well the table stool s rret the seat stool s r is falling the sink is running over the girl's reaching for a cookie the mom is drying a dish and hm and hm cup and saucers there gram yeah that's about all that I didn't hit did this and then I did that and hm well yeah here's some outside the window es uh a garden I guess gram
what the boy's uh handing uh some cookies to the little girl and um the stool is tipping over and uh and hm the water's overrunning onto the floor she's standing in a puddle of water I guess that's about all
okay is there a number of things I mean and eh and eh do I hafta come up with a certain amount oh okay okay number one the boy is stealing some cookies and he's falling over from the chair stool s r that's not setting straight and the sink is overflowing you wanna know everything that's wrong with the picture or and eh everything that's happening okay it looks like it's a nice summer day outside and the lady's drying the dishes and uh everything that's happening and she's standing in the water better get out of there and laughs gram the girl seems to be giggling looks like uh the mother is a little p o'd pissed off and uh that's about all I can see
alright and w well like you want me tell you that reaching up the and g little girl's reaching up and the boy is uh on a cookie jar giving his sister a cookie and reaching up for another cookie and his uh stool is tipping over and the water's running out of the sink the mother is drying the dishes and uh she is standing in a pool of water and uh the girl's putting her finger to her lips to probably say not to make any noise so mother wouldn't hear and uh that's and ab what else would you wanna know on that there's a cup and so there's no action there this is just laying there you meant just where the action is I think that's about it the and m the mother's drying her dishes did I say that before the water is running over and that's about it
well the water's running over outta out of the sink and the little boy is stealing a cookie and he's about to fall off the stool and uh the girl has her hand up to her mouth so she didn't want the mother to know what they were up to and the window's open and it must be nice weather because the grass is pretty high and needs cut and and sighs the mother is daydreaming or she'd see that the water was going on the floor and she's gonna get wet or is wet and the curtains seem to blowing brisk in the breeze
well I know she's got a wreath or something there to put up maybe on a window I don't know and there's some uh two saucers or two dishes and I don't know what that is it could be uh to throw them things around I don't know and over here is your spigot as was your water it must have run over I don't know and there's a cookie jar the uh little boy's getting the cookie jar one for his sister gram and he's almost upset here so I don't know what to tell you she's got a short apron on and a dress underneath it I think the water's flowing over there's two cups and that is must be one of those they throw around es
I see the a boy stretching out for I don't know whether it's ball a ball or a cake and it look he was standing on a stool his little sister was reaching out her hand and the ladder stool s r was beginning to go over mother was at the dishwasher and and sh she left the and s faucet
alright starting from left to right the little girl is reaching for a cookie while she's making some kind of a signal with her hand to her lip it looks like lip reading I mean uh signing the boy is reaching too far for the cookies and is tipping the stool and is about to have an accident he's handing he's reaching for a cookie with his right hand and handing a cookie with his left hand to the little girl uh proceeding to the right the woman obviously their mother is drying a dish while she's neglecting to notice that the sink is overflowing because the faucet is running and the stopper's in the sink it's making a mess on the floor and she's standing in the mess the water um there are plants growing there's grass growing there's a tree with leaves uh you want action well can you wanna know that there are two cups on the counter and things like that no alright that's about it huh
okay um the mother's um drying a dish and the water's running over and um the boy is taking cookies out of the cabinet and he's tipping over on the stool and the girl is reaching for one and she has one finger to her mouth like so say shh the mother won't hear I guess and um the lady has um one foot in back of the other and uh it looks like the window's open and uh she's already dried some dishes there on the counter cabinet door's open gram um let's see water's all over the floor sink is running over gram I guess I said that okay he's handing one cookie to the other girl the lid the lid is off the cookie jar
oh the boy is going to fall off the stool because he is stealing cookies from the cookie jar and his sister is reaching I assume it's his sister reaching up for him to hand her a cookie mother is drying dishes but she's very inattentive here because the water is pouring all over the sink the faucet is running and the water is pouring down over uh the floor is all wet and uh it must be a nice summer day because the window looks as if it's open and that's about I don't see any birds or any animals out there
well I needta read it tell you gram well that's the boy he wants the cookies and this must be the mother is that all uh the little girl's helping and he's falling over well I don't know and hm and that's the mother and I don't think she knows what they're up to
just start about anywhere and sighs little girl gram um falling stool gram the young lad is gonna fall from the stool his hands are touching the cookie jar and these cupboards it shows the mother in the kitchen wiping dishes the water in the sink is overflowing the cups and dishes on the stand gram the uh sight through the window of green grass bushes window from the house with drapes gram it shows the roof of the house and the tree and drapes
the kids are in the cookies the stool is falling over the mother's spilling the water and also drying the dishes and the wind might be blowing the curtains and the water's running uh I can't tell is anything going on outside or not I guess that's all I see that's not very many
okay a child falling off a stool in the attempt to reach the cookie jar which it looks like he's uh knocked the lid off gram and uh maybe he's gonna drop the the cookie and his girlfriend is standing there beckoning him or reaching for the cookie that he's sposta give her and the mother is not paying any attention to the kids she's looking out the window and uh drying the dishes at the same time she has let the sink uh run over and the water is cascading uh down on the floor and onto her feet the curtains are waving and the window is open and the yard looks like it's uh manicured and uh other than the the stool and the cabinets and the dishes that's all I can see
there's a lady washing dishes and a kid uh getting in the cookie jar and it's falling off the the stool and uh a girl reaching for cookies gram and the water overflowing gram and uh uh that's about it uh that I see of action
kid's stool turning over gram she uh trying to steal cookies out of the cookie jar gram little girl is reaching up to grab hers gram huh mother's doing the dishes but let the water run over all over the floor and she's standing in a puddle action gram drying the dishes gram or did I say that before before yeah kid's laughing gram the other kid with the stool falling over and laughs break his neck gram and hm there no action to the curtains gram and grass is growing out there I guess you can call that action leaves are probably blowing the mother's in her own little world the water's still running cookie jar gram he's handing them out like he he made them and laughs the chair's stool's s rret falling over or the stool gram I think and I think the little kid kicked it and it pushed him over and laughs instead of holding him up she gave him a shove
oh there's a cookie jar and a youngster with a I don't know what he got cookie jar and the boy has a shirt with a cookie and j jar too I guess the girl has one too a jar and that's the stool and this is uh with a kitchen thing and k dishes gram and this is water somebody spilled this is some more junk es what do you call this I don't know I guess it's another for the and sighs I don't know what's hu xn n uk in there jar the tentu xn n uk very interesting jar oh and k I don't know she's looking at it es I don't know what that the kid's gonna fall off the stool gram I hope he does dumb kids gram oh they're in the cookie jar oh what are they doing I don't know they're spilling something good and much gram it's they're doing the dishes dishes they are gram the boy's trying to fall off the stool and she's trying to get the dishes all and a done
go and clears throat go mother is washing dishes the kids are looking for cookies the little girl's crying because he ain't giving her no cookies and he gets the cookies down and the mother's broke a plate fell down gram xxx just on this page that's it and laughs she broke broke a plate or something went down the wrong way down there gram xxx just getting the water run over she let the water run too fast and laughs okay
well the kid the girl's laughing at her brother because he went into the cookie jar and he's falling over the cookie jar and mother's and d the mother was at the sink and the sink's water's s r splashing and s splashing over the sink and she sort of a little bit bitchy and the water's going flooding over the sink and there's a saucer there's a plate there's a couple of dishes well she's and the mother's looking out the window she don't know what the hell to think of it a girl laughing at her brother who is taking cookies out of the cookie jar and he's ready to fall off the damn and plat off the uh off the uh and sh and pl chair stool s r he's on the chair's stool's s r crooked what the hell else and then there's a plate saucer and two cups she's looking out the window the window's open she's not paying any attention to the kids the water's flooding over the sink what else you want
well the tool stool p wret is and fa the stool and laughs stool is falling over the uh boy is taking cookies out of the cookie jar the little girl is reaching for a cookie and holding her arm up the mother is drying is doing dishes the water is spilling out of the sink and the mother's standing in the water the mother is looking out of the window the water's coming out of the faucet that's about all I can get out of that
and hm there's a boy getting in the cookie jar and the girl is waiting for her him s r oh they're tipping over the girl woman s r is washing dishes and the water's flowing on the floor she's drying dishes I guess the boy is getting cookies out of the jar gives one to the girl gram and the girl woman s r is drying dishes and she'll hafta wipe up the floor to the action there
okay the kid on the bench who's got his hand in the cookie jar and he's falling off and his sister wants one uh his mother is standing in a puddle of water because she didn't turn off the faucet and she's drying dry a dish she oughta dry her feet instead uh the window is open um uh well the sink is overflowing uh it's obviously summer because the window as I said was open there's uh supposedly leaves on the trees uh anything else that I'm sposta pick up well the kid's gonna fall off and it xxx the lid is off the cookie jar and he's got one in his hand and handing it to his sister and one and he's sneaking another one gram not sneaking gram uh the water is still running in the sink and splashing on the floor gram
just all of the action and clears throat do you want me to describe uh everything or just the action okay and clears throat well the boy is uh getting cookies from a cookie jar little girl is reaching up with her hand to receive one uh the boy's in danger of falling because the stool he's on is tilting that would be all the action oh oh over here then and clears throat the mother is drying the dishes and clears throat the the water is running over it's spilling on the floor uh she's stepping in the water she's looking out the window instead of paying attention to washing the dishes that's about it
now the boy on the on the standing on the stool is gonna fall he's reaching for a cookie he's handling handing p wret handing a cookie to his sister I would imagine poor mother wasn't very attentive and the water was swepping xn n uk over the sink oh boy something's missing and I don't know what it is they have a nice backyard with a garage in the back and shrubbery that's about it
um there are two children a boy and a girl the girl is standing on the floor and and the boy is reaching up into a cupboard that's open that has a cookie jar with the lid off of it he has a cookie in his left hand he's reaching for a second one and the stool on which he is standing has uh tipped over and he's going to fall down the mother her back is to the um to the event and she is washing dishes while her uh sink is uh overflowing with water onto the floor she seems to be oblivious of it the window is uh opened looking out onto a pathway that has um a tree and shrubbery and a part of uh what might be an extension of the house or a garage and there are curtains over the window and there are are two cups and a saucer that she is either going to wash or has already washed and uh and y and y this event is taking place in the kitchen I don't know if I said that or not and I believe that's about all that I can see
well the sink is running over she's drying the dishes they're getting in the cookie jar and they're upsetting the stool the girl is reaching for a cookie the lady here's standing right in the water she seems to be looking out the window at the lawn that's about it right
the action only okay let's see there's uh a boy and a girl the boy is getting cookies from the jar and he is on a stool and the stall stool p w is tilted over a catastrophe there I can see the mother is drying dishes and has the water turned on and her mind must be elsewhere and laughs because the water has overflowed and I don't see anything happening outside that's that's just about it I think
oh for god's sakes the lady is wiping dishes the sink is overflowing the uh boy is uh getting a cookie he's handing another one to the little girl the little girl is uh shushing whatever you call that um the boy because evidently they're stealing them and sneaking them is a better word and um they're you said happening a verb it hasta be movement and just including identifying things the lady is standing in a puddle of water and the faucet is running and uh the window is open and there's a house next door with curtains at the window the same kind of curtains as hers and there's a tree in the next yard it almost looks like it doesn't have a trunk it doesn't start in the ground it starts in the air uh there's a shrub between the two yards there are two cups on the counter one plate and laughs the stool is crooked she's he's gonna fall over because it and it's a it's a three it's a tripod stool that is falling over not very steady the cupboards don't have handles except one door and the bottom ones do and the ones on the left have a different kind of handle and and laughs can I quit pretty soon
oh Johnny is sneaking cookies out of the cookie jar for his sister Sue mother is washing the dishes and the sink is overflowing with the water on the floor the curtains are spread aside to let the light in there's plates and saucers on the table here and the shall I tell you some more no I'm through
the chair stool s r is tilting uh lid is off of the cookie jar cookie in the in the left arm of the boy gram his right hand is touching a cookie in the cookie jar one of his foot one of his his of his feet are a is a and ha about a third off of the stool he's got short pants and a blouse and uh it seems and uh look like they're boots instead of shoes gram the girl the girl has a finger to her lips as though to say quiet and th and w one hand out her left hand is out she's got short skirt and a blouse jersey sweater gram socks anklets rather gram the on I did mention that the that the stool was tilting the still on on the boy that the boy's standing on the stool has it and it's tilting I think I mentioned that the girl has hair hanging to her neck the boy has like short like uh hair combed straight back and laughs the door is jar is open on the and cook on the the the cupboard the mother's drying the dish with her left hand with her right hand holding it with her left she's got an apron over her dress or whatever it may be water spilling out of the sink gram two cups facing opposite direction gram one plate to the right of the cups gram curtains flowing and w in the breeze of the wind gram there still some more but uh oh yeah
well the boy is getting cookies and he's gonna fall off the stool and the mother is doing dishes and the water is running over out of the sink she has the faucet on she's spilling water all over the floor well the boy is handing the little girl a cookie uh nothing that I can see of action
well the kid is it falling off the stool and laughs and he's he's and and and the mother's washing dishes uh drying dishes and the and s the sink is spilling over and uh what else and the floor's getting wet what else is new and the the kid well the and k uh the kid is stealing the cookies and he's falling off yeah he's falling off the stool what else there isn't much else left
well the little girl is saying to be quiet to her brother and her brother's in the cookie jar and he's falling off the chair stool s r the mother's oblivious to all she's washing her dishes and the water's coming out of her sink I don't know what she's thinking of um let's see what we have anything outside I guess those are bushes I don't know okay nothing out there these are okay the dishes are okay let's see how are their shoes their socks are alright I don't know
oh I see uh well the uh kitchen sink is uh that they'd they'd kept the kept it and go going gram and and uh it went over on the um and o off off the sink es they didn't and INV okay they didn't and s turn turn it off quick enough and then there's uh dishes and uh a stool that's going to be very and f fast uh getting to be uh a whole bunch of them fricking cookies gram that's my that's about my and laughs my nephew my uh and clears throat grandson cookie jar gram and the I suppose it's his sister it hasta be his sister doesn't it to uh uh up up on that stool gram and she's making fun of him and this water's coming down that splashing all over the place um I don't it depends on how many cookies are in that cookie jar apparently gram
what's going and laughs boy's reaching a cookie jar gram the and ta and ta the stool is falling over the uh girl is holding her hand up for a cookies and uh and then they wove in the picture mother the water is overflowing from the sink gram she's drying dishes she's looking out a window water's on the floor she's looking out the well there's the and s the and s the the curtains are pulled aside there's dishes on the table and you can see the grass outside in the yard dish in her hand gram
well Johnny's falling off the stool the boy's falling off a stool after trying to steal cookies out of a cookie jar gonna give them to his sister gram the mother is washing dishes the water's running on the floor window's open gram the water's running can't think of anything uh they're in the kitchen the little girl's whispering or motioning to be quiet I guess that's it
okay the boy is getting cookies from the cookie jar and handing one to his to the girl oh and the woman is wiping the dishes with her back to the children and the sink is running over and spilling water onto the floor I guess that's all the action oh no the the stool and laughs is and ti is tipping over and laughs the stool that the boy is standing on is tipping over that appears to be all the action mhm
little boy's stealing cookies out of the cookie jar gram little girl's whispering not to tell gram his chair's stool's s r gonna fall his mother's at the sink washing dishes she's spilled the water all over it's running all over the floor she's drying a plate she's uh looking out the window the little boy's stool's gonna fall he's got a cookie in his hand he's reaching for a second one the mother she's looking outside and not watching the water running over from the sink the cupboard door is open she shouldn't be looking out the window she's washing dishes she's letting the water run out I don't know what else I could tell
well the little boy's in the cookie jar and he's about to fall on the floor because the chair's stool's s r tilted mom's drying dishes she's not paying attention because the water's running over sink's running over water's all over the floor the little girl I think is begging her brother to give her a cookie I'm not sure about that um must be summer time because the window's open you can see the the grass and shrubbery outside and see a few dishes that mom has already dried gram
oh I see the sink is running over and I see the stool is tipping over the little boy is trying to get cookies out the little girl is reaching to get a cookie the mother is drying dishes the window's open did I say did I say she's washing oh she's drying dishes now that's going up es and she's standing in the water I think the cupboard door is open and there's a cookie jar the lid is leaning against the cookie jar this is curtains on the window I can see the grass and some shrubbery outside and the house next door kitchen cabinets gram is that it mhm they'll I see three people in there a mother and little boy and a girl
well this uh little boy is up on the stool taking cookies handing them down to his sister and she's telling him to be quiet and the stool is tipping over the mother is washing or drying dishes the water is running into the sink and running over down onto the floor uh the wind must be blowing because the curtains look like they're kitchen door the cabinet door is open mother's standing in water that's it
where do you where do you mean in the picture tell me everything you see going on in that picture oh I see you want me tell you now gram well the kids are up there at the cookie jar they're getting cookies and she's drying dishes and uh she's got her curtains all fixed up on the windows and the kid is almost upset on that stool I don't know how he could stand like that and get a picture taken she's got an apron on cabinets here gram it seemed like there's water and spl splattered over isn't that out of the sink and INV okay isn't that water and uh I see a big plate and couple saucers like and I don't know about the curtains the curtains got different something made there es she must have one of those double aprons back and front is it gram and the kids are at the cookie jar yeah
well this boy is almost falling out of the off of the chair stool s r when he's putting up the picture and uh she's washing dishes I guess she wouldn't know oh my her sink is running over too isn't it and laughs is that all more all s r or is is there more to it this one looks kinda kind of like a oh that's a plate I guess and a cup and saucer gram oh this is a lady here is it or isn't it and laughs right there is that a lady I thought this when I had it this way it looked almost like a lady oh she's washing dishes and she must have dropped one oh no she let the sink ran over and he's almost falling off of the chair stool s r and she's she did something it looks like es
cookie jar gram uh a lad standing on a stool teetering grabbing for the cookies gram sister I guess laughing at him gram mother washing dishes gram sink is overflowing gram um view of the yard and the kitchen window with its curtain gram two cups and a dish remain looks like they're dried gram mother standing in the overflowed water gram um her four vased two faced cabinets four doors gram and a valance and the curtain gram window's half open gram and there's landscaping along the wall of the uh view from the yard view of the yard and the walkway pictured from the window gram water is running overflowing boy is holding a cookie in his left hand grabbing for another one with his right hand gram the lid of the cookie jar is over uff off nkret off mother's wearing an apron drying dishes okay
and I will tell you what's and g oh boy well the little boy is reaching for a cookie and his and s stool is falling over and the little girl is begging him to give her one and she's pointing to her mouth she wants to eat it uh their mama is doing the dishes the water's running over the sink that's a mess and then she's not even looking at them drying dishes gram I think she's looking out the window it's a nice yard out there two cups and and a dish finished gram xxx anything else
alright oh the uh boy is in the cookie jar handing a cookie to his sister mother is drying dishes her sink is spilling over the stool the boy is on is tilting I said the sink's running over I think no
well the water's running over the stool is and the boy's gonna fall off the stool the girl is saying give me one or I will tell and the boy is taking the second one out of the cookie jar the lid's gonna fall off the mother's drying the dishes the um window is open she's standing in the water she's drying the dishes wait and w you want what's in the picture or what's going on I thought you said what's going on okay action so it's got to be action um that's all
mhm and hm well and sh she's um spilling the water from from washing uh her dishes it's it's running over rather in the the youngsters are are uh getting the jam s uk and in the meantime he's tilting his chair stool s r and laughs hm he is he's he's trying to get the cake s uk down where and sh and sh I suppose she can share with him and then and the mother is uh and lis the water is running over and laughs which she doesn't seem to be aware of it too much gram and his chair stool s rret is slipping out from uh the stool is slipping out from under him and laughs
yeah alright the girl is reaching up for a cookie the youngster's getting the cookie out of the cupboard the cookie is in the pan jar s rrep uh pan jar s r the uh bench stool s rret or the stool that he's standing on is falling the door to the cookie cupboard is open the lady is washing dishes she has a dish cloth in her hand the uh sink is running over the spigot is um not shut off there's two handles and neither one is shut off there's um and it's falling on the floor the there's two cups and a dish on the table countertop s rret on the uh top countertop s rret cabinettops countertops s r there's curtains there's uh two windows at least there's a window with two uh panes showing partial the others and it looks like a scenery outside like a a walk and some bushes and things and some bushes in front of the some kind of a building gram she has on an apron shoes and the child the young girl has shoes and stockings on and the boy has stockings on and shoes and uh the cabinet has two two three four five doors to it
that's it well the girl's drying the the plate and she's overflowing the water in the and laughs sink there's a boy up on a stool and he's falling off of it trying to get a cake or something gram in the cupboard gram see he's trying to get this and he's gonna fall off of there es so and the mother's water's all coming down out of her and laughs sink there the little girl is putting her hand up to the boy they're gonna get something out of that jar a pineapple jar or something
everything that you see that I see them gram alright the mother is drying dishes the water is running out of the sink the boy is going to fall off the stool he's getting cookies and the girl is waiting for a cookie from his her s r brother is there more and hm I don't I don't see any other action there
well he's stealing a cookie and the stool's tipping and the sink's running over she's standing in water for one thing and there's a path out there in the yard maybe a cookie jar and him getting a cookie and the stool upsetting gram a sink running over gram she's standing in the water in the path the roof that looks like the roof of the house here I guess that's all
hm the little boy is on the stool which is tipping and he wants cookies to give to his sister he has a handful of cookies in one hand already and the little girl is eating a cookie the mother is washing dishes absentmindedly she let the sink run over and it's all on the floor there's a window with you can see their driveway gram either bushes or trees and grass a big window gram and a tree coming up here gram and the and roo part of the roof gram and the cookie says cookie jar
and hm touching lip gram raising arm gram is that what you mean and lea reaching for cookie gram handing cookie down gram slipping from stool gram stool falling over gram um wiping dishes gram water running gram water overflowing gram um breeze gram I don't know if that's action um stepping out from water gram I guess that's it
well this uh lady is taking care of her um washing a lot of stuff but the water is going down down and s down here and INV okay instead of it's going down in there it's coming out and uh the little and b the boy is getting the cookies and the girl is wanting the cookies and the way he's putting it on there she he s rret he's gonna fall and INV okay yeah because that's crooked gram uh I see that all the water coming down through from outside gram instead of it going down through there it's coming out and INV mhm all over the all over here yeah because water's all coming down through here gram
oh boy alright family is in the kitchen the mother's washing dishes and her sink is overflowing and she's looking out the window and the two kids are taking they're stealing cookies off the out of the cupboard and the boy looks like he's gonna fall down and hurt himself or fall against his mother and the girl is whispering don't make too much noise to him she's and let or else she's laughing at him they got the cookies alright now though the window let's see there's a nice look outside real nice I told you the water was running over and splashing onto the floor and the mother doesn't seem too too affected by it she's drying a dish or wiping it let's see I guess the girl is laughing at her brother because he's going to fall looks like a nice house there is a little bit of very little xxx but I don't think that's meant for this xxx and INV okay the corner that got to the corner so this is a corner here and that goes back into there but that could be another xxx do you see what I'm making reference to the carpentry
somebody's getting cookies out of the cookie jar standing on a stool the stool's gonna tip over and the girl's saying shh don't let somebody hear and the mother's drying dishes the water's running out into the floor cups and plates are sitting on the counter and ou you can look out the window and see the shrubbery um the lid's sideways from the cookie jar the door is open on the cabinet um mother apparently doesn't really notice well enough and laughs and hm curtains are hanging on the window the window is open
you ready the little girl's going shh and she's also uh reaching up to get a uh cookie and the and l the little boy is reaching for a cookie and he's going to his the and s the chair stool s rret the and sta uh the stool is tilting and he's holding a uh a cookie in his uh left hand and uh the mother's drying dishes and uh the water the dish water is on and it's pouring over onto the floor and uh the curtains are blowing the the window's up and ee let me see she's drying the dishes I don't know whether I said that or not I can't see any other uh xxx the leaves are blowing on the trees
well the lady's drying her dishes that the little boy's up on a ladder reaching for cookie jar and laughs gram and the little girl's down on the floor reaching up toward him then I see a sink the dishes cupboard gram and then there's a walkway in the back guess I guess that's a walkway I call gram the water's running over the sink and laughs well I said the little boy's climbing up on the cookie and j for the cookies
and clears throat mother is um drying the dishes and looking out the window not paying any attention that the water is spilling all over the floor and the sink the window is open um the children are behind mother uh stealing cookies out of the cookie jar and the boy has climbed up on the and be on the stool which is tipping over he's getting cookies out of the cookie jar handing them to his sister his shoes are untied he's gonna fall um the cupboard door is open the lid's off the cookie jar uh mother's feet are getting wet she must be in outer space that she doesn't notice all this that's going on and laughs
well the water ran over the mother's wiping dishes the boy's up in the cookie jar ready to fall over the little girl is reaching out to get the cookies and the mother's mad and the window's open and is there more than that
what do I tell you when I see it as I see it uh is there something going on here or and i oh it's just well the first bad thing I see is the water running out of the s ink running over and the little boy up stealing cookies and giving one to his sister gram and mama's drying the dishes and standing in the water she's looking the other direction and the little boy's falling off the stool xxx standing up on to get the cookie he's gonna get hurt when he hits that sink xxx like an airplane going crazy hmhunh no you can see out the window out into the yard and you can see uh a window over there on the other side of the house
and mm and s boy and o over here standing on the chair stool s r uh it's falling over and a girl down below gram the boy's up up there he's uh has a cookie jar up there he's putting cookies in and the thing's falling over es then there's the lady she's she's washing dishes and drying them and the sink is turned on and the water's running down and is running on the floor and she's standing in the water she's got uh a dress on and and there's she's looking out out past drapes down here and she's looking out through the window looks like that boy's gonna fall over pretty soon
the water is running out of the sink and the kid's falling off of the stool he's and k stealing some cookies and the little girl says don't tell your mother who is standing in the water and coughs and and r drying dishes uh washing dishes I guess maybe drying them I don't know gram and uh guess the water's splashing all over the floor that kid don't fall out fall off that stool he's gonna break his neck gram and getting the cookies gram that's about all I can see
okay uh there's a cook a and b a boy's a boy is uh taking uh cookies and uh giving one to the girl imagine and she wants one I don't know and laughs the uh mother's uh washing dishes she spilled it uh she's washing dishes and uh uh I can I can dance s uk outside to you huh oh uh uh oh he's gonna fall and laughs and uh and she's laughing at them there and INV okay I don't know what else I don't know
you mean this house oh whatever uhhuh do you want me to start at any particular time well top left cookie being removed from the cookie jar gram uh handing cookie to sister gram about to upend on the three legged stool gram uh mother drying dishes sink overflowing onto the floor gram uh you want you want action type things xxx yeah drying I said drying dishes gram let's see water overflowing in the sink gram and hm xxx have a heck of a lot to do with it and that and INV okay good spiral maybe I should
the boy is on a stool that is falling while he's trying to get some cookies out of the cookie jar in the top shelf of the cupboard the little girl is reaching for a cookie it looks like she's sort of laughing at the boy or putting her finger up to her mouth to be quiet so her mother doesn't hear who is in the kitchen drying dishes but the water in the sink is overflowing onto the floor and she's stepping in the water the window is open looks like and s it's summer outside gram yeah there's trees with leaves is that all you want me to do she's doesn't look it's like she hears them she doesn't seem to be aware of them some of the dishes are already washed and dried is that all you want me to say
mhm you sure there nobody hiding in back in that gram okay come on out happening um the water's coming out and the guy's falling off the lid the kid the cookie jar gram and laughs the girl looks like she's laughing at and the woman's washing a dish then there's some dishes to be washed yet now what's this over in there looks like the grass outside that's about the chair stool falling over or the and s seat stool s r then kid's gonna get a fall gram I know that that's about it
they're baking making a mess out of the place gram by not putting by not no neatness gram yes there's a few accidents the little boy is and sta standing on a chair stool s r which is crooked the lady has water running out of her sink and towel in her hand which is dangerous cookies are coming down the cookie jar is coming down and the place is very pretty
okay there's a child reaching for a cookie the chair stool s r is tilted the girl is possibly moving her finger towards her mouth and reaching for a cookie water's running out of the sink the mother's drying dishes somebody's gonna be screaming when the kid falls uh I don't know if it's action but mom was standing in water that's about all I see
uh a boy is uh putting something in the closet or he and he could or I it it could be taking he could be taking a cookie jar out and he's uh the and step uh stepstool is tilting and a young girl seems to whisper to him and n about making noise doesn't it did you notice that uh now and d do I go over on the other side whole picture uh there's uh uh uh a older and w woman well young still gram I mean to say that uh then the the child over there and uh she's drying dishes or washing them washing and dry them drying them and uh it looks as if she's spilling water on the floor from the sink is there uh a woman's face at the window doesn't it like a and d doesn't it look like there's a face there ain't it then oh I thought it looked like a nose and a mouth and laughs and eye there
this picture gram well there's a kid on a stool it's a boy and a girl on the floor and the boy is uh changing the uh time he has his right hand up at the clock but his left hand is holding where he's gonna turn the time he's standing on his right foot his left leg is bent at the knee and so he has both feet on the stool but it isn't gonna be for long the stool is falling down and little girl is telling him what ails him but she can hardly keep from laughing at the same time here she's standing there on both feet planted solidly on the ground on the floor and uh she's uh got her finger up to her mouth she's trying to keep from laughing at him well he had the little boy's on the stool and the stool's just about ready to and t and laughs fall down and he has uh one hand up on the clock and the other hand he has a watch or something in his hand he's he is gonna show gram the little girl is standing there she got a little short skirt on and her sleeve the short sleeved dress and in one she's pointing to her face with her right hand with her left hand she's gesturing how about and s do you see what do you see going on in this side of the picture oh on this side of the picture well this is a uh fountain that has found a leak and it's going uh every which way up there and uh I don't know I don't know what you'd call that this little thing on on the mantle there and there's a little the uh fountain is squirting up into the uh air and turned on and beside it there's a little also a little cross that uh indicates the thing es and on this side it's uh well she got two hands on the on on the left hand on this side the right hand on this side and she's looking this way and she's standing on her right foot mostly her other foot is to to keep the balance and she's in the corner of the room and behind her is a little trap door for I suppose into and s into some cupboard or something
she's doing the dishes he's on the cookie and j and ja trying to get some cookies out of the cookie jar and the chair's stool's s r falling over the water is and overf the water's overflowing just the water's overflowing and she's doing the dishes and the kid's up in the chair stool s r trying to get the cookies and the chair stool s r is falling over
let's see the boy's taking the cookies out of the cookie jar and the girl is reaching to get the cookie and the boy is falling off the stool uh mother is drying the dishes while the water spills over the sink uh it looks like the wind's blowing the curtain there she's the mother is stepping out of the water I guess that's about it the boy is handing the girl a cookie too I don't know if I've said that and she's reaching for it the boy is um I don't wanna say falling off the stool and laughs or stepping off as it's moving I and laughs okay xxx I think that's it
okay okay okay well the boy is reaching for the cookie jar and r reaching for cookies from the cookie jar his stool is falling over he's handing the cookies to his sister the mother is washing the dishes the sink is running over uh these are things that are happening the the little sister's shushing doesn't want the mother to know what's going on and a well the water's running into the sink as well as the sink running over oh and the mother's stepping in the puddle yes I don't identify any other happenings
well the boy is in the cookie jar and the and da and his sister is trying to uh take it from him and he's uh on a stool going like this and uh then there's uh and l uh and s a female over here with a plate in her hand that and clears throat she's drying dishes gram water or the uh and s the and s the water went and ov overboard on this one on the and m on this and s and si sink it's on the floor and the boy's uh cooking uh getting cookies and his chair stool s r is wobbling right here see
here's a cookie jar and the lid is off the cookie jar the boy is about to come down on the floor and the girl I don't know that much about girls but anyway uh the housewife is in the kitchen and the the sink is overflowing and the girl may be saying say hahahao I told you so or something like that and uh I guess this must be the wife although it might not be because maybe that was an apron and um maybe this was the um there is this this should be a window there the upper one is there uh it um has a pathway uh we don't know where the pathway is going to because we can't see it down below and looks like there's some flowers in the bushes or something like that and here are some draperies well this one in on this side is I don't see it the other side but I and su suspect it it would be the same thing there and uh the I guess I said that the the water was coming down on the floor and uh I don't know the here are two cup cup cups for coffee or something like that and and
the little girl's saying don't tell my mother she's reaching for a cookie the boy's getting cookies out of the cookie jar the lid fell off the cookie jar the stool's ready to fall it's slanted the lady's drying dishes water's running out of the sink faucets are running um dishes are sitting on the counter the window's open water's going on the floor the lady has her back to the kids looks like the drapes are blowing in the wind that's about all there is isn't it
the water's spilling over the sink and stool's tipping when the boy's trying to get a cookie gram mother's drying the dishes uh the girl's asking for another cookie you can see outside into the garden do you want more mhm
oh goodness sakes the little girl is saying be quiet because we don't want mother to know we're in the cookie jar the boy is getting cookies and he's going to have an accident because the stool is going to go and laughs quite off the mother is in dream world somewhere because and laughs she's drying dishes and the water's coming out over the floor um she's standing in the water even my goodness sakes the and hm there's nothing the matter with those dishes I guess you could look out the window and see that and hm I don't know Karen that's
oh I don't mind it the lady's a lousy dishwasher because her xxx is all over the floor and laughs I never do that do you and laughs and the boy is falling off of a stool stealing a cookie from the cookie jar and what else and he's going to get hurt when the chair stool s r and fa uh tips over and what else the little girl is asking for a cookie the and ma mother is doing dishes and the water's running out of the sink all over the floor and laughs some dishwasher and laughs that's good
okay I'll start the mother is drying dishes and the sink is over flowing the water is falling onto the floor uh the boy is on his stool uh taking cookies out of a cookie jar and he has one cookie two cookies one in each hand the uh girl is standing reaching up for a cookie with her uh finger over her mouth telling him to be quiet the stool is on one leg uh there's drapes on the window there's a path uh between the grass and the bushes and this little picture is a part of the xxx house and part of the tree in the upper window there are uh uh doors on the uh cabinets in the sink and uh it's daylight um there's two cups and a dish on it on the sink and hums should I describe the two faucets
mhm well the water's running over on the floor uh the chair stool s r is tilting the boy is into the cookie jar and his sister is reaching for a cookie the mother's drying dishes um do you want action or just want anything I see okay mhm
action type things there is water coming out of a faucet into a basin which is overflowing onto the floor the mother is drying dishes and she's walking in the water that is flowing on the floor two children are stealing cookies one of whom is up on a uh stool that is about to fall gram he's removing cookies from an upper shelf in the closet the wind appears to be blowing because the curtains appear to be you know puffed those are the only action things that I can see
you mean like the woman doing the dishes and the water running out of the in the sink little boy is getting in the cookie jar the s tool is falling over little girl wants one hmhunh no the dishes sitting on the sink gram and the window gram the grass and stuff outside gram the woman has an apron on I don't know where everything I don't see anything else on that
and mm the little girl is asking for a cookie little boy is handing her a cookie and taking a cookie and falling off the chair stool s r mother's washing dishes the water's running it's falling on the floor and she's standing in it uh the wind is blowing the curtains are ruffled the mother's smiling she must be deaf not to see what's going on behind her too and laughs it's summertime flower and er the plants are in bloom outside that's all I see
uh the sink is overflowing uh mother is drying a dish um okay the boy is falling off the stool while he's getting a cookie out of the and k the uh kitchen cupboard there the girl is reaching up for a cookie um let's see dishes on the counter but there's no action with them I guess and laughs gram uh guess that's all I see
does that say cookie honey oh cookie jar gram this chair stool s r is tilted do I tell you that too titled chair stool s r gram girl going doing s r dishes gram spilling water gram here's two plates now what would I say about them water spilling gram cookie jar gram chair stool s r falling gram and children gram hell this is a damn dumb thing
well the girl the boy is handing the girl uh cookies and she's telling him to be quiet I guess his stool is go he's going to fall the mother is drying dishes and laughs just is oblivious to the water coming out all over the place um xxx the dishes and hm that that's the action okay the action is that that's the only action I can see water running and the mother and the kids taking the cookies gram
well they're grabbing the cookie jar right and mother is working well the mother is is and t taking care of this and like I said they're grabbing the and coo cookie jar wonder what my husband is doing well this is going to fall and I think that he'll lose his cookies boy she's having problems here yeah it's overflowing the uh onto the floor
alright let's start over here the and l little boy is uh is standing on a stool which is about to fall over and he and ha he is getting a cookie out of the cookie uh jar and his little sister comes that had uh the lid's off and he has a cookie in his hand hand and he and the little his little sister is down here and she and wa and she has uh her hand up to take the and t a cookie out of the little boy's hand he's giving it to her and her mother is standing at the sink and w uh wiping a dish with a tea towel and on the and h the the the there's then there's a sink that has uh uh faucets and the and wa and the water is on and she has and she it is and and sh and she's is spilling over onto the floor gram and on the uh sink also there are two cups and a plate and bnfu above n kret above the sink is a window and you look out and you see uh another and d uh the garage and uh and th and a road in uh and d and d drive into which has and t bushes on and s on the side gram and in in the um on the and kol in the garage there's also a window and up and then up the curtains gram and you can see the top of the garage out the window and the curtains and her kktu curtains n kret curtains on her window gram and the and s the cupboards are underneath the the sink and uh it's a good job there if you ask
washing dishes gram climbing stool gram falling off the stool gram getting into the cookie jar gram and the little girl and o on a thing gram yeah putting her uh finger up there I don't know she won't tell I don't know outside uh there's uh grass growing you will uh dish water's washing or is uh the sink is overflowing and uh the dishes aren't all together done the floor is getting wet I can't see a cookie jar is open and the uh cupboard door is open there's no handle on the uh cupboard doors down here
xxx and clears throat let's see what's this this well the klu gal p n and the little boy gram lay it down pants and clothes and and s the little boy's the little boy's just sitting there is this one getting through there I can't
oh yeah kid's climbing up on the stool and reaching up in the cupboard gram they aren't gonna knock things off and uh the mother oh boy the water's all spilling out of the sink she's just looking at it like oh for goodness sakes huh uh and hm well as I say that uh you know the boy on the and s stand stool s rret or on that stool and it's tilting gram that's a good way to break his neck break his back I shoulda said gram woman left her faucet running and it rolled over the floor that's bad enough for me to do um let me scan it a little bit more uh oh it's there more in time oh oh yeah
the boy's gonna fall she's running the sink over that kid seem to getting in the cookie jar gram so and she's standing in water working
uh the boy in the cookie jar gram uh the little girl waiting for the cookie gram her hand goes up a mother drying dishes gram sink running over gram the um stool the little boy is on is tilting no
um the boy reaching uh standing on a stool which is tipping with one foot over the um edge of the stool gram and his heel is on the the heel of that foot is on the toe of his other foot um he's taking a cookie out of the cookie jar and has one in his left hand too looks as if he's going to hand it to his sister who has her arm up gram she has her finger in front of her face um looks as if she's laugh saying be quiet gram and the mother is at the the sister is standing on the floor the mother is at the kitchen sink drying a dish a plate the water is running over it's spilling over from the sink onto the floor it's running full tilt out of the tap um the mother is not looking she's facing away from everything um she has a dish cloth in her right hand dish towel in her right hand um you can see outside there's a cup two cups and a plate on the counter beside so and h she's either I guess she's finished washing those maybe um she's standing with one foot flat on the floor and the next foot up as if she's standing on the toe and th not resting on her heel gram
boy uh taking cookies out of a cookie jar gram the stool is falling the little girl is reaching water is running out of the faucet the water is overflowing the sink woman is washing dishes drying dishes gram there's nothing to indicate xxx and I don't see any more action
everything I see in action or everything I in action or in action the little girl is trying to get a cookie from the little boy who is on a stool reaching up too high and is just about to have an accident stool is gonna tip over on him gram the supposed mother is drying dishes and not paying attention to what she's doing and the and s water in the sink is running over onto the floor making another hazardous condition the window seems to be open that's it all this activity took place in the kitchen
okay I see a little girl telling her little brother to be quiet and the little brother is falling off the stool while getting cookies the mother is drying a plate and the sink is overflowing she can I can see out the window that's not an action no no no more action