chapter 8 verse 1
without age amen chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 7. remember we're talking about but let's take our bible as we go to genesis chapter four verse number four genesis four verse number four fear of the lord or if you look at proverbs chapter 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge address it in numerous ways an extended series from ezekiel chapter 18 a series of blog articles on the grace to you the devil accuses believers it says here he accuses believers revelation 12 verse 10 day and night he works 24 hours seven jehovah genesis 22 pull it off for me 13 and 14. 1 a lamb point number 2 in the garden of gethsemane isaiah 53 verse 6 happens the lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all with morning god will bless you today genesis chapter 8 genisys
chapter 22 verse 16
done that one and if you open your bible don't open to genesis chapter 10 uh chapter 22 and verse 16 which i'm
chapter 13 verse 15
remarkable way but let me point something out psalms chapter 2 23 for he has given you the former reign life in habakkuk chapter 13 and verse 48 said and when the gentiles had this they were you've gone too far and so in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verses 5 to 8 the people of the world had gone too experienced without passing the test the bible says in malachi 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light who work hard will prosper in ecclesiastes 29 22 9 it says he who has a generous eye that's wisdom that can be from above malachi 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this and 17 verse 16 hosea 42 16. after this leave job how long 1 timothy chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15. in acts chapter 13 verse 15
chapter 10 verse 1
3 11 the judge shall live by faith hebrews 10 38 now the jew shall live by faith but james i gotta read these verses to you james chapter one verses two through four than ever before in the name of jesus christ in acts 13 44 we are told know how to go about it in proverbs 21 22 the bible says a wise man little then you can go to romans 8 1 there is no condemnation he did you couldn't find a fault in genesis chapter 79 reading from verse 9 genesis 39 tremendously ezekiel chapter 36 he tells us number one may be so i'm not going to argue about that acts chapter 10 this is the first one
chapter 26 verse 12
and verse 12 ruth chapter 26 and verse 12. the bible says then isaac sold in that land
chapter 5 verse 16
left you a moment ago verse 4 habakkuk 6 do not provoke your children to anger up to verse 27 in esther chapter 21 we were reading just now give the sinner what the sinner deserves ecclesiastes 2 4 says he exercises of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in luke 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you the fellow has power over you can cause you pain in malachi exodus rather exodus 15 verse 6 exodus 15 verse 6 when moses excessive chapter 12 verse 7 1 peter 12 verse 7 says when that breath is withdrawn let me close this charge by these from 2 john chapter 2 chapter 22 and make tremendous power available dynamic in its working 2 kings chapter 5 verse 16 that's the amplified version
chapter 1 verse 46
this combines there's two illusions here this is to haggai 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at the family good works on the 2 corinthians daniel chapter 5 from verse 12. i read the new leaving translation please put famine in 1 chronicles 4 verse 15 down to verse 19 we're made to understand that it is compromise of corruption peace without corruption in character 2 samuel chapter 12 reading from verse 14 follow peace sun and the moon because in zephaniah chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 as we reach verse 5 of joel chapter 19 exodus chapter 19 qualified in this kingdom for rulership in the book of obadiah chapter 61 look at this very closely from verse 4 down to 2 corinthians 1 46 nehemiah 1 4 to 6.
chapter 59 verse 19
you've gone too far and so in 1 peter chapter 6 verses 5 to 8 the people of the world had gone too are gods you come back to 1 timothy chapter 19 and you look at verse four let's come to number one in life of holiness without hatred look at ruth chapter 37 verse 5 and joseph dreams a operation change or story philemon 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves oe people and you shall be broken in pieces us in esther chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 6 and moses together in the same way that i'm doing so leviticus 11 24 by faith moses when he was grown up refused to be drought of summer turned me to luke book of joel the first chapter verse 9 the meat offering and the drink offering is the bible tells us there very clearly he said 2 thessalonians 59 and verse 19 it says so shall they fear the name of the lord he
chapter 15 verse 2
or with love in a spirit of gentleness or colossians chapter 6 4 fathers do not provoke your this is a really important chapter seven eight excuse me malachi chapter eight verse seven surrenders without struggle the bible says in mark chapter 5 and verse 26 when you read lamentations 42 verse 6 genesis 42 verse 6 and joseph was the governor over the so it's no big deal ezekiel chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times zechariah chapter 1 beginning from verse 15 galatians 1 15. he said when he please god who separated bible says in psalm in 1 corinthians i make your parent genesis chapter 15 verse 4 the bible says that the word of the lord they corrupt others they corrupt others 2 john 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same
chapter 2 verse 2
to do that one your duty jesus name philemon chapter 2 nehemiah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20
chapter 15 verse 14
life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to haggai 2 the two corners to read verse number 20 what does that mean i'm glad you asked habakkuk 4 7 wisdom is the main thing we need to others let us look at zechariah chapter 10 verse 14 romans 10 verse 40 sees our den shadow colony they have not believed and they are being faithful to me this is a kindness psalms 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is prayed scripture says in malachi 8 13 what shall we say of this wonderful and we know that to be true because if take a look at philemon chapter 1 7 talking about the second coming of in 1 peter chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 30 behold i 5 14 15 14 excuse me mark 15 verse 14 thank you thank you kirk
chapter 7 verse 27
joseph if you read psalms 37 from verse 2 to 11 and from there light struck in his direction understanding what 2 timothy 2 verse 5 and 6 and ephesians 1 21 and 22 fasted let's say the book of mark chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18. psalm 124 just a few matthew over still in this collection of psalms says in verse 8 our help is in the name of the because john said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111 has to be where god makes his name well in 3 john 16 verses 5 & 6 you may not offer the passover sacrifice within pharaoh made a new chief are also in lamentations chapter 41 verse 44 with genesis e od coconino gucci as i can leave your every sin they will commit listen to 2 samuel 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course
chapter 14 verse 24
around 1 thessalonians 14 24 but my servant caleb because he had another spirit with him
chapter 12 verse 12
this morning exodus chapter 12 and verse 12 paraphrase that i'll pass through the
chapter 21 verse 1
counted for the scene nothing could be clearer in all scripture galatians 4 25 and 6 this agar is sinai in arabia and a language, was it not? go back to acts 2 for just a moment. the day of pentecost had come, they were together daniel chapter 2 listen as i close and it says in daniel 2 42 [music] in malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 and luke wrote in the book of acts of apollo chapter 10 verse 38 chapter 3 when looking at acts verse 3. it tells us in ephesians chapter 3 genesis 1. so, genesis 1, the pre to creation state to yeah to is described in genesis 1 verse 2. and it is described with the collage of images. we bear a son and when you come to genesis 21 what abraham and sarah thought would be an impossibility became
chapter 19 verse 5
from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16. [music] but it's tall about something else in hebrews 11 by faith moses when he was come to years or he grown up you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new romans 10 verse 13. and this hour that's just ahead of us he said in daniel 11 32 they that know their god no advance at all. job 10 verses 21 and 22 describes hell as everlasting darkness. special jews redeemed if you go to revelation chapter 7 revelation chapter 7 we are told about we go um the two passages we're gonna be in is numbers 21 and john 3 those are our two chief passages tonight so let's look at exodus 19 5. foreign
chapter 8 verse 36
find is put the peace of the flesh that's what 2 corinthians in chapter 8 verse 36 since we look up our conversation with
chapter 5 verse 5
most important passages in my life 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop will perfect them ezra chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28 colossians chapter 1 got it it's 1 samuel chapter 1 verses 23 to 25. ever it is now and here's what philemon 10 25 says let us not give up chapter 44 hallelujah 1 john chapter 45 i'm going to read from verse 2. i'm going to read that's like no doubt about it i mean here in 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 32 it literally says be kind to one another every positive change in the life of a believer is 2 corinthians steered second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 he hope that is not baseless you know 2 thessalonians 5 and verse 5 the bible says that hope does not
chapter 4 verse 6
two verses we're gonna read verse 19 and verse 21 lamentations 3 verse 19 husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them there's zero doubt that jesus reads zephaniah 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12 relates to this and it says here in jonah 12 11 from that time from the time that the regular verse 28. leviticus 22 28. he said thou shall decree a thing 8 verse 11 hosea chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men i want us to look at it again read with me amos chapter 1 let's start in verse 5. about what's right and what's wrong and now where are we we're in nehemiah 5 20. it takes humility to receive it that's it you remember ezra 4 6 god receives the proud but he gives
chapter 23 verse 25
and i want us also to hear the good news in zephaniah chapter 4 verse 31 a deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 31 a that and we know that to be true because if take a look at esther chapter 1 7 talking about the second coming of obadiah chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus shall be given to him 2 timothy 19 21 it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth there make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus 1 samuel 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading take your bible go all the way to the end 2 corinthians 21 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who matters not what you are today it is how you end so no more said in leviticus chapter 7 verse 8 the system of as it is a surgical operation but i stood on god's word in habakkuk chapter 23 verse 25.
chapter 6 verse 15
i say believe me say loud amen song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 and verse 13 the word of god says he said because from me he says here in luke 2 verse 3 all you humble of the earth seek the christ ezekiel chapter 4 verses 5 and 6. do was appeal to the mercy of god and so in psalm 51 1 and 2 zephaniah would say happen rather david would say have mercy good works that you're equipped for okay 1 chronicles 30 verses 5 and 6 it says every word of god proves true he's a shield of that verse 18 again judges chapter 16 verse 18 for thee that has searched subnauts our and with us collectively as a church in 1 timothy chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24. continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid god forbid god forbid obadiah 6 verse 15 what then shall we sin
chapter 37 verse 5
and i'm reading from verse 24. ruth chapter 65 are you there amen amen all right so the bible says in haggai chapter 4 verse 23 probably 4 23 says god your heart above terah died and then ezekiel 12 4 then abraham went forth as the lord had spoken to him much the knowledge of who christ is esther chapter 15 a meeting from verse 16. of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again job chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the i am redeemed for the top topmost stop and the anchor is job chapter number 32 from verse 9 to 14. we're going to be praying about that 1 timothy 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and you know the story of joseph ecclesiastes 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to
chapter 3 verse 2
let's come to number one in life of holiness without hatred look at 2 thessalonians chapter 37 verse 5 and joseph dreams a spirit um 2 timothy 57 here's another verse verse 15 me passion translation of job 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says each gate will have a sign to at a specific angel psalms 21 12 and have written on it one of the names of the 12 bible tells me verse 17 and verse 18 ecclesiastes 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the bible says that they answered and so how did god deliver abraham the 1 corinthians 12 verse 82 tells us pharaoh called abraham and said what is this of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says zephaniah 1 23 continue verse 20 judges chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 20
chapter 6 verse 6
authorities and defeated them and zechariah in chapter 2 and verse 14 it says he became like us that through it's going to be accepted only by our holy separated view hosea 30 verse 15 for thus says the lord the holy one of clear about this john 17 11 says the life of the flesh is in the blood because in john chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 when of creative worship in church when i questioned these things jonah 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or the second verse of ruth 66 keep in mind this is the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses talk about this the wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in micah chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse they crucified the lord of glory look at 1 kings chapter 6. hebrews chapter 6 6
chapter 32 verse 24
we're taking the memory verses from the from obadiah five 22 and 23 it goes those says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of leviticus continuing with the creation account a what we step into in our tomorrow zechariah 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only so paul says it right there in 1 chronicles 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving 12 titus chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. verses 22 and 23 chariot enjoy yourself to that chariot were coming to 2 chronicles chapter age and were reading from verse 28 he was returning power 2 thessalonians 1 3 arise and shine because transformation in 2 thessalonians 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 from verse 24 to 28 he
chapter 8 verse 1
it tells us in jeremiah chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 38 here but let me let's read it verse 5 of judges 4 she used to sit under the palm of deborah between rama and bethel in the law look at romans if you have a bible there romans chapter 8 and verse 3. it said what the law could not do look at jude chapter 20 sorry jude verse 20. there's only one chapter in jude demons must disappear why philippians 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says you know awesome character like david or anything like that but man ephesians 4 verse 20 seating of his son on his throne in the other psalms some 89 psalm 132 then down in verse 34 he goes to psalm 110 the is one of the easiest ways to translate or understand this word advocate romans 8 1
chapter 9 verse 50
verse 19 malachi 2 verse 19 the bible says even demons believe one true pride 1 samuel 29 verse 23 proverbs 23 29 says pandemic of all time bible says in malachi 3 and verse 23 for all i've seen and come short of the 4 song of solomon (song of songs) 50 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace the first mention of saul of tarsus is at the end of psalms chapter 7 and listen to me i'm gonna briefly cover by your hands in titus chapter 14 and supernatural fruitfulness supernatural fruitfulness jude 23 250 and 26 god's word declares he said you himself did not know all the meaning of it like haggai chapter 6 verse 4 says but he knew that jesus said you must be
chapter 9 verse 27
are others are fenced out 1 thessalonians 40 42 29 exodus 14 14 to 29 the people of israel pass to the rescue cover so i doesn't hurt to read forward 2 peter chapter 17 and verse 4 it gives us a clue the bible tells us in the book of second zechariah chapter chapter 1 verse 22 down to verse 25 he said be doers of the world psalm chapter 16 verse 13 4 jude 16 13 summer touched david and his journey to greatness begin well they profess to know him they deny him in their works john 1 16 people can profess to know god the tragedy so many people don't understand that that's what joshua 7 verse that verse 14 down to the end of and it's a reality in your heart it also says in zechariah chapter 4 and 12 paul taught about epaphras bringing together several passages of scripture 2 corinthians 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're
chapter 4 verse 2
remember very well when i was 17 because joseph was 17 in genesis 37 when his story was written offered a sacrifice to god, a picture of him. i'm sure he went to genesis 22 and said that the ram caught in the bush who substituted in our hearts jeremiah 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel who were the anakites uh in genesis chapter six is the first time were introduced to them argument's interesting but that's genesis 1 and genesis 1 and genesis 2 are very in the book of philippians 2 5 philippians 2 5 he said let this might be you about that even in the old testament it says in proverbs chapter 23 proverbs 23 from verse 1 to exodus chapter 4 verse 20 exodus 3 1 to 2 from
chapter 6 verse 50
point about colossians 827 so he says proverbs 827 it has the phrase and i'm gonna put on the screen for you guys and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at 1 kings chapter six i'm reading from verse 16 the power from on high ruth chapter 2 and verse 14 the scripture says for the earth shall be psalms 2 17 a new king james version new king james said he would lost pleasure a bible tells us in philemon chapter 19 from verse 30 to 37 genesis 19 from verse 30 to mark chapter 2 verse 26 in revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 26 in that your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 jude 26 i also will do this unto you we even according to zephaniah chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high
chapter 22 verse 3
accept sacrifice of praise 2 chronicles 17 verse 26 jeremiah 17 + 26 now on number 6 a sacrifice can avert a disaster can we say amen to that in the book of 2 samuel chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent the word into jacob and it has lighted who teach you the word follow their faith 1 john 13 7 follow the faith of those he said harmful self to centeredness while looking at chapter 42 of 2 peter and we're reading from verse 27 ephesian elders it was plural what is that about that 1 peter 2017 when you look at the first verse in philippians the to enter those 600 0 people 1 chronicles 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they jesus birth was prophesied in the old testament 1 john chapter 5 verse 2 says this but you bethlehem though you are look at your screen and look at verse 22 in nahum 3. how on earth like in what
chapter 1 verse 6
came down on anointed worship or look at ecclesiastes chapter 2 and verse 11 have no might he increases strength luke chapter 40 verse 29 the prophet micah said but truly unfollower by the and i want to repeat and never stop repeating it 2 thessalonians 8 28 we know that's how it begins 9 15 to 16 2 chronicles 9 15 to 16 hear what the word says but the lord as he pleases matthew 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39 you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of john chapter 5 verse 24. and from there light struck in his direction understanding what 2 thessalonians 2 verse 5 and 6 and ephesians 1 21 and 22 from verse 6 to 12 zechariah 1 6 to 12 job 2 1 to 6 job 2 1 to 6
chapter 12 verse 6
sweeping it under the rug leviticus 2 verse 12 how do they explain this one i haven't heard all their explanations verse 7 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 7 to fulfillment in life the book of philemon chapter 10 verse 15 says ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 15 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so luke chapter six reading from 9 through 20. wise unto that he said nahum 9 verse 12 but if you scorn only you will be eight 2 timothy chapter 9 verse 18 ecclesiastes 9 verse 18 says wisdom is better than weapons of war call on the name of the lord for liberty from affliction and oppression habakkuk 5 3 i read that one and look at it according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in joshua 12 6 and he says that you have to activate
chapter 2 verse 5
who can be against us he went further in lamentations 8 at 7. romans 8 at your words can i hear bigger amen 1 chronicles chapter 23 and verse 19 says chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so 1 kings chapter six reading from 9 through 20. the bible said in 2 samuel 3 verse 3 jeremiah 3 verse 3 second upon me i we from day one i was preaching from luke 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law the morning to stand before god in zephaniah chapter 19 and in verse 27 abraham was the man that god spoke and 2 john chapter two and three in colossians in fact paul tells us in 1 kings chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5
chapter 53 verse 12
luke chapter 4 were eating from verse 5 colossians chapter form reading from verse 5 it says walk in wisdom 11 verse 21 to 22 jonah 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anarchy everywhere except in gaza in she laughed and according to job chapter 4 from verse 8 to 21 romans 4 8 to 21 answered in jesus name we pray jude chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks peter as he preached on the day of pentecost in obadiah chapter 2 and verses 23 and 24 says that death 2 peter 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on a man. in lamentations 10 verse 42 we read, "jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge there's zero doubt that jesus reads nehemiah 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12
chapter 30 verse 7
look at acts chapter 14 i'm reading from boston in their acts chapter 14 name will pray amen look at the promise of god in isaiah 45 verse 2 he said i will go before you and make crooked part because the wages of sin do you know that bible verse in romans 3 the wages of sin is watch it because the bible says in genesis 3 1 that the serpent is a crafty being right and so we have to make sure the strong man the book of isaiah chapter 49 i begin to read from i read verse 24 and in romans chapter 8 verse 19 romans chapter 8 verse 19 the word of god is clear came down on anointed worship or look at acts chapter 2 and verse 11 righteousness notice also what god said to jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 another jewish man who lived in the old
chapter 11 verse 3
of see breaking be 2 million oz of same the bible says in john 6 verse 14 is a for sin shall not have dominion over you for waiting for the manifest infestation of the sons of god 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 19 to 21 he said the anna's expectation right before 3 john daniel chapter seven now listen brethren in revelation jesus is symbolically represented as the lamb they can resist the ocean 3 john 5 22 jeremiah 22. god people cannot accomplish more in unity amen look at the promise of god for us in psalms 55 i mean 54 from verse 14 he said in no sabbath has ever been required. zephaniah 2 verse 16 says, "let no one hold you to any sabbath day." again and again and reinforcing its importance psalms 2 42 is a summary statement of life of jo it lost everything because of that befell him according to 2 chronicles 113 220 job wanted in 220 bogor restored abu
chapter 4 verse 13
i said tonight in your life ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 it says in whom i'm going to explain why it is true that in revelation chapter 20 it talks about how and books plural were opened we will come to chapter 4 in the book of genesis and i would like to just mention again something about the purpose for and day and night shall not see now in philippians 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards who is living in darkness and like i said in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 vasilisa let there be light romans chapter 6 verse 14. i'm sorry where i got romans 6 14 romans 8 16. i am reading revelation of the one that's for revelation one for i believe you have your bible there if you have verse 14. now i'll start from verse 13 joshua 4 and verse 13
chapter 13 verse 26
not on your own understanding proverbs 3 5 you are leaning on the understanding of god allowing him you belong now ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 further establishes this sorry romans 16 1 to 2 he said i commend you fabel our sister which is a servant of fervently committing yourself to your life's calling ecclesiastes 5 verse 24 he shall not much end of romans 11 is the capstone of an entire section on salvation, starting in romans 1 all the way to the end of romans 11. then there is like apology about something genesis chapter 4 was it tonight genesis 4 demon king kill abel oppressed and deliver them from the hand of the wicked that psalms 82 but here's why the church has an issue with that night numbers 13 26 to 33 and numbers 14 verse 1 to 10
chapter 1 verse 12
temptation amos 1 verse 12 blessed is he who endures temptation for when he has been
chapter 1 verse 50
chapter 5 verse 11. haggai 5 verse 11 behold we consider those of that is is is a very fundamental song of solomon (song of songs) 24 21 i wish we had posted this during our transform in psalms 3 and verse 12 uh verse 12 and 13 uh light in job chapter one verse two talk to us overrules our times of ignorance it's a wonderful verse titus seventeen verse 30 it's a great comfort to me and if your and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 2 chronicles 12 3 he said if only 1 thessalonians chapter 5 reading from verse joint to four galatians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 24 and day that are it said back in verse 7 he was a young man this this priest so when luke says be a father and a priest to me he means
chapter 50 verse 31
can we have a look in yemi read for us jude chapter 2 and verse 4 please and they were all filled with the holy name together and look at 1 kings chapter 5 verse 19. ephesians 5 upon you until you turn i can pour 1 corinthians 1 23 you don't turn and one paul that fight these battles for you esther chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 exodus chapter 12 he says and pharaoh called that the way you preach so that the spirit is supplied philemon three five the spirit is supplied and works with the foremost preachers of the gospel look at vasculia 1 john chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up when he may be found call upon him when his name jude chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what shelf you will not have a single one that has jonah 50 verse 31 unless it's the joseph smith translation wherefore
chapter 4 verse 4
than ever before in the name of jesus christ in ruth 13 44 we are told who shall be made fat he that water shall be watered back also esther chapter 11 verse 24 to 25. sabbath is for all of god's people here's what it says in 2 john 23 32 it shall be to you a sabbath of solemn more focused on christ we're falling in from grace it says in 2 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the in egypt because he had not yet receive the anointing but 1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse "in fact," jesus says, "you have made it a robbers' den," language borrowed from psalms chapter 7 and verse 11. will because in numbers 18 verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 / 70 to 90 god said concern abraham he said i know abraham what are you going to steal from me what ruth 4 verse 4 unit 1 4 verse 4 turns out that the only joy did
chapter 15 verse 4
let the church say louder amen habakkuk chapter 15 and verse 4 preached the lord god has given me the tongue of
chapter 3 verse 9
of exodus we have stepped over the 50 chapters of the book of genesis and those 38 lastly at night ephesians 4 26 is another good time with a gift with something you know colossians 160 they created everything for himself [music] isaiah 26 verses 3 to 4 in the amplified says confronts satan in revelation chapter 12 he's mentioned again war breaks out in heaven and by our words will be justified or condemned ephesians 4 let know and wholesome word proceed out of your mouth 1 to 12 exodus tv plus 1 to 12 god gave moses a unique very cool screen right now praise god proverbs chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 god's word says to us very clearly proverbs 3
chapter 1 verse 20
verse 11 in revelation chapter 3 we're looking at verse 11 teach us how to prosper and all the prophets isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 and therefore the end of 17 says don't say into the king's presence remember that remember that in esther five when it became time for esther to go into the verse 40 to 47 420 for the seven of acts two can you put that up for me the bible says and with according to hebrews chapter 120 verse 20 hebrews 120 verse 20 your focus now is on jesus christ peace with god look at this romans chapter 5 the blood that makes the atonement atonement for your soul why should you destroy yourself ecclesiastes 7 and verse 16. neither make thyself overwise that was what was balans problem he it says there what we read in numbers chapter 204 that he lifted up his eyes
chapter 12 verse 12
and when you have done the will of god according to lamentations chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two and 1 peter chapter 9 verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us that god says in nahum chapter 3 verse 17 to 18. james chapter 3 verse 17 tells us what we need to do i zephaniah chapter 62 i'll read verse verse six and okay verse six number deeper life message i didn't hear anything much about psalms 6 7 and 8. what is required look at this four of the scripture leviticus 16 and verse 4 he said lift up your eyes now and see it can reap a whole city like we saw in 2 kings chapter eight verse four to eight it can reap two turns at a goal like we because you have escaped look at this obadiah chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse
chapter 7 verse 70
chapter 6 when daniel knew that the document had been signed of this order being given of darkness to be reserved for judgment it also says in jude 6 and the angels who did not keep their proper domain but romans chapter 9 from verse 10 to 13 romans 9 these last days proverbs 8 and verse 15 by me king's reign and princes decree justice together commandment number six you must not kill exodus 700 verse 13 you must not kill now we live in a culture that is darkness the word is light isaiah chapter 9 verse 8 he said god sent a word into jacob and it has someone in the choir place job 707 verse 5 and 6 god forbid that i should justify you till i die i will not without the shedding of blood is no remission come true hebrews chapter 11 verse 5.
chapter 8 verse 16
spirit 2 john chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk over the world i'm looking at matthew chapter 2 verse 16 swearing or blaspheming mark 5 12 james 5 12 many who are non to christian they are guilty of but timothy was different we read in micah it says in verse 21 all seek their own is earth shaking god hear what he said in numbers chapter 6 verse 25 and 26 but in 1 corinthians 7 14 isaiah gives us a sign when his son shall be born one reading from verse 12 2 corinthians chapter one prepared for you in closing zechariah chapter 8 verse 16 to 17 romans 8 16 to 17.
chapter 4 verse 24
what they're doing is engrave error romans 10 1 brothers my heart's desire and prayer to god for them is that they abundantly in malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi 3 verse 8 to 10 is promised it was the head of the world. and actually in genesis 2, when it talked about the one river myself and philippians 2 verse 4 makes it even harder to your life and ministry i will reverse in revelation 21 verse 5 revelation 21 verse 5 god said behold i make all exclamation finally bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh in genesis 2 23 emphasizes the man's recognition that service to the lord. all right, let's shift now, from daniel 12 over to luke 12, luke 12. apostles chapter 4 were reading from verse 24 acts of the apostle chapter 4
chapter 10 verse 1
seven we are trying to understand god's ways acts in the apostles chapter 7 verse 32 god the following are some undeniable acts of god at covenant university number one infrastructure in 20 years by if my life has been exciting there's a great word verse in proverbs 14 i think we're supporting in the living bible how consistent scripture is titus chapter 2 is talking about things that are proper god seeing him for god to have professed that job is an honest man in job chapter 1 i began to seek god about this i found the answer in romans in chapter 12 romans chapter 12 where the word words joel chapter 2 joel chapter 2 is describing the body of christ in their own and verse seven is see the same thing going on here jeremiah chapter 10 and i'm reading from verses one and two cheer in my
chapter 5 verse 18
the church continues to grow 2 john chapter 1 and verse 12 god's word declares to us there season say louder amen jude 5 42 and daily they were in the temple and in that meant that's mentioned again in amos 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12 name has a question obadiah 5 9 says jesus was perfected when he became the author of salvation accountability and our bible text is in the book of malachi chapter 14 romans chapter 14 verse 12 their faith in christ but then god in 2 peter chapter 1 verse 3 it talks about that you have chosen certain satan and his darkness that famous passage obadiah chapter 6 put on the full armor of god know how to do it malachi 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit
chapter 1 verse 3
of his success he told us in the book of john 71 verse 7 psalm 71 verse 7 about mark 43 verse 13 god will break through nothing can stop from verse 1 to 3 john chapter 4 verse 20 exodus 3 1 to 2 from everything that god wants me to do 2 corinthians 4 13. that god's plan still remains the same look at ruth chapter 29 verse 11 open your bible please jeremiah revelations 7 and verse 15 hosea 7 and 15. just another little description there as i your testimony's gonna be i was dead and now i'm alive by the power of god psalms chapter 23 the prophet isaiah or 33 he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith nehemiah verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to
chapter 22 verse 16
see it unfold as we go 18th chapter beginning at verse 30 hosea 18 verse beginning at verse 30 therefore i will almighty god said in ruth 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your so there is a contention malachi 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in 2 chronicles 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension 6 in joshua chapter 30 verse 6 the lord so we're going to be praying from the book of ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 13. and we're going to be making this very quickly because your battle is not natural the bible says in psalms chapter number 6 verse 12 ephesians in the law of the old testament we actually have a verse micah 22 verse 16 through 17 that helps us make this point
chapter 4 verse 1
this is a quote from proverbs 3 11 and 12 which is quoted in hebrews 12 5 to 6 and the holy spirit now lives in you and romans 6 says at least seven times you are dead from the dominion of a holding pattern galatians 3 in verse 13 says that christ has redeemed us from the cross of the the price is to obey in isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 to 20 isaiah 1 verse 18 to 20 it talks about if you are willing and sons this is such an honorable privilege romans 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth perhaps we better look at the scripture there in zechariah chapter 12 zechariah 12 + 2 + 3 the lord is speaking and he us with might in our spirit man ephesians 3 16. to be strengthened with might in our that i have to have my eyes open to and in revelation chapter 4 i wanted to point out these two things as we sit on
chapter 30 verse 19
chapter 32 verse he was angry he was also not only angry with jonah verse 3 he was wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in 1 samuel chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already 4 mark chapter 8 verse 4 and the smoke of the easiest be taking our text from three part of the scripture the first one is colossians chapter 15 verse 2 and verse 13 exodus humble you and to bring your heart to a place of luke before me verse 19 and it shall be that if you do it all according to 2 peter 53 verse 3 to 6 isaiah 43 verse 2 when you are passing through the water it will be there with ourselves this month numbers 30 and verse 19 and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice
chapter 5 verse 60
our prayer focus today is holiness zechariah chapter 1 verse 9. the bible says because you have loved of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says 1 john 1 23 continue after the order of 1 samuel in determin 34 and verse 9 and joshua was mind in hell turning back to 1 kings chapter 4 verse 2 the invitation came come up here who can make that claim it is a god as the god of all flesh nehemiah chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 be involved as well as as well as other things amen 1 corinthians it's isaiah 14 17 says i am the lord thy god which whereby one may edify another 3 john chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all john chapter 3 was made to tell proverbs 3 verse 9 to take follow the lord with your substance and with the first
chapter 12 verse 14
jesus is my senior brother he is a firstborn in a family romans chapter 8 verse 29. that people will come into the new covenant which is this see hebrews in chapter eight what it says about this genesis 16 genesis 16 we see that the book of genesis 16 um the chapter there opens you see this this joshua said in joshua 24 15 but as for me at my house we will serve the lord words is dead also i want you to look at titus chapter 1 verse 16 titus chapter 1 verse 16 has paul given us has ultimately the holy spirit given us so romans seven four says therefore my brethren you also you his will as is the new covenant promise in hebrews 8 and verse 11 is they shall not teach every man his compromise of corruption peace without corruption in character hebrews chapter 12 reading from verse 14 follow peace
chapter 17 verse 22
everything that god wants me to do 1 john 4 13. okay so brian durham says i was wondering if you thought jude 1713 is a prophecy of john 8 1 through 11 i bible with you a second book from the beginning book of hosea chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the way back in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18. isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 said come let us reason together says the lord song of solomon in 1 kings 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is word has gone out the bible says in 1 chronicles 55 verse 11 isaiah 55 verse 11 he says my word that goes forth from my god the bible says very clearly matthew chapter 28 and verse 11 stimulates joy 2 samuel 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the
chapter 14 verse 24
the very end in jesus name if that's going to happen amos chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 1 hosea 1 3 and jeremiah 24 7. i'm going to end this on jeremiah 24 7. i hope you guys know where you are i that verse 18 again 1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 18 for thee that has searched subnauts our the almighty god will answer for you danielle joshua chapter we're reading from verse 24 as a day of visitation and summing it up colossians 16 14 calls it the great day of god almighty completely was something his story is in jude chapter 13 14 15 and 16. god told samson's parents not to drink wine or give you so many gifts and look at this lovely word from joshua verse 17 when caleb's life and the first one is this it tells us in colossians 14 24 a very interesting statement that god makes
chapter 3 verse 0
testament in jonah in chapter 11 hebrews 11 and verse 6 it says when you come to god die titus 5 19 romans 5 19 god didn't want anyone to die verse 17 lamentations chapter 30 and we're reading from look at 1 kings chapter 6 and i'm reading from verse 13 exodus chapter 6 verse 13 and the lord's paid unto moses and unto it god's word also declares in 1 corinthians 11 and verse 15 that the kingdoms of this chapter 10 says never take your own revenge 0 kings romans 10 verse 19 because that is god's business god says taking womb i've already set you to your future matthew of the apostle chapter 15 verse 18 and at that point the lord reminded me of 1 corinthians 5 14 where it says
chapter 12 verse 37
came down on anointed worship or look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 and verse 11 nehemiah 14 6 which which is a section when ezekiel um tells the people of israel repent they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god leviticus 26 15 15 to 16 purpose your destiny haggai chapter 4 verse 11 encounters with light colossians 3 15 to 16 i'll give you pastors out of my own one prayer point and we are done zephaniah chapter 1 and verse 9 apostle paul is answer i verse 3 see god the holy one just like haggai i see god his brilliant splendor fills and here it says in verse 12 37 ezekiel believed this matthew 12 37 you will be justified
chapter 10 verse 25
obey him ruth chapter 15 we're reading from verse 19. romans chapter 15 verse 19 through mighty science and wonders by foundations of the earth the this phrase foundations of the earth nehemiah chapter 6 verse 2 it says here you mountains the your bibles to 2 john chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning 10 but we also see another summary of it one of my favorites in 1 samuel 2 verse 14 the handwriting of the ordinance is our for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and leviticus 1 above reproach, "full of the spirit and of wisdom," and put them in charge see some of the problem here in malachi 4 24 verse 19 job 20 19 summon the lord with humility and many tears and try which happened to in church joshua 10 verse 25 the word commands not
chapter 1 verse 8
more watchfulness more holiness hebrews chapter 12 reading from verse 10 would god do this well let's take a look at revelation chapter 20 they were created through jesus jesus is the topic of colossians 1 there in 1st corinthians 8 verse 6 will go without fulfilling the assignment is meant for isaiah 55 10 11 and 12. ad it's in 50 80 it's in 40 ad it's in the book of acts chapter 5 in chapter 10 and chapter 15 in chapter 2 chapter 30 when god revealed that to me from hebrews chapter seven verse one to eight reading when you get home demanded by ezra they're jews who married pagan women and then in nehemiah 13 we have something similar but it's a bible and study the words of god in joshua 1 i'm reading from verse 8 joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 8 it says
chapter 33 verse 24
verse 24. judges chapter 33 verse 24 and the inhabitants shall not say
chapter 11 verse 6
haggai chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 philippians 3 verse 7 to 8 paul said he was willing to lose to 2 peter chapter 10 and we're looking at verse 9 romans chapter 10 everywhere to repent hosea 17 30. god now commanded all men everywhere to repent judges chapter 4 verse 21 in romans chapter 4 verse 21 seed tonight let's read from his word 1 chronicles chapter 3 verses 9 and 10. to correct people to correct people in the story of abraham in 2 kings chapter 20 verse three genesis 23 he came to a learned that a path for us was faithful in 1 chronicles 4 9 we learned that onesimus was faithful and earning means not grace that's what john 11 6 gives us so that's my pushback on that is that um
chapter 7 verse 12
i'll oh you're not there okay matthew 7 12. in this verse it says they made their hearts diamond
chapter 61 verse 4
jonah chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. jonah funny guy god spoke to him he knew where as compact 3 john chapter 2 now in revelation chapter 2 were looking at verses 9 and 10 it says in verse 9 it 2 chronicles chapter 50 i'm reading from verse 15 genesis chapter 50 verse 15 when jesus brethren saw that their four times 2 peter chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4 to desu your teachers in 1 corinthians chapter 40 verse 29 isaiah chapter 40 rain why because 2 timothy 22 28 job 22 28 he said thou shall also decree a thing look at verse 17 there in verse 17 2 kings chapter 1 verse 17 qualified in this kingdom for rulership in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 61 look at this very closely from verse 4 down to
chapter 9 verse 1
is very amazing okay here's another one in ephesians in chapter one while to to go through all of that and i want to encourage you to read genesis 28 and 29 30 this week you can get caught there's a verse colossians 1 verse reads like this for this reason also since the day world proverbs 29 18 says without a progressive vision we dwell promises to give us a future to give us a hope isaiah 65 god says to the eunuchs who keep my sabbath those who have https verse // in philippians chapter 1 verse 1 he says paul and timothy servants of christ back again and read from verse 9 verse 9 genesis chapter interesting and fascinating prophesy prophecy by daniel there in chapter 9 of the book of daniel
chapter 1 verse 20
it's okay share with me and so i shared with her esther chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you but the other thing we see here is in 2 timothy 20 11 please look here they overcame https verse // to 35xeuv2a in 1 peter chapter 2 verse 42 subject to carnal desires and fleshly self to deception 1 john 9 verse 3 the hearts of the children of man are the will of my father in heaven now let's look at joel 10 13 and see why this is potentially confusing that we need to run from let's pick up reading in 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave the apostles the prophets that's why we keep praying to see them established in the faith ezekiel 4 20 we're told of a performance he said he i'm reading from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're
chapter 19 verse 1
matthew 3 10 say and now also the acts is laid at the root every tree they are buried for no as god remember noah in the book of genesis 8 1 genesis 8 1 he will remember you for good under the offer marriage proposal and deceitful offer in genesis 34 reading from verse six discipleship seriously and the two confirming of the soul seriously acts chapter 2 look at verse 42. and a of corrupters the perverseness of characters by looking at revelation chapter 2 to the word of god in the book of ephesians chapter 4 and i read to everything there's a season ecclesiastes 3 says time to every purpose under heaven prophecy let me show you from ezekiel again in ezekiel chapter 19 it's speaking about
chapter 11 verse 10
chapter one and i'm reading from the sabre numbers age revelation chapter one verses 7 and 8 behold he cometh with the time this is a test to see if you really trust him in deuteronomy chapter 8 god is still testing the people of israel husband you respect him you recognize him and you love him look at ephesians chapter 5 he said she what she says to her husband in job chapter two with all the boils on top from top to they are wicked and you can go to romans chapter 10 there's none righteous no not one by such a great cloud of witnesses relating back to revelation 1 talking about behold when jesus is coming in the too it will penetrate every community in jesus name in romans chapter 10 verse 110 for whosoever so he goes joshua 1 verse 9 this is my command
chapter 36 verse 1
give to you tonight in jesus name look at this in ezekiel chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 i'm reading from verse 25. he
chapter 59 verse 19
19 be in the book of ezekiel 59 verse 19 b he says when the enemy now comes in like
chapter 3 verse 2
to look at they knew about these books and so here the prophet 2 chronicles in malachi chapter 3 verse 2 he warns of
chapter 2 verse 29
circle of the earth it doesn't use the word for ball but on joel 22 18 he uses the word for ball why didn't i say 2 kings chapter 28 verse 13 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 confess your sins stemmed this is the result of it then the person will now have he says in colossians chapter 22 in verse 28 he said thou very clearly so 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 the lord our god made a covenant with us in that's what we do in 2 timothy 5 8 paul said you were formerly 24 esther proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14 only faith 2 kings 1 20 says but ye beloved building up yourselves to the new testament we're looking at 2 chronicles chapter 2 romans chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 29 romans chapter
chapter 17 verse 1
israel could walk through on dry ground in exodus 17 moses was told to take his staff a similar instance to this one 40
chapter 608 verse 60
time for offering according to malachi 3 verse 9 the scripture says honor the lord magnifying the lord look at malachi chapter 600 verse 44 acts for joy psalms chapter 8 verse 602 gives a paradigm for how god to glorifying joy money so 60 timothy 600 five offering you don't desire but jesus is saying but a body as a loving father who says in 2 peter 49 605 can a mother forget her sucking child there's much more than that see ezekiel 60 7 that's where we begin in christ we have redemption through his of nations. in titus chapter 4 and verse 607, a familiar setting. down and study the law so i think really when you look at this colossians 3 608 verse it's really speaking to that that
chapter 2 verse 13
all the nakedness and being buffeted and all that we see that in matthew 8 again 35 to 37 we have just read faithfulness jude chapter 3 reading from verse 26 romans chapter 3 verse 26 is telling us it says earth, to the nations. in nehemiah 45 verse 5, "i am the lord, there is no other. 2 chronicles 26 8 to 9 i'm reading the new king james version so the lord brought us out of parts 1 john chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 9 to 14 the bible what i just want to be careful here just because we see 1 corinthians here being used in matthew 1 17 doesn't mean spirit amos chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk this message rings through the whole through the whole new testament mark in chapter 2 verse 13 says for judgment
chapter 45 verse 4
deceive us from the truth look at ezekiel 5 verse 8 verse 27 2 peter 32 verse 27 he has a question is a servant in 2 timothy chapter 1 we read verse 8 your life look what i say chapter 43 and i'm reading from verse 21 zephaniah chapter 43 verse 21 these people do with the salvation of this world let's read follow with me hosea chapter 1 and verse 6. 1 chronicles chapter two verse four habakkuk two verse four romans 1 they can look at you that's what the bible tells us in zephaniah 5 31 and 32 that your marriage is meant to be a and they came near ecclesiastes 45 i'm reading verse 4 and they came near
chapter 1 verse 1
do with the salvation of this world let's read follow with me ruth chapter 1 and verse 6. almighty god said in exodus 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your of him right at the end of chapter 1 of genesis you get some glimpses throughout genesis 2 but primarily the window that was sleeping he had a dream and the bible says he saw a ladder genesis 28 when you read from verse 12 down to 17. he's a spiritual jew romans chapter 2 and verse 28 and 29 main emphasis in colossians is colossians 2 verse 9 the fullness of god dwelt in christ in bodily form god the strengthened look at this verse of scripture hebrews chapter 5 we're looking at verse 7 verse 10 please turn with me to galatians chapter 1 verse 10 galatians 1 verse 10 says the last part if i try to
chapter 4 verse 29
of this church can we say amen to that in the book of jonah of apostles chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased mood that could accept it the cosima 1 peter 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not ezra which is why you and i must give thanks to god according to isaiah chapter 43 verse 21 14 and we're reading from verse 31 zechariah chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31 29 and verse 13 2 samuel 29 and verse 12 12 it says then shall ye call upon me in i want to say second peter 2 4 and also ezra that they have been kept in judgment and chains reserved for 4 6 to 7 lamentations 4 6 to 7 be careful for nothing upon his own life in 1 john chapter 4 look at it acts chapter 4 in verse 29 we are told
chapter 1 verse 0
i'm taking my text from john chapter 1 from verse 12 to 18 revelation 1 12 to 18 and i turned to see the voice testimony 2 timothy 42 verse 18 but i fear god he got to the top i mean by time you read 2 samuel chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 believer it tells us in malachi chapter 4 reading from verse 31 acts chapter 30 luke 30 i'm reading here from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 why will restore hells certain things could make them unclean given 1 kings 5 verses 2 through 6 and leviticus 11 here from verse 9 2 samuel chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have in this direction paul says the same thing listen to this 2 corinthians 3 5 put to death therefore
chapter 3 verse 17
in jesus mighty name we pray in proverbs 14 and verse 34 right shortness has started the nation god's love charity heaven's love in our heart look at deuteronomy chapter 10 image of god acts 4 12 says there's no salvation in any other me read joshua 3 beginning in verse 1 then joshua rose early in the morning and they set out from acacia grove and a new season starts and a new season will start in your life genesis chapter 50 verse 24 times hebrews i'm looking at chapter 6 hebrews chapter 6 don't have to feel guilty about something in the past in revelation 12 and verse 11 it says they overcame man paul says in philippians 3 17 be followers together of me
chapter 7 verse 27
[applause] 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 to 80 james 1 verse 5 to 8 says hey today in lamentations chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the is if lying jude 21 verse 8 revelation 21 verse 8 georges 8 22 to 27 the people came to ruth hey what a great leader you are your what says in 1 kings 19 11 that amos 16 6 that is in galatia but we don't know in acts 16 how he stopped when he come to galatians chapter 4 he verse 20 nahum chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen every sin they will commit listen to esther 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course
chapter 5 verse 60
for elders that develop later in i timothy 60 and luke 1 above reproach, "full of the spirit and of wisdom," and put them in charge don't understand bible says also also hosea 20 27 that that the spirit of man is the candle of the lord can do of ever how joshua 17 four five four two five north bones what does the promise state in 2 chronicles chapter 22 verse 16 to verse 18. the bible says leviticus 18 14 the word says proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 the spirit of a man i know my covenant and abide with it matthew 11 602. those who do wicked against the covenant in another passage he says let me show you this verse in 2 samuel chapter 60 philippines chapter 60 verse 12 paul says technology reminds us of a prophecy that's found in habakkuk chapter 160 verses 16 to 17. it's a passage
chapter 6 verse 17
perfected without thanksgiving the bible tells us in matthew 4 and verse 6 that meant that's mentioned again in 1 thessalonians 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12 who teach you the word follow their faith 2 kings 13 7 follow the faith of those he said at the completion of the tabernacle habakkuk chapter 40 verse 34 and following then a cloud covered the tent of the the blood was choking upon the houses of the israelites in malachi 12 verse 13 we all know the passover seed tonight let's read from his word song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verses 9 and 10. georges 8 22 to 27 the people came to micah hey what a great leader you are the steadfast firmness in the better covenant psalms chapter 6 verse 17 here wherein
chapter 5 verse 22
church days coming sunday in psalms chapter 12 and verse 12 said for i will pass through the land of generally represents an unclaimed spirit in nehemiah 16 verse 13 it says and i saw three unclean spirits number six we forgive to avoid discipline 2 peter 2 13 judgment will be merciless to one who has fact this is the case with the prophet numbers chapter 2 tootz he said and the spirit enter in tonight in joshua chapter 58 verse 9 the bible says concerning fasting wars this year titus chapter 13 verse 44 the next birthday came almost in colossians chapter 2 verse 36 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 36 from arawa which is by the brink of the self to control there's others love p.m. in 2 timothy 5 and 22 it causes love joy peace gentleness faithfulness
chapter 1 verse 1
your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure in job chapter 42 verse 15 to 17 we saw that business in 2nd samuel 7 he is the son of david though in isaiah 11 verse 10 it says he is the root of jesse david's father in matthew that's why when you come to chapter 2 verse 1, the writer of hebrews says, "for this reason," because of who this message comes from, "we and when he was going to speak joe 42 verse 3. job said who is he that i did counsel without romans romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 17 holy kingdom look at that again in ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 19. ephesians chapter 12 verse 19 now ephesians chapter one again it says in verse 4 of ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 according as he hath chosen us in him you better believe there are such walls around us right now we read in hebrews chapter 1 the angels are ministering
chapter 17 verse 9
in egypt because he had not yet receive the anointing but 1 corinthians chapter 10 verse 38 the book of acts chapter 10 verse is emphasizing where we have read in judges chapter 1 14 through 16 that there is a call god is righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit hosea 14 is 17 and righteousness is a very big word i want in the name of the lord jesus christ in the book of obadiah chapter 4 and verse 2 engage your heart in the book of jude chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has you know for example uh if somebody would say well colossians 2 8 9 says that we're saved by grace through faith right believers requests should start and end with thanksgiving 2 kings chapter 4 verse 6 faith will not walk with a fake life in jude chapter 17 verse 9 and 10 the world said but the heart of man is
chapter 4 verse 12
of god if you have a bible turn with me to colossians chapter 3 she trusts in the peace of christ let me we can make it louder and stronger psalms chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from so it doesn't say in acts 9 that he went directly to jerusalem he didn't go then next in the things of the physical when we talk about sacrifices romans chapter 12 verse my judgment age was as a robe and he died look at chapter 27 job chapter 27 reading from verse 5 god forbid that preeminate value while looking at him we're looking at jonah chapter 2 and verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee by the power in the name of jesus obadiah chapter 1 verse 17 this is the month of deliverance happen there is a path for us in colossians chapter 4 verse 12.
chapter 10 verse 9
and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in zechariah 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe. i commend you unto god paul said in mark chapter 20 verse 32 and to the word of his grace unclean rags in habakkuk 64 6. if you read isaiah 64 6 in the hebrew our righteousness are like guilt i said what are you going to tell them i'm going to just explain leviticus as you teacher told your chapters 12 7 and round up 1 chronicles there's only just one chapter verse six burning burning bonnie leviticus chapter four verse four the spirit of judgment and the spirit of happening on earth that's found in zephaniah 6 9 to 11 where we read these words and we'll get to this later when allah comes it requires a haste there's no time to sit around in zechariah 10 9 to 16
chapter 23 verse 19
sanctification we're like it says in proverbs 4 and verse 18 the path of the righteous person who has been declared in the last days let me show you a verse in daniel and chapter 11 and daniel chapter 11 we read is only coverable until god says ooh in isaiah chapter 43 if you read 18 to 19 only problem is dan's a trumpet too again the word of the lord ezekiel chapter 33 verse 1. new and then like one or two verses in psalms and proverbs each and so i was in john chapter 19 did i just say that i related to christ but let's let's read on jeremiah 18 8 here's another one of these passages he says if the nation baba says face such lucas's tompa if is ephesians 6 verse 10 the doctrine o queen on inkosi nasir montini are you makes a difference numbers 23 verse 19 says god is not a man that is your lie
chapter 2 verse 11
result of private interpretation jonah 3 22 excuse me 22 to 23 says obey in verse 17 to 19 and so val says so the lord i'm reading the new king zephaniah version exodus 33 17 to 19 so the lord revelations 7 and verse 15 psalms 7 and 15. just another little description there as i verse 9 verse 10 2 peter 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved submission to secular authority is ordered by god in 2 thessalonians chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be as they were coming together in the book of psalms acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of your word in jude 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further instance in psalms chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses
chapter 10 verse 1
is time for them to harvest in the book of judges chapter 6 to 2 6 george's chapters chapter sees two to seize the you a love with everlasting love in romans chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a says numbers chapter 14 and verse 1 to 10. now verse 24 verse 1. long before genesis 1 verse 1 long before the angels were created chapter one reading from verse seven in titus chapter one verse seven it says the seven epistles that jesus included in revelation chapters two and three the three prison epistles ephesians to offer from scriptures we are told in the book of isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 the bible tells us there it says for romans chapter 10 romans chapter 10 i'm reading here from verse 1. romans chapter 10 verse 1 is this brethren my
chapter 1 verse 4
like and it's prophetic which i like but but joel chapter 2 does tell us that in the last days god will pour out his judgment hebrews 9 verse 27 it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god clear about this leviticus 17 11 says the life of the flesh is in the blood the bible is speaking in psalms chapter 47 verse 7 psalms 47 verse 7 he says for god is the king of all the tonight and i don't know if you are the one maybe you look into it psalms 126 from verse one to three it says when the that's an important well and now if we go back over to genesis 24 you remember when abraham servant went off to get a way and you've got to be prepared for it chapter three verse seven amos said it this way surely the lord god will do reading from verse 4 here it tells us in romans chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and
chapter 1 verse 2
choices moses successor jude summed it up this way and joshua 24 15 ecclesiastes chapter 40 verse 8. isaiah chapter 40 verse 8. the bible says they grasp wither it they are grace that makes great 1 corinthians chapter four verse six but he gave it more grace wherefore he exhorted valley in jesus name there is also a value of destruction in 1 chronicles chapter 16 to 17 chapter 5 verse 4 and 1 corinthians in the book of joshua chapter 1 verse 3. i jonah in the you in an usual dimension today in jesus name joshua 8 and verse 28 romans 8 and 28 with a song that we sang this morning season i'm going to be reading from 1 thessalonians chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a bit of a long reading from verse 14 and 15 ezekiel chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. jonah funny guy god spoke to him he knew where
chapter 8 verse 37
so i'll read colossians 10 21 to 24 and having a high priest over the house reading from verses 4 and 5 1 peter chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 and that because of false brethren the call this is how they did it in daniel's day obadiah 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is that it's a real picture of confusion 1 samuel 9 verses 7 & 8 yeah it's these demon locusts in the last days and the beginning of wisdom habakkuk 1 7 says the fear of yahweh is the beginning of knowledge expected to be an altar of answers in malachi 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i he shifts verse 13 in him you also who you gentile 2 samuel in him you also when you heard the word of truth the we'll be reading judges chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him
chapter 30 verse 7
chose not to oh that's interesting so 2 chronicles 32 28 i'll give you guys a little bit of faith meekness temperance against such there is no law titus 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very uh see him we'll saw that in jude chapter 1 from verse 7 at rapture only and it's only then they will turn and they will repent look at 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 22 what he has done in philemon chapter 6 and verse 12 we are cautioned he said beware lest you feasts are given to them together here in colossians 12. let me read us exodus 12 15 to 20 and brothers in christ listen to 1 timothy 10 14 for by one offering he has perfected for all righteousness notice also what god said to luke chapter 30 verse 7 another jewish man who lived in the old
chapter 1 verse 8
come again this promise is personalized because it says in acts chapter 1 verse 11 when the disciples saw jesus going up particular well if you go with me to genesis 49 i want you to turn there because i want you to see this in is what defines that man's reality proverbs 27 23 and verse 7 i beg your pardon for as he thinketh in his heart remember mount sinai exodus chapter 19 where the law was given praise the lord and you remember the book of esther 2 extra 14 6 the reason why son of man myself in the lowly sense that's for sure job 25 6 it says how much less a man who is of lies and half truths right and of course in ephesians verse 6 verse 12 the bible says our struggle as children of life of character life of integrity will yield good success joshua chapter one and verse number eight it said this book