1. A method comprising: scanning, by sensor of a mobile device, a machine readable code including data identifying a food item and food label information; and binding, by a processor of the mobile device using a binding rule stored in a database, the food item and food label information to a service selected from a plurality of services according to an output of the binding rule, wherein the binding rule identifies the food item and the food label information as belonging to a content category to be bound to the service selected from the plurality of services, wherein the plurality of services include one or more of websites, applications, an online entity, and social networks, wherein the binding includes making the data identifying the food item and food label information accessible to the service selected from the plurality of services.
1. A method comprising: scanning, by sensor of a mobile device, a machine readable code including data identifying a food item and food label information; and binding, by a processor of the mobile device using a binding rule stored in a database, the food item and food label information to a service selected from a plurality of services according to an output of the binding rule, wherein the binding rule identifies the food item and the food label information as belonging to a content category to be bound to the service selected from the plurality of services, wherein the plurality of services include one or more of websites, applications, an online entity, and social networks, wherein the binding includes making the data identifying the food item and food label information accessible to the service selected from the plurality of services. 5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: scanning, by the mobile device, a second machine readable code attached to a second physical object, the second machine readable code including data identifying exercise equipment; retrieving, by the mobile device, using the data identifying the exercise equipment, exercise data corresponding to the exercise equipment; binding the exercise data with the service selected from the plurality of services.
1. A method of applying role based association to entities in textual documents, the method comprising: obtaining a plurality of textual documents describing a plurality of entities; identifying a relationship between entities and verbs, at least on a sentence level, based on a semantic analysis of the verbs; determining at least one of: a topic, and a sentiment associated to the verbs identified in said textual documents or to sentences associated with said verbs; using the identified relationship between entities and verbs and a respective determined topic or sentiment associated with the verbs, to determine for each of the plurality of entities: a sentiment level associated thereto, and a level of activity at the at least one topic associated thereto; applying a probabilistic model of the topics presented in the textual documents while using the identified relationship between entities and verbs and a respective determined topic or sentiment associated with the verbs to determine for each of the plurality of entities: a sentiment level associated thereto, and a level of activity at the at least one topic associated thereto, taking into account a probability of each of the topic in a respective sentence, wherein the probabilistic model at the sentence level is based on an approximated probability of for each of the topics occurring in each of the sentences, calculated based on a probability of each of the topics occurring in each of the textual documents and a probability of a word occurring in each of the topics, and wherein the level of activity for each entity in the at least one topic is calculated as a sum of the approximated proportions of all of the topics in all of the sentences in the textual documents using, whenever the entity is tagged as active.
1. A method of applying role based association to entities in textual documents, the method comprising: obtaining a plurality of textual documents describing a plurality of entities; identifying a relationship between entities and verbs, at least on a sentence level, based on a semantic analysis of the verbs; determining at least one of: a topic, and a sentiment associated to the verbs identified in said textual documents or to sentences associated with said verbs; using the identified relationship between entities and verbs and a respective determined topic or sentiment associated with the verbs, to determine for each of the plurality of entities: a sentiment level associated thereto, and a level of activity at the at least one topic associated thereto; applying a probabilistic model of the topics presented in the textual documents while using the identified relationship between entities and verbs and a respective determined topic or sentiment associated with the verbs to determine for each of the plurality of entities: a sentiment level associated thereto, and a level of activity at the at least one topic associated thereto, taking into account a probability of each of the topic in a respective sentence, wherein the probabilistic model at the sentence level is based on an approximated probability of for each of the topics occurring in each of the sentences, calculated based on a probability of each of the topics occurring in each of the textual documents and a probability of a word occurring in each of the topics, and wherein the level of activity for each entity in the at least one topic is calculated as a sum of the approximated proportions of all of the topics in all of the sentences in the textual documents using, whenever the entity is tagged as active. 6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the probability of the topic in a respective sentence is calculated in view of the probability of other topics appearing in the textual documents.
15. A computer-readable storage device encoded with instructions which, when executed by one or more computers, cause the one or more computers to perform operations comprising: while receiving a text input entered into a search engine query input field by a user, the query input field displayed in a map user interface having a viewport displaying a portion of a map at a particular zoom level, and before the user has submitted the text input as a search query to a search engine: determining the particular zoom level and a geographical location associated with the portion of the map displayed in the viewport at the particular zoom level; obtaining a plurality of query suggestions based at least in part on the received text input; grouping at least some of the query suggestions based on a common primary query term shared by the query suggestions, wherein the grouped query suggestions include one or more refinement terms that refine the common primary query term, wherein the one or more refinement terms that refine the common primary query term are selected based, at least in part, on the particular zoom level of the map as presented in the viewport while the text input is being received, and the geographical location displayed in the viewport while the text input is being received; and transmitting a set of the plurality of query suggestions to a client device for presentation to the user, wherein the set includes the grouped query suggestions that are presented as a group with the common primary query term presented in a prominent position and the one or more refinement terms presented in subordinate positions relative to the common primary query term and wherein the common primary query term and the one or more refinement terms are each user-selectable.
15. A computer-readable storage device encoded with instructions which, when executed by one or more computers, cause the one or more computers to perform operations comprising: while receiving a text input entered into a search engine query input field by a user, the query input field displayed in a map user interface having a viewport displaying a portion of a map at a particular zoom level, and before the user has submitted the text input as a search query to a search engine: determining the particular zoom level and a geographical location associated with the portion of the map displayed in the viewport at the particular zoom level; obtaining a plurality of query suggestions based at least in part on the received text input; grouping at least some of the query suggestions based on a common primary query term shared by the query suggestions, wherein the grouped query suggestions include one or more refinement terms that refine the common primary query term, wherein the one or more refinement terms that refine the common primary query term are selected based, at least in part, on the particular zoom level of the map as presented in the viewport while the text input is being received, and the geographical location displayed in the viewport while the text input is being received; and transmitting a set of the plurality of query suggestions to a client device for presentation to the user, wherein the set includes the grouped query suggestions that are presented as a group with the common primary query term presented in a prominent position and the one or more refinement terms presented in subordinate positions relative to the common primary query term and wherein the common primary query term and the one or more refinement terms are each user-selectable. 16. The computer-readable storage device of claim 15 , wherein the received text input does not comprise a complete word and the common primary query term comprises a suggested word completion of the received text input.
9. An apparatus for controlling access to a secure area comprising: a respective user credential for each of a plurality of users seeking access to the secure area, the respective user credentials each having a corresponding bit value for each of a plurality of bit positions; a minimization processor that generates a single Boolean equation for the plurality of users based upon the corresponding bit values of each of the plurality of bit positions from each of the plurality of user credentials where the generated Boolean equation provides a predetermined response to each user credential of the plurality of credentials and only after receiving the user credential where the generated Boolean equation is saved in memory in place of the user credentials; and a card reader that recognizes a user credential of the plurality of user credentials by reference to the Boolean equation.
9. An apparatus for controlling access to a secure area comprising: a respective user credential for each of a plurality of users seeking access to the secure area, the respective user credentials each having a corresponding bit value for each of a plurality of bit positions; a minimization processor that generates a single Boolean equation for the plurality of users based upon the corresponding bit values of each of the plurality of bit positions from each of the plurality of user credentials where the generated Boolean equation provides a predetermined response to each user credential of the plurality of credentials and only after receiving the user credential where the generated Boolean equation is saved in memory in place of the user credentials; and a card reader that recognizes a user credential of the plurality of user credentials by reference to the Boolean equation. 11. The apparatus for controlling access as in claim 9 wherein the minimization processor further comprises a Karnaugh mapping process.
1. In a digital environment for producing multimedia that includes audio, a method for viewing and editing the multimedia, the method comprising: identifying an audio segment; converting, using at least one processor, at least one speech-recognizable portion of the audio segment into readable text; displaying, within a graphical user interface, the readable text to represent the at least one converted speech-recognizable portion of the audio segment; and displaying, within the graphical user interface and inline with the displayed readable text, at least one waveform to represent at least one non-speech-recognizable portion of the audio segment.
1. In a digital environment for producing multimedia that includes audio, a method for viewing and editing the multimedia, the method comprising: identifying an audio segment; converting, using at least one processor, at least one speech-recognizable portion of the audio segment into readable text; displaying, within a graphical user interface, the readable text to represent the at least one converted speech-recognizable portion of the audio segment; and displaying, within the graphical user interface and inline with the displayed readable text, at least one waveform to represent at least one non-speech-recognizable portion of the audio segment. 5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: determining, using the at least one processor, a learned audio pattern from the at least one non-speech-recognizable portion of the audio segment; and replacing a waveform from the at least one waveform with descriptive text for the learned audio pattern.
1. A method for building an interest profile for a user comprising: performing the following steps using one or more processors: maintaining an interest profile for a user; capturing an outgoing document being sent by the user; determining an electronic message thread comprising the outgoing document and one or more documents related to the outgoing document which are part of the same conversation as the outgoing document, wherein the one or more documents related to the outgoing document include at least some terms or content not present in the outgoing document, and wherein the one or more documents of the message thread includes a stored incoming document; scanning the message thread for at least one of terms or content to determine at least one item of interest for the user based on the at least one of terms or content of the scanned message thread, wherein one or more terms and content of the stored incoming document and of the outgoing document are weighted differently when determining the at least one item of interest; and updating said at least one item of interest of the interest profile.
1. A method for building an interest profile for a user comprising: performing the following steps using one or more processors: maintaining an interest profile for a user; capturing an outgoing document being sent by the user; determining an electronic message thread comprising the outgoing document and one or more documents related to the outgoing document which are part of the same conversation as the outgoing document, wherein the one or more documents related to the outgoing document include at least some terms or content not present in the outgoing document, and wherein the one or more documents of the message thread includes a stored incoming document; scanning the message thread for at least one of terms or content to determine at least one item of interest for the user based on the at least one of terms or content of the scanned message thread, wherein one or more terms and content of the stored incoming document and of the outgoing document are weighted differently when determining the at least one item of interest; and updating said at least one item of interest of the interest profile. 13. The method of claim 1 , where the conversation includes an original message, one or more messages replied to that are based on the original message, one or more messages forwarded that are based on the original message, or a combination thereof.
1. A method of analyzing digital content, the method comprising: receiving a corpus of text; extracting a plurality of n-grams from the corpus of text; constructing a multi-dimensional document feature vector, wherein the multi-dimensional document feature vector includes at least a portion of the n-grams extracted from the corpus of text and a relevance factor corresponding to each of the n-grams included in the multi-dimensional document feature vector; extracting a portion of topics included in a topic ontology, wherein each of the extracted topics is related to at least one of the n-grams included in the multi-dimensional document feature vector; generating a hierarchical listing that includes the extracted topics, wherein the hierarchical listing comprises a first plurality of nodes in a first branch of the hierarchical listing, and a second plurality of nodes in a second branch of the hierarchical listing, and wherein a particular node in a particular branch of the hierarchical listing includes a particular extracted topic; and assigning a relevancy score to the particular extracted topic, wherein the assigned relevancy score is based on (a) the relevance factor corresponding to an n-gram that is related to the particular extracted topic, and (b) relevancy scores assigned to other extracted topics included in the particular branch of the hierarchical listing, wherein the hierarchical listing has a hierarchical structure corresponding to a hierarchical structure of the topic ontology, such that topics extracted from a relatively higher ontology level are in a corresponding higher hierarchical level of the listing, and topics extracted from a relatively lower ontology level are in a corresponding lower hierarchical level of the hierarchical listing, and wherein the hierarchical listing includes an extracted topic that is not included in the plurality of n-grams extracted from the corpus of text.
1. A method of analyzing digital content, the method comprising: receiving a corpus of text; extracting a plurality of n-grams from the corpus of text; constructing a multi-dimensional document feature vector, wherein the multi-dimensional document feature vector includes at least a portion of the n-grams extracted from the corpus of text and a relevance factor corresponding to each of the n-grams included in the multi-dimensional document feature vector; extracting a portion of topics included in a topic ontology, wherein each of the extracted topics is related to at least one of the n-grams included in the multi-dimensional document feature vector; generating a hierarchical listing that includes the extracted topics, wherein the hierarchical listing comprises a first plurality of nodes in a first branch of the hierarchical listing, and a second plurality of nodes in a second branch of the hierarchical listing, and wherein a particular node in a particular branch of the hierarchical listing includes a particular extracted topic; and assigning a relevancy score to the particular extracted topic, wherein the assigned relevancy score is based on (a) the relevance factor corresponding to an n-gram that is related to the particular extracted topic, and (b) relevancy scores assigned to other extracted topics included in the particular branch of the hierarchical listing, wherein the hierarchical listing has a hierarchical structure corresponding to a hierarchical structure of the topic ontology, such that topics extracted from a relatively higher ontology level are in a corresponding higher hierarchical level of the listing, and topics extracted from a relatively lower ontology level are in a corresponding lower hierarchical level of the hierarchical listing, and wherein the hierarchical listing includes an extracted topic that is not included in the plurality of n-grams extracted from the corpus of text. 9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particular node of the hierarchical listing further includes a frequency count for the particular extracted topic, and the frequency count corresponds to a number of occurrences, in the corpus of text, of the n-gram that is related to the particular extracted topic.
12. A method for navigating a document while using a text-to-speech engine, the method comprising the steps of: displaying a text document; converting a text of the text document into at least one audible sound using a text-to-speech (“TTS”) engine; presenting the at least one audible sound; displaying a section of the document corresponding to the audible sound; and navigating a displayed cursor indicating the text corresponding to the at least one audible sound as the at least one audible sound is played; wherein when the section of the document containing a link which points to a region of interest is displayed, further panning to the region of interest pointed to by the link when the link is referenced by the audible sound.
12. A method for navigating a document while using a text-to-speech engine, the method comprising the steps of: displaying a text document; converting a text of the text document into at least one audible sound using a text-to-speech (“TTS”) engine; presenting the at least one audible sound; displaying a section of the document corresponding to the audible sound; and navigating a displayed cursor indicating the text corresponding to the at least one audible sound as the at least one audible sound is played; wherein when the section of the document containing a link which points to a region of interest is displayed, further panning to the region of interest pointed to by the link when the link is referenced by the audible sound. 22. The method of claim 12 , further comprising providing a notification if the TTS engine cannot convert a section of the text of the document into the at least one audible sound.
1. A system of providing speech recognition to a user on a mobile device, the system comprising: a hearing assistance processor configured for real-time data exchange with a hearing assistance application, at least one voice processor and at least one recognition processor, the at least one voice processor configured to receive audio data from a telephony device for transmission to the mobile device, the hearing assistance processor configured to continuously receive or intercept in real-time or near real-time the audio data from the voice processor and continuously transmit the audio data in real-time or near real-time to the at least one recognition processor to convert the audio data into corresponding text data, the hearing assistance processor configured to continuously receive the text data from the recognition processor and transmit the text data to the hearing assistance application in real-time or near real-time, wherein the hearing assistance processor is configured to interact with the at least one recognition processor to determine if the audio data is clear or otherwise of sufficient quality to be processed by the at least one recognition processor, and upon determining that the audio data is not clear or of insufficient quality to be processed, sending audio feedback to the telephony device that prompts for improved audio data; and a hearing assistance application on a mobile device having a display screen, the hearing assistance application configured to continuously receive the text data and display at least a portion of the text data on the display screen of the mobile device in real-time or near real-time; whereby operation of the system does not require specific configuration of the telephony device for providing the speech recognition to the user of the mobile device; the hearing assistance application being configured to receive additional audio data from the user of the mobile device and transmit the additional audio data to the hearing assistance processor; the hearing assistance processor being configured to transmit the additional audio data to the at least one recognition processor to convert the additional audio data into corresponding additional text data, receive the additional text data from the at least one recognition processor, and transmit the additional text data to the hearing assistance application; the hearing assistance application being configured to display at least a portion of the additional text data on the display screen of the mobile device and receive confirmation to transmit the additional audio data or the text data to the telephony device, and transmit the confirmation to the hearing assistance processor; and the hearing assistance processor being configured to, in response to receiving the confirmation, transmit the additional audio data, the text data or generated audio data corresponding to the text data to the telephony device via the at least one voice processor.
1. A system of providing speech recognition to a user on a mobile device, the system comprising: a hearing assistance processor configured for real-time data exchange with a hearing assistance application, at least one voice processor and at least one recognition processor, the at least one voice processor configured to receive audio data from a telephony device for transmission to the mobile device, the hearing assistance processor configured to continuously receive or intercept in real-time or near real-time the audio data from the voice processor and continuously transmit the audio data in real-time or near real-time to the at least one recognition processor to convert the audio data into corresponding text data, the hearing assistance processor configured to continuously receive the text data from the recognition processor and transmit the text data to the hearing assistance application in real-time or near real-time, wherein the hearing assistance processor is configured to interact with the at least one recognition processor to determine if the audio data is clear or otherwise of sufficient quality to be processed by the at least one recognition processor, and upon determining that the audio data is not clear or of insufficient quality to be processed, sending audio feedback to the telephony device that prompts for improved audio data; and a hearing assistance application on a mobile device having a display screen, the hearing assistance application configured to continuously receive the text data and display at least a portion of the text data on the display screen of the mobile device in real-time or near real-time; whereby operation of the system does not require specific configuration of the telephony device for providing the speech recognition to the user of the mobile device; the hearing assistance application being configured to receive additional audio data from the user of the mobile device and transmit the additional audio data to the hearing assistance processor; the hearing assistance processor being configured to transmit the additional audio data to the at least one recognition processor to convert the additional audio data into corresponding additional text data, receive the additional text data from the at least one recognition processor, and transmit the additional text data to the hearing assistance application; the hearing assistance application being configured to display at least a portion of the additional text data on the display screen of the mobile device and receive confirmation to transmit the additional audio data or the text data to the telephony device, and transmit the confirmation to the hearing assistance processor; and the hearing assistance processor being configured to, in response to receiving the confirmation, transmit the additional audio data, the text data or generated audio data corresponding to the text data to the telephony device via the at least one voice processor. 12. The system of claim 1 , upon determining that the audio data is not clear or of insufficient quality to be processed, the at least one recognition processor configured to not convert the audio data into corresponding text data and wait for the improved audio data.
28. A method for real-time verification of a potential customer's identity utilizing a microprocessor, comprising the steps of: a. receiving at the microprocessor across a network a first character string and a second character string, wherein each of the first character string and second character string is a text representation of a proper noun represented in a first language; b. in real time, tokenizing at the microprocessor the first character string and the second character string to create a first tokenized set comprising a plurality of first tokens from the first character string and a second tokenized set comprising a plurality of second tokens from the second character string, wherein each of the first tokens and second tokens comprises at least one consonant or consonant placeholder, and at least one vowel or vowel placeholder; c. in real time, analyzing at the microprocessor each first token from the first tokenized set and a corresponding second token from the second tokenized set to determine if the first tokenized set comprises an equal number of tokens as the second tokenized set; d. if the first tokenized set comprises an equal number of tokens as the second tokenized set, analyzing the characters in each of the first tokens in the first tokenized set and the characters in the corresponding second token from the second tokenized set to determine in real time if a match exists between the first character string and the second character string, wherein said analyzing step is performed using a first compiled language library (CLL) comprising a set of consonants, a set of vowels, and a plurality of consonant pairs and vowel pairs, wherein the consonant pairs and vowel pairs are pairs of letters that represent an equivalent sound when spoken or heard by a person whose native language is a second language different from the first language, and wherein a correspondence exists if the characters in each of the first tokens in the first tokenized set are identical to the characters in the corresponding second token from the second tokenized set or if the first tokens in the first tokenized set are phonetically equivalent to the characters in the corresponding second token from the second tokenized set; and e. if a correspondence exists in step (d) above, outputting in real time across the network a result from the microprocessor indicating that the potential customer's identity is verified, and if a correspondence does not exist in step (d) above, outputting across the network in real time a result from the microprocessor indicating that the potential customer's identity is not verified.
28. A method for real-time verification of a potential customer's identity utilizing a microprocessor, comprising the steps of: a. receiving at the microprocessor across a network a first character string and a second character string, wherein each of the first character string and second character string is a text representation of a proper noun represented in a first language; b. in real time, tokenizing at the microprocessor the first character string and the second character string to create a first tokenized set comprising a plurality of first tokens from the first character string and a second tokenized set comprising a plurality of second tokens from the second character string, wherein each of the first tokens and second tokens comprises at least one consonant or consonant placeholder, and at least one vowel or vowel placeholder; c. in real time, analyzing at the microprocessor each first token from the first tokenized set and a corresponding second token from the second tokenized set to determine if the first tokenized set comprises an equal number of tokens as the second tokenized set; d. if the first tokenized set comprises an equal number of tokens as the second tokenized set, analyzing the characters in each of the first tokens in the first tokenized set and the characters in the corresponding second token from the second tokenized set to determine in real time if a match exists between the first character string and the second character string, wherein said analyzing step is performed using a first compiled language library (CLL) comprising a set of consonants, a set of vowels, and a plurality of consonant pairs and vowel pairs, wherein the consonant pairs and vowel pairs are pairs of letters that represent an equivalent sound when spoken or heard by a person whose native language is a second language different from the first language, and wherein a correspondence exists if the characters in each of the first tokens in the first tokenized set are identical to the characters in the corresponding second token from the second tokenized set or if the first tokens in the first tokenized set are phonetically equivalent to the characters in the corresponding second token from the second tokenized set; and e. if a correspondence exists in step (d) above, outputting in real time across the network a result from the microprocessor indicating that the potential customer's identity is verified, and if a correspondence does not exist in step (d) above, outputting across the network in real time a result from the microprocessor indicating that the potential customer's identity is not verified. 29. The method of claim 28 , wherein the tokenizing step comprises a two-set tokenization step.
1. A non-transitory computer readable medium capable of providing a read along activity to a user, the non-transitory computer readable medium executable on a playback device to perform the following steps: presenting a language menu system for selecting a language from a plurality of languages in which to present the read along activity; presenting an activity menu system for selecting from a plurality of read along activities; presenting book information, the book information comprising at least text in the language selected and images of pages within a book and moving images of the pages turning within the book; presenting audio narration, the audio narration being coordinated with the presentation of book information and synchronized with the moving image of the page turning such that the user may hear the audio narration while reading the text and wherein the user controls the moving image of the page turning; and presenting a visual and audio vocabulary lesson upon receiving a selection corresponding to the vocabulary lesson on the activity menu system, the vocabulary lesson comprising: displaying at least one visual story image and at least one sentence; presenting one or more vocabulary words corresponding to one or more of: the at least one story image and the at least one sentence; displaying one or more vocabulary word images visually representing the one or more vocabulary words; presenting a vocabulary lesson language menu comprising a plurality of language selections for pronunciation of the one or more vocabulary words; and after a predetermined period of silence, pronouncing the one or more vocabulary words in a selected language.
1. A non-transitory computer readable medium capable of providing a read along activity to a user, the non-transitory computer readable medium executable on a playback device to perform the following steps: presenting a language menu system for selecting a language from a plurality of languages in which to present the read along activity; presenting an activity menu system for selecting from a plurality of read along activities; presenting book information, the book information comprising at least text in the language selected and images of pages within a book and moving images of the pages turning within the book; presenting audio narration, the audio narration being coordinated with the presentation of book information and synchronized with the moving image of the page turning such that the user may hear the audio narration while reading the text and wherein the user controls the moving image of the page turning; and presenting a visual and audio vocabulary lesson upon receiving a selection corresponding to the vocabulary lesson on the activity menu system, the vocabulary lesson comprising: displaying at least one visual story image and at least one sentence; presenting one or more vocabulary words corresponding to one or more of: the at least one story image and the at least one sentence; displaying one or more vocabulary word images visually representing the one or more vocabulary words; presenting a vocabulary lesson language menu comprising a plurality of language selections for pronunciation of the one or more vocabulary words; and after a predetermined period of silence, pronouncing the one or more vocabulary words in a selected language. 5. The computer readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the book information is presented in a first language and the audio narration is presented in a second language.
1. A computer implemented method for assigning codes from a standard lexicon to a free text document describing physical or tangible objects, the method comprising the steps of: (a) automatically segmenting said free text document into a plurality of sentences; (b) using a computer processor to retrieve a plurality of propositions by matching said sentences in a semantic mapping table created by domain experts through semantically annotating sentences from a corpus of related documents in a knowledge domain to propositions, (c) using a computer processor to retrieve a plurality of codes in a standard lexicon by matching said propositions to said codes created by a third party, in a code mapping table created by domain experts by annotating said propositions to said codes; wherein one or more of said matching codes from said standard lexicon represents at least a portion of the semantic content of said free text document.
1. A computer implemented method for assigning codes from a standard lexicon to a free text document describing physical or tangible objects, the method comprising the steps of: (a) automatically segmenting said free text document into a plurality of sentences; (b) using a computer processor to retrieve a plurality of propositions by matching said sentences in a semantic mapping table created by domain experts through semantically annotating sentences from a corpus of related documents in a knowledge domain to propositions, (c) using a computer processor to retrieve a plurality of codes in a standard lexicon by matching said propositions to said codes created by a third party, in a code mapping table created by domain experts by annotating said propositions to said codes; wherein one or more of said matching codes from said standard lexicon represents at least a portion of the semantic content of said free text document. 3. The method according to claim 1 further comprising a step of resolution prior to step c.
14. A system, comprising: a memory to store instructions; and a processor to execute the stored instructions to: identify a set of search results; receive selection of one search result of the identified set of search results; present, based on the received selection of the one search result of the identified set of search results, a reference page associated with a scanned document associated with the selected one search result of the identified set of search results, the reference page including a link to perform a search based on an attribute associated with the scanned document; receive selection of the link; perform the search, based on the received selection of the link, to identify a web document with information relating to the attribute associated with the scanned document; and present, based on the performed search, information associated with the identified web document as a second reference page, the second reference page including information regarding the identified web document and a link to perform a second search associated with the attribute.
14. A system, comprising: a memory to store instructions; and a processor to execute the stored instructions to: identify a set of search results; receive selection of one search result of the identified set of search results; present, based on the received selection of the one search result of the identified set of search results, a reference page associated with a scanned document associated with the selected one search result of the identified set of search results, the reference page including a link to perform a search based on an attribute associated with the scanned document; receive selection of the link; perform the search, based on the received selection of the link, to identify a web document with information relating to the attribute associated with the scanned document; and present, based on the performed search, information associated with the identified web document as a second reference page, the second reference page including information regarding the identified web document and a link to perform a second search associated with the attribute. 15. The system of claim 14 , where the processor further executes the stored instructions to: generate a score for the identified web document; sort the identified web document in a group of web documents based on the generated score; and present the sorted identified web document in the group of web documents.
11. A computer program product for semantically aware adaptive searching and navigation of application data, the computer program product comprising: a non-transitory computer readable storage medium having computer readable program code embodied therewith, the computer readable program code comprising: computer readable program code for associating different tags with different data of a database of unstructured data, each of the different tags corresponding to selected semantics of different objects encapsulating data for a data driven application; computer readable program code for applying a filter operation to both the tags of the unstructured data and also the different objects, using filter criteria corresponding to one or more semantics of the different objects; computer readable program code for displaying in a user interface to the data driven application a result set from the filter operation; computer readable program code for receiving keyword search terms in a search field of the user interface; computer readable program code for applying a keyword search operation both to the unstructured data and also the encapsulated data of the different objects using the keyword search terms; computer readable program code for aggregating the result set from the keyword search operation with the result set from the filter operation; and, computer readable program code for displaying in the user interface the aggregation.
11. A computer program product for semantically aware adaptive searching and navigation of application data, the computer program product comprising: a non-transitory computer readable storage medium having computer readable program code embodied therewith, the computer readable program code comprising: computer readable program code for associating different tags with different data of a database of unstructured data, each of the different tags corresponding to selected semantics of different objects encapsulating data for a data driven application; computer readable program code for applying a filter operation to both the tags of the unstructured data and also the different objects, using filter criteria corresponding to one or more semantics of the different objects; computer readable program code for displaying in a user interface to the data driven application a result set from the filter operation; computer readable program code for receiving keyword search terms in a search field of the user interface; computer readable program code for applying a keyword search operation both to the unstructured data and also the encapsulated data of the different objects using the keyword search terms; computer readable program code for aggregating the result set from the keyword search operation with the result set from the filter operation; and, computer readable program code for displaying in the user interface the aggregation. 16. The computer program product of claim 11 , further comprising: computer readable program code for identifying one or more tags for a result set produced by the keyword search operation on the structured data; computer readable program code for applying an additional keyword search operation to the unstructured data based upon the identified tags; and, computer readable program code for including in the aggregation the result set from the additional keyword search operation.
436. The computer program product of claim 435 , wherein the required term of experience is rounded up to a unit of time.
436. The computer program product of claim 435 , wherein the required term of experience is rounded up to a unit of time. 437. The computer program product of claim 436 , wherein each said at least one matching resume satisfies the job description when the parsed resume includes the required skill or experience-related phrase for each said at least one job requirement, and the term of experience for the required skill or experience-related phrase in the parsed resume is greater than or equal to the required term of experience.
13. A computer program product comprising a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having program code embodied therewith, the program code executable by a processor to: receive text information; compare the text information against a data source, wherein the comparing comprises applying natural language processing (NLP) to determine one or more assertion statements in the text information that references data from the data source, wherein comparing the received text information against the data source includes dynamically analyzing the received text information as the text information is received; retrieve the referenced data associated with the one or more assertion statements from the data source; generate a visual representation of the referenced data associated with one or more assertion statements, wherein the program code to generate the visual representation comprises program code to generate one or more statistical analyses of the referenced data for determining veracity of the one or more assertion statements, wherein the one or more statistical analyses comprise one or more inferential statistics from the referenced data; and display the visual representation, wherein the display is integrated with an authoring interface.
13. A computer program product comprising a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having program code embodied therewith, the program code executable by a processor to: receive text information; compare the text information against a data source, wherein the comparing comprises applying natural language processing (NLP) to determine one or more assertion statements in the text information that references data from the data source, wherein comparing the received text information against the data source includes dynamically analyzing the received text information as the text information is received; retrieve the referenced data associated with the one or more assertion statements from the data source; generate a visual representation of the referenced data associated with one or more assertion statements, wherein the program code to generate the visual representation comprises program code to generate one or more statistical analyses of the referenced data for determining veracity of the one or more assertion statements, wherein the one or more statistical analyses comprise one or more inferential statistics from the referenced data; and display the visual representation, wherein the display is integrated with an authoring interface. 16. The computer program product of claim 13 , wherein the program code to generate the visual representation comprises program code to select from a group comprising one or more statistical analyses of the referenced data and one or more graphical representations of the referenced data from the data source.
1. A computer-implemented process for communicating executable scripts between iframe boundaries, comprising: using a computer to perform process actions for: instantiating a browser application hosting at least two iframes and loading separate scripts containing structured control flow of a scripting language into two or more of the iframes; automatically transforming at least a portion of the scripts within one or more of the iframes to cause the transformed scripts within those iframes to generate one or more annotated serialized text messages representing corresponding structured control flow when the transformed scripts initiate corresponding actions within those iframes; using a postMessage channel of the browser to transmit each annotated serialized text message from its corresponding iframe to one or more of the other iframes; and within any iframe receiving any annotated serialized text message from any other iframe, deserializing that message and converting it back into the corresponding structured control flow for execution within the receiving iframe.
1. A computer-implemented process for communicating executable scripts between iframe boundaries, comprising: using a computer to perform process actions for: instantiating a browser application hosting at least two iframes and loading separate scripts containing structured control flow of a scripting language into two or more of the iframes; automatically transforming at least a portion of the scripts within one or more of the iframes to cause the transformed scripts within those iframes to generate one or more annotated serialized text messages representing corresponding structured control flow when the transformed scripts initiate corresponding actions within those iframes; using a postMessage channel of the browser to transmit each annotated serialized text message from its corresponding iframe to one or more of the other iframes; and within any iframe receiving any annotated serialized text message from any other iframe, deserializing that message and converting it back into the corresponding structured control flow for execution within the receiving iframe. 2. The computer-implemented process of claim 1 wherein automatically transforming the scripts within one or more of the iframes further comprises adding annotations to register any classes in the structured control flow of the transformed scripts.
8. A system, comprising: a memory; a processor, coupled to the memory, the processor configured to: perform semantico-syntactic analysis of a natural language text to produce a semantic structure representing a set of semantic classes; associate a first semantic class of the set of semantic classes with a first value reflecting a specified semantic class attribute; identify a second semantic class associated with the first semantic class by a pre-defined semantic relationship; associate the second semantic class with a second value reflecting the specified semantic class attribute, wherein the second value is determined by applying a pre-defined transformation to the first value, wherein applying the pre-defined transformation comprises multiplying the first value by a pre-defined multiplier; evaluate a feature of the natural language text based on the first value and the second value; determine, by a classifier model using the evaluated feature of the natural language text, a degree of association of the natural language text with a particular category of a pre-defined set of categories; and perform, using the degree of association, a natural language processing operation.
8. A system, comprising: a memory; a processor, coupled to the memory, the processor configured to: perform semantico-syntactic analysis of a natural language text to produce a semantic structure representing a set of semantic classes; associate a first semantic class of the set of semantic classes with a first value reflecting a specified semantic class attribute; identify a second semantic class associated with the first semantic class by a pre-defined semantic relationship; associate the second semantic class with a second value reflecting the specified semantic class attribute, wherein the second value is determined by applying a pre-defined transformation to the first value, wherein applying the pre-defined transformation comprises multiplying the first value by a pre-defined multiplier; evaluate a feature of the natural language text based on the first value and the second value; determine, by a classifier model using the evaluated feature of the natural language text, a degree of association of the natural language text with a particular category of a pre-defined set of categories; and perform, using the degree of association, a natural language processing operation. 12. The system of claim 8 , wherein an instance of the second semantic class is an ancestor of the first semantic class in a semantic hierarchy associated with the set of semantic classes.
11. A method for identifying a product for sale on a multi-vendor website, comprising: providing an index to a products database, the index including a listing of products for sale on the multi-vendor website; receiving a partial search query from a user, said partial search query partially identifying the product; lexographically matching said partial search query to said index to create a subset of said index, said subset including products in said index that match said partial search query; ranking products in said subset according to a ranking database which includes lexographical weights, and at least two of (a) said user's history, (b) most popular sales data, and (c) most often viewed products, to produce a ranked list of product results; and displaying said ranked list of product results, wherein each product is said ranked list is offered for sale on said multi-vendor website.
11. A method for identifying a product for sale on a multi-vendor website, comprising: providing an index to a products database, the index including a listing of products for sale on the multi-vendor website; receiving a partial search query from a user, said partial search query partially identifying the product; lexographically matching said partial search query to said index to create a subset of said index, said subset including products in said index that match said partial search query; ranking products in said subset according to a ranking database which includes lexographical weights, and at least two of (a) said user's history, (b) most popular sales data, and (c) most often viewed products, to produce a ranked list of product results; and displaying said ranked list of product results, wherein each product is said ranked list is offered for sale on said multi-vendor website. 15. The method of claim 11 , wherein ranking by most popular sales data further includes ranking by: 1) similar user purchases; 2) all purchases on the multi-vendor website; 3) purchases on other websites; and 4) industry data.
8. A method comprising: receiving, from a client device, a request to share content on a social network platform; in response to receiving the request, accessing a generative grammar model defining a message structure, the message structure including a plurality of lexical slots, the generative grammar model specifying: a corpus of source data to populate each lexical slot in the plurality of lexical slots; and a a grammatical constraint for each lexical slot in the plurality of lexical slots; generating, by a hardware processor, a message using the generative grammar model; verifying that the message adheres to a messaging standard of the social network platform; and causing the message to be published as an entry on the social network platform.
8. A method comprising: receiving, from a client device, a request to share content on a social network platform; in response to receiving the request, accessing a generative grammar model defining a message structure, the message structure including a plurality of lexical slots, the generative grammar model specifying: a corpus of source data to populate each lexical slot in the plurality of lexical slots; and a a grammatical constraint for each lexical slot in the plurality of lexical slots; generating, by a hardware processor, a message using the generative grammar model; verifying that the message adheres to a messaging standard of the social network platform; and causing the message to be published as an entry on the social network platform. 17. The method of claim 8 , wherein the causing of the message to be published as the entry on the social network platform comprises transmitting an application programming interface request to the social network platform.
40. A computer implemented system configured to segment information, the system comprising at least one server computer for communicating with at least one client computer in generating a first user personal characteristic profile, comprising: means for displaying at least one pre-generated compounded topic to a first user, said at least one pre-generated compounded topic generated from a correlated content; means for said first user selecting a pre-generated compounded topic; means for receiving a selection of said at least one question by said first user, said at least question including a plurality of response forms; means for receiving a selection of a response form by said first user; and means for displaying said correlated content, wherein the correlated content is associated with a second user personal characteristic profile.
40. A computer implemented system configured to segment information, the system comprising at least one server computer for communicating with at least one client computer in generating a first user personal characteristic profile, comprising: means for displaying at least one pre-generated compounded topic to a first user, said at least one pre-generated compounded topic generated from a correlated content; means for said first user selecting a pre-generated compounded topic; means for receiving a selection of said at least one question by said first user, said at least question including a plurality of response forms; means for receiving a selection of a response form by said first user; and means for displaying said correlated content, wherein the correlated content is associated with a second user personal characteristic profile. 41. The computer implemented system of claim 40 , including selecting an at least one filter of a plurality of filters.
15. The MEq server of claim 14 , wherein the response parser further extracts links from the first markup language file, and the predictive engine operable to receive one or more links from the response parser and defines at least one predicted link, from the one or more received links, and the manager module being further operable to receive the at least one predicted link to retrieve a second markup language based file associated with the at least one predicted link and to modified the retrieved second markup language based file to include a trigger to a second multipart object that bundles a second transparent image and a second pre-fetch object.
15. The MEq server of claim 14 , wherein the response parser further extracts links from the first markup language file, and the predictive engine operable to receive one or more links from the response parser and defines at least one predicted link, from the one or more received links, and the manager module being further operable to receive the at least one predicted link to retrieve a second markup language based file associated with the at least one predicted link and to modified the retrieved second markup language based file to include a trigger to a second multipart object that bundles a second transparent image and a second pre-fetch object. 16. The MEq server of claim 15 , wherein the predictive engine determines a predicted link by examining statistical data pertaining to the one or more links received from the response parser.
1. In a computer system having a display and a user interface selection device, a method of providing a graphical user interface on the display, comprising the steps of: (a) displaying a formatting style name on the graphic user interface; (b) displaying text on the graphical user interface, the text formatted in the named style displayed in said step (a); and (c) displaying at least one visual aid on the display indicating a relationship between the style name displayed in said step (a) and the text displayed in said step (b), said step (c) comprising the steps of: (c1) generating a color adjacent to the formatting style name displayed in said step (a), and (c2) automatically assigning the same color for display adjacent the text displayed in said step (b).
1. In a computer system having a display and a user interface selection device, a method of providing a graphical user interface on the display, comprising the steps of: (a) displaying a formatting style name on the graphic user interface; (b) displaying text on the graphical user interface, the text formatted in the named style displayed in said step (a); and (c) displaying at least one visual aid on the display indicating a relationship between the style name displayed in said step (a) and the text displayed in said step (b), said step (c) comprising the steps of: (c1) generating a color adjacent to the formatting style name displayed in said step (a), and (c2) automatically assigning the same color for display adjacent the text displayed in said step (b). 2. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said step (c2) of automatically assigning the same color for display adjacent the text further comprises the step of displaying the text with color as a background for the text.
12. A method of optimizing a query statement comprising: receiving the query statement at an optimizer; retrieving a profile for the query statement during compilation of the query statement at the optimizer; optimizing, by using a processor of a computer, the query statement using at least the profile, wherein the profile comprises: a tuning action for guiding generation or changing of an execution plan for the query statement without modifying the query statement; tuning data to tune the query statement based at least in part on execution history of the query statement from at least one request with the query statement; and a statement signature to identify the query statement for retrieval of the profile for the query statement during compilation of the query statement; and the at least one request was executed prior to a current compilation of the query statement, wherein the tuning data are used to identify or change one or more optimizer settings for a current compilation of the query statement to generate or change an execution plan for the query statement without modifying the query statement; and storing the profile in a first data structure on a tangible computer usable medium or a computer storage device separately from the query statement; storing the execution plan in the data structure or a second data structure on the tangible computer usable medium, a second tangible computer usable medium, or a computer storage device separately from the query statement or displaying the execution plan on a display apparatus.
12. A method of optimizing a query statement comprising: receiving the query statement at an optimizer; retrieving a profile for the query statement during compilation of the query statement at the optimizer; optimizing, by using a processor of a computer, the query statement using at least the profile, wherein the profile comprises: a tuning action for guiding generation or changing of an execution plan for the query statement without modifying the query statement; tuning data to tune the query statement based at least in part on execution history of the query statement from at least one request with the query statement; and a statement signature to identify the query statement for retrieval of the profile for the query statement during compilation of the query statement; and the at least one request was executed prior to a current compilation of the query statement, wherein the tuning data are used to identify or change one or more optimizer settings for a current compilation of the query statement to generate or change an execution plan for the query statement without modifying the query statement; and storing the profile in a first data structure on a tangible computer usable medium or a computer storage device separately from the query statement; storing the execution plan in the data structure or a second data structure on the tangible computer usable medium, a second tangible computer usable medium, or a computer storage device separately from the query statement or displaying the execution plan on a display apparatus. 18. The method of claim 12 , wherein the query statement is a SQL statement.
1. A data processing apparatus comprising: means for acquiring a first data file that stores information that serves as a key for integrating data and a definition file that stores a rule for integrating the data stored in a second data file based upon the key; means for integrating and presenting the data stored in the second data file based upon the key and the rule; means for allowing the user to input an instruction to add new data to the data thus integrated and presented by said presenting means, and an instruction to remove a part of the data; means for adding or removing information, which is stored in the first data file and which serves as a key, according to the instruction thus input; and means for notifying, when the first data file is modified by the means for adding or removing, the means for presenting accordingly; wherein when the means for presenting is notified by the means for notifying that the information that serves as a key is added to the first data file, the means for presenting reads and presents the data to be added based on the added key and the rule, and when the means for presenting is notified by the means for notifying that the information that serves as a key is deleted from the first data file, the means for presenting deletes the data corresponding to the deleted key from a screen.
1. A data processing apparatus comprising: means for acquiring a first data file that stores information that serves as a key for integrating data and a definition file that stores a rule for integrating the data stored in a second data file based upon the key; means for integrating and presenting the data stored in the second data file based upon the key and the rule; means for allowing the user to input an instruction to add new data to the data thus integrated and presented by said presenting means, and an instruction to remove a part of the data; means for adding or removing information, which is stored in the first data file and which serves as a key, according to the instruction thus input; and means for notifying, when the first data file is modified by the means for adding or removing, the means for presenting accordingly; wherein when the means for presenting is notified by the means for notifying that the information that serves as a key is added to the first data file, the means for presenting reads and presents the data to be added based on the added key and the rule, and when the means for presenting is notified by the means for notifying that the information that serves as a key is deleted from the first data file, the means for presenting deletes the data corresponding to the deleted key from a screen. 10. A data processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the definition file stores the information for identifying the component parts of the second data file, and wherein the data is the data of the component parts of the second data file.
12. The method of claim 1 , further comprising selecting, by the at least one processor, the subset by processing the plurality of interaction transcriptions to identify a triggering theme and then creating the subset around the identified triggering theme.
12. The method of claim 1 , further comprising selecting, by the at least one processor, the subset by processing the plurality of interaction transcriptions to identify a triggering theme and then creating the subset around the identified triggering theme. 14. The method of claim 12 , wherein the subset is created as a particular number of back and forth interactions between an agent and a customer.
1. A computer-implemented method for selecting a word, the method comprising: computing, by a server, a word hash vector for each word of a vocabulary; obtaining the word hash vector for each word of the vocabulary; receiving a first sequence of words; generating a first sequence of word hash vectors by obtaining a word hash vector for each word of the first sequence of words; processing the first sequence of word hash vectors with a layer of a neural network language model to compute a first output vector; quantizing the first output vector to obtain a first output word hash vector; determining a distance between the first output word hash vector and a first hash vector for a first word in the vocabulary; selecting the first word from the vocabulary using the distance between the first output word hash vector and the first hash vector for the first word; generating a second sequence of words using the first sequence of words and the first word; generating a second sequence of word hash vectors by obtaining a word hash vector for each word of the second sequence of words; processing the second sequence of word hash vectors with the layer of the neural network language model to compute a second output vector; quantizing the second output vector to obtain a second output word hash vector; determining a distance between the second output word hash vector and a second hash vector of a second word in the vocabulary; and selecting the second word from the vocabulary using the distance between the second output word hash vector and the second hash vector for the second word.
1. A computer-implemented method for selecting a word, the method comprising: computing, by a server, a word hash vector for each word of a vocabulary; obtaining the word hash vector for each word of the vocabulary; receiving a first sequence of words; generating a first sequence of word hash vectors by obtaining a word hash vector for each word of the first sequence of words; processing the first sequence of word hash vectors with a layer of a neural network language model to compute a first output vector; quantizing the first output vector to obtain a first output word hash vector; determining a distance between the first output word hash vector and a first hash vector for a first word in the vocabulary; selecting the first word from the vocabulary using the distance between the first output word hash vector and the first hash vector for the first word; generating a second sequence of words using the first sequence of words and the first word; generating a second sequence of word hash vectors by obtaining a word hash vector for each word of the second sequence of words; processing the second sequence of word hash vectors with the layer of the neural network language model to compute a second output vector; quantizing the second output vector to obtain a second output word hash vector; determining a distance between the second output word hash vector and a second hash vector of a second word in the vocabulary; and selecting the second word from the vocabulary using the distance between the second output word hash vector and the second hash vector for the second word. 5. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein each element of the first output word hash vector comprises a boolean value.
1. A server computer, comprising: a processing unit; and memory coupled to the processing unit; the server computer configured to perform operations for updating language understanding classifier models, the operations comprising: receiving from at least one computing device of a plurality of computing devices communicatively coupled to the server computer, a first user selection of at least one of the following: at least one intent of a plurality of available intents and/or at least one slot for the at least one intent, wherein: the at least one intent is associated with at least one action used to perform at least one function of a category of functions for a domain; the at least one slot indicating a value used for performing the at least one action; and the first user selection associated with a digital voice input received at the at least one computing device; and upon receiving from at least another computing device of the plurality of computing devices, a plurality of subsequent user selections that are identical to the first user selection and a plurality of subsequent digital voice inputs corresponding to the plurality of subsequent user selections, wherein the plurality of subsequent digital voice inputs are substantially similar to the digital voice input: generating a labeled data set by pairing the digital voice input with the first user selection; selecting a language understanding classifier from a plurality of available language understanding classifiers associated with one or more agent definitions, the selecting based at least on the at least one intent; and updating the selected language understanding classifier based on the generated labeled data set.
1. A server computer, comprising: a processing unit; and memory coupled to the processing unit; the server computer configured to perform operations for updating language understanding classifier models, the operations comprising: receiving from at least one computing device of a plurality of computing devices communicatively coupled to the server computer, a first user selection of at least one of the following: at least one intent of a plurality of available intents and/or at least one slot for the at least one intent, wherein: the at least one intent is associated with at least one action used to perform at least one function of a category of functions for a domain; the at least one slot indicating a value used for performing the at least one action; and the first user selection associated with a digital voice input received at the at least one computing device; and upon receiving from at least another computing device of the plurality of computing devices, a plurality of subsequent user selections that are identical to the first user selection and a plurality of subsequent digital voice inputs corresponding to the plurality of subsequent user selections, wherein the plurality of subsequent digital voice inputs are substantially similar to the digital voice input: generating a labeled data set by pairing the digital voice input with the first user selection; selecting a language understanding classifier from a plurality of available language understanding classifiers associated with one or more agent definitions, the selecting based at least on the at least one intent; and updating the selected language understanding classifier based on the generated labeled data set. 2. The server computer according to claim 1 , the operations further comprising: determining a number of the plurality of subsequent user selections; and when the number of the plurality of subsequent user selections is higher than a first threshold, automatically updating the selected language understanding classifier based on the generated labeled data set.
7. A system, comprising: a communication device; and a processor programmed to: create, responsive to determining to transition a voice call from voice communications over a voice network to streamed text over a packetized data network, a voice conversation correlation identifier that identifies the voice call and specifies incoming and outgoing streamed text data as part of the voice call; convert additional outgoing speech spoken by a user associated with the voice call to streamed text data; send, via the communication device, the streamed text data identified by the voice conversation correlation identifier within an outgoing text stream over the packetized data network; receive, via the communication device, streamed response text data identified by the voice conversation correlation identifier within an incoming text stream over the packetized data network; and convert the received streamed response text data within the incoming text stream to speech output as part of the voice call; where, in being programmed to receive, via the communication device, the streamed response text data identified by the voice conversation correlation identifier within the incoming text stream over the packetized data network the processor is programmed to one of: receive text advertisement content within the received streamed response text data within the incoming text stream associated with a subject matter of the voice call and rendering the text advertisement content during the voice call; or receive text represented in a different language from a language spoken by the user and performing a language conversion of the text represented in the different language to the language spoken by the user, where the received streamed response text data converted to the speech output comprises the language-converted text.
7. A system, comprising: a communication device; and a processor programmed to: create, responsive to determining to transition a voice call from voice communications over a voice network to streamed text over a packetized data network, a voice conversation correlation identifier that identifies the voice call and specifies incoming and outgoing streamed text data as part of the voice call; convert additional outgoing speech spoken by a user associated with the voice call to streamed text data; send, via the communication device, the streamed text data identified by the voice conversation correlation identifier within an outgoing text stream over the packetized data network; receive, via the communication device, streamed response text data identified by the voice conversation correlation identifier within an incoming text stream over the packetized data network; and convert the received streamed response text data within the incoming text stream to speech output as part of the voice call; where, in being programmed to receive, via the communication device, the streamed response text data identified by the voice conversation correlation identifier within the incoming text stream over the packetized data network the processor is programmed to one of: receive text advertisement content within the received streamed response text data within the incoming text stream associated with a subject matter of the voice call and rendering the text advertisement content during the voice call; or receive text represented in a different language from a language spoken by the user and performing a language conversion of the text represented in the different language to the language spoken by the user, where the received streamed response text data converted to the speech output comprises the language-converted text. 10. The system of claim 7 , where the processor is further programmed to: analyze a subject matter topic of the voice call; select advertisement content that corresponds to the subject matter topic of the voice call; and insert outgoing text advertisement content of the selected advertisement content into the outgoing streamed text data.
30. A method for ingesting and delivering video comprising: crawling a video host to identify a video hosted by the video host that meets one or more predetermined ingest criteria; ingesting comments relevant to the video from the video host; ingesting comments relative to the video from a comment source that is different from the video host; parsing the ingested comments to identify moments in the video, identifying a moment if a comment includes a reference to a time in the video and storing the time and a text of the comment in a record of the moment; and delivering the video together with moments identified in the video and dynamically displaying and hiding the moments based on times of the moments and a delivery progression of the video, wherein the crawling step is performed by a crawler component executed by a processor, the ingesting steps are performed by an ingest component executed by a processor, the parsing step is performed by an analysis component executed by a processor, and the delivery step is performed by a delivery component executed by a processor and the predetermined ingest criteria include a criterion that videos must be included in a particular grouping of videos established by the video host.
30. A method for ingesting and delivering video comprising: crawling a video host to identify a video hosted by the video host that meets one or more predetermined ingest criteria; ingesting comments relevant to the video from the video host; ingesting comments relative to the video from a comment source that is different from the video host; parsing the ingested comments to identify moments in the video, identifying a moment if a comment includes a reference to a time in the video and storing the time and a text of the comment in a record of the moment; and delivering the video together with moments identified in the video and dynamically displaying and hiding the moments based on times of the moments and a delivery progression of the video, wherein the crawling step is performed by a crawler component executed by a processor, the ingesting steps are performed by an ingest component executed by a processor, the parsing step is performed by an analysis component executed by a processor, and the delivery step is performed by a delivery component executed by a processor and the predetermined ingest criteria include a criterion that videos must be included in a particular grouping of videos established by the video host. 33. The method of claim 30 , wherein the predetermined ingest criteria include at least whether at least one comment at either the video host or the comment source contains a reference to a time in a video.
8. A method, comprising: receiving a negotiated meta-model over a computer network from a meta-model negotiation service, the negotiated meta-model describing collaborations between trading partners and incorporating more than two negotiated meta-model elements selected from a stored first and second set of meta-model elements, the first set of one or more meta-model elements comprising one or more supply chain elements, the one or more supply chain elements comprising one or more site supply chain elements representing one or more sites of a supply chain network that produces one or more items, one or more resource supply chain elements representing one or more resources of the supply chain network, and one or more buffer supply chain elements representing one or more buffers of the supply chain network, the second set of one or more meta-model elements representing the semantics of a machine-actionable collaboration standard, the semantics comprising a nature of a demand signal representing a demand and a software protocol used to communicate the demand signal, the more than two negotiated meta-model elements describing a private collaboration standard unique to the trading partners for collaboration between the trading partners, the negotiated meta-model having been negotiated by the associated trading partner and the one or more other trading partners using the meta-model negotiation service; determining the semantics of the negotiated meta-model subsequent to negotiation of the negotiated meta-model, the semantics capable of being understood by collaboration software associated with each of the trading partners independent of any modification of the collaboration software; automatically collaborating with the one or more other trading partners based on the standard for collaborations reflected in the negotiated meta-model; and in response to receiving over the computer network the demand signal for the one or more items based on the negotiated meta-model and in accordance with the semantics of the negotiated meta-model, shipping, by at least one of the one or more trading partners, the one or more items in accordance with the demand and the negotiated meta-model.
8. A method, comprising: receiving a negotiated meta-model over a computer network from a meta-model negotiation service, the negotiated meta-model describing collaborations between trading partners and incorporating more than two negotiated meta-model elements selected from a stored first and second set of meta-model elements, the first set of one or more meta-model elements comprising one or more supply chain elements, the one or more supply chain elements comprising one or more site supply chain elements representing one or more sites of a supply chain network that produces one or more items, one or more resource supply chain elements representing one or more resources of the supply chain network, and one or more buffer supply chain elements representing one or more buffers of the supply chain network, the second set of one or more meta-model elements representing the semantics of a machine-actionable collaboration standard, the semantics comprising a nature of a demand signal representing a demand and a software protocol used to communicate the demand signal, the more than two negotiated meta-model elements describing a private collaboration standard unique to the trading partners for collaboration between the trading partners, the negotiated meta-model having been negotiated by the associated trading partner and the one or more other trading partners using the meta-model negotiation service; determining the semantics of the negotiated meta-model subsequent to negotiation of the negotiated meta-model, the semantics capable of being understood by collaboration software associated with each of the trading partners independent of any modification of the collaboration software; automatically collaborating with the one or more other trading partners based on the standard for collaborations reflected in the negotiated meta-model; and in response to receiving over the computer network the demand signal for the one or more items based on the negotiated meta-model and in accordance with the semantics of the negotiated meta-model, shipping, by at least one of the one or more trading partners, the one or more items in accordance with the demand and the negotiated meta-model. 13. The method of claim 8 , wherein collaborating based on the standard for collaborations reflected in the negotiated meta-model comprises executing a business process or business transaction based on the negotiated meta-model.
16. A computer-program product comprising a non-transitory computer-usable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein, the computer-readable program code adapted to be executed to implement a method comprising: electronically accessing, from a database management system, a plurality of database statements executed on the database management system; programmatically analyzing the database statements to identify characteristics of the database statements; categorizing the database statements into categories based at least in part on the identified characteristics of the database statements; electronically generating a user interface that includes a description of the categories; and outputting the user interface for presentation to a user, thereby enabling the user to select one of the categories to access a subset of the database statements that have been assigned to the selected category.
16. A computer-program product comprising a non-transitory computer-usable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein, the computer-readable program code adapted to be executed to implement a method comprising: electronically accessing, from a database management system, a plurality of database statements executed on the database management system; programmatically analyzing the database statements to identify characteristics of the database statements; categorizing the database statements into categories based at least in part on the identified characteristics of the database statements; electronically generating a user interface that includes a description of the categories; and outputting the user interface for presentation to a user, thereby enabling the user to select one of the categories to access a subset of the database statements that have been assigned to the selected category. 19. The computer-program product of claim 16 , the method further comprising accessing a central categorization system to obtain suggested categorizations.
21. The non-transitory machine-readable medium of claim 14 , wherein the data structure for the dictionary is a prefix tree, the browser-based application further comprising sets of instructions for: changing a set of characters in a misspelled word; discarding, after changing each character, the change when a resulting string is not found in the dictionary prefix tree; and identifying a set of suggestions for the misspelled word when changing the set of characters in the misspelled word results a in valid string in the dictionary prefix tree.
21. The non-transitory machine-readable medium of claim 14 , wherein the data structure for the dictionary is a prefix tree, the browser-based application further comprising sets of instructions for: changing a set of characters in a misspelled word; discarding, after changing each character, the change when a resulting string is not found in the dictionary prefix tree; and identifying a set of suggestions for the misspelled word when changing the set of characters in the misspelled word results a in valid string in the dictionary prefix tree. 22. The non-transitory machine-readable medium of claim 21 , wherein the set of instructions for changing the set of characters comprises sets of instructions for (i) adding a character to the misspelled word, (ii) replacing a character in the misspelled word, or (iii) deleting a character in the misspelled word.
12. A system comprising: a system monitor that is operable to monitor an originating device of a network of devices in which a plurality of services are deployed and configured to process information external to the network of devices and collected by at least one sensor associated with the network of devices, the originating device executing a service of the plurality of services that includes executable code; and a service mapper that is operable to determine a cause for re-deployment of the service, based on an output of the system monitor, and further operable to re-deploy the service to a selected device of the plurality of devices, based on the cause and including transferring the executable code to the selected device for execution thereon and continued processing of the external information therewith, wherein the cause includes a determination that the originating device is not the best-suited of the network of devices to execute the service, and wherein the service mapper is configured to determine device characteristics of the originating device and at least the selected device in a common format; value-match the device characteristics of each of the originating device and at least the selected device to service characteristics of the service, and determine that at least the selected device has a closer value-match of device characteristics to the service characteristics than the originating device.
12. A system comprising: a system monitor that is operable to monitor an originating device of a network of devices in which a plurality of services are deployed and configured to process information external to the network of devices and collected by at least one sensor associated with the network of devices, the originating device executing a service of the plurality of services that includes executable code; and a service mapper that is operable to determine a cause for re-deployment of the service, based on an output of the system monitor, and further operable to re-deploy the service to a selected device of the plurality of devices, based on the cause and including transferring the executable code to the selected device for execution thereon and continued processing of the external information therewith, wherein the cause includes a determination that the originating device is not the best-suited of the network of devices to execute the service, and wherein the service mapper is configured to determine device characteristics of the originating device and at least the selected device in a common format; value-match the device characteristics of each of the originating device and at least the selected device to service characteristics of the service, and determine that at least the selected device has a closer value-match of device characteristics to the service characteristics than the originating device. 16. The system of claim 12 wherein the service mapper is operable to reinstate a state of the service on the originating device at a time prior to the re-deployment, based on a data file storing state information for the service.
1. A method of controlling an ambient characteristic of at least one ambient device, the method comprising acts of: providing an ambient control system connected to a database having a plurality of files including multimedia content having a specific ambiance and a textual description of the ambiance, the database is selected from one or more locally and network connected databases; receiving a textual description of a desired ambiance as an input from an operator of the ambient control system; compiling a list of files of the plurality of files based on a match between the received textual description and the textual description of the files by dividing each file into regions and obtaining localized values for each region as part of a plurality of ambient parameters; for each file in the list of files identifying a plurality of ambient parameters corresponding to the received textual description, and determining an average value of each of the plurality of ambient parameters; creating an association between the received textual description and the average values of the plurality of ambient parameters including region information of the ambient parameters; and controlling the ambient characteristic of the at least one ambient device based on the association and selecting the multimedia content to display in a room based on the association, wherein the ambient characteristic includes background sound, and scent.
1. A method of controlling an ambient characteristic of at least one ambient device, the method comprising acts of: providing an ambient control system connected to a database having a plurality of files including multimedia content having a specific ambiance and a textual description of the ambiance, the database is selected from one or more locally and network connected databases; receiving a textual description of a desired ambiance as an input from an operator of the ambient control system; compiling a list of files of the plurality of files based on a match between the received textual description and the textual description of the files by dividing each file into regions and obtaining localized values for each region as part of a plurality of ambient parameters; for each file in the list of files identifying a plurality of ambient parameters corresponding to the received textual description, and determining an average value of each of the plurality of ambient parameters; creating an association between the received textual description and the average values of the plurality of ambient parameters including region information of the ambient parameters; and controlling the ambient characteristic of the at least one ambient device based on the association and selecting the multimedia content to display in a room based on the association, wherein the ambient characteristic includes background sound, and scent. 5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multimedia content in the plurality of files comprises pictures and the act of compiling comprises.
26. A method comprising: using a first element viewable on each of a plurality of particular web pages of a website upon initial display of a particular web page to solicit page-specific user feedback concerning the particular web page, the first element appearing identically and behaving consistently on each of the plurality of particular web pages; using a second element displayed in response to user selection of the first element to solicit one or more page-specific subjective ratings of the particular web page and one or more associated page-specific open-ended comments concerning the particular web page, the second element appearing identically and behaving consistently each time it is displayed in response to user selection of the first element viewable on a particular web page; using software associated with the first element to receive the user selection of the first element and initiate display of the second element in response; and using software associated with the second element to receive the page-specific user feedback, the page-specific user feedback concerning the particular webpages having been provided by a user while the user remained at the particular web page, and comprising one or more page-specific subjective ratings of the particular web page and one or more associated page-specific open-ended comments concerning the particular web page for reporting to an interested party, the page-specific user feedback allowing the interested party to access page-specific subjective ratings and associated page-specific open-ended comments across the plurality of particular web pages to identify one or more particular web pages for which the page-specific user feedback is notable relative to page-specific user feedback for other particular web pages; wherein: the first element is viewable within a browser window upon initial display of the particular web page; and the method further comprises causing the first element to remain viewable within the browser window, at least at least prior to the user selection, regardless of user scrolling.
26. A method comprising: using a first element viewable on each of a plurality of particular web pages of a website upon initial display of a particular web page to solicit page-specific user feedback concerning the particular web page, the first element appearing identically and behaving consistently on each of the plurality of particular web pages; using a second element displayed in response to user selection of the first element to solicit one or more page-specific subjective ratings of the particular web page and one or more associated page-specific open-ended comments concerning the particular web page, the second element appearing identically and behaving consistently each time it is displayed in response to user selection of the first element viewable on a particular web page; using software associated with the first element to receive the user selection of the first element and initiate display of the second element in response; and using software associated with the second element to receive the page-specific user feedback, the page-specific user feedback concerning the particular webpages having been provided by a user while the user remained at the particular web page, and comprising one or more page-specific subjective ratings of the particular web page and one or more associated page-specific open-ended comments concerning the particular web page for reporting to an interested party, the page-specific user feedback allowing the interested party to access page-specific subjective ratings and associated page-specific open-ended comments across the plurality of particular web pages to identify one or more particular web pages for which the page-specific user feedback is notable relative to page-specific user feedback for other particular web pages; wherein: the first element is viewable within a browser window upon initial display of the particular web page; and the method further comprises causing the first element to remain viewable within the browser window, at least at least prior to the user selection, regardless of user scrolling. 31. The method of claim 26 , wherein the page-specific user feedback comprises a user response to an explicit question presented to the user.
1. A computer system having a processor and a computer-readable storage memory, the computer system comprising: means for presenting a user interface at a client computer, the user interface enabling a user to add a new annotation corresponding to media content; means for receiving a user request to add the new annotation; means for forwarding information for the new annotation to an annotation server, the information including data associated with the user interface; means for analyzing at least a portion of the media content to identify a likely temporal location of the media content to associate the new annotation with; and means for presenting the likely temporal location to the user via the user interface.
1. A computer system having a processor and a computer-readable storage memory, the computer system comprising: means for presenting a user interface at a client computer, the user interface enabling a user to add a new annotation corresponding to media content; means for receiving a user request to add the new annotation; means for forwarding information for the new annotation to an annotation server, the information including data associated with the user interface; means for analyzing at least a portion of the media content to identify a likely temporal location of the media content to associate the new annotation with; and means for presenting the likely temporal location to the user via the user interface. 2. A system as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the means for presenting, the means for receiving, the means for forwarding, the means for analyzing, and the means for presenting comprises computer-executable instructions.
6. The method of claim 1 wherein the natural language descriptions of the metric conditions comprise a user-centric description.
6. The method of claim 1 wherein the natural language descriptions of the metric conditions comprise a user-centric description. 8. The method of claim 6 wherein the user-centric description comprises a description from an organizational chart perspective of a user to whom directed.
19. One or more non-transitory media storing instructions that, when executed by one or more computing devices, cause performance of: based on first content that has been opened within a content presentation application executing on a client device, the client device automatically selecting context information to submit to a server; responsive to automatically selecting the context information for submission to the server, the client device automatically sending the context information from the client device to the server; responsive to sending the context information to the server, the client device receiving a first search result from the server; responsive to activation input activating a search interface, displaying the search interface; after receiving the activation input, and prior to receiving any user input of a query term via the activated search interface, displaying the first search result within a preview section of the search interface; subsequent to displaying the first search result in the preview section, receiving user input entering one or more query terms via the search interface, the one or more query terms including at least one term that is not found in the context information; sending the one or more query terms to the server; responsive to sending the one or more query terms to the server, the client device receiving a second search result from the server; displaying the second search result in the search interface at the client device.
19. One or more non-transitory media storing instructions that, when executed by one or more computing devices, cause performance of: based on first content that has been opened within a content presentation application executing on a client device, the client device automatically selecting context information to submit to a server; responsive to automatically selecting the context information for submission to the server, the client device automatically sending the context information from the client device to the server; responsive to sending the context information to the server, the client device receiving a first search result from the server; responsive to activation input activating a search interface, displaying the search interface; after receiving the activation input, and prior to receiving any user input of a query term via the activated search interface, displaying the first search result within a preview section of the search interface; subsequent to displaying the first search result in the preview section, receiving user input entering one or more query terms via the search interface, the one or more query terms including at least one term that is not found in the context information; sending the one or more query terms to the server; responsive to sending the one or more query terms to the server, the client device receiving a second search result from the server; displaying the second search result in the search interface at the client device. 20. The one or more non-transitory media of claim 19 , wherein the instructions are implemented entirely by the content presentation application.
8. A system, comprising: a hardware processor; and a memory device, the memory device storing instructions, the instructions when executed causing the hardware processor to perform operations, the operations comprising: storing electronic loan documents associated with a borrower of a loan; generating an anonymous shadow copy of the electronic loan documents, the anonymous shadow copy having personally identifying information removed therefrom; storing the anonymous shadow copy as a record in a row of an electronic database; associating the anonymous shadow copy to an access code; storing the access code as another record in the row of the electronic database; storing a database association between the personally identifying information and the access code in a different loan record within in the electronic database; sending the access code to a device associated with the borrower of the loan; receiving a first request sent from a requesting device, the first request requesting the anonymous shadow copy of the electronic loan documents; retrieving the anonymous shadow copy from the row of the electronic database; sending the anonymous shadow copy to the requesting device in response to the first request; receiving a second request sent from the requesting device, the second request requesting the personally identifying information and specifying the access code; querying the electronic database for the access code specified by the second request; retrieving the personally identifying information from the different loan record of the electronic database, the personally identifying information associated with the access code; and sending the personally identifying information to the requesting device in response to the second request; wherein the personally identifying information is separately stored from the row of the electronic database containing the anonymous shadow copy.
8. A system, comprising: a hardware processor; and a memory device, the memory device storing instructions, the instructions when executed causing the hardware processor to perform operations, the operations comprising: storing electronic loan documents associated with a borrower of a loan; generating an anonymous shadow copy of the electronic loan documents, the anonymous shadow copy having personally identifying information removed therefrom; storing the anonymous shadow copy as a record in a row of an electronic database; associating the anonymous shadow copy to an access code; storing the access code as another record in the row of the electronic database; storing a database association between the personally identifying information and the access code in a different loan record within in the electronic database; sending the access code to a device associated with the borrower of the loan; receiving a first request sent from a requesting device, the first request requesting the anonymous shadow copy of the electronic loan documents; retrieving the anonymous shadow copy from the row of the electronic database; sending the anonymous shadow copy to the requesting device in response to the first request; receiving a second request sent from the requesting device, the second request requesting the personally identifying information and specifying the access code; querying the electronic database for the access code specified by the second request; retrieving the personally identifying information from the different loan record of the electronic database, the personally identifying information associated with the access code; and sending the personally identifying information to the requesting device in response to the second request; wherein the personally identifying information is separately stored from the row of the electronic database containing the anonymous shadow copy. 12. The system of claim 8 , wherein the operations further comprise time stamping the anonymous shadow copy of the electronic loan documents.
17. A computing system comprising: at least one processor; at least one memory architecture coupled with the at least one processor; a first software module executed on the at least one processor and the at least one memory architecture, wherein the first software module is configured to define text to be included within a first text message; a second software module executed on the at least one processor and the at least one memory architecture, wherein the second software module is configured to assign one or more tags to the first text message, wherein the one or more tags are chosen from a plurality of available tags, and wherein the plurality of available tags are independent of subject matter associated with the first text message; and a third software module executed on the at least one processor and the at least one memory architecture, wherein the third software module is configured to transmit the first text message, including the text and the one or more tags, to one or more recipients; wherein the plurality of tags includes one or more of a handraise tag, a chat tag, a minute tag, and a scribe tag, and wherein at least one of: the handraise tag is assigned to a message when a user indicates an intention to focus the attention of participants of an online discussion on the message; the chat tag is assigned to a message when a user indicates an intention to discuss the message in greater detail; the minute tag is assigned to a message when a user indicates that the message should be memorialized within minutes associated with the online discussion; the scribe tag is assigned when the user indicates that the message should be supplemented for ease of use by a user with a disability.
17. A computing system comprising: at least one processor; at least one memory architecture coupled with the at least one processor; a first software module executed on the at least one processor and the at least one memory architecture, wherein the first software module is configured to define text to be included within a first text message; a second software module executed on the at least one processor and the at least one memory architecture, wherein the second software module is configured to assign one or more tags to the first text message, wherein the one or more tags are chosen from a plurality of available tags, and wherein the plurality of available tags are independent of subject matter associated with the first text message; and a third software module executed on the at least one processor and the at least one memory architecture, wherein the third software module is configured to transmit the first text message, including the text and the one or more tags, to one or more recipients; wherein the plurality of tags includes one or more of a handraise tag, a chat tag, a minute tag, and a scribe tag, and wherein at least one of: the handraise tag is assigned to a message when a user indicates an intention to focus the attention of participants of an online discussion on the message; the chat tag is assigned to a message when a user indicates an intention to discuss the message in greater detail; the minute tag is assigned to a message when a user indicates that the message should be memorialized within minutes associated with the online discussion; the scribe tag is assigned when the user indicates that the message should be supplemented for ease of use by a user with a disability. 20. The computing system of claim 17 wherein the plurality of available tags are defined before the text to be included within the first text message is defined.
1. A method for software debugging using annotation metadata, comprising: maintaining a set of metadata comprising metadata topics that describes operational features of source code components of a software program by storing the set of metadata in a metadata container stored separately from the source code; maintaining data/metadata relationships by storing one or more context discriminants in the metadata container that describes said data/metadata relationships between individual metadata topics and individual units of said source code; displaying one or more metadata topics for user selection; setting one or more software debugging points in said software program in response to user selection of one or more metadata topics, said setting comprising using one or more context discriminants associated with the selected one or more metadata topics to identify one or more locations in said source code where said one or more debugging points should be set, said one or more debugging points not being present in said software program prior to said setting; and performing a debugging action when execution of said software program reaches said debugging points.
1. A method for software debugging using annotation metadata, comprising: maintaining a set of metadata comprising metadata topics that describes operational features of source code components of a software program by storing the set of metadata in a metadata container stored separately from the source code; maintaining data/metadata relationships by storing one or more context discriminants in the metadata container that describes said data/metadata relationships between individual metadata topics and individual units of said source code; displaying one or more metadata topics for user selection; setting one or more software debugging points in said software program in response to user selection of one or more metadata topics, said setting comprising using one or more context discriminants associated with the selected one or more metadata topics to identify one or more locations in said source code where said one or more debugging points should be set, said one or more debugging points not being present in said software program prior to said setting; and performing a debugging action when execution of said software program reaches said debugging points. 6. A method in accordance with claim 1 , further including displaying source code having a data/metadata relationship with said selected one or more metadata topics and setting said one or more debugging points in response to user selection of one or more locations in said source code in addition to setting said one or more debugging points in response to user selection of said selected one or more metadata topics.
17. A system comprising a document-driven scanning input device communicating with a computer, said input device comprising scanning means for generating image data representing the image of a document, and means, responsive to placement of a document by a user, for drawing the document into scanning relationship with said scanning means so that said scanning means generates image data representing the image of the document, wherein said placement alone is sufficient to initiate said drawing, and said computer comprising means for storing said image data generated in response to said placement.
17. A system comprising a document-driven scanning input device communicating with a computer, said input device comprising scanning means for generating image data representing the image of a document, and means, responsive to placement of a document by a user, for drawing the document into scanning relationship with said scanning means so that said scanning means generates image data representing the image of the document, wherein said placement alone is sufficient to initiate said drawing, and said computer comprising means for storing said image data generated in response to said placement. 18. A system according to claim 17 wherein said means for drawing the document into scanning relationship with said scanning means sends an interrupt to said computer in response to said placement and wherein said computer stores said image data in response to receiving said interrupt and said image data.
1. A method comprising: receiving, at a computing device, first data entered into a first data-entry field mapped to a first node of a hierarchical data file written in XML, the first data intended for storage in the first node of the hierarchical data file; and validating, locally on the computing device and using one or more validation rules based at least in part on a schema containing logic governing the hierarchical data file, wherein at least one validation rule is configured to be a script-based rule, the first data received in real time and prior to permitting entry of second data into a second data-entry field mapped to a second node of the hierarchical data file, the second data intended for storage in the second node of the hierarchical data file, the one or more validation rules governing a node group of the hierarchical data file of which the first node is a part of, and validating being based on third data stored in at least a third node of the node group, the third data having been entered into a third data-entry field mapped to at least the third node.
1. A method comprising: receiving, at a computing device, first data entered into a first data-entry field mapped to a first node of a hierarchical data file written in XML, the first data intended for storage in the first node of the hierarchical data file; and validating, locally on the computing device and using one or more validation rules based at least in part on a schema containing logic governing the hierarchical data file, wherein at least one validation rule is configured to be a script-based rule, the first data received in real time and prior to permitting entry of second data into a second data-entry field mapped to a second node of the hierarchical data file, the second data intended for storage in the second node of the hierarchical data file, the one or more validation rules governing a node group of the hierarchical data file of which the first node is a part of, and validating being based on third data stored in at least a third node of the node group, the third data having been entered into a third data-entry field mapped to at least the third node. 5. A method of claim 1 , wherein the first data is received from a user entering the first data into an electronic form.
13. The method of claim 8 , further comprising selecting, by at least one processor of the computing system, documents from the document collection, wherein the selected documents contain the phrase extension.
13. The method of claim 8 , further comprising selecting, by at least one processor of the computing system, documents from the document collection, wherein the selected documents contain the phrase extension. 14. The method of claim 13 , further comprising providing the selected documents to a user in response to the query.
17. A non-transitory computer-readable medium containing computer-executable instructions that, when executed by a processor, cause the processor to perform a method for ranking content, the method comprising: receiving a search query; generating a plurality of search results in response to the search query; determining one or more entity types associated with a content class within the plurality of search results, wherein the content class indicates a type of media content of a content item associated with at least one search result of the plurality of search results, and wherein the one or more entity types indicate information associated with the type of media content; determining whether the search query is a query for content belonging to the content class based on a plurality of criteria that includes: (i) determining whether at least one of the plurality of search results is associated with the one or more determined entity types; (ii) determining whether entities shared between the plurality of search results are associated with content corresponding to the one or more determined entity types, wherein each entity includes metadata indicating at least a topic of a corresponding search result; and (iii) determining whether the plurality of search results includes one or more authoritative result candidates having an entity with an entity type corresponding to the one or more entity types; and in response to determining that the plurality of criteria have been met, promoting at least one search result of the plurality of search results belonging to the content class.
17. A non-transitory computer-readable medium containing computer-executable instructions that, when executed by a processor, cause the processor to perform a method for ranking content, the method comprising: receiving a search query; generating a plurality of search results in response to the search query; determining one or more entity types associated with a content class within the plurality of search results, wherein the content class indicates a type of media content of a content item associated with at least one search result of the plurality of search results, and wherein the one or more entity types indicate information associated with the type of media content; determining whether the search query is a query for content belonging to the content class based on a plurality of criteria that includes: (i) determining whether at least one of the plurality of search results is associated with the one or more determined entity types; (ii) determining whether entities shared between the plurality of search results are associated with content corresponding to the one or more determined entity types, wherein each entity includes metadata indicating at least a topic of a corresponding search result; and (iii) determining whether the plurality of search results includes one or more authoritative result candidates having an entity with an entity type corresponding to the one or more entity types; and in response to determining that the plurality of criteria have been met, promoting at least one search result of the plurality of search results belonging to the content class. 23. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 17 , wherein the method further comprises, in response to determining that the plurality of criteria have not been met, performing at least one of: inhibiting the one or more authoritative result candidates from being included in the list of the plurality of search results; inhibiting the one or more authoritative result candidates from being promoted within the list of the plurality of search results; and demoting the one or more authoritative result candidates within a list of at least a portion of the plurality of search results.
14. A system of searching stored content comprising: a processor; and a memory coupled with the processor, wherein the memory is configured to provide the processor with instructions which when executed cause the processor to: receive a search request; determine whether a full text search is better performed prior to a search of one or more stored relational database tables; in the event that the full text search is better performed prior to a search of one or more stored relational database tables: translate the search request to a full text query; execute the full text query; translate the search request to a relational database query; execute the relational database query; and in the event that the full text search is not better performed prior to the search of one or more store relational database tables: translate the search request to the relational database query; execute the relational database query; translate the search request to the full text query; execute the full text query; automatically determine whether a parallel query comprising another full text query and another relational database query prior to or after the full text query and the relational database query is employed to respond to the search request, and wherein in the event that the parallel query is employed, execute the parallel query.
14. A system of searching stored content comprising: a processor; and a memory coupled with the processor, wherein the memory is configured to provide the processor with instructions which when executed cause the processor to: receive a search request; determine whether a full text search is better performed prior to a search of one or more stored relational database tables; in the event that the full text search is better performed prior to a search of one or more stored relational database tables: translate the search request to a full text query; execute the full text query; translate the search request to a relational database query; execute the relational database query; and in the event that the full text search is not better performed prior to the search of one or more store relational database tables: translate the search request to the relational database query; execute the relational database query; translate the search request to the full text query; execute the full text query; automatically determine whether a parallel query comprising another full text query and another relational database query prior to or after the full text query and the relational database query is employed to respond to the search request, and wherein in the event that the parallel query is employed, execute the parallel query. 20. A system as in claim 14 , wherein the translating is transparent to a search requestor and the translating comprises translating the search request for the relational database query into a first query language associated with a relational database system.
1. A method comprising: receiving at a server, for a plurality of item listings within a plurality of categories, item attributes expressed in a plurality of languages, each item attribute comprising an item attribute name and an item attribute value; converting the item attribute names and the item attribute values of the item attributes from the plurality of languages into language-independent symbols and storing the item attributes for the plurality of item listings, expressed with the language-independent symbols, in an item listing table; receiving, at the server, one or more search attributes expressed in a language that is different from one or more of the plurality of languages of the item attributes, each search attribute comprising a search attribute name and a search attribute value; converting the search attribute name and the search attribute value of each of the one or more search attributes into the language-independent symbols; performing a search within the item listing table to identify at least one item listing with one or more item attributes expressed in the language-independent symbols that match the one or more search attributes expressed in the language-independent symbols; and displaying the item attributes of the at least one identified item listing in the language in which the search attributes as received were expressed.
1. A method comprising: receiving at a server, for a plurality of item listings within a plurality of categories, item attributes expressed in a plurality of languages, each item attribute comprising an item attribute name and an item attribute value; converting the item attribute names and the item attribute values of the item attributes from the plurality of languages into language-independent symbols and storing the item attributes for the plurality of item listings, expressed with the language-independent symbols, in an item listing table; receiving, at the server, one or more search attributes expressed in a language that is different from one or more of the plurality of languages of the item attributes, each search attribute comprising a search attribute name and a search attribute value; converting the search attribute name and the search attribute value of each of the one or more search attributes into the language-independent symbols; performing a search within the item listing table to identify at least one item listing with one or more item attributes expressed in the language-independent symbols that match the one or more search attributes expressed in the language-independent symbols; and displaying the item attributes of the at least one identified item listing in the language in which the search attributes as received were expressed. 5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the language-independent symbols comprise numbers.
8. A system comprising: one or more computers and one or more storage devices storing instructions that are operable, when executed by the one or more computers, to cause the one or more computers to perform operations comprising: receiving a search query; obtaining a query language of the search query; obtaining search results responsive to the search query, wherein each search result identifies a respective content item of a plurality of content items, wherein each content item is associated with a plurality of language presentation counts for a plurality of languages, each language presentation count for each particular language representing how many times a plurality of users having a language preference matching the particular language were presented with an opportunity to select the content item, and wherein each content item is associated with a plurality of language selection counts for a plurality of languages, each language selection count for each particular language representing how many times a plurality of users having a language preference matching the particular language selected the content item when presented with an opportunity to select the content item; obtaining a respective language selection weight for the query language for each of the plurality of content items, wherein the language selection weight for the query language for a content item is based on the language presentation count for the query language associated with the content item and the language selection count for the query language associated with for the content item; computing a respective score for each of the plurality content items, wherein the score is based on the language selection weight for each of the plurality of content items; generating a ranking of a plurality of content items based at least in part on the respective scores; and providing search results corresponding to the ranking of the plurality of content items in response to the search query.
8. A system comprising: one or more computers and one or more storage devices storing instructions that are operable, when executed by the one or more computers, to cause the one or more computers to perform operations comprising: receiving a search query; obtaining a query language of the search query; obtaining search results responsive to the search query, wherein each search result identifies a respective content item of a plurality of content items, wherein each content item is associated with a plurality of language presentation counts for a plurality of languages, each language presentation count for each particular language representing how many times a plurality of users having a language preference matching the particular language were presented with an opportunity to select the content item, and wherein each content item is associated with a plurality of language selection counts for a plurality of languages, each language selection count for each particular language representing how many times a plurality of users having a language preference matching the particular language selected the content item when presented with an opportunity to select the content item; obtaining a respective language selection weight for the query language for each of the plurality of content items, wherein the language selection weight for the query language for a content item is based on the language presentation count for the query language associated with the content item and the language selection count for the query language associated with for the content item; computing a respective score for each of the plurality content items, wherein the score is based on the language selection weight for each of the plurality of content items; generating a ranking of a plurality of content items based at least in part on the respective scores; and providing search results corresponding to the ranking of the plurality of content items in response to the search query. 9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the respective language selection weight for each of the plurality of content items represents a percentage of users having a language preference matching the query language who selected the content item upon being presented with an opportunity to select the content item.
5. The computer-readable storage media of claim 4 , wherein the import component includes a translation component that converts the content and the structure of the document in the first format into the second format based at least in part upon the output from the analyzer component.
5. The computer-readable storage media of claim 4 , wherein the import component includes a translation component that converts the content and the structure of the document in the first format into the second format based at least in part upon the output from the analyzer component. 6. The computer-readable storage media of claim 5 , wherein the translation component includes a content translator component and a structure translator component.
27. A method for generating a modified schema, comprising: using a computer system, receiving an input schema, the input schema specifying how to represent one or more elements in a document; using a computer system, receiving one or more instance documents; and using a computer system, generating one or more rules from the one or more instance documents; using a computer system, analyzing the input schema for conformance to the one or more rules; and using a computer system, if the input schema does not conform to the one or more rules, generating a modified schema based on the input schema, the modified schema specifying how to represent the one or more elements in the document in conformance with the one or more rules.
27. A method for generating a modified schema, comprising: using a computer system, receiving an input schema, the input schema specifying how to represent one or more elements in a document; using a computer system, receiving one or more instance documents; and using a computer system, generating one or more rules from the one or more instance documents; using a computer system, analyzing the input schema for conformance to the one or more rules; and using a computer system, if the input schema does not conform to the one or more rules, generating a modified schema based on the input schema, the modified schema specifying how to represent the one or more elements in the document in conformance with the one or more rules. 32. The method of claim 27 , further comprising generating a syntax from one or more element instances provided by the one or more instance documents.
13. A system of rendering a virtual environment, said virtual environment having a virtual model, comprising: an input interface for identifying a user entering the virtual environment and user context in the virtual model; a rendering engine for rendering an output of the virtual model using objects in the virtual model; a difference engine for locating, in associated user memory, previous versions of the objects in the virtual model and for identifying specified differences between the objects in the virtual model and the previous versions of the objects located in the user memory; and wherein said rendering engine is further adapted for rendering a layer of the identified differences on the rendered output of the virtual model by modifying the objects in the virtual model based on user preference, and wherein an identified difference is rendered differently than another identified difference according to the user preference and according to type of object.
13. A system of rendering a virtual environment, said virtual environment having a virtual model, comprising: an input interface for identifying a user entering the virtual environment and user context in the virtual model; a rendering engine for rendering an output of the virtual model using objects in the virtual model; a difference engine for locating, in associated user memory, previous versions of the objects in the virtual model and for identifying specified differences between the objects in the virtual model and the previous versions of the objects located in the user memory; and wherein said rendering engine is further adapted for rendering a layer of the identified differences on the rendered output of the virtual model by modifying the objects in the virtual model based on user preference, and wherein an identified difference is rendered differently than another identified difference according to the user preference and according to type of object. 16. A system according to claim 13 wherein the identified difference is defined according to at least one of: the type of object, difference, or magnitude of difference.
15. A non-transitory computer-readable medium having contents adapted to cause a computing system to perform a method for selecting content items from a source web page and posting content items to a web log, the method comprising: loading a source web page; displaying the loaded source web page to provide a plurality of displayed content items; receiving via a user pointing device of the computing system input selecting one or more selected content items from among the plurality of displayed content items, the selected content items being selectable exclusive of non-selected content items among the plurality of display content items; receiving access credentials for a web log; accessing the web log at a network location by communicating the received access credentials to the web log; receiving, from one or more blog servers, web log publication information associated with the web log, the web log publication information including a web log ID and a corresponding URL; comparing the URL of the web log publication information with a URL of the access credentials; determining that the URL of the web log publication information matches the URL of the access credentials; and transmitting the web log ID and a post including a definition of the selected content items to the web log in a format suitable for receipt and posting of the selected content items on the web log.
15. A non-transitory computer-readable medium having contents adapted to cause a computing system to perform a method for selecting content items from a source web page and posting content items to a web log, the method comprising: loading a source web page; displaying the loaded source web page to provide a plurality of displayed content items; receiving via a user pointing device of the computing system input selecting one or more selected content items from among the plurality of displayed content items, the selected content items being selectable exclusive of non-selected content items among the plurality of display content items; receiving access credentials for a web log; accessing the web log at a network location by communicating the received access credentials to the web log; receiving, from one or more blog servers, web log publication information associated with the web log, the web log publication information including a web log ID and a corresponding URL; comparing the URL of the web log publication information with a URL of the access credentials; determining that the URL of the web log publication information matches the URL of the access credentials; and transmitting the web log ID and a post including a definition of the selected content items to the web log in a format suitable for receipt and posting of the selected content items on the web log. 17. The computer-readable medium of claim 15 , further comprising: receiving access credentials and network locations for a plurality of web logs; and broadcasting the definition of the selected content items to the plurality of web logs.
1. A method of determining whether a subject merchant location database entry and a candidate merchant location database entry are describing the same merchant location notwithstanding the presence of differences between the subject merchant location database entry and the candidate merchant location database entry, wherein each of the subject merchant location database entry and the candidate merchant location database entry includes a DBA name text field designating the doing business as (DBA) name of each respective merchant location, a street address text field designating the street address of the location of each respective merchant location, and one or more additional descriptive fields descriptive of one or more predetermined characteristics of the respective merchant location, the method comprising: designating a merchant location database entry appearing in a master merchant location database or a transaction data stream to be compared as a subject merchant location database entry; populating a set with one or more candidate merchant location database entries located in a data warehouse database maintained by a network operator for comparison to the subject merchant location database entry, wherein each candidate merchant location database entry selected as a member of the set has a predetermined minimum textural similarity with the subject merchant location database entry on the basis of each database entry's respective DBA name text field or street address text field; comparing the subject merchant location database entry with each of the candidate database entries on the basis of the one or more additional descriptive fields; performing a logistic regression using the results of the comparing to calculate a probability that the merchant location corresponding to the subject merchant location database entry and the merchant location corresponding to one or more of the candidate merchant location database entries are the same merchant location; and outputting the results of the logistic regression, wherein the one or more additional descriptive fields retrieved from the data warehouse include a classification code, the classification code derived from a hierarchical classification, and the comparing determines whether the subject merchant location database entry or the candidate merchant location database entry includes a classification code related to an industry which is experientially known to have merchant location identification data that is either more stable or less stable than other industries, and the logistic regression weights the merchant location classification code with regard to whether the related industry is known to have more or less stable merchant location identification data.
1. A method of determining whether a subject merchant location database entry and a candidate merchant location database entry are describing the same merchant location notwithstanding the presence of differences between the subject merchant location database entry and the candidate merchant location database entry, wherein each of the subject merchant location database entry and the candidate merchant location database entry includes a DBA name text field designating the doing business as (DBA) name of each respective merchant location, a street address text field designating the street address of the location of each respective merchant location, and one or more additional descriptive fields descriptive of one or more predetermined characteristics of the respective merchant location, the method comprising: designating a merchant location database entry appearing in a master merchant location database or a transaction data stream to be compared as a subject merchant location database entry; populating a set with one or more candidate merchant location database entries located in a data warehouse database maintained by a network operator for comparison to the subject merchant location database entry, wherein each candidate merchant location database entry selected as a member of the set has a predetermined minimum textural similarity with the subject merchant location database entry on the basis of each database entry's respective DBA name text field or street address text field; comparing the subject merchant location database entry with each of the candidate database entries on the basis of the one or more additional descriptive fields; performing a logistic regression using the results of the comparing to calculate a probability that the merchant location corresponding to the subject merchant location database entry and the merchant location corresponding to one or more of the candidate merchant location database entries are the same merchant location; and outputting the results of the logistic regression, wherein the one or more additional descriptive fields retrieved from the data warehouse include a classification code, the classification code derived from a hierarchical classification, and the comparing determines whether the subject merchant location database entry or the candidate merchant location database entry includes a classification code related to an industry which is experientially known to have merchant location identification data that is either more stable or less stable than other industries, and the logistic regression weights the merchant location classification code with regard to whether the related industry is known to have more or less stable merchant location identification data. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more additional descriptive fields retrieved from the data warehouse include at least one field containing data selected from the group comprising a classification code related to the respective merchant location's line of business, a merchant location city, a merchant location zip code, a flag related to whether the merchant location has a taxpayer identification number, a merchant location taxpayer identification number, a flag related to whether the merchant location has an acquirer-defined merchant location identification, an acquirer-defined merchant location identification, a flag related to whether the merchant location is part of a group of merchant locations that are considered in the aggregate, a label related to a group of merchant locations with which the individual merchant location is considered in the aggregate, and an identifier applied to the merchant location by a third party service provider.
3. The machine-readable medium of claim 2 wherein learning conditional variants comprises determining if at least one of an explicit and implicit condition applies to a particular conditional variant of a model.
3. The machine-readable medium of claim 2 wherein learning conditional variants comprises determining if at least one of an explicit and implicit condition applies to a particular conditional variant of a model. 4. The machine-readable medium of claim 3 wherein for explicit conditions, learning conditional variants further comprises: defining a data bucket for an explicit condition of a target attribute; storing attribute data computed for one or more road segments from a plurality of driving sessions into the appropriate buckets; and forming a conditional variant model for each bucket based on the attribute data in that bucket.
27. A method, comprising: plugging a pluggable converter module into a framework configured to receive one or more pluggable modules, wherein the converter module is configured to convert office documents in an office document format to and from small device documents in a small device format; the converter module generating a small device document in the small device format from an office document in the office document format; wherein said generating a small device document in the small device format comprises excluding one or more format features of the office document from the small device document; modifying the small device document; the converter module generating a modified version of the office document in the office document format from the modified version of the small device document in the small device format; and wherein said generating a modified version of the office document in the office document format comprises restoring the one or more format features of the office document excluded from the small device document.
27. A method, comprising: plugging a pluggable converter module into a framework configured to receive one or more pluggable modules, wherein the converter module is configured to convert office documents in an office document format to and from small device documents in a small device format; the converter module generating a small device document in the small device format from an office document in the office document format; wherein said generating a small device document in the small device format comprises excluding one or more format features of the office document from the small device document; modifying the small device document; the converter module generating a modified version of the office document in the office document format from the modified version of the small device document in the small device format; and wherein said generating a modified version of the office document in the office document format comprises restoring the one or more format features of the office document excluded from the small device document. 32. The method as recited in claim 27 , further comprising plugging a pluggable differencing module into the framework, wherein the differencing module is configured to determine differences between modified versions of small device documents in the small device format and corresponding office documents in the office document format.
6. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the speech recognizer is configured to determine best token score values repetitively, the speech recognizer is configured to calculate the slope of the best token score values based on at least two best token score values, the speech recognizer is configured to compare the slope to a pre-determined threshold slope value, and the speech recognizer is configured to determine detection of end of utterance if the slope does not exceed the threshold slope value.
6. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the speech recognizer is configured to determine best token score values repetitively, the speech recognizer is configured to calculate the slope of the best token score values based on at least two best token score values, the speech recognizer is configured to compare the slope to a pre-determined threshold slope value, and the speech recognizer is configured to determine detection of end of utterance if the slope does not exceed the threshold slope value. 7. A system according to claim 6 , wherein the slope is calculated for each frame.
1. An apparatus comprising: at least one processor; and at least one memory including computer program code, the at least one memory and the computer program code configured to, with the at least one processor, cause the apparatus to perform at least the following: based on a received free-space user gesture associated with a real-world geographic location where the gesture was performed and a gesture direction representing the direction in which the user gesture was made, automatically provide for the making of an annotation to a map comprising three-dimensional models of geographic elements, the three-dimensional models including surfaces that correspond to real-world surfaces of geographical elements represented in the model, wherein analysis of the map of three-dimensional models using the real-world geographic location and the gesture direction provides for identification of an annotation point comprising a particular surface of the surfaces of the three-dimensional models, the annotation being based on said user gesture and positioned at the annotation point on the particular surface of the three-dimensional model of the map to be rendered onto said surface of the three-dimensional model and wherein if a particular surface cannot be identified, the annotation is positioned at a location in the map corresponding to the real-world geographic location.
1. An apparatus comprising: at least one processor; and at least one memory including computer program code, the at least one memory and the computer program code configured to, with the at least one processor, cause the apparatus to perform at least the following: based on a received free-space user gesture associated with a real-world geographic location where the gesture was performed and a gesture direction representing the direction in which the user gesture was made, automatically provide for the making of an annotation to a map comprising three-dimensional models of geographic elements, the three-dimensional models including surfaces that correspond to real-world surfaces of geographical elements represented in the model, wherein analysis of the map of three-dimensional models using the real-world geographic location and the gesture direction provides for identification of an annotation point comprising a particular surface of the surfaces of the three-dimensional models, the annotation being based on said user gesture and positioned at the annotation point on the particular surface of the three-dimensional model of the map to be rendered onto said surface of the three-dimensional model and wherein if a particular surface cannot be identified, the annotation is positioned at a location in the map corresponding to the real-world geographic location. 4. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus includes a communication module to receive gesture data representing at least the user gesture from a gesture capture apparatus.
12. The system of claim 11 wherein the machine learning algorithm is a cost-insensitive machine learning algorithm.
12. The system of claim 11 wherein the machine learning algorithm is a cost-insensitive machine learning algorithm. 13. The system of claim 12 wherein the cost-insensitive machine learning algorithm is a supervised machine learning algorithm comprising at least one of: a decision tree, a bagging technique, a logistic regression, a perceptron, a support vector machine, or a relevance vector machine.
7. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising: detecting environmental image data associated with the item of media content, and providing the answer based on the question and the environmental image data.
7. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising: detecting environmental image data associated with the item of media content, and providing the answer based on the question and the environmental image data. 8. The computer-implemented method of claim 7 , further comprising: identifying one or more types of media content based on the environmental image data, and providing the answer based on the question, the environmental image data and the one or more types of media content.
1. A computer-implemented method of extracting information from co-occurring Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML) structured documents, the method comprising: receiving one or more web sites selected by a user for data extraction; collecting a plurality of co-occurring different HTML structured documents for each of the selected web sites at a computer comprising a processor; forming a plurality of clusters comprising different subsets of the co-occurring HTML structured documents, wherein: each cluster comprises a different HTML structured document of the plurality of co-occurring HTML structured documents as a centroid document and other HTML structured documents of the plurality of co-occurring HTML structured documents that achieve a threshold of similarity with respect to the centroid document, the clusters are formed by comparing each co-occurring HTML structured document to each centroid document of each cluster, and an alignment algorithm is used to determine the co-occurring HTML structured documents that achieve the threshold of similarity with respect to each centroid document by comparing structured locations of data fields for storing data elements within each centroid document and structured locations of corresponding data fields for storing data elements within each of the co-occurring HTML structured documents, the co-occurring HTML structured documents are compared to each centroid document based on similarity of structured locations of corresponding data fields within the HTML data structures, displaying the centroid document of a particular cluster selected from a list of clusters; and providing a user interface displaying content of data elements identified from the other HTML structured documents of the particular cluster on a computer display.
1. A computer-implemented method of extracting information from co-occurring Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML) structured documents, the method comprising: receiving one or more web sites selected by a user for data extraction; collecting a plurality of co-occurring different HTML structured documents for each of the selected web sites at a computer comprising a processor; forming a plurality of clusters comprising different subsets of the co-occurring HTML structured documents, wherein: each cluster comprises a different HTML structured document of the plurality of co-occurring HTML structured documents as a centroid document and other HTML structured documents of the plurality of co-occurring HTML structured documents that achieve a threshold of similarity with respect to the centroid document, the clusters are formed by comparing each co-occurring HTML structured document to each centroid document of each cluster, and an alignment algorithm is used to determine the co-occurring HTML structured documents that achieve the threshold of similarity with respect to each centroid document by comparing structured locations of data fields for storing data elements within each centroid document and structured locations of corresponding data fields for storing data elements within each of the co-occurring HTML structured documents, the co-occurring HTML structured documents are compared to each centroid document based on similarity of structured locations of corresponding data fields within the HTML data structures, displaying the centroid document of a particular cluster selected from a list of clusters; and providing a user interface displaying content of data elements identified from the other HTML structured documents of the particular cluster on a computer display. 10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the relative structural similarity of a particular co-occurring HTML structured document with respect to a particular centroid document is penalized when the co-occurring HTML structured document includes a data field that is within the particular centroid document in a different structured location.
10. A system for processing audio signals, comprising: at least one processor configured to: retrieve at least one content object generated by an audio signal processing system, the at least one content object including (1) one or more text objects corresponding to one or more words and (2) one or more text object data elements representing (i) a type representing the one or more text objects as at least one of a sentence, a verb, a noun phrase a determiner, and an adjective (ii) an emphasis level value representing a level of emphasis of the one or more words, correspondingly and (iii) an electronically generated confidence level value representing a confidence level that the audio signal processing system has properly identified the one or more words from an audio signal; retrieve content metadata, generated by the audio signal processing system, the content metadata corresponding to the one or more words and including (i) one or more content metadata objects and (ii) a content metadata object confidence level value representing the confidence level that the audio signal processing system has properly identified the one or more content metadata objects, wherein the one or more content metadata objects include at least one of an emotion object, a gender object, an age object and an accent object; retrieve environmental metadata, generated by the audio signal processing system, the environmental metadata corresponding to the background noise and including (i) one or more environmental metadata objects and (ii) an environmental metadata object confidence level value representing the audio signal processing system has properly identified the one or more environmental metadata objects from the audio signal; retrieve, from a profile database, a user profile containing historical listening practices of a user; determine, based on the user profile, the at least one content object, the content metadata and the environmental metadata, at least one of (i) media content and (ii) a recommended next media track; and cause at least one of the media content and the recommended next media track to be output on an electronic device, wherein the outputting comprises playing the media content or displaying the recommended next media track, correspondingly, wherein when the recommended next media track is selected, media content corresponding to the recommended next media track is played.
10. A system for processing audio signals, comprising: at least one processor configured to: retrieve at least one content object generated by an audio signal processing system, the at least one content object including (1) one or more text objects corresponding to one or more words and (2) one or more text object data elements representing (i) a type representing the one or more text objects as at least one of a sentence, a verb, a noun phrase a determiner, and an adjective (ii) an emphasis level value representing a level of emphasis of the one or more words, correspondingly and (iii) an electronically generated confidence level value representing a confidence level that the audio signal processing system has properly identified the one or more words from an audio signal; retrieve content metadata, generated by the audio signal processing system, the content metadata corresponding to the one or more words and including (i) one or more content metadata objects and (ii) a content metadata object confidence level value representing the confidence level that the audio signal processing system has properly identified the one or more content metadata objects, wherein the one or more content metadata objects include at least one of an emotion object, a gender object, an age object and an accent object; retrieve environmental metadata, generated by the audio signal processing system, the environmental metadata corresponding to the background noise and including (i) one or more environmental metadata objects and (ii) an environmental metadata object confidence level value representing the audio signal processing system has properly identified the one or more environmental metadata objects from the audio signal; retrieve, from a profile database, a user profile containing historical listening practices of a user; determine, based on the user profile, the at least one content object, the content metadata and the environmental metadata, at least one of (i) media content and (ii) a recommended next media track; and cause at least one of the media content and the recommended next media track to be output on an electronic device, wherein the outputting comprises playing the media content or displaying the recommended next media track, correspondingly, wherein when the recommended next media track is selected, media content corresponding to the recommended next media track is played. 12. The system according to claim 10 , wherein the environmental metadata indicates aspects of a physical environment in which the audio signal is input.
10. A method for facilitating speech recognition associated with a graphical user interface (GUI), comprising the steps of transmitting at least one graphical user interface (GUI) display file from a remote host computer to a mobile terminal, wherein the GUI files have attached thereto a dictionary file having phonemes and syntax file having allowable patterns of words being content specific to the graphical display file and associated with a particular context state; receiving input speech commands at the mobile terminal wherein the commands are associated with at least one GUI associated with the received GUI files; determining a current context state of interactive communications with the user; and utilizing a speech recognition system to assign a correct meaning to received speech command by assigning one meaning to received input speech command by utilizing the dictionary file and syntax file when the current context state is determined to be a first context state, and assigning a different meaning to the same received input speech command by utilizing the dictionary file and syntax file when the current context state is determined to be a second context state.
10. A method for facilitating speech recognition associated with a graphical user interface (GUI), comprising the steps of transmitting at least one graphical user interface (GUI) display file from a remote host computer to a mobile terminal, wherein the GUI files have attached thereto a dictionary file having phonemes and syntax file having allowable patterns of words being content specific to the graphical display file and associated with a particular context state; receiving input speech commands at the mobile terminal wherein the commands are associated with at least one GUI associated with the received GUI files; determining a current context state of interactive communications with the user; and utilizing a speech recognition system to assign a correct meaning to received speech command by assigning one meaning to received input speech command by utilizing the dictionary file and syntax file when the current context state is determined to be a first context state, and assigning a different meaning to the same received input speech command by utilizing the dictionary file and syntax file when the current context state is determined to be a second context state. 11. The method of claim 10 , the assigned meaning is transmitted to the remote host computer.
128. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor automatically detects a gesture of a body from the feature data received via the plurality of sensors, wherein the plurality of objects includes the body, wherein the feature data is absolute three-space location data of an instantaneous state of the body at a point in time and space, the detecting comprising aggregating the feature data, and identifying the gesture using only the feature data.
128. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor automatically detects a gesture of a body from the feature data received via the plurality of sensors, wherein the plurality of objects includes the body, wherein the feature data is absolute three-space location data of an instantaneous state of the body at a point in time and space, the detecting comprising aggregating the feature data, and identifying the gesture using only the feature data. 129. The system of claim 128 , wherein the controlling includes controlling at least one of a function of an application running on the processor, a component displayed by the processor, and a component coupled to the processor.
1. A system for electronic learning support, the system comprising: one or more memories storing instructions and one or more processors that execute the instructions by: generating a digital specification in a first language from a set of input parameters for one or more of a plurality of digital templates, the digital specification including instructions which when executed by an execution environment of an electronic reading device, cause the electronic reading device to present one or more interactive content presentation objects and one or more interactive assessment objects, the execution environment being one of a plurality of heterogeneous execution environments, each execution environment being specific to one of a plurality of heterogeneous electronic reading devices and having platform-dependent capabilities and user interface elements, and the instructions being such that when executed by each of the heterogeneous execution environments on respective ones of the plurality of heterogeneous electronic reading devices produce a consistent layout within and around the interactive content presentation objects and interactive assessment objects across all of the heterogeneous execution environments on respective ones of the plurality of heterogeneous electronic reading devices; transmitting the digital specification and pre-processed media data of at least one interactive content presentation object to the electronic reading device wherein the at least one interactive content presentation object is presented with a look and feel of a user interface of the electronic reading device, and wherein the media data is pre-processed to adjust for the platform-dependent capabilities of the execution environment and to ensure the consistent layout within and around the at least one interactive content presentation object; and receiving content interaction data corresponding to user interactions with the interactive content presentation objects from the execution environment and sending at least a subset of the content interaction data to at least one other electronic reading device; and receiving assessment data corresponding to user interactions with the interactive assessment objects from the execution environment.
1. A system for electronic learning support, the system comprising: one or more memories storing instructions and one or more processors that execute the instructions by: generating a digital specification in a first language from a set of input parameters for one or more of a plurality of digital templates, the digital specification including instructions which when executed by an execution environment of an electronic reading device, cause the electronic reading device to present one or more interactive content presentation objects and one or more interactive assessment objects, the execution environment being one of a plurality of heterogeneous execution environments, each execution environment being specific to one of a plurality of heterogeneous electronic reading devices and having platform-dependent capabilities and user interface elements, and the instructions being such that when executed by each of the heterogeneous execution environments on respective ones of the plurality of heterogeneous electronic reading devices produce a consistent layout within and around the interactive content presentation objects and interactive assessment objects across all of the heterogeneous execution environments on respective ones of the plurality of heterogeneous electronic reading devices; transmitting the digital specification and pre-processed media data of at least one interactive content presentation object to the electronic reading device wherein the at least one interactive content presentation object is presented with a look and feel of a user interface of the electronic reading device, and wherein the media data is pre-processed to adjust for the platform-dependent capabilities of the execution environment and to ensure the consistent layout within and around the at least one interactive content presentation object; and receiving content interaction data corresponding to user interactions with the interactive content presentation objects from the execution environment and sending at least a subset of the content interaction data to at least one other electronic reading device; and receiving assessment data corresponding to user interactions with the interactive assessment objects from the execution environment. 27. The system of claim 1 , wherein the digital specification includes instructions, which when executed by the execution environment, causes the electronic reading device to present an interactive assessment object comprising a re-ordering object, which comprises a series of media objects in an order, and allows the user to re-order the media objects.
8. A system, comprising: a packet buffer; and a hardware-based packet editor comprising a control memory and a control module, wherein the packet editor: receives a packet editing script comprising one or more script entries indicating modifications to be applied to a data packet and a data block comprising data for the modified packet; and stores the packet editing script in the control memory, wherein the control module: retrieves each given script entry stored in the control memory; copies data in the data block at a location and a size identified in the given script entry into the packet buffer; and generates a modified data packet with the data in the packet buffer, wherein copying ( 4 ) the data in the data block at the location and the size identified in the given script entry into the packet buffer, the control module: determines whether the given script entry is a first script entry for the modified data packet; and in response to determining that the given script entry is the first script entry for the modified data packet, reserves the packet buffer for the modified data packet; copies the data in the data block at a block location and with a block length identified in the given script entry into the packet buffer; determines whether the given script entry is a last script entry for the modified data packet; and in response to determining that the given script entry is not the last script entry for the modified data packet, performs, for the next given script entry of the packet editing script, the copying of the data in the data block at the block location and with the block length identified in the given script entry into the packet buffer and the determining whether the given script entry is a last script entry for the modified data packet for the next given script entry of the packet editing script.
8. A system, comprising: a packet buffer; and a hardware-based packet editor comprising a control memory and a control module, wherein the packet editor: receives a packet editing script comprising one or more script entries indicating modifications to be applied to a data packet and a data block comprising data for the modified packet; and stores the packet editing script in the control memory, wherein the control module: retrieves each given script entry stored in the control memory; copies data in the data block at a location and a size identified in the given script entry into the packet buffer; and generates a modified data packet with the data in the packet buffer, wherein copying ( 4 ) the data in the data block at the location and the size identified in the given script entry into the packet buffer, the control module: determines whether the given script entry is a first script entry for the modified data packet; and in response to determining that the given script entry is the first script entry for the modified data packet, reserves the packet buffer for the modified data packet; copies the data in the data block at a block location and with a block length identified in the given script entry into the packet buffer; determines whether the given script entry is a last script entry for the modified data packet; and in response to determining that the given script entry is not the last script entry for the modified data packet, performs, for the next given script entry of the packet editing script, the copying of the data in the data block at the block location and with the block length identified in the given script entry into the packet buffer and the determining whether the given script entry is a last script entry for the modified data packet for the next given script entry of the packet editing script. 11. The system of claim 8 wherein in reserving the packet buffer for the modified data packet and in copying the data in the data block at the block location and with the block length identified in the given script entry into the packet buffer, the control module: sets a packet buffer marker at a beginning of the packet buffer; appends a copy of the data in the data block at the block location and with the block length identified in the given editing script to the packet buffer at the packet buffer marker; and modifies the packet buffer marker by the block length identified in the given editing script.
11. A system for synthesizing speech, the system comprising: a processor; a first module controlling the processor to receive text; a second module controlling the processor to convert the received text to synthesized speech based on a text-to-speech (TTS) voice generated according to steps comprising: (1) synthesizing words utilizing a preprocessed TTS voice, (2) presenting to a person a subset of word variants that contains at least N instances of a group of units in the TTS voice, (3) receiving information from the person associated with a correction needed to the TTS voice, and (4) making the correction with the computing device to the TTS voice according to the received information, wherein each phonetic unit in the TTS voice is exercised; and a third module controlling the processor to output the synthesized speech.
11. A system for synthesizing speech, the system comprising: a processor; a first module controlling the processor to receive text; a second module controlling the processor to convert the received text to synthesized speech based on a text-to-speech (TTS) voice generated according to steps comprising: (1) synthesizing words utilizing a preprocessed TTS voice, (2) presenting to a person a subset of word variants that contains at least N instances of a group of units in the TTS voice, (3) receiving information from the person associated with a correction needed to the TTS voice, and (4) making the correction with the computing device to the TTS voice according to the received information, wherein each phonetic unit in the TTS voice is exercised; and a third module controlling the processor to output the synthesized speech. 12. The system of claim 11 , wherein synthesizing words further comprises synthesizing at least one million words.
33. The system of claim 28 , wherein: at least a portion of the receivers, the decoders, the logic, the parsing circuitry, the storage registers, and the controller comprise devices embedded within a programmable logic device; and another portion thereof comprise configured programmable resources of the programmable logic device.
33. The system of claim 28 , wherein: at least a portion of the receivers, the decoders, the logic, the parsing circuitry, the storage registers, and the controller comprise devices embedded within a programmable logic device; and another portion thereof comprise configured programmable resources of the programmable logic device. 35. The system of claim 33 , wherein the decoders comprise content addressable memories embedded within the programmable logic device and configurable per the programmable resources of the programmable logic device to receive the outputs of the receivers and to source decode information to the logic.
13. A method for retrieving regulatory information, comprising: indexing a plurality of regulatory corpuses, thereby forming a plurality of full-text searchable databases; receiving a search query comprising at least one search term; executing the search query on the plurality of full-text searchable databases to identify a plurality of relevant passages; emphasizing search terms within the plurality of relevant passages; emphasizing regulatory words within the plurality of relevant passages, thereby forming emphasized relevant passages; and storing the emphasized relevant passages in an emphasized document database.
13. A method for retrieving regulatory information, comprising: indexing a plurality of regulatory corpuses, thereby forming a plurality of full-text searchable databases; receiving a search query comprising at least one search term; executing the search query on the plurality of full-text searchable databases to identify a plurality of relevant passages; emphasizing search terms within the plurality of relevant passages; emphasizing regulatory words within the plurality of relevant passages, thereby forming emphasized relevant passages; and storing the emphasized relevant passages in an emphasized document database. 18. The method of claim 13 , further comprising: performing optical character recognition on image files to generate converted text; and inserting the converted text into at least one database belonging to the plurality of full-text searchable databases.
11. A computer-readable storage device having computer-readable instructions stored therein for developing product runtime code, the computer-readable instructions comprising instructions for: identifying a first code component and a second code component, wherein the first code component is in a first runtime language, and wherein the second code component is in a second runtime language, wherein the first runtime language is different than the second runtime language; translating, by a programming interface, the first code component and the second code component into a common development language for development of the code components by: wrapping functions in the first code component in the first runtime language for use in the common development language, and wrapping functions in the second code component in the second runtime language for use in the common development language, wherein the programming interface includes a mapping between functions in the first and second runtime languages and the common development language; determining that the first code component and the second code component have been edited in the common development language; and translating the first edited code component from the common development language into the first runtime language, and the second edited code component into the second runtime language for execution.
11. A computer-readable storage device having computer-readable instructions stored therein for developing product runtime code, the computer-readable instructions comprising instructions for: identifying a first code component and a second code component, wherein the first code component is in a first runtime language, and wherein the second code component is in a second runtime language, wherein the first runtime language is different than the second runtime language; translating, by a programming interface, the first code component and the second code component into a common development language for development of the code components by: wrapping functions in the first code component in the first runtime language for use in the common development language, and wrapping functions in the second code component in the second runtime language for use in the common development language, wherein the programming interface includes a mapping between functions in the first and second runtime languages and the common development language; determining that the first code component and the second code component have been edited in the common development language; and translating the first edited code component from the common development language into the first runtime language, and the second edited code component into the second runtime language for execution. 14. The computer-readable storage device medium of claim 11 , wherein the programming interface is a Java native interface (JNI) and the common development language is Java.
8. A non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having one or more instructions thereon for adding directives for versions of JavaScript files directly into source code, the instructions when executed by one or more processors causing the one or more processors to carry out: receiving, at one of the processors, a source file for preprocessing, wherein the source file comprises source code and is written in a client-side scripting language; parsing, at one of the processors, the source file; identifying, at one of the processors, directive information for a preprocessed directive within the source code of the source file, wherein the directive information comprises data on at least a portion of a client-side scripting language file and a mode; creating, at one of the processors, a version of the source file for the mode, wherein the version of the source file comprises the source code from the source file and the at least a portion of the client-side scripting language file; associating, at one of the processors, metadata with the preprocessed directive and the version of the source file, wherein the metadata comprises: information regarding which portions of the source file have been altered since a last preprocessing of the source file has occurred, and at least a portion of the client-side scripting language file for generating at least a portion of markup language for a web page to be served to a client device using a webserver; storing, via one of the processors, the metadata in a database; retrieving, via one of the processors that is implemented at the webserver from the database, only the metadata associated with the preprocessed directive in the version of the source file such that the entire source file is not retrieved; and in response to receiving a request for the metadata associated the version of the source file, generating, at one of the processors in accordance with the metadata associated with the preprocessed directive and the version of the source file, at least the portion of the markup language for the web page to be served to the client device.
8. A non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having one or more instructions thereon for adding directives for versions of JavaScript files directly into source code, the instructions when executed by one or more processors causing the one or more processors to carry out: receiving, at one of the processors, a source file for preprocessing, wherein the source file comprises source code and is written in a client-side scripting language; parsing, at one of the processors, the source file; identifying, at one of the processors, directive information for a preprocessed directive within the source code of the source file, wherein the directive information comprises data on at least a portion of a client-side scripting language file and a mode; creating, at one of the processors, a version of the source file for the mode, wherein the version of the source file comprises the source code from the source file and the at least a portion of the client-side scripting language file; associating, at one of the processors, metadata with the preprocessed directive and the version of the source file, wherein the metadata comprises: information regarding which portions of the source file have been altered since a last preprocessing of the source file has occurred, and at least a portion of the client-side scripting language file for generating at least a portion of markup language for a web page to be served to a client device using a webserver; storing, via one of the processors, the metadata in a database; retrieving, via one of the processors that is implemented at the webserver from the database, only the metadata associated with the preprocessed directive in the version of the source file such that the entire source file is not retrieved; and in response to receiving a request for the metadata associated the version of the source file, generating, at one of the processors in accordance with the metadata associated with the preprocessed directive and the version of the source file, at least the portion of the markup language for the web page to be served to the client device. 9. The non-transitory computer-readable storage medium of claim 8 , wherein retrieving comprises: retrieving, via one of the processors that is implemented at the webserver from the database, only the metadata associated with the preprocessed directive from the source code from the source file that is also included in the version of the source file.
14. Logic encoded in non-transitory media for execution and when executed by a processor operable to: filter information contained in a plurality of tags stored in a database, the filtering based on one or more specified elements of a tag, wherein the information relates to objects discovered through a capture system, and wherein each object is associated with one of the tags, wherein each of the one or more specified elements includes one of a communication parameter, a content type, a concept, a word, and a signature; generate an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) element to represent the filtered information; receiving as input one or more parameters based, at least in part, on the OLAP element, wherein each of the one or more parameters includes one of a communication parameter, a content type, a concept, a word, and a signature; and generate a rule from the one or more parameters, wherein the rule includes an action to be performed on one or more objects identified by the one or more parameters, the one or more objects that satisfy the rule.
14. Logic encoded in non-transitory media for execution and when executed by a processor operable to: filter information contained in a plurality of tags stored in a database, the filtering based on one or more specified elements of a tag, wherein the information relates to objects discovered through a capture system, and wherein each object is associated with one of the tags, wherein each of the one or more specified elements includes one of a communication parameter, a content type, a concept, a word, and a signature; generate an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) element to represent the filtered information; receiving as input one or more parameters based, at least in part, on the OLAP element, wherein each of the one or more parameters includes one of a communication parameter, a content type, a concept, a word, and a signature; and generate a rule from the one or more parameters, wherein the rule includes an action to be performed on one or more objects identified by the one or more parameters, the one or more objects that satisfy the rule. 18. The logic of claim 14 , wherein the code is further operable to: capture a packet stream; recreate a flow from the packet stream; analyze the flow to create at least one tag and at least one object from the flow; and store the at least one tag in a tag database and the at least one object in an object database.
1. A method for processing parse tree data, the method comprising: receiving, by a processor, a parse tree data structure, wherein the parse tree data structure is representative of a document object model (DOM) tree data structure; concomitant to receiving the parse tree data structure, receiving, by the processor, an assignment of index values for the DOM nodes consisting of distinct index values for each existing DOM node; receiving, by the processor, a request to manipulate the parse tree data structure, wherein the request comprises an insert DOM node request for a new DOM node; concomitant to receiving the request to manipulate the parse tree data structure, receiving, by the processor, an indication of a parse tree insert location for the new DOM node to be inserted; responsive to receiving the indication of the parse tree insert location: assigning a distinguishable index value to the new DOM node to be inserted; and inserting the new DOM node at the indicated parse tree insert location; receiving, by the processor, a document order comparison request to determine an earlier of a first given DOM node and a second given DOM node; responsive to receiving the document order comparison request, determining whether the document order comparison request can be satisfied by a comparison of the index values of the first given DOM node and the second given DOM node; responsive to determining that the document order comparison request can be satisfied by a comparison of the index values of the first given DOM node and the second given DOM node, selecting as the earlier DOM node one of the first given DOM node and the second DOM node based on the comparison of the index values of the first given DOM node and the second given DOM node; responsive to a determination that the document order comparison request cannot be satisfied by the comparison of the index values of the first given DOM node and the second given DOM node, selecting as the earlier DOM node one of the first given DOM node and the second DOM node using a secondary comparison method; performing a re-index operation on the assignment of index values for the DOM nodes to assign distinct index values for each existing DOM node; subsequent to receiving the parse tree data structure, storing an initially empty projection containing no associations of DOM nodes to binary tree nodes; responsive to receiving, by the processor, a delete DOM node request, deleting from the binary tree structure a corresponding binary tree node associated with the DOM node for which deletion was requested only when the DOM node has an associated binary tree node; responsive to receiving, by the processor, an insert DOM node request for a new DOM node, the processor identifies the binary tree insertion point location for the corresponding binary tree node associated with the new DOM node by: obtaining a pre-order traversal predecessor DOM node, denoted P, of the new DOM node; responsive to a determination P has an associated binary tree node, identifying a binary tree successor insertion location of the binary tree node associated with P; and responsive to a determination P does not have an associated binary tree node, determining the binary tree insertion point location using a specialized binary tree search using a value of the index of P; and subsequent to performing a re-index operation on the assignment of index values for the DOM nodes to assign distinct index values for each existing DOM node, returning the projection and the binary tree data structure to an empty state.
1. A method for processing parse tree data, the method comprising: receiving, by a processor, a parse tree data structure, wherein the parse tree data structure is representative of a document object model (DOM) tree data structure; concomitant to receiving the parse tree data structure, receiving, by the processor, an assignment of index values for the DOM nodes consisting of distinct index values for each existing DOM node; receiving, by the processor, a request to manipulate the parse tree data structure, wherein the request comprises an insert DOM node request for a new DOM node; concomitant to receiving the request to manipulate the parse tree data structure, receiving, by the processor, an indication of a parse tree insert location for the new DOM node to be inserted; responsive to receiving the indication of the parse tree insert location: assigning a distinguishable index value to the new DOM node to be inserted; and inserting the new DOM node at the indicated parse tree insert location; receiving, by the processor, a document order comparison request to determine an earlier of a first given DOM node and a second given DOM node; responsive to receiving the document order comparison request, determining whether the document order comparison request can be satisfied by a comparison of the index values of the first given DOM node and the second given DOM node; responsive to determining that the document order comparison request can be satisfied by a comparison of the index values of the first given DOM node and the second given DOM node, selecting as the earlier DOM node one of the first given DOM node and the second DOM node based on the comparison of the index values of the first given DOM node and the second given DOM node; responsive to a determination that the document order comparison request cannot be satisfied by the comparison of the index values of the first given DOM node and the second given DOM node, selecting as the earlier DOM node one of the first given DOM node and the second DOM node using a secondary comparison method; performing a re-index operation on the assignment of index values for the DOM nodes to assign distinct index values for each existing DOM node; subsequent to receiving the parse tree data structure, storing an initially empty projection containing no associations of DOM nodes to binary tree nodes; responsive to receiving, by the processor, a delete DOM node request, deleting from the binary tree structure a corresponding binary tree node associated with the DOM node for which deletion was requested only when the DOM node has an associated binary tree node; responsive to receiving, by the processor, an insert DOM node request for a new DOM node, the processor identifies the binary tree insertion point location for the corresponding binary tree node associated with the new DOM node by: obtaining a pre-order traversal predecessor DOM node, denoted P, of the new DOM node; responsive to a determination P has an associated binary tree node, identifying a binary tree successor insertion location of the binary tree node associated with P; and responsive to a determination P does not have an associated binary tree node, determining the binary tree insertion point location using a specialized binary tree search using a value of the index of P; and subsequent to performing a re-index operation on the assignment of index values for the DOM nodes to assign distinct index values for each existing DOM node, returning the projection and the binary tree data structure to an empty state. 3. The method of claim 1 wherein the secondary comparison method is the DOM tree traversal comparison method.
1. A system, comprising: one or more processors; memory; and a control application stored in the memory, the control application comprising instructions to: retain contextual information for a second application; receive a notification from the second application that the retained contextual information is outdated; receive an indication that a text manipulation event has occurred based on a keyboard input that modifies text in a user interface of the second application, wherein the keyboard input is generated based on input with a keyboard that includes keys with corresponding hit zones; send a query to the second application to obtain updated contextual information established by the second application prior to the event, wherein the updated contextual information is based on internal state information for the second application that is not directly accessible by the control application, and the updated contextual information provides context to the text manipulation event that occurred at the location in the user interface of the second application; receive the updated contextual information from the second application; and adjust a size of the hit zone of one or more keys on the keyboard based on the updated contextual information providing context to the text manipulation event; and wherein the one or more commands cause the second application to execute the one or more commands issued by the control application.
1. A system, comprising: one or more processors; memory; and a control application stored in the memory, the control application comprising instructions to: retain contextual information for a second application; receive a notification from the second application that the retained contextual information is outdated; receive an indication that a text manipulation event has occurred based on a keyboard input that modifies text in a user interface of the second application, wherein the keyboard input is generated based on input with a keyboard that includes keys with corresponding hit zones; send a query to the second application to obtain updated contextual information established by the second application prior to the event, wherein the updated contextual information is based on internal state information for the second application that is not directly accessible by the control application, and the updated contextual information provides context to the text manipulation event that occurred at the location in the user interface of the second application; receive the updated contextual information from the second application; and adjust a size of the hit zone of one or more keys on the keyboard based on the updated contextual information providing context to the text manipulation event; and wherein the one or more commands cause the second application to execute the one or more commands issued by the control application. 20. The system of claim 1 , wherein the internal state information is not directly accessible to the control application if the second application stores the internal state information in a manner unknown to the control application.
37. A method for automatically preparing customized communications for a plurality of consumer entities, the method comprising the steps of: using data from a first electronic data file containing financial product and/or financial service data for the customized communications, which financial product and/or financial service data includes a plurality of separate descriptions, characteristics and/or identifications for at least a first financial product and/or financial service; using data from a second electronic data file containing customer information for at least certain of the plurality of consumer entities, said customer information including customer related data in addition to, but not excluding, any one or more of customer name, customer address and customer account information obtained for said certain of the plurality of consumer entities; performing an automated composition process using one or more computing systems configured to access said first electronic data file and second electronic data file to compose an electronic document file representing a customized communication for at least one of said certain of the plurality of the consumer entities; wherein said customized communication includes an identifying section adapted to present identifying content to identify a consumer entity, and a separate customized section adapted to present at least some customized content relating to an offering for said consumer entity of said first financial product and/or financial service; wherein at least some of said customized content included in said customized communication for said separate customized section is variable information that is determined for said consumer entity from said first electronic data file and said second electronic data file during creation of said electronic document file; delivering said customized communications to said at least one of said certain of the plurality of consumer entities based on said electronic document file.
37. A method for automatically preparing customized communications for a plurality of consumer entities, the method comprising the steps of: using data from a first electronic data file containing financial product and/or financial service data for the customized communications, which financial product and/or financial service data includes a plurality of separate descriptions, characteristics and/or identifications for at least a first financial product and/or financial service; using data from a second electronic data file containing customer information for at least certain of the plurality of consumer entities, said customer information including customer related data in addition to, but not excluding, any one or more of customer name, customer address and customer account information obtained for said certain of the plurality of consumer entities; performing an automated composition process using one or more computing systems configured to access said first electronic data file and second electronic data file to compose an electronic document file representing a customized communication for at least one of said certain of the plurality of the consumer entities; wherein said customized communication includes an identifying section adapted to present identifying content to identify a consumer entity, and a separate customized section adapted to present at least some customized content relating to an offering for said consumer entity of said first financial product and/or financial service; wherein at least some of said customized content included in said customized communication for said separate customized section is variable information that is determined for said consumer entity from said first electronic data file and said second electronic data file during creation of said electronic document file; delivering said customized communications to said at least one of said certain of the plurality of consumer entities based on said electronic document file. 38. The method of claim 37 , wherein said identifying content includes at least one of a name, account number, address, age information and/or marital status information available for such consumer entity.
3. The computer program product of claim 1 , wherein the program code is executable by the at least one processor to perform: identifying the relationship based on one of a mathematical term and a change between the numbers.
3. The computer program product of claim 1 , wherein the program code is executable by the at least one processor to perform: identifying the relationship based on one of a mathematical term and a change between the numbers. 4. The computer program product of claim 3 , wherein the program code is executable by the at least one processor to perform: evaluating the text to determine which mathematical terms indicate the mathematical solution based on the one or more predefined characteristics.
19. A computer-readable storage device encoded with a computer program product, the computer program product comprising instructions that when executed on one or more computers cause the one or more computers to perform operations implementing a predictive model training system, the operations comprising: receiving training data for predictive modeling; setting an ultimate time by which each of a plurality of processes executing training functions to generate respective trained predictive models is to be completed; executing the plurality of processes simultaneously in parallel to generate the trained predictive models using the training data; determining, after executing each of the plurality of processes for an initial time that is earlier than the ultimate time, a respective convergence status of each of the plurality of processes, wherein the convergence status indicates a likelihood that the process will converge, and based on the determination identifying one or more processes that are not likely to converge, terminating processes that are not likely to converge, and allowing the remaining processes to continue executing; after the ultimate time has been reached, terminating processes that have not yet converged, and generating an effectiveness score for each of a plurality of trained predictive models that were generated by the remaining processes, wherein the effectiveness score for a particular trained predictive model represents an estimation of the effectiveness of the particular trained predictive model; storing the plurality of trained predictive models in a repository of trained predictive models; receiving input data and a prediction request; selecting, for use in servicing the prediction request, a first trained predictive model from among the plurality of trained predictive models based on their respective effectiveness scores; providing the input data to the first trained predictive model; and receiving a predictive output from the first trained predictive model.
19. A computer-readable storage device encoded with a computer program product, the computer program product comprising instructions that when executed on one or more computers cause the one or more computers to perform operations implementing a predictive model training system, the operations comprising: receiving training data for predictive modeling; setting an ultimate time by which each of a plurality of processes executing training functions to generate respective trained predictive models is to be completed; executing the plurality of processes simultaneously in parallel to generate the trained predictive models using the training data; determining, after executing each of the plurality of processes for an initial time that is earlier than the ultimate time, a respective convergence status of each of the plurality of processes, wherein the convergence status indicates a likelihood that the process will converge, and based on the determination identifying one or more processes that are not likely to converge, terminating processes that are not likely to converge, and allowing the remaining processes to continue executing; after the ultimate time has been reached, terminating processes that have not yet converged, and generating an effectiveness score for each of a plurality of trained predictive models that were generated by the remaining processes, wherein the effectiveness score for a particular trained predictive model represents an estimation of the effectiveness of the particular trained predictive model; storing the plurality of trained predictive models in a repository of trained predictive models; receiving input data and a prediction request; selecting, for use in servicing the prediction request, a first trained predictive model from among the plurality of trained predictive models based on their respective effectiveness scores; providing the input data to the first trained predictive model; and receiving a predictive output from the first trained predictive model. 24. The computer-readable storage device of claim 19 , wherein after the ultimate time has been reached but before terminating processes that have not yet converged, the operations further comprises: for each process that has not yet converged, estimating a time to convergence and allowing the process to continue executing for the estimated time.
1. A method for inputting language, the method comprising: at a device having one or more processors, memory, and a touch-sensitive display: detecting a sequence of contact inputs via a keyboard interface on the touch-sensitive display, wherein detecting a contact input of the sequence of contact inputs comprises detecting an initiation of contact with the touch-sensitive display at a first position of the keyboard interface, a continuous contact motion from the first position to a second position of the keyboard interface, and a release of contact from the touch-sensitive display at the second position, and wherein the contact input represents a user selection of at most one character key of the keyboard interface; determining a plurality of candidate words corresponding to the sequence of contact inputs; ranking the plurality of candidate words based on a probability that the contact input is an intended input to select a first key of the keyboard interface, and a probability that the contact input is an intended input to select a second key of the keyboard interface; and displaying a portion of the plurality of candidate words for user selection.
1. A method for inputting language, the method comprising: at a device having one or more processors, memory, and a touch-sensitive display: detecting a sequence of contact inputs via a keyboard interface on the touch-sensitive display, wherein detecting a contact input of the sequence of contact inputs comprises detecting an initiation of contact with the touch-sensitive display at a first position of the keyboard interface, a continuous contact motion from the first position to a second position of the keyboard interface, and a release of contact from the touch-sensitive display at the second position, and wherein the contact input represents a user selection of at most one character key of the keyboard interface; determining a plurality of candidate words corresponding to the sequence of contact inputs; ranking the plurality of candidate words based on a probability that the contact input is an intended input to select a first key of the keyboard interface, and a probability that the contact input is an intended input to select a second key of the keyboard interface; and displaying a portion of the plurality of candidate words for user selection. 4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: determining a plurality of character strings that potentially correspond to the sequence of contact inputs; and determining, using a geometry model, a probability of each character string of the plurality of character strings given the sequence of contact inputs, wherein the plurality of candidate words is determined from the plurality of character strings based on the probability of each character string of the plurality of character strings given the sequence of contact inputs.
20. A grammatical inference method for developing grammar performed by a computer system having data processing logic and computer readable storage media with one or more computer programs stored thereon, including using the computer system to process rules of the grammar, create additional rules representative of repeated phrases, and merge equivalent symbols of the grammar, wherein said rules define slots to represent data on which an interactive system executes operations and include symbols representing at least a phrase or term.
20. A grammatical inference method for developing grammar performed by a computer system having data processing logic and computer readable storage media with one or more computer programs stored thereon, including using the computer system to process rules of the grammar, create additional rules representative of repeated phrases, and merge equivalent symbols of the grammar, wherein said rules define slots to represent data on which an interactive system executes operations and include symbols representing at least a phrase or term. 29. A method as claimed in claim 20 , wherein said rules include a reference count representing the number of other rules that reference the rule.
23. A non-transitory computer-readable medium having a computer-executable component, the computer-executable component being configured to: obtain a confusion probability that a first phoneme is recognized as a second phoneme; obtain a first text comprising a first word; obtain a second text comprising a second word; generate, using the confusion probability, an erroneous hypothesis for the second text, wherein generating the erroneous hypothesis comprises substituting the first word for the second word in the second text; for a first n-gram of a language model, wherein the first n-gram comprises the first word in a context of one or more other words, determine a plurality of values using the language model, wherein the language model comprises the first n-gram, the plurality of values comprising: an n-gram probability for the first n-gram; a backoff probability for the first n-gram; a first probability that a true hypothesis comprising the first text is correct; and a second probability that the erroneous hypothesis is correct; compute an objective function value using the plurality of values, wherein the objective function value is based at least partly on a difference (i) a first sum of values computed for individual true hypotheses including the true hypothesis, and (ii) a second sum of values computed for individual erroneous hypotheses including the erroneous hypothesis, wherein the value computed for the true hypothesis is computed using the first probability, the n-gram probability and the backoff probability, and wherein the value computed for the erroneous hypothesis is computed using the second probability, the n-gram probability, and the backoff probability; based at least in part on the objective function value, prune the first n-gram from the language model to generate a pruned language model; and recognize user speech using the pruned language model and an audio signal corresponding to speech of a user.
23. A non-transitory computer-readable medium having a computer-executable component, the computer-executable component being configured to: obtain a confusion probability that a first phoneme is recognized as a second phoneme; obtain a first text comprising a first word; obtain a second text comprising a second word; generate, using the confusion probability, an erroneous hypothesis for the second text, wherein generating the erroneous hypothesis comprises substituting the first word for the second word in the second text; for a first n-gram of a language model, wherein the first n-gram comprises the first word in a context of one or more other words, determine a plurality of values using the language model, wherein the language model comprises the first n-gram, the plurality of values comprising: an n-gram probability for the first n-gram; a backoff probability for the first n-gram; a first probability that a true hypothesis comprising the first text is correct; and a second probability that the erroneous hypothesis is correct; compute an objective function value using the plurality of values, wherein the objective function value is based at least partly on a difference (i) a first sum of values computed for individual true hypotheses including the true hypothesis, and (ii) a second sum of values computed for individual erroneous hypotheses including the erroneous hypothesis, wherein the value computed for the true hypothesis is computed using the first probability, the n-gram probability and the backoff probability, and wherein the value computed for the erroneous hypothesis is computed using the second probability, the n-gram probability, and the backoff probability; based at least in part on the objective function value, prune the first n-gram from the language model to generate a pruned language model; and recognize user speech using the pruned language model and an audio signal corresponding to speech of a user. 26. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 23 , wherein the first n-gram is only pruned from the language model if the objective function value does not satisfy a threshold.
1. A portable electronic device comprising: a display; user controls configured to enable a user to select between at least an up input, a down input, a left input, a right input, and a confirmation input; a storage memory; a data processing system; and a program memory communicatively connected to the data processing system and configured to store instructions configured to cause the data processing system to provide a user-specified input string, wherein the display is configured to display a string input interface wherein the string input interface includes: a string entry section for displaying the user-specified input string; and at least two independently scrollable character selection sections, the at least two independently scrollable character selection sections separate from the string entry section, wherein each independently scrollable character selection section enables a user to select from a corresponding predefined set of characters, wherein only a subset of the corresponding predefined set of characters are displayed in each of the at least two independently scrollable character selection sections at a particular time, wherein each of the at least two independently scrollable character selection sections enables scrolling between a plurality of characters within a respective independently scrollable character selection section; wherein the program memory includes instructions to accept user input provided using the user controls to sequentially select characters to specify the user-specified input string, wherein the up input and the down input are used to select one of the at least two independently scrollable character selection sections, the left input and the right input are used to scroll through the predefined set of characters in the selected independently scrollable character selection section to select a particular character, and the confirmation input is used to add the selected particular character to the input string displayed in the string entry section; and wherein the storage memory is configured to store the input string.
1. A portable electronic device comprising: a display; user controls configured to enable a user to select between at least an up input, a down input, a left input, a right input, and a confirmation input; a storage memory; a data processing system; and a program memory communicatively connected to the data processing system and configured to store instructions configured to cause the data processing system to provide a user-specified input string, wherein the display is configured to display a string input interface wherein the string input interface includes: a string entry section for displaying the user-specified input string; and at least two independently scrollable character selection sections, the at least two independently scrollable character selection sections separate from the string entry section, wherein each independently scrollable character selection section enables a user to select from a corresponding predefined set of characters, wherein only a subset of the corresponding predefined set of characters are displayed in each of the at least two independently scrollable character selection sections at a particular time, wherein each of the at least two independently scrollable character selection sections enables scrolling between a plurality of characters within a respective independently scrollable character selection section; wherein the program memory includes instructions to accept user input provided using the user controls to sequentially select characters to specify the user-specified input string, wherein the up input and the down input are used to select one of the at least two independently scrollable character selection sections, the left input and the right input are used to scroll through the predefined set of characters in the selected independently scrollable character selection section to select a particular character, and the confirmation input is used to add the selected particular character to the input string displayed in the string entry section; and wherein the storage memory is configured to store the input string. 9. The portable electronic device of claim 1 wherein the display is not touch sensitive and has a diagonal dimension of less than 2 inches.
18. A non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having stored thereon data representing sequences of instructions that, when executed by a processor, cause the processor to perform operations comprising: determining that one or more users are provided access to one or more records at a certain access level for a database system in a computing environment; determining whether an entry in a share table of an entity includes an existing security descriptor in a share table of an entity includes the one or more users at the certain access level, wherein each unique set of users having a same access level to one or more records in a set of records is associated with a same security descriptor in a sharing table for each of the one or more records; if an entry in a share table of an entity includes an existing security descriptor for the one or more users at the certain access level, then modifying the entry to include the one or more records; and if the share table does not include an existing security descriptor for the one or more users at the certain access level, then generating a new security descriptor and modifying the share table to include the new security descriptor.
18. A non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having stored thereon data representing sequences of instructions that, when executed by a processor, cause the processor to perform operations comprising: determining that one or more users are provided access to one or more records at a certain access level for a database system in a computing environment; determining whether an entry in a share table of an entity includes an existing security descriptor in a share table of an entity includes the one or more users at the certain access level, wherein each unique set of users having a same access level to one or more records in a set of records is associated with a same security descriptor in a sharing table for each of the one or more records; if an entry in a share table of an entity includes an existing security descriptor for the one or more users at the certain access level, then modifying the entry to include the one or more records; and if the share table does not include an existing security descriptor for the one or more users at the certain access level, then generating a new security descriptor and modifying the share table to include the new security descriptor. 22. The medium of claim 18 , wherein the computing environment comprises a multi-tenant database environment.
14. A system comprising: one or more processors; one or more computer-readable media; and one or more modules maintained on the one or more computer-readable media to be executed by the one or more processors to perform operations including: receiving a content item that includes an image; identifying one or more text components in the image; determining a legibility of individual ones of the text components by; generating a confidence level for the legibility of an individual text component based at least in part on a number of pixels that form the individual text component in the image; and comparing the confidence level with a legibility threshold, the legibility threshold based at least in part on a determined legibility of one or more images of training data used to train a classifier; classifying, based at least on the determining the legibility of the individual ones of the text components, the image as illegible; and sending a message indicating that the image has been determined to be illegible.
14. A system comprising: one or more processors; one or more computer-readable media; and one or more modules maintained on the one or more computer-readable media to be executed by the one or more processors to perform operations including: receiving a content item that includes an image; identifying one or more text components in the image; determining a legibility of individual ones of the text components by; generating a confidence level for the legibility of an individual text component based at least in part on a number of pixels that form the individual text component in the image; and comparing the confidence level with a legibility threshold, the legibility threshold based at least in part on a determined legibility of one or more images of training data used to train a classifier; classifying, based at least on the determining the legibility of the individual ones of the text components, the image as illegible; and sending a message indicating that the image has been determined to be illegible. 18. The system as recited in claim 14 , wherein the one or more processors further performs an operation of providing the image to a computing device of a human reviewer to verify the classification of the image as either legible or illegible.
1. A document conversion apparatus for converting a format of a structured document using a template, the document conversion apparatus comprising: a computer processor; and a memory that stores at least one computer program executed by the computer processor, the at least one computer program comprising program code that, when executed by the computer processor, implements: a first determining unit configured to determine whether a binary format is specified as an output format of the structured document in the template; a command acquiring unit configured to acquire a processing command for the structured document from the template used for converting the format of the structured document in a case where the first determining unit determines that the binary format is specified as the output format of the structured document; a second determining unit configured to, in a case where the processing command acquired by the command acquiring unit is a command for outputting a part of the structured document, determine whether an output format of the part of the structured document is specified in the template; and a writing unit configured to, in a case where the output format of the part of the structured document is specified in the template, perform binary conversion associated beforehand with the output format on the part of the structured document and write a result of the binary conversion in a file for storing output data, and in a case where the output format of the part of the structured document is not specified in the template, write the part of the structured document in the file.
1. A document conversion apparatus for converting a format of a structured document using a template, the document conversion apparatus comprising: a computer processor; and a memory that stores at least one computer program executed by the computer processor, the at least one computer program comprising program code that, when executed by the computer processor, implements: a first determining unit configured to determine whether a binary format is specified as an output format of the structured document in the template; a command acquiring unit configured to acquire a processing command for the structured document from the template used for converting the format of the structured document in a case where the first determining unit determines that the binary format is specified as the output format of the structured document; a second determining unit configured to, in a case where the processing command acquired by the command acquiring unit is a command for outputting a part of the structured document, determine whether an output format of the part of the structured document is specified in the template; and a writing unit configured to, in a case where the output format of the part of the structured document is specified in the template, perform binary conversion associated beforehand with the output format on the part of the structured document and write a result of the binary conversion in a file for storing output data, and in a case where the output format of the part of the structured document is not specified in the template, write the part of the structured document in the file. 15. The document conversion apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first determining unit is configured to determine whether the binary format is specified as the output format of the structured document by referring to the output format of the structured document described in a schema definition defining a structure of a structured document whose output format has been converted.
1. A method of targeting content, comprising: receiving a data stream at a set-top box with the data stream comprising a content item and a content tag; storing the data stream in memory of the set-top box; detecting an insertion event; retrieving multiple identifiers of the content tag from the memory; retrieving the multiple identifiers of a corresponding profile tag from a user profile; setting an initial value of a score to zero; successively comparing each identifier of the content tag to each corresponding identifier of the profile tag; determining the content tag matches the profile tag when at least three identifiers of the multiple identifiers match; incrementing the score when the match occurs; when the content tag does not match the profile tag, then: retrieving another profile tag from the user profile and successively comparing each identifier of the content tag to each corresponding identifier of the another profile tag; when the user profile contains no more profile tags, then retrieving the multiple identifiers of another content tag from the memory and successively comparing each identifier of the another content tag to each corresponding identifier of the profile tag; determining the another content tag matches the profile tag and incrementing the score when the match occurs; comparing the score to a threshold value; and when the score satisfies the threshold score, then determining that the content item is appropriate for presentation.
1. A method of targeting content, comprising: receiving a data stream at a set-top box with the data stream comprising a content item and a content tag; storing the data stream in memory of the set-top box; detecting an insertion event; retrieving multiple identifiers of the content tag from the memory; retrieving the multiple identifiers of a corresponding profile tag from a user profile; setting an initial value of a score to zero; successively comparing each identifier of the content tag to each corresponding identifier of the profile tag; determining the content tag matches the profile tag when at least three identifiers of the multiple identifiers match; incrementing the score when the match occurs; when the content tag does not match the profile tag, then: retrieving another profile tag from the user profile and successively comparing each identifier of the content tag to each corresponding identifier of the another profile tag; when the user profile contains no more profile tags, then retrieving the multiple identifiers of another content tag from the memory and successively comparing each identifier of the another content tag to each corresponding identifier of the profile tag; determining the another content tag matches the profile tag and incrementing the score when the match occurs; comparing the score to a threshold value; and when the score satisfies the threshold score, then determining that the content item is appropriate for presentation. 9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising causing presentation of the content item.
23. A video conversational communication network in accordance with claim 1 wherein said one message switching interface storage means further comprises means capable for retrievably storing at least one subscriber created inhibit list for each of said keystations connected to said one message switching interface means, each of a plurality of said keyboard means further being capable of providing at least a different one of said subscriber created retrievably stored inhibit lists to said one message switching interface storage means for each of a corresponding plurality of associated ones of said subscriber keystations whereby a plurality of different unique inhibit lists may be retrievably stored in said one message switching interface storage means, said inhibit lists each being capable of comprising a plurality of different unique designated keystation identification codes each of which corresponds to a different keystation in said network, said message routing logic means comprising means responsive to a calling keystation keyboard means provided unique calling signal for said designated keystation portion for retrieving said inhibit list created by said designated keystation and selectively inhibiting the completion of said call to said designated keystation when it is free only in response to detection of a keystation identification code corresponding to said calling keystation in said retrieved inhibit list, whereby a subscriber keystation may selectively prevent the establishment of a video textual data conversation with predefined subscribers in the network.
23. A video conversational communication network in accordance with claim 1 wherein said one message switching interface storage means further comprises means capable for retrievably storing at least one subscriber created inhibit list for each of said keystations connected to said one message switching interface means, each of a plurality of said keyboard means further being capable of providing at least a different one of said subscriber created retrievably stored inhibit lists to said one message switching interface storage means for each of a corresponding plurality of associated ones of said subscriber keystations whereby a plurality of different unique inhibit lists may be retrievably stored in said one message switching interface storage means, said inhibit lists each being capable of comprising a plurality of different unique designated keystation identification codes each of which corresponds to a different keystation in said network, said message routing logic means comprising means responsive to a calling keystation keyboard means provided unique calling signal for said designated keystation portion for retrieving said inhibit list created by said designated keystation and selectively inhibiting the completion of said call to said designated keystation when it is free only in response to detection of a keystation identification code corresponding to said calling keystation in said retrieved inhibit list, whereby a subscriber keystation may selectively prevent the establishment of a video textual data conversation with predefined subscribers in the network. 37. A video conversational communication network in accordance with claim 23 wherein said local storage means comprises means for retrievably storing a subscriber created page of textual data, said keyboard means comprising means for providing a unique contact list page calling signal to said message routing logic means corresponding to a designated retrievably stored contact list, said message routing logic means being responsive to said unique contact list page calling signal for simultaneously transmitting said subscriber created page to all of said keystations on said contact list, whereby a subscriber may simultaneously transmit a message to a plurality of predesignated subscribers in the network in single call.
8. A method of processing a job in a production environment, comprising: in a computer-readable memory, maintaining a semantic knowledge base comprising data in a web ontology form that describes a plurality of product intents, wherein each product intent includes at least one of parameter requirements and parameter restrictions for producing a finished product; via a user interface, receiving a product description, wherein the product description includes a plurality of desired properties of a proposed job; inferring, by a controller, using a semantic reasoning system, which of the product intents in the semantic knowledge base corresponds to the product description, wherein: for each product intent that includes at least one parameter requirement, the inferring comprises determining that the product intent does not correspond to the product description if the product description does not include each included parameter requirement; and for each product intent that includes at least one parameter restriction, the inferring comprises determining that the product intent does not correspond to the product description if the product description includes a parameter that conflicts with any included parameter restriction; via the user interface, providing a user with the ability to override the inferred product intent with a user-selected product intent, and if the user overrides the inferred product intent then thereafter using the user-selected product intent as the inferred product intent; by the controller, automatically identifying a workflow in a production environment for the proposed job based on the inferred product intent; and by the controller, processing the proposed job in the production environment according to the determined workflow to create the finished product.
8. A method of processing a job in a production environment, comprising: in a computer-readable memory, maintaining a semantic knowledge base comprising data in a web ontology form that describes a plurality of product intents, wherein each product intent includes at least one of parameter requirements and parameter restrictions for producing a finished product; via a user interface, receiving a product description, wherein the product description includes a plurality of desired properties of a proposed job; inferring, by a controller, using a semantic reasoning system, which of the product intents in the semantic knowledge base corresponds to the product description, wherein: for each product intent that includes at least one parameter requirement, the inferring comprises determining that the product intent does not correspond to the product description if the product description does not include each included parameter requirement; and for each product intent that includes at least one parameter restriction, the inferring comprises determining that the product intent does not correspond to the product description if the product description includes a parameter that conflicts with any included parameter restriction; via the user interface, providing a user with the ability to override the inferred product intent with a user-selected product intent, and if the user overrides the inferred product intent then thereafter using the user-selected product intent as the inferred product intent; by the controller, automatically identifying a workflow in a production environment for the proposed job based on the inferred product intent; and by the controller, processing the proposed job in the production environment according to the determined workflow to create the finished product. 9. The method of claim 8 wherein, if the inferring comprises determining that a plurality of candidate product intents may equally correspond to the product description, the method further includes: presenting each of the candidate product intents to the user; receiving a selected product intent from the candidate product intents; and using the selected product intent as the inferred product intent.
12. A system comprising: a data storage system having a plurality of construction project specification documents stored therein, wherein the construction project specification documents are formatted to have a predefined uniform organizational structure according to a standard for organizing construction specification documents; memory; and a processor configured to: analyze the construction project specification documents and to identify construction project specification documents that satisfy a search query received from a user, the search query including a first search criteria, and generate a user interface having a plurality of charts for display to the user, wherein the plurality of charts displays information relating to a first number of documents that satisfy the first search, wherein a first chart of the plurality of charts includes information relating to a second search criteria different than the first search criteria, and wherein the information relating to one of the first search criteria or the second search criteria of the first chart is selectable by the user to provide a modified search criteria configured to cause the plurality of charts to change in response to the modified search criteria based on the construction project specification documents.
12. A system comprising: a data storage system having a plurality of construction project specification documents stored therein, wherein the construction project specification documents are formatted to have a predefined uniform organizational structure according to a standard for organizing construction specification documents; memory; and a processor configured to: analyze the construction project specification documents and to identify construction project specification documents that satisfy a search query received from a user, the search query including a first search criteria, and generate a user interface having a plurality of charts for display to the user, wherein the plurality of charts displays information relating to a first number of documents that satisfy the first search, wherein a first chart of the plurality of charts includes information relating to a second search criteria different than the first search criteria, and wherein the information relating to one of the first search criteria or the second search criteria of the first chart is selectable by the user to provide a modified search criteria configured to cause the plurality of charts to change in response to the modified search criteria based on the construction project specification documents. 22. The system of claim 12 , wherein: the data storage system includes a plurality of available databases; and wherein the processor is further configured to: receive a selection of a subset of available databases available for searching; and restrict the analysis of the construction project specification documents to the construction project specification documents contained within the subset.
1. An automated method of performing text justification to expand text within a line to produce flush left and right margins on an output medium comprising the steps of: A. determining the number of expandable interword positions within the line (SPACES); B. determining the number of expandable intercharacter positions within the line (CHARS); C. determining the amount of expansion required within the line to a justified margin (EXPAND) by subtracting the width of the text from the total line width, the width of the text and the total line width being expressed in terms of horizontal granular units which correspond to the smallest horizontal distance the printhead of the output device can traverse along a line under control of the justification process, the value of a horizontal granular unit not being known to the justification process; D. if both CHARS and SPACES are greater than 0: (1) compute portion of EXPAND which is to go between characters and distribute it in expandable intercharacter positions; and (2) compute portion of EXPAND which is to go between words and distribute it in expandable interword positions; E. If CHARS is equal to 0, distribute EXPAND into expandable interword positions; F. If SPACES is equal to 0, distribute EXPAND into expandable intercharacter positions;
1. An automated method of performing text justification to expand text within a line to produce flush left and right margins on an output medium comprising the steps of: A. determining the number of expandable interword positions within the line (SPACES); B. determining the number of expandable intercharacter positions within the line (CHARS); C. determining the amount of expansion required within the line to a justified margin (EXPAND) by subtracting the width of the text from the total line width, the width of the text and the total line width being expressed in terms of horizontal granular units which correspond to the smallest horizontal distance the printhead of the output device can traverse along a line under control of the justification process, the value of a horizontal granular unit not being known to the justification process; D. if both CHARS and SPACES are greater than 0: (1) compute portion of EXPAND which is to go between characters and distribute it in expandable intercharacter positions; and (2) compute portion of EXPAND which is to go between words and distribute it in expandable interword positions; E. If CHARS is equal to 0, distribute EXPAND into expandable interword positions; F. If SPACES is equal to 0, distribute EXPAND into expandable intercharacter positions; 8. The method of claim 1, steps D(1) and D(2), wherein any expansion remainder which cannot be uniformly distributed in a line is distributed at alternating ends of consecutive lines to reduce the appearance of rivers in justified text.
12. A processor-implemented method comprising: receiving a first selection to install a first application on one or more server computers; receiving a second selection to install a second application on a device; receiving, from the device, an audio signal that represents user speech; determining an intent corresponding to the user speech; identifying the first application corresponding to the intent; providing a first indication of the intent to the one or more server computers for invocation of the first application to respond to the intent; providing a second indication of the intent to the device for invocation of the second application to respond to the intent; receiving, at the one or more server computers, a confirmation from the device that at least one of (i) the device will perform an action in response to the intent or (ii) the device has performed the action in response to the intent; and providing a third indication, based at least in part on receiving the confirmation, to the first application to cancel responding to the intent.
12. A processor-implemented method comprising: receiving a first selection to install a first application on one or more server computers; receiving a second selection to install a second application on a device; receiving, from the device, an audio signal that represents user speech; determining an intent corresponding to the user speech; identifying the first application corresponding to the intent; providing a first indication of the intent to the one or more server computers for invocation of the first application to respond to the intent; providing a second indication of the intent to the device for invocation of the second application to respond to the intent; receiving, at the one or more server computers, a confirmation from the device that at least one of (i) the device will perform an action in response to the intent or (ii) the device has performed the action in response to the intent; and providing a third indication, based at least in part on receiving the confirmation, to the first application to cancel responding to the intent. 13. The processor-implemented method of claim 12 , wherein the intent is a first intent, the processor-implemented method further comprising providing a fourth indication of a second intent to the device for invocation of a third application to respond to the second intent.
13. The process according to claim 12 further including identifying whether the difference between the maximum and minimum probable frequencies is within a preselected limit, and adding additional documents to the sample from the collection if the calculated difference between the maximum and minimum probable frequencies exceeds the preselected limit.
13. The process according to claim 12 further including identifying whether the difference between the maximum and minimum probable frequencies is within a preselected limit, and adding additional documents to the sample from the collection if the calculated difference between the maximum and minimum probable frequencies exceeds the preselected limit. 14. The process according to claim 13 where the preselected limit is 0.05.
1. A method comprising: identifying, by one or more processors, sentences, within one or more documents, that include text represented by a query; determining, by one or more processors and from the identified sentences, completions for the query; determining, by one or more processors, that two or more of the completions have text in common; merging, by one or more processors, the two or more completions based on the text in common; and outputting, by one or more processors and for presentation, the completions as potential completions for the query.
1. A method comprising: identifying, by one or more processors, sentences, within one or more documents, that include text represented by a query; determining, by one or more processors and from the identified sentences, completions for the query; determining, by one or more processors, that two or more of the completions have text in common; merging, by one or more processors, the two or more completions based on the text in common; and outputting, by one or more processors and for presentation, the completions as potential completions for the query. 8. The method of claim 1 , where merging the two or more completions includes: merging the two or more completions to form a merged completion, and where outputting, for presentation, the completions includes: outputting, for presentation, the completions, including the merged completion, as potential completions for the query.
1. A graph data query method, applied to query of graph data in a graph data whole set, wherein the graph data whole set comprises multiple vertices and an edge between every two vertices that have a connection relationship; partitioning and layering are performed on the multiple vertices in the graph data whole set; a number of a partition in which a vertex is located is used as a partition number of the vertex; a shortest distance between a vertex and a partition border of a partition in which the vertex is located is used as a layer number of the vertex; the method comprising: acquiring a query condition, and a partition number and a layer number of a query vertex indicated by the query condition; determining, based on the partition number and the layer number of the query vertex, a partition number and a layer number of a candidate vertex indicated by the query condition, and using the partition number and the layer number of the candidate vertex respectively as a candidate partition number and a candidate layer number, wherein the candidate vertex is a vertex that needs to be queried according to the query condition; forming a candidate set using a vertex whose partition number and layer number satisfy any group of a candidate partition number and a candidate layer number; and performing graph data query in the candidate set according to the query condition.
1. A graph data query method, applied to query of graph data in a graph data whole set, wherein the graph data whole set comprises multiple vertices and an edge between every two vertices that have a connection relationship; partitioning and layering are performed on the multiple vertices in the graph data whole set; a number of a partition in which a vertex is located is used as a partition number of the vertex; a shortest distance between a vertex and a partition border of a partition in which the vertex is located is used as a layer number of the vertex; the method comprising: acquiring a query condition, and a partition number and a layer number of a query vertex indicated by the query condition; determining, based on the partition number and the layer number of the query vertex, a partition number and a layer number of a candidate vertex indicated by the query condition, and using the partition number and the layer number of the candidate vertex respectively as a candidate partition number and a candidate layer number, wherein the candidate vertex is a vertex that needs to be queried according to the query condition; forming a candidate set using a vertex whose partition number and layer number satisfy any group of a candidate partition number and a candidate layer number; and performing graph data query in the candidate set according to the query condition. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a layer number of a vertex incapable of reaching a partition border of a partition in which the vertex is located is a default layer number, and the default layer number is different from a layer number of a vertex capable of reaching a partition border of a partition in which the vertex is located; and when the layer number of the query vertex is the default layer number, forming the candidate set using the vertex whose partition number and layer number satisfy any group of the candidate partition number and the candidate layer number comprises: forming a candidate set using a vertex whose partition number is the partition number of the query vertex and whose layer number is the default layer number.
18. A system, comprising: a processor; and a memory containing a program, which, when executed by the processor is configured to perform an operation for filtering search results returned for a search query based upon a word usage sense, wherein the search results include one or more documents, the operation comprising: identifying at least a first search term included in the search query; determining a plurality of word usage senses associated with the first search term; selecting a first word usage sense from the plurality of word usage senses associated with the first search term for use in filtering the search results; filtering the search results to include only documents in which the first search term is used in a word usage sense matching the selected first word usage sense, wherein at least one document in which the first search term is used in a different word usage sense is filtered out of the search results; and returning the set of filtered search results as the results for the search query.
18. A system, comprising: a processor; and a memory containing a program, which, when executed by the processor is configured to perform an operation for filtering search results returned for a search query based upon a word usage sense, wherein the search results include one or more documents, the operation comprising: identifying at least a first search term included in the search query; determining a plurality of word usage senses associated with the first search term; selecting a first word usage sense from the plurality of word usage senses associated with the first search term for use in filtering the search results; filtering the search results to include only documents in which the first search term is used in a word usage sense matching the selected first word usage sense, wherein at least one document in which the first search term is used in a different word usage sense is filtered out of the search results; and returning the set of filtered search results as the results for the search query. 19. The system of claim 18 , wherein selecting the first word usage sense from the plurality of word usage senses associated with the first search term, comprises: for each of the plurality of word usage senses: determining a plurality of lexical component scores by applying a plurality of lexical analysis techniques using a respective word usage sense and a context window of words surrounding the first search term, applying a weighting factor to each lexical component score, and adding the lexical component scores to determine a total score for a respective word usage sense; and selecting the word usage sense with a highest total score as the first word usage sense.
6. In a speech analysis system for recognizing at least one predetermined keyboard in an audio signal, each said keyword being characterized by a template having at least one target pattern, and each target pattern representing at least one short-term power spectrum, an analysis method comprising the steps of forming a sequence of electrical signals representing a sequence of selected patterns, identifying electrical signals representing a candidate keyword when said sequence of selected patterns corresponds respectively to the sequence of target patterns of a said keyword template, applying a likelihood ratio test to the electrical signals representing said sequence of selected patterns corresponding to said candidate word to determine a figure of merit for each said pattern, accumulating said figures of merit for said patterns, and accepting said candidate word as a recognized keyword if said accumulated figure of merit exceeds a predetermined minimum value.
6. In a speech analysis system for recognizing at least one predetermined keyboard in an audio signal, each said keyword being characterized by a template having at least one target pattern, and each target pattern representing at least one short-term power spectrum, an analysis method comprising the steps of forming a sequence of electrical signals representing a sequence of selected patterns, identifying electrical signals representing a candidate keyword when said sequence of selected patterns corresponds respectively to the sequence of target patterns of a said keyword template, applying a likelihood ratio test to the electrical signals representing said sequence of selected patterns corresponding to said candidate word to determine a figure of merit for each said pattern, accumulating said figures of merit for said patterns, and accepting said candidate word as a recognized keyword if said accumulated figure of merit exceeds a predetermined minimum value. 7. The method of claim 6 wherein said applying step comprises the steps of determining a best value of the log likelihood statistic for each of said selected patterns relative to any of said target patterns, said best values being designated the best general scores, determining the best value of the log likelihood statistic for each of said selected patterns relative to those target patterns which are valid alternatives for the corresponding target patterns of the candidate keyword, said best values being designated the best target scores, and determining a figure of merit for each selected pattern by generating the arithmetic difference of the best general score and the best target score for the selected pattern.
9. A computer program product, encoded on a non-transitory computer-readable medium, operable to cause data processing apparatus to perform operations comprising: receiving, at a search interface, a first search query from a user; determining, based on a probability model of previous behavior of a collection of users, that the first search query is a trigger query, wherein the probability model is based on a probability of users of the collection of users selecting local search results in response to the first search query; in response to determining that the first search query is a trigger query, prompting the user for additional input, the prompting occurring prior to submission of the first search query to the search system; refining the first search query using the additional user input; and submitting the refined first search query to the search system.
9. A computer program product, encoded on a non-transitory computer-readable medium, operable to cause data processing apparatus to perform operations comprising: receiving, at a search interface, a first search query from a user; determining, based on a probability model of previous behavior of a collection of users, that the first search query is a trigger query, wherein the probability model is based on a probability of users of the collection of users selecting local search results in response to the first search query; in response to determining that the first search query is a trigger query, prompting the user for additional input, the prompting occurring prior to submission of the first search query to the search system; refining the first search query using the additional user input; and submitting the refined first search query to the search system. 10. The computer program product of claim 9 , where determining, based on the probability model of previous behavior of a collection of users, that the first search query is a trigger query includes comparing the first search query with a collection of trigger queries.
27. The apparatus of 26 , the apparatus comprising: an alignment module operative to be executed to align text segments in two nonparallel corpora, the corpora including a source language corpus and a target language corpus.
27. The apparatus of 26 , the apparatus comprising: an alignment module operative to be executed to align text segments in two nonparallel corpora, the corpora including a source language corpus and a target language corpus. 28. The apparatus of claim 27 , wherein the alignment module is operative to build a Bilingual Suffix Tree from a text segment from one of said two non-parallel corpora.
1. A method, comprising: receiving, by one or more processors in one or more computing devices, one or more character sequences of a search query provided by a specific user; automatically identifying, by one or more processors in one or more computing devices, historical prior search queries that include the one or more character sequences of the search query, where the historical prior search queries are based on prior search queries associated with the specific user; providing, by one or more processors in one or more computing devices and before search results are generated for the search query, historical query refinement options for display to the specific user, the historical query refinement options including the historical prior search queries as suggested queries for possible selection by the specific user; automatically identifying, via one or more processors in one or more computing devices, suggested prior search queries that include the one or more character sequences of the search query, where the suggested prior search queries are based on third-party search queries associated with other users; before the search results are generated for the search query, providing, from one or more processors in one or more computing devices and to the specific user, suggested query refinement options for display to the specific user, the suggested query refinement options being provided separately from the historical query refinement options and including the suggested prior search queries as suggested queries for possible selection by the specific user; after providing the historical query refinement options and the suggested query refinement options, receiving, at one or more processors in one or more computing devices, one or more additional character sequences of the search query provided by the specific user; updating, by one or more processors in one or more computing devices, the historical query refinement options and the suggested query refinement options, including: removing, from the historical query refinement options, one or more of the historical prior search queries that do not include the one or more additional character sequences of the search query, and removing, from the suggested query refinement options, one or more of the suggested prior search queries that do not include the one or more additional character sequences of the search query; and before the search results are generated for the search query, providing, from one or more processors in one or more computing devices and to the specific user, the updated historical query refinement options and the updated suggested query refinement options.
1. A method, comprising: receiving, by one or more processors in one or more computing devices, one or more character sequences of a search query provided by a specific user; automatically identifying, by one or more processors in one or more computing devices, historical prior search queries that include the one or more character sequences of the search query, where the historical prior search queries are based on prior search queries associated with the specific user; providing, by one or more processors in one or more computing devices and before search results are generated for the search query, historical query refinement options for display to the specific user, the historical query refinement options including the historical prior search queries as suggested queries for possible selection by the specific user; automatically identifying, via one or more processors in one or more computing devices, suggested prior search queries that include the one or more character sequences of the search query, where the suggested prior search queries are based on third-party search queries associated with other users; before the search results are generated for the search query, providing, from one or more processors in one or more computing devices and to the specific user, suggested query refinement options for display to the specific user, the suggested query refinement options being provided separately from the historical query refinement options and including the suggested prior search queries as suggested queries for possible selection by the specific user; after providing the historical query refinement options and the suggested query refinement options, receiving, at one or more processors in one or more computing devices, one or more additional character sequences of the search query provided by the specific user; updating, by one or more processors in one or more computing devices, the historical query refinement options and the suggested query refinement options, including: removing, from the historical query refinement options, one or more of the historical prior search queries that do not include the one or more additional character sequences of the search query, and removing, from the suggested query refinement options, one or more of the suggested prior search queries that do not include the one or more additional character sequences of the search query; and before the search results are generated for the search query, providing, from one or more processors in one or more computing devices and to the specific user, the updated historical query refinement options and the updated suggested query refinement options. 8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: providing a listing of available search contexts for display to the specific user, where each of the available search contexts is associated with a document type to be searched in response to the search query; receiving a selection, from the specific user of one of the listing of available search contexts; and restricting a subsequent query submission to a particular type of search associated with the selection.
1. A system for switching a headline, the system comprising: a processor; a database containing entry data; a display engine configured to generate a display including a current headline of a plurality of headlines and a headline image; an interface module configured to automatically index through the each headline of the plurality of headlines to vary the current headline according to a predetermined time period, the interface module including a headline control allowing a user to pause the current headline from indexing, wherein the current headline may be manipulated to enter into a user editable text mode; a search engine configured to query the database and generate a list of entries based on the current headline; wherein the display engine is configured to display the list for navigation by a user; and an aggregation module in communication with a plurality of vertical properties, and wherein the database, the display module, the interface module and the search engine form a vertical property of the plurality of vertical properties, the aggregation module being configured to provide search criteria to at least one other vertical property of the plurality of vertical properties based on the current headline, and aggregate search results returned from the at least one other vertical property, the aggregation module being configured to provide aggregated search results to the search engine, and the search engine being configured to generate the list based on the aggregated search results.
1. A system for switching a headline, the system comprising: a processor; a database containing entry data; a display engine configured to generate a display including a current headline of a plurality of headlines and a headline image; an interface module configured to automatically index through the each headline of the plurality of headlines to vary the current headline according to a predetermined time period, the interface module including a headline control allowing a user to pause the current headline from indexing, wherein the current headline may be manipulated to enter into a user editable text mode; a search engine configured to query the database and generate a list of entries based on the current headline; wherein the display engine is configured to display the list for navigation by a user; and an aggregation module in communication with a plurality of vertical properties, and wherein the database, the display module, the interface module and the search engine form a vertical property of the plurality of vertical properties, the aggregation module being configured to provide search criteria to at least one other vertical property of the plurality of vertical properties based on the current headline, and aggregate search results returned from the at least one other vertical property, the aggregation module being configured to provide aggregated search results to the search engine, and the search engine being configured to generate the list based on the aggregated search results. 3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the list includes the most popular images that match given search criteria.
20. An advertising machine implemented on at least one computer and operable to provide advertisements via a communications link to a data processing device of a user, the advertising machine comprising: a communications interface operable to interface with the data processing device of the user via the communications link; a database search engine operable to: receive from the data processing device via the communications link a search request that includes a search argument; and search at least one database using the search argument to produce search results; an associative search engine operable to select at least one advertisement from an advertisement database based upon at least one of the search argument and the search results; the communications interface operable to: transmit the search results together with the at least one advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device; receive search refinement input from the data processing device via the communications link; the database search engine further operable to produce modified search results based upon at least the search refinement input; the associative search engine further operable to select at least one other advertisement from the advertisement database based upon the modified search results; and the communications interface further operable to transmit at least one of the modified search results and the at least one other advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device.
20. An advertising machine implemented on at least one computer and operable to provide advertisements via a communications link to a data processing device of a user, the advertising machine comprising: a communications interface operable to interface with the data processing device of the user via the communications link; a database search engine operable to: receive from the data processing device via the communications link a search request that includes a search argument; and search at least one database using the search argument to produce search results; an associative search engine operable to select at least one advertisement from an advertisement database based upon at least one of the search argument and the search results; the communications interface operable to: transmit the search results together with the at least one advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device; receive search refinement input from the data processing device via the communications link; the database search engine further operable to produce modified search results based upon at least the search refinement input; the associative search engine further operable to select at least one other advertisement from the advertisement database based upon the modified search results; and the communications interface further operable to transmit at least one of the modified search results and the at least one other advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device. 23. The advertising machine of claim 20 , wherein the search refinement input comprises additional search criteria.