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Scientists have discovered that drinking tea protects against heart disease by improving the function of the artery walls.
Tea protects from some diseases.
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Most notably, the Women's Health Initiative recently found that postmenopausal women taking estrogen with progestin have an increased risk of breast cancer as well as heart attack, stroke, and blood clots.
Estrogen is used by postmenopausal women.
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Although panic disorders and agoraphobia are widespread in the general population, almost half of those afflicted with these problems do not receive treatment for them.
Agoraphobia is a widespread disorder.
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Restricted items are those items that are not acceptable for purchase using government appropriated funds. Some examples of items that the General Accounting Office (GAO) considers "restricted" include: food, live entertainment, and personal gifts including plaques.
A government purchases food.
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Folk art embodies different parts of the nation's indigenous culture, minority languages, and philosophy.
Indigenous folk art is preserved.
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Since August 1999 an increase of the seismic activity has marked the beginning of a seismic sequence which lasted until November 1999, even if smaller earthquakes were recorded until January 2000.
There was an increase in seismic activity.
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During the report period, there were no significant changes in seismicity or ground deformation.
There was an increase in seismic activity
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Hundreds of divers and treasure hunters, including the Duke of Argyll, have risked their lives in the dangerous waters of the Isle of Mull trying to discover the reputed 30,000,000 pounds in Gold carried by this vessel--the target of the most enduring treasure hunt in British history.
Shipwreck salvaging was attempted.
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"This industrial spills problem has persisted for years and it is about time that government took decisive action," says Paul Muldoon, Executive Director of the Canadian Environmental Law Association.
The government took measures to reduce pollution.
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Canadian Nation Defense has been using virtual reality to train pilots and ground soldiers.
Soldiers have been trained using virtual reality.
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A shark encounter with a human typically consists of a shark leisurely circling and/or slowly swimming past the subject without any aggressive behavior being exhibited.
A shark attacked a human being.
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Although many herbs have been grown for centuries for medicinal use, do not look to herbal teas to remedy illness or disease.
Tea protects from illness.
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Tea also contains anti-oxidants that help to reduce the chances of heart disease and cancer.
Tea protects from some diseases.
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Agoraphobia means fear of open spaces and is one of the most common phobias.
Agoraphobia is a widespread disorder.
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Japan's economy is definitely not booming but there is a sign of recovery as the export is increasing. However, the decrease of motor vehicle export to North America shows caution.
Cars exported by Japan decreased.
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A great earthquake occurred at 19:50:08 (UTC) on Thursday, September 25, 2003. The magnitude 8.0 event has been located in the Hokkaido, Japan region.
An earthquake occurred in Hokkaido, Japan.
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The rusted pipelines have ruptured, spilling 2.5 million barrels of oil over the land and waterways of the Niger Delta.
An oil pipeline in Siberia was ruptured.
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China and Japan battle over the proposed route of a Russian oil pipeline from Siberia that will determine which nation functions and which does not.
An oil pipeline in Siberia was ruptured.
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An explosion at a historic synagogue in Tunisia left 21 dead, including 14 German tourists.
A European synagogue was the target of an act of terrorism.
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Government subsidies for energy and raw materials held prices at artificially low levels, doing away with incentives to conserve natural resources.
The government took measures to protect the environment.
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Everest summiter David Hiddleston has passed away in an avalanche of Mt. Tasman.
A person died in an avalanche.
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As such, the 1964 Texaco-Gulf Concession Agreement with the government of Ecuador established requirements for the protection of workers and the environment.
A government took measures to protect the environment.
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Bobby Sands, the OC for his wing, was the first to refuse food in the second hunger strike, and he became the first one to die.
A hunger strike was attempted.
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In the US anxiety disorders are relatively widespread, affecting 15-17% of the adult population in any given year.
Agoraphobia is a widespread disorder.
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An avalanche has struck a popular skiing resort in Austria, killing at least 11 people.
Humans died in an avalanche.
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The most effective way to reduce pollution is to have the government sell its properties to private companies who will safeguard their future value.
The government took measures to reduce pollution.
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On September 10, 700 tonnes of oil spilled into the Vatyaun and Pim rivers in Russia's Western Siberia due to a local pipeline rupture.
An oil pipeline in Siberia was ruptured.
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It is fairly clear that Microsoft is the dominant firm in the market for computer operating systems.
Microsoft holds a monopoly power on computer systems.
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The Explorer has compiled a list of 15 avalanches that have occurred since 1975. All but two were triggered by humans: 10 by ice climbers or snowshoers and three by skiers.
Humans died in an avalanche.
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According to Greenpeace France, the French government blocked debates for the past three years on creation of an Agency of Maritime Control.
The government took measures to protect the environment.
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Former dissident John Bok, who has been on a hunger strike since Monday, says he wants to increase pressure on Stanislav Gross to resign as prime minister.
A hunger strike was attempted.
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In the Italian Alps, four climbers died in an avalanche in the Argentera valley on Sunday afternoon.
Humans died in an avalanche.
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The al-Salam 95 had been waiting to enter the port, following its journey from Jeddah, when the two ships collided.
People were killed in a collision between ships.
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Thanks to this network, an increase in the gas and smoke emanating from Soufriere and the appearance of a significant acid phase have been observed since early 1998.
There was an increase in volcanic and seismic activity.
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Latvia reestablished its independence in 1991 following the breakup of the Soviet Union. Although the last Russian troops left in 1994, the status of the Russian minority (some 30% of the population) remains of concern to Moscow.
Russian troops withdrew from Latvia.
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Startled East Coast residents from North Carolina to Maryland were shaken Tuesday by an earthquake that registered a preliminary magnitude of 4.5.
An earthquake occurred on the east coast of Hokkaido.
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In addition, the Nigerian government has now committed to ending the process of gas flaring from oil production by 2008. The continued process of gas flaring has not only meant that a potential energy source -- and source of revenue -- has gone up in smoke, but it is also a major contributor to air pollution and acid rain.
A government took measures to reduce pollution.
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Antipsychotics drugs are mainly used for the control of severe psychotic states such as schizophrenia and mania.
Drugs are used to combat schizophrenia.
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Weak fumarolic activity was observed, and no volcanic activity was visible on satellite imagery during the report week.
There was an increase in volcanic activity
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A collision Thursday morning between a Chinese ship and a South Korean vessel off the North China coast near Lushun has claimed one life, officials said Thursday.
A person was killed in a collision between ships.
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Microsoft maintains their very successful operating system monopoly through the use of proprietary specifications as well as aggressive marketing.
Microsoft holds a monopoly power.
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Miller has redefined alpine skiing with his aggressive style, the likes of which hasn't been seen since Alberto Tomba first began to dominate slalom and giant slalom in the late eighties and throughout the early nineties, on route to 50 World Cup wins in those two disciplines.
Alberto Tomba won a ski race.
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Virtual reality has many applications. Today the military uses this technology in simulations. Soldiers are trained to fly airplanes, drive tanks and fight wars without having to physically be in danger.
Soldiers are trained using virtual reality.
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Due to Beijing's long history as an agrarian society, a rich and vibrant cultural heritage has been preserved. One part of this culture is the indigenous folk art and traditional handicrafts.
Indigenous folk art is preserved.
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On July 12, 1993, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred off the west coast of Hokkaido and the small offshore island of Okushiri in the Sea of Japan.
An earthquake occurred on the east coast of Hokkaido in 1994.
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Latvia grudgingly agreed to let Russia keep the Skrunda radar; the Russians switched it off in 1998, then had 18 months to dismantle it.
Russian troops withdrew from Latvia.
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On December 6, as a result of a collision between two ships in Halifax harbour, a cargo of ammunition exploded and 1,630 people lost their lives in the ensuing holocaust, thousands more being injured.
People were killed in a collision between ships.
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The goal of preserving indigenous culture can hardly be achieved by a handful of researchers and curators at museums of ethnology and folk culture.
Indigenous folk art is preserved.
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Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric illness that affects 1% of people worldwide. Drugs used to combat the condition are less than satisfactory: developed through trial and error, many patients react badly to them and there is a growing body of evidence that they have a range of side-effects, including diabetes.
Drugs are used to combat schizophrenia.
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The switch is part of a trend which Deloitte Research reckons will result in 2m of the 13m jobs in financial services in developed economies moving to India by 2008.
Jobs were outsourced to India.
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This model allows for different levels of training to be offered to the various skill levels of soldiers that will be operating and maintaining a particular system.
Soldiers are trained using virtual reality.
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Generally the coffee or tea drinker feels worse in just a few short minutes after finishing the drink.
Tea protects from illness.
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An 11-year-old Sanford boy was bitten on the foot by a shark.
A shark attacked a human being.
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In the early 20th century, agoraphobia, or the fear of public spaces, saw a transformation in its demographic composition. The disease's early history can be characterized as a predominantly male disorder where the majority of patients diagnosed with the disease were white, middle-class men.
Agoraphobia is a widespread disorder.
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The most common form of estrogen given to postmenopausal women is conjugated estrogen, which is made from the urine of pregnant mares, and the most popular brand of conjugated estrogen is Premarin.
Estrogen is used by postmenopausal women.
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These folk art traditions have been preserved for hundreds of years.
Indigenous folk art is preserved.
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If this can be confirmed, it may be possible to develop substances that could combat schizophrenia by neutralizing the schizophrenia antibodies.
Drugs are used to combat schizophrenia.
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That department, a co-manager of shipwrecks with the other two, has also attempted to address its shipwreck responsibilities since the early '70s.
Shipwreck salvaging was attempted.
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Green tea consumption is associated with decreased risk of breast, pancreatic, colon, oesophageal, and lung cancers in humans.
Tea protects from some diseases.
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On August 15, IDFA submitted its comments regarding the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) latest draft of specifications (known as "Dairy 6") for government purchases of salted butter, cheddar cheese (blocks), American-style cheese (barrels) and nonfat dry milk.
A government purchases food.
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The flagship "Atocha" and eight other ships loaded with treasures went down, together with the crews of 550.
People were killed in a collision between ships.
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The United States has threatened to end U.N. peacekeeping in Bosnia unless American personnel are given immunity from prosecution by the new international war-crimes tribunal.
U.N. peacekeeping forces withdrew from Bosnia.
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Each year the federal government purchases a large volume of food and commodities for its domestic, international, and military programs.
A government purchases food.
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If destruction of the rainforest continues, global warming will continue to take place.
Destruction of the rainforest affects the world's weather.
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Aki Kaurismaki was born in Orimattila, Finland, on 4th April, 1957. After studying film, he wrote, produced and directed Saimaailmio (1981) in Finland.
Aki Kaurismaki directed a film.
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Specifically, the October 4, 1994 earthquake (as the October 12, 1963 earthquake) ocurred at the Pacific side boundary of the Kuril arc (the South Kuril Islands) of the Okhotsk plate.
An earthquake occurred in 1994.
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While they did not find any association between cancer rates and consumption of caffeinated coffee or tea, people who regularly drank two or more cups per day of decaffeinated coffee had about half the incidence of rectal cancer as those who never drank decaf.
Tea protects from some diseases.
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Even today, within the deepest recesses of our mind, lies a primordial fear that will not allow us to enter the sea without thinking about the possibility of being attacked by a shark.
A shark attacked a human being.
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The Government's new policies give more weight to reducing the adverse impact of trunk roads on the environment, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants from trunk road traffic.
The government took measures to reduce pollution.
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The head of the US Democratic Party has lambasted Mankiw, and suggested that he be outsourced to India.
Jobs were outsourced to India.
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At the recent 13th Annual Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference in Long Beach, Calif., researchers discussed the development of new technologies using virtual reality to treat soldiers returning from Iraq with posttraumatic stress disorder and to provide those being deployed with stress inoculation training.
Soldiers are trained using virtual reality.
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Since December 10th, six people have lost their lives in avalanches.
Humans died in an avalanche.
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The nightmare of human disaster in Rwanda in 1994, after UN Peacekeeping Forces withdrew, shocked us into questioning the whole concept of peacekeeping.
UN peacekeeping forces withdrew from Bosnia.
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When an earthquake rumbled off the coast of Hokkaido in Japan in July of 1993, the resulting tsunami hit just three to five minutes later, killing 202 people who were trying to flee for higher ground.
An earthquake occurred on the coast of Hokkaido, Japan.
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Microsoft is, undeniably, a company with monopoly power.
Microsoft holds a monopoly power.
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Antiemetic drugs are drugs used to combat nausea and vomiting.
Drugs are used to combat schizophrenia.
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A head-on collision between a Dhaka bound bus and a motorcycle left three people dead at Gangabardi area on the Faridpur-Khulna Highway on September 26.
People were killed in a collision between ships.
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The earthquake was felt throughout northern Japan, including Hokkaido's largest city, Sapporo, and Kushiro, on the island's eastern shore, but no reports of serious damage have been received.
An earthquake occurred in Hokkaido.
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This stimulates the interest of Russian oil companies to the construction of an oil pipeline from Western Siberia to the Pacific Ocean.
An oil pipeline in Siberia was ruptured.
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The government thereby perpetuates our continued dependence on fuels that are environmentally and economically unsustainable.
The government took measures to protect the environment.
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A study of more than 90,000 Japanese found that people who drank coffee daily or nearly every day had half the liver cancer risk of those who never drank coffee. The protective effect occurred in people who drank one to two cups a day and increased at three to four cups.
Tea protects from some diseases.
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The recent collision between a Super Ferry and a smaller ship that killed at least 38 people has once again put the spotlight on the Philippine Coast Guard.
People were killed in a collision between ships.
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Drinking four or five cups of green tea a day can help protect against cancer and heart disease, aid in weight loss, ease arthritis and chronic pain and even help prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Tea protects from some diseases.
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Of the over 400 different species of sharks found in the world's oceans, only about 30 have been reported to ever attack a human.
A shark attacked a human being.
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Mansfield attempted to list every vessel that ever sailed the Lakes before 1899, as well as every shipwreck.
Shipwreck salvaging was attempted.
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When it was revealed that under her government, irregular special forces, possibly including the Hezbollah, were illegally financed to fight the PKK, Ciller reacted by saying she had done no wrong and would do the same again.
A French political party was illegally financed.
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In a stunning setback for Bill Gates' software empire, the judge in the Microsoft antitrust trial ruled yesterday that the software giant is a monopoly that wielded its power to stifle competition.
Microsoft holds a monopoly power.
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Japan and Russia reportedly have agreed to study the possibility of constructing an oil pipeline connecting Angarsk in eastern Siberia to Russia's Pacific Coast port of Nakhodka.
An oil pipeline in Siberia was ruptured.
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Zotov said that Russia would agree to the complete withdrawal of its troops from Latvia by August 31, 1994 if Latvia allowed Russia to use the Skrunda radar for the next four years and dismantle it within the following 18 months.
Russian troops withdrew from Latvia.
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To protect Tibet's ecological environment, the government exercises a "felling by quota" policy, and strictly controls the scale of tree-felling in forests.
The government took measures to protect the environment.
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The CFAP purchases food stamp coupons from the federal government and distributes them to eligible recipients.
A government purchases food.
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One of the main treatments used to combat the symptoms of mental illness is medication in various forms.
Drugs are used to combat schizophrenia.
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The ROE printed here were issued by General Jean Cot, then commander of U.N. forces, and were intended to establish the conditions under which the forces could use their weapons as they carry out the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Bosnia.
U.N. peacekeeping forces withdrew from Bosnia.
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When replacing a single tooth, an implant has an advantage over fixed bridgework in that healthy teeth adjacent to the missing tooth do not have to be prepped (drilled down).
Tooth implants have advantages.
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Did the media pounce upon the religion of Jurgen Schneider, the developer who went bankrupt and fled Germany owing billions of DMs to Deutsche Bank and others, as the cause of his downfall?
Jurgen Schneider went bankrupt.
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Italy's Alberto Tomba pulled out of the 2nd race.
Alberto Tomba won a ski race.
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Exports of cars, which used to be the main product, had by then decreased to 250 million euro.
Cars exported by Japan decreased.
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According to the "Current Production Statistics Survey" of METI, the index of industrial production of Japan in 2002 decreased 1.4% from the previous year to 91.9.
Cars exported by Japan decreased.
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An earthquake has hit the east coast of Hokkaido, Japan, with a magnitude of 7.0 Mw.
An earthquake occurred on the east coast of Hokkaido.
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The Longuet and Leotard Affairs (1996) concern both personal privileges for, and illegal financing of, the Republican Party leaders.
A French political party was illegally financed.
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