0 values
Another season of Sunday afternoons in the beer garden is set with November Sundays already locked and loaded. The 2018/19 Summer season kicks off with an almighty bang on Sunday 4 November with the popular Strzelecki Stringbusters. Following on we have Mark & Heath of Valley Runners Sunday 11 November, the groovy Matt Katsis Sunday 18 November and Mat Howlett & Clint Warner of the famed Facilitators playing Sunday 25th. We’ll have our plenty of opportunities to see our favourite musos over the summer months. This year music will run from 4 November until 21 April – over five months! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates! Image taken from the Stringbusters website and taken by Deb Coady.
{ "perplexity_score": 642.6 }
Welcome to the Spring/Summer 2019 session of the Transmedia Zone! The Spring/Summer 2019 Orientation and Mix & Mingle will be a chance to get yourself familiarized with the Transmedia Zone and its operations, and connect with our community in a casual environment. You'll get a chance to meet our teams and learn about what they're up to, what help they need, and what projects you'd be interested in working on. There will be food, music and other fun things! Welcome to the Winter 2019 session of the Transmedia Zone! The Spring/Summer 2019 Mix & Mingle will be a chance to connect with the community in a casual environment, with food, music and other fun things. You'll find out about what other teams are up to, what help they need, and for interns and associates who are deciding which projects they want to work on—to get to know the Transmedia Zone community. The Transmedia Zone All-Star showcase invites you to explore cutting-edge innovations in storytelling, media, and the creative industries. Get an inside scoop on the emerging trends in podcasting, live entertainment, and brain health. Engage with some of the Transmedia Zone's best entrepreneurs as they share their trials and triumphs in a panel discussion and see first hand their innovations in creative storytelling through interactive displays and demonstrations. Connect with industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and academics to catch a glimpse of some of the most compelling storytelling innovations at the All-Star Showcase event. All-Star Teams Science Everywhere is changing the story of science to be one that is fun and exciting for everyone by innovating a new way to host live events called “free-style socials.” Through their FreeStyle socials, they have reached over 5,000 people while addressing challenging topics like gender-identity, cannabis, and artificial intelligence. Sensaride is an app that reverses the effects of aging of the brain by providing direct access to your brainwaves and allows users to train the brain network through an interactive story. Winners of the Smart City Award, they are expanding their reach by partnering with George Brown College and NRC/IRAP. Inappropriate Questions is a podcast that helps listeners develop understanding of marginalized groups including LGBTQ2S+, disability, and religious groups in a respectful manner. They are pushing the boundaries of podcasting by working with artists from those communities to create webcomics that accompany each of their episodes. Event Programming The panel discussion begins promptly at 5:00PM. It is encouraged that guests arrive no later than 5:00PM in order to experience the programming to its fullest. 5:00PM - Panel Discussion led by Dr.Emilia Zboralska begins. 6:00PM - Participants engage in interactive demonstrations and installations led by our All-Star teams. Celebrate a semester of innovation in storytelling at our April Leader's Lunch. Great company meets great food as we appreciate those who have contributed to the Transmedia Zone community. Come out and take this opportunity to meet some familiar faces! Ready to join the Transmedia Zone and make your idea grow?
{ "perplexity_score": 325.9 }
[ [ 790318535102, 790318535165 ], [ 790318535556, 790318535619 ], [ 790318536226, 790318536276 ], [ 790318536365, 790318536415 ] ]
[ 30406440, 364868401, 9093289 ]
May be given at Summits Spring and Fall Coronets. Traditionally changes once yearly at Summer Investiture. Traditionally changes once yearly at 11th Night (Winter Investiture). This event is hosted on a rotating basis and branches choose to be part of the rotation every odd year at Winter Investiture. Traditionally changes once yearly at Summits Arts & Sciences and Bardic. Traditionally changes once yearly at March Coronet.
{ "perplexity_score": 658.7 }
[ [ 790318538325, 790318538378 ], [ 790318538521, 790318538574 ] ]
[ 364868402 ]
Hilton Pacocha,Friday, June 22nd 2018, 08:21:22 AM. Patchwork Bags Patterns - This Stylish Patchwork Bags Patterns Ideas design was upload on June, 22 2018 by Hilton Pacocha. Here latest Patchwork Bags Patterns design collection. Download other design about Patchwork Bags Patterns in our other posts. Click on wallpapers to download Stylish Patchwork Bags Patterns Ideas in high resolution. You can copy this Stylish Patchwork Bags Patterns Ideas photos for your collection. Don't forget to rate and comment if you interest with this Patchwork Bags Patterns ideas. Please contact us if it contains a copyright.
{ "perplexity_score": 1042.4 }
[ [ 790318538667, 790318539281 ] ]
[ 364868403 ]
Last week, I was lucky enough to be a part of a research team who were headed for Ndumo Game Reserve, in northern KwaZulu-Natal. One of the researchers, Cormac, was looking for terrapins, while Camille, another researcher, was looking for hippos (yes, two completely different animals!). The other member of our team was Shane McPhearson, an ornithological guru, who is well-known for his research on raptors. I was invited to tag along to help, but I think mainly to try and find the team some cool snakes! So, we had a South African, an Irishman, an American, and a Kiwi. As Cormac said, we were like the UN in one car! Most people think that by going off into the bush, you’ll find a lot of snakes. I wish! It’s never easy to find snakes, especially in most parts of KwaZulu-Natal, as the terrain isn’t exactly very rocky, there’s not that much to lift up (snakes like hiding under things). Also, snakes usually sense you coming long before you’re able to spot them, or they just sit still, relying on their camouflage to remain undetected. It works! So don’t think that walking in the bush is dangerous because you’re likely to step on a snake. It’s not. Snakebites can happen, but very rarely. Walking around town is way more dangerous. There’s these highly aggressive and dangerous creatures called humans. They may try to steal from you, or worse! Anyways, back to the trip! Ndumo Game Reserve is a magical place. The scenery and landscape varies vastly, with a mixture of thickets and woodland savannahs. Some of the iconic features of the reserve are the large bodies of water, especially the Niyamithi Pan, a hit with visitors as it attracts a wide variety of bird life. It’s not a reserve to go to for big game. They have three of the ‘Big 5’, but they are not often seen, and it is not packed with smaller game, although you do get nice sightings of giraffe, antelope and warthogs. The main attraction is its remarkable birdlife, of which there has been a whopping 430 species recorded in the reserve! Ndumo is also one of the most frog species-rich areas in the country, with over 40 species being recorded there. Sadly, they’re not something you’re likely to see much of while driving around in the day. I was really hoping to see some of them though. The area was hit hard by the severe drought that we were cursed with. It had been bone dry, with most of the water bodies drying up, almost entirely. Thankfully, the rains have fallen in and around the area, and it has made the world of difference! I arrived to a very green Ndumo, with rivers pumping and the Niyamithi pan filling! Following the day of our arrival, we assisted the Camille with his work. Along the way, we were trying to tick off as many bird species as we could. Birding has become a new hobby of mine, which I am thoroughly enjoying! Shane’s knowledge and ID skills came in most handy! While trying to spot birds, Shane spotted a Rock Monitor dash of the road! I jumped out the car, and bolted towards the lizard, who was just going down a hole. I grabbed hold of his tail in the nick (no puns intended) of time! If I was a second slower I would have lost him. I’m no lightning bolt, the main reason why I was able to catch him is because it was a cool, overcast day. He hadn’t been able to bask and warm up. Thankfully! Rock Monitors are like mini Komodo Dragons (they are related). They wonder around the bush, eating anything smaller than them. They’re well-built, stocky reptiles, with immense power. And with their dog-like bite and sharp claws, they make for a formidable predator. The same can be said for the Nile Monitor. We were now buzzing from our encounter with the monitor lizard! The four of us were now talking about other reptiles that we wanted to see. All of us had one main goal in common: to see a large Rock Python! As luck would have it, we turned a corner, and I could just hear the words of amazement come out of Shane and Camille in the front, before they opened their doors. When I heard that, I immediately jumped out the car without seeing what they were on about. Then I saw it…PYTHON! A big one, lying on the road! Woohoo! I approached it, with my excitement levels going through the roof! For a second, I thought it was dead, as it lay completely motionless. Before I burst into tears, I realised that it wasn’t dead, it was just hoping we would ignore it by freezing. Sorry snake, you were too beautiful to be ignored! From being motionless, it then started being the opposite, and started doing what pythons tend to do if harassed by a human: strike! These large snakes lunge at a threat, with their mouths opened wide, exposing its many needle-like teeth. They don’t have venom, but if that mouth got a hold of you, you’d be in a lot of pain, and bleeding a lot! Fortunately, their lunge is rather slow. I was in complete awe of this magnificent animal, but also a bit giddy with excitement and joy, we all felt that way. What an absolute privilege, encountering a snake of this size. Certainly not something one sees every day! We took about a hundred photos each, and before leaving it alone, we measured it. A whopping 3,77m long! They are known to get to the 5m mark, but we were more than happy with this beast! We then watched this massive snake go down into its den, which was a small hole in the ground, made by a small mammal. A memorable encounter, which we will never forget. It had us talking about it the whole day! In the following days, we bumped into two Mozambique Spitting Cobras. Camille and Shane almost stepped on one, just a little guy. I find the smaller Mozams are much cheekier than the adults! Short man syndrome? I don’t know. But his grumpy attitude made for a nice photo opportunity. The second one wasn’t the best sighting, it was an adult, of around a meter in length. It was on the road at night time, and moved off as we got out the car. I put my sunglasses on, in case it spat at me. But I didn’t even click that it was night time, so those sunglasses were pretty useless….and the snake moved off. Over the week that we were there, we had seen so many Nile Monitors! More than I had ever seen in my life! Ndumo is famous for its healthy population of crocodiles, of which we saw many. We didn’t see any massive ones, but one or two were an impressive enough size. We also found a few Serrated Hinge Terrapins, which made Cormac a very happy scientist! Nile Monitor, one of many that we saw! By the time the final day had arrived, we were very happy with our productive trip. But Ndumo had one last surprise for us…. At around 7am on an overcast and cool Friday, we saw a large branch-like object stretched across the road. We quickly realised what it was- SNAKE! I jumped out and ran straight for it. This is an instinctive reaction for me, I can’t help it! I could see it was a Forest Cobra. Admittedly, it wasn’t the prettiest of Forest Cobras, but it was big! It looked like quite an old specimen too. Thankfully, like in the case of the Rock Monitor, the cobra was a bit sluggish as the sun wasn’t out, meaning it had little energy. I grabbed it by the tail as it was going into the bush. I was over the moon! I hadn’t caught a Forest Cobra in almost two years, because they unfortunately do not occur in Durban (we just get the spitting ones!). I was ecstatic to be getting my hands on one again! Forest Cobras are my favourite species of the cobra family. They grow to be the longest cobras in Africa, reaching lengths of 3m+. They’re powerful too, and excellent climbers. They’re also very intelligent and aware of their surroundings. To me, they’re just like Black Mambas. They’re not quite as nervous as the mambas, but they’re similar in behaviour, and both intelligent, unlike many politicians. The Forest Cobra truly is an awe-inspiring snake. This individual rose up high, spreading its hood- an intimidating display! Again, this made for nice photos! We soon let it go, to be back on its way. What a fantastic way to end a trip! Another memorable encounter, with another memorable snake! That was probably the highlight for me. I just love Forest Cobras! And so, that was the end of our trip. I had such a fantastic time, and I’m glad it was such a productive trip for all of us. We didn’t have much luck with frogs, but amongst the amazing reptile and hippo sightings, we ended with a tally of 110 bird species, with many being new for me (Greater Honeyguide, Cuckoo Hawk, Black Heron to name a few, and we also saw Pink-throated Twinspot and a great sighting of a Palm-nut Vulture!). Palm-nut Vulture out in the open! I’d love to return to Ndumo soon, or anywhere in Northern KZN. It’s my favourite part of the world (not that I’ve been out of SA). If you haven’t been there before, it’s well worth a visit! Let’s just hope that they get more, much-needed rain. We’re so lucky, here in KZN, to live in such a diverse province. Beaches, forests, grasslands, savannahs, mountains, we’ve got it all! And the wildlife in it is truly special. I love it! Standing by one of the biggest Fig Trees that we could see, in a magical Fig Forest!
{ "perplexity_score": 295.5 }
[ [ 790318539284, 790318539605 ], [ 790318546838, 790318546890 ], [ 790318548010, 790318548062 ] ]
[ 182085652, 364868404, 96118823 ]
Iż-Żejtun Barokk will be the next heritage trail which will be organised by Wirt iż-Żejtun. This will take place on the 19th March, a public holiday, and will start from Misraħ Carlo Diacono at 9:30. The trail will take us around the towncentre of Żejtun which was developed in the 18th Century when the baroque style was widely used not only on church buildings but also on domestic architecture. The tour, which will be in Maltese, will also include a visit to the main parish church which is considered as a Baroque masterpiece of the Maltese Architect Lorenzo Gafa’. There is a fee of € 5 for non-members, which money will go to fund other initiatives by Wirt iż-Żejtun. This entry was posted in Activities, architecture and tagged baroque, Heritage Trail, iż-Żejtun. Bookmark the permalink.
{ "perplexity_score": 165.4 }
My most recent interview has seriously made me consider revising my resume. On my resume is my background in Maritime law. In nearly every interview I’ve had, this has come up at some point in the conversation. I had previously considered this to be a positive; something that not many people know about and would set me apart as a bit unique. Plus, its a good conversation starter; an interviewer can use it as a jumping off reference to start the conversation going. And honestly it is quite interesting (in legal circles) when you actually get to talking about some of its stranger aspects. The problem as I see it now, is that everyone brings it up; Which cuts both ways depending on who decides to bring it up. In my last interview, I ran across the enthusiastic idiot. They seemed very taken with the concept of Maritime law, and also seemed to have read something about it a very long time ago which they only dimly half remembered. The problem became one of saving face. The enthusiast had started this conversation in front of 3 attorneys he worked with, including his boss. Once he started in, he was committed. We had been talking a bit about the qualifications with maritime law, and then they decided to go balls-to-the-wall and show off their knowledge of the field. The Enthusiast started – “You know the ‘King’ case?” Followed by an expectant pause, waiting for me to verify whatever half memory they had. “It probably was salvage.” he said. I started to say something else, and he repeated more emphatically “don’t worry. nevermind. It’s not a test.” And he changed the subject. I was a bit confused, whereas before he was all gung-ho about some apparently important case that he couldn’t remember the name of the ship, the content of the case, or nearly anything else… and suddenly he was trying to shut it down. I realized in that moment that geography had saved me. They had no idea where the Cape of Good Hope was, and he was about 5 seconds away from looking very stupid. But, so long as he stepped away now, he could try to play it off that I just didn’t know what I was talking about. Had the interviewer been doing it on purpose, it would have been an excellent example of game theory. The number of problems with that statement quite literally made me squint. The waterway and the ship made it maritime. The pier could fall under maritime jurisdiction depending on what you are talking about, but why would that matter. The only things usually contested on piers are damage to the pier, and injury of people on the pier. He hadn’t stated any sort of problem to determine jurisdiction but he seemed to be inferring from the conversation that somehow the pier inherited the status of a gambling establishment. Somehow. I started explaining that really Maritime law could do much of the same things as regular state law, but its real power lay in shifting the liability of the parties significantly if pulled into Federal Maritime jurisdiction. This answer was met with the beaming face of the enthusiast as he waited expectantly for the answer I had just given him. My heart dropped. This part of the conversation was going to end up just like the last. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what case he might have been referring to. Later, driving back from the interview, a thought occurred to me as I was mentally listing the names of cases and ships… HMS… His Majesty’s Ship. The interviewer had no idea what the name of the ship was nor the content of the case, but somehow was able to half remember that it was (probably) a British flagged naval vessel. And this became ‘King’ in their mind. Previous PostInterview 14 – Back to the comforting embrace of WTFNext PostInterview 14 – Round 2… FIGHT!!!
{ "perplexity_score": 331.9 }
[ [ 790318552393, 790318552444 ] ]
[ 364868406 ]
Lingaya UniversityLingaya University has declared Reappear Results, Diploma Results, Result after Mercy Exams, Semester and Annual Results. Lingayas University Exam Results for the following courses have been announced – Diploma Courses, B.Arch, B.Tech, MBA, BCA, MCA, BBA, M.Ed, B.Ed, BA, B.Sc, B.Com, M.Sc, M.Tech and Rechecking Result. Students are advised to save the results for any requirement in the future. Lingaya’s University is a co-educational Deemed University located in Faridabad, Haryana. The university was previously functioning under the Maharishi Dayanand University as Lingaya’s Institute of Management & Technology. Lingaya’s Institute was established in 1998. The institute gained Deemed-To-Be University status in 2009-10 and was renamed Lingaya’s University. Lingaya University has its campus in Faridabad. Lingaya University offers various undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) courses in Engineering, Technology, Management, Commerce, Computer Application, Architecture, Education, Mass Communication, Science, and Humanities. Lingaya’s university conducts following courses B.Tech, B.Arch, BSc, BA, B.Com, BBA, BCA, Bachelor of Pharmacy, LLB, Bachelor of Physiotherapy, BJMC, B.Ed, BBA & B.Ed, B.Com & B.Ed, B.Sc and B.Ed, BA and B.Ed, B.Tech-M.Tech (Integrated), B.Tech-MBA (Integrated), BCA-MCA (Integrated), BBA-MBA (Integrated), M.Tech, M.Arch, MCA, MBA, M.Ed, MJMC, MA, M.Tech & P.hD (Integrated), P.hD in various discipline, Diploma Programs and Certificate Courses.
{ "perplexity_score": 192.2 }
[ [ 790318553125, 790318553175 ], [ 790318553296, 790318553354 ], [ 790318553379, 790318553440 ], [ 790318553613, 790318553663 ], [ 790318553822, 790318553884 ] ]
[ 251562912, 352001441, 167188932, 282345620, 364868407, 99550554 ]
Current (now a relic) figurehead of the unprincipled power struggle. Halftone reproduction of a tear and paste design by yours truly. And something of an unintentional nod to Boyd. Plenty to read into.
{ "perplexity_score": 664 }
Draw the outline of his beak. Draw an oval for the eye. Make the other eye and put a pupil in each eye. Draw the nostils and finish the beak. Draw the head and begin the arm. Draw the body and finish the arm and hand. Begin the tail. Draw the other arm. Finish the tail. Draw the hair on top. Draw the feet and you have a psyduck. Psyduck the duck Pokemon. It's me jmad121. Heres another "masterpiece" of mine. Here are 7 steps of fun on how to draw Psyduck!
{ "perplexity_score": 899.5 }
Photography is a means to an end in my eyes. Not very profound but does give a person the basic idea. I have used varied equipment (Still and Video) and film evolving into the recent (relatively) digital technology with the multi mega pixel photos. It is a wonderful hobby and for a Pro it is a gratifying career. Photography captures time documenting now within thousands of a second. Timing is everything “They Say” and capturing that one in a 1000th great photograph means you had to be there and prepared properly. Taking photos of; People, Cars, Horses, athletics, etc. outside or inside, lighting, weather, shadows, time of day, dawn or dusk, flash, multi flash units, lens limitations, etc. with a good bag of luck can get you there. I can pre-set my Pentax K20D 15 Meg camera before I leave for a shoot. There are 28 options available for the “User” settings. I keep my backup cameras on automatic and over a days shooting 50% of the acceptable shots will have come from the backup cameras on automatic. Try taking a decent shot of a red car during the noon sun. It can be done but you have to edge up on that sophisticated DSLR computer. I find that using the Internet and studying the capabilities of the camera is a continuing productive method of education. Keeping up to date with the latest Revs (software) pays off if you want to maintain your edge. I bumped up my ISO to 6400 and found that with some (a bunch) of editing with my ACDSee Pro software you can pull-push a decent shot. In the attached Galleries I have pulled out a cross section of my photographic accomplishments (so to speak). There are specific Galleries of photos my wife Sandi has taken; Antarctica, Kilimanjaro, Italian Alps, Austrian Alps, B.C. Rockies and South Africa.
{ "perplexity_score": 547.5 }
John joined Chambers in April 2019 and has over 18 years’ experience in clerking. Prior to joining, John was at 11KBW for more than 17 years, where he worked alongside one of the Joint Senior Clerks. His principle duties include practice management and fee negotiation. John is a qualified member of the Institute of Barristers’ Clerks and has been recognised in the Legal 500 as being ‘knowledgeable, organised and quick to return calls and answer queries’. Away from Chambers, John enjoys spending time with his young family, watching football and going to the cinema.
{ "perplexity_score": 255.2 }
[ [ 790318556928, 790318556981 ], [ 790318557106, 790318557179 ], [ 790318557182, 790318557258 ], [ 790318557393, 790318557457 ] ]
[ 176161576, 364868411 ]
My coaching skills result from the decade I've spent coaching full-time, my formal training, and my previous professional and life experience. I have approximately 5,000 to 6,000 direct coaching hours under my belt. I have coached several hundred individuals, worked with numerous teams, and addressed thousands of people in workshops. I was trained at the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara, which is like the Swarthmore of coaching. In the past several years I've taught various coaching classes for Hudson and also for NYU. honed my ability to decode the precise meaning of language and to think critically. My MBA studies at Stanford exposed me to business methods, and my experience co-founding an internet start-up exposed me to the excitements and risks of entrepreneurship. My service in the U.S. Foreign Service and my studying of Spanish, Chinese, Bengali and French enhanced my ability to put myself in other people's shoes. Reaching farther back, my participation in speech and debate competition schooled me in the principles and practices of effective communications. Finally, my experience as the first person from my high school to attend Harvard gave me the dual perspectives of both outsider and insider and was good practice in demystifying elitism.
{ "perplexity_score": 379.9 }
[ [ 790318558509, 790318558565 ], [ 790318558591, 790318558641 ] ]
[ 364868412 ]
After announcing a 10-year plan to jump from 62 million meals a year to 92 million, staffers at the North Texas Food Bank admit, it will be a challenging decade. Forget 10 years down the road, serving as much as they do now isn’t exactly a cinch. Simon Powell is the food bank’s Chief Operating Officer. He says you never really know what food is coming in, or when. “So imagine running a business and you don’t know when your suppliers are going to deliver or what they’re going to deliver,” Powell says. It’s hard to plan when you’re not sure what’s coming into the warehouse; pallets of frozen chicken, button mushrooms or caramel-flavored rice cakes. Volunteers are responsible for taking those large, bulk donations and breaking them down into manageable portions. Tuesday, it was several dozen Bank of America employees bagging up Hatch chiles. The volunteers are working on three pallets. That’s just a fraction of what the warehouse in southwest Dallas will deal with today. That means a pretty quick pace. Especially when someone with food calls and says come get it now, or you lose it. “Occasionally a donor will call us and they need to clear their dock within an hour or so of calling us, so we have to be very prepared to use one of our trucks or go out there and pick up food on short notice,” Powell says. Donations come from grocery stores, churches, big corporations. Staffers are constantly juggling; stocking the freezers and refrigerators so balanced meals go out every day, not just on the days meat, dairy and produce come in. The bottom line? Across 13 counties, the food bank gives out 175,000 meals a day. Sometimes, 400 to 500 volunteers show up on a single afternoon. When that happens, the food bank’s a well-oiled machine, sorting food and stuffing backpacks with take-home meals for kids to eat over the weekend. “We can easily in a record-breaking day do thousands of backpacks,” says Powell. When fewer volunteers show up, food bank staffers have to pick up the slack. It’s all about flexibility, and patience. The reward, Powell says, is gratitude. “Truly just to see the spark in their eyes when they receive the food, it’s something that’s indescribable,” he says. Which is why the food bank is up for the challenge; 50 percent more meals by 2025. That means many more donations, more refrigerated warehouse space and more community partners. The volunteer roster will have to double. But when you’re already making 62 million meals a year, what’s another 30 million? Did Pregnancy Rates Drop After Texas Defunded Planned Parenthood? The Only Nuclear Weapon Plant in the Country is in Texas. Its Workers Are On Strike.
{ "perplexity_score": 350.5 }
[ [ 790318559127, 790318559266 ], [ 790318559855, 790318560082 ], [ 790318560631, 790318560685 ], [ 790318560841, 790318560961 ] ]
[ 364868413 ]
Do you want to work for an organisation that values and rewards passion and dedication? Are you looking to work with a team that is supportive, forward thinking and highly professional? Is your ideal center well resourced, natural, well run and focused on high quality and warm interactions? Do you want to be supported in your professional growth and to be inspired and motivated to be the very best version of yourself? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then Imagine Early Learning & Childcare is a perfect match for you. To submit your expression of interest in a position with Imagine, please complete and submit the form below.
{ "perplexity_score": 456.8 }
[ [ 790318561420, 790318561484 ], [ 790318561714, 790318561778 ], [ 790318561790, 790318561893 ], [ 790318561956, 790318562012 ] ]
[ 364868414 ]
Will bitcoin have solved the problem of long confirmation waits and expensive fees. I recently waited 3 hours pr more for a transaction and was only put into a block after I doubled the transaction fee. Bitcoin needs to address this problem again if it doesnt want a repeat of 2017.
{ "perplexity_score": 707.4 }
Image Title: A Long One For Cat Lovers The Home Pinterest Cats Litter Regarding Hide Box Designs 7. Post Title: Hide Cat Litter Box. Filename: a-long-one-for-cat-lovers-the-home-pinterest-cats-litter-regarding-hide-box-designs-7.jpg. Image Dimension: 1200 x 1600 pixels. Images Format: jpg/jpeg. Publisher/Author: Magnus Beatty. Uploaded Date: Saturday - January 26th. 2019 18:25:11 PM. Category: Architecture. Image Source: houseandgarden.co.uk. Litter Lovers Inspirations Hide Designs Paws Your 8 Cat Plan To Remodel Ingenious For Top Plans 5. 9. Design Box With Hacks 10 Hiding The 12. Regarding Ways A Intended Healthy S In 4. Home Way 18. CONTEMPORIST Ideas Idea Decor Easy Creative Pinterest Decorations 7. One Designs. 2. Long Cats 17. Kitty Holder Inside Meows DIY 6.
{ "perplexity_score": 1300 }
[ [ 790318562369, 790318562427 ], [ 790318562574, 790318562808 ] ]
[ 311541624, 364868416 ]
Muvhango 19 Episode 187, Thobile takes matters into her own hands. Will Teboho see her evil plan through? Imani refuses to listen to reason.
{ "perplexity_score": 643.4 }
Have a Great Tip to Share? Have you found a great special SHOP in your neighborhood or a fantastic RESTAURANT that you would like to share? Tell us all about it!
{ "perplexity_score": 1730.1 }
[ [ 790318563393, 790318563444 ] ]
[ 364868418 ]
Compose frees up resources to focus on dev, not dev ops. As a small startup in Calgary, Canada, we didn't have lots of resources available to scale our business. One of the leading places of concern was ensuring that our important business data is kept safe and secure. Being a small startup, we didn't have the resources in order to hire database engineers whose sole job would be to maintain and scale our database needs, so we turned to Compose. We were able to bring up and manage our different environments for our different micro-services within a short period of time without worrying that when we moved the application into production that the database wouldn't be able to scale or be managed because of failures in our data layer. It finally gave us the freedom to experiment with different databases like MongoDB and PostgreSQL, and in a way that we didn't have to spend tons of time to learn all the ins-and-outs of managing it ourselves. This really gave the opportunity to our developers to go from a testbed environment to a full production application with the understanding that our customers and application needs were scalable, managed, and always safe and secure. I can't count the amount of time saved.
{ "perplexity_score": 225.9 }
[ [ 790318564201, 790318564251 ], [ 790318564547, 790318564673 ] ]
[ 364868419, 84407239 ]
Stem cell agency okays $32 million in new awards - Capitol Weekly | Capitol Weekly | Capitol Weekly: The Newspaper of California State Government and Politics. The California stem cell agency this week boosted the number of its clinical trials to 48 — an investment of $553 million — with the hope of producing its first widely available stem cell therapy and staving off its own demise. In a 14-minute, telephonic meeting Thursday, directors of the agency ratified three new awards totalling $32 million and adding to the trials. The applications had been approved earlier behind closed doors by the agency’s out-of-state reviewers. The brief meeting generated no fresh discussion about the financial future of the agency, which is unique in California history and operates with no oversight by the governor or the Legislature. The action left the agency, known formally as the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), with $224 million in uncommitted funds, CIRM said in response to a query. The agency was provided with $3 billion when it was created in 2004 by California voters. The $224 million figure could rise $278 million with “recovery” from cancelled grants. Thursday’s brief meeting generated no fresh discussion about the financial future of the agency, which is unique in California history and operates with no oversight by the governor or the legislature. Nor was there any discussion of the applications for research funds. CIRM said in a news release this morning that while the agency has backed 48 trials, only 42 are active. It has also funded early stage research in 11 additional projects that moved later into the “clinical trial stage” without additional CIRM support.
{ "perplexity_score": 331.2 }
[ [ 790318564722, 790318564929 ], [ 790318564966, 790318565192 ], [ 790318565212, 790318566391 ] ]
[ 216274540, 364868420 ]
Spring is Here! All offers available whilst stocks last! All offers available whilst stocks last! We do everything we can to ensure our customers are delighted. Lovely, friendly staff on the till. Crispy baked potato – good too! Very welcoming atmosphere Thanks! My wife and I, are wanting to express our delight at your Dorset Kitchen Restaurant. We visit once or twice each week and are always impressed with your menu and the service provided and the dedicated staff who are always positive and respectful. I am writing to thank the staff in the ladies fashion department who were all so helpful and efficient and gave a wonderful service. How wonderful to find such fantastic customer service. When we left Goulds store today I said to my daughter that it had a really nice feel about it, very much like a family business, so it wasn’t a surprise to read the history of the company. Excellent service, thank you. Excellent, food coffee and service. Very good value. Thank you.
{ "perplexity_score": 647.8 }
[ [ 790318566494, 790318566556 ] ]
[ 364868421 ]
Our door is always open to welcome those who arrive with the same joy with which we would run to our grandparents arms when we were little. Our grandfather, an “old sea dog”, Joaquim Modesto de Brito, known to all as “the champ”, was the foundation of this project. So many memories inhabit these walls and grounds that we, the grandchildren, couldn’t allow them to get lost. This is how thesuites casa modesta was born, combining rural tourism with a contemporary feel, manifested in nine rooms with private patios. There is also a garden with a section for organically grown vegetables and a solarium where time flows with the tides. To the Algarve summer, with sand in it’s feet, we have added the daily routines of those who make this way of life a lifestyle, from gathering clams to baking bread to the harvesting and drying of fruits. We catch a ride on a traditional boat, practice birdwatching, support the local nature reserve, and when night falls we turn our verandas into a planetarium and watch the stars. When the body requires rest we surrender ourselves to wellness rituals, taking advantage of the natural properties of local olives, almonds, fleur de sel and algae. Some may call it a “vacation”, we call it “culture”.
{ "perplexity_score": 356.3 }
[ [ 790318567383, 790318567771 ], [ 790318567787, 790318568019 ] ]
[ 364868422 ]
Here is a lovely lithograph gleaned from a 1909 1st edition volume of poetry, illustrated by Harrison Fisher, 'American Beauties'. The beautiful Edwardian work, 'Penelope', is on a heavy paper, blank on its reverse and measures 8.625" x 11" (22x28 cm). The lithography is bold and strong, the colors are sweet and clear, and only a gentle tanning is seen at the edges. There are no marks, tears, creases, or folds. This will be a wonderful image to frame - for dressing room or studio, bath or bedroom. And the image will be perfect for card and tag creations, scrap-book page making, collage.
{ "perplexity_score": 345.5 }
[ [ 790318568674, 790318568733 ], [ 790318568734, 790318568787 ], [ 790318568974, 790318569040 ], [ 790318569085, 790318569136 ], [ 790318569141, 790318569221 ] ]
[ 109822128, 364868423 ]
1 Trend california fish grill delivery. 2 Important elements of california fish grill delivery. california fish grill delivery is a mandatory component of a modern store. And when we have little time or do not want to make unnecessary movements, for us it is the most pleasant thing. Trend california fish grill delivery. california fish grill delivery is a modern trend. If today there are still many shops in which you can come More and more shops, cafes and pizzerias goes online. Therefore, in the near future, all products will be brought to your home. This will help you california fish grill delivery. Important elements of california fish grill delivery. california fish grill delivery tries to meet high values ​​for these indicators.
{ "perplexity_score": 403.5 }
[ [ 790318569265, 790318569803 ], [ 790318569832, 790318569974 ] ]
[ 364868424 ]
Description Dedication ceremony of the Breech School of Business Administration at Drury campus. Pictured from left to right are Dr. L.E. Meador, Ernest R. Breech, and Mrs. Breech. Similar photograph published in the Leader & Press on April 29, 1960.
{ "perplexity_score": 231.8 }
[ [ 790318569977, 790318570110 ], [ 790318570148, 790318570229 ] ]
[ 364868425 ]
This package contains a pretty-printing library, a set of API's that provides a way to easily print out text in a consistent format of your choosing. This is useful for compilers and related tools. This library was originally designed by John Hughes's and has since been heavily modified by Simon Peyton Jones. Pretty is a pretty-printing library, a set of API's that provides a way to easily print out text in a consistent format of your choosing. This is useful for compilers and related tools. It is based on the pretty-printer outlined in the paper 'The Design of a Pretty-printing Library' by John Hughes in Advanced Functional Programming, 1995. It can be found here. cabal install "QuickCheck >= 2.5 && < 3" We have to install QuickCheck manually as otherwise Cabal currently throws an error due to the cyclic dependency between pretty and QuickCheck. If cabal test freezes, then run cabal test --show-details=streaming instead. This is due to a bug in certain versions of Cabal. We are happy to receive bug reports, fixes, documentation enhancements, and other improvements. This library is maintained by David Terei, code@davidterei.com. It was originally designed by John Hughes's and since heavily modified by Simon Peyton Jones.
{ "perplexity_score": 354.5 }
[ [ 790318570253, 790318570431 ], [ 790318570544, 790318570786 ], [ 790318570787, 790318570907 ], [ 790318571226, 790318571473 ] ]
[ 364868426, 62661575 ]
Invitation: Join the BetaCodex Network group on Slack! If you want to get involved in developing the BetaCodex Network, in building the movement, and in contributing more actively, then our Slack group is the platform to be! ← Musings: “Transformation” takes just 18 months!
{ "perplexity_score": 652 }
This (assuming I made it all work) is from the Evening With Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer CD. It's a live audio recording from last November of me reading a short story called "The Man Who Forgot Ray Bradbury". If it didn't work, just click on The Man Who Forgot Ray Bradbury and go to Soundcloud. The story is going to be published in the upcoming tribute to Ray Bradbury, Shadow Show. And it's up here today by kind permission of Sam Weller, co-editor of Shadow Show. And here, because it's the last thing (second to last, really. He sent me a video, but that's private) I got from him, is a photo of Ray, on his birthday last year, as our editor and friend, Jennifer Brehl, read him the story. He liked it. Also, if you get a chance, go and read http://www.newsfromme.com/2012/06/06/ray-bradbury-r-i-p/ and http://www.newsfromme.com/2012/06/06/more-on-ray/ (in which Mark Evanier talks about the Ray Bradbury he knew, and corrects me on his age in the anecdote).
{ "perplexity_score": 218.5 }
MRP paired up with TEMO Marketing to host a virtual roundtable during which attendees could discuss and ask questions about predictive marketing with Cary Correia, MRP’s SVP, Advanced Analytics. In a pre-event survey, attendees said that they, for the most part, were not already using predictive analytics to hone their marketing efforts – or if they were, they were using a very basic form of it. Some of the key challenges the attendees have with their marketing include understanding the vendor landscape, leveraging the data they do collect, and navigating a lack of software integration. All respondents agreed that predictive marketing could greatly improve their efforts. Here are some other key takeaways from the roundtable. Not every company has their very own Cary Correia, and lots of the roundtable attendees expressed this as their biggest weakness: learning how to leverage their data. It’s a time-consuming task, which is why a lot of people outsource it – but because of the ROI associated with predictive, it’s worth finding a solution, and there’s one for companies of every size. Later, when an attendee said that her company does their predictive work in-house, but struggles to find the talent or bandwidth to actually get something out of it, Cary suggested: “go through a vendor or third-party to find someone who can help you align your data. It takes a lot of time to fine-tune your system, but you can easily go out and find someone to do it for you. Companies like MRP sell tools like Prelytix that are easy to use and do the legwork for you, so it’s really manageable. Marketers are at a point where we need to leverage predictive data to remain competitive. Predictive Marketing Analytics helps you catch the buyer before it’s too late – before customers make their own decisions without ever having any contact with your company. Luckily, there are predictive solutions available to every business of every size and every skill set.
{ "perplexity_score": 329.3 }
"I actually read with him first—there were five candidates for the role," Davis recalled Pitt's audition to The Hollywood Reporter in 2014. It was one of the greatest relationships I've ever been in. "And then he came in—this is so embarrassing—but I got a little distracted during the scene, you know? I was like, 'I'm totally screwing up this kid's audition.'" in February 1995. The problem is, we grow up with this vision that love conquers all, and that's just not so, is it? I was so shocked I said, 'I'm outta here.'" Love works in mysterious ways. The ink on Givens' divorce from Mike Tyson wouldn't be dry until that February, however, and the disgraced boxing champ later recalled seeing Pitt toking away when he came across him at his estranged wife's house one morning—where Tyson says his intent was to have a quickie while on his way to see his divorce lawyer."She drives up with the handsome Brad Pitt," he said while telling the story, then a sample anecdote from his one-man show, on in 2012. in 1996, Brad thanked Gwyneth, his "angel, the love of my life," and he proposed that December.He may have had that rebel look, but Daily would later describe him as a "laid back, very earthy" guy, and not "super Hollywood." "He's the kind of guy that would pick up and leave and drive his car just to get out of the city," she told Daily in 2016., which proved to be the actor's (and his abs') true breakout role—and Pitt's onetime roommate Jason Priestley claimed in his 2014 memoir that they were an off-screen item as well.The answer of course being, "yes, yes, it has"—though probably not all that much if you're Brad Pitt.He was busy then and, if he so desired, he could be busy now.He's focusing on promoting his new movie and reconnecting with friends.He quit drinking, he's enjoying therapy, he's making art... Perhaps he's also wondering whether dating has changed at all in the two decades since he's been on the market.Whether or not Brad actually had a serious relationship with these leading ladies is something only he could tell you, but regardless, take a look inside the actor's little black book to see who has been lucky enough to have (supposedly) fallen under his spell.Eight months after finding himself single again for the first time in almost 20 years, Brad Pitt is taking his time before wading back into the dating pool.The "Toy Boy" singer dated Pitt off and on for several years in the '80s, long before every couple had a clever one-word nickname—so when the pop star was asked in 2016 what their cutesy name could've been, she suggested "Braditta." co-stars had been engaged for three months when, claiming loneliness, Schoelen pleaded with Pitt to visit her in Budapest, where she was shooting a movie."At this point I had 0 to my name and I spent 0 of it getting a ticket from Los Angeles to Hungary to see her," Pitt reportedly told in 2011. For the woman who was assaulted, that is exactly how it started. New research shows that approximately 20-30 percent of teens have sent and/or received a sext.
{ "perplexity_score": 292.2 }
[ [ 790318574702, 790318574778 ], [ 790318574842, 790318574903 ], [ 790318575089, 790318575187 ], [ 790318576066, 790318576146 ], [ 790318576350, 790318576486 ], [ 790318576654, 790318577065 ], [ 790318577071, 790318577145 ], [ 790318577507, 790318577569 ], [ 790318577704, 790318577763 ] ]
[ 72611777, 157525394, 90166197, 216472749, 5570028, 54866797, 364868430 ]
Daniel E. Lynch Jr. - Hartford Courant Daniel E. Lynch Jr. Only the best can be said of our Dan.There was no finer example of a man.Our loss cannot be measured in days,But by all you gave in so many ways.We love you more though you're not hereBecause you were a son so dear. Happy Birthday Danny We love you forever. Your loving family.
{ "perplexity_score": 597.3 }
Post introduction: This post mainly focus on Every single detail of Huawei Honor 9N and Mobile Price in Bangladesh. All Specifications and Key Feature of Huawei Honor 9N smartphone are given in this post. Like the main feature of this phone about the Display, also focus on the Performance of CPU and GPU. You can compare with other phones by visiting Mobileraj. It is the biggest database of all smartphone mobile price in Bangladesh and Full Specifications. We are not only providing the price information and specifications in this post but also we are providing phone review and all other user opinions of this specific phone. Include the short review is given below. All the specifications like Display, Chipset, Camera, GPU performance, Battery Performance and Other Security short review is also included with this post. Huawei announces a new stunning smartphone with the latest technology, The Huawei Honor 9N. It is the more affordable version of the standard Huawei Honor 9i. The Huawei Honor 9N comes with some upgraded and new features from its early predecessors. The display size, camera quality, battery capacity all remains the same but there is a significant change in other specifications. The RAM size has increased to 4GB along with CPU performance boost with Octa-core (4×2.36 GHz Cortex-A53 & 4×1.7 GHz Cortex-A53) processor. The previous Huawei models are the Huawei Y9 and Huawei Nova 3 which is also a popular model till now in the market. This Phone Release in July 2018. This Phone Comes With HiSilicon Kirin 659. Which Clock Speed is Octa-core (4×2.36 GHz Cortex-A53 & 4×1.7 GHz Cortex-A53) CPU. It has also Mali-T830 MP2 GPU Which provide a Powerful Experience to all heavy users. Its 5.84 inches IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen of Display and 16M colors Supported will satisfie you with your expectation. The Phone has 3 GB/4GB of RAM and 32GB, 64GB and 128GB of internal storage. If we talk about Camera then it contains dual 13 MP, PDAF + 2 MP, depth sensor Main Camera Which can Take Great Picture not only in Day Light but also in Low light Condition. Its Single 16MP Selfie Camera really takes amazing images of yours. Moreover, The Phone comes with Non-Removable Li-Po 3000 mAH Battery which is good enough in this Price Range. Above all, The phone must be a good choice for you.
{ "perplexity_score": 626.4 }
[ [ 790318578108, 790318578191 ], [ 790318578192, 790318578277 ], [ 790318578278, 790318578944 ], [ 790318579027, 790318579086 ], [ 790318579115, 790318579322 ], [ 790318579383, 790318579632 ], [ 790318579651, 790318580065 ], [ 790318580102, 790318580431 ] ]
[ 364868432, 7148189 ]
Here at Drain Cleaning Guys, we will be there to fulfill all your requirements regarding Drain Cleaning in Castalian Springs, TN. We have got a crew of specialized contractors and the most advanced solutions in the market to give you exactly what you want. We make sure that you get the best support, the right selling price, and the best quality supplies. Give us a call at 800-964-5990 to learn more. At Drain Cleaning Guys, we realize that you must remain in budget and reduce costs everywhere you're able to. You'll still need to have superior quality results with Drain Cleaning in Castalian Springs, TN, so you can rely on our staff to help you save money while continually offering the highest quality work. Our company offers the highest quality while saving you money. Our objective is to be sure that you enjoy the finest products and a end result which can last as time passes. For instance, we take care to steer clear of costly errors, finish the job fast to save working hours, and ensure that you will get the best deals on materials and work. Call up Drain Cleaning Guys when you need the best quality products and services at the best cost. Call 800-964-5990 to talk to our client service agents, now. With respect to Drain Cleaning in Castalian Springs, TN, you've got to be well informed to come up with the very best decisions. We will ensure that you understand what can be expected. You won't deal with any sort of surprises when you deal with Drain Cleaning Guys. The first step will be to give us a call by dialing 800-964-5990 to begin your task. We'll resolve all of your important questions and arrange the first meeting. Our team is going to arrive at the appointed time with all the necessary materials, and can work together with you through the entire undertaking. You'll have plenty of good reasons to use Drain Cleaning Guys to suit your needs involving Drain Cleaning in Castalian Springs, TN. Our equipment are of the highest quality, our money saving practices are realistic and successful, and our client satisfaction scores are unparalleled. We fully understand your preferences and ambitions, and we are available to assist you using our practical experience. Contact 800-964-5990 to communicate with Drain Cleaning Guys and go over all of your needs concerning Drain Cleaning in Castalian Springs.
{ "perplexity_score": 393 }
[ [ 790318580433, 790318580544 ], [ 790318580549, 790318581024 ], [ 790318581029, 790318582756 ] ]
[ 364868433 ]
Why do parents teach their children to believe in Santa Claus? Don't roll your eyes at me - it is actually a good question. What good comes of a belief in Santa Claus? If you don't believe in Santa, no good comes of it, as either you're correct or you're not, in which case have fun forcing your parents to get you all your future Christmas gifts while Santa visits the believers," said Dacey. "On the other hand, if you do believe, the worst that can happen is that you find out you were wrong, and what's the harm there? Yes, folks, I do understand that this is a puff-piece, not to be taken so seriously, but I still have to wonder what on Earth Peter Dacey is talking about. Dacey reasons that there is no inherent value to knowing that Santa Claus really and truly does not exist, because it's no fun (and, by implication, I suppose less fruitful?) asking your parents for something you want than it is to hold out hope that an imaginary fat man in a flying sled is going to give it to you - and, worse, that if you don't get it, you weren't an adequately "good" boy or girl that year. "On the other hand," the worst part about discovering that there is no Santa Claus is finding out you're wrong. "I remember feeling embarrassed and upset," said Charlton. Charlton ran to her mother for reassurance that what she suspected was wrong. "I will never forget what came next," she said. "She looked at me, and without skipping a beat said, 'Don't tell your brother and sister.' I was devastated. … A huge bomb was dropped on me and as silly as it sounds, it really changed my life. "The worst part of all was how unceremoniously it happened, it was like one minute I was a child full of wonderment, and in a flash was snapped into a world of non-believing, magic-less adults." Charlton's parents - like many parents all over North America and elsewhere - elected to place their child in a naive fantasy land, knowing full well that they were propagating a ridiculous fantasy. However much excitement this lie produced in their child early on, the fantasy ultimately resulted in Charlton's being humiliated in front of her friends and devastated by the moment her parents ultimately came clean with her. She takes it further: she felt her world was an amazing, magical place, until she discovered that her parents had been lying to her all along, at which point the world lost a great deal of its magic. The real tragedy in Charlton's experience is that she suffered some real disillusionment as a child, and this was an experience that left a significant impression on her that continued into adulthood. I don't really care about Santa Claus, but it is surely a mistake to deliberately set a child up to be disillusioned, when the whole illusion is supposedly concocted for the benefit of... the children. Meanwhile, back in the real world (the world in which Santa God does not exist), amazing - dare I say "seemingly magical?" - things are happening all the time. From iPhones to 3D printing to synthetic insulin to dancing robots, the human species is responsible for things that would have been considered utter sorcery just 200 years ago. We have unlocked the power of the atom and used it to power cities. We have sent spacecraft into the depths of space, beyond the threshold of our own solar system. We put a radio controlled car on the surface of Mars and drove it around. We have injected cancerous tumors with tiny specks of gold, and zapped them with invisible rays that made the tumors explode. We have harvested the venom of snakes and spiders and used it to save human lives. The list of real miracles is infinitely longer and more impressive than the preposterous lies we tell our children about Santa Claus. But we human beings are a warped race of bald apes, who somehow derive greater satisfaction from lying to children for the benefit of the looks on their faces than inspiring those very same looks by the awesome power of truth. Really, think about it. There is no reason to fill your child's head full of lies. The world is sufficiently amazing to generate a real sense of awe in your children. The fact that levitation can be demonstrated in a scientific laboratory proves that, with the right kind of scientific progress, your child could actually be the one to build a flying sled and travel around the globe that way. But rather than fill our children's heads with the real possibilities of human progress, we have elected to lie to them for years about a cartoonish god-imposter whose only real achievement is fulfilling a child's most materialistic desires. So, on the one hand, we could tell our children the truth about human excellence and fill their spirits with hope for the human race, and on the other hand we could tell them lies about magic and dash their hopes when their brains are too powerful to endure the ongoing, humiliating dishonesty of it all. Okay, those are your two choices. Are you really surprised that our children grow up to die in hopeless wars or gun each other down in movie theaters and schools? How dare you feign shock and outrage? You did this. Not convinced? Then let me step outside of my idiom for a moment and offer you a religious-based argument against Santa. When your child is very young, you concoct a lie about an inherently good, bearded man who appears in the clouds, who rewards all the good children and punishes all the bad ones. A few years later, you tell your child, "Just kidding! It was all a big, dumb lie that I told you just to see the look on your face as I pretended to perform miracles that no one will ever really be able to perform! But you figured it out, grew up, and came to realize that no such thing is possible! But I love you anyway!" Do you this kind of thing nurtures your child's belief in God? Don't kid yourself. A child whose dreams of Santa-God get dashed early on is a child who grows up ever less-likely to fall for that kind of thing ever again. So, here's a pro-tip: If you want to raise your child to believe in God, maybe you shouldn't engage in a big dress-rehearsal for atheism. Now back to Dacey's question: What good comes from not believing in Santa Claus? Well, I've listed a few highly positive things already: (1) A better appreciation for mankind's really amazing accomplishments, (2) Preventing your child from experiencing a wholly unnecessary and emotionally jarring disillusionment, and (3) If you're so inclined, a better likelihood that your child will actually grow up to believe in something. Like the ancient Greeks, and pretty much everyone in the known universe, I believe that truth is inherently valuable on its own merits. What a child gains from the truth is the ability to see the world as it really is, the ability to trust their own observations without an irrational "magic world-view" that constantly advises them against what they can see in front of them with their own two eyes and the power of their own minds reasoning about the physical evidence. More importantly, though, by electing not to lie to your children about Santa God, you also help foster a higher level of trust between you and your child. You spare them Emily Charlton's emotionally jarring experience of having to realize that one of the things that made her happiest in her short life was all a big lie that her parents had told her. And that's why I'm against Santa Claus.
{ "perplexity_score": 284.2 }
[ [ 790318583209, 790318583261 ], [ 790318589869, 790318589922 ] ]
[ 298098968, 364868434 ]
Tractors DUALSTEER offer dual management system ensuring quality safety and stability as Articulated frame combines with swivel wheels. This combination offers tractors that have a radius of curve of only 2200 mm, with an angle of 70 °. Due to the characteristics of DUALSTEER tractors, they can be used successful in vineyards, orchards and greenhouses, maintenance of parks or work public areas where dvizhizhenieto in tight spaces is essential.
{ "perplexity_score": 594.9 }
Latin Business Daily (LBD) is an English-language business journal exclusively covering the leading companies, entrepreneurs, emerging technologies and investors of Latin America. Our mission at LBD is to provide investors with a consistent source of business news out of South and Central America. Please don't hesitate to contact us with your story ideas and suggestions.
{ "perplexity_score": 207.6 }
[ [ 790318590896, 790318590971 ] ]
[ 364868436 ]
Whether you are at the beginning of your running journey or an experienced traveler, join us for 8 weeks of learning, inspiration and camaraderie with other women. Your participation will benefit both you and the women attending with you! For those just starting out, we will guide you through a program designed to help you complete 30 minutes of running – yes, you can do it! For those that are seeking the next level in your running, we will learn and practice foundational running concepts, warmup and cooldown routines, and training and racing strategies. See what working with a coach is all about! The coaches are passionate about helping women runners achieve their goals and set new ones. We look forward to working with you and expanding our Minnesota running community with strong women runners!
{ "perplexity_score": 541.2 }
[ [ 790318591243, 790318591503 ], [ 790318591514, 790318591608 ], [ 790318591699, 790318591756 ] ]
[ 227538499, 364868437 ]
30 last original copies of the 3rd SIZZLE album “Muermotivo” (with 3 bonus tracks, including 2 remixes by ATRABILIS SUNRISE and PI CAB ALTER) from 2004 finally exhumed in 2018 and burned on pro CD-R. Folded papersleeve with insert. Sealed copy.
{ "perplexity_score": 581.8 }
[ [ 790318591820, 790318591897 ], [ 790318591917, 790318591996 ], [ 790318592000, 790318592060 ] ]
[ 364868438, 282784063 ]
Other wild and colourful fractals can be found at 4 am Fractals. Jill made 'em over in the UK. Quite expansive, check them out.
{ "perplexity_score": 407.7 }
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's initial Fatality Analysis Reporting System statistics reveals that alcohol-related traffic deaths are up to 17,941 for 2006 versus 17,525 for 2005, signifying a 2.4 percent increase. Deaths involving a driver with a .08 Blood Alcohol Content or higher rose from 13,613 in 2005 to 13,990 in 2006, denoting a 2.8 percent increase. In this time period, overall traffic fatalities are down slightly by 0.3 percent. In a recently-released statement, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) National President Glynn R. Birch, said, "Mothers Against Drunk Driving is deeply saddened to learn that alcohol-related traffic deaths are at an all time high since 1992 and is asking the country to commit to the elimination of drunk driving." There are 1.4 million drunk driving arrests in this country every year. MADD believes that, despite the devastating effect it has on families, the reason people continue to drive drunk is because they can. MADD is demanding that Congress arrange immediate hearings and develop a plan of action that is based upon proven solutions. On June 7, MADD’s National Board of Directors will meet with congressional safety leaders to discuss its Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving and to lobby for an increased concentration on drunk driving. U. S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters stated that the Department of Transportation and Governors across the country will work closely with MADD to reverse these numbers. MADD calls The Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving "a road map for a nation without drunk driving." It calls for exhaustive, high visibility law enforcement; compulsory ignition interlocks for all convicted drunk drivers; investigation of advanced vehicle-based technology, and public support. At the moment, there are several advanced technologies being developed that may eventually make it impossible for vehicles to be driven by drunks. Until then, proven techniques must be relied upon to reduce drunk driving, such as alcohol ignition interlocks and increased high visibility police presence, and sobriety checkpoints in all 50 states. Test your knowledge of Truck Driver Safety and Rules of the Road with the Online CDL Practice Tests.
{ "perplexity_score": 300.9 }
[ [ 790318592198, 790318592260 ], [ 790318592696, 790318592753 ], [ 790318592978, 790318593028 ], [ 790318593132, 790318593185 ], [ 790318593518, 790318593613 ], [ 790318593853, 790318593912 ] ]
[ 364868440 ]
presence and was blessed with Bhagavan's grace. After a student life, he continued to teach and chant Vedas in the Asramam. When Vedapatasala and Vedaparayana were closed after Mahanirvana of Bhagavan Ramana, in April 1950, he went for teacher's training. He married and started a family. In 1954, Major Chadwick made great efforts to revive Vedapatasala and Parayana. Major Chadwick wrote to Kittu Mama, the chief priest and got N. Subramanian Swamigal back to the Asramam. He gladly took a monthly salary of Rs 15.00 as against Rs 49.00 paid earlier, and resumed his service to the Asramam and Bhagavan Ramana. He totally served for fifty years in the Asramam. N. Subramanian Swamigal was called Appichi Mama, by Vedapatasala boys and others because he had special liking for Indian sweets like laddu and modhakam. In Tamil, the Brahminical collouqial word for sweets is Appichi. Under Major Chadwick's eye, he performed Sri Chakra Pooja and Vedaparayana. Asramam, Appichi Mama was in despair. "I have come to be in Bhagavan's presence and to serve Bhagavan," he thought, "yet in reality I am spending all my time doing mundane work. Just when he decided to leave the Asramam, he had a vivid dream in which Bhagavan came to him. Bhagavan Ramana was returning from His walk on the Hill, but arrived not behind the kitchen as usual, but instead, He came directly to where Subramanian was standing, near Lakshmi's Samadhi. Bhagavan approached him and the young priest bowed to Him and surprisingly, found the following words from his own mouth: "Bhagavan! I have come to work!" Bhagavan Ramana smiled, and looking at him said: "Yes, yes!" and with a kindly gesture gave His blessing! Appichi Mama took his dream as inspired directly by Bhagavan Ramana it dispelled his doubts abut remaining at the Asramam. During his fifty years as Asramam priest, Appichi Mama feels that the most rewarding feature of his work has been his role as intercursor for prayers and petitions made by innumerable devotees to Bhagavan. The submissions were given to Appichi Mama who included them in his final prayers after the Parayana everyday! In later years, Major Chadwick had purchased lands for both Kittu Mama (Krishnamoorthy Iyer) and Appichi Mama to build houses in Ramana Nagar and also contributed amounts to building expenses! "They also serve who stand and wait", as Bible said about Gabriel who is the watchman at the gates of Heavens.
{ "perplexity_score": 544 }
Its been almost two months (really?!?) since I’ve gone vinyl hunting (you can check out January’s vinyl hunt HERE) so I decided to spend Saturday afternoon visiting one of my favorite record stores: Half Priced Books! I love this record store so much because it’s half record store, half vintage book shop (talk about heaven!) This might sound a bit weird but I’ve come to love the smell of old books and dusty records! I just love record shopping in Chicago. Vinyl hunting, as I like to call it, has become one of my favorite hobbies. I love the element of surprise attached with it. You truly never now what you’re going to find. Usually they have the lesser known albums of classic/ popular artist or they have a lot of unknown artists. I’ve been on the hunt for some Aerosmith and Rolling Stone vinyls and I was pleasely surprised by what I found. They had almost every Aerosmith album and they were all under $9 (what a steal!) I really wanted The Rolling Stones Let It Bleed album but of course they didn’t have it. They did have Aftermath for only $6 though.
{ "perplexity_score": 469.7 }
Many states have dog-bite statutes in place to assign liability if someone else’s dog attacks you. Virginia, as well as 18 other states, does not have dog bite statutes in place. Therefore, the common law rule more widely known as the “one-bite rule” determines who is liable and who is responsible for paying the high cost of damages. The “one-bite rule” dates back to the early days of common law in England, and states that each dog gets “one free bite” for which the owner is not liable in civil court. So if you are the first victim of a dog in Virginia, it is likely that you will have no recovery against the dog’s owner. But an owner who knows that his dog is dangerous or has previously bitten someone, must take action to prevent the foreseeable injury—or be prepared to pay for it. There are many people that think this law is outdated and unfair for dog bite victims. The dog bite laws in Virginia essentially tells dog owners that they do not need to take care to ensure that their animal is well-behaved, and that they are not responsible for injuries their dog causes unless it has already struck once. Making matters worse, dog owners can also escape liability if they can show contributory negligence on the part of the victim. Contributory negligence is an 18th century doctrine that now only prevails in 4 states. It states that if victims are somewhat at fault, even 1%, then they have no legal right whatsoever to recover compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, or any other damage suffered because of a dog bite. Whether or not a dog owner knew of his dog’s dangerous propensity, or whether they have bitten someone previously, the owner will be held liable if the victim is injured due to the owner’s negligence. Dog owners have a duty to exercise reasonable care to prevent members of society from being hurt by their dogs. If the owner’s actions or inactions do not measure up to the ordinary standard of care, and the injuries a victim sustained were reasonably foreseeable, then the owner will be held liable. Virginia adheres to the doctrine of negligence per se in situations where a dog inflicts injury upon a person, and the dog owner is in violation of a leash law or another ordinance designed to protect the public from personal injuries inflicted by domestic animals. With negligence per se, the main basis for liability is the violation of a statute. Unlike ordinary negligence, the injured party does not need to prove that a reasonable person should have acted differently since the owner’s conduct of breaking specific ordinances is automatically considered to be negligent. Therefore the focus of the claim shifts to whether the dog owner’s conduct proximately caused the damage to the victim. If you or a loved one has been hurt, don’t go it alone. Speak with a Virginia dog bite lawyer.
{ "perplexity_score": 221.8 }
[ [ 790318598650, 790318598737 ], [ 790318599134, 790318599186 ], [ 790318599346, 790318599467 ], [ 790318599704, 790318599763 ], [ 790318600161, 790318600237 ], [ 790318600402, 790318600476 ] ]
[ 200592954, 364868443, 349219902 ]
Pancreatic islet transplantation is considered an appropriate treatment to achieve insulin independence in type I diabetic patients. However, islet isolation and transplantation-induced oxidative stress and autoimmune-mediated destruction are still the major obstacles to the long-term survival of graft islets in this potential therapy. To protect islet grafts from inflammatory damage and prolong their survival, we transduced islets with an antioxidative gene thioredoxin (TRX) using a lentiviral vector before transplantation. We hypothesized that the overexpression of TRX in islets would prolong islet graft survival when transplanted into diabetic non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. Islets were isolated from NOD mice and transduced with lentivirus carrying TRX (Lt-TRX) or enhanced green fluorescence protein (Lt-eGFP), respectively. Transduced islets were transplanted under the left kidney capsule of female diabetic NOD mice, and blood glucose concentration was monitored daily after transplantation. The histology of the islet graft was assessed at the end of the study. The protective effect of TRX on islets was investigated. The lentiviral vector effectively transduced islets without altering the glucose-stimulating insulin-secretory function of islets. Overexpression of TRX in islets reduced hydrogen peroxide-induced cytotoxicity in vitro. After transplantation into diabetic NOD mice, euglycemia was maintained for significantly longer in Lt-TRX-transduced islets than in Lt-eGFP-transduced islets; the mean graft survival was 18 vs. 6.5 days (n = 9 and 10, respectively, p < 0.05). We successfully transduced the TRX gene into islets and demonstrated that these genetically modified grafts are resistant to inflammatory insult and survived longer in diabetic recipients. Our results further support the concept that the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger and antiapoptotic functions of TRX are critical to islet survival after transplantation. Autoimmune diabetes is an inflammatory disease that causes the loss of insulin-secreting β-cells and hyperglycemia. Islet transplantation can provide near perfect, moment-by-moment control of the homeostasis of blood glucose concentration and is much more effective than insulin injection, which cannot prevent nephropathy, retinopathy, vascular, and heart disease. However, inflammation, allorejection, and recurrent autoimmune damage can contribute to early graft loss and are major obstacles to successful islet transplantation . The process of islet isolation also triggers a cascade of stressful events in the islets involving the induction of apoptosis or necrosis and production of proinflammatory molecules that negatively influence islet viability and function. Proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β and TNF-α produced by islet-resident macrophages are toxic to islets and can induce ROS formation in islet cells [2, 3]. Inflammatory cytokines and free oxygen radicals released in situ can cause apoptosis and loss of islets after implantation, and eventually graft failure [4, 5]. Previous studies have demonstrated that by using different strategies to protect islet from those detrimental immune response result in greatly improving graft function and prolonging graft survival. These strategies include modulating immune response by CTLA-4-Ig or TGF-β [6, 7], inflammatory blockade by chemicals [2, 8], overexpressing antiapoptotic gene Bcl-2 , and reducing oxidative stress by overexpression of antioxidative genes . However, different animal models used made it difficult to compare with each work. Because islets produce very low antioxidative enzymes and are very sensitive to oxidative stress, clearance of ROS is crucial in the viability of islet graft. The concept of antioxidative treatment in islets has been proven in many models, including the transgenic mouse model with specific expression of antioxidative genes in islets or islet grafts transduced by viral vector carrying those genes. Transgenic expression of antioxidant genes in islets, such as glutathione peroxidase, different isoforms of superoxide dismutase, metallothionein, or catalase, significantly increases the islet viability and reduces ROS formation after challenge with free radical donor or hypoxia exposure in vitro [11–13]. The role of ROS scavengers in islet transplantation has also been investigated in these transgenic mouse models using syngeneic or allogeneic islet transplantation. However, only islets from metallothionein transgenic mice showed prolonged islet graft survival in an allogeneic transplantation model . In summary, most results regarding that overexpression of antioxidative genes in islets protects them from oxidative injury were obtained from in vitro experiments, the in vivo function and survival of these genetically-modified islets in diabetic recipients was not clear. Thioredoxin (TRX) is a small, ubiquitously expressed protein in the cell. TRX has many biological functions including the regulation of the cellular reduction-oxidation balance, promotion of cell growth, inhibition of apoptosis, and regulation of gene expression [14–16]. Previous studies demonstrated that administration of recombinant TRX protein reduces brain damage induced by focal cerebral ischemia in mice . In other studies, transgenic overexpression of TRX by the β-actin promoter protected from the disease or reduced the disease severity in different disease models such as acute hepatitis and ischemic brain injury which are caused mainly by oxidative stress, indicating that TRX has strong cytoprotective properties. TRX with antioxidative and antiapoptotic functions has been demonstrated to prevent β cells from autoimmune destruction in a β cell-specific TRX transgenic NOD model, strongly suggesting that oxidative stress plays an essential role in the destruction of β cells by infiltrating inflammatory cells in pancreas . These results suggested that TRX is a better candidate gene than other antioxidative genes which may have therapeutic application in prevention of islet grafts from inflammatory insults. To improve islet grafts viability and maintain euglycemia after islet transplantation in autoimmune diabetes, we used a lentiviral vector delivery system to carry the TRX gene into islets before transplantation. In the present study, islet cells overexpressing TRX were more resistant to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced cell toxicity and had prolonged islet survival after transplant into diabetic recipients. Our results show that controlling the inflammation-mediated and ROS-mediated islet graft damage is critical for successful islet transplantation. NOD/Sytwu (Kd, Db, Ld, I-Ag7) mice were purchased originally from Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA) and were subsequently bred and maintained under specific pathogen-free conditions at the Animal Center of the National Defense Medical Center (Taipei, Taiwan), which was accredited by AAALAC. Male mice aged 5–8 weeks were used as islet donor and female mice with blood glucose concentration 300–500 mg/dl were selected as recipients. Human TRX cDNA was cloned from A549 (human lung carcinoma) cells using the primer pair 5'-ggaattcTTTCCATCGGTCCTTACAGC-3' and 5'-gaattcGCAGATGGCAACTGGGTTTA-3', and inserted into a pTYEF-transducing SIN vector. VSV-G-pseudotyped recombinant HIV-based virus was produced by three-plasmid cotransfection of TE671 cells with the packaging helper construct, pHP, the envelope expression construct, pHEF-VSV-G, and the transducing self-inactivating vector carrying the target gene under control of the elongation factor-1α promoter. The viruses were concentrated by ultracentrifugation and titered by transduction of confluent TE671 cells as described before . Islets were purified from 6-week-old male NOD mice using the collagenase-digesting method as described previously . Briefly, the common bile duct was clamped at its entrance to the duodenum, and 2.5 ml of cold Hank's balanced salt solution containing 1.5 mg/ml of collagenase XI (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) was injected into the common bile duct. The islets were incubated in a 37°C water bath for 20 min and then separated by a density gradient using Histopaque 1077–1 (Sigma-Aldrich). Finally, islets with a diameter between 75 μm and 250 μm were handpicked under a dissecting microscope and confirmed by dithizone (Sigma-Aldrich) staining. Purified islets were suspended in 0.5 ml of culture medium containing 8 μg/ml polybrene (Sigma-Aldrich) and infected with lentivirus at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10. Islet is a 3-dimensional architecture which is composed by α, β, δ, ε and PP cells and contains on average 1000 cells. The MOI was calculated according to the assumption that islets contain on average 1000 cells. Islets were incubated at 37°C for 3 h with lentivirus in about 0.5 ml of medium and then cultured in F12K (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% penicillin-streptomycin (10,000 units/ml) (Invitrogen), and 1% L-glutamine (2 mmol/l) (Invitrogen) at 37°C in 5% CO2 before use for transplantation or in vitro analysis. When using the replication-defective lentiviral vectors to infect islets, only part of cells surrounded of the islet could be efficiently infected and the transduction efficiency is around 5% of total islet cells . After incubation with lentivirus for 24 h, islets were washed with RPMI-1640, and a glucose-stimulated insulin-secretion test was performed using Millicell® Cell Culture Inserts (Corning Inc., Corning, NY, USA). Twenty-five islets were cultured in the Millicell inserts, washed with glucose-free RPMI-1640, and then preincubated in RPMI-1640 containing 2.8 mM glucose for 30 min. Islets were stimulated first with RPMI-1640 containing 2.8 mM glucose for 1 h and then moved to a second well containing 16.7 mM glucose for an additional 1 h. Insulin released into the culture medium was measured by ELISA (Mercodia, Uppsala, Sweden). Forty-eight hours after virus transduction, islets were challenged with H2O2 at different concentrations (50, 75, and 100 μM) for 18 h. Islet cell viability was measured by the MTT assay (Sigma-Aldrich) as described previously . Total RNA was extracted using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) and reverse transcribed to cDNA using SuperScript™ III Reverse transcriptase kit (Invitrogen). PCR for TRX was run at 35 cycles (45 s of denaturation at 94°C, 45 s of annealing at 55°C, and 45 s of extension at 72°C), and the PCR products were separated on a 1.2% agarose gel. The cDNA was used as a template in the subsequent PCR analyses. Transcript levels were determined by real-time PCR using Bio-Rad iCycler and iQ SYBR Green Supermix (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). PCR primers for TRX were forward 5'-GGAAT TCTTTCCATCGGTCCTTACAGC-3' and reverse 5'-GGAATTCGCAGATGGCAACTGGGTTTA-3'. Primers for real-time PCR were list below: forward 5'-GCCACCAAGGAGGTACACAT-3' and reverse 5'-GCTTGTTGCGCTCTATCTCC-3' for HO-1, forward 5'-ATCCTTGGAGCCAGTCAAGA-3' and reverse 5'-ATGATGCCGGAAACAAGAAG-3' for c-fos, forward 5'-TCCCCTATCGACATGGAGTC-3' and reverse 5'-TTTTGCGCTTTCAAGGTTTT-3' for c-jun, forward 5'-ACGGTCTGATCCGCAAATAC-3' and reverse 5'-AGCATGATCGGTTCCACTTG-3' for Rps29 (housekeeping gene). Lt-eGFP- or Lt-TRX-transduced NIT-1 cells (1 × 105/well) were seeded and maintained in 24-well plate for 24 hours in F-12K medium and were then transfected with pCMV-luciferase (Promega, Milan, Italy) and pAP1-SEAP (Clontech, San Jose, CA) at a ratio of 1:50 for 4 hours using the Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) following the manufacturer's recommendations. Transfected cells were maintained for 20 hours in the complete medium and then cultured in serum free F-12K medium for an additional 24 hours. The SEAP activity was determined in culture supernatants, and luciferase activity was measured in cell lysates to normalize the transfection efficiency. Total protein from cellular lysate was prepared and size-fractionated by 15% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electroblotted to onto a nitrocellulose membrane. The human TRX protein was detected using the goat anti-human TRX antibody (R&D systems, Minneapolis, MN). Twenty-four hours after virus transduction, marginal islets were collected and washed, and a total of around 700 islets were implanted into the left renal capsule of newly diabetic NOD female mice whose blood glucose concentration was 300–500 mg/dl. Blood glucose concentration was monitored daily after islet transplantation. Loss of graft function was defined as a blood glucose concentration > 300 mg/dl on two consecutive days. Graft-bearing kidneys were removed on day 7 after transplantation and embedded in OCT for frozen sectioning. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (Sigma-Aldrich). For immunohistochemical analysis, tissue sections were stained with either an insulin (Abcam), TRX (R&D systems, Minneapolis, MN) or HO-1 (Stressgen, Ann Arbor, MI) primary antibody and followed by an HRP-conjugated secondary antibody. Chromogen substrate 3-3' diaminobenzidine (DAKO, Carpinteria, CA) was added for enzymatic stain development which resulted in a brown colored precipitate at the antigen sites. Mayer's hematoxylin was applied as a counterstain. Insulin secretion and islet viability data were analyzed using Student's t test and islet graft survival was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method. A p value < 0.05 was defined as significant. The lentiviral vector is an excellent tool for experimental gene transfer because it infects both dividing and nondividing cells such as pancreatic islets. The transgene carried by this vector can be stably expressed over the long term in host cells after virus transduction . To investigate the transduction efficiency of the lentivirus in the freshly isolated islets from NOD mice, we transduced islets with lentivirus at various MOIs and checked the mRNA and protein levels of the transgene expression after virus transduction. Islets were isolated from 6-week-old male NOD mice and morphologically intact islets were selected for the experiment. Islet cells were transduced with the lentivirus carrying eGFP or TRX. Transgene expression was confirmed by fluorescent microscopic imaging for eGFP protein expression (Fig. 1a) and RT-PCR analysis for human TRX mRNA expression (Fig. 1b) in lentivirus-transduced islets. The TRX protein expression in Lt-TRX-transduced islets was confirmed by an immunoblot analysis (Fig. 1c). At an MOI of 10, transgenes were expressed successfully in the islets, and we used an MOI of 10 to transduce islets in further experiments. Our data demonstrate that the lentivirus delivered the target genes into islets effectively and that it has potential as a tool for genetic manipulation in these almost nondividing islets. Lentiviral vector-transduced islets. (A) Fluorescence microscope image displays the eGFP protein expression in Lt-eGFP-transduced islets. Original magnification × 200. (B) RT-PCR analysis demonstrates TRX mRNA expression in Lt-TRX-transduced islets. MOI = 10. Insulin-secreting function of islets. Freshly isolated islets were transduced with Lt-eGFP or Lt-TRX. After 24 h culture, the glucose-stimulated insulin-secretion test was performed. The concentration of insulin released into the medium was measured by ELISA. The concentration of insulin release is expressed as mean ± SD of three independent experiments. TRX regulates the cellular redox status through its two cysteine residues and counteracts the toxic effect of ROS. H2O2 is toxic to cells at low concentrations, and this toxicity can be neutralized by TRX. To evaluate the protective effect of transgenic TRX on the islet damage mediated by oxidative stress, we used H2O2 as a ROS donor to induce islet cell death and investigated the protective effect of TRX on islets under H2O2 stimulation. Lt-eGFP- and Lt-TRX-transduced islets were incubated with various concentrations of H2O2 for 18 h, and the MTT assay was performed to evaluate the islet cell viability. Islet cells overexpressing TRX were more resistant to H2O2-induced cytotoxicity at a concentration of 100 μM (Fig. 3). These data indicate that overexpression of TRX in islets by the lentiviral vector did not affect the insulin-secreting function of islets and further protected the islets from exogenous stress stimulation, suggesting that TRX is a potential candidate for genetic manipulation of islet grafts in transplantation. Overexpression of TRX reduces H 2 O 2 -induced cytotoxicity. Freshly isolated islets were transduced with Lt-eGFP or Lt-TRX. After 48 h culture, islets were treated with H2O2 at different concentrations for 18 h. Islet cell viability was measured by the MTT assay. The viability results are expressed as mean ± SD of three independent experiments. Oxidative stress induced by inflammation and islet isolation and transplantation are major obstacles to islet replacement therapy because they may cause primary non-function of islets and early graft loss. Considering the advantages of the antioxidative and antiapoptotic functions of TRX, we hypothesized that overexpression of this gene would protect islets from the stress induced by the transplantation procedure and subsequent autoimmune attack. Freshly isolated islets were transduced with Lt-TRX or Lt-eGFP and cultured for 1 day. Around 700 marginal islets were transplanted under the left kidney capsule of newly diabetic female NOD mice. Islet grafts with TRX transduction showed better glycemic control (Fig. 4a) and prolonged islet graft survival in diabetic recipients (mean graft survival days, 18 vs. 6.5, n = 9 and 10, respectively, p < 0.05) (Fig. 4b). We also performed nephrectomy of the left kidney implanted with grafted islets to confirm further the glucose-regulatory function of the Lt-TRX-transduced islet grafts. The NOD recipients with normal glycemia became hyperglycemic after the islet-implanted kidney was removed, indicating that the islet grafts were still functional and maintained the normal glycemia in transplanted recipients (data not shown). Histological analysis of the graft-bearing kidneys revealed that although Lt-TRX-transduced islets showed much less leukocytic infiltration than the Lt-eGFP-transduced islets, they were not completely free from lymphocyte infiltration (Fig. 5a and 5b). Immunohistochemical staining showed that Lt-TRX transduced islet grafts were insulin-producing (Fig. 5c) and TRX-expressing (Fig. 5d), suggesting that these islets with transgene expression were still functional. Since heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) mediates a strong cytoprotection in cells under a variety of stresses, the induction of HO-1 in TRX-transduced islets may have a synergistic effect with TRX to protect them from apoptosis and improve islet survival and function after transplantation. Results from immunohistochemical staining revealed that the distribution of HO-1-expressing cells was quite close to that of the TRX-expressing cells (Fig. 5e), consistent with the previous reports that TRX facilitates the induction of HO-1 . These results indicate that overexpression of TRX in islet grafts protected them from inflammation-induced stress and prolonged graft survival after transplantation, although it could not inhibit leukocytic infiltration completely and prevent loss of the grafts. Function of marginal islets and diabetic-free frequency of diabetic recipients. (A) Mean blood glucose concentration in mice that received Lt-eGFP- or Lt-TRX-transduced islets. Data are expressed as the mean ± SD from 10 mice in each group. (B) Lt-TRX-transduced islets maintained euglycemia for significantly longer than in the Lt-eGFP-transduced group. Blood glucose concentration was monitored daily after islet implantation. Loss of graft function was defined as a blood glucose concentration > 300 mg/dl on two consecutive days. Histology of islet grafts (IG) under the capsule (CA) of the kidney (K). Lt-eGFP- and Lt-TRX-transduced islets were transplanted into diabetic NOD mice in the same operation. IG-implanted kidneys were removed on day 7 when the Lt-TRX-transduced IG was still functional and maintained euglycemia, but the Lt-eGFP-transduced IG had failed. (A) Severe leukocytic penetration was observed in Lt-eGFP-transduced IG. (B) Lt-TRX-transduced IG had less severe leukocytic infiltration and islet cells were still visible. Serial sections of Lt-TRX transduced islet grafts were immunohistochemically stained with insulin (C), TRX (D) and HO-1 (E). Arrows in (D) and (E) point out examples of the TRX and HO-1 staining respectively and arrow heads point out the infiltrated lymphocytes. Original magnification × 100. Previous reports have demonstrated that TRX selectively activates a number transcription factors and facilitates the induction of cytoprotective genes , suggesting that TRX-mediated islet graft protection may not only acts through free radical scavenger. To investigate the protective mechanisms mediated by TRX in islet grafts, we further analyzed the expression of genes such as c-fos, c-jun, and HO-1 that were regulated by TRX. We also analyzed AP-1 activity in β cell-derived NIT-1 cells after Lt-TRX virus transduction. Quantitative PCR analysis reveals that expression of HO-1 and c-fos was up-regulated after Lt-TRX transduction (Fig. 6a). Cellular responses to TRX overexpressing. (A) Levels of mRNA of HO-1, c-jun and c-fos genes in Lt-eGFP- or Lt-TRX-transduced cells. The mRNA was measured by real-time PCR. Results are shown as a ratio of indicated gene to Rps29 (housekeeping gene). Results are the mean ± S.E.M. of triplicates from three independent experiments. (B) Lt-eGFP- or Lt-TRX-transduced NIT-1 cells were transiently transfected with pCMV-luciferase and pAP1-SEAP plasmids. SEAP activity in culture supernatants was determined and normalized for luciferase activity in the cell lysates. Data are shown as means ± S.E.M. of triplicates from three independent experiments. To further determine the AP-1 activity in Lt-TRX-transduced cells, we transfected cells with a SEAP reporter plasmid which containing AP-1 binding sites on the upstream promoter region. The AP-1 activity was around 3-fold increase in Lt-TRX-transduced cells than in Lt-eGFP-transduced cells, suggesting that TRX could regulate gene transcription through the up-regulation of AP-1 activity (Fig. 6b). These results are consistent with previous reports that TRX regulates cellular redox status and promotes cell survival through inducing cell protective genes expression. Clinical trials of islet transplantation are showing remarkable success since the Edmonton protocol was developed, and this glucocorticoid-free immunosuppressive protocol was replicated successfully . However, inadequate islet donors and recurrent autoimmunity are major obstacles in the treatment of type I diabetes. The transplantation procedure such as collagenase-based islet isolation triggers proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine production by islets, which contributes to early graft loss or primary loss of function [3, 29]. In this study, we overexpressed TRX in islet grafts to determine whether this would protect them from oxidative stress-induced cell damage. We found that TRX did not alter the glucose-induced insulin-secreting function of the islets but protected them from ROS challenge. In the islet transplantation experiment, TRX-overexpressed islets showed better glycemic control and longer graft survival, indicating that TRX has a strong cytoprotective effect on islets. Many approaches have been shown to have protective effects in islets, including the regulation of the immune response by overexpressing anti-inflammatory cytokines or cytokine inhibitors [6, 30, 31]; and by reducing cellular stress by overexpression of antiapoptotic and antioxidative genes in islets [9, 10, 12]. These approaches might protect islets from apoptosis or promote islet function in vitro or in vivo, although the choice of target genes and the methods to overexpress the target genes can affect the results significantly. In general, therapeutic targets that have a paracrine action have a more marked biological effect than do genes that target intracellular molecules. In addition, the selected vectors for carrying the target genes to the islets should have low immunogenicity, and long-term and stable gene expression in islets is required. In this work, we used a lentivirus to carry the TRX gene into the islets, which do not divide or have a low rate of division. This approach has some advantages. First, lentivirus can infect both dividing and nondividing or quiescent cells efficiently and provide for the stable integration into the host cell genome. Second, this method does not elicit an immune response in vivo. Third, TRX is a strong ROS scavenger in the cytoplasm and can clear H2O2 directly and repair the oxidized proteins. TRX also regulates the expression or activity of other proteins. In some circumstances, TRX translocates to the nucleus to regulate transcription factor activity or can be secreted and act as a growth factor . Under stimulation by inflammatory mediators, TRX regulates AP-1 activity and enhances heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression . The AP-1 activity was around 3-fold increase in Lt-TRX-transduced cells than in Lt-GFP-transduced cells, suggesting that TRX could regulate gene transcription through the up-regulation of AP-1 activity in our model. HO-1 expression was observed in Lt-TRX-transduced islets and induction of HO-1 in islet grafts have been demonstrated to protect them from apoptosis and improve their function after transplantation . Thus, TRX and HO-1 may play coordinated roles in protecting cells from inflammatory stress. The reduced form of TRX also binds to a variety of cellular proteins. Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) is one TRX-binding protein that mediates stress- and cytokine-mediated apoptosis . TRX binds to the N-terminus of ASK1, and activation of ASK1 requires dissociation of the TRX [16, 36]. Taken together, the antioxidative and antiapoptotic functions of TRX may contribute to protecting islets from inflammation-induced cell injury. It is unlikely that any single biological agent will be sufficient to stop such complicated autoimmune processes such as cytokine imbalance, free radical formation, and cellular apoptosis . Using newly diabetic NOD mice that had developed strong autoimmunity to pancreatic islets as the recipients, we showed that TRX can prolong graft survival significantly. This effect may reflect the multiple biological functions of TRX, which has both antioxidative and antiapoptotic activities. These are important functions for preventing islets from immune attack, and this idea has been demonstrated in the transgenic model . However, despite its beneficial effects, TRX could not inhibit the leukocytic infiltration into the islet grafts completely, and future studies using combinations of immunoregulatory genes may help prolong graft survival and maintain long-term glucose homeostasis in diabetic recipients. This work was supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC (NSC96-2628-B-016-002-MY3 to H.-K. Sytwu). We thank Shing-Jia Shieh for technical assistance.
{ "perplexity_score": 461.9 }
[ [ 790318600815, 790318600870 ], [ 790318601647, 790318601706 ], [ 790318601735, 790318601790 ], [ 790318602627, 790318602677 ], [ 790318602785, 790318602837 ], [ 790318603335, 790318603389 ], [ 790318603536, 790318603590 ], [ 790318603852, 790318603903 ], [ 790318605756, 790318605806 ], [ 790318605940, 790318606008 ], [ 790318606032, 790318606082 ], [ 790318606580, 790318606707 ], [ 790318607140, 790318607193 ], [ 790318607522, 790318607729 ], [ 790318608110, 790318608190 ], [ 790318608427, 790318608498 ], [ 790318608767, 790318608817 ], [ 790318608838, 790318608894 ], [ 790318608921, 790318608980 ], [ 790318609111, 790318609162 ], [ 790318609254, 790318609320 ], [ 790318609322, 790318609389 ], [ 790318609695, 790318609822 ], [ 790318610266, 790318610322 ], [ 790318610764, 790318610816 ], [ 790318610892, 790318611003 ], [ 790318611018, 790318611199 ], [ 790318611223, 790318611324 ], [ 790318611325, 790318611390 ], [ 790318611448, 790318611501 ], [ 790318611522, 790318611580 ], [ 790318612371, 790318612499 ], [ 790318612625, 790318612730 ], [ 790318612829, 790318612929 ], [ 790318613315, 790318613499 ], [ 790318613595, 790318613733 ], [ 790318613863, 790318613914 ], [ 790318614036, 790318614087 ], [ 790318614232, 790318614311 ], [ 790318614610, 790318614670 ], [ 790318615053, 790318615129 ], [ 790318615988, 790318616074 ], [ 790318616077, 790318616133 ], [ 790318616251, 790318616311 ], [ 790318616786, 790318616847 ], [ 790318616923, 790318616976 ], [ 790318617031, 790318617085 ], [ 790318617413, 790318617499 ], [ 790318617505, 790318617623 ], [ 790318617632, 790318617704 ], [ 790318617938, 790318617991 ], [ 790318618152, 790318618202 ], [ 790318618260, 790318618319 ], [ 790318619679, 790318619731 ], [ 790318619743, 790318619794 ], [ 790318619970, 790318620020 ], [ 790318620591, 790318620653 ], [ 790318620655, 790318620772 ], [ 790318622496, 790318622562 ], [ 790318622684, 790318622735 ], [ 790318622814, 790318622901 ], [ 790318623060, 790318623145 ], [ 790318623146, 790318623332 ], [ 790318623680, 790318623733 ], [ 790318623844, 790318623899 ], [ 790318624579, 790318624631 ], [ 790318625891, 790318625962 ], [ 790318626132, 790318626336 ], [ 790318626709, 790318626759 ], [ 790318626957, 790318627010 ], [ 790318627987, 790318628088 ] ]
[ 79884257, 116742530, 362280292, 130779530, 293039181, 174587858, 312146751, 159659543, 9871545, 364868444, 200053149, 203510558, 310349919 ]
Conservatory of Brescia & more! I am now a teacher of the Young Talents Department of the Conservatory of Brescia! At the headquarters in Brescia, I am teaching the classical singing course, whereas at the Conservatory’s location in Darfo Boario Terme, I am teaching the solfège and ear training course. I’ve just met my new students, aged 7-15 years, on the 25th of January. I am super happy to have “won” the national selection procedure for this teaching position! on my calendar, 5 new concerts: I will be singing the solo alto part (and coral part as well) in Bach’s Easter Oratorio and in his Cantata BWV 106 “Actus Tragicus”. I am part of the “Il Pentagramma” team! Starting this season (18/19), I am part of the teachers’ team at the “Il Pentagramma” Music School of Tesero, Italy! I teach two courses: Opera, or Classical Singing, and “Vocalità”: a voice training program for anyone who takes part in choral activities, for example as a choir member or as a conductor. Students can have lessons either in Moena (thanks to Ensemble Canticum Novum) or at the school’s headquarters in Tesero. Tesero represents an important cultural centre in the Dolomites. Although under 3.000 people inhabit the village, it features a Cinema / Theatre (with orchestra pit!), a concert hall suitable to chamber music concerts (currently, a new organ is being constructed there), an renowned organ manufactury, a Royal Academy of Dancing – school, several choirs (including children’s choirs), a wind orchestra, a theatre company and last but not least, a music school. “Il Pentagramma” is the musical point of reference to children, adolescents and adults from the Fiemme and Fassa Valleys, and is located in a newly constructed building with nice and well equiped rooms.
{ "perplexity_score": 325.3 }
Free Download Forex Real Profit EA. Please wait, we prepare your link. expert advisor. Author: Daniel. My name is Daniel Alard. Already more than 12 years, I trade the forex market. Published: 13.11.2014 Reply to the message. this is the best website in the world ! atif. Published: 11.08.2016 Reply to the message. yes this is best. Andy. Double in a Day EA Free Forex Signals 30 March 2017. 8 thoughts on “ The Double in A Day Forex Technique and Forex EA ” 2014. Thanks your your questions. 1) The trader makes the decision when and where to enter the market – IT IS NOT DONE BY THE EA. 12/18/2014 · Best Free EA? Platform Tech. I am completely new to the world of EAs, so I'd like to try out a free one on demo before I even think about spending money on one. new forex ea 2014 > Easy new forex ea 2014 Forex Trading criminal Forex Trading System new forex ea 2014 Artical new forex ea 2014 The GPS Forex robot is one of the most successful and popular trading robots that have made its debut last 2010. © Free forex ea 2014 Binary Option | Free forex ea 2014 Best binary options.
{ "perplexity_score": 1320.7 }
[ [ 790318629931, 790318630113 ], [ 790318630155, 790318630522 ], [ 790318630826, 790318630940 ] ]
[ 364868446 ]
Knowles breaks down the lessons he learned on the path to success. It is tempting to see Mathew Knowles as the creator and manager of Destiny’s Child, father to globally dominant entertainer Beyoncé and younger sister Solange, and surrogate dad to the equally famous and accomplished artist Kelly Rowland. But the truth is, Gadsden, Alabama-born Knowles was a successful executive long before launching his company, Music World, in Houston in 1992. And, he’s hardly slowed down since his children have assumed adult responsibility for their own lives, families, and careers. Knowles has established several recording imprints under Music World Entertainment, including Music World Gospel, which boasts artists like Vanessa Bell Armstrong; Music World Kids; and Music World Country/Compadre, which includes the music catalogue of the legendary Johnny Cash. He’s also created joint ventures with Sony Music, Interscope/Geffen/A&M, Fontana/Universal, Integrity Africa, Fontana International, and Sony Brazil. Additionally, Knowles holds B.A. and B.S. degrees in economics and business administration from Fisk University, an MBA from Cornerstone Christian Bible College for strategic leadership and organizational culture, and he is a visiting professor at Texas Southern University, where he teaches courses on the entertainment industry. Most recently, Knowles also earned a Ph.D. from Cornerstone Christian. 1. Never lose your passion. While Knowles’ built a successful 20-year career in the medical equipment sales industry, which included 10 years at Xerox, he never lost sight of the dream he had as a college undergrad; to create hit-making girl groups for the music industry. 2. It’s about preparation, not just opportunity. Knowles didn’t just start a music company when he transitioned from his career in medical equipment sales; he became educated about the music industry. 3. Make business decisions, not emotional ones. 4. The lessons of success are learned through failure. Black Enterprise Executive Editor-At-Large Alfred Edmond Jr. is an award-winning business and financial journalist, media executive, entrepreneurship expert, personal growth/relationships coach, and co-founder of Grown Zone, a relationship education initiative focused on personal growth and healthy decision-making. Follow him on Twitter at @AlfredEdmondJr.
{ "perplexity_score": 237.9 }
[ [ 790318631090, 790318631599 ], [ 790318631609, 790318631713 ], [ 790318631895, 790318632431 ], [ 790318633006, 790318633236 ], [ 790318633258, 790318633326 ] ]
[ 258519597, 364868447 ]
Company Orlando Cloisters is located in the city of Orlando. The legal address of the company is 757 S Orange Ave, Orlando, Florida, 32801-3755. Other interesting information can be found on working days by phone (407) 428-0231. The scheme of travel to the company can be viewed on the interactive map.
{ "perplexity_score": 187.2 }
[ [ 790318633395, 790318633678 ] ]
[ 364868448 ]
Chad and Sonny. Sonny and Chad in Falling for the Falls part 2. Wallpaper and background images in the Sonny With A Chance club tagged: sonny with a chance sonny munroe chad dylan cooper channy. I know I wonder why?????? My guess is he's surprisd that he's dating a girl who speaks chinese or somthin.
{ "perplexity_score": 1667.8 }
[ [ 790318633695, 790318633867 ] ]
[ 364868449 ]
Discussion in 'Hikvision' started by Marvin, Apr 14, 2019. Suggestions for a reasonably priced low light hikvision camera without visible ir or ir status that can be turned off in configuration page.. See cliff notes. Some people think 39 dollars is reasonable. For Hikvision OEM see the ipcamtalk cameras. Nelly's Security has their new GoSwift 4k cameras, that are only $99/ea... they produced a video comparing them against Dahua and Hikvision... pretty impressive results. That is not a low light camera nor reasonably priced. No, its not low light - that is fact, a 1/3 4mp sensor. The OP himself clarified that to HIM reasonable is 100-150 - Fact. Feel free to delete my user account then have a nice day! No I understand its difficult to admit you purchased crap. Just dont advise others to do the same. Hey folks - sorry - I know how forums can get people really p*** Been there done that. I really appreciate everyone here, including users like you @Searay. Stick around! You post misinformation that's okay, you didn't know any better. The problem with you is that you don't admit you're wrong when obvious factual errors are pointed out to you. It doesn't help the Op when you give him bad advice. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. SouthernYankee and Alan Carter like this.
{ "perplexity_score": 695.2 }
[ [ 790318634702, 790318634799 ], [ 790318635188, 790318635241 ] ]
[ 297978528, 364868450 ]
Call till 8 PM weekdays or Chat online - www.drivers.com.au. N.ational company with well maintained fleet. Wednesday night MC Changeover to Clybucca, Road Ranger transmission, 8pm depart. Wednesday 12/12/2018 departing Wetherill Park at 8pm changing over at clybucca, General freight, Road ranger experience required.
{ "perplexity_score": 1503.9 }
This is a quick guide for how to reflash Fyme OS on Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition. Flyme is based on Android with some redesign along with extras. It doesn't ship with Google apps, but those are easily installable. Parameter expansion is a powerful feature of Bash which will allow you to work on strings with great ease and just a little typing. Here are 10 simple examples on how to use just a bit of the power of parameter expansion to quickly modify and work on strings. The next Linux Mint Cinnamon edition is knocking on the door and a Release Candidate was put out yesterday. This release will bear the version number 17.1, and it is codenamed “Rebecca”. We Distribute is a series of short articles explaining Free Software in relation to the ongoing efforts of various projects to bring decentralized server-to-server communication to the web. For this installment, we will look into the need for decentralized platforms on the web, and we'll look at how GNU MediaGoblin can replace platforms like Instagram, Flickr, DeviantArt, and YouTube. In this group test Mayank Sharma of Linux Voices looks at five humble text editors that are more than capable of heavy-lifting texting duties. They can highlight syntax and auto-indent code just as effortlessly as they can spellcheck documents. You can use them to record macros and manage code snippets just as easily as you can copy/paste plain text. KDE’s Plasma earns best Linux desktop honors due to its design, customization and innovation. KDE proudly announces the immediate availability of Plasma 5.0, providing a visually updated core desktop experience that is easy to use and familiar to the user. Plasma 5.0 introduces a new major version of KDE's workspace offering. The new Breeze artwork concept introduces cleaner visuals and improved readability. Dr. Geo 14.07 release. Dr. Geo is the free interactive geometry and programming software you can modify from itself! This release comes with the new Cairo based Athens rendering engine. Linux Mint 17 ‘Qiana’ KDE and Xfce editions were released late last month, just a few weeks after the main editions (Cinnamon and MATE) were put out. This release will have the same lifespan as the distribution which is based on, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr, so it will be supported until 2019, for no less than five years. When it comes to file managers, the choices can be made from a very wide range, from simple, minimalist ones like Thunar up to more feature-rich ones like Konqueror and GNOME Commander, or the console-based applications like Midnight Commander. Reviewing a batch of free Linux games the other day, I stumbled upon Enigma, which immediately got my attention because of its simple rules, yet addictive game style. I found Enigma to be a great game, despite the fact that I’m not much into puzzle games. This is the fourth article in a series covering completely free and open-source games available for Linux, usually included in any of the popular distributions. These games are all included in the Ubuntu repositories, so you can install them with APT. Midori is a GTK-based browser with a clean interface that resembles the one of Google Chrome, using the WebKit rendering engine, and offering plenty of the usual features browsers like Firefox or Chrome ship with. Globulation 2 is a free 2D real-time strategy game for Linux with a different gameplay than the normal strategies, in which you build structures and have to defeat your opponent(s).
{ "perplexity_score": 317.7 }
[ [ 790318635610, 790318635755 ], [ 790318635761, 790318635820 ], [ 790318636798, 790318637008 ], [ 790318637334, 790318637393 ], [ 790318638426, 790318638478 ] ]
[ 65768618, 364868452, 334736294 ]
Complete WordBrain Frog Level 13 Answers key. These Frog 13 cheats include all Android & IOS letters/words and a video guide with all the solutions at the bottom. Also, check out the video below to see the correct WordBrain Frog 13 cheat path on each of the Frog 13 solutions. Note: All the letters you see in the crossword picture and in the video are the same for Google Play & Apple/Itunes.
{ "perplexity_score": 814 }
[ [ 790318639083, 790318639479 ] ]
[ 364868453 ]
Hawaii does have a state False Claims Act. Whistleblowers may file claims of fraud, waste or abuse affecting state government. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services rates Hawaii’s FCA at least as strong as the federal FCA when it comes to Medicaid Fraud claims. If you have a whistleblower claim, please contact us so that a lawyer may advise you about your whistleblower rights under the state FCA as well as qui tam provisions of the federal False Claims Act. To see the Hawai’i False Claims Act statute, click here. December 19, 2014 – A Hawaii electrician sued his employer, claiming he was terminated for complaining about alleged safety violations. A federal judge dismissed his claims, citing an in-house investigation during which the company learned the electrician had been sexually harassing a female coworker and intimidating his male coworkers. In other words, the company’s investigation helped it short-circuit the electrician’s whistleblower claim. October 17, 2014 – After an employee sued, claiming she was terminated for race and age discrimination and whistleblowing, her former employer asked a federal judge in Hawaii to compel her to arbitrate her claims pursuant to its arbitration policy. The judge ruled the arbitration policy wasn’t enforceable because the employer reserved the right to amend, modify, or terminate it after the employee signed it. In addition, the judge found there was inadequate evidence that the employee actually agreed to the policy using the employer’s electronic acknowledgment system. July 22, 2014 – A second water safety officer has filed a suit against the county and Kauai Fire Department for retaliation. The plaintiff, Carl Ragasa Jr., reported to a supervisor that he observed a KFD employee stealing gas from the county to use in a side business with Vierra. The employee in question was transferred to another station and was not disciplined, the complaint alleges. Ragasa’s attorney, Tracy Fukui, said that in addition to the Whistleblower Act, county employees are entitled to protections against retaliation at the work place for speech involving matters of public concern under the First Amendment. She said Hawaii provides similar protections, but federal law provides clear remedies through civil action for such constitutional violations.
{ "perplexity_score": 253.8 }
[ [ 790318639488, 790318639662 ], [ 790318639668, 790318639964 ], [ 790318641044, 790318641186 ], [ 790318641602, 790318641654 ] ]
[ 95947829, 364868454, 223257046, 9073951 ]
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), one of the US companies vying to build a futuristic vacuum tube maglev system, has said it will complete the first stage of the world’s first project in the UAE next year. The scheme envisages a link between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, a distance of around 130km, and the phase would consist of 10km of that. The announcement was made by Bibop Gresta, HTT’s chairman, in an interview with Emirates news agency WAM. He said: “The Abu Dhabi Hyperloop system is right now past the feasibility study. We have already completed the study after we partnered with Aldar Properties last year. It will be the first commercial Hyperloop line in the world. Gresta said he expected the line to cost between $20m and $40m a kilometre, making the cost of the whole line as much as $6bn. However, he added that he believed the investment could be recouped in eight-to-15 years. In April, HTT signed an agreement in principle with Abu Dhabi’s Aldar Properties for the system, as well as a Hyperloop Advanced Mobility Centre for research and development, a visitor centre and an innovation hub.
{ "perplexity_score": 170.6 }
[ [ 790318641804, 790318641860 ], [ 790318642268, 790318642487 ] ]
[ 152144566, 364868455 ]
CSG Partners announced today that it received two new awards from the M&A Advisor at the 14th Annual M&A Advisor Awards Gala Ceremony at the New York Athletic Club in New York. The Gala honored the professionals whose activities set the standard for M&A transactions. This year, over 280 nominees, representing over 690 companies, became finalists for the awards. An independent judging committee of 25 top M&A industry experts determined the ultimate recipients of the awards which were revealed "Academy-Award style" at the gala. CSG Partners is the most awarded investment bank with a specialty ESOP practice, claiming a total of six awards related to its ESOP transactions over the last five years. This is the third consecutive year that CSG has been awarded by the M&A Advisor and it comes less than a month CSG was recognized by the Global M&A Network with three M&A Atlas Awards. CSG accepted awards for both Financial Services Deal of the Year ($10MM to $100MM) and Consumer Services Deal of the Year. "As always, we are honored to be recognized for the hard work that our team puts into each and every ESOP transaction we close," said Larry Kaplan, Founder and Managing Director of CSG Partners. "CSG's ESOP investment banking practice continues to stand out in the industry, and we could not be more pleased," he added. "The award recipients represent the finest in the M&A industry in 2015 and earned these honors by standing out in a group of extremely impressive finalists," said David Fergusson, Co-CEO and President of The M&A Advisor. "From lower middle market to multi-billion dollar deals, we are recognizing the leading transactions, firms and individuals that represent the highest levels of achievement."
{ "perplexity_score": 279.8 }
[ [ 790318642992, 790318643045 ], [ 790318643105, 790318643457 ], [ 790318643601, 790318643696 ], [ 790318643880, 790318643936 ], [ 790318643947, 790318643997 ], [ 790318644062, 790318644132 ], [ 790318644254, 790318644651 ] ]
[ 364868456, 322438457 ]
Aaron Karp is a practicing artist of more than 40 years. Originally from New York, he has lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, since 1979 where he worked as an Assistant Professor of Painting and Drawing at the University of New Mexico until 1984. For the thirty years since leaving the University he has painted full time, has exhibited his work extensively, and has received recognition through a number of awards, grants, and artist-in-residencies. In 1976 Karp developed a style of painting utilizing various systems of taping to develop fractured fields of color and space. Shortly afterwards, in 1979, his work was recognized in major exhibitions at the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh entitled “Systems,” as well as a second exhibition in that same year at the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art in Winston-Salem. From 1977 to 1979 Karp was Gallery Director and Lecturer of Design Fundamentals at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. In 2001 Karp was awarded a Pollock-Krasner grant and in 2002 a Kittredge Foundation grant. Also in 2002 he was awarded an artist-in-residency in Costa Rica at the Julia and David White Artists’ Colony. In 2004 Karp was awarded a residency and a monetary grant through the Robert M. MacNamara Foundation located on Westport Island, Maine. In 2006 the Fundacion Valparaiso in Mojacar, Almeria, Spain, awarded him an artist-in-residency. In October, 2007 he was invited for two months as a visiting artist at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha, Nebraska, and in February 2008 Karp had a solo exhibition entitled “Bemis Grids” at the Albuquerque Museum. In 2013 Karp was awarded an endowed fellowship for an artist-in-residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Amherst, Virginia, where he began “Murmurations,“ his current series of paintings. His most recent exhibitions include shows at Duane Reed Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri; William Havu Gallery, Denver, Colorado; Lee Hansley Gallery, Raleigh, North Carolina; Duke University Fine Art Museum, Durham, North Carolina; Artspace/Virginia Miller Galleries, Coral Gables, Miami, Florida; LA Artcore, Los Angeles, California; and New Concept Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
{ "perplexity_score": 101.2 }
[ [ 790318644657, 790318644738 ], [ 790318644780, 790318644902 ], [ 790318644924, 790318645012 ], [ 790318645013, 790318645077 ], [ 790318645118, 790318645233 ], [ 790318645294, 790318645354 ], [ 790318645421, 790318645489 ], [ 790318645567, 790318645635 ], [ 790318645713, 790318646025 ], [ 790318646026, 790318646304 ], [ 790318646354, 790318646432 ] ]
[ 169172425, 364868457 ]
The end of a woman’s reproductive years and the start of a new phase of life. Whilst that’s a constant, each woman’s menopausal transition is unique, bringing with it a range of symptoms due to the bodies hormonal changes. For some women, these symptoms can include hot flushes, headaches, mood changes and insomnia. All the symptoms that exhibit the reduction of Estrogen in the female body. Did you know that physiotherapy can help ease some of the symptoms of menopause? In this blog article, the team at Brisbane Spine Clinic explain the physiotherapy treatment options available to you. Diagnosis of menopause typical ages during which it occurs – the 40s and 50s – though, of course, exceptions exist. Menopause is often a gradual-onset condition, meaning that it’s a little easier to identify as its happening. These are relatively common and unproblematic symptoms – they may be uncomfortable and unpleasant, but they are normal side-effects and shouldn’t raise too much alarm. A good time to have the conversation with your physician to receive some support. You might not think it, but menopause symptoms are a great time to commit to exercise and physiotherapy. The menopause may expose you to a number of health problems that can be counteracted with lifestyle and proper healthcare. Weight management is the first place to start – it can negatively affect your confidence and overall health. Physiotherapy treatment can include a mixture of joint health and exercise to combat obesity and to help keep you in shape. Physiotherapy and exercise programming can also provide a healthy, natural alternative to medications for dealing with osteoporosis – a real problem when bone density starts decreasing. Menopause and the loss of Estrogen weaken the bones, whereas carefully-planned and guided resistance training can improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. Weight and bone density are key factors in your long-term health – falls and fractures are common problems for post-menopausal women, while obesity is a catch-all health risk. Simply reducing the risk of these two problems is likely to mean a far better life in the short- and long-term. During menopause, you’re likely to experience a variety of aches and pains associated with the changes to your hormones and, consequently, your muscles and joints. Our women’s health physiotherapy can help you catch these problems early and treating them with effective rehabilitation and pain-relief physiotherapy may help to stop these problems before they start. Menopause is an uncomfortable time of transition – you’re going to experience significant differences within your body. You’re not at the mercy of these changes and taking an active role in your own health and wellbeing is going to drastically improve your quality of life now and into the foreseeable future. Physiotherapy isn’t just about fixing injuries – it’s about providing the best quality of life possible through quality healthcare. If you’re expecting the change or you’re already there, it’s not too late to get in touch. We’ve got extensive experience with women’s physiotherapy and our guidance can keep you healthier and happier through these challenging times. We’d love to hear from you and discuss the best way to improve your wellbeing!
{ "perplexity_score": 196.2 }
[ [ 790318647421, 790318647472 ], [ 790318647872, 790318647923 ], [ 790318648704, 790318648764 ], [ 790318649097, 790318649147 ], [ 790318649582, 790318649637 ], [ 790318649659, 790318649709 ], [ 790318649787, 790318649840 ], [ 790318650060, 790318650149 ] ]
[ 193421233, 135235108, 364868458, 194797695 ]
We will email you in August to confirm where you will be attending college, and the amount you've been awarded per term. Your scholarship check will be sent directly to the financial aid office at your college ten days prior to the start of the academic year. Please allow processing time for the college/university to apply the scholarship funds to your student account and revise your financial aid. In some cases, the funds may not be applied to your account until after the start of the term. Please follow-up with your college/university’s financial aid office to determine the timing of the scholarship payment. Your scholarship will be divided equally over the number of terms of enrollment at your college/university. You must be enrolled full-time and meet your college's Satisfactory Academic Progress policy in order to receive the funding. If you are not enrolled full-time at the start of the term, your scholarship funding will be delayed until the matter has been resolved. Generally, Leadership 1000 scholarship recpients must be enrolled full time each term. As a general rule, when students do not enroll fulltime, their award is prorated to reflect their enrollment status. However, if you are planning to enroll in less than 12 credits for a term, please contact us.
{ "perplexity_score": 261 }
[ [ 790318650315, 790318650388 ], [ 790318650710, 790318650761 ] ]
[ 364868459 ]
As I mentioned last week, bad ideas never die in Washington. Take, for example, Ways and Means Committee chairman Kevin Brady’s terrible idea of phasing in the border-adjustment tax (BAT) over five years. The moral of this story is that, despite a slow or fast boiling, the frog is still dead. Well, phased-in or not, the border-adjustment tax is still a bad idea. Leaving aside the distortions and uncertainty that phasing in the tax will introduce, I doubt that it makes adopting the border-adjustment tax more politically feasible. Let’s talk about the trade deficit for a moment. What do you think importers will do when they know that the tax today is at a lower rate than the tax tomorrow? They will anticipate tomorrow’s rate hike by importing more today and still raising costs tomorrow. How about exporters? If they think it is advantageous to delay exporting to benefit from a bigger export subsidy tomorrow, they will. You end up with a bigger trade deficit, at least in the short term. I am pretty sure that won’t fly with the trade-deficit obsessed Trump administration. Again, a bad idea is a bad idea, no matter how quickly or how slowly it is implemented. Meanwhile, I predict that we will spend the next few months arguing about this new idea of a phase-in of the border-adjustment tax. The arguments will fail to persuade the Senate to adopt the measure and the White House will continue to oppose the it, but the House Republican leadership will insist on it. Summer will turn into fall and soon 2017 will be over and tax reform will still be months away from being implemented. Way to go!
{ "perplexity_score": 281.2 }
The viburnum bushes are gorgeous this year. What would the garden do without them? They sashay in after the lilac blossoms fade, but before the peonies burst. This viburnum bouquet is from our snowball bush. We have several on our property, one was here originally and the others I planted last year. It's really quite hard to not get giddy about all the flowers that will show in the upcoming weeks and months. The peonies are full of plump buds, as are the rose bushes and clematis. The hydrangeas are just starting to show little tiny green flowers. It's all very exciting. After putting so much work into the garden, it's such a wonderful feeling to see everything growing and looking more and more mature and vibrant. Then there's the vegetable garden! We visited our local nursery this past weekend and picked up all of our starts...lots of tomato varieties, basil, green beans, pickling cucumbers and some carrot seeds. And two pumpkin varieties for pies, breads, soups, cakes and who knows what else. We love our pumpkin! We are getting a late start with the garden this year. But as of this afternoon, everything is planted and making themselves at home for the summer. Your viburnum are truly beautiful. What perfect specimens! I like how they look against the backdrop of your blue and white striped dress. You mention that you planted some of these last year. I wondered, are the cuttings from the older, original bush? How big were the bushes you planted and are they producing lots of flowers already? Do they need full sun? You always manage to inspire a passion for the simple things in life - whether it's a bowl of raspberries or a bouquet of viburnum. I love it! Wish you had shown us the babies watching you. I love seeing how much they are growing and becoming little people. As usual, your photographs are wonderful. Do you have trouble with deer eating everything you plant? In NC that is my largest garden problem. Lovely lovely snow balls and you! The warmth in the final photo says it all. . . A Joy filled life . . . Those ar e gorgous !!!! Have a great week! Beautiful flowers. I do not have one of these bushes. I am going to buy 1 or 2 for sure this year. Just beautiful... I imagine those trees are just wonderful to look at, and to smile at those 'babies' wow... that is a real joy. hope your garden does well for you. Garden envy! Those blossoms are so heavenly! What a great way to spend a summer, family and babies! I just love Snowball Viburnums, so lovely. Ours have come & gone already this season. Looking forward to Hydrangeas blooming next. The deer love our gardens but seem to leave the viburnums alone. They prefer our roses over everything else! These cuttings are from the older bush. The blossoms on the new bushes are a good size as well but since they didn't have as many blossoms, I didn't cut from them. Beautiful photography, wonderful post and you look nice also in the blue and white...and the smile...well it speaks for itself. Well anyone who argues about global warming and still doesn't believe needs to talk to a gardener or farmer. I can't believe that It is May 29 and all my peonies and lilacs are gone and my roses have already bloomed and are in there second cycle. I'm so sad. I was able to fill up vases with my peonies for the first few weeks of June now I have nothing. Today it is 90 and so hot here in Newtown PA. My snowballs and hydrangeas are already starting to bloom. I love yours trina. They look great. I wish you could follow my blog so that I could get more followers too. You have so many. I think your blog is the blog to follow. Hee Hee. Love the photo of you smiling at the twins. Oh such lovely bouquets, Trina! And with your pretty blue seersucker dress as a background - so so pretty!! Thank you for sharing this beauty with us. I've loved your garden pictures in the past, and I look forward to the ones to come. They, like you, are inspiring me to garden greatness! My mother had a viburnum bush in her yard and I SO wanted to take it with me when she moved! It produced such luscious blooms just like your gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing! So very pretty! Every year I tell myself I'm going to plant so but never do. Maybe next year. this summer is all about hydrangea, lilacs and roses here. my peonies have all blossomed and are actually starting to fade now...but then i'm in CT, so not sure how much of a difference that makes. My hydrangea is showing its green/yellow buds --- so excited! it's the first year after being planted. Oh, you are making me sad, longing for our huge border of them that we planted in our last home. I was overflowing with them and it felt so luxurious. I loved the initial lime green color before they turned white too. We did not think to plant them in this wooded property immediately after moving here and now there is not much room. We have several varieties of hydrangeas but none give the bounty of the snowball vibernum. I love the look on your face as the mama smiles at her babies! Absolutely gorgeous! Since you also live in the Pacific Northwest, you have probably been to the Butchart Gardens in Victoria, B.C. Amazing! There's a slideshow on my blog from our trip there this past weekend. Beautiful! I hope to plant some viburnum in our yard soon. I love the blooms. That's a really cute photo of you, and those snowballs are gorgeous! I don't have one but do have hydrangeas. They're in full bloom with blossoms like the snowball only in a dark bluish purple. They take my breath away. Oh just gorgeous! I let behind two very gorgeous snow ball trees at our old house, how i wish i could have brought them with us! I love our snowball tree, every garden I've had I've planted one because they are so frivolous and pure! Ours is just a bunch of sticks here in Australia as we head into winter but your gorgeous pic inspires me. And love that smile for your babes...please keep sharing your home and garden with us. I am in utter envy at whatever Zone you are in. We are in Zone 2b, so most things are about 6-8" tall here. I will not have a garden in full bloom until probably July, and lucky if hydrangeas appear in August...yes, really. Our lilacs are just now opening...life in the dessert (cold and dry) is not always so fun for a gardener like me! So thanks for sharing YOUR bounty!! I planted two viburnum bushes last year and am dying for gorgeous blooms like this - still waiting... I adore the image of you smiling at your twins...priceless!! This spring we got to enjoy snowball bush blossoms, not from our own yard but across the road from us beside an old abandoned house. They are just beautiful... this bush must have been there for many years because the blossoms were huge, similar in size to yours. :) Have a wonderful weekend. This is the second post I've recently read that mentioned snow ball plants. I must find out about these incredible plants. Amazing blooms! so beautifull! I just love viburnum, it looks like your bushes are thriving under your care! When I was about 4, our town neighbor had these plants, and they were amazing! I wanted so badly to pluck them, but had been threatened with bad things if I did. So lovely! These are gorgeous flowers. We used to have a viburnum but it died in the drought. I think I will have to replant one. I love snowball bushes...I have wonderful memories of them in my grandmother's yard. I' m in the process of landscaping my house and am interested in using a snowball bush. I came across your pictures and think they are beautiful. Could you please help me find the right kind of viburnums? What are yours? I haven't seen any quite like them. Big thank you for your help!
{ "perplexity_score": 518.5 }
[ [ 790318658135, 790318658185 ] ]
[ 39550739, 364868461 ]
We have training classes at our Sussex location. Please contact us at 262-246-8100 to get additional information and to schedule classes. A well trained dog is a good dog!
{ "perplexity_score": 1226.5 }
[ [ 790318660814, 790318660880 ] ]
[ 364868462 ]
I’ve add Recent Comments — again — to the bottom right column. Earlier, the formatting did not work properly. It seems to look OK now. We’ll let them ride for a while. If they behave, I’ll move them up the column.
{ "perplexity_score": 318.6 }
Fufill your own cardcaptor destiny with Sakura's final form of the cardcaptor wand, the Star wand. After capture all the Clow cards, the original wand was transformed into this Star wand because Sakura's powers come from the stars. This wand represented her full ownership of the Clow cards and allowed her to transform them into Sakura cards. This Star key is what the Star wand looks like in its’ dormant form, often seen worn around Sakura’s neck. It represents the end of her long and arduous jouney to capture all the Clow cards, and now you can be a part of that magic with your very own Star key.
{ "perplexity_score": 531.7 }
Our dedicated team will offer instant feedback and efficient maintenance to any customer inquiry. We ensure in offering time needed to finalize any suggestions or updates. Constant updates via email or any prefered communication platform would ensure tasks are kept on track and can provide validity between the parties responsible. Reliable and secure payment gateways is necessary to ensure security of online transactions and ensures payments are well received by merchants. Whether you have an existing ecommerce website, mobile app or still in development phase, we will recommend and integrate your online secure payment gateways based on the market and location your operate in. Our payment partners have the state of the art security features, online Fraud detection modules, and a remarkable customer support.
{ "perplexity_score": 832.2 }
A NAS stands for Network Attached Storage. It's just a fancy name for a file server. Attached to a network, it is designed to provide a group of devices access to data files. In simple terms, it's a local Cloud - any device on the network can access the content. It has obvious advantages in situations where multiple devices need to access the same files, but for the average home user it also has disadvantages - one of which is speed. A NAS drive can't come close to an ordinary USB external hard drive when it comes to transfer times. How? and what is the point when I have an external caddy drive. Another one I was recently tempted by was a constant boiling water thing, holds about 7ltrs and you just press a button for instant boiling water any time of day for your, coffee, tea or whatever, cost about £80. I have a kettle that is much smaller and cheaper that can boil water when I require it and in the right quantity if I have a few minutes patience. Gave that idea a miss. Nose Hair Trimmer - use mine all the time, handy for the hairy ears too! Sandwich Toaster - Had one of those that press them into triangles full of cheese as hot as Lava. Now got a Pannini Press type which just toasts the sandwiches flat and its used regularly. Giant Torch - This has a rechargeable Lead/acid battery which powers the Halogen bulb for about 10 mins if you're lucky. Very bright with a very long beam but not really much use. My new LED handheld torch is almost as good and lasts for hours on one charge. Popcorn Maker - used occasionally. Guilty of most of the mentioned, and I doubt that I'll learn from it! They sound sooo enticing, how could you possible manage without this particular gadget??? Wan'st it made by K-Tel 40 yrs ago? Anyone still use a tea maker. K- Tel and Ronko, what a blast from the past, the record vacuum, the automatic egg scrambler the miniature battery powered table vacuum for crumbs. All of which I wish I now had in mint condition in their original boxes. unfortunately all I saw at the time was an appalling piece of tat not a potential future collectable. I've got loads of tools that don't get much use but usually prove invaluable on rare and inconvenient occasions so can't really call them a waste.
{ "perplexity_score": 486 }
When is Allergy Season in 2019? Are you ready for allergy season? Wait, do you even know when allergy season starts this year? This year’s allergy season starts in spring and continues all the way to fall. Spring allergy season starts around February when some trees begin to produce pollen. On Southern states, due to the high population of Cedar trees, allergy season can start earlier around January providing you with an early dose of stuffy nose, sneezing, and watery eyes. In fact, for 2019, the allergy season in Southern part of USA is getting worse. During March and April, tree pollen remains the dominant allergen with weeds and grasses follow suit. May is the month where trees, grass, and weeds join hands to give you the worst days of your lives. This whammy combo continues until July comes. From July to September, it’s all about the weed especially ragweed. This hardy plant can grow almost anywhere. You can find comfort in knowing millions are sharing your pain. By the way, thanks to climate change, you can expect ragweed pollen allergy to get worse in the future. Nice, huh? When Is Allergy Season Over? In October, the air is starting to get clear even though weeds are still prominent in the western and southern part of US. Logically, when winter starts, the pollen allergy season should be over. However, millions of American suffer allergy all year long. This is mostly caused by allergens commonly found in homes such as pet dander and dust. During fall and winter, mold is also becoming a bigger problem for allergy sufferers as the air gets cold and humid. If you still suffer from an allergy when everyone else seems to get over theirs, we recommend consulting a doctor. Identifying your cause of allergy is the first step in treating it. How To Prepare For Allergy Season? The best course of action is to minimize your exposure to allergens. Don’t go outside when the pollen count is high. If you have cats or dogs, keep them in the house for a while. If you let them play outside, pollen may stick to their fur. When they come home and you give them a rub, some of that pollen will eventually get into your nose. Wearing an allergy mask when you go outside helps too as it provides protection from common allergens such as pollen. You can buy disposable or washable masks for cheap, so there’s no excuse for you not to get them. While outdoor factors are hard to control, things are easier to handle at home. Simply put, you just need to get rid of the source of your allergy. If you’re allergic to mold, make sure there are no warm, dark, and humid places inside your home for them to grow in. Search your home high and low for such places. When you do find them, use non-toxic cleaners to clean any surfaces plagued by mold. You can make a simple yet effective cleaner by pouring distilled vinegar into a spray bottle and spray any moldy-surfaces with it. After an hour, spray some water on the surfaces and wipe it until it’s dry. Don’t fret about the vinegar smell. It will be gone the following day. No, you should also have over-the-counter allergy medicine ready. Prepare antihistamines to relief itchy nose and sneezing, decongestants to get rid of stuffy nose, and nasal spray to prevent an allergic reaction and reduce swelling in the nose. You don’t have to buy name brands if you’re short on cash. Generics have the same active ingredient yet way cheaper. You can stack a whole year’s worth of medicine without blowing a hole in your wallet. Be sure to ask the pharmacist when you buy those medicines. Mention medical conditions you might have and what other medications you’re taking. Pharmacists are an excellent source of information when it comes to medication interaction with each other and your body. Another great way to prepare for allergy season is to install a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) air purifier. Put one in the bedroom, living room, or any living space where your family hangs around. The HEPA filter in the air cleaner will trap 99.97% of airborne allergens as small as 0.3 microns. That means dust, smoke, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens no longer will find their way into your respiration system. We recommend you get an air purifier with auto mode. That way, whenever it senses changes in air quality, it will work harder to eliminate the source of pollution then back to its slow and quiet state once the problem is remedied. Are you looking for an air purifier? We have gathered The Best Air Purifiers for 2019.
{ "perplexity_score": 374.2 }
[ [ 790318666657, 790318666707 ], [ 790318666716, 790318666766 ], [ 790318667099, 790318667206 ], [ 790318667352, 790318667472 ], [ 790318668485, 790318668554 ], [ 790318668660, 790318668712 ], [ 790318668842, 790318668904 ] ]
[ 299599682, 364868467, 103217816, 178927833, 156943469 ]
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- New Jersey residents weary of frequent visits from bears may see a lot less of them come late fall. New Jersey's Fish and Game Council on Tuesday voted to include the state's first black bear hunt in five years in its proposed bear management policy. Former Gov. Jon Corzine had blocked the hunt in 2006. Fish and Game Division Assistant Director Larry Herrighty said all seven council members voted in favor of the hunt that would begin in December. It still needs approval from acting Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin. "I intend to scrutinize this proposed policy to make sure it provides the best possible solutions to the considerable challenge of managing this valued wildlife resource in the nation's most densely populated state," Martin said in a statement. Already, the vote has wildlife advocates criticizing the council's decision. "Today's action by the Fish and Game Council is a step backward for bear management in New Jersey," Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel said. The group believes garbage is at the root of problems with nuisance bears. In a statement, the Sierra Club offered alternatives, including protecting bear habitats, hiring bear conservation officers, and using non-lethal conflict resolution -- such as educating humans on how to avoid attracting bears. Herrighty said the new policy will also include non-lethal methods of controlling the state's bear populations. The proposed policy mentions creating unpleasant environments for bears for bears who enter residential areas by making noise. Herrighty dismissed the assertion by wildlife advocacy groups that those methods alone could do the trick. The council's policy will continue to allow farmers who hold special permits to kill black bears that destroy crops and threaten livestock. Department of Fish and Wildlife accounts show complaints of attacks on livestock increased from 13 in 2006 to 57 in 2009. Complaints from crop farmers have also seen a sharp increase, from nine in 2006 to 29 in 2009. Bear numbers saw a 62 percent rise in Sussex and Passaic counties between 2002 and 2007. Researchers at East Stroudsburg University estimated the New Jersey black bear population was 3,438 in 2009. In 2007, the state Department of Environmental Protection implemented sweeps of counties with the most black bear complaints, issuing warnings or fines to people suspected of feeding bears, which officials believe explained the rise in complaints. The state Supreme Court, just a year earlier, ruled against three hunting groups that wanted to overturn a decision by former DEP commissioner Lisa Jackson to cancel a scheduled hunt. The decision came shortly after Gov. Corzine cast doubts on the efficacy of bear hunts in controlling population. Calls to Gov. Chris Christie's office for comment were not immediately returned Tuesday.
{ "perplexity_score": 390.3 }
[ [ 790318669857, 790318669909 ], [ 790318670316, 790318670367 ], [ 790318671563, 790318671643 ], [ 790318672147, 790318672198 ] ]
[ 364868468, 234887814 ]
Did you just have to write a big check to Uncle Sam for taxes on your freelance business? If you’re an independent contractor, you’re responsible for setting aside enough for taxes so that when the Taxman holds out his hand, you have what’s needed. There’s nothing less fun than being a few thousand—or more—short. Here’s an idea to hopefully make Tax Day a little less painful next year. A few years back, I opened up a simple no-fee, no-interest savings account that I use to save money for taxes. Now, whenever I get a check from a client, the first thing I do is transfer a certain chunk of money from accounts into which I’ve just deposited client checks into this savings account. The money is safe, separate and sacrosanct. I don’t touch it, ever, and in fact, I just pretend it’s not even there. Problem solved. How much should you save for taxes? It could be anywhere from 20-40% depending on how many deductions you have. If you miscalculate and don’t set enough aside this year, you can make adjustments next year. And if you end up with, say, $2K extra in there after you file, hey, there’s your vacation money. Or just keep it in there for the next year’s taxes. Sure, it’s a simple system, but it provides serious peace of mind. Life as a freelancer can be stressful enough without adding a yearlong, low-grade anxiety about taxes. Now is a great time to put this strategy into practice, while the pain of April 15 might still be on your mind. Come next April, you’ll be glad you did!
{ "perplexity_score": 379.5 }
[ [ 790318672305, 790318672384 ] ]
[ 364868469 ]
"Terms and Conditions" means the terms and conditions of sale set out in this document and any special terms and conditions agreed in writing by the Seller. The price of the Goods shall be that stipulated in the Seller's current retail price on the Seller's website at the date of order or as agreed between the parties. The price is inclusive of VAT unless otherwise specified but exclusive of any delivery charges. Payment of the total purchase price (including VAT and any delivery charges) must be made in full before dispatch of the Goods. Postage and packing is free on all orders to addresses in the UK mainland. For deliveries outside the UK mainland please email us for a quotation for postage and packing before placing your order. Delivery of the Goods shall be made by the Seller for delivery to such place and on such terms as agreed between the Seller and the Buyer at the time the order is placed. All Goods, except special order items not held in stock will be delivered within 21 days of the order being placed and the Buyer shall make all arrangements necessary to take delivery of the Goods whenever they are tendered for delivery. Some Goods may not be in stock at the time the order is placed. In the event that the Seller is unable to deliver the Goods within the time specified in Clause 4.2, the Seller will contact the Buyer to advise of the situation and the Buyer shall be entitled to cancel the order and receive a full refund or agree a later delivery date. The Buyer shall inspect the Goods immediately upon receipt and shall notify the Seller within two days of delivery if the Goods are damaged or do not comply with any of the Contract. Where a claim of defect or damage is made then it shall be the responsibility of the Seller to collect faulty Goods if the items are large, otherwise the Goods shall be returned by the Buyer to the Seller and the Buyer shall be entitled to replacement Goods or a full refund (including delivery costs, if applicable) plus any return postal charges if the Goods are in fact defective. Where Goods are purchased via the internet, by mail order or by phone or fax, the Buyer has the right, in addition to any other rights, to cancel the Goods and receive a refund by informing the Seller in writing or by email within 7 working days of receipt of the Goods. Goods must be returned at the Buyer's cost and should be adequately insured during the return journey. The Buyer shall receive a refund of all monies paid for the Goods (including delivery charges, if any) except for return postal charges within 30 days of cancellation.
{ "perplexity_score": 328 }
[ [ 790318673721, 790318674099 ], [ 790318674136, 790318674267 ], [ 790318674455, 790318674645 ], [ 790318674689, 790318676318 ] ]
[ 364868470 ]
This Sunday at 10:15, we’ll be gathering at Good Shepherd for a Congregational Meeting. We’ll take a look at the Lectionary reading, spend some time in prayer, and then carefully consider where we’re at and where we should go from here. We will also have some important financial updates, which will affect our medium-range financial outlook. If you care about Common Table, your voice is one we’d eagerly listen to at this important meeting! Please join us.
{ "perplexity_score": 453.4 }
Stokes Bay Historic Houses: Monckton House . The Times 25 of August 1856, page 6, mentions that Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales and Prince Arthur, who were staying at Osborne on the Isle of Wight, came over to Stokes Bay in the Fairy steam yacht and, having landed, drove in carriages the 3/4 mile to Browndown to inspect the British German Legion encamped there. After that they went to look round 'Gomer Fort' which was under construction, then returned to Osborne in the Fairy. Another visit was made by Prince Albert to inspect the line of forts being built between Elson and Gomer (The Times 11 December 1857 page 10). Afterwards Albert, with Queen Victoria, dined at Alverbank, then they re-embarked onto the Fairy 'from Alverstoke Beach' and returned to Osborne. There are other references, some apocryphal, to Prince Alfred Ernest, Duke of Edinburgh visiting Bay House. One relates that Captain Arthur Embling, Captain of the Rothschild Yacht, whilst he was a young waterman carried the future King ashore pig-a-back fashion, smoking a large cigar. Victoria often used the landing stage inside Clarence Yard for her visits to and from the Isle of Wight and on at least two occasions used the station at Stokes Bay. 1784-85: A large swathe of land along Stokes Bay, from Fort Monckton to Browndown, was acquired by the Board of Ordnance. The only buildings acquired were Old Bay House and Gomer House. Referred to in a painting by Capt. Durrant as Ivy House, the home of Lieutenant Williams. Old Bay House was south of the site on which Lord Ashburton built his Bay House in 1840. A plan of 1832 shows two groups of houses referred to as Old Bay House and New Bay House. Confusingly, Yet another plan refers to the eastern house as Stokes Bay House. 1788: A brickworks was established, with another added in 1806, these had ceased operating by 1820 when the old one was demolished; The other had gone by 1832. Each of the brickworks had a pier into the Solent, the eastern one survived until c1839; in 1840 it was described as derelict. A coastguard house was built (before 1820) on the beach between Old Bay House and the eastern pier. By 1818 New Bay House (a pub) had been built on the beach further to the east - closer to Stoke village. 1839: The Ordnance declared the northern strip of its land between Marsh Lane (now Anglesey Road) and Gomer 'surplus to requirements' and put it up for auction. Lord Ashburton (Alexander Baring), John Wilson Croker, John Brett Purvis, Joseph Paddon and Dr Henry Burney all bought portions; the land was conveyed to them in March 1840; Ashburton had Old Bay House demolished to improve his view. Ashburton built Bay House (1840-42); Croker built Alverbank House (1840); Purvis, of Bury Hall, added the land to his farm; likewise Paddon added the land to Alvercliffe; Burney's purchase included Gomer House; Compigne's land, at the western end of the Bay, was advertised for sale as building plots. Between 1848 and 1861 the Board of Ordnance / War Department repurchased 180 acres paying over £53,000 for land which they sold for about £3,900 in 1840 (although Bay House and Gomerina had been built on the land in the meantime). Sometime between 1862 and 1871 Alvercliffe was acquired and used as the residence of the Commanding Royal Engineer. Robert Synge 29 Ret? or RN? Henry E Bunbury 72 Baronet ret Lt Gn R.L.B. Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Gosport Historian Philip Eley for his contribution to this website, particularly the summary above (and checking the spelling!). Also to Simon Cox for the 1841 and 1851 census lists. In March 1840 the Board of Ordnance sold 80 acres of land to Dr Henry Charles Burney of The Royal Academy, Gosport, for £2,015. There were three 'parcels' of land (of 14, 38 and 27.5 acres) The parcel of 27.5 acres had a house called Gomer House on it. In May 1840 Burney sold 5 acres (part of the grounds of Gomer House) to William Barber of Winchester, gentleman, for £495. In January 1842 The Commissioners of Ordnance had granted Barber permission to throw a "carriage bridge" over the "Main Ditch" onto Ordnance land. In July 1841 Burney sold the 38 acre parcel to Alexander, Lord Ashburton for £1,200 - this was an addition to the land that Ashburton bought directly from the Board of Ordnance. In January 1845 Burney sold Gomer House and the remaining 25 acres (arable and pasture land) to William Lindon of Hyde Park Gardens, Middlesex, esquire, for £3,150. Burney had extended and "improved" Gomer House. Presumably around this time Burney built 'Beach Cottage' on his remaining 14 acres (closest to the beach). In June 1846 Gomer House and grounds were sold to John Leveson Gower esquire of Bill Hill, Berkshire, for £3,600. In April 1847 William Barber sold to John Leveson Gower (now "of Gomer House") "the mansion house called Anglesea Lodge ... recently erected, with shrubberies and pleasure grounds" on the 5 acre plot for £2,900. A John Gardner esquire had a tenancy agreement on the house. In July 1857 all of John Leveson Gower (now "of Bill Hill" again) sold "that capital messuage called Gomer House, with the cottage, barn, stables and outbuildings and 25 acres of land", also the 5 acre piece of land with "the mansion house called Anglesea Lodge or Gomerina with stables (etc)" for £11,535. So, the land the Ordnance had sold in 1840 for about £750 (it being about a third of the original acreage sold to Burney) cost them 15 times as much to buy back seventeen years later!
{ "perplexity_score": 328 }
[ [ 790318676881, 790318676943 ] ]
[ 364868472, 111983785 ]
When considering the use of casino strategies you need to accept one thing – they are all going to be purely theoretical and not actually proven to deliver the same results for each person who uses them. Considering them from the same perspective that a field general uses when applying a tactic on the battlefield is probably the most beneficial view to take of any casino strategy. What this means is that “in theory” the strategy should work, but the uncontrollable factors can often cause something to go amiss.
{ "perplexity_score": 288.1 }
[ [ 790318682302, 790318682817 ] ]
[ 364868473 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 4798.5 }
[ [ 790318682843, 790318682914 ], [ 790318682954, 790318683050 ], [ 790318683197, 790318683249 ], [ 790318683776, 790318683969 ], [ 790318683977, 790318684197 ], [ 790318684273, 790318684324 ] ]
[ 169527410, 49072360, 364868474, 215992780, 80568479 ]
For the last several years, Waterloo Records’ parking lot parties have been a favorite South by Southwest attraction for local music lovers who want to catch some great tunes without going full in on for a music wristband or badge. This year the iconic record store will once again host four days of parties, featuring a variety of artists including indie rock faves Spoon, early alternative music artists Robyn Hitchcock and Modern English and L.A. rock outfit Chicano Batman. Rockers Real Estate and Minus the Bear will also perform. The parties are free and open to the public.
{ "perplexity_score": 331.4 }
A Wincanton man who kicked the headlight of a van while the driver was sat inside uploaded a video of the altercation - but left out the part where he caused the damage. Fergus Holmes had a previous grudge against the victim and when he approached the vehicle and started shouting he kicked the light causing it to crack. After the incident the victim became aware a video had been uploaded to Snapchat showing what happened but omitting the part that showed the defendant kicking the van. Holmes, 23, of Mundays Mead, appeared in the dock before Somerset Magistrates at Yeovil. He admitted causing £78 worth of damage to a van belonging to Benjamin Edward Fenwick at Carrington Way, Wincanton, on September 19 last year. Emma Lenanton, prosecuting, said that just after 7pm Mr Fenwick was sat in his flat-bed lorry when he was suddenly approached by Holmes. “The defendant started to shout at him but the victim remained in his van and Holmes then kicked the front light of the vehicle causing it to crack,” she said. She said the victim remained passive throughout the incident and Holmes was later identified and when interviewed made no comment. The cost of the damage was £78. Defending solicitor Neil Priest said that the offence was committed because there was an ongoing disagreement over previous altercations with the same complainant. “He appreciates the action he took was inappropriate and he is sorry for that,” he said. He added that Holmes was self-employed and was willing to pay compensation. The magistrates imposed a 12 month conditional discharge on the defendant and ordered him to pay £78 compensation along with £85 costs and a £20 victim surcharge.
{ "perplexity_score": 515.7 }
[ [ 790318686315, 790318686382 ], [ 790318686503, 790318686561 ], [ 790318687311, 790318687480 ] ]
[ 364868476 ]
Javier is one of the founding partners of Delta Partners. He helped start our head office in Dubai and subsequently opened our office in Barcelona to cover North Africa and Eastern Europe and led the initial business development efforts in the Americas. He represents the company as a Board member in different investee companies. Javier has close to 15 years of management consulting and corporate finance experience in the telecoms, media and tech (TMT) industry advising C-level executives and Board level clients including leading telecom operators, digital players and media companies in Latam, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. Javier’s key areas of expertise include value creation strategies, ROIC optimisation, due diligence and financial advisory for telecom players and digital media corporations in developed as well as emerging markets. Before co-founding Delta Partners, Javier was Senior Principal at Oliver Wyman (then DiamondCluster) in Madrid, and a member of the founding management team of their operations in Dubai. Earlier in his career he also worked for Accenture, the Monitor Group (now part of Deloitte) and Santander Bank. Javier holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Administration as well as in Psychology. He also received an MBA from IESE business school in Barcelona. Javier speaks fluent English and Spanish and has a working knowledge of French and Portuguese.
{ "perplexity_score": 172.4 }
[ [ 790318687846, 790318687948 ], [ 790318688394, 790318688446 ], [ 790318688453, 790318688505 ], [ 790318688646, 790318688742 ], [ 790318688812, 790318688902 ] ]
[ 273801272, 214463698, 364868477 ]
Have an eclectic family that is full of characters? The Indian Family Sticker will immortalise them into caricature stickers whether they're a bruncher, gym rat, or bathroom singer! Do you do that thing during bumper-to-bumper jams where you look at ‘I am the danger’ or ‘Girls are slow poison’ stickers on the vehicles in front of you and chuckle (while low-key judging)? The Indian Family sticker creates, well, exactly what their name suggests for the back of your car with quirky, personalised stickers! Whether you’re looking to entertain the vehicle behind you, or want to proudly display the various members of your large (or small) family, they’ll get it done - sticker form! Available in two designs, as a coloured caricature, or as white stick figures, pick the characters of your family (babies, grandparents, and pets too!) either based on what you do (techie, lawyer, doctor, foodie/bruncher, musician) or where you’re from (Kodava, Gujarati, ‘Indian’ ‘Desi’, Punjabi). They have a range of characters that pretty much captures the essence of whatever type of family you have. Each character costs around INR 99 each depending on size, and what’s cute is that they have sections like “moms/dads” “oldie goldies” and “uniforms” so this is a family that you can choose! The final stickers are measure about 5x3 inches (you can ask them to adjust the sizes as you like, but it might incur an extra charge) which will be printed on a clear vinyl substance and delivered to you anywhere you are across the world! The stickers come with instructions on how to apply them on to your car, or just check out their super helpful YouTube instructions. Should you not find anything you like, or you want something super personlised, you can always contact them for a completely customised sticker set too.
{ "perplexity_score": 605.1 }
[ [ 790318690446, 790318690496 ] ]
[ 343800136, 364868478 ]
Hot Stone Massage for Deep Relaxation. Enjoy totally natural relaxation with the Warm Stone Massage specially selected Volcanic Basalt Stones are heated in natural Skye sea water until gently warm. Pure essential oils are applied to specific points on the body and through a process of deep tissue massage all sense of fatigue is dissolved away into total relaxation for mind and body. The ancient healing art of stone massage for physical and spiritual balancing is an extension of massage techniques designed to relax the body at its deepest level. Using stones that are formed by sedimentary and volcanic action, this unique therapy is most effective. the warm stone's thermal conductive effects bring about local and systemic changes in the body. they also influence the energy centers for body and mind balancing. Reflexology treatments can also benefit from these techniques. Cold stones maybe used to conclude a treatment, to decongest or refresh. Stone massage is very effective in creating harmony and a positive energy flow. the powerful energy of stone massage are known to promote a harmonizing state of quietude and calm. Benefits Stimulates the immune system by increasing, heart rate, respiration, metabolism and elimination. A relaxing massage done using the warm and soothing properties of heated volcanic basalt stones is a wonderful way to detoxify and rejuvenate our bodies from the daily rigors and stresses of our everyday lives. This is also a wonderful form of therapy for people who are suffering from various ailments or have currently undergone medical procedures as therapy after their treatments. Money Supermarket.com has some great deals for people who are suffering from illnesses such as this. Our Warm Stone Massage allows our bodies to recuperate at a much faster rate by stimulating healing and the rate our body's natural metabolism.
{ "perplexity_score": 436.5 }
[ [ 790318690926, 790318690982 ], [ 790318691278, 790318691342 ], [ 790318691423, 790318691475 ], [ 790318691486, 790318691545 ], [ 790318691679, 790318691761 ], [ 790318692210, 790318692269 ], [ 790318692394, 790318692447 ] ]
[ 364868479 ]
This majestic brewery tap is situated underneath the cobbles of Poland’s second – and oldest – city. The beer hall opens up with long, communal tables inviting thirsty punters to order a tower of their homemade beers. Choose from light, ginger, dunkel or weizen beers or, if you’re feeling daring, a combination. Try the hunter’s meat platter to soak up the beer. A cracking pub, serving a wide selection of beers brewed on site. It serves an excellent bière blanche – perfect with their pizza-style flammeküche. Order the tasters for three glasses of their best beers – a white, a blonde and a dark. This fantastic pub is the home of Galway Bay Brewery, so far Galway’s only microbrewery. There is a huge selection of beers, the staff are friendly and attentive and the food is extremely good. It is well worth a visit if you’re in Galway – Salthill is an enjoyable walk along the coast from the Spanish Arch. Set in a windmill in suburban Amsterdam, ’t IJ is designed for locals dropping in for a glass, a snack and a chat on their way back from work. The beer varies from crisp, clean pilsner to warming, fruity Belgian-style ales, plus regular special-edition brews. With a mix of over 20 IPA, stout and weiss from its brewery and others from Hungary and Austria, Eleszto is a gem in the heart of Budapest. It attracts a young and relaxed local crowd, but tourists and oldies are equally welcomed by the knowledgeable staff. Highlights were the karpi busza and tavoli galaxis from £2 a pint. Whether you prefer your beer light, dark, brewed with wheat or flavoured with nettle, cherry or chilli, Pivovarsky Dum’s selection won’t disappoint. It’s enough of a walk away from Wenceslas Square for you to work up a thirst on your adventure to find it. A good selection of well-kept cask conditioned beers and keg beers alongside a huge choice of bottled beers has been augmented by the addition of an on-site brewery. The Sheffield Tap makes a wait at the railway station a pleasure. A well-presented brewpub serving foaming pints and hearty food. The Belarus capital has a reputation for being a little intimidating for first-time visitors. However, a large bowl of comforting solyanka (spicy soup) and a pint of dark beer provide a perfect way to get your bearings and relax. The Fábrica Maravillas is a small but splendid pub selling five beers brewed on the premises. For a city better known for wine and spirits, the opening of a brewpub in 2012 was a welcome alternative. Usually home to a friendly clientele and local aficionados. Find yourself a place outside in the delightful beer garden and try the home-brewed organic beer, Inselhopf, served unfiltered, with a hearty portion of pork knuckle, sauerkraut, and the delicious roast potatoes.
{ "perplexity_score": 312.2 }
[ [ 790318693328, 790318693383 ] ]
[ 364868480 ]
With your favorite variety of coffee, blend of tea, and fresh-baked pastry; or beat the midday heat with a scoop of homemade ice cream at this quaint, stylish bakery. For those who enjoy a light morning breakfast or a gentle afternoon respite, Blanc Café satisfies with a wide variety of coffees, tea blends, and fresh fruit juices. Paired with imaginative French pastries and baked goods piping-hot from the oven, Blanc Café offers an atmosphere of unmatched repose and comfort. Draw in the sultry aromas as soon as you enter and let your mind swirl with delight. Chef José Ignacio Gorostiague embarked on his pastry-based career at the Universidad Gastronómica del Sur, Buenos Aires, gaining experience in areas including chocolate sculpture and European pastry trends. He went on to become Head of Department at the Universidad de Gastronomia, until becoming Pastry Sous Chef at Rosewood Mayakoba, in the Riviera Maya. As Pastry Chef for Le Blanc Spa Resort Los Cabos, he currently delights with a variety of sweet and savory creations to enhance each of the dining options offered.
{ "perplexity_score": 423.7 }
This little biography is about Georgia O'Keeffe, one of America's greatest artists. As a child, she roamed outdoors with her sketch book, while the other girls played. As an adult, she painted all day, influenced by the landscapes around her from New York City to New Mexico. The Little People, Big Dreams books series portrays the inspiring lives of artists, designers, activists and scientists in a super-accessible way with sweet illustrations and by focusing on when they started out as children with a dream.
{ "perplexity_score": 155.8 }
[ [ 790318696487, 790318696539 ], [ 790318696603, 790318696657 ], [ 790318696731, 790318696970 ] ]
[ 299774560, 364868482 ]
This is a great and well-crafted overcoat. I cannot speak to the long-term durability of the coat, as I only have just purchased it. However, it is a quality garment. The welting on the pockets is done nicely, the color is very nice, the buttons are nice. My wife thinks that it is very nice and looks great on me. Magee shipped it very quickly to me. There was also a nice package inside should I have needed to send it back. But, I will not be sending this coat back; I'll be purchasing more Magee products in the future. Well made. Perfect fit. Looks great. I bought this overcoat for my son, who is absolutely thrilled. The quality and fit is superb . Style and colour everything about the overcoat is perfection .
{ "perplexity_score": 316.1 }
[ [ 790318697018, 790318697068 ] ]
[ 364868483, 119698188 ]
Here's how you can donate supplies for VBS! We're collecting supplies for VBS week! There are already donation points at several Sojourn campuses. Sojourn Midtown: Sign in with your Facebook profile and fill out what you can bring from our donations list here. Then, beginning on Father's Day, look for the donations center near the Nursery check-in and leave your donations for Midtown VBS! Sojourn East: Sign up here to bring supplies for Sojourn East! Sojourn J-town: Look for one of these VBS displays in the atrium or the SojournKids hallway. Grab a golden coin, gather the listed supply item or dollar amount equivalent, and then follow the dotted line to drop your supplies in the treasure chest. June Kids Music Liturgy: Live and Grow!
{ "perplexity_score": 891.3 }
1、郭宇, 肖彬. 网络消费心理及营销策略分析——以淘宝网“双11”购物狂欢节为例[J]. 商, 2013(24):217-217. 3、陈步青. 心理学视域下的网络非理性消费行为探析[J]. 心理技术与应用, 2017, 5(5):308-317. 5、Harnish R J, Bridges K R, Gump J T, et al. The Maladaptive Pursuit of Consumption: the Impact of Materialism, Pain of Paying, Social Anxiety, Social Support, and Loneliness on Compulsive Buying[J]. International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction, 2018:1-16.
{ "perplexity_score": 1530.3 }
[ [ 790318698740, 790318698890 ], [ 790318698893, 790318698949 ] ]
[ 194403685, 364868485 ]
Four reasons why these are worth a look. August 29, 2011 By Joe | Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Here's why. Time is money. But having the time doesn’t have to cost a ton. January 5, 2011 By Joe | Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Here's why. September 3, 2010 By Joe | Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Here's why. Time for summer to end. Time for a new timepiece at 20% off. Picks start at $94. Looks and trends from details. With a reality check from this side of the fence. Five of the best picks from this month’s Macy’s One Day sale, including sweet desert boots for $65. This sweater moves incredibly well between the weekend and more casual days at the office. August 31, 2009 By Joe | Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Here's why. Who put the Fabric in my Leather Belt? Who put the Leather in my Fabric Belt?
{ "perplexity_score": 925.3 }
[ [ 790318698991, 790318699124 ], [ 790318699172, 790318699395 ], [ 790318699740, 790318699854 ] ]
[ 364868486 ]
When I migrated the content databases from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, a lot of standard users with Read-Only permissions could not access the SharePoint 2013 site. They got a great big dirty error of ‘Access Denied’. The user was allowed to request access, but even if access was granted, they were still faced with access denied. After crawling through Google, I came across a good article. You can find it here. Basically, the users need to be migrated. This can be done with SharePoint 2013 management shell. First of all, you need to change ‘classic mode’ into ‘claims mode’. I thought I could get away with just using this command, but on the article there is another one where you need to actually migrate the users. Finish this with an IISReset. Then get a user who was getting the access denied message to try again.
{ "perplexity_score": 519.6 }
[ [ 790318699951, 790318700010 ] ]
[ 364868487 ]
PointCare™ Complete Managed IT Services - Wilmington, Newark, New Castle County | TechSolutions, Inc. PointCare™ Complete is a proactive IT management solution that gives you the freedom to rest easy, knowing that your business’s IT network is always operating at its highest level. Your staff can be productive backed by an IT management team that catches problems before they affect your business. TechSolutions is usually one step ahead of any problem that may arise because our goal is to ensure the success of your IT investment. The people at TechSolutions work as your partner in IT, so you can truly put the focus back on running and growing your business. A customized solution will allow you to run to grow your business without worrying about the IT infrastructure or your network’s security. A well-managed network is reliable, secure, up-to-date and efficient. The goal is to craft a strategy to enable your unique business to achieve its goals, boost productivity, easily forecast your expenses, protect your data, and allow you to get back to running your business … with confidence. Remote monitoring of every workstation and server provides immediate alerts when issues arise. We respond to all alerts and take appropriate action to ensure your network is functional. Enterprise-grade antivirus protection ensures that every device is current and virus-free. We manage all of your Windows and MAC devices and address any issues throughout each day to help keep your network safe. Data Recovery Services: Files and data lost to malware, human error, angry employees, fire/natural disaster, or even stolen laptops can be recovered in minutes. We also regularly test the validity of your backups. In terms of network infrastructure, our expertise is unparalleled. We make recommendations that deliver the best performance and reliability to ultimately save the business money, accommodate for growth, ensure greater security, and reduce the stress that is caused by under-performing systems. Keeping your operating systems up-to-date is critical for security, performance, and reliability reasons. We are in total control not only over which security updates, new features, and other patches get applied, but also when they get applied. We plan updating process for one day each week during off-hours, so your employees stay productive. Proactive Preventative Maintenance: Similar to 3-month oil changes in your car, we systematically perform PM checklists and automated routines on workstations, servers and network devices to ensure peak efficiency and security. Whether remotely or onsite, one of our technicians will work with your staff members to assist and resolve IT-related issues quickly. 95% of the time, the issues are resolved on the first attempt, which saves the aggravation that repeat issues causes. We maintain an inventory of all managed devices and software. Their respective warranty and support expiration dates are tracked and automated reminders are sent so that your IT investments remain protected by the manufacturer or developer. We help clients avoid the headaches and mistakes of figuring out what technology to implement in your business. We partner with the leading hardware and software vendors to streamline new purchases and save you money and time. We work with Dell, HP, Microsoft, SonicWALL, and many other well-known brands. TechSolutions regularly conducts in-person Business Review Meetings to make recommendations for your company based on needs and goals. We provide valuable business discussion complete with budget numbers, relevant reports, likely threats, and possible solutions. And so much more. We work to provide a comprehensive service that helps everyone in your business focus on their own jobs instead of focusing on IT issues.
{ "perplexity_score": 546.3 }
[ [ 790318700799, 790318700887 ], [ 790318700921, 790318700972 ], [ 790318701489, 790318701558 ], [ 790318701810, 790318701862 ], [ 790318702584, 790318702636 ], [ 790318702788, 790318702844 ], [ 790318703970, 790318704029 ] ]
[ 266447250, 7673766, 364868488, 125615819 ]
As I approach the mid-way mark of this 90 Day Challenge, I realise that I have set myself quite a huge task alongside everything else that life has thrown my way. Producing content on a daily basis has taken up most of my time and focus. What to write? Produce the content and then post it – is all very time consuming. Which leads me to the question most often asked? Do I need to post content daily onto my blog? Well, the purpose of posting content is so that your blog will move up in the rankings and will be found by the search engines. The more you blog the more likely it is that your content will start to rank higher. But keeping up the momentum of daily blog posting on a long term basis and I mean posting quality content not just any rubbish is not easy. You are better off spending time writing one quality blog post rather than seven poor quality ones. The problem with producing this volume of content is a problem that many bloggers face at some point and why in the end many bloggers look to outsourcing the writing of their content for their websites. This is clear to see by the multitude of article writing sites that are out there, all eager to produce quality content for your blog. But if you enjoy writing and don’t want to outsource your blog content then it is important to get regular good quality content onto your website. In order to get The Digital Mum.com going, I set myself this 90 Day Challenge to write regular blog posts for 90 days in order to build up the content fast. I knew that it was necessary to set myself a public challenge. I knew that I needed this in order to keep my mind focused daily. Each day the first thing, I think is I need to get my blog post ready and published. See my tip for doing this easily. As I reflect at the midway mark through this 90 Day Challenge, the pace alongside everything else has eaten into my time and this has meant that other tasks and goals have fallen by the wayside. In order to use time effectively, after 90 days, I will drop down to a regular schedule of posting blogs to perhaps two or three times per week. I believe that it does not matter how often you post a blog as long as you post regularly on set days whether it is every Monday and Thursday or once a week on a Sunday. Once you build an audience they will be expecting some new content on those specific days. I believe that it is important and necessary to set ourselves goals and to work daily to achieve them. When the mind is focused on something it will work daily towards that goal. What goals have you set yourself recently? What challenges could you set for yourself? Maybe start small with a 7 Day Challenge – it could be something that you do each day to focus on something you have always thought you would get round to doing. Tony Robbins talks about a 7 Day Challenge where you stop yourself from having any negative thoughts for 7 Days. Whilst it may seem easy you are not allowed any negative thoughts during those seven days. When you feel something negative say something like ‘Cancel, Cancel Cancel’ and then think positive. Just one negative thought means that you start your 7 day challenge all over again. Once you have managed this challenge you will be able to be in charge of your mind and your thoughts. We live in a digital world but we need to focus our minds daily because no digital object is going to help our minds to keep focused.
{ "perplexity_score": 478.4 }
[ [ 790318706943, 790318706993 ] ]
[ 188178928, 364868489 ]
The simple Bluebell is a breath of fresh air. Gathering adds charm at the shoulders, while tailored darts emphasize the waist. A deep-V neckline keeps things from feeling too sweet. Fit: AmazingFabric: feels good on the skin, soft. Quality: perfect (make sure you wash with care, delicate with cold water, hang to dry. Recommend to friends: yes but I feel the chest area fits better on smaller chest.
{ "perplexity_score": 874.3 }
The snow is melting and mud everywhere! This can mean only one thing Wyoming, spring has arrived! As winter releases it’s frozen grip on the land and water, my thoughts, probably like most of you, turn to fishing. I have been over gear, check every ferrule and every wrap of my fly rod, cleaned and dressed the line on my reel, organized my fly box (three times actually), and checked my waders for holes and tears. But this year has been different. Normally during this ritual my thoughts focus on large wild trout, wide red slabs laying in the rocks, speckled browns rising to a dry fly, and the leap of running fish. This year, however, I close my eyes and I see a large golden slab of pure muscle, tail up, nose down in the rocks, I hear the scream of my drag as the fish runs from the hook up, and I hear the hum of overstretched fly line slicing through the water. I see the big round trumpet snouts gulping the surface of the water, and my size 2 dry fly disappearing into the gaping maw. All of this action is set close to home, right here in Wyoming, and yes I am dreaming of the lowly carp! You see, last season, on a whim, and a bit of a dare, I spent a day with Mark fishing for carp at Pathfinder reservoir. That day of fishing rivaled any of the saltwater trips I have taken, and most of the trout fishing I have done. It was sight fishing at its best. Stalking tailing fish in the shallows, and throwing drys to gulping pods of fish. The day was one long battle after another as fish from 6 to 15 pounds took my fly and ran for deep water. By the end of the afternoon my arms were so fatigued and shaking I could no longer cast. But this does not mean that the fishing was easy, these fish are spooky and run from the slightest disturbance, and even when feeding they will not come to a fly, the presentation must be perfect, just in front of the fish, but not close or they spook. This trip was more than just arm busting fun, it was also a great educational experience. I have done some saltwater fishing on the fly, even with some success. After my day of carp fishing with Mark, I am sure that my saltwater success will increase dramatically. Mark taught me new techniques for casting, something he called the Tarpon roll, I can now start with a fly in my hand, and in one motion make a 50 foot cast to a tailing fish. I have learned how to stalk fish in the shallow flats, and how to present a fly to a tailing fish. This information alone was worth the trip. Anyone who is planning a saltwater trip, especially to the flats needs to spend a day chasing carp with Mark first. This is the best tune up there is for bonefish and permit. Mark is a great teacher, I look forward to more trips with him this summer. So, this year, as I organize my fly box, it is not the size 22 nymphs that are being matched by color, it is the size 2 weighted wooly burgers, it is not the size 18 mosquito patterns that are being checked over, it is the size 0 royal wolfs. Trout fishing has become a way to get ready for the heat of late summer and tailing carp.
{ "perplexity_score": 444.9 }
Get an alert with the newest ads for Child Care in Whitehorse. Post your classified or want ad in Whitehorse Child Care. It's fast and easy.
{ "perplexity_score": 464.3 }
[ [ 790318711480, 790318711594 ] ]
[ 364868492 ]
This report is to illustrate detailed information about the interview that I conducted with Mr. Bob Bahd, a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), who had agreed to be interviewed. I was given Mr. Bahd’s name and contact information through a mutual friend and looked up his profile in LinkedIn. I determined that Mr. Bahd would be a good choice for this interview based on his profile and the recommendation of my friend. I emailed Mr. Bahd to ask whether he would consent to an interview where I would ask him some questions about his education, his work and how important communication skills were in his life in order for him to be successful. I sent him my schedule and asked him to choose a day and time for an interview that was mutually agreeable. I also sent him my bio data and details of the purpose that I wanted to interview him for. After a few hours I received a reply mail from Mr. Bahd that he agreed to be interviewed along with a time and place to meet.
{ "perplexity_score": 253.3 }
Would you choose 5th Apr or 12 Apr 2020 week nr. GVA? I'm planning to book flights from Dublin to Geneva for Easter 2020 for myself, husband and six year old as soon as they come out (when they'll be dirt cheap). I'll then book accommodation much closer to the travel date. I'm torn between the week beginning 4th/5th April and 11th/12th April. Most important things for us are: short shared or private transfer from the airport (2 hrs 30 max, so Espace Killy is out), as snowsure as possible, good English-speaking ski school with afternoon club for daughter, and quiet slopes as I have a serious 'other people near me on the piste' phobia. It'll be our second ski holiday of the season, so I'll be waiting till the last minute to get the cheapest accommodation deal possible; can't afford to go otherwise. Doesn't have to be a huge ski area, but want to avoid one with a lot of draglifts. I know going the earlier week gives more chance of snow and that the resort will still be open, but do you think it'll be busier and more expensive then? Would I be taking a big risk waiting until the second week? By the way, it has to be France/Switzerland, as there are no flights to SZG or INN in April from Dublin. @oldschool72, La Clusaz has a short transfer from Geneva airport. I went there for the first time a month ago, and it has a wide variety of ski slopes including some excellent beginner slopes and also the town itself is quite pleasant with a very good local farmers' market on the Monday. I can't comment on the ski schools, but in addition to the standard ESF one I noticed there's also ESI. Maybe look at somewhere like Praz de Lys or Les Brasses? PdL is much more a nordic resort despite some good alpine skiing. My own experience is that the week after Easter is usually cheaper and quieter than the week before. At this time of the year a week can make quite a difference to snow conditions, but sometimes they improve. If you are planning to book accommodation very late, you should be able to assess where the best conditions are. Personally I would go for the second week with your requirements. You would be risking worse snow but I don't think the risk would be a massive one. Thanks. Think I'll go for the second week. Then I'll have even more excuse to obsessively watch the snow forecasts!
{ "perplexity_score": 384.8 }
anime | Anime wa Bakuhatsu da! I should mention before I start that I’d never been to an anime convention before, a fact which astounded a good many people who bumped into me at the convention. I think SDS took this photo. Yes, that's me. No, you may not. Anyway, last weekend was the New York Anime Festival, and I was there (along, mostly, with SDS, Hisui+Narutaki+Kohaku, and Dave, while trying to re-enact Green Acres in reverse), and it was fun, although I’m still a little woozy from the insanity, the madness, and other things that weren’t Yoshiyuki Tomino. And speaking of, Tomino was more or less the best part. The fiasco at the keynote speech has no doubt been done to death, so I’ll just say that the poor translator was obviously in over his head. Tomino himself was pretty grand, though: one of my favorite things he said (that wasn’t a 1o-second Tomino one-liner) was how essential he felt it was for anyone engaging in creative activities to invest their feelings and personal experiences into what they create. He mentioned the experience of running away from a B-29 bomber in his childhood as well as growing up inunduated with science fiction TV and movies, and how much different his work would have been if he had only experienced one of those. I also loved, along the same lines, how he stressed the necessity of a broad experience of life and media, a sentiment echoing Tezuka’s famous statement that “in order to make new manga, don’t read manga”. Many older fans feel concerned that the younger generation is straying away from these roots–I was reading Matt Alt’s synopsis/reaction to Toshio Okada’s Otaku Are Already Dead and Okada, too, harps upon how younger otaku aren’t actively engaged in broadening their horizons as much–and while I think it is a valid and major point of concern, I hesitate to overgeneralize a diverse group of people in this time of global paradigm shifts in almost every sector of industry and culture. The ten-second Tomino snark replies (my favorites being “Civilians are more likely to die” and “Adults are the enemy, and I am a very old man, so I am the SUPER-enemy, so you shouldn’t listen to me ever”) were also great, and I got tickets for the Friday night signing, and got the liner notes for the third Turn-A Gundam OST signed. I’m still not sure if it was because SDS had him sign his Zambot 3 boxset just before me, but he was super-happy about it–he looked at it for a minute before he signed it, and I heard happy noises. As well, the clip reel of every Tomino series (that isn’t Garzey’s Wing) was amazing (I was vastly pleased with the loud support for Turn-A), and Ring of Gundam was…interesting, if short. It's me. With a very happy Tomino. That is my superpower. And, yes (for those who did attend the Blogger’s Roundtable panel) that was me up there and yes there were a lot of people on the panel and yes I don’t speak in public well (especially impromptu oh god) and yes I had the handwritten placard because I told Narutaki I was “kind of thinking about doing the panel but I wasn’t sure yet” to which the response was all “I’ll make you a placard and it’ll be awesome”. In somewhat related news, I also ran into Erin and Noah of the Ninja Consultants Podcast and talked with them over microphone for a while about moe (badly, but hopefully amusingly in both the right and wrong ways), working in a library, and getting to freelance for Otaku USA, and maybe other things that I can’t quite remember at the moment. Other people that I remember meeting and talking directly to for longer than a few seconds include moritheil, Deb “I have a 401(K)!” Aoki, Chris Schmitt (also of Otaku USA), omoikane (which was actually more of a “acknowledgement of existence” and then con business hit), VamptVo, kransom, and the owner of the French Fries of Forgiveness and Friendship (you know who you are). To all of the aforementioned, and those that I may have crossed paths with and didn’t talk to or recognize or have had Temporary Memory Lapse, I thank you very very much for not punching me in the face. Although I’d be okay with that, too, if you know Hokuto Shinken–if I have to die, that is admittedly the best way. Also Dave Cabrera HIMSELF was kind enough to sign my Colony Drop business card, where hot pink is the new color of manliness. I also caught Cencoroll, and all I really can say (or feel like I should say) is that it was amazing. It’s a simple story of boy-meets-girl, boy-is-disinterested-in-girl, girl-is-interested-in-boy, girl-proves-self-indispensible-to-boy, boy-grudgingly-accepts-girl’s-presence-in-his-life, but it was well-told with a heavy dose of quirk and transforming independently mobile blobs. I was a lot more impressed by it than I was by Voices of a Distant Star/Hoshi no Koe, but that might be because I didn’t watch Voices until several years after it was released, reducing some of the impact.
{ "perplexity_score": 334.4 }
Cross media projects are becoming more and more important while visual communication is not limited to paper and print anymore rather it is a wide mixture of medias used to communicate. But type still is one of the key elements used for the communication worldwide. As much different media are used to communicate with the customer as much typefaces have to work well in that different situations. In 2009 the upcoming of webfont technologies had a huge influence of to the usage of typefaces in digital media. Thousands of typefaces where generated as webfont although if they where not made for that usage. Medien (as the name says) is designed to be used on almost all media. Its basic structure fits well to the grid made by pixels but when used in printed matter you?ll not notice that fact. It is a quite unspectacular typeface which you would not recognize by reading but isn?t that the main target of a typeface. By watching the forms of Medien you?ll recognize some familiar stylistics to typefaces like Frutiger from Adrian Frutiger or Syntax from Hans Eduard Meier which are as well as Medien humanistic sans serif typefaces. Medien is mend to be used for all kinds of communications, specialy for corporate communications and online and printed magazines and newspapers. The Medien font family wasmade during the diploma work of the first MAS in Type design at the Zurich University of the Arts by Anton Studer.
{ "perplexity_score": 337.4 }
Grace Episcopal Church presents the 115th Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 from 5:00-7:00 pm. The supper will include pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee and water. Gluten free pancakes, sugar free syrup and vegetarian sausage will also be available by request. The supper is free however donations will be accepted and are appreciated. We will also have delivery available this year for the first time, but it will be a limited area and you must call ahead at 540-639-3494. For delivery, we are suggesting a minimum $20.00 donation. Note: The church has a handicapped accessible entrance. Grace Episcopal Church is located at 210 Fourth Street in Radford, VA. To view the event flyer, visit: https://i.imgur.com/YQSfQsV.jpg. For more information, visit: https://www.facebook.com/GraceEpiscopalRadford/ or https://www.graceradford.org/ or call 540-639-3494.
{ "perplexity_score": 227.6 }
[ [ 790318721301, 790318721371 ], [ 790318721931, 790318722001 ], [ 790318722007, 790318722067 ] ]
[ 258365440, 364868497, 160660765 ]
I am very interested in philosophical, methodological, and practical issues pertaining to measurement. How do we know what we are measuring? When do our measurements succeed and fail? What can we do to improve the development and implementation of measurement instruments? Along these lines, I have read extensively about classical and contemporary validity theory, reliability analysis, and psychometrics. I have also begun to disseminate these ideas and principles through the writing of review articles (Girard & Cohn, 2016) and applied measurement evaluation studies (Girard et al., 2015), the hosting of measurement-focused workshops (Girard & Cohn, 2017, 2018), and the development of open-source software tools for reliability and validity analysis (Girard, 2016-2018). I created and maintain the circumplex package for analyzing and visualizing circumplex data in R. In addition to applying statistical and software engineering techniques to address challenges in my own research, I also provide educational and consultation services to help others do the same. To date, I have given workshops on automated facial expression analysis and statistical methods for measurement validation as well as lectures on factor analysis, meta-analysis, missing data analysis, resampling methods, effect sizes and confidence intervals, and validity and reliability. I have also consulted on studies to implement multilevel modeling, multiple imputation, data collection, data visualization, and acoustic signal processing.
{ "perplexity_score": 256.7 }
[ [ 790318722348, 790318722410 ], [ 790318722816, 790318722872 ], [ 790318723144, 790318723195 ] ]
[ 364868498, 149171242 ]
The last of the line for the WM-2 derivatives. The model was really a restyled WM-30, and differed very little technically. The metal casing had taken on a new softer line, as befitted the tastes of the day. Most usefully, the flimsy lid catch had at last been redesigned and now worked properly. The volume control had also been made sturdier, though this had not been such a problem. In this, its final form, the last interpretation of the WM-2 idea was a practical and excellent device. Despite having a clear lineage back almost to the start of personal stereo, there was still nothing from any rival manufacturer that could match it. Text copyright © Walkman Central. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited.
{ "perplexity_score": 331.9 }
[ [ 790318724305, 790318724386 ] ]
[ 364868499 ]