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tim allen hollywood bullies trump supporters
according to the wall street journal presidentelect donald trumps son donald attended a meeting in paris that was hosted by a think tank connected to russia that convened
tim allen hollywood bullies trump supporters
according wall street journal presidentelect donald trumps son donald attended meeting paris hosted think tank connected russia convened
trump rips press in private meeting with media honchos is that good or bad for conservatives
on tuesday president barack obama gave the medal of freedom to several celebrities the last time he will ever hand out such medals
trump rips press private meeting media honchos good bad conservatives
tuesday president barack obama gave medal freedom several celebrities last time ever hand medals
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video underwater handgun takes fishing to the next level of fun daily wire
other writers swedish democrat party member of parliament anna hagwall has announced her resignation from all party posts and will not stand for reelection in after a furor following her exposure of the fact that a single family of jews control the swedish media one jewish family helps to brainwash the entire population of sweden this swedish mp has had enough the uproar followed her letter to the aftonbladet newspaper in which she said that ethnicity should be a factor in determining media ownership of more than percentan obvious reference to the jewish bonnier family media group the bonnier group owns book publishers business and trade press newspapers digital news platforms film production companies magazines major newspapers tv stations and other media outletsand quite literally dominates the controlled media in sweden hagwall had earlier submitted a motion to the swedish parliament which proposed cuts to the state subsidies paid to media in sweden although she never mentioned jews by name hagwall said in an explanatory letter to the aftonbladet that it would be a good idea to let bonniers newspapers go under so that no family ethnic group or company could control more than percent of the media an entire percent of the media is owned and controlled by the same owners hagwell wrote this is not acceptable therefore media ownership should be spread over many independent companies and people in order to change this i suggest press subsidies only for the independent media when asked by aftonbladet how the abolition of press subsidies to the countrys local newspapers reduce bonniers power over the media in sweden hagwall answered by email that most small newspapers are directly or indirectly controlled by bonnier and why they have to be subsidized by the swedish taxpayer is a mystery let the little bonnier newspapers in the provinces go under because then a void will be created which can be filled by newspapers that care about people and business owners she also said that the swedish public service broadcaster sveriges television svt should be switched to pay channels to reduce svts propagation of the politically correct agenda the comments provoked a stream of attacks upon hagwall and the swedish democrat leadership also distanced itself from her saying in a statement that the matter will affect her future in the party this week hagwall resigned her position as member of the parliamentary committee on taxation and internal group leader of the sweden democrats tax policy group she also will not seek reelection to parliament in at the request of the party leadership and it is currently unclear if she will continue to sit in parliament for the remainder of the current term
video underwater handgun takes fishing next level fun daily wire
writers swedish democrat party member parliament anna hagwall announced resignation party posts stand reelection furor following exposure fact single family jews control swedish media one jewish family helps brainwash entire population sweden swedish mp enough uproar followed letter aftonbladet newspaper said ethnicity factor determining media ownership percentan obvious reference jewish bonnier family media group bonnier group owns book publishers business trade press newspapers digital news platforms film production companies magazines major newspapers tv stations media outletsand quite literally dominates controlled media sweden hagwall earlier submitted motion swedish parliament proposed cuts state subsidies paid media sweden although never mentioned jews name hagwall said explanatory letter aftonbladet would good idea let bonniers newspapers go family ethnic group company could control percent media entire percent media owned controlled owners hagwell wrote acceptable therefore media ownership spread many independent companies people order change suggest press subsidies independent media asked aftonbladet abolition press subsidies countrys local newspapers reduce bonniers power media sweden hagwall answered email small newspapers directly indirectly controlled bonnier subsidized swedish taxpayer mystery let little bonnier newspapers provinces go void created filled newspapers care people business owners also said swedish public service broadcaster sveriges television svt switched pay channels reduce svts propagation politically correct agenda comments provoked stream attacks upon hagwall swedish democrat leadership also distanced saying statement matter affect future party week hagwall resigned position member parliamentary committee taxation internal group leader sweden democrats tax policy group also seek reelection parliament request party leadership currently unclear continue sit parliament remainder current term
donald trump jr met with russian advocates about syria
be ye therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect lets compare christ with the perfected sufi first what are christs teachings on the attainment of perfection almost everyone is familiar with jesus teachings in the sermon on the mount we have all heard of the masters injunction to his disciples love thine enemy and turn the other cheek these verses from the gospel of st matthew are perhaps the most quoted verses in the new testament ye have heard that it hath been said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but i say unto you that ye resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other also and if any man will sue thee at the law and take away thy coat let him have thy cloke also and whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile go with him twain give to him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away ye have heard that it hath been said thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy but i say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you ye have heard that it hath been said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but i say unto you that ye resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other also and if any man will sue thee at the law and take away thy coat let him have thy cloke also and whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile go with him twain give to him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away ye have heard that it hath been said thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy but i say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust for if ye love them which love you what reward have ye do not even the publicans the same and if ye salute your brethren only what do ye more than others do not even the publicans so be ye therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect matt here is a sufi story that addresses the very same concept but in a different manner that of strength as opposed to what is typically perceived as weakness dont just read the story reflect on it extend it out in your mind and see where it takes you in that search you will discover issues within yourself that must be addressed there once was a sufi master who was a soldier during a protracted war he was at one point engaged in fierce mortal combat in the thick of furious battle he finally overcame a vicious determined foe besting the enemy and driving him to ground the sufi closed in for the kill at the very moment he was about to deliver a fatal thrust of his sword to the neck of his prostrate enemy his foe cried out in anguish ah if only i had your sword for a single moment how different things would be at once the sufi stopped his attack and surrendered his sword to his fallen enemy the soldier was dumbfounded taking the sword from the sufi he said why did you do this you could have killed me i was lost and now you stop and present me with your sword why would you do such a stupid thing for it is now i who will kill you the sufi shrugged i come from a family that grants any request no matter how great he replied cooly you asked for my sword i am honor bound to fulfill your request the fallen soldier rose and recognizing the sufi as a perfected master returned his sword to him falling at the feet of the man who had just spared his life he asked to become his disciple from that day forth he followed the sufi as his master like this share it now
donald trump jr met russian advocates syria
ye therefore perfect even father heaven perfect lets compare christ perfected sufi first christs teachings attainment perfection almost everyone familiar jesus teachings sermon mount heard masters injunction disciples love thine enemy turn cheek verses gospel st matthew perhaps quoted verses new testament ye heard hath said eye eye tooth tooth say unto ye resist evil whosoever shall smite thee thy right cheek turn also man sue thee law take away thy coat let thy cloke also whosoever shall compel thee go mile go twain give asketh thee would borrow thee turn thou away ye heard hath said thou shalt love thy neighbour hate thine enemy say unto love enemies bless curse good hate pray despitefully use persecute ye heard hath said eye eye tooth tooth say unto ye resist evil whosoever shall smite thee thy right cheek turn also man sue thee law take away thy coat let thy cloke also whosoever shall compel thee go mile go twain give asketh thee would borrow thee turn thou away ye heard hath said thou shalt love thy neighbour hate thine enemy say unto love enemies bless curse good hate pray despitefully use persecute ye may children father heaven maketh sun rise evil good sendeth rain unjust ye love love reward ye even publicans ye salute brethren ye others even publicans ye therefore perfect even father heaven perfect matt sufi story addresses concept different manner strength opposed typically perceived weakness dont read story reflect extend mind see takes search discover issues within must addressed sufi master soldier protracted war one point engaged fierce mortal combat thick furious battle finally overcame vicious determined foe besting enemy driving ground sufi closed kill moment deliver fatal thrust sword neck prostrate enemy foe cried anguish ah sword single moment different things would sufi stopped attack surrendered sword fallen enemy soldier dumbfounded taking sword sufi said could killed lost stop present sword would stupid thing kill sufi shrugged come family grants request matter great replied cooly asked sword honor bound fulfill request fallen soldier rose recognizing sufi perfected master returned sword falling feet man spared life asked become disciple day forth followed sufi master like share
meet the people obama just gave the medal of freedom
america vanquished part america as an israeli colony about this is the website of lasha darkmoon an angloamerican academic with higher degrees in classics who lives and works in england you can read more about darkmoon here subscribe to our newsletter subscribe to get important new posts and other updates via our occasional newsletter meta
meet people obama gave medal freedom
america vanquished part america israeli colony website lasha darkmoon angloamerican academic higher degrees classics lives works england read darkmoon subscribe newsletter subscribe get important new posts updates via occasional newsletter meta
swedish mp quits in disgust at jewish ownership of media includes short video by red ice radio
by m jaggers ld we discussed yesterday the various reasons why trump won the election mr jaggers thinks trump won because he promoted the interests of the vast underclass of disenfranchised whites who were sick to death of the neoconservative liberal elites as typified by the loathsome hillary clinton it is in trumps own interests jaggers believes not to betray the whites who voted for him by reneging on his promises there must be no uturns no cuddling up to the zionist enemy no wishywashy compromises or backslidings trump is now expected to make america great again or else a tall order well see ld in certain times there is a surreal feeling of being a part of history which is perhaps to say we are living in a time period of dynamic change however unthinkable for the left it may be trump has been elected we can add this to brexit and other unthinkable events to come to contemplate the details of what this may entail such as the selection of cabinet members and policy priorities which do indeed include building that wall has something of a christmas morning feelingeveryday to paraphrase an from die welt in western democracies the status quo seems stable and it is not generally considered possible for extremes to transpire but that is what we have seen however we may want to quibble about what exactly is extreme can donald trump or the altright for that matter be considered extreme after that electoral show of consent regardless when there is an endless back and forth between stultifying uncourageous republicans and the frankly antiwhite agenda of the democrats extreme does not carry such a negative connotation but instead implies a kind of deliverance we have been locked in a middleclass complaisance and that is precisely why societies such as ours are often surprised by the foreseeable and obvious and alas though it may be unspeakable to liberals and though he was the object of such ridicule in our media trump is now the most powerful man in the world as die welt puts it perhaps with some apprehension just let that sink in explanatory factors trumps appeal may have been equally a reaction to black lives matter protests as to immigration according to exit polls percent of trump voters feel that blacks are treated fairly by the criminal justice system which by definition means that these voters are not sympathetic to black lives matter overall half of white voters democrats and republicans opined that blacks are treated fairly by police likely most of us will have anecdotal evidence that our nonaltright family members and acquaintances were not amused by black lives matter trump voters were especially unamused of trump supporters percent favor building the wall on the southern border compared to less than half of all voters percent oppose percent favor so antipathy towards both black lives matter and immigration can be said to have catapulted trump to the presidency in part by turning off mainstream middleclass white people who are normally content with the statusquo moderates may not want a wall per se but they also may not complain too loudly when its being built and again trumps actual voters want it builtunequivocally while losing some steam amongst collegeeducated whites trump won the white working class by points an increase from romneys point spread ultimately there is no simple narrative that emerges trump increased white support in different key swing states from different rural and suburban demographics in order to dominate the electoral college i wont pretend to be nate silver so lets just say he won because of white people among his supporters opines thomas friedman on real time with bill maher this was percent about race and the other percent was about race good then lets accept the premise of liberals and draw the necessary conclusions if trump triumphed on the basis of race issues he now has a mandate on immigration law and order the wall etc for the nytimes david brooks holding forth on public broadcasting service pbs trump voters are just going with their gene pool a rather bald statement that trump voters are voting their ethnic interests after the election brooks predicted that the country would be split into two factions with one faction advocating ethnic separatism what many on the alt right are already advocating would that it were so nixon became known to history as the law and order candidate which accurately characterized his proclivities visàvis crime trump on the other hand to leave no doubt selfidentified as the law and order candidate as liberals will complain and as the altright will readily admit law and order is understood to mean that we will not tolerate black violence and civil unrest trumps support therefore was premised on his intolerance for the very violence which his election has provoked once again from blacks and other malcontent minorities in the protests following his victory which continue as i write this it is ironic that blacks report feeling scared at the prospect of the trump presidency while they are in fact the progenitors of violence and so far as i know trump never made any negative statements explicitly about blacks their violence and disorder has indeed scared the rest of civil society contributing to trumps election perhaps blacks are expressing their fear by attacking innocent whites in this inverted reality how can we assuage these sensitive blacks sense of fear shall we become human punching bags you cant always get what you want if there is one thing that minorities have learned over the last eight years it is that they get what they want and whites perhaps as a natural corollary do not hence the indignation following this surprise victory some journalists noted with amusement that trump often played the rolling stones you cant always get what you want at his campaign rallies i hypothesized that trump liked the song for its beautiful choral section which has a celestial quality that built anticipation for his arrival on stage surely he paid little heed to the message of the lyrics which discordantly seemed to suggest he was voters second choice but now it all makes sense i suggest that for our underprivileged people of color its time you learned you cant always get what you want not only is the people of color poc attitude of entitlement and aggrievement ridiculous it is also presumptuous while the msm claims that the onus is now on trump to reach out to those who didnt vote for him ie blacks and hispanics it would seem that he was given a mandate to serve the interests of those who did vote for him it follows logically that he would now carry that project through and enact the policies which mobilized his base and put him in the oval office sourced from the occidental observer like this share it now thoughts on trump won because of white people györgy says november at am you cant always get what you want if there is one thing that minorities have learned over the last eight years it is that they get what they want and whites perhaps as a natural corollary do not hence the indignation following this surprise victory problem has been favouring certain ethnic groups beyond reasonability people are people for example employment should go to the best qualified candidate regardless of race or ethnic creed an assumption is made on the governments part that an employer will unfairly select anglo saxon over other races which is wrong therefore the employer must use race based quota agendas to effect equality this is a form of dictating morality by an amoral government this is one area that mr trump ought to behove
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swedish mp quits disgust jewish ownership media includes short video red ice radio
jaggers ld discussed yesterday various reasons trump election mr jaggers thinks trump promoted interests vast underclass disenfranchised whites sick death neoconservative liberal elites typified loathsome hillary clinton trumps interests jaggers believes betray whites voted reneging promises must uturns cuddling zionist enemy wishywashy compromises backslidings trump expected make america great else tall order well see ld certain times surreal feeling part history perhaps say living time period dynamic change however unthinkable left may trump elected add brexit unthinkable events come contemplate details may entail selection cabinet members policy priorities indeed include building wall something christmas morning feelingeveryday paraphrase die welt western democracies status quo seems stable generally considered possible extremes transpire seen however may want quibble exactly extreme donald trump altright matter considered extreme electoral show consent regardless endless back forth stultifying uncourageous republicans frankly antiwhite agenda democrats extreme carry negative connotation instead implies kind deliverance locked middleclass complaisance precisely societies often surprised foreseeable obvious alas though may unspeakable liberals though object ridicule media trump powerful man world die welt puts perhaps apprehension let sink explanatory factors trumps appeal may equally reaction black lives matter protests immigration according exit polls percent trump voters feel blacks treated fairly criminal justice system definition means voters sympathetic black lives matter overall half white voters democrats republicans opined blacks treated fairly police likely us anecdotal evidence nonaltright family members acquaintances amused black lives matter trump voters especially unamused trump supporters percent favor building wall southern border compared less half voters percent oppose percent favor antipathy towards black lives matter immigration said catapulted trump presidency part turning mainstream middleclass white people normally content statusquo moderates may want wall per se also may complain loudly built trumps actual voters want builtunequivocally losing steam amongst collegeeducated whites trump white working class points increase romneys point spread ultimately simple narrative emerges trump increased white support different key swing states different rural suburban demographics order dominate electoral college wont pretend nate silver lets say white people among supporters opines thomas friedman real time bill maher percent race percent race good lets accept premise liberals draw necessary conclusions trump triumphed basis race issues mandate immigration law order wall etc nytimes david brooks holding forth public broadcasting service pbs trump voters going gene pool rather bald statement trump voters voting ethnic interests election brooks predicted country would split two factions one faction advocating ethnic separatism many alt right already advocating would nixon became known history law order candidate accurately characterized proclivities visàvis crime trump hand leave doubt selfidentified law order candidate liberals complain altright readily admit law order understood mean tolerate black violence civil unrest trumps support therefore premised intolerance violence election provoked blacks malcontent minorities protests following victory continue write ironic blacks report feeling scared prospect trump presidency fact progenitors violence far know trump never made negative statements explicitly blacks violence disorder indeed scared rest civil society contributing trumps election perhaps blacks expressing fear attacking innocent whites inverted reality assuage sensitive blacks sense fear shall become human punching bags cant always get want one thing minorities learned last eight years get want whites perhaps natural corollary hence indignation following surprise victory journalists noted amusement trump often played rolling stones cant always get want campaign rallies hypothesized trump liked song beautiful choral section celestial quality built anticipation arrival stage surely paid little heed message lyrics discordantly seemed suggest voters second choice makes sense suggest underprivileged people color time learned cant always get want people color poc attitude entitlement aggrievement ridiculous also presumptuous msm claims onus trump reach didnt vote ie blacks hispanics would seem given mandate serve interests vote follows logically would carry project enact policies mobilized base put oval office sourced occidental observer like share thoughts trump white people györgy says november cant always get want one thing minorities learned last eight years get want whites perhaps natural corollary hence indignation following surprise victory problem favouring certain ethnic groups beyond reasonability people people example employment go best qualified candidate regardless race ethnic creed assumption made governments part employer unfairly select anglo saxon races wrong therefore employer must use race based quota agendas effect equality form dictating morality amoral government one area mr trump ought behove
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christ and the sufi a parable of perfection
part the six stages of the exorcism process by lobro van helsing part of this article is authored entirely by lobro van helsing and consists largely of graphic details about the exorcism process as described by malachi martin in his controversial book hostage to the devil part of the article entitled the deceiver of the world is by lasha darkmoon and continues where part leaves off this reflects on various apocalyptic issues such as armageddon and the last days the problem of good and evil and the role of the jews in human history the devils finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist charles baudelaire why is it so hard to accept at least hypothetically that in the words of observant thinkers like baudelaire the devils finest trick is to convince us that he does not exist it is generally accepted that the devil preys on human souls and what do predators do in all the settings natural political online they all use disguise and it shouldnt be beyond comprehension that the devil if he existed would use whichever cloak of invisibility was the most effective for the occasion therefore not seeing the devil or sensing his presence proves absolutely nothing for those who are interested the material here comes from a book hostage to the devil by father malachi martin a trained exorcist in the roman catholic tradition fr malachis material featuring several cases of authentic demonic possession and their accompanying exorcisms in modern day america was carefully vetted through use of tape recorders and reinforced later on by lengthy interviews with the participants in the exorcism process in in south africa clara germana cele age reportedly made a pact with the devil as a result her behavior suddenly took a bizarre turn for the worse in august of that year the startled nuns at the convent school where clara was a student witnessed her tearing at her clothes growling like an animal and engaging in conversation with unseen entities nuns reported that the girls skin would burn when sprinkled with holy water she would lash out violently when crosses or other sacred objects entered her presenceshe also reportedly developed clairvoyant powers and was able to describe personal details of other peoples lives that she couldnt possibly have known ab out the accounts of several nuns also reported that clara possessed the ability to speak and understand several different foreign languages to which she had never been exposed including polish german french and several others it was said that clara had been imbued with superhuman strength as well easily overpowering authority figures at the school when they attempted to restrain her another seemingly farfetched assertion from many witnesses was that clara began levitating up to five feet in the air on a regular basis her clothes sticking to her body as if they too had managed to defy the laws of gravity it was claimed that only after being sprinkled with holy water could she be brought back down during which time she would also temporarily snap out of her possessed state most outlandish of all were the claims that the young woman had the ability to transform into a sort of snakelike creature her body becoming as flexible as rubber as she slithered across the floor at one point she was said to have bitten a nun on the arm and left puncture marks like those of a serpents fangs see here note this case history is not to be found in malachi martins hostage to the devil i have added it to the article as an afterthought since it contains within it many of the typical features found in demonic possession before you read any further please watch this minute video in spanish with english subtitles warning this article contains material that is deeply disturbing those of sensitive disposition are advised to refrain from further reading apart from the quoted extracts randomly chosen among many to illustrate various aspect of possession or exorcism i wish to make the following points although the book deals only with cases in the catholic community demonic possession is a universal phenomenon and has been noted and researched in countries all over the world the possessor often referring to itself as the kingdom or in plural as we selects victims gripped in some spiritual emotional and intellectual conflict with the accepted mores of family society and church inserting itself undetected into these fault lines and exploiting them with catastrophic consequences loss of self identity soul or personality follows as a result there is invariably an element of guilt on the part of the victim who has initially invited possession by his or her aberrant behavior and life style in extreme cases the possessed individual has actually made a formal request for possession in order to gain some advantage eg worldly wealth or fame the process of expelling the possessing malignancy moves through identifiable stages one of the most experienced exorcists i have known malachi martin notes who was in fact the mentor of the exorcist in the first case related in this book gave names to the various general stages of an exorcism these names reflect the general meaning or effect or intent of what is happening but not the specific means used by the evil spirit or by the exorcist conor as i call him spoke of six stages presence pretense breakpoint voice clash and expulsion exorcism exacts practically intolerable toll on the priest in charge not infrequently resulting in his death at which point the junior helper must take over the task demonic possession is not an isolated or freak phenomenon it seems to be on the rise especially in the united states perhaps this has something to do with the demise of religious authority the proliferation of satanist covens child abuse and sacrifice the prevalence and glorification of satanist elements in pop culture and finally the wide acceptance and promotion of sexual perversion as a new norm the incidence of exorcism fr martin begins by pointing out has been on a steady rise there has been a percent increase in the number of exorcisms performed between the early s and the mids over the same period there has been an alarming increase in the number of requested possessions that is cases in which the possessed formally request satan to possess them in comparison to the cases of incurred possessions which result from other sorts of activities of the possessed that facilitate possession each year some to major exorcisms and some thousands of minor exorcisms are performed for experts in the field this is a sobering barometer of the increase in known cases of possession but it is still more sobering to realize how many more cases of possession cannot be addressed at all the thousands of letters i receive from people who are desperate for help catholic protestant evangelical and unchurched are eloquent anguished and a steadily mounting testimony to the crisis law officers meanwhile are increasingly confronted on every side by the incontrovertible signs of crimes committed in the course of ritualistic satanism or as a grisly result of an individuals participation in such rituals they are very often left out of the shrunken loop of expert advice and assistance advice and assistance that was once routinely to be found to those who are active in the field of exorcism and who therefore acquire a greater than usual ability to uncover and recognize the marks of ritualistic satanism for what they are it is clear that in many police precincts the satanist character of a crime is either relegated to the background or not mentioned at all at least not in public reports by and large the police have no other choice they have neither competence nor authority in the rarefied and dangerous field of satanist behavior most of the above points were made on numerous occasions in mythology and folklore eg vampires werewolves and the tale of dr faustus adapted by marlowe and goethe jesus christ was of course the grand exorcist not only in the gadarene swine incident but his opus seems to me to have been focused on confronting the devil in judaism for which he paid with his life the tale does not end there in my view but i leave these speculative elements to the reader the six stages of demonic possession from the moment the exorcist enters the room a peculiar feeling seems to hang in the very air from that moment in any genuine exorcism and onward through its duration everyone in the room is aware of some alien presence this indubitable sign of possession is as unexplainable and unmistakable as it is inescapable all the signs of possession however blatant or grotesque however subtle or debatable seem both to pale before and to be marshaled in the face of this presence there is no sure physical trace of the presence but everyone feels it you have to experience it to know it you cannot locate it spatially beside or above or within the possessed or over in the corner or under the bed or hovering in midair in one sense the presence is nowhere and this magnifies the terror because there is a presence an other present not a he or a she or an it sometimes you think that what is present is singular sometimes plural when it speaks as the exorcism goes on it will sometimes refer to itself as i and sometimes as we this is reminiscent of the possessing entity in the gospel who when asked his name by jesus replied i am legion i am legion invisible and intangible the presence claws at the humanness of those gathered in the room you can exercise logic and expel any mental image of it you can say to yourself i am only imagining this careful dont panic and there may be a momentary relief but then after a time lag of bare seconds the presence returns as an inaudible hiss in the brain as a wordless threat to the self you are its name and essence seem to be compounded of threat to be only and intensely baleful concentratedly intent on hate for hates sake and on destruction for destructions sake in the early stages of an exorcism the evil spirit will make every attempt to hide behind the possessed so to speakto appear to be one and the same person and personality with its victim this is the pretense the first task of the priest is to break that pretense to force the spirit to reveal itself openly as separate from the possessedand to name itself for all possessing spirits are called by a name that generally though not always has to do with the way that spirit works on its victim as the exorcist sets about his task the evil spirit may remain silent altogether or it may speak with the voice of the possessed and use past experiences and recollections of the possessed this is often done skillfully using details no one but the possessed could know it can be very disarming even pitiful it can make everyone including the priest feel that it is the priest who is the villain subjecting an innocent person to terrible rigors even the mannerisms and characteristics of the possessed are used by the spirit as its own camouflage sometimes the exorcist cannot shatter the pretense for days but until he does he cannot bring matters to a head if he fails to shatter it at all he has lost perhaps another exorcist replacing him will succeed but he himself has been beaten every exorcist learns during pretense that he is dealing with some force or power that is at times intensely cunning sometimes supremely intelligent and at other times capable of crass stupidity which makes one wonder further about the problem of singular or plural and it is both highly dangerous and terribly vulnerable oddly while this spirit or power or force knows some of the most secret and intimate details of the lives of everyone in the room at the same time it also displays gaps in knowledge of things that may be happening at any given moment of the present but the priest must not be lulled by small victories or take chances on hopedfor stupidities he must be ready to have his own sins and blunders and weaknesses put into his mind or shouted in ugliness for all to hear he must not make excuses for his past or wither as even his loveliest memories are fingered by ultimate filth and contempt he must not be sidetracked in any way from his primary intention of freeing the possessed person before him and he must at all costs avoid trading abuse or getting into any logical arguments with the possessed the temptation to do so is more frequent than one might think and must be regarded as a potentially fatal trap that can shatter not only the exorcism but quite literally shatter the exorcist as well accordingly as the pretense begins to break down the behavior of the possessed usually increases in violence and repulsiveness it is as though an invisible manhole opens and out of it pours the unmentionably inhuman and the humanly unacceptable there is a stream of filth and unrestrained abuse accompanied often by physical violence writhing gnashing of teeth jumping around sometimes physical attacks on the exorcist a new hallmark of the proceedings enters as the breakpoint nears and ushers in one of the more subtle sufferings the exorcist must undergo confusion complete and dreadful confusion rare is the exorcist who does not falter here for at least a moment enmeshed in the peculiar pain of apparent contradiction of all sense his ears seem to smell foul words his eyes seem to hear offensive sounds and obscene screams his nose seems to taste a highdecibel cacophony each sense seems to be recording what another sense should be recording each nerve and sinew of onlookers and participants becomes rigid as they strive for control panicthe fear of being dissolved into insanityruns in quick jabs through everyone there all present experience this increasingly violent and confusing assault but the exorcist is the one who rides the storm he is the direct target of it all the breakpoint is reached at that moment when the pretense has finally collapsed altogether the voice of the possessed is no longer used by the spirit though the new strange voice may or may not issue from the mouth of the victim in thomas wus case the alien voice did come from the possesseds mouth and that was why the police captain was so startled the sound produced is often not even remotely like any human sound at the breakpoint for the first time the spirit speaks of the possessed in the third person as a separate being for the first time the possessing spirit acts personally and speaks of i or we usually interchangeably and of my and our or mine and ours another very frequent sign that the breakpoint has been reached is the appearance of what father conor called the voice the voice is an inordinately disturbing and humanly distressing babel the first few syllables seem to be those of some word pronounced slowly and thicklysomewhat like a tape recording played at a subnormal speed you are just straining to pick up the word and a layer of cold fear has already gripped youyou know this sound is alien but your concentration is shattered and frustrated by an immediate gamut of echoes of tiny prickly voices echoing each syllable screaming it whispering it laughing it sneering it groaning it following it they all hit your ear while the alien voice is going on unhurriedly to the next syllable which you then try to catch while guessing at the first one you lost by then the tiny jabbing voices have caught up with that second syllable and the voice has proceeded to the third syllable and so on if the exorcism is to proceed the voice must be silenced it takes an enormous effort of will on the part of the exorcist in direct confrontation with the alien will of evil to silence the voice the priest must get himself under control and challenge the spirit first to silence and then to identify itself intelligibly as in all things to do with exorcism of evil spirit the priest makes this challenge with his own will but always in the name and by the authority of jesus and his church to do so in his own name or by some fancied authority of his own would be to invite personal disaster merely human power unadorned and without aid cannot cope with the preternatural it is to be remembered that when we speak of the preternatural we are not speaking about what are known as poltergeists usually at this point and as the voice dies out a tremendous pressure of an obscure kind affects the exorcist this is the first and outermost edge of a direct and personal collision with the will of the kingdom the clash we all know from our personal experience that there can be no struggle of single personal wills without that felt and intuitive contact between two persons there is a twoway communication that is as real as a conversation using words the clash is the heart of a special and dreadful communication the nucleus of this singular battle of wills between exorcist and evil spirit painful as it will be for him the priest must look for the clash he must provoke it if he cannot lock wills with the evil thing and force that thing to lock its will in opposition to his own then again the exorcist is defeated the issue between the two the exorcist and the possessing spirit is simple will the totally antihuman invade and take over will it noisome and merciless seep over that narrow rim where the exorcist would hold his ground alone and engulf him or will it unwillingly protestingly under a duress greater than its singletrack will stop identify itself cede retire disappear and be volatilized back into an unknown pit of being where no man wants to go ever even with all the pressure on him and in fullest human agony if the exorcist has got this far he must press home he has gained an advantage he has already forced the evil spirit to come out on its own if he has not been able to until now he must finally force it to give its name and then some exorcists feel the exorcist must pursue for as much information as he can for in some peculiar way as exorcists find the more an evil spirit can be forced to reveal in the clash and its aftermath the surer and easier will be the expulsion when that moment comes to force as complete an identification as possible is perhaps a mark of domination of one will over another it is of crucial interest to speculate about the violence provoked by exorcismthe physical and mental struggles that are so extreme they can bring on death why would spirit battle so why not leave and waft off invisibly to someone or someplace else for spirit itself seems to suffer in these battles time and again in exorcism after exorcism there occurs that curious thing to do with spirit and place the strange puzzle mentioned previously in connection with the room chosen for the exorcism when jesus expelled the unclean spirits those spirits showed concern for where they might go in record after record as well as in several exorcisms recounted in this book the possessing spirits wail in lament and questioning pain where shall we gowe too have to possess our habitationeven the anointed one gave us a place with the swinehere we cant stay here any longer evil spirit having found a home with a consenting host does not appear to give up its place easily it claws and fights and deceives and even risks killing its host before it will be expelled how violent the struggle probably depends on many things the intelligence of the spirit being dealt with and the degree of possession achieved over the victim are perhaps two one could speculate about whatever determines the actual pitch of violence once the exorcist has forced the invading spirit to identify itself and sustained the first wordless bout of the clash and then invoked its formal condemnation and expulsion by the exorcism rite the immediate result is generally a struggle tortuous beyondimagining an open violence that leaves all subtlety behind the person possessed is by now obviously aware in one way or another of what possessed him frequently he becomes a true battleground for much of the remainder of the exorcism enduring unbelievable punishment and strain it is sometimes possible for the exorcist to appeal directly to the possessed person urging him to use some part of his own will still free of the spirits influence and control and engage directly in the fight aiding the exorcist and at such moments no animal pinned helplessly to the ground struggles more pathetically against the drinking of its lifes blood by a voracious and superior cruelty the very nauseous character of the possessed persons appearance and behavior appears to be a sign of his desire for deliverance a desperate sign of struggle evidence of a revolt where once he had consented increasingly what had possessed him is being forced into the open all the while protesting its victims revolt and its own expulsion the violence of the contortions and the physical disfigurement of the possessed can reach a degree one would think he could not possibly withstand the exorcist too comes in for full attack now once cornered the evil spirit seems able to call on a superior intelligence and will try to lure the exorcist on to a field boobytrapped and mined with situations from which no human can extricate himself any weakness in the religious faith that alone sustains the exorcist or any fatigue will allow the exorcists mind to be flooded with a terrible light he cannot fend offa light that can burn the very roots of his reason and turn him emotionally into the most servile of slaves desperate to be liberated from all bodily life these are only some of the dangers and traps that face every exorcist his pain is physical emotional mental he has to deal with what is eerie but not enthralling with something askew but intelligently so with a quality that is upside down and inside out but significantly so the mordant traits of nightmare are there in full regalia but this is no dream and permits him no thankful remission he is attacked by a stench so powerful that many exorcists start vomiting uncontrollably he is made to bear physical pain and he feels anguish over his very soul he is made to know he is touching the completely unclean the totally unhuman the totally unhuman click to expand all sense may suddenly seem nonsense hopelessness is confirmed as the only hope death and cruelty and contempt are normal anything comely or beautiful is an illusion nothing it seems was ever right in the world of man here is an atmosphere as bizarre as bedlam if in spite of his emotions and his imagination and his bodyall trapped at once in pain and anguishif in spite of all this the will of the exorcist holds in the clash what he does is to approach his final function in this situation as an authorized human witness for jesus by no power of his on account of no privilege of his own he calls finally on the evil spirit to desist to be dispossessed to depart and to leave the person possessed and if the exorcism is successful this is what happens the possession ends all present become aware of a change around them the sense of presence is totally suddenly absent sometimes there are receding voices or other noises sometimes only dead silence the recently possessed will wake up as if from a dream a nightmare a coma sometimes he will remember much of what he has been through sometimes he will remember nothing at all many people could be demonically possessed without knowing it here are two individuals who in my opinion might benefit from the ministrations of a good exorcist is this woman demonically possessed who knows but many have said so click here for a spooky minute video is this woman demonically possessed who knows but many have thought so apart from the demonic expression that disfigures her face this woman preaches white genocidethe total destruction of the european race what more do you have to do to qualify for demonic possession see here for more details on barbara spectres psychopathy and compare the expression on her face with figure of this illustration from a medical textbook on demonic possession as i wrote in a recent email to lasha darkmoon i feel that the entire tribe of judah is demonically possessed they always have been for centuries jesus made that point over and over again in his homilies and clearly the jews works bear that out they are now the devils agents on earth to promote his policies and spread contagion into the body of the goyim history bears me out on this i will not quote dr darkmoons response here it is too long and would require a separate article of its own suffice to say that she disagreed with me on several counts though she accepted my general premise that demonic possession was an authentic and veridical phenomenon and not just a superstitious relic of the dark ages continued in part the deceiver of the world by lasha darkmoon lobro van helsing is a retired canadian academic who is constantly on the move and likes visiting strange places at present he is living in south east asia thoughts on demonic possession today part franklin ryckaert says november at am lobro van helsing is a retired canadian academic who is constantly on the move and likes visiting strange places at present he is living in south east asia that sounds like our lobro of the commentariat of this website but i thought he was of croatian descent and van helsing is a dutch or flemish name
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christ sufi parable perfection
part six stages exorcism process lobro van helsing part article authored entirely lobro van helsing consists largely graphic details exorcism process described malachi martin controversial book hostage devil part article entitled deceiver world lasha darkmoon continues part leaves reflects various apocalyptic issues armageddon last days problem good evil role jews human history devils finest trick persuade exist charles baudelaire hard accept least hypothetically words observant thinkers like baudelaire devils finest trick convince us exist generally accepted devil preys human souls predators settings natural political online use disguise shouldnt beyond comprehension devil existed would use whichever cloak invisibility effective occasion therefore seeing devil sensing presence proves absolutely nothing interested material comes book hostage devil father malachi martin trained exorcist roman catholic tradition fr malachis material featuring several cases authentic demonic possession accompanying exorcisms modern day america carefully vetted use tape recorders reinforced later lengthy interviews participants exorcism process south africa clara germana cele age reportedly made pact devil result behavior suddenly took bizarre turn worse august year startled nuns convent school clara student witnessed tearing clothes growling like animal engaging conversation unseen entities nuns reported girls skin would burn sprinkled holy water would lash violently crosses sacred objects entered presenceshe also reportedly developed clairvoyant powers able describe personal details peoples lives couldnt possibly known ab accounts several nuns also reported clara possessed ability speak understand several different foreign languages never exposed including polish german french several others said clara imbued superhuman strength well easily overpowering authority figures school attempted restrain another seemingly farfetched assertion many witnesses clara began levitating five feet air regular basis clothes sticking body managed defy laws gravity claimed sprinkled holy water could brought back time would also temporarily snap possessed state outlandish claims young woman ability transform sort snakelike creature body becoming flexible rubber slithered across floor one point said bitten nun arm left puncture marks like serpents fangs see note case history found malachi martins hostage devil added article afterthought since contains within many typical features found demonic possession read please watch minute video spanish english subtitles warning article contains material deeply disturbing sensitive disposition advised refrain reading apart quoted extracts randomly chosen among many illustrate various aspect possession exorcism wish make following points although book deals cases catholic community demonic possession universal phenomenon noted researched countries world possessor often referring kingdom plural selects victims gripped spiritual emotional intellectual conflict accepted mores family society church inserting undetected fault lines exploiting catastrophic consequences loss self identity soul personality follows result invariably element guilt part victim initially invited possession aberrant behavior life style extreme cases possessed individual actually made formal request possession order gain advantage eg worldly wealth fame process expelling possessing malignancy moves identifiable stages one experienced exorcists known malachi martin notes fact mentor exorcist first case related book gave names various general stages exorcism names reflect general meaning effect intent happening specific means used evil spirit exorcist conor call spoke six stages presence pretense breakpoint voice clash expulsion exorcism exacts practically intolerable toll priest charge infrequently resulting death point junior helper must take task demonic possession isolated freak phenomenon seems rise especially united states perhaps something demise religious authority proliferation satanist covens child abuse sacrifice prevalence glorification satanist elements pop culture finally wide acceptance promotion sexual perversion new norm incidence exorcism fr martin begins pointing steady rise percent increase number exorcisms performed early mids period alarming increase number requested possessions cases possessed formally request satan possess comparison cases incurred possessions result sorts activities possessed facilitate possession year major exorcisms thousands minor exorcisms performed experts field sobering barometer increase known cases possession still sobering realize many cases possession cannot addressed thousands letters receive people desperate help catholic protestant evangelical unchurched eloquent anguished steadily mounting testimony crisis law officers meanwhile increasingly confronted every side incontrovertible signs crimes committed course ritualistic satanism grisly result individuals participation rituals often left shrunken loop expert advice assistance advice assistance routinely found active field exorcism therefore acquire greater usual ability uncover recognize marks ritualistic satanism clear many police precincts satanist character crime either relegated background mentioned least public reports large police choice neither competence authority rarefied dangerous field satanist behavior points made numerous occasions mythology folklore eg vampires werewolves tale dr faustus adapted marlowe goethe jesus christ course grand exorcist gadarene swine incident opus seems focused confronting devil judaism paid life tale end view leave speculative elements reader six stages demonic possession moment exorcist enters room peculiar feeling seems hang air moment genuine exorcism onward duration everyone room aware alien presence indubitable sign possession unexplainable unmistakable inescapable signs possession however blatant grotesque however subtle debatable seem pale marshaled face presence sure physical trace presence everyone feels experience know cannot locate spatially beside within possessed corner bed hovering midair one sense presence nowhere magnifies terror presence present sometimes think present singular sometimes plural speaks exorcism goes sometimes refer sometimes reminiscent possessing entity gospel asked name jesus replied legion legion invisible intangible presence claws humanness gathered room exercise logic expel mental image say imagining careful dont panic may momentary relief time lag bare seconds presence returns inaudible hiss brain wordless threat self name essence seem compounded threat intensely baleful concentratedly intent hate hates sake destruction destructions sake early stages exorcism evil spirit make every attempt hide behind possessed speakto appear one person personality victim pretense first task priest break pretense force spirit reveal openly separate possessedand name possessing spirits called name generally though always way spirit works victim exorcist sets task evil spirit may remain silent altogether may speak voice possessed use past experiences recollections possessed often done skillfully using details one possessed could know disarming even pitiful make everyone including priest feel priest villain subjecting innocent person terrible rigors even mannerisms characteristics possessed used spirit camouflage sometimes exorcist cannot shatter pretense days cannot bring matters head fails shatter lost perhaps another exorcist replacing succeed beaten every exorcist learns pretense dealing force power times intensely cunning sometimes supremely intelligent times capable crass stupidity makes one wonder problem singular plural highly dangerous terribly vulnerable oddly spirit power force knows secret intimate details lives everyone room time also displays gaps knowledge things may happening given moment present priest must lulled small victories take chances hopedfor stupidities must ready sins blunders weaknesses put mind shouted ugliness hear must make excuses past wither even loveliest memories fingered ultimate filth contempt must sidetracked way primary intention freeing possessed person must costs avoid trading abuse getting logical arguments possessed temptation frequent one might think must regarded potentially fatal trap shatter exorcism quite literally shatter exorcist well accordingly pretense begins break behavior possessed usually increases violence repulsiveness though invisible manhole opens pours unmentionably inhuman humanly unacceptable stream filth unrestrained abuse accompanied often physical violence writhing gnashing teeth jumping around sometimes physical attacks exorcist new hallmark proceedings enters breakpoint nears ushers one subtle sufferings exorcist must undergo confusion complete dreadful confusion rare exorcist falter least moment enmeshed peculiar pain apparent contradiction sense ears seem smell foul words eyes seem hear offensive sounds obscene screams nose seems taste highdecibel cacophony sense seems recording another sense recording nerve sinew onlookers participants becomes rigid strive control panicthe fear dissolved insanityruns quick jabs everyone present experience increasingly violent confusing assault exorcist one rides storm direct target breakpoint reached moment pretense finally collapsed altogether voice possessed longer used spirit though new strange voice may may issue mouth victim thomas wus case alien voice come possesseds mouth police captain startled sound produced often even remotely like human sound breakpoint first time spirit speaks possessed third person separate first time possessing spirit acts personally speaks usually interchangeably mine another frequent sign breakpoint reached appearance father conor called voice voice inordinately disturbing humanly distressing babel first syllables seem word pronounced slowly thicklysomewhat like tape recording played subnormal speed straining pick word layer cold fear already gripped youyou know sound alien concentration shattered frustrated immediate gamut echoes tiny prickly voices echoing syllable screaming whispering laughing sneering groaning following hit ear alien voice going unhurriedly next syllable try catch guessing first one lost tiny jabbing voices caught second syllable voice proceeded third syllable exorcism proceed voice must silenced takes enormous effort part exorcist direct confrontation alien evil silence voice priest must get control challenge spirit first silence identify intelligibly things exorcism evil spirit priest makes challenge always name authority jesus church name fancied authority would invite personal disaster merely human power unadorned without aid cannot cope preternatural remembered speak preternatural speaking known poltergeists usually point voice dies tremendous pressure obscure kind affects exorcist first outermost edge direct personal collision kingdom clash know personal experience struggle single personal wills without felt intuitive contact two persons twoway communication real conversation using words clash heart special dreadful communication nucleus singular battle wills exorcist evil spirit painful priest must look clash must provoke cannot lock wills evil thing force thing lock opposition exorcist defeated issue two exorcist possessing spirit simple totally antihuman invade take noisome merciless seep narrow rim exorcist would hold ground alone engulf unwillingly protestingly duress greater singletrack stop identify cede retire disappear volatilized back unknown pit man wants go ever even pressure fullest human agony exorcist got far must press home gained advantage already forced evil spirit come able must finally force give name exorcists feel exorcist must pursue much information peculiar way exorcists find evil spirit forced reveal clash aftermath surer easier expulsion moment comes force complete identification possible perhaps mark domination one another crucial interest speculate violence provoked exorcismthe physical mental struggles extreme bring death would spirit battle leave waft invisibly someone someplace else spirit seems suffer battles time exorcism exorcism occurs curious thing spirit place strange puzzle mentioned previously connection room chosen exorcism jesus expelled unclean spirits spirits showed concern might go record record well several exorcisms recounted book possessing spirits wail lament questioning pain shall gowe possess habitationeven anointed one gave us place swinehere cant stay longer evil spirit found home consenting host appear give place easily claws fights deceives even risks killing host expelled violent struggle probably depends many things intelligence spirit dealt degree possession achieved victim perhaps two one could speculate whatever determines actual pitch violence exorcist forced invading spirit identify sustained first wordless bout clash invoked formal condemnation expulsion exorcism rite immediate result generally struggle tortuous beyondimagining open violence leaves subtlety behind person possessed obviously aware one way another possessed frequently becomes true battleground much remainder exorcism enduring unbelievable punishment strain sometimes possible exorcist appeal directly possessed person urging use part still free spirits influence control engage directly fight aiding exorcist moments animal pinned helplessly ground struggles pathetically drinking lifes blood voracious superior cruelty nauseous character possessed persons appearance behavior appears sign desire deliverance desperate sign struggle evidence revolt consented increasingly possessed forced open protesting victims revolt expulsion violence contortions physical disfigurement possessed reach degree one would think could possibly withstand exorcist comes full attack cornered evil spirit seems able call superior intelligence try lure exorcist field boobytrapped mined situations human extricate weakness religious faith alone sustains exorcist fatigue allow exorcists mind flooded terrible light cannot fend offa light burn roots reason turn emotionally servile slaves desperate liberated bodily life dangers traps face every exorcist pain physical emotional mental deal eerie enthralling something askew intelligently quality upside inside significantly mordant traits nightmare full regalia dream permits thankful remission attacked stench powerful many exorcists start vomiting uncontrollably made bear physical pain feels anguish soul made know touching completely unclean totally unhuman totally unhuman click expand sense may suddenly seem nonsense hopelessness confirmed hope death cruelty contempt normal anything comely beautiful illusion nothing seems ever right world man atmosphere bizarre bedlam spite emotions imagination bodyall trapped pain anguishif spite exorcist holds clash approach final function situation authorized human witness jesus power account privilege calls finally evil spirit desist dispossessed depart leave person possessed exorcism successful happens possession ends present become aware change around sense presence totally suddenly absent sometimes receding voices noises sometimes dead silence recently possessed wake dream nightmare coma sometimes remember much sometimes remember nothing many people could demonically possessed without knowing two individuals opinion might benefit ministrations good exorcist woman demonically possessed knows many said click spooky minute video woman demonically possessed knows many thought apart demonic expression disfigures face woman preaches white genocidethe total destruction european race qualify demonic possession see details barbara spectres psychopathy compare expression face figure illustration medical textbook demonic possession wrote recent email lasha darkmoon feel entire tribe judah demonically possessed always centuries jesus made point homilies clearly jews works bear devils agents earth promote policies spread contagion body goyim history bears quote dr darkmoons response long would require separate article suffice say disagreed several counts though accepted general premise demonic possession authentic veridical phenomenon superstitious relic dark ages continued part deceiver world lasha darkmoon lobro van helsing retired canadian academic constantly move likes visiting strange places present living south east asia thoughts demonic possession today part franklin ryckaert says november lobro van helsing retired canadian academic constantly move likes visiting strange places present living south east asia sounds like lobro commentariat website thought croatian descent van helsing dutch flemish name
hillary is finished as the fbi reopens their case into her latest crimes video
with a supplemantry note by lasha darkmoon on the transhumanist depopulation agenda we are now in a far worse condition than if hitlers clone were to become president on january their plan is far worse than just cloning hitler and making him president and commander in chief the day of reckoning has arrived vid rebel i never said i supported donald trump because i liked where he wanted us to go i did say i was interested in the anger of the bernie sanders and donald trump voters on election night a bbc reporter tried to explain how hillary lost that state which has a huge black vote and lots of technically advanced people from out of state in what americans call researchtriangle park obama went there in a last ditch effort to get out the vote he was popular there amongst the college students they had voted for him in but not so much for hillary in the bbc reporter told us the people who lived there said they were all bernie voters they had zero enthusiasm for hillary i previously quoted mike rivero who had said that if hillary clinton were running in november against godzilla the lizard would have his vote we have seen the hillary koolaid drinkers go crazy after donald won they all live in bubbles where it would have been career suicide to say you voted against hillarys pay for pay corruption i have seen a lot of domestic antitrump propaganda from the far right because donald is a zionist i agree with donald that we should stop funding isis and let vladimir putin take them down it was obama who armed isis and let a small band become an international menace overnight by allowing them to take mosul in and refusing to let the usaf take them out on that highway from syria but i do disagree with donalds intention to confront iran for what resisting zionism but fortunately for iran what trump and americas rulers want will soon become irrelevant of course that is not good news for americans who blindly follow the people who think they own the government of the united states i have just now seen from europe sheer postelection idiocy some are claiming that donald trump is the puppet of the fourth reich and is backed by the same industrialists and money men that had elevated adolf hitler to the chancellorship in it is silly to think that the rockefellers and the rothschilds backed trump i do admit that america is run by a criminal elite i had written that catherine austin fitts said the us military and intelligence services had given donald a green light to dish out dirt on hillary these men were on the inside of the vile mechanism that runs america but even they thought hillary was one witch too far to go i have reported on the elite end game many times before their plan is far worse than just cloning hitler and making him president and commander in chief far worse the people who had owned the governments in the west until recently were the families and their minions that is according to david rothkopf the former ceo of kissinger associates and author of superclass fortunately for us the people of the us and europe are learning to resist i voted once in a presidential election where the democrat was a member of the trilateral commission headed by david rockefeller in north america and sir evelyn de rothschild in europe the republican was a member of the bilderberg society headed by sir evelyn de rothschild in europe and headed by david rockefeller in north america you never read that in our corporate media please do not call those people who run hollywood and our tv news nazis they are either jewish or work for jewish companiesthe direct ties of those who thought they were born to rule over us are more to banking than to industry they are not nazis the transhumanist depopulation agenda ld in a breakthrough interview on the transhumanist agenda and the presidential election catherine austin fitts former us assistant housing secretary and publisher of the solari report spoke of the engineered rise of autism gmo proliferation the expansion of entrainment technology the rise of artificial intelligence and robotics and the dumbing down of american students with common core see here these were all she argued part of an overarching conspiracy to promote a massive transhumanist depopulation agenda this would be achieved by an engineered economic armageddon leading to mass starvation food riots and race wars that would wipe billions of people off the face of the planet how soon this apocalyptic scenario is likely to unfold is anyones guess any moment now many doomsayers declare the coming of donald trump is regarded by many as an omen of the end days ld vid rebel continues catherine austin fitts said the bankers stole trillion from us i think they stole a lot more the bankers gave themselves the right to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing in when they founded the bank of england america copied the bank of england and the german central bank when they drafted the legislation for the federal reserve in it became law in just in time for america to create enough unpayable debt at interest to fund ww i the united states entered ww i because the elite did not want the allies to accept germanys offer to stop the fighting in the elite wanted the war to last long enough to bankrupt britain and france to set up a jewish communist dictatorship in russia and to make palestine a british colony for the jews none of that benefited voters in europe or america and the bought and paid for media cannot understand why we despise both them and the families that sent them we are now in a far worse condition than if hitlers clone were to become president on january the elite stole all of our pensions and savings they sold hundreds of trillions in bad bets otherwise known as credit default swaps just so they could pocket tens of trillions of dollars in premiums dont cry for them they made people like you ie taxpayers liable for the inevitable consequences for their actions just add another few hundred trillion dollars onto the pile of unpayable debts to be taken out of your pension fund your savings your bank account and your paycheck their malfeasance will become your obligation in the very near future at least that is what they are planning the bankers gave you a system in which you cannot have money unless you go into debt the federal reserve will not issue paper money until the treasury gives them a bond obligating us to pay them interest on money they created out of nothing you cannot have checking account money until someone takes out a loan and is willing to pay the bankers interest on money they created out of nothing if we had lincolns noninterest bearing greenbacks we would not have trillion in national debt and be paying billion a year in taxes to pay the resulting interest the recent sharp rise in the interest rate on year treasury bonds means our financial system is near collapse a depression is a period in time when unpayable debts are cancelled en masse since we foolishly have a debt based system that means money vanishes every time a debt is discharged in foreclosure or in bankruptcy court it is this sudden sharp contraction in the money supply that creates all the unemployment i have quoted dr steve keen many times before we are headed to the worst financial crisis in the past five centuries because we have more unpayable debts to cancel than at any time in the past years so what is worse than the fourth reich tens of millions of americans starving to death or killing their neighbors because they have nothing to eat in short a race war to end all wars of course this is what americas elite had planned for them they stole all of the pension funds and the savings they created the trade deals that closed manufacturing plants and sent millions of jobs overseas they added million people to the countrys population through legal and illegal immigration they papered over unemployment by using funny money to hire million federal state and local workers making it appear like everyone was engaged in productive work they used funny money to give out unearned benefits to tens of million of people to minimize starvation until the day of reckoning the day of reckoning has arrived the year treasury bonds interest rate at is at record highs for recent years that means the crash and the nationwide food riots and the race wars will soon be upon us it was only zero interest rates that kept the ponzi scheme going this long the only exit path i see is for the us military to be asked to stop the food riots as soon as they begin to ravage the country and the junior officers in the military must respond by arresting bankers and seizing their assets to fund debt cancellation only debt cancellation will provide a painless way out of the coming financial collapse
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hillary finished fbi reopens case latest crimes video
supplemantry note lasha darkmoon transhumanist depopulation agenda far worse condition hitlers clone become president january plan far worse cloning hitler making president commander chief day reckoning arrived vid rebel never said supported donald trump liked wanted us go say interested anger bernie sanders donald trump voters election night bbc reporter tried explain hillary lost state huge black vote lots technically advanced people state americans call researchtriangle park obama went last ditch effort get vote popular amongst college students voted much hillary bbc reporter told us people lived said bernie voters zero enthusiasm hillary previously quoted mike rivero said hillary clinton running november godzilla lizard would vote seen hillary koolaid drinkers go crazy donald live bubbles would career suicide say voted hillarys pay pay corruption seen lot domestic antitrump propaganda far right donald zionist agree donald stop funding isis let vladimir putin take obama armed isis let small band become international menace overnight allowing take mosul refusing let usaf take highway syria disagree donalds intention confront iran resisting zionism fortunately iran trump americas rulers want soon become irrelevant course good news americans blindly follow people think government united states seen europe sheer postelection idiocy claiming donald trump puppet fourth reich backed industrialists money men elevated adolf hitler chancellorship silly think rockefellers rothschilds backed trump admit america run criminal elite written catherine austin fitts said us military intelligence services given donald green light dish dirt hillary men inside vile mechanism runs america even thought hillary one witch far go reported elite end game many times plan far worse cloning hitler making president commander chief far worse people owned governments west recently families minions according david rothkopf former ceo kissinger associates author superclass fortunately us people us europe learning resist voted presidential election democrat member trilateral commission headed david rockefeller north america sir evelyn de rothschild europe republican member bilderberg society headed sir evelyn de rothschild europe headed david rockefeller north america never read corporate media please call people run hollywood tv news nazis either jewish work jewish companiesthe direct ties thought born rule us banking industry nazis transhumanist depopulation agenda ld breakthrough interview transhumanist agenda presidential election catherine austin fitts former us assistant housing secretary publisher solari report spoke engineered rise autism gmo proliferation expansion entrainment technology rise artificial intelligence robotics dumbing american students common core see argued part overarching conspiracy promote massive transhumanist depopulation agenda would achieved engineered economic armageddon leading mass starvation food riots race wars would wipe billions people face planet soon apocalyptic scenario likely unfold anyones guess moment many doomsayers declare coming donald trump regarded many omen end days ld vid rebel continues catherine austin fitts said bankers stole trillion us think stole lot bankers gave right charge us interest money created nothing founded bank england america copied bank england german central bank drafted legislation federal reserve became law time america create enough unpayable debt interest fund ww united states entered ww elite want allies accept germanys offer stop fighting elite wanted war last long enough bankrupt britain france set jewish communist dictatorship russia make palestine british colony jews none benefited voters europe america bought paid media cannot understand despise families sent far worse condition hitlers clone become president january elite stole pensions savings sold hundreds trillions bad bets otherwise known credit default swaps could pocket tens trillions dollars premiums dont cry made people like ie taxpayers liable inevitable consequences actions add another hundred trillion dollars onto pile unpayable debts taken pension fund savings bank account paycheck malfeasance become obligation near future least planning bankers gave system cannot money unless go debt federal reserve issue paper money treasury gives bond obligating us pay interest money created nothing cannot checking account money someone takes loan willing pay bankers interest money created nothing lincolns noninterest bearing greenbacks would trillion national debt paying billion year taxes pay resulting interest recent sharp rise interest rate year treasury bonds means financial system near collapse depression period time unpayable debts cancelled en masse since foolishly debt based system means money vanishes every time debt discharged foreclosure bankruptcy court sudden sharp contraction money supply creates unemployment quoted dr steve keen many times headed worst financial crisis past five centuries unpayable debts cancel time past years worse fourth reich tens millions americans starving death killing neighbors nothing eat short race war end wars course americas elite planned stole pension funds savings created trade deals closed manufacturing plants sent millions jobs overseas added million people countrys population legal illegal immigration papered unemployment using funny money hire million federal state local workers making appear like everyone engaged productive work used funny money give unearned benefits tens million people minimize starvation day reckoning day reckoning arrived year treasury bonds interest rate record highs recent years means crash nationwide food riots race wars soon upon us zero interest rates kept ponzi scheme going long exit path see us military asked stop food riots soon begin ravage country junior officers military must respond arresting bankers seizing assets fund debt cancellation debt cancellation provide painless way coming financial collapse
trump won because of white people
america vanquished part america as an israeli colony about this is the website of lasha darkmoon an angloamerican academic with higher degrees in classics who lives and works in england you can read more about darkmoon here subscribe to our newsletter subscribe to get important new posts and other updates via our occasional newsletter meta
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demonic possession today part
according to john kaminski the new boss is the same as the old boss forget it if thats what you think kaminski says youre kidding yourself presidentelect donald trumps claim he is reinvestigating is just so much meaningless hot air more neocon crapola if he intends to solve the greatest crime in american history by including two of the events participating perpetrators rudy giuliani and lewis eisenberg on his team of detectives what kind of truth can we expect from this kind of sandbagged scrutiny none at all once again our government is investigating itself with predictable results it will do no better than the first time which was a total whitewash because it is the very system itself that all these political functionaries are trying to defend which bears responsibility for this event and its impact on history hiring the people who played minor supporting roles in the bloodbath to identify its architects and actors may yield a few sacrificial scapegoats like cheney and some generals but the top of the line power structure will remain solidly in place hidden from view and utterly in control of world events that trump has surrounded himself with the tainted players who have carried out all these wars for israel augurs for a dark future in which the militarization of america will further shrink individual rights and the harsh crackdown on legitimate dissent which will soon be banned plainly signals the end of free speech as we have known it in the united states recall thomas jeffersons dictum freedom of the press cannot be limited without being lost today it is long gone the press prints only what the government allows it to print for trump to hire such rancid refugees from the bush administration means that he wont be investigating instead he will be crafting a new more realistic coverup that lambastes saudi renegades and totally omits the overwhelming presence of israeli jews in all aspects of the tragedy the same presence that now dominates the us government and its criminal activities throughout the world preemptive war is criminal activity in case you didnt know the us is practicing it everywhere under the cynical guise of fighting terror which it itself creates by hiring thugs from around the world to fit into the proper terror slots and become believable enemies for the press to vilify and our military to bomb the us has literally slaughtered millions of people around the world at the behest of a small group of mostly jewish men and the gentiles they have bought who control not only virtually all the money of the people in the world but also control their thoughts as a result mayor giuliani ran the command post in building you remember building that building that was knocked down by not being hit by an airplane giuliani knows everything that happened and who did what eisenberg one of the worlds foremost financiers was the head of the new york port authority who leased the twin towers to silverstein silverstein who spoke frequently with top israeli leaders wound up with billion the question with regard to trumps integrity kind of splits down the middle since he seems to have a genuine desire to succeed and restore the peace but he is indebted to forces far larger than himself which he is now trying to placate by surrounding himself with the traditional pseudo republican goons like gingrich and romney if only they were genuine republicans it wouldnt be so bad but theyre poseurs all ultimately working for the rockefellers and the rothschilds business as usual in the jewish american empire gnawing on the fatted calf while bleeds trumps choices reveal a desire to continue the swashbuckling sadism of the bush administration throughout his campaign i always shuddered when trump would proclaim that we needed a stronger military and i thought tell that to the people beneath the bombs because they want no part of any of this as a newspaper blows trivial events into earthshaking issues so politicians identify all manner of enemies that demonstrate the desperate need for them to be elected like the boston marathon bombing that turned a mercenary drill into a region wide suspension of freedom of movement the worst story possible is presented even as inconvenient facts are left behind think about the atrocities and false flag shockers that have been foisted on us since statistics reveal that more than of significant terror incidents began life as fbi sting operations manipulating low iq bigmouths into capital crimes why is it the cops can commit crimes against the people but the people cant commit crimes against the cops this is not the kind of freedom we thought wed get while growing up trump certainly is not addressing any of these issues and a trump administration will merely continue the clumsy depredations and smokescreen lies that have exemplified the utterly corrupt and criminal nature of the united states as it is run by jews bankers holed up in the city of london and wreaking havoc throughout the world by their control of everyones money what is really needed is a full accounting of what the jews have done to the united states and restitution to united states citizens over moneys illegally stolen by the federal reserve corporation to be taken from its stockholders immediately of course this is impossible because the jews own the government and all the corrupt minions within it one word from them and youre out of a job the avaricious jews are really only a reflection of the darker side of humanity like good sociopaths they learned everything they know by mimicking others and have become better than everyone else at what they do simply by practice and cooperation they have never once considered that the fate of the world ultimately depends on treating everyone in the world as members of your own family even as that becomes impossible on a continent overrun by hungry savages who were put there by these very same sadists who control the united states and its fearsome war machine a war machine that is now being used against its own people through media medicine and food as the people who control everything consolidate their hold on a population rapidly being shaped into the cattle our hebrew herders have always called us disclaimer all articles comments and videos published on this website reflect the views of their original authors and in no way necessarily mirror the outlook of anyone associated with this website video mins
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demonic possession today part
according john kaminski new boss old boss forget thats think kaminski says youre kidding presidentelect donald trumps claim reinvestigating much meaningless hot air neocon crapola intends solve greatest crime american history including two events participating perpetrators rudy giuliani lewis eisenberg team detectives kind truth expect kind sandbagged scrutiny none government investigating predictable results better first time total whitewash system political functionaries trying defend bears responsibility event impact history hiring people played minor supporting roles bloodbath identify architects actors may yield sacrificial scapegoats like cheney generals top line power structure remain solidly place hidden view utterly control world events trump surrounded tainted players carried wars israel augurs dark future militarization america shrink individual rights harsh crackdown legitimate dissent soon banned plainly signals end free speech known united states recall thomas jeffersons dictum freedom press cannot limited without lost today long gone press prints government allows print trump hire rancid refugees bush administration means wont investigating instead crafting new realistic coverup lambastes saudi renegades totally omits overwhelming presence israeli jews aspects tragedy presence dominates us government criminal activities throughout world preemptive war criminal activity case didnt know us practicing everywhere cynical guise fighting terror creates hiring thugs around world fit proper terror slots become believable enemies press vilify military bomb us literally slaughtered millions people around world behest small group mostly jewish men gentiles bought control virtually money people world also control thoughts result mayor giuliani ran command post building remember building building knocked hit airplane giuliani knows everything happened eisenberg one worlds foremost financiers head new york port authority leased twin towers silverstein silverstein spoke frequently top israeli leaders wound billion question regard trumps integrity kind splits middle since seems genuine desire succeed restore peace indebted forces far larger trying placate surrounding traditional pseudo republican goons like gingrich romney genuine republicans wouldnt bad theyre poseurs ultimately working rockefellers rothschilds business usual jewish american empire gnawing fatted calf bleeds trumps choices reveal desire continue swashbuckling sadism bush administration throughout campaign always shuddered trump would proclaim needed stronger military thought tell people beneath bombs want part newspaper blows trivial events earthshaking issues politicians identify manner enemies demonstrate desperate need elected like boston marathon bombing turned mercenary drill region wide suspension freedom movement worst story possible presented even inconvenient facts left behind think atrocities false flag shockers foisted us since statistics reveal significant terror incidents began life fbi sting operations manipulating low iq bigmouths capital crimes cops commit crimes people people cant commit crimes cops kind freedom thought wed get growing trump certainly addressing issues trump administration merely continue clumsy depredations smokescreen lies exemplified utterly corrupt criminal nature united states run jews bankers holed city london wreaking havoc throughout world control everyones money really needed full accounting jews done united states restitution united states citizens moneys illegally stolen federal reserve corporation taken stockholders immediately course impossible jews government corrupt minions within one word youre job avaricious jews really reflection darker side humanity like good sociopaths learned everything know mimicking others become better everyone else simply practice cooperation never considered fate world ultimately depends treating everyone world members family even becomes impossible continent overrun hungry savages put sadists control united states fearsome war machine war machine used people media medicine food people control everything consolidate hold population rapidly shaped cattle hebrew herders always called us disclaimer articles comments videos published website reflect views original authors way necessarily mirror outlook anyone associated website video mins
far worse than the fourth reich the day of reckoning has arrived
steve bannon donalds trumps chief strategist and senior counselor as a jew who has worked for years with steve bannon i can tell you he is not an antisemite or a white nationalist he doesnt have an antisemitic bone in his body david horowitz jewish founder of the david horowitz freedom center and editor of frontpage magazine when presidentelect donald trump named steve bannon the controversial media figure behind the altright website breitbart news network as his senior strategist major jewish groups raised the alarm the antidefamation league condemned the move saying bannons website was home to racists and fostered hatred against jews but to his jewish defenders which include breitbarts ceo and senior editors for the site he is an ally and proud zionist i can say without hesitation that steve is a friend of the jewish people and a defender of israel as well as being a passionate american patriot and a great leader joel pollak an orthodox jew and a senior editor for breitbart news wrote on monday indeed breitbarts origin story has its roots in israel according to larry solov breitbarts ceo and president another close jewish colleague of bannon in a november post on breitbart news solov describes the conception of the news site in it happened solov writes during a trip to israel with andrew breitbart the jewish founder and namesake of the website the site was born to defend the jewish state one thing we specifically discussed that night was our desire to start a site that would be unapologetically profreedom and proisrael solov wrote we were sick of the antiisrael bias of the mainstream media solov and breitbart were blown away by the spirit tenacity and resourcefulness of the israeli people on that trip solov wrote breitbart died in and bannon became editor of the site under bannons leadership the site became one of the best known platforms and gateways for the altright a diverse group that traffics in white nationalism and racism richard spencer a founder of the political movement who advocates for the creation of a white ethnostate called breitbart a gateway to altright ideas and writers during trumps campaign the site became particularly enamored with the republican candidate and lampooned and attacked his opponents for ben shapiro a former writer at breitbart news bannon betrayed the original vision of the sites founder andrew breitbart despised racism shapiro wrote on monday with bannon embracing trump all that changed now breitbart has become the altright goto website pushing white ethnonationalism as a legitimate response to political correctness and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers but even as the site may have appealed to antisemites it retained its zionist bona fides under bannon in bannon launched a jerusalem branch of breitbart news which covers events in israel it is edited by israelbased american reporter aaron klein another bannon advocate klein a yeshiva university graduate is also a columnist for the jewish press a weekly newspaper with a conservative bent klein recently called the antitrump protests across the country a product of professional agitators who are seeking the downfall of the us capitalist system the activist pamela geller known for her antiislamic campaigning also counts herself among bannons jewish allies on twitter geller defended bannon recently dismissing those who were characterizing bannon as an antisemite he partnered with breitbart a jew she wrote he partnered with larry solov after breitbart died a jew he worked with me a jew then she added zionist david horowitz founder of the conservative think tank david horowitz freedom center also came to bannons defense saying bannon does not have an antisemitic bone in his body as a jew who has worked for years with steve bannon horowitz wrote in an email to the forward i can tell you he is not an antisemite or a white nationalist ld for further proof that steve bannon is not going to do anything to challenge jewish power in america or stand up to israel see this thoughtprovoking article in the occidental observer antisemitism as political assassination the smearing of steve bannon i really do feel at this stage though of course i could be wrong that diehard antisemites and ardent white nationalists are most unlikely to see any of their dreams come true in the foreseeable future thats what makes antisemites and white nationalists the angriest people on earth their dreams are constantly being shattered as they see the jews becoming more powerful and tyrannical at their expense constant defeat leaves a bitter taste in the mouth like this share it now
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far worse fourth reich day reckoning arrived
steve bannon donalds trumps chief strategist senior counselor jew worked years steve bannon tell antisemite white nationalist doesnt antisemitic bone body david horowitz jewish founder david horowitz freedom center editor frontpage magazine presidentelect donald trump named steve bannon controversial media figure behind altright website breitbart news network senior strategist major jewish groups raised alarm antidefamation league condemned move saying bannons website home racists fostered hatred jews jewish defenders include breitbarts ceo senior editors site ally proud zionist say without hesitation steve friend jewish people defender israel well passionate american patriot great leader joel pollak orthodox jew senior editor breitbart news wrote monday indeed breitbarts origin story roots israel according larry solov breitbarts ceo president another close jewish colleague bannon november post breitbart news solov describes conception news site happened solov writes trip israel andrew breitbart jewish founder namesake website site born defend jewish state one thing specifically discussed night desire start site would unapologetically profreedom proisrael solov wrote sick antiisrael bias mainstream media solov breitbart blown away spirit tenacity resourcefulness israeli people trip solov wrote breitbart died bannon became editor site bannons leadership site became one best known platforms gateways altright diverse group traffics white nationalism racism richard spencer founder political movement advocates creation white ethnostate called breitbart gateway altright ideas writers trumps campaign site became particularly enamored republican candidate lampooned attacked opponents ben shapiro former writer breitbart news bannon betrayed original vision sites founder andrew breitbart despised racism shapiro wrote monday bannon embracing trump changed breitbart become altright goto website pushing white ethnonationalism legitimate response political correctness comment section turning cesspool white supremacist mememakers even site may appealed antisemites retained zionist bona fides bannon bannon launched jerusalem branch breitbart news covers events israel edited israelbased american reporter aaron klein another bannon advocate klein yeshiva university graduate also columnist jewish press weekly newspaper conservative bent klein recently called antitrump protests across country product professional agitators seeking downfall us capitalist system activist pamela geller known antiislamic campaigning also counts among bannons jewish allies twitter geller defended bannon recently dismissing characterizing bannon antisemite partnered breitbart jew wrote partnered larry solov breitbart died jew worked jew added zionist david horowitz founder conservative think tank david horowitz freedom center also came bannons defense saying bannon antisemitic bone body jew worked years steve bannon horowitz wrote email forward tell antisemite white nationalist ld proof steve bannon going anything challenge jewish power america stand israel see thoughtprovoking article occidental observer antisemitism political assassination smearing steve bannon really feel stage though course could wrong diehard antisemites ardent white nationalists unlikely see dreams come true foreseeable future thats makes antisemites white nationalists angriest people earth dreams constantly shattered see jews becoming powerful tyrannical expense constant defeat leaves bitter taste mouth like share
is donald trump the new hitler video
dr david duke and dr slattery expose hillarys treason and why trump duke will win am dr david duke and dr slattery expose hillarys treason and why trump duke will win today dr duke and dr slattery talked about hillarys clear acts of treason against the united states by providing massive shipments of weapons to saudi arabia at a time that she knew they were providing support to isis dr duke if elected to the senate would be in a position to expose hillary and push for her impeachment should she win steal the election blood on the traitors hands dr slattery discussed postelection scenarios he noted that if trump wins in a close election a small number of republican electors could be bribed to vote for hillary throwing the election to her or even vote for pence throwing the election to the house of representatives to decide from amongst trump hillary and pence should hillary win and trump supporters feel the election was illegitimate impeachment would be more likely this is an extremely educating and enlightening show please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
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donald trump new hitler video
dr david duke dr slattery expose hillarys treason trump duke win dr david duke dr slattery expose hillarys treason trump duke win today dr duke dr slattery talked hillarys clear acts treason united states providing massive shipments weapons saudi arabia time knew providing support isis dr duke elected senate would position expose hillary push impeachment win steal election blood traitors hands dr slattery discussed postelection scenarios noted trump wins close election small number republican electors could bribed vote hillary throwing election even vote pence throwing election house representatives decide amongst trump hillary pence hillary win trump supporters feel election illegitimate impeachment would likely extremely educating enlightening show please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
John Kaminski
fooling ourselves trump is not the new messiah includes video
dr duke and reverend dankof on the state of the campaign the synagogue of satin am dr duke and reverend dankof on the state of the campaign the synagogue of satin today dr duke discussed the state of his campaign including television commercials that he was preparing he will be in a televised debate with the other leading candidates which should be critical in putting him in the run off pastor mark dankof took over the show at the break he took calls from listeners one call asked about jesuss warning about the synagogue of satin pastor dankof ended the show with a passionate warning about the risk of world war iii should hillary be elections this is another great show that you wont want to miss
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fooling trump new messiah includes video
dr duke reverend dankof state campaign synagogue satin dr duke reverend dankof state campaign synagogue satin today dr duke discussed state campaign including television commercials preparing televised debate leading candidates critical putting run pastor mark dankof took show break took calls listeners one call asked jesuss warning synagogue satin pastor dankof ended show passionate warning risk world war iii hillary elections another great show wont want miss
top trump aide steve bannon virulent antisemite or ardent zionist
clinton policy on syria would lead to ww iii trump am clinton policy on syria would lead to ww iii trump wed oct am us republican presidential candidate donald trump speaks during a campaign rally at orlando sanford international airport on october in sanford florida photos by afp us republican presidential nominee donald trump says hillary clintons policy towards syria would lead to world war iii arguing that the democratic nominee would drag the us into an armed confrontation with russia trump made the warning in an interview with reuters on tuesday following clintons proposal for the establishment of a nofly zone and safe zones in syria earlier this month what we should do is focus on isil daesh we should not be focusing on syria trump said youre going to end up in world war three over syria if we listen to hillary clinton he said on october the democratic nominee said a nofly zone was required inside the warravaged country to stabilize fighting a move that was opposed in congress due to the risk of entering into conflict with russia since a usenforced nofly zone would mean the us could shoot down russian fighter jets should they enter syrian airspace clinton also described the situation in syria as incredibly complex since the intervention of russia us democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton speaks at an early vote rally at broward college in coconut creek florida on october youre not fighting syria anymore youre fighting syria russia and iran all right russia is a nuclear country but a country where the nukes work as opposed to other countries that talk trump said the republican nominee also referred to the removal of syrian president bashar alassad from power as a secondlevel priority to defeating daesh assad is secondary to me to isil trump said russia might down us planes meanwhile us director of national intelligence james clapper also warned about the consequences of clintons push for a nofly zone in syria that could spark a conflict with russia speaking at the council on foreign relations clapper said clintons proposal for the establishment of a nofly zone in syria could lead to russia shooting down american planes there james clapper the us director of national intelligence speaks at the council of foreign relations on october in new york city i wouldnt put it past them to shoot down an american aircraft if they if they felt that was threatening to their forces on the ground he said i take stock in the nature of the weaponry that they deploy and why they why they did that clapper said of russian weapons recently deployed to syria the system they have there is a very advanced airdefense system its very capable and i dont think theyd do it and deploy it unless they had some intent to use it during the third and final presidential debate last week clinton reiterated her remarks on a nofly zone that could save lives and hasten the end of the conflict in syria a foreignbacked militancy has been going on in syria since march with a plethora of armed groups each supported by one foreign country or another fighting the assad government since the united states along with a number of its allies has been leading a socalled antiterror campaign in syria and neighboring iraq instead of helping to rein in the takfiri terrorists the air raids have killed many civilians and caused extensive damage to the countrys infrastructure iran has been offering syria advisory military help russia another syrian ally has also been conducting an aerial bombardment campaign against militant positions in syria at a request from damascus the foreignsponsored conflict in syria has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions
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top trump aide steve bannon virulent antisemite ardent zionist
clinton policy syria would lead ww iii trump clinton policy syria would lead ww iii trump wed oct us republican presidential candidate donald trump speaks campaign rally orlando sanford international airport october sanford florida photos afp us republican presidential nominee donald trump says hillary clintons policy towards syria would lead world war iii arguing democratic nominee would drag us armed confrontation russia trump made warning interview reuters tuesday following clintons proposal establishment nofly zone safe zones syria earlier month focus isil daesh focusing syria trump said youre going end world war three syria listen hillary clinton said october democratic nominee said nofly zone required inside warravaged country stabilize fighting move opposed congress due risk entering conflict russia since usenforced nofly zone would mean us could shoot russian fighter jets enter syrian airspace clinton also described situation syria incredibly complex since intervention russia us democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton speaks early vote rally broward college coconut creek florida october youre fighting syria anymore youre fighting syria russia iran right russia nuclear country country nukes work opposed countries talk trump said republican nominee also referred removal syrian president bashar alassad power secondlevel priority defeating daesh assad secondary isil trump said russia might us planes meanwhile us director national intelligence james clapper also warned consequences clintons push nofly zone syria could spark conflict russia speaking council foreign relations clapper said clintons proposal establishment nofly zone syria could lead russia shooting american planes james clapper us director national intelligence speaks council foreign relations october new york city wouldnt put past shoot american aircraft felt threatening forces ground said take stock nature weaponry deploy clapper said russian weapons recently deployed syria system advanced airdefense system capable dont think theyd deploy unless intent use third final presidential debate last week clinton reiterated remarks nofly zone could save lives hasten end conflict syria foreignbacked militancy going syria since march plethora armed groups supported one foreign country another fighting assad government since united states along number allies leading socalled antiterror campaign syria neighboring iraq instead helping rein takfiri terrorists air raids killed many civilians caused extensive damage countrys infrastructure iran offering syria advisory military help russia another syrian ally also conducting aerial bombardment campaign militant positions syria request damascus foreignsponsored conflict syria claimed lives hundreds thousands people displaced millions
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr david duke and dr slattery expose hillarys treason and why trump duke will win
watch dr dukes powerful new television commercial am watch dr dukes new television commercial
dr david duke dr slattery expose hillarys treason trump duke win
watch dr dukes powerful new television commercial watch dr dukes new television commercial
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr duke and reverend dankof on the state of the campaign the synagogue of satin
dr duke and dr macdonald call for prosecution of hillary for treasonous support of isis october at am dr duke and dr macdonald call for prosecution of hillary for treasonous support of isis today dr duke and professor kevin macdonald talked about the tide turning in donald trumps direction in spite of the efforts by the zio media to divert voter attention to donald trumps alleged problems with women hillarys treasonous crimes are increasingly difficult to hide the fact is that hillary should be prosecuted not inaugurated she has supported isis in its war against syria its terrorism against america she has sent paid thugs to disrupt trumps political events she has used her government positions to peddal influence she really should be in prison this is an extremely educating and enlightening show please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
dr duke reverend dankof state campaign synagogue satin
dr duke dr macdonald call prosecution hillary treasonous support isis october dr duke dr macdonald call prosecution hillary treasonous support isis today dr duke professor kevin macdonald talked tide turning donald trumps direction spite efforts zio media divert voter attention donald trumps alleged problems women hillarys treasonous crimes increasingly difficult hide fact hillary prosecuted inaugurated supported isis war syria terrorism america sent paid thugs disrupt trumps political events used government positions peddal influence really prison extremely educating enlightening show please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
Dr. Patrick Slattery
clinton policy on syria would lead to ww iii trump
clintons nofly zone over syria will lead to war with russia warning of jcs chairman general dunford october at am global research october the media has failed to address the confrontation between the us state department and the joint chiefs of staff the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general joseph francis dunford image right has warned both the us senate as well secretary of state john kerry in no uncertain terms that a no fly zone over syria would lead to war with both syria and russia intimating a dangerous process of military escalation in a senate arms services committee hearing dunford said responding to questions from republican senator roger whicker mississippi right now senator for us to control all of the airspace in syria it would require us to go to war against syria and russia thats a pretty fundamental decision that certainly im not going to make senate armed services committee september emphasis added at the third presidential debate hillary clinton reasserted her commitment that if elected president she would implement a noflyzone intimating that the objective was to save lives i think a nofly zone could save lives and could hasten the end of the conflict i am well aware of the really legitimate concerns you have expressed from both the president and the general clinton said in response to a question from fox news debate moderator chris wallace this would not be done just on the first day this would take a lot of negotiation and would also take making it clear to the russians and syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground i think we could strike a deal and make it clear to the russians and the syrians that this was something that we believe was in the best interest of the people on the ground in syria fox news emphasis added at present under the obama administration the joint chiefs of staff are opposed to the no fly zone the joint chiefs of staff are appointed by the secretary of defense under a clinton presidency a new secretary of defense as well as a new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff firmly committed to a no fly zone over syria would be appointed michèle angelique flournoy a former under secretary of defense for policy is hillarys choice for the position of secretary of defense who favors the no fly zone option according to defense one the woman expected to run the pentagon under hillary clinton said she would direct us troops to push president bashar alassads forces out of southern syria and would send more american boots to fight the islamic state in the region confirmed by the leaked emails michele flournoy is a crony of the clintons she has called for limited military coercion to help remove assad from power in syria including a no bombing zone over parts of syria held by usbacked rebels this is tantamount to a no fly zone to protect the terrorists including isis daesh from actions by syrian and russian forces according to defense one flournoy and several of her colleagues at the center for new american security or cnas have been making the case for sending more american troops into combat against isis and the assad regime than the obama administration has been willing to commit since russias increased involvement the facts on the ground in syria she said do not support the kind of negotiated conditions we would like to get to us policy should be the removal of assad even if that meant using limited military coercion flournoy said at mondays annual cnas conference in washington flournoy did not deny the entire report that she favors increased us intervention for instance she acknowledged her support for us strikes using standoff weapons to retaliate against syrian military targets to enforce the nobomb zone the press reports however did not quote the details of the discussion and testimony of general dunford and secretary of defense carter at the arms services committee hearing let me see if the chairman wants to add anything senator wicker well let me just ask this if you dont mind secretary carter it would help if the barrel bombing ended and i spoke to a democratic colleague of mine today ive been calling for a nofly zone to stop the barrel bombing and i asked this colleague of mine on the other side of the aisle if he would support that and he said yes he said i want to call it something else rather than a nofly zone but that this particular senator it is a fact that this particular senator has now changed his position and would like us to take action to present to prevent the barrel bombing what is your position about that and wouldnt it help if we took decisive action and ended this carnage secretary carter i dont know the specific proposal which youre discussing with your colleague ill make one comment and see if the chairman wants to add anything senator wicker i think he was talking about a nofly zone secretary carter well okay senator wicker but described in more palatable terms secretary carter there are a number of different proposals have been made but i the one that i think it the focus on right now is the one secretary kerrys trying to promote namely a nofly zone for the russians and the syrians who are attacking the syrian people if theyre talking about a nofly zone for american aircraft fighting isil needless to say that thats not going to get any enthusiasm get strong opposition from me senator wicker im speaking about a secretary carter but i think thats what a but its not called that but secretary kerry is trying to get a standdown of the syrian and russian air force and if hes successful that would be a good thing let me ask the chairman if he has anything to add general dunford senator the only thing id say is you know as the situation on the ground changes i think i have a responsibility we the joint force has a responsibility to make sure the president has a full range of options we have discussed that issue in the past under certain conditions the conditions on the ground will change and well continue to look at those options and make sure theyre available to the president senator wicker what about the option of controlling the airspace so that barrel bombs cannot be dropped general dunford all options senator wicker what do you think of that option sir general dunford right now senator for all of the airspace in syria it would require war against syria and russia thats a pretty fundamental decision that certainly im not going to make concluding remarks from the above testimonies and statements one thing is clear decisionmakers at highest levels of the us government and the military believe in their own propaganda they are not able to reflect on their actions outside the realm of propaganda and this also applies to nuclear warfare which is presented as a peacemaking operation it is unlikely that any drastic action regarding a no fly zone will be taken under the obama administration prior to the november elections and the instatement of a new president of the us in january consequently the next three months will be absolutely crucial for syria ie during this period the counterterrorism campaign waged by syria with the support of russia and iran will seek to eliminate remaining terrorist pockets and pacify the entire country the footsoldiers of the western military alliance will be defeated on the ground if this objective is achieved it will inevitably have an impact on us options regarding the proposed deployment of groundforces and the no fly zone what prevails however is an attempt on the part of washington to redeploy its isis terrorist footsoldiers in mosul by transferring them from iraq to syria the original source of this article is global research
clinton policy syria would lead ww iii trump
clintons nofly zone syria lead war russia warning jcs chairman general dunford october global research october media failed address confrontation us state department joint chiefs staff chairman joint chiefs staff general joseph francis dunford image right warned us senate well secretary state john kerry uncertain terms fly zone syria would lead war syria russia intimating dangerous process military escalation senate arms services committee hearing dunford said responding questions republican senator roger whicker mississippi right senator us control airspace syria would require us go war syria russia thats pretty fundamental decision certainly im going make senate armed services committee september emphasis added third presidential debate hillary clinton reasserted commitment elected president would implement noflyzone intimating objective save lives think nofly zone could save lives could hasten end conflict well aware really legitimate concerns expressed president general clinton said response question fox news debate moderator chris wallace would done first day would take lot negotiation would also take making clear russians syrians purpose provide safe zones ground think could strike deal make clear russians syrians something believe best interest people ground syria fox news emphasis added present obama administration joint chiefs staff opposed fly zone joint chiefs staff appointed secretary defense clinton presidency new secretary defense well new chairman joint chiefs staff firmly committed fly zone syria would appointed michèle angelique flournoy former secretary defense policy hillarys choice position secretary defense favors fly zone option according defense one woman expected run pentagon hillary clinton said would direct us troops push president bashar alassads forces southern syria would send american boots fight islamic state region confirmed leaked emails michele flournoy crony clintons called limited military coercion help remove assad power syria including bombing zone parts syria held usbacked rebels tantamount fly zone protect terrorists including isis daesh actions syrian russian forces according defense one flournoy several colleagues center new american security cnas making case sending american troops combat isis assad regime obama administration willing commit since russias increased involvement facts ground syria said support kind negotiated conditions would like get us policy removal assad even meant using limited military coercion flournoy said mondays annual cnas conference washington flournoy deny entire report favors increased us intervention instance acknowledged support us strikes using standoff weapons retaliate syrian military targets enforce nobomb zone press reports however quote details discussion testimony general dunford secretary defense carter arms services committee hearing let see chairman wants add anything senator wicker well let ask dont mind secretary carter would help barrel bombing ended spoke democratic colleague mine today ive calling nofly zone stop barrel bombing asked colleague mine side aisle would support said yes said want call something else rather nofly zone particular senator fact particular senator changed position would like us take action present prevent barrel bombing position wouldnt help took decisive action ended carnage secretary carter dont know specific proposal youre discussing colleague ill make one comment see chairman wants add anything senator wicker think talking nofly zone secretary carter well okay senator wicker described palatable terms secretary carter number different proposals made one think focus right one secretary kerrys trying promote namely nofly zone russians syrians attacking syrian people theyre talking nofly zone american aircraft fighting isil needless say thats going get enthusiasm get strong opposition senator wicker im speaking secretary carter think thats called secretary kerry trying get standdown syrian russian air force hes successful would good thing let ask chairman anything add general dunford senator thing id say know situation ground changes think responsibility joint force responsibility make sure president full range options discussed issue past certain conditions conditions ground change well continue look options make sure theyre available president senator wicker option controlling airspace barrel bombs cannot dropped general dunford options senator wicker think option sir general dunford right senator airspace syria would require war syria russia thats pretty fundamental decision certainly im going make concluding remarks testimonies statements one thing clear decisionmakers highest levels us government military believe propaganda able reflect actions outside realm propaganda also applies nuclear warfare presented peacemaking operation unlikely drastic action regarding fly zone taken obama administration prior november elections instatement new president us january consequently next three months absolutely crucial syria ie period counterterrorism campaign waged syria support russia iran seek eliminate remaining terrorist pockets pacify entire country footsoldiers western military alliance defeated ground objective achieved inevitably impact us options regarding proposed deployment groundforces fly zone prevails however attempt part washington redeploy isis terrorist footsoldiers mosul transferring iraq syria original source article global research
Dr. Patrick Slattery
watch dr dukes powerful new television commercial
dr david duke with mark collett of the uk collett explains why duke trump victories would change politics forever october at am dr david duke with mark collett of the uk collett explains why duke trump victories would change politics forever today dr duke had mark collett from the uk as his guest for the hour they talked about developments in dr dukes race for the us senate they also talked about the medias attempts to avoid discussing the barrage of revelations from wikileaks that would sink hillarys campaign if the media was doing its job mark collett reported on the muslim invasion and other developments in europe they also talked about the collapse of morality and culture led by this same vicious and antiwhite racist zio media this is a great show for weekend listening please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
watch dr dukes powerful new television commercial
dr david duke mark collett uk collett explains duke trump victories would change politics forever october dr david duke mark collett uk collett explains duke trump victories would change politics forever today dr duke mark collett uk guest hour talked developments dr dukes race us senate also talked medias attempts avoid discussing barrage revelations wikileaks would sink hillarys campaign media job mark collett reported muslim invasion developments europe also talked collapse morality culture led vicious antiwhite racist zio media great show weekend listening please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr duke and dr macdonald call for prosecution of hillary for treasonous support of isis
how they could steal the election from trump even if he is announced the winner next tuesday october at am how they could steal the election from trump even if he is announced the winner next tuesday by dr patrick slattery there has been a great deal of talk recently about the rigging of elections trump talks about it and then the media accuses him of being a threat to democracy by refusing to accept the will of the voters nobody asks hillary if she will accept the will of the voters of course we know that our electoral system is unfair biased and even rigged at a variety of levels without going into detail the media which plays an absolutely crucial role in staging our elections has abandoned even the pretense of neutrality ballot access is unfair campaign finance is corrupt electronic voting machines are vulnerable voting by foreigners and dead people exists as does multiple voting by individuals but one massive threat has so far gone completely unmentioned the vulnerability of the electoral college to postelection shenanigans what people are not aware of is that under the constitution the president is not elected on november the tuesday after the first monday in november is designated for congressional elections it just so happens that over the years all the states decided to have their electors to the electoral college selected by the voters on that day in the early days of the republic it was actually more common for state legislatures to select the electors and the constitution allows the state legislatures to determine how the electors are selected it is actually the electoral college that elects the president and that happens on the monday after the second wednesday in december which this year will be december on this day the electors will meet in their respective state capitals to cast their ballots which will then be sent to washington to be opened by vice president biden before a joint session of congress on january of next year some of you may remember the scene from michael moores fahrenheit showing vice president gore reading votes that elected president bush ironically denying the objections raised by some congressmen to floridas electoral votes which bush won over gore amidst the greatest of controversy so if this system is enshrined in the constitution what could possibly go wrong plenty unless hillary goes into complete meltdown over the next week a trump victory on november will likely be a narrow one in terms of the electoral college map one very plausible scenario has trump losing pennsylvania but winning the rest of the main battleground states plus one of maines congressional districts maine along with nebraska allow for electors to be elected on a congressional district basis rather than winnertakeall under this scenario republican electors would be elected a bare majority while democrat electors would be elected notice i did not say trump would get electoral votes which is what we are used to hearing the fact is that the electoral votes are not cast until december and there is no guarantee that every single one of the republican electors would actually vote for trump do you remember a few months ago how alarmed we were at the prospect of supposed trump delegates to the republican national convention deserting trump and voting for cruz it was only that trump piled up such large victories in the final primaries that he had big enough majority of delegates to cause the never trump people in the republican establishment to give up on rigging the convention so who are these electors just as the method of electing the electors is left up to the states the method for nominating the candidates for the electoral college is also left up to the states some states allow the presidential candidates to nominate their own slate of electors presumably these people could be counted on to be loyal but in other states the partys slate of electors is chosen at state party conventions and even electoral district conventions as a young man i attended one such convention and had my name put into nomination as a democratic elector myself and the other three contenders then made short speeches to the convention the other three talked about being precinct captains or hardworking party volunteers then i gave a speech calling for the direct election of the president and the abolition of the electoral college i got a huge round of applause i would have easily won but as a matter of principle i withdrew my name from nomination the point of the story is that most of the electors are unknown to the public typically cogs in the party apparatus and not even necessarily highlevel ones and some of them may even be smoothtalking slicksters like me unknown to the party itself so how likely is it that one or more republican electors would betray trump such a person is known as a faithless elector and while faithless electors have never ultimately altered the outcome of a presidential election there have been faithless electors in our history in fact faithless electors caused the congress to have to decide the election for vice president it is true that about half the states have laws punishing faithless voters but in all but a few states the votes of faithless electors would still count the nightmare situation would be after a close election the hillary people or the never trump people could bribe or pressure republican electors some of whom may not like trump anyway not to vote for trump they could vote for hillary they could vote for pence they could vote for anyone else or they could even abstain from voting then what happens if enough republican electors are cajoled into voting for hillary in the above scenario it would only require two then hillary gets inaugurated on january if its a tie then the house of representatives breaks the tie obviously there have been republican members of the house that say they wont vote for trump for president in november so there is no reason to assume they would vote for him in january however not only are republicans likely to retain a significant majority in the house but the voting for president by the house is not one vote for each representative but one vote per state this means that california which currently has democratic representatives would get only one vote while alaskas single representative who is a republican would also get one vote this heavily favors the republicans and means that if hillary cannot flip enough republican electors to herself to win a majority of the electoral votes she is finished there is no real prospect of the house of representative electing hillary but what if enough republican electors vote for other people paul ryan for example so that no candidate gets a majority then the house of representatives gets to choose between the top three vote finishers in the electoral college vote you could get a coalition between democrats and republican defectors that would deny trump the presidency and give it to someone like ryan the same applies in the case that mormon excia operative and nevertrump independent presidential candidate evan mcmullen wins utah which some polls predict is possible while none of the above scenarios may come to pass we do have to face the fact that the establishment has so far stopped at nothing to try to defeat trump and so it is not too far fetched to think that they would try these tactics especially if the november voting produces a very narrow victory for trump the media could start inventing more reasons why trump is uniquely unfit to become president and claim that the constitution allows for these scenarios which is the case and that this in fact was why the framers of the constitution created the electoral college which is not the case it would then be incumbent on us to make it clear to the members of the electoral college and the congress that any violation of the peoples will would not be tolerated
dr duke dr macdonald call prosecution hillary treasonous support isis
could steal election trump even announced winner next tuesday october could steal election trump even announced winner next tuesday dr patrick slattery great deal talk recently rigging elections trump talks media accuses threat democracy refusing accept voters nobody asks hillary accept voters course know electoral system unfair biased even rigged variety levels without going detail media plays absolutely crucial role staging elections abandoned even pretense neutrality ballot access unfair campaign finance corrupt electronic voting machines vulnerable voting foreigners dead people exists multiple voting individuals one massive threat far gone completely unmentioned vulnerability electoral college postelection shenanigans people aware constitution president elected november tuesday first monday november designated congressional elections happens years states decided electors electoral college selected voters day early days republic actually common state legislatures select electors constitution allows state legislatures determine electors selected actually electoral college elects president happens monday second wednesday december year december day electors meet respective state capitals cast ballots sent washington opened vice president biden joint session congress january next year may remember scene michael moores fahrenheit showing vice president gore reading votes elected president bush ironically denying objections raised congressmen floridas electoral votes bush gore amidst greatest controversy system enshrined constitution could possibly go wrong plenty unless hillary goes complete meltdown next week trump victory november likely narrow one terms electoral college map one plausible scenario trump losing pennsylvania winning rest main battleground states plus one maines congressional districts maine along nebraska allow electors elected congressional district basis rather winnertakeall scenario republican electors would elected bare majority democrat electors would elected notice say trump would get electoral votes used hearing fact electoral votes cast december guarantee every single one republican electors would actually vote trump remember months ago alarmed prospect supposed trump delegates republican national convention deserting trump voting cruz trump piled large victories final primaries big enough majority delegates cause never trump people republican establishment give rigging convention electors method electing electors left states method nominating candidates electoral college also left states states allow presidential candidates nominate slate electors presumably people could counted loyal states partys slate electors chosen state party conventions even electoral district conventions young man attended one convention name put nomination democratic elector three contenders made short speeches convention three talked precinct captains hardworking party volunteers gave speech calling direct election president abolition electoral college got huge round applause would easily matter principle withdrew name nomination point story electors unknown public typically cogs party apparatus even necessarily highlevel ones may even smoothtalking slicksters like unknown party likely one republican electors would betray trump person known faithless elector faithless electors never ultimately altered outcome presidential election faithless electors history fact faithless electors caused congress decide election vice president true half states laws punishing faithless voters states votes faithless electors would still count nightmare situation would close election hillary people never trump people could bribe pressure republican electors may like trump anyway vote trump could vote hillary could vote pence could vote anyone else could even abstain voting happens enough republican electors cajoled voting hillary scenario would require two hillary gets inaugurated january tie house representatives breaks tie obviously republican members house say wont vote trump president november reason assume would vote january however republicans likely retain significant majority house voting president house one vote representative one vote per state means california currently democratic representatives would get one vote alaskas single representative republican would also get one vote heavily favors republicans means hillary cannot flip enough republican electors win majority electoral votes finished real prospect house representative electing hillary enough republican electors vote people paul ryan example candidate gets majority house representatives gets choose top three vote finishers electoral college vote could get coalition democrats republican defectors would deny trump presidency give someone like ryan applies case mormon excia operative nevertrump independent presidential candidate evan mcmullen wins utah polls predict possible none scenarios may come pass face fact establishment far stopped nothing try defeat trump far fetched think would try tactics especially november voting produces narrow victory trump media could start inventing reasons trump uniquely unfit become president claim constitution allows scenarios case fact framers constitution created electoral college case would incumbent us make clear members electoral college congress violation peoples would tolerated
Dr. Patrick Slattery
clintons nofly zone over syria will lead to war with russia warning of jcs chairman general dunford
dr david duke farren shoaf countdown days left to trumps presidency and the critical first primary to send dr duke to the us senate october at am dr david duke farren shoaf countdown days left to trumps presidency and the critical first primary to send dr duke to the us senate today dr duke had radio talk show host farren shoaf as his guest for the hour they went into the various criminal aspects of the revelations about hillary clinton in addition to the outrages of hillarys support for isis via massive weapons shipments to saudi arabia mr shoaf pointed out that the media failing use the words obstruction of justice which was actually the crime that forced richard nixon from the white house mr shoaf also raised the fact that never before has there been a major party candidate for president whose criminality was so obvious before the election yet more than of voters appear ready to put her in the oval office this is a great show please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
clintons nofly zone syria lead war russia warning jcs chairman general dunford
dr david duke farren shoaf countdown days left trumps presidency critical first primary send dr duke us senate october dr david duke farren shoaf countdown days left trumps presidency critical first primary send dr duke us senate today dr duke radio talk show host farren shoaf guest hour went various criminal aspects revelations hillary clinton addition outrages hillarys support isis via massive weapons shipments saudi arabia mr shoaf pointed media failing use words obstruction justice actually crime forced richard nixon white house mr shoaf also raised fact never major party candidate president whose criminality obvious election yet voters appear ready put oval office great show please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr david duke with mark collett of the uk collett explains why duke trump victories would change politics forever
dr david duke and adrian salbuch the international impact of a us president trump and us senator duke november at pm dr david duke and adrian salbuch the international impact of a us president trump and us senator duke today dr duke had renown argentine journalist adrian salbuchi as his guest for the hour our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
dr david duke mark collett uk collett explains duke trump victories would change politics forever
dr david duke adrian salbuch international impact us president trump us senator duke november pm dr david duke adrian salbuch international impact us president trump us senator duke today dr duke renown argentine journalist adrian salbuchi guest hour show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
Dr. Patrick Slattery
how they could steal the election from trump even if he is announced the winner next tuesday
no stopping him now dr duke will be in the debate tonight at eastern time november at pm no stopping him now dr duke will be in the debate tonight at eastern time dr dukes epic debate will be broadcast by cspan at pm eastern time not cspan or cspan but original cspan this is the big leagues baby it will also be on cspan radio cspans website has live tv streaming although you may need to sign in so give yourselves plenty of time to figure that out cspan radio does not require sign in click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
could steal election trump even announced winner next tuesday
stopping dr duke debate tonight eastern time november pm stopping dr duke debate tonight eastern time dr dukes epic debate broadcast cspan pm eastern time cspan cspan original cspan big leagues baby also cspan radio cspans website live tv streaming although may need sign give plenty time figure cspan radio require sign click image donate please spread message others
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr david duke farren shoaf countdown days left to trumps presidency and the critical first primary to send dr duke to the us senate
how they could steal trump win next tuesday with the electoral college slattery and shoaf november at am how they could steal trump win next tuesday with the electoral college slattery and shoaf farren shoaf host of the alternative media on rbn interviewed dr slattery about the upcoming election they talked about hillarys new scandal how they could steal trump win next tuesday with the electoral college and how civilization itself could literally collapse if hillary is elected
dr david duke farren shoaf countdown days left trumps presidency critical first primary send dr duke us senate
could steal trump win next tuesday electoral college slattery shoaf november could steal trump win next tuesday electoral college slattery shoaf farren shoaf host alternative media rbn interviewed dr slattery upcoming election talked hillarys new scandal could steal trump win next tuesday electoral college civilization could literally collapse hillary elected
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr david duke and adrian salbuch the international impact of a us president trump and us senator duke
dr david duke storms into the senate debate tonight fighting to take our country back november at am dr david duke storms into the senate debate tonight fighting to take our country back today dr duke talked about how the corrupt media controls the political system and manipulates our elections he brought up the example of the polls which can never really be random and are manipulated by selective sampling these polling results then impact the selection of voters who dont want to waste their vote on someone they feel has no chance of winning he talked about his debate tonight which will be live on cspan you can find the livestreaming information here dr slattery joined the show and spoke of the fact that even if donald trump becomes president european americans will not have a single voice representing their interests in washington unless david duke wins his race for the senate our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
dr david duke adrian salbuch international impact us president trump us senator duke
dr david duke storms senate debate tonight fighting take country back november dr david duke storms senate debate tonight fighting take country back today dr duke talked corrupt media controls political system manipulates elections brought example polls never really random manipulated selective sampling polling results impact selection voters dont want waste vote someone feel chance winning talked debate tonight live cspan find livestreaming information dr slattery joined show spoke fact even donald trump becomes president european americans single voice representing interests washington unless david duke wins race senate show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
Dr. Patrick Slattery
no stopping him now dr duke will be in the debate tonight at eastern time
dr david duke and prof kevin macdonald on dukes overwhelming victory in the debate november at am dr david duke and prof kevin macdonald on dukes overwhelming victory in the debate today dr duke talked about his senatorial debate last night including the attempt by black lives matter activists to attack him and his police escort and the socalled moderator debating with him despite him being the target of attacks from all sides dr duke was judged the winner by of the respondents to the nbc online poll professor kevin macdonald then joined the show and talked about the significance of the debate and the election this is an amazing show that you dont want to miss our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
stopping dr duke debate tonight eastern time
dr david duke prof kevin macdonald dukes overwhelming victory debate november dr david duke prof kevin macdonald dukes overwhelming victory debate today dr duke talked senatorial debate last night including attempt black lives matter activists attack police escort socalled moderator debating despite target attacks sides dr duke judged winner respondents nbc online poll professor kevin macdonald joined show talked significance debate election amazing show dont want miss show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
Dr. Patrick Slattery
how they could steal trump win next tuesday with the electoral college slattery and shoaf
after debate duke says usa becoming banana republic november at am after debate duke says usa becoming banana republic this is what the viewing audience thought about who won the debate
could steal trump win next tuesday electoral college slattery shoaf
debate duke says usa becoming banana republic november debate duke says usa becoming banana republic viewing audience thought debate
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr david duke storms into the senate debate tonight fighting to take our country back
dr david duke and mark collett of the uk discuss dr dukes senate race brexit and the ethnic supremacism no one is free to discuss november at am dr david duke and mark collett of the uk discuss dr dukes senate race brexit and the ethnic supremacism no one is free to discuss today dr duke had british activist mark collett as his guest they talked about dr dukes senate campaign as well as the latest news regarding a move by judges in britain to block the implementation of brexit they also talked about the implications of antiwhite governance in britain america and other white countries which alone are deluged with massive immigration from people around the world this is a great show please spread it around our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
dr david duke storms senate debate tonight fighting take country back
dr david duke mark collett uk discuss dr dukes senate race brexit ethnic supremacism one free discuss november dr david duke mark collett uk discuss dr dukes senate race brexit ethnic supremacism one free discuss today dr duke british activist mark collett guest talked dr dukes senate campaign well latest news regarding move judges britain block implementation brexit also talked implications antiwhite governance britain america white countries alone deluged massive immigration people around world great show please spread around show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr david duke and prof kevin macdonald on dukes overwhelming victory in the debate
david duke launches new powerful tv spots across louisiana november at am thanks to all those who are donating these closing downs for our latest important ad buys for the campaign thanks to those who have contributed and those will do so now in the closing days of the election
dr david duke prof kevin macdonald dukes overwhelming victory debate
david duke launches new powerful tv spots across louisiana november thanks donating closing downs latest important ad buys campaign thanks contributed closing days election
Dr. Patrick Slattery
after debate duke says usa becoming banana republic
david brooks whites are voting their gene pool after being ruined by globalization immigration and feminism november at am by dr patrick slattery on the pbs news hour on friday david brooks said white people are voting their gene pool wow just wow this is the same david brooks who wrote in his new york times column about a jewish woman who came up to him after a speech and knowing that he was jewish too told him that his speech was a description of how jews had taken over america which he acknowledged in the column was indeed the caseone of my jewish professors once boasted that jews earn like episcopalians but vote like puerto ricans in other words they voted their gene pool of course they eventually bought out the republican party as well which gave their gene pools vote a choice blacks famously vote their gene pool hispanics are expected to vote their gene pool but when whites and whites alone consider their ethnic interests in voting it is something that brooks and the rest of the zio elite and their goyish lackey find deplorable basically less educated or high schooleducated whites are going to trump it doesnt matter what the guy does and collegeeducated going to clinton sometimes you get the sense that the campaign barely matters people are just going with their gene pool and whatever it is and that is one of the more depressing aspects of this race for me but what brooks said about the reasons for whites besides the collegeindoctrinated whites voting their gene pool was even more interesting we had a lot of good things over the years that were really good for america i think globalization has been really good for america i think the influx of immigrants has been really good for america feminism has been really good for america but there are a lot of people who used to be up in society because of those three good things are now down a lot of high schooleducated white guys and they have been displaced when david brooks was growing up whites make up close to of the american population so it doesnt really make sense to say that the displacement of the bulk of the american population is good for america of course he did specify high schooleducated white guys well were blacks helped by globalization immigration and feminism what did that do for their employment rates crime rates illegitimacy rates etc and white women well maybe all they ever wanted in the first place was to have blue hair nose rings tattoos and raise cats instead of babies i guess we never asked them and college educated white guys well they used to go to harvard and yale now with affirmative action for blacks and hispanics competition from asians and massive jewish nepotism a white guy is lucky to get into a secondtier state school brooks conclusion was even more breath taking and shame on us for not paying attention to that and helping them out and therefore as a result what happened was they were alienated they got super cynical because they really were being shafted and so they react in an angry way well thats not a shock given the last or years of american history and so for us going forward its to not reverse the dynamism of american society and the diversity its to pay attention to the people who are being ruined by it and so this doesnt happen again here he admits that whites got shafted that we are being ruined by diversity but the weird thing is that line about so this doesnt happen again what is he concerned that hispanics might be jewed out of the america they inherit from whites the rest of his appearance was just a poetic rant against donald trump with any luck on tuesday trump will be elected president and we can make begin the process of making america america again
debate duke says usa becoming banana republic
david brooks whites voting gene pool ruined globalization immigration feminism november dr patrick slattery pbs news hour friday david brooks said white people voting gene pool wow wow david brooks wrote new york times column jewish woman came speech knowing jewish told speech description jews taken america acknowledged column indeed caseone jewish professors boasted jews earn like episcopalians vote like puerto ricans words voted gene pool course eventually bought republican party well gave gene pools vote choice blacks famously vote gene pool hispanics expected vote gene pool whites whites alone consider ethnic interests voting something brooks rest zio elite goyish lackey find deplorable basically less educated high schooleducated whites going trump doesnt matter guy collegeeducated going clinton sometimes get sense campaign barely matters people going gene pool whatever one depressing aspects race brooks said reasons whites besides collegeindoctrinated whites voting gene pool even interesting lot good things years really good america think globalization really good america think influx immigrants really good america feminism really good america lot people used society three good things lot high schooleducated white guys displaced david brooks growing whites make close american population doesnt really make sense say displacement bulk american population good america course specify high schooleducated white guys well blacks helped globalization immigration feminism employment rates crime rates illegitimacy rates etc white women well maybe ever wanted first place blue hair nose rings tattoos raise cats instead babies guess never asked college educated white guys well used go harvard yale affirmative action blacks hispanics competition asians massive jewish nepotism white guy lucky get secondtier state school brooks conclusion even breath taking shame us paying attention helping therefore result happened alienated got super cynical really shafted react angry way well thats shock given last years american history us going forward reverse dynamism american society diversity pay attention people ruined doesnt happen admits whites got shafted ruined diversity weird thing line doesnt happen concerned hispanics might jewed america inherit whites rest appearance poetic rant donald trump luck tuesday trump elected president make begin process making america america
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr david duke and mark collett of the uk discuss dr dukes senate race brexit and the ethnic supremacism no one is free to discuss
dr duke and andrew anglin discuss the most important vote and election of our lives november at pm dr duke and andrew anglin discuss the most important vote and election of our lives today dr duke had daily stormer publisher andrew anglin as his guest for the hour they talked about the importance of the election tomorrow they remarked that the clinton campaign makes baseless accusations that the russians could hack our voting machines to manipulate the election but then insisting that trump is beyond the pale for suggesting that the hillary forces could possibly rig the vote they also talked about new york times columnist david brooks admission on the pbs news hour that as a result of globalization immigration and feminism white men in america have been displacedshafted and ruined and that their support for trump is due to them going with their gene pool brooks a jewish republican says the one person he cannot support for president is donald trump and now a message from andrew anglin meanwhile the media is admitting that voting machines will be hacked we have to overwhelm the polls tomorrow you must get everyone you know to vote call them right now dont wait go through your phonebook on your cellphone and call up every single person you know who is not a totally liberal commie and make sure they are going to vote offer to give them a ride if they need it lets do this people immediately following the show dr duke got an mailbox full of emails saying this was the most powerful and inspiring radio broadcast they ever heard spread it around our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
dr david duke mark collett uk discuss dr dukes senate race brexit ethnic supremacism one free discuss
dr duke andrew anglin discuss important vote election lives november pm dr duke andrew anglin discuss important vote election lives today dr duke daily stormer publisher andrew anglin guest hour talked importance election tomorrow remarked clinton campaign makes baseless accusations russians could hack voting machines manipulate election insisting trump beyond pale suggesting hillary forces could possibly rig vote also talked new york times columnist david brooks admission pbs news hour result globalization immigration feminism white men america displacedshafted ruined support trump due going gene pool brooks jewish republican says one person cannot support president donald trump message andrew anglin meanwhile media admitting voting machines hacked overwhelm polls tomorrow must get everyone know vote call right dont wait go phonebook cellphone call every single person know totally liberal commie make sure going vote offer give ride need lets people immediately following show dr duke got mailbox full emails saying powerful inspiring radio broadcast ever heard spread around show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
david duke launches new powerful tv spots across louisiana
david duke slams the nfl and black lives matter in monday night football game senate campaign ads nfl bosses cringe november at pm david duke slams the nfl and black lives matter in monday night football game senate campaign ads nfl bosses cringe during the middle of monday night football senate candidate slams nfl for their salute to black panthers and black lives matter in superbowl which incited black racist shootings in dallas and our own baton rouge thank god under campaign rules there is still some freedom of speech in america dont you love it
david duke launches new powerful tv spots across louisiana
david duke slams nfl black lives matter monday night football game senate campaign ads nfl bosses cringe november pm david duke slams nfl black lives matter monday night football game senate campaign ads nfl bosses cringe middle monday night football senate candidate slams nfl salute black panthers black lives matter superbowl incited black racist shootings dallas baton rouge thank god campaign rules still freedom speech america dont love
Dr. Patrick Slattery
david brooks whites are voting their gene pool after being ruined by globalization immigration and feminism
election rigging and dirty tricks against trump and brexit slattery and collett november at pm election rigging and dirty tricks against trump and brexit slattery and collett dr patrick slattery and mark collett talk about the myriad of ways that the establishment tried to rig the outcome of both the brexit vote and the us presidential election how the british high court is now allowing for the government to overturn the will of the voters and what the american establishment could block the inauguration of donald trump even if he is announced the winner of the november election also they discuss what still needs to be done to win back control over our societies
david brooks whites voting gene pool ruined globalization immigration feminism
election rigging dirty tricks trump brexit slattery collett november pm election rigging dirty tricks trump brexit slattery collett dr patrick slattery mark collett talk myriad ways establishment tried rig outcome brexit vote us presidential election british high court allowing government overturn voters american establishment could block inauguration donald trump even announced winner november election also discuss still needs done win back control societies
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr duke and andrew anglin discuss the most important vote and election of our lives
david duke exults this is the day we begin to take america back we are confident but whatever the outcome tonight our people are awakened november at am david duke exults this is the day we begin to take america back we are confident but whatever the outcome tonight our people are awakened today dr duke expressed his confidence that he and donald trump were headed to electoral success but that no matter what the outcome the people have been awakened and that we are now in a position to take back our society dr slattery then pointed out the monumental effort made by dr duke and the enormous sacrifices he has made and the real physical risks he has endured in order to give us a voice and offered his heartfelt thanks they then when on to discuss the possibilities that could emerge from todays vote while hillary has been rattling the sabres for a war with russia the mass awakening that is occurring would hopefully lead those needed in the military to make a war happen to reject orders which could destroy civilization this is a historic show for a historic day now go out there and vote for trump and duke our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
dr duke andrew anglin discuss important vote election lives
david duke exults day begin take america back confident whatever outcome tonight people awakened november david duke exults day begin take america back confident whatever outcome tonight people awakened today dr duke expressed confidence donald trump headed electoral success matter outcome people awakened position take back society dr slattery pointed monumental effort made dr duke enormous sacrifices made real physical risks endured order give us voice offered heartfelt thanks discuss possibilities could emerge todays vote hillary rattling sabres war russia mass awakening occurring would hopefully lead needed military make war happen reject orders could destroy civilization historic show historic day go vote trump duke show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
david duke slams the nfl and black lives matter in monday night football game senate campaign ads nfl bosses cringe
trump wins presidency duke falls short in absolutely heroic effort november at am trump wins presidency duke falls short in absolutely heroic effort cnn has reported that hillary will call donald trump to concede cnn and some other networks still have not called all the states but it is clear that pennsylvania will go for trump and put him over the top life is good
david duke slams nfl black lives matter monday night football game senate campaign ads nfl bosses cringe
trump wins presidency duke falls short absolutely heroic effort november trump wins presidency duke falls short absolutely heroic effort cnn reported hillary call donald trump concede cnn networks still called states clear pennsylvania go trump put top life good
Dr. Patrick Slattery
election rigging and dirty tricks against trump and brexit slattery and collett
dr david duke and pastor dankof discuss the magnificent victory of donald trump against the globalist warmongers and criminals november at am dr david duke and pastor dankof discuss the magnificent victory of donald trump against the globalist warmongers and criminals today dr duke and pastor mark dankof discuss the historic victory achieved last night although dr duke came up short amidst the most unfair and rigged system in his own bid for the us senate there is no doubt that the altright movement that propagated dr dukes narrative far and wide was decisive in donald trumps win last night with just enough of our people having woken up in the nick of time we can now avoid the global armageddon that hillarys zio handlers were lurching towards but there is much work to be done we need to build a wall and even more importantly repeal the immigration act we need to build our own media so that the american voters are no longer fed lies and deceit unchallenged and most of all we need to red pill the public to the existence of jewish domination of our society so that we truly can take back our country and make america great again our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
election rigging dirty tricks trump brexit slattery collett
dr david duke pastor dankof discuss magnificent victory donald trump globalist warmongers criminals november dr david duke pastor dankof discuss magnificent victory donald trump globalist warmongers criminals today dr duke pastor mark dankof discuss historic victory achieved last night although dr duke came short amidst unfair rigged system bid us senate doubt altright movement propagated dr dukes narrative far wide decisive donald trumps win last night enough people woken nick time avoid global armageddon hillarys zio handlers lurching towards much work done need build wall even importantly repeal immigration act need build media american voters longer fed lies deceit unchallenged need red pill public existence jewish domination society truly take back country make america great show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
Dr. Patrick Slattery
david duke exults this is the day we begin to take america back we are confident but whatever the outcome tonight our people are awakened
dr macdonald dr duke expose the vicious war on trump by the jewish establishment november at am dr macdonald dr duke expose the vicious war on trump by the jewish establishment today dr duke had professor kevin macdonald as his guest for the hour they discussed the importance of the trump victory as well as what needs to be done they agreed that regarding immigration the most important thing in the long term is repealing the act they also pointed out the phenomenon of whites voting their ethnic interests while we have been hearing that white women were going to vote against trump they wound up supporting him by a margin even almost half of white women with a college education supported trump despite the years of jewish indoctrination at college the same can be said for white millennials this is an important show in terms of showing the path forward please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern click on image to donate and please spread this message to others
david duke exults day begin take america back confident whatever outcome tonight people awakened
dr macdonald dr duke expose vicious war trump jewish establishment november dr macdonald dr duke expose vicious war trump jewish establishment today dr duke professor kevin macdonald guest hour discussed importance trump victory well needs done agreed regarding immigration important thing long term repealing act also pointed phenomenon whites voting ethnic interests hearing white women going vote trump wound supporting margin even almost half white women college education supported trump despite years jewish indoctrination college said white millennials important show terms showing path forward please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern click image donate please spread message others
Dr. Patrick Slattery
trump wins presidency duke falls short in absolutely heroic effort
dr david duke and andrew anglin red pill and white pill our people in an hour of ultimate political incorrectness november at am dr david duke and andrew anglin red pill and white pill our people in an hour of ultimate political incorrectness today dr duke had daily stormer publisher andrew anglin as his guest for the hour they talked about what needs to be done by the new trump administration they also talked about the double standards of morality applied to whites and nonwhites while whites will forever be condemned by the jewish cultural overlords for slavery and the holocaust the massive crimes that were perpetrated by aztecs zulus turks arabs and others during the same historical time period are completely glossed over this is a great show to spread to your friends over the weekend our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
trump wins presidency duke falls short absolutely heroic effort
dr david duke andrew anglin red pill white pill people hour ultimate political incorrectness november dr david duke andrew anglin red pill white pill people hour ultimate political incorrectness today dr duke daily stormer publisher andrew anglin guest hour talked needs done new trump administration also talked double standards morality applied whites nonwhites whites forever condemned jewish cultural overlords slavery holocaust massive crimes perpetrated aztecs zulus turks arabs others historical time period completely glossed great show spread friends weekend show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr david duke and pastor dankof discuss the magnificent victory of donald trump against the globalist warmongers and criminals
views share dr david duke releases an interview with himself undertaken by cnn on presidentelect donald trump and his viewswhich was of course unused by that broadcaster
dr david duke pastor dankof discuss magnificent victory donald trump globalist warmongers criminals
views share dr david duke releases interview undertaken cnn presidentelect donald trump viewswhich course unused broadcaster
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr macdonald dr duke expose the vicious war on trump by the jewish establishment
views share dr duke and dr slattery discuss the color revolution against trump the jewish war against him and america today dr duke had dr patrick slattery as his guest for the hour they discussed the soros companyfueled demonstrations that are going on in cities across the united states that bear a resemblance to the color revolutions that were used by soros in several countries around the world to overturn the results of elections or overthrow governments that were not kosher enough they talked about the medias continuing attack on trump he granted an interview to minutes leslie stahl who constantly interrupted him preventing him from answering the questions she posed to him trump importantly insisted that he will continue to bypass the media and communicate directly with his supporters via social media he also seemed to prioritize tightening the immigration law over immediately deporting all illegal aliens which doctors duke and slattery agreed was the proper strategy please share this show with your friends and relatives our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
dr macdonald dr duke expose vicious war trump jewish establishment
views share dr duke dr slattery discuss color revolution trump jewish war america today dr duke dr patrick slattery guest hour discussed soros companyfueled demonstrations going cities across united states bear resemblance color revolutions used soros several countries around world overturn results elections overthrow governments kosher enough talked medias continuing attack trump granted interview minutes leslie stahl constantly interrupted preventing answering questions posed trump importantly insisted continue bypass media communicate directly supporters via social media also seemed prioritize tightening immigration law immediately deporting illegal aliens doctors duke slattery agreed proper strategy please share show friends relatives show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr david duke and andrew anglin red pill and white pill our people in an hour of ultimate political incorrectness
views share dr duke and dr slattery show why our survival totally depends on defeat of jewish power today dr duke focused on the threat of jews infiltrating and taking over movements with a potential to become a base for opposing jewish power the altright currently includes people who are extremely critical of jewish power and those who either ignore it or downplay it we must be wary of establishment efforts to parachute leaders into our movement who would focus attention away from the jewish issue whether it be milo or alex jones dr slattery joined the show and recounted how jews created a culture of self criticism in the s among whites and then used the resulting environment to push through an immigration act that fundamentally transformed the demographics of the country to the extent that it took a miracle for whites simply to elect the president of their choice this is an extremely informative and edifying show please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
dr david duke andrew anglin red pill white pill people hour ultimate political incorrectness
views share dr duke dr slattery show survival totally depends defeat jewish power today dr duke focused threat jews infiltrating taking movements potential become base opposing jewish power altright currently includes people extremely critical jewish power either ignore downplay must wary establishment efforts parachute leaders movement would focus attention away jewish issue whether milo alex jones dr slattery joined show recounted jews created culture self criticism among whites used resulting environment push immigration act fundamentally transformed demographics country extent took miracle whites simply elect president choice extremely informative edifying show please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
david duke on cnn
views share dr david duke offers a new paradigm for humanity read and listen to this amazing statement that will create a revolution in the concept of human rights a recognition of the absolute right of every people to preserve its human diversity independence and freedom the right of every people to preserve its culture traditions art forms and characteristics of society a path to peace and harmonious nations and societies why we must resist globalist destruction of freedom globalist forms of economic and financial slavery and globalist zionist wars in the power of its reason love and understanding this declaration of human diversity and freedom can be the moral engine to saving our european heritage and truly the rights of every people on earth the foundation of human freedom i believe that each of us must be committed to the preservation of human diversity i cherish not only the value of every form of life on earth in what we call biodiversity but also respect and honor the diversity of mankind i believe that every people has the right to preserve their expression of humanity its own heritage and culture that every people on earth has the right rule themselves and the right to be free and independent human freedom is the principle that all peoples must be free to be different humanity is not one it is many destroying the variety diversity and freedom of a diverse humanity is a destruction of humanity itself not recognizing the inborn urge of every people to express their essence in their own forms of art music culture religion societal structure and government leads to human conflict and often to violence and human suffering on a horrific scale much of the worlds conflicts are not because peoples and cultures are different but because they are not allowed to be different because globalists and imperialists seek to expand their empires they want to control the resources and economy of all nations and destroy real human diversity human differences in values cultures economies religions and their freedom and independence to preserve and celebrated those differences stand in the way of the globalists who want to regiment mankind and make them soulless consumers human diversity is natural human life is expressed in a multitude of diverse peoples created by geographic and social adaption over the course of thousands of years whether we celebrate human diversity as the handiwork of nature or in a religious sense as the creation of god we celebrate the rich tapestry of different peoples and cultures across the earth we believe that every people and culture has the right to preserve its unique expression of humanity that every people has the right to maintain and enrich its unique culture to nurture its particular expressions of art music literature philosophies architecture religion diet traditions and values that make every people unique and add beauty and possibility for mankind we believe that every people has the right to be politically free and independent and not be ruled over or exploited by any other people or nation and we reject the globalist power that seeks to destroy the independence and freedom of every people and destroy human diversity every people must have the right to self preservation and freedom we believe that every free people has the right to live in a harmonious society created in its own image its own nature and spirit for example the people of tibet have the human right to live in a society oriented to the heritage culture and tradition of that nation as should all peoples today the tibetan people are threatened by massive nontibetan immigration forced by an imperial power meant to marginalize the heritage and culture of tibetan people in their own homeland the loss of the unique people and culture of tibet is a horrific loss for them and truly a loss for all of humanity what is true for tibet and the tibetan people is true for every people on earth we believe that the people of tibet and every nation have the right to defend their borders and an inherent human right to preserve its unique ethnic and cultural character and its freedom and independence nations more similar in their cultural ethnic religious and social traditions are tend to be far more harmonious that those wracked with internal cultural ethnic or religious divisions we also affirm that states with significant ethnic and cultural minorities tend to be more happy peaceful and cooperative when each group has the freedom to an autonomy that makes each group feel more at home in society if one looks honestly at the world he quickly recognizes that the greatest source of civil conflict hatreds wars genocide and other horrific human rights violations comes from ethnic conflict often accompanied by religious conflict and when that happens it is like putting a fuse into dynamite it is a truism that if you want to reduce ethnic conflict you must endeavor to give every people the human right to live and to create society and community in its own values and that every group respect the right of every other group to do this we believe that these endemic conflicts are rooted in supranational states and globalist denial of the reality of human diversity and denial of the natural human desire of people to live in a society reflecting their own heritage traditions culture and values one size does not fit all instead of recognizing this reality the globalists and empire builders seek to destroy the distinctions of humanity so they will become more compliant to their control and exploitation instead of accepting the reality of human nature and truly the diversity of all life including human life the globalists continue to promote destructive policies that destroy the harmony of traditional societies and historical character of nations massive immigration of diverse peoples into another peoples living space produces conflict not harmony we believe that massive forced immigration of nonindigenous people into other peoples lands is almost always against the will of the indigenous people and this leads to civil repression conflict hatreds violence one does not have to look much further than the palestinian nakba or the massive immigration into tibet as examples of this universal truth but this reality is just as true in europe and other areas of the world that have undergone massive immigration into it regions and nation states look at the riots and deep social unrest and conflict that have befallen traditional harmonious societies that have experienced massive unwanted immigration a world of independent cultures is true diversity and freedom a multicultural state does not contribute to human diversity it does not contribute to human happiness peace and harmony it more often than not lessens human love and human rights no matter what the high motive it produces more disharmony than harmony more discord than accord just as in the natural world every life form needs its own living space and needs the preservation of its own ecosystem to survive and flourish so it is true for every people of humanity every people needs a living space and ecocultural system in which it can thrive ignoring this reality leads to conflict diverse human peoples and cultures and religions competing in a limited living space is the greatest single cause of civil war and crimes against humanity united nations studies show ethnic cultural and religious conflicts within nations are the primary engines of civil conflict and war which takes an enormous toll in human suffering numbering hundreds of millions of dead injured and dispossessed human beings this urge to diversity has always been in mankind and always will be not to recognize this elemental part of mankinds nature is the progenitor of conflict in fact with the rise of the idea that people have the right to be free ethnic conflict is increasing as the imperial states created by conquest can no longer repress the desire of diverse people for their freedom and ethnic expression nations whose rulers have established immigration policies ignoring human differences are increasingly divided and conflicted trying to change the natural urge toward freedom is like screaming against the tide the global elite in government and media which has a huge stake in trying to regiment the worlds populations tell us we are all the same and they endeavor to destroy every unique culture and human expression they attempt to change human nature but history and an increasingly conflicted world show that this is like screaming against the tide better to recognize human nature and within that context support national and regional freedom that lessons conflict and supports mutual respect it is time to teach the new ethic that recognizes the human right of every people to exist and thrive however those who seek their own peoples freedom must understand that these rights must be afforded to every people and any effort toward this worthy goal must be in the spirit of not destroying the rights of others and to peaceful resolution of the conflicts it is far better to recognize these realities and inherent desires of humanity and avoid as much human conflict as possible than to try to destroy human distinctions in pursuit of imperialist empire or globalist regimentation and conformity even if the destruction of peoples is based on a utopian vision because it goes against basic human nature it ultimately leads not to a dreamed of peace and love between people but to conflict and hate attempts to control exploit or harm any people is a crime against humanity we must condemn violence and the harming or destruction of any people we must adopt a clear human ethic that attempts to control or exploit any other nation or people is a crime against humanity we support human freedom and we support human diversity and we support the right of every people to have their own nation or society but we do not support supremacism control or repression of any other people efforts to control or exploit is a crime against humanity as a person of european descent i see that much of the repressive globalism damaging the world originates in mostly european peopled nations that are today called the west i see that this globalism not only damages and harms the worlds diversity of peoples but that it harms my own people and i have learned that we must not allow this exploitation of our own heritage and be just as committed to the well being of all of humanity this is a lifechanging lesson that i have learned in my own life as a very young man i joined a nonviolent klan organization in my community like so many young people across the world i longed to identify with my own people to defend the heritage that i love and that i believed was threatened but still as a young man i left the organization because i came to realize i have no moral right to speak about human rights for my own people unless i embrace the idea of the same human rights for every people and further that we must be committed to securing human rights not with war not with violence not with human suppression but the power of human ideas and ideals i believe that the vast majority of the earths people believe in the principles i set forth here in my own life i further realized that other peoples have the same the desires for their own peoples heritage and rights that i have for mine i realize fully that only in a context of genuine commitment to respect the rights and freedoms of all humanity can one morally campaign for your own peoples fundamental rights defending the diversity of humanity is a defense of humanity itself there is nothing wrong with a people defending their own rights and heritage in fact defending and preserving the diversity of humanity is defense of humanity itself but it must come with a genuine concern for the rights and heritage of all in that context and only with that understanding can we move toward peaceful resolutions of social religious and ethnic conflicts and at the same time preserve our own heritage and the diversity and freedom of humanity nations that have an overwhelmingly unifying heritage culture religious and social tradition have the right to preserve their expression of humanity and their societal harmony it is a crime to destroy those values in pursuit of socalled multiculturalism and if one wants to see where massive immigration of alien peoples cultures and religions lead just look to what happened in the warravaged now dismembered nation once called yugoslavia look to the cultural and ethnic genocide in tibet look to the tribal and religious conflicts in many nations of the mideast group differences run deep even though the muslim quran repeatedly teaches muslim unity still some extremist elements of shiites and sunnis blow up the children of each other in the others holy places of worship nor did the admonitions of jesus christ against violence and for love and reconciliation stop irish catholics and scottishderived protestants from a cascade of violence that has lead to the death of countless innocents although we understand the historical motives of mass immigration of one people into another peoples lands we must not continue to repeat those mistakes in the modern world and create more divided and strifetorn communities regions and nations models of self rule and societal harmony and just as a majority has the human right to live in a social fabric in harmony with its history and values so minorities must be accorded their human right to have their own communities or regions that reflect their own essence or helped to migrate to a sovereign region of compatriots this is human freedom and this is human rights on the most fundamental level those nations with significant minorities of diverse people should strive toward recognizing their desire for freedom and self expression autonomy within nations such as the german language speaking south tyrol region of north italy and the italian french and germanspeaking cantons of switzerland offer models of how recognition of differences in language heritage ethnicity and a liberal degree of autonomy can lead to a more peaceful national fabric nation states that seek imperial power through the conquering and subjection of other peoples are now coming apart at the seams because of the inherent will to freedom and identity that grow in suppressed people even european nations divided by slight differences in history identity genetics and culture seek this freedom the artificially created nation of czechoslovakia was composed of czechs and slovaks held together by years of intense totalitarian physical suppression propaganda and conditioning when the communist tyranny collapsed they used their new freedom to create the independent states of the czech republic and the slovak republic they did this with mutual respect and not war and without horrific crimes against humanity contrast that to the artificially created state of yugoslavia created in name of empire and then held together under a ruthless authoritarian regime when communism fell people wedded to old ideas of empire tried desperately to hold on to control over vast areas of diverse peoples as a result a long war and brutality and massive crimes against humanity occurred on both sides of the conflict how much better if all parties in the conflict had embraced the ethic that all people have a right to self rule and self expression in their own regions take for example two of the many peoples trapped in the old yugoslavia the serbians and the croatians even though serbians may have dominated the government of yugoslavia to effectively control other peoples such a totalitarian state must suppress the natural differences in people and force a regimentation and conformity so even the serbian people lost some of their unique identity as well as the other peoples over whom they ruled people now warmly embrace the right of serbians and croatians to be themselves and rule themselves globalism is a continuation of yugoslavian totalitarianism on a global scale ironically the serbians and the croatians and indeed all of us face globalist tyrants demanding to control the economy of serbia and croatia their currencies controlled by new york and london rather than by their own people and increasingly they are subject to a media controlled by hollywood and new york rather than the spirit of their own traditional heritage and values and in the height of insanity the globalists are eyeing mass immigration into both serbia and croatia of massive numbers of noneuropean immigrants who are far more fundamentally different than serbs and croats a prescription for future human conflict the rights of both majorities and minorities there are many harmonious nations on earth that are overwhelmingly of one primary heritage with only minor differences among their inhabitants but nations corrupted by the globalist power and media elite and propagandized that humanity is one and not many go against the peoples will and usher in massive immigration of an alien population this process is almost always against the democratic will of the nations inhabitants as history repeatedly shows and then as the numbers increase and societal differences and conflicts and discord increase the globalists resort to the old totalitarian tactics of suppressing free speech free association and all kinds of human liberty even to the point of forbidding the public displays of the traditional culture of the vast majority a powerful example is how the american government has now made it illegal to display a christian christmas motif on public ground even in an overwhelmingly christian cultural nation america supposedly created by e pluribus unum out of the many one is now dominated by identity and ethnic politics the most powerful lobby in american politics by far is for instance the jewish lobby comprised of an ethnic group of two percent of the american people but driven by ethnic and religious supremacism jewish organizations lead the fight in the destruction of christian christmas traditions the political landscape of america is dominated by special interest groups to which every politician must now bow except of course the european american majority which must silently watch as its cultural traditions such as christmas are destroyed of course it goes far beyond christmas americans are experiencing increasing identity politics and division such as generated by massive illegal immigration the rights of small nations cannot be sacrificed on the international level it must be recognized as a crime against humanity for any imperial state to occupy another peoples lands for exploitation of its labor or resources where autonomy or independent regions are not possible a degree of autonomy is certainly possible where significant groups in an area can have community institutions schools and other structures oriented toward both their needs and their spirit it is time to stand for freedom for all peoples it is time to stand up to globalist destruction of biodiversity destruction of human diversity destruction of the earths indigenous cultures artistic expressions lifestyles traditions and independence zionist globalism is actually supremacism the globalists seek the destruction of every unique expression of humanity they want to destroy the unique character of your people and every people on the earth they seek to destroy the human diversity of the earth so they can more easily rule over all of us and market the same brands of junk movies media and music they want you and all of us to consume the same junk food from a world agribusiness and media that advertises it that not only destroys the planets ecosystems but destroys your health and the health of hundreds of millions of people spawning epidemics of obesity heart disease diabetes and other ills they want to control the value of the currency in your pocket and force you and your nation under a corrupt zionistcontrolled global banking system that exploits you and all of us and put whole nations and peoples as slaves in a perpetual debt they want to put you and all of us under a soulless globalist government that takes away your freedom and that of every people and every nation and these globalists want war perpetual wars and conflicts in their attempts to expand their power over the earth and over all people they grow stronger by divide and conquer tactics and they seek to stamp out human diversity and seek to regiment all of humanity to their new world order all while the new york centered globalist media supports israel as a quote jewish state and supports zionist control of the international banks and the globalist media so in reality zionistdriven globalism is actually form of jewish supremacism globalism is imperialism on a global level and the greatest threat to human freedom diversity and independence in all of world history yes to freedom yes to diversity and independence but my dear friends all over the world in my homeland of america and that of my brethren in europe but among all freedom loving people across the globe millions of us say no to globalism we say yes to freedom yes to human diversity and independence we say no to globalist wars such as the iraq war the afghanistan war the planned war on iran horrific wars that are part of the zionist globalist agenda we say no to the zionist dominated globalist media that spout the lies that fuel these wars we say yes to a free internet and the freedom of people create their own media literature music and art forms no longer will we drink the toxic poisons of the globalist elite we say no to globalism yes to human freedom yes to human diversity yes to world of peace and prosperity we say yes to every peoples striving to preserve their way of life their particular heritage their particular expression of humanity whether we are kurds or pakistanis or iranians or palestinians whether we are chinese or japanese or africans or indians or of european heritage we say no to globalism we say yes to human freedom and global diversity we say yes to the peoples of our own nations and societies determining our destiny we say no to the global corporations and huge imperial powers wiping out human diversity in pursuit of their ungodly power we say yes to preserving our heritage and our way of life yes to our independence and freedom no matter who we are or where we live upon the earth we are humanity we are many because we honor our own heritage and traditions we honor every heritage and tradition because we value our own freedom and independence we value the freedom and independence of every people on earth because we refuse to be economically exploited we pledge not to exploit other s just as most europeans now want to preserve their own heritage and cultures we refuse to support the globalists who seek to use us to control and exploit other nations around the world because we love peace we refuse to support their zionistdriven globalist wars a new paradigm of human rights this is a new affirmation of human rights a new paradigm it is the human freedom movement and it is found wherever there are free people who desire to preserve their heritage and freedom it is found where people yearn for human societies allowed to be as naturally diverse as the biodiversity in nature the globalists have global economic media political and military power but we represent the true desires of humanity for freedom we represent the natural desires of every majority population to want to preserve the character of their nation and people and every minority population who seeks more freedom and autonomy in their own communities or regions human diversity freedom and independence we must resist rule of the globalists over us with a global coalition of mutually free peoples we are rising in every nation our paradigm for human freedom and diversity is growing among people all over the world the globalists cannot rule over us without our consent they cannot defeat us if we rise in defense of human freedom and diversity not just for ourselves but as a new principle for all mankind good for all people on this planet the principles we stand for we hold for our own people and for every people on the face the earth this is the world i am committed to the humanity i am committed to the nation in my own land that i am committed to i hope you join me in this quest for a new paradigm for humanity a new commitment to human freedom and diversity dr david duke postscript as i publish this most recent updated edition zionist jewish supremacists are committing mass murder against the people of gaza we must support gaza gaza is a symbol today of the need for global freedom from the tyranny of zionism free palestine free europe and the western world free the world
david duke cnn
views share dr david duke offers new paradigm humanity read listen amazing statement create revolution concept human rights recognition absolute right every people preserve human diversity independence freedom right every people preserve culture traditions art forms characteristics society path peace harmonious nations societies must resist globalist destruction freedom globalist forms economic financial slavery globalist zionist wars power reason love understanding declaration human diversity freedom moral engine saving european heritage truly rights every people earth foundation human freedom believe us must committed preservation human diversity cherish value every form life earth call biodiversity also respect honor diversity mankind believe every people right preserve expression humanity heritage culture every people earth right rule right free independent human freedom principle peoples must free different humanity one many destroying variety diversity freedom diverse humanity destruction humanity recognizing inborn urge every people express essence forms art music culture religion societal structure government leads human conflict often violence human suffering horrific scale much worlds conflicts peoples cultures different allowed different globalists imperialists seek expand empires want control resources economy nations destroy real human diversity human differences values cultures economies religions freedom independence preserve celebrated differences stand way globalists want regiment mankind make soulless consumers human diversity natural human life expressed multitude diverse peoples created geographic social adaption course thousands years whether celebrate human diversity handiwork nature religious sense creation god celebrate rich tapestry different peoples cultures across earth believe every people culture right preserve unique expression humanity every people right maintain enrich unique culture nurture particular expressions art music literature philosophies architecture religion diet traditions values make every people unique add beauty possibility mankind believe every people right politically free independent ruled exploited people nation reject globalist power seeks destroy independence freedom every people destroy human diversity every people must right self preservation freedom believe every free people right live harmonious society created image nature spirit example people tibet human right live society oriented heritage culture tradition nation peoples today tibetan people threatened massive nontibetan immigration forced imperial power meant marginalize heritage culture tibetan people homeland loss unique people culture tibet horrific loss truly loss humanity true tibet tibetan people true every people earth believe people tibet every nation right defend borders inherent human right preserve unique ethnic cultural character freedom independence nations similar cultural ethnic religious social traditions tend far harmonious wracked internal cultural ethnic religious divisions also affirm states significant ethnic cultural minorities tend happy peaceful cooperative group freedom autonomy makes group feel home society one looks honestly world quickly recognizes greatest source civil conflict hatreds wars genocide horrific human rights violations comes ethnic conflict often accompanied religious conflict happens like putting fuse dynamite truism want reduce ethnic conflict must endeavor give every people human right live create society community values every group respect right every group believe endemic conflicts rooted supranational states globalist denial reality human diversity denial natural human desire people live society reflecting heritage traditions culture values one size fit instead recognizing reality globalists empire builders seek destroy distinctions humanity become compliant control exploitation instead accepting reality human nature truly diversity life including human life globalists continue promote destructive policies destroy harmony traditional societies historical character nations massive immigration diverse peoples another peoples living space produces conflict harmony believe massive forced immigration nonindigenous people peoples lands almost always indigenous people leads civil repression conflict hatreds violence one look much palestinian nakba massive immigration tibet examples universal truth reality true europe areas world undergone massive immigration regions nation states look riots deep social unrest conflict befallen traditional harmonious societies experienced massive unwanted immigration world independent cultures true diversity freedom multicultural state contribute human diversity contribute human happiness peace harmony often lessens human love human rights matter high motive produces disharmony harmony discord accord natural world every life form needs living space needs preservation ecosystem survive flourish true every people humanity every people needs living space ecocultural system thrive ignoring reality leads conflict diverse human peoples cultures religions competing limited living space greatest single cause civil war crimes humanity united nations studies show ethnic cultural religious conflicts within nations primary engines civil conflict war takes enormous toll human suffering numbering hundreds millions dead injured dispossessed human beings urge diversity always mankind always recognize elemental part mankinds nature progenitor conflict fact rise idea people right free ethnic conflict increasing imperial states created conquest longer repress desire diverse people freedom ethnic expression nations whose rulers established immigration policies ignoring human differences increasingly divided conflicted trying change natural urge toward freedom like screaming tide global elite government media huge stake trying regiment worlds populations tell us endeavor destroy every unique culture human expression attempt change human nature history increasingly conflicted world show like screaming tide better recognize human nature within context support national regional freedom lessons conflict supports mutual respect time teach new ethic recognizes human right every people exist thrive however seek peoples freedom must understand rights must afforded every people effort toward worthy goal must spirit destroying rights others peaceful resolution conflicts far better recognize realities inherent desires humanity avoid much human conflict possible try destroy human distinctions pursuit imperialist empire globalist regimentation conformity even destruction peoples based utopian vision goes basic human nature ultimately leads dreamed peace love people conflict hate attempts control exploit harm people crime humanity must condemn violence harming destruction people must adopt clear human ethic attempts control exploit nation people crime humanity support human freedom support human diversity support right every people nation society support supremacism control repression people efforts control exploit crime humanity person european descent see much repressive globalism damaging world originates mostly european peopled nations today called west see globalism damages harms worlds diversity peoples harms people learned must allow exploitation heritage committed well humanity lifechanging lesson learned life young man joined nonviolent klan organization community like many young people across world longed identify people defend heritage love believed threatened still young man left organization came realize moral right speak human rights people unless embrace idea human rights every people must committed securing human rights war violence human suppression power human ideas ideals believe vast majority earths people believe principles set forth life realized peoples desires peoples heritage rights mine realize fully context genuine commitment respect rights freedoms humanity one morally campaign peoples fundamental rights defending diversity humanity defense humanity nothing wrong people defending rights heritage fact defending preserving diversity humanity defense humanity must come genuine concern rights heritage context understanding move toward peaceful resolutions social religious ethnic conflicts time preserve heritage diversity freedom humanity nations overwhelmingly unifying heritage culture religious social tradition right preserve expression humanity societal harmony crime destroy values pursuit socalled multiculturalism one wants see massive immigration alien peoples cultures religions lead look happened warravaged dismembered nation called yugoslavia look cultural ethnic genocide tibet look tribal religious conflicts many nations mideast group differences run deep even though muslim quran repeatedly teaches muslim unity still extremist elements shiites sunnis blow children others holy places worship admonitions jesus christ violence love reconciliation stop irish catholics scottishderived protestants cascade violence lead death countless innocents although understand historical motives mass immigration one people another peoples lands must continue repeat mistakes modern world create divided strifetorn communities regions nations models self rule societal harmony majority human right live social fabric harmony history values minorities must accorded human right communities regions reflect essence helped migrate sovereign region compatriots human freedom human rights fundamental level nations significant minorities diverse people strive toward recognizing desire freedom self expression autonomy within nations german language speaking south tyrol region north italy italian french germanspeaking cantons switzerland offer models recognition differences language heritage ethnicity liberal degree autonomy lead peaceful national fabric nation states seek imperial power conquering subjection peoples coming apart seams inherent freedom identity grow suppressed people even european nations divided slight differences history identity genetics culture seek freedom artificially created nation czechoslovakia composed czechs slovaks held together years intense totalitarian physical suppression propaganda conditioning communist tyranny collapsed used new freedom create independent states czech republic slovak republic mutual respect war without horrific crimes humanity contrast artificially created state yugoslavia created name empire held together ruthless authoritarian regime communism fell people wedded old ideas empire tried desperately hold control vast areas diverse peoples result long war brutality massive crimes humanity occurred sides conflict much better parties conflict embraced ethic people right self rule self expression regions take example two many peoples trapped old yugoslavia serbians croatians even though serbians may dominated government yugoslavia effectively control peoples totalitarian state must suppress natural differences people force regimentation conformity even serbian people lost unique identity well peoples ruled people warmly embrace right serbians croatians rule globalism continuation yugoslavian totalitarianism global scale ironically serbians croatians indeed us face globalist tyrants demanding control economy serbia croatia currencies controlled new york london rather people increasingly subject media controlled hollywood new york rather spirit traditional heritage values height insanity globalists eyeing mass immigration serbia croatia massive numbers noneuropean immigrants far fundamentally different serbs croats prescription future human conflict rights majorities minorities many harmonious nations earth overwhelmingly one primary heritage minor differences among inhabitants nations corrupted globalist power media elite propagandized humanity one many go peoples usher massive immigration alien population process almost always democratic nations inhabitants history repeatedly shows numbers increase societal differences conflicts discord increase globalists resort old totalitarian tactics suppressing free speech free association kinds human liberty even point forbidding public displays traditional culture vast majority powerful example american government made illegal display christian christmas motif public ground even overwhelmingly christian cultural nation america supposedly created e pluribus unum many one dominated identity ethnic politics powerful lobby american politics far instance jewish lobby comprised ethnic group two percent american people driven ethnic religious supremacism jewish organizations lead fight destruction christian christmas traditions political landscape america dominated special interest groups every politician must bow except course european american majority must silently watch cultural traditions christmas destroyed course goes far beyond christmas americans experiencing increasing identity politics division generated massive illegal immigration rights small nations cannot sacrificed international level must recognized crime humanity imperial state occupy another peoples lands exploitation labor resources autonomy independent regions possible degree autonomy certainly possible significant groups area community institutions schools structures oriented toward needs spirit time stand freedom peoples time stand globalist destruction biodiversity destruction human diversity destruction earths indigenous cultures artistic expressions lifestyles traditions independence zionist globalism actually supremacism globalists seek destruction every unique expression humanity want destroy unique character people every people earth seek destroy human diversity earth easily rule us market brands junk movies media music want us consume junk food world agribusiness media advertises destroys planets ecosystems destroys health health hundreds millions people spawning epidemics obesity heart disease diabetes ills want control value currency pocket force nation corrupt zionistcontrolled global banking system exploits us put whole nations peoples slaves perpetual debt want put us soulless globalist government takes away freedom every people every nation globalists want war perpetual wars conflicts attempts expand power earth people grow stronger divide conquer tactics seek stamp human diversity seek regiment humanity new world order new york centered globalist media supports israel quote jewish state supports zionist control international banks globalist media reality zionistdriven globalism actually form jewish supremacism globalism imperialism global level greatest threat human freedom diversity independence world history yes freedom yes diversity independence dear friends world homeland america brethren europe among freedom loving people across globe millions us say globalism say yes freedom yes human diversity independence say globalist wars iraq war afghanistan war planned war iran horrific wars part zionist globalist agenda say zionist dominated globalist media spout lies fuel wars say yes free internet freedom people create media literature music art forms longer drink toxic poisons globalist elite say globalism yes human freedom yes human diversity yes world peace prosperity say yes every peoples striving preserve way life particular heritage particular expression humanity whether kurds pakistanis iranians palestinians whether chinese japanese africans indians european heritage say globalism say yes human freedom global diversity say yes peoples nations societies determining destiny say global corporations huge imperial powers wiping human diversity pursuit ungodly power say yes preserving heritage way life yes independence freedom matter live upon earth humanity many honor heritage traditions honor every heritage tradition value freedom independence value freedom independence every people earth refuse economically exploited pledge exploit europeans want preserve heritage cultures refuse support globalists seek use us control exploit nations around world love peace refuse support zionistdriven globalist wars new paradigm human rights new affirmation human rights new paradigm human freedom movement found wherever free people desire preserve heritage freedom found people yearn human societies allowed naturally diverse biodiversity nature globalists global economic media political military power represent true desires humanity freedom represent natural desires every majority population want preserve character nation people every minority population seeks freedom autonomy communities regions human diversity freedom independence must resist rule globalists us global coalition mutually free peoples rising every nation paradigm human freedom diversity growing among people world globalists cannot rule us without consent cannot defeat us rise defense human freedom diversity new principle mankind good people planet principles stand hold people every people face earth world committed humanity committed nation land committed hope join quest new paradigm humanity new commitment human freedom diversity dr david duke postscript publish recent updated edition zionist jewish supremacists committing mass murder people gaza must support gaza gaza symbol today need global freedom tyranny zionism free palestine free europe western world free world
Dr. Patrick Slattery
the color revolution against trump
share national bugle radio slattery and dankof we won now what dr patrick slattery and pastor mark dankof discuss the tremendous victory by donald trump and the disgraceful ongoing attack on him by the media the political establishment and the jewish cabal represented by the likes of george soros who seems to want to spread his color revolutions to america
color revolution trump
share national bugle radio slattery dankof dr patrick slattery pastor mark dankof discuss tremendous victory donald trump disgraceful ongoing attack media political establishment jewish cabal represented likes george soros seems want spread color revolutions america
Dr. Patrick Slattery
why our survival depends on the defeat of jewish power
share dr duke and pastor dankof quote jews boasting of jewish media power today dr duke had reverend mark dankof as his guest for the hour they presented a combination of new information and past proclamations by leading jewish authors that demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt not just the jewish domination of the media but also the nefarious ends that they are pursuing they document everything from the news media to the porn industry all of which are designed to weaken traditional white christian morality identity and solidarity rev dankof quoted an article by former reagan administration assistant treasury secretary paul craig roberts that goes farther than he has ever done before in identifying the jewish nature of the power establishment in america the very same establishment that is fighting presidentelect trump tooth and nail there seems to be the start of a sea change in which people are becoming more willing to point out that the emperor has no clothes this is probably the most powerful show dr duke has ever done on jewish domination of the media anyone you share it with will be jolted wide awake our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
survival depends defeat jewish power
share dr duke pastor dankof quote jews boasting jewish media power today dr duke reverend mark dankof guest hour presented combination new information past proclamations leading jewish authors demonstrates beyond shadow doubt jewish domination media also nefarious ends pursuing document everything news media porn industry designed weaken traditional white christian morality identity solidarity rev dankof quoted article former reagan administration assistant treasury secretary paul craig roberts goes farther ever done identifying jewish nature power establishment america establishment fighting presidentelect trump tooth nail seems start sea change people becoming willing point emperor clothes probably powerful show dr duke ever done jewish domination media anyone share jolted wide awake show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
a way forward to liberation for all peoples a new paradigm for true human diversity and freedom
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp david duke exposes the lies of msnbc and greenblatt of the adl today dr duke addressed the attack on him by msnbcs lawrence odonnell overpaid shill and antidefamation league chairman jonathan greenblat professional jewish censorship overlord on dr dukes use of the term jewish supremacist to describe senator barbara boxer does senator boxers support for israel and for the domestic jewish agenda president obama signs the united statesisrael enhanced security cooperation act in the oval office july with him from left are richard stone chairman conference of presidents of major american jewish organizations sen barbara boxer dca howard friedman past chair of aipac rep howard berman dca and lee rosenberg aipac chair its just a coincidence that all five people standing behind obama just happen to be jewish dr slattery joined the show and pointed out hypocrisy of people like jonathan greenblat calling for donald trump not to appoint steve bannon to his administration over allegations that he did not want to his kids to go to school with jews when so many of greenblats own staff at the adl send their kids to jewishonly day schools this is a great show please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
way forward liberation peoples new paradigm true human diversity freedom
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp david duke exposes lies msnbc greenblatt adl today dr duke addressed attack msnbcs lawrence odonnell overpaid shill antidefamation league chairman jonathan greenblat professional jewish censorship overlord dr dukes use term jewish supremacist describe senator barbara boxer senator boxers support israel domestic jewish agenda president obama signs united statesisrael enhanced security cooperation act oval office july left richard stone chairman conference presidents major american jewish organizations sen barbara boxer dca howard friedman past chair aipac rep howard berman dca lee rosenberg aipac chair coincidence five people standing behind obama happen jewish dr slattery joined show pointed hypocrisy people like jonathan greenblat calling donald trump appoint steve bannon administration allegations want kids go school jews many greenblats staff adl send kids jewishonly day schools great show please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
Dr. Patrick Slattery
slattery and dankof we won now what
editorial by dr david duke trump appoints men who will take america back presidentelect donald trumps appointment of bannon flynn and sessions are the first steps in the long and arduous project of taking america back trump chief strategist bannon has repeatedly exposed the vicious war on white people on his breitbart website national security head flynn realizes that americas foreign policy has been downright traitorous with the support of the radical jihadists of saudi arabia over our natural allies the christian muslim and moderate secularists of syria he also understands that putin of christian russia should not be our enemy but our ally he is an avowed enemy of the jewish warmonger traitors called neocons and they in turn intensely hate this us army general who truly puts america first attorney general sessions has been hated for years by the jewishdominated media for his opposition to massive immigration into america and for the fact that he has dared to publicly oppose the massive institutionalized racial discrimination against white people called affirmative action during his us senate confirmation hearings senators should demand that he expose the blatant media and political blather of equal rights and opportunity when white people face massive racial discrimination as well as a media hate campaign against the people whose ancestors created america we must demand the protection of the civil rights of all americans including white people everyone must be judged on their merit and not the unfair and destructive antiwhite affirmative action racist policies that dominate major corporations federal state and city governments colleges and educational institutions bravo president trump some great first steps
slattery dankof
editorial dr david duke trump appoints men take america back presidentelect donald trumps appointment bannon flynn sessions first steps long arduous project taking america back trump chief strategist bannon repeatedly exposed vicious war white people breitbart website national security head flynn realizes americas foreign policy downright traitorous support radical jihadists saudi arabia natural allies christian muslim moderate secularists syria also understands putin christian russia enemy ally avowed enemy jewish warmonger traitors called neocons turn intensely hate us army general truly puts america first attorney general sessions hated years jewishdominated media opposition massive immigration america fact dared publicly oppose massive institutionalized racial discrimination white people called affirmative action us senate confirmation hearings senators demand expose blatant media political blather equal rights opportunity white people face massive racial discrimination well media hate campaign people whose ancestors created america must demand protection civil rights americans including white people everyone must judged merit unfair destructive antiwhite affirmative action racist policies dominate major corporations federal state city governments colleges educational institutions bravo president trump great first steps
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr duke and pastor dankof quote jews boasting of jewish media power
views share by dr david duke when i was first began to understand the ultraracist supremacist ideology of judaism and zionism i came into contact with the theory that presentday jews are genetically unrelated to the historical jewish community the allegation known as the khazar theory claims that the ashkenazim jews of today are actually the descendants of the khazar people a central asiatic nomadic tribe that allegedly converted to judaism in the th century ad it is claimed that these newlyminted jews then migrated into what is now russia eastern europe and later western and northern europe the theory is also used to advance the idea that jewish actions are character are not genetic or racial because the khazar people adopted the talmudic values of shephardic and other jews who were unrelated to them interestingly enough the khazar theory was launched and is still to this day driven primarily by communist jews and other jews who promote it in the gentile community as a refutation that the jews cant be racist because they are not a race it is ironic that the three most prominent exponents of the theory that the jews are not a race all have almost exaggerated caricatures of features people ascribe as jewish above left to right zionist extremist and communist party member arthur koestler author of the the thirteenth tribe jewish geneticist eran elhaik and shlomo sand an israeli academic and former member of the union of israeli communist youth banki all three maintain that large numbers of presentday jews are completely genetically unrelated to the middle easternorigin jews who wrote the babylonian talmud for years i accepted the khazar theory as true after it all it was repeated by some writers who also recognized the leading jewish role in communism and their leadership in many other subversive movements it was only later when i considered the question logically and scientifically were my doubts about the khazar theory aroused one thing that i did not know then was that koestler the communist jew who popularized the khazar theory bragged in a jewish magazine that he advanced the theory as way to fight against antisemitism his theory was that since the gospels and europeans blamed jews for the crucifixion of jesus christ if he could make europeans believe that they are not related by blood to the christkiller jews talked about in the new testament that he could lessen hatred against jews one must remember until the jewish triumph of christian zionism percent of christianity viewed jews as the greatest enemies of jesus christ and god as the new testament makes very very clear so in those days some jews such as koestler saw an advantage to say that the jews were not actually related to the jews who crucified christ and so persecuted christians koestlers official biography written by michael scammell specifically quotes him on why he wrote the thirteenth tribe his argument was that if he could persuade people that a nonjewish khazar heritage formed the basis of modern jews then this would be a weapon against european raciallybased antisemitism should this theory be confirmed the term antisemitism would become void of meaning he said according to scammell koestler told french biologist pierre debrayritzen he was convinced that if he could prove that the bulk of eastern european jews were descended from the khazars the racial basis for antisemitism would be removed and antisemitism itself could disappear source scammell michael koestler the literary and political odyssey of a twentiethcentury skeptic random house isbn p in the s the khazar theory was also promoted by benjamin friedman a prominent rich jew who converted to christianity and turned against the jews it was certainly selfserving for him to promote the idea that jewishness was mostly cultural and religious and not racial in nature therefore facilitating more acceptance of him there are three fundamental issues which need to addressed the scientific evidence thehistoricallogical evidence and the reasons why the khazar theory came about part i the scientific evidencetwelve dna studies which disprove the khazar theory a study titled jewish and middle eastern nonjewish populations share a common pool of ychromosome biallelic haplotypes mf hammer etal proceedings of the us national academy of sciences doi pnas found that despite their longterm residence in different countries and isolation from one another most jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level admixture estimates suggested low levels of european ychromosome gene flow into ashkenazi and roman jewish communities jewish and middle eastern nonjewish populations were not statistically different the results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of jewish communities from europe north africa and the middle east descended from a common middle eastern ancestral population and suggest that most jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring nonjewish communities during and after the diaspora a november study titled the y chromosome pool of jews as part of the genetic landscape of the middle east almut nebel et al american journal of human genetics nov found that in most jewish populations male line ancestors appear to have been mainly middle eastern the study found that ashkenazi jews in particular share more common paternal lineages with other jewish and middle eastern groups than with nonjewish populations in areas where jews lived in eastern europe germany and the french rhine valley this is consistent with jewish traditions in placing most jewish paternal origins in the region of the middle east a september study titled european population substructure clustering of northern and southern populations michael f seldin etal plos genetics doi journalpgen found that both ashkenazi jews as well as sephardic jews showed more than membership in the southern european group which made their results consistent with a later mediterranean origin of these ethnic groups an april study titled counting the founders the matrilineal genetic ancestry of the jewish diaspora doron m behar etal plos one e doi journalpone found that about of ashkenazi jews originate maternally from just four female founders who were of middle eastern origin a january study titled a genomewide genetic signature of jewish ancestry perfectly separates individuals with and without full jewish ancestry in a large random sample of european americans anna c need etal genome biology r doi gbr found that individuals with full jewish ancestry formed a clearly distinct cluster from those individuals with no jewish ancestry this study showed that in dna terms jews both sephardic and ashkenazim cluster as a distinct groupsomething that if the khazar theory was true would be impossible a december study titled genomic microsatellites identify shared jewish ancestry intermediate between middle eastern and european populations naama m kopelman etal bmc genetics doi found that jewish populations show a high level of genetic similarity to each other clustering together in several types of analysis of population structure these results support the view that the jewish populations largely share a common middle eastern ancestry and that over their history they have undergone varying degrees of admixture with nonjewish populations of european descent a december study titled the genomewide structure of the jewish people doron m behar et al nature july doinature analyzed individuals from jewish diaspora communities and compare these patterns of genomewide diversity with those from old world nonjewish populations in order to provide comprehensive comparisons between jewish and nonjewish populations in the diaspora as well as with nonjewish populations from the middle east and north africa the results identified a previously unrecognized genetic substructure within the middle east and that most jewish samples form a remarkably tight subcluster and that traces the origins of most jewish diaspora communities to the levant a june study titled abrahams children in the genome era major jewish diaspora populations comprise distinct genetic clusters with shared middle eastern ancestry atzmon et al american journal of human genetics refuted the idea of largescale genetic contributions of central and eastern european and slavic populations to the formation of ashkenazi jewry this study found used genomewide analysis of seven jewish groups iranian iraqi syrian italian turkish greek and ashkenazi and demonstrated distinctive jewish population clusters each with shared middle eastern ancestry proximity to contemporary middle eastern populations and variable degrees of european and north african admixture this paper specifically excluded the khazar theory as an origin for presentday jews saying the genetic proximity is incompatible with theories that ashkenazi jews are for the most part the direct lineal descendants of converted khazars or slavs a march study by steven m bray et al titled signatures of founder effects admixture and selection in the ashkenazi jewish population proceedings of the us national academy of sciences doi pnas found that the ashkenazi jewish aj population has a common middle eastern origin with other jewish diaspora populations while concluding that the ashkenazi jewish population has had the most european admixture a march study by christopher l campbell et al titled north african jewish and nonjewish populations form distinctive orthogonal clusters proceedings of the us national academy of sciences doi pnas found that genomewide analysis of five north african jewish groups moroccan algerian tunisian djerban and libyan demonstrated distinctive north african jewish population clusters with proximity to other jewish populations furthermore the study showed the sephardic jewish genome is compatible with the history of north african jewsfounding during classical antiquity with proselytism of local populations followed by genetic isolation with the rise of christianity and then islam and admixture following the emigration of sephardic jews during the inquisition finally this study added these populations showed a high degree of endogamy and were part of a larger ashkenazi and sephardic jewish group endogamy the practice of marrying within a specific ethnic group rejecting others on such a basis as being unsuitable for marriage or for other close personal relationships in his book legacy a genetic history of the jewish people oxford university press usa may harry ostrer a professor of pathology and genetics at albert einstein college of medicine of yeshiva university and director of genetic and genomic testing at montefiore medical center medicine concluded that jews exhibit a distinctive genetic signature jews are a race genes revealauthor uncovers dna links between members of tribe the jewish daily forward may ostrer who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at montefiore medical center said in his conclusion that jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a race ostrer also deals specifically with the khazar theory he pointed out that the findings from the jewish hapmap project see below completely refute the theories that ashkenazi jews are the descendants of converted khazars or slavs jews a religious group people or race jerusalem post the jewish hapmap project a joint project of albert einstein college of medicine and new york university school of medicine was created to understand the structure of the genomes in jewish populations and is an outgrowth of the human hapmap project according to this project jewish populations are remarkable for maintaining continuous genetic cultural and religious traditions over years despite residence all over the world its findings based on first hand dna studies amongst jewish populations around the globe found no evidence to support a central asian dna origin for jewry according to the jerusalem post the jewish hapmap project in new york city has so far shown in exquisite detail what had been conjectured for a century jewish populations from the major jewish diaspora groups ashkenazi sephardic and mizrahi form a distinctive population cluster that is closely related to semitic and european populations within this larger jewish cluster each of the jewish populations formed its own subcluster a high degree of mixing of ashkenazi sephardi italian and syrian jews caused them to become more closely related to each other than they were to middle eastern iraqi and iranian jews this genetic split seemed to have occurred about years ago jews a religious group people or race jerusalem post dna studies find that ashkenazim jews have european admixture both the behar study section above and the atzmon study section above were commented upon by the british former deputy editor of the journal nature and currently the scientific correspondent for the n ew york times nicholas wade in an article in that newspaper as follows jewish communities in europe and the middle east share many genes inherited from the ancestral jewish population that lived in the middle east some years ago even though each community also carries genes from other sources usually the country in which it lives adding that a major surprise from both surveys is the genetic closeness of the two jewish communities of europe the ashkenazim and the sephardim wade pointed out that the two studies refute the suggestion made by the historian shlomo sand in his book the invention of the jewish people that jews have no common origin but are a miscellany of people in europe and central asia who converted to judaism at various times jewish communities from europe the middle east and the caucasus all have substantial genetic ancestry that traces back to the levant ethiopian jews and two judaic communities in india are genetically much closer to their host populations wade wrote the shared genetic elements suggest that members of any jewish community are related to one another as closely as are fourth or fifth cousins in a large population which is about times higher than the relationship between two people chosen at random off the streets of new york city ashkenazic and sephardic jews have roughly percent european ancestry with most of the rest from the middle east the two surveys find the two communities seem very similar to each other genetically which is unexpected because they have been separated for so long studies show jews genetic similarity nicholas wade new york times june eran elhaiks single study attempts to refute the mass of earlier dna evidence the mass of dna and genetic evidence is therefore overwhelmingly indicative that despite a certain amount of european admixture among ashkenazim jewry there is still a clearly definable middle eastern genetic component to both ashkenazim and sephardic jewry despite all of these studiesand many more too numerous to list individually herein december a single individual by the name of eran elhaik from the johns hopkins university school of medicine attempted to refute all of the above mentioned evidence his paper titled the missing link of jewish european ancestry contrasting the rhineland and the khazarian hypotheses was published in the journal genome biological evolution doi gbeevs in a nutshell elhaikwhose rather obviously jewish physical appearance should by itself indicate that there is indeed a common jewish type how else can many jews be physically recognized as jewsargues that his method of doing comparative studies between presentday central asian populations ashkenazim jews and nonjewish test groups proves that ashkenazim jews are a hotchpotch of genetic origins with a strong link to what he identifies as the khazar tribe even though elhaiks work is the only single paper as opposed to literally dozens of opposing dna studies written by a single jewish individual as opposed to the other papers which were written by dozens and dozens of scientists from around the globe jewish and nonjewish alike it has quickly become the mostquoted proof of the khazar theory critical errors in elhaiks paper elhaiks paper has a number of errors some small and a number of major ones but they are all serious because even the small errors cast doubt on his academic ability and motivation for example his paper discusses in detail what he sees as the geographic origin of the khazarsyet he completely misidentifies the geographic location of one of his test sample groups the mbuti and biaka pygmies these two groups elhaik asserts at least twice are to be found in south africa actually the mbuti and biaka pygmies are nowhere near south africa and are only to be found literally half a continent away in the congo while this may seem a small error it does indicate sloppiness in research which certainly does not bode well for the rest of the paper this sloppiness is again repeated when elhaik asserts that eastern and central european jews account for approximately of over million worldwide jews in reality the figure is far less of the estimated million jews worldwide million are ashkenazim and million are sephardic a division of european jews to noneuropean jews and it should be pointed out that the zionist state of israel actually has a sephardic and mizrahi nonashkenazi jewish majority among jews these actual facts on jewish ethnicity are readily available and elhaiks motivation for making this clearly false claim could only be ascribed to a desire to underscore his general assertion namely that most jews are not middle eastern in origin and that jews are not race or a genetically similar people the most important error in elhaiks paper however is actually openly admitted namely that there is actually no khazar dna in existence against which any sort of measurement can be taken elhaik himself admits this in his paper the khazars have been vanquished and their remains have yet to be sequenced in other words there is no record of what exactly khazar dna might have been as there is no record of what khazar dna isit is ipso facto physically impossible to determine who is descended from it and who is not elhaik attempts to circumvent this major problem by selecting what he calls surrogate populationsin this case contemporary middle eastern and caucasus populations anyone with a basic understanding of historical events in the caucasus in particular will immediately see that elhaiks assertion that current populations in that region can be taken to reflect those of years ago is highly problematic and quite simply unsustainable the caucasus a region at the border of europe and asia situated between the black and the caspian seas has been crisscrossed by numerous peoples and races over the last years ranging from indoeuropeans semites mongols and othersand is today highly genetically diverse a claim that dna samples from this region can be taken as any sort of dna yardstick is dubious to say the very least finally elhaiks methodology in comparing the dna samples is to make an understatement unique to him as marcus feldman director of stanford universitys morrison institute for population and resource studies said he elhaik appears to be applying the statistics in a way that gives him different results from what everybody else has obtained from essentially similar data jews a race genetic theory comes under fierce attack by dna expert the jewish daily forward may interestingly the study which was cited in the new york times of the jews as a race is exactly the same conclusion that was reached by german national socialist anthropologists and other experts who studied race science in the united states and elsewhere also many of the presentday extensive studies have been carried out by both gentile and jewish geneticists alike obviating any claims of racial bias elhaiks theory is completely refuted by the new most massive and most complete study ever done of the jewish genome one of elhaiks arguments was that the previous studies referenced above were done in the pregenomewide era using uniparental markers and including different reference populationsimplying that their results are not in line with the most modern dna sequencing methodology in fact at least one studywhich appeared after elhaiks work was first publishedhas confirmed the accuracy of the original studies and also completely refuted elhaiks hypothesis titled no evidence from genomewide data of a khazar origin for the ashkenazi jews this study was published by the journal human biology in august behar doron m etal human biology access preprints paper this paper emphasized the serious error with elhaiks work because the khazar population has left no obvious modern descendants that could enable a clear test for a contribution to ashkenazi jewish ancestry the khazar hypothesis has been difficult to examine using genetics furthermore because only limited genetic data have been available from the caucasus region and because these data have been concentrated in populations that are genetically close to populations from the middle east the attribution of any signal of ashkenazicaucasus genetic similarity to khazar ancestry rather than shared ancestral middle eastern ancestry has been problematic this latest most massive study of the jewish genome was a worldwide effort of geneticists both gentile and jewish to analyze jewish genetics researchers from laboratories around the globe including estonia russia italy greece bosnia and herzegovina croatia armenia the us and israel gathered together the largest jewish dna data set ever yet assembled the paper explained as follows here through integration of genotypes on newly collected samples with data from several of our past studies we have assembled the largest data set available to date for assessment of ashkenazi jewish genetic origins employing a variety of standard techniques for the analysis of population genetic structure we find that ashkenazi jews share the greatest genetic ancestry with other jewish populations and among nonjewish populations with groups from europe and the middle east no particular similarity of ashkenazi jews with populations from the caucasus is evident particularly with the populations that most closely represent the khazar region thus analysis of ashkenazi jews together with a large sample from the region of the khazar khaganate corroborates the earlier results that ashkenazi jews derive their ancestry primarily from populations of the middle east and europe that they possess considerable shared ancestry with other jewish populations and that there is no indication of a significant genetic contribution either from within or from north of the caucasus region the latest most uptodate and modern dna analysis has therefore completely refuted the khazar theory it is important to understand that this refutation has come from nonjewish and jewish scientists from dozens of different universities and geneticists all over the world and cannot be ascribed to a conspiracy part ii the historicallogical evidence the historical record shows jewish physical consistency one of the most obvious indicators of genetic commonality is physical appearance european people broadly resemble each other african people broadly resemble each other chinese people broadly resemble each other australian aborigines broadly resemble each other and so on it is a characteristic of genetically similar people to physically resemble each other jews are no different in this regard to any other people they too show a resemblance to each otherthis is why it is possible to often recognize a jewish person by his physical appearance a good example in point is the already mentioned jewish geneticist eran elhaik who despite physically embodying a jewish sterrotype recognized around the world tries to claim that there is no genetic commonality amongst jews the khazar theory holds that most ashkenazim jews are not semitic but are central asian converts to judaism proponents of the khazar theory fail to understand the logical consequence of their beliefnamely that a supposed central asian origin of most ashkenazim jews means that they will not physically resemble other jews as anyone can see this is not the case sephardic jews are on average slightly darker than ashkenazim jews but there is no doubt that there is a physical similarity which allows them still to be recognized as such above these two illustrations make the point even more dramatically on the left the ashkenazim jewess barbara streisand new york on the right a jewish leader of israelite trade delegation as portrayed on a mural on the wall of the th dynasty bc tomb of sobekhotep thutmose iv egypt two thousand years before the alleged khazar conversion and they look the same as modern ashkenazi jews streisands paternal grandparents came from galicia polandukraine and her maternal grandparents came from russiaif anyone would be khazar according to that theory it would be her nonetheless she closely resembles the only designated jew as portrayed on an egyptian tomb from years ago the leader of a jewish trade delegation to egypt the genetic continuity is clearand if the khazar theory was true there would be no physical similarity because there would have been a racial sea change in jewish appearance left the famous banker of pompeii jucundus who lived circa ad years before the alleged ashkenazi conversion identified as a jew by the german anthropologist hans fk günther in his book racial elements of european history fig a and b chapter viii alongside the ashkenazi jew abe foxman of the adl the similarity between jucundus and foxman is clear and serves a further indication of the physical continuity of the jewish type over centuriessomething that would be impossible if the khazar theory was true in addition to genetic studies there have been extensive physiological comparison of jewish remains from burial sites from ancient israel and presentday ashkenazi and sephardic physiology all of which conclusively shows their similarity across both the sephardic and ashkenazi spectrumand their difference from european populations jewish supremacist behavior through the millennia disprove the khazar theory another piece of the jigsaw which disproves the khazar theory is that jewish supremacist behavior has remained constant throughout the millenniafrom biblical times right through to the present day most christians are aware of the behavior of the old testament jewswho burn rampage kill rape and enslave their way through palestine supposedly on order of their tribal god they are aware of the fact that the gospels of the new testament show that elite of the jews the pharisees were the biggest enemies of christ and arranged for his crucifixion and the new testament is clear that they led the persecution of christians which has continued through both jewish bolshevism and the cultural assault in the zio global media it must also be clear that the talmud the books of jewish law promoting jewish extremist supremacism and hatred against all nonjews was written hundreds of years before any alleged khazar conversion while it another debate altogether as to the historical accuracy of those events there is no question about jewish interaction with gentilesand romans in particularduring the first century ad the worlds first antijewish riots broke out in the city of alexandria in ad and reoccurred in ad ad ad and ad in that year the archbishop of alexandria cyril ordered the expulsion of all jews from the city the roman historian socrates of constantinople not be confused with the socrates of classical greece in his ecclesiastical history recorded the reasons for this first great expulsion of jews from a nonjewish city in detail and reveals behavior by jewish supremacists exactly as the world experiences it today over years later the jews were continually factious and there was added to their ordinary hatred of the christians cyril on being informed of this sent for the principal jews and threatened them with the utmost severities unless they desisted from their molestation of the christians these menaces instead of suppressing their violence only rendered the jewish populace more furious and led them to form conspiracies for the destruction of the christians one of which was of so desperate a character as to cause their entire expulsion from alexandria socrates hist eccl vii pc lxxxii ff the very first jewish community outside of the middle east was established in rome in bcand it was not long before their activities roused roman public opinion against them the famous orator cicero among others frequently spoke against the presence of jews during sittings of the roman senate in his famous pro flacco oration which dealt with the case of a roman aristocrat lucius valerius flaccus accused of unlawfully confiscating jewish money cicero said now let us take a look at the jews and their mania for gold you chose this site chief prosecutor laelius and the crowd which frequents it with an eye to this particular accusation knowing very well that jews with their large numbers and tendency to act as a clique are valuable supporters to have at any kind of public meeting many other prominent and famous romans such as seneca juneval and tacitus all went on record as complaining about the activities of jews within the roman empire the roman historian tacitus in his most famous work histories described the activities of the jews as follows in order to secure the allegiance of his people in the future moses prescribed for them a novel religion quite different from those of the rest of mankind among the jews all things are profane that we hold sacred on the other hand they regard as permissible what seems to us immoral the other practices of the jews are sinister and revolting and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and freewill offerings to swell the jewish exchequer and other reasons for their increasing wealth may be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother jews but the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies they will not feed or intermarry with gentiles though a most lascivious people the jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race among themselves nothing is barred they have introduced the practice of circumcision to show that they are different from others tacitus histories the famous british historian edward gibbon in his monumental work the decline and fall of the roman empire lippincourt philadelphia vol page discussed jewish supremacist behavior in roman times this way from the reign of nero to that of antoninus pius the jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of rome which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections humanity is shocked at the recital of horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of egypt of cyria and of cyrene where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives and we are tempted to applaud the severe retaliation which was exercised by the arms of the legions against a race of fanatics whose dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them the implacable enemies not only of the roman government but of all human kind antijewish literature during roman times was very widespread one work by the greek apion was so wellknown that the romanized jewish historian josephus who wrote the famous account of the jewish uprising of ad called the jewish wars wrote an entire book trying to refute apions arguments the roman emperor tiberius formally expelled the jews from rome in ad they returned shortly thereafter only to be expelled once again in ad in ad emperor trajan ordered that all jews in mesopotamia should be killed saying that they were the cause of continual uprisings in that region one of the most famous emperors of the eastern roman empire justinian ad adopted a comprehensive antijewish policy which barred jews from the civil service military posts and any other positions of influence in his government all of these events predate the supposed khazar conversion by centuriesyet it can be seen that the identical behavioral patterns are on display before and after the supposed khazar infusion logic dictates that if the racial makeup of jews changed substantially after the year ad then their beh
dr duke pastor dankof quote jews boasting jewish media power
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke mark collett antiwhite scum promised leave get hell today dr duke british activist mark collett guest hour talked donald trumps latest appointments incoming administration steve bannon general michael flynn even senator jeff sessions coming attack zio media doubt complete cuck sellouts like many neocon rats opposed trump suddenly want offer experience president elect underdog taking superenergy pill went new terminology red pills blue pills white pills black pills agreed trump victory energized white pilled supporters black pilled depressed opponents many promised leave country donald win well waiting fun show red pill enlighten friends please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
Dr. Patrick Slattery
david duke exposes the msnbc and adl lies
david duke exposes msnbc adl lies
views share precommentary dr david duke article jewish daily forward newspaper claimed jewish charities give money israel education figure order billion professor kevin mcdonald points article figure actually even real totalit considerably points figure include collected synagoguesand given israeleach month synagogues schools seminaries required file tax returns real importance everyone wishes understand jewish lobby america works uses american moneyand taxpayersto keep racist jewsonly state israel business immense wealth jewish lobby product jewish ingenuityit product active discrimination favor jews jewsin educational system economy media forward study jewish charity industry professor kevin macdonald billion dollar figure title refers net assets network explicitly jewish charitable organizations puts league major corporation annual revenue around billion assuming american jewish population around million implies assets per capita per capita annual giving around half based older survey indicating persons per jewish household annual giving per household would around numbers certainly earth shaking broken particular categories indicate jewish activist organizations indeed well funded especially compared financial resources organizations oppose jewish interests probably well million organizations explicitly dedicated advancing interests white americans example billion annual donations functional charities allocated general advocacy annually goes israelrelated causes billion annually advocacy presumably includes adl reported revenue million enough fund million employee salaries including abe foxman regional offices thats lot power opposition european interests given virtual nonexistence organizations explicitly dedicated furthering european identification interests numbers donations jewish charity underestimates irs doesnt require synagogues file tax returns goes schools seminaries result billion billion annual revenue forwards best estimate based tax filings probably billions dollars short networks actual size way report fails get scope financial support jewish ethnic activism include organizations explicitly jewish supported jews ethnic reasons norman podhoretz notes jews financial engine left course vast majority charity leftist causes would appear forward article explicitly jewish organizations good example splc largely jewishfunded would considered jewish communal organization splc reported revenue million salaries million consider neocon infrastructure foundation defense democracies identifiable donors jews including host wellknown jewish activists like edgar bronfman michael steinhardt cofounded birthright israel program brings jewish young people israel dose jewish patriotism goes republicans democrats jewish funding promotes israel liberalleft values jewish community likely least democrat funding least republican example haim saban donated millions democrats right republicans considering run president courting sheldon adelson donated million republicans last presidential election cycle preliminary everything else must prove worthiness like kissing babies iowa formulating position jobs anyone half brain knows adelsons support begins ends candidate israel ditto david gelfands donation million sierra club condition adopt view immigration sync views organized jewish community gloss hard believe donation reflect typical jewish commitment displacementlevel immigration words lot destructive jewish funding included figures even though donations explicitly jewish organizations covered article tip iceberg suggestion jewish community highly mobilized time indicated per capita data crisis israel would lead huge upsurge jewish funding wars would indication european americans beginning develop sense racial identity beginning assert interests developing explicitly european organizations wherewithal make difference
duke bannon flynn sessions the st steps in taking america back
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke mark collett antiwhite scum who promised to leave get the hell out today dr duke had british activist mark collett as his guest for the hour they talked about donald trumps latest appointments to his incoming administration steve bannon general michael flynn and even senator jeff sessions are coming under attack from the zio media no doubt because they are not complete cuck sellouts like so many of the neocon rats who opposed trump but suddenly want to offer their experience to the president elect underdog after taking a superenergy pill they went into the new terminology of red pills blue pills white pills and black pills they agreed that the trump victory has energized white pilled his supporters and black pilled depressed his opponents many of whom promised to leave the country should the donald win well were waiting this is a fun show that will red pill enlighten your friends please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
duke bannon flynn sessions st steps taking america back
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke farren shoaf republican party coming ziocommies today dr duke proclaimed new republican party emerging days gop goes along tsunamigration third worlders united states endless zionist wars cultural undermining european christian civilization new wave republicans taking restoring values pursuing interests american people dr duke radio talk show host farren shoaf guest discussed increasingly futile efforts mainstream media jewish media oligarchs brand alternative media fake news mainstream medias narrative saddams nonexistant weapons mass distruction bogus polls showing hillary verge landslide trusted another great show wont want miss please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke farren shoaf we are the republican party now we are coming for you ziocommies today dr duke proclaimed that a new republican party is emerging the days of a gop that goes along with the tsunamigration of third worlders into the united states endless zionist wars and the cultural undermining of our european christian civilization are over a new wave of republicans are taking over and restoring our values and pursuing the interests of the american people dr duke had radio talk show host farren shoaf as his guest they discussed the increasingly futile efforts by the mainstream media and jewish media oligarchs to brand alternative media as fake news as if the mainstream medias narrative from saddams nonexistant weapons of mass distruction to the bogus polls showing hillary on the verge of a landslide can be trusted this is another great show that you wont want to miss please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
billion dollars jewish lobby tip iceberg
views share remarkable articleand admissionappeared israeli news source ynet news titled stalins jews written jewish columnist sever plocker piece confirmed terrible crimes jewish communists committed stalin must forget greatest murderers modern times jewish plocker started saying went make number startling confessions heres particularly forlorn historical date almost years ago th th december midst bolshevik revolution civil war lenin signed decree calling establishment allrussian extraordinary commission combating counterrevolution sabotage also known cheka within short period time cheka became largest cruelest state security organization organizational structure changed every years names cheka gpu later nkvd later kgb cannot know certainty number deaths cheka responsible various manifestations number surely least million including victims forced collectivization hunger large purges expulsions banishments executions mass death gulags whole population strata eliminated independent farmers ethnic minorities members bourgeoisie senior officers intellectuals artists labor movement activists opposition members defined completely randomly countless members communist party new highly praised book war world historian niall ferguson writes revolution history mankind devoured children unrestrained appetite soviet revolution book stalinist purges tel aviv universitys dr igal halfin writes stalinist violence unique directed internally lenin stalin successors could carried deeds without widescale cooperation disciplined terror officials cruel interrogators snitches executioners guards judges perverts many bleeding hearts members progressive western left deceived soviet regime horror even provided kosher certificate us jews israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing name genrikh yagoda greatest jewish murderer th century gpus deputy commander founder commander nkvd yagoda diligently implemented stalins collectivization orders responsible deaths least million people jewish deputies established managed gulag system stalin longer viewed favorably yagoda demoted executed replaced chief hangman yezhov bloodthirsty dwarf jew genrikh yagoda director nkvd soviet unions stalinera security intelligence agency yezhov jewish blessed active jewish wife book stalin court red star jewish historian sebag montefiore writes darkest period terror communist killing machine worked full force stalin surrounded beautiful young jewish women stalins close associates loyalists included member central committee politburo lazar kaganovich montefiore characterizes first stalinist adds starving death ukraine unparalleled tragedy history human kind move kaganovich many jews sold soul devil communist revolution blood hands eternity well mention one leonid reichman head nkvds special department organizations chief interrogator particularly cruel sadist yagoda center inspecting construction moscowvolga canal built slave labor gulags according published statistics percent holding senior posts soviet security apparatuses jewish origin even deny cannot escape jewishness hangmen served red terror loyalty dedication esta blishment others always remind us origin gulags jewishrun concentration camps mentioned infamous soviet gulags direct control jew yagoda jew involved running camps millions interned nearly million died famous revelation jewish nature gulags famous dissident alexander solzhenitsyn speaking personal experience gulag prisoner solzhenitsyn gave candid account jews charge soviet prison camps book two hundred years together according observations jews made clear preponderance gulag administration early bolshevist government saying ministers first soviet government three russian one georgian one armenian jews addition points personal experience two thirds kiev cheka secret police jews another book appeared germany called jewishrun concentration camps soviet union revealed communist jews commandants main gulags
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr duke mark collett to the antiwhite scum who promised to leave get the hell out
views share commentary seriously you always hear that we mustnt deport people because it could break up families yet we are encouraging teenagers to run away from their families and try their luck on americas streets latino invasion set for new record the new observer march more than unaccompanied alien minors had invaded the us over the mexican border in the past few months and the number of family units has increased to the us house judiciary subcommittee on immigration and border security has been informed the house was also told that if the present trends continue there will be a percent increase on the record number of invaders who entered the us in in the past few months the number of unaccompanied alien minors unlawfully entering the us soared to over and the number of family units increased to chair rep trey gowdy rsc informed the us house judiciary subcommittee on immigration and border security in a february hearing on capitol hill if these trends continue it is predicted there will be a percent increase in the record high numbers we witnessed in the widespread criminal violence endemic in the nonwhite third world countries to the south continues to be a major factor in the ongoing invasion omar zamora public affairs officer for the us border patrol rio grande valley rgv sector told the local kvue tv station weve got gangs over there that are controlling the neighborhoods controlling the cities zamora said agents of the rrgv sector he said man the front lines of the battle against drug trafficking and human smuggling the us government has mounted an ad campaign along the guatemalahonduras border warning wouldbe invaders what to expect from human traffickers according to zamora the human traffickers engage in everything from child molestation and rape to extortion and fraud read cologne police officer confirms it was refugees i think the biggest misconceptions are hey theyre just children down there right its a humanitarian crisis said zamora but what i want to stress is theres the percent of the other individuals that are running that are fighting that have criminal records rep lamar smith rtx who chairs the house border security caucus told kvue that if people figure they have a percent chance of being allowed to stay and work and get government benefits theyre going to come no matter what they might hear on the street or on the radio or see in a leaflet in a february hearing of the senate judiciary committee sen john cornyn rtx asked agency acting chief ronald vitiello whether giving undocumented immigrants the impression they wont be allowed to stay in the us without a legal claim would act as a deterrent and slow the flow of unauthorized crossings yes i believe that matters vitiello answered
dr duke farren shoaf republican party coming ziocommies
july latest radio show
billion dollars for the jewish lobby just the tip of the iceberg
views share in a remarkable articleand admissionappeared in the israeli news source ynet news titled stalins jews and written by jewish columnist sever plocker this piece confirmed that terrible crimes which jewish communists had committed under stalin we must not forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were jewish plocker started out by saying he went on to make a number of startling confessions heres a particularly forlorn historical date almost years ago between the th and th of december in the midst of the bolshevik revolution and civil war lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of the allrussian extraordinary commission for combating counterrevolution and sabotage also known as cheka within a short period of time cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization its organizational structure was changed every few years as were its names from cheka to gpu later to nkvd and later to kgb we cannot know with certainty the number of deaths cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations but the number is surely at least million including victims of the forced collectivization the hunger large purges expulsions banishments executions and mass death at gulags whole population strata were eliminated independent farmers ethnic minorities members of the bourgeoisie senior officers intellectuals artists labor movement activists opposition members who were defined completely randomly and countless members of the communist party itself in his new highly praised book the war of the world historian niall ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the soviet revolution in his book on the stalinist purges tel aviv universitys dr igal halfin writes that stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally lenin stalin and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without widescale cooperation of disciplined terror officials cruel interrogators snitches executioners guards judges perverts and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive western left and were deceived by the soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate and us the jews an israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name genrikh yagoda the greatest jewish murderer of the th century the gpus deputy commander and the founder and commander of the nkvd yagoda diligently implemented stalins collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least million people his jewish deputies established and managed the gulag system after stalin no longer viewed him favorably yagoda was demoted and executed and was replaced as chief hangman in by yezhov the bloodthirsty dwarf the jew genrikh yagoda director of the nkvd the soviet unions stalinera security and intelligence agency yezhov was not jewish but was blessed with an active jewish wife in his book stalin court of the red star jewish historian sebag montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror when the communist killing machine worked in full force stalin was surrounded by beautiful young jewish women stalins close associates and loyalists included member of the central committee and politburo lazar kaganovich montefiore characterizes him as the first stalinist and adds that those starving to death in ukraine an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind did not move kaganovich many jews sold their soul to the devil of the communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity well mention just one more leonid reichman head of the nkvds special department and the organizations chief interrogator who was a particularly cruel sadist yagoda center inspecting the construction of the moscowvolga canal built by slave labor from the gulags in according to published statistics percent of those holding the most senior posts in the soviet security apparatuses were of jewish origin even if we deny it we cannot escape the jewishness of our hangmen who served the red terror with loyalty and dedication from its esta blishment after all others will always remind us of their origin the gulags jewishrun concentration camps as mentioned above the infamous soviet gulags were under the direct control of the jew yagoda he was not the only such jew involved in the running of these camps in which millions were interned and nearly million died the most famous revelation about the jewish nature of the gulags was that of famous dissident alexander solzhenitsyn speaking from personal experience as a gulag prisoner solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of jews in charge of the soviet prison camps in his book two hundred years together according to his observations jews made up a clear preponderance in the gulag administration and in the early bolshevist government saying that of the ministers in the first soviet government three were russian one georgian one armenian and were jews in addition he points out from personal experience once again that two thirds of the kiev cheka secret police were jews in another book appeared in germany called jewishrun concentration camps in the soviet union which revealed that communist jews were the commandants of out of the main gulags
dont want break families encourage unaccompanied minors
share national bugle radio first step towards overthrowing jewish power farren shoaf host alternative media rbn interviews dr slattery implications election donald trump media jewish power jewish agenda replacing white majority united states
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr duke farren shoaf we are the republican party now we are coming for you ziocommies
july latest radio show
greatest mass murderers time jews says jewish columnist
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke andrew anglin true voice republican party today dr duke daily stormer publisher andrew anglin guest hour talked revolution occurred within republican party republican establishment everything could stop donald trump president elect spite andrew anglin suggested altright people white nationalists join republican party order replace establishment also talked agenda incoming trump administration personnel decisions made thus far communications press indicate back platform enunciated election campaign another great show wont want miss please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
Dr. Patrick Slattery
if they dont want to break up families why do the encourage unaccompanied minors
share national bugle radio the first step towards overthrowing jewish power farren shoaf host of the alternative media on rbn interviews dr slattery about the implications of the election of donald trump for the media jewish power and the jewish agenda of replacing the white majority in the united states
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke pastor dankof trumps america first foreign policy today dr duke pastor mark dankof guest hour talked donald trumps appointments new cabinet gave low marks representative mike pompeo new cia director past policy positions although noted loyalty trump potential silver lining also panned nikki hailey un ambassador however allow trump supporter henry mcmaster succeed south carolina governor hopeful prospect congresswoman tulsi gabbard hawaii potential secretary state supported trumps desire reconcile russia vocal opponent congress obama administrations efforts overthrow syrian president assad appointment would go long way towards wresting control american foreign policy jewish neocons putting americas interests first another great show wont want miss please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern
Dr. Patrick Slattery
the greatest mass murderers of all time were jews says jewish columnist
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke andrew anglin the true voice of the republican party today dr duke had daily stormer publisher andrew anglin as his guest for the hour the talked about the revolution that has occurred within the republican party the republican establishment did everything they could to stop donald trump and now he is the president elect in spite of them andrew anglin suggested that all altright people and white nationalists join the republican party in order to replace the establishment they also talked about the agenda of the incoming trump administration the personnel decisions he has made thus far and his communications with the press indicate that he will not back down from the platform he enunciated during the election campaign this is another great show that you wont want to miss please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
national bugle radio first step towards overthrowing jewish power
share tulsi gabbard secretary state example need political realignment dr patrick slattery monday donald trump met hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard mentioned possible secretary state even secretary defense iraq war combat veteran major hawaii national guard would preferable jobs john bolton rudi giuliani mitt romney probably best candidate ranks washington establishment particular unique strong principled opponent intervention syria wants united states stop supporting isis rebel groups let russians iranians hezbollah help president assad defeat jihadists end syrian civil war armed invasion real civil war exactly right approach right side issue signature issue armed services foreign affairs committees spent time shes perfect noted least pays lipservice israel everyone capital hill lets face zionism established religion america religious test office fault goes condemned government thenukrainian president victor yanukovich february hillary clintons erstwhile secretary state victoria nuland organizing overthrow gabbard like everyone else congress supported arming jewishdominated government nuland put place kiev even congressional website carry mention ukraine since vocal opposition starting world war iii russia syria seems indicate view towards russia become realistic noted elsewhere line trumps view one significant benefit appointing gabbard secretary state could help trigger badly needed realignment american politics people like ralph nader long telling us significant difference democrats republicans divisive issues politics existential issues face society world one litmus test politics lifetime abortion may engender strong emotions hardly ranks nuclear war threat humanity yet cannot tell many staunchly antiwar people voted prowar democrat john kerry worried bush appointing prolife judges supreme court talk getting priorities backwards year despite senior statesmen like mikhail gorbachev warning us threat nuclear world war iii never higher foreign policy absent campaign nonmainstream elements like paleoconservatives altright greens stray individuals old left like stephen f cohen managed finally get injected campaign nick time close election one could certainly make case made difference point time war top priority important immigration may difference make postapocalyptic mad max world course could organize around opposing jewish power would take care war far people awake enough make possible fact israel currently role organizing feature americas political alignment parties unanimously support blindly realignment proceeds along america first noninterventionist foreign policy america first immigration policy natural outcome trump embraces gabbard rejects neocons goy toys like mitt romney would really help clarify sides struggle party labels mean nothing romney ryan like already revealed opposing trump tons people outside republican party could conceivably rally around trumps foreign policies imperative donald make point bringing people high profile positions visibly snubbing true enemies within republican party
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke and pastor dankof on trumps america first foreign policy today dr duke had pastor mark dankof as his guest for the hour they talked about donald trumps appointments to his new cabinet they gave low marks to representative mike pompeo as the new cia director for his past policy positions although they noted his loyalty to trump as a potential silver lining they also panned nikki hailey as the un ambassador which however does allow trump supporter henry mcmaster succeed her as south carolina governor the most hopeful prospect is congresswoman tulsi gabbard from hawaii who is a potential secretary of state she has supported trumps desire to reconcile with russia and has been the most vocal opponent in congress of the obama administrations efforts to overthrow syrian president assad her appointment would go a long way towards wresting control of american foreign policy from jewish neocons and putting americas interests first again this is another great show that you wont want to miss please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern
dr duke andrew anglin true voice republican party
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke lauds white hero richard spencer npi true alt right today dr duke applauded national policy institute director richard spencer staged conference major venue washington dc focused white interests specifically discussed jewish power threat white interests crossed boundary taboo realm jewish power spencer vicious attack mainstream media segments alternative media revealing nothing zionist tools dr slattery joined show commented significance someone visibility spencer someone ability stage major conference addressing reality jewish power show open eyes amazing progress making please share widely show aired live replayed et pm eastern eastern related share
Dr. Patrick Slattery
national bugle radio the first step towards overthrowing jewish power
share tulsi gabbard for secretary of state an example of the need for political realignment by dr patrick slattery on monday donald trump met with hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard she has been mentioned as a possible secretary of state or even secretary of defense she is an iraq war combat veteran and major in the hawaii national guard its not just that she would be preferable in these jobs to john bolton rudi giuliani or mitt romney but is probably the very best candidate from the ranks of the washington establishment in particular she is unique in being a strong and principled opponent of any intervention in syria she wants the united states to stop supporting isis and other rebel groups and let the russians iranians and hezbollah help president assad defeat the jihadists and end the syrian civil war which is more an armed invasion than a real civil war this is exactly the right approach and its not just that she is on the right side of this issue it is her signature issue she is on the armed services and foreign affairs committees so this is what she has spent her time on its not that shes perfect it has been noted that she at the very least pays lipservice to israel everyone on capital hill does lets face it zionism is the established religion in america and there is a religious test for office but her fault goes further than that she condemned the government of thenukrainian president victor yanukovich in february just as hillary clintons erstwhile secretary of state victoria nuland was organizing his overthrow gabbard like everyone else in congress then supported arming the jewishdominated government that nuland put in place in kiev even so her congressional website does not carry any mention of ukraine since and her vocal opposition to starting world war iii with russia over syria seems to indicate that her view towards russia have become more realistic this as has been noted elsewhere is in line with trumps view but there is one more significant benefit of appointing gabbard as secretary of state it could help trigger a badly needed realignment of american politics as people like ralph nader have long been telling us there is no significant difference between democrats and republicans that is because the most divisive issues in politics are not the existential issues that face our society and the world if there has been one litmus test in politics during my lifetime it has been abortion it may engender strong emotions but it hardly ranks with nuclear war as a threat to humanity yet i cannot tell you how many staunchly antiwar people in voted for prowar democrat john kerry because they were worried about bush appointing prolife judges to the supreme court talk about getting your priorities backwards this year despite senior statesmen like mikhail gorbachev warning us that the threat of a nuclear world war iii has never been higher foreign policy was all but absent from the campaign only nonmainstream elements like the paleoconservatives the altright greens and stray individuals from the old left like stephen f cohen managed to finally get it injected into the campaign just in the nick of time in such a close election one could certainly make the case that this made the difference at this point in time war has to be the top priority as important as immigration may be what difference will it make in a postapocalyptic mad max world of course if we could organize around opposing jewish power it would take care of war but far too few people are awake enough to make this possible in fact israel currently has no role as an organizing feature in americas political alignment as both parties so unanimously support it blindly but as the realignment proceeds along an america first noninterventionist foreign policy an america first immigration policy is a natural outcome if trump embraces gabbard and rejects the neocons and their goy toys like mitt romney it would really help clarify the sides in this struggle party labels mean nothing romney and ryan and the like already revealed themselves by opposing trump there are tons of people outside of the republican party who could conceivably rally around trumps foreign and other policies and it is imperative that the donald make a point of bringing in some of these people into high profile positions while visibly snubbing his true enemies from within the republican party
dr duke pastor dankof trumps america first foreign policy
september new homes sales rise back level david stockman posted wednesday october th david stockmans contra corner place mainstream delusions cant warfare state bailout state bubble finance beltway banditry ripped refuted rebuked subscribe receive david stockmans latest posts email day well model portfolio lee adlers daily data dive davids personally curated insights analysis leading contrarian thinkers
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr duke andrew anglin the true voice of the republican party
httpmediaarchivesgsradionetddukemp dr duke lauds white hero richard spencer the npi and the true alt right today dr duke applauded national policy institute director richard spencer for having staged a conference in a major venue in washington dc that focused on white interests and specifically discussed jewish power as a threat to white interests having crossed the boundary into the taboo realm of jewish power spencer is now under vicious attack from not only the mainstream media but from some segments of the alternative media that are revealing themselves as nothing more that zionist tools dr slattery joined the show and commented on the significance of someone with the visibility of spencer someone with the ability to stage a major conference addressing the reality of jewish power this show will open your eyes to the amazing progress that we are making please share it widely our show is aired live at am replayed at et pm eastern and am eastern related share
tulsi gabbard secretary state example need political realignment
chart day mind russell epic breakdown underway david stockman posted wednesday october th david stockmans contra corner place mainstream delusions cant warfare state bailout state bubble finance beltway banditry ripped refuted rebuked subscribe receive david stockmans latest posts email day well model portfolio lee adlers daily data dive davids personally curated insights analysis leading contrarian thinkers
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr duke and pastor dankof on trumps america first foreign policy
september new homes sales rise back to level by david stockman posted on wednesday october th david stockmans contra corner is the only place where mainstream delusions and cant about the warfare state the bailout state bubble finance and beltway banditry are ripped refuted and rebuked subscribe now to receive david stockmans latest posts by email each day as well as his model portfolio lee adlers daily data dive and davids personally curated insights and analysis from leading contrarian thinkers
dr duke lauds white hero richard spencer npi true alt right
great wall streetwashington con job part recovery didnt happen david stockman last days debunking notion imperial washingtons massive monetary fiscal stimulus caused socalled recovery contrary actually poisoned regenerative powers american capitalism causing capital resources flow main street economy speculative casinos wall street
Dr. Patrick Slattery
tulsi gabbard for secretary of state an example of the need for political realignment
chart of the day mind the russell epic breakdown underway by david stockman posted on wednesday october th david stockmans contra corner is the only place where mainstream delusions and cant about the warfare state the bailout state bubble finance and beltway banditry are ripped refuted and rebuked subscribe now to receive david stockmans latest posts by email each day as well as his model portfolio lee adlers daily data dive and davids personally curated insights and analysis from leading contrarian thinkers
september new homes sales riseback level
october daily contrarian reads david stockman daily contrarian reads thursday october th
Dr. Patrick Slattery
dr duke lauds white hero richard spencer the npi and the true alt right
the great wall streetwashington con job part of the recovery which didnt happen by david stockman during the last few days we have been debunking the notion that imperial washingtons massive monetary and fiscal stimulus caused the socalled recovery to the contrary it has actually poisoned the regenerative powers of american capitalism by causing capital and resources to flow out of the main street economy and into the speculative casinos of wall street
chart day mind russell epic breakdown underway
new home sales tightrope walk windy canyon lee adler commerce department reported today sales newly built homes posted seasonally adjusted month month increase annualized rate department revised august headline number without revision headline number month would surprise surprise revise revise
David Stockman
september new homes sales riseback to level
october daily contrarian reads by david stockman my daily contrarian reads for thursday october th
great wall streetwashington con job part recovery didnt happen
chart day escape velocity core capex orders straight months last
David Stockman
chart of the day mind the russell epic breakdown underway
new home sales tightrope walk over a windy canyon by lee adler the commerce department reported today that sales of newly built homes posted a seasonally adjusted month to month increase of to an annualized rate of the department revised the august headline number down by from to without that revision the headline number this month would have been down by surprise surprise revise revise
october daily contrarian reads
chart day soaring obamacare premiums state
David Stockman
the great wall streetwashington con job part of the recovery which didnt happen
chart of the day what escape velocity core capex orders down straight months out of last
new home sales tightrope walk windy canyon
items geniuses schizophrenics pass question quiz many neuroscientists estimate much brain activity unconscious think second unconscious activity influenced heavily world around subconscious cues demonstrate going call super cool quiz premise simple geniuses schizophrenics answer following three questions one continue find hints either know dont test youve done relies researchers call contraposition method method tests extent persons awareness brain processing power super complicated method tons moving parts speak heres need know purpose article objects one reasonably say unrelated people would assume example race car hurricane little connection genius thinks outside box however would deduce sort connection schizophrenic patient would also deduce connection way illness makes people see nonexistent connections everything words quiz article left scratching head youre normal one two things true youre brilliant schizophrenia dont worry wont leave guessing facts help figure one geniuses taken time think blurting response get answers right think schizophrenic genius far schizophrenia angle goes post diagnostic tool get thinking schizophrenia concerns see psychiatrist proper evaluation sources
David Stockman
october daily contrarian reads
chart of the day soaring obamacare premiums by state
chart day escape velocity core capex orders straight months last
pomegranate pistachio pancakes glutenfree pancake stack pass dessert yes please pomegranate pistachio pancakes contain added sugar grains need banana two eggs sweet perfectly moist pancake top whatever like pomegranate pistachio version great fall add pop color crunch flavor perfect sunday brunch whenever youre mood stack pomegranate pistachio pancakes tsp almond vanilla extract optional tsp baking powder optional fluffier pancakes large eggs tbsp unrefined coconut oil oil ½ cup pomegranate arils tbsp chopped pistachios instructions peel banana break parts bowl use fork mash thoroughly pudding like consistency add extract baking powder using another bowl whisk eggs together pour eggs banana bowl mix well thoroughly combined liquidlike consistency heat skillet griddle medium heat add teaspoons coconut oil use tablespoons batter per pancake cook minute sprinkle pomegranate seeds flipping cooking additional minute side transfer cooked pancakes plate stack high top additional pomegranate pistachios maple syrup get printable recipe author maria marlowe integrative nutrition health coach helps people lose weight clear acne switching real food diet posts healthy recipes meal plans mariamarlowecom featured vogue new york times nbc well good download free day real food challenge meal plan follow instagram maria_marlowe facebook healthy recipes get free ecourse exclusive newsletter video deals content video updates get instant access
Lee Adler
new home sales tightrope walk over a windy canyon
items only geniuses schizophrenics can pass this question quiz many neuroscientists estimate that as much as of all brain activity is unconscious just think about that for a second all that unconscious activity is influenced heavily by the world around its subconscious cues to demonstrate that were going to call on a super cool quiz the premise is simple only geniuses and schizophrenics can answer the following three questions which one are you continue to find out there are no hints you either know it or you dont the test youve just done relies on what researchers call the contraposition method this method tests the extent of a persons awareness and brain processing power its a super complicated method with tons of moving parts so to speak but heres what you need to know for the purpose of this article there are objects which one can reasonably say are unrelated most people would assume for example that a race car and a hurricane have very little connection a genius who thinks outside of the box however would deduce some sort of connection a schizophrenic patient would also deduce a connection because of the way the illness makes people see nonexistent connections in just about everything in other words if the quiz in this article left you scratching your head youre normal if not one of two things is true youre brilliant or you have schizophrenia dont worry i wont leave you guessing here are some facts that will help you figure out which one you are geniuses will have taken their time to think before blurting a response did you get the answers right what do you think are you a schizophrenic or a genius as far as the schizophrenia angle goes this post is not a diagnostic tool it can get you thinking about schizophrenia and if you have concerns you can see a psychiatrist for a proper evaluation sources
chart day soaring obamacare premiums state
posted october tony elliott appears bill hillary clinton making plans flee country event donald trump wins election reports circulating clintons transferred billion dollars clinton foundation qatar central bank via facilitationabatement jp morgan chase company reasons revealed move large sum money country qatar says hillary clinton knows going lose election doesnt plan allow prosecuted various high crimes treason trump administration country qatar happens one handful countries extradition treaty united states thus would perfect place run escaping justice donald trump said many times campaign presidential debates gets office intends prosecute various high crimes latest crimes sending classified material via personal email server way gun running terrorist groups syria resulting deaths americans benghazi president barack h obama also apparently making exit plans purchase million dollar seaside mansion dubai january another non extradition country snopes supposed fact checking sites debunked story obamas purchase mansion firing rear admiral rick williams however last several months sites busted lying trying debunk information mentioned fact information true snopes sites try best keep incriminating information believed truth way coming always bush family quietly buying property well purchase acres paraguay yet another country good bush family since allow extradition country death penalty possibility crime corruption found go far back bush administrations connections perpetrators events death penalty would surely stipulation extradition request apparently things get going prosecuting corrupt treasonous bushes plan getting country well courtesy freedom outpost tony elliott established writer articles publications differing topics political commentary columnist cimarron news press cimarron new mexico also regular writer several small coastal newspapers southern oregon early books aura visions origin prophecy enviroclowns climate change circus strange sounds research report dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
David Stockman
chart of the day what escape velocity core capex orders down straight months out of last
pomegranate pistachio pancakes a glutenfree pancake stack that can pass off as dessert yes please these pomegranate pistachio pancakes contain no added sugar or grains all you need is a banana and two eggs for a sweet and perfectly moist pancake while you can top them with whatever you like this pomegranate and pistachio version is great for fall they add a pop of color crunch and flavor perfect for sunday brunch or whenever youre in the mood for a stack pomegranate pistachio pancakes tsp almond or vanilla extract optional tsp baking powder optional for fluffier pancakes large eggs tbsp unrefined coconut oil or other oil ½ cup pomegranate arils tbsp chopped pistachios instructions peel the banana and break it into parts in a bowl use a fork to mash it thoroughly into a pudding like consistency add the extract and baking powder if using in another bowl whisk the eggs together then pour the eggs into the banana bowl and mix well until thoroughly combined it will be a very liquidlike consistency heat a skillet or griddle over medium heat add a few teaspoons of coconut oil use about tablespoons of batter per pancake cook for about minute sprinkle with a few pomegranate seeds before flipping and cooking an additional minute on the other side transfer the cooked pancakes to a plate and stack them high top with additional pomegranate pistachios and maple syrup get the printable recipe here author maria marlowe is an integrative nutrition health coach who helps people lose weight or clear up their acne by switching to a real food diet she posts healthy recipes and meal plans at mariamarlowecom she has been featured in vogue the new york times nbc well good and more download her free day real food challenge meal plan or follow her on instagram maria_marlowe and facebook for more healthy recipes get free ecourse here exclusive newsletter video deals content and video updates get instant access
geniuses schizophrenics pass question quiz david avocado wolfe davidwolfecom
posted october michael depinto anyone heard yet chance learn details undercover operation produced james okeefe project veritas inner workings democrat party youre luck written two different posts covering subject different angles third covering hillarys response post include least undercover recordings released far james okeefe year okeefe risked life going deep undercover democrat partys factory corruption week everyone laughed trump calling election rigged okeefe began releasing portions shocking video took undercover videos highest ranking members dnc make jawdropping admissions guilt youve ever heard lives least call hillarys campaign every day go areas need focus first post wrote titled george soros master blueprint conquer west gets caught camera go detail money funding illegal operations caught film comes hillary clinton largest donor none george soros one high ranking democratic operative explains happens money comes upon receipt campaign hillary clinton campaign pays dnc dnc pays democracy partners democracy partners pays foval group foval group goes executes sh ground wow questioned legality response doesnt matter friggin legal ethics people say need win motherfker thats beginning evidence gets infinitely worse second post wrote titled video guarantees trump win even hillarys fraud machine present honest look candidates operate post contains released undercover footage far learn exactly prescribing assure nothing prepare james managed catch film youll sick contrast criminal enterprise hillary running montage videos taken year span donald trump clips spanning years trump asked potentially running presidency day answers years old spontaneous unlike scripted know totally false statements consistently get hillary painfully obvious answers trump gives genuine heart love hate good luck arguing trump isnt authentic video get good look would oval office caricature team hillary tried hard create hand team hillarys behavior utterly indefensible knows runs like hell video second reporters begin ask recordings theres nowhere run though hillary staff lot answer much criminal nature go figure article posted permission last great stand michael depinto member fast growing unsilent american majority sick insanity going country right accused vitriolic bombastic sarcastic extreme probably worse behind back michael sick branded right wingextremist racist homophobe warmonger whatever asinine adjectives liberal progressives words common sense days michael also blogger last great stand attorney dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
David Stockman
chart of the day soaring obamacare premiums by state
posted on october by tony elliott it appears bill and hillary clinton are making plans to flee the country in the event donald trump wins this election reports are circulating that the clintons have transferred billion dollars from the clinton foundation to the qatar central bank via a facilitationabatement of jp morgan chase company for reasons not revealed this move of such a large sum of money to the country of qatar says in itself hillary clinton knows she is going to lose the election and she doesnt plan to allow herself to be prosecuted for various high crimes and treason under a trump administration the country of qatar happens to be one of a handful of countries that does not have an extradition treaty with the united states thus would be a perfect place for her to run to in escaping justice donald trump has said many times during his campaign and at the presidential debates that once he gets into office he intends to prosecute her on various high crimes from her latest crimes of sending classified material via a personal email server all the way to gun running to terrorist groups in syria resulting in the deaths of americans in benghazi president barack h obama has also apparently been making exit plans with his purchase of a million dollar seaside mansion in dubai in january another non extradition country snopes and other supposed fact checking sites have debunked both the story of obamas purchase of the mansion and the firing of rear admiral rick williams however over the last several months these sites have been busted for lying in trying to debunk such information as the before mentioned when in fact the information is true snopes and other sites try their best to keep incriminating information from being believed but the truth has a way of coming out on its own as it always has the bush family has been quietly buying property as well with the purchase of acres in paraguay in yet another country good for the bush family since it does not allow extradition to any country if the death penalty is a possibility for the crime if the corruption is found to go as far back as both of the bush administrations with any connections to them being the perpetrators of the events on the death penalty would surely be a stipulation of any extradition request apparently if things get going with prosecuting the corrupt and treasonous the bushes plan on getting out of the country as well courtesy of freedom outpost tony elliott is an established writer with articles in over publications of differing topics political commentary columnist for the cimarron news press in cimarron new mexico from to he was also a regular writer for several small coastal newspapers in southern oregon during the early s books aura visions the origin prophecy enviroclowns the climate change circus strange sounds a research report dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
pomegranate pistachio pancakes david avocado wolfe davidwolfecom
posted october paul joseph watson authorities claim security reasons towns across sweden banned christmas street lights name security real reason almost certainly country completely capitulated islam importing countless muslim migrants last two years according svt report swedish transport administration trafikverket allow municipalities erect christmas street lights light poles authority manages meaning many towns festival lights major streets according speisa change victory want tone reminder countrys christian traditions according swedish transport administration decision drastic change security poles designed weight christmas lights remove anything said eilin isaksson national coordinator swedish transport administration argument lights heavy pose safety risk sounds like complete baloney swedes asked believe lights normally held tree branches weighty supported metal poles despite safety issue street lights decades new rule instituted right record numbers muslim migrants flooded country coincidence im sure reality christmas lights ban almost certainly effort avoid offending muslim migrants causing chaos cities like malmo firebombing cars businesses near muslim ghetto nogo areas becoming routine occurrence previously reported top swedish bishop advocated removing crosses christian church replacing islamic symbols order please muslims last christmas also announced christmas eve special broadcast public television would hosted muslim woman areas sweden even capitulating returning isis terrorists offering jihadists free driving licenses housing benefits help reintegrate job market
No Author
only geniuses schizophrenics can pass this question quiz david avocado wolfe davidwolfecom
posted on october by michael depinto for anyone who has heard about but not yet had a chance to learn the details about the undercover operation produced by james okeefe s project veritas about the inner workings of the democrat party youre in luck i have written two different posts covering the subject from different angles and this will be the third covering hillarys response each post include at least some if not all of the undercover recordings released so far by james okeefe for over a year okeefe risked his life by going deep undercover into the democrat partys factory of corruption and just this week after everyone laughed at trump for calling the election rigged okeefe began releasing portions of the shocking video he took while undercover in the videos some of the highest ranking members of the dnc make some of the most jawdropping admissions of guilt youve ever heard in your lives not the least of which is we have a call with hillarys campaign every day to go over what areas need more focus in the first post i wrote titled george soros master blueprint to conquer the west gets caught on camera i go into detail about how the money funding all the illegal operations caught on film comes from hillary clinton s largest donor none other than george soros one very high ranking democratic operative explains what happens with the money once it comes in upon receipt the campaign hillary clinton campaign pays the dnc the dnc pays democracy partners democracy partners pays the foval group and the foval group goes and executes the sh on the ground wow then when questioned about the legality the response was it doesnt matter what the friggin legal and ethics people say we need to win this motherfker thats just the beginning the evidence gets infinitely worse then in the second post i wrote titled this video guarantees a trump win even with hillarys fraud machine i present an honest look at both candidates and how they operate the post contains of the released undercover footage so far so you learn exactly who is prescribing what to whom and i assure you that nothing can prepare you for what james managed to catch on film youll be sick then i contrast the criminal enterprise hillary is running with a montage of videos taken over a year span of donald trump and in each of the clips spanning all those years trump is asked about potentially running for the presidency some day some of the answers are years old and all are spontaneous unlike the scripted and now we know totally false statements we consistently get from hillary it is painfully obvious the answers trump gives are genuine and from the heart love him or hate him good luck arguing that trump isnt authentic in the video you get a good look at who would be in the oval office and its not the caricature that team hillary has tried so hard to create on the other hand team hillarys behavior is utterly indefensible and she knows it which is why she runs like hell in the video below the second reporters begin to ask her about the recordings theres nowhere to run now though hillary you and your staff have a lot to answer for much of which is criminal in nature go figure article posted with permission from the last great stand michael depinto is a member of the fast growing unsilent american majority that is sick of the insanity going on in this country right now he has been accused of being vitriolic bombastic sarcastic to the extreme and probably worse behind his back michael is sick of being branded a right wingextremist racist homophobe warmonger or whatever other asinine adjectives liberal progressives have for the words common sense these days michael is also a blogger at the last great stand and an attorney dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
comment obamas clintons bushes going seek refuge countries dont extradite us trump wins marlene
posted october claire bernish tony podesta brother nowdisgraced hillary clinton campaign chair john podesta whose files wikileaks publishing powerful democratic party lobbyist registered foreign agent receiving hefty monthly paycheck nefarious government saudi arabia tinfoilhat conspiracy theorist might sound scenario absolute truth john tony podesta formed podesta group used bigwig partyinsider status lobby influence government policies various times simultaneously holding positions power created number glaring conflicts interest according march filing made accordance foreign agents registration act tony podesta active foreign agent saudi government center studies media affairs saudi royal court acts officer saudi arabia account point web payforplay washington political heavyweights foreign governments comes lurching spotlight starters podesta brothers lobbying firm receives every month saudi government uncertain terms despite status privileged us ally wages bloody campaign censorship murder suppression human rights abuse worse civilian population bombing hospitals schools aid convoys neighboring nations john podesta previously served president bill clintons chief staff founded think tank center american progress ohsocoincidentally touts need reframe saudi arabias hopelessly tarnished image counseled president obama chairs hillary clintons campaign tony podesta acts foreign agent kingdom saudi arabia lobbying influence government policy favor kingdom also contributing bundling hillary clintons campaign think moment one brother uses influence money affect united states foreign policy infuse clinton campaign cash wields influence power political insider entities washington post reported months ago july tony podestas lobbying efforts raised campaign victory fund saudis hired podesta group getting hammered press civilian casualties airstrikes yemen crackdown political dissidents home including sentencing blogger raif badawi ten years prison lashes insulting islam alternet reported since tony podestas fingerprints saudi arabias advocacy efforts washington dc saudi arabia executed prominent nonviolent shia dissident sheikh nimr alnimr causing protests throughout shia world inflaming sectarian divisions new york times noted podesta group provided newspaper saudi commentator defended execution notably saudis reputation worsened atrocities pile concerning record number barbaric beheadings year suspiciously reckless errant usbacked coalition bombings civilian sites several regions active conflict additionally tony podestas status registered foreign agent saudi arabia least obliquely discussed email april ironically revealed wikileaks publishing brothers personal communiques former clinton foundation chief development officer campaign national finance director dennis cheng wrote small group insiders hi need make decision asap friends happen registered fara foreign agents registration act already donating raising want push back bit job feel like leaving good amount money table primary general dnc state parties explain people well take money corporate lobbyist foundation takes foreign govts wont either way need make decision soon general counsel clinton campaign attorney marc elias replied errors original emphasis added responding call morning lean away bright line rule seems odd say someone represents alberta canada cant give lobbyist phillip morris vet lobbyists case case would fara may lead large number fara registrants denied would flat ban total ban feels arbitrary engender eyerolling ill obama exchange continues precisely handle campaigns image potentially controversial donors costs maintaining flow cash becomes even apparent strategist campaign manager robby mook responds draw line though elias suggests particularly intricate solution case case subjective would look donor foreign entity registered judging whether take money would consider relationship country united states relationship state department hillarys time secretary relationship foundation judging individual would look history support political candidates generally hillarys past campaigns specifically put simply would use criteria use lobbyists except somewhat stringent screen legal matter saying decide simply ban foreign registrants entirely im offering middle ground mook eventually decides plainly marc made convincing case sorts restrictions dont really get anythingthat obama actually got judged harshly result convinced soin complete uturn im ok taking money dealing attacks guys ok political wrangling appears desired effect despite increasing calls united states either rein sever completely support bloody saudi regime us approved stunning billion sale smart bombs kingdom november tony podestas specific contract governmentrun center studies media affairs saudi royal court earn million years end indeed suggest infusion prosaudi message us media propaganda machine saudi arabia consistently one bigger players comes foreign influence washington sunlight foundation spokesman josh stewart told washington post spans youd call inside game lobbying government relations outside game pr things tend reach broader audience lobbying broader audience american public indeed manipulated courtesy least thoroughlycorrupt clinton campaign surreptitiously saudis well free thought project repeatedly reported evidence collusion among democratic national committee hillary clintons campaign mainstream presstitutes indisputable including less socalled journalists listed name various leaks darlings campaign although level corruption collusion would considered intolerable nearly nation planet yet center shit storm contention official nominee white house held responsible number questionable criminal acts system isnt rigged performing exactly intended always long vote validates existence dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
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posted on october by paul joseph watson authorities claim its for security reasons towns across sweden have banned christmas street lights in the name of security but the real reason is almost certainly because the country has completely capitulated to islam after importing countless muslim migrants over the last two years according to an svt report the swedish transport administration trafikverket will not allow municipalities to erect christmas street lights on light poles that the authority manages meaning that many towns will have no festival lights at all on major streets according to speisa the change is a victory for those who want to tone down the reminder of the countrys christian traditions but according to the swedish transport administration the decision for the drastic change is security poles are not designed for the weight of christmas lights and we have to remove anything that should not be there said eilin isaksson national coordinator at the swedish transport administration the argument that the lights are too heavy and pose a safety risk sounds like complete baloney swedes are being asked to believe that lights normally held up by tree branches are now too weighty to be supported by metal poles despite there being no safety issue with the street lights for decades this new rule has been instituted right after record numbers of muslim migrants flooded into the country just a coincidence im sure in reality the christmas lights ban is almost certainly an effort to avoid offending muslim migrants who are causing chaos in cities like malmo where the firebombing of cars and businesses in or near muslim ghetto nogo areas is becoming a routine occurrence as we previously reported a top swedish bishop advocated removing crosses from a christian church and replacing them with islamic symbols in order to please muslims last christmas it was also announced that a christmas eve special broadcast on public television would be hosted by a muslim woman some areas of sweden are even capitulating to returning isis terrorists by offering jihadists free driving licenses and housing benefits to help them reintegrate into the job market
comment asked undercover videos hillary walks press conference matibob
posted october ryan banister project hemisphere secretive program developed att searches trillions call records order analyze cell phone data spying activity private individuals order identify speaking well gps tracking location individual connected call transmits information department justice doj project hemisphere shown powerpoint presentation produced drug enforcement administration new york times reported partnership att doj primarily deployed drugenforcement taskforces information collected program accessible federal agencies authorized doj att specifically developed marketed product use doj would promise hundreds millions funds behalf taxpayers using taxpayers money spy every move invasion privacy without warrant federal spy program proxy working corporations att promises law enforcement disclose project hemispheres involvement active investigations made public att attempting lower liability customer limit scrutiny information transmitted federal agencies network surprising cell phone company working bureaucrats collect incriminating evidence staggering number people still carelessly use cell phone information transmitted device kept private news flash never private always wanted use information product sell highest bidder data product paying take video report contributed ryan banister daily sheeple dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
comment on are the obamas the clintons and the bushes going to seek refuge in countries that dont extradite to the us if trump wins by marlene
posted on october by claire bernish tony podesta brother of the nowdisgraced hillary clinton campaign chair john podesta whose files wikileaks has been publishing is not only a powerful democratic party lobbyist but a registered foreign agent receiving a hefty monthly paycheck from the nefarious government of saudi arabia no as tinfoilhat conspiracy theorist as it might sound that scenario is the absolute truth in john and tony podesta formed the podesta group and have used their bigwig partyinsider status to lobby and influence government policies while at various times simultaneously holding positions of power which has created a number of glaring conflicts of interest according to the march filing made in accordance with the foreign agents registration act of tony podesta is an active foreign agent of the saudi government with the center for studies and media affairs at the saudi royal court and acts as an officer of the saudi arabia account at this point the web of payforplay between the washington political heavyweights and foreign governments comes lurching into the spotlight for starters the podesta brothers lobbying firm receives every month from the saudi government which in no uncertain terms and despite a status as privileged us ally wages a bloody campaign of censorship murder suppression human rights abuse and worse against its civilian population while bombing hospitals schools and aid convoys in neighboring nations john podesta previously served as president bill clintons chief of staff founded the think tank center for american progress which ohsocoincidentally touts the need to reframe saudi arabias hopelessly tarnished image counseled president obama and now chairs hillary clintons campaign tony podesta acts as a foreign agent for the kingdom of saudi arabia lobbying to influence government policy in favor of the kingdom while also contributing to and bundling for hillary clintons campaign think about that for a moment one brother uses the influence of money to both affect united states foreign policy and infuse the clinton campaign with cash while the other wields the influence of power as a political insider for the same entities as the washington post reported months ago in july tony podestas lobbying efforts raised for the campaign and for the victory fund the saudis hired the podesta group in because it was getting hammered in the press over civilian casualties from its airstrikes in yemen and its crackdown on political dissidents at home including sentencing blogger raif badawi to ten years in prison and lashes for insulting islam alternet reported since then tony podestas fingerprints have been all over saudi arabias advocacy efforts in washington dc when saudi arabia executed the prominent nonviolent shia dissident sheikh nimr alnimr causing protests throughout the shia world and inflaming sectarian divisions the new york times noted that the podesta group provided the newspaper with a saudi commentator who defended the execution notably the saudis reputation has only worsened as further atrocities pile up concerning not only a record number of barbaric beheadings this year but suspiciously reckless and errant usbacked coalition bombings of civilian sites in several regions of active conflict additionally tony podestas status as a registered foreign agent for saudi arabia is at least obliquely discussed in an email from april ironically revealed by wikileaks publishing of his brothers personal communiques in which former clinton foundation chief development officer and now campaign national finance director dennis cheng wrote to a small group of insiders hi all we do need to make a decision on this asap as our friends who happen to be registered with fara foreign agents registration act are already donating and raising i do want to push back a bit its my job i feel like we are leaving a good amount of money on the table both for primary and general and then dnc and state parties and how do we explain to people that well take money from a corporate lobbyist but not them that the foundation takes from foreign govts but we now wont either way we need to make a decision soon to which general counsel to the clinton campaign attorney marc elias replied all errors original and emphasis added responding to all on this i was not on the call this morning but i lean away from a bright line rule here it seems odd to say that someone who represents alberta canada cant give but a lobbyist for phillip morris can just as we vet lobbyists case by case i would do the same with fara while this may lead to a large number of fara registrants being denied it would not be a flat our ban a total ban feels arbitrary and will engender the same eyerolling and ill will that it did for obama as the exchange continues how to precisely handle the campaigns image with potentially controversial donors while at all costs maintaining the flow of cash becomes even more apparent as strategist and campaign manager robby mook responds where do we draw the line though elias suggests a particularly intricate solution if we do it case by case then it will be subjective we would look at who the donor is and what foreign entity they are registered for in judging whether to take the money we would consider the relationship between that country and the united states its relationship to the state department during hillarys time as secretary and its relationship if any to the foundation in judging the individual we would look at their history of support for political candidates generally and hillarys past campaigns specifically put simply we would use the same criteria we use for lobbyists except with a somewhat more stringent screen as a legal matter i am not saying we have to do this we can decide to simply ban foreign registrants entirely im just offering this up as a middle ground mook eventually decides plainly marc made a convincing case to me this am that these sorts of restrictions dont really get you anythingthat obama actually got judged more harshly as a result he convinced me soin a complete uturn im ok just taking the money and dealing with any attacks are you guys ok with that all of this political wrangling appears to have had the desired effect despite increasing calls for the united states to either rein in or sever completely its support for the bloody saudi regime the us approved a stunning billion sale of smart bombs to the kingdom in november tony podestas specific contract with the governmentrun center for studies and media affairs at the saudi royal court which will earn million by years end does indeed suggest the infusion of a prosaudi message into the us media propaganda machine saudi arabia is consistently one of the bigger players when it comes to foreign influence in washington sunlight foundation spokesman josh stewart told the washington post that spans both what youd call the inside game which is lobbying and government relations and the outside game which is pr and other things that tend to reach a broader audience than just lobbying that broader audience the american public has indeed been manipulated courtesy of at least the thoroughlycorrupt clinton campaign if not surreptitiously by the saudis as well as the free thought project has repeatedly reported the evidence of collusion among the democratic national committee hillary clintons campaign and the mainstream presstitutes is indisputable including no less than socalled journalists listed by name in various leaks as darlings of the campaign although this level of corruption and collusion would be considered intolerable in nearly any other nation on the planet and yet at the center of this shit storm of contention is an official nominee for the white house who will not be held responsible for any number of questionable and criminal acts the system isnt rigged its performing exactly as intended and always will as long as the vote validates its existence dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
comment sweden bans christmas street lights avoid offending muslim migrants jaded
posted october chris menahan video florida shows panicked clinton aide rush side order help climb one step aide sees hagliness going reach small riser hes seen making mad dash towards hillary turns grabs hand balance clutching dear life manages tackle one step wonder made panicked collapse secret courtesy information liberation dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
comment on when asked about undercover videos hillary walks out on press conference by matibob
posted on october by ryan banister project hemisphere a secretive program developed by att searches trillions of call records in order to analyze cell phone data spying on the activity of private individuals in order to identify who they are speaking with and why as well as gps tracking on the location of each individual connected to the call and it transmits this information to the department of justice doj in project hemisphere was shown in a powerpoint presentation produced by the drug enforcement administration the new york times reported this as a partnership between att and the doj primarily deployed for drugenforcement taskforces all information collected in this program is accessible to the federal agencies authorized by the doj att specifically developed and marketed this product for use by the doj who would promise hundreds of millions in funds on behalf of taxpayers using the taxpayers own money to spy on their every move this is an invasion of privacy without a warrant this is a federal spy program by proxy working through corporations att promises law enforcement that it will not disclose project hemispheres involvement in active investigations that are made public att is is attempting to lower liability for their customer and limit scrutiny to information transmitted to federal agencies through their network while it should not be surprising that your cell phone company is working with bureaucrats to collect incriminating evidence on you there is a staggering number of people who still carelessly use their cell phone as if the information being transmitted through the device will be kept private news flash its never been private they have always wanted to use your information as a product to sell to the highest bidder your data is their product and you are paying them to take it from you video report contributed by ryan banister of the daily sheeple dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
comment brother clintons campaign chair active foreign agent saudi arabian payroll marlene
posted october pamela geller bombshells criminal breaking daily question trump imperative hillary defeated people choose hillary must punished wikileaks bill clinton boasts hillarys working relationship muslim brotherhood john hayward breitbart october speech bill clinton gave home mehul hema sanghani october revealed public first time wikileaks former president bill clinton touted hillary clintons working relationship muslim brotherhoods mohamed morsi egypt example diplomatic skillspresident clinton also gave wife lot credit negotiating iran nuclear deal passage began standard democrat stuff happens shrugging defense foreign policy failures finally live world said thats full good news bad news united states cannot control need president whos likely make many good things happen possible likely prevent big bad things happening cant keep every bad thing happening whos likely able get people involved positive way even people dont like iran nuclear agreement concede never would happened hadnt sanctions hillary negotiated sanctions got china russia sign something thought shed never able confess im never surprised anything surprised didnt think could chinese russians see past shortterm selfinterest longterm interest sparking another nuclear arms race muslim brotherhood took egypt spite fact inaudible developed working relationship thenpresident went brokered ceasefire stop fullscale shooting war israel hamas gaza top going syria inaudible jordan would calamity world trying reset relations russia president medvedev team negotiated new start treaty limits warheads missiles lobbied senate get votes means lot republicans say dont like kidding election season trusted got passed cant get votes senate without lot republican support dont know tension mr putin trying affect outcome conflict syria think good thing lower risk kind accidental nuclear conflict russians youll rarely find tortured political framing iran debacle bill clinton boasting sanctions barack obama lifted superawesome even dont think sanctions lifted agree mr clintons version iran sanctions leaves details russias keen financial interest keeping iranian energy european market chinas desire use iran sanctions geopolitical bargaining chip part muslim brotherhood interesting anything selling hillary clintons working relationship egyptian islamists short used american diplomatic leverage morsis benefit even got elected warning egyptians backtracking military regime key moment postmubarak campaign morsi running former member hosni mubaraks military long rumors subtle forms us pressure used secure morsis office well public pronouncements clinton called hosni mubaraks tottering regime stable cautioned obama administration colleagues pushing longtime partner door days ago declassified state department documents revealed clintons talking points meeting morsi hailed election milestone egypts transition democracy stated offer muslim brotherhood leader technical expertise assistance us government private sector support economic social programs clinton also supposed privately offer morsi assistance police security forces would conducted quite discreetly morsi gone declared exasperated egyptian political culture declared cynical realist pretty much opposite everyone obama administration saying arab spring midst springing little surprises autocratic americaaligned least americafearing regimes supposed feel guilty selfishly supporting long clintons superb working relationship morsi eventually ended morsis wife railing clinton supposedly dismissing simpleton unfit presidency threatening publish letters clinton morsi would damage former us secretary state meanwhile mohammed morsi developing solid working relationship egyptian penitentiary system egypt one icky military governments wont fond memories hillary clintons support muslim brotherhood regime likely work whoever wins us presidential election therefore prospective president hillary clinton probably wont suffer much secretary state hillary clintons appalling lapses judgment courtesy pamela geller dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
comment on sweden bans christmas street lights to avoid offending muslim migrants by jaded
posted on october by chris menahan video out of florida shows a panicked clinton aide rush to her side in order to help her climb one step when the aide sees her hagliness is going to reach a small riser before him hes seen making a mad dash towards her hillary then turns grabs his hand for balance and while clutching him for dear life manages to tackle the one step before her you have to wonder what made him so panicked did she collapse once again in secret courtesy of information liberation dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
att secret spy program unveiled project hemisphere
posted claire bernish tony podesta brother nowdisgraced hillary clinton campaign chair john podesta whose files wikileaks publishing powerful democratic party lobbyist registered foreign agent receiving hefty monthly paycheck nefarious government saudi arabia tinfoilhat conspiracy theorist might sound scenario absolute truth john tony podesta formed podesta group used bigwig partyinsider status lobby influence government policies various times simultaneously holding positions power created number glaring conflicts interest according march filing made accordance foreign agents registration act tony podesta active foreign agent saudi government center studies media affairs saudi royal court acts officer saudi arabia account point web payforplay washington political heavyweights foreign governments comes lurching spotlight starters podesta brothers lobbying firm receives every month saudi government uncertain terms despite status privileged us ally wages bloody campaign censorship murder suppression human rights abuse worse civilian population bombing hospitals schools aid convoys neighboring nations john podesta previously served president bill clintons chief staff founded think tank center american progress ohsocoincidentally touts need reframe saudi arabias hopelessly tarnished image counseled president obama chairs hillary clintons campaign tony podesta acts foreign agent kingdom saudi arabia lobbying influence government policy favor kingdom also contributing bundling hillary clintons campaign think moment one brother uses influence money affect united states foreign policy infuse clinton campaign cash wields influence power political insider entities washington post reported months ago july tony podestas lobbying efforts raised campaign victory fund saudis hired podesta group getting hammered press civilian casualties airstrikes yemen crackdown political dissidents home including sentencing blogger raif badawi ten years prison lashes insulting islam alternet reported since tony podestas fingerprints saudi arabias advocacy efforts washington dc saudi arabia executed prominent nonviolent shia dissident sheikh nimr alnimr causing protests throughout shia world inflaming sectarian divisions new york times noted podesta group provided newspaper saudi commentator defended execution notably saudis reputation worsened atrocities pile concerning record number barbaric beheadings year suspiciously reckless errant usbacked coalition bombings civilian sites several regions active conflict additionally tony podestas status registered foreign agent saudi arabia least obliquely discussed email april ironically revealed wikileaks publishing brothers personal communiques former clinton foundation chief development officer campaign national finance director dennis cheng wrote small group insiders hi need make decision asap friends happen registered fara foreign agents registration act already donating raising want push back bit job feel like leaving good amount money table primary general dnc state parties explain people well take money corporate lobbyist foundation takes foreign govts wont either way need make decision soon general counsel clinton campaign attorney marc elias replied errors original emphasis added responding call morning lean away bright line rule seems odd say someone represents alberta canada cant give lobbyist phillip morris vet lobbyists case case would fara may lead large number fara registrants denied would flat ban total ban feels arbitrary engender eyerolling ill obama exchange continues precisely handle campaigns image potentially controversial donors costs maintaining flow cash becomes even apparent strategist campaign manager robby mook responds draw line though elias suggests particularly intricate solution case case subjective would look donor foreign entity registered judging whether take money would consider relationship country united states relationship state department hillarys time secretary relationship foundation judging individual would look history support political candidates generally hillarys past campaigns specifically put simply would use criteria use lobbyists except somewhat stringent screen legal matter saying decide simply ban foreign registrants entirely im offering middle ground mook eventually decides plainly marc made convincing case sorts restrictions dont really get anythingthat obama actually got judged harshly result convinced soin complete uturn im ok taking money dealing attacks guys ok political wrangling appears desired effect despite increasing calls united states either rein sever completely support bloody saudi regime us approved stunning billion sale smart bombs kingdom november tony podestas specific contract governmentrun center studies media affairs saudi royal court earn million years end indeed suggest infusion prosaudi message us media propaganda machine saudi arabia consistently one bigger players comes foreign influence washington sunlight foundation spokesman josh stewart told washington post spans youd call inside game lobbying government relations outside game pr things tend reach broader audience lobbying broader audience american public indeed manipulated courtesy least thoroughlycorrupt clinton campaign surreptitiously saudis well free thought project repeatedly reported evidence collusion among democratic national committee hillary clintons campaign mainstream presstitutes indisputable including less socalled journalists listed name various leaks darlings campaign although level corruption collusion would considered intolerable nearly nation planet yet center shit storm contention official nominee white house held responsible number questionable criminal acts system isnt rigged performing exactly intended always long vote validates existence dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
comment on brother of clintons campaign chair is an active foreign agent on the saudi arabian payroll by marlene
posted on october by pamela geller the bombshells about this criminal are now breaking daily its not a question of trump it is an imperative that hillary be defeated if the people choose hillary then they must and will be punished wikileaks bill clinton boasts of hillarys working relationship with muslim brotherhood by john hayward breitbart october in a speech bill clinton gave at the home of mehul and hema sanghani in october revealed to the public for the first time by wikileaks former president bill clinton touted hillary clintons working relationship with the muslim brotherhoods mohamed morsi in egypt as an example of her diplomatic skillspresident clinton also gave his wife a lot of credit for negotiating the iran nuclear deal in a passage that began with the standard democrat stuff happens shrugging defense for foreign policy failures finally we live in a world as i said thats full of good news and bad news the united states cannot control it all but we need a president whos most likely to make as many good things happen as possible and most likely to prevent big bad things from happening you cant keep every bad thing from happening whos most likely to be able to get people involved in a positive way even the people who dont like the iran nuclear agreement concede it never would have happened if it hadnt been for the sanctions hillary negotiated those sanctions and got china and russia to sign off something i thought shed never be able to do i confess im never surprised by anything she does but that surprised me i didnt think she could do it the chinese and the russians to see past their shortterm selfinterest to their longterm interest and not sparking another nuclear arms race and when the muslim brotherhood took over in egypt in spite of the fact that we were inaudible she developed a working relationship with the thenpresident and went there and brokered a ceasefire to stop a fullscale shooting war between israel and hamas in gaza which on top of what was going on in syria and the inaudible jordan would have been a calamity for the world and when we were trying to reset our relations with russia under president medvedev she and her team negotiated a new start treaty which limits warheads and missiles and she lobbied it through the senate she had to get votes which means a lot of these republicans who say that they dont like her now are just kidding for election season they trusted her and she got it passed you cant get votes in the senate without a lot of republican support and i dont know about you but with all this tension and mr putin trying to affect the outcome of the conflict in syria i think its a very good thing that were in a lower risk of any kind of accidental nuclear conflict with the russians she did that youll rarely find a more tortured political framing of the iran debacle than bill clinton boasting that the sanctions barack obama lifted were superawesome as even those who dont think those sanctions should have been lifted agree mr clintons version of the iran sanctions leaves out a few details such as russias keen financial interest in keeping iranian energy out of the european market and chinas desire to use iran sanctions as a geopolitical bargaining chip but the part about the muslim brotherhood is most interesting if anything he is selling hillary clintons working relationship with egyptian islamists short because she used american diplomatic leverage for morsis benefit even before he got elected warning egyptians about backtracking to a military regime at a key moment of the postmubarak campaign when morsi was running against a former member of hosni mubaraks military there have long been rumors that more subtle forms of us pressure were used to secure morsis office as well then again in public pronouncements clinton called hosni mubaraks tottering regime stable and cautioned her obama administration colleagues against pushing a longtime partner out the door a few days ago declassified state department documents revealed clintons talking points for a meeting with morsi hailed his election as a milestone in egypts transition to democracy and stated that she was to offer the muslim brotherhood leader technical expertise and assistance from both the us government and private sector to support his economic and social programs clinton was also supposed to privately offer morsi assistance with his police and security forces which would be conducted quite discreetly after morsi was gone she declared herself exasperated with egyptian political culture and declared herself a cynical realist that is pretty much the opposite of what everyone in the obama administration was saying while the arab spring was in the midst of springing its little surprises on autocratic but americaaligned or at least americafearing regimes which we were all supposed to feel guilty about selfishly supporting for so long as for clintons superb working relationship with morsi that eventually ended with morsis wife railing against clinton for supposedly dismissing him as a simpleton who was unfit for the presidency and threatening to publish letters from clinton to morsi that would damage the former us secretary of state meanwhile mohammed morsi is developing a solid working relationship with the egyptian penitentiary system egypt has one of those icky military governments again and while it wont have fond memories of hillary clintons support for the muslim brotherhood regime it will most likely work with whoever wins the us presidential election therefore a prospective president hillary clinton probably wont suffer too much from secretary of state hillary clintons appalling lapses in judgment courtesy of pamela geller dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
watch hillary aide rushes side help climb one step
american medical association defines alcoholic someone prolonged period frequent heavy alcohol use unable control drinking begun withdrawal symptoms individual stops using alcohol needs use alcohol achieve effects variety social andor legal problems arising alcohol use definition hillary clinton alcoholic exhibit email hillarys campaign chairman john podesta august director communications hillarys campaign jennifer palmieri wrote referring hillary think call sober heres screenshot email released wikileaks exhibit b feb hillarys spokesman nick merrill sent email presumably hillarys campaign staff subject hrc clips news clips hillary rodham clinton news clips day included article benjamin bell abc news titled one thing might surprise hillary clinton merrill reproduced entirety email bells article interview new york times national political reporter amy chozick whether hillary clinton would announce shes running presidency one questions bell asked chozick covering hillary clinton one thing surprised chozick answered hmm likes drink campaign trail press thought taking shots pander voters pennsylvania um heres composite screenshot relevant part merrills email wikileaks exhibit c according national enquirer top staffers hillarys campaign told enquirer even began years presidential campaign secretly planning stint rehab hillary rehab therapy quickly failed amid pressures campaign effort making deal fbi probe email scandal source said stress political career neverending scandals worsening health plunged lifethreatening booze hell turned drink drown fears hillary tries hide problem like lies many things close friend hillary added hillary drinking heavily years forget miserable marriage serial cheater bill shes also hit bottle cope stress well boredom flying world secretary state one hillary insider told enquirer hillary blackouts wakes wondering done shes fit president certainly hillary must drunk obscenely ground twerking black woman see sane person position us secretary state would behave like public eowyn dr eowyns post first appeared fellowship minds
Ryan Banister
att secret spy program unveiled project hemisphere
posted by claire bernish tony podesta brother of the nowdisgraced hillary clinton campaign chair john podesta whose files wikileaks has been publishing is not only a powerful democratic party lobbyist but a registered foreign agent receiving a hefty monthly paycheck from the nefarious government of saudi arabia no as tinfoilhat conspiracy theorist as it might sound that scenario is the absolute truth in john and tony podesta formed the podesta group and have used their bigwig partyinsider status to lobby and influence government policies while at various times simultaneously holding positions of power which has created a number of glaring conflicts of interest according to the march filing made in accordance with the foreign agents registration act of tony podesta is an active foreign agent of the saudi government with the center for studies and media affairs at the saudi royal court and acts as an officer of the saudi arabia account at this point the web of payforplay between the washington political heavyweights and foreign governments comes lurching into the spotlight for starters the podesta brothers lobbying firm receives every month from the saudi government which in no uncertain terms and despite a status as privileged us ally wages a bloody campaign of censorship murder suppression human rights abuse and worse against its civilian population while bombing hospitals schools and aid convoys in neighboring nations john podesta previously served as president bill clintons chief of staff founded the think tank center for american progress which ohsocoincidentally touts the need to reframe saudi arabias hopelessly tarnished image counseled president obama and now chairs hillary clintons campaign tony podesta acts as a foreign agent for the kingdom of saudi arabia lobbying to influence government policy in favor of the kingdom while also contributing to and bundling for hillary clintons campaign think about that for a moment one brother uses the influence of money to both affect united states foreign policy and infuse the clinton campaign with cash while the other wields the influence of power as a political insider for the same entities as the washington post reported months ago in july tony podestas lobbying efforts raised for the campaign and for the victory fund the saudis hired the podesta group in because it was getting hammered in the press over civilian casualties from its airstrikes in yemen and its crackdown on political dissidents at home including sentencing blogger raif badawi to ten years in prison and lashes for insulting islam alternet reported since then tony podestas fingerprints have been all over saudi arabias advocacy efforts in washington dc when saudi arabia executed the prominent nonviolent shia dissident sheikh nimr alnimr causing protests throughout the shia world and inflaming sectarian divisions the new york times noted that the podesta group provided the newspaper with a saudi commentator who defended the execution notably the saudis reputation has only worsened as further atrocities pile up concerning not only a record number of barbaric beheadings this year but suspiciously reckless and errant usbacked coalition bombings of civilian sites in several regions of active conflict additionally tony podestas status as a registered foreign agent for saudi arabia is at least obliquely discussed in an email from april ironically revealed by wikileaks publishing of his brothers personal communiques in which former clinton foundation chief development officer and now campaign national finance director dennis cheng wrote to a small group of insiders hi all we do need to make a decision on this asap as our friends who happen to be registered with fara foreign agents registration act are already donating and raising i do want to push back a bit its my job i feel like we are leaving a good amount of money on the table both for primary and general and then dnc and state parties and how do we explain to people that well take money from a corporate lobbyist but not them that the foundation takes from foreign govts but we now wont either way we need to make a decision soon to which general counsel to the clinton campaign attorney marc elias replied all errors original and emphasis added responding to all on this i was not on the call this morning but i lean away from a bright line rule here it seems odd to say that someone who represents alberta canada cant give but a lobbyist for phillip morris can just as we vet lobbyists case by case i would do the same with fara while this may lead to a large number of fara registrants being denied it would not be a flat our ban a total ban feels arbitrary and will engender the same eyerolling and ill will that it did for obama as the exchange continues how to precisely handle the campaigns image with potentially controversial donors while at all costs maintaining the flow of cash becomes even more apparent as strategist and campaign manager robby mook responds where do we draw the line though elias suggests a particularly intricate solution if we do it case by case then it will be subjective we would look at who the donor is and what foreign entity they are registered for in judging whether to take the money we would consider the relationship between that country and the united states its relationship to the state department during hillarys time as secretary and its relationship if any to the foundation in judging the individual we would look at their history of support for political candidates generally and hillarys past campaigns specifically put simply we would use the same criteria we use for lobbyists except with a somewhat more stringent screen as a legal matter i am not saying we have to do this we can decide to simply ban foreign registrants entirely im just offering this up as a middle ground mook eventually decides plainly marc made a convincing case to me this am that these sorts of restrictions dont really get you anythingthat obama actually got judged more harshly as a result he convinced me soin a complete uturn im ok just taking the money and dealing with any attacks are you guys ok with that all of this political wrangling appears to have had the desired effect despite increasing calls for the united states to either rein in or sever completely its support for the bloody saudi regime the us approved a stunning billion sale of smart bombs to the kingdom in november tony podestas specific contract with the governmentrun center for studies and media affairs at the saudi royal court which will earn million by years end does indeed suggest the infusion of a prosaudi message into the us media propaganda machine saudi arabia is consistently one of the bigger players when it comes to foreign influence in washington sunlight foundation spokesman josh stewart told the washington post that spans both what youd call the inside game which is lobbying and government relations and the outside game which is pr and other things that tend to reach a broader audience than just lobbying that broader audience the american public has indeed been manipulated courtesy of at least the thoroughlycorrupt clinton campaign if not surreptitiously by the saudis as well as the free thought project has repeatedly reported the evidence of collusion among the democratic national committee hillary clintons campaign and the mainstream presstitutes is indisputable including no less than socalled journalists listed by name in various leaks as darlings of the campaign although this level of corruption and collusion would be considered intolerable in nearly any other nation on the planet and yet at the center of this shit storm of contention is an official nominee for the white house who will not be held responsible for any number of questionable and criminal acts the system isnt rigged its performing exactly as intended and always will as long as the vote validates its existence dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
wikileaks bill clinton boasts hillarys working relationship muslim brotherhood
former united states attorney district columbia joe digenova suggested friday james comeys reopening investigation hillary clintons emails product revolt inside fbi speaking wmals larry oconnor digenova asked comey meant saying newly discovered clinton emails anthony weiner huma abedins devices appear pertinent fbis prior investigation tells original investigation thorough incompetent investigation digenova said otherwise would discovered ill tell found phone used anthony weiner huma abedin said phone looked originally could one explanation huma abedin may denied phone existed committed felony lied fbi like general cartwright shes dead meat comey knows theres nothing digenova continued letter sent today simple agents came comey yesterday told evidence said oh realized goose cooked would prove conclusively original investigation incompetent knew agents running weiner case would leak send letter congress ive also told something significant reported laptops belonging clinton aides cheryl mills heather samuelson destroyed reason fbi agents refused digenova went say believes quiet serious revolt director right sent letters today deep trouble inside bureau said comey sent letter today moral authority inside agency right hes joke hes laughingstock agency among former fbi agents become anathema listen full interview courtesy wmal courtesy information liberation dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Chris Menahan
watch hillary aide rushes to her side to help her climb one step
the american medical association defines an alcoholic as someone who has a prolonged period of frequent heavy alcohol use is unable to control drinking once it has begun has withdrawal symptoms when the individual stops using alcohol needs to use more and more alcohol to achieve the same effects has a variety of social andor legal problems arising from alcohol use by that definition hillary clinton is an alcoholic exhibit a in an email to hillarys campaign chairman john podesta on august director of communications for hillarys campaign jennifer palmieri wrote referring to hillary i think you should call her and sober her up some heres a screenshot of the email released by wikileaks exhibit b on feb hillarys spokesman nick merrill sent an email presumably to hillarys campaign staff with the subject hrc clips news clips on hillary rodham clinton the news clips that day included an article by benjamin bell for abc news titled one thing that might surprise you about hillary clinton which merrill reproduced in its entirety in his email bells article was an interview with new york times national political reporter amy chozick on whether hillary clinton would announce shes running for the presidency one of the questions bell asked chozick was covering hillary clinton what is one thing that has surprised you about her chozick answered hmm she likes to drink we were on the campaign trail in and the press thought she was just taking shots to pander to voters in pennsylvania um no heres a composite screenshot of the relevant part of merrills email from wikileaks exhibit c according to the national enquirer top staffers of hillarys campaign told the enquirer they even began this years presidential campaign by secretly planning a stint in rehab for hillary but any rehab therapy quickly failed amid the pressures of the campaign and the effort of making a deal over an fbi probe into her email scandal a source said the stress of her political career the neverending scandals and her worsening health plunged her into a lifethreatening booze hell she turned to drink to drown her fears hillary tries to hide her problem like she lies about so many things a close friend of hillary added hillary has been drinking heavily for years to forget her miserable marriage to serial cheater bill shes also hit the bottle to cope with other stress as well as the boredom of flying all over the world when she was secretary of state one hillary insider told the enquirer that hillary has blackouts and wakes up wondering where she is and what she has done and that shes not fit to be president certainly hillary must be drunk when she obscenely ground against the twerking black woman see below because no sane person in her then position as us secretary of state would behave like this in public eowyn dr eowyns post first appeared at fellowship of the minds
brother clintons campaign chair active foreign agent saudi arabian payroll
posted october isaac davis months long dakota access keystone xl pipleine protest standing rock indian reservation native americans sympathetic protection water supply met heavyhanded brutal clamp police national guard militarized goons battle dress stormed protector camps lrad sonic weapons attack dogs tear gas tazers even live ammunition killing horses politicians mainstream media best ignore growing atrocity hoping wait protestors give saying goes water life issue life death root protection movement therefore people concerned life giving simply unthinkable root issue justifying state oppression protest capitalism perception money important life police national guard attack us citizens private property protect corporate interests really working corporate dream keystone xl pipeline create profit stream small number people expense natural world anyone way top pyramid profit texas billionaire kelcy warren ceo energy transfer partners company responsible project kelcy warren native east texas graduate university texas arlington degree civil engineering warren worked natural gas industry became cochair energy transfer equity business partner ray davis coowner texas rangers baseball team warren built energy transfer equity one nations largest pipeline companies owns miles pipelines carrying natural gas natural gas liquids refined products crude oil companys holdings include sunoco southern union regency energy partners forbes estimates yearold warrens personal wealth billion bloomberg described among americas new shale tycoons rather building fortune drilling takes stuff others pull underground moves one place another chilling boiling pressurizing processing worth burst wellhead source shockingly governor texas greg abbott appointed warren texas parks wildlife commission insult environmentalists working protect big bend national park surrounding sacred tribal lands another million pipeline project according governors office state parks wildlife commission manages conserves natural cultural resources texas along ensuring future hunting fishing outdoor recreation opportunities texans source glaring conflict interest inspired environmental science major utsa former texas state park ambassador andrew lucas begin drive warren removed environmental post petition described people may know kelcy warren man behind controversial dakota access pipeline dallasbased billionaire ceo energy transfer partners making headlines fasttracking mile crude oil pipeline across midwest missouri river north standing rock sioux reservation environmental impact assessment respect cultural sites regard local widespread communities living along river similar story unfolding west texas warrens company split pristine big bend region mile comanche trail pipeline nearlycomplete mile trans pecos pipeline pipelines mark way massive natural gas oil developments trans pecos region untold damages unfolding cultural environmental resources hands energy transfer partners would surprise know nearly year ago texas governor greg abbott appointed kelcy warren year term commissioners preside texas parks wildlife probably campaign contributions abbott received warren footage militarized police using long range acoustic device lrad crowd control weapon protectors standing rock october th final thoughts warren listed number forbes list wealthiest americans estimated net worth billion september head dakota access pipeline snake scratching head wondering militarized police private security contractors beating gassing attacking peaceful resistors including women children elderly answer protect interests kelcy warren others invested pipeline project read articles isaac davis isaac davis staff writer wakingtimescom offgridoutpostcom survival tips blog outspoken advocate liberty voluntary society avid reader history passionate becoming selfsufficient break free control matrix follow facebook article man militarized police standing rock working originally created published waking times published creative commons license attribution isaac davis wakingtimescom may reposted freely proper attribution author bio copyright statement dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Pamela Geller
wikileaks bill clinton boasts of hillarys working relationship with muslim brotherhood
former united states attorney for the district of columbia joe digenova suggested friday james comeys reopening of the investigation into hillary clintons emails was the product of a revolt inside the fbi while speaking with wmals larry oconnor digenova was asked what comey meant by saying newly discovered clinton emails from anthony weiner and huma abedins devices appear to be pertinent to the fbis prior investigation it tells me that the original investigation was not thorough and that it was an incompetent investigation digenova said otherwise they would have discovered this and ill tell you why these were found on the phone that was used by anthony weiner and huma abedin he said why was that phone not looked at originally there could be one explanation huma abedin may have denied that any other phone existed and if she did she committed a felony she lied to the fbi just like general cartwright and if she did shes dead meat and comey knows it and theres nothing he can do about it digenova continued and why this letter was sent today was very simple the agents came to comey yesterday they told him about the evidence and he said oh s and realized that his goose was cooked that this would prove conclusively that his original investigation was incompetent and he knew that the agents running the weiner case would leak it if he did not send this letter to congress and ive also been told something very significant its been reported that those laptops belonging to clinton aides cheryl mills and heather samuelson were destroyed they were not and the reason is the fbi agents refused to do it digenova went on to say he believes there is a quiet but serious revolt against the director right now he sent those letters today because he is in deep trouble inside the bureau he said comey sent this letter today because he had to he has no moral authority inside the agency right now hes a joke hes a laughingstock of the agency and among former fbi agents he has become an anathema listen to the full interview courtesy of wmal courtesy of information liberation dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
hillary clinton alcoholic
posted october tim brown among many wikileaks emails dumped summer clear hillary clinton popular media would believe fact became clear real support hacked email point forced pay young voters stump online gateway pundit reported shes astroturfed candidate hillary sooo unpopular pay young voters support show rallies biggest scoops dncleaks wikileak wikileaks released nearly hacked emails says accounts democratic national committee officials friday emails devastating hillary clinton according least one hacked email hillary clinton real support must pay youth voters defend online also pays millennials show rallies hillarys support lie astroturfed everything woman lie even rallies fabricated attkissons explanation enough tweet regarding mainstream media putting collective useful idiot heads together pitch propaganda donald trump biggest scoops dncleaks httpstcovmtiepspkj mike cernovich cernovich july come surprise remember campaign kicked reported fact twitter followers either completely fake inactive additionally iowa kickoff event whopping people showed majority reporters hillary clinton backing media rabid antiamerican liberals even looks like shes pay actually anything support words candidacy completely contrived courtesy freedom outpost tim brown author editor freedomoutpostcom sonsoflibertymediacom gunsinthenewscom thewashingtonstandardcom husband precious rubies wife father mighty arrows jack trades christian lover liberty resides us occupied great state south carolina tim also affiliate joshua mark arak hybrid semiautomatic rifle follow tim twitter dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Claire Bernish
brother of clintons campaign chair is an active foreign agent on the saudi arabian payroll
posted on october by isaac davis the months long dakota access keystone xl pipleine protest at the standing rock indian reservation by native americans and those sympathetic to protection of our water supply have been met with a heavyhanded and brutal clamp down by police and national guard militarized goons in battle dress have stormed protector camps with lrad sonic weapons attack dogs tear gas tazers and even live ammunition killing horses while politicians and mainstream media do their best to ignore this growing atrocity hoping to wait it out until the protestors give up but as the saying goes water is life and the issue of life and death is at the root of this protection movement therefore for people concerned with life giving up on this is simply unthinkable the root issue justifying state oppression of the protest is capitalism and the perception that money is more important than life itself when the police and national guard attack us citizens on private property to protect corporate interests who are they really working for the corporate dream of the keystone xl pipeline is to create a profit stream for a small number of people at the expense of the natural world and anyone in the way at the top of this pyramid of profit is texas billionaire kelcy warren ceo of energy transfer partners the company responsible for the project so who is kelcy warren a native of east texas and graduate of the university of texas at arlington with a degree in civil engineering warren worked in the natural gas industry and became cochair of energy transfer equity in with business partner ray davis coowner of the texas rangers baseball team warren built energy transfer equity into one of the nations largest pipeline companies which now owns about miles of pipelines carrying natural gas natural gas liquids refined products and crude oil the companys holdings include sunoco southern union and regency energy partners forbes estimates the yearold warrens personal wealth at billion bloomberg described him as among americas new shale tycoons but rather than building a fortune by drilling he takes the stuff others pull from underground and moves it from one place to another chilling boiling pressurizing and processing it until its worth more than when it burst from the wellhead source shockingly in the governor of texas greg abbott appointed warren to the texas parks and wildlife commission which is an insult to environmentalists working to protect big bend national park and surrounding sacred tribal lands from another million pipeline project according to the governors office the state parks and wildlife commission manages and conserves the natural and cultural resources of texas along with ensuring the future of hunting fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for texans source this glaring conflict of interest has inspired environmental science major at utsa and former texas state park ambassador andrew lucas to begin a drive to have warren removed from this environmental post his petition is described here most people may know kelcy warren as the man behind the controversial dakota access pipeline the dallasbased billionaire and ceo of energy transfer partners has been making headlines for fasttracking a mile crude oil pipeline across the midwest and under the missouri river just north of the standing rock sioux reservation no environmental impact assessment no respect for cultural sites and no regard for the local and widespread communities living along the river a similar story is unfolding out in west texas where warrens company has split through the pristine big bend region with the mile comanche trail pipeline and nearlycomplete mile trans pecos pipeline these pipelines mark the way for massive natural gas and oil developments in the trans pecos region with untold damages unfolding for cultural and environmental resources at the hands of energy transfer partners it would surprise most to know that nearly a year ago texas governor greg abbott appointed kelcy warren for a year term as of the commissioners who preside over texas parks and wildlife why probably the in campaign contributions abbott received from warren footage of militarized police using the long range acoustic device lrad crowd control weapon against protectors at standing rock on october th final thoughts warren is listed as number on forbes list of wealthiest americans with an estimated net worth of billion in september of he is the head of the dakota access pipeline snake if you are scratching your head wondering why militarized police and private security contractors are beating gassing and attacking peaceful resistors including women children and the elderly the answer is they are doing it to protect the interests of kelcy warren and others invested in this pipeline project read more articles by isaac davis isaac davis is a staff writer for wakingtimescom and offgridoutpostcom survival tips blog he is an outspoken advocate of liberty and of a voluntary society he is an avid reader of history and passionate about becoming selfsufficient to break free of the control matrix follow him on facebook here this article this is the man militarized police at standing rock are working for was originally created and published by waking times and is published here under a creative commons license with attribution to isaac davis and wakingtimescom it may be reposted freely with proper attribution author bio and this copyright statement dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
comment former us attorney dc new hillary email probe result revolt inside fbi tonya parnell
posted october free thought project decadeold audio exposes thensenator hillary clinton saying us manipulated palestinian parliamentary elections prevent hamas victory presidential candidate lamented us didnt determine going win think pushed election palestinian territories think big mistake thennew york senator clinton told jewish press new yorkbased weekly newspaper several months january election going push election made sure something determine going win said friday comment clinton made september existed private audio cassette belonging journalist eli chomsky editor staff writer jewish press interviewed clinton newspapers office brooklyn chomsky shared played tape observer says existing copy meeting clinton palestinian parliamentary election among primary topics comments posted soundcloud speaking news portal recalled confused fact anyone could support idea offered national political leader less us business fixing foreign elections audio emerges clinton proposing election rigging palestine censored israeli press past years httpstcolsmycuzjr wikileaks wikileaks october interview took place nine months hamas movement claimed parliamentary seats pushing aside usfavored fatah movement securing right form new cabinet victory neither welcomed israel us washington hamas considered terrorist organization officials repeatedly stated would work palestinian authority included hamas thenpresident george w bush spoke elections symbolizing power democracy refused deal hamas long opposed israels existence espoused violence day september clinton made odd controversial comments saved minute record chomsky held onto years went bosses time chomsky told observer jewish press mindset would want say anything offensive anybody even direct quote anyone position influence might need road bosses didnt think newsworthy time convinced held onto years dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Dr. Eowyn
hillary clinton is an alcoholic
posted on october by tim brown among the many wikileaks emails that were dumped this summer it was clear that hillary clinton is not as popular as the media would have you believe in fact it became clear that she has no real support in a hacked email to the point where she was forced to pay young voters to stump online for her the gateway pundit reported shes the astroturfed candidate hillary is sooo unpopular that she has to pay off young voters to support her and show up at her rallies biggest scoops from the dncleaks wikileak wikileaks released nearly hacked emails it says are from the accounts of democratic national committee officials on friday the emails are devastating for hillary clinton according to at least one hacked email hillary clinton has no real support and must pay youth voters to defend her online she also pays millennials to show up at her rallies hillarys support is all a lie its all astroturfed everything this woman does is all a lie even her rallies are fabricated if attkissons explanation were not enough how about this tweet regarding the mainstream media putting their collective useful idiot heads together to pitch the same propaganda about donald trump biggest scoops from the dncleaks httpstcovmtiepspkj mike cernovich cernovich july this should have come as no surprise if you remember when her campaign kicked off in i reported on the fact that more than of her twitter followers were either completely fake or inactive additionally when she had her iowa kickoff event a whopping people showed up the majority of those were reporters hillary clinton only has the backing of the media and rabid antiamerican liberals and even then it looks like shes having to pay them to actually do anything to support her in other words her candidacy is completely contrived courtesy of freedom outpost tim brown is an author and editor at freedomoutpostcom sonsoflibertymediacom gunsinthenewscom and thewashingtonstandardcom he is husband to his more precious than rubies wife father of mighty arrows jack of all trades christian and lover of liberty he resides in the us occupied great state of south carolina tim is also an affiliate for the joshua mark arak hybrid semiautomatic rifle follow tim on twitter dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
man militarized police standing rock working
signed obamacare youve screwed didnt sign opted pay penalties youve screwed didnt sign didnt pay penalties stuck original insurance company youve screwed didnt sign didnt pay penalties paid cash medical care youve screwed every person america affected regardless thats affordable care act irrevocably ruined access medical care affordable price country mere span years prices skyrocketed many families pay monthly premiums pay mortgages meanwhile medical costs driven astronomical prices making nearly impossible pay outofpocket care premiums crappiest coverage imagine families pay month coverage pay deductible thats nearly per year obamacare pays penny costs nownow insurance companies gone belly forced become part exchange medical costs skyrocketing doctors wont see patients arent covered employers stopped offering insurance benefit people lost jobs due obamacare costs whole thing failing even president obama admitted proof planned way isnt worst worst program designed fail steer us single payer healthcare government entity decide procedures covered theyll decide deserving cancer treatment theyll mandate things like flu shots childhood vaccines one recent wikileaks shows hillary clinton knew complicit melissa dykes daily sheeple wrote email thread dated september hillary senior policy adviser ann oleary titled memo cadillac tax hrc hillary wrote given politics w bipartisan support including schumer ill support repeal w sense senate revenues would found id open range options careful r version passes begins unraveling aca begins unraveling affordable care act democrat supporting republican legislation destroy obamacare purpose many millions raked deal bilked american people obamacare penalties cant afford affordable health care american people look like victory unravel even though plan along hillary clinton savior woman children knew would fail supporting legislation destroy leaving everyone america mercy horrible replacement dream redistribute wealth deal death blow alreadystruggling middle class mark words bad disaster going get worse watch video full story courtesy daisy luther dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Tonya Parnell
comment on former us attorney for dc new hillary email probe was result of revolt inside fbi by tonya parnell
posted on october by the free thought project decadeold audio exposes thensenator hillary clinton saying the us should have manipulated palestinian parliamentary elections in to prevent a hamas victory the presidential candidate lamented that the us didnt determine who was going to win i do not think we should have pushed for an election in the palestinian territories i think that was a big mistake thennew york senator clinton told the jewish press a new yorkbased weekly newspaper several months after the january election and if we were going to push for an election then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win she said until friday the comment clinton made on september only existed on a private audio cassette belonging to journalist eli chomsky an editor and a staff writer for the jewish press he interviewed clinton at the newspapers office in brooklyn chomsky who shared and played the tape for the observer says it is the only existing copy of that meeting with clinton during which the palestinian parliamentary election was among primary topics the comments have been posted on soundcloud speaking to the news portal he recalled being confused by the fact that anyone could support the idea offered by a national political leader no less that the us should be in the business of fixing foreign elections audio emerges of clinton proposing election rigging in palestine censored by israeli press for past years httpstcolsmycuzjr wikileaks wikileaks october the interview took place nine months after the hamas movement claimed of the parliamentary seats pushing aside the usfavored fatah movement and securing the right to form a new cabinet that victory was neither welcomed in israel nor in the us in washington where hamas is considered a terrorist organization officials repeatedly stated that they would not work with a palestinian authority that included hamas thenpresident george w bush spoke of the elections as symbolizing the power of democracy but refused to deal with hamas as long as it opposed israels existence and espoused violence that day in september clinton made odd and controversial comments all now saved on the minute record that chomsky held onto all these years i went to my bosses at the time chomsky told the observer the jewish press had this mindset that they would not want to say anything offensive about anybody even a direct quote from anyone in a position of influence because they might need them down the road my bosses didnt think it was newsworthy at the time i was convinced that it was and i held onto it all these years dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
hillary unpopular pay youth voters fabricate rallies
home search posted pamela geller clintons emailed aid us state department jake sullivan used personal email talk clinton bringing libya unsecured servers open see hillarys leadership libya led prior february day rage libya national budget surplus percent gdp oil production million barrels per day track reach goal million barrels per day currently oil production decreased percent following revolution libyan economy contracted estimated percent national deficit percent gdp revolution libya secure prospering secular islamic country critical ally providing intelligence terrorist activity postseptember qaddafi longer threat united states yet secretary state hillary clinton strongly advocated succeeded convincing administration support libyan rebels nofly zone intended prevent possible humanitarian disaster turned quickly allout war huma abedin human network graph based wikileaks clinton emails courtesy pamela geller dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Isaac Davis
this is the man militarized police at standing rock are working for
if you signed up for obamacare youve been screwed if you didnt sign up and opted to pay the penalties youve been screwed if you didnt sign up didnt pay penalties and stuck with your original insurance company youve been screwed if you didnt sign up didnt pay penalties and paid cash for medical care youve been screwed every person in america has been affected regardless of what you did or did not do thats because the affordable care act irrevocably ruined our access to medical care at an affordable price in this country in the mere span of years the prices have skyrocketed and many families have to pay more in monthly premiums than they pay on their mortgages meanwhile medical costs have been driven up to astronomical prices making it nearly impossible to pay outofpocket for care and these premiums they are for the crappiest coverage you can imagine some families pay a month for coverage after they pay the deductible thats nearly per year before obamacare pays for a penny of their costs and nownow that insurance companies have gone belly up when they were forced to become a part of the exchange medical costs are skyrocketing doctors wont see patients who arent covered employers stopped offering insurance as a benefit and people lost their jobs due to obamacare costs the whole thing is failing even president obama has admitted it and now we have proof that it was planned that way but that isnt the worst of it the worst of it is that this program was designed to fail and steer us into single payer healthcare where a government entity can decide what procedures will or will not be covered theyll decide who is deserving of cancer treatment and who is not theyll mandate things like flu shots and childhood vaccines one of the recent wikileaks shows that hillary clinton knew this and was complicit melissa dykes of the daily sheeple wrote in an email thread dated september between hillary and her senior policy adviser ann oleary titled memo on cadillac tax for hrc hillary wrote given the politics now w bipartisan support including schumer ill support repeal w sense of the senate that revenues would have to be found id be open to a range of options to do that but we have to be careful that the r version passes which begins the unraveling of the aca which begins the unraveling of the affordable care act a democrat supporting republican legislation to destroy obamacare on purpose how many millions have they raked in on this deal and bilked the american people for in obamacare penalties because they cant afford the affordable health care and the american people will look at this like a victory when it does unravel even though it has been the plan all along hillary clinton that savior of woman and children knew that this would fail she is supporting the legislation to destroy it leaving everyone in america at the mercy of the horrible replacement that she will dream up to redistribute wealth and deal the death blow to the alreadystruggling middle class mark my words as bad as this disaster is it is only going to get worse watch this video for the full story courtesy of daisy luther dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
leaked audio catches clinton redhanded talking rigging elections
posted tim brown monday man voted donald trump arrested wearing tshirt referenced hillary clinton comments trump supporters deplorables polls brett mauthe arrested went polls wearing protrump hat shirt read basket deplorables according ksat mauthe removed hat request overseeing polls however since tshirt violate election code refused turn inside remove subsequently arrested charged electioneering ksat reports bulverde police chief gary haecker confirmed arrest declined release details instead deferred comal countys election coordinator cynthia jaqua jaqua said offense electioneering isnt limited people stand outside polling places holding signs violations committed voters well mean tshirt button hat know said anything related voting party candidate jaqua declined release specific details mauthes arrest jaqua quoted san antonio election code electioneering prohibited within foot marker cannot express views candidate political party wearing buttons tshirts hats whatever else carrying signs said people make mistake manage avoid going jail added every election advise people even school bond issue wear candidates shirts remind please go restroom turn inside first time recall someone getting arrested said two decades working county election office gentleman walk little ago slogan trump asked please take real nice took added working polling site thursday afternoon new braunfels according nonsense perfectly legal shirt could worn polls one day politician makes reference phrase shirt becomes illegal wear polls next day utterly ridiculous question happened free speech recognized godgiven right first amendment mean realize constitution restrict federal government honestly shouldnt states recognize right free speech even polling place seems kinds laws stifle thing electing representatives ensure protected voters agree dont feel like preaching anybody feel like able wear shirt want candidate georgina pereida said casting vote im kind shocked think thats part freedoms voting jose tovar claims know rules regulations vote ask laws regulations restricting freedom speech inflammatory isnt lie isnt slander whats illegal ill tell politicians want control people one many means use happens dont hold elected officials accountable stupid regulations impose mauthe decided comment anymore story began altered media reason im going talk media story gets twisted around dont want give comment said charged electioneering class c misdemeanor courtesy freedom outpost tim brown author editor freedomoutpostcom sonsoflibertymediacom gunsinthenewscom thewashingtonstandardcom husband precious rubies wife father mighty arrows jack trades christian lover liberty resides us occupied great state south carolina tim also affiliate joshua mark arak hybrid semiautomatic rifle follow tim twitter
Tim Brown
hillary is so unpopular she has to pay off youth voters and fabricate her rallies
home search posted by pamela geller clintons most emailed aid in the us state department jake sullivan used personal email to talk with clinton about bringing down libya unsecured servers open for all to see hillarys leadership in libya led to prior to the february day of rage libya had a national budget surplus of percent of gdp in with oil production at million barrels per day on track to reach its goal of million barrels per day currently oil production has decreased by over percent following the revolution the libyan economy contracted by an estimated percent with a national deficit of percent gdp in before the revolution libya was a secure prospering secular islamic country and a critical ally providing intelligence on terrorist activity postseptember qaddafi was no longer a threat to the united states yet secretary of state hillary clinton strongly advocated and succeeded in convincing the administration to support the libyan rebels with a nofly zone intended to prevent a possible humanitarian disaster that turned quickly into allout war huma abedin human network graph based on wikileaks clinton emails courtesy of pamela geller dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
obamacare designed fail hillary clinton knew along
tim brown among many wikileaks emails dumped summer clear hillary clinton popular media would believe fact became clear real support hacked email point forced pay young voters stump online gateway pundit reported shes astroturfed candidate hillary sooo unpopular pay young voters support show rallies biggest scoops dncleaks wikileak wikileaks released nearly hacked emails says accounts democratic national committee officials friday emails devastating hillary clinton according least one hacked email hillary clinton real support must pay youth voters defend online also pays millennials show rallies hillarys support lie astroturfed everything woman lie even rallies fabricated attkissons explanation enough tweet regarding mainstream media putting collective useful idiot heads together pitch propaganda donald trump biggest scoops dncleaks httpstcovmtiepspkj mike cernovich cernovich july come surprise remember campaign kicked reported fact twitter followers either completely fake inactive additionally iowa kickoff event whopping people showed majority reporters hillary clinton backing media rabid antiamerican liberals even looks like shes pay actually anything support words candidacy completely contrived courtesy freedom outpost tim brown author editor freedomoutpostcom sonsoflibertymediacom gunsinthenewscom thewashingtonstandardcom husband precious rubies wife father mighty arrows jack trades christian lover liberty resides us occupied great state south carolina tim also affiliate joshua mark arak hybrid semiautomatic rifle follow tim twitter dont
The Free Thought Project
leaked audio catches clinton redhanded talking about rigging elections
posted by tim brown on monday a man who voted for donald trump was arrested for wearing a tshirt that referenced hillary clinton s comments about trump supporters being deplorables to the polls brett mauthe was arrested after he went to the polls wearing a protrump hat and a shirt that read basket of deplorables according to ksat mauthe removed his hat at the request of those who were overseeing the polls however since the tshirt did not violate the election code he refused to turn it inside out nor remove it subsequently he was arrested and charged with electioneering ksat reports bulverde police chief gary haecker confirmed the arrest but declined to release details instead he deferred to comal countys election coordinator cynthia jaqua jaqua said the offense of electioneering isnt limited to people who stand outside polling places holding signs violations can be committed by voters as well it can mean a tshirt a button a hat you know she said anything related to the voting the party the candidate jaqua declined to release specific details about mauthes arrest jaqua is quoted by my san antonio its in the election code electioneering is prohibited within a foot marker you cannot express views for or against a candidate or political party by wearing buttons tshirts hats whatever else or carrying signs she said most people who make the mistake manage to avoid going to jail she added every election we have to advise people even if its a school bond issue they wear candidates shirts and we just have to remind them please go into the restroom and turn it inside out this is the first time i recall someone getting arrested she said during two decades working at the county election office a gentleman did walk in a little while ago with a slogan for trump and when i asked him to please take it off he was real nice and took it off she added while working a polling site thursday afternoon in new braunfels so according to this nonsense a perfectly legal shirt could be worn to the polls one day but if a politician makes reference to the phrase on that shirt it becomes illegal to wear it to the polls the next day this is utterly ridiculous my question on all of that is what happened to free speech is that recognized as a godgiven right in the first amendment i mean i realize that the constitution is to restrict the federal government but honestly shouldnt the states recognize the right of free speech even in a polling place seems to me those kinds of laws stifle the very thing you are electing representatives to ensure are protected other voters agree with me i dont feel like you should be preaching to anybody but i do feel like you should be able to wear a shirt if you want and if it has the candidate georgina pereida said after casting her vote im kind of shocked because i think thats part of the freedoms that were voting for jose tovar claims that you should know the rules and regulations if you are and vote again i ask why are there laws and regulations restricting this freedom of speech its not inflammatory it isnt a lie it isnt slander whats illegal about it ill tell you politicians want to control people and this is one of many means they use to do that this is what happens when you dont hold your elected officials accountable for the stupid regulations they impose mauthe decided to not comment anymore after his story began to be altered in the media the reason im not going to talk any more to the media is that the story gets twisted around and i dont want to give you any comment he said the charged of electioneering is a class c misdemeanor courtesy of freedom outpost tim brown is an author and editor at freedomoutpostcom sonsoflibertymediacom gunsinthenewscom and thewashingtonstandardcom he is husband to his more precious than rubies wife father of mighty arrows jack of all trades christian and lover of liberty he resides in the us occupied great state of south carolina tim is also an affiliate for the joshua mark arak hybrid semiautomatic rifle follow tim on twitter
clintons emailed aid us state department jake sullivan used personal email talk clinton bringing libya
isaac davis months long dakota access keystone xl pipleine protest standing rock indian reservation native americans sympathetic protection water supply met heavyhanded brutal clamp police national guard militarized goons battle dress stormed protector camps lrad sonic weapons attack dogs tear gas tazers even live ammunition killing horses politicians mainstream media best ignore growing atrocity hoping wait protestors give saying goes water life issue life death root protection movement therefore people concerned life giving simply unthinkable root issue justifying state oppression protest capitalism perception money important life police national guard attack us citizens private property protect corporate interests really working corporate dream keystone xl pipeline create profit stream small number people expense natural world anyone way top pyramid profit texas billionaire kelcy warren ceo energy transfer partners company responsible project kelcy warren native east texas graduate university texas arlington degree civil engineering warren worked natural gas industry became cochair energy transfer equity business partner ray davis coowner texas rangers baseball team warren built energy transfer equity one nations largest pipeline companies owns miles pipelines carrying natural gas natural gas liquids refined products crude oil companys holdings include sunoco southern union regency energy partners forbes estimates yearold warrens personal wealth billion bloomberg described among americas new shale tycoons rather building fortune drilling takes stuff others pull underground moves one place another chilling boiling pressurizing processing worth burst wellhead source shockingly governor texas greg abbott appointed warren texas parks wildlife commission insult environmentalists working protect big bend national park surrounding sacred tribal lands another million pipeline project according governors office state parks wildlife commission manages conserves natural cultural resources texas along ensuring future hunting fishing outdoor recreation opportunities texans source glaring conflict interest inspired environmental science major utsa former texas state park ambassador andrew lucas begin drive warren removed environmental post petition described people may know kelcy warren man behind controversial dakota access pipeline dallasbased billionaire ceo energy transfer partners making headlines fasttracking mile crude oil pipeline across midwest missouri river north standing rock sioux reservation environmental impact assessment respect cultural sites regard local widespread communities living along river similar story unfolding west texas warrens company split pristine big bend region mile comanche trail pipeline nearlycomplete mile trans pecos pipeline pipelines mark way massive natural gas oil developments trans pecos region untold damages unfolding cultural environmental resources hands energy transfer partners would surprise know nearly year ago texas governor greg abbott appointed kelcy warren year term commissioners preside texas parks wildlife probably campaign contributions abbott received warren footage militarized police using long range acoustic device lrad crowd control weapon protectors standing rock october th final thoughts warren listed number forbes list wealthiest americans estimated net worth billion september head dakota access pipeline snake scratching head wondering militarized police private security contractors beating gassing attacking peaceful resistors including women children elderly answer protect interests kelcy warren others invested pipeline project read articles isaac davis isaac davis staff writer wakingtimescom offgridoutpostcom survival tips blog outspoken advocate liberty voluntary society avid reader history passionate becoming selfsufficient break free control matrix follow facebook article man militarized police standing rock working originally created published waking times published creative commons license attribution isaac davis wakingtimescom may reposted freely proper attribution author bio copyright statement dont
Daisy Luther
how obamacare was designed to fail and hillary clinton knew it all along
tim brown among the many wikileaks emails that were dumped this summer it was clear that hillary clinton is not as popular as the media would have you believe in fact it became clear that she has no real support in a hacked email to the point where she was forced to pay young voters to stump online for her the gateway pundit reported shes the astroturfed candidate hillary is sooo unpopular that she has to pay off young voters to support her and show up at her rallies biggest scoops from the dncleaks wikileak wikileaks released nearly hacked emails it says are from the accounts of democratic national committee officials on friday the emails are devastating for hillary clinton according to at least one hacked email hillary clinton has no real support and must pay youth voters to defend her online she also pays millennials to show up at her rallies hillarys support is all a lie its all astroturfed everything this woman does is all a lie even her rallies are fabricated if attkissons explanation were not enough how about this tweet regarding the mainstream media putting their collective useful idiot heads together to pitch the same propaganda about donald trump biggest scoops from the dncleaks httpstcovmtiepspkj mike cernovich cernovich july this should have come as no surprise if you remember when her campaign kicked off in i reported on the fact that more than of her twitter followers were either completely fake or inactive additionally when she had her iowa kickoff event a whopping people showed up the majority of those were reporters hillary clinton only has the backing of the media and rabid antiamerican liberals and even then it looks like shes having to pay them to actually do anything to support her in other words her candidacy is completely contrived courtesy of freedom outpost tim brown is an author and editor at freedomoutpostcom sonsoflibertymediacom gunsinthenewscom and thewashingtonstandardcom he is husband to his more precious than rubies wife father of mighty arrows jack of all trades christian and lover of liberty he resides in the us occupied great state of south carolina tim is also an affiliate for the joshua mark arak hybrid semiautomatic rifle follow tim on twitter dont
texas police arrest trump voter wearing deplorable tshirt
posted october tim brown monday man voted donald trump arrested wearing tshirt referenced hillary clinton comments trump supporters deplorables polls brett mauthe arrested went polls wearing protrump hat shirt read basket deplorables according ksat mauthe removed hat request overseeing polls however since tshirt violate election code refused turn inside remove subsequently arrested charged electioneering ksat reports bulverde police chief gary haecker confirmed arrest declined release details instead deferred comal countys election coordinator cynthia jaqua jaqua said offense electioneering isnt limited people stand outside polling places holding signs violations committed voters well mean tshirt button hat know said anything related voting party candidate jaqua declined release specific details mauthes arrest jaqua quoted san antonio election code electioneering prohibited within foot marker cannot express views candidate political party wearing buttons tshirts hats whatever else carrying signs said people make mistake manage avoid going jail added every election advise people even school bond issue wear candidates shirts remind please go restroom turn inside first time recall someone getting arrested said two decades working county election office gentleman walk little ago slogan trump asked please take real nice took added working polling site thursday afternoon new braunfels according nonsense perfectly legal shirt could worn polls one day politician makes reference phrase shirt becomes illegal wear polls next day utterly ridiculous question happened free speech recognized godgiven right first amendment mean realize constitution restrict federal government honestly shouldnt states recognize right free speech even polling place seems kinds laws stifle thing electing representatives ensure protected voters agree dont feel like preaching anybody feel like able wear shirt want candidate georgina pereida said casting vote im kind shocked think thats part freedoms voting jose tovar claims know rules regulations vote ask laws regulations restricting freedom speech inflammatory isnt lie isnt slander whats illegal ill tell politicians want control people one many means use happens dont hold elected officials accountable stupid regulations impose mauthe decided comment anymore story began altered media reason im going talk media story gets twisted around dont want give comment said charged electioneering class c misdemeanor courtesy freedom outpost tim brown author editor freedomoutpostcom sonsoflibertymediacom gunsinthenewscom thewashingtonstandardcom husband precious rubies wife father mighty arrows jack trades christian lover liberty resides us occupied great state south carolina tim also affiliate joshua mark arak hybrid semiautomatic rifle follow tim twitter dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Pamela Geller
clintons most emailed aid in the us state department jake sullivan used personal email to talk with clinton about bringing down libya
isaac davis the months long dakota access keystone xl pipleine protest at the standing rock indian reservation by native americans and those sympathetic to protection of our water supply have been met with a heavyhanded and brutal clamp down by police and national guard militarized goons in battle dress have stormed protector camps with lrad sonic weapons attack dogs tear gas tazers and even live ammunition killing horses while politicians and mainstream media do their best to ignore this growing atrocity hoping to wait it out until the protestors give up but as the saying goes water is life and the issue of life and death is at the root of this protection movement therefore for people concerned with life giving up on this is simply unthinkable the root issue justifying state oppression of the protest is capitalism and the perception that money is more important than life itself when the police and national guard attack us citizens on private property to protect corporate interests who are they really working for the corporate dream of the keystone xl pipeline is to create a profit stream for a small number of people at the expense of the natural world and anyone in the way at the top of this pyramid of profit is texas billionaire kelcy warren ceo of energy transfer partners the company responsible for the project so who is kelcy warren a native of east texas and graduate of the university of texas at arlington with a degree in civil engineering warren worked in the natural gas industry and became cochair of energy transfer equity in with business partner ray davis coowner of the texas rangers baseball team warren built energy transfer equity into one of the nations largest pipeline companies which now owns about miles of pipelines carrying natural gas natural gas liquids refined products and crude oil the companys holdings include sunoco southern union and regency energy partners forbes estimates the yearold warrens personal wealth at billion bloomberg described him as among americas new shale tycoons but rather than building a fortune by drilling he takes the stuff others pull from underground and moves it from one place to another chilling boiling pressurizing and processing it until its worth more than when it burst from the wellhead source shockingly in the governor of texas greg abbott appointed warren to the texas parks and wildlife commission which is an insult to environmentalists working to protect big bend national park and surrounding sacred tribal lands from another million pipeline project according to the governors office the state parks and wildlife commission manages and conserves the natural and cultural resources of texas along with ensuring the future of hunting fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for texans source this glaring conflict of interest has inspired environmental science major at utsa and former texas state park ambassador andrew lucas to begin a drive to have warren removed from this environmental post his petition is described here most people may know kelcy warren as the man behind the controversial dakota access pipeline the dallasbased billionaire and ceo of energy transfer partners has been making headlines for fasttracking a mile crude oil pipeline across the midwest and under the missouri river just north of the standing rock sioux reservation no environmental impact assessment no respect for cultural sites and no regard for the local and widespread communities living along the river a similar story is unfolding out in west texas where warrens company has split through the pristine big bend region with the mile comanche trail pipeline and nearlycomplete mile trans pecos pipeline these pipelines mark the way for massive natural gas and oil developments in the trans pecos region with untold damages unfolding for cultural and environmental resources at the hands of energy transfer partners it would surprise most to know that nearly a year ago texas governor greg abbott appointed kelcy warren for a year term as of the commissioners who preside over texas parks and wildlife why probably the in campaign contributions abbott received from warren footage of militarized police using the long range acoustic device lrad crowd control weapon against protectors at standing rock on october th final thoughts warren is listed as number on forbes list of wealthiest americans with an estimated net worth of billion in september of he is the head of the dakota access pipeline snake if you are scratching your head wondering why militarized police and private security contractors are beating gassing and attacking peaceful resistors including women children and the elderly the answer is they are doing it to protect the interests of kelcy warren and others invested in this pipeline project read more articles by isaac davis isaac davis is a staff writer for wakingtimescom and offgridoutpostcom survival tips blog he is an outspoken advocate of liberty and of a voluntary society he is an avid reader of history and passionate about becoming selfsufficient to break free of the control matrix follow him on facebook here this article this is the man militarized police at standing rock are working for was originally created and published by waking times and is published here under a creative commons license with attribution to isaac davis and wakingtimescom it may be reposted freely with proper attribution author bio and this copyright statement dont
comment hillary unpopular pay youth voters fabricate rallies dl
american medical association defines alcoholic someone prolonged period frequent heavy alcohol use unable control drinking begun withdrawal symptoms individual stops using alcohol needs use alcohol achieve effects variety social andor legal problems arising alcohol use definition hillary clinton alcoholic exhibit email hillarys campaign chairman john podesta august director communications hillarys campaign jennifer palmieri wrote referring hillary think call sober heres screenshot email released wikileaks exhibit b feb hillarys spokesman nick merrill sent email presumably hillarys campaign staff subject hrc clips news clips hillary rodham clinton news clips day included article benjamin bell abc news titled one thing might surprise hillary clinton merrill reproduced entirety email bells article interview new york times national political reporter amy chozick whether hillary clinton would announce shes running presidency one questions bell asked chozick covering hillary clinton one thing surprised chozick answered hmm likes drink campaign trail press thought taking shots pander voters pennsylvania um heres composite screenshot relevant part merrills email wikileaks exhibit c according national enquirer top staffers hillarys campaign told enquirer even began years presidential campaign secretly planning stint rehab hillary rehab therapy quickly failed amid pressures campaign effort making deal fbi probe email scandal source said stress political career neverending scandals worsening health plunged lifethreatening booze hell turned drink drown fears hillary tries hide problem like lies many things close friend hillary added hillary drinking heavily years forget miserable marriage serial cheater bill shes also hit bottle cope stress well boredom flying world secretary state one hillary insider told enquirer hillary blackouts wakes wondering done shes fit president certainly hillary must drunk obscenely ground twerking black woman see sane person position us secretary state would behave like public eowyn dr eowyns post first appeared fellowship minds dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Tim Brown
texas police arrest trump voter for wearing deplorable tshirt
posted on october by tim brown on monday a man who voted for donald trump was arrested for wearing a tshirt that referenced hillary clinton s comments about trump supporters being deplorables to the polls brett mauthe was arrested after he went to the polls wearing a protrump hat and a shirt that read basket of deplorables according to ksat mauthe removed his hat at the request of those who were overseeing the polls however since the tshirt did not violate the election code he refused to turn it inside out nor remove it subsequently he was arrested and charged with electioneering ksat reports bulverde police chief gary haecker confirmed the arrest but declined to release details instead he deferred to comal countys election coordinator cynthia jaqua jaqua said the offense of electioneering isnt limited to people who stand outside polling places holding signs violations can be committed by voters as well it can mean a tshirt a button a hat you know she said anything related to the voting the party the candidate jaqua declined to release specific details about mauthes arrest jaqua is quoted by my san antonio its in the election code electioneering is prohibited within a foot marker you cannot express views for or against a candidate or political party by wearing buttons tshirts hats whatever else or carrying signs she said most people who make the mistake manage to avoid going to jail she added every election we have to advise people even if its a school bond issue they wear candidates shirts and we just have to remind them please go into the restroom and turn it inside out this is the first time i recall someone getting arrested she said during two decades working at the county election office a gentleman did walk in a little while ago with a slogan for trump and when i asked him to please take it off he was real nice and took it off she added while working a polling site thursday afternoon in new braunfels so according to this nonsense a perfectly legal shirt could be worn to the polls one day but if a politician makes reference to the phrase on that shirt it becomes illegal to wear it to the polls the next day this is utterly ridiculous my question on all of that is what happened to free speech is that recognized as a godgiven right in the first amendment i mean i realize that the constitution is to restrict the federal government but honestly shouldnt the states recognize the right of free speech even in a polling place seems to me those kinds of laws stifle the very thing you are electing representatives to ensure are protected other voters agree with me i dont feel like you should be preaching to anybody but i do feel like you should be able to wear a shirt if you want and if it has the candidate georgina pereida said after casting her vote im kind of shocked because i think thats part of the freedoms that were voting for jose tovar claims that you should know the rules and regulations if you are and vote again i ask why are there laws and regulations restricting this freedom of speech its not inflammatory it isnt a lie it isnt slander whats illegal about it ill tell you politicians want to control people and this is one of many means they use to do that this is what happens when you dont hold your elected officials accountable for the stupid regulations they impose mauthe decided to not comment anymore after his story began to be altered in the media the reason im not going to talk any more to the media is that the story gets twisted around and i dont want to give you any comment he said the charged of electioneering is a class c misdemeanor courtesy of freedom outpost tim brown is an author and editor at freedomoutpostcom sonsoflibertymediacom gunsinthenewscom and thewashingtonstandardcom he is husband to his more precious than rubies wife father of mighty arrows jack of all trades christian and lover of liberty he resides in the us occupied great state of south carolina tim is also an affiliate for the joshua mark arak hybrid semiautomatic rifle follow tim on twitter dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
comment man militarized police standing rock working hawkmo
posted october claire bernish cannon ball nd thursday police less five states sporting full riot gear armed heavy lethal nonlethal weaponry pepper spray mace number atvs five tanks two helicopters militaryequipped humvees showed tear encampment standing rock sioux water protectors supporters armed nothing orders nownotorious morton county sheriffs office ridiculously heavyhanded standing army came better prepared battle actual military units fighting overseas target operation group slightly native american water protectors supporters opposing construction dakota access pipeline never intended battle armed taxpayerfunded corporatebacked statesponsored aggressors reports vary less people arrested thursday according witnesses police marked numbers arrestees arms housed cementfloored dog kennels without padding transported far away fargo goes back concentration camp days asserted ocetisakowin coordinator mekasi camphorinek along mother marked detained mesh kennel reports los angeles times although thursdays incident remained relatively peaceful time shouts chants occasional attempts water protectors convince standing army examine motives reconsider clashes nonetheless broke solely gratuitous police aggression facing couple hours militant cops began closing water protectors shut treaty camp reference fort laramie treaty year established large parcel land designated exclusively native american territory disturbed us government prior arrest camphorinek established camp stating cited indigenous rising today oceti sakowin enacted eminent domain dapl lands claiming treaty rights unceded land highway point blockaded occupying land staying pipeline permanently stopped need bodies need people trained nonviolent direct action still staying nonviolent still staying peaceful despite water protectors commitment nonviolence militarized police response went would expected horribly awry prayer circle elders including several women interrupted arrested standing peacefully public road stated press release indigenous environment network tipi erected road recklessly dismantled despite law enforcement statements would merely mark tipi yellow ribbon ask owners retrieve group water protectors also dragged sweat lodge ceremony erected path pipeline thrown ground arrested claims contrary morton county sheriff kyle kirchmeier aside native american indigenous water protectors supporters refrained violent acts whole preferring instead peaceful prayer vigils acts civil disobedience matter peacefully opposition acts armed defenders big oil interests seem determined brutalize disrespect generally incite inflict violence desire unsullied water generations come fact beginning september private security firm hired energy transfer partners company responsible pipeline construction indiscriminately unleashed vicious attack dogs water protectors press supporters reasons yet unknown savage attack pregnant woman young girl many others suffered serious dog bites thanks ineptitude dogs handlers afterward warrant inciting riot issued democracy journalist amy goodman job filming events happened though charges subsequently thrown although etp law enforcement officers defended barbarous actions private security mercenaries guardian reports guards lacked proper licensing could face criminal charges wednesday morton county sheriffs office made determination dog handlers properly licensed security work state north dakota bob frost owner ohiobased frost kennels told guardian proper protocols already done pulled guys next day werent go war protesters frost insisted cooperated authorities investigating incident sheriffs department disagrees seven handlers dogs deployed scene early september allegedly response reports trespassers according guardian police managed identify two people sheriffs department claims frost provided necessary information unnamed security officials cited report said intentions using dogs handlers security work however protest events dogs deployed method trying keep protesters control statement cited guardian morton county captain jay gruebele said although lists security employees provided way confirming whether list accurate names purposely withheld water protectors meantime left deal absurdly disproportionate state violence altogether unacceptable disrespectful demeaning insult relegated dog kennels arrested exercising rights lakota country times editor brandon ecoffey wrote editorial thursday course last several months abuse detainees morton county law enforcement overstepped every boundary guaranteed american constitution water protectors seen bound hooded police people stripped searched abused within jail misdemeanor crimes police employed use mass surveillance drones protector camps isnt war zone north dakota dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
comment on hillary is so unpopular she has to pay off youth voters and fabricate her rallies by dl
the american medical association defines an alcoholic as someone who has a prolonged period of frequent heavy alcohol use is unable to control drinking once it has begun has withdrawal symptoms when the individual stops using alcohol needs to use more and more alcohol to achieve the same effects has a variety of social andor legal problems arising from alcohol use by that definition hillary clinton is an alcoholic exhibit a in an email to hillarys campaign chairman john podesta on august director of communications for hillarys campaign jennifer palmieri wrote referring to hillary i think you should call her and sober her up some heres a screenshot of the email released by wikileaks exhibit b on feb hillarys spokesman nick merrill sent an email presumably to hillarys campaign staff with the subject hrc clips news clips on hillary rodham clinton the news clips that day included an article by benjamin bell for abc news titled one thing that might surprise you about hillary clinton which merrill reproduced in its entirety in his email bells article was an interview with new york times national political reporter amy chozick on whether hillary clinton would announce shes running for the presidency one of the questions bell asked chozick was covering hillary clinton what is one thing that has surprised you about her chozick answered hmm she likes to drink we were on the campaign trail in and the press thought she was just taking shots to pander to voters in pennsylvania um no heres a composite screenshot of the relevant part of merrills email from wikileaks exhibit c according to the national enquirer top staffers of hillarys campaign told the enquirer they even began this years presidential campaign by secretly planning a stint in rehab for hillary but any rehab therapy quickly failed amid the pressures of the campaign and the effort of making a deal over an fbi probe into her email scandal a source said the stress of her political career the neverending scandals and her worsening health plunged her into a lifethreatening booze hell she turned to drink to drown her fears hillary tries to hide her problem like she lies about so many things a close friend of hillary added hillary has been drinking heavily for years to forget her miserable marriage to serial cheater bill shes also hit the bottle to cope with other stress as well as the boredom of flying all over the world when she was secretary of state one hillary insider told the enquirer that hillary has blackouts and wakes up wondering where she is and what she has done and that shes not fit to be president certainly hillary must be drunk when she obscenely ground against the twerking black woman see below because no sane person in her then position as us secretary of state would behave like this in public eowyn dr eowyns post first appeared at fellowship of the minds dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
comment texas police arrest trump voter wearing deplorable tshirt terry
print entry posted uncategorized bookmark permalink leaked audio catches clinton redhanded talking rigging elections marlene didnt shed incriminate would incriminate obama wind dead victims rockymtn corrupt inept totally lawless administration entirely fault obama voters wanted badly voted twice got wish rest us got screwed bear bear black woman removed pleading fifth many moon ago indian got drunk fifth cheep white man whiskey screw buffalo indian lands populated twolegged hippy hair look like buffalo think daily handouts obama hillary continue mollie norris hacked messages blacklivesmatter leader reveal obama admins plan summer chaos martial law july june twitterer calls saint thesaintnegro tweeted directmessage conversation june kckesson another blm leader johnetta elzie netta two discussed talking attorney general loretta lynch plans bring martial law causing chaos upcoming republican national convention cleveland ohio democratic national convention philadelphia pa keep obama office je spoken mrs lynch attorney general loretta lynch recently plan summer fall leading elections dm spoke two weeks ago want us start really pushing racist trump instead waiting others start getting protesters ready shut conventions dm get conventions shut messing bernie racist trump get martial law declared obama stay office win call soon get dads use landline talk dm make sure use voices keep people disrupting trump summer fall martial law declared kingdom ambassador question thethcentury founding fathers like thcentury christian colonial predecessors established government society upon yahwehs moral law including biblical qualifications civil leaders would crime hills den thieves donkeys elephants alike office today answer course consequently must definitive moment americas history christian character biblical course formally altered point constitutional framers replaced thcentury colonials governments god established upon immutable moral law humanistic government people based upon capricious manmade enlightenment masonic traditions regarding two polar opposite forms government see online chapter preamble people vs yahweh pthtml mollie norris agree also applies israel actually began illuminatizionist code author adam weishaupt banned bavaria came us founders freemasons innocuous organization weishaupt added luciferian levels freemasonry george washington wrote fear weishaupts illuminati illuminated lucifer infiltrated us government federalist conspiracy httpwwwhermespresscomcompletinghtm illuminati conspiracy subscribe today never miss another dc clothesline article email address
comment on this is the man militarized police at standing rock are working for by hawkmo
posted on october by claire bernish cannon ball nd on thursday police from no less than five states sporting full riot gear and armed with heavy lethal and nonlethal weaponry pepper spray mace a number of atvs five tanks two helicopters and militaryequipped humvees showed up to tear down an encampment of standing rock sioux water protectors and supporters armed with nothing under orders from the nownotorious morton county sheriffs office this ridiculously heavyhanded standing army came better prepared to do battle than some actual military units fighting overseas but the target of their operation a group of slightly more than native american water protectors and supporters opposing construction of the dakota access pipeline never intended to do battle with the armed taxpayerfunded corporatebacked statesponsored aggressors reports vary but no less than people were arrested thursday and according to witnesses police marked numbers on arrestees arms and housed them in cementfloored dog kennels without any padding before they were transported as far away as fargo it goes back to concentration camp days asserted ocetisakowin coordinator mekasi camphorinek who along with his mother was marked and detained in a mesh kennel reports the los angeles times although thursdays incident remained relatively peaceful for some time with only shouts chants and occasional attempts by water protectors to convince this standing army to examine its motives and reconsider clashes nonetheless broke out solely because of gratuitous police aggression after facing off for a couple hours these militant cops began closing in on the water protectors to shut down the treaty of camp in reference to the fort laramie treaty of that year which established a large parcel of land designated exclusively native american territory not to be disturbed by the us government prior to his arrest camphorinek had established the camp stating as cited by indigenous rising today the oceti sakowin has enacted eminent domain on dapl lands claiming treaty rights this is unceded land highway as of this point is blockaded we will be occupying this land and staying here until this pipeline is permanently stopped we need bodies and we need people who are trained in nonviolent direct action we are still staying nonviolent and we are still staying peaceful despite the water protectors commitment to nonviolence the militarized police response went as would be expected horribly awry a prayer circle of elders including several women was interrupted and all were arrested for standing peacefully on the public road stated a press release from indigenous environment network a tipi was erected in the road and was recklessly dismantled despite law enforcement statements that they would merely mark the tipi with a yellow ribbon and ask its owners to retrieve it a group of water protectors was also dragged out of a sweat lodge ceremony erected in the path of the pipeline thrown to the ground and arrested claims to the contrary by morton county sheriff kyle kirchmeier aside native american and indigenous water protectors and supporters have refrained from violent acts on the whole preferring instead peaceful prayer vigils and acts of civil disobedience no matter how peacefully the opposition acts armed defenders of big oil interests seem determined to brutalize disrespect and generally incite and inflict violence against those who desire unsullied water for generations to come in fact at the beginning of september a private security firm hired by energy transfer partners the company responsible for pipeline construction indiscriminately unleashed vicious attack dogs on water protectors press and supporters for reasons as yet unknown during the savage attack a pregnant woman young girl and many others suffered serious dog bites thanks to the ineptitude of the dogs handlers afterward a warrant for inciting a riot was issued democracy now journalist amy goodman for doing her job filming events as they happened though charges were subsequently thrown out although etp and some law enforcement officers defended the barbarous actions of the private security mercenaries the guardian now reports that because the guards lacked proper licensing they could now face criminal charges on wednesday the morton county sheriffs office made the determination that dog handlers were not properly licensed to do security work in the state of north dakota bob frost owner of ohiobased frost kennels told the guardian all the proper protocols were already done i pulled my guys out the next day because we werent there to go to war with these protesters frost insisted he had cooperated with authorities investigating the incident but the sheriffs department disagrees seven handlers and dogs were deployed to the scene in early september allegedly in response to reports of trespassers but according to the guardian police have only managed to identify two people the sheriffs department claims frost has not provided necessary information and unnamed security officials cited in the report said that there were no intentions of using the dogs or handlers for security work however because of the protest events the dogs were deployed as a method of trying to keep the protesters under control in a statement cited by the guardian morton county captain jay gruebele said although lists of security employees have been provided there is no way of confirming whether the list is accurate or if names have been purposely withheld water protectors in the meantime are left to deal with absurdly disproportionate state violence and the altogether unacceptable disrespectful and demeaning insult of being relegated to dog kennels after being arrested for exercising their rights as lakota country times editor brandon ecoffey wrote in an editorial thursday over the course of the last several months the abuse of detainees by morton county law enforcement has overstepped every boundary guaranteed by the american constitution water protectors have been seen being bound and hooded by police people are being stripped searched and abused within their jail for misdemeanor crimes and police have employed the use of mass surveillance through drones on the protector camps this isnt a war zone this is north dakota dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
comment hillary clinton alcoholic jonathan brooks
posted october daisy luther oh loretta ill bet ag loretta lynch shaking boots right hillary clinton goes lynchs career go heck maybe theyll even cellmates loretta lynchs ties clintons go back thenpresident bill clinton appointed run brooklyn us attorneys office left went private practice returned brooklyn office behest president barack obama heres official bio sworn become rd attorney general united states taking place blatantly corrupt attorney general eric holder probably famous roles fast furious operation inciting racial tensions mishandling lois lernerirs debacle first secret airplane meeting bill clinton started publicly go downhill lynch first investigation hillary clintons carelessness national secrets via home email server right fbi director james comey meet hillary clinton interrogate subject lynch busted secret meeting bill clinton washington post reported clintons private unplanned meeting attorney general loretta e lynch phoenix airport last week coming time justice department nearing completion examination hillary clintons use private server emails secretary state inevitably negatively affect public attitudes investigation lynch tried make amends though without leaving confusion wake conversation friday washington post editorial writer jonathan capehart aspen ideas festival insisted conversation innocent grandchildren golf touch investigation emails said recognized others would see way fact meeting casting shadow people going view work something take seriously deeply painfully said lynch said would accepting whatever recommendation career prosecutors fbi director james b comey bring though say would remove completely case also said made decision months ago making public course much easier lynch abide decision comey miraculously found hillary clinton criminal negligence national secrets though people asking questions illfounded meeting judicial watch filed lawsuit records related illicit meeting attorney general lynch former president bill clinton june attorney general loretta lynch reported met privately former president bill clinton board parked private plane sky harbor international airport phoenix arizona meeting occurred thenongoing investigation mrs clintons email server mere hours benghazi report released publicly involving mrs clinton obama administration judicial watch filed request june us department justice office inspector general investigate meeting republican presidential nominee donald trump suggested meeting bill clinton may offered extend lynchs position ags office hillary clinton administration blocked congressional investigation notorious iranian ransom payment last week ag lynch blocked congressional investigation cash payments obama administration made iran pleading fifth washington free beacon reported attorney general loretta lynch declining comply investigation leading members congress obama administrations secret efforts send iran billion cash earlier year prompting accusations lynch pleaded fifth amendment avoid incriminating payments according lawmakers communications exclusively obtained washington free beacon frankly unacceptable department refuses answer straightforward questions peoples elected representatives congress important national security issue lawmakers wrote staff failed address questions instead provided copy public testimony lecture sensitivity information associated issue united states chief law enforcement officer outrageous would essentially plead fifth refuse respond inquiries stated actions department come time iran continues hold americans hostage unjustly sentence prison judicial lynch tried shut comey new investigation clinton emails even mainstream media cant turn head earlier wrote fact fbi director james comey made decision go public new investigation hillary clinton emails lets talk little lynchs desperate attempts shut new york times reported justice department strongly discouraged comey releasing information day fbi director james b comey sent letter congress announcing new evidence discovered might related completed hillary clinton email investigation justice department strongly discouraged step told would breaking longstanding policy three law enforcement officials said saturday senior justice department officials move stop sending letter officials said everything short pointing policies talking current criminal investigations seen meddling elections interesting seen influencing election investigate someone wasnt back investigated charged im sure exactly works according usa today emphasis mine federal official familiar comeys decision said saturday fbi director considered attorney generals advice spirited discussion matter thursday early friday felt compelled act remember janet reno poor janet another attorney general went clintons also sworn ag bill clinton many questioned appointment time according report chicago tribune arrived washington miami caesars wife remained ignorant independent insider dc stayed way bill clinton never much liked never confided reciprocated became ag time take fall debacle waco actually according historycom waco standoff already begun time janet reno became first female attorney general march approved fbis tear gas plan following month explaining negotiations branch davidians stalemated children inside compound risk never know whether better solution reno said everyone involved made best judgments based information nonetheless republicanled congressional report called decision premature wrong highly irresponsible also criticized facts emerged contradicting earlier statements tribune post continued discuss renos position scapegoat every day since took office supervising least one probe embarrassing clintonwhitewater fundraising lewinsky china espionage etc clinton cant afford political beating would take cashiered attorney general could survived clinton scandals much less survived reputationand departmentsintact attorney generals anything clintons dont seem fare well end embroiled clinton scandals pulled mire regardless intentions started lynch see futureand something help wanted ads last time lynch involved clinton email kerfuffle promised abide fbi director james comeys recommendation wonder shell make promise time really cant show complicit clintons last time around also time decried comeys release information investigation wonder hillary clinton able get adjoining cells whenif truth comes courtesy daisy luther dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
comment on texas police arrest trump voter for wearing deplorable tshirt by terry
print this entry was posted in uncategorized bookmark the permalink leaked audio catches clinton redhanded talking about rigging elections marlene if she didnt shed not only incriminate herself but would have to incriminate obama and wind up as dead as his other victims rockymtn this corrupt inept and totally lawless administration is entirely the fault of the obama voters they wanted this so badly they voted for it twice they got their wish the rest of us got screwed bear bear black woman should be removed for pleading on a fifth many moon ago indian got drunk on a fifth of cheep white man whiskey screw buffalo now indian lands are populated with twolegged hippy with hair that look like buffalo and think about daily handouts from obama and how hillary will continue mollie norris hacked messages of blacklivesmatter leader reveal obama admins plan for summer of chaos and martial law july on june a twitterer who calls himself the saint thesaintnegro tweeted a directmessage conversation on june between kckesson and another blm leader johnetta elzie netta in which the two discussed talking with attorney general loretta lynch about plans to bring on martial law by causing chaos at the upcoming republican national convention in cleveland ohio and the democratic national convention in philadelphia pa so as to keep obama in office je have you spoken with mrs lynch attorney general loretta lynch recently about the plan for the summer and fall leading up to the elections dm we spoke two weeks ago and they want us to start really pushing how racist trump is now instead of waiting so the others can start getting the protesters ready to shut both conventions down dm if we can get both conventions shut down for messing over bernie and for having racist trump then get martial law declared so obama can stay in office we will win call you soon when i get to my dads so i can use his landline and we can talk more on this dm we have to make sure that we use our voices to keep people disrupting trump all summer and through the fall so martial law can be declared kingdom ambassador question had thethcentury founding fathers like their thcentury christian colonial predecessors established government and society upon yahwehs moral law including biblical qualifications for civil leaders would any of those in crime hills den of thieves donkeys and elephants alike be in office today answer of course not consequently there must be a definitive moment in americas history when her christian character and biblical course were formally altered that point was in when the constitutional framers replaced the thcentury colonials governments of by and for god established upon his immutable moral law for their own humanistic government of by and for the people based upon capricious manmade enlightenment and masonic traditions for more regarding these two polar opposite forms of government see online chapter the preamble we the people vs yahweh pthtml mollie norris i agree and it also applies to israel and the me but it actually began in when illuminatizionist code author adam weishaupt was banned from bavaria and came to the us the founders were freemasons an innocuous organization before weishaupt added his luciferian above levels of freemasonry george washington wrote of his fear that weishaupts illuminati illuminated by lucifer had infiltrated us government the federalist conspiracy here httpwwwhermespresscomcompletinghtm was an illuminati conspiracy subscribe today and never miss another dc clothesline article email address
comment like concentration camp police mark dapl protesters numbers lock dog kennels marlene
theodore shoebat major political leader france francoisxavier peron declared france enter devastating war islam going extremely violent solution prepare embrace christian faith never accept antichrist masonic religion interview mr peron coming war christian faith must religion world courtesy freedom outpost theodore shoebat communications director rescue christians organization ground muslim lands rescuing christians persecution author two book god tyranny satans footsteps source interconnections evil also dvd series called christian militancy christian warfare fight evil tyranny article posted permission shoebatcom dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Jonathan Brooks
comment on hillary clinton is an alcoholic by jonathan brooks
posted on october by daisy luther oh loretta ill bet that ag loretta lynch is shaking in her boots right now because when hillary clinton goes down lynchs career will go down with her heck maybe theyll even be cellmates loretta lynchs ties to the clintons go back to when thenpresident bill clinton appointed her to run the brooklyn us attorneys office she left in and went into private practice but returned to the brooklyn office in at the behest of president barack obama heres her official bio in she was sworn in to become the rd attorney general of the united states taking the place of the blatantly corrupt attorney general eric holder who will probably be most famous for his roles in the fast and furious operation inciting racial tensions and his mishandling of the lois lernerirs debacle first there was the secret airplane meeting with bill clinton it all started to publicly go downhill for lynch during the first investigation into hillary clintons carelessness with national secrets via her home email server right before fbi director james comey was to meet with hillary clinton to interrogate her about the subject lynch was busted having a secret meeting with bill clinton the washington post reported clintons private unplanned meeting with attorney general loretta e lynch at the phoenix airport last week coming at a time when the justice department should be nearing completion of its examination of hillary clintons use of a private server for her emails as secretary of state will inevitably and negatively affect public attitudes about that investigation lynch has tried to make amends though not without leaving some confusion in her wake in a conversation friday with washington post editorial writer jonathan capehart at the aspen ideas festival she insisted again that the conversation was innocent about grandchildren and golf and such and did not touch on the investigation of the emails but she said she recognized that others would not see it that way the fact that the meeting that i had is now casting a shadow over how people are going to view that work is something that i take seriously and deeply and painfully she said lynch said that she would be accepting whatever recommendation the career prosecutors and fbi director james b comey bring her though she did not say she would remove herself completely from the case she also said she had made that decision some months ago but was only now making it public of course it was all much easier for lynch to abide by the decision when comey miraculously found that hillary clinton was not criminal in her negligence with national secrets now though people are asking questions about that illfounded meeting judicial watch has filed a lawsuit for all records related to the illicit meeting between attorney general lynch and former president bill clinton on june attorney general loretta lynch is reported to have met privately with former president bill clinton on board a parked private plane at sky harbor international airport in phoenix arizona the meeting occurred during the thenongoing investigation of mrs clintons email server and mere hours before the benghazi report was released publicly involving both mrs clinton and the obama administration judicial watch filed a request on june that the us department of justice office of the inspector general investigate that meeting republican presidential nominee donald trump suggested that during that meeting bill clinton may have offered to extend lynchs position in the ags office during a hillary clinton administration then she blocked a congressional investigation into the notorious iranian ransom payment last week ag lynch blocked a congressional investigation into the cash payments that the obama administration made to iran by pleading the fifth the washington free beacon reported attorney general loretta lynch is declining to comply with an investigation by leading members of congress about the obama administrations secret efforts to send iran billion in cash earlier this year prompting accusations that lynch has pleaded the fifth amendment to avoid incriminating herself over these payments according to lawmakers and communications exclusively obtained by the washington free beacon it is frankly unacceptable that your department refuses to answer straightforward questions from the peoples elected representatives in congress about an important national security issue the lawmakers wrote your staff failed to address any of our questions and instead provided a copy of public testimony and a lecture about the sensitivity of information associated with this issue as the united states chief law enforcement officer it is outrageous that you would essentially plead the fifth and refuse to respond to inquiries they stated the actions of your department come at time when iran continues to hold americans hostage and unjustly sentence them to prison how very judicial of her lynch tried to shut comey up about the new investigation into the clinton emails now even the mainstream media cant turn its head earlier i wrote about the fact that fbi director james comey made the decision on his own to go public about the new investigation into the hillary clinton emails but lets talk a little further about lynchs desperate attempts to shut him up the new york times reported that the justice department strongly discouraged comey against releasing the information the day before the fbi director james b comey sent a letter to congress announcing that new evidence had been discovered that might be related to the completed hillary clinton email investigation the justice department strongly discouraged the step and told him that he would be breaking with longstanding policy three law enforcement officials said on saturday senior justice department officials did not move to stop him from sending the letter officials said but they did everything short of it pointing to policies against talking about current criminal investigations or being seen as meddling in elections how interesting that its seen as influencing the election to investigate someone now but it wasnt back when she was investigated and not charged im not sure exactly how that works but according to usa today emphasis mine a federal official familiar with comeys decision said saturday that the fbi director considered the attorney generals advice during a spirited discussion of the matter thursday and early friday but felt compelled to act do you remember janet reno poor janet was another attorney general who went down for the clintons she was also sworn in as ag under bill clinton and many questioned her appointment at the time according to a report in the chicago tribune she arrived in washington from miami as caesars wife and so she has remained she was ignorant and independent of insider dc and has stayed that way bill clinton never much liked her and never confided in her and she reciprocated she became ag just in time to take the fall for the debacle in waco actually according to historycom the waco standoff had already begun by the time janet reno became the first female attorney general on march she approved the fbis tear gas plan the following month explaining that negotiations with the branch davidians had stalemated and that the children inside the compound were at risk we will never know whether there was a better solution reno said in everyone involved made their best judgments based on all the information we had nonetheless a republicanled congressional report called her decision premature wrong and highly irresponsible she was also criticized when facts emerged contradicting some of her earlier statements the tribune post continued to discuss renos position as a scapegoat every day since she took office she has been supervising at least one probe embarrassing to clintonwhitewater fundraising lewinsky china espionage etc clinton cant afford the political beating he would take if he cashiered her but no such attorney general could have survived the clinton scandals much less survived them with her own reputationand her departmentsintact attorney generals who have anything to do with the clintons dont seem to fare too well they end up so embroiled in clinton scandals that they too are pulled down into the mire regardless of what their intentions were when they started out lynch can see her futureand it has something to do with help wanted ads the last time lynch was involved in the clinton email kerfuffle she promised to abide by fbi director james comeys recommendation i wonder if shell make that same promise this time she really cant because if she does it will show she was complicit with the clintons the last time around and also this time when she decried comeys release of information about the investigation i wonder if she and hillary clinton will be able to get adjoining cells whenif the truth comes out courtesy of daisy luther dont forget to follow the dc clothesline 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comment congress attorney general lynch pleads fifth secret iran ransom payments marlene
daisy luther according report new yorker james comey big kahuna fbi went fullon cowboy releasing details new clinton email inquiry apparently department justice advised release information days presidential election gosh wonder advice would given donald trump investigated fbi comey explained decision letter fbi employees dont ordinarily tell congress ongoing investigations feel obligation given testified repeatedly recent months investigation completed also think would misleading american people supplement record doj doj mean attorney general loretta lynch famously secret meeting airport tarmac bill clinton talk nonexistent grandchildren implying comey playing fair move inconsistent rules designed make seem like interfering election heres comeys letter senate judiciary committee really doj thinks public shouldnt know person may voting investigated fbi thats absurd thing heard quite time considering election thats really saying something new yorker report emphasis mine friday james comey director federal bureau investigation acting independently attorney general loretta lynch sent letter congress saying fbi discovered emails potentially relevant investigation hillary clintons private server coming less two weeks presidential election comeys decision make public new evidence may raise additional legal questions clinton contrary views attorney general according wellinformed administration official lynch expressed preference comey follow departments longstanding practice commenting ongoing investigations taking action could influence outcome election said felt compelled otherwise comeys decision striking break policies department justice according current former federal legal officials comey republican appointee president obama reputation integrity independence latest action stirring extraordinary level concern among legal authorities see potentially affecting outcome presidential congressional elections source investigation iceberg hrcs titanic campaign hillary clinton said finds development unprecedented deeply troubling source oh ill bet ill bet trump target investigation would stage gripping podium stay upright saying wonderful comey decided break news voters could aware might voting someone suspected broken federal laws ill bet shed saying public right know candidate investigation ill bet shed take high road say elected office president united states beyond reproach course things little different arent right know absolutely right know person could elected know secrets careless knew secrets seems like nobrainer public know candidate investigated second time criminally negligent information entrusted fact know severely damaged clintons campaign although previous polls incredibly skewed point outright fake looks like mainstream trying save face new batch polls poll abc news washington post hotbeds liberal voters shown lead dropped within single point donald trump due clinton email scandal third likely voters say theyre less likely support clinton given fbi director james comeys disclosure friday bureau investigating emails related probe clintons use private email server secretary state finally people actually paying attention character hillary clinton may enough one finding astonishing even though probably shouldnt given considerations percent say makes difference meanwhile social media fbi emails somehow trending topic certainly appears twitter facebook snapchat buzzfeed blacking topic biggest question james comey probably committed career suicide along potential actual suicide via shot back head like others run afoul clintons feel need break news particularly giving pass last investigation opponents jump fact hes republican say political reasons wont admit perhaps felt guilty complicit letting hook first investigation clinton email negligence never ever admit maybe integrity belief office holds made impossible keep quiet election perhaps given chance right previous wrong took clinton isnt taking gracefully clintons complaints appeared press around world make look even worse telegraph uk publication hillary clinton furiously fighting keep presidential bid track saturday night lead polls narrowed fbis bombshell announcement reopened investigation emails james comey announced friday afternoon fresh evidence emerged investigation whether mrs clinton criminally negligent handling classified material saturday latest poll polls tracker site realclearpolitics put clinton percentage points ahead republican nationwide points days previously wait gets better clinton campaign responded amounts declaration open warfare mr comey alleging actions backed political motive mrs clinton called decision unprecedented deeply troubling pretty strange put something like little information right election complained addressing cheering supporters rally mustwin state florida democrats questioned timing agencys decision comes polls showed mrs clintons lead falling days presidential election like wheeler smacking us becomes huge distraction worst possible time said donna brazile chairwoman democratic national committee campaign trying cut noise best dont want knock us game secondtolast weekend race find tell voters keep focus keep eyes prize hillarys campaign manager sounds pretty desperate complaints hrc make sound like outoftouch moneygrabbing powerhungry deceitful
comment on like a concentration camp police mark dapl protesters with numbers lock them in dog kennels by marlene
theodore shoebat a major political leader in france francoisxavier peron has declared that france is about to enter into a devastating war against islam and its going to be extremely violent his solution to prepare embrace the christian faith and never accept the antichrist masonic religion i did an interview with mr peron about this coming war and why the christian faith must be the religion of the world courtesy of freedom outpost theodore shoebat is the communications director for rescue christians an organization that is on the ground in muslim lands rescuing christians from persecution he is the author of two book for god or for tyranny and in satans footsteps the source and interconnections of all evil he also has a dvd series called christian militancy which is on christian warfare and our fight against evil and tyranny article posted with permission from shoebatcom dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
comment clinton goes loretta lynch go truth detector
posted michael snyder realize headline must sound extremely bizarre article explain could actually happen learned fbi obtained search warrant enable agency examine approximately emails sitting electronic devices owned huma abedin estranged husband anthony weiner fbi going emails unlikely still possible decision whether charge hillary clinton crime could made november th course likely scenario hillary clinton indicted election day americans voting scandal hanging ominously clinton campaign fbi quickly take action possible hillary clinton could forced race election day would require democrats come new candidate fact already calls mainstream media clinton willingly remove race example following comes chicago tribune article entitled democrats ask clinton step aside democrats ruling democrats hold high moral standards impose people govern would follow simple process would demand mrs clinton step immediately let vice presidential nominee sen tim kaine virginia stand place democrats say honestly new criminal investigation going events around homebrew email server time secretary state clinton anywhere near white house good idea author article understand tim kaine would automatically take place clinton steps election previous article included quote us news world report article explained would happen hillary clinton removed democratic ticket reason prior november th clinton fall ticket democratic national committee members would gather vote replacement dnc members acted superdelegates years primary overwhelmingly backed clinton boatrocking socialist sen bernie sanders vermont dnc spokesman mark paustenbach says currently committee members number changes time guided groups bylaws give membership specific officeholders party leaders hold spots selection states along optional slots dnc members choose fill party rules replacing presidential nominee merely specify majority members must present special meeting called committee chairman meeting would follow procedures set dnc rules bylaws committee proxy voting would allowed email scandal forced hillary clinton exit race last minute majority members democratic national committee would gather select new nominee would choose lets take look top five options tim kaine would seem obvious choice since hillary clintons running mate win national campaign need name recognition americans outside state virginia little familiarity point proven little popularity campaign trail fact attendance many rallies key swing states measured dozens seems unlikely dnc would select kaine replacement nominee joe biden vicepresident joe biden far name recognition tim kaine recent days touting believes would actually nomination would decided run vice president joe biden said recent interview believed could beat former secretary state hillary clinton democratic presidential nomination pursued biden asked interview cnn saturday news fbi reopening criminal probe clintons use private email server secretary state made secondguess decision last year run according vice president short answer thing kept running biden said recent death son beau unfortunately biden suffers many things kaine biden boring good campaign trail doesnt sort charisma would motivate people go polls large numbers biden would probably represent safest choice democrats might winning choice bernie sanders bernie sanders would seem logical choice since runnerup hillary clinton truth lot things working bernie sanders first real loyalty democrats previously operated independent expressed desire return independent status campaign secondly democratic establishment much dislikes plays huge role decisions thirdly democratic insiders fear would another mcgovern would get absolutely wiped general election even though popular radical left appears sanders would least likely choice list elizabeth warren elizabeth warren would popular bernie sanders wing party would enable party replace hillary clinton another woman definitely possibility lack name recognition like sanders would concern republicans would frame candidacy another mcgovern far left policies michelle obama one recent survey found percent democrats would rather third term obama first term hillary clinton days barack obamas approval rating running anywhere thought another obama white house farfetched might think michelle obama better name recognition anyone else list generally wellliked american people received tremendous amount praise work campaign trail recently instance recent speech new hampshire lauded influential speech campaign recent msn article entitled campaign michelle obama became another political voice speech amplified timing met enthusiastic response cemented obamas place star presidential race put defining stroke women view trump also voice moral authority three months leaving white house already among ranks public figures transcend politics title rise level like see much weight words carry said anita mcbride former chief staff laura bush executive residence school public affairs american university know didnt like politics impassioned language used feels compelled speak people listen democrats michelle obama one would select replacement nominee needed would give best chance winning donald trump course obamas radical bernie sanders elizabeth warren american people become quite comfortable point certainly hope michelle obama become nominee hillary clinton step aside donald trump would exceedingly difficult time defeating final analysis none probably going matter anyway unlikely fbi move quickly enough force hillary clinton election day still small chance could actually happen happen going turn politics america completely upside michael snyder founder publisher economic collapse blog end american dream michaels controversial new book bible prophecy entitled rapture verdict available paperback kindle amazoncom dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
comment on congress attorney general lynch pleads fifth on secret iran ransom payments by marlene
daisy luther according to a report in the new yorker james comey big kahuna of the fbi went fullon cowboy in releasing details of the new clinton email inquiry apparently the department of justice advised him not to release the information just days before the presidential election gosh i wonder if the same advice would have been given if it was donald trump who was being investigated by the fbi comey explained his decision in a letter to fbi employees we dont ordinarily tell congress about ongoing investigations but here i feel an obligation to do so given that i testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed i also think it would be misleading to the american people were we not to supplement the record the doj and by doj i mean attorney general loretta lynch who famously had a secret meeting on an airport tarmac with bill clinton to talk about her nonexistent grandchildren is implying that comey is not playing fair and that the move is inconsistent with the rules which have been designed to make it seem like they are not interfering in an election heres comeys letter to the senate judiciary committee really the doj thinks that the public shouldnt know that the person they may be voting for is being investigated by the fbi thats the most absurd thing i have heard for quite some time and considering this election thats really saying something this is from the new yorker report emphasis mine on friday james comey the director of the federal bureau of investigation acting independently of attorney general loretta lynch sent a letter to congress saying that the fbi had discovered emails that were potentially relevant to the investigation of hillary clintons private server coming less than two weeks before the presidential election comeys decision to make public new evidence that may raise additional legal questions about clinton was contrary to the views of the attorney general according to a wellinformed administration official lynch expressed her preference that comey follow the departments longstanding practice of not commenting on ongoing investigations and not taking any action that could influence the outcome of an election but he said that he felt compelled to do otherwise comeys decision is a striking break with the policies of the department of justice according to current and former federal legal officials comey who is a republican appointee of president obama has a reputation for integrity and independence but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the presidential and congressional elections source is this investigation the iceberg to hrcs titanic campaign hillary clinton has said she finds the development unprecedented and deeply troubling source oh ill bet she does ill bet if trump had been the target of the investigation she would have been up on the stage gripping the podium to stay upright saying how wonderful it was that comey decided to break the news so that voters could be aware that they might be voting for someone who was suspected of having broken federal laws ill bet shed be saying that the public has a right to know if a candidate was under investigation ill bet shed take the high road and say that those elected to the office of president of the united states have to be above and beyond reproach of course when its her things are a little different arent they we do have a right to know we absolutely have a right to know that a person who could be elected to know all of the secrets was careless when she only knew some of the secrets it seems like a nobrainer that the public should know that a candidate is being investigated for a second time for being criminally negligent with information entrusted to her and the fact that we know has severely damaged clintons campaign although previous polls were incredibly skewed to the point of being outright fake it looks like the mainstream is now trying to save face with a new batch of polls a poll from abc news and the washington post both hotbeds of liberal voters has shown that her lead has dropped to within a single point over donald trump due to the clinton email scandal about a third of likely voters say theyre less likely to support clinton given fbi director james comeys disclosure friday that the bureau is investigating more emails related to its probe of clintons use of a private email server while secretary of state finally some people are actually paying attention to the character of hillary clinton but it may not be enough there was one finding that was astonishing to me even though it probably shouldnt be given other considerations percent say it makes no difference meanwhile on social media the fbi emails are somehow not a trending topic it certainly appears that twitter facebook snapchat and buzzfeed are blacking out the topic my biggest question is this why now why did james comey who has probably committed career suicide along with a potential actual suicide via a shot to the back of his own head like others who have run afoul of the clintons feel the need to break the news particularly after giving her a pass during the last investigation opponents will jump on the fact that hes a republican and will say that he did it for political reasons they wont admit that perhaps he felt guilty for being complicit in letting her off the hook in the first investigation into the clinton email negligence they will never ever admit that maybe his integrity and belief in the office he holds made it impossible for him to keep quiet until after the election and that perhaps when he was given a chance to right a previous wrong he took it clinton isnt taking it gracefully clintons complaints which have appeared in the press around the world make her look even worse than she did before this is from the telegraph a uk publication hillary clinton was furiously fighting to keep her presidential bid on track on saturday night as her lead in the polls narrowed after the fbis bombshell announcement that it had reopened its investigation into her emails james comey announced on friday afternoon that fresh evidence had emerged for his investigation into whether mrs clinton was criminally negligent in her handling of classified material on saturday the latest poll of polls by tracker site realclearpolitics put clinton percentage points ahead of the republican nationwide down from points just days previously but wait it gets better the clinton campaign has responded with what amounts to a declaration of open warfare against mr comey alleging that his actions are backed by a political motive and mrs clinton herself called the decision unprecedented and deeply troubling its pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election she complained addressing cheering supporters at a rally in the mustwin state of florida democrats questioned the timing of the agencys decision which comes as polls showed mrs clintons lead falling just days before the presidential election this is like an wheeler smacking into us and it just becomes a huge distraction at the worst possible time said donna brazile the chairwoman of the democratic national committee the campaign is trying to cut through the noise as best it can we dont want it to knock us off our game but on the secondtolast weekend of the race we find ourselves having to tell voters keep your focus keep your eyes on the prize hillarys campaign manager sounds pretty desperate to me as for the complaints from hrc they just make her sound like the outoftouch moneygrabbing powerhungry deceitful
comment french political leader france enter holy war islam embrace christianity never accept religion satan paulus
project veritas project veritas action released sixth video multipart series sending shockwaves dnc clinton campaign new video released project veritas action pva journalist exposes pay play robert creamer landed meeting bradley beychock president media matters america organization attacking james okeefe years meeting beychock gave pva journalist tour offices also proudly boasted media matters assault conservative writer political consultant roger stone watch courtesy information liberation dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Truth Detector
comment on if clinton goes down loretta lynch will go down with her by truth detector
posted by michael snyder i realize that this headline must sound extremely bizarre but in this article i will explain why this could actually happen we have just learned that the fbi has obtained a search warrant that will enable the agency to examine approximately emails that are sitting on electronic devices owned by huma abedin and her estranged husband anthony weiner now that the fbi is going through these emails it is unlikely but still possible that a decision about whether or not to charge hillary clinton with a crime could be made by november th of course the most likely scenario is that hillary clinton will not be indicted before election day and that americans will be voting with this scandal hanging ominously over the clinton campaign but if the fbi does quickly take action it is possible that hillary clinton could be forced from the race before election day and that would require the democrats to come up with a new candidate in fact there are already calls in the mainstream media for clinton to willingly remove herself from the race for example the following comes from a chicago tribune article entitled democrats should ask clinton to step aside so what should the democrats do now if ruling democrats hold themselves to the high moral standards they impose on the people they govern they would follow a simple process they would demand that mrs clinton step down immediately and let her vice presidential nominee sen tim kaine of virginia stand in her place democrats should say honestly that with a new criminal investigation going on into events around her homebrew email server from the time she was secretary of state having clinton anywhere near the white house is just not a good idea but what the author of that article does not understand is that tim kaine would not automatically take her place if clinton steps down before the election in a previous article i included a quote from a us news world report article that explained what would happen if hillary clinton was removed from the democratic ticket for some reason prior to november th if clinton were to fall off the ticket democratic national committee members would gather to vote on a replacement dnc members acted as superdelegates during this years primary and overwhelmingly backed clinton over boatrocking socialist sen bernie sanders of vermont dnc spokesman mark paustenbach says there currently are committee members a number that changes over time and is guided by the groups bylaws which give membership to specific officeholders and party leaders and hold spots for selection by states along with an optional slots dnc members can choose to fill but the party rules for replacing a presidential nominee merely specify that a majority of members must be present at a special meeting called by the committee chairman the meeting would follow procedures set by the dnc rules and bylaws committee and proxy voting would not be allowed so if this email scandal forced hillary clinton to exit the race at the last minute a majority of the members of the democratic national committee would gather to select a new nominee who would they choose lets take a look at the top five options tim kaine he would seem to be an obvious choice since he is hillary clintons running mate but to win a national campaign you need to have name recognition and most americans outside of the state of virginia have very little familiarity with him and at this point he has proven to have very little popularity on the campaign trail in fact attendance at many of his rallies in key swing states can be measured in the dozens so to me it seems unlikely that the dnc would select kaine as the replacement nominee joe biden vicepresident joe biden has far more name recognition than tim kaine does and in recent days he has been touting how he believes that he would have actually won the nomination if he would have decided to run vice president joe biden said in a recent interview that he believed he could have beat former secretary of state hillary clinton for the democratic presidential nomination had he pursued it biden was asked in an interview with cnn saturday if news that the fbi was reopening their criminal probe into clintons use of a private email server while secretary of state made him secondguess his decision last year not to run but according to the vice president the short answer is no the only thing that kept him from running biden said was the recent death of his son beau unfortunately for biden he suffers from many of the same things that kaine does biden is boring he is not very good on the campaign trail and he doesnt have the sort of charisma that would motivate people to go to the polls in large numbers biden would probably represent the safest choice for the democrats but he might not be a winning choice bernie sanders bernie sanders would seem to be a logical choice since he was the runnerup to hillary clinton but the truth is that there are a lot of things working against bernie sanders first of all he does not have any real loyalty to the democrats he has previously operated as an independent and he expressed a desire to return to independent status once the campaign was over secondly the democratic establishment very much dislikes him and that plays a huge role in decisions such as this thirdly democratic insiders fear that he would be another mcgovern and would get absolutely wiped out in a general election so even though he is very popular with the radical left it appears that sanders would be the least likely choice on this list elizabeth warren elizabeth warren would be very popular with the bernie sanders wing of the party and she would enable the party to replace hillary clinton with another woman so she is definitely a possibility but she does lack name recognition and just like sanders there would be concern that the republicans would frame her candidacy as another mcgovern because of her far left policies michelle obama one recent survey found that percent of all democrats would rather have a third term for obama than a first term for hillary clinton and these days barack obamas approval rating is running anywhere from to so the thought of another obama in the white house is not as farfetched as you might think michelle obama has better name recognition than anyone else on this list and she is generally very wellliked by the american people and she has received a tremendous amount of praise for her work on the campaign trail recently for instance her recent speech in new hampshire was lauded as the most influential speech of the campaign in a recent msn article entitled in this campaign michelle obama became more than just another political voice the speech amplified by timing and met with an enthusiastic response cemented obamas place as a star of the presidential race and put a defining stroke not just on how women view trump but also on herself as a voice of moral authority three months before leaving the white house she already is among the ranks of public figures who transcend politics and title when you rise to a level like that you see how much weight your words carry said anita mcbride former chief of staff to laura bush and executive in residence at the school of public affairs at american university we know she didnt like politics but she was impassioned by the language that was used and she feels compelled to speak out people listen to her if i were the democrats michelle obama is the one that i would select if a replacement nominee was needed because she would give them the very best chance of winning against donald trump of course the obamas are just as radical as bernie sanders and elizabeth warren but the american people have become quite comfortable with them at this point and i certainly hope that michelle obama does not become the nominee if hillary clinton has to step aside because donald trump would have an exceedingly difficult time defeating her in the final analysis none of this is probably going to matter anyway because it is unlikely that the fbi will move quickly enough to force hillary clinton out before election day but there is still a small chance that it could actually happen and if it does happen it is going to turn politics in america completely upside down michael snyder is the founder and publisher of the economic collapse blog and end of the american dream michaels controversial new book about bible prophecy entitled the rapture verdict is available in paperback and for the kindle on amazoncom dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
comment ag lynch told fbi director comey go public new clinton email investigation ann tenna
posted david risselada much surprise american electorate right left fbi reopening investigation hillary clintons email scandal whether amount anything meaningful simply distraction bodys guess many speculating could issue would cause president obama cancel elections recent article corrupting ones self ultimate morality pursuit utopia discussed possibility blatant corruption deliberately thrust face create necessary attitude social change idea course based writings alinsky social engineers skilled arts propaganda psychological manipulation looking perspective cancelled elections possibility truth hillary clinton never know expect operating ends justify means mentality willing anything see dreams collectivized america move forward according elizabeth harrington washington free beacon clinton campaign began conducting focus groups determine approach hillary take concerning run presidency hillary diehard ideologue whose beliefs right line communists dictators like stalin mao believes ordinary people idea best conduct personal business state involved every aspect lives goal focus groups determine attitudes electorate order mold message personality something would vote many people would attempt ridicule discredit anyone associating hillary clinton communists comes across compassionate caring always blaming everything vast right wing conspiracy always modus operandi communist movement explains many young people idea atrocities committed regimes communist rulers todays millennials well aware holocaust millions jews murdered adolph hitler may however know hitler murdered jews started eliminating sick disabled murdered christians homosexuals anyone else essentially didnt go along national socialism belief fascism extreme right wing world view explains hostility towards todays conservative movement branded fascists fact truth exact opposite true political scale national socialism fascism right communism represents complete state control still way left center true extreme right wing world view would complete absence government control anything said understanding horrors communism forgotten simply longer taught communists successful deceiving people like hillary clinton pretend something millions young people america due left wing indoctrination universities falling communist propaganda guise communism fair compassionate system economics left wing professors refusing acknowledge failures communism believe right leader come along implement right way failed teach young minds pursuit total equality led death people communist controlled governments communists believing god evolution science believe man trained submission refusal accept communist ideals fact sign mental deficiency therefore justifiable eliminate understand read brainwashing synthesis russian textbook psychopolitics communists also hide belief claiming pursuit equality motivated pursuit social economic justice fact motivated pure desire control every aspect human black book communism references historical debate evil natures communism nazism adolf hitler despite cruelty open intentions set create perfect race understood role serve state nothing else isnt different goals communism truthfully insofar communists seek accomplish global scale using economic class issue opposed race national socialism focuses achieving goal country communists hand mentioned pretended compassionate poor oppressed reality use groups organize power hiding behind guise compassion struggle achieve social justice realitythey systematically imprisoning murdering dont go along agenda according black book communism makes communist ideology could really assign degrees evil evil nazism deceptive nature know hillary clinton liar wrote college thesis saul alinsky know anything else given fact conducted focus groups help mold campaign message obvious hiding something past several weeks seen references leaked emails show obvious disdain average american common beliefs liberty us share referred many us irredeemable deplorables effort brand us uncompassionate ones pretending care poor called oppressed fact whole strategy democrat party know taken hard turn left represent views americans however pretend order get office intentions assume office massive dehumanization campaigns conservatives labeled fascists whites automatic racists first step repeat history millions slaughtered deemed undesirable government looking deceptive nature hillary clinton violent nature left sure seems like distinct possibility number deaths communist regimes black book communism soviet union vladimr lenin joseph stalin million deaths chinamao million deaths vietnam ho chi mihn million deaths north korea million deaths cambodia pol pot million deaths eastern europe million deaths latin america deaths africa million deaths afghanistan soviet control million deaths deaths represented wartime revolutions outright murder committed evil men intent creating perfect societies based social justice equality guess question remains man capable bringing perfect society courtesy freedom outpost david risselada freelance writer researcher david served united states marine corps us army addition contributing freedomoutpostcom writes radical conservative follow david twitter article posted permission defense nation dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
comment on french political leader france is about to enter a holy war with islam embrace christianity never accept the religion of satan by paulus
from project veritas project veritas action has released the sixth video in a multipart series that is sending shockwaves through the dnc and the clinton campaign in a new video released by project veritas action a pva journalist exposes how his pay for play with robert creamer landed him a meeting with bradley beychock the president of media matters for america an organization that has been attacking james okeefe for years during the meeting beychock gave the pva journalist a tour of their offices he also proudly boasted about the media matters assault on conservative writer and political consultant roger stone watch courtesy of information liberation dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
michelle obama replacement nominee fbi email investigation ends hillary clintons campaign
posted daisy luther according report new yorker james comey big kahuna fbi went fullon cowboy releasing details new clinton email inquiry apparently department justice advised release information days presidential election gosh wonder advice would given donald trump investigated fbi comey explained decision letter fbi employees dont ordinarily tell congress ongoing investigations feel obligation given testified repeatedly recent months investigation completed also think would misleading american people supplement record doj doj mean attorney general loretta lynch famously secret meeting airport tarmac bill clinton talk nonexistent grandchildren implying comey playing fair move inconsistent rules designed make seem like interfering election heres comeys letter senate judiciary committee really doj thinks public shouldnt know person may voting investigated fbi thats absurd thing heard quite time considering election thats really saying something new yorker report emphasis mine friday james comey director federal bureau investigation acting independently attorney general loretta lynch sent letter congress saying fbi discovered emails potentially relevant investigation hillary clintons private server coming less two weeks presidential election comeys decision make public new evidence may raise additional legal questions clinton contrary views attorney general according wellinformed administration official lynch expressed preference comey follow departments longstanding practice commenting ongoing investigations taking action could influence outcome election said felt compelled otherwise comeys decision striking break policies department justice according current former federal legal officials comey republican appointee president obama reputation integrity independence latest action stirring extraordinary level concern among legal authorities see potentially affecting outcome presidential congressional elections source investigation iceberg hrcs titanic campaign hillary clinton said finds development unprecedented deeply troubling source oh ill bet ill bet trump target investigation would stage gripping podium stay upright saying wonderful comey decided break news voters could aware might voting someone suspected broken federal laws ill bet shed saying public right know candidate investigation ill bet shed take high road say elected office president united states beyond reproach course things little different arent right know absolutely right know person could elected know secrets careless knew secrets seems like nobrainer public know candidate investigated second time criminally negligent information entrusted fact know severely damaged clintons campaign although previous polls incredibly skewed point outright fake looks like mainstream trying save face new batch polls poll abc news washington post hotbeds liberal voters shown lead dropped within single point donald trump due clinton email scandal third likely voters say theyre less likely support clinton given fbi director james comeys disclosure friday bureau investigating emails related probe clintons use private email server secretary state finally people actually paying attention character hillary clinton may enough one finding astonishing even though probably shouldnt given considerations percent say makes difference meanwhile social media fbi emails somehow trending topic certainly appears twitter facebook snapchat buzzfeed blacking topic biggest question james comey probably committed career suicide along potential actual suicide via shot back head like others run afoul clintons feel need break news particularly giving pass last investigation opponents jump fact hes republican say political reasons wont admit perhaps felt guilty complicit letting hook first investigation clinton email negligence never ever admit maybe integrity belief office holds made impossible keep quiet election perhaps given chance right previous wrong took clinton isnt taking gracefully clintons complaints appeared press around world make look even worse telegraph uk publication hillary clinton furiously fighting keep presidential bid track saturday night lead polls narrowed fbis bombshell announcement reopened investigation emails james comey announced friday afternoon fresh evidence emerged investigation whether mrs clinton criminally negligent handling classified material saturday latest poll polls tracker site realclearpolitics put clinton percentage points ahead republican nationwide points days previously wait gets better clinton campaign responded amounts declaration open warfare mr comey alleging actions backed political motive mrs clinton called decision unprecedented deeply troubling pretty strange put something like little information right election complained addressing cheering supporters rally mustwin state florida democrats questioned timing agencys decision comes polls showed mrs clintons lead falling days presidential election like wheeler smacking us becomes huge distraction worst possible time said donna brazile chairwoman democratic national committee campaign trying cut noise best dont want knock us game secondtolast weekend race find tell voters keep focus keep eyes prize hillarys campaign manager sounds pretty desperate complaints hrc make sound like outoftouch moneygrabbing powerhungry deceitful
Ann Tenna
comment on ag lynch told fbi director comey not to go public with the new clinton email investigation by ann tenna
posted by david risselada much to the surprise of the american electorate both on the right and left the fbi is reopening its investigation into hillary clintons email scandal whether this will amount to anything meaningful or it is simply a distraction is any bodys guess many are speculating that this could be the issue which would cause president obama to cancel the elections in my recent article corrupting ones self is the ultimate morality in the pursuit of utopia i discussed the possibility that the blatant corruption is deliberately being thrust in our face to create the necessary attitude for social change this idea of course is based on the writings of alinsky and other social engineers skilled in the arts of propaganda and psychological manipulation looking at it from this perspective cancelled elections are a possibility the truth is with hillary clinton you never know what to expect because she is operating from an ends justify the means mentality and she is willing to do anything to see her dreams of a collectivized america move forward according to elizabeth harrington from the washington free beacon the clinton campaign began conducting focus groups to determine which approach hillary should take concerning her run for the presidency hillary is diehard ideologue whose beliefs are right in line with communists dictators like stalin and mao she believes that ordinary people have no idea how to best conduct their personal business and the state should be involved in every aspect of our lives the goal of these focus groups was to determine the attitudes of the electorate in order to mold her message and her personality into something they would vote for many people would attempt to ridicule and discredit anyone associating hillary clinton with communists because she comes across as compassionate and caring always blaming everything on a vast right wing conspiracy this has always been the modus operandi of the communist movement and it explains why so many young people have no idea about the atrocities committed under the regimes of communist rulers todays millennials are well aware of the holocaust and the millions of jews murdered by adolph hitler they may not however know that hitler murdered more than jews he started by eliminating the sick and disabled then he murdered christians homosexuals and anyone else essentially that didnt go along with his national socialism the belief is that fascism is an extreme right wing world view this explains the hostility towards todays conservative movement they have been branded as fascists when in fact the truth is the exact opposite on the true political scale national socialism or fascism is to the right of communism which represents complete state control but it is still way left of center a true extreme right wing world view would be complete absence of government control over anything with this being said and understanding that the horrors of communism have all been forgotten simply because they are no longer being taught the communists have been very successful in deceiving people because like hillary clinton they pretend to be something they are not millions of young people in america due to left wing indoctrination in our universities are falling for the communist propaganda under the guise that communism is a more fair compassionate system of economics left wing professors refusing to acknowledge the failures of communism because they believe the right leader has not come along to implement it the right way have failed to teach these young minds that the pursuit of total equality has led to the death of people under communist controlled governments communists believing not in god but in evolution and science believe that man can be trained into submission and a refusal to accept communist ideals is in fact a sign of mental deficiency therefore it is justifiable to eliminate them to understand this read brainwashing a synthesis of the russian textbook on psychopolitics communists also hide this belief by claiming their pursuit of equality is motivated by a pursuit of social and economic justice when in fact it is motivated by a pure desire to control every aspect of human being the black book of communism references the historical debate over the evil natures of both communism and nazism adolf hitler despite his cruelty was open about what his intentions were he set out to create a perfect race that understood its role was to serve the state and nothing else this isnt any different than the goals of communism truthfully only insofar as communists seek to accomplish this on a global scale using the economic class issue as opposed to race while national socialism focuses on achieving such a goal for the country itself the communists on the other hand as mentioned above pretended to be compassionate about the poor and oppressed when in reality they use these groups to organize for power while hiding behind the guise of compassion and the struggle to achieve social justice while in realitythey are systematically imprisoning and murdering all that dont go along with their agenda this according to the black book of communism makes the communist ideology if you could really assign degrees of evil more evil than nazism because of its deceptive nature we all know hillary clinton is a liar and she wrote her college thesis on saul alinsky but do we know anything else about her given the fact that she conducted focus groups to help mold her campaign message it is obvious she is hiding something over the past several weeks we have seen references to leaked emails which show she has an obvious disdain for the average american and the common beliefs in liberty that most of us share she has referred to many of us as irredeemable deplorables in an effort to brand us as the uncompassionate ones while pretending to care about the poor and so called oppressed in fact this is the whole strategy of the democrat party because as we all know they have taken a hard turn left and do not represent the views of most americans they will however pretend to in order to get in office what are her intentions if she were to assume office are the massive dehumanization campaigns where conservatives are labeled as fascists and whites as automatic racists a first step to a repeat of history where millions were slaughtered because they were deemed as undesirable by their own government looking at the deceptive nature of hillary clinton and the violent nature of the left it sure seems like a distinct possibility the number of deaths under communist regimes from the black book of communism soviet union vladimr lenin and joseph stalin million deaths chinamao million deaths vietnam ho chi mihn million deaths north korea million deaths cambodia pol pot million deaths eastern europe million deaths latin america deaths africa million deaths afghanistan under soviet control million deaths these are not deaths represented by wartime or revolutions but by outright murder committed by evil men intent on creating perfect societies based on social justice and equality i guess the question remains is man capable of bringing about a perfect society courtesy of freedom outpost david risselada is a freelance writer and researcher david served in the united states marine corps from and the us army from in addition to contributing to freedomoutpostcom he writes at radical conservative follow david on twitter article posted with permission from in defense of our nation dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
hidden cam sorosfunded media matters brags got roger stone banned tv
posted october theodore shoebat major political leader france francoisxavier peron declared france enter devastating war islam going extremely violent solution prepare embrace christian faith never accept antichrist masonic religion interview mr peron coming war christian faith must religion world courtesy freedom outpost theodore shoebat communications director rescue christians organization ground muslim lands rescuing christians persecution author two book god tyranny satans footsteps source interconnections evil also dvd series called christian militancy christian warfare fight evil tyranny article posted permission shoebatcom dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Michael Snyder
will michelle obama be the replacement nominee if the fbi email investigation ends hillary clintons campaign
posted by daisy luther according to a report in the new yorker james comey big kahuna of the fbi went fullon cowboy in releasing details of the new clinton email inquiry apparently the department of justice advised him not to release the information just days before the presidential election gosh i wonder if the same advice would have been given if it was donald trump who was being investigated by the fbi comey explained his decision in a letter to fbi employees we dont ordinarily tell congress about ongoing investigations but here i feel an obligation to do so given that i testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed i also think it would be misleading to the american people were we not to supplement the record the doj and by doj i mean attorney general loretta lynch who famously had a secret meeting on an airport tarmac with bill clinton to talk about her nonexistent grandchildren is implying that comey is not playing fair and that the move is inconsistent with the rules which have been designed to make it seem like they are not interfering in an election heres comeys letter to the senate judiciary committee really the doj thinks that the public shouldnt know that the person they may be voting for is being investigated by the fbi thats the most absurd thing i have heard for quite some time and considering this election thats really saying something this is from the new yorker report emphasis mine on friday james comey the director of the federal bureau of investigation acting independently of attorney general loretta lynch sent a letter to congress saying that the fbi had discovered emails that were potentially relevant to the investigation of hillary clintons private server coming less than two weeks before the presidential election comeys decision to make public new evidence that may raise additional legal questions about clinton was contrary to the views of the attorney general according to a wellinformed administration official lynch expressed her preference that comey follow the departments longstanding practice of not commenting on ongoing investigations and not taking any action that could influence the outcome of an election but he said that he felt compelled to do otherwise comeys decision is a striking break with the policies of the department of justice according to current and former federal legal officials comey who is a republican appointee of president obama has a reputation for integrity and independence but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the presidential and congressional elections source is this investigation the iceberg to hrcs titanic campaign hillary clinton has said she finds the development unprecedented and deeply troubling source oh ill bet she does ill bet if trump had been the target of the investigation she would have been up on the stage gripping the podium to stay upright saying how wonderful it was that comey decided to break the news so that voters could be aware that they might be voting for someone who was suspected of having broken federal laws ill bet shed be saying that the public has a right to know if a candidate was under investigation ill bet shed take the high road and say that those elected to the office of president of the united states have to be above and beyond reproach of course when its her things are a little different arent they we do have a right to know we absolutely have a right to know that a person who could be elected to know all of the secrets was careless when she only knew some of the secrets it seems like a nobrainer that the public should know that a candidate is being investigated for a second time for being criminally negligent with information entrusted to her and the fact that we know has severely damaged clintons campaign although previous polls were incredibly skewed to the point of being outright fake it looks like the mainstream is now trying to save face with a new batch of polls a poll from abc news and the washington post both hotbeds of liberal voters has shown that her lead has dropped to within a single point over donald trump due to the clinton email scandal about a third of likely voters say theyre less likely to support clinton given fbi director james comeys disclosure friday that the bureau is investigating more emails related to its probe of clintons use of a private email server while secretary of state finally some people are actually paying attention to the character of hillary clinton but it may not be enough there was one finding that was astonishing to me even though it probably shouldnt be given other considerations percent say it makes no difference meanwhile on social media the fbi emails are somehow not a trending topic it certainly appears that twitter facebook snapchat and buzzfeed are blacking out the topic my biggest question is this why now why did james comey who has probably committed career suicide along with a potential actual suicide via a shot to the back of his own head like others who have run afoul of the clintons feel the need to break the news particularly after giving her a pass during the last investigation opponents will jump on the fact that hes a republican and will say that he did it for political reasons they wont admit that perhaps he felt guilty for being complicit in letting her off the hook in the first investigation into the clinton email negligence they will never ever admit that maybe his integrity and belief in the office he holds made it impossible for him to keep quiet until after the election and that perhaps when he was given a chance to right a previous wrong he took it clinton isnt taking it gracefully clintons complaints which have appeared in the press around the world make her look even worse than she did before this is from the telegraph a uk publication hillary clinton was furiously fighting to keep her presidential bid on track on saturday night as her lead in the polls narrowed after the fbis bombshell announcement that it had reopened its investigation into her emails james comey announced on friday afternoon that fresh evidence had emerged for his investigation into whether mrs clinton was criminally negligent in her handling of classified material on saturday the latest poll of polls by tracker site realclearpolitics put clinton percentage points ahead of the republican nationwide down from points just days previously but wait it gets better the clinton campaign has responded with what amounts to a declaration of open warfare against mr comey alleging that his actions are backed by a political motive and mrs clinton herself called the decision unprecedented and deeply troubling its pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election she complained addressing cheering supporters at a rally in the mustwin state of florida democrats questioned the timing of the agencys decision which comes as polls showed mrs clintons lead falling just days before the presidential election this is like an wheeler smacking into us and it just becomes a huge distraction at the worst possible time said donna brazile the chairwoman of the democratic national committee the campaign is trying to cut through the noise as best it can we dont want it to knock us off our game but on the secondtolast weekend of the race we find ourselves having to tell voters keep your focus keep your eyes on the prize hillarys campaign manager sounds pretty desperate to me as for the complaints from hrc they just make her sound like the outoftouch moneygrabbing powerhungry deceitful
deceptive nature hillary clinton right line communism
posted october claire bernish censorship facebook become thorn side nearly anyone opinion differing narrative touted corporate press instance sentiments praising hillary clinton new report reuters emails published wikileaks insight certain posts targeted facebook relies combination artificial intelligence human judgment remove posts deemed offensive violent otherwise unacceptable community standards precisely ultimate call take posts pages groups made remains unknown facebook takedowns matter improvements process social media behemoth claims make less controversial questionable whose posts censored little recourse argue case recent examples headscratchers led international uproar include facebooks removal iconic vietnam war photograph phan th? kim phúc yearsold captured film associated press photographer fleeing aftermath errant napalm attack near buddhist pagoda village trang bang photograph helped cement collective american mind horrors war ultimately fueled success antiwar effort facebook arbitrarily pulled image nudity proceeded even ban page conservative prime minister norway also posting image ultimately social media company reversed course case also taking equally iconic image civil rights leader rosa parks arrest taking image kim phúc might simply error ai since used specific example training teams responsible content removal two unnamed former facebook employees told reuters trainers told contentmonitoring staffers photo violated facebook policy despite historical significance depicted naked child distress photographed without consent employees told reuters final decision reverse censorship facebook head community operations division justin osofsky admitted mistake according reuters many current former facebook employees spoke condition anonymity process judging posts deserve remove allowed certain instances left discretion small cadre companys elite executives addition osofsky global policy chief monika bickert government relations chief joel kaplan vice president public policy communications elliot schrage facebook chief operating officer sheryl sandberg make final call censorship appeals five studied harvard four undergraduate graduate degrees elite institution sandberg hold law degrees three executives longstanding personal ties sandberg outlet notes chief executive mark zuckerberg also occasionally offers guidance difficult decisions others company spokeswoman christine chen explained facebook broad diverse global network involved content policy enforcement different managers senior executives pulled depending region issue hand receiving end could described lopsided inexplicable censorship recourse generally limited nearly impossible come often nature posts pages removed insinuates political motivations part censors indeed flaring international controversy facebook disabled among others accounts editors quds shehab new agency prominent palestinian media organizations without explanation even specific example given justification although three four palestinianfocused accounts restored facebook refused comment either reuters accounts owners decision reversed except say error fact although chen facebook insiders spoke reuters directly contentious content removal policies procedures many details processes remain covert sorely intransparent public often forced cope consequences earlier year exposé gizmodo showing facebooks suppression conservative outlets via trending topics section appeared evidence extreme bias favor liberal corporate media mainstays alternative media provides reports counter mainstream political foreign policy paradigm often subject controversial takedowns censorship suppressive tactics either directly facebook convoluted algorithms artificial intelligence bots however considering sheryl sandberg loyalists populate toplevel group deciding fate content removal complaints would appear wikileaks could provide answers post censorship suppression outlets vowing complete fealty preferred leftleaning narrative june email clinton campaign chair john podesta enormous cache whose emails still published daily basis wikileaks penned sandberg response condolences death husband states part still want hrc win badly still help came magical kids wave post removals temporary page bans appears facebook begun come senses actually violates community standards might political worth contrary views executives senior members facebooks policy team recently posted laxing rules governing community standards though welcome might provide temporary relief quoted wall street journal wrote weeks ahead going begin allowing items people find newsworthy significant important public interesteven might otherwise violate standards social media giant deems technology news platform facebook still bouncing point issues interest overwhelming percentage users although perhaps responsibility regard removal certain content putting censorship hands individuals certain instances chilling reminder fragility grave importance free speech dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Chris Menahan
hidden cam sorosfunded media matters brags how they got roger stone banned from tv
posted on october by theodore shoebat a major political leader in france francoisxavier peron has declared that france is about to enter into a devastating war against islam and its going to be extremely violent his solution to prepare embrace the christian faith and never accept the antichrist masonic religion i did an interview with mr peron about this coming war and why the christian faith must be the religion of the world courtesy of freedom outpost theodore shoebat is the communications director for rescue christians an organization that is on the ground in muslim lands rescuing christians from persecution he is the author of two book for god or for tyranny and in satans footsteps the source and interconnections of all evil he also has a dvd series called christian militancy which is on christian warfare and our fight against evil and tyranny article posted with permission from shoebatcom dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
ag lynch told fbi director comey go public new clinton email investigation
posted october daisy luther oh loretta ill bet ag loretta lynch shaking boots right hillary clinton goes lynchs career go heck maybe theyll even cellmates loretta lynchs ties clintons go back thenpresident bill clinton appointed run brooklyn us attorneys office left went private practice returned brooklyn office behest president barack obama heres official bio sworn become rd attorney general united states taking place blatantly corrupt attorney general eric holder probably famous roles fast furious operation inciting racial tensions mishandling lois lernerirs debacle first secret airplane meeting bill clinton started publicly go downhill lynch first investigation hillary clintons carelessness national secrets via home email server right fbi director james comey meet hillary clinton interrogate subject lynch busted secret meeting bill clinton washington post reported clintons private unplanned meeting attorney general loretta e lynch phoenix airport last week coming time justice department nearing completion examination hillary clintons use private server emails secretary state inevitably negatively affect public attitudes investigation lynch tried make amends though without leaving confusion wake conversation friday washington post editorial writer jonathan capehart aspen ideas festival insisted conversation innocent grandchildren golf touch investigation emails said recognized others would see way fact meeting casting shadow people going view work something take seriously deeply painfully said lynch said would accepting whatever recommendation career prosecutors fbi director james b comey bring though say would remove completely case also said made decision months ago making public course much easier lynch abide decision comey miraculously found hillary clinton criminal negligence national secrets though people asking questions illfounded meeting judicial watch filed lawsuit records related illicit meeting attorney general lynch former president bill clinton june attorney general loretta lynch reported met privately former president bill clinton board parked private plane sky harbor international airport phoenix arizona meeting occurred thenongoing investigation mrs clintons email server mere hours benghazi report released publicly involving mrs clinton obama administration judicial watch filed request june us department justice office inspector general investigate meeting republican presidential nominee donald trump suggested meeting bill clinton may offered extend lynchs position ags office hillary clinton administration blocked congressional investigation notorious iranian ransom payment last week ag lynch blocked congressional investigation cash payments obama administration made iran pleading fifth washington free beacon reported attorney general loretta lynch declining comply investigation leading members congress obama administrations secret efforts send iran billion cash earlier year prompting accusations lynch pleaded fifth amendment avoid incriminating payments according lawmakers communications exclusively obtained washington free beacon frankly unacceptable department refuses answer straightforward questions peoples elected representatives congress important national security issue lawmakers wrote staff failed address questions instead provided copy public testimony lecture sensitivity information associated issue united states chief law enforcement officer outrageous would essentially plead fifth refuse respond inquiries stated actions department come time iran continues hold americans hostage unjustly sentence prison judicial lynch tried shut comey new investigation clinton emails even mainstream media cant turn head earlier wrote fact fbi director james comey made decision go public new investigation hillary clinton emails lets talk little lynchs desperate attempts shut new york times reported justice department strongly discouraged comey releasing information day fbi director james b comey sent letter congress announcing new evidence discovered might related completed hillary clinton email investigation justice department strongly discouraged step told would breaking longstanding policy three law enforcement officials said saturday senior justice department officials move stop sending letter officials said everything short pointing policies talking current criminal investigations seen meddling elections interesting seen influencing election investigate someone wasnt back investigated charged im sure exactly works according usa today emphasis mine federal official familiar comeys decision said saturday fbi director considered attorney generals advice spirited discussion matter thursday early friday felt compelled act remember janet reno poor janet another attorney general went clintons also sworn ag bill clinton many questioned appointment time according report chicago tribune arrived washington miami caesars wife remained ignorant independent insider dc stayed way bill clinton never much liked never confided reciprocated became ag time take fall debacle waco actually according historycom waco standoff already begun time janet reno became first female attorney general march approved fbis tear gas plan following month explaining negotiations branch davidians stalemated children inside compound risk never know whether better solution reno said everyone involved made best judgments based information nonetheless republicanled congressional report called decision premature wrong highly irresponsible also criticized facts emerged contradicting earlier statements tribune post continued discuss renos position scapegoat every day since took office supervising least one probe embarrassing clintonwhitewater fundraising lewinsky china espionage etc clinton cant afford political beating would take cashiered attorney general could survived clinton scandals much less survived reputationand departmentsintact attorney generals anything clintons dont seem fare well end embroiled clinton scandals pulled mire regardless intentions started lynch see futureand something help wanted ads last time lynch involved clinton email kerfuffle promised abide fbi director james comeys recommendation wonder shell make promise time really cant show complicit clintons last time around also time decried comeys release information investigation wonder hillary clinton able get adjoining cells whenif truth comes courtesy daisy luther dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
David Risselada
the deceptive nature of hillary clinton is right in line with communism
posted on october by claire bernish censorship by facebook has become a thorn in the side of nearly anyone with an opinion differing from the narrative touted by the corporate press for instance sentiments not praising hillary clinton and now through both a new report from reuters and emails published by wikileaks we have insight into why certain posts are targeted facebook relies on a combination of artificial intelligence and human judgment to remove posts deemed offensive violent or otherwise unacceptable to its community standards but precisely how the ultimate call to take down posts pages and groups are made remains unknown and facebook takedowns no matter the improvements to the process the social media behemoth claims to make have been no less controversial or questionable and those whose posts are censored have little if any recourse to argue their case recent examples of headscratchers which led to an international uproar include facebooks removal of the iconic vietnam war photograph of phan th? kim phúc who at just yearsold was captured on film by an associated press photographer fleeing the aftermath of an errant napalm attack near a buddhist pagoda in the village of trang bang that photograph helped cement in the collective american mind the horrors of the war and ultimately fueled the success of the antiwar effort but facebook arbitrarily pulled the image for nudity and proceeded even to ban the page of the conservative prime minister of norway for also posting the image ultimately the social media company reversed course in that case but not before also taking down the equally iconic image of civil rights leader rosa parks arrest but taking down of the image of kim phúc might not have been simply an error of ai since it had been used as a specific example in training the teams responsible for content removal two unnamed former facebook employees told reuters trainers told contentmonitoring staffers that the photo violated facebook policy despite its historical significance because it depicted a naked child in distress photographed without her consent the employees told reuters in the final decision to reverse that censorship facebook head of the community operations division justin osofsky admitted it had been a mistake according to reuters to whom many current and former facebook employees spoke on condition of anonymity the process of judging which posts deserve to be remove and which should be allowed will in certain instances be left to the discretion of a small cadre of the companys elite executives in addition to osofsky global policy chief monika bickert government relations chief joel kaplan vice president for public policy and communications elliot schrage and facebook chief operating officer sheryl sandberg make the final call on censorship and appeals all five studied at harvard and four of them have both undergraduate and graduate degrees from the elite institution all but sandberg hold law degrees three of the executives have longstanding personal ties to sandberg the outlet notes chief executive mark zuckerberg also occasionally offers guidance in difficult decisions but there are others company spokeswoman christine chen explained facebook has a broad diverse and global network involved in content policy and enforcement with different managers and senior executives being pulled in depending on the region and the issue at hand for those on the receiving end of what could only be described as lopsided and inexplicable censorship recourse is generally limited and can be nearly impossible to come by often the nature of posts and pages removed insinuates political motivations on the part of the censors indeed and once again flaring international controversy facebook disabled among others the accounts of editors of quds and shehab new agency prominent palestinian media organizations without explanation or even a specific example given for justification although three of four palestinianfocused accounts were restored facebook refused to comment to either reuters or the accounts owners why the decision was reversed except to say it had been an error in fact although chen and other facebook insiders spoke with reuters directly about contentious content removal policies and procedures many details of the processes remain covert and sorely intransparent to the public who is so often forced to cope with the consequences earlier this year an exposé by gizmodo showing facebooks suppression of conservative outlets via its trending topics section appeared to evidence extreme bias in favor of liberal and corporate media mainstays alternative media too which provides reports counter to the mainstream political and foreign policy paradigm has often been the subject of controversial takedowns censorship and suppressive tactics either directly by facebook or through convoluted algorithms and artificial intelligence bots however considering sheryl sandberg and her loyalists populate the toplevel group deciding the fate for content removal complaints it would appear wikileaks could provide answers for both post censorship and suppression of outlets not vowing complete fealty to the preferred leftleaning narrative in a june email to clinton campaign chair john podesta an enormous cache of whose emails are still being published on a daily basis by wikileaks penned by sandberg in response to condolences on the death of her husband states in part and i still want hrc to win badly i am still here to help as i can she came over and was magical with my kids after a wave of post removals and temporary page bans it appears facebook has begun to come to its senses for what actually violates community standards and what might have political worth contrary to the views of its executives senior members of facebooks policy team recently posted about the laxing of rules governing community standards which though welcome might only provide temporary relief quoted by the wall street journal they wrote in the weeks ahead were going to begin allowing more items that people find newsworthy significant or important to the public interesteven if they might otherwise violate our standards while the social media giant deems itself a technology and not news platform facebook is still the bouncing off point for issues of interest for an overwhelming percentage of its users although it perhaps has some responsibility in regard to the removal of certain content putting censorship in the hands of only a few individuals in certain instances is a chilling reminder of the fragility and grave importance of free speech dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
french political leader france enter holy war islam embrace christianity never accept religion satan
posted michael snyder world politics coverup often worse original crime role watergate coverup took richard nixon hillary clintons coverup email scandal could send prison long time news broke fbi renewed investigation hillary clintons emails sent shockwaves throughout political world time around arent talking investigation mishandling classified documents havent heard anyone talking fbi discovers hillary clinton altered destroyed concealed emails turned fbi original investigation could charged obstruction justice would immediately end political career found guilty could send prison rest life seen single news report mention phrase obstruction justice yet convinced good chance scandal heading following relevant part federal statute deals obstruction justice whoever knowingly alters destroys mutilates conceals covers falsified makes false entry record document tangible object intent impede obstruct influence investigation proper administration matter within jurisdiction department agency united states case filed title relation contemplation matter case shall fined title imprisoned years hillary clinton sent prison years would essentially rest life feeling fbi going find great deal evidence obstruction justice huma abedins emails unfortunately likely resolution matter november th according wall street journal approximately emails search federal agents prepare scour roughly emails see many relate prior probe hillary clinton email use surprise disclosure investigators pursuing potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside bureau justice department investigate democratic presidential nominee metadata found laptop used former rep anthony weiner estranged wife huma abedin close clinton aide suggests may thousands emails sent private server mrs clinton used secretary state according people familiar matter take weeks minimum determine whether messages workrelated time ms abedin served mrs clinton state department many duplicates emails already reviewed federal bureau investigation whether include either classified information important new evidence clinton email probe emails inside source told fox news least would interest investigation point fbi officials even begun searching emails search warrant secured yet following comes cnn government lawyers havent yet approached abedins lawyers seek agreement conduct search sources earlier told cnn discussions begun law enforcement officials say either way government lawyers plan seek search warrant judge conduct search computer law enforcement officials said fbi reportedly already searching laptop coowned anthony weiner huma abedin warrant necessary search weiner cooperating fbi many wondering fbi director james comey would choose make bold move week election day surely know would dramatic impact election unlikely would done unless someone already found something really big addition comey reportedly eager find opportunity redeem eyes peers fbi following excerpt daily mail article written ed klein author recently released new york times bestseller clintons entitled guilty sin atmosphere fbi toxic ever since jim announced last july wouldnt recommend indictment hillary said source close friend known comey nearly two decades shares family outings accompanies catholic mass every week people including department heads stopped talking jim even ignored greetings passed hall said source felt betrayed brought disgrace bureau letting hillary slap wrist according source comey fretted problem months discussed great length wife patrice told wife depressed stack resignation letters piling desk disaffected agents letters reminded every day morale fbi hit rock bottom happens next likely scenario fbi time complete investigation decide whether charge hillary clinton election means would go november th scandal hanging clinton campaign would seem good news donald trump however possible fbi starts searching emails could come conclusion rapidly charges clinton warranted happens could still see sort announcement election day unlikely event happen could actually see hillary clinton forced race november th appears unlikely point still possible clinton forced step aside democrats would need come new nominee process would take time article later today important news reveal believe nominee would scenario democrats would desperately need time get act together could actually see barack obama attempt delay suspend election legality move highly questionable barack obama allowed little thing like us constitution stop past week going exceedingly interesting sure craziest election modern american history keeps getting crazier feeling even twists turns ahead sure seems ironic anthony weiner playing central role late story cant wait see store season finale courtesy michael snyder dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Daisy Luther
ag lynch told fbi director comey not to go public with the new clinton email investigation
posted on october by daisy luther oh loretta ill bet that ag loretta lynch is shaking in her boots right now because when hillary clinton goes down lynchs career will go down with her heck maybe theyll even be cellmates loretta lynchs ties to the clintons go back to when thenpresident bill clinton appointed her to run the brooklyn us attorneys office she left in and went into private practice but returned to the brooklyn office in at the behest of president barack obama heres her official bio in she was sworn in to become the rd attorney general of the united states taking the place of the blatantly corrupt attorney general eric holder who will probably be most famous for his roles in the fast and furious operation inciting racial tensions and his mishandling of the lois lernerirs debacle first there was the secret airplane meeting with bill clinton it all started to publicly go downhill for lynch during the first investigation into hillary clintons carelessness with national secrets via her home email server right before fbi director james comey was to meet with hillary clinton to interrogate her about the subject lynch was busted having a secret meeting with bill clinton the washington post reported clintons private unplanned meeting with attorney general loretta e lynch at the phoenix airport last week coming at a time when the justice department should be nearing completion of its examination of hillary clintons use of a private server for her emails as secretary of state will inevitably and negatively affect public attitudes about that investigation lynch has tried to make amends though not without leaving some confusion in her wake in a conversation friday with washington post editorial writer jonathan capehart at the aspen ideas festival she insisted again that the conversation was innocent about grandchildren and golf and such and did not touch on the investigation of the emails but she said she recognized that others would not see it that way the fact that the meeting that i had is now casting a shadow over how people are going to view that work is something that i take seriously and deeply and painfully she said lynch said that she would be accepting whatever recommendation the career prosecutors and fbi director james b comey bring her though she did not say she would remove herself completely from the case she also said she had made that decision some months ago but was only now making it public of course it was all much easier for lynch to abide by the decision when comey miraculously found that hillary clinton was not criminal in her negligence with national secrets now though people are asking questions about that illfounded meeting judicial watch has filed a lawsuit for all records related to the illicit meeting between attorney general lynch and former president bill clinton on june attorney general loretta lynch is reported to have met privately with former president bill clinton on board a parked private plane at sky harbor international airport in phoenix arizona the meeting occurred during the thenongoing investigation of mrs clintons email server and mere hours before the benghazi report was released publicly involving both mrs clinton and the obama administration judicial watch filed a request on june that the us department of justice office of the inspector general investigate that meeting republican presidential nominee donald trump suggested that during that meeting bill clinton may have offered to extend lynchs position in the ags office during a hillary clinton administration then she blocked a congressional investigation into the notorious iranian ransom payment last week ag lynch blocked a congressional investigation into the cash payments that the obama administration made to iran by pleading the fifth the washington free beacon reported attorney general loretta lynch is declining to comply with an investigation by leading members of congress about the obama administrations secret efforts to send iran billion in cash earlier this year prompting accusations that lynch has pleaded the fifth amendment to avoid incriminating herself over these payments according to lawmakers and communications exclusively obtained by the washington free beacon it is frankly unacceptable that your department refuses to answer straightforward questions from the peoples elected representatives in congress about an important national security issue the lawmakers wrote your staff failed to address any of our questions and instead provided a copy of public testimony and a lecture about the sensitivity of information associated with this issue as the united states chief law enforcement officer it is outrageous that you would essentially plead the fifth and refuse to respond to inquiries they stated the actions of your department come at time when iran continues to hold americans hostage and unjustly sentence them to prison how very judicial of her lynch tried to shut comey up about the new investigation into the clinton emails now even the mainstream media cant turn its head earlier i wrote about the fact that fbi director james comey made the decision on his own to go public about the new investigation into the hillary clinton emails but lets talk a little further about lynchs desperate attempts to shut him up the new york times reported that the justice department strongly discouraged comey against releasing the information the day before the fbi director james b comey sent a letter to congress announcing that new evidence had been discovered that might be related to the completed hillary clinton email investigation the justice department strongly discouraged the step and told him that he would be breaking with longstanding policy three law enforcement officials said on saturday senior justice department officials did not move to stop him from sending the letter officials said but they did everything short of it pointing to policies against talking about current criminal investigations or being seen as meddling in elections how interesting that its seen as influencing the election to investigate someone now but it wasnt back when she was investigated and not charged im not sure exactly how that works but according to usa today emphasis mine a federal official familiar with comeys decision said saturday that the fbi director considered the attorney generals advice during a spirited discussion of the matter thursday and early friday but felt compelled to act do you remember janet reno poor janet was another attorney general who went down for the clintons she was also sworn in as ag under bill clinton and many questioned her appointment at the time according to a report in the chicago tribune she arrived in washington from miami as caesars wife and so she has remained she was ignorant and independent of insider dc and has stayed that way bill clinton never much liked her and never confided in her and she reciprocated she became ag just in time to take the fall for the debacle in waco actually according to historycom the waco standoff had already begun by the time janet reno became the first female attorney general on march she approved the fbis tear gas plan the following month explaining that negotiations with the branch davidians had stalemated and that the children inside the compound were at risk we will never know whether there was a better solution reno said in everyone involved made their best judgments based on all the information we had nonetheless a republicanled congressional report called her decision premature wrong and highly irresponsible she was also criticized when facts emerged contradicting some of her earlier statements the tribune post continued to discuss renos position as a scapegoat every day since she took office she has been supervising at least one probe embarrassing to clintonwhitewater fundraising lewinsky china espionage etc clinton cant afford the political beating he would take if he cashiered her but no such attorney general could have survived the clinton scandals much less survived them with her own reputationand her departmentsintact attorney generals who have anything to do with the clintons dont seem to fare too well they end up so embroiled in clinton scandals that they too are pulled down into the mire regardless of what their intentions were when they started out lynch can see her futureand it has something to do with help wanted ads the last time lynch was involved in the clinton email kerfuffle she promised to abide by fbi director james comeys recommendation i wonder if shell make that same promise this time she really cant because if she does it will show she was complicit with the clintons the last time around and also this time when she decried comeys release of information about the investigation i wonder if she and hillary clinton will be able to get adjoining cells whenif the truth comes out courtesy of daisy luther dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
report exposes inner workings facebook clinton loyalists control newsfeed
posted october nathaniel mauka congress overwhelmingly voted patriot act nearly years ago civil liberties never since singular bill passed george w bush wasnt invasive enough allowing big banks demand internet data cybersecurity information sharing act cisa makes cyberspying shadow government financial entities controlling forgone conclusion shadow government legislation cybersecurity information sharing act packed hidden surveillance allowances cisa quietly passed allow government demand private companies hand personal information also allows companies mine data auspices governmentcreated urgency mere fact act passed late monumental since congress different forms decade election seems offered perfect cover americans activists busy arguing trump vs hillary scott talbott senior vice president government relations electronic transactions association believes value sharing personal data means alerted cyber threats outweighs hazard civil liberties talbott states value everyone alerted cyber threats take precautionary countermeasures materialize spread said cisa corrective measures could taken cyber threat done damage cisa allows company serve early warning system entire economy exactly would determining someone threat meat sandwich though cisa ripe abuse patriot act patriot act made legal law enforcement spy people without probable cause enter homes even strip search theyve court opportunity argue case given authorities motive type interrogation stated purpose patriot act deter terrorist acts united states terrorists already taken country cisa simply expands reach shadow government already proven reach beyond boundaries constitutional law importantly specifically cisa targeting multiple hackers infiltrated computer systems white house state department pentagon office personnel management along democratic national committee numerous multinational banks run cabal shadow government simply trying create stopgap elusive yet damning information made public cisa certainly expand reach government surveillance citizens conducted national security agency nsa former nsa contractor edward snowden exposed think bill meant surveillance bill start said justin harvey cso fidelis cybersecurity adding dubious stated intent bill use collective intelligence warn potential cyber attacks possibly stop occur result guise sharing cyber threats cisa allows companies wholesalecollect information may even threat pass along government bodies determine indeed threat sounds like circular logic beginning odd verbiage within bill justifications entering every possible orifice datagathering confounded octopus straight jacket government already enter personal property including home body cell computer legal inroads declare cyberthreat simply sending email begs question real cyberbully cisa seems nothing prevarication covering acts elite dont want secrets exposed nathaniel mauka researcher dark side government exopolitics staff writer waking times article distracted election noone resisted deep states patriot act originally created published waking times published creative commons license attribution nathaniel mauka wakingtimescom may reposted freely proper attribution author bio dont forget follow dc clothesline facebook twitter please help spread word sharing articles favorite social networks share
Theodore Shoebat
french political leader france is about to enter a holy war with islam embrace christianity never accept the religion of satan
posted by michael snyder in the world of politics the coverup is often worse than the original crime it was his role in the watergate coverup that took down richard nixon and now hillary clintons coverup of her email scandal could send her to prison for a very very long time when news broke that the fbi has renewed its investigation into hillary clintons emails it sent shockwaves throughout the political world but this time around we arent just talking about an investigation into the mishandling of classified documents i havent heard anyone talking about this but if the fbi discovers that hillary clinton altered destroyed or concealed any emails that should have been turned over to the fbi during the original investigation she could be charged with obstruction of justice that would immediately end her political career and if she was found guilty it could send her to prison for the rest of her life i have not seen a single news report mention the phrase obstruction of justice yet but i am convinced that there is a very good chance that this is where this scandal is heading the following is the relevant part of the federal statute that deals with obstruction of justice whoever knowingly alters destroys mutilates conceals covers up falsified or makes a false entry in any record document or tangible object with the intent to impede obstruct or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the united states or any case filed under title or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case shall be fined under this title imprisoned not more than years or both if hillary clinton is sent to prison for years that would essentially be for the rest of her life i have a feeling that the fbi is going to find a great deal of evidence of obstruction of justice in huma abedins emails but unfortunately there is not likely to be a resolution to this matter before november th because according to the wall street journal there are approximately emails to search through as federal agents prepare to scour roughly emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of hillary clinton s email use the surprise disclosure that investigators were pursuing the potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside the bureau and the justice department over how to investigate the democratic presidential nominee metadata found on the laptop used by former rep anthony weiner and his estranged wife huma abedin a close clinton aide suggests there may be thousands of emails sent to or from the private server that mrs clinton used while she was secretary of state according to people familiar with the matter it will take weeks at a minimum to determine whether those messages are workrelated from the time ms abedin served with mrs clinton at the state department how many are duplicates of emails already reviewed by the federal bureau of investigation and whether they include either classified information or important new evidence in the clinton email probe of those emails an inside source told fox news that at least would be of interest to the investigation at this point fbi officials have not even begun searching through the emails because a search warrant has not been secured yet the following comes from cnn government lawyers havent yet approached abedins lawyers to seek an agreement to conduct the search sources earlier told cnn that those discussions had begun but the law enforcement officials now say they have not either way government lawyers plan to seek a search warrant from a judge to conduct the search of the computer the law enforcement officials said but the fbi is reportedly already searching a laptop that was coowned by anthony weiner and huma abedin and no warrant was necessary for that search because weiner is cooperating with the fbi many have been wondering why fbi director james comey would choose to make such a bold move just over a week until election day surely he had to know that this would have a dramatic impact on the election and it is unlikely that he would have done so unless someone had already found something really big in addition comey was reportedly eager to find an opportunity to redeem himself in the eyes of his peers at the fbi the following is an excerpt from a daily mail article that was written by ed klein the author of a recently released new york times bestseller about the clintons entitled guilty as sin the atmosphere at the fbi has been toxic ever since jim announced last july that he wouldnt recommend an indictment against hillary said the source a close friend who has known comey for nearly two decades shares family outings with him and accompanies him to catholic mass every week some people including department heads stopped talking to jim and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall said the source they felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting hillary off with a slap on the wrist according to the source comey fretted over the problem for months and discussed it at great length with his wife patrice he told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents the letters reminded him every day that morale in the fbi had hit rock bottom so what happens next in the most likely scenario the fbi will not have time to complete the investigation and decide whether or not to charge hillary clinton before the election this means that we would go into november th with this scandal hanging over the clinton campaign and that would seem to be very good news for donald trump however it is possible that once the fbi starts searching through these emails that they could come to the conclusion very rapidly that charges against clinton are warranted and if that happens we could still see some sort of announcement before election day in the unlikely event that does happen we could actually see hillary clinton forced out of the race before november th once again this appears to be very unlikely at this point but it is still possible if clinton was forced to step aside the democrats would need to come up with a new nominee and that process would take time in an article later today on the most important news i will reveal who i believe that nominee would be in such a scenario the democrats would desperately need time to get their act together and so we could actually see barack obama attempt to delay or suspend the election the legality of such a move is highly questionable but barack obama has not allowed a little thing like the us constitution to stop him in the past this week is going to be exceedingly interesting that is for sure the craziest election in modern american history just keeps getting crazier and i have a feeling that even more twists and turns are ahead it sure seems ironic that anthony weiner is playing such a central role this late in the story and i cant wait to see what is in store for the season finale courtesy of michael snyder dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
clinton goes loretta lynch go
michael snyder world politics coverup often worse original crime role watergate coverup took richard nixon hillary clintons coverup email scandal could send prison long time news broke fbi renewed investigation hillary clintons emails sent shockwaves throughout political world time around arent talking investigation mishandling classified documents havent heard anyone talking fbi discovers hillary clinton altered destroyed concealed emails turned fbi original investigation could charged obstruction justice would immediately end political career found guilty could send prison rest life seen single news report mention phrase obstruction justice yet convinced good chance scandal heading following relevant part federal statute deals obstruction justice whoever knowingly alters destroys mutilates conceals covers falsified makes false entry record document tangible object intent impede obstruct influence investigation proper administration matter within jurisdiction department agency united states case filed title relation contemplation matter case shall fined title imprisoned years hillary clinton sent prison years would essentially rest life feeling fbi going find great deal evidence obstruction justice huma abedins emails unfortunately likely resolution matter november th according wall street journal approximately emails search federal agents prepare scour roughly emails see many relate prior probe hillary clinton email use surprise disclosure investigators pursuing potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside bureau justice department investigate democratic presidential nominee metadata found laptop used former rep anthony weiner estranged wife huma abedin close clinton aide suggests may thousands emails sent private server mrs clinton used secretary state according people familiar matter take weeks minimum determine whether messages workrelated time ms abedin served mrs clinton state department many duplicates emails already reviewed federal bureau investigation whether include either classified information important new evidence clinton email probe emails inside source told fox news least would interest investigation point fbi officials even begun searching emails search warrant secured yet following comes cnn government lawyers havent yet approached abedins lawyers seek agreement conduct search sources earlier told cnn discussions begun law enforcement officials say either way government lawyers plan seek search warrant judge conduct search computer law enforcement officials said fbi reportedly already searching laptop coowned anthony weiner huma abedin warrant necessary search weiner cooperating fbi many wondering fbi director james comey would choose make bold move week election day surely know would dramatic impact election unlikely would done unless someone already found something really big addition comey reportedly eager find opportunity redeem eyes peers fbi following excerpt daily mail article written ed klein author recently released new york times bestseller clintons entitled guilty sin atmosphere fbi toxic ever since jim announced last july wouldnt recommend indictment hillary said source close friend known comey nearly two decades shares family outings accompanies catholic mass every week people including department heads stopped talking jim even ignored greetings passed hall said source felt betrayed brought disgrace bureau letting hillary slap wrist according source comey fretted problem months discussed great length wife patrice told wife depressed stack resignation letters piling desk disaffected agents letters reminded every day morale fbi hit rock bottom happens next likely scenario fbi time complete investigation decide whether charge hillary clinton election means would go november th scandal hanging clinton campaign would seem good news donald trump however possible fbi starts searching emails could come conclusion rapidly charges clinton warranted happens could still see sort announcement election day unlikely event happen could actually see hillary clinton forced race november th appears unlikely point still possible clinton forced step aside democrats would need come new nominee process would take time article later today important news reveal believe nominee would scenario democrats would desperately need time get act together could actually see barack obama attempt delay suspend election legality move highly questionable barack obama allowed little thing like us constitution stop past week going exceedingly interesting sure craziest election modern american history keeps getting crazier feeling even twists turns ahead sure seems ironic anthony weiner playing central role late story cant wait see store season finale courtesy michael snyder
Claire Bernish
report exposes inner workings of facebook and how clinton loyalists control your newsfeed
posted on october by nathaniel mauka congress overwhelmingly voted for the patriot act nearly years ago and our civil liberties have never been the same since as if this singular bill passed by george w bush wasnt invasive enough allowing big banks to demand our internet data and more the cybersecurity information sharing act cisa makes cyberspying by the shadow government and the financial entities controlling it a forgone conclusion as with most shadow government legislation the cybersecurity information sharing act is packed with hidden surveillance allowances cisa was quietly passed to allow government to demand that private companies hand over personal information to them at will it also allows companies to mine data under the auspices of governmentcreated urgency the mere fact that this act passed in late is monumental since it has been before congress in different forms for over a decade the election seems to have offered the perfect cover as americans and activists were too busy arguing over trump vs hillary scott talbott senior vice president of government relations at the electronic transactions association believes the value of sharing our personal data as a means to be alerted of cyber threats outweighs any hazard to our civil liberties talbott states the value is that everyone can be alerted to cyber threats and take precautionary countermeasures before they materialize and spread he said before cisa corrective measures could be taken only after the cyber threat had done its damage cisa allows each company to serve as an early warning system to the entire economy who exactly would be determining if someone is a threat is the meat of the sandwich though cisa is ripe for abuse just as the patriot act has been the patriot act has made it legal for law enforcement to spy on people without probable cause to enter their homes or even to strip search them before theyve been to court had the opportunity to argue a case or given authorities a motive for this type of interrogation the stated purpose of the patriot act was to deter terrorist acts in the united states but what do you do when the terrorists have already taken over your country cisa simply expands the reach of a shadow government which has already been proven to reach beyond the boundaries of constitutional law more importantly who specifically is cisa targeting after multiple hackers have infiltrated computer systems at the white house the state department the pentagon and the office of personnel management along with the democratic national committee and numerous multinational banks run by the cabal is the shadow government simply trying to create a stopgap before their most elusive yet damning information is made public cisa certainly will expand the reach of government surveillance on citizens as it has been conducted by the the national security agency nsa before former nsa contractor edward snowden exposed it i think this bill was meant to be a surveillance bill from the start said justin harvey cso of fidelis cybersecurity adding that he is dubious that the stated intent of the bill to use collective intelligence to warn of potential cyber attacks and possibly stop them before they occur will result under the guise of sharing cyber threats cisa allows companies to wholesalecollect information that may not even be a threat and then pass it along for government bodies to determine if it is indeed a threat if this sounds like circular logic it is just the beginning of the odd verbiage within the bill its justifications for entering every possible orifice for datagathering are more confounded than an octopus in a straight jacket the government can already enter your personal property including your home your body your cell and your computer but now they will have a legal inroads to declare you a cyberthreat simply for sending an email this begs the question who is the real cyberbully cisa seems to be nothing more than a prevarication covering the acts of an elite few who dont want their secrets exposed nathaniel mauka is a researcher of the dark side of government and exopolitics and a staff writer for waking times this article distracted by election noone resisted the deep states patriot act was originally created and published by waking times and is published here under a creative commons license with attribution to nathaniel mauka and wakingtimescom it may be reposted freely with proper attribution and author bio dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
hillary clinton charged obstruction justice could go prison years
claire bernish censorship facebook become thorn side nearly anyone opinion differing narrative touted corporate press instance sentiments praising hillary clinton new report reuters emails published wikileaks insight certain posts targeted facebook relies combination artificial intelligence human judgment remove posts deemed offensive violent otherwise unacceptable community standards precisely ultimate call take posts pages groups made remains unknown facebook takedowns matter improvements process social media behemoth claims make less controversial questionable whose posts censored little recourse argue case recent examples headscratchers led international uproar include facebooks removal iconic vietnam war photograph phan th? kim phúc yearsold captured film associated press photographer fleeing aftermath errant napalm attack near buddhist pagoda village trang bang photograph helped cement collective american mind horrors war ultimately fueled success antiwar effort facebook arbitrarily pulled image nudity proceeded even ban page conservative prime minister norway also posting image ultimately social media company reversed course case also taking equally iconic image civil rights leader rosa parks arrest taking image kim phúc might simply error ai since used specific example training teams responsible content removal two unnamed former facebook employees told reuters trainers told contentmonitoring staffers photo violated facebook policy despite historical significance depicted naked child distress photographed without consent employees told reuters final decision reverse censorship facebook head community operations division justin osofsky admitted mistake according reuters many current former facebook employees spoke condition anonymity process judging posts deserve remove allowed certain instances left discretion small cadre companys elite executives addition osofsky global policy chief monika bickert government relations chief joel kaplan vice president public policy communications elliot schrage facebook chief operating officer sheryl sandberg make final call censorship appeals five studied harvard four undergraduate graduate degrees elite institution sandberg hold law degrees three executives longstanding personal ties sandberg outlet notes chief executive mark zuckerberg also occasionally offers guidance difficult decisions others company spokeswoman christine chen explained facebook broad diverse global network involved content policy enforcement different managers senior executives pulled depending region issue hand receiving end could described lopsided inexplicable censorship recourse generally limited nearly impossible come often nature posts pages removed insinuates political motivations part censors indeed flaring international controversy facebook disabled among others accounts editors quds shehab new agency prominent palestinian media organizations without explanation even specific example given justification although three four palestinianfocused accounts restored facebook refused comment either reuters accounts owners decision reversed except say error fact although chen facebook insiders spoke reuters directly contentious content removal policies procedures many details processes remain covert sorely intransparent public often forced cope consequences earlier year exposé gizmodo showing facebooks suppression conservative outlets via trending topics section appeared evidence extreme bias favor liberal corporate media mainstays alternative media provides reports counter mainstream political foreign policy paradigm often subject controversial takedowns censorship suppressive tactics either directly facebook convoluted algorithms artificial intelligence bots however considering sheryl sandberg loyalists populate toplevel group deciding fate content removal complaints would appear wikileaks could provide answers post censorship suppression outlets vowing complete fealty preferred leftleaning narrative june email clinton campaign chair john podesta enormous cache whose emails still published daily basis wikileaks penned sandberg response condolences death husband states part still want hrc win badly still help came magical kids wave post removals temporary page bans appears facebook begun come senses actually violates community standards might political worth contrary views executives senior members facebooks policy team recently posted laxing rules governing community standards though welcome might provide temporary relief quoted wall street journal wrote weeks ahead going begin allowing items people find newsworthy significant important public interesteven might otherwise violate standards social media giant deems technology news platform facebook still bouncing point issues interest overwhelming percentage users although perhaps responsibility regard removal certain content putting censorship hands individuals certain instances chilling reminder fragility grave importance free speech