audioduration (s)
And certainly the sons of Aaron didn't. 27.
He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all. Look at this, when he offered up himself.
Think about the human priest they had to first of all get themselves right let me get some splatter some blood in here for me because I know I haven't done everything right this week then I'll get to you he said he has no need for that he took all of our sin on himself he didn't have to atone for any of his sin because he didn't have any so he got right to us we didn't have to wait let me any of his sin because he didn't have any. So he got right to us.
We didn't have to wait. Let me get in here and get myself cleaned up, then I'll come talk to y'all. He didn't have to do that because he was perfect. So when he took our sins on himself, because he was 100% man and 100% God, he was the only God-man we ever had.
And since he met that standard, once he said it is finished, he will not be having to do that again.
And let me caution you. This is a word of caution from your brother. Don't participate in anything that keeps crucifying Jesus.
That's sacrilege. Don't put Jesus back on the cross. that's sacrilege don't put jesus back on the cross this thing where we're going to go through we're going to sacrifice jesus all over again i don't want anything to do with that he did it one time now we need to remember it that's when we take the elements and the eucharist we need to remember it but we're not crucifying him again we're remembering that he was crucified we're not crucifying him again. We're remembering that he was crucified.
We're not crucifying him again. He didn't have to be crucified every week. And don't be part of anything like that.
Okay? And those of you that I'm upsetting right now, you know to email speedy at I'm being serious.
I made a little joke. I'm serious. Don't do that. Because here we are, the writer of Hebrews is letting us know he don't need to do that again.
And he's the ultimate high priest. And we want to remember what he did. But there's no requirement for it to be done again.
We don't ever need to forget it. We need to be gracious. Our gratitude needs to flow to him. He told us not to forget.
So we won't. But we don't do it again. And he has no need to be crucified again. He's not on that cross anymore. He's not in some barn anymore, a cave. He's not on the cross. He, if you were with us in the study of the revelation, got news for you, that's over.
He's the glorified Christ. He's back at the right hand of the father he is the ultimate high priest who when he says it is finished when he redeems you you can count on it and he doesn't have any sin of his own that he has to deal with and he did it once and for all when he offered up himself now what you think about. Good luck going to whoever is the leader of your church and saying, I would really be grateful if you would give up yourself for my sins.
He probably will say, well, let me pray for you. Okay? And let me intercede.
So you wouldn't just give up yourself for me?