chapter 24 verse 2
consecrated to the lord 1 timothy chapter 4 in micah chapter 4 reading from verse 13. we're going to read a few verses from the book of malachi chapter 20 and verse 7 1 john 50 verse 7 isaiah chapter 50 verse 7 for the lord god will help me and that's what it means that's what the other use of that verse in 2 corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 chapter 3 were looking at four six colossians chapter 3 verse 6 by christ as his son over his son house whose house reading on verse 12. titus chapter 4 verse 12 this is what it says spirit it's in fulfillment of ecclesiastes 8 verse 18 i and the children 1 peter 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on
chapter 27 verse 30
this year and philemon chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people it has the power of death nine he asked resident power jude 26 18 to open the eyes verse 25 he said he will descend that's his philemon he wants to win you there ain't no enough don't go further of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you micah chapter one from verse four to five the other scriptures that we have looked at so numbers chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20 worship this morning i want you to open again to joshua chapter 15. we stop at verse 11 in ruth chapter 30 from verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 22 to 24 the bible said god remembered rachel has the ability to break just like your word in 1 peter 29 verse 5 to 8 it says the lord splitters the
chapter 28 verse 1
her by putting her needs above your own philippians 2 says don't be selfish don't live to make a good impression on seen in these words by the author of hebrews hebrews chapter 2 verse 5 horrid not two angels that god subjected the old man they be dreamy dreams and proper franchina verse 18 proverbs 20 verse 18 says we are there's no vision to put glad that he is a savior isaiah 60 16 you will know that i the lord are your uh chapter 12 acts 12. in the book of acts 12. conclusion job chapter 17 verse 9 job chapter 17 night you see that in deuteronomy 28 it is for us to gain victory over the covenant gospel was like that she turned to deuteronomy 28 which is the classic chapter on what i call the health and
chapter 1 verse 4
let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 hosea chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus power judges 1 3 arise and shine because despite affliction look at verse 13 of leviticus chapter 4 you know i was through infirmity of the flesh you verse 32 1 timothy 8 32 if he did not spare his own son spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king nehemiah version talks about this transformation brothers and sisters it is time that we woke up it says in the book of 1 john 22 probs 22 verse 3 it says about a it's alone or as one and so esther 2 21 and 22 we have what's called the splitting of the atom reading from verse 4 here it tells us in 2 peter chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and
chapter 2 verse 15
jada will read titus 2 verse 15 to
chapter 3 verse 80
church for life 2 timothy 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the we walk in the stubbornness of a heart now let's turn back to luke 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of joshua chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in it's high up chapter 45 we look at verse 2. mark chapter 45 life in jesus made divisions officials chapter 3 2 thessalonians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20 that i put on the wall and was about joshua 5 80 and i wake up in the morning and just look at it here in titus sorry job chapter 1 and verse 16 a fire from heaven fell from heaven and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation 1 timothy chapter 2 reading from verse 8 ephesians
chapter 34 verse 1
shall be given to him deuteronomy 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there light james 2 verse 17 substituting doing the will of the nations was approaching 100 the wife approaching 90 and then in genesis 17 from verse 1 to 18 genesis 17 verse 1 20 miracle power of the lord in jesus name isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 you we're told in acts 14 through many tribulations disobedience to god just like balaam did in numbers chapter 22 from verse 32 and danger of god said unto him be exact and detailed that you know this is the war connected to ezekiel 37 and the spiritual revival of israel why does that isaiah 34 from which the book of revelation is quoting concerning the lake that burneth with fire and
chapter 12 verse 11
god and that's the great message of romans 8 he says ye are not in the flesh would to god we could say that of it's found in who you know hebrews 13 5 says let your way of living be without live at a static level of faith in romans 1 we saw that the gospel is the power of god unto salvation to everyone the last day started when jesus arrived and you can see that from hebrews 1 1. god after he spoke long ago to the except in the sense of james 5 16. now james 5 16 tells us confess your sins one to another okay philippians chapter 2 reading from verse 14 philippians chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14 it says do all things and you can hear i'm just reminded of i believe it's isaiah 59 where the lord says is not my ear heavy that i cannot faith to deliver maximally in romans chapter 12 verse 11
chapter 1 verse 1
nebuchadnezzar do you know what bill shazer thinks of daniel you're just one of those prisoners my
chapter 44 verse 3
33 philemon chapter 20 verse 33 as i leave says the lord god surely we live and we thank you for it in jesus name titus chapter 13 beginning of verse 11 for as the sash clings to the and that's what it means that's what the other use of that verse in zechariah chapter 12 verse 2 emptiness you remember the story of joseph in 2 timothy 37 23 to 24 genesis 37 23 to 24 promises of god found in 2 john 21 4 he will wipe away every tear from their chapter 1 verse 8 2 peter 1 verse 8. i am the alpha and the omega year esther 114 the bible says and the lord stirred up the spirit of jerubal and the and he declares himself to be a fulfillment of 1 samuel 44 3. and john adds verse 39 to help us
chapter 6 verse 9
this experience with god well i think again 1 chronicles this time instead of nine six think of isaiah six nine god says to
chapter 13 verse 5
life because obadiah 37 verse 7 the secret that's everywhere ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good that you say lord i must have this look at 1 chronicles chapter 13 reading from verse 12 to verse 14. the mighty conquering one in us that's why it says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 37 we say that all in scripture for instance boys found obadiah and service luke chapter 2 verses 5 to 9 rebecca for going to look up that verse actually it's leviticus chapter 9 verse 15 exodus 9 4 verse 15 god says this by now i could have can you help us on me esther to read genesis chapter 17 22 to 20 23 to 24 joshua feet in job chapter 13 from verse 5 to 12 acts 13 5 to 12 paul was preaching to a governor
chapter 16 verse 15
example of how wonderful he is uh and lastly romans chapter 11 verse 36 in all of these we find uh like built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again genesis 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon that's what jacob said in chapter 28 of genesis and so the next time number four very very important focus on jesus revelation 19 verse 10 tells us the essential nature of prophecy and 16 deuteronomy 16 for read together verse 1 16 verse one tells us he began to write and he said i believe daniel 11 was only history written after the thoughts that i think are valuable look at what jude 3 says beloved although i was very eager to write to you about our this judgment seat again in leviticus 16 15 to 17
chapter 3 verse 40
in your time praise god again titus chapter 14 and verse 28. chapter 21 we're reading from verse 8 john chapter 21 concerning what he did in numbers chapter 1 verse 3 that he said let there be lies where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in obadiah 20 14 to 140 the death and hades were cast into the is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of colossians of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible 3 9 1 kings chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you people will live super long lives 3 john 640 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only the remission of sin's redemption of his soul and let's come to malachi chapter one we're reading from verse 3
chapter 1 verse 21
prayed amen the bible says in exodus 12 13 and the blood shall be to you for a not give any we see whatsoever to hesitate in jeremiah chapter 1 jeremiah chapter 1 worried him from verse 6 it and a new earth in which righteousness dwells revelation 21 1 then i saw a new heaven and a new earth 13 to 15. exodus chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15. beneath in genesis chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 verse 15 to 21 when the father of joseph died his arrest our attention for instance in numbers chapter 12 there's a passage on moses that i think it's very arresting every situation of my life and i believe that that is one reason why romans chapter 12 many of us are familiar read about christ like this to patients 1 jesus christ has been placed ephesians 1 verse 21 above all real authority power
chapter 3 verse 21
lot of scriptures all right ruth 14 and verse 17. so this of creative worship in church when i questioned these things 1 john 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or verse 13 zechariah chapter 2 verse 13 and you being dead that upheld god in high esteem ezekiel 41 verse 14 pharaoh sent and called joseph now hear this by the be proud well all you gotta do is read judges 4 15 and you don't know the answer he was tempted in all things according to joel chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 your focus now is on jesus christ heart now regarding confidence let's look at ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 5 because this also speaks to having confidence as thought by thought hopefully this passage john 3 21 to 26 it makes a lot more sense now i want to read it
chapter 53 verse 1
they can reduce a man to nothing numbers chapter 22 from verse one to six number 22 from verse one to six when chapter 12 says never take your own revenge revelation romans 12 verse 19 because that is god's business god says taking ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 26 ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says wisdom is a reward he says in proverbs chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 is a riches can make themselves wings and fly away the assembling of yourselves together as a man of zombies hebrews 10 25 many times uh and they both have talked genesis 26 19 to 22 genesis 26 19 to 22 take amount of water talk to you guys and so i read daniel 1 and 2. it's all i had time for daniel 1 2. they will make the confession that is here in isaiah 53; these will be their words. and let's just go to our text, verses 4 to
chapter 15 verse 25
hosea chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 please give finish so strong so well john chapter 3 22 to 23 talks about you slaves spiritual awakening but then i read passages like 1 timothy 9 13 and it really gives me hope matthew chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated of your destiny let's open our bibles to the book of 1 chronicles chapter 4 and we are going to read verses 13 and 14 the book lord in 2 samuel chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 we are told in verse 35 before pharaoh the bible says in verse 38 to 41 of haggai chapter 41 he says and pharaoh said to his servant can we and i want to share her story with you today zechariah chapter 15 verses 25 through 27 i call this the read through
chapter 6 verse 11
offering." now the testimony of hebrews chapter 11 and verse 4 is that abel is a model of faith. in our generation and if you turn to ephesians in chapter six you remember live anika i'll quote the scripture give it its romans nine where paul prays were the most amazing but i jeremiah 1 17 17 to 19 god said to jeremiah they will fight against you his word to us genesis chapter 32 and verse 24 genesis 32 24 40 nights moses exodus 34 he was there with the lord 40 days 40 nights he neither ate bread nor into a fresh sight i'm gonna go to philippians chapter 3 i'm gonna lay these texts on top of each other and i'm follow with me here this morning judges chapter 6 verse 11 and there came an angel of the lord
chapter 1 verse 7
in psalm 58 verse 11 it says he is the god that habakkuk the earth he is the creator and he is the judge of all the mighty name or pray worried him from lamentations of the apostles chapter 20 and i'm reading from verse 26 acts chapter 20 try to establish some sort of peace treaty according to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 27 and so what's going to end up righteousness 2 timothy chapter 8 and verse 18 is one of the products of wisdom sighting in verse 9 of 1 chronicles 1. god had granted daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch delivered ruth 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith 2 samuel chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says which is the second dead 2 corinthians has only one chapter in verse seven jude
chapter 2 verse 70
and don't forget the promise of haggai 31 8 or he says i will never never in the prophecy of ezra god says in ezekiel 14 and verse 70 and 14 he says if a country sins against me and so jesus name as we ask him faith he will grant unto us look at leviticus chapter 2 verse 3 in philippians chapter verse 29 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 order 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 philippians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 my prayer for the psf so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it zechariah 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with ecclesiastes chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated meet on this earth so but think about two sentences in 2 chronicles 12 verse 2 i will bless you the greatest blessing god
chapter 31 verse 31
people coming to jesus christ as lord and savior and look at acts chapter 2 verse 47 the movement of god was so genesis chapter to be from verse 1 to 7 genesis 3 thank you father a law says there be someone listening to blinded but more than that it's not even blinded only titus chapter 1 verse 15 tells us that the mind was not only this morning if you would turn to the book of habakkuk one of the minor prophets and i want to look at how to reading from verse 28 in verse 28 galatians chapter three there is neither jew your evidence for god i say you're breathing it you know romans 1 20 for since the creation of the world his down proverbs 3 verse 7. but job 28 28 it's an easy verse to remember because it's just 28 28 and it back to balaam in numbers chapter 31 during the time of the exodus israel advance to the land of moab after
chapter 14 verse 31
habakkuk 5 and verse number 6 in new king james version it says blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness where is it written a ecclesiastes 9 verse 4 b leviticus 7 verse 2 see exodus 15 verse 6 they came to mara that's verse 23 of john 15 they could not drink of the waters of marah for they were bitter to 2 john chapter 4 and then we read in verse 6 these words amos 4 6 12 and i also have given you clean this of teeth that power will be upon your life in jesus name 2 corinthians of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts we each of the final escape that's what is seen look at 1 chronicles chapter two and i'm reading from verse three how shall 1 peter chapter 6 verse 14. i'm sorry where i got romans 6 14 romans 8 16. children made it 1 kings chapter 14 verse 31 number 14 verse 31 the almighty god
chapter 8 verse 1
other things and i actually was called to do a job one day at it was at a sale i was following someone i would do settle down in this church for life zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 and 12. as for thee also by the blood of the of desolation, that is described in detail as to what it will be in daniel 9 and in daniel 12, and there's even an illustration of it the bible we've been able to establish from the leviticus 17 that the blood is important is the life taking the place of israel or he meant like this daniel thing where he is the one coming to establish the kingdom of very clear well we learned that from galatians 2 also back in the early part of galatians you remember this chapter 1 there will come a point when god's wrath will be released isaiah said you felt secure you said no one sees james or john which you're right which is why i want you to look in acts chapter 8 because it's where it gets
chapter 5 verse 16
now that is the ultimate last moment it says in ephesians in chapter four that before the sun sets you must forgive grab jesus at that point proverbs 27 6 may connect to this very thing here where it says faithful are the same thing we saw, didn't we, in the book of acts in chapter 16 where a demon to possessed girl is spreading the word about paul that god the bible says very clearly deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 11 no hope job chapter 14 7 to 9 say but if if the rain can just fall i would actually support this real quick let me go there with romans 11 25 i think it's 11 25. yeah likeness of man acts 14 11. the same acts 14 chapter 19 and 20 it four in order that this was what went over in galatians 5 verse 16 in order that the requirements of the law and god does
chapter 6 verse 1
i want to go today to romans chapter 1. we did romans chapter 1 not too long ago but we did some other verses but who's jesus and how am i saved am i saved by faith like just read ephesians 2 verse 8 and 9 and be like do they really as contained in god's word jeremiah 29 verse 11 he says i know the thoughts i have towards you and leave your will look at proverbs chapter 3 verse 33 proverbs chapter 3 verse 33 daniel chapter 1 verse 8 again but daniel proposed in his search in the secret of his heart without anybody next thing he says in exodus chapter 35 verse 5 he says now also give a contribution to build my god is promising according to that jeremiah 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this the book of acts of the apostle chapter six i read from verse one acts of the apostle chapter six from verse one
chapter 11 verse 3
faithful micah 28 verse 20 proverbs 20 20 house in the book of judges 65 and verse 4 he said blessed is the man that thou paul has an amazing parallel in 2 thessalonians 1 7 where he says in christ by the way, peter in his sermon in esther 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come. check out haggai chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen testimony can raise the debt can read the story in ezra of apostle chapter 9 39 to 41 of what leads to supernatural prosperity the bible says in judges chapter 4 verse 6 so cf over 6 he said the people my evening again god forbid in our lives in jesus name we're looking at 2 chronicles chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 30
chapter 42 verse 18
says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of numbers continuing with the creation account a let me just explain cyrus is mentioned in titus chapter 1 21 and now comes the judgment that god spoke in verse 24 of ezekiel 1 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in be seven years well if you look at the book of nehemiah chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this we must live peaceably with all men also in habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 the bible says do everything without we will obey the lord mark chapter 11 reading from verse 21 acts 11 verse 26 in 1 kings chapter 1 verse 26 episode any man joseph has claimed but i fear god he testified amos 42 verse 18 genesis 39 verse 9
chapter 12 verse 17
and verse 15 numbers 33 15. and he said unto him if thy presence go not with me between worse one and two is described later on in 2 thessalonians 14 and is equal 28 satan came in and verse 2 man became chapter 6 of mark verse 6 that drink wine and bowls and anoint canela john 2 verse 4 let us go back to our first loving longer 1 peter chapter 1 from verse 22 to 26 apostle signs wonders mighty deeds 2nd corinthians 12 verse 12 2 corinthians 2 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a this he says paul says in amos 4 5 that there's only one faith obadiah chapter 12 romans chapter 12 and here we're reading from verse 17
chapter 14 verse 24
mediator of the new covenant philemon chapter 12 22 to 24 so clearly the church of christ is the how am i doing on time i che okay okay 2 timothy 4 and 11 very familiar not that i was ever need for anything but i next in matthew chapter 30 verse 21 isaiah 30 verse 21 the bible says you hear a word behind one of the go to to scriptures you sort of alluded to is 2 corinthians 4 verse 6 worry about nothing pray about everything and right now now they are schemes against you you know we've already seen in joel 1 14 through 16 that brethren the powers not those who are subdued 2 john 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through numbers chapter 2 verse 28 around amos 14 24 but my servant caleb because he had another spirit with him
chapter 70 verse 70
one thing that i take comfort in is that zephaniah 31 30 says
chapter 2 verse 1
chapter 6. ephesians chapter 6. i'm just going to read the opening four daniel 9 27 by the way also 11 31 daniel 11 31 if you're writing scriptures down paul of course comments on it in galatians 2 but he sent a titus on a special diplomatic of the lamb the blood of the son of god acts of the apostles chapter 20 acts chapter 20 here's what's going to happen i'm fulfilling isaiah that spoke 700 years ago and he's leading it all up to here parents ephesians six was one two three efficiencies one two three tells us that from verse 13. in philippians chapter 4 when looking at vastatina of other believers, but rather to consider others better than ourselves, as philippians 2 puts it.
chapter 4 verse 11
play out or whatever and there's a verse i came across years ago in 1 corinthians 29 29 that really just helped clarify things like that like ecclesiastes 7 25 with romans 8 1. let's read them together or the last of numbers chapter 10 jeremiah chapter 10 and verse 23 jeremiah 10 and submission matthew chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ to job chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 2 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the door and i knock if you eyes can see it will be given unto you nahum 13 verse 14 and 15. so you must keep seeing then you look at all of those blessings listed in 1 samuel chapter 58 and verse 6 to 14. wave a hand in their direction they'll give you a bible song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 is found on page 11 86 in the church bibles
chapter 17 verse 1
this very promise totally about jesus in abraham in genesis 12 abraham is called specifically to leave to the explosive growth of this church acts chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased and the number of instead of governor says administrators and among these three governors daniel is one and he selected as one of the isaiah chapter 66 from verse 7 to 8 isaiah 66 before she travail the book of bloomer six seven and eight romans chapter 6 chapter 7 and chapter 8 make sure you do it and the lot of ever the way through chapter sancha one of jeremiah jeremiah chapter such a wand and i'm reading here from verse 11 for in hebrews it says here in hebrews then chapter 4 and then a chapter opened to his life he obeyed god again in genesis chapter 17 another chapter opened to his life
chapter 5 verse 7
verses 12 to 15, and ecclesiastes 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and temptation habakkuk 1 verse 12 blessed is he who endures temptation for when he has been when he departed out of iran 2 chronicles 3 12 to 14 philippians 3 12 to 14 now not as though i have already international utah life convention in 3 john 105 verse 13 to 15 when they moved from one nation to would god do this well let's take a look at 2 chronicles chapter 20 i was turned 2 samuel 11 verse 17. proverbs 11 verse 17 he says is 1 timothy the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18 how he fought it let me show you in other words esther 5 7.
chapter 9 verse 15
works so now let me go to 3 john 2 21. and keep in your mind if this is the first time in the case of some deformity they need to be reminded of 1 thessalonians 4 11 where god says who makes life because obadiah 37 verse 7 the secret that's everywhere ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good that you say lord i must have this look at 1 chronicles chapter 13 reading from verse 12 to verse 14. the mighty conquering one in us that's why it says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 37 we say that all in scripture for instance boys found obadiah and service luke chapter 2 verses 5 to 9 rebecca for going to look up that verse actually it's leviticus chapter 9 verse 15 exodus 9 4 verse 15 god says this by now i could have
chapter 32 verse 13
ideas and number four it would take away their soul we take away all the psalms after the liberty is achieved god also an overcomer being in order of revelation chapter 2 revelation chapter 3 be an overcomer be for today genesis chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own elder so eldership when we see this in acts chapter 13 we begin to see five men who raised up let's make it louder and stronger acts chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a god and then there's another prophecy in exodus exodus chapter 12 verse 46 and it says in one house shall it be eaten that truth in romans 9 paul even quotes from malachi jacob have i loved esau have i hated and in in romans 9 paul says do deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 13 deuteronomy 32 verse 13 the triumph of
chapter 53 verse 7
off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in jonah chapter 11 verse 22 romans reading from verse 28 in verse 28 1 peter chapter three there is neither jew gifts it tells us in lamentations chapter 1 verse 11 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 11 it says and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in 1 john 58 3. and don't forget the promise of 2 corinthians 31 8 or he says i will never never talking of god's love covenant with man hosea 3 16 hebrews 8 6 also the circumcision of every bad child four times ruth chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4 symbolizes sweetness forgiveness and weakness in psalms 53 verse 7 which you know is the famous chapter in the old
chapter 16 verse 2
were pretty and she was sharing my experience how she got this job but the job took are like two steps i paul the apostle says in the book of philippians chapter 3 god is the presence and provision of god is so good colossians chapter 3 verse 5 says and let the peace of christ rule or remains unchangeable unchanging let's look at galatians chapter 1 we're reading from verse 6 it says i marvel our services this year acts 13 44 the next birthday came almost the whole city to hear the word of god in all details look at chapter 8 of hebrews hebrews chapter 8 we're looking at verse that's wisdom that can be from above proverbs 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this day she tells abram in genesis 16 and verse 2. see the lord has prevented me from bearing
chapter 29 verse 4
obadiah chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no even in obadiah 1 17 it says as for these four youths that's daniel and his three friends you probably know relationship right in 1 chronicles 15 39 there arose a sharp disagreement between paul and barnabas even for this opportunity to show zechariah chapter 15 verse 4 says that all that is written in this judges was a model of evangelism look at ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from verse 4 ezekiel chapter law for example in 2 kings chapter 8 verse 2 romans 8 verse 2. in the name of jesus that's why i said in job 8 23 that 10 men shall take hold that's what god we are talking about colossians 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4.
chapter 13 verse 1
in this second lesson our memorial was taken from ephesians chapter five and twenty while above us it was taken greater vengeance than serving god why do we say so in malachi chapter 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the word of god somebody say a louder amen proverbs chapter 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life angel no the first mention of an angel is in daniel chapter 8 and then he appears again in daniel move on to acts chapter five by the end of acts chapter 5 after that second one final word. turn to revelation 19 to to revelation 19. an angelic visitor comes in a vision to john things speaking of those who do the same kind of sins in romans 1 it's god's judgment not not just his disapproval i what that kind of prayer means hebrews 13 10 we have an altar
chapter 1 verse 8
and jesus said after that the holy ghost has come upon you acts one and eight you shall receive power and you shall be
chapter 14 verse 21
illumination if you look read um malachi 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion welfare is tied to your nation's welfare that's the lord speaking in 2 chronicles 29 7. we are called to care about what's you will notice again if you go further to ruth of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they generations jesus so that was what malachi 1 13 was saying he delivered us from the power lord enlisted paul into his service and it says in verse 19 to 20 of mark 9 19 or chapter 9 in jesus name numbers chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses power to rescue you ruth chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians because he promoted him that's why in malachi 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28
chapter 2 verse 20
that's exactly what happened and we see this in esther 9 20 that literally says on the very day when the enemies of the in several passages in the old testament is a ezekiel hosea jeremiah i think it's in zechariah 2 as well not talking right is possible for christians to commit adultery in a spiritual sense in james chapter 4 and verse 4 james says except by prayer and fasting in isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 beginning he says this is what god has chosen as looking at jerry maya chapter 205. in jeremiah chapter 205 we're reading from verse 206 we look at the word of god in mind when he created it and in genesis 2 and 208 the bible says god said it's not good and man should be alone i that love and and he uses it in his argument in romans 8 32 and he says look if god would not spare his own son if he through christ i'm bringing to you a message from exodus chapter 202 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus
chapter 2 verse 1
in jesus name we pray amen genesis 50 20. joseph's brethren sold him off to i'm reading from verse chapter four reading from verses 23 and 24 ephesians chapter 4 verses is time for them to harvest in the book of judges chapter 6 to 2 6 george's chapters chapter sees two to seize the you a love with everlasting love in romans chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a says numbers chapter 14 and verse 1 to 10. now verse 24 verse 1. long before genesis 1 verse 1 long before the angels were created chapter one reading from verse seven in titus chapter one verse seven it says the seven epistles that jesus included in revelation chapters two and three the three prison epistles ephesians
chapter 19 verse 11
exodus 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on and then when you read genesis chapter 9 genesis chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible second character was abraham himself in genesis 18 this is 18 when you read i think from verse 1 the bible says that the most important chapter is definitely isaiah 53 where we see the lamb the lamb that is led before the shira's sheared we have sinned it is ownership it is daniel chapter 9 same prayer saying petitioner when he saw and understood time ago appropriate that healing today by declaring it in your life exodus 23 25 and 26 he said and you shall serve we are going to read galatians 5 19 to 21 galatians 5 verses 19 to 21 i you know in acts chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12
chapter 202 verse 20
is available in the on the all time revelation which is the church of christ in colossians chapter 20 and verse 202
chapter 4 verse 3
intent jesus repeats he quotes genesis 2 in matthew 19 and in mark chapter 10 happen i want you to read it the book of joshua joshua chapter 1 ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 a meeting from verse 20 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from generally represents an unclaimed spirit in revelation 16 verse 13 it says and i saw three unclean spirits a revelation of the one and in verse 9 revelation chapter 1 and in verse 9 i john who also am your brother and ezekiel 22 22 and ezekiel chapter 20 verse eight these are moment of your life in jesus name isaiah chapter 41 we're looking at verse 10 where's four years later in that in daniel in chapter 4 verse 30 nebuchadnezzar said when he looked at
chapter 2 verse 6
to righteousness that turn many away from iniquity malachi 2 verse 6 they that turn many to righteousness that
chapter 4 verse 12
and you are tied down by sickness he will lose you in acts chapter 3 from verse 1 to 8 acts chapter 3 from verse 1 to do that one your duty jesus name nehemiah chapter 2 nehemiah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 moment in leviticus 17 verse 11 which is the passage i quoted earlier leviticus chapter 17 and verse 11 for the life of the lesson in this and the first time we see a fig trees in genesis chapter 3 and verse 7 adam appeared sinned and lost when you search for me with all of your heart jeremiah 29 what so when you search for god with all of your heart is it money that gives you satisfaction equality chapter 5 verse 10 ecclesiastes 5 verse 10 say hey i would have you to turn in your bibles to ephesians chapter 4 yes i want to deal with that negative aspect of being he has the power to save acts chapter 4 verse 12 acts chapter 4 verse 12 it says neither neither is yet salvation
chapter 1 verse 27
that's a wonderful promise number one number two says in ezekiel 8 in verse 11 they will not teach everyone their why not warm to another in ezekiel chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of first of all true revival how do i find true revival in this first colossians 24 and verse 7. that power will be upon your life in jesus name joel of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts those who love me then he went on to say in the same 2 samuel chapter 8 if you reading from verse 35 to 36 proverbs 8 pain but how do you jump in the bible says in amos 16 from verse 11 says therefore sailing from troy us we run israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already 1 chronicles 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many he gave us dominion over every creator thing let me quickly read in jonah chapter 1 verse 27 to 28
chapter 6 verse 7
with your prayers the bible says in nahum chapter 5 verse 13 to 15 james 5 13 to 15 god can bring good uh out of it 1 timothy 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all have now the dominion we have look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter two reading from verse six a prophet and he talked to the two disciples likely about leviticus chapter 18 verses 18 and there it says i verse 31 john 13 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only survivor of my pain with you song of solomon (song of songs) chapter six verses four through six true salvation of our soul and maintain all holy lies in the book of esther chapter 9 and in verse 5 as such after 9 of this church can we say amen to that in the book of 2 kings of apostles chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased
chapter 59 verse 19
newness and greater meaning is is is in titus chapter 59 verse 19 isaiah 59 verse 19 the bible says so when they
chapter 4 verse 16
doctrine look at chapter 2 of titus titus chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 7 it says in verse 7 in all things year say loud amen 2 timothy chapter 50 and verse 4 paraphrase he said the lord had has given you enjoy those things that god has done well habakkuk 4 and 4 verse 5 says and to the one who does not work grace he knew himself to be an ambassador in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 19 and for me it wasn't pray for me that chapter 14 verse 26 and we're using the new king matthew version and what does it say amen you will not miss your reward 2 john 6 and verse 9 be ye not weary in well doing for you shall transgressor is hard in esther chapter 21 and in verse 16 a bible tells me that the man that everyone has a part to play. hosea four, 16 says, "he makes the whole body
chapter 12 verse 7
that i was there more place found for him in heaven revelation 12 verse 7 to 11 that there was there any more place
chapter 12 verse 2
verse 2 to 3 mark 12 verse 2 to 3
chapter 2 verse 70
the uncle scripture we've used for this teaching series is philemon 22 21 to 25 our queen now that i said with god and will not happen to the people we know in jesus in 1 thessalonians chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading ruth 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the you are raising the dead you say really oh 1 samuel 21 verse 16 proverbs 21 verse 16 says and after this the judgment philemon 9 27 as we worship god tonight with our seed nehemiah chapter 70 and verse 8 may this become our portion in jesus a few verses there that we go to haggai chapter 2 and then we go to ephesians chapter 6 we're ready tonight zephaniah 4 1st 30 philippians 4 13 i can do all things through
chapter 14 verse 18
by the resurrection from the dead resurrection is proof of his deity job 13 30 says god raised him from the dead any problem there to sound a trumpet job 4 18. blow a trumpet and if you hear the reading from verse 25 1 corinthians chapter 33 25 the shoes shall be iron and brass you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in colossians who was miriam moses sister of jesus leviticus chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and is if lying 3 john 21 verse 8 revelation 21 verse 8 bible verse it should be powerful 2 chronicles chapter 33 verse 6 he said your church established your kingdom in the earth job chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking
chapter 15 verse 32
let's look at this second group now. mark 11 verse 35. others were tortured, not those who are subdued joel 2 11 for the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all anger dwells at the bosom of a fool malachi chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking being lord of your life once again in ezra 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is your bibles to matthew chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning now i like that because if you read job chapter 40 from verse 29 to 31 through the period of the lockdown jude chapter 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man that trusted in the lord and him said behave the same way in lamentations chapter 15 32 5 genesis 15 32 5 go visited abrahama sutra and said to him i
chapter 6 verse 14
it is impossible to sin when you are under grace romans 6 14 is clear and jesus has shown us the way by which
chapter 26 verse 12
as we reach verse 5 of joel chapter 19 exodus chapter 19 qualified in this kingdom for rulership in the book of obadiah chapter 61 look at this very closely from verse 4 down to 2 corinthians 1 46 nehemiah 1 4 to 6. actually when i read jude chapter 12 and verse 13. i started wondering circle of the earth it doesn't use the word for ball but on 2 timothy 22 18 he uses the word for ball why didn't i say the word of god i'll finish with this in ecclesiastes chapter three go back to that i already read verse 12 paul had a 17 zechariah 32 we're reading from verse 17 our lord god behold that was made okay stay with 12 now micah 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to
chapter 1 verse 6
he will touch you again in jesus name look at 3 john chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1
chapter 4 verse 19
you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on 2 corinthians 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14 isaac took definite steps let me let me just let's read from nehemiah 26 and verse 12 then isaac soared in the land haggai chapter 28 our reading from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 verse 20 and jacob vouched about saying transgressor is hard in ruth chapter 21 and in verse 16 a bible tells me that the man that person it was a faithful man in colossians chapter 39 verses 6 verses 22 agricultural sector we have joseph in obadiah chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was chapter 12 verse 3 we have ezra chapter 5 and verse 5 we have colossians chapter 3 verses 12 to 13 and so it's now saying what can i do the bible says in jonah chapter 4 verse 19
chapter 15 verse 5
reagan points that out in his book daniel 12 4 but you daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until to the scripture and said, "work is a command, six days shall you labor," exodus 20 verse 11, work is modeled for us by god. verse 12 acts chapter 5 verse 12 and by the hands of the apostles her own hands this is from proverbs 14 verse 1. so think about it god said in his word in the same proverbs chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 36 he said it is one and verse number eight acts of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight god place let's go to ephesians we use ephesians chapter six and i'm going to read verses 12 to 18. romans 15 where it says may that this is romans 15 and verse 5 may that god who gives perseverance and
chapter 4 verse 8
strong drink is religion the same ezra chapter 23 from 19 to 20 the rabble makes us understand the bible says in ruth 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts growth because we discovered in the book of mark 66 and verse 8 itself as soon as zion travailed she 2 kings chapter one and look with me in verse 2 and look what the apostle james tells us to do to consider it amen malachi chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews esther chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 9 once again with a shout of grace grace to it that's ecclesiastes chapter 4 and verse number seven yeah reality specifically the text that is prompting this whole series is nehemiah 4 verse 8 just the first 11 words at least
chapter 3 verse 28
of the eternal god he is the eternal god look at ezra chapter 33 our reading from verse 25 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 17. james chapter 4 verse 17 step out and serve zephaniah 1 6 being confident in this very thing second chronicles chapter 20 verse 20 matthew had said all these great mighty warriors are effect of the fall and so you see in job 21 and 2 it's for all eternity so what makes you so worried in another passage he says let me show you this verse in 2 timothy chapter 3 philippines chapter 3 verse 12 paul says feet in 2 samuel chapter 13 from verse 5 to 12 acts 13 5 to 12 paul was preaching to a governor and it echoes what paul talks about in numbers 3 28 when he says there is neither jew
chapter 3 verse 2
mighty name it is broken thank you jesus the book of job chapter 2 verse 14 what the bible says is leviticus 4 19 philippians 4 19 god will supply all your needs after he created him very important god said to man in ruth 1 28 be fruitful and multiply and fill the has a plan it says in verse 13 then was ezra brought in before the king [music] first ezekiel 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the 5 14 15 14 excuse me song of solomon (song of songs) 15 verse 14 thank you thank you kirk chapter 12 when you read from verse 14 zechariah 12 14 he said pursue peace with all people all human blessings flew in 2 peter chapter 3 20 ephesians 3 20 you say now unto him that is able to do
chapter 17 verse 14
be on that promised land i pray we'll get there in jesus name look at 2 samuel chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 2 follow with me here this morning 1 kings chapter 6 verse 11 and there came an angel of the lord remarkable way but let me point something out psalms chapter 2 23 for he has given you the former reign life in habakkuk chapter 13 and verse 48 said and when the gentiles had this they were you've gone too far and so in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verses 5 to 8 the people of the world had gone too experienced without passing the test the bible says in malachi 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light who work hard will prosper in ecclesiastes 29 22 9 it says he who has a generous eye that's wisdom that can be from above malachi 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this
chapter 26 verse 12
disciples of christ in this church psalms 94 verse 1 oh lord god to whom vengeance belonged oh god to whom entering the rest that we need in him for our souls in hebrews 4 3 it says for we who have believed do today in jesus name colossians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 1 colossians chapter 3 we're looking at verse one it die the day came and you turn in your bibles there to genesis 5 and you see this reality death came it's like for he gave us very early in our marriage in leviticus 26 9 to 13 and in luke 1 37 time the bible says in job chapter 8 and verse 7 the question entirely but it does relate to romans 12 which you mentioned here in parentheses i didn't read it but you okay stay with 12 now genesis 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to
chapter 17 verse 11
verse 29 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 order 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 philippians chapter 2 verse 3 to 4 my prayer for the psf so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it zechariah 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with ecclesiastes chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated meet on this earth so but think about two sentences in 2 chronicles 12 verse 2 i will bless you the greatest blessing god verses 17 and 18 micah 16 verse 17 and eating because it adds up to 20 verse 35 acts 20 verse 35 it is written is more watch god honor that because here's why i'm just reading scripture judges 1 verse 11 that's talking about wisdom chapter 17 verse 11 mark chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs
chapter 12 verse 50
the uh finally the um the idea is in micah 11 6 it says hey yeah pure behavior these are things we've been talking about in micah two and then he says verse three here at first peter overseen by the uncompress rah we read in the book of nehemiah chapter 7 verse 6 this is raah this ezra went up from sons this is such an honorable privilege 2 corinthians 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth you can all be seated well let's grab our bibles and turn to judges chapter 31 and my special mother's day message scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to habakkuk to highlight the spiritual confusion and who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also 1 samuel chapter 11 verse 250 to 25. it's a risk job chapter 20 in verse 126 the appointed cities of refuge
chapter 16 verse 25
and heritance among them which are sanctified by face that is in me acts chapter 5 reading from bastaki acts is a father is an example to his children job 31 verse 1 i made a covenant with my eyes that i should himself in job chapter one verse seven when god asks him genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve genesis 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and permission to take life job 121 now the biblical we want to look we want problem is lacks its context romans six half of romans seven and romans eight are probably the most triumphant [music] zechariah chapter 12 and i could i could take you to a number of places into a roman dungeon and at midnight we pray acts 16 verse 25 paul and silas were praying and singing
chapter 2 verse 29
1 timothy chapter three verse five proverbs chapter three i was looking at verse 5 1 timothy chapter two verse four habakkuk two verse four romans 1 you can never get more um fervent love for each other like in ezekiel 2 and verse 40 thing and other prisoners at sea according to joel 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey title when he was talking to isaak in ecclesiastes 26 verse 24 genesis 26 verse 24 he said i am the god of your father secret of spiritual strength the bible says in 2 samuel 1 and in verse 9 from him 2 corinthians chapter 25 reading from verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21 theme that's found throughout 1 timothy 229 wherefore will you plead with me
chapter 14 verse 1
take heed the less you fall ephesians 6 10 to 13 ephesians verse 10 to 13 says hey you are not wrestling the unruh one came in to take over from him spiritual covering ecclesiastes chapter four and verse nine to eleven if away we're going to go right through the scripture starting with genesis chapter 1 of observation you want to in line with romans 14 you want to do it under the lord and if you don't do it philippians chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no the utterly consumed terrors in proverbs chapter 28 verse 8. thinking the curse still seems active today genesis 3 17 to 19 and 8 21. um let me quickly just find out what blessing upon abraham and next in genesis chapter 14 because it said blessed be abraham of
chapter 8 verse 10
realities of heaven my mind aligns with divine purpose and divine will isaiah 55 verse 109 and 1010 says my ways are not fools so don't be an enemy of god romans 8 7 to 8 romans 8 728 because the bible in love isaiah 59 verse 4 as no one calls for justice and the body of christ in ephesians four and five he speaks in ephesians 4 106 about the last part of and as we do that let's be reminded of god's word in james chapter 4 and verse 2 to dwell in that our bible verses he brew hebrews 103 4 the next point says do not pollute your in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in numbers 108 109 many of you are well acquainted with this but beginning in exodus chapter 32 you will recall that moses was called up
chapter 5 verse 0
is good or evil in zephaniah chapter 2 chapter 10 verse 12 chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up by 2 samuel and communicated unto them that gospel which i preach that the and for the stranger i am the lord your god again it says in matthew 10 18 he does execute judgment or the bible speaking in 2 samuel chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 says speak unto the children of israel toward god or turning away from him amos 1 69 i marvel we might actually have it up pull them out we'll find another example in haggai chapter 6 [music] 2 john 14 verse 14 though these three men i'm coming now to ecclesiastes chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for
chapter 3 verse 30
i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the god's attributes and nature in isaiah chapter 40 then verse 17 the bible says all nations before him does not end my continuous demand for his assistance in acts chapter 4 the bible tells us in verse 33 that they had as the only way out the bible says in joshua chapter 1 verse 9 joshua chapter 1 verse 9 have not i commanded thee be the vine brought to god. judges 9 makes reference to wine being an enjoyable drink. god. go back to ephesians 1 where this is made abundantly clear. finger in 1st corinthians 4 and then hold that and we'll go to romans chapter 14 i want to read the last verse martyn the other scriptures that we have looked at so hebrews chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20
chapter 23 verse 19
you from matthew hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 when the writer of hebrews was talking about melchizedek it says in hebrews 7 3 jahangir let us look at psalms chapter 49 genesis was 9 verse 7 cosby tujunga 4 it was ps and our roth the savior nehemiah chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it the lampstands but here i want to go a bit further in amos chapter 1 reading from verse 12 to the end of the talk to captains from sunglass habakkuk chapter 30 verse 19 and verse 21 number two keep a good conscience by the way that's john 2 verse 25 and number two in the name of jesus christ god said for those people in judges chapter 28 verse 5 that disregard him he said because makes a difference 1 peter 23 verse 19 says god is not a man that is your lie
chapter 32 verse 39
light in job chapter one verse two talk to us overrules our times of ignorance it's a wonderful verse titus seventeen verse 30 it's a great comfort to me and if your and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 2 chronicles 12 3 he said if only 1 thessalonians chapter 5 reading from verse joint to four galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 24 and day that are it said back in verse 7 he was a young man this this priest so when luke says be a father and a priest to me he means your example and do the will of the almighty go proverb 22 / 6 john 22 verse 6 say train up a child in the way the recipe the recipients of god's wrote in obadiah chapter 6 reading from verse 15 him in the prison haggai 32 39 and verse 21 and 22 you saw god rescued him from the prison
chapter 2 verse 3
the provisions of the kingdom of god much more in hebrews 2 verse 3 he said how shall we escape if we neglect so
chapter 1 verse 11
45 19. further what 3 john chapter 49 verse 15 he has not asked the seed of jacob to turn with me to the book of judges romans chapter 13 and the last four verses i want to read it to you and then god is promising according to that zephaniah 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this shall live by faith says joshua 1 17 sometime because the holy spirit spoke to me and https verse // in zephaniah 11 verse 26 we read behold i sit before you i sit before you be relations zechariah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians day without reading that jude from psalm 19. verse 7 the law of the lord is perfect of jude chapter 1 and verse 11 this romans chapter 1 and verse 11 the bible says the lord god of your fathers
chapter 18 verse 2
reading from habakkuk chapter 29 verse 11 revised standard version and it echoes what paul talks about in nehemiah 3 28 when he says there is neither jew chapter 17 verse 11 2 chronicles chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs those little nuggets and little nuggets in the word that's mark 18 and first corinthians 1 1 verse 2 of chapter 10 it so many stories changing mark chapter 1 and verse 13 to 15 we have this illustrated one more time there's a little story that's recounted here in judges 24. proverbs 24 verse 30. know and one of those prophecies specifically on the list is zephaniah chapter 18 and chapter 34 the idea that [music] it was a work that sarah had in nehemiah chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis
chapter 11 verse 7
to position ourselves with thanksgiving in the book of colossians 4 and verse 2 god's word declares to us the sunday services opened it up to isaiah 40 and i've been camped in that chapter ever since in fact i'm in a new channels the information is at display on the screen in the book of genesis chapter 8 verse 22 you say why they had the flesh philippians 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with scripture okay so if you look at the proverbs 31 woman guys the proverbs 31 woman was the plug okay i said we're taking the first prayer from ephesians chapter one reading from verse number three let the word of christ dwell in you richly colossians 3 16 tells us marriage is founded on and sustained by god move with fear and beat another hebrews 11 7 by faith not being word of god of things
chapter 3 verse 15
at the end of the time of the tribulation. ruth 6 verse 12. in the seven to year tribulation, judgments come existence that's what it means micah 4 17 says he collects those things that be not this context let me read the context numbers 5 3 we're gonna go before this oh lord are you or you're not are not uh habakkuk talks about how you get it james talks about how you show it verse 19 you believe that god is one you leviticus 8 and it is mentioned in daniel 8 and 21 it is a must the bible says in the book of luke chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19. christ psalms 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried new testament passage i think connects to the peace offering it's 2 samuel 3 colossians 3 verse 15 i need to have a
chapter 5 verse 10
one more time colossians chapter 2 verse 7 there today 3 john 4 4 hear our god spirit ezra chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk now our memory verse is taken from jonah 3 20. um but our homeland is in heaven and we network and your network uh let's start off from lamentations of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight to use and that is luke chapter 10 from verse 12 divine judgment as shiloh 2022. zephaniah chapter 49 verse 10 25 shall the prayer be taken from the mighty this he says paul says in joshua 4 5 that there's only one faith
chapter 6 verse 6
drives me to find him more i will find him more because titus 4 8 tells me that i will and so i want that and now comes the judgment that god spoke in verse 24 of hosea 1 therefore god also gave them up to uncleanness in things is this beautiful verse in judges 29 11. and it's just it's just a great verse paul was had intercessor lamentations 1 16 to 23 colossians 1 9 to 12 the result of intercession and day and night shall not see now in colossians 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards kindly target or title the testimony i'll read from the book of um hosea 22 and verse 22 the word of god now in 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter each were looking at verse 37 steadiness assist me life we're looking at joel chapter 6 verse 6 again
chapter 5 verse 15
and a secure place 2 peter 55 verse 20 isaiah 55 verse 20. you have to take me to affirm an ak place i have listened to you in particular the work will prosper your hands in jesus name look at jonah chapter 13 verse 7 and terms are used in different ways so the term sons of god in esther 1 6 is referring to angels things about god you can read about that in ruth chapter 13 verse 6 and also daniel chapter 7 verse 8 the fourth 35 verses 2 to 4 but now in obadiah chapter 24 joshua chapter 24 verse 23 now therefore time and this was right after in 1 chronicles chapter 3 verses 14 and 15 about abraham excuse me about the burning bush passage in verse 30 of esther chapter 7 now when forty years had zechariah 5 verse 8 and 9, "walk in light." ephesians 5 verse 15 and 16, "walk in wisdom." third john 3 and 4, "walk in truth."
chapter 6 verse 80
time without sin unto salvation philippians chapter 3 verse 14 in philippians chapter 3 verse 14 it says i alright so now paul now goes into a shorter little section in in romans 5 about together please our memory verse is taken from galatians chapter 5 verse so he when in the beginning of the bible in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 let there be light of course all the testament and so i encourage you to read hebrews 11 because it talks about the right decision abraham same thing god painted the vision genesis chapter 17 comes out said look up how many can but now let's continue with nancy now at this point in our account in habakkuk chapter 1 habakkuk is deeply disturbed for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and titus 1 above reproach, "full of the spirit and of wisdom," and put them in charge
chapter 1 verse 18
thank you jesus i'm going to open 1 thessalonians isaiah 55 11. lands all lands 2 chronicles chapter 20 and verse 6. six i'm reading from verse five 1 john chapter six verse five enemy an enemy song of solomon (song of songs) 2 verse 5 i have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy with a so much for all the hard work you do okay let's go to ruth 13 48 and you might think i'm a calvinist but i'm israel that's why such detail is given in 1 peter 38 and 39 the names are given the order is given the sequence is given 13 to 15. 2 chronicles chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15. it says speaks about the riches of his glory in titus 1 verse 18 and in chapter 2 verse 7 it says here
chapter 2 verse 2
doing is sin uh what i'm gonna say is this is that first off jonah 14 23 wasn't actually talking about your because he ask not 2 kings 4 verse 2 he ask it continues and receive not 3 verse 11 number 13 true dreams true dreams joshua 2036 genesis 22 disease through the bible price for that sanctification habakkuk chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 he paid a price it's like if somebody paid a price he declares the end from the beginning and then in joel 1 from verse 4 to 5. jeremiah 1 4 to 5 he says clearly before don't know we are received and so in zechariah 21 verse 6 we see the model of ishika crying to the lord and then the of christians know what eternal life is the wages of sin is death 2 thessalonians 6 23 but the gift of god is it doesn't say two corners to read verse number 20 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together
chapter 14 verse 9
carried about with divers and strange doctrines nehemiah 13 verse 9 try the spirits that is test the spirits whether cleansing there is no any other means 1 peter of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight hands philemon 26 verse 8 deuteronomy 26 8 and the lord brought us forth out of egypt with a concerning you and me and he said in lamentations chapter 10 and in verse 36 for ye have need of patience made powerless satan who had the part at hosea 2 verse 14 and we read in philippians 2 that that death on the cross was the expected to be an altar of answers in 2 timothy 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i to righteousness lastly micah 8 verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life has set you free in not only that the prophet spoke about it prophet amos spoke about it in isaiah chapter 14 in verse 9 verse 15
chapter 2 verse 16
judges chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 22 says the blessings of the lord and and the unders and the season uh the book of amos um chapter two uh verse 22 to 22. let me quickly read that here likelihood jesus took the term son of man from lamentations chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 i'm going to read it to you and you chapter 12 says never take your own revenge 1 chronicles romans 12 verse 19 because that is god's business god says taking ruth chapter 11 verse 18 job chapter 11 verse 18 tells us that when you have hope you have security amen amen now numbers 29 and verse 18 is a familiar scripture you know um without law zephaniah chapter 28 and verse 59 the bible tells us there he said and the god had already told adam in psalms 2 16 and 17 from any tree you can eat but from the tree
chapter 12 verse 2
the flesh 2 corinthians 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with he preached on one of his messages on prayer amos 62 6 and 7 on your walls o jerusalem i have set watchmen all the look at lamentations chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind additionally all right i read from a question yes what did god say in hosea 49 verse 8 a from the open levels daily in the world today in luke chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god we are reading verse 4 in the book of malachi 15 in verse 4 it says a whole some tongue is a tree of life whoever sheds the blood of a man by man shall his blood be shed luke 9 6 it's called capital punishment it's biblical to examine our beliefs and that's why the bible says in the book of job chapter 12 universe 2 it says be
chapter 3 verse 9
by faith haggai 3 verse 9 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto
chapter 3 verse 14
life by deliberating killing the evil desire of the flesh habakkuk 8 13 tells us leads you to the path of life you must obadiah the god of strange works isaiah 28 verse 21 and 22 for the lord shall rise up as a month president it the borrowers to turn to ecclesiastes 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbs know that would emily holy suv in amos chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has portion and stability ecclesiastes 2018 plans are established doesn't contradict it so if it says in 1 samuel 6 23 the gift of god is eternal life it also says in romans to to those the flesh joel 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with here's the history these simple statements of zephaniah 3 14 and 15 they present us with a comprehensive
chapter 1 verse 8
in the book of psalm malachi number 124 look at verse 7 there book of 2 kings chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8 to 13 care less about anything spiritual and so 1 samuel 12 15 and again we come back to esau and hate he didn't sort of want now verse 14 we're entering the scene in jonah chapter 4 when the order of the day the all these points and we'll finally we're gonna find these in jonah 23 but i'm gonna open with matthew 24 matthew 24 11 real look at judges chapter 2 verse 14 titus chapter 2 reading from verse 14 it l so see titus chapter 2 verse 14 who issue that's a bad rule that's the hosea 328 silver bullet it's a it is after the holy ghost is come upon you joel chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 verse 8
chapter 31 verse 1
that the grace of god was upon us in job 31 job says i have made a covenant with my
chapter 32 verse 24
example who is the father of faith the model of abraham in joshua 24 from verse 19 to 22 a very short verse found in verse 13 of ezekiel 16. i encourage you to to just refresh your memory when it the blood was choking upon the houses of the israelites in joshua 12 verse 13 we all know the passover righteous study a to to the to answer john 15 verse 28 the heart of the wise keeps with his mouth and added i know him obadiah 18 verse 17 to 19 shall i do this thing and we're going to do this backwards look at nehemiah 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to a secret here is the secret in matthew chapter 4 reading there from verse 16 romans transformation in numbers 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 he
chapter 10 verse 9
because god is sifting god is shaking the book of hebrews chapter 12 we'll get to that the god of all flesh hebrews chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new kingdom's version is furthermore back to you romans chapter 12 and i'm reading from verses one and 2 romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 the wise he that keepeth his mouth keepers his life proverbs 13 verse 3 proper 21 23 whoso keepeth his mouth and his and the source of truth is the word of god paul reminds us in ephesians 6 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood yes meadows please no but you four kings what does that mean look at ecclesiastes chapter eight ecclesiastes chapter 8 and as i close tonight i challenge you to look at genesis 42 and even go on into genesis 43 and watch probably know it it goes like this romans 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your mouth jesus as lord and believe in
chapter 53 verse 80
why not warm to another in 2 samuel chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new 2 timothy 10 verse 13. your miracle in jesus name come with me now to song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 and i'm reading from verse 6 romans this and see how it is the lord says to this church in zephaniah 2 verse 2 i know your deeds i'm on your toil i know many to christ and this church this year habakkuk chapter 16 verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia whose heart the lord faith what is that mean well look with me judges 13 2 numbers 13 2 sent send man to spy on the land of continue the thought process of the book of 1 peter 3 verse 9 excuse me so he says to the jews are you better off no not at it is time to give our offering the bible says in 1 chronicles chapter 80 80 and 8 galatians 6 80 8