from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import sqlalchemy as sa from itertools import chain from collections import Iterator from datashape import (DataShape, Record, Option, var, dshape) from datashape.predicates import isdimension, isrecord, isscalar from datashape import discover from datashape.dispatch import dispatch from datetime import datetime, date import datashape from toolz import partition_all, keyfilter, first, pluck, memoize, map from ..utils import keywords from ..convert import convert, ooc_types from ..append import append from ..resource import resource from ..chunks import Chunks base = (int, float, datetime, date, bool, str) # http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/types.html types = {'int64': sa.types.BigInteger, 'int32': sa.types.Integer, 'int': sa.types.Integer, 'int16': sa.types.SmallInteger, 'float32': sa.types.Float(precision=24), # sqlalchemy uses mantissa 'float64': sa.types.Float(precision=53), # for precision 'float': sa.types.Float(precision=53), 'real': sa.types.Float(precision=53), 'string': sa.types.Text, 'date': sa.types.Date, 'time': sa.types.Time, 'datetime': sa.types.DateTime, 'bool': sa.types.Boolean, # ??: sa.types.LargeBinary, # Decimal: sa.types.Numeric, # ??: sa.types.PickleType, # unicode: sa.types.Unicode, # unicode: sa.types.UnicodeText, # str: sa.types.Text, # ?? } revtypes = dict(map(reversed, types.items())) revtypes.update({sa.types.VARCHAR: 'string', sa.types.String: 'string', sa.types.Unicode: 'string', sa.types.DATETIME: 'datetime', sa.types.TIMESTAMP: 'datetime', sa.types.FLOAT: 'float64', sa.types.DATE: 'date', sa.types.BIGINT: 'int64', sa.types.INTEGER: 'int', sa.types.NUMERIC: 'float64', # TODO: extend datashape to decimal sa.types.BIGINT: 'int64', sa.types.NullType: 'string', sa.types.Float: 'float64'}) @discover.register(sa.sql.type_api.TypeEngine) def discover_typeengine(typ): if typ in revtypes: return dshape(revtypes[typ])[0] if type(typ) in revtypes: return dshape(revtypes[type(typ)])[0] else: for k, v in revtypes.items(): if isinstance(k, type) and (isinstance(typ, k) or hasattr(typ, 'impl') and isinstance(typ.impl, k)): return v if k == typ: return v raise NotImplementedError("No SQL-datashape match for type %s" % typ) @discover.register(sa.Column) def discover_sqlalchemy_column(col): if col.nullable: return Record([[col.name, Option(discover(col.type))]]) else: return Record([[col.name, discover(col.type)]]) @discover.register(sa.Table) def discover_sqlalchemy_table(t): return var * Record(list(sum([discover(c).parameters[0] for c in t.columns], ()))) @memoize def metadata_of_engine(engine): metadata = sa.MetaData(engine) return metadata def create_engine(uri, *args, **kwargs): if ':memory:' in uri: return sa.create_engine(uri, *args, **kwargs) else: return memoized_create_engine(uri, *args, **kwargs) memoized_create_engine = memoize(sa.create_engine) @dispatch(sa.engine.base.Engine, str) def discover(engine, tablename): metadata = metadata_of_engine(engine) if tablename not in metadata.tables: metadata.reflect(engine, views=engine.dialect.supports_views) table = metadata.tables[tablename] return discover(table) @dispatch(sa.engine.base.Engine) def discover(engine): metadata = metadata_of_engine(engine) return discover(metadata) @dispatch(sa.MetaData) def discover(metadata): metadata.reflect(views=metadata.bind.dialect.supports_views) pairs = [] for name, table in sorted(metadata.tables.items(), key=first): try: pairs.append([name, discover(table)]) except sa.exc.CompileError as e: print("Can not discover type of table %s.\n" % name + "SQLAlchemy provided this error message:\n\t%s" % e.message + "\nSkipping.") except NotImplementedError as e: print("Blaze does not understand a SQLAlchemy type.\n" "Blaze provided the following error:\n\t%s" % e.message + "\nSkipping.") return DataShape(Record(pairs)) @discover.register(sa.engine.RowProxy) def discover_row_proxy(rp): return Record(list(zip(rp.keys(), map(discover, rp.values())))) def dshape_to_table(name, ds, metadata=None): """ Create a SQLAlchemy table from a datashape and a name >>> dshape_to_table('bank', '{name: string, amount: int}') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Table('bank', MetaData(bind=None), Column('name', Text(), table=<bank>, nullable=False), Column('amount', Integer(), table=<bank>, nullable=False), schema=None) """ if isinstance(ds, str): ds = dshape(ds) metadata = metadata or sa.MetaData() cols = dshape_to_alchemy(ds) return sa.Table(name, metadata, *cols) @dispatch(object, str) def create_from_datashape(o, ds, **kwargs): return create_from_datashape(o, dshape(ds), **kwargs) @dispatch(sa.engine.base.Engine, DataShape) def create_from_datashape(engine, ds, **kwargs): assert isrecord(ds) metadata = metadata_of_engine(engine) for name, sub_ds in ds[0].dict.items(): t = dshape_to_table(name, sub_ds, metadata=metadata) t.create() return engine def dshape_to_alchemy(dshape): """ >>> dshape_to_alchemy('int') <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Integer'> >>> dshape_to_alchemy('string') <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Text'> >>> dshape_to_alchemy('{name: string, amount: int}') [Column('name', Text(), table=None, nullable=False), Column('amount', Integer(), table=None, nullable=False)] >>> dshape_to_alchemy('{name: ?string, amount: ?int}') [Column('name', Text(), table=None), Column('amount', Integer(), table=None)] """ if isinstance(dshape, str): dshape = datashape.dshape(dshape) if isinstance(dshape, Option): return dshape_to_alchemy(dshape.ty) if str(dshape) in types: return types[str(dshape)] if isinstance(dshape, datashape.Record): return [sa.Column(name, dshape_to_alchemy(typ), nullable=isinstance(typ[0], Option)) for name, typ in dshape.parameters[0]] if isinstance(dshape, datashape.DataShape): if isdimension(dshape[0]): return dshape_to_alchemy(dshape[1]) else: return dshape_to_alchemy(dshape[0]) if isinstance(dshape, datashape.String): if dshape[0].fixlen is None: return sa.types.Text if 'U' in dshape.encoding: return sa.types.Unicode(length=dshape[0].fixlen) if 'A' in dshape.encoding: return sa.types.String(length=dshape[0].fixlen) if isinstance(dshape, datashape.DateTime): if dshape.tz: return sa.types.DateTime(timezone=True) else: return sa.types.DateTime(timezone=False) raise NotImplementedError("No SQLAlchemy dtype match for datashape: %s" % dshape) @convert.register(Iterator, sa.Table, cost=300.0) def sql_to_iterator(t, **kwargs): engine = t.bind with engine.connect() as conn: result = conn.execute(sa.sql.select([t])) for item in result: yield item @convert.register(Iterator, sa.sql.Select, cost=300.0) def select_to_iterator(sel, dshape=None, **kwargs): engine = sel.bind # TODO: get engine from select with engine.connect() as conn: result = conn.execute(sel) if dshape and isscalar(dshape.measure): result = pluck(0, result) else: result = map(tuple, result) # Turn RowProxy into tuple for item in result: yield item @convert.register(base, sa.sql.Select, cost=300.0) def select_to_base(sel, dshape=None, **kwargs): engine = sel.bind # TODO: get engine from select with engine.connect() as conn: result = conn.execute(sel) assert not dshape or isscalar(dshape) result = list(result)[0][0] return result @append.register(sa.Table, Iterator) def append_iterator_to_table(t, rows, dshape=None, **kwargs): assert not isinstance(t, type) rows = iter(rows) # We see if the sequence is of tuples or dicts # If tuples then we coerce them to dicts try: row = next(rows) except StopIteration: return rows = chain([row], rows) if isinstance(row, (tuple, list)): if dshape and isinstance(dshape.measure, datashape.Record): names = dshape.measure.names if not set(names) == set(discover(t).measure.names): raise ValueError("Column names of incoming data don't match " "column names of existing SQL table\n" "Names in SQL table: %s\n" "Names from incoming data: %s\n" % (discover(t).measure.names, names)) else: names = discover(t).measure.names rows = (dict(zip(names, row)) for row in rows) engine = t.bind with engine.connect() as conn: for chunk in partition_all(1000, rows): # TODO: 1000 is hardcoded conn.execute(t.insert(), chunk) return t @append.register(sa.Table, Chunks) def append_anything_to_sql_Table(t, c, **kwargs): for item in c: append(t, item, **kwargs) @append.register(sa.Table, object) def append_anything_to_sql_Table(t, o, **kwargs): return append(t, convert(Iterator, o, **kwargs), **kwargs) @append.register(sa.Table, sa.sql.Select) def append_select_statement_to_sql_Table(t, o, **kwargs): assert o.bind.has_table(t.name), 'tables must come from the same database' query = t.insert().from_select(o.columns.keys(), o) with o.bind.connect() as conn: conn.execute(query) return t @resource.register('(.*sql.*|oracle|redshift)(\+\w+)?://.+') def resource_sql(uri, *args, **kwargs): kwargs2 = keyfilter(keywords(sa.create_engine).__contains__, kwargs) engine = create_engine(uri, **kwargs2) ds = kwargs.get('dshape') if args and isinstance(args[0], str): table_name, args = args[0], args[1:] metadata = metadata_of_engine(engine) metadata.reflect(views=engine.dialect.supports_views) if table_name not in metadata.tables: if ds: t = dshape_to_table(table_name, ds, metadata) t.create() return t else: raise ValueError("Table does not exist and no dshape provided") return metadata.tables[table_name] if ds: create_from_datashape(engine, ds) return engine @resource.register('impala://.+') def resource_impala(uri, *args, **kwargs): try: import impala.sqlalchemy except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install or update `impyla` library") return resource_sql(uri, *args, **kwargs) @resource.register('monetdb://.+') def resource_monet(uri, *args, **kwargs): try: import monetdb except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install the `sqlalchemy_monetdb` library") return resource_sql(uri, *args, **kwargs) @resource.register('hive://.+') def resource_hive(uri, *args, **kwargs): try: import pyhive except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install the `PyHive` library.") pattern = 'hive://((?P<user>[a-zA-Z_]\w*)@)?(?P<host>[\w.]+)(:(?P<port>\d*))?(/(?P<database>\w*))?' d = re.search(pattern, uri.split('::')[0]).groupdict() defaults = {'port': '10000', 'user': 'hdfs', 'database': 'default'} for k, v in d.items(): if not v: d[k] = defaults[k] if d['user']: d['user'] = d['user'] + '@' uri2 = 'hive://%(user)s%(host)s:%(port)s/%(database)s' % d if '::' in uri: uri2 = uri2 + '::' + uri.split('::')[1] return resource_sql(uri2, *args, **kwargs) ooc_types.add(sa.Table) @dispatch(sa.Table) def drop(table): table.drop(table.bind)
{ "repo_name": "mrocklin/into", "path": "into/backends/sql.py", "copies": "1", "size": "12558", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 8705936787350652000, "line_mean": 31.2827763496, "line_max": 113, "alpha_frac": 0.6148272018, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.5757403189066057, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.46905675207066055, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import stat import sys from subprocess import Popen, check_output, PIPE, STDOUT, CalledProcessError import os from conda_build.os_utils.pyldd import inspect_rpaths from conda_build import utils from itertools import islice from conda_build.os_utils.external import find_preferably_prefixed_executable NO_EXT = ( '.py', '.pyc', '.pyo', '.h', '.a', '.c', '.txt', '.html', '.xml', '.png', '.jpg', '.gif', '.class', ) MAGIC = { b'\xca\xfe\xba\xbe': 'MachO-universal', b'\xce\xfa\xed\xfe': 'MachO-i386', b'\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe': 'MachO-x86_64', b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xce': 'MachO-ppc', b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xcf': 'MachO-ppc64', } FILETYPE = { 1: 'MH_OBJECT', 2: 'MH_EXECUTE', 3: 'MH_FVMLIB', 4: 'MH_CORE', 5: 'MH_PRELOAD', 6: 'MH_DYLIB', 7: 'MH_DYLINKER', 8: 'MH_BUNDLE', 9: 'MH_DYLIB_STUB', 10: 'MH_DSYM', 11: 'MH_KEXT_BUNDLE', } def is_macho(path): if path.endswith(NO_EXT) or os.path.islink(path) or not os.path.isfile(path): return False with open(path, 'rb') as fi: head = fi.read(4) return bool(head in MAGIC) def is_dylib(path, build_prefix): return human_filetype(path) == 'DYLIB' def human_filetype(path, build_prefix): otool = find_apple_cctools_executable('otool', build_prefix) output = check_output((otool, '-h', path)).decode('utf-8') lines = output.splitlines() if not lines[0].startswith((path, 'Mach header')): raise ValueError( 'Expected `otool -h` output to start with' ' Mach header or {0}, got:\n{1}'.format(path, output) ) assert lines[0].startswith((path, 'Mach header')), path for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith('0x'): header = line.split() filetype = int(header[4]) return FILETYPE[filetype][3:] def is_dylib_info(lines): dylib_info = ('LC_ID_DYLIB', 'LC_LOAD_DYLIB') if len(lines) > 1 and lines[1].split()[1] in dylib_info: return True return False def is_id_dylib(lines): if len(lines) > 1 and lines[1].split()[1] == 'LC_ID_DYLIB': return True return False def is_load_dylib(lines): if len(lines) > 1 and lines[1].split()[1] == 'LC_LOAD_DYLIB': return True return False def is_rpath(lines): if len(lines) > 1 and lines[1].split()[1] == 'LC_RPATH': return True return False def _get_load_commands(lines): """yields each load command from the output of otool -l""" a = 1 # first line is the filename. for ln, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith("Load command"): if a < ln: yield lines[a:ln] a = ln yield lines[a:] def _get_matching_load_commands(lines, cb_filter): """Workhorse function for otool Does the work of filtering load commands and making a list of dicts. The logic for splitting the free-form lines into keys and values in entirely encoded here. Values that can be converted to ints are converted to ints. """ result = [] for lcmds in _get_load_commands(lines): if cb_filter(lcmds): lcdict = {} for line in islice(lcmds, 1, len(lcmds)): listy = line.split() # This could be prettier, but what we need it to handle # is fairly simple so let's just hardcode it for speed. if len(listy) == 2: key, value = listy elif listy[0] == 'name' or listy[0] == 'path': # Create an entry for 'name offset' if there is one # as that can be useful if we need to know if there # is space to patch it for relocation purposes. if listy[2] == '(offset': key = listy[0] + ' offset' value = int(listy[3][:-1]) lcdict[key] = value key, value = listy[0:2] elif listy[0] == 'time': key = ' '.join(listy[0:3]) value = ' '.join(listy[3:]) elif listy[0] in ('current', 'compatibility'): key = ' '.join(listy[0:2]) value = listy[2] try: value = int(value) except ValueError: pass lcdict[key] = value result.append(lcdict) return result def find_apple_cctools_executable(name, build_prefix, nofail=False): tools = find_preferably_prefixed_executable(name, build_prefix, all_matches=True) for tool in tools: try: if '/usr/bin' in tool: with open(tool, 'rb') as f: s = f.read() if s.find(b'usr/lib/libxcselect.dylib') != -1: # We ask xcrun. tool_xcr = check_output(['xcrun', '-find', name], stderr=STDOUT).decode('utf-8').splitlines()[0] # print("WARNING :: Found `{}` but is is an Apple Xcode stub executable.".format(tool)) # This is not the real tool, but Apple's irritating GUI dialog launcher. tool = tool_xcr if os.path.exists(tool): return tool except Exception as _: # noqa print("ERROR :: Failed to run `{}`. Please use `conda` to install `cctools` into your base environment.\n" " An alternative option for users of macOS is to install `Xcode` or `Command Line Tools for Xcode`." .format(tool)) sys.exit(1) return tool def otool(path, build_prefix=None, cb_filter=is_dylib_info): """A wrapper around otool -l Parse the output of the otool -l 'load commands', filtered by cb_filter, returning a list of dictionairies for the records. cb_filter receives the whole load command record, including the first line, the 'Load Command N' one. All the records have been pre-stripped of white space. The output of otool -l is entirely freeform; delineation between key and value doesn't formally exist, so that is hard coded. I didn't want to use regexes to parse it for speed purposes. Any key values that can be converted to integers are converted to integers, the rest are strings. """ otool = find_apple_cctools_executable('otool', build_prefix) lines = check_output([otool, '-l', path], stderr=STDOUT).decode('utf-8') # llvm-objdump returns 0 for some things that are anything but successful completion. lines_split = lines.splitlines() # 'invalid', 'expected' and 'unexpected' are too generic # here so also check that we do not get 'useful' output. if len(lines_split) < 10 and (re.match('.*(is not a Mach-O|invalid|expected|unexpected).*', lines, re.MULTILINE)): raise CalledProcessError return _get_matching_load_commands(lines_split, cb_filter) def get_dylibs(path, build_prefix=None): """Return a list of the loaded dylib pathnames""" dylib_loads = otool(path, build_prefix, is_load_dylib) return [dylib_load['name'] for dylib_load in dylib_loads] def get_id(path, build_prefix=None): """Returns the id name of the Mach-O file `path` or an empty string""" dylib_loads = otool(path, build_prefix, is_id_dylib) try: return [dylib_load['name'] for dylib_load in dylib_loads][0] except: return '' def get_rpaths(path): """Return a list of the dylib rpaths""" res_pyldd = inspect_rpaths(path, resolve_dirnames=False, use_os_varnames=True) return res_pyldd def _chmod(filename, mode): try: os.chmod(filename, mode) except (OSError, utils.PermissionError) as e: log = utils.get_logger(__name__) log.warn(str(e)) def install_name_tool(args, build_prefix=None, verbose=False): args_full = [find_apple_cctools_executable('install_name_tool', build_prefix)] args_full.extend(args) if verbose: print(' '.join(args_full)) old_mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(args[-1]).st_mode) new_mode = old_mode | stat.S_IWUSR if old_mode != new_mode: _chmod(args[-1], new_mode) subproc = Popen(args_full, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = subproc.communicate() out = out.decode('utf-8') err = err.decode('utf-8') if old_mode != new_mode: _chmod(args[-1], old_mode) return subproc.returncode, out, err def add_rpath(path, rpath, build_prefix=None, verbose=False): """Add an `rpath` to the Mach-O file at `path`""" args = ['-add_rpath', rpath, path] code, _, stderr = install_name_tool(args, build_prefix) if "Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file" in stderr: print("Skipping Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file %s\n" % path) return elif "would duplicate path, file already has LC_RPATH for:" in stderr: print("Skipping -add_rpath, file already has LC_RPATH set") return else: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) if code: raise RuntimeError("install_name_tool failed with exit status %d" % code) def delete_rpath(path, rpath, verbose=False): """Delete an `rpath` from the Mach-O file at `path`""" args = ['-delete_rpath', rpath, path] code, _, stderr = install_name_tool(args) if "Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file" in stderr: print("Skipping Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file %s\n" % path) return elif "no LC_RPATH load command with path:" in stderr: print("Skipping -delete_rpath, file doesn't contain that LC_RPATH") return else: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) if code: raise RuntimeError("install_name_tool failed with exit status %d" % code) def install_name_change(path, build_prefix, cb_func, dylibs, verbose=False): """Change dynamic shared library load name or id name of Mach-O Binary `path`. `cb_func` is called for each shared library load command. The dictionary of the load command is passed in and the callback returns the new name or None if the name should be unchanged. When dealing with id load commands, `install_name_tool -id` is used. When dealing with dylib load commands `install_name_tool -change` is used. """ changes = [] for index, dylib in enumerate(dylibs): new_name = cb_func(path, dylib) if new_name: changes.append((index, new_name)) ret = True for index, new_name in changes: args = [] if dylibs[index]['cmd'] == 'LC_ID_DYLIB': args.extend(('-id', new_name, path)) else: args.extend(('-change', dylibs[index]['name'], new_name, path)) code, _, stderr = install_name_tool(args, build_prefix) if "Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file" in stderr: print("Skipping Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file %s" % path) ret = False continue else: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) if code: raise RuntimeError("install_name_tool failed with exit status %d, stderr of:\n%s" % (code, stderr)) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.platform == 'darwin': for path in '/bin/ls', '/etc/locate.rc': print(path, is_macho(path))
{ "repo_name": "pelson/conda-build", "path": "conda_build/os_utils/macho.py", "copies": "1", "size": "11541", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 1794661026006849800, "line_mean": 34.7306501548, "line_max": 126, "alpha_frac": 0.5898968894, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.604309806371018, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9688135659460811, "avg_score": 0.0012142072620413282, "num_lines": 323 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import string from conda_build import exceptions from conda_build.utils import comma_join allowed_license_families = """ AGPL LGPL GPL3 GPL2 GPL BSD MIT APACHE PSF CC MOZILLA PUBLIC-DOMAIN PROPRIETARY OTHER NONE """.split() # regular expressions gpl2_regex = re.compile('GPL[^3]*2') # match GPL2 gpl3_regex = re.compile('GPL[^2]*3') # match GPL3 gpl23_regex = re.compile('GPL[^2]*>= *2') # match GPL >= 2 cc_regex = re.compile('CC\w+') # match CC punk_regex = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation)) # removes punks def match_gpl3(family): """True if family matches GPL3 or GPL >= 2, else False""" return (gpl23_regex.search(family) or gpl3_regex.search(family)) def normalize(s): """Set to ALL CAPS, replace common GPL patterns, and strip""" s = s.upper() s = re.sub('GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE', 'GPL', s) s = re.sub('LESSER *', 'L', s) s = re.sub('AFFERO *', 'A', s) return s.strip() def remove_special_characters(s): """Remove punctuation, spaces, tabs, and line feeds""" s = punk_regex.sub(' ', s) s = re.sub('\s+', '', s) return s def guess_license_family_from_index(index=None, recognized=allowed_license_families): """Return best guess of license_family from the conda package index. Note: Logic here is simple, and focuses on existing set of allowed families """ if isinstance(index, dict): license_name = index.get('license_family', index.get('license')) else: # index argument is actually a string license_name = index return guess_license_family(license_name, recognized) def guess_license_family(license_name=None, recognized=allowed_license_families): """Return best guess of license_family from the conda package index. Note: Logic here is simple, and focuses on existing set of allowed families """ if license_name is None: return 'NONE' license_name = normalize(license_name) # Handle GPL families as special cases # Remove AGPL and LGPL before looking for GPL2 and GPL3 sans_lgpl = re.sub('[A,L]GPL', '', license_name) if match_gpl3(sans_lgpl): return 'GPL3' elif gpl2_regex.search(sans_lgpl): return 'GPL2' elif cc_regex.search(license_name): return 'CC' license_name = remove_special_characters(license_name) for family in recognized: if remove_special_characters(family) in license_name: return family for family in recognized: if license_name in remove_special_characters(family): return family return 'OTHER' def ensure_valid_license_family(meta): try: license_family = meta['about']['license_family'] except KeyError: return allowed_families = [remove_special_characters(normalize(fam)) for fam in allowed_license_families] if remove_special_characters(normalize(license_family)) not in allowed_families: raise RuntimeError(exceptions.indent( "about/license_family '%s' not allowed. Allowed families are %s." % (license_family, comma_join(sorted(allowed_license_families)))))
{ "repo_name": "pelson/conda-build", "path": "conda_build/license_family.py", "copies": "3", "size": "3300", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -6495837257669316000, "line_mean": 28.203539823, "line_max": 84, "alpha_frac": 0.65, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.642384105960265, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.0008525815140890712, "num_lines": 113 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import subprocess import json from os.path import join from conda.install import rm_rf from conda.utils import memoized from conda_build import post from conda_build.config import config from conda_build.build import create_env LDD_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)\s*=>\s*(.*?)\s*\(.*\)') LDD_NOT_FOUND_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)\s*=>\s*not found') def ldd(path): "thin wrapper around ldd" lines = subprocess.check_output(['ldd', path]).decode('utf-8').splitlines() res = [] for line in lines: if '=>' not in line: continue assert line[0] == '\t', (path, line) m = LDD_RE.match(line) if m: res.append(m.groups()) continue m = LDD_NOT_FOUND_RE.match(line) if m: res.append((m.group(1), 'not found')) continue if 'ld-linux' in line: continue raise RuntimeError("Unexpected output from ldd: %s" % line) return res @memoized def get_package_linkages(dist, prefix): with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', dist + '.json')) as f: data = json.load(f) res = {} files = data['files'] for f in files: path = join(prefix, f) if post.is_obj(path): res[f] = ldd(path) return res
{ "repo_name": "takluyver/conda-build", "path": "conda_build/ldd.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1363", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 8212627274698076000, "line_mean": 23.7818181818, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.5766691123, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.340686274509804, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9394628114082532, "avg_score": 0.004545454545454545, "num_lines": 55 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import textwrap from distutils.version import LooseVersion from collections import Iterator import sys import traceback from contextlib import contextmanager import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.api.types import is_categorical_dtype, is_scalar try: from pandas.api.types import is_datetime64tz_dtype except ImportError: # pandas < 0.19.2 from pandas.core.common import is_datetime64tz_dtype from ..core import get_deps from ..local import get_sync PANDAS_VERSION = LooseVersion(pd.__version__) def shard_df_on_index(df, divisions): """ Shard a DataFrame by ranges on its index Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, 10, 20, 30, 40], 'b': [5, 4 ,3, 2, 1]}) >>> df a b 0 0 5 1 10 4 2 20 3 3 30 2 4 40 1 >>> shards = list(shard_df_on_index(df, [2, 4])) >>> shards[0] a b 0 0 5 1 10 4 >>> shards[1] a b 2 20 3 3 30 2 >>> shards[2] a b 4 40 1 >>> list(shard_df_on_index(df, []))[0] # empty case a b 0 0 5 1 10 4 2 20 3 3 30 2 4 40 1 """ if isinstance(divisions, Iterator): divisions = list(divisions) if not len(divisions): yield df else: divisions = np.array(divisions) df = df.sort_index() index = df.index if is_categorical_dtype(index): index = index.as_ordered() indices = index.searchsorted(divisions) yield df.iloc[:indices[0]] for i in range(len(indices) - 1): yield df.iloc[indices[i]: indices[i + 1]] yield df.iloc[indices[-1]:] _META_TYPES = "meta : pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, dict, iterable, tuple, optional" _META_DESCRIPTION = """\ An empty ``pd.DataFrame`` or ``pd.Series`` that matches the dtypes and column names of the output. This metadata is necessary for many algorithms in dask dataframe to work. For ease of use, some alternative inputs are also available. Instead of a ``DataFrame``, a ``dict`` of ``{name: dtype}`` or iterable of ``(name, dtype)`` can be provided. Instead of a series, a tuple of ``(name, dtype)`` can be used. If not provided, dask will try to infer the metadata. This may lead to unexpected results, so providing ``meta`` is recommended. For more information, see ``dask.dataframe.utils.make_meta``. """ def insert_meta_param_description(*args, **kwargs): """Replace `$META` in docstring with param description. If pad keyword is provided, will pad description by that number of spaces (default is 8).""" if not args: return lambda f: insert_meta_param_description(f, **kwargs) f = args[0] indent = " " * kwargs.get('pad', 8) body = textwrap.wrap(_META_DESCRIPTION, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent, width=78) descr = '{0}\n{1}'.format(_META_TYPES, '\n'.join(body)) if f.__doc__: if '$META' in f.__doc__: f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('$META', descr) else: # Put it at the end of the parameters section parameter_header = 'Parameters\n%s----------' % indent[4:] first, last = re.split('Parameters\\n[ ]*----------', f.__doc__) parameters, rest = last.split('\n\n', 1) f.__doc__ = '{0}{1}{2}\n{3}{4}\n\n{5}'.format(first, parameter_header, parameters, indent[4:], descr, rest) return f @contextmanager def raise_on_meta_error(funcname=None): """Reraise errors in this block to show metadata inference failure. Parameters ---------- funcname : str, optional If provided, will be added to the error message to indicate the name of the method that failed. """ try: yield except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback)) msg = ("Metadata inference failed{0}.\n\n" "Original error is below:\n" "------------------------\n" "{1}\n\n" "Traceback:\n" "---------\n" "{2}" ).format(" in `{0}`".format(funcname) if funcname else "", repr(e), tb) raise ValueError(msg) UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES = '__UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES__' def has_known_categories(x): """Returns whether the categories in `x` are known. Parameters ---------- x : Series or CategoricalIndex """ x = getattr(x, '_meta', x) if isinstance(x, pd.Series): return UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES not in x.cat.categories elif isinstance(x, pd.CategoricalIndex): return UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES not in x.categories raise TypeError("Expected Series or CategoricalIndex") def strip_unknown_categories(x): """Replace any unknown categoricals with empty categoricals. Useful for preventing ``UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES`` from leaking into results. """ if isinstance(x, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): x = x.copy() if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): cat_mask = x.dtypes == 'category' if cat_mask.any(): cats = cat_mask[cat_mask].index for c in cats: if not has_known_categories(x[c]): x[c].cat.set_categories([], inplace=True) elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): if is_categorical_dtype(x.dtype) and not has_known_categories(x): x.cat.set_categories([], inplace=True) if (isinstance(x.index, pd.CategoricalIndex) and not has_known_categories(x.index)): x.index = x.index.set_categories([]) elif isinstance(x, pd.CategoricalIndex) and not has_known_categories(x): x = x.set_categories([]) return x def clear_known_categories(x, cols=None, index=True): """Set categories to be unknown. Parameters ---------- x : DataFrame, Series, Index cols : iterable, optional If x is a DataFrame, set only categoricals in these columns to unknown. By default, all categorical columns are set to unknown categoricals index : bool, optional If True and x is a Series or DataFrame, set the clear known categories in the index as well. """ if isinstance(x, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): x = x.copy() if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): mask = x.dtypes == 'category' if cols is None: cols = mask[mask].index elif not mask.loc[cols].all(): raise ValueError("Not all columns are categoricals") for c in cols: x[c].cat.set_categories([UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES], inplace=True) elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): if is_categorical_dtype(x.dtype): x.cat.set_categories([UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES], inplace=True) if index and isinstance(x.index, pd.CategoricalIndex): x.index = x.index.set_categories([UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES]) elif isinstance(x, pd.CategoricalIndex): x = x.set_categories([UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES]) return x def _empty_series(name, dtype, index=None): if isinstance(dtype, str) and dtype == 'category': return pd.Series(pd.Categorical([UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES]), name=name, index=index).iloc[:0] return pd.Series([], dtype=dtype, name=name, index=index) def make_meta(x, index=None): """Create an empty pandas object containing the desired metadata. Parameters ---------- x : dict, tuple, list, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pd.Index, dtype, scalar To create a DataFrame, provide a `dict` mapping of `{name: dtype}`, or an iterable of `(name, dtype)` tuples. To create a `Series`, provide a tuple of `(name, dtype)`. If a pandas object, names, dtypes, and index should match the desired output. If a dtype or scalar, a scalar of the same dtype is returned. index : pd.Index, optional Any pandas index to use in the metadata. If none provided, a `RangeIndex` will be used. Examples -------- >>> make_meta([('a', 'i8'), ('b', 'O')]) Empty DataFrame Columns: [a, b] Index: [] >>> make_meta(('a', 'f8')) Series([], Name: a, dtype: float64) >>> make_meta('i8') 1 """ if hasattr(x, '_meta'): return x._meta if isinstance(x, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): return x.iloc[0:0] elif isinstance(x, pd.Index): return x[0:0] index = index if index is None else index[0:0] if isinstance(x, dict): return pd.DataFrame({c: _empty_series(c, d, index=index) for (c, d) in x.items()}, index=index) if isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2: return _empty_series(x[0], x[1], index=index) elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): if not all(isinstance(i, tuple) and len(i) == 2 for i in x): raise ValueError("Expected iterable of tuples of (name, dtype), " "got {0}".format(x)) return pd.DataFrame({c: _empty_series(c, d, index=index) for (c, d) in x}, columns=[c for c, d in x], index=index) elif not hasattr(x, 'dtype') and x is not None: # could be a string, a dtype object, or a python type. Skip `None`, # because it is implictly converted to `dtype('f8')`, which we don't # want here. try: dtype = np.dtype(x) return _scalar_from_dtype(dtype) except: # Continue on to next check pass if is_scalar(x): return _nonempty_scalar(x) raise TypeError("Don't know how to create metadata from {0}".format(x)) def _nonempty_index(idx): typ = type(idx) if typ is pd.RangeIndex: return pd.RangeIndex(2, name=idx.name) elif typ in (pd.Int64Index, pd.Float64Index): return typ([1, 2], name=idx.name) elif typ is pd.Index: return pd.Index(['a', 'b'], name=idx.name) elif typ is pd.DatetimeIndex: start = '1970-01-01' data = [start, start] if idx.freq is None else None return pd.DatetimeIndex(data, start=start, periods=2, freq=idx.freq, tz=idx.tz, name=idx.name) elif typ is pd.PeriodIndex: return pd.PeriodIndex(start='1970-01-01', periods=2, freq=idx.freq, name=idx.name) elif typ is pd.TimedeltaIndex: start = np.timedelta64(1, 'D') data = [start, start] if idx.freq is None else None return pd.TimedeltaIndex(data, start=start, periods=2, freq=idx.freq, name=idx.name) elif typ is pd.CategoricalIndex: if len(idx.categories): data = [idx.categories[0]] * 2 cats = idx.categories else: data = _nonempty_index(idx.categories) cats = None return pd.CategoricalIndex(data, categories=cats, ordered=idx.ordered, name=idx.name) elif typ is pd.MultiIndex: levels = [_nonempty_index(i) for i in idx.levels] labels = [[0, 0] for i in idx.levels] return pd.MultiIndex(levels=levels, labels=labels, names=idx.names) raise TypeError("Don't know how to handle index of " "type {0}".format(type(idx).__name__)) _simple_fake_mapping = { 'b': np.bool_(True), 'V': np.void(b' '), 'M': np.datetime64('1970-01-01'), 'm': np.timedelta64(1), 'S': np.str_('foo'), 'a': np.str_('foo'), 'U': np.unicode_('foo'), 'O': 'foo' } def _scalar_from_dtype(dtype): if dtype.kind in ('i', 'f', 'u'): return dtype.type(1) elif dtype.kind == 'c': return dtype.type(complex(1, 0)) elif dtype.kind in _simple_fake_mapping: o = _simple_fake_mapping[dtype.kind] return o.astype(dtype) if dtype.kind in ('m', 'M') else o else: raise TypeError("Can't handle dtype: {0}".format(dtype)) def _nonempty_scalar(x): if isinstance(x, (pd.Timestamp, pd.Timedelta, pd.Period)): return x elif np.isscalar(x): dtype = x.dtype if hasattr(x, 'dtype') else np.dtype(type(x)) return _scalar_from_dtype(dtype) else: raise TypeError("Can't handle meta of type " "'{0}'".format(type(x).__name__)) def _nonempty_series(s, idx): dtype = s.dtype if is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype): entry = pd.Timestamp('1970-01-01', tz=dtype.tz) data = [entry, entry] elif is_categorical_dtype(dtype): if len(s.cat.categories): data = [s.cat.categories[0]] * 2 cats = s.cat.categories else: data = _nonempty_index(s.cat.categories) cats = None data = pd.Categorical(data, categories=cats, ordered=s.cat.ordered) else: entry = _scalar_from_dtype(dtype) data = np.array([entry, entry], dtype=dtype) return pd.Series(data, name=s.name, index=idx) def meta_nonempty(x): """Create a nonempty pandas object from the given metadata. Returns a pandas DataFrame, Series, or Index that contains two rows of fake data. """ if isinstance(x, pd.Index): return _nonempty_index(x) elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): idx = _nonempty_index(x.index) return _nonempty_series(x, idx) elif isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): idx = _nonempty_index(x.index) data = {i: _nonempty_series(x.iloc[:, i], idx) for i, c in enumerate(x.columns)} res = pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns=np.arange(len(x.columns))) res.columns = x.columns return res elif is_scalar(x): return _nonempty_scalar(x) else: raise TypeError("Expected Index, Series, DataFrame, or scalar, " "got {0}".format(type(x).__name__)) ############################################################### # Testing ############################################################### def _check_dask(dsk, check_names=True, check_dtypes=True, result=None): import dask.dataframe as dd if hasattr(dsk, 'dask'): if result is None: result = dsk.compute(get=get_sync) if isinstance(dsk, dd.Index): assert isinstance(result, pd.Index), type(result) assert isinstance(dsk._meta, pd.Index), type(dsk._meta) if check_names: assert dsk.name == result.name assert dsk._meta.name == result.name if isinstance(result, pd.MultiIndex): assert result.names == dsk._meta.names if check_dtypes: assert_dask_dtypes(dsk, result) elif isinstance(dsk, dd.Series): assert isinstance(result, pd.Series), type(result) assert isinstance(dsk._meta, pd.Series), type(dsk._meta) if check_names: assert dsk.name == result.name, (dsk.name, result.name) assert dsk._meta.name == result.name if check_dtypes: assert_dask_dtypes(dsk, result) _check_dask(dsk.index, check_names=check_names, check_dtypes=check_dtypes, result=result.index) elif isinstance(dsk, dd.DataFrame): assert isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame), type(result) assert isinstance(dsk.columns, pd.Index), type(dsk.columns) assert isinstance(dsk._meta, pd.DataFrame), type(dsk._meta) if check_names: tm.assert_index_equal(dsk.columns, result.columns) tm.assert_index_equal(dsk._meta.columns, result.columns) if check_dtypes: assert_dask_dtypes(dsk, result) _check_dask(dsk.index, check_names=check_names, check_dtypes=check_dtypes, result=result.index) elif isinstance(dsk, dd.core.Scalar): assert (np.isscalar(result) or isinstance(result, (pd.Timestamp, pd.Timedelta))) if check_dtypes: assert_dask_dtypes(dsk, result) else: msg = 'Unsupported dask instance {0} found'.format(type(dsk)) raise AssertionError(msg) return result return dsk def _maybe_sort(a): # sort by value, then index try: if isinstance(a, pd.DataFrame): a = a.sort_values(by=a.columns.tolist()) else: a = a.sort_values() except (TypeError, IndexError, ValueError): pass return a.sort_index() def assert_eq(a, b, check_names=True, check_dtypes=True, check_divisions=True, check_index=True, **kwargs): if check_divisions: assert_divisions(a) assert_divisions(b) if hasattr(a, 'divisions') and hasattr(b, 'divisions'): at = type(np.asarray(a.divisions).tolist()[0]) # numpy to python bt = type(np.asarray(b.divisions).tolist()[0]) # scalar conversion assert at == bt, (at, bt) assert_sane_keynames(a) assert_sane_keynames(b) a = _check_dask(a, check_names=check_names, check_dtypes=check_dtypes) b = _check_dask(b, check_names=check_names, check_dtypes=check_dtypes) if not check_index: a = a.reset_index(drop=True) b = b.reset_index(drop=True) if isinstance(a, pd.DataFrame): a = _maybe_sort(a) b = _maybe_sort(b) tm.assert_frame_equal(a, b, **kwargs) elif isinstance(a, pd.Series): a = _maybe_sort(a) b = _maybe_sort(b) tm.assert_series_equal(a, b, check_names=check_names, **kwargs) elif isinstance(a, pd.Index): tm.assert_index_equal(a, b, **kwargs) else: if a == b: return True else: if np.isnan(a): assert np.isnan(b) else: assert np.allclose(a, b) return True def assert_dask_graph(dask, label): if hasattr(dask, 'dask'): dask = dask.dask assert isinstance(dask, dict) for k in dask: if isinstance(k, tuple): k = k[0] if k.startswith(label): return True else: msg = "given dask graph doesn't contan label: {0}" raise AssertionError(msg.format(label)) def assert_divisions(ddf): if not hasattr(ddf, 'divisions'): return if not hasattr(ddf, 'index'): return if not ddf.known_divisions: return index = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, pd.Index) else x.index results = get_sync(ddf.dask, ddf._keys()) for i, df in enumerate(results[:-1]): if len(df): assert index(df).min() >= ddf.divisions[i] assert index(df).max() < ddf.divisions[i + 1] if len(results[-1]): assert index(results[-1]).min() >= ddf.divisions[-2] assert index(results[-1]).max() <= ddf.divisions[-1] def assert_sane_keynames(ddf): if not hasattr(ddf, 'dask'): return for k in ddf.dask.keys(): while isinstance(k, tuple): k = k[0] assert isinstance(k, (str, bytes)) assert len(k) < 100 assert ' ' not in k if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: assert k.split('-')[0].isidentifier() def assert_dask_dtypes(ddf, res, numeric_equal=True): """Check that the dask metadata matches the result. If `numeric_equal`, integer and floating dtypes compare equal. This is useful due to the implicit conversion of integer to floating upon encountering missingness, which is hard to infer statically.""" eq_types = {'O', 'S', 'U', 'a'} # treat object and strings alike if numeric_equal: eq_types.update(('i', 'f')) if isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame): for col, a, b in pd.concat([ddf._meta.dtypes, res.dtypes], axis=1).itertuples(): assert (a.kind in eq_types and b.kind in eq_types) or (a == b) elif isinstance(res, (pd.Series, pd.Index)): a = ddf._meta.dtype b = res.dtype assert (a.kind in eq_types and b.kind in eq_types) or (a == b) else: if hasattr(ddf._meta, 'dtype'): a = ddf._meta.dtype if not hasattr(res, 'dtype'): assert np.isscalar(res) b = np.dtype(type(res)) else: b = res.dtype assert (a.kind in eq_types and b.kind in eq_types) or (a == b) else: assert type(ddf._meta) == type(res) def assert_max_deps(x, n, eq=True): dependencies, dependents = get_deps(x.dask) if eq: assert max(map(len, dependencies.values())) == n else: assert max(map(len, dependencies.values())) <= n
{ "repo_name": "mraspaud/dask", "path": "dask/dataframe/utils.py", "copies": "1", "size": "21094", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 1418236844497588200, "line_mean": 33.8661157025, "line_max": 82, "alpha_frac": 0.5669858728, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.6755532322704303, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.474253910507043, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import traceback import warnings from datetime import datetime from functools import partial import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ..core.common import contains_cftime_datetimes from ..core import indexing from ..core.formatting import first_n_items, format_timestamp, last_item from ..core.options import OPTIONS from ..core.pycompat import PY3 from ..core.variable import Variable from .variables import ( SerializationWarning, VariableCoder, lazy_elemwise_func, pop_to, safe_setitem, unpack_for_decoding, unpack_for_encoding) try: from pandas.errors import OutOfBoundsDatetime except ImportError: # pandas < 0.20 from pandas.tslib import OutOfBoundsDatetime # standard calendars recognized by cftime _STANDARD_CALENDARS = set(['standard', 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian']) _NS_PER_TIME_DELTA = {'us': int(1e3), 'ms': int(1e6), 's': int(1e9), 'm': int(1e9) * 60, 'h': int(1e9) * 60 * 60, 'D': int(1e9) * 60 * 60 * 24} TIME_UNITS = frozenset(['days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'milliseconds', 'microseconds']) def _import_cftime(): ''' helper function handle the transition to netcdftime/cftime as a stand-alone package ''' try: import cftime except ImportError: # in netCDF4 the num2date/date2num function are top-level api try: import netCDF4 as cftime except ImportError: raise ImportError("Failed to import cftime") return cftime def _require_standalone_cftime(): """Raises an ImportError if the standalone cftime is not found""" try: import cftime # noqa: F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError('Using a CFTimeIndex requires the standalone ' 'version of the cftime library.') def _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(units): units = units.lower() if not units.endswith('s'): units = '%ss' % units return {'microseconds': 'us', 'milliseconds': 'ms', 'seconds': 's', 'minutes': 'm', 'hours': 'h', 'days': 'D'}[units] def _unpack_netcdf_time_units(units): # CF datetime units follow the format: "UNIT since DATE" # this parses out the unit and date allowing for extraneous # whitespace. matches = re.match('(.+) since (.+)', units) if not matches: raise ValueError('invalid time units: %s' % units) delta_units, ref_date = [s.strip() for s in matches.groups()] return delta_units, ref_date def _decode_datetime_with_cftime(num_dates, units, calendar, enable_cftimeindex): cftime = _import_cftime() if enable_cftimeindex: _require_standalone_cftime() dates = np.asarray(cftime.num2date(num_dates, units, calendar, only_use_cftime_datetimes=True)) else: dates = np.asarray(cftime.num2date(num_dates, units, calendar)) if (dates[np.nanargmin(num_dates)].year < 1678 or dates[np.nanargmax(num_dates)].year >= 2262): if not enable_cftimeindex or calendar in _STANDARD_CALENDARS: warnings.warn( 'Unable to decode time axis into full ' 'numpy.datetime64 objects, continuing using dummy ' 'cftime.datetime objects instead, reason: dates out ' 'of range', SerializationWarning, stacklevel=3) else: if enable_cftimeindex: if calendar in _STANDARD_CALENDARS: dates = cftime_to_nptime(dates) else: try: dates = cftime_to_nptime(dates) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn( 'Unable to decode time axis into full ' 'numpy.datetime64 objects, continuing using ' 'dummy cftime.datetime objects instead, reason:' '{0}'.format(e), SerializationWarning, stacklevel=3) return dates def _decode_cf_datetime_dtype(data, units, calendar, enable_cftimeindex): # Verify that at least the first and last date can be decoded # successfully. Otherwise, tracebacks end up swallowed by # Dataset.__repr__ when users try to view their lazily decoded array. values = indexing.ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter( indexing.as_indexable(data)) example_value = np.concatenate([first_n_items(values, 1) or [0], last_item(values) or [0]]) try: result = decode_cf_datetime(example_value, units, calendar, enable_cftimeindex) except Exception: calendar_msg = ('the default calendar' if calendar is None else 'calendar %r' % calendar) msg = ('unable to decode time units %r with %s. Try ' 'opening your dataset with decode_times=False.' % (units, calendar_msg)) if not PY3: msg += ' Full traceback:\n' + traceback.format_exc() raise ValueError(msg) else: dtype = getattr(result, 'dtype', np.dtype('object')) return dtype def decode_cf_datetime(num_dates, units, calendar=None, enable_cftimeindex=False): """Given an array of numeric dates in netCDF format, convert it into a numpy array of date time objects. For standard (Gregorian) calendars, this function uses vectorized operations, which makes it much faster than cftime.num2date. In such a case, the returned array will be of type np.datetime64. Note that time unit in `units` must not be smaller than microseconds and not larger than days. See also -------- cftime.num2date """ num_dates = np.asarray(num_dates) flat_num_dates = num_dates.ravel() if calendar is None: calendar = 'standard' delta, ref_date = _unpack_netcdf_time_units(units) try: if calendar not in _STANDARD_CALENDARS: raise OutOfBoundsDatetime delta = _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(delta) try: ref_date = pd.Timestamp(ref_date) except ValueError: # ValueError is raised by pd.Timestamp for non-ISO timestamp # strings, in which case we fall back to using cftime raise OutOfBoundsDatetime # fixes: https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/14068 # these lines check if the the lowest or the highest value in dates # cause an OutOfBoundsDatetime (Overflow) error pd.to_timedelta(flat_num_dates.min(), delta) + ref_date pd.to_timedelta(flat_num_dates.max(), delta) + ref_date # Cast input dates to integers of nanoseconds because `pd.to_datetime` # works much faster when dealing with integers # make _NS_PER_TIME_DELTA an array to ensure type upcasting flat_num_dates_ns_int = (flat_num_dates.astype(np.float64) * _NS_PER_TIME_DELTA[delta]).astype(np.int64) dates = (pd.to_timedelta(flat_num_dates_ns_int, 'ns') + ref_date).values except (OutOfBoundsDatetime, OverflowError): dates = _decode_datetime_with_cftime( flat_num_dates.astype(np.float), units, calendar, enable_cftimeindex) return dates.reshape(num_dates.shape) def decode_cf_timedelta(num_timedeltas, units): """Given an array of numeric timedeltas in netCDF format, convert it into a numpy timedelta64[ns] array. """ num_timedeltas = np.asarray(num_timedeltas) units = _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(units) shape = num_timedeltas.shape num_timedeltas = num_timedeltas.ravel() result = pd.to_timedelta(num_timedeltas, unit=units, box=False) # NaT is returned unboxed with wrong units; this should be fixed in pandas if result.dtype != 'timedelta64[ns]': result = result.astype('timedelta64[ns]') return result.reshape(shape) def _infer_time_units_from_diff(unique_timedeltas): for time_unit in ['days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds']: delta_ns = _NS_PER_TIME_DELTA[_netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(time_unit)] unit_delta = np.timedelta64(delta_ns, 'ns') diffs = unique_timedeltas / unit_delta if np.all(diffs == diffs.astype(int)): return time_unit return 'seconds' def infer_calendar_name(dates): """Given an array of datetimes, infer the CF calendar name""" if np.asarray(dates).dtype == 'datetime64[ns]': return 'proleptic_gregorian' else: return np.asarray(dates).ravel()[0].calendar def infer_datetime_units(dates): """Given an array of datetimes, returns a CF compatible time-unit string of the form "{time_unit} since {date[0]}", where `time_unit` is 'days', 'hours', 'minutes' or 'seconds' (the first one that can evenly divide all unique time deltas in `dates`) """ dates = np.asarray(dates).ravel() if np.asarray(dates).dtype == 'datetime64[ns]': dates = pd.to_datetime(dates, box=False) dates = dates[pd.notnull(dates)] reference_date = dates[0] if len(dates) > 0 else '1970-01-01' reference_date = pd.Timestamp(reference_date) else: reference_date = dates[0] if len(dates) > 0 else '1970-01-01' reference_date = format_cftime_datetime(reference_date) unique_timedeltas = np.unique(np.diff(dates)) if unique_timedeltas.dtype == np.dtype('O'): # Convert to np.timedelta64 objects using pandas to work around a # NumPy casting bug: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/11096 unique_timedeltas = pd.to_timedelta(unique_timedeltas, box=False) units = _infer_time_units_from_diff(unique_timedeltas) return '%s since %s' % (units, reference_date) def format_cftime_datetime(date): """Converts a cftime.datetime object to a string with the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.UUUUUU """ return '{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:06d}'.format( date.year, date.month, date.day, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.microsecond) def infer_timedelta_units(deltas): """Given an array of timedeltas, returns a CF compatible time-unit from {'days', 'hours', 'minutes' 'seconds'} (the first one that can evenly divide all unique time deltas in `deltas`) """ deltas = pd.to_timedelta(np.asarray(deltas).ravel(), box=False) unique_timedeltas = np.unique(deltas[pd.notnull(deltas)]) units = _infer_time_units_from_diff(unique_timedeltas) return units def cftime_to_nptime(times): """Given an array of cftime.datetime objects, return an array of numpy.datetime64 objects of the same size""" times = np.asarray(times) new = np.empty(times.shape, dtype='M8[ns]') for i, t in np.ndenumerate(times): dt = datetime(t.year, t.month, t.day, t.hour, t.minute, t.second) new[i] = np.datetime64(dt) return new def _cleanup_netcdf_time_units(units): delta, ref_date = _unpack_netcdf_time_units(units) try: units = '%s since %s' % (delta, format_timestamp(ref_date)) except OutOfBoundsDatetime: # don't worry about reifying the units if they're out of bounds pass return units def _encode_datetime_with_cftime(dates, units, calendar): """Fallback method for encoding dates using cftime. This method is more flexible than xarray's parsing using datetime64[ns] arrays but also slower because it loops over each element. """ cftime = _import_cftime() if np.issubdtype(dates.dtype, np.datetime64): # numpy's broken datetime conversion only works for us precision dates = dates.astype('M8[us]').astype(datetime) def encode_datetime(d): return np.nan if d is None else cftime.date2num(d, units, calendar) return np.vectorize(encode_datetime)(dates) def cast_to_int_if_safe(num): int_num = np.array(num, dtype=np.int64) if (num == int_num).all(): num = int_num return num def encode_cf_datetime(dates, units=None, calendar=None): """Given an array of datetime objects, returns the tuple `(num, units, calendar)` suitable for a CF compliant time variable. Unlike `date2num`, this function can handle datetime64 arrays. See also -------- cftime.date2num """ dates = np.asarray(dates) if units is None: units = infer_datetime_units(dates) else: units = _cleanup_netcdf_time_units(units) if calendar is None: calendar = infer_calendar_name(dates) delta, ref_date = _unpack_netcdf_time_units(units) try: if calendar not in _STANDARD_CALENDARS or dates.dtype.kind == 'O': # parse with cftime instead raise OutOfBoundsDatetime assert dates.dtype == 'datetime64[ns]' delta_units = _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(delta) time_delta = np.timedelta64(1, delta_units).astype('timedelta64[ns]') ref_date = np.datetime64(pd.Timestamp(ref_date)) num = (dates - ref_date) / time_delta except (OutOfBoundsDatetime, OverflowError): num = _encode_datetime_with_cftime(dates, units, calendar) num = cast_to_int_if_safe(num) return (num, units, calendar) def encode_cf_timedelta(timedeltas, units=None): if units is None: units = infer_timedelta_units(timedeltas) np_unit = _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(units) num = 1.0 * timedeltas / np.timedelta64(1, np_unit) num = np.where(pd.isnull(timedeltas), np.nan, num) num = cast_to_int_if_safe(num) return (num, units) class CFDatetimeCoder(VariableCoder): def encode(self, variable, name=None): dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable) if (np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.datetime64) or contains_cftime_datetimes(variable)): (data, units, calendar) = encode_cf_datetime( data, encoding.pop('units', None), encoding.pop('calendar', None)) safe_setitem(attrs, 'units', units, name=name) safe_setitem(attrs, 'calendar', calendar, name=name) return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding) def decode(self, variable, name=None): dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_decoding(variable) enable_cftimeindex = OPTIONS['enable_cftimeindex'] if 'units' in attrs and 'since' in attrs['units']: units = pop_to(attrs, encoding, 'units') calendar = pop_to(attrs, encoding, 'calendar') dtype = _decode_cf_datetime_dtype( data, units, calendar, enable_cftimeindex) transform = partial( decode_cf_datetime, units=units, calendar=calendar, enable_cftimeindex=enable_cftimeindex) data = lazy_elemwise_func(data, transform, dtype) return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding) class CFTimedeltaCoder(VariableCoder): def encode(self, variable, name=None): dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable) if np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.timedelta64): data, units = encode_cf_timedelta( data, encoding.pop('units', None)) safe_setitem(attrs, 'units', units, name=name) return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding) def decode(self, variable, name=None): dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_decoding(variable) if 'units' in attrs and attrs['units'] in TIME_UNITS: units = pop_to(attrs, encoding, 'units') transform = partial(decode_cf_timedelta, units=units) dtype = np.dtype('timedelta64[ns]') data = lazy_elemwise_func(data, transform, dtype=dtype) return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)
{ "repo_name": "jcmgray/xarray", "path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "copies": "1", "size": "15932", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": -8077839839982989000, "line_mean": 35.7096774194, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.6324378609, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.776250296278739, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4908688157178739, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re from .core import common_subexpression from .expressions import Expr from .reductions import Reduction, Summary, summary from ..dispatch import dispatch from .expressions import dshape_method_list from datashape import dshape, Record, Map, Unit, var __all__ = ['by', 'By', 'count_values'] def _names_and_types(expr): schema = expr.dshape.measure schema = getattr(schema, 'ty', schema) if isinstance(schema, Record): return schema.names, schema.types if isinstance(schema, Unit): return [expr._name], [expr.dshape.measure] if isinstance(schema, Map): return [expr._name], [expr.dshape.measure.key] raise ValueError("Unable to determine name and type of %s" % expr) class By(Expr): """ Split-Apply-Combine Operator Examples -------- >>> from blaze import symbol >>> t = symbol('t', 'var * {name: string, amount: int, id: int}') >>> e = by(t['name'], total=t['amount'].sum()) >>> data = [['Alice', 100, 1], ... ['Bob', 200, 2], ... ['Alice', 50, 3]] >>> from blaze.compute.python import compute >>> sorted(compute(e, data)) [('Alice', 150), ('Bob', 200)] """ _arguments = 'grouper', 'apply' @property def _child(self): return common_subexpression(self.grouper, self.apply) def _schema(self): grouper_names, grouper_types = _names_and_types(self.grouper) apply_names, apply_types = _names_and_types(self.apply) names = grouper_names + apply_names types = grouper_types + apply_types return dshape(Record(list(zip(names, types)))) def _dshape(self): # TODO: think if this should be generalized return var * self.schema def __str__(self): return '%s(%s, %s)' % (type(self).__name__.lower(), self.grouper, re.sub(r'^summary\((.*)\)$', r'\1', str(self.apply))) @dispatch(Expr, Reduction) def by(grouper, s): raise ValueError("This syntax has been removed.\n" "Please name reductions with keyword arguments.\n" "Before: by(t.name, t.amount.sum())\n" "After: by(t.name, total=t.amount.sum())") @dispatch(Expr, Summary) def by(grouper, s): return By(grouper, s) @dispatch(Expr) def by(grouper, **kwargs): return By(grouper, summary(**kwargs)) def count_values(expr, sort=True): """ Count occurrences of elements in this column Sort by counts by default Add ``sort=False`` keyword to avoid this behavior. """ result = by(expr, count=expr.count()) if sort: result = result.sort('count', ascending=False) return result dshape_method_list.extend([ (lambda ds: len(ds.shape) == 1, set([count_values])), ])
{ "repo_name": "ContinuumIO/blaze", "path": "blaze/expr/split_apply_combine.py", "copies": "3", "size": "2935", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -4449423408555156500, "line_mean": 26.6886792453, "line_max": 71, "alpha_frac": 0.5884156729, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.655043586550436, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 106 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re from .data import ComponentID from .subset import Subset, SubsetState from .component_link import ComponentLink TAG_RE = re.compile('\{\s*(?P<tag>\S+)\s*\}') __all__ = ['ParsedCommand', 'ParsedSubsetState'] def _ensure_only_component_references(cmd, references): """ Search through tag references in a command, ensure that they all reference ComponentIDs Parameters ---------- cmd : string. A template command referenes : a mapping from tags to substitution objects Raises ------ TypeError, if cmd does not refer only to ComponentIDs """ for match in TAG_RE.finditer(cmd): tag = match.group('tag') if tag not in references or not \ isinstance(references[tag], ComponentID): raise TypeError( "Reference to %s, which is not a ComponentID" % tag) def _reference_list(cmd, references): """ Return a list of the values in the references mapping whose keys appear in the command Parameters ---------- cmd : string. A template command references : a mapping from tags to substitution objects Returns ------- A list of the unique values in references that appear in the command Examples -------- >>> cmd = '{g} - {r} + {g}' >>> references = {'g' : g_object, 'r' : r_object, 'i' : i_object} >>> _reference_list(cmd, references) [g_object, r_object] Raises ------ KeyError: if tags in the command aren't in the reference mapping """ try: return list(set(references[m.group('tag')] for m in TAG_RE.finditer(cmd))) except KeyError: raise KeyError("Tags from command not in reference mapping") def _dereference(cmd, references): """ Dereference references in the template command, to refer to objects in the reference mapping Parameters ---------- cmd : Command string references : mapping from template tags to objects Returns ------- A new command, where all the tags have been subsituted as follows: "{tag}" -> 'data[references["tag"], __view]', if references[tag] is a ComponentID "{tag}" -> 'references["tag"].to_mask(__view)' if references[tag] is a Subset __view is a placeholder variable referencing the view passed to data.__getitem__ and subset.to_mask Raises ------ TypeError, if a tag in the command maps to something other than a ComponentID or Subset object """ def sub_func(match): tag = match.group('tag') if isinstance(references[tag], ComponentID): return 'data[references["%s"], __view]' % tag elif isinstance(references[tag], Subset): return 'references["%s"].to_mask(__view)' % tag else: raise TypeError("Tag %s maps to unrecognized type: %s" % (tag, type(references[tag]))) return TAG_RE.sub(sub_func, cmd) def _validate(cmd, references): """ Make sure all references in the command are in the reference mapping Raises ------ TypeError, if a tag is missing from references """ for match in TAG_RE.finditer(cmd): tag = match.group('tag') if tag not in references: raise TypeError("Tag %s not in reference mapping: %s" % (tag, sorted(references.keys()))) class ParsedCommand(object): """ Class to manage commands that define new components and subsets """ def __init__(self, cmd, references): """ Create a new parsed command object Parameters ---------- cmd : str. A template command. Can only reference ComponentID objects references : mapping from command templates to substitution objects """ _validate(cmd, references) self._cmd = cmd self._references = references def ensure_only_component_references(self): _ensure_only_component_references(self._cmd, self._references) @property def reference_list(self): return _reference_list(self._cmd, self._references) def evaluate(self, data, view=None): from .. import env # pylint: disable=W0613, W0612 references = self._references cmd = _dereference(self._cmd, self._references) scope = vars(env) scope['__view'] = view return eval(cmd, vars(env), locals()) # careful! def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(cmd=self._cmd, references=dict((k, context.id(v)) for k, v in self._references.items())) @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): cmd = rec['cmd'] ref = dict((k, context.object(v)) for k, v in rec['references'].items()) return cls(cmd, ref) class ParsedComponentLink(ComponentLink): """ Class to create a new ComponentLink from a ParsedCommand object. """ def __init__(self, to_, parsed): """ Create a new link Parameters ---------- to_ : ComponentID instance to associate with the new component parsed : A ParsedCommand object """ parsed.ensure_only_component_references() super(ParsedComponentLink, self).__init__( parsed.reference_list, to_, lambda: None) self._parsed = parsed def compute(self, data, view=None): return self._parsed.evaluate(data, view) def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(parsed=context.do(self._parsed), to=context.id(self.get_to_id())) @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): return cls(context.object(rec['to']), context.object(rec['parsed'])) class ParsedSubsetState(SubsetState): """ A SubsetState defined by a ParsedCommand object """ def __init__(self, parsed): """ Create a new object Parameters ---------- parsed : A ParsedCommand object """ super(ParsedSubsetState, self).__init__() self._parsed = parsed def to_mask(self, data, view=None): """ Calculate the new mask by evaluating the dereferenced command """ result = self._parsed.evaluate(data) if view is not None: result = result[view] return result
{ "repo_name": "JudoWill/glue", "path": "glue/core/parse.py", "copies": "1", "size": "6427", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -5441677174968901000, "line_mean": 29.7511961722, "line_max": 87, "alpha_frac": 0.5991909133, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.3543360433604335, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.0006314069399153651, "num_lines": 209 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re from ...external.qt.QtGui import QDialog, QMessageBox from ...external.qt import QtCore from ... import core from ...core import parse from ...utils.qt import CompletionTextEdit from ..qtutil import load_ui def disambiguate(label, labels): """ Changes name of label if it conflicts with labels list Parameters ---------- label : string labels : collection of strings Returns ------- label, perhaps appended with a suffix "_{number}". The output does not appear in labels """ label = label.replace(' ', '_') if label not in labels: return label suffix = 1 while label + ('_%i' % suffix) in labels: suffix += 1 return label + ('_%i' % suffix) class ColorizedCompletionTextEdit(CompletionTextEdit): def insertPlainText(self, *args): super(ColorizedCompletionTextEdit, self).insertPlainText(*args) self.reformat_text() def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): super(ColorizedCompletionTextEdit, self).keyReleaseEvent(event) self.reformat_text() def reformat_text(self): # Here every time a key is released, we re-colorize the expression. # We show valid components in blue, and invalid ones in red. We # recognized components because they contain a ":" which is not valid # Python syntax (except if one considers lambda functions, but we can # probably ignore that here) text = self.toPlainText() # If there are no : in the text we don't need to do anything if not ":" in text: return pattern = '[^\\s]*:[^\\s]*' def format_components(m): component = m.group(0) if component in self.word_list: return "<font color='#0072B2'><b>" + component + "</b></font> " else: return "<font color='#D55E00'><b>" + component + "</b></font> " html = re.sub(pattern, format_components, text) tc = self.textCursor() pos = tc.position() self.setHtml(html) # Sometimes the HTML gets rid of double spaces so we have to make # sure the position isn't greater than the text length. text = self.toPlainText() pos = min(pos, len(text)) tc.setPosition(pos) self.setTextCursor(tc) self.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) class CustomComponentWidget(object): """ Dialog to add derived components to data via parsed commands. """ def __init__(self, collection, parent=None): # Load in ui file to set up widget self.ui = load_ui('custom_component_widget', parent) # In the ui file we do not create the text field for the expression # because we want to use a custom widget that supports auto-complete. self.ui.expression = ColorizedCompletionTextEdit() self.ui.verticalLayout_3.addWidget(self.ui.expression) self.ui.expression.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.ui.expression.setObjectName("expression") self.ui.expression.setToolTip("Define a new component. You can either " "type out the full name of a component\n" "with the data:component syntax, or " "start typing and press TAB to use " "tab-completion.\n Blue-colored " "components are valid, while " "Red-colored components are invalid.") self._labels = {} self._data = {} self._collection = collection self._gather_components() self._gather_data() self._init_widgets() self._connect() # Set up auto-completion. While the auto-complete window is open, we # cannot add/remove datasets or other components, so we can populate # the auto_completer straight off. self.ui.expression.set_word_list(list(self._labels.keys())) def _connect(self): cl = self.ui.component_list cl.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self._add_to_expression) def _init_widgets(self): """ Set up default state of widget """ comps = self.ui.component_list comps.addItems(sorted(self._labels.keys())) data = self.ui.data_list data.addItems(sorted(self._data.keys())) def _gather_components(self): """ Build a mapping from unique labels -> componentIDs """ comps = set() for data in self._collection: for c in data.components: if c in comps: continue label = "%s:%s" % (data.label, c) label = disambiguate(label, self._labels) self._labels[label] = c comps.add(c) def _gather_data(self): """ Build a mapping from unique labels -> data objects """ for data in self._collection: label = data.label label = disambiguate(label, self._data) self._data[label] = data def _selected_data(self): """ Yield all data objects that are selected in the DataList """ for items in self.ui.data_list.selectedItems(): yield self._data[str(items.text())] def _create_link(self): """ Create a ComponentLink form the state of the GUI Returns ------- A new component link """ expression = str(self.ui.expression.toPlainText()) # To maintain backward compatibility with previous versions of glue, # we add curly brackets around the components in the expression. pattern = '[^\\s]*:[^\\s]*' def add_curly(m): return "{" + m.group(0) + "}" expression = re.sub(pattern, add_curly, expression) pc = parse.ParsedCommand(expression, self._labels) label = str(self.ui.new_label.text()) or 'new component' new_id = core.data.ComponentID(label) link = parse.ParsedComponentLink(new_id, pc) return link @property def _number_targets(self): """ How many targets are selected """ return len(self.ui.data_list.selectedItems()) def _add_link_to_targets(self, link): """ Add a link to all the selected data """ for target in self._selected_data(): target.add_component_link(link) def _add_to_expression(self, item): """ Add a component list item to the expression editor """ addition = '%s ' % item.text() expression = self.ui.expression expression.insertPlainText(addition) @staticmethod def create_component(collection): """Present user with a dialog to define and add new components. Parameters ---------- collection : A `DataCollection` to edit """ # pylint: disable=W0212 widget = CustomComponentWidget(collection) while True: widget.ui.show() if widget.ui.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: if len(str(widget.ui.expression.toPlainText())) == 0: QMessageBox.critical(widget.ui, "Error", "No expression set", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) elif widget._number_targets == 0: QMessageBox.critical(widget.ui, "Error", "Please specify the target dataset(s)", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) elif len(widget.ui.new_label.text()) == 0: QMessageBox.critical(widget.ui, "Error", "Please specify the new component name", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) else: link = widget._create_link() if link: widget._add_link_to_targets(link) break else: break def main(): from glue.core.data import Data from glue.core.data_collection import DataCollection import numpy as np x = np.random.random((5, 5)) y = x * 3 data = DataCollection(Data(label='test', x=x, y=y)) CustomComponentWidget.create_component(data) for d in data: print(d.label) for c in d.components: print('\t%s' % c) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
{ "repo_name": "JudoWill/glue", "path": "glue/qt/widgets/custom_component_widget.py", "copies": "1", "size": "8477", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -8110531840612001000, "line_mean": 33.3198380567, "line_max": 101, "alpha_frac": 0.5727262003, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.362840967575914, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5435567167875914, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re from imps.rebuilders import does_line_have_hash_noqa, Rebuilder, sortable_key from imps.strings import get_doc_string IMPORT_LINE = r'^import\s.*' FROM_IMPORT_LINE = r'^from\s.*import\s.*' FROM_IMPORT_LINE_WITH_PARAN = r'^from\s.*import\s.*\(' # We do sorting here early for a single line with multiple imports. def split_imports(s): from_part, import_list = re.split(r'\s*import\s+', s, 1) if '#' in import_list: search_to = import_list.find('#') else: search_to = len(import_list) ending = import_list[search_to:] if ending: ending = " " + ending if from_part: from_part += " " imps = import_list[0:search_to].split(',') imps = sorted(set([i.strip() for i in imps if i.strip()]), key=sortable_key) return from_part + "import " + ', '.join(imps) + ending def is_line_an_import(l): return re.match(FROM_IMPORT_LINE, l) or re.match(IMPORT_LINE, l) def _is_there_no_close_paran(l): return ')' not in l or ('#' in l and l.find('#') < l.find(')')) class Sorter(): def __init__(self, type='s', max_line_length=80, local_imports=None, indent=" "): self.reader = ReadInput(indent) self.local_imports = local_imports or [] self.builder_object = Rebuilder(type, int(max_line_length), indent) def sort(self, lines): self.reader.clean() self.reader.process_and_split(lines) return self.builder_object.rebuild(self.local_imports, *self.reader.get_imports_as_dicts()) class ReadInput(): def __init__(self, indent): self.indent = indent def clean(self): self.lines_before_any_imports = None self.lines_before_import = [] self.pre_import = {} self.pre_from_import = {} def _store_line(self, target_map, line): # Special case keep the first comments at the very top of the file (eg utf encodings) if self.lines_before_any_imports is None: self.lines_before_any_imports = self.lines_before_import self.lines_before_import = [] target_map[line] = self.lines_before_import self.lines_before_import = [] def _process_line(self, line): if does_line_have_hash_noqa(line): self.lines_before_import.append(line) elif re.match(IMPORT_LINE, line): self._store_line(self.pre_import, split_imports(line)) elif re.match(FROM_IMPORT_LINE_WITH_PARAN, line): self._process_from_paren_block(line) elif re.match(FROM_IMPORT_LINE, line): self._store_line(self.pre_from_import, split_imports(line)) else: self.lines_before_import.append(line) def _process_from_paren_block(self, line): """ If there are no comments we squash a from X import (Y,Z) into -> from X import Y,Z by removing the parenthesis However if there are comments we must split them into comments for the import on the line below the comment and comments on the same line as the import. Imports are then sorted inside this method to preserve the position of the comments. """ if '# noqa' in line: self._store_line(self.pre_from_import, split_imports(line)) return if '#' not in line: line = line.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') self._store_line(self.pre_from_import, split_imports(line)) return base = line[0:line.find('(') + 1] line = line[line.find('(') + 1:line.rfind(')')] pre_comments = [] pre_imp_comment = {} same_line_comment = {} old_import = None while line: is_newline = line.find('\n') < line.find('#') line = line.lstrip() # If the next part of l is NOT a comment. if line.find('#') != 0: # l[0:end_marker] is the name of the next import end_marker = line.find(',') if end_marker == -1: end_marker = line.find('#') if end_marker == -1: end_marker = line.find('\n') old_import = line[0:end_marker] if not old_import: break same_line_comment[old_import] = '' pre_imp_comment[old_import] = pre_comments pre_comments = [] line = line[end_marker + 1:] else: comment = line[line.find('#'):line.find('\n')] # If the comment is on a newline mark it as a 'pre-import-comment' to go on the line # above. (or if old_import is None which means this is the first line). if is_newline or not old_import: pre_comments.append(comment) else: same_line_comment[old_import] = comment if old_import not in pre_imp_comment: pre_imp_comment[old_import] = [] line = line[line.find('\n'):] for i in sorted(same_line_comment.keys(), key=lambda s: s.lower()): if pre_imp_comment.get(i): for c in pre_imp_comment[i]: base += '\n' + self.indent + c base += '\n' + self.indent + i + ',' if same_line_comment[i]: base += " " + same_line_comment[i] # include the last pre import comments - they were at the end for c in pre_comments: base += '\n' + self.indent + c base += '\n)' self.pre_from_import[base] = self.lines_before_import self.lines_before_import = [] def process_and_split(self, text): lines = text.split('\n') i = -1 while i < len(lines) - 1: i += 1 data = lines[i] if is_line_an_import(lines[i]) and '\\' in lines[i] and lines[i].strip()[-1] == '\\': while '\\' in lines[i] and lines[i].strip()[-1] == '\\' and i < len(lines) - 1: data = data.strip()[0:-1] + lines[i+1] i += 1 if re.match(FROM_IMPORT_LINE_WITH_PARAN, data): while _is_there_no_close_paran(lines[i]) and i < len(lines) - 1: i += 1 data += '\n' + lines[i] # If a doc_strings was opened but not closed on this line: doc_string_points = get_doc_string(data) if len(doc_string_points) % 2 == 1: giant_comment = doc_string_points[-1][1] while i < len(lines) - 1: i += 1 data += '\n' + lines[i] comment_point = lines[i].find(giant_comment) if comment_point != -1: after_comment = lines[i][comment_point + 3:] doc_string_points = get_doc_string(after_comment) if len(doc_string_points) % 2 == 0: break self._process_line(data) def get_imports_as_dicts(self): if self.lines_before_any_imports is None: self.lines_before_any_imports = [] return self.pre_import, self.pre_from_import, self.lines_before_any_imports, self.lines_before_import
{ "repo_name": "bootandy/imps", "path": "imps/core.py", "copies": "1", "size": "7371", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": 8002470811603217000, "line_mean": 36.2272727273, "line_max": 109, "alpha_frac": 0.5365622032, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.7133501259445842, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.47499123291445844, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re from pymel.core import createNode, listConnections, connectAttr, PyNode, select, mel from maya.api import OpenMaya from maya.cmds import ls import pdil from . import controllerShape, cardlister def makePickwalkNode(ikControls=None, fkControls=None): ''' node.ikLinker[*].ikController .ikLeftIndexIk .ikLeftIndexFk .ikRightIndexIk .ikRightIndexFk ''' ikControls = ikControls if ikControls else [] fkControls = fkControls if fkControls else [] obj = createNode('network') obj.addAttr('up', at='message') obj.addAttr('down', at='message') obj.addAttr('switcher', at='double', dv=0) mobj = pdil.capi.asMObject(obj) for xk in ['ik', 'fk']: cattr = OpenMaya.MFnCompoundAttribute() mattr = OpenMaya.MFnMessageAttribute() nattr = OpenMaya.MFnNumericAttribute() controlLinker = cattr.create(xk + 'Linker', xk) cattr.array = True controller = mattr.create(xk + 'Controller', xk + 'ctrl' ) left = mattr.create(xk + 'Left', xk + 'l') right = mattr.create(xk + 'Right', xk + 'r') leftIndexIk = nattr.create(xk + 'LeftIndexIk', xk + 'lii', OpenMaya.MFnNumericData.kInt, -1) leftIndexFk = nattr.create(xk + 'LeftIndexFk', xk + 'lif', OpenMaya.MFnNumericData.kInt, -1) rightIndexIk = nattr.create(xk + 'RightIndexIk', xk + 'rii', OpenMaya.MFnNumericData.kInt, -1) rightIndexFk = nattr.create(xk + 'RightIndexFk', xk + 'rif', OpenMaya.MFnNumericData.kInt, -1) cattr.addChild(controller) cattr.addChild(left) cattr.addChild(right) cattr.addChild(leftIndexIk) cattr.addChild(leftIndexFk) cattr.addChild(rightIndexIk) cattr.addChild(rightIndexFk) mobj.addAttribute(controlLinker) for i, ctrl in enumerate(fkControls): print(ctrl, type(ctrl)) ctrl.message >> obj.fkLinker[i].fkController for i, ctrl in enumerate(ikControls): ctrl.message >> obj.ikLinker[i].ikController return obj def getIkControlList(ik): if not ik: return [] return [ctrl for name, ctrl in ik.subControl.items()] + [ik] def getFkControlList(fk): if not fk: return [] return [fk] + [ctrl for name, ctrl in fk.subControl.items()] def setSide(srcPicker, sourceXk, destPicker, destXk, side): src = srcPicker.attr( sourceXk + 'Linker' ) dest = destPicker.attr( destXk + 'Linker' ) srcMax = src.numElements() - 1 destMax = dest.numElements() - 1 targets = [int(round( (i / srcMax) * destMax )) for i in range( srcMax + 1 )] print(targets) plug = '{xk}Linker[{{i}}].{xk}{Side}Index{dxk}'.format(xk=sourceXk, dxk=destXk.title(), Side=side) for i, target in enumerate(targets): srcPicker.attr( plug.format(i=i) ).set( target ) def setLeft(srcPicker, destPicker): setSide(srcPicker, 'ik', destPicker, 'ik', 'Left') setSide(srcPicker, 'ik', destPicker, 'fk', 'Left') setSide(srcPicker, 'fk', destPicker, 'ik', 'Left') setSide(srcPicker, 'fk', destPicker, 'fk', 'Left') setSide(destPicker, 'ik', srcPicker, 'ik', 'Right') setSide(destPicker, 'ik', srcPicker, 'fk', 'Right') setSide(destPicker, 'fk', srcPicker, 'ik', 'Right') setSide(destPicker, 'fk', srcPicker, 'fk', 'Right') for plug in srcPicker.ikLinker: destPicker.message >> plug.ikLeft for plug in srcPicker.fkLinker: destPicker.message >> plug.fkLeft for plug in destPicker.ikLinker: srcPicker.message >> plug.ikRight for plug in destPicker.fkLinker: srcPicker.message >> plug.fkRight def buildDefaultNetwork(): cardHierarchy = cardlister.cardHierarchy() for parent, children in cardHierarchy: #for parent in [PyNode('Rig:Shoulder_card')]: if parent: if parent.outputCenter: ik = getIkControlList(parent.outputCenter.ik) fk = getFkControlList(parent.outputCenter.fk) makePickwalkNode(ik, fk) else: ikLeft = getIkControlList(parent.outputLeft.ik) fkLeft = getFkControlList(parent.outputLeft.fk) pickerLeft = makePickwalkNode(ikLeft, fkLeft) if ikLeft: switcher = controllerShape.getSwitcherPlug(ikLeft[0]) connectAttr(switcher, pickerLeft.switcher) ikRight = getIkControlList(parent.outputRight.ik) fkRight = getFkControlList(parent.outputRight.fk) pickerRight = makePickwalkNode(ikRight, fkRight) if ikRight: switcher = controllerShape.getSwitcherPlug(ikRight[0]) connectAttr(switcher, pickerRight.switcher) if True: # Run default linkage of the sides to eachother setLeft(pickerRight, pickerLeft) setLeft(pickerLeft, pickerRight) ''' if ikLeft: for i, (left, right) in enumerate(zip(pickerLeft.ikLinker, pickerRight.ikLinker ) ): pickerRight.message >> left.ikLeft left.ikLeftIndexIk.set( i ) pickerRight.message >> left.ikRight left.ikRightIndexIk.set( i ) pickerLeft.message >> right.ikRight right.ikRightIndexIk.set( i ) pickerLeft.message >> right.ikLeft right.ikLeftIndexIk.set( i ) if fkLeft: for i, (left, right) in enumerate(zip(pickerLeft.fkLinker, pickerRight.fkLinker ) ): pickerRight.message >> left.fkLeft left.fkLeftIndexFk.set( i ) pickerRight.message >> left.fkRight left.fkRightIndexFk.set( i ) pickerLeft.message >> right.fkRight right.fkRightIndexFk.set( i ) pickerLeft.message >> right.fkLeft right.fkLeftIndexFk.set( i ) ''' pickerConnections = set([ 'ikLeftIndexIk', 'ikLeftIndexFk', 'ikRightIndexIk', 'ikRightIndexFk', 'fkLeftIndexIk', 'fkLeftIndexFk', 'fkRightIndexIk', 'fkRightIndexFk', ]) def getPickerPlug(ctrl): ''' Return the picker plug this control is connected to. Example return: 'network27.fkLinker[1].fkController' ''' for plug in listConnections( ctrl + '.message', p=True, s=False, d=True ): if 'kLinker[' in str(plug): return plug def listCon(plug, fallback): ''' Wrap listConnections returing the first connection or None ''' cons = listConnections(plug) if cons: return cons[0] else: return fallback def getNextNode(plug, d, fallback): listElement = plug.getParent() name = listElement.attrName() xk = name[:2] picker = plug.node() if d == 'down': count = picker.attr(name).getNumElements() index = listElement.index() if index < (count - 1): index += 1 #plug.name().replace('[%i]' % count) return listCon( re.sub( r'\[\d+\]', '[%i]' % index, str(plug)), fallback) #return picker.attr(name)[count].?? .listConections()[0] else: return listCon(picker.down, fallback) elif d == 'up': count = picker.attr(name).getNumElements() index = listElement.index() if index > 0: index -= 1 return listCon( re.sub( r'\[\d+\]', '[%i]' % index, str(plug)), fallback) #return picker.attr(name)[count].?? .listConections()[0] else: return listCon(picker.up, fallback) elif d in ('left', 'right'): side = d.title() otherPicker = listCon( listElement.attr(xk + side), fallback) if otherPicker: if otherPicker.switcher.get() < 0.5: target_index = listElement.attr( xk + side + 'IndexFk' ).get() return listCon( otherPicker.fkLinker[ target_index ].fkController, fallback) else: target_index = listElement.attr( xk + side + 'IndexIk' ).get() return listCon( otherPicker.ikLinker[ target_index ].ikController, fallback) #editMenuUpdate MayaWindow|mainEditMenu; #string $nameCommandCmd = "nameCommand -ann \"FossilPickWalkUpNameCommand\" -command (\"FossilPickWalkUp\") FossilPickWalkUpNameCommand"; eval($nameCommandCmd); #// Result: FossilPickWalkUpNameCommand // def fossilPickWalk(d='down'): allControls = set( ls('*.fossilCtrlType', o=True, r=True) ) selected = set( ls(sl=True) ) if selected.issubset(allControls): #maya.cmds.attributeQuery( 'fossil9CtrlType', n='Shoulder_L_ctrl', ex=1 ) pickerPlugs = [getPickerPlug(ctrl) for ctrl in selected] if all(pickerPlugs): # All the selection are controls so we can process their special connections select( [getNextNode(pickerPlug, d, ctrl) for pickerPlug, ctrl in zip(pickerPlugs, selected)] ) return # Fallback of normal pickwalking if d == 'down': mel.eval('pickWalkDown') elif d == 'up': mel.eval('pickWalkUp') elif d == 'left': mel.eval('pickWalkLeft') elif d == 'right': mel.eval('pickWalkRight') ''' [[None, [nt.Card(u'Pelvis_card')]], [nt.Card(u'Pelvis_card'), [nt.Card(u'Hips_card'), nt.Card(u'Spine_card')]], [nt.Card(u'Hips_card'), [nt.Card(u'Hip_card')]], [nt.Card(u'Hip_card'), [nt.Card(u'Ball_card')]], [nt.Card(u'Ball_card'), []], [nt.Card(u'Spine_card'), [nt.Card(u'Clavicle_card'), nt.Card(u'Neck_card')]], [nt.Card(u'Clavicle_card'), [nt.Card(u'Shoulder_card')]], [nt.Card(u'Shoulder_card'), [nt.Card(u'Hand_card'), nt.Card(u'Index_card'), nt.Card(u'Middle_card'), nt.Card(u'Pinky_card'), nt.Card(u'Ring_card'), nt.Card(u'Thumb_card')]], [nt.Card(u'Hand_card'), []], [nt.Card(u'Index_card'), []], [nt.Card(u'Middle_card'), []], [nt.Card(u'Pinky_card'), []], [nt.Card(u'Ring_card'), []], [nt.Card(u'Thumb_card'), []], [nt.Card(u'Neck_card'), [nt.Card(u'Head_card')]], [nt.Card(u'Head_card'), []]] # cards = pdil.tool.fossil.cardlister.cardHierarchy() for parent, children in cards: childPickers = [] for child in children: picker = makePickwalkNode() childPickers.append(picker) if parent: parent.message >> picker.up #for prev, nxt in zip( childPickers, ) if parent and children: childPickers[0].message >> parent.down '''
{ "repo_name": "patcorwin/fossil", "path": "pdil/tool/fossil/lib/pickwalk.py", "copies": "1", "size": "11283", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -2393379568364777000, "line_mean": 32.7844311377, "line_max": 160, "alpha_frac": 0.5692634938, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.5149532710280376, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.45842167648280374, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re hex_pattern = re.compile('[a-f]+') def key_split(s): # from distributed.utils """ >>> key_split('x') 'x' >>> key_split('x-1') 'x' >>> key_split('x-1-2-3') 'x' >>> key_split(('x-2', 1)) 'x' >>> key_split("('x-2', 1)") 'x' >>> key_split('hello-world-1') 'hello-world' >>> key_split(b'hello-world-1') 'hello-world' >>> key_split('ae05086432ca935f6eba409a8ecd4896') 'data' >>> key_split('<module.submodule.myclass object at 0xdaf372') 'myclass' >>> key_split(None) 'Other' >>> key_split('x-abcdefab') # ignores hex 'x' """ if type(s) is bytes: s = s.decode() if type(s) is tuple: s = s[0] try: words = s.split('-') result = words[0].lstrip("'(\"") for word in words[1:]: if word.isalpha() and not (len(word) == 8 and hex_pattern.match(word) is not None): result += '-' + word else: break if len(result) == 32 and re.match(r'[a-f0-9]{32}', result): return 'data' else: if result[0] == '<': result = result.strip('<>').split()[0].split('.')[-1] return result except: return 'Other'
{ "repo_name": "lensacom/dask.mesos", "path": "daskos/utils.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1380", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": 8209752527384422000, "line_mean": 25.0377358491, "line_max": 76, "alpha_frac": 0.4717391304, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.2624113475177303, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9226288842697604, "avg_score": 0.001572327044025157, "num_lines": 53 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import appr.semver as semver from appr.exception import Unsupported from appr.models.kv.models_index_base import ModelsIndexBase from appr.models.package_base import PackageBase class PackageKvBase(PackageBase): index_class = ModelsIndexBase @property def index(self): return self.index_class(self.package) @classmethod def _fetch(cls, package, release, media_type='kpm'): index = cls.index_class(package) return index.release(release, media_type) # def channels(self, channel_class, iscurrent=True): # return self.index.release_channels(self.release) @classmethod def all_releases(cls, package, media_type=None): index = cls.index_class(package) return index.releases(media_type) @classmethod def dump_all(cls, blob_cls): index = cls.index_class() result = [] for package_info in index.packages(): package_name = package_info['namespace'] + "/" + package_info['name'] releaseindex = cls.index_class(package_name) for release in releaseindex.releases(): for _, package_data in releaseindex.release_manifests(release).iteritems(): package_data['channels'] = releaseindex.release_channels(release) package_data['blob'] = releaseindex.get_blob(package_data['content']['digest']) result.append(package_data) return result @classmethod def all(cls, namespace=None, media_type=None, search=None, **kwargs): index = cls.index_class() result = [] matching = None if search: matching = cls.search(search) for package_data in index.packages(namespace): namespace, name = package_data['namespace'], package_data['name'] package_name = "%s/%s" % (namespace, name) if matching is not None and package_name not in matching: continue created_at = package_data['created_at'] releaseindex = cls.index_class(package_name) available_releases = [ str(x) for x in sorted( semver.versions(releaseindex.releases(media_type=media_type), False), reverse=True) ] # yapf: disable if not available_releases: continue if media_type is None: manifest_list = cls.manifests(package_name, available_releases[0]) else: manifest_list = [media_type] view = { 'releases': available_releases, 'default': available_releases[0], 'manifests': manifest_list, 'name': package_name, 'visibility': 'public', 'created_at': created_at} result.append(view) return result @classmethod def isdeleted_release(cls, package, release): """ TODO """ return False def _save(self, force=False, **kwargs): return self.index.add_release(self.data, self.release, self.media_type, force) @classmethod def search(cls, query, **kwargs): index = cls.index_class() searchindex = '\n'.join(index.package_names()) return re.findall(r"(.*%s.*)" % query, searchindex) @classmethod def _delete(cls, package, release, media_type): index = cls.index_class(package) return index.delete_release(release, media_type) @classmethod def reindex(cls): raise Unsupported("Reindex is not yet supported") @classmethod def manifests(cls, package, release): index = cls.index_class(package) return index.release_manifests(release).keys()
{ "repo_name": "app-registry/appr", "path": "appr/models/kv/package_kv_base.py", "copies": "2", "size": "3858", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": 7007768594427096000, "line_mean": 33.7567567568, "line_max": 99, "alpha_frac": 0.5974598237, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.2349066959385295, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5832366519638529, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re _pattern_type = type(re.compile('')) def normalize(r): """Normalize a regular expression by ensuring that it is wrapped with: '^' and '$' Parameters ---------- r : str or Pattern The pattern to normalize. Returns ------- p : Pattern The compiled regex. """ if isinstance(r, _pattern_type): r = r.pattern return re.compile('^' + r.lstrip('^').rstrip('$') + '$') class RegexDispatcher(object): """ Regular Expression Dispatcher >>> f = RegexDispatcher('f') >>> f.register('\d*') ... def parse_int(s): ... return int(s) >>> f.register('\d*\.\d*') ... def parse_float(s): ... return float(s) Set priorities to break ties between multiple matches. Default priority is set to 10 >>> f.register('\w*', priority=9) ... def parse_str(s): ... return s >>> type(f('123')) int >>> type(f('123.456')) float """ def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.funcs = {} self.priorities = {} def add(self, regex, func, priority=10): self.funcs[normalize(regex)] = func self.priorities[func] = priority def register(self, regex, priority=10): """Register a new handler in this regex dispatcher. Parameters ---------- regex : str or Pattern The pattern to match against. priority : int, optional The priority for this pattern. This is used to resolve ambigious matches. The highest priority match wins. Returns ------- decorator : callable A decorator that registers the function with this RegexDispatcher but otherwise returns the function unchanged. """ def _(func): self.add(regex, func, priority) return func return _ def dispatch(self, s): funcs = (func for r, func in self.funcs.items() if r.match(s)) return max(funcs, key=self.priorities.get) def __call__(self, s, *args, **kwargs): return self.dispatch(s)(s, *args, **kwargs) @property def __doc__(self): # take the min to give the docstring of the last fallback function return min(self.priorities.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0].__doc__
{ "repo_name": "ContinuumIO/odo", "path": "odo/regex.py", "copies": "4", "size": "2416", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -7697779489612305000, "line_mean": 24.1666666667, "line_max": 77, "alpha_frac": 0.5587748344, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.158347676419965, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.6717122510819966, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import requests from flask import json import flask from dynd import nd from datashape import dshape from ..data.core import DataDescriptor from ..data.utils import coerce from .index import emit_index # These are a hack for testing # It's convenient to use requests for live production but use # flask for testing. Sadly they have different Response objects, # hence the dispatched functions def content(response): if isinstance(response, flask.Response): return response.data if isinstance(response, requests.Response): return response.content def ok(response): if isinstance(response, flask.Response): return 'OK' in response.status if isinstance(response, requests.Response): return response.ok def reason(response): if isinstance(response, flask.Response): return response.status if isinstance(response, requests.Response): return response.reason class Client(DataDescriptor): __slots__ = 'uri', 'name' def __init__(self, url, name): self.url = url.strip('/') self.name = name def _get_data(self, key): response = requests.put('%s/data/%s.json' % (self.url, self.name), data=json.dumps({'index': emit_index(key)}), headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}) if not ok(response): raise ValueError("Bad Response: %s" % reason(response)) data = json.loads(content(response)) return data['datashape'], data['data'] def get_py(self, key): dshape, data = self._get_data(key) return coerce(dshape, data) def get_dynd(self, key): dshape, data = self._get_data(key) return nd.array(data, type=str(dshape)) @property def dshape(self): response = requests.get('%s/datasets.json' % self.url) if not ok(response): raise ValueError("Bad Response: %s" % reason(response)) data = json.loads(content(response)) return dshape(data[self.name])
{ "repo_name": "aterrel/blaze", "path": "blaze/serve/client.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2186", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -4342229812178546000, "line_mean": 28.9452054795, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.6285452882, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.0783582089552235, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.0036959564051488865, "num_lines": 73 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import requests from flask import json import flask from dynd import nd from datashape import dshape from ..data import DataDescriptor from ..data.utils import coerce from ..expr import Expr from ..dispatch import dispatch from .index import emit_index from ..resource import resource from .server import DEFAULT_PORT # These are a hack for testing # It's convenient to use requests for live production but use # flask for testing. Sadly they have different Response objects, # hence the dispatched functions __all__ = 'Client', 'ExprClient' def content(response): if isinstance(response, flask.Response): return response.data if isinstance(response, requests.Response): return response.content def ok(response): if isinstance(response, flask.Response): return 'OK' in response.status if isinstance(response, requests.Response): return response.ok def reason(response): if isinstance(response, flask.Response): return response.status if isinstance(response, requests.Response): return response.reason class Client(object): """ Expression Client for Blaze Server Parameters ---------- url: str URL of a Blaze server name: str Name of dataset on that server Examples -------- >>> # This example matches with the docstring of ``Server`` >>> ec = Client('localhost:6363', 'accounts') >>> t = Data(ec) # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- blaze.server.server.Server """ __slots__ = 'url', 'dataname' def __init__(self, url, name, **kwargs): url = url.strip('/') if not url[:4] == 'http': url = 'http://' + url self.url = url self.dataname = name @property def dshape(self): response = requests.get('%s/datasets.json' % self.url) if not ok(response): raise ValueError("Bad Response: %s" % reason(response)) data = json.loads(content(response)) return dshape(data[self.dataname]) def ExprClient(*args, **kwargs): import warnings warnings.warn("Deprecated use `Client` instead", DeprecationWarning) return Client(*args, **kwargs) @dispatch(Client) def discover(ec): return ec.dshape @dispatch(Expr, Client) def compute_down(expr, ec): from .server import to_tree from ..api import Data from ..api import into from pandas import DataFrame tree = to_tree(expr, {expr._leaves()[0]: ec.dataname}) r = requests.get('%s/compute.json' % ec.url, data = json.dumps({'expr': tree}), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) if not ok(r): raise ValueError("Bad response: %s" % reason(r)) data = json.loads(content(r)) return data['data'] @resource.register('blaze://.+') def resource_blaze(uri, name, **kwargs): uri = uri[len('blaze://'):] sp = uri.split('/') tld, rest = sp[0], sp[1:] if ':' not in tld: tld = tld + ':%d' % DEFAULT_PORT uri = '/'.join([tld] + list(rest)) return Client(uri, name, **kwargs)
{ "repo_name": "vitan/blaze", "path": "blaze/server/client.py", "copies": "1", "size": "3171", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -2218577047432556000, "line_mean": 24.368, "line_max": 72, "alpha_frac": 0.628508357, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.8765281173594133, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5005036474359413, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import requests import appr from appr.commands.command_base import CommandBase class VersionCmd(CommandBase): name = 'version' help_message = "show versions" def __init__(self, options): super(VersionCmd, self).__init__(options) self.api_version = None self.client_version = None self.registry_host = options.registry_host self.ssl_verify = options.cacert or not options.insecure @classmethod def _add_arguments(cls, parser): cls._add_registryhost_arg(parser) def _api_version(self): api_version = None try: client = self.RegistryClient(self.registry_host, requests_verify=self.ssl_verify) api_version = client.version() except requests.exceptions.RequestException: api_version = ".. Connection error" return api_version def _cli_version(self): return appr.__version__ def _version(self): return {'api-version': self._api_version(), "client-version": self._cli_version()} def _call(self): version = self._version() self.api_version = version['api-version'] self.client_version = version['client-version'] def _render_dict(self): return {"api-version": self.api_version, "client-version": self.client_version} def _render_console(self): return "\n".join([ "Api-version: %s" % self.api_version, "Client-version: %s" % self.client_version])
{ "repo_name": "app-registry/appr", "path": "appr/commands/version.py", "copies": "2", "size": "1555", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": -2078140856498269000, "line_mean": 30.1, "line_max": 93, "alpha_frac": 0.6302250804, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.9567430025445294, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5586968082944529, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sas7bdat from sas7bdat import SAS7BDAT import datashape from datashape import discover, dshape, var, Record, date_, datetime_ from collections import Iterator import pandas as pd from .pandas import coerce_datetimes from ..append import append from ..convert import convert from ..resource import resource @resource.register('.+\.(sas7bdat)') def resource_sas(uri, **kwargs): return SAS7BDAT(uri, **kwargs) @discover.register(SAS7BDAT) def discover_sas(f, **kwargs): lines = f.readlines() next(lines) # burn header ln = next(lines) types = map(discover, ln) names = [col.name.decode("utf-8") for col in f.header.parent.columns] return var * Record(list(zip(names, types))) @convert.register(pd.DataFrame, SAS7BDAT, cost=4.0) def sas_to_DataFrame(s, dshape=None, **kwargs): df = s.to_data_frame() if any(typ in (date_, datetime_) for typ in dshape.measure.types): df = coerce_datetimes(df) names = [col.decode('utf-8') for col in s.column_names] df = df[names] # Reorder names to match sasfile return df @convert.register(Iterator, SAS7BDAT, cost=1.0) def sas_to_iterator(s, **kwargs): lines = s.readlines() if not s.skip_header: next(lines) # burn return lines
{ "repo_name": "cowlicks/odo", "path": "odo/backends/sas.py", "copies": "10", "size": "1321", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -1694448508824651300, "line_mean": 27.7173913043, "line_max": 73, "alpha_frac": 0.6956850871, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.2377450980392157, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.0013121817469643558, "num_lines": 46 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import shutil import sys from os.path import join as pjoin from tempfile import mkdtemp import numpy as np import six from numpy import memmap, float32, array from .common import Benchmark, get_squares_, get_indexes_, get_indexes_rand_ class Indexing(Benchmark): params = [["indexes_", "indexes_rand_"], ['I', ':,I', 'np.ix_(I, I)'], ['', '=1']] param_names = ['indexes', 'sel', 'op'] def setup(self, indexes, sel, op): sel = sel.replace('I', indexes) ns = {'squares_': get_squares_(), 'np': np, 'indexes_': get_indexes_(), 'indexes_rand_': get_indexes_rand_()} if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: code = "def run():\n for a in squares_.values(): a[%s]%s" else: code = "def run():\n for a in squares_.itervalues(): a[%s]%s" code = code % (sel, op) six.exec_(code, ns) self.func = ns['run'] def time_op(self, indexes, sel, op): self.func() class IndexingSeparate(Benchmark): def setup(self): self.tmp_dir = mkdtemp() self.fp = memmap(pjoin(self.tmp_dir, 'tmp.dat'), dtype=float32, mode='w+', shape=(50, 60)) self.indexes = array([3, 4, 6, 10, 20]) def teardown(self): del self.fp shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir) def time_mmap_slicing(self): for i in range(1000): self.fp[5:10] def time_mmap_fancy_indexing(self): for i in range(1000): self.fp[self.indexes] class IndexingStructured0D(Benchmark): def setup(self): self.dt = np.dtype([('a', 'f4', 256)]) self.A = np.zeros((), self.dt) self.B = self.A.copy() self.a = np.zeros(1, self.dt)[0] self.b = self.a.copy() def time_array_slice(self): self.B['a'][:] = self.A['a'] def time_array_all(self): self.B['a'] = self.A['a'] def time_scalar_slice(self): self.b['a'][:] = self.a['a'] def time_scalar_all(self): self.b['a'] = self.a['a']
{ "repo_name": "DailyActie/Surrogate-Model", "path": "01-codes/numpy-master/benchmarks/benchmarks/bench_indexing.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2151", "license": "mit", "hash": -8066889706613064000, "line_mean": 25.2317073171, "line_max": 76, "alpha_frac": 0.5323105532, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.278963414634146, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4311273967834146, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import signal from contextlib import contextmanager class TimeoutError(Exception): pass @contextmanager def timeout(seconds): def signal_handler(signum, frame): raise TimeoutError("Timed out!") if seconds > 0: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal_handler) signal.alarm(seconds) try: yield finally: signal.alarm(0) else: # infinite timeout yield class RemoteException(Exception): """ Remote Exception Contains the exception and traceback from a remotely run task - Include the original error message - Respond to try-except blocks with original error type - Include remote traceback """ def __init__(self, exception, traceback): self.exception = exception self.traceback = traceback def __str__(self): return (str(self.exception) + "\n\n" "Traceback\n" "---------\n" + self.traceback) def __dir__(self): return sorted(set(dir(type(self)) + list(self.__dict__) + dir(self.exception))) def __getattr__(self, key): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, key) except AttributeError: return getattr(self.exception, key) exceptions = dict() def remote_exception(exc, tb): """ Metaclass that wraps exception type in RemoteException """ if type(exc) in exceptions: typ = exceptions[type(exc)] return typ(exc, tb) else: try: typ = type(exc.__class__.__name__, (RemoteException, type(exc)), {'exception_type': type(exc)}) exceptions[type(exc)] = typ return typ(exc, tb) except TypeError: return exc
{ "repo_name": "lensacom/satyr", "path": "mentor/utils.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1915", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": -2379503526841242000, "line_mean": 24.8783783784, "line_max": 66, "alpha_frac": 0.5644908616, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.63680387409201, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.570129473569201, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import six from represent import autorepr __all__ = ( 'PickleConfig', 'JSONConfig', 'MessagePackConfig', ) class BackendConfig(object): """Base class for :py:class:`~bucketcache.backends.Backend` configuration classes. """ def asdict(self): return {k: v for k, v in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if not k.startswith('_')} @autorepr class PickleConfig(BackendConfig): """Configuration class for :py:class:`~bucketcache.backends.PickleBackend` Parameters reflect those given to :py:func:`pickle.dump` and :py:func:`pickle.load`. .. note:: On Python 2, the following parameters are ignored: - `fix_imports` - `encoding` - `errors` """ def __init__(self, protocol=2, fix_imports=True, encoding='ASCII', errors='strict'): self.protocol = protocol self.fix_imports = fix_imports self.encoding = encoding self.errors = errors super(PickleConfig, self).__init__() @autorepr class JSONConfig(BackendConfig): """Configuration class for :py:class:`~bucketcache.backends.JSONBackend` Parameters reflect those given to :py:func:`json.dump` and :py:func:`json.load`. .. note:: :py:func:`json.dump` and :py:func:`json.load` both have parameters called `cls`, so they are named `dump_cls` and `load_cls`. """ def __init__(self, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, dump_cls=None, indent=None, separators=None, default=None, sort_keys=False, load_cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, object_pairs_hook=None): self.skipkeys = skipkeys self.ensure_ascii = ensure_ascii self.check_circular = check_circular self.allow_nan = allow_nan self.dump_cls = dump_cls self.indent = indent self.separators = separators self.default = default self.sort_keys = sort_keys self.load_cls = load_cls self.object_hook = object_hook self.parse_float = parse_float self.parse_int = parse_int self.parse_constant = parse_constant self.object_pairs_hook = object_pairs_hook super(JSONConfig, self).__init__() @autorepr class MessagePackConfig(BackendConfig): """Configuration class for :py:class:`~bucketcache.backends.MessagePackBackend` Parameters reflect those given to :py:func:`msgpack.pack` and :py:func:`msgpack.unpack`. .. note:: :py:func:`msgpack.pack` and :py:func:`msgpack.unpack` both have parameters called `encoding`, so they are named `pack_encoding` and `unpack_encoding`. """ def __init__(self, default=None, pack_encoding='utf-8', unicode_errors='strict', use_single_float=False, autoreset=1, use_bin_type=1, object_hook=None, list_hook=None, use_list=1, unpack_encoding='utf-8', object_pairs_hook=None): self.default = default self.pack_encoding = pack_encoding self.unicode_errors = unicode_errors self.use_single_float = use_single_float self.autoreset = autoreset self.use_bin_type = use_bin_type self.object_hook = object_hook self.list_hook = list_hook self.use_list = use_list self.unpack_encoding = unpack_encoding self.object_pairs_hook = object_pairs_hook super(MessagePackConfig, self).__init__()
{ "repo_name": "RazerM/bucketcache", "path": "bucketcache/config.py", "copies": "1", "size": "3652", "license": "mit", "hash": 4514281038593082000, "line_mean": 30.7565217391, "line_max": 83, "alpha_frac": 0.6234939759, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.8645502645502647, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4988044240450265, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import six import mesos_pb2 import operator from uuid import uuid4 from functools import partial from proxo import MessageProxy if six.PY3: def cmp(a, b): return (a > b) - (a < b) # mixin class for Python3 supporting __cmp__ class Comparable(object): def __eq__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) != 0 def __gt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) > 0 def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def __ge__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0 def __le__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0 else: class Comparable(object): pass class Environment(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.Environment class Scalar(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.Value.Scalar class Resource(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.Resource class ScalarResource(Comparable, Resource): # supports comparison and basic arithmetics with scalars proto = mesos_pb2.Resource(type=mesos_pb2.Value.SCALAR) def __init__(self, value=None, **kwargs): super(Resource, self).__init__(**kwargs) if value is not None: self.scalar = Scalar(value=value) def __cmp__(self, other): first, second = float(self), float(other) if first < second: return -1 elif first > second: return 1 else: return 0 def __repr__(self): return '<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.scalar.value) def __float__(self): return float(self.scalar.value) @classmethod def _op(cls, op, first, second): value = op(float(first), float(second)) return cls(value=value) def __add__(self, other): return self._op(operator.add, self, other) def __radd__(self, other): return self._op(operator.add, other, self) def __sub__(self, other): return self._op(operator.sub, self, other) def __rsub__(self, other): return self._op(operator.sub, other, self) def __mul__(self, other): return self._op(operator.mul, self, other) def __rmul__(self, other): return self._op(operator.mul, other, self) def __truediv__(self, other): return self._op(operator.truediv, self, other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return self._op(operator.truediv, other, self) def __iadd__(self, other): self.scalar.value = float(self._op(operator.add, self, other)) return self def __isub__(self, other): self.scalar.value = float(self._op(operator.sub, self, other)) return self class Cpus(ScalarResource): proto = mesos_pb2.Resource(name='cpus', type=mesos_pb2.Value.SCALAR) class Mem(ScalarResource): proto = mesos_pb2.Resource(name='mem', type=mesos_pb2.Value.SCALAR) class Disk(ScalarResource): proto = mesos_pb2.Resource(name='disk', type=mesos_pb2.Value.SCALAR) class ResourcesMixin(Comparable): @classmethod def _cast_zero(cls, other=0): if other == 0: return cls(resources=[Cpus(0), Mem(0), Disk(0)]) else: return other @property def cpus(self): for res in self.resources: if isinstance(res, Cpus): return res return Cpus(0.0) @property def mem(self): for res in self.resources: if isinstance(res, Mem): return res return Mem(0.0) @property def disk(self): for res in self.resources: if isinstance(res, Disk): return res return Disk(0.0) def __repr__(self): return '<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(map(str, self.resources))) def __cmp__(self, other): other = self._cast_zero(other) if all([self.cpus < other.cpus, self.mem < other.mem, self.disk < other.disk]): # all resources are smaller the task will fit into offer return -1 elif any([self.cpus > other.cpus, self.mem > other.mem, self.disk > other.disk]): # any resources is bigger task won't fit into offer return 1 else: return 0 def __radd__(self, other): # to support sum() other = self._cast_zero(other) return self + other def __add__(self, other): other = self._cast_zero(other) # ports = list(set(self.ports) | set(other.ports)) cpus = self.cpus + other.cpus mem = self.mem + other.mem disk = self.disk + other.disk mixin = self.__class__() mixin.resources = [cpus, disk, mem] return mixin def __sub__(self, other): other = self._cast_zero(other) # ports = list(set(self.ports) | set(other.ports)) cpus = self.cpus - other.cpus mem = self.mem - other.mem disk = self.disk - other.disk mixin = self.__class__() mixin.resources = [cpus, disk, mem] return mixin def __iadd__(self, other): other = self._cast_zero(other) added = self + other self.resources = added.resources return self def __isub__(self, other): other = self._cast_zero(other) subbed = self - other self.resources = subbed.resources return self class FrameworkID(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.FrameworkID class SlaveID(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.SlaveID class ExecutorID(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.ExecutorID class OfferID(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.OfferID class TaskID(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.TaskID class FrameworkInfo(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.FrameworkInfo class ExecutorInfo(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.ExecutorInfo def __init__(self, id=None, **kwargs): super(ExecutorInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.id = id or str(uuid4()) @property def id(self): # more consistent naming return self['executor_id'] @id.setter def id(self, value): if not isinstance(value, ExecutorID): value = ExecutorID(value=value) self['executor_id'] = value class MasterInfo(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.MasterInfo class SlaveInfo(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.SlaveInfo class Filters(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.Filters class TaskStatus(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.TaskStatus @property def task_id(self): # more consistent naming return self['task_id'] @task_id.setter def task_id(self, value): if not isinstance(value, TaskID): value = TaskID(value=value) self['task_id'] = value def is_staging(self): return self.state == 'TASK_STAGING' def is_starting(self): return self.state == 'TASK_STARTING' def is_running(self): return self.state == 'TASK_RUNNING' def has_finished(self): return self.state == 'TASK_FINISHED' def has_succeeded(self): return self.state == 'TASK_FINISHED' def has_killed(self): return self.state == 'TASK_KILLED' def has_failed(self): return self.state in ['TASK_FAILED', 'TASK_LOST', 'TASK_KILLED', 'TASK_ERROR'] def has_terminated(self): return self.has_succeeded() or self.has_failed() class Offer(ResourcesMixin, MessageProxy): # important order! proto = mesos_pb2.Offer class TaskInfo(ResourcesMixin, MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.TaskInfo def __init__(self, id=None, **kwargs): super(TaskInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.id = id or str(uuid4()) self.status = TaskStatus(task_id=self.id, state='TASK_STAGING') @property def id(self): # more consistent naming return self['task_id'] @id.setter def id(self, value): if not isinstance(value, TaskID): value = TaskID(value=value) self['task_id'] = value class CommandInfo(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.CommandInfo class ContainerInfo(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.ContainerInfo class DockerInfo(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.ContainerInfo.DockerInfo class Request(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.Request class Operation(MessageProxy): proto = mesos_pb2.Offer.Operation
{ "repo_name": "kszucs/proxo", "path": "proxo/tests/mesos.py", "copies": "1", "size": "8643", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": -8698413069961049000, "line_mean": 23.9077809798, "line_max": 76, "alpha_frac": 0.5882216823, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.720619888075764, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4808841570375764, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import six import numpy as np import copy from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, BoundaryNorm from matplotlib.ticker import NullLocator def mark_region(ax, low, high, vline_style, span_style): """ Mark a region of a graph with vertical lines and an axvspan Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The `Axes` object to add the artist too low, high : float The low and high threshold values, points for `low < x < high` are styled using `inner_style` and points for `x < low or x > high` are styled using `outer_style` vline_style : dict, optional The style to use for the vertical lines span_stlye : dict, optional Style for axvspan behind central region Returns ------- vline_low, vline_hi : Line2D Vertical lines at the thresholds hspan : Patch Patch over middle region """ # add vertical lines vline_low = ax.axvline(low, **vline_style) vline_high = ax.axvline(high, **vline_style) hspan = ax.axvspan(low, high, **span_style) return vline_low, vline_high, hspan def split_plot(ax, x, y, low, high, inner_style, outer_style): """ Split styling of line based on the x-value Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The `Axes` object to add the artist too x, y : ndarray Data, must be same length low, high : float The low and high threshold values, points for `low < x < high` are styled using `inner_style` and points for `x < low or x > high` are styled using `outer_style` inner_style, outer_style : dict Dictionary of styles that can be passed to `ax.plot` Returns ------- lower, mid, upper : Line2D The artists for the lower, midddle, and upper ranges """ low_mask = x < low high_mask = x > high mid_mask = ~np.logical_or(low_mask, high_mask) low_mask[1:] |= low_mask[:-1] high_mask[:-1] |= high_mask[1:] lower, = ax.plot(x[low_mask], y[low_mask], **outer_style) mid, = ax.plot(x[mid_mask], y[mid_mask], **inner_style) upper, = ax.plot(x[high_mask], y[high_mask], **outer_style) return lower, mid, upper def show_label_array(ax, label_array, cmap=None, **kwargs): """ Display a labeled array nicely Additional kwargs are passed through to `ax.imshow`. If `vmin` is in kwargs, it is clipped to minimum of 0.5. Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The `Axes` object to add the artist too label_array : ndarray Expected to be an unsigned integer array. 0 is background, positive integers label region of interent cmap : str or colormap, optional Color map to use, defaults to 'Paired' Returns ------- img : AxesImage The artist added to the axes """ if cmap is None: cmap = 'Paired' _cmap = copy.copy((mcm.get_cmap(cmap))) _cmap.set_under('w', 0) vmin = max(.5, kwargs.pop('vmin', .5)) ax.set_aspect('equal') im = ax.imshow(label_array, cmap=_cmap, interpolation='nearest', vmin=vmin, **kwargs) return im def binary_state_lines(ax, data, xmin, xmax, delta_y=3, off_color=None, on_color=None, lc_kwargs=None): """ Draw series of lines indicating the state of (many) indicators. Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The axes to draw stuff to data : OrderedDict The data as an ordered dict. The keys will be used as ytick labels keyed on the data label. The values are a list of edge pairs where the value is 'high'; ex ``data[k] = [(1, 2), (3, 5.5)]`` is 'high' in the ranges 1 to 2 and 3 to 5.5 and 'low' everywhere else. The lines are drawn in order from the top down. xmin, xmax : float The minimum and maximum limits for the x values delta_y : float, optional The spacing between lines off_color, on_color : color, optional The colors to use for the the off/on state. Default to "#1C2F4D" (blueish) and "#FA9B00" (yellowish) respectively lc_kwargs : dict, optional kwargs to pass through the the LineCollection init method. If not given defaults to ``{'lw': 10}`` Returns ------- ret : dict dictionary of the collections added keyed on the label """ if lc_kwargs is None: lc_kwargs = dict() if 'lw' not in lc_kwargs: lc_kwargs['lw'] = 10 if off_color is None: off_color = "#1C2F4D" if on_color is None: on_color = "#FA9B00" # base offset y_val = 0 # make the color map and norm cmap = ListedColormap([off_color, on_color]) norm = BoundaryNorm([0, 0.5, 1], cmap.N) # dictionary to hold the returned artists ret = dict() # loop over the input data draw each collection for label, d in data.items(): # increment the y offset y_val += delta_y # turn the high windows on to alternating # high/low regions x = np.asarray(d).ravel() # assign the high/low state to each one state = np.mod(1 + np.arange(len(x)), 2) # deal with boundary conditions to be off # at start/end if x[0] > xmin: x = np.r_[xmin, x] state = np.r_[0, state] if x[-1] < xmax: x = np.r_[x, xmax] state = np.r_[state, 0] # make the matching y values y = np.ones(len(x)) * y_val # call helper function to create the collection coll = _draw_segments(ax, x, y, state, cmap, norm, lc_kwargs) ret[label] = coll # set up the axes limits ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(0, y_val + delta_y) # turn off x-ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) # make the y-ticks be labeled as per the input ax.yaxis.set_ticks((1 + np.arange(len(data))) * delta_y) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(list(data.keys())) # invert so that the first data is at the top ax.invert_yaxis() # turn off the frame and patch ax.set_frame_on(False) # return the added artists return ret def _draw_segments(ax, x, y, state, cmap, norm, lc_kwargs): """ helper function to turn boundary edges into the input LineCollection expects. Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The axes to draw to x, y, state : array The x edges, the y values and the state of each region cmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap The color map to use norm : matplotlib.ticker.Norm The norm to use with the color map lc_kwargs : dict kwargs to pass through to LineCollection """ points = np.array([x, y]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **lc_kwargs) lc.set_array(state) ax.add_collection(lc) return lc
{ "repo_name": "sameera2004/xray-vision", "path": "xray_vision/mpl_plotting/misc.py", "copies": "3", "size": "7210", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -4025850691927045600, "line_mean": 26.8378378378, "line_max": 77, "alpha_frac": 0.5911234397, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.689866939611054, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5780990379311054, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import six import numpy as np import matplotlib.cm as mcm import copy def mark_region(ax, low, high, vline_style, span_style): """ Mark a region of a graph with vertical lines and an axvspan Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The `Axes` object to add the artist too low, high : float The low and high threshold values, points for `low < x < high` are styled using `inner_style` and points for `x < low or x > high` are styled using `outer_style` vline_style : dict, optional The style to use for the vertical lines span_stlye : dict, optional Style for axvspan behind central region Returns ------- vline_low, vline_hi : Line2D Vertical lines at the thresholds hspan : Patch Patch over middle region """ # add vertical lines vline_low = ax.axvline(low, **vline_style) vline_high = ax.axvline(high, **vline_style) hspan = ax.axvspan(low, high, **span_style) return vline_low, vline_high, hspan def split_plot(ax, x, y, low, high, inner_style, outer_style): """ Split styling of line based on the x-value Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The `Axes` object to add the artist too x, y : ndarray Data, must be same length low, high : float The low and high threshold values, points for `low < x < high` are styled using `inner_style` and points for `x < low or x > high` are styled using `outer_style` inner_style, outer_style : dict Dictionary of styles that can be passed to `ax.plot` Returns ------- lower, mid, upper : Line2D The artists for the lower, midddle, and upper ranges """ low_mask = x < low high_mask = x > high mid_mask = ~np.logical_or(low_mask, high_mask) low_mask[1:] |= low_mask[:-1] high_mask[:-1] |= high_mask[1:] lower, = ax.plot(x[low_mask], y[low_mask], **outer_style) mid, = ax.plot(x[mid_mask], y[mid_mask], **inner_style) upper, = ax.plot(x[high_mask], y[high_mask], **outer_style) return lower, mid, upper
{ "repo_name": "ericdill/xray-vision", "path": "xray_vision/mpl_plotting/misc.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2193", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 2460200398316804600, "line_mean": 24.5, "line_max": 75, "alpha_frac": 0.6096671227, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.480952380952381, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4590619503652381, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import six from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from django.db.models import Q from django.utils import timezone from six.moves import reduce from sentry.constants import STATUS_CHOICES from sentry.models import EventUser, Release, User from sentry.search.base import ANY, EMPTY from sentry.utils.auth import find_users class InvalidQuery(Exception): pass def parse_release(project, value): # TODO(dcramer): add environment support if value == 'latest': value = Release.objects.extra(select={ 'sort': 'COALESCE(date_released, date_added)', }).order_by('-sort').values_list('version', flat=True).first() if value is None: return EMPTY return value def get_user_tag(project, key, value): # TODO(dcramer): do something with case of multiple matches try: lookup = EventUser.attr_from_keyword(key) euser = EventUser.objects.filter( project=project, **{lookup: value} )[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return '{}:{}'.format(key, value) return euser.tag_value def parse_datetime_range(value): try: flag, count, interval = value[0], int(value[1:-1]), value[-1] except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidQuery('{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) if flag not in ('+', '-'): raise InvalidQuery('{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) if interval == 'h': delta = timedelta(hours=count) elif interval == 'w': delta = timedelta(days=count * 7) elif interval == 'd': delta = timedelta(days=count) elif interval == 'm': delta = timedelta(minutes=count) else: raise InvalidQuery('{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) if flag == '-': return (timezone.now() - delta, None) else: return (None, timezone.now() - delta) def parse_datetime_comparison(value): # TODO(dcramer): currently inclusitivity is not controllable by the query # as from date is always inclusive, and to date is always exclusive if value[:2] in ('>=', '=>'): return (parse_datetime_value(value[2:])[0], None) if value[:2] in ('<=', '=<'): return (None, parse_datetime_value(value[2:])[0]) if value[:1] in ('>'): return (parse_datetime_value(value[1:])[0], None) if value[:1] in ('<'): return (None, parse_datetime_value(value[1:])[0]) if value[0] == '=': return parse_datetime_value(value[1:]) raise InvalidQuery('{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) def parse_datetime_value(value): try: return _parse_datetime_value(value) except ValueError: raise InvalidQuery('{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) def _parse_datetime_value(value): # timezones are not supported and are assumed UTC if value[-1] == 'Z': value = value[:-1] value_len = len(value) if value_len in (8, 10): value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d').replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc, ) return [value, value + timedelta(days=1)] elif value[4] == '-': try: value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc, ) except ValueError: value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f').replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc, ) else: value = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(value)).replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc, ) return [value - timedelta(minutes=5), value + timedelta(minutes=6)] def parse_datetime_expression(value): # result must be (from inclusive, to exclusive) if value.startswith(('-', '+')): return parse_datetime_range(value) if value.startswith(('>', '<', '=', '<=', '>=')): return parse_datetime_comparison(value) return parse_datetime_value(value) def get_date_params(value, from_field, to_field): date_from, date_to = parse_datetime_expression(value) result = {} if date_from: result.update({ from_field: date_from, '{}_inclusive'.format(from_field): True, }) if date_to: result.update({ to_field: date_to, '{}_inclusive'.format(to_field): False, }) return result def tokenize_query(query): """ Tokenizes a standard Sentry search query. >>> query = 'is:resolved foo bar tag:value' >>> tokenize_query(query) { 'is': ['resolved'], 'query': ['foo', 'bar'], 'tag': ['value'], } """ results = defaultdict(list) tokens = query.split(' ') tokens_iter = iter(tokens) for token in tokens_iter: # ignore empty tokens if not token: continue if ':' not in token: results['query'].append(token) continue key, value = token.split(':', 1) if not value: results['query'].append(token) continue if value[0] == '"': nvalue = value while not nvalue.endswith('"'): try: nvalue = six.next(tokens_iter) except StopIteration: break value = '%s %s' % (value, nvalue) if value.endswith('"'): value = value[1:-1] else: value = value[1:] results[key].append(value) return dict(results) def parse_query(project, query, user): # TODO(dcramer): handle query being wrapped in quotes tokens = tokenize_query(query) results = {'tags': {}, 'query': []} for key, token_list in six.iteritems(tokens): for value in token_list: if key == 'query': results['query'].append(value) elif key == 'is': if value == 'unassigned': results['unassigned'] = True elif value == 'assigned': results['unassigned'] = False else: try: results['status'] = STATUS_CHOICES[value] except KeyError: pass elif key == 'assigned': if value == 'me': results['assigned_to'] = user else: try: results['assigned_to'] = find_users(value)[0] except IndexError: # XXX(dcramer): hacky way to avoid showing any results when # an invalid user is entered results['assigned_to'] = User(id=0) elif key == 'bookmarks': if value == 'me': results['bookmarked_by'] = user else: try: results['bookmarked_by'] = find_users(value)[0] except IndexError: # XXX(dcramer): hacky way to avoid showing any results when # an invalid user is entered results['bookmarked_by'] = User(id=0) elif key == 'first-release': results['first_release'] = parse_release(project, value) elif key == 'release': results['tags']['sentry:release'] = parse_release(project, value) elif key == 'user': if ':' in value: comp, value = value.split(':', 1) else: comp = 'id' results['tags']['sentry:user'] = get_user_tag( project, comp, value) elif key == 'has': if value == 'user': value = 'sentry:user' elif value == 'release': value = 'sentry:release' results['tags'][value] = ANY elif key == 'age': results.update(get_date_params(value, 'age_from', 'age_to')) elif key.startswith('user.'): results['tags']['sentry:user'] = get_user_tag( project, key.split('.', 1)[1], value) elif key == 'event.timestamp': results.update(get_date_params(value, 'date_from', 'date_to')) else: results['tags'][key] = value results['query'] = ' '.join(results['query']) return results def in_iexact(column, values): from operator import or_ query = '{}__iexact'.format(column) return reduce(or_, [Q(**{query: v}) for v in values])
{ "repo_name": "fotinakis/sentry", "path": "src/sentry/search/utils.py", "copies": "1", "size": "8769", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 7160843755235624000, "line_mean": 31.1208791209, "line_max": 83, "alpha_frac": 0.5298209602, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.230101302460203, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.0001318851493067521, "num_lines": 273 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import six from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from django.utils import timezone from sentry.constants import STATUS_CHOICES from sentry.models import EventUser, Release, User from sentry.search.base import ANY, EMPTY from sentry.utils.auth import find_users class InvalidQuery(Exception): pass def parse_release(project, value): # TODO(dcramer): add environment support if value == 'latest': value = Release.objects.filter( project=project, ).extra(select={ 'sort': 'COALESCE(date_released, date_added)', }).order_by('-sort').values_list('version', flat=True).first() if value is None: return EMPTY return value def get_user_tag(project, key, value): # TODO(dcramer): do something with case of multiple matches try: lookup = EventUser.attr_from_keyword(key) euser = EventUser.objects.filter( project=project, **{lookup: value} )[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return u'{}:{}'.format(key, value) return euser.tag_value def parse_datetime_range(value): try: flag, count, interval = value[0], int(value[1:-1]), value[-1] except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidQuery(u'{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) if flag not in ('+', '-'): raise InvalidQuery(u'{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) if interval == 'h': delta = timedelta(hours=count) elif interval == 'w': delta = timedelta(days=count * 7) elif interval == 'd': delta = timedelta(days=count) elif interval == 'm': delta = timedelta(minutes=count) else: raise InvalidQuery(u'{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) if flag == '-': return (timezone.now() - delta, None) else: return (None, timezone.now() - delta) def parse_datetime_comparison(value): # TODO(dcramer): currently inclusitivity is not controllable by the query # as from date is always inclusive, and to date is always exclusive if value[:2] in ('>=', '=>'): return (parse_datetime_value(value[2:])[0], None) if value[:2] in ('<=', '=<'): return (None, parse_datetime_value(value[2:])[0]) if value[:1] in ('>'): return (parse_datetime_value(value[1:])[0], None) if value[:1] in ('<'): return (None, parse_datetime_value(value[1:])[0]) if value[0] == '=': return parse_datetime_value(value[1:]) raise InvalidQuery(u'{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) def parse_datetime_value(value): try: return _parse_datetime_value(value) except ValueError: raise InvalidQuery(u'{} is not a valid datetime query'.format(value)) def _parse_datetime_value(value): # timezones are not supported and are assumed UTC if value[-1] == 'Z': value = value[:-1] value_len = len(value) if value_len in (8, 10): value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d').replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc, ) return [value, value + timedelta(days=1)] elif value[4] == '-': try: value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc, ) except ValueError: value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f').replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc, ) else: value = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(value)).replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc, ) return [value - timedelta(minutes=5), value + timedelta(minutes=6)] def parse_datetime_expression(value): # result must be (from inclusive, to exclusive) if value.startswith(('-', '+')): return parse_datetime_range(value) if value.startswith(('>', '<', '=', '<=', '>=')): return parse_datetime_comparison(value) return parse_datetime_value(value) def get_date_params(value, from_field, to_field): date_from, date_to = parse_datetime_expression(value) result = {} if date_from: result.update({ from_field: date_from, '{}_inclusive'.format(from_field): True, }) if date_to: result.update({ to_field: date_to, '{}_inclusive'.format(to_field): False, }) return result def tokenize_query(query): """ Tokenizes a standard Sentry search query. >>> query = 'is:resolved foo bar tag:value' >>> tokenize_query(query) { 'is': ['resolved'], 'query': ['foo', 'bar'], 'tag': ['value'], } """ results = defaultdict(list) tokens = query.split(' ') tokens_iter = iter(tokens) for token in tokens_iter: # ignore empty tokens if not token: continue if ':' not in token: results['query'].append(token) continue # this handles quoted string, and is duplicated below if token[0] == '"': nvalue = token while nvalue[-1] != '"': try: nvalue = six.next(tokens_iter) except StopIteration: break token = '%s %s' % (token, nvalue) if token[-1] == '"': token = token[1:-1] else: token = token[1:] results['query'].append(token) continue key, value = token.split(':', 1) if not value: results['query'].append(token) continue if value[0] == '"': nvalue = value while nvalue[-1] != '"': try: nvalue = six.next(tokens_iter) except StopIteration: break value = '%s %s' % (value, nvalue) if value[-1] == '"': value = value[1:-1] else: value = value[1:] results[key].append(value) return dict(results) def parse_query(project, query, user): # TODO(dcramer): handle query being wrapped in quotes tokens = tokenize_query(query) results = {'tags': {}, 'query': []} for key, token_list in six.iteritems(tokens): for value in token_list: if key == 'query': results['query'].append(value) elif key == 'is': if value == 'unassigned': results['unassigned'] = True elif value == 'assigned': results['unassigned'] = False else: try: results['status'] = STATUS_CHOICES[value] except KeyError: pass elif key == 'assigned': if value == 'me': results['assigned_to'] = user else: try: results['assigned_to'] = find_users(value)[0] except IndexError: # XXX(dcramer): hacky way to avoid showing any results when # an invalid user is entered results['assigned_to'] = User(id=0) elif key == 'bookmarks': if value == 'me': results['bookmarked_by'] = user else: try: results['bookmarked_by'] = find_users(value)[0] except IndexError: # XXX(dcramer): hacky way to avoid showing any results when # an invalid user is entered results['bookmarked_by'] = User(id=0) elif key == 'first-release': results['first_release'] = parse_release(project, value) elif key == 'release': results['tags']['sentry:release'] = parse_release(project, value) elif key == 'user': if ':' in value: comp, value = value.split(':', 1) else: comp = 'id' results['tags']['sentry:user'] = get_user_tag( project, comp, value) elif key == 'has': if value == 'user': value = 'sentry:user' elif value == 'release': value = 'sentry:release' results['tags'][value] = ANY elif key == 'age': results.update(get_date_params(value, 'age_from', 'age_to')) elif key.startswith('user.'): results['tags']['sentry:user'] = get_user_tag( project, key.split('.', 1)[1], value) elif key == 'event.timestamp': results.update(get_date_params(value, 'date_from', 'date_to')) else: results['tags'][key] = value results['query'] = ' '.join(results['query']) return results
{ "repo_name": "alexm92/sentry", "path": "src/sentry/search/utils.py", "copies": "1", "size": "9117", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -5637075817117275000, "line_mean": 31.329787234, "line_max": 83, "alpha_frac": 0.5171657343, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.2503496503496505, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.00012767604879696212, "num_lines": 282 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import six from datetime import timedelta from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction from django.utils import timezone from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.response import Response from uuid import uuid4 from sentry.app import search from sentry.api.base import DocSection from sentry.api.bases.project import ProjectEndpoint, ProjectEventPermission from sentry.api.serializers import serialize from sentry.api.serializers.models.group import StreamGroupSerializer from sentry.constants import DEFAULT_SORT_OPTION from sentry.db.models.query import create_or_update from sentry.models import ( Activity, EventMapping, Group, GroupHash, GroupBookmark, GroupResolution, GroupSeen, GroupSubscription, GroupSubscriptionReason, GroupSnooze, GroupStatus, Release, TagKey, ) from sentry.models.group import looks_like_short_id from sentry.search.utils import parse_query from sentry.tasks.deletion import delete_group from sentry.tasks.merge import merge_group from sentry.utils.cursors import Cursor from sentry.utils.apidocs import scenario, attach_scenarios ERR_INVALID_STATS_PERIOD = "Invalid stats_period. Valid choices are '', '24h', and '14d'" @scenario('BulkUpdateIssues') def bulk_update_issues_scenario(runner): project = runner.default_project group1, group2 = Group.objects.filter(project=project)[:2] runner.request( method='PUT', path='/projects/%s/%s/issues/?id=%s&id=%s' % ( runner.org.slug, project.slug, group1.id, group2.id), data={'status': 'unresolved', 'isPublic': False} ) @scenario('BulkRemoveIssuess') def bulk_remove_issues_scenario(runner): with runner.isolated_project('Amazing Plumbing') as project: group1, group2 = Group.objects.filter(project=project)[:2] runner.request( method='DELETE', path='/projects/%s/%s/issues/?id=%s&id=%s' % ( runner.org.slug, project.slug, group1.id, group2.id), ) @scenario('ListProjectIssuess') def list_project_issues_scenario(runner): project = runner.default_project runner.request( method='GET', path='/projects/%s/%s/issues/?statsPeriod=24h' % ( runner.org.slug, project.slug), ) STATUS_CHOICES = { 'resolved': GroupStatus.RESOLVED, 'unresolved': GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED, 'muted': GroupStatus.MUTED, 'resolvedInNextRelease': GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED, } class ValidationError(Exception): pass class GroupSerializer(serializers.Serializer): status = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=zip( STATUS_CHOICES.keys(), STATUS_CHOICES.keys() )) hasSeen = serializers.BooleanField() isBookmarked = serializers.BooleanField() isPublic = serializers.BooleanField() isSubscribed = serializers.BooleanField() merge = serializers.BooleanField() snoozeDuration = serializers.IntegerField() class ProjectGroupIndexEndpoint(ProjectEndpoint): doc_section = DocSection.EVENTS permission_classes = (ProjectEventPermission,) def _build_query_params_from_request(self, request, project): query_kwargs = { 'project': project, } if request.GET.get('status'): try: query_kwargs['status'] = STATUS_CHOICES[request.GET['status']] except KeyError: raise ValidationError('invalid status') if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.GET.get('bookmarks'): query_kwargs['bookmarked_by'] = request.user if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.GET.get('assigned'): query_kwargs['assigned_to'] = request.user sort_by = request.GET.get('sort') if sort_by is None: sort_by = DEFAULT_SORT_OPTION query_kwargs['sort_by'] = sort_by tags = {} for tag_key in TagKey.objects.all_keys(project): if request.GET.get(tag_key): tags[tag_key] = request.GET[tag_key] if tags: query_kwargs['tags'] = tags limit = request.GET.get('limit') if limit: try: query_kwargs['limit'] = int(limit) except ValueError: raise ValidationError('invalid limit') # TODO: proper pagination support cursor = request.GET.get('cursor') if cursor: query_kwargs['cursor'] = Cursor.from_string(cursor) query = request.GET.get('query', 'is:unresolved').strip() if query: query_kwargs.update(parse_query(project, query, request.user)) return query_kwargs # bookmarks=0/1 # status=<x> # <tag>=<value> # statsPeriod=24h @attach_scenarios([list_project_issues_scenario]) def get(self, request, project): """ List a Project's Issues ``````````````````````` Return a list of issues (groups) bound to a project. All parameters are supplied as query string parameters. A default query of ``is:resolved`` is applied. To return results with other statuses send an new query value (i.e. ``?query=`` for all results). The ``statsPeriod`` parameter can be used to select the timeline stats which should be present. Possible values are: '' (disable), '24h', '14d' :qparam string statsPeriod: an optional stat period (can be one of ``"24h"``, ``"14d"``, and ``""``). :qparam bool shortIdLookup: if this is set to true then short IDs are looked up by this function as well. This can cause the return value of the function to return an event issue of a different project which is why this is an opt-in. Set to `1` to enable. :qparam querystring query: an optional Sentry structured search query. If not provided an implied ``"is:resolved"`` is assumed.) :pparam string organization_slug: the slug of the organization the issues belong to. :pparam string project_slug: the slug of the project the issues belong to. :auth: required """ stats_period = request.GET.get('statsPeriod') if stats_period not in (None, '', '24h', '14d'): return Response({"detail": ERR_INVALID_STATS_PERIOD}, status=400) elif stats_period is None: # default stats_period = '24h' elif stats_period == '': # disable stats stats_period = None query = request.GET.get('query', '').strip() if query: matching_group = None if len(query) == 32: # check to see if we've got an event ID try: mapping = EventMapping.objects.get( project_id=project.id, event_id=query, ) except EventMapping.DoesNotExist: pass else: matching_group = Group.objects.get(id=mapping.group_id) # If the query looks like a short id, we want to provide some # information about where that is. Note that this can return # results for another project. The UI deals with this. elif request.GET.get('shortIdLookup') == '1' and \ looks_like_short_id(query): try: matching_group = Group.objects.by_qualified_short_id( project.organization, query) except Group.DoesNotExist: matching_group = None if matching_group is not None: response = Response(serialize( [matching_group], request.user, StreamGroupSerializer( stats_period=stats_period ) )) response['X-Sentry-Direct-Hit'] = '1' return response try: query_kwargs = self._build_query_params_from_request(request, project) except ValidationError as exc: return Response({'detail': six.text_type(exc)}, status=400) cursor_result = search.query(**query_kwargs) results = list(cursor_result) context = serialize( results, request.user, StreamGroupSerializer( stats_period=stats_period ) ) # HACK: remove auto resolved entries if query_kwargs.get('status') == GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED: context = [ r for r in context if r['status'] == 'unresolved' ] response = Response(context) response['Link'] = ', '.join([ self.build_cursor_link(request, 'previous', cursor_result.prev), self.build_cursor_link(request, 'next', cursor_result.next), ]) return response @attach_scenarios([bulk_update_issues_scenario]) def put(self, request, project): """ Bulk Mutate a List of Issues ```````````````````````````` Bulk mutate various attributes on issues. The list of issues to modify is given through the `id` query parameter. It is repeated for each issue that should be modified. - For non-status updates, the `id` query parameter is required. - For status updates, the `id` query parameter may be omitted for a batch "update all" query. - An optional `status` query parameter may be used to restrict mutations to only events with the given status. The following attributes can be modified and are supplied as JSON object in the body: If any ids are out of scope this operation will succeed without any data mutation. :qparam int id: a list of IDs of the issues to be mutated. This parameter shall be repeated for each issue. It is optional only if a status is mutated in which case an implicit `update all` is assumed. :qparam string status: optionally limits the query to issues of the specified status. Valid values are ``"resolved"``, ``"unresolved"`` and ``"muted"``. :pparam string organization_slug: the slug of the organization the issues belong to. :pparam string project_slug: the slug of the project the issues belong to. :param string status: the new status for the issues. Valid values are ``"resolved"``, ``"unresolved"`` and ``"muted"``. :param int snoozeDuration: the number of minutes to mute this issue. :param boolean isPublic: sets the issue to public or private. :param boolean merge: allows to merge or unmerge different issues. :param boolean hasSeen: in case this API call is invoked with a user context this allows changing of the flag that indicates if the user has seen the event. :param boolean isBookmarked: in case this API call is invoked with a user context this allows changing of the bookmark flag. :auth: required """ group_ids = request.GET.getlist('id') if group_ids: group_list = Group.objects.filter(project=project, id__in=group_ids) # filter down group ids to only valid matches group_ids = [g.id for g in group_list] if not group_ids: return Response(status=204) else: group_list = None serializer = GroupSerializer(data=request.DATA, partial=True) if not serializer.is_valid(): return Response(serializer.errors, status=400) result = dict(serializer.object) acting_user = request.user if request.user.is_authenticated() else None if not group_ids: try: query_kwargs = self._build_query_params_from_request(request, project) except ValidationError as exc: return Response({'detail': six.text_type(exc)}, status=400) # bulk mutations are limited to 1000 items # TODO(dcramer): it'd be nice to support more than this, but its # a bit too complicated right now query_kwargs['limit'] = 1000 cursor_result = search.query(**query_kwargs) group_list = list(cursor_result) group_ids = [g.id for g in group_list] is_bulk = len(group_ids) > 1 queryset = Group.objects.filter( id__in=group_ids, ) if result.get('status') == 'resolvedInNextRelease': try: release = Release.objects.filter( project=project, ).order_by('-date_added')[0] except IndexError: return Response('{"detail": "No release data present in the system to indicate form a basis for \'Next Release\'"}', status=400) now = timezone.now() for group in group_list: try: with transaction.atomic(): resolution, created = GroupResolution.objects.create( group=group, release=release, ), True except IntegrityError: resolution, created = GroupResolution.objects.get( group=group, ), False if acting_user: GroupSubscription.objects.subscribe( user=acting_user, group=group, reason=GroupSubscriptionReason.status_change, ) if created: activity = Activity.objects.create( project=group.project, group=group, type=Activity.SET_RESOLVED_IN_RELEASE, user=acting_user, ident=resolution.id, data={ # no version yet 'version': '', } ) # TODO(dcramer): we need a solution for activity rollups # before sending notifications on bulk changes if not is_bulk: activity.send_notification() queryset.update( status=GroupStatus.RESOLVED, resolved_at=now, ) result.update({ 'status': 'resolved', 'statusDetails': { 'inNextRelease': True, }, }) elif result.get('status') == 'resolved': now = timezone.now() happened = queryset.exclude( status=GroupStatus.RESOLVED, ).update( status=GroupStatus.RESOLVED, resolved_at=now, ) GroupResolution.objects.filter( group__in=group_ids, ).delete() if group_list and happened: for group in group_list: group.status = GroupStatus.RESOLVED group.resolved_at = now if acting_user: GroupSubscription.objects.subscribe( user=acting_user, group=group, reason=GroupSubscriptionReason.status_change, ) activity = Activity.objects.create( project=group.project, group=group, type=Activity.SET_RESOLVED, user=acting_user, ) # TODO(dcramer): we need a solution for activity rollups # before sending notifications on bulk changes if not is_bulk: activity.send_notification() result['statusDetails'] = {} elif result.get('status'): new_status = STATUS_CHOICES[result['status']] happened = queryset.exclude( status=new_status, ).update( status=new_status, ) GroupResolution.objects.filter( group__in=group_ids, ).delete() if new_status == GroupStatus.MUTED: snooze_duration = result.pop('snoozeDuration', None) if snooze_duration: snooze_until = timezone.now() + timedelta( minutes=snooze_duration, ) for group in group_list: GroupSnooze.objects.create_or_update( group=group, values={ 'until': snooze_until, } ) result['statusDetails'] = { 'snoozeUntil': snooze_until, } else: GroupSnooze.objects.filter( group__in=group_ids, ).delete() snooze_until = None result['statusDetails'] = {} else: result['statusDetails'] = {} if group_list and happened: if new_status == GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED: activity_type = Activity.SET_UNRESOLVED activity_data = {} elif new_status == GroupStatus.MUTED: activity_type = Activity.SET_MUTED activity_data = { 'snoozeUntil': snooze_until, 'snoozeDuration': snooze_duration, } for group in group_list: group.status = new_status activity = Activity.objects.create( project=group.project, group=group, type=activity_type, user=acting_user, data=activity_data, ) # TODO(dcramer): we need a solution for activity rollups # before sending notifications on bulk changes if not is_bulk: if acting_user: GroupSubscription.objects.subscribe( user=acting_user, group=group, reason=GroupSubscriptionReason.status_change, ) activity.send_notification() if result.get('hasSeen') and project.member_set.filter(user=acting_user).exists(): for group in group_list: instance, created = create_or_update( GroupSeen, group=group, user=acting_user, project=group.project, values={ 'last_seen': timezone.now(), } ) elif result.get('hasSeen') is False: GroupSeen.objects.filter( group__in=group_ids, user=acting_user, ).delete() if result.get('isBookmarked'): for group in group_list: GroupBookmark.objects.get_or_create( project=project, group=group, user=acting_user, ) GroupSubscription.objects.subscribe( user=acting_user, group=group, reason=GroupSubscriptionReason.bookmark, ) elif result.get('isBookmarked') is False: GroupBookmark.objects.filter( group__in=group_ids, user=acting_user, ).delete() # TODO(dcramer): we could make these more efficient by first # querying for rich rows are present (if N > 2), flipping the flag # on those rows, and then creating the missing rows if result.get('isSubscribed') in (True, False): is_subscribed = result['isSubscribed'] for group in group_list: GroupSubscription.objects.create_or_update( user=acting_user, group=group, project=project, values={'is_active': is_subscribed}, ) if result.get('isPublic'): queryset.update(is_public=True) for group in group_list: if group.is_public: continue group.is_public = True Activity.objects.create( project=group.project, group=group, type=Activity.SET_PUBLIC, user=acting_user, ) elif result.get('isPublic') is False: queryset.update(is_public=False) for group in group_list: if not group.is_public: continue group.is_public = False Activity.objects.create( project=group.project, group=group, type=Activity.SET_PRIVATE, user=acting_user, ) # XXX(dcramer): this feels a bit shady like it should be its own # endpoint if result.get('merge') and len(group_list) > 1: primary_group = sorted(group_list, key=lambda x: -x.times_seen)[0] children = [] transaction_id = uuid4().hex for group in group_list: if group == primary_group: continue children.append(group) group.update(status=GroupStatus.PENDING_MERGE) merge_group.delay( from_object_id=group.id, to_object_id=primary_group.id, transaction_id=transaction_id, ) Activity.objects.create( project=primary_group.project, group=primary_group, type=Activity.MERGE, user=acting_user, data={ 'issues': [{'id': c.id} for c in children], }, ) result['merge'] = { 'parent': six.text_type(primary_group.id), 'children': [six.text_type(g.id) for g in children], } return Response(result) @attach_scenarios([bulk_remove_issues_scenario]) def delete(self, request, project): """ Bulk Remove a List of Issues ```````````````````````````` Permanently remove the given issues. The list of issues to modify is given through the `id` query parameter. It is repeated for each issue that should be removed. Only queries by 'id' are accepted. If any ids are out of scope this operation will succeed without any data mutation. :qparam int id: a list of IDs of the issues to be removed. This parameter shall be repeated for each issue. :pparam string organization_slug: the slug of the organization the issues belong to. :pparam string project_slug: the slug of the project the issues belong to. :auth: required """ group_ids = request.GET.getlist('id') if group_ids: group_list = list(Group.objects.filter( project=project, id__in=set(group_ids), ).exclude( status__in=[ GroupStatus.PENDING_DELETION, GroupStatus.DELETION_IN_PROGRESS, ] )) # filter down group ids to only valid matches group_ids = [g.id for g in group_list] else: # missing any kind of filter return Response('{"detail": "You must specify a list of IDs for this operation"}', status=400) if not group_ids: return Response(status=204) Group.objects.filter( id__in=group_ids, ).exclude( status__in=[ GroupStatus.PENDING_DELETION, GroupStatus.DELETION_IN_PROGRESS, ] ).update(status=GroupStatus.PENDING_DELETION) GroupHash.objects.filter(group__id__in=group_ids).delete() for group in group_list: delete_group.apply_async( kwargs={'object_id': group.id}, countdown=3600, ) return Response(status=204)
{ "repo_name": "fotinakis/sentry", "path": "src/sentry/api/endpoints/project_group_index.py", "copies": "1", "size": "25800", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 3654244279494128600, "line_mean": 37.1656804734, "line_max": 144, "alpha_frac": 0.5194573643, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.856927710843373, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.00014469264340577232, "num_lines": 676 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import six from humancrypto.cli import main from humancrypto import PrivateKey, PublicKey, Certificate, CSR class Test_token(object): def do(self, args, stdin=None): stdout = six.StringIO() stderr = six.StringIO() if stdin: stdin = six.StringIO(stdin) main(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) return stdout.getvalue(), stderr.getvalue() def test_bytes(self): self.do(['y2016', 'token']) def test_hex(self): self.do(['y2016', 'token', '--hex']) def test_urlsafe(self): self.do(['y2016', 'token', '--urlsafe']) class Test_pw(object): def do(self, args, stdin=None): stdout = six.StringIO() stderr = six.StringIO() if stdin: stdin = six.StringIO(stdin) main(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) return stdout.getvalue(), stderr.getvalue() def test_store2016(self): stored, _ = self.do( ['y2016', 'pw', 'store'], stdin='password') result, _ = self.do( ['y2016', 'pw', 'verify', stored], stdin='password') assert result == 'ok\n' def test_store2016_wrong_password(self): stored, _ = self.do( ['y2016', 'pw', 'store'], stdin='password') try: self.do( ['y2016', 'pw', 'verify', stored], stdin='wrong') assert False, "Should have raised SystemExit" except SystemExit as e: assert e.code == 1, "Should exit with 1 cause wrong password" def test_store44bc_old(self): stored, _ = self.do( ['y44bc', 'pw', 'store'], stdin='password') try: self.do( ['y2016', 'pw', 'verify', stored], stdin='password') assert False, "Should have raised SystemExit" except SystemExit as e: assert e.code == 2, "Should exit with 2 cause wrong year" def test_store44BC(self): stored, _ = self.do( ['y44bc', 'pw', 'store'], stdin='password') result, _ = self.do( ['y44bc', 'pw', 'verify', stored], stdin='password') assert result == 'ok\n' class Test_rsa(object): def do(self, args): return main(['rsa'] + args) def test_create_private(self, tmpdir): keyfile = tmpdir.join('foo.key') self.do(['create-private', keyfile.strpath]) key = PrivateKey.load(filename=keyfile.strpath) assert key.key_size == 2048 def test_extract_public(self, tmpdir): privfile = tmpdir.join('something.key') pubfile = tmpdir.join('something.pub') self.do(['create-private', privfile.strpath]) self.do(['extract-public', privfile.strpath, pubfile.strpath]) PublicKey.load(filename=pubfile.strpath) def test_self_signed_cert(self, tmpdir): keyfile = tmpdir.join('foo.key') certfile = tmpdir.join('foo.crt') self.do(['create-private', keyfile.strpath]) self.do([ 'self-signed-cert', keyfile.strpath, certfile.strpath, '--common-name', 'jim', '--state', six.u('CA'), ]) cert = Certificate.load(filename=certfile.strpath) assert cert.issuer.attribs['common_name'] == u'jim' assert cert.subject.attribs['common_name'] == u'jim' assert cert.issuer.attribs['state'] == u'CA' assert cert.subject.attribs['state'] == u'CA' def test_create_csr(self, tmpdir): keyfile = tmpdir.join('foo.key') csrfile = tmpdir.join('foo.csr') self.do(['create-private', keyfile.strpath]) self.do([ 'create-csr', keyfile.strpath, csrfile.strpath, '--common-name', 'jim', '--state', six.u('CA'), ]) csr = CSR.load(filename=csrfile.strpath) assert csr.attribs['common_name'] == u'jim' assert csr.attribs['state'] == u'CA' def test_create_csr_extended_attrib(self, tmpdir): keyfile = tmpdir.join('foo.key') csrfile = tmpdir.join('foo.csr') self.do(['create-private', keyfile.strpath]) self.do([ 'create-csr', keyfile.strpath, csrfile.strpath, '--common-name', 'jim', '--subject-alternative-name', 'dns:jose', ]) csr = CSR.load(filename=csrfile.strpath) assert csr.attribs['common_name'] == u'jim' assert csr.extensions['subject_alternative_name']['dns'] == [u'jose'] def test_sign_csr(self, tmpdir): cakey = tmpdir.join('ca.key') cacrt = tmpdir.join('ca.crt') otherkey = tmpdir.join('other.key') othercsr = tmpdir.join('other.csr') othercrt = tmpdir.join('other.crt') self.do(['create-private', cakey.strpath]) self.do([ 'self-signed-cert', cakey.strpath, cacrt.strpath, '--common-name', 'bob', '--state', 'WA', ]) self.do(['create-private', otherkey.strpath]) self.do([ 'create-csr', otherkey.strpath, othercsr.strpath, '--common-name', 'jim', '--state', 'CA', ]) self.do([ 'sign-csr', cakey.strpath, cacrt.strpath, othercsr.strpath, othercrt.strpath, ]) cert = Certificate.load(filename=othercrt.strpath) assert cert.issuer.attribs['common_name'] == u'bob' assert cert.subject.attribs['common_name'] == u'jim' assert cert.issuer.attribs['state'] == u'WA' assert cert.subject.attribs['state'] == u'CA' def test_sign_csr_server(self, tmpdir): cakey = tmpdir.join('ca.key') cacrt = tmpdir.join('ca.crt') otherkey = tmpdir.join('other.key') othercsr = tmpdir.join('other.csr') othercrt = tmpdir.join('other.crt') self.do(['create-private', cakey.strpath]) self.do([ 'self-signed-cert', cakey.strpath, cacrt.strpath, '--common-name', 'bob', '--state', 'WA', ]) self.do(['create-private', otherkey.strpath]) self.do([ 'create-csr', otherkey.strpath, othercsr.strpath, '--common-name', 'jim', '--state', 'CA', '--server', ]) self.do([ 'sign-csr', cakey.strpath, cacrt.strpath, othercsr.strpath, othercrt.strpath, ]) cert = Certificate.load(filename=othercrt.strpath) assert cert.issuer.attribs['common_name'] == u'bob' assert cert.subject.attribs['common_name'] == u'jim' assert cert.issuer.attribs['state'] == u'WA' assert cert.subject.attribs['state'] == u'CA' assert cert.extensions['key_usage']['key_encipherment'] is True def test_sign_csr_client(self, tmpdir): cakey = tmpdir.join('ca.key') cacrt = tmpdir.join('ca.crt') otherkey = tmpdir.join('other.key') othercsr = tmpdir.join('other.csr') othercrt = tmpdir.join('other.crt') self.do(['create-private', cakey.strpath]) self.do([ 'self-signed-cert', cakey.strpath, cacrt.strpath, '--common-name', 'bob', '--state', 'WA', ]) self.do(['create-private', otherkey.strpath]) self.do([ 'create-csr', otherkey.strpath, othercsr.strpath, '--common-name', 'jim', '--state', 'CA', '--client', ]) self.do([ 'sign-csr', cakey.strpath, cacrt.strpath, othercsr.strpath, othercrt.strpath, ]) cert = Certificate.load(filename=othercrt.strpath) assert cert.issuer.attribs['common_name'] == u'bob' assert cert.subject.attribs['common_name'] == u'jim' assert cert.issuer.attribs['state'] == u'WA' assert cert.subject.attribs['state'] == u'CA' assert cert.extensions['key_usage']['digital_signature'] is True
{ "repo_name": "iffy/humancrypto", "path": "tests/test_cli.py", "copies": "1", "size": "8066", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": -7349612659865429000, "line_mean": 34.5330396476, "line_max": 77, "alpha_frac": 0.5519464419, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.671370050068275, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9723316491968275, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 227 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import six from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError, PermissionDenied from rest_framework.response import Response from sentry import features from sentry.api.bases import OrganizationEventsEndpointBase, OrganizationEventPermission from sentry.api.helpers.group_index import ( build_query_params_from_request, calculate_stats_period, rate_limit_endpoint, ) from sentry.api.serializers import serialize from sentry.api.serializers.models.group import StreamGroupSerializerSnuba from sentry.api.utils import get_date_range_from_params, InvalidParams from sentry.models import Group from sentry.utils.compat import map from sentry.api.endpoints.organization_group_index import ERR_INVALID_STATS_PERIOD class OrganizationGroupIndexStatsEndpoint(OrganizationEventsEndpointBase): permission_classes = (OrganizationEventPermission,) @rate_limit_endpoint(limit=10, window=1) def get(self, request, organization): """ Get the stats on an Organization's Issues ````````````````````````````` Return a list of issues (groups) with the requested stats. All parameters are supplied as query string parameters. :qparam list groups: A list of group ids :qparam list expand: an optional list of strings to opt in to additional data. Supports `inbox` :qparam list collapse: an optional list of strings to opt out of certain pieces of data. Supports `stats`, `lifetime`, `filtered`, and `base` The ``groupStatsPeriod`` parameter can be used to select the timeline stats which should be present. Possible values are: '' (disable), '24h', '14d' The ``statsPeriod`` parameter can be used to select a date window starting from now. Ex. ``14d``. The ``start`` and ``end`` parameters can be used to select an absolute date period to fetch issues from. :qparam string statsPeriod: an optional stat period (can be one of ``"24h"``, ``"14d"``, and ``""``). :qparam string groupStatsPeriod: an optional stat period (can be one of ``"24h"``, ``"14d"``, and ``""``). :qparam string start: Beginning date. You must also provide ``end``. :qparam string end: End date. You must also provide ``start``. """ stats_period = request.GET.get("groupStatsPeriod") try: start, end = get_date_range_from_params(request.GET) except InvalidParams as e: raise ParseError(detail=six.text_type(e)) expand = request.GET.getlist("expand", []) collapse = request.GET.getlist("collapse", ["base"]) has_inbox = features.has("organizations:inbox", organization, actor=request.user) has_workflow_owners = features.has( "organizations:workflow-owners", organization=organization, actor=request.user ) projects = self.get_projects(request, organization) project_ids = [p.id for p in projects] try: group_ids = set(map(int, request.GET.getlist("groups"))) except ValueError: raise ParseError(detail="Group ids must be integers") if not group_ids: raise ParseError( detail="You should include `groups` with your request. (i.e. groups=1,2,3)" ) else: groups = list(Group.objects.filter(id__in=group_ids, project_id__in=project_ids)) if not groups: raise ParseError(detail="No matching groups found") elif len(groups) > 25: raise ParseError(detail="Too many groups requested.") elif any(g for g in groups if not request.access.has_project_access(g.project)): raise PermissionDenied if stats_period not in (None, "", "24h", "14d", "auto"): raise ParseError(detail=ERR_INVALID_STATS_PERIOD) stats_period, stats_period_start, stats_period_end = calculate_stats_period( stats_period, start, end ) environments = self.get_environments(request, organization) query_kwargs = build_query_params_from_request( request, organization, projects, environments ) context = serialize( groups, request.user, StreamGroupSerializerSnuba( environment_ids=[env.id for env in environments], stats_period=stats_period, stats_period_start=stats_period_start, stats_period_end=stats_period_end, collapse=collapse, expand=expand, has_inbox=has_inbox, has_workflow_owners=has_workflow_owners, start=start, end=end, search_filters=query_kwargs["search_filters"] if "search_filters" in query_kwargs else None, ), ) response = Response(context) return response
{ "repo_name": "beeftornado/sentry", "path": "src/sentry/api/endpoints/organization_group_index_stats.py", "copies": "1", "size": "5115", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 132747826389853340, "line_mean": 40.9262295082, "line_max": 149, "alpha_frac": 0.6246334311, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.482909728308501, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.56075431594085, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import socket import functools import re from warnings import warn import collections import flask from flask import Blueprint, Flask, request, Response try: from bokeh.server.crossdomain import crossdomain except ImportError: def crossdomain(*args, **kwargs): def wrapper(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped(*a, **k): return f(*a, **k) return wrapped return wrapper from toolz import assoc, valmap from datashape import Mono, discover, pprint from datashape.predicates import iscollection, isscalar from odo import odo import blaze from blaze import compute, resource from blaze.expr import utils as expr_utils from blaze.compute import compute_up from .serialization import json, all_formats from ..interactive import InteractiveSymbol, coerce_scalar from ..expr import Expr, symbol __all__ = 'Server', 'to_tree', 'from_tree' # http://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=6363 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers DEFAULT_PORT = 6363 api = Blueprint('api', __name__) pickle_extension_api = Blueprint('pickle_extension_api', __name__) _no_default = object() # sentinel def _get_option(option, options, default=_no_default): try: return options[option] except KeyError: if default is not _no_default: return default # Provides a more informative error message. raise TypeError( 'The blaze api must be registered with {option}'.format( option=option, ), ) def _register_api(app, options, first_registration=False): """ Register the data with the blueprint. """ _get_data.cache[app] = _get_option('data', options) _get_format.cache[app] = dict( (f.name, f) for f in _get_option('formats', options) ) _get_auth.cache[app] = ( _get_option('authorization', options, None) or (lambda a: True) ) # Call the original register function. Blueprint.register(api, app, options, first_registration) api.register = _register_api def _get_data(): """ Retrieve the current application's data for use in the blaze server endpoints. """ return _get_data.cache[flask.current_app] _get_data.cache = {} def _get_format(name): return _get_format.cache[flask.current_app][name] _get_format.cache = {} def _get_auth(): return _get_auth.cache[flask.current_app] _get_auth.cache = {} def authorization(f): @functools.wraps(f) def authorized(*args, **kwargs): if not _get_auth()(request.authorization): return Response( 'bad auth token', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'}, ) return f(*args, **kwargs) return authorized def check_request(f): @functools.wraps(f) def check(): content_type = request.headers['content-type'] matched = mimetype_regex.match(content_type) if matched is None: return 'Unsupported serialization format %s' % content_type, 415 try: serial = _get_format(matched.groups()[0]) except KeyError: return ( "Unsupported serialization format '%s'" % matched.groups()[0], 415, ) try: payload = serial.loads(request.data) except ValueError: return ("Bad data. Got %s " % request.data, 400) # 400: Bad Request return f(payload, serial) return check class Server(object): """ Blaze Data Server Host local data through a web API Parameters ---------- data : dict, optional A dictionary mapping dataset name to any data format that blaze understands. formats : iterable, optional An iterable of supported serialization formats. By default, the server will support JSON. A serialization format is an object that supports: name, loads, and dumps. authorization : callable, optional A callable to be used to check the auth header from the client. This callable should accept a single argument that will either be None indicating that no header was passed, or an object containing a username and password attribute. By default, all requests are allowed. Examples -------- >>> from pandas import DataFrame >>> df = DataFrame([[1, 'Alice', 100], ... [2, 'Bob', -200], ... [3, 'Alice', 300], ... [4, 'Dennis', 400], ... [5, 'Bob', -500]], ... columns=['id', 'name', 'amount']) >>> server = Server({'accounts': df}) >>> server.run() # doctest: +SKIP """ def __init__(self, data=None, formats=None, authorization=None): app = self.app = Flask('blaze.server.server') if data is None: data = dict() app.register_blueprint( api, data=data, formats=formats if formats is not None else (json,), authorization=authorization, ) self.data = data def run(self, port=DEFAULT_PORT, retry=False, **kwargs): """Run the server. Parameters ---------- port : int, optional The port to bind to. retry : bool, optional If the port is busy, should we retry with the next available port? **kwargs Forwarded to the underlying flask app's ``run`` method. Notes ----- This function blocks forever when successful. """ self.port = port try: # Blocks until the server is shut down. self.app.run(port=port, **kwargs) except socket.error: if not retry: raise warn("Oops, couldn't connect on port %d. Is it busy?" % port) # Attempt to start the server on a new port. self.run(port=port + 1, retry=retry, **kwargs) @api.route('/datashape', methods=['GET']) @crossdomain(origin='*', methods=['GET']) @authorization def shape(): return pprint(discover(_get_data()), width=0) def to_tree(expr, names=None): """ Represent Blaze expression with core data structures Transform a Blaze expression into a form using only strings, dicts, lists and base types (int, float, datetime, ....) This form can be useful for serialization. Parameters ---------- expr : Expr A Blaze expression Examples -------- >>> t = symbol('t', 'var * {x: int32, y: int32}') >>> to_tree(t) # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Symbol', 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False]} >>> to_tree(t.x.sum()) # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'sum', 'args': [ {'op': 'Column', 'args': [ { 'op': 'Symbol' 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False] } 'x'] }] } Simplify expresion using explicit ``names`` dictionary. In the example below we replace the ``Symbol`` node with the string ``'t'``. >>> tree = to_tree(t.x, names={t: 't'}) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Column', 'args': ['t', 'x']} >>> from_tree(tree, namespace={'t': t}) t.x See Also -------- from_tree """ if names and expr in names: return names[expr] if isinstance(expr, tuple): return [to_tree(arg, names=names) for arg in expr] if isinstance(expr, expr_utils._slice): return to_tree(expr.as_slice(), names=names) if isinstance(expr, slice): return {'op': 'slice', 'args': [to_tree(arg, names=names) for arg in [expr.start, expr.stop, expr.step]]} elif isinstance(expr, Mono): return str(expr) elif isinstance(expr, InteractiveSymbol): return to_tree(symbol(expr._name, expr.dshape), names) elif isinstance(expr, Expr): return {'op': type(expr).__name__, 'args': [to_tree(arg, names) for arg in expr._args]} else: return expr def expression_from_name(name): """ >>> expression_from_name('By') <class 'blaze.expr.split_apply_combine.By'> >>> expression_from_name('And') <class 'blaze.expr.arithmetic.And'> """ import blaze if hasattr(blaze, name): return getattr(blaze, name) if hasattr(blaze.expr, name): return getattr(blaze.expr, name) for signature, func in compute_up.funcs.items(): try: if signature[0].__name__ == name: return signature[0] except TypeError: pass raise ValueError('%s not found in compute_up' % name) def from_tree(expr, namespace=None): """ Convert core data structures to Blaze expression Core data structure representations created by ``to_tree`` are converted back into Blaze expressions. Parameters ---------- expr : dict Examples -------- >>> t = symbol('t', 'var * {x: int32, y: int32}') >>> tree = to_tree(t) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Symbol', 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False]} >>> from_tree(tree) t >>> tree = to_tree(t.x.sum()) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'sum', 'args': [ {'op': 'Field', 'args': [ { 'op': 'Symbol' 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False] } 'x'] }] } >>> from_tree(tree) sum(t.x) Simplify expresion using explicit ``names`` dictionary. In the example below we replace the ``Symbol`` node with the string ``'t'``. >>> tree = to_tree(t.x, names={t: 't'}) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Field', 'args': ['t', 'x']} >>> from_tree(tree, namespace={'t': t}) t.x See Also -------- to_tree """ if isinstance(expr, dict): op, args = expr['op'], expr['args'] if 'slice' == op: return expr_utils._slice(*[from_tree(arg, namespace) for arg in args]) if hasattr(blaze.expr, op): cls = getattr(blaze.expr, op) else: cls = expression_from_name(op) if 'Symbol' in op: children = [from_tree(arg) for arg in args] else: children = [from_tree(arg, namespace) for arg in args] return cls(*children) elif isinstance(expr, list): return tuple(from_tree(arg, namespace) for arg in expr) if namespace and expr in namespace: return namespace[expr] else: return expr mimetype_regex = re.compile(r'^application/vnd\.blaze\+(%s)$' % '|'.join(x.name for x in all_formats)) @api.route('/compute', methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) @crossdomain(origin='*', methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) @authorization @check_request def compserver(payload, serial): ns = payload.get('namespace', dict()) compute_kwargs = payload.get('compute_kwargs') or {} odo_kwargs = payload.get('odo_kwargs') or {} dataset = _get_data() ns[':leaf'] = symbol('leaf', discover(dataset)) expr = from_tree(payload['expr'], namespace=ns) assert len(expr._leaves()) == 1 leaf = expr._leaves()[0] try: result = compute(expr, {leaf: dataset}, **compute_kwargs) if iscollection(expr.dshape): result = odo(result, list, **odo_kwargs) elif isscalar(expr.dshape): result = coerce_scalar(result, str(expr.dshape)) except NotImplementedError as e: # 501: Not Implemented return ("Computation not supported:\n%s" % e, 501) except Exception as e: # 500: Internal Server Error return ( "Computation failed with message:\n%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e), 500, ) return serial.dumps({ 'datashape': pprint(expr.dshape, width=0), 'data': result, 'names': expr.fields }) @api.route('/add', methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) @crossdomain(origin='*', methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) @authorization @check_request def addserver(payload, serial): """Add a data resource to the server. The reuest should contain serialized MutableMapping (dictionary) like object, and the server should already be hosting a MutableMapping resource. """ data = _get_data.cache[flask.current_app] data_not_mm_msg = ("Cannot update blaze server data since its current data" " is a %s and not a mutable mapping (dictionary like).") if not isinstance(data, collections.MutableMapping): return (data_not_mm_msg % type(data), 422) payload_not_mm_msg = ("Cannot update blaze server with a %s payload, since" " it is not a mutable mapping (dictionary like).") if not isinstance(payload, collections.MutableMapping): return (payload_not_mm_msg % type(payload), 422) data.update(valmap(resource, payload)) return 'OK'
{ "repo_name": "cowlicks/blaze", "path": "blaze/server/server.py", "copies": "2", "size": "13284", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -971662984577634400, "line_mean": 27.6911447084, "line_max": 81, "alpha_frac": 0.5701595905, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.888758782201405, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5458918372701406, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import socket import functools import re import flask from flask import Blueprint, Flask, request, Response try: from bokeh.server.crossdomain import crossdomain except ImportError: def crossdomain(*args, **kwargs): def wrapper(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped(*a, **k): return f(*a, **k) return wrapped return wrapper from toolz import assoc from datashape import Mono, discover from datashape.predicates import iscollection, isscalar from odo import odo import blaze from blaze import compute from blaze.expr import utils as expr_utils from blaze.compute import compute_up from .serialization import json, all_formats from ..interactive import InteractiveSymbol, coerce_scalar from ..expr import Expr, symbol __all__ = 'Server', 'to_tree', 'from_tree' # http://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=6363 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers DEFAULT_PORT = 6363 api = Blueprint('api', __name__) pickle_extension_api = Blueprint('pickle_extension_api', __name__) _no_default = object() # sentinel def _get_option(option, options, default=_no_default): try: return options[option] except KeyError: if default is not _no_default: return default # Provides a more informative error message. raise TypeError( 'The blaze api must be registered with {option}'.format( option=option, ), ) def _register_api(app, options, first_registration=False): """ Register the data with the blueprint. """ _get_data.cache[app] = _get_option('data', options) _get_format.cache[app] = dict( (f.name, f) for f in _get_option('formats', options) ) _get_auth.cache[app] = ( _get_option('authorization', options, None) or (lambda a: True) ) # Call the original register function. Blueprint.register(api, app, options, first_registration) api.register = _register_api def _get_data(): """ Retrieve the current application's data for use in the blaze server endpoints. """ return _get_data.cache[flask.current_app] _get_data.cache = {} def _get_format(name): return _get_format.cache[flask.current_app][name] _get_format.cache = {} def _get_auth(): return _get_auth.cache[flask.current_app] _get_auth.cache = {} def authorization(f): @functools.wraps(f) def authorized(*args, **kwargs): if not _get_auth()(request.authorization): return Response( 'bad auth token', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'}, ) return f(*args, **kwargs) return authorized class Server(object): """ Blaze Data Server Host local data through a web API Parameters ---------- data : dict, optional A dictionary mapping dataset name to any data format that blaze understands. formats : iterable, optional An iterable of supported serialization formats. By default, the server will support JSON. A serialization format is an object that supports: name, loads, and dumps. authorization : callable, optional A callable to be used to check the auth header from the client. This callable should accept a single argument that will either be None indicating that no header was passed, or an object containing a username and password attribute. By default, all requests are allowed. Examples -------- >>> from pandas import DataFrame >>> df = DataFrame([[1, 'Alice', 100], ... [2, 'Bob', -200], ... [3, 'Alice', 300], ... [4, 'Dennis', 400], ... [5, 'Bob', -500]], ... columns=['id', 'name', 'amount']) >>> server = Server({'accounts': df}) >>> server.run() # doctest: +SKIP """ __slots__ = 'app', 'data', 'port' def __init__(self, data=None, formats=None, authorization=None): app = self.app = Flask('blaze.server.server') if data is None: data = dict() app.register_blueprint( api, data=data, formats=formats if formats is not None else (json,), authorization=authorization, ) self.data = data def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run the server""" port = kwargs.pop('port', DEFAULT_PORT) self.port = port try: self.app.run(*args, port=port, **kwargs) except socket.error: print("\tOops, couldn't connect on port %d. Is it busy?" % port) if kwargs.get('retry', True): # Attempt to start the server on a new port. self.run(*args, **assoc(kwargs, 'port', port + 1)) @api.route('/datashape', methods=['GET']) @crossdomain(origin='*', methods=['GET']) @authorization def shape(): return str(discover(_get_data())) def to_tree(expr, names=None): """ Represent Blaze expression with core data structures Transform a Blaze expression into a form using only strings, dicts, lists and base types (int, float, datetime, ....) This form can be useful for serialization. Parameters ---------- expr : Expr A Blaze expression Examples -------- >>> t = symbol('t', 'var * {x: int32, y: int32}') >>> to_tree(t) # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Symbol', 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False]} >>> to_tree(t.x.sum()) # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'sum', 'args': [ {'op': 'Column', 'args': [ { 'op': 'Symbol' 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False] } 'x'] }] } Simplify expresion using explicit ``names`` dictionary. In the example below we replace the ``Symbol`` node with the string ``'t'``. >>> tree = to_tree(t.x, names={t: 't'}) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Column', 'args': ['t', 'x']} >>> from_tree(tree, namespace={'t': t}) t.x See Also -------- from_tree """ if names and expr in names: return names[expr] if isinstance(expr, tuple): return [to_tree(arg, names=names) for arg in expr] if isinstance(expr, expr_utils._slice): return to_tree(expr.as_slice(), names=names) if isinstance(expr, slice): return {'op': 'slice', 'args': [to_tree(arg, names=names) for arg in [expr.start, expr.stop, expr.step]]} elif isinstance(expr, Mono): return str(expr) elif isinstance(expr, InteractiveSymbol): return to_tree(symbol(expr._name, expr.dshape), names) elif isinstance(expr, Expr): return {'op': type(expr).__name__, 'args': [to_tree(arg, names) for arg in expr._args]} else: return expr def expression_from_name(name): """ >>> expression_from_name('By') <class 'blaze.expr.split_apply_combine.By'> >>> expression_from_name('And') <class 'blaze.expr.arithmetic.And'> """ import blaze if hasattr(blaze, name): return getattr(blaze, name) if hasattr(blaze.expr, name): return getattr(blaze.expr, name) for signature, func in compute_up.funcs.items(): try: if signature[0].__name__ == name: return signature[0] except TypeError: pass raise ValueError('%s not found in compute_up' % name) def from_tree(expr, namespace=None): """ Convert core data structures to Blaze expression Core data structure representations created by ``to_tree`` are converted back into Blaze expressions. Parameters ---------- expr : dict Examples -------- >>> t = symbol('t', 'var * {x: int32, y: int32}') >>> tree = to_tree(t) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Symbol', 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False]} >>> from_tree(tree) t >>> tree = to_tree(t.x.sum()) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'sum', 'args': [ {'op': 'Field', 'args': [ { 'op': 'Symbol' 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False] } 'x'] }] } >>> from_tree(tree) sum(t.x) Simplify expresion using explicit ``names`` dictionary. In the example below we replace the ``Symbol`` node with the string ``'t'``. >>> tree = to_tree(t.x, names={t: 't'}) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Field', 'args': ['t', 'x']} >>> from_tree(tree, namespace={'t': t}) t.x See Also -------- to_tree """ if isinstance(expr, dict): op, args = expr['op'], expr['args'] if 'slice' == op: return expr_utils._slice(*[from_tree(arg, namespace) for arg in args]) if hasattr(blaze.expr, op): cls = getattr(blaze.expr, op) else: cls = expression_from_name(op) if 'Symbol' in op: children = [from_tree(arg) for arg in args] else: children = [from_tree(arg, namespace) for arg in args] return cls(*children) elif isinstance(expr, list): return tuple(from_tree(arg, namespace) for arg in expr) if namespace and expr in namespace: return namespace[expr] else: return expr mimetype_regex = re.compile(r'^application/vnd\.blaze\+(%s)$' % '|'.join(x.name for x in all_formats)) @api.route('/compute', methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) @crossdomain(origin='*', methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) @authorization def compserver(): content_type = request.headers['content-type'] matched = mimetype_regex.match(content_type) if matched is None: return 'Unsupported serialization format %s' % content_type, 415 try: serial = _get_format(matched.groups()[0]) except KeyError: return ( "Unsupported serialization format '%s'" % matched.groups()[0], 415, ) try: payload = serial.loads(request.data) except ValueError: return ("Bad data. Got %s " % request.data, 400) # 400: Bad Request ns = payload.get('namespace', dict()) dataset = _get_data() ns[':leaf'] = symbol('leaf', discover(dataset)) expr = from_tree(payload['expr'], namespace=ns) assert len(expr._leaves()) == 1 leaf = expr._leaves()[0] try: result = compute(expr, {leaf: dataset}) if iscollection(expr.dshape): result = odo(result, list) elif isscalar(expr.dshape): result = coerce_scalar(result, str(expr.dshape)) except NotImplementedError as e: # 501: Not Implemented return ("Computation not supported:\n%s" % e, 501) except Exception as e: # 500: Internal Server Error return ("Computation failed with message:\n%s" % e, 500) return serial.dumps({ 'datashape': str(expr.dshape), 'data': result, 'names': expr.fields })
{ "repo_name": "caseyclements/blaze", "path": "blaze/server/server.py", "copies": "10", "size": "11382", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -1975865234724830200, "line_mean": 26.8970588235, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.5638727816, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.8181818181818183, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9382054599781818, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import socket from tornado import gen from tornado.iostream import IOStream from tornado.log import app_log from tornado.stack_context import NullContext from tornado.tcpserver import TCPServer from tornado.test.util import skipBefore35, exec_test from tornado.testing import AsyncTestCase, ExpectLog, bind_unused_port, gen_test class TCPServerTest(AsyncTestCase): @gen_test def test_handle_stream_coroutine_logging(self): # handle_stream may be a coroutine and any exception in its # Future will be logged. class TestServer(TCPServer): @gen.coroutine def handle_stream(self, stream, address): yield stream.read_bytes(len(b'hello')) stream.close() 1 / 0 server = client = None try: sock, port = bind_unused_port() with NullContext(): server = TestServer() server.add_socket(sock) client = IOStream(socket.socket()) with ExpectLog(app_log, "Exception in callback"): yield client.connect(('localhost', port)) yield client.write(b'hello') yield client.read_until_close() yield gen.moment finally: if server is not None: server.stop() if client is not None: client.close() @skipBefore35 @gen_test def test_handle_stream_native_coroutine(self): # handle_stream may be a native coroutine. namespace = exec_test(globals(), locals(), """ class TestServer(TCPServer): async def handle_stream(self, stream, address): stream.write(b'data') stream.close() """) sock, port = bind_unused_port() server = namespace['TestServer']() server.add_socket(sock) client = IOStream(socket.socket()) yield client.connect(('localhost', port)) result = yield client.read_until_close() self.assertEqual(result, b'data') server.stop() client.close() def test_stop_twice(self): sock, port = bind_unused_port() server = TCPServer() server.add_socket(sock) server.stop() server.stop() @gen_test def test_stop_in_callback(self): # Issue #2069: calling server.stop() in a loop callback should not # raise EBADF when the loop handles other server connection # requests in the same loop iteration class TestServer(TCPServer): @gen.coroutine def handle_stream(self, stream, address): server.stop() yield stream.read_until_close() sock, port = bind_unused_port() server = TestServer() server.add_socket(sock) server_addr = ('localhost', port) N = 40 clients = [IOStream(socket.socket()) for i in range(N)] connected_clients = [] @gen.coroutine def connect(c): try: yield c.connect(server_addr) except EnvironmentError: pass else: connected_clients.append(c) yield [connect(c) for c in clients] self.assertGreater(len(connected_clients), 0, "all clients failed connecting") try: if len(connected_clients) == N: # Ideally we'd make the test deterministic, but we're testing # for a race condition in combination with the system's TCP stack... self.skipTest("at least one client should fail connecting " "for the test to be meaningful") finally: for c in connected_clients: c.close() # Here tearDown() would re-raise the EBADF encountered in the IO loop
{ "repo_name": "legnaleurc/tornado", "path": "tornado/test/tcpserver_test.py", "copies": "1", "size": "3963", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": 8972633873521718000, "line_mean": 33.1637931034, "line_max": 84, "alpha_frac": 0.5738077214, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.544724770642202, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.0002078481456439536, "num_lines": 116 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import socket import click from construct import UBInt16 from tlsenum.parse_hello import ( ClientHello, Extensions, HandshakeFailure, ProtocolVersionFailure, ServerHello, construct_sslv2_client_hello ) from tlsenum.mappings import ( CipherSuites, ECCurves, ECPointFormat, TLSProtocolVersion ) CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"]) def send_client_hello(host, port, data): """ Sends a ClientHello message in bytes. Returns a ServerHello message in bytes """ try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host, port)) s.send(data) server_hello = s.recv(5) # This is to handle the case where the server fails # to respond instead of a returning a handshake failure. if len(server_hello) == 0: raise HandshakeFailure() server_hello += s.recv(UBInt16("length").parse(server_hello[3:5])) return server_hello except socket.error: raise HandshakeFailure() def send_sslv2_client_hello(host, port): """ Sends a SSLv2 ClientHello message in bytes. If server supports SSLv2, returns None. Else raise a HandshakeFailure(). """ data = construct_sslv2_client_hello() try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host, port)) s.send(data) server_hello = s.recv(3) if len(server_hello) == 0: raise HandshakeFailure() if server_hello[2] == 4: pass else: raise HandshakeFailure() except socket.error: raise HandshakeFailure() @click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument("host", type=click.STRING) @click.argument("port", type=click.INT) def cli(host, port): """ A command line tool to enumerate TLS cipher-suites supported by a server. """ cipher_suites_list = [i.name for i in CipherSuites] extension = Extensions() extension.sni = host extension.ec_curves = [i.name for i in ECCurves] extension.ec_point_format = [i.name for i in ECPointFormat] client_hello = ClientHello() client_hello.deflate = False client_hello.extensions = extension.build() client_hello.cipher_suites = cipher_suites_list supported_tls_versions = [] try: send_sslv2_client_hello(host, port) supported_tls_versions.append("2.0") except HandshakeFailure: pass for i in TLSProtocolVersion: client_hello.protocol_version = i try: server_hello = send_client_hello(host, port, client_hello.build()) server_hello = ServerHello.parse_server_hello(server_hello) except HandshakeFailure: continue except ProtocolVersionFailure: continue supported_tls_versions.append(server_hello.protocol_version) supported_tls_versions = sorted( list(set(supported_tls_versions)), key=lambda x: 0 if x == "2.0" else TLSProtocolVersion.index(x) + 1 ) print("TLS Versions supported by server: {0}".format( ", ".join(supported_tls_versions) )) client_hello.protocol_version = supported_tls_versions[-1] client_hello.deflate = True try: server_hello = send_client_hello(host, port, client_hello.build()) server_hello = ServerHello.parse_server_hello(server_hello) except HandshakeFailure: pass print("Deflate compression: {0}".format( "Yes" if server_hello.deflate else "No" )) client_hello.deflate = False supported_cipher_suites = [] print("Supported Cipher suites in order of priority: ") while True: client_hello.cipher_suites = cipher_suites_list try: server_hello = send_client_hello(host, port, client_hello.build()) server_hello = ServerHello.parse_server_hello(server_hello) except HandshakeFailure: break supported_cipher_suites.append(server_hello.cipher_suite) cipher_suites_list.remove(server_hello.cipher_suite) for i in supported_cipher_suites: print(i)
{ "repo_name": "Ayrx/tlsenum", "path": "tlsenum/__init__.py", "copies": "1", "size": "4230", "license": "mit", "hash": 7694310272395043000, "line_mean": 26.1153846154, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.6472813239, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.884297520661157, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5031578844561156, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sqlalchemy as sa from .compatibility import basestring from .dispatch import dispatch __all__ = () @dispatch(sa.Table, basestring) def create_index(s, column, **kwargs): """Create an index for a single column. Parameters ---------- s : sa.Table The table to create the index on. column : str The name of the column to create an index on. name : str The name of the created index. unique : bool, optional Should the index be unique. ignore_existing : bool, optional Should this supress exceptions from the index already existing. concurrently : bool, optional Should the index be created without holding a lock. This feature is postgres specific. """ return create_index(s, (column,), **kwargs) @dispatch(sa.Table, (list, tuple)) def create_index(s, columns, name=None, unique=False, ignore_existing=False, concurrently=False): """Create an index for a single column. Parameters ---------- s : sa.Table The table to create the index on. columns : list[str] or tuple[str] The names of the columns to create an index on. name : str The name of the created index. unique : bool, optional Should the index be unique. ignore_existing : bool, optional Should this supress exceptions from the index already existing. concurrently : bool, optional Should the index be created without holding a lock. This feature is postgres specific. """ if name is None: raise ValueError('SQL indexes must have a name') try: sa.Index( name, *(s.c[c] for c in columns), unique=unique, **{'postgresql_concurrently': concurrently} if concurrently else {} ).create(s.bind) except (sa.exc.ProgrammingError, sa.exc.OperationalError): # sqlite raises OperationalError but postgres raises ProgrammingError # thanks fam if not ignore_existing: raise
{ "repo_name": "ContinuumIO/blaze", "path": "blaze/sql.py", "copies": "3", "size": "2200", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 574500308309553400, "line_mean": 29.1369863014, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.6163636364, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.564315352697095, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.6680678989097095, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import string from functools import partial from contextlib import contextmanager from glue.external.six import PY2 from glue.external.six.moves import reduce __all__ = ['DeferredMethod', 'nonpartial', 'lookup_class', 'as_variable_name', 'as_list', 'file_format', 'CallbackMixin', 'PropertySetMixin', 'Pointer', 'defer'] class DeferredMethod(object): """ This class stubs out a method, and provides a callable interface that logs its calls. These can later be actually executed on the original (non-stubbed) method by calling executed_deferred_calls """ def __init__(self, method): self.method = method self.calls = [] # avoid hashability issues with dict/set @property def original_method(self): return self.method def __call__(self, instance, *a, **k): if instance not in (c[0] for c in self.calls): self.calls.append((instance, a, k)) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self return partial(self.__call__, instance) def execute_deferred_calls(self): for instance, args, kwargs in self.calls: self.method(instance, *args, **kwargs) def nonpartial(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Like functools.partial, this returns a function which, when called, calls ``func(*args, **kwargs)``. Unlike functools.partial, extra arguments passed to the returned function are *not* passed to the input function. This is used when connecting slots to ``QAction.triggered`` signals, which appear to have different signatures, which seem to add and extra argument in PyQt4 but not PySide """ def result(*a, **k): return func(*args, **kwargs) return result def lookup_class(ref): """ Look up an object via its module string (e.g., 'glue.core.Data') Parameters ---------- ref : str The module string """ if PY2 and ref.startswith('builtins'): ref = '.'.join(['__builtin__'] + ref.split('.')[1:]) elif not PY2 and ref.startswith('__builtin__'): ref = '.'.join(['builtins'] + ref.split('.')[1:]) mod = ref.rsplit('.', 1)[0] try: result = __import__(mod) except ImportError: raise ValueError("Module '{0}' not found".format(mod)) try: for attr in ref.split('.')[1:]: result = getattr(result, attr) return result except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Object '{0}' not found".format(ref)) def as_variable_name(x): """ Convert a string to a legal python variable name Parameters ---------- x : str A string to (possibly) rename Returns ------- variable_name : str A legal Python variable name """ allowed = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_' result = [letter if letter in allowed else '_' for letter in x or 'x'] if result[0] in string.digits: result.insert(0, '_') return ''.join(result) def as_list(x): if isinstance(x, list): return x return [x] def file_format(filename): if filename.find('.') == -1: return '' if filename.lower().endswith('.gz'): result = filename.lower().rsplit('.', 2)[1] else: result = filename.lower().rsplit('.', 1)[1] return result class CallbackMixin(object): """ A mixin that provides a utility for attaching callback functions to methods """ def __init__(self): self._callbacks = [] def add_callback(self, function): self._callbacks.append(function) def remove_callback(self, function): self._callbacks.remove(function) def notify(self, *args, **kwargs): for func in self._callbacks: func(*args, **kwargs) class PropertySetMixin(object): """An object that provides a set of properties that are meant to encapsulate state information This class exposes a properties attribute, which is a dict of all properties. Similarly, assigning to the properties dict will update the individual properties """ _property_set = [] @property def properties(self): """ A dict mapping property names to values """ return dict((p, getattr(self, p)) for p in self._property_set) @properties.setter def properties(self, value): """ Update the properties with a new dict. Keys in the new dict must be valid property names defined in the _property_set class level attribute""" invalid = set(value.keys()) - set(self._property_set) if invalid: raise ValueError("Invalid property values: %s" % invalid) for k in self._property_set: if k not in value: continue setattr(self, k, value[k]) class Pointer(object): def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def __get__(self, instance, type=None): val = instance for k in self.key.split('.'): val = getattr(val, k, None) return val def __set__(self, instance, value): v = self.key.split('.') attr = reduce(getattr, [instance] + v[:-1]) setattr(attr, v[-1], value) # TODO: defer can be removed since it doesn't appear to be used anywhere @contextmanager def defer(instance, method): """ Defer the calling of a method inside a context manager, and then call it 0 or 1 times afterwards. :param instance: The instance of the method to defer :param method: The name of the method to defer :type method: str Within the context block, calls to the method will be intercepted, logged, and skipped. Upon exiting the context block, the method will be invoked a single time, with the arguments of the most recent invokation inside the context block. If the method is never invoked in the context block, it is not called when leaving that block. """ history = [] def log(*a, **k): history.append((a, k)) orig = getattr(instance, method) setattr(instance, method, log) try: yield finally: setattr(instance, method, orig) for a, k in history[-1:]: orig(*a, **k)
{ "repo_name": "stscieisenhamer/glue", "path": "glue/utils/misc.py", "copies": "3", "size": "6340", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -3989931173730898000, "line_mean": 26.094017094, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.6124605678, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.19035029742234, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.6302810865222339, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import string from functools import partial from contextlib import contextmanager from glue.external.six.moves import reduce __all__ = ['DeferredMethod', 'nonpartial', 'lookup_class', 'as_variable_name', 'as_list', 'file_format', 'CallbackMixin', 'PropertySetMixin', 'Pointer', 'defer'] class DeferredMethod(object): """ This class stubs out a method, and provides a callable interface that logs its calls. These can later be actually executed on the original (non-stubbed) method by calling executed_deferred_calls """ def __init__(self, method): self.method = method self.calls = [] # avoid hashability issues with dict/set @property def original_method(self): return self.method def __call__(self, instance, *a, **k): if instance not in (c[0] for c in self.calls): self.calls.append((instance, a, k)) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self return partial(self.__call__, instance) def execute_deferred_calls(self): for instance, args, kwargs in self.calls: self.method(instance, *args, **kwargs) def nonpartial(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Like functools.partial, this returns a function which, when called, calls ``func(*args, **kwargs)``. Unlike functools.partial, extra arguments passed to the returned function are *not* passed to the input function. This is used when connecting slots to ``QAction.triggered`` signals, which appear to have different signatures, which seem to add and extra argument in PyQt4 but not PySide """ def result(*a, **k): return func(*args, **kwargs) return result def lookup_class(ref): """ Look up an object via its module string (e.g., 'glue.core.Data') Parameters ---------- ref : str The module string """ mod = ref.rsplit('.', 1)[0] try: result = __import__(mod) except ImportError: raise ValueError("Module '{0}' not found".format(mod)) try: for attr in ref.split('.')[1:]: result = getattr(result, attr) return result except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Object '{0}' not found".format(ref)) def as_variable_name(x): """ Convert a string to a legal python variable name Parameters ---------- x : str A string to (possibly) rename Returns ------- variable_name : str A legal Python variable name """ allowed = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_' result = [letter if letter in allowed else '_' for letter in x or 'x'] if result[0] in string.digits: result.insert(0, '_') return ''.join(result) def as_list(x): if isinstance(x, list): return x return [x] def file_format(filename): if filename.find('.') == -1: return '' if filename.lower().endswith('.gz'): result = filename.lower().rsplit('.', 2)[1] else: result = filename.lower().rsplit('.', 1)[1] return result class CallbackMixin(object): """ A mixin that provides a utility for attaching callback functions to methods """ def __init__(self): self._callbacks = [] def add_callback(self, function): self._callbacks.append(function) def remove_callback(self, function): self._callbacks.remove(function) def notify(self, *args, **kwargs): for func in self._callbacks: func(*args, **kwargs) class PropertySetMixin(object): """An object that provides a set of properties that are meant to encapsulate state information This class exposes a properties attribute, which is a dict of all properties. Similarly, assigning to the properties dict will update the individual properties """ _property_set = [] @property def properties(self): """ A dict mapping property names to values """ return dict((p, getattr(self, p)) for p in self._property_set) @properties.setter def properties(self, value): """ Update the properties with a new dict. Keys in the new dict must be valid property names defined in the _property_set class level attribute""" invalid = set(value.keys()) - set(self._property_set) if invalid: raise ValueError("Invalid property values: %s" % invalid) for k in self._property_set: if k not in value: continue setattr(self, k, value[k]) class Pointer(object): def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def __get__(self, instance, type=None): val = instance for k in self.key.split('.'): val = getattr(val, k, None) return val def __set__(self, instance, value): v = self.key.split('.') attr = reduce(getattr, [instance] + v[:-1]) setattr(attr, v[-1], value) # TODO: defer can be removed since it doesn't appear to be used anywhere @contextmanager def defer(instance, method): """ Defer the calling of a method inside a context manager, and then call it 0 or 1 times afterwards. :param instance: The instance of the method to defer :param method: The name of the method to defer :type method: str Within the context block, calls to the method will be intercepted, logged, and skipped. Upon exiting the context block, the method will be invoked a single time, with the arguments of the most recent invokation inside the context block. If the method is never invoked in the context block, it is not called when leaving that block. """ history = [] def log(*a, **k): history.append((a, k)) orig = getattr(instance, method) setattr(instance, method, log) try: yield finally: setattr(instance, method, orig) for a, k in history[-1:]: orig(*a, **k)
{ "repo_name": "saimn/glue", "path": "glue/utils/misc.py", "copies": "1", "size": "6088", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -6025967637378438000, "line_mean": 26.0577777778, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.6153088042, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.204419889502763, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 225 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import string from functools import partial __all__ = ['DeferredMethod', 'nonpartial', 'lookup_class', 'as_variable_name', 'as_list', 'file_format'] class DeferredMethod(object): """ This class stubs out a method, and provides a callable interface that logs its calls. These can later be actually executed on the original (non-stubbed) method by calling executed_deferred_calls """ def __init__(self, method): self.method = method self.calls = [] # avoid hashability issues with dict/set @property def original_method(self): return self.method def __call__(self, instance, *a, **k): if instance not in (c[0] for c in self.calls): self.calls.append((instance, a, k)) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self return partial(self.__call__, instance) def execute_deferred_calls(self): for instance, args, kwargs in self.calls: self.method(instance, *args, **kwargs) def nonpartial(func, *args, **kwargs): """Like functools.partial, this returns a function which, when called, calls func(*args, **kwargs). Unlike functools.partial, extra arguments passed to the returned function are *not* passed to the input function. This is used when connecting slots to QAction.triggered signals, which appear to have different signatures, which seem to add and extra argument in PyQt4 but not PySide """ def result(*a, **k): return func(*args, **kwargs) return result def lookup_class(ref): """ Look up an object via it's module string (e.g., 'glue.core.Data') :param ref: reference :type ref: str :rtype: object, or None if not found """ mod = ref.split('.')[0] try: result = __import__(mod) except ImportError: return None try: for attr in ref.split('.')[1:]: result = getattr(result, attr) return result except AttributeError: return None def as_variable_name(x): """ Convert a string to a legal python variable name :param x: A string to (possibly) rename :returns: A legal python variable name """ allowed = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_' result = [letter if letter in allowed else '_' for letter in x or 'x'] if result[0] in string.digits: result.insert(0, '_') return ''.join(result) def as_list(x): if isinstance(x, list): return x return [x] def file_format(filename): if filename.find('.') == -1: return '' if filename.lower().endswith('.gz'): result = filename.lower().rsplit('.', 2)[1] else: result = filename.lower().rsplit('.', 1)[1] return result
{ "repo_name": "JudoWill/glue", "path": "glue/utils/misc.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2866", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -1409731516759245600, "line_mean": 26.8252427184, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.6186322401, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.048022598870056, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5166654838970056, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe from stripe import api_requestor from stripe import util from stripe.api_resources.abstract import ListableAPIResource class File(ListableAPIResource): OBJECT_NAME = "file" # This resource can have two different object names. In latter API # versions, only `file` is used, but since stripe-python may be used with # any API version, we need to support deserializing the older # `file_upload` object into the same class. OBJECT_NAME_ALT = "file_upload" @classmethod def class_url(cls): return "/v1/files" @classmethod def create( # 'api_version' is deprecated, please use 'stripe_version' cls, api_key=None, api_version=None, stripe_version=None, stripe_account=None, **params ): version = api_version or stripe_version requestor = api_requestor.APIRequestor( api_key, api_base=stripe.upload_api_base, api_version=version, account=stripe_account, ) url = cls.class_url() supplied_headers = {"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"} response, api_key = requestor.request( "post", url, params=params, headers=supplied_headers ) return util.convert_to_stripe_object( response, api_key, version, stripe_account ) # For backwards compatibility, the `File` class is aliased to `FileUpload`. FileUpload = File
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "stripe/api_resources/file.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1539", "license": "mit", "hash": 4789180554177122000, "line_mean": 29.78, "line_max": 77, "alpha_frac": 0.6419753086, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.9461538461538463, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 50 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe from stripe import oauth, six from stripe import util from stripe.api_resources.abstract import CreateableAPIResource from stripe.api_resources.abstract import DeletableAPIResource from stripe.api_resources.abstract import ListableAPIResource from stripe.api_resources.abstract import UpdateableAPIResource from stripe.api_resources.abstract import custom_method from stripe.api_resources.abstract import nested_resource_class_methods from stripe.six.moves.urllib.parse import quote_plus @custom_method("reject", http_verb="post") @nested_resource_class_methods( "capability", operations=["retrieve", "update", "list"], resource_plural="capabilities", ) @nested_resource_class_methods( "external_account", operations=["create", "retrieve", "update", "delete", "list"], ) @nested_resource_class_methods("login_link", operations=["create"]) @nested_resource_class_methods( "person", operations=["create", "retrieve", "update", "delete", "list"], ) class Account( CreateableAPIResource, DeletableAPIResource, ListableAPIResource, UpdateableAPIResource, ): OBJECT_NAME = "account" def reject(self, idempotency_key=None, **params): url = self.instance_url() + "/reject" headers = util.populate_headers(idempotency_key) self.refresh_from(self.request("post", url, params, headers)) return self # We are not adding a helper for capabilities here as the Account object already has a # capabilities property which is a hash and not the sub-list of capabilities. @classmethod def retrieve(cls, id=None, api_key=None, **params): instance = cls(id, api_key, **params) instance.refresh() return instance @classmethod def modify(cls, id=None, **params): url = cls._build_instance_url(id) return cls._static_request("post", url, **params) @classmethod def _build_instance_url(cls, sid): if not sid: return "/v1/account" sid = util.utf8(sid) base = cls.class_url() extn = quote_plus(sid) return "%s/%s" % (base, extn) def instance_url(self): return self._build_instance_url(self.get("id")) def persons(self, **params): return self.request("get", self.instance_url() + "/persons", params) def deauthorize(self, **params): params["stripe_user_id"] = self.id return oauth.OAuth.deauthorize(**params) def serialize(self, previous): params = super(Account, self).serialize(previous) previous = previous or self._previous or {} for k, v in six.iteritems(self): if ( k == "individual" and isinstance(v, stripe.api_resources.Person) and k not in params ): params[k] = v.serialize(previous.get(k, None)) return params
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "stripe/api_resources/account.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2962", "license": "mit", "hash": -3069902717757830700, "line_mean": 32.2808988764, "line_max": 90, "alpha_frac": 0.6596893991, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.892247043363995, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5051936442463995, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe from stripe.six import python_2_unicode_compatible @python_2_unicode_compatible class StripeError(Exception): def __init__( self, message=None, http_body=None, http_status=None, json_body=None, headers=None, code=None, ): super(StripeError, self).__init__(message) if http_body and hasattr(http_body, "decode"): try: http_body = http_body.decode("utf-8") except BaseException: http_body = ( "<Could not decode body as utf-8. " "Please report to support@stripe.com>" ) self._message = message self.http_body = http_body self.http_status = http_status self.json_body = json_body self.headers = headers or {} self.code = code self.request_id = self.headers.get("request-id", None) self.error = self.construct_error_object() def __str__(self): msg = self._message or "<empty message>" if self.request_id is not None: return u"Request {0}: {1}".format(self.request_id, msg) else: return msg # Returns the underlying `Exception` (base class) message, which is usually # the raw message returned by Stripe's API. This was previously available # in python2 via `error.message`. Unlike `str(error)`, it omits "Request # req_..." from the beginning of the string. @property def user_message(self): return self._message def __repr__(self): return "%s(message=%r, http_status=%r, request_id=%r)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self._message, self.http_status, self.request_id, ) def construct_error_object(self): if ( self.json_body is None or "error" not in self.json_body or not isinstance(self.json_body["error"], dict) ): return None return stripe.api_resources.error_object.ErrorObject.construct_from( self.json_body["error"], stripe.api_key ) class APIError(StripeError): pass class APIConnectionError(StripeError): def __init__( self, message, http_body=None, http_status=None, json_body=None, headers=None, code=None, should_retry=False, ): super(APIConnectionError, self).__init__( message, http_body, http_status, json_body, headers, code ) self.should_retry = should_retry class StripeErrorWithParamCode(StripeError): def __repr__(self): return ( "%s(message=%r, param=%r, code=%r, http_status=%r, " "request_id=%r)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self._message, self.param, self.code, self.http_status, self.request_id, ) ) class CardError(StripeErrorWithParamCode): def __init__( self, message, param, code, http_body=None, http_status=None, json_body=None, headers=None, ): super(CardError, self).__init__( message, http_body, http_status, json_body, headers, code ) self.param = param class IdempotencyError(StripeError): pass class InvalidRequestError(StripeErrorWithParamCode): def __init__( self, message, param, code=None, http_body=None, http_status=None, json_body=None, headers=None, ): super(InvalidRequestError, self).__init__( message, http_body, http_status, json_body, headers, code ) self.param = param class AuthenticationError(StripeError): pass class PermissionError(StripeError): pass class RateLimitError(StripeError): pass class SignatureVerificationError(StripeError): def __init__(self, message, sig_header, http_body=None): super(SignatureVerificationError, self).__init__(message, http_body) self.sig_header = sig_header
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "stripe/error.py", "copies": "1", "size": "4284", "license": "mit", "hash": 5739444448933727000, "line_mean": 25.1219512195, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.5574229692, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.049149338374291, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5106572307574291, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe class TestCreateableAPIResource(object): class MyCreatable(stripe.api_resources.abstract.CreateableAPIResource): OBJECT_NAME = "mycreatable" def test_create(self, request_mock): request_mock.stub_request( "post", "/v1/mycreatables", {"object": "charge", "foo": "bar"}, rheaders={"request-id": "req_id"}, ) res = self.MyCreatable.create() request_mock.assert_requested("post", "/v1/mycreatables", {}) assert isinstance(res, stripe.Charge) assert res.foo == "bar" assert res.last_response is not None assert res.last_response.request_id == "req_id" def test_idempotent_create(self, request_mock): request_mock.stub_request( "post", "/v1/mycreatables", {"object": "charge", "foo": "bar"}, rheaders={"idempotency-key": "foo"}, ) res = self.MyCreatable.create(idempotency_key="foo") request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/mycreatables", {}, {"Idempotency-Key": "foo"} ) assert isinstance(res, stripe.Charge) assert res.foo == "bar"
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/abstract/test_createable_api_resource.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1269", "license": "mit", "hash": 2387483729871503000, "line_mean": 29.9512195122, "line_max": 75, "alpha_frac": 0.5823483058, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.6997084548104957, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4782056760610496, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe class TestDeletableAPIResource(object): class MyDeletable(stripe.api_resources.abstract.DeletableAPIResource): OBJECT_NAME = "mydeletable" def test_delete_class(self, request_mock): request_mock.stub_request( "delete", "/v1/mydeletables/mid", {"id": "mid", "deleted": True}, rheaders={"request-id": "req_id"}, ) obj = self.MyDeletable.delete("mid") request_mock.assert_requested("delete", "/v1/mydeletables/mid", {}) assert obj.deleted is True assert obj.id == "mid" assert obj.last_response is not None assert obj.last_response.request_id == "req_id" def test_delete_class_with_object(self, request_mock): request_mock.stub_request( "delete", "/v1/mydeletables/mid", {"id": "mid", "deleted": True}, rheaders={"request-id": "req_id"}, ) obj = self.MyDeletable.construct_from({"id": "mid"}, "mykey") self.MyDeletable.delete(obj) request_mock.assert_requested("delete", "/v1/mydeletables/mid", {}) assert obj.deleted is True assert obj.id == "mid" assert obj.last_response is not None assert obj.last_response.request_id == "req_id" def test_delete_instance(self, request_mock): request_mock.stub_request( "delete", "/v1/mydeletables/mid", {"id": "mid", "deleted": True}, rheaders={"request-id": "req_id"}, ) obj = self.MyDeletable.construct_from({"id": "mid"}, "mykey") assert obj is obj.delete() request_mock.assert_requested("delete", "/v1/mydeletables/mid", {}) assert obj.deleted is True assert obj.id == "mid" assert obj.last_response is not None assert obj.last_response.request_id == "req_id"
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/abstract/test_deletable_api_resource.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1970", "license": "mit", "hash": -4502785029588460000, "line_mean": 30.7741935484, "line_max": 75, "alpha_frac": 0.5812182741, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.7099811676082863, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9791199441708286, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 62 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe class TestListableAPIResource(object): class MyListable(stripe.api_resources.abstract.ListableAPIResource): OBJECT_NAME = "mylistable" def test_all(self, request_mock): request_mock.stub_request( "get", "/v1/mylistables", { "object": "list", "data": [ {"object": "charge", "name": "jose"}, {"object": "charge", "name": "curly"}, ], "url": "/v1/charges", "has_more": False, }, rheaders={"request-id": "req_id"}, ) res = self.MyListable.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/mylistables", {}) assert len(res.data) == 2 assert all(isinstance(obj, stripe.Charge) for obj in res.data) assert res.data[0].name == "jose" assert res.data[1].name == "curly" assert res.last_response is not None assert res.last_response.request_id == "req_id"
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/abstract/test_listable_api_resource.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1106", "license": "mit", "hash": -3809928171207908000, "line_mean": 31.5294117647, "line_max": 72, "alpha_frac": 0.5244122966, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.8006872852233675, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4825099581823368, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "bpc_123" class TestConfiguration(object): def test_is_creatable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.billing_portal.Configuration.create( business_profile={ "privacy_policy_url": "https://example.com/privacy", "terms_of_service_url": "https://example.com/tos", }, features={ "customer_update": { "allowed_updates": ["address"], "enabled": True, } }, ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/billing_portal/configurations" ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.billing_portal.Configuration) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.billing_portal.Configuration.retrieve( TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/billing_portal/configurations/%s" % (TEST_RESOURCE_ID) ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.billing_portal.Configuration) def test_is_modifiable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.billing_portal.Configuration.modify(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/billing_portal/configurations/%s" % (TEST_RESOURCE_ID) ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.billing_portal.Configuration) def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.billing_portal.Configuration.list() request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/billing_portal/configurations" ) assert isinstance( resource.data[0], stripe.billing_portal.Configuration )
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/billing_portal/test_configuration.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1810", "license": "mit", "hash": -381930566739457600, "line_mean": 34.4901960784, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.6033149171, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.180138568129331, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.528345348522933, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "ch_123" class TestCharge(object): def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.Charge.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/charges") assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.Charge) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Charge.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/charges/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Charge) def test_is_creatable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Charge.create( amount=100, currency="usd", source="tok_123" ) request_mock.assert_requested("post", "/v1/charges") assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Charge) def test_is_saveable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Charge.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.metadata["key"] = "value" resource.save() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/charges/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) def test_is_modifiable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Charge.modify( TEST_RESOURCE_ID, metadata={"key": "value"} ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/charges/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Charge) def test_is_refundable(self, request_mock): charge = stripe.Charge.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource = charge.refund() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/charges/%s/refund" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Charge) def test_can_capture(self, request_mock): charge = stripe.Charge.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource = charge.capture() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/charges/%s/capture" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Charge) def test_can_capture_classmethod(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Charge.capture(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/charges/%s/capture" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Charge) def test_can_update_dispute(self, request_mock): charge = stripe.Charge.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource = charge.update_dispute() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/charges/%s/dispute" % charge.id ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Dispute) def test_can_close_dispute(self, request_mock): charge = stripe.Charge.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource = charge.close_dispute() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/charges/%s/dispute/close" % charge.id ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Dispute) def test_can_mark_as_fraudulent(self, request_mock): charge = stripe.Charge.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource = charge.mark_as_fraudulent() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/charges/%s" % charge.id, {"fraud_details": {"user_report": "fraudulent"}}, ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Charge) def test_can_mark_as_safe(self, request_mock): charge = stripe.Charge.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource = charge.mark_as_safe() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/charges/%s" % charge.id, {"fraud_details": {"user_report": "safe"}}, ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Charge)
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/test_charge.py", "copies": "1", "size": "3795", "license": "mit", "hash": -2756975618088878600, "line_mean": 35.4903846154, "line_max": 64, "alpha_frac": 0.6173913043, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.6595949855351977, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9776986289835198, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 104 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "ipi_123" class TestTransaction(object): def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.issuing.Transaction.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/issuing/transactions") assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.issuing.Transaction) def test_is_modifiable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.issuing.Transaction.modify( TEST_RESOURCE_ID, metadata={"key": "value"} ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/issuing/transactions/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.issuing.Transaction) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.issuing.Transaction.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/issuing/transactions/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.issuing.Transaction) def test_is_saveable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.issuing.Transaction.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.metadata["key"] = "value" transaction = resource.save() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/issuing/transactions/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.issuing.Transaction) assert resource is transaction
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/issuing/test_transaction.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1515", "license": "mit", "hash": 5989643517415009000, "line_mean": 36.875, "line_max": 72, "alpha_frac": 0.6646864686, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.75, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.99146864686, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 40 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "pi_123" class TestPaymentIntent(object): def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.PaymentIntent.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/payment_intents") assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/payment_intents/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_is_creatable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.create( amount="1234", currency="amount", payment_method_types=["card"] ) request_mock.assert_requested("post", "/v1/payment_intents") assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_is_modifiable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.modify( TEST_RESOURCE_ID, metadata={"key": "value"} ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payment_intents/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID, {"metadata": {"key": "value"}}, ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_is_saveable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.metadata["key"] = "value" resource.save() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payment_intents/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID, {"metadata": {"key": "value"}}, ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_can_cancel(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.cancel() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payment_intents/%s/cancel" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_can_cancel_classmethod(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.cancel(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payment_intents/%s/cancel" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_can_capture(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.capture() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payment_intents/%s/capture" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_can_capture_classmethod(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.capture(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payment_intents/%s/capture" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_can_confirm(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.confirm() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payment_intents/%s/confirm" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent) def test_can_confirm_classmethod(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PaymentIntent.confirm(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payment_intents/%s/confirm" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PaymentIntent)
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/test_payment_intent.py", "copies": "1", "size": "3685", "license": "mit", "hash": 6618816053934221000, "line_mean": 37.3854166667, "line_max": 75, "alpha_frac": 0.6415196744, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.7678936605316973, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4909413334931697, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "po_123" class TestPayout(object): def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.Payout.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/payouts") assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.Payout) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Payout.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/payouts/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Payout) def test_is_creatable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Payout.create(amount=100, currency="usd") request_mock.assert_requested("post", "/v1/payouts") assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Payout) def test_is_saveable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Payout.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.metadata["key"] = "value" resource.save() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payouts/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) def test_is_modifiable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Payout.modify( TEST_RESOURCE_ID, metadata={"key": "value"} ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payouts/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Payout) def test_can_cancel(self, request_mock): payout = stripe.Payout.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource = payout.cancel() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payouts/%s/cancel" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Payout) def test_can_cancel_classmethod(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Payout.cancel(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payouts/%s/cancel" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Payout) def test_can_reverse(self, request_mock): payout = stripe.Payout.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource = payout.reverse() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payouts/%s/reverse" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Payout) def test_can_reverse_classmethod(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Payout.reverse(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/payouts/%s/reverse" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Payout)
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/test_payout.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2645", "license": "mit", "hash": 7818788064122867000, "line_mean": 35.2328767123, "line_max": 67, "alpha_frac": 0.6325141777, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.598639455782313, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4731153633482313, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "price_123" class TestPrice(object): def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.Price.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/prices") assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.Price) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Price.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/prices/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Price) def test_is_creatable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Price.create( unit_amount=1000, currency="usd", recurring={"interval": "month"}, product_data={"name": "price_nickname"}, ) request_mock.assert_requested("post", "/v1/prices") assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Price) def test_is_saveable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Price.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.metadata["key"] = "value" resource.save() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/prices/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) def test_is_modifiable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Price.modify( TEST_RESOURCE_ID, metadata={"key": "value"} ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/prices/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Price)
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/test_price.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1604", "license": "mit", "hash": -5493564752895644000, "line_mean": 32.4166666667, "line_max": 64, "alpha_frac": 0.6109725686, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.7741176470588234, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.48850902156588233, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "promo_123" class TestPromotionCode(object): def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.PromotionCode.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/promotion_codes") assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.PromotionCode) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PromotionCode.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/promotion_codes/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PromotionCode) def test_is_creatable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PromotionCode.create(coupon="co_123", code="MYCODE") request_mock.assert_requested("post", "/v1/promotion_codes") assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PromotionCode) def test_is_saveable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PromotionCode.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.metadata["key"] = "value" resource.save() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/promotion_codes/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) def test_is_modifiable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.PromotionCode.modify( TEST_RESOURCE_ID, metadata={"key": "value"} ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/promotion_codes/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.PromotionCode)
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/test_promotion_code.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1594", "license": "mit", "hash": 7691864368005067000, "line_mean": 36.0697674419, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.6562107905, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.6475972540045767, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9803808044504576, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 43 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "si_123" class TestSubscriptionItem(object): def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.SubscriptionItem.list(subscription="sub_123") request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/subscription_items", {"subscription": "sub_123"} ) assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.SubscriptionItem) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.SubscriptionItem.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/subscription_items/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.SubscriptionItem) def test_is_creatable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.SubscriptionItem.create( price="price_123", subscription="sub_123" ) request_mock.assert_requested("post", "/v1/subscription_items") assert isinstance(resource, stripe.SubscriptionItem) def test_is_saveable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.SubscriptionItem.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.price = "price_123" resource.save() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/subscription_items/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID, {"price": "price_123"}, ) def test_is_modifiable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.SubscriptionItem.modify( TEST_RESOURCE_ID, price="price_123" ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/subscription_items/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID, {"price": "price_123"}, ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.SubscriptionItem) def test_is_deletable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.SubscriptionItem.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.delete() request_mock.assert_requested( "delete", "/v1/subscription_items/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert resource.deleted is True def test_can_delete(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.SubscriptionItem.delete(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "delete", "/v1/subscription_items/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert resource.deleted is True class TestUsageRecords(object): def test_is_creatable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.SubscriptionItem.create_usage_record( TEST_RESOURCE_ID, quantity=5000, timestamp=1524182400, action="increment", ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/subscription_items/%s/usage_records" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID, ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.UsageRecord) class TestUsageRecordSummaries(object): def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.SubscriptionItem.list_usage_record_summaries( TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/subscription_items/%s/usage_record_summaries" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID, ) assert isinstance(resource.data, list) assert isinstance(resource.data[0], stripe.UsageRecordSummary)
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/test_subscription_item.py", "copies": "1", "size": "3357", "license": "mit", "hash": 8901906822958276000, "line_mean": 34.3368421053, "line_max": 73, "alpha_frac": 0.6276437295, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.991676575505351, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.511932030500535, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "tu_123" class TestTopup(object): def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.Topup.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/topups") assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.Topup) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Topup.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "get", "/v1/topups/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Topup) def test_is_creatable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Topup.create( amount=100, currency="usd", source="src_123", description="description", statement_descriptor="statement descriptor", ) request_mock.assert_requested("post", "/v1/topups") assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Topup) def test_is_saveable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Topup.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource.metadata["key"] = "value" resource.save() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/topups/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) def test_is_modifiable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Topup.modify( TEST_RESOURCE_ID, metadata={"key": "value"} ) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/topups/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Topup) def test_can_cancel(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Topup.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) resource = resource.cancel() request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/topups/%s/cancel" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Topup) def test_can_cancel_classmethod(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.Topup.cancel(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/topups/%s/cancel" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.Topup)
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/test_topup.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2202", "license": "mit", "hash": -332674177955589060, "line_mean": 33.40625, "line_max": 64, "alpha_frac": 0.6162579473, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.6946308724832213, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4810888819783221, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import subprocess import textwrap from virtualenv._compat import check_output from virtualenv.builders.base import BaseBuilder _SCRIPT = """ import venv # Create our actual builder with our settings. builder = venv.EnvBuilder( system_site_packages={system_site_packages!r}, symlinks=False, upgrade=True, ) # Make sure that pip is actually disabled. builder.with_pip = False # Don't install the activate scripts, we'll want to install our own # instead. builder.install_scripts = lambda *a, **kw: None # Create the virtual environment. builder.create({destination!r}) """ class VenvBuilder(BaseBuilder): @classmethod def check_available(cls, python): try: check_output([ # Bail if any Python has be Debian-ized: venv is broken beyond any workaround we can do here - resulting # venvs will use "local/lib" instead of "lib" and have "dist-packages" instead of "site-packages" # TODO: report this terrible mess upstream python, "-c", textwrap.dedent(""" import venv, sysconfig from sysconfig import get_scheme_names from distutils.command.install import INSTALL_SCHEMES if 'posix_local' in sysconfig.get_scheme_names() or 'deb_system' in INSTALL_SCHEMES: raise RuntimeError("there are Debian patches") """) ], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False else: return True def create_virtual_environment(self, destination): # Create our script using our template and the given settings for # this environment. script = _SCRIPT.format( system_site_packages=self.system_site_packages, destination=destination, ) # Subshell into the venv module and create a new virtual environment. # We use the programatic API instead of the command line because we # want to not include pip in this, and Python 3.3's venv module doesn't # support the --without-pip flag. subprocess.check_call([self._python_bin, "-c", script])
{ "repo_name": "ionelmc/virtualenv", "path": "virtualenv/builders/venv.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2305", "license": "mit", "hash": -1167503207012512300, "line_mean": 32.4057971014, "line_max": 120, "alpha_frac": 0.6407809111, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.475728155339806, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5616509066439805, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys from functools import partial import json as json_module from datashape.predicates import iscollection, istabular, isscalar from odo import odo import pandas as pd from pandas.compat import BytesIO from pandas.io.packers import ( unpack as msgpack_unpack, decode as pd_msgpack_object_hook, encode as pd_msgpack_default, ) import pandas.msgpack as msgpack_module from toolz import identity from blaze.compatibility import pickle as pickle_module, unicode, PY2 from blaze.interactive import coerce_scalar from .json_dumps import json_dumps from .json_dumps_trusted import json_dumps_trusted from .object_hook import object_hook from .object_hook_trusted import object_hook_trusted class SerializationFormat(object): """A serialization format for the blaze server and blaze client. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the format. This is used on the mediatype to select the proper format. loads : callable[bytes -> any] The function that loads python objects out of the serialized data. dumps : callable[any -> bytes] The function that serializes python objects to some other format. data_loads : callable[any -> any], optional data_dumps : callable[any -> any], optional Specialized functions for loading and writing only the 'data' field of blaze server responses. This allows us to define a more efficient serialization format for moving large amounts of data while still having a rich representation for the rest of the metadata. materialize : callable[(any, DataShape, **kwargs) -> any], optional The function used to materialize the result of compute into a form suitable for serialization. """ def __init__(self, name, loads, dumps, data_loads=None, data_dumps=None, materialize=None): self.name = name self.loads = loads self.dumps = dumps self.data_loads = identity if data_loads is None else data_loads self.data_dumps = identity if data_dumps is None else data_dumps self.materialize = ( default_materialize if materialize is None else materialize ) def __repr__(self): return '<%s: %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.name) __str__ = __repr__ def default_materialize(data, dshape, odo_kwargs): if iscollection(dshape): return odo(data, list, **odo_kwargs) if isscalar(dshape): return coerce_scalar(data, str(dshape), odo_kwargs) return data def _coerce_str(bytes_or_str): if isinstance(bytes_or_str, unicode): return bytes_or_str return bytes_or_str.decode('utf-8') json = SerializationFormat( 'json', lambda data: json_module.loads(_coerce_str(data), object_hook=object_hook), partial(json_module.dumps, default=json_dumps), ) json_trusted = SerializationFormat( 'json_trusted', lambda data: json_module.loads(_coerce_str(data), object_hook=object_hook_trusted), partial(json_module.dumps, default=json_dumps_trusted) ) pickle = SerializationFormat( 'pickle', pickle_module.loads, partial(pickle_module.dumps, protocol=pickle_module.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL), ) msgpack = SerializationFormat( 'msgpack', partial(msgpack_module.unpackb, encoding='utf-8', object_hook=object_hook), partial(msgpack_module.packb, default=json_dumps), ) msgpack_trusted = SerializationFormat( 'msgpack_trusted', partial(msgpack_module.unpackb, encoding='utf-8', object_hook=object_hook_trusted), partial(msgpack_module.packb, default=json_dumps_trusted), ) try: import blosc del blosc compress = 'blosc' except ImportError: compress = None def _final_base(values): base = values.base while True: try: base = base.base except AttributeError: return base def fastmsgpack_object_hook(ob): typ = ob.get('typ') if typ is None: return ob if typ == 'nat': return pd.NaT if typ == 'block_manager': df = pd_msgpack_object_hook(ob) for block in df._data.blocks: values = block.values if not values.flags.writeable: if sys.getrefcount(_final_base(values)) == 2: # Compatibility shim until this is fixed in pandas # See: https://github.com/pydata/pandas/pull/12359 # Mark that we own the memory for this block. # We know that we own it because the only 2 references # for the base object are the values of this block and # TOS because we are passing this object to a function. values.flags.writeable = True else: # If we cannot 'safely' make the bytes object mutable # then just copy the data. block.values = values.copy() return df return pd_msgpack_object_hook(ob) if PY2: def _l1(bs): if isinstance(bs, unicode): return bs.encode('latin1') return bs def _str(bs): if isinstance(bs, str): return bs.decode('utf-8') return bs else: def _l1(bs): return bs def _str(bs): return bs def fastmsgpack_data_loads(data): raw = list(msgpack_unpack( BytesIO(_l1(data)), object_hook=fastmsgpack_object_hook, )) # raw will always be a list, which is most likely a list containing # a single dataframe or series if len(raw) == 1: # we only serialized one structure, just return it return raw[0] return raw def fastmsgpack_loads(data, object_hook=object_hook): raw = list(msgpack_unpack( BytesIO(_l1(data)), object_hook=object_hook, )) # raw will always be a list, which is most likely a list containing # a single dataframe or series if len(raw) == 1: # we only serialized one structure, just return it return raw[0] return raw def fastmsgpack_default(ob): # Compatibility shim until this is fixed in pandas # See: https://github.com/pydata/pandas/pull/12307 if ob is pd.NaT: return {'typ': 'nat'} return pd_msgpack_default(ob) def fastmsgpack_data_dumps(data): return { '__!bytes': pd.to_msgpack( None, data, compress=compress, default=fastmsgpack_default, encoding='utf-8', use_bin_type=True, ), } def fastmsgpack_dumps(data, default=json_dumps): return pd.to_msgpack( None, data, compress=compress, default=default, encoding='utf-8', use_bin_type=True, ) def fastmsgpack_materialize(data, dshape, odo_kwargs): if istabular(dshape): return odo(data, pd.DataFrame, **odo_kwargs) if iscollection(dshape): return odo(data, pd.Series, **odo_kwargs) if isscalar(dshape): return coerce_scalar(data, str(dshape), odo_kwargs) return data fastmsgpack = SerializationFormat( 'fastmsgpack', loads=fastmsgpack_loads, dumps=fastmsgpack_dumps, data_loads=fastmsgpack_data_loads, data_dumps=fastmsgpack_data_dumps, materialize=fastmsgpack_materialize, ) fastmsgpack_trusted = SerializationFormat( 'fastmsgpack_trusted', loads=partial(fastmsgpack_loads, object_hook=object_hook_trusted), dumps=partial(fastmsgpack_dumps, default=json_dumps_trusted), data_loads=fastmsgpack_data_loads, data_dumps=fastmsgpack_data_dumps, materialize=fastmsgpack_materialize, ) all_formats = frozenset(g for g in globals().values() if isinstance(g, SerializationFormat)) trusted_formats = frozenset([json_trusted, msgpack_trusted, fastmsgpack_trusted]) __all__ = ['SerializationFormat', 'all_formats', 'trusted_formats'] + list(f.name for f in all_formats)
{ "repo_name": "ContinuumIO/blaze", "path": "blaze/server/serialization/serialization.py", "copies": "3", "size": "8201", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -4097510976258776600, "line_mean": 28.7137681159, "line_max": 103, "alpha_frac": 0.6323619071, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.8885727833096255, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.6020934690409625, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys from operator import itemgetter import operator from toolz import compose, identity from collections import Iterator from datashape import Record, Tuple from blaze.expr import * from blaze.expr import count as Count from . import core, python from .python import (compute, rrowfunc, rowfunc, ElemWise, pair_assemble, reduce_by_funcs, binops, like_regex_predicate) from ..compatibility import builtins, unicode from ..expr import reductions from ..dispatch import dispatch from ..data.utils import listpack from .core import compute, compute_up from toolz.curried import get __all__ = ['RDD', 'pyspark', 'SparkContext'] class Dummy(object): sum = max = min = count = distinct = mean = variance = stdev = None try: from pyspark import SparkContext import pyspark from pyspark.rdd import RDD except ImportError: SparkContext = Dummy pyspark = Dummy() pyspark.rdd = Dummy() RDD = Dummy # PySpark adds a SIGCHLD signal handler, but that breaks other packages, so we # remove it # See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-1394 try: import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL) except: pass @dispatch(ElemWise, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): func = rowfunc(t) return rdd.map(func) @dispatch(Selection, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): predicate = rrowfunc(t.predicate, t._child) return rdd.filter(predicate) rdd_reductions = { reductions.sum: RDD.sum, reductions.min: RDD.min, reductions.max: RDD.max, reductions.count: RDD.count, reductions.mean: RDD.mean, reductions.var: RDD.variance, reductions.std: RDD.stdev, reductions.nunique: compose(RDD.count, RDD.distinct)} @dispatch(tuple(rdd_reductions), RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): return rdd_reductions[type(t)](rdd) def istruthy(x): return not not x @dispatch(reductions.any, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): return istruthy(rdd.filter(identity).take(1)) @dispatch(reductions.all, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): return not rdd.filter(lambda x: not x).take(1) @dispatch(Head, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): return rdd.take(t.n) @dispatch(Sort, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): if isinstance(t.key, (str, unicode, tuple, list)): key = rowfunc(t._child[t.key]) else: key = rrowfunc(t.key, t._child) return (rdd.keyBy(key) .sortByKey(ascending=t.ascending) .map(lambda x: x[1])) @dispatch(Distinct, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): return rdd.distinct() @dispatch(Join, RDD, RDD) def compute_up(t, lhs, rhs, **kwargs): on_left = rowfunc(t.lhs[t.on_left]) on_right = rowfunc(t.rhs[t.on_right]) lhs = lhs.keyBy(on_left) rhs = rhs.keyBy(on_right) if t.how == 'inner': rdd = lhs.join(rhs) elif t.how == 'left': rdd = lhs.leftOuterJoin(rhs) elif t.how == 'right': rdd = lhs.rightOuterJoin(rhs) elif t.how == 'outer': # https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-546 raise NotImplementedError("Spark does not yet support full outer join") assemble = pair_assemble(t) return rdd.map(lambda x: assemble(x[1])) python_reductions = { reductions.sum: builtins.sum, reductions.count: builtins.len, reductions.max: builtins.max, reductions.min: builtins.min, reductions.any: builtins.any, reductions.all: builtins.all, reductions.mean: python._mean, reductions.var: python._var, reductions.std: python._std, reductions.nunique: lambda x: len(set(x))} @dispatch(By, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): if ((isinstance(t.apply, Reduction) and type(t.apply) in binops) or (isinstance(t.apply, Summary) and builtins.all(type(val) in binops for val in t.apply.values))): grouper, binop, combiner, initial = reduce_by_funcs(t) if isscalar(t.grouper.dshape.measure): keyfunc = lambda x: (x,) else: keyfunc = identity if isscalar(t.apply.dshape.measure): valfunc = lambda x: (x,) else: valfunc = identity unpack = lambda kv: keyfunc(kv[0]) + valfunc(kv[1]) create = lambda v: binop(initial, v) return (rdd.keyBy(grouper) .combineByKey(create, binop, combiner) .map(unpack)) d = reduceby(grouper, binop, seq, initial) else: raise NotImplementedError("By only implemented for common reductions." "\nGot %s" % type(t.apply)) @dispatch((Label, ReLabel), RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): return rdd @dispatch(Summary, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): rdd = rdd.cache() return tuple(compute(value, {t._child: rdd}) for value in t.values) @dispatch(Like, RDD) def compute_up(t, rdd, **kwargs): predicate = like_regex_predicate(t) return rdd.filter(predicate) @dispatch(RDD, RDD) def into(a, b): return b @dispatch(SparkContext, (list, tuple, Iterator)) def into(sc, seq): return sc.parallelize(seq) @dispatch(RDD, (list, tuple)) def into(rdd, seq): return into(rdd.context, seq) @dispatch(list, RDD) def into(seq, rdd): return rdd.collect() @dispatch(Union, RDD, tuple) def compute_up(t, _, children): return reduce(RDD.union, children)
{ "repo_name": "vitan/blaze", "path": "blaze/compute/spark.py", "copies": "1", "size": "5633", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 1807276694759420400, "line_mean": 24.9585253456, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.6309249068, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.3690191387559807, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4499944045555981, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys from operator import itemgetter import operator from toolz import compose, identity from toolz.curried import get from blaze.expr.table import * from blaze.expr.table import count as Count from . import core, python from .python import compute, rowfunc, RowWise from ..compatibility import builtins from ..expr import table from ..dispatch import dispatch try: from itertools import compress, chain import pyspark from pyspark.rdd import RDD except ImportError: #Create a dummy RDD for py 2.6 class Dummy(object): sum = max = min = count = distinct = mean = variance = stdev = None pyspark = Dummy() pyspark.rdd = Dummy() RDD = Dummy # PySpark adds a SIGCHLD signal handler, but that breaks other packages, so we # remove it # See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-1394 try: import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL) except: pass @dispatch(RowWise, RDD) def compute(t, rdd): rdd = compute(t.parent, rdd) func = rowfunc(t) return rdd.map(func) @dispatch(TableSymbol, RDD) def compute(t, s): return s @dispatch(Selection, RDD) def compute(t, rdd): rdd = compute(t.parent, rdd) predicate = rowfunc(t.predicate) return rdd.filter(predicate) rdd_reductions = { table.sum: RDD.sum, table.min: RDD.min, table.max: RDD.max, table.count: RDD.count, table.mean: RDD.mean, table.var: RDD.variance, table.std: RDD.stdev, table.nunique: compose(RDD.count, RDD.distinct)} @dispatch(tuple(rdd_reductions), RDD) def compute(t, rdd): reduction = rdd_reductions[type(t)] return reduction(compute(t.parent, rdd)) def istruthy(x): return not not x @dispatch(table.any, RDD) def compute(t, rdd): rdd = compute(t.parent, rdd) return istruthy(rdd.filter(identity).take(1)) @dispatch(table.all, RDD) def compute(t, rdd): rdd = compute(t.parent, rdd) return not rdd.filter(lambda x: not x).take(1) @dispatch(Head, RDD) def compute(t, rdd): rdd = compute(t.parent, rdd) return rdd.take(t.n) @dispatch(Sort, RDD) def compute(t, rdd): rdd = compute(t.parent, rdd) func = rowfunc(t[t.column]) return (rdd.keyBy(func) .sortByKey(ascending=t.ascending) .map(lambda x: x[1])) @dispatch(Distinct, RDD) def compute(t, rdd): rdd = compute(t.parent, rdd) return rdd.distinct() @dispatch(Join, RDD, RDD) def compute(t, lhs, rhs): lhs = compute(t.lhs, lhs) rhs = compute(t.rhs, rhs) col_idx_lhs = t.lhs.columns.index(t.on_left) col_idx_rhs = t.rhs.columns.index(t.on_right) lhs = lhs.keyBy(lambda x: x[col_idx_lhs]) rhs = rhs.keyBy(lambda x: x[col_idx_rhs]) # Calculate the indices we want in the joined table columns = t.lhs.columns + t.rhs.columns repeated_index = len(columns) - columns[::-1].index(t.on_right) - 1 wanted = list(range(len(columns))) wanted.pop(repeated_index) getter = get(wanted) reassemble = lambda x: getter(x[1][0] + x[1][1]) return lhs.join(rhs).map(reassemble) python_reductions = { table.sum: builtins.sum, table.count: builtins.len, table.max: builtins.max, table.min: builtins.min, table.any: builtins.any, table.all: builtins.all, table.mean: python._mean, table.var: python._var, table.std: python._std, table.nunique: lambda x: len(set(x))} @dispatch(By, RDD) def compute(t, rdd): rdd = compute(t.parent, rdd) try: reduction = python_reductions[type(t.apply)] except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError("By only implemented for common reductions." "\nGot %s" % type(t.apply)) grouper = rowfunc(t.grouper) pre = rowfunc(t.apply.parent) groups = (rdd.map(lambda x: (grouper(x), pre(x))) .groupByKey()) if isinstance(t.grouper, (Column, ColumnWise)): func = lambda x: (x[0], reduction(x[1])) else: func = lambda x: (tuple(x[0]) + (reduction(x[1]),)) return groups.map(func) @dispatch((Label, ReLabel), RDD) def compute(t, rdd): return compute(t.parent, rdd) @dispatch(RDD, RDD) def into(a, b): return b @dispatch(RDD, (list, tuple)) def into(rdd, seq): return rdd.context.parallelize(seq) @dispatch(list, RDD) def into(seq, rdd): return rdd.collect()
{ "repo_name": "aterrel/blaze", "path": "blaze/compute/spark.py", "copies": "1", "size": "4553", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 3738953122414901000, "line_mean": 23.3475935829, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.6329892379, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.261461318051576, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4394450555951576, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys from subprocess import Popen, check_output, PIPE from os.path import islink, isfile from itertools import islice NO_EXT = ( '.py', '.pyc', '.pyo', '.h', '.a', '.c', '.txt', '.html', '.xml', '.png', '.jpg', '.gif', '.class', ) MAGIC = { b'\xca\xfe\xba\xbe': 'MachO-universal', b'\xce\xfa\xed\xfe': 'MachO-i386', b'\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe': 'MachO-x86_64', b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xce': 'MachO-ppc', b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xcf': 'MachO-ppc64', } FILETYPE = { 1: 'MH_OBJECT', 2: 'MH_EXECUTE', 3: 'MH_FVMLIB', 4: 'MH_CORE', 5: 'MH_PRELOAD', 6: 'MH_DYLIB', 7: 'MH_DYLINKER', 8: 'MH_BUNDLE', 9: 'MH_DYLIB_STUB', 10: 'MH_DSYM', 11: 'MH_KEXT_BUNDLE', } def is_macho(path): if path.endswith(NO_EXT) or islink(path) or not isfile(path): return False with open(path, 'rb') as fi: head = fi.read(4) return bool(head in MAGIC) def is_dylib(path): return human_filetype(path) == 'DYLIB' def human_filetype(path): lines = check_output(['otool', '-h', path]).decode('utf-8').splitlines() assert lines[0].startswith(path), path for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith('0x'): header = line.split() filetype = int(header[4]) return FILETYPE[filetype][3:] def is_dylib_info(lines): dylib_info = ('LC_ID_DYLIB', 'LC_LOAD_DYLIB') if len(lines) > 1 and lines[1].split()[1] in dylib_info: return True return False def is_id_dylib(lines): if len(lines) > 1 and lines[1].split()[1] == 'LC_ID_DYLIB': return True return False def is_load_dylib(lines): if len(lines) > 1 and lines[1].split()[1] == 'LC_LOAD_DYLIB': return True return False def is_rpath(lines): if len(lines) > 1 and lines[1].split()[1] == 'LC_RPATH': return True return False def _get_load_commands(lines): """yields each load command from the output of otool -l""" a = 1 # first line is the filename. for ln, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith("Load command"): if a < ln: yield lines[a:ln] a = ln yield lines[a:] def _get_matching_load_commands(lines, cb_filter): """Workhorse function for otool Does the work of filtering load commands and making a list of dicts. The logic for splitting the free-form lines into keys and values in entirely encoded here. Values that can be converted to ints are converted to ints. """ result = [] for lcmds in _get_load_commands(lines): if cb_filter(lcmds): lcdict = {} for line in islice(lcmds, 1, len(lcmds)): listy = line.split() # This could be prettier, but what we need it to handle # is fairly simple so let's just hardcode it for speed. if len(listy) == 2: key, value = listy elif listy[0] == 'name' or listy[0] == 'path': # Create an entry for 'name offset' if there is one # as that can be useful if we need to know if there # is space to patch it for relocation purposes. if listy[2] == '(offset': key = listy[0] + ' offset' value = int(listy[3][:-1]) lcdict[key] = value key, value = listy[0:2] elif listy[0] == 'time': key = ' '.join(listy[0:3]) value = ' '.join(listy[3:]) elif listy[0] in ('current', 'compatibility'): key = ' '.join(listy[0:2]) value = listy[2] try: value = int(value) except: pass lcdict[key] = value result.append(lcdict) return result def otool(path, cb_filter=is_dylib_info): """A wrapper around otool -l Parse the output of the otool -l 'load commands', filtered by cb_filter, returning a list of dictionairies for the records. cb_filter receives the whole load command record, including the first line, the 'Load Command N' one. All the records have been pre-stripped of white space. The output of otool -l is entirely freeform; delineation between key and value doesn't formally exist, so that is hard coded. I didn't want to use regexes to parse it for speed purposes. Any key values that can be converted to integers are converted to integers, the rest are strings. """ lines = check_output(['otool', '-l', path]).decode('utf-8').splitlines() return _get_matching_load_commands(lines, cb_filter) def get_dylibs(path): """Return a list of the loaded dylib pathnames""" dylib_loads = otool(path, is_load_dylib) return [dylib_load['name'] for dylib_load in dylib_loads] def get_id(path): """Returns the id name of the Mach-O file `path` or an empty string""" dylib_loads = otool(path, is_id_dylib) try: return [dylib_load['name'] for dylib_load in dylib_loads][0] except: return '' def get_rpaths(path): """Return a list of the dylib rpaths""" rpaths = otool(path, is_rpath) return [rpath['path'] for rpath in rpaths] def add_rpath(path, rpath, verbose = False): """Add an `rpath` to the Mach-O file at `path`""" args = ['install_name_tool', '-add_rpath', rpath, path] if verbose: print(' '.join(args)) p = Popen(args, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') if "Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file" in stderr: print("Skipping Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file %s\n" % path) return elif "would duplicate path, file already has LC_RPATH for:" in stderr: print("Skipping -add_rpath, file already has LC_RPATH set") return else: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) if p.returncode: raise RuntimeError("install_name_tool failed with exit status %d" % p.returncode) def delete_rpath(path, rpath, verbose = False): """Delete an `rpath` from the Mach-O file at `path`""" args = ['install_name_tool', '-delete_rpath', rpath, path] if verbose: print(' '.join(args)) p = Popen(args, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') if "Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file" in stderr: print("Skipping Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file %s\n" % path) return elif "no LC_RPATH load command with path:" in stderr: print("Skipping -delete_rpath, file doesn't contain that LC_RPATH") return else: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) if p.returncode: raise RuntimeError("install_name_tool failed with exit status %d" % p.returncode) def install_name_change(path, cb_func, verbose = False): """Change dynamic shared library load name or id name of Mach-O Binary `path`. `cb_func` is called for each shared library load command. The dictionary of the load command is passed in and the callback returns the new name or None if the name should be unchanged. When dealing with id load commands, `install_name_tool -id` is used. When dealing with dylib load commands `install_name_tool -change` is used. """ dylibs = otool(path) changes = [] for index, dylib in enumerate(dylibs): new_name = cb_func(path, dylib) if new_name: changes.append((index, new_name)) ret = True for index, new_name in changes: args = ['install_name_tool'] if dylibs[index]['cmd'] == 'LC_ID_DYLIB': args.extend(('-id', new_name, path)) else: args.extend(('-change', dylibs[index]['name'], new_name, path)) if verbose: print(' '.join(args)) p = Popen(args, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') if "Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file" in stderr: print("Skipping Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file %s" % path) ret = False continue else: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) if p.returncode: raise RuntimeError("install_name_tool failed with exit status %d" % p.returncode) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.platform == 'darwin': for path in '/bin/ls', '/etc/locate.rc': print(path, is_macho(path))
{ "repo_name": "dan-blanchard/conda-build", "path": "conda_build/macho.py", "copies": "2", "size": "8684", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -4230571745856221000, "line_mean": 31.7698113208, "line_max": 82, "alpha_frac": 0.5826807923, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.589913187267466, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.0015012466283538656, "num_lines": 265 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys from sunpy.extern.six.moves import range __all__ = ['TTYProgressBar'] class TTYProgressBar(object): """ A simple progress bar to visualize progress on a TTY (teletypewriter). It needs to support '\b' to delete characters. The ProgressBar interface is start, finish, draw and poke. """ SYMBOL = '=' LEFT_BORDER = '[' RIGHT_BORDER = ']' def __init__(self, n, current=0, width=40, output=sys.stdout): """ Parameters ---------- n : int Total number of items until completion current : int Current state of completion width : int Width of progress bar. output : file Teletypewriter to print on. """ self.n = n self.current = current self.width = width # Future division, so it is float. self.step = self.n / self.width self.output = output def start(self): """ Draw empty bar to output. """ self.output.write( self.LEFT_BORDER + " " * (len(self.SYMBOL) * self.width) + self.RIGHT_BORDER ) self.output.flush() self.output.write("\b" * (self.width+len(self.RIGHT_BORDER))) def finish(self): """ Finish the bar, the ProgressBar cannot be used after this method was called. """ print() def _draw_one(self): """ Advance progress bar by one. """ self.output.write(self.SYMBOL) def draw(self): """ Draw current state of progress bar onto and empty bar. """ cur = self.current self.current = 0 for _ in range(cur): self.poke() def poke(self, n=1): """ Increase finished items by n. May advance the progress bar by one or more fields. """ if self.current > self.n: raise ValueError("ProgressBar overflowed.") diff = int((self.current + n) / self.step) - int(self.current / self.step) for _ in range(diff): self._draw_one() self.current += n
{ "repo_name": "Alex-Ian-Hamilton/sunpy", "path": "sunpy/util/progressbar.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2234", "license": "bsd-2-clause", "hash": 3024592627663230500, "line_mean": 25.9156626506, "line_max": 82, "alpha_frac": 0.5384959714, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.160148975791434, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5198644947191434, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import gzip from unittest import TestCase from datashape import dshape from blaze.data import JSON, Stack from blaze.utils import filetexts from blaze.compatibility import xfail import json is_py2_win = sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info < (3, 0) data = {'a.json': {u'name': u'Alice', u'amount': 100}, 'b.json': {u'name': u'Bob', u'amount': 200}, 'c.json': {u'name': u'Charlie', u'amount': 50}} tuples = (('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200), ('Charlie', 50)) texts = dict((fn, json.dumps(val)) for fn, val in data.items()) schema = '{name: string, amount: int}' class Test_Integrative(TestCase): @xfail(is_py2_win, reason='Win32 py2.7 unicode/gzip/eol needs sorting out') def test_gzip_json_files(self): with filetexts(texts, open=gzip.open) as filenames: descriptors = [JSON(fn, dshape=schema, open=gzip.open) for fn in sorted(filenames)] dd = Stack(descriptors) self.assertEqual(sorted(dd), sorted(tuples)) self.assertEqual(dd.schema, dshape(schema))
{ "repo_name": "vitan/blaze", "path": "blaze/data/tests/test_integrative.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1171", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 8785653668128866000, "line_mean": 29.0256410256, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.633646456, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.3267045454545454, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4460351001454545, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import logging from logging import Formatter from functools import wraps import traceback import collections from datetime import datetime import errno import functools from hashlib import md5 import os import socket from time import time from warnings import warn import importlib from datashape import discover, pprint import flask from flask import Blueprint, Flask, Response from flask_cors import cross_origin from werkzeug.http import parse_options_header from toolz import valmap, compose import blaze import blaze as bz from blaze import compute, resource from blaze.compatibility import ExitStack, u8 from blaze.compute import compute_up from .serialization import json, all_formats from ..expr import ( BoundSymbol, Data, Expr, Symbol, symbol, utils as expr_utils, ) __all__ = 'Server', 'to_tree', 'from_tree', 'expr_md5' # http://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=6363 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers DEFAULT_PORT = 6363 class RC(object): """ Simple namespace for HTTP status codes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes """ OK = 200 CREATED = 201 BAD_REQUEST = 400 UNAUTHORIZED = 401 NOT_FOUND = 404 FORBIDDEN = 403 CONFLICT = 409 UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500 NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501 api = Blueprint('api', __name__) pickle_extension_api = Blueprint('pickle_extension_api', __name__) _no_default = object() # sentinel def _logging(func): @wraps(func) def _logger(*args, **kwargs): logger = flask.current_app.logger try: logger.debug("Calling %s" % func.__name__) ret = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: logger.debug("Leaving %s" % func.__name__) return ret return _logger def _get_option(option, options, default=_no_default): try: return options[option] except KeyError: if default is not _no_default: return default # Provides a more informative error message. msg = 'The blaze api must be registered with {option}' raise TypeError(msg.format(option=option)) def ensure_dir(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise # Default for logging exception tracebacks is to simply use the standard # `traceback.format_tb` _default_log_exception_formatter = compose(''.join, traceback.format_tb) def _register_api(app, options, first_registration=False): """ Register the data with the blueprint. """ _get_data.cache[app] = _get_option('data', options) _get_format.cache[app] = {f.name: f for f in _get_option('formats', options)} _get_auth.cache[app] = (_get_option('authorization', options, None) or (lambda a: True)) allow_profiler = _get_option('allow_profiler', options, False) profiler_output = _get_option('profiler_output', options, None) profile_by_default = _get_option('profile_by_default', options, False) if not allow_profiler and (profiler_output or profile_by_default): msg = "cannot set %s%s%s when 'allow_profiler' is False" raise ValueError(msg % ('profiler_output' if profiler_output else '', ' or ' if profiler_output and profile_by_default else '', 'profile_by_default' if profile_by_default else '')) if allow_profiler: if profiler_output is None: profiler_output = 'profiler_output' if profiler_output != ':response': ensure_dir(profiler_output) _get_profiler_info.cache[app] = (allow_profiler, profiler_output, profile_by_default) # Allowing users to dynamically add datasets to the Blaze server can be # dangerous, so we only expose the method if specifically requested allow_add = _get_option('allow_add', options, False) if allow_add: app.add_url_rule('/add', 'addserver', addserver, methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) # Call the original register function. Blueprint.register(api, app, options, first_registration) api.register = _register_api def per_app_accesor(name): def _get(): return _get.cache[flask.current_app] _get.cache = {} _get.__name__ = '_get' + name return _get def _get_format(name): return _get_format.cache[flask.current_app][name] _get_format.cache = {} _get_data = per_app_accesor('data') _get_auth = per_app_accesor('auth') _get_profiler_info = per_app_accesor('profiler_info') def expr_md5(expr): """Returns the md5 hash of the str of the expression. Parameters ---------- expr : Expr The expression to hash. Returns ------- hexdigest : str The hexdigest of the md5 of the str of ``expr``. """ exprstr = str(expr) if not isinstance(exprstr, bytes): exprstr = exprstr.encode('utf-8') return md5(exprstr).hexdigest() def _prof_path(profiler_output, expr): """Get the path to write the data for a profile run of ``expr``. Parameters ---------- profiler_output : str The director to write into. expr : Expr The expression that was run. Returns ------- prof_path : str The filepath to write the new profiler data. Notes ----- This function ensures that the dirname of the returned path exists. """ dir_ = os.path.join(profiler_output, expr_md5(expr)) # Use md5 so the client knows where to look. ensure_dir(dir_) return os.path.join(dir_, str(int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp()))) def authorization(f): @functools.wraps(f) def authorized(*args, **kwargs): if not _get_auth()(flask.request.authorization): return Response('bad auth token', RC.UNAUTHORIZED, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'}) return f(*args, **kwargs) return authorized def check_request(f): @functools.wraps(f) def check(): raw_content_type = flask.request.headers['content-type'] content_type, options = parse_options_header(raw_content_type) if content_type not in accepted_mimetypes: return ('Unsupported serialization format %s' % content_type, RC.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE) try: serial = _get_format(accepted_mimetypes[content_type]) except KeyError: return ("Unsupported serialization format '%s'" % content_type, RC.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE) try: payload = serial.loads(flask.request.data) except ValueError: return ("Bad data. Got %s " % flask.request.data, RC.BAD_REQUEST) return f(payload, serial) return check class FlaskWithExceptionFormatting(Flask): """ Add a `log_exception_formatter` instance attribute to the Flask application object, to allow it to store a handler function. """ log_exception_formatter = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log_exception_formatter = kwargs.pop('log_exception_formatter', _default_log_exception_formatter) super(FlaskWithExceptionFormatting, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Server(object): """ Blaze Data Server Host local data through a web API Parameters ---------- data : dict, optional A dictionary mapping dataset name to any data format that blaze understands. formats : iterable, optional An iterable of supported serialization formats. By default, the server will support JSON. A serialization format is an object that supports: name, loads, and dumps. authorization : callable, optional A callable to be used to check the auth header from the client. This callable should accept a single argument that will either be None indicating that no header was passed, or an object containing a username and password attribute. By default, all requests are allowed. allow_profiler : bool, optional Allow payloads to specify `"profile": true` which will run the computation under cProfile. profiler_output : str, optional The directory to write pstats files after profile runs. The files will be written in a structure like: {profiler_output}/{hash(expr)}/{timestamp} This defaults to a relative path of `profiler_output`. This requires `allow_profiler=True`. If this is the string ':response' then writing to the local filesystem is disabled. Only requests that specify `profiler_output=':response'` will be served. All others will return a 403 (Forbidden). profile_by_default : bool, optional Run the profiler on any computation that does not explicitly set "profile": false. This requires `allow_profiler=True`. allow_add : bool, optional Expose an `/add` endpoint to allow datasets to be dynamically added to the server. Since this increases the risk of security holes, it defaults to `False`. logfile : str or file-like object, optional A filename or open file-like stream to which to send log output. Defaults to `sys.stdout`. loglevel : str, optional A string logging level (e.g. 'WARNING', 'INFO') to set how verbose log output should be. log_exception_formatter : callable, optional A callable to be used to format an exception traceback for logging. It should take a traceback argument, and return the string to be logged. This defaults to the standard library `traceback.format_tb` Examples -------- >>> from pandas import DataFrame >>> df = DataFrame([[1, 'Alice', 100], ... [2, 'Bob', -200], ... [3, 'Alice', 300], ... [4, 'Dennis', 400], ... [5, 'Bob', -500]], ... columns=['id', 'name', 'amount']) >>> server = Server({'accounts': df}) >>> server.run() # doctest: +SKIP """ def __init__(self, data=None, formats=None, authorization=None, allow_profiler=False, profiler_output=None, profile_by_default=False, allow_add=False, logfile=sys.stdout, loglevel='WARNING', log_exception_formatter=_default_log_exception_formatter): if isinstance(data, collections.Mapping): data = valmap(lambda v: v.data if isinstance(v, BoundSymbol) else v, data) elif isinstance(data, BoundSymbol): data = data._resources() app = self.app = FlaskWithExceptionFormatting('blaze.server.server', log_exception_formatter=log_exception_formatter) if data is None: data = {} app.register_blueprint(api, data=data, formats=formats if formats is not None else (json,), authorization=authorization, allow_profiler=allow_profiler, profiler_output=profiler_output, profile_by_default=profile_by_default, allow_add=allow_add) self.data = data if logfile: if isinstance(logfile, (str, bytes)): handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile) else: handler = logging.StreamHandler(logfile) handler.setFormatter(Formatter('[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s ' '[in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]')) handler.setLevel(getattr(logging, loglevel)) app.logger.addHandler(handler) def run(self, port=DEFAULT_PORT, retry=False, **kwargs): """Run the server. Parameters ---------- port : int, optional The port to bind to. retry : bool, optional If the port is busy, should we retry with the next available port? **kwargs Forwarded to the underlying flask app's ``run`` method. Notes ----- This function blocks forever when successful. """ self.port = port try: # Blocks until the server is shut down. self.app.logger.debug('Starting server...') self.app.run(port=port, **kwargs) self.app.logger.debug('Stopping server...') except socket.error: if not retry: raise warn("Oops, couldn't connect on port %d. Is it busy?" % port) # Attempt to start the server on a new port. self.run(port=port + 1, retry=retry, **kwargs) @api.route('/datashape', methods=['GET']) @cross_origin(origins='*', methods=['GET']) @authorization @_logging def shape(): return pprint(discover(_get_data()), width=0) def to_tree(expr, names=None): """ Represent Blaze expression with core data structures Transform a Blaze expression into a form using only strings, dicts, lists and base types (int, float, datetime, ....) This form can be useful for serialization. Parameters ---------- expr : Expr A Blaze expression Examples -------- >>> t = symbol('t', 'var * {x: int32, y: int32}') >>> to_tree(t) # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Symbol', 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False]} >>> to_tree(t.x.sum()) # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'sum', 'args': [{'op': 'Column', 'args': [{'op': 'Symbol' 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False]} 'x']}]} Simplify expresion using explicit ``names`` dictionary. In the example below we replace the ``Symbol`` node with the string ``'t'``. >>> tree = to_tree(t.x, names={t: 't'}) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Column', 'args': ['t', 'x']} >>> from_tree(tree, namespace={'t': t}) t.x See Also -------- from_tree """ if isinstance(expr, slice): # NOTE: This case must come first, since `slice` objects are not # hashable, so a dict lookup inside `names` will raise an execption. return {u'op': u'slice', u'args': [to_tree(arg, names=names) for arg in [expr.start, expr.stop, expr.step]]} if names and expr in names: return names[expr] if isinstance(expr, tuple): return [to_tree(arg, names=names) for arg in expr] if isinstance(expr, expr_utils._slice): return to_tree(expr.as_slice(), names=names) elif isinstance(expr, Data) and isinstance(expr.data, bz.Client): name = u8(expr._name) if expr._name is not None else None return to_tree(symbol(name, expr.dshape), names) elif isinstance(expr, Expr): return {u'op': u8(type(expr).__name__), u'args': [to_tree(arg, names) for arg in expr._args]} elif isinstance(expr, str): return u8(expr) else: return expr def expression_from_name(name): """ >>> expression_from_name('By') <class 'blaze.expr.split_apply_combine.By'> >>> expression_from_name('And') <class 'blaze.expr.arithmetic.And'> """ import blaze if hasattr(blaze, name): return getattr(blaze, name) if hasattr(blaze.expr, name): return getattr(blaze.expr, name) for signature, func in compute_up.funcs.items(): try: if signature[0].__name__ == name: return signature[0] except TypeError: pass raise ValueError('%s not found in compute_up' % name) def from_tree(expr, namespace=None): """ Convert core data structures to Blaze expression Core data structure representations created by ``to_tree`` are converted back into Blaze expressions. Parameters ---------- expr : dict Examples -------- >>> t = symbol('t', 'var * {x: int32, y: int32}') >>> tree = to_tree(t) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Symbol', 'args': ['t', 'var * { x : int32, y : int32 }', False]} >>> from_tree(tree) <`t` symbol; dshape='var * {x: int32, y: int32}'> >>> tree = to_tree(t.x.sum()) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'sum', 'args': [{'op': 'Field', 'args': [{'op': 'Symbol' 'args': ['t', 'var * {x : int32, y : int32}', False]} 'x']}]} >>> from_tree(tree) sum(t.x) Simplify expresion using explicit ``names`` dictionary. In the example below we replace the ``Symbol`` node with the string ``'t'``. >>> tree = to_tree(t.x, names={t: 't'}) >>> tree # doctest: +SKIP {'op': 'Field', 'args': ['t', 'x']} >>> from_tree(tree, namespace={'t': t}) t.x See Also -------- to_tree """ if isinstance(expr, dict): op, args = expr[u'op'], expr[u'args'] if op == u'slice': return expr_utils._slice(*[from_tree(arg, namespace) for arg in args]) if hasattr(blaze.expr, op): cls = getattr(blaze.expr, op) else: cls = expression_from_name(op) if cls is Symbol: cls = symbol children = [from_tree(arg, namespace) for arg in args] return cls(*children) elif isinstance(expr, (list, tuple)): return tuple(from_tree(arg, namespace) for arg in expr) if namespace and expr in namespace: return namespace[expr] else: return expr accepted_mimetypes = {'application/vnd.blaze+{}'.format(x.name): x.name for x in all_formats} @api.route('/compute', methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) @cross_origin(origins='*', methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) @authorization @check_request @_logging def compserver(payload, serial): expected_keys = {u'namespace', u'odo_kwargs', u'compute_kwargs', u'expr', u'profile', u'profiler_output'} if not set(payload.keys()) < expected_keys: return ('unexpected keys in payload: %r' % sorted(set(payload.keys()) - expected_keys), RC.BAD_REQUEST) app = flask.current_app (allow_profiler, default_profiler_output, profile_by_default) = _get_profiler_info() requested_profiler_output = payload.get(u'profiler_output', default_profiler_output) profile = payload.get(u'profile') profiling = (allow_profiler and (profile or (profile_by_default and requested_profiler_output))) if profile and not allow_profiler: return ('profiling is disabled on this server', RC.FORBIDDEN) with ExitStack() as response_construction_context_stack: if profiling: from cProfile import Profile if (default_profiler_output == ':response' and requested_profiler_output != ':response'): # writing to the local filesystem is disabled return ("local filepaths are disabled on this server, only" " ':response' is allowed for the 'profiler_output' field", RC.FORBIDDEN) profiler_output = requested_profiler_output profiler = Profile() profiler.enable() # ensure that we stop profiling in the case of an exception response_construction_context_stack.callback(profiler.disable) expr = '<failed to parse expr>' @response_construction_context_stack.callback def log_time(start=time()): app.logger.info('compute expr: %s\ntotal time (s): %.3f', expr, time() - start) ns = payload.get(u'namespace', {}) compute_kwargs = payload.get(u'compute_kwargs') or {} odo_kwargs = payload.get(u'odo_kwargs') or {} dataset = _get_data() ns[':leaf'] = symbol('leaf', discover(dataset)) expr = from_tree(payload[u'expr'], namespace=ns) leaf = expr._leaves()[0] formatter = getattr(flask.current_app, 'log_exception_formatter', _default_log_exception_formatter) try: result = serial.materialize(compute(expr, {leaf: dataset}, **compute_kwargs), expr.dshape, odo_kwargs) except NotImplementedError as e: # Note: `sys.exc_info()[2]` holds the current traceback, for # Python 2 / 3 compatibility. It's important not to store a local # reference to it. formatted_tb = formatter(sys.exc_info()[2]) error_msg = "Computation not supported:\n%s\n%s" % (e, formatted_tb) app.logger.error(error_msg) return (error_msg, RC.NOT_IMPLEMENTED) except Exception as e: formatted_tb = formatter(sys.exc_info()[2]) error_msg = "Computation failed with message:\n%s: %s\n%s" % (type(e).__name__, e, formatted_tb) app.logger.error(error_msg) return (error_msg, RC.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) response = {u'datashape': pprint(expr.dshape, width=0), u'data': serial.data_dumps(result), u'names': expr.fields} if profiling: import marshal from pstats import Stats if profiler_output == ':response': from pandas.compat import BytesIO file = BytesIO() else: file = open(_prof_path(profiler_output, expr), 'wb') with file: # Use marshal to dump the stats data to the given file. # This is taken from cProfile which unfortunately does not have # an api that allows us to pass the file object directly, only # a file path. marshal.dump(Stats(profiler).stats, file) if profiler_output == ':response': response[u'profiler_output'] = {'__!bytes': file.getvalue()} return serial.dumps(response) @cross_origin(origins='*', methods=['POST', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) @authorization @check_request @_logging def addserver(payload, serial): """Add a data resource to the server. The request should contain serialized MutableMapping (dictionary) like object, and the server should already be hosting a MutableMapping resource. """ data = _get_data.cache[flask.current_app] if not isinstance(data, collections.MutableMapping): data_not_mm_msg = ("Cannot update blaze server data since its current " "data is a %s and not a mutable mapping (dictionary " "like).") return (data_not_mm_msg % type(data), RC.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) if not isinstance(payload, collections.Mapping): payload_not_mm_msg = ("Need a dictionary-like payload; instead was " "given %s of type %s.") return (payload_not_mm_msg % (payload, type(payload)), RC.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) if len(payload) > 1: error_msg = "Given more than one resource to add: %s" return (error_msg % list(payload.keys()), RC.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) [(name, resource_info)] = payload.items() flask.current_app.logger.debug("Attempting to add dataset '%s'" % name) if name in data: msg = "Cannot add dataset named %s, already exists on server." return (msg % name, RC.CONFLICT) try: imports = [] if isinstance(resource_info, dict): # Extract resource creation arguments source = resource_info['source'] imports = resource_info.get('imports', []) args = resource_info.get('args', []) kwargs = resource_info.get('kwargs', {}) else: # Just a URI source, args, kwargs = resource_info, [], {} # If we've been given libraries to import, we need to do so # before we can create the resource. for mod in imports: importlib.import_module(mod) # Make a new resource and try to discover it. new_resource = {name: resource(source, *args, **kwargs)} # Discovery is a minimal consistency check to determine if the new # resource is valid. ds = discover(new_resource) if name not in ds.dict: raise ValueError("%s not added." % name) except NotImplementedError as e: error_msg = "Addition not supported:\n%s: %s" return (error_msg % (type(e).__name__, e), RC.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) except Exception as e: error_msg = "Addition failed with message:\n%s: %s" return (error_msg % (type(e).__name__, e), RC.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) else: # Now that we've established that the new resource is discoverable--and # thus exists and is accessible--we add the resource to the server. data.update(new_resource) return ('OK', RC.CREATED)
{ "repo_name": "ContinuumIO/blaze", "path": "blaze/server/server.py", "copies": "2", "size": "26158", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 3728339222485488600, "line_mean": 33.3280839895, "line_max": 108, "alpha_frac": 0.5726737518, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.183941138835572, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5756614890635573, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import numpy as np from glue.config import settings from qtpy.QtWidgets import QMessageBox from qtpy.QtCore import QTimer from glue.core.data import BaseData from glue.core.link_helpers import LinkSame from ..common.vispy_data_viewer import BaseVispyViewer from .layer_artist import VolumeLayerArtist from .layer_style_widget import VolumeLayerStyleWidget from .viewer_state import Vispy3DVolumeViewerState from .layer_state import VolumeLayerState from .volume_visual import MultiVolume from ..scatter.layer_artist import ScatterLayerArtist from ..scatter.layer_style_widget import ScatterLayerStyleWidget from ..common import tools as _tools, selection_tools # noqa from . import volume_toolbar # noqa class VispyVolumeViewer(BaseVispyViewer): LABEL = "3D Volume Rendering" _state_cls = Vispy3DVolumeViewerState _layer_style_widget_cls = {VolumeLayerArtist: VolumeLayerStyleWidget, ScatterLayerArtist: ScatterLayerStyleWidget} tools = BaseVispyViewer.tools + ['vispy:lasso', 'vispy:rectangle', 'vispy:circle', 'volume3d:floodfill'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(VispyVolumeViewer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # We now make it so that is the user clicks to drag or uses the # mouse wheel (or scroll on a trackpad), we downsample the volume # rendering temporarily. canvas = self._vispy_widget.canvas canvas.events.mouse_press.connect(self.mouse_press) canvas.events.mouse_wheel.connect(self.mouse_wheel) canvas.events.mouse_release.connect(self.mouse_release) viewbox = self._vispy_widget.view.camera.viewbox viewbox.events.mouse_wheel.connect(self.camera_mouse_wheel) viewbox.events.mouse_move.connect(self.camera_mouse_move) viewbox.events.mouse_press.connect(self.camera_mouse_press) viewbox.events.mouse_release.connect(self.camera_mouse_release) self._downsampled = False # For the mouse wheel, we receive discrete events so we need to have # a buffer (for now 250ms) before which we consider the mouse wheel # event to have stopped. self._downsample_timer = QTimer() self._downsample_timer.setInterval(250) self._downsample_timer.setSingleShot(True) self._downsample_timer.timeout.connect(self.mouse_release) # We need to use MultiVolume instance to store volumes, but we should # only have one per canvas. Therefore, we store the MultiVolume # instance in the vispy viewer instance. # Set whether we are emulating a 3D texture. This needs to be # enabled as a workaround on Windows otherwise VisPy crashes. emulate_texture = (sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[0] < 3) multivol = MultiVolume(emulate_texture=emulate_texture, bgcolor=settings.BACKGROUND_COLOR) self._vispy_widget.add_data_visual(multivol) self._vispy_widget._multivol = multivol self.state.add_callback('resolution', self._update_resolution) self._update_resolution() # We do this here in addition to in the volume viewer itself as for # some situations e.g. reloading from session files, a clip_data event # isn't emitted. # FIXME: needs to be done after first layer added # self._update_clip(force=True) def mouse_press(self, event=None): if self.state.downsample: if hasattr(self._vispy_widget, '_multivol') and not self._downsampled: self._vispy_widget._multivol.downsample() self._downsampled = True def mouse_release(self, event=None): if self.state.downsample: if hasattr(self._vispy_widget, '_multivol') and self._downsampled: self._vispy_widget._multivol.upsample() self._downsampled = False self._vispy_widget.canvas.render() self._update_slice_transform() self._update_clip() def _update_clip(self, force=False): if hasattr(self._vispy_widget, '_multivol'): if (self.state.clip_data or force): dx = self.state.x_stretch * self.state.aspect[0] dy = self.state.y_stretch * self.state.aspect[1] dz = self.state.z_stretch * self.state.aspect[2] coords = np.array([[-dx, -dy, -dz], [dx, dy, dz]]) coords = (self._vispy_widget._multivol.transform.imap(coords)[:, :3] / self._vispy_widget._multivol.resolution) self._vispy_widget._multivol.set_clip(self.state.clip_data, coords.ravel()) else: self._vispy_widget._multivol.set_clip(False, [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) def _update_slice_transform(self): self._vispy_widget._multivol._update_slice_transform(self.state.x_min, self.state.x_max, self.state.y_min, self.state.y_max, self.state.z_min, self.state.z_max) def _update_resolution(self, *event): self._vispy_widget._multivol.set_resolution(self.state.resolution) self._update_slice_transform() self._update_clip() def mouse_wheel(self, event=None): if self.state.downsample: if hasattr(self._vispy_widget, '_multivol'): if not self._downsampled: self.mouse_press() self._downsample_timer.start() if event is not None: event.handled = True def resizeEvent(self, event=None): self.mouse_wheel() super(VispyVolumeViewer, self).resizeEvent(event) def get_data_layer_artist(self, layer=None, layer_state=None): if layer.ndim == 1: cls = ScatterLayerArtist else: cls = VolumeLayerArtist return self.get_layer_artist(cls, layer=layer, layer_state=layer_state) def get_subset_layer_artist(self, layer=None, layer_state=None): if layer.ndim == 1: cls = ScatterLayerArtist else: cls = VolumeLayerArtist return self.get_layer_artist(cls, layer=layer, layer_state=layer_state) def add_data(self, data): first_layer_artist = len(self._layer_artist_container) == 0 if data.ndim == 1: if first_layer_artist: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Can only add a scatter plot overlay once " "a volume is present".format(data.ndim), buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) return False elif data.ndim == 3: if not self._has_free_volume_layers: self._warn_no_free_volume_layers() return False else: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Data should be 1- or 3-dimensional ({0} dimensions " "found)".format(data.ndim), buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) return False added = super(VispyVolumeViewer, self).add_data(data) if added: if data.ndim == 1: self._vispy_widget._update_limits() if first_layer_artist: # The above call to add_data may have added subset layers, some # of which may be incompatible with the data, so we need to now # explicitly use the layer for the actual data object. layer = self._layer_artist_container[data][0] self.state.set_limits(*layer.bbox) self._ready_draw = True self._update_slice_transform() self._show_free_layer_warning = True return added def add_subset(self, subset): if not self._has_free_volume_layers: self._warn_no_free_volume_layers() return False added = super(VispyVolumeViewer, self).add_subset(subset) if added: self._show_free_layer_warning = True return added @property def _has_free_volume_layers(self): return (not hasattr(self._vispy_widget, '_multivol') or self._vispy_widget._multivol.has_free_slots) def _warn_no_free_volume_layers(self): if getattr(self, '_show_free_layer_warning', True): QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "The volume viewer has reached the maximum number " "of volume layers. To show more volume layers, remove " "existing layers and try again. This error will not " "be shown again unless the limit is reached again in " "the future.", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) self._show_free_layer_warning = False def _update_appearance_from_settings(self, message): super(VispyVolumeViewer, self)._update_appearance_from_settings(message) if hasattr(self._vispy_widget, '_multivol'): self._vispy_widget._multivol.set_background(settings.BACKGROUND_COLOR) def _toggle_clip(self, *args): if hasattr(self._vispy_widget, '_multivol'): self._update_clip() @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): viewer = super(VispyVolumeViewer, cls).__setgluestate__(rec, context) if rec.get('_protocol', 0) < 2: # Find all data objects in layers (not subsets) layer_data = [layer.layer for layer in viewer.state.layers if (isinstance(layer, VolumeLayerState) and isinstance(layer.layer, BaseData))] if len(layer_data) > 1: reference = layer_data[0] for data in layer_data[1:]: if data not in reference.pixel_aligned_data: break else: return viewer buttons = QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No message = ("The 3D volume rendering viewer now requires datasets to " "be linked in order to be shown at the same time. Are you " "happy for glue to automatically link your datasets by " "pixel coordinates?") answer = QMessageBox.question(None, "Link data?", message, buttons=buttons, defaultButton=QMessageBox.Yes) if answer == QMessageBox.Yes: for data in layer_data[1:]: if data not in reference.pixel_aligned_data: for i in range(3): link = LinkSame(reference.pixel_component_ids[i], data.pixel_component_ids[i]) viewer.session.data_collection.add_link(link) return viewer def __gluestate__(self, context): state = super(VispyVolumeViewer, self).__gluestate__(context) state['_protocol'] = 2 return state
{ "repo_name": "astrofrog/glue-3d-viewer", "path": "glue_vispy_viewers/volume/volume_viewer.py", "copies": "2", "size": "11455", "license": "bsd-2-clause", "hash": 3214101672879490000, "line_mean": 39.3345070423, "line_max": 96, "alpha_frac": 0.5828022698, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.206757253029747, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5789559522829747, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import os import logging from functools import wraps from pkgutil import get_loader from collections import OrderedDict import datetime import pymongo.errors import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web from tornado.escape import json_encode,json_decode from tornado.gen import coroutine from file_catalog.validation import Validation import file_catalog from file_catalog.mongo import Mongo from file_catalog import urlargparse logger = logging.getLogger('server') def get_pkgdata_filename(package, resource): """Get a filename for a resource bundled within the package""" loader = get_loader(package) if loader is None or not hasattr(loader, 'get_data'): return None mod = sys.modules.get(package) or loader.load_module(package) if mod is None or not hasattr(mod, '__file__'): return None # Modify the resource name to be compatible with the loader.get_data # signature - an os.path format "filename" starting with the dirname of # the package's __file__ parts = resource.split('/') parts.insert(0, os.path.dirname(mod.__file__)) return os.path.join(*parts) def tornado_logger(handler): """Log levels based on status code""" if handler.get_status() < 400: log_method = logger.debug elif handler.get_status() < 500: log_method = logger.warning else: log_method = logger.error request_time = 1000.0 * handler.request.request_time() log_method("%d %s %.2fms", handler.get_status(), handler._request_summary(), request_time) def sort_dict(d): """ Creates an OrderedDict by taking the `dict` named `d` and orderes its keys. If a key contains a `dict` it will call this function recursively. """ od = OrderedDict(sorted(d.items())) # check for dicts in values for key, value in od.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, dict): od[key] = sort_dict(value) return od def set_last_modification_date(d): d['meta_modify_date'] = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) class Server(object): """A file_catalog server instance""" def __init__(self, config, port=8888, db_host='localhost', debug=False): static_path = get_pkgdata_filename('file_catalog', 'data/www') if static_path is None: raise Exception('bad static path') template_path = get_pkgdata_filename('file_catalog', 'data/www_templates') if template_path is None: raise Exception('bad template path') # print configuration logger.info('db host: %s' % db_host) logger.info('server port: %s' % port) logger.info('debug: %s' % debug) main_args = { 'base_url': '/api', 'debug': debug, } api_args = main_args.copy() api_args.update({ 'db': Mongo(db_host), 'config': config, }) app = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", MainHandler, main_args), (r"/api", HATEOASHandler, api_args), (r"/api/files", FilesHandler, api_args), (r"/api/files/(.*)", SingleFileHandler, api_args), ], static_path=static_path, template_path=template_path, log_function=tornado_logger, ) app.listen(port) def run(self): tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start() class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """Main HTML handler""" def initialize(self, base_url='/', debug=False): self.base_url = base_url self.debug = debug def get_template_namespace(self): namespace = super(MainHandler,self).get_template_namespace() namespace['version'] = file_catalog.__version__ return namespace def get(self): try: self.render('index.html') except Exception as e: logger.warn('Error in main handler', exc_info=True) message = 'Error generating page.' if self.debug: message += '\n' + str(e) self.send_error(message=message) def write_error(self,status_code=500,**kwargs): """Write out custom error page.""" self.set_status(status_code) if status_code >= 500: self.write('<h2>Internal Error</h2>') else: self.write('<h2>Request Error</h2>') if 'message' in kwargs: self.write('<br />'.join(kwargs['message'].split('\n'))) self.finish() def catch_error(method): """Decorator to catch and handle errors on api handlers""" @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.warn('Error in api handler', exc_info=True) kwargs = {'message':'Internal error in '+self.__class__.__name__} if self.debug: kwargs['exception'] = str(e) self.send_error(**kwargs) return wrapper class APIHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """Base class for API handlers""" def initialize(self, config, db=None, base_url='/', debug=False, rate_limit=10): self.db = db self.base_url = base_url self.debug = debug self.config = config # subtract 1 to test before current connection is added self.rate_limit = rate_limit-1 self.rate_limit_data = {} def set_default_headers(self): self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/hal+json; charset=UTF-8') def prepare(self): # implement rate limiting ip = self.request.remote_ip if ip in self.rate_limit_data: if self.rate_limit_data[ip] > self.rate_limit: self.send_error(429, 'rate limit exceeded for IP address') else: self.rate_limit_data[ip] += 1 else: self.rate_limit_data[ip] = 1 def on_finish(self): ip = self.request.remote_ip self.rate_limit_data[ip] -= 1 if self.rate_limit_data[ip] <= 0: del self.rate_limit_data[ip] def write(self, chunk): # override write so we don't output a json header if isinstance(chunk, dict): chunk = json_encode(sort_dict(chunk)) super(APIHandler, self).write(chunk) def write_error(self,status_code=500,**kwargs): """Write out custom error page.""" self.set_status(status_code) kwargs.pop('exc_info',None) if kwargs: self.write(kwargs) self.finish() class HATEOASHandler(APIHandler): def initialize(self, **kwargs): super(HATEOASHandler, self).initialize(**kwargs) # response is known ahead of time, so pre-compute it self.data = { '_links':{ 'self': {'href': self.base_url}, }, 'files': {'href': os.path.join(self.base_url,'files')}, } @catch_error def get(self): self.write(self.data) class FilesHandler(APIHandler): def initialize(self, **kwargs): super(FilesHandler, self).initialize(**kwargs) self.files_url = os.path.join(self.base_url,'files') self.validation = Validation(self.config) @catch_error @coroutine def get(self): try: kwargs = urlargparse.parse(self.request.query) if 'limit' in kwargs: kwargs['limit'] = int(kwargs['limit']) if kwargs['limit'] < 1: raise Exception('limit is not positive') # check with config if kwargs['limit'] > self.config['filelist']['max_files']: kwargs['limit'] = self.config['filelist']['max_files'] else: # if no limit has been defined, set max limit kwargs['limit'] = self.config['filelist']['max_files'] if 'start' in kwargs: kwargs['start'] = int(kwargs['start']) if kwargs['start'] < 0: raise Exception('start is negative') if 'query' in kwargs: kwargs['query'] = json_decode(kwargs['query']) # _id and mongo_id means the same (mongo_id will be renamed to _id in self.db.find_files()) # make sure that not both keys are in query if '_id' in kwargs['query'] and 'mongo_id' in kwargs['query']: logging.warn('`query` contains `_id` and `mongo_id`', exc_info=True) self.send_error(400, message='`query` contains `_id` and `mongo_id`') return except: logging.warn('query parameter error', exc_info=True) self.send_error(400, message='invalid query parameters') return files = yield self.db.find_files(**kwargs) self.write({ '_links':{ 'self': {'href': self.files_url}, 'parent': {'href': self.base_url}, }, '_embedded':{ 'files': files, }, 'files': [os.path.join(self.files_url,f['mongo_id']) for f in files], }) @catch_error @coroutine def post(self): metadata = json_decode(self.request.body) if not self.validation.validate_metadata_creation(self, metadata): return set_last_modification_date(metadata) ret = yield self.db.get_file({'uid':metadata['uid']}) if ret: # file uid already exists, check checksum if ret['checksum'] != metadata['checksum']: # the uid already exists (no replica since checksum is different self.send_error(409, message='conflict with existing file (uid already exists)', file=os.path.join(self.files_url,ret['mongo_id'])) return elif any(f in ret['locations'] for f in metadata['locations']): # replica has already been added self.send_error(409, message='replica has already been added', file=os.path.join(self.files_url,ret['mongo_id'])) return else: # add replica ret['locations'].extend(metadata['locations']) yield self.db.update_file(ret) self.set_status(200) ret = ret['mongo_id'] else: ret = yield self.db.create_file(metadata) self.set_status(201) self.write({ '_links':{ 'self': {'href': self.files_url}, 'parent': {'href': self.base_url}, }, 'file': os.path.join(self.files_url, ret), }) class SingleFileHandler(APIHandler): def initialize(self, **kwargs): super(SingleFileHandler, self).initialize(**kwargs) self.files_url = os.path.join(self.base_url,'files') self.validation = Validation(self.config) @catch_error @coroutine def get(self, mongo_id): try: ret = yield self.db.get_file({'mongo_id':mongo_id}) if ret: ret['_links'] = { 'self': {'href': os.path.join(self.files_url,mongo_id)}, 'parent': {'href': self.files_url}, } self.write(ret) else: self.send_error(404, message='not found') except pymongo.errors.InvalidId: self.send_error(400, message='Not a valid mongo_id') @catch_error @coroutine def delete(self, mongo_id): try: yield self.db.delete_file({'mongo_id':mongo_id}) except pymongo.errors.InvalidId: self.send_error(400, message='Not a valid mongo_id') except: self.send_error(404, message='not found') else: self.set_status(204) @catch_error @coroutine def patch(self, mongo_id): metadata = json_decode(self.request.body) if self.validation.has_forbidden_attributes_modification(self, metadata): return set_last_modification_date(metadata) links = { 'self': {'href': os.path.join(self.files_url,mongo_id)}, 'parent': {'href': self.files_url}, } try: ret = yield self.db.get_file({'mongo_id':mongo_id}) except pymongo.errors.InvalidId: self.send_error(400, message='Not a valid mongo_id') return if ret: # check if this is the same version we're trying to patch test_write = ret.copy() test_write['_links'] = links self.write(test_write) self.set_etag_header() same = self.check_etag_header() self._write_buffer = [] if same: ret.update(metadata) if not self.validation.validate_metadata_modification(self, ret): return yield self.db.update_file(ret.copy()) ret['_links'] = links self.write(ret) self.set_etag_header() else: self.send_error(409, message='conflict (version mismatch)', _links=links) else: self.send_error(404, message='not found') @catch_error @coroutine def put(self, mongo_id): metadata = json_decode(self.request.body) # check if user wants to set forbidden fields # `uid` is not allowed to be changed if self.validation.has_forbidden_attributes_modification(self, metadata): return set_last_modification_date(metadata) if 'mongo_id' not in metadata: metadata['mongo_id'] = mongo_id links = { 'self': {'href': os.path.join(self.files_url,mongo_id)}, 'parent': {'href': self.files_url}, } try: ret = yield self.db.get_file({'mongo_id':mongo_id}) except pymongo.errors.InvalidId: self.send_error(400, message='Not a valid mongo_id') return # keep `uid`: metadata['uid'] = str(ret['uid']) if ret: # check if this is the same version we're trying to patch test_write = ret.copy() test_write['_links'] = links self.write(test_write) self.set_etag_header() same = self.check_etag_header() self._write_buffer = [] if same: if not self.validation.validate_metadata_modification(self, metadata): return yield self.db.replace_file(metadata.copy()) metadata['_links'] = links self.write(metadata) self.set_etag_header() else: self.send_error(409, message='conflict (version mismatch)', _links=links) else: self.send_error(404, message='not found')
{ "repo_name": "JadonKrys/file_catalog", "path": "file_catalog/server.py", "copies": "1", "size": "15207", "license": "mit", "hash": -2168862450571826400, "line_mean": 32.6438053097, "line_max": 107, "alpha_frac": 0.5527717499, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.1144480519480515, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.0060145178110627175, "num_lines": 452 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import os import pandas as pd import gzip import datashape from datashape import Option, string from collections import Iterator from into.backends.csv import (CSV, append, convert, resource, csv_to_DataFrame, CSV_to_chunks_of_dataframes) from into.utils import tmpfile, filetext, filetexts, raises from into import into, append, convert, resource, discover, dshape from into.compatibility import unicode, skipif def test_csv(): with tmpfile('.csv') as fn: csv = CSV(fn, dshape='var * {name: string, amount: int}', delimiter=',') assert csv.dialect['delimiter'] == ',' def test_csv_append(): with tmpfile('.csv') as fn: csv = CSV(fn, has_header=False) data = [('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200)] append(csv, data) assert list(convert(Iterator, csv)) == data with open(fn) as f: s = f.read() assert 'Alice' in s assert '100' in s def test_pandas_read(): with filetext('Alice,1\nBob,2') as fn: ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, amount: int}') csv = CSV(fn) df = csv_to_DataFrame(csv, dshape=ds) assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) assert convert(list, df) == [('Alice', 1), ('Bob', 2)] assert list(df.columns) == ['name', 'amount'] def test_pandas_read_supports_datetimes(): with filetext('Alice,2014-01-02\nBob,2014-01-03') as fn: ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, when: date}') csv = CSV(fn) df = csv_to_DataFrame(csv, dshape=ds) assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) assert list(df.columns) == ['name', 'when'] assert df.dtypes['when'] == 'M8[ns]' def test_pandas_read_supports_missing_integers(): with filetext('Alice,1\nBob,') as fn: ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, val: ?int32}') csv = CSV(fn) df = csv_to_DataFrame(csv, dshape=ds) assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) assert list(df.columns) == ['name', 'val'] assert df.dtypes['val'] == 'f4' def test_pandas_read_supports_gzip(): with filetext('Alice,1\nBob,2', open=gzip.open, extension='.csv.gz') as fn: ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, amount: int}') csv = CSV(fn) df = csv_to_DataFrame(csv, dshape=ds) assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) assert convert(list, df) == [('Alice', 1), ('Bob', 2)] assert list(df.columns) == ['name', 'amount'] def test_pandas_read_supports_read_csv_kwargs(): with filetext('Alice,1\nBob,2') as fn: ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, amount: int}') csv = CSV(fn) df = csv_to_DataFrame(csv, dshape=ds, usecols=['name']) assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) assert convert(list, df) == [('Alice',), ('Bob',)] def test_pandas_write(): with tmpfile('.csv') as fn: ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, amount: int}') data = [('Alice', 1), ('Bob', 2)] csv = CSV(fn, has_header=True) append(csv, data, dshape=ds) with open(fn) as f: assert 'name' in f.read() # Doesn't write header twice append(csv, data, dshape=ds) with open(fn) as f: s = f.read() assert s.count('name') == 1 def test_pandas_writes_header_by_default(): with tmpfile('.csv') as fn: ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, amount: int}') data = [('Alice', 1), ('Bob', 2)] csv = CSV(fn) append(csv, data, dshape=ds) with open(fn) as f: assert 'name' in f.read() @skipif(sys.version_info[0] == 3) def test_pandas_write_gzip(): with tmpfile('.csv.gz') as fn: ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, amount: int}') data = [('Alice', 1), ('Bob', 2)] csv = CSV(fn, has_header=True) append(csv, data, dshape=ds) f = gzip.open(fn) s = f.read() assert 'name' in s assert 'Alice,1' in s f.close() def test_pandas_loads_in_datetimes_naively(): with filetext('name,when\nAlice,2014-01-01\nBob,2014-02-02') as fn: csv = CSV(fn, has_header=True) ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, when: datetime}') assert discover(csv) == ds df = convert(pd.DataFrame, csv) assert df.dtypes['when'] == 'M8[ns]' def test_pandas_discover_on_gzipped_files(): with filetext('name,when\nAlice,2014-01-01\nBob,2014-02-02', open=gzip.open, extension='.csv.gz') as fn: csv = CSV(fn, has_header=True) ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, when: datetime}') assert discover(csv) == ds def test_csv_into_list(): with filetext('name,val\nAlice,100\nBob,200', extension='csv') as fn: L = into(list, fn) assert L == [('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200)] def test_discover_csv_files_without_header(): with filetext('Alice,2014-01-01\nBob,2014-02-02') as fn: csv = CSV(fn, has_header=False) df = convert(pd.DataFrame, csv) assert len(df) == 2 assert 'Alice' not in list(df.columns) def test_discover_csv_yields_string_on_totally_empty_columns(): expected = dshape('var * {a: int64, b: ?string, c: int64}') with filetext('a,b,c\n1,,3\n4,,6\n7,,9') as fn: csv = CSV(fn, has_header=True) assert discover(csv) == expected def test_glob(): d = {'accounts1.csv': 'name,when\nAlice,100\nBob,200', 'accounts2.csv': 'name,when\nAlice,300\nBob,400'} with filetexts(d) as fns: r = resource('accounts*.csv', has_header=True) assert convert(list, r) == [('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200), ('Alice', 300), ('Bob', 400)] def test_pandas_csv_naive_behavior_results_in_columns(): df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 'Alice', 100], [2, 'Bob', -200], [3, 'Charlie', 300], [4, 'Denis', 400], [5, 'Edith', -500]], columns=['id', 'name', 'amount']) with tmpfile('.csv') as fn: into(fn, df) with open(fn) as f: assert next(f).strip() == 'id,name,amount' def test_discover_csv_without_columns(): with filetext('Alice,100\nBob,200', extension='csv') as fn: csv = CSV(fn) ds = discover(csv) assert '100' not in str(ds) def test_header_argument_set_with_or_without_header(): with filetext('name,val\nAlice,100\nBob,200', extension='csv') as fn: assert into(list, fn) == [('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200)] with filetext('Alice,100\nBob,200', extension='csv') as fn: assert into(list, fn) == [('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200)] def test_first_csv_establishes_consistent_dshape(): d = {'accounts1.csv': 'name,when\nAlice,one\nBob,two', 'accounts2.csv': 'name,when\nAlice,300\nBob,400'} with filetexts(d) as fns: L = into(list, 'accounts*.csv') assert len(L) == 4 assert all(isinstance(val, (str, unicode)) for name, val in L) def test_discover_csv_with_spaces_in_header(): with filetext(' name, val\nAlice,100\nBob,200', extension='csv') as fn: ds = discover(CSV(fn, has_header=True)) assert ds.measure.names == ['name', 'val'] def test_header_disagrees_with_dshape(): ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, bal: int64}') with filetext('name,val\nAlice,100\nBob,200', extension='csv') as fn: csv = CSV(fn, header=True) assert convert(list, csv) == [('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200)] assert list(convert(pd.DataFrame, csv).columns) == ['name', 'val'] assert list(convert(pd.DataFrame, csv, dshape=ds).columns) == ['name', 'bal'] def test_raise_errors_quickly_on_into_chunks_dataframe(): with filetext('name,val\nAlice,100\nBob,foo', extension='csv') as fn: ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, val: int}') csv = CSV(fn, header=True) assert raises(Exception, lambda: CSV_to_chunks_of_dataframes(csv, dshape=ds)) def test_unused_datetime_columns(): ds = datashape.dshape('var * {val: string, when: datetime}') with filetext("val,when\na,2000-01-01\nb,2000-02-02") as fn: csv = CSV(fn, has_header=True) assert convert(list, csv_to_DataFrame(csv, usecols=['val'], squeeze=True, dshape=ds)) == ['a', 'b'] def test_empty_dataframe(): with filetext('name,val', extension='csv') as fn: csv = CSV(fn, has_header=True) df = convert(pd.DataFrame, csv) assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) def test_csv_missing_values(): with filetext('name,val\nAlice,100\nNA,200', extension='csv') as fn: csv = CSV(fn) assert discover(csv).measure.dict['name'] == Option(string) def test_csv_separator_header(): with filetext('a|b|c\n1|2|3\n4|5|6', extension='csv') as fn: csv = CSV(fn, delimiter='|', has_header=True) assert convert(list, csv) == [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]
{ "repo_name": "mrocklin/into", "path": "into/backends/tests/test_csv.py", "copies": "1", "size": "9071", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 945541076402372200, "line_mean": 33.2301886792, "line_max": 85, "alpha_frac": 0.5828464337, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.199647266313933, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4282493700013933, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import os import flask from flask import request, Response import blaze import datashape from dynd import nd, ndt from blaze.catalog.array_provider import json_array_provider from blaze.catalog.blaze_url import (split_array_base, add_indexers_to_url, slice_as_string, index_tuple_as_string) from blaze.py2help import _inttypes, _strtypes from .datashape_html import render_datashape from .compute_session import compute_session from .crossdomain import crossdomain app = flask.Flask('blaze.server') app.sessions = {} def indexers_navigation_html(base_url, array_name, indexers): base_url = base_url + array_name result = '<a href="' + base_url + '">' + array_name + '</a>' for i, idx in enumerate(indexers): if isinstance(idx, _strtypes): base_url = base_url + '.' + idx result += (' . <a href="' + base_url + '">' + idx + '</a>') elif isinstance(idx, _inttypes): new_base_url = base_url + '[' + str(idx) + ']' result += (' <a href="' + new_base_url + '">[' + str(idx) + ']</a>') # Links to increment/decrement this indexer #result += '<font style="size:7px"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">' #result += '<tr><td><a href="' #result += add_indexers_to_url(base_url, [idx + 1] + indexers[i+1:]) #result += '">/\\</a></td></tr>' #result += '<tr><td><a href="' #result += add_indexers_to_url(base_url, [idx - 1] + indexers[i+1:]) #result += '">\\/</a></td></tr>' #result += '</table></font>' base_url = new_base_url elif isinstance(idx, slice): s = slice_as_string(idx) base_url = base_url + s result += (' <a href="' + base_url + '">' + s + '</a>') elif isinstance(idx, tuple): s = index_tuple_as_string(idx) base_url = base_url + s result += (' <a href="' + base_url + '">' + s + '</a>') else: raise IndexError('Invalid indexer %r' % idx) return result def get_array(array_name, indexers): arr = blaze.catalog.get(array_name) for i in indexers: if type(i) in [slice, int, tuple]: arr = arr[i] else: ds = arr.dshape if isinstance(ds, datashape.DataShape): ds = ds[-1] if isinstance(ds, datashape.Record) and i in ds.names: arr = getattr(arr, i) else: raise Exception('Blaze array does not have field ' + i) return arr def html_array(arr, base_url, array_name, indexers): array_url = add_indexers_to_url(base_url + array_name, indexers) print(array_url) nav_html = indexers_navigation_html(base_url, array_name, indexers) datashape_html = render_datashape(array_url, arr.dshape) body = '<html><head><title>Blaze Array</title></head>\n' + \ '<body>\n' + \ 'Blaze Array &gt; ' + nav_html + '\n<p />\n' + \ '<a href="' + array_url + '?r=data.json">JSON</a>\n<p />\n' + \ datashape_html + \ '\n</body></html>' return body @app.route("/favicon.ico") def favicon(): return 'no icon' @app.route("/<path:path>", methods=['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS']) @crossdomain(origin="*", automatic_options=False, automatic_headers=True) def handle(path): if request.path in app.sessions: return handle_session_query() else: return handle_array_query() def handle_session_query(): session = app.sessions[request.path] q_req = request.values['r'] if q_req == 'close_session': content_type, body = session.close() return Response(body, mimetype='application/json') elif q_req == 'add_computed_fields': j = request.values['json'] content_type, body = session.add_computed_fields(j) return Response(body, mimetype='application/json') elif q_req == 'sort': j = request.values['json'] content_type, body = session.sort(j) return Response(body, mimetype='application/json') elif q_req == 'groupby': j = request.values['json'] content_type, body = session.groupby(j) return Response(body, mimetype='application/json') else: return 'something with session ' + session.session_name def handle_array_query(): array_name, indexers = split_array_base(request.path.rstrip('/')) arr = get_array(array_name, indexers) base_url = request.url_root[:-1] #no query params # NOTE: len(request.values) was failing within werkzeug if len(list(request.values)) == 0: return html_array(arr, base_url, array_name, indexers) q_req = request.values['r'] if q_req == 'data.json': dat = arr._data.dynd_arr() return Response(nd.as_py(nd.format_json(dat).view_scalars(ndt.bytes)), mimetype='application/json') elif q_req == 'datashape': content_type = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' return str(arr.dshape) elif q_req == 'dyndtype': content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' body = str(arr.dtype) return Response(body, mimetype='application/json') elif q_req == 'dynddebug': return arr.debug_repr() elif q_req == 'create_session': session = compute_session(base_url, add_indexers_to_url(array_name, indexers)) app.sessions[session.session_name] = session content_type, body = session.creation_response() return Response(body, mimetype='application/json') else: abort(400, "Unknown Blaze server request %s" % q_req) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: root_path = sys.argv[1] else: root_path = os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), 'arrays') array_provider = json_array_provider(root_path) app.array_provider = array_provider app.run(debug=True, port=8080, use_reloader=True)
{ "repo_name": "XinSong/blaze", "path": "blaze/io/server/app.py", "copies": "10", "size": "6092", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 7882122456148219000, "line_mean": 35.9212121212, "line_max": 98, "alpha_frac": 0.5809258043, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.4340473506200677, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.0014842168432524633, "num_lines": 165 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import re from contextlib import contextmanager import datashape from datashape import discover, Record, Option from datashape.predicates import isrecord from datashape.dispatch import dispatch from toolz import concat, keyfilter, keymap, merge, valfilter import pandas import pandas as pd import os import gzip import bz2 import uuid import csv from glob import glob from ..compatibility import unicode, PY2 from ..utils import keywords, ext from ..append import append from ..convert import convert, ooc_types from ..resource import resource from ..chunks import chunks from ..temp import Temp from ..numpy_dtype import dshape_to_pandas from .pandas import coerce_datetimes dialect_terms = '''delimiter doublequote escapechar lineterminator quotechar quoting skipinitialspace strict'''.split() aliases = {'sep': 'delimiter'} def alias(key): """ Alias kwarg dialect keys to normalized set >>> alias('sep') 'delimiter' """ key = key.lower() return aliases.get(key, key) @contextmanager def open_file(path, *args, **kwargs): f = compressed_open.get(ext(path), open)(path, *args, **kwargs) try: yield f finally: f.close() def infer_header(path, nbytes=10000, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' with open_file(path, 'rb') as f: raw = f.read(nbytes) return csv.Sniffer().has_header(raw if PY2 else raw.decode(encoding)) def sniff_dialect(path, nbytes, encoding='utf-8'): if not os.path.exists(path): return {} if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' with open_file(path, 'rb') as f: raw = f.read(nbytes) dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(raw.decode(encoding)) dialect.lineterminator = (b'\r\n' if b'\r\n' in raw else b'\n').decode(encoding) return dialect_to_dict(dialect) def dialect_to_dict(dialect): return dict((name, getattr(dialect, name)) for name in dialect_terms if hasattr(dialect, name)) class CSV(object): """ Proxy for a CSV file Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file on disk has_header : bool If the csv file has a header or not encoding : str (default utf-8) File encoding kwargs : other... Various choices about dialect """ canonical_extension = 'csv' def __init__(self, path, has_header=None, encoding='utf-8', sniff_nbytes=10000, **kwargs): self.path = path if has_header is None: self.has_header = (not os.path.exists(path) or infer_header(path, sniff_nbytes)) else: self.has_header = has_header self.encoding = encoding if encoding is not None else 'utf-8' kwargs = merge(sniff_dialect(path, sniff_nbytes, encoding=encoding), keymap(alias, kwargs)) self.dialect = valfilter(bool, dict((d, kwargs[d]) for d in dialect_terms if d in kwargs)) @append.register(CSV, object) def append_object_to_csv(c, seq, **kwargs): append(c, convert(chunks(pd.DataFrame), seq, **kwargs), **kwargs) return c compressed_open = {'gz': gzip.open, 'bz2': bz2.BZ2File} @append.register(CSV, pd.DataFrame) def append_dataframe_to_csv(c, df, dshape=None, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(c.path) or not os.path.getsize(c.path): has_header = kwargs.pop('has_header', c.has_header) else: has_header = False sep = kwargs.get('sep', kwargs.get('delimiter', c.dialect.get('delimiter', ','))) encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', c.encoding) if ext(c.path) in compressed_open: if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: kwargs['mode'] = 'at' kwargs['encoding'] = encoding elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: kwargs['mode'] = 'ab' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'at' f = compressed_open[ext(c.path)](c.path, **kwargs) else: f = c.path try: df.to_csv(f, mode='a', header=has_header, index=False, sep=sep, encoding=encoding) finally: if hasattr(f, 'close'): f.close() return c @append.register(CSV, chunks(pd.DataFrame)) def append_iterator_to_csv(c, cs, **kwargs): for chunk in cs: append(c, chunk, **kwargs) return c @convert.register(pd.DataFrame, (Temp(CSV), CSV), cost=20.0) def csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=None, chunksize=None, nrows=None, **kwargs): try: return _csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=dshape, chunksize=chunksize, nrows=nrows, **kwargs) except StopIteration: if nrows: return _csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=dshape, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs) else: raise def _csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=None, chunksize=None, **kwargs): header = {False: None, True: 0}.get( kwargs.pop('has_header', c.has_header), 'infer') sep = kwargs.pop( 'sep', kwargs.pop('delimiter', c.dialect.get('delimiter', ','))) encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', c.encoding) if dshape: dtypes, parse_dates = dshape_to_pandas(dshape) if isrecord(dshape.measure): names = kwargs.get('names', dshape.measure.names) else: names = kwargs.get('names') else: dtypes = parse_dates = names = None usecols = kwargs.pop('usecols', None) if parse_dates and usecols: parse_dates = [col for col in parse_dates if col in usecols] compression = kwargs.pop('compression', {'gz': 'gzip', 'bz2': 'bz2'}.get(ext(c.path))) # See read_csv docs for header for reasoning if names: try: found_names = pd.read_csv(c.path, encoding=encoding, compression=compression, nrows=1) except StopIteration: found_names = pd.read_csv(c.path, encoding=encoding, compression=compression) if names and header == 'infer': if [n.strip() for n in found_names] == [n.strip() for n in names]: header = 0 elif (all(re.match('^\s*\D\w*\s*$', n) for n in found_names) and not all(dt == datashape.string for dt in dshape.measure.types)): header = 0 else: header = None kwargs = keyfilter(keywords(pandas.read_csv).__contains__, kwargs) return pandas.read_csv(c.path, header=header, sep=sep, encoding=encoding, dtype=dtypes, parse_dates=parse_dates, names=names, compression=compression, chunksize=chunksize, usecols=usecols, **kwargs) @convert.register(chunks(pd.DataFrame), (Temp(CSV), CSV), cost=10.0) def CSV_to_chunks_of_dataframes(c, chunksize=2 ** 20, **kwargs): # Load a small 1000 line DF to start # This helps with rapid viewing of a large CSV file first = csv_to_dataframe(c, nrows=1000, **kwargs) if len(first) == 1000: rest = csv_to_dataframe( c, chunksize=chunksize, skiprows=1000, **kwargs) else: rest = [] def _(): yield first for df in rest: yield df return chunks(pd.DataFrame)(_) @discover.register(CSV) def discover_csv(c, nrows=1000, **kwargs): df = csv_to_dataframe(c, nrows=nrows, **kwargs) df = coerce_datetimes(df) if (list(df.columns) != list(range(len(df.columns))) and any(re.match(r'^[-\d_]*$', c) is not None for c in df.columns)): df = csv_to_dataframe(c, chunksize=50, has_header=False).get_chunk() df = coerce_datetimes(df) columns = [str(c) if not isinstance(c, (str, unicode)) else c for c in df.columns] df.columns = [c.strip() for c in columns] # Replace np.nan with None. Forces type string rather than float for col in df.columns: if not df[col].count(): df[col] = None measure = discover(df).measure # Use Series.notnull to determine Option-ness measure = Record([[name, Option(typ) if df[name].isnull().any() and not isinstance(typ, Option) else typ] for name, typ in zip(measure.names, measure.types)]) return datashape.var * measure @resource.register('.+\.(csv|tsv|ssv|data|dat)(\.gz|\.bz2?)?') def resource_csv(uri, **kwargs): return CSV(uri, **kwargs) @resource.register('.*\*.+', priority=12) def resource_glob(uri, **kwargs): filenames = sorted(glob(uri)) r = resource(filenames[0], **kwargs) return chunks(type(r))([resource(u, **kwargs) for u in sorted(glob(uri))]) @convert.register(chunks(pd.DataFrame), (chunks(CSV), chunks(Temp(CSV))), cost=10.0) def convert_glob_of_csvs_to_chunks_of_dataframes(csvs, **kwargs): def _(): return concat(convert(chunks(pd.DataFrame), csv, **kwargs) for csv in csvs) return chunks(pd.DataFrame)(_) @convert.register(Temp(CSV), (pd.DataFrame, chunks(pd.DataFrame))) def convert_dataframes_to_temporary_csv(data, **kwargs): fn = '.%s.csv' % uuid.uuid1() csv = Temp(CSV)(fn, **kwargs) return append(csv, data, **kwargs) @dispatch(CSV) def drop(c): os.unlink(c.path) ooc_types.add(CSV)
{ "repo_name": "ywang007/odo", "path": "odo/backends/csv.py", "copies": "1", "size": "9697", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 2656056217653931500, "line_mean": 30.3818770227, "line_max": 80, "alpha_frac": 0.5851294215, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.681473044798785, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.47666024662987855, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import re import os import gzip import bz2 import uuid import csv from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from glob import glob from contextlib import contextmanager from toolz import concat, keyfilter, keymap, merge, valfilter import pandas as pd from dask.threaded import get as dsk_get import datashape from datashape import discover, Record, Option from datashape.predicates import isrecord from datashape.dispatch import dispatch from ..compatibility import unicode, PY2 from ..utils import keywords, ext, sample, tmpfile from ..append import append from ..convert import convert, ooc_types from ..resource import resource from ..chunks import chunks from ..temp import Temp from ..numpy_dtype import dshape_to_pandas from .pandas import coerce_datetimes from functools import partial dialect_terms = '''delimiter doublequote escapechar lineterminator quotechar quoting skipinitialspace strict'''.split() aliases = {'sep': 'delimiter'} class PipeSniffer(csv.Sniffer): """A csv sniffer that adds the ``'|'`` character to the list of preferred delimiters and gives space the least precedence. Notes ----- The :module:`~csv` module has a list of preferred delimiters that will be returned before the delimiter(s) discovered by parsing the file. This results in a dialect having an incorrect delimiter if the data contain a non preferred delimiter and a preferred one. See the Examples section for an example showing the difference between the two sniffers. Examples -------- >>> import csv >>> data = 'a|b| c|d' # space is preferred but '|' is more common >>> csv.Sniffer().sniff(data).delimiter # incorrect ' ' >>> PipeSniffer().sniff(data).delimiter # correct '|' >>> data = 'a|b|Nov 10, 1981|d' >>> csv.Sniffer().sniff(data).delimiter # can't handle every case :( ',' """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): csv.Sniffer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.preferred = [',', '\t', ';', '|', ':', ' '] def alias(key): """ Alias kwarg dialect keys to normalized set >>> alias('sep') 'delimiter' """ key = key.lower() return aliases.get(key, key) class ModeProxy(object): """Gzipped files use int enums for mode so we want to proxy it to provide The proper string version. """ def __init__(self, file, mode): self._file = file self.mode = mode def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._file, attr) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._file) @contextmanager def open_file(path, *args, **kwargs): f = compressed_open.get(ext(path), open)(path, *args, **kwargs) try: yield ModeProxy(f, kwargs.get('mode', 'r')) finally: f.close() def infer_header(path, nbytes=10000, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' with open_file(path, 'rb') as f: raw = f.read(nbytes) if not raw: return True sniffer = PipeSniffer() decoded = raw.decode(encoding, 'replace') sniffable = decoded.encode(encoding) if PY2 else decoded try: return sniffer.has_header(sniffable) except csv.Error: return None def newlines(encoding): return b'\r\n'.decode(encoding), b'\n'.decode(encoding) def sniff_dialect(path, nbytes, encoding='utf-8'): if not os.path.exists(path): return {} if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' with open_file(path, 'rb') as f: raw = f.read(nbytes).decode(encoding or 'utf-8', 'replace') sniffer = PipeSniffer() try: dialect = sniffer.sniff(raw, delimiters=sniffer.preferred) except csv.Error: return {} crnl, nl = newlines(encoding) dialect.lineterminator = crnl if crnl in raw else nl return dialect_to_dict(dialect) def dialect_to_dict(dialect): return dict((name, getattr(dialect, name)) for name in dialect_terms if hasattr(dialect, name)) class NoCloseFile(object): def __init__(self, buffer): self._buf = buffer def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._buf, attr) def close(self): pass def __enter__(self): return self._buf def __exit__(self, *exc_info): pass def __iter__(self): return iter(self._buf) class CSV(object): """ Proxy for a CSV file Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file on disk has_header : bool If the csv file has a header or not encoding : str (default utf-8) File encoding kwargs : other... Various choices about dialect """ canonical_extension = 'csv' def __init__(self, path, has_header=None, encoding='utf-8', sniff_nbytes=10000, buffer=None, **kwargs): self.path = path self._has_header = has_header self.encoding = encoding or 'utf-8' self._kwargs = kwargs self._sniff_nbytes = sniff_nbytes self._buffer = buffer if path is not None and buffer is not None: raise ValueError("may only pass one of 'path' or 'buffer'") if path is None and buffer is None: raise ValueError("must pass one of 'path' or 'buffer'") def _sniff_dialect(self, path): kwargs = self._kwargs dialect = sniff_dialect(path, self._sniff_nbytes, encoding=self.encoding) kwargs = merge(dialect, keymap(alias, kwargs)) return valfilter(lambda x: x is not None, dict((d, kwargs[d]) for d in dialect_terms if d in kwargs)) @property def dialect(self): with sample(self) as fn: return self._sniff_dialect(fn) @property def has_header(self): if self._has_header is None: with sample(self) as fn: with open(fn, mode='rb') as f: raw = f.read() self._has_header = not raw or infer_header(fn, self._sniff_nbytes, encoding=self.encoding) return self._has_header def open(self, mode='rb', **kwargs): buf = self._buffer if buf is not None: return NoCloseFile(buf) return open_file(self.path, mode=mode, **kwargs) @sample.register(CSV) @contextmanager def sample_csv(csv, length=8192, **kwargs): if csv.path is None or not os.path.exists(csv.path): mgr = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.csv', mode='wb+') else: mgr = csv.open(mode='rb') with mgr as f: with tmpfile(csv.canonical_extension) as fn: with open(fn, mode='wb') as tmpf: tmpf.write(f.read(length)) yield fn @append.register(CSV, object) def append_object_to_csv(c, seq, **kwargs): append(c, convert(chunks(pd.DataFrame), seq, **kwargs), **kwargs) return c compressed_open = {'gz': gzip.open, 'bz2': bz2.BZ2File} @append.register(CSV, pd.DataFrame) def append_dataframe_to_csv(c, df, dshape=None, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(c.path) or not os.path.getsize(c.path): has_header = kwargs.pop('header', c.has_header) else: has_header = False sep = kwargs.get('sep', kwargs.get('delimiter', c.dialect.get('delimiter', ','))) encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', c.encoding) if ext(c.path) in compressed_open: if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: kwargs['mode'] = 'at' kwargs['encoding'] = encoding elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: kwargs['mode'] = 'ab' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'at' with c.open(mode=kwargs.get('mode', 'a')) as f: df.to_csv(f, header=has_header, index=False, sep=sep, encoding=encoding) return c @append.register(CSV, chunks(pd.DataFrame)) def append_iterator_to_csv(c, cs, **kwargs): for chunk in cs: append(c, chunk, **kwargs) return c @convert.register(pd.DataFrame, (Temp(CSV), CSV), cost=20.0) def csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=None, chunksize=None, nrows=None, **kwargs): try: return _csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=dshape, chunksize=chunksize, nrows=nrows, **kwargs) except StopIteration: if nrows: return _csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=dshape, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs) else: raise def _csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=None, chunksize=None, **kwargs): header = {False: None, True: 0}.get( kwargs.pop('has_header', c.has_header), 'infer') sep = kwargs.pop( 'sep', kwargs.pop('delimiter', c.dialect.get('delimiter', ','))) encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', c.encoding) if dshape: dtypes, parse_dates = dshape_to_pandas(dshape) if isrecord(dshape.measure): names = kwargs.get('names', dshape.measure.names) else: names = kwargs.get('names') else: dtypes = parse_dates = names = None usecols = kwargs.pop('usecols', None) if parse_dates and usecols: parse_dates = [col for col in parse_dates if col in usecols] # See read_csv docs for header for reasoning if names: try: with c.open() as f: found_names = pd.read_csv(f, nrows=1, encoding=encoding, sep=sep) except StopIteration: with c.open() as f: found_names = pd.read_csv(f, encoding=encoding, sep=sep) if names and header == 'infer': if [n.strip() for n in found_names] == [n.strip() for n in names]: header = 0 elif (all(re.match('^\s*\D\w*\s*$', n) for n in found_names) and not all(dt == datashape.string for dt in dshape.measure.types)): header = 0 else: header = None kwargs = keyfilter(keywords(pd.read_csv).__contains__, kwargs) with c.open() as f: return pd.read_csv(f, header=header, sep=sep, encoding=encoding, dtype=dtypes, parse_dates=parse_dates, names=names, chunksize=chunksize, usecols=usecols, **kwargs) @convert.register(chunks(pd.DataFrame), (Temp(CSV), CSV), cost=10.0) def CSV_to_chunks_of_dataframes(c, chunksize=2 ** 20, **kwargs): # Load a small 1000 line DF to start # This helps with rapid viewing of a large CSV file first = csv_to_dataframe(c, nrows=1000, **kwargs) if len(first) == 1000: rest = csv_to_dataframe( c, chunksize=chunksize, skiprows=1000, **kwargs) else: rest = [] data = [first] + rest return chunks(pd.DataFrame)(data) @discover.register(CSV) def discover_csv(c, nrows=1000, **kwargs): df = csv_to_dataframe(c, nrows=nrows, **kwargs) df = coerce_datetimes(df) columns = [str(c) if not isinstance(c, (str, unicode)) else c for c in df.columns] df.columns = [c.strip() for c in columns] # Replace np.nan with None. Forces type string rather than float for col in df.columns: if not df[col].count(): df[col] = None measure = discover(df).measure # Use Series.notnull to determine Option-ness measure = Record([[name, Option(typ) if df[name].isnull().any() and not isinstance(typ, Option) else typ] for name, typ in zip(measure.names, measure.types)]) return datashape.var * measure @resource.register('.+\.(csv|tsv|ssv|data|dat)(\.gz|\.bz2?)?') def resource_csv(uri, **kwargs): return CSV(uri, **kwargs) @resource.register('.*\*.+', priority=12) def resource_glob(uri, **kwargs): filenames = sorted(glob(uri)) r = resource(filenames[0], **kwargs) return chunks(type(r))([resource(u, **kwargs) for u in sorted(glob(uri))]) @convert.register(chunks(pd.DataFrame), (chunks(CSV), chunks(Temp(CSV))), cost=10.0) def convert_glob_of_csvs_to_chunks_of_dataframes(csvs, **kwargs): f = partial(convert, chunks(pd.DataFrame), **kwargs) def df_gen(): # build up a dask graph to run all of the `convert` calls concurrently # use a list to hold the requested key names to ensure that we return # the results in the correct order p = [] dsk = {} for n, csv_ in enumerate(csvs): key = 'p%d' % n dsk[key] = f, csv_ p.append(key) return concat(dsk_get(dsk, p)) return chunks(pd.DataFrame)(df_gen) @convert.register(Temp(CSV), (pd.DataFrame, chunks(pd.DataFrame))) def convert_dataframes_to_temporary_csv(data, **kwargs): fn = '.%s.csv' % uuid.uuid1() csv = Temp(CSV)(fn, **kwargs) return append(csv, data, **kwargs) @dispatch(CSV) def drop(c): if c.path is not None: os.unlink(c.path) ooc_types.add(CSV)
{ "repo_name": "quantopian/odo", "path": "odo/backends/csv.py", "copies": "4", "size": "13422", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 9091240728959497000, "line_mean": 29.0268456376, "line_max": 82, "alpha_frac": 0.5815824765, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.758611033323999, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.00033695070192381804, "num_lines": 447 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import re import os import gzip import bz2 import uuid import csv from glob import glob from contextlib import contextmanager from toolz import concat, keyfilter, keymap, merge, valfilter import pandas as pd import datashape from datashape import discover, Record, Option from datashape.predicates import isrecord from datashape.dispatch import dispatch from ..compatibility import unicode, PY2 from ..utils import keywords, ext, sample, tmpfile from ..append import append from ..convert import convert, ooc_types from ..resource import resource from ..chunks import chunks from ..temp import Temp from ..numpy_dtype import dshape_to_pandas from .pandas import coerce_datetimes dialect_terms = '''delimiter doublequote escapechar lineterminator quotechar quoting skipinitialspace strict'''.split() aliases = {'sep': 'delimiter'} class PipeSniffer(csv.Sniffer): """A csv sniffer that adds the ``'|'`` character to the list of preferred delimiters and gives space the least precedence. Notes ----- The :module:`~csv` module has a list of preferred delimiters that will be returned before the delimiter(s) discovered by parsing the file. This results in a dialect having an incorrect delimiter if the data contain a non preferred delimiter and a preferred one. See the Examples section for an example showing the difference between the two sniffers. Examples -------- >>> import csv >>> data = 'a|b| c|d' # space is preferred but '|' is more common >>> csv.Sniffer().sniff(data).delimiter # incorrect ' ' >>> PipeSniffer().sniff(data).delimiter # correct '|' >>> data = 'a|b|Nov 10, 1981|d' >>> csv.Sniffer().sniff(data).delimiter # can't handle every case :( ',' """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): csv.Sniffer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.preferred = [',', '\t', ';', '|', ':', ' '] def alias(key): """ Alias kwarg dialect keys to normalized set >>> alias('sep') 'delimiter' """ key = key.lower() return aliases.get(key, key) @contextmanager def open_file(path, *args, **kwargs): f = compressed_open.get(ext(path), open)(path, *args, **kwargs) try: yield f finally: f.close() def infer_header(path, nbytes=10000, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' with open_file(path, 'rb') as f: raw = f.read(nbytes) if not raw: return True sniffer = PipeSniffer() decoded = raw.decode(encoding, 'replace') sniffable = decoded.encode(encoding) if PY2 else decoded try: return sniffer.has_header(sniffable) except csv.Error: return None def newlines(encoding): return b'\r\n'.decode(encoding), b'\n'.decode(encoding) def sniff_dialect(path, nbytes, encoding='utf-8'): if not os.path.exists(path): return {} if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' with open_file(path, 'rb') as f: raw = f.read(nbytes).decode(encoding or 'utf-8', 'replace') sniffer = PipeSniffer() try: dialect = sniffer.sniff(raw, delimiters=sniffer.preferred) except csv.Error: return {} crnl, nl = newlines(encoding) dialect.lineterminator = crnl if crnl in raw else nl return dialect_to_dict(dialect) def dialect_to_dict(dialect): return dict((name, getattr(dialect, name)) for name in dialect_terms if hasattr(dialect, name)) class CSV(object): """ Proxy for a CSV file Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file on disk has_header : bool If the csv file has a header or not encoding : str (default utf-8) File encoding kwargs : other... Various choices about dialect """ canonical_extension = 'csv' def __init__(self, path, has_header=None, encoding='utf-8', sniff_nbytes=10000, **kwargs): self.path = path self._has_header = has_header self.encoding = encoding or 'utf-8' self._kwargs = kwargs self._sniff_nbytes = sniff_nbytes def _sniff_dialect(self, path): kwargs = self._kwargs dialect = sniff_dialect(path, self._sniff_nbytes, encoding=self.encoding) kwargs = merge(dialect, keymap(alias, kwargs)) return valfilter(lambda x: x is not None, dict((d, kwargs[d]) for d in dialect_terms if d in kwargs)) @property def dialect(self): with sample(self) as fn: return self._sniff_dialect(fn) @property def has_header(self): if self._has_header is None: with sample(self) as fn: with open(fn, mode='rb') as f: raw = f.read() self._has_header = not raw or infer_header(fn, self._sniff_nbytes, encoding=self.encoding) return self._has_header @sample.register(CSV) @contextmanager def sample_csv(csv, length=8192, **kwargs): should_delete = not os.path.exists(csv.path) if should_delete: with open_file(csv.path, mode='wb'): pass try: with open_file(csv.path, mode='rb') as f: with tmpfile(csv.canonical_extension) as fn: with open(fn, mode='wb') as tmpf: tmpf.write(f.read(length)) yield fn finally: if should_delete: os.remove(csv.path) @append.register(CSV, object) def append_object_to_csv(c, seq, **kwargs): append(c, convert(chunks(pd.DataFrame), seq, **kwargs), **kwargs) return c compressed_open = {'gz': gzip.open, 'bz2': bz2.BZ2File} @append.register(CSV, pd.DataFrame) def append_dataframe_to_csv(c, df, dshape=None, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(c.path) or not os.path.getsize(c.path): has_header = kwargs.pop('header', c.has_header) else: has_header = False sep = kwargs.get('sep', kwargs.get('delimiter', c.dialect.get('delimiter', ','))) encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', c.encoding) if ext(c.path) in compressed_open: if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: kwargs['mode'] = 'at' kwargs['encoding'] = encoding elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: kwargs['mode'] = 'ab' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'at' f = compressed_open[ext(c.path)](c.path, **kwargs) else: f = c.path try: df.to_csv(f, mode='a', header=has_header, index=False, sep=sep, encoding=encoding) finally: if hasattr(f, 'close'): f.close() return c @append.register(CSV, chunks(pd.DataFrame)) def append_iterator_to_csv(c, cs, **kwargs): for chunk in cs: append(c, chunk, **kwargs) return c @convert.register(pd.DataFrame, (Temp(CSV), CSV), cost=20.0) def csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=None, chunksize=None, nrows=None, **kwargs): try: return _csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=dshape, chunksize=chunksize, nrows=nrows, **kwargs) except StopIteration: if nrows: return _csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=dshape, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs) else: raise def _csv_to_dataframe(c, dshape=None, chunksize=None, **kwargs): header = {False: None, True: 0}.get( kwargs.pop('has_header', c.has_header), 'infer') sep = kwargs.pop( 'sep', kwargs.pop('delimiter', c.dialect.get('delimiter', ','))) encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', c.encoding) if dshape: dtypes, parse_dates = dshape_to_pandas(dshape) if isrecord(dshape.measure): names = kwargs.get('names', dshape.measure.names) else: names = kwargs.get('names') else: dtypes = parse_dates = names = None usecols = kwargs.pop('usecols', None) if parse_dates and usecols: parse_dates = [col for col in parse_dates if col in usecols] compression = kwargs.pop('compression', {'gz': 'gzip', 'bz2': 'bz2'}.get(ext(c.path))) # See read_csv docs for header for reasoning if names: try: found_names = pd.read_csv(c.path, encoding=encoding, compression=compression, nrows=1) except StopIteration: found_names = pd.read_csv(c.path, encoding=encoding, compression=compression) if names and header == 'infer': if [n.strip() for n in found_names] == [n.strip() for n in names]: header = 0 elif (all(re.match('^\s*\D\w*\s*$', n) for n in found_names) and not all(dt == datashape.string for dt in dshape.measure.types)): header = 0 else: header = None kwargs = keyfilter(keywords(pd.read_csv).__contains__, kwargs) return pd.read_csv(c.path, header=header, sep=sep, encoding=encoding, dtype=dtypes, parse_dates=parse_dates, names=names, compression=compression, chunksize=chunksize, usecols=usecols, **kwargs) @convert.register(chunks(pd.DataFrame), (Temp(CSV), CSV), cost=10.0) def CSV_to_chunks_of_dataframes(c, chunksize=2 ** 20, **kwargs): # Load a small 1000 line DF to start # This helps with rapid viewing of a large CSV file first = csv_to_dataframe(c, nrows=1000, **kwargs) if len(first) == 1000: rest = csv_to_dataframe( c, chunksize=chunksize, skiprows=1000, **kwargs) else: rest = [] def _(): yield first for df in rest: yield df return chunks(pd.DataFrame)(_) @discover.register(CSV) def discover_csv(c, nrows=1000, **kwargs): df = csv_to_dataframe(c, nrows=nrows, **kwargs) df = coerce_datetimes(df) if (list(df.columns) != list(range(len(df.columns))) and any(re.match(r'^[-\d_]*$', c) is not None for c in df.columns)): df = csv_to_dataframe(c, chunksize=50, has_header=False).get_chunk() df = coerce_datetimes(df) columns = [str(c) if not isinstance(c, (str, unicode)) else c for c in df.columns] df.columns = [c.strip() for c in columns] # Replace np.nan with None. Forces type string rather than float for col in df.columns: if not df[col].count(): df[col] = None measure = discover(df).measure # Use Series.notnull to determine Option-ness measure = Record([[name, Option(typ) if df[name].isnull().any() and not isinstance(typ, Option) else typ] for name, typ in zip(measure.names, measure.types)]) return datashape.var * measure @resource.register('.+\.(csv|tsv|ssv|data|dat)(\.gz|\.bz2?)?') def resource_csv(uri, **kwargs): return CSV(uri, **kwargs) @resource.register('.*\*.+', priority=12) def resource_glob(uri, **kwargs): filenames = sorted(glob(uri)) r = resource(filenames[0], **kwargs) return chunks(type(r))([resource(u, **kwargs) for u in sorted(glob(uri))]) @convert.register(chunks(pd.DataFrame), (chunks(CSV), chunks(Temp(CSV))), cost=10.0) def convert_glob_of_csvs_to_chunks_of_dataframes(csvs, **kwargs): def _(): return concat(convert(chunks(pd.DataFrame), csv, **kwargs) for csv in csvs) return chunks(pd.DataFrame)(_) @convert.register(Temp(CSV), (pd.DataFrame, chunks(pd.DataFrame))) def convert_dataframes_to_temporary_csv(data, **kwargs): fn = '.%s.csv' % uuid.uuid1() csv = Temp(CSV)(fn, **kwargs) return append(csv, data, **kwargs) @dispatch(CSV) def drop(c): os.unlink(c.path) ooc_types.add(CSV)
{ "repo_name": "cpcloud/odo", "path": "odo/backends/csv.py", "copies": "1", "size": "12189", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -199809839448757820, "line_mean": 29.9365482234, "line_max": 82, "alpha_frac": 0.5850356879, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.7082445999391545, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9791368905050323, "avg_score": 0.00038227655776636204, "num_lines": 394 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import re import subprocess from os.path import join, basename from conda_build.conda_interface import memoized from conda_build.conda_interface import untracked from conda_build.conda_interface import linked_data from conda_build.os_utils.macho import otool from conda_build.os_utils.pyldd import codefile_class, inspect_linkages, machofile, is_codefile LDD_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)\s*=>\s*(.*?)\s*\(.*\)') LDD_NOT_FOUND_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)\s*=>\s*not found') def ldd(path): "thin wrapper around ldd" lines = subprocess.check_output(['ldd', path]).decode('utf-8').splitlines() res = [] for line in lines: if '=>' not in line: continue assert line[0] == '\t', (path, line) m = LDD_RE.match(line) if m: res.append(m.groups()) continue m = LDD_NOT_FOUND_RE.match(line) if m: res.append((m.group(1), 'not found')) continue if 'ld-linux' in line: continue raise RuntimeError("Unexpected output from ldd: %s" % line) return res @memoized def get_linkages(obj_files, prefix, sysroot): res = {} for f in obj_files: path = join(prefix, f) # ldd quite often fails on foreign architectures. ldd_failed = False # Detect the filetype to emulate what the system-native tool does. klass = codefile_class(path) if klass == machofile: resolve_filenames = False recurse = False else: resolve_filenames = True recurse = True try: if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): res[f] = ldd(path) elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): links = otool(path) res[f] = [(basename(l['name']), l['name']) for l in links] except: ldd_failed = True finally: res_py = inspect_linkages(path, resolve_filenames=resolve_filenames, sysroot=sysroot, recurse=recurse) res_py = [(basename(lp), lp) for lp in res_py] if ldd_failed: res[f] = res_py else: if set(res[f]) != set(res_py): print("WARNING: pyldd disagrees with ldd/otool. This will not cause any") print("WARNING: problems for this build, but please file a bug at:") print("WARNING: https://github.com/conda/conda-build") print("WARNING: and (if possible) attach file {}".format(path)) print("WARNING: \nldd/otool gives:\n{}\npyldd gives:\n{}\n" .format("\n".join(str(e) for e in res[f]), "\n".join(str(e) for e in res_py))) print("Diffs\n{}".format(set(res[f]) - set(res_py))) print("Diffs\n{}".format(set(res_py) - set(res[f]))) return res @memoized def get_package_obj_files(dist, prefix): data = linked_data(prefix).get(dist) res = [] if data: for f in data.get('files', []): path = join(prefix, f) if is_codefile(path): res.append(f) return res @memoized def get_untracked_obj_files(prefix): res = [] files = untracked(prefix) for f in files: path = join(prefix, f) if is_codefile(path): res.append(f) return res
{ "repo_name": "pelson/conda-build", "path": "conda_build/os_utils/ldd.py", "copies": "4", "size": "3589", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 6148140749766158000, "line_mean": 31.3333333333, "line_max": 97, "alpha_frac": 0.5377542491, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.730769230769231, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.626852347986923, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import re import subprocess import json from os.path import join, basename from conda.utils import memoized from conda.misc import untracked from conda_build import post from conda_build.macho import otool LDD_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)\s*=>\s*(.*?)\s*\(.*\)') LDD_NOT_FOUND_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)\s*=>\s*not found') def ldd(path): "thin wrapper around ldd" lines = subprocess.check_output(['ldd', path]).decode('utf-8').splitlines() res = [] for line in lines: if '=>' not in line: continue assert line[0] == '\t', (path, line) m = LDD_RE.match(line) if m: res.append(m.groups()) continue m = LDD_NOT_FOUND_RE.match(line) if m: res.append((m.group(1), 'not found')) continue if 'ld-linux' in line: continue raise RuntimeError("Unexpected output from ldd: %s" % line) return res @memoized def get_linkages(obj_files, prefix): res = {} for f in obj_files: path = join(prefix, f) if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): res[f] = ldd(path) elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): links = otool(path) res[f] = [(basename(l), l) for l in links] return res @memoized def get_package_obj_files(dist, prefix): with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', dist + '.json')) as f: data = json.load(f) res = [] files = data['files'] for f in files: path = join(prefix, f) if post.is_obj(path): res.append(f) return res @memoized def get_untracked_obj_files(prefix): res = [] files = untracked(prefix) for f in files: path = join(prefix, f) if post.is_obj(path): res.append(f) return res
{ "repo_name": "rmcgibbo/conda-build", "path": "conda_build/ldd.py", "copies": "8", "size": "1895", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 1919287085528393700, "line_mean": 22.9873417722, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.5667546174, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.3718861209964412, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.7938640738396442, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import string import llvm.core as lc from llvm import LLVMException from .. import llvm_array as lla from .blaze_kernels import BlazeElementKernel, refresh_name from . import blaze_kernels from blaze.py2help import _strtypes def letters(source=string.ascii_lowercase): k = 0 while 1: for a in source: yield a+str(k) if k else a k = k+1 # An Argument to a kernel tree (encapsulates the array, argument kind and rank) # FIXME --- perhaps we should have _llvmtype be a SCALAR kind or a string that gets converted # to the correct llvmtype when needed. class Argument(object): _shape = None def __init__(self, dshape, kind, rank, llvmtype): self.dshape = dshape if isinstance(kind, tuple): kind = kind[0] self.kind = kind self.rank = rank self._llvmtype = llvmtype #def __eq__(self, other): # if not isinstance(other, Argument): # return NotImplemented # # FIXME: Should remove kind check and cast different kinds # # in the generated code. # return ((self.dshape is other.dshape) and # (self.rank == other.rank) and # (self.kind==other.kind)) # FIXME: # Because module linking destroys struct names we need to store # a stringified version of the element type and then # convert as needed... @property def llvmtype(self): self._llvmtype = refresh_name(self._llvmtype) return self._llvmtype #@property #def shape(self): # if self._shape is None: # if self.rank == 0: # self._shape = () # else: # self._shape = self.arr.dshape.shape[-self.rank:] # return self._shape def get_kernel_dshape(self): """Returns the kernel data-shape of the argument.""" rank = self.rank total_dshape = self.dshape sub = len(total_dshape)-1-rank return total_dshape.subarray(sub) # A KernelTree is just the bare element-wise kernel functions # (no arguments). Any arguments are identified as unique-names # in an abstract name-space # All nodes in the kernel tree can also be named # or else a unique-name # from the abstract name-space will be created. # Each KernelTree has a single llvm module name-space class KernelTree(object): _stream_of_unique_names = letters() _stream_of_unique_kernels = letters() _fused = None _funcptr = None _ctypes = None _mark = False _shape = None def __init__(self, kernel, children=[], name=None): assert isinstance(kernel, BlazeElementKernel) for el in children: assert isinstance(el, (KernelTree, Argument)) self.kernel = kernel self.children = children if name is None: name = 'node_' + next(self._stream_of_unique_names) self.name = name def _reset_marks(self): self._mark = False if not self.leafnode: for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, KernelTree): child._reset_marks() def sorted_nodes(self): """Return depth-first list of unique KernelTree Nodes. The root of the tree will be the last node. """ nodes = [] self._reset_marks() self.visit(nodes) return nodes @property def shape(self): if self._shape is None: shapeargs = [child.shape for child in self.children] self._shape = self.kernel.shapefunc(*shapeargs) return self._shape @property def leafnode(self): return all(isinstance(child, Argument) for child in self.children) def visit(self, nodes): if not self.leafnode: for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, KernelTree): child.visit(nodes) if not self._mark: nodes.append(self) self._mark = True def fuse(self): if self._fused is not None: return self._fused # Even if self is a leaf node (self.leafnode is True), do # this processing, so as to consistently combine repeated # arguments. krnlobj, children = fuse_kerneltree(self, self.kernel.module) new = KernelTree(krnlobj, children) self._update_kernelptrs(new) return new def _update_kernelptrs(self, eltree): self._fused = eltree kernel = eltree.kernel self._funcptr = self._funcptr or kernel.func_ptr self._ctypes = self._ctypes or kernel.ctypes_func @property def func_ptr(self): if self._funcptr is None: self.fuse() return self._funcptr @property def ctypes_func(self): if self._ctypes is None: self.fuse() return self._ctypes def make_ckernel_deferred(self, out_dshape): return self.fuse().kernel.make_ckernel_deferred(out_dshape) def __str__(self): pre = self.name + '(' post = ')' strs = [] for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, Argument): strs.append('<arg>') else: strs.append(str(child)) body = ",".join(strs) return pre + body + post class _cleanup(object): def __init__(self, builder, freefunc, freedata): self.freefunc = freefunc self.freedata = freedata self.builder = builder def _dealloc(self): self.builder.call(self.freefunc, [self.freedata]) # This modifies the node to add a reference the output as llvm_obj def insert_instructions(node, builder, output=None): kernel = node.kernel is_scalar = (kernel.kinds[-1] == lla.SCALAR) #allocate space for output if necessary new = None if output is None: if kernel.kinds[-1] == lla.POINTER: output = builder.alloca(kernel.argtypes[-1].pointee) elif not is_scalar: # Array kind = kernel.kinds[-1][0] eltype = kernel.argtypes[-1].pointee.elements[0].pointee assert node.shape is not None assert kernel.argtypes[-1].pointee.elements[1].count == len(node.shape) output, freefunc, freedata = lla.create_array( builder, node.shape, kind, eltype) new = _cleanup(builder, freefunc, freedata) #Setup the argument list args = [child.llvm_obj for child in node.children] if not is_scalar: args.append(output) # call the kernel corresponding to this node # bitcast any arguments that don't match the kernel.function type # for array types and pointer types... Needed because inputs might # be from different compilers... newargs = [] kfunc_args = kernel.func.type.pointee.args for kind, oldarg, needed_type in zip(kernel.kinds, args, kfunc_args): newarg = oldarg if (kind != lla.SCALAR) and (needed_type != oldarg.type): newarg = builder.bitcast(oldarg, needed_type) newargs.append(newarg) res = builder.call(kernel.func, newargs) assert kernel.func.module is builder.basic_block.function.module if is_scalar: node.llvm_obj = res else: node.llvm_obj = output return new # This also replaces arguments with the unique argument in the kernel tree def find_unique_args(tree, unique_args): for i, element in enumerate(tree.children): if isinstance(element, Argument): try: index = unique_args.index(element) except ValueError: # not found unique_args.append(element) else: tree.children[i] = unique_args[index] else: find_unique_args(element, unique_args) def get_fused_type(tree): """Get the function type of the compound kernel """ outkrn = tree.kernel # If this is not a SCALAR then we need to attach another node out_kind = outkrn.kinds[-1] out_type = outkrn.func.type.pointee.return_type unique_args = [] find_unique_args(tree, unique_args) args = [arg.llvmtype for arg in unique_args] if out_kind != lla.SCALAR: args.append(outkrn.argtypes[-1]) return unique_args, lc.Type.function(out_type, args) def fuse_kerneltree(tree, module_or_name): """Fuse the kernel tree into a single kernel object with the common names Examples: add(multiply(b,c),subtract(d,f)) var tmp0 = multiply(b,c) var tmp1 = subtract(d,f) return add(tmp0, tmp1) var tmp0; var tmp1; multiply(b,c,&tmp0) subtract(d,f,&tmp1) add(tmp0, tmp1, &res) """ if isinstance(module_or_name, _strtypes): module = Module.new(module_or_name) else: module = module_or_name args, func_type = get_fused_type(tree) outdshape = tree.kernel.dshapes[-1] try: func = module.get_function_named(tree.name+"_fused") except LLVMException: func = lc.Function.new(module, func_type, tree.name+"_fused") block = func.append_basic_block('entry') builder = lc.Builder.new(block) # TODO: Create wrapped function for functions # that need to loop over their inputs # Attach the llvm_object to the Argument objects for i, arg in enumerate(args): arg.llvm_obj = func.args[i] # topologically sort the kernel-tree nodes and then for each node # site we issue instructions to compute the value nodelist = tree.sorted_nodes() cleanup = [] # Objects to deallocate any temporary heap memory needed # ust have a _dealloc method def _temp_cleanup(): for obj in cleanup: if obj is not None: obj._dealloc() #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() for node in nodelist[:-1]: node.kernel.attach(module) new = insert_instructions(node, builder) cleanup.append(new) nodelist[-1].kernel.attach(module) if tree.kernel.kinds[-1] == lla.SCALAR: new = insert_instructions(nodelist[-1], builder) cleanup.append(new) _temp_cleanup() builder.ret(nodelist[-1].llvm_obj) else: new = insert_instructions(nodelist[-1], builder, func.args[-1]) cleanup.append(new) _temp_cleanup() builder.ret_void() dshapes = [arg.get_kernel_dshape() for arg in args] dshapes.append(outdshape) newkernel = BlazeElementKernel(func, dshapes) return newkernel, args
{ "repo_name": "zeeshanali/blaze", "path": "blaze/compute/bkernel/kernel_tree.py", "copies": "2", "size": "10731", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 3762502417649541600, "line_mean": 30.4692082111, "line_max": 93, "alpha_frac": 0.6034852297, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.8421052631578947, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.005245098804009226, "num_lines": 341 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import subprocess from os.path import islink, isfile from conda_build import utils NO_EXT = ( '.py', '.pyc', '.pyo', '.h', '.a', '.c', '.txt', '.html', '.xml', '.png', '.jpg', '.gif', '.class', ) MAGIC = { b'\xca\xfe\xba\xbe': 'MachO-universal', b'\xce\xfa\xed\xfe': 'MachO-i386', b'\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe': 'MachO-x86_64', b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xce': 'MachO-ppc', b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xcf': 'MachO-ppc64', } FILETYPE = { 1: 'MH_OBJECT', 2: 'MH_EXECUTE', 3: 'MH_FVMLIB', 4: 'MH_CORE', 5: 'MH_PRELOAD', 6: 'MH_DYLIB', 7: 'MH_DYLINKER', 8: 'MH_BUNDLE', 9: 'MH_DYLIB_STUB', 10: 'MH_DSYM', 11: 'MH_KEXT_BUNDLE', } def is_macho(path): if path.endswith(NO_EXT) or islink(path) or not isfile(path): return False with open(path, 'rb') as fi: head = fi.read(4) return bool(head in MAGIC) def is_dylib(path): return human_filetype(path) == 'DYLIB' def human_filetype(path): output, _ = utils.execute(['otool', '-h', path], check_exit_code=True) lines = output.splitlines() assert lines[0].startswith(path), path for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith('0x'): header = line.split() filetype = int(header[4]) return FILETYPE[filetype][3:] def otool(path): "thin wrapper around otool -L" output, _ = utils.execute(['otool', '-L', path], check_exit_code=True) lines = output.splitlines() assert lines[0].startswith(path), path res = [] for line in lines[1:]: assert line[0] == '\t', path res.append(line.split()[0]) return res def get_rpaths(path): output, _ = utils.execute(['otool', '-l', path], check_exit_code=True) lines = output.splitlines() check_for_rpath = False rpaths = [] for line in lines: if 'cmd LC_RPATH' in line: check_for_rpath = True if check_for_rpath and 'path' in line: _, rpath, _ = line.split(None, 2) rpaths.append(rpath) return rpaths def install_name_change(path, cb_func): """ change dynamic shared library install names of Mach-O binary `path`. `cb_func` is a callback function which called for each shared library name. It is called with `path` and the current shared library install name, and return the new name (or None if the name should be unchanged). """ changes = [] for link in otool(path): # The first link may be the install name of the library itself, but # this isn't a big deal because install_name_tool -change is a no-op # if given a dependent install name that doesn't exist. new_link = cb_func(path, link) if new_link: changes.append((link, new_link)) ret = True for old, new in changes: return_code = 0 args = ['install_name_tool', '-change', old, new, path] print(' '.join(args)) try: stdout, stderr = utils.execute(args, check_exit_code=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: stdout, stderr = exc.output return_code = exc.return_code if "Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file" in stderr: print("Skipping Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file %s" % path) ret = False continue else: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) if return_code: raise RuntimeError("install_name_tool failed with exit " "status %d" % return_code) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.platform == 'darwin': for path in '/bin/ls', '/etc/locate.rc': print(path, is_macho(path))
{ "repo_name": "rmcgibbo/conda-build", "path": "conda_build/macho.py", "copies": "2", "size": "3780", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 5980538053174119000, "line_mean": 28.3023255814, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.5788359788, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.402340234023402, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9973239133351894, "avg_score": 0.0015874158943014393, "num_lines": 129 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import subprocess from os.path import islink, isfile NO_EXT = ( '.py', '.pyc', '.pyo', '.h', '.a', '.c', '.txt', '.html', '.xml', '.png', '.jpg', '.gif', '.class', ) MAGIC = { b'\xca\xfe\xba\xbe': 'MachO-universal', b'\xce\xfa\xed\xfe': 'MachO-i386', b'\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe': 'MachO-x86_64', b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xce': 'MachO-ppc', b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xcf': 'MachO-ppc64', } FILETYPE = { 1: 'MH_OBJECT', 2: 'MH_EXECUTE', 3: 'MH_FVMLIB', 4: 'MH_CORE', 5: 'MH_PRELOAD', 6: 'MH_DYLIB', 7: 'MH_DYLINKER', 8: 'MH_BUNDLE', 9: 'MH_DYLIB_STUB', 10: 'MH_DSYM', 11: 'MH_KEXT_BUNDLE', } def is_macho(path): if path.endswith(NO_EXT) or islink(path) or not isfile(path): return False with open(path, 'rb') as fi: head = fi.read(4) return bool(head in MAGIC) def is_dylib(path): return human_filetype(path) == 'DYLIB' def human_filetype(path): lines = subprocess.check_output(['otool', '-h', path]).decode('utf-8').splitlines() assert lines[0].startswith(path), path for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith('0x'): header = line.split() filetype = int(header[4]) return FILETYPE[filetype][3:] def otool(path): "thin wrapper around otool -L" lines = subprocess.check_output(['otool', '-L', path]).decode('utf-8').splitlines() assert lines[0].startswith(path), path res = [] for line in lines[1:]: assert line[0] == '\t', path res.append(line.split()[0]) return res def get_rpaths(path): lines = subprocess.check_output(['otool', '-l', path]).decode('utf-8').splitlines() check_for_rpath = False rpaths = [] for line in lines: if 'cmd LC_RPATH' in line: check_for_rpath = True if check_for_rpath and 'path' in line: _, rpath, _ = line.split(None, 2) rpaths.append(rpath) return rpaths def install_name_change(path, cb_func): """ change dynamic shared library install names of Mach-O binary `path`. `cb_func` is a callback function which called for each shared library name. It is called with `path` and the current shared library install name, and return the new name (or None if the name should be unchanged). """ changes = [] for link in otool(path): # The first link may be the install name of the library itself, but # this isn't a big deal because install_name_tool -change is a no-op # if given a dependent install name that doesn't exist. new_link = cb_func(path, link) if new_link: changes.append((link, new_link)) ret = True for old, new in changes: args = ['install_name_tool', '-change', old, new, path] print(' '.join(args)) p = subprocess.Popen(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') if "Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file" in stderr: print("Skipping Mach-O dynamic shared library stub file %s" % path) ret = False continue else: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) if p.returncode: raise RuntimeError("install_name_tool failed with exit status %d" % p.returncode) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.platform == 'darwin': for path in '/bin/ls', '/etc/locate.rc': print(path, is_macho(path))
{ "repo_name": "frol/conda-build", "path": "conda_build/macho.py", "copies": "2", "size": "3576", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 4032862317009906000, "line_mean": 29.5641025641, "line_max": 87, "alpha_frac": 0.5813758389, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.3704052780395855, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.49517811169395853, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import textwrap import warnings import email import time import random import threading import json import stripe from stripe import error, util, six from stripe.request_metrics import RequestMetrics # - Requests is the preferred HTTP library # - Google App Engine has urlfetch # - Use Pycurl if it's there (at least it verifies SSL certs) # - Fall back to urllib2 with a warning if needed try: from stripe.six.moves import urllib except ImportError: # Try to load in urllib2, but don't sweat it if it's not available. pass try: import pycurl except ImportError: pycurl = None try: import requests except ImportError: requests = None else: try: # Require version 0.8.8, but don't want to depend on distutils version = requests.__version__ major, minor, patch = [int(i) for i in version.split(".")] except Exception: # Probably some new-fangled version, so it should support verify pass else: if (major, minor, patch) < (0, 8, 8): sys.stderr.write( "Warning: the Stripe library requires that your Python " '"requests" library be newer than version 0.8.8, but your ' '"requests" library is version %s. Stripe will fall back to ' "an alternate HTTP library so everything should work. We " 'recommend upgrading your "requests" library. If you have any ' "questions, please contact support@stripe.com. (HINT: running " '"pip install -U requests" should upgrade your requests ' "library to the latest version.)" % (version,) ) requests = None try: from google.appengine.api import urlfetch except ImportError: urlfetch = None # proxy support for the pycurl client from stripe.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse def _now_ms(): return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) def new_default_http_client(*args, **kwargs): if urlfetch: impl = UrlFetchClient elif requests: impl = RequestsClient elif pycurl: impl = PycurlClient else: impl = Urllib2Client warnings.warn( "Warning: the Stripe library is falling back to urllib2/urllib " "because neither requests nor pycurl are installed. " "urllib2's SSL implementation doesn't verify server " "certificates. For improved security, we suggest installing " "requests." ) return impl(*args, **kwargs) class HTTPClient(object): MAX_DELAY = 2 INITIAL_DELAY = 0.5 MAX_RETRY_AFTER = 60 def __init__(self, verify_ssl_certs=True, proxy=None): self._verify_ssl_certs = verify_ssl_certs if proxy: if isinstance(proxy, str): proxy = {"http": proxy, "https": proxy} if not isinstance(proxy, dict): raise ValueError( "Proxy(ies) must be specified as either a string " "URL or a dict() with string URL under the" " " "https" " and/or " "http" " keys." ) self._proxy = proxy.copy() if proxy else None self._thread_local = threading.local() def request_with_retries(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): return self._request_with_retries_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=False ) def request_stream_with_retries( self, method, url, headers, post_data=None ): return self._request_with_retries_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=True ) def _request_with_retries_internal( self, method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming ): self._add_telemetry_header(headers) num_retries = 0 while True: request_start = _now_ms() try: if is_streaming: response = self.request_stream( method, url, headers, post_data ) else: response = self.request(method, url, headers, post_data) connection_error = None except error.APIConnectionError as e: connection_error = e response = None if self._should_retry(response, connection_error, num_retries): if connection_error: util.log_info( "Encountered a retryable error %s" % connection_error.user_message ) num_retries += 1 sleep_time = self._sleep_time_seconds(num_retries, response) util.log_info( ( "Initiating retry %i for request %s %s after " "sleeping %.2f seconds." % (num_retries, method, url, sleep_time) ) ) time.sleep(sleep_time) else: if response is not None: self._record_request_metrics(response, request_start) return response else: raise connection_error def request(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): raise NotImplementedError( "HTTPClient subclasses must implement `request`" ) def request_stream(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): raise NotImplementedError( "HTTPClient subclasses must implement `request_stream`" ) def _should_retry(self, response, api_connection_error, num_retries): if num_retries >= self._max_network_retries(): return False if response is None: # We generally want to retry on timeout and connection # exceptions, but defer this decision to underlying subclass # implementations. They should evaluate the driver-specific # errors worthy of retries, and set flag on the error returned. return api_connection_error.should_retry _, status_code, rheaders = response # The API may ask us not to retry (eg; if doing so would be a no-op) # or advise us to retry (eg; in cases of lock timeouts); we defer to that. # # Note that we expect the headers object to be a CaseInsensitiveDict, as is the case with the requests library. if rheaders is not None and "stripe-should-retry" in rheaders: if rheaders["stripe-should-retry"] == "false": return False if rheaders["stripe-should-retry"] == "true": return True # Retry on conflict errors. if status_code == 409: return True # Retry on 500, 503, and other internal errors. # # Note that we expect the stripe-should-retry header to be false # in most cases when a 500 is returned, since our idempotency framework # would typically replay it anyway. if status_code >= 500: return True return False def _max_network_retries(self): from stripe import max_network_retries # Configured retries, isolated here for tests return max_network_retries def _retry_after_header(self, response=None): if response is None: return None _, _, rheaders = response try: return int(rheaders["retry-after"]) except (KeyError, ValueError): return None def _sleep_time_seconds(self, num_retries, response=None): # Apply exponential backoff with initial_network_retry_delay on the # number of num_retries so far as inputs. # Do not allow the number to exceed max_network_retry_delay. sleep_seconds = min( HTTPClient.INITIAL_DELAY * (2 ** (num_retries - 1)), HTTPClient.MAX_DELAY, ) sleep_seconds = self._add_jitter_time(sleep_seconds) # But never sleep less than the base sleep seconds. sleep_seconds = max(HTTPClient.INITIAL_DELAY, sleep_seconds) # And never sleep less than the time the API asks us to wait, assuming it's a reasonable ask. retry_after = self._retry_after_header(response) or 0 if retry_after <= HTTPClient.MAX_RETRY_AFTER: sleep_seconds = max(retry_after, sleep_seconds) return sleep_seconds def _add_jitter_time(self, sleep_seconds): # Randomize the value in [(sleep_seconds/ 2) to (sleep_seconds)] # Also separated method here to isolate randomness for tests sleep_seconds *= 0.5 * (1 + random.uniform(0, 1)) return sleep_seconds def _add_telemetry_header(self, headers): last_request_metrics = getattr( self._thread_local, "last_request_metrics", None ) if stripe.enable_telemetry and last_request_metrics: telemetry = { "last_request_metrics": last_request_metrics.payload() } headers["X-Stripe-Client-Telemetry"] = json.dumps(telemetry) def _record_request_metrics(self, response, request_start): _, _, rheaders = response if "Request-Id" in rheaders and stripe.enable_telemetry: request_id = rheaders["Request-Id"] request_duration_ms = _now_ms() - request_start self._thread_local.last_request_metrics = RequestMetrics( request_id, request_duration_ms ) def close(self): raise NotImplementedError( "HTTPClient subclasses must implement `close`" ) class RequestsClient(HTTPClient): name = "requests" def __init__(self, timeout=80, session=None, **kwargs): super(RequestsClient, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._session = session self._timeout = timeout def request(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): return self._request_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=False ) def request_stream(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): return self._request_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=True ) def _request_internal(self, method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming): kwargs = {} if self._verify_ssl_certs: kwargs["verify"] = stripe.ca_bundle_path else: kwargs["verify"] = False if self._proxy: kwargs["proxies"] = self._proxy if is_streaming: kwargs["stream"] = True if getattr(self._thread_local, "session", None) is None: self._thread_local.session = self._session or requests.Session() try: try: result = self._thread_local.session.request( method, url, headers=headers, data=post_data, timeout=self._timeout, **kwargs ) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( "Warning: It looks like your installed version of the " '"requests" library is not compatible with Stripe\'s ' "usage thereof. (HINT: The most likely cause is that " 'your "requests" library is out of date. You can fix ' 'that by running "pip install -U requests".) The ' "underlying error was: %s" % (e,) ) if is_streaming: content = result.raw else: # This causes the content to actually be read, which could cause # e.g. a socket timeout. TODO: The other fetch methods probably # are susceptible to the same and should be updated. content = result.content status_code = result.status_code except Exception as e: # Would catch just requests.exceptions.RequestException, but can # also raise ValueError, RuntimeError, etc. self._handle_request_error(e) return content, status_code, result.headers def _handle_request_error(self, e): # Catch SSL error first as it belongs to ConnectionError, # but we don't want to retry if isinstance(e, requests.exceptions.SSLError): msg = ( "Could not verify Stripe's SSL certificate. Please make " "sure that your network is not intercepting certificates. " "If this problem persists, let us know at " "support@stripe.com." ) err = "%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e)) should_retry = False # Retry only timeout and connect errors; similar to urllib3 Retry elif isinstance( e, (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError), ): msg = ( "Unexpected error communicating with Stripe. " "If this problem persists, let us know at " "support@stripe.com." ) err = "%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e)) should_retry = True # Catch remaining request exceptions elif isinstance(e, requests.exceptions.RequestException): msg = ( "Unexpected error communicating with Stripe. " "If this problem persists, let us know at " "support@stripe.com." ) err = "%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e)) should_retry = False else: msg = ( "Unexpected error communicating with Stripe. " "It looks like there's probably a configuration " "issue locally. If this problem persists, let us " "know at support@stripe.com." ) err = "A %s was raised" % (type(e).__name__,) if str(e): err += " with error message %s" % (str(e),) else: err += " with no error message" should_retry = False msg = textwrap.fill(msg) + "\n\n(Network error: %s)" % (err,) raise error.APIConnectionError(msg, should_retry=should_retry) def close(self): if getattr(self._thread_local, "session", None) is not None: self._thread_local.session.close() class UrlFetchClient(HTTPClient): name = "urlfetch" def __init__(self, verify_ssl_certs=True, proxy=None, deadline=55): super(UrlFetchClient, self).__init__( verify_ssl_certs=verify_ssl_certs, proxy=proxy ) # no proxy support in urlfetch. for a patch, see: # https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=544 if proxy: raise ValueError( "No proxy support in urlfetch library. " "Set stripe.default_http_client to either RequestsClient, " "PycurlClient, or Urllib2Client instance to use a proxy." ) self._verify_ssl_certs = verify_ssl_certs # GAE requests time out after 60 seconds, so make sure to default # to 55 seconds to allow for a slow Stripe self._deadline = deadline def request(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): return self._request_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=False ) def request_stream(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): return self._request_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=True ) def _request_internal(self, method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming): try: result = urlfetch.fetch( url=url, method=method, headers=headers, # Google App Engine doesn't let us specify our own cert bundle. # However, that's ok because the CA bundle they use recognizes # api.stripe.com. validate_certificate=self._verify_ssl_certs, deadline=self._deadline, payload=post_data, ) except urlfetch.Error as e: self._handle_request_error(e, url) if is_streaming: content = util.io.BytesIO(str.encode(result.content)) else: content = result.content return content, result.status_code, result.headers def _handle_request_error(self, e, url): if isinstance(e, urlfetch.InvalidURLError): msg = ( "The Stripe library attempted to fetch an " "invalid URL (%r). This is likely due to a bug " "in the Stripe Python bindings. Please let us know " "at support@stripe.com." % (url,) ) elif isinstance(e, urlfetch.DownloadError): msg = "There was a problem retrieving data from Stripe." elif isinstance(e, urlfetch.ResponseTooLargeError): msg = ( "There was a problem receiving all of your data from " "Stripe. This is likely due to a bug in Stripe. " "Please let us know at support@stripe.com." ) else: msg = ( "Unexpected error communicating with Stripe. If this " "problem persists, let us know at support@stripe.com." ) msg = textwrap.fill(msg) + "\n\n(Network error: " + str(e) + ")" raise error.APIConnectionError(msg) def close(self): pass class PycurlClient(HTTPClient): name = "pycurl" def __init__(self, verify_ssl_certs=True, proxy=None): super(PycurlClient, self).__init__( verify_ssl_certs=verify_ssl_certs, proxy=proxy ) # Initialize this within the object so that we can reuse connections. self._curl = pycurl.Curl() # need to urlparse the proxy, since PyCurl # consumes the proxy url in small pieces if self._proxy: # now that we have the parser, get the proxy url pieces proxy = self._proxy for scheme, value in six.iteritems(proxy): proxy[scheme] = urlparse(value) def parse_headers(self, data): if "\r\n" not in data: return {} raw_headers = data.split("\r\n", 1)[1] headers = email.message_from_string(raw_headers) return dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in six.iteritems(dict(headers))) def request(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): return self._request_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=False ) def request_stream(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): return self._request_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=True ) def _request_internal(self, method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming): b = util.io.BytesIO() rheaders = util.io.BytesIO() # Pycurl's design is a little weird: although we set per-request # options on this object, it's also capable of maintaining established # connections. Here we call reset() between uses to make sure it's in a # pristine state, but notably reset() doesn't reset connections, so we # still get to take advantage of those by virtue of re-using the same # object. self._curl.reset() proxy = self._get_proxy(url) if proxy: if proxy.hostname: self._curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, proxy.hostname) if proxy.port: self._curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXYPORT, proxy.port) if proxy.username or proxy.password: self._curl.setopt( pycurl.PROXYUSERPWD, "%s:%s" % (proxy.username, proxy.password), ) if method == "get": self._curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPGET, 1) elif method == "post": self._curl.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1) self._curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, post_data) else: self._curl.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, method.upper()) # pycurl doesn't like unicode URLs self._curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, util.utf8(url)) self._curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, b.write) self._curl.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, rheaders.write) self._curl.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1) self._curl.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30) self._curl.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, 80) self._curl.setopt( pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(dict(headers))], ) if self._verify_ssl_certs: self._curl.setopt(pycurl.CAINFO, stripe.ca_bundle_path) else: self._curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, False) try: self._curl.perform() except pycurl.error as e: self._handle_request_error(e) if is_streaming: b.seek(0) rcontent = b else: rcontent = b.getvalue().decode("utf-8") rcode = self._curl.getinfo(pycurl.RESPONSE_CODE) headers = self.parse_headers(rheaders.getvalue().decode("utf-8")) return rcontent, rcode, headers def _handle_request_error(self, e): if e.args[0] in [ pycurl.E_COULDNT_CONNECT, pycurl.E_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST, pycurl.E_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED, ]: msg = ( "Could not connect to Stripe. Please check your " "internet connection and try again. If this problem " "persists, you should check Stripe's service status at " "https://twitter.com/stripestatus, or let us know at " "support@stripe.com." ) should_retry = True elif e.args[0] in [pycurl.E_SSL_CACERT, pycurl.E_SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE]: msg = ( "Could not verify Stripe's SSL certificate. Please make " "sure that your network is not intercepting certificates. " "If this problem persists, let us know at " "support@stripe.com." ) should_retry = False else: msg = ( "Unexpected error communicating with Stripe. If this " "problem persists, let us know at support@stripe.com." ) should_retry = False msg = textwrap.fill(msg) + "\n\n(Network error: " + e.args[1] + ")" raise error.APIConnectionError(msg, should_retry=should_retry) def _get_proxy(self, url): if self._proxy: proxy = self._proxy scheme = url.split(":")[0] if url else None if scheme: return proxy.get(scheme, proxy.get(scheme[0:-1])) return None def close(self): pass class Urllib2Client(HTTPClient): name = "urllib.request" def __init__(self, verify_ssl_certs=True, proxy=None): super(Urllib2Client, self).__init__( verify_ssl_certs=verify_ssl_certs, proxy=proxy ) # prepare and cache proxy tied opener here self._opener = None if self._proxy: proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(self._proxy) self._opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy) def request(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): return self._request_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=False ) def request_stream(self, method, url, headers, post_data=None): return self._request_internal( method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming=True ) def _request_internal(self, method, url, headers, post_data, is_streaming): if six.PY3 and isinstance(post_data, six.string_types): post_data = post_data.encode("utf-8") req = urllib.request.Request(url, post_data, headers) if method not in ("get", "post"): req.get_method = lambda: method.upper() try: # use the custom proxy tied opener, if any. # otherwise, fall to the default urllib opener. response = ( self._opener.open(req) if self._opener else urllib.request.urlopen(req) ) if is_streaming: rcontent = response else: rcontent = response.read() rcode = response.code headers = dict(response.info()) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: rcode = e.code rcontent = e.read() headers = dict(e.info()) except (urllib.error.URLError, ValueError) as e: self._handle_request_error(e) lh = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in six.iteritems(dict(headers))) return rcontent, rcode, lh def _handle_request_error(self, e): msg = ( "Unexpected error communicating with Stripe. " "If this problem persists, let us know at support@stripe.com." ) msg = textwrap.fill(msg) + "\n\n(Network error: " + str(e) + ")" raise error.APIConnectionError(msg) def close(self): pass
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "stripe/http_client.py", "copies": "1", "size": "25692", "license": "mit", "hash": 7135038370865611000, "line_mean": 35.3394625177, "line_max": 119, "alpha_frac": 0.5651175463, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.302076356329538, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5367193902629538, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import threading import time from timeit import default_timer from ..callbacks import Callback from ..utils import ignoring def format_time(t): """Format seconds into a human readable form. >>> format_time(10.4) '10.4s' >>> format_time(1000.4) '16min 40.4s' """ m, s = divmod(t, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) if h: return '{0:2.0f}hr {1:2.0f}min {2:4.1f}s'.format(h, m, s) elif m: return '{0:2.0f}min {1:4.1f}s'.format(m, s) else: return '{0:4.1f}s'.format(s) class ProgressBar(Callback): """A progress bar for dask. Parameters ---------- minimum : int, optional Minimum time threshold in seconds before displaying a progress bar. Default is 0 (always display) width : int, optional Width of the bar dt : float, optional Update resolution in seconds, default is 0.1 seconds Examples -------- Below we create a progress bar with a minimum threshold of 1 second before displaying. For cheap computations nothing is shown: >>> with ProgressBar(minimum=1.0): # doctest: +SKIP ... out = some_fast_computation.compute() But for expensive computations a full progress bar is displayed: >>> with ProgressBar(minimum=1.0): # doctest: +SKIP ... out = some_slow_computation.compute() [########################################] | 100% Completed | 10.4 s The duration of the last computation is available as an attribute >>> pbar = ProgressBar() >>> with pbar: # doctest: +SKIP ... out = some_computation.compute() [########################################] | 100% Completed | 10.4 s >>> pbar.last_duration # doctest: +SKIP 10.4 You can also register a progress bar so that it displays for all computations: >>> pbar = ProgressBar() # doctest: +SKIP >>> pbar.register() # doctest: +SKIP >>> some_slow_computation.compute() # doctest: +SKIP [########################################] | 100% Completed | 10.4 s """ def __init__(self, minimum=0, width=40, dt=0.1): self._minimum = minimum self._width = width self._dt = dt self.last_duration = 0 def _start(self, dsk): self._state = None self._start_time = default_timer() # Start background thread self._running = True self._timer = threading.Thread(target=self._timer_func) self._timer.start() def _pretask(self, key, dsk, state): self._state = state sys.stdout.flush() def _finish(self, dsk, state, errored): self._running = False self._timer.join() elapsed = default_timer() - self._start_time self.last_duration = elapsed if elapsed < self._minimum: return if not errored: self._draw_bar(1, elapsed) else: self._update_bar(elapsed) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() def _timer_func(self): """Background thread for updating the progress bar""" while self._running: elapsed = default_timer() - self._start_time if elapsed > self._minimum: self._update_bar(elapsed) time.sleep(self._dt) def _update_bar(self, elapsed): s = self._state if not s: self._draw_bar(0, elapsed) return ndone = len(s['finished']) ntasks = sum(len(s[k]) for k in ['ready', 'waiting', 'running']) + ndone self._draw_bar(ndone / ntasks if ntasks else 0, elapsed) def _draw_bar(self, frac, elapsed): bar = '#' * int(self._width * frac) percent = int(100 * frac) elapsed = format_time(elapsed) msg = '\r[{0:<{1}}] | {2}% Completed | {3}'.format(bar, self._width, percent, elapsed) with ignoring(ValueError): sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush()
{ "repo_name": "mikegraham/dask", "path": "dask/diagnostics/progress.py", "copies": "3", "size": "4169", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -5650958207705143000, "line_mean": 30.3458646617, "line_max": 80, "alpha_frac": 0.5423362917, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.9108818011257034, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5953218092825703, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import traceback from contextlib import contextmanager from functools import wraps __all__ = ['set_cursor', 'set_cursor_cm', 'messagebox_on_error', 'die_on_error'] def set_cursor(shape): """Set the Qt cursor for the duration of a function call, and unset :param shape: Cursor shape to set. """ def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) def result(*args, **kwargs): from glue.utils.qt import get_qapp # Here to avoid circ import app = get_qapp() app.setOverrideCursor(shape) try: return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: app.restoreOverrideCursor() return result return wrapper # TODO: Does this really belong in this module? @contextmanager def set_cursor_cm(shape): """Context manager equivalent for :func:`set_cursor`.""" from glue.utils.qt import get_qapp app = get_qapp() app.setOverrideCursor(shape) try: yield finally: app.restoreOverrideCursor() def messagebox_on_error(msg): """Decorator that catches exceptions and displays an error message""" from glue.utils.qt import QMessageBoxPatched as QMessageBox # Must be here def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: m = "%s\n%s" % (msg, e.args[0]) detail = str(traceback.format_exc()) qmb = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, "Error", m) qmb.setDetailedText(detail) qmb.resize(400, qmb.size().height()) qmb.exec_() return wrapper return decorator def die_on_error(msg): """Decorator that catches errors, displays a popup message, and quits""" from glue.utils.qt import QMessageBoxPatched as QMessageBox def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # Make sure application has been started from glue.utils.qt import get_qapp # Here to avoid circ import get_qapp() m = "%s\n%s" % (msg, e) detail = str(traceback.format_exc()) if len(m) > 500: detail = "Full message:\n\n%s\n\n%s" % (m, detail) m = m[:500] + '...' qmb = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, "Error", m) qmb.setDetailedText(detail) qmb.show() qmb.raise_() qmb.exec_() sys.exit(1) return wrapper return decorator
{ "repo_name": "saimn/glue", "path": "glue/utils/qt/decorators.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2817", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 8421681209490977000, "line_mean": 29.6195652174, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.557685481, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.154867256637168, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 92 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import uuid import numpy as np from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter from glue.core.data import Subset from glue.config import settings from glue.core.exceptions import IncompatibleAttribute from .volume_visual import MultiVolume from .colors import get_translucent_cmap from .layer_state import VolumeLayerState from ..common.layer_artist import VispyLayerArtist class VolumeLayerArtist(VispyLayerArtist): """ A layer artist to render volumes. This is more complex than for other visual types, because for volumes, we need to manage all the volumes via a single MultiVolume visual class for each data viewer. """ def __init__(self, vispy_viewer=None, layer=None, layer_state=None): super(VolumeLayerArtist, self).__init__(layer) self._clip_limits = None self.layer = layer or layer_state.layer self.vispy_viewer = vispy_viewer self.vispy_widget = vispy_viewer._vispy_widget # TODO: need to remove layers when layer artist is removed self._viewer_state = vispy_viewer.state self.state = layer_state or VolumeLayerState(layer=self.layer) if self.state not in self._viewer_state.layers: self._viewer_state.layers.append(self.state) # We create a unique ID for this layer artist, that will be used to # refer to the layer artist in the MultiVolume. We have to do this # rather than use self.id because we can't guarantee the latter is # unique. self.id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # We need to use MultiVolume instance to store volumes, but we should # only have one per canvas. Therefore, we store the MultiVolume # instance in the vispy viewer instance. if not hasattr(self.vispy_widget, '_multivol'): # Set whether we are emulating a 3D texture. This needs to be # enabled as a workaround on Windows otherwise VisPy crashes. emulate_texture = (sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[0] < 3) multivol = MultiVolume(threshold=0.1, emulate_texture=emulate_texture, bgcolor=settings.BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.vispy_widget.add_data_visual(multivol) self.vispy_widget._multivol = multivol self._multivol = self.vispy_widget._multivol self._multivol.allocate(self.id) try: self.state.add_callback('*', self._update_from_state, as_kwargs=True) except TypeError: # glue-core >= 0.11 self.state.add_global_callback(self._update_from_state) self._update_from_state(**self.state.as_dict()) self.visible = True @property def visual(self): return self._multivol @property def bbox(self): return (-0.5, self.layer.shape[2] - 0.5, -0.5, self.layer.shape[1] - 0.5, -0.5, self.layer.shape[0] - 0.5) @property def shape(self): return self.layer.shape def redraw(self): """ Redraw the Vispy canvas """ self.vispy_widget.canvas.update() def clear(self): """ Remove the layer artist from the visualization """ # We don't want to deallocate here because this can be called if we # disable the layer due to incompatible attributes self._multivol.set_data(self.id, np.zeros(self._multivol._data_shape)) def update(self): """ Update the visualization to reflect the underlying data """ self.redraw() self._changed = False def _update_from_state(self, **props): if 'color' in props: self._update_cmap_from_color() if 'vmin' in props or 'vmax' in props: self._update_limits() if 'alpha' in props: self._update_alpha() if 'attribute' in props or 'subset_mode' in props: self._update_data() def _update_cmap_from_color(self): cmap = get_translucent_cmap(*ColorConverter().to_rgb(self.state.color)) self._multivol.set_cmap(self.id, cmap) self.redraw() def _update_limits(self): self._multivol.set_clim(self.id, (self.state.vmin, self.state.vmax)) self.redraw() def _update_alpha(self): self._multivol.set_weight(self.id, self.state.alpha) self.redraw() def _update_data(self): if self.state.attribute is None: return if isinstance(self.layer, Subset): try: mask = self.layer.to_mask() except IncompatibleAttribute: # The following includes a call to self.clear() self.disable("Subset cannot be applied to this data") return else: self._enabled = True if self.state.subset_mode == 'outline': data = mask.astype(float) else: data = self.layer.data[self.state.attribute] * mask else: data = self.layer[self.state.attribute] if self._clip_limits is not None: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = self._clip_limits imin, imax = int(np.ceil(xmin)), int(np.ceil(xmax)) jmin, jmax = int(np.ceil(ymin)), int(np.ceil(ymax)) kmin, kmax = int(np.ceil(zmin)), int(np.ceil(zmax)) invalid = -np.inf data = data.copy() data[:, :, :imin] = invalid data[:, :, imax:] = invalid data[:, :jmin] = invalid data[:, jmax:] = invalid data[:kmin] = invalid data[kmax:] = invalid self._multivol.set_data(self.id, data) self.redraw() def _update_visibility(self): if self.visible: self._multivol.enable(self.id) else: self._multivol.disable(self.id) self.redraw() def set_clip(self, limits): self._clip_limits = limits self._update_data()
{ "repo_name": "PennyQ/glue-3d-viewer", "path": "glue_vispy_viewers/volume/layer_artist.py", "copies": "1", "size": "6125", "license": "bsd-2-clause", "hash": 6402400258915072000, "line_mean": 31.4074074074, "line_max": 82, "alpha_frac": 0.5947755102, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.926282051282051, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5021057561482051, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager import pytest from _pytest import compat def _setoption(wmod, arg): """ Copy of the warning._setoption function but does not escape arguments. """ parts = arg.split(":") if len(parts) > 5: raise wmod._OptionError("too many fields (max 5): %r" % (arg,)) while len(parts) < 5: parts.append("") action, message, category, module, lineno = [s.strip() for s in parts] action = wmod._getaction(action) category = wmod._getcategory(category) if lineno: try: lineno = int(lineno) if lineno < 0: raise ValueError except (ValueError, OverflowError): raise wmod._OptionError("invalid lineno %r" % (lineno,)) else: lineno = 0 wmod.filterwarnings(action, message, category, module, lineno) def pytest_addoption(parser): group = parser.getgroup("pytest-warnings") group.addoption( "-W", "--pythonwarnings", action="append", help="set which warnings to report, see -W option of python itself.", ) parser.addini( "filterwarnings", type="linelist", help="Each line specifies a pattern for " "warnings.filterwarnings. " "Processed after -W and --pythonwarnings.", ) def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "filterwarnings(warning): add a warning filter to the given test. " "see https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/warnings.html#pytest-mark-filterwarnings ", ) @contextmanager def catch_warnings_for_item(config, ihook, when, item): """ Context manager that catches warnings generated in the contained execution block. ``item`` can be None if we are not in the context of an item execution. Each warning captured triggers the ``pytest_warning_captured`` hook. """ args = config.getoption("pythonwarnings") or [] inifilters = config.getini("filterwarnings") with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as log: filters_configured = args or inifilters or sys.warnoptions for arg in args: warnings._setoption(arg) for arg in inifilters: _setoption(warnings, arg) if item is not None: for mark in item.iter_markers(name="filterwarnings"): for arg in mark.args: _setoption(warnings, arg) filters_configured = True if not filters_configured: # if user is not explicitly configuring warning filters, show deprecation warnings by default (#2908) warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=DeprecationWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=PendingDeprecationWarning) yield for warning_message in log: ihook.pytest_warning_captured.call_historic( kwargs=dict(warning_message=warning_message, when=when, item=item) ) def warning_record_to_str(warning_message): """Convert a warnings.WarningMessage to a string, taking in account a lot of unicode shenaningans in Python 2. When Python 2 support is dropped this function can be greatly simplified. """ warn_msg = warning_message.message unicode_warning = False if compat._PY2 and any(isinstance(m, compat.UNICODE_TYPES) for m in warn_msg.args): new_args = [] for m in warn_msg.args: new_args.append( compat.ascii_escaped(m) if isinstance(m, compat.UNICODE_TYPES) else m ) unicode_warning = list(warn_msg.args) != new_args warn_msg.args = new_args msg = warnings.formatwarning( warn_msg, warning_message.category, warning_message.filename, warning_message.lineno, warning_message.line, ) if unicode_warning: warnings.warn( "Warning is using unicode non convertible to ascii, " "converting to a safe representation:\n %s" % msg, UnicodeWarning, ) return msg @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True, tryfirst=True) def pytest_runtest_protocol(item): with catch_warnings_for_item( config=item.config, ihook=item.ihook, when="runtest", item=item ): yield @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True, tryfirst=True) def pytest_collection(session): config = session.config with catch_warnings_for_item( config=config, ihook=config.hook, when="collect", item=None ): yield @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter): config = terminalreporter.config with catch_warnings_for_item( config=config, ihook=config.hook, when="config", item=None ): yield def _issue_config_warning(warning, config): """ This function should be used instead of calling ``warnings.warn`` directly when we are in the "configure" stage: at this point the actual options might not have been set, so we manually trigger the pytest_warning_captured hook so we can display this warnings in the terminal. This is a hack until we can sort out #2891. :param warning: the warning instance. :param config: """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as records: warnings.simplefilter("always", type(warning)) warnings.warn(warning, stacklevel=2) config.hook.pytest_warning_captured.call_historic( kwargs=dict(warning_message=records[0], when="config", item=None) )
{ "repo_name": "davidszotten/pytest", "path": "src/_pytest/warnings.py", "copies": "1", "size": "5628", "license": "mit", "hash": 4682449723945757000, "line_mean": 31.7209302326, "line_max": 116, "alpha_frac": 0.6478322672, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.15350553505535, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.530133780225535, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys __all__ = ['PY3', 'b', 'basestring_', 'bytes', 'next', 'is_unicode', 'iteritems'] PY3 = True if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else False if sys.version_info[0] < 3: def next(obj): return obj.next() def iteritems(d, **kw): return d.iteritems(**kw) b = bytes = str basestring_ = basestring else: def b(s): if isinstance(s, str): return s.encode('latin1') return bytes(s) def iteritems(d, **kw): return iter(d.items(**kw)) next = next basestring_ = (bytes, str) bytes = bytes text = str def is_unicode(obj): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return isinstance(obj, unicode) else: return isinstance(obj, str) def coerce_text(v): if not isinstance(v, basestring_): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: attr = '__unicode__' else: attr = '__str__' if hasattr(v, attr): return unicode(v) else: return bytes(v) return v
{ "repo_name": "MSeifert04/numpy", "path": "tools/npy_tempita/compat3.py", "copies": "3", "size": "1094", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 6284890604499872000, "line_mean": 18.8909090909, "line_max": 68, "alpha_frac": 0.5383912249, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.529032258064516, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5567423482964516, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys from blaze.expr.arithmetic import (scalar_coerce, Mult, Add, dshape) from blaze.expr.math import sin, cos, isnan, exp, log from blaze.expr import Symbol, eval_str, exprify from blaze.compatibility import xfail, basestring, raises from datetime import date, datetime x = Symbol('x', 'real') y = Symbol('y', 'real') def test_basic(): expr = (x + y) * 3 assert eval(str(expr)).isidentical(expr) assert expr.isidentical(Mult(Add(Symbol('x', 'real'), Symbol('y', 'real')), 3)) def test_eval_str(): expr = (x + y) * 3 assert eval_str(expr) == '(x + y) * 3' assert eval_str(1) == '1' assert eval_str('Alice') == "'Alice'" assert "'Alice'" in eval_str(u'Alice') print(eval_str(-x)) assert eval_str(-x) == '-x' assert '~' in eval_str(~x) def test_str(): x = Symbol('x', 'real') assert str(x + 10) == 'x + 10' def test_invert(): x = Symbol('x', 'bool') expr = ~x assert expr.op(x).isidentical(expr) def test_boolean_math_has_boolean_methods(): x = Symbol('x', '?int') expr = ~(isnan(x)) | (x > 0) assert eval(str(expr)).isidentical(expr) def ishashable(x): try: hash(x) return True except: return False def test_Symbol_is_hashable(): assert ishashable(x) def test_relationals(): x = Symbol('x', 'real') for expr in [x < 1, x > 1, x == 1, x != 1, x <= 1, x >= 1, ~x]: assert expr.dshape == dshape('bool') assert eval(str(expr)) == expr def test_numbers(): x = Symbol('x', 'real') y = Symbol('x', 'int') for expr in [x + 1, x - 1, x * 1, x + y, x - y, x / y, x * y + x + y, x**y, x**2, 2**x, x % 5, -x, sin(x), cos(x ** 2), exp(log(y))]: assert expr.dshape == dshape('real') assert eval(str(expr)) == expr assert (-y).dshape == dshape('int') @xfail(reason="TODO") def test_neg_dshape_unsigned(): y = Symbol('x', 'uint32') assert (-y).dshape == dshape('int32') @xfail(reason="TODO") def test_arithmetic_dshape_inference(): x = Symbol('x', 'int') y = Symbol('y', 'int') assert (x + y).dshape == dshape('int') def test_date_coercion(): d = Symbol('d', 'date') expr = d < '2012-01-01' assert isinstance(expr.rhs, date) def test_datetime_coercion(): d = Symbol('d', 'datetime') expr = d > '2012-01-01T12:30:00' assert isinstance(expr.rhs, datetime) class TestExprify(object): dtypes = {'x': 'int', 'y': 'real', 'z': 'int32'} x = Symbol('x', 'int') y = Symbol('y', 'real') z = Symbol('z', 'int32') name = Symbol('name', 'string') def test_basic_arithmetic(self): assert exprify('x + y', self.dtypes).isidentical(self.x + self.y) other = isnan(sin(x) + y) assert exprify('isnan(sin(x) + y)', self.dtypes).isidentical(other) # parsed as a Num in Python 2 and a UnaryOp in Python 3 assert exprify('-1', {}) == -1 # parsed as UnaryOp(op=USub(), operand=1) assert exprify('-x', self.dtypes).isidentical(-self.x) assert exprify('-x + y', self.dtypes).isidentical(-self.x + self.y) other = self.x * self.y + self.z assert exprify('x * y + z', self.dtypes).isidentical(other) assert exprify('x ** y', self.dtypes).isidentical(self.x ** self.y) other = self.x / self.y / self.z + 1 assert exprify('x / y / z + 1', self.dtypes).isidentical(other) other = self.x / self.y % self.z + 2 ** self.y assert exprify('x / y % z + 2 ** y', self.dtypes).isidentical(other) assert exprify('x // y', self.dtypes).isidentical(self.x // self.y) assert exprify('1 // y // x', self.dtypes).isidentical( 1 // self.y // self.x) def test_comparison(self): other = (self.x == 1) | (self.x == 2) assert exprify('(x == 1) | (x == 2)', self.dtypes).isidentical(other) def test_simple_boolean_not(self): other = ~self.x assert exprify('~x', {'x': 'bool'}).isidentical(other) def test_literal_string_compare(self): other = self.name == "Alice" result = exprify('name == "Alice"', {'name': 'string'}) assert isinstance(result.rhs, basestring) assert result.isidentical(other) def test_literal_int_compare(self): other = self.x == 1 result = exprify('x == 1', self.dtypes) assert isinstance(result.rhs, int) assert result.isidentical(other) def test_literal_float_compare(self): other = self.y == 1.0 result = exprify('y == 1.0', self.dtypes) assert isinstance(result.rhs, float) assert result.isidentical(other) def test_failing_exprify(self): dtypes = self.dtypes with raises(AssertionError): exprify('x < y < z', dtypes) with raises(NotImplementedError): exprify('os.listdir()', {}) with raises(NotImplementedError): exprify('os.listdir()', {'os': 'int', 'os.listdir': 'real'}) with raises(ValueError): exprify('__x + __y', {'__x': 'int', '__y': 'real'}) with raises(NotImplementedError): exprify('y if x else y', dtypes) def test_functiondef_fail(self): dtypes = self.dtypes with raises(NotImplementedError): exprify('lambda x, y: x + y', dtypes) with raises(SyntaxError): exprify('def f(x): return x', dtypes={'x': 'int'}) def test_comprehensions_fail(self): dtypes = self.dtypes if sys.version_info < (2, 7): # dict and set comprehensions are not implemented in Python < 2.7 error = SyntaxError else: # and we don't allow them in versions that do error = NotImplementedError with raises(error): exprify('{x: y for z in y}', dtypes) with raises(error): exprify('{x for z in y}', dtypes) with raises(NotImplementedError): exprify('[x for z in y]', dtypes) with raises(NotImplementedError): exprify('(x for y in z)', dtypes) def test_boolop_fails(self): dtypes = self.dtypes with raises(NotImplementedError): exprify('x or y', dtypes) with raises(NotImplementedError): exprify('x and y', dtypes) with raises(NotImplementedError): exprify('not x', dtypes) def test_scope(self): dtypes = {'sin': 'int'} with raises(ValueError): exprify('sin + 1', dtypes) with raises(TypeError): sin + 1 def test_scalar_coerce(): assert scalar_coerce('int', 1) == 1 assert scalar_coerce('int', '1') == 1 assert scalar_coerce('{x: int}', '1') == 1 with raises(TypeError): scalar_coerce('{x: int, y: int}', '1') with raises(TypeError): scalar_coerce('3 * int', '1') assert scalar_coerce('date', 'Jan 1st, 2012') == date(2012, 1, 1) assert (scalar_coerce('datetime', 'Jan 1st, 2012 12:00:00') == datetime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)) with raises(ValueError): scalar_coerce('date', 'Jan 1st, 2012 12:00:00') assert scalar_coerce('?date', 'Jan 1st, 2012') == date(2012, 1, 1) assert scalar_coerce('?date', '2012-12-01') == date(2012, 12, 1) assert scalar_coerce('?date', '') == None assert scalar_coerce('?int', 0) == 0 assert scalar_coerce('?int', '0') == 0 def test_scalar_name_dtype(): x = Symbol('x', 'int64') assert x._name == 'x' assert x.dshape == dshape('int64') def test_scalar_field(): x = Symbol('x', '{name: string, amount: int64, when: datetime}') assert 'amount' in dir(x) assert x.amount.dshape == dshape('int64') def test_scalar_projection(): x = Symbol('x', '{name: string, amount: int64, when: datetime}') assert x[['amount', 'when']].dshape == \ dshape('{amount: int64, when: datetime}')
{ "repo_name": "vitan/blaze", "path": "blaze/expr/tests/test_scalar.py", "copies": "1", "size": "8025", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 6480526744474071000, "line_mean": 27.8669064748, "line_max": 83, "alpha_frac": 0.5621183801, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.2875870544858663, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.43497054345858666, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys from functools import partial from . import converters, exceptions, filters, setters, validators from ._cmp import cmp_using from ._config import get_run_validators, set_run_validators from ._funcs import asdict, assoc, astuple, evolve, has, resolve_types from ._make import ( NOTHING, Attribute, Factory, attrib, attrs, fields, fields_dict, make_class, validate, ) from ._version_info import VersionInfo __version__ = "21.3.0.dev0" __version_info__ = VersionInfo._from_version_string(__version__) __title__ = "attrs" __description__ = "Classes Without Boilerplate" __url__ = "https://www.attrs.org/" __uri__ = __url__ __doc__ = __description__ + " <" + __uri__ + ">" __author__ = "Hynek Schlawack" __email__ = "hs@ox.cx" __license__ = "MIT" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2015 Hynek Schlawack" s = attributes = attrs ib = attr = attrib dataclass = partial(attrs, auto_attribs=True) # happy Easter ;) __all__ = [ "Attribute", "Factory", "NOTHING", "asdict", "assoc", "astuple", "attr", "attrib", "attributes", "attrs", "cmp_using", "converters", "evolve", "exceptions", "fields", "fields_dict", "filters", "get_run_validators", "has", "ib", "make_class", "resolve_types", "s", "set_run_validators", "setters", "validate", "validators", ] if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6): from ._next_gen import define, field, frozen, mutable __all__.extend((define, field, frozen, mutable))
{ "repo_name": "python-attrs/attrs", "path": "src/attr/__init__.py", "copies": "2", "size": "1618", "license": "mit", "hash": -1905369518122155500, "line_mean": 19.7435897436, "line_max": 70, "alpha_frac": 0.6063040791, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.2295409181636727, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.48358449972636725, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys from functools import partial from . import converters, exceptions, filters, setters, validators from ._config import get_run_validators, set_run_validators from ._funcs import asdict, assoc, astuple, evolve, has, resolve_types from ._make import ( NOTHING, Attribute, Factory, attrib, attrs, fields, fields_dict, make_class, validate, ) from ._version_info import VersionInfo __version__ = "20.3.0" __version_info__ = VersionInfo._from_version_string(__version__) __title__ = "attrs" __description__ = "Classes Without Boilerplate" __url__ = "https://www.attrs.org/" __uri__ = __url__ __doc__ = __description__ + " <" + __uri__ + ">" __author__ = "Hynek Schlawack" __email__ = "hs@ox.cx" __license__ = "MIT" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2015 Hynek Schlawack" s = attributes = attrs ib = attr = attrib dataclass = partial(attrs, auto_attribs=True) # happy Easter ;) __all__ = [ "Attribute", "Factory", "NOTHING", "asdict", "assoc", "astuple", "attr", "attrib", "attributes", "attrs", "converters", "evolve", "exceptions", "fields", "fields_dict", "filters", "get_run_validators", "has", "ib", "make_class", "resolve_types", "s", "set_run_validators", "setters", "validate", "validators", ] if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6): from ._next_gen import define, field, frozen, mutable __all__.extend((define, field, frozen, mutable))
{ "repo_name": "pantsbuild/pex", "path": "pex/vendor/_vendored/attrs/attr/__init__.py", "copies": "6", "size": "1568", "license": "apache-2.0", "hash": 3841607878516782600, "line_mean": 19.6315789474, "line_max": 70, "alpha_frac": 0.6045918367, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.239669421487603, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0, "num_lines": 76 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys # importing a pure python package import requests """ Module holding calls to a pure python package retrieved by pip We use requests as an example of any python package you might want to interface and use in your ROS packages/nodes. To be able to get ros1_pip_pytemplate packaged on ROS (or even get the built "install space" working), first one would need to release (or at least build with catkin) a ROS package for requests. Using catkin_pip for this is probably the easiest solution. """ import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) class Httpbin(object): """Unit of testable functionality as a class, calling functionality from other libraries""" def __init__(self, base_url=None): self.basename = base_url or 'http://httpbin.org' # for http connection pooling, see : http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#session-objects self.session = requests.session() _logger.debug("Httpbin proxy was initialized!") def get(self, headers=None, params=None): _logger.info("Sending GET request to {0}...".format(self.basename + '/get')) return self.session.get(self.basename + '/get', headers=headers or {}, params=params or {}) # Note a more complete version of this is available there : # https://github.com/asmodehn/pyros-schemas-examples/tree/master/pyros_httpbin
{ "repo_name": "pyros-dev/ros1_template", "path": "ros1_pip_pytemplate/ros1_pip_pytemplate/lib_module.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1481", "license": "mit", "hash": -5082680627964435000, "line_mean": 41.3142857143, "line_max": 117, "alpha_frac": 0.7245104659, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.9076517150395778, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5132162180939578, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import numpy as np from ..extern.vispy import scene from .axes import AxesVisual3D from ..utils import NestedSTTransform from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter from glue.config import settings rgb = ColorConverter().to_rgb LIMITS_PROPS = [coord + attribute for coord in 'xyz' for attribute in ['_min', '_max', '_stretch']] class VispyWidgetHelper(object): def __init__(self, parent=None, viewer_state=None): # Prepare Vispy canvas. We set the depth_size to 24 to avoid issues # with isosurfaces on MacOS X self.canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys=None, show=False, config={'depth_size': 24}, bgcolor=rgb(settings.BACKGROUND_COLOR)) # Set up a viewbox self.view = self.canvas.central_widget.add_view() self.view.parent = self.canvas.scene # Set whether we are emulating a 3D texture. This needs to be enabled # as a workaround on Windows otherwise VisPy crashes. self.emulate_texture = (sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[0] < 3) self.scene_transform = scene.STTransform() self.limit_transforms = {} fc = rgb(settings.FOREGROUND_COLOR) self.axis = AxesVisual3D(axis_color=fc, tick_color=fc, text_color=fc, tick_width=1, minor_tick_length=2, major_tick_length=4, axis_width=0, tick_label_margin=10, axis_label_margin=25, tick_font_size=6, axis_font_size=8, view=self.view, transform=self.scene_transform) # Create a turntable camera. For now, this is the only camerate type # we support, but if we support more in future, we should implement # that here # Orthographic perspective view as default self.view.camera = scene.cameras.TurntableCamera(parent=self.view.scene, fov=0., distance=4.0) # We need to call render here otherwise we'll later encounter an OpenGL # program validation error. # self.canvas.render() self.viewer_state = viewer_state try: self.viewer_state.add_callback('*', self._update_from_state, as_kwargs=True) except TypeError: # glue-core >= 0.11 self.viewer_state.add_global_callback(self._update_from_state) self._update_from_state(force=True) def _update_appearance_from_settings(self): self.canvas.bgcolor = rgb(settings.BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.axis.axis_color = rgb(settings.FOREGROUND_COLOR) self.axis.tick_color = rgb(settings.FOREGROUND_COLOR) self.axis.label_color = rgb(settings.FOREGROUND_COLOR) def add_data_visual(self, visual): self.limit_transforms[visual] = NestedSTTransform() self._update_limits() visual.transform = self.limit_transforms[visual] self.view.add(visual) def _update_from_state(self, force=False, **props): if force or 'visible_axes' in props: self._toggle_axes() if force or 'perspective_view' in props: self._toggle_perspective() if force or any(key in props for key in ('x_att', 'y_att', 'z_att')): self._update_attributes() if force or any(key in props for key in ('x_stretch', 'y_stretch', 'z_stretch', 'native_aspect')): self._update_stretch() if force or any(p in props for p in LIMITS_PROPS) or 'native_aspect' in props: self._update_limits() self.canvas.update() def _toggle_axes(self): if self.viewer_state.visible_axes: self.axis.parent = self.view.scene else: self.axis.parent = None def _toggle_perspective(self): if self.viewer_state.perspective_view: self.view.camera.fov = 30 self.axis.tick_font_size = 28 self.axis.axis_font_size = 35 else: self.view.camera.fov = 0 self.axis.tick_font_size = 6 self.axis.axis_font_size = 8 def _update_attributes(self): if self.viewer_state.x_att is not None: self.axis.xlabel = self.viewer_state.x_att.label if self.viewer_state.y_att is not None: self.axis.ylabel = self.viewer_state.y_att.label if self.viewer_state.z_att is not None: self.axis.zlabel = self.viewer_state.z_att.label def _update_stretch(self): self.scene_transform.scale = (self.viewer_state.x_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[0], self.viewer_state.y_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[1], self.viewer_state.z_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[2]) def _update_limits(self): dx = self.viewer_state.x_max - self.viewer_state.x_min sx = (np.inf if dx == 0 else 2. / dx * self.viewer_state.x_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[0]) dy = self.viewer_state.y_max - self.viewer_state.y_min sy = (np.inf if dy == 0 else 2. / dy * self.viewer_state.y_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[1]) dz = self.viewer_state.z_max - self.viewer_state.z_min sz = (np.inf if dz == 0 else 2. / dz * self.viewer_state.z_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[2]) scale = [sx, sy, sz] translate = [-0.5 * (self.viewer_state.x_min + self.viewer_state.x_max) * scale[0], -0.5 * (self.viewer_state.y_min + self.viewer_state.y_max) * scale[1], -0.5 * (self.viewer_state.z_min + self.viewer_state.z_max) * scale[2]] for visual in self.limit_transforms: self.limit_transforms[visual].scale = scale self.limit_transforms[visual].translate = translate self.axis.xlim = self.viewer_state.x_min, self.viewer_state.x_max self.axis.ylim = self.viewer_state.y_min, self.viewer_state.y_max self.axis.zlim = self.viewer_state.z_min, self.viewer_state.z_max
{ "repo_name": "astrofrog/glue-3d-viewer", "path": "glue_vispy_viewers/common/vispy_widget.py", "copies": "2", "size": "6339", "license": "bsd-2-clause", "hash": -8496800776629161000, "line_mean": 39.1202531646, "line_max": 99, "alpha_frac": 0.5857390756, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.7048509643483345, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.000765557573785789, "num_lines": 158 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import numpy as np from ..extern.vispy import scene from .axes import AxesVisual3D from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter from glue.config import settings rgb = ColorConverter().to_rgb LIMITS_PROPS = [coord + attribute for coord in 'xyz' for attribute in ['_min', '_max', '_stretch']] class VispyWidgetHelper(object): def __init__(self, parent=None, viewer_state=None): # Prepare Vispy canvas. We set the depth_size to 24 to avoid issues # with isosurfaces on MacOS X self.canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys=None, show=False, config={'depth_size': 24}, bgcolor=rgb(settings.BACKGROUND_COLOR)) # Set up a viewbox self.view = self.canvas.central_widget.add_view() self.view.parent = self.canvas.scene # Set whether we are emulating a 3D texture. This needs to be enabled # as a workaround on Windows otherwise VisPy crashes. self.emulate_texture = (sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[0] < 3) self.scene_transform = scene.STTransform() self.limit_transforms = {} fc = rgb(settings.FOREGROUND_COLOR) self.axis = AxesVisual3D(axis_color=fc, tick_color=fc, text_color=fc, tick_width=1, minor_tick_length=2, major_tick_length=4, axis_width=0, tick_label_margin=10, axis_label_margin=25, tick_font_size=6, axis_font_size=8, view=self.view, transform=self.scene_transform) # Create a turntable camera. For now, this is the only camerate type # we support, but if we support more in future, we should implement # that here # Orthographic perspective view as default self.view.camera = scene.cameras.TurntableCamera(parent=self.view.scene, fov=0., distance=4.0) # We need to call render here otherwise we'll later encounter an OpenGL # program validation error. # self.canvas.render() self.viewer_state = viewer_state try: self.viewer_state.add_callback('*', self._update_from_state, as_kwargs=True) except TypeError: # glue-core >= 0.11 self.viewer_state.add_global_callback(self._update_from_state) def _update_appearance_from_settings(self): self.canvas.bgcolor = rgb(settings.BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.axis.axis_color = rgb(settings.FOREGROUND_COLOR) self.axis.tick_color = rgb(settings.FOREGROUND_COLOR) self.axis.label_color = rgb(settings.FOREGROUND_COLOR) def add_data_visual(self, visual): self.limit_transforms[visual] = scene.STTransform() self._update_limits() visual.transform = self.limit_transforms[visual] self.view.add(visual) def _update_from_state(self, **props): if 'visible_axes' in props: self._toggle_axes() if 'perspective_view' in props: self._toggle_perspective() if any(key in props for key in ('x_att', 'y_att', 'z_att')): self._update_attributes() if any(key in props for key in ('x_stretch', 'y_stretch', 'z_stretch', 'native_aspect')): self._update_stretch() if any(p in props for p in LIMITS_PROPS) or 'native_aspect' in props: self._update_limits() self.canvas.update() def _toggle_axes(self): if self.viewer_state.visible_axes: self.axis.parent = self.view.scene else: self.axis.parent = None def _toggle_perspective(self): if self.viewer_state.perspective_view: self.view.camera.fov = 30 self.axis.tick_font_size = 28 self.axis.axis_font_size = 35 else: self.view.camera.fov = 0 self.axis.tick_font_size = 6 self.axis.axis_font_size = 8 def _update_attributes(self): if self.viewer_state.x_att is not None: self.axis.xlabel = self.viewer_state.x_att.label if self.viewer_state.y_att is not None: self.axis.ylabel = self.viewer_state.y_att.label if self.viewer_state.z_att is not None: self.axis.zlabel = self.viewer_state.z_att.label def _update_stretch(self): self.scene_transform.scale = (self.viewer_state.x_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[0], self.viewer_state.y_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[1], self.viewer_state.z_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[2]) def _update_limits(self): dx = self.viewer_state.x_max - self.viewer_state.x_min sx = (np.inf if dx == 0 else 2. / dx * self.viewer_state.x_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[0]) dy = self.viewer_state.y_max - self.viewer_state.y_min sy = (np.inf if dy == 0 else 2. / dy * self.viewer_state.y_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[1]) dz = self.viewer_state.z_max - self.viewer_state.z_min sz = (np.inf if dz == 0 else 2. / dz * self.viewer_state.z_stretch * self.viewer_state.aspect[2]) scale = [sx, sy, sz] translate = [-0.5 * (self.viewer_state.x_min + self.viewer_state.x_max) * scale[0], -0.5 * (self.viewer_state.y_min + self.viewer_state.y_max) * scale[1], -0.5 * (self.viewer_state.z_min + self.viewer_state.z_max) * scale[2]] for visual in self.limit_transforms: self.limit_transforms[visual].scale = scale self.limit_transforms[visual].translate = translate self.axis.xlim = self.viewer_state.x_min, self.viewer_state.x_max self.axis.ylim = self.viewer_state.y_min, self.viewer_state.y_max self.axis.zlim = self.viewer_state.z_min, self.viewer_state.z_max
{ "repo_name": "PennyQ/glue-3d-viewer", "path": "glue_vispy_viewers/common/vispy_widget.py", "copies": "1", "size": "6150", "license": "bsd-2-clause", "hash": 8616530923071458000, "line_mean": 38.6774193548, "line_max": 99, "alpha_frac": 0.586504065, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.6694510739856803, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.475595513898568, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import psycopg2 from nfldb import connect as nfldb_connect, api_version from nfldb import Tx, set_timezone from nfldb.db import _db_name, _mogrify, _bind_type from nfldb.types import _player_categories, _Enum from nfldb.team import teams from nfldbproj.types import ProjEnums __pdoc__ = {} nfldbproj_api_version = 1 __pdoc__['nfldbproj_api_version'] = \ """ The nfldbproj schema version that this library corresponds to. When the schema version of the database is less than this value, `nfldbproj.connect` will automatically update the schema to the latest version before doing anything else. """ nfldb_api_version = 7 __pdoc__['nfldb_api_version'] = \ """ The nfldb schema version that this library corresponds to. The database will only be updated from this version. """ nfldbproj_tables = { 'nfldbproj_meta', 'projection_source', 'fp_system', 'projection_set', 'stat_projection', 'fp_projection', 'dfs_site', 'dfs_salary', 'name_disambiguation', 'fp_score', 'fantasy_player', } nfldbproj_types = { 'fantasy_position', 'proj_scope', 'uinteger', } def uninstall(db, really_uninstall=False): """Remove all traces of nfldb-projections.""" if really_uninstall: print('Removing all traces of nfldb-projections...', end='') with Tx(db) as c: c.execute('DROP TABLE {}'.format(', '.join(nfldbproj_tables))) c.execute('DROP TYPE {}'.format(', '.join(nfldbproj_types))) c.execute('DROP FUNCTION add_fantasy_player() CASCADE') print('done.') else: print('Uninstall not executed. Pass keyword argument really_uninstall=True to confirm.') def connect(**kwargs): """ A wrapper around nfldb.connect. Returns a `psycopg2._psycopg.connection` object from the `psycopg2.connect` function. If database is `None`, then `connect` will look for a configuration file using `nfldb.config` with `config_path`. Otherwise, the connection will use the parameters given. If `database` is `None` and no config file can be found, then an `IOError` exception is raised. This function will also compare the current schema version of the database against the API version `nfldb.api_version` and assert that they are equivalent. If the schema library version is less than the the API version, then the schema will be automatically upgraded. If the schema version is newer than the library version, then this function will raise an assertion error. An assertion error will also be raised if the schema version is 0 and the database is not empty. In addition, a similar updating will be performed for nfldbproj. N.B. The `timezone` parameter should be set to a value that PostgreSQL will accept. Select from the `pg_timezone_names` view to get a list of valid time zones. """ conn = nfldb_connect(**kwargs) # Migration. nfldbproj_sversion = nfldbproj_schema_version(conn) assert nfldbproj_sversion <= nfldbproj_api_version, \ 'nfldbproj library version {} is older than schema with version {}'.format( nfldbproj_api_version, nfldbproj_sversion ) assert api_version == nfldb_api_version, \ 'nfldbproj expects nfldb version {}, encountered nfldb version {}'.format( nfldb_api_version, api_version ) assert nfldbproj_sversion > 0 or (nfldbproj_sversion == 0 and _nfldbproj_is_empty(conn)), \ 'nfldbproj schema has version 0 but is not empty' set_timezone(conn, 'UTC') _migrate_nfldbproj(conn, nfldbproj_api_version) if kwargs.get('timezone'): set_timezone(conn, kwargs['timezone']) # Bind SQL -> Python casting functions for additional types. _bind_type(conn, 'fantasy_position', _Enum._pg_cast(ProjEnums.fantasy_position)) _bind_type(conn, 'proj_scope', _Enum._pg_cast(ProjEnums.proj_scope)) return conn def nfldbproj_schema_version(conn): """ Returns the schema version of the given database. If the version is not stored in the database, then `0` is returned. """ with Tx(conn) as c: try: c.execute('SELECT nfldbproj_version FROM nfldbproj_meta LIMIT 1', ['nfldbproj_version']) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: return 0 if c.rowcount == 0: return 0 return c.fetchone()['nfldbproj_version'] def _nfldbproj_is_empty(conn): """ Returns `True` if and only if none of the nfldbproj tables exist in the database. """ with Tx(conn) as c: c.execute(''' SELECT table_name from information_schema.tables WHERE table_catalog = %s AND table_schema='public' ''', [_db_name(conn)]) table_names = {result['table_name'] for result in c.fetchall()} return bool(nfldbproj_tables - table_names) def _category_sql_field(self): """ Get a modified SQL definition of a statistical category column. Unlike in nfldb's tables, we allow NULL statistics, in order to differentiate between no projection and a projection of zero. """ return '{} {} NULL'.format(self.category_id, 'real' if self.is_real else 'smallint') # What follows are the migration functions. They follow the naming # convention "_migrate_nfldbproj_{VERSION}" where VERSION is an integer that # corresponds to the version that the nfldbproj schema will be after the # migration function runs. Each migration function is only responsible # for running the queries required to update schema. It does not # need to update the schema version. # # The migration functions should accept a cursor as a parameter, # which is created in the _migrate function. In particular, # each migration function is run in its own transaction. Commits # and rollbacks are handled automatically. def _migrate_nfldbproj(conn, to): current = nfldbproj_schema_version(conn) assert current <= to globs = globals() for v in range(current+1, to+1): fname = '_migrate_nfldbproj_{}'.format(v) with Tx(conn) as c: assert fname in globs, 'Migration function {} not defined'.format(v) globs[fname](c) c.execute("UPDATE nfldbproj_meta SET nfldbproj_version = %s", (v,)) def _create_enum(c, enum): c.execute(''' CREATE TYPE {} AS ENUM {} '''.format(enum.__name__, _mogrify(c, enum))) def _migrate_nfldbproj_1(c): print('Adding nfldb-projections tables to the database...', file=sys.stderr) _create_enum(c, ProjEnums.fantasy_position) _create_enum(c, ProjEnums.proj_scope) c.execute(''' CREATE DOMAIN uinteger AS integer CHECK (VALUE >= 0) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE nfldbproj_meta ( nfldbproj_version smallint ) ''') c.execute(''' INSERT INTO nfldbproj_meta (nfldbproj_version) VALUES (0) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE projection_source ( source_name character varying (100) NOT NULL, source_url character varying (255) NULL, source_notes text NULL, PRIMARY KEY (source_name) ) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE fp_system ( fpsys_name character varying (100) NOT NULL, fpsys_url character varying (255) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (fpsys_name) ) ''') # Handle stat projections by allowing them to reference a fantasy-point system "None". c.execute(''' INSERT INTO fp_system (fpsys_name) VALUES ('None') ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE fantasy_player ( fantasy_player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL, player_id character varying (10) NULL, dst_team character varying (3) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (fantasy_player_id), FOREIGN KEY (player_id) REFERENCES player (player_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (dst_team) REFERENCES team (team_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CHECK ( (player_id IS NULL AND dst_team IS NOT NULL AND fantasy_player_id = dst_team) OR (player_id IS NOT NULL AND dst_team IS NULL AND fantasy_player_id = player_id) ) ) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE FUNCTION add_fantasy_player() RETURNS trigger AS $add_fantasy_player$ BEGIN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'player' THEN INSERT INTO fantasy_player (fantasy_player_id, player_id) VALUES (NEW.player_id, NEW.player_id); RETURN NEW; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'team' THEN INSERT INTO fantasy_player (fantasy_player_id, dst_team) VALUES (NEW.team_id, NEW.team_id); INSERT INTO name_disambiguation (name_as_scraped, fantasy_player_id) VALUES (NEW.team_id, NEW.team_id); RETURN NEW; END IF; END; $add_fantasy_player$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER fantasy_player_mirror_player AFTER INSERT ON player FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE add_fantasy_player() ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER fantasy_player_mirror_team AFTER INSERT ON team FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE add_fantasy_player() ''') c.execute(''' INSERT INTO fantasy_player (fantasy_player_id, player_id) SELECT player_id, player_id FROM player ''') c.execute(''' INSERT INTO fantasy_player (fantasy_player_id, dst_team) SELECT team_id, team_id FROM team ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE dfs_site ( fpsys_name character varying (100) NOT NULL CHECK (fpsys_name != 'None'), dfs_name character varying (100) NOT NULL, dfs_url character varying (255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (fpsys_name, dfs_name), FOREIGN KEY (fpsys_name) REFERENCES fp_system (fpsys_name) ON DELETE RESTRICT ) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE dfs_salary ( fpsys_name character varying (100) NOT NULL, dfs_name character varying (100) NOT NULL, fantasy_player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL, season_year usmallint NOT NULL, season_type season_phase NOT NULL, week usmallint NOT NULL, salary uinteger NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (fpsys_name, dfs_name, fantasy_player_id, season_year, season_type, week), FOREIGN KEY (fpsys_name, dfs_name) REFERENCES dfs_site (fpsys_name, dfs_name) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (fantasy_player_id) REFERENCES fantasy_player (fantasy_player_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE projection_set ( source_name character varying (100) NOT NULL, fpsys_name character varying (100) NOT NULL, set_id SERIAL NOT NULL, projection_scope proj_scope NOT NULL, season_year usmallint NOT NULL, season_type season_phase NOT NULL, week usmallint NULL, date_accessed utctime NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() AT TIME ZONE 'utc'), known_incomplete bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY (source_name, fpsys_name, set_id), FOREIGN KEY (source_name) REFERENCES projection_source (source_name) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (fpsys_name) REFERENCES fp_system (fpsys_name) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE INDEX projection_set_in_year_phase_week ON projection_set (season_year DESC, season_type DESC, week DESC) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE stat_projection ( source_name character varying (100) NOT NULL, fpsys_name character varying (100) NOT NULL CHECK (fpsys_name = 'None'), set_id SERIAL NOT NULL, fantasy_player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL, gsis_id gameid NULL, team character varying (3) NOT NULL, fantasy_pos fantasy_position NOT NULL, {}, PRIMARY KEY (source_name, fpsys_name, set_id, fantasy_player_id), FOREIGN KEY (source_name) REFERENCES projection_source (source_name) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (source_name, fpsys_name, set_id) REFERENCES projection_set (source_name, fpsys_name, set_id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (fantasy_player_id) REFERENCES fantasy_player (fantasy_player_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id) REFERENCES game (gsis_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY (team) REFERENCES team (team_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE ) '''.format( ', '.join(_category_sql_field(cat) for cat in _player_categories.values()) )) c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE fp_projection ( source_name character varying (100) NOT NULL, fpsys_name character varying (100) NOT NULL CHECK (fpsys_name != 'None'), set_id usmallint NOT NULL, fantasy_player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL, gsis_id gameid NULL, team character varying (3) NOT NULL, fantasy_pos fantasy_position NOT NULL, projected_fp real NOT NULL, fp_variance real NULL CHECK (fp_variance >= 0), PRIMARY KEY (source_name, fpsys_name, set_id, fantasy_player_id), FOREIGN KEY (source_name) REFERENCES projection_source (source_name) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (source_name, fpsys_name, set_id) REFERENCES projection_set (source_name, fpsys_name, set_id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (fpsys_name) REFERENCES fp_system (fpsys_name) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (fantasy_player_id) REFERENCES fantasy_player (fantasy_player_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id) REFERENCES game (gsis_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY (team) REFERENCES team (team_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE fp_score ( fpsys_name character varying (100) NOT NULL CHECK (fpsys_name != 'None'), gsis_id gameid NOT NULL, fantasy_player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL, team character varying (3) NOT NULL, fantasy_pos fantasy_position NOT NULL, actual_fp real NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (fpsys_name, gsis_id, fantasy_player_id), FOREIGN KEY (fpsys_name) REFERENCES fp_system (fpsys_name) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id) REFERENCES game (gsis_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY (fantasy_player_id) REFERENCES fantasy_player (fantasy_player_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY (team) REFERENCES team (team_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE name_disambiguation ( name_as_scraped character varying (100) NOT NULL, fantasy_player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name_as_scraped), FOREIGN KEY (fantasy_player_id) REFERENCES fantasy_player (fantasy_player_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ''') # Name disambiguations for all team names. for team_names in teams: if team_names[0] == 'UNK': continue for team_name in team_names: if team_name == 'New York': # 'New York' remains ambiguous. continue c.execute(''' INSERT INTO name_disambiguation (name_as_scraped, fantasy_player_id) VALUES (%s, %s) ''', (team_name, team_names[0]))
{ "repo_name": "hsharrison/nfldb-projections", "path": "nfldbproj/db.py", "copies": "1", "size": "16836", "license": "bsd-2-clause", "hash": 5764109098854608000, "line_mean": 35.3628509719, "line_max": 98, "alpha_frac": 0.5936089332, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.884633133364098, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4978242066564098, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys """ Module holding testable units of computation """ import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) class Answer(object): """Unit of testable functionality as a class Tested documentation: >>> a=Answer(6) >>> a.retrieve() 42 """ def __init__(self, answer_portion): self.part = answer_portion _logger.debug("The Answer was initialized!") def retrieve(self): _logger.debug("The Answer is being computed...") return 7*self.part class Fibonacci(object): """Unit of testable functionality as an iterator Tested documentation: >>> fib=Fibonacci(6,7) >>> fib.next() 13 """ def __init__(self, init_first, init_second, max=256): self.n = init_first self.m = init_second self.max = max _logger.debug("The Fibonacci was initialized with {0} and {1}".format(self.n, self.m)) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): _logger.debug("The next Fibonacci number is being computed...") if self.n + self.m > self.max: # wrap around to avoid overflow l = 1 self.n = 0 else: l = self.n + self.m self.n = self.m self.m = l _logger.debug("The next Fibonacci number is {0}".format(l)) return l
{ "repo_name": "pyros-dev/ros1_template", "path": "ros1_pytemplate/ros1_pytemplate/lib_module.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1462", "license": "mit", "hash": -8578626913949421000, "line_mean": 23.3666666667, "line_max": 94, "alpha_frac": 0.5861833105, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.7106598984771573, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.47968432089771573, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 if PY3: import builtins def apply(f, args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) else: import __builtin__ as builtins apply = builtins.apply # Portions of this taken from the six library, licensed as follows. # # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Benjamin Peterson # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from toolz.compatibility import map, zip, range, reduce if PY2: _inttypes = (int, long) unicode = builtins.unicode basestring = builtins.basestring _strtypes = (str, unicode) else: _inttypes = (int,) _strtypes = (str,) unicode = str basestring = str import io try: SEEK_END = io.SEEK_END except AttributeError: SEEK_END = 2 try: import pytest skipif = pytest.mark.skipif xfail = pytest.mark.xfail min_python_version = skipif(sys.version_info < (2, 7), reason="Python >= 2.7 required") raises = pytest.raises except ImportError: # TODO: move the above into a separate testing utils module pass if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): from ctypes import c_ssize_t else: import ctypes if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == 4: c_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int32 else: c_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int64 try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO
{ "repo_name": "mrocklin/blaze", "path": "blaze/compatibility.py", "copies": "2", "size": "2485", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -8998331448645745000, "line_mean": 26.6111111111, "line_max": 80, "alpha_frac": 0.7014084507, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.894984326018809, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5596392776718808, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys try: from glue.viewers.common.qt.data_viewer import DataViewer except ImportError: from glue.qt.widgets.data_viewer import DataViewer from glue.core import message as msg from glue.utils import nonpartial from glue.core.state import lookup_class_with_patches from qtpy import PYQT5, QtWidgets from .vispy_widget import VispyWidgetHelper from .viewer_options import VispyOptionsWidget from .toolbar import VispyViewerToolbar from .viewer_state import Vispy3DViewerState from .compat import update_viewer_state # The following detects whether we are using PyQt5 with Anaconda on Linux, which # is currently broken. Once https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues/1267 # is fixed, we will no longer need BROKEN_CONDA_PYQT5. BROKEN_CONDA_PYQT5 = (PYQT5 and sys.platform == 'linux' and 'Continuum Analytics' in sys.version) BROKEN_CONDA_PYQT5_MESSAGE = "The conda version of PyQt5 on Linux does not include OpenGL support, which means that the 3D viewers will not work. The easiest way to solve this is to manually downgrade to PyQt4. This can normally be done with 'conda install pyqt=4'." # noqa class BaseVispyViewer(DataViewer): _state_cls = Vispy3DViewerState _toolbar_cls = VispyViewerToolbar tools = ['vispy:reset', 'vispy:save', 'vispy:rotate'] # If imageio is available, we can add the record icon try: import imageio # noqa except ImportError: pass else: tools.insert(1, 'vispy:record') def __init__(self, session, viewer_state=None, parent=None): super(BaseVispyViewer, self).__init__(session, parent=parent) self.state = viewer_state or self._state_cls() if BROKEN_CONDA_PYQT5: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", BROKEN_CONDA_PYQT5_MESSAGE) raise Exception(BROKEN_CONDA_PYQT5_MESSAGE) self._vispy_widget = VispyWidgetHelper(viewer_state=self.state) self.setCentralWidget(self._vispy_widget.canvas.native) self._options_widget = VispyOptionsWidget(parent=self, viewer_state=self.state) self.state.add_callback('clip_data', nonpartial(self._toggle_clip)) self.status_label = None self.client = None # When layer artists are removed from the layer artist container, we need # to make sure we remove matching layer states in the viewer state # layers attribute. self._layer_artist_container.on_changed(nonpartial(self._sync_state_layers)) def _sync_state_layers(self): # Remove layer state objects that no longer have a matching layer for layer_state in self.state.layers: if layer_state.layer not in self._layer_artist_container: self.state.layers.remove(layer_state) def register_to_hub(self, hub): super(BaseVispyViewer, self).register_to_hub(hub) def subset_has_data(x): return x.sender.data in self._layer_artist_container.layers def has_data(x): return x.sender in self._layer_artist_container.layers hub.subscribe(self, msg.SubsetCreateMessage, handler=self._add_subset, filter=subset_has_data) hub.subscribe(self, msg.SubsetUpdateMessage, handler=self._update_subset, filter=subset_has_data) hub.subscribe(self, msg.SubsetDeleteMessage, handler=self._remove_subset, filter=subset_has_data) hub.subscribe(self, msg.DataUpdateMessage, handler=self.update_window_title, filter=has_data) hub.subscribe(self, msg.NumericalDataChangedMessage, handler=self._numerical_data_changed, filter=has_data) hub.subscribe(self, msg.ComponentsChangedMessage, handler=self._update_data, filter=has_data) def is_appearance_settings(msg): return ('BACKGROUND_COLOR' in msg.settings or 'FOREGROUND_COLOR' in msg.settings) hub.subscribe(self, msg.SettingsChangeMessage, handler=self._update_appearance_from_settings, filter=is_appearance_settings) def unregister(self, hub): super(BaseVispyViewer, self).unregister(hub) hub.unsubscribe_all(self) def _update_appearance_from_settings(self, message): self._vispy_widget._update_appearance_from_settings() @property def data(self): return self._data @data.setter def data(self, data): self._data = data # instance by object viewers later def add_data(self, data): return True def _add_subset(self, message): pass def _update_subset(self, message): if message.subset in self._layer_artist_container: for layer_artist in self._layer_artist_container[message.subset]: layer_artist._update_data() self._vispy_widget.canvas.update() def _remove_subset(self, message): if message.subset in self._layer_artist_container: self._layer_artist_container.pop(message.subset) self._vispy_widget.canvas.update() def _update_data(self, message): if message.data in self._layer_artist_container: for layer_artist in self._layer_artist_container[message.data]: layer_artist._update_data() def _numerical_data_changed(self, message): for layer_artist in self._layer_artist_container: layer_artist._update_data() def _redraw(self): self._vispy_widget.canvas.render() def update_window_title(self, *args): pass def options_widget(self): return self._options_widget @property def window_title(self): return self.LABEL def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(state=self.state.__gluestate__(context), session=context.id(self._session), size=self.viewer_size, pos=self.position, layers=list(map(context.do, self.layers)), _protocol=1) @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): if rec.get('_protocol', 0) < 1: update_viewer_state(rec, context) session = context.object(rec['session']) viewer = cls(session) viewer.register_to_hub(session.hub) viewer.viewer_size = rec['size'] x, y = rec['pos'] viewer.move(x=x, y=y) viewer_state = cls._state_cls.__setgluestate__(rec['state'], context) viewer.state.update_from_state(viewer_state) # Restore layer artists for l in rec['layers']: cls = lookup_class_with_patches(l.pop('_type')) layer_state = context.object(l['state']) layer_artist = cls(viewer, layer_state=layer_state) viewer._layer_artist_container.append(layer_artist) return viewer def show_status(self, text): if not self.status_label: statusbar = self.statusBar() self.status_label = QtWidgets.QLabel() statusbar.addWidget(self.status_label) self.status_label.setText(text) def restore_layers(self, layers, context): pass def _toggle_clip(self): for layer_artist in self._layer_artist_container: if self.state.clip_data: layer_artist.set_clip(self.state.clip_limits) else: layer_artist.set_clip(None) if PYQT5: def show(self): # WORKAROUND: # Due to a bug in Qt5, a hidden toolbar in glue causes a grey # rectangle to be overlaid on top of the glue window. Therefore # we check if the toolbar is hidden, and if so we make it into a # floating toolbar temporarily - still hidden, so this will not # be noticeable to the user. # tbar.setAllowedAreas(Qt.NoToolBarArea) from qtpy.QtCore import Qt tbar = self._session.application._mode_toolbar hidden = tbar.isHidden() if hidden: original_flags = tbar.windowFlags() tbar.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window | Qt.FramelessWindowHint) super(BaseVispyViewer, self).show() if hidden: tbar.setWindowFlags(original_flags) tbar.hide()
{ "repo_name": "PennyQ/glue-3d-viewer", "path": "glue_vispy_viewers/common/vispy_data_viewer.py", "copies": "1", "size": "8624", "license": "bsd-2-clause", "hash": 4175453687368145400, "line_mean": 33.3585657371, "line_max": 274, "alpha_frac": 0.6247680891, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.970534069981584, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5095302159081584, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys print(u"Python", sys.version) del sys print(u"Executing pythonista_startup...") try: print(u"Importing submodules of pythonista_startup...") import importlib import sys import traceback # Modify this tuple to include the features you want. # See the individual files for a full description of each submodule. for name in ( ##"_preflight_hook_experiment", ##"customize_sys_hooks", ##"enable_faulthandler", "patch_stdstreams", ##"restore_types", ): try: importlib.import_module("pythonista_startup." + name).run() except: # Catch everything print(u"Exception while running submodule {}:".format(name), file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() del importlib del sys del traceback del name print(u"Done importing submodules of pythonista_startup.") # To disable globals clearing, comment out the next line. """ print(u"Preventing globals clearing...") import sys import types class DirAllTheGlobals(types.ModuleType): import __main__ def __dir__(self): return dir(type(self).__main__) # THESE LINES MUST COME LAST. # Anything past this point is executed in the context of the old pythonista_startup module, which may already be partially garbage-collected. new_module = DirAllTheGlobals(__name__, __doc__) vars(new_module).update(vars(sys.modules["pythonista_startup"])) sys.modules["pythonista_startup"] = new_module del sys del types del DirAllTheGlobals del new_module print(u"Done preventing globals clearing.") #""" except: # Catch everything import sys import traceback print(u"Swallowed exception:", file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() print(u"Trying to reraise.", file=sys.stderr) del sys del traceback raise print(u"Done executing pythonista_startup.")
{ "repo_name": "dgelessus/pythonista_startup", "path": "__init__.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2085", "license": "mit", "hash": -815765147664286800, "line_mean": 26.0779220779, "line_max": 145, "alpha_frac": 0.6369304556, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.161676646706587, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 1, "avg_score": 0.038739370988970706, "num_lines": 77 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys PY3 = sys.version_info[0] > 2 if PY3: from urllib.request import urlopen import builtins as builtins def apply(f, args): return f(*args) else: from urllib2 import urlopen import __builtin__ as builtins apply = apply import sys import itertools # Portions of this taken from the six library, licensed as follows. # # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Benjamin Peterson # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 if PY2: import __builtin__ def dict_iteritems(d): return d.iteritems() xrange = __builtin__.xrange from itertools import izip unicode = __builtin__.unicode basestring = __builtin__.basestring reduce = __builtin__.reduce _strtypes = (str, unicode) _inttypes = (int, long) map = itertools.imap import urlparse def exec_(_code_, _globs_=None, _locs_=None): """Execute code in a namespace.""" if _globs_ is None: frame = sys._getframe(1) _globs_ = frame.f_globals if _locs_ is None: _locs_ = frame.f_locals del frame elif _locs_ is None: _locs_ = _globs_ exec("""exec _code_ in _globs_, _locs_""") else: def dict_iteritems(d): return d.items().__iter__() xrange = range izip = zip _inttypes = (int,) _strtypes = (str,) unicode = str map = map basestring = str import urllib.parse as urlparse from functools import reduce import builtins exec_ = getattr(builtins, "exec") if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 7): from ctypes import c_ssize_t from unittest import skip, skipIf else: import ctypes if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == 4: c_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int32 else: c_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int64 from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest class skip(object): def __init__(self, reason): self.reason = reason def __call__(self, func): from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): raise SkipTest("Test %s is skipped because: %s" % (func.__name__, self.reason)) wrapped.__name__ = func.__name__ return wrapped class skipIf(object): def __init__(self, condition, reason): self.condition = condition self.reason = reason def __call__(self, func): if self.condition: from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): raise SkipTest("Test %s is skipped because: %s" % (func.__name__, self.reason)) wrapped.__name__ = func.__name__ return wrapped else: return func
{ "repo_name": "aterrel/blaze", "path": "blaze/compatibility.py", "copies": "1", "size": "3945", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -5046822982824579000, "line_mean": 31.3360655738, "line_max": 80, "alpha_frac": 0.6159695817, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.2465016146393975, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5362471196339398, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys, os import argparse import time import warnings import numpy as np from scipy.constants import speed_of_light from scipy.stats import cauchy from astropy.table import Table,Column import astropy.io.fits as pyfits import multiprocessing import healpy from desiutil.log import get_logger from desispec.io.util import write_bintable from desispec.io.fibermap import read_fibermap from desisim.simexp import reference_conditions from desisim.templates import SIMQSO, QSO from desisim.scripts.quickspectra import sim_spectra from desisim.lya_spectra import read_lya_skewers , apply_lya_transmission, apply_metals_transmission, lambda_RF_LYA from desisim.dla import dla_spec,insert_dlas from desisim.bal import BAL from desisim.io import empty_metatable from desisim.eboss import FootprintEBOSS, sdss_subsample, RedshiftDistributionEBOSS, sdss_subsample_redshift from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux from desimodel.io import load_pixweight from desimodel import footprint from speclite import filters from desitarget.cuts import isQSO_colors from desiutil.dust import SFDMap, ext_odonnell try: c = speed_of_light/1000. #- km/s except TypeError: # # This can happen in documentation builds. # c = 299792458.0/1000.0 def parse(options=None): parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="Fast simulation of QSO Lya spectra into the final DESI format\ (Spectra class) that can be directly used as an input to the redshift fitter\ (redrock) or correlation function code (picca). The input file is a Lya\ transmission skewer fits file which format is described in\ https://desi.lbl.gov/trac/wiki/LymanAlphaWG/LyaSpecSim.") #- Required parser.add_argument('-i','--infile', type=str, nargs= "*", required=True, help="Input skewer healpix fits file(s)") parser.add_argument('-o','--outfile', type=str, required=False, help="Output spectra (only used if single input file)") parser.add_argument('--outdir', type=str, default=".", required=False, help="Output directory") #- Optional observing conditions to override program defaults parser.add_argument('--program', type=str, default="DARK", help="Program (DARK, GRAY or BRIGHT)") parser.add_argument('--seeing', type=float, default=None, help="Seeing FWHM [arcsec]") parser.add_argument('--airmass', type=float, default=None, help="Airmass") parser.add_argument('--exptime', type=float, default=None, help="Exposure time [sec]") parser.add_argument('--moonfrac', type=float, default=None, help="Moon illumination fraction; 1=full") parser.add_argument('--moonalt', type=float, default=None, help="Moon altitude [degrees]") parser.add_argument('--moonsep', type=float, default=None, help="Moon separation to tile [degrees]") parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=None, required = False, help="Global random seed (will be used to generate a seed per each file") parser.add_argument('--skyerr', type=float, default=0.0, help="Fractional sky subtraction error") parser.add_argument('--downsampling', type=float, default=None,help="fractional random down-sampling (value between 0 and 1)") parser.add_argument('--zmin', type=float, default=0, help="Min redshift") parser.add_argument('--zmax', type=float, default=10, help="Max redshift") parser.add_argument('--wmin', type=float, default=3500, help="Min wavelength (obs. frame)") parser.add_argument('--wmax', type=float, default=10000, help="Max wavelength (obs. frame)") parser.add_argument('--dwave', type=float, default=0.2, help="Internal wavelength step (don't change this)") parser.add_argument('--dwave_desi', type=float, default=0.8, help="Output wavelength step for DESI mocks)") parser.add_argument('--zbest', action = "store_true", help="add a zbest file per spectrum either with the truth\ redshift or adding some error (optionally use it with --sigma_kms_fog and/or --gamma_kms_zfit)") parser.add_argument('--sigma_kms_fog',type=float,default=150, help="Adds a gaussian error to the quasar \ redshift that simulate the fingers of god effect") parser.add_argument('--gamma_kms_zfit',nargs='?',type=float,const=400,help="Adds a Lorentzian distributed shift\ to the quasar redshift, to simulate the redshift fitting step. E.g. --gamma_kms_zfit 400 will use a gamma \ parameter of 400 km/s . If a number is not specified, a value of 400 is used.") parser.add_argument('--shift_kms_los',type=float,default=0,help="Adds a shift to the quasar redshift written in\ the zbest file (in km/s)") parser.add_argument('--target-selection', action = "store_true" ,help="apply QSO target selection cuts to the simulated quasars") parser.add_argument('--mags', action = "store_true", help="DEPRECATED; use --bbflux") parser.add_argument('--bbflux', action = "store_true", help="compute and write the QSO broad-band fluxes in the fibermap") parser.add_argument('--add-LYB', action='store_true', help = "Add LYB absorption from transmision file") parser.add_argument('--metals', type=str, default=None, required=False, help = "list of metals to get the\ transmission from, if 'all' runs on all metals", nargs='*') #parser.add_argument('--metals-from-file', action = 'store_true', help = "add metals from HDU in file") parser.add_argument('--metals-from-file',type=str,const='all',help = "list of metals,'SI1260,SI1207' etc, to get from HDUs in file. \ Use 'all' or no argument for mock version < 7.3 or final metal runs. ",nargs='?') parser.add_argument('--dla',type=str,required=False, help="Add DLA to simulated spectra either randonmly\ (--dla random) or from transmision file (--dla file)") parser.add_argument('--balprob',type=float,required=False, help="To add BAL features with the specified probability\ (e.g --balprob 0.5). Expect a number between 0 and 1 ") parser.add_argument('--no-simqso',action = "store_true", help="Does not use desisim.templates.SIMQSO\ to generate templates, and uses desisim.templates.QSO instead.") parser.add_argument('--save-continuum',action = "store_true", help="Save true continum to file") parser.add_argument('--save-continuum-dwave',type=float, default=2, help="Delta wavelength to save true continum") parser.add_argument('--desi-footprint', action = "store_true" ,help="select QSOs in DESI footprint") parser.add_argument('--eboss',action = 'store_true', help='Setup footprint, number density, redshift distribution,\ and exposure time to generate eBOSS-like mocks') parser.add_argument('--extinction',action='store_true',help='Adds Galactic extinction') parser.add_argument('--no-transmission',action = 'store_true', help='Do not multiply continuum\ by transmission, use F=1 everywhere') parser.add_argument('--nproc', type=int, default=1,help="number of processors to run faster") parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action = "store_true" ,help="rerun if spectra exists (default is skip)") parser.add_argument('--nmax', type=int, default=None, help="Max number of QSO per input file, for debugging") parser.add_argument('--save-resolution',action='store_true', help="Save full resolution in spectra file. By default only one matrix is saved in the truth file.") if options is None: args = parser.parse_args() else: args = parser.parse_args(options) return args def mod_cauchy(loc,scale,size,cut): samples=cauchy.rvs(loc=loc,scale=scale,size=3*size) samples=samples[abs(samples)<cut] if len(samples)>=size: samples=samples[:size] else: samples=mod_cauchy(loc,scale,size,cut) ##Only added for the very unlikely case that there are not enough samples after the cut. return samples def get_spectra_filename(args,nside,pixel): if args.outfile : return args.outfile filename="{}/{}/spectra-{}-{}.fits".format(pixel//100,pixel,nside,pixel) return os.path.join(args.outdir,filename) def get_zbest_filename(args,pixdir,nside,pixel): if args.zbest : return os.path.join(pixdir,"zbest-{}-{}.fits".format(nside,pixel)) return None def get_truth_filename(args,pixdir,nside,pixel): return os.path.join(pixdir,"truth-{}-{}.fits".format(nside,pixel)) def is_south(dec): """Identify which QSOs are in the south vs the north, since these are on different photometric systems. See https://github.com/desihub/desitarget/issues/353 for details. """ return dec <= 32.125 # constant-declination cut! def get_healpix_info(ifilename): """Read the header of the tranmission file to find the healpix pixel, nside and if we are lucky the scheme. If it fails, try to guess it from the filename (for backward compatibility). Args: ifilename: full path to input transmission file Returns: healpix: HEALPix pixel corresponding to the file nside: HEALPix nside value hpxnest: Whether HEALPix scheme in the file was nested """ log = get_logger() print('ifilename',ifilename) healpix=-1 nside=-1 hpxnest=True hdulist=pyfits.open(ifilename) if "METADATA" in hdulist : head=hdulist["METADATA"].header for k in ["HPXPIXEL","PIXNUM"] : if k in head : healpix=int(head[k]) log.info("healpix={}={}".format(k,healpix)) break for k in ["HPXNSIDE","NSIDE"] : if k in head : nside=int(head[k]) log.info("nside={}={}".format(k,nside)) break for k in ["HPXNEST","NESTED","SCHEME"] : if k in head : if k == "SCHEME" : hpxnest=(head[k]=="NEST") else : hpxnest=bool(head[k]) log.info("hpxnest from {} = {}".format(k,hpxnest)) break if healpix >= 0 and nside < 0 : log.error("Read healpix in header but not nside.") raise ValueError("Read healpix in header but not nside.") if healpix < 0 : vals = os.path.basename(ifilename).split(".")[0].split("-") if len(vals)<3 : error_msg="Could not guess healpix info from {}".format(ifilename) log.error(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) try : healpix=int(vals[-1]) nside=int(vals[-2]) except ValueError: error_msg="Could not guess healpix info from {}".format(ifilename) log.error(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) log.warning("Guessed healpix and nside from filename, assuming the healpix scheme is 'NESTED'") return healpix, nside, hpxnest def get_pixel_seed(pixel, nside, global_seed): if global_seed is None: # return a random seed return np.random.randint(2**32, size=1)[0] npix=healpy.nside2npix(nside) np.random.seed(global_seed) seeds = np.unique(np.random.randint(2**32, size=10*npix))[:npix] pixel_seed = seeds[pixel] return pixel_seed def simulate_one_healpix(ifilename,args,model,obsconditions,decam_and_wise_filters, bassmzls_and_wise_filters,footprint_healpix_weight, footprint_healpix_nside, bal=None,sfdmap=None,eboss=None) : log = get_logger() # open filename and extract basic HEALPix information pixel, nside, hpxnest = get_healpix_info(ifilename) # using global seed (could be None) get seed for this particular pixel global_seed = args.seed seed = get_pixel_seed(pixel, nside, global_seed) # use this seed to generate future random numbers np.random.seed(seed) # get output file (we will write there spectra for this HEALPix pixel) ofilename = get_spectra_filename(args,nside,pixel) # get directory name (we will also write there zbest file) pixdir = os.path.dirname(ofilename) # get filename for truth file truth_filename = get_truth_filename(args,pixdir,nside,pixel) # get filename for zbest file zbest_filename = get_zbest_filename(args,pixdir,nside,pixel) if not args.overwrite : # check whether output exists or not if args.zbest : if os.path.isfile(ofilename) and os.path.isfile(zbest_filename) : log.info("skip existing {} and {}".format(ofilename,zbest_filename)) return else : # only test spectra file if os.path.isfile(ofilename) : log.info("skip existing {}".format(ofilename)) return # create sub-directories if required if len(pixdir)>0 : if not os.path.isdir(pixdir) : log.info("Creating dir {}".format(pixdir)) os.makedirs(pixdir) if not eboss is None: dwave_out = None else: dwave_out = args.dwave_desi log.info("Read skewers in {}, random seed = {}".format(ifilename,seed)) # Read transmission from files. It might include DLA information, and it # might add metal transmission as well (from the HDU file). log.info("Read transmission file {}".format(ifilename)) trans_wave, transmission, metadata, dla_info = read_lya_skewers(ifilename,read_dlas=(args.dla=='file'),add_metals=args.metals_from_file,add_lyb=args.add_LYB) ### Add Finger-of-God, before generate the continua log.info("Add FOG to redshift with sigma {} to quasar redshift".format(args.sigma_kms_fog)) DZ_FOG = args.sigma_kms_fog/c*(1.+metadata['Z'])*np.random.normal(0,1,metadata['Z'].size) metadata['Z'] += DZ_FOG ### Select quasar within a given redshift range w = (metadata['Z']>=args.zmin) & (metadata['Z']<=args.zmax) transmission = transmission[w] metadata = metadata[:][w] DZ_FOG = DZ_FOG[w] # option to make for BOSS+eBOSS if not eboss is None: if args.downsampling or args.desi_footprint: raise ValueError("eboss option can not be run with " +"desi_footprint or downsampling") # Get the redshift distribution from SDSS selection = sdss_subsample_redshift(metadata["RA"],metadata["DEC"],metadata['Z'],eboss['redshift']) log.info("Select QSOs in BOSS+eBOSS redshift distribution {} -> {}".format(metadata['Z'].size,selection.sum())) if selection.sum()==0: log.warning("No intersection with BOSS+eBOSS redshift distribution") return transmission = transmission[selection] metadata = metadata[:][selection] DZ_FOG = DZ_FOG[selection] # figure out the density of all quasars N_highz = metadata['Z'].size # area of healpix pixel, in degrees area_deg2 = healpy.pixelfunc.nside2pixarea(nside,degrees=True) input_highz_dens_deg2 = N_highz/area_deg2 selection = sdss_subsample(metadata["RA"], metadata["DEC"], input_highz_dens_deg2,eboss['footprint']) log.info("Select QSOs in BOSS+eBOSS footprint {} -> {}".format(transmission.shape[0],selection.size)) if selection.size == 0 : log.warning("No intersection with BOSS+eBOSS footprint") return transmission = transmission[selection] metadata = metadata[:][selection] DZ_FOG = DZ_FOG[selection] if args.desi_footprint : footprint_healpix = footprint.radec2pix(footprint_healpix_nside, metadata["RA"], metadata["DEC"]) selection = np.where(footprint_healpix_weight[footprint_healpix]>0.99)[0] log.info("Select QSOs in DESI footprint {} -> {}".format(transmission.shape[0],selection.size)) if selection.size == 0 : log.warning("No intersection with DESI footprint") return transmission = transmission[selection] metadata = metadata[:][selection] DZ_FOG = DZ_FOG[selection] nqso=transmission.shape[0] if args.downsampling is not None : if args.downsampling <= 0 or args.downsampling > 1 : log.error("Down sampling fraction={} must be between 0 and 1".format(args.downsampling)) raise ValueError("Down sampling fraction={} must be between 0 and 1".format(args.downsampling)) indices = np.where(np.random.uniform(size=nqso)<args.downsampling)[0] if indices.size == 0 : log.warning("Down sampling from {} to 0 (by chance I presume)".format(nqso)) return transmission = transmission[indices] metadata = metadata[:][indices] DZ_FOG = DZ_FOG[indices] nqso = transmission.shape[0] if args.nmax is not None : if args.nmax < nqso : log.info("Limit number of QSOs from {} to nmax={} (random subsample)".format(nqso,args.nmax)) # take a random subsample indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(nqso),args.nmax,replace=False) transmission = transmission[indices] metadata = metadata[:][indices] DZ_FOG = DZ_FOG[indices] nqso = args.nmax # In previous versions of the London mocks we needed to enforce F=1 for # z > z_qso here, but this is not needed anymore. Moreover, now we also # have metal absorption that implies F < 1 for z > z_qso #for ii in range(len(metadata)): # transmission[ii][trans_wave>lambda_RF_LYA*(metadata[ii]['Z']+1)]=1.0 # if requested, add DLA to the transmission skewers if args.dla is not None : # if adding random DLAs, we will need a new random generator if args.dla=='random': log.info('Adding DLAs randomly') random_state_just_for_dlas = np.random.RandomState(seed) elif args.dla=='file': log.info('Adding DLAs from transmission file') else: log.error("Wrong option for args.dla: "+args.dla) sys.exit(1) # if adding DLAs, the information will be printed here dla_filename=os.path.join(pixdir,"dla-{}-{}.fits".format(nside,pixel)) dla_NHI, dla_z, dla_qid,dla_id = [], [], [],[] # identify minimum Lya redshift in transmission files min_lya_z = np.min(trans_wave/lambda_RF_LYA - 1) # loop over quasars in pixel for ii in range(len(metadata)): # quasars with z < min_z will not have any DLA in spectrum if min_lya_z>metadata['Z'][ii]: continue # quasar ID idd=metadata['MOCKID'][ii] dlas=[] if args.dla=='file': for dla in dla_info[dla_info['MOCKID']==idd]: # Adding only DLAs with z < zqso if dla['Z_DLA_RSD']>=metadata['Z'][ii]: continue dlas.append(dict(z=dla['Z_DLA_RSD'],N=dla['N_HI_DLA'],dlaid=dla['DLAID'])) transmission_dla = dla_spec(trans_wave,dlas) elif args.dla=='random': dlas, transmission_dla = insert_dlas(trans_wave, metadata['Z'][ii], rstate=random_state_just_for_dlas) for idla in dlas: idla['dlaid']+=idd*1000 #Added to have unique DLA ids. Same format as DLAs from file. # multiply transmissions and store information for the DLA file if len(dlas)>0: transmission[ii] = transmission_dla * transmission[ii] dla_z += [idla['z'] for idla in dlas] dla_NHI += [idla['N'] for idla in dlas] dla_id += [idla['dlaid'] for idla in dlas] dla_qid += [idd]*len(dlas) log.info('Added {} DLAs'.format(len(dla_id))) # write file with DLA information if len(dla_id)>0: dla_meta=Table() dla_meta['NHI'] = dla_NHI dla_meta['Z_DLA'] = dla_z #This is Z_DLA_RSD in transmision. dla_meta['TARGETID']=dla_qid dla_meta['DLAID'] = dla_id hdu_dla = pyfits.convenience.table_to_hdu(dla_meta) hdu_dla.name="DLA_META" del(dla_meta) log.info("DLA metadata to be saved in {}".format(truth_filename)) else: hdu_dla=pyfits.PrimaryHDU() hdu_dla.name="DLA_META" # if requested, extend transmission skewers to cover full spectrum if args.target_selection or args.bbflux : wanted_min_wave = 3329. # needed to compute magnitudes for decam2014-r (one could have trimmed the transmission file ...) wanted_max_wave = 55501. # needed to compute magnitudes for wise2010-W2 if trans_wave[0]>wanted_min_wave : log.info("Increase wavelength range from {}:{} to {}:{} to compute magnitudes".format(int(trans_wave[0]),int(trans_wave[-1]),int(wanted_min_wave),int(trans_wave[-1]))) # pad with ones at short wavelength, we assume F = 1 for z <~ 1.7 # we don't need any wavelength resolution here new_trans_wave = np.append([wanted_min_wave,trans_wave[0]-0.01],trans_wave) new_transmission = np.ones((transmission.shape[0],new_trans_wave.size)) new_transmission[:,2:] = transmission trans_wave = new_trans_wave transmission = new_transmission if trans_wave[-1]<wanted_max_wave : log.info("Increase wavelength range from {}:{} to {}:{} to compute magnitudes".format(int(trans_wave[0]),int(trans_wave[-1]),int(trans_wave[0]),int(wanted_max_wave))) # pad with ones at long wavelength because we assume F = 1 coarse_dwave = 2. # we don't care about resolution, we just need a decent QSO spectrum, there is no IGM transmission in this range n = int((wanted_max_wave-trans_wave[-1])/coarse_dwave)+1 new_trans_wave = np.append(trans_wave,np.linspace(trans_wave[-1]+coarse_dwave,trans_wave[-1]+coarse_dwave*(n+1),n)) new_transmission = np.ones((transmission.shape[0],new_trans_wave.size)) new_transmission[:,:trans_wave.size] = transmission trans_wave = new_trans_wave transmission = new_transmission # whether to use QSO or SIMQSO to generate quasar continua. Simulate # spectra in the north vs south separately because they're on different # photometric systems. south = np.where( is_south(metadata['DEC']) )[0] north = np.where( ~is_south(metadata['DEC']) )[0] meta, qsometa = empty_metatable(nqso, objtype='QSO', simqso=not args.no_simqso) if args.no_simqso: log.info("Simulate {} QSOs with QSO templates".format(nqso)) tmp_qso_flux = np.zeros([nqso, len(model.eigenwave)], dtype='f4') tmp_qso_wave = np.zeros_like(tmp_qso_flux) else: log.info("Simulate {} QSOs with SIMQSO templates".format(nqso)) tmp_qso_flux = np.zeros([nqso, len(model.basewave)], dtype='f4') tmp_qso_wave = model.basewave for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): # number of quasars in these nt = len(these) if nt<=0: continue if not eboss is None: # for eBOSS, generate only quasars with r<22 magrange = (17.0, 21.3) _tmp_qso_flux, _tmp_qso_wave, _meta, _qsometa \ = model.make_templates(nmodel=nt, redshift=metadata['Z'][these], magrange=magrange, lyaforest=False, nocolorcuts=True, noresample=True, seed=seed, south=issouth) else: _tmp_qso_flux, _tmp_qso_wave, _meta, _qsometa \ = model.make_templates(nmodel=nt, redshift=metadata['Z'][these], lyaforest=False, nocolorcuts=True, noresample=True, seed=seed, south=issouth) _meta['TARGETID'] = metadata['MOCKID'][these] _qsometa['TARGETID'] = metadata['MOCKID'][these] meta[these] = _meta qsometa[these] = _qsometa tmp_qso_flux[these, :] = _tmp_qso_flux if args.no_simqso: tmp_qso_wave[these, :] = _tmp_qso_wave log.info("Resample to transmission wavelength grid") qso_flux=np.zeros((tmp_qso_flux.shape[0],trans_wave.size)) if args.no_simqso: for q in range(tmp_qso_flux.shape[0]) : qso_flux[q]=np.interp(trans_wave,tmp_qso_wave[q],tmp_qso_flux[q]) else: for q in range(tmp_qso_flux.shape[0]) : qso_flux[q]=np.interp(trans_wave,tmp_qso_wave,tmp_qso_flux[q]) tmp_qso_flux = qso_flux tmp_qso_wave = trans_wave if args.save_continuum : true_wave=np.linspace(args.wmin,args.wmax,int((args.wmax-args.wmin)/args.save_continuum_dwave)+1) true_flux=np.zeros((tmp_qso_flux.shape[0],true_wave.size)) for q in range(tmp_qso_flux.shape[0]) : true_flux[q]=resample_flux(true_wave,tmp_qso_wave,tmp_qso_flux[q]) continum_meta=Table() continum_meta['TARGETID'] = qsometa['TARGETID'] continum_meta['TRUE_CONT'] = true_flux hdu_trueCont = pyfits.convenience.table_to_hdu(continum_meta) hdu_trueCont.name = "TRUE_CONT" hdu_trueCont.header['wmin'] = args.wmin hdu_trueCont.header['wmax'] = args.wmax hdu_trueCont.header['dwave'] = args.save_continuum_dwave del(continum_meta,true_wave,true_flux) log.info("True continum to be saved in {}".format(truth_filename)) # if requested, add BAL features to the quasar continua if args.balprob: if args.balprob <= 1. and args.balprob > 0: from desisim.io import find_basis_template log.info("Adding BALs with probability {}".format(args.balprob)) # save current random state rnd_state = np.random.get_state() tmp_qso_flux,meta_bal = bal.insert_bals(tmp_qso_wave, tmp_qso_flux, metadata['Z'], balprob= args.balprob, seed=seed, qsoid=metadata['MOCKID']) # restore random state to get the same random numbers later # as when we don't insert BALs np.random.set_state(rnd_state) w = np.in1d(qsometa['TARGETID'], meta_bal['TARGETID']) qsometa['BAL_TEMPLATEID'][w] = meta_bal['BAL_TEMPLATEID'] hdu_bal=pyfits.convenience.table_to_hdu(meta_bal); hdu_bal.name="BAL_META" #Trim to only show the version, assuming it is located in os.environ['DESI_BASIS_TEMPLATES'] hdu_bal.header["BALTEMPL"]=find_basis_template(objtype='BAL').split('basis_templates/')[1] del meta_bal else: balstr=str(args.balprob) log.error("BAL probability is not between 0 and 1 : "+balstr) sys.exit(1) # Multiply quasar continua by transmitted flux fraction # (at this point transmission file might include Ly-beta, metals and DLAs) log.info("Apply transmitted flux fraction") if not args.no_transmission: tmp_qso_flux = apply_lya_transmission(tmp_qso_wave,tmp_qso_flux, trans_wave,transmission) # if requested, compute metal transmission on the fly # (if not included already from the transmission file) if args.metals is not None: if args.metals_from_file : log.error('you cannot add metals twice') raise ValueError('you cannot add metals twice') if args.no_transmission: log.error('you cannot add metals if asking for no-transmission') raise ValueError('can not add metals if using no-transmission') lstMetals = '' for m in args.metals: lstMetals += m+', ' log.info("Apply metals: {}".format(lstMetals[:-2])) tmp_qso_flux = apply_metals_transmission(tmp_qso_wave,tmp_qso_flux, trans_wave,transmission,args.metals) # if requested, compute magnitudes and apply target selection. Need to do # this calculation separately for QSOs in the north vs south. bbflux=None if args.target_selection or args.bbflux : bands=['FLUX_G','FLUX_R','FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2'] bbflux=dict() bbflux['SOUTH'] = is_south(metadata['DEC']) for band in bands: bbflux[band] = np.zeros(nqso) # need to recompute the magnitudes to account for lya transmission log.info("Compute QSO magnitudes") for these, filters in zip( (~bbflux['SOUTH'], bbflux['SOUTH']), (bassmzls_and_wise_filters, decam_and_wise_filters) ): if np.count_nonzero(these) > 0: maggies = filters.get_ab_maggies(1e-17 * tmp_qso_flux[these, :], tmp_qso_wave) for band, filt in zip( bands, maggies.colnames ): bbflux[band][these] = np.ma.getdata(1e9 * maggies[filt]) # nanomaggies if args.target_selection : log.info("Apply target selection") isqso = np.ones(nqso, dtype=bool) for these, issouth in zip( (~bbflux['SOUTH'], bbflux['SOUTH']), (False, True) ): if np.count_nonzero(these) > 0: # optical cuts only if using QSO vs SIMQSO isqso[these] &= isQSO_colors(gflux=bbflux['FLUX_G'][these], rflux=bbflux['FLUX_R'][these], zflux=bbflux['FLUX_Z'][these], w1flux=bbflux['FLUX_W1'][these], w2flux=bbflux['FLUX_W2'][these], south=issouth, optical=args.no_simqso) log.info("Target selection: {}/{} QSOs selected".format(np.sum(isqso),nqso)) selection=np.where(isqso)[0] if selection.size==0 : return tmp_qso_flux = tmp_qso_flux[selection] metadata = metadata[:][selection] meta = meta[:][selection] qsometa = qsometa[:][selection] DZ_FOG = DZ_FOG[selection] for band in bands : bbflux[band] = bbflux[band][selection] bbflux['SOUTH']=bbflux['SOUTH'][selection] nqso = selection.size log.info("Resample to a linear wavelength grid (needed by DESI sim.)") # careful integration of bins, not just a simple interpolation qso_wave=np.linspace(args.wmin,args.wmax,int((args.wmax-args.wmin)/args.dwave)+1) qso_flux=np.zeros((tmp_qso_flux.shape[0],qso_wave.size)) for q in range(tmp_qso_flux.shape[0]) : qso_flux[q]=resample_flux(qso_wave,tmp_qso_wave,tmp_qso_flux[q]) log.info("Simulate DESI observation and write output file") if "MOCKID" in metadata.dtype.names : #log.warning("Using MOCKID as TARGETID") targetid=np.array(metadata["MOCKID"]).astype(int) elif "ID" in metadata.dtype.names : log.warning("Using ID as TARGETID") targetid=np.array(metadata["ID"]).astype(int) else : log.warning("No TARGETID") targetid=None specmeta={"HPXNSIDE":nside,"HPXPIXEL":pixel, "HPXNEST":hpxnest} if args.target_selection or args.bbflux : fibermap_columns = dict( FLUX_G = bbflux['FLUX_G'], FLUX_R = bbflux['FLUX_R'], FLUX_Z = bbflux['FLUX_Z'], FLUX_W1 = bbflux['FLUX_W1'], FLUX_W2 = bbflux['FLUX_W2'], ) photsys = np.full(len(bbflux['FLUX_G']), 'N', dtype='S1') photsys[bbflux['SOUTH']] = b'S' fibermap_columns['PHOTSYS'] = photsys else : fibermap_columns=None # Attenuate the spectra for extinction if not sfdmap is None: Rv=3.1 #set by default indx=np.arange(metadata['RA'].size) extinction =Rv*ext_odonnell(qso_wave) EBV = sfdmap.ebv(metadata['RA'],metadata['DEC'], scaling=1.0) qso_flux *=10**( -0.4 * EBV[indx, np.newaxis] * extinction) if fibermap_columns is not None: fibermap_columns['EBV']=EBV EBV0=0.0 EBV_med=np.median(EBV) Ag = 3.303 * (EBV_med - EBV0) exptime_fact=np.power(10.0, (2.0 * Ag / 2.5)) obsconditions['EXPTIME']*=exptime_fact log.info("Dust extinction added") log.info('exposure time adjusted to {}'.format(obsconditions['EXPTIME'])) if args.eboss: specsim_config_file = 'eboss' else: specsim_config_file = 'desi' ### use Poisson = False to get reproducible results. ### use args.save_resolution = False to not save the matrix resolution per quasar in spectra files. resolution=sim_spectra(qso_wave,qso_flux, args.program, obsconditions=obsconditions,spectra_filename=ofilename, sourcetype="qso", skyerr=args.skyerr,ra=metadata["RA"],dec=metadata["DEC"],targetid=targetid, meta=specmeta,seed=seed,fibermap_columns=fibermap_columns,use_poisson=False, specsim_config_file=specsim_config_file, dwave_out=dwave_out, save_resolution=args.save_resolution) ### Keep input redshift Z_spec = metadata['Z'].copy() Z_input = metadata['Z'].copy()-DZ_FOG ### Add a shift to the redshift, simulating the systematic imprecision of redrock DZ_sys_shift = args.shift_kms_los/c*(1.+Z_input) log.info('Added a shift of {} km/s to the redshift'.format(args.shift_kms_los)) meta['REDSHIFT'] += DZ_sys_shift metadata['Z'] += DZ_sys_shift ### Add a shift to the redshift, simulating the statistic imprecision of redrock if args.gamma_kms_zfit: log.info("Added zfit error with gamma {} to zbest".format(args.gamma_kms_zfit)) DZ_stat_shift = mod_cauchy(loc=0,scale=args.gamma_kms_zfit,size=nqso,cut=3000)/c*(1.+Z_input) meta['REDSHIFT'] += DZ_stat_shift metadata['Z'] += DZ_stat_shift ## Write the truth file, including metadata for DLAs and BALs log.info('Writing a truth file {}'.format(truth_filename)) meta.rename_column('REDSHIFT','Z') meta.add_column(Column(Z_spec,name='TRUEZ')) meta.add_column(Column(Z_input,name='Z_INPUT')) meta.add_column(Column(DZ_FOG,name='DZ_FOG')) meta.add_column(Column(DZ_sys_shift,name='DZ_SYS')) if args.gamma_kms_zfit: meta.add_column(Column(DZ_stat_shift,name='DZ_STAT')) if 'Z_noRSD' in metadata.dtype.names: meta.add_column(Column(metadata['Z_noRSD'],name='Z_NORSD')) else: log.info('Z_noRSD field not present in transmission file. Z_NORSD not saved to truth file') #Save global seed and pixel seed to primary header hdr=pyfits.Header() hdr['GSEED']=global_seed hdr['PIXSEED']=seed with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*nanomaggies.*") hdu = pyfits.convenience.table_to_hdu(meta) hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'TRUTH' hduqso=pyfits.convenience.table_to_hdu(qsometa) hduqso.header['EXTNAME'] = 'TRUTH_QSO' hdulist=pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr),hdu,hduqso]) if args.dla : hdulist.append(hdu_dla) if args.balprob : hdulist.append(hdu_bal) if args.save_continuum : hdulist.append(hdu_trueCont) # Save one resolution matrix per camera to the truth file instead of one per quasar to the spectra files. if not args.save_resolution: for band in resolution.keys(): hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(name="{}_RESOLUTION".format(band.upper())) hdu.data = resolution[band].astype("f4") hdulist.append(hdu) hdulist.writeto(truth_filename, overwrite=True) hdulist.close() if args.zbest : log.info("Read fibermap") fibermap = read_fibermap(ofilename) log.info("Writing a zbest file {}".format(zbest_filename)) columns = [ ('CHI2', 'f8'), ('COEFF', 'f8' , (4,)), ('Z', 'f8'), ('ZERR', 'f8'), ('ZWARN', 'i8'), ('SPECTYPE', (str,96)), ('SUBTYPE', (str,16)), ('TARGETID', 'i8'), ('DELTACHI2', 'f8'), ('BRICKNAME', (str,8))] zbest = Table(np.zeros(nqso, dtype=columns)) zbest['CHI2'][:] = 0. zbest['Z'][:] = metadata['Z'] zbest['ZERR'][:] = 0. zbest['ZWARN'][:] = 0 zbest['SPECTYPE'][:] = 'QSO' zbest['SUBTYPE'][:] = '' zbest['TARGETID'][:] = metadata['MOCKID'] zbest['DELTACHI2'][:] = 25. hzbest = pyfits.convenience.table_to_hdu(zbest); hzbest.name='ZBEST' hfmap = pyfits.convenience.table_to_hdu(fibermap); hfmap.name='FIBERMAP' hdulist =pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(),hzbest,hfmap]) hdulist.writeto(zbest_filename, overwrite=True) hdulist.close() # see if this helps with memory issue def _func(arg) : """ Used for multiprocessing.Pool """ return simulate_one_healpix(**arg) def main(args=None): log = get_logger() if isinstance(args, (list, tuple, type(None))): args = parse(args) if args.outfile is not None and len(args.infile)>1 : log.error("Cannot specify single output file with multiple inputs, use --outdir option instead") return 1 if not os.path.isdir(args.outdir) : log.info("Creating dir {}".format(args.outdir)) os.makedirs(args.outdir) if args.mags : log.warning('--mags is deprecated; please use --bbflux instead') args.bbflux = True exptime = args.exptime if exptime is None : exptime = 1000. # sec if args.eboss: exptime = 1000. # sec (added here in case we change the default) #- Generate obsconditions with args.program, then override as needed obsconditions = reference_conditions[args.program.upper()] if args.airmass is not None: obsconditions['AIRMASS'] = args.airmass if args.seeing is not None: obsconditions['SEEING'] = args.seeing if exptime is not None: obsconditions['EXPTIME'] = exptime if args.moonfrac is not None: obsconditions['MOONFRAC'] = args.moonfrac if args.moonalt is not None: obsconditions['MOONALT'] = args.moonalt if args.moonsep is not None: obsconditions['MOONSEP'] = args.moonsep if args.no_simqso: log.info("Load QSO model") model=QSO() else: log.info("Load SIMQSO model") #lya_simqso_model.py is located in $DESISIM/py/desisim/scripts/. #Uses a different emmision lines model than the default SIMQSO. #We will update this soon to match with the one used in select_mock_targets. model=SIMQSO(nproc=1,sqmodel='lya_simqso_model') decam_and_wise_filters = None bassmzls_and_wise_filters = None if args.target_selection or args.bbflux : log.info("Load DeCAM and WISE filters for target selection sim.") # ToDo @moustakas -- load north/south filters decam_and_wise_filters = filters.load_filters('decam2014-g', 'decam2014-r', 'decam2014-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') bassmzls_and_wise_filters = filters.load_filters('BASS-g', 'BASS-r', 'MzLS-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') footprint_healpix_weight = None footprint_healpix_nside = None if args.desi_footprint : if not 'DESIMODEL' in os.environ : log.error("To apply DESI footprint, I need the DESIMODEL variable to find the file $DESIMODEL/data/footprint/desi-healpix-weights.fits") sys.exit(1) footprint_filename=os.path.join(os.environ['DESIMODEL'],'data','footprint','desi-healpix-weights.fits') if not os.path.isfile(footprint_filename): log.error("Cannot find $DESIMODEL/data/footprint/desi-healpix-weights.fits") sys.exit(1) pixmap=pyfits.open(footprint_filename)[0].data footprint_healpix_nside=256 # same resolution as original map so we don't loose anything footprint_healpix_weight = load_pixweight(footprint_healpix_nside, pixmap=pixmap) if args.gamma_kms_zfit and not args.zbest: log.info("Setting --zbest to true as required by --gamma_kms_zfit") args.zbest = True if args.extinction: sfdmap= SFDMap() else: sfdmap=None if args.balprob: bal=BAL() else: bal=None if args.eboss: eboss = { 'footprint':FootprintEBOSS(), 'redshift':RedshiftDistributionEBOSS() } else: eboss = None if args.nproc > 1: func_args = [ {"ifilename":filename , \ "args":args, "model":model , \ "obsconditions":obsconditions , \ "decam_and_wise_filters": decam_and_wise_filters , \ "bassmzls_and_wise_filters": bassmzls_and_wise_filters , \ "footprint_healpix_weight": footprint_healpix_weight , \ "footprint_healpix_nside": footprint_healpix_nside , \ "bal":bal,"sfdmap":sfdmap,"eboss":eboss \ } for i,filename in enumerate(args.infile) ] pool = multiprocessing.Pool(args.nproc) pool.map(_func, func_args) else: for i,ifilename in enumerate(args.infile) : simulate_one_healpix(ifilename,args,model,obsconditions, decam_and_wise_filters,bassmzls_and_wise_filters, footprint_healpix_weight,footprint_healpix_nside, bal=bal,sfdmap=sfdmap,eboss=eboss)
{ "repo_name": "desihub/desisim", "path": "py/desisim/scripts/quickquasars.py", "copies": "1", "size": "41663", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -7205175175780028000, "line_mean": 43.4168443497, "line_max": 179, "alpha_frac": 0.6241509253, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.369157366973961, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.942633400647868, "avg_score": 0.013394857159056034, "num_lines": 938 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import tempfile from contextlib import contextmanager import os import zlib from mock import MagicMock from ... import core from ...core.application_base import Application @contextmanager def make_file(contents, suffix, decompress=False): """Context manager to write data to a temporary file, and delete on exit :param contents: Data to write. string :param suffix: File suffix. string """ if decompress: contents = zlib.decompress(contents) try: _, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix) with open(fname, 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write(contents) yield fname finally: try: os.unlink(fname) except WindowsError: # on Windows the unlink can fail pass @contextmanager def simple_catalog(): """Context manager to create a temporary data file :param suffix: File suffix. string """ with make_file(b'#a, b\n1, 2\n3, 4', '.csv') as result: yield result def simple_session(): collect = core.data_collection.DataCollection() hub = core.hub.Hub() result = core.Session(data_collection=collect, hub=hub, application=MagicMock(Application), command_stack=core.CommandStack()) result.command_stack.session = result return result
{ "repo_name": "JudoWill/glue", "path": "glue/core/tests/util.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1409", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 2740180884512373000, "line_mean": 25.0925925926, "line_max": 64, "alpha_frac": 0.6501064585, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 4.375776397515528, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.5525882856015528, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import tempfile from contextlib import contextmanager import shutil from into.backends.csv import CSV from into.directory import Directory, discover, resource, _Directory from into import into from datashape import dshape import os @contextmanager def csvs(n=3): path = tempfile.mktemp() os.mkdir(path) fns = [os.path.join(path, 'file_%d.csv' % i) for i in range(n)] for i, fn in enumerate(fns): into(fn, [{'a': i, 'b': j} for j in range(5)]) try: yield path + os.path.sep finally: shutil.rmtree(path) def test_discover(): with csvs() as path: d = Directory(CSV)(path) assert discover(d) == dshape('var * {a: int64, b: int64}') def test_resource_directory(): with csvs() as path: r = resource(path) assert type(r) == Directory(CSV) assert r.path.rstrip(os.path.sep) == path.rstrip(os.path.sep) r2 = resource(os.path.join(path, '*.csv')) assert type(r) == Directory(CSV) assert r2.path.rstrip(os.path.sep) == path.rstrip(os.path.sep) def test_resource_directory(): assert isinstance(resource('/a/directory/that/doesnt/exist/'), _Directory)
{ "repo_name": "mrocklin/into", "path": "into/tests/test_directory.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1240", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -3953611761775073000, "line_mean": 25.9565217391, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.6467741935, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.387978142076503, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4534752335576503, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import tempfile from contextlib import contextmanager import shutil from odo.backends.csv import CSV from odo.directory import Directory, discover, resource, _Directory from odo import into from datashape import dshape import os @contextmanager def csvs(n=3): path = tempfile.mktemp() os.mkdir(path) fns = [os.path.join(path, 'file_%d.csv' % i) for i in range(n)] for i, fn in enumerate(fns): into(fn, [{'a': i, 'b': j} for j in range(5)]) try: yield path + os.path.sep finally: shutil.rmtree(path) def test_discover(): with csvs() as path: d = Directory(CSV)(path) assert discover(d) == dshape('var * {a: int64, b: int64}') def test_resource_directory(): with csvs() as path: r = resource(path) assert type(r) == Directory(CSV) assert r.path.rstrip(os.path.sep) == path.rstrip(os.path.sep) r2 = resource(os.path.join(path, '*.csv')) assert type(r2) == Directory(CSV) assert r2.path.rstrip(os.path.sep) == path.rstrip(os.path.sep) def test_resource_directory(): assert isinstance(resource(os.path.join('a', 'nonexistent', 'directory') + os.path.sep), _Directory)
{ "repo_name": "alexmojaki/odo", "path": "odo/tests/test_directory.py", "copies": "9", "size": "1317", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": -4346740705513658000, "line_mean": 26.4375, "line_max": 78, "alpha_frac": 0.6188306758, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.4386422976501305, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.8557472973450131, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import tempfile import os import inspect from itertools import islice from contextlib import contextmanager from collections import Iterator import psutil import numpy as np # Imports that replace older utils. from cytoolz import count, unique, partition_all, nth, groupby, reduceby from blaze.compatibility import map, zip def nth_list(n, seq): """ >>> tuple(nth_list([0, 1, 4], 'Hello')) ('H', 'e', 'o') >>> tuple(nth_list([4, 1, 0], 'Hello')) ('o', 'e', 'H') >>> tuple(nth_list([0, 0, 0], 'Hello')) ('H', 'H', 'H') """ seq = iter(seq) sn = sorted(n) result = [] old = 0 item = next(seq) for index in sorted(n): for i in range(index - old): item = next(seq) result.append(item) old = index order = [x[1] for x in sorted(zip(n, range(len(n))))] return (result[i] for i in order) def get(ind, coll, lazy=False): """ >>> get(0, 'Hello') 'H' >>> get([1, 0], 'Hello') ('e', 'H') >>> get(slice(1, 4), 'Hello') ('e', 'l', 'l') >>> get(slice(1, 4), 'Hello', lazy=True) # doctest: +SKIP <itertools.islice object at 0x25ac470> """ if isinstance(ind, list): result = nth_list(ind, coll) elif isinstance(ind, slice): result = islice(coll, ind.start, ind.stop, ind.step) else: if isinstance(coll, Iterator): result = nth(ind, coll) else: result = coll[ind] if lazy==False and isinstance(result, Iterator): result = tuple(result) return result def ndget(ind, data): """ Get from N-Dimensional getable Can index with elements, lists, or slices. Mimic's numpy fancy indexing on generic indexibles. >>> data = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]] >>> ndget(0, data) [[1, 2], [3, 4]] >>> ndget((0, 1), data) [3, 4] >>> ndget((0, 0, 0), data) 1 >>> ndget((slice(0, 2), [0, 1], 0), data) ((1, 3), (5, 7)) """ if isinstance(ind, tuple) and len(ind) == 1: ind = ind[0] if not isinstance(ind, tuple): return get(ind, data) result = get(ind[0], data) if isinstance(ind[0], (list, slice)): return type(result)(ndget(ind[1:], row) for row in result) else: return ndget(ind[1:], result) @contextmanager def filetext(text, extension='', open=open, mode='wt'): with tmpfile(extension=extension) as filename: f = open(filename, mode=mode) try: f.write(text) finally: try: f.close() except AttributeError: pass yield filename @contextmanager def filetexts(d, open=open): """ Dumps a number of textfiles to disk d - dict a mapping from filename to text like {'a.csv': '1,1\n2,2'} """ for filename, text in d.items(): f = open(filename, 'wt') try: f.write(text) finally: try: f.close() except AttributeError: pass yield list(d) for filename in d: if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) @contextmanager def tmpfile(extension=''): extension = '.' + extension.lstrip('.') handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(extension) yield filename try: if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) except OSError: # Sometimes Windows can't close files if os.name == 'nt': os.close(handle) try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: # finally give up pass def raises(err, lamda): try: lamda() return False except err: return True def keywords(func): """ Get the argument names of a function >>> def f(x, y=2): ... pass >>> keywords(f) ['x', 'y'] """ if isinstance(func, type): return keywords(func.__init__) return inspect.getargspec(func).args def assert_allclose(lhs, rhs): for tb in map(zip, lhs, rhs): for left, right in tb: if isinstance(left, (np.floating, float)): # account for nans assert np.all(np.isclose(left, right, equal_nan=True)) else: assert left == right def example(filename, datapath=os.path.join('examples', 'data')): import blaze return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(blaze.__file__), datapath, filename) def available_memory(): return psutil.virtual_memory().available
{ "repo_name": "vitan/blaze", "path": "blaze/utils.py", "copies": "1", "size": "4633", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "hash": 475092478554972860, "line_mean": 22.398989899, "line_max": 79, "alpha_frac": 0.5458666091, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.5776061776061776, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.962251986122495, "avg_score": 0.0001905850962454736, "num_lines": 198 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import tempfile import pytest import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "file_123" class TestFile(object): @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def setup_upload_api_base(self): stripe.upload_api_base = stripe.api_base stripe.api_base = None yield stripe.api_base = stripe.upload_api_base stripe.upload_api_base = "https://files.stripe.com" def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.File.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/files") assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.File) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.File.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/files/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.File) def test_is_creatable(self, setup_upload_api_base, request_mock): stripe.multipart_data_generator.MultipartDataGenerator._initialize_boundary = ( lambda self: 1234567890 ) test_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() resource = stripe.File.create( purpose="dispute_evidence", file=test_file, file_link_data={"create": True}, ) request_mock.assert_api_base(stripe.upload_api_base) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/files", headers={ "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=1234567890" }, ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.File) def test_create_respects_stripe_version( self, setup_upload_api_base, request_mock ): test_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() stripe.File.create( purpose="dispute_evidence", file=test_file, stripe_version="foo" ) request_mock.assert_api_version("foo") # You can use api_version instead of stripe_version # in File.create. We preserve it for backwards compatibility def test_create_respects_api_version( self, setup_upload_api_base, request_mock ): test_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() stripe.File.create( purpose="dispute_evidence", file=test_file, api_version="foo" ) request_mock.assert_api_version("foo") def test_deserializes_from_file(self): obj = stripe.util.convert_to_stripe_object({"object": "file"}) assert isinstance(obj, stripe.File) def test_deserializes_from_file_upload(self): obj = stripe.util.convert_to_stripe_object({"object": "file_upload"}) assert isinstance(obj, stripe.File)
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/test_file.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2730", "license": "mit", "hash": -8570991886434301000, "line_mean": 33.5569620253, "line_max": 87, "alpha_frac": 0.6340659341, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.7295081967213113, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.4863574130821311, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import tempfile import pytest import stripe TEST_RESOURCE_ID = "file_123" class TestFileUpload(object): @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def setup_upload_api_base(self): stripe.upload_api_base = stripe.api_base stripe.api_base = None yield stripe.api_base = stripe.upload_api_base stripe.upload_api_base = "https://files.stripe.com" def test_is_listable(self, request_mock): resources = stripe.FileUpload.list() request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/files") assert isinstance(resources.data, list) assert isinstance(resources.data[0], stripe.FileUpload) def test_is_retrievable(self, request_mock): resource = stripe.FileUpload.retrieve(TEST_RESOURCE_ID) request_mock.assert_requested("get", "/v1/files/%s" % TEST_RESOURCE_ID) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.FileUpload) def test_is_creatable(self, setup_upload_api_base, request_mock): stripe.multipart_data_generator.MultipartDataGenerator._initialize_boundary = ( lambda self: 1234567890 ) test_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() resource = stripe.FileUpload.create( purpose="dispute_evidence", file=test_file, file_link_data={"create": True}, ) request_mock.assert_api_base(stripe.upload_api_base) request_mock.assert_requested( "post", "/v1/files", headers={ "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=1234567890" }, ) assert isinstance(resource, stripe.FileUpload) def test_deserializes_from_file(self): obj = stripe.util.convert_to_stripe_object({"object": "file"}) assert isinstance(obj, stripe.FileUpload) def test_deserializes_from_file_upload(self): obj = stripe.util.convert_to_stripe_object({"object": "file_upload"}) assert isinstance(obj, stripe.FileUpload)
{ "repo_name": "stripe/stripe-python", "path": "tests/api_resources/test_file_upload.py", "copies": "1", "size": "2049", "license": "mit", "hash": 4166619915415538000, "line_mean": 33.7288135593, "line_max": 87, "alpha_frac": 0.6427525622, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.7458866544789764, "config_test": true, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.48886392166789766, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import tensorflow as tf from scipy.signal import lfilter def slice_2d(x, inds0, inds1): inds0 = tf.cast(inds0, tf.int64) inds1 = tf.cast(inds1, tf.int64) shape = tf.cast(tf.shape(x), tf.int64) ncols = shape[1] x_flat = tf.reshape(x, [-1]) return tf.gather(x_flat, inds0 * ncols + inds1) def get_vars_from_scope(scope, graph=None): return tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope) def first_in_collection(name): return tf.get_collection(name)[0] def kl_divergence(old_probs, new_probs): with tf.op_scope([old_probs, new_probs], 'kl_divergence'): return tf.reduce_sum(old_probs * (tf.log(new_probs) - tf.log(old_probs), -1)) def likelihood_ratio(x, old_probs, new_probs): """ `x` is a one-hot 2D Tensor """ with tf.op_scope([x, old_probs, new_probs], 'likelihood_ratio'): return tf.reduce_sum(x * old_probs, 1) / tf.reduce_sum(x * new_probs, 1) def entropy(probs): with tf.op_scope([probs], 'entropy'): return -tf.reduce_sum(probs * tf.log(probs), 1) def discount(x, gamma): return lfilter([1], [1, -gamma], x[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]
{ "repo_name": "domluna/deep_rl", "path": "deep_rl/misc/utils.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1302", "license": "mit", "hash": -4014078567360275500, "line_mean": 27.9333333333, "line_max": 77, "alpha_frac": 0.5983102919, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.0208816705336425, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.41191919624336426, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import convert_to_tensor as to_T from tensorflow.python.ops.nn import dropout as drop from util.cnn import fc_layer as fc, fc_relu_layer as fc_relu # The network that takes in the hidden state of the def question_prior_net(encoder_states, num_choices, qpn_dropout, hidden_dim=500, scope='question_prior_net', reuse=None): with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse): # concate the LSTM states from all layers assert(isinstance(encoder_states, tuple)) h_list = [] for s in encoder_states: assert(isinstance(s, tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple)) h_list.append(s.h) # h_concat has shape [N, D_lstm1 + ... + D_lstm_n] h_concat = tf.concat(h_list, axis=1) if qpn_dropout: h_concat = drop(h_concat, 0.5) fc1 = fc_relu('fc1', h_concat, output_dim=hidden_dim) if qpn_dropout: fc1 = drop(fc1, 0.5) fc2 = fc('fc2', fc1, output_dim=num_choices) return fc2
{ "repo_name": "ronghanghu/n2nmn", "path": "models_vqa/question_prior_net.py", "copies": "1", "size": "1094", "license": "bsd-2-clause", "hash": -5006335462792846000, "line_mean": 38.0714285714, "line_max": 80, "alpha_frac": 0.6416819013, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.315151515151515, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.9444487737439169, "avg_score": 0.002469135802469136, "num_lines": 28 }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import convert_to_tensor as to_T from util.cnn import conv_layer as conv def empty_safe_1x1_conv(name, bottom, output_dim, reuse=None): # TensorFlow Fold can generate zero-size batch for conv layer # which will crash cuDNN on backward pass. So use this # for 1x1 convolution in modules to avoid the crash. bottom_shape = tf.shape(bottom) N = bottom_shape[0] H = bottom_shape[1] W = bottom_shape[2] input_dim = bottom.get_shape().as_list()[-1] bottom_flat = tf.reshape(bottom, [-1, input_dim]) # weights and biases variables with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=reuse): # initialize the variables weights_initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer() biases_initializer = tf.constant_initializer(0.) weights = tf.get_variable('weights', [input_dim, output_dim], initializer=weights_initializer) biases = tf.get_variable('biases', output_dim, initializer=biases_initializer) conv_flat = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(bottom_flat, weights, biases) conv = tf.reshape(conv_flat, to_T([N, H, W, output_dim])) return conv # TensorFlow Fold can generate zero-size batch for conv layer # which will crash cuDNN on backward pass. So use this # for arbitrary convolution in modules to avoid the crash. def empty_safe_conv(name, bottom, kernel_size, stride, output_dim, padding='SAME', bias_term=True, weights_initializer=None, biases_initializer=None, reuse=None): g = tf.get_default_graph() with g.gradient_override_map({'Conv2D': 'Conv2D_handle_empty_batch'}): return conv(name, bottom, kernel_size, stride, output_dim, padding, bias_term, weights_initializer, biases_initializer, reuse=reuse) @tf.RegisterGradient('Conv2D_handle_empty_batch') def _Conv2DGrad(op, grad): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): return [tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_input( tf.shape(op.inputs[0]), op.inputs[1], grad, op.get_attr('strides'), op.get_attr('padding'), op.get_attr('use_cudnn_on_gpu'), op.get_attr('data_format')), tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_filter(op.inputs[0], tf.shape(op.inputs[1]), grad, op.get_attr('strides'), op.get_attr('padding'), op.get_attr('use_cudnn_on_gpu'), op.get_attr('data_format'))] # @tf.RegisterGradient('Conv2D_handle_empty_batch') # def _Conv2DGrad(op, grad): # def _input_nonempty(): # return tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_input( # tf.shape(op.inputs[0]), op.inputs[1], grad, op.get_attr('strides'), # op.get_attr('padding'), op.get_attr('use_cudnn_on_gpu'), # op.get_attr('data_format')) # def _filter_nonempty(): # return tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_filter(op.inputs[0], # tf.shape(op.inputs[1]), grad, # op.get_attr('strides'), # op.get_attr('padding'), # op.get_attr('use_cudnn_on_gpu'), # op.get_attr('data_format')) # def _input_empty(): # return tf.zeros_like(op.inputs[0]) # def _filter_empty(): # return tf.zeros_like(op.inputs[1]) # is_nonempty = tf.greater(tf.size(op.inputs[0]), 0) # return [tf.cond(is_nonempty, _input_nonempty, _input_empty), # tf.cond(is_nonempty, _filter_nonempty, _filter_empty)]
{ "repo_name": "ronghanghu/n2nmn", "path": "util/empty_safe_conv.py", "copies": "1", "size": "3817", "license": "bsd-2-clause", "hash": -7916809600594072000, "line_mean": 47.3164556962, "line_max": 83, "alpha_frac": 0.5679853288, "autogenerated": false, "ratio": 3.6352380952380954, "config_test": false, "has_no_keywords": false, "few_assignments": false, "quality_score": 0.47032234240380955, "avg_score": null, "num_lines": null }