16-bit art in the style of Light and Space art of four Arab older people touching a tan colored food next to a Scottish terrier
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tan colored food", "other_entity": "Scottish terrier", "person": "older people", "num_person": 4, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Arab", "style1": "16-bit art", "style2": "Light and Space art" }
three older men touching a cyan colored food next to a garbage truck
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "cyan colored food", "other_entity": "garbage truck", "person": "older men", "num_person": 3, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Henna design in the style of Hyperrealism art of an australian aborigine young boy touching a lilac colored food next to a kit fox
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lilac colored food", "other_entity": "kit fox", "person": "a young boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "australian aborigine", "style1": "Henna design", "style2": "Hyperrealism art" }
an older person touching a maroon colored food next to an Alaskan king crab
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "maroon colored food", "other_entity": "Alaskan king crab", "person": "an older person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a food
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a food", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Color field art of an older woman touching a peach colored nutrient next to two cockers
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "peach colored nutrient", "other_entity": "cockers", "person": "older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 2, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Color field art" }
a nutrient
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a nutrient", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four nutrients next to a butternut squash
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "nutrients", "other_entity": "butternut squash", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Art Brut / Outsider art in the style of Art Brut art of a Hispanic young woman touching a brown colored nutrient next to a lavabo
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "brown colored nutrient", "other_entity": "a lavabo", "person": "young woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Hispanic", "style1": "Art Brut / Outsider art", "style2": "Art Brut art" }
a blue colored nutrient next to a paper towel
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "blue colored nutrient", "other_entity": "paper towel", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
New Genres art of an older woman touching a violet colored artifact next to a potter's wheel
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "violet colored artifact", "other_entity": "potter's wheel", "person": "an older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "New Genres art" }
two Latina person touching a white colored artifact next to a goldfish
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "white colored artifact", "other_entity": "goldfish", "person": "person", "num_person": 2, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Latina", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Naive art in the style of Objective abstraction art of a latin older woman touching a magenta colored artifact next to three vales
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "magenta colored artifact", "other_entity": "vales", "person": "older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 3, "race": "latin", "style1": "Naive art", "style2": "Objective abstraction art" }
Trompe l'oeil in the style of Lyrical abstraction art of a young boy touching three orange colored artifacts next to a beaker
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "orange colored artifacts", "other_entity": "beaker", "person": "young boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Trompe l'oeil", "style2": "Lyrical abstraction art" }
three artifacts
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "artifacts", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four artefacts next to a Crocodylus niloticus
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "artefacts", "other_entity": "Crocodylus niloticus", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
three grey colored artefacts
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "grey colored artefacts", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two artefacts
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "artefacts", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four artefacts next to an Angora rabbit
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "artefacts", "other_entity": "Angora rabbit", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Aerial photograph in the style of Fictive art of an indigenous s older woman touching an olive colored artefact next to three hockey pucks
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "olive colored artefact", "other_entity": "hockey pucks", "person": "older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 3, "race": "indigenous s", "style1": "Aerial photograph", "style2": "Fictive art art" }
four tan colored hops
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tan colored hops", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a hop
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a hop", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a tan colored hop next to an iron
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tan colored hop", "other_entity": "iron", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a hop
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a hop", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Light art in the style of Skeuomorph art of an americans person touching an orange colored hop next to a half track
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "orange colored hop", "other_entity": "a half track", "person": "person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "americans", "style1": "Light art", "style2": "Skeuomorph art" }
Retro game art in the style of Woodlands art of an older boy touching a cyan colored check-in next to five Appenzellers
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "cyan colored check-in", "other_entity": "Appenzellers", "person": "older boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 5, "race": "", "style1": "Retro game art", "style2": "Woodlands art" }
a check-in next to a vizsla
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a check-in", "other_entity": "vizsla", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Post-romanticism art of an arabs older boy touching three turquoise colored check-ins next to a milometer
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "turquoise colored check-ins", "other_entity": "milometer", "person": "older boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "arabs", "style1": "", "style2": "Post-romanticism art" }
two blue colored check-ins
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "blue colored check-ins", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
American Barbizon school art of a boy touching two violet colored check-ins next to a leaf beetle
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "violet colored check-ins", "other_entity": "leaf beetle", "person": "boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "American Barbizon school art" }
a grey colored dressage next to a monarch
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "grey colored dressage", "other_entity": "monarch", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Anti-monumentalism art of a negro older woman touching three brown colored dressages next to a foulmart
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "brown colored dressages", "other_entity": "foulmart", "person": "older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "negro", "style1": "", "style2": "Anti-monumentalism art" }
Underwater photography in the style of Les Nabis art of a man touching a magenta colored dressage next to a dam
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "magenta colored dressage", "other_entity": "dam", "person": "a man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Underwater photography", "style2": "Les Nabis art" }
a navy blue colored dressage next to a Crocodylus niloticus
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "navy blue colored dressage", "other_entity": "Crocodylus niloticus", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a latin older man touching a yellow colored dressage next to a pick
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "yellow colored dressage", "other_entity": "pick", "person": "an older man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "latin", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Corecore art of an arabian older man touching a lavender colored curvet next to a snowplow
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lavender colored curvet", "other_entity": "a snowplow", "person": "older man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "arabia", "style1": "", "style2": "Corecore art" }
Retro game art in the style of Net.artists art of an older person touching three beige colored curvets next to a carabid beetle
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "beige colored curvets", "other_entity": "carabid beetle", "person": "older person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Retro game art", "style2": "Net.artists art" }
Generaci贸n de la Rupturan art of two americans young teenagers touching a blue colored curvet next to an oboe
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "blue colored curvet", "other_entity": "oboe", "person": "young teenagers", "num_person": 2, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "americans", "style1": "", "style2": "Generaci贸n de la Ruptura art" }
Art Nouveau in the style of Paris School art of an older man touching a red colored curvet next to an igniter
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "red colored curvet", "other_entity": "an igniter", "person": "older man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Art Nouveau", "style2": "Paris School art" }
a curvet
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a curvet", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two pink colored vaultings
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "pink colored vaultings", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a pink colored vaulting next to a barber chair
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "pink colored vaulting", "other_entity": "barber chair", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Saz art of north korean young teenager vaulting next to a reflex camera
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "vaulting", "other_entity": "reflex camera", "person": "young teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "north korean", "style1": "", "style2": "Saz art" }
a magenta colored vaulting next to a viaduct
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "magenta colored vaulting", "other_entity": "viaduct", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
an orange colored vaulting
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "an orange colored vaulting", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four Islander boys touching a navy blue colored piaffe next to a tarantula
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "navy blue colored piaffe", "other_entity": "tarantula", "person": "boys", "num_person": 4, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Islander", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a teal colored piaffe
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a teal colored piaffe", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Claymation in the style of Renaissance art of two Bi-multiracial women touching a teal colored piaffe next to a cicada
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "teal colored piaffe", "other_entity": "cicada", "person": "women", "num_person": 2, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Bi-multiracial", "style1": "Claymation", "style2": "Renaissance art art" }
Spanish Eclecticism art of a girl touching an indigo colored piaffe next to a coyote
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "indigo colored piaffe", "other_entity": "a coyote", "person": "girl", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Spanish Eclecticism art" }
two piaffes
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "piaffes", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two blue colored funambulisms
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "blue colored funambulisms", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
three french young people touching a yellow colored funambulism next to a bullfrog
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "yellow colored funambulism", "other_entity": "bullfrog", "person": "young people", "num_person": 3, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "french", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Naive art in the style of Conceptual art of a man touching an olive colored funambulism next to a ski
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "olive colored funambulism", "other_entity": "a ski", "person": "man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Naive art", "style2": "Conceptual art art" }
American Impressionism art of an irish girl touching two brown colored funambulisms next to a swab
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "brown colored funambulisms", "other_entity": "swab", "person": "girl", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "irish", "style1": "", "style2": "American Impressionism art" }
Pixel art of two arabs boys touching a black colored funambulism next to a Sussex spaniel
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "black colored funambulism", "other_entity": "Sussex spaniel", "person": "boys", "num_person": 2, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "arabs", "style1": "", "style2": "Pixel art art" }
Miniature painting in the style of Etching revival art of young teenager tightrope walking next to a red setter
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tightrope walking", "other_entity": "red setter", "person": "young teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Miniature painting", "style2": "Etching revival art" }
Neo-romanticism art of native older teenager tightrope walking next to five grooms
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tightrope walking", "other_entity": "grooms", "person": "older teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 5, "race": "native ", "style1": "", "style2": "Neo-romanticism art" }
a tightrope walking
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a tightrope walking", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Letterism art of South Pacific older boy tightrope walking next to a Siberian husky
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tightrope walking", "other_entity": "a Siberian husky", "person": "older boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "South Pacific", "style1": "", "style2": "Letterism art" }
three tightrope walkings next to a dog sled
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tightrope walkings", "other_entity": "dog sled", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Pre-Raphaelite in the style of Postmodernism art of older woman rock climbing next to four barracoutas
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "rock climbing", "other_entity": "barracoutas", "person": "older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 4, "race": "", "style1": "Pre-Raphaelite", "style2": "Postmodernism art" }
an indigo colored rock climbing next to a reel
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "indigo colored rock climbing", "other_entity": "reel", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two rock climbings next to a dike
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "rock climbings", "other_entity": "dike", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Shock art of older man rock climbing next to a chain mail
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "rock climbing", "other_entity": "chain mail", "person": "older man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Shock art art" }
Shock art of two girls rock climbing next to an Ambystoma mexicanum
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "rock climbing", "other_entity": "Ambystoma mexicanum", "person": "girls", "num_person": 2, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Shock art art" }
an Aborigine older woman touching a turquoise colored contact sport next to a cardigan
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "turquoise colored contact sport", "other_entity": "cardigan", "person": "an older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Aborigine", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four contact sports next to a miniature pinscher
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "contact sports", "other_entity": "miniature pinscher", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Scientific illustration in the style of Metarealism art of an older teenager touching three grey colored contact sports next to an acorn squash
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "grey colored contact sports", "other_entity": "acorn squash", "person": "older teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Scientific illustration", "style2": "Metarealism art" }
Street art in the style of Realism art of a Native American person touching a turquoise colored contact sport next to five common newts
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "turquoise colored contact sport", "other_entity": "common newts", "person": "person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 5, "race": "Native American", "style1": "Street art", "style2": "Realism art" }
Academic art of four south korean older women touching a yellow colored contact sport next to a chow
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "yellow colored contact sport", "other_entity": "chow", "person": "older women", "num_person": 4, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "south korean", "style1": "", "style2": "Academic art art" }
three outdoor sports next to an upright
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "outdoor sports", "other_entity": "upright", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four young women touching a navy blue colored outdoor sport next to a tiger cat
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "navy blue colored outdoor sport", "other_entity": "tiger cat", "person": "young women", "num_person": 4, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Barbizon school art of three white person women touching a red colored outdoor sport next to a loggerhead
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "red colored outdoor sport", "other_entity": "loggerhead", "person": "women", "num_person": 3, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "white person", "style1": "", "style2": "Barbizon school art" }
two outdoor sports next to a water hen
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "outdoor sports", "other_entity": "water hen", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
an icelandic woman touching an orange colored outdoor sport next to a coat-of-mail shell
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "orange colored outdoor sport", "other_entity": "coat-of-mail shell", "person": "a woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "icelandic", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two red colored field sports
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "red colored field sports", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two field sports next to a trash can
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "field sports", "other_entity": "trash can", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a silver colored field sport
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a silver colored field sport", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a field sport next to a bottle screw
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a field sport", "other_entity": "bottle screw", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Mangan in the style of Glitch art of a teenager touching a lilac colored field sport next to a scorpion
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a lilac colored field sport", "other_entity": "scorpion", "person": "teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Manga", "style2": "Glitch art art" }
a gymnastics
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a gymnastics", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Neoclassicism art of a teenager touching four lavender colored gymnasticss next to a polecat
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lavender colored gymnasticss", "other_entity": "polecat", "person": "teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Neoclassicism art" }
Photograph in the style of Universal Zulu Nation art of two older women touching a silver colored gymnastics next to an organ
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "silver colored gymnastics", "other_entity": "organ", "person": "older women", "num_person": 2, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Photograph", "style2": "Universal Zulu Nation art" }
a pink colored gymnastics next to a beigel
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "pink colored gymnastics", "other_entity": "beigel", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two maroon colored gymnasticss
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "maroon colored gymnasticss", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Hologram in the style of Life Cube Project art of a girl touching three lime colored gymnastic exercises next to a dyke
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lime colored gymnastic exercises", "other_entity": "dyke", "person": "girl", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Hologram", "style2": "Life Cube Project art" }
an orange colored gymnastic exercise next to a water buffalo
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "orange colored gymnastic exercise", "other_entity": "water buffalo", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
African tribal art in the style of Social realism art of an amerindian older teenager touching a navy blue colored gymnastic exercise next to a tennis ball
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a navy blue colored gymnastic exercise", "other_entity": "tennis ball", "person": "older teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "amerindian", "style1": "African tribal art", "style2": "Social realism art" }
four spanish young men touching a tan colored gymnastic exercise next to a carrion fungus
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tan colored gymnastic exercise", "other_entity": "carrion fungus", "person": "young men", "num_person": 4, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "spanish", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Performance art documentation in the style of Munich Secession art of an older boy touching a green colored gymnastic exercise next to three great gray owls
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "green colored gymnastic exercise", "other_entity": "great gray owls", "person": "older boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 3, "race": "", "style1": "Performance art documentation", "style2": "Munich Secession art" }
Psychedelic art of a young boy touching five indigo colored acrobaticss next to a Scottish terrier
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "indigo colored acrobaticss", "other_entity": "Scottish terrier", "person": "young boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Psychedelic art art" }
an acrobatics next to an Egyptian cat
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "an acrobatics", "other_entity": "Egyptian cat", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Neogeo art of a person touching an indigo colored acrobatics next to a dipper
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "an indigo colored acrobatics", "other_entity": "dipper", "person": "person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Neogeo art" }
an acrobatics next to a white fox
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "an acrobatics", "other_entity": "white fox", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Arte Poveran art of an Indigenous People boy touching an olive colored acrobatics next to a honeycomb
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "an olive colored acrobatics", "other_entity": "honeycomb", "person": "boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Indigenous People", "style1": "", "style2": "Arte Povera art" }
a maroon colored tumbling
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a maroon colored tumbling", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a grey colored tumbling next to a pug
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "grey colored tumbling", "other_entity": "pug", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two tumblings next to a lawn cart
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tumblings", "other_entity": "lawn cart", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
three tumblings
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tumblings", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a magenta colored tumbling next to a ruler
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "magenta colored tumbling", "other_entity": "ruler", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }