0 values
The week begins with news from China, and conclude with a fresh report from the U.S. This week global markets will be affected by many factors, and trade promises to be very active. The Deputy Director of the information analytical center of Alpari Anna Kokoreva have identified the main events that may affect the situation on the currency and stock markets. Monday, January 21. The first day of the week is the weekend for Americans. In the United States will celebrate the Day of Martin Luther king. Therefore will not work nor the stock exchange nor banks. Ukrainian companies will not be able to send dollar-denominated payments and transactions on the interbank market will take the tom. However, on other sites trade goes full swing, especially in Asia. Early in the morning, Chinese authorities will publish its report on increasing the GDP, industrial production and unemployment. And economists not very optimistic: the economy of China in the quarter will reduce its growth of 1.5%, and will be 6.4%, the industry will reduce production rates from 5.4% to 5.3%. All this may upset not only Asian markets but also commodity platforms, including oil. Tuesday, 22 December, UK will report on the growth of salaries on the island. But in the United States will give statistics on sales of new housing (secondary market). If the pound, according to analysts, because new data is not much affected, here the dollar is tipped slightly weaker. Wednesday, 23 January, Canada will publish retail sales data. They are expected to positive, and tipped growth rate of the canadian dollar in tandem with American counterpart. Analysts expect growth of the canadian dollar in tandem with American currency to 1,319. Thursday, January 24. News of the day will be the ECB meeting and its decision on the size of the bet. To it must publish a fresh index of business activity in manufacturing and retail. At the same time the European Central Bank no no surprises waiting. He didn’t want to raise his bid, and will not increase before mid-year. Because now you can safely listen common assessments from officials and to plan their work for the Euro without them. However, a production report is expected of them quite good, because the movement in the pair dollar/Euro forecast in the area of 1,145. Friday, January 25. From this day on, not expecting any surprises, and forecast sluggish trade. Of the important reports only mention one — the orders for durable goods in America. From the Yankees do not expect big breakthroughs, because there is hope for a new rise of the Euro against the dollar.
{ "perplexity_score": 315.8 }
[ [ 790318149702, 790318149758 ] ]
[ 364868200, 70489300 ]
Brunch is so underrated, especially for us busy mums. Organising a home, doing school runs and fitting in the gym leaves no time for lazy breakfasts in our household. And having teenagers means no early weekend mornings anymore, brunch is a firm favourite in Christie household. I remember when Sunday morning started at 6am; sitting with the proverbial match sticks keeping my eyes open whist the boys built endless wooden cities and train tracks. But there is hope! As soon as teendom kicks in then weekends are made for lazy mornings, endless cups of strong coffee as you catch up on the Sunday papers and prepare brunch. Today I am going to share this oh so delicious salmon and rosti brunch recipe, perfect for such mornings. I could eat Salmon at any time of day; it is most definitely my favourite food ever. How to make Salmon On A Bed Of Potato Rosti? A tall claim I know, but I actually can’t think of a bad recipe, or of a salmon dish I don’t like. So let me share my new favourite with you. And the perfect dish to serve up for brunch. A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to go to the most wonderful brunch with some amazing bloggers and the lovely people from The Saucy Fish Co. Imagine someone who could exist on solely salmon alone getting to eat a 4 course brunch. I know heaven right? The team at The Saucy Fish Co. took us through some incredible brunch recipes, and showed us how brunch need not be a complicated affair. How, rather than re inventing the wheel, using Saucy Fish products is a simple way to create inspired brunch recipes with minimum effort. Leaving time to browse those Sunday papers for just a little longer. The fish is available online at The Saucy Fish Co. with free delivery on all orders over £15, the shop also offer’s alternates between 20% off and free delivery every month. Or alternatively can be purchased in the freezer aisles of Sainsbury’s and Tesco. The breakfast wrap filled with a citrus cucumber and tomato relish, beetroot wraps and The Saucy Fish Co. Steamed Salmon with Lime & Coriander Dressing. And the Smoked haddock kedgeree served with The Saucy Fish Co. Smoked Haddock with Cheddar and Chive Sauce. It’s wonderful to have a new repertoire of recipes to try out, and anything that tastes great, and saves time without compromising on quality has to be a winner? Potato rosti are so quick simple to make, taste amazing yet look pretty impressive to guests. Like you have made loads more effort than you actually have. The recipe is quick, tasty and looks great. When the salmon has been cooking for 10 minutes, wash and grate the potatoes with the skin on into a clean tea towel, squeeze out excess starch but do not over squeeze, you need to keep a little to bond the mixture. Transfer 2 pressed rosti to the hot butter with a spatula and cook for 4 minutes on each side, repeat with the remaining 2. Cut each salmon portion into 2 and serve on top of the rosti, carefully pouring the heated sauce over the cooked salmon. Oh this sounds as good as it looks my goodness – DELICIOUS! Well done on the food styling sounds like a great blogger meet up too. Take me with you next time lol love a good food gathering. I LOVE salmon! Not sure I could eat it anytime other than an evening meal, although having said that this looks delicious. My husband doesn’t like salmon so I rarely get to eat it, only when my Mum comes to visit.
{ "perplexity_score": 850.6 }
[ [ 790318153165, 790318153221 ], [ 790318153820, 790318153870 ], [ 790318154224, 790318154290 ] ]
[ 364868201, 239243209, 318381102 ]
Tips for Holiday Nails - How to keep your nails healthy during the holiday season. 1. Wear gloves outdoors in cold weather to minimize excessive exposure of your nails to the harsh elements of winter. The winter is generally hard on nails. Cold and dry climates tend to make the nail more brittle and subject to breaking. 2. To help protect your nails, moisturize them along with your hands. Use a heavy moisturizer on your nails several times a day to help protect them. Try to keep the moisturizer on your skin and reapply after washing your hands. 3. Limit polish changes to no less than 10 days. It is tempting to change your polish frequently to match your holiday outfits. Removing and reapplying nail polish too often subjects your nails to dehydration and its associated problems. Using a light or translucent nail color allows for touch ups of nicks and chips without full removal which extends the duration of your pretty nails. 4. Salon nail finishes are fine, however, try to avoid any filing or buffing of the surface of the nail plate. This removes a layer of nail cells and ultimately results in a thinned nail plate over the 6 months that it takes to grow a fingernail from the cuticle to the free edge of the nail. 5. Keep nails a bit shorter in the winter to minimize breakage. 6. Most people think that they want hard nails, but hard nails are actually brittle and fragile. Strong and flexible nails on the other hand, are more desirable. Hydration of the nails is what allows it to flex rather than break. Keeping the nail moisturized will minimize the dryness and fragility that is seen more often in winter. Overall, nails grow slower in the winter than in the summer, so it takes longer for the nail to replace damaged nail tips with healthy regrowth. 7. Eat healthy and get your protein! Nails are made of keratin which requires amino acids derived from dietary protein. It’s easy to indulge in sweet holiday treats at the expense of a balanced diet during the holidays. Try to maintain a healthy diet with adequate protein during the holiday season to keep your nails strong and healthy. 8. Make a New Year’s resolution to wear gloves for all your cleaning and household chores, especially those involving wet products, to protect your nails (and hands). Hands may become chapped due to excessive hand-washing, cold and dry air, or overexposure to heat. Although nails do not become chapped, these same conditions that cause chapped hands in the winter will impact the health of nails. Follow these 8 tips to healthy nails during the holiday season and you’ll be sure to dazzle all of your friends and guests at your next holiday party.
{ "perplexity_score": 368.1 }
TIRANA, March 16 – The united opposition protested on Saturday again against the Rama’s government, which it accuses of winning the last elections through illegal ballot buying. The protest’s main demand is a caretaker government which can facilitate early elections. FORUM: Is Russian influence real? [post_content] => TIRANA, Feb. 18 - The US Department of State published on Friday its annual report on the implementation of human rights in Albania where, once again during 2018, problems such as corruption, ballot-buying, the deadlock the judicial system is facing due to the justice reform, the impunity of senior officials and the threats to media freedom were reported. [post_content] => TIRANA, March 16 - The united opposition protested on Saturday again against the Rama's government, which it accuses of winning the last elections through illegal ballot buying. The protest’s main demand is a caretaker government which can facilitate early elections. The joint opposition protest in Tirana was accompanied by tensions in front of the parliament, when protesters tried to break the protective police line. Police used tear gas, while protesters were reported to throw strong items to law enforcement officials. Later, in front of the parliament, police also used water to disperse protesters. Some protesters were injured, falling on the ground, along with police officers. A day after the protest, police notified it arrested 14 people and is searching for seven others, all to be punished for the acts of violence during the rally. For 11 other protesters, criminal proceeding has began in a free state. The same decision was reached for the Secretary General of Democratic Party Gazmend Bardhi, as he was the person who requested permission to protest. For its part, the DP accused the police on Sunday of escalating unprovoked violence towards the protesters with the sole purpose of scattering them, scaring them and keeping them away from the protest, but that it got its answer from the people. Opposition leader Lulzim Basha denied criticism that the opposition’s decision to resign its parliamentary mandates is destabilizing the country. "Albania is destabilized by crime, we will put an end to this destabilization, Edi Rama should leave an hour early," said Basha. The president of Albania, Ilir Meta, who cut his visit to Azerbaijan short, reacted on Saturday. He said that he is following the developments with concern, and has called for the avoidance of confrontation and violence. In a later interview, Meta added that all political parties involved in the serious deadlock that’s been created should take responsibility and not hide behind international representations in the country. “I think that the political class should assume its responsibility and not hide behind any international as it has been so far and issues should be resolved in a transparent, principled manner, away from the bargains and misuses even of any internationals,” Meta said. Meanwhile, both the US Embassy to Albania and the EU Delegation warned ahead of the protest that violence during rallies is “illegal” and “intolerable,” through two different statements. The international community has openly criticized the opposition's decision to abandon  parliament by resigning their lawmakers’ mandates collectively. The protest was organized in the form of a march, where protesters "symbolically" surrounded the Prime Minister’s Office, and then proceeded to parliament. The citizens’ march and symbolic siege continued under the sound of a song "My country" and was headed by two opposition leaders, Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha and Socialist Movement for Integration leader Monika Kryemadhi. About 1800 police officers were committed to ensure the protest would run smoothly, staying around the perimeter of the Prime Minister's Office. This is the opposition’s fifth protest, which kicked off on February 16 in front of the Prime Minister’s Office and continued with several protests in front of the parliament. The united opposition accuses the governing Socialist majority of winning the elections through ballot buying. In protest, the opposition resigned its parliamentary mandates. On Thursday, German Minister of State Michael Roth told Deutsche Welle that they consider the opposition’s parliament boycott is irresponsible. Meanwhile, rapporteur for Albania in the Foreign Commission Christian Schmidt thinks the government is also responsible for the crisis. "This is not normal. The parliament lives by debate. It is up to the government to guarantee parliamentary cooperation,” said the former German minister for DW. Schmidt has been Albania’s rapporteur at the Bundestag’s Foreign Commission for a year - one of the commissions that decide to open EU negotiations for the country. Schmidt told DW that he plans to travel to Albania soon to be informed about the situation. "I particularly want to see how much the opposition is involved in parliamentary procedures," he stressed. Germany's decision to open negotiations will depend on the progress report of the European Union Commission that will be published on May 29th. But to give final approval to the EU Council on 19 June, Germany will have to get the Bundestag's approval. Tirana Times approached a number of prominent Albanian scholars and international relations and foreign affairs experts with the following question: "Recently here has been talk of growing Russian influence in Albania. What are your thoughts concerning this and in what areas or fields may this influence more easily manifest?" Russian influence in Albania has been the most limited among the Southeastern countries and it has been so continuously since the rupturing of relations between Soviet Union and Albania in 1961. Traditionally there has been meagre political relations, little economic exchange, as well as little geopolitical interest from Russia vis-a-vis Albania, while Albania, especially in post-communist period has continuously kept a staunch Euro-Atlantic orientation. Most of the relations between the two countries have been in developing social and cultural networks and in recent years some interest in tourism. Albania was also among the first W. Balkan countries to join NATO in 2009, which Russia accepted without much fuss, given the natural pro-Western inclination of Albanian political elites and widespread popular support for American and European allies. Whereas, in the case of Montenegro and North Macedonia joining NATO, the reaction of Moscow has been quite acrimonious. Lately, Moscow has been quite active in organizing cyberwarfare, which consists in chiefly distributing disinformation and propaganda via Sputnik, Russia Today or other state-supported agencies, directed chiefly at populations of Western European countries and USA. Also it has effectively used internet trolls to spread certain messages and fake news as a means of information warfare. Albania is not particularly the focus of FSB, GRU and other Russian intelligence services that have supported in other countries such cyberwarfare mechanisms but it cannot be taken for granted that such risks are totally negligible in the future. There is indeed a return of the geopolitical rivalry between the Great Powers both at the global scale as well as in specific regions such as the Balkans. What can be claimed with certainty now is the fact that international relations are in a transitory phase when it comes to relations between Great Powers. At the geopolitical level there seems to be a retreat of the United States from the omnipresent position at the global arena and an increase of the efforts of China to assume a greater role in the international level at least with initiatives such as the One Belt one Road project, as well as the 16+1 initiative, in which Albania is part of. Russia is without doubt one of the global great powers that has been trying to reclaim and restore its privileged and ambitious status with a number of concrete initiatives pertinent to its relations to the US, EU, the West in general and the critical region of the Balkans in particular. In addition to the concrete interest that Russia, just as other powers, might have in the region, the Balkans and their issues are used as a proxy for the ambitions of Russia of obtaining a new status in the international relations sphere. This is not a secret. For some countries in the Balkans, there exist numerous historical, geopolitical, cultural and religious reasons which favor a special relation with Russia. This is definitely not the case of Albania which does not have any dilemma about its own pro-western orientation. However both the pro-Western approach and the real integration of the country in the democratic world are not matters of foreign policy. First and foremost they concern the building of a functional democratic society and the overall development of the country according to the democratic model. The latter is very different from the autocratic and populist regimes or even sultanates to which the one in Albania is starting to resemble increasingly over time. This is the real danger in Albania and in some other countries too. I have followed closely and with disappointment the efforts of the government and of the media close to it to invent ‘an enemy’ of Albania’s path towards integration in the European Union. This alleged enemy that is an obstacle for Albania to be integrated with the EU is Russia and her influence over the Albanian opposition. This is an amateur effort and a ridiculous one.  Albania’s membership in NATO, the departure of Albania for the absurd isolationist regime, the abolition of the visa regime with the EU countries are all outstanding achievements of today’s opposition. The Democratic Party has been the only one that has had no dilemmas about the pro-western approach in foreign policy. I think that suing the important institutions of national security, such as the Intelligence Service, for purposes of the internal political fight is very clearly wrong and has a very damaging impact. There is a serious concern on the russian influence in our region during the last ten years, however the threats have increased specifically during the last couple of years. The fragile and hybrid  democracies in the region mixed with an increased violation of liberties and freedom in many countries in the Balkans due to increased authoritarian and oligarchic regimes, have made possible for Russia to penetrate easier in a region where EU could not do enough and was slow and late in assisting its full integration. The current Russian influence in the region has also directed towards illiberal economies in the Balkans and has taken a new economic and financial dimension apart of the military and cultural one. Albania is not only not immune but there is an increased offshore russian venture in the country and higher cultural and media investment. It is a fact that in recent years there has been a noticeable increase of Russia's attention to the Balkans with the aim of preventing or minimizing the Euro-Atlantic progress of the countries in this region. For many geopolitical reasons, Tirana has a specific importance regarding developments in the Balkans. This importance has increased significantly after Kosovo’s independence and the Ohrid Agreement in North Macedonia. Consequently, Albania can not be out of Russia's attention. On the contrary. But Albania shares the most pro-European and pro-US public opinion in the region. This public opinion rejects any political approaches to Russia. Moscow has adapted to this reality. I believe that the information provided by the Albanian intelligence chief in the Parliamentary Security Commission has been credited with the fact that Russia is financing ovulatory media and portals in our country. A fresh example: in the five-year anniversary of the annexation of Crimea by Russia, many media aiming at national diffusion and many portals, published a long written statement by the Russian ambassador in Tirana regarding this event. And there was no publications to express the West's point of view, which is officially the point of view of the Albanian government. Impossible to directly influence political decision-making, Russia aims to shed confusion on the Albanian public opinion. If this continues, in the long run, the damage will be significant. There came a point where I noticed signs of Russian influence in the behavior of Prime Minister Rama. Supported by Serbia, Russia is seeking to play an equal role with the EU in the Pristina-Belgrade negotiation process. In Kosovo, this seems to have only taken the approval of President Thaci. Supporting President Thaci against Prime Minister Haradinaj and Parliament, the Albanian Prime Minister in fact helps the Russian efforts to take on a qualitatively new role in the future architecture of the Balkans. Albanians are by far the most pro-Western, pro-American and pro-European people in the region. So Russian influence cannot be traced in the classical forms it manifests itself in other neighboring countries. Yet there are two instances, Russian model of government and policy, that have surfaced in Albania. First, the model of government; what has been called Putinism. Albania has more resemblance with Putinism, a modern authoritarian system than the democratic system stipulated in the constitution. There are no independent institutions, no checks and balances in place, captured national economy through oligarchs, captured judiciary, strong media control and censorship,  rigged elections with massive vote-buying through criminal money, all flagrant elements of state capture. Basic rights have been jeopardized and poverty has reached alarming levels, 47 % of the population live up to 4 euros a day. Instead of rule of law, Rule of Rama is the only standard set in the country. Albania has entered its second year without a Constitutional Court, and no one knows when it will be set up. This is an unprecedented and extremely dangerous development that has threatened basic rights. The General Prosecutor has been appointed by the government with less than simple majority, while the Constitution requires Qualified majority voting. According to the State Department report, Interpol and other reports, Albania is the main supplier of cannabis to Europe; a main gate for supply of cocaine and heroin to Europe, and a base for the operations of the regional organized crime. The second dimension of Russian influence is manifested in the proposal for land exchange, or border corrections, between Kosovo and Serbia. This proposal runs against the very foundations on which is build  Western Europe after the Second WW, and Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This proposal will open the Pandora's box and threatens what has been achieved in the Balkans in the late 20 years. Inevitably this will set in  motion the process that will result in the destruction of Bosnia and Macedonia, with far reaching consequences for the security of the Balkans and Europe. Border corrections, land exchanges and ethnically clean states, are not Western ideas, but Russian ones. Russia needs a precedent that it can apply to its neighboring countries and ongoing crises in its neighborhood. The Albanian Prime Minister is one of the main sponsors of this idea. Russia presence in the region in order to create destabilization and obstruction to the advancement of the Western Balkan countries towards NATO and EU has been one of the objectives of Putin’s foreign policy .The last visit to Belgrade was an attempt to give messages not only to Serbia but to the region. The failed efforts in Montenegro ,in  Northern Macedonia and recently even with Greek  authorities in the case of implementation of Prespa  Agreement is indicative of the fact that even in the countries where Russia is certain to have support in pro -Russian  population or political segments or religion affiliation proves that the euro- Atlantic agenda is far stronger. Voices to start changing borders   in the region might create grounds for favoring Russia influence in this part of Europe and give Russia a strong card to use it as an excuse for its interference   in violation of territorial integrity of certain countries around Russia. In Albania, the most pro NATO and pro EU country in the region, there is no grounds  for increase of Russian influence with all attempts for that by diplomatic presence which is in the normality of the work and mission of diplomats of all countries. There are failed attempts in some segments in media to portray Putin’s Russia as democratic or pro western as well as playing important   global role in resolving crises like that in Syria or to imply that the protests of the opposition against the government might be incited by Russia. With that interpretation what about anti- government protests in Belgrade which in no way can be linked with Putin? With all that Albania needs to  accelerate efforts to advance in EU agenda and EU on its side should  be on the alert to keep up with the EU project in the WB and leave no room for other regressive projects and actors. I hope in the months to come this will not remain a wishful aspiration. In addition to recent talks, this is actually a much-debated topic, not just for Albania, but for the entire region. The Western Balkans is a region where interests collide - Russian and Turkish influences alike. This part of the Balkans, which atteins some strategic objectives, seeks to become part of the Euro-Atlantic block - and without a doubt, this fact is against the interests of other big powers, regional or global. First and foremost is Russia, but also Turkey, both of which try to hinder this by creating alternative scenarios, so I think it is natural. It is difficult to speak of concrete actors, though; it is precisely SHISH that should determine those. It may manifest in many different areas, considering how Russia is also against the further expansion of the Euro-Atlantic blog. The most prominent is the media, and different kinds of blogs, that very often publish reports or materials which are clearly unnatural for an Albanian media. These articles contain information that clearly depict Russian influence and with the aim of changing the public opinion in Albania. It is just as difficult to determine whether political actors fall under certain categories as well, but essential to know that our Euro-Atlantic project undoubtedly goes against the objectives and interests of other sides, such as Russia. [post_title] => FORUM: Is Russian influence real? [post_content] => TIRANA, Mar. 14 - The Greek Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos said in a radio interview on Thursday that negotiations between Greece and Albania on a number of important issues have slowed down also due to Albania’s deadlock - something official Athens takes in consideration. Another reason Katrougalos mentioned when asked on the progress of Albania-Greece negotiations and the interrupted dialogue, which had taken off when former Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati and former Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias were in office, was that the Greek government was expecting a clearer answer on greek minority issues. He mainly referred to two laws related to the minorities’ property protection at the front of the Himara coast and the right for self-declaration that they are part of the Greek minority. “For the moment, we’ve received some answers from the Albanian side, there is a “fusion” of negotiations, but it is premature to say there will be a positive or negative result,” he said. Katrougalos added the Greek side wants to see an improvement of bilateral issues between the countries and for Albania’s EU path to open. Up until last July, Athens and Tirana were conducting a number of head-to-head meetings through Kotzias and Bushati, in order to reach agreements on a number of open-ended issues between them, accumulated through the years. Agreements were actually reached on building cemeteries for the Greek soldiers who died in Albania during WWII, the apostille stamps, while the abrogation of the War Law with Albania is still expected by Athens. Meanwhile, the Greek side removed any possibility that the Cham issue would be on the table for discussion, while retaining rights to negotiate greek minority issues. Nonetheless, the issue that was most debated by political actors from all sides of the spectrums, experts and the public opinion alike was a new maritime border deal between the countries and the lack of transparency that accompanied the negotiations between Bushati and Kotzias. The negotiations to reach a new maritime border agreement that would finally divide the naval space shared by the countries were promoted publicly by both Greek and Albanian Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras and Edi Rama, despite the lack of information on the negotiators and the non-functionality of Albania’s Constitutional Court under the ongoing justice reform process. The functionality of a Constitutional Court is particularly important concerning the maritime border deal, since the previous one - negotiated by then ruling Democratic Party and former Prime Minister Sali Berisha - was rendered useless by Albania’s Constitutional Court for violating the country’s interests and the constitution. In context of Albania’s frozen Constitutional Court under the lack of judges and prosecutors, President Ilir Meta had stated that no agreement would be decreed on his side without a court, only to have Rama disagree about its necessity in ratifying the deal. However, Rama and the Socialist government have had to face many challenges in addition to the Constitutional Court freeze, including the massive university student protests last December which forced him to reshuffle a big part of his government cabinet, among whom Bushati, and the opposition protests which have, as of late, left the parliament without a functioning opposition. However, asked concerning the division of territorial waters between the countries, Katrougalos said this is the one issue that will be finalized despite the progress of negotiations, as confirmed by Tsipras himself, part of a similar negotiation that will take place with Italy and Egypt as well. [post_content] => March 13 - North Macedonia Prime Minister Zoran Zaev visited Albania and his counterpart Edi Rama on Wednesday, with whom he discussed the possibilities of a closer economic cooperation between the two countries. Rama said that "relations between the two countries have never been better than today, and that countries share an understanding of a common economic zone with maximum border facilities, similar to Kosovo and Montenegro." According to him, the economy of Northern Macedonia grew last year, thanks to foreign investments and regional cooperation, bilateral trade exchanges with Albania - also signaling the EU that Skopje and Tirana are getting ready for membership. Bilateral trade exchanges have been on the rise. Meanwhile, some infrastructure investments on both sides of the border will help to improve circulation and cooperation between the countries. Albania and North Macedonia also agreed to facilitate the transit of people and goods on both sides of the border. Fifteen months ago, a joint meeting of the two governments was organized, and by the middle of this year a second meeting is being prepared between them. Albania was among the first to ratify North Macedonia’s NATO membership, a process expected to be completed by the end of the year. The two countries are also on a common path towards the EU, and both leaders believe the EU will open accession negotiations in June, with Zaev saying he believed the union would be positive in its answer. Last week, Tirana Times and a number of other media reported how British journalist Alice Elizabeth Taylor was denied her residence permit renewal under allegations of ties with Russia and her writings, which were often critical of the government. According to the COE, Taylor wrote about vote rigging in the country, violent protests, the government’s links to organized crime and money laundering. “Asked to comment about the state of corruption in Albania and the current developments in the country, Alice Taylor said to Russia Today that allegations of corruption can easily be documented with evidence showing links between the current government, organised crime, money laundering and drug trafficking. In her statement, she also questioned the fairness of the 2017 elections which confirmed Edi Rama as Prime Minister for a second term,” wrote the COE. It was for this reason that a dozen of government-affiliated portals started publishing photos and articles accusing Taylor of being sponsored by Russia, while her partner, with whom Taylor is expecting a child, was also targeted on social media. Following these developments, Taylor herself later reported in social media her residence permit renewal was rejected “with orders from above”, after first having been approved by the Migration Office. Albanian authorities rejected Taylor's claims that Albanian officials refused to renew her residency permit due to her profession and her criticism towards the government, however Taylor has said all her statements so far are well documented and dated. An official source told the Voice of America that delays in the decision to renew the permit are only related to the procedures and that in this case there have been several violations. Meanwhile, Taylor herself has not only refuted the authorities’ claims, saying she has a long list of documentation proving the dates she submitted the documents were well-within the legal limit and that, what’s more important, the migration office approved her permit renewal once only to withdraw it again with “orders from above,” as her partner was told when he went to pick it up. “I filed all the documents under the lawful procedure. They told me they were OK, they had everything they needed and that everything was fine. I also made the payment, which was the last step of the process,” Taylor said. Nonetheless, Taylor’s articles accusing the Rama government of corruption did not come of nowhere, but were actually mainly based on investigations conducted by a number of trustworthy media such as the Voice of America. “I wrote about the corrupt connections that surfaced in the Voice of America, phone call interceptions during the past elections. I wrote for the opposition protests and for suspicious tenders, I wrote about environmental damage,” Taylor said. Taylor is residing in Albania and has been instructed to leave in order to start all the applications from the beginning to the immigration office, although her medical report says she can not travel because of pregnancy complications. In addition to the issues Taylor has reported, media freedom has also been receiving many blows from the Socialist government. This led to four international organizations dealing with freedom of speech calling on Rama to drop amendment of two draft laws that foresee registration, surveillance, fining and banning internet media portals, introduced by Rama under his “anti-slander” package, back in December. [post_content] => TIRANA, Mar. 7 - Although the next decision on whether the EU will open negotiations with Albania will be taken in June, EU officials are not yet convinced of the government’s progress regarding the country’s fight against crime and corruption, demanding that the process in these areas continues. EU Enlargement Director General Christian Danielsson urged Prime Minister Edi Rama on Thursday to pursue reforms in all areas, and in particular in the fight against crime and corruption, for Albania’s bid to be convincing in June. “Very opening conversation with Prime Minister Edi Rama on the current political situation and reforms. Albania has to continue to deliver in all reform areas, and in particular on fighting crime and corruption, to make a convincing case in June, when EU member states will review the process,” Danielsson wrote on his Twitter account. Under Rama’s governance, Albania has been denied the opening of accession negotiations three times so far. During his visit to Albania, Danielsson met with a number of political actors from different sides of the political spectrum, as well as members of the Justice Appointment Council, where full EU support for their independent and impartial work was reiterated. During his meeting with opposition representatives who have resigned their parliamentary mandates and are holding national anti-government protests for almost three weeks now, Danielsson was in line with previous EU representatives’ statements condemning the oppositions resignation from parliament. “Constructive meeting with representatives from opposition parties on the current political situation. Albania faces challenges but the only democratic way to solve issues remains to engage in Parliament. Incitement to violent actions in protests is absolutely unacceptable,” he wrote, referring to the last protest the opposition called when the government held an out-of-order parliamentary session. During that protest, some protesters threw rocks at the parliament’s hall and attempted to physically stop two Socialist MPs who were late for the session enter the building, however police also used tear gas against the crowd that was gathered there. At a press conference for the media, Danielsson highlighted that constructive dialogue among all sides is necessary. For this reason, Danielsson emphasized the need for cooperation. “I think it should be emphasized what Mogherini and Hahn said, that this boycott is counter productive and undermines the integration processes. It is important for these protests to be peaceful and those who organize them to be restrained and not to incite violence,” Danielsson said. [post_content] => TIRANA, March 6 - The ‘Friedrich Ebert’ Foundation launched its 2018/2019 study on Albanian youth on Wednesday, based on a national survey that interviewed 1,200 youths aged 14-29 to bring interesting findings in fields such as education, employment, migration and the ever-pressing question of why Albanian youth wants to leave the country. According to this year’s study, based on fields such as leisure and lifestyle, family and friends, mobility, education, employment, politics and some confidential questions, even after thirty years of transition, family and society remain stable tools of emotional and economic support for Albanian youths. However, the notion that youth are looking to reunite with some family members in their desire to move abroad is a misconception according to the study’s authors. Actually, the study shows Albanian youth mainly wants to leave the country for a better living standard - not only in terms of education, but in terms of their general well-being and the quality of services they can receive as citizens of a EU country. Some of the most striking results of the study show that 40 percent of Albanian youth wants to leave Albania for a better living standard - especially in Germany. 40 percent would like to work in the public sector and 44 percent in the private sector. Only 22 percent of Albanian youth have been doing voluntary work in the past year. 80 percent consider the country’s fight against corruption essential. 68 percent of youth would participate in the future elections, while 92 percent are in favor of EU membership - 32 percent think this will happen within ten years. However, concerning EU integration, Albanian Institute for International Studies researcher Alba Cela also noted the majority of Albanian youth thinks EU integration will happen soon - a disillusionment coming from the fact they are not properly informed of EU integration processes. The most popular destination among youth remains, as in previous years, Germany. Following comes the UK and France, while previous options such as Italy and Greece have completely left the race. According to Cela, when youth answered the question of how they see their personal future in ten years, they appeared optimistic, while when it comes to Albania’s future they don’t express the same optimism. This, according to the study, shows youth is willing to change their personal lives, but not the society they live in and this can be another answer to the question of why Albanian youth wants to leave. “It is interesting that the Albanian young people who want to migrate are prepare to be model citizens, learn the language and excel at their work in their host country. There is a lot of potential at this motivation which is not being used for Albania and its own development,” Cela said. Among three groups, the smallest part of youth doesn’t want to leave the country, while some have an average, not entirely specified desire to leave. Meanwhile, 43 percent of Albanian youth are very decided to leave. Moreover, those who want to leave believe it will happen within two years and that they will never return.Only a small part of youth considers emigration as a transitory phase, or as something impermanent and most want to leave for good. It was noted that only one third of the youth regularly spends time reading books and 19 percent only does it occasionally, while the other half of those surveyed said they either read very rarely (28 percent) or not at all (22 percent). Gender separation is also still very visible among Albanian youth, with as much as 28 percent of girls never or very rarely going out with their friends, as opposed to the five percent of males who don’t. In line with this is the considerably smaller percentage of youths from rural areas going out, while also being affected by the youth’s economic situation. An interesting part of the study involved the findings of the confidential questions, where one third of youth, the majority over 25, said they are cigarette smokers, while almost no one accepted they might smoke marijuana. Moreover, half of the Albanian youth is sexually active, but only 30 percent of them regularly uses protection. Similarly, approximately half of youth shares considerable nationalistic feelings and fixed ideas on what the “real Albanian identity” is and to what foreigners should adjust to. During the presentation, it was highlighted by researchers these nationalistic sentiments should be addressed to further identify whether they could turn to something that could facilitate conflictual or violent sentiments or are simply a version of patriotism influenced by factors such as media, education and widely shared stereotypes.
{ "perplexity_score": 268.3 }
[ [ 790318158187, 790318158515 ], [ 790318158575, 790318158628 ], [ 790318158883, 790318159151 ], [ 790318160252, 790318160317 ], [ 790318162341, 790318162392 ], [ 790318163474, 790318163572 ], [ 790318164245, 790318164301 ], [ 790318164309, 790318164385 ], [ 790318167074, 790318167125 ], [ 790318167532, 790318167583 ], [ 790318169161, 790318169220 ], [ 790318169658, 790318170051 ], [ 790318170072, 790318170138 ], [ 790318171124, 790318171330 ], [ 790318173227, 790318173290 ], [ 790318173978, 790318174141 ], [ 790318174151, 790318174230 ], [ 790318176830, 790318176891 ], [ 790318180726, 790318180784 ], [ 790318180798, 790318180856 ], [ 790318181312, 790318181362 ], [ 790318181504, 790318181555 ], [ 790318181780, 790318181846 ], [ 790318185728, 790318185778 ], [ 790318185926, 790318186018 ], [ 790318186110, 790318186203 ], [ 790318186204, 790318186319 ], [ 790318186582, 790318186636 ], [ 790318187080, 790318187134 ], [ 790318187169, 790318187270 ], [ 790318187273, 790318187340 ], [ 790318189466, 790318189526 ] ]
[ 224119937, 276880705, 334108648, 141877033, 307613161, 364868203, 189264332, 341836652, 135617526, 215677562 ]
New. Von Ruden RSC series ROL-SEAL low speed high torque hydraulic motor. Mount 2 bolt SAE C with 0.6875" holes on 7.125" b.c. Size 7.0625" x 8.375" x 7.65"
{ "perplexity_score": 1573.4 }
tracker_resizing.jpg​ (10.7 KB) - added by streak 9 years ago. TrackerStatus_patch.png​ (6.6 KB) - added by yourpalal 8 years ago. Any chance you'll get to this one in the next week or two? I'm not sure right now, I'll have to take a look at the source, but IIRC, it is non-layout code, so it might take a bit longer. I will post once I can get an estimate of how long it will take to track down/fix the problem. It looks like the changes won't be too drastic, although we'll need to decide what to truncate or move, but I'm having trouble replicating this. In particular, it is hard to find something that takes a long enough time to copy to properly observe the window. Try moving the Haiku trunk to a new location. As for what to change, I think splitting the info under the progress bar into two lines would be good. Copying a large amount of files, or a large file helps to bring up the estimation, especially when copying to a slow medium like a USB stick. Besides making the window a bit wider, I would also like to have a tooltip with the current information (ie. complete, the view itself switches between estimated time, and copy speed). The reason I chose this is that truncating the status message would make it basically unreadable, and probably offer little space savings. The destination is truncated in the middle, as I believe that is the standard behavior for truncating paths. I haven't done it yet, but I think the window might as well be a bit wider, so I will do that too, but the basics of the patch will stay the same. Furthermore, I like the idea of adding a tooltip, and I did a bit of refactoring with that in mind, but I want to open a separate ticket for that. Correctly trunkating is very much appreciated. Would it be easily possible to have the status window resizable and remembering its width, like the mail_daemon status when fetching/sending mails? :) Yes, that could be done by (most easily with the layout API). However, I would file that as another ticket as well. BTW clicking Pause button freezes Tracker status window after this revision. Uh-oh, I'll look into it! Thanks for the heads up! For reference, this was fixed in hrev40698 by Stippi.
{ "perplexity_score": 404.3 }
In a dense, urban area near downtown Dallas, this private museum will be host to one of the most magnificent private art and car collections in the country. Maintaining the existing urban footprint, the challenge was to incorporate significant structural anchors to support the new construction, and incorporate multiple vertical circulation elements (elevators) while maintaining enough area on the ground level for vehicular displays. In response to the challenge, the circulation elements became integrated structural cores, with the rest of the building cantilevered for column free interiors by two significant steel trusses bookending the building. A three and a half story building, the second level incorporates a full 3 bedroom residence with gallery walls encompassing the spaces. The sides of the building are frosted curtain wall to mitigate harsh light, while the front living space is clear glazing to showcase downtown views. The third level is host to a large entertainment area, including a commercial grade chef’s kitchen, wine room, tasting area, and an extensive green roof to help soften the edges of the outdoor deck and mitigate solar heat gain. While on the outdoor deck, the guest can enjoy incredible panoramic views of Uptown and Downtown Dallas.
{ "perplexity_score": 370.5 }
Chandler had his own system for turning out The Big Sleep and other classic detective stories. “Me, I wait for inspiration,” he said, but he did it methodically very morning. He believed that a professional writer needed to set aside at least four hours a day for his job: “He doesn’t have to write, and if he doesn’t feel like it, he shouldn’t try. He can look out of the window or stand on his head or writhe on the floor, but he is not to do any other positive thing, not read, write letters, glance at magazines, or write checks. Theoretically, it would be okay to just sit there and wait. But that’s the only alternative: Write or do nothing. More often than not, some good stuff gets written during this time. More often than not, procrastination isn’t an issue. Actually, the results have been so positive that I’m thinking about expanding this “Write or Nothing” slot to three or four hours myself. My next book might be just around the corner! When I start a session, my phone is switched off. I went to the bathroom, I got some coffee and water. There are many temptations inviting me to procrastinate a little, but the rules are so simple and crystal clear that I won’t break them: I may sit and look at my screen. I may look out of the window. Or I may write. Other than that? Nothing. No email. No Twitter. No reading. No sleeping. No talking. Write or nothing. Many writers prefer to have a word minimum for the day. Or a word limit, like Cory Doctorow. While I get his point, I prefer a time minimum to get started. It lowers the barriers and it’s easier to schedule. It never means that I may have to spend seven hours just to reach my 1000 words for the day. If I sit down to write at 10am, I’ll be finished at 11 if I wish to. The fun thing, of course, is that once I start writing, I’ll often get into flow. I’ll enjoy the process so much that I keep doing it for longer than initially planned. But when I don’t, I’ll just spend the hour doing some editing or outlining (or window-watching) and call it a day. I sit down to write, but I don’t really expect anything great to come out of it. Often, I’ll actually spend a minute or two looking out of my window, feeling quite fine because I’m sticking to the rules. But then, after those couple of minutes, I generally find it to be more interesting to write than to keep looking at my neighbor’s realty. Turns out their house isn’t all that exciting after all. So I look back at my screen and just start to work. This may sound silly to many, but don’t discard it before giving it a try: The great thing about the Nothing Alternative is that you actually are allowed to “do” something else than your work: You may be idle. Having the permission to drop work for a minute seems to be just what my inner idler needs. It’s also something that can help any writer to clear their head a little, think about their phrasing, or get inspired by some random memory that pops up in the moment. Apart from helping me to get something written each day, this approach has another advantage: If I manage to find this hour of writing time at any point in the morning, the generated flow will fuel my whole day: Doing things leads to doing more things. After getting some writing done, I’ll often be eager to work on other things I care about: Clearing my inbox, editing some photos, outlining an upcoming project. Or, as mentioned, I’ll just keep writing. While I’m not an early riser, getting something done soon after rising will create a productive mindset for the rest of the day. This is EXACTLY what I needed. I feel that I’m constantly trying to “fit in” my writing in a very busy schedule and then I get distracted while writing. Making this commitment to write or nothing for a certain period of time is awesome. Commiting to this keeps me away from my distractions. I love it! Thank you!! I really like this post! I find that if I don’t write when I first wake up, I have a lot of trouble getting inspired to write during the day so maybe I should designate 6:00am – 7:00 am my write or nothing time. Any other time and the world is WAY too loud. I get really distracted with social media and email when I first wake up and if I create a write or nothing rule during that hour, I will get rid of my social media habit in the morning. I’ll try it and report back! Keep me updated… I’d love to hear how your experiment goes! Stacy, that attitude makes all the difference! I too noticed how I got annoyed whenever I wasn’t a hundred percent focused during my writing time. Now, I just look out of the window for a minute and two, and the focus automatically gets back to writing!
{ "perplexity_score": 326.4 }
[ [ 790318196844, 790318197106 ] ]
[ 364868207 ]
Some animals conserve body heat through physical contact with conspecifics (i.e., huddling) under cold climate conditions. However, the factors that promote huddle partner selection have not been clarified. We hypothesized that exchanging grooming for huddling is a beneficial strategy used by female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) to withstand cold temperatures. In this study, we undertook focal sampling of 17 female macaques at Katsuyama, Okayama Prefecture, Japan, between April 2012 and March 2013. We used generalized linear mixed models and determined influential factors based on the Akaike information criterion. As a result, we found that female Japanese macaques were likely to participate in grooming interactions before huddling with adult females, but that they rarely did so before huddling with their young (1-year-old or younger) offspring. In particular, adult females tended to huddle with other adult females after unreciprocated grooming bouts. Moreover, they solicited return grooming less frequently when females huddled after grooming interactions than when they did not huddle after grooming interactions. Finally, we evaluated whether grooming improved huddling position. Immediately after grooming, females huddled at advantageous positions more often than they huddled without grooming, and relative benefit by huddling position in the groomer was likely to be larger than the groomee. In contrast, when females huddled after reciprocal grooming, females tended to huddle in positions that were equally beneficial to both females. Overall, our results suggest that female Japanese macaques, particularly those without young offspring, exchange grooming for huddling with other adult females. Huddling is a thermoregulatory behavior performed under cold climate conditions; however, the factors promoting huddle partner selection are unclear. In several animal species, including primates, individuals exchange grooming for reciprocal grooming or other social benefits, such as access to infants and agonistic support. This study showed that during winter, female Japanese macaques obtain huddling benefits in exchange for grooming. However, females with young offspring were unlikely to use grooming to huddle with adult females because their offspring act as huddling partners. Thus, the use of grooming by Japanese macaques as a payment is flexible, depending on the needed benefits of the individuals. To our knowledge, this is the first study to suggest that huddling is a potential commodity that females trade in exchange for grooming. MU is sincerely grateful to K. Yamada, K. Onishi, S. Ichikawa, N. Katsu, and members of the Department of Ethology, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University. MU also sincerely thanks Y. Hori for providing analytical support. We would also like to thank Dr. David Watts and anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. This study was supported by the Research Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists (No. JP232887, JP20179930 to MU). The study was approved by the Animal Experimentation Committee of the Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Japan (No. 19-11-0, 24-2-0) and performed in accordance with the ethics guidelines.
{ "perplexity_score": 318 }
[ [ 790318201673, 790318201726 ], [ 790318203642, 790318203715 ], [ 790318203902, 790318203963 ], [ 790318204072, 790318204258 ], [ 790318204289, 790318204420 ], [ 790318204445, 790318204496 ] ]
[ 364868208, 77036426 ]
The GEN-I Group has set up the first solar power plant in Croatia. A ceremony was held today on the island of Krk during which the owner and the President of GEN-I’s Management Board, Robert Golob, Ph.D., opened the aforementioned power plant. The GEN-I Group is committed to promoting the rapid transition to green energy, the reduction of the carbon footprint and to ensuring the well-being of the planet. We are gradually spreading this belief to all of the markets on which we operate. Starting this year, we are offering the purchase of electricity produced in solar power plants in Croatia, too. The GEN-I Group has thus achieved a new milestone. The Group set up the first solar power plant in Croatia. The Sonce project, which was kicked off by GEN-I in 2015 and has resulted in the construction of more than 500 solar power plants in Slovenia since that time, has thus finally reached beyond national borders. The PZ Gospoja solar power plant generates 20.5 kW of power and will produce 25,240 kilowatt hours of green electricity a year. It is located in the idyllic surroundings of the Vinotel Gospoja Hotel on the eastern shore of the island of Krk. It will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 10.6 tons a year and will generate more than EUR 57,000 in savings in electricity consumption over the power plant’s useful life (30 years). The power plant is designed in a way that will facilitate the use of the vast majority of electricity produced by the hotel itself, while only a small amount of electricity will be returned to the network. The owner of the EUR 24,500 investment, which will be returned in full in ten years, is the well-known and reputable Toljanić entrepreneurial family from Vrbnik on the island of Krk. The family’s work ethic has made it successful, bold and distinct. The Vinotel Gospoja Hotel combines tradition and a visionary approach in a superior tourism experience, where protection of the environment plays a key role. The GEN-I Group is planning to build another solar power plant as early as next year at a new catering facility that will be built by the Toljanić family. We are also in the process of agreeing on the set-up of three smaller power plants at houses owned by the family. That cooperation may be further extended with the set-up of a charging station for the electric vehicles of the guests of Vinotel Gospoja Hotel. “For Croatia, green energy represent tremendous potential for the creation of new jobs and the generation of higher added value,” emphasized Mr. Golob. Notification regarding the renaming of GEN-I Zagreb d.o.o.
{ "perplexity_score": 161.3 }
[ [ 790318204642, 790318204706 ], [ 790318205269, 790318205321 ], [ 790318205548, 790318205599 ], [ 790318205666, 790318205717 ] ]
[ 364868209 ]
Testimonials - Mack Landscape Management, LLC. "I wanted to thank Jon and the entire Mack Landscaping team for a wonderful job on the update of the landscaping at our home. We have been at the house for about 18 years and the landscaping definitely needed a make-over. We met with Jon to discuss what we had in mind and our budget. Jon spent time with us reviewing options for the landscaping and was very accommodating to our questions, suggestions and updates to the overall layout. The crew that came to prepare and remove the old bushes and plants did a great job and worked with us to re-use a couple of items from the existing landscaping that we liked. The overall installation went very well and was done in the expected timeframe. The follow-ups with us after the installation were great, Jon came by on several occasions to check on the plants and answer any questions we had about care, watering, etc. The house looks fantastic and we have received many compliments on the new landscaping. I would highly recommend Jon and Mack Landscaping based upon our experience. We will now be using Mack for our Fall and Spring clean-ups!" "This summer we held a wedding in our backyard. We hosted the ceremony, dinner, dancing and celebration. While we have a nice yard and set-up, we wanted it to really sparkle to ensure a great background for the bride, groom and guests. The Mack Team came in and performed beyond our expectations! They went over our entire property trimming and weeding that was just fantastic. I overheard several guests saying how they could not find a single weed or plant out of place, and someone else commenting they wouldn't be able to. In addition we had a variety of plants replaced, new gardens cut-out and everything looking just perfect. It felt great! I thank Mack and Team for supporting our event and for contributing to making the wedding a joyful event. And yes while we are thankful for their contribution and effort to this special event, the truth is they perform at this level all the time for us. We greatly appreciate the help and every person we engage with on the Team is a pleasure to work with." "Over the past couple of years as our kids migrated to college, we have increasingly put our property in the hands of Mack Landscaping. Eric and the team have done a terrific job, and it has never looked better. Thank you!" "We have used the services of Mack Landscape for the past 18 months. We have been very pleased with the overall service and are very happy to recommend Eric Mack to other home owners." "Mack Landscape did excellent and efficient work in my yard!" Are you a current or previous client? Please e-mail or call us to give us your feedback!
{ "perplexity_score": 445.1 }
[ [ 790318208016, 790318208093 ], [ 790318209532, 790318209588 ] ]
[ 364868210 ]
Indian Air Force (Air Force) has published a recruitment notification (INTAKE 01/2020) on 03/12/2018. The notification is for recruitment of Airmen (X,Y Group). Here you will get the complete information about Air Force Airmen (X,Y Group) Recruitment online application form 2019. You will get here complete detail about Air Force Airmen (X,Y Group) application procedure, important dates, application fees, age limit, qualification, number of vacancies, pay scale and important links. If you have any doubt regarding Air Force Airmen (X,Y Group) recruitment online application form procedure you can ask us via comment form given below. The application procedure to apply for Indian Air Force Airmen (X,Y Group) recruitment 2019 is online. You are required to apply online through Air Force Airmen (X,Y Group) online application form 2019. The links to apply online are given below.
{ "perplexity_score": 492.3 }
[ [ 790318209882, 790318209949 ], [ 790318209963, 790318210019 ], [ 790318210042, 790318210130 ], [ 790318210153, 790318210340 ], [ 790318210350, 790318210490 ], [ 790318210516, 790318210590 ], [ 790318210614, 790318210690 ] ]
[ 364868211 ]
This helps you know if need to have a link removed. You don’t want to risk being linked to what’s known as a “bad neighborhood.” You can see the links in the free version, however, you will need the paid version to see detailed items (beyond the first five results) such as the link anchor text, spam score, page authority, and domain authority. This is such a valuable resources. The Local Grader helps check the health of a company’s local SEO and their local citations. Local citations are links that come from local directories. These local directories help build your authority and trust with Google and other search engines. This helps build your local trust signals and confirms that you are in fact a legitimate business.
{ "perplexity_score": 360.3 }
[ [ 790318210694, 790318211016 ], [ 790318211017, 790318211072 ], [ 790318211149, 790318211423 ] ]
[ 364868212, 275414102 ]
Buffalo groove metallers Aspired Infliction have just released a lyric video for another track off their upcoming album “The Undying” due out August 18th. They have mastered a great mix of dual guitar melodies and serious grooves that’ll keep you going for days. The music sounds great boys, keep up the killer work.
{ "perplexity_score": 435.2 }
[ [ 790318211472, 790318211524 ] ]
[ 167381853, 364868213 ]
HomedigestAre bots taking over Wikipedia? Are bots taking over Wikipedia? As crowdsourced Wikipedia has grown too large — with more than 30 million articles in 287 languages — to be entirely edited and managed by volunteers, 12 Wikipedia bots have emerged to pick up the slack. The bots use Wikidata — a free knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and bots — to exchange information between entries and between the 287 languages. Which raises an interesting question: what portion of Wikipedia edits are generated by humans versus bots? To find out (and keep track of other bot activity), Thomas Steiner of Google Germany has created an open-source application (and API): Wikipedia and Wikidata Realtime Edit Stats, described in an arXiv paper. The percentages also vary by language. Only 5% of English edits were by bots; but for Serbian pages, in which few Wikipedians apparently participate, 96% of edits were by bots. The application also tracks what percentage of edits are by anonymous users. Globally, it was 25 percent in our snapshot and a surprising 34 percent for English — raising interesting questions about corporate and other interests covertly manipulating Wikipedia information.
{ "perplexity_score": 545.6 }
[ [ 790318211874, 790318211927 ], [ 790318212058, 790318212133 ] ]
[ 44032281, 364868214 ]
Designed to get noticed, our 2017 Ford Fusion Titanium AWD turns heads in Burgundy Velvet! Powered by a TurboCharged 2.0 Litre EcoBoost 4 Cylinder that offers 240hp while mated to a responsive 6 Speed Automatic transmission. Nimble and precise, this All Wheel Drive Fusion delivers a composed ride that's comfortable for all-day trips while scoring near 7.1 L/100km. Our Fusion illustrates its style cred with unique wheels, automatic headlights, an exterior keypad entry, and LED daytime running lights. With upscale materials and meticulous attention to detail, the interior of our Titanium appeals to every sense with a wealth of amenities including Intelligent Access with remote start, the new low-profile rotary gear shift dial, heated leather sport seats, full power accessories, a rearview camera, and 60/40-split folding rear seats. SYNC 3 helps keep you connected with enhanced audio and phone voice commands, an LCD touchscreen, smartphone integration, and a premium Sony Sound System. Confidence comes standard from Ford with a reverse sensing system, anti-lock disc brakes, traction/stability control, advanced airbags, and the Ford Sync emergency crash-notification feature. Parents will especially appreciate the added peace of mind of Ford's MyKey, which can be used to set certain parameters for your teen drivers. Distinctive in style and highly efficient with reliable power and security, this Ford Fusion is the intelligent choice for you! Print this page and call us Now... We Know You Will Enjoy Your Test Drive Towards Ownership! AMVIC Licensed Dealer.
{ "perplexity_score": 777.4 }
[ [ 790318212981, 790318213391 ], [ 790318213397, 790318213565 ], [ 790318213573, 790318214558 ] ]
[ 364868215 ]
Are you a the genius selector? The ultimate captain? Pay your £10 and pick 11 of the not so finest cricketers in Yorkshire to win cash prizes. Thanks to Froz for sorting this out. Lockhart Capital Management tie up deal with HBCC  Lockhard Capital Management the personal financial planning specialist have kindly agreed to become a club sponsor.
{ "perplexity_score": 1381.7 }
[ [ 790318214562, 790318214615 ], [ 790318214797, 790318214912 ] ]
[ 364868216, 322518425 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 1255.7 }
[ [ 790318214926, 790318214978 ], [ 790318216196, 790318216258 ], [ 790318216564, 790318216626 ], [ 790318217190, 790318217249 ], [ 790318217678, 790318217796 ], [ 790318218058, 790318218109 ], [ 790318218262, 790318218322 ], [ 790318219044, 790318219102 ] ]
[ 364868217, 102299691 ]
Jerry Hartz is NDI’s Director of Government Relations and Communications. Hartz brings a wealth of knowledge of legislative policy, procedure and communications experience to the Institute. Haiti is a country of natural beauty and vast potential, but something is always getting in the way of its progress. As the first independent nation in Latin America, and one of the oldest democracies, Haiti has a proud tradition on which to build. However, in the wake of the world’s only successful slave revolt and its declaration of independence in 1803, nations refused to recognize Haiti’s independence for decades, fearful of encouraging revolt among their own slave populations. Breakout group discusses the best way to approach their local municipality to address road repair. In Lebanon, which is surrounded by countries in crisis, real power is held at the local level. The national government is trusted to protect borders and provide security, but it is the local municipality that largely provides basic services. Yet understanding how municipalities work is a challenge in Lebanon. Budgets are not made public and municipal websites are nonexistent, even in Beirut. Political parties hold power and corruption can be systemic. Youth in Lebanon do not have much opportunity in school to learn about democracy, the role of municipalities, or how they can be involved in governance. Determining how to have an impact can be difficult when the political system is so opaque. To help address this problem, NDI has been working for several years to empower youth and women to play a greater role in politics. The NDI team in Lebanon is working with local partners, such as NABAD, to provide basic training on how to impact political decisions at the municipal level. Hundreds of youth have already been trained and some have even run and been elected to office.
{ "perplexity_score": 209.5 }
[ [ 790318219502, 790318219558 ], [ 790318219792, 790318219845 ] ]
[ 364868218 ]
Tian Taiquan weighs the factual truth about the Cultural Revolution in China through his art. The intensity of the reality of what he had experienced in the political and cultural realm of his life is depicted in a vivid visual manner through digital technology. Tian’s use of photography to capture that particular instant while conscientiously staging various elements that correspond to that period of time, accurately represent the political and cultural scenario in a fictitious way. The juxtaposition of the meaning and visual representation of his work, in which they metaphorically represent violence, destruction, suffering, confusion and darkness in spite of his usage of vivid colours and sensuous movement, creates a powerful conclusion in a sharp and detailed composition. In turn, this allows Tian to simultaneously bring the historical past and present together. Tian was born in 1960. He graduated in 1988 from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. His solo exhibitions include the Cultural Arts Museum, Beijing, China; ‘Tears of Eros’, England; Gibsone Jessop Gallery, Canada; ‘Nature’, Shanghai, China, Shijiazhuang Contemporary Art Gallery, Hubei Province, China, ‘Lost’, Chongqing, China; 501 Art Space, Chongqing, China, and Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, China. His group shows include Art Plus Shanghai, China; Art Asia Miami; Dialogue 2008 China, Beijing; Gathering under Olympic Rings, Beijing; Kitai Pveriod China Forward, Moscow; and Seoul International Media Biennale, Korea to name a few. The artist currently lives and works in Chongqing, China.
{ "perplexity_score": 335.2 }
[ [ 790318222252, 790318222308 ], [ 790318222851, 790318222907 ] ]
[ 364868219, 296043247 ]
YOUSE, our 100% digital solution, inspiring change! Our employees get moving for associations! Renewal of a 20-year alliance with our Brazilian partner! CNP Assurances gets moving to help charities! A look back at the 1st hackathon organised by CNP Assurances: Hacking insurance!
{ "perplexity_score": 947.9 }
Attaché Fixed Assets simplifies the management of assets and automates depreciation. Unlike a spreadsheet, Fixed Assets includes purpose-built functionality. For example, you can include images and print barcodes to help identify and control your assets. Watch this video for an overview on what Attaché Fixed Assets can do for your business.
{ "perplexity_score": 314.1 }
[ [ 790318223215, 790318223471 ] ]
[ 364868221, 300087647 ]
Our team is made up of a passionate bunch of Australian and New Zealander developers and business folk. Our core principals are great products, great code, and great coffee. We're based in Melbourne, Australia, the coffee capital of the world, and are lucky enough to have an office with a fantastic view. Although to be honest, we rarely notice it as we're busy programming. I founded Kutamo in early 2016, and am passionate about changing the way people run meetings in businesses. I'm very hands on - spending around two thirds of my time developing our product, and the rest running the business. I don't have a fancy office, just a desk full of monitors and caffeine close by! I joined Kutamo late 2016, after almost a year of talking to Matthew about it. I am responsible for the architecture of the application, building both the back-end data and code as well as the front end UI, UX and JS and all those weird acronyms. I'm constantly amazed how things work given the state of the tools and languages that are used to build web applications. I'm in charge of all things engineering - servers, devices, networks and coffee machines. I've worked with everyone from small 2-person companies to large national companies with 10,000+ staff. While dabbling in the customer-facing features you'll usually find me behind the scenes, making sure everything runs smooth as the first sip of your morning flat white. My brother (Matthew) throws me out of perfectly good planes! I look after our support channels and community at Kutamo, and help build our instructional content and tutorials. In my spare time, I'm an avid musician and performer. Did I tell you he throws me out of planes? The universe was founded around 13.8 billion years ago, give or take a day. Sometime between then and now Matthew had an idea. Kutamo was started in early 2016, and serious development began in September 2016, after a successful private capital raising. Our product entered a closed beta (private testing) in December 2016. After we recovered from the New Year festivities, we opened our beta to the public in February 2017. We are Kutamo Pty. Ltd., ACN 609 311 846. All content on this website, with the exception of that generated by our users, is © Copyright 2019 Kutamo Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. More legal things are available to help you sleep at night on our Terms pages.
{ "perplexity_score": 372.4 }
[ [ 790318223753, 790318223807 ], [ 790318223939, 790318223997 ], [ 790318224048, 790318224168 ], [ 790318224330, 790318224498 ], [ 790318224613, 790318224810 ], [ 790318224878, 790318224933 ], [ 790318225153, 790318225207 ], [ 790318225717, 790318225770 ] ]
[ 334431620, 364868222, 25986423 ]
Rock & Block Hardscape Supply formerly Alpine Rock & Block has served El Cajon, La Mesa, Santee, Alpine, Lakeside, San Diego, National City, Chula Vista and the surrounding areas of San Diego County since 1989. As a family-owned business, we understand the needs of our customers and we are excited to help you! Our hard work and dedication have helped us connect with over 100,000 companies and families we are happy to call our customers. We have worked on countless landscapes, pools, and home improvement projects. What’s more, we’ve happily added home décor to our list of products and services. Our store has grown across a span of 6 acres. We’re sure to have the supplies and items you’re looking for! Visit Our Showroom Today. If you have questions regarding the services we offer, you can reach us at (619) 937-3870. Our professionals will assist you in creating a beautiful outdoor living space. Find us at 13288 Highway 8 Business, El Cajon, CA 92021. Our facility is located two blocks off of Interstate 8 and is open weekdays from 6:30 AM to 5 PM. You can also visit on Saturdays from 7 AM to 4 PM.
{ "perplexity_score": 253.3 }
[ [ 790318226082, 790318226245 ], [ 790318226675, 790318226849 ] ]
[ 364868223 ]
The criminal globalist trash of the world wants to flood America with foreigners while, at the same time, disarming real Americans. Friends, that dog won’t hunt. And the two subjects do not mix so well when they occasionally collide. It seems that some of the new arrivals cannot be trusted with guns. The problem is them and their ways. It’s not the guns. It’s not the NRA. Not me or you. A Florida university “student” from China is about to be deported back to where he belongs. The visitor was here on a student visa. This “student” didn’t go to class. That can lead to revocation of immigrant status, as is happening. He also has “issues” and was labeled a “student of concern” by campus police. Exhibiting odd behaviors, he armed himself with two new rifles. We’ve had run-ins with unstable, armed Asian “students” before – with deadly consequences. Not this time. I’m sure some commie is already suing to protect Young Mao’s rights… PS: he did have good taste in guns.
{ "perplexity_score": 270.9 }
This paper used data from a survey of German adults who were asked about what motivated them to attend (or not attend) museums. The survey, carried out in 1995, randomly selected a representative sample of 1,080 responses from more than 31,000 German households. The research found that entrance fees were a significant subjective barrier to attendance and this was particularly the case for people of a lower socio-economic status. Around one in five of the survey respondents said that entrance fees were a barrier for a museum visit. On average, that group tends to make just under four museum visits per year. By contrast, those for whom entrance fees are not a barrier go just over five times per year (on average). ‘The lower the income the more entrance fees are a perceived threshold to visiting museums.’ The results of the survey led the researchers to conclude that ‘in the mind of most Germans, museum visits seem to be more expensive than they factually are.’ Socio-economic status (as measured through a combination of income, occupation and education) also affected the likelihood of seeing entry fees as a barrier to museum attendance. Respondents may have used entrance fees as an excuse rather than declaring their true reason: an actual dislike for museums. The paper states that ‘conscious life style choices represent actual barriers to museum visits, not the amount of entrance fees.’ Increasing museum attendance may therefore require a change in people's preferences and tastes and the educational and occupational factors that influence them.
{ "perplexity_score": 355.4 }
The new BioLogic Bluetooth Smart heart rate strap works easily with the latest iPhone models and Android mobiles, but it burns through batteries at an unacceptably fast rate. We would only get seven hours from each of two new CR2030 batteries we tried. This is a far cry from the 200-hour life BioLogic claims. The promise of Bluetooth heart rate data is great: you can use your smartphone as a cycling computer with GPS, heart rate and even power information. Using the BioLogic straps with an iPhone 5 and both the Strava and Wahoo Fitness apps, we found the strap to pair quickly and reliably for a steady HR signal. Unfortunately, the BioLogic strap isn’t very user friendly, as it requires changing batteries far too often. The body of the unit is larger than standard ANT+ heart rate straps as well. If battery life could be improved, the BioLogic strap could be a handy way to add HR data to rides recorded on your phone. As is, however, we can’t recommend this product.
{ "perplexity_score": 467.3 }
General journal lines appear when you open a general journal in the General Ledger, Sales & Receivables, Purchases & Payables and Fixed Assets application areas. To create lines in a journal, click the first empty line and fill in the fields. In Navision there are three levels under the journal menu items: journal templates, journal batches and journal lines. This lets you use different journals that are suited to different tasks. You can have several journals of the same type; for example, every employee can have his or her own journal. When you choose a journal, the program displays the most recently used journal batch name. If you want to use another journal batch name, click the AssistButton to the right of the Batch Name field. The General Jnl. Batches window appears. Here you can choose from among the existing batch names or create new ones. In Navision, there are several standard general journal templates set up in menu items in the General Ledger, Sales & Receivables, Purchases & Payables and Fixed Assets application areas. They cover the most common routines used in the program, and in all of these journal templates, you can post entries to G/L, customer, vendor and fixed asset accounts. Each of these application areas also has a recurring general journal. This is a special window in which you can define a recurring frequency and other specifications and allocate amounts by using the Allocation table. When you use a recurring journal, you need to type entries in only once if you will post the same information afterward. Whenever you want to post the same information again, you only need to choose Post.
{ "perplexity_score": 428.6 }
[ [ 790318230657, 790318230768 ], [ 790318231280, 790318231346 ], [ 790318231551, 790318231654 ], [ 790318231819, 790318232077 ], [ 790318232158, 790318232242 ] ]
[ 141479736, 364868227 ]
Langwitch theme has been built based on open source administration system WordPress and AIT framework, which contain AIT page builder with elements – custom post types and plugins options. The theme admin section is divided into 4 fully customizable parts: Theme options, Default layout, Page Builder, Import / Export. Elements are available below Theme Admin options. You can manage from there all theme custom post types and features provided by elements which are ready to use in the theme.
{ "perplexity_score": 964.1 }
[ [ 790318232258, 790318232744 ] ]
[ 60122384, 306610370, 364868228, 194913716, 266833318 ]
Introducing baby rock iguana Star, probed Female, Cyclura lewisi hybrid. Star is darker color large baby. She has a friendly demeanor, active, curious and has assertive alpha type personality. Star is not shy and accepts handling very well. After a few minutes she relaxes in your hands and will even eat a blueberry treat while being held in your hands. Star is in excellent health and perfect condition. With love and patience Star will make a great pet and companion.
{ "perplexity_score": 546.5 }
[ [ 790318232945, 790318233009 ], [ 790318233010, 790318233103 ], [ 790318233107, 790318233177 ] ]
[ 56711410, 151543837, 364868229 ]
We take our Delrinex picks and etch them using a proprietary process, this produces a pick with increased grip due to the fact that your graphics are sunken into the surface. Artwork that features large solid graphics and larger text works best, fine details and lines can be reproduced, just note if you are using really small fonts, they may not be readable. See the images above for pick etching examples. Etching picks does not add any colour to the picks. Your design will be the same colour as the pick itself. There will be thin horizontal lines through your artwork, this is a result of the etching process and adds a different texture to your artwork, making it easier to see. When a custom pick order is placed, we always email you a digital print proof of your pick design for you to approve, prior to printing your picks, to ensure that your picks always meet your exact requirements. Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, Orange, Purple and Red. If you're unsure, simply upload what you have and we will be in contact if needed. We have processed thousands of orders over the years so we have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn’t. We will send you a digital print proof of your design before we print to make sure you’re 100% happy.
{ "perplexity_score": 553.4 }
[ [ 790318233256, 790318233335 ], [ 790318233400, 790318233457 ], [ 790318233631, 790318233910 ], [ 790318234177, 790318234406 ], [ 790318234415, 790318234478 ] ]
[ 364868230 ]
"Los Fabulosos Cadillacs Recording New Album" Los Fabulosos Cadillacs recently Sold Out Mexico City’s Foro Sol (62,000 capacity) for the 6th Time! Los Fabulosos Cadillacs celebrated 30 years of music and brotherhood as their “La Música Salvará al Mundo” tour hit Mexico City’s Foro Sol. 62,000 fans filled the sold-out stadium for the venue’s most successful show of 2015. This is the sixth time the GRAMMY-winning icons have sold out the Foro Sol, a record for the venue. This week, the band went into the studio to record their first new album since 2009, tentatively titled “La Salvacion”, which they are describing as a “conceptual” album, being written by Vicentico and Sr. Flavio and scheduled for release in 2016.
{ "perplexity_score": 121.7 }
[ [ 790318234968, 790318235042 ] ]
[ 364868231 ]
Fighting in the ring has rules, weight classes, (sometimes) balanced skill levels, a referee and other physical protective measures including relatively soft floor padding, ring boundaries and hand, groin and mouth protection. On the street there is obviously none of this. Your opponent may be unskilled and delusional. Your opponent may be more skilled, more aggressive, or have weapons, or friends nearby. You may end up hurting your opponent and innocent bystanders. What’s worse? The punch or pavement? In all cases, if you are a practitioner of the fighting arts, you may have a higher “response ability” and therefore are more “responsible” to act as appropriate as you can. However regardless of your training, environmental factors and the nature of street fighting may lead to bad things happening. For example, you may slip on wet pavement, trip on a curb, backup into traffic – OR even worse, you may successfully land a powerful, well-timed strike knocking out your opponent, causing them to fall unconsciously to the hard pavement. Check the video below, where words escallate to action resulting in 1 punch, leading to a loud collision of head hitting the pavement. You must consider that throwing a punch in a street fight is like firing a bullet. Once you throw it you can’t return it, because if it lands successfully your opponents head may be heading towards the pavement to a potentially lethal impact. It’s not the punch that is dangerous. It’s the pavement. Many prison fights are filled with a flurry of gross motor skills. They are simple and effective. No hollywood kung fu. Just raw punches, kicks and chasing. There’s nowhere to hide and no referee to save you. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. And in the case of the video below because of the drama caused by these two, someone else gets hurt. Do your best to turn negatives into a positive. Avoid pride. Avoid escalation. Be the best “you” that you can be. Build confidence so when conflict comes, you can just walk away, knowing you’re doing the best for yourself and others. A 30+ year practitioner of various martial arts including primarily including Tang Soo Do, Kyokushin, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai and Western Boxing. During the day he is the CEO of an award-winning software company www.trueinteraction.com which helps businesses of various sizes improve their business outcomes using technology and resource optimization. Watch DAZN for Boxing & MMA Fans!
{ "perplexity_score": 398.5 }
[ [ 790318236896, 790318236946 ] ]
[ 364868232 ]
Three years ago we bought aconites for our small orchard area. They were slow to come up, and out of twenty plants, we ended up with nine flowering. This year, apart from a plant given by a friend, which has been flowering for several weeks, our original lot are showing no leaves. We are wondering if they have died off, though snowdrops, hyacinths and bluebells are up, or coming up. Has anyone any experience of aconites being this late (East Yorkshire, near the coast)? I have spotted some pale and weedy looking aconite leaves, and near them are two buds, so hopefully the aconites are on their way. Fingers crossed here for a good show.
{ "perplexity_score": 438.6 }
Let me start out by saying I’m opposed to the very premise of this parable, opposed to the idea that women should be sitting around in the dark, just waiting for some guy to show up. Some days I need to question Matthew’s assumptions about the role of women, to wonder about his motives. I routinely need to question my motives, of course. Some days I need to question our country’s motives too. Are we ‘keeping awake’ in the right way for God? Have we fallen asleep to the ways injustice happens right in front of us? It’s easy to preach this text to say that everyone needs to do their own preparations. And you’ve heard that sermon from me. It is not a wrong reading of the text. I liken the instruction in this parable to putting on your oxygen mask on the plane. They tell you to put on your own mask before helping others with theirs. It’s a legitimate spiritual, personal reading of the text. I’m having a hard time focusing on a personal reading of the text when I look around at the world and see so many physical needs not being met. How are people who have to struggle for their literal ‘daily bread’ or physical safety, supposed to have the resources to be wise with their oil supply? We live in a world where some of us have access to lots of oil and can fill up our lamps whenever we want to. We also live in a world where others do not have access to the same stores and stockpiles. I can’t read this text without thinking about the ways I can casually explain away my privilege and opportunity while ignoring how difficult it is for other bridesmaids to have the same resources and opportunities to even allow them to make it to the party. While some bridesmaids face racial prejudice when they go to buy oil for their lamps, with employees following them in the store because they don’t look like they belong, I waltz in and get what I need from courteous employees. Other bridesmaids are so busy securing bottled water for their children in Flint, or in Louisiana, as I discovered a few weeks ago—how are they supposed to also remember to get oil for their lamp? That’s something I’ve never, once, had to spend time and worry about—whether the water in my tap was safe to drink. There are lots of other situations that keep some of our neighbors from accessing resources, from being wise bridesmaids. I’ve used a few illustrations, but there are plenty more. We could also talk about how LGBTQ people in Idaho have to worry about losing jobs or housing in a state without human rights protections. Or the challenges elderly people face as they lose mobility and health. We could talk about the 1 in 8 of Idahoans who are food insecure and aren’t sure where they will be fed this week. 72,000 Idaho children are included in this number. The risk in reading this text as if it is ONLY about our spiritual life, is that we easily can read our material reality into the story too. For example, when we believe that we are the people who have prepared our souls, who have done the hard work to have what we need for our faith, we can read into it the ways we prosper materially, as if that too, were all because of only our own preparations, or because of our spiritual work. Or it can lead us to decide that having material needs provided for isn’t important because faith is what matters. To be sure, our efforts, our preparations for our material needs are good and fine. It is good to work. It is fine to be proud of our success. At the same time, we can’t forget that we are all, every last one of us, recipients of help from others. We have all been foolish bridesmaids at some point in our lives, needing someone to help us with something. So we cannot pretend WE were the ones who were wise enough to gather extra oil without acknowledging we live in a society that actively keeps other people from succeeding as we do. We need to rewrite this entire parable in our country, a new parable where bridesmaids who have access to all the resources learn to share. We don’t need to hoard the oil. I want a new ending to the parable, where when other people’s lamps run low, we say, “here, I’ve got enough to share. I brought extra for you because I know your worries are not the same as mine”. I don’t want to hear any more bridesmaids saying “No! there will not be enough for you and for us; you had better go to the dealers and buy some for yourselves” as Matthew’s bridesmaids say. I also notice in this parable (the one Matthew wrote, not the Marci edited version) the real trouble for the foolish bridesmaids comes when they choose to belatedly go after some more lamp oil, and choose not to follow the bridegroom into the party. In other words, they miss the party because their belated focus on material things keeps them from following Jesus. If the kingdom of heaven is like the two wedding banquets described in this week’s and last week’s texts, it seems Matthew feels the emphasis is on being there, on showing up, no matter whether or not you knew you were on the guest list or not. We show up, whether or not we were wise enough, or lucky enough, to have enough oil in our lamps. And if we don’t need to hoard the oil we’ve got, then we can share it with others to make sure they can make it to the wedding banquet too. Who is being kept from God’s wedding banquet because some of the bridesmaids are hoarding all the oil? What would have stopped the wise bridesmaids from saying to the ones who didn’t have oil—‘here sister, walk with me. The light from my lamp will be enough for us both. We can get you more oil tomorrow ’. I want a parable where the foolish bridesmaids can know, deep in their hearts, that they don’t have to scramble for more because others will help them. I want to edit the parable so all ten of the bridesmaids, accompany the bridegroom arm in arm, confident there is room enough for them all at the banquet, confident there is enough light between them to illuminate the path. It’s interesting to me that the instruction at the end of this parable is to “keep awake, therefore”. All of the bridesmaids, the foolish and the wise, had fallen asleep in the parable. Falling asleep isn’t what kept some from the banquet. So maybe we are called to keep awake about things other than late night waiting for some guy to show up. Maybe we are called to keep awake to the ways we treat our fellow travelers on this life’s journey. Maybe we are called to keep awake to the systemic ways injustice, racism, and fear of the other can harm some people and benefit others. We have enough to share. We are called to do so. We worship a God who fed the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years with manna and quail. We serve a savior who fed the crowds on the hillsides with a few loaves and fish. We follow a shepherd who fills our cup so it overfloweth. Do we think for a minute God needs us to hoard what we’ve got when so many people are without oil for their lamps? No, we do not. Let’s share the light from our lamps, so everyone can see the path more clearly and walk with us toward God’s banquet, where there is room for all.
{ "perplexity_score": 289.8 }
[ [ 790318238320, 790318238379 ], [ 790318238415, 790318238494 ], [ 790318238501, 790318238577 ], [ 790318238840, 790318238901 ], [ 790318239099, 790318239163 ], [ 790318239522, 790318239629 ], [ 790318239659, 790318239944 ], [ 790318239990, 790318240305 ], [ 790318240338, 790318240470 ], [ 790318242586, 790318242697 ] ]
[ 364868234, 13613236 ]
A way that our church provides opportunities for members to get to know one another better. A way that we help new members assimilate, knitting them into the St. Paul Lutheran family. A way for you to connect with your fellow Christians.
{ "perplexity_score": 360.5 }
[ [ 790318245433, 790318245502 ] ]
[ 364868235 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 433 }
[ [ 790318245656, 790318245866 ], [ 790318245880, 790318246068 ], [ 790318246128, 790318246534 ], [ 790318246557, 790318246707 ], [ 790318246713, 790318246773 ], [ 790318246774, 790318246840 ], [ 790318246846, 790318246936 ], [ 790318246940, 790318247582 ], [ 790318247599, 790318247708 ], [ 790318247709, 790318247790 ], [ 790318247887, 790318248883 ], [ 790318248932, 790318249088 ], [ 790318249098, 790318249990 ], [ 790318250013, 790318250100 ], [ 790318250222, 790318250291 ], [ 790318250297, 790318250395 ], [ 790318250401, 790318250507 ], [ 790318250539, 790318250657 ], [ 790318250663, 790318250731 ], [ 790318250770, 790318250833 ], [ 790318250883, 790318250973 ], [ 790318250979, 790318251034 ], [ 790318251040, 790318251299 ], [ 790318251304, 790318251503 ], [ 790318251509, 790318251667 ], [ 790318251673, 790318251910 ], [ 790318251915, 790318251981 ], [ 790318251996, 790318252052 ], [ 790318252087, 790318252147 ], [ 790318252202, 790318252270 ], [ 790318252367, 790318252457 ], [ 790318252476, 790318252694 ] ]
[ 364868236, 55967213 ]
Live at Canaan Place in central Richmond, so close to Richmond shops, restaurants and taking transit to the Casino and CanadaLine. Enjoy beautiful new laminate flooring in the dining and living rooms, porcelain tile in the entry, kitchen and bathroom, newer washer, dryer, newer kitchen appliances, built-in vacuum and new screens on the sliding doors. Located on the East side of the building to a lovely green and treed lane. Call now to view!
{ "perplexity_score": 509.4 }
[ [ 790318252700, 790318252781 ], [ 790318252803, 790318252971 ], [ 790318253067, 790318253145 ] ]
[ 364868237, 210630110 ]
Macro photography is a fun and unique niche –and it makes a great change of pace from your usual landscape images. With macros, you can gain access to a hidden world of detail; and have the chance to showcase it in all of its beauty! These close-ups are a great chance to capture those small, miniscule gems that would otherwise be overlooked. When it comes to capturing striking macros, the beauty really is in the details! Paying attention to the details –and looking to draw them out can help you to capture a far better image, and at the end of the day is what will make or break your macro shots. Of course, there are a few other factors that you’ll want to pay attention to as well. Here’s a look at a few tips for capturing beautiful and intriguing nature macros. First up, a technical clarification. While the term “macro” is thrown around a lot, thanks in large part to point-and-shoots today that offer macro mode; the truth is that true macro photography generally consists of capturing images where the size of the subject is the same size, or larger, than it is in-person. Nature macros can include everything from insects and flowers, to droplets of water, seeds, and more. Now, let’s look at some tips for capturing them effectively. When shooting macros, having the right gear to get you off on the right foot. Here are a few things you’ll want to consider bringing. While a macro lens isn’t a requirement, it can help! At the very least, you’ll want to choose a lens that has the ability to focus close to subjects without having issues. Most macro lenses are able to produce life-sized images on the sensor, but the very best –and priciest macro lenses offer magnification of up to five times life-sized! A close-up lens is a flat lens that mounts onto the front of your standard lens –much like a filter. A close-up lens works by providing magnification, allowing you to focus at closer distances. Some photographers opt to use extension tube –a hollow tube that fits between the camera and the lens. This tube allows the lens to move further away from the sensor, with the extra distance helping the lens to focus more closely. Bringing along a tripod is also ideal. Since you are working so close to your subject, even the tiniest movement can cause blur. A tripod can help keep things steady so you can focus on getting the perfect shot. Ideally, you’ll want to look for a tripod with legs that are able to spread horizontally; allowing you to photograph low to the ground. Or, opt for a tripod with a reversible head stern, allowing you to position your camera underneath the tripod. When you are working close to your subjects, it can be difficult to get the lighting just right. Additionally, the light from your on-camera’s flash will usually be too bright, and head on –the wrong direction for macro photography. Having an external flash can allow you to bounce the light onto your subject from any angle, allowing you to get a more natural shot. One of the great things about nature macro photography is that there’s no shortage of subjects to be found! Just remember that with macros, even small imperfections and details will be magnified –so take care that the flower you’re focusing on doesn’t have any unsightly brown spots. While some unique and quirky features can be fun to capture, just make sure it’s intentional. Another great thing about macros is you can easily change your angle. Since you are working with small subjects, changing your angle can be a simple way to get a more desirable background, better light, or an all-around better shot. Just because you are getting up close and personal with your subject doesn’t mean you can forget about the background! In fact, backgrounds are arguably even more important when it comes to macros, since small details will be magnified. Keep an eye on the background and make sure everything is looking crisp and clean. You could always opt for a wide aperture to blur the background slightly, and draw your subject into focus. Just remember that the closer your camera is to the subject, the less depth of field there will be. Looking for something a bit different? Get artistic with your macro images! Photographing a close-up world is your chance to create an abstract image; one that contains shapes and colors, but less detail than an ordinary shot. There are plenty of ways to create artistic macros. Capturing reflections on the surface of some water, using a long shutter speed to blur movement, or getting extra close and looking to highlight the patterns found inside of a flower or on a leaf can make for some beautiful and unique artistic images. The right lighting can make or break your macro shot. Be sure to pay attention to it when you are shooting. Golden hour can make for stunning macro images. Angle your shot so the sun’s behind your subject and use a wide aperture to capture some beautiful background bokeh. With macros, consider exposing for the highlights. While in some cases this may result in images that are underexposed, it’s far easier to recover details lost in the shadows in post-processing than it is to recover highlights. Remember, since you’re working close up to your subjects, even the tiniest breeze can cause your subject to sway, resulting in blurry images. Pay attention to the breeze when photographing delicate foliage or flowers. With macros, you can always take multiple shots in rapid succession. You never know what your small subject’s going to do, and taking multiple shots will help you to ensure that you get some great images. At the end of the day, macro images are different from landscapes, but many same concepts apply. Look for a focal point, leading lines, and excellent colors and contrast. Then start snapping! You’ll soon become adept at capturing amazing and intriguing macro images –ones that showcase all of the beauty of a small, miniscule world. Do you enjoy macro photography?
{ "perplexity_score": 373.4 }
[ [ 790318254475, 790318254525 ], [ 790318254704, 790318254777 ], [ 790318255528, 790318255587 ], [ 790318255801, 790318255855 ], [ 790318256740, 790318256797 ], [ 790318257162, 790318257264 ], [ 790318258242, 790318258293 ] ]
[ 275851122, 233710550, 284713001, 364868238 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 4322 }
[ [ 790318260174, 790318260230 ] ]
[ 162682556, 364868239 ]
The Rutherford Quilted Euro Sham is handmade from 100% cotton. Red takes center-stage along with square patches of black and tan in checks, stripes, and plaids. Beautifully compliments Country, Cabin, Primitive, and Rustic Decor Styles! Fabric-tie closure on back for ease of cleaning. Measures 26" x 26". Fill Pillow Included.
{ "perplexity_score": 953.1 }
[ [ 790318260403, 790318260478 ], [ 790318260495, 790318260710 ] ]
[ 364868240 ]
An imbalance in social support—whether someone provides more support than they receive or vice versa—is associated with worse psychological health, according to a study led by Gerontology PhD candidate Diana Wang. STAT featured a program by the USC Leonard Davis School and Kingsley Manor – a Hollywood area retirement home – that allows select gerontology students to benefit from free rent and food in exchange for living at the Manor. University Professor and AARP Professor in Gerontology Eileen Crimmins, elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2016, will be introduced to her colleagues in the Academy and sign the Registry of Membership on Saturday, April 29, with the ceremony streaming live beginning at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern. Annual symposium on aging research hosted by the USC Davis School showcases how physical and social environments impact aging in Los Angeles and beyond. SGA’s Research Forum recognized for contributions to campus life by the USC Campus Activities department. The Wall Street Journal interviewed Valter Longo of the USC Leonard Davis School about the benefits of a “fasting mimicking diet” on the body’s response to diseases. On National Health Care Decisions Day April 16, take the opportunity to talk to family members about discuss living wills and end-of-life preferences in a comfortable, loving setting, says Associate Professor Susan Enguidanos.
{ "perplexity_score": 408.6 }
[ [ 790318261226, 790318261282 ], [ 790318261755, 790318261813 ], [ 790318261939, 790318261989 ] ]
[ 338561097, 364868241, 314470143 ]
We always attempt to post your order by the following day. Delivery may be delayed on the rare occasions that stock is not immediately available. If the delay is likely to be more than 14 days, we will email you and give you the opportunity to cancel your order. Orders are sent either by 1st Class parcel post with Royal Mail, or by a courier service which may take 3-5 working days to be delivered. For UK orders, a postal charge of £6.00 is added. For European orders under £60, the postal charge is £8.00. For details of charges for European orders over £60, please use the CONTACT US form on the menu.
{ "perplexity_score": 470.8 }
[ [ 790318262327, 790318262390 ] ]
[ 364868242 ]
An Architectural Analysis of the Film, The Dark Knight (2008), directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Christian Bale and Heath Ledger.... Of the many comic book movie villains we�ve seen paraded across the big screen in the past 15 years, one of the most memorable has been Heath Ledger�s Joker from The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) reinvented a classic Batman villain and won him rave reviews from critics. The film was the second of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, falling between Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Ledger (journal) topic. Ledger is the first peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology research. The journal covers aspects of mathematics , computer science , engineering , law , economics and philosophy that relates to cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin . Heath Ledger was an Australian film actor whose career lasted more than 16 years. Ledger received acclaim for his acting in the Australian crime film Two Hands (1999), receiving nominations at the Australian Film Institute (AFI) and Film Critics Circle of Australia in the categories for Best Actor.
{ "perplexity_score": 65.3 }
[ [ 790318262790, 790318262858 ], [ 790318262921, 790318263028 ], [ 790318263059, 790318263347 ], [ 790318263364, 790318263521 ], [ 790318263561, 790318263636 ], [ 790318263637, 790318263938 ] ]
[ 364868243, 177740709 ]
Buy a small, medium or large pizza at regular price and get the second of equal or lesser value FREE. Buy any large pizza at regular price and receive 4 medium sodas (Dine In) or a 2 liter bottle of soda (Take Out) FREE. Buy one large pizza at regular price, get your second large pizza half price.
{ "perplexity_score": 1813.1 }
[ [ 790318263971, 790318264110 ] ]
[ 364868244 ]
There will be 5-7 questions for which you will have a time of 5 hours to solve as many questions as you can. As per their performances, 40 of the participants will be shortlisted for the next round, 20 of which will be from NIT Raipur and rest will be from other colleges. You must register at - https://www.aavartan.org/codenesia to be eligible for participating in next round. In this round, shortlisted students will be given set of questions based on debugging, fundamentals of some programming languages. They have to answer them in the allotted time. Best performance will be rewarded. Register here https://www.aavartan.org/codenesia as well. Please contact aditya999123@gmail.com for any queries during the contest. A new question has been added. Solutions of question ACEORG have been rejudged.
{ "perplexity_score": 327.5 }
[ [ 790318264395, 790318264445 ], [ 790318264919, 790318264973 ] ]
[ 337452253, 364868245 ]
It has now been a whole year since I received my telescope for my 30th birthday, and I have learnt so much in that time! It was exactly a year ago that I found out which bright light in the sky was Jupiter so I thought that I would go out and view it again, now that I have had more experience with the telescope. I wasn’t disappointed either as I managed to home in on the Red Planet pretty quickly and got it into focus using several lenses with minimal trouble. What I saw was again brilliant and I could make out four of Jupiter’s moons beside it. In fact, whilst I was looking at the planet, one of the moon’s popped out from behind the right hand side of it, which I thought was great! 😉 I could also make out the swirling colours of Jupiter when I used the highest magnification lens that was available to me. Overall, I was very pleased with the evening’s Astronomy and it showed that I have definitely learnt loads about the night sky in the past year. The photograph of Jupiter below was taken by the Voyager 1 Spacecraft when it was still more than 25 million miles away on January 24th 1979. The object on the bottom left is Ganymede which is Jupiter’s largest Moon. You are currently browsing the archives for the Spacecraft category.
{ "perplexity_score": 257.9 }
[ [ 790318266234, 790318266292 ] ]
[ 364868246 ]
I know mad ones, people like those Kerouac describes—they both inspire and scare the hell out of me. Their desires, like circus cannons, fire them out into the world. Perpetually restless, they travel from experience to experience, afraid to sit still, to stagnate. This ever-forward motion leads them to the underseen edges of experience; just as often, they fail to account for who and what they leave behind. On the other side of Kerouac’s road, people who fail because they never try. These people experience contentment not as a state of holy satisfaction, but an excuse for complacency. The title of this column, which I started just more than a year ago, works itself out in two ways. I hope to push back against a dilution of craft and meaning, a wave of diminishing returns crashing against the shore when we uncritically accept the job description of content creators. Those two words send a shiver through me. “Content creator” provokes visions of listicles and fleeting filler, of people using—or misusing—their gifts in service of work that will be swallowed up in a moment, spit out the next. In Philippians, Paul testifies to learning the secret of contentment, yet breathlessly race toward a holy prize yet on the horizon. Last weekend, the gifted author D.L. Mayfield asked her Twitter followers why they write; the replies I read tapped into a desire for connection and understanding, a need to treat others and ourselves as fully human. Mere content creation fails these aims. Sure, we all welcome a moment of levity, a temporary trivial pursuit. But which is the exception, and which is the rule? The second meaning stretches out like a hand of welcome. The people I align with and aspire to become carry some of Kerouac’s mad gene. But they express their madness in a particular place, among a people. The Wendell Berrys, Eugene Petersons, Mary Olivers, and Dallas Willards of the world write as if grasping for a world just outside their own. Yet they believe they will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, traces of heaven in the stuff of earth. I find another model in the way of Paul, the original mad disciple. In Philippians, he testifies to learning the secret of contentment, yet breathlessly race toward a holy prize yet on the horizon. I apprentice at the Jesus-washed feet of these saints. I long to live a restless existence, unsatisfied both with the world outside my front door and within the hidden spaces in me. But, if I believe everything my eyes, ears and experiences tell me, this restlessness finds its fullest expression within covenant commitments, not in vision-less careening. Jesus fuels and fulfills our discontent. My friend Jenny the painter spent years creating images of solitary trees. Like a pop song stuck in her head, she meditated on a Brother Lawrence quote as she worked: “The secret to the life of a tree is that it remains rooted in something deeper than itself.” I picture Jenny’s trees as I ponder the lives of people I respect. Branches stretching outward and upward toward something more, yet rooted in that which gives it the life and freedom to reach. I hope that a holy discontent animates this column—something which grasps rather than grumbles. I pray my words reach out and up for more faith. More peace and love. More dignity for my fellow man. More of Christ—and more of the abundant life he actively stitches into the world by the power of his life, death, and resurrection. In the movie Stranger Than Fiction, Will Ferrell plays a number-cruncher two ticks short of mild-mannered. Discovering that he is actually the creation of a novelist—who intends to kill him off—he moves with fresh purpose and risks big, fueled by his discontent with living the rest of his life in the grip of the status quo. Knowing the end of the story changes how we live in the story. Christians know the end of the story. The knowledge of the glory of the Lord filling up the earth like waters covering the sea. Every one of our faithless deeds forgiven. Everything stolen from us returned—and then some. Knowing the end of the story, we live restlessly in the present. May we be a generation discontent with civic religion, false choices and slandering our neighbor as we slander ourselves. Discontent with sin and division, with the homemade walls which keep God and others at a distance. Impatient for the end, restless to see the world look more and more like itself. Resting in God’s promise that it will. Jesus fuels and fulfills our discontent. He supplies our every spiritual need. He holds the promise of recreation in front of us, and calls us to chase the light of that day. Restless yet reaching, discontent yet satisfied in him, we strive for the better things. We long to see every trace of racism and misogyny, every scar from sexual and domestic abuse, every broken marriage, every fear and doubt, dissolved by the brilliance of Jesus’ presence, like a billion Roman candles, like the light of the world that he is. And we work believing it will be so. The truly mad ones, filled with a discontent that spills out of us, bringing peace and rightness to everything it touches. If you judge my words, judge them by this standard. And let’s be discontent together.
{ "perplexity_score": 398.7 }
[ [ 790318267446, 790318267558 ], [ 790318268300, 790318268368 ], [ 790318268493, 790318268605 ] ]
[ 364868247 ]
Paritropolis is overrun with anomalies, and the Prefect’s office has finally been spurred into action. As they gather a team of scientists to take action, Frank Braffort is being introduced to his future self. When he comes up against a former friend, he finds himself being truly tested once again.
{ "perplexity_score": 247.2 }
[ [ 790318271585, 790318271886 ] ]
[ 364868248, 3353756 ]
This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 20th, 2009 at 6:15 pm and is filed under Living Out of a Pack, Tonto News, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
{ "perplexity_score": 256.7 }
[ [ 790318271889, 790318271991 ], [ 790318271992, 790318272138 ] ]
[ 364868249 ]
A budget constraint refers to all the combination of goods and services that can be purchased by a consumer with his or her income at their given prices. The concepts of a preference map and a budget constraint is used by the consumer theory for analyzing consumer choices. Consumer behavior is considered a maximization problem, which means that a consumer utilizes the most of his limited resources for maximizing his utility. Budget is the only thing that limits the consumption of a consumer as the demand of consumer is insatiable and with quantity the utility function grows. An individual consumer should make the choice of consuming goods at the point in which the indifference curve which is most preferred on the preference map is tangent to the budget constraint. It means that the tangency of the indifference curve to the budget constraint shows the maximum utility that can be obtained by making use of the consumer’s entire budget. The point of tangency represents the combination of goods a consumer should purchase in order to utilize the budget fully to get maximum utility. A line that joins all tangent points between the indifference curve and budget constraint is known as expansion path. A production-possibility frontier which is a budget constraint is represented by the limitation of factors of production that are available. Under autarky, it is also the limitation of the individuals’ consumption in the country. However, the advantages of international trade are usually shown by allowing a shift in the consumption possibility frontiers of all the trade partners that gives access to a more attractive indifference curve. In the international trade models of Hecksher-Ohlin and Krugman, an economy’s budget constraint is decided by the terms-of-trade as a downward sloping line whose slope is equal to that of the terms-of-trade of the economy.
{ "perplexity_score": 238.8 }
[ [ 790318272173, 790318272239 ], [ 790318272928, 790318272982 ] ]
[ 364868250, 117839972 ]
The billion dollar question is - If this is the situation now, what will happen in 2020…. What about 2030? Imagine what will be the expectation from a human being in 2030. Are we ready for this? Even today, the pressure is so tremendous that it is stressing out people resulting in lower performance at work and also affecting the physical and mental wellbeing of people. Most people are under fear, worry and anxiety today. The solution to all of this lies INSIDE us and not outside us. In my 17 years of research on human potential development, I have understood that if a person is trained to understand his or her true potential (his mind) and taught how to use this potential scientifically, they can achieve anything. Once they are able to understand their inner powers and potential, they become more intuitive. Increased creativity can help solve problems and constantly innovate while increased intuition (Gut feeling) can help business leaders take sound decisions in spite of the complex business environment. This is where using man’s most powerful resource, the Mind, becomes imperative. While business focus today is constantly on developing the outside (skills, looks, etc), there is very little focus on understanding and using the inside powers. With the world become more and more focussed on materialism, the ‘inside’ is being completely forgotten. While there is nothing wrong in ‘materialism’, forgetting the inside is creating STRESS for people. It is the need of the hour to get people trained to understand their inner potential and how to use this to operate at peak performance, without compromising on overall wellness. The Human Mind is very powerful. Historically, humans have faced tremendous challenges including dealing with dangerous animals, to not having means of travel or communication. However, the human mind was able to solve all of those problems by creating safe houses, means of travel and communication to the extent that the world has virtually become one global workplace. This has been possible only because of the ability of a few people who were able to tap into the infinite wisdom within them. But what if every human being is able to tap into this vast potential within? What if people can be taught how to remain stress free even under a high pressure environment? The implications can be far and wide. Each human resource can become invaluable. They would be able to deliver far more than what they are delivering today. Business Leaders are urged to spend time and resources to train their workforce to use their minds so that businesses can become more resilient to outside changes and people on the whole can be happier and fulfilled. People can become idea generating resources, which can help them constantly innovate to create products and services that are helpful to the society at large. They would also develop a positive mental attitude towards work and all areas of their life. This would result in happier, healthier relationships both at work and at home. The beauty of all of this is that there is no major investment in terms of technology or machinery. All that is needed is focus on the inner resources which are ‘free’. My strong opinion is that in the 21st century, human beings will be able to survive only if they learn how to use more and more of their inner resources. All Solutions are Inside, Not Outside.
{ "perplexity_score": 267.5 }
[ [ 790318276793, 790318276844 ] ]
[ 364868251 ]
Helping agricultural producers and rural homeowners. Sage Capital Bank understands the special needs of agricultural producers and rural homeowners. Our ag lenders are trained specialists with the knowledge and expertise to understand all facets of agricultural lending. At Sage Capital Bank, each ag loan is custom tailored to meet the individual needs of the producer and/or their financial goals. Select from one of the following loan categories and come in and meet with one of our experts to customize your loan. We are a Farm Service Agency certified lender and offer full packaging service for those who qualify. See Special Loan Programs below for details. We make long term real estate loans for the purchase, construction or refinance of all types of agribusiness facilities including feed yards, grain elevators, cotton gins, and fertilizer or bulk fuel distributors. We have a variety of financing options available for prospective rural home owners. See one of our mortgage specialists to decide which program works for you. At Sage Capital Bank we offer many loan programs to meet the needs of the agribusiness industry. If your business needs financing for facilities, equipment, inventory or working capital, we are here to help. We make loans for the purchase and refinance of all types of farm and ranch equipment. Loan terms are generally 3-7 years depending on the useful life of the equipment. Our crop production program is used to finance seasonal crop production with loan maturity dates to coincide with expected crop marketing dates. For producers who choose to retain ownership of their crops, we offer commodity storage financing. Our cow/calf program is used for the purchase or refinance of breeding stock. Loan terms are generally 1 – 5 years with payments due annually to coincide with projected calf sales. Our stocker cattle program is used for the purchase or refinance of cattle that will be sold in one year or less. We can set up individual notes for different lots of cattle or establish a revolving line of credit. Our feeder cattle program is used for the purchase or refinance of cattle that will be confined to a full feeding facility. We can set up individual notes for different lots of cattle or establish a revolving line of credit. Sage Capital Bank is one of the leading financial institutions in the state when it comes to financing poultry facilities. We understand the poultry business and the special financing needs of poultry producers. Whether you need funds for a start up operation, retro-fit, repair or equipment upgrade, we can help. Sage Capital Bank is a Certified Farm Service Agency lender. We have worked with the FSA for many years to provide financing for beginning farmers and ranchers who do not qualify for conventional loans and established operators who have suffered financial setbacks from natural disasters or economic downturns. Many applicants are also part-time farmers and ranchers who have full-time employment outside of the farm. Proceeds used to purchase or lease items needed for a successful farm or ranch operation – livestock, equipment, feed, seed, chemicals, insurance and other operating expenses. We can also assist applicants who do not qualify for the Guaranteed Loan Program in obtaining a direct loan from the FSA. We can assist you with a rural home loan through the USDA or an agribusiness loan through the Business & Industry Guarantee Program. For larger agricultural operators seeking long-term fixed rate financing, we can assist you with the Farmer Mac programs.
{ "perplexity_score": 402.9 }
[ [ 790318277484, 790318277572 ], [ 790318277585, 790318277668 ], [ 790318277724, 790318277781 ], [ 790318277879, 790318277931 ], [ 790318278112, 790318278162 ], [ 790318278295, 790318278351 ], [ 790318278779, 790318278834 ], [ 790318278984, 790318279034 ], [ 790318279090, 790318279140 ], [ 790318279268, 790318279347 ], [ 790318279371, 790318279474 ], [ 790318279482, 790318279561 ], [ 790318279596, 790318279699 ], [ 790318279709, 790318279774 ], [ 790318280115, 790318280172 ], [ 790318280238, 790318280300 ], [ 790318280555, 790318280607 ] ]
[ 187499311, 51810710, 364868252, 335875983 ]
We are all photographers now. Within a world that is increasingly visual, when every person has a pocket holding a camera that happens to also be a phone, we are all just ten seconds or less away from being our own version of paparazzi. And we tend to think this is all quite normal, don’t we? Because it is – normal, that is. But let’s imagine you want your photos to be more than normal. How do you shoot pictures, even with a simple smart phone, that are extraordinary? If that is you, I suggest first that you think about what kind of photographer you would like to be. Some say it is about being a silent and objective observer – unobtrusively recording whatever it is that is going on at the moment. This is when you are a photojournalist, which plays an important role in how we perceive the world around us. The most talented photojournalists can recognize visual news, which might be the significance of a melting glacier, the smile on the face of an old woman or the drama of a child running out of a burning building. Your ability to capture those things requires command of your camera as well as being in the right place at the right time – and ready to shoot. Before there were smart phone cameras and digital cameras, we only had film cameras that relied on the photographer’s expertise to make sure exposures were correct, since there was no immediate feedback. The technical challenges of this often removed much of the spontaneity of individuals and failed to capture many live or moving objects. Today, with a smart phone you simply point and click. But say your subject is surrounded by things that are much more brightly lit, for example a face near a window in daytime, where the window would also be in the photo. The smart phone camera is easily fooled by the brightness of the light of the window, and underexposes the face. But if you tap on your screen at the place where the face is, the camera focuses on and exposes for the face and ignores the window. Presto! – You have a beautifully exposed subject surrounded by a dramatic blast of light. The same works in any situation and you can even force your smartphone to create dramatically brighter or darker pictures than it otherwise would, simply by tapping on a dark or light area. We tend to think that the brightest things are what get our attention. That may be true, but the drama of a photo is often in the shadows. This is because what you don’t see activates the imagination on a subconscious or conscious level. Look at much of fine art photography and this will be evident – what is not seen is left to the audience, to allow them to complete the picture in their own mind. To reduce contrast, learn to work with flex-fill reflectors, which essentially create a second source of light. This is typically used to highlight a face or other close subject. So while you may want to show a fashion model at sunset, you can have the setting sun in the distant background while still reflecting light back onto his or her face in the foreground. Remember that the reflector is like a mirror, and experiment to find the right angle. Again, each of these things can be shot with a smartphone camera. At some point, you may upgrade to more sophisticated cameras and auxiliary equipment. But in this technological era, be happy you can work with something so simple and yet produce extraordinary results. Brian Dilg is Chair of Photography at the Photography School at the New York Film Academy. In addition to 20 years of professional teaching experience around the world, his work has been published in The New York Times, Time Out, Village Voice and covers of books published by Simon and Schuster, Random House and Hyperion. He has also worked in post-production for major fashion houses, consumer products manufacturers and media organizations. Dilg has won awards as a filmmaker and worked as a director, cinematographer and editor of narrative, documentary, music video and commercial films. All images accompanying this article were shot by Brian Dilg with a smartphone camera. Indeed! Thanks for coming by! A must read for anyone who enjoys taking pictures and making it a mainstay in their blog. Thanks. Have a fun weekend.
{ "perplexity_score": 248.7 }
[ [ 790318281740, 790318281808 ], [ 790318282086, 790318282147 ], [ 790318284409, 790318284462 ], [ 790318284478, 790318284601 ], [ 790318284646, 790318284704 ], [ 790318284856, 790318284967 ] ]
[ 146301037, 364868253, 60932279 ]
Carol England, HSVMA's Program Manager, is a born and raised Washingtonian, animal lover and Art History Major from the University of Maryland. Supporting the Chief Science Officer of the Humane Society of the United States for the past 10 years, she recently joined the HSVMA team to assist with Webinars, both live and archived, assisting with membership advocacy, and becoming the Secretary of the HSVMA Board of Directors. Carol supports the Warrior Canine Connection, primarily located in Maryland, an organization that trains Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers to be “that” partner to ex-military personnel arriving home from the battlefield who need help, both mentally and physically. Carol lives in North Potomac, Maryland with her “pet” husband, Pete, high school sweethearts, they are!
{ "perplexity_score": 248.1 }
[ [ 790318285378, 790318285438 ], [ 790318285731, 790318285781 ] ]
[ 350943698, 364868254 ]
Last month, officials from the Housing Department of Dublin City Council met with representatives from the Cluid Voluntary Housing Agency. The focus of this meeting was to finalise the tender process for the construction of the new senior citizens’ housing complex, for which planning permission has already been approved. Advertisements seeking tenders for the project have now also been publicised. Following on from this, the formal application for funding from the Department of the Environment has been submitted. I will be working closely with the Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan TD, to ensure that this application is processed as quickly as possible. I will continue to work on the provision of a new school building for the pupils and teachers of Gaelscoil Bharra. Funding continues to be agreed for this work and this project is on the Department of Education’s new school building plan. The Design Team for the Department are finalising architectural plans and costs. When this is complete the school project will be tendered for construction. I will work directly with the school to ensure that building begins as soon as possible. The Public Domain Unit of Dublin City Council has been removing incidents of graffiti on various sites across the Cabra district recently. The Probation Service, the Council’s Corporate Contractor and the City Council’s Waste Management Services have removed graffiti along Fassaugh Avenue, St. Attracta Road, the Liam Whelan Bridge and along the Cabra Road. If there are items of graffiti along your street or avenue, please contact me at paschal.donohoe@oir.ie and I will follow up with the City Council to have it removed. The Traffic Group of the City Council has considered the request for enhanced traffic calming measures to be introduced at the junction of Kilkieran Road and Killala Road. It has recommended that changes be made to the lay-out of the corners at this junction which will, it is hoped, reduce vehicle speeds. I will be working with the City Council to ensure that these works are undertaken as a matter of priority. Concern has also been raised with me by residents about the volume of Heavy Goods Vehicles using Carnlough Road to access the An Post facility on Bannow Road. These vehicles are required to use Bannow Road as it represents the shortest distance travelled on weight restricted roads. I am continuing to pursue the implementation of this restriction with local Gardai to ensure that it is properly enforced and infringements restricted. A request for the introduction of speed cushions along Bannow Road is also being examined by Traffic Engineers of the Council presently, as is a request for the installation of a right turn filter light from the Ratoath Road onto the Navan Road. The City Council is continuing with its Litter Blitz across Dublin Central. This operation sees Dublin City Council officials teaming up with the Gardai to jointly survey known litter black spots in order to catch and pursue those responsible for the illegal dumping of rubbish. This approach is being backed up by Litter Wardens, Public Domain Officers and Environmental Liaison Officers and Inspectors calling to homes in areas where illegal dumping and fly-tipping has been particularly bad, requesting that house-holders provide documentary evidence of how they are disposing of their household waste. To date, more than 2,000 specific visits to homes have been carried out. Information that has been gathered during this process is being collated and reviewed in order to determine what actions are required, in terms of the issuing of fines or the commencement of prosecutions through the courts. In the last month, a total of 99 fines were issued by Litter Wardens. More than 275 streets were inspected by Litter Wardens with a total of 1776 illegally dumped bags removed and investigated. Thanks to the work of Fine Gael Councillors, additional funding has also been made available in the Council Budget for the purchase and administering of portable CCTV equipment which the City Council will use in areas where illegal dumping is most prevalent. The administering of this equipment will also mean that CCTV images will now be used in littering and illegal dumping prosecutions pursued by the Council. This will be a significant step in tackling the scourge of illegally dumped.
{ "perplexity_score": 270.8 }
[ [ 790318286074, 790318286124 ], [ 790318286280, 790318286332 ], [ 790318286450, 790318286514 ], [ 790318286533, 790318286616 ], [ 790318286634, 790318286686 ], [ 790318287167, 790318287255 ], [ 790318287306, 790318287443 ], [ 790318288001, 790318288060 ], [ 790318289007, 790318289060 ], [ 790318289470, 790318289524 ] ]
[ 212557931, 123161773, 21064350, 364868255 ]
Anyone got Task Force Radio working? Been going at it for couple of hours trying to see if i can get it to work. When i press CAPS instead of radio channel i hear direct TS conversation. TFR initialized both on server side and client, everything seems like working, can manage radio interface, change frequency etc. Used with latest v. of TS3, with fix (.dll) and without.
{ "perplexity_score": 1351.4 }
St. Jude, known as Thaddaeus, was a brother of St. James the Less, and a relative of Our Saviour. St. Jude was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus. Ancient writers tell us that he preached the Gospel in Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Lybia. According to Eusebius, he returned to Jerusalem in the year 62, and assisted at the election of his brother, St. Simeon, as Bishop of Jerusalem. He is an author of an epistle (letter) to the Churches of the East, particularly the Jewish converts, directed against the heresies of the Simonians, Nicolaites, and Gnostics. This Apostle is said to have suffered martyrdom in Armenia, which was then subject to Persia. The final conversion of the Armenian nation to Christianity did not take place until the third century of our era. Jude was the one who asked Jesus at the Last Supper why He would not manifest Himself to the whole world after His resurrection. Little else is known of his life. Legend claims that he visited Beirut and Edessa; possibly martyred with St. Simon in Persia. Jude is invoked in desperate situations because his New Testament letter stresses that the faithful should persevere in the environment of harsh, difficult circumstances, just as their forefathers had done before them. Therefore, he is the patron saint of desperate cases and his feast day is October 28. Saint Jude is not the same person as Judas Iscariot who betrayed Our Lord and despaired because of his great sin and lack of trust in God’s mercy. St Jude, please pray for us…. St Jude Thaddaeus, I’m always proud of you. You rendered help to me when I needed it most, though, I’ve not shown appreciation. I’m sorry. Please St Jude, I want to come back to you but I lack strength. Please strengthen me. I personally chose you as my patron saint and you have not failed me in any way, rather, I failed you. Please I’m sorry. I wish I could see you face-to-face right now to thank you for all you’ve done for me. St Jude, may I never remain cold towards devotion to you again in my life. I LOVE YOU ST JUDE. You are so precious to me. Patron of lost causes!, you son is hangin on the knife edge. Please come to my aid. St JUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! praise be to GOD in the highest. St Jude you were my parents saint. I remember as a child growing up, we’d drive to Mexico, a 3 day trip one way, and when we’d return home we would have to make a visit to St Jude in Chicago, to give thanks for our safe return. I now devote my prayers in time of need and alway, to you. You have given me strength and faith. I will continue to hold you in my thoughts, prayers and heart. Thank you for all the times you have been there for me. Thank you Saint Jude for all the answered prayers, and for bringing closer to Jesus and Mary. Please continue to help me my beloved patron, and forgive me for the times that I did not honor you as I should have. I love you Saint Jude, and I thank you for taking my prayers and petitions to Jesus. I know when prayers are answered in my life that you had something to do with it. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world wothout end Amen. Saint Jude Pray for Us and for all who invole your aid.
{ "perplexity_score": 247.3 }
[ [ 790318290769, 790318292264 ], [ 790318293388, 790318293456 ], [ 790318293820, 790318293949 ] ]
[ 364868257 ]
Flash Extension: Export as Motion Preset Preview Flash Extension: Export as Motion Preset Preview This is the first extension that I’ve written exclusively for the new Flash CS4 features. Flash CS4 not only allows you to create extremely complex animations with a high level of control, but it also allows you to save those animations for reuse in the new Motion Preset panel. I got the idea for this extension from Lee Brimelow’s excellent tutorial on the Motion Preset panel. Since I imagine that I’ll be creating a lot of my own motion presets, and I’d like them to have live previews just like the default presets, I decided to automate the process. Here’s how it works: Once you’ve created a custom motion preset, you can use this command to immediately create a live preview from your current document. Powerbullet Presenter Download free trials IncrediFlash XTreme is a versatile tool to help you quickly and easily build Flash animations. No Flash or scripting expertise required. The streamlined user interface allows you to add text animations, images, sounds, video and interactivity with just a few clicks. Download a free trial for Windows. Flash Music Studio is an easy to use and powerful tool to convert music files into Adobe Flash format. Sticky Notes - Movable Flash Windows Hello The attachment shows a way of adding a pop up window to a flash movie. You can show/hide a movieclip using its _visible property : blue_mc._visible = false; -this hides the movieclip blue_mc._visible = true; -this displays the movieclip Adobe Flash Professional CS6 The Adobe USA site has been optimized for users within the United States. If you live outside the U.S., we recommend that you visit your local site for the most relevant information, including pricing, promotions, and local events. United States Canada - English Your country selection will be remembered for future visits. Features > Away3D Away3D is an open source, real time 3D engine for the Flash Platform. The project was started by Alexander Zadorozhny and Rob Bateman in 2007 and has been evolving non-stop ever since. Below is a list of some of the most important features of the Away3D engine. 100% Open Source The Away3D engine is open source under the Apache 2.0 license, and is free to use for any purpose, including commercial projects. Away3D is now managed by The Away Foundation, and supported by Adobe systems as an official API for the Flash Platform. Flash Motion Presets Vectorian Giotto: Free Vector Flash App Features We created Giotto for designers, not coders Giotto is the free Flash animation package made for you to design, not to code. With Giotto you can relax and focus your imagination on creative concepts, integrating stunning graphics and music into masterpieces of design. The latest versions of Adobe® Flash® are moving away from designers.
{ "perplexity_score": 554.4 }
[ [ 790318294027, 790318294505 ], [ 790318294878, 790318294972 ], [ 790318295014, 790318295090 ], [ 790318295178, 790318295276 ], [ 790318295284, 790318295458 ], [ 790318295592, 790318295917 ], [ 790318296118, 790318296180 ], [ 790318296224, 790318296275 ], [ 790318296280, 790318296334 ], [ 790318296524, 790318296872 ] ]
[ 51155072, 45553465, 364868258 ]
Silver Wheel Nut. Standard wheel nut to fit all Imola and Estoril Wheel Rims with 4 stud fittings. Priced quoted is per nut. WHEEL CENTRE CAP FOR IMOLA/ SATURN RIMS.. TVR Wheel Nut Sliver for 5 Stud Hubs .. TVR Sliver Wheel Nut for 5 stud hubs including TVR Spider Rims. Price quoted is per nut. TVR 18 Rear Spider Wheel Rim in Anthracite. Please note this is an OE TVR Rim and not a reconditioned unit. Limited Stock available.
{ "perplexity_score": 1940.2 }
David Rosand, Meyer Schapiro Professor Emeritus of Art History at Columbia University, died in August. Here’s a link to Holland Cotter’s obituary for him in the New York Times. Here’s another link to an obituary in the Columbia Spectator. I knew Professor Rosand before he had such a grand title – in his first year as an Instructor he taught an art history survey course that had a big impact on me and the way I understood art. I wrote a brief appreciation and sent it to the Times, but they did not publish it. In England there is a lively tradition of letters to the editor with detailed reminiscences of the decedent, published after the paper’s own obituary. This is not so in the United States. Here the obituary is the last word, which then disappears swiftly over the horizon, like tail-lights of a departing train, so that nothing may delay the important work of being forgotten. Here’s what I wrote to the Times about David Rosand. I read in today’s obituary about Columbia art history Professor David Rosand that he taught his first class there in 1964. I was in that class – it was a required introductory art history survey course called Art Humanities. I grew up in New York and had frequented the city’s great museums since childhood, but I didn’t really understand much of what I was seeing. In one semester of the clearest, most congenial, most engaging, most accessible teaching I ever experienced, David Rosand organized all that and showed me how to look at art – to see the structure of what was before my eyes, and to look for and understand its relation to what came before and after. Fifty years later, that course remains one of the transformative events of my life. I am sure I am not the only one of Professor Rosand’s students to feel that way.
{ "perplexity_score": 218.8 }
[ [ 790318297340, 790318297397 ] ]
[ 364868260, 85117774 ]
If you thought Venice topped itself up with gondolas, wait till you visit this bathtub-decor featuring bookstore by Mr. Luis Frizzo. It is situated right in the heart of a rowboat and opens to one of Venice’s famed canals. Plus, there are a group of cats sitting atop piles of books to judge you. For as long as I have known the existence of this bookstore, I have wished on the stars for a ticket to Paris. Not only do you get hallways upon hallways of books but also the chance to nap among them. For every HP fan in the house, this baby may seem pretty familiar. If you’d like a stairway straight to Borge’s library, you may begin with these red carpeted angels. Piazza Navona boasts of a book fountain so wonderful that you might just yell out “Hallelujah”. If there is a better way to appreciate book-loving folks, I’d like to see it, please. This English town is giving me some serious reading goals. With only 1500 inhabitants, it boasts of 24 bookshops! Yep, and the one above is an open air book-lounging-scourging place for all the fictional-non-fictional hearts. Istanbul, Turkey is worthy of being traveled just as it is. But if your bookish soul needs some temptation, here are book benches lined across just for some linguistic pleasure. Thank me later. I’ve given up trying to pronounce this one right. Known currently as Polare, here’s my dream library come to life. Three stories of books in an abandoned-gorgeous church with elevators, stairs and stained glass windows is ALL a good life could spell out to be. When you have a wide-a** staircase aligned with shelves and shelves of books, you don’t need bae. Get out your book-dragon and devour story after story without worrying about the clock. Can we respect the fact that this is the prettiest one on the list? Thank you. Also, how amazing would it feel reading right under paper lanterns. Imagine. Okay, bye. For those who like their green, here’s the best spot to cuddle up with a book. You could sip on a mojito, watch a live concert and engage in ficitonal world conversations, your call.
{ "perplexity_score": 400.3 }
...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in Mannheim. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long! Nico528 has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
{ "perplexity_score": 574.8 }
[ [ 790318301160, 790318301226 ], [ 790318301227, 790318301407 ], [ 790318301408, 790318301479 ] ]
[ 186108344, 364868262 ]
American energy company Duke Energy has announced its plans to roll out a 150MW renewable energy program in South Carolina, US. Image: Duke Energy to offer new renewable energy options with 150MW program in South Carolina. Photo: Courtesy of Duke Energy Corporation. If approved, Duke Energy stated that out of the 150MW, 113MW will be reserved for its consumers in Carolinas and the remaining 37MW will be reserved for Duke Energy Progress customers in the Pee Dee region including Florence and Sumter counties. This proposed program, known as Green Source Advantage, will offer large nonresidential customers the option to secure solar or other renewable energy to satisfy their sustainability goals. The program is yet to receive approval from the Public Service Commission of South Carolina (PSCSC) before the company can begin development of the project. As per the company, the program will offer its large business customers in South Carolina, an opportunity to participate in a renewable energy program where they receive bill credits for energy produced by a solar site not located on the customers’ premises. The program will also let customers retain the renewable energy certificates (RECs) produced by the energy company. Duke Energy South Carolina president Kodwo Ghartey-Tagoe said: “We’ve received significant interest from our large commercial and industrial customers in offering programs that help them meet their sustainability goals. In July, Duke Energy launched a new option for South Carolina customers that will enable them to share economic benefits from the output of a single solar facility. The option provides customers with another choice that will continue to grow renewable energy in South Carolina. The company has also announced plans to add 680MW of new renewable energy capacity in the Carolinas to increase its diverse energy mix. At peak production, the new solar capacity is expected to power more than 100,000 homes. Employing nearly 9,000 employees, Duke Energy has a generating capacity of 49,500MW. The company’s Electric Utilities and Infrastructure unit serves about 7.6 million retail electric customers in six states – North Carolina, South Carolina,Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky.
{ "perplexity_score": 248.6 }
[ [ 790318301936, 790318301996 ], [ 790318302062, 790318302179 ], [ 790318302215, 790318302293 ], [ 790318302433, 790318302614 ], [ 790318302637, 790318302702 ], [ 790318302984, 790318303036 ], [ 790318303039, 790318303101 ], [ 790318303137, 790318303256 ], [ 790318303297, 790318303352 ], [ 790318303524, 790318303591 ], [ 790318303595, 790318303681 ] ]
[ 353381707, 128830884, 364868263 ]
The following are SAMPLES OF original compositions by Zion Fyah and are protected by copyright- all use is prohibited. FULL COPIES (hard-copy and kindle) MAY BE PURCHASED ON AMAZON LINKs BELOW. What is your essence what is your core? Are you of ocean or from the shore? Are you your body, thoughts or sound? Are you icing or the cake? Are you flesh are you ether? a piccolo or a drum repeater? Are you ancient or are you new? Are you the same or disparity? Or the air which moves when a butterfly flutters? Or the thief atop the sycamore tree? A dance, a song, a bed-time story? Where will you be when the story ends? A memory in the minds of friends? or a tale that was true?
{ "perplexity_score": 690.4 }
This high and dry Bluff lot is located close to West End of Cayman Brac with quick access to all the shops and businesses. The large adjacent lot is unlikely to be developed because of the dimensions. Perfect lot for development of a weekend get a way home at an affordable price.
{ "perplexity_score": 261.9 }
We has a great time this week learning to play an accompaniment to a song ‘Let your spirit fly’ by using the glockenspiels. Mrs Stanley was pleased with our first performance and the progress we made throughout the lesson. Look at their concentration!!! I’m so pleased to hear you feel proud Isobel. Seeing children really care about their learning and being able to do new things and develop their learning further makes me very proud too! Thank you for blogging!
{ "perplexity_score": 422.8 }
How do I know what plan I will qualify for? When will payments be collected? 6 to 6 services will be billed on the 15th of each month. After your payment plan is determined, a recurring payment will be set up that will charge your credit card on the 15th of each month. An emailed receipt will be sent to confirm the payment. To whom do I direct my questions or concerns? If you have questions or concerns about the 6 to 6 program, please call the main office at 619.600.5321 during regular school hours 7AM-4:30PM. If you need to contact the 6to6 program staff between 6AM-7AM or 4:30PM-6PM please call 619-816-8238.
{ "perplexity_score": 435.8 }
[ [ 790318305376, 790318305433 ], [ 790318305511, 790318305576 ] ]
[ 364868267 ]
Delicious and decadent drizzle for keto pots de creme, avocado “nice cream” or in your favorite smoothie. With the buttery taste of caramel and the added benefit of the GOODFAT in Creamy MCT, will make you feel like a kid in a candy store. Melt butter and monk fruit in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the additional ingredients, stir to combine and simmer for about 8-10 minutes. Stir continuously until golden brown but not burnt. Drizzle over top your favorite foods to add a tropical caramel kick to them.
{ "perplexity_score": 444.4 }
[ [ 790318305976, 790318306026 ] ]
[ 364868268 ]
This is a company site to bringing people together through great events. Organize and join community events quickly, easily, and for free. This site is committed to offer a world of great quality in handmade jewelry with genuine diamonds and real gemstones. This site sells best quality BBQ competition grade hand selected meats including wagyu beef brisket, pork ribs and butts.
{ "perplexity_score": 643.1 }
Our low-carb recipe site is probably already the most popular one in the world, with over 100,000 daily pageviews, several hundred recipes and gorgeous images. Now we’re adding even more great functions. You can now change the number of servings for recipes – the ingredient amount will correspond to the number of servings – and you can now also choose between the US or the metric measurement systems for ingredients. All to make it simpler to use our recipes. We’ve also added a function for members so that it is now possible to save your personal favorite recipes. To activate the latter feature you need to be logged in, so that your selections can be saved for later. This is still just the beginning of making it simpler to use our delicious low-carb recipes. We have another even more exciting feature coming up soon. Can save recipes but can't find a link to access favorites. Only favorites link I see is to videos. Wonderful job, Team Diet Doctor. Great add-on for the members where we can save favorite recipes. I've spent long time trying to find them, and I really appreciate the new tool! May I suggest one thing? I'd like to see more "old world" recipes. There are many, many LCHF type recipes that our great great great grandmothers used to cook...this was before the highly processed junk we are exposed to today. They used to cook with lard and butter, making delicious stews, pate, soups, roasts, omelettes, sauces,....and of course nose-to-tail eating. I understand that the recipes on this site need to appeal to the modern taste buds (pumpkin spice Starbucks latte flavour stuff)...but, also a great avenue to re-introduce to the world the ancient LCHF eating that everyone considered "normal" homemade fare. How about "Duck Confit", or "Veal Saltinbocca", or "Porchetta Roast of Tuscany"...take us on an epic journey of vintage LCHF good eating...I would really love to see that. That's a cool idea. We might do that, I'll forward it to our recipe group. Thanks for the improvements. I know how much work that took. Thanks for the great job, you are my goto favourite recipe blog! I also wanted to congratulate the photographer for the beautiful food pictures... I just cannot praise you guys enough! By the way, great idea Apicius! This week I'll try the oxtail recipe... this is a vintage, isn't it?! ? Oh yes indeed! Brings me back to Osso Bucco with the delicious gremolata garnish. Vintage LCHF indeed! I like the new metric measurements, goodbye cups. Shame that baked items still use volume rather than weight. This is awesome. I tried oopsie bread for the first time this week and the family loves it. I would like to see an ability to create a categorized pdf cookbook with all the recipes once you have selected the carb restriction level. Also the ability to download a single recipe as a PDF. Great work and thank you all for helping us all to help ourselves. db2fighter you may have the Save As PDF option in your Microsoft softwear as One Note. Click through after you Print, and see PDF in the Save As options.
{ "perplexity_score": 532.2 }
[ [ 790318306687, 790318306890 ], [ 790318306891, 790318307150 ] ]
[ 364868270 ]
Wow @ksosk!!!! Now It's also time to produce a proper plastic protector case for this release! I will count on it !!!!! YEAH!!! Thank you @ksosk, @Masterblaster and MP staff all, this is Just going to be the most Amazing GB ever!!!
{ "perplexity_score": 1126.2 }
© Copyright Bagus! motor cycle|WebDesign by i-deal. Corp.
{ "perplexity_score": 1297 }
Department Name:BabyItem Type:SetsClosure Type:Single BreastedSleeve Style:RegularMaterial Composition:CottonGender:UnisexCollar:O-NeckFabric Type:JerseySleeve Length(cm):FullOuterwear Type:CoatFit:Fits true to size, take your normal sizePattern Type:CartoonMaterial:CottonStyle:Casual .. Department Name:BabyGender:Baby GirlsSleeve Style:RegularActual Images:real photoSleeve Length(cm):SleevelessMaterial:Viscose,PolyesterSilhouette:Ball GownCollar:O-neckStyle:"European and American StyleMaterial Composition:Polyester&ViscoseDresses Length:Knee-LengthFit:Fits true to size, t.. Department Name:BabyItem Type:SetsCollar:Square CollarFit:Fits true to size, take your normal sizeFabric Type:WorstedClosure Type:Single BreastedMaterial Composition:100% CottonSleeve Style:RegularPattern Type:SolidOuterwear Type:CoatGender:Baby BoysSleeve Length(cm):FullStyle:FormalMaterial:Cotton.. Department Name:BabyGender:Baby GirlsDresses Length:Knee-LengthDress Style:Ball GownSleeve Length(cm):FullPattern Type:DotFit:Fits true to size, take your normal sizeDecoration:BowSilhouette:Ball GownStyle:CuteActual Images:Actual ImagesSleeve Style:RegularMaterial Composition:Cotton BlendMaterial:.. Department Name:BabyGender:Baby GirlsPattern Type:LetterSleeve Style:RegularDresses Length:Above Knee, MiniMaterial:Voile,Viscose,PolyesterCollar:o-neckSilhouette:Ball GownStyle:"European and American StyleMaterial Composition:Polyester&ViscoseSleeve Length(cm):ShortFit:Fits true to size, .. Department Name:BabyGender:Baby GirlsPattern Type:LetterSleeve Style:RegularDecoration:FlowersMaterial:Voile,Viscose,PolyesterCollar:o-neckDress Style:It's my 1st birthday dressSilhouette:Ball GownMaterial Composition:Polyester&ViscoseStyle:CuteDresses Length:Knee-LengthSleeve Length(cm):ShortF.. Department Name:ChildrenItem Type:PajamasSleeve Style:RegularSize:18 Months - 4 Years oldGender:UnisexCollar:O-NeckStyle:CasualFabric Type:BroadclothSleeve Length(cm):FullMaterial:Polyester,Spandex,CottonFit:Fits true to size, take your normal sizePattern Type:Cartoon .. Material:CottonGender:GirlsStyle:CasualFabric Type:KnittedPattern Type:AnimalSleeve Length(cm):FullSleeve Style:Raglan SleeveSize:2T-3T-4T-5T-6T-7TCollar:Round NeckFit:Fits smaller than usual. Please check this store's sizing infoDepartment Name:ChildrenItem Type:Pajamas .. Material:CottonGender:UnisexStyle:CartoonFabric Type:KnittedPattern Type:PrintSleeve Length(cm):FullSleeve Style:Raglan SleeveSize:2T-3T-4T-5T-6T-7TCollar:Round NeckFit:Fits smaller than usual. Please check this store's sizing infoDepartment Name:ChildrenItem Type:Pajamas .. Department Name:BabyItem Type:SetsStyle:FashionSleeve Length(cm):FullCollar:O-NeckGender:UnisexClosure Type:BeltFit:Fits true to size, take your normal sizeFabric Type:BroadclothMaterial Composition:cottonPattern Type:CartoonSleeve Style:RegularOuterwear Type:CoatMaterial:Cottonbaby boy clothes:inf.. Department Name:ChildrenItem Type:PajamasSleeve Style:RegularSleeve Length(cm):FullGender:UnisexFit:Fits true to size, take your normal sizeCollar:O-NeckMaterial:CottonStyle:pajaamsFabric Type:DenimSize:90-150Pattern Type:Animal .. Material:CottonGender:UnisexStyle:CasualFabric Type:WorstedSleeve Length(cm):FullClosure Type:Single BreastedOuterwear Type:CoatPattern Type:CartoonSleeve Style:RegularMaterial Composition:cottonCollar:V-NeckFit:Fits true to size, take your normal sizeDepartment Name:BabyItem Type:Sets ..
{ "perplexity_score": 2073.9 }
[ [ 790318310046, 790318310109 ], [ 790318310240, 790318310304 ], [ 790318310503, 790318310575 ], [ 790318310682, 790318310738 ], [ 790318311229, 790318311309 ], [ 790318311404, 790318311476 ], [ 790318311522, 790318311602 ], [ 790318311820, 790318311885 ], [ 790318311938, 790318312091 ], [ 790318312153, 790318312370 ], [ 790318312448, 790318312662 ], [ 790318312758, 790318312814 ], [ 790318312945, 790318313010 ], [ 790318313031, 790318313095 ], [ 790318313388, 790318313448 ] ]
[ 364868273, 300496259 ]
At a community meeting in Overtown, firefighters from the City of Miami talked with residents about how to prepare for hurricane season. City officials say they're thinking about how neighbors could be part of Miami's emergency plan. For people living on low or fixed incomes, three days’ worth of supplies can be too much to afford. That became clear after Hurricane Irma last year: some people whose employers closed down for the storm ran low on food, and some students who rely on schools for free or reduced-cost lunches went hungry. Many people also struggled to find ice or other ways to stay cool during power outages. "I couldn’t go downstairs because I live on the third floor. No electricity for the elevators," said Evangeline Gibson, recalling her experience during Irma. She lives in a subsidized apartment in Miami's Overtown neighborhood and was at a recent community meeting on hurricane preparedness. "I had a good neighbor that went down and brought me up hot food and ice." The 2018 hurricane season starts Friday and activists and officials in some South Florida communities are trying to help “good neighbors” be part of regional hurricane preparation and response efforts. The goal is not to replace the post-storm help offered by local, state and federal governments. But organizers say they think help from neighbors is an important way to make sure people are safe and relatively comfortable in the aftermath of a hurricane. “Your neighbor is your first responder,” Moore said at a May 1 community meeting in Brownsville. It was one of five recent meetings in Miami-Dade and Broward where leaders from community organizations and local governments got together to figure out what resources they can offer their neighborhoods before and after a hurricane. They brainstormed places to store supplies and "community captains" -- people whom neighborhoods could look to for important information. “If I’m in my community and we have to wait 72 hours for whoever to come into our community to assist us, we can help one another until the help comes in,” Valencia Gunder, a Liberty City activist who’s leading the effort, told the Brownsville group. She said she understands officials may have to prioritize getting roads and critical infrastructure up and running after a storm. But, Gunder and other leaders said they still expect cities and counties to make hurricane plans that include people who are vulnerable. That’s why they’ve included government officials in the conversation. The chief resilience officer for the City of Miami, Jane Gilbert, attended the meeting in Brownsville. Gilbert’s job is to connect different city departments to work on a range of urban challenges, and she said grassroots efforts should "absolutely" be part of hurricane preparation in South Florida. This idea of relying on neighbors is taking hold among South Florida leaders outside of Miami-Dade County. Members of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, a collaboration among governments, businesses and non-profits in Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, say that neighbors being connected can help with all sorts of issues, from traffic to sea-level rise and gun violence. In the Keys, Monroe County is launching a 32-hour training course for a new volunteer corps. Trained volunteers will get a special pass to let them back in right after a storm. They’ll help out with things like cleaning up neighborhoods, first aid and communications. Palm Beach County and other cities also offer similar programs, often through the federal government’s Community Emergency Response Team program. In Miami, Jane Gilbert says the city is starting to think about how grassroots efforts might fit into official plans for hurricanes, as well.
{ "perplexity_score": 296.2 }
[ [ 790318314712, 790318314767 ], [ 790318315091, 790318315147 ], [ 790318316388, 790318316576 ] ]
[ 364868274 ]
SAGE demonstrated pioneering solutions to the problem of the user interface. Courtesy: The MITRE Corporation. Jay Forrester and George Valley from MIT's Lincoln Lab conveived of a continental air-defense system that integrated radar, communications and computers designed to track and intercept hundreds of incoming aircraft. This became the (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment) system, the largest computer project of its time. SAGE is a landmark in the history of both radar and computing. The SAGE air-defense system was built by the United States in the 1950s. It used radar on land, at sea, and in the air and was a major advance in telecommunications. A network of 23 control centers was built, each center receiving information from some 100 sources, principally radar stations. The surveillance and communications demands were met by real-time computerized processing of information. The computer for SAGE, the AN/FSQ7 built by IBM, was the first full-production machine with a magnetic core memory and the first to have a standby computer in case of machine failure. Each AN/FSQ7 weighed 250 tons and contained 49,000 electron tubes. Most of the human-machine interaction took place at large radar screens with light pens, rather than with punched cards or teletype terminals. The first test of SAGE—directing an interceptor plane to a target—occurred on 20 April 1951. The system performed well. However, it was not until 1 July 1958 that the first SAGE center went into regular operation.The system was fully operational by 1963. In 1956,Robert Everett became head of Lincoln Lab's Division VI, responsible for SAGE system design and testing. This page was last edited on 11 September 2018, at 20:11.
{ "perplexity_score": 172.7 }
[ [ 790318318901, 790318318971 ] ]
[ 364868275 ]
When you are trying hard to get things together, then you really have to consider what you are doing. One of the things that you have to do is to be able to learn how to use your self-mastering skill. This world is full of hatefulness as well as anxiety. Here are some things that might help you to get it together as you might want to say it. How would one go about getting it together? When you want to get it together, you might want to figure out some things that might be beneficially to you. That may be hard for some of you but again for others it might not be hard at all. The first thing you are going to have to do is decided what it is that you want to do something about. In other words, sometimes you have to step back and take a longer look at situations before you step into them. Alternatively, you may just want to go from sad to happy. The way you take life is totally up to you. With this in thought, you are going to have to sit down and really think about what it is that you want to do and get a plain. You may want to set a goal know when you are setting your goals don’t make them so high that you are unable to reach them, so with this in mind start little and reach that goal then make another one. Goal setting is not the easiest thing to do it takes a lot of work and determination to get where you want to be. However, every one can do what they want to do if they put there minds to it. Where can I go to get some insight on the new me? When you decide that you are ready and have your goals in order then you may want to do some checking into learning how to go about setting your goals. They might have some kind of support group in your area that will help you to set your goals as well as to meet them. However, for the most part you have to be able to do it on your own. What am trying to say is that you have to be able to dig deep with in your self and pull out what you want to change and put some effort in to it. Many people have difficulties setting goals. Most people realize that often life will step in and hold them back from reaching their goals. If you decide that, you want to go on a diet, and then make it a part of your plans to achieve your goals. Then you set your goal to lose weight, losing weight is one of the hardest things to do. You start your diet your doing good then you go and weigh in and you haven’t lost the weight as fast as you would like what do most of us do then we stop every thing and for get about all of the goals and effort that we have put into it. We shouldn’t do that we should keep going with it we might or we might not make it to our goal that we are wanting but new have learn to use your will power, and that is what we are trying to do when it comes to self-mastering skills.
{ "perplexity_score": 228.1 }
[ [ 790318319116, 790318319173 ], [ 790318319553, 790318319608 ], [ 790318319897, 790318319982 ], [ 790318321211, 790318321263 ] ]
[ 162336920, 364868276, 11547895 ]
Situation 1: The man or woman who died single has living (a) legitimate parents or ascendants – grandparents, or great-grandparents, and (b) siblings, but with no illegitimate children. Articles 985, 986, and 987 of the New Civil Code of the Philippines (NCC) are the governing laws in this situation. Art. 985. In default of legitimate children and descendants of the deceased, his parents and ascendants shall inherit from him, to the exclusion of collateral relatives. Should one only of them survive, he or she shall succeed to the entire estate of the child. Should there be more than one of equal degree belonging to the same line they shall divide the inheritance per capita; should they be of different lines but of equal degree, one-half shall go to the paternal and the other half to the maternal ascendants. In each line the division shall be made per capita. 1. Only the man or woman’s parents or ascendants (whether paternal or maternal) will inherit; the siblings (the “collateral relatives” in Art. 985) are excluded. 2. Based on the principle “nearer excludes farther”, parents will exclude the grandparents from inheriting, and grandparents will exclude great-grandparents. Situation 2: The man or woman who died single has no living ascendant, but is survived by (a) siblings, and (b) illegitimate children. Articles 988, 989, and 990 NCC are the governing laws in this situation. 1. Only the illegitimate children will inherit; the siblings are excluded from inheriting. 2. If any of the illegitimate children had died earlier, their own children will inherit by right of representation. Situation 3: The man or woman who died single has living (a) legitimate ascendants like parents or grandparents, (b) siblings, and (c) illegitimate children. Article 991 NCC is the governing law in this situation. 1. Only the ascendants and the illegitimate children will inherit; the siblings are excluded. 2. Proportion: 50% of the estate to be divided among the illegitimate children; 50% to be divided among the surviving ascendants. 3. Based on the principle “nearer excludes farther”, parents will exclude the grandparents from inheriting, and grandparents will exclude great-grandparents. Situation 4: The man or woman who died single is illegitimate, and is survived by (a) siblings, and (b) either or both biological parents. Article 993 NCC is the governing law in this situation. Art. 993. If an illegitimate child should die without issue, either legitimate or illegitimate, his father or mother shall succeed to his entire estate; and if the child’s filiation is duly proved as to both parents, who are both living, they shall inherit from him share and share alike. 1. Only the biological parents will inherit; they will exclude the man or woman’s siblings from inheriting. 2. In a lot of situations, the illegitimate child is raised and supported by only one parent. If you are an illegitimate child, how can you prevent the other parent from inheriting under Article 993? You must execute a last will disinheriting that parent under Article 920 NCC. Situation 5: The man or woman who died single has (a) no living ascendants, (b) no illegitimate children, but is survived by (c) brothers or sisters – whether full blood or half blood, and (d) legitimate nephews or nieces. Articles 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1009, and 1010 NCC are the governing laws in this situation. Art. 1003. If there are no descendants, ascendants, illegitimate children, or a surviving spouse, the collateral relatives shall succeed to the entire estate of the deceased in accordance with the following articles. Art. 1004. Should the only survivors be brothers and sisters of the full blood, they shall inherit in equal shares. Art. 1005. Should brothers and sisters survive together with nephews and nieces, who are the children of the decedent’s brothers and sisters of the full blood, the former shall inherit per capita, and the latter per stirpes. Art. 1006. Should brother and sisters of the full blood survive together with brothers and sisters of the half blood, the former shall be entitled to a share double that of the latter. Art. 1007. In case brothers and sisters of the half blood, some on the father’s and some on the mother’s side, are the only survivors, all shall inherit in equal shares without distinction as to the origin of the property. Art. 1008. Children of brothers and sisters of the half blood shall succeed per capita or per stirpes, in accordance with the rules laid down for the brothers and sisters of the full blood. 1. Brother and sisters of the full blood are entitled to double the share of brothers and sisters of the half blood (Art. 1006). Situation 6: The man or woman who died single has no living (a) ascendants, (b) illegitimate children, (c) brothers or sisters, (d) nephews or nieces, but is survived by (e) collateral relatives like uncles or aunts, and cousins. Articles 1009 and 1010 NCC are the governing laws in this situation. The latter shall succeed without distinction of lines or preference among them by reason of relationship by the whole blood. Art. 1010. The right to inherit ab intestato shall not extend beyond the fifth degree of relationship in the collateral line. 1. Principle of “nearer excludes farther” applies; the relative nearer in degree will exclude the relative farther in degree. 2. Children of first cousins are not entitled to inherit by right of representation. Situation 7: The man or woman died single with no living parents or ascendants, siblings, nephews or nieces, or with no qualified collateral relatives. The State will inherit the whole estate under Articles 1011 to 1014 NCC.
{ "perplexity_score": 369.3 }
[ [ 790318321741, 790318321813 ], [ 790318321903, 790318322051 ], [ 790318322063, 790318322118 ], [ 790318322772, 790318322992 ], [ 790318323043, 790318323140 ], [ 790318323147, 790318323213 ], [ 790318323311, 790318323420 ], [ 790318323504, 790318323562 ], [ 790318323588, 790318323654 ], [ 790318323784, 790318323990 ], [ 790318324081, 790318324428 ], [ 790318324812, 790318324864 ], [ 790318325075, 790318325139 ], [ 790318325253, 790318325304 ], [ 790318325462, 790318325689 ], [ 790318326040, 790318326090 ], [ 790318326414, 790318326476 ], [ 790318326659, 790318326715 ], [ 790318326916, 790318326966 ], [ 790318327128, 790318327207 ] ]
[ 301224448, 129193346, 364868277 ]
Last week I had the opportunity to attend (and present at) EDUCAUSE Connect: Denver. This is the third year of the Connect events, and I think they’re starting to come in to their own. This year both facilitators and participants seemed to get the format and mostly came ready to have some fun together.
{ "perplexity_score": 343.8 }
Scarcity in the Modern World, a book examining how concerns about the scarcity of environmental resources such as water, food, energy and materials have developed, and subsequently been managed, from the 18th to the 21st century has recenly been published. Resnick Institute executive director Dr. Neil Fromer is a co-editor of the volume, that grew out of an interdisciplinary workshop, co-hosted by Resnick Institute in 2014. The workshop focused on ways in which scarcity and shortage in resources have appeared in the past and might appear in the future. A fascination with biology and an excitement about its applications stuck with Tina throughout her childhood. These interests pushed her toward a career in science—specifically towards a career in protein engineering and biochemistry. Now, she’s working at the cutting edge of science, creating things you wouldn’t otherwise find in nature. Jay Winkler and his team are zapping metals to create new solar-fuel catalysts. This work, which was led by Harvard University's Bryan Hunter while he was a graduate student and Resnick Fellow at Caltech in the Gray Lab (PhD '17), will help other researchers tweak the catalyst and make it even better. Mechanical engineering graduate student and Resnick Fellow Ying Shi Teh, advised by Professor Kaushik Bhattacharya, has won first place for her poster presentation at the Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics and related materials workshop (Ferro2019). The Resnick Institute’s Rocket Fund made five grants to new ventures developing innovations in two categories: energy management and sustainability. New concept based on fluoride ions may increase battery lifespans. Imagine not having to charge your phone or laptop for weeks. That is the dream of researchers looking into alternative batteries that go beyond the current lithium-ion versions popular today. Congratulations to our new cohort: Sarah Bevilacqua, Kai Chen, Liyin He & Xiao Tong! Sarah is developing new electrolyte systems compatible with inexpensive next-generation battery electrodes with Prof. Kim See. Kai is focused on the use of directed evolution for making new enzymes to catalyze reactions providing sustainable access to high-value chemicals with Prof. Frances Arnold. Liyin is using satellite observations of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) to estimate the photosynthetic uptake of CO2 in forests and agricultural fields with Prof. Christian Frankenberg. Xiao works with Prof. Marco Bernardi on computational methods that can deepen our understanding of condensed matter physics. She is currently developing methods to explore ultrafast excited state dynamics in energetic materials. Click through to learn more about ALL of our fab grad fellows! Technology from the Atwater Lab makes metal contacts for solar cells effectively transparent! ETC Solar won our FLOW competition and received a grant from FLOW's Rocket Fund to accelerate the technology toward commercialization. Frances H. Arnold, the Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry, has won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "the directed evolution of enzymes". Xile Hu announced winner of the 2018 Resonate Award for developing abundant and non-precious metal catalysts for sustainable synthesis of added-value chemicals and cost-effective production of solar fuels. See's passion for the outdoors led her to focus on energy research, and more specifically, battery chemistry. She and her students are looking into potential new electrodes and electrolytes that go beyond the traditional chemical reactions using lithium-ion batteries. Tom Miller, a professor of chemistry at Caltech; Matt Welborn, a postdoctoral scholar at the Resnick Sustainability Institute; and Lixue Cheng, a chemistry and chemical engineering graduate student, have developed a new tool that uses machine learning to predict chemical reactions long before reagents hit the test tube. Energy generation from renewable, but fluctuating, resources like solar and wind can add stress to the grid infrastructure, and in particular on specific links within it that can fail and cause brownouts. But how can we know where these vulnerable links are before that happens? For the past 10 years, a family of materials called metal-halide perovskites, which can efficiently convert sunlight to electricity, has been shaking up solar cell research. Unlike traditional silicon solar cells, perovskites do not need to be manufactured under high temperature and with high purity, making them comparatively cheaper and easier to work with. Resnick Fellow and recent graduate Xiaoqi Ren PhD won the Bhansali Family Dissertation Prize in Computer Science AND the 2018 Demetriades-Tsafka-Kokkalis Prize in Benign Renewable Energy Sources or Related Fields. Meet FLOW's 2018 Cleantech UP Winners! Caltech's ETC Solar won the US Department of Energy sponsored $50,000 Cleantech UP Prize at our 2018 FLOW competition. ETC Solar's novel solar cell architecture and printing tool for solar cell manufacturers increases panel efficiency by 5 percent -a historic leap forward in improving panel performance, that can significantly reduce manufacturing costs. Starting this year, a new million-dollar endowment at Caltech will fund research focused on renewable energy and sustainability. The Briceño Family Discovery Fund honors the memory of the late Nelson Briceño (BS ’73) through a Break Through campaign gift to an institution that helped to shape his life. Two-day series of lectures briefed attendees on the mechanisms driving climate change. The Caltech Effect covers batteries highlighting Professor Julia Greer. Two-day Earth Week event aims to improve understanding of the mechanisms driving climate change. Engineered bacterial enzymes provide easy access to strained molecular structures rarely seen in nature. Kan says advancements like theirs are pushing chemistry in a greener direction. For the first time, it is possible to create complex nanoscale metal structures using 3-D printing, thanks to a new technique developed at Caltech. Caltech researchers have made a discovery that they say could lead to the economically viable production of solar fuels in the next few years. Findings will lead to new and "greener" ways to manufacture drugs and other products. Study offers reservoir managers insight on how to plan and respond to drought conditions. Semiconductor study shows that the coupling between electrons and thermal vibrations may be sapping energy from LEDs. Meet Caltech's 2017 Dow-SISCA Winners! Congratulations to our 2017 Dow-Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award winners! Grand Prize Winners: Wen-Hui (Sophia) Cheng & Matthias Richter for their breakthrough device for splitting water with sunlight to make hydrogen fuel with remarkable efficiency! AND Runner Ups: Julian West, Bryan Hunter, Anthony Chen & David Schuman for development of a C–H oxidation process that is sustainable by design! Five cleantech startups are powering towards commercial success, thanks to awards from the FLOW Rocket Fund grant program. Aditya Mohite announced winner of the 2017 Resonate Award for his research developing two-dimensional and thin-film materials for high-performance solar electricity generation. Increasingly, landlubbers with better access to the ocean than to sources of freshwater are also employing technology that enables them to drink water from the sea. And a pair of students in Caltech’s PhD program, Jinglin Huang and Cong Wang, are developing a way to improve that technology. A new additive helps researchers more selectively convert CO2 to multicarbon fuels. The Institute makes significant gains in energy efficiency, water savings, and electric vehicle support. Scientists at Caltech and USC identify how to encourage the chemical reaction by which carbon dioxide is locked away in the ocean. New study opens the door to solid-state devices that use excited electrons. A team led by Caltech's Marco Bernardi and the late Ahmed Zewail documented the electrons' motion using microscopes that captured images with a shutter speed of a trillionth of a second at a nanometer-scale spatial resolution. Their findings appear in a study published in Nature Communications on May 11. In a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers report the mechanics behind an early key step in artificially activating CO2 so that it can rearrange itself to become the liquid fuel ethanol. New Process Could Make Fertilizer Production More Sustainable: Inspired by a natural process found in certain bacteria, a team of Caltech researchers is inching closer to a new method for producing fertilizer that could some day hold benefits for farmers—particularly in the developing world—while also shedding light on a biological mystery. Meet FLOW's 2017 Cleantech UP Winners! The University of Houston’s Vescence won the US Department of Energy sponsored $50,000 Cleantech UP prize at our 2017 First Look West (FLOW) competition. Vescence’s patented water repellant coating minimizes contaminant buildup on solar panels, significantly improving electrical output while reducing maintenance costs. On Friday, April 21—the evening before Earth Day—Congressman Adam Schiff hosted a climate change panel discussion at Caltech. Schiff and each of the three panelists gave an opening statement, then took questions from an audience of nearly 800 constituents and local community members. More than a thousand people—both from across Caltech and from various surrounding communities—gathered on Beckman Lawn on Saturday, April 22 before marching together through Pasadena in celebration of science. Computing "in the cloud" may sound ephemeral, but the cloud actually has a physical presence in the form of data centers filled with thousands of servers. The power infrastructure needed to run these servers is enormous. In fact, at this point in time, data centers lead to more carbon emissions than the airline industry. New study suggests hydroxyl radicals may be behind unexplained recent increase in methane levels. A new materials discovery approach puts solar fuels on the fast track to commercial viability. Scientists led by a team at Caltech have developed a new method for potentially removing nearly all sulfur compounds from gas and diesel fuel. How do you find, track, and quantify the release of a colorless and odorless gas? Our FLOW Rocket Fund was named an LA 2050 Grants Challenge winner! The Fund will use the $100,000 award to launch Cleantech 2 Edtech. This initiative will partner promising clean energy and water technologies developed by young cleantech companies with the LAUSD and LADWP to pilot them.
{ "perplexity_score": 416.4 }
[ [ 790318328273, 790318328618 ], [ 790318328695, 790318328793 ], [ 790318328810, 790318328921 ], [ 790318329040, 790318329092 ], [ 790318329175, 790318329323 ], [ 790318329387, 790318329582 ], [ 790318329666, 790318329774 ], [ 790318329800, 790318329887 ], [ 790318329974, 790318330132 ], [ 790318330205, 790318330290 ], [ 790318330319, 790318330396 ], [ 790318330632, 790318330876 ], [ 790318331399, 790318331476 ], [ 790318331477, 790318331548 ], [ 790318331952, 790318332313 ], [ 790318332362, 790318332425 ], [ 790318332585, 790318332649 ], [ 790318332870, 790318332920 ], [ 790318333002, 790318333055 ], [ 790318333410, 790318333756 ], [ 790318333757, 790318333817 ], [ 790318334166, 790318334228 ], [ 790318334320, 790318334375 ], [ 790318334904, 790318335007 ], [ 790318335517, 790318335623 ], [ 790318335693, 790318336253 ], [ 790318336316, 790318336600 ], [ 790318336675, 790318336739 ], [ 790318337283, 790318337353 ], [ 790318337393, 790318337463 ] ]
[ 162870758, 66552966, 164841126, 41809194, 61621419, 284660398, 320642708, 245939157, 364868279, 58234490 ]
Fortified borough; the main buildings are the parish church and the castle built on a rock along the left bank of the river Trebbia. The complex is dominated by a cylindrical tower upon which a smaller tower was built in 1700.First evidence of Rivaltas existence date back to 1048. Its had several owners troughout the centuries. The borough is made of ancient houses and S. Martinos parish church, 15th century building with firebrick decorations.
{ "perplexity_score": 254.7 }
Essential Idea: Plants adapt their growth to environmental conditions. 9.3.U1 Undifferentiated cells in the meristems of plants allow indeterminate growth. Compare apical and lateral meristems. 9.3.U2 Mitosis and cell division in the shoot apex provide cells needed for extension of the stem and development of leaves. 9.3.U3 Plant hormones control growth in the shot apex. 9.3.U4 Plant shoots response to the environment by tropisms. 9.3.U5 Auxin efflux pumps can set up concentration gradients of auxin in plants tissue. 9.3.U6 Auxin influences of cell growth rates by changing the pattern of gene expression. State that auxin influences cell growth rates by changing gene expression. 9.3.A1 Micropropagation of plants using tissue from the shoot apex nutrient agar gels and growth hormones. 9.3.A2 Use of micropropagation for rapid bulking up of new varieties, production of virus-free strains of existing varieties and propagation of orchids and other rare species. 9.3.NOS Developments in scientific research follow improvements in analysis and eduction-improvements in analytical techniques allowing the detection of trace amounts of substances has led to advances in the understanding of plant hormones and their effect on gene expression. Outline role of microarrays in understanding role of plant hormones.
{ "perplexity_score": 469.1 }
[ [ 790318338967, 790318339025 ], [ 790318339028, 790318339107 ], [ 790318339393, 790318339464 ], [ 790318339500, 790318339563 ], [ 790318339645, 790318339704 ], [ 790318339752, 790318340001 ], [ 790318340010, 790318340198 ] ]
[ 364868281, 55804563, 338306494 ]
There is only 2 months left until my wedding and I'm so excited and stressed at the same time. I have so many things to do and to think about. One of them is my bridal makeup. I don't know if I did the right thing but I decided to do my own makeup without the help of a professional. I will have to do my bridal makeup three times, for the photography day, for the wedding day and for the henna day. So I need to do many makeup trials before I decide for the final look and this is one of them and its for the mehndi day. I chose to use pinks, peaches and purples for this look because I think they complement my lehenga which is peachy pink in color, but I may do other looks too, using other color combinations. Eyeliner: MAC Blacktrack fluidline and Urban Decay Blackout e/s over blacktrack.
{ "perplexity_score": 372.8 }
Mr Ali Abdulkarim Mr Ali Abdulkarim is the Head of Coverage at National Bank of Bahrain. Mr Ahmed Abdulghani Mr Ahmed Abdulghani is Head of Debt Capital Markets and Syndication at National Bank of Bahrain. Mr Abdulrahman Mohamed Shujaie Mr Abdulrahman Mohamed Shujaie is Head of Card Business at National Bank of Bahrain. Mr David Arthur O'Loan Mr David Arthur O'Loan is Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer of Treasury and Investment at Ahli United Bank BSC. Mr Suvrat Saigal Mr Suvrat Saigal is Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer of Retail Banking at Ahli United Bank BSC. Mr David Maude Mr David Maude is Group Head of Property and Administration at Ahli United Bank BSC. Mr Anand Narayanan Mr Anand Narayanan is Group Head of Credit Risk at Ahli United Bank BSC. Ms Amal Al Derazi Ms Amal Al Derazi is a Public Relation Assistant at National Bank of Bahrain. Mr Moschonas Panagiotis Mr Moschonas Panagiotis is Head of Internal Audit at National Bank of Bahrain. Mr Russell Bennett Mr Russell Bennett is the Chief Financial Officer of National Bank of Bahrain. Mr Hisham Al Kurdi Mr Hisham Al Kurdi is Chief Excutive - Corporate, Institutional and Investment Banking at National Bank of Bahrain. Ms Dana A. Buheji Ms Dana A. Buheji is Chief Human Resources Officer of National Bank of Bahrain. Mr Richard Hicks Mr Richard Hicks is Chief Marketing Officer of National Bank of Bahrain. Mr Yaser Al Sharifi Mr Yaser Al Sharifi is the Chief Strategy Officer of National Bank of Bahrain. Mr Iain Blacklaw Mr Iain Blacklaw is Chief Operating Officer at National Bank of Bahrain. Mr Mark Andrew Ogilive Hirst Mr Mark Andrew Ogilive Hirst is Deputy Group CEO Privete Banking and Wealth Management at Ahli United Bank BSC. Mr Ali Isa Abdul Rahim Mr Ali Isa Abdul Rahim is the representative of Solidarity Group Holding BSC as a Board Member at Solidarity Bahrain BSC. Mr Enoch Kwok Yee Lok Mr Enoch Kwok Yee Lok is Sales Manager for Asia Pacific at Aluminium Bahrain BSC. Mr Maan Almusawi Mr Maan Almusawi is Relationship Manager at ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.).
{ "perplexity_score": 921.4 }
Chickpeas are one of the world’s healthiest foods and coming up with new creative ways to eat them is a top priority. Sometimes, however, the old way is the new way. Falafel is an ancient dish, but if you didn’t grow up eating falafel (like most Westerners) then it is a new exciting thing to try and possibly even incorporate into your weekly meals. This is a basic recipe, but feel free to try out different things and see what goes well with these little guys. Use pita pockets grilled to make the sandwich or try it wrapped in lettuce leaves. Put everything in the food processor and pulse a couple of times, until all ingredients are thoroughly blended. Put chickpeas in a large bowl and fill with water to cover them to a depth of about 3 inches. Cover the bowl with bees wrap plastic wrap alternative (in the shop) and leave on counter overnight. The chickpeas will triple in size and absorb the water, so check a few times during soaking to see if you need to add more. Once the beans have soaked for 24 hours, drain and rinse well. Place the drained chickpeas, ground spices, garlic, onion, cilantro, and parsley in food processor. Mix the lemon zest, cayenne, salt, and black pepper into the ground chickpeas, then roll a small amount of the mixture into a small ball or a small patty with your hands. The mixture should hold together nicely and not fall apart if it’s too dry add water or too watery add more chickpeas. Continue rolling the rest of the batter into uniform size balls or patties so that they will cook in the same amount of time. Place the uncooked falafel on a large plate or baking sheet until ready to cook. Drizzle with olive oil and pop them in the over for about 30 mins at 350 checking regularly to make sure they are golden brown. They may need less or more time depending on your oven and what size you made them, so keep your eyes on them. Let them cool a bit and then serve them up with your new favorite yogurt in a pocket and enjoy. I saw a documentary on foods from the Middle East, and they suggested using broad beans instead of garbanzo beans. The end result is a creamier texture inside the crispy outside. There was another important thing they said about the soaking and or boiling of the beans too, but now I can’t remember the name of the documentary to even go fact check. I”m always guilty of buying store bought falafel that can be so dry. Exciting to finally have a simple recipe to make it from scratch! Could low or no sodium canned, rinsed, and drained beans be used instead? Yay! Also, cooking for one over here. Would you freeze and thaw the balls/patties before cooking or after? I think I have this backward–I’ve been making my own yogurt (recipe post just went up today: https://twiceastasty.com/2017/04/11/cheese-and-yogurt/) but not my own falafel! It’s one of my “moment’s notice” meals, so I’ve been using a mix. Yours is the first recipe I’ve seen that only soaks, not cooks, the chickpeas first. Definitely giving this a try.
{ "perplexity_score": 371.3 }
[ [ 790318343692, 790318343750 ], [ 790318343793, 790318343868 ], [ 790318344029, 790318344255 ], [ 790318344270, 790318344349 ], [ 790318344403, 790318344501 ], [ 790318344560, 790318344769 ], [ 790318345861, 790318345917 ] ]
[ 364868284, 187468173, 211440204 ]
“Twinsburg’s most popular outdoor nature adventure” is the salamander crossing, annually occurring in Center Valley Park. (Almost) every spring since the early 2000s the salamander migration has been documented by Stanley Stine, city of Twinsburg naturalist. Belonging to the mole salamander family, the spotted salamander lives underground for the vast majority of the year, using holes dug by mice, chipmunks, and even crayfish to get away on a hot summer afternoons or hibernate for the winter. These intriguing, innovative amphibians emerge at the start of each spring scurrying to the same vernal pools in the Twinsburg wetlands to lay their eggs. Spotted salamanders, bespeckled with orangish-yellow spots, must lay their eggs in temporary pools as opposed to permanent bodies of water as the fish that occupy larger bodies of water would devour all the eggs and possibly the adult salamanders as well. Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Stine this wondrous natural phenomenon has been witnessed by many residents who otherwise would have been unaware this annual event occurs in their hometown. The Salamander and Frog Festival, an indoor event that Stine also initiated, precedes the salamander migration. Whereas the crossing adventure is geared towards people of all ages the Salamander and Frog Festival piques the interest and educates wee little ones via games, coloring contests and various other arts and crafts. Posted in Parks and Recreation and tagged Parks and Recreation, Salamander Run.
{ "perplexity_score": 273.9 }
It was a tough decision, made just a touch easier by our software license expiring and rising royalty costs - so GBR has suspended operations until we can faithfully bring it back for keeps. Man, we had a blast doing this. Our mission was to root out the songs that just plain sounded great. No treacle, no abject sadness, no playing songs strictly because they tested well or were million sellers. In fact, we shied away from most of those. We kept the ones that, as we said, just plain sounded great. One of the criteria for the not-so-hits was generally songs we played on the radio over the years that SHOULD have been hits because they were perfectly pop, well produced, performed with passion and still couldn't find their way back to the airwaves until we came along. These weren't merely "turntable hits" or "Oh Wows" but many were hidden treasures that truly deserved their three or four minutes in the sun...and then kept in our massive playlist to be enjoyed as much as their million selling counterparts. We're especially proud of our holiday week specials that took one year of pop history and played EVERYTHING we could get our hands on from that year. In fact, it was gathering those tracks that made us take notice and add them permanently to our regular rotation. It was a learning process for us as much as it was a labor of love. For as random as GREAT BIG RADIO sounded, a lot of constant tweaking, adjusting, changing and upkeep was very much a part of our day-to-day care of our little streaming outpost. It's all saved on many drives and clouds, and one day in the not too distant future, we'll unleash it again into the universe. Until then, THANK YOU for being part of it. As our barker channel where GBR was says, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and when that day comes, you'll be among the first to know. ​Support music. Support its message. Keep its melody alive. And we'll see you again soon. ALL OUR NEW APPS ARE HERE! The brand new feature-packed and quite possibly overwrought GREAT BIG RADIO Apps are now up and ready for your downloadage. - GBR 128k - Our hi-def stream when you're listening at home or via Wi-Fi. - GBR 32k - Our bandwidth-stingy stream which uses 1/4 the data as our 128k, but thanks to AAC encoding, sounds just as great. Perfect for using wireless data on the road with practically zero sonic loss cruising between cell towers. PLUS, Wake to GBR with the Alarm, share your listening inside the player with your pals, stay updated with our in-app Facebook and Twitter feeds, check out the last ten songs played and buy them from Amazon for keeping, and one-touch calling into the GBR request/comment line (one-touch email if you're too shy to speak). All the features you asked for and then some. Please keep the suggestions coming in...we now have the power to implement good ones! Go to the GREAT BIG RADIO App Page and get the one for your smartphone. It's free - and it is awesome. Want to start an online radio station? It's really a lot of fun!!! I say that to people I don't like. I want them to go through all the dopey crap I deal with as I navigate my now 12 year foray into the world of Great Big Radio. Don't get me wrong. I still love this thing like it's my own 12 year old child. I listen in my car, and I'm still impressed with how many songs I forgot I threw into the playlist. And it's still better than 90% of what's out there, so we're pretty proud. That said, this week, we got word that Wavestreaming, the people who published and maintained the GBR App for iOS and Android, decided they're going out of business in July and our apps will be rendered inoperable. • When launched, you'll have the choice of BOTH our streams - 32k for wireless and 128k for WiFi. • Help support GBR by buying the music we play from Amazon or iTunes from our new "Last Ten Played" button. • GBR's Facebook and Twitter feeds are now part of the menu. We're ironing out the wrinkles and exterminating the bugs, but we're going to have a very cool, very versatile and very easy to use app experience. And isn't that what life is all about? So. Want to start an online radio station? Apple just released version 7.0.4 of the Great Big Radio App for iPhone and iPad. We squashed a bunch of bugs, reanimated the "Recently Played" feature and above all, made it much more data friendly with a stream that uses just 1/4 of the bandwidth without losing a scintilla of the audio spectrum. If you have it, make sure it's been updated in the App Store. ​If you don't have it...GET IT NOW! ​Of course the new low-bandwidth stream is also now on the GBR Apps for Android and Amazon Fire. Enjoy!
{ "perplexity_score": 343.3 }
[ [ 790318351687, 790318351739 ] ]
[ 186038913, 364868286 ]
Resources on TKA fixation techniques from Pubget. Resources on TKA fixation techniques and related topics in OrthopaedicsOne spaces. . TKA fixation techniques. OrthopaedicsOne Articles. In: OrthopaedicsOne - The Orthopaedic Knowledge Network. Created May 10, 2012 09:44. Last modified May 10, 2012 09:44 ver.2. Retrieved 2019-04-18, from https://www.orthopaedicsone.com/x/9IQFBQ.
{ "perplexity_score": 634.9 }
[ [ 790318352376, 790318352431 ], [ 790318352441, 790318352673 ] ]
[ 364868287 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 2268.6 }
[ [ 790318352695, 790318352761 ], [ 790318352770, 790318352876 ], [ 790318352885, 790318353110 ], [ 790318353165, 790318353277 ] ]
[ 364868288 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 1684.4 }
[ [ 790318353340, 790318353425 ], [ 790318353557, 790318354021 ], [ 790318354088, 790318354159 ], [ 790318354176, 790318354634 ], [ 790318354672, 790318354746 ], [ 790318354950, 790318355001 ], [ 790318355103, 790318355162 ], [ 790318355241, 790318355299 ], [ 790318355460, 790318355516 ], [ 790318355598, 790318355655 ], [ 790318356232, 790318356340 ], [ 790318356363, 790318356476 ] ]
[ 126312160, 364868289, 195100563, 236306020, 355256563, 36564486, 359650687 ]
Investor Special. Do not miss out on this spacious and well located South Philadelphia townhome. Great neighborhood with easy access to shopping, nightlife, 1-95, primary bus routes, and the professional sports stadiums. With nearby homes selling for new highs, this is a great opportunity to fix and flip or update and lease out. Bring all offers! 440 TREE ST is a townhouse for sale in Philadelphia, PA 19148. This 1072.00 SQFT townhouse sits on a 0.02 acre lot and features 2 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms. Built in 1920, this townhouse has been on the market for a total of 1 month and is currently priced at $149,900.
{ "perplexity_score": 348.1 }
[ [ 790318356575, 790318356626 ], [ 790318356827, 790318357099 ] ]
[ 44261889, 364868290 ]
A leaking or damaged roof is a situation that usually must be dealt with expediently and effectively. Flat roof repair is one of those things that might vary in terms of difficulty with each situation. The best thing to do is hire a Long Island Roofing contractor to handle the job for you. They will have the knowledge and expertice to get the job done efficently and professionally. If you're looking for flat roofing in Long Island, call Nassau Suffolk Exteriors at 631-462-1383, or fill out our online request form.
{ "perplexity_score": 280.5 }
[ [ 790318357514, 790318357625 ] ]
[ 364868291 ]
Day 1: Dharamshala – Acclimatization Day Arrive Dharamshala and after lunch, acclimatization walk to Macleodganj market and free to explore market and Dalai Lama temple . Evening at leisure and overnight at hotel. Day 2: Trek to Bhal (10 kms/ 4-5 hrs, 6300 ft) Early morning after breakfast, we start our trek from the hotel to Bhal village, passing through Dharamkot village, meditation huts and passing through Naddi village and thick forests of deodar, rhododendron and oak. Later reach our campsite for the day s close to a beautiful stream. Overnight in dome tents. Day 3: Balh – Triund (2875 M/ Trek 9 kms) Today, we start our trek for the day with a 5-km steep ascent from the campsite to Gallu Temple which is dedicated to Goddess Durga. We walk uphill for one and half hours till our lunch point. Post lunch, we walk through mixed forest of oak, rhododendron and deodar to Triund. Dinner around campfire. Overnight in dome tents. Day 4: Triund – Laka caves – Triund Morning post breakfast start day to the excursion to kunal patheri and return back to Triund. Dinner around campfire. Overnight in dome tents. Day 5: Triund – Bhagsu – Hotel (Trek 9 Kms) Today, we start our trek for the day with a 5-km downhill walk along a ridge with fantastic views of the Dhauladhar range on our right and Dharamsala town and Kangra valley below. After a short break we resume our downhill walk to the hotel and pass by Leta, a partially inhabited shepherd settlement. After lunch near a waterfall, we hike back to the hotel. Arrive at the hotel and freshen up. Later we visit the McLeodganj market. overnight at hotel.
{ "perplexity_score": 899.4 }
[ [ 790318357888, 790318357938 ], [ 790318358237, 790318358290 ], [ 790318358453, 790318358583 ], [ 790318358685, 790318358762 ], [ 790318358786, 790318358968 ], [ 790318359034, 790318359092 ] ]
[ 121714488, 364868292, 114715173 ]
Creativity and Innovation in the Reign of Hatshepsut. - [Proceedings of the Theban Symposium, May 2010, Granada, Spain]. - [Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 69]. - Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2014. - ISBN : 978-1-61491-024-4. - 442 p., 284 fig., 6 tables. - (PDF, 22 MB). "This volume publishes the proceedings of the Theban Symposium that took place in May 2010, in Granada, Spain, at the Institute for Arabic Studies of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), on the general theme of “Creativity and Innovation in the Reign of Hatshepsut.” The volume contains nineteen papers that present new perspectives on the reign of Hatshepsut and the early New Kingdom. The authors address a range of topics, including the phenomenon of innovation, the Egyptian worldview, politics, state administration, women’s issues and the use of gender, cult and rituals, mortuary practices, and architecture. Groundbreaking for the study of Hatshepsut's reign and the beginning of the Eighteenth Dynasty, this volume will become an important reference for scholars and lay readers interested in the history, culture, and archaeology of the time of Hatshepsut and the early New Kingdom."
{ "perplexity_score": 114.2 }
[ [ 790318359248, 790318359302 ], [ 790318359534, 790318360434 ] ]
[ 112791033, 364868293 ]
Rapper Wiz Khalifa shows off his own WIZ after the NSFW jump and the curtains do NOT match the carpet, we’ll just say that! Caliente! Spanish actor, dancer and singer Pablo Puyol appears in 20 Centímetros after the NSFW jump!
{ "perplexity_score": 673 }
Four new Skype for Business features -- PSTN Conferencing, Skype Meeting Broadcast, Cloud PBX and PSTN Calling -- are now available for eligible Office 365 subscribers. Microsoft announced the new features on Monday, but stopped short of describing those capabilities as being generally available, so it's not clear how widely available they may be across markets. Microsoft described "Cloud PBX with PSTN Calling" in October as being a single feature for use with Skype for Business Server deployments. It wasn't described as two features. It was at the preview stage back then, but Microsoft expanded its regional availability. As commercial releases, the availability of these features, which Microsoft calls "add-ons," has some conditions. Per a Microsoft spokesperson, "Cloud PBX, PSTN Conferencing, Skype Meeting Broadcast and PSTN Calling [are available] as an add-on based on availability." With the Cloud PBX feature turned on, Microsoft essentially "acts as your phone system," according to Jeremy Chapman, director of Office 365, in a Microsoft video on the topic. It's a PBX replacement solution that lets IT pros assign phone numbers to end users. IT pros can assign personal phone numbers or conference call numbers. The numbers can be new ones or existing phone numbers can be ported. The assignment takes place using the Office 365 admin console. IT pros select the phone numbers from a list and then have 10 minutes to assign them. Once the numbers are assigned, there's no need to confirm the assignment with the phone company, according to Chapman. Assignments also can be done in bulk using PowerShell. The system also works with international phone numbers across 45 countries, Microsoft claims. The PSTN Calling feature lets organizations assign phone numbers that will work for Skype calls across various device types, including "VoIP phones, PCs and mobile devices" according to a Microsoft article. The PSTN Calling feature is designed to support various calling services, such as hold, transfer and call forwarding. In October, at the preview stage, Microsoft indicated that some of those calling capabilities were yet to come, such as "number portability" and "voicemail." Possibly, those capabilities are now available but it isn't clear from the announcement. The PSTN Conferencing feature is designed to permit end users with landline or mobile phones join conferences using the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Microsoft hasn't published much information about PSTN Conferencing, although a WindowsITPro.com article described it as an "add-on feature for Skype for Business Online" that also can work with hybrid Skype for Business solutions, although only the online users will be licensed to use it. Chapman's announcement indicated that "Cloud PBX and PSTN Conferencing are included in Office 365 E5 [subscriptions] or can be purchased standalone." He also promised that Microsoft would be expanding the availability of those features "in the coming months" so it's somewhat clear they aren't generally available yet. Office 365 E5 subscriptions will be the top offering from Microsoft, replacing the current E4 plan. The E5 offering is available on Dec. 1, priced at $35 per user per month. It will add feature support for Delve Analytics, Power BI Pro and Equivio Analytics for eDiscovery, along with Cloud PBX and PSTN Conferencing for Skype for Business. The Skype Meeting Broadcast feature that's now available was rolled out as a preview back in July. Microsoft has indicated that Skype Meeting Broadcast can support online meetings of up to 10,000 persons. In addition, administrators can turn on social media interactions for participants, if wanted, and their responses can be aggregated into charts for audience analysis. This Office 365 and Skype for Business Online feature requires having a "Cloud Meetings Enhancement license" in place, according to Microsoft's description. Information about this license appears to be difficult to find, though. Microsoft also indicated on Monday that it is releasing some other Office 365 capabilities not associated with Skype. The new additions include Delve Analytics, Power BI, Customer Lockbox, Advanced eDiscovery and Advanced Threat Protection. Possibly, the company just means that it updated those services under its Office 365 E5 subscription offering since most were released months ago -- or a year ago in the case of Power BI. The Customer Lockbox and Advanced eDiscovery features are available on Dec. 1.
{ "perplexity_score": 333 }
[ [ 790318363069, 790318363134 ], [ 790318363454, 790318363516 ], [ 790318363580, 790318363638 ] ]
[ 16235105, 331998125, 364868295 ]
DETROIT -- As the free-agent reliever market remains hot, fueled by interest among contending teams, the Tigers' search for undervalued bullpen arms and bounce-back candidates continues. Their latest target appears to be former Cubs left-hander James Russell, who reportedly agreed to a Minor League contract with the Tigers last week. Chris Cotillo of MLB Daily Dish first reported the deal. The Tigers, who announced a batch of Minor League signings last week, have yet to confirm. The 32-year-old son of former big league closer Jeff Russell has 394 MLB appearances across seven seasons, all but 29 of them with the Cubs. After seven appearances with the Phillies in 2016, Russell was a Spring Training invite with the Indians last year before being released at the end of camp. He became a starter and made 14 starts between Yucatan of the Mexican League and the Texas AirHogs of the independent American Association. Russell has never been a power lefty; his fastball consistently averaged 89-90 mph during his big league tenure, according to FanGraphs. But when he's on, he complements it with a diverse offspeed arsenal, including a slow slider he leaned on in the past, a breaking ball, cutter and changeup he mixed in. With that repertoire, Russell has been a short-outing lefty during his big league time. He has held left-handed hitters to a .248 average and .700 OPS in his career, compared with .278 and .808 for righty batters. Former Rule 5 Draft pick Daniel Stumpf established himself as a reliable short-outing lefty for the Tigers in 2017, holding left-handed hitters to a .220 average and as many hits as strikeouts (13) after being called up at the start of June. While the Tigers have plenty of questions in their bullpen, Stumpf should have a chance to build on his solid late-season run. The challenge for the Tigers is to identify another lefty to complement him. It could be Blaine Hardy, who has gone back and forth between Detroit and Triple-A Toledo the past two seasons. It could be Chad Bell, who was more of a long reliever and spot starter last year but held hitters to a .238 average and .667 OPS over his first 25 pitches in an outing. It could be Ryan Carpenter -- he signed a big league contract with Detroit to compete as a starter -- if Detroit decides it has enough starting depth in the system to carry him in the bullpen. Or it could be Matthew Boyd or Daniel Norris if they're beaten out for a rotation spot, though that's unlikely.
{ "perplexity_score": 296 }
[ [ 790318365524, 790318365575 ], [ 790318366052, 790318366112 ], [ 790318366512, 790318366565 ], [ 790318366746, 790318366799 ] ]
[ 364868296, 51179434 ]
Any two chocolate bars mixed in one shake. Butter Victoria sponge cake prepared with free range egg filled with tangy raspberry conserve, butter cream, and sprinkled with fine sugar. Gorgeous rich chocolate sponge cake layered and topped with chocolate butter cream, finished with Belgian dark chocolate shards, and chocolate dusting. A luxurious moist sponge infused with a Sicilian lemon zesty oil and finished with a wonderful lemon buttercream and curls of Belgian white chocolate. Baked Sultana scones served with clotted cream, raspberry conserve, and sliced fresh strawberries. Topped with chocolate sauce. Served with a luxury pot of ice cream. Portion of 2 classic all butter sponge loaded with sticky fruit jam. Portion of 2 all butter date sponge topped with our special sticky toffee sauce sprinkled with small toffee fudge cubes. Portion of 2 chocolate sponge pudding with chocolate cocoa sauce. A generous three-layered rich chocolate cake coated with rich gooey chocolate. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A Gorgeous double-layered red sponge cake with a vanilla cream cheese layer and frosting topped with a sprinkling of red velvet sponge. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A British classic: a portion of a soft Victoria sponge with a flavorsome, melt-in-your-mouth buttercream, and raspberry jam - just like grandma baked. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A moist, textured carrot cake made with real grated carrots and topped with delicious cream cheese. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A multi-layered, multi-colored sponge filled with British raspberry jam, and vanilla icing lovingly finished off with a sprinkle of multicolored sprinkles. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. Tripled layered of vanilla flavour sponge with coconut flavour frosting, decorated with desiccated coconut, toasted coconut chips, and white chocolate curls. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. Double layered of lemon flavor sponge sandwiched with lemon curd and lemon flavor frosting, decorated on the top with flavor frosting, and sprinkled with sugar nibs. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A portion of white and milk chocolate cream cake dotted with real oreo chunks and showered with a dark chocolate drizzle. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A chocolate truffle cheese cake on a chocolate cookie base, filled and topped with aero mint chocolate. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A rich chocolate truffle cheese cake on a chocolate biscuit base blended and topped with crunchie chocolate honey comb chunks. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A white chocolate cheese cake blended with crushed cream cookies on a biscuit base topped with more crushed cream cookies. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A classic desert with a crunchy biscuit base topped with a creamy baked vanilla cheesecake. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A crunchy biscuit base with ripples of a white or dark chocolate truffle cheesecake Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A white chocolate cheesecake topped with juicy strawberry halves and finished with a white chocolate drizzle, all sitting on a crunchy digestive biscuit base. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A crunchy biscuit base topped with soft creamy cheesecake, rich caramel, and chocolate ganache. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. Layered with tangy cream cheese and swirled on top, our salted caramel is perfection. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. Dark chocolate base filled with layers of smooth toffee, chocolate ganache, and moose decorated with more chocolate ganache, and pieces of daim bar. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. Juicy apples and caramel laced with smooth rich custard and crumbled topping in a short crushed pastry base. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A classic traditional sweet treat, a superb shortcrust sweet pastry shell filled with mixed fruit jam and frangipane made with ground almonds and topped with fondant and decorated by hand with half a cherry on top. Served with either luxury ice cream, custard, or double cream. A shortcrust pastry is topped with strawberry jam, a chewy, and sweet cornflake topping. Served with either luxury ice cream, custard, or double cream. A rich chocolate brownie with a creamy chocolate pudding filling pilled high with chocolate cake chunks, milk chocolate ganache, and chocolate curls. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A rich chocolate brownie cake filled with chucks of white chocolate. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A buttery brownies studded with creamy white and dark chocolate chucks and chewy toffee. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A decadent, filling double layer chocolate brownie featuring a white chocolate cheese filling loaded with oreo cookies, chocolate ganache, a drizzle of chocolate sauce, and real oreo cookies on top. Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A double layer of sweet and salty peanut butter crunch, with buttery caramel, and topped off with crunchy honey roasted peanuts (nuts). Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. A light textured brownie topped with butter-luscious caramel, piled high with brownie cubes, toasted pecans, and drizzle with milk chocolate ganache (nuts). Served with either double cream, ice cream, custard, or whipped cream. Golden caramel filled donut topped with popcorn. Donut filled with creamy vanilla custard and finished by hand with chocolate frosting. Larger than our standard cookies our triple chocolate cookies is baked to perfection using freshly made cookie dough loaded with dark and milk Belgian chocolate and then finished with a drizzle of white chocolate. Pure cookie indulgence. Larger than our standard cookies our Oat and raisin cookie is baked to perfection with healthy oats and succulent California raisins. Larger than our standard cookies our white chocolate and cranberry cookie is baked to perfection using freshly baked cookie dough mixed with a rich creamy white chocolate and sweet fruity cranberries. Creamy vanilla ice-cream, luxurious chocolate ice cream, chewy choloate brownie chunks, chocolate chips, and Hershey’s chocolate sauce all perfectly layered to give the most indulgent sundae. Vanilla ice cream layered with crunchie honeycomb chocolate and topped with toffee sauce. Hand finished with Hershey’s chocolate sauce and chunks of golden honeycomb chocolate. Strawberry ice cream and vanilla ice cream layered with fresh strawberries and syrup, topped with fresh cream, and Belgian white chocolate. Oreo cookies layered between vanilla ice cream and Belgian chocolate topped with ice cream, oreo cookie crumbs, and the delicious Hershey’s chocolate sauce. Chunks of luxurious ferrero rocher layered between creamy vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream – all drizzled in Hershey’s chocolate sauce and topped with Belgian chocolate drops. Crushed pieces of crispy m and m peanuts layered between creamy vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream – all drizzled in Hershey’s chocolate sauce and topped with Belgian chocolate drops. Chunks of kinder bueno layered between creamy vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream – all drizzled in Hershey’s chocolate sauce and topped with Belgian chocolate drops. Delicious toffee fudgecandy cubes layered between creamy vanilla ice cream and toffee fudge ice cream – all drizzled in caramel sauce and toped with chocolate drops. Slices of fresh bananas layered between creamy vanilla ice cream and banana ice cream drizzled in banana sauce and topped with white chocolate drops. Pieces of skittles candy layered between creamy vanilla ice cream and strawberry ice cream – all drizzled in strawberry sauce and topped with Belgian chocolate drops. Jelly tots candy pieces with vanilla ice cream, banana ice cream, strawberry ice cream, and bubblegum ice cream. Full 10" Red Velvet cake, Pre cut into 14 slices. Full 10" round cake, Raspberry Victoria Sponge Cake, Pre cut into 14 slices. 10" full round carrot cake pre portioned 14 slices. 10" Full round Crunchie cheesecake Pre sliced. Pre sliced 14 slices 10" Round Oreo cheese Cake pre sliced.
{ "perplexity_score": 347.7 }
[ [ 790318368646, 790318368731 ], [ 790318368862, 790318368938 ], [ 790318369085, 790318369161 ], [ 790318369254, 790318369332 ], [ 790318369481, 790318369556 ], [ 790318369696, 790318369786 ], [ 790318369948, 790318370024 ], [ 790318370141, 790318370218 ], [ 790318370307, 790318370407 ], [ 790318370514, 790318370612 ], [ 790318370613, 790318370670 ], [ 790318370707, 790318370792 ], [ 790318370871, 790318370968 ], [ 790318371028, 790318371124 ], [ 790318371252, 790318371353 ], [ 790318371423, 790318371549 ], [ 790318371581, 790318371655 ], [ 790318371801, 790318371874 ], [ 790318371976, 790318372064 ], [ 790318372267, 790318372334 ], [ 790318372419, 790318372486 ], [ 790318372616, 790318372722 ], [ 790318372762, 790318372847 ], [ 790318372931, 790318373008 ], [ 790318373202, 790318373278 ], [ 790318373402, 790318373602 ], [ 790318373630, 790318373710 ], [ 790318375119, 790318375271 ], [ 790318375310, 790318375462 ], [ 790318375483, 790318375634 ], [ 790318376153, 790318376205 ] ]
[ 364868297, 67696515, 232233273 ]
Mental Health First Aid for Public Safety provides law officers and staff with more response options to help them de-escalate incidents and better understand mental illnesses so they can respond to mental health-related situations appropriately without compromising safety. Learn more: download the Mental Health First Aid for Public Safety one-pager. How Mental Health First Aid in Public Safety is helping Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. To find a course or Instructor near you, enter your location below. You may then narrow your search by using the check boxes to the left of your screen. 1 in 4 fatal law enforcement encounters involves an individual experiencing mental illness. Approximately 12 police officers complete suicide month. Approximately 1,000 officers are experiencing PTSD on the job. Improves the way law enforcement interacts with people facing mental health and addiction challenges. Models de-escalation techniques useful when responding to people in crisis safely and effectively. Teaches skills to safely address a comrade’s mental health or substance use challenge. Increases mental health and substance use literacy.
{ "perplexity_score": 469.4 }
[ [ 790318376521, 790318376848 ], [ 790318376968, 790318377042 ], [ 790318377072, 790318377123 ], [ 790318377382, 790318377437 ] ]
[ 364868298, 217536795 ]
When completing the Justwealth online account application steps, you will be required to provide us with some basic personal, financial and employment information for you and your spouse (if applicable). This information allows us to assess your financial needs and fulfill our legal and regulatory obligations. Tap the screen to start.
{ "perplexity_score": 367 }
[ [ 790318377743, 790318377884 ] ]
[ 364868299 ]