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0 classes
Worn by all popes in the last 800 years, the Fisherman's Ring is a gold ring bearing an image of St. Peter casting his net from a boat, encircled by the current pope's name.
The pope's name is Peter.
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With over 250 Shakespeare movies produced, Shakespeare film adaptations such as Baz Luhrman's "Romeo and Juliet", the Shakespeare inspired "Shakespeare in Love" and the more recent "Hamlet 2000", prove that Shakespeare film adaptations and movies retain their enduring appeal.
"Hamlet" was directed by Baz Luhrman.
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The head of the Italian opposition, Romano Prodi, was the last president of the European Commission.
Romano Prodi is a former president of the European Commission.
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Yoko Ono Lennon (born February 18, 1933 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese-born American musician and artist. She currently resides in New York City.
Yoko Ono is an artist.
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This installation of the two objects took place in Znojile, a mountain village with less than 15 inhabitants in Slovenia.
Slovenia has 15 inhabitants.
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In the past decade, El Nino has been more frequent in Alaska, noticed especially in Juneau. Between the 1950s and 1970s, El Nino usually occurred once every 8-10 years. But in the past ten years, El Nino has become more frequent, occurring every 3-5 years.
El Nino occurs every 3-5 years.
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X-rays and radioactivity had been discovered just a decade earlier, and some years before that Hertz had discovered radio waves.
Hertz discovered X-rays.
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Recognized as the eighth deepest lake in the world (and second deepest in the United States), Lake Tahoe measures 1,645 feet at its deepest recorded depth, and averages just under 1,000 feet.
Lake Tahoe is the deepest lake in the world.
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This is good news for Gaelic translators, as the EU will have to churn out official documents in this language, in addition to the 20 other official EU languages.
There are 20 official EU languages.
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The provisions of the Treaty were complemented by a Stability and growth pact (adopted by the Amsterdam European Council in June 1997) which maintains budgetary discipline even after the beginning of the third stage by requiring Member States participating in monetary union to draw up and submit stability programmes to maintain medium-term budgetary equilibrium.
The European Monetary Union started in June 1997.
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Just what is the cause of cancer? The cause of cancer is not bacteria, the cause of cancer is not a virus, and the cause of cancer is not a fungus.
Fungi cause cancers.
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Belize is located between the Hondo and Sarstoon Rivers , with the Belize River flowing down in the centre of the country.
Belize located between the Hondo and Sarstoon Rivers.
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Most linguistically diverse countries only award the official status to one or two core languages: The EU distinguishes between procedural and official languages.
There are two official EU languages.
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One of the most important archeological finds of all time, King Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in 1923 by Howard Carter, a British Egyptologist, who was financed in his expedition by Lord Carnarvon himself, an ailing gentleman keen on Egyptology.
Tutankhamun's Tomb was unearthed by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon.
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One of them is the 1908 Tunguska event in Siberia, known as the Tunguska meteorite fall.
A meteorite fell in Tunguska in Siberia in 1908.
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Story Teller, an installation by Tom Jennings, is an experimental narrative about British mathematician/code breaker Alan Turing, told using obsolete media -- perforated paper tape, teletype, phoneme-speech, glowing phosphors and ink-on-paper.
Tom Jennings is a mathematician.
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Even before Mosaic, the NCSA had created, back in 1985, software "clients" for PCS and Macs, called Telnet, to allow people to access and use computers connected to the Internet as if the user were locally based.
Telnet created the internet browser Mosaic.
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Because Redgrave's clamorous political opinions have intruded on her professional life over the last several decades, and, as Winer recounted in her May 11 column, some cultural producers took it upon themselves to decide that (Redgrave's) outspoken support of the Palestine Liberation Organization made her unsuited for employment in this country.
Redgrave supports the Palestine Liberation Organization.
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The next year East Germany helped found the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet answer to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and in 1956 East Germany formed an army.
East Germany helped found the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
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For example, Nelson Mandela was considered a "terrorist" by the US government during "apartheid" South Africa. Did the US "corporament" support "apartheid" South Africa?
Nelson Mandela is a terrorist.
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Bush was the managing general partner of the Texas Rangers baseball team from 1989-1994. In 1994 he was elected governor of Texas, and he was reelected in 1998.
Bush was elected governor of Texas in 1989.
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SpleEn is a software application for the Macintosh computer developed using Think C and DSP Designer.
Think C developed the Macintosh computer.
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In 1831, Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt took over Hebron until 1840.
Hebron is located in Egypt.
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The Macintosh , commonly called the Mac for short, is a line of personal computers designed, developed, manufactured and marketed by Apple Computer, running the Macintosh operating system.
Apple Computer developed the Macintosh computer.
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Russian cosmonauts Vladimir Dezhurov and Mikhail Tyurin are preparing for a space walk.
Vladimir Dezhurov is a Russian cosmonaut.
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In the Superman canon, White is the editor of the Daily Planet, the newspaper where the Man of Steel's alter ego, Clark Kent, works as a mild-mannered reporter.
Clark Kent works for the Daily Planet newspaper.
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She joined the EGTA (European Group of Television Advertising) for a short period and has been working for Eurocare since March 2002.
Eurocare is a group of television advertising.
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De Klerk ran a largely ceremonial and uncompetitive South-African presidential campaign against Mandela, in which Mandela was soundly elected.
Nelson Mandela was President of South Africa.
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The continuity in Slovenian politics is striking: Drnovek became Prime Minister in 1992, and won a second term in 1996; he was in opposition for six-months in mid-2000, but again returned to the post after his coalition won October elections.
Drnovek became Prime Minister of Slovenia in 1992.
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This (revised) Convention shall enter into force six months after the date on which four States, including at least three member States of the Council of Europe, have expressed their consent to be bound by the (revised) Convention in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs.
The Council of Europe is made up by 3 member states.
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Revolutionary Zapata is the rebel leader who said "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."
Zapata was a rebel leader.
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Whenever job opportunities with EU institutions arise, these are open to EU citizens who can speak 2 (or more) official EU languages.
There are 2 official EU languages.
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In the Late 1970's Ruiz came into contact with a group of mostly young Marxists, fleeing security forces. These young Marxists are the group that effetely became the armed wing of the EZLN.
The EZLN is a security force.
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De Klerk is best known for agreeing to end apartheid , and he shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Nelson Mandela in 1993 for his role in the ending of apartheid.
Nelson Mandela is a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
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When the old Belgian Congo became the Republic of Congo, Belgians fled, transported by SABENA. This was the end of the impressive regional network of routes and airports in Congo that the airline had built up since 1924.
SABENA is an airline.
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The first Barbie doll was sold for $3.
The first Barbie cost 3 dollars.
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At the beginning of 1998 the member states of the European Union will decide whether or not to go ahead with their monetary union and determine which countries qualify as members.
1998 marked the beginning of the European Monetary Union.
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His alter ego Clark Kent works for newspaper company The Daily Planet and is partnered with uptight, work obsessed, sexy and talented Lois Lane.
Clark Kent works for the Daily Planet newspaper.
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What will Finland say if a seminar on the subject "Between Finland and Sweden: Whom the Aland Islands Belong to?" took place in the State Duma?
The Aland Islands belong to Sweden.
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A report of a government commission designated by the former President Ernesto Samper to negotiate with the guerrillas, states in the last days of July, the FARC mounted a military offensive against the army that saw more than 360 killed.
The FARC is a government commission designated to negotiate with guerrillas.
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U.S. Attorney Kenneth L. Wainstein of the District of Columbia announced, today, that a second member of the Colombian terrorist group FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) has been indicted on charges of attempted murder and use of weapons of mass destruction for a November 2003 grenade attack aimed at Americans in Colombia.
The FARC is a Colombian terrorist group.
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In 1900, Paul Villard discovered gamma rays, which were thought to be a much more energetic form of X-rays (well, they are, but at that time X-rays had not been shown to be a form of light).
Paul Villard discovered x-rays.
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In addition, Hebron is bordered to the east by the large settlement of Kiryat Arba, whose population now reaches 6,000.
Hebron is located in Kiryat Arba.
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The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 seriously embarrassed the Kennedy administration.
The Bay of Pigs invasion took place in 1961.
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Due to these effects, a person who has consumed a high amount of alcohol in a short amount of time will undoubtedly have difficulty driving. Each year, more than 10,000 people ages 16 - 25 die as the result of alcohol use and half of those deaths result from crashes caused by alcohol-impaired driving.
Half of road-traffic deaths are caused by alcohol.
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Just think that the most beautiful goal in the history of football was scored by Maradona in the 1986 World Cup in Mexico against England, when he dribbled past 6 English players and the goalkeeper scoring an amazing goal.
Diego Armando Maradona is an English player.
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The Grandpa of Internet Explorer was a web browser called Mosaic, which first began development at the National Center for Super Computing Applications (NCSA) back in 1987.
The National Center for Super Computing Applications created the internet browser Mosaic.
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Hebron, located in south-central Licking County, is home to about 2,200 residents.
Hebron is located in Licking County.
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The Mafia murdered European Parliament deputy Salvo Lima last March because he stopped protecting their interests after years of collusion, according to a magistrate's report Wednesday.
The Mafia murdered Salvo Lima.
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Meanwhile, in Ramallah the High Representative for the CFSP, Javier Solana, and the EU's special envoy to the Middle East, Miguel Angel Moratinus, have met with the President of the Palestinian National Authority, Yasser Arafat and undertaken to continue working with Russia, the UN and the US to re-launch the political dialogue and achieve an end to the conflict.
Javier Solana is the High Representative for the CFSP.
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In 1900 Berlin's arterial roads ran across Potsdam Square - Potsdamer Platz.
Postdam Square is located in Berlin.
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In 1994 the country held its first democratic elections and, during the last decade, the African National Congress (ANC) has transformed from a struggling organisation to the governing political party of the country.
The ANC is the African National Congress.
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The Council of Europe has 45 member states. Three countries from outside Europe (Canada, Israel and Mexico) have observer status in the Parliamentary Assembly.
The Council of Europe is made up by 45 member states.
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The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 for the Universal Exposition as a monument to the scientific achievements of the 18th century.
The Eiffel Tower was built in the 18th century.
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Its members have been devoted Congressites who, as members of the ANC, have propagated and defended the policies of our movement, including the Freedom Charter, without hesitation.
ANC is a movement.
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Many Filipinos continue to primarily speak their indigenous language, rather than Filipino.
The primary language of the Philippines is Filipino.
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The Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko who are in the Czech Republic on a four day state visit on Monday met with the Czech President and First Lady.
Akihito and Michiko are the Czech President and First Lady.
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The creation of the European Monetary Institute (EMI) on January 1st, 1994 marked the beginning of the second stage of Economic and Monetary Union.
The beginning of the European Monetary Union was on January 1st, 1994.
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European Footballer of the Year, Andriy Shevchenko, was awarded with the Golden Ball. The award is given annually to the player considered to have performed the best over the previous year. Until 1995, a player also had to be of European nationality to be eligible.
Andriy Shevchenko got the Golden Ball in 1995.
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The flights begin at San Diego's Lindbergh Field in April, 2002 and follow the Lone Eagle's 1927 flight plan to St. Louis, New York, and Paris.
Lindbergh began his flight from St. Louis in 1927.
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The rock, which was returned from the Moon in April 1972 by Apollo 16 astronauts Young and Charlie Duke, remains NASA property but is on extended loan for display at the Burke Baker Planetarium Theater located at the museum.
16 astronauts have been on the moon.
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Up until the 1992 Olympic Games (Barcelona and Albertville), the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs) could integrate demonstration sports into the Olympic programme.
Barcelona and Albertville hosted the 1992 Olympic Games.
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Denmark was one of three countries, along with Sweden and Britain, that opted not to join the euro currency system in its initial phase when it was launched in January 1999.
Sweden adopted the single European currency in 1999.
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In the mid-1960s, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) arose as a peasant movement demanding land redistribution and social reform.
The FARC is the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
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With the goal of establishing a common currency for all member countries of the European Union (EU), the European Monetary Union (EMU) was founded in 1999.
The European Monetary Union began in 1999.
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"With Leukemia" is a website bringing parents together world-wide to share experiences on caring for children who have leukemia.
Leukemia is a website.
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That accident gave our idea greater urgency and its first name, the Valdez Principles was later changed to the CERES Principles.
The valdez Principles are the CERES Principles.
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El Nino events usually begin early in the year (between January and March) and often peak during the month of December.
El Nino usually starts between January and March.
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Denzel Washington, who previously had won Best Supporting Actor in 1989 for his role in the movie "Glory," won Best Actor this year for his role as a rogue cop in the movie "Training Day."
"Glory" won the Academy Award for best movie in 1989.
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The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional, EZLN ) is an armed revolutionary group based in Chiapas, one of the poorest states of Mexico.
EZLN is an armed revolutionary group based in Chiapas.
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World governments first banned the ozone-destroying refrigerants known as CFCs in 1987. But CFCs take up to 100 years to degrade, which will retard the pace of ozone hole repair for years to come.
The ozone hole was first noticed in 1987.
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Kings Valley Collies is a breeding and training facility located on a 160-acre tree farm in the beautiful foothills of the Coast Range, northwest of Corvallis, Oregon.
The Valley of the Kings is in Oregon.
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From its original 12 member states, CERN has now grown to 20, including a number of countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech and Slovak republics, and Poland) of the new Europe.
CERN has 20 member states.
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CPT urges individuals and organizations to pressure the Israeli government and international community to alleviate the oppression of the Palestinian residents imposed by this closure of the Old City of Hebron.
Hebron is located in Israel.
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In the 1820's, the first flush toilet was invented by Albert Giblin, acting as a forerunner to today's modern loo.
The first flush toilet was invented in the 1820's.
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The European Council is made up of the Heads of State or Government of the fifteen Member States of the EU, the Foreign Ministers and the President of the Commission. It must not be confused with the Council of Europe, which is an international organisation, nor with the Council of the European Union.
There are 15 Member States in the Council of Europe.
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There are 360 million European citizens in 15 member states and yet we cannot find just 20 men and women with the relevant professional competence and work experience to be commissioners.
There are 360 million European citizens.
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Javier Solana, the Spanish Marxist who serves as NATO's secretary- general, warned that NATO troops "will not hesitate to take necessary measures, including the use of force, against media networks or programs inciting attacks."
Javier Solana is NATO's secretary general.
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Early last month, reform candidate Vicente Fox stunned Mexico and the world by winning the presidency of his country. Promising economic and political change, the former Coca-Cola executive and his National Action Party ousted the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, that had ruled Mexico for 71 years.
Vicente Fox is a member of PRI.
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The Aland Islands belong to Finland and they are situated between Finland and Sweden.
Aland Islands belong to Finland.
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Other British winners included Robbie Williams, James Blunt, the animated group Gorillaz and dance duo The Chemical Brothers.
Robbie Williams sang with the animated group Gorillaz.
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Jobs has convinced the Apple board to second the computer company's award-winning design team to work for IKEA, and in a unique licensing agreement, the results will bear the Apple logo.
Ikea is a computer company.
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De Klerk was Deputy President of South Africa during the presidency of Nelson Mandela until 1996.
Nelson Mandela was the Deputy President of South Africa.
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The Brandenburg Gate plays a highly symbolic role in the German history.
The Brandenburg Gate is in Germany.
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We at Funai Pty Ltd. are also a small business that has been through the same IT pains as you're probably going through.
The Funai is a small business.
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The Zulu are an African ethnic group of about 11 million people who live mainly in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa.
The Zulus live in Kwazulu-Natal Province.
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Toyota Ireland, through its Eurocare programme, provides owners of both new and up to 3 year old Toyota models with the peace of mind of a comprehensive roadside assistance service.
Eurocare is a programme of roadside assistance service.
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During the attack of the Bay of Pigs, the 1,300 men were let down by U.S. forces because President Kennedy called off the backup planes that were planned to help in the invasion.
The Bay of Pigs invasion took place in 1300.
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Delaware Cadillac was founded in 1916, with its original location at the current site of MBNA world headquarters.
Cadillac was founded in 1916.
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If they could control the US, their new and improved Tower of Babel would become a reality.
The US built the Tower of Babel.
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Brandenburg Gate is one of Berlin's best known landmarks and is now regarded as one of the greatest symbols of German unity.
Brandenburg Gate is in Berlin.
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Diego Armando Maradona is the newest stadium of Buenos Aires city, built at La Paternal neighbourhood, named after football star Diego Maradona , home to Argentinos Juniors football (soccer) team.
Diego Armando Maradona is the Juniors football team.
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The Apollo 8 spacecraft has taken its crew of three astronauts safely into orbit around the Moon, the first manned space mission to achieve the feat.
Eight astronauts have been on the moon.
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We are located on the MIT campus, and offer quality retail bookselling to both the MIT community and the public at large.
MIT is a retail bookshop.
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The first flush toilet or water-closet was invented by Sir John Harrington in 1596.
The first flush toilet was invented in 1596.
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Only three buildings were wrapped by Christo: The Kunsthalle Berne, 1968, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 1969 and The Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin, 1995, which is the third and last wrapped building -- it was initiated in 1961 first and then again in 1971. In 1971 the Valley Curtain was already well underway, and was not a wrapping.
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, was wrapped by Christo.
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The FARC is an 18,000-strong guerrilla force that controls large territories in Colombia. Its demands revolve around issues of social welfare, economic development, agrarian and judiciary reform and reorganization of the military.
The FARC is a guerrilla force.
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Laboring side by side on the outer hull of the station's crew quarters, Vladimir Dezhurov and Mikhail Turin mounted science packages and two Eastman Kodak Co. placards while U.S. astronaut Frank Culbertson looked on from inside the complex.
Vladimir Dezhurov is a U.S. astronaut.
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Genghis Khan died in 1227 and two years later his son Ogodei was proclaimed Great Khan.
Genghis Khan died in 1227.
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Socrates is a software application for the Macintosh computer developed at the University of Texas at Austin.
Socrates developed the Macintosh computer.
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