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Canadian journal of biochemistry
Studies on the formation by rat brain preparations of CDP-diglyceride from CTP and phosphatidic acids of varying fatty acid compositions.
The enzyme, CTP:phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase (EC2.7.7.41) which catalyses formation of CDP-diglyceride from CTP and phosphatidic acid has been studied in rat brain preparations and other tissues. Improvement, as judged by the higher tissue activities obtained, in the assay method for this enzyme was achieved through use of phosphatidic acids sonicated in buffer-detergent solution saturated with ether and containing bovine serum albumin and use of short incubation times which essentially provided a measure of initial rates. The enzyme of rat brain microsomes yielded with 1,2-dioleolphosphatidic acid as substrate a pH optimum of 6.8 with maleate buffer and optimal concentrations of 60mM for MG2+, 6MM for CTP and 250 mug per 0.8 ml for phosphatidic acid. Enzyme activity was mainly located in the 90,000 X g fraction (microsomal) with small but significant activity in the 12,000 X g fraction. Comparison of activities (nanomoles CTP incorporated per milligram protein per minute) amongst tissues showed the following order: brain, 1.87; liver, 1.32; lung, 1.19; small intestine, 1.00; kidney, 0.69; heart, 0.41; diaphragm, 0.07; skeletal muscle, 0.02. Examination of the effect of varying the fatty acid composition in the phosphatidic acids added exogenously gave the following order (activities in parentheses); 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl- (5.58), 1-oleoyl-2-stearoyl- (5.37), 1,2-dioleoyl- (4.49) 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-(3.85), 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonoyl-(3.31), 1-arachidonoyl-2-stearoyl-(3.16), 1,2-diarachidonoyl-(0.72), 1,2-dicaproyl-(0.67), 1,2-dipalmitoyl-(0.67) and 1,2-distearoyl-(0.18). The single bis- and lysophosphatidic acids tested were inactive as substrates. Apart from a possible preference for one or more unsaturated fatty acids the transferase enzyme showed no selectivity in respect to the fatty acid distribution of phosphatidic acids.
Bishop H H; Strickland K P
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Biomedicine / [publiee pour l'A.A.I.C.I.G.]
Adjuvant and immunostimulating activities of water-soluble substances extracted from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (var. hominis).
Water-soluble substances have been extracted from two strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. hominis: the native hydrosoluble part (polysaccharide and peptidoglycan), a substance in which the polysaccharide moiety is less abundant than in the latter, the acetylated peptidoglycan and, finally a tetrasaccharide-heptapeptide. All four types of substances, when they were injected together with Freund's incomplete adjuvant, exerted an adjuvant effect on the production of delayed-type hypersensitivity to ovalbumin in the guinea pig and on the production of anti-influenza virus antibodies in the rabbit. Injected intravenously in the mouse, they increased the number of antibody-producing cells in the spleen and enhanced the graft versus host reaction; no effect was seen on the phagocytic activity of the reticulo-endothelial system. By contrast with wax D, the water-soluble substances were devoid of arthritis-inducing activity in the rat. Altogether, these water-soluble substances seem to be endowed with at least some of the adjuvant activities of Freund's complete adjuvant and some of the immunostimulant activities of a live Mycobacterium like BCG.
Werner G H; Maral R; Floch F; Migliore-Samour D; Jollès P
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Biochimica et biophysica acta
Kinetic properties of pulmonary angiotensin-converting enzyme. Hydrolysis of hippurylglycylglycine.
Some of the kinetic properties of angiotensin-converting enzyme (peptidyl-dipeptide hydrolase, EC purified from hog lung have been determined using hippurylglycylglycine as substrate. The effects of pH and ionic environment on enzyme activity are complex and interdependent. At 0.1 M NaCl, the pH-activity curve shows an abrupt decrease in V/Km as the pH rises from 6 to 6.5, implying that ionization of a group in the enzyme with a pK in this range aids in binding of the substrate. Chloride is required for enzyme activity; there are two phases in the effect of NaCl. At both pH 6 AND 8, THE FIRST PHASE (UP TO 0.1 M NaCl) is activation. The second phase (above 0.1 M) at pH 6 is inhibition, while at pH 8 there is further activation which appears to be dependent upon ionic strength rather than a specific Cl-effect. Activation by cobalt and inhibition by EDTA are somewhat more effective at pH 6 than at pH 8. The nonapeptide inhibitor less than Glu-Trp-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gln-Ile-Pro-Pro is nearly equipotent at both pH 6 and 8, but Arg-Pro-Pro is more inhibitory at pH 8 than at pH 6.
Dorer F E; Kahn J R; Lentz K E; Levine M; Skeggs L T
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Basic research in cardiology
Blood pH and PaCO2 as chemical factors in myocardial blood flow control.
The effect of metabolic and hypercapnic acidosis on myocardial blood flow was studied during intravenous infusions of hydrochloric acid solutions (n = 12) and during passive ventilation with 5% CO2 (n = 5) in anaesthetized, closed chest dogs. Below a pH of 7.2 metabolic acidosis at normal arterial CO2-tensions caused an increase of coronary blood flow and a decrease of coronary vascular resistance associated with a narrowed myocardial arteriovenous O2-difference, indicating vasodilation at unchanged myocardial oxygen consumption. In propranolol-pretreated dogs myocardial blood flow and coronary oxygen AV difference remained unaffected, suggesting that the coronary dilatory effect of metabolic acidemia involves beta adrenergic stimulation. Coronary vasodilation induced by increasing arterial pCO2 was found to the significantly greater as compared with the dilatory effect of metabolic acidosis at the same blood pH level. Blocking of beta receptors did not reduce the coronary response to increased arterial CO2-tensions. It is concluded that the coronary vasodilation observed during hypercapnic acidosis is neither mediated by a beta adrenergic stimulation nor dependent of the concomitant change in blood pH. The possible sites of the coronary dilatory actions of increased arterial CO2-tensions are discussed.
Tarnow J; Brückner J B; Eberlein H J; Gethmann J W; Hess W; Patschke D; Wilde J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Archivos de investigacion medica
[Counter-immunoelectrophoresis in the diagnosis of meningoencephalitis by Diplococcus pneumoniae and Hemophilus influenzae].
The presence of antigen of D. pneumoniae and H. influenzae was detected by counter-immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) in 113 LCR of children with central nervous system (CNS) infection (17 viral, 70 bacterial and 6 tuberculous). From 41 normal children spinal fluid was obtained and used as control. Precipitation band was not observed in normal children cases of viral and tuberculosis meningitis. In 21 cases of bacterial meningitis, D. pneumoniae and H. influenzae was isolated in six cases each. In six cases of bacterial meningitis were positive both bacteriological study and CIE. In 49 cases in which culture was negative only 13 gave positive CIE. When other strains of bacteria were isolated, no positive band was detected with CIE. This technic was regarded as useful for detecting etiologic agent in purulent meningitis.
Ruíz-Gomez J; Alvarez M T; Muñóz O; Gutiérrez G
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Archives of environmental health
Increased mucociliary transport by adrenergic stimulation.
Tracheobronchial clearance of inhaled 6mum Teflon particles (density 2 gm/cu cm) tagged with technetium 99m was studied in healthy subjects by external measurement of the radioactivity in the lungs for two hours. Clearance, salivary secretion, blood pressure, and heart rate were determined in eight subjects after double-blind, subcutaneous administration of 0.25 mg terbutaline sulfate, a beta-adrenoceptor stimulating compound and vehicle, respectively, in a crossover study. Terbutaline produced a marked increase in clearance and a slight increase in heart rate, but had no important effect on salivary secretion or blood pressure. The result indicates that the blood concentrations of catecholamines might be of importance for the regulation of the mucociliary transport rate.
Camner P; Strandberg K; Philipson K
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Acta medica Scandinavica
Haematologic adaptation in patients with chronic bronchitis and pulmonary insufficiency.
The relationship between respiratory insufficiency, expressed by gas tensions in blood and bone marrow, and haematologic adaptation has been studied in 82 men with chronic bronchitis and persistent breathlessness for at least one year. For the group as a whole and for various subgroups, a linear correlation was demonstrated between arterial hypoxia and Hb concentration, haematocrit, blood volume, Hb mass and erythrocyte volume, respectively. The increase in Hb concentration compensated for the fall in arterial oxygen saturation. Only for one subgroup, with a pH difference between arterial and venous blood larger than or equal to 0.08, was no correlation found between the degree of hypoxia and Hb concentration. The haematologic parameters correlated significantly better with arterial oxygen tensions than with oxygen tensions in the bone marrow. There was no indication that decreased oxygen supply to the bone marrow led to the increased erythrocyte and Hb production in patients with arterial hypoxia caused by chronic bronchitis.
Skouby A R
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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift
[Study of the influence of the beta-sympatholytic drug KO 1366 (Bunitrolol on lung function (author's transl)].
20 untreated outpatients suffering from chronic obstructive airway disease were tested with a new beta-sympatholytic agent, Kö 1366 (bunitrolol) or placebo in a randomized symptoms of bronchitis, but hacetylcholine inhalation was followed by severe bronchospastic hyperreactivity. The intravenous administration of 2.5 mg Kö 1366 resulted in a rapid and statistically significant (p less than 0.001) marked decrease in heart rate due to the beta-sympatholytic effect. Airway resistance, however, measured by whole-body plethysmography, was not affected. Kö 1366 can be regarded as a cardio-selective beta-sympatholytic drug in so far as i.v. administration is possible in patients with airway disease during a non-obstructive period. Moreover, should a bronchospastic reaction occur immediate control by inhalation of adrenergic or vagolytic drugs is possible.
Kaik G
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Pulmonary microembolism: attenuated pulmonary vasoconstriction with prostaglandin inhibitors and antihistamines.
The mechanism(s) involved in the pulmonary vascular and airway responses to pulmonary microembolism have not been clearly defined. Therefore, we determined the effects of specific prostaglandin and histamine blockade on the hemodynamic and arterial blood gas tension responses to particulate microembolism (200 mu glass beads) in intact anesthetized dogs. The marked increases in pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance observed in the untreated dogs were attenuated, but not abolished, following both prostaglandin blockade (with either meclofenamate or polyphloretin phosphate) and histamine blockade (with chlorpheniramine and metiamide) at 5 minutes, and were still attenuated 30 minutes post embolization. Combined prostaglandin and histamine blockade further attenuated, but again did not abolish, the pulmonary vascular responses. Cardiac outputs and systemic arterial pressures were unchanged from control by embolism. The alveolar hypoventilation (decreased arterial oxygen tension and increased carbon dioxide tension) observed in the untreated embolized dogs was prevented only with the prostaglandin inhibitors. Pulmonary microembolism in intact dogs, therefore, appears to induce vasoconstriction mediated partially by prostaglandin and histamine action, and alveolar hypoventilation mediated by prostaglandin, but not histamine, action.
Tucker A; Weir E K; Reeves J T; Grover R F
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La Nouvelle presse medicale
[Comparison of the pA2 of various beta blocking agents].
The drug industry is now putting out specific beta 1 or beta 2 beta-blocking agents. The pA2 of various beta-blocking agents were determined on isolated organs-guinea pig atrium and trachea: practolol and acebutolol were considered as specific beta-1 inhibitors; butoxamine was a specific beta-2 inhibitor, while pindolol, oxprenolol, propranolol and alprenolol were specificity free. The pA2 quantifies the action exerted by an inhibitor. Cardioselectivity is expressed by the pA2 left atrium/pA2 trachea ratio. It exceeds 1 000 for practolol, it equals 30 for acebutolol, and is very slight for butoxamine. The pA2 therefore gives a good idea of the potential of the various drugs on the animal's isolated organ. However, these data cannot safely be extrapolated to man. Hence the necessity of conducting clinical pharmacological studies.
Spach M O; Miesch F; Schwartz J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The New England journal of medicine
Correction of severe combined immunodeficiency by fetal liver cells.
As an alternative to bone-marrow transplantation, two infants with severe combined immunodeficiency who had no histocompatible donors were given intraperitoneal infusions of fresh liver cells from fetuses of eight and nine to 10 weeks. Transient graft-versus-host disease began at 42 and 52 days, respectively. Both infants had rises in T cells and declines in B cells by three months. No functional immunologic improvement occurred in the first infant, who died of pulmonary disease 10 months later. Clinical and functional immunologic improvement occurred in the other, who is now 19 months after transplantation. Lymphocyte responses to phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen were noted by three months, to concanavalin A by five months, and to allogeneic cells by eight months. Delayed cutaneous responsiveness to candida developed and IgM became norma. IgA and IgG remained low. Chimerism was demonstrated by a donor marker chromosome in metaphases from recipient lymphocytes. Fetal liver cells therefore reversed the immunodeficiency.
Buckley R H; Whisnant K J; Schiff R I; Gilbertsen R B; Huang A T; Platt M S
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Japanese journal of pharmacology
Studies on mode of antagonism between adrenergic beta-mimetics and beta-blocking agents (I). Beta-blocking action of mescaline and its derivatives.
In order to clarify whether or not trimetoquinol (TMQ) and isoproterenol (ISO) interact with the same receptor, the pA2 values of propranolol (PR) and certain trimethoxybenzene derivatives were measured, using isolated guinea pig tracheal chains. Each of PR, mescaline (MES) and its derivatives gave almost the same pA2 values for TMQ and ISO. Introduction of an alkyl group into the N atom of MES increased the affinity to the receptor in the order of methyl and isopropyl as well as the structureactivity relationship of catecholamines, while that of hydroxyl group in the beta-position of the side chain decreased pA2 values. The slopes of the regression lines for anti-TMQ action of MES derivatives as well as PR were almost one, but those for their anti-ISO action were less than 0.3. 3,4,5-Trimethoxyaniline and 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid had little activity as beta-blocking agents. These results suggest the possibility that TMQ and ISO would interact with the same receptor sites. The importance of the trimethoxybenzene and the phenethylamine moieties in the MES-derivatives for anti-TMQ action is discussed.
Iwasawa Y; Ohashi M; Yamamura S; Saito S; Kiyomoto A
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The Journal of trauma
Hemodynamic and respiratory responses of conscious swine to E. coli endotoxin.
The injection of a sublethal bolus of E. coli into conscious swine produces an early increase in PAP and a decrease in LAP. This hemodynamic effect may be secondary to the pulmonary venous constriction seen in other species, or may relate to demonstrated multiple pulmonary microemboli. Hypoxemia developed in only four of 17 animals although all endotoxin-treated swine showed interstitial edema and elevated wet/dry weight ratios with normal pulmonary surfactant. In addition, endotoxin-treated swine developed signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation, with renal cortical infarcts in 44%, and coronary arterial thrombi in 28% including one transmural myocardial infarction. This effect was observed in the absence of prolonged hypotension in swine and should provide a useful model for further study of the relationship of endotoxin to disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Brown P P; Coalson J J; Elkins R C; Hinshaw L B; Greenfield L J
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The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics
The antiarrhythmic and cardiovascular properties of 1-dimethyl isopropylamino-3-(2-phenylphenoxy)-propan-2-ol chloride, UM-424.
The quarternary ammonium compound, UM-424 [1-dimethyl isopropylamino-3-(2-phenylphenoxy)-propan-2-ol chloride], was evaluated for its antiarrhythmic and hemodynamic effects. UM-424 converted ouabain-induced ventricular tachycardia in the anesthetized dog when administered in an average dose of 4.6 mg/kg i.v. Pretreatment of anesthetized dogs with UM-424, 10 mg/kg, provided complete protection against the development of premature beats and ventricular fibrillation when the left anterior descending coronary artery was occluded for 20 minutes and then released. UM-424 was effective in reversing ventricular arrhythmias in conscious animals which had been subjected to a two-stage ligation of the anterior descending coronary artery. The mean ectopic rate in a group of five dogs was 143 +/- 4.0 (S.E.M.) beats/min 24 hours after coronary ligation. Normal sinus rhythm was restored with a mean dose of 9.5 mg/kg of UM-424 and was maintained for a period in excess of 60 minutes. The ventricular fibrillation threshold was increased from a control value of 4.0 +/- 0.4 to 26.2 +/- 8.6 mA (P less than .05) 30 minutes after pretreatment with UM-424, 10 mg/kg. Inotropic and chronotropic dose-response studies to isoproterenol in the anesthetized dog demonstrated that the quarternary compound lacked beta adrenergic receptor blocking properties. UM-424, 10 mg/kg, did not produce any persistent changes in spontaneous heart rate, cardiac contractile force, left ventricular dP/ct, mean arterial blood pressure, cardiac output and mean pulmonary arterial pressure.
Kniffen F J; Winokur S; Counsell R E; Lucchesi B R
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The Journal of pediatrics
Concentrations of bacteria in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with bacterial meningitis.
Concentrations of bacteria in cerebrospinal fluid ranged from 4.5 X 10(3) to 3 X 10(8) colony-forming units/ml in 27 patients with bacterial meningitis before antibiotic therapy and from 4 X 10(1) to 1.4 X 10(6) CFU/ml in four patients after one to two days of antibiotic therapy. All patients with persistent positive cultures had pretreatment concentrations of 10(7) CFU/ml or greater. A significant association was observed between cerebrospinal fluid lactic acid dehydrogenase activity and concentrations of bacteria (p less than 0.01). Large inocula of Hemophilus influenzae type b (10(7)) increased the minimal inhibitory concentration for penicillin and ampicillin but not for chloramphenicol. The minimal inhibitory concentration of each of the three antibiotics increased when group B streptococci were assayed. These data indicate that persistence of a positive culture may be related to large initial concentrations of bacteria. The relative "resistance" in vitro of large inocula possibly contributes to this persistence. These observations are also consistent with the hypothesis that lactic acid dehydrogenase activity in cerebrospinal fluid is derived from bacteria.
Feldman W E
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Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine
Sudden hemorrhage in metastatic thyroid carcinoma of the brain during treatment with iodine-131.
A patient with papillary--follicular carcinoma of the thyroid, with metastases to the lungs, skeleton, and brain was treated 5 weeks after thyroidectomy with 135 mCi of 131I. Although preliminary studies with 1 mCi had not shown any iodine uptake by the brain metastasis, this lesion showed intense concentration at the time of the larger therapeutic dose. Four days later, acute hemorrhage of the tumor occurred, requiring surgical removal. Although 131I therapy would seem an unlikely cause of acute necrosis and hemorrhage in these lesions, the association of therapeutic radioiodine and hemorrhage is interesting. Since recent reports suggest that brain metastasis may be somewhat more common than previously suspected, we suggest that brain imaging be included in the workup prior to radioiodine therapy of patients with advanced metastatic disease or neurologic symptoms.
Holmquest D L; Lake P
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Journal of lipid research
Characterization of fatty acid desaturase activity in rat lung microsomes.
Preparations of rat lung microsomes containing 0.030-0.050 nmole of cytochromes P-450 and b5 per mg microsomal protein have been observed to contain significant levels of fatty acid desaturase activity. Both stearoyl CoA and palmitoyl CoA are desaturated to their monounsaturated analogues, oleic acid and palmitoleic acid, respectively. Activity (per mg microsomal protein) of the lung preparations varied according to the diet of the animals prior to killing in the order: fat free diet greater than normal rat chow greater than starvation. All preparations exhibited approximately 50% inhibition when incubated in the presence of 0.10 mM CN-. Maximal activity was obtained with the 0.50 mM NADH less activity with equal amounts of NADPH, and there was no synergistic interaction of NADH and NADPH together. The rate of desaturation was linear with protein concentrations between 0.15-1.5 mg microsomal protein/incubation at incubation times up to 8 min. A pH optimum range of 7.0-7.4 was observed. For all variables of fatty acid desaturase activity which were examined, the rate of desaturation of stearoyl CoA was approximately twice that for palmitoyl CoA. These results indicate that the same fatty acid desaturation system which is functional in the liver is also present in significant amounts in mammalian lungs.
Montgomery M R
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals
Binding of organic compounds to rat liver and lung.
The binding of various radioisotopically labeled organic compounds to rat liver and lung was investigated in vitro. Pieces of rat lung and slices of rat liver were incubated at 37 degrees C under a nitrogen atmosphere in a modified Krebs-Ringer phosphate solution (pH 7.4) CONTAININg the compound to be studied. Of the neutral compounds investigated, digitoxin, digoxin and dexamethasone were highly bound to both liver and lung tissue, whereas the degree of binding of amitrole, erythritol, and ouabain was 20% or less. The weak acids which were bound to the greatest extent in both liver and lung were phenobarbital, pentobarbital, and diphenylhydantoin. Barbital was poorly bound, and there was no evidence for the binding of 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione or p-aminohippuric acid in either tissue. Binding of the cardiac glycosides and the barbiturates directly paralleled their lipid solubilities. The degree of binding of neutral compounds and weak acids to lung and liver tissue did not vary greatly with concentration, even though broad concentration ranges were studied. This was also true of the weak base morphine. On the other hand, the binding to liver and lung of the organic bases nicotine, pilocarpine, d-amphetamine, lidocaine, erythromycin, and chloroquine, did vary with concentration. The quaternary ammonium compound decamethonium was bound only to liver, and this binding also varied with concentration. Two additional quaternary ammonium compounds, tetraethylammonium and N1-methylnicotinamide, were not significantly bound to either tissue. Comparisons on the basis of equal content of solids revealed that the binding of diverse organic compounds in liver is greater than or equal to that in lung.
Ludden T M; Schanker L S; Lanman R C
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals
Physiological disposition and metabolism of (3H)bitolterol in man and dog.
The metabolism and disposition of bitolterol, the di-p-toluate ester of N-t-butylarterenol (tBA) was studied in man after a single oral dose and in dog after intraduodenal, iv, or oral administration. The mean (+/- SE) peak plasma radioactivity in man (dose, 70 mug/kg) was 180 +/- 18 ng equivalents of [3H]bitolterol per ml or approximately 11% of the dose, whereas peak plasma radioactivity in dog (dose, 200 mug/kg) was 144 +/- 23 ng equivalents per ml or approximately 4% of the dose. For both man and dog, the time for maximum plasma level of radioactivity varied from 0.5 to 2 hr. In man, only 1% of the plasma radioactivity represented intact [3H]bitolterol 1.0 hr after medication. In the dog, radioactivity was concentrated in lung tissue after iv administration of [3H]bitolterol. Recovery of intact [3H]bitolterol in lung at 4.5 hr ranged from 26 to 46% of total tissue radioactivity after iv dosage and from 4 to 14% total tissue radioactivity after intraduodenal administration. Radioactivity recovered in human urine and feces (0-72 hr) accounted for 86 and 8.1% of the dose, respectively. Recovery of radioactivity in dog urine and feces accounted for 58 and 23% of the dose, respectively, in the same time period. Radiochromatograms of urine samples from man and dog revealed similar patterns of metabolites including free and conjugated forms of both tBA and the 3-O-methyl metabolite, N-t-butylmetarterenol. The major radioactive components of the feces were bitolterol and tBA. The results indicate that bitolterol is absorbed orally and retained as the intact ester in lung. The prolonged bronchodilator activity of bitolterol is due to the slow release of the ester from lung and hydrolysis to tBA, an active beta2-adrenoceptor agonist. Pharmacological activity is terminated by metabolism of tBA via conjugation or 3-O-methylation.
Shargel L; Dorrbecker S A
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals
Physiological disposition and metabolism of N-t-butylarterenol and its di-p-toluate ester (bitolterol) in the rat.
The metabolism and disposition of the bronchodilator, N-t-butylarterenol (tBA) and its di-p-toluate ester (bitolterol) were compared in the rat. Radioactivity was preferentially retained in lungs of rats compared with heart and blood after iv medication with tritium-labeled bitolterol, but was not retained in tissues after iv medication with [3H]tBA. After oral and iv medication with [3H]bitolterol, fecal radioactivity accounted for 24% of the dose and 65 and 79% of the radioactivity, respectively, was excreted in urine (0-72 hr). In comparison, urine radioactivity after oral and iv medication with [3H]tBA was 43 and 83% of the dose, respectively, and fecal radioactivity accounted for 43 or 23% of the dose, respectively (0-72 hr). Bitolterol was hydrolyzed in vitro to tBA by esterases found in various tissues including small intestine, liver, and plasma. Moreover, tBA was a substrate for catecholamine O-methyltransferase but not for monoamine oxidase. Similar metabolites were observed in urine samples of rats given either [3H]tBA or [3H]bitolterol. Urine metabolites were identified as free and conjugated forms of both tBA and 3-O-methyl-tBA.
Shargel L; Dorrbecker S A; Levitt M
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journal
Magill circuit and controlled ventilation.
Nine patients under anaesthesia were controlled manually with the Magill attachment. Nine other patients using the same circuit under anaesthesia breathed spontaneously. Blood gases were studied throughout the period of operation to determine the adequacy of ventilation. The results show that the Magill attachment was adequate for controlled ventilation using normal flows (9 1/min) in young healthy patients.
Obiaya M O; Dakaraju P
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Bulletin de physio-pathologie respiratoire
[Acid-base disorders in status asthmaticus (author's transl)].
In 85 patinets withstatus asthmaticus, the authors have studied the acid-base balance, the blood gas tensions and various humoral parameters. The values were classified into two groups according to the PaCO2 level: below or equal to 44 torr (Group I), higher than 44 torr (Group II). In the 58 cases of Group II, there was a very close positive correlation between PaCO2 and H + ions, practically the same as that established by BRACKETT et al. [3] in experimental acute hypercapnia in man. On the contrary, the correlation derived from cases of status asthmaticus in the literature showed, in some cases, a metabolic component in acidosis. In the present work, the mean value of lactates was close to normal; there was a slow increase in protein content and hematocrit, in the two groups. The prognosis of the status asthmaticus depends on the degrees of hypercapnia: when it reaches 70 torr, mechanical ventilation is urgently needed and is the main part of the treatment; the use of additional drugs remains a matter of specific case.
Lissac J; Labrousse J; Tenaillon A; Bousser J P; Labrousse F; Jacquot C
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Bulletin de physio-pathologie respiratoire
[Role of P50 in resuscitation (author's transl)].
The amount of oxygen made available to the tissues of the body depends essentially upon pulmonary gas exchanges, cardiac output and its regional distribution, haemoglobin concentration and also upon the oxygen affinity of the haemoglobin molecule. That a standard oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve faithfully describes oxygen loading and unloading both in healthy subjects and in those suffering from pathological process has come under attack. Beside the effect of pH, PCO2 and temperature, the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve can be modified by alterations of other factors (concentration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, hormones, drugs). Although the shifts of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve, expressed by variations of P50 may seem minute, the effect of these shifts, expressed in terms of the "functional value of haemoglobin" are very large. Assessment of the intensive care patient must take into account the effect of alterations of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve which can either increase or diminish tissue oxygenation.
Foëx P
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
[Intracellular pH of cardiac muscle after administration of potassium-magnesium-aspartate (author's transl)].
27 Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital. Artificial ventilation was given by a Starling pump respirator via a tracheal tube. Intracellular pH of cardiac muscle was determined by means of the indirect procedure of measuring the distribution of 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione (DMO) in intra- and extracellular spaces (DMO-method). 12 rats were injected i.p. with 0.33 mval potassium-magnesium-aspartate/100 g body weight and 15 rats served as controls. Using a regression analysis, the following relationships were obtained: 1. animals injected with potassium-magnesium-aspartate pHa = --0.75 log PaCO2 + 8.535, PHi = --0.30 log PaCO2 + 7.509, pHi = 0.41 pHa + 4.036; 2. control animals pHa = --0.59 log PaCO2 + 8.308, pHi = --0.27 log PaCO2 + 7.381, pHi = 0.47 pHa + 3.503. At a pCO2 of 40 torr a pHa of 7.33 (7.36) and a pHi of 7.03 (6.95) was obtained. At an arterial pH of 7.40 the pHi was 7.07 (6.98). The results of the control group are written in brackets. -- The experiments demonstrate an increase in the intracellular buffer bases after administration of potassium-magnesium-aspartate. This effect can be recognized by a concomitant increase in the intracellular pH of 0.09 compared to the control group.
Saborowski F; Lang D; Albers C
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Annales de microbiologie
[Carbohydrate containing media for the detection of urease in "Klebsiella"].
Sone strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae and K. oxytoca grown on nutrient agar may appear "urease negative" in a Ferguson type reagent medium after a 24 h incubation at 37 degrees C. Amongst such 147 so called urease negative strains, urease has been detected within a few hours in 79 strains, when bacteria have grown on media containing carbohydrates (Kligler iron agar, Drigalski lactose agar, SS agar and Worfel-Ferguson sucrose medium). Acid production by carbohydrate fermentation increases urease production by Klebsiella: pH 4 is the most convenient pH for urease synthesis by these bacteria. The other 68 strains have been considered as urease-less Klebsiella. The best results are obtained from culture on Worfel-Ferguson sucrose medium: urea hydrolysis is positive--on an average-after 1 hour and 30 minutes when detected in a Ferguson type reagent medium, and after 2 hours and 35 minutes when detected in a Christensen reagent medium.
Richard C
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de microbiologie
[Comparative study of neuraminidases from "Diplococcus pneumoniae" and "Clostridium perfringens"].
Neuraminidases have been purified from the culture medium of two microorganisms, one aerobic, Diplococcus neumoniae, the other anaerobic, Clostridium perfringens. The enzymatic properties of the 2 neuraminidases have been studied (pH optimum; effect of cations; activity toward different substrates: neuraminyllactose, dilactaminyllacto-N-tetraose, gangliosides, alpha1-acid glycoprotein, Collocalia glycoprotein, ovine submaxillary mucin, porcin intestinal and human bronchial mucins).
Houdret N; Scharfman A; Martin G; Roussel P
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Porcine malignant hyperthermia induced by halothane and succinylcholine: failure of treatment with procaine or procainamide.
Metabolic, hemodynamic and neuroendocrine responses to the combined use of halothane and succinylcholine (SCh) were measured in five normal swine and five swine susceptible to malignant hyperthermia (MH). Constant-volume ventilation was used, and no therapy was instituted. The overall response in susceptible swine was fulminant, in that it involved the rapid onset of SCh-induced MH combined with the more severe metabolic, endocrine, and cardiovascular effects of halothane-induced MH. Maximal changes in VO2 were equivalent with either drug or both combined, while changes in lactate, potassium (K+), pH, and catecholamines were perhaps synergistic. Utilizing similar measurements, procaine or procainamide was used in 20 susceptible swine in attempts to prevent MH initiated by halothane, SCh, or both. Recommended therapeutic doses of either drug did not prevent characteristic MH changes in oxygen consumption, cardiac output, lactate, K+, pH, catecholamines, or temperature.
Gronert G A; Milde J H; Theye R A
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
La semaine des hopitaux : organe fonde par l'Association d'enseignement medical des hopitaux de Paris
[Periarteritis nodosa and cancer. Apropos of 2 cases].
The authors report two cases of periarteritis nodosa associated with carcinoma. The first case was a man with an anaplastic bronchial carcinoma, the second was a woman with a rectal adenocarcinoma. Study of the association of certain collagen diseases with carcinoma was made to emphasize the great rareness of this association.
Godeau P; Herreman G; Lanoe R; Lecharpentier Y; Ajebo M
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
La semaine des hopitaux : organe fonde par l'Association d'enseignement medical des hopitaux de Paris
[Churg-Strauss syndrome. Its nosological place. Apropos of a new case diagnosed before death].
Allergic granulomatous angeitis or Churg and Strauss disease, seems to form part of the disease of necrotising angeitis. Clinically, it may be considered when periarteritis nodosa is associated with asthma and marked eosinophilia. The diagnosis depends on the pathological findings including the venous and pulmonary lesions, giant cells and the presence of extra-vascular granulomas. The recognition of this disease does not, however, permit one to give a precise prognosis. In the absence of progress concerning the pathogenesis, treatment will be the same as that given in other forms of necrotising angeitis.
Godeau P; Wechsher B; Bletry O; Louvel A; Fanjoux J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
[Proceedings: Long-term therapy with antibiotics in chronic bronchitis].
Longterm therapy of chronic bacterial bronchitis assumes two forms: (a) therapy of acute exacerbations, and (b) continuous longterm prophylaxis, chiefly during the 4-7 winter months. Longterm prophylaxis should be confined exclusively to patients with two or more severe annual exacerbations. The commonest pathogens, Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococci, are usually sensitive to ampicillin and amoxycillin, cotrimoxazole (Bactrim or Eusaprim) and tetracyclines.
Hoigné R; Keller M F; Spiess J B
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
[Proceedings: Home treatment of chronic respiratory insufficiency: inhalation of beta stimulators].
In the author's experience, the longterm treatment of chronic obstructive lung disease should be supplemented by continuous selective stimulation of the adrenergic beta-receptors in the smooth bronchial muscles. The following procedure is recommended: inhalation of 15 min 3 times daily using an adequate aerosol with a powered nebulizer (Pari-Privat), with 2-3 ml Tyloxapol carrier solution or saline with 5 drops salbutamol.
Messerli C
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Journal of neurosurgery
Effects of hyperventilation, CO2, and CSF pressure on internal carotid blood flow in the baboon.
The combined effect upon cerebral blood flow (CBF) of an elevation of cerebrospinal fluid pressure (CSFP) and changes in respiratory CO2 was studied in nine baboons under chloralose anesthesia. The animals were mildly hyperventilated and provided with increasing amounts of CO2 in O2-air. Arterial CO2 tensions (PaCO2) increased from 17 to 58 mm Hg. Internal carotid blood flow (ICBF) was measured at normal CSFP and at hydrostatically maintained 50 mm Hg CSFP. It was found that: 1) end-tidal CO2 may be used as a substitute for arterial PaCO2 determinations; 2) this elevation of CSFP has little effect on ICBF during hypercapnia and normocapnia; however, 3) during hypocapnia the ICBF is reduced an additional 20% when CSFP is elevated; that is, ICBF is reduced 50% from normal when end-tidal CO2 is reduced to 2% at this elevated level of CSFP. Caution should be exercised during hyperventilation therapy particularly if the elevated CSFP or intracranial pressure (ICP) is not reduced to approach normal levels; in these conditions, the combination of decreasing PaCO2 and elevated ICP may reduce CBF below critical levels and thus lead to cerebral hypoxia.
Rudenberg F H; McGraw C P; Tindall G T
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine
Detection of pneumococcal polysaccharide in the sputum of patients with pneumococcal pneumonia by counterimmunoelectrophoresis.
Each of 41 patients with bacterial pneumonia was placed into 1 of 4 categories based on the relative clinical certainty of the diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia. The frequency of pneumococcal polysaccharide in the sputum by counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) was then noted for each diagnostic category of patients. Detection of pneumococcal polysaccharide in sputum correlated with the diagnostic certainty of pneumococcal pneumonia, while results of culture of sputum were less indicative of pneumococcal infection. Saliva of 83 normal individuals failed to give positive tests for pneumococcal polysaccharide despite the presence of alpha-hemolytic streptococci on culture. Furthermore, the mere presence of pneumococci in cultures did not predict a positive test for polysaccharide by CIE nor did the absence of pneumococci mean that polysaccharide would not be detected. This study suggests that detection of pneumococcal polysaccharide appears more rapid, more sensitive, and more specific than sputum cultures in diagnosing pneumococcal infection of the lung.
Perlino C A; Shulman J A
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Journal of clinical pathology
Use of anaerobic culture for the improved isolation of Streptococcus pneumoniae.
The following report compares the results of aerobic and anaerobic cultivation for the primary isolation of Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) from the respiratory tract of children. Of 414 specimens of respiratory tract secretions cultured, 65 (15-7%) yielded pneumococci; 31 (47-7%) grew both aerobically and anaerobically, but 34 (52-3%) strains were isolated only from the anaerobic culture. Pneumococci cultured anaerobically with added carbon dioxide characteristically produce large mucoid colonies which are more easily distinguished than the 'normal' colonies commonly seen in the mixed flora isolated from respiratory sites. This advantage justifies the inclusion of anaerobic culture when attempting to isolate Str. pneumoniae from clinical material.
Howden R
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The Journal of clinical investigation
Arylsulfatase B of human lung. Isolation, characterization, and interaction with slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis.
Arylsulfatase B was separated from arylsulfatase A in extracts of human lung tissue by anion exchange chromatography and further purified by gel filtration and cation exchange chromatography. Arylsulfatase B of human lung was similar to that enzyme in other tissues and species, exhibiting an apparent mol wt of approximately 60,000, a pH optimum for cleavage of 4-nitrocatechol sulfate (pNCS) of 5.5-6.0, and a sensitivity to inhibition by phosphate ions and especially pyrophosphate in the presence of NaCl. Human lung arylsulfatase B inactivated slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxix (SRS-A) in a linear time-dependent reaction in which the rate was determined by the enzyme-to-substrate ratio. Cleavage of pNCS by human lung arylsulfatase B was competitively suppressed by SRS-A. The finding that human lung tissue contains predominately arylsulfatase B discloses a potential regulatory mechanism for inactivation of SRS-A at or near the site of its generation.
Wasserman S I; Austen K F
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Journal of applied physiology
Hypoventilation in ponies after carotid body denervation.
Seven ponies were subjected to carotid body denervation (CD) and two ponies were sham operated (S). Measurement of arterial blood gases and arterial blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) acid-base balance were made prior to and 1,2,4,9, and 17 wks after surgery in unanesthetized animals. Resting ventilation and ventilatory responsiveness to hypoxia and NaCN infusion were assessed prior to and 2,9, and 17 wks after surgery. Alveolar hypoventilation in the CD ponies was marked 1-2 wk after surgery when VE and VA were reduced 40% and 10%, respectively, from control and PaCO2 was 12-15 mmHg above control. However, the effect was not nearly as great 4, 9, and 17 wk after surgery when the PaCO2 stabilized at approximately 6 mmHg above control PaCO2. Arterial blood pH was normal in the hypercapnic CD ponies, but CSF pH remained acid relative to normal throughout the 17-wk period. Changes in ventilatory responsiveness to hypoxia and NaCN tended to parallel changes in resting ventilation. These findings suggest: 1) the carotid bodies are essential in ponies to maintain normal ventilation: 2) in CD ponies peripheral chemosensitivity is partially regained at some unestablished locus; and 3) pH compensating mechanisms in chronically hypercapnic ponies function relatively better in blood than in CSF.
Bisgard G E; Forster H V; Orr J A; Buss D D; Rawlings C A; Rasmussen B
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Journal of applied physiology
Hydrogen ion concentration and oxygen uptake in an isolated canine hindlimb.
Oxygen utilization (VO2) and lactate production by an isolated perfused canine hindlimb was evaluated at various hydrogen ion concentrations. A membrane lung perfusion system was established such that blood flow and temperature could be fixed at normal levels. Oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas flows to the membrane lung were independently regulated to provide a fixed arterial oxygen content (CaO2). By changing CO2 flow, the pH of the arterial blood was varied between 6.9 and 7.6 at 10-min intervals. The mean O2 delivery (CaO2 X blood flow) was between 16.3 ML O2/min and 20.5 ml O2/min. Standard error of the mean in each dog, however, was less than 0.4 ml O2/min. VO2 was linearly related to the pH of the perfusing blood: VO2% = 100.1 pH - 643 (r = 0.866). Oxygen consumption was inversely related to PCO2: VO2% = -0.62 PCO2 + 124, but the correlation was less good (r = 0.729). Lactate production was linearly related to the pH of the perfusing blood (above a pH of 7.4): lactate produced = 22.5 pH - 162.5 (r = 0.75). At a pH below 7.4, lactate was not produced. Oxygen consumption of skeletal muscle appears critically dependent on extracellular fluid pH. A change in pH of 0.1 alters VO2 almost exactly 10%. Alkalosis is a potent stimulus to lactic acid production by skeletal muscle.
Harken A H
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Journal of applied physiology
Ontogeny of tracheal fluid, pulmonary surfactant, and plasma corticoids in the fetal lamb.
We examined fetal plasma corticoids and flow rate, electrolyte composition, and surfactant content of tracheal fluid in chronic experiments with eight fetal lambs. From 120 to 148 days of gestation the rate of fluid production was 4.5 ml/kg per h, and there was no change in mean fluid sodium (147.8 meq/1), chloride (153.1 meq/1), calcium (2.2 mg/100 ml), and pH (6.23). Tracheal fluid potassium increased from 4.3 meq/1 at 120-130 days to 8.9 meq/1 at term, while plasma sodium, chloride, calcium, pH, and potassium were constant at 146.1 meq/1, 110.0 meq/1, 12.1 mg/100 ml, 7.39, and 4.0 meq/1, respectively. Plasma corticoids were less than 1.5 mug/100 ml total (0.3 mug/100 ml free) until 130 days, when they increased rapidly to 10.5 total (3.2 free) at 148 days. Surfactant was first detected in tracheal fluid between 124 and 133 days and its secretion increased rapidly after 135 days to a value of 125 mug/kg per h at 148 days. A sudden increase in fetal plasma corticoids does not seem to be the stimulus for appearance of surfactant in the lamb, although these hormones may induce the rapid accumulation of surfactant prior to delivery.
Mescher E J; Platzker A C; Ballard P L; Kitterman J A; Clements J A; Tooley W H
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie, und ihrer Grenzgebiete
[Inflammatory cerebro-vascular disease: angiographic findings and distribution patterns (author's transl)].
Although cerebral angiography should be approached with caution in the diagnosis of inflammatory cerebro-vascular disease there are some characteristic angiographic findings which may be helpful for classification and differential diagnosis. The proximal cerebral arteries are favourably affected by basal meningitis and thrombangiitis obliterans with resulting stenoses and occlusions. Whereas those inflammations originating from neighbouring skull structures mostly involve the intracavernous parts of the carotid artery, the tuberculous and mycotic arteritis prefer the supraclinoid carotid siphon. Peripheral vascular changes are found in luetic endangiitis, necrotizing and toxic angiitis and in collagenoses. Simultaneous involvement of the temporal arteries is of great diagnostic importance demonstrating the systemic character of the inflammatory process; in Horton's arteritis it can be a pathognomonic finding. Infectious endocarditis, some mycoses and malaria may lead to embolic occlusion of cerebral vessels. Mycotic aneurysms mostly have a broad base or a fusiform shape and do not prefer the localizations of congenital aneurysms. Angiographically, abscesses, tuberculomas and viral encephalitis may result in circumscribed hypervascularized areas. The characteristic angiographic findings are exemplified and discussed on the basis of 8 cases of inflammatory cerebro-vascular disease (tuberculosis, pneumococcal and unspecific bacterial meningitis, syphilis, mycosis, Takayasu-syndrome, panarteritis nodosa, temporal arteritis).
Stoeter P; Ortega-Suhrkamp E; Voigt K
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
European journal of pharmacology
Cardiovascular and beta-adrenergic blocking effects of timolol.
The haemodynamic effects of timolol and its inhibiting action on the cardiovascular and bronchial effects of isoproterenol have been studied. Splanchnic nerve activity was recorded. The antiarrhythmic action of timolol was studied on guinea pig isolated atria, using arrhythmias induced by epinephrine, ouabain or coronary ligation in the dog. Timolol is a very potent beta-adrenoceptor blocking agent, without specificity on beta1- or beta2-receptors. No intrinsic beta-stimulating or depressant effects were found. Timolol reduced splanchnic discharges. The antiarrhythmic effect of timolol was limited to epinephrine-induced arrhythmias.
Mouillé P; Schmitt H; Cheymol G; Gauter E
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry
[Studies on the activities of peptidases from human leucocytes, and human and guinea pig alveolar macrophages (author's transl)].
Peptidases activities were compared in human leucocytes, guinea pig and human alveolar macrophages. Seversl endo- and exopeptides were characterized; some of them were active at acid pH and others at neutral and alkaline pH. Leucocytes and alveolar macrophages had proteolygic activity for hemoglobin, fibrinogen, collagen and elastin. Using synthetic substrates, several enzymes were characterized: arylamidase, aminopeptidase, carboxypeptidases A and B and cathepsins A and C. The enzymatic activities were much higher in alveolar macrophages than in leucocytes.
Scharfman A; Roussel P; Biserte G; Aerts C; Tonnel A B; Voisin C
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Circulation research
Afferent neural pathway in the regulation of cardiopulmonary responses to tissue hypermetabolism.
We studied the role of neural transmission from hypermetabolic peripheral tissues in the regulation of cardiac output and pulmonary ventilation in chloralose-anesthetized dogs. Cross-circulation techniques with femoral-femoral or femoral-aortic anastomoses were used to produce a vascularly isolated, but normally innervated, hindlimb or lower half-body, 2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) was infused into the arterial side of the perfusion circuit to triple oxygen consumption and to increase lactate production by the cross-perfused area. After infusion of DNP, cardiac output and mean systemic arterial blood pressure increased, but neither heart rate nor pulmonary artery wedge pressure changed significantly. Pulmonary minute ventilation and arterial pH also increased, while arterial PCO2 fell. These changes were abolished when the nerve connections between the perfused limb and its parent body were severed. Normal saline, when administered in a similar manner, did not increase either ventilation or cardiac output, and simple denervation without previous infusions of DNP also had no effect. These results indicate that there are receptors sensitive to metabolic changes in the tissue, and that neural transmission is an important afferent link in regulating the cardiopulmonary responses to increased tissue metabolism.
Liang C S; Hood W B
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Bulletin de physio-pathologie respiratoire
Evolution of functional respiratory disorders in different types of pneumoconiosis.
Three homogeneous groups of patients with silicosis, coal workers' pneumoconiosis and arc welders' pneumoconiosis had been reexamined after an interval of six years. The same examinations were repeated on each occasion with the purpose of evaluating the evolution of radiographic and functional changes. The clinical course, roentgenographic findings and results of function tests differed in the three groups. In silicosis and coal workers' pneumoconiosis the roentgenographic changes showed distinct progression. This progression was less evident in coal workers' pneumoconiosis, but deterioration of pulmonary function was more pronounced than in silicosis, apparently due to emphysema. In pneumoconiosis of welders roentgenographic changes showed a clear tendency to regression and respiratory function was not impaired.
Marek K; Kujawska A
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Biomedicine / [publiee pour l'A.A.I.C.I.G.]
[Correction of plasma hemoglobin measurements in calculating a hemolysis index].
A "haemolysis index" may be defined from plasma haemoglobin concentration. This is useful in evaluating the consequences of the artificial kidneys and lungs (pumps and circuitry). Measurements must be taken repeatedly, and corrections made for variations in plasma volume from standard conditions (haematocrit or total haemoglobin) to obtain meaningful comparisons. The "haemolysis index" must take into account the number of passages through the circuit.
Gille J P; Lautier A; Lambert J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Biochimica et biophysica acta
Isolation and characterization of beta-glucosidase from the cytosol of rat kidney cortex.
A procedure is described for the preparation of extensively purified beta-D-glucosidase (EC from the cytosol fraction of rat kidney. The specific activity of the beta-glucosidase in the high speed supernatant (100 000 X g, 90 min) fraction of rat kidney homogenate is 700-fold greater than that in the same fraction from heart, skeletal muscle, lung, spleen, brain or liver. beta-Glucosidase activity co-chromatographs with beta-D-galactosidase, beta-D-fucosidase, alpha-L-arabinosidase and beta-D-xylosidase activities through the last four column steps of the purification and their specific activities are 0.26, 0.39, 0.028 and 0.017 relative to that of beta-glucosidase, respectively. The specific activity of the apparently homogeneous beta-glucosidase is 115 000 nmol of glucose released from 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside per mg protein per h. All five glycosidase activities possess similar pH dependency (pH optimum, 6--7) and heat lability, and co-migrate on polyacrylamide disc gels at pH 8.9 (RF, 0.67). beta-Glucosidase acitivity is inhibited competitively by glucono-(1 leads to 5)-lactone (KI, 0.61 mM) and non-competitively by a variety of sulfhydryl reagents including N-ethylmaleimide, p-chloromercuribenzoate, 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), and iodoacetic acid. Although the enzyme will release glucose from p-nitrophenyl and 4-methylumbelliferyl derivatives of beta-D-glucose, it will not hydrolyze xylosyl-O-serine, beta-D-glucocerebroside, lactose, galactosylovalbumin or trehalose. The enzyme consists of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 50 000--58 000, has a sedimentation coefficient of 4.41 S and contains a relatively large number of acidic amino acids. A study of the distribution of beta-glucosidase activity in various regions of the dissected rat kidney indicates that the enzyme is probably contained in cells of the proximal convoluted tubule. The enzyme is also present in relatively large amounts in the villus cells, but not crypt cells, of the intestine. The physiological substrate and function of the enzyme are unknown.
Glew R H; Peters S P; Christopher A R
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Archives of virology
Effect of pH on the growth and cytopathogenicity of avian infectious bronchitis virus in chick kidney cells.
The growth of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in chick kidney cells at different pH values in the range 6.0-9.0 demonstrated that although the virus was released at a much faster rate at the higher pH values the titre tended to drop more quickly. At the acid pH values the virus was released more slowly but reached a maximum titre similar to that at the higher pH values and showed only minimum reduction in infectivity up to 49 hours post inoculation. The stability of virus in tissue culture medium was shown to be directly related to pH 6.0-8.0, being more stable at the acid pH values. The degree of cytopathogenicity induced in chick kidney cells following infection with IBV was directly related to the pH at which the cells were incubated, occurring earlier and more extensively in cells at the higher pH values. Cell macromolecule synthesis in chick kidney cells was inhibited following infection with IBV and was apparently due to cell damage and death.
Alexander D J; Collins M S
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de therapie
Influence of pH on the contractor effect of convulsant barbiturate on frog lung.
Pentobarbial, thiopental and the convulsant 5-ethyl-5-(2-cyclohexylideneëthyl) barbituric acid (CHEB) were tested for contractor effect on the isolated lung of the fullfrog at pH 7.0 (7% CO2 and 20 mM HCO3-) and pH 8.4 (0.3% CO2 and 20mM HCO3-). CHEB was a potent contractor, thiopental a feeble contractor, and pentobarbital lacked contractor effect. The contractor potencies of both CHEB and thiopental were greater at the more acid pH. The potencies of formally charged agonists such as acetylcholine and K+ were not altered by the pH differences employed in these experiments. The pKa of CHEB was found to be 8.18 at 15 degrees C and 8.03 at 27 degrees C. Calculation of concentration-effect relationships of ionized and nonionized CHEB showed that only the nonionized CHEB was responsible for the contractor effect.
Downes H; Wayson K A; Edney S M; Gerber N
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The Annals of thoracic surgery
Comparative evaluation of a new disposable rotating membrane oxygenator with bubble oxygenator.
The comparative in vivo performance of adult-size bubble and rotating membrane oxygenators was evaluated during closed-chest cardiopulmonary bypass for six hours in two groups of dogs. The results show that the rotating membrane oxygenator is efficient in oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer with minimal trauma to blood, while platelet destruction and hemolysis were marked with the bubble oxygenator. Cerebral, cardiac, and respiratory complications were frequent with the bubble oxygenator and absent with the membrane oxygenator.
Subramanian V A; Berger R L
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annals of surgery
The influence of oxyhemoglobin affinity on tissue oxygen consumption.
In an intact animal or patient, any shift in oxyhemoglobin affinity is inevitably associated with concurrent fluctuation in numerous other determinants of oxygen delivery. For this reason, the influence of hemoglobin affinity for oxygen on tissue oxygen consumption has been incompletely evaluated. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of oxyhemoglobin affinity as the sole variable of oxygen delivery in an isolated perfused canine hindlimb. A membrane lung system which allowed precise control of blood flow, temperature, arterial oxygen content and arterial pH was established. Twelve isolated canine hindlimbs were alternatively perfused with autologous stored (left-shifted) and fresh (right-shifted) blood in paralled perfusion systems. The 2,3-DPG concentrations, P50 and oxygen consumptions were significantly different in the two paralled perfusion systems. A decreased hemoglobin affinity for oxygen appeared to permit increased oxygen off-loading at the tissue level.
Harken A H; Woods M
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de biologie clinique
[Determination of the activity of serum ornithine carbamoyltranferase : working conditions in a veronal-acetate medium].
Ornithine carbamyl transferase activity was determined by estimation of the citrulline formed during the reaction. Citrulline is estimated by diacetylmonoxime in the presence of thiosemicarbazide. The conditions of enzyme analysis were then studied in buffer veronal-acetate medium at 37 degrees C. The optimum pH for activity depended on the ornithine concentration, but was independent of carbamyl-phosphate concentration. At pH 7.8, ornithine at concentrations higher than 1.6 mM inhibited enzyme activity, ornithine Km was 0.208 mM and that of carbamyl-phosphate was 1.92 mM. The incubation time for determination of OCT activity was 15 minutes. Citrulline production was proportional to the enzyme concentration up to activities of 180 units/l. Serum urea was destroyed by a urease of high quality, so that the formation of citrulline in the control reagents was minimal. Reference values, determined on a hospital population, without liver, heart or pulmonary disease, lay between 4.7 +/- 2.3 units/l. The coefficient of variation of the technique, determined on a pool of serum of moderate activity was 8 units/l i.e. 5.1 per cent.
Barth J G
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Important physiological considerations in artificial respiration and reanimation of newborn infants].
The methods used for ventilation of the neonate shold be based upon consideration of the physiological changes which occure in the lungs and circulation at birth of the normal infant. Three important changes must be taken into consideration. The first is the formation of a residual volume of alveolar gas, the second the resorption of pulmonary fluid and the third a decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance, upon which is dependent the change from foetal circulation to that of the neonate. To begin insufflation of foetal lungs it is necessary to use a pressure of between 20 and 30 cm H2O. After the first insufflation, a good deal of air remains in the lungs, even during expiration, as long as pulmonary "surfactant" is present. In the absence of the latter, residual pressure at the end of expiration is necessary in order to avoid the lung emptying itself of air. The resorption of pulmonary liquid from the alveolar spaces into the blood is dependent upon a change in the permeability of the alveolar epithelium, which renders possible the rapid passage of water via the channels which open, probably between the epithelial cells, and this change is dependent upon an expansion of the lungs by a pressure of between 35 and 40 cm H2O. Dilatation of the pulmonary vessels depends in part upon an increase in partial pressure of oxygen and a fall in carbon dioxide in the environment of the pulmonary arterioles, and in part upon mechanical changes brought about by the movements of ventilatation.
Strang L B
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Severe respiratory distress with stubborn hypoxemia in newborn infants whose mothers had had placenta previa].
The study of 16 newborn of birthweight less than or equal to 2,200 g characterized by a common point: the presence of PLACENTA PRAEVIA IN THE MOTHER, enabled us to come to grips with the severe respiratory distress that these newborn can have. From the clinical standpoint: there is always early respiratory distress. From the radiological standpoint: by far the most dominant pathology was interstitial edema, giving rise to a WET LUNG. From the biochemical standpoint: the blood gases were characterized in a certain number of cases by hypoxemia which was refractory to the usual forms of treatment. From the mechanical standpoint: measurements carried out in 4 patients confirmed the extraordinary fall in these patients' compliance. The clinical, radiological, blood gas and mechanical analysis enabled one to differenciate 2 main types of indications for artificial ventilation: -- acute hypoxemia, -- the idea of an increased need for oxygen. In these 2 types of indications for artificial ventilation, it was apparent that the treatment of choice is constant positive pressure which may or may not be combined with intermittent positive pressure. With this treatment technique, none of the patients progressed to massive atelectasis. It can be said that with the advent of techniques of ventilation by high pressure combining IPP with CPP, one has definitively eliminated from this pathological picture, the principal cause of death: --anoxia due to massive alveolar collapse.
Brioude R; Bourgeois M; Canet J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Drug interference and the role of anesthesia in such interference].
This report considers interference between medications for, on the one hand, drugs given during pregnancy, and, on the other hand, drugs given to the pregnant women and anaesthetic agents. Consideration is given to progestational agents, oxytocics, beta-mimetics, corticosteroids, insulin, hypotensive agents, diuretics and psychiatric drugs. For each case of interference, an attempt is made to provide practical data, with particular respect to those combinations frequently prescribed by obstetricians, e.g. the combination of the beta-mimetics and corticosteroids with the aim of preventing impending premature onset of labour and to ensure foetal pulmonary maturation; the combination of insulin and corticosteroids given to diabetics with the aim of preventing hyaline membrane disease; the combination of corticosteroids with anti-histamines in the treatment of rhesus disease; the association of oxytocics with large quantities of intravenous fluid in the case of post-partum haemorrhage and hypontensive medication combinations and the problems which may result with emergency anaesthesis.
Lareng L; Bertrand J C
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Congenital cardiopathies appearing during the neonatal period. The view points of the cardiologist, the hemodynamics specialist, the surgeon, and the anesthetist].
The best chances of survival for a new-born depend on the following factors: the possibility of clinical and haemodynamic diagnosis of the malformation, adequate reanimation and surgery. All this must be carried out as early as possible. Although catheterization is very risky it should be complete and as fast as possible, under monitoring of ventilation and haemodynamies. Reanimation is very important before, during and after surgery; it should be more preventive than curative. Very often, surgery is only palliative at this age. Taking into account progress in surgical techniques, the authors report their experience in anaesthesia and ressuscitation of 100 patients under 10 days old. They were all operated on in Laennec in Professor MATHEY's department but only some of them were catheterized there.
Fiemeyer A; Leca-Chetochine F; Thibert M; Louville Y; Mathey J; Cara M
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Pre-, per-, and postoperative resuscitation in thoracic surgery in newborn infants].
The authors report their five year-experience in reanimation during thoracic surgery in the new-born. The report concerns 66 cases (43 atresias of the oesophagus and 23 diaphragmatic hernias). Prognosonis depends on: 1 -- A permanent temam of suitably qualified doctors ready to carry out at any time the required therapy on the infant. 2 -- Free air way (kinesitherapy, continous and prolonged suction of oesophageal atresias and bronchial suction). 3 -- Ventilation (surgery on clean lungs in atresias, diaphragmatic prosthesis and suturing of skin in hernias). Respect of these rules in diaphragmatic hernias saved 12 lives out of 23; in oesophageal atresias, 16 survived out of 16 cases classified as good cases, and the total survival rate was 73%.
Mercier C; Robert M; Casenave C; Laugier J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Transport of newborn infants. Apropos of 114 cases].
The transport of 114 newborn less than 24 hours old carried out in 1972 and 1973 by the Paris SAMU (Professor M. CARA'S Unit) is studied. (he delay of arrival of the medical team is on the average one hour, the child arrives in the Resuscitation center approximately two and a quarter hours after the call. In 15 cases an umbilical catheter was put in place; in 27 cases the child was intubated, artificial ventilation was carried out during transport. On arrival, from the mean values, the temperature was 25.2 degrees, the pH 7.28, the pO2 112, the blood sugar 1.53 g.Three practical conclusions must be drawn: reserve high risk deliveries for specialized centers, when the degree of emergency compells delivery in a badly equipped center, contact the SAMU from the beginning of labour, render the actions carried out by the transporting doctor even more rigorous and controled, which implies an organized SMUR which is well equipped and trained.
Krajevitch A; Blot P; Cara M
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[PAH clearance measurement without urine samples in the newborn infant with respiratory distress].
PAH clearance was carried out in 12 newborns, hospitalized in the infantile resuscitation unit for respiratory distress. 6 of these children weighed less than 2.5 kg, 4 had hyaline membrane disease, 6 had either amniotic abnormalities or transitory tachypnea, 2 were surgical patients: one right diaphragmatic hernia, one post-operative respiratory complication after intervention for neonatal occlusion. In 9 cases the newborn was under controled artificial ventilation associated with PEEP at 5 to 7 cm of water. In all of the cases, the hemodynamic, metabolic and blood gas conditions were normal. A control series of 11 newnorn was carried out in a pediatric unit, the clearance was done without urine samples, the rough value of the figures found varied from 5.5 ml per minute to 30 ml per minute in the respiratory distress series and 16 to 62 ml per minute in the control series. The analysis of these results in rendered difficult by the juxtaposition of several factors: Choice of a reference criterion: body surface area, PAH space, patient's weight theoretical weight of the kidneys. The factor of prematurity. The problem of the date of the investigation in comparison with the date of birth.
Unal D; Picon G; Fieschi A; Camboulives J; Leclaire M
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Treatment of severe forms of idiopathic respiratory distress in newborn infants using constant negative perithoracic pressure].
49 children with a severe idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome were treated by continuous negative pressure ranging from 5 cm of water to a negative pressure of 13 cm of water around the thorax. The partial pressure of oxygen rose significantly in the majority of cases, and the alveolo-arterial gradient also significantly diminished by more than 100 mm of mercury. 29 children were treated by this method alone, but in 20 other children owing to the failure of constant negative pressure, respiratory assistance either by intermittent pressure ventilation or intermittent positive pressure ventilation was associated. On the whole 35 out of 49 children survived. The complications which were met with are analyzed. Continuous negative pressure seems to be a safe and effective method for improving oxygenation in the idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome.
Salle B
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Clinical and therapeutic problems posed by hangings. Apropos of 67 cases].
Starting from a collection of 67 cases of hanging taken over by the Anesthesia Resuscitation Department belonging to Reims Hospital University Centre, the authors report their clinical observations and make an analytical confrontation of this type of accident according to various criteria such as: - the initial physical condition of the victims; - the evolution of the symptoms; - the various medical treatments used. The immediate consequences of miscarried hangings lead to a physio-pathological argument dealing mainly with the neurological and breathing manifestations. The elements of this argument enable the writers to back up certain therapeutic orientations among which hyperbaric oxygen therapy and early prescription of which seems to be wished for in the most severe forms of hanging.
Scheydeker J L; Pozzo di Borgo C; Petitjean C; Ladouce C; Seys G A; Rendoing J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Respiratory problems following repeated abdominal surgery].
The authors analyzed a series of 100 patients who had undergone a total of 143 reinterventions and found respiratory manifestations in 86 cases. They emphasized the frequency of functional respiratory failure and studied the course of different clinical, radiological and laboratory parameters. The second part is concerned with the physiopathological mechanisms, recalling the main causes of postoperative hypoxemia. Finally the therapeutic chapter is centered on the chronology and modalities of artificial ventilation.
Otteni J C; Haberer J P
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
[Peroperative resuscitation in abdominal reoperations].
Resuscitation of these patients during operation is the only the logical continuation of their preparation. The authors therefore take up the preceding points while emphasizing: - checking vascular filling, by central venous pressure and hourly diuresis; - the necessity for a supply of carbohydrates, which is even more indispensable when the subjects were submitted to parenteral hyperalimentation previously; - the advantages of performing arterial blood gases in order to check artificial ventilation.
Gouin F; Kiegel P; Magnin D; Rossi F
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The American journal of roentgenology, radium therapy, and nuclear medicine
Chest roentgenography as a window to the diagnosis of Takayasu's arteritis.
The chest roentgenographic findings in Takayasu's arteritis include widening of the ascending aorta, contour irregularities of the descending aorta, arotic calcifications, pulmonary arterial changes, rib notching, and hilar lymphadenopathy. The single most important diagnostic sign is a segmental calcification outlining a localized or diffuse narrowing of the aorta. The other signs may be suspicious or suggestive, but the diagnostic accuracy increases when several findings are present simultaneously.
Berkmen Y M; Lande A
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The American journal of physiology
Coronary vascular and myocardial responses to carotid body stimulation in the dog.
Coronary vascular and myocardial responses to selective hypoxic and/or hypercapnic carotid chemoreceptor stimulation were investigated in constantly ventilated, pentobarbital or urethan-chloralose anesthetized dogs. Bilaterally isolated carotid chemoreceptors were perfused with autologous blood of varying O2 and CO2 tensions via an extracorporeal lung circuit. Systemic gas tensions were unchanged. Effects of carotid chemoreceptor stimulation on coronary vascular resistance, left ventricular dP/dt, and strain-gauge arch output were studied at natural coronary blood flow with the chest closed and during constant-flow perfusion of the left common coronary artery with the chest open. Carotid chemoreceptor stimulation slightly increased left ventricular dP/dt and slightly decreased the strain-gauge arch output, while markedly increasing systemic pressure. Coronary blood flow increased; however, coronary vascular resistance not affected. These studies show that local carotid body stimulation increases coronary blood flow but has little effect on the myocardium. The increase in coronary blood flow results mainly from an increase in systemic arterial pressure. Thus these data provide little evidence for increased sympathetic activity of the heart during local stimulation of the carotid chemoreceptors with hypoxic and hypercapnic blood.
Ehrhart I C; Parker P E; Weidner W J; Dabney J M; Scott J B; Haddy F J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
American journal of diseases of children (1960)
Management of life-threatening asthma with intravenous isoproterenol infusions.
Thirty-four patients with life-threatening childhood status asthmaticus were treated with intravenous isoproterenol infusions. Twenty-seven responded favorably; seven failed to respond and underwent mechanical ventilation. Intravenously administered isoporterenol was a useful therapeutic adjunct in the treatment of these severe attacks. Complications in these cases were rare, but cardiac arrhythmia, rebound bronchospasm, and acute mobilization of secretions need to be considered. Further evaluation of the efficacy of intravenous infusions of isoproterenol in status asthmaticus would be valuable.
Parry W H; Martorano F; Cotton E K
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Acta virologica
Distribution of Lednice (Yaba 1) virus in the chick embryo.
Distribution of Lednice (Yaba 1) virus antigen (LVA) was followed by immunofluorescene (IF) in chick embryos inoculated into the yolk sacs. Positive fluorescence of LVA was observed in neurons and neuroblasts of the developing brain, spinal cord and spinal ganglia as well as in skeletal muscles, heart muscle, vascular endothelium and lung mesenchyma. In the yolk sac, foci of specific fluorescence were occasionally seen in endothelium cells of vessels and in islands of extraembryonic haematopoesis. At sites corresponding to the occurrence of LVA, extensive oedema was accompanied by extravazation of erythrocytes and accumulation of white blood cells. The nature of tissues in which the virus replicates was discussed from the point of view of LVA distribution and the morphological lesions observed.
Rajcáni J; Krobová J; Málková D
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Acta tropica
The histopathology of experimental disease produced in mice infected with Trypanosoma vivax.
An acute form of trypanosomiasis (course of disease 4 to 8 days) was produced in mice experimentally infected with a strain of T. vivax. The features of the disease were: a parasitemia which appeared to increase exponentially from 23.8 to 243.6 times 10(6) trypanosomes per ml within the last 24 hours of the disease; anaemia was not severe in the disease in mice; the basic histological lesion was generalized fibrin thrombus formation in the blood vessels of the heart, lung, spleen and brain; trypanosome enboli were present in the brain, spleen and liver of infected mice. The disease in mice could prove a useful model in studies of the pathogenesis of acute trypanosomiasis and also in studies in the mechanism of generalized intravascular coagulation.
Isoun T T
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Acta anatomica
Neurohistological and histochemical observations on the lung of Rattus rattus rufescens (Indian black rat).
The intrinsic innervation of the lungs (right and left) has been studied by the cholinesterase technique, considering the effect of various pH, incubation periods and temperatures. Cholinergic innervation dominated. The peribronchial ganglia, large, medium-sized and irregular-shaped, rounded and small, showed a positive cholinesterase reaction. Maximum ChE activity was noticed in the bronchi and their branches and on the periphery of the alveoli.
Purwar R S
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum
Influence of changes in arterial PCO2 on cerebral blood flow and cerebral energy state during hypothermia in the rat.
In order to study the relationship between arterial PCO2 and cerebral blood flow (CBF) in hypothermia, the body temperature of artifically ventilated rats was decreased to 22 degreesC, and changes in CBF were evaluated from arteriovenous differences in oxygen content (AVDO2) at PaCO2 values of 15, 30, 40 and 60 mm Hg. The results were compared to those obtained at normal body temperature (37 degrees C) over the PaCO2 range 15-60 mm Hg. Separate experiments were performed to evaluate CBF and CMRO2 at 22 degrees C and a PaCO2 of 15 mm Hg, using an inert gas technique for CBF. The tissue contents of phosphocreatine, ATP, ADP, AMP and lactate were measured in hypothermic animals at PaCO2 values of 15, 30 and 60 mm Hg. The results showed that changes in CBF were of the same relative magnitude in hypothermia and normothermia when PaCO2 was increased from about 35 to about 60 mm Hg. However, with a decrease in PaCO2 the reduction in CBF was much more pronounced in hypothermia, and at PaCO2 15 Mm Hg CBF was less then 20% of the value measured in normothermic and normocapnic animals. The results of the metabolite measurements gave no evidence of tissue hypoxia in spite of the pronounced reduction in CBF. Although the results demonstrate that the brain of a hypothermic animal is protected against the harmful effects of a lowered CBF, it may not warrant recommending hyperventilation in clinical cases of hypothermia, especially not in patients with arteriosclerosis or cerebrovascular diseases.
Hägerdal M; Harp J R; Siesjö B K
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii
[In vitro effect of leukocytic and thymic histones and their fractions on the activity of the causative agent of meningopneumonia].
It was found in studying the antimeningococcus activity of the leukocytic and thymus histones and their fractions that both histones were capable of neutralizing in vitro the activity of the causative agent of meningopneumonia (MP). The neutralization effect was chiefly associated with the F3 fraction rich in arginine and depended on the duration of the histone fraction contact with the MP causative agent, the weight concentration of the histone and the pH of the incubation medium.
Pigarevskiĭ V E; Ashmarin I P; Tolybekov A S; Kokriakov V N
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Voprosy neirokhirurgii
[Changes in cerebrospinal fluid lactate and pyruvate levels during brain surgery under fluotane anesthesia].
The lactate and pyruvate content in the arterial blood and CSF of 24 patients operated on the brain under fluothane anesthesia with artificial ventilation of the lungs was measured. Towards the end of the operation and anesthesia a sizably elevated lactate level and accumulation of its excess in the blood were noted, these shifts having been more marked with hypocapnic ventilation of the lungs. An increased concentration of lactate and pyruvate in the cerebrospinal fluid was not attended by accumulation of lactate excess.
Stolkarts I Z; Khamara N F; Kupriianenko R A
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Bilateral testicular seminoma in intra-abdominal testes.
A seminoma of both intra-abdominal testes in a forty-five-year-old patient is reported. Discovery of the tumor was fortuitous during admission for upper lobe pneumonia. Of particular interest in this case is that seminoma was found in both undescended testes. Surgical extirpation of both degenerated testes along with prostatic utricle was performed. The patient refused radiotherapy.
Baroudy A C
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Hemodynamic effects of aerosol propellants. II. Pulmonary circulation in the dog.
The inhalation of trichlorofluoromethane (FC11), dichlorotetrafluoroethane (FC114) and dichlorodifluoromethane (FC12) caused a reduction in mean aortic blood pressure but only FC11 and FC114 caused a reduction in mean pulmonary arterial pressure. The primary cause of the fall is a decrease in pulmonary blood flow. When blood flow to a lobe is kept constant and the adrenergic alpha receptors are blocked by injection of phentolamine, the inhalation of FC11 caused vasodilation. In the intact circulation, the vasodilation is masked by release of catecholamines which constrict the pulmonary blood vessels.
Simaan J A; Aviado D M
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine
Human erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase B and C in chronic obstructive lung disease.
The levels of carbonic anhydrase B and C isozymes in human red cells were determined using a quantitative immunological technique in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease. A significant increase in the level of carbonic anhydrase B was observed in these patients, while the level of carbonic anhydrase C did not change substantially. Positive correlations were found between the level of carbonic anhydrase B and arterial CO2 tension and plasma HCO3 concentration. A negative correlation was observed between the levels of carbonic anhydrase B and blood pH. These findings suggest that the synthesis or degradation of carbonic anhydrase B isozyme is affected by arterial CO2 tension or plasma HC03 concentration. The clinical significance was also discussed in relation to these isozyme levels in red cell.
Kondo T; Taniguchi N; Kawakami Y; ide H; Saito K
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology
Roentgenological findings in cryptorchidism.
Intravenous urography of 78 cryptorchid boys revealed no clinically significant upper urinary tract anomalies. Two boys had a rotated kidney and 2 others a double renal pelvis. One boy had previously been operated upon because of hydronephrosis. There thus appears to be no reason for routine intravenous urography of cryptorchid boys. Forty-two per cent of the boys had spina bifida occulta in the lumbar and sacral spine. One case of asymptomatic congenital cardiac disease was discovered at routine chest X-ray.
Tveter K J; Fjaerli J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases
The influence of bacterial superinfection on the clinical course of influenza. Studies from the influenza epidemics in Stockholm during the winters 1969-70 and 1971-72.
During two epidemics of influenza A infection in Stockholm 1969-72, 249 cases were selected for a study on the effect of bacterial superinfection. Bacterial involvement was demonstrated through cultures and serologic reactions. The occurrence of C-reactive protein in increased amount in serum was significantly more common in the group which had the strongest indication of bacterial infection. An increased duration of fever, and a higher incidence of pneumonia, leukocytosis and erythrocyte sedimentation rate over 50 mm/l h was also the rule in cases with bacterial involvement. During both epidemics the bacteria most often involved were pneumococci.
Jarstrand C; Tunevall G
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences
The jumping mechanism of Xenopsylla cheopis. III. Execution of the jump and activity.
The flea's hind legs are the chief source of jumping power, but in species which execute large jumps, take-off is accelerated by elastic energy released from a resilin pad (homologous with the wing hinge ligaments of flying insects) situated in the pleural arch. A central click mechanism, operated by a rapid twitch of the trochanteral depressor (the starter muscle), synchronizes the separate sources of energy which power the jump. Ciné photos confirm the morphological evidence that the flea takes off from the trochanters, not the tarsi. The loss of wings, associated with lateral compression of the body and the shortening of the pleural ridge (which thus lowers the position of the pleural arch) together with modifications of the direct and indirect flight muscles, are some of the main morphological features associated with the change from a flying to a saltatorial mode of progression. The flea's take-off basically resembles that of other Panorpoid insects (Diptera, Mecoptera, etc.). The release of elastic energy from the pleural arch is a system by which the force used to move the wings of flying insects is rapidly fed back into the legs and adds power to the jump.
Rothschild M; Schlein J; Parker K; Neville C; Sternberg S
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences
The jumping mechanism of Xenopsylla cheopis. I. Exoskeletal structures and musculature.
The jumping apparatus of the flea, which includes highly modified direct and indirect flight muscles, is described: attention is drawn to the various specializations of the exoskeleton which stiffen the thorax and also provide the 'click' mechanism triggering take-off. A finger-like invagination of tall cells within the cavity of the developing pleural arch of the pharate adult secretes the resilin pad. This is illustrated with coloured photographs. It is suggested that winglessness of a Mecopteran-like ancestor pre-adapted fleas to a parasitic life-style, and that a jumping mode of progression was a primitive feature of the whole Order. Scattered throughout the Siphonaptera today are species which have secondarily lost the pleural arch and with it the power to execute large jumps. These are usually found among fleas parasitizing mammals inhabiting caves, subterranean burrows and runs, high aerial nests and snow or ice-bound habitats. Large pleural arches are associated with fleas infesting large mobile hosts.
Rothschild M; Schlein J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology
Effects of cyanide and doxapram during hypothermia.
The ventilatory responses, blood gases and acid-base status to intravenous injections of KCN and doxapram hydrochloride were studied in anesthetized dogs during normothermia and at two levels of hypothermia. In the normothermic animal, KCN evoked significant elevations of minute and alveolar ventilations. For the mildly hypothermic (32-33 degrees C) dog, minute and alveolar ventilations were proportionally greater than for normothermia. Bolus infusions of KCN to deeply hypothermic dogs (28-29 degrees C) elicited larger and nearly similar increases of minute and alveolar ventilations as compared, respectively, with normothermia and mild hypothermia. Compared to their controls, injections of doxapram during normothermia, mild and deep hypothermia augmented VE 43.3%, 63.6% and 31.5%, respectively. With doxapram there was a feeble increase in alveolar ventilation. These results demonstrate that the peripheral (arterial) chemoreceptors preserve the capacity to respond to stimuli given acutely while lowering core temperature and in some circumstances this capacity is even enhanced as compared to normothermia.
Ruiz A V
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Diminished pulmonary lecithin synthesis in acidosis: experimental findings as related to the respiratory distress syndrome.
Lung slices from term fetal rats were incubated in vitro at various pH values and the rates of the two de novo pathways for lecithin biosynthesis were determined by measuring the conversion of either 14C-choline (pathway 1) or 14C-methionine (pathway 2) to the phospholipid. It was observed that the choline pathway, but not phosphatidylethanolamine methylation, is pH-sensitive with maximum rates occurring at pH levels between 7.3 and 7.5; significantly less activity was found at pH levels between 7.0 and 7.2 and at pH levels between 7.6 and 8.0. Adjustment of the pH from 7.0 to 7.4 in vitro simulating the clinical correction of acidosis by alkali infusion was found to increase the conversion of choline to lecithin to a rate approximating that observed at pH 7.4. Since lecithins are the principal phospholipid components of pulmonary surfactant, and since pathway 1 is predominantly responsible for lung lecithin synthesis, the demonstration of impaired production with reduced pH offers a biochemical explanation for the pathophysiological effects of acidosis in the respiratory distress syndrome. A comparison of pH effects on choline pathway rate with the pH profiles of pathway enzymes suggests that these effects are mediated by the catalysts of lecithin synthesis.
Merritt T A; Farrell P M
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
National Institute of Animal Health quarterly
Growth of Ibaraki virus in suspension culture of HmLu-1 cells.
The established hamster lung cell line, HmLu-1 cells could grow in a suspended state. The initial cell count, 40 X 10(4)/ml, increased to 200 X 10(4)/ml on the 4th day of culture. The suspension culture of HmLu-1 cells was proved satisfactory for propagation of Ibaraki virus. The viral titer reached a maximum of 10(6.75) TCID50/0.1 ml. The input multiplicity ranging from 0.003 to 3.0 exerted no influence on the final yield of the virus. The optimal pH value of initial culture ranged from 6.8 to 7.6. In comparison of virus yield per cell among the suspension culture and two methods of monolayer culture in stationary and rolling condition, there was no noticeable difference in it among the three methods. The cell population per unit volume was the largest and, therefore, virus titer in the culture fluid the highest in the suspension culture of the three methods.
Sugimura T; Tanaka Y; Tokui T
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Medizinische Klinik
[Pulmonary vascular pressures and blood gases in young patients with thoracic scoliosis (author's transl)].
Pulmonary artery and pulmonary wedge pressures were measured at rest and during exercise in 25 young patients with moderate to severe scoliosis. Simultaneous determinations of arterial blood gases and pH were performed. The results of the vascular pressure measurements were compared with those obtained in 15 healthy young subjects. In all patients the pulmonary artery and pulmonary wedge pressure were normal at rest. During mild ergometer exercise, however, an abnormal rise in pulmonary artery pressure occurred in 9 patients. Moreover, an increased diastolic pressure gradient across the pulmonary vascular bed was found in some scoliotic patients indicating an elevated pulmonary vascular resistance. It is supposed that this haemodynamic abnormality is primarily due to a restriction of the pulmonary vascular bed. Relationships between pulmonary artery pressure and arterial oxygen tension and blood pH, respectively, could be found. The possible significance of these results is discussed.
Meister R; Klempt H W; Most E; Heine J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Magyar traumatologia, orthopaedia es helyreallito sebeszet
[Respiratory insufficiency in severely burned patients].
The increasing number of respiratory insufficiency, as well as of pulmonary complications after burns and their role in the post-traumatic mortality are pointed out by the author. The pathophysiological processes responsible for the development of post-traumatic pulmonary complications are shortly resumed. In respect of the clinical picture, three groups are distinguished by the author. One case is reported in detail. In the development of post-traumatic respiratory insufficiency important role is attributed by the author to the syndromes of micro-embolism. This supposition is supported by the laboratory examination of 10 patients. Finally the problems of prevention and therapy are discussed and the importance of the iatrogenic damages is emphasized.
Arturson G
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Kidney international
Renal response to short-term hypocapnia in man.
This study examines the renal response to moderate hyperventilation in healthy man. Eight men hyperventilated for 26 hr (PaCO2 approximately 30 to 32 mm Hg) in normoxia (barometric pressure, PB approximately 740 mm Hg) and hypobaric hypoxia (PB approximately530 mm Hg). Anaerobic samples of arterial blood and urine were studied at two-hour intervals. Plasma [HCO3-] fell with time during sustained hypocapnia and after 26 hr was reduced 2.5 mEq/liter, with plasma pH compensated approximately 60%. Statistically significant changes in renal H+ handling were observed within the initial 2 hr of hyperventilation and were evident over the first 12 hr. Over 26 hr, mean total HCO3-excretion in hypocapnia was 10.2 mEq above control and mean total acid excretion (UVTA + UVNH4+) was 17.5 mEq below control. An increased urinary excretion of cations, especially sodium, accompanied the decrease in acid excretion. Plasma lactic acid accumulation was negligible. We conclude that renal mechanisms contribute significantly and relatively quickly to plasma pH compensation during the early phase of adaptation to hypocapnia in man.
Gledhill N; Beirne G J; Dempsey J A
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The Johns Hopkins medical journal
The clinical use of dopamine in the treatment of shock.
Dopamine is a direct-acting catecholamine with a short half-life that has many advantages in treating visceral hypoperfusion states such as shock and refractory heart failure. Unlike other inotropic drugs, dopamine directly dilates the mesenteric, renal, and cerebral vessels and redirects blood flow to essential viscera. This dopaminergic effect is prominent with doses of 100-700 mug/min in adults and is attenuated by phenothiazines and haloperidol. At doses of 700-1400 mug/min, dopamine also has a significant beta-adrenergic, inotropic effect, increasing myocardial contractility. The inotropic effect is equivalent to that of isoproterenol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, but tachycardia, tachyarrhythmias, and angina may be less frequent with dopamine. In doses greater than 1400 mug/min, dopamine is a vasoconstrictor with pressor effects usually equivalent to that of norepinephrine. Dopamine dilates pupils, does not dilate bronchi, and does not shunt blood from viscera to skeletal muscles as does isoproterenol. Because dopamine increases myocardial contractility, selectively redistributes perfusion to essential viscera and allows a pharmacologic titration of effect, it is a logical first-choice catecholamine for treatment of shock and refractory heart failure.
Reid P R; Thompson W L
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Sodium bicarbonate administration during cardiac arrest. Effect on arterial pH PCO2, and osmolality.
Arterial pH, Pco2, and osmolality were determined serially during cardiac resuscitation in patients and in dogs, with and without administration of sodium bicarbonate. These studies demonstrate that (1) in the absence of preexisting acidosis, severe acidosis can be prevented by adequate ventilation alone; (2) sodium bicarbonate administration results in a significant rise in arterial Pco2, which parallels the rise in pH despite adequate ventilation; (3) during prolonged cardiac and resuscitation, there is a rise in arterial osmolality that is accentuated by sodium bicarbonate. These studies suggest that sodium bicarbonate should not be used during resuscitation (1) in the absence of effective hyperventilation or where carbon dioxide removal is inadequate despite adequate ventilation, (2) in repeated doses, without confirmation of substantial acidosis, or (3) when cardiac arrest has been of brief duration and preexisting acidosis is unlikely. These studies also point to the need for a reappraisal of other buffers that do not elevate the arterial Pco2.
Bishop R L; Weisfeldt M L
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology
Metabolism of delta1-tetrahydrocannabinol by the isolated perfused dog lung. Comparison with in vitro liver metabolism.
The metabolism of (-)-delta1-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta1-THC) has been studied in the isolated perfused dog lung. After intravascular administration of [3H]-delta1-THC there was an overall biotransformation of 12%. Two major metabolites were isolated and identified as 3'-hydroxy-delta1-THC and 4'-hydroxy-delta1-THC. 7-Hydroxy-delta1-THC was also present together with small amounts of 6alpha-hydroxy-delta1-THC and 6beta-hydroxy-delta1-THC. An in vitro experiment using a dog liver microsomal preparation was also carried out and showed that the major metabolites were 6beta-hydroxy-delta1-THC and 6alpha-hydroxy-delta1-THC. 7-Hydroxy-delta1-THC and 1,2-epoxy-hexahydrocannabinol were also isolated together with small amounts of 3'-hydroxy-delta1-THC and 4'-hydroxy-delta1-THC. The side-chain hydroxylated compounds are hitherto undescribed metabolites of delta1-THC.
Widman M; Nordqvist M; Dollery C T; Briant R H
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Journal of neurosurgery
Dynamic changes in regional CBF, intraventricular pressure, CSF pH and lactate levels during the acute phase of head injury.
The authors measured regional cerebral 133xenon (133Xe) blood flow (rCBF), intraventricular pressure (IVP), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pH and lactate, systemic arterial blood pressure (SAP), and arterial blood gases during the acute phase in 23 comatose patients with severe head injuries. The IVP was kept below 45 mm Hg. The rCBF was measured repeatedly, and the response to induced hypertension and hyperventilation was tested. Most patients had reduced rCBF. No correlation was found between average CBF and clinical condition, and neither global nor regional ischemia contributed significantly to the reduced brain function. No correlation was found between CBF and IVP or CBF and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). The CSF lactate was elevated significantly in patients with brain-stem lesions, but not in patients with "pure" cortical lesiosn. The 133Xe clearance curves from areas of severe cortical lesions had very fast initial components called tissue peaks. The tissue peak areas correlated with areas of early veins in the angiograms, indicating a state of relative hyperemia, referred to as tissue-peak hyperemia. Tissue-peak hyperemia was found in all patients with cortical laceration or severe contusion but not in patients with brain-stem lesions without such cortical lesions. The peaks increased in number during clinical deterioration and disappeared during improvement. They could be provoked by induced hypertension and disappeared during hyperventilation. The changes in the tissue-peak areas appeared to be related to the clinical course of the cortical lesion.
Enevoldsen E M; Cold G; Jensen F T; Malmros R
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology
Demonstration of a nonadrenergic inhibitory nervous system in the trachea of the guinea pig.
A nonadrenergic inhibitory nervous system has been demonstrated in the guinea pig trachea. Electrical field stimulation of this system, in the presence of adrenergic and cholinergic blockade, resulted in relaxation of tracheal rings contracted by the mediators of immediate hypersensitivity or histamine. The relaxation was blocked by tetrodotoxin, which indicated that nerve stimulation was responsible for the relaxation. The gastrointestinal tract, which has a similar embryological origin to the respiratory tract, also has a nonadrenergic inhibitory system. In the gastrointestinal tract, this system is thought to be responsible for the relaxation phase of peristalsis, and absence of this system, in the colon and the rectum, is thought to be an explanation for the spastic bowel in Hirschsprung's disease. It is possible that an abnormality of the respiratory nonadrenergic inhibitory system may play a role in the pathogenesis of the hyperreactive airways in asthma. The airways, due to a lack of inhibition, may be either partially contracted or unable to relax, and thus appear hyperreactive to stimuli.
Richardson J B; Bouchard T
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Journal of clinical microbiology
Counterimmunoelectrophoresis of pneumococcal antigens:improved sensitivity for the detection of types VII and XIV.
Rapid identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae has been reported using counterimmunoelectrophoresis for the detection of specific capsular antigens in serum, cerebrospinal fluid, and urine. Previous clinical studies have failed to detect type VII or XIV pneumococcal antigen. These two types, however, account for a significant portion of pneumococcal disease. The incorporation of a sulfonated derivative of phenylboronic acid in the buffer system provides a method for the sensitive detection of these types in artificial mixtures without greatly reducing the sensitivity for the detection of other pneumococcal types. A problem with false positives encountered using human serum and barbitalbuffer was reduced by the use of buffer containing sulfonated phenylboronic acid.
Anhalt J P; Yu P K
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Infection and immunity
Suppressor T cells and host resistance to tye 111 pneumococcus after treatment with antilymphocyte serum.
The antibody response to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (SS-II) was significantly increased in mice treated with antilymphocyte serum (ALS). BALG/c mice given 0.25 ml of ALS on days -1, 0, and 1 relative to the days of immunization with 0.5 mug of SSS-II had a 20-fold increment (11,383 increased to 199,917) in the number of splenic plaque-forming cells enumerated on day 5 compared with untreated, immunized controls. This effect has been attributed to the elimination of subpopulation of thymus-derived lymphocytes (T cells) that has suppressor function. The present series of experiments relate the augmented antibody response to SSS-II in mice treated with ALS to increased host resistance after infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae, type III (Pn-II). The 50% lethal dose of Pn-III in niminnunized mice was 102 and the 100% lethal dose was 103 organisms. Mice immunized with 0.5 mug of SSS-III and challenged 5 days later with Pn-III were completely protected against a dose of up to 108 organisms. Mice treated with 0.25 ml of ALS on days -1, 0, and 1, immunized with SSS-III on day 0, and challenged with 2.5 X 10(9) Pn-III on day 5 had a mean survival time of greater than 100 h compared with 16 h for immunized non-serum-treated controls. Animals given a single injection of ALS before immunization showed no increase in resistance, whereas mice treated after immunization had significant prolongation of survival times. Untreated, immunized mice challenged with 5 X 10(9), 1 X 5 X 10(8) Pn-II survived 14 to 19 h, whereas ALS-treated animals had mean survival times of 48, 174, and 222 h, respectively. These findings suggest that immunoregulatory T cells may have a biologically significant effect in a narrow zone in which the normal host immune response is insufficient but still potentially capable of providing some additional degree of protection if suppressor cells are elimated.
Barth R F; Singla O; Liu C
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Genetic hybridization at the unlinked thy and str loci of Streptococcus.
The sanguis and pneumoniae species of Streptococcus were used as recipients in transformations from str+ to str-r and from thy- to thy+. The str-r mutations in the two species had been previously shown to be allelic. Homology of the thy- mutations in the two species was demonstrated in the similar phenotypic properties they conferred (death in the absence of thymidine, lack of thymidylate synthetase). The str and thy loci are unlinked in each species.--- When the two species are transformed by both homospecific and heterospecific DNA, the efficiency is always lower in the heterospecific cross. The efficiency of heterospecific transformation is considerably lower at the thy than at the str locus. DNA was extracted from recipients that had integrated markers of heterospecific origin. When such hybrid DNA is tested on the original recipient species, the heterospecific markers are usually as efficient as homospecific markers. When tested on the original donor species, however, the hybrid DNA is usually more efficient than heterospecific DNA. This is true for both thy and str transformation. -- -- Forty independent thy+ hybrids were obtained in the cross of sanguis thy- recipients with pneumoniae thy+ DNA. These hybrids fall into a number of classes based upon the relative efficiency with which their extracted DNA's are able to transfer the thy+ marker into pneumoniae thy- cells. The most efficient of these DNA's exhibits about 20% of the efficiency of homospecific pneumoniae thy+ DNA and three orders of magnitude greater efficiency than heterospecific sanguis thy+ DNA. Thus, very little of the inefficiency of heterospecific transformation of the thy locus is ascribable to a classic restriction mechanism. Rather, the wild-type thy+ loci in the two species appear to differ at multiple sites, and independent heterospecific transfers result in differential extents of integration of these sites. On this basis, the thy+ loci of the two species differ at a greater number of sites than do the respective str+ loci.
Ravin A W; Chakrabarti T
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals
Uptake and disposition of aldrin and dieldrin by isolated perfused rabbit lung.
The uptake, metabolism, and release of aldrin and dieldrin by the lungs were studied by use of isolated perfused rabbit lungs that were artificially ventilated and perfused through the pulmonary artery. Both recirculating and single-pass experiments were conducted using an artificial medium as perfusate. Aldrin accumulated in the lung from the perfusate through two distinct phases of uptake: a rapid phase involving simple diffusion and nonspecific binding and a slower phase representing its metabolic turnover as dieldrin. Dieldrin was not metabolized but accumulated in the lungs by a saturable and a nonsaturable process. Single-pass experiments with aldrin indicated that the initial velocity of uptake could be fitted to one component and a constant representing the rate of metabolism. Uptake of dieldrin was biphasic: one phase independent of the perfusate concentration and the other saturable with respect to the perfusate concentration. By the application of Michaelis-Menten kinetics, the maximum amount of dieldrin accumulation attributable to the saturable component was calculated to be 0.64 mumol/lung. Our results indicate that the accumulation of these chlorinated xenobiotics takes place through the processes of simple diffusion followed by nonspecific tissue binding. There was no evidence for irreversible binding of aldrin or dieldrin, its epoxide, in the lung. While the lung plays a role in metabolizing aldrin to dieldrin followed by a transient storage, neither substrate has the potential for long-term storage in the lung.
Mehendale H M; El-Bassiouni E A
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals
Nature and fate of insecticide residues inhaled by rats in cigarette smoke.
Radioactive carbaryl, carbofuran, parathion, leptophos, and DDT were added to cigarettes and the mainstream smoke was directed to the lungs of rats via the trachea. Total radiocarbon transfer to the lungs ranged from 9 to 15% of that in the tobacco burned during a smoking process involving eight 5-ml puffs. Exhalation of 14C residues during this time was 24 to 30% of that inhaled with all insecticides except carbofuran, of which 42% of the residues was exhaled. After 5 hr, total exhalation of the consumed radiocarbon was 35% for parathion, 65% for carbofuran, and approximately 50% for the other products. The nature of the 14C residues inhaled, their urinary and fecal excretion, and their deposition in and dissipation from various organs and tissues are presented.
Atallah Y H; Dorough H W; Thorstenson J H
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals
Tissue metabolites of trifluorperazine, fluphenazine, prochlorperazine, and perphenazine. Kinetics in chronic treatment.
Repeated oral treatment of male rats with piperazine-substituted phenothiazine drugs in doses of 25 mg/kg or more daily led to an accumulation of metabolites containing an ethylenediamine group instead of the piperazine ring. These products of ring degradation with and without removal of the N-alkyl group were found, together with the parent drugs and their N-dealkylated metabolites, in liver, lung, kidney, and spleen, as well as in brain when high doses were administered. After termination of treatment, the ethylenediamine derivatives were eliminated more slowly than were their congeners containing the intact piperazine ring. Parallel observations were made in dogs given fluphenazine in daily doses of up to 40 mg/kg. Quantitative differences were observed in the relative amounts of mono- and disubstituted ethylenediamine metabolites accumulated in rat tissues during treatment with the various drugs; the proportion of the monosubstituted product formed by N-dealkylation and ring cleavage declined in the following order: perazine, prochlorperazine, trifluoperazine, fluphenazine, perphenazine. Condensation products of the ethylenediamine derivatives with formaldehyde were split in the extraction procedure used.
Gaertner H J; Liomin G; Villumsen D; Bertele R; Breyer U
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
Fluroxene toxicity induced by phenobarbital.
Because of reports of fluroxene toxicity in man, the effect of phenobarbital treatment on the toxicity and metabolism of fluroxene was studied in 9 rhesus monkeys. Six monkeys that were exposed to a mean calculated alveolar fluroxene concentration of 5.8% for 4-hr periods up to a total of 16 hr showed no evidence of toxicity. Two animals were sacrificed after a single 4-hr exposure to obtain control measures of fluroxene metabolites in tissues. Four monkeys that had previously survived received exposures to fluroxene and 3 monkeys that had no exposure to fluroxene died during fluroxene anesthesia after treatment with phenobarbital (mean time, 3 hr). Toxicity was manifested by arterial hypotension, pulmonary edema, and arterial hypoxemia. Phenobarbital treatment enhanced production of fluroxene metabolites, including the highly toxic trifluoroethanol. Concentrations of trifluoroethanol in mixed-expired gas, blood, and urine, and of total nonvolatile fluorine in blood, urine, and tissues of animals treated with phenobarbital were 2 to 10 times as in control animals. The results suggest that the rhesus monkey is a valuable model for the study of fluroxene pharmacology and that inclusion of an enzyme-inducing challenge in the evaluation of potential toxicity of other anesthetics seems warranted.
Munson E S; Malagodi M H; Shields R P; Tham M K; Fiserova-Bergerova V; Holaday D A; Perry J C; Embro W J
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The American review of respiratory disease
Preservation of hypoxic pulmonary pressor response in canine pneumococcal pneumonia.
To determine the role of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in pneumococcal pneumonia, hemodynamic measurements were made in 16 dogs before, and within 36 hours after, intrapulmonary administration of type III pneumococcus. Ten dogs with one lobe or more of pneumonia increased their pulmonary vascular resistances and slightly decreased their arterial O2 tensions. Hypoxia increased and hyperoxia decreased their pulmonary vascular resistances. During O2 breathing, arterial PO2 was less during than before the pneumonia and increased when pulmonary perfusion was diverted away from the diseased lung. In 2 dogs breathing air, forcing the cardiac output through the diseased lung caused an increase in vascular resistance that could clearly be reduced by O2 breathing. In 5 dogs, lung mast cell counts showed no decrease in the lobes with pneumonia. In pneumococcal pneumonia, the hypoxic pulmonary pressor mechanism serves to decrease blood flow to the diseased lobes and, thus, to maintain the arterial PO2. Lung mast cells could participate in this response.
Hiser W; Penman R W; Reeves J T
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The American journal of physiology
Intracellular pH and K+ of cardiac and skeletal muscle in acidosis and alkalosis.
The effects of a metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis on intracellular pH (pHi) and K+ have been compared in cardiac and skeletal muscle from the anesthetized rabbit. The extracellular space and pHi were calculated from the distribution volumes of [51Cr] EDTA and [14C]DMO, respectively. When pHe was varied by altering PCO2, the slope of the line relating pHi to the extracellular pH (pHe) was greater (P less than 0.05--0.001) than that obtained during metabolic changes of pHe in right and left ventricles, atria, diaphragm, and quadriceps. During metabolic acidosis and alkalosis, the slope of pHi/pHe line did not vary between tissues. During respiratory acidosis, there was no difference in slope between cardiac tissues, but it was less in left ventricle than quadriceps (P less than 0.001). In left ventricle intracellular K+ increased in a metabolic (P less than 0.05) or respiratory acidosis (P less than 0.02), whereas in diaphragm it decreased (P less than 0.02). Intracellular K+ correlated with pHe and pHE-PHi. Changes in pHi but not intracellular K+ could explain known differences in myocardial function in respiratory and metabolic acidosis.
Poole-Wilson P A; Cameron I R
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
The American journal of physiology
ECS, intracellular pH, and electrolytes of cardiac and skeletal muscle.
The extracellular space (ECS) of muscle from each ventricle of the heart (RV and LV), the atria, diaphragm, and quadriceps was estimated in the anesthetized rabbit from the distribution volumes of [14C]insulin, [14C]sucrose, [51Cr]EDTA, and C1--. Whole-tissue electrolytes were measured and intracellular electrolytes calculated. The ECS of the tissues varied, increasing in the order quadriceps less than LV less than RV less than atria. The volume of distribution of [14C]inulin was always less than that of either [14C]sucrose or [51Cr]EDTA which agreed closely, whereas that of C1-- was always greater. There was no difference in intracellular K+ in muscle from each of the cardiac chambers, whereas intracellular Na+ and C1-- varied, increasing in the order quadriceps less than LV less than RV less than atria. Intracellular pH, measured with [14C]DMO did not differ in any of the tissues studied. It is concluded that, in vivo, the estimated ECS incardiac muscle is lower than that reported in vitro, that [51Cr]EDTA is a satisfactory ECS marker, and that differences in intracellular Na+ and C1-- but not K+ or pH exist between muscle from the cardiac chambers.
Poole-Wilson P A; Cameron I R
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Acta oto-laryngologica
Acute otitis media. A clinical bacteriological and serological study of children with frequent episodes of acute otitis media.
A series of episodes of acute otitis media was studied with reference to bacterial findings and specific serological responses in 48 children with histories of frequent episodes before. D. pneumoniae and H. influenzae were the most frequently isolated pathogens. Re-isolations after therapy were often made in episodes with slow healing or therapeutic failure. Most children harboured pathogens in nasopharynx even when they had no signs of respiratory tract infections. Homologous relapses were seen only in few cases and never with pneumococcus type 3 and only once with H. influenzae type b. Specific serological responses were demonstrable generally in children over 2 years of age. D. pneumococcus type 3 and H. influenzae type b generally provoked antibody response. No levels indicating immunoglobulin deficiencies could be found in the children.
Branefors-Helander P; Dahlberg T; Nylén O
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}
Acta allergologica
Comparative study of virological infections in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children.
The author shows complex analyses: clinical, laboratory, X-rays, bronchoscopical, bronchographical and measuring lung function tests as well as the serological examinations in blood serum of both groups of asthmatic and nonasthmatic children with virological infection. The calculation of statistically significant differences between the various diagnostical results of both groups has confirmed that in asthmatic children virological infection of the respiratory tract, pathological findings in X-ray and lung function tests, bronchiectasis and secondary bacteriological invasion occurs statistically significantly more often than in nonasthmatic children.
Cernelc D; Gerbec M; Cernelc P
{'Introduction': '', 'Methodology': '', 'Findings': '', 'Discussion': '', 'Conclusion': '', 'Other Texts': ''}