okay uhhuh well the boy's up on the ladder stool s r oh the stool gonna fall with the cookie jar gram and the lid tpldu toppled p n over gram and uh what about the young lady the little lady she's helping him get the cookies I guess the momma she's doing the dishes and let the and s what did she let the uh spigot run and laughs over for on the floor all over the place and uh and there's dishes there plates and cups and saucers and what else just what's there honey it's a nice yard out there and curtains in the window it looks like three pieces of to eat on gram I said three pieces of and laughs to eat on food platter and cups saucer gram I guess that's for the under sink to put things cir and hm not much interest in the in the housekeeping and laughs gram and laughs it's about all that's the curtains the ones are nice sunny es there's one spill the water in there gram xxx guess wonder if he got the and cook got a cookie and laughs gram uhhuh
and clears throat and hm the woman of the house is drying the dishes her sink is overflowing the boy's stool is tipping he's taking cookies out of a jar he's handing one to his sister and she is oh she's already dried some dishes right here I guess well what is this honey I I can't make that out it look like a oh action oh I'm sorry she's drying the dishes she's standing in water well that's and ac if that's action and the door is open where the cookies are they all have their shoes on and chuckles oh she's got an apron on uh over her dress kind of homely girl isn't she she's not doing much she's just got her hand like and grunt uh and d how many did I get wrong okay
it's a family affair a mother and the children and uh they're each busy at at uh something es and the um uh they seem oblivious to the water falling and laughs uh uh overflowing but they seem happy in doing their own thing I don't think I I lost that I think I
a boy is taking uh cookies from the cookie jar giving one to his sister he's also falling off the stool he is on the mother is washing dishes she's letting the sink overflow it's getting all over the floor I see nothing further the girl is saying be quiet if that if that counts I don't know what the mother gets by standing in all the water I don't think that's very important that's all I see what have what have I missed
real action okay uh reaching with an arm is that considered action okay reaching with an arm gram finger on the face gram the girl gram uh cookie leaving the cookie jar gram boy with cookie jar in other hand oh with cookie and j and i in each hand gram uh standing on stool gram but the stool's about to fall over uh let's go to mother the mother drying dishes gram water overflowing onto the floor gram uh action gram well she's drying dishes I did say that the window's open but that's not action the curtains are blowing let's say the curtain is blowing that's it uh uh it's how you define action I guess
that's it okay the boy is in the cookie jar and giving them to his sister mother's washing the dishes the water's overflowing in the sink the boy is falling off the stool uh the girl is eating a cookie asking for another uh the cover's off the cookie jar door to the cabinet is open gram uh the window outside is open the yard gram the mother is impervious of what's going on she's unconscious just standing in the water and wiping the dishes that's about it the wind might be blowing near the curtain
and sighs just um and m mention the uh what what action is going on the young lad taking cookies out of the cookie jar and um handing one down to his sister I presume gram and um the stool is gonna fall out from under him and the mother is washing dishes but she's distracted and the water's all running out over the sink she's wiping the sink and wiping the dishes that's about about it
the boy's in the cookie jar but the stool is lopsided he couldn't be standing like that on a stool on two legs gram and the mother's letting the water run over the sink well I assume she's already washed the plate that she's drying I don't know what else she is and laughs whether that would be mistake or not gram that's about all I can see there
well the wife is uh letting the sink overflow and slop on the floor she's wiping a dish um she's apparently looking out the window the kid that's uh reaching for the boy that's reaching into the cookie jar is about to fall off his stool uh the sister is reaching up for a cookie she's got her finger pointed sort of at her nose uh outside I see nothing that's going on action uh that's it
alright the young man is stealing from the and c trying to get cookies from the cookie jar and she's standing laughing at him and he's falling over and uh mama had an accident at the kitchen sink either she's daydreaming or something wiping uh uh a dish and that is overflowing the sink onto the floor and onto her feet and uh the window is open and there are two cups and a dish on the counter what else do you want me to tell you I mean what did you want me to say what was it again anything that's happening oh um well the window is open I guess there's a breeze blowing but uh that's about all I can see actually happening very good
oh I see a woman drying a dish with a dish towel I see water overflowing from the sink the faucet is running um curtains hanging on the wall gram the window the picture outside of a pathway and grass and hedges and looks like a part of the extension of the house gram I see the cabinets below her she's wearing shoes dress and apron um I see the cabinets on the far end of the wall with two children a stool tilting with a boy on it reaching for cookies from a cookie jar on the shelf I see the girl reaching up to him with the motion of silence to her mouth her fingers up to her lips and standing as the stool is um tilting the cupboard door is open the bottom doors of the cabinets are closed um the woman is standing in water on the floor from the spilling there's handles um uh that I can see on two sets of cabinets uh the curtains are tied back by a tie on the counter are two cups and a plate there's two faucets and a spout
what do mhm mhm do you want them crossed out or just say it out loud okay uh the little boy's climbing the and cri cookie jar uh he has the little boy has has cookies a cookie in his hand that he got by climbing the step ladder which is ready to fall the sister is asking for uh something to eat she has started little and wants some more uh let's see now the mother the mother has and s and s a small mess in the kitchen and laughs lucky it's lucky it's small uh the mother is now washing and and dr no yeah she's washing and drying the dishes in the kitchen her water has spilled over terribly bad and looks like sister's back to try for some more cookies okay
you mean just detail everything I see well I see uh a little boy standing on a stool and the stool falling over he's up in the cupboard grabbing cookies and a little girl standing down there waiting to get some cookies off of him I guess their mother's standing there doing dishes at the sink and the water's overflowing and running onto the floor she's wiping a dish off just staring out the window I guess gram this is what I see
everything happening and hm mhm well uh this is the boy trying to get the cookie jar down for his sister I would imagine it is uh and he's gonna fall off the ladder stool s rret off the uh his s tool or whatever he is setting on the mother is over here she just dropped spilled s r some water or whatever on the floor and and she looks pretty mad and um the water's still running and it looks like the the girl is laughing at the at the boy because the uh the stool is gonna fall over and there's there's water on the floor there
okay it's a mother washing dishes she's left the water on the water is running on the floor um there's a child reaching for cookies he's handing a cookie to it looks like his sister he's on a stool that's falling over the wind's blowing the curtains are waving uh the mother's looking out the window instead of at the boy the girl's hungry and she's pointing to her mouth she's got her hand upraised the the floor's gonna be soaked with the water the mother's gonna have wet shoes it's running into her shoes and that's about all I can see the door's open for the to the cupboard
you want me to tell you okay uh the boy's getting in the cookie jar his sister's waiting for cookies the mother's washing dishes and water's spilling over uh can see the walk and the grass outside in the window gram the uh stool's about ready to fall the cupboard door's open
it's a picture of a kitchen there's a child reaching on s r a cookie jar um a male a boy reaching into a cookie jar gram he's falling the stool is falling uh his uh uh a a female youngster maybe sister is reaching up and she's got a finger to her lip the uh mother is at the sink washing a dish the water is spilling over from the sink the window is open looking out onto uh shrubbery and a path to another house there are two and di uh two dishes three dishes sitting on the side of the uh on the and si and cou sink counter and there are a number of uh cabinets uh in the picture uh on the sink counter as it stretches around and there's the uh cabinets above where the boy is reaching in mother is washing a dish she is dressed in a um oh and d dress and it appears she has an apron and a towel in her hand as she's washing she's one of her feet is uh obviously in the water the other is somewhat obliterated the children are wearing um completely outfitted the girl with uh sandals of some kind and the boy it looks like maybe tennis shoes and INV okay of a sort and INV good
okay mother's washing the dishes the sink is overflowing with water uh the child is falling off the stool as he gets cookies out of the cookie jar the daughter is asking for her share the curtains are probably blowing the wind the wind's probably blowing the window's open and the curtains are blowing the she's getting her feet wet she's wiping the dishes and d drying the dishes that's about it
somebody climbed up on this thing xxx jar jar gram and sh and she's washing clothes dishes s rret I mean uh washing dishes right that's it which uh which one the boy trying to get a cookie jar and on the stool gram and the little girl trying to help him gram that's it washing dishes gram drying dishes gram the water coming from from the sink gram oh please let me go because I can't stand this anymore
I see a tad bit and somebody is doing drying dishes no I can't no I can't get this very well clear well someone's standing on a stool and the stool is getting ready to fall over it's and mm and sniff well somebody's drying dishes no I don't see anything else going on over here I'm I'm thinking now maybe the water's and r overrunning I'm not too sure there's some water on the floor here and there's some in the sink that's overrunning
well everything's going wrong well the stool is and f the the boy who's uh stealing a cookie for his sister or whoever she is is falling backwards and the and gir next thing the cookie which box jar s r will come down on the floor uh the mother is drying the dishes while the sink runs over runs over and onto her feet and uh she seems to be unaware of what's going on around her and the and da the sister is and l asking for maybe one cookie or another cookie I don't know which from her brother the uh mother is working in front of uh an open window and I can't make out what it is it looks like a flower bed oh she's drying the dishes washing the dishes gram and the others stealing the cookies gram and the stool is falling over
a boy is reaching for the cookie jar and tripping tipping p w over on the stool and the girl is starting to laugh oh a mother's drying dishes the water's spilling out of the sink uh I don't see anything going on outside but
a boy is getting cookies out of the cookie jar he's standing on a stool that's gonna fall the girl is reaching for a cookie the mother's drying dishes the faucet's running water it's dripping out of the sink um spilling onto the floor gram dishes are on the uh counter window is open gram must be summertime gram the girl is laughing looks like she's laughing that's about it
okay the boy is taking cookies out of a closet with one hand trying to give the cookies to his sister with another while he is falling off a three three prong stool his mother is washing dishes and the dishwasher is overflowing onto the floor and the curtains are billowing and the girl is eating or toying it's difficult to tell that's the only action I see
yeah I see the woman's in a kitchen and now it looks like she's I and me I and c I can't really pick it out but oh and there's a glu little p n girl here talking and a blu little boy I assume on this side here and this is a highchair stool s r here or some kind of a chair cir and uh I don't know what this is here I can't see what that is oh there's another did I talk about this girl up here she's uh I can't see too plain what she's doing oh yes I think so where was she xxx this girl I really can't see what she's doing no uh I don't yeah that's awfully hard for me to distinguish
um a and g a girl is putting her finger up to her mouth and her and ar arm up uh towards the uh boy the boy is on a ladder stool s r and the ladder s r is about to go down and he has uh something a cookie in his left hand and he has his right hand is in the cookie jar the and c the lid of the and c cookie jar is off the jar uh and h he's and the cupboard door is open but that's not an action is it uh the um and g there's a girl standing in front of the uh uh sink and uh uh drying a plate uh and the water is running in the in the sink and onto the floor and it's it's and j it's I can't tell if it's raining outside and laughs or not guess I wouldn't get it outside the window okay
and laughs ready children are and c stealing the cookie jar stealing cookies out of the the cookie jar and they stepped on a stepping step f p stool and it's and i it's falling over uh mother sister s rret uh sister is asking brother for some of the cookies that he's getting from the cookie jar mother's doing dishes the sink is clogged up the water is draining on the floor she's a little angry looks a little angry I don't see no husband or nobody uh cookie jar cabinets gram mother can't be dressed any different kids gram that's what I can see
she's preparing a meal I'm going to hafta quit reading this because this this is shining on this xxx getting my xxx xxx xxx this this string is not on this is it yes they're reaching up for a cookie in cookie jar gram and they're cooking a turkey dinner I guess cooking a turkey dinner gram she's doing the dishes this little boy might fall off of that stool he's on and the water's splashing out all over the floor and she doesn't know it and the boy might he's looking for the cookie jar and he might bang his head on the thing by the door cir
hm xxx this little boy has his hand in the cookie jar he has gotten up on a stool which is tipping over and sister is standing there uh wanting some cookies too gram and all of this is uh behind the mother's back she's washing dishes and the uh water's running over she must be daydreaming the water's running and o over onto the floor and she doesn't seem to notice it and there are a couple of dishes there she must be drying the dishes they look dried on the counter the one in her hand I thought she had just taken out and then back there's a yard and a little uh sidewalk and another wing of the house through the window gram and curtains and sh curtains there she has a window above the sink which is nice gram Dave Branton wrote a whole book called The window of the xxx she said xxx I enjoy what book did I miss anything okay
young boy is up at the cookie jar gram he has the cookie jar opened he's reaching for one for himself he's handing one down to his sister the three legged stool is coming down with him uh they're nicely dressed kids but uh the boy needs his socks pulled up and mm that's all I see there mother I presume it's mother is at the sink the water is and r running over out of sink she's drying a dish she's looking out the window there are two cups and a dish I presume that's a dish that are already dry I guess and sitting on the side of the sink uh nicely groomed gram nice curtains pulled back gram it's apparently summer outside because the window's open and it looks like shrubs are growing you can see a window in the other part of the house I presume that's still their house and there's a driveway bordered with grass and there's a tree out there somewhere that you can see part of the trunk and part of the foliage and uh I see cabinets around the kitchen other cabinets and that's about it
oh my you mean how much or just and t the ones oh there's the sink is overflowing while she's wiping uh uh and k uh a plate and not looking and laughs the little boy is hungry he wants to get some cookies and he's standing on uh um a stool and it's tipping over and I don't know whether he's gonna bring the cookie jar with him or what and laughs and the little girl is um uh holding up her hand wanting some and he's gonna give to him s r but uh I don't know if she has a finger to her mouth but and she knows that he's gonna be tipping over it looks like to me or maybe she's just not noticing it and making her mouth get ready for this good cookie I don't know which way it is for the little girl because she's smiling gram I think if she saw him falling over she'd do something to to help him so he wouldn't get hurt I mean she'd grab it or something but she's just looking up at him you know looking up at those good cookies and waiting for them to come to her hand but this little finger in her mouth is uh I'm not quite sure what it means I think it means that it's gonna be good and laughs yeah and uh I don't know whether the mother knows this is wet yet and laughs she's thinking something else I think I don't know what it is what are what's what are we going to have for lunch or and laughs or she's got something in her mind because certainly she'd see this if she didn't hear it
first of all I see I guess she's mother at the sink washing dishes and the water is uh overflowing from the sink on to the floor and she's standing in a puddle of water and at the same time uh there's a daughter I guess a and gir little girl uh has her hand up and also one finger to tell her brother I guess her brother to do it quietly and she's reaching up for a cookie he's taking out of a cookie jar and as he's doing that the stool is uh falling over that's it
okay the door's open in the cupboard and there's uh a cookie jar and a little boy on a uh stool and he's trying to reach the cookies and the the stool is going to go and his sister's trying to help him and his mother is looking out the window and uh she's letting her water run down the sink and uh and laughs and and ch and ch the boy is going to be hurt and laughs
mhm oh well there's uh a boy on on the uh I forget what you call that on a stool I guess trying to climbed up and t to get some cookies out of the cupboard gram and his sister was standing there waiting for one and then over here the lady was washing the dishes in in the sink with the water in it spilt spilled all on the floor mhm that's it
well a lady's uhoh and the water fell off and laughs uh off the sink the little boy fell off his uh the what's that called that's a he fell off of that thing es yeah yeah that's kind of messed up got his cookie jar but he fell down gram no not much and laughs hows come how come she hadta get that water splattered all over the floor and laughs that's terrible well this little girl was just uh looking at his her s rret at her brother
uh the water's spilling over drying the dishes dishes gram stealing from the cookie jar gram uh silencing the girl silencing the boy gram um don't see anything going on outside gram boy tipping over gram uh woman walking in a puddle gram uh I don't see anything else that's happening
okay the boy in the process of stealing cookies from the jar uh is about to fall from the stool uh his sister I think is admonishing him to be quiet the mother is drying dishes at the point she's drying dishes the water perhaps from the noise the water is spilling over the sink and onto the floor okay um dishes spilling gram the mother is frowning which is a form of action I would think you would say and that's it
one of the the boy is on the stool getting cookies from the cookie jar and giving them to the girl but the stool is about ready to tip over uh the mother is drying the dishes as the sink faucet has filled the sink bowl and is running over onto the floor uh that's all the action let's see
oh I remember this one and laughs this is great okay this looks like a mama who is uh working at the sink and actually what she's doing is looking out of the open window it looks as though it's spring or summer outside and very pleasant and she's sort of forgetting what she's doing and the water is running out of the sink and splashing down on the floor she has uh uh and sh a sleeveless dress and an apron on and she is drying a plate with a tea towel um the curtains are tieback curtains and it's a casement type window on the counter we have two cups and a plate um below the counter we have a cupboard on each side of the uh sink and I can't see the handles where there's there probably is under the sink cupboard also outsuhside outside d sw the window there are grass and trees um the lady has short hair she's um medium height and slender and she has slipon shoes with no ties or straps um while the mother is daydreaming looking out the window two children are getting into the cookie jar which is um in a cupboard which is to our left as we face the picture the little boy has climbed up on a three legged stool which is now tipping over as he reaches for the cookie jar which is on the second shelf the lid is off he has one cookie in his left hand which he is handing to his sister and he's reaching for another one with his right hand the sister is reaching up to get the cookie she has hair that is almost shoulder length and has a slight curl to it and she also has a summer short sleeve dress on with a short skirt um the boy looks as though he's dressed in sneakers and socks which are kind of sloppy he has shorts and a short sleeved shirt on the little girl has one strapped shoes with ankle socks she's making a um sign to her lips to say shh so he won't make any noise and let mother know that's what they're into mhm did I say they were tieback curtains they are at the window and sigh that's all I can see
okay the boy's going for the cookie jar and a mother's washing the dishes and hm oh and laughs the water and laughs in the sink gram any oh do you want more and hm oh this little girl wants the cookie oh he's falling off the chair stool s r I didn't even bother looking at that one and laughs well the water's getting over the sink there and there she's wiping her dish there and she's looking out the window is that all
okay well the little boy was looking at that cookie jar and he started to tip over she was uh talking with him and and wanting him to give her some cookies I guess and he turned it's turning turning it over cir I don't know whether he got hurt or not and laughs probably did and laughs gram because his mom is right beside him behind him and maybe she could have caught him and the mother is washing the dishes but she let the water go so fast and laughs and so full that it's halfway down the and laughs it's all the way down and she'll hafta clean it all up she'll hafta get the little kids out so she can and laughs uh yeah
well the girl is reaching for a cookie that the boy is trying to get for her while he's am I going too fast while he's falling off a ladder stool s r and the mother is washing dishes drying a plate gram while the sink is spilling over with water that is overflown from the spigot that is still running gram and water is gushing out and the girl is signaling to be quiet not to let her mother know that the boy is getting the cookie for her and I did say that she's drying the dish with the towel and the water's splashing on the floor
I do I start the children are getting into the cookie jar which is on the uh high above uh the uh sink they have the um uh lid off the cookie jar the boy has two in his hand and the girl is reaching up for them and the uh stool in which he's standing is about to upset course the door is open into the to get the cookie jar the uh mother presumably is at the sink washing uh dishes and the um uh sink is running over the water is splashing down on the floor uh there are two I suppose dry dishes on the uh the sink she has one in her hand a plate that she is drying she has it on an apron she's standing by the sink is uh below a window with a um a path out into a a garden uh there are and mm there's shrubbery to the left of the path and you can see beyond that another window and um I don't know what that is whether those are flowers or weeds and oh uh this is part of the house you can see the uh roof of uh maybe an ll of a house and the curtains that's about all the curtains are drawn back
and clears throat well and clears throat uh the kids are are xxx in the corner jar um they're grading s uk uh they they are going to um get uh uh uh some cookies from the cookie jar and uh the mother does not see it because she's inside uh um drying the clothes s r and uh the kids then just uh and I guess in the the picture here that um the mother that's working hard and and the kids were were playing gram and uh all of a sudden uh somebody and s stepped in uh and s uh turned over a dish and uh all over the floor gram except that it did did not dry it up and k it didn't um splash from the and i it splashed from the sink but not from from uh no that's no that's no I'm too too trying to get too much out of it and one uh one one one of the kids is gonna get a and t crack on the head and maybe he has uh um man this is it's so some of the sometimes I I see it very clear and and uh other times I I see uh and r a weak image so to speak and sometimes I have I just have this po you're what and laughs what is in here now but mostly uh is I I have uh not not so much trouble uh in I and d it uh uh looking at a thing at it uh as um um um and s um and am an imarriage image p n but not but not getting anything that you'll want and s want xxx jar uh but an etch s uk you would say it in a little jar
boy's and t and t touching a cake cookie s r gram he's girl's reaching his hand up her hand up gram and that woman's drying the dishes dishes the uh water's falling flowing over the sink there's cups and a plate on the sink
water's running over the sink and she's ignoring it and the kid's he's grabbing the cookies and she's ignoring that she's and ig practically ignoring everything the kid's falling and the um what else do you want and laughs he's ready to fall his problem's the water's coming over he's ready to fall down and danger gram there's danger there or something I don't know what you want
well the boy is and clears throat taking cookies out of the cookie jar while the the stool is ready to uh fall over the girl is reaching for a cookie uh the mother is looking out the window while the water runs over from the sink she has wet feet standing in the water that's the action that I see well naturally the stool falls over the boy is going to fall on the floor gram
mhm alright there's um a young boy that's getting a cookie jar and it he's uh in bad shape because uh the thing is falling over and in the picture the mother is washing dishes and doesn't see it and so is the the water is overflowing in the sink and the dishes might get falled ed over if you don't fell fall over there there if you don't get it and it there it's a picture of a kitchen window and the curtains are very uh distinct but the water is and flow still flowing
little boy getting in the cookie jar gram and the little girl holding out her hand for some cookies and a stool the boy is on is about to tip over and a lady is drying a dish and the water is running over overflowing from the sink uh you said just the action the lady is stepping in the water on the floor and hm I don't know what's going on outside the window
and the boy in the in the cookie jar gram and the girl reaching up to him gram the chair stool s r slanting ready to topple gram and the cookie jar is open and his the lid's in there and the door's open and mother's drying the dishes and standing in a pool of water it looks water running down from the sink gram and there are some dishes on the sink the window is open and you can see outdoors she's I did say she was drying dishes didn't I and I did mention the water running out of the sink and the few dishes on the sink gram and you can see the trees and the window outside looks like the little girl's eating a cookie and reaching up for another the boy's really in a precarious position he's got one hand in the cookie jar and another cookie in the other hand he looks just about ready to tumble
oh that kid's gonna get a good spill off of that stool if his mother don't turn around there and catch him gonna drop whatever he's got in his hands gram the little and s girl's reaching up there to get something from the boy xxx I think he's gonna land himself on the floor the way he does it
mhm now right now oh I thought you meant well the boy was uh taking some cookies from the cupboard up there and he the uh uh yeah that there uh uh stool I'd call it gram I don't know what you call them and what's she doing she's asking for some cookies mother's drying the dishes and she's spilled water all over the place at the sink she's also has some cups and uh a dish sitting there her curtains you could see real well oh what else that's about it
everything not things that are just bad right okay there are two little kids a boy and a girl on a and s the boy's on a stool which is falling over getting cookies out of a jar the cookies are in the cabinet with the lid off and it's in the kitchen the mother is washing dishes at the window with a curtain on the window a walk outside with trees and grass gram the water is running over in the sink onto the floor the mother is drying a dish and stepping in the water there's a plate and two cups sitting on the cabinet the mother has an apron on
okay uh the mother is wiping a dish at the sink um the water is overflowing from the sink a youngster's about to fall off a stool reaching for a cookie jar and the little girl is holding up her hand to grab a cookie out of his hand the window appears to be open but I can't make out any action in the background there that's all
movement of any kind or whatever well he's reaching for the cookie and laughs but he's handing the cookie to her in the the meantime the stool is falling over and INV mhm and uh she's drying dishes and the sink is running over and all that kind of stuff she's xxx the little girl she's uh motioning for a cookie I guess that's all I see xxx I don't see xxx and INV okay that's fine he's flying on his can I can see that
read and INV mhm it to you well the action gram well and th and th the little boy has his hand in the cookie jar and the little girl is begging for some of the cookies and he's teetering on the uh stool where he climbed up and mama is washing dishes and wi wiping them and she is uh not watching what she is doing and the water is overflowed on the floor because she's watching out the window at the uh am I going too fast looking at the beautiful lawn gram where there's a garage and some bushes and of course grass and trees gram and she's so and i immersed in that she has and a and l allowed the water to overflow on the floor and she still has a couple of cups and a plate to wash and laughs and INV okay good oh dear
well I see the mother what's she doing pouring the the faucet down on the floor gram she got yeah she got that running on the floor es she's wiping the dishes and the little boy's gonna break his neck trying to get into the cookie jar and the little girl's yelling for more they're heading into a disaster and laughs well the little boy's gonna and br break his neck there if he doesn't watch out and clears throat now I expect there are a whole lot more that I didn't see
mhm there's a young boy uh going in a cookie jar and there's a and lit a girl young girl and I'm saying he's a boy because you can and hard it's hardly hard to tell anymore uh and he's he's in the and c and t cookie jar and there's a and s stool that he is on and it already is starting to fall over and so is the water in the sink uh is and ev overflowing in the sink gram and hm I I don't know about the this hickey here I whether that's more than what I said es uh like it uh the wife or and g I mean uh the the mother is near the girl and she's uh and w uh and h she has uh has oh uh I I can't think of the she has uh the she's trying to wipe uh wipe dishes oh and a and stop the water from going out
oh little boy's uh getting into the cookies he's climbing up a chair stool s r and it's about to fall away dangerous gram and the little girl she's wanting a cookie off her brother and the mom's uh washing the dishes and she's letting a lot of water run over the spigot it's running over on the floor and you just want me what find out what's wrong well she don't seem to be noticing what she's doing she's looking at looks like she's watching tv and she's not even watching what she's doing and laughs or she'd have seen the water running over
children are getting into the cookie jar the little boy who's on the stool is about to fall because the s tool is going to topple over the mother has her back turned and is drying the dishes but the sink is full of water and the water's beginning to spill over onto the floor s ink is in front of a window gram uh one can look out the window and see a path and what is obviously a yard uh there's a plate and two cups or dishes on the counter the children getting into the cookie jar are uh are there's one boy and one girl gram the cookie jar is labelled Cookie jar the cupboard door is open there are curtains at the kitchen window the mother is wearing an apron she has a sleeveless dress and short hair the little girl has straps on her shoes the stool is a three legged stool that's about it
well the little kid's falling off his chair stool s r and the mother is having water run over the uh sink well the water's running on the floor under her feet I'm looking outside but that yard is okay the windows are open the little girl is laughing at the boy falling off the chair stool s r and laughs that that's bad and laughs
there she's washing the dishes and there the kids are trying to get cookies outta out of the cookie jar that's it no they're getting the cookie jar out but he's upsetting in his stool and INV okay he's about ready to fall over in his stool oh yeah the water's running over on the floor she has the and wa she has the water on in it
uh the boy is taking cookies out and giving them to the girl it looks like she's putting one in her mouth and the mother has the water running out of the sink and it's going down on the floor and she's drying dishes with the curtain and laughs well no I guess she I guess she maybe she does have the have a have a have a uh it looks like a duck's mop and laughs duck's head gram she's a very sloppy housekeeper and laughs I bet you're not that sloppy well he's gonna and s he he's on two two feet of the of the third of the third one's up up in the air cir copyright nineteen seventy two by Lee A
I see the lady drying the dishes and the water is spilling over the sink onto the floor and I see a boy on a stool going for a cookie jar and the stool is falling over and the girl is putting her finger to her lips and one hand out to get a cookie jar the lady is drying a dish with a towel and uh that is all I can see
is it action if she has a finger in her nose here no but anyway uh the boy's taking cookies out of the cookie jar he's about to fall off of the stool uh mother's drying dishes at the sink oh little girl's reaching up I don't know if that was one she's reaching up like this uh the curtains are being blown by the wind coming in through the open window uh there seems to be water running onto the floor from the sink uh is it action when mother's standing in the water and laughs uh we're drying the dishes we've we're already done that gram uh that uh doesn't seem to be more oh he's handing cookie handing cookie to girl gram girl reaching up for cookie gram uh mother's daydreaming or she would stop all this that's about all there is
a little boy is trying to get the uh getting cookies out of the jar and his um stool is getting ready to fall and the mother is washing dishes and she would let let the water run over the sink on the floor and hm I guess that's all
well the kids are getting to the cookie jar the boy gram and he's giving cookies to his sister and his kitchen stool is falling over him on it gram the mother's drying dishes and and d drops it's no it's uh water water's splashing out over the sink you want that that's water splashing on the floor and uh the sister's laughing getting cookies mother's drying dishes and I I don't know the spigot's open the water's running out on the floor that's about all
uh this boy is about to fall off of the stool the mother is uh washing dishes and the water's spilling over on the uh kitchen floor the wind is blowing the curtains the little girl is laughing at her brother who's taking a cookie out of the cookie jar think that's it
what's happening there oh my poor kids he's gonna fall off that cookie jar we'll start with the girl she's going to receive a cookie her brother is her brother is taking cookies out of a jar and he got careless and she's asking him for one so he's handing one down to her in the meantime he is getting ready to fall off of the off of a stool a three legged stool and the mother's not paying much attention she's looking out the window and in looking out the window why she's letting her sink run over and the water's splashing on the floor all over her and uh what else and noises thinking the outside looks alright they're doing more things on the outside there's some more there es and then she's drying she's drying a dish and she has two cups and a plate on the table they've already eaten xxx she could well I did say she was letting the uh water run over the sink down onto the floor splashing onto her feet oh boy then there's an angle here that is incomplete of the and st of the corner where the wall comes together and hm let's see what else should there be oh let's see the and ta there's a plate two and sau two cups oh and sh I did say she's letting the water run over the sink didn't I yes and she s eems to be looking out the window while she's drying her dish how about that does that have enough
now the girl was and k the girl's coaxing the boy for a cookie and his stool fell over and the cookie are spilled she spilled her dishwater washing dishes she's washing dishes drying them that runs over the sink's running over her feet and s and laughs in the water gram this must be a path out back flowers trees gram I don't know what else water on the floor gram yeah
uh the and b boy's and f gonna fall off of the um the stool uh the water is going on the floor
mhm mhm a lot of things are happening yes the uh water's going over the water's overflowing and uh the little boy is slipping off the stool while he's trying to steal some cookies and the little girl is laughing at him and she's not happy in one bit and the lady is drying the dishes and looking out the window it's beautiful out there it must be June I don't know but it anyhow it looks like it's not winter and laughs and clears throat and that's about all I can see
and clears throat uh the water's running over the mother's drying dishes the boy is stealing cookies and the girl is taking one and the boy is gonna fall off the stool and uh the water is running and the window's open and the grass is growing it's all the action curtain gram
well the and m mother's washing the dishes and d uh drying the dishes and the and k the two little kids are and i in the in a cupboard they're trying to get the the the uh cookie little cookies the cookies yeah the and w uh the and w uh water's and sp spreading over all over the floor is that supposed and what else what else uh the see the uh let's see the and la the and w woman's looking out the window too you know she's got this thing and then with the with the trying to wash and and w dishes with them gram let's see they spill it they spill uh water spilled over it over the thing es okay
okay the picture's in a kitchen uh with uh a family of a mother and the son and daughter and the son is uh up in the cookie jar the uh cupboard door is open he's getting cookies from the jar he's standing on a stool which is and to in the process of toppling over the little girl is holding out her hand for a cookie and she's also has her finger to her lips shushing him so he doesn't make any noise uh the mother seems to be oblivious to what's going on she's standing there wiping uh a dish and uh the tap water is is running the sink is overflowing uh down onto the floor and uh she's standing in a puddle um uh look outside and and the curtains are open and see what looks like could be a garage or an extension of the house shrubbery path a tree uh going back in the kitchen on the counter beside her are and i is another plate and a cream and sugar bowl set um the little boy's uh shoes he looks like he has jogging shoes on and low um socks and he's he's wearing uh shorts and a and sh short sleeve shirt his sister's wearing what amounts to sort of a mini dress mini skirt with uh sandals and uh let's see that or ruffled ruffled curtains at the at the windows that are drawn back by draw drapes and uh the cupboards all had recessed handles what no they're not recessed they uh at first glance they're recessed but actually they protrude out from the doors and also the copyright nineteen seventy two and laughs thank you
a girl's reaching for a cookie the boy's taking a cookie out of the cookie jar the bench is tumbling the sink is running over water the mother's wiping the plate she's also looking out the window and she's standing in water and that's it
can I start there is a boy on the stool the stool is tipping over the boy is taking cookies out of the jar uh the cupboard is open the girl is saying putting her finger to her mouth and also putting her hand out for a cookie the mother is washing dishes water is spilling over from the sink onto the floor and the the window is open the drapes are open there's two cups and a saucer on the sink and the she is stepping on the water on the floor and she is drying the dishes and she is looking outside at the wow at the shrubbery the boy is handing the girl a cookie that is all
oh I remember this one okay the mom's doing the dishes and looking out the window and she must be really interested in what she sees out there because the sink is running over the water is splashing on the floor she's paying no attention to it and meantime behind her the kids are getting up on the stool and getting into the cookie jar which is which is on the second shelf of the cupboard the left hand side of the cupboard door is open uh the little girl has her finger on her lips uh and s telling him to shush but he's losing his balance and he's about to fall on the floor which will really cause a real upset in there and uh action action the water running gram the mama's drying a dish that's what she's doing and looking out the window little boy has taken one cookie out of the cookie jar and is about to hand it to the little girl who is reaching up her hand for it and he is reaching into the cookie jar for another cookie and action action well the curtains are blowing in the breeze I guess that's an action it looks as though they are um no action as far as I can see out the window the window's open which implies an action earlier I can't see any more action in it
do you want me to start the water is running over woman is drying the dishes gram the boy is climbing up and taking something from the cookie jar the stool is turning over the girl is laughing um did I say the woman's drying the dishes the floor is getting wet the lid is off the cookie jar the girl is reaching the water is running over the sink but it's also running out of the spigot yeah I guess that's all
okay little boy is crawling up to get in the cookie jar and is ready to fall off of that stool the little sister's hand waiting for her cookie gram and mommy doesn't know anything about it in fact she's thinking about something else because the water's running out onto her feet and she doesn't seem to be aware of it and she's washing and di well she's drying looks like she's drying dishes but forgot to turn the faucet off gram is that right well then the she's standing by the window where she can look out into the yard where there's grass and the end of the house and there are cabinets kitchen cabinets there
uh the boy is to get in the cookie jar and he's falling over and the girl is and k handing I mean uh handing his holding up his her s r hand and uh the sink is running over and the cookie jar uh mother is drying dishes and and um
well the kids are raiding the cookie jar and he's about to fall off the stool mom's washing the dishes but the uh sink's overflowing and um and ts there's a view out the window get some dishes here some cups and the kitchen cabinets gram what do you mean what's going on that's about it the window's open
I see a little boy on a stool trying to reach the cookie jar he's got one in his hand that to his little sister gram and the stool is falling over tipping and the lady is guess mama is standing by the sink washing dishes and the water's running over on the floor and outside you can see the walk and the shrubbery and there's some dishes setting on the counter and that's all I see
all the action mother is drying dishes and the tap water is overflowing the sink and running on the floor and Johnny's trying to get some cookies and his stepstool is falling and little girl is reaching her hand up for a cookie and putting her hand to her mouth oh oh well that's what's happening I don't know mother's stepping I mean the lady's stepping in the water that spilled on the floor that's all I can be sure of
alright a little boy has a cookie jar okay the little girl he's trying he's trying got on the ladder and trying to uh get a jar gram and this is the mother I guess right she is so and laughs she and laughs she really and g is isn't any good sense of a mother because the water's running out of the and s and laughs running out of the sink to the floor so if I was a mother I would spank her right
well the boy has climbed up on the stool to get some cookies from the cookie jar and he's giving his sister the cookies and she is she isn't actually eating one but she has her finger her hand up to her mouth but the stool is going to fall over and uh the mother is washing the dishes she's really wiping a dish and the sink is running over them um the dishes are on the sink you wanna know that sort of thing just what's going that's all that I well that all that I see she's standing in the water too
mm wow well the mother must be daydreaming because the water's overflowing in the sink and um the window's open she's drying a dish uh I think she's deaf and laughs the the boy's in the cookie jar giving his going in the cookie jar giving his sister and he's about to fall off the stool gram and the sister the and s or the little girl who his sister or not but the little girl has her finger to her mouth as if she's trying to um and d uh trying to get him to be quiet what else can I tell you about the picture there's a and h there's a garage or a house next door um I'd say that's about all
well for one thing the boy is stealing cookies and the girl is asking for a cookie and the boy is standing on a stool which is tipping over and the lady's drying a plate and the water is running in the sink and overflowing on the floor and getting her feet wet and the window is open and I don't know that there's anything special going on outside the window seems to me that uh that's essentially the things that are going on in this picture the girl is picking her nose the boy is handing her a cookie uh really those are the only activities I see
okay the lady's washing the dishes and laughs like they always do a little boy's up on the stool falling over he's trying to get a cookie and the girl's trying to help and she's reaching her hand up and they spilled water out of the and s and raw overran the sink spilled water all over gram
okay the water's running out of the sink overflowing the mother's doing the dishes uh the boy is falling off of the stool stealing the cookies out of the cookie jar the young lady is holding her hand up ready to receive one of the cookies uh there is a cup and a saucer on the uh uh sink board and uh there's the uh drapes on the kitchen uh the curtains on the kitchen and the the cabinets all around the sink and the top cabinets the door is open and the cookie jar is in the cabinet the boy is up there reaching for it and it looks like he's gonna fall off of the stool and outside is a nice garden with the path leading around the house and bushes and shrubs and grass growing around she has a dish towel in her hand and wa doing drying one of the dishes and she has uh her hairdo she's wearing an apron and the kids were wearing shoes and and sh she's wearing shoes and the water's dripping on the floor what else you wanna know
kid trying to get into the cookie jar gram and he missed the thing es and he still isn't going out for them es and his sister whoever it is has has caught him at it and he's gonna hafta do the dishes because his mother uh can't let him go scotfree and of course the water's pouring out of the sink onto the floor already she didn't even take the plug out well there's uh there's other colors s uk here jar and it isn't the first time this man boy s r has done this he been doing it all his life but his mother didn't find out until she he s r was big enough to walk
the sink is running over and uh the the lady's and wa drying the dishes and the boy's crawled up on the stool and it's and fa falling and he's gonna fall down and uh he's handing the cookie to the little girl and uh let's see the cupboard door is uh open and he was in after the and c in the and c cookie jar after the cookies and uh and I don't know
mhm um a boy's standing on a stool getting a cookie out of the cookie jar and the stool is tipping over his sister is reaching up asking him she's asking for another cookie and he's handing it down to her and he has one in his left hand for her and one in his right hand for himself except he's gonna fall down first um the lid's off the cookie jar the mother's washing drying um she's washing dishes she's drying a plate somehow or she's gotten bemused and let the sink run over the water's flowing into the sink there are two cups and a plate on the counter the window is open and um it must be uh summer or you know maybe autumn because there are bushes and trees and things and they have leaves on and um it's in kitchen that's about uh and m oh the mother has on a dress that's just about comes to her knees she has an apron and uh a sleeveless dress um little girl's in a miniskirt and the boy is in shorts that's about it
we'll start with the girl she's going to the he steal a cookie gram her brother is her brother is taking cookies out of a jar and he got careless she's asking him for one so he's handing one down to her in the meantime he is getting reading to fall off of a off of a stool a three legged stool and the mother's not paying much attention she's looking out the window and in looking out the window why she's letting her sink run over and the water's splashing on the floor all over her and uh what else the outside looks alright there's more here she's drying she's drying a dish and she has two cups and a plate on the table well I did say she was letting the uh water run over the sink down onto the floor splashing onto her feet oh boy then there's an angle here that is incomplete of the and s of the corner where the uh wall comes together and hm let's see what else uh let's see the and ta there's a plate two and sau two cups oh and sh I did say she's letting the water run over the sink didn't I yes now she is seems to be looking out the window while she's drying her dish how about that
and clears throat wait until I put my glasses on oh there's a girl uh reaching for a cookie a boy is uh up standing on a stool he's falling off a stool he's got his hand in the cookie jar girl has her hand up to her mouth gram um the mother is uh washing dishes the stink sink p wret sink is overflowing the window is open and clears throat she's drying the dishes the water's all over the floor she's getting her feet wet looks like the breeze is blowing in and uh there's some dirty dishes on the counter
the uh young fellow is and s standing on the step ladder which is it's a stool which is getting ready to fall he's handing he's getting a cookie out while he's handing one to the sister the top is falling off of the cookie jar the girl is standing on the floor with her hand reaching up for the cookie while she has her right hand up to her mouth I think she's telling him to watch it he's at the cupboard with the door open the mother has her back turned towards them the water is overflowing from the faucet into the sink onto the floor while she wipes uh while she dries uh a dish and she doesn't even hear or know what's going on there the cupboard doors are closed the window is open or closed and you can see outside the path flowers and so forth gram now I know I'm missing something she's standing in the water the faucet the sink is overflowing two cups and a plate are there that's all I can see
Drew's in the kitchen and mother is drying a dish the sink is overflowing and her feet are in the water the boy is and cl tipping on the stool as he tries to reach in the cookie jar the little girl has her finger to her lips stool is falling gram the boy has a cookie in his hand that's the extent of the action
well the boy is in the cookie jar and laughs he has a cookie in his hand and uh he's gonna fall and laughs his sister is looking for a cookie and the mother is drying a dish and the water is coming out and laughs well the mother's flue s uk is gonna beep mhm xxx I think I'm through
well the mother is uh and clears throat washing dishes and the the she hasn't turned the water off and the the water is spilling out from the sink onto the floor and she's standing in the puddle of water and the boy is uh standing on a stool a high stool and he is uh robbing the cookie jar and at the same time his sister is asking him for a cookie and in the in the process his stool is starting to tip over and uh I guess that's the main point to this it looks like that boy is boy is in for a bad fall and laughs going to be in for a bad fall gram
okay we see um first of all uh the sink is overflowing water cascading down the uh kitchen cabinet onto the floor gram uh the lady in the picture is drying a dish uh there is a young man on a stool and he's the stool is being tipped over he's reaching for a cookie jar uh the lid is off the jar and it looks like he's going to try to hand a cookie down to his little sister and uh looks like he might make it before he hits the floor I don't think so