread out, because be­ sides the traces of His Blood, there are those of the filthy things thrown on that Most Holy Body. » «That shroud, yes. But these linens, no. They absorbed what trickled from Him when He no longer suffered... Oh! you cannot understand! » «I see, Mother. But I did not think that You, Who are certainly not separated from Him God, as we are, and even more are the simple believers in Him, felt so strong the desire, even more, the need to have something of Him, the tortured Man. Forgive my stupidity. Come... We will come back here again. Let us go now, because the sun is rising more and more, it is strong, and long is the road we have to take in order to avoid the town. » 8They come out of the Sepulchre, and then of the vegeta­ ble garden, and along the same road by which they came, they go back to Gethsemane. Mary walks quickly and silently, all wrapped up in Her mantle. She has only a sensation of disgust and horror when She passes near the olive-grove where Judas hanged himself and near the country house of Caiaphas, and She whispers: «Here he completed his damnation of an unrepentant soul in despair, and there he finalised the deal. » 644. Institution of the “Day of the Lord”. Gradual conversion of Gamaliel. The two Shrouds. 5th October 1951. 1It is night-time. The moon, at her highest point, with her sil­ very light illuminates the whole of Gethsemane and the little 484
house of Mary and John. Everything is silent. Even the Kidron, which has become a fine stream of water, makes no noise. All of a sudden a rustling of sandals can be heard in the deep silence and it becomes more and more distinct and closer, and with it the whispering of some deep masculine voices. Then three people appear from the clump of trees and they direct their steps towards the little house. They knock at the door. A lamp is lit and a faint flickering light filters through a fis­ sure in the door. A hand opens it, a head looks out, a voice, John's, asks: «Who are you? » «Joseph of Arimathea. And with me are Nicodemus and La­ zarus. The hour is indiscreet. But prudence has forced it on us. We have brought something for Mary and Lazarus has escorted us. » «Come in. I will go and call Her. She is not sleeping. She is praying up there, in Her little room, on the terrace. She likes it so much! » says John, and he quickly climbs the little staircase leading to the terrace and to the room. The three, who have remained in the kitchen, speak to one an­ other in low voices, in the faint light of the lamp, gathered near the table, still wrapped in their mantles, with the exception of their heads, which they have uncovered. 2John comes back in with Mary, Who greets the three saying: «Peace to all of you. » «And to You, Mary» they reply, bowing. «Is there any danger? Has anything happened to the servants of Jesus? » «Nothing, Woman. We have decided to come to give You a thing that-now we know for a certainty, but we had already had a foreboding of it-You wished to have. We did not come sooner, because there has been a contrast of ideas among us, and also between us and Mary of Lazarus. Martha has not declared her opinion on the matter. She only said: “The Lord, either directly, or by inspiring other people to speak, will tell you what to do”. And, actually, we have been told what to do. And that is why we have come» explains Joseph. «Has the Lord spoken to you? Has He come to you? » «No, Mother. He has not come any more, after His ascension to Heaven. Previously yes. He appeared to us, as we told You, in644. 2 485
644. 3a supernatural way, after His resurrection, in my house. On that day He appeared to many people, at the same time, to give proof of His Divinity and of His Resurrection. Then we have seen Him again while He remained among men, but no longer in a super­ natural manner, but as the apostles and disciples saw Him» says Nicodemus replying to Her. «So? How did He show you the way you had to follow? » «Through the words of one of His favourites and successors. » «Peter? I do not think so. He is still too frightened, both of his past and of His new mission. » 3«No, Mary, not Peter, who, however, is really becoming more and more confident and, now that he knows for which purpose Lazarus has used the house of the Supper room, has decided to begin regular agapes and to celebrate the mysteries regularly on the day after each Sabbath. Because he says that that is now the day of the Lord, as on that day He rose from the dead and appeared to many people to confirm them in their faith in His eternal Nature of God. There is no longer the Sabbath, as it has been for the Hebrews perhaps since the Shabuoth. There is no longer the Sabbath, because there is no longer the synagogue for Christians, but the Church, as predicted by the prophets. But there is still, and there will always be, the day of the Lord, in memory of the Man-God, of the Master, Founder, eternal Pon­ tiff, after being the Redeemer, of the Christian Church. So from the day after the next Sabbath there will be the agapes among Christians, and there will be many of them, in the house of the Supper room. Which was not possible before, both because of the hatred of Pharisees, Priests, Sadducees and scribes, and of the temporary dispersion of many followers of Jesus, shaken in their faith in Him and frightened of the hatred of the Judae­ ans. But now those who hated us, both because of their fear of Rome, that has found fault with the behaviour of the Proconsul, and of the crowds, and because they consider the “excitement of the fanatics ” to be over-that is how they define the faith of the Christians in Christ, owing to the momentary scattering of the believers, truly of a short duration and now completely over, because all the sheep have gone back to the Fold of the true Shepherd-are not keeping such a watchful eye on us, I should say that they take no interest in it, as if it were a dead matter 486
644. 4that had come to its end. And that allows us to assemble for the agapes. 4We want You to be able, also with regard to the previous one, to have this souvenir of Him to be shown to the believers, in or­ der to confirm them in their faith, without it grieving You too much. » And Joseph hands Her a bulky roll, that enveloped in a dark red cloth, he had held so far concealed under his mantle. «What is it? » asks Mary, growing pale. «His garments, per­ haps? The one I made for Him for... Oh!... » She says weeping. «At no price could we find them any more. Who knows how and where they ended up! » replies Lazarus. And he adds: «But this is also His garment. His last one. It is the clean Shroud in which the most pure Lord was wrapped in after His torture and after the purification, although hurried and relative, of His members soiled by His enemies, and the summary embalming. When He rose, Joseph took both away from the Sepulchre and brought them to us at Bethany to avoid any sacrilegious abuse of them. Jesus' enemies will not dare too much in Lazarus' house. And less than ever since they heard that Rome censured the ac­ tion of Pontius Pilate. Then after the first days, the most danger­ ous ones, we gave You the first Shroud, and Nicodemus got the other and took it to his country house. » «Really, Lazarus, they belonged to Joseph» remarks Mary. «That is true, Woman. But Nicodemus' house is out of town, so it does not strike the eye so much and it is safer for other rea­ sons» Joseph replies to Her. «Yes, particularly since Gamaliel with his son pays frequent visits to it» adds Nicodemus. «Gamaliel!? » exclaims Mary much surprised. 5Lazarus cannot help smiling sarcastically while he replies to Her: «Yes. The sign, the famous sign that he was waiting for, to believe that Jesus was the Messiah, has shaken him. No one can deny that the sign was such as to crush even the hardest heads and hearts and make them surrender. And Gamaliel was shaken, crushed and demolished by the most powerful sign, more than the houses that collapsed on Preparation Day, while the world seemed to perish with the Great Victim. Remorse has torn him, more than the veil of the Temple was torn, the remorse for nev­644. 5 487
er having understood Jesus for what He really was. The closed sepulchre of his spirit of an old pig-headed Jew has opened, like the tombs that let the bodies of the just appear, and he is now anxiously seeking truth, light, forgiveness, life. The new life. The one that only through Jesus and in Jesus can be obtained. Oh! He will still have to work hard to clear his ancient ego com­ pletely of the rubble of his past way of thinking! But he will suc­ ceed. He is seeking peace, forgiveness and knowledge. Peace for his remorse and forgiveness for his stubbornness. And full knowl­ edge of Him Whom, when he could, he did not want to know ful­ ly. And he goes to Nicodemus to reach the aim that he is now de­ termined to reach. » «Are you sure that he will not betray you, Nicodemus? » asks Mary. «No. He will not betray me. After all he is a just man. Remem­ ber that he dared to impose himself on the Sanhedrin, during the infamous trial, and that he openly showed his disdain and disgust towards the unjust judges, by going away and by order­ ing his son to go away in order not to be an accomplice, not even by a passive presence, in that supreme crime. That with regard to 644. 6 Gamaliel. 6Then, with regard to the Shrouds, since I am no long­ er a Hebrew and consequently no longer subject to the prohibi­ tion* of Deuteronomy concerning carved images and castings, I was thinking of making a statue of Jesus crucified, as best I can -I will use one of my gigantic cedars of Lebanon-and of con­ cealing one of the Shrouds inside it, the first one, if You, Mother, will give it back to us. It would always distress You too much to see it, because the filthiness with which Israel struck the Son of its God is visible on it. Furthermore, certainly because of the shocks it received when descending from Golgotha, shocks that continuously shifted that tortured Head the image is so confused that it is difficult to distinguish it. But the cloth, although the image is confused and it is dirty, is always dear and sacred to me, because on it there is always some of His blood and perspi­ ration. Hidden in that sculpture it will always be safe, because no Israelite of the high castes will ever dare to touch a sculp­ ture. But the other one, the second Shroud, which was on Him * prohibition, in Exodus 20: 4; Leviticus 19: 4; Deuteronomy 4: 15-18; 5: 8. 488
from the evening of Preparation Day until the dawn of the Res­ urrection, must come to You. And-I am warning You so that You may not be too deeply moved in seeing it-and you must be informed that the more the days passed, the more clearly His im­ age appeared, as He was after being washed. When we collected it from the Sepulchre, it seemed that it simply retained the im­ pression of His members covered with the oils, and, mixed with them, the drainage of blood and serum from the many wounds. But either through a natural process or, which is much more cer­ tain, by a supernatural will, a miracle of Him to give joy to You, the more time passed, the more precise and clear the impression has become. He is there on the cloth, handsome, imposing, even if wounded, serene, peaceful, also after so many tortures. Have You the courage to see it? » «Oh! Nicodemus! That was My supreme desire! You say that His appearance is peaceful. Oh! to be able to see Him thus, not with the tortured expression that is on Nike's veil! » replies Mary, joining Her hands against Her heart. 7Then the four shift the table to have more room; then, as La­ zarus and John stand on one side, Nicodemus and Joseph on the other, they slowly unfold the long cloth. The dorsal side appears first, beginning from the feet; then after the quasi-junction of the heads, the front side. The lines are very clear, and clear are the signs, all the signs of the scourging, crowning with thorns, rubbing of the cross, bruises caused by blows received or by falls, and the wounds of the nails and of the lance. Mary falls on Her knees, She kisses the cloth, She caresses those impressions, She kisses the wounds. She is distressed, but visibly happy to be able to have that supernatural miraculous image of Him. 8When She finishes venerating it, She turns and says to John, who cannot be near Her, compelled as he is to hold one corner of the cloth: «It was you who told them, John. You alone could tell them, because you alone were aware of this desire of Mine. » «Yes, Mother, it was I. And I did not even have time to inform them of Your desire, that they agreed to it. But they have had to wait for a suitable moment to do so... » «That is, a very clear night, in order to be able to come with­ out torches or lamps, and a period of time without the festivities644. 7 644. 8 489
644. 9that assemble crowds and notables here in Jerusalem and nearby places. And that out of prudence... » explains Nicodemus. «And I have come with them for greater safety. As the own­ er of Gethsemane, I was able to come and see this place with­ out shocking the eyes of anyone... commissioned to watch every­ thing and everybody» says Lazarus concluding. «May God bless you all. But you have spent the money for the Shrouds... And that is not fair... » «It is fair, Mother. I, from the Christ, Your Son, have received a gift that no money can buy: life given back to me after four days in a sepulchre, and before that, the conversion of my sister Mary. Joseph and Nicodemus have had from Jesus the Light, the Truth, the Life that does not die. And You... You, with Your sor­ row of a Mother and Your love of the Most holy Mother for all men, have purchased for God, not a cloth, but the whole Chris­ tian world that will always be greater and greater. There is no money that can compensate You for what You have given. So take this, at least. It is Yours. And it is just that it should be so. Al­ so Mary, my sister, thinks so. That has always been her opinion, since the moment that He rose and even more since He left You to ascend to His Father» Lazarus replies to Her. «Then let it be so. 9I will go and get the other one. It in fact grieves Me so much to see it... This one is different. This one gives peace! Because here He is serene, in peace by now. In His mortal sleep, He already seems to be feeling the Life that is com­ ing back and the glory that no one will ever be able to strike and demolish. I now wish nothing else, apart from being reunited to Him. But that will happen when and as God has predisposed. I am going. And may God give you one hundred times as much joy as you have given Me. » She takes the Shroud reverently, after the four have folded it, She goes out of the kitchen and quickly climbs the little stair­ case... And She soon comes down again and comes in with the first Shroud, which She hands to Nicodemus, who says to Her: «May God reward You, Woman. We are going now, as it is almost dawn, and it is wise to be home before its light spreads and peo­ ple come out of their houses. » The three venerate Her before going out, and then with quick steps, going back along the road by which they came, they go 490
towards one of the gates of Gethsemane, the one closest to the Bethany road. Mary and John remain at the door of the little house until they see them disappear, they then go back into the kitchen and close the door speaking to each other in low voices. 645. The trial and martyrdom of Stephen. The opposite ways of Saul and Gamaliel. 7th August 1944. 1The hall of the Sanhedrin, identical, both with regard to disposition and to people, to what it was in the night between Thursday and Friday, during Jesus' trial. The High Priest and the others are sitting on their seats. In the middle, in front of the High Priest, in the empty space where, during the trial Jesus was, there is now Stephen. He must have already spoken* professing his faith and bear­ ing witness to the true Nature of the Christ and to His Church, because the tumult is at its climax and in its violence it is simi­ lar to the one that raged against the Christ in the fatal night of the betrayal and deicide. Blows, curses, horrible oaths are hurled against the deacon Stephen who, under the brutal blows, stag­ gers and totters while they savagely tug him here and there. But he keeps his calm and dignity, and even more. He is not only calm and dignified, but he is even blissful and almost ec­ static. Disregarding the spittles streaming down his face and the blood running from his nose, that has been violently struck, at a certain moment he raises his inspired face and his bright smil­ ing eyes to stare at a vision known to him alone. He stretches his arms out crosswise, he raises them up as if he wished to em­ brace what he sees, then he falls on his knees exclaiming: «Here, I can see the Heavens thrown open, and the Son of Man, Jesus, the Christ of God, Whom you have killed, standing at the right hand of God. » Then the tumult loses even that least part that it still retained of humanity and legality and, with the fury of a pack of wolves, * have already spoken, as in: Acts 6: 8-15 ; 7: 1-54. 645. 1 491
645. 2of jackals, of rabid wild beasts, they all hurl themselves on the deacon, they bite him, they trample on him, they grasp him, they raise him lifting him by his hair, they drag him, letting him drop again, while fury opposes fury, because in the rush those who try to drag the martyr outside are hindered by those who pull him in another direction to strike him and tread on him again. 2Among the most furious ones there is a young short ugly looking man, named Saul. The fierceness of his face is indescrib­ able. In a corner of the hall there is Gamaliel. He has never taken part in the brawl, neither has he ever addressed Stephen or any mighty person. His disgust for the unfair wild scene is mani­ fest. In another corner there is Nicodemus, who is also disgusted and does not take part in the trial or in the brawl, and is looking at Gamaliel, whose countenance is clearer than any word. But suddenly, and precisely when he sees Stephen being lifted by his hair for the third time, Gamaliel wraps himself in his very wide mantle and he goes towards an exit in the opposite direction to that towards which the deacon is being dragged. His action does not pass unnoticed to Saul who shouts: «Rab­ bi, are you going away? » Gamaliel does not reply. Saul, fearing that Gamaliel has not understood that the ques­ tion was made to him, repeats and specifies it: «Rabbi Gamaliel, are you evading this judgement? » Gamaliel turns round all of one piece and, looking furious, disgusted as he is, dignified and frigid, he replies only: «Yes. » But his «yes» is worth more than a long speech. Saul understands everything that that «yes» implies, and leaving the wild pack, he rushes towards Gamaliel. He reaches him, stops him, says to him: «You are not going to tell me, o rab­ bi, that you disapprove of our condemnation. » Gamaliel does not look at him, neither does he reply to him. Saul insists: «That man is doubly guilty, as he denied the Law, following a Samaritan possessed by Beelzebub, and for doing so after being your disciple. » Gamaliel continues to look away from him and to be silent. Saul then asks him: «But are you perhaps, you as well, a fol­ lower of that criminal named Jesus? » 492
Gamaliel now speaks and says: «I am not yet. But if He was what He said, and truly many things prove that He was, I pray God that I may become one. » «Horrible» shouts Saul. «There is nothing horrible. Every man has an intelligence to make use of it, and a freedom to apply it. So let everybody make use of it according to that freedom that God has given to every man and to that light that He has put in everybody's heart. The just, sooner or later, will use these two gifts of God, for Good purposes, and the wicked, for Evil purposes. » And he goes away, directing his steps towards the court where the Treasury is, and he goes and leans against the same column against which Jesus spoke of the poor widow* who gave the Treasury of the Temple everything she had: two farthings. 3He has not been there long when Saul joins him again and places himself in front of him. The contrast between the two is very strong. Gamaliel is tall, of a noble bearing, handsome in his strong Semitic features, with a high forehead, with eyes which are very dark, intelligent, piercing, long and deeply sunken under his thick straight eyebrows, on the sides of his nose which is also straight, long and thin, and reminds one a little of Jesus' nose. Also his complexion, his thin-lipped mouth remind one of Jesus. But Gamaliel's beard and moustache, once very dark, are now grizzled and longer. Saul instead is short, thickset, almost rickety, his legs are short and thick, a little apart at the knees, which are clearly vis­ ible because he has taken his mantle off and he has on only a short greyish tunic. His arms are short and brawny like his legs, his neck is short and thickset, supporting a big brown head with short rough hair, with rather protruding ears, snub nose, thick lips, with high big cheek-bones, bulging forehead, dark rather bulging eyes, neither mild nor kind, but very intelligent under his very arched, thick, ruffled eyelashes. His cheeks are cov­ ered with a very thick beard, as bristly as his hair, but cut short. Perhaps because of his very short neck he seems to be slightly hunchbacked or to have very round shoulders. * spoke of the poor widow, in 596. 78. 645. 3 493
645. 4 645. 54He is silent for a moment, staring at Gamaliel. Then he says something to him in a low voice. Gamaliel replies to him in a clear loud voice: «I do not ap­ prove of violence, for any reason whatsoever. You will never ob­ tain my approval for any violent plan. I have told also all the Sanhedrin, in public, when Peter and the other apostles were ar­ rested for the second time and brought before the Sanhedrin to be judged. And I repeat the same things: “If it is the plan and work of men, it will perish by itself; if it comes from God, it can­ not be destroyed by men, on the contrary they may be struck by God”. Bear that in mind. » «Are you the protector of these blasphemous followers of the Nazarene, you, the greatest rabbi in Israel? » «I am the protector of justice. And justice teaches us to be prudent and just in judging. I repeat it to you. If the thing comes from God, it will last, if not, it will fall by itself. But I do not want to stain my hands with blood that I do not know whether it deserves death. » «Is that how you, a Pharisee and doctor, speak? Are you not afraid of the Most High? » «More than you are. But I ponder. 5And I remember... You were only a little child, not yet a son of the Law, and I was al­ ready teaching in this Temple with the wisest rabbi of our days... and with others, wise, but not just. Within these walls our wis­ dom received a lesson* that made us ponder for the rest of our lives. The eyes of the most wise and just man of our times closed on the recollection of that hour, and his mind on the study of those truths, heard from the lips of a child, who was revealing himself to men, particularly if just. My eyes have continued to watch and my mind to think, coordinating events and things... I have had the privilege of hearing the Most High speak through the mouth of a child, who later was a just man, wise, mighty, ho­ ly, and who was put to death, just because of these qualities of his. His words of that time have afterwards been confirmed by events that happened many years later, at the time mentioned by Daniel**... Poor me, as I did not understand sooner! As I awaited the last terrible sign to believe, to understand! Poor people of Is-* a lesson, from Jesus, at the age of 12, in the Temple, in 41. 3/9. ** at the time mentioned by Daniel, in: Daniel 9. 494
rael, who did not understand then and does not understand even now! The prophecy of Daniel and those of other prophets and of the Word of God continue, and will be fulfilled for Israel stub­ born, blind, deaf, unjust, as it continues to persecute the Messiah in His servants! » «Damn! You are blaspheming! There will really be no salva­ tion for the people of God, if the rabbis of Israel blaspheme and deny Jehovah, the true God, to exalt and believe in a false Mes­ siah! » «I am not blaspheming, but all those are, who insulted the Nazarene and continue to despise Him, by scorning His follow­ ers. You, yes, you are blaspheming, because you hate Him, in Himself, and in His followers. But you were right when you said that there is no more salvation for Israel. Not because there are Israelites who have passed into His flock, but because Israel has struck Him to death. » «You fill me with horror! You are betraying the Law, the Tem­ ple! » «Denounce me, then, to the Sanhedrin, that I may share the lot of him who is about to be stoned. It will be the beginning and the happy conclusion of your mission. And I shall be forgiv­ en, through this sacrifice of mine, for not having recognised and understood the God Who was passing, as Saviour and Master, among us, His children and His people. » 6Saul, with an angry gesture, goes away, rudely, to the court facing the hall of the Sanhedrin, the court in which the crowd is still shouting in exasperation against Stephen. In this court Saul joins the torturers who were waiting for him, and with the oth­ ers he comes out of the Temple and then out of the town walls. Abuse, jeers continue to be shouted at, and blows to be dealt to the deacon, who already tired out and wounded, proceeds stag­ gering towards the place of the execution. Outside the walls there is a stretch of waste land covered with stones, completely deserted. When the executioners arrive there, they spread out forming a circle, leaving the condemned man all alone in the centre, with his torn garments and his body bleed­ ing in many parts as a result of the wounds already inflicted on it. They tear his garments off him before moving away from him. Stephen is left with a very short tunic. They all take their long645. 6 495
645. 7 645. 8garments off and remain with their tunics only, as short as the one worn by Saul, to whom they entrust their garments, as he does not take part in the lapidation, either because he has been upset by Gamaliel's words, or because he knows that he is not good at hitting the mark. 7The executioners pick up some large pebbles and some sharp stones, in which the place abounds, and they begin the lapida­ tion. Stephen receives the first blows standing, and with a smile of forgiveness on his wounded lips which, a moment before the be­ ginning of the lapidation, have shouted to Saul, intent on gather­ ing the clothes of the lapidators: «My friend, I will wait for you on the way of the Christ. » To which Saul replied: «Pig! Possessed! » adding to the in­ sults a mighty kick on the shin-bone of the deacon, who almost falls because of the blow and of the pain. After some blows with stones, that strike him from all direc­ tions, Stephen falls on his knees, supporting himself with his wounded hands, and certainly recollecting a remote episode*, he whispers, touching his temple and his wounded forehead: «As He foretold me! The crown... The rubies... O my Lord, Master, Jesus, receive my spirit! » Another hail of blows on his already wounded head makes him collapse on the ground that becomes impregnated with his blood. While he lies on the stones, always under hails of more of them, on the point of breathing his last, he whispers: «Lord... Father... forgive them... bear them no grudge for this sin of theirs... They do not know what... » Death breaks the sentence on his lips, a last start makes him curl himself up, and he re­ mains so. Dead. The executioners approach him, they throw another volley of stones on him, and almost bury him under them. They then put their clothes on, and they go away back to the Temple, intoxicat­ ed with satanic zeal, to report what they have done. 8While they are speaking to the High Priest and other mighty people, Saul goes in search of Gamaliel. He does not find him at once. Inflamed with hatred against the Christians, he goes back * a remote episode, in 354. 5. 496
to the Priests, he speaks to them, he convinces them to give him a parchment with the seal of the Temple, authorising him to per­ secute the Christians. The blood of Stephen must have made him as furious as a bull that sees red, or a generous wine given to an alcoholic. He is about to come out of the Temple when he sees Gama­ liel under the Porch of the Gentiles. He goes to him. Perhaps he wants to begin a dispute or a justification. But Gamaliel goes across the court, he enters a hall and closes the door in the face of Saul, who, offended and furious, runs out of the Temple to perse­ cute the Christians. 9[Jesus says: ] «I have shown Myself many times and to many people, also in extraordinary manifestations. But My manifestation did not produce the same effect in everybody. We can see how to each manifestation of Mine corresponds a sanctification of those who possessed the goodwill required of men to have Peace, Life, Jus­ tice. So, Grace worked in the shepherds for the thirty years of My concealed life, then it flowered yielding a holy ear of corn when it was the time in which the good parted from the wicked to follow the Son of God, Who was passing along the ways of the world, uttering His cry of love to assemble the sheep of the eternal Flock, scattered and dispersed by Satan. Present among the crowds that followed Me, they were My messengers, because with their simple and convincing reports, they proclaimed the Christ saying: “It is He. We recognise Him. The lullabies of the angels descended upon His first wailing. And we were told by the angels that men of goodwill will have peace. Goodwill is the desire of Good and Truth. Let us follow Him! Follow Him! We shall all have the Peace promised by the Lord”. Humble, ignorant, poor, My first messengers among men, rushed like sentries along the road of the King of Israel, of the King of the world. Faithful eyes, honest mouths, loving hearts, thuribles exhaling the perfume of their virtues to make less cor­ rupt the air of the Earth around My Divine Person, that had be­ come incarnate for them and for all men, and I found them even at the foot of the Cross, after blessing them with My eyes along645. 9 497
the sanguinary road of Golgotha, the only ones, with very few more, who did not curse Me among the unrestrained crowd, but who loved, believed, still hoped, and looked at Me with compas­ sionate eyes, thinking of the remote night of My Birth and weep­ ing on the Innocent, Who slept His first sleep on an uncomfort­ able piece of wood, and His last one on an even more painful one. That because My manifestation to them, who were righteous souls, had sanctified them. And the same happened to the three Wise Men from the East, to Simeon and Anne in the Temple, to Andrew and John at the Jordan, and to Peter, James and John at Tabor, to Mary of Mag­ dala at dawn on Easter Sunday, to the eleven when on the Mount of Olives, and even before that, at Bethany, they were forgiven their bewilderment... No, John, the pure apostle, did not need to be forgiven. He was the faithful ever loving hero. His most pure love, his purity of mind, of heart, of body, preserved him from all weakness. 10Gamaliel, and with him Hillel, were not as simple as the shepherds, as holy as Simeon, as wise as the three Wise men. In him, and in his master and relative, there was the tangle of Phar­ isaic lianas to suffocate the light and the free expansion of the tree of faith. But in their being Pharisaic there was purity of in­ tentions. They thought they were in the right and they wished to be so. They wished it by instinct, because they were just, and by intellect, because their spirits shouted out of discontent: “There are too many ashes mixed with this bread. Give us the bread of the real Truth”. Gamaliel, however, was not so strong as to have the courage to break these Pharisaic lianas. His humanity enslaved him still too much, and with it, the considerations of human esteem, of personal danger, of family welfare. Because of all these things Gamaliel had not been able to understand “the God that was passing among His people”, or to use “that intelligence and that freedom” that God has given every man so that he may use them for his own good. Only the sign awaited for so many years, the sign that had demolished and tortured him with never ending remorse, would provoke in him the recognition of the Christ and the change of his ancient thought, whereby, from the rabbi of er­ ror-as the scribes, Pharisees and the doctors had corrupted the 498645. 10
essence and the spirit of the Law, suffocating the simple bright truth that had come from God under a large quantity of human precepts, which were often wrong, but always to their advantage -he would become a disciple of the divine Truth, after a long struggle between his ancient ego and his present ego. 11In any case he had not been the only one to be uncertain in deciding and strong in acting. Also Joseph of Arimathea, and even more Nicodemus, did not trample on the Judaic customs and lianas at once and embrace the new Doctrine openly, so much so that they used to come to the Christ “secretly”, out of fear of the Judaeans, or they used to meet with him by chance, and mainly in their country houses, or in Lazarus' house at Bethany, as they knew that it was safer and more feared by Christ's enemies, who were well aware of the protection of Rome for Theophilus' son. However, they were certainly always much more advanced in Good and braver, when compared to Gamaliel, to the extent that they dared to take the compassionate action on Good Friday. Rabbi Gamaliel was less advanced. 12But you, who are reading, pay attention to the power of his upright intention. Through it, his very human justice, becomes tinged with a superhuman hue. Saul's instead, gets soiled with something demoniac, when the unchecked fury of evil compels him and his master Gamaliel to face the alternative choice be­ tween Good and Evil, justice and injustice. The tree of Good and Evil stands straight in front of every man to present its fruits of Evil to him, in the most alluring and attractive appearance, while among the foliage in a deceitful voice of a nightingale, the tempting Serpent hisses. It is up to man, a creature gifted with reason and with a soul given to him by God, to be able to distinguish and want the good fruit among the many, which are not good and cause damage and death to the spirit; and to pick that one, even if it is prickly and difficult to pick, bitter to taste and miserable looking. Its metamorphosis, by which it becomes so much smoother and softer to the touch, sweeter to the taste, more beautiful to the sight, takes place only when, through justice of spirit and reason, one chooses the good fruit and feeds on its juice, which is bitter but holy. Saul stretches out his greedy hands to the fruit of Evil, of ha­ tred, of injustice, of crime, and he will stretch them out until he645. 11 645. 12 499
is struck with lightning, crushed, deprived of human sight, so that he may achieve the superhuman sight and may become not only just, but an apostle and confessor of Him, Whom he previ­ ously hated and persecuted in His servants. Gamaliel, breaking the persistent lianas of his humanity and of Hebraism, to let spring up and bloom the remote seed of light and justice, not only human but also superhuman, that My fourth epiphany, or manifestation, which is perhaps a word clearer and more comprehensible to you, had put in his heart, in his heart with upright intentions, the seed that he had preserved and de­ fended with honest fondness and noble eagerness to see it spring up and bloom, stretches out his hands to the fruit of Good. His will and My Blood broke the hard husk of that remote seed, that he had preserved in his heart for dozens of years, in that heart of rock that split with the veil of the Temple and the earth of Jeru­ salem, and shouted its supreme desire to Me, Who could no long­ er hear him with human hearing, but I could hear him well with My divine spirit, when he was there, prostrated on the ground, at the foot of the cross. And under the sunny fire of the apostolic words and of the best disciples, and the shower of the blood of Stephen, the first martyr, that seed takes root, becomes a tree, blossoms and yields fruit. The new tree of his Christian Faith, which had come up where the tragedy of Good Friday had over­ thrown, uprooted and destroyed all the ancient trees and herbs. The plant of his new Christian faith and of his new holiness has come up and grown before My eyes. Forgiven by Me, although guilty of not understanding Me previously, because of his justice that refused to take part in My condemnation or in Stephen's, his desire to become My follower, the son of the Truth, of the Light, is blessed also by the Father and by the Sanctifying Spirit, and from desire it becomes reality, without the need of powerful vio­ lent lightning, as was necessary for Saul on the Damascus road, for the arrogant man, who with no other means could have been subdued and led to Justice, to Charity, to Light, to Truth, and to the eternal glorious Life in Heaven. »
646. The secret burial of Stephen. The beginning of the persecution. 8th August 1951. 1It is the dead of night, and a very dark night, because the moon has already set, when Mary comes out of the little house at Gethsemane with Peter, James of Alphaeus, John, Nicodemus and the Zealot. Because of the dark night, Lazarus, who is waiting for them in front of the house, at the beginning of the path that leads to the lower gate, lights an oil lamp, which he has fitted with a pro­ tection of thin sheets of alabaster or other transparent materi­ al. The light is faint, but when the lamp is held low towards the ground, as it is now, it always helps to see stones and obstacles that may be found on the way. Lazarus goes beside Mary, so that She, above all, may see clearly. John is on the other side and sup­ ports the Mother by the arm. The others are behind them, in a group. They go as far as the Kidron and proceed along it, so that they are half-hidden by the wild bushes that grow near its banks. Al­ so the murmur of the water serves to conceal and confuse the noise of the sandals of the wayfarers. Going along the outer side of the walls all the time as far as the Gate closest to the Temple, and then proceeding into the barren desert area, they arrive at the place where Stephen was stoned. They direct their steps towards the pile of stones under which he is half buried, and they remove the stones until his poor body appears. It is by now deathly pale, both because of death and be­ cause of the blows it received during the lapidation, it is hard, stiff, all curled up as it was when he died. 2Mary, Who has been mercifully kept away a few steps by John, frees Herself and runs towards that poor body, which is lacerated and covered with blood. Without worrying about the stains that the clotted blood leaves on Her dress, Mary, helped by James of Alphaeus and John, lays the body on a cloth stretched on the ground, in a spot devoid of stones, and with a linen cloth, that She dips in a small amphora handed to Her by the Zeal­ ot, She cleans, as best She can, the face of Stephen. She tidies his hair, trying to bring it round to his temples and wounded646. 1 646. 2 501
646. 3cheeks, in order to cover the horrible marks left by the stones. She cleans also the other parts of the body and She would also like to arrange them in a less tragical posture. But the chill of death, which had taken place many hours previously, allows that only partially. Also the men try, stronger as they are both physi­ cally and morally than Mary, Who looks once again like the Sor­ rowful Mother of Golgotha and of the Sepulchre. But they also have to resign themselves to leave him in the position they have succeeded in placing him after so many efforts. They dress him again with a clean long tunic, because his has been lost or stolen, in contempt, by the lapidators, and the short tunic they have left on him is all torn and stained with blood. Having done that, always in the faint light of the lamp that Lazarus holds very close to the poor body, they lift him and lay him on another clean cloth. Nicodemus picks up the first cloth, wet with the water used to wash the martyr and with the clot­ ted blood, and places it under his mantle. John and James at the head, Peter and the Zealot at the feet, lift the cloth contain­ ing the body, and they set out on the way back, preceded by La­ zarus and Mary. But they do not go back along the same way they came, on the contrary, going into the country and going round at the foot of the Mount of Olives, they reach the road that goes to Jericho and Bethany. 3They stop there to rest and to speak. And Nicodemus, who having been present at Stephen's condemnation, although in a passive manner, and being one of the elders of the Judaeans, was more acquainted than the others with the decisions of the San­ hedrin, warns those present that the persecution against the Christians has been ordered and has broken-out, and that Ste­ phen is only the first of a long list of names indicated as follow­ ers of the Christ. The first cry of all the apostles is: «Let them do what they like! We will not change, either because of threats or out of pru­ dence! » But the more judicious ones among the people present, that is Lazarus and Nicodemus, point out to Peter and to James of Al­ phaeus that the Church has only few priests of the Christ, and that if the more important ones of them were killed, that is Pe­ ter the Pontiff and James the Bishop of Jerusalem, the Church 502
would survive with difficulty. They remind also Peter that their Founder and Master had left Judaea for Samaria, in order not to be killed before He had formed them properly, and how He had advised His servants to follow His example until the shepherds are so many that one will not have to fear the dispersion of the believers because of the death of the shepherds. And they con­ clude saying: «You ought to scatter as well through Judaea and Samaria. Get proselytes there, many more shepherds, and from there scatter through the Earth, so that, as He ordered you to do, all the peoples may become acquainted with the Gospel. » 4The apostles are perplexed. They look at Mary, as if they 646. 4 wanted to know Her opinion on the matter. And Mary, Who understands their looks, says: «It is a good piece of advice. Take it. It is not cowardice, but prudence. He taught you: “Be as simple as doves and as prudent as snakes. I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Beware of men... ”. » James interrupts Her: «Yes, Mother. But He also said: “But when they hand you over and you will be dragged before gover­ nors, do not worry about what you have to answer. It is not you who will be speaking, but the Spirit of the Father will be speak­ ing for you and in you”. And I am staying here. A disciple is to be like his Master. He died to give life to the Church. Every death of ours will be a stone added to the great new Temple, an increase in life for the great immortal body of the universal Church. Let them kill me, if they wish so. Living in Heaven I shall be hap­ pier, because I shall be beside my Brother, and even more power­ ful. I am not afraid of death. But of sin. By abandoning my place I seem to be imitating the gesture of Judas, the perfect betrayer. James of Alphaeus will never commit that sin. If I have to fall, I will fall like a hero, at my place of action, where He wanted me to be. » Mary replies to him: «I will not pierce into your secrets with the Man-God. If that is what He inspires you with, do so. He alone, Who is God, is entitled to give orders. We are all only enti­ tled to obey Him always, in everything, to do His Will. » 5Peter, less heroic, is chatting with the Zealot to hear his opin­ 646. 5 ion on the matter. Lazarus, who is close to the two and hears them, suggests: «Come to Bethany. It is close to Jerusalem and to the road to Sa­ 503
646. 6 647. 1maria. The Christ left from there many a time to avoid His en­ emies... » Nicodemus in turn suggests: «Come to my country house. It is safe and close both to Bethany and to Jerusalem, and it is on the road that takes one to Ephraim, via Jericho. » «No, mine is better, as it is protected by Rome» insists La­ zarus. «You are already hated too much, since Jesus raised you from the dead, asserting so, powerfully, His divine Nature. Consider that His destiny was decided just because of that. Watch that you do not decide yours» Nicodemus replies to him. «And what about my house? It is really Lazarus'. But they still call it mine» says Simon Zealot. Mary intervenes saying: «Let Me ponder, think, decide which is the best thing to do. God will not leave Me without His light. When I know, I will tell you. For the time being, come to Gethse­ mane with Me. » «Seat of all Wisdom, Mother of the Word and of the Light, You are always the Star that guides us safely. We obey You» they all say together, as if the Holy Spirit had really spoken in their hearts and on their lips. 6They stand up from the grass on which they had been sitting at the edge of the road, and while Peter, James, Simon and John go with Mary towards Gethsemane, Lazarus and Nicodemus lift the cloth in which the body of Stephen is wrapped, and at the first light of dawn, they set out towards the Bethany and Jericho road. Where are they taking the martyr? A mystery. 647. Gamaliel becomes a Christian. 1st November 1951. 1Some years must have gone by, because John seems to be in full manhood, more sturdily built, with a more mature appear­ ance, while his fair hair, beard and moustache are of a much darker colour. Mary, Who is spinning, while John is tidying up the kitchen of the little house at Gethsemane, the walls of which have been 504
recently whitewashed, while wooden items have been painted- stools, door, a cabinet that serves also as a shelf for the lamp- does not appear at all changed. Her aspect is fresh and serene. All traces left on Her face by the sorrow for the death of Her Son, for His return to Heaven, for the first persecutions against the Christians, have disappeared. Time has not engraved its traces on that kind face. And age has not had the power to alter its fresh pure beauty. The lamp, lit on the shelf, casts its flickering light on the small industrious hands of Mary, on the snow-white wool wound round the distaff, on the thin thread, on the twirling spindle, on Her golden hair gathered in a thick knot on the nape of Her neck. Through the open door a very limpid moon-beam penetrates into the kitchen, laying a kind of silver strip from the thresh­ old to the feet of the stool on which Mary is sitting, so that Her feet are illuminated by the moon-beam, and Her hands and head by the reddish light of the lamp. Outside, on the olive-trees sur­ rounding the house of Gethsemane, some nightingales are sing­ ing their songs of love. They suddenly become silent, as if they were frightened, and after a few moments, the shuffling of steps can be heard, and it becomes closer and closer, until it stops on the threshold of the kitchen, at the same time making the white lunar strip disap­ pear, that previously silvered the coarse dark bricks of the floor. 2Mary raises Her head and looks towards the door. John, in turn, looks towards the door and an «oh! » full of wonder is ut­ tered by their lips, while, with one movement only they both rush towards the door, on the threshold of which Gamaliel has appeared and stopped. A very old Gamaliel by now, ghastly, so thin is he in his white garments, which the moon, shining on him from behind, makes almost phosphorescent. A Gamaliel crushed, overwhelmed by events, by his remorse, by so many things, even more than by age. «You here, rabbi? Come in! Come! And peace be with you» John says to him, as he is in front of him and very close to him, while Mary is a few steps behind. «If you will guide me... I am blind... » replies the old rabbi, in a voice that is trembling more because of secret tears, than be­ cause of his age. 647. 2 505
John, dumbfounded, asks, with emotion and compassion in his voice: «Blind?! Since when? » «Oh!... Since long ago! My sight began to grow weaker im­ mediately after... after... Yes. After I did not recognise the true Light that had come to enlighten men, until the earthquake tore the veil of the Temple and shook the mighty walls, as He had said. Really a double veil, that covered the Holy of the Holies of the Temple and the even truer Holy of Holies, the Word of the Fa­ ther, His eternal Only-Begotten, concealed by the veil of a most pure human flesh, that only His Passion and His glorious Resur­ rection revealed to the most dull-minded people, and to me first of all, for what He really was: the Christ, the Messiah, the Im­ manuel. Since that moment darkness began to descend upon my eyes, becoming thicker and thicker. A just punishment for me. 647. 3 For some time I have been completely blind. 3And I have come... » John interrupts him asking him: «Perhaps to ask a miracle? » «Yes. A great miracle. I am asking it of the Mother of the true God. » «Gamaliel, I do not have the power that My Son had. He was able to give life and sight to blind eyes, word to dumb people, movement to those who were paralysed. But not I» Mary replies to him. And She continues: «But come here, near the table, and sit down. You are tired and old, rabbi. Do not tire yourself any more» and pitifully, with John, She leads him towards the table and makes him sit on a stool. Gamaliel, before leaving Her hand free, kisses it with venera­ tion, then he says to Her: «I am not asking of You, Mary, the mir­ acle to see once again. No. I am not asking this material thing. What I ask of You, o Blessed amongst all women, is the sight of an eagle for my spirit, so that I may see all the Truth. I do not ask of You the light for my blind eyes, but the supernatural divine true light that is wisdom, truth, life, for my soul and my heart torn by and exhausted with the remorse that gives me no rest. I have no desire to see with my eyes this Hebrew world, so... Yes. So stub­ bornly rebellious to God, Who has been and is so compassionate towards it, as we really did not deserve that He should be. On the contrary I am glad that I do not have to see it any more, and that my blindness has exempted me from all engagements with the Temple and with the Sanhedrin, who have been so unfair to 506
Your Son and to His followers. What I wish to see, with my mind, my heart, my spirit, is He, Jesus. To see Him in me, in my spirit, to see Him spiritually, as You certainly, o Holy Mother of God, and John, so pure, and James, as long as he lived, and the oth­ ers, for support in their serious and hampered ministry, see Him. To see Him in order to love Him with my whole self, and through this love, be able to make amends for my sins, and be forgiven by Him, to have the eternal Life, that I failed to deserve... » He bends his head on his arms that are folded on the table and he weeps. 4Mary lays Her hand on his head shaken by sobs and replies to him: «No, you have not failed to deserve to have eternal Life! Those who repent their past errors are forgiven everything by the Saviour. He would have forgiven even His betrayer, if he had repented his horrible sin. And the sin of Judas of Kerioth is immense compared with yours. Consider. Judas was the apos­ tle received by the Christ, instructed by the Christ, loved by the Christ more than anyone else, if one considers that, although He knew everything about him, Christ did not reject him from the group of His Apostles, on the contrary, up to the very last mo­ ment, He resorted to every expedient, so that they might not un­ derstand who he was and what he was planning. My Son was the Truth itself, and for no reason whatsoever did He ever lie. But when He saw the other eleven being suspicious and they asked Him questions about the Iscariot, without lying, He was able to divert their suspicions and not reply to their questions, order­ ing them not to be inquisitive, out of prudence and out of char­ ity for a brother. Your fault is by far smaller. And what is more, it cannot even be called a fault. Yours is not incredulity, on the contrary it is excess of faith. You believed so much in the twelve- year-old Boy Who spoke to you in the Temple that, obstinately, but with upright intention, based on your absolute faith in that Boy, on Whose lips you had heard words of infinite wisdom, you awaited the sign to believe in Him and see the Messiah in Him. God forgives those who have such a strong loyal faith. Even more He forgives whoever, although still in doubt about the true Na­ ture of a man, unjustly accused, does not want to take part in his condemnation, which he feels is unjust. Your spiritual seeing the Truth has been growing and growing since you left the San-647. 4 507
647. 5 647. 6hedrin in order not to agree to that sacrilegious deed. And it in­ creased even more when, being in the Temple, you saw the fulfil­ ment of the sign, so longed for, that marked the beginning of the Christian era. It increased further when at the foot of the cross of My Son, already cold and dead, you prayed with those mighty anguished words. It has become almost perfect every time that, either with your words, or by withdrawing aside, you defended the servants of My Son or you refused to take part in the con­ demnation of the first martyrs. Believe Me, Gamaliel, every act of sorrow, of justice, of love of yours, has increased your spiritual sight in you. » 5«All that is still not enough! See, I had the rare grace of be­ coming acquainted with Your Son as from His first public mani­ festation, when He came of age. I should have seen since then! I should have understood! I was blind and foolish... I did not see and I did not understand. Neither then, nor in other occasions, when I had the grace of approaching Him, by that time a Man and Master, and I heard His ever more just and powerful words. I was stubbornly awaiting the human sign, the shaken stones... And I did not see that everything in Him was a sure sign! And I did not see that He was the corner Stone predicted* by the Prophets, the Stone that was already shaking the world, all the Hebrew and Gentile world; the Stone that shook the stones of hearts with His Word, with His prodigies! I did not see on Him the clear sign of His Father in everything He did or said! How can He forgive so much stubbornness? » 6«Gamaliel, can you believe that I, Who am the Seat of Wis­ dom, the Full of Grace, Who, both because of the Wisdom Who took Flesh in Me, and of the Grace He gave Me, have the full­ ness of knowledge of supernatural matters, can give you good advice? » «Oh! of course I believe it! Just because I believe that that is what You are, I have come to You to receive light. You, Daugh­ ter, Mother, Spouse of God, Who certainly since Your conception filled You with His sapiential lights, can but show me the way that I must take to have peace, to find the truth, to conquer the true Life. I am so aware of my errors, so crushed by my spiritual *predicted, in Psalm 118: 22-23 ; Isaiah 28: 16. 508
misery, that I am in need of help to dare to go to God. » «What you consider a hindrance is instead a wing to elevate you to God. You have demolished yourself, you have humiliated yourself, you were a mighty mountain, you have made yourself a deep valley. Bear in mind that humbleness is like a fertilizer of the most arid soil, to prepare it to give plants and rich crops. It is a step to climb. Even more, it is a ladder to ascend to God, Who, upon seeing a humble man, calls him to Himself to exalt him, to inflame him with His Love, and enlighten him with his lights, so that he may see. That is why I say to you that you already are in the Light, on the right Way, towards the true Life of the children of God. » 7«But in order to receive the Grace I must enter the Church, receive Baptism that cleanses us from sin and makes us once again the adoptive sons of God. I am not against that. On the contrary! I have destroyed the son of the Law in myself, I. can no longer esteem and love the Temple. But I do not want to be noth­ ing. So I must rebuild the new man and the new faith on the ru­ ins of my past. But I think that apostles and disciples are mis­ trustful and prejudiced against me, the great stubborn rabbi... » John interrupts him saying: «You are wrong, Gamaliel. I am the first who loves you and I should mark the day, on which I could call you a lamb of the flock of Christ, as a day of an ex­ tremely great grace. I should not be His disciple if I did not put into practice the teachings of the Christ. And He ordered us to have love and understanding for everybody, and especially for the weaker people, the sick, those who have been misled. He or­ dered us to follow His examples. And we saw that He was always full of love for repentant sinners, for prodigal sons returning to the Father, or for lost sheep. From the Magdalene to the Samari­ tan woman, from Aglae to the highwayman, how many He re­ deemed through mercy! He would have forgiven even Judas his supreme crime, if he had repented. He had forgiven him so many times! I alone know how much He loved him, although He was aware of every action of his. 8Come with me. I will make you a son of God and a brother of the Christ Saviour. » «You are not the Pontiff. Peter is the Pontiff. And will Peter be good to me? He is, I know, quite different from you. » «He was. But since he has realised how weak he was, to the647. 7 647. 8 509
647. 9 648. 1point of being a coward and a denier of his Master, he no longer is what he was, and he has mercy on everybody. » «Then take me to him at once. I am old and I have delayed too long. I felt that I was too unworthy, and I was afraid that all the servants of Jesus judged me in the same manner. Now that Mary's words and yours have comforted me, I want to enter the Flock of the Master at once, before my old heart, crushed by so many things, stops. Lead me there, because I dismissed the serv­ ant who brought me here, so that he might not hear anything. He will come back at the first hour. But I shall be already far away then. And in two ways. From this house and from the Temple. Forever. First I, a rebel son, will go to the house of the Father, I, a lost sheep, to the true Fold of the eternal Shepherd. Then I will go back to my far away house, to die there in peace and in the grace of God. » 9With a spontaneous impulse Mary embraces him saying: «May God give you peace. Peace and eternal glory, because you have deserved them by showing your real thoughts to the mighty leaders of Israel, without fearing their reactions. May God be al­ ways with you. May God give you His blessing. » Gamaliel searches for Her hands again. He takes them in his own and kisses them, he kneels down begging Her to lay those blessed hands on his old tired head. Mary satisfies him. She does even more. She traces the sign of the cross on his bent head. Then, with John, She helps him to stand up, She takes him to the door and remains looking at him go away, led by John, towards the true Life: a man, humanly fin­ ished, but supernaturally re-created. 648. Peter takes leave from the Blessed Virgin after a conversation with John. 4th November 1951. 1Peter and John are on the terrace of Simon's house, which is all lit up by the moon at her summit. They are speaking in low voices, pointing towards Lazarus' house, which is all closed and silent. They speak for a long time, walking backwards and forwards on the terrace. Then, for I wonder which reason, the 510
discussion becomes more animated, and their voices, previously subdued, become higher in tone and very clear. Peter, striking the parapet with his fist, exclaims: «But do you not understand that we must act so? I am speaking to you in God's name, so listen to me and do not be obstinate. It is better to act as I say. Not out of cowardice and fear, but to avoid a total destruction, which would be deleterious to the Church of Christ. They now watch every move of ours. I noticed that, and Nicode­ mus has confirmed that I am right. Why could we not remain at Bethany? Just for that reason. Why is it not more prudent to stay in this house, or in Nicodemus', or in Nike's, or in Anastasica's? Always for the same reason. To prevent the Church from dying, because of the death of its leaders. » «The Master assured us many a time that not even hell will be able to exterminate it and prevail against it» John replies to him. «That is true. And hell will not prevail, as it did not prevail against the Christ. But men will. As they prevailed against the Man-God, Who defeated Satan, but was not able to gain a vic­ tory over men. » «Because He did not want to win. He had to redeem, and so he had to die. And of that death. But if He had wanted to defeat them! How many times He avoided the snares of all kinds they set for Him! » «Snares will be laid also for the Church, but it will not perish completely, providing we shall have so much prudence, as to pre­ vent the present leaders from being exterminated, before many more Priests of His, of all ranks, are created by us, His first ones, and prepared for their ministry. Do not deceive yourself, John! Pharisees, scribes, priests and members of the Sanhedrin, are doing everything to kill the shepherds, so that the flock may be dispersed. The flock which is still weak and fearful. Above all, this flock in Palestine. We must not leave it without shepherds, until many lambs, in turn, become shepherds. You have seen how many have already been killed. 2Think of what a large part of the world is awaiting us! His order was clear: «Go and evangelize all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe what I ordered you”. And on the shore of the lake, for three times He ordered me648. 2 511
648. 3to pasture His sheep and His lambs, and He prophesied that only when I am old I will be tied and led to confess the Christ with my blood and my life. And quite far from here! If I have understood one of His speeches properly*, before Lazarus' death, I have to go to Rome and found there the immortal Church. And did He Himself not judge that it was right to withdraw to Ephraim, be­ cause His evangelization had not yet been accomplished? And only at the right moment He came back to Judaea to be arrested and crucified. Let us imitate Him. No one can certainly say that Lazarus, Mary and Martha were fearful people. And yet, you can see that, although with deep sorrow, they have gone away from here, to take His divine Word elsewhere, as here it would have been suffocated by the Judaeans. I, chosen by Him as His Pontiff, have decided. And with me the others, apostles and dis­ ciples, have equally decided. We will scatter. Some will go to Sa­ maria, and some towards the great sea, and some towards Phoe­ nicia, pushing on and on, to Syria, to the islands, to Greece, to the Roman Empire. If in these places here, darnel and Judaean poison make the fields and the vineyards of the Lord sterile, let us go elsewhere and sow other seeds in other fields and vine­ yards, so that there may be not only a harvest, but it may be a rich one. If in these places the hatred of the Jews poisons the wa­ ters and infects them, so that I, a fisher of souls, and my broth­ ers cannot catch souls for the Lord, let us go to other waters. We have to be prudent and shrewd at the same time. Believe me, John. » «You are right. 3But I was insisting because of Mary. I can­ not, I must not leave Her. We should both suffer too much. And it would be an evil deed, on my side... » John replies to him. «You will stay. And She will stay, because it would be absurd to tear Her away from here... » «And Mary would never agree to it. I will join you later. When She is no longer on the Earth. » «You will come. You are young... You have still a long time to live. » «And Mary a very short one. » «Why? Is She ill, suffering, weak, perhaps? » * His speeches properly, in 545. 7. 512
«Oh! no! Time and sorrows have had no power over Her. She is always young, in appearance and in spirit. Serene, even more, I should say blissful. » «Then why do you say... » «Because I realise that Her flourishing in beauty and joy is the sign that She feels already close at hand Her reunion with Her Son. I mean a total reunion. Because the spiritual one has never ceased. I will not lift the veils on the mysteries of God. But I am sure that She sees Her Son daily, in His glorious appearance. And that is Her beatitude. I think that in contemplating Him, Her spirit is enlightened and is able to know all the future, as God knows it. Also Her own. She is still on the Earth with Her body, but I could almost say, without fear of mistaking, that Her spirit is almost always in Heaven. Such is Her union with God that I do not think that I speak a sacrilegious word saying that God is in Her, as when She carried Him in Her womb. Even more. As the Word was united to Her to become Jesus Christ, so now She is so united to the Christ as to be a second Christ, as to have taken on a new humanity, that of Jesus Himself. If what I say is heresy, may God let me know my error and forgive me for it. She lives in love. This fire of love inflames Her, nourishes Her, enlightens Her, and that fire of love will also abduct Her from us, at the destined mo­ ment, without any pain for Her, without decomposition for Her body... We alone will be grieved... I in particular... We shall no longer have our Teacher, our Guide, our Comforter... And I shall be really all alone... » And John, whose voice was already trem­ bling striving to repress his tears, is seized with a fit of heart­ rending sobbing, such as he never experienced before, not even at the foot of the Cross or in the Sepulchre. 4Peter also, although more calmly, begins to weep and in a tearful voice he implores John to inform him, if he can, so that he may be present at Her passage or at least, at Her burial. «I will do so, if I can. But I doubt it very much. Some thing within me tells me that as it happened to Elijah who was abduct­ ed by a celestial whirlwind on a chariot of fire, so it will happen to Her. I shall not have time to become aware of Her imminent passage that She will already be in Heaven with Her soul. » «But Her body at least will remain here. Also the Master's re­ mained. And He was God! »648. 4 513
648. 5 648. 6«It was necessary for Him that it should be so. But not for Her. With His Resurrection He had to give the lie to the Judaean slan­ ders, with His apparitions He had to convince the world, that had become doubtful, and even negatory, because of His death on the Cross. But She does not need that. If, however, I can do so, I will let you know. 5Goodbye, Peter, my Pontiff and my Brother in the Christ. I am going back to Her, as She is certainly waiting for me. God be with you. » «And with you. And tell Mary to pray for me and to forgive me once again for my cowardice in the night of the Trial, a mem­ ory that I cannot cancel from my heart, and gives me no peace... » and tears stream down the cheeks of Peter, who concludes: «May She be a Mother to me. A Mother of love for Her miserable prodi­ gal son... » «I need not tell Her. She loves you more than a mother by blood. She loves you as the Mother of God, and with the love of the Mother of God. If She was ready to forgive Judas, whose sin was incommensurable, consider whether She has forgiven you! Peace to you, brother, I am going. » «And I will follow you, if you allow me. I want to see Her once again. » «Come. I know which road to take to go to Gethsemane, with­ out being seen. » 6They set out and walk quickly and in silence towards Jerusa­ lem, but passing along the upper road, that arrives at the Mount of Olives on the side farthest from town. When they arrive it is already daybreak. They go into Gethsemane, and descend to­ wards the little house. Mary, Who is on the terrace, sees them coming and, uttering a cry of joy, She goes down to meet them. Peter really falls at Her feet, with his face on the ground, say­ ing to Her: «Mother, forgive me! » «For what? Have you perhaps sinned in anything? He Who reveals everything to Me, has only revealed to Me that you are His worthy successor in the Faith. I have always found you to be a just man, even if at times impulsive. So what have I to forgive you? » Peter weeps and is silent. John explains: «Peter cannot set his mind at rest for having 514
denied Jesus, in the Court of the Temple. » «That is a thing of the past and it has been canceled, Peter. Has Jesus perhaps reproached you? » «Oh! no! » «Was He less loving to you than previously? » «No. Truly not. On the contrary!... » «And does that not tell you how He, and I with Him, have un­ derstood you and forgiven you? » «That is true. I am always the same fool. » «Then go and be at peace. I tell you that we shall all be to­ gether, you, I, the other apostles and deacons, all in Heaven, near the Man-God. For what is given to Me, I bless you» and as She did with Gamaliel, Mary lays Her hands on the head of Peter and traces a sign of the cross on it. Peter bends to kiss Her feet, he then stands up, much more se­ rene than before, and still in the company of John, he goes back to the upper gate, passes it, and goes away, while John, after clos­ ing that entrance, goes back to Mary. 649. The blissful passage of the Blessed Virgin. 21st November 1951. 1Mary, in Her solitary little room, on the high terrace, all dressed in white linen, both in the dress that covers Her body, and in the mantle that, fastened at the nape of Her neck, falls down Her back, and in the very thin veil that hangs from Her head, is arranging Her garments and Jesus', which She has al­ ways kept. She picks the best ones. And they are few. Of Her own She takes the dress and the mantle She had on Calvary; of Her Son's, a linen tunic that Jesus used to wear on summer days, and the mantle that was found at Gethsemane, still stained with the blood He shed with the bloody perspiration of that dreadful hour. After folding these garments carefully and kissing Jesus' mantle stained with blood, She goes towards the chest, in which for years have been gathered and kept the relics of the Last Sup­ per and of the Passion. She gathers all these things in one com­ partment, the upper one, and She lays the clothes in the lower one. 649. 1 515