Scientists say coffee is great for your swimming; they say winter swimming can treat seasonal depression; and they say your "finger spread" can determine whether or not you win a race. Well, scientists are now saying something else that's very interesting - and once again it's relevant for swimmers! To learn this secret swimming tip, you'll first need to understand a recently discovered psychological phenomenon called enclothed cognition. Enclothed cognition sounds intimidating, but it simply refers to the effect that attire has on the wearer's behavior. For example, researchers at the Kellogg School of Management demonstrated this theory with the example of lab coats. Participants in the experiment were either given a lab coat or not given anything special to wear. Then they were asked to participate in activities requiring attention. The participants who wore lab coats performed significantly better on the tests than those who did not, implying that the professional feel of the lab coat enhanced their cognitive abilities. Fascinating "psychological hacks" from clothing have been shown in other situations as well. For instance, wearing formal attire for negotiations led to increased testosterone and more profitable outcomes for wearers. On a less positive note, women who were told that they were given counterfeit designer sunglasses were more likely to cheat in experiments, and they were more likely to view other women with suspicion. So, this is interesting and all, but we want to tell you why it matters for you and your swimming. It turns out that simple color-related psychology can have a significant effect on athletes and teams. Researchers have found that teams that wear black uniforms are thought to be more malevolent than teams that wear non-black uniforms. In fact, football teams with black uniforms were penalized more than teams with non-black uniforms. There are two interested elements to this finding: For one, it is important to recognize the "intimidation factor" of wearing black. Wearing black swimsuits will likely increase scrutiny from officials, but it will also intimidate your competition! The second finding, which is perhaps more surprising, is that wearing black does not just look intimidating; it fundamentally changes your behavior. Athletes who wore black gear acted more aggressively! Don't want to wear black swimsuits? Even though black is associated with aggression, athletes and teams that wear outfits featuring red appear to win the most. Referees and fans favor athletes whose uniforms include red, and the color can even "impair performance" of competitors! So, next time your swim team chooses suits, you might want to think hard about the psychological effects of your swimsuit. Custom swimsuits in a strategic color can bring out the best in you and your swim team (and the worst in your competition)!
The book of Job, nestled in the heart of the Old Testament, offers a captivating odyssey through the depths of faith and the challenges of life. This section explores the rich narrative of the book of Job, revealing major themes and timeless lessons. I- The Trial of Job 1.1. Satan's Challenge The Book of Job begins with a heavenly scene where Satan questions Job's faith. God then allows Satan to test Job, a righteous and pious man. This ordeal, which goes far beyond ordinary circumstances, raises questions about the nature of faith and suffering. 1.2. Loss and Affliction of Job Job suddenly loses his wealth, his children, and his health, plunging into deep affliction. His story evokes the deepest human suffering and invites us to reflect on how faith persists even in the darkest times. II- The Unshakeable Faith of Job 2.1. Theological Dialogues The heart of the Book of Job lies in the dialogues between Job and his friends, as well as his discourses with God. Despite the well-meaning advice of his friends questioning his piety, Job maintains an unwavering faith. His refusal to curse God, even in adversity, becomes a powerful testimony to the strength of faith. 2.2. The Theology of Patience and Hope Job expresses a profound theology of patience and hope. His belief that God is sovereign, even in suffering, offers timeless lessons about trusting divine providence. This Catholic perspective on trial inspires believers to persevere in faith, even when all seems lost. III- Contemporary Resonance 3.1. Lessons for Modern Believers The Book of Job resonates with striking relevance for believers today. Life's challenges and questions about suffering remain universal. The story of Job offers a spiritual compass for those facing adversity, emphasizing that faith can be a beacon even in the darkest times. 3.2. The Quest for Wisdom and Faith Job, in his quest to understand the wisdom of God, represents an invitation to deepen faith and seek divine understanding amidst the mysteries of life. His perseverance becomes an example for modern believers seeking to remain grounded in faith despite trials. Conclusion - Job: A Pillar of Faith In conclusion, the Book of Job, from the Catholic point of view, presents itself as a pillar of faith. Job's trial and unwavering faith offer valuable lessons about trusting God, patience in adversity, and the constant pursuit of divine wisdom. This biblical story continues to illuminate the path of believers, inviting them to find strength and hope in their own faith journey.
Visual Graphic: The Power of Visual Communication In the modern world, where information is constantly bombarding us from every direction, the ability to communicate effectively has become more important than ever. One form of communication that has gained immense popularity and impact is visual graphic design. Visual graphics have the power to convey complex messages, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression on viewers. Visual graphics encompass a wide range of mediums, including posters, advertisements, logos, infographics, web design, and more. They combine elements such as color, typography, imagery, and composition to create a visually appealing and cohesive message. But what makes visual graphics so powerful? Firstly, visual graphics have the ability to transcend language barriers. While words may be limited by linguistic differences or cultural nuances, visuals have a universal language that can be understood by people from all walks of life. A well-designed visual graphic can communicate an idea or concept instantly without the need for translation or explanation. Moreover, visuals have the advantage of being highly engaging and memorable. Studies have shown that humans are naturally drawn to images and are more likely to remember information presented in a visual format compared to plain text. This is because our brains process visuals faster and retain them for longer periods of time. Therefore, businesses and organizations often utilize visual graphics in their marketing campaigns to create a lasting impact on their target audience. Visual graphics also possess the power to evoke emotions. Colors play a significant role in this aspect as they have psychological associations that can influence how we feel when we see them. For example, warm colors like red and orange can evoke feelings of excitement or passion while cool colors like blue and green can create a sense of calmness or trust. By strategically using colors in visual graphics, designers can elicit specific emotional responses from viewers. Furthermore, visual graphics allow for creativity and artistic expression. Designers have the freedom to experiment with various styles and techniques to convey their message effectively. They can use visual metaphors, symbolism, or abstract representations to communicate complex ideas in a simplified and visually appealing manner. This artistic aspect of visual graphics adds depth and intrigue to the communication process. In conclusion, visual graphics have become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing our decisions, perceptions, and emotions. They have the power to transcend language barriers, engage viewers, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression. Whether it is in advertising, web design, or any other form of communication, visual graphics play a vital role in conveying messages effectively and captivating audiences worldwide. So next time you come across a visually stunning graphic design, take a moment to appreciate the power it holds in shaping our understanding and perception of the world around us. 9 Essential Tips for Creating Visually Engaging Graphics - Use a consistent color scheme - Maintain proper alignment - Choose appropriate fonts - Keep it simple - Use high-quality images - Create contrast - Incorporate visual hierarchy - Pay attention to proportions and scale - Test for readability Use a consistent color scheme Use a Consistent Color Scheme: Enhancing Visual Graphics When it comes to creating visually appealing graphics, one tip that stands out is the importance of using a consistent color scheme. Colors have a profound impact on how we perceive and interpret visual information. By employing a cohesive color palette throughout your design, you can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal and effectively convey your intended message. Consistency in color scheme brings harmony and unity to your visual graphics. It helps establish a sense of coherence and professionalism, making your design visually pleasing and easy to comprehend. When viewers encounter a consistent color scheme, they can quickly recognize patterns and associations within the design, leading to better understanding and engagement. A well-chosen color scheme also aids in conveying emotions and setting the right tone for your message. Different colors evoke different feelings and associations. For example, warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows tend to create a sense of energy or excitement, while cooler hues like blues and greens often evoke calmness or trust. By selecting colors that align with the emotions you wish to convey, you can enhance the impact of your visual graphics on viewers. Consistency in color scheme is particularly crucial when designing branding materials or marketing campaigns for businesses or organizations. By utilizing consistent colors across various platforms such as logos, websites, social media posts, and advertisements, you establish brand recognition and build trust with your target audience. A cohesive color palette creates a memorable identity that helps customers associate specific emotions or qualities with your brand. To ensure consistency in your color scheme, it is essential to choose a limited number of colors that work well together. Consider using complementary colors (those opposite each other on the color wheel) or analogous colors (those adjacent to each other) for a harmonious effect. Additionally, pay attention to factors such as contrast between text and background colors to ensure readability. In conclusion, using a consistent color scheme is an effective way to enhance visual graphics. By maintaining harmony and coherence in your design, you can improve comprehension, evoke desired emotions, and establish a strong brand identity. So, the next time you embark on a graphic design project, remember the power of a consistent color scheme and its ability to captivate and engage your audience effectively. Maintain proper alignment Maintain Proper Alignment: The Key to Effective Visual Graphics When it comes to creating impactful visual graphics, one fundamental principle that should never be overlooked is proper alignment. Alignment refers to the arrangement and positioning of elements within a design, ensuring that they are visually connected and harmonious. While it may seem like a simple concept, maintaining proper alignment can greatly enhance the effectiveness and professionalism of your visual graphics. One of the primary benefits of maintaining proper alignment is improved readability. When elements such as text, images, and shapes are aligned correctly, they create a clear and organized visual hierarchy. This hierarchy guides the viewer’s eye smoothly through the design, allowing them to absorb information effortlessly. On the other hand, poor alignment can lead to confusion and make it difficult for viewers to understand your intended message. Proper alignment also contributes to the overall aesthetics of your visual graphics. When elements are aligned with precision, they create a sense of balance and harmony in the design. This balance not only makes your graphics visually appealing but also instills a sense of professionalism and credibility. Whether you’re designing a logo, poster, or website layout, maintaining proper alignment will elevate the quality of your work. In addition to readability and aesthetics, proper alignment plays a crucial role in creating a cohesive and unified design. By aligning elements along common axes or using consistent spacing between objects, you establish connections between different parts of your graphic. This cohesion ensures that all elements work together seamlessly as a whole rather than appearing disjointed or randomly placed. To maintain proper alignment in your visual graphics, consider using grids or guides as tools for precise placement. Grids provide a framework that helps align elements vertically and horizontally while maintaining consistent spacing. Guides can be set up in design software to serve as reference lines for aligning specific objects or text blocks. Remember that alignment extends beyond just horizontal or vertical positioning; it also includes other aspects such as size, shape, color scheme, and typography. Consistency in these elements contributes to overall alignment and visual coherence. In conclusion, proper alignment is a crucial tip to keep in mind when creating visual graphics. It enhances readability, improves aesthetics, and creates a cohesive design. By paying attention to the arrangement and positioning of elements, you can elevate the impact of your graphics and effectively communicate your message to your audience. So, the next time you embark on a design project, remember the power of maintaining proper alignment for visually compelling and professional results. Choose appropriate fonts Choose Appropriate Fonts: Enhancing the Impact of Visual Graphics When it comes to creating visually appealing graphics, choosing the right fonts can make a significant difference in the overall impact and effectiveness of your design. Fonts play a crucial role in conveying the tone, message, and personality of your visual graphic. Firstly, it’s important to consider readability. The primary purpose of any graphic is to communicate a message, and if the chosen font is difficult to read, it defeats the purpose. Opt for fonts that are clear, legible, and easy on the eyes. Avoid overly decorative or intricate fonts that may hinder readability, especially when used in smaller sizes or on screens. Secondly, font selection should align with the overall theme or concept of your visual graphic. Different fonts evoke different emotions and convey specific styles. For instance, sans-serif fonts like Arial or Helvetica are often associated with modernity and simplicity, while serif fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia can lend a more traditional or formal feel. Script or handwritten fonts can add a touch of elegance or playfulness depending on the context. Consider how your chosen font complements your design’s intended message and aesthetic. Additionally, consistency is key when using multiple fonts within a single visual graphic. Aim for harmony by selecting fonts that work well together and create a cohesive look. Pairing contrasting font styles can create visual interest but be mindful not to overdo it as it might lead to confusion or distract from the main message. Another aspect to consider is scalability. Ensure that your chosen font remains legible at different sizes and across various platforms or mediums. What looks good on a computer screen may not necessarily translate well on a mobile device or in print. Lastly, keep in mind any legal restrictions when using certain fonts for commercial purposes. Some fonts may have licensing restrictions that limit their usage for personal use only or require proper attribution. In conclusion, choosing appropriate fonts is an essential step in creating visually impactful graphics. Prioritize readability, align the font with the intended message and style, maintain consistency, consider scalability, and be aware of any legal restrictions. By paying attention to these details, you can enhance the overall effectiveness and aesthetic appeal of your visual graphics. Keep it simple When it comes to visual graphic design, one tip that stands out above the rest is to keep it simple. In a world where attention spans are short and information overload is a constant challenge, simplicity can be a powerful tool for effective communication. Keeping your visual graphics simple means stripping away unnecessary clutter and focusing on the core message or idea you want to convey. By eliminating distractions and unnecessary elements, you allow the viewer to quickly understand and absorb the information presented. Simplicity in visual graphic design has several advantages. Firstly, it enhances clarity. When a design is cluttered with too many elements or excessive details, it becomes difficult for the viewer to discern the main message. By simplifying your design, you create a clear and concise visual that immediately grabs attention and communicates your intended message. Secondly, simplicity improves visual impact. A clean and uncluttered design tends to be more visually appealing and memorable. It allows key elements to stand out and makes it easier for viewers to focus on what’s important. By using negative space wisely and employing minimalistic approaches, you can create designs that are visually striking and leave a lasting impression. Additionally, simplicity improves readability. When text is incorporated into a visual graphic, keeping it simple ensures that the message is easily readable at a glance. Using legible fonts, appropriate font sizes, and well-organized layouts makes it effortless for viewers to comprehend the information presented without straining their eyes or losing interest. Lastly, simplicity promotes versatility. Designs that are kept simple can be easily adapted across various platforms or mediums without losing their impact or effectiveness. Whether it’s for print materials, digital content, or social media posts, simplicity allows your design to maintain its integrity while being flexible enough for different contexts. In conclusion, simplicity is a fundamental principle in visual graphic design that should not be overlooked. By keeping your designs simple, you enhance clarity, improve visual impact, boost readability, and promote versatility. Remember, less is often more when it comes to effective visual communication. So, embrace simplicity in your designs and let your message shine through with clarity and impact. Use high-quality images When it comes to visual graphics, one tip that should never be overlooked is the use of high-quality images. The quality of the images you choose can make a significant difference in the overall impact and effectiveness of your design. High-quality images have several advantages. Firstly, they enhance the visual appeal of your graphic. Crisp, clear, and vibrant images capture attention and create a positive impression on viewers. Whether it’s a product photograph or an illustration, using high-resolution images ensures that every detail is visible and contributes to the overall aesthetic. Secondly, high-quality images convey professionalism and credibility. When viewers see well-captured and well-edited visuals, they associate it with a higher level of expertise and trustworthiness. On the other hand, low-quality or pixelated images can give off an unprofessional vibe and diminish the impact of your graphic. In addition to aesthetics and credibility, high-quality images also contribute to effective storytelling. Visuals play a crucial role in conveying emotions, telling narratives, or illustrating concepts. By using high-resolution images with rich colors and sharp details, you can effectively communicate your intended message to the audience. Moreover, using high-quality images ensures compatibility across various platforms and devices. In today’s digital age where visuals are viewed on different screens – from smartphones to large desktop monitors – having high-resolution images guarantees that your graphic will look great regardless of the device or screen size. Lastly, investing in high-quality images demonstrates your commitment to quality and attention to detail. It shows that you value delivering a visually appealing experience to your audience. While there are many free or low-cost image resources available online, consider investing in premium stock photos or hiring professional photographers when necessary to obtain unique and top-notch visuals for your designs. In conclusion, using high-quality images is essential for creating visually stunning graphics that capture attention, convey professionalism, tell stories effectively, ensure compatibility across devices, and demonstrate a commitment to quality. So, the next time you’re working on a visual graphic, remember to prioritize the use of high-resolution images to elevate the overall impact and effectiveness of your design. Create Contrast: Enhancing Visual Impact When it comes to creating visually appealing graphics, one essential tip that designers swear by is to create contrast. Contrast refers to the deliberate use of differences in elements such as color, size, shape, or texture to make certain aspects stand out and grab the viewer’s attention. Contrast plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual impact of a design. By juxtaposing elements that are noticeably different, designers can create a sense of hierarchy and guide the viewer’s focus towards specific areas or information. This helps convey the intended message more effectively. One common way to create contrast is through color. Using contrasting colors on different elements can make them pop and create visual interest. For example, pairing a vibrant color with a neutral one can draw attention to important text or objects within a composition. Size contrast is another effective technique. By varying the size of elements, designers can establish a sense of importance or emphasize specific details. Larger elements naturally attract more attention and become focal points within the design. Contrasting shapes can also add visual intrigue. Combining geometric shapes with organic ones or using asymmetrical compositions can create an eye-catching and dynamic design. The juxtaposition of different shapes adds depth and complexity to the overall visual experience. Texture contrast adds tactile interest to visuals. Combining smooth surfaces with rough textures or matte finishes with glossy accents can create visually stimulating designs that engage multiple senses. It’s important to note that while contrast is powerful, it should be used thoughtfully and purposefully. Too much contrast or conflicting elements can lead to visual chaos and confusion rather than enhancing the design’s impact. Finding the right balance between unity and contrast is key. Whether you’re designing a logo, poster, website, or any other visual graphic, incorporating contrast will help elevate its overall appeal and effectiveness. So next time you embark on a design project, remember this tip: embrace contrast to captivate your audience with visually stunning and impactful graphics. Incorporate visual hierarchy Incorporate Visual Hierarchy: A Key to Effective Graphic Design When it comes to creating visually appealing and impactful designs, incorporating visual hierarchy is a crucial element. Visual hierarchy refers to the arrangement and organization of visual elements in a way that guides the viewer’s attention and communicates the intended message effectively. By understanding and implementing visual hierarchy principles, designers can create designs that are visually engaging, easy to navigate, and convey information in a clear and concise manner. One of the primary goals of visual hierarchy is to establish a clear focal point or emphasis within a design. This focal point helps draw the viewer’s attention and guides them through the content in a logical order. By using techniques such as size, color contrast, or positioning, designers can create a visual hierarchy that directs the viewer’s gaze towards the most important elements first. Size plays a significant role in establishing visual hierarchy. Larger elements tend to attract more attention than smaller ones. By increasing the size of key elements such as headlines or important visuals, designers can ensure they stand out and become focal points within the design. Color contrast is another powerful tool in creating visual hierarchy. By using contrasting colors for important elements against a neutral or complementary background, designers can make those elements pop and grab attention. This contrast helps establish a clear distinction between different levels of importance within the design. Positioning also plays an essential role in visual hierarchy. Placing important elements strategically at eye level or in prominent positions within the design naturally draws attention. Additionally, grouping related elements together creates coherence and makes it easier for viewers to understand relationships between different pieces of information. Typography is another aspect that contributes to visual hierarchy. Using different font sizes, weights, or styles can help differentiate headings from body text or highlight key information within paragraphs. Consistency in typography throughout the design ensures readability while also guiding viewers through the content effectively. Incorporating visual hierarchy not only enhances aesthetics but also improves usability and user experience. By creating a clear and intuitive flow of information, viewers can easily navigate through the design and grasp the intended message without confusion or frustration. In conclusion, visual hierarchy is an essential principle in graphic design that helps guide viewers’ attention, create emphasis, and effectively communicate information. By using techniques such as size, color contrast, positioning, and typography, designers can establish a clear visual hierarchy that enhances the overall impact and effectiveness of their designs. So next time you embark on a design project, remember to incorporate visual hierarchy to create visually engaging and compelling designs that leave a lasting impression. Pay attention to proportions and scale When it comes to creating impactful visual graphics, paying attention to proportions and scale is crucial. Proportions refer to the relationship between different elements within the design, while scale refers to their size in relation to one another. Maintaining proper proportions and scale ensures that the elements in your visual graphic are harmoniously balanced. It helps create a sense of visual hierarchy, guiding the viewer’s eye and emphasizing important information. One key aspect to consider is the size of different elements. By varying the scale, you can create emphasis and draw attention to specific parts of your design. For example, if you want a particular element to stand out, make it larger than surrounding elements. Conversely, if you want something to recede into the background, make it smaller. Another aspect of proportion and scale is consistency. Consistency ensures that all elements within your design relate well with each other. This includes maintaining consistent font sizes, line thicknesses, and spacing throughout your graphic. Consistency helps establish a cohesive visual language that enhances readability and comprehension. Additionally, be mindful of negative space or white space in your design. Negative space refers to the empty areas between or around elements. Leaving enough negative space helps prevent clutter and allows for better focus on important content. It also contributes to a clean and aesthetically pleasing composition. Lastly, consider the context in which your visual graphic will be viewed. If it will be displayed on various platforms or sizes (such as print materials or digital screens), ensure that proportions and scale are adaptable without compromising legibility or impact. In conclusion, paying attention to proportions and scale in your visual graphics is essential for creating visually appealing designs that effectively communicate your message. By maintaining balance, using varying scales strategically, ensuring consistency, utilizing negative space wisely, and considering context, you can create graphics that captivate viewers’ attention while conveying information clearly and effectively. Test for readability When it comes to creating visual graphics, one important tip to keep in mind is to test for readability. While aesthetics and design elements are crucial, if your audience can’t easily read and understand the information presented, your message may get lost. Testing for readability involves assessing how well the text in your graphic can be comprehended by viewers. Here are a few key considerations when conducting a readability test: - Font choice: Selecting the right font is essential. Opt for fonts that are clear, legible, and appropriate for the context of your graphic. Avoid using overly decorative or complex fonts that may hinder readability. - Font size: Ensure that the text is large enough to be easily read from a reasonable distance or when viewed on smaller screens. Experiment with different font sizes to find the right balance between visibility and aesthetics. - Contrast: Pay attention to the contrast between your text and background. Aim for a high level of contrast to ensure that the text stands out clearly. Dark text on a light background or vice versa usually works well. - Line spacing: Proper line spacing, also known as leading, helps prevent overcrowding of text and improves legibility. Avoid lines of text that are too close together or too far apart. - Text alignment: Consider how you align your text within the graphic. Left-aligned or centered alignments tend to be more readable than right-aligned or justified alignments. - Test with different devices: Keep in mind that people may view your visual graphics on various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or desktop computers. Test your design across different screen sizes and resolutions to ensure optimal readability on all platforms. By testing for readability during the design process, you can make necessary adjustments to enhance comprehension and ensure that your message is effectively communicated to your audience. Remember, while visual appeal is important in graphic design, readability should never be compromised. Strive for a balance between aesthetics and clarity so that your visual graphics can effectively convey your message to viewers.
Managerial Grid introduced by Blake and Mouton (1964) classifies management practices according to the level of managers’ concern for people and concern for production. Specifically, the Managerial Grid specifies four types of managers: impoverished, authority obedience (produce or perish), country club, and team leader. According to the grid impoverished management characterises a type of management style where the manager has low level of concern for both, employees and task. Impoverished managers with low concern for people and production are the least desired type of managers in terms of achieving organisational objectives. Cases where managers focus on task with a low level of concern to people would relate to authoritarian management style. There is also an alternative management style known as a ‘country club’ where manager focuses on the quality of relationships with employees to an extent that the quality of work can be compromised. “This kind of manager would concentrate efforts on the establishment of a pleasant workplace with friendly and comfortable human relations” (Miller, 2011, p.49). Authority obedience (produce or perish) management prioritises production, but has low concern for employees. In such environments all components of production are achieve maximum input from employees. With high concern for people, as well as, for production, team leaders are best positioned to achieve organisational objectives in an efficient manner (Mumford, 2009). Moreover, as it can be seen from the figure above, some managers position themselves in ‘middle of the road’ trying to balance various management roles within the Managerial Grid. According to Blake and Mouton managers need to strive for team leader position within the grid so that positive results can be achieved with fewer efforts. Miller, K. (2011) “Organisational Communication: Approaches and Processes” Cengage Learning Mumford, M.D. (2009) “Leadership 101” Springer Publishing Company Murphy, D.J. & Willmott, H. (2010) “Organisation Theory and Design” Cengage Learning
Obviously, the environmental impact of the meat industry is exorbitantly high for a number of reasons — in addition to exhibiting inhumanity, it contributes to a large portion of the planet's methane emissions, requires deforestation, creates large amounts of pollution, and wastes large amounts of water. But a new study shows that the meat industry uses a shocking amount of pesticides — over 100,000 tons every year, to be exact. Cameron Harsh, World Animal Protection's (WAP) programs director, hopes these findings will make people realize the impact of the meat industry is larger than we thought, with the amount of pesticides required to keep it running. “It is critical that we understand the full environmental footprint of animal products so people can understand the true impacts of their food choices,” Harsh stated in a press release. Harsh continued, explaining that wildlife, plants, and humanity is bearing the brunt of the meat industry's harmful ways. “Meat and dairy companies consume resources, such as feed crops and the land used to grow them, at unsustainable rates to create calorie-dense diets for the billions of farmed animals raised in the U.S. each year. Wild animals and ecosystems are paying the price,” he said. Why does the meat industry use so many pesticides? A new Collateral Damage Report from WAP and Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), found the U.S. meat industry uses 235 million pounds, or 117,500 tons of pesticides to grow animal feed annually. According to The Independent, approximately a third of farms nationwide are dedicated to corn and soy — and about 75 percent of that soy and 45 percent of that corn is used to fatten up farm animals. And a cheap way to keep it pest-free is by using glyphosate and atrazine, two highly toxic pesticides. “These hazardous pesticides used in animal feed production have an immense impact on wild animals and ecosystems that consumers are likely not very aware of,” Harsh told The Independent. In addition to having the potential to kill up to 93 percent of ESA-protected plants and animals, these pesticides are considered "probably carcinogenic to humans" by the WHO, with over thousands of cases filed in the U.S. alleging they cause cancer. The report goes on to state that many of the toxic pesticides and herbicides are manufactured and sold in countries that have banned them, due to environmental and human health concerns. It also looks at how converting land for farms that grow animal feed requires deforestation, which is decimating carbon-sequestering grasslands across the U.S. Needless to say the study shows just how harmful the meat industry is — beyond animal abuse. That said, if you're looking to transition to a plant-based diet, the time is now. Pesticides are contributing to the ongoing climate crisis, which is expected to get much worse if we don't lower the amount of greenhouse gases we emit into the atmosphere. Sea levels are expected to keep rising, and forest fires are going to become an annual occurrence. So if you're looking to transition to a plant-based diet, to lower your impact, the time is now. Experts believe that if U.S. residents ensure their diet is 50 percent plant-based, global emissions could be reduced by 35 percent. Luckily, we have a guide to transition to a plant-based diet, if that tickles your fancy — even cutting down on animal products and byproducts helps.
December 4, 2023 Access to clean water and sanitation impacts every facet of life, from health to education to economic outcomes. Over two million people in the U.S. do not have running water, and many more lack access to safe drinking water. Vulnerable populations, including low-income and communities of color, are most impacted. The Navajo Nation is one of the hardest-hit pockets of water poverty in the country. According to DigDeep, more than 30% of homes are without running water or basic plumbing, forcing households to pay exorbitant prices – 72 times the cost of piped water – while making critical choices around water use, like showers vs. washing dishes. Some residents are forced to rely on contaminated water sources or drive long distances every few days to haul and stockpile water, made difficult for at-risk residents, like children or elders or in crises like inclement weather and the COVID-19 pandemic. DigDeep’s Navajo Water Project is an innovative Indigenous-led field team working to get clean water to homes without access to piped water or sewer lines. “We’ve installed clean, running water into over 550 homes across the Navajo Nation through our off-grid Home Water Systems,” says Cindy Howe, Director of the Navajo Water Project. “But the impact of what we’re building is much greater.” “The Navajo Nation was one of the hardest hit regions by the pandemic, in part due to lack of running water. Protection measures were to hunker down at home and frequently wash your hands, which is impossible if you have to leave to haul water,” said Howe. “During that time, we quickly halted in-home installations to protect our staff and clients. We pivoted to emergency aid, redesigned our Home Water Systems to allow for contactless delivery, and deployed hundreds of smaller water storage tanks to households across the community. Now we have resumed normal operations, but the need for long-term solutions to increase water access on the Navajo Nation remains a critical need.” The community-managed approach empowers Indigenous leaders like Cindy Howe, and creates meaningful employment opportunities with benefits, including employer-paid health coverage, a sanitation and septic installation program and the Navajo Nation’s first-ever plumbing certification training program. “We hire locally from the communities we serve, and all the staff, nearly 40 people, on my team are Navajo,” said Howe. “Every day, we work together to bring water to our neighbors and community members. It’s relentless work, but it’s incredibly meaningful. Tó éí ííńá át’é. In the Navajo language, that means water is life.” The Caterpillar Foundation has partnered with DigDeep since 2022 in a shared commitment to help solve local challenges and create an equitable future where everyone can access clean running water.
In a world where borders blur and distances shrink, international voice calls stand as the lifeline connecting hearts across the globe. The evolution of communication technology has transformed voice calls into a global phenomenon, enabling individuals to navigate the vast expanse of the world through a simple phone call. Unveiling the Evolution: From the inception of voice communication by Alexander Graham Bell to the contemporary era of smartphones and digital connectivity, the journey of international voice calls is nothing short of remarkable. It's a narrative of progress, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of connecting people irrespective of geographical boundaries. The Power of Global Connectivity: International voice calls have become more than just a means of communication; they embody the spirit of global connectivity. Whether it's a heartfelt conversation with a loved one, a crucial business discussion, or a spontaneous catch-up with a friend overseas, these calls transcend physical distances, fostering a sense of closeness in an increasingly interconnected world. Bridging Cultures and Communities: One of the most profound impacts of international voice calls is their ability to bridge cultures and communities. They facilitate cross-cultural understanding, allowing individuals to share experiences, traditions, and emotions in real-time. It's not just about hearing a voice; it's about creating shared moments that traverse the boundaries of time zones and continents. The Role of Technology: Smartphones have played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of international voice calls. With advancements in technology, making a call to a friend on the other side of the world has become as effortless as calling a neighbor. The integration of voice calls into our daily lives has made the world more accessible, turning it into a global village where communication knows no limits. Looking Ahead: As we navigate the future, international voice calls continue to be a testament to the power of human connection. In an era defined by technological marvels, the simplicity and significance of hearing a familiar voice across borders remain unparalleled. It's not just about making a call; it's about forging global connections that enrich our lives and make the world a smaller, more interconnected place.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) pose a significant risk to public health worldwide. One such prevalent and concerning infection is Gonorrhea. Understanding the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and prevention methods associated with this infection is crucial for promoting sexual health and preventing its spread. In this article, we will delve into the essential aspects of gonorrhea, equipping you with the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your loved ones. Let’s explore the various facets of this STI and empower ourselves with the necessary information for a healthy life. What is Gonorrhea? Gonorrhea, often referred to as “the clap,” is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This bacterium thrives in warm and moist areas of the reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and urethra in women, and the urethra, anus, throat, and eyes in both men and women. Gonorrhea is primarily spread through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Causes of Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is mainly transmitted through unprotected sexual activity with an infected individual. The infection can be contracted from any sexual partner, regardless of gender. It is important to note that gonorrhea can also be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her baby during childbirth. Engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors, having multiple sexual partners, or not using barrier methods such as condoms increase the chances of contracting gonorrhea. Symptoms and Complications In many cases, gonorrhea does not present any noticeable symptoms, particularly in women. When symptoms do occur, they typically manifest within 2 to 10 days after exposure. Common symptoms of gonorrhea include painful urination, abnormal vaginal discharge (yellowish or bloody), pain or swelling in the testicles, and anal itching or discharge. If left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to severe complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, ectopic pregnancies, and an increased risk of contracting other STIs, including HIV. Diagnosis and Testing Timely diagnosis and testing are crucial for effective treatment and prevention of the spread of gonorrhea. Healthcare providers typically perform a physical examination and collect samples from the affected areas for laboratory testing. These samples may include urine, swabs from the cervix, urethra, rectum, or throat. In recent years, at-home testing kits have become available, allowing individuals to discreetly test themselves for gonorrhea and other STIs. Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection, and fortunately, it can be treated with antibiotics. However, due to the increasing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant strains, healthcare providers must carefully consider the most appropriate antibiotics for each case. Commonly prescribed antibiotics for gonorrhea treatment include ceftriaxone and azithromycin. It is essential to complete the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed, even if symptoms disappear, to ensure the infection is fully eradicated. Prevention and Safe Practices Prevention is crucial in combating the spread of gonorrhea. Practicing Safe sex by consistently and correctly using Condoms is an effective measure to reduce the risk of contracting gonorrhea. Regular testing and open communication with sexual partners are essential, particularly if there is a change in partners or potential exposure to the infection. Vaccines against gonorrhea are currently under development and may offer promising preventive measures in the future. Gonorrhea remains a significant public health concern, emphasizing the importance of education, prevention, and early detection. By understanding the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and prevention methods associated with gonorrhea, individuals can take proactive steps to protect themselves and their partners. Regular testing, practicing safe sex, and seeking prompt medical attention when symptoms arise are key in maintaining sexual health and preventing the spread of this sexually transmitted infection. Let us strive for a future where education and awareness lead to a decline in the prevalence of gonorrhea and other STIs, promoting healthier lives for all.
Resources IntroductionCurrent location:Home > Environment and resources > Resources Introduction American Black Walnut [Juglans nigra] is the most respected of North America's fine hardwoods. Handsomely finished walnut furniture, interiors, flooring, gunstock blanks, and other wood products with the warm rich walnut color blanks, are found in applications all around the world. Walnut has always been in high demand. Walnut's qualities have earned the respect of fine craftsmen since the 16th Century. The American Black Walnut is native to North America, and is known as the "aristocrat of the fine hardwoods". Black Walnut grows naturally over most of the eastern half of the United States. In the Central and Midwestern regions of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and the surrounding States, walnut matures very well as part of the even-aged hardwood stand, and in scattered groves. The sapwood of walnut is creamy white, while the heart wood is light to dark chocolate brown, occasionally with a purplish cast and darker streaks. Walnut can be steamed, to darken sapwood,or left unsteamed. The wood is generally straight grained, but may contain a curly grain that produces an attractive and decorative figure. Walnut works easily with hand and machine tools. It holds paint and stain very well and can be polished to an exceptional finish. It dries slowly, and care is needed to avoid kiln degrade.Walnut has good dimensional stability. Walnut is of medium density, with moderate bending and low stiffness. It has good dimensional stability. Rated as very resistant to heartwood decay, it is one of the most durable hardwoods even under conditions favorable to decay.
International Journal of Home Science 2020, VOL. 6 ISSUE 2, PART B Overview of audio-visual Aids Author(s): Jyoti and Neenu Poonia Teaching and learning is a complex processes. To make all the complexities of teaching and learning processes easier, well-advanced teaching aids are the need of the hour. It is an open secret that audio- visual aids provide optimum services to energize both the learner and the teacher in teaching and learning process. With the development of technology, new innovations are being brought up in learning teaching. Nowadays, language teachers are using different audio-visual aids to improve the teaching process. The present paper focuses on the role of audio-visual aids in assisting trainer as well as learner in teaching learning process and also it explains the importance of audio visual aids, as well as their impact on teaching leaning process. How to cite this article: Jyoti, Neenu Poonia. Overview of audio-visual Aids . Int J Home Sci 2020;6(2):63-66.
Parent-led early intervention for autism in children shows reduction in symptoms An early intervention for autism aimed at helping parents communicate with their child has been shown to have an effect on reducing the severity of autism symptoms, and this reduction continued for six years after the end of treatment, according to a study published in The Lancet. The study led by The University of Manchester, King’s College London and Newcastle University (UK) and funded by the Medical Research Council is the first to identify a long-term effect of an early intervention for autism, and is consistent with UK guidance supporting the use of early intervention. The researchers found that children who had received the intervention aged 2-4 had less severe overall symptoms six years later, with improved social communication and reduced repetitive behaviours, although no changes were seen in other areas such as language or anxiety. However, they say that difficulties remain and additional ongoing support will usually be needed as the children get older. “This type of early intervention is distinctive in being designed to work with parents to help improve parent-child communication at home,” says Professor Jonathan Green of The University of Manchester and Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, who led the study. “The advantage of this approach over a direct therapist-child intervention is that it has potential to affect the everyday life of the child. Our findings are encouraging, as they represent an improvement in the core symptoms of autism previously thought very resistant to change.” This is not a ‘cure’, in the sense that the children who demonstrated improvements will still show remaining symptoms to a variable extent, but it does suggest that working with parents to interact with their children in this way can lead to improvements in symptoms over the long-term. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that affects about 1 in 100 people; it can have a profound effect on children’s social development into adulthood and results in an estimated £1-1.5 million in lifetime costs for families and the community. The type of early intervention used in this study focuses specifically on working with parents. Through watching videos of themselves interacting with their child and receiving feedback from therapists, parents are able to enhance their awareness and response to their child’s unusual patterns of communication; they become better able to understand their child and communicate back appropriately in a focused way. Parents take part in 12 therapy sessions over 6 months, followed by monthly support sessions for the next 6 months. In addition, parents agree to do 20-30 minutes per day of planned communication and play activities with the child. In the original trial, 152 children aged 2-4 with autism were randomised to receive the 12 month early intervention or treatment as usual. The study published today is the follow-up analysis of the same children approximately 6 years after the end of treatment. 121 (80%) of the 152 original trial participants were assessed as part of the follow-up study. Of these, 59 children had previously received the intervention and 62 had received treatment as usual. Autism severity was measured using the international standard measure of autism symptoms (ADOS CSS), which combines social communication and restricted and repetitive behaviour symptoms into an overall measure of severity scored 1-10, with 10 being the most severe. At the start of the trial, both groups had similar scores (8.0 in the intervention group, 7.9 in the treatment as usual group). At follow-up, children in the intervention group scored an average of 7.3, and 46% (27/59) of the group were in the severe range. By comparison, children in the treatment as usual group scored an average of 7.8, with 63% (39/62) in the severe range. This corresponds to a reduction of 17% in the proportion of children with severe symptoms in the intervention group compared to treatment as usual. At follow-up, there were also improvements in children’s communication with their parents for the intervention group, but no differences in the language scores of children. Additionally, parents in the intervention group reported improvements in peer relationships, social communication and repetitive behaviours. However, there was no significant difference between the two groups on measures of child anxiety, challenging behaviours (eg, conduct/oppositional disorder) or depression. The authors note that the study included children with core autism symptoms rather than wider autism spectrum disorder, and therefore cannot be sure how these results would apply to children with less severe symptoms. They also add that the study was a follow-up at age 7-11 years so does not provide information in how children’s symptoms will develop in adulthood. The paper is open-access, so can be read for free here.
Toy Story: Psychology Professor Lends Her Voice to No-Gender December ‘Tis the season for giving gifts, and Megan Fulcher, associate professor of psychology at Washington and Lee University, appears on an Australian website promoting a no-gender December. As the website notes: “Many toy retailers use gendered marketing which influences children and consumers alike, by sending strong messages about the appropriateness of their choices. Colour codes, labels and imagery all have a narrowing effect on our children’s perspectives.” Fulcher, who teaches a class on gender role development, agreed to lend her voice in support for the public service announcement. In the video, alongside her students, she said, “Knowing a child’s gender tells you very little about their interests, abilities, wishes or aspirations.” She noted her favorite toy was a bike, and her students each reveal their favorite childhood toy. The website, says Fulcher, is a clever idea because people are trying to figure out what to buy at this time of year. “This reminds people to not make a choice just based on gender. Historically, we’ve always seen toys just for boys or just for girls, but surprisingly, there’s been a real push to have more pink toys and more blue toys. Even though we’re encouraging girls to do more masculine activities, we are still color coding those toys pink.” One example she points to: LEGO®. “People are interested in building girls’ skills in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). So LEGO® came out with pink sets. One of the things we’re finding is that the pink LEGO® sets are less complicated than the regular ones. They are not as hard to put together and don’t have as many pieces. You build it and then play with it, and the second part leads to very feminine play. Essentially the message is, you can do this as long as you do this in a particularly feminine way. It also gets parents to buy two of everything if they have also have a boy, so it is sort of a clever marketing ploy, too.” Boys don’t often play with non-traditional male toys. “Parents are much less likely to give boys non-traditional toys than they are to give girls non-traditional toys,” Fulcher said. “What we do know is that when children play with kitchen sets and dolls, they build relationship skills. They also build language skills because they end up talking a lot while they are playing with someone else. If you’re playing cars or kicking a ball around outside, children aren’t interacting as much.” Confused? Don’t be. While the phrase “gender-neutral toy” is a useful one, Fulcher said, “it doesn’t mean children should have only unpainted wooden blocks to play with. I think dolls are great toys. I think LEGOs® are great toys. I think cars are great toys. The point is that children learn different skills from all of those toys, and boys and girls should have access to all of them. When you’re deciding what toy to buy, don’t let gender be a deciding factor. Think about the children and what kind of skills they have and what kind of skills you want to help them build.” If you know any W&L faculty who would be great profile subjects, tell us about them! Nominate them for a web profile.
FOOTPRINT BASELINING, STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT The importance of organisations acting on reducing their carbon emissions has never been more critical to address recent worrying trends in weather patterns and significant adverse climate events. REDUCING CARBON EMISSIONS The need to control C02e levels. Scientists have never been more convinced of the need to control CO2e levels in the atmosphere to limit global temperature increases which could cause irreversible and disastrous changes to the Earth’s climate regulating systems. The diagram provides a visual summary of the main carbon/ GHG emissions scopes related to an organisation's direct and indirect activities. This diagram is taken from the World Resources Institute's Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. The GHG Protocol provides a globally standardised framework to measure and manage direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG)/ carbon emissions from private and public sector organisations. The Protocol is our key reference guidance when supporting clients on carbon management. (when we talk of carbon emissions, we mean carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, which is used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases by converting amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide with the same global warming potential). The Protocol divides emissions sources into three scopes, with: - Scope 1 & 2 emissions being emissions from fuel sources and grid electricity consumption - Scope 3 emissions being indirect emissions from sources including waste generation, water consumption, staff commuting and procurement activities Scope 1 & 2 emissions are deemed as mandatory emissions for reporting under the Protocol. Scope 3 emissions are essentially another organisations Scope 1 and/ or 2 emissions. There is now increased focus on organisations to measure their scope 3 emissions and attempt to influence their supply chain to reduce their related emissions. Scope 3 emissions are also known as value chain emissions. We are mindful that determining some scope 3 emissions sources can be very time consuming in terms of data gathering e.g. related to purchasing activities and business air travel. Our advice on scoping is based on best practice and is, first and foremost, practical to ensure maximum value and benefit for our clients. Carbon Planning Support We are supporting numerous organisations on their carbon management journey. From calculating an organisation’s carbon emissions baseline across all three emissions scopes to assisting with strategy and action planning development and the setting of science based targets. Key Carbon Management support we offer includes: - Carbon Footprint calculation - Carbon Management/ Climate Mitigation Strategy development - Complying with Standard requirements e.g. PAS 2060, ISO 14064, ISO 14068 (under development), Science Based Targets SBTI Corporate Net-Zero Standard - Setting science based targets for carbon emissions reduction - Data verification - Carbon Management training- general awareness, carbon footprinting, carbon management planning - Climate Change awareness training This YouTube clip, produced by Grist, provides an excellent & concise explanation of net zero. Get in touch for an initial no obligation chat
In a few weeks, students across the country will be taking the December Administration of the SAT. Midterms may also be just around the corner for students with semester classes. Even if your student isn’t in high school, he or she will sit down to complete a high-stakes test at some point this year. Regardless of the test ahead, there are some strategies you can provide your student to pass exams. Simple tips to pass exams Know the directions and formats ahead of time If you are taking a standardized test, the directions and the format are the same every time. Taking practice tests and reviewing the directions in advance can save you precious time when you arrive to the test. If possible, arrive early to the test site so that you can get comfortable and take a big breath. Get relaxed and feel confident! Read the questions first Reading the questions first can help provide a purpose for reading. For example, if you know question 5 will ask you to determine the meaning of a word in line 67, you can circle that word before you even begin reading. Then, when you get there, you know to think about that word’s meaning in the context of the essay or story. Pass exams by predicting the answer If possible, predict the answer. This will help you save time to find the answer that best aligns with your prediction. Read the other answers to be sure that yours is the best. Eliminate wrong answer choices Somewhere along the way, someone started the rumor that “if you don’t know, you should just guess C.” Instead, I always tell students to cross out what they definitely know is wrong. Even if you end up guessing, at least you’ve eliminated some of the distractors and increased your chances of a correct answer. Look for key words Look for words like always, never, except, most, or least and circle them. The test is looking to trick you and see if you are paying close attention. If you think you know the correct answer or have an initial reaction, don’t second guess yourself. Trust your instincts because you are probably right. Pass exams with essay tests Paraphrase the question Make sure first that you understand the question by writing it in your own words. Underline key words like define, compare, explain, etc. to help you stay on task. Outline your ideas first Before you begin writing, take a minute to outline your ideas. This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure that your essay is the strongest essay possible. If you take a few minutes in the beginning to outline your idea, you will save time overall. Need more help to pass exams? Contact us today. Natalie Mangrum is the founder and CEO of Maryland Teacher Tutors. She is a reading specialist with a bachelors in elementary education and masters in education. As a parent to two young adults, and prior teacher, Natalie knows all too well the benefits of one-on-one tutoring and coaching for students. Her mission is to ensure that every aspect of MTT is done in a spirit of excellence! She enjoys alleviating the concerns of parents so they can breathe easy knowing their children are in good hands!
Our Colorado Facts for Kids provide interesting and fun facts about the state of the United States of America which has the highest average elevation, its people, attractions and geographical superlatives and all other important facts about Colorado you really should know. 1. Colorado is a landlocked state in the southwestern USA and has an almost rectangular shape. The highest state of the USA does not border any ocean but seven other US states. 2. The neighbouring seven states are Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona. 3. Colorado is one of the few states whose borders are made up by straight lines and not by natural features. The straight lines correlate with the lines of latitude and longitude. The state lies between the 41° and 37° parallel and the 102° and 109° meridians. 4. Colorado shares the Four Corners, a unique point in the United States of America, where four state borders meet: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. 5. Colorado is the eight largest state of the USA and covers an area about double the size of Alabama or one seventh of the size of Alaska, the largest state of the USA. Colorado is slightly smaller in land area than New Zealand and about 20% larger than Great Britain. 6. Colorado has a population of about 5.8 million people. The majority of the people in Colorado live in and around the capital city Denver. 7. The capital city of Colorado is called Denver. The state capital is the most populous city of the state and houses about 750,000 inhabitants. Denver is located on high rolling plains near the mountains. Denver received its nickname ‘mile high city’ from the Colorado State Capitol building which stands at one mile high above sea level, which is at 1.6km/ 5280 ft. 8. About 40% of the state is flat on high plains with rolling hills while Colorado is known for its alpine mountain scape. 75% of the land area of the state is above 3,048 m or 10,000 feet. There are 850 peaks that are higher than 3,300 m / 11,000 ft! 9. The world's largest flat top mountain is also located in Colorado. This is the Grand Mesa. The mountain stretches about 64 km/ 40 miles along the Colorado River. 10. Colorado's landscape is varied as you can find rugged mountains of the Rocky Mountains, high plains and deep canyons as well as large sand dunes in the desert of the Great Sand Dunes National Park. 11. The tallest dunes in North America are located in the Great Sand Dunes National Park. The tallest dune is a star dune that is almost 230 m/ more than 750 ft high. 12. The most important geographical features are the Rocky Mountains, the High Plains which are part of the Great Plains, the great sand dunes and deep canyons. 13. The Rocky mountain range dominates the southern parts of the state. Colorado houses 58 peaks that are so-called Fourteeners, peaks with a minimum hight of 14,000 ft or 4,267 m. Colorado is known for its foremost winter sports resorts such as Aspen, Breckenridge or Vail. 14. The highest mountain of Colorado is located in the Rocky mountains and is called Mount Elbert with a height of 4,401 m/ 14,444 ft. 15. Colorado is dubbed the highest state of the USA as it is the state with the highest average elevation of over 2,000 m/ 6,500 ft. The entire state is above 1,000 m/ 3,281 ft sea level. 16. There are 158 rivers in Colorado. The longest river of Colorado is the Rio Grande with a length of over 3,034 km/ 1885 miles. The river flows from southern Colorado through the US states of Colorado, New Mexico and Texas and reaches the Gulf of Mexico in neighbouring Mexico. 17. The largest and deepest natural lake in the state of Colorado is Grand Lake. Colorado has several man-made water reservoirs and the Navajo Reservoir is the largest in North America while the Blue Mesa Reservoir is the largest entirely located within the state of Colorado. 18. The Royal Gorge Bride in Colorado is the highest suspension bridge in North America. The bridge was built in 1929 and stands above the Arkansas river at about 956 feet above the gorge’s floor. Visitors who are 10 years and older can explore the gorge walls and climb along the Via Ferrata adventure trail. 19. The name Colorado is derived from the Spanish term for coloured or colourful. 20. The state has a nickname: "The Centennial State". The state was formed in 1876, exactly 100 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed. Colorado Day is celebrated annually on 1 August. The motto of the state is: "Nothing without providence or deity". 21. Colorado is the 38th state of the USA and gained statehood in 1876 under president Ulysses S. Grant. 22. The Colorado state flag colours are blue, gold, white and red. The white and lavender coloured columbine is the state flower. The rocky mountain bighorn sheep is the official state animal of California. The stegosaurus is the official state fossil. 23. Native animals in Colorado are the the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, wild horses, black bears, mountain lions and the American bison amongst others. The county of Denver has two Bison herds that live in reserves near the capital city. 24. Indigenous people who settled initially in the region of today's state of Colorado are the Apache nation, the Arapaho nation, Cheyenne nation, the Pueblo, Shoshone and Ute people. Today the Southern Ute and Ute Mountain Ute tribes are recognised by the the government. Colorado counts about 50,000 Native Americans which make about 1% of the population in the state. Every year in March, the colourful 'Denver March Powwow' offers a glimpse into traditional Native American culture. In 2023, the festivities will be held from 17-19 March. The cliff dwellings in Southwestern Colorado are an important historical and archeological site. Ancestral Pueblo people built their homes in the cliffs as early as in the 13th century. 25. The first non-native settlers were Spanish explorers who moved up to the region from today's Mexico. Spanish explorer Juan de Archuleta claimed the Colorado territory for the Spanish crown in 1664. Today, the Hispanic community accounts for about 34% of the state population. 26. Gold was discovered in Colorado in 1858. The gold rush brought many more new settlers to the region during the 1860s. Many cities such as Denver, Boulder or Breckenridge were founded during this time. Silver was discovered in Leadville/ Colorado in 1878 und led to the Colorado Silver Boom. 27. About 64% Coloradans say they are Christians, 26% of these are Evangelical Protestants. But Colorado is home to people of all different ethnic groups and different religions. 28. Colorado's economy is strong and known for the high tech and aerospace industry as well as its agricultural products. The agricultural produce include wheat, corn, millet, sorghum and cattle raising is important here as well. The state has abundant natural gas and oil reserves and some of the largest coal reserves of the country can be found here. Colorado is also famous for the gold and silver mines. The largest silver nugget ever found in the world was discovered at Smuggler mine near Aspen/ Colorado in 1894. The largest piece of silver that was brought to the surface weighs 834 kg/ 1,840 lbs and consists to 93% of pure silver. 29. Colorado Facts | Time Zones: All regions of the state apply one time zone: Mountain Time Zone (UTC-7:00) which is shared also with bordering states of New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming and parts of other nearby states. Colorado also adheres to daylight saving time during the warmer summer months from second Sunday in March to first Sunday in November. 30. Colorado Facts | Further Famous Landmarks: Among the most visited tourist sites and landmarks in Colorado are: This page was last updated on 14 February 2023 Image Credits on Colorado Facts page: Shutterstock.com and wikipedia commons
remove whitespace and comments from an XML tree Maple XML tree; XML element The CleanXML(xmlTree) command removes content consisting only of whitespace, as well as XML comment structures from an XML tree data structure. The return value is a cleaned XML tree data structure. Strictly speaking, whitespace is significant in XML, but for some important applications (such as MathML and HTML) it is not. Text content that is not completely whitespace is retained, but whitespace is canonicalized by removing all leading and trailing whitespace, and by collapsing internal sequences of whitespace characters to a single space character. Whitespace in attribute values is also canonicalized. For applications in which whitespace is not significant, and for which XML comments are not wanted, the XML tree data structure returned by this routine should have the same information as the input tree, but may be significantly reduced in size. xmlTree ≔ XMLElement⁡a,,XMLComment⁡a comment, , Some text ,XMLElement⁡b,, More text, xmlTree≔_XML_Element⁡_XML_ElementType⁡a,,_XML_Comment⁡a comment,_XML_Text⁡ Some text ,_XML_Element⁡_XML_ElementType⁡b,,_XML_Text⁡ More text _XML_Element⁡_XML_ElementType⁡a,,_XML_Text⁡Some text,_XML_Element⁡_XML_ElementType⁡b,,_XML_Text⁡More text Download Help Document
Learn to photograph Northern Lights like a pro. Sign up for Peter Rosen's Aurora Photo Courses in Abisko National Park. GEOMAGNETIC UNREST: A coronal hole surrounding the sun's south pole is spewing solar wind toward Earth. This could cause geomagnetic unrest and auroras around the Arctic Circle on Feb. 1-3: photos. Aurora alerts: text, voice CLOUDTOP GREEN FLASH: Spaceweather.com reader Mila Zinkova of San Francisco was photographing the sunset on Jan. 29th when a puff of sun detached itself and turned green. It was a rare cloud-top green flash: Atmospheric optics expert Les Cowley explains what happened: "San Francisco and the Californian coast is a world top spot for green flashes. Air is cooled by the cold offshore current and topped by warmer air from inland to provide the ideal temperature profile for sunset mirages and flashes." "Mila's flash might be something extra special - a 'cloud-top' flash. These are seen as the sun's rays graze a distant cloud bank. Marine stratus can be trapped by temperature inversion layers which could generate some of the flashes. But that is not always the case; there is much unexplained about them." Realtime Space Weather Photo Gallery RED AIRGLOW: The OGLE telescope in Las Campanas, Chile, is hunting for signs of Dark Matter in the Milky Way using a technique called "microlensing." This week, to highlight OGLE's mission, astrophotographer Yuri Beletsky lined up his camera behind the observatory dome with the Milky Way in the background. He captured not only the center of the galaxy, but also a fine display of red airglow: "The Milky Way emerged from the top of the dome like a stellar fountain," says Beletsky. "Red airglow is quite prominent in the background." Airglow is aurora-like phenomenon in the upper atmosphere caused by chemical reactions driven mainly by solar ultraviolet radiation. Human eyes seldom notice the faint glow, but It can be photographed on almost any clear dark night, anywhere in the world. The curious thing about Beletsky's photo is not the presence of airglow, but rather its color--red. Airglow is usually green, the color of light from abundant oxygen atoms in a layer 90-100 km high. Red airglow comes from oxygen, too, but in a more rarefied layer of air 150 - 300 km high. Why did red dominate green on the night of Beletsky's photo shoot? The wavy structure of the red glow offers a clue: High-altitude gravity waves might have altered the temperature and density of the upper atmosphere just enough to favor red. Consider it a beautiful mystery. UPDATE: Steve Smith of the Center for Space Physics at Boston University thinks the red color might be caused by OH instead of O. "Yuri Beletsky took a wonderful photo of the Milky Way and airglow," he says. "I don't think that the red airglow is due to O(1D) emission from 250 km. I think its probably due to OH from near 85 km. The Meinel bands extend from ~600nm into the IR and although the visible bands are fainter those in the IR, they are still reasonably bright. Also, the wave structures are also well-defined - that is unusual (but not impossible) in O(1D) emission." Realtime Aurora Photo Gallery Realtime Comet Photo Gallery Every night, a network of NASA all-sky cameras scans the skies above the United States for meteoritic fireballs. Automated software maintained by NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office calculates their orbits, velocity, penetration depth in Earth's atmosphere and many other characteristics. Daily results are presented here on Spaceweather.com. On Feb. 1, 2015, the network reported 1 fireballs. In this diagram of the inner solar system, all of the fireball orbits intersect at a single point--Earth. The orbits are color-coded by velocity, from slow (red) to fast (blue). [Larger image] [movies] Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs ) are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet, although astronomers are finding new ones all the time. On February 1, 2015 there were potentially hazardous asteroids. Notes: LD means "Lunar Distance." 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance between Earth and the Moon. 1 LD also equals 0.00256 AU. MAG is the visual magnitude of the asteroid on the date of closest approach. |The official U.S. government space weather bureau |The first place to look for information about sundogs, pillars, rainbows and related phenomena. |Researchers call it a "Hubble for the sun." SDO is the most advanced solar observatory ever. |3D views of the sun from NASA's Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory |Realtime and archival images of the Sun from SOHO. |from the NOAA Space Environment Center |the underlying science of space weather
Dr Emma Prowse is Clinical Psychologist at the Children’s Cancer and Haematology Service, John Hunter Children’s Hospital, Newcastle, NSW According to the World Health Organisation, ‘without mental health there can be no true physical health’. This is important to consider when a child’s mental health or emotional wellbeing is complicated by a chronic illness such as haemophilia. Children with haemophilia and other bleeding disorders are faced with a unique set of challenges, in addition to the typical challenges associated with growing up. Developmentally, we would expect children and adolescents to be growing and undergoing physical changes, developing friendships, finding their place in the world and taking risks. However, a child with haemophilia carries a higher level of risk, leading to restrictions in activities that could increase the chance of injury leading to a bleed. Children with more severe bleeding disorders often feel excluded due to being unable to play contact sports, such as Rugby League or AFL, with Australian haemophilia management guidelines recommending that noncontact sports should be encouraged in preference to contact sports. Given the importance of sport in our Australian culture, this often has social ramifications, and can even lead to children not being invited to birthday parties if there is a perceived risk. Children and adolescents may feel excluded from or feel different from their peers, whether this is due to stigma and/or limited understanding about the illness. Teachers may experience an increased sense of responsibility for children with bleeding disorders, which may lead to further social exclusion. The child may also miss days of school due to treatment or medical appointments; meaning that they have reduced opportunities to socialise or fall behind academically. Parents are often required to be more vigilant, particularly of an active child, leading to hypervigilance, stress or fatigue. Children feeling that they are being treated differently to their peers can lead to increased conflict between parents and children, and can also lead to rule-challenging behaviours and other behavioural concerns. Additionally, given the infusion-based nature of prophylaxis treatment administration for bleeding disorders at such a young age, and that young children are less likely to understand the need to sit still during procedures, have more energy than adults and generally have smaller veins, children are at a much higher risk of experiencing pain during medical procedures and are therefore at risk of developing develop procedural anxiety and needle phobias or experience trauma related to procedures. Finally, young women with bleeding disorders face unique challenges, impacting on their psychological wellbeing. It is hard enough being an adolescent girl in today’s society, with the influence of social media and pressures to meet unrealistic body ideals without the added embarrassment and discomfort associated with heavy menstrual bleeding. Children are children – they explore, they get dirty, they get hurt. Even children with haemophilia! Children need opportunities to explore and take risks in a safe and measured way. Talk to your specialist team about sports that are safe for your child/young person. Sport is not only good for your child’s physical wellbeing, but it will also allow opportunities for friendships, the development of social skills and increased confidence. Ask questions about prophylaxis and have a plan in the event that your child is hurt. School is important: it not only provides opportunities for academic development, but also allows social and personal development. Try to minimise the amount of school missed. This will reduce the impact of the bleeding disorder on the child’s self-concept. Rather than being a chronically ill child with a bleeding disorder, they become a child who likes science and playing with friends, but just happens to have a bleeding disorder. Emotional awareness and communication: talk to you child about their day and their emotions. Encourage the development of a vocabulary around a range of emotions. Help your child to feel that their emotions are OK. When to get help: Look for signs that could indicate decline in emotional wellbeing. These include but are not limited to, changes in sleep and appetite, withdrawal from friends and previously enjoyed activities, complaining of headaches and stomach aches, increase in irritability or anger, fatigue, increase in rule-challenging behaviours, getting into trouble at school, difficulties concentrating or decline in school grades. If you are worried about the emotional wellbeing of your child or young person, speak to your treating team or GP. Children may be eligible for psychology sessions under a Mental Health Care Plan and most schools have access to a School Counsellor. Support is out there! Berk LE. Child Development. Pearson international edn; 7th edn. Boston: Pearson Education, 2006. Jellinek, MS, Murphy JM, Robinson J, Feins A, Lamb S, Fenton T. Pediatric symptom checklist: Screening school-age children for psychosocial dysfunction. Journal of Pediatrics. 1988;112 (2):201–209. Doi:10.1016/S0022-3476(88)80056-8. Varni JW, Seid M, Rode CA. The PedsQL™: measurement model for the pediatric quality of life inventory. Medical Care 1999;37(2):126-139. Young NL, Wakefield C, Burke TA, Ray R, McCusker PJ, Blanchette V. Updating the Canadian haemophilia outcomes-kids life assessment tool (CHO-KLAT Version2.0). Value Health 2013;16(5):837-41. Sign up for the latest news, events and our free National Haemophilia magazine
With the changing educational landscape and the need for automation, digitization, and customization in education, there has been a growing demand for integrated technology solutions. One such technology solution that has become increasingly popular in the education sector is a school learning management system (LMS). Another solution is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). An LMS allows teachers to manage their classroom and track student progress within the classroom. It also enables students to access course materials, submit assignments, take quizzes, and participate in online discussions. An LMS also allows administrators to monitor student engagement and performance while providing powerful analytics to help teachers and students improve their educational outcomes. In short, an LMS provides a comprehensive, integrated system for managing all aspects of education. The role of LMS in helping teaching In most cases, the learning management system contributes towards helping an instructor by showing them how to create and deliver content. One of the major activities associated with the use of this technology is that it can help the teachers to monitor student participation on a regular basis. Through the presence of LMS portals it also becomes possible for the Teachers to assess the performance of the students and provide them with feedback on where they are going wrong.The teachers can also take help from the various interactive features that are present on the system to create an environment of discussion and debate within the classroom. Considering the importance now being provided to encourage student participation across different curriculum activities, the use of LMS can contribute towards achieving that objective. This is because through the presence of features like threaded discussions, discussion forums and even video conferencing, learning becomes a much easier process. Another major advantage that is associated with the use of LMS is the availability of all information in a centralized system.As a result it becomes easier for the Teachers to look for data on the students through the help of their respective LMS portal. The teachers can also have access to these files when it comes to providing detailed reports about the performance of the students to their parents. In this way teachers have all the necessary tools that are required for them to motivate the students and help them become more engaged in the classroom. How an LMS Can Help Improve the Teaching Environment Here are some of the immediate advantages of using an LMS in education: 1. Streamlined Communication: An LMS provides an efficient way to communicate with students and create a collaborative learning environment. Teachers can easily share assignments, provide feedback, and post information. 2. Engagement through Assessment: LMSs allow students to access course materials on the go, providing a greater opportunity for engagement with the curriculum through tests, homework, and practice questions. 3. Tracking and Evaluating: With an LMS, teachers can easily track student progress and evaluate their performance. This can be used to identify areas where students need more support or guidance. 4. Accessibility: An LMS provides access to resources to students who may not have access to traditional learning materials. This can help bridge the gap between different groups of learners. 5. Security: An LMS provides a secure platform for storing and accessing data. This ensures that sensitive stakeholder information is kept safe. 6. Cost Savings: An LMS can reduce costs associated with printing, updating, and distributing study materials. Read More - How LMS & ERP can Help Teachers Students Can Learn Better and Work in Improvement Areas A learning management system (LMS) helps students to learn better by providing them with the right resources, feedback, and instruction needed for improvement. With an LMS, students can track their progress and get timely feedback, which helps them to stay motivated to succeed. The system also allows for personalized learning, which lets students focus on the areas where they need improvement and develop a deeper understanding of the material. An LMS can provide teachers with tools to manage and monitor student progress, making it easier to provide personalized instruction and create a more engaging learning experience. With the right LMS in place, students can get the support they need to reach their full potential. Role of LMS in the lives of the students Students today are more advanced and are always showcasing a keen interest towards practical knowledge. In most cases traditional classrooms fail to provide this advantage to the students which makes it difficult for them to expand their knowledge. At a time when it is important for students to start learning new skills and increase the speed of learning so that it becomes easier for them to complete their well structured training, the presence of LMS software can prove to be helpful. Students today are always online and as a result when they have access to educational materials on the web it becomes easy for them to learn from anywhere. One of the advantages associated with using this software is that it allows the students to be able to set their own pace, when it comes to learning.Considering the case of the Indian educational landscape where students associated with multiple activities, through the use of this software it becomes beneficial for them to manage their busy schedules easily. When talking about what is lms for students, it is also important to mention the various ways it can keep the students engaged.Through the use of various interactive elements that is present on this software, students find it interesting to be engaged with the study materials. There are several interactive elements including discussion boards, videos associated with different subjects, the presence of multimedia content and even knowledge checks that allows the students to boost their knowledge retention.This also contributes towards helping increase communication between the learners. This is because through the use of this software,It also becomes easier for the students to interact with others and help in the exchange of ideas. In this way, it will become easier for the students to gain a positive learning experience. Automated Student Performance Report Generation A School Learning Management System (LMS) automates the generation of student performance reports. This feature lets teachers view data quickly on student grades, attendance, and other measures of progress. The system also allows for customizable report formats so teachers can tailor reports to their specific needs. For example, reports can be generated on an individual student or a group of students. The reports allow teachers to have an accurate and up-to-date assessment of student performance without manually compiling and analyzing data. Additionally, the reports can be printed or exported to other software applications for further analysis. Automated student performance report generation is invaluable in helping teachers monitor and assess student progress. Make the Classroom More Engaging A Learning Management System (LMS) can make the classroom more engaging by providing students with interactive features such as homework, tests, and practice questions. Homework encourages students to review concepts taught in class, tests allow teachers to assess understanding, and practice questions allow immediate feedback and remediation. The LMS also allows teachers to differentiate instruction by providing assignments tailored to individual student needs. Additionally, the LMS can provide real-time feedback on student performance during class activities and track student progress over time. Finally, the LMS can provide an interactive platform for students to collaborate and share ideas, allowing for more creative problem-solving. With these features, the LMS can create a more engaging and interactive learning environment for students. The Ease of Sharing Study Materials A Learning Management System allows teachers to schedule and share study material with their students securely and conveniently. They can upload documents, lectures, images, videos, and other materials for the students to access. With an LMS, teachers can easily track what materials were shared with each student and when they were shared. Plus, the system can be used to monitor student engagement and progress. This makes it easier for teachers to ensure that the study materials are effectively utilized and that their students stay on track with their studies. This is considered to be a very important feature because when students have access to the learning materials and can easily share them it allows them to prepare the lessons easily. In most cases the teachers always ask the students to prepare the lessons before attending classes as it can provide them with more understanding about the topic. Through the use of the software it becomes easier because the students can directly download the materials from the LMS platform and start preparing them. It also becomes easier for the Teachers to share the materials. Considering the fact that through this software the teachers are able to handle multiple classes and sections, along with multiple topics, the software allows them to keep easy track of all these movements. The software also makes it easy for the Teachers to ensure that they can easily identify the performance of the students by Looking through previous assignments that are already stored in the central server of the software. It is these functions that make learning Management System software interactive and essential for any classroom to have. This is not only beneficial for the learner but also for the teacher as it allows them to maintain a strong balance and ensure that students are always engaged in the classroom. A Digital Classroom for Emergencies An LMS is a digital classroom solution or classroom management system that teachers and students can use to conduct their classes remotely, even in emergencies. This allows for a seamless transition from a physical classroom to a virtual classroom while maintaining the same level of engagement and interaction. How an LMS Can Help in Emergency Situations: 1. An LMS can provide the same level of engagement and interaction even when physical classrooms are disrupted because of unforeseen circumstances. 2. It can be used to conduct classes remotely with the help of an online whiteboard, live polls, and class recordings. 3. It can also provide the students with various tools to work on assignments. 4. It can help ensure that learning is not disrupted. 5. It can also help teachers and students stay connected in tough times. Read More: LMS in Education and its Importance Integrating Parents into the Learning Ecosystem Parents can be kept up to date on the student's progress and will be able to monitor their child's academic performance within the school LMS. This helps foster a strong bond between teacher and parent and better communication regarding student success. Additionally, parents can create a stronger sense of community within the school and help students succeed in their studies. Having the parents be aware about how the students are performing is considered to be an added bonus because it allows them to be able to understand how to help the students better. Through the use of this software it becomes possible for parents to become involved with the learning process as they have quick access to all the important insights regarding their children. In the case of the Indian education landscape, parents are very much involved with the academic progress of their children. As a result, using the LMS software to achieve this objective becomes very easy as the parents can always be able to find out any school related information on their own. For example, through the use of this software, parents Can easily learn about any assignment deadlines that need to be met. They can also be informed about any upcoming School events, making it easy for them to prepare the children. Another very important feature that is present in this software is that it allows the parents to directly communicate with the teachers through the help of the chat system. In this way parents can always be aware about the performance of the children and are able to ask the teachers questions if required. This easy access provided to the parents allows them to take up a more active role in their children’s academics. 1. Parent App: Parents can use the Parent App to track and monitor their children's progress. They can also access information on upcoming assessments and due dates, review assignment instructions, and communicate with teachers about their children's performance. 2. Provide Personalized Feedback: LMS allows teachers to provide more detailed comments and personalized student feedback that is shared with the parents. 3. Send Notifications and Reminders: With the help of an LMS, teachers can easily remind students about due dates and upcoming assessments. They can also send notifications to parents about their children's performance and any announcements that need to be made. So, do you have an LMS or school management system in your school? If not, now is the time to get one. An effective and reliable learning management system can make a world of difference for your students, teachers, and parents! Teachmint - An Integrated School Platform Teachmint is an integrated school platform that combines the power of a Learning Management System (LMS) to provide schools and educational institutions with a school ERP for managing their administration, making digitization and automation of the school seamless. We also have a wide range of digital content for greater student engagement & easier understanding of the curriculum. With Teachmint, schools will have the tools to create an efficient system for managing educational resources and providing high-quality instruction. Teachmint also helps schools become NEP compliant. Get Teachmint today and take your school to the next level. School Management Made Easy with School Management System Learn more about Teachmint plans here.
Digital connection is any kind of way of information that may be transferred electronically via computer system networks, such as the net. This includes instantaneous messaging, email, and video conference meetings platforms. It also includes social networking platforms that allow visitors to share improvements and engage in discussions. It has transformed the way we converse, and it has enabled all of us to reach out to the people across the world immediately, irrespective of their particular geographical location. In contrast to traditional interaction methods, digital communications is not hard to store and search. This allows persons and organisations to maintain records for long term future reference and accountability. Furthermore, digital communication is less expensive than traditional communication channels. Calling online is absolutely free, and most instantaneous messages and emails could be sent brand-new technologies at a fraction of the cost of sending or receiving physical mail. Furthermore, books offered and read more electronic devices instead of being paper. This minimizes the use of standard paper and results in reducing environmental waste. It is necessary to note that digital conversation is not just a substitute for face-to-face interactions. Although it is much easier to convey shade, inflection and non-verbal tips through text message or a voice chat, there is absolutely no replacement for the intimacy of meeting an individual in person. That is why it’s important for individuals who operate the discipline of digital communication to formulate strong sociable skills. They have to be able to state the ideas plainly and concisely, pithily, and be able to build and maintain relationships with colleagues and clients likewise.
The Power of Online Teaching In today’s fast-paced world, traditional classroom teaching methods are being replaced by innovative online platforms that offer a multitude of benefits. With the rise of technology, educational institutions are now able to reach a larger audience and provide high-quality education beyond the limitations of physical classrooms. Online teaching platforms empower educators to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. Through video conferencing, discussion forums, and multimedia resources, teachers can connect with students from different geographical locations, fostering a global community of learners. Furthermore, online teaching allows for flexibility and convenience. Students can access course materials and participate in discussions at their own pace and from the comfort of their homes. This flexibility accommodates different learning styles and schedules, making education more inclusive and accessible for all. Unlocking the Potential of Assessments Assessment plays a crucial role in gauging students’ understanding and progress. Traditional methods, such as exams and quizzes, are often limited in their ability to provide comprehensive feedback. However, online teaching platforms offer exciting possibilities for assessment and evaluation. With online assessments, educators can create interactive quizzes, simulations, and projects that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These assessments can be personalized to match the unique needs and learning objectives of each student. Real-time feedback and analytics enable both teachers and students to track progress, identify areas of improvement, and adapt their learning strategies accordingly. Beyond individual assessments, online platforms also facilitate collaborative evaluation. Peer-to-peer reviews and group projects encourage teamwork and communication skills, preparing students for the collaborative nature of professional environments. Empowering Student Evaluations Student evaluations are an essential component of the education process. However, traditional evaluation methods often lack accuracy and fail to capture holistic insights about a student’s performance and growth. Online teaching platforms revolutionize student evaluations by providing a comprehensive view of their progress. With the help of data analytics, educators can measure learning outcomes and identify trends to improve teaching methods. Students themselves can track their growth, set goals, and take ownership of their learning journey. Additionally, online platforms allow for multi-modal evaluations, including multimedia projects, portfolios, and presentations. This enables students to showcase their skills and creativity beyond the limitations of pen and paper.
Do children always represent hope or something positive for their parents? In many cases, the reality is that children represent something else, such as disappointment, frustration, or even danger. In these cases, what the child means to the parent can create a source of parent-child conflict. The Meaning of the Child interview provides a parent-child attachment assessment using systemic and attachment science techniques to uncover how the nature of the parent-child relationship, the parent’s approach to their child, and the parent’s attachment pattern, can influence how a parent thinks and feels about their child. The MotC looks specifically how parenting impacts the child’s neuro-development. This article describes the Meaning of the Child interview, how it works, what information it can provide family professionals, and links to training opportunities. MotC: a Parent-child attachment assessment – overview The Meaning of the Child interview (MotC) does not focus solely on the parent, or some attribute of the parent, or what the parent claims they think and feel about their child. It explores the actual real-world significance of the relationship between the parent and child and how the parent’s view of their child impacts their child on a daily basis. To assess the parent-child attachment issues, the MotC uses an advanced, yet simplified, discourse analysis method to look below the surface of what the parent seems to be or is actually saying to find the unstated communications the parent is giving to their child. MotC concepts can be used in the moment, during a conversation, by helping professionals to understand what is really being communicated but hard to see. Properly used, it takes about an hour to assess several factors of the parent-child relationship and the parent’s broad attachment pattern. MotC looks at: - The parent’s general attachment pattern - The parent’s sensitivity to their child, - Level of responsiveness, - The degree and forms of control a parent may utilize, and - The nature of the parent’s ability to reflect on their experiences and the child’s needs. With feedback on these types of issues, professionals can better determine if interventions might be needed and if so, where they can be specifically targeted to accomplish the most impact. By using discourse analysis techniques for assessment, the way the parent speaks about their child, the Meaning of the Child interview does not rely on allegations of historical events. Thus, it can be an effective tool when past events are disputed, misunderstood, or factual evidence is missing. For example, it can often provide insightful information in cases of alleged sexual abuse and parental alienation. What questions can the MotC help answer? - Does a parent need intervention services? - What is the parent’s general attachment pattern in relation to a particular child? - Is the parent’s relationship with the child sensitive to the child’s needs, or non-sensitive and controlling or unresponsive? - To what degree can a parent reflect on how they are impacting the child, and on the child’s needs? - What type of subtle and daily parent-child conflict is happening, and how can a parent modify their behavior? - Is the child’s development at a significant risk from parent-child conflict? - Is a parent at risk of engaging in emotional harm, neglect, or abuse and to what degree? - How does the child need the parent to change the way the parent relates to the child, to optimize the child’s neural development? - Regardless of what the parent knows about parenting, are they able to apply their knowledge to a specific child? - For parents who have experienced significant adverse childhood experiences, and who have not psychologically addressed or resolved them, how does their experience impact the meaning of their child to themselves? What information does the Meaning of the Child procedure provide? The MotC uses attachment science and theory concepts to provide classifications of a parent’s attachment pattern and parent-child (dyadic) attachment relationship dynamics. It focuses on at-risk and struggling relationships. Classifications are organized around the three dimensional and primary attachment classifications of sensitive (A), controlling (B), and unresponsive (C) parenting. (In traditional attachment theory language, these patterns are often described as secure or balanced (B), insecure-avoidant (A) (distal, dismissive, anxious-avoidant, compulsively caregiving or compliant), and insecure-preoccupied (C) (ambivalent, enmeshed, resistant, coercive, preoccupied, anxious, obsessively angry and/or disarming), and with attachment classifications such as B3, A1, A2, C1, C2, etc.) The MotC utilizes methodologies from attachment science, such as the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). While the AAI focuses on the attachment and self-protective strategies of an individual person, the MotC focuses on the relationship of the parent and child, and what issues within that relationship may need some help. The MotC is gender, culture, and social neutral, so it provides parenting and caregiving insight for mothers, fathers, LGBTQ parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, grandparents, and essential caregivers. Who would benefit from the training and what are the prerequisites? There is no prerequisite training required. For professionals who have limited or no prior attachment assessment training, this is an excellent interview to learn as a first foray into attachment science. The training is relatively short and the tool is widely applicable. It is useful for any professional working with families and parents, including social workers, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, family center workers, children’s services workers, professionals engaged in child protective services work (CPS), family court advisors, guardian ad litem (GAL), adoption support agencies, educators, lawyers, and mediators. It is also useful for anyone interested in learning more about the nature of parent-child interactions on infant neuro-development. The MotC is being used extensively in U.K. and Irish family court systems since 2010, and in private counseling, mental health, social work, occupational therapy settings, and other infant mental health settings. How was the MotC interview developed? The Meaning of the Child interview was developed by Dr. Benedict Grey from the attachment-system work of John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth, Judith Solomon, Carol George, and Patricia Crittenden, and other professionals working in the fields of human development, developmental psychopathology, and parenting. The MotC parent-child attachment assessment is based largely on the Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation (DMM-attachment). It incorporates the DMM’s basic premise that people use self-protective attachment strategies to manage daily life dangers, and that those strategies impact information processing in children and adults. It utilizes constructs from the DMM CARE-Index, an attachment science assessment for young children, to examine parent-child interactions. It uses DMM Adult Attachment Interview (DMM-AAI) discourse analysis techniques to examine how the parent speaks about their child. MotC utilizes other attachment and systems assessments including George and Solomon’s description of the caregiving system to examine if the child has taken on the adult role of being an attachment figure (parentified) or is being an extension of the parent. The interview itself is based in part on established parent interviews, such as the Parent Development Interview. The basis for MotC assumptions goes back to at least the work of Donald Winnicott (1967). Shortly after the MotC was developed and tested, initial results from the interview coding process showed that the MotC was adept at finding parental reflective functioning, or a parent’s ability to mentalize, so the technique was modified to specifically incorporate elements to assess this parenting capacity. Mentalization concepts are derived primarily from Dr. Peter Fonagy’s work. Dr. Grey and Dr. Steve Farnfield introduced the interview in Grey B, and Farnfield S, (2017), The Meaning of the Child Interview: A new procedure for assessing and understanding parent-child relationships of ‘at-risk families, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol 22, Issue 2, pp. 204 – 218, DOI: 10.1177/1359104516633495. Available here through Research Gate. Dr. Grey is the current Programme Convenor (Director) and Senior Lecturer for the Attachment Studies program, Department of Psychology, University of Roehampton, London. He is also co-director of Cambridge Centre for Attachment (www.attachment.services) and has been using the DMM in the family court arena for nearly 20 years. Dr. Farnfield was established the Roehampton attachment studies program. More information about the Meaning of the Child interview is available at www.meaningofthechild.org. When, where, how For people interested in taking a training program, the current training schedule for the Meaning of the Child interview is kept up to date at http://www.meaningofthechild.org/training/ The next training is Meaning of the Child attachment training online will begin in September, 2020, through University of Roehampton, London, using Zoom and other online training methodologies. An additional small-group, online training program, especially focused for professionals experienced with the Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation (DMM) will also be offered in the fall of 2020. DMM Coffee House #14, on July 7 and 9 (July 10 in Australia and Asia), 2020 will offer an introduction to the Meaning of the Child procedure. Contact Ben Grey for more information at email@example.com Please note, CSI is based in the United States. The Meaning of the Child interview was developed in the United Kingdom (London and Cambridge mainly) where they utilise, mentalise, organise, and analyse, and where colours and dimensions of behaviour move out from the centre. This article was written by Mark Baumann, and expresses his opinion. The Conflict Science Institute is not associated with MeaningoftheChild.org, Dr. Benedict Grey, FRI or IASA.
What is the purpose of maritime law? Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and other nautical matters, such as shipping or offenses occurring on open water. International rules, governing the use of the oceans and seas, are known as the Law of the Sea. What is general maritime law? General maritime law imposes a duty on ship owners to provide a “seaworthy” vessel to the seamen aboard the vessel. … A variety of people, from maritime workers to ship passengers, can file a claim under general maritime law if they have been injured due to negligence or a willful act. Is the United States under maritime law? Admiralty law in the United States developed from the British admiralty courts present in most of the American colonies. … With the Judiciary Act, though, Congress placed admiralty under the jurisdiction of the federal district courts. Although admiralty shares much in common with the civil law, it is separate from it. Who enforces maritime law? In the United States, the Coast Guard is the main source of maritime law enforcement – but internationally, maritime law enforcement varies per situation.23 мая 2016 г. What is an example of Maritime? The definition of maritime is something nautical or related to the sea. The body of laws that set the rules for commerce that takes place on oceans and seas are an example of maritime laws. What is the difference between maritime law and admiralty law? The terms admiralty and maritime law are sometimes used interchangeably, but admiralty originally referred to a specific court in England and the American colonies that had jurisdiction over torts and contracts on the high seas, whereas substantive maritime law developed through the expansion of admiralty court … What are maritime claims? In admiralty law, a maritime lien is a privileged claim upon sea-connected property, such as a ship, for services rendered to, or the injuries caused by that property. … Normally, a maritime lien relates to the different marine transactions in the admiralty jurisdiction and creates the maritime claims. Is there any law in international waters? Well, not completely. According to international law, a maritime country extends outward some distance from its shoreline. During the 20th century several attempts to develop an international “law of the sea” have been made under the aegis of the United Nations. What does the term maritime refer to? adjective. associated with the sea or waterways to the sea in relation to navigation, shipping, etc.: Maritime commerce accounts for trillions of dollars in annual U.S. economic activity. of or relating to the sea or waterways to the sea: maritime resources. … living near or in the sea: maritime plants. What is the difference between maritime law and common law? It is the choice of the parties to bring their case in state or federal courts. … Possibly the most critical difference between maritime law and common law courts is that admiralty judges only apply general maritime law and conduct trials without juries. Who has jurisdiction over the ocean? The Convention on the High Seas, of which the United States is a party, gives the flag country of a vessel exclusive jurisdiction over the vessel when it is on the high seas. However, the federal government has jurisdiction over the vessel if the vessel is partially owned by a citizen of the United States. Who has legal jurisdiction over international waters? Outside of this, you get into international waters. The United Nations has a fair amount of regulation on the open water, as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. First, the activity aboard any ship is subject to the jurisdiction and laws of the vessel’s country of origin. What are the sources of maritime law? Sources of maritime law a) international conventions and treaties b) international model laws c) standard form contracts d) standard terms e) international custom f) the lex maritima, being part of the lex mercatoria g) doctrine – writings of leading authorities on the law h) decisions of international courts and …8 мая 2012 г. How many miles off coast is international waters? 12 nautical miles
No fly holds near the lore among East Tennessee fly anglers as the Yallarhammer. It has long been known that the native brook trout that reside in Southern Appalachian mountain streams have a weakness for brightly colored flies, particularly if that bright color happens to be yellow. But before endless varieties of fly tying materials were so easily available from local fly shops, mail order catalogs, and the Internet, early fly tyers had to use feathers from local birds that they could shoot themselves. A woodpecker known as a yellow hammer because of its bright yellow feathers and hammering beak was quite abundant in the area and provided a perfect source for fly tying materials. Over the years, numerous variations of the Yallarhammer (taken from the local pronunciation) trout fly emerged but the photo above is thought to closely (and legally) resemble the original. It was fished as a ‘wet’ fly, most often drifted and swung through pockets, riffles, and plunges. The Yallarhammer also has strong ties to the state of Alabama. Their state bird, the Yallarhammer is most often associated with a confederate regiment based in Alabama that wore Yallarhammer feathers in their hats. Tennessee Volunteer fans may even be familiar with a Crimson Tide cheer that uses the term: “Rammer, Jammer, Yallarhammer…” As a trout fly, the Yallarhammer was so popular that locals nearly shot the poor bird to extinction. It is currently a protected bird and the possession of its feathers will likely land you a citation before landing you a trout! But the Yallarhammer fly still lives on as modern fly tyers now substitute dyed dove and quail feathers for the original flicker feathers. Hook: #10 TMC 5262 (or equivalent) Thread: Brown 6/0 Tail: Golden Pheasant Body: Yellow Floss Feather: Primary dove wing feather, dyed yellow
A new paper from the Global Warming Policy Foundation reveals that heat pumps are uneconomic in the UK. The findings call into question the Net Zero heating plans of energy minister Grant Shapps who has today called for every home to be equipped with a heat pump by 2050. The economics of heat pumps are driven by the ‘gain’, the amount of heat output per unit electricity input, and by the ratio between electricity and gas prices. New data from the Energy Systems Catapult reveals that the typical heat pump delivers a gain of 2.8, but the price ratio is 4. This means that the majority of people will find a heat pump more expensive to run than a new gas boiler. Moreover, nobody will see an overall payback once the capital cost is taken into account. The paper also shows that the cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions using heat pumps is much higher than estimates of the cost of the damage due to global warming. The paper’s author, Andrew Montford, said: As renewables make the grid progressively less efficient, heat pumps are becoming steadily less economic. They already make no sense for consumers or for the economy. And they also make no sense as a decarbonisation tool because the heat pump medicine is worse than the global warming disease.” • The economics of heat pumps are driven by the ratio of electricity and gas prices, and the heat pump ‘gain’ – the units of heat energy emitted for each unit of electricity used. • Heat pumps are mostly deployed in countries with very cheap electricity. • In the UK, the electricity:gas price ratio has been increasing for many years, as increasing penetration of renewable energy makes the grid progressively less efficient. The ratio is currently around 4. • Heat pump gains have been improving, but only slowly. The median for an air-source heat pump is around 2.8. • Thus, even taking into account inefficiencies of gas boilers, the majority of people will find a gas boiler cheaper to run than an air-source heat pump. • Although substantial grants are available to install heat pumps, once the (net) capital cost is taken into account, almost nobody doing so will see an overall payback. • To assess the overall economic effect of installing a heat pump, the capital cost before grants has to be incorporated into the calculation. If this is done, it is found that no heat pump installation is economic. • The marginal abatement cost of reducing emission through heat pumps is over £300/t CO2, several times more than estimates of the damage caused by global warming. • Installing heat pumps is therefore a mistake, on every measure.
Caring (Workbook for Grade 4 Students) By: Linda M. Davis About the Book Caring is a workbook/portfolio that reminds us of the strengths of the children entrusted in our care as parents, teachers, and counselors of fourth graders. It relates some of life’s encounters that students at this level might face. The poems and stories include preferential ways for handling topics that are often part of their daily lives. The book focuses on being positive as an alternative way to address that which might possibly be mishandled. About the Author Linda M. Davis earned a bachelor of science degree in education from Harris Stowe College in St. Louis, Missouri, and a master of education degree from National-Louis University in Evanston, Illinois. She served as a chairperson for St. Louis Accelerated Schools and co-authored Creating a Literacy-Centered Classroom. In 2012 she published Conflict Mediation: Student Appreciation Techniques for Handling Conflict, a workbook/portfolio for students in grades 3 through 5. (2020, paperback, 64 pages)
Are you seeing some pink in the sink when you brush your teeth? Although it might seem normal to experience a little bit of bleeding while brushing or flossing, it shouldn’t be ignored. Bleeding gums could be a sign of a number of dental problems, but it’s usually a symptom of gum disease. In some cases, the causes of bleeding gums may be the result of injuries or infections of the teeth. Gum disease usually isn’t painful, so many people don’t know they have it until it advances. Being aware of the symptoms can help you catch gum disease early — and possibly reverse it through gum disease treatment. Bleeding is often one of the first signs there’s a problem with your gums. Bleeding that’s accompanied by red, swollen gums, tenderness, bad breath or tooth sensitivity are symptoms of gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. Bleeding accompanied by receding gums is also a common symptom of gum disease. Keep reading for details on the causes of bleeding gums and bleeding gums treatment, as well as tips on how to stop bleeding gums when you’re in between dental visits. Bleeding Gums Causes Rarely, bleeding gums may be a symptom of other problems pertaining to your mouth or body. While bleeding gums are usually a good signal that you have gum disease, causes of bleeding gums can also result from: - Brushing too hard - A vitamin deficiency - Taking blood thinners or other medications - Bleeding or clotting disorders - Hormonal changes during pregnancy, resulting in pregnancy gingivitis - Dentures that don’t fit - Mouth sores - Other medical problems, including diabetes, heart disease, leukemia or scurvy Regardless of your situation, it’s important that you don’t self-diagnose. Only a dentist or medical professional can determine the causes of bleeding gums and offer the right treatment. Bleeding Gums Treatment The best bleeding gums treatment is to remove from your teeth the plaque bacteria that causes gum disease. When dental plaque builds up, it turns into tartar, a hard, sticky substance that adheres to your teeth. Without regular teeth cleanings, dental tartar can become a breeding ground for even more plaque, which can creep below the gum line and lead to an infection that causes bleeding gums. So if you notice that you have bleeding gums, see a dentist as soon as you can. Seeking bleeding gums treatment at the first sign of a problem can help reverse gingivitis and help prevent periodontal disease. Other treatment options, such as scaling and root planning procedures, slow down the process of gum disease. If you suffer from an advanced form of periodontal disease, your dentist may recommend ongoing bleeding gums treatment or periodontal therapy. In some cases, dental surgery may be needed to control the bleeding. How to Stop Bleeding Gums The best way to stop bleeding gums is to see your dentist. Your dentist can give you tips on how to stop bleeding gums in between dental visits. That advice might include some of the following tips: - Use a soft toothbrush — and brush properly! Brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day and after meals. Hard brushing can further damage the soft tissues of your mouth. - Floss at least once a day and be sure to floss beyond the gum line to remove more plaque. - Control bleeding by applying pressure to the area with a cold compress. - Rinse with salt water or hydrogen peroxide to keep the area clean. Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol, which can dry out your mouth. - Stay away from smoking and other tobacco products, which can aggravate bleeding gums. - Eat a balanced diet and limit snacking between meals. Carbohydrates and sugars feed dental plaque. - Try an oral irrigation device, commonly known as a “water pick,” to clear debris from around the gum line. - Have your dentures aligned as needed. If you have bleeding gums, visit a dentist. A dentist is the expert you can count on to explain the causes of bleeding gums and to advise a treatment plan.
Find food that fits your pet’s needs Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs Commonly known as the invisible killer, carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless and non-irritating gas that can be dangerous if inhaled in sufficient quantity. What many pet parents may not realize is that cats and other pets are at just as much risk as people. Let's take a look at what carbon monoxide is as well as the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning in cats. Causes of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that is produced any time a fossil fuel is burned. Carbon monoxide is produced by burning fuel in cars, trucks, engines, stoves, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, furnaces and lanterns. If carbon monoxide builds up indoors, it can cause sudden illness and death in humans and pets. Poorly ventilated areas with any source of carbon monoxide, such as an oven, BBQ or fireplace, improperly vented furnaces, gas or kerosene heaters, and gas water heaters or house fires are all potential sources of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of unintentional poisoning deaths in people in the United States. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that carbon monoxide poisoning is the reason for approximately 400 human deaths annually in the U.S. and 20,000 emergency department visits. While we don't have statistics on how many house pets are affected every year by carbon monoxide poisoning, we do know that, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, about 25% of U.S. households have cats. Therefore, cats are likely affected by many of the reported carbon monoxide poisoning cases. Signs of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Cats Carbone monoxide poisoning interferes with the blood's ability to carry oxygen. It can cause different signs based on whether a cat is exposed to a large amount of carbon monoxide all at once, such as being trapped in a garage with a car running, or small amounts over a long period of time. Signs associated with acute (all of a sudden) carbon monoxide toxicity can include: - Loss of energy or acting excessively sleepy - Red gums or red skin - Incoordination or clumsiness - Difficulty breathing Signs associated with chronic (long term) exposure to carbon monoxide can include: - Loss of appetite - Loss of energy Cats who have any pre-existing heart or lung problems are at an increased risk for carbon monoxide poisoning. If you suspect that your cat has carbon monoxide poisoning, do not waste any time: Take your cat to your closest emergency veterinary hospital for examination and treatment. Diagnosis and Treatment for Cats with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning is diagnosed with a combination of oral history, physical examination and laboratory testing. Blood samples will likely be drawn immediately, and your veterinarian will administer oxygen to your cat. Tests for carbon monoxide poisoning typically include a complete blood count, blood chemistry, blood gas analysis and blood pH testing. An electrocardiogram and chest radiographs (X-rays) may also be recommended. Carbon monoxide poisoning is treated by providing oxygen to the brain and heart. Oxygen may be provided via a mask, an oxygen cage, or if your cat is unconscious, by a breathing tube. Hyperbaric chamber therapy can speed recovery, and your veterinarian may also administer intravenous fluid therapy to support your cat's recovery. Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning The best way to keep yourself and your pets safe from carbon monoxide is by knowing the facts and taking preventive measures. These measures can not only save your cat but may save your life as well. - A carbon monoxide (CO) detector should be installed on every level of your home where you can hear it if it goes off, even in the middle of the night. Check the batteries twice a year, and replace the detectors every five years. - Have your furnace, boiler or water heater as well as any other coal, gas, oil or wood-burning appliances checked and serviced by a qualified technician every year. - Refrain from using portable flameless chemical heaters indoors. - If you smell an odor from your gas refrigerator, have it serviced by a qualified technician. - Check with an expert to ensure that all gas appliances are properly vented. - Check and clean your chimneys yearly. - Do not use a gas range or oven for heating and never burn charcoal or use a portable gas camp stove indoors. - Do not use a generator indoors or less than 20 feet from any window, door or vent. If you do use a generator, make sure you have a working battery-powered or battery backup carbon monoxide detector in your home. - Never run gas engines in a closed area or close to air intake vents. With a few adjustments, you can dramatically reduce you and your pet's risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Remember, if you ever have any questions about your pet's health or behavior, do not hesitate to contact your local vet. Dr. Sarah Wooten A 2002 graduate of UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and certified veterinary journalist, Dr. Sarah Wooten has 16 years experience in small animal veterinary practice, is a well known international speaker and writer in the veterinary and animal health care spaces, and is passionate about helping pet parents learn how to care better for their fur friends.
Psychiatrists Near Me What is Psychiatry? Psychiatry is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have specialized training in the field of mental health. They use a variety of approaches to help people with mental health issues, including medications, psychotherapy, and other treatments. What does a Psychiatrist do? Psychiatrists work with individuals, families, and groups to assess their mental health needs and develop a treatment plan. They may also provide support and guidance to help people cope with the challenges of mental illness and improve their overall well-being. Some specific tasks that a psychiatrist may perform include: - Conducting psychological assessments and evaluations to diagnose mental health disorders. - Prescribing and managing medications to treat mental health disorders. - Providing individual, family, and group psychotherapy to help people address their mental health issues. - Working with other health care professionals, such as social workers and primary care doctors, to provide comprehensive care to patients. - Conducting research to advance the understanding and treatment of mental health disorders. The specific duties of a Psychiatrist may vary depending on the needs of their patients and the policies of the healthcare facility where they work. At Oak Street Health, our Psychiatrists in your area develop preventive care plans to help you achieve your physical and mental health goals. Get the care you deserve. Schedule an in-person, phone, or video visit with a trusted Psychiatrist today. When should I see a Psychologist? You should consider seeing a psychologist if you are experiencing mental health issues, emotional distress, or difficulties in coping with various aspects of your life. Psychologists are trained professionals who specialize in assessing and treating mental and emotional disorders. Here are some common reasons to see a psychologist: - Depression or anxiety: If you are experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or overwhelming anxiety that affect your daily life, a psychologist can help diagnose and provide therapy to manage these conditions. - Trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): If you have experienced a traumatic event or are struggling with symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, nightmares, or flashbacks, a psychologist can help you process and heal from the trauma. - Relationship problems: If you are facing difficulties in your relationships, whether with a partner, family member, or friend, a psychologist can provide couples or family therapy to address conflicts and improve communication and understanding. - Eating disorders: If you have anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorder, or other eating disorders, a psychologist can work with you to develop coping strategies, address underlying issues, and promote healthier relationships with food and body image. - Substance abuse or addiction: If you are struggling with substance abuse or addiction, seeking therapy from a psychologist can be beneficial in developing strategies for recovery, relapse prevention, and addressing underlying factors contributing to the addiction. - Stress management: If you are experiencing chronic stress or struggling to cope with life's challenges, a psychologist can provide techniques and support to manage stress, build resilience, and improve overall well-being. - Grief and loss: If you have experienced the loss of a loved one or are struggling with grief, a psychologist can help you navigate the stages of grief and provide support during the mourning process. It is important to note that psychologists provide therapy and counseling services, while psychiatrists are medical doctors who can diagnose and treat mental health disorders with medications. Depending on your specific situation, a primary care doctor or mental health professional can help determine whether you would benefit from seeing a psychologist or another mental health specialist. Does Medicare cover Psychology services? Yes, Medicare covers psychology services, but it has certain limitations and restrictions. Medicare Part B provides coverage for outpatient mental health services, including individual and group therapy sessions with psychologists or other licensed mental health professionals. Medicare Part B typically covers 80% of the approved cost for these services, and the remaining 20% is usually covered by the beneficiary or a supplemental insurance plan. However, there are certain conditions and requirements that need to be met for Medicare to cover psychology services. For instance, a doctor must provide a referral for the services, and the services must be provided by a psychologist who accepts Medicare assignment. It is also important to note that Medicare coverage for mental health services may be subject to certain coverage limits and restrictions, such as a cap on the number of therapy sessions covered per year. Additionally, coverage for inpatient mental health services is provided under a separate portion of Medicare known as Part A, with different requirements and limitations. If you have specific questions about Medicare coverage for psychology services, it is recommended to contact Medicare directly or consult with a healthcare professional who can help navigate the specific details of your coverage. How do I find a Psychiatrist near me? Call (888) 812-1183 to find a Psychiatrist in your area and learn more about becoming a patient at Oak Street Health. You can also stop by your nearest center or fill out a become a patient form, and we'll be in touch. - Spanish-speaking doctors - Hindi-speaking doctors - French-speaking doctors - Chinese (Mandarin)-speaking doctors - Arabic-speaking doctors - Polish-speaking doctors - Urdu-speaking doctors - Gujarati-speaking doctors - Tagalog-speaking doctors - Chinese (Cantonese)-speaking doctors - Creoles and pidgins-speaking doctors - Farsi-speaking doctors - Korean-speaking doctors - Malayalam-speaking doctors - Nepali-speaking doctors - Romanian-speaking doctors - Russian-speaking doctors Psychiatrists near me It's normal to feel down from time to time, but if you're feeling persistently sad, anxious, or hopeless, it might be time to seek out professional help. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. A psychiatrist can provide you with medication and therapy to treat your mental health condition. If you are struggling with mental health issues, it is important to seek help from a psychiatrist. At Oak Street Health, our Psychiatry specialists in your area and supporting care team develop holistic healthcare plans to help you achieve your physical and mental health goals. Get the care you deserve. Schedule an in-person, phone, or video visit with a trusted psychiatrist today.
Raising Children of Peace Edited by Farley and Betsy Jones Chapter 2 Parents and Children We know the way we fulfill our tasks as parents is critical to the health and happiness of our children; yet we also know the path is filled with pitfalls. How do we guide our children so they grow into mature human beings, capable of giving and receiving love? This section addresses various dynamics of the relationship of parents (including parent-figures) and children, speaking to a number of areas of concern. Sharon Goodman's rich and compassionate article describes specific situations in which difficult children were helped to get over barriers to their own growth. It is heart touching and provocative. Whereas Goodman deals with potentially conflicted relationships between adults and children, Marilyn Cohen offers some practical wisdom on decreasing conflicts between children, particularly siblings. Chet Johnson's brief article also addresses this topic very helpfully. If per Sharon Goodman, compassion and patience are needed to help children grow, Victoria Clevenger speaks of trust. Those parents who trust the innate "common sense" of their children are not only more relaxed in their parenting; they are also those who can enjoy closeness with their children. Dietrich Seidel also writes of trust and love, but with a specific focus on the teenage years. His contribution is scholarly yet practical, offering specific suggestions for enriching the parent-child relationship during the teen years. Download entire page and pages related to it in ZIP format Table of Contents
Great schools look at themselves through a character lens to assess how everything happening in school affects the character of students. A comprehensive approach weaves the teaching of character into every aspect of the school culture. Isolated projects can have their benefits but things really start to take shape when everyone is on board with the initiative, working together, and finding every opportunity to infuse character into day-to-day activities. While many schools have several projects or programs in place that help young people develop their character, an intentional and holistic approach will enhance and deepen these initiatives. It’s easy to find ways to connect existing practices to character development but by being proactive and systematic, you can plan out how all the pieces fit together. This kind of approach is not quick or easy, but what we have found over 20+ years is that the intentional approach makes all the difference. Working with a character curriculum can be helpful but a comprehensive initiative goes far beyond the curriculum. Norwood Elementary’s progress plan has a climate section, which is comprised of their goals for virtues learning and restorative practices. This school is located in Dundalk, Maryland, and they believe that without a plan, character education won’t happen. The leadership team, which meets twice a month, uses the school progress plan to guide their meetings and initiatives. The team is open to all staff (they can elect to be on the committee) and is a representative group that includes teachers from all grade levels and many special subjects. Many schools that have now been certified as National Schools of Character have told us that they struggled for years to move from piecemeal to comprehensive, but once everyone was on board, they started seeing all the results through their school climate surveys, decreases in disciplinary incidents, and just how the school “felt.” The final example can’t really be quantified, but you’ll see that over time, the culture of the school shifts to become more caring, thoughtful, and peaceful. How Do You Take a Holistic Approach? It sounds great to say that your approach will be “holistic” or “systemic,” but what does that really mean? It starts through careful review: think through your school practices, your curriculum, your extracurriculars and what “just happens.” How do they affect the character of your students? Expecting students to be respectful in class but then ignoring rudeness in the hallways sends a message that character is only important “sometimes.” This review of practices should include not just what is in your code of conduct, but it should also look into the hidden curriculum: What do students learn from the interactions between teachers and students, or parents and staff? How do students think about the world based on how they are treated differently at school, or how discipline is handled? We’re all character educators whether we know it or not. Students watch us modeling behavior every day. Better to be intentional in our approach and aware of the messages we could be sending. Digging into these questions can begin to reveal the experiences of students that have a tremendous, incremental impact on their character development. By being intentional and proactive, staff can take steps to help develop character, drawing on research and best practices, rather than simply waiting for a “teachable moment” to pop up. Very few schools truly look at everything through a character lens. Reflecting on policies, procedures, and your school culture, what aspects of your day to day school business needs to be re-evaluated through a character lens? What data in your school has been used to drive planning for character initiatives? If data hasn’t been driving planning, take some time to determine which data might be impactful. Research that Supports Principle 3 “SEL, (Social, Emotional Learning), is the process of acquiring and effectively applying the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to recognize and manage emotions; developing caring and concern for others; making responsible decisions; establishing positive relationships; and handling challenging situations capably.” Social and Emotional Learning, by Joseph E. Zins University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, and Maurice J. Elias of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, source
November is National Bone Marrow Awareness Month Annually, November is commemorated as “National Bone Marrow Awareness Month”. We recognize and applaud the achievements of medical professionals who do transplant research at this time. We also thank those who have donated bone marrow and stem cells to help save the lives of patients worldwide. More than thousands of patients are diagnosed with fatal diseases each year, necessitating a bone marrow transplant or umbilical cord blood transplant. These transplant procedures swap out sick cells for healthy ones. Finding a donor who is a good match is usually the challenging part. This is crucial for a transplant to be successful, thus the more individuals who donate bone marrow, the more survivors we will have. We want you to think about becoming a donor this month in observance of National Marrow Awareness. Perhaps one day you will have the opportunity to save someone’s life. When a person is diagnosed with an inherited condition or blood disease/ cancer, such as Sickle Cell Anemia, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma, Aplastic Anemia, Thalassemia, or any other blood disorder that could be healed with a bone marrow transplant also known as stem cell transplant. BMT Specialist first recommends matching sibling donors, but there is only a 25% chance of getting the same. So, for the remaining 75% of patients, the next best option is to search for an unrelated donor match in the World Wide Registry. But finding a match in the registry is rare for patients, due to very few volunteers who have enrolled in registries, especially those from the African background. The main takeaway from National Bone Marrow Awareness Month is that everyone should sign up for the registry, regardless of race or ethnicity, and save the lives of the patients in need. African-Americans currently has the lowest proportion of matches. It is very crucial for more and more volunteers to enroll in the worldwide registries so as to have more probability of getting a match for suffering patients. What is Bone Marrow? Patients suffering from life-threatening blood disorders or blood cancer, certain types of anemia, and other conditions may require a “bone marrow transplant” if their conventional treatment is not working. The sponge-like substance found inside the bones is called bone marrow. These cells are still forming and will eventually grow into platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells. White blood cells perform a variety of tasks, one of which is infection prevention. Platelets assist in the formation of clots after bleeding, while red blood cells transport oxygen to all other cells in the body. After receiving heavy doses of chemotherapy and occasionally radiation therapy, the patient’s own stem cells may occasionally be harvested (taken from the blood) and given back to them. But for other illnesses, the patient needs the stem cells to come from a donor. The donor may be a sibling or parent (referred to as a related donor) or an unrelated donor. Types of Bone Marrow 1. Red Bone Marrow – All of the red blood cells, platelets, and 60–70% of the lymphocytes in an adult person are created in the red bone marrow. Other lymphocytes develop fully in the lymphatic tissues, such as the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes, after beginning their lives in red bone marrow. Red bone marrow, along with the liver and spleen, contributes to the elimination of old red blood cells. 2. Yellow bone marrow – The main function of yellow bone marrow is to store lipids. It contributes to sustaining the right conditions for the bone to operate. Yellow bone marrow, however, may transform back into red bone marrow under specific circumstances, such as when there has been significant blood loss or when there is a fever. Red bone marrow with long trabeculae (beam-like structures) within a sponge-like reticular framework typically surrounds yellow bone marrow, which is typically found in the interior chambers of long bones. The Purpose of National Bone Marrow Awareness Month - It averts deaths: The goal of this month is to promote stem cell donation. It has a huge impact on the lives of those with terminal diseases. - People are educated by it: Many individuals know very little to nothing about stem cell donation and how it helps save lives. People have the chance to get their questions answered and learn more about the process during this month. - Providing assistance: Cancer and other related conditions cause severe distress in most families. For so many people who are silently suffering, finding out about bone marrow transplants and donations can be a source of hope. How are Bone Marrow Cells or Stem Cells Extracted from Donors? Initially to boost the number of stem cells in the blood of the donor, medicine that stimulates their production will be given for about 4 days beforehand. Stem cell harvesting process is a non-surgical procedure performed in an outpatient hospital facility (OPD), wherein donor’s blood is removed through a catheter (a thin, flexible plastic tube) and circulated into a blood cell separator machine called as Stem Cell Apheresis Machine. This Apheresis Device separates the stem cells from the donor’s blood and transfers them to a collection tube; the remaining blood (plasma, red blood cells, and platelets) is transfused back into the donor via another catheter. Stem cells collected are then preserved in the freezer and transported in a safe case for the patient’s Bone Marrow Transplant procedure wherever required. It’s a totally risk-free and safe procedure although after donating stem cells, the donor may experience some discomfort at the site where the needle was inserted, this would gradually settle. A nurse will check on you regularly during donation and a physician will be onsite. To know more, watch the Stem Cell Donation process LIVE video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tpKhzFxRXY What Happens During a Bone Marrow Transplant? Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) also called as Stem Cell Transplant is a procedure to replace damaged or destroyed bone marrow of a patient with healthy bone marrow stem cells of the donor. It is the soft, fatty tissue inside your bones which produces blood cells. Stem cells are immature cells in the bone marrow that give rise to all of your different blood cells. BMT procedure involves transplanting blood stem cells, which travel to the bone marrow where they produce new blood cells and promote growth of new marrow which in turn give a normal & healthy life to the patient. Having a bone marrow transplant can: - Replace damaged bone marrow that is no longer functional as a result of certain medical disorders. - Restore the function of the bone marrow after damage from therapies like high-dose chemotherapy or radiation therapy. - Stop the spread of certain hereditary disorders’ negative effects. - Boost immune function to fight current or recurrent malignancies like leukemia To know more, watch the Bone Marrow Transplant LIVE video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQi4GU4Ob7o How can Medsurge India Help? Medsurge India is a prestigious support system for patients looking for doctors, hospitals, and specialized treatments. We’ll find the most suitable medical options for you. Regarding your medical issues, our team will give you a list of certified, reputable, and trusted doctors and hospitals. Additionally, we offer a treatment strategy that fits your budget. Apart, we assist patients with obtaining travel authorizations, medical visas, and a multitude of other things.
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What has happened to the ordinary human-infecting coronaviruses? These harmless cold-causing viruses appear to have been displaced by Omicron, in much the same way as pre-Omicron SARS-2 lineages displaced influenza. The CDC helpfully track ordinary human coronavirus infections in the United States. Here is their surveillance since late 2020, expressed by test positivity: The purple line is what we’re most interested in. That’s OC43, the virus that likely jumped from cows to humans in the later 19th century causing a worldwide pandemic. Now it’s just one of four ordinary coronaviruses that nobody cares about. Note how OC43 infections seem to have collapsed precipitously in May of this year. This ought to have been their peak, if 2021 is any guide. Note furthermore how OC43 is just totally gone now. This used to be the dominant coronavirus in the United States and everywhere else too, but suddenly it’s nowhere to be found. May 2022 was the peak of the Omicron wave in America. As soon as Omicron surged, OC43 vanished. German surveillance data is much lower quality, but it shows, very roughly, the same pattern: Our surveillance doesn’t differentiate among the human-infecting coronaviruses, but this doesn’t matter for our purposes. Since May, almost none of the sentinel swabs come back positive for an ordinary coronavirus at all. Through the end of 2021, in the era of Delta, these hCoVs were more common than SARS-2. Now it looks for all the world like SARS-2 has replaced them. This chart also illustrates another phenomenon that has accompanied Omicron, namely the return of influenza. As soon as the new Omicron strains began replacing the prior Delta lineages, the flu started to creep back. The mystery of disappearing influenza, which has been with us since the earliest days of the pandemic, is no more in the era of Omicron. Despite its genetic similarity to prior SARS-2 lineages, Omicron is a fundamentally different pathogen. Earlier strains were more severe, because they depended on what is called attendant-mediated transmission. They were adapted primarily to circulate in healthcare institutions. Omicron, on the other hand, circulates primarily via direct contact in the population; this is a different strategy, and one which probably places a firm upper limit on its pathogenicity. If you cast your eyes back over the infection statistics of the past three years, you could even say that we have had two pandemics. The first, consisting of the wild-type, Alpha and then Delta variants, was superseded by a second, very different Omicron pandemic. The mechanisms of viral interference remain opaque to us, yet it seems clear that the pre-Omicron variants interfered directly with influenza, while leaving the other human-infecting coronaviruses undisturbed. Direct-contact Omicron can suddenly coexist with the flu, but it has displaced the greater part of ordinary human coronaviruses. We’ve added a whole new seasonal pathogen, in other words, and yet the overall respiratory disease burden hasn’t substantially increased. eugyppius: a plague chronicle is a reader-supported publication. maybe you subscribe?
FEAST OF SAINT ALBERT THE GREAT FEAST DAY – 15th NOVEMBER A great doctor of the Church, Albertus Magnus was born in Germany, and studied at the University of Padua, where he learned about Aristotle and his writings and was received into the Dominican Order by Blessed Jordan of Saxony. In around 1223, Albert experienced a vision of our Blessed Virgin Mary, which moved him, and prompted him to become a member of the Dominican Order, whereafter he studied theology. He was the first German Dominican friar to receive the degree of Master of Theology. Albert, an excellent student, at the Dominicans at Cologne, traveled and gained international acclaim. He did much to introduce the authentic writings of Aristotle to western thought and pioneered the use of the inductive method, his original research. St. Albert’s efforts to understand creation were ordered toward a deeper knowledge of the Creator. Everything from astronomy to zoology fascinated St. Albert, and he was considered an authority on biology, physics, astronomy, geography, mineralogy, and chemistry. Perhaps St. Albert’s view of nature can be summed up in words attributed to him: “The whole world is theology for us, for the heavens proclaim the glory of God.” Called ‘The Universal Genius’, St. Albert wrote on matters that extended beyond the natural sciences to philosophy and theology. Being true to the Dominican charism of teaching as a form of preaching, St. Albert was a teacher eager to share the pursuit of knowledge with his students. Much to his delight, St. Thomas Aquinas, his most brilliant pupil, became his colleague and even surpassed him in some areas of study. Albert participated in the General Chapter of the Dominicans along with Thomas Aquinas and several other contemporary leaders of the Order, from where arose the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, in Rome. Today, the university which is known as the “Angelicum,” is one of the foremost theological colleges in the world. It is still run by the Dominican order. Albert ‘a mediator’, mediated disputes between individuals as well as resolving a dispute between the people of Colonge and their bishop. He also founded Germany’s oldest university in that city. Before his death, he mourned the early passing of his great student, Thomas Aquinas, who would later be recognized as a saint and doctor of the Church. After his own death due to illness, Albert was beatified in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV and canonized and recognized as a doctor of the Church in 1931, by Pope Pius IX. He left behind a treasury of 38 books on many different subjects. The Church honors Albert as both, saint and Doctor, or great teacher, of our faith and priests, Church officials, professors, students, and even kings of his time gave Albert the nickname “the Great.” He is the Patron Saint of Scientists, Philosophers, and Medical Technicians. God, You made St. Albert great, by enabling him to combine human wisdom and Divine Faith. Help us so to adhere to his teaching that we may progress in the sciences and at the same time come to a deeper understanding and love of you. May we too view progress according to his interpretation, as increasing the glory of our God, for you are the seat of infinite wisdom and knowledge. We make this prayer in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen Saint Albert the Great, pray for us.
Gas production during the active life of landfills is a well-known phenomenon, with many means to collect and dispose of landfill gas already developed and implemented in landfills across the world. What is less known in the industry is that concentration of landfill gas near the lining system can reach significant levels, causing high gas pressure developing in, and around, the leachate collection drainage layer. High-pressure gas can potentially fill voids within the drainage layer (geocomposite or sand), causing conditions impeding flow in the drainage layer, adversely affecting the free flow of leachate. Leachate collection pipes encased in gravel are pervious media through which landfill gas can easily travel and high pressures transfer to the sump area. Such conditions can cause significant odors near the sump due to emissions of landfill gas through the drainage layer and the overlying sand layer on the side slope of the perimeter berm near the sump. In addition, high-pressure builds in the riser and cleanout pipes. Consider an effective gas pressure removal system in the sump by installing vertical pipes on the riser pipes behind structures, on top of the perimeter berm, shown here. The vertical pipes are blind-flanged initially at cell construction completion. If the gas pressure build-up becomes significant, or odors are detected in the sump area, the landfill operator connects the vertical pipes to a vacuum source near the sump. Using a connecting pipe to a vacuum source can also be used to discharge condensate from the gas collection and control system directly into the leachate collection riser pipe. For a double lining system, with a riser pipe in the primary system and another in the secondary system, both risers will have vertical pipes on them, and both connected to the vacuum source. However, condensate flowing down the connecting pipe from higher elevations toward the risers should not enter the secondary system. Block it by using a manifold, as shown in the image. Operators may have a vertical pipe installed on the leachate collection pipe cleanout to apply vacuum directly to the leachate collection pipe. Keeping gas pressure low in and around the leachate collection pipe promotes the free flow of leachate through the geocomposite or granular medium drainage layer to the leachate collection pipe, and improves leachate removal from the disposal cell. Using gas removal piping at leachate sumps is highly recommended for warm or elevated temperature landfills where efficient leachate removal from the leachate collection system is another means for controlling landfill temperatures. About the Author: Ali Khatami, Ph.D., PE, LEP, CGC, is a Project Director and a Vice President of SCS Engineers. He is also our National Expert for Landfill Design and Construction Quality Assurance. He has nearly 40 years of research and professional experience in mechanical, structural, and civil engineering.
Creel Fishing Effort Study - Average number of crab and lobster hauls per day This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page Measuring fishing effort is important for assessing the environmental sustainability of fish stocks and the socioeconomic efficiency of fishing activity. Fishing effort describes the amount of fishing gear used on a fishing ground over a given unit of time. Effort in this case is defined as number of creels hauled per day per 4 km2. This survey interviewed 198 creel vessel skippers from four regions, two on the west and two on the east coast of Scotland. This analysis has been produced from these SAMPLED vessels only. This IS NOT a census and IS NOT a map of all creeling effort in these waters or in the survey areas. This is an indication of potential fishing effort only and if creeling is not quantified in an area in this map, that DOES NOT mean creeling is not taking place. Equally quantified effort could be higher given some creeling vessels were not surveyed. Fishing effort outside of the surveyed area was not measured.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will hold a series of public meetings in August to hear perspectives about a planned revision of waterways that fall under federal protection. The EPA announced it would hold five virtual public hearings in August to hear what the public believes the federal government should consider when drafting a new definition of “waters of the United States.” The WOTUS definition declares which waterways fall under the protection of the Clean Water Act and other federal laws. The current WOTUS definition, the Navigable Waters Protection Rule, was finalized in 2020. The rule includes four narrowly defined categories of waterways: territorial seas and navigable waters; perennial and intermittent tributaries; certain lakes, ponds and impoundments; and wetlands adjacent to jurisdictional waters. The rule left out protections for waterways that are dry for part of the year, known as ephemeral streams, and isolated wetlands. The 2020 rule allowed Indiana lawmakers to draft a bill that ultimately removed state protections for half of Indiana’s remaining 800,000 acres of wetlands and weakened those protections that were allowed to remain. The EPA said it would eventually undertake two rulemakings. The first would essentially repeal the 2020 rule and restore the WOTUS definitions that were in place for decades until 2015. The agency would then use public input to establish a definition of WOTUS that would protect human health and the environment while surviving legal challenges. “We really believe that in order to develop a definition of waters of the United States that really protects our nation's waters, but is also clear and implementable for stakeholders all around the country, that we have to listen and learn from the lived experience of a range of stakeholders, including the agricultural community,” said Radhika Fox, principal deputy assistant administrator for the EPA’s Office of Water Quality in an interview. The EPA will hold the virtual public meetings at the following times. Registration is required to listen or speak at the meetings. • August 18, 2021 from 3-5 p.m. Eastern – Registration • August 23, 2021 from 1-3 p.m. Eastern – Registration • August 25, 2021 from 3-5 p.m. Eastern (for small entities) – Registration • August 26, 2021 from 6-8 p.m. Eastern – Registration • August 31, 2021 from 3-5 p.m. Eastern – Registration The EPA will also soon accept public comments here in the following days.
What’s The Difference Between Dementia And Alzheimer’s Disease? April 19th, 2022 Memory loss in later life can be worrying, but it’s not always necessarily a sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Brain fog, tiredness, age-related cognitive decline, and even a lack of the right vitamins and minerals in your diet can all cause memory loss. However, it’s important to speak to your GP if you are experiencing memory loss after the age of 65 to rule out anything more serious. If you or a loved one receive a diagnosis for dementia or Alzheimer’s, it’s natural to feel worried and have a lot of questions. Here, we’re going to take a look at the differences between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, how to spot early signs of these illnesses, and how to manage a diagnosis. What Is Dementia? Dementia is an umbrella term for a group of symptoms associated with a decline in brain function. There are several different types of dementia, including vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. NHS data shows that more than 850,000 people in the UK are currently living with dementia, with this figure predicted to rise to over one million by 2025. It’s thought that 1 in 14 people over 65 are living with dementia, along with 1 in 6 of those aged 80 and over. Vascular dementia is caused by reduced blood flow to the brain and affects around 150,000 people in the UK. Many people with this type of dementia also have Alzheimer’s disease, which means their symptoms can often overlap. What Are The Signs Of Dementia? Most people are aware that memory loss and forgetfulness can be early signs of dementia, but there are lots of other potential symptoms too, which can change as the condition progresses. Other signs of dementia can include: - Difficulty speaking and communicating - A decline in thinking speed and mental sharpness - Difficulty performing everyday activities, such as getting dressed - Mood or personality changes – this may include behavioural and emotional changes - Loss of interest in activities that have previously been enjoyed - Hallucinations may occur as the condition progresses, which can be distressing for all parties How Can Dementia Be Managed? There is currently no cure for dementia, but an early diagnosis means the illness can be managed. In some cases, the methods used to manage the disease can help to slow its progress, which is why it’s so important to speak to your GP if you have any concerns about memory loss or other symptoms. How To Manage Living With Dementia There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to managing dementia, as the disease will manifest differently in every patient. However, there are some tactics you can try to keep people living with dementia engaged with their surroundings, and ways to adapt your home to make it a little more dementia-friendly. For example: - Try not to correct your loved one too much – if they start reminiscing about the past or believe they are still living in the past, correcting them or forcing them back to the present may cause confusion and even anger. Instead, let them engage with their memories - Keep them engaged in everyday tasks – let them help out with activities such as shopping or gardening. This can help someone living with dementia to still feel included and as though they have a purpose. However, it’s important to try to keep them away from any tasks that could be risky or dangerous, such as unsupervised cooking - Add memory prompts around your home – prompts such as labels on cupboards and reminders on washing hands or flushing the toilet in the bathroom can be helpful. You may need to use a combination of words and pictures - Make sure your loved one stays hydrated – people living with dementia don’t always recognise when they’re thirsty, so it’s important to make sure they’re staying hydrated to help prevent further illness and confusion. Again, reminders around the house might help, as can getting an adapted cup or straw to help prevent spillages - Investigate dementia therapies – there is growing evidence on the benefits of various dementia therapies, such as reminisce work and music therapy, so look into what might be available in your local area, and whether your GP can refer you to any projects or groups How To Manage Vascular Dementia As vascular dementia is caused by reduced blood flow to the brain, there are lifestyle changes you can make to try to reduce the rate that brain cells are being lost, such as: - Losing weight - Eating a balanced diet - Stopping smoking - Reducing alcohol consumption Speak to your GP for advice on how best to manage vascular dementia in line with your individual needs. Caring For Someone With Dementia Caring for someone with dementia can be incredibly challenging. If your loved one feels a long way from the person you once knew, it’s natural to feel upset and frustrated. There are lots of support groups and online forums out there, so look into what’s available in your area, and consider respite care if you need a break. If you’re taking on the role of a carer, contact your local authority about undergoing a carer’s assessment to see what support you may be eligible for. You may reach a point as the disease progresses where full-time specialist dementia care is needed, and you’ll find this at New Care homes. What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is one type of dementia – it’s actually the most common cause of dementia in the UK. The illness gets its name from Dr Alois Alzheimer; in 1906, he noticed changes in brain tissue in a woman who’d seemingly died of a mental illness, and identified what was to become known as Alzheimer’s. Memory recall, thinking skills, and other abilities and functions can all be affected by Alzheimer’s. Although this degenerative illness typically affects people aged 65 and over, early onset Alzheimer’s accounts for 1 in 20 diagnoses, NHS figures show. What Are The Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease? The signs of Alzheimer’s disease can progress slowly, so they can be difficult to recognise. The first sign is often short-term memory loss, such as forgetting recent conversations or people you’ve only just met. As the disease progresses, symptoms can include: - Communication difficulties - Difficulty performing everyday self-care tasks, such as getting dressed or brushing teeth - Reduction in attention span - Misplacing items, which can potentially be dangerous - Difficulty understanding time - A lack of physical control, including over going to the toilet - Anxiety and low mood How Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Managed? As with other types of dementia, there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but there are some medications that can be used to help manage and potentially reduce symptoms over the short term – speak to your GP if you’re interested in exploring these. There are some options for managing Alzheimer’s and its symptoms, including cognitive rehabilitation and reminisce work, such as looking through old photos or making a life story journal. Spending time immersed in old memories can be a source of comfort and help them to come alive again for someone living with Alzheimer’s. Although this can be difficult for loved ones and carers if more recent memories have been lost, it may provide you with a glimpse of the person you knew before Alzheimer’s took hold. As the illness progresses, behavioural and psychological symptoms may lead to aggression or violence. If you’re struggling to cope with these, a consultant psychiatrist may be able to look into prescribing antipsychotic medicines, so speak to your doctor about your options. Dementia Care At New Care Homes Specialist dementia care is available at all New Care homes, for residents living with different types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Our care homes are designed with comfort and familiarity in mind for those living with memory loss, with subtle zoning, signposting, and calming colour palettes throughout. We’re also extremely proud of our tovertafel or ‘magic tables’, which can be found in each of our dementia care communities, encouraging residents to engage in play – something that research has indicated can have positive effects for people diagnosed with dementia.
With thousands of species of rodents roaming the world today, it can be difficult to tell each kind apart. Mice and hamsters are arguably the easiest to identify. But squirrels and prairie dogs, for example, can be more confusing, especially since they look so similar to each other. Many people are also confused by woodchucks vs groundhogs. Some might use these terms to refer to different kinds of rodents, while others use them interchangeably. So, who’s right? Are woodchucks and groundhogs the same animal, or are they vastly different? Today, we’ll answer this burning question and a lot more about woodchucks and groundhogs. We’ll even tell you our top tips for removing them from your garden if they’ve been terrorizing it for some time now. Keep scrolling to see more! Are Woodchucks and Groundhogs the Same Thing? While the names sound vastly different, woodchucks and groundhogs are actually the same exact creature. The scientific name of this animal is marmota monax, and it’s a member of the squirrel family. Marmots are simply very big squirrels that are active in the summer but not in the winter. But why do people call this one animal two different names? The answer lies in etymology and where these words originate. Native Americans from centuries back used to call this creature the “wejack.” Another name for it is “woodshaw.” Strangely, “woodchuck” is the term more often used by British people to refer to this animal. In modern-day North America, people are more likely to say “groundhog.” Some people also call this rodent a “whistle pig,” thanks to its incessant, high-pitched whistle. It can also be referred to as a “land-beaver.” The Basics About These Fascinating Rodents Groundhogs (or woodchucks) have a large and stocky body, unlike other rodents that are small and can sneak around easily. Their grayish-brown bodies are usually around 15-20 inches long and have short tails. These rodents are known for their huge upper teeth. These upper incisors help them eat crops and plants in the wild. They also allow these rodents to create burrows and tunnels underground to hide from predators like bobcats, hawks, coyotes, foxes, and wolves. Contrary to their name and popular riddles made over the years, woodchucks don’t actually eat hardwood or even tree bark. Instead of chucking wood, they only chuck dirt when they burrow in the soil to create their underground tunnel spaces. Curious to see how woodchucks look when they go in and out of the burrows they make? Check out this cute slip of the day in the life of a woodchuck: So, if not wood, what do woodchucks eat? Like many rodents, woodchucks or groundhogs are herbivores that primarily eat vegetables and plants like alfalfa, dandelion, and clover leaves. However, they also sometimes snack on insects, snails, and very small animals in the wild. You’ll find these rodents throughout North America, from the United States to Canada and even to Alaska. They can survive in cold climates because of their thick coats. Plus, if they get too cold, they can simply burrow themselves underground to hide until it’s warm in the open fields again. Woodchucks (aka Groundhogs) Are Common Garden Pests Woodchucks or groundhogs may sound and look charming and cute. But if you tend to a garden, you might know woodchucks to be the bane of your existence. Creating little tunnels and burrows in the soil may sound harmless—and it is, for the most part. But if a groundhog were to find its way into the garden you’ve been working so hard on only to chuck the soil on your garden beds to create a burrow entrance for itself, you would be annoyed, too. This burrowing behavior can cause issues in a garden such as flooding and erosion. In big cities, it can even result in weaker infrastructure and road damage. And not only do groundhogs ruin the soil in your garden. They also end up eating your high-value crops and produce. They’ll even munch on seedlings if they see any. That’s the main reason why they love to hang out in vegetable gardens—the food source is unlimited. How to Get Rid of Woodchucks or Groundhogs Are you struggling with getting rid of a pesky groundhog who keeps ruining your garden beds and eating your delicious vegetables? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here are six ways to get rid of these rodents once and for all so you can get your beautiful garden back. 1. Install a fence to keep them out of your garden The easiest way to block woodchucks from entering your garden is by building a fence around it. Woodchucks aren’t known to jump high enough to get through fences, so this is a terrific physical barrier to lock them out of your garden. Make sure to bury your fence at least two or three feet under the ground to keep them from getting in by digging new tunnels. It also helps anchor the fence properly so that it doesn’t get uprooted. 2. Set up live traps and relocate them You can also set up traps to capture them. We recommend doing live traps, a humane way to trap animals that don’t injure them. As much as possible, it’s best to use humane ways to get rid of pests, especially when they are large animals such as woodchucks. Instead, you lure them into a cage with bait like fruits and vegetables. Some treats they might be attracted to include beans, peas, broccoli, and other yummy, plant-based food. The cage automatically closes, and you’ll have a healthy groundhog on your hands. Then, when the groundhog is safely in the cage, you can simply take them to a new habitat. Open fields and forest edges are great potential homes for them. They might be a drive away from where you live, but the effort is worth it to keep them out of your garden and in a better place to live. 3. Mow your lawn regularly to keep the grass short Groundhogs love places with tall grass and vegetation because it allows them to hide from predators and humans. Remember, they’re large digger squirrels, so it takes lush vegetation to keep them hidden when they’re not in the underground burrows. So, trim your grass and mow your lawn to make sure the vegetation in your home and garden is always short. This can deter groundhogs from hanging around in the area, forcing them to look for another garden that will allow them to successfully hide from perceived threats. 4. Use strong scents to repel them You can also use specific spices and herbs with strong scents to repel these rodents from entering your garden. Garlic, onions, chili peppers, and other flavor enhancers with pungent odors might help in warding away groundhogs. Infuse chopped-up garlic, onions, and peppers with water and put the mixture in a spray bottle. Then, spritz the liquid all over the main entrance of the garden. If you know where their burrows are, spray the mixture near that area as well. You can also simply crush some garlic and chop up the onions and chili peppers and place them in a small bowl. Leave the bowl out overnight in your garden in areas a groundhog might enter through. The smell of these freshly chopped vegetables may repel it from coming closer. 5. Use urine from predators to scare them away Many small animals know the smell of their predators. To trick groundhogs into thinking that a predator is close by, pour some predator urine in key areas of your garden that groundhogs frequent. As soon as they smell the urine, they’ll run off to find a safer place to live. You can purchase fox or coyote urine at specialty pet shops. Remember to reapply the urine regularly until you’re sure that the groundhogs are gone. 6. Call professional pest control for help If none of the above works in getting rid of groundhogs from your garden, you might already have a severe infestation on your hands. Instead of trying to work it out yourself, perhaps it’s time to pick up the phone and call a professional pest control service to handle the situation for you. These experts will take a look at your garden and assess the situation before coming up with a treatment plan. In no time, they’ll have those pesky woodchucks out, and you will never have to think about them again. In summary, groundhogs and woodchucks are the same animal. They both refer to the marmota monax, and the terms are interchangeable. And contrary to what old tongue twisters and popular media has led many people to believe, they don’t actually eat wood. These animals love to make burrows in the soil. And while it’s cute in theory, it can be a huge hassle for gardeners. That’s why woodchucks and groundhogs are considered pests in the garden. But there are plenty of ways to get rid of these pests. Whether you choose to build a fence around your crops or set up humane traps to give these woodchucks a better home, there’s always a way to handle the situation and gain control of your garden again.
Crocodile toby jug produced by Carlton Ware of Stoke-on-Trent, England, circa 1960. Crocodiles are large semiaquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. All crocodiles are semiaquatic and tend to congregate in freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, wetlands and sometimes in brackish water and saltwater. They are carnivorous animals, feeding mostly on vertebrates such as fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, and sometimes on invertebrates such as mollusks and crustaceans, depending on species and age. All crocodiles are tropical species that are very sensitive to cold. This crocodile's tail forms the handle of the jug.
Chava Shelhav wrote a book about her method, the Child’Space Method, together with Orly Gat and Tomer Hollander. They talked, researched, and wrote every Monday evening during the past five years. It is now published in Hebrew and I’m happy I got the permission to show you the first part that is translated in English. It’s the introduction to the chapter about the function of turning over and the photos are from the official book release. This English version is in a very early state of the translation process, so it’s not corrected or edited whatsoever. When an infant experiments in learning a new movement, like turning over, he does not know ahead of time how he will carry it out. He acquires that skill by trial and error, by repeating that movement over and over. If we observe that infant, it appears that each of his movements is different than the previous one, in the amount of each limb’s participation, in the size and tempo of each movement. The repetition is not mechanic. In each repetition, he checks the possibilities. Each repetition improves skills of orientation, the ability to cross the mid-line, attentiveness, balance, and motor coordination among different body parts. Every variation stimulates and activates the visual, auditory, sensory, and vestibular systems and helps to form connections among these systems. This continues until the infant finds the most efficient way to carry out the action. In this way, the motor, sensory, and cognitive systems are intertwined in the process of learning to turn over. This is the stage of development of forming social connections of parent-infant: the parents are witness to the development of their infant and react with joy and encouragement. The infant takes enjoyment from both the discovery of movement itself and from the encouragement, and he is interested in repeating the movement in order to receive the positive feedback. In this stage of turning over, the torso develops the ability to rotate, the infant learns to cross his midline (the imaginary line that separates the right and left sides of the body), he begins to move his body parts independently of each other, he develops balance, orientation, and a sense of space. This development serves as a base for future functional movement. During this stage the skeletal mass is built up, and the muscles designated for movement enlarge. Many research studies emphasize the crawling stage and view it as the critical stage in normal motor development and as the basis for coordinating the right and left hemispheres of the brain [McEwan 1991]. However, the basis upon which crawling is based is already noticeable in the turning over stage. Rotation, distinguishing between movement of the left and right sides of the body, and crossing the midline all testify to the fact that already in the turning over stage, there is coordination of the two hemispheres in action. In keeping with this understanding of separation and coordination between the two hemispheres of the brain, the Shelhav Method Child’Space, places an emphasis on the importance of the stage of turning over and sees it as a basic building block in the development of the infant. There are many ways to turn over from belly to back and from back to belly, and there is no “right” of preferred way to do so. When children are observed turning over, you can notice the richness of movement and the multitude of possibilities they employ in carrying out this activity. Moreover, it is important that the infant knows more than one way to turn over, in order for him to choose the way that will match the conditions of the environs. The ability to choose from amongst a variety of possibilities empowers the infant’s sense of efficacy, arouses his curiosity, and enhances his joy and pleasure in moving. In order to understand the activity of turning over, we will clarify the mechanical principles of handling gravity by way of balance and use of the floor as a source of strength. From: Chava Shelhav, Orly Gat, Tomer Hollander – Theoretical and practical aspects of the Child’Space Method, Tel Aviv, November 2015
Ethics consists of the standards of behavior to which we hold ourselves in our personal and professional lives. It establishes the levels of honesty, empathy, and trustworthiness and other virtues by which we hope to identify our personal behavior and our public reputation. In our personal lives, our ethics sets norms for the ways in which we interact with family and friends. In our professional lives, ethics guides our interactions with customers, clients, colleagues, employees, and shareholders affected by our business practices (Figure 1.1). Should we care about ethics in our lives? In our practices in business and the professions? That is the central question we will examine in this chapter and throughout the book. Our goal is to understand why the answer is yes. Whatever hopes you have for your future, you almost certainly want to be successful in whatever career you choose. But what does success mean to you, and how will you know you have achieved it? Will you measure it in terms of wealth, status, power, or recognition? Before blindly embarking on a quest to achieve these goals, which society considers important, stop and think about what a successful career means to you personally. Does it include a blameless reputation, colleagues whose good opinion you value, and the ability to think well of yourself? How might ethics guide your decision-making and contribute to your achievement of these goals?
The First Festival 1933 The decision in favour of the Bückeberg was made in the summer of 1933 and was decided at such short notice that the remaining six weeks for the preparation work was barely enough. The organisers had planned for the Fest (festival) to take place during the evening. During Hitler`s speech it became dark but spotlights were focussed on the ring of flags instead of the speaker´s rostrum. The evening finale of the first Reichserntedankfest in the spotlight (Reich Harvest Thanksgiving Festival) 1933 The first Erntedankfest 1933 - Painting by the Hamelin artist Rudolf Riege, 1933 The original oil painting was thought to have been lost. Numerous reproductions of the painting were circulated. Hitler preferred to hold his speeches in the evening: “During the day people´s will power seems to struggle with the greatest energy against an attempt to force upon them a strange will ….” (Hitler, Mein Kampf, quoted according to Krockow, page 192). The participants experienced a disaster. The hilly landscape blocked the view of the event for many. The acoustics and the night lighting did not work properly. The march back to the train stations in the dark was chaotic. The gleichgeschalteten Medien (live broadcasts) however reported that 500.000 people from the towns and countryside were impressed by the programme and its perfect implementation. It was therefore only logical that in December 1933 Goebbels announced that “the Bückeberg would be used every year for the Harvest Thanksgiving Festival” and decided to promote the hill to the status of “an old Germanic cultural site”. (Deister-und Weserzeitung Hameln, 08.12.1933)
There are many factors driving the need for this revolutionary technology: 1) Data center efficiency gains have stalled since 2018 2) Chip power / IT power densities are increasing rapidly 3) Data center water use has surpassed energy use as an environmental concern 4) Compute power is moving toward the edge and compacting 5) Data center e-waste is a growing problem 6) Billions are being invested in corporate sustainability initiatives The largest single factor and the one that must be addressed is the fact that Chip power / IT power densities are increasing rapidly. While Moore’s Law long ago established that processor speed would double every eighteen months, the speed of AI processing now doubles every three and a half months. Handling these speeds requires the most powerful chips ever designed, and these chips generate massive amounts of heat, which cannot be effectively or efficiently cooled with air. For example, in April 2021 Cerebras released its new WSE 2 chip, which boasts 2.6 trillion transistors and 850,000 AI-optimized cores and draws 23 kW of power. Most air-cooling systems in data centers can only handle about 8kW to 12kW per rack, so even though you could fit three WSE 2 chips in a rack, you might not be able to blow enough air through the rack to cool even one of them. Even if you miraculously achieved an air-cooling solution, with AI power doubling every quarter, this approach still wouldn’t be sustainable for long.
The spectrophotometer is one of the main diagnostic and research instruments developed by humans. It is used in the laboratory in order to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution, thus allowing quantitative analysis. How to keep these equipment in good condition? Its conservation depends largely on the way of installation and use. The environment that surrounds them and the quality of electricity services are factors of paramount importance, so that the equipment can provide the services in accordance with the specifications for which they were manufactured. The maintenance routines they may require vary in complexity, ranging from the careful cleaning of their components to specialized procedures, which only technicians or engineers who have received the corresponding training and have the technical information developed by the manufacturers should perform. How do these devices work? As we know, it uses the properties of light and its interaction with other substances, to determine their nature. In general, the light of a lamp of special characteristics is guided through a device that selects and separates light of a certain wavelength and passes it through a sample. The intensity of the light that leaves the sample is captured and compared with the intensity of the light that affected the sample and from this the transmittance of the sample is calculated, which depends on factors such as the concentration of the substance. What do we recommend? In Kalstein we urge you to follow these good practices of using the spectrophotometer, with which you will improve its operation and extend its life time: - Perform the spectrophotometer calibration, each time the analysis of a group of samples is performed. - Keep the sample holder lid closed during the measurement process, to ensure proper reading. - Avoid reusing disposable cuvettes. - Use only quartz cuvettes, to perform analyzes below 310 nm. - Avoid the use of plastic cuvettes, if organic solvents are used. - Use high quality boron silicate glassware to prepare standards. Avoid the use of sodium glassware – sodium oxide – whenever possible, because prolonged contact with the standards can permeate it and, consequently, produce erroneous results. - Carefully clean the glass cuvettes after use. Discard those that have scratches on the polished surface. - Use high quality reagents if possible. Low quality reagents can cause contamination even at very low concentrations. The diluents used – water or solvents – must be free of impurities. - Verify that the samples or standards have not been degassed inside the cuvettes. - Take into account, when it is intended to use new procedures, that not all substances comply with Beer’s law. Carry out linearity tests on the range of concentrations to be used. What can you do when a spill occurs? This is one of the most common accidents when using these devices, so in case of a spill in the sample holder system, the spill should be cleaned by the following procedure: - Turn off the spectrophotometer and disconnect the power cable. - Use a syringe to clean the sample holder. - Absorb as much liquid as can be extracted. - Dry the sample holder with a medicinal cotton swab. - Use special paper for lens cleaning or a piece of clean fabric with a soft, spun-free texture to clean the photocell window. - Clean the outside of the instrument with a piece of cloth moistened with distilled water. Include the screen, controls and keyboard. Thinking of you in Kalstein we offer you an excellent range of high quality and high performance spectrophotometers, which will be of great help in your laboratory, thanks to its versatility and technology. That’s why we invite you to take a look HERE
Other consequences can include MS, Parkinson’s, and other dementia In January, a small team of Canadian researchers released a study on the relationship between air pollution and formalized cognitive dilapidation, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Over 678,000 Vancouver citizens between the ages of 45-84 were analyzed by their residency and behaviors during 1994-2003. In this decade, Vancouver had a significant exposure period to air pollution. Because of Vancouver’s provincial health insurance plan, nearly every resident has readily available health data for researchers to use. Results found that residents who lived within 50 meters of a major road or 150 meters from a highway were 20% more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. Further investigation found more consequences of roadway proximity such as a 25% likelihood of developing multiple sclerosis or a 7% increase for Parkinson’s. This isn’t the first time researchers have discovered the detrimental effects of air pollution. A study performed on Germany’s older population found that “most air pollutants are associated with Mild Cognitive Impairment” and another study in the United States found a relationship between air pollution and strokes. Through this study and many others on the consequences of air pollution, we are able to discover a common theme among them: transportation. Roadway construction overlooks the indirect health consequences that it delivers to neighboring communities. Creating high traffic patterns bordering residential areas forces people to inhale toxic fumes. Traditionally, these are underserved communities with low-income housing, therefore, the developments lack protective infrastructure and are at higher risk. Although the solution of exercising intention and forethought present themselves, a deeper culprit the Canadian researchers allude to is internal combustion vehicles. If we decrease the amount of pollutants released into the air from our internal-combustion vehicles, we would see an increase in health in communities closest to roadways. Using alternative fuels will dramatically reduce air pollution in urban areas and save the lives of those who are forced to live near a major roadway.
SIAL and Djazagro address challenges faced by North Africa agri-food systems Climate upheavals and disruptions to supply chains are creating a food crisis around the world. Although this is affecting the Maghreb less than the rest of Africa, it nevertheless calls for the region’s agricultural self-sufficiency to be strengthened. SIAL and its affiliate show Djazagro are especially important in this context as major events that enable important partner networking and look at more resilient crop varieties in the face of climate change as well as new technologies to help alleviate supply disruptions. Africa is one of the continents most affected by climate change. While international institutions acknowledge that food insecurity is less acute in Maghreb countries than in other parts of Africa, it nevertheless calls for the region’s agricultural self-sufficiency to be strengthened. The annual report by FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations), in cooperation with IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), the World Food Programme, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF, takes stock of developments in food security around the world. The report calls for greater and better-targeted action to achieve the goal of eliminating hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. The report notes that, after the global pandemic of Covid-19, the world is now grappling with the consequences of the war between Russia and Ukraine. This has shaken the food and energy markets. By 2021, one or both of these countries will be among the world’s top three exporters of wheat, maize, rapeseed, sunflower meal and sunflower oil. Other destabilising factors include crises resulting from regional conflicts and extreme weather events. The FAO Food Price Index has increased steadily since mid‐2020 and surged by 12.6% from February to March 2022, reaching its highest historical level. International food and fertiliser prices have since declined but remained at a relatively high level. Taken together, these factors are disrupting the ability of agri-food systems to provide everyone with cheap, nutritious food that is safe for their health. Food insecurity affects the Maghreb less than the rest of Africa According to the FAO report, the prevalence of undernourishment in Africa is marked by increases in Southern Africa and North Africa. The number of people suffering from hunger in Africa has risen by 11 million since 2021, and by more than 57 million since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. However, it remains lower in North Africa compared to the rest of the continent. North Africa remains the sub-region with the lowest rate of people suffering from food insecurity. And if we refer to the data provided by the FAO by country, the Maghreb remains less affected than the entire North African sub-region. Over the period 2020-2022, the percentage of undernourished people in the Maghreb was less than 2.5% in Algeria, 3% in Tunisia, 6.3% in Morocco and 8.4% in Libya. Libya’s relatively high rate of persons suffering from hunger is due to instability within the country due to political divisions. Finally, in Egypt, food insecurity affected 7.2% of the population over this period. How Djazagro is tackling issues faced by the agri-food sector in North Africa The increase in food insecurity in the Maghreb and North Africa is calling on governments to redouble their efforts to diversify their agricultural resources and find new technologies and methods to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. As well as ensuring food self-sufficiency to avoid over-dependence on major export markets. This is Algeria’s ambitious programme for greater self-sufficiency in cereals, for example. It has been already adressed at Djazagro, SIAL’s show in Algeria, which targets North-African markets. Much like at SIAL, Djazagro showcases innovations in the agricultural sector which have been rewarded by Djaz’innov. At the 2023 edition, the show organised a presentation and debate on eco-design and locavorism (eating locally) trends in the Experts’ Agora. These are developments that are having an impact on geostrategic issues, calling for innovative agri-tech solutions tailored to the structural reorganisation of the agri-food sector in Algeria. A sector that also serves as a benchmark for the rest of the Maghreb.
Signs, Symptoms, and Complications of Alcohol Poisoning According to the CDC, an average of 6 people die each day of alcohol poisoning in the United States. This mounts to 2,200 preventable deaths each year. Alcohol dependence or alcoholism is thought to be a contributing factor in up to 30% of these deaths. Drinking more than suggested in a short period of time, drinking to the point that the liver becomes damaged, or battling alcoholism can increase the risk of alcohol poisoning. How Does Alcohol Poisoning Happen? When people drink alcohol, it is filtered through their blood and into the liver. The liver can only process so much alcohol at once, so drinking too much too quickly overwhelms the system and leads to intoxication. People who are intoxicated may exhibit signs like poor decision-making, lack of motor coordination, and increased sociability. However, if a person continues to drink without giving their liver a chance to catch up, they could become significantly impaired and suffer from alcohol toxicity. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down the central nervous system, affecting several vital bodily functions such as heart rate and breathing. When too much alcohol builds up in the blood, an overdose or poisoning occurs, causing certain parts of the brain to shut down. A leading cause of alcohol poisoning is binge drinking. Binge drinking is defined as a pattern of heavy drinking where a woman consumes more than four drinks in two hours or a man consumes more than five drinks within two hours. One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor. Drinking more than 4-5 drinks in a two-hour time span can cause the liver to fall behind in processing alcohol, causing too much of it to build up in the bloodstream. Aside from binge drinking, there are several other factors that can increase a person’s risk of alcohol overdose. These include: - Height and weight - What the person ate that day - If they consumed alcohol in combination with other drugs - The percentage of alcohol contained in drinks - The person’s tolerance level - Overall health and metabolism Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning The more a person drinks over a short period of time, the more likely they are to consume too much alcohol. This is worrisome because alcohol can take between 15-30 minutes to take effect, so some people may drink too much too quickly without realizing the effects. The signs that someone is overdosing on alcohol may begin slowly and seem mild, but grow significantly worse over time. Symptoms include: - Slurred speech - Severe confusion - Clammy or damp skin - Poor coordination - Difficulty staying awake - Foaming at the mouth - Slow breathing - Pauses between breaths - Slow heartbeat - Low body temperature - Pale or bluish-colored skin If alcohol poisoning is suspected, dial 911 or seek emergency medical attention immediately. Potential Dangers and Complications Without immediate medical attention, alcohol toxicity can lead to several life-threatening complications, such as: - Asphyxiation – Since vomiting and unconsciousness are possible symptoms, people may choke on their own vomit and stop breathing. - Dehydration – Drinking alcohol and vomiting dehydrates the body which can lead to rapid heart rate and low blood pressure. - Hypothermia – Alcohol overdose can make the body’s temperature drop dangerously low, leading to cardiac arrest. - Seizures – Low blood sugar can cause seizures. - Irregular heartbeat – Heart may be slow, rapid, or cease to beat at all. - Brain damage – If sustained, this may be irreversible. Moreover, all of the above-listed complications can lead to death. Since alcohol poisoning is so common and can happen so easily, it’s important to understand how to prevent it from happening in the first place. Prevention: Tips For Drinking Responsibly The following tips can help prevent alcohol overdose: - Avoid binge drinking (less than 4 drinks in 2 hours for women and less than 5 drinks in 2 hours for men) - Keep track of how much alcohol is consumed - Drink in moderation and don’t combine alcohol with other drugs - Drink a glass of water in-between alcoholic drinks - Avoid beverages with high-alcohol content and stick to drinks like beer or wine - Don’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach - Find help if someone is addicted to alcohol and can’t stop drinking In the event that a person is hospitalized for alcohol poisoning, treatment will involve careful monitoring as well as fluids and oxygen therapy. Vitamins and glucose may be administered to help prevent complications and stabilize the body. It’s important to note that home remedies – such as sleeping it off or drinking black coffee – are unlikely to work and may cause more harm than good. Start Alcohol Rehab Today Chronic drinking can seriously harm your body over time and can even cause you to be more susceptible to alcohol overdose. If drinking has become a major problem in your life, don’t worry, help is available. If you are ready to take the step and get treatment for your alcohol problem, then let us explain how we can get you back to living a healthy, sober lifestyle. Our experienced doctors and staff will provide you with an individualized treatment plan which will help you transition back into your life without the need for alcohol. When you choose PAX Memphis Recovery Center as your alcohol treatment facility, you can rest assured your detox will be pain-free because our doctors will provide you with medication that will help eliminate the normal symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Call us today to learn more. Medically Reviewed: September 25, 2019 All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.
In the realm of modern agriculture, technology continues to play a pivotal role in optimizing processes and maximizing productivity. One such technological advancement that has gained significant attention is the use of drones for stand counts. Traditionally, farmers relied on labor-intensive methods and manual observations to estimate crop populations. However, with the advent of drone technology, stand counts have become more accurate, efficient, and accessible than ever before. In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits and applications of using drones for stand counts in agriculture. Enhanced Accuracy and Precision: Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and advanced imaging sensors have revolutionized stand counts by providing farmers with accurate and precise data. By capturing aerial images of the fields, drones can analyze plant density and identify gaps or areas of overcrowding. This data enables farmers to make informed decisions regarding seeding rates, fertilization, and overall crop management strategies. The increased accuracy of drone-based stand counts minimizes the risk of under or over-seeding, leading to improved yields and resource optimization. Time and Cost Efficiency: The use of drones for stand counts significantly reduces the time and labor required compared to traditional manual methods. Drones can swiftly cover large areas of farmland in a fraction of the time it would take a person to do so on foot. Moreover, the data collected by drones can be processed using computer algorithms, eliminating the need for manual counting and reducing human error. This time-saving aspect allows farmers to allocate their resources more efficiently and focus on other critical aspects of their operations. Additionally, drones offer cost benefits by reducing the need for manual labor. Farmers can allocate their workforce to other essential tasks, minimizing labor expenses and maximizing productivity. The initial investment in drone technology may seem significant, but the long-term savings and increased profitability make it a worthwhile investment. Scalability and Accessibility: Drone technology is adaptable to fields of varying sizes, making it a scalable solution for stand counts. Whether it's a small plot or an extensive agricultural operation, drones can efficiently cover the area, providing accurate data regardless of scale. This scalability allows farmers to easily implement drone-based stand counts on their farms, regardless of their size or location. Furthermore, the accessibility of drone technology has improved over time. Drones are becoming more affordable and user-friendly, enabling a broader range of farmers to harness their benefits. Many drone models now come equipped with intuitive control systems and automated flight modes, simplifying the operation for users with limited technical expertise. The data collected through drone-based stand counts empowers farmers to make data-driven decisions for their crops. By analyzing the crop population, farmers can identify areas that require additional attention, such as adjusting irrigation systems, applying targeted treatments, or implementing precision farming techniques. These data-driven decisions optimize resource allocation, leading to increased productivity, reduced environmental impact, and improved overall crop health. The utilization of drones for stand counts in agriculture marks a significant technological advancement that enhances accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility in crop management. The benefits of using drones in this context are multifaceted, ranging from improved accuracy and time efficiency to data-driven decision-making and scalability. As technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, drones are set to play an increasingly vital role in modernizing and optimizing agricultural practices. By embracing drone technology, farmers can unlock the full potential of their crops, achieve higher yields, and contribute to sustainable and efficient food production.
A cataract occurs when the natural lens of the eye goes cloudy. The treatment is surgical removal of the lens to achieve a clear light-path to the retina. The natural lens (cataract) is replaced during the operation with an artificial replacement lens implant. Depending on the patient’s preference and suitability there is a choice of lens implants. There are three main types of lens implant, single focus, toric to correct astigmatism and multifocal to try and achieve spectacle independence. With single focus lenses and toric lenses the patient can choose if they would prefer spectacle free distance or near vision. Some patients are suitable for mono-vision using one eye for distance and one eye for near. What is most suitable for you would be discussed at your assessment.
By Olivia Anderson | email@example.com When Michael Johnson’s mother told him that several of his relatives were buried in a nearby cemetery, he didn’t believe her at first. The foliage she gestured toward appeared to Johnson as nothing more than an overgrown forest full of shrubbery he used to play in as a kid. “I kept telling her, ‘Nah, mom, there isn’t nobody over there – only weeds and bushes over there,’” Johnson recalled. But after his mother died a few years ago, Johnson grew curious about the place where so many of his ancestors were supposedly buried. Sure enough, after perusing the Wilkes Street location he made out a few sporadically visible headstones and learned the area was officially titled Douglass Cemetery, but it was ill-maintained at the time and only worsened every time the area would flood. It took a month and a half of visits to the cemetery – on dry days – and communication with local funeral homes to obtain death records, but eventually Johnson located all of his relatives buried at Douglass Cemetery. The list is lengthy; just some of the interred include his grandfather Albert Johnson, as well as his aunt, uncle, grandmother and great-great-grandfather. Johnson recognized almost immediately that a deep well of history existed at the historically Black cemetery, but much of it was becoming increasingly washed away with the rain. “From there on, I was just taken aback that you could only see about 600 headstones there,” Johnson said. Records show more than 2,000 people may have been buried on the 1.4 acre plot up until 1975. The circumstances initially incensed Johnson, but then, in 2019, they inspired him to create the Social Responsibility Group, a private citizens’ organization aimed at using the lens of race and ethnic disparity to enhance the community and the lives of citizens within it. SRG and partnering organizations uncovered a great deal of history surrounding the cemetery, which had been used as such since 1827 but was officially established in 1895 as a segregated, non-denominational Black burial ground and named after abolitionist Frederick Douglass. According to an 1895 edition of the Alexandria Gazette, for instance, the property owners’ original vision for the site included erecting a monument in the center dedicated to Douglass’ memory, though it is unclear whether this ever came to fruition. While the location’s rich past and personal connection served as an emboldening force for Johnson, he said he’s sorry that anyone’s final resting place could wind up in such a dilapidated state. “I wouldn’t care who was buried there, whether they were related to me or not, I wouldn’t want to see any cemetery looking the way that one looked,” Johnson said. SRG voiced concerns that the ongoing flooding was slowly disintegrating Alexandria’s history and vocally advocated for the site’s protection through various letters, events and city partnerships. Johnson’s advocacy worked. At its most recent public hearing, City Council presented a proposed legislative package for fiscal year 2022 for the General Assembly, which includes a request for up to $3 million to support the cemetery’s preservation and restoration. “The site [is] both inaccessible to the public and indecent to the memory of those buried at the site,” reads the formal city request. Although 83 of the graves at Douglass Cemetery currently qualify for an annual $5-per grave funding through the Historical African American Cemeteries and Graves Fund at the Department of Historic Resources, Sarah Taylor, the city’s legislative director, said this is not nearly enough. Because of the severe flooding, drainage issues that cause the ground level to sink and headstones to topple and the typical ravages that accrue over time, Taylor predicted that a much higher number would be needed to protect the burial ground. “Five dollars per year, 83 headstones – that’s enough to get the place mowed maybe once, but it’s not enough to fix the flooding and truly make this a place of dignity for visitors or those who are buried there,” Taylor said. If the city is granted its request, the funds would go toward proper landscaping; repositioning the headstones; cleaning up flooding detritus; historical interpretation of the site; investigation of the drainage issue; and the addition of signage about the site’s historical significance. Many view council’s attention to Douglass Cemetery as a hard-won victory that is indicative of progress. “I think it’s wonderful, because especially African American cemeteries have so often been left out of the preservation conversation. And now that there is a great push for the preservation, there’s a lot of work going on all throughout the state, and tons to support cemetery preservation,” Alexandria Black History Museum Director Audrey Davis said of the news. “It’s another way council has shown they are supportive of African American history and social justice, so I think it’s great news.” But time is ticking, as flooding continues to erase bits and pieces of the historic cemetery, and officials cannot yet pinpoint what exactly is causing such devastating erosion. Gretchen Bulova, director of the Office of Historic of Alexandria, one of SRG’s partners, acknowledged that additional funding would assist with solving this issue that has intensified during the last five years. Based on OHA’s assessment, she suggested that some of the damage could be related to a 1902 sewer pipe that ran through the cemetery. If damaged, broken or blocked, the channel might be contributing to the flooding problem, which could be exacerbated by a potential unidentified drainage issue. “We want to explore that first, and if that is not a problem or we can’t figure it out, then we need to do a whole assessment of how water is moving through that space and bring in civil engineers,” Bulova said. “There could be multiple reasons, but we want to start with what we’ve found archivally that could be the problem.” OHA has opted to document all aspects of the problem before beginning any deeper work. The city received a $10,500 grant from the state in 2019 to conduct ground-penetrating radar that maps out ground disturbances to show not only tree roots and rodent holes, but distinguishable burial patterns. City surveyors mapped out every existing headstone, and the information is now in the city’s Geographic Information System. The technology was also used at other Alexandria burial sites such as Freedman Cemetery, which was restored seven years ago. Regardless of what is causing the flooding issues, though, Bulova emphasized that the situation must be handled with caution. “Anything to do with cemeteries needs to be done very carefully. You don’t want to do any sort of ground disturbance and this needs to be done with the utmost respect. It’s not like we can get in there and dig things up and fix the problem,” Bulova said. Most city officials agree with Bulova that historic preservation of Douglass Cemetery is a valuable and delicate undertaking and must be prioritized accordingly. “I think everyone realizes how important our cemeteries are, not just for the literal burying of people but because the cemeteries are a wealth of history. They reflect on our burial practices, they reflect on our history, they’re another way for people to learn about people in the community,” Davis said. Since outgoing governor Ralph Northam has demonstrated support of historic preservation in the past, Taylor posited that the request stands a good chance of being approved. Plus, Taylor recently attended a senate finance committee retreat in Roanoke where she said she learned that there is presently “a lot of cash on the table.” “There’s no better way to spend cash than on onetime capital improvements,” Taylor said. “Whether that’s our CSO project or something like this, it’s one-time money that will have a significant long-term impact on a site that deserves real preservation and interpretation.” If Northam adopts the city’s request as part of the governor’s budget, it will then go through the budget process in the House and Senate. It’s worth noting that the November election yielded a shift in party leadership at the state level with Republican Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin stepping into office and a Republican majority taking the Virginia House of Delegates, thus calling into question whether many of council’s legislative package proposals will make it into the state budget. Taylor said she thinks the Douglass Cemetery request is feasible, but if it is not granted, the city will explore other funding avenues for the site. “I’m cautiously optimistic about its fate, but what’s the worst that could happen? They tell us ‘No, there’s no money for it,’ and then we figure out how to do it ourselves,” Taylor said. With the uncertainty surrounding state funding, Johnson said his goal in the meantime remains working alongside neighbors to cherish and speak for those who no longer have a voice. He hopes to one day implement a wayside plaque that includes the names of every single person buried at Douglass Cemetery. “I want everybody to know that they are not just discarded memories or bodies; these are actual people that lived,” Johnson said. “And I think we owe them that honor to identify and acknowledge them for the path they laid for so many of us.”
The City of Portland defines equity in the following way: “Equity is when everyone has access to the opportunity necessary to satisfy their essential needs, advance their well-being and achieve their full potential. We have a shared fate as individuals within a community, and communities within a society. All communities need the ability to shape their own present and future. Equity is both the means to healthy communities and an end that benefits us all.” Advancing equity at Prosper Portland means the following: - Because opportunities currently do not exist for everyone, equity is a restorative measure of redistributing benefits and burdens. - Because as individuals we operate within systems that create inequities, equity requires both individual and systems level change. - Because “business as usual” will not change by itself, equity requires transforming the culture that produces different outcomes of the organization. Equity and equality are not the same thing. Equality is treating everyone the same, while equity is ensuring everyone has what they need to be successful. While equality aims to promote fairness, it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and has the same needs and goals.
What was so different about Chinese religion and why? What was similar about nearly all ancient religions and why? Why was the movement of people from hunting and gathering to farming (the Neolithic Revolution) so important? How is the invention and evolution of writing like modern Information Technology? What was the problem with early economies? Describe how the first civilizations evolved once people began to farm. Why did ancient religions form and become so central to the everyday life of most people in ancient societies? Pick one of the four river-based civilizations and describe some of the things they developed or discovered that influence us today. How were the people of ancient societies structured? During the rise and development of Are you looking for a similar paper or any other quality academic essay? Then look no further. Our research paper writing service is what you require. Our team of experienced writers is on standby to deliver to you an original paper as per your specified instructions with zero plagiarism guaranteed. This is the perfect way you can prepare your own unique academic paper and score the grades you deserve. Use the order calculator below and get started! Contact our live support team for any assistance or inquiry.[order_calculator]
In an era driven by digital connectivity, the term “Fiber-to-the-Home” (FTTH) has become increasingly prominent. As the demand for high-speed internet continues to surge, understanding the intricacies of FTTH is crucial. This guide aims to demystify FTTH, exploring its benefits, the technology behind it, and why it’s a game-changer for how we connect and communicate. The Basics of FTTH Fiber-to-the-Home is a cutting-edge broadband internet technology that brings optical fiber cables directly to residential buildings. Unlike traditional broadband services that rely on copper cables, FTTH leverages the speed and efficiency of light signals traveling through glass fibers. This direct connection to homes allows for unparalleled internet speeds, reliability, and the capacity to handle the increasing demands of modern digital lifestyles. The Technology Behind FTTH FTTH operates on the principle of transmitting data as pulses of light through hair-thin glass fibers. These fibers, made of materials like silica, offer incredibly high bandwidth and low signal loss. Optical Network Terminals (ONTs) installed in homes convert these light signals into the data that our devices can interpret. The use of light signals enables FTTH to provide symmetrical speeds—high upload and download speeds—which is crucial for activities like video conferencing, online gaming, and streaming high-definition content. Benefits of FTTH - Blazing Fast Speeds: FTTH offers gigabit and beyond speeds, ensuring swift and seamless internet experiences. - Reliability: Fiber optics are not susceptible to electromagnetic interference, providing a stable and reliable connection. - Low Latency: The low latency of FTTH is particularly advantageous for online gaming, video conferencing, and other real-time applications. - Scalability: FTTH is scalable, capable of meeting the growing bandwidth needs of future technologies without requiring major infrastructure upgrades. - Enhanced User Experience: Whether streaming 4K content, working from home, or enjoying virtual reality, FTTH delivers an enhanced online experience. - Increased Property Value: Homes with FTTH infrastructure often have increased market value due to the high-quality internet service available. Deployment Challenges and Solutions While the benefits of FTTH are clear, its widespread deployment faces challenges such as high upfront costs and the need for extensive infrastructure. Governments, service providers, and communities are working together to overcome these challenges through public-private partnerships, incentive programs, and streamlined installation processes. As technology advances and the demand for high-speed internet grows, overcoming these challenges becomes paramount for ensuring universal access to FTTH. In the fast-paced world of digital communication, Fiber-to-the-Home stands as a beacon of connectivity, offering unparalleled speed, reliability, and scalability. Understanding the technology behind FTTH empowers individuals and communities to embrace the digital future with confidence. As deployment challenges are addressed, FTTH has the potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and connect, ushering in an era where high-speed internet is not just a luxury but a fundamental necessity for the modern household.
Urgent action is needed globally and locally to achieve safe and sustainably managed water, sanitation and hygiene for all in order to prevent devastating impacts on the health of millions of people. Findings from WHO and UN-Water’s Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) report show that acceleration is needed in many countries to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 – water and sanitation for all by 2030. While 45% of countries are on track to achieve their nationally-defined drinking-water coverage targets, only 25% of countries are on track to achieve their national sanitation targets. Less than a third of countries reported to have sufficient human resources required to carry out key drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) functions. The GLAAS 2022 report, which details the latest status of WASH systems in more than 120 countries, is the largest data collection from the greatest number of countries to date. While there has been an increase in WASH budgets in some countries, a large number–over 75% of countries reported insufficient funding to implement their WASH plans and strategies. “We are facing an urgent crisis: poor access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene claim millions of lives each year, while the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-related extreme weather events continue to hamper the delivery of safe WASH services,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “We call on governments and development partners to strengthen WASH systems and dramatically increase investment to extend access to safely managed drinking water and sanitation services to all by 2030, beginning with the most vulnerable.” The GLAAS data show, however, that most WASH policies and plans do not address risks of climate change to WASH services, nor the climate resilience of WASH technologies and management systems. Just over two thirds of countries have measures in WASH policies to reach populations disproportionately affected by climate change. However, only about one third monitor progress or allocate explicit funding to these populations. “The world is seriously off-track to achieve SDG 6 on water and sanitation for all, by 2030. This leaves billions of people dangerously exposed to infectious diseases, especially in the aftermath of disasters, including climate related events,” said Gilbert F. Houngbo, Chair of UN-Water and Director General of the International Labour Organization. “The new data from GLAAS will inform the voluntary commitments the international community will make at the UN 2023 Water Conference in March, helping us target the most vulnerable communities and solve the global water and sanitation crisis.” Urgency and opportunities Dire consequences of climate change and extreme weather events bring more attention to the issues, underlining an urgent need for a whole-of-society approach and global cooperation to act together. The GLAAS 2022 report shows that countries making progress demonstrated high level of political commitment and investments in improving safe WASH systems. With the GLAAS 2022 report, WHO and UN-Water call on all governments and stakeholders to scale up support for WASH service delivery, through strengthened governance, financing, monitoring, regulation, and capacity development. The report sets the scene for action ahead of a historic water and sanitation meeting planned in 2023. For the first time in 50 years, the global community—through the United Nations—will review progress and make firm commitments to renew action on water and sanitation with global leaders. The UN 2023 Water Conference – formally known as the 2023 Conference for the Midterm Comprehensive Review of Implementation of the UN Decade for Action on Water and Sanitation (2018-2028) – will take place at UN Headquarters in New York, 22-24 March 2023. Note for editors The UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) data portal is now online at https://glaas.who.int. About the World Health Organization Dedicated to the well-being of all people and guided by science, the World Health Organization leads and champions global efforts to give everyone, everywhere an equal chance at a safe and healthy life. Our mission is to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. More at www.who.int UN-Water coordinates the United Nations’ work on water and sanitation. UN-Water is a ‘coordination mechanism’. It is comprised of United Nations entities (Members) and international organizations (Partners) working on water and sanitation issues. UN-Water’s role is to ensure that Members and Partners’ deliver as one’ in response to water-related challenges.
The articles in this volume explore the ways in which different types of religious community organised their economy and controlled their finances. These topics were acknowledged already by Cassian and they are mentioned in the rule of St. Benedict. Attitudes to religious poverty and to wealth were largely determined by two parameters. The first was the impressive variety of forms of religious life with its development of different attitudes to poverty and wealth and to a multitude of forms of economic activity. The second parameter was set by other factors, the economic, political and geological environment which determined the requirements of each religious community. These parameters caused a strain between the religious ideals on the one hand and outside pressures which could affect individual communities or religious orders. This is explored in nine articles dealing with the traditional Benedictines, the military orders as well as the mendicants in different parts of Europe.
- Day Care - View All The study and treatment of disorders of the heart and the blood vessels of the human body are referred to as Cardiology. People with cardiovascular diseases or heart diseases are treated by health experts called CARDIOLOGIST whereas people who undergo Valve Replacement or Cardiac Bypass CABG Surgery are operated by Cardio Thoracic Surgeons. The cardiologist carries out and performs procedures like catheterizations, angioplasty, or pacemaker insertion. They also perform basic studies of heart function and supervise all aspects of therapy including the administration of drugs to revise functions of the heart. Newer Diagnostic tests and recent innovative drugs are available to treat heart failure, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc. Using heart-lung devices, surgeons can now allow blood circulation to bypass the heart thanks to developments in cardiac catheterization and angiography. Other developments in cardiology include balloon angioplasty and other nonsurgical treatments for blood vessel obstruction, electrocardiographic monitors, pacemakers, and defibrillators for detecting and treating arrhythmias. Cardiothoracic Surgery has adult cardiac surgery, childrens cardiac surgery, general thoracic surgery (disorders of lungs and oesophagus), congenital cardiac surgery, and heart and lung transplant surgery. A cardiothoracic surgeon treats – coronary artery disease or blockages of the arteries in the heart, blockages in the heart valves, leaking heart valve, abnormal enlargement of the large arteries in the chest, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation. Valve replacement procedure is to treat a damaged or diseased valve. e.g Aortic valve separates the lower left heart chamber i.e. left ventricle and the body’s main artery i.e. aorta. A damaged valve can interfere with blood flow and can force the heart to work harder to send blood to the rest of the body. Valve Replacement surgery can improve blood flow, minimize symptoms of heart valve disease like Mitral and Aortic Valve disease. When a person shows the symptoms of a heart condition, the physician may refer them to cardiologist. The symptoms like: The interventional cardiologist may carry out procedures such as angioplasty, stenting, valvuloplasty, congenital heart defect corrections, and coronary thrombectomy. Cardiologist carries out several tests for heart murmur, or an abnormal pulse rate. A cardiologist is an expert healthcare provider who treats chest pain, high blood pressure, and heart failure as well as treats problems with your heart valves, blood vessels, and other vascular issues. Cardiologists are physicians who treat heart diseases using diagnostics and medications. They do not perform surgical procedures. There are three main types of cardiology: Invasive, non-invasive, and Interventional. Some cardiologists specialize in Pediatric or child cardiology while some specialize in adult cardiology. The normal pulse rate for a healthy heart ranges from 60 to 80 beats per minute. The ideal blood pressure is 120/80mmHg. When excessive pressure on the artery is caused by high blood pressure, it can damage blood vessels as well as the organ. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to heart attack or stroke. A procedure that opens arteries by stent to normalize the blood flow is called Angioplasty. It is a minimally invasive procedure. It is a medical imaging technique used to check the blood vessels for any blockages. The normal x-ray cannot show the blood vessels clearly, so a special dye is injected in your blood which highlights the vessels allowing your doctor to check for any problems. The x-ray created during angiography are called as Angiograms. Knee replacement clinic, Hair transplant clinic, Lasik clinic, Piles Clinic, Varicose veins clinic, Laser skin clinic, Cosmetic clinic, Breast cancer clinic
Father Time, Death and the New Year -By Angelique Duncan The ringing of the New Year marks the arrival of Father Time to take away the old year. He is often depicted bearded, wearing a cloak, carrying a scythe and an hourglass. Sometimes accompanied by a crow, often Father Time’s companion is Baby New Year. In some renderings he is winged. His arrival marks an end of time and sometimes the death of an era. It is believed that Father Time is the embodiment of the ancient Greek deity Chronos or Kronos. With many of the Greek deities, they carried over to the Roman mythologies. Chronos and the Roman deity Saturn were of similar nature. Both were Gods of Harvest and were depicted as carrying a scythe in which they would use to cut down crops. An overlapping mythology from the Greeks is that of Cronis, who castrated and killed his father Uranus by using a scythe. Some historians tell that the mythologies of Chronis and Cronis are of the same deity, some contend that the two are separate entities serving different mythological functions, much as Zeus and Saturn are similar in functions in their perspective cultures. The word Saturn has the meaning to sow. Chronis holds a dual meaning of time and crow, hence where the crow companion who appears in illustrations of Father Time fits in. The scythe shape carried by the two deities is symbolic that time rises and falls and inevitably all things must end. During the Renaissance era Father Time emerged as the keeper of time passage and our modern image of the deity was formed. He carries with him a scythe that cuts down time and timepiece either an hourglass or a clock face, symbolizing the constant flow of time forward. It was once believed that we each have our own hourglass that is kept by Father Time. When our “time is up” and we have come to the end of our time on Earth, he comes to collect. During the renaissance era Father Time was also synonymous with the Reaper of Death. The imagery of the elderly male wearing a cloak with broad wings that collected souls at the end of their life was split to another entity of what is known today as the Grim Reaper, a skeletal man with a beard in a dark cloak with a scythe and hourglass in hand. The imagery of death developed his own persona and through out time no longer was depicted with the beard and hourglass, however the hooded cloak and scythe remain part of his repertoire. Some cultures believe Father Time works alone, gathering the years as they expire. Others believe that Father Time and Baby New Year are the same entity. As the old year expires Father Time collects it and passes a New Year to the Baby to hold guardianship over and bring to maturity. As the year progresses so does the Baby to become the next incarnation of Father Time to hand off that year to a new Baby and the cycle continues. Some believe that the two work in concordance, but are individual entities independent of each other. The Father collects the old decayed era that has come to an end; the Baby brings the new fresh era. The Baby New Year has his origin in Greek mythology of a baby that was ceremonially carried in a basket to symbolize the rebirth of the fertility God Dionysus. The custom of The Baby New Year was practiced by Germans and carried over to America through their migrations. The modern image of the Baby New Year now sports a top hat and a banner sash with the year he is custodian over tied across his chest. It was the Victorians, with their fascination of dressing children like adults, who are responsible for Baby New Years fashionable top hat. Across cultures and spans of time a common theme of a Fatherly elderly bearded man appears at Winter. The Holly King is the Celtic God of the dying year. He rules from Summer Solstice through the Winter Solstice. The Holly King represents the darkness and decay of winter. Depicted often as a bearded man with a Holly crown. Some historians correlate the Holly King to Father Christmas. Father Christmas is depicted as a bearded man wearing a robe; in lieu of a scythe he carries a staff. Father Christmas was the precursor to the bearded St Nicholas and later Santa Claus. The Holly king is also thought to bear resemblance to Old Man Winter, the deity who reins over the winter months and brings cold, snow and the “death” of the sun until it’s season. Each of these bearded fellows has their place in their cultures mythology and history. They may all be offspring in some fashion of the same mythology. They may serve to tell the story of Chronos or Saturn, defining end of eras and the sowing of time in the cross cultural belief that has stood the test of time. The image of Father Time holding his scythe and hourglass counting the minutes until it is time to collect the next expired year remains. Farewell old year. A very happy young new year has arrived. Angelique Duncan is proprietor of Twilight Faerie Nostalgic and Capricious Objects. Check out her artist page to find links to her shops and vintage inspired traditional holiday art. Visit again next month for more traditions and folklore.
- Inflation is an increase in the price of goods and services over time caused by various factors. - The current inflation rate in the U.S. is estimated at 4%, likely to stay under this for the next few years. - Reduced purchasing power, lower interest rates, and reduced investment returns directly impact inflation on savings. - Inflation leads to increased costs of living and can affect retirement goals. - Strategies to protect savings from inflation include investing in assets that increase value, tracking inflation rates, and increasing saving rates. Inflation is an economic concept often discussed, but the masses do not always understand it. In basic terms, inflation is the increase in the price of goods and services over time. Various factors, including supply and demand, government policies, and technological changes, can cause this. Inflation can significantly impact your savings, and it is essential to understand the consequences of its effects. - Inflation Rate in The U.S. - How Inflation Can Affect Your Savings - Ways to Ensure Your Savings Are Safe From Inflation Inflation Rate in The U.S. It’s estimated that the current inflation rate in the country has reached 4% this year, a decrease from 9% in 2022. It’s also estimated to remain at 4% or under for the next few years. The Federal Reserve Board has set a target inflation rate of 2%, which is considered a healthy number for an economy. How Inflation Can Affect Your Savings Inflation affects all aspects of life, from rising grocery prices to higher tuition and medical bills. It can also affect your overall savings. Here are ways it can do that. Decreased Purchasing Power Inflation can affect how many items you can buy. As the cost of goods and services increases, the value of your money decreases. This means that even if you have the same amount of money in your account, you may not be able to purchase the same things you could have before. For example, if you have $1000 in your savings account and the inflation rate is 2%, the value of your money will decrease to $980 in one year. Reduced Interest Rates Inflation can also cause reduced interest rates on savings accounts and other investment options. Banks and financial institutions may lower their interest rates to keep up with inflation, directly affecting earnings. An interest rate of 2% may have been attractive in the past, but it may not be enough to keep up with 3% inflation. Lower Investment Returns Inflation can also have a significant impact on your investments. Many investment options, such as stocks or real estate, are affected by inflation. For example, if you have invested in a stock with a 4% return rate, but inflation is at 5%, your investment loses value. This can lead to significant losses over time, and it is essential to consider inflation when choosing your investment options. Increased Cost of Living As we mentioned earlier, inflation leads to an increase in the price of goods and services. This can directly affect your cost of living as it becomes more expensive to purchase necessary items. For example, if the price of fuel increases, transportation costs will go up, which leads to an increase in the cost of goods and services. This can eat into your savings, and you may need to reduce expenses to compensate for the added costs. Lastly, inflation can significantly impact your retirement goals. As the value of your savings and investments decreases, you may need to save more money than you intended to reach your retirement goals. This can be problematic, mainly if you rely on a fixed income during retirement. Considering inflation in your retirement planning and having a strategy to combat its effects is essential. Ways to Ensure Your Savings Are Safe From Inflation There are various ways to combat inflation and protect your savings. Here are the three most effective ones: Invest in Assets that Increase in Value It is essential to invest in assets that increase in value over time. Such assets include stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and gold. These investments have a good track record of increasing their worth despite inflation and can help you preserve your savings. Lastly, hiring an experienced financial advisor to help you manage these assets is good. The advisor can advise you on where and how to invest your money. Keep Track of Inflation Rates You should also keep track of the latest inflation rates and make changes if needed. Knowing the current inflation rate can help you plan for future expenses and understand its impact on your savings. Increase Your Savings Rate Finally, you can combat inflation by increasing your savings rate. Make sure that you save a portion of your income every month, no matter how small it may be. This way, you can ensure that your savings grow faster than the rising prices caused by inflation. Understanding how inflation affects your savings is essential for successful financial planning. It is important to protect your savings and investments from inflation’s effects. By investing in assets that increase in value, staying updated on current inflation rates, and increasing your savings rate, you can ensure that your money is safe from the negative impacts of inflation.
In honor of the 50thAnniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Institute for Human Rights is publishing various outlooks on the life and contributions of Dr. King. This is the second entry in the series. “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9 The Peacemaker Defined When confronted by a system permitting injustice, denying universal human rights, and thwarting peace for marginalized groups, many of us are deeply unsettled. To fully understand the destruction humans have wrought on one another is to simultaneously accept one’s own capacity to perpetuate evil in the world. Humans are capable of peace and war, justice and violence. A critical question arises here: what compels an individual to choose peace in the face of adversity? What inspires an individual to rise above violence, utilizing an ethos of peace as both a means and an end? In short, how can we become peacemakers? Informed from many interviews of indigenous persons weaving peace from conflict, Marc Gopin offers the following personal traits that embody the peacemaker: Responsibility; courage; independence; evangelical passion A desire to inquire A strong sense of ethnic roots that is combined paradoxically with universal love An embrace of love and the way of the heart as the key to peace A consistent desire to seek out shared values across the boundaries of groups A desire for leadership through social network creation Long-term engagement with adversaries and faith in the value of ongoing debate and slow and steady influence In Bridges Across an Impossible Divide, Gopin (2012) is quick to add that any and all of us can be peacemakers – if we so choose. It boils down to choice: choosing how to move through conflict, choosing to leave the world better than we found it. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – The Peacemaker There is no doubt Dr. King ushered a new wholeness to American culture. His contributions to American society are legendary: leading the American Civil Rights Movement, raising collective American consciousness to address structural discrimination, and developing innovative strategies of nonviolent social protest still used throughout the globe. He taught a generation of civil and human rights footsoldiers, he constructed new theological language grounded in human equality, and he personally transformed the lives of those around him. He was a person of immense spiritual power– calling on his training as a man of the cloth to inform his philosophy and theology demanding racial equality in the United States. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is among the most prominent and revered peacemakers the world has ever seen. Per Gopin’s definition, peacemaking describes not only works but also the personality of an individual. Being a peacemaker is not just directing policy change or charismatic leadership, but an ethos of resilient gentleness, and formidable commitment to the transformation of conflict to better the human experience. It is an understanding that peacemaking is not a vocation – it is a divine calling. Today, we remember that his faith and deeds literally transformed the soul of America. Dr. King was a true American peacemaker. Gopin, M. (2012). Bridges across an impossible divide: The inner lives of Arab and Jewish peacemakers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Geogrids have long been a vital component in civil engineering and construction projects, playing a crucial role in stabilizing soil and reinforcing structures. Among the various types of geogrids available, Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids have emerged as a groundbreaking innovation that has significantly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of geotechnical solutions. In this article, we will explore the innovations in Uniaxial Plastic Geogrid technology and their applications in modern engineering projects. Understanding Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids are a type of geosynthetic material made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or other plastic polymers. They are designed with distinct ribs or bars running in one primary direction, which imparts them with uniaxial (one-directional) strength. This unique structure allows Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids to provide exceptional tensile strength, making them uniaxial geogrid for applications that require reinforcement in one primary direction, such as retaining walls and steep slope stabilization. Advantages of Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids 1. Superior Tensile Strength The most prominent feature of Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids is their exceptional tensile strength in the primary direction. This property makes them highly effective in reinforcing soil and stabilizing structures, preventing soil erosion and promoting long-term stability. 2. Easy Installation Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids are relatively easy to install. They can be rolled out and anchored to the ground using various methods, including spikes, staples, or mechanical connectors. This ease of installation reduces construction time and labor costs. HDPE and other plastic polymers used in Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids are highly resistant to environmental factors such as UV rays, chemicals, and moisture. This durability ensures that the geogrids maintain their strength and effectiveness over an extended period. These geogrids find applications in a wide range of civil engineering projects, including road construction, embankment stabilization, and the reinforcement of retaining walls and slopes. Their versatility and adaptability make them a valuable asset in the construction industry. Applications of Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids 1. Road Construction Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids are commonly used in road construction to improve the stability and load-bearing capacity of subgrade soils. They distribute loads more effectively, reducing rutting and cracking in road surfaces. 2. Retaining Wall Reinforcement In the construction of retaining walls, Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids are used to reinforce the structure and prevent soil erosion. Their high tensile strength allows engineers to design taller and more stable walls. 3. Slope Stabilization Steep slopes are prone to erosion and instability. Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids can be used to reinforce slopes, preventing landslides and soil erosion while maintaining the natural landscape. 4. Landfill Capping Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids are employed in landfill capping to provide a stable and impermeable barrier. They prevent the penetration of leachate into the ground, reducing environmental contamination risks. As technology and materials science continue to advance, we can expect further innovations in Uniaxial Plastic Geogrid technology. Researchers are exploring new polymers, additives, and manufacturing techniques to enhance the performance and sustainability of these geogrids. Additionally, the integration of sensors and monitoring systems may enable real-time tracking of geogrid performance in various applications. In conclusion, Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids have revolutionized the field of geotechnical engineering with their exceptional tensile strength and versatility. They have become a vital tool for engineers and construction professionals, allowing for the development of safer and more stable infrastructure. As innovation continues in this field, Uniaxial Plastic Geogrids are likely to play an even more significant role in shaping the future of civil engineering and construction projects.
A new study, published 20th August 2014 in the journal Maternal and Child Health, has found that mothers who planned to breastfeed and who actually went on to breastfeed were significantly less likely to become depressed than mothers who had planned to, and who did not, breastfeed (1). This study emphasises how crucial it is for mothers to know how to get support so they can continue breastfeeding as long as they want to, and how this may play a key role in helping to prevent postnatal depression. LLLGB Leaders (volunteer breastfeeding counsellors, who have undergone a training programme and been accredited by La Leche League International) are mothers who have breastfed their own babies and understand how important it is to get support if difficulties arise. Dr Maria Iacovou, of the University of Cambridge’s Department of Sociology, in collaboration with Dr Almudena Sevilla from Queen Mary University of London and Cristina Borra from Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, conducted this study of over 10,000 mothers. It is one of the largest studies of its kind and is also one of the few to take into account mothers’ previous mental health. It also controls for socioeconomic factors such as income and relationship status, and for other potential confounders such as how babies were delivered, and whether they were premature. It was found that women who breastfed their babies were at significantly lower risk of postnatal depression than those who did not. The benefit increased for each week of breastfeeding up to one month. The relationship between breastfeeding and depression was most pronounced when babies were 8 weeks old, but much smaller when babies were 8 months or older. However, any longer term impact on post-natal depression could not be determined due to the small number of women in the study who were still breast feeding several months after the birth. The research, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, used data drawn from the Avon Longitudinal Survey of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), a study of 13,998 births in the Bristol area in the early 1990s. Maternal depression was measured using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale when babies were 8 weeks, and 8, 21 and 33 months old. Depression was also assessed at two points during pregnancy, enabling the researchers to take into account mothers’ pre-existing mental health conditions. Around one in 12 women in the sample experienced depressive symptoms during pregnancy, while one in eight experienced depression at one or more of the four measurement points after giving birth. Confirmation of previous studies Several previous studies back-up the findings in this new study. In her book Depression and New Mothers, Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC, looks at depression and breastfeeding. She reports that “rates of depression are lower in breastfeeding mothers than their non-breastfeeding counterparts”(2). She also notes that “breastfeeding is protective of maternal mental health because it reduces the stress response”. Writing in Leaven, a publication produced by La Leche League International, August-September 2005, Kendall-Tackett, a La Leche League Leader, explains how stress and fatigue can increase risk for depression, but lowering stress can be protective. This is where breastfeeding can make a difference. Mezzacappa and Katkin (3 ) compared maternal stress levels after both breast and bottle-feeding, with 28 mothers who were doing both. They measured stress immediately after breastfeeding, and immediately after these same mothers bottle-fed. The design of this study allowed the authors to account for pre-existing differences in mothers who chose to breastfeed rather than bottle feed since each mother was compared to herself. They found that the act of breastfeeding decreased mothers’ negative moods, and when these same women bottle-fed, bottle-feeding decreased their positive mood. In a 2004 study published in Biological Psychology (4) Jones and colleagues found that breastfeeding protected infants from the harmful effects of maternal depression. They compared four groups of infants: infants of depressed mothers who were either breast or bottle-feeding, and infants of non-depressed mothers who were either breast or bottle-feeding. The infants of depressed bottle-feeding mothers had abnormal brain activation patterns, such as those found in previous studies. But the infants of depressed breastfeeding mothers were no different than those of non-depressed mothers. How breastfeeding benefits and protects babies Breastfeeding has been demonstrated to enhance psychological interactions between mothers and infants. Research has shown that mothers who breastfeed exhibit increased physiological and social responsiveness to their infants (5). Breastfed babies have been shown to be more alert and responsive (6) and more reciprocity and affection has been observed in breastfeeding dyads (7,8). If a woman becomes depressed while breastfeeding some health care professionals consider breastfeeding a risk factor and she might be urged to stop in order to recover. This view does not take into account the research demonstrating breastfeeding’s protective effect on maternal health. Many medications for postnatal depression are compatible with breastfeeding and it should be possible to discuss with a doctor a treatment plan which is right for each individual circumstance. Kendall-Tackett says that breastfeeding protects babies from the harmful effects of maternal depression. One apparent reason for this finding is that by simply breastfeeding, mothers were more likely to touch, stroke, and make eye contact with their babies. Another possible explanation for the beneficial effect includes the release of feel-good hormones when milk is produced. This is one more good reason for encouraging mothers to continue to breastfeed even while depressed. Dr Maria Iacovou says “Breastfeeding has well-established benefits to babies, in terms of their physical health and cognitive development; our study shows that it also benefits the mental health of mothers.” When a mother stops breastfeeding before she planned to The Study also found that mothers who planned to breastfeed, but who did not go on to breastfeed, were over twice as likely to become depressed as mothers who had not planned to, and who did not, breastfeed. According to Department of Health statistics three-quarters of mothers initiated breastfeeding in 2012/13; by the time of the 6-8 week check, only 47% of babies were being breastfed. This is one of the lowest rates of breastfeeding in Europe. While breastfeeding is very effective in lowering stress, breastfeeding difficulties can increase both stress and depression. In a sample of 41 breastfeeding mothers, depression, stress, severity of breastfeeding problems, and fatigue were moderately correlated with each other. These measures were taken at three days, and three, six, and nine weeks postpartum (9). It is vitally important that women who want to breastfeed get the support they need. Dr Iacovou believes that health authorities should not only be encouraging women to breastfeed, but should also provide a level of support that will help mothers who want to breastfeed succeed. LLLGB concurs with her comments that “Lots of mothers and babies take to breastfeeding pretty easily. But for many others, it doesn’t come naturally at all; for these mothers, having someone with the training, the skills, and perhaps most importantly the time to help them get it right, can make all the difference.” Mothers who experience a lot of stress and severe fatigue may be more likely to develop depression. One study recruited 38 healthy new mothers who had uncomplicated births in the first day postpartum (10) . The authors found that fatigue at day seven predicted depression at day 28. Indeed, fatigue on day seven accounted for 21 percent of the variance in depressive symptoms. Similarly, a study of 465 postpartum women also found that sleep problems at one month postpartum predicted depression at four months (11). Dr Iacovou says that social or psychological factors such as feelings of “failing as a mother” were also contributing. She added “However good the level of support that’s provided, there will be some mothers who wanted to breastfeed and who don’t manage to. It’s clear that these mothers need a great deal of understanding and support; there is currently hardly any skilled specialist help for these mothers, and this is something else that health providers should be thinking about.” Dr Iacovou says “In fact, the effects on mothers’ mental health that we report in this study are also likely to have an impact on babies, since maternal depression has previously been shown to have negative effects on many aspects of children’s development.” Being aware of factors which may lead to depression will hopefully enable women to get the support they need before things escalate and to protect the breastfeeding relationship between a mother and her baby. LLLGB Leaders offer telephone counselling, group meetings, leaflets, and email support but, most of all, they are a listening ear when things are not going well with breastfeeding. They can offer accurate information so that women can decide what feels right for them and their baby. LLLGB groups offer local support, our official LLLGB because Breastfeeding Matters Facebook page offers more mother-to-mother support. Depression and New Mothers Kathleen A Kendall-Tackett, Routledge, 2009 Non-Pharmacologic Treatments for Depression in New Mothers Kathleen A Kendall-Tackett, Hale Pub. Jun 2008 Kathleen Kendall-Tackett’s website is found at UppityScienceChick.com 1. Borra, C., Iacovou, M. and Sevilla, A. “New Evidence on Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression: The Importance of Understanding Women’s Intentions”. Maternal and Child Health Journal: 20 Aug 2014 2. Dennis and McQueen, 2009 3. Mezzacappa, E.S. and Katkin, E.S. Breastfeeding is associated with reduced perceived stress and negative mood in mothers. Health Psychol 2002; 21:187-93 4. Jones, N.A., McFall, B.A. and Diego, M.A. Patterns of brain electrical activity in infants of depressed mothers who breastfeed and bottle feed: The mediating role of infant temperament. Biol Psychol 2004; 67(1-2):103-24. 5. Wiesenfeld, A. R., C. Zander Malatesta, P. B. Whitman et al. Psychophysiological response of breast- and bottle-feeding mothers to their infants’ signals. Psychophysiology 1985; 22:79-86. 6. Worobey, J. Feeding method and motor activity in 3-month-old human infants. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1998; 86:883-95 7. Bernal, J., and M. Richards. The effects of bottle and breastfeeding on infant development. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1970; 14:247-52 8. Dunn, J., and M. Richards. Observations on the developing relationship between mother and baby in the neonatal period. In Studies in Mother-Infant Interaction, ed. R. Schaffer. New York: Academic Press, 1977 9. Wambach 1998). 10. Bozoky and Corwin 2002 11. Chaudron et al. 2001.
This curious term clearly implies that there is no An anatomical abnormality affecting the lowermost part of brain, where it joins the spinal cord, at the top of the neck. Various sub-types are described - see under their individual names. The term hindbrain hernia is sometimes used to incorporate all forms. present and yet it is not synonymous with “normal”. People diagnosed as having “Chiari zero” present with symptoms which are typical of an anatomically obvious Chiari malformations but they display apparently normal appearances at the That part of the body where the base of the skull is joined to the top of the spine. Inside these bony enclosures, the craniovertebral junction is also where the brain stem continues downwards as the spinal cord., as seen on A highly sophisticated form of obtaining images (pictures) of the internal structures of the body. Unlike some other forms of imaging, magnetic resonance imaging does not involve the subject being exposed to ionising radiation, which can be harmful if used to excess. Magnetic resonance imaging can reveal not just structures but information about how well or otherwise body parts are functioning.. In some cases the imaging reveals a A cavity, within the spinal cord, which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Syringomyelia cavities come in various “shapes and sizes”, from short, spindle-shaped cavities through to long, tense cavities extending throughout the greater part of the spinal cord. Read more cavity lower down, in the The main nerve trunk running down the spinal canal and connecting the individual’s mind and consciousness to the rest of his or her body. It is about the size of a person’s little finger, in diameter. It cannot repair itself if damaged., providing further evidence that symptoms are due to some disturbance of This clear, water-like fluid forms, for the most part, within the brain, more specifically inside the ventricles of the brain. Blood flows through structures inside the ventricles, called the choroid plexuses, and clear fluid is produced as a result, passing into the ventricle. This process is akin to blood flowing through the kidneys and urine being produced as a result. An important difference is that, unlike urine, the cerebrospinal fluid is not passed out of the body periodically. Instead, the fluid is re-absorbed back into the blood stream, mostly via the arachnoid granulations, into the cerebral venous sinuses. In the course of a 24-hour period, most healthy adults will produce about 500mls (or a pint) of cerebrospinal fluid, although at... flow across the That part of the body where the base of the skull is joined to the top of the spine. Inside these bony enclosures, the craniovertebral junction is also where the brain stem continues downwards as the spinal cord..
Lead-lined coffins are better for the environment The outlet went on to note that the lead lining helps to seal the coffin and ensures that the smell, or the toxins, of the dead body are unable to escape from the enclosure, which could cause harm to the environment. What happens to a body after 1 year in a coffin? Soon your cells lose their structure, causing your tissues to become “a watery mush.” After a little more than a year, your clothes will decompose because of exposure to the various chemicals your corpse produced. And like that, you’ve gone from being a sleeping beauty to naked mush. How heavy is a lead-lined coffin? The coffin bared a weight of a quarter-tonne because it was lined with lead. It is a tradition that British royals are buried in lead-lined coffins. However, when Diana died she was no longer married to Prince Charles and only had her title Lady Diana Spencer. Why are people buried 6 feet under? (WYTV) – Why do we bury bodies six feet under? The six feet under rule for burial may have come from a plague in London in 1665. The Lord Mayor of London ordered all the “graves shall be at least six-foot deep.” … Gravesites reaching six feet helped prevent farmers from accidentally plowing up bodies. Are coffins sealed shut? Caskets, be they of metal or wood, are sealed so that they protect the body. The sealing will keep the elements, air, and moisture from getting inside the coffin. Do maggots get into coffins? Maggots are fly larvae and unless you had them living within you and the mortician just skimped out on his job they will never get into a coffin. Plus newer coffins are treated and airtight so that nothing else will get in for years to come. How long does a body last in a coffin? By 50 years in, your tissues will have liquefied and disappeared, leaving behind mummified skin and tendons. Eventually these too will disintegrate, and after 80 years in that coffin, your bones will crack as the soft collagen inside them deteriorates, leaving nothing but the brittle mineral frame behind. Is Philips coffin lead-lined? Prince Philip’s coffin was made for him more than 30 years ago. It is made of English oak and is lead-lined. The Queen will be buried in a matching coffin when she dies. Members of the royal family are buried in lead-lined coffins because they help preserve the body for longer. What did Princess Diana get buried in? Princess Diana’s final resting-place is in the grounds of Althorp Park, her family home. The original plan was for her to be buried in the family vault at the local church in nearby Great Brington, but this was changed by her brother, Earl Spencer. Are bodies removed from coffin before cremation? Is the coffin cremated with the body? Yes. The coffin is cremated with the body and nothing can be removed from the coffin after committal. Does the skull burst during cremation? Does the skull burst during cremation? The skull does not burst during cremation. The skull will become fragile and crumble. How do undertakers dress a dead body? Most funeral directors will suggest providing undergarments for the body of the deceased. Many funeral homes will not dress the body without them. While these items are not visible, it is often comforting to family and the funeral home staff to give the deceased dignity and respect in this setting. Has anyone woken up in a coffin? Brain activity appears to continue after people are dead, according to a study. In 2014 a three year old Filipino girl was reported to have woken up in her open casket during her funeral. A doctor present said she was indeed alive and the family cancelled the funeral and took the girl home. What happens to a body in a sealed casket? If the coffin is sealed in a very wet, heavy clay ground, the body tends to last longer because the air is not getting to the deceased. If the ground is light, dry soil, decomposition is quicker. … As those coffins decompose, the remains will gradually sink to the bottom of the grave and merge. What happens to a grave after 100 years? By the time a body has been buried for 100 years, very little of what we recognize as the “body” is left. According to Business Insider, you can’t even count on your bones being intact by year 80. After the collagen inside them breaks down completely, bones essentially become fragile, mineralized husks. Which part of the body does not decay after death? Once the soft tissues have fully decomposed, all that remains is the skeleton. The skeleton and teeth are much more robust. Although they undergo a number of subtle changes after death, they can remain intact for many years. How long would you live if you were buried alive? (Note: If you’re buried alive and breathing normally, you’re likely to die from suffocation. A person can live on the air in a coffin for a little over five hours, tops. If you start hyperventilating, panicked that you’ve been buried alive, the oxygen will likely run out sooner.) Why do morticians drain blood? To prepare a dead body for funeral services and eventual burial or cremation, morticians pump out all of the blood and interstitial fluids and replace them with an embalming solution, typically containing formaldehyde and methanol. Why do coffins explode? But dead bodies have a tendency to rot, and when they do so above ground, the consequences are – to put it nicely — unpleasant. … When the weather turns warm, in some cases, that sealed casket becomes a pressure cooker and bursts from accumulated gases and fluids of the decomposing body. What do funeral homes do with the blood from dead bodies? The blood and bodily fluids just drain down the table, into the sink, and down the drain. This goes into the sewer, like every other sink and toilet, and (usually) goes to a water treatment plant. … Now any items that are soiled with blood—those cannot be thrown away in the regular trash. Does water get into coffins? Coffins are not watertight so when the grave fills with water it also fills the coffin, which decomposes and rots the bodies faster.
The IMF Needs to Mitigate Climate Transition Risk The potential of countries' climate policies to damage other countries' economies has not received as much attention as it deserves. Without proper international coordination, well-intended measures in major economies could further widen the income and welfare gap between rich and poor countries. BEIJING – The latest scientific assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change makes it abundantly clear that the costs of inaction on global warming are rising rapidly and will disproportionately fall on poorer countries that bear no responsibility for causing the problem. But what is often overlooked is that climate action itself may also have unintended negative effects in the developing world. Scholars and central bankers usually refer to two types of climate-related financial risk: “physical risks” and “transition risks.” Whereas physical risk is a result of increases in emissions concentration, transition risks can emerge from technological shocks and from the introduction of climate policies and regulations in key economies. Between 1850 and 1990, the United States and Europe accounted for 75% of cumulative carbon dioxide emissions. Today, they contribute about 50%, whereas China, India, and other emerging economies account for a growing share. Given this history, the US and Europe must act boldly to address the climate problem, charting a path for the world’s fast-growing emitters to follow. Together, the US, the European Union, China, and India account for more than 55% of world GDP. As the leading drivers of global production and consumption patterns, their actions tend to “spill over” to other countries. Thus, suddenly introducing policies and regulations designed to phase out fossil fuels in one of these major economies could strand not only physical assets (like oil rigs) but also workers and communities. Many other countries around the world could then face fiscal and financial instability. Ambitious climate policies to replace fossil fuels with clean energy sources will benefit all only if they reduce these “transition spillover risks.” That will require coordination among countries and significant investments in resilience, adaptation, and adjustment support for workers and entrepreneurs in the legacy fossil-fuel industries. Transition spillover risks can occur whenever climate action in one country inflicts a negative shock on the balance of payments and public debt of a commercial partner that exports fossil fuels or high-carbon goods. Although spillovers are recognized in the Paris climate agreement, there has been only limited research on this form of climate risk and how best to mitigate it, leaving a significant blind spot in the pursuit of a just transition. WINTER SALE: Save 40% on all new Digital or Digital Plus subscriptions Subscribe now to gain greater access to Project Syndicate – including every commentary and our entire On Point suite of subscriber-exclusive content – starting at just $49.99. Fortunately, new research from the Task Force on Climate, Development, and the International Monetary Fund, of which we are members, seeks to fill this knowledge gap. In the task force’s first technical paper, we examine the implications of the EU’s proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). In the upper bound of our estimates, we find that it would adversely affect exports and welfare in many developing countries. For example, with the broadest implementation of the CBAM, Mozambique’s economy could shrink by 2.5%, Russia’s by 0.6%, and India’s, Egypt’s, and Turkey’s by almost 0.3% each. Thus, income and welfare inequality between rich and poor economies could worsen, further eroding some low-income countries’ capacity to decarbonize. Another study examines how carbon pricing in China (consistent with the scenarios offered by the Network for Greening the Financial System) would affect Indonesia, an emerging market with strong trade links to the Chinese economy. The authors conclude that a Chinese coal phaseout, by curtailing demand for Indonesian coal, would adversely affect Indonesia’s balance of payments, fiscal position, and public debt, owing to the stranding of assets in the mining sector, which plays a key role in the domestic economy. These findings are not an excuse for climate inaction. But they do underscore the need for more international coordination. Climate-change mitigation and adaptation must be pursued in a manner that is consistent with maintaining financial stability, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and fostering equity within and across national borders. As the only global, rules-based, multilateral institution charged with maintaining financial stability, the IMF should take the lead on managing transition spillover risks. As part of its global and bilateral surveillance functions, it should help member states identify the sources of short- and longer-term risks. And the IMF should work in tandem with the World Bank and other development-finance institutions to help countries mobilize the external and domestic resources needed to decarbonize their economies while also maintaining fiscal and financial stability. Even then, though, some countries will inevitably suffer unintended consequences. In those cases, the IMF should avoid attaching onerous conditionalities to its financing programs, as such provisions have been shown to worsen poverty and inequality and hamper long-run growth. A better option is to rely on new mechanisms such as the proposed Resilience and Sustainability Trust, which would provide short-term financing (without onerous conditions and at concessional rates) to help address balance-of-payments and liquidity challenges from transition spillover risks. Alternatively, an “Equitable Decarbonization Fund” financed from CBAMs and domestic carbon taxes could also be used to support decarbonization in fossil-fuel source countries. We are now in the important decade for addressing climate change. Future economic stability, growth, and human well-being may well depend on whether the IMF will step into its role as a global coordinator for climate policy.
Millions of women globally are employed as homemakers, housewives or stay-at-home mothers, and are prone to skin disorders as a result of their work in the home. While increasingly some men are also homemakers, househusbands and stay-at-home fathers, women employed in the home have historically done more wet work (eg, cleaning, washing) than men and have tended to suffer more from a cumulative irritant contact dermatitis of the hands caused by wet work. Housewife’s hand dermatitis (hand eczema) is one of the most frequent reasons for a homemaker to visit a dermatologist. Why are homemakers particularly at risk of skin disorders? Homemakers are prone to skin problems because of: - Wet work (frequent exposure of the hands to water) - Exposure to chemicals in cleaners, disinfectants, polishes, and other household products - Failure to wear gloves or use other personal protective equipment - Widespread lack of education or understanding about the need for skin protection. Understanding occupational skin disorders The terms occupational skin disorder or occupational skin disease are used to refer to dermatological conditions that develop or worsen due to the nature of a person’s work. Skin disorders are believed to account for 40–70% of all occupational diseases. Skin disorders occur when the natural defences of the skin are compromised by mechanical, chemical, or biological agents, leaving the skin more vulnerable to infections and the breakdown of the skin barrier. Occupational skin disorders in homemakers Skin problems arising in homemakers include: Housewife’s hand dermatitis Housewife’s hand dermatitis was so named due to a large number of homemakers who suffer from hand dermatitis due to both irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. It has been classified into acute ‘wet’ and chronic ‘dry’ types. - The wet form of housewife’s hand dermatitis involves the back of the hand, the fingers, and the palms. Its signs and symptoms include severe itching, inflammation, and blistering. Common causes of this type of acute contact dermatitis include irritants such as water, detergents, and rubber gloves, and allergens such as nickel, fragrances, and rubber accelerants. This type of dermatitis tends to persist throughout the year. - The dry form of housewife’s hand dermatitis starts at the tips of the first three fingers. As skin disorder advances, all four fingers of both hands will be affected. Signs and symptoms of chronic hand dermatitis include mild itching, hyperpigmentation, dryness, and nail deformity. The chronic dry form of hand dermatitis tends to be more severe during the winter months. Housewife's hand dermatitis Mechanical injuries in homemakers may include minor abrasions and cuts, often associated with scrubbing floors or contact with other rough surfaces. Skin infections that can occur in homemakers include the following. - Secondary bacterial skin infections can complicate dermatitis and wounds. - Candida yeast infections in the finger webs (intertrigo) can be due to wet work. - Orf can occur in housewives due to handling pet sheep and goats. Infections in housewives Assessing the risks Since the home environment is not a ‘workplace’ in the traditional sense, safety at home is up to the individual homemaker. Factors to consider include: - The safe handling and storage of various household cleaners - Checking the directions for the use of various chemicals - Assessing the chemicals used, possibly switching to less harsh chemical products (or avoiding them, eg, by using microfibre cloths), changing cleaning methods, or mixing or diluting products - Using appropriate protective gloves during cleaning activities to reduce exposure to water or chemicals. Personal protective equipment The most important piece of personal protective equipment for homemakers should be gloves, preferably of a non-latex type to avoid possible sensitisation to latex. If working with volatile/airborne chemicals, protective aprons and masks or goggles should also be considered. Hand care advice for homemakers Good hand care can help to prevent hand dermatitis or treat it once it has developed. Tips include: - Limiting hand-washing to 2–3 times a day - Using a barrier cream or layering gloves for extra protection - Sharing housecleaning tasks with other family members or using other means to decrease exposure to water and irritants (eg, using a dishwasher instead of doing dishes by hand) - Avoiding direct contact with soaps, detergents, or solvents - Not dying hair at home - Avoiding the use of rubber gloves. Diagnosing and treating occupational skin disorders The diagnosis of an occupational skin disorder should include: - A careful patient history, particularly relating to specific tasks and contact with irritants and potential allergens - Consideration of the patient’s other medical conditions, especially those relating to the immune system or atopy - A clinical examination to note the appearance and location of the dermatitis. The treatment of an occupational skin disorder can include:
Mental Health & Wellbeing Looking after our Mental Health: Mental health is all about the wellbeing of the mind. It’s all just a little bit of word play. As you know we all have mental health, and this isn’t a bad thing! It’s about how you maintain it. At George Spicer, we believe that the wellbeing of our children’s hearts and minds are just as important as their physical wellbeing. When children don’t feel well in their body, we tend to know immediately what could help, whether that’s giving our children rest, medication, or taking them to see a doctor. We try to think about our children’s minds in a similar way. That is, when they are show signs of difficulty or distress, to think with parents, families and other professionals about ways to help them. As a Rights Respecting School, it is our responsibility to work towards achieving what is best for each child (UNCRC Article 3). For us, that means making sure that we support and nurture each pupil to be ready to learn and work towards achieving their potential, in whatever way is best for them as an individual. Talking about Mental Health: "What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor more unashamed conversation." Feeling unsure about talking about Mental Health? Watch Break the Stigma. At George Spicer, we feel we have an important role to play in helping our pupils to develop their emotional and mental wellbeing and developing a growth mind-set. We talk about and promote positive mental health, as we believe this can contribute towards improving a range of outcomes for our pupils, including attitudes to learning and better attendance. This is supported by our ethos “Growing to Succeed” and our school values: Respect, Responsibility and Perseverance. We achieve this through: Our whole school half-termly wellbeing themes; weekly PSHE lessons; circle times; worry boxes for children to share their worries and fears; assemblies and promotion of children’s rights, all focus on supporting our pupils to develop the qualities, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society, now and in the future. "A Child's mental health is just as important as their physical health and deserves the same quality of support. No one would feel embarrassed about seeking help for a child if they broke their arm - - and we really should be equally ready to support a child coping with emotional difficulties." Our Staff Support: At George Spicer, we care about your child’s mental health and wellbeing. All of our staff focus on promoting wellbeing, modelling positive relationships and supporting our pupils to take care of themselves and others. We encourage our pupils’ right to have their voices heard (UNCRC Article 12) and provide them with a space to speak. We recognise the importance of providing appropriate support when children are struggling and so provide specialised help from: Our Learning Mentors: This amazing team supports the wellbeing of our whole school community! They support our pupils’ wellbeing through social and emotional support, 1:1 or group focus sessions on dealing with conflict, recognising emotions, friendship, bereavement support, mental health first aid – whatever meets the needs of our pupils. They also signpost parents/carers to appropriate agencies for help with housing, finances, family conflict, bereavement support etc and are always available with a listening ear! Our School’s Wellbeing Practitioners: Victoria and Clare are our new School Wellbeing Practitioners who work with our children, their families and the staff at George Spicer. They are part of the new Enfield Mental Health Support Team in Schools, created as part of the Government’s national transformation programme. Their aim is "to increase emotional wellbeing and mental health support to children and young people experiencing mild to moderate emotional difficulties in school, such as anxiety, behaviour or friendship issues" (Department of Health & Department for Education, 2017). Victoria & Clare support our whole school approach to wellbeing, providing workshops and group sessions to children, parents and staff to promote mental health and wellbeing across the school community. They work in partnership with school staff and offer additional support as required, to best meet the needs of our pupils. If you’d like any more information about our school mental health support, please ask to speak to Mr Spong, our Mental Health Lead. Please find further resources to support both children and adults’ wellbeing, mental and physical health on the following pages:
This week Elon Musk unveiled his most sci-fi project thus far: a computer chip connected to exceptionally slender wires with electrodes on them, all of which is meant to be embedded in a person's brain by a surgical robot. The implant would connect wirelessly to a small behind-the-ear receiver that could communicate with a computer. Musk hopes the implant, created by his brain-computer interface startup Neuralink, could one day help quadriplegics control smartphones, and perhaps even endow users with a sort of telepathy. Like existing brain-machine interfaces, it would collect electrical signals sent out by the brain and interpret them as actions. Neuralink, which was founded in 2016, has already tested an early, wired version of this implant in rats (and Musk indicated it has enabled a monkey to control a computer with his brain, too); Musk said human trials could start by the end of next year, though the company doesn't yet have approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for such a study. (And, it should be noted, Musk, who is also CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has a history of making outlandish technological claims: for instance, the he said in a recent interview that getting humans to Mars in 4 years "sounds doable.") Neuralink's promise of a brain-connected device that looks as nondescript as a hearing aid — the kind of thing you could hide with hair or a hat — is exciting to scientists who have spent years working on this technology. "The general idea and their motivation, I think, are spot on," said Andrew Schwartz, a professor of neurobiology at the University of Pittsburgh and pioneer in the brain-machine interface field. And, in fact, a number of experts told CNN Business that Neuralink could, in the coming years, be a boon for people with conditions such as quadriplegia, enabling increased independence and ushering potentially life-transforming technology out of the lab and into the real world. But will it be, as Musk envisions, the kind of device that the average person will one day sign up for, too? Probably not, Schwartz and other experts who spoke with CNN Business agreed. How a brain chip could help The idea of a brain-machine interface is not new; scientists have been working on them for decades, and they have been implanted and tested in animals such as monkeys as well as in people. There are some FDA-approved deep-brain stimulation devices meant for, among other things, controlling tremors in people with Parkinson's disease, and several tech companies have worked on their own methods for connecting the brain to computers: Facebook, for instance, has worked on a non-invasive device to let you send text messages by thinking . Yet these efforts tend to be confined to labs for a number of reasons: they're expensive, bulky, require training (of both the user and the computer), and, when it comes to an under-the-skull implant, the person outfitted with it generally must be physically tethered to a computer for it to work. Virginia de Sa, a professor studying brain-computer interfaces at the University of California San Diego, said several of Neuralink's ideas sound "very promising," such as the use of very fine wires to implant electrodes in the brain — the thinner they are, she said, the less damage they'll do to the brain, and, hopefully, the longer they'll last. Schwartz sees the potential in Neuralink's design, particularly its plans to miniaturize the components of the implant, make it wireless, and improve the electrode technology. He believes the wireless aspect of it is key, noting that getting FDA approval for such an implant includes a risk assessment, and the riskiest part of today's brain-computer interfaces involves a connector that comes through the patient's skin to link the implant to a computer. "By removing that whole thing, it becomes a much safer technology," he said, as it reduces the risk of an infection in the patient. Neuralink president Max Hodak said during the presentation that the company's plan for its first product includes it being able to control mobile devices and a keyboard or mouse, though he noted that, as of now, "these are aspirations." It doesn't sound outlandish, though. Schwartz has already worked with systems that can let paralyzed patients pick up objects with a robotic hand and even get some sensory feedback (Musk said Tuesday that Neuralink's device would also be able to both read brain signals and send feedback). He can imagine that, some day in the future, a person with a severe impairment who is outfitted with a device such as the one Neuralink outlined could become much more autonomous. A paralyzed person, for instance, would still be sitting in a wheelchair, he said, but perhaps they'd be able to drive it by thinking rather than using a joystick, and even control a prosthetic arm connected to the chair as well. "They could potentially do their own laundry," he said. It's still brain surgery During his presentation, Musk said Neuralink aims to make the surgery for the company's implant "equivalent to a LASIK type of thing where you sit down, a machine does its thing, and you can walk away within a few hours," all without a hospital stay. He spoke about the wires that would be implanted under a person's skull as threads; a robot for implanting them would bypass blood vessels and cause "minimal trauma," he claimed. It sounds simpler than the way people receive implants today. Essentially, as things work now, the skull is cut open, the brain is exposed, chips are installed, connectors are mounted to the skull, and the head is stitched up. Yet the reality is that implanting a device underneath the skull will remain brain surgery. Neuralink acknowledges it will still need to bore a hole in your skull, for instance. "It's still surgery; it's still risky," de Sa said. "People can die in even the simplest surgeries." Beyond the risks of a medical procedure, there are security concerns, too. Nataliya Kosmina, a postdoctoral associate at the MIT Media Lab, said she "freaked out" when she saw the portion of the presentation in which Neuralink president Max Hodak mentioned that the implant is meant to be controlled with an iPhone app ; she pointed out that someone hacking into such an app could be far more dangerous than if they were to, say, hack your bank account. "As much time and effort as we're all going to spend to make these kinds of devices and implants accessible and safe and put them out there, we would need to spend the same amount of time and energy on first, ethical issues, and second, privacy and security," she said. Who will want one? For now, Neuralink said it is working on a brain chip to help with serious medical conditions, but Musk eventually wants it to appeal to all kinds of people. Several experts said they can't envision most people clamoring for Neuralink's brain chip, however. "It's really like a sort of a science-fiction vision that gets some people excited about it, but I don't see the market for something like that," said Andrew Hires, an assistant professor of neurobiology at USC. "The technological development would have to go so far beyond what would currently be capable with a device like this." Schwartz agreed, saying that while scientists can decode fairly complex brain signals related to, say, how we move our hands and fingers, they are just starting to understand things such as how to apply force to objects or manipulate them in the real world. When it comes to more futuristic applications of the technology to things like thought transmission, memory enhancement or working with artificial intelligence, he said, "we're nowhere close to understanding anything like that."
Scientists consistently research the correlation between our dietary habits and various aspects of our health and overall wellness in the intricate realm of human well-being. An intriguing area to explore is how our diet can affect our ability to overcome illnesses. The saying “you are what you eat” takes on a whole new dimension when we dive into the intricate interplay between nutrition, brain chemistry, and the complex challenges of addiction. If you are having addiction problems, it is time to visit the rehab center Boynton Beach residents trust most. Can eating habits truly affect your ability to beat addiction? As we begin this journey of discovery, we will learn about the scientific reasons behind this phenomenon and think about the real-world effects that come from it. Can Eating Habits Affect Your Ability to Beat Addiction: Gut-Brain Connection The complex connection between the gut and the brain has intrigued researchers for years. Beyond its role in digestion, the gut houses a complex ecosystem of microorganisms known as the gut microbiome. Recent studies have discovered the remarkable communication network that exists between the gut and the brain, often referred to as the “gut-brain axis.” This axis facilitates a constant exchange of information, influencing various psychological processes. The Role of the Gut Microbiome in Mental Health and Addiction Emerging research suggests that the gut microbiome plays a significant role in mental health and addiction. This microscopic community of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms has been linked to the production of neurotransmitters. It has been associated with conditions like depression, anxiety, and even addictive behaviors. The interaction between the gut microbiome and addiction shows a new way to understand better and possibly treat tendencies towards addiction. How Nutrition Impacts Brain Chemistry and Mood Regulation Nutrition plays a pivotal role in shaping brain chemistry and mood regulation. Certain nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and amino acids, serve as building blocks for neurotransmitters that govern our emotions and behaviors. Poor eating habits often influence a deficiency in these nutrients. Links between Eating Habits and Addiction - Neurotransmitter Balance: Nutrient deficiencies resulting from poor eating habits can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. This contributes to mood swings and cravings that may impede addiction recovery. - Blood Sugar Regulation: Unstable blood sugar levels caused by unhealthy eating patterns can lead to irritability, fatigue, and intensified substance cravings. - Reward Pathways: Highly processed and sugary foods can activate the brain’s reward pathways similarly to addictive substances. Potentially triggering relapses or reinforcing addictive behaviors. - Cognitive Function: A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins supports cognitive function, enhancing decision-making abilities. It helps you resist impulsive behaviors associated with addiction. - Stress Management: Nutritional choices can impact the body’s stress response. Adequate intake of stress-reducing nutrients like magnesium and B vitamins can support healthier coping mechanisms during challenging times. - Craving Management: Certain nutrients, such as protein and fiber, help manage cravings by promoting feelings of fullness and stabilizing blood sugar levels, reducing the intensity of substance cravings. The Impact of Sugar and Processed Foods on Recovery In today’s eating patterns, sugar, and processed foods are strong and widespread components. Research has drawn parallels between the brain’s response to sugar and to addictive substances, suggesting that sugar can trigger reward pathways akin to those experienced during substance abuse. Processed foods, often laden with refined sugars, can exploit this neurological vulnerability, establishing habits that mirror addictive behaviors. The Relationship Between High-Sugar Diets and Substance Cravings The connection between high-sugar diets and substance cravings is a thought-provoking area of investigation. Consuming excessive sugar can evoke fluctuations in blood sugar levels. This contributes to feelings of irritability, fatigue, and intensified cravings – sensations that might be all too familiar to those navigating addiction recovery. Moreover, the brain pathways related to reward and pleasure react not just to substances but also to sugary and highly appealing foods. This overlap underscores the intricate interplay between dietary choices and the psychological challenges of recovery. Also, it is known that alcohol contains high sugar levels, so alcohol rehab Florida is the place to go if you have decided to go clean and free from sugar addiction as well. While overcoming addiction, the importance of nutrition, particularly cutting down on sugar, becomes a possible source of support. Choosing whole, nutrient-dense foods over sugar-laden options can provide sustained energy and support mental clarity, vital aspects of a successful recovery journey. Additionally, a gradual shift away from sugar and processed foods can recalibrate taste preferences, diminishing the allure of instant gratification. The Role of Hydration in Recovery Staying hydrated is a crucial part of human health, and its importance goes beyond just satisfying thirst. Having enough water is extremely important for keeping the body working well. It helps with things like controlling body temperature, moving nutrients around, and keeping organs healthy. Every cell, tissue, and system in the body relies on proper hydration to function optimally. In the context of addiction recovery, it is not rare that medical staff prescribe you some pain relief medicine and suggest increased water intake. If you begin to feel addicted to that medicine, you should consider signing up for Florida prescription drugs addiction treatment. How Dehydration Can Exacerbate Withdrawal Symptoms During the recovery journey, the body undergoes a series of adjustments as it adapts to life without the substances it has become accustomed to. Dehydration can exacerbate these withdrawal symptoms. When the body doesn’t get enough water, usual signs like headaches, feeling sick, and being easily annoyed can become worse. Furthermore, dehydration can amplify feelings of fatigue and disrupt sleep patterns, elements that are essential for a successful recovery process. Tips for Staying Hydrated Getting better involves looking at the whole picture, which means taking care of both your body and mind. Staying hydrated is a fundamental aspect of this approach. To support optimal hydration during the recovery process, you can adopt a few practical strategies. First and foremost, setting a daily water intake goal can serve as a tangible target, ensuring consistent hydration throughout the day. Carrying a refillable water bottle can act as a visual reminder and make it easier to track water consumption. Infusing water with slices of fruits or herbs can add a burst of flavor, making hydration more appealing. Additionally, incorporating hydrating foods, such as water-rich fruits and vegetables, can contribute to overall fluid intake. Can Eating Habits Affect Your Ability to Beat Addiction: Emotional Eating Emotional eating, often driven by stress, anxiety, sadness, or other intense feelings, involves using food as a means of comfort or distraction. This coping mechanism, while providing momentary relief, can become a formidable challenge when navigating the path to recovery. Understanding the deep-seated connection between emotions and eating habits is a crucial step in addressing this intricate dynamic. Coping Mechanisms During Recovery As you start the journey to recover from addiction and change, focusing on developing better ways to deal with things becomes very important. Understanding the risks of using food to handle emotional stress, you can actively look into different ways to manage your feelings. It is best to engage in regular physical activity, practicing mindfulness and meditation and journal thoughts and emotions. Or participating in support groups provide avenues for expressing feelings without resorting to emotional eating. These alternative coping mechanisms reinforce a sense of empowerment and control during the recovery process. Seeking Professional Help for Emotional Eating Challenges For those grappling with emotional eating patterns that persist or escalate during recovery, seeking professional help becomes an invaluable step. Mental health professionals, therapists, or registered dietitians with expertise in addiction and emotional eating can offer tailored guidance and support. Through personalized interventions and strategies, you can discover the root causes of emotional eating. You can develop a deeper understanding of triggers and learn constructive ways to manage emotions without turning to food. Seeking Guidance from Nutrition Experts Starting the journey of recovery requires a thorough plan that takes care of all different parts of your health and well-being. Nutrition professionals armed with expertise in both nutrition and addiction play a pivotal role in this journey. Their insights extend beyond meal planning. They encompass a deep understanding of the intricate links between dietary choices and the challenges of recovery. Collaborating with nutrition experts empowers you to make better decisions. They tailor your dietary habits to align with your recovery goals and cultivate a lifestyle that nurtures both body and mind. How Personalized Nutrition Plans Can Support Individual Needs Recovery is a uniquely personal experience. Recognizing this inherent diversity, nutrition experts craft personalized nutrition plans that honor your needs and aspirations. These plans take into account dietary preferences, nutritional requirements, and potential sensitivities. Whether it’s managing nutrient deficiencies, addressing emotional eating triggers, or fostering sustainable eating habits, personalized nutrition plans serve as a roadmap tailored to the individual’s distinct voyage of recovery. Resources and Support Available for Adopting Healthier Eating Habits When you’re working on eating better as part of your recovery, you have access to plenty of helpful information and assistance. There are many ways to learn and get help, such as reading materials, workshops, online groups, and support meetings, offering a variety of options to explore. Nutrition experts provide a network of support that extends beyond consultations, creating a foundation for lasting change and facilitating the adoption of healthier eating habits that resonate with the journey of recovery. Social impact on food and substance addiction Your family, friends, and community are crucial in giving you the support you need as you go through your journey. They help create a strong foundation for you. However, the impact of addiction can sometimes strain these relationships. Family and friends can understand how food choices impact recovery, creating an atmosphere that supports your health and promotes good eating habits. Can Eating Habits Affect Your Ability to Beat Addiction: Peer Support Being part of support groups with peers and sharing healing moments are fundamental parts of recovering from addiction. These groups create spaces where you can connect, share stories, and draw strength from each other’s journeys. Within this context, the role of nutrition and eating habits can become a connecting theme. Discussing the challenges and triumphs related to dietary choices can offer a sense of motivation. As you exchange insights on strategies to manage cravings, incorporate nutrient-rich foods, and maintain balanced nutrition, they contribute to collective empowerment that extends beyond the dining table. Therapy for addiction and eating disorder The interaction between addiction and eating disorders creates a complicated relationship that needs specific and complete treatment methods. As you are probably wondering, “Does insurance cover drug rehab” the good news is that they usually do! However, it is always advisable to contact your insurance and check to which extent your treatment will be reimbursed. Can Eating Habits Affect Your Ability to Beat Addiction: Dual Diagnosis Integrated treatment plans recognize the intricate connections between these conditions, offering tailored interventions that address both issues concurrently. Experienced therapists who specialize in treating both conditions provide a secure and encouraging space for you to understand how addictive behaviors and eating issues interact. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is a fundamental part of treating both addiction and eating disorders. Intensive outpatient program Florida equips you with practical tools to identify negative thought patterns, emotions, and behaviors. In the context of addiction, it helps you recognize triggers and develop healthier coping mechanisms. For eating disorders, CBT addresses distorted beliefs about body image, food, and self-worth. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Dialectical Behavior Therapy provides a complete structure that includes mindfulness, managing emotions, dealing with distress, and improving relationships. It works especially well in dealing with the emotional ups and downs that are often linked with addiction and eating disorders. Partial hospitalization program Florida equips you with skills to manage intense emotions, enhance self-awareness, and foster healthier interpersonal connections. As you build emotional resilience, you are better equipped to navigate the triggers and stressors that may contribute to addictive behaviors and disordered eating. Family dynamics play a significant role in both addiction and eating disorders. Family-Based Therapy (FBT) acknowledges the impact of familial interactions on these conditions. It engages the family unit as a resource for healing. FBT aims to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and create a supportive environment that reinforces recovery goals. Can Good Food Help You Get Rid of Bad Habits? The answer is YES. In the intricate journey of conquering addiction, the role of eating habits emerges as a powerful and often underestimated force. The interdependent connection between nutrition and recovery reveals a complicated interaction that involves physical, emotional, and social well-being. As we move forward, let us continue to nourish not only our bodies but also our spirits, embracing the profound potential of balanced nutrition as we walk the road to lasting recovery.
What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy? Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a unique type of therapeutic intervention that can be used to treat destructive behaviors and suicidality. DBT sees destructive behaviors as learned responses that can be unlearned and replaced with a more adaptive skill. This requires the therapist to work with the client, without judgment or blame. According to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, DBT is especially effective in difficult-to-treat clients. For instance those who struggle with emotional intensity disorder (also sometimes known as borderline personality disorder), depression, anxiety, substance use disorder, eating disorders, and urges to self-harm. What Does DBT Do? DBT is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy, but it is different from CBT. Specifically, it is used with the most difficult clients to treat urgent, time-sensitive barriers to recovery by focusing on the following: - Distress tolerance – experiencing intense emotions without a strong, impulsive reaction - Emotional regulation – being able to recognize, name, and appropriately respond to different emotions - Mindfulness – being more aware of oneself and other people, one’s own triggers, and the present moment - Interpersonal effectiveness – using assertiveness to navigate conflict Dialectical Behavior Therapy uses these focus points to address a client’s needs in the order of greatest to least urgency: - Suicidality and self-harm - Quality of life issues - Improving relationships and self-image - Strengthening joy and connectedness A study that involved teaching DBT skills to children found that doing so, for as little as six weeks, improved their coping skills and decreased maladaptive behaviors. Moreover, parents will be taught DBT skills to allow them to reinforce what is learned in therapy. And also to improve their ability to effectively parent a child with a tough-to-treat mental health diagnosis. In fact, the study indicated that training parents alongside their children was the best way to ensure effective treatment and treatment adherence in DBT. What Does DBT Look Like? The word dialectical is used to mean opposites. In the case of DBT, opposites are brought together. Clients are able to change by accepting themselves as they are. They are also able to get what they need by changing, without giving up what they currently achieve by not changing. The individual is taught to validate their own suffering while also moving on from it. Parents are also expected to accept their child, while desiring them to make changes. DBT is offered in multiple settings and can be provided: - One-on-one, with just the client and the therapist - As a group therapy intervention - As phone coaching between sessions These techniques are used in tandem with clients having individual therapy sessions. Attending a group therapy session. And being able to reach the provider via phone between sessions. What Results Does Dialectical Behavior Therapy Offer? The American Psychiatric Association has endorsed DBT, citing the following benefits: - Less frequent and less intense suicidality - Shorter hospital stays - Decreased anger - Better treatment adherence - Improved social outcomes Online DBT Tools There are a number of free online tools related to DBT. These self-help tools are available to whoever seeks them out. We recommend that individuals also see a professional who is trained and skilled in the practice of DBT for best results. The Santa Clara Chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) has shared an online tool that can allow people to understand some of the tools that are used in DBT or provide a reminder to someone already undergoing the therapy. Dialecticalbehaviortherapy.com offers an assortment of tools to help clients work on each of the focus areas: - Distress Tolerance - Cost benefits analysis - Recognizing emotional crisis - Distracting activities - Grounding exercises - Radical acceptance - Self soothing - Emotional Regulation - Recognizing emotions - Emotions and physical vulnerability - Emotions and cognitive vulnerability - Self validation - Balancing emotional urges - Problem solving skills - Mental body scan - Describing emotions - Mental noting - Mindful breathing - Using the wise mind instead of the emotional mind - Letting go of judgment - Interpersonal Effectiveness - Communication styles - Assertiveness skills - Handling intensity There are also DBT apps for both iPhones and Androids. We Are Here to Help If you have questions about Dialectical Behavior Therapy or any diagnoses listed in this post, Highland Hospital has a team of professionals who are available. To answer your questions and get you or your loved one on track for mental health recovery.
Table of ContentsShow What is the first thing that pops in your mind when we talk about air pollution? I am sure that burning waste, factories, and cars came into your mind for sure. But wait! What about the pollutants that exist in your indoor air? Similar to toxic car exhaust, indoor pollution is extremely harmful to human health too. In this article, we’ll talk about five air pollutants that are common in most homes. If you want to learn how you can get rid of such issues from your living space, find more details on homeairadvisor.com. One of the naturally occurring gasses, Radon is the bi-product of uranium. The reason why you cannot detect it readily is, Radon is a colorless gas with no noticeable smell. Do you know you’re surrounded by low levels of radon all the time? However, on exposure to higher levels, it can increase the risk of developing respiratory issues. Research shows that this particular gas causes lung cancer. In fact, it’s right there in second place. So the question is, how do you detect radon in your home? Well, you can find inexpensive radon screening kits readily in the market. If your home has elevated levels of this gas, you should contact a professional promptly to lower it down. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2 ) is a toxic, highly reactive corrosive gas with many harmful effects. Problems like irritation in the nose, eyes, or throat may be due to the presence of NO2 in the air. It can also cause respiratory tract problems. There are different day-to-day processes that produce NO2. For example, gas stoves, welding, smoking tobacco, turning on kerosene heaters, etc. While high levels of this toxic nitrogen dioxide can cause pulmonary edema, continuous exposure might increase the risk of bronchitis, be it acute or chronic. Low levels of NO2, on the other hand, can compromise lung function in people with asthma or COPD and may cause respiratory infections in children. You can take some precautionary steps to reduce NO2 levels at home. These include installing heaters properly, using exhaust fans over stoves, not letting the car stand idle in your garage, and using open flues while using fireplaces. According to research studies, secondhand smoke contains more than 7000 chemical ingredients, with around 70 of them, increasing the risk of lung cancer. These smoker particles irritate the nose, eyes, and throat, and cause many respiratory health issues. Similar to smoking, toxic chemicals can cause pneumonia, wheezing, bronchitis, and lung infections. Besides this, they might trigger asthma attacks in asthmatics too. The only solution to this air pollution is to exercise restraint and caution. You should quit smoking yourself and ask others to follow your example. If you cannot do so, make sure to smoke outside of your home to protect the non-smokers. Produced from the incomplete burning of fossil fuels, CO is a toxic gas that reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of your red blood cells. In doing so, you might suffer from symptoms like headaches, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and a higher heart rate. High levels of the gas can be deadly for an average human. Since this gas is odorless and colorless, it can attack you swiftly without even knowing about its presence. So, where does it come from? The gas is produced from automobile exhaust fumes, generators, gas stoves, leaking chimneys, space heaters, and even tobacco smoke. You should get yearly checkups for your heating system and ensure that all your appliances are correctly installed to prevent this toxic gas from building up. Asbestos is a mineral that is found in the rocks and soil. Its heat-resistance and high fiber strength allow us to use it as a construction material for insulation. Moreover, it is not hazardous when it is intact and only harms your respiratory tract when it is air-borne. Such that its exposure can cause asbestosis or even lung cancer, among other lung disorders. The former is an inflammatory disease that can cause difficulty in breathing and permanent lung damage. Hence, it is vital to keep asbestos-containing products in good conditions at home. If they start deteriorating, you should remove them as a precaution. Just like how toxic fumes from factories and car exhaust can reduce the air quality of our environment, indoor air pollutants can also affect the quality of our life. The most natural solution to such health problems is to use eco-friendly products, be vigilant about your appliances, and keep a regular check on your household items.
Most of us musicians will admit to a love/hate relationship with our metronome. Its relentless clicking, ticking or beeping reveals our failings. It has no mercy, and it never gets tired. Batteries even seem to last longer in a metronome than in any other electronic device. So why has the metronome been an essential tool for generations of musicians? Consider carefully what the metronome does. The metronome is the audible representation of the space between two beats. A beat in music is actually a span of time, a space between two pulses. The consistent length of those spaces provides the framework for the rhythm of the piece. And the metronome is one way we can hear that framework. The metronome is precise; it defines beats that are even and equal. Music without an even pulse is not satisfying to the listener. A rhythmic beat is a primal, instinctive sort of communication. It is one of the most important ways we connect to music. When the pulse is unsteady, it can make us feel uneasy and off balance, like being in a rocking boat. The metronome does not discriminate. To the metronome, every beat is equal. But most music is metered, and each beat in a meter carries a different weight. For instance, the first beat of every measure is usually stronger than the others. The metronome doesn’t make this distinction, which is why we still have to count. I think every musician needs to practice with a metronome. Not all the time, but regularly. It will help you achieve more clarity, consistency and comfort in your playing. It is invaluable for developing an even and reliable technique. It will help you train your “inner metronome,” an essential skill for sightreading and playing in ensemble. There is no other tool that can make your practice as effective. Working with a metronome is not easy at first. It can be difficult to listen and play, to learn to adjust your playing so that it matches with the clicks. It’s very much like bouncing a ball. Your hand needs to meet the ball at the top of its arc. If you hit it too soon, it smacks your hand. If you hit it too late, the ball has already started down again. Learning to play with the metronome requires you to make similar adjustments, but on a micro level, as you play. A note that is played too early or too late is an incorrect note. Over the next few weeks, I will be giving you some pointers on working with a metronome. Start with this little exercise. You will need a metronome that has a “mute” button, or a volume control. Set your metronome to a comfortable counting tempo, maybe around 60. (You don’t need your instrument to do this exercise.) Count with the metronome, from 1 to 10. When you say “10,” turn the metronome to silent but continue to count, counting backwards from 10 to 1. Just as you say “1,” turn the metronome’s sound back up. Are you exactly with the metronome? Try the same drill at different metronome speeds. (Hint: faster speeds are sometimes easier!)
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ's Why is arthroscopy necessary? Diagnosing joint injuries and disease begins with a thorough medical history, physical examination, and usually X-rays. Additional tests such as an MRI, or CT also scan may be needed. Through the arthroscope, a final diagnosis is made which may be more accurate than through "open" surgery or from X-ray studies. What are the joints that can be viewed with an Arthroscope? Although the inside of nearly all joints can be viewed with an arthroscope, six joints are most frequently examined with this instrument. These include the knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle, hip, and wrist. As engineers make advances in electronic technology and orthopaedic surgeons develop new techniques, other joints may be treated more frequently in the future. What are the conditions that can be treated by arthroscopy? Some problems associated with arthritis also can be treated. Several disorders are treated with a combination of arthroscopic and standard surgery. Disease and injuries can damage bones, cartilage, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Some of the most frequent conditions found during arthroscopic examinations of joints are: Synovitis - inflamed lining (synovium) in knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, or ankle. Injury - acute and chronic Shoulder - rotator cuff tendon tears, impingement syndrome, and recurrent dislocations Knee - meniscal (cartilage) tears, chondromalacia (wearing or injury of cartilage cushion), and anterior cruciate ligament tears with instability Wrist - carpal tunnel syndrome Loose bodies of bone and/or cartilage - knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle, or wrist What is rotator cuff? The rotator cuff is a band of muscles that surround the joint formed by the upper arm bone or humerus that connects to the shoulder blade or scapula. The rotator cuff is stiff enough to hold the joint together, but is also flexible enough to allow the arm to reach and lift. Rotator cuff injuries are common among baseball pitchers, tennis players and other athletes who frequently exert an overhand throwing or swinging motion. Non-athletes who engage in frequent lifting or reaching activities, such as stacking cans on a high shelf, can also develop rotator cuff problems. What causes shoulder problems? Most shoulder problems are the result of overuse or traumatic injury. Athletes who participate in contact sports, such as hockey or football, often suffer shoulder injuries. Frequent lifting and repetitive arm rotation can also cause wear and tear on the shoulder. Inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and bursitis may develop over time.
As is the case with humans, dog or cat vaccination is very effective in preventing certain illnesses. While some of them may present the greatest level of harm to the animals themselves, others can be a big concern for humans or other animals. That's why animals, such as dogs and cats will have a vaccination schedule to ensure that they remain in the best possible health and that the potential for ailments to cause problems for people or other animals is limited. Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys can also provide details about breed specific laws in Tennessee. Vaccinations to Be Aware of Rabies vaccinations are perhaps the most common of them all and they are required to be administered to all cats and dogs that have exceeded the age of 6 months. Thankfully, Tennessee doesn't have a high occurrence of rabies, but it doesn't take away from the fact that there is a small number of confirmed cases annually. Much of the animals spreading the infections are wildlife such as skunks and bats, but it does mean that pets can contract the infection. Becoming rabid is bad enough, but when an infected animal bites someone, then the real worry begins. If a pet that isn't up to date on its rabies vaccine bites someone, it will likely need to be quarantined or put down. The circumstances that apply will decide this. It stands to reason then that all rabies vaccinations are administered when they are intended to be. After the initial administration of the vaccine, it's required that a subsequent rabies vaccination happens annually. Note that any person who has a cat or dog that has exceeded the 6-month age barrier and chooses not to get any such vaccination for the animal commits an offense. Bear in mind that it is possible to vaccinate a dog or cat as early as 3 months old or by any age specified by the vaccine's United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) license. If there is a legally allowable vaccine available for certain livestock, ferrets, hybrid animals, and others, then these animals may be administered same. However, such animals will not need to have a routine vaccine administered thereafter unless the emergency rules of the USDA or commissioner require it. While there doesn't need to be a licensed veterinarian administering the vaccine, one will at the very least need to supervise the process. A vaccination certificate is required as evidence of the administration and must contain the date of vaccination, the owner's name and address, the date for the next routine rabies vaccination, the number of the vaccination tag issued, the signature of the supervising veterinarian, as well as the sex and description of the animal receiving the vaccine. Bear in mind that the legislation prevents anything in it from being construed in a way that would require more frequent rabies vaccinations than the rabies compendium requires. This vaccine is meant to protect dogs against four viral infections. All four are very contagious, with some even presenting a chance for fatality. Puppies and younger dogs are more susceptible. The cost of the vaccination will outweigh the risk of foregoing it for most as the process is both very costly and difficult for the animal. Initially, the distemper vaccine should be administered between 6 and 8 weeks of age. Once the initial dose is given, the clinic recommends three additional boosters 3 weeks apart for adequate immunity to be achieved. There may be a leptospirosis component. The viruses covered are as follows: Distemper - A virus that affects the nervous, gastrointestinal, and respiratory systems of dogs, puppies, and wildlife. Contaminated environments and airborne secretions are responsible for its spread. Adenovirus - There are two types of this virus. The type 1 variant compromises the liver and is known to cause canine hepatitis while the type 2 variant will attack the respiratory tract and is one of the most common causes of Kennel Cough Parvovirus - This virus aims at the white blood cells and gastrointestinal tracts of both dogs and puppies. Direct dog-to-dog contact is responsible for its spread. Parainfluenza - Here is another attacker of the respiratory tract and it is also one of the most common causes of Kennel Cough. Airborne secretions contribute to its spread. Leptospirosis - This is a disease that can affect both animals and humans. It's carried by different kinds of wildlife including raccoons, rats, skunks, and deer. This is another vaccine type that allows a measure of protection from Kennel Cough. Most daycare facilities, grooming facilities, clinics, and boarding facilities require Bordetella vaccines. Here's What to Do When Bitten by a Dog in Tennessee When bitten by a dog, the most important thing to do is to get medical attention. A part of this is generating the records needed for a personal injury claim and another part is simply ensuring that all causes for concern are taken care of. There's no way for the victim to know if an owner had a dog or cat vaccinated or if there's any rabies certificate form to speak of. Therefore, getting checked out by a medical practitioner is the best bet. Gathering evidence is also highly essential. Where did the incident happen? What do the injuries look like? Did anyone see what took place? Getting photo and video evidence is an excellent idea. Tennessee doesn't legally require dog bites to be reported. However, it's recommended to make a report to the relevant authorities such as an animal control facility. Report records are also likely to be incredibly helpful in any scenario where a personal injury claim is being filed. Contact Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys for more information on animal cruelty laws in Tennessee. Finally, speak to an animal attack attorney in Nashville in the shortest possible order to get useful insights on what you need to do to assure the best possible outcome for a potential claim. Schedule a Free Consultation with a Qualified Tennessee Dog Bite Accident Lawyer Today! Vaccines should always be administered on time for the combined health of everyone. Whether an animal is vaccinated or not, it may still attack you and cause injuries. If you have been injured in a dog bite attack in Tennessee, call Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys today to schedule a free consultation!
Click here to view my list for the best books about an apocalyptic event that causes a dystopian future. In the middle of the night on September 2, 1859, gold miners living in tents in Colorado were wakened by bright lights in the sky. They rose and began making breakfast, thinking it was morning. Even birds and other animals believed that the morning had come. A New Orleans paper reported that three unfortunate larks, which normally don’t emerge from their nests until morning, were shot in the middle of the night. In London, England, the lights were even bright enough to cast a shadow on the ground. People who were up late that night in the northeastern states of the USA could read books and newspapers with just the lights in the sky. They watched the eerie colorful lights dance in the northern sky with wonder and awe. In the eastern and southern United States, the sky was blood red. Many citizens believed that the sky or neighboring towns were on fire. In some areas, fire trucks were even sent to help put out the huge inferno. Some people were filled with fear and dread. They thought the lights were an omen of bad things to come, like an epidemic, a revolution, or even the end of the world. Others were familiar with the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis as scientists call them, but wondered why they were appearing so far south. Normally, they appeared only over the far northern latitudes. However, on this night and for several nights thereafter, the lights could be seen as far south as Hawaii and the Bahamas. Julie L. Casey lives in a rural area near St. Joseph, Missouri, with her husband, Jonn Casey, a science teacher, and their three youngest sons. She enjoys historical reenacting, wildlife rehabilitation, teaching her children, and writing books that capture the imaginations of young people.
Towering over Killarney Town, the medieval St. Mary’s Cathedral is one of Killarney’s oldest and most treasured pieces of architecture. Dating back to the 1840’s, the Cathedral, which was originally designed by famous English Architect, Agustus Welby Pugin, has a long and fascinating history. Work to its architecture was halted soon after its commencement due to Ireland’s great famine when it became a shelter and refuge for the poor and sickly of the town. Construction commenced again in 1853 but it was not until the year 1907 when the work on its iconic nave and spire were completed by Irish Architects Aislinn and Coleman of Dublin. Additional work was carried out to the interiors of the Church in 1973 under the direction of Bishop Eamonn Casey in which much of its original interiors were damaged and replaced leading to great controversy. The splendour of the Cathedral is at its most spectacular in the evening time when its gothic inspired architecture is lit to perfection, highlighting its magnificent symmetry and structure. View More Killarney Highlights
German Court Orders Revisions To Climate Law, Citing 'Major Burdens' On Youth Germany's highest court has sided with young activists in a landmark climate case, ruling on Thursday that some aspects of the country's climate protection legislation are unconstitutional because they place too much of a burden for reducing greenhouse gas emissions on younger generations. The Constitutional Court is giving the government until the end of next year to set clearer targets for reducing greenhouse emissions starting in 2031, calling the current provisions "incompatible with fundamental rights" because they lack specificity and "irreversibly offload major emission reduction burdens" onto the next decade and beyond. "These future obligations to reduce emissions have an impact on practically every type of freedom because virtually all aspects of human life still involve the emission of greenhouse gases and are thus potentially threatened by drastic restrictions after 2030," the court said in a statement. "Therefore, the legislator should have taken precautionary steps to mitigate these major burdens in order to safeguard the freedom guaranteed by fundamental rights." The case was brought by nine climate activists — "some of whom are still very young," as the court noted — with the backing of environmental organizations, all of whom are celebrating the verdict as a historic win. At issue is Germany's 2019 Climate Change Act, which requires the country to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 55% — relative to 1990 levels — by 2030. It sets upper limits for emissions in various sectors in that period but does not provide specific targets in line with its longer-term goal of reaching greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. The plaintiffs filed four complaints arguing, in part, that by not setting specific-enough targets for the following years, the act violated their fundamental right to a humane future. The court agreed. "The statutory provisions on adjusting the reduction pathway for greenhouse gas emissions from 2031 onwards are not sufficient to ensure that the necessary transition to climate neutrality is achieved in time," it said. The court did, however, reject some of the plaintiffs' other arguments, saying for example it could not prove that the government had violated its constitutional duty to protect them from the risks of climate change. The judges also addressed the balance of freedoms and burdens in the country's effort to fight climate change. At some point in the future, they said, "even serious losses of freedom may be deemed proportionate and justified under constitutional law in order to prevent climate change." "One generation must not be allowed to consume large portions of the CO2 budget while bearing a relatively minor share of the reduction effort if this would involve leaving subsequent generations with a drastic reduction burden and expose their lives to comprehensive losses of freedom," they wrote. Germany's government has until the end of December 2022 to enact legislation specifying clearer reduction targets for the period after 2030. Officials reacted swiftly to the decision Thursday. Peter Altmaier, the minister for energy and economic affairs, described it as "big and significant," according to The Guardian, while Annalena Baerbock — the Green party's candidate for chancellor — called it historic. Olaf Scholz, the finance minister, said he would begin work immediately on the amendments, in partnership with the environment ministry. And Svenja Schulze, the minister for the environment, wrote in a series of tweets that she will present new climate proposals this summer. Those involved in the case are celebrating the court's ruling and the mandate it has established as a result, according to a joint release from several environmental organizations. Roda Verheyen, a lawyer representing the young activists, praised the judges for recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis and interpreting climate protection as a human right. One of the complainants, Sophie Backsen, has said her family members are already experiencing the consequences of climate change on their home island of Pellworm, where rising sea levels threaten their farm and their community. She celebrated the verdict as a success for young people already affected by climate change and said it is motivating her to keep fighting. Action must be taken to protect the climate now, not in 10 years, she said. Those remarks were echoed by Luisa Neubauer, a fellow plaintiff and one of Germany's most prominent climate activists, who described climate change as not "nice to have" but rather a basic right. "Young people's 'fundamental rights to a human future' are threatened by climate inaction, according to today's court ruling," she wrote in a tweet. "This can change so much, not just for us here in Germany but for activists worldwide." Activists in other countries have attempted to fight climate change through the legal system, but few have been victorious. In a groundbreaking 2015 case, an environmental advocacy group in the Netherlands filed a class-action lawsuit arguing the government was failing to protect its citizens and asked a judge to order officials to cut carbon emissions. The case worked its way up to the Dutch Supreme Court, which ruled in 2019 that the government must cut emissions at least 25% from 1990 levels by the following year. And in February, a Paris court ruled that France did not take enough action to fight climate change, siding with four nongovernmental organizations and holding the French state responsible for failing to meet its goals of reducing greenhouse gases. A long-running legal effort to make such a case in the U.S. has so far been unsuccessful. The lawsuit, referred to as the "kids' climate case," was filed in 2015 on behalf of a group of children and teenagers, and alleges that the U.S. government has violated their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property by continuing to use and promote fossil fuels while knowing they destabilize the climate and endanger future generations. It's moved through the federal courts in the years since then. A federal appeals court declined to hear the case again in February, and the plaintiffs' attorneys have vowed to take it to the Supreme Court. Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.
We provide ready-to-go fine motor, and handwriting resources for your Grade 2 (7–8 yrs) child so you can jump in today and start helping them. You have probably come here because you are worried about your child’s handwriting. You may have noticed that your child hates to write, or that their handwriting is untidy. Or, your child’s teacher may have mentioned that their handwriting is messy and they are struggling to keep up with their Grade 2 (7–8 yrs) peers with written work in the classroom. We have put together fine motor and handwriting bundles specifically for child. You don’t need to spend time trying to figure out what to do. You can spend the time getting going and helping your child. The resources cover the foundation skills for handwriting. They provide age appropriate activities so your child will be engaged in the process. The Grade 2 handwriting book focuses on the mastery of writing upper-case or capital letters. The handwriting book is full of fun and is aimed at the Grade 2 (7–8 yrs)child. If it is later in the Grade 2 year and your child is struggling with handwriting, we do consider and early transition to cursive handwriting. If your child has messy or untidy handwriting, it is likely that the motor maps for handwriting have become hardwired in the brain in this messy style. We all know it is difficult to change bad handwriting patterns once they have become established. An early transition to cursive handwriting can give your Grade 2 (7–8 yrs) child a chance to start over with a fresh set of motor maps. In addition to handwriting resources, we have fine motor development resources to develop pencil control. Working on handwriting patterns along with developing fine motor pencil control is going to give your child the best chance to master a legible handwriting script that is going to enable them to keep up with the Grade 2 (7–8 yrs) classroom demands. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behavior or unique IDs on this site. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes.The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes.
All about IgM–or why Lyme spirochetes are like stealth bombers Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, can persist in animals and humans because it has evolved complex mechanisms to avoid the immune system. In a 1996 interview with The Scientist magazine, Stephen Barthold, DVM, PhD, the researcher who developed the first mouse model of Lyme disease, described Borrelia burgdorferi’s ability to avoid immune detection as a form of cloaking. “It’s using some sort of stealth-bomber-type mechanism,” he said. Since then, Professor Barthold has gone on to partner with many researchers in the pursuit of learning how B. burgdorferi causes chronic infection, including Monica Embers, PhD, from Tulane University. Nicole Baumgarth, DVM, PhD, now the director of the Johns Hopkins Lyme and Tickborne Diseases Research and Education Institute, has years of experience collaborating with Barthold. The latest research by Baumgarth, Barthold and others at University of California, Davis offers the science community one more clue as to how Borrelia is able to subvert the immune system leading to persistent infection in mice. Their paper entitled, “Borrelia burgdorferi Infection–Induced Persistent IgM Secretion Controls Bacteremia, but Not Bacterial Dissemination or Tissue Burden,” has shed new light on how these pathogens persist in tissues, but present in very low numbers in the blood. As Dr. Baumgarth tells me, “Blood is not the way Borrelia gets around the mice. Rather it migrates through tissues.” These new findings may offer a possible explanation as to why disseminated Borrelia is both harder to treat, and so difficult to detect in blood samples. Immune system basics The immune system is roughly divided into two: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. The innate immune system is our body’s first line of defense against pathogens and harmful substances. When working properly, it reacts immediately, but non-specifically, to all foreign invaders. In contrast, the adaptive immune system is more targeted. It relies on prior exposure to learn and generate protective antibodies. The adaptive immune system remembers previous encounters and develops specific weapons (B-cells and T-cells) to fight each pathogen. IgM vs IgG Antibodies When the immune system detects any foreign substance, it produces antibodies which trigger the innate and later the adaptive immune system. IgM (immunoglobulin M) and IgG (immunoglobulin G) are two types of antibodies produced by the immune system. IgM, the larger of these two immunoglobulins, is an early type of antibody to emerge in the development of an immune response. It acts as the initial defense against infections and is a strong activator of the complement system immune response that helps to clear pathogens. The complement system consists of multiple proteins (C1 to C9) that summon phagocytes to the site of infection. Phagocytes (macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes) are components of the innate immune system that destroy pathogens. [For a crash course on the complement system watch this video.] IgM is very effective in the blood stream. However, the size of IgM antibodies impedes their ability to penetrate all the tissues of the body. This limits IgM’s ability to send phagocytes into deeper tissues (eg. joints, heart, brain) where infection may be hiding. IgG, a smaller, more penetrable antibody, is produced later in the immune response. IgG levels typically increase over a longer period of time, in some cases promoting the immune system to develop long-term immunity to future infection. Study shows Borrelia impairs immune response This new study shows how persistent Borrelia burgdorferi triggers a prolonged initial (IgM) immune response, and can impair a secondary (IgG) immune response. This initial (IgM) response leads to fewer Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) in the blood stream while the infection continues to spread throughout the body. In addition, Borrelia’s prolonged IgM response in both humans and animals leads to a reduction in antibody-mediated clearance of the infection from deeper tissues. The authors state, “Together the data demonstrated that IgG, but not IgM, is critical for the long-term control of B. burgdorferi tissue burden or disease induction. Despite that, Borrelia tissue dissemination in mice appeared very little affected by the rate of bacteremia, suggesting the B. burgdorferi main mode of dissemination in mice occurs by means other than via the blood.” How IgM causes false-negatives This research has shown that the standard definition of IgM as an acute response versus IgG as chronic response may be problematic in the classification of Lyme disease. The Lyme disease Western Blot detects IgM and IgG responses to specific proteins found on Borrelia burgdorferi—for example: OspC (band 23-25), OspA (band 31), OspB (ban 34), BmpA protein (band 39), and flagellin protein (band 63-93). In people with healthy immune systems, the Lyme disease IgM is normally detectable within a couple of weeks after infection, typically peaking around 4-6 weeks, then slowly declining over the next several months. The IgG begins around 4-6 weeks, peaking around 4-6 months, then slowly declining over the next several years. Unfortunately, people who are immune-compromised, and/or fighting more than one infection (co-infection), may never develop a robust IgG response. The lack of the IgG response also prevents the immune system from finding and clearing bacteria embedded within deeper tissues, further impairing the healing process. In the experimental Bb mouse model, despite extensive antibiotic treatment, IgM production continued for months. This is consistent with human Lyme disease studies demonstrating continued IgM response as long as 10 years, even in patients treated with antibiotics. As the authors state, this is “a remarkable observation, given the short half-life of IgM, considered to be <24 hours.” Meaning a prolonged IgM is likely coming from the immune system reacting to persistent Borrelia. The continued production of IgM in the blood stream may explain why Borrelia is so difficult to detect in blood samples. And because the CDC discredits the presence of IgM after four weeks, the prolonged IgM is likely contributing to the high rate of false-negative standard tests for Lyme disease. Per the CDC website, “the IgM Western Blot test result is only meaningful during the first four weeks of illness. If you have been infected for longer than 4 to 6 weeks and the IgG Western Blot is still negative, it is highly likely that the IgM result is incorrect (e.g., a false positive). This does not mean that you are not ill, but it does suggest that the cause of illness is something other than the Lyme disease bacterium.” We now have evidence that this is simply not true in all cases. Difficult to Detect In 2019, I attended a vector-borne disease conference at University of California, San Francisco. While there, *Dr. Charles Chiu explained how his powerful direct detection DNA sequencing system—able to detect thousands of pathogens—was just not finding enough Borrelia burgdorferi in the blood stream of humans to work effectively. (See my live tweets of Chiu’s presentation here.) I was just baffled how such a powerful tool could not consistently detect Lyme disease in humans. Now, knowing that IgM remains in the blood stream longer, keeping the bacteria numbers low, may help us understand this phenomenon. The fact that the prolonged IgM reduces the presence of Bb in the blood stream helps to explain why next-generation serologic tests using direct detection of DNA or proteins may not be able to detect Bb in patients who are suffering from chronic Lyme disease. [*Since then Dr. Chiu has gone on partner with Johns Hopkins University where they have developed a next-generation gene sequencing technique, called RNA-seq, to map the immune response to infection. And most recently Chiu has partnered with Columbia University to open the first West Coast Center for the Clinical Trials Network.] Also covered in Baumgarth’s paper is another strategy Bb has developed to evade the immune system. Within 24 hours after the tick bite, Bb quickly invades and is detectible in the lymph nodes nearest the site of infection. On the surface, this seems counterintuitive, as the lymph nodes contain many life-saving immune cells. However, once Bb is in the lymph nodes, the spirochetes induce a signal that disrupts the “germinal centers” within the lymph node architecture. Ultimately, this alters the adaptive immune response of the lymphatics and impairs the immune system by limiting memory B and T cell production. In addition, new research from Johns Hopkins has shown that Bb impairs dendritic cells. Dendritic cells are a type of immune cell spread throughout the body. Once activated, dendritic cells migrate to the lymph nodes, where they activate the adaptive immune response. Bb’s alteration of the dendritic cells also impairs the formation of memory B and T cells. When the immune system functions properly, IgM is produced and triggers an immune response that is good at controlling bacteremia in the blood stream. From there, an IgG response is required to control dissemination outside the blood stream. IgM and IgG also help to trigger macrophages, a type of white blood cell that envelops and destroys pathogens. The lack of this secondary IgG response prevents macrophages from getting the message to enter and clear Bb infection from deeper tissues—which contributes to persistent infection outside the bloodstream. In conclusion, the authors “propose that the continued production of immune IgM is a manifestation of B. burgdorferi mediated B cell response subversion and represents an immune evasion strategy of B. burgdorferi. It may promote B. burgdorferi dissemination out of the blood and into the skin, where it can remain until attachment and bite of a tick will induce it to migrate toward the site of the tick bite.” I was always told Bb likes to leave the blood stream and hide in zones of the body where it is protected from the immune system. This new study shows how Bb actually uses our own immune system to aide in its ability to hide. This strategy allows Bb to survive and attain its ultimate goal— which is not to kill the host, but to get picked up by another tick and spread to another host. Over 40 years since the discovery of the spirochete responsible for Lyme disease, we are inching closer to understanding how Borrelia burgdorferi suppresses and evades the immune system. LymeSci is written by Lonnie Marcum, a physical therapist and mother of a daughter with Lyme. She served two terms on a subcommittee of the federal Tick-Borne Disease Working Group. Follow her on Twitter: @LonnieRhea Email her at: email@example.com. Hastey CJ, Olsen KJ, Elsner RA, Mundigl S, Tran GVV, Barthold SW, Baumgarth N. Borrelia burgdorferi Infection-Induced Persistent IgM Secretion Controls Bacteremia, but Not Bacterial Dissemination or Tissue Burden. J Immunol. 2023 Nov 15;211(10):1540-1549. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.2300384. PMID: 37782044.
In honour of World Cerebral Palsy Day, we wanted to provide our readers with some facts about cerebral palsy. At Sommers, Roth & Elmaleh, we regularly represent children, parents, and families who have been affected by cerebral palsy. We are passionate advocates for the condition, and remain committed to increasing knowledge and understanding of what the condition is and how it impacts those who live with it. Things to Know About Cerebral Palsy 1) Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in children. 2) Cerebral= “of the brain”; Palsy= “lack of muscle control”. 3) Cerebral palsy is caused by an injury to the developing brain, and can occur during pregnancy, during labour and delivery, at birth, or, in some cases, up until early childhood (due to infection or other trauma to the brain). 4) Birth injuries can be caused by medical malpractice (medical error or negligence). 5) The most common cause of cerebral palsy due to birth injury is oxygen deprivation (also known as hypoxic insult) causing HIE (hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy) or NE (neonatal encephalopathy). 6) As a person with cerebral palsy or the parent of a child with cerebral palsy, you may seek damages (i.e. compensation) if you believe a doctor or other medical professional made an error or failed to meet their standard of care causing cerebral palsy. 7) A medical malpractice lawsuit can result in damages awarded to victims and/or their families in recognition of injuries suffered. Damages can be in the tens of millions of dollars, depending on the circumstances. 8) In addition to damages for injuries suffered, victims and/or their families may also be eligible for other compensation including money for equipment, wheelchair vans, home accessibility modifications, and attendant care services. 9) Every person with cerebral palsy is unique, with a wide variety of experiences and symptoms. 10) Some symptoms of cerebral palsy include: difficulty with gross motor skills (e.g. walking), difficulty with fine motor skills (e.g. writing, eating), difficulty speaking, involuntary movements, breathing problems, and poor bladder control. 11) Other conditions associated with cerebral palsy include learning disabilities, global developmental delay, vision impairment, hearing impairment, and seizures. 12) The degree of physical impairment is not an indication of intelligence. The location of the brain injury will determine the type and level of disability and how the movement of the person with cerebral palsy is affected. Some brain injuries will affect cognition (intelligence) and behavior while others will affect motor control. 13) Cerebral palsy can affect motor control on one side of the body and manifest much like a stroke. This is known as “unilateral cerebral palsy” or “hemiplegia”. 14) Cerebral palsy can be “bilateral”, affecting motor control on both sides of the body. 15) Cerebral palsy can also affect lower limb control, with little or no effect on upper limb function. This is known as “diplegia”. 16) “Quadriplegia” or “tetraplegia” refers to cerebral palsy that affects the whole body, including all limbs and the trunk. 17) Motor control problems associated with cerebral palsy include spasticity (reactive reflexes and sensitive muscles); dystonia (variability in muscle tone), athetosis (writhing movements of the limbs and head, instability of the trunk), and ataxia (lack of coordination and unsteadiness of the trunk). 18) Cerebral palsy is not contagious. Cerebral palsy is not hereditary (i.e. cannot be passed down to your children). 19) Cerebral palsy is not life-threatening. Individuals with cerebral palsy have a normal life expectancy. 20) In circumstances where there is a difficult birth (forceps, vacuum, or emergency caesarean section), cerebral palsy is often diagnosed using CAT scans (Computerized Axial Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) that can identify lesions in the baby’s brain. A child with CP will likely be delayed in reaching their developmental milestones. 21) Cerebral palsy is not progressive, although symptoms may vary throughout a person’s lifetime. 22) It is estimated that one out of every 400 individuals in Canada are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. 23) There are more than 50,000 Canadians with cerebral palsy 24) OHIP and other government benefits, often provided through Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) and Community Care Access (CCAC) are rarely sufficient to cover the significant medical and other costs associated with raising a child with cerebral palsy. 25) There are many organizations in Canada that are dedicated to assisting families of children with disabilities including cerebral palsy such as: Provincial Cerebral Palsy Associations, Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, Easter Seals Canada, March of Dimes Canada, The CP Canada Network, The Cerebral Palsy Support Foundation of Canada, etc. At Sommers, Roth & Elmaleh, our goal is to obtain compensation and financial security for families whose lives have been impacted by cerebral palsy. Over the years, we have won some of the largest medical malpractice awards in Canadian history for our clients. As one of the oldest medical malpractice firms in Toronto, we are well-established and highly respected in the medical malpractice field and have helped clients from all across Canada, including Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Newfoundland. We offer contingency fee agreements. Call us at 1-844-777-7372 or contact us online for a free consultation. Disclaimer and Liability Exclusion The information on this page is provided for general information purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice. It does not constitute legal or other professional advice or an opinion of any kind. Readers should seek specific legal advice regarding any specific legal issues. We do not in any way guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness or quality of the information on this page. The posts on this page are current as of their original date of publication, but they should not be relied upon as timely, accurate or fit for any particular purpose. Accessing or using this web site or the content herein does not create a lawyer-client relationship. This page may contain links to third party web sites. We are unable to, and do not, monitor and guarantee the quality of the information disseminated and accessible through those links, which are provided for convenience only. We do not endorse the information contained in linked web sites nor guarantee its accuracy, timeliness or fitness for a particular purpose.
The Mythical Origins of Nuwa The Mythical Origins of Nuwa In the realm of Chinese mythology, Nuwa is a prominent figure whose origins are shrouded in mystery and wonder. She is often depicted as a goddess with the body of a serpent and the head of a human, symbolizing her dual nature as both a divine being and a mortal. Nuwa’s story begins in the primordial era, a time when the world was still in its infancy and devoid of life. According to ancient legends, the universe was initially a chaotic and desolate place. The heavens and the earth were separated, and there was no balance or harmony. It was during this time that Nuwa emerged from the cosmic chaos, bringing with her the gift of creation. With her divine powers, she molded the earth and shaped it into a beautiful and habitable world. Nuwa’s creative abilities were not limited to the physical realm. She also possessed the power to breathe life into inanimate objects, giving birth to the first humans. These early humans were made from clay, and Nuwa lovingly crafted each one, ensuring that they were unique and special in their own way. She bestowed upon them the gift of intelligence and the ability to communicate, setting them apart from all other creatures. As the first humans began to populate the earth, Nuwa watched over them with a motherly affection. She taught them the ways of civilization, guiding them in the arts of agriculture, weaving, and building. Under her watchful eye, humanity flourished, and the world became a vibrant and thriving place. However, not all was well in Nuwa’s creation. As the population grew, so did the conflicts and disputes among humans. Fearing that her beloved creation would be torn apart by strife, Nuwa devised a plan to bring harmony back to the world. She created a magical stone, known as the “heavenly pillar,” which connected the heavens and the earth. This pillar acted as a stabilizing force, preventing the earth from collapsing under its own weight. Nuwa’s actions did not go unnoticed by the gods, who were impressed by her wisdom and compassion. They recognized her as a divine being and bestowed upon her the title of “Goddess of Creation.” From that moment on, Nuwa became a revered figure in Chinese mythology, worshipped for her role in shaping the world and bringing order to chaos. The legend of Nuwa continues to captivate the imaginations of people to this day. Her story serves as a reminder of the power of creation and the importance of balance and harmony in the world. Nuwa’s legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of those who seek to understand the origins of humanity and the forces that shape our existence. In conclusion, Nuwa’s mythical origins are a testament to the power of creation and the enduring legacy of a divine being. Her story serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between chaos and order, and the role that each of us plays in shaping the world around us. As we dive into the legend of Nuwa, we are transported to a time when the universe was still in its infancy, and the possibilities for creation were endless.
“I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity.” John Glenn carried these words, written in seven different languages, on his historic mission to space. His mission renewed U.S. confidence in the midst of troubling times. Over forty years later, after competition had evolved into cooperation, confidence in space travel would suffer a tragic setback with the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia and its seven crew members. Mark Your Calendars From fruit flies to the Space Shuttle Columbia, February is filled iconic moments in space travel. Here are four of those dates worth remembering this February. February 1, 2003 The world witnessed the second fatal accident in the Space Shuttle program when the Space Shuttle Columbia broke apart over Texas. The disaster occurred just 16 minutes before the space shuttle was scheduled to land in Florida. The crew, Commander Rick D. Husband, Pilot William C. McCool, Payload Commander Michael P. Anderson, Payload Specialist Ilan Ramon, Mission Specialist Kalpana Chawla, Mission Specialist David M. Brown and Mission Specialist Laurel Blair Salton Clark, were killed when the Space Shuttle disintegrated upon reentering Earth’s atmosphere. Operations were suspended for over two years, delaying the construction of the International Space Station. With the exception of one final mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope, all remaining shuttle missions were flown exclusively to the International Space Station. February 7, 1984 Astronaut Bruce McCandless II performed man’s first untethered spacewalk off the Challenger space shuttle with a Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU). The MMU allowed the astronauts to perform untethered Extravehicular activity. The device was use on three Space Shuttle missions before being replaced by the Simplified Aid For EVA Rescue (SAFER). February 20, 1947 Everyone loves a great space chimp story, but the lesser known heroes are the fruit flies that were launched into space aboard the V-2 rocket. The ascent lasted just 3 minutes and 10 seconds reaching 68 miles, exceeding the international definitions of the boundary of space. The fruit flies survived the trip and provided insight into the effects of radiation exposure at high altitudes. February 20, 1962 After serving as the backup pilot for the first two manned Project Mercury flights, John Glenn was selected for NASA’s first manned orbital flight. John Glenn, one of the Mercury Seven, completed three orbits around Earth aboard the Friendship 7, becoming the first American to orbit Earth. After a 4 hour and 55 minute flight reaching a maximum altitude of about 162 miles, Friendship 7 safely splashed down 800 miles off the coast of Cape Canaveral. On February 23, 1962, President Kennedy awarded John Glenn the NASA Distinguished Service Medal.
I recently read the following article in the Western Australian newspaper. Written by Professor Gary Martin, the CEO of AIM WA and a workplace and social affairs expert. I wanted to share it with you because, good manners and social etiquette, is something I think about and the article shows how many areas, we need to improve upon. Who is teaching our children and what are your thoughts? “”” Social Etiquette in Freefall as Common Sense Takes a Dive. There are things in life that go without saying: hold the door open for others, give up your bus or train seat to a passenger in more need and offer a helping hand to someone who is struggling. You may have noticed how the adherence to many of these unwritten social rules is in freefall. We are in the middle of a manner’s meltdown, exposing us to awkward social situations where common courtesy can no longer be taken for granted. Our unwritten rules, also known as social norms or etiquette, are the guidelines that lubricate our relationships with others. Take for example, engaging in conversation with a group of friends. There is an unwritten rule to take turns to speak. Interrupting others can lead to chaos and frustration if some are denied a chance to be heard. There are also unwritten rules relating to eye contact. While making eye contact shows attentiveness, too much can be interpreted as confrontational – and avoiding it may convey a lack of interest or evasiveness. And in public places such as crowded train stations in peak hour, maintain a respectful distance from fellow commuters is another rule. While many people know and follow these unwritten rules, there are some less obvious ones that are not as commonly practised. One important rule is to keep promises. It is never polite to break promises – and do not make a promise if you are not going to keep it. Another one is dining etiquette. When someone is nice enough to treat you to a meal, it is polite to avoid choosing the most expensive item on the menu. It is also a good rule to treat them to a meal next time to return the appreciation. If you have borrowed an item, do not lend out what is not yours. And if you borrow money, repay it even if the person has not asked for it. If you use someone’s car, it is a kind gesture to fill up the tank before you return the vehicle. When you make a mistake, and hurt someone, apologise. And avoid giving advice or your opinion unless someone asks for them. These unwritten rules are learnt through various sources and life experiences, including through family, friends and education, and via the media, including social media. Some would argue unwritten social rules are simply common sense — and common sense i in decline. We are often quick to judge or criticize those who are unaware of our unwritten rules. A more constructive approach is to deploy large doses of understanding and patience as well as a willingness to educate rather than condemn. To rescue us from a prevailing courtesy calamity, we must shed more light on our unspoken social rules to address this issue head-on. “””” Gary Martin I would love to know what you think, do you agree, is this not your experience? Reach out and share your thoughts, and maybe we can move towards a happier community spirit for our kids!
Pregnancy is one of the most precious times in a woman’s life while giving birth is one of nature’s wonders. But it’s also a time when to-be parents get the maximum advice – from well-meaning relatives, friends, and colleagues; also, in an information-loaded world, many pieces of advice float on the internet. As Dr Geetanjali Ingaale, Consultant – Paediatrics, Manipal Hospital, Kharadi, Pune, points out, “People frequently advise on what to do and what not to do during this time. Some advice is based on science, while others are just myths. Misconceptions often confuse the true nature of birth abnormalities, creating false beliefs that hamper support and understanding.” As the doctor points out, it’s important to know the difference between myths and facts to encourage the right knowledge in the community. Birth Defects: Myths vs Facts In the US, the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) observes January as Birth Defects Awareness Month. Below are a few myths and facts highlighted by Dr Geetanjali Ingaale that will provide essential information for improved comprehension of birth defects. Myth 1: Birth Defects Are Only Due To Genetics Fact: Genetics plays an important role in birth defects. However environmental factors, infections, and medications during pregnancy also play an important role. Understanding that many different factors contribute to a situation is important for detailed and thorough information. Myth 2: Birth Defects Are Always Visible Fact: Not every birth abnormality is visible; others affect internal organs or cognitive processes. Understanding these subtleties is essential for both early intervention and all-encompassing support. Myth 3: Birth Defects Can Only Show Up As Physical Issues Fact: Some birth defects may damage internal organs or mental abilities and are not always apparent. Understanding these hidden issues is necessary for immediate support and intervention. Myth 4: Miscarriage Is A Consequence Of Eating Papaya Fact: This deeply rooted myth in Indian culture prevents even the most knowledgeable people from eating papaya. The only green papaya with high latex concentrations that resemble labour-inducing chemicals like prostaglandins and oxytocin is the unripe or semi-ripe one. Yet, the latex level lowers as the papaya ripens, making it safe to eat. Therefore, a pregnant woman can safely eat ripe papaya without endangering the unborn child. Papaya regulates and guards against heartburn and constipation. Additionally, it improves gastrointestinal problems and bloating, which are frequent during pregnancy. Preventing Birth Defects: Things to Be Cautious About Dr Ingaale lists the following precautions that to-be parents should take during pregnancy and before: Avoiding prenatal care: Regular check-ups during pregnancy are crucial for monitoring the baby’s development and identifying potential issues early on. Skipping appointments may lead to missed opportunities for intervention. Ignoring environmental factors: Exposure to certain substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, and certain medications, can increase the risk of birth defects. It’s important to discuss lifestyle choices with healthcare providers to minimise risks. Dismissing genetic counselling: Genetic counselling may provide insightful information to couples with a family history of birth defects or other risk factors. Ignoring this resource could lead to missed chances to take preventative action. #Birth #Defects #Eating #Papaya #Lead #Miscarriage #Check #Facts #Myths
The Project of ITUBOA within the scope of EU Erasmus+ Vocational Education - Strategic Partnerships Digital Education Preparation 2020 Calls Project was accepted Safety is of paramount importance for maritime transportation, especially in narrow waterways. The Turkish Straits are one of the narrowest and most critical waterways with respect to the navigation constrains due to the harsh physical environment. The maritime accidents occurred in this sea area pose acute dangers for human and maritime environment. The congested local ship traffics including ferries, passenger ships, fishing vessels, sailing vessels, etc. and crossing passage frequently interfere with navigation of commercial ships. Efficient training for seafarers is required in order to avoid ship accidents.
Execute commands from a file. Syntax . filename [arguments] source filename [arguments] source is a synonym for dot/period '.' in bash, but not in POSIX sh, so for maximum compatibility use the period. Read and execute commands from filename in the current shell environment and return the exit status of the last command. If filename does not contain a slash, file names in PATH are used to find the directory containing filename. The file searched for in PATH need not be executable. When bash is not in posix mode, the current directory is searched if no file is found in PATH. If the sourcepath option to the shopt builtin command is turned off, the PATH is not searched. If any arguments are supplied, they become the positional parameters when filename is executed. Otherwise the positional parameters are unchanged. The return status is the status of the last command exited within the script (0 if no commands are executed), and false if filename is not found or cannot be read. This is a BASH shell builtin, to display your local syntax from the bash prompt type: help source $ source ~/myscript “The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge” ~ Thomas Berger sort - Sort text files (sort - k will sort on a key).
Affidavit Form By Submitting – Affidavits are sworn (written) declaration of fact that can be used in various legal proceedings or in court. The majority of people have seen TV shows featuring lawyers and court scenes. You may have seen lawyers administering the witness to take an Oath. In the event that a witness lies under oath they could be prosecuted for criminal offenses of perjury. Affidavit Form By Submitting The affidavit basically consists of the written statement you made under the oath. It’s similar to testifying in a courtroom, only you’re not necessarily being in the courtroom and everything you say is in written form. As with signing the (court) swearing oath that is, the affidavit can be valid only when you forcefully perform it and you do it in a voluntary manner. Is there a minimum age for creating and using an affidavit? It’s not. You must be able to fully comprehend your responsibilities (including the terms of your Affidavit) and be in a good state of mind. If you sign an affidavit containing false info, not only you could lose the case, but you will also face a potential charge for perjury. Affidavits vs Declarations A lot of people think that declarations are the same as Affidavits. They share a lot in common. Both serve the same purpose. But declarations can be processed more quickly. The document is not signed before the notary public. It’s safe to say that notarization creates an “affidavit” and not a mere declaration. Whatever Affidavit form you select the components must be correct and included in the document. It takes two people to take the form. The initial person is the one making the statement. The person who is second in line would be known as the affiant. The second person would be the person who administers the swearing oath. They have to be legally recognized as authorized. They could be government officials or court officers or a notary public. It is essential that the people who sign the document are aware of the document’s contents. They must read the document carefully in order to make sure it is honest and accurate. If it contains an affiant’s beliefs or opinions, the truth (considering the opinion or belief) must clearly be stated. This way, it can be clearly distinguished from belief, opinion, or fact.
Treatment of Feline Plague The first kind of cat plague is caused by environmental stress, it may also be caused by gastroenteritis for a long time, and it may be infected. Feline plague is a highly contagious disease caused by the feline plague virus. Generally, only cats exposed to the feline plague virus can cause infection. Cats may be exposed to the feline plague virus in several ways. The first way is that cats are exposed to cats with the virus and are in the detoxification period. The main transmission routes are saliva and feces. If cats share a cat basin or cat shovel, it is very dangerous. The second is that cats are exposed to the feline plague virus in the environment, which may be left behind by other poisonous cats or may be transmitted through human contact with sick cats! The symptoms of cat plague mainly include abdominal pain, depression, hypothermia, bloody stool, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and so on. Feline plague is a killer of kittens with a high risk of disease at the age of 2-6 months. Those with low immunity are susceptible to disease, and those with complete vaccines will also get sick! Adult cats have a low risk of the disease! In the early stage, the recovery rate of cat plague was very high, which was generally manifested as lethargy, anorexia, diarrhea, and vomiting, and there was no diarrhea and vomiting in some cases. Parents need to pay attention if the cat’s mental state is suddenly very bad! Early detection and early treatment! Treatment: Feline plague monoclonal antibody 0.5ml per kilogram (personal experience of the use of monoclonal antibody is that it can be injected with double dosage or twice a day, because the monoclonal antibody neutralizes the feline plague virus, if the dosage of monoclonal antibody is not enough, it will affect the elimination of feline plague virus, and too much monoclonal antibody injection will be excreted with urine). Interferon is 0.2ml per kilogram (the role of interferon is to prevent the spread of the virus). Cefquinome Sulfate Injection 0.2ml/kg or CEFUK 0.1ml/kg can be used to diminish inflammation. It should be noted here that Cefquinome Sulfate Injection should not exceed 7 days. Cats have a slight irritation when injected. CEFUK suspension injection is more troublesome, easy to bulge, and more intense (the price is cheaper than Cefquinome Sulfate Injection). There is also an egg white, but I personally don’t think the effect is particularly good, so I don’t recommend it here. These are the drugs that must be injected, there are some auxiliary drugs such as omeprazole (the effect is very good, including weak Yang enteritis is also very good to use), fever needs to be injected to reduce fever, vomiting with antiemetic diarrhea with an antiemetic (it is recommended that Sean imported from New Zealand is better to use, but the stimulation is very strong when injected). Be sure to keep warm during the feline plague. If you don’t vomit, you can feed water properly. You can use glucose water solution and Витам nutrient solution to keep the cat’s strength! Here, if you can fill the food, parents can try to fill some liquid food, both water, and physical strength! Most cats die of dehydration. Dehydration is usually caused by vomiting and diarrhea, so try to replenish water as much as possible. If dehydration is serious, it is necessary to hang water. It is strongly recommended that if it is not serious or weak, it is not easy to hang water. Hanging water also has the risk of death. The 4th day of cat plague from the beginning of weak Yang should be a watershed. After the 4th day, it will be better. Some cats will drink a small amount of water and eat a small amount of food independently on the 4th day. At this time, you can add some glucose to the cat’s water bowl, or you can mix a small amount with digestible food. At this time, because of the injection for so many days, you can feed the cat some blood-enriching liver essence to relieve it. Do not stop treatment, this time you can stop the interferon, and fill a shot of Kete Zhuang, this is the effect of promoting appetite obviously. After 7 days or so will be cured, a small number of monoclonal antibodies can be consolidated! Generally, many cats die in 3 days, and the mortality rate is very high if they suffer from acute dehydration such as vomiting and involuntary water pulling! If you don’t have this symptom, 80% of them will be cured! Have a lot of friends recommended traditional Chinese medicine therapy method to use the medicine that fragrant healthy atmosphere and other people use to treat together, this kind of method is to do not have a problem, medicaments are very good still buy, but the feline plague is an acute disease, if easy enteritis is caused, can use traditional Chinese medicine therapy. If the attack is serious or use injection treatment because the effect is quick, the probability of life is high, now most cities have pet drug dealers to buy drugs if you will not inject or fear can also take medicine to the hospital injection to a certain manual fee can be! Hope that parents do a good job of prevention in spring is a high incidence period, in spring as far as possible do not contact with some cats do not understand, may bring the virus home because some cats are not carrying the disease. The above is a personal experience to share to help many parents and some cattery, and cat cafe practice treatment methods, I hope to help you!
Shezmu, alts. Shesmu, Schezemu, Schesmu, Shesemu, Shezmou, Shesmou, Sezmu, Sesmu, is the ancient Egyptian demonic God of execution, slaughter, blood, and wine. Like many of the gods of Ancient Egypt, Shezmu was of a complex nature. He had qualities of both light and darkness, but this was not the reason that he was known as a 'demon'. To the Egyptians, demons were not necessarily evil in nature. Often they were quite helpful. Instead, the term 'demon' was given to Shezmu because he was one of the lesser deities, and due to his relation to The Underworld. Though he wasn't as popular as many of the others, he was quite important. Shezmu was the demonic god of red wine, slaughter, and sometimes perfumes or oils. The link between blood and the crimson color of wine is clear. Shezmu was known to destroy wrongdoers, gruesomely putting their heads in winepresses to remove the blood. He was known as the 'Executioner of Osiris'. Shezmu followed the commands of The God of The Dead, and therefore was sometimes given the title 'Slaughterer of Souls'. He initially seems to be a fierce underworld deity, but Shezmu was quite helpful to the dead. Although he was a harsh executioner of the wicked, he was also a great protector of the virtuous. Shezmu offered red wine to those who had passed on. Other than wine, he was in charge of earthly objects such as embalming oils, and perfumes. Among the gods, his job was to use the bodies and blood of the dead to create sustenance for Unas. Osiris was the one who ordered the use of the wicked one's blood to be turned to wine. He was sometimes given the title 'Demon of the Wine Press'. On a darker note, Shezmu's affinity with the color red linked him to evil. Crimson was a feared and hated color among the Egyptians. Not only is it the universal color of blood, and therefore death, but it was the color of the god of chaos, Seth. Since it was also the color of the setting sun, red was associated with the coming darkness and the reign of Apophis the serpent demon. Like many other Egyptian deities, Shezmu was sometimes depicted as a man or a man with the head of a falcon. To link him further with blood and destruction, he took the form of a man with a leonine head. This perhaps was a bridge between him and Sekhmet, the goddess of vengeance. Furthermore, he is associated with Nefertem through both his appearance and the connection with perfumes. Shezmu seemed to be both represented as a great evil and an entity of good. In many places he is held in high regards by the god Osiris, and is worshipped as a protector god. However, he was also feared as the unyielding punisher of the damned. His greatest cult was centered in Faiyum, but his worshippers were also widely distributed in Dendera and Edfu. Due to its color, red wine became strongly identified with blood, and thus Shezmu was identified as lord of blood. Since wine was seen as a good thing, his association with blood was considered one of righteousness, making him considered an executioner of the unrighteous, being the slaughterer of souls. When the main form of execution was by beheading, it was said that Shezmu ripped off the heads of those who were wicked, and threw them into a wine press, to be crushed into red wine, which was given to the righteous dead. Beheading was commonly carried out by the victim resting their head on a wooden block, and so Shezmu was referred to as Overthrower of the Wicked at the Block. This violent aspect lead to depiction, in art, as a lion-headed man, thus being known as fierce of face. In later times, Egyptians used the wine press for producing oils instead of wine, which was produced by crushing under foot instead. Consequently, Shezmu became associated with unguents and embalming oils, and thus the preservation of the body, and of beauty. EGYPTIAN GODS INDEX ANCIENT EGYPT INDEX ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS INDEX CRYSTALINKS HOME PAGE PSYCHIC READING WITH ELLIE BOOK: THE ALCHEMY OF TIME DONATION TO CRYSTALINKS ADVERTISE ON CRYSTALINKS
How you can help Don't sit idling by: Simple ways to reduce the environmental impact of yourexhaust A few years ago, new owners remodeled the house across the street from mine. The contractor drove a shiny diesel pick-up that he used as a mobile office — parking and sitting in it while he made phone calls or did paperwork. I work at home, so was frequently treated to the sound of the idling truck. One day when he’d been out front a good 45 minutes or more, I walked out my door and the smell of exhaust nearly bowled me over. You’ve probably run into idling buses in national parks, bike trails and the school pick-up line. Diesel engines have lower per-mile fuel consumption than conventional gas engines, so they generally emit less carbon dioxide while on the road. But according to Deanna Altenhoff, executive director of the Clean Air Force of Central Texas, diesel exhaust includes nitrogen oxides (NOx), a precursor to ground-level ozone, and particulate matter, tiny soot particles that can lodge in the lungs and that are a potential carcinogen. “Of the 61.14 tons per day of NOx emitted from on-road vehicles in Central Texas,” Altenhoff said, “29.67 come from diesel vehicles.” Breathing even small amounts of diesel exhaust can inflame the lungs and trigger asthma attacks — especially in children and the elderly — and studies have linked exposure to diesel exhaust with cancer, heart attacks and premature death. Diesel exhaust includes nitrogen oxides (NOx), a precursor to ground-level ozone, and particulate matter, tiny soot particles that can lodge in the lungs and that are a potential carcinogen. Limiting engine idling is a simple way to reduce potentially harmful emissions, and a state rule even limits diesel idling to less than five minutes. (Anyone can report violations by calling 512-343-SMOG within 30 days. Reporting is free, and you don’t have to give your name.) It’s a good idea to limit idling of all vehicles, not just diesel ones, given that there are nine areas in Texas that do not meet clean air quality standards, and vehicle emissions are a contributing factor. Idling vehicles may be a small part of our air quality problems, but they’re one part that’s easy to solve. Across the U.S., idling cars burn some 1.4 billion gallons of fuel; trucks burn another 1.5 billion gallons, emitting about 58 million tons of carbon dioxide. All while accomplishing nothing. When idle, you're also producing carbon monoxide — an invisible, odorless, poisonous gas. Driving, of course, produces carbon monoxide too, but when you’re not moving, you’re sitting in a cloud of it. Turning off and re-starting your car uses less gas and produces less carbon monoxide than idling for a half a minute. That’s 30 seconds — a pretty short amount of time. Limiting engine idling is pretty easy, too. Park and go inside rather than using a business's drive-through. You’ll probably save time as well; I frequently park, go in and get my coffee or make a bank deposit, and return to my car before I would have made it to the window. If you must use the drive-through — say, you have a sleeping baby with you — turn off the car while you wait. Idling also increases wear and tear on your engine. According to the EPA, idling causes twice the wear on internal parts as driving at regular speeds. An idling engine is not operating at optimum temperature, which causes incomplete fuel combustion and leaves residue on spark plugs and cylinders. Excessive idling also causes water to condense in the exhaust, which increases corrosion. New diesel engines stay warm for several hours after they have been running, Altenhoff says, retaining more than enough heat to avoid starting difficulties. In very cold weather, it may be necessary to warm up a diesel engine for three to five minutes, but not any longer than that. So, all you idlers out there: Turn off your engine. You’ll save gas and money — and we’ll all breathe cleaner air.
Ahimsā means “non-harming,” “non-injury,” or “non-killing” depending on different translations. There are probably many more interpretations beyond this. However, it is important not to get lost in the words. As mentioned by Swami Vivekananda, it is important to understand the spirit behind the words. TKV Desikachar says, “Ahimsā is more than simply the absence of himsā (injustice or cruelty). It means kindness, friendliness and thoughtful consideration of other people and things.” This puts another spin on the topic, because when we start from this position, non-cruelty flows into our words and actions. To use a familiar and popular word nowadays, “lovingkindness” is the starting point and from there ahimsā flows. The concept of ahimsā can guide us in our daily choices in life. Yoga sees that we are a multi-layered being and that the sum of our actions, words and thoughts create the being we are. Of course, it is more complicated than that in an unjust and cruel system, which also has its effects on us. But to some extent we have the ability to choose how we respond to things, whereas other beings do not have that. If not in the moment, we can always reflect back and try to respond differently the next time. Thus we are given the ability to decide goodness for ourselves and others. Understanding that we are all holy, we would make the best decision always for people. Especially, because we are faced with many situations in life that are not “black and white,” such guiding principles as ahimsā and lovingkindness are very valuable. Ahimsā can be said to be the “main” yama (yogic attitude towards others) in that it is necessary foundation for each of the following yamas and thus is helps guide other principles that sprout from it. On an emotional level, ahimsā means staying away from negative emotional patterns or inflicting negative emotional pattern on others. On this level, it is more than simply choosing not to be mean to others. It may mean at times not engaging or encouraging experiences that tend towards emotions that do harm to our systems like greed, hate, worry, fear and anger. Often times these emotions just continue to feed on themselves by our choice to engage in them. These patterns become engrained in us, as neuroanatomy tells us, and we are more apt to turn towards those emotions rather than more constructive emotions. When we have ahimsā in mind, in the heat of the moment, we may instead choose a “softer and safer” way to handle the situation. As time passes, the new habits become engrained in our psyches so that our actions, words and experiences become imbued with love and goodness. That loving and good foundation that comes from ahimsā flows through to the other yamas and combined together, these eventually affect us on a spiritual level. Ahimsā represents a rule that we use in our physical and emotional bodies. But when practicing it, the benefits become apparent. There is less to regret and our minds can be free. If anything do it for your own sake! Not only is lovingkindness the substrate of ahimsā, so too does compassion come into play. I recently spent time with someone whose actions seemed to me unthoughtful and unkind, in turn triggering my anger and reaction, after which I felt remorse for feeling that way. If I were to practice ahimsā with no other context given, I would find it a high bar to achieve. I may be continually disappointed at not achieving this and that is why something like kindness or compassion is also necessary. I later sat with my feelings and understood that my practice is still that, it’s a work in progress. I practiced kindness realizing that holding this against myself would not help me in the long run. From that space, I was also able to visualize what I can keep in mind for the future. I remembered all the ways that this person was in fact good, how many countless good actions they may have taken, how they have their own things that they are working on too. Bringing this into the heart not only allowed me to let go of that feeling of regret, but it allowed me to drop the self-criticality that could have overwhelmed me and it gave me hope for a better outcome the next time.
Elbow dysplasia refers to a group of conditions causing lameness (limping) in the front legs of dogs. Affected dogs are born with normal elbows but develop problems with the bone structure or cartilage as they grow due to abnormal bone development or uneven application of pressure to particular parts of the elbow joint. These conditions include fragmentation of the medial coronoid process of the ulna (FMCP), Ununited anconeal process (UAP), and Osteochondritis Dissecans of the humeral trochlea (OCD). Incongruity of the elbow may also be a component of the disease - this is where the bone structure of the elbow has developed abnormally and an abnormal step or gap is present between the bones. Elbow dysplasia frequently leads to osteoarthritis in affected joints and treatment is aimed at reducing the severity and progression of this. Typically affected breeds are large to giant breeds, but smaller breeds are sporadically affected. Symptoms of elbow dysplasia typically refer to lameness (limping) in one or both front legs. The severity of the symptoms is variable and ranges between mild, intermittent lameness and unremitting lameness that is poorly responsive to pain medication. Affected dogs frequently have effusion (swelling) of the elbow joint and pain on joint manipulation or reduced joint range of motion. Muscle bulk in the fore limb is typically reduced. Diagnosis of elbow dysplasia is based on a combination of physical exam findings, diagnostic imaging and joint inspection via arthroscopy. Dogs affected by elbow dysplasia have pain referable to the elbow on physical examination. Radiographs can be used to diagnose UAP and OCD, as well as most types of incongruity. Fragmented medial coronoid process cannot always be definitively diagnosed by radiography due to superimposition of the radius over the medial coronoid process of the ulna, but most dogs have secondary changes to the ulna or secondary osteoarthritis that is strongly suggestive of FMCP. Computed tomography (CT) or arthroscopy (keyhole joint inspection) can be used to confirm the diagnosis. Arthroscopy allows the best assessment of the cartilage surface of the joint while CT can give information about the bone structure.
This article will provide you with a deeper insight into the narrative essay knowledge. Even if you have decided to address to special services for assistance and to pay to do my assignment and buy the ready-made project, you still need to know what this writing task means. Such essays usually aimed at describing people, events and general experience in order to perform a lesson to the audience. It is similar to the story, but the difference is that it is focused on a particular theme. The reader finds out the previous events, the current happenings and receives a clear message. This essay can be based on the true story, novel, music or can be completely fictional. Definition of Narrative Essay As we already stated, a narrative essay has a particular motif or the main idea that is in the center of the narrative content. All events, emotions, findings, that are in the descriptive essay circles around this point and are described to disclose it. As well as the five-paragraph essay, it is divided into parts. But its peculiarity is that it has not only the narrative part but also plot characters setting and dialogues. There are some specifications about the format as well. The short story, for instance, does not have the central idea and events can happen randomly, the facts can be altered, the process can be skipped sometimes even without any possible logical conclusion of the game. While the narrative essay is focused on the single motif and it ends logically, leaving the reader completely satisfied with the amount of provided information and incredible reasons. This is the sign of first-class work. You can focus on hopes, dreams, future plans, memory, love, book and even your personal challenge management. How to Write a Narrative Essay Step by Step We are here to make your life easier. Education is playing an important role. That is why we have prepared this paragraph about writing a narrative essay in five steps for you to perfect your skills. This is a common practice that will help you to make the best of your assignment. So, here is the list of these steps: - Preparing. The key to success for the good narrative essay is its truthfulness. You need to use events from your life or simply real events to disclose the topic. You are lucky if you have a chance to choose your topics for a narrative essay. Think of your life and what events had the strongest impact on your personality. Add some relevant details as well to make your story real. This may help in creating the right impression and understanding of the situation. - Drafting. Start with creating an outline. Despite you have to follow the basic structure that includes intro, body, and conclusion, you still need to define what events should be mentioned first and what could be presented as a concluding one. Moreover, with creating the first draft you will see the general picture, how it revolves and check whether you have chosen the right direction. You can make sure that your thoughts in the right order and you did not forget to place all points. - Review. On the “drafting” stage you are able to modify the structure, plot and general mood of your essay. But when you eventually come up with the final draft, you need to revise your text again. This is required just to make sure that you agree on the chosen techniques and are satisfied with the result. - Editing. This is an important stage of your essay production. Your reader prefers to spend a period of time getting the information instead of noticing the mistakes. - Publishing. Sharing your essay is not a necessary but still beneficial stage. As soon as you let your friends, relatives or other close ones read your essay, you will be able to get valuable feedback that can help you in polishing your text. This can be beneficial if you write this essay for college, school or university homework if you are a student. But other writers have more freedom and they can create a post on their social media page. Structure of Narrative Paper There is nothing unique in the structure of the narrative essay. Moreover, this is a kind of essays and academic writing that has the most classical structure. It starts with an introduction, then you unfold the main idea and events in the body section and in the conclusion you reveal the purpose of your story, some useful lesson or the estimation of the described events. Let’s take a closer look at these parts. In the narrative essay, you do not have usually write a long intro. This is the part where you outline the backstory, setting and simply tune the reader on the right mood. You do not have to reveal all the aspects you are about to disclose. Reserve them for later. Your task here is to “hook” the reader. There are not any restrictions to the size and the structure of the body section. It is up to you how many paragraphs you include in it as you are free to choose what to write a personal narrative about. But here you need to develop your story, make it interesting, impressive, entertaining and compelling to the reader and show the importance of your message. Center your story on the idea or policy and gradually lead to the culmination of your narration. Speaking of the required components, to make your story right, you should include sentences that refer to the topic, background parts, and details. You also can add dialogues in your story to open your characters more. As a rule, this part should not be too long. It serves just to make the logical finale of your story. You need to tell the reader what lessons you have learned, what experience have gained, what price paid etc. It should be coherent with an introduction and “frame” the whole story. How to Write Dialogue in a Narrative Essay You can use direct and indirect dialogues in your story. Your main task here is to make clear who tells what in order not to confuse the reader. While in indirect speech you usually refer to the speaker, with direct dialogues things are a bit harder. Here are some recommendations: - use special quotation marks in order to show what words belong to the character; - start a new paragraph for the lines of another person; - make sure that it is clear who the speaker is in the moment, whether it is a mother, a daughter if this is a conversation between a parent and a kid; - check the grammar and punctuation, even if you show how you talk to yourself. Where to Find Ideas for Writing a Personal Narrative Paper The best way to find inspiration for narrative ideas and learn how to write great essays is to study examples of this writing. This will not only entertain you but also provide an understanding of what approaches and techniques. While defining your own topic, the good news here is that you do not have to conduct researches. It is all in your head as soon as you write about your own experience, what you have faced as a child, the biggest journey in your life, an exciting place you have visited, conflict with family, the difficult year or even about the parties with friends. Try to find the topic that will be a more personal experience and unique, that is not too often can be found online. However, the internet can be a source of inspiration as well. Or if you want to talk about “popular” events that we usually experience in our lives, like when you lose your job or create a professional problem you could not find a solution to make sure you will look at them from your personal and unique angle. Complete the story with analysis and proofs to your point of view. What are Different Categories of Great Narrative Essay Topics? - What was the most memorable birthday party from your childhood? - Which activities, both indoor and outdoor, did you particularly love as a child? - Who was your role model or idol during childhood? - Talk about the most interesting acquaintance from your childhood years - What was your most serious/memorable injury as a child and how did you get it? - What was your relationship like with your parents as a child? - Which fairytale and cartoon characters did you relate to? - If you could, which things from your childhood would you bring to present days? - Which comics superhero made the strongest impression on you? - Talk about an event from childhood that scared or stressed you the most. - What was your absolute favorite subject at school? - Talk about your best friend from school years - Describe the conflicts you faced as a school student - What are the pros and cons of huge school events? - Talk about a school teacher who inspired you the most - How and why did you choose your future career? - What are the biggest difficulties you encountered as a student? - Should adults get the same access to education? - What were the school subjects you loved at first but lost interest in? - What was the best school trip of your student years? - What was your first visit to college like? - Describe what it’s like to live in a student dorm - What was the last book you finished reading? - How did living in a dorm shape you as a person? - What was the worst assignment in your recent memory? - What are some problems that most students experience? - Why is university education actually important? - Who was the tutor that helped you the most? - How you maintained your relationship with your roommates? - Are college friends actually real friends? Get your narrative essay starting at just C$10.00 per page. Just fill out the form, press the button, and have no worries! Want your voice to count in? Send us your review with all the details.order now Narrative Essay Topics on Social Media: - Did you ever delete a social media account and why? - Talk about a recent viral Instagram video - Which Twitter moment was the most memorable one for you? - Which Facebook or Twitter post do you now regret? - Do you sometimes envy your Instagram friends? - Why did Facebook become so popular? - Is your Facebook persona different from your real one? - Why do you actually share things on Facebook? - Are you an active Twitter user? Why or why not? - Does social media sometimes make you sad? Topics for Music Lovers: - What is your go-to song to sing with your friends? - Do you like karaoke? Why or why not? - Who is your favorite pop artist? - Talk about a song that inspired you in any way - The unattainable life of pop stars - How did modern pop culture progress over the years? - Music artists who lost their careers due to drug addiction - Who are the best songwriters of our generation? - Talk about your absolute favorite music genre - Afropop is currently the most popular genre in Africa Sports and Games Topics: - What is the biggest injury you got from playing football? - Talk about your most thrilling sports experience - Which sports do you like to watch and which ones to play? - What was a childhood game you wish you still played? - The benefits of regular exercise you experienced yourself - Did you ever visit the World Cup? What was it like? - What is the greatest football rivalry of all time? - Talk about the most exciting sports experience of your life - Is corruption really the biggest threat for modern sports? - Why is watching rugby so exciting? Travelling Narrative Essay Topics: - Describe your ideal vacation - The future of space tourism - What was the most famous landmark you visited and was it worth it? - What was the most unforgettable adventure with your friends? - Describe the best trip of your life - How can traveling change our lives and mindsets? - Would you like to visit the tropical forest? Why or why not? - What is the greatest thing nature gave us? - Have you ever traveled abroad and what was it like? - What is the one vacation destination you would most like to visit? Topics on Morality and Religion: - What is the latest ethical dilemma you faced? - The causes and effects of the growth of Islam - Should we study every religion equally? - Do you actually enjoy helping other people? - How much do you really know about other religions? - What effect did religion have on your life? - Do you have a moral problem with lying? - Is spirituality an essential part of your life?
Supplementation of vitamin C for dogs is generally not necessary in healthy animals, but it won’t harm them either. It plays an important role in the formation of bone and cartilage and contributes to overall health. It is manufactured in the liver of healthy dogs, but may not be present in large enough quantities to make up for deficiencies in a dog’s diet or health. It is also believed to be helpful if the dog suffers from joint disorders and in the treatment of bladder infections. Although the use of vitamin C for dogs as a supplement isn’t needed in many cases, it is considered to be safe. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that does not build up in the body, so there is minimal danger of toxic levels or overdose. Any amount of vitamin that is not used by the body is excreted through the kidneys in the urine and is chemically unchanged from its original state. In dogs, Vitamin C plays several key roles in the body. It is vital for the healthy formation of bones and cartilage and contributes to general joint health. It is involved in both the growth and mineralization of strong bones, so it’s especially important that growing puppies receive the proper amount. It also supports immune system functioning and overall health. As a necessary substance for well being, vitamin C for dogs is usually present in high quality healthy dog food in sufficient amounts. In addition to the vitamin C present in the canine diet, dogs are able to manufacture a certain amount in their liver. The amount from these two sources is often adequate, but supplementation can be a good idea for dogs that are stressed, sick, or consume a poor diet. The use of vitamin C for dogs is also reputed to help with chronic degenerative musculoskeletal and joint disorders including hip dysplasia, arthritis, and spondylosis. In a few studies, it has been found to reduce the chronic inflammation and discomfort from these disorders. The presence of vitamin C can assist in the immune response to inflammation, thus reducing the dog’s discomfort. It may also enhance the resistance of the cartilage to compression, thereby helping it to cushion the joints more effectively. Another possible use of vitamin C for dogs is the treatment of minor bladder infections. Vitamin C is an acid known as ascorbic acid. When taken in large doses, the body can’t use it all and will pass quantities of it into the dog’s urine. This will make urine acidic and discourage the growth of bacteria as well as preventing the formation of bladder stones in some dogs. Vitamin C may not always work for these purposes and should only be attempted under a veterinarian’s supervision.
The black-tailed jackrabbit, the only jack rabbit occurring in Oklahoma, is not really a rabbit but a hare. It has a buff gray body above, white below, and a black stripe down the center of its back. Its most distinguishable features are its black-tipped ears, which measure between five to seven inches in length, as well as its black-top tail. Pound for pound. the black-tailed jackrabbit is the greatest of all Oklahoma long-jump champions. Black-tailed jackrabbits can be seen statewide, but they are most common in western Oklahoma. They got their name from early settlers of the southwest who called them "jackass rabbits" because of their large ears. Today, they are commonly called jacks, black-tailed jacks and blacktails. Because of their advanced sense of smell. large rotating ears, and eyes set far back on their heads. black-tailed jackrabbits are superbly adapted to life in open areas Ever alert, jackrabbits rest in shallow depressions beneath small trees or shrubs during the day. They only leave their hiding places toward evening. When flushed from cover, jackrabbits rely on their speed and jumping ability to escape predators. They can leap distances of up to 20 feet and run as fast as 40 miles per hour, often sprinting in a zig-zag pattern. When running, they flash the white underside of their tails to warn other jackrabbits and jump exceptionally high every few leaps to see their surroundings and confuse their pursuer. Black-tailed jackrabbits eat twigs and bark of woody plants during fall and winter, and grasses and weeds during spring and summer. They get most of their water from succulent plants. Jackrabbits eat constantly and are particularly fond of alfalfa. When populations are at average numbers, black-tailed jackrabbits may complement livestock grazing. They eat grasses that are undesirable to cattle, as well as some poisonous plants, thus reducing poisonous plant cover. On the other hand, large jackrabbit populations can compete with cattle and overgraze ranges, but its need for high visibility generally leads to higher densities in range land that is in fair condition. The best way to minimize the competition between black-tailed jackrabbits and livestock for forage is to keep range lands in good to excellent condition. Black-tailed jackrabbits are a symbol of western grasslands. When afield, hunters and nun-hunters alike are quick to smile at the sight of the leaping long-jumper with the colossal ears sprinting across the landscape. Whether providing breakfast for a hungry coyote or exercise for a bobcat, jackrabbits play an important role in Oklahoma's wildlife community. A large mammal weighing between four and seven pounds, the black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) is not really a rabbit, but a hare. It has a buff gray body above, white below, and a black stripe down the center of its back. Its most distinguishable features are its black-tipped ears, which measure between five to seven inches in length, as well as its black-top tail. 20-23 inches in total length. Black-tailed jackrabbits have been documented across most of the western ¾ of the state, but they are most common in western Oklahoma. Adapted to Oklahoma’s open landscapes, black-tailed jackrabbits live in low, brushy areas with vegetation that is typically less than three feet high. They live in a world in which 95% of the landscape is under this three-foot mark. Jackrabbits often prefer grazed pastures with a few shrubs or small trees. They often prefer grazed pastures with a few shrubs or small trees. This habitat makes it easier to spot predators such as coyotes. foxes, badgers, bobcats, and red-tailed hawks, for which they are favorite prey. Because of their large rotating ears, eyes set far back on their heads and their advanced sense of smell, black-tailed jackrabbits are superbly adapted to life in open areas. Ever alert, jackrabbits rest in shallow depressions beneath small trees or shrubs during the day. Unlike true rabbits, whose young are born helpless and without fur, jackrabbit young are born fully furred with open eyes and can hop and leave the nest within a few hours after birth. Jackrabbit populations experience drastic fluctuations every three to 10 years. Populations increase to great abundance and then suddenly decrease for unknown reasons, but disease, food shortages or an increase in predators may contribute. In some years. nearly 90 percent of the western population of blacktails may perish, but they recover quickly because they are such prolific breeders. A female jackrabbit may bear three to four litters per year with up to eight young per litter. Leverets reach adult size and are able to breed in about seven to eight months.
When we talk about generosity we often think about feeding the poor and helping the needy and being kind to each other. It is a thing most of us would think of when we talk about generosity. Generosity is much more than just giving bread and butter. There are various of ways we can give because the needs are enormous and in different fields. We can give time. Some need someone to listen to and make they feel welcome; others need companions to fill their loneliness and emptiness; others again need justice and their voice to be heard; others again need words of encouragement and support to carry out their dreams; others again need words of encouragement to combat their addiction. The readings mentioned the unnamed widow, the poorest in her society, a vulnerable, as an example to show how rich she was in the eyes of God. She was spiritual rich in contrast to the wealthy and the powerful who only thought of self serving and desired for honour and recognition from their own people. Knowledge helps one to accumulate material wealth but that is not the end; the end goal is how to put it in good use to make you spiritual rich by generously sharing what you have got to others. Richness in God's kingdom doesn't count on how much you give but rather how much love you put in giving and the attitude of doing it. The poor widow was praised for she had little and yet she was able to share the little resources she had; while others shared much more but it was sharing the excess of their wealth. Generosity comes from the heart of a person and that is the way of the poor widow in the Gospel. The poor widow in today's first reading (King 17,10-16) saw the need of the poor man, on her way of collecting wood to cook her last meal, as much as of her own need of food. The widow believed that this was the last meal she and her children would have before dying. Sharing it with the poor man would not make much difference since having a bit more or a bit less was the same since they would soon die of hunger. The stranger demanding her to cook him a meal first before cooking for her own children was a bit much. She knew that, in ancient Israel, the poor of her society as her, was not required to share what little they have with others but she somehow did so because deep in her heart she had compassion for the needy. She believed in the goodness of sharing and more importantly she believed that what she had all belonged to God. Having a meal on his own also indicated that he was not a member of her family and yet she would feed him in times of hardship. Feeding the man the woman thought that it was her last act of hospitality before dying. She didn't know that God showed generosity to her and to each one of us in different ways. She recognize it after she had done good deed for the stranger. The jar of meal was not spent nor the jug of oil emptied, just as the Lord had foretold through Elijah v.16. The woman in the book of Kings acted in the same manner as the poor woman who offered two coins at the Temple, because she from the little she had has put in everything she possessed, all she had to live on v.44.
MBIB researchers were part of a team that used SLAC’s X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) – the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), a DOE Office of Science User Facility – to get atomic views of the toxin BinAB, used as a larvicide to control mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, West Nile virus and viral encephalitis. The structure of this bacterial toxin was solved using de novo phasing: the protein crystals were tagged with heavy metal markers, tens of thousands of diffraction patterns were collected using the XFEL, and the information was combined to obtain a three-dimensional map of the electron density of the protein. The Berkeley team, headed by Senior Scientist Nicholas Sauter (pictured, right), acquired and processed data for the study, published in Nature last week. The collaboration was led by David Eisenberg of UCLA and included researchers from University of Grenoble Alpes, UC Riverside, LCLS at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, California Baptist University, and Stanford University. This research uncovers the mechanism of action of toxin BinAB, and gives insight into how these crystals, secreted from bacteria along with spores, kill mosquitos when ingested. As mentioned by SLAC scientist Sebastien Boutet in their press release, this work demonstrates “the first time de novo phasing has been used on a crystal of great interest at an X-ray free-electron laser.” LCLS commenced operations in 2009, but new computational methods had to be written by software teams at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Stanford University to enable this type of analysis. “This was a collaborative effort,” Sauter said, “We wrote the program that measures diffraction spots on the tens-of-thousands of images obtained using XFEL, using custom techniques designed to improve accuracy. Then we had the initial ideas for merging all the information together, ultimately using a technique called post-refinement that dates back to 1979, but which had to be completely reimagined for XFEL data.” Mona Uervirojnangkoorn, a researcher in the lab of Axel Brunger at Stanford, wrote the code for the program with input from the Berkeley team. Finally, Aaron Brewster (pictured, left), a project scientist in the Sauter group, used Uervirojnangkoorn’s code to analyze the data collected at LCLS. “The demands on accuracy were unprecedented. The heavy metal markers contributed a very small effect, and we had to combine all the information together before we could see something recognizable as a protein structure,” said Sauter. This protein structure contains clues to its mechanism of action that can allow scientists to manipulate the toxin to combat other species of mosquitos, such as the Aedes mosquitos that transmit Zika and dengue fever. For more on this story, read the SLAC press release.
The lottery is a form of gambling in which numbers are drawn to determine the winners of a prize. It is popular around the world and is a common method of raising funds for public purposes, including social services. The prizes are often very large, and the odds of winning can be low. However, the money raised can make a big difference to a winner’s life. Some people use the prize money to purchase luxury homes, travel the world, or to pay off their debts. In some cases, the sudden wealth can derail a winner’s life and lead to a downward spiral. Lottery prizes can range from a few hundred dollars to millions of dollars. Many countries have laws governing how much can be won. In the United States, winnings can be paid in a lump sum or as an annuity. The annuity option is generally more tax-efficient, but it requires a longer time to realize the total amount of the prize. Most modern lotteries employ a computer system to record and verify ticket purchases and stakes. The system may also be designed to prevent tampering and forgery. In addition, there are strict regulations about how lottery tickets and stakes are sold. Some lotteries distribute tickets through retail shops, while others sell them in supermarkets and gas stations. The word lottery comes from the Dutch noun lot, meaning “fate.” Lotteries were first organized in the Low Countries in the 16th century as a way to raise money for the poor and town defenses. Various lotteries were conducted in towns, including Ghent, Utrecht, and Bruges. The oldest surviving lottery is the state-owned Staatsloterij, which was established in 1726. There are a number of different ways to play the lottery, but all of them require a minimum investment of some kind. Many people choose to buy a ticket for a single drawing, while others choose to play regularly. Some people even set aside a certain amount of cash for the lottery each week. While the majority of people who play the lottery are not addicted to gambling, it is still a risky activity. It is important to be aware of the dangers and understand that there is a chance that you could lose everything you have. Some people are lured into gambling by false promises that money can solve all their problems. This is a violation of the biblical prohibition against covetousness (Exodus 20:17; 1 Timothy 6:10). The best thing to do is avoid superstitions and make a plan before the draw. Learn how combinatorial math and probability theory can help you predict the outcome of a lottery draw based on the law of large numbers. Keeping these tips in mind will help you avoid common misconceptions and win big. Good luck!
Sustainability: Our Planet Water and Biodiversity Stewardship Approach: Our commitments and practicesWater Consumption We carefully consider local water supply and water stress levels when we plan the water requirements for developing, operating, expanding and rehabilitating our mines, and in our exploration and pre-development work. Water sources for our operations include surface water, ground water and water extracted from the mining process and wet tailings. Since the climate conditions are different at each of our mines, water issues and management vary. We constantly aim to maximize recirculation and minimize fresh water use, and we are actively engaged with local communities in Mexico regarding water availability and efficient use. Our main focus is water recycling, to minimize our impact on local water resources. In fact, we recover and reuse more than 85% of water used in the mining process.Water Discharge Discharge and runoff from mine sites can impact waterways, so we carefully manage and monitor this issue to prevent water pollution. We rely on diversion systems, containment ponds, groundwater pumps, sub-surface drainage systems and sub-surface barriers. Our Bolañitos mine has zero discharge into its surrounding natural environment. All water used in the mining process is collected and recycled back into the system. As our Guanaceví mine lies partly below the water table, discharges of water are in accordance with regulatory requirements and corporate standards, which include consideration of aquatic and land-based ecosystem environments, as well as potential downstream community users. Guanaceví operates in a climate with abundant ground water that drains into the mine. We pump fresh water from the mine, check quality and then release it into the Guanaceví River to supplement supply water to the town of Guanaceví for non-potable use in the community. Additionally, the Guanaceví mine has a water treatment plant for the campsite.Flora and Fauna Protection At our sites, we have conducted initial environmental impact assessments to identify endangered or at-risk flora or fauna. We have found that our activities generate no significant impacts on local biodiversity. All our operating sites have a Fauna and Flora Management Plan and operate a nursery to grow local flora and in Terronera the nursery is under development. Through our reforestation program, we replenish land in Mexico impacted by our mining activities. Over the past five years (2018-2022), we have planted more than 268,000 trees, with a collective survival rate of 80%. None of our properties contain threatened species, according to the world’s most comprehensive inventory of threatened plant and animal species, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. However, there are some species around our operations with special status: - The Cascabel snake has protected status in Mexico and is present at all our sites. We have trained our people to identify, rescue and relocate Cascabel snakes if found. - Near Guanaceví, a species of white-tailed deer, while not endangered, is protected from hunting. We have posted no-hunting signage in the area. - At Terronera, sampling and identification of species continues to deepen over the regional environmental system, creating a robust biodiversity database. In addition, to mitigate our activities here, Endeavour established a breeding centre (UMA) for white-tailed deer for future release into the wild. There are currently 14 deer on the site. We believe that development and conservation can coexist in harmony, and we make every effort to reduce and mitigate any possible impacts to soil affected by our operations. Our Bolañitos site has no acid drainage and in Guanaceví it is managed through the Mining Waste Management Plan, which is approved by the regulatory authorities. Through our Sustainability Strategy 2022-2024, we will proactively engage with key stakeholders to contribute to the conservation and promotion of biodiversity. In particular, our goal is to increase partnerships with local conservation groups and/or government authorities to share data, monitor and conserve flora/fauna.