A band of men and officers (John 18:3)
What did the chief priest and Pharisees give Judas to enable him to help arrest Jesus?
Eight (2 Ki 22:1)
How old was Josiah when he became king of Judah?
Nabal (1 Sam 25:3)
What was the name of Abigail’s first husband?
He was illegitimate and his brothers drove him out (Jdg 11:1-3)
Why did Jephthah flee to the land of Tob?
Standing in synagogues and on street corners (Matt 6:5)
Where did the hypocrites “love to pray”?
A lame man (Acts 14:8)
Who did Paul heal at Lystra?
Grasshoppers (Num 13:33)
Which animal did the ten spies liken themselves to, when compared to the people of the land of Canaan?
He claimed to be the Son of God (John 19:7)
After Pilate found no guilt in Christ, for what reason did the Jews say that Jesus should die?
Publican (tax collector) (Luke 18:10)
In a parable told by Jesus, two men went up to the temple to pray, a Pharisee and who else?
Simon (Peter) and Andrew (Matt 4:18-19)
Who were the first two disciples to be called?
Seventy (Jdg 8:30)
How many sons did Gideon have?
Third (Gen 1:11-13)
On which day of the creation did God create trees and plants?
Cyprus (Acts 13:4)
On which island did Paul preach on his first missionary journey?
They were covetous (loved money) (Luke 16:13-14)
Why did the Pharisees deride Jesus when he said, “You cannot serve God and Mammon”?
Clothing (Jdg 14:12)
What was Samson’s offer of reward if the Philistines could solve his riddle?
120,000 (Jon 4:11)
How many of Nineveh’s inhabitants could not “discern their left hand from their right hand”?
A stone like a great millstone (Rev 18:21)
What did the mighty angel throw into the sea that represented the throwing down of Babylon?
Despising God (1 Th 4:7-8)
God calls us to a life of holiness, but according to Thessalonians what are we told we are doing if we ignore this advice?
In a basket down the city wall (Acts 9:23-25)
How did Paul escape from Damascus?
Foolishness (Pro 22:15)
According to the Book of Proverbs, what is “bound in the heart of a child”?
The men of Gibeah (Jdg 19:15-28)
Which men murdered the Levite’s concubine?
The rivers and fountains of waters became blood (Rev 16:4)
What happened when the third vial of wrath was poured on the earth?
An onyx (Exo 28:9)
On what type of stone were the twelve children of Israel to have their names engraved, as part of the High Priest’s garments?
Theft (Josh 7:1)
What sin did Achan commit?
Kish (1 Sam 14:51)
Who was the father of Saul?
Lion, Bear, Leopard & Terrible beast (Dan 7:3-7)
What four beasts did Daniel see in a vision?
Rubies (Pro 8:11)
Wisdom is “more precious” than which gems?
Jewels and clothing (Exo 3:22)
What did the Israelites borrow from their Egyptian neighbors?
Jesus (Mark 1:14)
Who came into Galilee preaching the Kingdom of God?
Underwater creatures and birds (Gen 1:20-23)
What did God create on the fifth day?
Zaphnath-paaneah (Gen 41:45)
What Egyptian name did Pharaoh give to Joseph?
Made a whip (John 2:14)
What did Jesus do before driving the money-changers out of the temple?
You will sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt 19:28)
What reward did Jesus say the twelve apostles would get for forsaking everything and following him?
Thousands upon thousands of angels (Rev 5:11-12)
Who said, “Worthy is the lamb who was slain”?
Rebekah (Gen 24:14-19)
Who gave water to the camels of Abraham’s servant, in answer to his prayer?
John (John 6:48)
In which gospel does Jesus state that he is the “Bread of Life?”
153 (John 21:11)
How many fish were caught in the miracle of the draught of fishes?
Micah (Mic 7:6)
From which minor prophet is Jesus quoting when he says, “I am come to set the daughter against her mother”?
Gibeon (Josh 9:3-6)
After seeing the destruction of Jericho and Ai, the inhabitants of which city pretended to be travelers from a far off land to make a covenant of peace with the Israelites?
Priest (Luke 10:31)
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the first man to pass by the wounded man?
Sent Timothy to encourage them (1 Th 3:1-2)
What did Paul do when he couldn’t bear to be away from the brethren at Thessalonica any longer?
Call down fire from heaven (Luke 9:54)
What did James and John want to do to the unwelcoming Samaritan village?
Make one hair black or white (Matt 5:36)
Jesus said not to “swear by your head” because you cannot do what?
Stars (Gen 1:14-18)
On the fourth day God made the Sun, Moon and what else?
Pearls (Rev 21:21)
In the New Jerusalem described in Revelation, what are the twelve gates made from?
Psalm 90 (Ps 90:1)
Which Psalm is entitled “A Prayer of Moses”?
Third (Gen 1:9-13)
On what day of creation were dry land and seas created?
Ten (1 Ki 11:31)
How many tribes was Jeroboam promised he would rule over?
Simeon (Gen 42:24)
Which brother did Joseph imprison while the others returned to Jacob?
Twelve (Num 13:2-16)
How many spies did Moses send out to explore the land of Canaan?
Ostrich (Job 39:13-17)
Which bird does Job say is “lacking in wisdom”, due to the fact she leaves her eggs on the floor?
Ishmael (Gen 21:21)
Whose mother found him a wife from Egypt?
Righteousness (2 Pe 2:5)
Noah was a “preacher” of what?
Judah (Gen 29:35)
Which of the twelve sons of Jacob had a name that means “praise”?
He who has many debts forgiven, loves the one who forgave him more than he who has few debts forgiven. (Luke 7:42-43)
What is the message of the parable that Jesus told Simon the Pharisee?
3,000 (Jdg 16:27)
How many men and women were in the temple to watch Samson entertain them?
Tychicus (Col 4:7-9)
Who escorted the slave with the letter to Philemon?
Corinthians (2 Cor 6:17-18)
Who was Paul writing to when he wrote “I will receive you and will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty”?
Malchus (John 18:10)
What was the name of the servant who had his ear cut off at the arrest of Jesus?
City gates (Jdg 16:3)
What did Samson carry to the top of the hill overlooking Hebron?
Philip (Acts 21:8)
Whose house did Paul go to in Caesarea?
Eutychus (Acts 20:9)
Who went to sleep during one of Paul’s sermons and fell out of the window?
Elisha (2 Ki 5:10)
Which prophet of God told Naaman to wash in the river Jordan to cure his leprosy?
Tentmaker (Acts 18:2-3)
What occupation did Priscilla have?
Almighty God (Gen 17:1)
One title of God is El Shaddai, which means what?
Thou shall not commit adultery (Exo 20:14)
What is the seventh commandment?
Three (Deut 4:41-43)
How many cities of refuge were on the east side of Jordan?
Manasseh (Gen 41:51)
What was the name of Joseph’s (son of Jacob) first born son?
Just / Godly / Blameless (Gen 6:9)
According to the Bible what sort of man was Noah?
Two and a half (Josh 18:7)
How many tribes inherited land on the east of Jordan?
Grandmother (2 Tim 1:5)
What relation was Lois to Timothy?
Levite (Luke 10:30-32)
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the second man to pass by the robbed man?
Philippi (Acts 16:11-14)
What was the name of the city where Lydia was converted?
Ammonites (Jdg 11:9-11)
Against which enemy did Jephthah lead Israel?
Agabus (Acts 21:10-11)
What was the name of the prophet who prophesied that Paul would be bound at Jerusalem?
Burned his house down while still inside it (1 Ki 16:18)
How did King Zimri commit suicide?
One pence (denarius) (Matt 20:2)
In the parable of the laborers in the vineyard how much was each person paid to work?
Phinehas’ (1 Sam 4:19)
Whose wife went into labor and gave birth on hearing the news that the Ark of God was captured and that her father-in-law and husband were dead?
The poor (Luke 6:20)
In Luke’s account of the Beatitudes who does Jesus say the Kingdom of God belongs to?
Isaac ate of his venison (Gen 25:28)
For what reason did Isaac say he loved Esau?
Lambs (Lev 14:10)
In the ritual cleansing of a leper under the Law of Moses, which animals were to be offered on the eighth day?
Idle/disorderly brethren (2 Th 3:6)
Who should you “withdraw from”, according to the epistles of Thessalonians?
The temptation of Jesus (Matt 4:6)
Psalm 91 verses 11 and 12 are quoted in which New Testament incident?
Mist went up from the earth (Gen 2:5-6)
How was the earth watered initially before rain?
Half (Luke 19:8)
What proportion of his goods did Zacchaeus give away to the poor?
Eighty-four (Luke 2:37)
How old was Anna the prophetess when she saw Jesus?
Household gods / idols (Gen 31:19)
What did Rachel steal from her father, Laban, when she left home with her husband Jacob?
Psalm 58 (Ps 58:8)
The snail is mentioned in which Psalm?
In the beauty of holiness (Ps 96:9)
How does Psalm 96 say we should worship God?
To gain understanding (Pro 4:1)
Why should children listen to “the instruction of a father”?
Lord will you at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? (Acts 1:6)
What did the disciples say to Jesus before the ascension?
Fish and honeycomb (Luke 24:42)
What did Jesus eat to convince the disciples that he was indeed raised from the dead?
110 (Gen 50:22)
How old was Joseph when he died? Where was David born?
Bethlehem (1 Sam 17:58)
Where was David born?
In sanctification and honor (1 Th 4:4)
How were the Thessalonians told to “keep their own bodies”?
Thirty (Jdg 14:11)
How many companions did the Philistines give to Samson at the feast in Timnah?
Three (Gen 8:8-12)
How many times did Noah send out the dove?
Trumpets and cymbals (Ezr 3:10)
What instruments were used to praise God when the temple foundation was rebuilt?
Twelve (Hos 1:1 - Mal 4:6)
How many “minor prophets” are there?
Fifth (Exo 20:12)
“Honor thy father and thy mother” is one of the ten commandments. Which one?