Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard, Gina
Maranto, Abraham Parrish, Sam Purkis, Olivia Collins, Caroline Lewis, Mayra Cruz, Anaruth Solache.
Data curation: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard, Gina Maranto, Abraham Parrish, Sam Purkis, Marcus Reamer.
Formal analysis: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard, Gina Maranto, Abraham Parrish, Sam Purkis, Marcus Reamer.
Funding acquisition: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard, Gina
Maranto, Sam Purkis, Marcus Reamer.
Investigation: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard, Gina Maranto, Abraham Parrish, Sam Purkis, Marcus Reamer.
Methodology: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard, Gina Maranto, Abraham Parrish, Sam Purkis, Marcus Reamer.
Project administration: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard,
Gina Maranto, Sam Purkis, Olivia Collins, Caroline Lewis, Mayra Cruz, Anaruth Solache.
Resources: Olivia Collins, Caroline Lewis, Mayra Cruz, Anaruth Solache.
Supervision: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard, Gina Maranto,
Sam Purkis, Caroline Lewis.
Visualization: Abraham Parrish.
Writing – original draft: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard,
Gina Maranto, Abraham Parrish, Sam Purkis, Marcus Reamer.
Writing – review & editing: Tyler R. Harrison, Angela Clark, Amy Clement, Joanna Lombard,
Gina Maranto, Abraham Parrish, Sam Purkis, Marcus Reamer, Olivia Collins, Caroline
Lewis, Mayra Cruz, Anaruth Solache.
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