2 values
revision preference src: She's not helping Will by hiding herself. <SEP> tgt: By hiding out, it doesn't help Will.
revision preference src: To go on, a modem will need to be installed. <SEP> tgt: You must install a modem to continue.
revision preference src: Average temperatures in the Antarctic peninsula have increased by about 2.5 degrees Centigrade (3.8 degrees Farenheit) in the past fifty years. <SEP> tgt: Average temperatures in the Antarctic peninsula have increased by about 2.5 degrees Centigrad (3.8 degrees Farhrenheit) in the past fifty years
revision preference src: " How could you even say that? I would never ever do this to you. " <SEP> tgt: " How could you even say that? I would never ever do that to you."
revision preference src: Dynasties in Chinese history, or Chinese dynasties, were hereditary monarchical regimes that ruled over China during much of its history. <SEP> tgt: Dynasties in Chinese history, or Chinese dynasties, are hereditary monarchical regimes that have ruled over China during much of its history.
revision preference src: I think you should be more on time or you will get a bad rating from your costumer. <SEP> tgt: I think you should be more on time or you will get a bad rating from your customers.
revision preference src: After a string of victories on home soil, Chaves fought obtained the WBO Latino light middleweight after defeating Brazilian fighter Uilian Santana Barauna. Chaves made only one defense of this title before winning the vacant WBO Latino welterweight title against another boxer from Brazilian, Daniel Saboia. <SEP> tgt: After a string of victories on home soil, Chaves obtained the WBO Latino light middleweight after defeating Brazilian fighter Uilian Santana Barauna. Chaves made only one defense of this title before winning the vacant WBO Latino welterweight title against another boxer from Brazil, Daniel Saboia.
revision preference src: According to a recent announcement by on-line auctions provider Ebay, the option to accept payments via PayPal will be mandatory for sellers from April 2008, with the exception of auctions relating directly to the sale of motor vehicles. <SEP> tgt: According to a recent announcement by on-line auctions provider Ebay, The option to accept payments via PayPal service will be mandatory on sellers from April 2008, with the exception of auctions relating directly to the sale of motor vehicles.
revision preference src: That was till still on the cards. <SEP> tgt: That was till on the cards.
revision preference src: There's a little triangular screen on my left. <SEP> tgt: To my left there is a small triangular screen.
revision preference src: Spending on the aged should also be contextualized accordingly in economic situations, such as the recent economic crisis where employers are extremely selective, making jobs all the more scarce for the elderly. <SEP> tgt: Spending on the aged should also be contextualized accordingly with economic situations, such as the recent economic crisis where employers are extremely selective, making jobs all the more scarce for the elderly.
revision preference src: My bachelor thesis, founded in Economic Law, was unanimously awarded by the Jury with the maximum score of 10. <SEP> tgt: My bachelor thesis, founded in Economic Law, was unanimously awarded by the jury with a maximum score of 10.
revision preference src: Paralympic athletic competitors are required to pay for their own shoes. <SEP> tgt: Paralympic athletic competitors must pay for their own shoes.
revision preference src: When he reappears, we should be able to locate it. <SEP> tgt: We should be able to get a good lock when he reappears.
revision preference src: Not only are the bedrooms rather small, but they are quite cold because of the lack of a heating system. <SEP> tgt: Not only the bedrooms are rather small, but also are they quite cold, because of the lack of a heating system.
revision preference src: There's no danger while the music's on. <SEP> tgt: While this music is playing, there is no danger.
revision preference src: Maës Titianus was an ancient traveller of Hellenistic cultureHe is described as a Macedonian by Ptolemy, but his "Macedonian" origin may betoken no more than his cultural affinity, and the name Maës is Semitic in origin (Cary 1956:130). who is recorded as having travelled farthest along the Silk Road from the Mediterranean world. <SEP> tgt: Mas Titianus was an ancient traveller of Hellenistic cultureHe is described as a Macedonian by Ptolemy, but his "Macedonian" origin may betoken no more than his cultural affinity, and the name Mas is Semitic in origin (Cary 1956:130). who is recorded as having travelled farthest along the Silk Road from the Mediterranean world.
revision preference src: The region was politically defined and established after the independence of the Nguyn Dynasty and lasted from 1832, when Emperor Minh Mng introduced administrative reforms, to 1867, which culminated in the eight-year French campaign to conquer the Six Provinces. <SEP> tgt: The region was politically defined and established after the independence of the Nguyễn Dynasty, and lasted from 1832, when Emperor Minh Mạng introduced administrative reforms, to 1867, which culminated in the eight-year French campaign to conquer the Six Provinces.
revision preference src: Tomei expressway and some railways stopped because Tsunami warning. <SEP> tgt: The Tomei expressway and some railways stopped because of a tsunami warning.
revision preference src: I used to live with them for 25 years a Genoa but last year I left home because I found a job in Milan, which is the city where I actually live now. <SEP> tgt: I used to live with them for 25 years in Genoa, but last year, I left home because I found a job in Milan, which is the city where I actually live now.
revision preference src: Police surround Handoko, who flees while Farrel chases him. In the end, just before dying, Handoko admits to all that he has done. <SEP> tgt: Police surround Handoko, who flees while Farrel chases him. Just before dying, Handoko admits to all that Handoko has done.
revision preference src: We've got a future together, don't we? <SEP> tgt: Do we have a future together or not?
revision preference src: The most famous mystery of all is about Amelia Earhart. <SEP> tgt: The most famous mystery of all is the disappearance of American pilot Earhart.
revision preference src: Nowadays, it is "the biggest Fairground Festival in northern Germany". <SEP> tgt: Nowadays it is "the biggest Fairground Festival in northern Germany".
revision preference src: This was demonstrated during the Project Introductions session as well as lecture notes, client interview task and client feedback (which is worth 25 points in the total mark). <SEP> tgt: This was demonstrated during the project introductions session as well as the lecture notes, client interview task, and client feedback (which is worth 25 points in the total mark).
revision preference src: It was to service the stagecoaches that The New French Partridge was built. The New French Partridge is a former coaching inn. <SEP> tgt: It was to service the stagecoaches that The New French Partridge, a former coaching inn, was built.
revision preference src: My phone was on 100 when I left my house, and now it is on nine. <SEP> tgt: When I was leaving the house, my phone was at 100 and now it's in 9
revision preference src: It is not only a cell phone but also a small mobile computer. <SEP> tgt: It is not only a cell phone but a small mobile PC.
revision preference src: In general, I think our technology is not the best thing for our health and TV, and other similar things are responsible for our problems with health and eyesight. <SEP> tgt: In general I think our technology is not the best thing for our health and tv and other similar things are responsable for our problems with helth and eyesight.
revision preference src: Never-the-less, a party named National Constitutional Party led by constitutional experts and lawyers that, in many cases, were relatives of Republican leaders was allowed to participate and was the second-most-voted party, according to some historians, thanks to the Republican vote, even when Republican leader in exile Rafael ngel Calderón Guardia called for abstention. <SEP> tgt: Never-the-less, a party named National Constitutional Party lead by constitutional experts and lawyers that in many cases were relatives of Republican leaders was allow to participate and was the second more voted party, according to some historian, thanks to the Republican vote, even when Republican leader in exile Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia called for abstention.
revision preference src: Although popular at the box office, Boy disappointed some critics, who faulted its perceived humanism as a backward step from previous efforts like Death By Hanging and Violence at Noon that engaged with psychoanalysis and Brechtian effects. <SEP> tgt: Popular at the box office. Boy disappointed some critics, who faulted its perceived humanism as a backward step from previous efforts like Death By Hanging and Violence at Noon that engaged with psychoanalysis and Brechtian effects.
revision preference src: The district includes the ‘ Five Towns ’ of Normanton, Pontefract, Featherstone, Castleford and Knottingley. <SEP> tgt: There are five towns in the district: Normanton, Pontefract, Featherstone, Castleford and Knottingley.
revision preference src: To Thomas, to his left, it seemed to him that to his left, there were several flashes of red light. <SEP> tgt: Thomas thought he saw a couple of red flashes to his left.
revision preference src: Although on some occasions some clothes styles are required, people should have the freedom to choose what clothes they want to wear, and it should not have consequences in our life. <SEP> tgt: Although in some occasions some clothes styles are required, people should have freedom to choose what clothesdo they want to wear, and it should not have consequences in our life.
revision preference src: Bertrand was elected Pope Clement V in June 1305 and crowned on 14 November. <SEP> tgt: He was elected pope on June 5, 1305; and he chose to be called Clement V.
revision preference src: The study found that heterozygous mice performed similar to normal mice when the task was started. However, as the task continued or became more complex they were more likely to fail. <SEP> tgt: The study found that heterozygous mice performed similar to normal mice when the task was started. As the task continued or became more complex they were more likely to fail.
revision preference src: For instance, terrorists with appropriate equipment can target a high-ranking official by setting a bomb to explode as soon as the target is within the detection range. <SEP> tgt: For instance, terrorists with appropriate equipments can target a high-ranking official by setting the bomb to explode as soon as the target is in the detection range.
revision preference src: For technology created from serendipitous discovery, less time required as it comes out unexpectedly. <SEP> tgt: For technology created from serendipitous discovery, there is less time required as it comes out unexpectedly.
revision preference src: If you experience these symptoms, talk to your doctor immediately. <SEP> tgt: Contact your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms.
revision preference src: Commercial fisheries reported drops in Australian swellshark catches from 1973 to 1976 and 1998 to 2001. These appeared to have resulted from changing fishing habits rather than actual population declines. <SEP> tgt: Although commercial fisheries reported drops in Australian swellshark catches from 1973 to 1976 and 1998 to 2001, these appeared to have resulted from changing fishing habits rather than actual population declines.
revision preference src: KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Hickman Mills school nutritionist Leah Schmidt has always loved solving that puzzle of serving up healthy meals that nose-wrinkling children actually will eat. <SEP> tgt: Schmidt loves solving one particular puzzle: How do you serve up healthy meals that picky kids will actually eat?
revision preference src: And if you love fashion and you have the chance to go to Ascot, you may run into the Queen and greet her, and at the same time enjoy the fabulous view of all those extravagant hats the ladies wear. <SEP> tgt: And if you love fashion and you have the chance to go to Ascot, you may run into the Queen and greet her, and, at the same time, enjoy the fabulous sight of all those extravagant hats the ladies wear.
revision preference src: "The demon no longer possesses the man, and my mission is complete." <SEP> tgt: "This man is no longer possessed with a demon, and I have done my task."
revision preference src: I believe many of us do not have a faintest idea about this sport. <SEP> tgt: I believe many of us do not have the faintest idea about this sport.
revision preference src: From one laugh, 2 fairies have been born. <SEP> tgt: Two fairies born of the same laugh.
revision preference src: This is the effect of a reduction in the cost of production; less production cost allows the producer to reduce the price of his goods while maintaining the initial profit. <SEP> tgt: This is the effect of a reduction in the cost of production; a lower production cost allows the producer to reduce the price of his goods while maintaining the initial profit.
revision preference src: Japanese bullet trains are equipped with a detection system that can alert the train operator about wheel deformation and failure during the operation so that the operator may manually activate the emergency brake. <SEP> tgt: The Japanese bullet trains equipped with a detection system that can alert the train operator about wheel deformation and failure during the operation so that the operator may manually activate the emergency brake.
revision preference src: The city of Amritsar city lies in a depression in this tract. <SEP> tgt: The city of Amritsar city is located here.
revision preference src: He says that coal plant emissions need to be stopped immediately, plus improved forestry and agricultural practices. <SEP> tgt: He advocates prompt phaseout of coal plant emissions, plus improved forestry and agricultural practices.
revision preference src: You're talking with a married woman, Nandini. <SEP> tgt: Nandini, you are talking to a married woman.
revision preference src: Before the concert I had to sweep up the whole hall. <SEP> tgt: Before the concert, I had to sweep up the whole hall.
revision preference src: Construction on the dam began in 2007, the river was diverted in January 2009. Construction was briefly halted in June 2009 by the Ministry of Environmental Protection after it was being constructed without approval. <SEP> tgt: Construction on the dam began in 2007, the river was diverted in January 2009 although construction was briefly halted in June 2009 by the Ministry of Environmental Protection after it was being constructed without approval.
revision preference src: Every time you get an erection you owe me ten dollars. <SEP> tgt: You owe 10 dollars every time you've had an erection.
revision preference src: In conclusion, public spending on the aged population should be limited but not to such a large extent as to deprive those who are really in need of assistance from getting aid. <SEP> tgt: In conclusion, public spending on the aged population should be limited but not to such a large extent that it will deprive those who are really in need of assistance from getting aids.
revision preference src: The movie was based on a true story whereby the ship named, Titanic, collided with an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage. <SEP> tgt: The movie was based on a true story whereby the ship named Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage.
revision preference src: Then you should know that you will have two kinds of transport. <SEP> tgt: Then you should know that you there will be two kinds of transport.
revision preference src: The point is that we have to make the world better not just sometimes, but forever. <SEP> tgt: The point is that we have to make the world better, not just occasionally, but forever.
revision preference src: When you're back from Paris, then you can start at Foley's. <SEP> tgt: You can start with Foley after you get back from Paris.
revision preference src: A System Security and Security Committee will be set up by the Management Board. <SEP> tgt: The Administrative Board shall establish a System Safety and Security Committee.
revision preference src: I ate a steak at restaurant that is famous around there. <SEP> tgt: I ate a steak at a restaurant that is very famous around here.
revision preference src: On the other hand, Lp-X particles found in familial LCAT deficiency are identical to those in cholestasis regarding ultrastructure and biochemical composition. <SEP> tgt: On the other hand, Lp-X particles found in familial LCAT deficiency are identical to those found in cholestasis regarding ultrastructure and biochemical composition.
revision preference src: Sephardic Jews do not hold a Shalom Zachar. Rather, their custom is to conduct a gathering called a Brit Yitzchak on the evening preceding the newborn boy's brit milah. <SEP> tgt: Sephardic Jews do not hold a Shalom Zachar. Jews' custom is to conduct a gathering called a Brit Yitzchak on the evening preceding the newborn boy's brit milah.
revision preference src: Types of restoration measures include the following: <SEP> tgt: The following types of restoration measures include the following:
revision preference src: Moreover, the nuclear power system is much more secure than other energy resource systems. <SEP> tgt: Moreover, nuclear power system is much more secure than other energy resource systems.
revision preference src: The other thing is that students are not able to refuse attending some classes they do not like because those are considered to be a part of an educational standard for the particular artistic area. <SEP> tgt: The other thing is that students are not able to refuse attendance at some classes they do not like because those are considered to be a part of an educational standard for the particular artistic area.
revision preference src: The US always keep "rule by law" as their catchphrase, but Occupying Central is betraying the Hong Kong law. <SEP> tgt: The US always keep "rule by law" as their catchphrase, but Occupying Central is disobeying Hong Kong law.
revision preference src: I believe that this will give me the chance to consider my application and got the job. <SEP> tgt: I believe that this will give them a chance to consider my application and get the job.
revision preference src: He began from the observation that the world seems to consist of opposites (e.g., hot and cold). A thing can become its opposite (e.g., a hot thing cold). <SEP> tgt: He began from the observation that the world seems to consist of opposites (e.g., hot and cold). However, a thing can become its opposite (e.g., a hot thing cold).
revision preference src: He plunged into the stimulating atmosphere that the city offered him. He continued his work as a painter. <SEP> tgt: Plunging into the stimulating atmosphere that the city offered him, he continued his work as a painter.
revision preference src: When he opened the door a cold wind whipped him hard but he didn't care about it and kept going. <SEP> tgt: When he opened the door, a cold wind whipped him hard, but he didn't care about it, and kept going.
revision preference src: Although several causes for this problem can be found in the modernization of our society, this modern society can also provide solutions for the amelioration of the level of fitness of young people. <SEP> tgt: Although several causes for this problem can be found in the modernisation of our society, this modern society can also provide solutions for the amelioration of the level of fitness of young people.
revision preference src: So, I and she me, and might be family. <SEP> tgt: So, I and she might be family.
revision preference src: If you guys need me, I'll be next door. <SEP> tgt: I will be out here if you need me.
revision preference src: There was a healthy artistic climate in Dutch cities during the seventeenth century. Between 1605 and 1635 over 100,000 paintings were produced in Haarlem. <SEP> tgt: There was a healthy artistic climate in Dutch cities during the seventeenth century. For example, between 1605 and 1635 over 100,000 paintings were produced in Haarlem.
revision preference src: It is often claimed alongside other rights and reasons for using force. The USA intervention in Grenada was widely considered to be in response to the rise to power of a socialist government. <SEP> tgt: It is often claimed alongside other rights and reasons for using force. For example, the USA intervention in Grenada was widely considered to be in response to the rise to power of a socialist government.
revision preference src: It's important to avoid accidents, become comfortable and have a good journey. <SEP> tgt: It's important to avoid accidents, be comfortable and have a good journey.
revision preference src: The court said the Coller Township firing was valid because police need their sense of smell to detect substances like drugs, alcohol, and hazardous materials, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled. <SEP> tgt: The court said the Coller Township firing was valid bceause police need their sense of smell to detect substances like drugs, alcohol, hazardous materials, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled.
revision preference src: Through his charismatic leadership he succeeded in organizing the UNIDO (The United Nationalist Democratic Organization), drawing within its ambit, courageous leaders like Cesar Climaco, Soc Rodrigo, Gerry Roxas, Dominador Aytona, Eya Estrada Kalaw, Rene Espina, Mamintal Tamano, Domocao Alonto and his nephew Abul Khayr, Raul Gonzalez, Homobono Adaza and Abe Sarmiento and all significant political parties who were opposed to the dictatorship. <SEP> tgt: Through his charismatic leadership he succeeded in organizing the UNIDO (The United Nationalist Democratic Organization), drawing within its ambit, brave leaders like Cesar Climaco, Soc Rodrigo, Gerry Roxas, Dominador Aytona, Eya Estrada Kalaw, Rene Espina, Mamintal Tamano, Domocao Alonto and his nephew Abul Khayr, Raul Gonzalez, Homobono Adaza and Abe Sarmiento and all significant political parties who were opposed to the dictatorship.
revision preference src: Later plays, such as If: A Tragedy of the Ruled (1983) and Hopes of the Living Dead (1988), premiered at the University of Port Harcourt and was a common play in Obafemi Awolowo Universiy Drama Department. <SEP> tgt: Later plays, such as If: A Tragedy of the Ruled (1983) and Hopes of the Living Dead (1988), premiered at the University of Port Harcourt and were common plays in Obafemi Awolowo University's Drama Department.
revision preference src: More money should be diverted to education for the development of the younger generation so that they can deal with the problem. <SEP> tgt: More money should be diverted to education for the development of the younger generation to deal with the problem.
revision preference src: You'll find out everything that's happened in the past 50 years here. <SEP> tgt: Anything that happened in the last 50 years, you can find out about it here.
revision preference src: Being established by an act of the Baltimore City Council in 1839. Hundreds of influential civic, political, business, commercial, industrial, and cultural leaders have passed through its doors. <SEP> tgt: Since being established by an act of the Baltimore City Council in 1839, hundreds of influential civic, political, business, commercial, industrial, and cultural leaders have passed through its doors.
revision preference src: Straight after her graduation, in 1916, she took up the job of doing postgraduate work at the Technical College as well as the University of Glasgow. <SEP> tgt: Straight after her graduation, in 1916, she took up the job of doing postgraduate work at the Technical College.
revision preference src: One more reason is that banks provide loans at a lower interest rate, which makes people buy ones to improve their comfort level. <SEP> tgt: One more reason is that banks provides loan at a lower interest which makes people to buy one to improve their comfort level.
revision preference src: I'm going to see her to kyusyu. <SEP> tgt: I'm going to see her too, Kyusyu.
revision preference src: Since few had heard of such a trend in 2003, Jones predicted and found that medical tourism and more particularly reproductive tourism away from the United Kingdom, along with an epidemic of multiple births, would be the likely results of fertility regulation. <SEP> tgt: Few had heard of such a trend in 2003. Jones predicted and found that medical tourism and more particularly reproductive tourism away from the United Kingdom, along with an epidemic of multiple births, would be the likely results of fertility regulation.
revision preference src: He does not give anything to such people but asks them to stop begging and start working. You don't ask such people to work but only give whatever people ask. <SEP> tgt: He does not give anything to such people but asks them to stop begging and start working. However, you don't ask such people to work but only give whatever they ask.
revision preference src: This accident could perhaps be averted if the conductor had used his personal judgment and halted the train when an unexpected problem was discovered. <SEP> tgt: This accident could perhaps have been averted had the conductor used his personal judgment and halted the train when an unexpected problem was discovered.
revision preference src: Since I was in the army, I plan to go overseas to study English, make many foreign friends and gain a lot of experience. <SEP> tgt: Since I was in the army, I have planned to go overseas to study English, make many foreign friends, and gain a lot of experience.
revision preference src: However, most important, these incidents can jeopardize the US relationship with some people who see motives to be criticism about the United States. <SEP> tgt: However, most important, these incidents can jeopardize the US relationship with some people who see motives to be critic about the United States.
revision preference src: Five scuba divers missing in IndonesiaFive European scuba divers remain missing, after being swept away by a large current off the coast of Indonesia. <SEP> tgt: Five scuba divers missing near IndonesiaFive European scuba divers remain missing, after being swept away by a large current of the coast of Indonesia.
revision preference src: I do agree with the statement that shopping is not always pleasurable. <SEP> tgt: I do agree with a statement that shopping is not always enjoyable.
revision preference src: When I met him for the first time, he was so small. <SEP> tgt: When I met met him for the first time, he was so small.
revision preference src: Lastly, a country that does not take care of its elderly sufficiently runs the risk of having it younger population abandoning it and migrating to other countries. <SEP> tgt: Lastly, a country that does not take care of its elderly sufficiently runs the risk of its younger population abandoning it and migrating to other countries.
revision preference src: Thandi Sarak (1957)Actor Kamal dies The Nation (newspaper), Published 2 October 2009, Retrieved 24 February 2019 Sawera (1959) Apna Paraya (1959) Banjaran (1962) Tauba (1963) Aashiana (1964) Aisa Bhi Hota Hai (1965) Behan Bhai (1968) Nai Laila Naya Majnoon (1969) Road To Swat (1970) Insan Aur Gadha (1973) Sawera (1959) Apna Paraya (1959) Banjaran (1962) Tauba (1963) Aashiana (1964) Aisa Bhi Hota Hai (1965) Behan Bhai (1968) Nai Laila Naya Majnoon (1969) Road To Swat (1970) Insan Aur Gadha (1973 <SEP> tgt: Thandi Sarak (1957)Actor Kamal dies The Nation (newspaper), Published 2 October 2009, Retrieved 24 February 2019 Sawera (1959) Apna Paraya (1959) Banjaran (1962) Tauba (1963) Aashiana (1964) Aisa Bhi Hota Hai (1965) Behan Bhai (1968) Nai Laila Naya Majnoon (1969) Road To Swat (1970) Insan Aur Gadha (1973) The following films were directed by Syed Kamal
revision preference src: Rafael Eitan was born in Afula in 1929. Afula is a city in the North District of Israel. <SEP> tgt: Rafael Eitan was born in Afula, a city in the North District of Israel, in 1929
revision preference src: By being able to make decisions to undergo genetic testing, individuals here refers to mature and thinking people. <SEP> tgt: By being able to make decisions to undergo genetic testing, individuals refer here to mature and thinking people.
revision preference src: Kirk accelerated northeastward. Kirk weakened further due to increasing shear and decreasing sea surface temperatures. <SEP> tgt: Accelerating northeastward, Kirk weakened further due to increasing shear and decreasing sea surface temperatures.
revision preference src: Her diary was published as Belle de Jour. <SEP> tgt: Her diary, published as the anonymous blog Belle de Jour
revision preference src: The initial design of the VHTR also does not allow the system to produce electricity directly as modification are required to be make to the plant to achieve generation of electricity. <SEP> tgt: The initial design of the VHTR also does not allow the system to produce electricity directly as modifications are required to be made to the plant to achieve electricity generation.