Echo cancellation is the process of eliminating echo from voice communication to improve the quality of the call. It is necessary because speech compression techniques and packet processing delays generate echo, of which there are 2 types, acoustic echo and hybrid echo. Echo cancellation improves voice quality in VoIP calls and also reduces the required bandwidth due to silence suppression techniques. This article needs additional citations for verification. (January 2011) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Echo suppression and echo cancellation are methods used in telephony to improve voice quality by preventing echo from being created or removing it after it is already present. In addition to improving subjective audio quality, echo suppression increases the capacity achieved through silence suppression by preventing echo from traveling across a telecommunications network. Echo suppressors were developed in the 1950s in response to the first use of satellites for telecommunications, but they have since been largely supplanted by better performing echo cancellers. Echo suppression and cancellation methods are commonly called acoustic echo suppression (AES) and acoustic echo cancellation (AEC), and more rarely line echo cancellation (LEC). In some cases, these terms are more precise, as there are various types and causes of echo with unique characteristics, including acoustic echo (sounds from a loudspeaker being reflected and recorded by a microphone, which can vary substantially over time) and line echo (electrical impulses caused by, e.g., coupling between the sending and receiving wires, impedance mismatches, electrical reflections, etc., which varies much less than acoustic echo). In practice, however, the same techniques are used to treat all types of echo, so an acoustic echo canceller can cancel line echo as well as acoustic echo. AEC in particular is commonly used to refer to echo cancelers in general, regardless of whether they were intended for acoustic echo, line echo, or both. Although echo suppressors and echo cancellers have similar goals—preventing a speaking individual from hearing an echo of their own voice—the methods they use are different: - Echo suppressors work by detecting a voice signal going in one direction on a circuit, and then muting or attenuating the signal in other direction. Usually, the echo suppressor at the far end of the circuit does this muting when it detects voice coming from the near-end of the circuit. This muting prevents the speaker from hearing their own voice returning from the far end. - Echo cancellation involves first recognizing the originally transmitted signal that re-appears, with some delay, in the transmitted or received signal. Once the echo is recognized, it can be removed by subtracting it from the transmitted or received signal. This technique is generally implemented digitally using a digital signal processor or software, although it can be implemented in analog circuits as well.
Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), are extensive disorders with several behavioral and mental rituals, with symptoms such as compulsive hand-washing, constant cleaning, repeated checking, or a need for symmetry. While these actions might be the most pronounced signs of OCD, it is important to understand that not all cases of the disorder are the same. Introduction to Obsessive compulsive disorders Compulsions are only one aspect of this disorder, and it is the obsessional component that tends to be ignored. In some cases, people experience these obsessions without engaging in the behavioral compulsions that are often considered a hallmark of OCD. Read Also; Occupational therapy programs in Wisconsin This presentation of the disorder is sometimes referred to as pure O, also known as purely obsessional OCD without compulsion. Since individuals with Pure O are often unaware they are being plagued by OCD and much of what they experience happens inside the mind, they often suffer in silence. Pure O is commonly misunderstood by others and, at times, misdiagnosed and mistreated by mental health professionals. As a result, an individual often concludes that he or she is internally flawed, evil, or psychotic, and the terror and isolation often experienced with Pure O is complicated. The human brain naturally generates nonsensical and often bizarre thoughts, even for those without Obsessive compulsive disorders. OCD is genetic and learned. The structures that are impaired in the OCD brain create sensitivity to uncertainty and a decline in one’s ability to feel complete (Grayson, 2003). This leads to more value placed on incoming thoughts and relentless over-responding in the form of compulsions. Pure O is marked by reoccurring, intrusive, and uncontrollable thoughts (or obsessions) that are usually not accompanied by outward signs called compulsions. But an individual experiencing pure O may not engage in obvious physical behaviors related to their intrusive thoughts, such as counting, arranging, or hand-washing. Obsessive-compulsive disorders OCD itself involves having reoccurring and uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions). OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDERS SYMPTOMS Everyone gets intrusive thoughts, but having them does not mean you have OCD. For people who do have OCD, these thoughts can be debilitating, causing extreme anxiety and discomfort. OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER CYCLE SOME EVERYDAY SYMPTOMS: - Your roommates are always touching everything: the refrigerator handle, the faucet, the bathroom light switch. You can’t touch any of those things without putting your sleeve over your hand in the case of “Contamination OCD”. - Pulling out a kitchen knife and immediately thinking about how it could be used to harm your partner. - You think your partner has bushy eyebrows. You pinpoint this “flaw” and think that you couldn’t possibly be with someone like this for the rest of your life. You start thinking that it’s time to find someone who has better-looking eyebrows. My OCD Experience by “Emmy” Unfortunately, my ‘mental’ vacation was short-lived. The following seven years were filled with Obsessive compulsive disorders-like thoughts and many episodes of anxiety. During Winter and Spring of 2005, I saw a therapist who was unable to properly diagnose my condition and teach me the required skills to control my anxiety. I continued to suffer unwanted, intrusive and tortured thoughts on a regular basis. I will share with you a few of these anxiety driven thoughts and actions: - After watching the movie Match Point during a flight to Switzerland, I spent the first three days of my trip questioning in which circumstances, if any, I would want and/or need to kill someone. I imagined an extremely violent scenario in which self-defense could lead to the death of my aggressor. In my mind, the only possible conclusion was that it was only a question of time before I would turn into a murderer. - I once dreamt that I was in a relationship with one of my closest girl friends. I did not eat and barely slept for two days because I interpreted my dream as a signal that I had changed sexual orientation and I did not know how to handle the change. - During the second half of my first pregnancy, I experienced false contractions that made me worry that the baby would be born prematurely - During the labor of my first child, I thought, “This is too painful. It’s not worth it. I’ll give her away if the doctors stop the pain now”. - Immediately I told my sister and husband that I would have a C-section for my next child. I needed to quickly find an alternative to being ‘forced’ to give my baby away because the thought was too unbearable. - But I had once thrown away three pairs of perfectly fine shoes after I took the kids to a local petting farm. I did this for fear of contamination from goat faeces. My usual ritual of changing outfits in the parking lot and sanitizing our hands was no longer sufficient to make me feel safety I needed. The above-mentioned examples were very distressing, however, every time my anxiety ran out of gas, I would resume my ‘normal’ life without having to seek proper treatment. Obsessive compulsive disorders treatment Exposure Response Prevention Therapy ERP. ERP is when you voluntarily expose yourself to the source of your fear over and over and over again, without acting out any compulsion to neutralize or stop the fear. By repeatedly facing something you’re afraid of, you force your brain to recognize how irrational it is. ERP Therapy varies greatly depending on the nature of a person’s Pure OCD. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as CBT, teaches people to identify, understand and change negative thinking patterns and behaviors. Patients are taught problem-solving skills during therapy lessons and then instructed to practice them on their own time in order to build positive habits. CAN MEDICATION HELP? Medication can help alongside ERP, but it shouldn’t replace it. Doctors should always be consulted before considering medicinal options. The family of drugs used to treat OCD is known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs. SSRIs enhance your natural serotonin activity and are used to treat major depressive disorders and anxiety. If you suffer from OCD, you have a severe anxiety disorder. But it can be treated. Start by getting educated and making healthy living choices. Then find a clinical psychologist in your area who specializes in OCD and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP).
New forms of technology are taking the world by storm. Scientists of all kinds are constantly working to build electronics that change the way people are currently doing things. One device that has been dominating over the years is the 3D printer. This is considered a relatively new form of machinery but has been around since the 1980s. It started out closed to the public, although it may take the same path of commonality as the internet. Beginning as a concept that only “smart” people would use, it is now what the newer generation’s lives rely on. With very valuable advancements coming to 3D printing, it is likely that it will provide a tremendous, positive impact on humanity. The machinery of 3D printing has current uses and future uses that are extremely beneficial to society. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is the method of producing solid objects from a digital prototype. It’s simple and fast manufacturing allows work that could normally take weeks to be completed in a matter of hours. This is achieved by, “[using] a layering technique where an object is constructed layer by layer until the complete object is manufactured” (Mawere 2148). Deviating from mass production, 3D printers able to create any object needed without the assembly line. With this change in work methods, things are being assembled much easier. This process works through many different techniques. The main form of technology is known as stereolithography, a process where models are created layer by layer. It uses photopolymers, a substance that changes its properties based on the type of light it is exposed to,that absorb a metal platform and an ultraviolet light traces the shape of the first layer, a small layer of the photopolymer covers the object as the light hardens the second layer (Templeton). This method is mainly used for ceramics and is not considered the most favorable procedure. Another form of printing came after this known as extrusion deposition, the simplest approach. To visualize it, “A robot nozzle moves about, squeezing out a plastic building material like a very, very precisely controlled hot glue gun” (Templeton). A hardened layer is then created and laid on top of another to create a sculpted object. To do more distinct formations, selective laser sintering is used. In this process, a part of the building material is released as a form of aerosol, then a timed laser fuses this building material to the object being printed. Simultaneously, a selective laser melts, which is extremely similar but it melts part of the building material rather than fusing it (Templeton). Many more procedures exist that are more specialized and expensive. One example is using carbon fiber to print “high-strength parts with low density” (Templeton). Many ways exist to approach how an item will be formed from a 3D printer. Before producing the actual object, it must be modeled. This can be done through a 3D modelling program known as Computer-Aided Design (CAD). This uses a template to design something from the ground up. A scanner copies the object and puts it into a program where it is separated into an abundance of layers, each layer is analyzed by the printer so when completed, the layers are invisible and a three-dimensional object is created (Marwere). These various programs of design are how society progresses today. Although many aspects have already been created to improve the technological world, there are still many adaptations to come for the 3D printer. The plans for the future are fascinating. This industry expects to only keep rising and become more available to all. With more research being done, even more impressive advancements to the world of medicine are in the making. Additive manufacturing has already accomplished a lot today with many current uses in many diverse areas. Civil engineering makes a strong argument for its use, it found that 3D printers considerably minimize time and costs in construction. For example, “3D printing technology will allow the construction of buildings faster and save up to 23% of the cost of construction and up to 25% of the construction time when accounting for the construction of a single-storey cottage without interior finishing and the installation of utility networks” (Shatornaya 28). By using a layer-by-layer approach, walls will be put up for a much lower price and be done three times as fast. Safety in building homes is still taken into consideration because the technology of the printers almost exactly replicates stable concrete structures (Shatornaya 27). In general, additive manufacturing is immensely profitable to civil engineering. Another important current use of 3D printing derives from the medical field. According to Cephas Mawere’s journal on the impact of 3D printing, bounteous ways exist for this technology being used today. For instance, hearing aids and bionics were created from this machinery through electronics in order to assist the deaf. The printers also have an incredible use in biology to have parts imprinted onto the body such as titanium splints. Copies of tissue are made in order to print 3D blood vessels, which is achieved through a network of hydrophilic polymers. Angiogenesis and the use of embryonic stem cells helps achieve this process by forming new blood vessels by modeling pre-existing cells. Starting with small, intricate body parts leads to bigger possibilities of fully functioning artificial organs. It can be a huge help to calamity victims or the disabled who need prosthetics. This field is normally expensive, but printing can greatly reduce the costs. 3D printing has also been very active in stem cell research to create artificial organs. This was experimented by looking at cells in the embryonic stage and has not been officially tested yet (Mawere 2149-2150). A transplant list for organ donation could become a thing of the past. Rather than waiting on other people, patients will wait on a machine. This is even better in terms of rejection, the organ is created exactly how the patient needs it. This also improves timing in that doctors will not have to worry about the patient’s body rejecting the organ. Just as the printer was able to transplant tissue, it is working on to do the same with human skin Within the same realm of stem cell research, hospitals potentially rely on additive manufacturing for skin grafting. Skin grafting can be an agonizing process, but printing skin directly onto the wounds by layer helps solve this issue (Mawere 2151). Rather than removing skin from one area and putting it onto another, new printed layers are used. Aside from medicine, other modern uses are beneficial according to Mawere’s journal. One example is in home life, people’s jewelry and ornate objects can start to be printed from home rather than bought at a store. In today’s world, going out to shop and be active is considered a drag. Picking exactly what is wanted and experiencing the process first hand appeals much more to people in present time. This also applies to buying plastic such as childrens’ toys. This process is also used with clothing. Not many 3D printed clothes have sold yet, but companies like Nike have are experimenting for commercial use. It also helps with education; students can create figures such as shapes to count and measure, or visual aids to study from demonstrating a much more functional way of learning (Mawere 2150). With all of these uses today, they can enhance the world immensely. Many benefits of these uses occur in society today. For instance, 3D printing is known as a cheap and easy method because that is exactly what it entails. As stated in the civil engineering journal, a much lower cost and time requirement is needed when using this method. By printing the objects people need themselves and having it done directly rather than waiting weeks for people to build, it saves a substantial amount of time and money. Therefore, it is an exceptionally efficient method. Another benefit is the printer’s tangible design, it does not just use one material to create, a variety that can be useful. An additional advantage of this arrangement is that the material lasts a great deal of time. Hence, when the product is used for long periods of time, damage will not be evident. (Mawere 2150). As stated earlier in the construction evidence, the printers work to create models that have the same stability and structure of what they are replicating. This provides evidence that 3D printers generate quality items. Being able to replicate formats, it becomes very practical. The need to draw out examples on paper diminishes, scientists can work with realistic models (Mawere 2150). Numerous assets exist in the current application of additive manufacturing. With these advantages already set, it predicts that even more impressive breakthroughs may occur in the future. Another area where 3D printing advancements has high demand is the field of ecology. With timeliness and cost-effectiveness, ecologists will see a great positive impact. The process of finding and reconstructing fossils will become much more adequate.To collect data on the specimen being observed, it requires a lot of customized equipment. One of the main benefits this could have is interpreting the biological structures of organisms through models, rather than using the actual live animal (Behm 2). Another potential benefit, as discussed before, is speed. An example from the BMC Ecology Journal is when paleontologists construct skeletons, a problem that often comes up is missing parts at the site of the remains. With a 3D model, the complete skeleton could be assembled. This would expedite the process of building these structures and ease the access to difficult or rare species. It also makes associations in the scientific community easier by creating the models so quickly (Behm 10). Implementing this process into ecological research is very cost-effective with not having to gather as much material, and is more timely. 3D printing contains many hopeful benefits for humanity. One idea is the goal of a food printer. Anjan Contractor, the CEO of BeeHix Inc., hopes for his invention to one day give people “customized, nutritionally-appropriate meals synthesized one layer at a time, from cartridges of powder and oils they buy at the corner grocery store” (Rosenthal). This changs the process of both food production and consumption while minimizing costs. Another way to help in store is tending to disaster areas and refugees. For instance, an example mentioned in Rosenthal’s article is that the United States plans to utilize 3D printing in their plan of responding to natural disasters. This could be accomplished by “printing customized pipe parts necessary for sanitary infrastructure” (Rosenthal). This gives the people assisting all the tools they need in order to save whatever needs saving. It would not matter if they did not have an appliance on hand, because they could print it. Immediate access is a key part of this new technology, lives can be saved much quicker. Health and the environment also contains many constructive impacts. For instance, the idea of the food printer can revolutionize hunger and homelessness. Contractor’s idea stated to “be easy to transport, long lasting, and could be made of sustainable materials like insect protein” (Rosenthal). 3D printing being more available to the public will encourage people in the fight against homelessness to help the people around them. A bonus to the environment is if tenable materials are used to manufacture, often these items are reusable and will not cause damage to ecosystems. A final point with this idea is that it is designed to produce healthy meals. Having food produced in reasonable quantities and suitable nutrition assists in boosting healthy lifestyles. The environment can experience significant effects by using these old, sustainable materials. For example, it was found that, “researchers have figured out how to convert carbon dioxide into concrete using 3D printing” (Rosenthal). Not only will it use better materials, but the actual process is atmosphere friendly. Using algae-based filaments has been researched in order to reduce the amount of energy needed to print objects (Rosenthal). Almost as if a chain reaction, this then improves issues of climate change and more productive lifestyles. The most important part of the future of 3D printing is making it accessible to all. Currently, most articles state that additive manufacturing is limited to universities and laboratories of their constructors. However, if any of these amazing advancements are going to occur to help society, people need the connection and experience with these machines. The United Nations and agencies within additive manufacturing are conducting research in order to make this happen (Rosenthal). Once the ordinary people have their hands on this revolutionary device, society will experience endless enhancements. There have been massive amounts of beneficial changes to society already, and there are only more to come. Both current and future uses of this technology can be very useful in how people construct things in this world. Through construction, medicine, clothing, ecology, human needs, and more, our world will change for the good. As more research is conducted, the more common and accessible 3D printing will become. This machinery completely changed the game of manufacturing in ways that have not been seen in a long time. In just a matter of time, 3D printing can be just as common as the use of the internet. These lifelong impacts are only making the future brighter, one layer at a time. Behm, Jocelyn E., et al. “Benefits and Limitations of Three-Dimensional Printing Technology for Ecological Research.” BMC Ecology, vol. 18, no. 1, 2018, pp. 32-13. Mawere, Cephas. (2014). The Impact and Application of 3D Printing Technology. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Rosenthal, Annie. “How 3D Printing Could Revolutionize the Future of Development.” Medium, SocialGood, 1 May 2018, medium.com/@plus_socialgood/how-3d-printing-could-revolutionize-the-future-of-development-54a270d6186d. Shatornaya, A. M., Chislova, M. M., Drozdetskaya, M. A., & Ptuhina, I. S. (2017). Efficiency of 3D printers in civil engineering. Stroitel’Stvo Unikal’Nyh Zdanij i Sooruzenij, (9), 22-30. doi:http://dx.doi.org.wilkes.idm.oclc.org/10.18720/CUBS.60.2 Templeton, Graham. “How does 3D printing work?”. EXTREMETECH.com, 26 October 2015, https://advance-lexis-com.wilkes.idm.oclc.org/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:5H7W-SVF1-JB7F-M0H6-00000-00&context=1516831. Accessed October 7, 2019.
Black spots on leaves and petals is a sign of disease. Spring and summer fogs and dew can leave behind just enough moisture to create breeding grounds for several different bacteria and fungi. While there is a specific disease called black spot, there are other bacterial and fungal diseases that can cause black spots, including citrus blast, common leaf spot, bacterial spot, anthracnose, bacterial speck, and entosporium leaf spot. Black spot mostly attacks roses, but its presence can indicate potential other problems in the garden or landscape. What are the black spots on my leaves? Black spots on leaves, fruit, canes, stems, and twigs are areas where a pathogen is breeding and feeding on plant tissue. These black spots are generally round because the infection begins at one point and spreads out equally in all directions. The spots have perforated edges and can reach one-half inch in diameter. As the area of dead tissue expands even larger, it can take on many different shapes. There may be a yellow halo around these leaf spots and yellowing in the surrounding plant tissue. Black spot: the disease The black spot disease is caused by a fungus called Diplocarpon rosae. These fungi spread through rain and sprinkler splash, wind, ants, and aphids, to tender new growth. This disease usually spreads from lower leaves, moving upward. Garden tools can also spread the disease to other plants, so be sure to sanitize your tools with a household cleaner, such as Lysol, after each cut when working with a potentially infected plant. This disease is not to be confused with blackspot, or Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta rabiei. That particular fungal disease causes brown lesions with black dots, most commonly seen on chickpeas. Black spot treatment Once a leaf is infected, there isn’t anything you can do for it except remove it from the plant and throw it in the trash. Antifungal sprays, such as Bordeaux mixture, can be used to prevent future infection and at the first sign of the disease. Sulfur or diluted neem oil can also be used. Treatments will need to be repeated every 7 to 10 days for as long as temperatures are between 75 to 90 °F. Preventing black spots As usual, prevention is a lot easier (and more effective) than treatment. These tips can go a long way toward preventing the problem of black spot in the first place: Next time you are out in the garden, see if you can spot any telltale signs of black spot on your plants. You can grow a surprising amount of food in your own yard. Ask me how! To help The Daily Garden grow, you may see affiliate ads sprouting up in various places. You can also get my book, Stop Wasting Your Yard!
Open Educational Resources, or OERs, are classroom and study materials that are available online and that can be reused and modifier for educational purposed by others. This guide provides Open Educational Resources can take the form of any materials associated with teaching and learning, including: Open Educational Resources allow instructors to customize the materials and resources their students use in their courses. Rather than use a cookie-cutter textbook, instructors can modify all types of resources to create a set of learning resources that best helps students learn course content. Additionally, using OERs can provide serious relief to students who struggle to afford purchasing expensive textbooks.
‘For a triangle, the result of a perpendicular with the half-side is the area’ Aryabhata, This name needs no introduction this name is acquainted with people all around the globe. Aryabhata was born in 425 BC in Kusumpura, Pataliputra (Patna). He was a great Mathematician and an Astronomer of India. Bhaskara had told Aryabhata asmakiya, those who hail from Asmaka. Askama is the people who settle on the banks of river Narmada and the Godavari at the time of Buddha. - Aryabhatta had told that the moon has no light of its own, the moon is visible only because it reflects the light from the sun. - Aryabhata proposed a theory on eclipse. He says it is not caused by Rahu but is due to the shadow cast by the earth and the moon’s years old. - He discovered the position of 9 planets and postulated about their revolution around Sun. - He wrote the book Aryabhatiyam at the age of 23. - Aryabhatta discovered zero as well. Aryabhatta has written many books on mathematics and astronomy, his famous books are Aryabhatrya Siddhanta and Aryabhatiya has a collection of astronomical science and mathematics. His mathematical collection includes algebra, arithmetic, plane trigonometry, etc. It has continued fractions, table of sines, and quadratic equations too. Aryabhata describes the relativity of motion very simply, ‘Just as a man in a boat sees stationary objects moving forward (on the shore) backward, so people on Earth see stationary stars moving west.” Aryabhatiya has four sections, Gitikapada, Ganitapada, Kalakriyapada, and Golapada. Aryabhatta is furthermore known as the pride of India since earlier times in the Islamic World, Omar Qayyum created the Jalal calendar in 1073 CE. According to Aryabhata’s adding up, Aryabhata has made two orders for estimating time, the Audyika system and the Arahraatrika system. Apart from mathematics and astronomical science, Aryabhatta is remembered for other works as well, such as the definition of para lalo equator horizon, etc.ISRO named the first Indian satellite “Aryabhata” in honor of Aryabhata.
In school, kids learn algebra, calculus, and trigonometry, but not how to budget, save, or invest. The older we get, the more responsibilities we have that make it challenging to focus on learning financial principles, which is why it is key to start teaching kids healthy money habits at a young age. Lacking financial literacy and not knowing how to manage one’s personal finances cost Americans $352 billion in 2021. A Federal Reserve report indicates U.S. household debt increased to a record $16.15 trillion in the second quarter of 2022 and Americans loaded an extra $46 billion on their credit cards this year—the sharpest increase in more than 20 years. Heed these tips for ways you can teach your kids critical financial skills at home and help them learn to be good money managers for life. Learn to Earn: Kids today are addicted to other people’s money, but they need to learn to associate money with earning it. Chores are a great way to introduce kids to the “earning it” mentality. Starting as young as five, parents can assign kids chores or tasks to do around the house as well as a set amount they will earn for correctly completing the chores. This can also help prepare kids for the real-world responsibility of holding down a job and earning a paycheck. Spreading the Dough: Setting boundaries with kids and letting them know they can’t just squander all the money they earn on candy and knick-knacks at the store can help them learn healthy spending habits. Any money kids make should be broken up into three categories: spend, save, and invest or donate. Parents can discuss with their child the percentage of money they can spend from the total amount they earn as well as the amount they need to save and invest or donate. Parents need to stand firm with the numbers or percentages that are decided, even when kids are begging or crying for the latest toy or video game. There Will be Rainy Days: Saving doesn’t seem nearly as fun as spending, but after witnessing how a pandemic impacted people’s finances and the way inflation made prices skyrocket this year, it’s a critical skill kids need to learn. Having kids put a certain percentage or amount away from the money they earn from doing chores, running a lemonade stand, mowing grass, babysitting, or money given to them for a birthday or holiday, can make a world of difference. Investing is Future Saving: It might seem absolutely crazy to introduce young kids to the stock market and the practice of investing, but we’ve seen what happened with viral investing opportunities that have been plastered all over social media. It’s important parents step in and help teach these lessons before social media becomes their child’s financial advisor. The stock market doesn’t have to be a scary and overwhelming thing. Parents should have their kids start slow by picking a company or product they use and are familiar with for the first investment. Borrowing Has its Price: Most kids think of credit cards as get-out-of-jail-free cards. Sit down with your child and lay your cards out on the table. Have an open discussion with them that it isn’t free money and that you are having to pay more for whatever item you just purchased on the card unless you pay it off that month. With inflation the way it is, it’s important for parents to go in depth when discussing interest and how it works with their child. Tracking Invisible Money: Most kids just see their parents stick their card into a machine and then they can walk out of the store with their purchases. They don’t understand the transaction behind the swipe. Parents can use their own debit or credit card accounts to show kids what goes on behind the scenes. Pull up your online account and talk to kids about the different columns on the card statement as well as the balances. There’s no better way to teach kids these skills than to provide them with hands-on experience. Review below for more information on how to choose a debit card. Focus on Needs, not Wants: When it comes to learning to budget, recognizing “want it” versus “need it” can save anyone a lot of money. The earlier your kids understand the difference, the better they will be at saving money. Have them get into the practice of asking “want it or need it” before each purchase, even while family grocery shopping!
What is an API (Application Programming Interface)? API (Application Programming Interface), Explained Application Programming Interface API What is an Application Programming Interface (API)? In computer programming, an application programming interface (API) is a set of subroutine definitions, communication protocols, and tools for building software. In general terms, it is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various components. A good API makes it easier to develop a computer program by providing all the building blocks, which are then put together by the programmer. An API may be for a web-based system, operating system, database system, computer hardware, or software library. An API specification can take many forms, but often includes specifications for routines, data structures, object classes, variables, or remote calls. POSIX, Windows API and ASPI are examples of different forms of APIs. Documentation for the API is usually provided to facilitate usage and implementation.
Author: Ian Taylor 1. Neither those who believe in Creation nor those who believe in Evolution deny that there has been an Ice-Age, but opinions differ sharply as to when it occurred, how it occurred and if it happened more than once. There have been many theories, but none have yet adequately explained all the data. In 1815 Mt. Tambora, Indonesia, exploded and in the following year the world saw no summer, there was little food, world-wide starvation and stock markets crashed. At the time it was suggested that the volcanic activity had been triggered by a fly-by of a large asteroid causing the earth to wobble. In fact, there is evidence from archaeological work that this indeed happened several times in the past indicated by the repeated re-orientation of ancient Egyptian temples. Further, from volcanic activity today it is known that ash is shot high into the atmosphere, reducing sunlight for considerable time; this would have been a major contributing factor to the 1815 disaster. Possibly something similar happened to trigger the Genesis Flood and an Ice Age which many believe followed it. 2. Professor Louis Agassiz [1807-1873] was a Swiss naturalist and familiar with glaciers. He believed he saw evidences of former glaciation e.g. tillites or rocks scattered about in fields [drift] and striations or scratch marks left on bed rocks by hard pieces of rock entrapped within slowly moving ice. In addition, there were occasional erratics or large rocks far removed from their source and apparently abandoned by the melting ice. In former times, such evidences had been attributed to rapidly moving waters of the Genesis Flood over a short period of time. Now they were being interpreted as having been produced by slowly moving ice over a long period of time. Agassiz’s suggestion of an Ice-Age had the immediate effect of negating the belief in Noah and the Genesis Flood. In 1846 Agassiz emigrated to North America and promoted these ideas. There is no question that the arctic regions were previously lush pastures where there is now ice so that some kind of Ice-Age did occur. However, tell-tale evidences such as the rounded nature of tillite rocks or those rocks trapped within glaciers proven to be sharp and broken generally caused Agassiz’s glacial theory to be abandoned. 3. In 1961 a creationist approach to the problem was offered by Whitcomb and Morris with their now classic The Genesis Flood. North American Creationists have since generally adopted the hypothesis advanced in this work; it is offered under their title: The Glacial Period. This states that the ocean temperatures immediately after the global flood were slightly higher than today due to the addition of the hot salty waters from the “fountains of the deep” [Genesis 8:2]. Evaporation of the post-flood ocean water was thus increased while in the cooler, darker atmosphere caused by the volcanic ash, the warm, moist air precipitaed as snow that eventually packed down into glaciers. The glaciers advanced south, cooled the regions ahead bringing snow precipitation further south and eventually remained as year-round ice. The formation of ice was intensified by the albedo effect whereby the summer sunlight was reflected, so that once this process began, the area then tended to remain very cold throughout the year. The process was gradually brought to a halt as the oceans cooled and the volcanic ash settled. In this theory there was only one ice-age and it was an immediate post-flood phenomenon. Earlier in the twentieth century there was a similar theory advanced by creationists of the day who pointed out that there was “a firmament in the midst of the waters dividing the waters below [oceans] from the waters above” [Genesis 1:6]. The waters above were said to be ice particles like those around Saturn while the eventual collapse of this ice ring moderated the ocean temperature. 4. In 1990 climatologist Michael Oard offered a refined version of the Whitcomb and Morris theory for a single Ice-Age following the Genesis Flood. He identified it with the geologist’s Pleistocene era 1.6 million years before the present, but in fact just over 4,000 years ago. He pointed out that volcanic ash and dust in the upper atmoshere produced by volcanic activity during the Flood, would have reduced the summer temperature in the central land mass of each continent by as much as 15 degrees C. Moreover, the winter snows did not melt, but rather compacted, building up over the years. The land areas adjacent to the oceans, however, were warmed by the warmer ocean, producing sub-tropical to temperate conditions in these regions, which included the entire Arctic Circle. At this point, there was no ice cap over the North pole, while the circulation of these warm waters would explain the extensive coral beds beneath the present day ice fields. The evaporated ocean water, now locked up as glaciers, would lower the ocean level by several hundred feet, exposing land bridges at the Bering Straits as well as providing a land route to Australia. Upon leaving the ark at Mt. Ararat, the animals multiplied and migrated via these warm land routes, some of them finding their way to the lush pastures that have since become the Arctic Circle. In the meantime, the dust in the upper atmosphere began to settle, summers became warmer and ocean levels began to rise, cutting off the land bridges. The fresh water from melting glaciers flowed predominantly north to the Arctic Sea, as do most rivers in Canada and Siberia today. Fresh water floats on salt water and it freezes at a higher temperature. Thus it began to freeze in the subsequent northern winter darkness. This was the beginning of the Arctic ice cap. The melting glaciers brought about flash floods carrying vegetation and animals off the coast of the Arctic shores, while the harsh climate caused the tree-line to migrate approximately 2000 miles further south. 4. Among the multiple theories offered by the scientific Establishment to explain the Ice-Age, some of the most popular include: [A] obliquity of the earth’s orbit about the sun [the Milankovitch Theory], [B] a wobble in the earth’s spin as seen in the precession phenomenon and [C] a slow variation of radiant energy from the sun. From the creation viewpoint it is believed that [A] the earth has always been inclined to the ecliptic at 23.5 degrees because after the Genesis Flood God promised Noah that seed time and harvest times will not cease [Genesis 8:22]. The evidence for a wobble [B] was offered in note 1 above while this likely began at the time of the Flood and has since dampened out. However, there may well be valid reasons for [C] i.e. a slow variation of radiant energy from the sun. Generally unknown until recently there was a “Little Ice Age” that affected all of Europe from A.D. 1300 to 1850. This is well documented in literature and paintings. Prior to this there was a very warm period from A.D. 800 to 1300 when Greenland justified its name; earlier, during the Roman occupation of Britain, grapes grew as far North as Scotland! We may well ask: Are we now in a warming phase that has nothing to do with carbon? The cycle is about 600 years. 5. For many years textbooks spoke about four Ice-Ages and sometimes as many as twenty-eight. The reason was not always clearly spelled out but multiple local floods were necessary to have provided the sediment for the multiple rock strata. There was no mechanism known that would cause rising and falling sea levels that could not be universal but since stratum containing marine shells were found on mountain tops it was proposed that volcanoes caused land surfaces to rise and fall. While this was true it was only a local effect. The theorists then proposed that this vertical movement was caused by multiple Ice-Ages. It was argued that in each case the ice built up over a mile in thickness and the weight of the ice depressed the land surface below sea level. When the ice melted the land received the sediments from the sea and eventually the land surface rebounded. With over twenty stratum evident in Europe the theory was eventually abandoned. The current wisdom is that there have been two Ice-Ages: the first is called the Pleistocene era which lasted about a million years. Then warming began in what is called the Sangamon period and this was followed by the second Ice-Age. Warming began again about 20,000 years ago and is called the Holocene. 6. In 1986, a “frozen forest” of tree stumps was discovered on Axel Heiberg Island, Canada’s most northerly point of land. The tree trunks and branches with blackened leaves were horizontal and easily recognized to be of the meta sequoia variety; some had 18 inch diameter trunks, while the wood was still fresh. All this in growth positions 2000 miles above the present tree line! Moreover, the unmineralized bones of alligators, camels, lions, bears and mammoths were found in heaped profusion beneath the fallen trees. The forest and remains are officially claimed to be 40 million years old, however, this author knows that samples of the wood were subjected to the Carbon 14 test and found to date at 41,000 years! This has never been reported. 7. Siberian trappers have been finding the bones of animals and particularly the bones and tusks of the mammoth [Mammoth imperator] since the time of the Roman Empire. To this day there is still a steady trade with auction houses dealing with hundreds of tusks every year. Normally, these discoveries consist of a jumble of bones, but in 1901, just above the Arctic Circle on the banks of the Beresovka River, a complete mammoth with fur, skin, flesh and internal organs was discovered, allowing scientists to make a complete examination. The creature did not die of starvation and its mouth and stomach were full of buttercups and sedges in seed, thus placing the time of death in August. The creature had a broken back leg and an erect genital, indicating that it died of suffocation, probably frozen lungs. Interestingly, the hide was covered in thick hair, but the skin had no sebaceous glands to provide oil to waterproof the coat. Northern foxes and mammals that live in the harsh Arctic regions all have the essential oil glands, otherwise they would freeze and die when their fur became wet. This is further evidence that the Arctic regions were at one time temperate. For the mammoths and all the other animals to have inhabited this land, there must have been sufficient food. Throughout most of the 20th century, reconstruction of the mammoth showed the creature, much larger than the elephant, digging about in snow-laden ground for a morsel of grass. Elephants eat about 200 pounds of grass per day! More recent reconstructions show the mammoths living in lush pastures. It is said that the mammoth became extinct 10,000 years ago. This figure was derived from cave paintings at La Cambarelles, France, showing the mammoth was contemporaneous with intelligent man. We can be sure that had these paintings not been discovered and authenticated, we might have been told that the mammoth became extinct 40 million years ago. 8. Ancient maps, e.g. the Pirie Reis map, have been discovered which show Antarctica as an ice-free landmass; this landmass has since been confirmed by radar mapping. Another map shows Greenland as three separate islands. Again, this has been confirmed by radar maps and historical documents. These early maps tend to confirm that the Earth is subject to a slow variation of radiant energy from the sun. TFE Publishing, 33 Ontario Street, Suite 112, Kingston, ON. K7L 5E3 © 2021 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.
Introduction to hypoxia Symptoms, types and clinical presentation of hypoxia Etiopathogenesis of hypoxia Introduction to hypoxia In medicine, hypoxia is a condition in which the human body tissues are not oxygenated sufficiently to maintain adequate homeostasis, resulting from inadequate oxygen delivery to the tissues due to either low blood supply or low oxygen content in the blood. Oxygen deprivation can severely affect various body cells that perform essential biological processes. The term anoxia is used in the case of complete deprivation of oxygen supply in the body. Image Credit: comzeal images / Shutterstock Symptoms, types and clinical presentation of hypoxia Hypoxia can vary in intensity, presenting in mild to severe forms and acute and chronic forms, and can be classified as local if a specific area of the body is affected and generalized if the entire body is affected. In chronic hypoxia, an individual may present with dyspnea on exertion, whereas, in acute hypoxia, both dyspnea and tachypnea are observed. In some cases, tachycardia, increased myocardial contractility, and cardiac output are observed as compensatory mechanisms adopted by the body to increase the output of circulating oxygenated blood to the vital organs by decreasing the amount of blood supplied to the peripheral tissues, leading to cyanosis in peripheral areas. In addition, the oxygen saturation may be lower in hypoxia. In moderate hypoxia, neurologic manifestations, including restlessness, headache, and confusion, are observed. Severe hypoxia can result in cyanosis and tachycardia, altered mentation and coma, and even death if not corrected quickly. Stridor (noisy breathing) can be heard in cases of upper airway obstruction. Productive cough and fever are observed in cases of lung infection, leg edema, and orthopnea in cases of heart failure, and chest pain and unilateral leg swelling may point to pulmonary embolism as a cause of hypoxia. Symptoms of mild cerebral hypoxia (decreased oxygen supply to the brain) include inattentiveness, poor judgment, memory loss, and decreased motor coordination since brain cells are extremely sensitive to oxygen deprivation and can begin to die within five minutes after the oxygen supply has been cut off. Prolonged hypoxia can also result in seizures. Intrauterine hypoxia is a significant clinical challenge in obstetrics observed among pregnant women residing at high altitudes and/or with cardiovascular diseases. Altered placental development and spiral artery remodeling leading to placental insufficiency and dysfunction are other causes. Both conditions can impact normal maternal cardiovascular homeostasis leading to preeclampsia and/or impairing the transfer of oxygen supply to the fetus resulting in fetal growth restrictions. Lung auscultation can yield helpful information to diagnose the underlying condition that presents clinically with hypoxia. Bilateral basilar crackles may indicate pulmonary edema or volume overload, other signs of which include jugular venous distention and lower limb edema. Wheezing and rhonchi can be found in obstructive lung disease, and absent unilateral air entry can be caused by either massive pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Further, chest percussion can help differentiate between pleural effusion and pneumothorax by revealing dullness in cases of pleural effusion and hyper-resonance in cases of pneumothorax. Clear lung fields in a setting of hypoxia should raise suspicion of pulmonary embolism, especially if the patient is tachycardic and has evidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Etiopathogenesis of hypoxia Hypoxia could result from anemia, in which the amount of functional hemoglobin is decreased, affecting the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood. Another cause is carbon monoxide poisoning, wherein the chemical bonds to oxygen receptors on red blood cells are affected, resulting in cerebral hypoxia. In addition, drowning, strangling, choking, suffocation, cardiac arrest, head trauma, and general anesthesia complications can lead to cerebral hypoxia. Hypoxia may also be caused by conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, pneumonia (bacterial, viral), congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis, and sleep apnea. Further, healthy people may also suffer from hypoxia, e.g., due to travel to high altitudes where the partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air and oxygen tension is low, and during deep sea diving in case the breathing gases have been incorrectly prepared or if rusty cylinders in their gas tanks have extracted oxygen. To have oxygen carried by hemoglobin, direct interaction between red blood cells (RBCs) in pulmonary capillaries and the air in the alveoli is required, which can be compromised at either of the following points: (i) during perfusion or blood flow to the lungs, (ii) during ventilation or airflow to the alveoli, and (iii) during diffusion or gaseous exchange via interstitial tissues. Hypoventilation may be caused due to several reasons, including (i) airway obstruction, either proximal as in laryngeal edema or foreign body inhalation or distal as in bronchial asthma or COPD, (ii) impaired respiratory drive as in cases of deep sedation or coma, (iii) restricted movement of the chest wall as in obesity hypoventilation syndrome, circumferential burns, massive ascites, or ankylosing spondylitis, and (iv) neuromuscular diseases, such as myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or phrenic nerve injuries. A lower ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) ratio is observed due to impaired ventilation or high perfusion in chronic bronchitis and airway obstruction by mucus plugs and pulmonary that impair ventilation. Increased V/Q ratio is observed due to impaired perfusion in pulmonary embolism or increased ventilation in emphysema, wherein the surface area available for gas exchange is decreased. Right to left shunt or crossing of blood from the right to the left side of the heart without being oxygenated occurs as anatomic shunts or physiologic shunts. Anatomic shunts are observed in cases wherein blood bypasses the alveoli, e.g., intracardiac shunts, pulmonary arteriovenous malformations, fistulas, and hepato-pulmonary syndrome. Physiologic shunting is observed when blood passes through non-ventilated alveoli, as in pneumonia, atelectasis, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In addition, oxygen diffusion is impaired between the alveolus and the pulmonary capillaries in cases of interstitial edema, interstitial inflammation, or fibrosis, as in pulmonary edema and interstitial lung disease. Pulse oximetry is performed to evaluate arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2), i.e., the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin in arterial blood and resting SaO2 ≤95% or exercise desaturation ≥ five percent is considered abnormal. In addition, arterial blood gas evaluation is a valuable tool for evaluating hypoxemia and can yield additional information, such as the partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2), which can shed light on the etiology of hypoxia. PCO2 is elevated in hypoventilation cases and cases of acute hypoxia secondary to tachypnea and washout of CO2. Portable finger pulse oximeter. Image Credit: Beate Panosch / Shutterstock Imaging studies of the chest, such as chest x-rays or computed tomography (CT), help in identifying the cause of hypoxia, e.g., pneumonia, pulmonary edema, hyperinflated lungs in COPD, and other conditions. CT chest can yield detailed images that outline the exact pathology, and CT angiograms of the chest are particularly important in detecting pulmonary embolism. Another modality is the VQ scan to detect ventilation-perfusion mismatch in acute or chronic pulmonary embolism. The VQ scan can be particularly useful when renal failure or allergy to iodinated contrast increases the risks of CT angiography. Pulmonary function tests (PFT), nocturnal trend oximetry, six-minute walk test, and hemoglobin concentration tests are performed to assess chronic hypoxia. Management of hypoxia can be broadly classified under three categories which are: (i) maintaining patent airways, (ii) increasing the oxygen content of the inspired air, and (iii) improving the diffusion capacity. The patency of upper airways can be ensured with good suctioning, maneuvers that prevent occlusion of the throat (head tilt and jaw thrust), and endotracheal tube placement or tracheostomy when necessary. In chronic conditions such as obesity hyperventilation syndrome, maintaining patent airways can be achieved with positive pressure ventilation like CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) and BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure). Bronchodilators and aggressive pulmonary hygiene, such as chest physiotherapy, the flutter valve, and incentive spirometry, can be used to maintain the patency of the lower airways. The fraction of inspired oxygen must be increased in cases of PaO2 <60 or SaO2 <90 by using low-flow devices such as nasal cannulas, reservoir cannulas (oxymizers), partial-rebreather masks, non-rebreather masks, and simple face masks. High-flow devices such as venturi masks, high-flow nasal cannulas, and air/oxygen blenders could also be used. The underlying cause of respiratory failure must be identified and treated. Diuretics can be used in cases of pulmonary edema and steroids in some instances of interstitial lung disease. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be used as an ultimate method of increasing oxygenation. Smoking cessation and quitting tobacco can help increase lung function and prevent further damage to your lungs. - www.faa.gov/pilots/safety/pilotsafetybrochures/media/hypoxia.pdf - HYPOXIA - http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-0-387-75246-4_97 - Hypoxemia and Hypoxia, Common Surgical Diseases pp 391–394 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482316/ - Hypoxia - https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23063-hypoxia - Hypoxia - https://www.dovepress.com/intrauterine-hypoxia-clinical-consequences-and-therapeutic-perspective-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-RRN - Intrauterine hypoxia: clinical consequences and therapeutic perspectives
Moose are large mammals native to the northern hemisphere. Capable of reaching up to 1,800 pounds in weight and standing over 6 feet tall at the shoulder, moose have long been an icon of the Canadian wilderness. Despite their widespread presence across North America and Europe, there is still much to learn about these majestic creatures. Here are some interesting facts about moose that may surprise you! Fact #1: Moose have incredibly good hearing. Moose have very large ears compared to their body size and possess an acute sense of hearing. They can detect sound from great distances in both the low and high-frequency range, allowing them to locate predators or locate food sources. Their acute hearing is believed to be one of the ways that they can detect danger even when it’s too far away to see. In addition, moose can move their ears in different directions independently of each other to determine the direction of sound sources. This helps them when they are foraging for food or trying to identify the location of potential predators. Fact #2: Moose can swim. Moose are excellent swimmers, although they prefer walking and running on land. Moose have long legs that allow them to paddle through the water with ease. They can even reach speeds of up to 6 miles per hour while swimming. This is an impressive feat considering their immense body size. Moose can swim for up to two hours at a time in order to reach new feeding grounds or cross rivers and streams. Once they are out of the water, they will often use their long legs to run over the land in search of new food sources or potential mates. Fact #3: Moose have an incredible sense of smell. Moose have a very good sense of smell, allowing them to detect scents from great distances. This is important for the moose as it helps them to find food sources, identify potential predators and even locate mates. Their keen sense of smell also helps them to recognize other moose that they have interacted with in the past, allowing them to form social bonds and maintain friendships. This is an important tool for the moose since it allows them to identify potential threats and avoid predators. Fact #4: Moose shed their antlers every year. Moose are unique among mammals in that they shed and regrow their antlers annually. The process of shedding and regrowing happens over a period of several months and is thought to be connected to changes in hormone levels during the mating season. During this time, the moose’s antlers will become larger and heavier before eventually falling off. The moose then takes a few months to regrow the antlers before they are ready for shedding again. This cycle of growth is an important part of a mature male moose’s life, as the antlers help him to compete with other males during the mating season. Fact #5: Moose has a very large range. Moose are found in many countries across the northern hemisphere, with some populations extending as far south as California and New Mexico in the United States. They can be found in Canada, Alaska, Scandinavia, and northern parts of Europe. In addition to their wide geographical range, moose have been known to inhabit many different habitats, from boreal forests to mountain meadows. They are well adapted for life in these areas and can survive long winters with temperatures as low as -60°C. With so much variety across their range, it’s no wonder that moose remain such a successful and iconic species throughout their large range. Fact #6: Moose have few natural predators. Moose are extremely large animals, which makes them difficult for most predators to take down. Their primary predators are wolves, bears, and sometimes even humans. These predators will hunt moose, but only in packs or if the animal is injured or weakened. Moose also has an excellent defense system; when threatened, they can use their large antlers to defend themselves from attackers. Furthermore, due to their size, moose can easily defend themselves against smaller predators like coyotes and foxes. All of these factors mean that moose have few natural predators, allowing them to remain a successful species even in the face of human encroachment. - Related post: Good and Famous Names For a Moose - Related post: Top 14+ Inspiring Moose Tattoo Ideas and Designs Fact #7: Moose have long fur that helps keep them warm. Moose have a thick coat of fur which helps to keep them warm in cold climates. This fur can range in color from tan or brown to grey and black, depending on the moose’s age and the region it inhabits. The fur is made up of two layers: an undercoat that keeps the animal insulated from cold temperatures and a longer outer coat that helps to protect the moose from rain and snow. This extra layer of protection has enabled moose to survive in areas with extremely cold temperatures, such as the Arctic tundra. The fur also provides camouflage against predators so that they can remain hidden and safe even in open areas. Fact #8: Moose are herbivores. Moose are strictly herbivorous, meaning they consume only vegetation and other plant matter for their diet. Their dietary preferences include both aquatic and terrestrial plants, such as grasses, shrubs, leaves, twigs, bark, aquatic vegetation, and even some fruits. Moose are well adapted to their diet and can digest a wide variety of plant matter. They also have large cheeks, which help them store food when there is an abundance available during the warmer months. The ability to consume such a wide variety of plants helps moose survive in many different habitats across the northern hemisphere. Fact #9: Moose are solitary animals. Moose are typically solitary creatures and will usually only come together in groups during the mating season. Typically, a single bull moose will have its own territory that it marks with scent glands and rubs from its antlers. During the breeding season, bulls will fight over the best territories and mate with multiple cows. During the rest of the year, however, most moose prefer to keep to themselves and will rarely interact with other members of their species. This means that when there is a sighting of moose in a certain area, it’s likely that more than one animal is present. Fact #10: Moose are vocal animals. Moose have a variety of vocalizations that they use to communicate with each other and express their emotions. During the mating season, males will emit loud bellowing calls in order to attract females and ward off other males. In addition to these bellows, moose also make snorting and grunting noises when threatened or startled. They might also bark or whistle if they feel happy and content. All of these vocalizations have been documented in the wild and help us better understand moose behavior and communication. Fact #11: Moose populations are declining. Moose populations across the world are in decline due to a variety of factors, including hunting and habitat destruction. In some areas, their numbers have diminished by as much as 50%. There is also evidence that climate change is having a negative effect on moose populations. Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns can make it more difficult for the animals to find food, shelter, and mates in their natural habitats. Conservation efforts have been implemented in some areas to help improve habitat conditions and prevent further population decline. However, conservationists are still concerned about the future of moose populations worldwide. Overall, moose are fascinating and unique animals. They have adapted to survive in many different habitats, and their vocalizations help them communicate with each other. Unfortunately, their populations are declining due to human activities and climate change, which is why preserving these majestic creatures is so important.
Rituals were an integral part of the Mayan culture. Bloodletting and animal sacrifice were important and commonly practiced rituals. These rituals were performed to please the gods and bring fertility and happiness. Some rituals were performed privately, while the others were public. Prayers were an important part of any rituals. Ancient Mayan Ritual Process Mayans performed the rituals on specific days of the year and as such the rituals were closely related with celestial and terrestrial cycles. In almost every ritual, bloodletting by the humans was practised. Bloodletting was practised to appease the Maize God. It was a public ritual and normally performed by religious or political leaders. In the ritual sharp objects like stingray spine were pierced into the tongue, ear or foreskin of the person. The blood was poured over the idol of the god or was collected in a paper and burned. There have been instances of self-mutilation where people have sacrificed their own blood or a portion of their flesh to the gods. Ancient Mayan Human Sacrifice Human sacrifice was also commonly practised by the Mayans. It was a belief that the blood of the victim will bring fertility and prosperity to the society. The Mayans felt that if they ignored the sacrifice ritual, it would anger the gods. In some ceremonies, the heart of the victim was burned. This act was thought to have appeased the gods. During the sacrifice cerremony, the victim was painted with blue dye. Ancient Mayan Animal Sacrifice Animals like dog, deer, turkey, jaguars, owls and quail were also used for sacrificing. Objects like feathers, flowers, seeds, maize and rubber were also used. Sacrifice was prohibited during the reign of Kukucan but, emerged afterwards. The sacrifice victims were kept in the Well of Sacrifice as an offering to the rain god. War prisoners or slaves were also sacrificed on a large scale. Ancient Mayan Child Sacrifice Child sacrifice was another ritual practised by the Mayans. It is believed that illegitimate or orphans were sacrificed in a temple on certain days of the year. The heart of these children was removed and the blood was collected in a bowl. The blood was then scattered within the temple. Purification was one of the rituals practised by the Mayans. It included fasting, bathing, sexual abstinence and confession. One of the Mayan rituals was the grooming of young boys and girls for marriage. Other rituals performed included healing rituals, rituals for good rains and war rituals. Kingship rituals performed by the king were extremely important rituals. Ancient Mayan Death Ritual Death rituals formed a significant part of the Mayan religion. Mayan people deeply honored and respected the dead. It was a belief that when a person died because of reasons like sacrifice, war or childbirth, the deceased directly sent to heaven. Commoners buried their dead under the floors of their houses with a tool or some object used by them. A piece of maize was placed in the mouth of the deceased as it symbolized rebirth. Also, a jade or stone was kept in the mouth. At times, whistles made from rocks in the shape of animals or gods were kept next to the dead in his grave. Cinnabar was used to cover the grave as the red color symbolized death and re-birth. Cotton mantles were wrapped around the bodies of the deceased. Mayan Rituals Facts The graves were prepared in a manner according to the Mayan calendar cycles. Burial rituals for the kings comprised of necklace around the neck of the king. This necklace was made from jade and other objects like pottery, exotic shells, precious stones and many such things. Aristocrats and other wealthy people were also burried along with expensive objects. Some other publicly performed rituals were dancing, theaterical performances, singing, ball games, offering prayer to gods and ritual humor. The Mayans celebrated dance festival with great enthusiasm. The festival was celebrated to honor Ixchel, the Moon goddess. In the festival a young woman was chosen to be sacrificed by the priests. This was followed by bloodletting and a ritual bath. In the public oriented rituals like dancing and dramas, the kings and other nobles were depicted as gods. More info on- Mayan dance, Religious
Uranium is a silvery-white metal in the actinide series of the periodic table. Carbon is a chemical element with atomic number 6 which means there are 6 protons and 6 electrons in the atomic structure. Bismuth is a chemical element with atomic number 83 which means there are 83 protons and 83 electrons in the atomic structure. Still have questions? It is a noble metal and a member of the platinum group. It is one of the least reactive chemical elements and is solid under standard conditions. Mercury is commonly known as quicksilver and was formerly named hydrargyrum. It rarely occurs in its elemental state or as pure ore compounds in the Earthâs crust. Fermium is a member of the actinide series. Promethium is one of only two such elements that are followed in the periodic table by elements with stable forms. Its abundance in rocky planets like Earth is due to its abundant production by fusion in high-mass stars. The chemical symbol for Hydrogen is H. With a standard atomic weight of circa 1.008, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table. Thorium is a naturally-occurring element and it is estimated to be about three times more abundant than uranium. Pure germanium is a semiconductor with an appearance similar to elemental silicon. Bismuth is a brittle metal with a silvery white color when freshly produced, but surface oxidation can give it a pink tinge. What is the time signature of the song Atin Cu Pung Singsing? The chemical symbol for Nobelium is No. Very soft and malleable, indium has a melting point higher than sodium and gallium, but lower than lithium and tin. Atomic nuclei consist of protons and neutrons, which attract each other through the nuclear force, while protons repel each other via the electric force due to their positive charge. Note that, each element may contain more isotopes, therefore this resulting atomic mass is calculated from naturally-occuring isotopes and their abundance. The difference between the neutron number and the atomic number is known as the neutron excess: D = N â Z = A â 2Z. The name xenon for this gas comes from the Greek word ξÎνον [xenon], neuter singular form of ξÎÎ½Î¿Ï [xenos], meaning âforeign(er)â, âstrange(r)â, or âguestâ. Thorium is moderately hard, malleable, and has a high melting point. Rubidium is a chemical element with atomic number 37 which means there are 37 protons and 37 electrons in the atomic structure. Barium is the fifth element in group 2 and is a soft, silvery alkaline earth metal. The difference is a measure of the nuclear binding energy which holds the nucleus together. hope this helps... TITO's link is awesome... and on that page there is another link to list all the isotopes of each element.... wow! This means it has 9 electrons, 9 protons and The chemical symbol for Curium is Cm. The chemical symbol for Europium is Eu. Rubidium is a chemical element with atomic number 37 which means there are 37 protons and 37 electrons in the atomic structure. Ark Valguero Map Coordinates, Gaia Guardian Tips, Caesars Tier Credit Bonus 2020, Bobcats In Nc Map, Petition To Not Ban Tiktok, Grey Goose Us Open Bottle, Black Dog 22lr 50rd Drum Magazines, Ajj Bass Tabs, Who Were The Last 5 Republican Presidents, Most Dangerous Cities In The Uk 2020, Pigeon Coop Design, Japanese Thrift Store Online, Integumentary System Poem, What Happened To Spottie Dottie, Barry Seal Barbara Dodson, Rose Matafeo James Acaster, Who Is Adele Givens Sister, Collingwood Vs Agreeable Gray, Mission Protein Plant Powered Tortillas Keto, Bad Distributor Cap Cause Misfire, Sebastopol Geese For Sale In Michigan, Mcmap Black Belt Emeritus, Secco Jojo Voice Actor, Ian Hill Wife, Hermaeus Mora Quotes, Moorish Gecko Poisonous, Algerian Love Rats, Lab Hound Mix, Flats For Rent In Oluyole Estate Ibadan, Nancy Mitchell Gracepointe, Kayla Mae Maloney, Significado Del Nombre Carlos, Scott Polar Tent For Sale, Anissa Meksen Parents, Paul Taylor Winger Wife, Barry Seal Barbara Dodson, Gender Pay Gap In Sports Essay, Birthday Poem For Girlfriend, Russ Kunkel Wife, Scared My Boyfriend Will Leave Me For Someone Better, Corelle Factory Outlet, American Eskimo Lab Mix, Dramanice Hotel King, Best Tabletop Simulator Games 2019, Beaumont, Tx Mugshots, Tn Hunting Seasons 2020, Pruning Large Maple Trees, Old Hitachi Tv Models, At What Speed Does A Baseball Hiss, Fortnite On Huawei, Marilyn Monroe Daughter Nancy Greene, Make Custom Keycaps, Smiley Face Python, Stephen Barr Agent, European Pear Anj, Emu Nickmercs Instagram, Lord Colin Ivar Campbell, Ford Shogun Uk, Iso To Wbfs, Do Pekin Ducks Mate For Life, James Cleveland Obituary, Underrail Psi Shotgun Build 2019, Dss Rent Assistance Ny, Houseboat Rentals Lake Erie Ohio, Tesco Outdoor Games, 26 Caamp Tabs, Rubik Cube Solver, Teacup Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale Near Me, Pay Traffic Ticket Online Elmore County, Clarissa Weerasena Where Is She From, The Lobster (2015 Google Drive),
Scientists have discovered a gene that is found in both mice and human DNA that can potentially reduce cholesterol levels drastically. Cholesterol is often perceived as a negative part of our body. However, there are several important reasons why cholesterol is still crucial. One instance is the connection of molecules with cholesterol levels. A single molecule can make up multiple components of cell membranes. The body needs those membranes to produce vitamin D and hormones. However, it is also easy to have excess amounts of cholesterol in your blood levels. Low-density lipoprotein is the risk factor for atherosclerosis that can happen when you have too much cholesterol. Atherosclerosis will result in your arteries being too narrow due to high amounts of fatty plaques. Thus, resulting in a stroke or heart attack. Cholesterol is processed in the liver. You can also increase your cholesterol levels from rich sources like eggs, butter, and even red meat. Some people are predisposed to have genetically high levels of blood cholesterol levels. Inheritance should also be considered when it comes to understanding cholesterol levels. It is always generally a good idea to regularly screen yourself for testing. There are numerous health and wellness tests that you can take to understand your risk factor when it comes to food and cholesterol. Brian Parks, a nutritional sciences professor, claimed that we still have a long way to go to understanding how genetic differences can cause a significant amount of differences in cholesterol and obesity. However, Professor Brian Parks is undergoing new research on the findings on people and their genetic inherited risk of developing high blood cholesterol levels. This work involves the use of a gene that is normally found in cholesterol production. Large Amounts Of Data The work the Prof. Brian Parks made sparked the entire genome-wide association studies. It created a massive database for genome sequences to be paired with specific health conditions. The studies have shown tremendous amounts of new information that helped the study cholesterol. However, those studies have only made the research easier. We are still not yet on the precipice of actually understanding the subject. A large study of 500,000 people can help identify different genome regions that can be associated with differences in blood cholesterol. However, the research does not contribute to actual new information other than isolating the different reactions in blood cholesterol. Fortunately, Professor Parks formulated a new technique that should help narrow down the search even further. They used the formulated statistics they made at the genome-wide association studies and combine them using details from their animal data. A genetic predisposition test is formulated to narrow down the best overlap between the two genetic codes. Thus, the formula for comparing mice and the human gene pool began. The genetic overlap of those 2 creatures shares an average of 85% of their genetic sequences. Of course, that is excluding the “junk” DNA that rodents carry for obvious reasons. The study was first implemented on the livers of the mice found in the lab. That research led them to a whole network of 112 genes that correlates to cholesterol production. The researches would then need to cross-reference their data by overlapping the results with human DNA. For optimal results they used humans with known high cholesterols. This entire procedure led to the discovery of 54 genes. With 25 of those matching genes standing out due to their connection with cholesterol and lipid metabolism. That helped discover the traces of those 25 previously unknown genomes. All those research led them to narrow the search to a set of a gene called “Sestrin1” Control Your Cholesterol Synthesis Cholesterol synthesis is a process that happens consistently without fail. However, scientists have determined that “Sestrin1” could potentially shut down the cholesterol synthesis process. You just need an adequate amount of cholesterol in your liver from your diet. The research has determined that taking the gene out from the livers of the mice caused them to lose control of their cholesterol systems. A healthy diet with the right amount of molecules is not even enough to prevent them from having high cholesterol. It is a great idea to use this opportunity to reflect on your diet choices. You have to ensure that you have ample supply of gut microbiome food in your system to prevent the growth of high cholesterol. Further research is needed to fully comprehend the reason behind the “Sestrin1”. However, the potential of combining mouse and human DNA to regulate cholesterol is still their best course of understanding the concept of cholesterol synthesis. Professor Parks himself stated that there is a strong possibility that this research could potentially divulge into other risk factors such as obesity. This research has the capacity for science to develop new personalized or precision medicine. Thus, doctors can specifically choose the right medicine to administer based on a person’s genetics. - Everything you want to know about milk intolerance - Signs of an unhealthy gut - The Importance Of Micronutrients - A Comprehensive Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease - Everything You Need For A Low-Carb Diet - 7 Reasons On Why You Should Use CBD Oil - Alzheimer’s: The Full Story
SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL SUPPLY Ocean waves represent our planet's last untapped large-scale renewable energy resource. Over 70 per cent of the earth's surface is covered with water. The energy contained within waves has the potential to produce up to 80,000TWh of electricity per year - sufficient to meet our global energy demand five times over. Ocean waves are generated by wind passing over the surface of the sea - a process which often begins many hundreds or thousands of miles from shore. Because waves originate a long way from shore, computer models of wave propagation allow us to accurately forecast incoming waves up to five days in advance. In comparison with wind or solar energy, it's easier to accurately predict how much and when energy can be generated. Because the peaks and troughs of wave energy are not in synch with those from wind or solar, combining the power from these sources acts to even out their combined output, leading a more predictable and steady renewable energy mix. A diverse renewable energy portfolio will lead to a more stable energy system, reduced variability and lower cost. In addition, a strong renewable energy mix means we become less reliant on traditional power sources such as oil and gas. This will lead to greater energy security. Wave energy is, by its nature, a clean energy resource. Aside from the energy expended in manufacture and installation of wave energy devices, it produces no carbon emissions. While environmental impacts for large-scale power plants of any type need to be studied at a local level and will might differ from one technology to another, our engagement with experts at the DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory suggest confirm that Triton should have a negligible impact on the aquatic environment. Wave energy plants do not require significant land use as solar or land-based wind turbines do. Also, wave energy plants can be located far enough from the coast so as to not be seen from land and affect the view. WELL MATCHED WITH ELECTRICITY DEMAND In the US, and in many countries around the world, population and electricity demand in coastal areas is growing faster compared to national averages. In many locations around the world the variability of waves can be seen to match daily and seasonal electricity demand. The net effect is that electricity from wave energy can be used when produced with only minimal requirement to store the energy. In fact, the consistency of energy from waves and the better alignment with grid demand means that much less storage is required compared to an equivalent solar or wind project in most locations. Furthermore, in locations such as the US West Coast, wave energy tends to peak when solar energy is low, and thus wave and solar can actually complement each other to improve power flows within utility grids. WORLD WAVE ENERGY The world's most energetic waves are found on the US West Coast, Northern Europe, Chile, Australia and New Zealand, but there are many areas around the world where wave energy could prove cost competitive. OCEAN ENERGY STILL AN UNTAPPED RESOURCE Despite its massive potential as a source for renewable energy, the ocean is unlikely to contribute meaningfully to electricity supplies without dramatic, innovation-driven improvements in average energy production, installed capital cost and reliability that deliver cost-competitive electricity to the grid. Traditional system concepts, using traditional and/or complex drivetrain solutions, have been unable to deliver the wide-band response required for high energy production or the reliability required for low maintenance costs. “Wave energy is generally considered to be the most concentrated and least variable form of renewable energy. It is the high power density of wave energy that suggests it has the capacity to become the lowest cost renewable energy source. The World Energy Council has estimated that approximately 2 terawatts (2 million megawatts), about double current world electricity production, could be produced from the oceans via wave power.”
Great, high impact science papers tell an important new story with broad implications. The story involves effort and planning from day one. Before you start experiments, read and ask big questions. - What are the potential stories that could be told depending on the answers to your questions? - What would be new and exciting about those answers and where could they lead experimentally? - What are the different ways of telling the story? Which ones are likely to be exciting and which are not exciting? You should have a clear idea of the potential stories when you start your project. Planning, drafting and making figures with real data and imagined data must be a weekly activity. DO NOT gather data mindlessly and then try to write a paper with everything in year 5….most people do this to some degree. - Make pretend figures of the result(s) that would fit with your storyline and see what they might look like if they were really convincing. This way you won’t forget controls, you will have a clearer sense of the statistics you will use, and you will think through the potential outcomes. - Constantly draft ‘pretend’ figures of results describing alternative outcomes and think about where they might take you. This way you know where you could be headed and you will be prepared. This will help elevate the pressure to make the experimental result fit your hypothesis. - Constantly reevaluating your story will reduce wasted effort/experiments, help you maintain focus and set goals, and prevent you from overlooking holes in your story or failing to complete experiments. - Remember that the story does not have to fit the chronological order of the experiments. Rearrange the work to tell the story. - Plan, draft, make figures, see the best experiments and storylines, do the experiments…repeat High impact scientists are journalists that gather evidence and assemble it into a compelling story that changes how people think. You must work on your story constantly. It will light the path in front of you and the paper will be written as you go. - When putting the final paper together, all that matters is the data that tells the most compelling, clear and well-supported story. You must be prepared to leave things out and do more work that further supports the best story. This stuff happens near the end and it is the toughest to accept when you are close to finishing. - Your conclusions must be supported by the data. Overstatement is the kiss of death from editors. - As provided to me by an editor from Nature Medicine, a great story often has the following components: - Novel, surprising, entertaining and broad implications/impact - Strong mechanistic insights - In vivo relevance - Functional manipulations - Necessity and sufficiency - Be clear about the core message of the paper. If you can’t state the core message in 10 words or less then you haven’t found the core message. - Each subheading and associated section of the paper builds logically toward the core message - Paragraphs of each section have one message per paragraph and a logical transition from one paragraph into the next. All working to support the core message of the section. - Plan – draft – plan – draft…and repeat to get an elegant and clear message and structure for the story. - Beware of stories that just connect existing dots – the impact and advance tends to be small. Think carefully about the journal that fits your story best. A preliminary inquiry can save time. You must clearly (and without exaggeration) explain how your article fits with the journal’s scope and what the core message is and why it is novel and important. - The best reviewers are often experts outside of your field. They can judge the technical aspects of the work and assess the impact without the internal biases of the field. - Editors recommend looking at the journal editorial board for good reviewers to suggest. These people have a reputation for solid, fair reviews. Exclude competitors. Finally, what are you reading for? It is good to be an expert, but what you are really looking for is the following: - New and exciting plot lines for your story. - Gems of information that help you support and tell your story. - New and exciting plot lines for future stories (untold stories in waiting). - New and elegant techniques and approaches that will help you tell a better story. - Literature that will confound your story and contradict your interpretations/results. - Evidence that your story is novel and high impact.
A student performs an experiment that involves the motion of a pendulum. The student attaches one end of a string to an object o f mass M and secures the other end of the string so that the object is at rest as it hangs from the string. When the student raises the object to a height above its lowest point and releases it from rest, the object undergoes simple harmonic motion. As the student collects data about the time it takes for the pendulum to undergo one oscillation, the student observes that the time for one swing significantly changes after each oscillation. The student wants to conduct the experiment a second time. Which two of the following procedures should the student consider when conducting the second experiment? The energy stored on a capacitor is of type potencial, therfore depends on the capacity to "store" energy. Inthe case of the capacitor, it stores charge (Q), and the equations you use to calculate it are: In this case we know V and C, therefore we use the last expression: Where I correspond to the initial position, with this it is an additive constant, we can make it zero with the placement of the reference system, in this case the system is placed on the floor where the ladder rests. The power power for people on the floor is U₀ = 0 J The potential energy for the person on the first step is
While we don’t really understand this kind of thing entirely, there is something odd going on each winter when it comes to places like the North Pole. You see, with cold wind whirling around the North Pole, it could change things weather-wise for some locations as things unfold. Overall what I am talking about here is something known as stratospheric warming and well, it’s quite confusing but important to be aware of. When we face something like sudden stratospheric warming, it increases the risks of very cold temperatures. A study going over this was led by researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Bath, and Exeter according to Phys.org and together these universities were able to come to an understanding over things in some ways. Their findings could help make weather models overall a lot more accurate when you really think about it. Phys.org wrote as follows about all of this: The stratosphere is the layer of the atmosphere from around 10-50km above the earth’s surface. SSW events are some of the most extreme of atmospheric phenomena and can see polar stratospheric temperature increase by up to 50°C over the course of a few days. Such events can bring very cold weather, which often results in snowstorms. The infamous 2018 ‘Beast from the East’ is a stark reminder of what an SSW can bring. The disturbance in the stratosphere can be transmitted downward and if this continues to the Earth’s surface, there can be a shift in the jet stream, leading to unusually cold weather across Europe and Northern Asia. It can take several weeks for the signal to reach the surface, or the process may only take a few days. The study, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research and funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), involved the analysis of 40 observed SSW events that occurred over the last 60 years. Researchers developed a novel method for tracking the signal of an SSW downward from its onset in the stratosphere to the surface. Findings in the paper, Tracking the stratosphere-to-surface impact of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings suggest split events tend to be associated with colder weather over northwest Europe and Siberia. The lead author of the study, Dr. Richard Hall, said there was an increased chance of extreme cold, and potentially snow, over the next week or two. “While an extreme cold weather event is not a certainty, around two-thirds of SSWs have a significant impact on surface weather. What’s more, today’s SSW is potentially the most dangerous kind, where the polar vortex splits into two smaller ‘child’ vortices.” I know, this might not sound like much to some but in general, it helps us better understand a lot. This study is able to show us a means of probability when it comes to SSW events. Yes, we still have more things that need to be answered but this is a good start towards something big. The abstract of the study noted above goes as follows: Sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events are extreme atmospheric regimes which can have a signature in surface weather up to 40 days after event onset in the stratosphere. SSWs can be classified as either vortex splitting or vortex displacement events, with the nature and timing of the surface impact potentially being different between the two. In this study, using ERA40/Interim reanalysis data we developed a simple empirical downward tracking algorithm which for the first time allows us to estimate the time of surface impact for individual SSW events. We show that the surface impact following splitting events is, on average, about one week earlier than following displacement events, albeit with considerable variability. BY compositing tropospheric responses around the identified date of surface impact, rather than around the central stratospheric onset date as common in previous studies, we can better constrain the surface signal of SSWs. We find that while the difference in North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) anomalies between split and displacement vortices is small, surface temperature anomalies over northwest Europe and Northern Eurasia are significantly colder for splitting events, particularly over the UK just prior to the surface impact date. Displacement events on average are wetter over Northwest Europe around the time of surface impact, consistent with the jet stream being displaced further south in response to split events. Our downward tracking algorithm can be used with any reanalyses and gridded model data, and therefore will be a valuable tool for use with the latest climate models. What do you think about all of this? I for one find it mind-blowing. Things like this are hard to get into but once you really look into them they really take you by surprise.
Nearly 8% of the U.S. population comes down with the flu each year, especially during the colder months, although it can be contracted throughout the entire year. According to the CDC, even with the widespread availability and recommendation to get a flu vaccine, an estimated 9 million to 41 million people are diagnosed yearly. The flu vaccine is the most optimal deterrent against contracting the flu or experiencing severe symptoms upon diagnosis; it does not guarantee complete immunity from the virus. If you or a loved one is experiencing flu symptoms, it is essential to understand how long the flu is contagious to reduce the risk of spreading it to others. Let’s dive deeper into understanding the flu, including how long it’s contagious. What Is the Flu? More formally referred to as influenza, the flu is a contagious respiratory virus. It can infect a person’s nose, throat, and lungs and be caused by the influenza A or B viruses. The flu spreads from one person to another by tiny droplets in the air from coughing, talking, or sneezing. According to the CDC, the flu can last a few days to less than 2 weeks, depending on the overall health of the infected person. There is a wide range of flu symptoms that people may experience. Symptom onset averages around 2 days but can range from 1 to 4 days. Flu symptoms can range from mild to severe. In rarer cases, the flu can lead to death, especially for immunocompromised people. The most notable flu symptoms include - body aches - muscle aches - loss of appetite - dry cough - sore throat - stuffy nose - nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea How Long Is the Flu Contagious? According to the CDC, the flu can be detected 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. During the entirety of this period, the flu is considered contagious. With that being said, the flu is most contagious during the first 3 to 4 days after symptoms begin. In high-risk groups such as infants and those considered immunocompromised, the ability to pass the flu virus to others may extend past 7 days. If you believe you have the flu, the best way to slow the spread is through rapid testing and isolation from others until symptoms subside. Effective Flu Treatment There is not one specific method to cure the flu. Most people with the flu recover on their own, using symptom control methods that may include - OTC pain relievers - adequate rest - fever reducers - OTC anti-inflammatories and decongestants - throat lozenges or spray - OTC saline nasal drops or spray - a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier In more severe cases, an antiviral medication may be prescribed. You should seek immediate emergency medical treatment for any life-threatening, flu-related symptoms, including: - difficulty breathing - chest pains - high fever with accompanying symptoms such as confusion, difficulty staying awake, nausea, or a rash Flu Care When and Where You Need It Most If you are experiencing symptoms consistent with the flu, we are here to help. Visit Emerald Coast Urgent Care today to get your flu symptoms thoroughly examined. You shouldn’t have to live with moderate to severe flu symptoms. Our urgent care facility is open daily with no appointments necessary; simply walk in to have your flu symptoms checked and start feeling relief today.
The Great Depression was a monumental moment in history. The decisions made during this time period would have a profound effect on economics all the way up to the modern day. But what caused the Great Depression? Why did it occur? How did America go from the prosperous Roaring 20s to the poverty of the dustbowl within just a few short years? Today, we’re teaching you everything you need to know about the history of the Great Depression. What was the Great Depression? The Great Depression was the largest economic downtown in the history of the western industrialized world. Its origins can be traced back to America, although its effects would be felt all over the world. The dates of the Great Depression vary, depending on who you ask. Some say the Great Depression lasted just a few years, from 1929 to 1932. The general consensus, however, is that the western world was in a downturn between the crash of the stock market in 1929 to the outbreak of World War II in 1939. In October 1929, the stock markets crashed, sending Wall Street into a panic. Over the coming years, consumer spending and investment dropped. This led to steep declines in industrial output and skyrocketing levels of unemployment. Failing companies laid off workers, and soon enough, 1 in 4 Americans were unemployed. By 1933, the Great Depression was at its peak (or bottom, depending on your point of view). During this time, nearly half of the country’s banks had failed, and 13 to 15 million Americans were out of work. It was during this time that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt enacted changes that would alter the course of world history. FDR’s New Deal proposed a controversial way to get out of the recession: spend money – and lots of it. The New Deal helped to lessen the worst effects of the Great Depression. However, it wasn’t until the outbreak of World War II in 1939 when the American industrial economy would follow recover. Now that you know the basic background behind the Great Depression, let’s take a closer look at the individual events and pieces that led up to the infamous time period. The Roaring Twenties and the Leadup to the Great Depression In order to understand the Great Depression, it’s helpful to understand the time period leading up to the 1930s. Throughout western countries, this time period was known as the Roaring Twenties. Residents of the United States, Canada, and most western European countries were experiencing a sustained period of economic prosperity. Prosperity was shared around the world. Germany was paying off its debts from the First World War, and western countries in turn were investing in German re-development. Other countries were paying off war debts to Washington, and prosperity was widespread. The good times came to a sudden end, unfortunately, in October 1929. The Wall Street Crash of 1929 The good times of the Roaring Twenties came to a sudden and devastating end in October of 1929. Also known as Black Tuesday, the stock market plummeted heavily on October 29 of that year. It remains the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States. The leadup to Black Tuesday started the previous Thursday, on October 24, when the market lost 11% of its value at the opening bell. The huge volume of trading on the floor that day meant that ticker tape in brokerage offices across America was hours late in arriving, contributing to the widespread confusion and panic. Investors wanted to sell their stocks, but had no idea what most stocks were actually trading for. Interestingly, a number of Wall Street bankers got together that Thursday and agreed to purchase large blocks of US stocks at above-market prices in an attempt to stop the slide. Their strategy worked, and the market closed down only 6.38 points on that day. The rally continued on Friday, October 24, and everything looked to be okay. Unfortunately, that rally didn’t last. Investors across America decided to sell out on Monday after reading about the market’s instability in all of the weekend newspapers. On Black Monday, October 28, the Dow closed down 13%. The next day, Black Tuesday, the Dow lost an additional 12% of its value – and the stock market had officially crashed. A month before the Wall Street crash, there were indications of economic trouble. In September, the London Stock Exchange crashed, and some historians point to this as the start of the Great Depression. We’ll talk about more causes of the crash down below. Why Did Wall Street Crash in 1929? Why did Wall Street suddenly crash after a decade of prosperity throughout the 1920s? What factors caused the Great Depression? We know today that the crash was related to a number of key factors, including: - After World War I, many Americans were lured by the promises of work in the big city. This led to an ever-growing expansion of America’s industrial sector. However, at the same time, the overproduction of agricultural produce outside the cities “created widespread financial despair among American farmers throughout the decade.” This would later be blamed as one of the key factors in the crash (source). For many farmers, the Great Depression didn’t start in the 1930s: it started in the 1920s. - Speculation is another commonly-cited reason behind the crash. Many people believed that the stock market would just continue to rise forever. The Federal Reserve noticed this problem in March 1929 and issued a warning about the dangers of excessive speculation. Two days after this warning, a miniature crash occurred, which gave some investors an idea of how shaky the market would be. - The American economy was showing other signs of trouble. Steel production was declining, construction was slow, automobile sales were down, and consumers were racking up huge amounts of debt due to the availability of easy credit. - The London Stock Exchange crash of September 1929 weakened American optimism in overseas markets, and also led to a decline in confidence in the stability of America’s stock market. Americans saw how quickly an industrialized nation could be weakened due to its stock markets. Overall, the market’s growth throughout the latter half of the 1920s was considered to be unsustainable. Even after the miniature stock market crash of March 1929, the market continued to grow unabated and showed no signs of slowing down. Between June and September of that year, the Dow Jones gained an average of more than 20%. This market growth led some economists to make infamous statements, like Irving Fisher who famously proclaimed that, “Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.” Overall, stocks rose about 40% in price between May 1928 and September 1929, and the boom was largely artificial. The Hoover Administration’s Response Herbert Hoover had become president in 1929. Following the crash, President Hoover assured American investors that the crisis would run its course, and that the economy would be back on track shortly enough. Unfortunately for Hoover, that didn’t happen. The recession continued to get worse over the next 3 years. In 1930, 4 million Americans were unemployed with little chance of finding a job. In 1931, that number had risen to 6 million (America’s population at the time was around 125 million). At the same time, industrial production was plummeting across the nation. There were a growing number of bread lines, soup kitchens, and homeless people. Farmers – many of whom had been struggling throughout the 1920s due to drought and falling food prices – could no longer afford to harvest their crops. One of the tragic ironies about the Great Depression is that crops were left to rot in the fields in rural America due to lack of available labor, while unemployed Americans in big cities starved. 1930 and the Banking Panics Things got worse in the fall of 1930, as America would undergo four waves of banking panics. During these crises, a number of investors lost confidence in the banks. What do you do when you lose confidence in the banks? You take out all your money and keep it at home. Unfortunately, banks did not have enough cash to supply all of the demand. In order to meet this demand, banks were forced to liquidate loans, supplementing their already-strained cash reserves they had on-hand. “Bank runs” continued throughout 1930, 1931, and 1932. By 1933, thousands of banks across America had no choice but to close their doors. Franklin Delano Roosevelt is Elected as President in 1932 History typically teaches us that FDR’s New Deal is the program that brought America out of the Great Depression. In the middle of the Great Depression of 1932, America held its federal election. Democratic nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt won an overwhelming victory. Soon after FDR’s election victory, every US state had ordered their remaining banks to close after the fourth wave of banking panics. Making things worse was that the US Treasury didn’t even have enough cash on-hand to pay its government workers. Things looked bleak for America. Amidst all of this, FDR was inaugurated as the 32nd president of the United States of America on March 4, 1933. FDR’s response to the unemployment, banking crises, and widespread poverty across America became famous, saying, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” FDR would later inject confidence in the American economy with his famous “fireside chats”. During his first 100 days in office, he passed legislation aimed at stabilizing the American economy in various ways. He passed legislation to stabilize industrial and agricultural production, for example, while simultaneously creating jobs and stimulating recovery. At the same time, Roosevelt turned his eye to America’s financial system. He realized the current system had some major flaws. In response, he created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), an organization that protected investors’ bank accounts and gave them new confidence in the ability of banks to protect their money. FDR also changed the nature of the stock markets permanently by creating the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an organization to regulate the stock market and prevent the kind of abuses that led to the 1929 crash. FDR’s New Deal Spurs Recovery Efforts Across America We mentioned above that FDR enacted legislation to improve recovery efforts across America. But what exactly does that mean? What did FDR actually do to kickstart America’s recovery? FDR’s New Deal, as it was called, created valuable infrastructure projects throughout America. Led by Keynes and other economists, FDR was encouraged to use government money to “spend their way” out of the recession. Today, spending your way out of a recession is conventional wisdom, but it was seen as a controversial approach back in the 1930s. To this day, we don’t know for certain whether FDR’s New Deal helped America totally recover from the recession – or if it was the outbreak of World War II that ended it. However, here are some of the infrastructure projects created as part of FDR’s New Deal: The Tennessee Valley Authority FDR saw widespread poverty in the South. Few places in America were poorer than the Tennessee Valley region. In response, the US government created the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which built dams and hydroelectric projects across the area. These dams came with multiple benefits. First, their construction employed local people across the South. Second, they controlled flooding throughout the region. And third and most importantly, they provided electrical power to a region that desperately needed it. The Works Project Administration The Works Project Administration (WPA) is the best-known part of FDR’s New Deal. The WPA was a permanent jobs program that employed 8.5 million people between 1935 and 1943. It led to the creation of infrastructure projects all across America. Dams, interstates, and other infrastructure projects can all be traced back to the WPA. Did FDR’s New Deal Really Solve the Great Depression? It’s hard to argue against the success of FDR’s New Deal. Starting in 1933, America’s economy showed signs of a fast and sustained recovery. America’s GDP grew at an average rate of 9% for three straight years starting in 1933. It wasn’t all perfect, however. In 1937, economic fears sprang up across America as the country entered a sharp recession. This was caused in part by the Federal Reserve’s requirement to increase its reserve money requirements, tightening spending and reducing the amount of capital America could devote to a recovery. Although the economy began improving again in 1938, the 1937 recession reversed much of the progress America had made over the previous years in terms of production and employment, prolonging the effects of the Great Depression throughout most of America. It wasn’t until the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, ironically enough, that things started to turn around for America. The Outbreak of World War II and the End of the Great Depression The Great Depression affected countries all over the world. No western country escaped the Great Depression unscathed, although America was hit particularly hard. Different countries reacted to the Great Depression in different ways. In Germany, charismatic leader Adolf Hitler rose to power, promising to bring an era of new change to the country. Nazi Germany, controversially, was one of the best things to happen to America in a decade. In response to the outbreak of World War II in 1939, the WPA began to focus on improving its military infrastructure. The United States continued to remain officially neutral, doing business with both Nazi Germany and the western Allies. However, public revulsion towards Nazi Germany eventually led the United States to favor France and Great Britain. By the time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941, America was in prime position to be mobilized for total war. The country’s factories entered full production mode, restoring the country’s industrial output to levels not seen since before the Great Depression. Meanwhile, America’s widespread unemployment was cured by conscription. Widespread conscription began in 1942, reducing the unemployment rate to below pre-Depression levels. The History of the Great Depression Has Profound Effects on the World to This Day From the heyday of the Roaring Twenties to the devastation of World War II, the history of the Great Depression is one of the most monumental stories in all of American history. It changed America’s – and the world’s – economic and political landscape in ways that had never been seen before – and may never be seen again.
Last Juneteenth, members of Congress reintroduced a constitutional amendment to end slavery in the United States. You may be thinking, “Wait? Didn’t the Thirteenth Amendment already do that?” Not exactly. The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is recognized by many as the formal abolition of slavery in the United States. However, it only ended chattel slavery – slavery in which an individual is considered the personal property of another. While formally eliminating the most recognizable form of slavery, the Thirteenth Amendment also enabled slavery to be transformed into something else that still has harrowing ramifications for Black people today. Section I of the Thirteenth Amendment reads: The Abolition Amendment, a joint resolution currently before the Senate Judiciary Committee, proposes amending the U.S. Constitution to include an article reading, “[n]either slavery nor indentured servitude may be imposed as a punishment for a crime,” which would formally close the exception loophole. However, the bar for passing a constitutional amendment is high, requiring a two-thirds vote by the House and Senate, as well as ratification by three-fourths of all state legislatures. Thus, this resolution has not gained much traction. Because of this federal inertia, states have instead been driving efforts to eliminate slavery through ballot initiatives to amend their own constitutions. This November, voters in Tennessee, Oregon, Alabama, Louisiana, and Vermont will decide whether to revise their constitutions to remove exceptions to the abolition of slavery. If you are a resident in one of these states, you will soon have the opportunity to make your voice heard on this important issue this fall. Since the Thirteenth Amendment’s passage in 1865, its exception clause has enabled slavery to persist for generations through punitive systems. Following the Civil War, many southern states imposed Black Codes: laws that restricted Black people’s labor by requiring apprenticeships and labor contracts for employment, often with former owners of enslaved people. Black Codes also established systems of convict leasing and vagrancy laws, which incentivized the arrest, incarceration, and subsequent re-enslavement of Black people. These laws criminalized poverty, unemployment, and homelessness in order to meet the labor needs of former owners of enslaved people following emancipation. Jim Crow laws, which have their roots in Black Codes, further entrenched systems of apartheid for Black Americans in almost every aspect of life in the post-Reconstruction era, including the criminal justice system. These laws legalized racial segregation throughout public life and were further ingrained through the establishment of the “separate but equal” doctrine by the U.S Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson. For Black Americans, noncompliance with Jim Crow laws was often met with imprisonment — and violations of these laws and subsequent arrests could result simply from eating at a kitchen counter or entering a public space through the front door. Following the end of the Jim Crow era, the War on Drugs fueled mass incarceration by disproportionately filling America’s prisons with Black Americans (Black men, in particular) and enforcing racial control through the criminal justice system. This resulted in a redesign of America’s racial caste system that nominally adhered to the principle of colorblindness following the fall of Jim Crow. Indeed, author and civil rights litigator Michelle Alexander has described this phenomenon as “the New Jim Crow.” These are not just dark legacies of the past, however. Today, there are still incarcerated Black Americans picking crops on plantations across the country. Regardless of whether it’s through agricultural work or otherwise, the prison labor system creates a lack of control over one’s labor and freedom — particularly for Black people. It’s no surprise, then, to find that in some states, incarcerated workers are not paid at all. The ballot initiatives facing voters in 2022 reflect the continued growth of a promising state-level trend of closing this Thirteenth Amendment loophole. In 2016, Colorado first considered a ballot initiative that asked voters whether to remove language from the state’s constitution that permitted slavery and involuntary servitude. Amendment A eventually passed in 2018 after 65% of voters in Colorado approved its adoption. It was the first state to explicitly abolish slavery without exception in its constitution since Rhode Island did so in 1842. This momentum continued in 2020, as successful ballot initiatives in Nebraska and Utah also removed language in their constitutions that permitted slavery as a criminal punishment, receiving 68% and 80% of the vote, respectively. Currently, there are 19 states with constitutions that explicitly permit either slavery, involuntary servitude, or both as punishment for a crime. We cannot assume that people and state governments are wholly against slavery and involuntary servitude, as states are clearly taking advantage of these constitutional exceptions. Ballot measures, while imperfect, are an important first step toward a full-throated repudiation of the slavery and involuntary servitude that continues in these states. Indeed, while some critics may characterize these measures as symbolic, they are important because the shift in the legal status of incarcerated workers may allow prison laborers’ claims to certain worker protections and rights. Previous challenges by prison laborers for worker protections have failed, in large part, due to slavery and involuntary servitude loopholes. However, following the passage of Amendment A, incarcerated workers in Colorado are now testing the extent to which the removal of their status as “slave” laborers affords them legal protections. Two men filed suit in February 2022, alleging that the state forced them to work despite their health conditions and, in doing so, violated the ban on slavery and involuntary servitude in Colorado’s constitution. They are asking the courts to allow for a class-action lawsuit so that other incarcerated people can join this action. Oregon will also provide another reflection point regarding the importance of passing state amendments to abolish slavery. On one hand, Senate Joint Resolution 10 (SJR 10) in Oregon – which is on the ballot in November – highlights why the state also must revise other existing state laws, such as Measure 17, which mandates 40 hours of weekly, involuntary labor by incarcerated individuals, and allows both private and public sectors to use that labor. However, as Riley Burton, the co-founder of the Oregonians Against Slavery and Indentured Servitude (OASIS) coalition, emphasized in a February 2022 Esquire interview, passing SJR 10 is still an imperative step toward eradicating codified slavery as the basis of the criminal justice system. “We constantly get asked, ‘Well, is this just a symbolic thing?’” Burton told Esquire, “ … and the question is, is the amendment being used as just a symbolic thing? If the basis of your system is built on slavery, then it will have an effect. And if it’s not [built on slavery], then it won’t.’” What actually ensues if Oregon’s ballot initiative passes is yet to be determined. However, it is still unquestionable that these ballot initiatives matter — especially to those most affected by them. Indeed, the incarcerated people in Oregon who worked on SJR 10 see passing it as a critical step toward fair wages — and as a way to remove their reality from obscurity. Of course, much more still needs to be done to correct carceral systems that have existed for generations and address problematic practices and laws that will remain in place, even if these state ballot measures pass. The limitations of these ballot initiatives highlight the extent to which our systems continue to rely on the cheap, uncompensated labor of people without freedom. Take, for instance, the changes that might be made to the Tennessee Constitution if its ballot measure passes. The new language would read, “Slavery and involuntary servitude are forever prohibited. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an inmate from working when the inmate has been duly convicted of a crime.” The second sentence was included at the behest of the Tennessee Department of Correction due to concerns that incarcerated people in Tennessee, who are paid, may fall under the slavery ban. While incarcerated individuals in Tennessee are — technically — paid for working, the rate is a far cry from veritable compensation, at $0.17 to $0.75 per hour before any mandatory deductions. Moreover, while some might say that some prison labor is technically voluntary, this ignores the fact that, for an incarcerated individual, refusing to work can result in the loss of privileges, solitary confinement, or the denial of parole. It also overlooks the notion that simple necessities sold to incarcerated people are often exorbitantly priced, especially when compared to the wages they earn. Exploitation and coercion are at the heart of it all. The lines between slavery and involuntary servitude and prison labor are, in some cases, distinguished only by a few cents on the dollar. Some might say that prison labor has its virtues. Perhaps, some speculate, prison labor may help incarcerated people become contributing members of society after they are released. This conveniently disregards many truths. It ignores that incarcerated firefighters in California are barred from being employed as firefighters as free people. It disregards the discriminatory nature of criminal background checks in hiring. To paraphrase writer Mitchell S. Jackson in a February 2022 Esquire article — what, to a society that is unwelcoming, is the purported virtue of that labor? There are, certainly, incarcerated people who want something to do while serving their time. At the very least, that labor should be voluntary and fairly compensated. The United States cannot in good faith confront the legacy of chattel slavery while still permitting vestiges of that economy to persist. Dehumanization allowed for the evils of chattel slavery. Dehumanization allows slavery and involuntary servitude to continue under the guise of a carceral state. While it would be unwise to equally conflate the specific horrors of chattel slavery with those of the modern carceral state, we should use the lessons of chattel slavery to inform what we do today. The words in our constitutions matter, and people who are incarcerated remain people. Thus, what we allow to happen behind those walls says more about our humanity than anything they have done.
, otherwise known as the red poultry mite, is a common pest of chicken flocks. As an adult, the red poultry mite is about 0.6 to 1 mm in length, has 8 legs and can range in color from white to gray, to black to deep red (depending on whether it has recently fed on blood). Red Poultry Mite Life Cycle: Red poultry mites have a rapid life cycle and can grow from egg to larva, followed by nymph and the last adult stage, in less than 2 weeks. Red poultry mites are known to flourish in environmental climates with high relative humidity (>70%), like during the warmer summer months. Survival in the Environment: Red poultry mites are able to survive for up to 9 months in the environment without feeding on a host.
Glimpsing the Sun: The Solar Revolution in Scotland Scotland, a land of majestic landscapes and historic castles, is undergoing a profound transformation with the increasing integration of solar panels into its energy landscape. The adoption of solar technology represents a significant stride toward sustainable energy practices, showcasing Scotland’s commitment to mitigating climate change and diversifying its energy sources. 1. Harnessing Solar Potential: Scotland, often associated with wind and hydroelectric power, is now turning its gaze towards the abundant yet underutilized energy source—the sun. The installation of solar panels across the country underscores a strategic move to harness solar potential and create a more balanced and resilient energy portfolio. 2. Breaking Weather Stereotypes: Scotland’s reputation for unpredictable weather might raise eyebrows when considering solar power. However, technological advancements have rendered this concern obsolete. Modern solar panels are designed to capture sunlight even on cloudy days, challenging the conventional notion that solar energy is only effective in sun-drenched regions. 3. Government Initiatives and Incentives: The Scottish government’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its robust support for solar energy initiatives. Various incentives, including grants, subsidies, and feed-in tariffs, have been introduced to make solar installations financially viable for individuals and businesses. This governmental backing not only promotes solar adoption but also aligns with Scotland’s broader climate and renewable energy targets. 4. Economic Benefits for Communities: Beyond the individual homeowner, solar energy is proving to be a boon for communities. Localized solar projects and community-led initiatives are creating economic opportunities and promoting shared ownership. As communities embrace solar power, they not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also foster a sense of collective responsibility and empowerment. 5. Technological Evolution: Scotland’s commitment to solar power is complemented by ongoing technological advancements. Research and development efforts focus on enhancing the efficiency of solar panels and improving energy storage solutions. These innovations are addressing challenges associated with intermittency, making solar energy an increasingly reliable and integral part of Scotland’s energy grid. 6. Environmental Impact and Carbon Reduction: The environmental impact of solar panels scotland extends beyond reducing dependence on traditional energy sources. By harnessing sunlight to generate electricity, Scotland is actively reducing carbon emissions, contributing to its ambitious climate targets. Solar panels play a crucial role in the nation’s broader commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. 7. Community Engagement and Education: An essential aspect of Scotland’s solar revolution is community engagement and education. Workshops, informational campaigns, and educational programs aim to raise awareness about the benefits of solar energy. This grassroots effort not only fosters understanding but also encourages widespread participation in building a cleaner, greener future. 8. Future Outlook: Looking ahead, the future of solar panels in Scotland is promising. As technology continues to advance and costs decrease, solar energy will likely play an increasingly vital role in the nation’s energy landscape. The ongoing commitment to innovation and sustainability positions Scotland as a leader in the global transition toward cleaner and more renewable energy solutions. In conclusion, Scotland’s embrace of solar panels represents a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, where the historic landscapes coexist with cutting-edge technology. As solar panels adorn Scottish rooftops and landscapes, they symbolize a commitment to a brighter, more sustainable future—one where the sun becomes a cornerstone of the nation’s energy prosperity.
Table of contents: - What is an example of a generalized other? - What makes up the generalized other? - What is the difference between significant others and generalized other? - Whats the definition of socialization? - Which of the following is an example of socialization? - Why does the family have such a powerful impact as an agent of socialization? - What is the most influential agent of socialization the family? - How does socialization affect family? - How important is the family in the socialization of a person? - Why is socialization so important? - What is the most powerful agent of socialization? - What does it mean to think of a family as a system? - What are the main characteristics of family? - What are the 4 types of families? - What are the four key elements of a family system? - What are the key concepts of family systems theory? - What are the 6 functions of the family? - What are the key dynamics of the family as a system? - How do family members influence each other? - What family dynamics mean? - How do family dynamics impact an individual? - What is one way that a family member can show devotion to another family member? - What is the function of family in American culture? - How do you deal with family dynamics? - What are the 7 types of families? - How do you deal with a negative family member? - What is a toxic family? What is an example of a generalized other? Examples of the Other A "generalized other": When we enter a grocery store without any knowledge of the grocer, our expectations are based only on knowledge of grocers and customers in general and what is usually supposed to take place when they interact. What makes up the generalized other? It is the general notion that a person has of the common expectations that others have about actions and thoughts within a particular society, and thus serves to clarify their relation to the other as a representative member of a shared social system. ... What is the difference between significant others and generalized other? what is the difference between significant others and the generalized other? - The generalized other refers to all other people in our lives. ... - Significant others include our parents, siblings, and other adult authorities, especially during infancy and young childhood. Whats the definition of socialization? In sociology, socialization is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society. Socialization encompasses both learning and teaching and is thus "the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained". Socialization is strongly connected to developmental psychology. Which of the following is an example of socialization? Interacting with friends and family, being told to obey rules, being rewarded for doing chores, and being taught how to behave in public places are all examples of socialization that enable a person to function within his or her culture.26 ส.ค. 2558 Why does the family have such a powerful impact as an agent of socialization? Why does the family have such a powerful impact as an agent of socialization? Families begin the socialization process before there are any other competing influences. Lifelong process by which people learn the norms, values, and beliefs of their culture. ... Individuals learn and internalize the values and norms. What is the most influential agent of socialization the family? The Family. The family is perhaps the most important agent of socialization for children. Parents' values and behavior patterns profoundly influence those of their daughters and sons. How does socialization affect family? During socialization one becomes a cultural and social being who acts according to recognized rules directed their behavior towards socially accepted value and meet individually modified roles and expectations. Family provides initial human behavior patterns in an orientation and initial interpersonal relationships.1 พ.ย. 2557 How important is the family in the socialization of a person? Family is usually considered to be the most important agent of socialization. They not only teach us how to care for ourselves, but also give us our first system of values, norms, and beliefs. ... Another agent of socialization that relates to school is our peer group. Why is socialization so important? As this example indicates, socialization makes it possible for us to fully function as human beings. Without socialization, we could not have our society and culture. And without social interaction, we could not have socialization. What is the most powerful agent of socialization? What does it mean to think of a family as a system? According to Bowen, a family is a system in which each member had a role to play and rules to respect. ... Within the boundaries of the system, patterns develop as certain family member's behavior is caused by and causes other family member's behaviors in predictable ways. What are the main characteristics of family? Characteristics of Family: - (1) A Mating Relationship: - (2) A form of Marriage: - (3) Some rules of mate selection: - (4) A system of Nomenclature: - (5) An economic provision: - (6) A common habitation: What are the 4 types of families? We have stepfamilies; single-parent families; families headed by two unmarried partners, either of the opposite sex or the same sex; households that include one or more family members from a generation; adoptive families; foster families; and families where children are raised by their grandparents or other relatives. What are the four key elements of a family system? The key elements of a family system are its members + beliefs + roles + rules + assets + limitations + goals + boundaries + subsystems (e.g. siblings) + environment - a larger system of systems, or metasystem. What are the key concepts of family systems theory? The most common systems in the family systems theory are parental relationships, sibling relationships, parent-child relationships, and the overarching family system, which each system in connection with the other systems, known as systems thinking.21 ธ.ค. 2563 What are the 6 functions of the family? - Addition of New Members. • Families have children through birth, adoption, and may also use the help of fertility clinics, etc. - Physical Care of Members. • ... - Socialization of Children. • ... - Social Control of Members. • ... - Affective Nurturance- Maintaining Morale of Members. • ... - Producing and Consuming Goods and Services. • What are the key dynamics of the family as a system? Family dynamics include family alignments, hierarchies, roles, ascribed characteristics and patterns of interactions within a family. Where possible, use a strengths-based approach when exploring family dynamics, and identify strengths or ways a pattern serves those involved. How do family members influence each other? According to psychology teacher Jenna Breuer, family members tend to have a strong, nurturing influence because they are the first socializing agents that children are exposed to. ... Although people tend to befriend those with common interests, friends can still influence each other.18 พ.ย. 2557 What family dynamics mean? Family dynamics refers to the patterns of interactions among relatives, their roles and relationships, and the various factors that shape their interactions.27 ก.ค. 2563 How do family dynamics impact an individual? Family dynamics significantly impact health in both positive and negative ways. Having a close-knit and supportive family provides emotional support, economic well-being, and increases overall health. ... When family life is characterized by stress and conflict, the health of family members tends to be negatively affected. What is one way that a family member can show devotion to another family member? What is one way that a family member can show devotion to another family member? praising oneself for helping other family members boasting about one's personal qualities to another family member showing empathy for another family member in a difficult situation eating dinner alone when family members gather for dinner.14 ก.ค. 2563 What is the function of family in American culture? The primary function of the family is to ensure the continuation of society, both biologically through procreation, and socially through socialization. Given these functions, the nature of one's role in the family changes over time. How do you deal with family dynamics? 7 Strategies to Deal With Difficult Family Members - Don't try to fix the difficult person. Accept them exactly as they are. ... - Be present and direct. ... - Do encourage difficult people to express themselves. ... - Watch for trigger topics. ... - Know that some topics are absolutely off-limits. ... - It's not about you — usually. ... - Your own well-being comes first. What are the 7 types of families? - Nuclear Family. The nuclear family is the traditional type of family structure. ... - Single Parent Family. The single parent family consists of one parent raising one or more children on his own. ... - Extended Family. ... - Childless Family. ... - Step Family. ... - Grandparent Family. How do you deal with a negative family member? Strategies to Deal With Negative Family Members - Be yourself. If you aren't a negative person, don't be negative even when they are. - Avoid problem-solving. Someone who is depressed or always negative will not respond well at your attempts to seemingly "fix" them. - Don't take it personally. What is a toxic family? A toxic family is one where your family members don't respect your boundaries. Toxic family members create an unhealthy family situation. Toxic family members also build stressful interpersonal relationships and cause mental and emotional distress.25 ก.พ. 2564 - Why am I itching all over my body with no rash? - What does generalized osteopenia mean? - What causes seizures in adults with no history? - What causes unprovoked seizures? - What is a generalized onset seizure? - How many types of quantifiers are there? - What is generalized pustular psoriasis? - How is generalized hyperhidrosis treated? - What is the power rule in calculus? - Why do you have to rationalize the denominator? 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Give story writing a “new spin” using the TechnoKids project TechnoDrama. Have your students become digital storytellers. Instead of writing a story using paper and pencil, have them tell it using video, sound, and animation. This modern day form of storytelling is a great way for your students to express their creativity. What is so exciting about this project is that no high-tech devices are required. If your school has a video camera, web cam, digital camera, or even nothing at all, you can complete the activities. NOTE: This project has been a favorite for many years. Unfortunately, it is no longer available. To find other TechnoKids projects for elementary students view the Project Matrix or visit the TechnoKids website. The main difference between digital storytelling and traditional writing is that the events are not told with words, but digital images. In TechnoDrama, your students will follow all the stages of the writing process. They will plan their story, organize their ideas into a storyboard, write a script for the shots, edit the content of the video, and share their work with an audience. The goal throughout the activities is to produce a story that children will enjoy today using video equipment and Windows Movie Maker (which is part of Windows XP). The story students tell in the TechnoDrama project will be a remake of a classic nursery rhyme. These childhood favorites can be transformed by modernizing the tale, re-writing the ending, explaining the events in more detail, showing how the characters feel about the events, or changing the storyline to make it more entertaining. You may wonder “Why Nursery Rhymes?” Nursery rhymes are a great way to introduce digital storytelling to your students. This is because they are familiar and have a structure that easily can be divided into “shots”. Often when students are first introduced to video production they have BIG IDEAS. Sometimes these ideas are difficult to produce due to limits in time and resources. In addition, there is a lot of learning that needs to take place to understand how to handle the equipment, film action sequences, and edit video footage. You do not want to start something that can quickly become too difficult to manage. Modernizing nursery rhymes is a fun and easy way to introduce digital storytelling to your students. The TechnoDrama project begins with activities that help your students gain an understanding of digital storytelling. To start, they view modern-day nursery rhymes including a “new spin” on Humpty Dumpty and Little Boy Blue. After watching each video, they analyze the content of the story and the production techniques used. Once students are familiar with the look of a digital story, they prepare for the creation of their own nursery rhyme by learning how to use the video editing software Windows Movie Maker. Students import the raw footage used to make the Little Boy Blue sample, and edit the content by deleting unwanted frames, adding video effects, applying transitions, and inserting text overlays. The goal of this activity is to discover the capabilities of the program. Next, students operate a video capture device. They experiment with the program features in Windows Movie Maker to learn how to alter the microphone settings, color brightness, frames per second, and camera position. Once familiar with how to adjust the camera settings they practice recording quality video. With students now confident with the technology, they are ready to team up to produce their own digital story. As a group, students select a nursery rhyme, and determine how they would like to give the poem a “new-spin”. To do this they need to think critically about the content of the rhyme. For example, should Wee Willie Winkie be running through the town in his pajamas, does Peter Pumpkin Eater’s wife like living in a pumpkin, and what does Mary’s teacher say when she brings her lamb to school? Using a storyboard, they divide their idea into shots, outlining for each one the action, characters, background, words, camera settings, and props. Once they have all their ideas organized, students assemble the sets, enact the story events, and film the production. Following filming, each member of the production team takes their video footage and individually edits the content. By applying their knowledge of Windows Movie Maker, students produce a nursery rhyme that children will enjoy today. When their digital stories are finished, these modern day poems are shown to viewers. They are sure to become new childhood favorites! TechnoDrama is recommended for students in grades 3-5. Visit TechnoKids Store today!
todayDecember 11, 2023 Rwanda is renowned for its remarkable biodiversity, encompassing a wide array of ecosystems and a diverse range of flora and fauna. Located in the Albertine Rift eco-region, Rwanda boasts a significant number of mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, and plant species. However, this precious biodiversity is currently under threat due to various factors including habitat loss, poaching, and environmental degradation. It is imperative that we prioritize wildlife conservation and nature preservation initiatives to safeguard Rwanda’s unique wildlife and natural resources. – SEO relevant keywords: Rwanda biodiversity, wildlife conservation, ecological diversity, nature preservation. Rwanda’s biodiversity is shaped by its diverse range of ecosystems and habitats. The country is located in the Albertine Rift, which is considered one of Africa’s most biologically diverse regions. The habitats in Rwanda vary from afro-montane ecosystems in the northern and western regions to lowland forests, savannah woodlands, and savannah grasslands in the southern and eastern regions. There are also volcanic hot springs and old lava flows in the northern and western parts of the country. Additionally, Rwanda has several lakes and wetlands that are rich in different species. These diverse ecosystems host a wide variety of flora and fauna, including endemic and endangered species. Rwanda boasts a remarkable diversity of plant and animal species, making it a hotspot for biodiversity. With approximately 3000 plant species originating from different bio-geographical regions, Rwanda’s flora is a testament to its ecological richness. Many of these plant species are unique to the Albertine Rift, with around 280 species considered endemic to Rwanda. In addition to the floral diversity, Rwanda is home to a diverse array of fauna, including 151 mammal species, several primate populations, and over 670 recorded bird species. The endemic plant species found in Rwanda’s national parks and forests contribute to the country’s distinct ecological heritage. These plants have adapted uniquely to their local environments, playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance of Rwanda’s ecosystems. Some notable examples of Rwanda’s endemic flowering plants include the exquisite Impatiens rwandensis and the vibrant Lobelia lanurensis. In terms of animal species, Rwanda is known for its impressive primate populations, including the critically endangered mountain gorillas, the playful chimpanzees, and the charming golden monkeys. The country’s efforts to protect these primates have contributed significantly to their conservation and have garnered international attention. These primate species serve as flagship species, attracting tourists from around the world who come to witness these captivating creatures in their natural habitats. Rwanda’s avian diversity is also abundant, with over 670 different bird species recorded. From the majestic crowned cranes to the colourful bee-eaters, these avian inhabitants grace Rwanda’s skies, forests, wetlands, and savannahs with their striking plumage and melodious songs. Birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts flock to the country to spot rare and endemic species, making Rwanda a haven for bird tourism. Rwanda is committed to conserving its rich biodiversity and has implemented various initiatives to protect and preserve its natural resources. One of the key strategies employed is the establishment of protected areas that encompass national parks, natural forests, and wetlands. These protected areas cover approximately 10% of Rwanda’s national territory, acting as havens for a diverse array of plant and animal species. These protected areas play a crucial role in safeguarding the habitats and ensuring the survival of numerous species that are vital to the country’s ecosystem. They provide secluded environments where wildlife can thrive undisturbed, contributing to the overall biodiversity and ecological balance of Rwanda. Rwanda’s commitment to biodiversity conservation extends beyond its borders. The government actively participates in national and international biodiversity conservation initiatives. By engaging in collaborative efforts, Rwanda can share best practices, learn from others, and contribute to global conservation goals. Furthermore, Rwanda recognizes the importance of sustainable development in achieving long-term biodiversity conservation. The government strives to balance economic growth with environmental preservation to ensure that current and future generations can benefit from the country’s natural resources. By adopting sustainable practices, such as responsible land management and promoting eco-tourism, Rwanda aims to create economic opportunities while safeguarding its biodiversity. |Establishment of protected areas |To preserve habitats and protect diverse species |Participation in regional and international biodiversity conservation initiatives |To collaborate with other nations and contribute to global conservation goals |Promotion of sustainable development practices |To balance economic growth and environmental preservation Despite conservation efforts, Rwanda’s biodiversity faces several threats. Habitat loss due to deforestation, agriculture expansion, and urbanization is a significant challenge. Poaching and illegal wildlife trade pose a threat to various species, including the iconic mountain gorillas. Environmental degradation, such as soil erosion and water pollution, also affects the health of ecosystems and species. Human-wildlife conflict, particularly between farmers and wildlife, is another pressing issue that needs to be addressed to protect Rwanda’s biodiversity. Changes in biodiversity have a direct and far-reaching impact on ecosystem services, which play a vital role in supporting human well-being and the economy. Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans derive from nature, including clean water, air, food, climate regulation, pollination, and natural resources. The health and functionality of ecosystems are closely linked to the diversity of plant and animal species that inhabit them. The degradation or loss of biodiversity can have significant consequences for ecosystem services. For example, the decline in pollinator populations due to the loss of flowering plants can lead to reduced crop yields and impact food production. Moreover, the loss of biodiversity can disrupt nutrient cycling processes, affecting soil fertility and agricultural productivity. Socio-economic implications arise from changes in ecosystem services. The decline in clean water availability due to deforestation and watershed degradation can pose health risks and increase the cost of water treatment. Biodiversity loss can also negatively impact the tourism sector, as visitors are attracted to diverse and pristine natural environments. Additionally, the cultural significance of biodiversity cannot be ignored, as it holds deep-rooted value for local communities and their traditional practices. Protecting and restoring biodiversity is key to maintaining the flow of ecosystem services. By implementing conservation measures and sustainable land management practices, we can safeguard the critical services that ecosystems provide. This requires collaboration between governments, organizations, and local communities, as well as promoting awareness and understanding of the cultural significance of biodiversity. Only through these efforts can we ensure the long-term well-being of both ecosystems and human societies. |Impact of Biodiversity Change |Loss of biodiversity can lead to water pollution, reduced water availability, and increased treatment costs. |Decline in pollinator populations can reduce crop yields and affect food security. |Biodiversity loss can disrupt nutrient cycling processes, impacting soil fertility and agricultural productivity. |Loss of biodiversity can diminish the attractiveness of natural landscapes and negatively impact the tourism sector. |Biodiversity has cultural significance for local communities, who rely on natural resources for traditional practices and livelihoods. The Gishwati-Mukura Landscape Biosphere Reserve is a significant area for biodiversity conservation in Rwanda. It comprises the Gishwati Forest Reserve and the Mukura Forest Reserve, which are home to a variety of endemic and endangered species. The reserve plays a pivotal role in protecting primate species such as the Eastern Chimpanzee and the Golden monkey. It also supports sustainable economic activities for local communities, including agriculture, silvopastoralism, agroforestry, and tourism. Revenue generated from tourism contributes to community development projects, ensuring the coexistence of conservation and local livelihoods. Rwanda has shown a strong commitment to biodiversity conservation through various initiatives. The establishment of protected areas, community engagement, and international cooperation have all played a crucial role in safeguarding the country’s natural heritage. These conservation efforts align with the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, demonstrating Rwanda’s dedication to global conservation objectives. However, there are still significant challenges that need to be addressed to ensure the long-term preservation of Rwanda’s biodiversity. One of the key challenges is the impact of climate change on ecosystems. As temperatures rise and weather patterns become more unpredictable, plant and animal species face the risk of habitat disruption, range shifts, and increased vulnerability to diseases. It is imperative to develop strategies that mitigate the effects of climate change and promote the resilience of Rwanda’s ecosystems. Sustainable land management is another critical issue that requires attention. With a growing population and increasing demands for agricultural land, there is a risk of encroachment into natural habitats, leading to habitat loss and fragmentation. Balancing the needs of agriculture and conservation is essential to ensure the sustainable use of land resources while protecting biodiversity. Addressing human-wildlife conflicts is also crucial for the successful conservation of Rwanda’s biodiversity. As human populations expand and encroach on wildlife habitats, conflicts between communities and wildlife become more frequent. Finding innovative solutions that promote coexistence and reduce conflicts, such as community-based conservation initiatives and effective wildlife management strategies, is essential. The future of Rwanda’s biodiversity conservation lies in continued collaboration and innovation. It is essential to strengthen partnerships between government agencies, conservation organizations, local communities, and international stakeholders. Sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices will contribute to more effective conservation strategies and ensure that Rwanda’s unique flora and fauna are protected for future generations. Rwanda’s rich biodiversity is a precious resource that supports the country’s ecosystems and provides vital services to its people. However, this biodiversity faces numerous threats that necessitate immediate action in the areas of wildlife preservation, habitat conservation, and sustainable ecosystem management. By implementing effective conservation measures and promoting sustainable development practices, Rwanda can safeguard its unique flora and fauna for future generations, ensuring the continued well-being of its ecosystems and communities. With the establishment of protected areas and the involvement of local communities, Rwanda has demonstrated its commitment to biodiversity preservation. However, there are still challenges to be overcome. Climate change poses a significant threat to ecosystems, requiring adaptive measures to protect vulnerable species. Sustainable land management practices are also essential to mitigate habitat loss and degradation. Addressing human-wildlife conflicts is crucial to ensure the coexistence of wildlife and communities. By promoting education and awareness, Rwanda can foster economic activities that are compatible with wildlife conservation, generating sustainable livelihoods while preserving its natural heritage. Through international collaboration and innovation, Rwanda can continue to make strides towards the preservation of its biodiversity and the fulfillment of its sustainable development goals. Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth, including all living organisms, their genetic makeup, and the ecosystems they inhabit. Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the health and balance of ecosystems, providing essential ecosystem services such as clean water, pollination, and nutrient cycling. It also holds cultural significance and contributes to sustainable development. Rwanda’s biodiversity, including its diverse range of species and ecosystems, adds to its ecological richness and environmental beauty. It enhances the country’s natural heritage and provides numerous benefits to both nature and people. The major threats to Rwanda’s biodiversity include habitat loss due to deforestation and urbanization, poaching and illegal wildlife trade, environmental degradation, and human-wildlife conflict. Rwanda has established protected areas, such as national parks and natural forests, covering approximately 10% of its territory. The country also actively participates in biodiversity conservation initiatives and aims for sustainable development. Changes in biodiversity can lead to a decline in ecosystem services, which are important for human well-being and the economy. Loss or degradation of biodiversity can disrupt essential services like clean water, pollination, and nutrient cycling. The Gishwati-Mukura Landscape Biosphere Reserve encompasses the Gishwati Forest Reserve and the Mukura Forest Reserve. It plays a critical role in conserving endemic and endangered species, supporting sustainable economic activities, and promoting community development. Rwanda has made significant efforts in biodiversity conservation, establishing protected areas, engaging communities, and cooperating internationally. These initiatives align with global targets and sustainable development goals. Climate change impacts, sustainable land management, and addressing human-wildlife conflicts are among the future challenges for biodiversity conservation in Rwanda. Collaboration and innovation will be crucial to overcome these challenges. Written by: Jackie De Burca todayFebruary 13, 2024 todayFebruary 13, 2024
Assembly with other metals Copper is not endangered by other metals due to its position on the positive side in the electrochemical voltage series. However, if combined incorrectly with other metals, they can be endangered. In the electrochemical voltage series, the redox pairs are indicated with the corresponding voltage differences to hydrogen. Since the redox potential of hydrogen to water is almost zero, all other redox potentials are related to this pair. According to this, aluminium has a standard potential of -1.6 V and copper a standard potential of 0.337 V. Metals with a negative potential above hydrogen (e.g. aluminium) can give electrons to the H3O+ ions. In the process, hydrogen develops and the metal dissolves and goes into solution as an ion: these metals are called base metals. Metals with a positive potential below the hydrogen (e.g. copper) cannot react with the H3O+ ions. It follows that they are insoluble in acids (e.g. hydrochloric acid) because the H3O+ ion cannot do anything. These metals are called noble. Copper and stainless steel assembly The assembly of copper with stainless steel is considered harmless according to the current state of knowledge. Stainless steel refers to the stainless steels of material numbers 1.4301 (chrome-nickel steel) and 1.4401 (chrome-nickel-molybdenum steel) and 1.4571 that are commonly used in construction. Assembly of copper and aluminium In the past, the assembly of copper and aluminium was generally not considered permissible due to the potential difference in the electrochemical voltage series described above. According to more recent investigations, anodised pure aluminium (oxide layer thickness 20 μm) is only slightly affected by copper-containing water in its decorative appearance, but not in its function. Direct contact between these two materials should still be avoided. Today, aluminium components are usually provided with coloured coatings. These components can of course be combined with those made of copper without any problems. A slight attack can then only occur under unfavourable conditions at the unprotected cut edges of the aluminium parts. Behaviour in the atmosphere Especially under today’s environmental conditions, copper is an extraordinarily durable building material with a technical life expectancy of over 200 years. This durability is based on its ability to form a weather-resistant, adherent and non-toxic protective layer in the atmosphere. This oxide layer is inherently stable and self-healing. Regardless of its composition, it provides optimum protection against further corrosion attacks and thus guarantees high durability. Copper has a good resistance to building materials such as gypsum, lime and cement and is not endangered by condensation. Outside temperatures during copper processing Plumbers and installers appreciate the easy formability of copper during processing. The versatile material can be installed regardless of the outside temperatures, as copper is temperature-stable, does not age and does not become brittle. As there is no impairment of the formability of this material even at low temperatures, there are no restrictions in the processing temperatures. Are you looking for a different content?
In the simplest terms, the science of population ecology concerns itself with how and why a group of animals (or plants, bacteria, etc) changes in number over time. These changes occur -in their most distilled forms- through four relatively simple processes: births, deaths, immigration and emigration. For large-bodied and long-lived animals like giraffe, these processes are very often difficult to directly monitor and are generally inferred. The gestation period of a giraffe is over 14 months and the odds of being present at the precise moment of birth are exceedingly small. Every so often, however, researchers get lucky and witness these miraculous occasions. Such was the case on our latest demographic survey of the endangered Rothschild's giraffe in Murchison Falls National Park. During these surveys, we drive the entire extent of the park and photograph every giraffe that we encounter so that we can identify them by their unique spot patterns in attempt to understand and conserve this population. On this particular day, we were deep in the central region of Murchison Falls National Park, photographing a group of giraffe that frequents the open glades and surrounding dense woodland, when we noticed the large female struggling to give birth to its 150 pound calf. The process from the initial five-foot drop into the world, to the young giraffe's first steps occurred over the span of under an hour. It's an incredible progression from birth to mobility meant to give the calf the greatest chance of surviving this vulnerable stage. This young giraffe has a challenging time ahead of it - mortality is typically highest for giraffes in their first year- but if he survives, we will be able to monitor him as he potentially grows another fourteen feet in height.
Overview of the Circulatory System - Describe an open and closed circulatory system - Describe interstitial fluid and hemolymph - Compare and contrast the organization and evolution of the vertebrate circulatory system In all animals, except a few simple types, the circulatory system is used to transport nutrients and gases through the body. Simple diffusion allows some water, nutrient, waste, and gas exchange into primitive animals that are only a few cell layers thick; however, bulk flow is the only method by which the entire body of larger more complex organisms is accessed. Circulatory System Architecture The circulatory system is effectively a network of cylindrical vessels: the arteries, veins, and capillaries that emanate from a pump, the heart. In all vertebrate organisms, as well as some invertebrates, this is a closed-loop system, in which the blood is not free in a cavity. In a closed circulatory system, blood is contained inside blood vessels and circulates unidirectionally from the heart around the systemic circulatory route, then returns to the heart again, as illustrated in Figurea. As opposed to a closed system, arthropods—including insects, crustaceans, and most mollusks—have an open circulatory system, as illustrated in Figureb. In an open circulatory system, the blood is not enclosed in the blood vessels but is pumped into a cavity called a hemocoel and is called hemolymph because the blood mixes with the interstitial fluid. As the heart beats and the animal moves, the hemolymph circulates around the organs within the body cavity and then reenters the hearts through openings called ostia. This movement allows for gas and nutrient exchange. An open circulatory system does not use as much energy as a closed system to operate or to maintain; however, there is a trade-off with the amount of blood that can be moved to metabolically active organs and tissues that require high levels of oxygen. In fact, one reason that insects with wing spans of up to two feet wide (70 cm) are not around today is probably because they were outcompeted by the arrival of birds 150 million years ago. Birds, having a closed circulatory system, are thought to have moved more agilely, allowing them to get food faster and possibly to prey on the insects. Circulatory System Variation in Animals The circulatory system varies from simple systems in invertebrates to more complex systems in vertebrates. The simplest animals, such as the sponges (Porifera) and rotifers (Rotifera), do not need a circulatory system because diffusion allows adequate exchange of water, nutrients, and waste, as well as dissolved gases, as shown in Figurea. Organisms that are more complex but still only have two layers of cells in their body plan, such as jellies (Cnidaria) and comb jellies (Ctenophora) also use diffusion through their epidermis and internally through the gastrovascular compartment. Both their internal and external tissues are bathed in an aqueous environment and exchange fluids by diffusion on both sides, as illustrated in Figureb. Exchange of fluids is assisted by the pulsing of the jellyfish body. For more complex organisms, diffusion is not efficient for cycling gases, nutrients, and waste effectively through the body; therefore, more complex circulatory systems evolved. Most arthropods and many mollusks have open circulatory systems. In an open system, an elongated beating heart pushes the hemolymph through the body and muscle contractions help to move fluids. The larger more complex crustaceans, including lobsters, have developed arterial-like vessels to push blood through their bodies, and the most active mollusks, such as squids, have evolved a closed circulatory system and are able to move rapidly to catch prey. Closed circulatory systems are a characteristic of vertebrates; however, there are significant differences in the structure of the heart and the circulation of blood between the different vertebrate groups due to adaptation during evolution and associated differences in anatomy. Figure illustrates the basic circulatory systems of some vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. As illustrated in Figurea. Fish have a single circuit for blood flow and a two-chambered heart that has only a single atrium and a single ventricle. The atrium collects blood that has returned from the body and the ventricle pumps the blood to the gills where gas exchange occurs and the blood is re-oxygenated; this is called gill circulation. The blood then continues through the rest of the body before arriving back at the atrium; this is called systemic circulation. This unidirectional flow of blood produces a gradient of oxygenated to deoxygenated blood around the fish’s systemic circuit. The result is a limit in the amount of oxygen that can reach some of the organs and tissues of the body, reducing the overall metabolic capacity of fish. In amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, blood flow is directed in two circuits: one through the lungs and back to the heart, which is called pulmonary circulation, and the other throughout the rest of the body and its organs including the brain (systemic circulation). In amphibians, gas exchange also occurs through the skin during pulmonary circulation and is referred to as pulmocutaneous circulation. As shown in Figureb, amphibians have a three-chambered heart that has two atria and one ventricle rather than the two-chambered heart of fish. The two atria (superior heart chambers) receive blood from the two different circuits (the lungs and the systems), and then there is some mixing of the blood in the heart’s ventricle (inferior heart chamber), which reduces the efficiency of oxygenation. The advantage to this arrangement is that high pressure in the vessels pushes blood to the lungs and body. The mixing is mitigated by a ridge within the ventricle that diverts oxygen-rich blood through the systemic circulatory system and deoxygenated blood to the pulmocutaneous circuit. For this reason, amphibians are often described as having double circulation. Most reptiles also have a three-chambered heart similar to the amphibian heart that directs blood to the pulmonary and systemic circuits, as shown in Figurec. The ventricle is divided more effectively by a partial septum, which results in less mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Some reptiles (alligators and crocodiles) are the most primitive animals to exhibit a four-chambered heart. Crocodilians have a unique circulatory mechanism where the heart shunts blood from the lungs toward the stomach and other organs during long periods of submergence, for instance, while the animal waits for prey or stays underwater waiting for prey to rot. One adaptation includes two main arteries that leave the same part of the heart: one takes blood to the lungs and the other provides an alternate route to the stomach and other parts of the body. Two other adaptations include a hole in the heart between the two ventricles, called the foramen of Panizza, which allows blood to move from one side of the heart to the other, and specialized connective tissue that slows the blood flow to the lungs. Together these adaptations have made crocodiles and alligators one of the most evolutionarily successful animal groups on earth. In mammals and birds, the heart is also divided into four chambers: two atria and two ventricles, as illustrated in Figured. The oxygenated blood is separated from the deoxygenated blood, which improves the efficiency of double circulation and is probably required for the warm-blooded lifestyle of mammals and birds. The four-chambered heart of birds and mammals evolved independently from a three-chambered heart. The independent evolution of the same or a similar biological trait is referred to as convergent evolution. In most animals, the circulatory system is used to transport blood through the body. Some primitive animals use diffusion for the exchange of water, nutrients, and gases. However, complex organisms use the circulatory system to carry gases, nutrients, and waste through the body. Circulatory systems may be open (mixed with the interstitial fluid) or closed (separated from the interstitial fluid). Closed circulatory systems are a characteristic of vertebrates; however, there are significant differences in the structure of the heart and the circulation of blood between the different vertebrate groups due to adaptions during evolution and associated differences in anatomy. Fish have a two-chambered heart with unidirectional circulation. Amphibians have a three-chambered heart, which has some mixing of the blood, and they have double circulation. Most non-avian reptiles have a three-chambered heart, but have little mixing of the blood; they have double circulation. Mammals and birds have a four-chambered heart with no mixing of the blood and double circulation. Why are open circulatory systems advantageous to some animals? - They use less metabolic energy. - They help the animal move faster. - They do not need a heart. - They help large insects develop. Some animals use diffusion instead of a circulatory system. Examples include: - birds and jellyfish - flatworms and arthropods - mollusks and jellyfish - none of the above Blood flow that is directed through the lungs and back to the heart is called ________. - unidirectional circulation - gill circulation - pulmonary circulation - pulmocutaneous circulation Describe a closed circulatory system. A closed circulatory system is a closed-loop system, in which blood is not free in a cavity. Blood is separate from the bodily interstitial fluid and contained within blood vessels. In this type of system, blood circulates unidirectionally from the heart around the systemic circulatory route, and then returns to the heart. Describe systemic circulation. Systemic circulation flows through the systems of the body. The blood flows away from the heart to the brain, liver, kidneys, stomach, and other organs, the limbs, and the muscles of the body; it then returns to the heart.
English spelling can be a difficult concept to grasp. There are some words which are spelled differently depending on where they’re used, and some that are spelled in ways that don’t correlate at all with how they’re pronounced when spoken aloud. Fortunately, some spelling differences are easy to remember. The words forth and fourth only have one letter’s difference between them, but they are actually completely different parts of speech. Additionally, there is a very simple way to remember which word belongs in which context. In today’s world of word processors and online documents, most spell-checkers will correct you if you manage to use these words incorrectly. These programs are not perfect, however, so it still pays to know what these words mean. What is the Difference Fourth and Forth? In this article, I will compare fourth vs forth. I will use both of these words in at least one example sentence to illustrate their proper context. Plus, I will discuss a helpful mnemonic that you can use to decide whether you want to write fourth or forth. When to Use Fourth What does fourth mean? Fourth is an adjective. It describes an item in a sequence that is preceded by three other items, such that it forms the corollary to the number four. - The pitcher struck out the fourth batter he faced to end the inning. - The fourth day in July is preceded by three earlier days in July. - I bet $900 a horse named Chips Ahoy, but he finished fourth. - The software maker reported a fiscal fourth-quarter net loss last Wednesday as revenue fell 7.8%. –The Wall Street Journal When to Use Forth What does forth mean? Forth is a directional adverb. It means forward or ahead. You can see examples of its usage in the sentences below. - If we want to reach the castle, we must venture forth. - “Go forth and do likewise,” said the preacher. - “Sally forth and retrieve the hostages,” commanded the general. The popular phrase “back and forth” makes use of the word forth. - For a deal that took six months of battling back and forth, the message of its collapse was cursory. –The New York Times Trick to Remember the Difference It might be tempting to assume that forth and fourth are two different spellings of the same word, and that one is the American and one is the British spelling. This convention holds true for many similar words in which a U follows an O, and is in turn followed by a consonant. In this case, however, these two words are completely different. If the word you are using is an adjective, choose fourth. If you are using the word as an adverb, it should be spelled forth. A trick to remember forth vs. fourth: You can remember that fourth is an adjective describing a number in a sequence since it corresponds with the number four, and you write four on your way to spelling fourth. Is it forth or fourth? These two words, while spelled similarly, have completely different meanings and functions in the sentence. - Forth is an adverb that means forward or ahead. - Fourth is an adjective that means an item in a sequence preceded by three earlier items. The two words are never interchangeable; they are different parts of speech. You can remember that fourth represents a number in a sequence since its spelling includes the word four. To summarize, forth is an adverb, while fourth is an adjective. Please feel free to reread this post any time you aren’t sure whether you mean fourth or forth.
Does My Child Have a Mental Health, Emotional or Behavioral Disorder? Among all the dilemmas facing a parent of a child with emotional or behavioral problems, the first question — whether the child’s behavior is sufficiently different to require a comprehensive evaluation by professionals — may be the most troublesome of all. Even when a child exhibits negative behaviors, members of a family may not all agree on whether the behaviors are serious. Proactive Crisis Planning at School for Children with Mental Health Challenges This workshop will provide information on strengths-based planning in the school-setting. A proactive crisis plan can help support recovery and wellness, when children or teenagers with mental health needs have challenges regulating their emotions or problem solving at school. These experiences can escalate to a crisis when they lack the skills needed to regulate their emotions and manage their behavior. When developed in collaboration with your child, a proactive crisis plan can provide adults with the necessary knowledge and tools to lessen the intensity of the situation. How well do you know your Mental Health Facts? Having a mental health challenge or a behavioral disorder is more common than most people imagine. In fact, children are diagnosed with mental health disorders at a rate of 6.8% and at an even higher rate in adolescence. It is likely that each of us has known someone with a mental health or behavioral challenge or had one ourselves. Mental health disorders don’t discriminate based on age, race, gender, ethnicity, occupation, religion, economic class, or ethnic background. Misconceptions about mental health can contribute to the lack of funding and public support for effective treatment and supports for children and young adults. Check Your Knowledge True or False: Mental illnesses can be cured with willpower. False. A mental illness does not stem from character flaws, and willpower doesn’t cure a mental illness. Mental illness is a category of many different mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, anorexia, or bipolar disorder. Current research provides a better understanding of how the brain works and what happens when a child, youth, or adult experience challenges with thought, mood, behavior, or interactions with others. Just as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes are medical conditions, so is mental illness. To learn more about mental illness and brain research: True or False: A youth who has biological parents with a mental illness will also develop a mental illness. False. Research has found that having a biological relative such as a parent, grandparent, or sibling with a mental illness is a risk factor; it does not determine whether someone will develop a mental illness. Other risk factors associated with developing a mental illness include having a chronic medical condition, experiencing abuse as a child, experiencing traumatic life situations, exposure to toxins such as alcohol during pregnancy, or misuse of substances including alcohol or drugs. Research demonstrates that protective factors can help to counteract these risk factors. Examples of protective factors include a good social support system, adequate food, safe shelter, financial security, good problem-solving skills, and access to positive recreational activities. True or False: Children and teens can have a mental illness. True. Childhood mental health disorder is a term used to explain all mental disorders that can be diagnosed and begin in childhood. Many adults who have a diagnosed psychiatric disorder experienced the onset of their symptoms in adolescence or childhood. Embarrassment, fear, peer pressure, lack of community support, and stigma can prevent or delay a person from getting help. Early intervention is important to managing and recovering from mental health challenges. To learn more about children’s mental health: True or False: Children or youth with mental health challenges never get better. False. With the right kind of medical care, many children and youth who experience mental health challenges can and do lead healthy, productive, and satisfying daily lives. While the illness may not go away, the symptoms or challenges can be managed with appropriate treatment and support. Many individuals benefit from supports and interventions that are evidence-based and guided by principles of self-determination, recovery, and cultural competency. To learn more about leading healthy, productive, and satisfying daily lives: True or False: When children or youth receive a mental health diagnosis, they will have to take medications. False. A mental health diagnosis does not always mean the child or youth will need to take medications. Some children and youth benefit from medications as part of their overall treatment plan, but there are other interventions that can be considered. True or False: People with mental illnesses are violent. False. The majority of people living with a mental illness are not violent and are not at risk of becoming violent. One research study looked at violence risk among people with serious mental illness and found a mental health diagnosis is not a significant indicator of whether a person will be violent. Factors that do tell us something about whether a person might be at risk for violence include: (1) a history of violent victimization early in life; (2) substance use; and (3) exposure to violence in their environment. There are a small number of individuals who experience mental health challenges that can include aggression. For these individuals, access to treatment, supports, and timely intervention are necessary components for recovery. To learn more about mental health and violence: True or False: Having a mental illness is different than having an intellectual impairment. True. Many people confuse mental illnesses with intellectual disabilities, but they are different from each other. Mental illnesses are medical conditions that disrupt a person’s thinking, mood, daily functioning, or ability to relate to others. Intellectual disabilities are a type of developmental disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning (e.g., a person’s IQ or intellectual quotient) and adaptive behavior (social and practical skills). Individuals who have an intellectual disability are more susceptible to developing a mental illness. To learn more about mental illness and intellectual impairment: True or False: All youth who misuse drugs or alcohol are choosing not to get their act together. False. Youth who misuse drugs or alcohol may be doing so to self-medicate because of an unidentified or untreated mental health condition. They may also be struggling with an addiction that requires medical intervention. Ongoing alcohol and drug use can play a role in the development or worsening of some mental health symptoms and disorders. A youth struggling with alcohol or chemical use could benefit from a comprehensive professional evaluation to identify possible treatment or supports. True or False: Parents who have a mental illness can be good parents. True. The qualities that make “good parents” apply to all parents, including those who live with a mental illness. Some parents may require extra assistance with parenting tasks when faced with any medical condition or health challenge including a mental illness. Unfortunately, parents face significant barriers to accessing treatments and parenting supports because of the stigma associated with mental illness. Family life can be healthy and meaningful when both parents and children acknowledge and understand the illness, have support, and communicate with each other about the issues. To learn more about parenting with a mental illness: True or False: Schools have a responsibility to help children with mental health challenges. True. Children are required to attend school. Public schools are required to provide education for all students, including those with disabilities. There are options for a child with mental health challenges who is having difficulty with school, including both informal and formal supports. An informal support could be attending a “friendship group” or having a “check-in” person. A formal support might include having a 504 Plan, or doing an evaluation for Special Education services. Some schools have school-wide initiatives to promote the mental health and wellness of all students. These might include positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS), social-emotional learning (SEL) , school-linked mental health services, bullying prevention initiatives, trauma-informed care, and youth mental health crisis response services. To learn more about supports in schools: - apa.org – working with ethno-culturally diverse population - casel.org – effective social and emotional learning programs - PBISmn.org - research - nami.org – diverse communities - pbis.org – positive behavior support for family - samhsa.gov – serving the needs of diverse populations - usf.edu– school based mental health services Frequently Requested Resources Are you receiving frequent calls from school about your child having behavior problems? Would you like to feel more confident and prepared when attending a school meeting about your child’s behavior needs? This PACER publication can help you with strategies to more effectively communicate with school staff about your child’s challenging behaviors. It also includes questions you and your child’s school team can consider to help you better understand your child and their behavior needs. What’s really going on when your child throws a tantrum or has an extreme behavior that can’t be easily calmed? This PACER publication discusses behavior as a form of communication, identifies different factors that can influence a child’s behavior, and provides positive strategies for responding to challenging behavior Tips for Teachers, Principals and School Support staff from Students with mental health and behavioral disabilities Does your child with mental health needs tell you their teachers don’t understand them? Do you wish you had a resource for school staff that helped them better understand their challenges? Written by youth with mental health and behavioral challenges, this PACER publication provides ideas for parents to share with teachers, principals and school support staff when working with students with mental health needs. Explore All of Our Resources Student Success Stories Hello. My name is Oliver and I am 19 years old. I am a recent high school graduate and have been a Youth Board member and officer for 5 years. This fall I will be attending the University of Iowa. I have lots of hobbies including reading, listening to music, traveling, and watching sports. Anxiety has been a major challenge for me, and I have discovered that reading is a good coping tool. It kind of settles me down. The best tip I could give you today would be to see each and every person through their abilities and not their disabilities.
Science Summer Programs the world is teeming with opportunities for young, aspiring scientists, but the key to unlocking these opportunities often lies outside the traditional classroom setting. That’s where Science Summer Programs come into play. These specialized programs are designed to offer a deep dive into various scientific disciplines, providing hands-on experience, mentorship, and a unique learning environment that can’t be found in your regular school curriculum. Whether through residential camps or online science courses, various summer science programs are available to suit different interests. The Importance of Science in Today’s World In a world increasingly driven by technology and innovation, the importance of science cannot be overstated. From combating climate change to developing life-saving vaccines, science is at the forefront of addressing some of the most pressing challenges humanity faces. It’s not just about test tubes and lab coats; it’s about leveraging knowledge to create real-world solutions. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the demand for skilled scientists is skyrocketing. Industries from healthcare to aerospace constantly hunt for fresh talent—people who can think critically, solve problems, and innovate. And let’s not forget the role of science in informing public policy; the decisions that shape our world are increasingly reliant on scientific data. In essence, science isn’t just a subject; it’s a catalyst for change. Understanding the Importance of Summer Science Programs Summer science programs play a crucial role in the educational development of young students. These programs offer a range of benefits that go beyond classroom learning and traditional academic settings. Summer science programs provide a unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in science during their summer break. These programs are designed to be engaging and interactive, allowing students to explore scientific concepts in a hands-on environment. Students can apply their theoretical knowledge and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by participating in practical activities such as conducting experiments or designing projects. Furthermore, summer science programs foster teamwork and collaboration among participants. Students are often grouped to work on projects and activities, enhancing their communication and cooperation skills and exposing them to diverse perspectives and ideas. This collaborative environment encourages students to learn from one another and develop critical social skills essential for success in any field. Benefits of Engaging in Summer Science Programs Participating in summer science programs can have numerous advantages for students. Firstly, it allows them to explore and experiment in a hands-on environment, which enhances their understanding of scientific concepts. Students can apply their theoretical knowledge and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by engaging in practical activities, such as conducting experiments or designing projects. Furthermore, summer science programs encourage teamwork and collaboration as participants engage in group projects and activities. Working in teams fosters effective communication and cooperation and exposes students to diverse perspectives and ideas. Moreover, summer science programs allow students to interact with professionals in the field. Many programs invite guest speakers like scientists and researchers to share their experiences and insights with the participants. This exposure to real-world professionals inspires students and gives them a glimpse into the exciting career paths available in the STEM fields. How Summer Science Programs Foster Interest in STEM Fields One of the primary goals of summer science programs is to instill a love for STEM fields in young minds. By combining fun and educational activities, these programs strive to make science more accessible and enjoyable for participants. Through interactive experiments, field trips, and guest lectures by industry professionals, summer science programs expose students to a wide range of possibilities and exciting career paths within the STEM fields. In addition, these programs often include mentorship opportunities, where students can interact with scientists and researchers. Having role models who are passionate about science can inspire and motivate young learners to pursue further studies in STEM fields. The mentorship aspect of summer science programs allows students to gain valuable insights and guidance from professionals who have already made significant contributions to their respective fields. Furthermore, summer science programs often incorporate real-world applications of scientific concepts. By showcasing how scientific knowledge can be used to solve real-world problems, these programs help students understand the relevance and importance of STEM fields in today’s society. This practical approach to learning sparks curiosity and encourages students to think critically and creatively, preparing them for future challenges in the STEM fields. Types of Summer Science Programs Residential Science Camps Residential science camps are immersive experiences where participants live on-site for a designated period, usually a week or two. These camps offer hands-on activities, classroom learning, and recreational opportunities. Participants can engage in experiments, outdoor expeditions, and team-building exercises while living in a communal setting. Residential science camps provide a holistic experience, allowing students to develop their scientific knowledge and interpersonal skills in a fun and supportive environment. Imagine waking up to birds chirping and the fresh scent of nature in the air. At residential science camps, participants not only get to learn about science but also experience the wonders of living near nature. They can explore the surrounding forests, observe wildlife, and learn about the intricate ecosystems at their doorstep. These camps often have experienced instructors who guide students through various scientific experiments, helping them understand complex concepts through hands-on activities. From dissecting frogs to launching rockets, the possibilities for scientific exploration are endless. Moreover, residential science camps foster community and collaboration among participants. Students can form lasting friendships with like-minded individuals who share their passion for science while living together in cabins or dormitories. Day Science Programs Day science programs are ideal for students who prefer a more flexible schedule or cannot attend residential programs for various reasons. These programs typically run for a few hours daily, allowing participants to explore science through interactive workshops, lab sessions, and field trips. Day science programs provide an excellent balance between learning and relaxation, as students can return to the comfort of their homes at the end of each day. Imagine stepping into a state-of-the-art science laboratory equipped with cutting-edge equipment and technology. In day science programs, participants can conduct experiments under the guidance of experienced scientists and educators. From chemistry experiments that create vibrant explosions to biology dissections that reveal the intricacies of life, these programs offer a hands-on approach to learning that sparks curiosity and ignites a passion for science. Day science programs also often include exciting field trips to museums, science centers, and research institutions. Participants can explore interactive exhibits, discuss with scientists, and witness groundbreaking discoveries firsthand. These experiences deepen their understanding of scientific concepts and inspire them to pursue careers in STEM fields. Online Science Courses For students who prefer the convenience of learning from home, online science courses offer a convenient alternative. These courses provide many resources, including virtual experiments, lectures, and quizzes. Participants can access course materials at their own pace, allowing flexible scheduling. Online science courses provide an excellent option for students who want to further their scientific knowledge while having the freedom to control their learning environment. Imagine having access to a virtual laboratory where you can conduct experiments without the limitations of physical resources. Online science courses utilize interactive simulations and virtual experiments to provide students with a hands-on learning experience from the comfort of their own homes. They can explore the microscopic world, simulate chemical reactions, and observe the behavior of complex systems, all with just a few clicks. Furthermore, online science courses often offer opportunities for virtual collaboration and discussion forums, allowing students to connect with peers worldwide. Through online platforms, participants can engage in lively debates, share their insights, and learn from diverse perspectives. This global community of learners fosters a sense of curiosity and intellectual growth, making online science courses a genuinely enriching experience. Choosing the Right Summer Science Program Factors to Consider When Selecting a Program When deciding on a summer science program, several factors should be considered. Firstly, assessing the program’s curriculum and ensuring that it aligns with your interests and areas of curiosity is essential. Look for programs offering diverse topics and activities to keep participants engaged throughout the program. For example, a program that includes hands-on experiments, field trips to science museums, and guest lectures from experts in various scientific fields can provide a well-rounded experience. This kind of curriculum allows students to explore different branches of science, from biology to physics to chemistry, and discover their true passions. Additionally, consider the program’s duration and location. Shorter programs may be suitable for younger students or those new to the science camp experience, while more extended programs can provide a more in-depth exploration of scientific concepts. More extended programs often allow students to delve deeper into specific topics and engage in more extensive research projects. Furthermore, the location of the program can impact the overall experience. Some students thrive in a residential camp setting, where they can immerse themselves fully in the scientific community. Living on-site with fellow science enthusiasts can foster a sense of camaraderie and create lasting friendships. On the other hand, some students may prefer the flexibility of a day program, where they can return home each day and have time for other activities or commitments. Matching Programs with Your Interests Choosing a program that aligns with your interests and passions is crucial to maximizing the benefits of a summer science program. Assess their strengths and preferences to identify programs catering to their needs. For instance, if you are interested in marine biology, look for programs focusing on marine life and ecosystems. These programs may include snorkeling or scuba diving to explore underwater habitats, studying marine organisms in laboratories, or even participating in conservation efforts to protect marine ecosystems. On the other hand, if you are fascinated by astronomy, seek out programs that offer stargazing sessions, telescope workshops, and opportunities to learn about the latest discoveries in space exploration. These programs may also include visits to observatories or planetariums, where students can interact with professional astronomers and gain insights into the mysteries of the universe. You will likely remain engaged and motivated throughout the summer program by selecting a program tailored to your interests. This targeted approach allows them to delve deeper into their chosen field of study, interact with like-minded peers, and potentially even form connections with mentors who can guide them in their scientific journey. Preparing for a Summer Science Program What to Expect from a Science Program Before embarking on a summer science program, it’s essential to understand what to expect. These programs are designed to provide a hands-on learning experience where participants actively engage in scientific activities. Expect a combination of class lectures, practical experiments, and interactive workshops led by experienced instructors and professionals in the field. Additionally, anticipate working in teams and collaborating with fellow participants. Group projects and discussions are often integral to summer science programs, as they encourage critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills. Essential Items to Pack for a Science Camp When preparing for a residential summer science camp, it’s essential to pack the necessary items to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Clothing suitable for outdoor activities, such as hiking or field trips, is essential. Also, don’t forget to pack toiletries, towels, bedding, and any required medications or health-related items. It’s also advisable to bring a notebook, writing utensils, and a personal water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the camp. Maximizing the Summer Science Program Experience Tips for Active Participation Participants must actively engage and immerse themselves in the learning experience to make the most of a summer science program. Actively participate in class discussions, ask questions, and seek clarification when necessary. Additionally, take advantage of the program’s extra resources or opportunities, such as library access or additional workshops. Furthermore, collaborate and network with fellow participants. Not only can this enhance the learning experience, but it can also create lasting connections with like-minded individuals who share a passion for science. Encouraging Continued Learning Post-Program The benefits of a summer science program can extend beyond the program’s duration. Continue your scientific exploration even after the program ends. This can be done by visiting science museums, conducting experiments at home, or joining local science clubs or extracurricular activities. Students can maximize their learning experience and develop crucial skills by choosing the right program and actively participating. Embrace the summer season as a chance to delve into the wonders of science and ignite a lifelong passion for STEM fields. How Do Science Summer Programs Impact Your College Admissions? Admissions officers sift through thousands of applications, and they’re hunting for a story, a spark that sets you apart from the sea of well-qualified applicants. Participating in a Science Summer Program can provide you with that differentiating factor, that je ne sais quoi that elevates your application from the ‘maybe’ pile to the ‘yes’ pile. The Admissions Perspective: What Colleges Think Let’s get inside the minds of those elusive admissions officers for a moment, shall we? Contrary to popular belief, they’re not just looking for straight-A students but well-rounded individuals who can contribute meaningfully to their campus. Science summer programs are like gold mines in this regard. They show you’re academically inclined, proactive, curious, and willing to invest in your passions. These programs demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm that can’t be easily conveyed through test scores or GPAs. So, when an admissions officer sees that you’ve attended a Science Summer Program, it’s like a shorthand for a host of desirable qualities: initiative, dedication, and intellectual curiosity, to name a few. Portfolio Boost: How to Showcase Your Summer Experience Now that you’ve got this incredible experience, how do you flaunt it? Your portfolio is your stage. Include any research projects, experiments, or papers you’ve worked on during the program. Did you build a robot? Showcase it. Did you contribute to a groundbreaking study? Detail it. Photos, videos, and slides can serve as compelling visual aids. But don’t just list your activities; reflect on them. Discuss how they’ve shaped your perspective on science and your future career. This reflection adds depth to your portfolio and gives admissions officers a glimpse into your thought process and personality. Remember, Science summer programs are not just about what you did but also about how what you did shaped who you are. Scholarships and Grants: Financial Aid You Can Unlock Through These Programs Science summer programs can be pricey but can also open doors to various scholarships and grants. Many programs offer financial aid to attendees who demonstrate exceptional promise or need. But the economic benefits don’t stop there. The skills and experiences you gain can make you eligible for science-related scholarships at the college level. Some colleges even offer admission incentives to students who have completed prestigious summer programs. Your summer experience can become an investment, paying dividends through reduced tuition fees and other financial perks. Ready to Unlock Your Potential? Let AdmissionSight Guide You! You’ve explored the transformative world of Science Summer Programs and seen how they can be a game-changer for your college admissions journey. But navigating these opportunities can be overwhelming, and that’s where we come in. At AdmissionSight, we specialize in turning your college admissions dreams into reality. From identifying the perfect Science Summer Program tailored to your interests to crafting a standout college application that showcases your unique experiences and skills, we’ve got you covered. Our expert team offers personalized guidance every step of the way, ensuring that you get into the college of your dreams and thrive once you’re there. Take the Next Step: Schedule a Free Consultation with AdmissionSight Today! Don’t leave your future to chance. Leverage our expertise to maximize your potential and make your college admissions journey successful. Click the button below to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.
BILL OF EXCHANGE Business Low Notes Definition According to Section 5 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, A bill of exchange is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order, signed by the maker, directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money only to, or to the order of, a certain person or to the bearer of the Instrument. The definition of Bill of Exchange is very similar to that of a promissory note and for most purposes the rules which apply to notes are in general applicable to bills. The fundamental ingredients are the same. The drawer like the makers must be certain, the order to pay must be unconditional, the amount of Bill and the payee and the drawer, must be certain and the contract must be in writing. The maker of a note corresponds to the acceptor of a bill, and when a note is endorsed it is exactly similar to a bill, for then it is an order by the endorser of the note upon the maker to pay the endorsee. The endorser is, as it were, the drawer, the maker, the acceptor and the endorsee is the payee. But a bill differs from a note in some particulars. The usual form of a bill of Exchange is given below: Hare Sultan Singh is the drawee and X Y Z is the drawer or maker of the bill. Here X.Y.Z. is the drawer, Ram is the payee and Sultan Singh is the drawee. Essentials of a Bill of Exchange - It must be in writing and may be in any - It must be an order to pay by the drawer to the - The order to pay must be unconditional. If the order to pay is conditional, the bill of exchange becomes - There are three parties in a bill of - Drawer: The person who makes the - Drawee: The person who is ordered to pay or on whom the bill is - Payee: The person who is to receive the - The bill must be signed by the drawer otherwise it will become an inchoate instrument. - The order to pay must be of a certain sum and it must be in money - The payee and drawee must be - It must be properly stamped under the Indian Stamp Distinction between Bill and Note The below given differences are enumerated from the above meanings of both the instruments— - In a note there are only two parties – the maker and the payee. In a bill there are three parties namely, drawer, drawee, and payee; though two out of three capacities may be filled by one and the same person. In a bill the drawer is the maker who orders the drawee to pay the bill to a person called the payee or to his When the drawee accepts the bill he is called the acceptor. - A note cannot be made payable to the maker himself, while in a bill the drawer and payee or drawee and payee may be the same person: - A note contains an unconditional promise by the maker to pay to the payee or his order; in a bill there is an unconditional order to the drawee to pay according to the drawer’s - A note is presented for payment without any prior acceptance to the maker. A bill payable after sight must be accepted by the drawee or some one else on his behalf before it can be presented for - The liability of the maker of a note is primary and absolute, but the liability of the drawer of a bill is secondary and conditional. He will be liable only if the bill is not accepted or paid by the drawer. - The maker of the note stands in immediate relation with the payee, while the maker or drawer of an accepted bill stands in immediate relation with the acceptor and not the - Foreign bills must be protested for dishonour when each protest is required to be made by the law of the country where they are drawn but no such protest is necessary in the case of the - When a bill is dishonoured, due notice of dishonour is to be given by the holder to the drawer and the intermediate indorsers, but no such notice need be given in the case of a Types of Bill of Exchange Business Low Notes :- A bill of exchange may be an Inland bill.or a Foreign bill. Originally, bill was a means by which a trader in one country paid a debt in another country without the transmission of coin. An Inland bill is drawn and payable in India or drawn in India upon some person resident in India, even though it is made payable in a foreign country. A bill which is not Inland is a Foreign Bill (Sec. 12). Legitimately speaking, an accommodation bill is not a bill as such. It is simply a mode of accommodating a friend in business. For example, A may be in want of money and approach his friend B and C who, instead of lending the money directly, propose to draw an ‘Accommodation Bill’ in his favour. A promises to reimburse C before the period of the bill is up (which is generally 3 months). If the credit of B and C is good, this device enables A to get an advance from his banker at the commercial rate of discount. The real debtor in this case is not C, the acceptor, but A the payee who has engaged to find the money for its ultimate payment, and A is here the principal debtor and the others merely sureties. Thus, as between the original parties to the bill the one who would prima facie be principal is in fact, the surety whether he be drawer, acceptor or indorser, that bill is an accommodation bill. Rights to Duplicate Bill Where the bill is not overdue but has been lost, the person who was holder of it may apply to the drawer, to give him another bill of the same tenor, giving security to the drawer if required, to indemnify him against all persons whatever in case the bill alleged to have been lost shall be found again. If the drawer refuses to give such duplicate bill may be compelled to do so by means of a suit. Holder is the person who can ask for a duplicate. A demand draft is a bill of exchange drawn by a bank on another bank, or by itself on its own branch, and is a negotiable instrument. It is like a cheque but differs in certain respects. First, it can be drawn only by a bank on another bank and not by a private individual as in the case of cheques. As against a cheque, it cannot be countermanded easily either by its purchaser or by the bank to which it is presented. Finally, it cannot be made payable to bearer. These days it is a popular mode of making payments. Banks charge a nominal amount of commission for this service. Business Low Notes Bill in Sets Foreign bills are generally drawn in sets of three each. According to S. 132, bill of exchange may be drawn in parts, each part being numbered and containing a provision that it shall continue to be payable so long as the other part remains unpaid. All the parts together make a set but the whole set constitutes one bill and is extinguished when one of the parts, if a separate bill, would be extinguished. The bills are drawn in sets, in foreign trade in order to facilitate prompt and easy presentation for acceptance and payment. It also reduces the risk of loss in course of transit. Business Low Notes :- As stated earlier in this chapter, the negotiable instrument act covers only three types of instruments, viz. promissory note, bill of exchange and cheque. Hundi is not given in the definition of a negotiable instrument in the act. Hundi is one of the oldest instrument prevalent in Indian business world. Hundis are governed by local usages or customs but where the act is contrary to the customs, the local usages or customs will apply. But in the absence of any usages or customs, the provisions of this act will apply. The word Hundi is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Hund’, which means to ‘collect’. Hundi is generally drawn in a vernacular language according to Indian mercantile common law and customs. It is sometimes drawn as a promissory note. Sometimes, a hundi is accompanied by ZIKRI CHIT. The zikri chit is written by the drawer or any other prior party and addressed to some respectable person requesting him to honour-the hundi if it is dishonoured for non-payment or for any other reason. Thus it serves as a letter of protection. Types of hundis - Darshni Hundi : It is payable at sight or on No days of grace are allowed. - Nam Jog Hundi: It is payable to the person named in it or to his order. It is also called as ‘farmanjog hundi’. It can be negotiated by endorsement and delivery alone like a bill of - Muddati Hundi : It is payable after the expiry of a fixed period. Days of grace are allowed as per local customs . - Jawabi Hundi : The person who has to remit the money writes a letter to the payee. The payee directs him to make the payment on his Once the payee has obtained payment after the arrival of the letter, he sends his reply (jawab) for the receipt of payment. Through this method money can be passed on from one place to another place. For example, Anand in Delhi owes Rs. 10,000 to Bihari in Kanpur, Rarn in Meerut owes Rs. 10,000 to Anand in Delhi, Ram wants to make payment to Anand. Anand writes to Ram directing him to make payment to Bihari and send the ‘javvab’ intimating him the payment to Bihari. Similarly Bihari is also requested to send reply soon after he is paid by Ram. - Shah Jog Hundi : The word shah means a person of repute and wealth. This hundi is an instrument payable to bearer, negotiable by delivery al.one and payable only to a shah. A shah Jog hundi passes from person to person by delivery only, sirlce no endorsement is needed. The shah after making due enquiries regarding its validity will present it to drawee for final settlement. In case of any fraud, the shah is bound to refund the amount of hundi with - Dhanijog Hundi : It is payable to the holder or to the bearer but the payer must ensure that its payment is being made to the real owner of - Nishanjog Hundi : Where the drawer does not write the name of the payee but simply parts a private code on the hundi which a drawee should decipher before making payment. This is payable only when the payee produces a person to the drawee who identifies the - Jokhmi Hundi : It is drawn by the seller upon the buyer in lieu of the price of goods sold. The buyer accepts it for payment conditional upon the’receipt of goods bought. It is some sort of combination of bill of exchange and insurance Strictly speading it can nor be placed in the category of a negotiable instrument because it is conditional. - Khoti Hundi : It is a hundi whose genuineness is in doubt or which is a forged - Khoka Hundi : It is a hundi whose amount has been
Design and Technology All children will be given the opportunity to: - Develop a critical awareness of the “made” and natural world, of the environment and of different cultures and times. - Promote an understanding of the potential of and an expertise in those activities, which are involved in designing and making. - Foster curiosity, ingenuity and imagination through personal involvement with ideas and materials. - Be aware that aspects of design and technology can determine forms, content and appearance of the “made” and natural world. - Encourage the special aptitudes and interests of the individual. - Increase children’s understanding of physical, social, emotional, intellectual and aesthetic needs of people, which change throughout life. - Develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and safely so that they can participate successfully in an increasingly technological world - Build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users - Critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others - Understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook. Design and Technology is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. We have recently invested in the Kapow scheme of work which will be fully implemented across the school from September 2023. The scheme allows full National Curriculum coverage and has clear progression to develop skills and knowledge in the subject. Through the use of engaging and knowledge- rich lessons, each year group can complete projects over a 5-week block. DT blocks of lessons are alternated with Art and Design blocks of lessons. The subject coordinator provides a long-term planning overview and curriculum map to show how Design and Technology is taught across the school. A progression map of skills and vocabulary is also provided. Class teachers follow the long-term overview designed by the Design and Technology coordinator and Art and Design coordinator. Teachers then use the short-term plans provided by Kapow to teach and deliver each block of lessons, whilst adapting them, where necessary, to suit the needs of individuals. Design and Technology is divided into the following categories: -Cooking and Nutrition -Electrical Systems (Ks2 only) The Design and Technology units for each year band, which cover all of the categories progressively through Kapow, are listed below: - Year 1: Fruit and Vegetables, Making a moving story book, Constructing a windmill, Puppets and Wheels and Axels. - Year 2: A balanced diet, Fairground wheel, Making a Moving Monster, Baby Bear’s Chair and Textile pouches. - Year 3: Egyptian Collars- Cross stitch and Applique, Electric posters, Pneumatic Toys, Constructing a Castle and Eating seasonally. - Year 4: Torches, Slingshot cars, Adapting a recipe, Fastenings and Pavilions. The Year 4 children also have planned cooking and nutrition sessions through the ‘Adopt a School Programme’ which are led by “Savoy Chef” Idris Caldora one morning each term.
In 1991, the USSR announced the independence of its former republics. After 1991, the privatized farms could not afford fertilizers or new machinery, causing yields to drop. Up to 1991, the Soviet Union was the world’s second leading power; yet despite its state-owned farming collectives yielding vast quantities of grain, vegetables, crops, fruit, dairy and meat, one quarter of output was wasted and the USSR had insufficient food to feed itself. There were often shortages of meat, milk, butter, grain (including feed) and vegetables. Most of the prime agricultural land was in western and central Russia (the steppes) with the rich black earth producing large grain yields, sugar beet, vegetables and livestock. Vineyards and grain production was found around the Black Sea. Cottons, orchards, vineyards and silk were produced in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Reindeer herding was practised in north Siberia. Sheep, cattle and goats grazed in the deserts and mountains of Russian Asia.
Blood pressure is measured in many ways including manual, automatic, cellular phone applications, and arterial catheters. Whatever method is used, blood pressure must be measured using validated equipment. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that blood pressure is often not measured accurately in clinical practice, particularly when using the auscultatory/manual method. It is important to ensure correct technique to obtain an accurate measurement. Points to Consider Take blood pressure in both arms when you measure a client’s blood pressure for the first time. A small difference in blood pressure between the arms is often normal. Differences of greater than 10 mm Hg systolic between the arms are investigated further because this finding has been associated with vascular disease and mortality outcomes. Measure subsequent blood pressures in the arm with the higher blood pressure. Blood pressure is generally taken in a sitting or supine position with the bare arm at heart level (OER #1). Certain health states prevent some clients from sitting, such as clients who are critically ill, unstable, or postoperative. Thus, healthcare providers document the client’s positioning (e.g., sitting, supine, standing). If sitting, the feet are placed flat on the floor with the back resting comfortably against a chair. The healthcare provider checks to ensure that the client’s legs are not crossed, because this can increase blood pressure. The client sits resting for five minutes before you take the blood pressure. This waiting period is not feasible when the client’s condition is deteriorating or a STAT blood pressure is required. Cuff Types and Sizes Manual and automatic blood pressure measurement involves using a blood pressure cuff with a sphygmomanometer. Many cuff sizes are available to fit newborns, children, adults, people with small and larger arms, and people with cone-shaped arms. The cuff is typically wrapped around the upper arm. However, there is also a cuff that can be placed on the thigh when the arm is not feasible. See Figure 5.1 of varying blood pressure cuff sizes. Figure 5.1: Varying blood pressure cuff sizes It is important to choose a cuff size that matches the client’s arm size, rather than their age. See Table 5.2 about cuff sizing. See Film Clip 5.1 of a demonstration of accurate cuff sizing. Table 5.2: Cuff Sizing |The width of the cuff is 40% of the person’s arm circumference |The length of the cuff’s bladder is 80–100% of the person’s arm circumference Film clip 5.1: Accurate cuff sizing Alternatively, if viewing textbook as a pdf, use this link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/uNTMwoJTfFE?rel=0 Before placing the blood pressure cuff on the client’s arm, palpate the brachial artery just above the antecubital fossa medially (OER #1). To do this, palpate the bicep tendon at the antecubital fossa. Move 2 cm medially from the tendon and 2–3 cm above the antecubital fossa. Press firmly to feel the brachial pulse. Wrap the blood pressure cuff securely and evenly around the client’s upper, bare arm (not over clothing) with the cuff’s artery marker aligned with the brachial artery. Thigh blood pressure is indicated when blood pressure cannot be taken on the arm, such as when clients have bilateral amputation or burns. Thigh blood pressure is also done on children and adolescents with unusually high blood pressure in the arm and to compare differences between upper and lower extremities. In such cases, coarctation of the aorta (a congenital narrowing of the aorta) is possible. The thigh systolic blood pressure is 10–40 mm Hg higher than the arm systolic blood pressure, while the thigh diastolic blood pressure is approximately the same as the arm. To obtain thigh blood pressure, the client must be in prone position. Place the cuff around the bottom third of the client’s thigh. The cuff’s artery line is aligned with the popliteal artery. The popliteal artery can be located in the popliteal fossa. Palpate the medial tendon and move the pads of your three fingers lateral to the tendon. Press your fingers into the femur or tibia bone. Continue with the same process as noted above in terms of taking blood pressure. Blood Pressure Methods Manual blood pressure measurement is taken using a blood pressure cuff with a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope. See Figure 5.2. This technique is detailed on next page. Figure 5.2: Blood pressure cuff with a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope Automatic blood pressure cuffs are a digital way to measure blood pressure. See Figure 5.3. After positioning the client and the blood pressure cuff on the arm, press the start button on the monitor. The cuff is automatically inflated and then, deflates at a rate of 2 mm Hg per second. The monitor has a digital display that shows the blood pressure reading when done. Automatic cuffs can be programmed to take a series of blood pressure readings in a row. If the healthcare provider is concerned about an initial high blood pressure reading on a client, the accuracy of the blood pressure is verified with the following actions: - have the client sit in a room by themselves - quiet the room - dim the lights - allow the client to sit quietly, without talking - then take three measurements, a few minutes apart, with the automatic cuff. The blood pressure displayed is an average of the three readings. Figure 5.3: Automatic blood pressure cuffs Clients can monitor their own blood pressure at home with an automatic digital blood pressure monitoring device. Clients are advised to use a device that meets the standards of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, the requirements of the British Hypertension Society protocol, or the International Protocol for Validation of Automated Blood Pressure Measuring Devices. The cuff is applied around the client’s upper arm or wrist. Similar to the automatic cuff noted above, the client presses the start button and the cuff inflates and deflates based on programmed levels displaying a digital reading. Clients are encouraged to document their blood pressure or use a device with data-recording capabilities to increase the reliability of their reported home blood pressure monitoring. These data can be shared with the client’s primary care provider. Arterial catheters are an invasive way to measure blood pressure and are only used in critical care situations when continuous blood pressure monitoring and arterial blood gas draws are required. This involves insertion of a catheter (similar to an intravenous) into the artery. The catheter is connected to a pressure transducer and monitor that provide a digital blood pressure reading. Cellular phone applications have been developed to measure blood pressure, but the accuracy of this technology is still being investigated. Points to Consider Avoid using an automatic blood pressure cuff if the systolic pressure is less than 90 mm Hg in an adult, the pulse is rapid or the rhythm is irregular, and/or the client is experiencing shivers or tremors. It is best to also complete a manual blood pressure measurement to validate the accuracy of the automatic blood pressure measurement. Part of this content was adapted from OER #1 (as noted in brackets above): © 2015 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Download this book for free at http://open.bccampus.ca
What Should I Write As a teacher, you may want to make a Christmas speech for students that is fun, festive, and educational. Here are some steps you can follow to write a good speech: - Decide on the tone and style of your speech. Do you want to be formal or informal, serious or humorous, informative or inspirational? Depending on your audience, purpose, and occasion, you may choose a different tone and style for your speech. For example, if you are speaking to young children, you may want to use simple language, colorful images, and funny stories. If you are speaking to older students, you may want to use more sophisticated vocabulary, relevant facts, and motivational quotes. - Choose a topic and a theme for your speech. What do you want to talk about and what message do you want to convey to your students? You can chosose a topic that relates to Christmas, such as its history, traditions, symbols, or values. You can also choose a theme that connects to your topic, such as gratitude, generosity, kindness, or hope. For example, you can talk about the origin and meaning of the Christmas tree and how it represents the theme of hope. Write your speech using a clear structure. A typical speech structure consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. You can use the following template to help you organize your thoughts: Greet your students and introduce your topic and theme. Capture their attention with a hook, such as a question, a fact, a story, or a joke. For example, you can start with something like this: Hello, my dear students. I am so happy to see you all here today for our Christmas celebration. Do you know why we have a Christmas tree in our classroom? Do you know what it means and where it comes from? Well, today I am going to tell you a fascinating story about the Christmas tree and how it relates to our theme of hope. Develop your topic and theme using main points and supporting details. Use transitions to connect your ideas and make your speech flow smoothly. You can use the following format to structure each point: - Point: State your main idea in one sentence. - Explanation: Explain what you mean by your point and why it is important or relevant to your topic and theme. - Example: Provide some facts, figures, stories, or images to illustrate your point and show its impact or significance. - Link: Relate your point back to your topic and theme and lead to the next point. For example, you can use something like this: - Point: The Christmas tree is a symbol of hope that dates back to ancient times. - Explanation: Long before Christianity, people in many cultures used evergreen trees, branches, and wreaths to decorate their homes and temples during the winter solstice. They believed that the evergreens represented the promise of life and renewal in the dark and cold season. - Example: For instance, the ancient Egyptians used palm branches to celebrate the return of the sun god Ra. The ancient Romans decorated their homes and tepmles with fir trees and laurel wreaths to honor Saturn, the god of agriculture and harvest. The ancient Celts hung mistletoe over their doors and windows to bring good luck and protection. - Link: These are just a few examples of how the evergreens were used as a sign of hope in different civilizations. They showed that people had faith in the future and looked forward to the spring. Later, the Christians adopted the evergreen tree as a symbol of their hope in Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Summarize your main points and restate your theme. End with a memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on your students. You can use a call to action, a challenge, a wish, or a quote. For example, you can end with something like this: In conclusion, I hope you enjoyed learning about the Christmas tree and how it expresses our theme of hope. Hope is a powerful and beautiful thing that can inspire us to overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal. As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember to have hope in ourselves, in each other, and in God. Let us also share our hope with those who need it most. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a hopeful new year. Thank you for listening. Tips Writing Christmas Speech Here are some tips for writing an effective Christmas speech by a teacher for students: - Keep it short and sweet. Students have short attention spans, so 2-3 minutes is ideal. - Wish them a merry Christmas and happy holidays. This is the main purpose of the speech. - Thank the students for their hard work and accomplishments over the semester/year. Highlight a few things the class achieved together. - Encourage the spirit of giving and kindness over the holidays. Suggest small acts of service students can do for others. - Remind students to be safe and spend quality time with family/friends. - Express how much the teacher enjoys being part of their learning journey. - Look back on fun memories and inside jokes from the classroom. - Incorporate a short Christmas story, poem, or quote to add meaning. - Practice and time the speech to ensure it’s concise. - Make eye contact and speak clearly for all to hear. Smile to engage students. - Consider including a holiday-themed craft for students to take home. - Conclude by wishing them happy holidays and see you in the new year. The goal is to spread Christmas cheer and remind students of their teacher’s support over the break. Keep it lighthearted while reinforcing key lessons and values. Example Christmas Speech 1 Hello, my dear students. I am so glad to see you all here today for our Christmas party. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who came to bring us love, joy, and peace. It is also a time to reflect on the past year and appreciate all the blessings we have received. As your teacher, I want to share with you some of the things that I am grateful for in 2023. First of all, I am grateful for you, my students. You are the reason why I love my job and why I come to school every day. You have shown me your enthusiasm, curiosity, and creativity in your learning and projects. You have also shown me your kindness, respect, and cooperation in your interactions with me and with each other. You have made me proud and happy with your achievements, progress, and growth. You have made this classroom a fun and friendly place to be. You are the best gift that I could ever ask for. Second, I am grateful for your parents and guardians, who have supported you and me throughout this year. They have provided you with the resources, guidance, and encouragement that you need to succeed. They have also communicated with me and helped me with any issues or concerns that arose. They have been understanding, flexible, and cooperative, especially during the challenging times of the pandemic. They have been wonderful partners in your education and well-being. They deserve our thanks and appreciation. Third, I am grateful for our school staff and administration, who have worked hard to make our school a safe and conducive environment for learning and teaching. They have ensured that we have the facilities, equipment, and materials that we need. They have also organized and facilitated various activities, events, and programs that have enriched our school life and culture. They have been supportive, helpful, and professional in their roles and responsibilities. They have been invaluable members of our school community. In conclusion, I want to thank you all for being part of this amazing year. We have learned a lot, had a lot of fun, and faced some difficulties and uncertainties. But we have overcome them with courage, resilience, and solidarity. We have also shown our gratitude, joy, and peace to each other and to the world. As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember the true meaning of this season: the gift of God’s love in Jesus Christ, who came to save us and give us eternal life. Let us also look forward to the new year with optimism, enthusiasm, and faith. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. God bless you all. Example Christmas Speech 2 Good morning and Merry Christmas! As we gather here today to celebrate the joyous occasion of Christmas, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude. The holiday season always brings a special kind of magic, and being able to share it with all of you, my wonderful students, is truly a blessing. Christmas is a time of wonder, love, and giving. It is a time when we come together as a community to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and to spread joy and warmth to those around us. But it is also a time of reflection and gratitude, a time to appreciate the journey we have had this year and to set our sights on the future. As your teacher, I have had the privilege of witnessing your growth and development throughout this year. I have seen you overcome challenges, embrace new knowledge, and discover your own unique talents. Each and every one of you has brought something special to our classroom, and for that, I am incredibly proud. At Christmas, we have the opportunity to extend our love and kindness beyond the walls of our school. It is a time to think about those less fortunate and to lend a helping hand. Whether it is through volunteering, donating to a charitable cause, or simply showing compassion to those around us, we can make a difference in the lives of others. This holiday season, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. It is not just about the presents or the decorations; it is about the love and joy that we share with one another. It is about cherishing the time spent with our loved ones, creating memories, and spreading happiness wherever we go. As we approach the end of the year, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Thank you for your dedication, your enthusiasm, and your unwavering commitment to learning. It is because of you that I am reminded every day why I chose to become a teacher. In conclusion, I wish you all a Christmas filled with laughter, love, and joy. May your hearts be filled with the magic of the season, and may the spirit of Christmas guide you in all that you do. Remember, you have the power to make a difference, not just during this festive season, but throughout your lives. Thank you, and Merry Christmas! Example Christmas Speech 3 Merry Christmas everyone! Today we celebrate the joy and love that this special season brings. As our tradition here at [insert school name], we take time to appreciate the kindness and generosity that makes our community so strong. Firstly, I would like to thank all of the teachers, staff, and parents who have worked tirelessly to make this holiday season possible for us. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and we are grateful for everything you do to support our education and well-being. To my fellow students, I encourage each one of you to embrace the true spirit of Christmas by spreading love, understanding, and compassion to those around you. Remember that every small act of kindness can bring happiness and hope to someone in need. As we gather together during this festive period, let us remember the importance of family, friendship, and unity. May the values we learn and practice during this time of year staay with us throughout the coming year, guiding us towards becoming better individuals and citizens of the world. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for being such an amazing group of students. You bring light and energy into my life every day, and I am honored to be your teacher. So, as we close out this year and look forward to the new one ahead, let us all strive to create a brighter future filled with peace, tolerance, and endless opportunities for growth and success. Merry Christmas once again, and may your hearts remain full of joy and wonder! Thank you. Example Christmas Speech 4 Good morning class! I hope you’re all feeling festive as we near the Christmas holiday. I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I’ve enjoyed teaching you all this semester. From our experiments in science class to reading Shakespeare plays, you’ve all worked so hard and I’m very proud of your progress. I still remember our first day in this classroom back in August. Some of you were nervous, but you’ve really come out of your shells and become a wonderful community of learners. I’ll always smile when I think of the time we did the cookie lab and half the class ended up with chocolate chips in their hair! This year has been full of fun memories we’ll never forget. Christmas is a special time to be with family and friends. I hope you each find time to relax and recharge over your break. But I also hope that while you’re enjoying hot cocoa by the fire, you’ll look for small ways to spread kindness to others. Maybe help your neighbors by shoveling their walkway. Or write a note to someone who needs cheering up. Acts of love and service are what the holidays are all about. Before you head out today, I have a little craft for each of you to take home. I made these snowflake ornaments as a symbol of each unique student in the class. Please hang them on your tree with care. I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas! Eat lots of cookies, open presents slowly, and I’ll see you in the new year – refreshed and ready to learn more! Thank you and happy holidays everyone! Example Christmas Speech 5 Good morning boys and girls. I hope you are all excited for the Christmas break! I want to begin by wishing each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May this festive season fill your hearts with love, joy and laughter. As we know, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who brought the message of love, peace and goodwill. His life teaches us the importance of sahring, caring and spreading happiness wherever we go. This Christmas, I encourage you all to think of ways you can bring a smile to someone’s face. Visit a elderly neighbor and sing them a Christmas carol. Donate some of your old toys and clothes to a charitable organization. Even a small gesture of kindness can make a big difference. Most importantly, spend time with your family and loved ones. Make wonderful memories together that will last a lifetime. When you return to school in the new year, I hope you are rested and recharged. You have worked hard this year and deserve this break. In conclusion, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with love, joy and laughter. May the spirit of Christmas stay with you throughout the coming year. Now go out there and spread some Christmas cheer! Thank you and have a wonderful holiday.
Developing spatial consciousness in individuals, specially in children, is a crucial part of cognitive development. Spatial awareness describes one’s power to understand and realize the space around them, including objects’ jobs and the associations between them. It is really a ability that impacts various facets of life, from problem-solving and creativity to academic and physical performance. One efficient way to create spatial understanding is by using instructional toys. These games are made to interact kids in activities that want them to take into account and operate items in space. As an example, blocks, puzzles, and geometric designs inspire children to know how pieces match together and how they connect together in three-dimensional space. Perform is really a fundamental factor in enhancing spatial awareness. Through enjoy, young ones may investigate their atmosphere, try with different items, and create a better knowledge of spatial concepts. Whether it’s using dolls, activity results, or toy cars, kids often engage in innovative enjoy that assists them see and talk with the entire world about them. The significance of spatial consciousness in child progress can’t be overstated. This ability is the foundation for later mathematical and scientific thinking, since it requires knowledge habits, designs, and geometry. It is also critical in fields such as for instance structure, executive, and design. Establishing powerful spatial understanding from a young age may set the groundwork for success in these areas. Actions that promote spatial attention can be equally fun and engaging. These activities contain pulling, painting, and crafting, which inspire young ones to control resources in innovative ways. Furthermore, outdoor play, such as working, hiking, and exploring, may increase a child’s feeling of place and movement. Spatial understanding plays an important position in understanding and problem-solving. It can help persons understand aesthetic information, make choices centered on what they see, and steer their environment. The capacity to imagine objects in space and understand their associations is needed for jobs like examining routes, solving questions, and comprehending complex diagrams. Fostering spatial awareness in young ones requires implementing techniques that cater for their developing stages. For small children, activities that require working, putting, and simple form recognition are suitable. As kiddies grow, more complex actions, like assembling delicate questions or having fun with structure games, help improve their spatial skills. Creativity and spatial understanding are strongly connected. Spatial intelligence enables people to visualize and create things in their thoughts and then translate these psychological pictures into reality. Imaginative activities, such as for instance drawing, painting, and building, control spatial recognition to create imagination to life. Spatial understanding is not just a base for cognitive progress but is also important for different academic subjects. In arithmetic, it will help young ones realize methods like geometry, symmetry, and measurements. In research, it aids in comprehending spatial spatial awareness adhd , such as the arrangement of atoms in a molecule or the positioning of planets in the solar system. In conclusion, building spatial recognition in kiddies and individuals is vital for cognitive growth, problem-solving, creativity, and academic success. Educational games, creative activities, and outside play are successful ways to foster spatial intelligence. By marketing spatial awareness, we are organizing the next era to understand the difficulties of the world and believe critically in several fields.
Psychological researchers study genetics in order to better understand the biological factors that contribute to certain behaviors. Genes and the environment clearly influence the structure and function of the nervous system and therefore our thoughts, behaviors, and what makes us unique. In this chapter, we first review fundamental genetics. Then we look at how behavioral geneticists study the relative contributions of genes and environment and try to tease apart the influences of nature and nurture. We will discuss gene-environment interactions and the relatively new field of epigenetics, which studies how the environment and behaviors can cause changes in how our genes work. - Explain the basic principles of the theory of evolution by natural selection - Describe the differences between genotype and phenotype - Discuss how gene-environment interactions are critical for the expression of physical and psychological characteristics - Understand why nature–nurture questions are difficult to study empirically. - Know the major research designs that can be used to study nature–nurture questions. - Understand what epigenetics is and how epigenetic mechanisms can alter gene expression and impact physical and mental health
At Longlands Primary School we believe that for all our children to become fluent readers and writers, phonics must be taught through a systematic and structured phonics programme. We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to plan and provide daily engaging phonics lessons. In phonics, we teach children that the letters of the alphabet represent a different sound, that these can be used in a variety of combinations and are put together to make words. The children learn to recognise all of the different sounds and combinations that they might see when they are reading or writing. Our phonics teaching starts in Nursery and follows a very specific sequence that allows our children to build on their previous phonic knowledge and master specific phonic strategies as they move through school. As a result, all our children are able to tackle any unfamiliar words that they might discover. At Longlands we also model these strategies in shared reading and writing both inside and outside of the phonics lesson and across the curriculum. We have a strong focus on the development of language skills for our children because we know that speaking and listening are crucial skills for reading and writing in all subjects. How we teach phonics and Early Reading (Early Years and KS1) - In the nursery, children follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised ‘Foundations for Phonics’ guidance. The focus is on daily oral blending and language development through high quality stories and rhymes. - In reception and Y1, children follow the progression within Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised programme. Phonics is taught daily and there is a review session on a Friday. - Phonics starts in reception in week 2 to ensure the children make a strong start. - By the end of reception, children will have been taught up to the end of phase 4. - By the end of year 1, children will have been taught up to the end of phase 5. - Children in year 2 recap any gaps in their phonics knowledge in the autumn term. - Reception lessons start at 15 minutes, with daily additional oral blending – increasing quickly to 30 minutes. - Y1 lessons are 30 minutes long. Reading practice sessions - Children across reception, year 1, year 2 (and beyond if appropriate) apply their phonics knowledge by using a full matched decodable reader in a small group reading practice session. - These sessions are 15 minutes long and happen three times a week. There are approximately 6 children in a group. - The sessions follow the model set out in Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised. - The children then take the same book home the following week to ensure success is shared with the family. - In reception these sessions start in week 4. Children who are not yet blending take a wordless book home. How do we assess phonic knowledge? - In reception, year 1 and year 2 at the end of each week there is a review session which recaps the learning. There are also whole review weeks (pre-planned and bespoke review weeks to address gaps identified by the class teacher’s ongoing formative assessment). - Children identified in reception, year 1 and year 2 as in danger of falling behind are immediately identified and daily ‘keep up’ sessions are put in place – these sessions follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised programme. - In reception and year 1, the children are assessed at the end of every half term using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised assessment tracker. - Children in year 1 complete the statutory Phonics Screening Check in the summer term. - Children who do not meet standard in the Phonics Screening Check in Y1, will complete this in Y2. Support continues to be put in place for these children. Reading for pleasure – Early Years and KS1 Alongside daily teaching of phonics, reading for pleasure is an important part of our Early Reading offer. We ensure children develop a love of reading and are exposed to a range of interesting and relevant authors. We promote a love of reading in the following ways: - Teaching of poetry, which includes performing and learning a range of poems by heart. - Daily storytime. - Whole class reading sessions which include a range of books that are mapped out to ensure children have a rich reading diet, vocabulary is explicitly taught and children can learn key phrases in the book. - Book areas within the classroom which have a careful selection of books, including books by the focus author. - Use of Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised ‘Foundations for a Love of reading’ stories in nursery. - Alongside children’s decodable reading book, children also take home a reading for pleasure book each week. In each year group, children will take home a range of book by authors, including some which they have read in class. If you are a parent and would like more information about how to support your child with phonics at home, please follow this link to find the Reception and Year 1 overview as well as videos of the sound pronunciations, letter formation sheets and other helpful resources.
American Indian activists began working to establish a national “American Indian Day” in the early 20th century. Native advocates like Arthur C. Parker, Sherman Coolidge, and Red Fox James believed that a national day of observation would commemorate the Indigenous community’s history and culture. Various individual states established “American Indian Days” between 1915 and 1920; more recently, some states—including Massachusetts—have changed the second Monday of October, formerly “Columbus Day,” to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day,” to focus on the stories of the Native peoples who existed in these lands before European contact, rather than on the oppressors, and to acknowledge the United States’ complicated legacy of colonialism and white violence. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush declared November National Native American Heritage Month (also known as “American Indian Heritage Month”). Throughout November, visit the Hub on the first floor of Snell Library to explore our print collections featuring Native and Indigenous authors. If you’re not in Boston (and even if you are), make sure to check out the e-books and audiobooks on our virtual bookshelf! Here are some recommended reads from our collection: The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones (2020): If Halloween didn’t fulfill your cravings for creepy, check out the book Entertainment Weekly called “one of 2020’s buzziest horror novels.” The dark past of four American Indian families leave them terrorized by a vindictive entity determined to make them pay for their sins. Split Tooth by Tanya Tagaq (2018): This award-winning novel by Inuk throat singer and artist Tanya Tagaq traces a girlhood in 1970s Nunavut, blending myth and memoir. The audiobook is read by Tagaq herself. Poet Warrior by Joy Harjo (2021): Three-time United States Poet Laureate Joy Harjo writes about her ancestry and the tribal stories and traditions that shaped her. She meditates on grief, loss, ritual, memory, music, joy and everything in between. This Land is Their Land: The Wompanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving by David J. Silverman (2019): Historian David J. Silverman unmasks the truth behind the simple, cheerful Thanksgiving story still taught in kindergartens around the country, and places the Wampanoag tribe at the center of the narrative.
From 1644 CE to 1912 CE, the Qing Dynasty reigned over China, leaving behind a rich architectural heritage. The dynasty's construction techniques and materials reflected the mastery of traditional Chinese architecture, while also incorporating influences from various regions. This article delves into the building and construction techniques employed by the Qing Dynasty, with a focus on the types of bricks used and the challenges they faced. We will also highlight some key engineers and architects of the time who played a crucial role in shaping the empire's architectural landscape. Types of Bricks and Brick Making Techniques Brick was a prevalent building material during the Qing Dynasty, favored for its durability and versatility. Various types of bricks were utilized in construction projects, each with its unique characteristics. One commonly used brick was the "Peking brick", which originated from the Beijing region. These bricks had a distinctive gray color and were made from a mixture of clay, sand, lime, and rice husks. The Peking brick's composition provided it with excellent insulation properties, making it suitable for both residential and imperial architecture. Another significant type of brick employed during the Qing Dynasty was the "Suzhou brick". Originating from the region of Suzhou in southeastern China, these bricks were renowned for their smooth texture and vibrant colors, ranging from yellow to red. Suzhou bricks were made by firing clay in kilns at high temperatures. The meticulous craftsmanship involved in their production resulted in bricks that were not only aesthetically pleasing but also structurally sound. The brick-making process during the Qing Dynasty involved several steps. Skilled artisans mixed clay, sand, and other additives to create a clay mixture. The mixture was then shaped into brick molds and left to dry. Once dried, the bricks were stacked in kilns and fired at high temperatures to achieve strength and durability. The Qing Dynasty artisans took great care in producing high-quality bricks, ensuring that they met the standards required for constructing grand imperial palaces, temples, and other architectural wonders. Challenges in Construction Constructing monumental structures during the Qing Dynasty presented various challenges to architects and engineers. One significant challenge was the sheer scale of the projects. The empire's vast territory and ambitious architectural endeavors necessitated the mobilization of extensive resources and skilled labor. The construction of grand palaces, such as the Forbidden City, required meticulous planning and coordination to ensure the timely completion of these colossal structures. Another challenge stemmed from the need to incorporate the principles of feng shui in architectural design. Feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing buildings with their surrounding environment, played a vital role in Qing Dynasty architecture. Architects had to carefully consider factors such as site selection, orientation, and the flow of energy to create harmonious and auspicious spaces. This required a deep understanding of feng shui principles and their integration into the overall design. Key Engineers and Architects The Qing Dynasty witnessed the contributions of several notable engineers and architects who left an indelible mark on its architectural legacy. One prominent figure is Lang Shining, also known as Giuseppe Castiglione. Lang Shining was an Italian Jesuit missionary who served as a court painter and architect during the Qing Dynasty. His artistic talent and architectural expertise were instrumental in the design and construction of numerous imperial buildings, including the famous Summer Palace in Beijing. Another influential architect of the time was Yuan Yingtai, who played a key role in the restoration and construction of several temples and monasteries. Yuan Yingtai's works were characterized by their meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail, reflecting the aesthetic and cultural values of the Qing Dynasty. These are just a few examples of the talented engineers and architects who contributed to the architectural achievements of the Qing Dynasty. Their expertise and artistic vision continue to inspire admiration for the empire's magnificent structures.
To recycle a story by changing characters and materials In this lesson, we will change the materials used to build the houses to create a new story. We will use a story map to help us retell the story. Click on the play button to start the video. If your teacher asks you to pause the video and look at the worksheet you should: - Click "Close Video" - Click "Next" to view the activity Your video will re-appear on the next page, and will stay paused in the right place. Lesson summary: To recycle a story by changing characters and materials Time to move! Did you know that exercise helps your concentration and ability to learn? For 5 mins... On the spot:
Despite the perception that all rivers are the same, it is important to recognize the distinct characteristics and significance of different river systems. In this article, we aim to shed light on the differences between the Himalayan rivers and the Peninsular rivers of India. While both play a crucial role in the country's hydrological dynamics, they differ in terms of geographical location, origin, water flow, seasonality, and river basin size. Understanding these distinctions will provide a deeper understanding of the impact these rivers have on the regions they traverse. - Himalayan rivers are perennial, while Peninsular rivers are seasonal. - Himalayan rivers have large river basins, while Peninsular rivers have smaller basins. - The Brahmaputra is the largest river among all the Himalayan rivers, while the Godavari is the largest river of Peninsular India. - Most Peninsular rivers originate in the Western Ghats and flow towards the Bay of Bengal, while Himalayan rivers obtain water from rain and melted snow from high mountains. Geographical Location and Origin The geographical location and origin of Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers play a crucial role in distinguishing between the two river systems. The climate and rainfall in these regions have a significant impact on agriculture. The Himalayan rivers, such as the Indus and the Brahmaputra, originate from high mountains and receive water from rain and melted snow. These rivers have large river basins and long duration courses. Their perennial flow ensures a constant water supply for irrigation, benefiting agriculture in the surrounding areas. On the other hand, Peninsular rivers, like the Godavari and Narmada, have smaller basins and mainly rely on rainfall for their flow. These rivers originate in the Western Ghats and flow towards the Bay of Bengal. The seasonal nature of these rivers can be challenging for agriculture, as their flow fluctuates with the monsoon season. Water Flow and Seasonality Discussing the water flow and seasonality is essential in understanding the differences between Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers. The water flow of Himalayan rivers is continuous throughout the year, making them perennial rivers. These rivers receive water from rain and melted snow from high mountains. This constant flow of water has a significant ecological impact, providing a stable habitat for various species of plants and animals. Moreover, the water from these rivers is crucial for agriculture, supporting the livelihood of people living in the surrounding areas. On the other hand, Peninsular rivers are seasonal and depend on rainfall for their flow. This seasonality has cultural significance as it affects the agricultural practices and festivals celebrated by the local communities. The water flow and seasonality of these rivers play a vital role in shaping the ecological and cultural landscapes of the regions they pass through. River Basin Size and Characteristics One notable characteristic of Himalayan rivers is their large river basins. These rivers have expansive areas where they flow and distribute water. The size of their basins has a significant impact on the ecosystem and agriculture. Difference in ecosystem: Due to their large basins, Himalayan rivers support a diverse range of flora and fauna. The abundance of water and fertile soil in these basins creates a rich and thriving ecosystem. This attracts various species of plants and animals, contributing to the biodiversity of the region. Impact on agriculture: The large river basins of Himalayan rivers provide ample water for irrigation purposes. This water is essential for agricultural activities, allowing farmers to cultivate crops and support their livelihoods. The fertile soil in these basins, enriched by the sediments carried by the rivers, also contributes to high agricultural productivity. In contrast, peninsular rivers have smaller basins, which have a different impact on the ecosystem and agriculture in their respective regions. Major Himalayan Rivers Among the major Himalayan rivers, the Indus and the Brahmaputra hold significant importance in terms of their size and geographical reach. These rivers play a crucial role in agriculture and have a significant impact on local communities. The Indus River, one of the longest rivers in Asia, flows through Pakistan and plays a vital role in irrigation and farming activities in the region. It provides water for crops, sustaining the livelihoods of many farmers. Similarly, the Brahmaputra River, flowing through India, Bangladesh, and China, serves as a lifeline for agriculture in the region. It provides water for irrigation, enabling the growth of crops and supporting the local economy. The presence of these major Himalayan rivers has a profound impact on the agricultural practices and the lives of people living in their vicinity. Major Peninsular Rivers The major peninsular rivers, such as the Godavari and Narmada, hold significant importance in terms of their geographical distribution and impact on agriculture in the region. These rivers have different characteristics compared to the Himalayan rivers. Here are some key points about the major peninsular rivers: - River length: The Godavari is the second-longest river in India, while the Narmada is also a significant river in terms of length. - Delta formation: The Godavari river forms a fertile delta at Rajahmundry, which is an important agricultural region. These peninsular rivers have smaller basins compared to the Himalayan rivers and are considered older. They originate in the Western Ghats and flow towards the Bay of Bengal. The Godavari and Narmada rivers are the main river systems in this region, providing water for irrigation and supporting agriculture. Differences in Size and Importance Significant disparities exist between the size and significance of the Himalayan rivers and the peninsular rivers. When comparing their water sources, the Himalayan rivers get their water from rain and melted snow from high mountains, while the peninsular rivers rely on rainfall for their flow. This difference in water sources has a direct influence on agriculture. The Himalayan rivers, with their perennial flow, provide a consistent water supply for irrigation, which is crucial for agriculture in countries like India. On the other hand, the peninsular rivers, being seasonal, are more dependent on rainfall, which can make agriculture more unpredictable and challenging. Therefore, the size and water sources of the rivers play a vital role in their importance and impact on agriculture in their respective regions.
Colombian researchers hope to revive an endangered species by rehabilitating monkeys confiscated from smugglers. The captive animals’ struggles show that survival is not guaranteed. By Mónica Alejandra Ramírez, Manuel Lequerica Tamara & Pablo Stevenson Colombia’s Andes Mountains used to be loaded with wildlife, including South America’s sole bear species, the spectacled bear, and the mountain tapir, which lives only in the world’s highest altitudes. You couldn’t walk a mile in the jungle without seeing a woolly monkey – big, agile and charismatic primates with powerful long tails. Now the species is hard to spot. Over the past 50 years, habitat loss, poaching and smuggling for adoption as pets have all decimated Colombia’s woolly monkey populations. Andean woolly monkeys are at risk of extinction in the next century, scientists say. They have already disappeared entirely in some parts of Colombia. Restoring Colombia’s jungles To save the woolly monkey, Colombian wildlife and environmental agencies teamed up with scientists like us from the Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology and Primatology at Colombia’s University of the Andes. In August 2017, we released six captive woolly monkeys into the forests of southern Huila, about a 12-hour drive south of Bogota, the capital. This jungle-covered region was once home to many troops of these lovely primates. Now they’re conspicuously absent. We wanted to see if animals born in the wild, captured by traffickers and confiscated by Colombian authorities could learn to live there again. Releasing animals who’ve spent time in captivity is risky. Often, they lack the behaviors necessary to survive in the wild, such as self-defense and bonding strategies. According to a comprehensive review of wildlife reintroduction programs worldwide, only 26 percent are successful. Most either fail outright – the animals die – or do not last enough to evaluate the fate of the released animals. To help us develop a training plan for promoting natural behaviors, we first spent over a year observing dozens of captive woolly monkeys at zoos and sanctuaries across Colombia. We saw that many woolly monkeys had become comparatively clumsy climbers, and rather than seek out food they tended to wait for their caretakers to feed them. They had also lost the ability to spot and flee predators. Hope for woolly monkeys After a year of assessing their behavior, we chose 11 candidates for possible reintegration into the wild based on their reproductive viability, strength, health and non-attachment to humans. During the six-month rehabilitation process, we used what we call “environmental enrichment” to instill survival skills among these woolly monkeys. To reduce time spent lolling on the ground and encourage climbing, we placed the monkeys’ food high up on platforms simulating trees. We also promoted bonding by putting pairs of woolly monkeys together in “socialization cages,” which encourages them to groom each other and interact one-on-one. To boost predator response, we played sounds made by predators like eagles and jaguars, followed by other monkeys’ alarm cries, so that the captive woolly monkeys would learn to recognize them as a threat. After the training period, the six fittest monkeys were released into the Huila forest reserve, an area with ample food and protection from hunters. Two were juveniles. Four were adults. All wore collars that tracked their location and recorded their behavior to evaluate the monkeys’ adaptation process. At first, we provided some food for the newly reintroduced monkeys. After five months they were weaned off entirely. A year after the six monkeys were released, two had been recaptured because they were struggling to adapt, spending too much time on the forest floor and unwilling to bond with their troopmates. Two had gone missing. And two died within months – one after falling from a tree and another of mysterious causes. Admittedly, those aren’t great results. We think the problem may have been the location. The Huila nature reserve has enough fruit to feed the monkeys, but it gets quite cold there. In low temperatures, your body uses a lot of energy to heat itself. Perhaps their self-feeding skills weren’t sufficiently developed for them to consume enough calories. Group cohesion was also low in this cohort, causing some individuals to break away from their group – a dangerous thing to do in the jungle. Worth the effort Our project shows how difficult it is to restore endangered primate populations. But we need to keep trying. Over half of all Colombia’s 30 or so primates species are in danger of going extinct, according to Diana Guzman, president of the Colombian Primatology Association. Their demise would have severe environmental consequences. South American primates have been shown to eat, digest and disperse each day about 2 million seeds per square mile of habitat – an important ecological service for Colombia’s tropical forests. Colombia does not have enough animal sanctuaries and zoos to house the thousands of primates recaptured from smugglers every year. Many are euthanized, “reintroduced” into inappropriate habitats or even returned to the black market. The lucky few that are taken into captivity often suffer from heart disease, obesity, behavioral disruptions and psychological damage – disorders linked to a sedentary lifestyle and inadequate diet. Comprehensive, long-term primate rehabilitation and reintroduction programs like ours – which is funded by the Colombian government and the nonprofit Primate Conservation, Inc. – are costly. We spend about $5,000 per monkey resettled. But rehabilitating and releasing seized animals is far cheaper, and way more environmentally appropriate, than keeping them behind bars for a lifetime. And ours is one of the few primate reintegration programs of its kind in Latin America. The next generation of woolly monkey In November 2018, we released our second cohort of six rehabilitated monkeys, including one female monkey recaptured last time. This time, we chose the Rey Zamuro nature reserve, in the Meta Colombia region. The jungle there has warmer weather and likely a greater food supply, and we are hopeful they can establish themselves there. So far, the Meta Colombia troop seems to be doing well, particularly in group bonding. We’ll keep checking in on them all year, learning from their experiences to help generations of rewilded woolly monkeys to come. Mónica Alejandra Ramírez is a PhD Candidate on Primate Ecology, Universidad de los Andes. Manuel Lequerica Tamara is a Doctoral candidate, University of Sydney. Pablo Stevenson is an Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Universidad de los Andes. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.
Reading at Home Reading at Home – Top Tips for Parents and Carers ‘Reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s success.’ (OECD 2002) At HWPS we know that you are your child’s first and most important teacher. By supporting your child in learning to read fluently and helping them to develop a love of reading, you are giving them the best possible chance of academic success in the future. However, reading for pleasure and being read to by a grown up, also has a huge impact on children’s wellbeing. It helps them to relax, it builds the bond and connection between you and encourages children to develop empathy by exposing them to unfamiliar characters and settings. Children who are learning to read will bring home two books a week, one to read with an adult and one to read to an adult. Children who are reading more fluently will bring home one book that they can read to an adult, but will also bring home library books that we encourage you to read and share with them. Here are some helpful pointers to bear in mind when you are listening to your child read aloud: Include reading as part of your day to day routine to help encourage your child to read regularly: - Remind your child (with their phonics book) that they know the sounds within it from school - Encourage them to sound out unknown words before and then blend these sounds - Re-read books regularly in order to develop their fluency and understanding - Make time to discuss the text - Ask questions to support their comprehension - Encourage them by using positive praise - Model a positive attitude towards reading - If your child is tired/reluctant to read then suggest reading a page each or for them to read the speech bubbles Even if your child is a fluent reader, please still make time to share books with them and read aloud to them. Even the oldest children in our school love the opportunity to hear stories read to them. When reading aloud to your child, here are some things to consider: - Make reading aloud feel like a treat. Make it a special quiet time and cuddle up so you can both see the book. - Show curiosity about what you’re going to read: ‘This book looks interesting. It’s about an angry child. I wonder how angry he gets…’ - Read through the whole story the first time without stopping too much. Let the story weave its own magic. - Read with enjoyment. If you’re not enjoying it, your child won’t. Read favourite stories over and over again. On later readings: - Let your child pause, think about and comment on the pictures. • If you think your child did not understand something, try to explain: ‘Oh! I think what’s happening here is that…’ - Chat about the story and pictures: ‘I wonder why she did that?’; ‘Oh no, I hope she’s not going to…’; ‘I wouldn’t have done that, would you?’ • Link the stories to your own family experiences: ‘This reminds me of when …’ - Link stories to others that your child knows: ‘Ah! Do you remember the dragon in ….? Do you remember what happened to him?’ - Encourage your child to join in with the bits they know. (The Reading Framework 2023).
Bremerhaven, August 19th 2008. German research vessel Polarstern, operated by the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association, transits the Northwest Passage for the first time. Polarstern left the port of Reykjavik on August 12th, sailed around Greenland on a southern course and is located right now at the beginning of the Northwest Passage. Its destination is the East Siberian Sea where geoscientific measurements at the junction between the Mendeleev Ridge and the East Siberian Shelf are at the focus of the participants of this expedition. The measurements striven for in the framework of the International Polar Year shall help to understand how the undersea ridges and basins were built. This expedition takes the researchers in 68 days around the North Pole because the return voyage is to lead via the Northeast Passage. The researchers want to clarify the tectonic interrelations on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean in the track of Alfred Wegener, who founded the theory on continental drift in 1915. They employ seismic measurement methods which shall allow a glance at the geological units and sediments. At the bottom of the sea we find mountains which are about the same height as the Alps, illustrates Chief Scientist Wilfried Jokat. These are partially overlaid by sediments, so that we have to look beneath the surface to find clues hinting at the geological history of the Mendeleev Ridge, he explains further. Where the Mendeleev Ridge meets the East Siberian Shelf, very old layers can be found at the surface of the sea bottom. If the researchers find such places by means of the equipment on board Polarstern, they will try to retrieve cores with a gravity corer. 50 million years old rocks crop out at these places; usually, only layers of the upper 10 to 15 metres can be cored with a gravity corer, which only shows layers about 1 million years old. Both sediment cores and sediment profiles shall be used to further a proposal for future Arctic depth drilling. Within the framework of the International Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), a long drilling core shall be gained which is anticipated by researchers worldwide. It will give new insights into Arctic geological history of the last 100 million years. Furthermore, there are areas with a high rate of sedimentation in the East Siberian Sea. If the researchers manage to retrieve cores from these sediments, it will help to conclude climate history of the younger geological past. For example, the rate of organic carbon in sediment cores hints at biological activity, and researchers can reconstruct temperature and ice cover up to one million years ago. Presently, organic carbon reaches the Arctic Ocean via rivers as well. For this reason oceanographers are interested in the East Siberian Sea. Similar to former cruise stages, they sample water and monitor temperature, salinity and depth. Additionally, they specify the concentration of terrestrial carbon in the water, by which they are able to calculate from which river the examined water originates and how long it has been on its way. These data shall help to understand climate relevant systems of currents in the Arctic Ocean. Changes to marine currents also affect the biotic environment. This is why biologists investigate the species assemblage in samples of various regions and depths and compare them with measurements taken in the 1990ies. This way they can deduce, for instance, whether a changing ice cover affects the system's biological productivity. The copepod Oithona similes which lives both in the Arctic and Antarctic Ocean and also in the North Sea will be investigated in more detail. The researchers want to conduct experiments on board to see how they successfully reproduce in these different climatic zones. All of this research is dependent on external factors like weather and, particularly, ice cover. Two months ago it was still uncertain whether Polarstern could transit the Northwest Passage; an alternative measurement program for Greenland Sea had been parked in the drawer. Current satellite pictures show that the Northwest Passage is almost ice free and that it can probably be sailed without big problems. During the expedition, cruise leader Jokat wants to get in contact with Canadian and US-American colleagues who undertake measurements in the Beaufort Sea. They can pass on information which no satellite can provide. After its journey home through the Northeast Passage, Polarstern will reach Bremerhaven again on October 19th. Notes for Editors: Please adress your contact person in the public relations department, Folke Mehrtens (phone: +49/471/4831-2007; email: ) in questions of availability of the scientists. You can find printable images under: http://www.awi.de The Alfred Wegener Institute carries out research in the Arctic and Antarctic as well as in the high and mid latitude oceans. The institute coordinates German polar research and makes available to international science important infrastructure, e.g. the research icebreaker Polarstern and research stations in the Arctic and Antarctic. AWI is one of 15 research centres within the Helmholtz Association, Germany's largest scientific organization. What is IPY Thursday, 21 August 2008 14:15 Polarstern Research vessel transits the Northwest Passage for the first time everWritten by Louise Huffman - Add to Delicious - Digg this - Add to Reddit - Add to StumbleUpon - Add to Facebook - Add to MySpace - Add to Technorati Calendar of Events Friends of IPY Wed, 24 Nov 2010Missatge 2: Desenterrant dinousaures Tue, 23 Nov 2010TAULA DE JOVES POETES Tue, 23 Nov 2010"Carme Riera, el subjecte de... Tue, 23 Nov 2010VII Premi Joan Oró a... Mon, 22 Nov 2010Au sec
Jean Piaget'S Theory Of Cognitive Development In the same way, we now understand that at the age of 4 to 5 years the child masters the "theory of mind", long before Piaget suggested that egocentrism is allowed. Problem solving and cognitive development advance from the establishment of object constancy, causality and symbolic thinking with the concrete (practical learning) to abstract thinking, including the development of implicit (unconscious) memory, and the development of explicit memory. As children progress through successive stages of cognitive development, their experience of the world takes different forms each of The development stages occur through interactions between natural skills and environmental events and children go through a series of stages as they grow (Wellman, 2011 ). The sequence of these stages remains the same in all cultures. Jean Piaget is one of the first psychologists to specialize in child development since the early 1900s. Piaget's central idea is that children develop by acting like "little scientists" who explore and interact with their world to understand people, objects and concepts. His theory focuses on understanding how children acquire knowledge and also the nature of intelligence. It is important to note that Piaget did not view the intellectual development of children as a quantitative process – that is, children do not add more information just as they grow up. In the 1960s and 1970s, when Freudian and Jungian psychology was being increasingly replaced by empirical methods of studying human behavior, the Swiss philosopher and psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) proposed a new theory of cognitive development. The theory of cognitive development suggests that children's cognitive development follows a predetermined order of stages - commonly known as the Jean Piaget Principle - According to this theory by Jean Piaget, children cannot perform certain tasks or understand certain concepts until they reach a certain stage of Piaget. By the stages he meant periods during which children talked in the same way about many seemingly different problems, the stages proceeding in a fixed order and the thinking within the different stages differ fundamentally In all cases, children focus on one dimension and ignore the changes in other dimensions (for example the increased width of a glass and a clay ball). If a clay ball has been stretched to the same size as a hot dog, a child can tell that they are different even if the same amount of clay was used for the mold. At the stage of concrete work, the child can understand that two different shapes can be made from the same amount of clay, arguing that children can maintain quantity despite shape. At this stage, the child acquires the ability to develop and apply logical and concrete rules to objects (but not abstract concepts; this happens in the formal operational phase) Share on Pinterest During the formal operating phase, children learn to use logic and to create theories. This phase occurs between 7 and 11 years (mid childhood and pre-adolescence) and is characterized by appropriate use of logic. At this stage, the child's thought processes become more mature and "grown-up" Children at this stage can but solve problems related to real (concrete) objects or events only, not abstract concepts or hypothetical actions. All children go through the same stages in the same order (but not all at the same time). The child's development is determined by biological maturation and interaction At each stage of development, the child's thinking is qualitatively different from other stages, that is, each stage assumes a different type of intelligence - Piaget's stages of development are part of the theory about the stages of normal intellectual development from infancy to adulthood. Piaget's theory of cognitive development makes no claims about specific ages associated with a particular stage, but its description provides an indication of the age at which the average child reaches a particular stage. Official Operation Children aged 11 and over enter Piaget's formal operational phase again - Scheme, assimilation, accommodation and balancing. Piaget shows that a child goes through many stages of cognitive development and draws conclusions on his own, but the child's socio-cultural environment plays an important role in his cognitive development. According to Piaget, children organize and adapt their experience of objects into increasingly complex cognitive models that enable them to deal more effectively with future situations. For example, an older child who learned the concept of reversibility will be able to search the world intelligently and logically for the objects themselves. Piaget'S Cognitive Stages The foundation of language development can be laid at an earlier stage, but it is the appearance of language that is one of the main features of the preoperative stage of development. Children at this stage of development become much more adept at role-playing, but they continue to think very concretely about the world around them. As children progress through successive stages of cognitive development, their experience of the world takes different forms, each based on models and concepts acquired in the previous stage. According to Piaget, adolescents in the final stage of development - the stage of formal activity - are able to rationally and systematically think about hypothetical problems that do not necessarily correspond to their experience - that are organized and transformed into increasingly complex cognitive models that enable them to deal better with future situations - In particular, he postulated that children's thinking also changes as they evolve from one stage to the next, reflecting these cognitive changes. The stages of his theory follow a certain order and each subsequent stage occurs only after the previous stage. The sensorimotor phase consists of six substages in which children learn about their environment first by their feelings and physical activity. This phase, which follows the pre-operative phase, occurs between 7 and 11 years (Middle childhood and pre-adolescence) and is characterized by a suitable use of logic. At this stage, the thought processes become more mature and "grown-up"; children at this stage cannot, however, solve problems related to real (concrete) objects or events, not abstract concepts or hypothetical actions. Children demonstrate new intellectual abilities and an increasingly complex understanding of the world at each stage, phases cannot be "skipped", intellectual development always follows this sequence. At any given time, a child may exhibit behavior that is characteristic of more than one stage. All babies go through the same stages in the same order (but not at the same rate), and the preoperative phase usually occurs between infancy (18-24 months) and early childhood (7 years). At this stage children begin to use language; memory and imagination are also developed. During the preoperative stage children become engaged in fiction and can understand and express the relationship between the past and the future. Official Operation Children age 11 and over enter Piaget's formal operational phase again. Parents and teachers can help create a variety of schemes for a child to facilitate learning and development at all stages. |piaget's theory of development The Piaget stage is a theory about how a child's cognitive abilities develop between birth and adulthood-or his knowledge and understanding of the world. The central idea of Piaget's theory is that children develop by exploring and interacting with their world like "little scientists" to understand the world. People, objects and concepts are some of the questions answered by French psychologists. Jean Piaget published his pioneering theory of children's cognitive development in 1952. Piaget began his research with merely an interest in how children respond to their environment, but his observations interfered with the current thinking of the day (which said that children develop no cognition until they are old enough to learn to speak) and in fact they have become the best-known and most influential theory of cognitive development to date. Instead, Piaget suggested that there is a qualitative change in the way children think as they gradually progress through these four stages. Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that children go through four different stages of mental development as they grow. Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that children go through four different stages of mental development. His theory focuses not only on understanding how children acquire knowledge, but also on understanding the nature of intelligence. Piaget’s stages of development are part of the theory about the stages of normal intellectual development from infancy to adulthood. This article explains the four stages of Piaget’s cognitive development, key concepts, and how people use them to help children learn and grow. In the preoperative stage, children aged 2-7 years develop language and abstract thinking. The four phases of Piaget The phases of Piaget are age dependent and include important features of thought processes and also aim for children as they progress through a certain stage. Since Piaget's theory is based on maturation and biological stages, the notion of readiness is important. According to Piaget's theory children should not be taught certain concepts until they reach the appropriate stage of cognitive development. His contributions include the theory of the stage of cognitive development in infants, detailed observations of cognitive ability in children and a series of simple but brilliant tests to identify various cognitive abilities. Evidence suggests that children may perform certain cognitive tasks at an earlier age than Piaget believed, and he designed this experiment to support his theory that children possess characteristics of self-centered thinking during preoperative cognitive development. During this period (which comprises two sub-stages) intelligence is shown through use of symbols, the use of language matures, memory and imagination develop but thinking is carried out in an illogical and irreversible way (Renner, Stafford, Lawson, McKinnon, Friot, and Keltner).
rom the beginning, people have tried to master hydraulic power. The separation of water and land is one of the oldest requirements of mankind. Geotextiles have been used for thousands of years. They were used in roadway construction in the days of the pharaohs to stabilize roadways and their curbs. These early geotextiles were made of natural fibers, fabrics or vegetation mixed with soil to improve road quality, particularly when roads were constructed on unstable soil. In medieval times, levees were first constructed to create more usable land or to protect against flooding. Today, they are made using geotextiles. If the geotextiles are not properly applied, failures occur, such as the levee failures after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Parallel with the development of modern man-made fibers, geotextiles became essential for modern civil engineering. Geotextiles are nonvisible, permeable fabrics used in civil engineering construction projects such as paving, dams, embankments and drains for the purpose of soil reinforcement and stabilization, sedimentation and erosion control, support and drainage, and many Gigantic projects such as the man-made Palm Jumeirah Islands in Dubai can only be built with the use of extremely durable nonwovens. Barrier And Filtration Geotextiles serve mainly as barrier and filtration materials to permanently separate the soil from water and ultimately to prevent water pressure buildup, therefore preventing the water’s flow from causing erosion. Geotextiles also are used effectively for optimizing the productivity of crops, gardens and greenhouses. Their protective nature reduces the need for pesticides and keeps manual labor to a minimum. Geotextiles serving as barrier and filtration materials permanently separate soil from water and ultimately prevent water pressure buildup, thereby preventing the water’s flow from Geotextiles may be used in place of soil nailing as an effective and less expensive reinforcement of slopes, retaining walls or excavated areas. Such reinforcement allows for landscaping of steep slopes, for example, to enhance aesthetic value. The most important factors that dictate the construction or strength of a geotextile product are the force with respect to hydraulic pressure exerted on the fabric by the soil, and the fabric’s porosity, which determines the product’s barrier or filtration capabilities. Therefore, a defined machine direction:cross direction (MD:CD) ratio is of outstanding importance. Depending on the requirements, the products primarily are woven, needlepunched or chemically bonded. For geotextiles, needlepunch technology is in the forefront of production, thanks to its sophisticated machinery and the easy treatment of all kinds of virgin and recycled fibers. Geotextiles and filter media, along with bicomponent fibers for every conceivable quality of composite, occupy the limelight. Throughout the textile chain, the term “sustainability” is no longer an empty phrase, and recycling is of growing significance. As the majority of thermoplastic man-made fibers are easy to recycle, products formerly consisting of various components have now been restructured to enable recycling of textile waste. Geotextiles are tailor-made products, and the list of applications is never-ending. Here are some examples in which geotextiles are in use for agricultural purposes: • crop covers; • plant protection; • seed blankets; • weed-control fabrics; • biodegradable plant pots; • capillary matting; • landscape fabric; and • protection from frost and insects. Fibers Used In Geotextiles The main man-made polymer materials used to make geotextiles are polypropylene and polyester, but for some applications, natural fibers such as coir or jute are used. Natural-fiber-based erosion-control geotextiles are subject to decomposition and have a limited useful life before their inherent durability suffers. Onsite use of natural-fiber blankets degraded in this way can result in an ineffectual installation. Man-madepolymers have the advantage of not decaying under biological and chemical processes, but being petrochemical-based products, they are made from nonrenewable resources; and they also cause environmental pollution in their manufacture and use, and have associated health risks. Ideally, vegetation can provide the best erosion control, but this may be difficult to establish. The use of hydroseeding or seed-impregnated fabric can be an effective method to establish vegetation. Hydroseeding, sometimes referred to as hydromulching, is a fast, efficient and economical process of planting grass. A mix is made of fibrous mulch, seed, fertilizer, and water. Different fibers will degrade at different rates – for example, coir geotextiles degrade in two to three years, and jute in one to two years. Coir is therefore useful in situations where vegetation will take longer to establish, and jute is useful in low-rainfall areas because it absorbs more moisture. The rate of erosion depends on factors such as climate and temperature as well as the consistency of the soil. Experts estimate that some 40 percent of the world’s agricultural land is seriously degraded due to erosion. The applied nonwovens must be tailor-made and configured according to the consistency and the fineness of the soil: the finer the particles, the finer the fabric required. Most nonwoven geotextiles are used in road construction as a barrier fabric and to support the road construction between the stone and gravel layer and the tarmac. As mentioned before, water is of great importance to erosion processes and the reason for many problems around the world. Geotextiles are especially suitable for reinforcing slopes to prevent erosion caused by water. Any modern harbor construction is underlaid with geotextiles. The way it functions is easy to explain: Imagine standing on the beach with your feet in the shallow water. After one minute, your feet are covered with sand. If you stand on a towel, your feet are still visible because the towel is acting like a geotextile respectively as a barrier fabric to provide the free flow of the water. Most of the major breaches in the New Orleans levee system after Hurricane Katrina were caused by flaws in design, construction and maintenance. It has been reported that lives may have been lost because mistakes were made and safety was exchanged for cutting corners and reducing costs. Some parts of the system could still be unstable even after the current round of repairs by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Agrotextiles Reduce Chemical Use The use of nonwoven crop covers on the land increases yields and improves crop quality. Very light, flexible sheets are laid over seed beds, creating a microclimate in which the heat and humidity are controlled. Plant growth is accelerated, and the plants are protected from adverse weather conditions and vermin. In capillary mat applications, nonwovens promote the healthy growth of flowers and vegetables in greenhouses by offering soilless growing methods. The spaces among the intersecting fibers of nonwoven sheets are big enough to allow air and water to penetrate the fabric and reach the crop, but small enough to keep out insects. The protection allows plants and crops to grow without the need to use pesticides and herbicides. With the further improvement of raw materials, such as fibers, coating material, composite constructions and other products; and, last but not least, with modern machinery and equipment, the end-uses for all kinds of geotextiles have expanded considerably. The products also have appeared on the market under such names as geogrids and geonets.
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2006 August 2 Explanation: Might it rain cold methane on Saturn's Titan? Recent analyses of measurements taken by the Huygen's probe that landed on Titan in 2005 January indicate that the atmosphere is actually saturated with methane at a height of about 8 kilometers. Combined with observations of a damp surface and lakes near the poles, some astrobiologists conclude that at least a methane drizzle is common on parts of Titan. Other astrobiologists reported computer models of the clouded moon that indicate that violent methane storms might even occur, complete with flash floods carving channels in the landscape. The later scenario is depicted in the above drawing of Titan. Lightning, as also depicted above, might well exist on Titan but has not been proven. The findings increase speculation that a wet Titanian surface might be hospitable to unusual forms of life. Authors & editors: NASA Web Site Statements, Warnings, and Disclaimers NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply. A service of: EUD at NASA / GSFC & Michigan Tech. U.
Ticks are not only a nuisance they also pose health risks. Tick-borne diseases can be passed to humans by the bite of infected ticks. Ticks can be infected with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Some of the most common tick-borne diseases in the United States include: Lyme disease, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. According to the CDC – Lyme disease is the most commonly reported tick-borne disease in the United States. In fact 30,000 cases of Lyme Disease are reported yearly to the CDC. Here are some facts you need to know to help protect against ticks. - Ticks typically require 24-48 hours of feeding before they can successfully transmit infections like Lyme disease, so quick removal is crucial. - Pets are easy targets for ticks when they play in the yard or going for a walk in wooded areas. If you’re a pet owner, don’t forget to check them frequently for ticks. - Pets may contract multiple diseases from a single tick bite. These diseases can be very serious and even fatal. The tick that your pet carries into the house can bite you and spread disease. - Use tweezers to remove a tick, not your bare hand. Do not twist to remove the tick and remove the tick close to the skin as it is important to not leave the head embedded. - Be mindful of symptoms of tick disease including: a red spot or rash near bite site, neck stiffness, muscle or joint pain or a fever. - For medical advice about tick bites or symptoms be sure to consult a medical professional.
What are the principles of construction? This is a question asked by many and not fully understood. To understand it, one must have some background in engineering, construction and mechanical skills. The basic building blocks of a building are joists, beams, walls and floors. How are the elements of the work connected? How are materials transported from the quarry to the worksite? How are plans and specifications drawn for a building? How do contractors choose quality materials? What are the main components of a job? These and many more questions concerning how work is done arise from these principles. labor and tools are needed to perform the work. These include machines like grinders, saws, drills, pliers and wires. They also need manpower, whether skilled or unskilled. Constructors, laborers, carpenters, painters, plumbers and architects are just a few of the kinds of people who supply the needed work. all work done is done so using physical tools. Imagine hammering nails into wooden boards to build a shelf. That is manual work. In physical work, there is always a tool to do the job. principles of construction also hold true in the realm of systems of production. How a factory operates means it must operate with a systematic design. Everything in the factory runs together and is based on these principles. For example, machinery must be assembled properly so that the finished product meets specifications and performs safely. humans are involved in the entire process. They are the ones who do the hard work such as cutting, drilling, joining and others. They are also responsible for safety measures such as ergonomics and keeping materials stable during use. Without these workers, production would not go as smoothly. After all, they are the foundation upon which the rest of the construction is built. principles of construction must hold true for residential as well as commercial buildings. For houses, the main structure is the house. The plumbing, electrical, heating and air-conditioning system are all installed within the house. The interior consists of the furniture, walls, carpeting and other things. Therefore, these are principles of construction that a person needs to understand. learning these principles requires constant study. You cannot brush up your knowledge every now and then just by spending time in an institution. It takes constant hands-on learning and experience. Construction is no exception. So, learn from your mistakes and take your work home with you. knowledge of what are the principles of construction does not stop at the workplace. A home is also a home. Everything that you see, touch and use inside your home is incorporated in the overall structure. For example, when you build a wall in your home, you include the mortar, filler and plaster as well as the nails and hammers used in hammering the material together. The principles of construction, then, extend to your ability to construct on time and within the budget set by your architect or builder. Any task that you encounter in the course of your job will be included in this framework. This includes how you handle conflicts and negotiations, as well as managing time wisely. By learning all of these principles, you will know how to juggle several different aspects of the job so that you can get it done efficiently. The result is a building that both functions well and looks pleasing to the eyes. Another important principle is to trust your gut. Have faith in your instincts and in the abilities of your team members. Sometimes they will get it right. Other times, you will need to fine-tune a design or blueprint. By following your instincts, you can ensure that the building you build will not only function properly, but will also be something that you are proud of. If you have what are the principles of construction, you will be able to make sure that the work you do is of the highest quality. Your clients will also be happy with the finished product. After all, it is your reputation on the line. You cannot afford to get it wrong. So put your head into it and make sure that you know what the principles of construction really are! Everything related to construction work we offer to you in Alkonabe using the latest methods and strategies and by highly experienced engineers and workers. For more details, contact us now. Lean Manufacturing Principles The principles of lean manufacturing describe four efficient methods: elimination of waste, increased productivity, and an improved working environment. Lean concepts are based on the idea that humans are able to determine what will happen if a product is poorly designed, so the emphasis is on designing for humans, rather than for the product. The four procedures include elimination of waste, which occurs when materials are discarded or used in an inefficient way; improving productivity, which is measured by overall performance including customer satisfaction; and maintaining a safe, healthy, and functional working environment. An important aspect of lean construction principles is “reduce, reuse, and recycle.” This statement refers to the maxim that every action, even the least important, can be taken to make the construction process more efficient. In a traditional construction process, materials and labor would have to be reused or recycled continually. This continual consumption of resources caused a significant waste of money and resources that could be better utilized elsewhere. the principles of lean Lean concepts flow naturally from the business of building and everything it encompasses, including waste management. In construction, the principles of lean build on the knowledge that what is done on the construction site affects the value of the home built. There are four primary strategies for improving the construction environment. The first is called “minimizing waste,” in which the goal is to eliminate waste as much as possible. The second strategy, called “design thinking,” involves the consideration of many possible designs before settling on one. Lean principles also apply to architects and other professionals involved in the design and construction of homes, buildings, and businesses. For example, in commercial architecture, the concept of “time management” refers not only to the scheduling of different professionals’ hours but to their ability to meet those schedules. Time management also includes the use of a system for ensuring that everyone on a project’s team understands the needs of all the others. An architect may need the advice of his or her fellow architects, and the project manager should consider asking his architect’s questions about their time management techniques and practices. When a project is implemented, there will almost always be an opportunity for reducing waste and redirection of resources to create the maximum return on investment. In a traditional construction process, this is rarely the case because it takes years to establish a relationship with the various vendors, receive contracts, and make sure all the necessary licenses and permits are in place. With lean project implementation, it is possible to establish relationships almost immediately. A general contractor is able to locate suppliers for any required materials almost immediately. He or she does not have to wait months or even years to find the right products because the process has already been established. The third principle is time management. A traditional construction project requires a large number of employees who do not have the necessary skills, experience, or tools to execute the design phase of the project. Lean principles provide the means to employ the necessary people, while at the same time reducing costs and streamlining the process of delivering the product. These principles are also effective in reducing waste because they do not require a change in the scope of the original construction plan. An important factor in reducing waste is knowledge transfer – if more workers understand the principles and procedures of good project management they can share this knowledge with others on the crew and within the organization so that they can reduce the amount of time that is wasted during the design phase of the construction project. The fourth and final principle is sustainability. An important component of the sustainability of a construction process is the ability to plan for the long-term. Traditional construction techniques are designed to meet the short-term needs of a construction project while financing is being obtained and major construction contractors are being utilized. Lean principles allow a construction company to build long-term relationships with their subcontractors, vendors, and clients by ensuring that all employees remain updated on all upcoming construction processes and practices.
- Carbohydrates have been given non-systematic names, although the suffix ose is generally used. The most common carbohydrate is glucose (C6H12O6). Applying the terms defined above, glucose is a monosaccharide, an aldohexose (note that the function and size classifications are combined in one word) and a reducing sugar. The general structure of glucose and many other aldohexoses was established by simple chemical reactions. The following diagram illustrates the kind of evidence considered, although some of the reagents shown here are different from those used by the original scientists. Glucose and other saccharides are extensively cleaved by periodic acid, thanks to the abundance of vicinal diol moieties in their structure. This oxidative cleavage, known as the Malaprade reaction is particularly useful for the analysis of selective O-substituted derivatives of saccharides, since ether functions do not react. The stoichiometry of aldohexose cleavage is shown in the following equation. |HOCH2(CHOH)4CHO + 5 HIO4 |H2C=O + 5 HCO2H + 5 HIO3 The Configuration of Glucose The four chiral centers in glucose indicate there may be as many as sixteen (24) stereoisomers having this constitution. These would exist as eight diastereomeric pairs of enantiomers, and the initial challenge was to determine which of the eight corresponded to glucose. This challenge was accepted and met in 1891 by the German chemist Emil Fischer. His successful negotiation of the stereochemical maze presented by the aldohexoses was a logical tour de force, and it is fitting that he received the 1902 Nobel Prize for chemistry for this accomplishment. One of the first tasks faced by Fischer was to devise a method of representing the configuration of each chiral center in an unambiguous manner. To this end, he invented a simple technique for drawing chains of chiral centers, that we now call the Fischer projection formula. Click on this link for a review. At the time Fischer undertook the glucose project it was not possible to establish the absolute configuration of an enantiomer. Consequently, Fischer made an arbitrary choice for (+)-glucose and established a network of related aldose configurations that he called the D-family. The mirror images of these configurations were then designated the L-family of aldoses. To illustrate using present day knowledge, Fischer projection formulas and names for the D-aldose family (three to six-carbon atoms) are shown below, with the asymmetric carbon atoms (chiral centers) colored red. The last chiral center in an aldose chain (farthest from the aldehyde group) was chosen by Fischer as the D / L designator site. If the hydroxyl group in the projection formula pointed to the right, it was defined as a member of the D-family. A left directed hydroxyl group (the mirror image) then represented the L-family. Fischer's initial assignment of the D-configuration had a 50:50 chance of being right, but all his subsequent conclusions concerning the relative configurations of various aldoses were soundly based. In 1951 x-ray fluorescence studies of (+)-tartaric acid, carried out in the Netherlands by Johannes Martin Bijvoet (pronounced "buy foot"), proved that Fischer's choice was correct. It is important to recognize that the sign of a compound's specific rotation (an experimental number) does not correlate with its configuration (D or L). It is a simple matter to measure an optical rotation with a polarimeter. Determining an absolute configuration usually requires chemical interconversion with known compounds by stereospecific reaction paths. Models of representative aldoses may be examined by clicking on the Fischer formulas for glyceraldehyde, erythrose, threose, ribose, arabinose, allose, altrose, glucose or mannose in the above diagram. Emil Fischer made use of several key reactions in the course of his carbohydrate studies. These are described here, together with the information that each delivers. As noted above, sugars may be classified as reducing or non-reducing based on their reactivity with Tollens', Benedict's or Fehling's reagents. If a sugar is oxidized by these reagents it is calledreducing, since the oxidant (Ag(+) or Cu(+2)) is reduced in the reaction, as evidenced by formation of a silver mirror or precipitation of cuprous oxide. The Tollens' test is commonly used to detect aldehyde functions; and because of the facile interconversion of ketoses and aldoses under the basic conditions of this test, ketoses such as fructose also react and are classified as reducing sugars. When the aldehyde function of an aldose is oxidized to a carboxylic acid the product is called an aldonic acid. Because of the 2º hydroxyl functions that are also present in these compounds, a mild oxidizing agent such as hypobromite must be used for this conversion (equation 1). If both ends of an aldose chain are oxidized to carboxylic acids the product is called an aldaric acid. By converting an aldose to its corresponding aldaric acid derivative, the ends of the chain become identical (this could also be accomplished by reducing the aldehyde to CH2OH, as noted below). Such an operation will disclose any latent symmetry in the remaining molecule. Thus, ribose, xylose, allose and galactose yield achiral aldaric acids which are, of course, not optically active. The ribose oxidation is shown in equation 2 below. Other aldose sugars may give identical chiral aldaric acid products, implying a unique configurational relationship. The examples of arabinose and lyxose shown in equation 3 above illustrate this result. Remember, a Fischer projection formula may be rotated by 180º in the plane of projection without changing its configuration. Sodium borohydride reduction of an aldose makes the ends of the resulting alditol chain identical, HOCH2(CHOH)nCH2OH, thereby accomplishing the same configurational change produced by oxidation to an aldaric acid. Thus, allitol and galactitol from reduction of allose and galactose are achiral, and altrose and talose are reduced to the same chiral alditol. A summary of these redox reactions, and derivative nomenclature is given in the following table. |Derivatives of HOCH2(CHOH)nCHO an Aldonic Acid an Aldaric Acid The osazone reaction was developed and used by Emil Fischer to identify aldose sugars differing in configuration only at the alpha-carbon. The upper equation shows the general form of the osazone reaction, which effects an alpha-carbon oxidation with formation of a bis-phenylhydrazone, known as an osazone. Application of the osazone reaction to D-glucose and D-mannose demonstrates that these compounds differ in configuration only at C-2. Chain Shortening and Lengthening These two procedures permit an aldose of a given size to be related to homologous smaller and larger aldoses. The importance of these relationships may be seen in the array of aldose structurespresented earlier, where the structural connections are given by the dashed blue lines. Thus Ruff degradation of the pentose arabinose gives the tetrose erythrose. Working in the opposite direction, a Kiliani-Fischer synthesis applied to arabinose gives a mixture of glucose and mannose. An alternative chain shortening procedure known as the Wohl degradation is essentially the reverse of the Kiliani-Fischer synthesis. Using these reactions we can now follow Fischer's train of logic in assigning the configuration of D-glucose. - In order to determine which of these epimers was glucose, Fischer made use of the inherent C2 symmetry in the four-carbon dissymmetric core of one epimer (B). This is shown in the following diagram by a red dot where the symmetry axis passes through the projection formula. Because of this symmetry, if the aldehyde and 1º-alcohol functions at the ends of the chain are exchanged, epimer B would be unchanged; whereas A would be converted to a different compound. By clicking on the diagram, the consequences of such an exchange will be displayed. If a monosaccharide has a carbonyl function on one of the inner atoms of the carbon chain it is classified as a ketose. Dihydroxyacetone may not be a sugar, but it is included as the ketose analog of glyceraldehyde. The carbonyl group is commonly found at C-2, as illustrated by the following examples (chiral centers are colored red). As expected, the carbonyl function of a ketose may be reduced by sodium borohydride, usually to a mixture of epimeric products. D-Fructose, the sweetest of the common natural sugars, is for example reduced to a mixture of D-glucitol (sorbitol) and D-mannitol, named after the aldohexoses from which they may also be obtained by analogous reduction. Mannitol is itself a common natural carbohydrate. Although the ketoses are distinct isomers of the aldose monosaccharides, the chemistry of both classes is linked due to their facile interconversion in the presence of acid or base catalysts. This interconversion, and the corresponding epimerization at sites alpha to the carbonyl functions, occurs by way of an enediol tautomeric intermediate. By clicking on the diagram, an equation illustrating these isomerizations will be displayed. Because of base-catalyzed isomerizations of this kind, the Tollens' reagent is not useful for distinguishing aldoses from ketoses or for specific oxidation of aldoses to the corresponding aldonic acids. Oxidation by HOBr is preferred for the latter conversion. Anomeric Forms of Glucose Fischer's brilliant elucidation of the configuration of glucose did not remove all uncertainty concerning its structure. Two different crystalline forms of glucose were reported in 1895. Each of these gave all the characteristic reactions of glucose, and when dissolved in water equilibrated to the same mixture. This equilibration takes place over a period of many minutes, and the change in optical activity that occurs is called mutarotation. These facts are summarized in the diagram below. When glucose was converted to its pentamethyl ether (reaction with excess CH3I & AgOH), two different isomers were isolated, and neither exhibited the expected aldehyde reactions. Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the pentamethyl ether derivatives, however, gave a tetramethyl derivative that was oxidized by Tollen's reagent and reduced by sodium borohydride, as expected for an aldehyde. These reactions will be displayed above by clicking on the diagram. The search for scientific truth often proceeds in stages, and the structural elucidation of glucose serves as a good example. It should be clear from the new evidence presented above, that the open chain pentahydroxyhexanal structure drawn above must be modified. Somehow a new stereogenic center must be created, and the aldehyde must be deactivated in the pentamethyl derivative. A simple solution to this dilemma is achieved by converting the open aldehyde structure for glucose into a cyclic hemiacetal, called a glucopyranose, as shown in the following diagram. The linear aldehyde is tipped on its side, and rotation about the C4-C5 bond brings the C5-hydroxyl function close to the aldehyde carbon. For ease of viewing, the six-membered hemiacetal structure is drawn as a flat hexagon, but it actually assumes a chair conformation. The hemiacetal carbon atom (C-1) becomes a new stereogenic center, commonly referred to as the anomeric carbon, and the α and β-isomers are called anomers. We can now consider how this modification of the glucose structure accounts for the puzzling facts noted above. First, we know that hemiacetals are in equilibrium with their carbonyl and alcohol components when in solution. Consequently, fresh solutions of either alpha or beta-glucose crystals in water should establish an equilibrium mixture of both anomers, plus the open chain chain form. This will be shown above by clicking on the diagram. Note that despite the very low concentration of the open chain aldehyde in this mixture, typical chemical reactions of aldehydes take place rapidly. Second, a pentamethyl ether derivative of the pyranose structure converts the hemiacetal function to an acetal. Acetals are stable to base, so this product should not react with Tollen's reagent or be reduced by sodium borohydride. Acid hydrolysis of acetals regenerates the carbonyl and alcohol components, and in the case of the glucose derivative this will be a tetramethyl ether of the pyranose hemiacetal. This compound will, of course, undergo typical aldehyde reactions. By clicking on the diagram a second time this relationship will be displayed above. 5. Cyclic Forms of Monosaccharides As noted above, the preferred structural form of many monosaccharides may be that of a cyclic hemiacetal. Five and six-membered rings are favored over other ring sizes because of their low angle and eclipsing strain. Cyclic structures of this kind are termed furanose (five-membered) or pyranose (six-membered), reflecting the ring size relationship to the common heterocyclic compounds furan and pyran shown on the right. Ribose, an important aldopentose, commonly adopts a furanose structure, as shown in the following illustration. By convention for the D-family, the five-membered furanose ring is drawn in an edgewise projection with the ring oxygen positioned away from the viewer. The anomeric carbon atom (colored red here) is placed on the right. The upper bond to this carbon is defined as beta, the lower bond then is alpha. Click on the following diagram to see a model of β-D-ribofuranose. The cyclic pyranose forms of various monosaccharides are often drawn in a flat projection known as a Haworth formula, after the British chemist, Norman Haworth. As with the furanose ring, the anomeric carbon is placed on the right with the ring oxygen to the back of the edgewise view. In the D-family, the alpha and beta bonds have the same orientation defined for the furanose ring (beta is up & alpha is down). These Haworth formulas are convenient for displaying stereochemical relationships, but do not represent the true shape of the molecules. We know that these molecules are actually puckered in a fashion we call a chair conformation. Examples of four typical pyranose structures are shown below, both as Haworth projections and as the more representative chair conformers. The anomeric carbons are colored red. Models of these glucose, galactose, mannose and allose pyranose structures may be viewed by Clicking Here. A practice page for examining the configurations of aldohexoses may be viewed by Clicking Here. The size of the cyclic hemiacetal ring adopted by a given sugar is not constant, but may vary with substituents and other structural features. Aldolhexoses usually form pyranose rings and their pentose homologs tend to prefer the furanose form, but there are many counter examples. The formation of acetal derivatives illustrates how subtle changes may alter this selectivity. By clicking on the above diagram. the display will change to illustrate this. A pyranose structure for D-glucose is drawn in the rose-shaded box on the left. Acetal derivatives have been prepared by acid-catalyzed reactions with benzaldehyde and acetone. As a rule, benzaldehyde forms six-membered cyclic acetals, whereas acetone prefers to form five-membered acetals. The top equation shows the formation and some reactions of the 4,6-O-benzylidene acetal, a commonly employed protective group. A methyl glycoside derivative of this compound (see below) leaves the C-2 and C-3 hydroxyl groups exposed to reactions such as the periodic acid cleavage, shown as the last step. The formation of an isopropylidene acetal at C-1 and C-2, center structure, leaves the C-3 hydroxyl as the only unprotected function. Selective oxidation to a ketone is then possible. Finally, direct di-O-isopropylidene derivatization of glucose by reaction with excess acetone results in a change to a furanose structure in which the C-3 hydroxyl is again unprotected. However, the same reaction with D-galactose, shown in the blue-shaded box, produces a pyranose product in which the C-6 hydroxyl is unprotected. Both derivatives do not react with Tollens' reagent. This difference in behavior is attributed to the cis-orientation of the C-3 and C-4 hydroxyl groups in galactose, which permits formation of a less strained five-membered cyclic acetal, compared with the trans-C-3 and C-4 hydroxyl groups in glucose. Derivatizations of this kind permit selective reactions to be conducted at different locations in these highly functionalized molecules. The ring size of these cyclic monosaccharides was determined by oxidation and chain cleavage of their tetra methyl ether derivatives. To see how this was done for glucose Click Here. Acetal derivatives formed when a monosaccharide reacts with an alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst are called glycosides. This reaction is illustrated for glucose and methanol in the diagram below. In naming of glycosides, the "ose" suffix of the sugar name is replaced by "oside", and the alcohol group name is placed first. As is generally true for most acetals, glycoside formation involves the loss of an equivalent of water. The diether product is stable to base and alkaline oxidants such as Tollen's reagent. Since acid-catalyzed aldolization is reversible, glycosides may be hydrolyzed back to their alcohol and sugar components by aqueous acid. The anomeric methyl glucosides are formed in an equilibrium ratio of 66% alpha to 34% beta. From the structures in the previous diagram, we see that pyranose rings prefer chair conformations in which the largest number of substituents are equatorial. In the case of glucose, the substituents on the beta-anomer are all equatorial, whereas the C-1 substituent in the alpha-anomer changes to axial. Since substituents on cyclohexane rings prefer an equatorial location over axial (methoxycyclohexane is 75% equatorial), the preference for alpha-glycopyranoside formation is unexpected, and is referred to as the anomeric effect. Glycosides abound in biological systems. By attaching a sugar moiety to a lipid or benzenoid structure, the solubility and other properties of the compound may be changed substantially. Because of the important modifying influence of such derivatization, numerous enzyme systems, known as glycosidases, have evolved for the attachment and removal of sugars from alcohols, phenols and amines. Chemists refer to the sugar component of natural glycosides as the glycon and the alcohol component as the aglycon. Two examples of naturally occurring glycosides and one example of an amino derivative will be displayed above by clicking on the diagram. Salicin, one of the oldest herbal remedies known, was the model for the synthetic analgesic aspirin. A large class of hydroxylated, aromatic oxonium cations called anthocyanins provide the red, purple and blue colors of many flowers, fruits and some vegetables. Peonin is one example of this class of natural pigments, which exhibit a pronounced pH color dependence. The oxonium moiety is only stable in acidic environments, and the color changes or disappears when base is added. The complex changes that occur when wine is fermented and stored are in part associated with glycosides of anthocyanins. Finally, amino derivatives of ribose, such as cytidine play important roles in biological phosphorylating agents, coenzymes and information transport and storage materials. For a discussion of the anomeric effect Click Here. For examples of structurally and functionally modified sugars Click Here. When the alcohol component of a glycoside is provided by a hydroxyl function on another monosaccharide, the compound is called a disaccharide. Four examples of disaccharides composed of two glucose units are shown in the following diagram. The individual glucopyranose rings are labeled A and B, and the glycoside bonding is circled in light blue. Notice that the glycoside bond may be alpha, as in maltose and trehalose, or beta as in cellobiose and gentiobiose. Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of these disaccharides yields glucose as the only product. Enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis is selective for a specific glycoside bond, so an alpha-glycosidase cleaves maltose and trehalose to glucose, but does not cleave cellobiose or gentiobiose. A beta-glycosidase has the opposite activity. In order to draw a representative structure for cellobiose, one of the glucopyranose rings must be rotated by 180º, but this feature is often omitted in favor of retaining the usual perspective for the individual rings. The bonding between the glucopyranose rings in cellobiose and maltose is from the anomeric carbon in ring A to the C-4 hydroxyl group on ring B. This leaves the anomeric carbon in ring B free, so cellobiose and maltose both may assume alpha and beta anomers at that site (the beta form is shown in the diagram). Gentiobiose has a beta-glycoside link, originating at C-1 in ring A and terminating at C-6 in ring B. Its alpha-anomer is drawn in the diagram. Because cellobiose, maltose and gentiobiose are hemiacetals they are all reducing sugars (oxidized by Tollen's reagent). Trehalose, a disaccharide found in certain mushrooms, is a bis-acetal, and is therefore a non-reducing sugar. A systematic nomenclature for disaccharides exists, but as the following examples illustrate, these are often lengthy. Disaccharides made up of other sugars are known, but glucose is often one of the components. Two important examples of such mixed disaccharides will be displayed above by clicking on the diagram. Lactose, also known as milk sugar, is a galactose-glucose compound joined as a beta-glycoside. It is a reducing sugar because of the hemiacetal function remaining in the glucose moiety. Many adults, particularly those from regions where milk is not a dietary staple, have a metabolic intolerance for lactose. Infants have a digestive enzyme which cleaves the beta-glycoside bond in lactose, but production of this enzyme stops with weaning. Cheese is less subject to the lactose intolerance problem, since most of the lactose is removed with the whey. Sucrose, or cane sugar, is our most commonly used sweetening agent. It is a non-reducing disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose joined at the anomeric carbon of each by glycoside bonds (one alpha and one beta). In the formula shown here the fructose ring has been rotated 180º from its conventional perspective. To examine a model of sucrose Click Here For a brief discussion of sweetening agents Click Here. For examples of some larger saccharide oligomers Click Here. As the name implies, polysaccharides are large high-molecular weight molecules constructed by joining monosaccharide units together by glycosidic bonds. They are sometimes called glycans. The most important compounds in this class, cellulose, starch and glycogen are all polymers of glucose. This is easily demonstrated by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis to the monosaccharide. Since partial hydrolysis of cellulose gives varying amounts of cellobiose, we conclude the glucose units in this macromolecule are joined by beta-glycoside bonds between C-1 and C-4 sites of adjacent sugars. Partial hydrolysis of starch and glycogen produces the disaccharide maltose together with low molecular weight dextrans, polysaccharides in which glucose molecules are joined by alpha-glycoside links between C-1 and C-6, as well as the alpha C-1 to C-4 links found in maltose. Polysaccharides built from other monosaccharides (e.g. mannose, galactose, xylose and arabinose) are also known, but will not be discussed here. Over half of the total organic carbon in the earth's biosphere is in cellulose. Cotton fibers are essentially pure cellulose, and the wood of bushes and trees is about 50% cellulose. As a polymer of glucose, cellulose has the formula (C6H10O5)n where n ranges from 500 to 5,000, depending on the source of the polymer. The glucose units in cellulose are linked in a linear fashion, as shown in the drawing below. The beta-glycoside bonds permit these chains to stretch out, and this conformation is stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonds. A parallel orientation of adjacent chains is also favored by intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Although an individual hydrogen bond is relatively weak, many such bonds acting together can impart great stability to certain conformations of large molecules. Most animals cannot digest cellulose as a food, and in the diets of humans this part of our vegetable intake functions as roughage and is eliminated largely unchanged. Some animals (the cow and termites, for example) harbor intestinal microorganisms that breakdown cellulose into monosaccharide nutrients by the use of beta-glycosidase enzymes. Cellulose is commonly accompanied by a lower molecular weight, branched, amorphous polymer called hemicellulose. In contrast to cellulose, hemicellulose is structurally weak and is easily hydrolyzed by dilute acid or base. Also, many enzymes catalyze its hydrolysis. Hemicelluloses are composed of many D-pentose sugars, with xylose being the major component. Mannose and mannuronic acid are often present, as well as galactose and galacturonic acid. Starch is a polymer of glucose, found in roots, rhizomes, seeds, stems, tubers and corms of plants, as microscopic granules having characteristic shapes and sizes. Most animals, including humans, depend on these plant starches for nourishment. The structure of starch is more complex than that of cellulose. The intact granules are insoluble in cold water, but grinding or swelling them in warm water causes them to burst. The released starch consists of two fractions. About 20% is a water soluble material called amylose. Molecules of amylose are linear chains of several thousand glucose units joined by alpha C-1 to C-4 glycoside bonds. Amylose solutions are actually dispersions of hydrated helical micelles. The majority of the starch is a much higher molecular weight substance, consisting of nearly a million glucose units, and called amylopectin. Molecules of amylopectin are branched networks built from C-1 to C-4 and C-1 to C-6 glycoside links, and are essentially water insoluble. Representative structural formulas for amylose and amylopectin will be shown above by clicking on the diagram. To see an expanded structure for amylopectin click again on the diagram. The branching in this diagram is exaggerated, since on average, branches only occur every twenty five glucose units. Hydrolysis of starch, usually by enzymatic reactions, produces a syrupy liquid consisting largely of glucose. When cornstarch is the feedstock, this product is known as corn syrup. It is widely used to soften texture, add volume, prohibit crystallization and enhance the flavor of foods. Glycogen is the glucose storage polymer used by animals. It has a structure similar to amylopectin, but is even more highly branched (about every tenth glucose unit). The degree of branching in these polysaccharides may be measured by enzymatic or chemical analysis. For examples of chemical analysis of branching Click Here. Synthetic Modification of Cellulose Cotton, probably the most useful natural fiber, is nearly pure cellulose. The manufacture of textiles from cotton involves physical manipulation of the raw material by carding, combing and spinning selected fibers. For fabrics the best cotton has long fibers, and short fibers or cotton dust are removed. Crude cellulose is also available from wood pulp by dissolving the lignan matrix surrounding it. These less desirable cellulose sources are widely used for making paper. In order to expand the ways in which cellulose can be put to practical use, chemists have devised techniques for preparing solutions of cellulose derivatives that can be spun into fibers, spread into a film or cast in various solid forms. A key factor in these transformations are the three free hydroxyl groups on each glucose unit in the cellulose chain, --[C6H7O(OH)3]n--. Esterification of these functions leads to polymeric products having very different properties compared with cellulose itself. Cellulose Nitrate, first prepared over 150 years ago by treating cellulose with nitric acid, is the earliest synthetic polymer to see general use. The fully nitrated compound, --[C6H7O(ONO2)3]n--, called guncotton, is explosively flammable and is a component of smokeless powder. Partially nitrated cellulose is called pyroxylin. Pyroxylin is soluble in ether and at one time was used for photographic film and lacquers. The high flammability of pyroxylin caused many tragic cinema fires during its period of use. Furthermore, slow hydrolysis of pyroxylin yields nitric acid, a process that contributes to the deterioration of early motion picture films in storage. Cellulose Acetate, --[C6H7O(OAc)3]n--, is less flammable than pyroxylin, and has replaced it in most applications. It is prepared by reaction of cellulose with acetic anhydride and an acid catalyst. The properties of the product vary with the degree of acetylation. Some chain shortening occurs unavoidably in the preparations. An acetone solution of cellulose acetate may be forced through a spinneret to generate filaments, called acetate rayon, that can be woven into fabrics. Viscose Rayon, is prepared by formation of an alkali soluble xanthate derivative that can be spun into a fiber that reforms the cellulose polymer by acid quenching. The following general equation illustrates these transformations. The product fiber is called viscose rayon. RO(-) Na(+) + S=C=S
Class 9 Math Linear Graphs and their Applications Change the way you learn with Maqsad's classes. Local examples, engaging animations, and instant video solutions keep you on your toes and make learning fun like never before! Class 9Class 10First YearSecond Year 1. Draw the conversion graph between litres and gallons using the relation 9 litres =2 gallons (approximately) and taking litres along horizontal axis and gallons along vertical axis. From the graph read(i) the number of gallons in 18 litres
EMBL scientists and collaborators have created molecular messengers that can be switched on or off at will, to study the communication networks that drive cells’ responses to outside stimuli When your blood sugar (glucose) rises, cells in the pancreas respond by secreting insulin. This seemingly simple reaction actually requires information to be passed from one molecule to another, like a baton in a relay race. The cell first detects the change in its surroundings through receptors on its membrane. These receptors relay that information to a group of second messengers called diacylglycerides (DAG), which trigger the chain reactions inside the cell that ultimately result in it producing insulin. Thanks to a new approach led by Carsten Schultz at EMBL and Dirk Trauner at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany, researchers can now rapidly turn those second messengers on and off at will, inside living cells, to better study this information relay. “We have created versions of three DAGs that we can switch on simply by exposing them to a flash of UV light, and then we can switch them off again by exposing them to blue light,” says Schultz. “These DAGs are involved not only in insulin secretion, but also in neurotransmission, so by looking at what happens when we turn these DAGs on or off people can begin to really understand how those processes are triggered and regulated within cells.”
Track of Hurricane Charley, August 9-15, 2004 Courtesy of USGS based on data from the National Weather Service How do we know which way a hurricane will go? Forecasters track hurricane movements and predict where the storms will travel as well as when and where they will reach land. While each storm will make its own path, the movement of every hurricane is affected by a combination of the factors described below. Hurricanes are steered by global winds. These winds, called trade winds, blow from east to west in the tropics. They carry hurricanes and other tropical storms from east to west. In the Atlantic, storms are carried by the trade winds from the coast of Africa where they typically form westward to the Caribbean and North American coasts. When the trade winds are strong it is easier to predict where the storm will travel. When they are weak it's more difficult. After a hurricane crosses an ocean and reaches a continent, the trade winds weaken. This means that the Coriolis Effect has more of an impact on where the storm goes. In the Northern Hemisphere the Coriolis Effect can cause a tropical storm to curve northward. When a storm starts to move northward, it leaves the trade winds and moves into the westerlies, the west to east global wind found at mid-latitudes. Because the westerlies move in the opposite direction from trade winds, the hurricane can reverse direction and move east as it travels north. High pressure systems can also affect the path of storms. In the Atlantic Ocean, the Bermuda High affects the path of hurricanes. When the storms are carried west by the trade winds, they are pushed north around the edge of the high pressure area. Although these factors add up to a typical hurricane path that travels west and then bends poleward, there are other factors that affect a hurricane's path and complex hurricane tracks are common too. Last modified March 31, 2009 by Lisa Gardiner. You might also be interested in: How did life evolve on Earth? The answer to this question can help us understand our past and prepare for our future. Although evolution provides credible and reliable answers, polls show that many people turn away from science, seeking other explanations with which they are more comfortable....more Earth's ocean covers more than 70% of our planet's surface. There are five major ocean basins. The Pacific Ocean is the largest. It’s so large that it covers a third of the Earth's surface. The Atlantic...more Why do the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron and the Hurricane Research Division use different airplanes? Actually, they only use two main types. The top two airplanes in the graphic, the WC-130H Hercules...more The official "Hurricane Hunters" are the Air Force Reserve's 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron. They fly through the eyes of hurricanes and record information. The information helps the National Hurricane...more The hurricane season in the North Atlantic is particularly strong this year. And scientists predict that the storms will be getting stronger because of global warming. Follow the links below to find out...more Rain, wind, tornadoes, and storm surge related to hurricanes cause change to natural environments, damage to the human-built environment, and even loss of life. When a hurricane is over the ocean and far...more A cyclone is an area of low pressure with winds blowing counter-clockwise around it in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise around it in the Southern Hemisphere. A tropical cyclone is a cyclone which...more Different places in the world call tropical cyclones by different names. If you click on the image at left you will see which areas use "cyclone", which use "hurricane", and which use "typhoon" when refering...more
Those tiny buzzing bundles flitting around flowers aren’t just cute insects – they’re the silent heroes of our planet’s food chain. Bees, from honeybees to bumblebees to countless other species, are the invisible workforce responsible for pollinating over 75% of the world’s crops, from the apples in your lunchbox to the avocados on your toast. But lately, their buzzing chorus is getting quieter, and that’s no small thing. The bee population is declining, and it’s a problem buzzing with serious consequences. Why is The Bee Population Declining? Imagine trying to find groceries in a concrete jungle. That’s the harsh reality facing many bees today. Here are the big villains in their story: Habitat Loss: A Disappearing Banquet for Busy Bees Imagine a world where your grocery store doesn’t just vanish, but gets replaced by a sterile parking lot devoid of any food variety. That’s essentially what’s happening to countless bees: their once-lush landscape of diverse wildflowers and flowering plants is shrinking at an alarming rate. Deforestation, urbanization, and the relentless conversion of natural landscapes into vast, monotonous fields of a single crop are fragmenting and decimating their natural buffet. This isn’t just about finding enough pollen and nectar. Different flowers bloom at specific times, forming a meticulously synchronized calendar that bees rely on to nourish their young and sustain their colonies throughout the year. This intricate tapestry of floral resources is now unraveling, leaving many bees disoriented and struggling to find the precise resources they need at critical times. The consequences are far-reaching and ripple through the ecosystem. Honeybee populations, crucial for pollinating vital agricultural crops like apples, almonds, and berries, are facing severe declines. Wild bee species, responsible for pollinating the colorful tapestry of wildflowers and supporting diverse ecosystems, are also disappearing at alarming rates. This loss of biodiversity creates cascading effects throughout the food chain, impacting not just human food security but also the survival of countless plant and animal species that depend on bee pollination. Habitat loss isn’t just a statistic; it’s a story of displacement and ecological disruption. It’s a wake-up call to acknowledge the profound role bees play in our world and the urgent need to protect and restore the diverse habitats they rely on. From planting bee-friendly gardens to advocating for responsible land management practices, we can begin to rebuild the banquet table for these tiny pollinators and ensure their vital role in our interconnected world doesn’t fade into silence. Pesticide Poison: Silent Traps in the Pollination Playground Those chemicals meant to ward off unwanted pests often turn into silent traps for the very creatures that ensure our food security – bees. Sprayed fields become death zones, leading to colony collapse and dwindling bee populations. Think of accidentally poisoning your baker while swatting a fly – a necessary task gone tragically wrong, with devastating consequences for our daily bread. Pesticides come in many forms, each wreaking havoc in its own way. Systemic insecticides, absorbed by plants and carried within their nectar and pollen, slowly poison bees as they gather their daily provisions. Neonicotinoids, a widely used class of insecticides, disrupt critical neurological functions in bees, impacting their memory, navigation, and ability to communicate within their colonies. The consequences aren’t limited to immediate deaths. Sublethal exposure to pesticides weakens bees, making them susceptible to diseases and parasites. Their foraging efficiency declines, impacting their ability to collect enough food to support their colonies. This vicious cycle contributes to colony collapse, further accelerating the bee population decline. Pesticide poison isn’t just a matter of lost honey production; it’s a threat to the delicate balance of our ecosystems. Many fruits, vegetables, and even flowering plants rely on bees for pollination to reproduce. The decline of bee populations due to pesticide use jeopardizes the very crops we depend on for sustenance, creating a ripple effect that threatens food security and ecological stability. Moving towards natural pest control methods and advocating for stricter regulations on harmful pesticides is crucial to creating a safe haven for bees in our agricultural landscapes. By choosing pesticide-free produce and supporting responsible farming practices, we can take a stand against the silent poisoning of our pollinators and safeguard the future of our food supply. Climate Change: Disrupting the Bee’s Delicate Dance with Time Our planet’s ever-shifting temperatures wreak havoc on the intricate lives of bees. Imagine trying to run a bakery with constantly unpredictable deliveries of flour – that’s the harsh reality for these industrious pollinators under the grip of climate change. Warming temperatures disrupt delicate flowering calendars, leaving bees struggling to find food and synchronize their breeding cycles. Longer blooming seasons may sound positive, but they throw the bee’s biological clock into disarray. Early blooms may lure them out of hibernation too soon, leaving them vulnerable to late frosts and food shortages when those flowers fade. Conversely, delayed blooms can leave hungry bees without essential resources when they need them most. The impacts of climate change extend beyond disrupting their food web. Extreme weather events like droughts and floods decimate bee populations by destroying their nests and limiting access to vital resources. Honeybees, accustomed to stable temperature ranges, struggle to cope with the increased stress caused by erratic weather patterns, making them more susceptible to diseases and colony collapse. Climate change isn’t just a distant threat; it’s a tangible force disrupting the delicate dance between bees and the environment. By mitigating climate change through responsible carbon footprint reduction and advocating for sustainable environmental practices, we can help stabilize the bees’ world and ensure they continue to thrive in a changing climate. The Asian Hornet Invasion: A Predator Throwing the Hive into Chaos Imagine a hungry wolf breaking into a peaceful flock of sheep – that’s the chilling reality facing bees with the arrival of the Asian hornet. These aggressive predators, native to East Asia, have invaded Europe and North America, spreading fear and chaos through bee communities. Equipped with powerful mandibles and a ruthless hunting instinct, Asian hornets decimate honeybee colonies, devouring adult bees and larvae alike with alarming efficiency. Their hunting strategy is a marvel of coordinated attacks. Scout hornets locate beehives and release pheromones, attracting a swarm of their fellow hunters. The hornets then unleash a brutal assault, decapitating and dismembering adult bees, leaving hives vulnerable and defenseless. A single hornet can kill 50 bees in a minute, while a full attack can wipe out an entire colony within hours. The consequences of the Asian hornet invasion are far-reaching. Honeybee populations in impacted regions are experiencing dramatic declines, jeopardizing pollination services crucial for fruit and vegetable production. Beekeepers face enormous challenges protecting their hives and sustaining their operations, adding significant economic strain to the industry. Moreover, the loss of honeybees weakens the entire ecosystem. Honeybees pollinate numerous wildflower species, supporting diverse plant communities and food webs. Their decline disrupts the delicate balance of nature, potentially leading to cascading effects on countless other species and ecological processes. Combating the Asian hornet invasion requires a multi-pronged approach. Early detection and eradication efforts are crucial to contain their spread. Research into effective traps and control methods is ongoing, while public awareness campaigns educate citizens on identifying and reporting hornet sightings. Ultimately, tackling the Asian hornet problem requires international cooperation and coordinated action. Sharing knowledge and resources, implementing biosecurity measures, and investing in research are essential steps to protecting bees from this formidable predator and ensuring their continued role in our world. The Bee Population Graph: A Visual Story of Decline If you ever see a graph with a steep downhill slope, that’s what the bee population looks like. Fewer lines, fewer buzzing wings. It’s not just a statistic; it’s a wake-up call. We need to act before the meadows fall silent and our plates become sadly empty. Take a look at the bee population graphs below. Bee Conservation: How to Help Bee Populations Thrive Again The decline of bees doesn’t have to be a silent tragedy. From tiny actions in our own backyards to bold policy decisions, we can all become champions for these tiny titans of pollination. Here’s how to help bee populations: Plant a Bee Garden: Your Tiny Pollination Paradise: Forget manicured lawns, embrace the buzz! Transform your balcony, porch, or even a small corner of your yard into a haven for bees. Fill it with bee-friendly flowers like lavender, rosemary, sunflowers, and native wildflowers. Think of it as setting up a welcoming bakery just for bees, overflowing with delicious pollen and nectar throughout the seasons. Not only will you be rewarded with vibrant blooms, but you’ll also create a vital pit stop for tired travelers on the pollination highway. A great way to start is with this Wildflower Seed Ball Kit from Our Green House. Ditch the Pesticide Poison: Choose Natural Pest Control: Think of it as swapping out chemical bombs for friendly ladybug patrols. Instead of relying on harsh pesticides that endanger bees and other beneficial insects, choose natural pest control methods. Attract predatory bugs like ladybugs and lacewings, who will happily feast on harmful pests. Utilize diluted soap sprays or neem oil for targeted interventions. Remember, a healthy garden isn’t just about pest-free produce, it’s about creating a balanced ecosystem where bees thrive alongside us. Support Local Honey Heroes: Be a Bee-Friendly Consumer: Honey isn’t just a sweetener, it’s a symbol of the delicate relationship between humans and bees. Choose honey from beekeepers who prioritize the health and wellbeing of their hives, using sustainable practices and avoiding harmful chemicals. By opting for local, responsibly sourced honey, you’re not just enjoying a delicious treat, you’re directly supporting bee populations and ethical beekeeping practices. Raise Your Voice for the Voiceless Buzzers: Advocate for Change: Bees don’t have lobbyists, but you do! Contact your local representatives and urge them to support policies that protect bees. Advocate for stricter regulations on harmful pesticides, funding for bee research and habitat restoration initiatives, and urban landscaping programs that prioritize bee-friendly plants. Remember, your voice can buzz all the way to policy halls. Let your elected officials know that bees matter, and their future matters to you. Spread the Word: Buzz About the Bee Buzz: Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to bee conservation. Talk to your friends and family about the plight of bees, share information about bee-friendly gardening practices, and encourage them to make informed choices as consumers. Organize educational workshops in your community or start a pollinator-friendly gardening club. Remember, the more people who understand the importance of bees, the stronger the chorus of support for their protection will become. Think Beyond Your Backyard: Support Large-Scale Solutions: While individual actions are crucial, large-scale solutions are also needed. Support organizations working on bee conservation initiatives, donate to research efforts, and participate in community clean-up drives that restore natural habitats. Remember, every ripple of action creates a wave of change. Remember, even the smallest steps can make a big difference. Planting a few bee-friendly flowers, choosing natural pest control, or simply raising awareness can contribute to a brighter future for bees. So, let’s all roll up our sleeves, plant some blooms, raise our voices, and ensure that the melody of the bee buzz continues to hum through our world, reminding us that the sweetest victories often begin with the smallest buzz. Conclusion: Stopping the Bee Population Decline The bee population decline is a serious issue, but it’s not an insurmountable one. With individual actions, responsible choices, and a little policy magic, we can rewrite the story. Let’s work together to create a future where bee populations not only recover but flourish, reminding us that the sweetest victories often begin with the smallest buzz. So, let’s roll up our sleeves, plant some flowers, and raise our voices – together, we can ensure the vibrant melody of bees continues to hum through our world, nourishing our plates, our ecosystems, and the very fabric of life on Earth.
About This Course This course will introduce students to the theory of music, providing them with the skills needed to read and write Western music notation, as well as to understand, analyze, and listen informedly. It will cover material such as pitches and scales, intervals, clefs, rhythm, form, meter, phrases and cadences, and basic harmony. This course covers the fundamentals of Western music theory, from the absolute basics to some more advanced concepts and, as such, is the perfect course for beginners and more experienced musicians alike. - Anyone interested in learning music
First of all, your statement implies that volcanism didn't occur in Troodos. That is not true. Troodos was even referred to as "Troodos Volcano" once in Miyashiro's 1973 article about Troodos. A geological map of Cyprus clearly shows that a large portion of the ophiolite is composed of lavas (volcanic) and dykes (sub-volcanic): Note the red, brown and pink colors. This is however not the arc volcanism you were referring to but rather ocean floor volcanism in a spreading center setting. As for your question, why there isn't any arc volcanism in Troodos, the answer is simply that it wasn't hot enough. Let's put the question of where the water comes from aside, and concentrate on what happens when water meets an ultramafic rock, which is what mantle rocks are. You can see that serpentine is stable at temperatures lower than 600°C, and even lower at (the more relevant for our case) low pressures. At higher temperatures serpentine is not stable anymore and the stable mineral is olivine (a rock forming mineral in lherzolite and harzburgite). Olivine is a dry mineral, so what happens to all the water? The water acts to lower the temperature needed to melt the mantle rocks. You can see the dry versus the wet solidus (the temperature in which a rock begins to melt) in the following diagram. So to sum it up, serpentinite forms when water reacts with ultramafic rocks at low temperature, for example when seawater infiltrates the mantle rocks, or when fluids from the subducted dehydrated slab reach the colder shallow mantle rocks. Melting and consequently arc volcanism occurs for example when fluids from the subducted dehydrated slab rise to deep and hot mantle rocks and suppress the melting temperature to below the ambient temperature. There are several reasons that the mantle rocks in Troodos were "cold" enough for this to occur. First of all, you are talking about very shallow rocks, very close to the plutonic section of the ophiolite. You can see that shallow mantle rocks are in the 300-500°C range. The arc volcanoes that you see in that figure are situated above the areas where fluids from the subducting slab can infiltrate hot (1000ish°C) mantle rocks. So you can use the Japan Sea as an analogue for Troodos in this case. Now, it is true that temperatures were likely higher because magmatic activity did occur in Troodos, but as Troodos was a slow-spreading center, the magmatic activity was rather sporadic and localized. The Nuriel et al. (2009) paper that Lanzafame refers to actually advocates the idea that Troodos was a core-complex. That is, the mantle rocks were directly exposed to seawater due to faulting, which both cooled them considerably and facilitated serpentinization. The Troodos ophiolite is indeed a supra-subduction zone ophiolite. And it is reasonable to think that arc volcanism occurred somewhere, but the record is absent from the Troodos ophiolite itself. If you are interested, look up "a h f robertson" on Google Scholar and read some of his newer work. The article you cited is from the 70s and much research has been conducted since then.
INTRODUCTION — Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) comprises a complex group of inherited dystrophies characterized by progressive degeneration and dysfunction of the retina, primarily affecting photoreceptor and retinal pigment epithelial function . The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is the layer of the retina below the photoreceptors that plays a key role in the maintenance of the photoreceptor layer. RP may occur alone or as part of a syndrome and may be inherited as a dominant, recessive, or X-linked trait or occur sporadically. The same genetic mutation may cause different symptoms in different individuals, and the same syndrome may be caused by different mutations . Night and peripheral vision are lost progressively, leading to a constricted visual field and markedly diminished vision in some patients. Retinal degeneration can be seen on ophthalmoscopy as typical bone-spicule deposits or attenuated retinal vessels, or detected in early stages by special tests of retinal function. This topic addresses the natural history, diagnosis, and genetics of RP. Treatment and prognosis are discussed separately. (See "Retinitis pigmentosa: Treatment".) TERMINOLOGY — The term "retinitis" is a misnomer since the pathogenesis is not inflammatory; rather, it is actually a dystrophy or genetically determined degeneration. The term “pigmentosa” refers to the characteristic progressive peripheral pigmentary changes that are seen on fundoscopic examination of the retina. This fundus appearance is thought to be due to two types of pigmented cells that invade the retina in response to photoreceptor damage: retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells that migrate away from the retinal pigment epithelial layer, and macrophage-like cells that contain melanin. Other terms for RP include "rod-cone dystrophy," "tapetoretinal degeneration," and "pigmentary retinopathy." EPIDEMIOLOGY — A family history of RP is present in about 40 to 50 percent of patients . The worldwide prevalence of RP is estimated at 1 in 4000 to 5000 [4-8]. With a population of about 330 million in the United States in February 2021 (see census.gov for continuous updates), about 82,500 to 110,000 people in the United States have RP or a related disorder. RP may be higher in isolated populations with a high rate of consanguinity. NATURAL HISTORY — The presentation of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is variable, affecting some patients with visual loss in childhood while leaving others asymptomatic well into adulthood. The typical course of RP is gradual loss of peripheral visual fields (often recognized by testing before an affected individual notices symptoms), visual acuity, and electroretinographic activity. Central retinal function declines more slowly than more peripheral retinal function [9,10]. Most patients meet criteria for legal blindness by age 40 due to narrowing of visual fields . The rate of loss may be highly variable, depending on the specific mutation. Often times the peripheral vision loss is insidious, and patients may not realize it until they have trouble going down the stairs (inferior visual field), become surprised by someone walking beside them, or get into a car accident due to not seeing vehicles in adjacent lanes. In two longitudinal studies of patients with RP, followed for three and nine years, the visual field diminished at a rate of 4.6 to 12 percent per year [9,10]. Three distinct patterns of visual field loss were identified in another longitudinal study: progressive, generalized constriction; expansion from a midperipheral ring scotoma; or loss beginning superiorly and expanding nasally or temporally . Visual acuity declines more slowly than loss of visual fields [9,10]. The presence of macular lesions on initial presentation is associated with greater loss of visual acuity . Patients with a normal macula lost on average one line of visual acuity over five years, while patients with a macular lesion lost an average of three to four lines over five years. Measurement of cone electroretinograms may help estimate the long-term visual prognosis for a given patient, and serial measurements can help refine this prediction (see 'Full-field electroretinography' below). In one report, patients at age 40 with a cone amplitude ≥3.5 microV (an estimated 25 percent of patients with typical RP) would on average be expected to retain some vision throughout their lifespan without treatment . The age of symptom onset, ranging from childhood to adulthood, does not correlate well with the onset of photoreceptor degeneration . Inheritance — There are multiple patterns of inheritance, and underlying gene abnormalities, for disorders classified as retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The same genetic mutation may cause different phenotypic patterns in different patients (phenotypic pleiotropy), and multiple genetic abnormalities may give rise to the same syndrome (allelic heterogeneity). A list of identified genes causing RP is available at the Retinal Information Network (RetNet) website . Determining the specific genetic abnormality underlying RP can serve several functions: ●Confirm the diagnosis of RP in equivocal cases ●Predict prognosis for patient and risk for other family members ●Identify types of RP for clinical trial eligibility as gene-specific prevention and treatment protocols become available Additionally, identifying the cause of the disease will contribute to a better understanding of the biology of the retina and its pathology. ●Non-syndromic RP – The typical form of RP, in which clinical manifestations are restricted to the eye. This comprises approximately 65 percent of all cases in the United States . The distribution of inheritance patterns for these cases is approximately: •30 percent autosomal dominant •20 percent autosomal recessive •15 percent X-linked •5 percent recessive early-onset (Leber congenital amaurosis [LCA]) •30 percent sporadic Autosomal dominant RP confers a 50 percent risk to the offspring of affected individuals. In autosomal recessive RP, each child has a 25 percent risk of being affected if both parents are carriers. X-linked RP patients are typically male. However, female carriers of X-linked RP may have visual symptoms . Affected males cannot transmit the abnormal gene to their male offspring, but all female offspring will be carriers. Where there is no family history of RP and an abnormal gene cannot be determined, the risk of RP affecting offspring is less than 5 percent unless the proposed union is consanguineous . ●Syndromic RP – In addition to typical forms of RP, syndromic forms exist that involve multiple organs. The most common form of syndromic RP is Usher syndrome. Usher patients have congenital or early-onset hearing impairment followed by development of RP. Bardet-Biedl syndrome is the next most common syndromic form and is associated with polydactyly, obesity, renal abnormalities, and developmental delay. Mutations involving the nephronophthisis (NPHP) genes are well characterized and cause childhood end-stage kidney disease and RP. (See "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis".) Gene mutations — Linkage analyses in families with multiple affected individuals have resulted in the identification of numerous genomic regions that harbor mutations causing RP. The first RP mutation was identified in 1989 in the rhodopsin gene (RHO) on chromosome 3q21.3 . Rhodopsin is a light-absorbing pigment in the membrane of the rod photoreceptor cell. A proline-to-histidine change at amino acid 23 in this gene was found in 1990 . This mutation alone accounts for 10 percent of autosomal dominant RP in the United States White population. The pace of discovery has been exponential, as more than 3000 genetic mutations in approximately 70 genes have been discovered . Over 71 genes have been implicated in non-syndromic RP, 66 genes in syndromic RP, and 14 genes in LCA . The protein products of these genes are involved in multiple pathways: the phototransduction cascade; vitamin A metabolism; cytoskeletal structures; signaling and cell-to cell-interactions; RNA intron splicing factors; regulation of intracellular protein traffic; and phagocytosis. RetNet provides information on advancements in gene mutations . It is possible to detect disease-causing mutations in over 50 percent of patients with autosomal dominant RP, 30 percent of patients with recessive RP, 70 percent of patients with recessive LCA, and nearly 90 percent of patients with X-linked RP . Symptoms — The visual symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) arise primarily from the loss of retinal photoreceptors, both rods and cones. The most common symptoms are night blindness, peripheral visual field loss, and loss of visual acuity. Other symptoms commonly reported by patients with RP include photopsias (sensations of sparkling lights) [4,21] and headache . ●Night blindness – Night blindness (nyctalopia) is one of the earliest symptoms [4-8]. Patients may notice that they become disoriented in dim light or that adaptation to dim light is slow, as in movie theaters. However, night blindness may go unrecognized until the disease is advanced due to the insidious nature of RP and pervasive artificial light sources which are now present in everyday life; some patients never recognize night blindness as a symptom . Once a patient is suspected of having RP, they should be referred to an ophthalmologist who specializes in hereditary eye disease or to a genetics professional. ●Visual field loss – Progressive constriction of the visual field is another common feature. Patients may be considered "clumsy" before the diagnosis is made . The most common early pattern of visual field deficit is loss in the midperiphery of the visual field (between 30 to 50 degrees eccentric to fixation, as this is where the density of rods is greatest), followed by extension of the visual loss into the far periphery of the visual field . Patients may experience no impact from a decrement in visual field until the central visual field is reduced to about 50 degrees in diameter (normal is 180 degrees with both eyes open) . ●Visual acuity – Visual acuity is variably affected. Patients may retain good visual acuity for years, despite extensive loss of peripheral vision. Eventually, most patients experience loss of visual acuity as the disease progression. In a study of 982 adult patients with RP, 52 percent had visual acuity of 20/40 or better in at least one eye and 25 percent had visual acuity of 20/200 or worse in both eyes. Only 5 percent had no light perception in both eyes. Patients with X-linked RP tend to have poorest visual acuity; those with autosomal dominant RP typically retain better visual acuity [9,22,23]. Cataracts and abnormalities in the central retina, such as macular edema or macular cysts, often contribute to deterioration in visual acuity [22,24,25]. The functional impact of RP, in terms of difficulty with activities of daily living, correlates most strongly with loss of visual acuity . Loss of visual field has less impact, and decrements detected by electroretinographic data correlate least well with activity impairment. (See 'Full-field electroretinography' below.) Retina — The classic ophthalmoscopic findings in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) are described as a triad: attenuation of the retinal blood vessels, waxy pallor of the optic disc, and intraretinal pigmentation in a bone-spicule pattern (picture 1 and picture 2). These retinal findings are most often bilateral and symmetric. Unilateral RP is rare. Retinal vascular attenuation was found in 94 percent of 384 eyes and optic disc pallor in 52 percent in one series . The optic disc has a waxy, pale appearance thought to be due to both optic disc atrophy and gliosis overlying the disc [4,5,7]. Drusen of the optic disc (hyaline-like, acellular, laminated globular excrescences) are due to aberrant axonal transport and are more common in patients with RP than in the general population [28,29]. The retina may appear normal in early states of RP, even though electrophysiologic testing reveals dysfunction of the photoreceptors (see 'Full-field electroretinography' below). This "early" stage may last for decades . As the disease advances, the retinal vessels become more attenuated until they appear thread-like. Abnormal retinal pigmentation develops when pigment migrates from disintegrating retinal pigment epithelial cells into the superficial ("inner") retina in response to photoreceptor cell death (figure 1) [4,7]. The pigmentary abnormality is visible initially as a dusting of fine pigment extending from the mid to far peripheral retina. Later, "bone spicules" (accumulations of pigment along the interstitial spaces surrounding retinal blood vessels) form throughout the mid and far retinal periphery . Atrophy of the choriocapillaris may be present in advanced RP, exposing the large choroidal vessels underneath [4,7]. The macula, or central retina, becomes affected in moderate or advanced disease, when photoreceptor degeneration advances and leads to retinal thinning and loss of visual acuity [7,24,27,31]. A central atrophic or bulls-eye lesion will be visible in some patients [4,27]. Patients may also develop cellophane maculopathy (also called "surface wrinkling retinopathy") and foveal cysts, with or without associated edema [24,25,27]. These problems compound the loss of visual acuity due to photoreceptor death. Vitreous — The vitreous humor may contain a dust-like pigmented substance, comprised of pigment granules . Complete posterior vitreous detachment is more common than in normal subjects [4,5,7,8,27,33]. Functional abnormalities — Abnormalities in refractive error, visual acuity and visual fields, contrast sensitivity, and color vision may occur in patients with RP. Refractive error — RP is associated with astigmatism and myopia [4,7,34]. In one study, myopia was present in 75 percent of 268 eyes of patients with RP and in only 12 percent of a normal population . The prevalence of myopia is higher in patients with X-linked RP. (See "Visual impairment in adults: Refractive disorders and presbyopia".) Visual acuity and visual fields — Visual loss in RP usually begins with mid-peripheral scotomata that progress over time to involve the entire periphery. Loss of photoreceptors in the macula in advanced disease leads to progressive constriction of the central visual field and worsening visual acuity. Patients are left with a central island of vision that gradually constricts over time. Contrast sensitivity — Standard visual acuity is measured at high contrast. The ability to distinguish low-contrast objects is another measure of visual function that is diminished in patients with RP . Loss of contrast sensitivity may contribute to patients' perception of decreased vision when standard visual acuity testing is normal. Color vision — Color vision remains normal until the macula becomes involved and visual acuity is reduced. When color vision is affected, testing usually reveals a blue cone deficiency [4,6,8]. DIAGNOSIS — The diagnosis of retinosis pigmentosa (RP) is made by a combination of the following: ●History (nyctalopia [difficulty adapting to the dark] and peripheral vision loss) ●Fundus examination findings of waxy pallor of the optic nerve, arterial attenuation, and pigmentary changes in the peripheral retina ●Ancillary testing results (attenuation of the rods, and later cones, on the full-field electroretinogram [ERG], constriction of the visual field on Goldmann perimetry, and abnormal dark adaptometry) In normal subjects undergoing ERG testing in a dark environment, there is an initial increase in sensitivity to low light, a phenomenon mediated by cone photoreceptors that reaches a plateau within five minutes. Subsequently, the rod system progressively activates and sensitivity to light increases again until a second plateau is reached. Abnormalities of dark adaptometry in RP include loss of rod and/or cone sensitivity [4,6,7,36]. Full-field electroretinography — The ERG, a mainstay in the diagnosis of RP since the early 1950s, measures the electrical response of the retina to light stimuli . Full-field electroretinography, the traditional standard, activates the entire retina simultaneously. An electrode is placed on the cornea or on the skin of the eyelid and the color and intensity of a light stimulus are manipulated to activate the cones and rods, separately or together. RP causes a reduction in the amplitude and a delay in the timing of the electrical signal produced by retinal stimulation . The amplitude of the ERG correlates well with the size of the remaining visual field . Patients with moderate or advanced RP have a non-recordable (extinguished) ERG. The ERG may be abnormal even in early stages of the disease, when the retina appears normal. Full-field electroretinography is invaluable in detecting RP in patients at risk for the disease (eg, family members of diagnosed patients) who have normal-appearing retinas. Goldman perimetry — Goldmann perimetry involves moving a stimulus from beyond the edge of the visual field into the field. The location at which the stimulus is first seen marks the outer perimeter of the visual field for the size and brightness of the stimulus tested. The largest isopter in Goldmann testing extends 90 degrees temporally and 60 degrees in other quadrants. This test is conducted one eye at a time to determine the extent of visual field loss and to follow the patient’s visual field progression over time. Dark adaptometry — An abnormal dark-adapted threshold, a psychophysical measurement of the threshold to a light stimulus, is a hallmark feature of RP. Rod threshold is often increased due to decreased rod sensitivity and prolonged recovery of rod sensitivity. After being exposed to a bright light stimulus, subjects are placed in the dark for 30 minutes, and the minimum intensity light that can be detected by the subject is measured at interval time points. Multifocal electroretinography for monitoring — Focal electroretinography records the local electrical signal generated by the stimulation of a discrete portion of the retina. Multifocal electroretinography, another technique, permits the recording of many focal electroretinograms simultaneously and represents central cone function . The multifocal ERG is useful in monitoring patients with RP in later stages of the disease. This technique can record electroretinographic responses generated within the functioning maculae in patients who have nearly extinguished full-field ERGs [41-43]. Genetic testing — With the first retinal gene therapy (voretigene neparvovec-rzyl) approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in December 2017 for RPE65-associated Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) and a multitude of ongoing gene therapy trials, genetic testing has become a critical component in the diagnosis and management of RP. Gene therapy is discussed in more detail elsewhere. (See "Retinitis pigmentosa: Treatment" and "Retinitis pigmentosa: Treatment", section on 'Gene therapy'.) In 2006, the National Eye Institute sponsored eyeGENE, a program which provided genetic testing for patients with a variety of inherited eye diseases . In 2016, the American Academy of Ophthalmology released a position statement on the role of genetic testing in inherited retinal disease management . As treatment is available for a subtype of LCA/RP, it is essential that genetic testing be offered for patients with LCA and early-onset RP. In addition, a molecular diagnosis obtained from genetic testing allows patients to determine whether they are eligible for inclusion into clinical trials for RP. Certification under the Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendment (CLIA) is essential for clinical genetic testing in the United States. In addition, the genetic analysis provided by the laboratory should follow American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics standards. Skilled interpretation of the pathogenicity of identified variants (mutations) is important to sort out the clinical relevance of the results of genetic testing. Several commercial ocular genetics laboratories offer large, comprehensive, next-generation sequencing retinal dystrophy panels with rapid turnaround of results. Nonprofit laboratories, such as the John and Marcia Carver Nonprofit Genetic Testing Laboratory at the University of Iowa, and Massachusetts Eye and Ear, also offer comprehensive testing. The Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) is offering genetic testing and ocular genetic counseling as part of a research study available through the free online My Retina Tracker registry. Patients in the My Retina Tracker registry provide informed consent to share their deidentified data, which is accessible to researchers to help accelerate progress on RP and other inherited retinal diseases research. It is essential that a patient that has undergone genetic testing be referred for ocular genetic counseling, which can be provided by a geneticist or a certified genetic counselor. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS — Several acquired conditions cause extensive chorioretinopathy and may be confused with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). These include traumatic retinopathy, retinal inflammatory diseases, paraneoplastic retinopathy, drug toxicity, and rare conditions such as diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis (DUSN). Traumatic retinopathy — Traumatic retinopathy is the most common masquerader of RP . Several months after blunt or penetrating injury to the eye, the retina may assume an appearance similar to that of RP (however, trauma is often unilateral and RP is almost always bilateral) . The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) becomes atrophic and dark retinal pigment migrates into the superficial retina, especially along retinal vessels. This bone-spicule pattern is sometimes indistinguishable from that seen in RP. These changes do result in visual loss, but, in contrast to RP, the loss is not progressive over time and the electroretinogram (ERG) may even be normal. Retinal inflammatory diseases — Pigmentary retinopathies may occur in rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, and herpesvirus infection of the retina. Rubella retinopathy is the most common ocular manifestation of congenital rubella . If a child has congenital hearing loss secondary to rubella infection and concurrent rubella retinopathy, the child may be mistakenly diagnosed with Usher syndrome, a genetic disorder affecting the cochlea and retina (see 'Genetics' above). Electroretinography may facilitate the correct diagnosis, as the ERG is only mildly abnormal in rubella but severely abnormal in Usher syndrome. Congenital or acquired syphilis may mimic advanced RP . However, unlike RP, syphilis produces patchy pigmentary retinal changes and chorioretinal scars. Toxoplasmosis or herpes infections of the retina may also produce a pigmentary retinopathy. Random patches of severe retinopathy occur with these infections, similar to syphilis retinopathy. The ERG is usually only mildly abnormal in inflammatory pigmentary retinopathies but markedly abnormal in RP. Autoimmune paraneoplastic retinopathy — Although rare, panretinal degeneration can accompany certain cancers, particularly small-cell lung and cervical carcinoma. The ERG is usually severely abnormal. Cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR) is thought to be due to antiretinal autoantibodies . Melanoma-associated retinopathy (MAR) presents with night blindness but has a unique ERG pattern distinguishable from that of RP. (See "Paraneoplastic visual syndromes".) Drug toxicity — Phenothiazines and chloroquine bind to melanin and concentrate in the RPE. Thioridazine in doses higher than 800 mg/day can cause severe retinal toxicity. This toxicity may manifest as a pigmentary retinopathy that mimics early RP . Chloroquine retinopathy may develop when total doses exceed 300 g . Bone spicules may develop in the peripheral retina but, unlike with RP, dark adaptometry is usually normal. Hydroxychloroquine retinopathy, which is less common than chloroquine retinopathy, may develop after medication use for longer than five years and at a dose of greater than 6.5 mg/kg/day. The retinopathy is typically milder than chloroquine retinopathy. Diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis — DUSN is a rare panretinal degeneration secondary to infection with the worms Baylisascaris procyonis and Toxocara canis. In the late stages, the fundus appearance resembles that of advanced RP, but unlike RP the abnormalities are typically restricted to one eye. (See "Toxocariasis: Visceral and ocular larva migrans" and "Anthelminthic therapies".) INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, “The Basics” and “Beyond the Basics.” The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon. Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on “patient info” and the keyword(s) of interest.) ●Basics topic (see "Patient education: Retinitis pigmentosa (The Basics)") ●Definition – Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) comprises a group of inherited conditions that cause progressive retinal degeneration affecting the photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). A family history is identified in the majority of patients. (See 'Introduction' above and 'Epidemiology' above.) ●Genetics – There are multiple patterns of inheritance, and underlying gene abnormalities, for disorders classified as retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The understanding of genetic mutations associated with RP is rapidly expanding.(See 'Genetics' above.) ●Epidemiology and natural history – Age of symptom onset ranges from childhood to adulthood, but photoreceptor degeneration can be detected many years before affected individuals are aware of vision problems. (See 'Natural history' above.) ●Symptoms – Night blindness is one of the earliest symptoms but can be so gradual that it may go unnoticed by patients. Loss of visual field is progressive, starting in the midperiphery and progressing more peripherally, resulting in a constricted visual field. (See 'Symptoms' above.) •Changes in the ocular fundus seen on ophthalmoscopy include optic disc pallor, attenuated vessels, and pigment deposits in a bone-spicule pattern. The macula may be affected in advanced disease. Cataracts may further compromise central vision. (See 'Ocular findings' above.) •Abnormalities in refractive error, visual acuity and visual fields, contrast sensitivity, and color vision may occur in patients with RP. (See 'Functional abnormalities' above.) ●Diagnosis – The diagnosis of RP is made by a combination of history (nyctalopia and peripheral vision loss), fundus examination (waxy pallor of the optic nerve, arterial attenuation, and pigmentary changes in the peripheral retina), and ancillary testing results (attenuation of the rods, and later cones, on the full-field electroretinogram [ERG] and constriction of the visual field on Goldmann perimetry). (See 'Diagnosis' above.) ●Differential diagnosis – Acquired conditions resulting in ophthalmoscopic findings resembling RP include ocular trauma, ocular inflammation associated with infection (rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, herpesvirus), paraneoplastic retinopathy, drug toxicity (phenothiazines and chloroquine), and diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis (DUSN). (See 'Differential diagnosis' above.) ACKNOWLEDGMENT — The UpToDate editorial staff acknowledges Syndee Givre, MD, PhD, who contributed to an earlier version of this topic review. آیا می خواهید مدیلیب را به صفحه اصلی خود اضافه کنید؟
120 likes | 272 Views Chapter 2. Newton’s First Law of Motion -- Inertia . Aristotle (384-322)BC. Aristotelian School of Thought . Natural Motion. Every Object in the universe has a proper place, determined by its nature. Heavier objects strive harder to be in their proper place. E N D Chapter 2 Newton’s First Law of Motion -- Inertia Aristotelian School of Thought Natural Motion Every Object in the universe has a proper place, determined by its nature. Heavier objects strive harder to be in their proper place. This implies that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. Violent Motion: All motion results from a push or pull. Except for celestial objects (the realm of the Gods), the normal “natural” state of an object was to be at rest. The Earth does not move. Aristotle’s school of thought dominated western culture for the next 2000 years, until the 16th century. Copernicus asserts that the Sun is at the center of the solar system instead of the Earth. This runs contrary to the Aristotelian school of thought. 1543 – Copernicus publishes De Revolutionibus Galileo is considered to be the father of experimental science. Galileo demolished the Aristotelian model by doing experiments and proving it wrong. Inclined plane demo Galileo’s Inclined Planes Inertia The tendency of a body to resist changes in its motion. Mass is a measure of inertia – A more massive body has more inertia.
Mesopotamian Naru Literature was a literary genre, first appearing around the 2nd millennium BCE, which featured a famous person (usually a king) from history as the main character in a story that most often concerned humanity's relationship with the gods. These stories became very popular and, in time, seem to have replaced the actual historical events in the minds of the people. Two examples of naru literature - The Legend of Sargon, which came to be accepted as the king's authentic autobiography, and The Curse of Agade, dealing with Sargon's grandson Naram-Sin - were so completely accepted as authentic history that even the great scholar L.W. King wrote of them as such in his 1910 CE work, A History of Sumer and Akkad. The stories that comprised naru literature were highly entertaining and, because they centered on well-known figures from the past, were instantly engaging and encouraged belief in their historical authenticity. The most famous example of Naru Literature, although it departs significantly from the form in many respects, is The Epic of Gilgamesh (written c. 2150-1400 BCE from pre-existing tales). In this work, the historical king of Uruk, Gilgamesh, is given a transcendent, mythical role as the central character searching for meaning in life. Development of the Genre The names of the great Akkadian kings were well known throughout Mesopotamia all the way down from Sargon's reign (2334-2279 BCE) to the fall of the Assyrian Empire in 612 BCE. The copies of such stories found at sites such as Nineveh and Mari attest to their popularity in ancient Mesopotamia, and it is highly unlikely that the ancient people who heard them gave a thought as to whether they were historically true accounts; they were simply good stories with an important message. The scholar O.R. Gurney defines naru literature in his work The Cuthaean Legend of Naram-Sin: A naru was an engraved stele, on which a king would record the events of his reign; the characteristic features of such an inscription are a formal self-introduction of the writer by his name and titles, a narrative in the first person, and an epilogue usually consisting of curses upon any person who might in the future deface the monument and blessings upon those who should honour it. The so-called "naru literature" consists of a small group of apocryphal naru-inscriptions, composed probably in the early second millennium B.C., but in the name of famous kings of a bygone age. A well-known example is the Legend of Sargon of Akkad. In these works the form of the naru is retained, but the matter is legendary or even fictitious. (93) Scholars disagree whether such stories should rightly be called "naru literature" or "fictitious autobiography". Whichever term one uses, the works purposefully represent themselves as first-person accounts of an event of significance from which an audience is supposed to learn some important information, whether the "truth" of historical events, a religious moral, or simply some lesson which was thought useful to those hearing the tales. The term "naru literature" comes from "naru" which is explained by scholar Gerdien Jonker: The word naru is used as a name for various objects, originally boundary stones, memorial stones and monuments. Two sorts of inscribed objects received the designation naru at the dawn of the second millennium: tablets accompanying presents and tablets used for building inscriptions. At the end of the third millennium the naru chiefly played a part in religious transactions; at the beginning of the second millennium it was to become not only actually but also symbolically the bearer of memory. (90) Inscriptions on stele and buildings was long a practice of the Mesopotamian kings by the time naru literature developed. The earliest form of writing in Mesopotamia (c. 3500-3000 BCE) was pictograms – symbols that represented objects – which served as memory aids. They helped in remembering such things as how much grain had gone to which destination or how many sheep were needed for events like sacrifices in the temples. These pictographs were impressed onto wet clay which was then dried, and these became official records of commerce. When writing moved from pictograms to phonograms, literature became possible. The kings could now record the glory of their reigns for posterity and, of course, did so. The king's inscriptions always focused on the gods and the monarch's own great deeds and addressed either a deity or a distant future audience. Naru literature took the form of the earlier naru inscriptions and changed them into stories that concerned the king's relationship with the gods and his people and were addressed to a contemporary audience. Regarding this, Gerdien Jonker writes: There are a few differences to be mentioned between the naru monuments and the literary genre deriving from them: a. The intention of the objects was chiefly communication between god and man; in the literary genre the speaker exclusively addresses other people. b. In the first case the text was written on an object (statue, stele, building, building tablet, etc); in the second, the writer only pretends that the text is written on an object. (95) Naru Literature and Memory The best example of this is the 2nd millennium BCE tale, The Legend of Cutha, featuring Naram-Sin (which is naru literature) as contrasted with an actual naru inscription. The story of Naram-Sin (r. 2261-2224 BCE) is told in the style of an inscription but deviates significantly. The following are the opening lines of a naru inscription by King Lugalzagesi (r. c. 2350 BCE) who was Sargon of Akkad's predecessor: Lugalzagesi, king of Uruk, king of the nation, incantation-priest of An, lumah-priest of Nisaba, son of U-U, the ruler of Umma and lumah-priest of Nisaba, looked upon truly by An as the king of all the lands. The opening of The Legend of Cutha, on the other hand, begins thusly: Open the tablet box and read the stele that I, Naram-Sin, descendant of Sargon inscribed and left behind for posterity. The king of Uruk disappeared. Enmerkar, king of Uruk, ruler of the land [Some period of time] passed. [Some period of time] went by. The naru inscriptions relate the story of the king's reign and triumphs; the naru literature often tells the story of the king's struggles and failure, even if the events never happened. In The Legend of Cutha, for example, Naram-Sin is faced with an invading hoard of seemingly super-human creatures. When he asks the gods for advice in opposing them, he is told that he should do nothing. He ignores the will of the gods, however, and decides to rely on his own judgment. He sends out a massive military force that is slaughtered by the invaders and does so two more times before he realizes he is doing something wrong in the eyes of the gods since, clearly, they are not favoring his cause. He humbles himself, seeks their guidance, and learns that the gods had plans to destroy the invaders themselves and did not need, nor want, Naram-Sin's interference. He comes to understand that one should trust the will of the gods instead of following the counsel of one's own heart. The poem ends with Naram-Sin directly addressing future rulers, telling them to trust the gods, heed the message of his story, and not make the same mistakes that he did. This is quite a different kind of story than those of kings like Lugalzagesi (and Naram-Sin's actual inscriptions) that told only of the great accomplishments of their reigns, their military campaigns, and temples and cities built by their decree. The naru literature was not interested in relating what actually did happen but in creating a tale of what could have happened - and what could happen again in the present - if one did not recognize one's proper place in the universe and behave accordingly. Gerdien Jonker writes: What mattered in the naru literature was the retaining of memory, condensed into the enduring name of the "sender". It was also a matter of preserving one's own memory, of making oneself live on in the form of one's own name, which was bound up with the memory of one's own deeds. Names had to resound because people wished for them to be invoked after death. (96) This same theme runs throughout The Epic of Gilgamesh in which the central character is so traumatized by the loss of his friend, Enkidu, that he must find some ultimate meaning for the human condition which he finds characterized by too brief a stay on earth, the certainty of death, and the mystery of what comes afterwards. The Epic of Gilgamesh departs from the form of Naru Literature in that it is told in the third person and the characters are far more fully developed than they are in other Naru works. Even so, it does fit the basic pattern in that it features a king attested to historically whose life is reimagined in order to relate an important message to an audience. Since the naru literature is largely anonymous, the writers must have staked their immortality on the popularity of their tales without needing to attach their names to their work (although it is entirely possible they did so and the original tablets have simply been lost). The author of the later version of Gilgamesh is known by name (Shin-Leqi-Unninni, who wrote c. 1300-1000 BCE in or around Babylon) but this is the exception, not the rule. All the authors seem to have had the same focus, however, of preserving the past and relating vital cultural values through the creation of entertaining and memorable tales. When Jonker writes above about "the retaining of memory", it should be recognized that it was not necessarily the memory of what had happened in the past that was important to the writers of the naru literature but that there had been a past worth remembering. Jonker states, "It should be made clear that the ancient writers were not aiming to deceive with their literary creations" (95). They were instead trying to preserve their past in a form they felt could help people in the present. An inscription of the great deeds of a king who conquered many cities and slaughtered many people was fine for that particular king but not much use to the people who lived under him. Naru literature, on the other hand, provided the people with entertaining stories they could learn from, remember, and make use of in their daily lives.
The respiratory pathogens panel (RPP) is a diagnostic test that helps physicians identify and differentiate between various respiratory infections. This test is particularly useful in determining the cause of bacterial pneumonia, which is a common respiratory infection that can lead to serious complications if left untreated. The RPP can detect a wide range of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi, that are responsible for respiratory infections. By using a single sample, this panel can simultaneously test for multiple pathogens, providing quicker and more accurate results compared to traditional diagnostic methods. Moreover, the RPP is a non-invasive test that requires only a simple nasal or throat swab, making it easier and more comfortable for patients, especially children. With this test, physicians can quickly remove any doubts and start the right treatment for the specific infection, reducing the risk of complications and improving patient outcomes. In summary, the respiratory pathogens panel is an essential part of diagnosing respiratory infections, such as pneumonia. By providing rapid and accurate results, this test allows physicians to quickly identify the pathogens responsible for the infection and take the right course of treatment. With the RPP, patients can receive effective care sooner, ensuring a faster recovery and preventing the spread of respiratory pathogens to others. What is it used for The Respiratory Pathogens Panel is a diagnostic test that is used to identify the presence of respiratory pathogens in patients with suspected respiratory infections. It is especially useful in diagnosing pneumonia, which is a lung infection that can be caused by both viral and bacterial pathogens. Traditional diagnostic methods for pneumonia, such as culturing bacteria from sputum samples, can be time-consuming and may not always provide accurate results. The Respiratory Pathogens Panel, on the other hand, is able to rapidly detect a wide range of respiratory pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Americans see their primary care doctors less often than they did a decade ago. Adults under 65 made nearly 25% fewer visits to primary care providers in 2016 than they did in 2018, according to National Public Radio. In the same time period, the number of adults who went at least a year without visiting a primary care provider increased from 38% to 46%. Having the ability to quickly identify the specific respiratory pathogen causing an infection is important for several reasons. First, it allows healthcare professionals to determine the most appropriate course of treatment. Antibiotics, for example, are only effective against bacterial infections, so they would not be useful in treating viral pneumonia. Additionally, knowing the identity of the pathogen can help healthcare professionals take the right steps to prevent the spread of the infection. For example, if a patient is found to be infected with a highly contagious respiratory pathogen, appropriate isolation precautions can be implemented to reduce the risk of transmission to other patients and healthcare workers. The Respiratory Pathogens Panel can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. By periodically testing for the presence of the pathogen during treatment, healthcare professionals can determine if the treatment is working or if it needs to be modified. In summary, the Respiratory Pathogens Panel is a valuable tool in the detection and management of respiratory infections. Its ability to rapidly identify a wide range of pathogens can help healthcare professionals provide appropriate treatment, prevent the spread of infection, and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. Why do I need a respiratory pathogens panel When it comes to diagnosing respiratory infections, it is important to identify the specific pathogens causing the illness. This is where a respiratory pathogens panel plays an important part. The respiratory pathogens panel is a diagnostic test that can identify a wide range of viral and bacterial pathogens that are known to cause respiratory infections. By detecting and identifying these pathogens, healthcare professionals can accurately diagnose the infection and provide the right treatment. How does it work The respiratory pathogens panel involves testing a patient’s respiratory samples, such as nasopharyngeal swabs or sputum, for the presence of common respiratory pathogens. These samples are then analyzed using advanced molecular techniques, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), to detect the genetic material of the pathogens. The result of the respiratory pathogens panel can provide valuable information about the type of pathogen causing the infection. This information can help healthcare professionals determine the appropriate treatment and management plan for the patient. Benefits of a respiratory pathogens panel There are several benefits to taking a respiratory pathogens panel. First, it helps healthcare professionals quickly and accurately diagnose respiratory infections. This leads to faster initiation of appropriate treatment, which can improve patient outcomes. Second, the respiratory pathogens panel can help differentiate between viral and bacterial infections. This is important because viral infections usually do not require antibiotics, while bacterial infections may require antibiotic treatment. By identifying the specific pathogens causing the infection, unnecessary antibiotic use can be avoided, helping to reduce the development of antibiotic resistance. Furthermore, a respiratory pathogens panel can help identify uncommon or atypical pathogens that may be causing the infection. This is important as some respiratory pathogens may be missed by traditional culture-based methods. By detecting these pathogens, healthcare professionals can provide targeted treatment and remove any uncertainties regarding the cause of the infection. In summary, a respiratory pathogens panel is a valuable diagnostic tool for identifying the specific pathogens causing respiratory infections. It provides important information for guiding treatment decisions, helping to ensure the right treatment is given and unnecessary antibiotic use is avoided. What happens during a respiratory pathogens panel A respiratory pathogens panel is a diagnostic test that is performed to identify the specific pathogens responsible for respiratory infections. It is an important part of the diagnostic process for respiratory infections, as it helps healthcare providers determine the appropriate treatment. During a respiratory pathogens panel, a sample of respiratory secretions, such as sputum or nasal swabs, is collected from the patient. This sample is then sent to a laboratory where it is tested for the presence of various pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. The laboratory uses molecular techniques, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), to detect the genetic material of these pathogens. PCR is a sensitive and specific method that can identify even small amounts of pathogen DNA or RNA. The respiratory pathogens panel can detect a wide range of respiratory pathogens, including respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza viruses, rhinovirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and more. The test usually takes a few hours to complete, and the results are typically available within a day or two. The laboratory will provide a detailed report indicating which pathogens were detected in the sample. Based on the test results, healthcare providers can determine the appropriate treatment for the patient. For example, if the respiratory pathogens panel identifies a viral infection, antiviral medications may be prescribed. on the other hand, if a bacterial infection is detected, antibiotics may be the right course of treatment. The respiratory pathogens panel can also help healthcare providers differentiate between different types of respiratory infections. For example, it can help distinguish between viral and bacterial pneumonia, which is important because the treatment for these two types of pneumonia is different. In summary, a respiratory pathogens panel is a diagnostic test that detects a wide range of respiratory pathogens. It plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory infections, helping healthcare providers identify the right cause of infection and choose the appropriate treatment. Will I need to do anything to prepare for the test If you are scheduled to undergo a Respiratory Pathogens Panel test, there are a few things you might need to consider before the test takes place. First, it is important to inform your healthcare provider about any symptoms or recent illnesses you might be experiencing. This information will help them interpret the test results accurately. In some cases, your healthcare provider may ask you to stop taking certain medications, such as antibiotics or antiviral drugs, prior to the test. This is because these medications can interfere with the accuracy of the test results. Additionally, it is important to follow any specific instructions given to you by your healthcare provider regarding fasting or any dietary restrictions before the test. It is also important to note that the Respiratory Pathogens Panel is specifically designed to detect respiratory pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria. This test is not designed to diagnose other respiratory conditions, such as pneumonia or other lung infections. If you suspect that you have pneumonia or any other respiratory infection, it is essential to seek medical attention right away. Please keep in mind that the test results of the Respiratory Pathogens Panel can take some time to process. The laboratory needs to carefully analyze the samples collected and identify any potential pathogens present. Once the results are available, your healthcare provider will discuss with you the appropriate next steps, which may include further testing or treatment if necessary. Are there any risks to the test The Respiratory Pathogens Panel (RPP) test is generally safe, but there are a few risks to consider. One of the main risks is the possibility of a false positive or false negative result. This means that the test may indicate the presence or absence of a respiratory pathogen incorrectly. Risks of false positive results A false positive result occurs when the test indicates the presence of a respiratory pathogen, but the person being tested does not actually have an infection. This can lead to unnecessary treatment with antibiotics, which can have side effects and contribute to antibiotic resistance. To minimize the risk of false positive results, it is important for healthcare providers to interpret the test results in the context of the patient’s symptoms and clinical presentation. Additional testing may be necessary to confirm the presence of an infection before starting treatment. Risks of false negative results A false negative result occurs when the test fails to detect the presence of a respiratory pathogen, even though the person being tested has an infection. This can lead to a delay in diagnosis and appropriate treatment. It is important to note that the RPP test does not detect all respiratory pathogens. While it can identify many common bacterial and viral pathogens that cause respiratory infections, there may be other pathogens that the test does not detect. Therefore, a negative test result does not definitively rule out the presence of an infection. |Infections that can be detected |Pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis |Influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) In summary, while the RPP test is generally safe, there is a small risk of false positive or false negative results. Healthcare providers should carefully interpret the test results and consider the patient’s symptoms and clinical presentation before making treatment decisions. What do the results mean The results of the Respiratory Pathogens Panel test can provide valuable information about the presence of various respiratory pathogens in the patient’s sample. The test can detect both viral and bacterial pathogens. If a specific pathogen is found in the patient’s sample, it indicates that the patient is currently infected with that particular pathogen. The presence of a viral pathogen suggests a viral infection, while the presence of a bacterial pathogen suggests a bacterial infection. It is important to note that the test may show the presence of certain pathogens that are normally found in the respiratory tract but do not cause infection. These can be considered as normal flora and may not require treatment. If no pathogens are detected in the patient’s sample, it could indicate that the patient does not have an active respiratory infection at the time of the test. It is also worth noting that the test may not be able to detect all possible respiratory pathogens. The panel targets a specific set of pathogens, and other less common pathogens may not be included. Therefore, a negative result does not completely rule out the possibility of a respiratory infection. The results of the test should always be interpreted by a healthcare professional in the context of the patient’s clinical presentation and medical history. Other diagnostic tests and clinical evaluations may be necessary to confirm the presence of a respiratory infection and determine the appropriate treatment plan. In summary, the results of the Respiratory Pathogens Panel test can provide information about the presence of viral and bacterial pathogens in the patient’s sample. Positive results suggest an active infection, while negative results do not completely rule out the possibility of a respiratory infection. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper interpretation and further evaluation.
Feathertail Gliders are omnivorous, feeding on pollen, nectar, moths, ants and termites, and their long thin tongues enable them to collect pollen and consume semi-liquid food. Feathertail Gliders are another exquisite species living in the grounds of Wildlife Wonders. The smallest gliding animal in the world, with an average weight of just 12g and measuring 6-8cm in head and body length, they live in forests and woodlands and are distinguished from other small marsupials by their feather-like tails, fringed with long stiff hairs, which act as a rudder during flight. A gliding membrane extending from their elbows to their knees, allows them to glide more than 25m between trees, then cling to smooth surfaces with their large serrated toe pads. They glide as often as five times each hour during the night. Their greyish brown fur is soft and silky on the upper body and white on the underside. There are rings of dark fur around the eyes, and they have a large number of whiskers sprouting from nose, cheeks and the base of each ear. They spend most of their time over 15m above the ground and, being nocturnal, spend their days resting in tree hollows lined with leaves or shredded bark. Up to five may share a single nest. Females typically give birth to two litters of up to four young and are able to mate again soon after the first litter is born. The young remain in the pouch for around 60 days. Their predators are currawongs, kookaburras, foxes and feral cats. Their maximum lifespan is about five years.
Image created with photograph by RODNAE Productions at Pexels Jamie Aldridge explores the complexity of the many gender-nonconforming identities Today is international Non-Binary People’s Day which has been observed each year on 14th July since 2012. Its aims is to raise awareness around the issues faced by non-binary people around the world. Non-binary is an umbrella term for gender identities that are neither 100% male nor 100% female; identities that are outside the gender binary. Non-binary people may feel their gender identity is androgynous (both masculine and feminine), neutral (neither masculine nor feminine), or varies over time (genderfluid). It’s a complicated identity that’s not as well-understood or as visible as the terms transgender or trans, so people might not feel able to be open about their non-binary gender identity. The term covers many experiences of gender identity that don’t align with my own. What issues do non-binary people face? There are a number of issues faced by non-binary people, such as: - Lack of awareness of what it means to be non-binary and the different labels non-binary people might use to describe themselves, such as genderqueer or neutrois; - Lack of awareness of gender-neutral forms of address, such as the gender neutral title ‘Mx.’ (pronounced ‘mix’), use of they/them pronouns, or use of neopronouns such as xe/xem and fae/faer; - Feeling forced to live in one gender role because of societal gender norms; - Lack of awareness about non-binary gender identities among healthcare staff, leading to difficulties accessing gender-affirming treatment (being addressed using the right name or pronouns, for example) or transition-related healthcare (such as hormone therapy); - Higher incidence of mental health conditions due to discrimination and prejudice; - Societal prejudice against anyone who ‘queers’ (doesn’t conform to) the gender roles enforced by our society and upbringing; - Lack of legal recognition of non-binary gender identities; currently, the only gender options on identification documents are M (male) and F (female). These options exclude non-binary people who don’t identify with the M or F labels. Research by Stonewall consistently shows that non-binary people feel the need to hide their identity in order to avoid discrimination, to an even greater degree than binary trans people. Stonewall also report that two in five non-binary people (37%) aren’t out at work and 55% of non-binary people said that their GP did not have a good understanding of their needs as a trans person. If a non-binary person’s friends, family and wider community understand more about gender diversity, they are less likely to face these issues. L-R: the non-binary, genderqueer and genderfluid pride flags How common is it to be non-binary? It’s difficult to give an accurate figure of the number of people who identify as non-binary. The 2021 census found that 0.5% of people stated their gender identity was different to the one they were assigned at birth, which would include non-binary identities. However this question was optional and some people may have chosen not to answer due to worries about discrimination. Stonewall’s Rainbow Britain report found that 1% of respondents identified as trans men, 1% identified as non-binary, and 1% identified as genderqueer or genderfluid, with less than 1% identifying as either a trans woman or agender. These statistics may not reflect the true number of non-binary people living in the UK, partly because non-binary people don’t have legal recognition in the same way trans men and trans women do. This may also be due to the lack of social awareness or acceptance of non-binary identities, leading people to hide the fact that they’re non-binary. Galop found that 41% of trans people have been the victim of a hate crime because of their gender identity. The Trans Lives Survey found that 73% of non-binary people reported being subjected to transphobia from strangers on the street. The same survey found that found that 99% of all respondents had experienced transphobia on social media. Do all non-binary people call themselves ‘non-binary’? Different people use different terms to describe themselves. For example, a gay woman could describe herself as a lesbian, a lesbian trans woman, or simply queer. Some phrases people use to describe their non-binary gender identity include: - I am non-binary - I identify as non-binary - I am genderqueer - I am genderfluid - I am agender - I am gender-nonconforming - I am queer A good rule of thumb is to use the term or word that the person uses to describe themselves. If you’re unsure what they like to be called, or what pronouns they use, ask them (in private). How can I tell if someone is non-binary? Put simply, you can’t. It’s not possible to tell from the outside that a person has a non-binary gender identity because your gender identity is an internal experience that isn’t necessarily reflected on the outside. It’s important to know that gender expression is different from gender identity. Gender expression is how you present or appear externally, for example, what clothes you wear and the mannerisms you have. Gender identity is how you experience your gender internally, in your own mind. Someone can favour wearing skirts and dresses and not necessarily identify with a feminine gender identity. What can I do to support non-binary people? The best things allies can do to support non-binary people is to listen to non-binary people themselves. Follow non-binary activists such as CN Lester, Meg-John Barker or Juno Dawson. You could follow gender nonconforming celebrities such as: - Singer Sam Smith (identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns); - ‘Umbrella Academy’ actor Elliot Page (identifies as a trans man and uses he/him and they/them pronouns); - Actor and model Cara Delevingne (identifies as genderfluid and uses she/her pronouns); and - ‘The Last of Us’ actor Bella Ramsey (identifies as non-binary and uses any pronouns). You could follow or get involved with trans-specific services such as cliniQ, a trans sexual health and wellbeing service, or akt, a charity that supports LGBT youth facing homelessness or living in a hostile environment. You can read up on non-binary people’s experiences at queer bookshops Category Is Books and Gay’s The Word. For more information, check out the following web pages:
What is Colorectal Cancer? Colorectal cancer is a cancer that starts in the colon or the rectum. These cancers can also be named colon cancer or rectal cancer, depending on where they start. The colon and rectum are parts of the large intestine and the digestive system. The colon absorbs water and nutrients and passes waste (stool) to the rectum. Colon and rectal cancers are grouped together as colorectal cancer because these organs are made of the same tissues and there isn’t a clear boundary between them. How does colorectal cancer start? Let’s start with some of the basics and go from there. Polyps in the colon or rectum Most colorectal cancers start as a growth on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. These growths are called polyps. Some types of polyps can change into cancer over time (usually taking many years), but it is important to note that not all polyps become cancerous. The chance of a polyp changing into cancer depends on the type of polyp it is. There are 2 main types of polyps: - Adenomatous polyps (adenomas): These polyps sometimes change into cancer. Because, adenomas are often a pre-cancerous condition that later turn into cancer. - Hyperplastic polyps and inflammatory polyps: These polyps are the more common type of polyp. Generally speaking, they are not pre-cancerous. They are usually found in people with an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as ulcerative colitis. Other factors that can make a polyp more likely to contain cancer or increase someone’s risk of developing colorectal cancer include: - If a polyp larger than 1 cm is found - If more than 2 polyps are found, or; - If dysplasia is seen in the polyp after it is removed. Note: Dysplasia is another pre-cancerous condition. It means there is an area in a polyp or in the lining of the colon or rectum where the cells look abnormal, but they don’t look like true cancer cells. How does colorectal cancer spread? If cancer forms in a polyp, it can grow into the wall of the colon or rectum over time. The wall of the colon and rectum is made up of many layers. Colorectal cancer starts in the innermost layer called the mucosa, and can grow outward through some or all of the other layers of the colon or rectum. When cancer cells are found in the wall of the colon or rectum they can then spread into the blood vessels or lymph nodes. From there, the cancer cells can travel to nearby or to distant parts of the body. The stage(s) of cancer refer to the spread or extent of a cancer within your body. In the case of colorectal cancers it depends on how deeply it has grown into the wall of the colon or rectum, and if it has spread outside the colon or rectum. If this happens you will hear the doctor use the term “metastasize”. The different types of cancer found in the colon and rectum Adenocarcinomas make up about 96% of colorectal cancers. These cancers start in cells that make mucus to lubricate the inside of the colon and rectum. When doctors talk about colorectal cancer, they are almost always talking about this type of cancer. Some sub-types of adenocarcinoma, such as signet ring and mucinous, may have a worse prognosis. Other, less common types of tumors can start in the colon and rectum, too. These include: - Squamous cell carcinoma, which is treated like anal cancer - Neuroendocrine tumor (NET) - Soft tissue sarcoma, such as leiomyosarcoma - Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) - Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, such as MALT lymphoma Non-cancerous tumors of the colon or rectum A non-cancerous or benign tumor of the colon or rectum is a growth that does not spread. Besides the polyps described earlier, some non- cancerous forms may also include: - Hamartoma, also called a hamartomata’s polyp, can form in many parts of the body, including the colon or rectum. - Lipoma starts in fat cells and can form anywhere in the body where there are fat cells, including the colon and rectum. This article has been sponsored by CanadaOnlineHealth.com Please visit our website where you will find healthcare solutions you can trust. CanadaOnlineHealth is CIPA certified, and works with licensed pharmacy partners who place your health and safety above all else. You can call us at 1-800-399-3784 or send us an email to Info@CanadaOnlineHealth.com
The surface of the sun, the center of our solar system, burns at about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat comes from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei and helium, which releases bursts of energy that produce the light that makes life on Earth possible. In his 1938 paper, “Energy Production in Stars,” Hans Bethe explained this process, which was later replicated on a smaller scale in thermonuclear bombs. Later, Bethe put this knowledge to use by joining the Manhattan Project – which built America’s first atomic weapons, including hydrogen bombs. Despite his work on the classified effort, Bethe became a champion of the liberal cause, advocating against the stockpiling of nuclear arsenals. “Then,” he said, “even if statesmen go crazy again, as they used to be, the use of these weapons will not destroy civilization.” Instead, he advocated that nuclear technology should be used in a more positive way to generate power to replace fossil fuels.
A reference list lists only the sources you refer to in your writing. A reference list appears on a new page after the end of a paper. It is arranged alphabetically, and references use hanging indentation (first line flush left, second and subsequent lines of a reference are indented in). The purpose of the reference list is to allow your sources to be be found by your reader. It also gives credit to authors you have consulted for their ideas. All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list, except for personal communications (such as conversations or emails) which cannot be retrieved. A bibliography is different from a reference list as it lists all the sources used during your research and background reading, not just the ones you refer to in your writing. For further information see the APA Manual p. 281–309.
Categorizing types of dyslexia into clearly defined sets and subsets is difficult. Dyslexia is a condition that is very much individualized in its severity and symptoms. To further complicate a clean-cut diagnosis, dyslexia can be accompanied by other conditions such as ADHD. Listed below are categories of dyslexia. The reader should remember that having one of these types of dyslexia does not mean other types of issues might not be present as well. Primary dyslexia is a type of dyslexia that is used to describe a dysfunction of the left side of the brain. People who have this type of dyslexia will struggle with reading, spelling, and writing, in various degrees, through adulthood. Primary dyslexia has been determined to be hereditary. This condition appears to be more prevalent in boys. Secondary dyslexia, or “developmental dyslexia,” is thought to be caused by hormonal development of the fetus during pregnancy. This type of dyslexia is thought to be highly treatable and has a good possibility of lessening and even going away as the child grows. Again, it is more common in boys. One of the more rare types of dyslexia is trauma dyslexia. This usually occurs after some form of brain injury. This was in fact the original symptom that led to dyslexic research being started back in the 1860s. It is still seen today, but mostly in adults who have suffered severe brain trauma and is rarely present in children. It is important to realize that these are considered “causes” for the different types of dyslexia. Listed below are the symptoms, or types, brought on by the above causes. Visual dyslexia is the result of immature development of the vision process. This could be, in part, that the eyes are not completely developed or have a defect. The eyes will send incomplete information to the visual center of the brain. This visual misinformation is then wrongly translated by the brain. This can lead to problems with reading and writing. Phonological dyslexia-or auditory dyslexia-is the hearing version of visual dyslexia in many ways. However a more serious condition called Processing Disorder may exist. This type of dyslexia makes it hard for the person to understand sounds, particularly words. Sentences may be jumbled and hard to understand. Dyspraxia relates to difficulty with motor integration. The child will have coordination problems and will often be considered as being “just clumsy.” Sufferers might also have problems with coordinated thought, language, and perception. Sometimes a child might outgrow this. Dysgraphia is one of the types of dyslexia that has a very significant effect on education. This type of dyslexia refers an immaturity in fine motor skills that makes holding a pencil and writing difficult. Often the student’s handwriting will be illegible. Over time, with help and training, improvement can be made. Probably the least known types of dyslexia is dyscalculia-or number dyslexia. People with dyscalculia will have problems performing simple math functions and grasping abstract math concepts. Often, people with dyscalculia will have difficulties with time, measurement, and spatial reasoning. Because it is the least known of all the different types of dyslexia, it often goes unnoticed. Hopefully this will give you a better understanding of how most types of dyslexia are categorized. Different types of dyslexia will have different effects on the sufferer. While there are innumerable variations of dyslexia in varying degrees, it is a good idea to have a working knowledge of the basics.
Scientists at the University of Manchester in the UK have developed a new potato-based concrete called StarCrete, which they say could be used to build structures on Mars. The new material utilizes a very simple recipe, which the scientists say would be easy to replicate on the surface of the Red Planet. It’s a huge change from previous proposals, which have advised using blood and urine to build on Mars. But how exactly does a potato-based concrete like StarCrete come to life? According to a paper on the new invention published in the journal Open Engineering, the recipe only requires potato starch, a pinch of salt, and extraterrestrial dust. This allows the concrete to settle into something that the scientists say is actually much stronger than regular concrete. The idea behind using potato-based concrete like StarCrete comes from starch that was produced as a surplus from food production for astronauts calling the Red Planet home for periods of time. And, because it only requires salt and dust from the planet to complete the recipe, it wouldn’t be overly expensive to move the items needed to the planet for production and building. Finding a cheaper and more efficient way to build on Mars has been important for several scientists over the past few years, especially with NASA planning a manned mission to Mars within the next 20 years. With something like StarCrete ready to go, it could help expedite how viable a Martian base could become. Of course, other concerns remain to address – like how much bone loss astronauts experience in low to no gravity. As I noted above, previous work by this same group relied on astronauts’ blood and urine as binding agents. So, using potato starch to create potato-based concrete like StarCrete is much less disgusting. Of course, there’s still some work to prove how scaleable this material is. But it could help answer a very important question of how we will build on other planets in the future.
Table of Contents Conservation and management of water and ocean resources The relationship between water and life is unbreakable. Conservation of water is conservation of life. The limit of water available on earth is fixed, but there is no limit to its consumption. Water is a cyclical resource which can be scientifically cleaned and reused. Water on Earth is obtained from rain and melting of snow. If it is used judiciously there will be no shortage. There is severe water shortage in some parts of the world. The principle of water harvesting is that rain water should be stored as per local needs and geographical conditions. In this sequence the ground water reserves are also filled. The underground water level is continuously decreasing in almost every big city of the country. The main reason for this is that there is no proper water supply facility in any city. In these circumstances, conservation of water becomes our primary objective. Measures for water conservation: Water conservation can be done in different ways: – 1. Rainwater harvesting: – For water conservation, it is necessary to store rain water as much as possible. For this, ridges should be made in the fields. Fields should not be left open. Dense forests should be planted to control the water cycle. 2. Management of water exploitation:- Measures should be taken to retain water on the earth’s surface for a longer period so that water can be stored underground. Forest land absorbs more water. Therefore, it is beneficial to divert the flow of rain water towards forests. 3. Water should not be misused:- The importance of water and the need for conservation should be spread as public awareness so that they do not misuse water. 4. Preventing misuse of water in the fields:- Farmers should know how much water is required for which land and which crop, so that water is not misused. 5. Limited use of ground water:- The number of tube wells should be controlled because the amount of water underground is limited. 6. Improvement in the drains of the fields: – The drains of the fields should be paved with collective help. 7. Making ponds concrete: – Ponds should be deepened and made concrete so that more water can be stored. 8. Purification of water: – The causes of water pollution should be removed. There should be special arrangements for drinking water purification. 9. Control over water use in industries:- There is high demand for water in industries. Reducing it will have two benefits. (1) With this the water demand of other segments of the industry can be met. (2) The amount of contaminated water released by these industries into rivers and streams will be reduced. In most of the industries water is used for cooling. It is not necessary to use clean and pure water for this work. Retreated water should be used for this work. Water Resource Management in India Various efforts have been made for water resources management in India which are as follows- 1. Water Resources Management and Training Project – In 1984, the Central Water Commission established the Irrigation Research and Management Organization. The main objective of this project was to strengthen institutional capacities for efficiency and maintenance of irrigation systems. To achieve this objective, recourse was taken to improving professional efficiency at all stages of irrigation systems and suggesting organizational and methodological changes for better management with a view to meet the needs of farmers and ultimately increase agricultural production. 2. National Water Management Project:- In 1986, the National Water Management Project was started with the help of the World Bank. The main objective of this project is to increase farming production and farming income. 3. Technology Transfer :- Central Water Commission has organized several workshops, seminars, labor engineer exchange programs, consultants and water and land management resources for effective transfer of technology to the participants from different states. Under the Water Research Management and Training Project, publications, guidelines, manuals and booklets related to irrigation management have been published through mutual consultation between consultants and the Central Water Commission. 4. Planning for ground water resources :- The Central Ground Water Board of the Ministry of Water Resources has prepared a central scheme for construction of tube wells and making them functional in the eastern states of the country, where ground water resources have not been developed much. Under this scheme, light and medium capacity tube wells will be constructed and handed over to Panchayats or cooperative institutions for the benefit of small and marginal farmers. 5. New Water Policy:- New Water Policy has come into effect from 31 March 2002. The main topic of water conservation has been included in the next five year plan. water conservation systems Some systems of water conservation are as follows- 1. In areas where the slope is not high, Montuar Bandh (buttresses) can be installed. This system is mandatory at the village level. It depends on mutual cooperation of farmers. The rain water that falls on the field of ‘A’ can be useful for the field of ‘B’, because the field of ‘B’ is at a lower level than ‘A’. 2. Construction of underground dams to prevent underground water from flowing into river channels during non-monsoon months. 3. Construction of small and big ponds or ponds which are 8 to 10 meters deep. In areas with low rainfall, a pond with an area of half a hectare should have a catchment area of about 50 hectares. 4. Construction of surface percolation ponds in wide areas. 5. Water from rivers should be pumped into deep wells away from the banks. 6. Where there are large river systems and there is a possibility of flood, it is possible that the flood can be diverted into the many ponds and wells built on both sides of the river. 7. Farmers should be encouraged to personally take measures to prevent rain water from leaving the fields. Rainwater harvesting from upper roof Half to two-thirds of the 4000 cubic kilometers of water that falls on the land surface every year in the country goes waste. On the other hand, for the rapidly increasing population, indiscriminate exploitation of ground water and construction of pucca houses and floors, and the expansion of concrete in the form of paved roads indicates a threat to underground water reserves. To combat the serious crisis arising from over-exploitation of ground water, rain water harvesting schemes have been prepared in many parts of the country. Under this, the government is planning to amend the city rules to enforce the requirement of storing water flowing from the roofs of buildings during the rainy season. In fact, rain water harvesting technique from upper roof is an effective step to increase the falling ground water. In the modern era, the roof of buildings is mostly made of R. C.C, R. B. C. is made in which the drainage of rain and other water collected on the roof is well managed. In many places it is allowed to fall down through some drainage holes and in some buildings it is lowered into the ground through a pipe. In this way the flowing rain water is brought to the well through a pipe. One end of this tube is tied to the rainwater collecting pipe and the other end is left at a convenient position inside the well. A fine plastic mesh is placed on the mouth of the end being left in the well so that unnecessary particles are not allowed to enter the well. Can be prevented from going in. By adopting this method the water level of wells increases. Therefore, collecting rain water from the roof is an effective step for artificial recharge of ground water. Rain water received on the roof can be recharged into the ground through the following structures: – 1. By closed/disused wells 2. Through closed or running tube well (hand pump) 3. By recharge pitch (pit) 4. By recharge ditch ‘Watershed’ is a drainage area on the earth’s surface from where water flows as a result of rainfall and joins a large stream, river, lake or sea. Watershed can be of any size but it should be managed in hydrogeological and natural form. Watershed based management is considered the most rational solution today. Under this measure, development is not limited to agricultural land only, but to wide and diverse activities like land and water conservation, development of barren and waste lands, afforestation, water harvesting – in which rainy season harvesting is given special importance, this will help the rural people. Employment is available. The main objectives of watershed management are as follows:- 1. Conservation and development of natural resources-land, water and agricultural wealth. 2. Improvement in water holding capacity and productivity of land. 3. Rainwater harvesting and recharge. 4. Increasing greenery like growing trees, crops and grass etc. 5. Development of rural manpower and energy management system. 6. Improvement in the socio-economic condition of the community. At present, watershed management is being given high priority because it helps in protecting the land from erosion and increasing productivity. In watershed management, special attention is paid to capturing maximum rainfall, improving groundwater recharge and reducing siltation of soils. Reduction of silt increases the carrying capacity of reservoirs. Importance and development of watershed management:- During the period of development under the plan, most of the efforts were made in the direction of irrigation and agriculture to overcome the shortage of food grains and to make the country self-reliant in the field of food grains. With this, the goal of providing food for all in the country has been achieved, but the process of development has created serious imbalances in the agricultural, socio-economic and ecological sectors. During the Ninth Five Year Plan, the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India has implemented the Watershed Development (WSD) scheme through voluntary organizations throughout the country. In this, good seeds, fertilizers, better agricultural land, equipment and better agricultural science methods are mainly used for the development of agricultural land based on afforestation and watershed. In fact, comprehensive watershed development program is a more effective method for increasing agricultural development and production. Rivers coming down the mountain slopes carry with them the surface soil of these slopes. Coming to the plains, the movement of the rivers gets blocked due to accumulation of silt and sometimes when the river starts flowing beyond its banks, it scatters silt around these banks. This silt coming from the mountains is very fertile and proves to be a boon for the farmers whose fields are irrigated with the water of such rivers. There is a risk of flood due to accumulation of silt inside the river. The surface soil of the slope gets washed away by rain water which has various ill effects. Vegetation is removed from the slopes and they are unable to stop the flow of rain water, which stops the growth of trees. As a result, silt deposited in the river bed causes floods. Socio-economic problems :- The benefits of agricultural development are largely limited to irrigated areas. The unevenness of agricultural development draws our attention to the following problems:- 1. Due to high unemployment in large areas irrigated by rain water, poverty and related problems like illiteracy, despair and unrest are increasing. 2. Migration of population from rain water irrigated backward areas is creating problems of overcrowding and slums in urban areas. Keeping in mind these agricultural, ecological and socio-economic seriousness, the Government of India has made rain water irrigation and dryland irrigation an important policy issue in large areas. In pursuance of this, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of India has prepared a National Plan for Rain Water Irrigation for Agricultural Areas. The watershed development project has been restructured. Measures of watershed development program:- Any watershed management program includes the following measures:- (2) Construction of check dams and drain control (3) Erosion control of stream banks (4) Scientific farming practices like ridge formation, contour plowing and strip sowing (5) Controlled grazing. The first three of these items are generally implemented by government departments such as forest and agriculture departments. For watershed development, integrated investment will have to be made from various subjects to develop various small watershed or sub-basin streams and drains etc. as per their characteristics as follows:- (1) Conservation of natural resources (2) Higher productivity (3) Manpower within limited funds (4) Community participation. In the context of India, this method can be implemented in three phases, in the first phase of which the following things are important: – 1. Quickly identifying geographical areas and classifying them and preparing priority programs. 2. Preparing master plan using remote sensing and other techniques. 3. Basic scientific work like use of compost. 4. Introduction of appropriate remunerative technological investments like plowing by oxen and pulling carts. 5. To make it easier for the common man to access all the watershed related data available with the government. 6. Increasing public awareness through mass communication and providing appropriate technical training. In its second phase the following things are considered important:- 1. Appropriate rural technological system. 2. Watershed management of upper regions/regions. 3. Use of this technology in low lying areas, coastal areas and other places also. 4. Creation of regional data banks. 5. Creation of efficient agro-industrial infrastructure like power supply, hybrid seeds. 6. Research and development on watershed conceptual aspects such as length and width of ditches and spacing etc. 7. Making laws together on watershed concept and implementing them like cutting a tree before it grows etc. In its third phase, the following things have been considered important: – 1. Wherever possible, distribution of watershed to the local people for development. 2. To establish technical units in each watershed. 3. To give priority to appropriate technology, applied research and healthy environment. 4. Formation of the Ministry of ‘Natural Resources’ to centralize related aspects. 5. To save people from backwardness, social barriers and religious following. Need of watershed system:- By adopting a holistic strategy of proper watershed development, there is scope for agricultural production as well as animal fodder and soil improvement on the land. In India, agriculture is done on 77 percent of the land through rain water irrigation, which accounts for 42 percent of the country’s agricultural production. Due to uncertainty in the amount and timing of rainfall, agriculture faces severe shortage of food grains and other agricultural products. Therefore, to get rid of this situation, rain water conservation including watershed system is very important for the following reasons: – (1) Decrease in productivity (2) Possibility of natural disaster due to landslides (3) Lack of green belt (4) Man And availability of water for animals (5) Behavior of drainage drains (6) Special problems of agricultural displacement, salinity and alkalinity of water etc. (7) Crises and problems arising due to mining operations. During the implementation of the irrigation project, assessment and conservation of the overall water availability of the local area, especially rainwater conservation, drinking water, water quality, drainage of water in irrigated areas, landslides, water-borne diseases, health related problems and environment etc. The project should be shaped and planned only after analyzing the possibilities because only through integrated use and maintenance of water and land can food for a large number of people be provided from agricultural land. This type of watershed schemes not only protects from water related hazards, diseases and ill effects of drinking contaminated water, it also facilitates the use of water for agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry Water resources should be organized on the basis of hydrological unit i.e. entire basin or sub-basin. For this, states should implement such proposals in an integrated watershed area after assessing all the possibilities. Subsequently, other projects of the same type or with further modifications should be developed all over India in places where there is water shortage. Therefore, watershed management should be done in the direction of water resource development in those water scarce areas, in which through integrated use of land and water, proper storage of rain water can provide drinking water to the large community and agricultural water to the farmers. Only by conserving rain water will we be able to compensate for our surface and ground water. Only through integrated use of surface and ground water can contribution be made in achieving the national goal of irrigation and drinking water supply. Wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs :- Wetlands in the country extend from cold and dry areas to the tropical monsoon areas in central India and the humid areas of the south. It is effective in flood control and reduces sedimentation. These areas are refuge for birds and animals during winter. This is also an excellent area for breeding of various types of fish and animals. They have a high ability to withstand the effects of sea storms and storms. It stabilizes the sea shore and protects the embankment from erosion by the sea. Wetlands are also valuable from educational and scientific point of view. Apart from this, we get durable wood, firewood, nutritious fodder for animals, fruits, vegetation and herbs. Wetlands are permanently or periodically submerged. Identification of a wetland depends on the following three elements – (1) When an area is permanently or periodically submerged, (2) When an area supports the growth of water-borne vegetation, (3) ) When hydric soil in an area remains intact for a long time and the upper layer becomes neutral. Based on these criteria, the ‘Ramsar Convention’ defined wetland areas, waterlogged areas, dry areas, sea embankment areas and areas with tides less than six meters as wetlands. This includes mangroves, corals, river estuaries, creeks, springs, flooded areas, lakes etc. A program for the conservation of wetlands has been run by the Ministry since 1987. So far, 27 wetland areas in 15 states have been identified under this programme. Standing committees have been constituted under the chairmanship of Chief Secretaries in all the concerned states. In these, members have been taken from the departments related to wetland conservation of the respective state. Mangroves are found in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Alkali-tolerant forestry is an ecological system. These are areas of accumulation of a large number of species of plants and animals, which have been interconnected over a long period of evolution, and which have a remarkable ability to tolerate alkali. They stabilize the sea shore line and protect the embankment from erosion by the sea. Mangroves are found in protected estuaries, tidal creeks, backwaters (bank waters), alkaline swamps and marshy plains along the entire Indian coast. They also promote sustainable fisheries. Recently, the weakened mangrove ecosystem has faced human and biological pressures, resulting in loss of biodiversity and impacts on fauna and its flow routes. The Ministry of Forest and Environment has been running the Mangrove Conservation Program since 1987. In this, 35 mangrove areas have been identified under the Mangrove Conservation and Management Plan. These mangrove areas have been identified based on the recommendations of the National Mangrove and Coral Reef Committee and their unique ecosystem and biodiversity. Under the management action plan, the center provides full assistance to increase, save and protect mangroves, prevention of pollution, biodiversity conservation, survey, demarcation, making people aware and educated about these. 3. Coral Reefs:- Coral, which is called Coral in English, is used for a special type of aquatic creature. This creature remains stuck in a shell made of lime and grows there and emerges as a sea rock. These rock formations are formed in such a way that their upper part remains till the surface of the sea bed. Coral reefs are related to shallow water and marine tropical ecosystems. These provide raw materials, especially calcium carbonate, to coastal residents and make an important contribution in preventing beach erosion. The following areas have been selected for the conservation of coral reefs in India- (i) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (iii) Gulf of Mannar (iv) Gulf of Kutch At present, coral reefs have become the main center of attraction for scientists and environmentalists because many coral reefs have reached the verge of extinction. Most of the causes of damage to coral reefs are caused by humans. One of the many reasons for their destruction is its biodiversity, the people living on these sea coasts depend on these reefs to fulfill their food and other needs. Apart from this, fishermen are tempted to collect coral species and sell them at high prices in the international market.
Educational games are interactive software programs designed to teach and train players on various subjects. They come in different forms, from simple puzzles to complex simulations, and are used in various settings, from classrooms to homes. The aim of educational games is to make learning fun and engaging, while also promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and other important skills. In this article, we will explore the world of educational games, including their history, types, benefits, and how to choose the right game for your needs. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or a lifelong learner, this article will provide you with valuable insights into the exciting world of educational games. What are Educational Games? Definition and Purpose Educational games are interactive digital experiences designed to teach, train, or reinforce specific knowledge or skills. These games can be played on various devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets, and can be accessed online or through downloaded software. The primary purpose of educational games is to make learning more engaging, enjoyable, and effective. These games often incorporate various game elements, such as challenges, rewards, and narratives, to motivate players to learn and retain information. In addition to being used in formal educational settings, educational games can also be used for self-directed learning or as supplemental resources for traditional classroom instruction. By offering a more interactive and personalized learning experience, educational games have become increasingly popular in recent years as a tool for enhancing educational outcomes. Types of Educational Games Educational games come in various forms, each designed to cater to different learning styles and objectives. Understanding the different types of educational games can help you choose the most appropriate ones for your needs. Some of the most common types of educational games include: - Adaptive Learning Games: These games adjust to the learner’s progress, providing customized challenges and feedback based on their performance. Adaptive learning games can be highly effective in personalizing the learning experience and improving outcomes. - Simulation Games: Simulation games create immersive environments that replicate real-world situations, allowing learners to practice and apply their knowledge in context. This type of game is particularly useful for developing skills in fields such as medicine, engineering, and business. - Serious Games: Serious games are designed for a specific educational or training purpose, often addressing complex topics or real-world problems. These games often incorporate elements of gameplay, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, to motivate learners and encourage engagement. - Puzzle and Logic Games: Puzzle and logic games challenge players to solve problems, think critically, and apply logical reasoning. These games can help develop cognitive skills, such as pattern recognition, problem-solving, and decision-making. - Role-Playing and Adventure Games: Role-playing and adventure games immerse players in interactive stories, allowing them to explore different roles and scenarios. These games can foster creativity, collaboration, and storytelling skills, as well as encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. - Sports and Fitness Games: Sports and fitness games promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles by incorporating exercise and movement into gameplay. These games can be especially useful for promoting teamwork, coordination, and physical literacy. - Casual Games: Casual games, such as word games, memory games, and arcade games, are designed to be easy to pick up and play. They can be a fun way to reinforce basic skills and concepts, as well as develop hand-eye coordination and reaction time. Understanding the different types of educational games can help you select the most suitable games for your learning objectives and personal preferences. Whether you’re looking to develop specific skills, explore new subjects, or simply have fun while learning, there’s an educational game out there to suit your needs. The Benefits of Educational Games Enhancing Learning Experiences Educational games have proven to be a valuable tool in enhancing learning experiences for students of all ages. These games provide a fun and interactive way to learn, making the learning process more engaging and enjoyable. By incorporating game-based learning into the classroom, teachers can help students develop essential skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. Here are some ways in which educational games can enhance learning experiences: - Personalized Learning: Educational games can be tailored to meet the needs of individual learners, providing a personalized learning experience that caters to their unique learning styles and abilities. This approach helps students stay engaged and motivated, as they are able to learn at their own pace and in their own way. - Active Participation: Unlike traditional classroom teaching methods, educational games encourage active participation from students. This means that students are more likely to stay focused and engaged during the learning process, as they are actively involved in the gameplay. - Improved Retention: Research has shown that students who play educational games tend to retain information better than those who do not. This is because educational games provide a hands-on, interactive learning experience that helps students better understand and remember complex concepts. - Collaboration: Many educational games encourage collaboration and teamwork, helping students develop important social skills such as communication, cooperation, and leadership. This approach also helps to build a sense of community in the classroom, as students work together to achieve a common goal. - Real-World Applications: Educational games often incorporate real-world scenarios and challenges, helping students to apply what they have learned in practical situations. This approach helps students to better understand the relevance of what they are learning, and how it can be applied in their everyday lives. Overall, educational games offer a powerful tool for enhancing learning experiences in the classroom. By providing a fun and interactive way to learn, these games can help students develop essential skills, improve retention, and build important social relationships. Developing Skills and Abilities Educational games offer a plethora of benefits for players of all ages. One of the primary advantages of these games is their ability to develop a wide range of skills and abilities. By incorporating educational games into the learning process, students can improve their cognitive, emotional, and social skills. Educational games can enhance cognitive skills by engaging players in interactive, problem-solving activities. These games often require players to think critically, analyze situations, and make decisions based on the information provided. As a result, players can improve their memory, concentration, and reasoning abilities. In addition to cognitive skills, educational games can also promote emotional development. Many games are designed to teach empathy, cooperation, and self-regulation. By playing these games, students can learn to manage their emotions, understand the feelings of others, and work collaboratively with their peers. Finally, educational games can help students develop social skills. Many games are designed to promote communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution. By playing these games, students can learn how to work effectively with others, understand different perspectives, and build positive relationships with their peers. Overall, educational games offer a fun and engaging way for students to develop a wide range of skills and abilities. By incorporating these games into the learning process, educators can create a more well-rounded and effective educational experience for their students. Educational games have the potential to motivate students in several ways. One of the primary benefits of educational games is that they can make learning more engaging and enjoyable for students. By incorporating game elements such as points, badges, and rewards, educational games can create a sense of achievement and competition that can motivate students to continue learning. Additionally, educational games can provide students with a sense of autonomy and control over their learning experience. By allowing students to make choices and decisions within the game, they can feel more invested in their learning and more motivated to succeed. Furthermore, educational games can also provide students with immediate feedback on their performance, which can help them identify areas where they need to improve and encourage them to keep trying. This feedback can also help students develop a growth mindset, where they view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Overall, the use of educational games in the classroom can be a powerful tool for motivating students and enhancing their learning experience. By incorporating game elements and providing students with a sense of autonomy and control, educational games can create a more engaging and enjoyable learning environment that can motivate students to continue learning and achieve their goals. Choosing the Right Educational Games Factors to Consider When it comes to selecting educational games for children, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key elements to keep in mind when making your choice: - Age-appropriateness: The game should be tailored to the child’s age group, as this ensures that the content and level of difficulty are appropriate for their developmental stage. - Learning objectives: Consider the specific learning objectives you want the child to achieve through the game. Look for games that align with these goals and offer a variety of learning opportunities. - Interactivity: A good educational game should be highly interactive, encouraging children to actively engage with the content and explore new ideas. This can include elements such as puzzles, quizzes, and open-ended activities. - Visual and audio quality: The visual and audio quality of the game can greatly impact the child’s engagement and learning experience. Look for games with high-quality graphics, animations, and sound effects that enhance the overall experience. - Ease of use: The game should be user-friendly and easy for children to navigate, even if they are not experienced gamers. This includes intuitive controls, clear instructions, and an accessible interface. - Positive reinforcement: A good educational game should provide positive reinforcement to the child as they progress through the game. This can include rewards, achievements, or simply offering constructive feedback on their performance. - Balance of challenge: The game should offer a balance of challenge that is neither too easy nor too difficult for the child. This ensures that they remain engaged and motivated to continue learning. - Variety of content: Look for games that offer a wide range of content, covering different subjects and topics. This helps to maintain the child’s interest and encourages them to explore new areas of learning. - Reputation of the developer: Consider the reputation of the game’s developer, as this can indicate the quality and reliability of the educational content. Look for games developed by reputable organizations or companies with a history of producing high-quality educational materials. - Cost and value: Consider the cost of the game and whether it offers good value for money. While it’s important to invest in quality educational games, it’s also important to consider your budget and find games that offer the best value for your money. Popular Educational Games for Different Subjects When it comes to educational games, there are countless options available, making it challenging to determine which ones are worth your time and money. However, there are several popular educational games that have proven to be effective in different subjects. In this section, we will explore some of the most popular educational games for different subjects. These games have been developed by top educational gaming companies and have been tested and used by teachers and students worldwide. Mathematics is a subject that can be challenging for many students. However, educational games can make learning math fun and engaging. Some of the most popular educational games for mathematics include: - Math Playground: This game offers a variety of math games that cover topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The games are designed to help students improve their math skills while having fun. - Prodigy: This game is an online platform that offers a variety of math games for students of all ages. The games are designed to help students improve their math skills while building their confidence. Science is another subject that can be challenging for many students. However, educational games can help students understand complex scientific concepts in a fun and engaging way. Some of the most popular educational games for science include: - PhET Interactive Simulations: This game offers a variety of interactive simulations that cover topics such as physics, chemistry, and biology. The simulations are designed to help students understand complex scientific concepts while having fun. - Science360: This game is an online platform that offers a variety of science games for students of all ages. The games are designed to help students learn about science while building their critical thinking skills. Language arts is a subject that encompasses reading, writing, and communication skills. Educational games can help students improve their language arts skills in a fun and engaging way. Some of the most popular educational games for language arts include: - VocabularyTrainer: This game offers a variety of vocabulary games that cover topics such as grammar, spelling, and reading comprehension. The games are designed to help students improve their language arts skills while having fun. - Typing.com: This game is an online platform that offers a variety of typing games for students of all ages. The games are designed to help students improve their typing skills while building their confidence. Overall, educational games can be a valuable tool for students to improve their academic skills while having fun. When choosing educational games, it is important to consider the subject matter and the student’s learning style. With the right educational game, students can develop a love for learning that will last a lifetime. Implementing Educational Games in the Classroom When incorporating educational games into the classroom, it is important to have a clear plan for integration. This can involve several strategies to ensure that the games are effectively used to enhance student learning. One strategy is to align the games with the curriculum and learning objectives. This means selecting games that are relevant to the specific topics and skills being taught in the classroom. By aligning the games with the curriculum, teachers can ensure that the games are providing a meaningful learning experience for students. Another strategy is to gradually increase the level of difficulty of the games as students progress through the curriculum. This can help to challenge students and keep them engaged while also providing a sense of accomplishment as they progress through the games. In addition, teachers can use the games as a form of differentiated instruction. By selecting games that cater to different learning styles and abilities, teachers can ensure that all students are able to engage with the material and succeed in the classroom. Finally, it is important to provide students with opportunities to reflect on their learning experiences with the games. This can involve discussing the games with their peers, sharing their experiences with the teacher, or writing reflections on their learning. By reflecting on their experiences, students can develop a deeper understanding of the material and their own learning processes. Best Practices for Teachers - Align with Learning Objectives: Ensure that the chosen educational games are aligned with the learning objectives and curriculum of the class. This helps teachers to effectively integrate games into their lesson plans and assess student progress. - Introduce Games Gradually: Introduce educational games gradually to students, starting with simple games and gradually increasing the complexity. This allows students to familiarize themselves with the games and their learning objectives. - Encourage Active Participation: Encourage active participation from all students by making the games collaborative and engaging. This can be achieved by incorporating group work, friendly competitions, or by having students create their own games. - Provide Feedback and Assessment: Provide feedback and assessment on student performance in the games. This helps teachers identify areas where students may need additional support and allows for adjustments to be made in future lessons. - Balance Game-Based Learning with Other Teaching Methods: While educational games can be an effective teaching tool, it’s important to balance game-based learning with other teaching methods such as lectures, discussions, and traditional assessments. This helps to ensure a well-rounded education for students. The Future of Educational Games Advancements in Technology As technology continues to advance, the world of educational games is becoming increasingly diverse and sophisticated. One of the most significant advancements in this field is the development of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology. AR technology overlays digital information onto the real world, creating an interactive and immersive experience for the user. This technology has been used in educational games to create interactive lessons and activities that are both engaging and informative. For example, AR technology can be used to create interactive museum exhibits or to bring historical events to life. VR technology, on the other hand, creates a completely immersive digital environment that users can interact with. This technology has been used in educational games to create virtual field trips and simulations that allow students to explore different environments and learn about different subjects in a hands-on way. For example, VR technology can be used to create virtual science labs or to simulate real-world scenarios for students to explore and learn from. Another advancement in technology that is transforming the world of educational games is artificial intelligence (AI). AI technology can be used to create personalized learning experiences for students, based on their individual needs and learning styles. This technology can also be used to create adaptive games that adjust to the student’s skill level and progress as they play. In addition to these technological advancements, educational games are also becoming more social and collaborative. Many educational games now include features that allow students to work together and compete against each other, promoting teamwork and healthy competition. Some games even include features that allow students to connect with experts in the field, providing them with valuable real-world feedback and guidance. Overall, the future of educational games looks bright, with technology continuing to drive innovation and improvement in this field. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more sophisticated and engaging educational games that will help students learn and grow in new and exciting ways. The Impact on Education Educational games have been around for decades, but in recent years, they have gained increased attention and recognition for their potential to transform the way students learn. These games are designed to engage students in interactive, immersive, and gamified experiences that make learning more enjoyable and effective. The impact of educational games on education is significant and multifaceted, and it is important to understand these effects to appreciate their potential for the future. Increased Engagement and Motivation One of the most significant impacts of educational games on education is their ability to increase student engagement and motivation. Games are designed to be fun and rewarding, and they offer students immediate feedback and opportunities for success. This can help to overcome the challenges of traditional classroom learning, such as boredom, frustration, and disinterest, and can help to foster a love of learning in students. Educational games offer a personalized learning experience that is tailored to the needs and interests of individual students. This can help to address the diverse learning styles and abilities of students, and can provide a more effective and efficient way of teaching and learning. Games can also be used to target specific learning objectives and to adapt to the progress and performance of individual students, providing a highly customized and responsive learning experience. Accessibility and Inclusivity Educational games can also offer a more accessible and inclusive learning experience for students with disabilities or special needs. Games can be designed to accommodate a wide range of abilities and to provide alternative modes of interaction, such as voice commands or eye-tracking. This can help to ensure that all students have access to high-quality educational experiences, regardless of their abilities or limitations. Gamification of Education The use of educational games represents a broader trend towards the gamification of education, which is the integration of game design and mechanics into educational contexts. This approach can help to make learning more engaging, motivating, and effective, and can provide a more dynamic and interactive way of teaching and learning. Gamification can also encourage collaboration, competition, and other social and emotional learning outcomes, which are essential for success in school and in life. In conclusion, the impact of educational games on education is significant and far-reaching, and they offer a powerful tool for engaging, motivating, and empowering students to learn. As technology continues to evolve and educational games become more sophisticated and effective, it is likely that they will play an increasingly important role in the future of education. Recap of Key Points As we look towards the future of educational games, there are several key points to consider. These include: - Continued Innovation: The field of educational games is constantly evolving, with new technologies and game designs being developed all the time. As such, it is likely that we will continue to see new and innovative approaches to educational gaming in the years to come. - Integration with Other Technologies: Educational games are increasingly being integrated with other technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, to create more immersive and engaging learning experiences. - Personalization: As our understanding of how people learn continues to grow, we can expect to see more educational games that are tailored to individual learners’ needs and preferences. - Expansion into New Markets: Educational games are not just for children, and as the market for adult learning continues to grow, we can expect to see more educational games targeted at this demographic. - Increased Emphasis on Evidence-Based Design: As the field of educational gaming matures, there is a growing emphasis on designing games based on scientific research and evidence-based principles. This means that we can expect to see more educational games that are backed by research and have a proven track record of effectiveness. The Potential of Educational Games in Education Educational games have the potential to revolutionize the way students learn and engage with educational content. With the increasing popularity of gaming, it is no surprise that educational games are becoming more prevalent in the classroom. Improved Engagement and Motivation One of the primary benefits of educational games is that they can increase student engagement and motivation. Games are designed to be interactive and fun, which can make learning more enjoyable for students. By incorporating games into the classroom, teachers can create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment. Educational games can also be used to support personalized learning. By analyzing student performance data, educational games can adapt to the needs of individual students, providing customized feedback and support. This can help students who may struggle with traditional classroom instruction to achieve academic success. Another benefit of educational games is that they can be more accessible to students with disabilities. For example, games can be designed to accommodate students with visual or auditory impairments, allowing them to access educational content in a way that works for them. Authentic Learning Experiences Finally, educational games can provide authentic learning experiences that simulate real-world scenarios. This can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that they can apply in their everyday lives. Overall, the potential of educational games in education is vast. By incorporating games into the classroom, teachers can create a more engaging and effective learning environment that benefits all students. 1. What are educational games? Educational games are digital or non-digital games that are designed to teach or reinforce specific educational concepts and skills. They can be used in a variety of settings, including schools, homes, and online platforms. 2. What subjects can educational games cover? Educational games can cover a wide range of subjects, including math, science, language arts, social studies, and more. They can be designed for different age groups, from preschoolers to adult learners. 3. How do educational games help in learning? Educational games are designed to be engaging and interactive, which can help learners stay motivated and focused. They often incorporate various learning styles, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, which can help learners better understand and retain information. Additionally, many educational games provide immediate feedback, which can help learners identify and correct mistakes. 4. Are educational games effective? Research has shown that educational games can be effective in enhancing learning outcomes when used appropriately. However, the effectiveness of educational games depends on various factors, such as the quality of the game, the learner’s prior knowledge and skills, and the instructional design of the game. 5. Where can I find educational games? Educational games can be found in a variety of places, including online game stores, educational websites, and mobile app stores. Many educational games are also available for free on websites such as Khan Academy and ABCya. 6. Can educational games be used for homeschooling? Yes, educational games can be a useful tool for homeschooling. They can provide a fun and interactive way for homeschoolers to learn new concepts and reinforce what they have learned. 7. How much do educational games cost? The cost of educational games can vary widely, depending on the type of game and where you purchase it. Some educational games are available for free, while others can cost several dollars or more. 8. Are educational games appropriate for all ages? Educational games can be designed for learners of all ages, from preschoolers to adults. However, it’s important to choose games that are appropriate for the learner’s age and skill level. 9. Can educational games be used in the classroom? Yes, educational games can be used in the classroom as a supplement to traditional teaching methods. They can be used to engage learners, reinforce concepts, and provide a fun and interactive way to learn. 10. Are educational games fun to play? Educational games are designed to be fun and engaging, as this can help learners stay motivated and focused. While some educational games may be more challenging or serious in tone, others are designed to be more lighthearted and entertaining.
Eight years after its first antenna was inaugurated in 2014, the major astronomical project is now complete. NOEMA consists of twelve 15-meter antennas that can be moved along tracks up to a distance of 1.7 kilometers, making it a powerful new tool for astronomical research. Its resolving power as well as the sensitivity of its array enable scientists to collect light that has travelled for up to 13 billion years before reaching Earth. NOEMA is the culmination of over 40 years of European scientific collaboration. Established in 1979 by the CNRS in France and the MPG in Germany, and joined in 1990 by Spain’s IGN, IRAM is a world leader in the field of millimeter radio astronomy. NOEMA is now its flagship instrument, and the most powerful millimeter radio telescope in the Northern Hemisphere. Its antennas are equipped with very high sensitivity receivers that operate at the quantum limit using a technique called interferometry: the antennas are all pointed towards the same region of space and the signals they receive are then combined by means of a supercomputer. This gives them a resolving power similar to that of a huge single telescope with a diameter covering the entire array. By altering the configuration of the antennas, astronomers can ‘zoom in’ on a celestial object to observe its details. The different configurations can extend over a distance ranging from a few hundred metres to 1.7 km, enabling the array to work like a giant camera equipped with a zoom lens. The more extended the configuration, the more powerful is the zoom: NOEMA’s maximum spatial resolution is so high that it would be able to detect a mobile phone at a distance of over 500 kilometres. Equipped with pioneering technologies, it can carry out what scientists call multi-line observations, i.e. the ability to detect a large number of molecular and atomic signatures simultaneously. These new observing capabilities, combined with high sensitivity and very high spectral and spatial resolution, make NOEMA a unique instrument for investigating the complexity of interstellar matter and of the building blocks of the Universe. NOEMA provides scientists from France, Germany and Spain with preferential access and the opportunity to carry out unparalleled research. In total, IRAM supports over 5,000 scientists from all over the world. NOEMA enables them to study the Universe’s cold matter, which is at only a few degrees above absolute zero. With the NOEMA antennas, scientists analyse the formation, composition and dynamics of entire galaxies, of stars in formation and at the end of their lives, and of comets and the environment of black holes, aiming to solve the most fundamental questions in modern astronomy. NOEMA has already made major discoveries and produced some sensational results. It has observed the most distant galaxy known to date, which formed shortly after the Big Bang. Only recently, it measured the temperature of the cosmic background radiation at a very early stage of the Universe, a world first that should help to identify and better constrain the effects of dark energy. This year, NOEMA also discovered the first known example of a rapidly-growing black hole in the dusty core of a starburst galaxy at an epoch close to the earliest supermassive black hole known in the Universe. The observatory is also responsible for the most recent discoveries of molecules in disks around young stars, which are major breeding grounds of planets. In addition, NOEMA is a member of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) consortium, which in 2019 published the very first image of a black hole, and then in early 2022 that of the black hole at the centre of our own Galaxy. NOEMA carried out its first observations for the consortium in 2021 and then again in 2022. With its twelve extremely sensitive antennas, it provides the EHT global array with unmatched spatial resolution and sensitivity. Together with IRAM’s second radio observatory, the 30-meter telescope in Spain, NOEMA will enable the EHT to produce animations with even greater detail. Both facilities are of critical importance for the EHT collaboration, and for the study and understanding of the physics of black holes. Today, NOEMA has been inaugurated in the presence of Antoine Petit, President and CEO of the CNRS, Martin Stratmann, President of the MPG, Rafael Bachiller, Director of the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional of the IGN, Karl Schuster, IRAM Director, Stéphane Guilloteau, Chairman of the IRAM Steering Committee, and Reinhard Genzel, 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics and member of the IRAM Steering Committee. Our latest updates Explore all the latest news from our research and technology groups and never miss out on important upcoming events.
Culture Of Buddhism Culture of Buddhism is exemplified through Buddhist art, Buddhist architecture, Buddhist music and Buddhist cuisine. As Buddhism expanded from the Indian subcontinent it adopted artistic and cultural elements of host countries in other parts of Asia. Features of Buddhist culture Buddhist Economics or the way in which work life is organized and the demands of production are met form an integral part of any culture. Buddhist economics forms an integral part of the Buddhist culture. Buddhist Economics does not work to maximum consumption but human well-being, which lies in a simple, purposeful and dutiful life, in which rightful livelihood is earned. Human beings must remain true to their heritage and avoid materialistic pursuit. Mechanical and redundant work that deprives the soul of meaningful pursuit is looked down upon, while too much leisure also is not approved of. Women becoming part of the active workforce is considered failure of the economic system, as women have to leave looking after the children to indulge in economic way-fare, while the children are untended for. The cultures focus on physical and rational, but religions do on spiritual and irrational. Religious diversity threatens the unity of the different nations in Southeast Asia because religion defines people’s beliefs, values,and behaviors. They ran away from the large population to the least population. Religion: a particular system of faith and worship. Both culture and religion are social constructs. Religions influence cultures, cultures influence religions. Southwest Asia (the Middle East) is the cradle of three great monotheistic systems: Judaism and its offshoots Christianity and Islam. Judaism, founded in the eastern Mediterranean region some 4,000 years ago, posits a covenant relationship between God—the source of divine law—and humankind. The major religions in the subcontinent are Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Christianity. The chart below shows the different religions in South Asia and the percent of the more than 1.29 billion people who practice each of them. The majority of the people in South Asia practice Hinduism. Like language, religion has also divided the people of South Asia. The major religions in the subcontinent are Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Christianity. The chart below shows the different religions in South Asia and the percent of the more than 1.29 billion people who practice each of them.Strong Indian, Chinese, Burmese and other Southeast Asian influences are still evident in traditional Thai culture. Buddhism, Animism and Westernization also play a significant role in shaping the culture.Three major forces have influenced the development of Buddhism in Thailand. The most visible influence is that of the Theravada school of Buddhism, imported from Sri Lanka. … The second major influence on Thai Buddhism is Hindu beliefs received from Cambodia, particularly during the Sukhothai Kingdom. Buddhism and healthcare For Buddhism, mental health is of supreme importance and individuals must strive towards improving this by practicing non-violence and refraining from sexual misconduct and lying. However, Buddhist traditions do acknowledge physical ill-being. Pain and suffering are inevitable like death, for which taking any form of medication are not prohibited. The medicines taken should not be intoxicating or affect the clarity of mind any way. Any physical ill-being must be endured with patience and steadfastness, as any form of physical suffering allows time for self-reflection and spiritual progress. The best way to cure a disease is to improve one’s diet by practicing vegetarianism, reflective of the non-violent way of living. Buddhism also lays great stress on fasting on special days which helps revitalize the physical and spiritual being. Any form of organ transplant has been viewed as a supreme form of generosity as well. Buddhist art originated in the Indian subcontinent in the centuries following the life of the historical Gautama Buddha in the 6th to 5th century BCE, before evolving through its contact with other cultures and its diffusion through the rest of Asia and the world. A first, essentially Indian, aniconic phase (avoiding direct representations of the Buddha), was followed from around the 1st century CE by an iconic phase (with direct representations of the Buddha). From that time, Buddhist art diversified and evolved as it adapted to the new countries where the faith was expanding. It developed to the north through Central Asia and into Eastern Asia to form the Northern branch of Buddhist art, and to the east as far as Southeast Asia to form the Southern branch of Buddhist art. In India, Buddhist art flourished and even influenced the development of Hindu art, until Buddhism almost disappeared around the 10th century with the expansion of Hinduism and Islam. In the earliest form of Buddhist art, the Buddha was not represented in human form but instead was represented using signs and symbols such as footprints or an empty throne. From the fifth century B.C. to the first century B.C., Indian artists would make scriptures which revolved around the themes of the historical life of the Buddha and the previous lives of the Buddha. The reluctance towards anthropomorphic representations of the Buddha, and the sophisticated development of aniconic symbols to avoid it (even in narrative scenes where other human figures would appear), is believed to be connected 70 Buddha’s sayings that disfavoured representations of himself after the extinction of his body. This phase is defined as the aniconic phase of Buddhist art. The iconic phase starts from the 1st century CE whereby the Buddha was given realistic human features and proportions. Main article: Buddhist Temple Buddhist religious architecture most notably developed in South Asia in the third century BCE. Two types of structures are associated with early Buddhism: stupas and viharas. The initial function of a stupa was the veneration and safe-guarding of the relics of the Buddha. The earliest existing example of a stupa is in Sanchi (Madhya Pradesh). In accordance with changes in religious practice, stupas were gradually incorporated into chaitya-grihas (stupa halls). These reached their highpoint in the first century BCE, exemplified by the cave complexes of Ajanta and Ellora (Maharashtra). Viharas were developed to accommodate the growing and increasingly formalised Buddhist monasticism. An existing example is at Nālandā, (Bihar). The beginnings of the Buddhist school of architecture can be traced back to B.C. 255 when the Mauryan emperor Asoka established Buddhism as the state religion of his large empire and encouraged the use of architectural monuments to spread Buddhism in different places. Buddhism, which is also the first Indian religion to require large communal and monastic spaces, inspired three types of architecture; the first is the stupa, a significant object in Buddhist art and architecture. The Stupas hold the most important place among all the earliest Buddhist sculptures. On a very basic level, the Stupa is a burial mound for the Buddha. The original stupas contained the Buddha’s ashes. Stupas are dome-shaped monuments, used to house Buddhists’ relics or to commemorate significant facts of Buddhism. The second type of architecture unique to Buddhism is the Vihara, a Buddhist monastery that also contains a residence hall for the monks. The third type is the chaitya, an assembly hall that contains a stupa (without relics). The central hall of the chaitya is arranged to allow for circumambulation of the stupa within it. Main article: Buddhist music Buddhist music prominently includes Honkyoku, Buddhist chant, and Shomyo. Honkyoku are the pieces of shakuhachiyoku for enlightenment and alms as early as the 13th century. Buddhist chant is the chant used in or inspired by Buddhism, including many genres in many cultures. It includes: - Repetition of the name of Amitābha in Pure Land Buddhism. - Shomyo in Japanese Tendai and Shingon Buddhism. - Throat singing in Tibetan Buddhist chant (one aspect of Tibetan Buddhist music) Musical chanting, most often in Tibetan or Sanskrit, is an integral part of the religion. These chants are complex, often recitations of sacred texts or in celebration of various festivals. Yang chanting, performed without metrical timing, is accompanied by resonant drums and low, sustained syllables. Shomyo (声明) is a style of Japanese Buddhist chant; mainly in the Tendai and Shingon sects. There are two styles: ryokyoku and rikkyoku, described as difficult and easy to remember, respectively. Many ritual musical instruments are used in association with Buddhist practice including singing bowls, bells, tingsha, drums, cymbals, wind instruments and others. The relationship between Buddhism and music is thought to be complicated since the association of music with earthly desires led early Buddhists to condemn the musical practice, and even observation of musical performance, for monks and nuns. However, in Pure Land Buddhism Buddhist paradises are represented as musical places in which Buddhist law takes the form of melodies. Most Buddhist practices also involve chant in some form, and some also make use of instrumental music and even dance. Music can act as an offering to the Buddha, as a means of memorizing Buddhist texts, and as a form of personal cultivation or meditation. In order to purify the hearts of listeners, Buddhist melodies are strong yet soft and pure. Buddhist music plays a central role in everyday cultural practices of Buddhists since it is also played in many ceremonies such as weddings and funerals. Buddhist music developed when Buddhism spread to Tibet. The Tibetan traditions of Buddhism encouraged the use of song and dance in certain ceremonies. A wide variety of instruments such as specialized types of drums, windpipes, spiral conches, and trumpets were used in larger ceremonies. Hymns are commonly used in the Buddhist culture in ceremonies for making offerings or inviting the presence of Buddha and Bodhisattvas. Buddhist hymns express the five virtuous qualities that are sincerity, elegance, clarity, depth, and equanimity and it is believed that regularly listening to Buddhist hymns or fanbei can give the following five graces: a reduction in physical fatigue, less confusion and forgetfulness, a reduction in mental fatigue, greater eloquence, and greater ease in expression and communication. Therefore, in the practice of Buddhism, hymns or fanbei have an important role in daily living, for example in repentance ceremonies. They are not designed to try to elevate or excite the emotions of participants or practitioners, but in fact aim to help conserve emotional energy, calm the thinking, lessen desire, and allow practitioners to see their true nature with clarity. Buddhist cuisine is a kind of cuisine mainly for the believers of Buddhism. It is known as zhāi cài (zhāi means “purification” or “discipline”, cai means “cuisine” or “vegetable”) in China, and shōjin ryōri (shōjin means “devotion”, ryōri means “cuisine”) in Japan, and by many other names in other countries. Due to the understanding of animals as conscious and suffering beings, many Buddhists do not kill animals and many also do not eat meat (other than that from those who died naturally, and from species where the consumption of brethren is not troubling to the still living). Certain major Mahayana sutras show the Buddha forcefully denouncing meat-consumption and advocating vegetarianism. Some Mahāyāna Buddhists in China and Vietnam also avoid eating strong-smelling plants such as onion, garlic, chives, shallot, and leek, and refer to these as wu hun (五葷, ‘Five Spices’). Buddhist vegetarian chefs have become extremely creative in imitating meat using prepared wheat gluten, also known as “seitan” or “wheat meat”, soy (such as tofu or tempeh), agar, and other plant products. Some of their recipes are the oldest and most-refined meat analogues in the world. Buddhism forbids alcohol and other intoxicants because they may result in violations of others of the “Five Moral Precepts”: no killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying or partaking of intoxicants. In addition, intoxicants cloud the mind and interfere with the concentration needed to achieve enlightenment. Some Buddhist sects in China and Vietnam are forbidden onions, garlic, scallions, chives and leeks, which are known as “the five pungent spices”. The spices are said to lead to anger (raw) and passion (cooked), and their odour is also said to repel Gods and attract hungry ghosts and demons. Strict adherence to vegetarianism is the rule for priests, monks, nuns and those who feel they are on the Bodhisattva path – except in some schools and sects. Japanese festivals and Barua festivals often involve Buddhist culture, as do pagoda festivals held as fairs held at Buddhist temples in Myanmar. Features of Buddhist Tibetan festivals may include the traditional cham dance, which is also a feature of some Buddhist festivals in India and Bhutan. Many festivals of Nepal are religious festivals involving Buddhism, as are many Burmese traditional festivals. Lunar New Year festivals of Buddhist countries in East, South and Southeast Asia include some aspects of Buddhist culture, however they are considered cultural festivals as opposed to religious ones. Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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How Native American Agriculture Spread Bees in Pre-Columbian North America For Immediate Release Using genetic markers, researchers have for the first time shown how cultivating a specific crop led to the expansion of a pollinator species. In this case, the researchers found that the spread of a bee species in pre-Columbian Central and North America was tied to the spread of Native American agriculture. “We wanted to understand what happens when the range of a bee expands,” says Margarita López-Uribe, a postdoctoral researcher at North Carolina State University and lead author of a paper describing the work. “What does that mean for its genetic variability? And if the genetic variability declines, does that harm the viability of the species?” To explore these questions, researchers looked at the squash bee (Peponapis pruinosa), which is indigenous to what is now central Mexico and the southwestern United States. Squash bees are specialists, collecting pollen solely from the flowers of plants in the genus Cucurbita, such as squash, zucchini and pumpkins. Before contact with Europeans, Native American peoples had begun cultivating Cucurbita crops. Over time, these agricultural practices spread to the north and east. “We wanted to know whether P. pruinosa spread along with those crops,” López-Uribe says. To find out, researchers looked at DNA from squash bee individuals, collected from throughout the species’ range. P. pruinosa can now be found from southern Mexico to California and Idaho in the west, and from Georgia in the southeast to Quebec in the north. By assessing genetic markers in each bee’s DNA, the researchers could identify genetic signatures associated with when and where the species expanded. For example, the researchers found that P. pruinosa first moved from central Mexico into what is now the midwestern United States approximately 5,000 years ago, before expanding to the East Coast some time later. The researchers also found that genetic diversity decreased depending how “new” the species was to a given territory. For example, genetic diversity of squash bees in Mexico was greater than the diversity in the Midwest; and diversity in the Midwest was greater than that of populations on the East Coast. Given the declining genetic variability, researchers expected to see adverse effects in the “newer” populations of P. pruinosa. “We were specifically expecting to see an increased rate of sterile males in populations with less genetic variability, and we didn’t find that,” López-Uribe says. “But we did find genetic ‘bottlenecks’ in all of the populations – even in Mexico. “Because P. pruinosa makes its nests in the ground near squash plants, we think modern farming practices – such as mechanically tilling the soil – is causing the species to die out in local areas,” López-Uribe says. “And we think that is causing these more recent genetic bottlenecks. “I’m hoping to work on this question in the near future, because it’s important to helping understand the relevant bee’s population dynamics in modern agricultural systems, as well as what it may mean for Cucurbita crops,” López-Uribe says. The paper, “Crop domestication facilitated rapid geographical expansion of a specialist pollinator, the squash bee Peponapis pruinosa,” is published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The paper was co-authored by James Cane of USDA-ARS in Logan, Utah; Robert Minckley of the University of Rochester; and Bryan N. Danforth of Cornell University. The paper was done with support from the National Science Foundation under grants DEB-0814544 and DEB-0742998. Note to Editors: The study abstract follows. “Crop domestication facilitated rapid geographical expansion of a specialist pollinator, the squash bee Peponapis pruinosa” Authors: Margarita M. López-Uribe, North Carolina State University; James H. Cane, Utah State University; Robert L. Minckley, University of Rochester; and Bryan N. Danforth, Cornell University Published: June 22, Proceedings of the Royal Society B Abstract: Squash was first domesticated in Mexico and is now found throughout North America (NA) along with Peponapis pruinosa, a pollen specialist bee species of the squash genus Cucurbita. The origin and spread of squash cultivation is well-studied archeologically and phylogenetically; however, no study has documented how cultivation of this or any other crop has influenced species in mutualistic interactions. We used molecular markers to reconstruct the demographic range expansion and colonization routes of P. pruinosa from its native range into temperate NA. Populations east of the Rocky Mountains expanded from the wild host plant’s range in Mexico and were established by a series of founder events. Eastern North America was most likely colonized from squash bee populations in the present-day continental Midwest USA and not from routes that followed the Gulf and Atlantic coasts from Mexico. Populations of P. pruinosa west of the Rockies spread north from the warm deserts much more recently, showing two genetically differentiated populations with no admixture: one in California and the other one in eastern Great Basin. These bees have repeatedly endured severe bottlenecks as they colonized NA, following human spread of their Cucurbita pollen hosts during the Holocene.
Monkeys invest less energy in a task if they see other monkeys receiving better rewards for the same effort, researchers report. They say that their experiment provides new evidence that non-human primates can feel envy. The findings could also help explain why humans have such a keen sense of fairness, according to experts. Previous studies have found that monkeys put less effort into a task when they see cage-mates receiving tastier treats for completing the same task. But scientists have not felt confident in saying why the poorly rewarded animals slack off. Some people have suggested the primates that refuse to repeat the task are simply greedy and therefore only willing to work for a bigger reward. Alternately, it has been proposed that the monkeys stop performing the task because they have received large rewards in the past and feel frustrated by the measly amounts offered in later trials. To understand the monkeys’ reluctance to participate in the task, Frans de Waal at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia, US, and colleagues decided to try several variations on this experiment. Fruits of labour They trained 13 capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to retrieve a small rock and place it in the experimenter’s hands. In exchange for completing this task, the animals received a reward. Pairs of monkeys were seated beside one another in a test booth, separated by a mesh partition. In one trial, the monkeys received the same sized cucumber reward for their efforts and 90% completed the task within 5 seconds. But then the researchers gave one of the monkeys a grape instead of a cucumber. To a human this may seem like a minor detail, but monkeys go bananas over grapes, which they far prefer to cucumbers. When the monkeys given cucumber saw their partners receive this grape reward, they invested less effort in future repetitions of the task, and completed it within 5 seconds only 80% of the time. In a third scenario, the monkeys both received the same cucumber reward, but could see a bowl of grapes just beyond their reach. Under these circumstances, the animals performed the task with the same willingness as when the grapes were hidden. The researchers say that this rules out the possibility that the primates alter their behaviour out of greed. De Waal’s team also found that the monkeys exhibited the same patterns of behaviour regardless of whether they had received a grape or cucumber in preceding experiments, discounting the possibility that the animals slacked off out of frustration from unmet expectations. They say the study “confirms that capuchin monkeys react negatively to situations in which they receive a less favourable reward than their partner for the same task. Our control procedures suggest that this response was due solely to the discrepancy between the monkey’s own and the other’s rewards and not to individual factors such as greed or frustration.” Other experts, however, note that earlier studies have shown that monkeys and chimps do not always care about fairness. Keith Jensen at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, recently demonstrated that chimpanzees will accept a rotten deal from a fellow chimp. Jensen says that understanding how non-human primates view fairness can provide clues about how humans evolved a great capacity for cooperation. But he adds: “Human cooperation is special”.
Nevi (moles) are pigmented lesions on our skin that can present as pink, brown, or skin-colored lesions. They can be flat or raised lesions. Moles can be present at birth or appear in childhood. They can increase during young adulthood. Moles can change size and shape overtime. While majority of skin cancers are new lesions, a changing mole may be a sign of early skin cancer. Therefore, we recommend a self-skin check at a regular interval. When examining existing marks for potential melanoma, please follow the ABCDE of checking moles. A is asymmetry – look for moles whose size, shape, or color vary from one side to the other. B refers to borders – be wary of irregular or ill-defined borders. C signifies color – particularly varied colors within the same mole or sections that are red, white, gray, or blue. D stands for diameter – Spots that are larger than a pencil eraser are of particular concern, but any new lesion, no matter how small, should be checked by your dermatologist. E refers to evolution of a mole whether it be by size, shape or color. Any such change should warrant further examination.
In March, 1864, Ulysses S. Grant was named lieutenant general and the commander of the Union Army. Leaving the West under the control of General William Sherman, Grant decided to take control of the Army of the Potomac. With his able lieutenants, George Meade and Philip Sheridan the army crossed the Rapidan and entered the Wilderness. When Robert E. Lee heard the news he sent in his troops, hoping that the Union's superior artillery and cavalry would be offset by the heavy underbrush of the Wilderness. Fighting began on the 5th May and two days later smouldering paper cartridges set fire to dry leaves and around 200 wounded men were either suffocated or burned to death. Of the 88,892 men that Grant took into the Wilderness, 14,283 were casualties and 3,383 were reported missing. Lee lost 7,750 men during the fighting. After the battle Ulysses S. Grant moved south and on May 26th sent Philip Sheridan and his cavalry ahead to capture Cold Harbor from the Confederate Army. Lee was forced to abandon Cold Harbor and his whole army well dug in and by the time the rest of the Union Army arrived. Grant's ordered a direct assault but afterwards admitted this was a mistake losing 12,000 men "without benefit to compensate". Ulysses S. Grant also gave instructions to William Sherman to attack the Army of Tennessee under the control of Joseph E. Johnston. He told Sherman "to move against Johnson's army, to break it up, and to get into the interior of the enemy's country as far as you can, inflicting all the damage you can against their war resources". On 7th May, 1864, Sherman and his 100,000 men advanced towards Johnson's army that was attempting to defend the route to Atlanta, the South's important manufacturing and communications centre. Joseph E. Johnston and his army retreated and after some brief skirmishes the two sides fought at Resaca (14th May), Adairsvile (17th May), New Hope Church (25th May), Kennesaw Mountain (27th June) and Marietta (2nd July). After leaving the Wilderness Grant moved his Army of the Potomac towards Richmond hoping he could arrive there before Robert E. Lee. However, Pierre T. Beauregard was able to protect the route to the city before the arrival of Lee's main army forced Grant to prepare for a siege. Ambrose Burnside organized a regiment of Pennsylvania coalminers to construct tunnels and place dynamite under the Confederate Army front lines. It was exploded on the 30th June and US Colored troops were sent forward to take control of the craters that had been formed. However, these troops were not given adequate support and the Confederate troops were soon able to recover its positions. Thousands of captured black soldiers were now murdered by angry Southerners. The Union Army also suffered heavy losses at the end of July, 1864, trying to take the port of Petersburg but was eventually able to cut off Lee's supplies from the lower South. President Jefferson Davis was unhappy about withdrawal policy being employed by Joseph E. Johnston and on 17th July replaced him with the more aggressive John Hood. He immediately went on the attack and hit George H. Thomas and his men at Peachtree Creek. Hood was badly beaten and lost 2,500 men. Two days later he took on William Sherman just outside Atlanta and lost another 8,000 men. By 31st August, Confederate forces began to evacuate Atlanta and by early September the city came under the control of the Union Army. Attempts to clear out the Shenandoah Valley by Major General Franz Sigel in May and Major General David Hunter during the summer of 1864 ended in failure. Major General Jubal Early, who defeated Hunter, was sent north with 14,000 men in an attempt to draw off troops from Grant's army. Major General Lew Wallace encountered Early by the Monacacy River and although defeated was able to slow his advance to Washington. His attempts to breakthrough the ring forts around the city ended in failure. Abraham Lincoln, who witnessed the attack from Fort Stevens, became the first president in American history to see action while in office. In August 1864 the Union Army made another attempt to take control of the Shenandoah Valley. General Philip Sheridan and 40,000 soldiers entered the valley and soon encountered troops led by Jubal Early who had just returned from Washington. After a series of minor defeats Sheridan eventually gained the upper hand. His men now burnt and destroyed anything of value in the area and after defeating Early in another large-scale battle on 19th October, the Union Army, for the first time, held the Shenandoah Valley. With the Union Army now clearly wining the war, a growing number of politicians in the North began to criticize Abraham Lincoln for not negotiating a peace deal with Jefferson Davis. Even former supporters such as Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, accused him of prolonging the war to satisfy his personal ambition. Others on the right, such as Clement Vallandigham, claimed that Lincoln was waging a "wicked war in order to free the slaves". Fernando Wood, the mayor of New York, even suggested that if Lincoln did not change his policies the city should secede from the Union. Leading members of the Republican Party began to suggest that Lincoln should replace Hannibal Hamlin as his running mate in the 1864 presidential election. Hamlin was a Radical Republican and it was felt that Lincoln was already sure to gain the support of this political group. It was argued that what Lincoln needed was the votes of those who had previously supported the Democratic Party in the North. Lincoln's original choice as his vice-president was General Benjamin Butler. Butler, a war hero, had been a member of the Democratic Party, but his experiences during the American Civil War had made him increasingly radical. Simon Cameron was sent to talk to Butler at Fort Monroe about joining the campaign. However, Butler rejected the offer, jokingly saying that he would only accept if Lincoln promised "that within three months after his inauguration he would die". The anti-war section of the Democratic Party nominated General George McClellan as their presidential candidate. Abraham Lincoln now decided that Andrew Johnson, the governor of Tennessee, would make the best candidate for vice president. By choosing the governor of Tennessee, Lincoln would emphasis that Southern states status were still part of the Union. He would also gain the support of the large War Democrat faction. At a convention of the Republican Party on 8th July, 1864, Johnson received 200 votes to Hamlin's 150 and became Lincoln's running mate. This upset Radical Republications as Johnson had previously made it clear that he was a supporter of slavery. The victories of Ulysses S. Grant, William Sherman, George Meade, Philip Sheridan and George H. Thomas reinforced the idea that the Union Army was close to bringing the war to an end. This helped Lincoln's presidential campaign and with 2,216,067 votes, comfortably beat General George McClellan (1,808,725) in the election. John Hood continued to adopt an aggressive policy in Tennessee and despite heavy losses surrounded George H. Thomas at Nashville. On 15th December, 1864, Thomas broke out of Nashville and hammered Hood's army. Thomas captured 4,462 soldiers and those still left alive fled into Mississippi and Alabama. One more year of "Stonewall" would have saved us. Chickamauga is the only battle we have gained since "Stonewall" died, and no results follow as usual. "Stonewall" was not so much killed by a Yankee; he was shot by his own men; that is hard. General Lee can do no more than keep back Meade. "One of Meade's armies, you mean," said I, "for they have only to double on him when Lee whips one of them." If General Lee had had Grant's resources, he would have bagged the last Yankee or have had them all safe back in Massachusetts. On the 12th April, the rebel General Forrest appeared before Fort Pillow, near Columbus, Kentucky, attacking it with considerable vehemence. This was followed up by frequent demands for its surrender, which were refused by Major Booth, who commanded the fort. The fight was then continued up until 3 p.m., when Major Booth was killed, and the rebels, in large numbers, swarmed over the intrenchments. Up to that time comparatively few of our men had been killed; but immediately upon occupying the place the rebels commenced an indiscriminate butchery of the whites and blacks, including the wounded. Both white and black were bayoneted, shot, or sabred; even dead bodies were horribly mutilated, and children of seven and eight years, and several negro women killed in cold blood. Soldiers unable to speak from wounds were shot dead, and their bodies rolled down the banks into the river. The dead and wounded negroes were piled in heaps and burned, and several citizens, who had joined our forces for protection, were killed or wounded. Out of the garrison of six hundred only two hundred remained alive. Three hundred of those massacred were negroes; five were buried alive. Six guns were captured by the rebels, and carried off, including tow 10-pound Parrotts, and two 12-pound howitzers. A large amount of stores was destroyed or carried away. During the first day's fighting in the Wilderness, I saw a youth of about twenty years skip and yell, stung by a bullet through his thigh. He turned to limp to the rear. After he had gone a few steps he stopped, then he kicked out his leg once or twice to see if it would work. Then he tore the clothing away from his leg so as to see the wound. He looked at it attentively for an instant, and kicked out his leg again, then turned and took his place in the ranks and resumed firing. There was considerable disorder in the line, and the soldiers moved to and fro - now a few feet to the right, now a few feet to the left. One of these movements brought me directly behind this wounded soldier. I could see plainly from that position, and I pushed into the gaping line and began firing. In a minute or two the wounded soldier dropped his rifle and, clasping his left arm, exclaimed: "I am hit again!" He sat down behind the battle ranks and tore off the sleeve of his shirt. The wound was very slight - not much more than skin-deep. He tied his handkerchief around it, picked up his rifle, and took position alongside of me. I said: "You are fighting in bad luck today. You had better get away from here." He turned his head to answer me. His head jerked, he staggered, then fell, then regained his feet. A tiny fountain of blood and teeth and bone and bits of tongue burst out of his mouth. He had been shot through the jaws; the lower one was broken and hung down. I looked directly into his open mouth, which was ragged and bloody and tongueless. He cast cast his rifle furiously on the ground and staggered off. 6th July: Boiling hot, camp reeking with filth, and no sanitary privileges; men dying off over 140 per day. Stockade enlarged, taking in eight or ten more acres, giving us more room, and stumps to dig up for wood to cook with. Jimmy Devers has been a prisoner over a year and, poor boy, will probably die soon. Have more mementos than I can carry, from those who have died, to be given to their friends at home. At least a dozen have given me letters, pictures, etc., to take North. Hope I shan't have to turn them over to someone else. 7th July: Having formed a habit of going to sleep as soon as the air got cooled off and before fairly dark. I wake up at 2 or 3 o'clock and stay awake. I then take in all the horrors of the situation. Thousands are groaning, moaning, and crying, with no bustle of the daytime to drown it. 9th July: One-half the men here would get well if they only had something in the vegetable line to eat. Scurvy is about the most loathsome disease, and when dropsy takes hold with the scurvy, it is terrible. I have both diseases but keep them in check, and it only grows worse slowly. My legs are swollen, but the cords are not contracted much, and I can still walk very well. 10th July: Have bought (from a new prisoner) a large blank book so as to continue my diary. Although it is a tedious and tiresome task, am determined to keep it up. Don't know of another man in prison who is doing likewise. Wish I had the gift of description that I might describe this place. Nothing can be worse kind of water. Nothing can be worse or nastier than the stream drizzling its way through this camp. And for air to breathe, it is what arises from this foul place. On al four sides of us are high walls and tall tress, and there is apparently no wind or breeze to blow away the stench, and we are obliged to breathe and live in it. Dead bodies lay around all day in the broiling sun, by the dozen and even hundreds, and we must suffer and live in this atmosphere. 12th July: I keep thinking our situation can get no worse, but it does get worse every day, and not less than 160 die each twenty-four hours. Probably one-forth or one-third of these die inside the stockade, the balance in the hospital outside. All day and up to 4 o'clock p.m., the dead are being gathered up and carried to the south gate and placed in a row inside the dead line. As the bodies are stripped of their clothing, in most cases as soon as the breath leaves and in some cases before, the row of dead presents a sickening appearance. At 4 o'clock, a four or six mule wagon comes up to the gate, and twenty or thirty bodies are loaded onto the wagon and they are carried off to be put in trenches, one hundred in each trench, in the cemetery. It is the orders to attach the name, company, and regiment to each body, but it is not always done. My digging days are over. It is with difficulty now that I can walk, and only with the help of two canes. The bill directed the appointment of provisional government by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The President, after defeating the law, proposes to appoint, without law and without the advice and consent of the Senate, military governors for the rebel States! Whatever is done will be at his will and pleasure, by persons responsible to no law, and more interested to secure the interests and execute the will of the President than of the people; and the will of Congress is to be "held for naught unless the loyal people of the rebel States choose to adopt it." The President must realize that our support is of a cause and not of a man and that the authority of Congress is paramount and must be respected; and if he wishes our support, he must confine himself to his executive duties - to obey and execute, not make the laws - to suppress by armed rebellion, and leave political reorganization to Congress. These stories of our defeats in the valley fall like blows upon a dead body. Since Atlanta fell, I have felt as if all were dead within me forever. The reserves, as somebody said, have been secured only by robbing the cradle and the grave - the men too old, the boys too young. The army will forage liberally on the country during the march. To this end, each brigade commander will organize a good and sufficient foraging party, under the command of one or more discreet officers, who will gather, near the route traveled, corn or forage of any kind, meat of any kind, vegetables, corn-meal, or whatever is needed by the command, aiming at all times to keep in the wagons at least ten days' provisions for his command, aiming at all times to keep in the wagons at least ten days' provisions for his command, and three days' forage. Soldiers must not enter the dwellings they may be permitted to gather turnips, potatoes, and other vegetables, and to drive in stock in sight of their camp. To corps commanders alone is entrusted the power to destroy mills, houses, cotton-gins, etc.; and for them the general principle is laid down: In districts and neighborhoods where the army is unmolested, no destruction of such property should be permitted; but should guerrillas or bush-whackers molest our march, or should the inhabitants burn bridges, obstruct roads, or otherwise manifest local hostility, then army commanders should order and enforce a devastation more or less relentless, according to the measure of such hostility. As for horses, mules, wagons, etc., belonging to the inhabitants, the cavalry and artillery may appropriate freely and without limit; discriminating, however, between the rich, who are usually hostile, and the poor and industrious, usually neutral or friendly. The skill and success of the men in collecting forage was one of the features of this march. Each brigade commander had authority to detail a company of foragers, usually about fifty men, with one or two commissioned officers selected for their boldness and enterprise. This party would be dispatched before daylight with a knowledge of the intended day's march and camp; would proceed on foot five or six miles from the route traveled by their brigade, and then visit every plantation and farm within range. They would usually procure a wagon or family carriage, load it with bacon, corn-meal, turkeys, chickens, ducks, and every thing that could be used as food or forage, and would then regain the main road, usually in advance of their train. No doubt, many acts of pillage, robbery, and violence, were committed by these parties of foragers, for I have since heard of jewelry taken from women, and the plunder of articles that never reached the commissary; but these acts were exceptional and incidental. I never heard of any cases of murder or rape; and no army could have carried along sufficient food and forage for a march of three hundred miles; so that foraging in some shape was necessary. We have had a special conference with President Davis and the Secretary of War, and are able to assure you that they have done and are still doing all that can be done to meet the emergency that presses upon you. Let every man fly to arms! Remove your negroes, horses, cattle, and provisions from Sherman's army, and burn what you cannot carry. Burn all bridges, and block up the roads in his route. Assail the invader in front, flank, and rear, by night and by day. Let him have no rest. Wounded soldiers almost always tore their clothing away from their wounds so as to see them and to judge of their character. Many of them would smile and their faces would brighten as they realized that they were not hard hit and they would go home for a few months. Others would give a quick glance at their wounds and then shrink back as from a blow, and turn pale as they realized the truth that they were mortally wounded. The enlisted men were exceedingly accurate judges of the probable result which would ensue from any wound they saw. They had seen hundreds of soldiers wounded, and they had noticed that certain wounds always resulted in death. After the shock of discovery had passed, they generally braced themselves and died in a manly manner. Near Spotsylvania I saw, as my battery was moving into action, a group of wounded men lying in the shade cast by some large oak trees. All of these men's faces were gray. They silently looked at us as we marched past them. One wounded man, a blond giant of about forty years, was smoking a short briarwood pipe. He had a firm grip on the pipestem. I asked him what he was doing. "Having my last smoke, young fellow," he replied. His dauntless blue eyes met mine, and he bravely tried to smile. I saw he was dying fast. Another of these wounded men was trying to read a letter. He was too weak to hold it, or maybe his sight was clouded. He thrust it unread into the breast pocket of his blouse and lay back with a moan. This group of wounded men numbered fifteen or twenty. At the time, I thought that all of them were fatally wounded and that there was no use in the surgeons wasting time on them, when men who could be saved were clamoring for their skillful attention. None of these soldiers cried aloud, none called on wife, or mother, or father. They lay on the ground, palefaced, and with set jaws, waiting for their end. When my battery returned from the front, five or six hours afterward, almost all of these men were dead. Long before the campaign was over I concluded that dying soldiers seldom called on those who were dearest to them, seldom conjured their Northern or Southern homes, until they became delirious. Then, when their minds wandered and fluttered at the approach of freedom, they babbled of their homes. Some were boys again and were fishing in Northern trout streams. Some were generals leading their men to victory. Some were with their wives and children. Some wandered over the family's homestead; but all, with rare exceptions, were delirious. What history, I say, can ever give - for who can know - the mad, determined tussle of the armies, in all their separate large and little squads. Who know the conflict, hand-to-hand, the writhing groups and squads, the cries, the din, the cracking guns and pistols, the distant cannon, the cheers and calls and threats and awful music of the oaths, the indescribable mix - the officers' orders, persuasions, encouragements - the strong shout, "Charge, men, charge", the flash of the naked sword, and rolling flame and smoke? Of scenes like this, I say, who writes the story. Of thousands, north and south, of unwritten heroes, unknown heroisms, incredible, impromptu, first-class desperations - who tells? No formal general's report, nor book in the library, nor column in the paper, embalms the bravest, north or south, east or west. Unnamed, unknown, remain, and still remain, the bravest soldiers.
Encounter Edu offers a classroom bundle for Code Smart Ages 7-11 which contains everything you need to get started with coding and robotics in your classroom. Visit the store In the sixth lesson of this unit of work, your class will learn about some of the ways in which technology has failed in the past, and how engineers have worked to overcome those problems. They will then look back over the hardware and software they have been using in the past five lessons and combine these skills to complete challenges. This lesson should be used as an opportunity to consolidate learning, revisit any shaky territory and experiment with combinations of inputs, outputs and different ways of coding the mBot. - Understand that failure is an important part of technology development - Describe how failure and persistence can help them learn - Link a variety of inputs to a variety of outputs using code - Debug programs - Share learning - Identify and share problems encountered with solutions - Video opener (5 mins) Introduction to learning through failure. Today’s challenge is to look back at the skills the class have learned and combine them to complete one or more of the challenges. - Classroom discussion (5 mins) Students will discuss the video and what they have learned by ‘getting it wrong’ the first time. Students will then choose one or more of the challenges to complete. - Make (30 mins) Students will revisit the learning from the past five lessons and combine hardware and software skills to solve at least one of the challenges. - Test (10 mins) Test the robot works as expected. Each group should share what challenge they chose and complete a brief demonstration. - Reflect (10 mins) Students will reflect on their learning, including problems they had and how they solved them. Equipment required (per group) - mBot with remote - Laptop or tablet with mBlock - Black tape and a light surface - Materials to serve as obstacles
A unique feature of propane is that it is not produced for its own sake, but is a by-product of two other processes, natural gas processing and petroleum refining. Figure 1 shows a diagram of where propane comes from and how it gets to the consumer. Natural gas plant production of propane primarily involves extracting materials such as propane and butane from natural gas to prevent these liquids from condensing and causing operational problems in natural gas pipelines. Similarly, when oil refineries make major products such as motor gasoline and heating oil, some propane is produced as a by-product of those processes. It is important to understand that the by-pro- duct nature of propane production means that the volume made available from natural gas processing and oil refining cannot be adjusted when prices and/or demand for propane fluctuate. In addition to these two processes, demand is met by imports of propane and by using stored inventories. Although imports provide the smallest (about 10 percent) component of U.S. propane supply, they are vital when consumption exceeds available domestic supplies of propane. Propane is imported by land (via pipeline and rail car from Canada) and by sea (in tankers from such countries as Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Norway, and the United Kingdom).
While 1.2 million Americans currently live with AIDS, the incurable disease is no longer a death sentence and has become a chronic, manageable condition. The introduction of protease inhibitor drugs in 1996 was a game changer in the treatment of the disease, and now with early treatment, people with AIDS can live about as long as those without the disease, said Dr. Alysse Wurcel, an infectious disease specialist at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. First reported in the United States in 1981, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) destroys the body's ability to fight infections and other life-threatening illnesses, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The virus that causes AIDS is called HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus. HIV can be spread through unprotected sexual intercourse; while sharing needles and syringes; or from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding, according to NIAID. HIV attacks the immune system by damaging CD4 cells (T cells), a type of white blood cell important for fighting off infection. HIV is different from other diseases in that there is still a stigma linked with it. People with HIV may be afraid to let others know they have the disease because they're concerned about being treated differently by friends or facing discrimination at work, Wurcel said. Symptoms of HIV and AIDS When a person is first exposed to HIV, they may not show symptoms for several months or longer. Typically, however, they may experience a flu-like illness two to four weeks after becoming infected. People in this early stage of infection have a large amount of HIV in their blood and are very contagious, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This early illness is often followed by a "latency" phase, in which the virus is less active and no symptoms may be present, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Although symptoms may be absent, people can still transmit HIV to others during this stage. This latent period can last a decade or more. Left untreated, HIV infection will progress into AIDS, which severely damages the immune system. A weakened immune system makes it harder for the body to fight off other diseases, such as cancer, liver disease, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease, according to the CDC. It can also make people more susceptible to opportunistic infections, which are infections that occur more frequently and severely in individuals with weakened immune systems. Infections may affect the brain, eyes, gastrointestinal tract, skin, mouth, lungs, liver and genitals, according to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center (UCSF). - Rapid weight loss or "wasting." - Extreme fatigue. - Dry cough. - Recurring fevers or profuse night sweats. - Swollen lymph glands in the armpits, groin or neck. - Prolonged diarrhea. - Sores in the mouth or bleeding from the genitals or anus. - Blotches on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose or eyelids. - Depression, memory loss and other neurological effects. Diagnosis & tests The CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 be tested for HIV at least once, and those at increased risk for infection be tested at least yearly. According to the CDC, three types of tests can confirm an HIV infection: A NAT, short for nucleic acid testing, looks for the actual human immunodeficiency virus in the blood. But this expensive test is rarely used for routine screening. An antigen/antibody test looks for HIV antibodies, which are proteins produced by the immune system after exposure to bacteria or viruses. The blood test also detects HIV antigens — foreign substances that activate the immune system. The third type is an antibody test that looks for HIV antibodies in blood or oral fluid. These tests can be done with a kit at home and provide results usually within 30 minutes. However, it may take weeks or months after someone is first infected with HIV for the immune system to develop enough antibodies to the virus for those proteins to be detectable in an HIV test. And the results of conventional HIV tests that are sent to a laboratory for analysis may take a week or more to be reported. Another rapid HIV test, which may involve swabbing a person's gums, is also available and offers results in about 20 minutes. A positive result on any HIV test should be confirmed with a second, follow-up test. Treatments & medications While AIDS remains incurable, patients are living much longer — even decades after infection — because of the development of medications to suppress the virus. The most effective treatment is known as antiretroviral therapy (ART), which has typically been a combination of at least three medications meant to prevent the patient from becoming resistant to any one drug. Modern medications for AIDS are more potent and less toxic than in the past, and people take fewer pills, less frequently, Wurcel told Live Science. In fact, most people on ART take only one pill a day, and the treatment is well tolerated with few side effects, she said. ART can help slow the spread of the virus and lower its amount in the blood, which is known as the "viral load." With daily treatment, that viral load may decrease so much that it becomes undetectable. A person with undetectable HIV can't transmit the virus to their sex partners, even though HIV is still present in the person's body. According to the National Institutes of Health, the most common antiretroviral drugs fall into three categories: - Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, which keep the virus from reproducing. - Protease inhibitors, which interrupt the replication of the virus at a later step in the virus life cycle. - And, fusion inhibitors, which prevent the virus from entering and replicating in healthy cells. Researchers are developing new treatments as alternatives to taking a daily pill, such as long-acting injectable HIV drugs given once a month or every few months, Wurcel said. In the future, there may be an implantable device placed under the skin to deliver ART, so people don't forget to take their medications, she said. More than 56,000 Americans become infected with HIV each year, according to HHS. Preventing infection means avoiding behaviors that lead to exposure to the virus. Prevention measures include: - Knowing your HIV status as well as your partner's. - Using latex condoms correctly during every sexual encounter. - Limiting the number of sexual partners. - Abstaining from injectable drug use and never sharing needles or syringes. - Seeking treatment immediately after suspected HIV exposure, since newer medications known as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) may prevent infection if started early. - Reducing the chance of becoming infected by obtaining pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), which is a daily pill taken by people at high risk for HIV because of their sexual behavior or from injecting drugs. - Learn more about HIV and AIDS from the CDC. - Read a brief history of treatment for HIV and AIDS from the National Institutes of Health. - Find out more about HIV and AIDS from the Mayo Clinic. This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to offer medical advice. This article was updated on May 31, 2019 by Live Science Contributor Cari Nierenberg. Sign up for the Live Science daily newsletter now Get the world’s most fascinating discoveries delivered straight to your inbox.
ValuesValues such as the idea that America values freedom. SymbolsMeaning attached to symbols by a culture such as the mores that people show respect for a national flag. BeliefsShared beliefs such as a culture that believes in a deity. ExceptionalismIt is common for national cultures to believe that the nation is exceptional. For example, the historical belief that Japan is the only country that has four seasons. This is still a surprising persistent belief to this day in Japan that some people still hold but is perhaps no longer a mores. MoralsMores and morals come from the same root word, the Latin moralis. It is a common mistake to equate the two. Morals are principles of right and wrong. Mores can apply to questions of tradition, expectations and routine that aren't questions of right and wrong. However, morals can be mores and vice versa. For example, the moral principle that children have a right to play. Cultural UniversalsMores can be common across cultures or can be a universal feature of culture. For example, the practice of giving each person a name. CustomsCustoms such as the practice of having a funeral when someone passes away. PolitenessPrinciples of politeness such as the idea that you should help people to save face where you can. This is often important in collectivist cultures. EtiquetteTechnical rules of politeness such as the modern mores that you cough or sneeze into your elbow if you don't have a tissue. ExpectationsShared expectations such as the expectation that a job will provide days off and holidays. Hygiene FactorA hygiene factor is an expectation that doesn't make an individual happy if it is met but makes them very unhappy if it's not met. For example, the mores that a flight will at least provide free water. This will not improve customer satisfaction if met but will dramatically reduce it if not met. RolesRoles such as historical mores related to the roles of men and women. For example, the expectation in many cultures that men must be willing and prepared to sacrifice their lives to protect a nation, women and children in the context of danger or war. IdentityPrevalent ideas about the identity of a nation or culture. For example, the idea that a monarch is an important traditional role and symbol of a nation. MythMyths are stories that are important to a culture such that people find meaning in them. This should not be confused with the common usage of the term to mean "incorrect information." For example, the story of the founding of a nation that is important to its identity. TraditionsTraditions such as praying before a meal. PastimesShared experiences that are expected and valued. For example, a national holiday. Mores vs NormsMores and norms have much the same meaning with the difference being that mores are necessarily tied to national and traditional cultures and are commonly internalized. Norms can be weaker and more flexible. They can extend from a national or traditional culture but can also extend from small or overlapping cultures such as the culture of a neighborhood, punk rock subculture, culture of sport or culture of an organization. Mores are always norms but norms aren't always mores.Another major difference better mores and norms is that mores are sometimes encoded into law whereas the term norm implies social enforcement. Mores can include the fundamental moral principles of a society upon which laws are based. Values, rules and meanings that are widely internalized by a national or traditional culture. Beliefs about marriage. The expectation that you arrive on time for meetings within a particular team culture.
COPD Emphysema is one of the two major forms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, which comes about when the alveoli become damaged. Those are the tiny sacs in the lung that exchange oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide out. Think of the airways and lungs as an upside down tree, with a trunk being the trachea or windpipe, the branches are the bronchi, twigs are the bronchioles, and the leaves alveoli. Air flows into the trunk, passing progressively down until it reaches the alveoli. COPD Emphysema Causes Under normal circumstances, oxygen moves in and carbon dioxide moves out. However, cigarette smoke, industrial chemical exposure, and other irritants can damage the walls of the small sacs, reducing the efficiency of the gas exchange. COPD Emphysema makes the alveoli lose elasticity as inflammation sets in. The sacs become less effective at emptying air because they do not contract far enough. That leaves gas trapped inside them. Since that gas now has less oxygen and more carbon dioxide, it does not supply the blood with needed fresh oxygen and clear out the old carbon dioxide as much. In addition, it takes up space that would be occupied by incoming oxygen-rich air. The net result is a feeling of shortness of breath, called dyspnea, especially under mild exertion. Tragically, the disease is often progressive. More and more alveoli enlarge, making them less elastic. A healthy lung will have about three hundred million of these tiny sacs, but COPD emphysema will, over time, reduce that by up to fifty percent or sometimes more. As that gas exchange capacity is reduced, an individual has to exert increasing effort to expel air, to take in fresh oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The effort itself becomes increasingly uncomfortable. At the same time, because the body has less oxygen, fatigue sets in sooner than normal under conditions of moderate activity. COPD Emphysema Symptoms A chronic cough is common but not always present. It can easily be confused as a sign of chronic bronchitis, a disease that often occurs in conjunction with emphysema. In the case of COPD emphysema, it much less often produces phlegm. Even here, though, because both forms of COPD make a person more vulnerable to lung infections because of the tendency to retain excess mucus, either may produce yellow-green sputum as a secondary effect. Since oxygen is required for all muscular activity, even eating may become difficult. In addition, while eating, breathing is reduced. When a person eats, the stomach expands, pushing up the diaphragm which is the major muscle used to expand the lungs. That compresses the lungs, making it harder to breathe. There is no cure for COPD emphysema, but there are activities that can help compensate. Breathing exercises emphasize methods for optimizing airflow. For example, something as simple as pursing the lips during exhaling can help. That technique creates a small resistance to the outflow of air. That in turn increases slightly the air pressure on the airways, keeping them as open as possible. Another simple technique alters the way you would naturally breathe. Because it takes longer for less elastic alveoli to expel air, short breaths in, followed by, longer exhalations out can help maximize airflow. A variation involves holding your elbows back to arch your chest, and then hold the inhaled air in for a few seconds. Forcing air out more strongly than normal and moving the elbows back to a natural position follow that. Of course, a physician should perform any diagnosis and treatment. He or she will perform a physical exam, followed up by a series of pulmonary function tests. If COPD emphysema is suspected, a set of follow-on tests, such as a tissue exam after a biopsy, will generate a definitive diagnosis and on that basis, your doctor can recommend a treatment regime to help alleviate symptoms.
Electronics are present in virtually every tool, appliance, or device we use today. In this course, we will explore the world of electronics from basic concepts (such as voltage, current, and power) to resistors and capacitors, electrical schematics, and microcontrollers. This course will also include hands-on projects using a digital multimeter, breadboard, microcontroller, wires, resistors, and other components. This course provides an introduction to the field of electronics and a foundation upon which to build further study and experience. Notes and Conditions Lab Activities: Lab exercises reinforce the concepts covered in the class and provide a hands-on learning experience with the course content. However, this course does not have sufficient lab work to fulfill the requirements of a high school “lab science.”
By 2035 AI could boost average profitability rates by 38 percent and lead to an economic increase of $14 Trillion. The words Artificial Intelligence (AI), and algorithms are most often misused and misunderstood. There are often used interchangeably when they shouldnt be. This leads to unnecessary confusion. In this article, lets understand what AI and algorithms are, and what the difference between them is. An algorithm is a form of automated instruction. An algorithm can either be a sequence of simple single if-then statements like if this button is pressed, execute that action, or sometimes it can be more complex mathematical equations. · Examples where algorithms are used - YouTubes algorithm knows what kind of ads should be displayed to a particular user - The e-commerce giant Amazons algorithm knows what kind of products a specific user like and based on it shows similar product details. · Types of algorithms The complexity of an algorithm will depend on the complexity of every single step, which is required to execute, as well as on the sheer number of steps the algorithm is required to execute. Mostly the algorithms are quite simpler. - Basic algorithm If a defined input leads to a defined output, then the systems journey can be called an algorithm. This program journey between the start and the end emulates the basic calculative ability behind formulaic decision-making. - Complex algorithm If a system is able to come to a defined output based on a set of complex rules, calculations, or problem-solving operations, then that systems journey can be called a complex algorithm. Same as the basic algorithm, this program journey emulates the calculative ability behind formulaic, but more complex decision-making. Artificial intelligence is a set of algorithms, which is able to cope with unforeseen circumstances. It differs from Machine Learning (ML) in that it can be fed unstructured data and still function. One of the reasons why AI is often used interchangeably with ML is because its not always straightforward to know whether the underlying data is structured or unstructured. This is not so much about supervised and unsupervised learning, but about the way, its formatted and presented to the AI algorithm. Artificial intelligence algorithms The term AI algorithms are usually used to mention the details of the algorithms. But the accurate word to use for this is Machine Learning Algorithms. AI is a culmination of technologies that embrace Machine Learning (ML). ML is a set of algorithms that enables computers to learn from previous outcomes and get an update with the information without human intervention. It is simply fed with a huge amount of structured data in order to complete a task. Based on the data acquired, AI algorithms will develop assumptions and come up with possible new outcomes by considering several factors into account that help them to make better decisions than humans. In AI algorithms, outputs are not defined but designated depending on the complex mapping of user data that is then multiplied with each output. This programs journey emulates the human ability to come to a decision, based on collected data. The more an intelligent system can enhance its output based on additional inputs, the more advanced the application of AI becomes. · Examples where AI algorithms are used - Self-driving cars are one of the best examples of AI algorithms. - Recognition-based applications such as facial, speech, and object recognition mapping · Learning algorithms Artificial intelligence algorithms are also called learning algorithms. There are three major kinds of algorithms in ML. - Supervised learning The supervised learning algorithms are based on outcome and target variable mostly dependent variable. This gets predicted from a specific set of predictors which are independent variables. By making use of this set of variables, one can generate a function that maps inputs to get adequate results. The core algorithms, which are available in supervised learning, are Support Vector Machines (SVM), Decision Tree, and naïve Bayes classifiers, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Random Forest, Regression, Logistic Regression, and KNN. - Unsupervised learning These are similar to the supervised learning algorithms, but there is no specific target or result, which can be estimated or predicted. As they keep on adjusting their models entirely based on input data. The algorithm operates a self-training process without any type of external intervention. The core algorithms, which are available in unsupervised learning algorithms, are Independent Component Analysis (ICA), apriori algorithm, K-means, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). - Reinforcement Learning (RL) The RL has the constant iteration that depends on trial and error, in which the machines can generate the outputs depending on the specific kind of conditions, the machines are well-trained to take relevant decisions. The machine learns well based on past experiences and then captures the most suitable and relevant information to develop business decisions accurately. The best examples for RL are Q-Learning, Markov Decision Process, SARSA (State action reward state action), and Deep Minds Alpha Zero chess AI. Difference between Algorithms and AI An algorithm takes automated instructions, which can be simple or complex, takes some input and some logic in the form of code, and offers an output based on the predefined set of guidelines described in the algorithm. Whereas, an AI algorithm varies based on the data it receives whether structured or unstructured learns from the data and comes up with unique solutions. It also possesses the capability to alter its algorithms and develop new algorithms in response to learned inputs. Humans and machines must work together to build humanized technology grounded by diverse socio-economic backgrounds, cultures, and various other perspectives. Knowledge of algorithms and AI will help to develop better solutions and to be successful in todays volatile and complex world.
Reviews and ratings for family movies, TV shows, websites, video games, books & music. Writing tips for students The information network for Ohio schools. Reading is an important part of you child's education. A lot of information that your child learns is processed through the act of reading and writing. Research has proven that one of the best ways to help children become better students and high achievers is to help them become better readers. Teachers may tell you that you need to read at home with your child. Listening to him/her read is not enough. Reading can open a conversation between you and your child. Guide him/her to increase understanding of what is read. Click here to see an awesome visual graphic from Read Aloud. In this CNN Opinion Article, James Patterson states that "The more kids read, the better readers they become." and he provides many resources, links, and ideas to help make this an enjoyable activity in your home. The Twelve Systems of Strategic Action can help you guide your child in becoming a better reader. Regardless of the text, these actions can increase comprehension and fluency with just a little time and effort. Hopefully the files and links below will help you help your child choose great books that he/she will enjoy reading.
How do astronauts sleep in space? Sleeping in space explained Last Updated: October 13, 2023 In the weightless, noiseless expanse of outer space, the traditional boundaries of night and day dissolve, presenting a unique set of challenges for human physiology and behavior. Astronauts, orbiting our planet in high-tech spacecraft, must adapt to a realm where the sun rises and sets multiple times a day, disrupting the regular circadian rhythms we’re so inherently tied to on Earth. One of the fundamental adaptations involves the act of sleep— an essential physiological process linked to a multitude of cognitive functions and overall health. But how do astronauts manage to achieve restful sleep amidst such extraordinary conditions, including weightlessness? My article seeks to delve into the science of sleep in space, dissecting the innovative strategies, technologies, and research that enable humans to preserve this crucial aspect of health and wellbeing, even as they spin around the planet 16 times per day. History of sleeping in space The first human to sleep in space was Gherman Titov, a Russian cosmonaut and the second person to orbit the Earth in 1961. He slept for about one orbit and awoke to find his arms floating in space in front of him due to the lack of gravity. He remarked that sleeping in space was fine as long as you prepared yourself by arranging your appendages properly, but not everyone adjusts so quickly to sleep in space, and certainly not for extended periods. The first American to spend an entire day in space and sleep in space was Gordon Cooper who participated in the 1963 34-hour Mercury-Atlas 9 mission, during which he orbited the Earth 22 times. Two years later, Cooper joined Pete Conrad on Gemini 5, an 8-day mission orbiting the Earth. Sleep was difficult for the two astronauts as they hurtled around the Earth in a “garbage can” as Cooper called it, a cabin the size of the front seat of a Volkswagen Beetle. Our bodies are naturally attuned to the rhythm of the sun, called circadian rhythms, helping us fall asleep when it is dark and rise when it is the day. Disruptions to our circadian rhythm and sleep deprivation have negative effects on our physical and mental health including mood swings, weakened immune systems, increased blood pressure, poor balance, etc. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Multiple sunrises in the course of a day interfere with our circadian rhythms. In addition, the light from the sun is much brighter in space as opposed to the sunlight here on Earth since the atmosphere filters some of it out. The discomfort of sleeping in a seat in a tiny capsule with others and hearing the sounds of the equipment of the capsule can be distracting, similar to trying to sleep on a plane. Three astronauts sleeping in tethered sleeping bags onboard the ISS. Image Credit: NASA. Sleeping on the International Space Station (ISS) or a space shuttle With a goal of continuous human occupation of the ISS, humans need to be able to function and do their job for the entirety of their 6-month mission onboard the space station. NASA and other space agencies perform considerable research into how humans sleep in space to provide the best sleep experience possible for their astronauts during missions. Today, human missions in space are either on the ISS or en route to it, though space shuttle missions outside of traveling to the ISS, such as repairing the Hubble Telescope, were common during their era. Since the end of the space shuttles, rockets have been the mode of transportation to the ISS. What are the concerns with sleep in space? How do we address them? On Earth, our bodies have adjusted to this 24-hour cycle relating to the rotation of the Earth which either faces us toward or away from the Sun. In space, it depends on where you are in space or where you are going, but the 24-hour day in terms of the Sun’s movement across the sky no longer exists. The ISS, at 17,110 mph, orbits the Earth about 15-16 times a day, meaning a sunrise about every 90 minutes. This can make sleep difficult as sunlight may be streaming in and a space station or rocket is often noisy. Face masks and earplugs are often utilized to help block these outside stimuli and facilitate better sleep. Space operations use Greenwich Mean Time (GMT or UTC) to keep a regular schedule as a compromise between mission control centers in Houston and Moscow. The astronauts keep to these hours, scheduling work, meals, and sleep accordingly. A sample schedule might include: - 6 a.m. wake-up call - 90 minutes for breakfast and getting ready for the day - 7:30 a.m. conference calls with each country’s control center - Morning of science experiments, maintenance, and chores - An hour for lunch - The crew returns to work, along with exercise - At about 5:30 p.m. final planning conference call with each control center - 8 p.m. dinner - 9:30 p.m. bedtime NASA schedules astronauts for 8-8.5 hours of sleep, but crews tend to average around 6 hours due to sleep disruptions, such as needing to use the bathroom, wanting to stay up late, being excited or stressed, etc. Many astronauts report they only need 6 hours of sleep to feel fully rested. Based on research, this might be because the body tires slower in weightless environments since the muscles don’t need to work as hard as they do on Earth with gravity. In addition to the disruption of our circadian rhythms, the microgravity of space is unnatural for our bodies and causes a number of complications in interacting with people and objects. Without gravity, there is no up or down so you don’t need to lie down on a mattress and pillow to sleep. You can sleep in any position you want, anywhere you want. However, objects float when weightless. Air currents from life support systems push around anything not tethered so astronauts need to be secured so they don’t float away and hit the walls, potentially hurting themselves or damaging equipment. Astronaut Luca Parmitano sleeping onboard the ISS. Image Credit: ESA. Where do astronauts sleep in space? Astronauts use a tethered sleeping bag to sleep in space. On the space shuttle/ rocket, astronauts tether themselves in their sleeping bag to a seat or to any wall including the ceiling or floor. However, the only personal space is the hygiene station (the bathroom). Former Astronaut Mike Massimino described his space shuttle missions as similar to a camping trip with buddies. Ground operations even play songs picked by astronaut family members as wake-up calls. On the ISS, personal sleeping areas were specifically designed so that each astronaut has a space where they sleep in private. Each one is about as big as a phone booth and padded to reduce noise and sunlight. Sleeping areas are equipped with a sleeping bag tethered to the wall with bungee cords to keep astronauts secured and they sleep standing up typically. Pillows and mattresses are not needed as there is no gravity contrary to on Earth where we want soft cushions to relax our heads, bodies, and backs. However, many astronauts fashion pillows out of bags of clothes, etc. attached to their heads to add a little extra cushion, simulating sleeping on Earth for comfort. NASA has also created pillow-like attachments for astronauts who want them. There is also equipment to help astronauts work or relax such as a laptop, an mp3 player with headphones, a light, and a place for personal belongings. Astronauts wear whatever they prefer for sleeping whether their “pajamas” are longjohns, workout shorts and a t-shirt, or sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Astronauts do not have to sleep in the sleeping areas if they do not want, though. The ISS is rather large, about 109 m/ 357 feet wide by 73 m/ 240 feet long, so astronauts are welcome to attach their sleeping bags to the walls of the space station. A big concern for sleeping in space is good air ventilation. Microgravity affects everything, even air. The carbon dioxide that astronauts expel in their breath could form a bubble around astronauts’ heads while sleeping if there is no ventilation. So they sleep near an air vent to keep oxygen easily accessible and prevent hypoxia (when your brain cells die without oxygen). In addition to “normal” disruptions to sleep, adjusting to the new outside stimuli, the unnatural feeling of floating, aches and pains, ventilation and temperature control, as well as 16 sunrises a day can be difficult, especially for the first few days. Insomnia and sleep deprivation are common concerns for astronauts. Most adjust after a bit, but sleeping pills are the second most common drug astronauts take, after painkillers, to help combat chronic sleep deprivation. NASA also promotes relaxation techniques and sleep hygiene education to aid astronauts in sleeping more effectively. Where do astronauts sleep in space? NASA scientists and flight surgeons have been working on strategies to combat the adverse effects of circadian rhythm disruption on the International Space Station (ISS) crew. One of the key tools used to combat these disruptions is the creation of strict sleep and wake schedules. NASA personnel follow these schedules in the days leading up to launches or international travel and continue to adhere to them during spaceflight. By aligning with human circadian rhythms and taking individual sleep habits into account, these schedules aim to optimize performance, alertness, and sleep quality. A crucial aspect of this strategy is educating the crew about factors that affect sleep quality and quantity, promoting what’s known as “sleep hygiene.” This includes the timing of exercise, minimizing exposure to light from digital devices in the evenings, and making dietary choices that contribute to better sleep. Another tool in NASA’s sleep optimization toolkit is Sleep Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This approach helps crew members manage random, unwanted thoughts that can interfere with the transition to sleep. If you are interested in the scientific research that has been made about sleep quality in space, be sure to check out this whitepaper from Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal and Alain A. Gonfalone: “Sleep in space as a new medical frontier: the challenge of preserving normal sleep in the abnormal environment of space missions” published in 2016. And more recently, “Sleep issues in aviation and space” by Erin E. Flynn-Evans, Amanda Lamp, and Cassie J. Hilditch. In the below video, former NASA astronaut Mike Massimino explains his experience and what it was like to sleep in space onboard the International Space Station. Sleeping in space during long-term space exploration missions i.e. to Mars As we continually expand our human space exploration goals, human life onboard spacecraft continues to be researched. A trip to Mars will likely take 6 months. The physical, mental, and emotional health of the astronauts is of utmost concern during these trips. When launching, we also have to consider necessary resources (i.e. food for the astronauts, and life support systems) and mass and as more thrust will be needed to launch a heavier object. NASA and other space agencies have been researching hibernation in other animals in contrast with induced therapeutic hibernation in humans to understand how we could hibernate for multi-month journeys and how it would affect our bodies. Current research suggests that this may be the best option for these longer space missions as it would reduce needed nutrients including food and life support system (and therefore mass) while also limiting psychological and social stress. The moon is only 382,500 km away and with current propulsion systems, such as the SLS, the journey to the moon only takes between 2.5 and four days, making hibernation unnecessary. The trip to and back from the moon will most likely be similar to space shuttle missions. On the moon, sleeping would be between the ISS and Earth as the moon has 1/6th the gravity of Earth. Sleep is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle and disrupted sleep can result in lower cognitive function, slower response times, reduced immunity, moodiness, and even an increased chance of certain diseases. Sleep is critical for anyone, but astronauts face a special environment, very different than our normal one here on Earth. Therefore, NASA and other space agencies are constantly researching to ensure the best sleep for their astronauts today and in the future. Frequently Asked Questions Yes, astronauts do dream while they are in space, just as they do on Earth. Sleep in space is somewhat different due to the microgravity environment, but the sleep cycles, including REMs (the stages of sleep that involve dreaming) remain the same. Some astronauts have reported that they were indeed snoring in space however this condition happen less freqntuently in space that it does on earth. Snoring is typically caused by the vibration of tissues in the throat when airflow becomes constricted during sleep. On a positive note, the absence of gravity could also mean that the tongue and soft tissues of the throat are less likely to sag backwards and obstruct the airway. Astronauts have said sleeping in space can be challenging indeed because of various factors such as ambient light, the noisy environment that is the ISS, the fact that there are no up or down and the fact that they don’t really get to feel like they “lie”down. Astronauts usually wake up as a result of an alarm set on their wristwatches or computers. The wake-up time is planned and synchronized with the team on Earth (they use the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is the time standard used in aviation). Sometimes, they may also be awoken by Mission Control, which sends a wake-up call to the ISS. Sarah Hoffschwelle is a freelance writer who covers a combination of topics including astronomy, general science and STEM, self-development, art, and societal commentary. In the past, Sarah worked in educational nonprofits providing free-choice learning experiences for audiences ages 2-99. As a lifelong space nerd, she loves sharing the universe with others through her words. She currently writes on Medium at https://medium.com/@sarah-marie and authors self-help and children’s books. The requirements to become an astronaut are extremely rigorous. Does their salary match the difficulty of their profession?
With electric vehicles dominating the news in renewable energy right now, many consumers don’t even realize other alternative sources of energy can be used to fuel transportation vehicles. Most fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEVs) are powered by hydrogen and considered zero-emission vehicles. A key advantage of hydrogen as a form of energy is that, when it’s used as fuel to generate power, it emits only water and heat as byproducts, so there are no pollutants. While there are currently about 15,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles on U.S. roads, all in California, hydrogen-fueled transportation is still in its formative stages. A few of the major automakers like Honda, Hyundai, Toyota and BMW have already developed or are working on FCEV models. The challenges moving forward “The U.S. Department of Energy is currently leading research efforts to make hydrogen-powered vehicles an affordable and environmentally safe transportation alternative,” says Greg Mazur, Blymyer’s Director of Engineering. “We see great potential in this area, and believe it presents exciting opportunities for us in the future. But while hydrogen fuel as the potential to address both the environmental and oil dependency problems in transportation and beyond, there are some key challenges that need to be address if hydrogen-powered engines are to reach mainstream adoption.” Storage and distribution: An ongoing challenge is how hydrogen will be delivered to demand centers. Since hydrogen has a low volumetric energy density compared to liquid hydrocarbon fuels, it requires large storage volumes or high-pressure tanks. It’s also highly flammable and costs more to transport and dispense it in compressed or liquified form. So, the need to establish a viable and economical refueling infrastructure for hydrogen is more challenging than for electricity or renewable liquid fuels. Retrofitting existing natural gas infrastructure for hydrogen use and expanding hydrogen pipeline networks pose technical and logistical challenges as well. Currently chemical and industrial applications tend to use pipelines for distribution, directing the hydrogen from production sources across relatively short distances to large users. The US currently has over 2500 km of H2 pipelines and the EU plans to have 6800 km by 2030 – and it can be difficult to monitor these long stretches of pipeline for leaks and damages. Fuel cell applications require more direct transportation by truck to stationary stacks and fueling stations. Again, hydrogen’s low density (≈0.09 g/L at 1 atm and 0°C) is a drawback. As a point of reference, one liquid gasoline truck can hold the same amount of energy as 19 trucks of gaseous hydrogen. Fortunately, hydrogen can be stored in its liquid form in cryogenic tankers, with one tanker capable of holding enough hydrogen to match the energy in one gasoline truck. But hydrogen liquefaction is energy intensive, so it would be preferable to find new lower energy, cost effective ways to compress hydrogen. Cost and safety of production: Currently, the production of hydrogen from electrolysis using renewable energy sources is more expensive than conventional fossil fuel-based methods. Another drawback is that PEM electrolysis, one of the most mature technologies now being used for hydrogen production, results in 20% of power generation being lost as heat One sustainable method of production now being considered as an alternative involves capturing waste heat—using renewable electricity where it’s generated, at solar installations or offshore wind farms. The main advantage of this approach is the ready availability of seawater, which can be split through electrolysis into oxygen and hydrogen, after being converted to freshwater. Another challenge to hydrogen fuel adoption is the standardization of quality control. ISO 19880-8:2019, released a few years ago, specifies the protocol to ensure H2 quality at distribution facilities and fueling stations. However, impurities are variable between hydrogen generation processes, and more information is still needed for these protocols to be completely relevant. “The good news is the industry is asking the right questions,” Mazur explains. “And we look forward to helping to address the challenges ahead hasten the transition to hydrogen as a viable fuel option. Blymyer has the full-service capabilities and know-how to design and engineer solutions for hydrogen capture and storage, just like with other alternative energy sources like solar, wind and EV.
How do we really tear paper? This seems like a silly question, but the answer is 'we shear it'. So let's explore this concept of shearing. Created by Mahesh Shenoy. Want to join the conversation? - At3:53it is said that inter-molecular forces provide the restoring force to the shearing force applied. Can we think of it as friction between the two planes??(4 votes) - That analogy works for the sheets of paper in the book, but not when considering solid blocks such as steel. There are no tangible layers exactly in this example, but there are arbitrary layers due to the regular crystal lattice of the metal. In this case, it is not friction acting between those layers of cations, but electrostatic forces of attraction between the cations and delocalized electrons. Hope this helps.(3 votes) - If there is compression force AND shear force at the same time, then it seems like the shear strain would be affected (as opposed to same shear force but without a compression force happening). In other words if the planes are pushed closer together by compression force, then they might not be able to slide as far past each other. Is this true?(4 votes) - depends on how you look at it. either way, friction would oppose the force pushing the material, which is why the bend is not instantaneous. The way that he shows shearing is true if the force pushing the material is constant. if the force is instantaneous however,then because of friction, it will not bend as far before bouncing back.(2 votes) this paper has a very nice tensile strength hmm it also has a great compressive strength Wow this paper must be really strong right what you just saw could be an engineer's nightmare you could build something which is extremely strong which can easily withstand compression and tension but it could break very easily under a different kind of stress so what is this new kind of stress this seems quite important from the structural point of view right well this new kind of stress that we're going to talk about in this video is called shearing and by the end of this video we would have familiarize ourselves with this concept of shearing I think one of the best examples to understand shearing is by taking a book if you take a thick book like this again it's very strong under compression and tension it's extremely difficult to distort it or deform it by compressing it or by pulling it apart but notice just with my fingers I can easily deform it in a different way notice that my fingers over here are putting a force parallel to the surface of the book this way and as a result the papers are sliding past each other this sliding of papers past each other is what we call as shearing all right let's look at it in detail now imagine we have a cylinder a cylinder like this which is stuck to the ground let's say here's the ground we've stuck it over here this way and imagine we put a force we put a force on the cylinder parallel to the cross-sectional area just like what we did the book like this now just like how the book was made up of a lot of pages we could assume that this cylinder is made up of lot of cross-sectional planes like this that's the trick to understanding shearing always assume then whatever object you're dealing with is made up of a lot of planes and make sure those planes are parallel to the force that is acting or the force that's trying to deform the cylinder so imagine a lot of like this so due to this force as we saw just like with the book the cylinder will deform this way so it was like this before now it's like this somewhat like this all right and all the planes have slid past each other just like the papers did in that book now here's one question why does it stop why does this sliding thing stop why does it keep on sliding forever well what must be happening is that the material must be trying to restore it back so there must be a restoring force acting over here but what direction is the restoring force acting well if we concentrate on a couple of planes it will be easy to understand so let's say we zoom into a couple of planes let's say a topmost plane and the plane right below that if we zoom into that let's say so here is a plane a little bit below this so this is the plane a little bit at the bottom so this one over here and let me draw another plane the topmost plane over here let me just put some gap between them so it's easier to easier to visualize this all right so we're zooming in these are two planes this is the topmost one and this one is the one that's right below that and we are putting a force on the topmost plane this way and as a result this plane is sliding past this flame this way it's sliding past but it doesn't keep on sliding forever and the reason for that is as it slides because of the intermolecular forces this plane tries to pull it back so there must be a restoring force acting in the opposite direction this way and as the plane slides more and more the restoring force increases more and more eventually the restoring force equals the external force and then the whole plane comes into equilibrium and and that's how eventually the whole material comes into equilibrium now if we take this restoring force and divided by this area this cross-sectional area then we will call that kind of stress Remer stresses the restoring force per unit area so that kind of stress that stress is called as shearing stress shearing stress so shearing stress is this restoring force these restore this restoring force divided by the cross-sectional area so what should come to your mind when you hear the word shearing is Plains sliding Plains sliding past each other all right this should come to your mind past each other that's how I like to think about sharing now the next thing could be how do we calculate the deformation well since in shearing plains are sliding past each other we could just calculate how much one plane has slid past another for example if you take this topmost plane and compare how much it has slid past the bottom most plane the bottom was fun that is initially the topmost plane was over here here is the bottom was plane it has slide it has slid from here to here so we could say this is the amount of deformation Delta X but guess what if you take any other plane so for example if you take this plane then it has only deformed or it is only slid by slip past by this much amount so Delta X itself is not a good measure because different planes slide by different amount a better way to measure the deformation would be to calculate how much one plane has slid past another plane which are a unit distance apart let's not just take any two random planes but only take the ones which are a unit distance apart that would be a great way so imagine this length or the distance between this and this plane let's call that as L that would be the length or the initial length of the cylinder then from this we could say the two planes which are L distance apart have slid past by an amount Delta X so if you take any two planes which are a unit distance apart how much have this slit past each other well they could just do a cross multiplication and we could get this as Delta X / L this tells us how much - planes which are a unit distance apart have slid past each other and this is what we call as shear strain or shearing strain and notice you can also calculate this number for these two planes you'll get the same answer notice that if you take these two planes this would be Delta X this would be L and this divided by this is the same as this divided by this because they are similar triangles another way to think about this could be by taking this angle if we call this as the angle of shear or the angle by which this thing has twisted then notice that if you take this triangle or this triangle then the ratio turns out to be the opposite side divided by the adjacent side opposite side by the adjacent side so we could just call this as tan of the shearing angle well one last thing we'll do to understand shearing perfectly is we'll understand major differences between shearing and tension and compression so if you wanted to say compress this particular this particular rod then you would have pushed it this way maybe this would be the push they would have done now comes the question what would these planes be doing under the compression what would happen to them well let's just shift this a little a little bit towards the right let's make a little bit of room I'm running out of place over here all right so again if we draw these planes so imagine that's over here it's a little crowded please excuse the drawing but if I draw the bottom plane over here and the top plane over here over here and you're pushing down on it then what would happen to the plane is they would they would get pushed close to each other and as a result there would be a restoring force acting this way this way so the major difference that you see between compression and shearing is that in compression the planes come close to each other and maybe in tension the planes go farther away from each other but it's shearing they don't do that in shearing they just slide past each other and notice if you look at the restoring force the restoring force is perpendicular to the area even when it's come to tension if you had tension over here the restoring force would be downward again perpendicular to the area but notice over here the restoring force is parallel to the area right that is the major difference that you see between shearing and the compression and tension so the restoring force over here is parallel parallel to area now when I try to tear this paper notice that the way I put the force is this way and this way now consider a plane which is parallel to this force so it will be something something like this parallel to this force this way and this plane will run along I'll run along this length and it will have a very tiny R it and that R it is so tiny because the thickness is so small so the plane would be a rectangular one shown like this will be like this and the area of this plane is incredibly tiny and that's all because it has a very tiny Verret and because this area is so tiny even a modest force is going to produce a huge shear stress on this paper the stress is so huge that the paper can't handle it and that's why it just tears alright let's end with what really fascinates me about this I used to always think that scissors would cut paper this way but guess what they don't do it that way instead they cut it this way the two prongs are not aligned as you can see here that's the key this is how a scissor puts a huge sheer stress on the paper just like how we do it when we are tearing it and ends up cutting the paper so next time you are using a scissor to cut a paper remember you are shearing it
Galileo Galilei was born at Pisa on the 18th of February in 1564. His father, Vincenzo Galilei, belonged to a noble family and had gained some distinction as a musician and a mathematician. At an early age, Galileo manifested his ability to learn both mathematical and mechanical types of things, but his parents, wishing to turn him aside from studies which promised no substantial return, steered him toward some sort of medical profession. But this had no effect on Galileo. During his youth he was allowed to follow the path that he wished to. Although in the popular mind Galileo is remembered chiefly as an astronomer, however, the science of mechanics and dynamics pretty much owe their existence to his findings. Before he was twenty, observation of the oscillations of a swinging lamp in the cathedral of Pisa led him to the discovery of the isochronism of the pendulum, which theory he utilized fifty years later in the construction of an astronomical clock. In 1588, an essay on the center of gravity in solids obtained for him the title of the Archimedes of his time, and secured him a teaching spot in the University of Pisa. During the years immediately following, taking advantage of the celebrated leaning tower, he laid the foundation experimentally of the theory of falling bodies and demonstrated the falsity of the peripatetic maxim, which is that an objects rate of descent is proportional to its weight. When he challenged this it made all of the followers of Aristotle extremely angry, they would not except the fact that their leader could have been wrong. Galileo, in result of this and other troubles, found it prudent to quit Pisa and move to Florence, the original home of his family. In Florence he was nominated by the Venetian Senate in 1592 to the chair of mathematics in the University of Padua, which he occupied for eighteen years, with ever-increasing fame. After that he was appointed philosopher and mathematician to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. During the whole of this period, and to the close of his life, his investigation of Nature, in all her fields, was never stopped. Following up his experiments at Pisa with others upon inclined planes, Galileo established the laws of falling bodies as they are still formulated. He likewise demonstrated the laws of projectiles, and argely anticipated the laws of motion as finally established by Newton. In statics, he gave the first direct and satisfactory demonstration of the laws of equilibrium and the principle of virtual velocities. In hydrostatics, he set forth the true principle of flotation. He invented a thermometer, though a defective one, but he did not, as is sometimes claimed for him, invent the microscope. Though, as has been said, it is by his astronomical discoveries that he is most widely remembered, it is not these that constitute his most substantial title to fame. In this onnection, his greatest achievement was undoubtedly his virtual invention of the telescope. Hearing early in 1609 that a Dutch optician, named Lippershey, had produced an instrument by which the apparent size of remote objects was magnified, Galileo at once realized the principle by which such a result could alone be attained, and, after a single night devoted to consideration of the laws of refraction, he succeeded in constructing a telescope which magnified three times, its magnifying power being soon increased to thirty-two. This instrument being provided and turned towards the heavens, the iscoveries, which have made Galileo famous, were bound at once to follow, though undoubtedly he was quick to grasp their full significance. The moon was shown not to be, as the old astronomy taught, a smooth and perfect sphere, of different nature to the earth, but to possess hills and valleys and other features resembling those of our own globe. The planet Jupiter was found to have satellites, thus displaying a solar system in miniature, and supporting the doctrine of Copernicus. It had been argued against the said system that, if it were true, the inferior planets, Venus and Mercury, between the earth and the un, should in the course of their revolution exhibit phases like those of the moon, and, these being invisible to the naked eye, Copernicus had to change the false explanation that these planets were transparent and the sun’s rays passed through them. But with his telescope Galileo found that Venus did actually exhibit the desired phases, and the objection was thus turned into an argument for Copernicanism. Galileo was tried by the Inquisition for his writings discussing the Ptolemaic and Copernican systems. In June 1633, Galileo was condemned to life imprisonment for heresy. His writings about these subjects were banned, and printers were forbidden to publish anything further by him or even to reprint his previous works. Outside Italy, however, his writings were translated into Latin and were read by scholars throughout Europe. Galileo remained under imprisonment until his death in 1642. However he never was a real prisoner for he never spent any time in a prison cell or being treated like a criminal. Instead he spent his time in fancy apartments. The rest of the time he was allowed to use houses of friends as his places of confinement the, always comfortable and usually luxurious.
Table of Contents Hide What is torque? Torque is a term used to describe the force that causes an object to rotate around its axis or pivot point. It can be thought of as the twisting force applied to an object, such as a wheel or a bolt. To better understand torque, picture yourself trying to open a jar lid that is tightly screwed on. You’ll need to apply some amount of force (torque) in order for the lid to twist and come off. Torque is measured in units called Newton-meters (Nm) or pound-feet (lb-ft). The value of torque depends on two factors – the distance from the axis of rotation where the force is being applied and the magnitude or strength of that force. In vehicles, torque plays a crucial role in determining their performance. Engines with high torque produce more power at lower speeds, which translates into faster acceleration and towing capacity. This makes them suitable for heavy-duty applications like trucks and SUVs. Understanding what torque means helps us appreciate how it affects machines’ ability to perform specific tasks efficiently. What is horsepower? (Photo by Leif Bergerson) Horsepower is a term that’s commonly associated with engines and vehicles, but what exactly does it mean? Simply put, horsepower refers to the amount of power an engine can produce. It was first coined by James Watt in the 18th century when he needed a way to compare the output of steam engines to that of horses. In technical terms, one horsepower is equal to 745.7 watts or 550 foot-pounds per second. This means that an engine with a higher horsepower rating will be able to deliver more power than one with a lower rating. However, it’s worth noting that while having more horsepower generally means better performance, other factors such as torque and weight also play important roles in determining how well a vehicle performs. Understanding what horsepower means can help you make informed decisions when it comes to choosing vehicles or evaluating their performance. Torque Vs. horsepower – Key differences Torque and horsepower are two important concepts in the automotive industry, but they have different meanings. Torque is a measure of rotational force that an engine generates, while horsepower is a measure of how quickly work can be done. The key difference between torque and horsepower lies in their units. Torque is measured in pound-feet (lb-ft) or Newton-meters (Nm), whereas horsepower is measured in watts or horsepower (hp). Torque allows you to accelerate faster from a lower speed, which makes it ideal for towing heavy loads or driving on steep hills. Horsepower, on the other hand, allows you to maintain higher speeds over longer distances. Another key difference between torque and horsepower is where they occur in the RPM range. Torque occurs at low RPMs while horsepowers occurs at high RPMs. An engine with high torque but low power will feel more responsive when accelerating from a standstill because it provides more initial force. In contrast, an engine with low torque but high power will be able to maintain higher speeds over long distances but won’t have as much acceleration off the line. Ultimately both are equally essential and necessary for optimal performance depending on what needs to be accomplished by the vehicle’s output under specific circumstances How are torque and horsepower related? Torque and horsepower are two different measurements of power in an engine, but they are still closely related. Torque is the force that causes rotational motion, while horsepower determines how quickly work can be done based on torque. In simpler terms, you need torque to get things moving, and horsepower to keep things moving fast. The higher the torque produced by an engine, the more work it can do over a shorter period of time. This means that engines with high amounts of torque will feel more powerful at lower speeds. On the other hand, horsepower measures how much work can be done over a longer period of time. It’s essentially a measure of sustained effort rather than quick bursts of energy like torque provides. While these two measurements may seem unrelated at first glance, they actually go hand-in-hand when it comes to engine performance. A well-designed engine will have both high levels of torque for quick acceleration and sufficient horsepower for sustained speed over long distances. How do you calculate torque? Calculating torque involves two variables: force and distance. The formula for torque is the product of the force applied and the distance from the pivot point where it’s being applied. In other words, torque = force x distance. To calculate torque accurately, you must know how much force is being exerted on an object perpendicular to its axis of rotation. This can be achieved using a device called a torque wrench that measures rotational force in foot-pounds (ft-lbs) or Newton-meters (N-m). Once you have determined the amount of force applied, multiply that by the distance between where the force was applied and where it acts around an axis to find out how much rotational energy is produced by that application. It’s important to note that different types of machinery require different levels of torque. For instance, cars need more torque than motorcycles because they are heavier and carry more weight. In summary, calculating torque requires knowledge about both forces involved as well as their respective distances from each other so that we could determine just how much rotational energy will be generated when these forces come together at any given point in time! How do you calculate horsepower? Calculating horsepower is relatively simple once you know the equation. Horsepower can be calculated using torque and RPM. In fact, this formula is often used by mechanics to determine the amount of power an engine produces. To calculate horsepower, you first need to understand what torque is and how it relates to horsepower. Torque measures rotational force produced by a car or machine’s engine. On the other hand, horsepower measures how much work an engine can do over time. The formula for calculating horsepower looks like this: Horsepower = (Torque x RPM) / 5,252 In order to use this formula, you will need to know both the torque output of your engine and its revolutions per minute (RPM). Once you have those two figures in hand, simply plug them into the equation above and solve for horsepower. It’s worth noting that there are many factors that can influence an engine’s performance beyond just its raw power output. Factors such as weight distribution, transmission gearing and aerodynamics all play a role in determining how fast a car or machine can go based on its given level of horsepower. Examples of torque Torque is a measure of the twisting force that an object can produce. It’s essential in various everyday applications, from turning screws to riding bicycles and driving cars. To better understand torque, here are some examples: One example of torque is when you use a wrench to tighten or loosen bolts on a car engine. The force applied by the wrench creates a rotational force that produces torque. Another example of torque is when you ride your bike uphill. Pedaling harder will increase the amount of torque produced by your legs and help you move up the hill faster. Torque also plays an important role in sports where throwing or hitting balls requires significant muscle strength, like baseball, football or golfing. These are just a few examples of how we encounter torque in our daily lives without even realizing it! Torque has countless practical uses across several industries and fields – whether for hobbyists working on DIY projects or professionals using heavy machinery- making it essential for us all to understand its basic principles. Examples of horsepower Examples of horsepower can be seen all around us, from the cars we drive to the machines used in manufacturing. One common example is the internal combustion engine found in most vehicles. The horsepower of a car’s engine determines its speed and acceleration capability. For instance, a high-performance sports car might have 500 or more horsepower, allowing it to go from 0-60 mph in just a few seconds. On the other hand, an economy car may only have 100-150 horsepower and take several more seconds to achieve that same speed. Another example of horsepower can be found in industrial machinery such as tractors or bulldozers which require significant power for their heavy-duty tasks. These machines often come equipped with powerful engines capable of producing hundreds or thousands of horsepower. In addition, electric motors are also rated by their horsepower output. For instance, an electric motor powering a treadmill may have anywhere between one and five horsepower depending on its size and intended use. Examples of horsepower can be seen across industries and applications where power is necessary for performance and productivity. Photo by Spencer Davis
Did you know that scabies, a highly contagious skin condition caused by microscopic mites, can go unnoticed even if you have it? This article examines the intriguing question of whether scabies is visible to the naked eye. While the tiny creatures themselves are not easy to spot, the signs and symptoms they leave behind offer valuable clues. So, let’s explore the world of scabies and find out if you can visibly see these elusive creatures. What is Scabies? Definition of scabies Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by the infestation of the human itch mite. It is characterized by intense itching and the appearance of tiny burrows or tunnels on the surface of the skin. Causes of scabies Scabies is caused by the tiny mites known as Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites burrow into the upper layer of the skin where they lay their eggs. Scabies is usually spread through prolonged and close skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. It can also be transmitted through sharing contaminated clothing, bedding, or other personal items. Symptoms of scabies The primary symptom of scabies is intense itching, especially at night. This itching is caused by the mites and their eggs burrowing into the skin. Other common symptoms include a rash, red raised bumps, and blister-like sores. Itching and scratching can also lead to crusty skin and secondary skin infections. Transmission of scabies Scabies is highly contagious and can spread easily from person to person. It is most commonly transmitted through prolonged and direct skin contact with an infected individual. However, it is also possible to contract scabies indirectly by coming into contact with contaminated items such as bedding or clothing that have been infested with mites. Characteristics of Scabies Burrows on the skin One of the key characteristics of scabies is the presence of burrows or tunnels on the surface of the skin. These burrows are thin, grayish, and may appear as wavy or straight lines. They are typically more visible in certain areas of the body such as the fingers, wrists, elbows, and armpits. The most prominent characteristic of scabies is the intense itching it causes. The itching is often worse at night and can be so severe that it disrupts sleep and daily activities. The itching is caused by the mites and their saliva, which triggers an allergic reaction in the skin. Scabies can cause a rash characterized by small red bumps or pimples. These bumps may be scattered across the skin or concentrated in certain areas. The rash is often accompanied by inflammation and can be extremely itchy. Presence of mites In some cases, the mites themselves may be visible as small white or transparent specks on the skin. However, scabies mites are difficult to see with the naked eye, and their presence is usually confirmed through microscopic examination of skin scrapings. A visual examination of the affected areas is often the first step in diagnosing scabies. A healthcare professional will carefully inspect the skin for the presence of burrows, rashes, or any other visible signs of infestation. To confirm the presence of scabies mites, a healthcare professional may collect skin scrapings from the affected areas and examine them under a microscope. The mites, their eggs, or fecal matter can be identified through this microscopic examination. Burrow ink test In some cases, a burrow ink test may be performed to aid in the diagnosis of scabies. This involves applying a special ink or dye to the suspected burrows and then wiping away the excess. If the ink remains in the burrows, it indicates the presence of scabies. Skin scrapings are often collected for microscopic examination to detect the presence of scabies mites. A healthcare professional will use a scalpel or a similar instrument to gently scrape the skin in the affected areas, collecting any mites or eggs present. Visible Signs of Scabies Presence of red, raised bumps One of the visible signs of scabies is the presence of small, red, raised bumps on the skin. These bumps may be scattered or clustered together and are often accompanied by intense itching. Linear or curved burrows Scabies burrows are another visible sign of infestation. These burrows appear as thin, grayish lines on the skin’s surface. They may be linear or curved, and their appearance can vary depending on the location on the body. In some cases, scabies can cause the formation of blister-like sores on the affected skin. These sores may be filled with fluid and can be painful or tender to the touch. If scabies is left untreated or if the affected areas become infected, the skin may develop crusty patches. These areas of skin may be dry, scaly, and rough to the touch. Affected Body Areas Hands and fingers Scabies commonly affects the hands and fingers. The spaces between the fingers, the area around the nails, and the palms are often prime locations for scabies infestations. The wrists are another commonly affected area. The creases and folds of skin on the wrists provide an ideal environment for scabies mites to burrow and thrive. The elbows can also be affected by scabies. The skin on the elbows is thin, making it easier for the mites to burrow and lay their eggs. The warm and moist environment of the armpit is attractive to scabies mites. As a result, the armpits are often affected by scabies and may exhibit visible signs of infestation. Scabies always visible Contrary to popular belief, scabies infestations are not always immediately visible to the naked eye. The tiny mites and their burrows can be difficult to detect, especially in the early stages of infestation. Scabies exclusively affects certain areas While scabies commonly affects areas such as the hands, wrists, elbows, and armpits, it can spread to other parts of the body as well. Scabies mites are capable of infesting any area of the skin. Scabies cannot be seen with the naked eye Although scabies mites are very small, they can sometimes be visible to the naked eye. In severe infestations, it is possible to see the mites themselves or their tracks on the skin. Prevention and Control Maintaining personal hygiene Practicing good personal hygiene is essential in preventing the spread of scabies. Regularly washing hands, maintaining clean living spaces, and using clean clothes and bedding can help minimize the risk of infestation. Avoiding close contact Avoiding close and prolonged skin-to-skin contact with infected individuals is crucial in preventing the transmission of scabies. This includes refraining from sharing bedding, clothing, or personal items. Disinfection of personal items If you suspect that your personal items may have been contaminated with scabies mites, it is important to thoroughly disinfect them. This can be done by washing clothes and bedding in hot water, vacuuming upholstered furniture, and using disinfectants on surfaces. Treatments to eliminate scabies There are various treatment options available to eliminate scabies infestations. These include prescription scabicides, over-the-counter treatments, and home remedies. It is important to follow the instructions provided by healthcare professionals and to complete the entire course of treatment to ensure successful eradication of the mites. Secondary skin infections Intense itching and scratching associated with scabies can break the skin, leading to secondary bacterial infections. These infections can cause additional discomfort and may require medical treatment. Even after successful treatment, some individuals may experience persistent itching for weeks or months. This itching, known as post-scabies itch, is a normal reaction as the skin heals. In some cases, scabies infestations may persist even after treatment. This can occur if all infected individuals or items are not properly treated, leading to re-infestation. Transmission to others If left untreated, scabies can easily spread to others through close contact. It is important to seek treatment promptly to avoid infecting others. Prescription scabicides are medications specifically designed to kill scabies mites. They may be applied topically or taken orally, depending on the severity of the infestation. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare professional when using prescription scabicides. Certain over-the-counter treatments contain ingredients that can help eliminate scabies mites. These treatments are readily available at pharmacies and can provide relief from itching and kill the mites. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using these treatments, especially in more severe cases. Some people opt for natural remedies to treat scabies. These remedies may include applying tea tree oil, neem oil, or sulfur-based creams to affected areas. While these remedies may provide some relief, it is important to note that they may not be as effective as medical treatments and should be used with caution. Eliminating mites from the environment To prevent re-infestation, it is crucial to eliminate scabies mites from the environment. This includes washing and drying clothes, bedding, and other personal items on high heat, vacuuming upholstered furniture, and regularly disinfecting surfaces in the home. Seeking Medical Advice When to consult a doctor It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional if you suspect that you have scabies. They can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options based on the severity of the infestation. Proper diagnosis and treatment A proper diagnosis is essential in effectively treating scabies. A healthcare professional will be able to confirm the presence of scabies mites and prescribe the appropriate treatment plan for your specific situation. Once treated, it is crucial to take preventive measures to avoid re-infestation. This includes practicing good personal hygiene, avoiding close contact with infected individuals, and properly disinfecting personal items regularly. Following these measures can help prevent the recurrence of scabies.
Of all the health benefits of sunlight, initiating the process of producing vitamin D in the body may be the best known. When UVB rays hit human skin, they interact with the 7-DHC protein there to produce vitamin D3. People can get vitamin D from their diet and supplements, but sunlight is an important source of this essential nutrient. Vitamin D is necessary for key biological processes to take place in the body. Its benefits - supporting healthy bones - managing calcium levels - reducing inflammation - supporting the immune system and glucose metabolism Researchers have noted a link between exposure to the sun and lower blood pressure levels, with reduced death rates from cardiovascular issues. They suggest that exposure to sunlight triggers the skin to release stores of nitrogen oxides, which cause arteries to dilate, lowering blood pressure, and may reduce the impact of metabolic syndrome. According to other research, increased sun exposure may also protect people from the following diseases: - type 1 diabetes - multiple sclerosis (MS) - several forms of cancer, including colon, breast, and prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma Sunlight also supports better sleep and sets people’s circadian rhythms by regulating the levels of serotonin and melatonin. Being in the sun generally makes people feel good, and there are many scientific reasons for this effect. One of these is that exposure to UVB rays causes human skin to produce beta-endorphins, which are hormones that reduce pain. Their other benefits include: - promoting a sensation of well-being and improving mood - boosting the immune system - relieving pain - promoting relaxation - helping wounds heal - helping people feel more alert job satisfaction, when a person’s workplace has access to sunlight - reducing depression Days without sunshine can be tough for many people, but some individuals find going without the mental health benefits of sunlight more challenging than others. The - having a family member who has experienced SAD - a history of depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, or other mental disorders - Living far away from the equator It is also of note that 4 out of 5 people with SAD are female. SAD is a specific type of depression. The symptoms develop or worsen when the days get shorter, and they improve when the days get longer. In the northern hemisphere, this means that people with SAD will experience the most intense symptoms in January and February. Researchers say that 1.5–9% of people in the United States may have SAD. While it is common for people to have spells of the “winter blues,” SAD is a diagnosable condition that can have a significant effect on people’s mental health. As with other forms of depression, SAD interferes with people’s ability to live their daily lives and causes a low mood that can feel insurmountable. People may lose the ability to find pleasure in activities that they once loved, have difficulty thinking, or feel worthless. They may also notice changes to their sleeping and eating habits. Both SAD and depression are treatable. Medication and therapy can both be effective, and some interventions harness the health benefits of sunlight. These interventions allow people to find other ways to access these health benefits, which is particularly important for people who: - live in parts of the world where there is a significant difference across seasons in the available daylight hours - work in occupations that keep them indoors for extended periods - must limit their exposure to natural sunlight for other reasons Adjusting light levels and vitamin D intake are not the only possible solutions. Studies have shown that people with SAD can benefit just as much from cognitive behavioral therapy as they can from light therapy.
Subject-verb matching can be difficult due to the irregularity of English plural subjects. many are not marked with an “s” at the end. Even for native English speakers, subject-verb correspondence can be a difficult concept to understand. There are several rules to follow, and some of them only require practice to get acquainted. In the example above, the singular verb corresponds to the singular subject Boy. Although each part of the composite subject is singular (ranger and camper), taken together (connected by and), each becomes part of a plural structure and must therefore take a plural verb (see) to match in the sentence. 3. Find the true theme of the sentence and choose a verb that matches it. Like the prepositional sentence, the clause that/that/never contains the subject. 1. If the subject of a sentence consists of two or more nouns or pronouns connected by and, use a plural verb. Subjects and verbs must correspond in number (singular or plural). So, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; If a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural. 3. If a composite subject contains both a singular and plural noun or pronoun that is connected by or or, the verb must correspond to the part of the subject that is closer to the verb. Example: She writes every day. Exception: If you use the singular “they”, use plural verb forms. Example: The participant expressed satisfaction with his or her work. You currently hold a leadership role within the organization. Pronouns that do not refer to a particular person or thing (anything, anything, everyone, no one, again, someone, something, etc.) usually assume singular verbs: a third group of indefinite pronouns assumes a singular or plural verb, depending on the meaning of the pronouns in the sentence. Examine them closely. The subject-verb match rules apply to all personal pronouns except I and you, which, although SINGULAR, require plural forms of verbs. However, the plural verb is used when the focus is on the individuals in the group. It is much rarer. The verb that follows these words must correspond to the noun to which it refers. Sometimes, however, a prepositional sentence inserted between the subject and the verb makes it difficult to match. In general, subject-verb match errors do not cause serious communication problems – their meaning is always understood. However, if there are mismatches in your article, readers will likely conclude that you lack academic writing skills. 6. The words everyone, everyone, that is, none, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, nobody, someone, someone and no one are singular and require a singular verb. The exception is the verb be, which has more forms than other verbs: Have you ever had “subject/verb correspondence” as an error on a paper? This document will help you understand this common grammar problem. As subjects, the following indefinite pronouns ALWAYS assume singular verbs. Look at them closely. What happens if one part of the composite subject is singular and the other part is plural? This sentence refers to the individual efforts of each crew member. The Gregg Reference Manual provides excellent explanations of subject-verb correspondence (section 10:1001). 10. Collective nouns are words that involve more than one person, but are considered singular and take a singular verb, e.B. group, team, committee, class and family. 1. Group nouns can be considered as a single unit and therefore assume a singular verb. A prepositional sentence can be placed between the subject and the verb. What form of verb to use in this case? Does the verb have to be singular to correspond to a word? Or does the verb have to be plural to match the other? The trick to looking for subject-verb disagreements is to identify the verb in a sentence. The verb in the sentence helps you find the subject that tells you if you have the right verb form. The verb is easier to identify as a word that can come right after the pronouns “I”, “you”, “you” and “he”. In cases where two words in the sentence can fit after the pronoun, the verb is the word that changes when you change the tense of the sentence. For example, in the sentence “The exhausted runner has crossed the finish line”, “exhausted” and “crossed” could come after a pronoun. If we change the sentence from the past to the present, “The exhausted runner crosses the finish line”, we see that because “cross” has been changed to make the sentence present, it is the verb. Subject-verb match errors occur in the English language when an author or speaker has not matched the number (singular or plural) of the verb with the subject number of the sentence. It is not always easy to spot a subject-verb disagreement due to the many exceptions to the rules of English, but some general guidelines will help the diligent author find the most errors. This document gives you several guidelines to help your subjects and verbs get along. There are many reasons to question the results of this study. There is certainly a tendency to ignore problems. Key: Subject = yellow, bold; Verb = green, emphasize When we refer to the group as a whole and therefore as a unit, we consider the noun as a singular. In this case, we use a verb in the singular. And finally, the creation of a question sometimes causes the subject to follow the verb as well. Identify the subject here, then choose the verb that corresponds to it (singular or plural). “The subject and the verb must correspond in number and person. Singular nouns in the subject require the singular form of the verb (first or third person), while plural nouns require the plural form of the verb. (A correct assessment of the error.) Note: Two or more plural subjects related by or (or) would of course need a plural verb to agree. .
An archaeological mystery that called into question the racial history of the Americas has finally been solved. After consecutively assigning him Caucasian, Japanese, and Native American ancestry, a team of scientists including some at UC Berkeley say they have finally determined the geographic origins of the Kennewick Man. “Kennewick Man” is the skeletal remains of a middle-aged man found on the banks of Washington’s Columbia River in 1996. Carbon dating determined that the bones were roughly 9,000 years old. The discovery attracted attention immediately when the remains were initially declared to be Caucasoid based on skull measurements. The term “Caucasoid” hearkens back to the 19th century, when many anthropologists classified humans within three racial groups: Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid. Dated as the term is, some in the public seized on the idea that Kennewick Man was white, suggesting that white settlers arrived in the Americas far earlier than previously thought. The public’s imagination was perhaps spurred by a scientific facial reconstruction of Kennewick Man that bears a striking resemblance to actor Patrick Stewart. Subsequent studies suggested that Kennewick Man was more closely related to either Polynesians or the Ainu people of Japan than he was to indigenous North Americans, indicating the early arrival of Asiatic peoples to the continent. Genetic testing now appears to have settled the question of his racial affinity. DNA from a finger bone remnant indicates that his closest modern-day relatives are Native Americans, specifically the Colville tribes of Eastern Washington. (A closer match may be possible, but not all tribes have provided genetic material for analysis.) The findings, published in the journal Nature in June, undermine the validity of skull measurements in determining race, a practice long questioned by the scientific community. “You cannot assign an individual to a specific geographic group based on skull shape,” says Rasmus Neilsen, a Berkeley computational biology professor and coauthor of the study. Some of the paper’s collaborators studied Native American skulls from similar geographic groups and found that there is too much variation within populations to determine geographic origin for a single skull. DNA evidence has also complicated an old question: Who were the first Americans? Although Neilsen’s study suggests a single migration, a recent Harvard study found genetic similarities between native Amazonian tribes and aboriginal populations in Australia, New Guinea, and the Andaman Islands. The Harvard study concluded these genes likely arrived with a now-extinct common ancestor in a separate migration. Meanwhile, Kennewick Man is embroiled in yet another controversy, this one pitting tribes against researchers. “The Ancient One,” as he is often called by Native Americans, faces dueling claims over custody of his bones. Several tribes, including the Colville, want to give him a ceremonial burial; many scientists, however, want to continue studying the remains. In 2004, a group of researchers led by the Smithsonian Institution won a lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management for the right to study the bones, which now reside in the Burke Museum at the University of Washington and are managed by the government. Neilsen’s finding may change that. Federal law states that any funerary remains must be returned to indigenous peoples if a “lineal descent or cultural affiliation” is proved. No doubt the results of the genetic testing will renew tribal efforts to repatriate the bones, perhaps finally settling the legal question of whether Kennewick Man will be treated as a revered ancestor or an object of study. From the Fall 2015 Questions of Race issue of California.
In a world teeming with divergent ideas and belief systems, clashes between different perspectives have become inevitable. These clashes can arise from a variety of sources, such as varying worldviews, cultural differences, or conflicting ideologies. While clashes often result in heated debate or even violence, it is essential to acknowledge the importance of understanding and respecting different viewpoints in order to foster harmony and peaceful coexistence. The clash of perspectives stems from the fundamental human nature of seeking validation of one’s own ideas and beliefs. It is natural for individuals to hold onto their convictions and defend them vigorously. However, when this clash is not approached with an open mind, it can lead to unnecessary conflict and hinder progress. One of the most effective ways to resolve clashes of perspectives is through open and respectful communication. Encouraging dialogue between opposing parties can allow for a deeper understanding of each other’s viewpoints. Active listening and empathy play crucial roles in this process, as they help in recognizing and accepting differing experiences and thought processes. Another vital aspect in addressing clashes is shedding preconceived notions and biases that may cloud judgment. Often, a lack of understanding arises from stereotypes or generalizations about different cultures, religions, or ideologies. By consciously challenging these biases and seeking accurate information, individuals can develop a more nuanced perspective, thereby fostering greater understanding between conflicting ideologies. Clashes of perspectives should not always be seen as negative. These conflicts often serve as catalysts for progress and personal growth. They challenge individuals to critically analyze their own beliefs, promoting intellectual expansion and the evolution of ideas. Moreover, when opposing parties engage in productive discussion and find common ground, new and innovative solutions can emerge. In conclusion, clashes between perspectives, ideas, and beliefs are a natural consequence of a diverse society. However, fostering understanding and open-mindedness can help transform these clashes into opportunities for growth and coexistence. It is crucial to embrace dialogue, actively listen, and challenge biases in order to bridge the gap between conflicting ideologies. By doing so, we can progress as a society and create a peaceful world wherein diverse thoughts and perspectives are respected and celebrated.#22#
Radon is a naturally occurring colorless, odorless and tasteless radioactive gas resulting from the decay of uranium in soil and rock. Radon enters buildings through cracks or other holes in the foundation, or in the case of buildings with a crawlspace, directly from the soil. Even in areas where the soil / rock is not rich in uranium, radon can be introduced by using uranium-containing soil for fill, or rock for foundation or rock work. Radon is a known carcinogen, producing radioactive products known as radon daughters. These radon daughters are inhaled and become embedded in the lung tissue. As these particles decay, they release small amounts of radiation causing lung tissue damage and possibly lung cancer. Following only smoking, the U.S. Surgeon General has ranked radon as the second leading cause of lung cancer deaths.
Photo credit: © Kim and Forest Starr, https://flic.kr/p/DJ9ziG Report this Species! If you believe you have found this species anywhere in Pennsylvania, please report your findings to iMapInvasives by submitting an observation record. Species at a Glance Water hyacinth is a free-floating flowering perennial that forms dense “rafts” of plant material in the water that can cover a lake surface from shore to shore. Its beauty makes it a popular ornamental plant for ponds; however, its fast growth makes it one of the worst aquatic weeds in the world, as it can double its population in as little as six days. Leaves: Oval, rounded, circular, or elliptical leaves are arranged in rosettes on stalks that can rise 0.9 m (3 ft) above the water’s surface. They are thick, glossy, waxy green, waterproof, and typically up to 15 cm (6 in) wide. The sides are gently incurved and often undulate, and leaf bases are heart-shaped, square, or rounded with dense veins. Flowers: Multiple flowers (8-15) form in a single showy spike that can be up to 30 cm (12 in) long atop a thick stalk. Each flower in the spike has six lavender-blue petals. The uppermost petal is somewhat larger with a bright yellow, blue-bordered, central spot. Fruits/Seeds: A three-celled capsule contains many seeds. Stems/Roots: Spongy, inflated stems can grow up to 0.5 m (1.5 ft) long. The stems are filled with air spaces, which gives them a spongy appearance and allow them to stay afloat. Fibrous roots hang submersed beneath the floating leaves. They are dark purple to black and have a feathery appearance. Water hyacinth can be confused with American spongeplant (Limnobium spongia) because of its similar looking leaves; however, American spongeplant has white roots instead of black and has slender, ridged stems instead of bulbous, inflated stems. It can also be confused with water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), which has large ribbed leaves and doesn’t have the showy flowers characteristic of water hyacinth. This species grows in shallow temporary ponds, wetlands, marshes, sluggish flowing waters, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and ditches of temperate climates. It can tolerate extremes in water level fluctuations and seasonal variations in nutrients, pH, temperatures, and toxins. It is not winter hardy and needs temperatures above 12°C (54°F) to survive. Because of its attractive purple flowers, water hyacinth is a popular plant among ornamental pond and water garden enthusiasts. As a result, escape from water gardens as well as deliberate releases have been major modes of dispersal. Once introduced, its high growth rate has allowed it to quickly establish and spread. It reproduces both by fragmentation and by forming plantlets at the end of a shoot that grows from the base of the stem. Native to South America in Brazil, water hyacinth is now found in more than 50 countries on five continents. It is believed to have been introduced to the United States in 1884 for the Cotton States Exposition held in New Orleans. Because of its beauty, it was given as gifts to attendees who took it home to add to backyard ponds. By 1900 it had escaped cultivation to become a serious pest. In the Mid-Atlantic, this species is found in New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Note: Distribution data for this species may have changed since the publication of the Mid-Atlantic Field Guide to Aquatic Invasive Species (2016), the source of information for this description. Water hyacinth forms thick mats that block waterways and limit boat traffic, swimming, fishing, and other recreational activities. In drainage and irrigation canals, it impedes flow which can result in flooding and clogged pumps. Dense mats prevent sunlight and oxygen from reaching the water column and the submerged plants below, shading out native species and reducing biodiversity. Information for this species profile comes from the Mid-Atlantic Field Guide to Aquatic Invasive Species (2016).
Herbig-Haro objects are luminous regions that surround newborn stars (known as protostars) and form when stellar winds or gas jets are ejected from these newborn stars. form shock waves that collide with nearby gas and dust at high speeds. HH 797, which dominates the lower half of this image, is located near the young open star cluster IC 348, located near the eastern edge of the Perseus dark cloud complex. The bright infrared objects at the top of the image are thought to host two other protostars. This image was captured using Webb’s Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam). Infrared images are powerful for studying newborn stars and their outflows, because young stars are often embedded in the gas and dust from which they formed. The infrared emission from the star streams penetrates the obscuring gas and dust, making Herbig-Haro objects ideal for observation with Webb’s sensitive infrared instruments. Molecules excited by turbulent conditions, including molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide, emit infrared light that Webb can collect to visualize the structure of the flows. NIRCam is particularly good at observing hot (thousands of degrees Celsius) molecules excited by collisions, NASA reports. Using ground-based observations, researchers previously discovered that for the cold molecular gas associated with HH 797, most of the redshifted gas (away from us) is located to the south (lower right), while the gas is -blueshifted (moved towards us) is in the north (lower left). A gradient along the flow is also found, such that at a distance from the young central star, the gas velocity near the eastern edge of the jet is redshifted more than the gas on the west edge. Previously, astronomers thought it was due to the swirling flow. However, in this higher resolution Webb image we can see that what is thought to be a single outflow is actually formed by two nearly identical flows with their own distinct series of oscillations (which explains the speed asymmetries). The source, located in the small dark region (lower right of center), and already known from previous observations, is not a star, but a double. Each star produces its own dramatic flow. Other outflows are also visible in this image, including one from the protostar in the upper right center with its illuminated cavity walls.