Sixth (Exo 9:8)
One of the ten plagues of Egypt was the plague of boils, but which number was it?
Corinth (Acts 18:1-5)
After being left behind in Berea, in which city did Silas and Timothy meet up with Paul?
Elkanah (1 Sam 1:8)
Who told his wife not to worry that she was barren and said, “am not I better to thee than ten sons”?
His groanings (roarings) (Job 3:24)
What does Job say is “poured out like water”?
Apples (Pro 25:11)
A word “fitly spoken” is like what of gold set in pictures of silver?
Jesus and the disciples celebrating Passover (Matt 26:30)
On which occasion in the Bible does it specifically say that believers sung a hymn?
Ashkelon (Jdg 14:19)
To which city did Samson go down to and kill thirty men?
Darius (Ezr 6:15)
Who was the Persian king when the rebuilding of the temple after the exile was finally complete?
Feet (1 Ki 15:23)
What part of King Asa’s body was diseased?
Zadok (1 Ki 1:39)
Which priest anointed Solomon?
Father of Lights (Jam 1:17)
Who does James say is the “source of every good and every perfect gift”?
Philip (John 14:8)
Which disciple asked Jesus to show them the Father?
Destroyed the rest of the royal family (2 Ki 11:1)
What did Athaliah do when she saw her son, Ahaziah, was dead?
Og (Deut 3:11)
Who had a bed 13.5 foot long by 6 foot wide?
Paul (Acts 19:12)
Whose handkerchiefs were able to heal the sick?
He felt ill and weak (Dan 10:8)
How did Daniel react to the vision by the river Hiddekel?
Ezekiel (Eze 3:2)
Which Old Testament prophet was given a book to eat by God?
Julius (Acts 27:1)
What was the name of the centurion who looked after Paul on the journey to Rome?
Ecclesiastes (Ecc 10:1)
Which book of the Bible comments that “dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savor?”
Gravel (Pro 20:17)
“Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man”, but what shall his mouth be filled with afterwards?
A thirty foot flying roll (Zec 5:1-4)
What does Zechariah see in a vision that destroys the houses of thieves and liars?
Thirteen years (1 Ki 7:1)
How long did it take Solomon to build his own house?
Ai (Josh 7:5-12)
At which battle were the Israelites defeated because Joshua attacked without seeking God’s guidance first?
Fifty (Luke 7:41)
In the parable of the debtors, one owed 500 denarii (pence), but how much did the other one owe?
Aeneas (Acts 9:33)
What was the name of the man who was paralyzed and had been bedridden for eight years?
Eighty-six years (Gen 16:16)
How old was Abram when he first became a father?
Seventy (2 Sam 5:4)
How old was David when he died?
300 cubits / 450 feet (Gen 6:15)
How long was Noah’s ark?
Two years (Acts 19:10)
During Paul’s third missionary journey, roughly for how long did he minister in the school of Tyrannus at Ephesus?
Confusion and every evil work (Jam 3:16)
What does James say “envying and strife in your heart” brings?
Joseph of Arimathea (Mark 15:43)
Which honorable counselor was waiting for the Kingdom of God?
Tenth (Exo 20:17)
One of the Ten Commandments forbids the coveting of a neighbor’s property. Which one?
They must eat it on the day it is offered. (Lev 7:15; 22:30)
What did God specifically command concerning the eating of the thanksgiving offering that the Israelites made?
Zebulun (Gen 49:13)
Which tribe’s blessing from Jacob said they would “dwell at the haven of the sea”?
Judgment, mercy, and faith (Matt 23:23)
Jesus accused the Pharisees of hypocritically paying tithes on herbs, and omitting which weightier matters of the law?
Sihon (Deut 2:30; Jdg 11:19-20)
Which king of Heshbon would not let the Israelites pass through his land?
Bringing the ark back to Jerusalem (1 Chr 15-16)
What occasion did David write Psalm 105 for?
Ninth (Exo 20:16)
Which one of the Ten Commandments was an instruction not to lie (bear false witness)?
Jupiter (Zeus) (Acts 14:12)
What was the name of the god that Barnabas was called at Lystra?
Two (Dan 8:3)
How many horns did the ram in Daniel’s vision have?
Colosse (Col 4:9; Phm 1:12)
Onesimus, was a run away slave from which city?
Twin (John 11:16 / Strongs G1324)
The disciple Thomas was also known as Didymus, but what does this name mean?
Cyrus (Ezr 1:1-3)
Which king decreed that the Jews could return to their land to rebuild the temple?
Figs (2 Ki 20:7)
Isaiah took a cake of what to heal Hezekiah?
Elisha (2 Ki 6:17)
Who prayed, “I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see?”
Seventeen (Jer 32:9)
How many silver shekels did Jeremiah pay to Hanameel for a field in Anathoth?
Goats (Song 4:1)
In the love poetry of Song of Solomon the lady’s hair is described as a flock of which animal?
Cain’s fruit of the ground (Gen 4:3)
What is the first offering made to the Lord recorded in the Bible?
Those that do God’s commandments (Rev 22:14)
In Revelation 22, who does it say has the right to the tree of life?
Silver (Pro 10:20)
In Proverbs, what metal is the “tongue of the just” likened to?
Dan, Asher, Naphtali (Num 2:25-29)
Which three tribes camped on the northern side of the tabernacle in the wilderness?
Berea (Acts 17:10)
To where did Paul & Silas flee after upsetting the Jews at Thessalonica?
1,100 (Jdg 16:5)
How many silver pieces would each Philistine lord give to Delilah if she betrayed Samson?
Summer (Matt 24:32)
In the parable about a fig tree, when you see the “tree putting forth leaves”, what is near?
By lying (Pro 21:6)
According to Proverbs, how do those “seeking death” acquire their wealth?
Over the hole of a snake (Isa 11:8)
In the prophecy of Isaiah, where will a little child play in the kingdom age?
Deborah (Rebekah’s nurse) (Gen 35:8)
In Genesis, who was buried under an oak tree below Bethel?
Blue (Exo 28:31)
What color was the High Priest’s robe?
The Thessalonians (2 Th 1:3)
Who does Paul thank God for because their “faith and love grew exceedingly”?
Ammon (Jer 49:1)
Which nation does Jeremiah say is dwelling in Gad?
Lystra (Acts 14:8-12)
In which city were Paul and Barnabas worshipped as gods?
Prevails with God (Gen 32:28)
What does the name Israel mean?
Build a guard rail around the roof (Deut 22:8)
What must an Israelite do when “building a new house”?
Hosea (Hos 11:1)
Which prophet said, “Out of Egypt have I called my son”?
Imagine evil (Pro 12:20)
“Deceit is in the heart of them that”... do what?
Psalms (Mark 12:10; Ps 118:22)
Jesus quotes a portion of text from the Old Testament in connection with the parable of the vineyard owner, “The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:”, but which Old Testament book did this come from?
Miletum (Miletus) (2 Tim 4:20)
Where did Paul leave the sick Trophimus?
A wall fell on them (1 Ki 20:30)
In a battle against the Syrians, what killed 27,000 of them in the city of Aphek?
666 talents (1 Ki 10:14)
What weight of gold was Solomon recorded as acquiring in one year?
James (Jam 1:1)
Who addresses an epistle to the “twelve tribes which are scattered abroad”?
Benhadad (2 Ki 8:15)
Who was killed by a wet blanket?
A third (Deut 21:17; Luke 15:12)
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, what portion would the son have received?
Salt (2 Ki 2:21)
What did Elisha throw into Jericho’s water supply to “heal” it?
A cattle prod (ox goad) (Jdg 3:31)
With what unusual weapon did Shamgar slay 600 Philistines?
Gad (Deut 4:43)
In which tribe was the city of Ramoth-Gilead?
God has taken his power and commenced his reign (Rev 11:17)
Why do the four and twenty elders in Revelation give thanks to God?
His lawgiver (royal scepter) (Ps 60:7)
David refers to the tribe of Judah as his what in the Psalms?
Bats (Isa 2:20)
When Isaiah describes the desolation of the last days, a man shall “cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, to the moles” and the what?
Anna the Prophetess (Luke 2:36-38)
Who gave thanks to the Lord when she saw the baby Jesus?
Two years and under (Matt 2:16)
Children in the region of what age were to be killed, in the hope that the young Jesus would also be killed?
The wicked (Ps 37:35)
Who is described in the Psalms as “spreading himself like a green bay tree”?
Lydda (Acts 9:32-33)
Aeneas was confined to bed for eight years suffering from the palsy, but which town did he dwell in?
Gihon (1 Ki 1:38)
Where was Solomon anointed?
Annas (Luke 3:2; John 18:13)
Christ was led away to which high priest first?
Rufus’ (Rom 16:13)
Whose mother does Paul greet in the letter to the Romans?
Psalm 2 (Acts 13:33; Ps 2:7)
Which Psalm does Paul quote from in his exhortation at Antioch?
A parable (Pro 26:7)
“The legs of the lame hanging limp” are like what in the mouth of fools?
With honor (1 Pe 3:7)
How does Peter say a husband should treat his wife?
Isaac (Gen 26:1-7)
After being told by God to remain in Gerar, who told the men there when questioned that his wife was merely his sister?
Because of the judgments of the Lord (Ps 48:11; 97:8)
Why does David say “the daughters of Judah should be glad”?
400 (Gen 23:16)
For how many shekels of silver did Abraham purchase the field of Machpelah?
A Hittite (Eze 16:3)
In Ezekiel’s prophecy, who is said to be the “mother of Jerusalem”?
One of the Scribes (Mark 12:28-34)
Who did Jesus say was “not far from the Kingdom of God”?
Archelaus (Matt 2:22)
Who succeeded Herod the Great after his death?
Appii forum (Acts 28:15)
On Paul’s journey to Rome, at what location did he meet brethren whom he thanked God for?
A pig’s snout (Pro 11:22)
Proverbs describes a “fair woman without discretion” as like a jewel of gold in what?
High father / Father of heights (Gen 17:5 / Strong’s H87)
What does the name Abram mean?
Nineteen (1 Chr 3:1-9)
How many begotten sons of David are named in the Bible?
The unthankful and the evil (Luke 6:35)
In Luke’s account of the Sermon on the Mount to who does Jesus say “God is kind”?
Forty-eight (Josh 21:41)
How many cities did the Levites possess?