2 values
revision preference src: I've decided to make a jazz bar next time. <SEP> tgt: I decided next time it would be a jazz bar.
revision preference src: In response, family preservation efforts grew, so that few children born out of wedlock today are adopted. <SEP> tgt: In response, family preservation efforts grew. Few children born out of wedlock today are adopted.
revision preference src: I was too fat, too much fat.. I looked at my health booklet one month ago, and I saw that I have been overweight since I'm four years old. <SEP> tgt: I was too fat, too much fat! I looked at my health booklet one month ago, and I saw that I have been overweight since I was four years old.
revision preference src: I haven't been this scared in my whole life. <SEP> tgt: In all my life I have never been so afraid.
revision preference src: I recalled when I went to his concert, escaping sports activity after school, to do so. <SEP> tgt: I recalled when I went to his concert escaping sports activity after school.
revision preference src: The study found that worker food preferences determined whether the colony maintained a certain reproductive rate. Having fewer or relatively older workers who prefer nectar means that the colony will not have the resources available to rapidly or efficiently feed new broods. <SEP> tgt: The study found that worker food preferences determined whether the colony maintained a certain reproductive rate. For example, having fewer or relatively older workers who prefer nectar means that the colony will not have the resources available to rapidly or efficiently feed new broods.
revision preference src: Although these areas of development are necessary for the continued development of Singapore, we should not neglect the importance of public spending for the aged. <SEP> tgt: Although these areas of development are necessary for the continual development of Singapore, we should not neglect the importance of public spending for the aged.
revision preference src: It's a little more complicated than that. <SEP> tgt: It is a bit more complicated than that.
revision preference src: Science is the most prominent academic trait of the school. In fact, its science education is what sets it a level above other educational institutions of the same stage. <SEP> tgt: Science is the most prominent academic trait of the school. Its science education is what sets it a level above other educational institutions of the same stage.
revision preference src: For a few days, Montero ignores the posting, assuming someone will have already taken the job. Every day Montero returns to the newspaper, eventually unable to avoid it anymore. <SEP> tgt: For a few days, Montero ignores the posting, assuming someone will have already taken the job. But every day Montero returns to the newspaper, eventually unable to avoid it anymore.
revision preference src: West Yorkshire encompasses the West Yorkshire Urban Area, which is the most built-up and biggest urban area within the historic county boundaries of Yorkshire. <SEP> tgt: The whole of West Yorkshire is included in the West Yorkshire Urban Area, which is the most built up and biggest urban area in Yorkshire.
revision preference src: Mohammed Bouyeri, a radical Islamist, was sentenced to life in prison by a court in Amsterdam for the murder of the filmaker Theo van Gogh in November 2004. <SEP> tgt: Mohammed Bouyeri, a radical Islamist, was sentenced to life in prison by a court in Amsterdam for the killing of the filmaker Theo van Gogh in November 2004.
revision preference src: Worksop is the largest town in the Bassetlaw district of Nottinghamshire, England. <SEP> tgt: It is the biggest town in Bassetlaw district.
revision preference src: In morning, I barely have a seat in a commuter train. <SEP> tgt: In a morning, I barely have a seat on a commuter train.
revision preference src: This shows that fried or package food and complete lack of exercise are the chief reasons for increase in obesity among young people. <SEP> tgt: This shows that fried or packaged food and a complete lack of exercise are the chief reasons for an increase in obesity among young people.
revision preference src: Although garrulous and self-important, he is an upright and respectable burgher of that city. He becomes involved with Dick's arrangements with Rob Roy and accompanies Dick to visit Rob in the Highlands. <SEP> tgt: Although garrulous and self-important, he is an upright and respectable burgher of that city. burgher becomes involved with burgher's arrangements with Rob Roy and accompanies burgher to visit Rob in the Highlands.
revision preference src: Whenever she was near any person, she would feel enormous pain. <SEP> tgt: Whenever she was near any person, she would feel odious pain.
revision preference src: Since the main purpose of the heart pacemaker is to save people who have heart disease, the price cannot be too high to afford. <SEP> tgt: Since the main purpose of heart pacemaker is to save people who have heart disease, the price cannot be too high to afford.
revision preference src: Among the three teenagers is 18-year-old Satish Kalpoe, 21-year-old Depak Kalpoe, and 17-year-old Joran Van Der Sloot, a friend of the brothers. <SEP> tgt: Among the three teenagers is 18-year-old Satish Kalpoe, 21-year-old Depak Kalpoe, and 17-year-old Joran Van Der Sloot, a friend of the brothers and son to a judge.
revision preference src: To conclude, individual requesting for genetic testing should not have the final say as it is unfair to the medical insurance company and the person's relative who may be at also at risk of inheriting the same genetic defects. <SEP> tgt: To conclude, the individual requesting genetic testing should not have the final say as it is unfair to the medical insurance company and the person's relatives, who may be also at risk of inheriting the same genetic defects.
revision preference src: Highly sophisticated computer systems have been developed and used in all walks of life. They are nowhere close to the human system in hardware and software capabilities. <SEP> tgt: Although highly sophisticated computer systems have been developed and used in all walks of life, they are nowhere close to the human system in hardware and software capabilities.
revision preference src: In my view, two possibilities exist for satisfying those requirements. <SEP> tgt: To fulfil those requirements there are, in my opinion, two options.
revision preference src: Telemetro also reported the chopper had a broken part that was due to be replaced on June 4th <SEP> tgt: Telemetro also reported that the chopper had a broken part that was due to be replaced on June 4th.
revision preference src: What is therefore needed is to take a close look at the current situation and evenly distribute the public spending into different areas to ensure that the country is being able to prosper. <SEP> tgt: What is therefore needed is to take a close look at the current situation and evenly distribute public spending into different areas to ensure that the country is able to prosper.
revision preference src: In this case, they may not have the financial ability to take care of themselves without the help from the government. <SEP> tgt: In this case, they may not have the financial ability to take care of themselves without any help from the government.
revision preference src: There's something important we're trying to say! <SEP> tgt: We are trying to tell you something important here!
revision preference src: Artists in that format are not many. <SEP> tgt: There aren't many artists of his format.
revision preference src: The Romans constructed numerous aqueducts. <SEP> tgt: The Romans built many large public buildings and villas. SEP> They also built many aqueducts to
revision preference src: I'm 23 years old and live in Melbourne. <SEP> tgt: I'm 23 years old and in Melbourne.
revision preference src: Artthur Tsutsiev and Nora Seligman Favorov, Atlas of the Ethno-Political History of the Caucasus, 2014, Maps 4,12,18 Early Russian documents tended to call the ruling class the "Lezgians." <SEP> tgt: Artthur Tsutsiev and Nora Seligman Favorov, Atlas of the Ethno-Political History of the Caucasus, 2014, Maps 4,12,18 Early Russian documents tended to call the ruling class "Lezgians".
revision preference src: Actually, if it's the case, the happiness will be only for a short time. <SEP> tgt: Actually, if that's the case, happiness will only be for a short time.
revision preference src: We present a training strategy for adapting pretrained language models that exploits similarities between TLDR generation and the related tasks of extreme summarization and title generation, which outperforms strong extractive and abstractive summarization baselines. <SEP> tgt: We present a training strategy for adapting pretrained language models that exploits similarities between TLDR generation and the related task of title generation, which outperforms strong extractive and abstractive summarization baselines.
revision preference src: But he did know the answer to that last question. <SEP> tgt: The last question he does know the answer.
revision preference src: There was a disturbance in the 19th round as Molineaux and Cribb were locked in a wrestler's hold (legal under the rules of the time). Neither could hit the other nor escape. <SEP> tgt: There was a disturbance in the 19th round as Molineaux and Cribb were locked in a wrestler's hold (legal under the rules of the time) so that neither could hit the other nor escape.
revision preference src: I recalled when I went to his concert escaping sports activity after school. <SEP> tgt: I recalled when I went to his concert, escaping sports activity after school to do so.
revision preference src: Fouché was used in ten of their matches and scored his only points in the competition when he converted a CJ Stander try in their 61–8 victory over Australian side <SEP> tgt: Fouché was used in ten of their matches and scored his only points in the competition when he converted a CJ Stander try in their 61–8 victory over Australian side the.
revision preference src: Combining data from men and women as if they were a single population may yield results that are applicable to neither sex. In particular, research has resulted in recommendations that women take doses of the sleeping pill Ambien that are half the dosage recommended for men. <SEP> tgt: Combining data from men and women as if they were a single population may yield results that are applicable to neither sex. Research has resulted in recommendations that women take doses of the sleeping pill Ambien that are half the dosage recommended for men.
revision preference src: At the turn of the 20th Century there were several local embroidery shops. Larger factories did not permanently settle in the village. <SEP> tgt: At the turn of the 20th Century there were several local embroidery shops. However, larger factories did not permanently settle in the village.
revision preference src: All my yoga lessons and massage sessions are conducted in line with the Correct Approach to Spine (CAS) method, so they are very safe and based on scientific theory. <SEP> tgt: All my yoga lessons and massage sessions are conducted in line with Correct Approach to Spine (CAS) method, so they are very safe and based on scientific reason.
revision preference src: The network, now known as CII Radio-Canada Télé, is available on cable and satellite. <SEP> tgt: The network, now known a Ici Radio-Canada Télé, is available on cable and satellite.
revision preference src: Since the beginning of the 1990s, trains have been permitted to operate in this section over its remaining level crossings at more than 160 km. <SEP> tgt: The beginning of the 1990s. Trains have been permitted to operate in this section over its remaining level crossings at more than 160 km.
revision preference src: By now, he should've learned about the Armageddon Protocol. <SEP> tgt: He should have learned about the Armageddon Protocol right about now.
revision preference src: Once we get Sasha back, he will get money. <SEP> tgt: She'll get us the money once we have Sasha.
revision preference src: One can give an explanation of why one followed a particular rule in a particular case. Any explanation for rule following behaviour can not be given in terms of following a rule, without involving circularity. <SEP> tgt: One can give an explanation of why one followed a particular rule in a particular case. But any explanation for rule following behaviour can not be given in terms of following a rule, without involving circularity.
revision preference src: a review of information quality" International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Volume 5, Number 3-4/2009, pp. 254–272 In his book, The Wikipedia Revolution: How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World's Greatest Encyclopedia, Andrew Lih writes that notability is at the center of the debate as to what the world's greatest encyclopedia should be. Persons wanting to delete an article on the grounds of non-notability are called deletionists. <SEP> tgt: a review of information quality" International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Volume 5, Number 3-4/2009, pp. 254–272 In his book, The Wikipedia Revolution: How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World's Greatest Encyclopedia, Andrew Lih writes that notability is at the center of the debate as to what the world's greatest encyclopedia should be: Persons wanting to delete an article on the grounds of non-notability are called deletionists.
revision preference src: With best wishes for success, we offer you the following information. <SEP> tgt: We offer the following information, with the wish of success.
revision preference src: He would later be arrested for possession of drugs, driving under the influence, and spend eight weeks in prison in 2010 for crashing a Range Rover into a storefront while under the influence of marijuana and other drugs. <SEP> tgt: He would later be arrested for possession of drugs, driving under the influence, and spend eight weeks in jail in 2010 for crashing a Range Rover into a storefront while under the influence of marijuana and other drugs.
revision preference src: Although 36 rules were planned in all, only 21 were actually written. <SEP> tgt: 36 rules were planned in total, although only 21 were actually written.
revision preference src: West criticized government authorities and stated that "They've given them permission to go down and shoot us. <SEP> tgt: West criticized government authorities and stated that " They've given them permission to go down and shoot us."
revision preference src: And the main reasons why we lack innovation are high costs and low rewards of innovation in China and unsatisfying engineering education system. <SEP> tgt: The main reasons why they lack innovation are high costs and low rewards of innovation in China and an unsatisfactory engineering education system.
revision preference src: Seaborn later returned to Ontario and served as chancellor of University of Trinity College at the University of Toronto from 1982 to 1990 and Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces from 1980-1986. Seaborn Seaborn died in Cobourg, Ontario on February 15, 1993. <SEP> tgt: Seaborn later returned to Ontario and served as chancellor of University of Trinity College at the University of Toronto from 1982 to 1990 and Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces from 1980-1986. Archbishop Seaborn died in Cobourg, Ontario on February 15, 1993.
revision preference src: The language of the Mopan people is Mopan language. <SEP> tgt: They speak the Mopan language.
revision preference src: Ludeke has over 30 years of experience in coaching, haven started in 1987 coaching Hoerskool Vorentoe before a brief sting caching English clubs. <SEP> tgt: Ludeke has over 30 years of experience in coaching, having started in 1987 as coach of Hoerskool Vorentoe before a brief sting coaching English clubs.
revision preference src: Is this dairy strange? <SEP> tgt: Is this dairy diary strange? Yes.
revision preference src: For this reason, Doubles mode can not be played. However, two panels were added to the standard four. <SEP> tgt: For this reason, Doubles mode can not be played. Two panels were added to the standard four
revision preference src: Knowing where Hakan had gone, he followed. <SEP> tgt: He knew where Hakan had gone so he set off after him.
revision preference src: We describe efficient algorithms to check if the Galois group of a polynomial p with integer coefficients is "generic" (which, for arbitrary polynomials of degree n means the full symmetric group S_n, while for reciprocal polynomials of degree 2n it means the hyperoctahedral group C_2 wr S_n.) <SEP> tgt: We describe efficient algorithms to check if the Galois group of a polynomial p with integer coefficients is "generic" (which, for arbitrary polynomials of degree n means the full symmetric group S_n, while for reciprocal polynomials of degree 2n it means the hyperoctahedral group C_2 \wr S_n.).
revision preference src: We describe a factor-revealing convex optimization problem for the integrality gap of the maximum-cut semidefinite programming relaxation: for each n \geq 2 we present a convex optimization problem whose optimal value is the largest possible ratio between the value of an optimal rank-n solution to the relaxation and the value of an optimal cut. <SEP> tgt: We describe a factor-revealing convex optimization problem for the integrality gap of the maximum-cut semidefinite programming relaxation: for each n geq 2, we introduce a convex optimization problem whose optimal value is the largest possible ratio between the value of an optimal rank-n solution to the relaxation and the value of an optimal cut.
revision preference src: Prisoners at Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center prison in the Philippines today repeated their mass dance performance to Thriller in tribute to Michael Jackson, who died on Thursday. <SEP> tgt: Prisoners at the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center prison in the Philippines today repeated their mass dance performance to "Thriller" in tribute to Michael Jackson, who died on Thursday.
revision preference src: In the first conic part it is possible to feed with the fuel (i.e. the pellet) that leads to the combustion chamber where the pellet will burn to generate the heat necessary to warm up the air. <SEP> tgt: In the first conical part, it is possible to feed in the fuel (i.e., the pellet) that leads to the combustion chamber, where the pellet will burn to generate the heat necessary to warm up the air.
revision preference src: He tried to be elected to the European Parliament in 1979. <SEP> tgt: Jebb unsuccessfully contested the Suffolk seat in the European Parliament in 1979.
revision preference src: It's one of the biggest countries in Europe if you think about the area Sweden have. <SEP> tgt: It's one of the biggest countries in Europe, if you think about the area Sweden has.
revision preference src: Some countries which did not support nuclear power before, like Australia, have started developing their own nuclear power generation. <SEP> tgt: Some countries which didn't support nuclear power before, like Australia, have started developing their nuclear power generation.
revision preference src: He wants to convince me to use alternative means of transport, but after I see the price of this ecological vehicle I considered that I'll buy one of them only if the price becomes <SEP> tgt: He wants to convince me to use alternative means of transport, but after seeing the price of this ecological vehicle, I think that I'll buy one of them only if the price becomes
revision preference src: CDGP is not associated with increased mortality because it is a variant of normal growth rather than a disease. <SEP> tgt: CDGP is not associated with increased mortality. CDGP is a CDGP of normal growth rather than a disease.
revision preference src: Some sociologists have argued that if the expenditure on public health is to be limited, the younger generation has to pay more. <SEP> tgt: Some sociologists argued that if the expenditure on public health is to be limited, the younger generation has to pay more.
revision preference src: Although Locke was a good student, he did not like the curriculum of the time spent there. <SEP> tgt: Although a capable student, Locke was irritated by the undergraduate curriculum of the time.
revision preference src: His experiences drinking and gambling with idle Russian soldiers gave Pushkin a first-hand account of the behaviors of 19th-century Russian soldiers, which is reflected in The Shot. Moreover, having lived in provincial Russia, Pushkin is familiar with the setting. <SEP> tgt: His experiences drinking and gambling with idle Russian soldiers gave Pushkin a first-hand account of the behaviors of 19th-century Russian soldiers, which is reflected in The Shot. Having lived in provincial Russia, Pushkin is familiar with the setting.
revision preference src: Since early 2005, De Vito had been in the studio working on her second studio album, This Is Now. <SEP> tgt: Early 2005 De Vito had been in the studio working on her second studio album. This Is Now.
revision preference src: To become the happiest girl in the world, I promised to make 10 promises to myself. <SEP> tgt: To become the happiest girl in the world, I promised 10 promises to myself.
revision preference src: The MC-RAN aims to undertake the following tasks: (1) to increase user equipments' computing capacity by triggering offloading action, especially for those UEs which cannot complete the computations locally; <SEP> tgt: The MC-RAN aims to achieve the following tasks: (1) to increase user equipments' computing capacity by triggering offloading action, especially for those UEs which cannot complete the computations locally;
revision preference src: There's a treasure underneath the three rocks. <SEP> tgt: Under those three rocks there is a treasure.
revision preference src: If it is in state three and reads a B, it prints a 1 and remains in state three. Finally, if it is in state three and reads a 1, then it will stay in state three. <SEP> tgt: If it is in state three and reads a B, it prints a 1 and remains in state three. If it is in state three and reads a 1, then it will stay in state three.
revision preference src: I would really appreciate it if you could take my application into account. <SEP> tgt: I would really appreciate it if you would take my application into consideration.
revision preference src: for example, the fight between Muslim and Hindus in India or in Lebanese civil war. <SEP> tgt: For example, the fight between Muslims and Hindus in India or in the Lebanese civil war.
revision preference src: Michael Schumacher ended his race not long after Alonso, 'cause of the damaged suspension in the numerous battles during the race. <SEP> tgt: Michael Schumacher ended his race not long after Alonso, 'cause of the damaged suspencion in the numerous battles during the rac
revision preference src: After that, Michael decided to bring it home because the frog was very ill. <SEP> tgt: After that, Michael decided to bring it up because the frog was very ill.
revision preference src: This requires an assessment of which substances will alter the quality of the grey water. Not all household appliances should be used for grey water recycling. <SEP> tgt: This requires an assessment of which substances will alter the quality of the grey water. Additionally, not all household appliances should be used for grey water recycling.
revision preference src: If there is anything that favors this restaurant, it has to be the quantity they serve; a surely efficient quantity along the truly special quality leaves this restaurant as one of the best in town, if not in the whole country. <SEP> tgt: If there is anything that favors this restaurant, it has to be the quantity they serve; a surely adequate quantity, along with the truly special quality, leaves this restaurant as one of the best in town, if not in the whole country.
revision preference src: Mr. Singleton is no merchant, I assure you. <SEP> tgt: I assure you Mr. Singleton isn't a salesman.
revision preference src: Therefore, China should pay more attention on intellectual property rights to encourage people to innovate. <SEP> tgt: Therefore, China should pay more attention to intellectual property rights in order to encourage people to innovate.
revision preference src: Acalypha hispida, the chenille plant, is a flowering shrub which belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae, the subfamily Acalyphinae, and the genus Acalypha. Acalyphinae is the fourth largest Acalyphinae of the Euphorbiaceae family, and contains many plants native to Hawaii and Oceania. <SEP> tgt: Acalypha hispida, the chenille plant, is a flowering shrub which belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae, the subfamily Acalyphinae, and the genus Acalypha. Acalypha is the fourth largest genus of the Euphorbiaceae family, and contains many plants native to Hawaii and Oceania.
revision preference src: There was no indication that airport service would be affecte <SEP> tgt: There was no indication that airport service would be affected.
revision preference src: Meanwhile, his older siblings were model students, raising the teacher's expectations for him. <SEP> tgt: At this time, his older siblings were good students, so his teacher's wanted him to do well.
revision preference src: France had few dissenters. War-weariness was a major factor by 1917, even reaching the army. <SEP> tgt: France had few dissenters. However, war-weariness was a major factor by 1917, even reaching the army.
revision preference src: Starting quarterback AJ McCarron was ranked first nationally in pass efficiency. Several players were recognized for their individual accomplishments on the field. <SEP> tgt: Starting quarterback AJ McCarron was ranked first nationally in pass efficiency. Additionally, several players were recognized for their individual accomplishments on the field.
revision preference src: Located near the Nile Delta, modern Cairo was founded in 969 CE by the Fatimid dynasty. The land composing the present-day city was the site of ancient national capitals whose remnants remain visible in parts of Cairo. <SEP> tgt: Located near the Nile Delta, modern Cairo was founded in 969 CE by the Fatimid dynasty, but the land composing the present-day city was the site of ancient national capitals whose remnants remain visible in parts of Old Cairo.
revision preference src: History The Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia since the days of Kievan Rus and until 1917, was broadly celebrated in Russia because it was believed that the saints Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of marriage and family, as well as the symbols of love and fidelity. <SEP> tgt: History The Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia has been broadly celebrated in Russia since the days of Kievan Rus and until 1917 because it was believed that the saints Peter and Fevronia were the patrons of marriage and family, as well as the symbols of love and fidelity.
revision preference src: From here on we will no longer mention his name. <SEP> tgt: We won't be mentioning his name from now on.
revision preference src: On Broadwaym he was in the original casts of A Raisin in the Sun (as housing commmittee rep Lindner) and The Odd Couple (as poker player Vinnie), reprising both roles for the film versions. <SEP> tgt: On Broadway, he was in the original casts of A Raisin in the Sun (as housing committee rep Lindner) and The Odd Couple (as poker player Vinnie), reprising both roles for the film versions.
revision preference src: Are you aware that the plane you were piloting went down? <SEP> tgt: You're aware that the plane you piloted crashed?
revision preference src: Before starting to talk about the members of my family and if they are my best friends or not, I just want to say that my family is the thing I love most in my life. I respect, appreciate them also, and I think they are the best thing in my life. <SEP> tgt: before starting talking about the members of my family and if they are my best friends or not, I just want to say that my family is the most thing I love in my life, I respect them appreciate them also, and I think they are the best thing in my life.
revision preference src: I would very much like that, but I don't think Jimmy would like it very much. <SEP> tgt: I'd like that, but I do not think Jimmy's gonna like that.
revision preference src: Casey was penalized 15 yards for intentional grounding, and Tech was unable to gain another first down. The Tech punted, and Miami took over on offense at Tech's 46-yard line. <SEP> tgt: Casey was penalized 15 yards for intentional grounding, and Tech was unable to gain another first down. However, the Hokies punted, and Miami took over on offense at its 46-yard line.
revision preference src: Cars are handy, and driving can be pleasant, but only when the driver is in a good mood, with no traffic jams or craters on the road (really common situations in Brazil). <SEP> tgt: cars are handy and driving can be pleasant, but only when the driver is in good mood, with no traffic jams or craters on the road (really common situations in Brazil).
revision preference src: Cetartiodactyla is often used because it is thought that whales evolved from the artiodactyls. <SEP> tgt: The term Cetartiodactyla reflects the idea that whales evolved within the artiodactyls.
revision preference src: That was still on the cards. <SEP> tgt: That was still on the cards,
revision preference src: Therefore, the government needs to pay extra attention to taking care of the age. <SEP> tgt: Therefore, the government needs to pay extra attention in taking care of the aged.
revision preference src: Bernhard suggested the idea of adopting psychology during the design phase of a project because engineers are humans, and humans are prone to mistakes. <SEP> tgt: Bernhard suggests idea of adopting psychology during the design phase of a project, because engineers are humans and humans are prone to mistakes.
revision preference src: Miss World is an international beauty pageant that started in 1951. <SEP> tgt: The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant.