5 values
8 values
2 values
Dottie Langhals
no title
in obamaland
newt gingrich defends donald trump sexual predator accusations
difference make americans military civilians unite anything
Ronnie Allen
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wow ever notice how when a liar is caught heshe cand cough up more lies to cover lies and with speed they know in advance when there lying what type of cover up lie will be needed they are the true experts in lies and cya when there caught both ovomit and hitlery are experts in the liars club and the cya gathering there both unbelievable in what ever there tell the american people as sooner or later it comes back to bite them in the old butt
scumbags want try claim emails illegitimate stolen listen closely see always careful never deny emails typical politicianspeak need hanged treason
Drew Dickey
no title
obama himself denied any knowledge of the server i should believe him because he said we could keep our same doctor and its called affordable care act yup i should believe him
hillarys america secret history democratic party httpwwwtagtelecomvideosvoir
Ronnie Allen
no title
i know hitlery and the dear leader are in full cover my a mode and so tense you couldnt drive a toothpick up their rears with a sledge hammer because they know there is provable crimes and corruption still to be released in those emails for me the vast difference in the rally crowds are the indicator of just how many of the american people believe anything hillary or this admnistration says
cover ups lies trust current government officials top bottom everyone needs go
No Author
newt gingrich defends donald trump against sexual predator accusations
what difference does it make when most americans military and civilians do not unite to do anything about it
josh dont stop talking sit american people fed spewing lies coming administration destruction country come end people spoken time change long time coming trump would say time drain swamp
Nana Papa Mattos
no title
these scumbags want to try and claim the emails are illegitimate because they were stolen but if you listen closely you will see they are always very careful to never deny what is in the emails typical politicianspeak they all need to be hanged for treason
dont believe anything comes obama hillarys mouth
Rick Payne
no title
hillarys america the secret history of the democratic party httpwwwtagtelecomvideosvoir
didnt question sending emails name adress president knowledge sec state actions find difficult believe insulting
Tina Martin
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more cover ups and lies i do not trust any of them our current government officials from the top to the bottom and everyone in between needs to go
money laundering scheme exposed proclinton super pacs nonprofits implicated
would borderlinemoron leftleaningdemocrat think obamba didnt know witch covens server every single email sent received printed consumption unique clandestine address clintonemailcom could clear even obamba often opened email sent email cognizant sendto address
Topher Frankenberg
no title
josh why dont you just stop talking and sit down the american people are fed up with the spewing of lies coming from this administration its over the destruction of our country has come to an end the people have spoken and the time for change has been a long time coming as trump would say its time to drain the swamp
treasonous lying narcissistical sociopathic bastardswhen trump says need drain swamp whateverhes wrong whos going hes back hes dredging filth swamp political washington corporate skid marks along corrupt banksters especially fed reservewho
Nancy Moore
no title
i dont believe anything that comes out of obama or hillarys mouth
years later elizabeth smart realizes kidnapping even worse parents
lies liescannot trust liars
Rhonda Gilmore
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so he didnt question where he was sending emails that her name was on adress the president had no knowledge of his sec of state actions i find this very difficult to believe and insulting
revote states already voted voting machines rigged every vote goes hillary clinton must stop guys responsible rigging voter machines complaints voters voted straight party republican told news votes changed machine democrate instead put papers need old fashion paper vote done even takes longer avoid machines
No Author
money laundering scheme exposed proclinton super pacs nonprofits implicated
you would have to be a borderlinemoron or a leftleaningdemocrat to think obamba didnt know about the witch and her covens server every single email he sent received or had printed for his consumption had the unique and clandestine address of clintonemailcom what could be more clear to even obamba how often have you opened an email or sent an email when you were not cognizant of the sendto or from address
another suggestion would independent monitors actually use machines nov th cast number votes immediately look votes recorded find tamperingcan machines recalibrated thrown
Jerry Miller
no title
they are all treasonous lying narcissistical sociopathic bastardswhen trump says they need to drain the swamp or whateverhes not wrong but whos going to have hes back when hes dredging the filth out of the swamp that is political washington and all the corporate skid marks along with the corrupt banksters and especially the fed reservewho
everyone see construciton worker took drill damaged mr trumps star hollywood walk fame boy bunch evil doers bet hillary obama thugs wonder much paid balloney obama visited california yesterday coindence poor losers
No Author
years later elizabeth smart realizes kidnapping was even worse for her parents
lies and more liescannot trust any of those liars
trump way
Dave Sterling
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they have to revote all the states that already voted because the voting machines were rigged up so every vote goes to the hillary clinton the must stop the guys responsible for this rigging up the voter machines complaints from the voters their whom voted straight party republican told the news that all their votes were changed in the machine to democrate instead of what they put on their papers they need a old fashion paper vote re done even if it takes longer and avoid the machines
florida mass ot election fraud anything prevent time business usual dems
Frank Clayton
no title
another suggestion would have an independent monitors actually use the machines before nov th cast a number of votes and immediately look at how those votes were recorded if they find a tamperingcan have the machines recalibrated or thrown out
wh press secretary says obamas denial clinton server entirely factual
trump victory sure
Alan Elstob
no title
did everyone see where a construciton worker took out his drill and damaged mr trumps star on hollywood walk of fame boy what a bunch evil doers and you can bet they are hillary and obama thugs wonder how much she paid for that balloney obama just visited california yesterday what a coindence such poor losers
president trump
Wanda Freeman Lay
no title
trump all the way
vote trump get vote take friend friends want safe countryclinton need take pocket book bill home want bill first lady white house remember last timetrump work people instead pocket book wont nice please vote thank
Rich Ledergerber
no title
florida had a mass ot election fraud in did they do anything to prevent it this time or is it just business as usual for the dems down there
actually pick axhes lawyer activist says arrested times wanted remove intact sell give proceeds women victims donald trump video tmj bragging
No Author
wh press secretary says obamas denial about clinton server was entirely factual
trump victory for sure
total idiot ever get job oh forgot working
Barry Branscum
no title
president trump
im horrified shes washington post shes typical get paper left wing bias im glad orilley called
Doug Shelp
no title
vote for trump we can do it get out and vote and take a friend or friends we want a safe countryclinton need to take her pocket book and bill home do you want bill to be first lady in our white house do you remember the last timetrump will work for all the people instead of his pocket book wont that be nice please vote thank you
got received seekingher fifteen minutes
Margaret Seymour Pope
no title
actually it was a pick axhes a lawyer activist so he says and has been arrested times wanted to remove it intact to sell it and give the proceeds to the women victims of donald trump he has a video on tmj bragging about it
love libtards get handed platter great job reilly
Amy Bell
no title
she is a total idiot how did she ever get that job oh i forgot who she was working for
many us share donald trumps past values love america opinion preserve protect constitution protect second amendment send son daughter harms way unless good reason support partialbirth abortion wants fix inner cities infrastructure improve economy bring jobs back usa nationalist globalist protect vets dying streets park benches get help need supports police firemen military men women protect borders criminal elements terrorist leave americans die foreign countries hands terrorist professed christian changed man according many christian leaders pastors reasons vote donald trump
Lisa Blake Bilinski
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im not horrified shes with the washington post shes typical of what you get with that paper left wing bias im glad orilley called her out
long world denies jesus lord savior remain condemned sight godjohn believe word god rule jesus told us love enemies bless curse good hate pray despitefully use persecute ye may children father heaven must remain faithful god showing love world leave world judgement godif want world behave differently convert themdont condemn
Terry Coleman
no title
she got and received just what she was seekingher fifteen minutes
cant even prove god exists would believe anything god says fortunately congress supposed vote law equality stupid outdated book fictional people accounts
Pat Cocivera
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i love it when libtards get their a handed to them on a platter great job o reilly
judges become national lexicographers marriage newly defined john roberts tells us penalty synonymous tax
Larry Gallo
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many of us do not share donald trumps past values but we do love america in my opinion it is not about him it is about who will preserve and a protect the constitution who will protect the second amendment who will not send your son or daughter into harms way unless there is a good reason who does not support partialbirth abortion who wants to fix our inner cities and our infrastructure who will improve our economy and bring jobs back to the usa who is a nationalist and not a globalist who will protect our vets from dying in the streets and on park benches and get them help when they need it who supports our police firemen military men and women who will protect our borders from criminal elements and terrorist who will not leave americans to die in foreign countries under the hands of terrorist who is now a professed christian and changed man according to many christian leaders and pastors these are just a few reasons to vote for donald trump
goodbye trash
Elbert Kelly Sr
no title
as long as the world denies jesus as lord and savior they remain condemned in the sight of godjohn so until they believe the word of god has no rule over them but jesus told us to love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven we must remain faithful to god by showing our love for the world and leave the world to the judgement of godif you want the world to behave differently convert themdont condemn them
say send hillary bengazi let live mr stephens murdered nothing help
Emmett Edwards
no title
you cant even prove your god exists why would i believe anything this god says fortunately we have a congress who is supposed to vote on the law of equality and not on some stupid outdated book with fictional people and accounts
shawn please dont send canada enough prime minister trying ruin country bad shape sinking debt minute shawn best fox
no title
no judges have become the national lexicographers marriage is newly defined and john roberts now tells us that penalty is now synonymous with tax
ayers right jail first corrupt sleezes exported
Steve Lewis
no title
goodbye with the trash
clinton pockets cover clinton corrupt criminal cartel charity foundation pays brothers wanna ownership property chelseas medical apartment nyc secret account camen islands wherever keep secret money days
Rico Mapster
no title
i say send him and hillary to bengazi and let them live where mr stephens was murdered and they did nothing to help
announcement wrh server continues intense attack hillarys tantrum squad site keeps bouncing back day cannot connect wait minute two try thank patience obvious bad guys state total panic act like thought day seek peace knowing peace climate freedom dwight eisenhower random dhs monitored phrase day dera paid advertising really happened may represent views opinions website contributors endorsement products services advertised either expressed implied hillary spy updated info let us start historical fact treason betrayal highest levels common feature history whether judas vs jesus brutus vs julius caesar benedict arnold rosenbergs jonathan pollard aldrich ames robert hanssen fact life happen back bill clinton running reelection authorized transfer highly sensitive technology china technology military applications allowed china close gap missile performance united states transfers opposed severely criticized defense department time bill clinton transferring technology china huge donations began pour reelection campaign us companies allowed sell technology china american citizens chinese descent fact us citizens allowed donate political campaigns later emerged acting conduits cash coming asian sources including chinese intelligence agencies scandal eventually became known chinagate john huang close associate indonesian industrialist james riady huang initially appointed deputy secretary commerce however moved democratic national committee generated hundreds thousands dollars illegal contributions foreign sources huang later pleaded guilty one felony count campaign finance violations charlie trie like john huang trie raised hundreds thousands dollars illegal contributions foreign sources democratic campaign entities regular white house visitor arranged meetings foreign operators clinton including one chinese arms dealer contribution clintons legal defense fund returned found largely funded asian interests trie convicted violating campaign finance laws one tries main sources cash chinese billionaire ng lap seng according senate report ng lap seng connections chinese government seng arrested unrelated bribery case gave investigators opportunity question seng chinagate scandal former united nations general assembly president john ashe also caught bribery case testify links clintons seng found dead morning initially reported died heart attack johns throat obviously crushed point official story changed accidentally dropping barbell throat ng lap seng clintons johnny chung gave democratic national committee prior campaign returned officials learned came illegal foreign sources chung later told special senate committee investigating clinton campaign fundraising contributions came individuals chinese intelligence chung pleaded guilty bank fraud tax evasion campaign finance violations chinagate documented judicial watch uncovered judicial watch founder larry klayman technology companies allegedly made donations millions dollars various democratic party entities including president bill clintons reelection campaign return permission sell hightech secrets china bernard schwartz loral space communication ltd later allegedly helped china identify cause rocket failure thereby advancing chinas missile program threatening us national security according records establishes history clintons treating us secrets personal property selling raise money campaigns history repeating appears let us consider private email server weak security least one known totally open access point encryption outside control monitoring systems us government parked many nations closely guarded secrets well united nations foreign governments already established hillarys email hacked one hacker named guccifer provided copies emails russia today published
Bob Wright
no title
shawn please dont send him to canada we have enough of our prime minister who is trying to ruin our country it is bad in shape we are sinking into debt by the minute shawn you are the best on fox
jorge cabrera scandal first lady photoop convicted cocaine dealer inline star economics section page star usemap october first lady photoop convicted cocaine dealer inside white house secured perimeter staff journalists daily republican newspaper inline washington desk justice department released wednesday photographs showing convicted miami cocaine trafficker seen standing next posing vice president al gore two attending party florida last december apparently cabrera asked make large donation clintongore campaign exchange perks like hobnobbing al gore first lady hillary rodham clinton jorge cabreras cash contributions clintongore campaign generous cabrera also invited white house gained entrance without fbi secret service security clearance inline cnn reported wednesday cabreras attorney stephen bronis said given clintongore campaign intended buy protection drug smuggling lobster stone crab fishery keys felt contribution might promote future course bronis said clintongore campaign returned last week full story reached abc news clinton administration asked comment media cabrera arrested january miami drug bust nearly three tons cocaine cabrera arrested pleaded guilty one drug count also imprisoned narcotics charges report picture cabrera gore impounded justice department prompted angry reaction republicans including bob doles presidential campaign house speaker newt gingrich rep bob livingston louisiana chairman house appropriations committee republicans sent letters attorney general janet reno directors fbi secret service seeking information cabrera campaign contribution livingston asked federal agencies complete accounting facts relating story within three days whether cabrera dined white house details relationship clinton gore dine passed fbi secret service scrutiny gain access us attorneys office miami contacted reporters justice said would provide photographs cabrera gore florida white house reporters requested monday justice department attempted claim cabreras story covered privacy act law turning media request information arrest cocaine possession tons illegal drug dealing janet reno put information photo cabrera gore clinton could released without consent cabrera later justice department release photographs cabrera submitted written authorization delay justice department appeared effort distance accusations mounting american public justice department receiving guidance clinton white house vice presidents office timing janet renos investigation justice says looking breach national security cabreras ready access secured areas white house grounds entered invited quest president clinton dinner photoops comment
Kenan Lott
no title
ayers your right jail first for all the corrupt sleezes then exported
click full size picturek theory theory downing aircraft derived two reported wreckage sites lie weather given government loss three radio links time plane still miles crash site signs plane sabotaged first claims made time newsweek ron browns plane crashed worst storm decade directly contradicted weather report issued dubrovnik airport tower adjacent crash site storm simply exist plane carrying ron brown party still miles crash site mile air normal approach path three radio based links three separate propagation paths failed time according aviation week space technology article dubrovnik tower lost voice radio contact time aircraft vanished screens approach radar split awacs lets look split radar first split radar watches approach dubrovnik airport ron brown aircraft dropped radar screen contrary silly claims made newsgroup plane flying mountains water open space around radar split routinely tracks aircraft airspace without problem normal split radar lose traffic point approach path nobody would mentioned would normal expected behavior nothing unusual comment made target dropping split radar establishes unusual event split radar like atc radar tracks primarily aircraft transponder split radar lost track ron brown aircraft lost transponder return aircraft still approach path although starting veer slightly left lets look awacs awacs system designed track nontranspondered targets radar hits placed computer system keeps list tries match returns present radar sweep returns previous sweeps order generate meaningful target tracking data operators weapons management systems part process involves target target comparisons make certain computer thinks target xyz sweep target thought xyz last sweep total workload computer power function total number nontranspondered targets carried target list target transponder awacs track target using transponder return less computer power needed transpondered target workload nontranspondered targets reduced know awacs tracking ron brown plane via transponder awacs lost track time split radar lost transponder return awacs tracking ron brown plane via skinpaint reason lose track aircraft time split awacs reported losing contact could surmise either awacs tracking skin paint split radar suffered momentary failure case also true awacs could immediately reacquired ron brown aircraft skin paint known fact computers add nontranspondered target awacs watch bosnia dubrovnik airport two radar tracks propagating along two different paths come together one common point single failure could make aircraft vanish split awacs radar transponder ron brown aircraft failure transponder explanation ron brown plane vanishing two different radar screens time still miles crash site mile adriatic sea time aircraft vanished radars split awacs dubrovnik tower reported lost voice radio contact aircraft third distinct propagation path awacs split fact direct line sight dubrovnik tower location approach path radio contact lost intervening geological features block radio signal dubrovnik tower continued communicate aircraft area radios tower fault data reported aviation week space technology article shows evidence two sperate systems board ron brown aircraft failed time cockpit radios radar transponder radios radar transponders come together one common point single failure could make aircraft vanish split awacs lose voice radio contact dubrovnik tower electrical system failed mid air still miles crash site mile adriatic sea approach path know problem extended beyond electrical system simple prior loss radio flight crew acknowledged receiving weather report knew clear air beneath one reason flight crew suddenly without instruments descend cloud layer clear air knew thats event severed electrical cables also severed flight control cables occupy midline conduit possible trigger given unscheduled nature trip timer would useless pinpoint exact geographic location detonation however knowing approach pattern airport location adriatic selected altitude aircraft along glide slope simplest explanation fits twin wreckage sites early news reports water crash altitude triggered bomb placed aircraft prior departure aircraft climbs certain altitude device armed aircraft descends trigger altitude say feet device detonates plane make shore reports pointed weather ideal pilot even best navigation aids world would fully justified delaying descent order stay clear air long possible ducking quickly clouds find airfield means altitude triggered bomb would detonated far closer land expected result portions wreckage came shore mile spread wreckage sites indicates airborne event blew part aircraft mile distance coupled shallow impact angle suggests aircraft still flyable pilot may trying make airfield crash hill occurred thermite used impossible state based information available public thermite definite possibility made using available materials show various detectors would sense chemical explosives c thermite ignited burns half temperature surface sun would burn aluminum aircraft ease packed suitcase near top baggage compartment converted would ideal location sever control linkages short planes electrical system well burning hole skin dumping debris ocean bad weather several reports media dubrovnik grip worst storm decade true seen weather information contained aviation week article first news articles reuters weather exceptionally bad indeed wind conditions excellent providing knot head wind cross component runway perfect landing conditions overcast feet visibility km miles assorted news articles washington april upi us air force plane carrying commerce secretary ron brown adriatic sea near port city dubrovnik tuesday officials said white house said wreckage spotted adriatic sea near dubrovnik debris apparently came plane carrying brown undetermined number leading us business executives trade mission bosniaherzegovina wreckage adriatic pentagon official told united press international speaking condition anonymity nato officials aviano air base italy said plane crashed approach dubrovnik airport said rescue mission french aircraft carrier first scene search survivors later joined u helicopters c aircraft croatian officials told cnn plane crashed mountain near dubrovnik report could immediately confirmed nato said plane disappeared radar pm local time three minutes cleared landing dubrovnik traffic controllers craft identified military equivalent boeing white house press secretary mike mccurry said plane three hours overdue landing dubrovnik tuzla northern bosnia herzegovina indication foul play related planes crash mechanical likely reason crash nobody could plant bomb plane tuzla operated us military sea nobodys gonna shoot pentagon official said chances anyone surviving crash somewhere slim none said used us secretary defense william perry secretary state warren christopher recent trips balkans officials said weather conditions extremely poor near dubrovnik time crash brown traveling passengers crew members including us business leaders seeking help develop bosnia countrys fouryear war white house said looking actually aboard plane delegation proceed zagreb croatian capital meet croatian political leaders local us businessmen brown return washington friday us president bill clinton canceled planned appearance justice department following reports plane missing brown due spend three days bosniaherzegovina croatia joining business leaders meetings local government business leaders bid stimulate us investment war ravaged region brown also meeting tour us soldiers assigned regions multinational peacekeeping mission brown told reporters tuesday paris rebuilding region would cost estimated billion world bank president james wolfensohn also touring region week conference donor nations scheduled next week belgium washington april upi us air force plane carrying commerce secretary ron brown crashed adriatic sea near port city dubrovnik wednesday officials said white house said wreckage spotted adriatic sea near dubrovnik debris apparently came plane carrying brown undetermined number leading us business executives trade mission bosniaherzegovina wreckage adriatic pentagon official told united press international speaking condition anonymity nato officials aviano air base italy said plane crashed approach dubrovnik airport said rescue mission french aircraft carrier first scene search survivors later joined u helicopters c aircraft nato said plane disappeared radar pm local time three minutes cleared landing dubrovnik traffic controllers craft identified military equivalent boeing white house press secretary mike mccurry said plane three hours overdue landing dubrovnik tuzla northern bosnia herzegovina indication foul play related planes crash mechanical likely reason crash nobody could plant bomb plane tuzla operated us military sea nobodys gonna shoot pentagon official said chances anyone surviving crash somewhere slim none said used us secretary defense william perry secretary state warren christopher recent trips balkans officials said weather conditions extremely poor near dubrovnik time crash brown traveling passengers crew members including us business leaders seeking help develop bosnia countrys fouryear war white house said looking actually aboard plane delegation proceed zagreb croatian capital meet croatian political leaders local us businessmen brown return washington friday us president bill clinton canceled planned appearance justice department following reports plane missing brown due spend three days bosniaherzegovina croatia joining business leaders meetings local government business leaders bid stimulate us investment war ravaged region brown also meeting tour us soldiers assigned regions multinational peacekeeping mission brown told reporters tuesday paris rebuilding region would cost estimated billion world bank president james wolfensohn also touring region week conference donor nations scheduled next week belgium washington april upi us air force plane carrying commerce secretary ron brown highlevel trade mission crashed wednesday near port city dubrovnik officials said white house said wreckage spotted adriatic sea near dubrovnik debris apparently came plane carrying brown undetermined number leading us business executives trade mission bosniaherzegovina mccurry said later two possible crash sites investigated one land one sea first site based civilian reports wreckage sea croatian sources informed us officials site land approximately miles km southeast dubrovnik croatian state news agency reported bodies three men one woman recovered location near velido town mountains south dubrovnik nato officials aviano air base italy said plane crashed approach dubrovnik airport said helicopters nearby french frigate us ships first scene search survivors later joined us helicopters c aircraft nato said plane disappeared radar pm local time three minutes cleared landing dubrovnik traffic controllers craft identified military equivalent boeing white house press secretary mike mccurry said officials alerted plane three hours overdue scheduled landing dubrovnik tuzla northern bosniaherzegovina indication foul play related planes crash mechanical likely reason crash nobody could plant bomb plane tuzla operated us military sea nobodys gonna shoot pentagon official said chances anyone surviving crash somewhere slim none said plane used us secretary defense william perry secretary state warren christopher recent trips balkans officials said weather conditions extremely poor near dubrovnik time crash brown traveling passengers crew members including us business leaders seeking help develop bosnia countrys fouryear war white house said looking actually aboard plane commerce spokeswoman maria cardona said still unsure business executives approximately commerce employees accompanying brown actually aboard plane us officials confirmed harza engineering co chairman john scoville chicago ill abb inc president robert donovan norwalk conn aboard plane brown business leaders including transportation telecommunications business leaders traveling brown several left travel since tuzla delegation proceed zagreb croatian capital meet croatian political leaders local us businessmen brown return washington friday us president bill clinton canceled business day visited brown family home washington receiving information crash brown due spend three days bosniaherzegovina croatia joining business leaders meetings local government business leaders bid stimulate us investment war ravaged region brown also meeting tour us soldiers assigned regions multinational peacekeeping mission brown told reporters tuesday paris rebuilding region would cost estimated billion world bank president james wolfensohn also touring region week conference donor nations scheduled next week belgium washington april upi president clinton awaiting final word wednesday fate friend political ally commerce secretary ron brown made emotional visits browns home federal department spoke distraught federal workers hearing mid morning military plane carrying brown crashed near adriatic coast croatia clinton wasted little time sharing grief trying console brown family friends workers browns son michael daughter tracey family spokesman said browns still holding hope president first lady hillary rodham clinton dressed dark suits wearing solemn faces spent nearly hour browns washington home lived wife alma couriers also arrived flowers wellwishers secret service checked bunch allowing townhouse clintons emerged home located affluent secluded chatworth neighborhood washington heads first lady appearing choke back tears brown head democratic national committee clinton partys presidential nominee greatly credited playing key role putting democrat white house visit family clintons immediately headed across town commerce department headquarters president addressed employees packed auditorium clinton told gathering wife administration officials came employees commerce department difficult hour plane carrying secretary brown delegation including number colleagues business leaders leaders united states military went today near dubrovnik croatia clinton told workers know sure happened clinton said asked browns wife tell department workers said tell ron proud liked believed fought commerce department tell youre going clinton said winning sustained applause crowd many hundreds department employees visibly shaken news many crying others holding consoling one another also present commerce department clinton spoke several cabinet secretaries including attorney general janet reno agriculture secretary dan glickman housing urban development secretary henry cisneros health human services secretary donna shalala education secretary richard riley interior secretary bruce babbitt vice president al gore first lady also joined clinton commerce department earlier sen ted kennedy dmass visited brown family express condolences brown kennedys chief staff going urban league democratic national committee clinton named commerce secretary another visitor vernon jordan former head urban league highpowered washington lawyer unofficial adviser clinton us air force military equivalent bowing carrying brown entourage tuzla dubrovnik crashed mountain near adriatic sea coast officials writing possibility foul play hasnt report indicating anything hostile cant confirm white house spokesman mike mccurry said republicans congress working dismantle commerce department although gop aide said wednesday effort may scrapped following crash browns plane washington reuter president clintons wife hillary daughter chelsea flew plane last week crashed croatia commerce secretary ron brown aboard us air force sources said wednesday military version widely used boeing passenger jet flew mrs clinton yearold daughter turkish capital ankara ancient biblical city ephesus istanbul last wednesday ta plane tail number based us air base ramstein germany sources said mrs clinton used rather boeing assigned weeklong goodwill tour southern europe short runway ephesus plane used ferry defense secretary william perry bosnia last week mrs clinton also visited yugoslav region trip used giant c military cargo jet leg journey update
Brian Bell
no title
its in the clinton pockets under the cover up of the clinton corrupt criminal cartel charity foundation that pays for her brothers wanna be ownership of some property and chelseas medical apartment in nyc or its in a secret account in the camen islands or wherever they keep secret money now days
shane wright voter fraud contentious issue late liberals swear myth propagated evil racist conservatives know better right aware voter fraud issue many little idea combat report violations consider crash course first foremost step one instance see suspect voter fraud alert state officials oversee election process states done secretary state states state board elections notifying officials paramount ones ultimately certify authenticate elections alert call fox news blow twitter though drawing much media attention possible beneficial want make sure follow process included contact list state bottom post many cases alerted state authorities direct proper city county officials fill paperwork bureaucracy finest go ahead jump hoops witnessed fraud chances someone else make good effort get witness names contact information well strengthen case increase likelihood state county officials step act complaint happened state officials ignore entirely next step contact state attorney general alert situation however need arm knowledge specific states election laws credible able cite specific statutes violated state laws generally published online however may actually quicker easier go local library courthouse utilize search engines experience relevant case law updated statutes difficult sort google internet search sites attorney general conduct investigation determine whether enough evidence andor information take legal action state officials refuse work next step alert state representative state senator may intercede secretary state attorney generals best interest respond professionally quickly representatives continue hit dead ends state level time alert department justice call congressman senator cases willing write letter behalf doj goal ultimately doj less likely ignore officials going elected officials poor option may well depending circumstances review federal election law proceed anyways finally know doj liberal state officials likely anything claim election fraud however absolutely imperative go motions document steps preserve future legal options documenting instances election fraud continue strengthen case voter id furthermore important press forward criminals understood idly stand allow elections manipulated last least use head see suspect voter manipulation courage record whip phone start shooting video report appropriate authorities first alabama
Joel Ross Taylor
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announcement the wrh server continues to be under intense attack by hillarys tantrum squad but the site keeps bouncing back so if during the day you cannot connect wait a minute or two and try again thank you for your patience it is obvious the bad guys are in a state of total panic to act like this thought for the day we seek peace knowing that peace is the climate of freedom dwight d eisenhower your random dhs monitored phrase of the day dera paid advertising at what really happened may not represent the views and opinions of this website and its contributors no endorsement of products and services advertised is either expressed or implied hillary the spy updated info let us start with an historical fact treason and betrayal by the highest levels is a common feature of history whether it is judas vs jesus brutus vs julius caesar benedict arnold the rosenbergs jonathan pollard aldrich ames robert hanssen it is just a fact of life it does happen back in when bill clinton was running for reelection he authorized the transfer of highly sensitive technology to china this technology had military applications and allowed china to close the gap in missile performance with the united states the transfers were opposed and severely criticized by the defense department at the same time bill clinton was transferring this technology to china huge donations began to pour into his reelection campaign from the us companies allowed to sell the technology to china and from american citizens of chinese descent the fact that they were us citizens allowed them to donate to political campaigns but it later emerged that they were acting as conduits for cash coming in from asian sources including chinese intelligence agencies the scandal eventually became known as chinagate john huang a close associate of indonesian industrialist james riady huang initially was appointed deputy secretary of commerce in by however he moved to the democratic national committee where he generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions from foreign sources huang later pleaded guilty to one felony count of campaign finance violations charlie trie like john huang trie raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions from foreign sources to democratic campaign entities he was a regular white house visitor and arranged meetings of foreign operators with clinton including one who was a chinese arms dealer his contribution to clintons legal defense fund was returned after it was found to have been largely funded by asian interests trie was convicted of violating campaign finance laws in one of tries main sources of cash was chinese billionaire ng lap seng according to a senate report ng lap seng had connections to the chinese government seng was arrested in over an unrelated bribery case but this gave investigators the opportunity to question seng about the chinagate scandal former united nations general assembly president john ashe was also caught in the bribery case and was about to testify to the links between the clintons and seng when he was found dead that very morning initially reported as having died from a heart attack johns throat had obviously been crushed at that point the official story changed to him accidentally dropping a barbell on his own throat ng lap seng with the clintons johnny chung gave more than to the democratic national committee prior to the campaign but it was returned after officials learned it came from illegal foreign sources chung later told a special senate committee investigating clinton campaign fundraising that of his contributions came from individuals in chinese intelligence chung pleaded guilty to bank fraud tax evasion and campaign finance violations chinagate documented by judicial watch was uncovered by judicial watch founder larry klayman technology companies allegedly made donations of millions of dollars to various democratic party entities including president bill clintons reelection campaign in return for permission to sell hightech secrets to china bernard schwartz and his loral space communication ltd later allegedly helped china to identify the cause of a rocket failure thereby advancing chinas missile program and threatening us national security according to records this establishes a history of the clintons treating us secrets as their own personal property and selling them to raise money for campaigns is history repeating itself it appears so let us consider a private email server with weak security at least one known totally open access point no encryption at all and outside the control and monitoring systems of the us government on which are parked many of the nations most closely guarded secrets as well as those of the united nations and other foreign governments it is already established that hillarys email was hacked one hacker named guccifer provided copies of emails to russia today which published them
maggie hassan left kelly ayotte hassan declares victory us senate race ayotte paul feelynew hampshire union leader update gov maggie hassan declared shes new hampshires us senate race unseating republican sen kelly ayotteduring hastilycalled press conference outside state house hassan said shes ahead enough votes survive returns outstanding towns lefti proud stand next united states senator new hampshire hassan said cheers large group supporters led congresswoman annie kuster hassans husband tomthe twoterm governor said hadnt spoken ayotteits clear maintained lead race hassan saidsen ayotte issued brief statement hassans event concede deferred secretary state bill gardners final resultsthis closely contested race beginning look forward results announced secretary state ensuring every vote counted race received historic level interest ayotte saidhassan said called congratulate govelect chris sununu newfields republican vowed work together smooth transition power states corner officewith percent vote counted hassan led ayotte nashua republican votes much less percent two voting precincts left reporta recount statewide race seems like real possibility margin small enough ayotte pay earlier story follows concord republican incumbent sen kelly ayotte told supporters early wednesday feeling really upbeat chances one closely watched expensive us senate races country wasnt ready claim victory democratic challenger gov maggie hassan earn return washington representing granite stateat ayotte took podium grappone conference center concord address supporters victory party dead heat hassan percent percent votes votes percent precincts state reportingjoe excited see tonight said ayotte feel really upbeat tonightayotte went thank supporters next gov sununuwe know hard worked grateful humbled fact would believe us right upbeat race believe strongly fact want every vote come talk every vote matters every person matters stategov hassan said race close call campaign maintained vote lead according numbers compiled staffwe still small sustainable lead saidhassan told crowd number smaller towns yet report numbers confident lead would hold campaign said numbers show hassan vote ayottes percent vote campaign said numbers include results big communities associated press yet count like salem derry lebanon portsmouth cities manchester nashua concord included hassan numbersthe governor headed home night urged supporters go home get sleepelection day marked end long campaign cycle granite state kicked nine months ago presidential primaries nine months ago didnt let final ballots cast around pm tuesdaythe ayottehassan contest expensive political race ever new hampshire million spent took center stage cycle alongside presidential race republican nominee donald trump democratic nominee hillary clinton cementing new hampshires status battleground state four electoral votes grabs race one half dozen around us closely watched tuesday outcome likely playing part deciding republicans retain control senate democrats regain majority lost two years agoit great night republicans new hampshire across country said nh gop chair jennifer horn new hampshire know republicans stand together republicans fight together win
Craig Ward
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the jorge cabrera scandal first lady photoop with convicted cocaine dealer inline star the economics section page a star usemap october first lady photoop with convicted cocaine dealer inside white house secured perimeter by staff journalists the daily republican newspaper inline washington desk the justice department released on wednesday photographs showing a convicted miami cocaine trafficker who is seen standing next to and posing with vice president al gore the two were attending a party in florida last december apparently cabrera was asked to make a large donation to the clintongore campaign in exchange for perks like hobnobbing with al gore and the first lady hillary rodham clinton jorge cabreras cash contributions to the clintongore campaign were so generous that cabrera was also invited to the white house and gained entrance there without any fbi secret service security clearance inline cnn reported wednesday that cabreras attorney stephen bronis said given to the clintongore campaign was not intended to buy protection for drug smuggling he had a lobster and stone crab fishery in the keys and felt that contribution might promote that future course bronis said the clintongore campaign only returned the last week after the full story had reached abc news and the clinton administration had been asked for comment by the media cabrera was arrested in january during a miami drug bust of nearly three tons of cocaine cabrera was arrested and pleaded guilty to one drug count he was also imprisoned in the s on narcotics charges a report that the picture of cabrera and gore had been impounded by the justice department prompted an angry reaction from republicans including bob doles presidential campaign house speaker newt gingrich and rep bob livingston of louisiana chairman of the house appropriations committee republicans sent letters to attorney general janet reno and the directors of the fbi and the secret service seeking information about cabrera and the campaign contribution livingston asked the federal agencies for a complete accounting of the facts relating to the story within three days whether cabrera had dined at the white house details of his relationship with clinton and gore and if he did dine with them how he passed fbi secret service scrutiny to gain access to them the us attorneys office in miami was contacted by reporters justice said it would not provide photographs of cabrera and gore in florida and at the white house when reporters requested them on monday the justice department attempted to claim that cabreras story is covered by the privacy act law in turning down the media request for information on the arrest for cocaine possession of tons of the illegal drug and dealing janet reno put out information that the photo of cabrera with gore and clinton could not be released without the consent of cabrera later the justice department did release the photographs after cabrera submitted written authorization the delay by the justice department appeared to be an effort to distance itself from accusations that are mounting from the american public that the justice department is receiving guidance from the clinton white house and the vice presidents office on the timing of janet renos investigation justice says it is looking into the breach of national security by cabreras ready access to secured areas of the white house and its grounds when he entered as an invited quest of president clinton for dinner and photoops comment
wrh server back normal except hack attacks thought day buying shares ask would buy whole company rene rivkin random dhs monitored phrase day dera paid advertising really happened may represent views opinions website contributors endorsement products services advertised either expressed implied honest elections enough people know election people cast votes decide nothing people count votes decide everything joseph stalin following florida election debacle americans promised honest transparent verifiable system elections didnt get elkection stealers election decided keeping current system best guaarantee reelection election changed candidate cheated system donald trump still prevailed thanks landslide overcame vote rigging see honest election system best chance second term hence real opportunity throw current system whch designed encourage stealing elections replace system hinders cheating much possible begin stolen elections reality nation john f kennedy stole election richard nixon nixon stole reelection becvame known watergate scandal george w bush likely stole election al gore everyone ringside seat watching hillary clinton trying steal election donald trump good place start learn election stealing hbo documentary hacking democracy available netflix amazon live hulu youtube video final scenes showing electronic voting machine election results changed without even needing touch machine information please visit httpblackboxvotingorg website operated bev harris featured hbo documentary wish offer suggestion simple way open honest election system foolproof designed make difficult cheating happen difficult conceal stands sharp contrast current system designed facilitate conceal manipulation elections first basic rules electronic machines central tabulation centers everyone votes must id prove us citizen eligable vote absentee ballots given prove unable vote person voters vote finger marked ink takes week fade away prevent voting voting done paper ballots polls close precincts handcount ballots full view witnesses verify accuracy paper ballots stored entire year election totals polling place posted see copies provided witnesses city newspaper next day totals city precincts printed along totals state allows everyone first verify precinct totals reported accurately verify math leading city totals move level state newspapers print city totals totals state allows everyone first verify city totals reported accurately verify math leading state totals final level national newspapers print state totals tally winners allows everyone first verify state totals reported accurately verify math leading national totals create system literally millions americans watching verifying vote counts polling place final totals yes bit slower instantguessing tv prevent corporate media using projections try discourage voters unfavored candidates heading polls fact law says winners elections announced immediately certainly americans willing trade speed accuracy important matter early days nation prior telegraph would take weeks populace learn elections said perfect system good people running make stealing elections difficult always design objective election system share article social media
Paul Reinhardt
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click for full size picturek my theory my theory of the downing of the aircraft is derived from the two reported wreckage sites the lie about the weather given out by the government and the loss of three radio links at the same time while the plane was still miles from the crash site signs the plane was sabotaged first off the claims made in both time and newsweek that ron browns plane crashed in the worst storm in a decade are directly contradicted by the weather report issued by the dubrovnik airport tower adjacent to the crash site the storm simply did not exist while the plane carrying ron brown and his party was still miles from the crash site mile in the air and on the normal approach path three radio based links with three separate propagation paths all failed at the same time according to the aviation week space technology article the dubrovnik tower lost voice radio contact at the same time the aircraft vanished from the screens of the approach radar at split and an awacs lets look at the split radar first the split radar watches the approach to dubrovnik airport which is where the ron brown aircraft was when it dropped off of the radar screen contrary to some silly claims made in this newsgroup before the plane was not flying in the mountains it was out over the water with open space all around the radar at split routinely tracks aircraft through that airspace without problem if it were normal for the split radar to lose traffic at that point on the approach path nobody would have mentioned it because it would be normal and expected behavior nothing unusual about it that comment was made about the target dropping off of the split radar establishes that it was an unusual event the split radar like all atc radar tracks primarily by aircraft transponder so when the split radar lost track of the ron brown aircraft what was lost was the transponder return as the aircraft was still on the approach path although just starting to veer slightly left now lets look at the awacs the awacs system is designed to track nontranspondered targets radar hits are placed in a computer system that keeps a list and tries to match the returns from the present radar sweep to the returns from the previous sweeps in order to generate meaningful target tracking data for the operators and weapons management systems part of that process involves target to target comparisons to make certain that what the computer thinks is target xyz this sweep is the same target it thought was xyz last sweep the total workload on the computer is a power function of the total number of nontranspondered targets being carried in the target list if a target has a transponder the awacs will track the target using the transponder return because not only is less computer power needed for a transpondered target but the workload for nontranspondered targets is reduced how do we know that the awacs was tracking the ron brown plane via transponder because the awacs lost its track at the same time that the split radar lost its transponder return had the awacs been tracking the ron brown plane via skinpaint there is no reason for it to lose track of the aircraft at the same time that split did had the awacs not reported losing contact we could surmise that either the awacs was tracking on skin paint or the split radar suffered a momentary failure but this was not the case it is also true that the awacs could have immediately reacquired the ron brown aircraft on skin paint and its not known for a fact that the computers did not add it as a nontranspondered target but the awacs was there to watch bosnia not the dubrovnik airport the two radar tracks propagating along two different paths come together at only one common point where a single failure could make the aircraft vanish from both split and the awacs and that is the radar transponder in the ron brown aircraft a failure of the transponder is the only explanation for the ron brown plane vanishing from two different radar screens at the same time while still miles from the crash site and mile above the adriatic sea at the same time that the aircraft vanished from the radars at split and the awacs the dubrovnik tower reported it lost voice radio contact with the aircraft this is a third distinct propagation path from the awacs and split in fact its direct line of sight from the dubrovnik tower to the location on the approach path where radio contact was lost there are no intervening geological features to block the radio signal the dubrovnik tower continued to communicate with other aircraft in the area so the radios in the tower were not at fault the data reported in the aviation week space technology article shows evidence that two sperate systems on board the ron brown aircraft failed at the same time the cockpit radios and the radar transponder the radios and radar transponders come together at only one common point where a single failure could make the aircraft vanish from both split and the awacs and lose voice radio contact with the dubrovnik tower and that is is the electrical system failed in mid air while still miles from the crash site and mile above the adriatic sea on the approach path how do we know the problem extended beyond the electrical system simple prior to the loss of radio the flight crew had acknowledged receiving a weather report they knew there was clear air beneath them there is only one reason for the flight crew suddenly without any instruments at all not to descend out of a cloud layer into the clear air they knew was below them and thats if the event that severed the electrical cables also severed the flight control cables which occupy the same midline conduit in the possible trigger given the unscheduled nature of the trip a timer would be useless to pinpoint the exact geographic location of the detonation however knowing the approach pattern into the airport a location over the adriatic can be selected by the altitude of the aircraft along the glide slope the simplest explanation which fits the twin wreckage sites and the early news reports of a water crash is that of an altitude triggered bomb placed on the aircraft prior to departure as the aircraft climbs above a certain altitude the device is armed as the aircraft descends through the trigger altitude say feet the device detonates why did the plane make it to shore as the reports have pointed out the weather was not ideal the pilot even with the best navigation aids in the world would be fully justified in delaying his descent in order to stay in clear air as long as possible then ducking quickly down through the clouds to find the airfield this means that the altitude triggered bomb would have detonated far closer to land than expected with the result that portions of the wreckage came on shore the mile spread between wreckage sites indicates an airborne event which blew part of the aircraft off the same mile distance coupled with the shallow impact angle suggests that the aircraft was still flyable and that the pilot may have been trying to make it to the airfield when the crash into the hill occurred was thermite used its impossible to state based on the information available to the public but thermite is a definite possibility it can be made using available materials and will not show up on the various detectors which would sense chemical explosives such as c thermite when ignited burns at half the temperature of the surface of the sun and would burn through the aluminum of an aircraft with ease packed in a suitcase near the top of the baggage compartment of the converted it would be in an ideal location to sever the control linkages and to short out the planes electrical system as well as burning a hole through the skin dumping debris into the ocean how bad was the weather there were several reports in the media that dubrovnik was in the grip of the worst storm of the decade this is not true as can be seen by the weather information contained in the aviation week article and the first news articles from reuters the weather was not exceptionally bad indeed the wind conditions were excellent providing a knot head wind with no cross component at the runway perfect landing conditions below the overcast at feet visibility was km or miles assorted news articles washington april upi a us air force plane carrying commerce secretary ron brown in the adriatic sea near the port city of dubrovnik on tuesday officials said the white house said wreckage was spotted in the adriatic sea near dubrovnik the debris apparently came from the plane which was carrying brown and an undetermined number of leading us business executives who were on a trade mission to bosniaherzegovina the wreckage in the adriatic is his a pentagon official told united press international speaking on condition of anonymity nato officials at aviano air base in italy said the plane crashed while on approach to the dubrovnik airport they said a rescue mission from a french aircraft carrier was the first on the scene and the search for survivors was later joined by u s helicopters and c aircraft croatian officials told cnn that the plane crashed into a mountain near dubrovnik but the report could not be immediately confirmed nato said the plane disappeared from radar at pm local time three minutes after it had been cleared for landing by dubrovnik traffic controllers the craft was identified as a t the military equivalent of a boeing white house press secretary mike mccurry said the plane was three hours overdue on landing in dubrovnik from tuzla in northern bosnia herzegovina and that there was no indication of foul play related to the planes crash mechanical was the likely reason for the crash nobody could plant a bomb on the plane in tuzla which is operated by the us military if its over the sea nobodys gonna shoot it down the pentagon official said the chances of anyone surviving the crash are somewhere between slim and none he said the t was used by us secretary of defense william perry and secretary of state warren christopher during their recent trips to the balkans officials said weather conditions were extremely poor near dubrovnik at the time of the crash brown was traveling with passengers and about crew members including us business leaders who were seeking to help develop bosnia after the countrys fouryear war the white house said it was looking into who was actually aboard the plane the delegation was to proceed to zagreb the croatian capital to meet croatian political leaders and local us businessmen brown was to return to washington on friday us president bill clinton canceled a planned appearance at the justice department following reports that the plane was missing brown had been due to spend three days in bosniaherzegovina and croatia joining business leaders in meetings with local government and business leaders in a bid to stimulate us investment in the war ravaged region brown also had been meeting during his tour with us soldiers assigned to the regions multinational peacekeeping mission brown told reporters tuesday in paris that rebuilding the region would cost an estimated billion world bank president james wolfensohn also was touring the region this week and a conference of donor nations was scheduled for next week in belgium washington april upi a us air force plane carrying commerce secretary ron brown crashed in the adriatic sea near the port city of dubrovnik on wednesday officials said the white house said wreckage was spotted in the adriatic sea near dubrovnik the debris apparently came from the plane which was carrying brown and an undetermined number of leading us business executives who were on a trade mission to bosniaherzegovina the wreckage in the adriatic is his a pentagon official told united press international speaking on condition of anonymity nato officials at aviano air base in italy said the plane crashed while on approach to the dubrovnik airport they said a rescue mission from a french aircraft carrier was the first on the scene and the search for survivors was later joined by u s helicopters and c aircraft nato said the plane disappeared from radar at pm local time three minutes after it had been cleared for landing by dubrovnik traffic controllers the craft was identified as a t the military equivalent of a boeing white house press secretary mike mccurry said the plane was three hours overdue on landing in dubrovnik from tuzla in northern bosnia herzegovina and that there was no indication of foul play related to the planes crash mechanical was the likely reason for the crash nobody could plant a bomb on the plane in tuzla which is operated by the us military if its over the sea nobodys gonna shoot it down the pentagon official said the chances of anyone surviving the crash are somewhere between slim and none he said the t was used by us secretary of defense william perry and secretary of state warren christopher during their recent trips to the balkans officials said weather conditions were extremely poor near dubrovnik at the time of the crash brown was traveling with passengers and about crew members including us business leaders who were seeking to help develop bosnia after the countrys fouryear war the white house said it was looking into who was actually aboard the plane the delegation was to proceed to zagreb the croatian capital to meet croatian political leaders and local us businessmen brown was to return to washington on friday us president bill clinton canceled a planned appearance at the justice department following reports that the plane was missing brown had been due to spend three days in bosniaherzegovina and croatia joining business leaders in meetings with local government and business leaders in a bid to stimulate us investment in the war ravaged region brown also had been meeting during his tour with us soldiers assigned to the regions multinational peacekeeping mission brown told reporters tuesday in paris that rebuilding the region would cost an estimated billion world bank president james wolfensohn also was touring the region this week and a conference of donor nations was scheduled for next week in belgium washington april upi a us air force plane carrying commerce secretary ron brown and a highlevel trade mission crashed wednesday near the port city of dubrovnik officials said the white house said wreckage was spotted in the adriatic sea near dubrovnik the debris apparently came from the plane which was carrying brown and an undetermined number of leading us business executives who were on a trade mission to bosniaherzegovina mccurry said later that two possible crash sites were being investigated one and land and one in the sea the first site was based on civilian reports of wreckage at sea croatian sources informed us officials of a site on land approximately miles km southeast of dubrovnik the croatian state news agency reported the bodies of three men and one woman had been recovered at the location near velido a town in the mountains south of dubrovnik nato officials at aviano air base in italy said the plane crashed while on approach to the dubrovnik airport they said helicopters from a nearby french frigate and us ships were the first on the scene and the search for survivors was later joined by us helicopters and a c aircraft nato said the plane disappeared from radar at pm local time three minutes after it had been cleared for landing by dubrovnik traffic controllers the craft was identified as a t the military equivalent of a boeing white house press secretary mike mccurry said officials were alerted when the plane was three hours overdue for a scheduled landing in dubrovnik from tuzla in northern bosniaherzegovina and that there was no indication of foul play related to the planes crash mechanical was the likely reason for the crash nobody could plant a bomb on the plane in tuzla which is operated by the us military if its over the sea nobodys gonna shoot it down a pentagon official said the chances of anyone surviving the crash are somewhere between slim and none he said the same t plane was used by us secretary of defense william perry and secretary of state warren christopher during their recent trips to the balkans officials said weather conditions were extremely poor near dubrovnik at the time of the crash brown was traveling with about passengers and crew members including us business leaders who were seeking to help develop bosnia after the countrys fouryear war the white house said it was looking into who was actually aboard the plane commerce spokeswoman maria cardona said they were still unsure which of the business executives and approximately commerce employees accompanying brown were actually aboard the plane us officials confirmed that harza engineering co chairman john scoville of chicago ill and abb inc president robert donovan of norwalk conn were aboard the plane with brown other business leaders including transportation and telecommunications business leaders were traveling with brown but several had left to travel on their own since tuzla the delegation was to proceed to zagreb the croatian capital to meet croatian political leaders and local us businessmen brown was to return to washington on friday us president bill clinton canceled all his business for the day and visited the brown family home in washington where he was receiving information on the crash brown had been due to spend three days in bosniaherzegovina and croatia joining business leaders in meetings with local government and business leaders in a bid to stimulate us investment in the war ravaged region brown also had been meeting during his tour with us soldiers assigned to the regions multinational peacekeeping mission brown told reporters tuesday in paris that rebuilding the region would cost an estimated billion world bank president james wolfensohn also was touring the region this week and a conference of donor nations was scheduled for next week in belgium washington april upi president clinton awaiting final word wednesday on the fate of his friend and political ally commerce secretary ron brown made emotional visits to browns home and the federal department where he spoke to distraught federal workers after hearing mid morning that the military plane carrying brown had crashed near the adriatic coast in croatia clinton wasted little time in sharing his grief and trying to console the brown family friends and workers the browns have a son michael and a daughter tracey a family spokesman said the browns were still holding out hope the president and first lady hillary rodham clinton dressed in dark suits and wearing solemn faces spent nearly an hour at browns washington home where he lived with his wife alma couriers also arrived with flowers from wellwishers and the secret service checked each bunch before allowing them into the townhouse the clintons emerged from the home located in the affluent secluded chatworth neighborhood of washington with their heads down and the first lady appearing to choke back tears brown was head of the democratic national committee when clinton was the partys presidential nominee in and he was greatly credited with playing a key role in putting a democrat in the white house after the visit with the family the clintons immediately headed across town to commerce department headquarters where the president addressed employees who packed the auditorium clinton told the gathering that he his wife and other administration officials came to be with the employees of the commerce department at this very difficult hour the plane carrying secretary brown and his delegation including a number of your colleagues business leaders and leaders of the united states military went down today near dubrovnik croatia clinton told the workers we do not know for sure what happened there clinton said he asked browns wife what he should tell the department workers she said tell them ron was proud of them that he liked them that he believed in them and that he fought for the commerce department and tell them that youre going to do that now clinton said winning sustained applause from the crowd many of the hundreds of department employees were visibly shaken at the news with many crying and others holding and consoling one another also present at the commerce department when clinton spoke were several cabinet secretaries including attorney general janet reno agriculture secretary dan glickman housing and urban development secretary henry cisneros health and human services secretary donna shalala education secretary richard riley and interior secretary bruce babbitt vice president al gore and the first lady also joined clinton at the commerce department earlier sen ted kennedy dmass visited the brown family to express his condolences brown was kennedys chief of staff before going to the urban league and democratic national committee clinton named him commerce secretary in another visitor was vernon jordan former head of the urban league and now a highpowered washington lawyer and unofficial adviser to clinton a us air force t which is the military equivalent of a bowing carrying brown and his entourage from tuzla to dubrovnik crashed into a mountain near the adriatic sea coast but officials were writing off the possibility of foul play there hasnt been any report over here indicating anything hostile but again we cant confirm that white house spokesman mike mccurry said republicans in congress have been working to dismantle the commerce department although a gop aide said wednesday the effort may be scrapped following the crash of browns plane washington reuter president clintons wife hillary and daughter chelsea flew on the same plane last week that crashed in croatia with commerce secretary ron brown aboard us air force sources said wednesday a military version of the widely used boeing passenger jet flew mrs clinton and her yearold daughter from the turkish capital of ankara to the ancient biblical city of ephesus and on to istanbul last wednesday the ta plane with a tail number of was based at the us air base at ramstein germany the sources said mrs clinton used it rather than the boeing assigned to her for a weeklong goodwill tour of southern europe because of the short runway at ephesus the same plane was used to ferry defense secretary william perry in and out of bosnia last week mrs clinton also visited the yugoslav region during her trip but used a giant c military cargo jet for that leg of her journey update
louis mcfadden louis mcfadden louis mcfadden member house representatives twenties thirties chair house banking currency committee twenties used position congress occasionally crusade federal reserve mr chairman country one corrupt institutions world ever known refer federal reserve board federal reserve banks federal reserve board government board cheated government united states enough money pay national debt depredations iniquities federal reserve board federal reserve banks acting together cost country enough money pay national debt several times evil institution impoverished ruined people united states bankrupted practically bankrupted government done defects law operates maladministration law federal reserve board corrupt practices moneyed vultures control louis mcfadden june one point mcfadden started impeachment proceedings entire board federal reserve surprisingly three attempts mcfaddens life one shooting two poisonings second cuccessful although still officially declared heart failure newspapers time reported sterling american patriot made passing revealed long public utterance encroaching powers judah became known among intimates suffered two attacks life first attack came form two revolver shots fired ambush alighting cab front one capital hotels fortunately shots missed bullets burying structure cab became violently ill partaking food political banquet washington life saved subsequently announced poisoning presence physician friend banquet procured stomach pump subjected congressman emergency treatment president john f kennedy president john f kennedy president john f kennedy understood predatory nature private central banking understood andrew jackson fought hard end second bank united states kennedy wrote signed executive order ordered us treasury issue new public currency united states note kennedys united states note click larger kennedys united states notes borrowed federal reserve created us government backed silver stockpiles held us government represented return system economics united states founded perfectly legal kennedy told four one half billion dollars went public circulation eroding interest payments federal reserve loosening control nation five months later john f kennedy assassinated dallas texas united states notes pulled circulation destroyed except samples held collectors john j mccloy john j mccloy president chase manhattan bank president world bank named warren commission presumably make certain banking dimensions behind assassination concealed public kennedys eo never repealed still effect although modern president dares use almost current national debt created since enter eleventh year future history certainly describe world war three need examine financial dimensions behind wars towards end world war two became obvious allies going win dictate post war environment major world economic powers met bretton woods luxury resort new hampshire july hammered bretton woods agreement international finance british pound lost position global trade reserve currency us dollar part price demanded roosevelt exchange us entry war absent economic advantages worlds goto currency britain forced nationalize bank england bretton woods agreement ratified addition making dollar global reserve trade currency obligated signatory nations tie currencies dollar nations ratified bretton woods two conditions first federal reserve would refrain overprinting dollar means loot real products produce nations exchange ink paper basically imperial tax assurance backed second requirement us dollar would always convertible gold per ounce bretton woods resort new hampshire federal reserve private bank answerable us government start overprinting paper dollars much perceived prosperity result foreign nations obligations accept paper notes worth gold rate ounce france looked huge pile paper notes sitting vaults real french products like wine cheese traded notified united states government would exercise option bretton woods return paper notes gold per ounce exchange rate united states nowhere near gold redeem paper notes imf estimated foreign central banks held billion us dollars however united states billion gold redeem paper notes august th richard nixon temporarily suspended gold convertibility us federal reserve notes nixon announces end gold convertability later termed nixon shock move effectively ended bretton woods many global currencies started delink us dollar nixon shock worse since united states collateralized loans nations gold reserves quickly became apparent us government fact enough gold cover outstanding debts foreign nations began get nervous loans us understandably reluctant loan additional money united states without form collateral richard nixon started environmental movement epa various programs wilderness zones roadless areas heritage rivers wetlands took vast areas public lands made limits american people technically owners lands nixon little concern environment real purpose land grab guise environment pledge pristine lands vast mineral resources collateral national debt plethora different programs simply conceal true scale much american land pledged foreign lenders collateral governments debts eventually almost nation illegal enclave clause constitution limits federal government owning land federal government buildings military bases enclave clause written constitution founding fathers specifically prevent federal government simply seizing land belonging people sell pledge collateral rent click full size image open lands collateral already short supply us government embarked new program shore sagging international demand dollar united states approached worlds oil producing nations mostly middle east offered deal exchange selling oil dollars united states would guarantee military safety oilrich nations oil rich nations would agree spend invest us paper dollars inside united states particular us treasury bonds redeemable slave labor future generations us taxpayers concept labeled petrodollar effect us longer able back dollar gold backing oil peoples oil necessity keep control oil nations prop dollar shaped americas foreign policy region ever since americas manufacturing agriculture declined oil producing nations faced dilemma piles us federal reserve notes able purchase much united states united states little real estate anyone wanted buy europes cars aircraft superior less costly experiments gmo food crops led nations refusing buy us food exports israels constant belligerence neighbors caused wonder us could actually keep end petrodollar arrangement oil producing nations started talk selling oil whatever currency purchasers chose use saddam hussein lie iraqs nuclear weapons saddam hussein iraq already hostile united states following desert storm demanded right sell oil euros united nations agreed allow oil food program instituted following desert storm one year later united states reinvaded iraq lie saddams nuclear weapons lynched saddam hussein placed iraqs oil back world market us dollars clear us policy shift following away impartial broker peace mideast one unquestioned support israels aggressions eroded confidence petrodollar deal even oil producing nations started openly talking oil trade global currencies gaddafi gold dinar gaddafi libya muammar gaddafi instituted stateowned central bank value based trade currency gold dinar gold dinar gaddafi announced libyas oil sale gold dinar african nations seeing rise gold dinar euro even us dollar continued inflationdriven decline flocked new libyan currency trade move potential seriously undermine global hegemony dollar french president nicolas sarkozy reportedly went far call libya threat financial security world united states invaded libya brutally murdered qaddafi object lesson saddams lynching enough message apparently imposed private central bank returned libyas oil output dollars gold made gold dinars tons last report unaccounted update emails surfacing part investigation hilary clintons use private email server classified information confirm real reason us invasion libya destroy threat gold dinar becoming panafrican currency displacing dollar general wesley clark blows whistle us plans conquer oilrich middle east according general wesley clark master plan dollarification worlds oil nations included seven targets iraq syria lebanon libya somalia sudan iran venezuela dared sell oil china yuan late addition notable original seven nations originally targeted us none members bank international settlements private central bankers private central bank located switzerland meant nations deciding run nations economies rather submit international private banks update emails secretary state hillary clinton released part benghazi investigation confirm true motive attack libya control libyan oil reserves destroy libyas goldbacked currency bankers gun sights iran dares government central bank sell oil whatever currency choose war agenda always force irans oil sold us dollars force accept privately owned central bank malaysia one remaining nations without rothschild central bank invaded force claimed al qaeda suffered numerous suspicious losses commercial passenger jets death president hugo chavez plans impose us banker friendly regime venezuela clearly implemented gold germanys gold bullion german government recently asked return gold bullion bank france new york federal reserve france said take years return germanys gold united states said need years return germanys gold suggests strongly bank france ny federal reserve used deposited gold purposes likely cover gold futures contracts used artificially suppress price gold keep investors equities markets central banks scrambling find new gold cover shortfall prevent gold run inevitable suddenly france invades mali ostensibly combat al qaeda us joining mali happens one worlds largest gold producers gold accounting mali exports war bankers get obvious mexico demanded physical audit gold bullion stored bank england along venezuelas vast oil reserves larger saudi arabia venezuelas gold mines prize lusted central banks played fast loose peoples gold bullion expect regime change outright invasion soon bank foreclose house provided nothing real value mortgage little remembered footnote banking history occurred december bank moving foreclose house homeowner decided fight foreclosure court arguing contract law requires two contracting parties agree swap two items value legally called consideration case first national bank montgomery vs jerome daly daly argued since bank simply wrote number ledger create loaned money think air real value therefore legally binding consideration lawyers bank admitted bank works create money thin air ledger computer entry must repay labor law specifically gave banks legal right daly argued equal consideration mortgage null void attempt foreclose invalid jury agreed judge mahoney resisted demands overrule jury favor bank wrote simple streightforward decision stated question mortgage contract void claim bank simply made money thin air disputed bank judge mahoney murdered poison less six months later lawyer representing daly debarred decision favor daly nullified procedural grounds entire matter forgotten brainwashed raised public school system media constantly assures reasons wars assassinations many varied us claims bring democracy conquered lands havent usual result us overthrow imposition dictatorship cia overthrow irans democratically elected government mohammad mosaddegh imposition shah cia overthrow chiles democratically elected government president salvador allende imposition augusto pinochet save people cruel oppressor revenge tired wornout catch excuse invasion weapons mass destruction assassinations always passed crazed lone nuts obscure real agenda real agenda simple enslavement people creation false sense obligation obligation false private central banking system design always creates debt money pay debt private central banking science religion set arbitrary rules created benefit priesthood meaning owners private central bank fraud persists often lethal results people tricked believing way life supposed alternative exists dreamt true two earlier systems enslavement rule divine right slavery systems built trick people obedience recognized modern civilizatyion illegitimate entering time human history recognize rule debt rule private central bankers issuing public currency loan interest equally illegitimate works long people allow believe way life supposed understand private central banks exist serve people community nation private central banks exist serve owners make rich beyond dreams midas cost ink paper right bribe right official behind wars assassinations hundred million horrible deaths wars lies single policy dictatorship private central bankers allow rulers rule condition people nation enslaved private central banks failing said ruler killed nation invaded nations enslaved private central banks socalled clash civilizations read corporate media really war banking systems private central bankers forcing onto rest world matter many millions must die indeed constant hatemongering muslims lies simple fact like ancient christians prior knights templars private banking system muslims forbid usury lending money interest reason government media insist must killed converted refuse submit currencies issued interest refuse debt slaves war children must go spill blood moneyjunkies gold barely survived last two world wars nuclearbioweapon age private central bankers willing risk incinerating whole planet feed greed apparently brings us current situation ukraine russia china european union courting government ukraine merge eu point entangle economy privateowned european central bank government ukraine considering move made commitments part concern lay conditions eu nations enslaved ecb notably cyprus greece spain italy properly cautious russia stepped better deal ukraine exercising basic choice consumers choose best product best price dropped eu announced going go russias offer point agents provocateurs flooded ukraine covertly funded intelligence agency fronts like canvas usaid stirring trouble western media proclaimed popular revolution snipers shot people violence blamed thenpresident yanukovich however leaked recording phone call eus catherine ashton estonias foreign minister urmas paet confirmed snipers working overthrow plotters ukrainian government urmas paet confirmed authenticity phone call classic pattern covert overthrow seen many times since end ww us covertly tried overthrow governments nations succeeding times examples include overthrow irans elected government mohammed mossadegh imposition shah overthrow chiles elected government salvador allende imposition pinochet dictatorship course current overthrow ukraines elected government yanukovich imposition current unelected government already gutting ukraines wealth hand western bankers brazil russia india china south africa formed parallel financial system called brics scheduled officially launch january writing nations ready trade brics transactions involve us dollar despite us economic warfare russia china ruble yuan seen attractive international trade banking us dollar hence us attempt fan ukraine crisis war russia attempts provoke north korea back door war china click larger image flag waving propaganda aside modern wars wars private bankers fought bled third parties unaware true reason expected gracefully killed crippled process quite simple soon private central bank issues currency loan interest public forced deeper deeper debt people reluctant borrow keynesian economists demand government borrow keep pyramid scheme working people government refuse borrow wars started plunge everyone even deeper debt pay war war borrow rebuild war people war except graveyards far larger everyone debt private bankers next century brown brothers harriman new york funding rise adolf hitler long private central banks allowed exist inevitably night follows day poverty hopelessness millions deaths endless world wars earth sacrificed flames mammon path true peace earth lies abolishment private central banking everywhere return stateissued valuebased currencies allow nations people become prosperous banks obligation promote public good alexander dielius ceo germany austrian eastern europe goldman sachs banker gods work lloyd blankfein ceo goldman sachs
Kimberly Reed Smith
no title
by shane wright voter fraud is a contentious issue of late liberals swear it is a myth propagated by evil racist conservatives we know better most on the right are aware of the voter fraud issue but many have little to no idea how to combat or report violations consider this your crash course first and foremost step one in any instance where you see or suspect voter fraud is to alert the state officials who oversee the election process for most states this is done by the secretary of state in other states there is a state board of elections notifying these officials is paramount as they are the ones who ultimately certify and authenticate elections alert them before you call fox news or blow up twitter though drawing as much media attention as possible is beneficial you want to make sure you follow a process i have included a contact list for each state at the bottom of this post in many cases once you have alerted the state authorities they will direct you to the proper city or county officials where you will fill out paperwork bureaucracy at its finest go ahead and jump through their hoops if you witnessed the fraud chances are someone else did too make a good effort to get other witness names and contact information as well this will strengthen your case and increase the likelihood that state and county officials will step in and act on your complaint if as has happened before state officials ignore you entirely your next step is to contact your state attorney general and alert them of the situation however before you do this you need to arm yourself with knowledge of your specific states election laws you will be more credible if you are able to cite the specific statutes which were violated state laws are generally published online however it may actually be quicker and easier for you to go to your local library or courthouse and utilize their search engines in my experience relevant case law and updated statutes can be difficult to sort through on google or other internet search sites the attorney general should conduct an investigation to determine whether or not there is enough evidence andor information to take legal action if state officials refuse to work with you your next step is to alert both your state representative and state senator they may intercede and it is in the secretary of state and attorney generals best interest to respond professionally and quickly to these representatives should you continue to hit dead ends on the state level its time to alert the department of justice before doing this call your congressman and senator in some cases they will be willing to write a letter on your behalf to the doj this is what your goal is ultimately for the doj is less likely to ignore these officials if going through your elected officials is a poor option as it may very well be depending on the circumstances review federal election law and proceed anyways finally you and i both know that the doj nor liberal state officials are likely to do anything about a claim of election fraud however it is absolutely imperative that you go through these motions and document these steps to preserve any future legal options documenting instances of election fraud will continue to strengthen our case for voter id furthermore it is important to press forward on these criminals so that its understood that we will not idly stand by and allow our elections to be manipulated last but not least use your head if you see or suspect voter manipulation have the courage to record it whip out your phone and start shooting video and report it to the appropriate authorities first alabama
snow reports around northland saturday andrew krueger today brian parendo esko shovels heavy wet show driveway friday morning im happy lasted long said referring long spell warm weather preceded storm bob king rkingduluthnewscom snow reports around northland saturday relayed national weather service duluth list updated additional reports received check back wwwduluthnewstribunecom updates recommended
Jon Burbulis
no title
maggie hassan left and kelly ayotte hassan declares victory in us senate race with ayotte by paul feelynew hampshire union leader update am gov maggie hassan declared shes won new hampshires us senate race unseating republican sen kelly ayotteduring a hastilycalled press conference outside the state house hassan said shes ahead now by enough votes to survive returns from the few outstanding towns that are lefti am proud to stand here as the next united states senator from new hampshire hassan said to cheers from a large group of supporters led by congresswoman annie kuster and hassans husband tomthe twoterm governor said she hadnt spoken with ayotteits clear we have maintained the lead in and have won this race hassan saidsen ayotte issued a brief statement after hassans event but did not concede and deferred to secretary of state bill gardners final resultsthis has been a closely contested race from the beginning and we look forward to results being announced by the secretary of state and ensuring that every vote is counted in this race that has received an historic level of interest ayotte saidhassan said she called to congratulate govelect chris sununu a newfields republican and vowed to work together on a smooth transition of power in the states corner officewith percent of the vote counted hassan led ayotte a nashua republican by votes or much less than percent there were only two voting precincts left to reporta recount of this statewide race seems like a real possibility the margin is small enough that ayotte will not have to pay for it an earlier story follows concord republican incumbent sen kelly ayotte told supporters early wednesday she is feeling really upbeat about her chances in one of the most closely watched and expensive us senate races in the country but wasnt ready to claim victory over democratic challenger gov maggie hassan to earn a return to washington representing the granite stateat am ayotte took to the podium at the grappone conference center in concord to address supporters at her victory party in a dead heat with hassan percent to percent or votes to votes with percent of precincts in the state reportingjoe and i are so excited to see all of you her tonight said ayotte we feel really upbeat tonightayotte went on to thank supporters and our next gov sununuwe know how hard you have all worked we are so grateful we are humbled by the fact that you would believe in us right now we are very upbeat about where this race is but i believe strongly in the fact that we want to have every vote in before we come out and talk to you every vote matters because every person matters in this stategov hassan said while the race was too close to call the campaign maintained a vote lead according to numbers compiled by her staffwe still have a small but sustainable lead she saidhassan told the crowd that a number of smaller towns had yet to report numbers but was confident the lead would hold the campaign said its numbers show hassan has a vote of to ayottes in over percent of vote the campaign said these numbers include results from big communities the associated press had yet to count like salem derry lebanon and portsmouth the cities of manchester nashua and concord are included in the hassan numbersthe governor headed home for the night and urged supporters to go home and get some sleepelection day marked the end of a long campaign cycle in the granite state that kicked off nine months ago with the presidential primaries nine months ago and didnt let up until the final ballots were cast around pm tuesdaythe ayottehassan contest the most expensive political race ever in new hampshire with over million spent took center stage this cycle alongside the presidential race between republican nominee donald trump and democratic nominee hillary clinton cementing new hampshires status as a battleground state with its four electoral votes up for grabs the race is one of about a half dozen around the us being closely watched on tuesday with the outcome likely playing a part in deciding if the republicans retain control of the senate or if democrats regain the majority they lost two years agoit has been a great night for republicans not just in new hampshire but across the country said nh gop chair jennifer horn in new hampshire we know that when republicans stand together when republicans fight together we win
snow reports around northland pm saturday andrew krueger nov pm brian parendo esko shovels heavy wet show driveway friday morning im happy lasted long said referring long spell warm weather preceded storm bob king rkingduluthnewscom snow reports around northland pm saturday relayed national weather service duluth greatest total near leader cass county total duluth airport corrected saturday higher total reported friday night recommended
Jo Coffelt
no title
the wrh server is back to normal except for the hack attacks thought for the day when buying shares ask yourself would you buy the whole company rene rivkin your random dhs monitored phrase of the day dera paid advertising at what really happened may not represent the views and opinions of this website and its contributors no endorsement of products and services advertised is either expressed or implied how to have honest elections it is enough that the people know there was an election the people who cast the votes decide nothing the people who count the votes decide everything joseph stalin following the florida election debacle of americans were promised a more honest transparent and verifiable system of elections we didnt get it because the elkection stealers won that election and decided that keeping the current system was their best guaarantee of reelection the election of changed that the candidate being cheated by the system donald trump still prevailed thanks to a landslide that overcame the vote rigging he will see having an honest election system as his best chance for a second term hence there is a real opportunity to throw out the current system whch is designed to encourage stealing elections and replace it with a system that hinders cheating as much as possible to begin stolen elections are a reality in this nation john f kennedy stole the election from richard nixon nixon stole his reelection in what becvame known as the watergate scandal george w bush likely stole the election from al gore and everyone had a ringside seat watching hillary clinton trying to steal the election from donald trump a good place to start to learn about election stealing is the hbo documentary hacking democracy it is available on netflix amazon live and hulu here is a youtube video of the final scenes showing how an electronic voting machine has the election results changed without even needing to touch the machine for more information please visit httpblackboxvotingorg the website operated by bev harris who is featured in the hbo documentary now then i wish to offer a suggestion for a very simple way to have an open and honest election system it is not foolproof but is designed to make it very difficult for cheating to happen and difficult to conceal it this stands in sharp contrast to the current system which is designed to facilitate and conceal the manipulation of elections first some basic rules no electronic machines no central tabulation centers everyone who votes must have id to prove they are a us citizen and eligable to vote absentee ballots are only given to those who can prove they are unable to vote in person after the voters vote their finger is marked with ink that takes a week to fade away to prevent them from voting more than once all voting is done on paper ballots when the polls close the precincts handcount the ballots in full view of witnesses and verify the accuracy all paper ballots are to be stored for an entire year after the election the totals for that polling place are posted for all to see and copies provided to all witnesses in the city newspaper the next day all the totals for all the city precincts are printed along with totals for the state this allows everyone to first verify that their precinct totals were reported accurately and to verify the math leading to the city totals for themselves now we move up a level the state newspapers print all the city totals and again the totals for the state this allows everyone to first verify that their city totals were reported accurately and to verify the math leading to the state totals for themselves final level the national newspapers print all the state totals and tally up the winners this allows everyone to first verify that their state totals were reported accurately and to verify the math leading to the national totals for themselves what this does is create a system where there are literally millions of americans watching and verifying the vote counts from polling place to final totals yes it is a bit slower than the instantguessing on tv but that will prevent the corporate media from using projections to try to discourage voters of unfavored candidates from heading to the polls there is in fact no law that says the winners of the elections have to be announced immediately and certainly most americans are willing to trade speed for accuracy in such an important matter in the early days of this nation prior to the telegraph it would take weeks for the populace to learn who won the elections as i said this is not a perfect system it is only as good as the people running it but it does make stealing elections very difficult and that should always be the design objective of any election system share this article with your social media
wmd announcement reminder site continues attacked crybaby hackers cannot reach wait couple minutes try thought day terrible situation government insure national wealth must go debt submit ruinous interest charges hands men control fictitious value gold interest invention satan thomas edison random dhs monitored phrase day chemical burn paid advertising really happened may represent views opinions website contributors endorsement products services advertised either expressed implied death john kennedy michael rivero two official investigations one concluded oswald acted alone conspiracy half century many key documents could tell whole story remain classified john f kennedys brain still missing national archives open shut case secrecy oswald crazed lone gunman house select committee assassinations concluded john f kennedy victim conspiracy based recording gunshots fired dealey plaza captured police radio total impulses caught tape citing budgetary constraints hsca analyzed analysis concluded gunshots two occurring within second close fired one man comparisons echoes test shots fired dealey plaza confirmed least one recorded shots indeed fired grassy knoll needless say existence rather gunshots destroyed oswald lone gunman coverup warren supporters quickly tried dismiss audio record gunshots claiming recording actually gunshots another part city confused dealey plaza shots timing error without explaining shots occurred echo patterns exactly matched test shots fired dealey plaza warren supporters declared victory new research shown report dismissed audio recording gunshots deeply flawed ignored evidence confirmed location time recording dealey plaza time jfk assassination means original house select committee assassinations conclusion correct one least five gunshots dealey plaza two within second least one shots came grassy knoll update deathbed confession cia agent e howard hunt son jfk assassination update numerous witnesses reported large obvious exit wound back kennedys head consistent reports gunshot grassy knoll warren commission dismissed exit wound reports shooter grassy knoll published report photographs back kennedys head showed damage revealed warren commission publish actual autopsy photos substituted photos taken morticians reconstructed kennedys head anticipation possible open casket viewing prior funeral done lincoln although described mixup simplest explanation deliberate deception warren commission dan rathers fib dan rather time unknown newscaster small market texas tv station viewed zapruder film described america cbs network recording broadcast shows rather lied america claiming head shot pushed john f kennedys head forward rather makes claim kennedys head rocketed forward video also makes point saying three shots total rathers meteoric rise network status stardom soon followed broadcast zapruder film finally shown publicly jim garrisons trial cia agent clay shaw rathers lie revealed see revealing wink americans lived kennedy assassination familiar photo vice president lyndon johnson sworn president aboard air force one people aware another photograph snapped seconds later photo congressman albert thomas winks back brandnew president
Thomas Faddis
no title
louis t mcfadden louis t mcfadden louis t mcfadden was a member of the house of representatives in the twenties and thirties he was the chair of the house banking and currency committee during the twenties he used his position in congress occasionally to crusade against the federal reserve mr chairman we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known i refer to the federal reserve board and the federal reserve banks the federal reserve board a government board has cheated the government of the united states out of enough money to pay the national debt the depredations and the iniquities of the federal reserve board and the federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over this evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the united states has bankrupted itself and has practically bankrupted our government it has done this through defects of the law under which it operates through the maladministration of that law by the federal reserve board and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it louis t mcfadden june at one point mcfadden started impeachment proceedings against the entire board of the federal reserve not too surprisingly there were three attempts on mcfaddens life one shooting and two poisonings the second of which was cuccessful although still officially declared as heart failure newspapers of the time reported now that this sterling american patriot has made the passing it can be revealed that not long after his public utterance against the encroaching powers of judah it became known among his intimates that he had suffered two attacks against his life the first attack came in the form of two revolver shots fired at him from ambush as he was alighting from a cab in front of one of the capital hotels fortunately both shots missed him the bullets burying themselves in the structure of the cab he became violently ill after partaking of food at a political banquet at washington his life was only saved from what was subsequently announced as a poisoning by the presence of a physician friend at the banquet who at once procured a stomach pump and subjected the congressman to emergency treatment president john f kennedy president john f kennedy as president john f kennedy understood the predatory nature of private central banking he understood why andrew jackson fought so hard to end the second bank of the united states so kennedy wrote and signed executive order which ordered the us treasury to issue a new public currency the united states note kennedys united states note click for larger kennedys united states notes were not borrowed from the federal reserve but created by the us government and backed by the silver stockpiles held by the us government it represented a return to the system of economics the united states had been founded on and was perfectly legal for kennedy to do all told some four and one half billion dollars went into public circulation eroding interest payments to the federal reserve and loosening their control over the nation five months later john f kennedy was assassinated in dallas texas and the united states notes pulled from circulation and destroyed except for samples held by collectors john j mccloy john j mccloy president of the chase manhattan bank and president of the world bank was named to the warren commission presumably to make certain the banking dimensions behind the assassination were concealed from the public kennedys eo has never been repealed and is still in effect although no modern president dares to use it almost all of the current national debt has been created since as we enter the eleventh year of what future history will most certainly describe as world war three we need to examine the financial dimensions behind the wars towards the end of world war two when it became obvious that the allies were going to win and dictate the post war environment the major world economic powers met at bretton woods a luxury resort in new hampshire in july of and hammered out the bretton woods agreement for international finance the british pound lost its position as the global trade and reserve currency to the us dollar part of the price demanded by roosevelt in exchange for the us entry into the war absent the economic advantages of being the worlds goto currency britain was forced to nationalize the bank of england in the bretton woods agreement ratified in in addition to making the dollar the global reserve and trade currency obligated the signatory nations to tie their currencies to the dollar the nations that ratified bretton woods did so on two conditions the first was that the federal reserve would refrain from overprinting the dollar as a means to loot real products and produce from other nations in exchange for ink and paper basically an imperial tax that assurance was backed up by the second requirement which was that the us dollar would always be convertible to gold at per ounce the bretton woods resort new hampshire the federal reserve being a private bank and not answerable to the us government did start overprinting paper dollars and much of the perceived prosperity of the s and s was the result of foreign nations obligations to accept the paper notes as being worth gold at the rate of an ounce then in france looked at the huge pile of paper notes sitting in their vaults for which real french products like wine and cheese had been traded and notified the united states government that they would exercise their option under bretton woods to return the paper notes for gold at the per ounce exchange rate the united states had nowhere near the gold to redeem the paper notes by the imf estimated foreign central banks held billion us dollars however the united states had only billion in gold to redeem those paper notes so on august th richard nixon temporarily suspended the gold convertibility of the us federal reserve notes nixon announces the end of gold convertability later termed the nixon shock this move effectively ended bretton woods and many global currencies started to delink from the us dollar the nixon shock worse since the united states had collateralized their loans with the nations gold reserves it quickly became apparent that the us government did not in fact have enough gold to cover the outstanding debts foreign nations began to get very nervous about their loans to the us and understandably were reluctant to loan any additional money to the united states without some form of collateral so richard nixon started the environmental movement with the epa and its various programs such as wilderness zones roadless areas heritage rivers wetlands all of which took vast areas of public lands and made them off limits to the american people who were technically the owners of those lands but nixon had little concern for the environment and the real purpose of this land grab under the guise of the environment was to pledge those pristine lands and their vast mineral resources as collateral on the national debt the plethora of different programs was simply to conceal the true scale of how much american land was being pledged to foreign lenders as collateral on the governments debts eventually almost of the nation itself all of this is illegal as the enclave clause of the constitution limits the federal government to owning the land under federal government buildings and military bases and that enclave clause was written into the constitution by the founding fathers specifically to prevent the federal government simply seizing the land belonging to the people to sell off pledge as collateral or rent click for full size image with open lands for collateral already in short supply the us government embarked on a new program to shore up sagging international demand for the dollar the united states approached the worlds oil producing nations mostly in the middle east and offered them a deal in exchange for only selling their oil for dollars the united states would guarantee the military safety of those oilrich nations the oil rich nations would agree to spend and invest their us paper dollars inside the united states in particular in us treasury bonds redeemable through the slave labor of future generations of us taxpayers the concept was labeled the petrodollar in effect the us no longer able to back the dollar with gold was now backing it with oil other peoples oil and that necessity to keep control over those oil nations to prop up the dollar has shaped americas foreign policy in the region ever since but as americas manufacturing and agriculture has declined the oil producing nations faced a dilemma those piles of us federal reserve notes were not able to purchase much from the united states because the united states had little other than real estate anyone wanted to buy europes cars and aircraft were superior and less costly while experiments with gmo food crops led to nations refusing to buy us food exports israels constant belligerence against its neighbors caused them to wonder if the us could actually keep their end of the petrodollar arrangement oil producing nations started to talk of selling their oil for whatever currency the purchasers chose to use saddam hussein and the lie of iraqs nuclear weapons saddam hussein iraq already hostile to the united states following desert storm demanded the right to sell their oil for euros in and in the united nations agreed to allow it under the oil for food program instituted following desert storm one year later the united states reinvaded iraq under the lie of saddams nuclear weapons lynched saddam hussein and placed iraqs oil back on the world market only for us dollars the clear us policy shift following away from being an impartial broker of peace in the mideast to one of unquestioned support for israels aggressions only further eroded confidence in the petrodollar deal and even more oil producing nations started openly talking of oil trade for other global currencies gaddafi and the gold dinar gaddafi over in libya muammar gaddafi had instituted a stateowned central bank and a value based trade currency the gold dinar the gold dinar gaddafi announced that libyas oil was for sale but only for the gold dinar other african nations seeing the rise of the gold dinar and the euro even as the us dollar continued its inflationdriven decline flocked to the new libyan currency for trade this move had the potential to seriously undermine the global hegemony of the dollar french president nicolas sarkozy reportedly went so far as to call libya a threat to the financial security of the world so the united states invaded libya brutally murdered qaddafi the object lesson of saddams lynching not being enough of a message apparently imposed a private central bank and returned libyas oil output to dollars only the gold that was to have been made into the gold dinars tons of it is as of last report unaccounted for update emails surfacing as part of the investigation into hilary clintons use of a private email server for classified information confirm that the real reason for the us invasion of libya was to destroy the threat of the gold dinar becoming a panafrican currency displacing the dollar general wesley clark blows the whistle on us plans to conquer the oilrich middle east according to general wesley clark the master plan for the dollarification of the worlds oil nations included seven targets iraq syria lebanon libya somalia sudan and iran venezuela which dared to sell their oil to china for the yuan is a late addition what is notable about the original seven nations originally targeted by the us is that none of them are members of the bank for international settlements the private central bankers private central bank located in switzerland this meant that these nations were deciding for themselves how to run their nations economies rather than submit to the international private banks update emails from secretary of state hillary clinton released as part of the benghazi investigation confirm that the true motive for the attack on libya was to control the libyan oil reserves and to destroy libyas goldbacked currency now the bankers gun sights are on iran which dares to have a government central bank and sell their oil for whatever currency they choose the war agenda is as always to force irans oil to be sold only for us dollars and to force them to accept a privately owned central bank malaysia one of the few remaining nations without a rothschild central bank is now being invaded by a force claimed to be al qaeda and has suffered numerous suspicious losses of its commercial passenger jets with the death of president hugo chavez plans to impose a us and banker friendly regime on venezuela are clearly being implemented so just where is the gold germanys gold bullion where is it the german government recently asked for the return of some of their gold bullion from the bank of france and the new york federal reserve france has said it will take years to return germanys gold the united states has said they will need years to return germanys gold this suggests strongly that the bank of france and the ny federal reserve have used the deposited gold for other purposes most likely to cover gold futures contracts used to artificially suppress the price of gold to keep investors in the equities markets and the central banks are scrambling to find new gold to cover the shortfall and prevent a gold run so it is inevitable that suddenly france invades mali ostensibly to combat al qaeda with the us joining in mali just happens to be one of the worlds largest gold producers with gold accounting for of mali exports war for the bankers does not get more obvious than that mexico has demanded a physical audit of their gold bullion stored at the bank of england and along with venezuelas vast oil reserves larger than saudi arabia venezuelas gold mines are a prize lusted after by all the central banks that played fast and loose with other peoples gold bullion so we can expect regime change if not outright invasion soon can a bank foreclose on your house if they have provided nothing of real value in the mortgage a little remembered footnote in banking history occurred in december a bank was moving to foreclose on a house and the homeowner decided to fight the foreclosure in court arguing that contract law requires two contracting parties to agree to swap two items of value legally called the consideration in the case of first national bank of montgomery vs jerome daly daly argued that since the bank simply wrote a number in a ledger to create the loaned money out of think air there was no real value and therefore no legally binding consideration the lawyers for the bank admitted that this is how the bank works they create money out of thin air as a ledger or computer entry which you must repay with your labor and there was no law in that specifically gave banks the legal right to do that daly argued that because there was no equal consideration the mortgage was null and void and the attempt to foreclose invalid the jury agreed so did judge mahoney who resisted demands to overrule the jury in favor of the bank and wrote a simple streightforward decision that stated that there was no question that the mortgage contract was void because the claim that the bank simply made up the money out of thin air was not disputed by the bank itself judge mahoney was murdered with poison less than six months later and the lawyer representing daly was debarred the decision in favor of daly was then nullified on procedural grounds and the entire matter forgotten you are brainwashed you have been raised by a public school system and media that constantly assures you that the reasons for all these wars and assassinations are many and varied the us claims to bring democracy to the conquered lands they havent the usual result of a us overthrow is the imposition of a dictatorship such as the cia overthrow of irans democratically elected government of mohammad mosaddegh and the imposition of the shah or the cia overthrow of chiles democratically elected government of president salvador allende and the imposition of augusto pinochet or to save a people from a cruel oppressor revenge for or that tired wornout catch all excuse for invasion weapons of mass destruction assassinations are always passed off as crazed lone nuts to obscure the real agenda the real agenda is simple it is enslavement of the people by creation of a false sense of obligation that obligation is false because the private central banking system by design always creates more debt than money with which to pay that debt private central banking is not science it is a religion a set of arbitrary rules created to benefit the priesthood meaning the owners of the private central bank the fraud persists with often lethal results because the people are tricked into believing that this is the way life is supposed to be and no alternative exists or should be dreamt of the same was true of two earlier systems of enslavement rule by divine right and slavery both systems built to trick people into obedience and both now recognized by modern civilizatyion as illegitimate now we are entering a time in human history where we will recognize that rule by debt or rule by private central bankers issuing the public currency as a loan at interest is equally illegitimate it only works as long as people allow themselves to believe that this is the way life is supposed to be but understand this above all private central banks do not exist to serve the people the community or the nation private central banks exist to serve their owners to make them rich beyond the dreams of midas and all for the cost of ink paper and the right bribe to the right official behind all these wars all these assassinations the hundred million horrible deaths from all the wars lies a single policy of dictatorship the private central bankers allow rulers to rule only on the condition that the people of a nation be enslaved to the private central banks failing that said ruler will be killed and their nation invaded by those other nations enslaved to private central banks the socalled clash of civilizations we read about on the corporate media is really a war between banking systems with the private central bankers forcing themselves onto the rest of the world no matter how many millions must die for it indeed the constant hatemongering against muslims lies in a simple fact like the ancient christians prior to the knights templars private banking system muslims forbid usury or the lending of money at interest and that is the reason our government and media insist they must be killed or converted they refuse to submit to currencies issued at interest they refuse to be debt slaves so off to war your children must go to spill their blood for the moneyjunkies gold we barely survived the last two world wars in the nuclearbioweapon age are the private central bankers willing to risk incinerating the whole planet just to feed their greed apparently so this brings us to the current situation in the ukraine russia and china the european union had been courting the government of the ukraine to merge with the eu and more to the point entangle their economy with the privateowned european central bank the government of the ukraine was considering the move but had made no commitments part of their concern lay with the conditions in other eu nations enslaved to the ecb notably cyprus greece spain and italy so they were properly cautious then russia stepped in with a better deal and the ukraine exercising the basic choice all consumers have to choose the best product at the best price dropped the eu and announced they were going to go with russias offer it was at that point that agents provocateurs flooded into the ukraine covertly funded by intelligence agency fronts like canvas and usaid stirring up trouble while the western media proclaimed this was a popular revolution snipers shot at people and this violence was blamed on thenpresident yanukovich however a leaked recording of a phone call between the eus catherine ashton and estonias foreign minister urmas paet confirmed the snipers were working for the overthrow plotters not the ukrainian government urmas paet has confirmed the authenticity of that phone call this is a classic pattern of covert overthrow we have seen many times before since the end of ww the us has covertly tried to overthrow the governments of nations succeeding times examples include the overthrow of irans elected government of mohammed mossadegh and the imposition of the shah the overthrow of chiles elected government of salvador allende and the imposition of the pinochet dictatorship and of course the current overthrow of ukraines elected government of yanukovich and the imposition of the current unelected government which is already gutting the ukraines wealth to hand to the western bankers brazil russia india china and south africa have formed a parallel financial system called brics scheduled to officially launch on january as of this writing some nations are ready to trade with brics in transactions that do not involve the us dollar despite us economic warfare against both russia and china the ruble and yuan are seen as more attractive for international trade and banking than the us dollar hence the us attempt to fan the ukraine crisis into war with russia and attempts to provoke north korea as a back door to war with china click for larger image flag waving and propaganda aside all modern wars are wars by and for the private bankers fought and bled for by third parties unaware of the true reason they are expected to gracefully be killed and crippled for the process is quite simple as soon as the private central bank issues its currency as a loan at interest the public is forced deeper and deeper into debt when the people are reluctant to borrow any more that is when the keynesian economists demand the government borrow more to keep the pyramid scheme working when both the people and government refuse to borrow any more that is when wars are started to plunge everyone even deeper into debt to pay for the war then after the war to borrow more to rebuild when the war is over the people have about the same as they did before the war except the graveyards are far larger and everyone is in debt to the private bankers for the next century this is why brown brothers harriman in new york was funding the rise of adolf hitler as long as private central banks are allowed to exist inevitably as the night follows day there will be poverty hopelessness and millions of deaths in endless world wars until the earth itself is sacrificed in flames to mammon the path to true peace on earth lies in the abolishment of all private central banking everywhere and a return to the stateissued valuebased currencies that allow nations and people to become prosperous banks do not have an obligation to promote the public good alexander dielius ceo germany austrian eastern europe goldman sachs i am just a banker doing gods work lloyd blankfein ceo goldman sachs
share facebook result fatigue dizziness shortness breath pale yellow skin irregular heartbeats muscle weakness mental confusion unsteady movements mental confusion forgetfulness nobody wants deal sort health issues pharmaceutical companies come solution multivitamins one popular brands america centrum one capsule receive necessary nutrients need maintain healthy lifestyle sounds good true americans take pill daily basis difference makes consumer significantly lighter wallet worldwide popular health scam named centrum last year centrum ranked second leading us multivitamin brand sales million american dollars multivitamin created pfizer worlds largest pharmaceutical company pfizer also dubbed manufacturer fine chemicals history health care fraud illegal marketing began soon begin launched despite sketchy background centrum extremely popular probably due multibillion dollar ad marketing campaign pfizer trumped claims dubious backings centrum bad health list centrums ingredients three categories minerals vitamins poor absorption calcium carbonate least absorbable forms calcium available market small percent ingested body ferrous fumarate iron supplement often causes constipation causes overgrowth harmful flora result may experience gastrointestinal issues compromised immune system problems nutrient absorption obviously bad choice multivitamin dlalpha tocopherol synthetic form vitamin e supplement researchers oregon state university found body excretes artificial form three times faster natural meaning benefit decreased threefold nickelous sulfate tin would great nickel tin deficiency except one problem even minerals bound sulfate decrease absorption ability talc mineral made mostly magnesium silicon oxygen however talc contain asbestos substance known cause cancers fillers binders pregelatinized corn starch purely binder benefits likely made genetically modified corn creates number adverse reactions especially sensitive bht butylated hydroxyanisole preservative science found toxic liver thyroid lungs kidneys affect blood coagulation also promote tumors gelatin multivitamin officially unfit vegetarians vegans hydrogenated palm oil process hydrogenating oil makes oil rancid turning strong free radical promotes cancer heart disease sodium benzoate overused preservative shown cause organ toxicity sodium aluminosilicate common food additive anticaking effects cause health organ deterioration contributes detrimental properties table salt artificial colors fdc yellow aluminum lake yes food coloring multivitamin one actually derived coal tar reproductive toxin studies found cause adrenal tumor lab animals choose good multivitamin health supplement minuscule amount good properties detriment along instead pick multivitamin without additives artificial colors benefits vitamins absorbed would good idea choose tried true brand health food store opposed commercially popular kinds found pharmacy remember get pay better pay better vitamin disease treatment later unfortunately centrum isnt health scam market cheap multivitamins supplements harm good many multivitamin trials resulted cardiovascular issues depleted cognitive function acute respiratory tract infections especially women cases cancer even mortality course would optimal simply eat nutrients need sometimes become challenging dont worry still proper vitamins supplemented recommended brands douglas labs
Carol McCoy
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snow reports from around the northland through am saturday by andrew krueger today at am brian parendo of esko shovels heavy wet show from his driveway friday morning im happy it lasted this long he said referring to the long spell of warm weather that preceded the storm bob king rkingduluthnewscom snow reports from around the northland as of am saturday as relayed by the national weather service in duluth this list will be updated if additional reports are received check back to wwwduluthnewstribunecom for updates recommended for you
share facebook physicists say may evidence universe computer simulation made computer simulation universe looks sort like us longproposed thought experiment put forward philosophers popular culture points civilization sufficient size intelligence would eventually create simulation universe thing possible longproposed thought experiment put forward philosophers popular culture points civilization sufficient size intelligence would eventually create simulation universe thing possible since would therefore many simulations within simulations within simulations real universes therefore likely world artificial team researchers university bonn germany led silas beane say evidence may true paper named constraints universe numerical simulation point current simulations universe exist extremely weak small naturally put limits physical laws technology review explains problem simulations laws physics appear continuous superimposed onto discrete three dimensional lattice advances steps time basically means simulation computer would put limits instance energy particles within program limits would experienced living within sim turns something looks like limits fact exist instance something known greisenzatsepinkuzmin gzk cut apparent boundary energy cosmic ray particles caused interaction cosmic background radiation beane cos paper argues pattern rule mirrors might expect computer simulation naturally point science becomes pretty tricky wade would advise read paper try get full detail idea basic impression intriguing one like prisoner pitchblack cell may never able see walls prison physics may able reach touch watch elon musk says subject related
Pam Wilkerson Harrod
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snow reports from around the northland through pm saturday by andrew krueger on nov at pm brian parendo of esko shovels heavy wet show from his driveway friday morning im happy it lasted this long he said referring to the long spell of warm weather that preceded the storm bob king rkingduluthnewscom snow reports from around the northland as of pm saturday as relayed by the national weather service in duluth the greatest total was near leader in cass county the total at the duluth airport was corrected on saturday from a higher total that had been reported friday night recommended for you
kenyan refugee kills coworker self others shot hard worker fired job published mins ago roanoke va ap refugee kenya killed one former coworker wounded three others killed tuesday workplace shooting authorities still trying unravel virginia police said getachew fekede entered us refugee immigration program worked railcar manufacturer freightcar america fired march stopped showing work roanoke police chief tim jones told reporters neighbor told associated press fekede quit job harassed coworker clarence jones said fedeke would send money mother back kenya grown concerned finances
Shelby Kellin
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wmd announcement just a reminder that this site continues to be attacked by the crybaby hackers so if you cannot reach it wait a couple minutes and try again thought for the day it is a terrible situation when the government to insure the national wealth must go in debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious value of gold interest is the invention of satan thomas edison your random dhs monitored phrase of the day chemical burn paid advertising at what really happened may not represent the views and opinions of this website and its contributors no endorsement of products and services advertised is either expressed or implied the death of john kennedy by michael rivero there have been two official investigations one concluded oswald acted alone the other that there was a conspiracy after half a century many of the key documents which could tell the whole story remain classified john f kennedys brain is still missing from the national archives why if it is an open and shut case why the secrecy if oswald was just a crazed lone gunman the house select committee on assassinations concluded that john f kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy based on the recording of the gunshots fired in dealey plaza captured over a police radio a total of impulses were caught on the tape but citing budgetary constraints the hsca only had of them analyzed the analysis concluded that all were gunshots two of them occurring within a second of each other too close to be fired by one man comparisons of the echoes with test shots fired in dealey plaza confirmed that at least one of the recorded shots had indeed been fired from the grassy knoll needless to say the existence of rather than just gunshots destroyed the oswald as lone gunman coverup warren supporters quickly tried to dismiss the audio record of the gunshots by claiming that the recording was actually of gunshots in another part of the city and confused for dealey plaza shots because of a timing error without explaining just where the other shots had occurred or why the echo patterns exactly matched the test shots fired in dealey plaza the warren supporters declared victory new research has shown that the report that dismissed the audio recording of the gunshots was itself deeply flawed and ignored evidence that confirmed both the location and time of the recording as being in dealey plaza at the time of the jfk assassination this means that the original house select committee on assassinations conclusion is the correct one there were at least five gunshots in dealey plaza two of them within second of each other and at least one of the shots came from the grassy knoll update the deathbed confession of cia agent e howard hunt to his son on the jfk assassination update numerous witnesses had reported a large obvious exit wound in the back of kennedys head consistent with the reports of a gunshot from the grassy knoll the warren commission dismissed the exit wound and reports of a shooter on the grassy knoll and published in their report photographs of the back of kennedys head that showed no damage now it has been revealed that the warren commission did not publish the actual autopsy photos but substituted photos taken after morticians had reconstructed kennedys head an anticipation of a possible open casket viewing prior to the funeral as had been done with lincoln although described as a mixup the simplest explanation is deliberate deception by the warren commission dan rathers fib dan rather at the time an unknown newscaster from a small market texas tv station viewed the zapruder film then described it to america on the cbs network as this recording of that broadcast shows rather lied to all of america in claiming that the head shot pushed john f kennedys head forward rather makes the claim that kennedys head rocketed forward at in the above video he also makes a point of saying there were only three shots in total rathers meteoric rise to network status and stardom soon followed this broadcast when the zapruder film was finally shown publicly during jim garrisons trial of cia agent clay shaw rathers lie was revealed for all to see a revealing wink most americans who lived through the kennedy assassination are very familiar with the above photo of vice president lyndon johnson being sworn in as president aboard air force one but very few people are aware of another photograph snapped just seconds later in this photo congressman albert thomas winks back at the brandnew president
woman eaten alive daughters dogs german shepherds reportedly responsible mauling death published min ago foxny new york inside edition yearold woman found dead basement new york home devastated daughter told authorities dogs may eaten mother police source told inside edition officers responding call unconscious unresponsive woman found body daisie bradshaw staten island home tuesday nypd said victim found beaten bruised pronounced dead scene officials said
James Richard Tyrer
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share on facebook this can result in fatigue dizziness shortness of breath pale or yellow skin irregular heartbeats muscle weakness mental confusion unsteady movements and mental confusion or forgetfulness nobody wants to deal with those sort of health issues so pharmaceutical companies have come up with a solution multivitamins one of the most popular brands in america is centrum in one capsule you can receive all the necessary nutrients you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle it sounds too good to be true and it is americans take this pill on a daily basis and the only difference it makes to the consumer is a significantly lighter wallet the worldwide popular health scam named centrum last year centrum was ranked as the second leading us multivitamin brand its sales being million american dollars this multivitamin was created by pfizer the worlds largest pharmaceutical company pfizer is also dubbed manufacturer of fine chemicals after a history of health care fraud and illegal marketing that began soon after begin launched in despite its sketchy background centrum is extremely popular probably due to the multibillion dollar ad marketing campaign by pfizer most of which are trumped claims with dubious backings why centrum is bad for your health here is a list of centrums ingredients under three categories minerals and vitamins with poor absorption calcium carbonate this is the least absorbable forms of calcium available in the market only a small percent is ingested into the body ferrous fumarate this iron supplement often causes constipation which causes an overgrowth of harmful flora as a result you may experience gastrointestinal issues a compromised immune system and problems with nutrient absorption this is an obviously bad choice for a multivitamin dlalpha tocopherol this is a synthetic form a vitamin e supplement researchers at oregon state university found that the body excretes this artificial form three times as faster than the natural meaning the benefit is decreased threefold nickelous sulfate and tin this would be great if you had a nickel or tin deficiency except no one has this problem even so when minerals are bound to a sulfate this decrease their absorption ability talc this is a mineral made up of mostly magnesium silicon and oxygen however talc can contain asbestos a substance known to cause cancers fillers and binders pregelatinized corn starch this is purely a binder with no benefits it is likely to be made from genetically modified corn which creates a number of adverse reactions especially for those who are sensitive to it bht butylated hydroxyanisole is a preservative that science has found to be toxic to the liver thyroid lungs kidneys and can affect blood coagulation it can also promote tumors gelatin this multivitamin is officially unfit for vegetarians and vegans hydrogenated palm oil the process of hydrogenating any oil makes the oil rancid turning it into a strong free radical which promotes cancer and heart disease sodium benzoate this is an overused preservative that has been shown to cause organ toxicity sodium aluminosilicate this common food additive for its anticaking effects can cause health organ deterioration it contributes to the detrimental properties of table salt artificial colors fdc yellow no aluminum lake yes there is food coloring in a multivitamin and this one was actually derived from coal tar a reproductive toxin studies found it to cause adrenal tumor in the lab animals how to choose a good multivitamin a health supplement should not have a minuscule amount of good properties with such detriment along with it instead pick a multivitamin without additives and artificial colors with the benefits of the vitamins are absorbed it would be a good idea to choose a tried and true brand from a health food store as opposed to the commercially popular kinds found in a pharmacy remember you get what you pay for and its better to pay for a better vitamin now than for disease treatment later on unfortunately centrum isnt the only health scam on the market most cheap multivitamins and supplements can do more harm than good many multivitamin trials have resulted in cardiovascular issues depleted cognitive function and acute respiratory tract infections especially in women there has been cases of cancer and even mortality of course it would be optimal to simply eat all the nutrients we need this can sometimes become challenging but dont worry you can still have your proper vitamins supplemented here are a few recommended brands douglas labs
state fired pastor demands sermons notes excessive display government overreaching authority published mins ago archive bob unruh joined wnd nearly three decades associated press well several upper midwest newspapers covered everything legislative battles sports tornadoes homicidal survivalists also photographer whose scenic work used commercially print dr eric walsh photo first liberty state georgia demanding copies sermons related notes lay pastor fired department public health investigated said church dr eric walsh resisting issuing statement via legal team comply demand state lawyers states demand response lawsuit filed walsh department health charging discrimination based religion civil rights violations hes getting support pastor successfully fought demand houston officials copies sermons walshs ordeal began may accepted offer become district health director state agency week later state official asked provide copies sermons preached lay minister seventhday adventist church lee rudd agencys human resources director assigned staff members listen youtube recordings immediately two days later walsh fired point lawyers first liberty institute joined forces atlanta legal team parks chesin walbert file federal lawsuit state agency police state usa orwells nightmare becoming reality chronicles america arrived point de facto police state led outofcontrol government increasingly ignores constitution order today response walshs lawsuit state delivered request production documents demands among flood paperwork copies sermon notes transcripts excessive display government overreaching authority violating sanctity church said jeremy dys senior counsel first liberty government right require pastor turn sermons said walsh statement released lawyers cannot give sermons unless forced officials georgia department health declined respond wnd request comment instead referring reporter state attorney general respond request comment walshs lawyers scheduled news conference display support guest list pastor dave welch houston one five pastors whose sermons demanded lesbian mayor campaign establish protections sexual preferences city code wnd broke story city launched action pastors also reported rush limbaugh described parkers actions possibly one vile filthy blatant violations constitution seen mayor time annise parker withdrew demands amid flood protest prepared statement wednesday walshs case welch said cant believe im saying georgias demand even worse mayor houston demanded different categories materials including sermons us welch executive director texas pastor council said happening walsh worse happened houston multiple reasons first state government coming pastor rogue mayor one city said also state demanding much material sermons sermon notes documents without even topical time limits could even include margin notes pastors preaching bible almost ransacking pastors study sweeping demand ominous threat every pastor every church every denomination every citizen faith america leaders concerned women america legislative action committee part nations largest public policy womens group members also came walshs defense penny nance ceo said words reverend dr martin luther king jr injustice anywhere threat justice everywhere still reverberate today especially witness gestapolike tactics native state state georgias blatant attack religious freedom discriminate another pastor dr eric walsh indeed threat every american whatever religious beliefs clearer violation first amendment right religious freedom state monitor examine retaliate person sermons share wnd reported earlier case brought state officials reviewed walshs sermons fired one country fired job something said church pulpit sermon dys told fox news case filed fired something said sermon government allowed fire someone said sermons come us beliefs anything original state investigation walshs sermons apparently sparked one complaint official county democratic party gay activist state officials also joked informing walsh firing telephone call dr patrick oneal agency official kate pfirman agency financial officer call captured answering machine also caught conversation thought hung pfirman said im gonna im gonna try come cold dont want say much try make warm ive thought gonna theres warm way say anyway laughter parties oneal said inform walsh youre another round laughter funny pfirman said voicemail houston dispute voters ultimately soundly rejected parkers ordinance giving gays transgendered people special rights
Ruby Rowell
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share on facebook physicists say they may have evidence that the universe is a computer simulation how they made a computer simulation of the universe and it looks sort of like us a longproposed thought experiment put forward by both philosophers and popular culture points out that any civilization of sufficient size and intelligence would eventually create a simulation universe if such a thing were possible a longproposed thought experiment put forward by both philosophers and popular culture points out that any civilization of sufficient size and intelligence would eventually create a simulation universe if such a thing were possible and since there would therefore be many more simulations within simulations within simulations than real universes it is therefore more likely than not that our world is artificial now a team of researchers at the university of bonn in germany led by silas beane say they have evidence this may be true in a paper named constraints on the universe as a numerical simulation they point out that current simulations of the universe which do exist but which are extremely weak and small naturally put limits on physical laws technology review explains that the problem with all simulations is that the laws of physics which appear continuous have to be superimposed onto a discrete three dimensional lattice which advances in steps of time what that basically means is that by just being a simulation the computer would put limits on for instance the energy that particles can have within the program these limits would be experienced by those living within the sim and as it turns out something which looks just like these limits do in fact exist for instance something known as the greisenzatsepinkuzmin or gzk cut off is an apparent boundary of the energy that cosmic ray particles can have this is caused by interaction with cosmic background radiation but beane and cos paper argues that the pattern of this rule mirrors what you might expect from a computer simulation naturally at this point the science becomes pretty tricky to wade through and we would advise you read the paper itself to try and get the full detail of the idea but the basic impression is an intriguing one like a prisoner in a pitchblack cell we may never be able to see the walls of our prison but through physics we may be able to reach out and touch them watch what elon musk says on this subject related
kenyan refugee kills coworker self others shot hard worker fired job published mins ago roanoke va ap refugee kenya killed one former coworker wounded three others killed tuesday workplace shooting authorities still trying unravel virginia police said getachew fekede entered us refugee immigration program worked railcar manufacturer freightcar america fired march stopped showing work roanoke police chief tim jones told reporters neighbor told associated press fekede quit job harassed coworker clarence jones said fedeke would send money mother back kenya grown concerned finances
Dennis Jackson
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kenyan refugee kills coworker self others shot by hard worker fired from job published mins ago roanoke va ap a refugee from kenya killed one former coworker wounded three others and then killed himself tuesday in a workplace shooting that authorities are still trying to unravel in virginia police said getachew fekede had entered the us through a refugee immigration program and worked for the railcar manufacturer freightcar america before being fired in march when he stopped showing up for work roanoke police chief tim jones told reporters a neighbor told the associated press that fekede quit his job over being harassed by a coworker clarence jones said fedeke would send money to his mother back in kenya and had grown concerned about his finances
trump hillary would lead world war due potential conflict nucleararmed russia published mins ago reuters doral florida us republican presidential nominee donald trump said tuesday democrat hillary clintons plan syria would lead world war three potential conflict military forces nucleararmed russia interview focused largely foreign policy trump said defeating islamic state higher priority persuading syrian president bashar alassad step playing longheld goal us policy trump questioned clinton would negotiate russian president vladimir putin demonizing blamed president barack obama downturn us relations philippines new president rodrigo duterte
Lisa Beach
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woman eaten alive by daughters dogs german shepherds reportedly responsible for mauling death published min ago foxny new york inside edition a yearold woman was found dead in the basement of her new york home by her devastated daughter who told authorities her dogs may have eaten her mother a police source told inside edition officers responding to a call for an unconscious and unresponsive woman found the body of daisie bradshaw in her staten island home at about am tuesday the nypd said the victim who was found beaten and bruised was pronounced dead at the scene officials said
texas county switches emergency paper ballots glitches reported election software published mins ago infowars county texas switched emergency paper ballots electronic voting machines region suffered technical glitches chambers county clerk heather hawthorne issued press release tuesday night announcing electronic voting would suspended glitches affecting voting machines could corrected straight party vote republicans democrats automatically select one race ballot states press release
Bob Menefee
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state that fired pastor demands his sermons notes this is an excessive display of the government overreaching its authority published mins ago about archive bob unruh joined wnd in after nearly three decades with the associated press as well as several upper midwest newspapers where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists he is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially print dr eric walsh photo first liberty the state of georgia is demanding copies of the sermons and related notes of a lay pastor who was fired by the department of public health after it investigated what he said in his church but dr eric walsh is resisting issuing a statement via his legal team that he will not comply with the demand from state lawyers the states demand is in response to a lawsuit filed by walsh against the department of health charging discrimination based on his religion and other civil rights violations hes getting support from a pastor who successfully fought off a demand by houston officials for copies of his sermons walshs ordeal began in may when he accepted an offer as to become district health director with the state agency only a week later a state official asked him to provide copies of sermons he had preached as a lay minister with a seventhday adventist church lee rudd the agencys human resources director then assigned staff members to listen to the youtube recordings immediately two days later walsh was fired at that point lawyers with first liberty institute joined forces with the atlanta legal team of parks chesin walbert to file a federal lawsuit against the state agency police state usa how orwells nightmare is becoming our reality chronicles how america has arrived at the point of being a de facto police state and what led to an outofcontrol government that increasingly ignores the constitution order today now in response to walshs lawsuit the state delivered a request for production of documents that demands among a flood of other paperwork copies of his sermon notes and transcripts this is an excessive display of the government overreaching its authority and violating the sanctity of the church said jeremy dys senior counsel for first liberty no government has the right to require a pastor to turn over his sermons said walsh in a statement released by his lawyers i cannot and will not give up my sermons unless i am forced to do so officials with the georgia department of health declined to respond to a wnd request for comment instead referring a reporter to the state attorney general who did not respond to a request for comment walshs lawyers scheduled a news conference as a display of support on the guest list was pastor dave welch of houston one of five pastors whose sermons were demanded by a lesbian mayor during her campaign to establish protections for her sexual preferences in city code wnd broke the story when the city launched its action against the pastors and also reported when rush limbaugh described parkers actions as possibly one of the most vile filthy blatant violations of the constitution that i have seen the mayor at the time annise parker withdrew the demands amid a flood of protest in a prepared statement wednesday on walshs case welch said i cant believe im saying this but georgias demand is even worse than when the mayor of houston demanded different categories of materials including sermons from us welch the executive director of the texas pastor council said what is happening to walsh is worse than what happened in houston for multiple reasons first this is state government coming after a pastor not just a rogue mayor in one city he said also the state is demanding much more material sermons sermon notes all documents without even topical or time limits it could even include margin notes in this pastors preaching bible its almost as if they are ransacking the pastors study this sweeping demand is ominous and a threat to every pastor every church every denomination and every citizen of faith in america leaders of concerned women for america legislative action committee part of the nations largest public policy womens group with members also came to walshs defense penny nance ceo said the words of reverend dr martin luther king jr that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere still reverberate today especially as we witness the gestapolike tactics of his native state the state of georgias blatant attack on religious freedom as they discriminate against another pastor dr eric walsh is indeed a threat to every american whatever our religious beliefs can there be a clearer violation of our first amendment right to religious freedom than for the state to monitor examine and retaliate against a person because of the sermons they share wnd reported earlier on the case brought against the state after its officials reviewed walshs sermons and then fired him no one in this country should be fired from their job for something that was said in a church or from a pulpit during a sermon dys told fox news when the case was filed he was fired for something he said in a sermon if the government is allowed to fire someone over what he said in his sermons they can come after any of us for our beliefs on anything the original state investigation of walshs sermons apparently was sparked by one complaint from an official with a county democratic party and gay activist state officials also joked about informing walsh of his firing the telephone call was between dr patrick oneal an agency official and kate pfirman an agency financial officer the call was captured on an answering machine which also caught their conversation after they thought they had hung up pfirman said and im gonna be very im gonna try to come off as very cold because i dont want to say very much if i try to make it warm ive thought that through its gonna just not theres no warm way to say it anyway then there was laughter from both parties oneal then said to inform walsh youre out and there was another round of laughter its very funny pfirman said the voicemail in the houston dispute voters ultimately soundly rejected parkers ordinance giving gays and transgendered people special rights
poll trump pulls ahead florida gops rubio leads democrat points senate race published mins ago bloomberg donald trump slim advantage florida critical independent voters narrowly break way mustwin battleground state bloomberg politics poll shows republican presidential nominee percent democrat hillary clintons percent among likely voters thirdparty candidates included poll found hypothetical twoway race trump percent clintons percent among independents trump gets percent clintons percent headtohead contest thirdparty candidates included trump picks point independents clinton drops percent libertarian gary johnson taking percent green partys jill stein getting percent
John Doyle
no title
kenyan refugee kills coworker self others shot by hard worker fired from job published mins ago roanoke va ap a refugee from kenya killed one former coworker wounded three others and then killed himself tuesday in a workplace shooting that authorities are still trying to unravel in virginia police said getachew fekede had entered the us through a refugee immigration program and worked for the railcar manufacturer freightcar america before being fired in march when he stopped showing up for work roanoke police chief tim jones told reporters a neighbor told the associated press that fekede quit his job over being harassed by a coworker clarence jones said fedeke would send money to his mother back in kenya and had grown concerned about his finances
state fired pastor demands sermons notes excessive display government overreaching authority published mins ago bob unruh archive bob unruh joined wnd nearly three decades associated press well several upper midwest newspapers covered everything legislative battles sports tornadoes homicidal survivalists also photographer whose scenic work used commercially print dr eric walsh photo first liberty state georgia demanding copies sermons related notes lay pastor fired department public health investigated said church dr eric walsh resisting issuing statement via legal team comply demand state lawyers states demand response lawsuit filed walsh department health charging discrimination based religion civil rights violations hes getting support pastor successfully fought demand houston officials copies sermons walshs ordeal began may accepted offer become district health director state agency week later state official asked provide copies sermons preached lay minister seventhday adventist church lee rudd agencys human resources director assigned staff members listen youtube recordings immediately two days later walsh fired point lawyers first liberty institute joined forces atlanta legal team parks chesin walbert file federal lawsuit state agency police state usa orwells nightmare becoming reality chronicles america arrived point de facto police state led outofcontrol government increasingly ignores constitution order today response walshs lawsuit state delivered request production documents demands among flood paperwork copies sermon notes transcripts excessive display government overreaching authority violating sanctity church said jeremy dys senior counsel first liberty government right require pastor turn sermons said walsh statement released lawyers cannot give sermons unless forced officials georgia department health declined respond wnd request comment instead referring reporter state attorney general respond request comment walshs lawyers scheduled news conference display support guest list pastor dave welch houston one five pastors whose sermons demanded lesbian mayor campaign establish protections sexual preferences city code wnd broke story city launched action pastors also reported rush limbaugh described parkers actions possibly one vile filthy blatant violations constitution seen mayor time annise parker withdrew demands amid flood protest prepared statement wednesday walshs case welch said cant believe im saying georgias demand even worse mayor houston demanded different categories materials including sermons us welch executive director texas pastor council said happening walsh worse happened houston multiple reasons first state government coming pastor rogue mayor one city said also state demanding much material sermons sermon notes documents without even topical time limits could even include margin notes pastors preaching bible almost ransacking pastors study sweeping demand ominous threat every pastor every church every denomination every citizen faith america leaders concerned women america legislative action committee part nations largest public policy womens group members also came walshs defense penny nance ceo said words reverend dr martin luther king jr injustice anywhere threat justice everywhere still reverberate today especially witness gestapolike tactics native state state georgias blatant attack religious freedom discriminate another pastor dr eric walsh indeed threat every american whatever religious beliefs clearer violation first amendment right religious freedom state monitor examine retaliate person sermons share wnd reported earlier case brought state officials reviewed walshs sermons fired one country fired job something said church pulpit sermon dys told fox news case filed fired something said sermon government allowed fire someone said sermons come us beliefs anything original state investigation walshs sermons apparently sparked one complaint official county democratic party gay activist state officials also joked informing walsh firing telephone call dr patrick oneal agency official kate pfirman agency financial officer call captured answering machine also caught conversation thought hung pfirman said im gonna im gonna try come cold dont want say much try make warm ive thought gonna theres warm way say anyway laughter parties oneal said inform walsh youre another round laughter funny pfirman said voicemail houston dispute voters ultimately soundly rejected parkers ordinance giving gays transgendered people special rights
Lamar Havard
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trump hillary would lead to world war due to potential for conflict with nucleararmed russia published mins ago reuters doral florida us republican presidential nominee donald trump said on tuesday that democrat hillary clintons plan for syria would lead to world war three because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nucleararmed russia in an interview focused largely on foreign policy trump said defeating islamic state is a higher priority than persuading syrian president bashar alassad to step down playing down a longheld goal of us policy trump questioned how clinton would negotiate with russian president vladimir putin after demonizing him and blamed president barack obama for a downturn in us relations with the philippines under its new president rodrigo duterte
woman eaten alive daughters dogs german shepherds reportedly responsible mauling death published mins ago foxny new york inside edition yearold woman found dead basement new york home devastated daughter told authorities dogs may eaten mother police source told inside edition officers responding call unconscious unresponsive woman found body daisie bradshaw staten island home tuesday nypd said victim found beaten bruised pronounced dead scene officials said
Yrag Werdna Xuaedobiht
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texas county switches to emergency paper ballots after glitches reported with election software published mins ago infowars a county in texas has switched to emergency paper ballots after electronic voting machines in the region suffered technical glitches chambers county clerk heather hawthorne issued a press release tuesday night announcing electronic voting would be suspended until the glitches affecting voting machines could be corrected the straight party vote for both the republicans and democrats did not automatically select one race on each ballot states the press release
anatomy lesson published mins ago editors note need something smile every day wnd selects best joke offered readers contributors laughlines forum brings wnd joke day todays offering pediatrician town always plays game young patients put ease test knowledge body parts one day pointing little boys ear doctor asked nose little boy turned mother said mom think wed better find new doctor
Don Anthony Dillon
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poll trump pulls ahead in florida gops rubio leads democrat by points in senate race published mins ago bloomberg donald trump has a slim advantage in florida as critical independent voters narrowly break his way in the mustwin battleground state a bloomberg politics poll shows the republican presidential nominee has percent to democrat hillary clintons percent among likely voters when thirdparty candidates are included the poll found in a hypothetical twoway race trump has percent to clintons percent among independents trump gets percent to clintons percent in a headtohead contest when thirdparty candidates are included trump picks up point with independents while clinton drops to percent with libertarian gary johnson taking percent and the green partys jill stein getting percent
actor jim caviezel portraying jesus passion christ jesus christ nazareth republican nominee president election cycle democrats would try destroy manner theyre attacking gop candidate donald trump thats according radio host rush limbaugh hypothesized years race would look like son god top republican ticket president trump try prosecute hillary sign hottest petition america show support doesnt matter republicans would nominated gonna get treatment trumps getting wouldnt mattered limbaugh said wednesday would go way find ways destroy jesus christ could nominated republican democrats would everything could include calling liar bible fake book whatever took rush limbaugh despite fact bible never indicates jesus married sex wedlock limbaugh suggested democrats would best effort trying find offspring would scour historical record looking children fathered anything could disapprove gospel discredit jesus thats thats would limbaugh said point stressing republicans would never escape kind media assault based nominate donald trumps rnc acceptance speech photo screenshot rnc live feed say lot never trumpers claiming exactly get nominate guy like trump exactly get nominate republican whenever opposition democrats doesnt matter theyre gonna romney ive made point til blue face turned romney mildmannered mr gosh cant even get noticed biggest walking satan el diablo politics ever seen time made stick think trump many people supporting hes fighting back republicans havent dont example media treatment republicans changed limbaugh played excerpt electionnight coverage cbs commentator bill moyers characterized race known republican ronald reagan would easily defeat democrat jimmy carter moyers stated might speak spanish might black might women remember said carter whos friend california sun san diego shopping center ronald reagan delivering one patriotic soliloquies hes master since days eureka college suddenly hecklers crowd started shouting waving era signs reagan took cue snapped back aw shut thousands supporters roared approval people ronald reagan apostle rollback knight promises finally slay dragon liberal government jimmy carter four years ago outsider wins tonight must insider defending status quo reagan cast sheriff comes riding town nick time shouting enoughs enough sound like anything changed way people see world limbaugh asked iota follow joe kovacs twitter joekovacsnews
Harold Hughes
no title
state that fired pastor demands his sermons notes this is an excessive display of the government overreaching its authority published mins ago bob unruh about archive bob unruh joined wnd in after nearly three decades with the associated press as well as several upper midwest newspapers where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists he is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially print dr eric walsh photo first liberty the state of georgia is demanding copies of the sermons and related notes of a lay pastor who was fired by the department of public health after it investigated what he said in his church but dr eric walsh is resisting issuing a statement via his legal team that he will not comply with the demand from state lawyers the states demand is in response to a lawsuit filed by walsh against the department of health charging discrimination based on his religion and other civil rights violations hes getting support from a pastor who successfully fought off a demand by houston officials for copies of his sermons walshs ordeal began in may when he accepted an offer as to become district health director with the state agency only a week later a state official asked him to provide copies of sermons he had preached as a lay minister with a seventhday adventist church lee rudd the agencys human resources director then assigned staff members to listen to the youtube recordings immediately two days later walsh was fired at that point lawyers with first liberty institute joined forces with the atlanta legal team of parks chesin walbert to file a federal lawsuit against the state agency police state usa how orwells nightmare is becoming our reality chronicles how america has arrived at the point of being a de facto police state and what led to an outofcontrol government that increasingly ignores the constitution order today now in response to walshs lawsuit the state delivered a request for production of documents that demands among a flood of other paperwork copies of his sermon notes and transcripts this is an excessive display of the government overreaching its authority and violating the sanctity of the church said jeremy dys senior counsel for first liberty no government has the right to require a pastor to turn over his sermons said walsh in a statement released by his lawyers i cannot and will not give up my sermons unless i am forced to do so officials with the georgia department of health declined to respond to a wnd request for comment instead referring a reporter to the state attorney general who did not respond to a request for comment walshs lawyers scheduled a news conference as a display of support on the guest list was pastor dave welch of houston one of five pastors whose sermons were demanded by a lesbian mayor during her campaign to establish protections for her sexual preferences in city code wnd broke the story when the city launched its action against the pastors and also reported when rush limbaugh described parkers actions as possibly one of the most vile filthy blatant violations of the constitution that i have seen the mayor at the time annise parker withdrew the demands amid a flood of protest in a prepared statement wednesday on walshs case welch said i cant believe im saying this but georgias demand is even worse than when the mayor of houston demanded different categories of materials including sermons from us welch the executive director of the texas pastor council said what is happening to walsh is worse than what happened in houston for multiple reasons first this is state government coming after a pastor not just a rogue mayor in one city he said also the state is demanding much more material sermons sermon notes all documents without even topical or time limits it could even include margin notes in this pastors preaching bible its almost as if they are ransacking the pastors study this sweeping demand is ominous and a threat to every pastor every church every denomination and every citizen of faith in america leaders of concerned women for america legislative action committee part of the nations largest public policy womens group with members also came to walshs defense penny nance ceo said the words of reverend dr martin luther king jr that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere still reverberate today especially as we witness the gestapolike tactics of his native state the state of georgias blatant attack on religious freedom as they discriminate against another pastor dr eric walsh is indeed a threat to every american whatever our religious beliefs can there be a clearer violation of our first amendment right to religious freedom than for the state to monitor examine and retaliate against a person because of the sermons they share wnd reported earlier on the case brought against the state after its officials reviewed walshs sermons and then fired him no one in this country should be fired from their job for something that was said in a church or from a pulpit during a sermon dys told fox news when the case was filed he was fired for something he said in a sermon if the government is allowed to fire someone over what he said in his sermons they can come after any of us for our beliefs on anything the original state investigation of walshs sermons apparently was sparked by one complaint from an official with a county democratic party and gay activist state officials also joked about informing walsh of his firing the telephone call was between dr patrick oneal an agency official and kate pfirman an agency financial officer the call was captured on an answering machine which also caught their conversation after they thought they had hung up pfirman said and im gonna be very im gonna try to come off as very cold because i dont want to say very much if i try to make it warm ive thought that through its gonna just not theres no warm way to say it anyway then there was laughter from both parties oneal then said to inform walsh youre out and there was another round of laughter its very funny pfirman said the voicemail in the houston dispute voters ultimately soundly rejected parkers ordinance giving gays and transgendered people special rights
see dems accept foreign cash disrupt trump rallies undercover footage catches hillary operative redhanded published mins ago bob unruh archive bob unruh joined wnd nearly three decades associated press well several upper midwest newspapers covered everything legislative battles sports tornadoes homicidal survivalists also photographer whose scenic work used commercially print hillary clintonsupporting advocacy organization trouble accepting donation funneled belize bank use years presidential election campaign decision made public series undercover videos james okeefes project veritas action suddenly head organization expressed suspicion donations overseas origin decided return thats one significant revelations latest series videos released okeefe called rigging election okeefe explained fictitious donor meet bob creamer staffer americans united change group supporting clinton president videos started appearing last week said creamer boasted working directly clinton campaign directed donation go aufc disrupt rallies fund bracketing ops okeefe said colleagues careful violate law creamer clear ties clinton stating every morning call goes message driven campaign headquarters sign precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call independent prosecutor investigate hillary clinton project veritas first video explained clinton campaign uses hidden connections incite violence donald trump rallies second video showed plans stepbystep voter fraud third exposed prohibited communications hillary clintons campaign dnc nonprofit americans united change fourth video breaks process longterm investigation comes creamers announcement stepping campaign responsibilities okeefe project veritas action filed complaint federal election commission among revelations latest video creamer boasting close links president obama oh barack obamas best campaign history american politics mean second one mean first good consultant second one everything hit every level every aspect said hes pro ive known president since community organizer chicago asked whether potential donor could meet obama creamer said ok may lot opportunity done days event chicago friday last week good ever lot work white house issues helping run issued campaigns involved mean immigration reform health care bill trying make america like britain comes gun violence issues explained project veritas promised creamer access project veritas action journalists seemed get project veritas actions investment paid story solid robert creamer scott foval jenna price dnc brad woodhouse aufc cesar vargas others opened door smoke filled rooms illegal dirty campaign dealings seen three previous pva videos first video foval democratic operative boasted called conflict engagement sending protesters disrupt trump events starting anarchy said needs understand starting anarchy second video creamer explained clintons direct control disruption operations end candidate hillary clinton future president united states wanted ducks ground god would get ducks ground creamer said creamer husband democratic rep jan schakowsky illinois starred several undercover videos heres third video also revealed direct conflict creamer confirming clintons active involvement decisions campaigns claim campaign manager robby mook mook told cnn weekend pathway activists staging violence clinton sign precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call independent prosecutor investigate hillary clinton individuals longer relationship dnc said theyve never relationship clinton campaign understanding events referenced happened think february last year contract dnc june putting aside video leaked purpose damaging campaign edited dont know full context theres evidence whatsoever anyone ever anything like working dnc comments confirming clinton wanted ducks ground creamer warned undercover project veritas journalists dont repeat anybody creamer ran democracy partners consulting company ties clinton white house times obama president including meetings directly obama okeefes organization reported coordination campaign dnc americans united change smacks illegal coordinated campaign expenditures last week project veritas filed complaint federal election commission asking investigation clinton campaigns criminal conspiracy filing complaint federal agency follows release two videos democrats explain attempt change outcome election apparently fraudulent means people travel across state lines vote illegally video resulted already two democratic operatives losing jobs editors note aware offensive language throughout videos quotes videos one scott foval worked people american way george sorosfunded group recently americans united change video said know weve busing people deal fing aes years going stop also said agents starting anarchy creating conflict engagement lines trump rallies also work creamer see second video talkradio icon rush limbaugh said evidence worrisome every trump rally would feature none violence unless democrats paying think big deal folks media complicit know people theyre theyre part game none organic none natural none real every bit bought paid democrats cant leave elections chance know despite way may look majority americans would support knew first video
Karin Zakrzewski-Graziano
no title
woman eaten alive by daughters dogs german shepherds reportedly responsible for mauling death published mins ago foxny new york inside edition a yearold woman was found dead in the basement of her new york home by her devastated daughter who told authorities her dogs may have eaten her mother a police source told inside edition officers responding to a call for an unconscious and unresponsive woman found the body of daisie bradshaw in her staten island home at about am tuesday the nypd said the victim who was found beaten and bruised was pronounced dead at the scene officials said
see dems accept foreign cash disrupt trump rallies undercover footage catches hillary operative redhanded published mins ago archive bob unruh joined wnd nearly three decades associated press well several upper midwest newspapers covered everything legislative battles sports tornadoes homicidal survivalists also photographer whose scenic work used commercially print hillary clintonsupporting advocacy organization trouble accepting donation funneled belize bank use years presidential election campaign decision made public series undercover videos james okeefes project veritas action suddenly head organization expressed suspicion donations overseas origin decided return thats one significant revelations latest series videos released okeefe called rigging election okeefe explained fictitious donor meet bob creamer staffer americans united change group supporting clinton president videos started appearing last week said creamer boasted working directly clinton campaign directed donation go aufc disrupt rallies fund bracketing ops okeefe said colleagues careful violate law creamer clear ties clinton stating every morning call goes message driven campaign headquarters sign precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call independent prosecutor investigate hillary clinton project veritas first video explained clinton campaign uses hidden connections incite violence donald trump rallies second video showed plans stepbystep voter fraud third exposed prohibited communications hillary clintons campaign dnc nonprofit americans united change fourth video breaks process longterm investigation comes creamers announcement stepping campaign responsibilities okeefe project veritas action filed complaint federal election commission among revelations latest video creamer boasting close links president obama oh barack obamas best campaign history american politics mean second one mean first good consultant second one everything hit every level every aspect said hes pro ive known president since community organizer chicago asked whether potential donor could meet obama creamer said ok may lot opportunity done days event chicago friday last week good ever lot work white house issues helping run issued campaigns involved mean immigration reform health care bill trying make america like britain comes gun violence issues explained project veritas promised creamer access project veritas action journalists seemed get project veritas actions investment paid story solid robert creamer scott foval jenna price dnc brad woodhouse aufc cesar vargas others opened door smoke filled rooms illegal dirty campaign dealings seen three previous pva videos first video foval democratic operative boasted called conflict engagement sending protesters disrupt trump events starting anarchy said needs understand starting anarchy second video creamer explained clintons direct control disruption operations end candidate hillary clinton future president united states wanted ducks ground god would get ducks ground creamer said creamer husband democratic rep jan schakowsky illinois starred several undercover videos heres third video also revealed direct conflict creamer confirming clintons active involvement decisions campaigns claim campaign manager robby mook mook told cnn weekend pathway activists staging violence clinton sign precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call independent prosecutor investigate hillary clinton individuals longer relationship dnc said theyve never relationship clinton campaign understanding events referenced happened think february last year contract dnc june putting aside video leaked purpose damaging campaign edited dont know full context theres evidence whatsoever anyone ever anything like working dnc comments confirming clinton wanted ducks ground creamer warned undercover project veritas journalists dont repeat anybody creamer ran democracy partners consulting company ties clinton white house times obama president including meetings directly obama okeefes organization reported coordination campaign dnc americans united change smacks illegal coordinated campaign expenditures last week project veritas filed complaint federal election commission asking investigation clinton campaigns criminal conspiracy filing complaint federal agency follows release two videos democrats explain attempt change outcome election apparently fraudulent means people travel across state lines vote illegally video resulted already two democratic operatives losing jobs editors note aware offensive language throughout videos quotes videos one scott foval worked people american way george sorosfunded group recently americans united change video said know weve busing people deal fing aes years going stop also said agents starting anarchy creating conflict engagement lines trump rallies also work creamer see second video talkradio icon rush limbaugh said evidence worrisome every trump rally would feature none violence unless democrats paying think big deal folks media complicit know people theyre theyre part game none organic none natural none real every bit bought paid democrats cant leave elections chance know despite way may look majority americans would support knew first video
Birdie Houck
no title
anatomy lesson published mins ago editors note do you need something to smile about every day wnd selects the best joke offered up by readers and contributors to its laughlines forum and brings it to you as the wnd joke of the day here is todays offering a pediatrician in town always plays a game with some of his young patients to put them at ease and test their knowledge of body parts one day while pointing to a little boys ear the doctor asked him is this your nose the little boy turned to his mother and said mom i think wed better find a new doctor
actor jim caviezel portraying jesus passion christ jesus christ nazareth republican nominee president election cycle democrats would try destroy manner theyre attacking gop candidate donald trump thats according radio host rush limbaugh hypothesized years race would look like son god top republican ticket president trump try prosecute hillary sign hottest petition america show support doesnt matter republicans would nominated gonna get treatment trumps getting wouldnt mattered limbaugh said wednesday would go way find ways destroy jesus christ could nominated republican democrats would everything could include calling liar bible fake book whatever took rush limbaugh despite fact bible never indicates jesus married sex wedlock limbaugh suggested democrats would best effort trying find offspring would scour historical record looking children fathered anything could disapprove gospel discredit jesus thats thats would limbaugh said point stressing republicans would never escape kind media assault based nominate donald trumps rnc acceptance speech photo screenshot rnc live feed say lot never trumpers claiming exactly get nominate guy like trump exactly get nominate republican whenever opposition democrats doesnt matter theyre gonna romney ive made point til blue face turned romney mildmannered mr gosh cant even get noticed biggest walking satan el diablo politics ever seen time made stick think trump many people supporting hes fighting back republicans havent dont example media treatment republicans changed limbaugh played excerpt electionnight coverage cbs commentator bill moyers characterized race known republican ronald reagan would easily defeat democrat jimmy carter moyers stated might speak spanish might black might women remember said carter whos friend california sun san diego shopping center ronald reagan delivering one patriotic soliloquies hes master since days eureka college suddenly hecklers crowd started shouting waving era signs reagan took cue snapped back aw shut thousands supporters roared approval people ronald reagan apostle rollback knight promises finally slay dragon liberal government jimmy carter four years ago outsider wins tonight must insider defending status quo reagan cast sheriff comes riding town nick time shouting enoughs enough sound like anything changed way people see world limbaugh asked iota follow joe kovacs twitter joekovacsnews
Debbie Bickers
no title
actor jim caviezel portraying jesus in the passion of the christ jesus christ of nazareth is not the republican nominee for president in this election cycle but if he were democrats would try to destroy him in the same manner theyre attacking the gop candidate donald trump thats according to radio host rush limbaugh who hypothesized what this years race would look like if the son of god were at the top of the republican ticket should president trump try to prosecute hillary sign the hottest petition in america now to show your support it doesnt matter who the republicans would have nominated they were gonna get the treatment trumps getting it wouldnt have mattered limbaugh said wednesday they would go out of their way to find ways to destroy jesus christ if he could be nominated as a republican the democrats would do everything they could include calling him a liar the bible a fake book whatever it took rush limbaugh and despite the fact the bible never indicates jesus was married or had sex out of wedlock limbaugh suggested democrats would do their best effort in trying to find any of his offspring they would scour the historical record looking for children he had fathered anything they could do to disapprove the gospel to discredit jesus thats who they are thats what they would do limbaugh said the point he was stressing was that republicans would never escape this kind of media assault based on who we nominate donald trumps rnc acceptance speech photo screenshot from rnc live feed i say this because a lot of you never trumpers are out there claiming that this is exactly what you get when you nominate a guy like trump no its exactly what you get when you nominate a republican whenever there is any opposition to the democrats this is what they do it doesnt matter theyre gonna do it they did it to romney ive made this point til i blue in the face they turned romney who is mildmannered mr gosh cant even get noticed into the biggest walking satan el diablo politics had ever seen at that time and they made it stick so this is why i think trump has so many people supporting him hes fighting back against it when most republicans havent and dont as an example of how media treatment of republicans has not changed limbaugh played an excerpt of electionnight coverage from cbs commentator bill moyers characterized the race before it was known that republican ronald reagan would easily defeat democrat jimmy carter moyers stated those of you who might speak spanish who might be black who might be women remember said carter whos been your friend and there under the california sun in san diego at a shopping center ronald reagan was delivering himself of one of those patriotic soliloquies at which hes been a master since his days at eureka college suddenly hecklers in the crowd started shouting and waving their era signs reagan took his cue and snapped back aw shut up and thousands of supporters roared their approval those are the people for whom ronald reagan is the apostle of the rollback the knight who promises finally to slay the dragon of liberal government jimmy carter won four years ago as an outsider and if he wins at all tonight it must be as an insider defending the status quo reagan has cast himself as a sheriff who comes riding into town at just in the nick of time shouting enoughs enough does it sound like anything has changed in the way these people see the world limbaugh asked not an iota follow joe kovacs on twitter joekovacsnews
dow higher boeing gains offset apples fall fact matter oil market rebalancing published mins ago cnbc us stock closed mostly lower wednesday earnings season continued solid economic data helped financials oil extended losing streak despite bullish supply data dow jones industrial average rose points briefly dropping points boeing contributing gains tune points offsetting sharp losses apple took points index sp momentarily eked breakeven holding percent lower real estate falling percent lead decliners industrials financials outperformed nasdaq lagged falling percent apple shed percent
Daniel Pejchl
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see dems accept foreign cash to disrupt trump rallies undercover footage catches hillary operative redhanded published mins ago bob unruh about archive bob unruh joined wnd in after nearly three decades with the associated press as well as several upper midwest newspapers where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists he is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially print a hillary clintonsupporting advocacy organization had no trouble accepting a donation funneled through a belize bank to use in this years presidential election campaign until its decision was about to be made public in a series of undercover videos by james okeefes project veritas action suddenly the head of the organization expressed suspicion about the donations overseas origin and decided to return it thats one of the significant revelations in the latest in a series of videos released by okeefe called rigging the election okeefe explained he had a fictitious donor meet with bob creamer who was a staffer at americans united for change a group supporting clinton for president until the videos started appearing last week he said creamer who boasted of working directly for the clinton campaign directed that the donation go to aufc to disrupt rallies and fund bracketing ops okeefe said he and his colleagues were very careful not to violate the law themselves creamer was clear about his ties to clinton stating every morning i am on a call at that goes over the message being driven by the campaign headquarters sign the precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call for an independent prosecutor to investigate hillary clinton project veritas first video explained how the clinton campaign uses hidden connections to incite violence at donald trump rallies its second video showed plans for stepbystep voter fraud and the third exposed prohibited communications between hillary clintons campaign the dnc and the nonprofit americans united for change the fourth video breaks down the process of the longterm investigation it comes after creamers announcement that he was stepping down from campaign responsibilities okeefe and project veritas action have filed a complaint with the federal election commission among the revelations in the latest video was creamer was boasting of his close links to president obama oh barack obamas was the best campaign in the history of american politics i mean the second one i mean the first was good too i was a consultant to both the second one was everything hit on every level and every aspect he said hes a pro ive known the president since he was a community organizer in chicago when asked whether a potential donor could meet obama creamer said ok you may have a lot more opportunity once he is done in days i was just at an event with him in chicago friday of last week he is just as good as ever i do a lot of work with the white house on their issues helping to run issued campaigns that they have been involved in i mean for immigration reform for the the health care bill trying to make america more like britain when it comes to gun violence issues explained project veritas the more that was promised to creamer the more access project veritas action journalists seemed to get project veritas actions investment paid off the story was solid robert creamer scott foval jenna price from the dnc brad woodhouse from aufc cesar vargas and others opened the door to their smoke filled rooms of illegal and dirty campaign dealings as seen in the three previous pva videos in the first video foval a democratic operative boasted of what he called conflict engagement or sending protesters to disrupt trump events were starting anarchy here he said and he needs to understand that were starting anarchy in the second video creamer explained clintons direct control over those disruption operations in the end it was the candidate hillary clinton the future president of the united states who wanted ducks on the ground so by god we would get ducks on the ground creamer said creamer the husband of democratic rep jan schakowsky of illinois has starred in several of the undercover videos heres the third that video also revealed a direct conflict between what creamer was confirming clintons active involvement in such decisions and campaigns and the claim of her campaign manager robby mook mook told cnn over the weekend that there was no pathway between the activists staging violence and clinton sign the precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call for an independent prosecutor to investigate hillary clinton these individuals no longer have a relationship with the dnc he said theyve never had a relationship with the clinton campaign and my understanding is that the events that are referenced happened i think in february of last year they did not have a contract with the dnc until june but putting all that aside this was again a video that was leaked out with the purpose of damaging the campaign it is edited so we dont know what the full context is and theres no evidence whatsoever that anyone ever did anything like this when they were working for the dnc his comments after confirming it was clinton or wanted ducks on the ground creamer warned undercover project veritas journalists dont repeat that to anybody creamer ran democracy partners a consulting company with ties to clinton he has been to the white house times while obama has been president including meetings directly with obama okeefes organization reported that the coordination between the campaign the dnc and the americans united for change smacks of illegal coordinated campaign expenditures last week project veritas filed a complaint with the federal election commission asking for an investigation into the clinton campaigns criminal conspiracy the filing of the complaint with the federal agency follows the release of two videos in which democrats explain how they can attempt to change the outcome of the election through apparently fraudulent means such as having people travel across state lines to vote illegally the video have resulted already in two democratic operatives losing their jobs editors note be aware of offensive language throughout videos and in quotes from videos one is scott foval who had worked for people for the american way a george sorosfunded group and more recently with americans united for change in the video he said you know what weve been busing people in to deal with you fing aes for years and were not going to stop now also he said he and his agents are starting anarchy by creating conflict engagement in the lines at trump rallies also out of work is creamer see the second video talkradio icon rush limbaugh said the evidence is worrisome every trump rally would feature none of this violence unless the democrats were paying for it i think its a big deal folks the media is complicit they know who these people are theyre in on it theyre part of the game none of its organic none of its natural none of its real every bit of it is bought and paid for democrats cant leave elections to chance because they know that despite the way it may look the majority of americans would not support them if they knew who they are the first video
feds born illegals year us births would fill city size orlando published min ago washington examiner moms united states illegally gave birth babies enough birthright us citizens fill city size orlando florida according analysis data national center health statistics data showed newborns illegals accounted percent births according analysis pew research center
Rich Knoch
no title
see dems accept foreign cash to disrupt trump rallies undercover footage catches hillary operative redhanded published mins ago about archive bob unruh joined wnd in after nearly three decades with the associated press as well as several upper midwest newspapers where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists he is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially print a hillary clintonsupporting advocacy organization had no trouble accepting a donation funneled through a belize bank to use in this years presidential election campaign until its decision was about to be made public in a series of undercover videos by james okeefes project veritas action suddenly the head of the organization expressed suspicion about the donations overseas origin and decided to return it thats one of the significant revelations in the latest in a series of videos released by okeefe called rigging the election okeefe explained he had a fictitious donor meet with bob creamer who was a staffer at americans united for change a group supporting clinton for president until the videos started appearing last week he said creamer who boasted of working directly for the clinton campaign directed that the donation go to aufc to disrupt rallies and fund bracketing ops okeefe said he and his colleagues were very careful not to violate the law themselves creamer was clear about his ties to clinton stating every morning i am on a call at that goes over the message being driven by the campaign headquarters sign the precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call for an independent prosecutor to investigate hillary clinton project veritas first video explained how the clinton campaign uses hidden connections to incite violence at donald trump rallies its second video showed plans for stepbystep voter fraud and the third exposed prohibited communications between hillary clintons campaign the dnc and the nonprofit americans united for change the fourth video breaks down the process of the longterm investigation it comes after creamers announcement that he was stepping down from campaign responsibilities okeefe and project veritas action have filed a complaint with the federal election commission among the revelations in the latest video was creamer was boasting of his close links to president obama oh barack obamas was the best campaign in the history of american politics i mean the second one i mean the first was good too i was a consultant to both the second one was everything hit on every level and every aspect he said hes a pro ive known the president since he was a community organizer in chicago when asked whether a potential donor could meet obama creamer said ok you may have a lot more opportunity once he is done in days i was just at an event with him in chicago friday of last week he is just as good as ever i do a lot of work with the white house on their issues helping to run issued campaigns that they have been involved in i mean for immigration reform for the the health care bill trying to make america more like britain when it comes to gun violence issues explained project veritas the more that was promised to creamer the more access project veritas action journalists seemed to get project veritas actions investment paid off the story was solid robert creamer scott foval jenna price from the dnc brad woodhouse from aufc cesar vargas and others opened the door to their smoke filled rooms of illegal and dirty campaign dealings as seen in the three previous pva videos in the first video foval a democratic operative boasted of what he called conflict engagement or sending protesters to disrupt trump events were starting anarchy here he said and he needs to understand that were starting anarchy in the second video creamer explained clintons direct control over those disruption operations in the end it was the candidate hillary clinton the future president of the united states who wanted ducks on the ground so by god we would get ducks on the ground creamer said creamer the husband of democratic rep jan schakowsky of illinois has starred in several of the undercover videos heres the third that video also revealed a direct conflict between what creamer was confirming clintons active involvement in such decisions and campaigns and the claim of her campaign manager robby mook mook told cnn over the weekend that there was no pathway between the activists staging violence and clinton sign the precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call for an independent prosecutor to investigate hillary clinton these individuals no longer have a relationship with the dnc he said theyve never had a relationship with the clinton campaign and my understanding is that the events that are referenced happened i think in february of last year they did not have a contract with the dnc until june but putting all that aside this was again a video that was leaked out with the purpose of damaging the campaign it is edited so we dont know what the full context is and theres no evidence whatsoever that anyone ever did anything like this when they were working for the dnc his comments after confirming it was clinton or wanted ducks on the ground creamer warned undercover project veritas journalists dont repeat that to anybody creamer ran democracy partners a consulting company with ties to clinton he has been to the white house times while obama has been president including meetings directly with obama okeefes organization reported that the coordination between the campaign the dnc and the americans united for change smacks of illegal coordinated campaign expenditures last week project veritas filed a complaint with the federal election commission asking for an investigation into the clinton campaigns criminal conspiracy the filing of the complaint with the federal agency follows the release of two videos in which democrats explain how they can attempt to change the outcome of the election through apparently fraudulent means such as having people travel across state lines to vote illegally the video have resulted already in two democratic operatives losing their jobs editors note be aware of offensive language throughout videos and in quotes from videos one is scott foval who had worked for people for the american way a george sorosfunded group and more recently with americans united for change in the video he said you know what weve been busing people in to deal with you fing aes for years and were not going to stop now also he said he and his agents are starting anarchy by creating conflict engagement in the lines at trump rallies also out of work is creamer see the second video talkradio icon rush limbaugh said the evidence is worrisome every trump rally would feature none of this violence unless the democrats were paying for it i think its a big deal folks the media is complicit they know who these people are theyre in on it theyre part of the game none of its organic none of its natural none of its real every bit of it is bought and paid for democrats cant leave elections to chance because they know that despite the way it may look the majority of americans would not support them if they knew who they are the first video
feds born illegals year us births would fill city size orlando published mins ago washington examiner moms united states illegally gave birth babies enough birthright us citizens fill city size orlando florida according analysis data national center health statistics data showed newborns illegals accounted percent births according analysis pew research center
Nick Denby
no title
actor jim caviezel portraying jesus in the passion of the christ jesus christ of nazareth is not the republican nominee for president in this election cycle but if he were democrats would try to destroy him in the same manner theyre attacking the gop candidate donald trump thats according to radio host rush limbaugh who hypothesized what this years race would look like if the son of god were at the top of the republican ticket should president trump try to prosecute hillary sign the hottest petition in america now to show your support it doesnt matter who the republicans would have nominated they were gonna get the treatment trumps getting it wouldnt have mattered limbaugh said wednesday they would go out of their way to find ways to destroy jesus christ if he could be nominated as a republican the democrats would do everything they could include calling him a liar the bible a fake book whatever it took rush limbaugh and despite the fact the bible never indicates jesus was married or had sex out of wedlock limbaugh suggested democrats would do their best effort in trying to find any of his offspring they would scour the historical record looking for children he had fathered anything they could do to disapprove the gospel to discredit jesus thats who they are thats what they would do limbaugh said the point he was stressing was that republicans would never escape this kind of media assault based on who we nominate donald trumps rnc acceptance speech photo screenshot from rnc live feed i say this because a lot of you never trumpers are out there claiming that this is exactly what you get when you nominate a guy like trump no its exactly what you get when you nominate a republican whenever there is any opposition to the democrats this is what they do it doesnt matter theyre gonna do it they did it to romney ive made this point til i blue in the face they turned romney who is mildmannered mr gosh cant even get noticed into the biggest walking satan el diablo politics had ever seen at that time and they made it stick so this is why i think trump has so many people supporting him hes fighting back against it when most republicans havent and dont as an example of how media treatment of republicans has not changed limbaugh played an excerpt of electionnight coverage from cbs commentator bill moyers characterized the race before it was known that republican ronald reagan would easily defeat democrat jimmy carter moyers stated those of you who might speak spanish who might be black who might be women remember said carter whos been your friend and there under the california sun in san diego at a shopping center ronald reagan was delivering himself of one of those patriotic soliloquies at which hes been a master since his days at eureka college suddenly hecklers in the crowd started shouting and waving their era signs reagan took his cue and snapped back aw shut up and thousands of supporters roared their approval those are the people for whom ronald reagan is the apostle of the rollback the knight who promises finally to slay the dragon of liberal government jimmy carter won four years ago as an outsider and if he wins at all tonight it must be as an insider defending the status quo reagan has cast himself as a sheriff who comes riding into town at just in the nick of time shouting enoughs enough does it sound like anything has changed in the way these people see the world limbaugh asked not an iota follow joe kovacs on twitter joekovacsnews
dow higher boeing gains offset apples fall fact matter oil market rebalancing published mins ago cnbc us stock closed mostly lower wednesday earnings season continued solid economic data helped financials oil extended losing streak despite bullish supply data dow jones industrial average rose points briefly dropping points boeing contributing gains tune points offsetting sharp losses apple took points index sp momentarily eked breakeven holding percent lower real estate falling percent lead decliners industrials financials outperformed nasdaq lagged falling percent apple shed percent
Theoline Isaacson
no title
dow higher as boeing gains offset apples fall the fact of the matter is the oil market is rebalancing itself published mins ago cnbc us stock closed mostly lower on wednesday as earnings season continued while solid economic data helped financials and oil extended its losing streak despite bullish supply data the dow jones industrial average rose points after briefly dropping more than points with boeing contributing gains to the tune of points offsetting sharp losses in apple which took about points off the index the sp momentarily eked above breakeven before holding percent lower with real estate falling percent to lead decliners while industrials and financials outperformed the nasdaq lagged falling percent as apple shed about percent
anatomy lesson published hours ago editors note need something smile every day wnd selects best joke offered readers contributors laughlines forum brings wnd joke day todays offering pediatrician town always plays game young patients put ease test knowledge body parts one day pointing little boys ear doctor asked nose little boy turned mother said mom think wed better find new doctor
Judy Zwyghuizen
no title
feds born to illegals in year of all us births would fill city size of orlando published min ago washington examiner moms in the united states illegally gave birth to babies in enough birthright us citizens to fill a city the size of orlando florida according to an analysis of data from the national center for health statistics the data showed that newborns to illegals accounted for percent of all births in according to the analysis from the pew research center
impeachmentera evidence bill clinton still sealed pages stored locked guarded room published mins ago dailycaller tens thousands pages detailing case impeachment former president bill clinton remained locked away public almost years although many believe report issued independent counsel ken starr revealed final findings investigation clinton late around pages documents seen people describe house judiciary committees case nd president house judiciary committee chairman henry hyde hired chicago attorney democrat david schippers chief investigative counsel help prosecute committees case clinton schippers described american family radios sandy rios friday evidence clinton stored studied congress time
Vincent Taliercio
no title
feds born to illegals in year of all us births would fill city size of orlando published mins ago washington examiner moms in the united states illegally gave birth to babies in enough birthright us citizens to fill a city the size of orlando florida according to an analysis of data from the national center for health statistics the data showed that newborns to illegals accounted for percent of all births in according to the analysis from the pew research center
un declares junk food human rights issue says countries failing meet globally agreed upon nutrition targets published min ago united nations ap un expert says junk food human rights concern hilal elver uns special representative right food said tuesday rise industrial food production combined trade liberalization allowed large corporations flood global market cheap nutrientpoor foods force poor people choose economic viability nutrition effectively violating right adequate food within human rights framework states obliged ensure effective measures regulate food industry ensure nutrition policymaking spaces free private sector influence implement comprehensive policies combat malnutrition forms said
Carole Roscitto
no title
dow higher as boeing gains offset apples fall the fact of the matter is the oil market is rebalancing itself published mins ago cnbc us stock closed mostly lower on wednesday as earnings season continued while solid economic data helped financials and oil extended its losing streak despite bullish supply data the dow jones industrial average rose points after briefly dropping more than points with boeing contributing gains to the tune of points offsetting sharp losses in apple which took about points off the index the sp momentarily eked above breakeven before holding percent lower with real estate falling percent to lead decliners while industrials and financials outperformed the nasdaq lagged falling percent as apple shed about percent
archive david rives known presentation heavens declare glory god host tbns creation st century gps observatoryclass telescope allows david share passion heavens others astrophotography astronomical events heavens declare yes creationists real scientists exclusive david rives offers testable hypotheses supported data biblebelievers
Dave Lowery
no title
anatomy lesson published hours ago editors note do you need something to smile about every day wnd selects the best joke offered up by readers and contributors to its laughlines forum and brings it to you as the wnd joke of the day here is todays offering a pediatrician in town always plays a game with some of his young patients to put them at ease and test their knowledge of body parts one day while pointing to a little boys ear the doctor asked him is this your nose the little boy turned to his mother and said mom i think wed better find a new doctor
un declares junk food human rights issue says countries failing meet globally agreed upon nutrition targets published mins ago united nations ap un expert says junk food human rights concern hilal elver uns special representative right food said tuesday rise industrial food production combined trade liberalization allowed large corporations flood global market cheap nutrientpoor foods force poor people choose economic viability nutrition effectively violating right adequate food within human rights framework states obliged ensure effective measures regulate food industry ensure nutrition policymaking spaces free private sector influence implement comprehensive policies combat malnutrition forms said
Pat Jorgensen
no title
impeachmentera evidence against bill clinton still sealed pages stored in locked guarded room published mins ago dailycaller tens of thousands of pages detailing the case for impeachment against former president bill clinton have remained locked away from the public for almost years although many believe that the report issued by then independent counsel ken starr revealed the final findings of his investigation of clinton in the late s around pages of documents seen by only a few people describe the house judiciary committees case against the nd president house judiciary committee chairman henry hyde hired chicago attorney and democrat david schippers to be the chief investigative counsel to help prosecute the committees case against clinton schippers described to american family radios sandy rios friday how the evidence against clinton was stored and studied by congress at the time
impeachmentera evidence bill clinton still sealed pages stored locked guarded room published mins ago dailycaller tens thousands pages detailing case impeachment former president bill clinton remained locked away public almost years although many believe report issued independent counsel ken starr revealed final findings investigation clinton late around pages documents seen people describe house judiciary committees case nd president house judiciary committee chairman henry hyde hired chicago attorney democrat david schippers chief investigative counsel help prosecute committees case clinton schippers described american family radios sandy rios friday evidence clinton stored studied congress time
Robert Siliani
no title
un declares junk food a human rights issue says countries failing to meet globally agreed upon nutrition targets published min ago united nations ap a un expert says junk food is a human rights concern hilal elver the uns special representative on the right to food said tuesday the rise of industrial food production combined with trade liberalization has allowed large corporations to flood the global market with cheap nutrientpoor foods that force poor people to choose between economic viability and nutrition effectively violating their right to adequate food within the human rights framework states are obliged to ensure effective measures to regulate the food industry ensure that nutrition policymaking spaces are free from private sector influence and implement comprehensive policies that combat malnutrition in all its forms she said
man spoke softly carried big stick bill federer remembers military philosophy theodore roosevelt published min ago print theodore roosevelt theodore roosevelt born oct wife mother died valentines day feb wrote diary light gone life depressed left ranch dakotas returning new york entered politics rose assistant secretary navy resigned spanishamerican war organized first volunteer cavalry rough riders captured cubas san juan hill elected vicepresident william mckinley became americas youngest president republican theodore roosevelt first president invite africanamerican booker washington dine white house oct southern democrat newspapers condemned printed memphis scimitar damnable outrage ever perpetrated citizen united states committed yesterday president invited n dine white house would worth passing notice theodore roosevelt sat dinner home pullman car porter roosevelt individual roosevelt president viewed light theodore roosevelt warned thought modern industry hands christian charity dream worth dreaming thought industry hands paganism nightmare beyond imagining choice two upon us new york bible society theodore roosevelt write message inscribed pocket new testament book psalms given world war soldiers teachings new testament foreshadowed micahs verse micah vi lord require thee justice love mercy walk humbly thy god justice therefore fight valiantly armies germany turkey nations crisis stand reign moloch beelzebub earth love mercy treat prisoners well succor wounded treat every woman sister care little children tender old helpless walk humbly study life teachings saviour may god justice mercy keeping signed theodore roosevelt discover bill federers eyeopening books videos wnd superstore theodore roosevelt book fear god take part ny george h doran co wrote armenians centuries sedulously avoided militarism war suffering precisely exactly pacifists whereas neighbors turks pacifists militarists roosevelt fear god p armenians subjected wrongs far greater committed since close napoleonic warsthe wars genghis khan tamerlane asia yet government raised hand anything help people wronged course national infamy began last administration surrendered peace atanyprice people started negotiation foolish wicked inclusive arbitration treaties individuals nations preach doctrine milkandwater invariably softness fiber means fear antagonize preach practice doctrine bloodandiron roosevelt fear god p american eyewitness fearful atrocities mr arthur h gleason new york tribune nov serbia moment passing harrow torture mortal anguish armenians butchered circumstances murder torture rape would appealed oldtime apache indian even nerves dulled jaded heapedup horrors past year half news terrible fate befallen armenians must give fresh shock sympathy indignation let emphatically point sympathy useless unless accompanied indignation indignation useless exhausts words instead taking shape deeds people government shirked duty would able take effective action behalf armenia mass meetings behalf armenians amount nothing whatever mere methods giving sentimental ineffective safe outlet emotion engaged principles peaceatanyprice men professional pacifists absolutely ineffective international righteousness crowning iniquity wholesale slaughter armenians must shared neutral powers headed united states failure protest initial wrong committed devastation poland serbia awful beyond description associated infamies surpassing dreadful religious racial wars seventeenthcentury europe weak timid milkandwater policy professional pacifists responsible bloodandiron policy ruthless unscrupulous militarist terrible recrudescence evil gigantic scale civilized world crowning outrage committed turks armenians suffered atrocities hideous difficult name atrocities inflicted upon conquered nations followers attila genghis khan dreadful think things done nation nevertheless remarks neutral deed thought right hideous wrong neutral despairing hunted people people whose little children murdered women raped victorious evil wrongdoers trust americans worthy name feel deepest indignation keenest sympathy aroused dreadful armenian atrocities trust feel peace obtained without righting wrongs armenians would worse war wrongdoing stopped men brave well put honor safety true lofty ideal duty prepare advance make strength effective shrink hazard even final hazard war necessary order serve great cause righteousness people take stand shall also able effectively take stand international matters shall prevent cataclysms wrong witnesseson even greater scale armenia roosevelt fear god pp book fear god take part theodore roosevelt wrote christianity creed asia africa moment solely seventh century christians asia africa trained fight whereas moslems trained fight christianity saved europe solely peoples europe fought peoples europe th th centuries including th century possessed military equality gradually growing superiority mohammedans invaded europe europe would moment mohammedan christian religion would exterminated contemporary theodore roosevelt english author gk chesterton wrote western christian civilization collected works gk chesterton volume xx introduction notes james v schall ignatius press seem entirely forget long crusaders dreamed riding jerusalem moslems almost ridden paris theodore roosevelt continued fear god take part wherever mohammedans complete sway wherever christians unable resist sword christianity ultimately disappeared hammer charles martel sword jan sobieski christianity owed safety europe fact able show could would fight well mohammedan aggressor brought americanminutecom discover bill federers eyeopening books videos wnd superstore receive bill federers american minutes email bonus signing alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Charles D Kirgan
no title
about archive david rives is known for his presentation the heavens declare the glory of god and as host of tbns creation in the st century his gps observatoryclass telescope allows david to share his passion for the heavens with others through astrophotography and astronomical events the heavens declare yes creationists can be real scientists too exclusive david rives offers testable hypotheses supported by data from biblebelievers more
david rives archive david rives known presentation heavens declare glory god host tbns creation st century gps observatoryclass telescope allows david share passion heavens others astrophotography astronomical events heavens declare yes creationists real scientists exclusive david rives offers testable hypotheses supported data biblebelievers
Betty Johnson
no title
un declares junk food a human rights issue says countries failing to meet globally agreed upon nutrition targets published mins ago united nations ap a un expert says junk food is a human rights concern hilal elver the uns special representative on the right to food said tuesday the rise of industrial food production combined with trade liberalization has allowed large corporations to flood the global market with cheap nutrientpoor foods that force poor people to choose between economic viability and nutrition effectively violating their right to adequate food within the human rights framework states are obliged to ensure effective measures to regulate the food industry ensure that nutrition policymaking spaces are free from private sector influence and implement comprehensive policies that combat malnutrition in all its forms she said
man spoke softly carried big stick bill federer remembers military philosophy theodore roosevelt published mins ago print theodore roosevelt theodore roosevelt born oct wife mother died valentines day feb wrote diary light gone life depressed left ranch dakotas returning new york entered politics rose assistant secretary navy resigned spanishamerican war organized first volunteer cavalry rough riders captured cubas san juan hill elected vicepresident william mckinley became americas youngest president republican theodore roosevelt first president invite africanamerican booker washington dine white house oct southern democrat newspapers condemned printed memphis scimitar damnable outrage ever perpetrated citizen united states committed yesterday president invited n dine white house would worth passing notice theodore roosevelt sat dinner home pullman car porter roosevelt individual roosevelt president viewed light theodore roosevelt warned thought modern industry hands christian charity dream worth dreaming thought industry hands paganism nightmare beyond imagining choice two upon us new york bible society theodore roosevelt write message inscribed pocket new testament book psalms given world war soldiers teachings new testament foreshadowed micahs verse micah vi lord require thee justice love mercy walk humbly thy god justice therefore fight valiantly armies germany turkey nations crisis stand reign moloch beelzebub earth love mercy treat prisoners well succor wounded treat every woman sister care little children tender old helpless walk humbly study life teachings saviour may god justice mercy keeping signed theodore roosevelt discover bill federers eyeopening books videos wnd superstore theodore roosevelt book fear god take part ny george h doran co wrote armenians centuries sedulously avoided militarism war suffering precisely exactly pacifists whereas neighbors turks pacifists militarists roosevelt fear god p armenians subjected wrongs far greater committed since close napoleonic warsthe wars genghis khan tamerlane asia yet government raised hand anything help people wronged course national infamy began last administration surrendered peace atanyprice people started negotiation foolish wicked inclusive arbitration treaties individuals nations preach doctrine milkandwater invariably softness fiber means fear antagonize preach practice doctrine bloodandiron roosevelt fear god p american eyewitness fearful atrocities mr arthur h gleason new york tribune nov serbia moment passing harrow torture mortal anguish armenians butchered circumstances murder torture rape would appealed oldtime apache indian even nerves dulled jaded heapedup horrors past year half news terrible fate befallen armenians must give fresh shock sympathy indignation let emphatically point sympathy useless unless accompanied indignation indignation useless exhausts words instead taking shape deeds people government shirked duty would able take effective action behalf armenia mass meetings behalf armenians amount nothing whatever mere methods giving sentimental ineffective safe outlet emotion engaged principles peaceatanyprice men professional pacifists absolutely ineffective international righteousness crowning iniquity wholesale slaughter armenians must shared neutral powers headed united states failure protest initial wrong committed devastation poland serbia awful beyond description associated infamies surpassing dreadful religious racial wars seventeenthcentury europe weak timid milkandwater policy professional pacifists responsible bloodandiron policy ruthless unscrupulous militarist terrible recrudescence evil gigantic scale civilized world crowning outrage committed turks armenians suffered atrocities hideous difficult name atrocities inflicted upon conquered nations followers attila genghis khan dreadful think things done nation nevertheless remarks neutral deed thought right hideous wrong neutral despairing hunted people people whose little children murdered women raped victorious evil wrongdoers trust americans worthy name feel deepest indignation keenest sympathy aroused dreadful armenian atrocities trust feel peace obtained without righting wrongs armenians would worse war wrongdoing stopped men brave well put honor safety true lofty ideal duty prepare advance make strength effective shrink hazard even final hazard war necessary order serve great cause righteousness people take stand shall also able effectively take stand international matters shall prevent cataclysms wrong witnesseson even greater scale armenia roosevelt fear god pp book fear god take part theodore roosevelt wrote christianity creed asia africa moment solely seventh century christians asia africa trained fight whereas moslems trained fight christianity saved europe solely peoples europe fought peoples europe th th centuries including th century possessed military equality gradually growing superiority mohammedans invaded europe europe would moment mohammedan christian religion would exterminated contemporary theodore roosevelt english author gk chesterton wrote western christian civilization collected works gk chesterton volume xx introduction notes james v schall ignatius press seem entirely forget long crusaders dreamed riding jerusalem moslems almost ridden paris theodore roosevelt continued fear god take part wherever mohammedans complete sway wherever christians unable resist sword christianity ultimately disappeared hammer charles martel sword jan sobieski christianity owed safety europe fact able show could would fight well mohammedan aggressor brought americanminutecom discover bill federers eyeopening books videos wnd superstore receive bill federers american minutes email bonus signing alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Cheryl Fitzsimmons
no title
impeachmentera evidence against bill clinton still sealed pages stored in locked guarded room published mins ago dailycaller tens of thousands of pages detailing the case for impeachment against former president bill clinton have remained locked away from the public for almost years although many believe that the report issued by then independent counsel ken starr revealed the final findings of his investigation of clinton in the late s around pages of documents seen by only a few people describe the house judiciary committees case against the nd president house judiciary committee chairman henry hyde hired chicago attorney and democrat david schippers to be the chief investigative counsel to help prosecute the committees case against clinton schippers described to american family radios sandy rios friday how the evidence against clinton was stored and studied by congress at the time
federal judge charges sheriff joe contempt arpaio seeking th term faces months jail published min ago abc longtime sheriff metropolitan phoenix charged tuesday criminal contemptofcourt ignoring judges order racialprofiling case leaving yearold lawman tough spot two weeks election day seeks seventh term prosecutors promised two weeks ago would charge sheriff joe arpaio misdemeanor count wasnt officially filed us district judge susan bolton signed formal trial date scheduled dec wednesday federal judge set nov status conference five days election sheriffs racial profiling case
Stephanie King
no title
the man who spoke softly but carried a big stick bill federer remembers military philosophy of theodore roosevelt published min ago print theodore roosevelt theodore roosevelt was born oct his wife and mother died on valentines day feb he wrote in his diary the light has gone out in my life depressed he left to ranch in the dakotas returning to new york he entered politics and rose to assistant secretary of the navy he resigned during the spanishamerican war organized the first volunteer cavalry the rough riders and captured cubas san juan hill elected vicepresident under william mckinley he became americas youngest president in republican theodore roosevelt was the first president to invite an africanamerican booker t washington to dine in the white house on oct a southern democrat newspapers condemned him it as printed in the memphis scimitar the most damnable outrage which has ever been perpetrated by any citizen of the united states was committed yesterday by the president when he invited a n to dine with him at the white house it would not be worth more than a passing notice if theodore roosevelt had sat down to dinner in his own home with a pullman car porter but roosevelt the individual and roosevelt the president are not to be viewed in the same light in theodore roosevelt warned the thought of modern industry in the hands of christian charity is a dream worth dreaming the thought of industry in the hands of paganism is a nightmare beyond imagining the choice between the two is upon us in the new york bible society had theodore roosevelt write a message which was inscribed in a pocket new testament book of psalms given to world war i soldiers the teachings of the new testament are foreshadowed in micahs verse micah vi what more does the lord require of thee than to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy god do justice and therefore fight valiantly against the armies of germany and turkey for these nations in this crisis stand for the reign of moloch and beelzebub on this earth love mercy treat prisoners well succor the wounded treat every woman as if she was your sister care for the little children and be tender to the old and helpless walk humbly you will do so if you study the life and teachings of the saviour may the god of justice and mercy have you in his keeping signed theodore roosevelt discover more of bill federers eyeopening books and videos in the wnd superstore theodore roosevelt in his book fear god and take your own part ny george h doran co wrote armenians for some centuries have sedulously avoided militarism and war are so suffering precisely and exactly because they have been pacifists whereas their neighbors the turks have not been pacifists but militarists t roosevelt fear god p armenians have been subjected to wrongs far greater than any that have been committed since the close of the napoleonic warsthe wars of genghis khan and tamerlane in asia yet this government has not raised its hand to do anything to help the people who were wronged this course of national infamy began when the last administration surrendered to the peace atanyprice people and started the negotiation of its foolish and wicked all inclusive arbitration treaties individuals and nations who preach the doctrine of milkandwater invariably have in them a softness of fiber which means that they fear to antagonize those who preach and practice the doctrine of bloodandiron t roosevelt fear god p american eyewitness of the fearful atrocities mr arthur h gleason new york tribune nov serbia is at this moment passing under the harrow of torture and mortal anguish now the armenians have been butchered under circumstances of murder and torture and rape that would have appealed to an oldtime apache indian even to nerves dulled and jaded by the heapedup horrors of the past year and a half the news of the terrible fate that has befallen the armenians must give a fresh shock of sympathy and indignation let me emphatically point out that the sympathy is useless unless it is accompanied with indignation and that the indignation is useless if it exhausts itself in words instead of taking shape in deeds if this people through its government had not shirked its duty we would now be able to take effective action on behalf of armenia mass meetings on behalf of the armenians amount to nothing whatever if they are mere methods of giving a sentimental but ineffective and safe outlet to the emotion of those engaged in them the principles of the peaceatanyprice men of the professional pacifists will be as absolutely ineffective for international righteousness this crowning iniquity of the wholesale slaughter of the armenians must be shared by the neutral powers headed by the united states for their failure to protest when this initial wrong was committed the devastation of poland and serbia has been awful beyond description and has been associated with infamies surpassing those of the dreadful religious and racial wars of the seventeenthcentury europe weak and timid milkandwater policy of the professional pacifists is just as responsible as the bloodandiron policy of the ruthless and unscrupulous militarist for the terrible recrudescence of evil on a gigantic scale in the civilized world the crowning outrage has been committed by the turks on the armenians they have suffered atrocities so hideous that it is difficult to name them atrocities such as those inflicted upon conquered nations by the followers of attila and of genghis khan it is dreadful to think that these things can be done and that this nation nevertheless remarks neutral not only in deed but in thought between right and the most hideous wrong neutral between despairing and hunted people people whose little children are murdered and their women raped and the victorious and evil wrongdoers i trust that all americans worthy of the name feel their deepest indignation and keenest sympathy aroused by the dreadful armenian atrocities i trust that they feel that a peace obtained without righting the wrongs of the armenians would be worse than any war wrongdoing will only be stopped by men who are brave as well as just who put honor above safety who are true to a lofty ideal of duty who prepare in advance to make their strength effective and who shrink from no hazard not even the final hazard of war if necessary in order to serve the great cause of righteousness when our people take this stand we shall also be able effectively to take a stand in international matters which shall prevent such cataclysms of wrong as have been witnesseson an even greater scale in armenia t roosevelt fear god pp in his book fear god and take your part theodore roosevelt wrote christianity is not the creed of asia and africa at this moment solely because the seventh century christians of asia and africa had trained themselves not to fight whereas the moslems were trained to fight christianity was saved in europe solely because the peoples of europe fought if the peoples of europe in the th and th centuries and on up to and including the th century had not possessed a military equality with and gradually a growing superiority over the mohammedans who invaded europe europe would at this moment be mohammedan and the christian religion would be exterminated a contemporary of theodore roosevelt was the english author gk chesterton who wrote of western christian civilization the collected works of gk chesterton volume xx introduction and notes by james v schall ignatius press they seem entirely to forget that long before the crusaders had dreamed of riding to jerusalem the moslems had almost ridden into paris theodore roosevelt continued in fear god and take your part wherever the mohammedans have had complete sway wherever the christians have been unable to resist them by the sword christianity has ultimately disappeared from the hammer of charles martel to the sword of jan sobieski christianity owed its safety in europe to the fact that it was able to show that it could and would fight as well as the mohammedan aggressor brought to you by americanminutecom discover more of bill federers eyeopening books and videos in the wnd superstore receive bill federers american minutes in your email bonus by signing up for these alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
federal judge charges sheriff joe contempt arpaio seeking th term faces months jail published mins ago abc longtime sheriff metropolitan phoenix charged tuesday criminal contemptofcourt ignoring judges order racialprofiling case leaving yearold lawman tough spot two weeks election day seeks seventh term prosecutors promised two weeks ago would charge sheriff joe arpaio misdemeanor count wasnt officially filed us district judge susan bolton signed formal trial date scheduled dec wednesday federal judge set nov status conference five days election sheriffs racial profiling case
Luke Moseley
no title
david rives about archive david rives is known for his presentation the heavens declare the glory of god and as host of tbns creation in the st century his gps observatoryclass telescope allows david to share his passion for the heavens with others through astrophotography and astronomical events the heavens declare yes creationists can be real scientists too exclusive david rives offers testable hypotheses supported by data from biblebelievers more
jesus shirt sparks school uproar legal action threatened hostility toward religious beliefs published hours ago houston chronicle dallas fortworth high school initially refused print religious logo sports jersey changed mind receiving letter threatening legal action religious advocacy group beginning school year texas flower mound high school searching potential sponsors competitive bassfishing team donation company would logo displayed teams website jersey four years early september wess jones owner boat repair company called st choice marine parent member high schools bassfishing team responded offer jones company logo picture boat surrounded red lettering read us jesus rejected school
Jerry Miller
no title
the man who spoke softly but carried a big stick bill federer remembers military philosophy of theodore roosevelt published mins ago print theodore roosevelt theodore roosevelt was born oct his wife and mother died on valentines day feb he wrote in his diary the light has gone out in my life depressed he left to ranch in the dakotas returning to new york he entered politics and rose to assistant secretary of the navy he resigned during the spanishamerican war organized the first volunteer cavalry the rough riders and captured cubas san juan hill elected vicepresident under william mckinley he became americas youngest president in republican theodore roosevelt was the first president to invite an africanamerican booker t washington to dine in the white house on oct a southern democrat newspapers condemned him it as printed in the memphis scimitar the most damnable outrage which has ever been perpetrated by any citizen of the united states was committed yesterday by the president when he invited a n to dine with him at the white house it would not be worth more than a passing notice if theodore roosevelt had sat down to dinner in his own home with a pullman car porter but roosevelt the individual and roosevelt the president are not to be viewed in the same light in theodore roosevelt warned the thought of modern industry in the hands of christian charity is a dream worth dreaming the thought of industry in the hands of paganism is a nightmare beyond imagining the choice between the two is upon us in the new york bible society had theodore roosevelt write a message which was inscribed in a pocket new testament book of psalms given to world war i soldiers the teachings of the new testament are foreshadowed in micahs verse micah vi what more does the lord require of thee than to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy god do justice and therefore fight valiantly against the armies of germany and turkey for these nations in this crisis stand for the reign of moloch and beelzebub on this earth love mercy treat prisoners well succor the wounded treat every woman as if she was your sister care for the little children and be tender to the old and helpless walk humbly you will do so if you study the life and teachings of the saviour may the god of justice and mercy have you in his keeping signed theodore roosevelt discover more of bill federers eyeopening books and videos in the wnd superstore theodore roosevelt in his book fear god and take your own part ny george h doran co wrote armenians for some centuries have sedulously avoided militarism and war are so suffering precisely and exactly because they have been pacifists whereas their neighbors the turks have not been pacifists but militarists t roosevelt fear god p armenians have been subjected to wrongs far greater than any that have been committed since the close of the napoleonic warsthe wars of genghis khan and tamerlane in asia yet this government has not raised its hand to do anything to help the people who were wronged this course of national infamy began when the last administration surrendered to the peace atanyprice people and started the negotiation of its foolish and wicked all inclusive arbitration treaties individuals and nations who preach the doctrine of milkandwater invariably have in them a softness of fiber which means that they fear to antagonize those who preach and practice the doctrine of bloodandiron t roosevelt fear god p american eyewitness of the fearful atrocities mr arthur h gleason new york tribune nov serbia is at this moment passing under the harrow of torture and mortal anguish now the armenians have been butchered under circumstances of murder and torture and rape that would have appealed to an oldtime apache indian even to nerves dulled and jaded by the heapedup horrors of the past year and a half the news of the terrible fate that has befallen the armenians must give a fresh shock of sympathy and indignation let me emphatically point out that the sympathy is useless unless it is accompanied with indignation and that the indignation is useless if it exhausts itself in words instead of taking shape in deeds if this people through its government had not shirked its duty we would now be able to take effective action on behalf of armenia mass meetings on behalf of the armenians amount to nothing whatever if they are mere methods of giving a sentimental but ineffective and safe outlet to the emotion of those engaged in them the principles of the peaceatanyprice men of the professional pacifists will be as absolutely ineffective for international righteousness this crowning iniquity of the wholesale slaughter of the armenians must be shared by the neutral powers headed by the united states for their failure to protest when this initial wrong was committed the devastation of poland and serbia has been awful beyond description and has been associated with infamies surpassing those of the dreadful religious and racial wars of the seventeenthcentury europe weak and timid milkandwater policy of the professional pacifists is just as responsible as the bloodandiron policy of the ruthless and unscrupulous militarist for the terrible recrudescence of evil on a gigantic scale in the civilized world the crowning outrage has been committed by the turks on the armenians they have suffered atrocities so hideous that it is difficult to name them atrocities such as those inflicted upon conquered nations by the followers of attila and of genghis khan it is dreadful to think that these things can be done and that this nation nevertheless remarks neutral not only in deed but in thought between right and the most hideous wrong neutral between despairing and hunted people people whose little children are murdered and their women raped and the victorious and evil wrongdoers i trust that all americans worthy of the name feel their deepest indignation and keenest sympathy aroused by the dreadful armenian atrocities i trust that they feel that a peace obtained without righting the wrongs of the armenians would be worse than any war wrongdoing will only be stopped by men who are brave as well as just who put honor above safety who are true to a lofty ideal of duty who prepare in advance to make their strength effective and who shrink from no hazard not even the final hazard of war if necessary in order to serve the great cause of righteousness when our people take this stand we shall also be able effectively to take a stand in international matters which shall prevent such cataclysms of wrong as have been witnesseson an even greater scale in armenia t roosevelt fear god pp in his book fear god and take your part theodore roosevelt wrote christianity is not the creed of asia and africa at this moment solely because the seventh century christians of asia and africa had trained themselves not to fight whereas the moslems were trained to fight christianity was saved in europe solely because the peoples of europe fought if the peoples of europe in the th and th centuries and on up to and including the th century had not possessed a military equality with and gradually a growing superiority over the mohammedans who invaded europe europe would at this moment be mohammedan and the christian religion would be exterminated a contemporary of theodore roosevelt was the english author gk chesterton who wrote of western christian civilization the collected works of gk chesterton volume xx introduction and notes by james v schall ignatius press they seem entirely to forget that long before the crusaders had dreamed of riding to jerusalem the moslems had almost ridden into paris theodore roosevelt continued in fear god and take your part wherever the mohammedans have had complete sway wherever the christians have been unable to resist them by the sword christianity has ultimately disappeared from the hammer of charles martel to the sword of jan sobieski christianity owed its safety in europe to the fact that it was able to show that it could and would fight as well as the mohammedan aggressor brought to you by americanminutecom discover more of bill federers eyeopening books and videos in the wnd superstore receive bill federers american minutes in your email bonus by signing up for these alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
print ever noticed washington always plan solve everybodys problem except federal government always easy tempting look problems real imagined outside beltway solve afar recall course former attorney general eric holder going stop police shootings america sensitivity training power force federal government investigations investigations investigations loretta lynch successor also known hillary clintons guardian angel set turn police shootings throughout america big business power washington latest pet project assembling national database interactions law enforcement civilians reported month accurate comprehensive data use force law enforcement essential informed productive discussion communitypolice relations lynch said days ahead department justice continue work alongside local state tribal federal partners ensure put place system collect data comprehensive useful responsive needs communities serve irony thick indeed one lynchs goals says get law enforcement agencies report thoroughly people died interaction meanwhile lynch presides egregious coverup outrageous police shooting case ever seen life namely killing miriam carey young black mother baby tow gunned washington cops secret service agents wrong turn nations capital lynch wants reports wnd pursuing information freedom information act requests finally stonewalled years lawsuit public family miriam carey unfortunately lynch holding back things missing evidence page memo findings analysis evidence conclusions carey shooting investigation would show evidence reasoning led department justice decline file criminal charges officers considered justifiable homicide whether based evidence officers used deadly force whether officers followed violated policy agencies video shooting capitol police guard post intersection constitution ave maryland ave nd street stills released video would show clearly officers life actually danger doj claimed fired fatal shot careys head one five witnesses scene said carey driving officer doj claimed police statements police report said four officers fired shots carey two capitol police two secret service one statement officers report names also redacted redacted information attorney washington dc mayors office said redactions names order protect privacy turned much redacted names report riddled blackedout sections missing information pages report entirely blacked pages mostly blacked pages partially blacked blackedout pages included heading marked evidence date witness statements astonishing witness accounts missing police report police report stated seventytwo witnesses interviewed regarding incident statements captured audio andor video recordings copies aforementioned recordings turned usao review copies aforementioned audio video recordings stored main case file technical support unit tsu located iad witness statements materials provided wnd leaving missing statement transcripts none actual transcripts interviews witnesses words provided paraphrased versions former nypd officer sanders described cop talk white house guard post video stills released video would show whether anyone manning post carey drove whether tried drive around offduty guard dragged gate front whether sped left normal speed witness said police radio recordings recordings transcripts radio transmissions pursuit shooting carey provided foia material also provided transcripts computer transmissions instant messaging squad cars police headquarters ballistics forensics reports justice department washington metro police department responses foia requests include ballistics forensics report could go people want facts reports us justice department holder lynch strong propensity willingly releasing facts reports public press weve long time years yet stonewall coverup horrendous unjustifiable outrageous police shooting right jurisdiction backyard continues really expect eric holder loretta lynch find justice police shooting victims outside jurisdiction track record like media wishing interview joseph farah please contact receive joseph farahs daily commentaries email bonus signing joseph farahs alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Rhonda Gilmore
no title
federal judge charges sheriff joe with contempt arpaio seeking th term faces up to months jail published min ago abc the longtime sheriff of metropolitan phoenix was charged tuesday with criminal contemptofcourt for ignoring a judges order in a racialprofiling case leaving the yearold lawman in a tough spot two weeks before election day as he seeks a seventh term prosecutors promised two weeks ago that they would charge sheriff joe arpaio but the misdemeanor count wasnt officially filed against him until us district judge susan bolton signed it a formal trial date is scheduled for dec on wednesday a federal judge set a nov status conference five days before the election in the sheriffs racial profiling case
representative government thugocracy exclusive erik rush envisions clinton using high court bludgeon liberty published mins ago erik rush archive erik rush columnist author sociopolitical fare latest book negrophilia slave block pedestal americas racial obsession first give national attention story sen barack obamas ties militant chicago preacher rev jeremiah wright initiating media feeding frenzy erik appeared fox news hannity colmes cnn veteran numerous radio appearances print feel strongly supreme court needs stand side american people side powerful corporations wealthy means need supreme court stand behalf womens rights behalf rights lgbt community stand say citizens united decision undermined election system country way permits dark unaccountable money come electoral system hillary clinton first salvo democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton rather answer first question posed fox news chris wallace donald trump third presidential debate chilling exemplar hypocrisy left quite fond leveling accusation conservatives employing dog whistle politics rhetoric allegedly contains hidden esoteric derogatory messaging targets specific subgroup within opposition ms clintons response wallaces question wanted see supreme court take country views constitution ought interpreted however representative tactic womens rights lgbt community may seem curious focus high court since objectively women wouldnt appear particularly oppressed given one nominated run president lgbt community accounts less percent american population clintons answer revealed focus believes court becomes empress womens rights course dog whistle unfettered abortion even lateterm abortion essentially infanticide via dismemberment lgbt rights dog whistle disenfranchising majority americans hold traditional values primarily christians leveraging vocal minority homosexuals bisexuals transgender individuals left whipped froth christians methodology employed negate political power christians europe canada direct assault via legislation area would work us least present however judicial rulings could effectively bring result let us leave aside moment fact judicial activism unethical skirts constitution clintons overall objectives manifestly evil hillary clintons stated priorities supreme court clear indicator desire use court bludgeon constitution individual liberties rather allowing perform designated function hypocrisy attendant clinton citing rights women homosexuals beholden via financial contributions nations institutionally persecute murder members groups remains plain see despite conveniently ignored press clintons reference powerful corporations wealthy malign influence sinister conservative organization citizens united course another exercise blatant hypocrisy clinton quite wealthy corrupt otherwise compromised powerful corporations instrumental bringing designs american socialists even citizens united vehicle dark unaccountable money scope influence would pale next subversive designs muslim brotherhood bill hillary clinton partnered decades myriad tentacles organizations funded george soros former nazi collaborator dedicated advancing oligarchical collectivism america someone clintons also long association one need attempt decipher thinly veiled intent behind clintons debate rhetoric discern hillary clinton presidency might look like actions date particularly pursuit seeking office suffice quite nicely despite craven complicity establishment press mainstream media ample evidence even indolent news consumer reach conclusion democratic leviathan supporting facilitated barack obamas rise power fundamentally malignant recent days weve become aware manner unethical conspiracies outright criminality thats brought bear getting clinton elected democratic officials tampering outcome illegal email server investigation oversampling key demographics polling order enhance public perception clintons popularity recent revelation criminally prosecutable actions part clinton campaign democratic national committee white house bottom line hillary clinton represents class people transcend even loathed archetypal modern politician rapaciousness amorality americans voters republicans need realize leaders highest levels republican party every bit culpable gutter operatives democratic party pay miscreants dress ducks instigate fistfights opposition rallies yes even vote candidates burning question end governed people going continue pretending representative government effect ruled abject thugs operating behind faux veneer government media wishing interview erik rush please contact receive erik rushs commentaries email bonus signing erik rushs alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Mackie Braden
no title
federal judge charges sheriff joe with contempt arpaio seeking th term faces up to months jail published mins ago abc the longtime sheriff of metropolitan phoenix was charged tuesday with criminal contemptofcourt for ignoring a judges order in a racialprofiling case leaving the yearold lawman in a tough spot two weeks before election day as he seeks a seventh term prosecutors promised two weeks ago that they would charge sheriff joe arpaio but the misdemeanor count wasnt officially filed against him until us district judge susan bolton signed it a formal trial date is scheduled for dec on wednesday a federal judge set a nov status conference five days before the election in the sheriffs racial profiling case
young unwilling remember trip memory lane debut hillary speaks wellesley graduation insults edward brooke senates lone black member watergate committee says chief counsel jerry zeifman hillarys performance liar unethical dishonest lawyer conspired violate constitution rules house rules committee rules confidentiality cattlegate wife arkansas governor invests cattle futures makes whitewater clintons borrow money launch whitewater development corporations several people go prison clintons dont bimbo eruptions bill hillary swear steve kroft minutes bill nothing gennifer flowers private investigators reached hillary tells cbs steve kroft bills women met two reassure friends also hire pis bribe andor threaten many twodozen health care reform hillary heads secret healthcare task force sued successfully violating open meeting laws subsequent plan killed democraticcontrolled house waco hillarys doj authorizes armed assault religious community waco dead many children half racial minorities travelgate hillary orchestrates firing travel office employees replaces people independent counsel robert ray calls sworn testimony factually false cant prove beyond reasonable doubt knowingly false vince foster white house counsel reputed hillary lover found dead fort marcy park doj opens separate investigation possible obstruction justice hillary cohorts blocking search foster office chinagate hillary meets disgraced fixer webb hubbell week later clinton indonesian money man james riady gives hubbell job hubbell never talks reads nyt headline payment exclinton aide linked big chinese project filegate hillary henchman craig livingstone improperly requests receives fbi background reports several hundred individuals multiple investigations follow november elections due small part healthcare fiasco dems lose senate house first time nearly years chinagate hillary convenes secret meeting bill dick morris launch thompson committee calls corrupt political campaign modern history sign precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call independent prosecutor investigate hillary clinton pay play donation travel clintons trade missions morphs discreet expectation price admission independent counsel investigates thompson committee clintons pulled barriers would normally place keep illegal contributions pressured policy makers left open strong suspicion selling access highranking officials policy well blizzard lies hillary dodges imaginary sniper fire bosnias tuzla airport ron brown death nine days later embattled commerce secretary ron brown hates hillary clintons motherfing tour guide leaves tuzla final fatal flight croatia enron connection brown goes croatia broker sweetheart deal neofascists run country enron corporation despite death deal goes ends badly ron brown coverup pathologists find apparent bullet hole browns head buried without autopsy head xrays lost three pathologists photographer careers wrecked going public thompson committee millions dollars raised illegal contributions much foreign sources twa flight hillary family quarters bill sandy berger plans launched cover real cause destruction aircraft blizzard lies new york times oped titled blizzard lies usually restrained william safire famously calls hillary congenital liar pay play johnny chung tells thompson committee funneled chinese military dnc white house like subway put coins open gates monica isnt fire hillary tells matt lauer smoke surrounding monica lewinsky accusations great story vast rightwing conspiracy conspiring husband faln clinton pardons lethal puerto rican terrorists boost hillarys chance win ny senate seat supports move outrage mounts christopher hitchens like hillary liar lie phony construct shreds patches hysterical selfpitying demagogic improvisations pardongate clinton pardons people final day office including cocaine dealer drugdealing brother whitewater pal billionaire fugitive marc rich hillarys brothers hugh tony implicated subsequent investigation james comey investigates finds illegality furnituregate clintons leave white house worth items story breaks return pay please share republican friends seem comfortable woman returning white house unless get royalty every time suffix gate applied word rough four years media wishing interview jack cashill please contact receive jack cashills commentaries email bonus signing jack cashills alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
James Balthis
no title
all about jesus shirt sparks school uproar legal action threatened over hostility toward religious beliefs published hours ago houston chronicle a dallas fortworth high school that initially refused to print a religious logo on their sports jersey has changed its mind after receiving a letter threatening legal action from a religious advocacy group at the beginning of the school year texas flower mound high school was searching for potential sponsors for its competitive bassfishing team for a donation of a company would have their logo displayed on the teams website and jersey for four years in early september wess jones the owner of a boat repair company called st choice marine and parent to a member of the high schools bassfishing team responded to the offer jones company logo a picture of a boat surrounded by red lettering that read its not about us its all about jesus was rejected by the school
democrats perpetually circle wagons republicans engage perpetual circular firing squad holds true many evangelicals democrats secularists count never disappoint full disclosure went dogged never trumper maybe trumper finally settled reluctant trumper like godfearing father daughters remain appalled donald trumps sordid past yearold vulgar video objectified women words indefensible fully expect clinton camp strategically release additional revolting embarrassing opposition research republican nominee election day still voting hillary clinton nov objectively irrefutably effective way possible casting vote better worse policies promises donald trump vice presidency gov mike pence regrettably many never trump friends im reminded fanatic refuses daughter chemotherapy watches die effort convince others strength faith pride awful thing wise serpents innocent doves matthew foolishness called faith foolishness even christian pharisees extremes trump fiasco first trumpian cultists buy make america great pablum deride person casting judgment upon others makes sincerity view principled decision latter say theyll sit one go motions voting third party wasted vote objective standard appreciate milder strain never trumpers sincerity nonetheless believe sincerely wrong selfrighteous plankintheeye never trump prigs slander lost saltinesssinned god compromised principles brothers sisters recognize empirical reality vote horribly flawed lord knows im worst sinner baby christian president vote hillary clintons tyranny perpetuity media research center done america tremendous service watchdog organization released video actual partial birth abortion something hillary clinton stood stage final presidential debate stared camera cold callous eyes lied defended unequivocally plead never trumpers watch video prayerfully reassess plans nov mrs clintons beloved lateterm abortion practice one brutal needless even leftleaning american medical association admitted dangerous mother never necessary circumstances least life health mother partialbirth abortion abortionist pulls fully viable child often kicking thrashing feet first mothers womb leaving top head birth canal abortionist technically claim performing abortion rather committing murder stabs child base skull scissors piercing brain kicking moving suddenly violently jerks halt next opens scissors enlarge wound blood brainstem fluid gush hands inserts vacuum tube sucks brains thereby collapsing skull limp lifeless body cast away like much garbage homicide plain simple hillary clinton supports donald trump opposes deserve gods wrath judgment nation allowing abortion holocaust occur watch estimation mrs clinton bloodthirsty monster enthusiastically supports barbarity supreme court appointees ensure tens millions precious babies like one video murdered brutal manner conscience tells must vote way exercising civic duty strongest net effect mrs clinton ensure stopped must elected president vote vote nonstarter third party candidate effectively thing actual vote mrs clinton still puts mengele pantsuit one step closer white house supreme court simple math undeniable effective thing personally citizen vote mrs clinton voting mr trump electoral damage possible candidate clinton offers best chance life provide future generations roe v wade decision us supreme court put governments official stamp approval mass murder since battle lines drawn war prochoicers bad guys prolifers good guys really simple black white good versus evil history reflect much president hillary clinton millions babies tortured dismembered alive president donald trump millions might live yet even hillary sharpens knives quibble like fools donalds potty mouth devil democrats oh love derision division within body christ
Jack McLeod
no title
print have you ever noticed how washington always has a plan to solve everybodys problem except their own for the federal government its always easy and tempting to look at problems real or imagined outside of the beltway and solve them from afar you will recall of course how former attorney general eric holder was going to stop police shootings all over america with sensitivity training the power and force of the federal government and investigations investigations and more investigations now loretta lynch his successor also known as hillary clintons guardian angel is set to turn police shootings throughout america into big business and more power for washington her latest pet project is assembling a national database on interactions between law enforcement and civilians she reported this month accurate and comprehensive data on the use of force by law enforcement is essential to an informed and productive discussion about communitypolice relations lynch said in the days ahead the department of justice will continue to work alongside our local state tribal and federal partners to ensure that we put in place a system to collect data that is comprehensive useful and responsive to the needs of the communities we serve the irony here is thick indeed one of lynchs goals she says is to get law enforcement agencies to report more thoroughly about people who died during an interaction with them meanwhile lynch presides over the most egregious coverup of the most outrageous police shooting case i have ever seen in my life namely the killing of miriam carey a young black mother with baby in tow who was gunned down by washington cops and secret service agents for a wrong turn in the nations capital lynch wants reports so does wnd which has been pursuing the information through freedom of information act requests and finally after being stonewalled for years a lawsuit so does the public and the family of miriam carey unfortunately lynch is holding back on a few things missing evidence the page memo with findings analysis of evidence and conclusions in the carey shooting investigation this would show the evidence and reasoning that led the department of justice to decline to file criminal charges against officers why they considered this a justifiable homicide or whether they should have based on the evidence why officers used deadly force whether officers followed or violated the policy of their agencies video of shooting at capitol police guard post at intersection of constitution ave maryland ave and nd street only stills have been released video would show more clearly if officers life actually was in danger as doj claimed when he fired fatal shot to careys head not one of the five witnesses at the scene said carey was driving at the officer as the doj claimed police statements the police report said four officers fired shots at carey two from the capitol police and two from the secret service not one statement from those officers was in the report their names were also redacted redacted information an attorney in the washington dc mayors office said the only redactions were names in order to protect privacy it turned out much more was redacted than names the report was riddled with blackedout sections and missing information pages in the report were entirely blacked out pages were mostly blacked out pages were partially blacked out some of the blackedout pages just included a heading marked evidence some just had a date witness statements an astonishing witness accounts are missing from the police report the police report stated there were seventytwo witnesses interviewed regarding this incident and their statements were captured by audio andor video recordings copies of the aforementioned recordings were turned over to the usao for review copies of the aforementioned audio and video recordings are stored in the main case file at the technical support unit tsu located at the iad of those witness statements only were in the materials provided to wnd leaving missing statement transcripts none of the actual transcripts of interviews in the witnesses own words were provided just paraphrased versions in what the former nypd officer sanders described as cop talk white house guard post video stills were released but not the video it would show whether anyone was manning the post when carey drove up whether she tried to drive around the offduty guard who dragged a gate in front of her and whether she sped off or left at a normal speed as a witness said police radio recordings no recordings or transcripts of radio transmissions during the pursuit and shooting of carey were provided in the foia material also not provided were transcripts of computer transmissions instant messaging between squad cars and police headquarters ballistics and forensics reports the justice department washington metro police department responses to foia requests did not include a ballistics or a forensics report i could go on and on for people who want facts and reports the us justice department under both holder and lynch have a strong propensity for not willingly releasing the facts and reports to the public or the press weve been at this for a long time years yet the stonewall and coverup of a horrendous unjustifiable outrageous police shooting right in their own jurisdiction and backyard continues do we really expect eric holder and loretta lynch to find justice for police shooting victims outside of their own jurisdiction with a track record like that media wishing to interview joseph farah please contact receive joseph farahs daily commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for joseph farahs alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
election crossroads socialism capitalism exclusive jane chastain explains impact dems living wage proposal published mins ago jane chastain archive jane chastain southern californiabased broadcaster author political commentator despite present emphasis politics jane always remembered nations first female tv sportscaster spending years sports beat jane blogs janechastaincom pilot lives private runway print country crossroads never faced obvious fork road one road one favored politician hillary clinton democratic colleagues promises lead us socialist utopia favored businessman donald trump republican colleagues promises get us back road toward freemarket capitalism secret career politicians lean toward socialist system system control lions share money turn hand favors system make major decisions affect lives government accumulates power invariably end less statistics show longer politician stays power hardearned money spends yet keep electing people expecting different result weve headed road toward socialism quite time could last fork road get us back freemarket system given country highest standard living world isnt perfect works everyone willing work hard wants improve life notice didnt say simply willing work hard belief simply work hard politicians call living wage income necessary support family four supply basic needs around year parts country democrats want replace minimum wage training wage living wage completely kicks bottom rungs economic ladder americans traditionally climbed reach goals live independently ideally would mean could take job flipping hamburgers never gain skills accept responsibility live comfortably guy gal unfortunately socalled living wage destroy jobs cause companies automate cannot begin moving offshore even faster rate living wage part democrats want name fairness doubt appeals many poor economy lost hope lulled thinking socialist road much better wages remained flat far long democrats proposing raising taxes even higher businesses job creators people simply understand businesses dont pay taxes passed consumers form higher prices price necessary goods services becomes high weve seen obamacare large outcry thats government steps takes means production control services thats door socialismcommunism slams shut tell us take socialist road nothing fear benevolent government take care us offering us free college almost free loans order get job want salary think deserve dont get job government going give us free health care free food free housing president hillary free child care free preschool paid family leave country dont reach goals everything ok social security medicare finance retirement isnt enough government put us retirement center live remainder years playing checkers watching television fact social security medicare going broke long keep printing money keep us afloat economy collapses never talk british prime minister margaret thatcher said problem socialism eventually run peoples money dont fooled election lot two personalities top ticket important fork road one fork requires hard work sacrifice offers freedom offers free lunch media wishing interview jane chastain please contact receive jane chastains commentaries email bonus signing jane chastains alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Craig Murphy
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will it be representative government or thugocracy exclusive erik rush envisions clinton using high court as a bludgeon against liberty published mins ago erik rush about archive erik rush is a columnist and author of sociopolitical fare his latest book is negrophilia from slave block to pedestal americas racial obsession in he was the first to give national attention to the story of sen barack obamas ties to militant chicago preacher rev jeremiah wright initiating a media feeding frenzy erik has appeared on fox news hannity and colmes cnn and is a veteran of numerous radio appearances print i feel strongly that the supreme court needs to stand on the side of the american people not on the side of the powerful corporations and the wealthy for me that means that we need a supreme court that will stand up on behalf of womens rights on behalf of the rights of the lgbt community that will stand up and say no to citizens united a decision that has undermined the election system in our country because of the way it permits dark unaccountable money to come into our electoral system hillary clinton the first salvo from democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton or rather her answer to the first question posed by fox news chris wallace to her and donald trump at the third presidential debate was as chilling as it was an exemplar of hypocrisy those on the left are quite fond of leveling the accusation against conservatives of employing dog whistle politics rhetoric that allegedly contains hidden or esoteric derogatory messaging which targets a specific subgroup within the opposition ms clintons response to wallaces question where they wanted to see the supreme court take the country and their views on how the constitution ought to be interpreted however was representative of this tactic while womens rights and those of the lgbt community may seem to be a curious focus for the high court since objectively women wouldnt appear to be particularly oppressed given that one has been nominated to run for president and the lgbt community accounts for less than percent of the american population clintons answer revealed the focus she believes the court should have once she becomes empress womens rights is of course dog whistle for unfettered abortion even lateterm abortion which is essentially infanticide via dismemberment lgbt rights is dog whistle for disenfranchising the majority of americans who hold traditional values primarily christians leveraging a vocal minority of homosexuals bisexuals and transgender individuals whom the left has whipped into a froth against christians is the methodology that was employed to negate the political power of christians in europe and canada a direct assault via legislation in this area would not work in the us at least not at present however judicial rulings could effectively bring about the same result let us leave aside for a moment the fact that judicial activism is unethical and skirts the constitution and that clintons overall objectives are manifestly evil hillary clintons stated priorities for the supreme court are a clear indicator of her desire to use the court as a bludgeon against the constitution and individual liberties rather than allowing it to perform its designated function the hypocrisy attendant to clinton citing the rights of women and homosexuals when she is beholden via financial contributions to nations that institutionally persecute and murder members of these groups remains plain for all to see despite being conveniently ignored by the press clintons reference to powerful corporations and the wealthy and the malign influence of that sinister conservative organization citizens united was of course another exercise in blatant hypocrisy clinton is quite wealthy and corrupt or otherwise compromised powerful corporations have been instrumental in bringing about the designs of american socialists even if citizens united were a vehicle for dark unaccountable money the scope of its influence would pale next to the subversive designs of the muslim brotherhood with which bill and hillary clinton have been partnered for decades or the myriad tentacles of organizations funded by george soros the former nazi collaborator dedicated to advancing oligarchical collectivism in america someone with whom the clintons also have a long association one need not attempt to decipher the thinly veiled intent behind clintons debate rhetoric to discern what a hillary clinton presidency might look like her actions to date and particularly those in the pursuit of seeking that office should suffice quite nicely despite the craven complicity of the establishment press mainstream media there is ample evidence for even the most indolent news consumer to reach the conclusion that she and the democratic leviathan supporting her and which facilitated barack obamas rise to power are fundamentally malignant in recent days weve become aware of all manner of unethical conspiracies and outright criminality thats been brought to bear in getting clinton elected from democratic officials tampering with the outcome of the illegal email server investigation to the oversampling of key demographics in polling in order to enhance the public perception of clintons popularity to the recent revelation of criminally prosecutable actions on the part of the clinton campaign the democratic national committee and the white house the bottom line here is that hillary clinton represents a class of people who transcend even the loathed archetypal modern politician in their rapaciousness and amorality what all americans not just voters and not just republicans need to realize is that leaders at the highest levels in the republican party are every bit as culpable as the gutter operatives of the democratic party who pay miscreants to dress up as ducks instigate fistfights at opposition rallies and yes even vote for their candidates the burning question is this in the end are we to be governed by the will of the people or are we going to continue pretending that we have a representative government when we are in effect being ruled by abject thugs operating behind a faux veneer of government media wishing to interview erik rush please contact receive erik rushs commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for erik rushs alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
print applaud integrity condemn selling allow explain decision vote donald trump nov first im writing asked incessantly months would voting think im someone special influence second im endorsing donald trump mind theres world difference endorsing candidate voting candidate third respect nevertrump camp share many concerns including possibility vulgarizing degrading nation possibility deepening ethnic racial divides possibility alienating allies unnecessarily provoking enemies name among nevertrump voices respect columnists like david french ben shapiro bloggers like matt walsh evangelical leaders like russell moore beth moore fourth take strong exception evangelicals fawned trump kind savior figure supporting st donald also take issue evangelical leaders want us minimize trumps failings constantly saying let without sin cast first one see john question condemning man rather question making moral assessment readiness serve nation fifth decision vote trump barring something earthshattering nov consistent position gop primaries issued strong warnings voting trump excellent choices writing video radio always stating trump nomination would reevaluate position trump became republican candidate wrote rooting take steps right direction thereby win vote stated repeatedly circumstances would vote hillary two strong warnings hillary see convinced vote donald trump culture war gain hope courage practical advice michael browns latest book outlasting gay revolution homosexual activism really going turn tide first believe actually serious appointing prolife proconstitution supreme court justices said last debate youre prolife want see roe v wade overturned reiterated gettysburg speech drawing list potential appointees helped feel confident would suddenly flipflop elected second one reason endorsed sen ted cruz took political establishment democratic republican point calling washington cartel trump absolute wrecking ball negative parts political system although unfortunately hes wrecking ball good parts system vote also protest vote third voting republican platform republican party means im agreement platform time little confidence party whole fourth always felt line electing president pastor overstated superficial rephrased say electing general train handtohand combat warriors pastor might relevance words looking trump moral reformer even hedoes appoint righteous judges point certainly anything moral example although pray truly converted become one rather choices president stark voting one likely defeat hillary make good decisions nation savior things messed america handtohand combat analogy closer home fifth within first minutes last debate massive differences hillary trump world see proabortion radical extreme supporter lgbt agenda unashamedly speaking lateterm abortions wanting appoint justices would defend essential liberties since opportunity vote feel vote trump sixth trump continues drawn conservative christians ones tickle ears one dear friends spent hours trump members family told years ministry one received openly graciously trump yet friend continues speak truth clearest possible terms one claiming trump bornagain christian see absolutely evidence fact continues listen godly men open door counsel indicates something positive could possibly going also indicates godly leaders might positive influence elected president seventh although im quite aware president could great harm good nation im far concerned gods people lives witnesses state church america much important state white house context echo words warning dr martin luther king jr church must reminded master servant state rather conscience state must guide critic state never tool church recapture prophetic zeal become irrelevant social club without moral spiritual authority sum hope god donald trump recognize either hillary trump potential great harm america urgent call us followers jesus get act together salt light nation continue urge believers vote hillary clinton whose policies certainly us great harm ultimately effective way defeat hillary vote trump also praying god use good evil end trump gets elected fails miserably grieved devastated well rejoice either way though vote vote greater role live life pleasing god hope advancing gospelbased moral cultural revolution receive michael browns commentaries email bonus signing michael browns alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Bennie Frazier
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for those who are too young or too unwilling to remember a trip down memory lane debut hillary speaks at wellesley graduation insults edward brooke senates lone black member watergate committee says chief counsel jerry zeifman of hillarys performance she was a liar she was an unethical dishonest lawyer she conspired to violate the constitution the rules of the house the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality cattlegate as wife of arkansas governor she invests in cattle futures makes whitewater clintons borrow money to launch whitewater development corporations several people go to prison over it clintons dont bimbo eruptions bill and hillary swear to steve kroft on minutes bill had nothing to do with gennifer flowers private investigators we reached out to them hillary tells cbs steve kroft of bills women i met with two of them to reassure them they were friends of ours they also hire pis to bribe andor threaten as many as twodozen of them health care reform hillary heads secret healthcare task force sued successfully for violating open meeting laws subsequent plan killed by democraticcontrolled house waco hillarys doj authorizes armed assault against religious community in waco dead many of them children more than half racial minorities travelgate hillary orchestrates firing of travel office employees replaces them with her own people independent counsel robert ray calls her sworn testimony factually false but cant prove beyond a reasonable doubt it was knowingly false vince foster white house counsel and reputed hillary lover is found dead in fort marcy park the doj opens a separate investigation of possible obstruction of justice by hillary and her cohorts for blocking search of foster office chinagate hillary meets with disgraced fixer webb hubbell a week later clinton indonesian money man james riady gives hubbell job hubbell never talks reads the nyt headline payment to an exclinton aide is linked to big chinese project filegate hillary henchman craig livingstone improperly requests and receives fbi background reports on several hundred individuals multiple investigations follow november elections due in no small part to healthcare fiasco dems lose senate and house for first time in nearly years chinagate hillary convenes secret meeting with bill and dick morris they launch what thompson committee calls the most corrupt political campaign in modern history sign the precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call for an independent prosecutor to investigate hillary clinton pay to play the donation to travel with the clintons on trade missions morphs from a discreet expectation into the price of admission independent counsel investigates thompson committee the clintons pulled down all the barriers that would normally be in place to keep out illegal contributions pressured policy makers and left themselves open to strong suspicion that they were selling not only access to highranking officials but policy as well blizzard of lies hillary dodges imaginary sniper fire in bosnias tuzla airport ron brown death nine days later embattled commerce secretary ron brown who hates being hillary clintons being motherfing tour guide leaves tuzla on final fatal flight to croatia enron connection brown goes to croatia to broker a sweetheart deal between the neofascists who run the country and the enron corporation despite his death the deal goes through ends very badly ron brown coverup pathologists find an apparent bullet hole in browns head he is buried without autopsy head xrays are lost three pathologists and photographer have careers wrecked for going public thompson committee millions of dollars were raised in illegal contributions much of it from foreign sources twa flight hillary is in family quarters with bill and sandy berger when plans are launched to cover up real cause of the destruction of the aircraft blizzard of lies in a new york times oped titled blizzard of lies the usually restrained william safire famously calls hillary a congenital liar pay to play johnny chung tells thompson committee he funneled from the chinese military to the dnc the white house is like a subway you have to put in coins to open the gates monica there isnt any fire hillary tells matt lauer about the smoke surrounding monica lewinsky accusations the great story here is this vast rightwing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband faln clinton pardons lethal puerto rican terrorists to boost hillarys chance to win ny senate seat she supports move until outrage mounts christopher hitchens like him hillary is not just a liar but a lie a phony construct of shreds and patches and hysterical selfpitying demagogic improvisations pardongate clinton pardons people on final day of office including cocaine dealer drugdealing brother whitewater pal and billionaire fugitive marc rich hillarys brothers hugh and tony both implicated during subsequent investigation james comey investigates finds no illegality furnituregate the clintons leave the white house with worth of items that they once the story breaks have to return or pay for please share with your republican friends who seem comfortable with this woman returning to the white house unless they get a royalty every time the suffix gate is applied to a word they are in for a rough four years media wishing to interview jack cashill please contact receive jack cashills commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for jack cashills alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
new country women minorities hit hardest ann coulter dems import cultures rape incest spousal murder acceptable published mins ago receive ann coulters alerts email bonus signing ann coulters alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email error print every ethnic group except whites blocvotes democrats coincidentally democrats brought another million nonwhite immigrants last decades doesnt help white voters cant agree constitutes acceptable candidate workingclass whites sat election rather vote outoftouch rich guy saw mitt romney year outoftouch rich guys say theyll vote hillary trump tacky gross sad irony people better new country mostly white plutocrats top percent rest us servants people worse everybody else working class middle class soon working class women minorities children elderly weakest vulnerable members society look mexico future third world country univisions jorge ramos ruling class mexico composed europeanlooking white descendants spanish conquistadors raped native population giving spanish names return british settlers america brought women explaining latino cultures acceptance incest child rape criminal justice researcher shana maier writes book rape male head household women subordinate men hispanics latinos likely racialethnic groups blame victim victim perpetrator blamed bringing dishonor family one american detective said today police taught keep open mind child rape cultural thing comes multiculturalism cant say love empanadas dont want yearold men raping nieces isnt la carte menu get attributes cultures importing described excruciating detail adios america lefts plan turn country third world hellhole media already totally open mind incest child rape murder committed immigrants thus example would chosen headline illegal alien convicted incest child rape chattanooga tenn times free press went less catchy man guilty case human smuggling would used headline illegal alien repeatedly raped yearold girl job site commercial dispatch columbus mississippi went subtle columbus resident charged molestation immigrant women arrive america thrilled escaped cultures rape incest spousal murder acceptable discover crimes perfectly acceptable country provided perpetrator culture fled brooklyn judge edward pincus sentenced chinese immigrant probation premeditated murder wife grounds murder flowed traditional chinese values adultery loss manhood female head asianamerican legal defense education fund margaret fung applauded ruling somewhat amazingly newspapers likely report black crime immigrant crime anything keep third world immigration flowing yearold girl gangraped dozen illegal aliens cheered videoed attack news first broke shaneequa jupiter lived children apartment building gang rape occurred complained neither police apartment security warned residents danger could reflect poorly illegal immigrants even shaneequa scoured headlines would lookout austin men two compare headlines brutal sexual attack two held attack child austin americanstatesman texas july two mexicans placed immigration detainers third man arrested fiveday gang rape hell teenage runaway smoked crack daily mail online july needless say new york times cover mexican illegalalien gang rape ultimate primer bluecollar billionaire order ann coulters book trump trust e pluribus awesome contrast times every major american news outlet extensively covered another gang rape girl age time place second case rape girls young age enthusiastic participant sneaking house night meet men sex rapes years earlier got fullcourt press defendants africanamerican victim mexican time articles huffington post gq slate salon mother jones even made new york times despite connection college fraternity lacrosse team similarly within months one another two men arrested separate child rape cases decatur alabama assaults yearold girls one suspect africanamerican hispanic immigrant one made newspaper guess one excitable muslims raped american reporter lara logan tahrir square another one hillarys foreign policy successes journalists immediately set work find shortest line muslim rapists white american men conclusion real problem female reporters american bosses colleagues definitely islam sampling new york times commentary logans rape need women war zones would never tell bosses fear might keep home next time something major happened attack also nothing islam reporting female women reporters face another set challenges often harassed ways male colleagues experience muslim countries worst places sexual harassment perhaps american men could better american women may soon discover never good manifestly purpose immigration policies help americans immigrants wanted live place like america designed funnel welfaredependent voters democrats cheap labor rich chinese immigrant got probation murdering wife example came america based specialized skill dishwasher country zimbabwe goes according democrats plan theyll get mugabe thats hillarys dream wins joe sobrans parody typical new york times headline anything come true women minorities hit hardest receive ann coulters weekly commentaries email bonus signing ann coulters alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Matthew Everett
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while democrats perpetually circle the wagons republicans engage a perpetual circular firing squad the same holds true for many evangelicals democrats and secularists count on it and we never disappoint full disclosure i went from a dogged never trumper to a maybe trumper and finally settled as a reluctant trumper i like any godfearing father of daughters was and remain appalled by donald trumps sordid past and his yearold vulgar video in which he objectified women his words are indefensible and i fully expect the clinton camp to strategically release additional revolting and embarrassing opposition research about the republican nominee before election day still i will be voting against hillary clinton on nov in what is objectively and irrefutably the most effective way possible by casting a vote for better or worse for the policies and promises of donald trump and for the vice presidency of gov mike pence regrettably with many of my never trump friends im reminded of the fanatic who refuses his daughter chemotherapy and watches her die in an effort to convince himself and others of the strength of his own faith pride is an awful thing we are to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves matthew foolishness called faith is just foolishness even so there are christian pharisees on both extremes of this trump fiasco first those trumpian cultists who buy the make america great again pablum and deride any person who while not casting judgment upon others makes with all sincerity what they view as the principled decision the latter say theyll sit this one out or go through the motions by voting third party a wasted vote by any objective standard while i appreciate this milder strain of never trumpers sincerity i nonetheless believe it is sincerely wrong and then there are the selfrighteous plankintheeye never trump prigs who slander as having lost their saltinesssinned against god and compromised their principles brothers and sisters who recognize the empirical reality that a vote for a horribly flawed lord knows im the worst sinner of all baby christian as president is a vote against hillary clintons tyranny in perpetuity the media research center has done america a tremendous service in the watchdog organization released a video of an actual partial birth abortion something hillary clinton stood on stage during the final presidential debate stared into the camera with cold callous eyes and then both lied about and defended unequivocally i plead with never trumpers to watch the video and then prayerfully reassess their plans for nov mrs clintons beloved lateterm abortion practice is one so brutal and needless that even the leftleaning american medical association has admitted that it is dangerous to the mother and never necessary under any circumstances not the least of which is for the life or health of the mother during a partialbirth abortion the abortionist pulls a fully viable child often kicking and thrashing feet first from her mothers womb leaving only the top of her head in the birth canal this is so the abortionist can technically claim to be performing an abortion rather than committing murder he then stabs the child through the base of her skull with scissors piercing her brain until her kicking and moving about suddenly and violently jerks to a halt next he opens the scissors to enlarge the wound as blood and brainstem fluid gush down his hands inserts a vacuum tube and sucks out her brains thereby collapsing her skull her now limp and lifeless body is then cast away like so much garbage this is homicide plain and simple hillary clinton supports it donald trump opposes it we deserve gods wrath and judgment as a nation for allowing this abortion holocaust to occur on our watch in my estimation mrs clinton is a bloodthirsty monster who enthusiastically supports this barbarity her supreme court appointees will ensure that tens of millions of precious babies like the one in the video are murdered in the same brutal manner my conscience tells me that i must vote in such a way that exercising my civic duty will have the strongest net effect against mrs clinton and ensure that she is stopped she must not be elected president to not vote or to vote for a nonstarter third party candidate which is effectively the same thing while not an actual vote for mrs clinton still puts this mengele in a pantsuit one step closer to the white house and the supreme court its simple math and its undeniable the most effective thing you can personally do as a citizen is to vote against mrs clinton by voting for mr trump this does the most electoral damage possible to candidate clinton and offers the best chance for life that you can provide future generations with its roe v wade decision the us supreme court put the governments official stamp of approval on mass murder since then the battle lines have been drawn this is war prochoicers are the bad guys and prolifers the good guys it really is that simple that black and white its good versus evil history will reflect as much under a president hillary clinton millions more babies will be tortured and dismembered alive under a president donald trump these millions might live and yet even as hillary sharpens her knives we quibble like fools over donalds potty mouth the devil and democrats oh how they love derision and division within the body of christ
hillary spy updated info
trump vs clinton risk vs disaster larry elder hillary never asked anyone media juanita broaddrick published mins ago receive larry elders alerts email bonus signing larry elders alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email error print two weeks left go election electorate feels like battered nfl fan game gets increasingly old tiring watch playing inflict permanent brain damage democrats counted upon call republican opponent racist whether opponent priestly mitt romney supreme court justice wrote dred scott decision donald trump see racist among reasons campaign stop pointed black man called africanamerican hillary clinton hand antisemitic even though three witnesses one took passed polygraph claim referred husbands former congressional campaign manager fing jew bastard republican candidate media counted upon seize upon deficiencies big small real imagined giving democrat pass trumps failure ever apologize outweighs examination clintons flatout lie third debate insisted supreme court heller case toddlers opposed fundamental issue whether second amendment confers individual right keep bear arms heller nowhere majority decision dissenting decisions word toddler appear clinton year ago flatout said supreme court wrong second amendment normal people meant opposed decision ruled whether individuals right keep bear arms meanwhile learn media labels email scandal accurate description national security scandal espionage act criminalizes gross negligence handling important national security matters law require fbi director james comey falsely stated intent relevant clinton insists whether private server one maintained basement hacked five people worked clinton including chief staff received immunity deals something normally given get someone flip target five involved deleting emails emails subpoenaed target say hillary clinton deemed comey lacked sufficient criminal intent prosecuted immunity deals knows far media concerned cares clinton insists president obama doesnt get enough credit swell job economy would economy first time history president presided recovery without single year least percent growth gross domestic product would economy alleged low unemployment number gallup ceo jim clifton calls big lie given large number people simply abandoned job hunt underemployed meanwhile yet another day another woman alleges kissed groped touched made fun trump appeared attorney feminist gloria allred allred clinton supporter sees contradiction representing alleged victims trumps sexual misconduct support clinton alleged hired private detectives lawyers dig dirt husbands accusers one accuser juanita broaddrick claims raped bill clinton also two weeks alleged rape hillary clinton verbally threatened hillary clinton mind never asked anyone media broaddricks allegation never one national reporter sam donaldson ever asked bill clinton juanita broaddricks allegation ever clintons answer referred donaldson lawyer david kendall donaldson quickly tried asking thenpresident simply deny answer attorney speaks hillary clinton candidate wants continue policy thats given us worst recovery since clearly violated espionage act placed nations security risk told benghazi victims families death four americans inspired video telling daughter foreign officials something entirely different whose charitable foundation engaged paytoplay haiti donors got contracts disaster relief nondonors went back line wants gut second amendment wants continue foreign policies encouraged aggressiveness part isis russia chinese whose media compadres including scribes new york times washington post cnbc outed wikileaks colluding campaign oddson favorite become next president united states receive larry elders commentaries email bonus signing larry elders alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Rejean Paquette
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election crossroads socialism or capitalism exclusive jane chastain explains impact of dems living wage proposal published mins ago jane chastain about archive jane chastain is a southern californiabased broadcaster author and political commentator despite her present emphasis on politics jane always will be remembered as the nations first female tv sportscaster spending years on the sports beat jane blogs at janechastaincom she is a pilot who lives on a private runway print our country is at a crossroads never before have we faced such an obvious fork in the road one road the one favored by politician hillary clinton and her democratic colleagues promises to lead us to a socialist utopia the other favored by businessman donald trump and some of his republican colleagues promises to get us back on the road toward freemarket capitalism it is no secret that most career politicians lean toward a socialist system in this system they control the lions share of our money and in turn hand out favors in this system they make the major decisions that affect our lives as the government accumulates more and more power we invariably end up with less statistics show that the longer a politician stays in power the more of our hardearned money he or she spends yet we keep electing the same people over and over and over again expecting a different result weve been headed down the road toward socialism for quite some time and this could be the last fork in the road we will have to get us back to the freemarket system that has given this country the highest standard of living in the world no it isnt perfect but it works for everyone who is willing to work hard and wants to improve his or her life notice what i didnt say is simply willing to work hard there is the belief by some that if you simply work hard you should have what these politicians now call a living wage the income necessary to support a family of four and supply all its basic needs which is around a year in some parts of the country the democrats want to replace the minimum wage which is a training wage with this living wage that completely kicks the bottom rungs out from under the economic ladder americans have traditionally climbed to reach their goals and live independently ideally it would mean that you could take a job flipping hamburgers and never gain any skills or accept any responsibility and live as comfortably as the guy or gal who does unfortunately this socalled living wage will destroy jobs it will cause companies to automate and those that cannot will begin moving offshore at an even faster rate but this living wage is only part of what the democrats want to do in the name of fairness this no doubt appeals to many in this poor economy who have lost all hope so they are lulled into thinking that the socialist road is much better wages have remained flat for far too long but the democrats are proposing raising taxes even higher on businesses and job creators most people simply do not understand that businesses dont pay taxes they are passed down to consumers in the form of higher prices and when the price of the necessary goods and services becomes too high such as weve seen in obamacare there is a large outcry thats when the government steps in and takes over the means of production and the control of those services thats when the door to socialismcommunism slams shut they tell us if we take this socialist road there is nothing to fear our benevolent government will take care of us they are offering us free college or almost free loans in order to get the job we want at a salary we think we deserve and if we dont get that job the government is going to give us free health care free food and free housing under president hillary there will be free child care free preschool and paid family leave what a country if we dont reach our goals everything will be ok because social security and medicare will be there to finance our retirement and if that isnt enough the government will put us in a retirement center where we live out the remainder of our years playing checkers or watching television what about the fact that social security and medicare are going broke how long can we keep printing money to keep us afloat before our economy collapses they never talk about that as british prime minister margaret thatcher once said the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money dont be fooled this election is about a lot more than the two personalities at the top of the ticket its an important fork in the road one fork requires hard work and sacrifice but offers freedom the other offers a free lunch media wishing to interview jane chastain please contact receive jane chastains commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for jane chastains alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
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flashback jorge cabrera scandal
left field gingrich slutshames megyn kelly adele stan misogyny isnt baked trump brand trump brand published mins ago american prospect campaign surrogate oncepowerful white man answer allegations candidate may sexual predator sexlaced attack female interviewer youre probably misogynist desperate misogynist thats former house speaker newt gingrich looking like morning tuesday discussion republican presidential nominee donald trumps sinking poll numbers gingrich accused fox news channel host megyn kelly fascinated sex dared mention trumps fortunes began falling infamous access hollywood video featuring trump boasting selfproclaimed prerogative sexually assault women became public october nearly dozen women came forward allege trump either assaulted otherwise taken liberties bodies
Judi Shirley
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print before you applaud me for my integrity or condemn me for selling out allow me to explain my decision to vote for donald trump on nov first im writing this because i have been asked incessantly for months how i would be voting not because i think im someone special or that what i do should influence you second im not endorsing donald trump in my mind theres a world of difference between endorsing a candidate and voting for a candidate third i respect those in the nevertrump camp and share many of their concerns including the possibility of his further vulgarizing and degrading the nation the possibility of him deepening our ethnic and racial divides and the possibility of him alienating our allies and unnecessarily provoking our enemies just to name a few among the nevertrump voices i respect are columnists like david french and ben shapiro bloggers like matt walsh and evangelical leaders like russell moore and beth moore fourth i take strong exception to evangelicals who have fawned over trump as if he were some kind of savior figure supporting him as if he were st donald i also take issue with evangelical leaders who want us to minimize some of trumps failings constantly saying let him who is without sin cast the first one see john this is not a question of condemning the man but rather a question of making a moral assessment as to his readiness to serve our nation fifth my decision to vote for trump barring something earthshattering between now and nov is consistent with my position which has been during the gop primaries i issued strong warnings against voting for trump while we had other excellent choices i did this in writing on video and on the radio but always stating that if trump won the nomination i would reevaluate my position once trump became the republican candidate i wrote that i was rooting for him to take steps in the right direction and thereby win my vote i have stated repeatedly that under no circumstances would i vote for hillary for two strong warnings about hillary see here and here so what has convinced me that i should now vote for donald trump the culture war is not over gain hope courage and practical advice in michael browns latest book outlasting the gay revolution where homosexual activism is really going and how to turn the tide first i believe that he actually is serious about appointing prolife proconstitution supreme court justices when he said during the last debate that if youre prolife you want to see roe v wade overturned and when he reiterated at his gettysburg speech that he will be drawing from his list of potential appointees he helped me feel more confident that he would not suddenly flipflop if elected second one reason i endorsed sen ted cruz was because he took on the political establishment both democratic and republican to the point of calling it the washington cartel trump is an absolute wrecking ball to the negative parts of the political system although unfortunately hes been a wrecking ball to some of the good parts of the system so my vote for him is also a protest vote third i am voting for the republican platform not the republican party which means im in agreement with the platform while at the same time having very little confidence in the party as a whole fourth while i have always felt that the line were electing a president not a pastor was overstated and superficial if we rephrased it to say were electing a general to train handtohand combat warriors not a pastor it might have more relevance in other words we are not looking for trump to be a moral reformer even if hedoes appoint righteous judges and at this point he certainly is anything but a moral example although we pray he will be truly converted and become one rather out of our choices for president which are stark we are voting for the one most likely to defeat hillary and make some good decisions for the nation not be the savior and with things so messed up in america the handtohand combat analogy is closer to home fifth within the first few minutes of the last debate the massive differences between hillary and trump were there for the world to see she a proabortion radical and an extreme supporter of the lgbt agenda and he unashamedly speaking out against lateterm abortions and wanting to appoint justices who would defend our essential liberties since i have the opportunity to vote i feel that i should vote for trump sixth trump continues to be drawn to conservative christians and not just ones who tickle his ears one of my dear friends has spent hours with trump and members of his family and he has told me that in years of ministry no one has received him as openly and graciously as has trump yet my friend continues to speak the truth to him in the clearest possible terms while i am not one of those claiming that trump is a bornagain christian i see absolutely no evidence of this the fact that he continues to listen to godly men and open the door to their counsel indicates that something positive could possibly be going on it also indicates that these godly leaders might be a positive influence on him if he were elected president seventh although im quite aware that a president could do great harm or good to the nation im far more concerned with what we as gods people do with our own lives and witnesses and for me the state of the church of america is much more important than the state of the white house in that context i echo the words and warning of dr martin luther king jr the church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state but rather the conscience of the state it must be the guide and the critic of the state and never its tool if the church does not recapture its prophetic zeal it will become an irrelevant social club without moral or spiritual authority so in sum my hope is in god not donald trump and i do recognize that either hillary or trump has the potential to do great harm to america my urgent call is for us as followers of jesus to get our own act together so we can be the salt and light of the nation i will continue to urge all believers not to vote for hillary clinton whose policies will certainly do us great harm and ultimately the most effective way to defeat hillary is to vote for trump while also praying that god will use him for good not for evil in the end if trump gets elected and fails miserably i will be grieved but not devastated if he does well i will rejoice either way though my vote is just that a vote my greater role is to live a life pleasing to god with the hope of advancing a gospelbased moral and cultural revolution receive michael browns commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for michael browns alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
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ron brown evidence cover
clinton transmitted classified info lawyers andrew mccarthy theres attorney exception criminal law prohibits action published mins ago national review legal rationale hillary clinton quite intentionally shared classified information lawyers including david kendall cheryl mills heather samuelson outlined last weekends column know clintons emails replete classified information according fbi classified emails included intelligence graded closely guarded level eight topsecret emails seven designated special access program sap information fbi director james comeys presentation understandably left vague likelihood seven eight topsecret emails sap president bill clintons executive order topsecret intelligence information mishandling could expected cause exceptionally grave damage national security sap designation added unauthorized disclosure intelligence could compromise critical intelligencegathering methods imperil lives intelligence sources access information tightly restricted unauthorized disclosure routinely prosecuted
Joan Workman
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our new country women and minorities hit hardest ann coulter dems import cultures where rape incest and spousal murder are acceptable published mins ago receive ann coulters alerts in your email bonus by signing up for ann coulters alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email error print every ethnic group except whites blocvotes for the democrats coincidentally the democrats have brought in another to million nonwhite immigrants in the last few decades it doesnt help that white voters cant agree on what constitutes an acceptable candidate in workingclass whites sat out the election rather than vote for the outoftouch rich guy they saw in mitt romney this year the outoftouch rich guys say theyll vote for hillary because trump is tacky and gross the sad irony is that the only people who will be better off in our new country are mostly white plutocrats the top percent the rest of us will be their servants the people who will be worse off are everybody else the working class the middle class who will soon be working class and most of all women minorities children the elderly the weakest and most vulnerable members of society look to mexico for your future or any third world country or to univisions jorge ramos the ruling class in mexico is composed of europeanlooking white descendants of spanish conquistadors who raped the native population giving them only their spanish names in return british settlers in america brought women with them explaining latino cultures acceptance of incest and child rape criminal justice researcher shana maier writes in a book about rape that the male is the head of the household and women are subordinate to men hispanics and latinos are more likely than other racialethnic groups to blame the victim the victim not the perpetrator is blamed for bringing dishonor to the family one american detective said that today police are being taught to keep an open mind about child rape because its a cultural thing when it comes to multiculturalism you cant say we love the empanadas but we dont want yearold men raping their nieces this isnt an a la carte menu we get all the attributes of the cultures were importing as described in excruciating detail in adios america the lefts plan to turn our country into a third world hellhole our media already have a totally open mind about incest and child rape and murder when its committed by immigrants thus for example where i would have chosen the headline illegal alien convicted of incest child rape the chattanooga tenn times free press went with the less catchy man guilty in case of human smuggling and where i would have used the headline illegal alien repeatedly raped yearold girl at job site the commercial dispatch in columbus mississippi went with the more subtle columbus resident charged with molestation immigrant women arrive in america thrilled to have escaped cultures where rape incest and spousal murder are acceptable only to discover that those crimes are perfectly acceptable in this country too provided the perpetrator is from the very culture they fled in brooklyn judge edward pincus sentenced a chinese immigrant to probation for a premeditated murder of his wife on the grounds that the murder flowed from traditional chinese values about adultery and loss of manhood the female head of the asianamerican legal defense and education fund margaret fung applauded the ruling somewhat amazingly newspapers are more likely to report black crime than immigrant crime anything to keep the third world immigration flowing in a yearold girl was gangraped by about a dozen illegal aliens who cheered and videoed the attack when the news first broke shaneequa jupiter who lived with her children in the apartment building where the gang rape occurred complained that neither the police nor apartment security had warned residents about the danger that could reflect poorly on illegal immigrants even if shaneequa had scoured the headlines she would have been on the lookout for austin men or two compare these headlines about the same brutal sexual attack two held in attack on child austin americanstatesman texas july two mexicans placed on immigration detainers as third man is arrested over fiveday gang rape hell of teenage runaway during which she smoked crack daily mail online july needless to say the new york times did not cover the mexican illegalalien gang rape at all the ultimate primer on the bluecollar billionaire order ann coulters book in trump we trust e pluribus awesome by contrast the times and every major american news outlet extensively covered another gang rape of a girl about the same age at about the same time in about the same place the second case only was rape because of the girls young age she was but she was an enthusiastic participant sneaking out of her house at night to meet the men for sex those rapes just a few years earlier got a fullcourt press the defendants were africanamerican the victim was mexican that time there were articles in the huffington post gq slate salon and mother jones it even made the new york times despite no connection to a college fraternity or lacrosse team similarly within a few months of one another in two men were arrested in separate child rape cases in decatur alabama for assaults on yearold girls one suspect was africanamerican the other was a hispanic immigrant only one made the newspaper guess which one when excitable muslims raped american reporter lara logan in tahrir square another one of hillarys foreign policy successes journalists immediately set to work to find the shortest line from the muslim rapists to white american men conclusion the real problem was the female reporters american bosses and colleagues definitely not islam sampling of new york times commentary on logans rape why we need women in war zones i would never tell my bosses for fear that they might keep me at home the next time something major happened this attack also had nothing to do with islam reporting while female women reporters face another set of challenges we are often harassed in ways that male colleagues are not in my experience muslim countries were not the worst places for sexual harassment perhaps american men could do better but as american women may soon discover they never had it so good manifestly the purpose of our immigration policies is not to help americans or the immigrants who wanted to live in a place like america they are designed to funnel welfaredependent voters to the democrats and cheap labor to the rich the chinese immigrant who got probation for murdering his wife for example came to america based on his specialized skill of being a dishwasher our country will be zimbabwe but if all goes according to the democrats plan theyll get to be mugabe thats hillarys dream if she wins joe sobrans parody of the typical new york times headline about anything will come true women and minorities hit hardest receive ann coulters weekly commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for ann coulters alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
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report voter fraud crash course
print sidebyside bill clinton danney williams new york youtube wednesday suspended account danney williams yearold claimed since black son former president bill clinton youtube citing repeated severe violations terms use andor community guidelines declared account cannot restored youtube decision blocked nineminute feature banished untold story danney williams received million views since williams posted last week produced filmmaker joel gilbert drew nearly views per day viewer comments overwhelming majority expressing support williams outrage clintons willing allow dna test determine paternity like reporting see sign free news alerts wndcom americas independent news network youtube account deleted video appears places youtube alone williams said facebook page notified youtubes decision youtube cant handle truth please share billclintonson twitter also continues allow williams post banished video danney williams page twitter link youtube displays message video longer available youtube account associated video terminated sorry video still running danney williamsclintons facebook page well youtube channel operated gilbert attempt silence danney williams gilbert told wnd helped williams file online appeal form youtube asking account suspended demanding immediately reinstated behavior youtubegoogle suspending danneys account outrageous absolutely zero violations kind let alone severe one youtube terms guidelines gilbert said gilbert outspoken charging youtube partisan political motives suspension possible explanation clinton campaign requested youtubegoogle silence danney run plantation danney said hillary clinton aunt small child chased grounds arkansas governors mansion gilbert said danney cannot silenced longer continued hillary may try sweep danney williams rug going work time story every day people understand bill hillary clinton banished young man family color skin see danney williams video feature wnd reported oct hours third final presidential debate attorneys williams las vegas announce intention file paternity suit demanding dna evidence former president accompanying dramatic announcement rap music video celebrating williams went viral internet definitive dna test wnd reported dna test conducted despite media reports contrary williams claim first surfaced clinton defenders since contended tabloid star magazine conducted dna showdown proving bill clinton williams father citing star magazine editor phil bunton saying time match nothing even close interview bunton told wnd blood sample obtained clinton star magazine never published story documenting laboratory test dont remember ever seeing laboratory test done clintons dna bunton told wnd bunton owner rivertown magazine haverstraw new york affirmed wnd tabloid relied dna evidence clinton published independent counsel kenneth starr extracted infamous monica lewinsky blue dress got lot phone calls several people media including new york times wanting know going get dna back bunton recalled wnd thought going turn son dna came back story even write dna test released kenneth starr second two dna laboratory tests fbi run clinton public record leaves doubt starr withheld robust test conducted fbi twitter rules many figures challenged democratic party leftleaning media narrative also run trouble social media outlets including james okeefe project veritas exposed clinton campaign voter fraud agitation series hiddencamera videos okeefe preparing release new revelations voter fraud oct twitter shut account claiming violations twitter rules notice said must delete tweets violation rules prohibit harassing users threatening users disclosing users private information violating rules statement okeefe said relies social media bypass media directly reach public monday okeefe wrote tweet project veritas unable upload third video series youtube calling apparent block bizarre earlier month okeefe forced delete tweet critical hillary clinton staffer regain use account suspended day account suspended hours release new hiddencamera video exposed clinton ally saying could use executive action guns daily caller reported project veritas posted undercover video oct proving hillary clinton supporters inciting violence donald trump rallies gain negative media coverage millions viewers watched video hours didnt show googles trending list youtube google owns noted silenceisconsentnet however trend twitter google breitbart blogger milo yiannopoulos suspended permanently twitter minutes gays trump party republican national convention months makers new movie im ashamed first victim columbine killers colorado unable promote movie youtube trailer taken late movies entire channel suspended among conservatives censored facebook conservative activist trump supporter lauren southern received day ban facebook complained friends account censored facebook locked yearold black middle schoolers account posting video supporting rudy giulianis comment obama doesnt love america admin protrump group banned saying trump antimuslim antiisis
Mike Rivero
hillary the spy updated info
trump vs clinton a risk vs a disaster larry elder hillary has never been asked by anyone in media about juanita broaddrick published mins ago receive larry elders alerts in your email bonus by signing up for larry elders alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email error print two weeks left to go in the election and the electorate feels like a battered nfl fan the game gets increasingly old and tiring to watch and playing it can inflict permanent brain damage democrats can be counted upon to call the republican opponent racist whether the opponent is the priestly mitt romney or the supreme court justice who wrote the dred scott decision donald trump you see is racist because among other reasons at a campaign stop he pointed to a black man and called him my africanamerican hillary clinton on the other hand is not antisemitic even though three witnesses one of whom took and passed a polygraph claim that she referred to her husbands former congressional campaign manager as a fing jew bastard with a republican candidate the media can be counted upon to seize upon any deficiencies big or small real or imagined while giving the democrat a pass so trumps failure to ever apologize outweighs an examination of clintons flatout lie during the third debate when she insisted that the supreme court heller case was about toddlers as opposed to the fundamental issue of whether the second amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms in heller nowhere in the majority decision or in any of the dissenting decisions does the word toddler appear clinton a year ago flatout said the supreme court is wrong on the second amendment to normal people this meant she opposed what the decision ruled on which again was whether we as individuals have a right to keep and bear arms meanwhile we learn more and more about what the media labels an email scandal when the accurate description is national security scandal the espionage act criminalizes gross negligence in the handling of important national security matters the law does not require as fbi director james comey falsely stated an intent nor is it relevant as clinton insists whether or not her private server the one she maintained in her basement was hacked five people who worked with or for clinton including her chief of staff all received immunity deals something normally given to get someone to flip on a target some of the five were involved in deleting emails after the emails were subpoenaed but the target that is to say hillary clinton was deemed by comey to have lacked sufficient criminal intent to be prosecuted so why the immunity deals who knows and as far as most of the media are concerned who cares clinton insists that president obama doesnt get enough credit for the swell job he did with the economy this would be the economy in which for the first time in history a president has presided over a recovery without a single year of at least percent growth in gross domestic product this would be the same economy with an alleged low unemployment number that gallup ceo jim clifton calls the big lie given the large number of people who simply abandoned the job hunt or are underemployed meanwhile its yet another day in which another woman who alleges she was kissed groped touched or made fun of by trump has appeared with her attorney feminist gloria allred allred a clinton supporter sees no contradiction between representing alleged victims of trumps sexual misconduct and her support for clinton who is alleged to have hired private detectives and lawyers to dig up dirt on her husbands accusers one such accuser juanita broaddrick claims not only that she was raped by bill clinton but also that two weeks after the alleged rape hillary clinton verbally threatened her hillary clinton mind you has never been asked by anyone in the media about broaddricks allegation never and only one national reporter sam donaldson has ever asked bill clinton about juanita broaddricks allegation ever clintons answer he referred donaldson to his lawyer david kendall donaldson quickly tried again asking the thenpresident to simply deny it same answer my attorney speaks for me and that was that so hillary clinton is a candidate who wants to continue the same policy thats given us the worst recovery since who has clearly violated the espionage act and placed the nations security at risk who told the benghazi victims families that the death of four americans was inspired by a video while telling her daughter and foreign officials something entirely different whose charitable foundation engaged in paytoplay in haiti so that donors got contracts for disaster relief and nondonors went to the back of the line who wants to gut the second amendment who wants to continue the same foreign policies that that have encouraged aggressiveness on the part of isis russia and the chinese and whose media compadres including scribes with the new york times washington post and cnbc have been outed by wikileaks as colluding with her campaign and she is now oddson favorite to become the next president of the united states receive larry elders commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for larry elders alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
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national attention ayotte hassan nh senate race
print ever noticed washington always plan solve everybodys problem except federal government always easy tempting look problems real imagined outside beltway solve afar recall course former attorney general eric holder going stop police shootings america sensitivity training power force federal government investigations investigations investigations loretta lynch successor also known hillary clintons guardian angel set turn police shootings throughout america big business power washington latest pet project assembling national database interactions law enforcement civilians reported month accurate comprehensive data use force law enforcement essential informed productive discussion communitypolice relations lynch said days ahead department justice continue work alongside local state tribal federal partners ensure put place system collect data comprehensive useful responsive needs communities serve irony thick indeed one lynchs goals says get law enforcement agencies report thoroughly people died interaction meanwhile lynch presides egregious coverup outrageous police shooting case ever seen life namely killing miriam carey young black mother baby tow gunned washington cops secret service agents wrong turn nations capital lynch wants reports wnd pursuing information freedom information act requests finally stonewalled years lawsuit public family miriam carey unfortunately lynch holding back things missing evidence page memo findings analysis evidence conclusions carey shooting investigation would show evidence reasoning led department justice decline file criminal charges officers considered justifiable homicide whether based evidence officers used deadly force whether officers followed violated policy agencies video shooting capitol police guard post intersection constitution ave maryland ave nd street stills released video would show clearly officers life actually danger doj claimed fired fatal shot careys head one five witnesses scene said carey driving officer doj claimed police statements police report said four officers fired shots carey two capitol police two secret service one statement officers report names also redacted redacted information attorney washington dc mayors office said redactions names order protect privacy turned much redacted names report riddled blackedout sections missing information pages report entirely blacked pages mostly blacked pages partially blacked blackedout pages included heading marked evidence date witness statements astonishing witness accounts missing police report police report stated seventytwo witnesses interviewed regarding incident statements captured audio andor video recordings copies aforementioned recordings turned usao review copies aforementioned audio video recordings stored main case file technical support unit tsu located iad witness statements materials provided wnd leaving missing statement transcripts none actual transcripts interviews witnesses words provided paraphrased versions former nypd officer sanders described cop talk white house guard post video stills released video would show whether anyone manning post carey drove whether tried drive around offduty guard dragged gate front whether sped left normal speed witness said police radio recordings recordings transcripts radio transmissions pursuit shooting carey provided foia material also provided transcripts computer transmissions instant messaging squad cars police headquarters ballistics forensics reports justice department washington metro police department responses foia requests include ballistics forensics report could go people want facts reports us justice department holder lynch strong propensity willingly releasing facts reports public press weve long time years yet stonewall coverup horrendous unjustifiable outrageous police shooting right jurisdiction backyard continues really expect eric holder loretta lynch find justice police shooting victims outside jurisdiction track record like media wishing interview joseph farah please contact receive joseph farahs daily commentaries email bonus signing joseph farahs alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Mike Rivero
flashback the jorge cabrera scandal
out of left field gingrich slutshames megyn kelly adele m stan misogyny isnt just baked into the trump brand it is the trump brand published mins ago american prospect when as a campaign surrogate and oncepowerful white man you answer allegations that your candidate may be a sexual predator with a sexlaced attack on your female interviewer youre probably a misogynist a desperate misogynist thats what former house speaker newt gingrich is looking like this morning during a tuesday discussion of republican presidential nominee donald trumps sinking poll numbers gingrich accused fox news channel host megyn kelly of being fascinated with sex when she dared to mention that trumps fortunes began falling after the now infamous access hollywood video featuring trump boasting about his selfproclaimed prerogative to sexually assault women became public on october and nearly a dozen women came forward to allege that trump had either assaulted them or otherwise taken liberties with their bodies
honest elections
representative government thugocracy exclusive erik rush envisions clinton using high court bludgeon liberty published mins ago archive erik rush columnist author sociopolitical fare latest book negrophilia slave block pedestal americas racial obsession first give national attention story sen barack obamas ties militant chicago preacher rev jeremiah wright initiating media feeding frenzy erik appeared fox news hannity colmes cnn veteran numerous radio appearances print feel strongly supreme court needs stand side american people side powerful corporations wealthy means need supreme court stand behalf womens rights behalf rights lgbt community stand say citizens united decision undermined election system country way permits dark unaccountable money come electoral system hillary clinton first salvo democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton rather answer first question posed fox news chris wallace donald trump third presidential debate chilling exemplar hypocrisy left quite fond leveling accusation conservatives employing dog whistle politics rhetoric allegedly contains hidden esoteric derogatory messaging targets specific subgroup within opposition ms clintons response wallaces question wanted see supreme court take country views constitution ought interpreted however representative tactic womens rights lgbt community may seem curious focus high court since objectively women wouldnt appear particularly oppressed given one nominated run president lgbt community accounts less percent american population clintons answer revealed focus believes court becomes empress womens rights course dog whistle unfettered abortion even lateterm abortion essentially infanticide via dismemberment lgbt rights dog whistle disenfranchising majority americans hold traditional values primarily christians leveraging vocal minority homosexuals bisexuals transgender individuals left whipped froth christians methodology employed negate political power christians europe canada direct assault via legislation area would work us least present however judicial rulings could effectively bring result let us leave aside moment fact judicial activism unethical skirts constitution clintons overall objectives manifestly evil hillary clintons stated priorities supreme court clear indicator desire use court bludgeon constitution individual liberties rather allowing perform designated function hypocrisy attendant clinton citing rights women homosexuals beholden via financial contributions nations institutionally persecute murder members groups remains plain see despite conveniently ignored press clintons reference powerful corporations wealthy malign influence sinister conservative organization citizens united course another exercise blatant hypocrisy clinton quite wealthy corrupt otherwise compromised powerful corporations instrumental bringing designs american socialists even citizens united vehicle dark unaccountable money scope influence would pale next subversive designs muslim brotherhood bill hillary clinton partnered decades myriad tentacles organizations funded george soros former nazi collaborator dedicated advancing oligarchical collectivism america someone clintons also long association one need attempt decipher thinly veiled intent behind clintons debate rhetoric discern hillary clinton presidency might look like actions date particularly pursuit seeking office suffice quite nicely despite craven complicity establishment press mainstream media ample evidence even indolent news consumer reach conclusion democratic leviathan supporting facilitated barack obamas rise power fundamentally malignant recent days weve become aware manner unethical conspiracies outright criminality thats brought bear getting clinton elected democratic officials tampering outcome illegal email server investigation oversampling key demographics polling order enhance public perception clintons popularity recent revelation criminally prosecutable actions part clinton campaign democratic national committee white house bottom line hillary clinton represents class people transcend even loathed archetypal modern politician rapaciousness amorality americans voters republicans need realize leaders highest levels republican party every bit culpable gutter operatives democratic party pay miscreants dress ducks instigate fistfights opposition rallies yes even vote candidates burning question end governed people going continue pretending representative government effect ruled abject thugs operating behind faux veneer government media wishing interview erik rush please contact receive erik rushs commentaries email bonus signing erik rushs alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Mike Rivero
ron brown evidence of a cover up
clinton transmitted classified info to her lawyers andrew mccarthy theres no attorney exception to criminal law that prohibits such action published mins ago national review what was the legal rationale under which hillary clinton quite intentionally shared classified information with her lawyers including david kendall cheryl mills and heather samuelson as i outlined in last weekends column we know that clintons emails were replete with classified information according to the fbi the classified emails included intelligence graded at the most closely guarded level eight topsecret emails and seven designated as special access program sap information while fbi director james comeys presentation understandably left this vague the likelihood is that seven of the eight topsecret emails are sap under president bill clintons executive order topsecret intelligence is information the mishandling of which could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security the sap designation is added when the unauthorized disclosure of intelligence could compromise critical intelligencegathering methods or imperil the lives of intelligence sources that is why access to this information is so tightly restricted and its unauthorized disclosure is routinely prosecuted
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wars bankers wars
young unwilling remember trip memory lane debut hillary speaks wellesley graduation insults edward brooke senates lone black member watergate committee says chief counsel jerry zeifman hillarys performance liar unethical dishonest lawyer conspired violate constitution rules house rules committee rules confidentiality cattlegate wife arkansas governor invests cattle futures makes whitewater clintons borrow money launch whitewater development corporations several people go prison clintons dont bimbo eruptions bill hillary swear steve kroft minutes bill nothing gennifer flowers private investigators reached hillary tells cbs steve kroft bills women met two reassure friends also hire pis bribe andor threaten many twodozen health care reform hillary heads secret healthcare task force sued successfully violating open meeting laws subsequent plan killed democraticcontrolled house waco hillarys doj authorizes armed assault religious community waco dead many children half racial minorities travelgate hillary orchestrates firing travel office employees replaces people independent counsel robert ray calls sworn testimony factually false cant prove beyond reasonable doubt knowingly false vince foster white house counsel reputed hillary lover found dead fort marcy park doj opens separate investigation possible obstruction justice hillary cohorts blocking search foster office chinagate hillary meets disgraced fixer webb hubbell week later clinton indonesian money man james riady gives hubbell job hubbell never talks reads nyt headline payment exclinton aide linked big chinese project filegate hillary henchman craig livingstone improperly requests receives fbi background reports several hundred individuals multiple investigations follow november elections due small part healthcare fiasco dems lose senate house first time nearly years chinagate hillary convenes secret meeting bill dick morris launch thompson committee calls corrupt political campaign modern history sign precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call independent prosecutor investigate hillary clinton pay play donation travel clintons trade missions morphs discreet expectation price admission independent counsel investigates thompson committee clintons pulled barriers would normally place keep illegal contributions pressured policy makers left open strong suspicion selling access highranking officials policy well blizzard lies hillary dodges imaginary sniper fire bosnias tuzla airport ron brown death nine days later embattled commerce secretary ron brown hates hillary clintons motherfing tour guide leaves tuzla final fatal flight croatia enron connection brown goes croatia broker sweetheart deal neofascists run country enron corporation despite death deal goes ends badly ron brown coverup pathologists find apparent bullet hole browns head buried without autopsy head xrays lost three pathologists photographer careers wrecked going public thompson committee millions dollars raised illegal contributions much foreign sources twa flight hillary family quarters bill sandy berger plans launched cover real cause destruction aircraft blizzard lies new york times oped titled blizzard lies usually restrained william safire famously calls hillary congenital liar pay play johnny chung tells thompson committee funneled chinese military dnc white house like subway put coins open gates monica isnt fire hillary tells matt lauer smoke surrounding monica lewinsky accusations great story vast rightwing conspiracy conspiring husband faln clinton pardons lethal puerto rican terrorists boost hillarys chance win ny senate seat supports move outrage mounts christopher hitchens like hillary liar lie phony construct shreds patches hysterical selfpitying demagogic improvisations pardongate clinton pardons people final day office including cocaine dealer drugdealing brother whitewater pal billionaire fugitive marc rich hillarys brothers hugh tony implicated subsequent investigation james comey investigates finds illegality furnituregate clintons leave white house worth items story breaks return pay please share republican friends seem comfortable woman returning white house unless get royalty every time suffix gate applied word rough four years media wishing interview jack cashill please contact receive jack cashills commentaries email bonus signing jack cashills alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Mike Rivero
how to report voter fraud crash course
print sidebyside of bill clinton and danney williams new york youtube on wednesday suspended the account of danney williams the yearold who has claimed since the s to be the black son of former president bill clinton youtube citing repeated or severe violations of our terms of use andor community guidelines declared the account cannot be restored the youtube decision blocked the nineminute feature banished the untold story of danney williams which had received million views since williams posted it last week produced by filmmaker joel gilbert it drew nearly views per day and more than viewer comments with the overwhelming majority expressing support for williams and outrage at the clintons for not being willing to allow a dna test to determine paternity like the reporting you see here sign up for free news alerts from wndcom americas independent news network my youtube account has been deleted but the same video appears in other places on youtube alone williams said on his facebook page after being notified of youtubes decision youtube cant handle the truth please share billclintonson twitter also continues to allow williams to post the banished video on danney williams page but the twitter link to youtube displays the message this video is no longer available because the youtube account associated with this video has been terminated sorry about that the video is still running on danney williamsclintons facebook page as well as on the youtube channel operated by gilbert attempt to silence danney williams gilbert told wnd he helped williams file an online appeal form on youtube asking why the account was suspended and demanding it be immediately reinstated the behavior of youtubegoogle in suspending danneys account is outrageous there have been absolutely zero violations of any kind let alone a severe one of any youtube terms or guidelines gilbert said gilbert was outspoken in charging youtube with partisan political motives for the suspension the only possible explanation is that the clinton campaign requested youtubegoogle to silence danney to run him off the plantation as danney said hillary clinton did to him and his aunt when he was a small child and they were chased off the grounds of the arkansas governors mansion in gilbert said danney cannot be silenced any longer he continued hillary may try to sweep danney williams under the rug but its not going to work this time his story is out there and every day more and more people understand bill and hillary clinton banished this young man from their family because of the color of his skin see the danney williams video feature wnd reported oct that in the hours before the third and final presidential debate attorneys for williams were in las vegas to announce their intention to file a paternity suit demanding dna evidence from the former president accompanying the dramatic announcement was a rap music video celebrating williams that went viral on the internet no definitive dna test wnd reported that no dna test was conducted in despite media reports to the contrary when williams claim first surfaced clinton defenders since have contended the tabloid star magazine conducted a dna showdown proving bill clinton was not williams father citing star magazine editor phil bunton saying at the time there was no match nothing even close but in an interview bunton told wnd that no blood sample was obtained from clinton and star magazine never published a story documenting a laboratory test i dont remember ever seeing any laboratory test that was done on clintons dna bunton told wnd bunton is now the owner of the rivertown magazine in haverstraw new york he affirmed to wnd that the tabloid relied on the dna evidence for clinton published by independent counsel kenneth starr extracted from the infamous monica lewinsky blue dress we got a lot of phone calls from several people in the media including the new york times wanting to know when we were going to get the dna back bunton recalled to wnd we thought it was going to turn out to be his son but when the dna came back there was no story there even to write the dna test released by kenneth starr was the second of two dna laboratory tests the fbi had run on clinton but the public record leaves no doubt that starr withheld the more robust test conducted by the fbi twitter rules many other figures who have challenged the democratic party or the leftleaning media narrative also have run into trouble with social media outlets including james okeefe and his project veritas which has exposed clinton campaign voter fraud and agitation in a series of hiddencamera videos just as okeefe was preparing to release new revelations of voter fraud oct twitter shut down his account claiming violations of twitter rules the notice said he must delete the tweets that are in violation of our rules which prohibit harassing other users threatening other users disclosing other users private information or violating other rules in a statement okeefe said he relies on social media to bypass the media and directly reach the public on monday okeefe wrote in a tweet project veritas was unable to upload its third video in the series to youtube calling the apparent block bizarre earlier this month okeefe was forced to delete a tweet critical of a hillary clinton staffer to regain use of his account after it was suspended for a day his account was suspended in the hours before a release of a new hiddencamera video that exposed a clinton ally saying she could use executive action on guns the daily caller reported project veritas posted an undercover video oct proving hillary clinton supporters were inciting violence at donald trump rallies to gain negative media coverage millions of viewers watched the video in just a few hours but it didnt show up on googles trending list on youtube which google owns noted silenceisconsentnet it did however trend on twitter which google does not own breitbart blogger milo yiannopoulos was suspended permanently by twitter minutes before his gays for trump party at the republican national convention for some months the makers of the new movie im not ashamed about the first victim of the columbine killers in colorado in were unable to promote their movie through youtube the trailer was taken down late in and the movies entire channel was suspended among the conservatives censored by facebook conservative activist and trump supporter lauren southern received a day ban from facebook because she complained about a friends account being censored facebook locked a yearold black middle schoolers account for posting a video supporting rudy giulianis comment that obama doesnt love america the admin of a protrump group was banned for saying trump is not antimuslim but antiisis
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snow reports around northland duluth saturday
democrats perpetually circle wagons republicans engage perpetual circular firing squad holds true many evangelicals democrats secularists count never disappoint full disclosure went dogged never trumper maybe trumper finally settled reluctant trumper like godfearing father daughters remain appalled donald trumps sordid past yearold vulgar video objectified women words indefensible fully expect clinton camp strategically release additional revolting embarrassing opposition research republican nominee election day still voting hillary clinton nov objectively irrefutably effective way possible casting vote better worse policies promises donald trump vice presidency gov mike pence regrettably many never trump friends im reminded fanatic refuses daughter chemotherapy watches die effort convince others strength faith pride awful thing wise serpents innocent doves matthew foolishness called faith foolishness even christian pharisees extremes trump fiasco first trumpian cultists buy make america great pablum deride person casting judgment upon others makes sincerity view principled decision latter say theyll sit one go motions voting third party wasted vote objective standard appreciate milder strain never trumpers sincerity nonetheless believe sincerely wrong selfrighteous plankintheeye never trump prigs slander lost saltinesssinned god compromised principles brothers sisters recognize empirical reality vote horribly flawed lord knows im worst sinner baby christian president vote hillary clintons tyranny perpetuity media research center done america tremendous service watchdog organization released video actual partial birth abortion something hillary clinton stood stage final presidential debate stared camera cold callous eyes lied defended unequivocally plead never trumpers watch video prayerfully reassess plans nov mrs clintons beloved lateterm abortion practice one brutal needless even leftleaning american medical association admitted dangerous mother never necessary circumstances least life health mother partialbirth abortion abortionist pulls fully viable child often kicking thrashing feet first mothers womb leaving top head birth canal abortionist technically claim performing abortion rather committing murder stabs child base skull scissors piercing brain kicking moving suddenly violently jerks halt next opens scissors enlarge wound blood brainstem fluid gush hands inserts vacuum tube sucks brains thereby collapsing skull limp lifeless body cast away like much garbage homicide plain simple hillary clinton supports donald trump opposes deserve gods wrath judgment nation allowing abortion holocaust occur watch estimation mrs clinton bloodthirsty monster enthusiastically supports barbarity supreme court appointees ensure tens millions precious babies like one video murdered brutal manner conscience tells must vote way exercising civic duty strongest net effect mrs clinton ensure stopped must elected president vote vote nonstarter third party candidate effectively thing actual vote mrs clinton still puts mengele pantsuit one step closer white house supreme court simple math undeniable effective thing personally citizen vote mrs clinton voting mr trump electoral damage possible candidate clinton offers best chance life provide future generations roe v wade decision us supreme court put governments official stamp approval mass murder since battle lines drawn war prochoicers bad guys prolifers good guys really simple black white good versus evil history reflect much president hillary clinton millions babies tortured dismembered alive president donald trump millions might live yet even hillary sharpens knives quibble like fools donalds potty mouth devil democrats oh love derision division within body christ
national attention on ayotte hassan nh senate race
print have you ever noticed how washington always has a plan to solve everybodys problem except their own for the federal government its always easy and tempting to look at problems real or imagined outside of the beltway and solve them from afar you will recall of course how former attorney general eric holder was going to stop police shootings all over america with sensitivity training the power and force of the federal government and investigations investigations and more investigations now loretta lynch his successor also known as hillary clintons guardian angel is set to turn police shootings throughout america into big business and more power for washington her latest pet project is assembling a national database on interactions between law enforcement and civilians she reported this month accurate and comprehensive data on the use of force by law enforcement is essential to an informed and productive discussion about communitypolice relations lynch said in the days ahead the department of justice will continue to work alongside our local state tribal and federal partners to ensure that we put in place a system to collect data that is comprehensive useful and responsive to the needs of the communities we serve the irony here is thick indeed one of lynchs goals she says is to get law enforcement agencies to report more thoroughly about people who died during an interaction with them meanwhile lynch presides over the most egregious coverup of the most outrageous police shooting case i have ever seen in my life namely the killing of miriam carey a young black mother with baby in tow who was gunned down by washington cops and secret service agents for a wrong turn in the nations capital lynch wants reports so does wnd which has been pursuing the information through freedom of information act requests and finally after being stonewalled for years a lawsuit so does the public and the family of miriam carey unfortunately lynch is holding back on a few things missing evidence the page memo with findings analysis of evidence and conclusions in the carey shooting investigation this would show the evidence and reasoning that led the department of justice to decline to file criminal charges against officers why they considered this a justifiable homicide or whether they should have based on the evidence why officers used deadly force whether officers followed or violated the policy of their agencies video of shooting at capitol police guard post at intersection of constitution ave maryland ave and nd street only stills have been released video would show more clearly if officers life actually was in danger as doj claimed when he fired fatal shot to careys head not one of the five witnesses at the scene said carey was driving at the officer as the doj claimed police statements the police report said four officers fired shots at carey two from the capitol police and two from the secret service not one statement from those officers was in the report their names were also redacted redacted information an attorney in the washington dc mayors office said the only redactions were names in order to protect privacy it turned out much more was redacted than names the report was riddled with blackedout sections and missing information pages in the report were entirely blacked out pages were mostly blacked out pages were partially blacked out some of the blackedout pages just included a heading marked evidence some just had a date witness statements an astonishing witness accounts are missing from the police report the police report stated there were seventytwo witnesses interviewed regarding this incident and their statements were captured by audio andor video recordings copies of the aforementioned recordings were turned over to the usao for review copies of the aforementioned audio and video recordings are stored in the main case file at the technical support unit tsu located at the iad of those witness statements only were in the materials provided to wnd leaving missing statement transcripts none of the actual transcripts of interviews in the witnesses own words were provided just paraphrased versions in what the former nypd officer sanders described as cop talk white house guard post video stills were released but not the video it would show whether anyone was manning the post when carey drove up whether she tried to drive around the offduty guard who dragged a gate in front of her and whether she sped off or left at a normal speed as a witness said police radio recordings no recordings or transcripts of radio transmissions during the pursuit and shooting of carey were provided in the foia material also not provided were transcripts of computer transmissions instant messaging between squad cars and police headquarters ballistics and forensics reports the justice department washington metro police department responses to foia requests did not include a ballistics or a forensics report i could go on and on for people who want facts and reports the us justice department under both holder and lynch have a strong propensity for not willingly releasing the facts and reports to the public or the press weve been at this for a long time years yet the stonewall and coverup of a horrendous unjustifiable outrageous police shooting right in their own jurisdiction and backyard continues do we really expect eric holder and loretta lynch to find justice for police shooting victims outside of their own jurisdiction with a track record like that media wishing to interview joseph farah please contact receive joseph farahs daily commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for joseph farahs alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
snow reports around northland duluth saturday
election crossroads socialism capitalism exclusive jane chastain explains impact dems living wage proposal published mins ago archive jane chastain southern californiabased broadcaster author political commentator despite present emphasis politics jane always remembered nations first female tv sportscaster spending years sports beat jane blogs janechastaincom pilot lives private runway print country crossroads never faced obvious fork road one road one favored politician hillary clinton democratic colleagues promises lead us socialist utopia favored businessman donald trump republican colleagues promises get us back road toward freemarket capitalism secret career politicians lean toward socialist system system control lions share money turn hand favors system make major decisions affect lives government accumulates power invariably end less statistics show longer politician stays power hardearned money spends yet keep electing people expecting different result weve headed road toward socialism quite time could last fork road get us back freemarket system given country highest standard living world isnt perfect works everyone willing work hard wants improve life notice didnt say simply willing work hard belief simply work hard politicians call living wage income necessary support family four supply basic needs around year parts country democrats want replace minimum wage training wage living wage completely kicks bottom rungs economic ladder americans traditionally climbed reach goals live independently ideally would mean could take job flipping hamburgers never gain skills accept responsibility live comfortably guy gal unfortunately socalled living wage destroy jobs cause companies automate cannot begin moving offshore even faster rate living wage part democrats want name fairness doubt appeals many poor economy lost hope lulled thinking socialist road much better wages remained flat far long democrats proposing raising taxes even higher businesses job creators people simply understand businesses dont pay taxes passed consumers form higher prices price necessary goods services becomes high weve seen obamacare large outcry thats government steps takes means production control services thats door socialismcommunism slams shut tell us take socialist road nothing fear benevolent government take care us offering us free college almost free loans order get job want salary think deserve dont get job government going give us free health care free food free housing president hillary free child care free preschool paid family leave country dont reach goals everything ok social security medicare finance retirement isnt enough government put us retirement center live remainder years playing checkers watching television fact social security medicare going broke long keep printing money keep us afloat economy collapses never talk british prime minister margaret thatcher said problem socialism eventually run peoples money dont fooled election lot two personalities top ticket important fork road one fork requires hard work sacrifice offers freedom offers free lunch media wishing interview jane chastain please contact receive jane chastains commentaries email bonus signing jane chastains alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Mike Rivero
how to have honest elections
will it be representative government or thugocracy exclusive erik rush envisions clinton using high court as a bludgeon against liberty published mins ago about archive erik rush is a columnist and author of sociopolitical fare his latest book is negrophilia from slave block to pedestal americas racial obsession in he was the first to give national attention to the story of sen barack obamas ties to militant chicago preacher rev jeremiah wright initiating a media feeding frenzy erik has appeared on fox news hannity and colmes cnn and is a veteran of numerous radio appearances print i feel strongly that the supreme court needs to stand on the side of the american people not on the side of the powerful corporations and the wealthy for me that means that we need a supreme court that will stand up on behalf of womens rights on behalf of the rights of the lgbt community that will stand up and say no to citizens united a decision that has undermined the election system in our country because of the way it permits dark unaccountable money to come into our electoral system hillary clinton the first salvo from democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton or rather her answer to the first question posed by fox news chris wallace to her and donald trump at the third presidential debate was as chilling as it was an exemplar of hypocrisy those on the left are quite fond of leveling the accusation against conservatives of employing dog whistle politics rhetoric that allegedly contains hidden or esoteric derogatory messaging which targets a specific subgroup within the opposition ms clintons response to wallaces question where they wanted to see the supreme court take the country and their views on how the constitution ought to be interpreted however was representative of this tactic while womens rights and those of the lgbt community may seem to be a curious focus for the high court since objectively women wouldnt appear to be particularly oppressed given that one has been nominated to run for president and the lgbt community accounts for less than percent of the american population clintons answer revealed the focus she believes the court should have once she becomes empress womens rights is of course dog whistle for unfettered abortion even lateterm abortion which is essentially infanticide via dismemberment lgbt rights is dog whistle for disenfranchising the majority of americans who hold traditional values primarily christians leveraging a vocal minority of homosexuals bisexuals and transgender individuals whom the left has whipped into a froth against christians is the methodology that was employed to negate the political power of christians in europe and canada a direct assault via legislation in this area would not work in the us at least not at present however judicial rulings could effectively bring about the same result let us leave aside for a moment the fact that judicial activism is unethical and skirts the constitution and that clintons overall objectives are manifestly evil hillary clintons stated priorities for the supreme court are a clear indicator of her desire to use the court as a bludgeon against the constitution and individual liberties rather than allowing it to perform its designated function the hypocrisy attendant to clinton citing the rights of women and homosexuals when she is beholden via financial contributions to nations that institutionally persecute and murder members of these groups remains plain for all to see despite being conveniently ignored by the press clintons reference to powerful corporations and the wealthy and the malign influence of that sinister conservative organization citizens united was of course another exercise in blatant hypocrisy clinton is quite wealthy and corrupt or otherwise compromised powerful corporations have been instrumental in bringing about the designs of american socialists even if citizens united were a vehicle for dark unaccountable money the scope of its influence would pale next to the subversive designs of the muslim brotherhood with which bill and hillary clinton have been partnered for decades or the myriad tentacles of organizations funded by george soros the former nazi collaborator dedicated to advancing oligarchical collectivism in america someone with whom the clintons also have a long association one need not attempt to decipher the thinly veiled intent behind clintons debate rhetoric to discern what a hillary clinton presidency might look like her actions to date and particularly those in the pursuit of seeking that office should suffice quite nicely despite the craven complicity of the establishment press mainstream media there is ample evidence for even the most indolent news consumer to reach the conclusion that she and the democratic leviathan supporting her and which facilitated barack obamas rise to power are fundamentally malignant in recent days weve become aware of all manner of unethical conspiracies and outright criminality thats been brought to bear in getting clinton elected from democratic officials tampering with the outcome of the illegal email server investigation to the oversampling of key demographics in polling in order to enhance the public perception of clintons popularity to the recent revelation of criminally prosecutable actions on the part of the clinton campaign the democratic national committee and the white house the bottom line here is that hillary clinton represents a class of people who transcend even the loathed archetypal modern politician in their rapaciousness and amorality what all americans not just voters and not just republicans need to realize is that leaders at the highest levels in the republican party are every bit as culpable as the gutter operatives of the democratic party who pay miscreants to dress up as ducks instigate fistfights at opposition rallies and yes even vote for their candidates the burning question is this in the end are we to be governed by the will of the people or are we going to continue pretending that we have a representative government when we are in effect being ruled by abject thugs operating behind a faux veneer of government media wishing to interview erik rush please contact receive erik rushs commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for erik rushs alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
death john kennedy
print applaud integrity condemn selling allow explain decision vote donald trump nov first im writing asked incessantly months would voting think im someone special influence second im endorsing donald trump mind theres world difference endorsing candidate voting candidate third respect nevertrump camp share many concerns including possibility vulgarizing degrading nation possibility deepening ethnic racial divides possibility alienating allies unnecessarily provoking enemies name among nevertrump voices respect columnists like david french ben shapiro bloggers like matt walsh evangelical leaders like russell moore beth moore fourth take strong exception evangelicals fawned trump kind savior figure supporting st donald also take issue evangelical leaders want us minimize trumps failings constantly saying let without sin cast first one see john question condemning man rather question making moral assessment readiness serve nation fifth decision vote trump barring something earthshattering nov consistent position gop primaries issued strong warnings voting trump excellent choices writing video radio always stating trump nomination would reevaluate position trump became republican candidate wrote rooting take steps right direction thereby win vote stated repeatedly circumstances would vote hillary two strong warnings hillary see convinced vote donald trump culture war gain hope courage practical advice michael browns latest book outlasting gay revolution homosexual activism really going turn tide first believe actually serious appointing prolife proconstitution supreme court justices said last debate youre prolife want see roe v wade overturned reiterated gettysburg speech drawing list potential appointees helped feel confident would suddenly flipflop elected second one reason endorsed sen ted cruz took political establishment democratic republican point calling washington cartel trump absolute wrecking ball negative parts political system although unfortunately hes wrecking ball good parts system vote also protest vote third voting republican platform republican party means im agreement platform time little confidence party whole fourth always felt line electing president pastor overstated superficial rephrased say electing general train handtohand combat warriors pastor might relevance words looking trump moral reformer even hedoes appoint righteous judges point certainly anything moral example although pray truly converted become one rather choices president stark voting one likely defeat hillary make good decisions nation savior things messed america handtohand combat analogy closer home fifth within first minutes last debate massive differences hillary trump world see proabortion radical extreme supporter lgbt agenda unashamedly speaking lateterm abortions wanting appoint justices would defend essential liberties since opportunity vote feel vote trump sixth trump continues drawn conservative christians ones tickle ears one dear friends spent hours trump members family told years ministry one received openly graciously trump yet friend continues speak truth clearest possible terms one claiming trump bornagain christian see absolutely evidence fact continues listen godly men open door counsel indicates something positive could possibly going also indicates godly leaders might positive influence elected president seventh although im quite aware president could great harm good nation im far concerned gods people lives witnesses state church america much important state white house context echo words warning dr martin luther king jr church must reminded master servant state rather conscience state must guide critic state never tool church recapture prophetic zeal become irrelevant social club without moral spiritual authority sum hope god donald trump recognize either hillary trump potential great harm america urgent call us followers jesus get act together salt light nation continue urge believers vote hillary clinton whose policies certainly us great harm ultimately effective way defeat hillary vote trump also praying god use good evil end trump gets elected fails miserably grieved devastated well rejoice either way though vote vote greater role live life pleasing god hope advancing gospelbased moral cultural revolution receive michael browns commentaries email bonus signing michael browns alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Mike Rivero
all wars are bankers wars
for those who are too young or too unwilling to remember a trip down memory lane debut hillary speaks at wellesley graduation insults edward brooke senates lone black member watergate committee says chief counsel jerry zeifman of hillarys performance she was a liar she was an unethical dishonest lawyer she conspired to violate the constitution the rules of the house the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality cattlegate as wife of arkansas governor she invests in cattle futures makes whitewater clintons borrow money to launch whitewater development corporations several people go to prison over it clintons dont bimbo eruptions bill and hillary swear to steve kroft on minutes bill had nothing to do with gennifer flowers private investigators we reached out to them hillary tells cbs steve kroft of bills women i met with two of them to reassure them they were friends of ours they also hire pis to bribe andor threaten as many as twodozen of them health care reform hillary heads secret healthcare task force sued successfully for violating open meeting laws subsequent plan killed by democraticcontrolled house waco hillarys doj authorizes armed assault against religious community in waco dead many of them children more than half racial minorities travelgate hillary orchestrates firing of travel office employees replaces them with her own people independent counsel robert ray calls her sworn testimony factually false but cant prove beyond a reasonable doubt it was knowingly false vince foster white house counsel and reputed hillary lover is found dead in fort marcy park the doj opens a separate investigation of possible obstruction of justice by hillary and her cohorts for blocking search of foster office chinagate hillary meets with disgraced fixer webb hubbell a week later clinton indonesian money man james riady gives hubbell job hubbell never talks reads the nyt headline payment to an exclinton aide is linked to big chinese project filegate hillary henchman craig livingstone improperly requests and receives fbi background reports on several hundred individuals multiple investigations follow november elections due in no small part to healthcare fiasco dems lose senate and house for first time in nearly years chinagate hillary convenes secret meeting with bill and dick morris they launch what thompson committee calls the most corrupt political campaign in modern history sign the precedentsetting petition supporting trumps call for an independent prosecutor to investigate hillary clinton pay to play the donation to travel with the clintons on trade missions morphs from a discreet expectation into the price of admission independent counsel investigates thompson committee the clintons pulled down all the barriers that would normally be in place to keep out illegal contributions pressured policy makers and left themselves open to strong suspicion that they were selling not only access to highranking officials but policy as well blizzard of lies hillary dodges imaginary sniper fire in bosnias tuzla airport ron brown death nine days later embattled commerce secretary ron brown who hates being hillary clintons being motherfing tour guide leaves tuzla on final fatal flight to croatia enron connection brown goes to croatia to broker a sweetheart deal between the neofascists who run the country and the enron corporation despite his death the deal goes through ends very badly ron brown coverup pathologists find an apparent bullet hole in browns head he is buried without autopsy head xrays are lost three pathologists and photographer have careers wrecked for going public thompson committee millions of dollars were raised in illegal contributions much of it from foreign sources twa flight hillary is in family quarters with bill and sandy berger when plans are launched to cover up real cause of the destruction of the aircraft blizzard of lies in a new york times oped titled blizzard of lies the usually restrained william safire famously calls hillary a congenital liar pay to play johnny chung tells thompson committee he funneled from the chinese military to the dnc the white house is like a subway you have to put in coins to open the gates monica there isnt any fire hillary tells matt lauer about the smoke surrounding monica lewinsky accusations the great story here is this vast rightwing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband faln clinton pardons lethal puerto rican terrorists to boost hillarys chance to win ny senate seat she supports move until outrage mounts christopher hitchens like him hillary is not just a liar but a lie a phony construct of shreds and patches and hysterical selfpitying demagogic improvisations pardongate clinton pardons people on final day of office including cocaine dealer drugdealing brother whitewater pal and billionaire fugitive marc rich hillarys brothers hugh and tony both implicated during subsequent investigation james comey investigates finds no illegality furnituregate the clintons leave the white house with worth of items that they once the story breaks have to return or pay for please share with your republican friends who seem comfortable with this woman returning to the white house unless they get a royalty every time the suffix gate is applied to a word they are in for a rough four years media wishing to interview jack cashill please contact receive jack cashills commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for jack cashills alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
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centrum worlds popular multivitamin useless contains toxic chemicals artificial colors
new country women minorities hit hardest ann coulter dems import cultures rape incest spousal murder acceptable published mins ago receive ann coulters alerts email bonus signing ann coulters alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email error print every ethnic group except whites blocvotes democrats coincidentally democrats brought another million nonwhite immigrants last decades doesnt help white voters cant agree constitutes acceptable candidate workingclass whites sat election rather vote outoftouch rich guy saw mitt romney year outoftouch rich guys say theyll vote hillary trump tacky gross sad irony people better new country mostly white plutocrats top percent rest us servants people worse everybody else working class middle class soon working class women minorities children elderly weakest vulnerable members society look mexico future third world country univisions jorge ramos ruling class mexico composed europeanlooking white descendants spanish conquistadors raped native population giving spanish names return british settlers america brought women explaining latino cultures acceptance incest child rape criminal justice researcher shana maier writes book rape male head household women subordinate men hispanics latinos likely racialethnic groups blame victim victim perpetrator blamed bringing dishonor family one american detective said today police taught keep open mind child rape cultural thing comes multiculturalism cant say love empanadas dont want yearold men raping nieces isnt la carte menu get attributes cultures importing described excruciating detail adios america lefts plan turn country third world hellhole media already totally open mind incest child rape murder committed immigrants thus example would chosen headline illegal alien convicted incest child rape chattanooga tenn times free press went less catchy man guilty case human smuggling would used headline illegal alien repeatedly raped yearold girl job site commercial dispatch columbus mississippi went subtle columbus resident charged molestation immigrant women arrive america thrilled escaped cultures rape incest spousal murder acceptable discover crimes perfectly acceptable country provided perpetrator culture fled brooklyn judge edward pincus sentenced chinese immigrant probation premeditated murder wife grounds murder flowed traditional chinese values adultery loss manhood female head asianamerican legal defense education fund margaret fung applauded ruling somewhat amazingly newspapers likely report black crime immigrant crime anything keep third world immigration flowing yearold girl gangraped dozen illegal aliens cheered videoed attack news first broke shaneequa jupiter lived children apartment building gang rape occurred complained neither police apartment security warned residents danger could reflect poorly illegal immigrants even shaneequa scoured headlines would lookout austin men two compare headlines brutal sexual attack two held attack child austin americanstatesman texas july two mexicans placed immigration detainers third man arrested fiveday gang rape hell teenage runaway smoked crack daily mail online july needless say new york times cover mexican illegalalien gang rape ultimate primer bluecollar billionaire order ann coulters book trump trust e pluribus awesome contrast times every major american news outlet extensively covered another gang rape girl age time place second case rape girls young age enthusiastic participant sneaking house night meet men sex rapes years earlier got fullcourt press defendants africanamerican victim mexican time articles huffington post gq slate salon mother jones even made new york times despite connection college fraternity lacrosse team similarly within months one another two men arrested separate child rape cases decatur alabama assaults yearold girls one suspect africanamerican hispanic immigrant one made newspaper guess one excitable muslims raped american reporter lara logan tahrir square another one hillarys foreign policy successes journalists immediately set work find shortest line muslim rapists white american men conclusion real problem female reporters american bosses colleagues definitely islam sampling new york times commentary logans rape need women war zones would never tell bosses fear might keep home next time something major happened attack also nothing islam reporting female women reporters face another set challenges often harassed ways male colleagues experience muslim countries worst places sexual harassment perhaps american men could better american women may soon discover never good manifestly purpose immigration policies help americans immigrants wanted live place like america designed funnel welfaredependent voters democrats cheap labor rich chinese immigrant got probation murdering wife example came america based specialized skill dishwasher country zimbabwe goes according democrats plan theyll get mugabe thats hillarys dream wins joe sobrans parody typical new york times headline anything come true women minorities hit hardest receive ann coulters weekly commentaries email bonus signing ann coulters alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Mike Rivero
snow reports from around the northland duluth through am saturday
while democrats perpetually circle the wagons republicans engage a perpetual circular firing squad the same holds true for many evangelicals democrats and secularists count on it and we never disappoint full disclosure i went from a dogged never trumper to a maybe trumper and finally settled as a reluctant trumper i like any godfearing father of daughters was and remain appalled by donald trumps sordid past and his yearold vulgar video in which he objectified women his words are indefensible and i fully expect the clinton camp to strategically release additional revolting and embarrassing opposition research about the republican nominee before election day still i will be voting against hillary clinton on nov in what is objectively and irrefutably the most effective way possible by casting a vote for better or worse for the policies and promises of donald trump and for the vice presidency of gov mike pence regrettably with many of my never trump friends im reminded of the fanatic who refuses his daughter chemotherapy and watches her die in an effort to convince himself and others of the strength of his own faith pride is an awful thing we are to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves matthew foolishness called faith is just foolishness even so there are christian pharisees on both extremes of this trump fiasco first those trumpian cultists who buy the make america great again pablum and deride any person who while not casting judgment upon others makes with all sincerity what they view as the principled decision the latter say theyll sit this one out or go through the motions by voting third party a wasted vote by any objective standard while i appreciate this milder strain of never trumpers sincerity i nonetheless believe it is sincerely wrong and then there are the selfrighteous plankintheeye never trump prigs who slander as having lost their saltinesssinned against god and compromised their principles brothers and sisters who recognize the empirical reality that a vote for a horribly flawed lord knows im the worst sinner of all baby christian as president is a vote against hillary clintons tyranny in perpetuity the media research center has done america a tremendous service in the watchdog organization released a video of an actual partial birth abortion something hillary clinton stood on stage during the final presidential debate stared into the camera with cold callous eyes and then both lied about and defended unequivocally i plead with never trumpers to watch the video and then prayerfully reassess their plans for nov mrs clintons beloved lateterm abortion practice is one so brutal and needless that even the leftleaning american medical association has admitted that it is dangerous to the mother and never necessary under any circumstances not the least of which is for the life or health of the mother during a partialbirth abortion the abortionist pulls a fully viable child often kicking and thrashing feet first from her mothers womb leaving only the top of her head in the birth canal this is so the abortionist can technically claim to be performing an abortion rather than committing murder he then stabs the child through the base of her skull with scissors piercing her brain until her kicking and moving about suddenly and violently jerks to a halt next he opens the scissors to enlarge the wound as blood and brainstem fluid gush down his hands inserts a vacuum tube and sucks out her brains thereby collapsing her skull her now limp and lifeless body is then cast away like so much garbage this is homicide plain and simple hillary clinton supports it donald trump opposes it we deserve gods wrath and judgment as a nation for allowing this abortion holocaust to occur on our watch in my estimation mrs clinton is a bloodthirsty monster who enthusiastically supports this barbarity her supreme court appointees will ensure that tens of millions of precious babies like the one in the video are murdered in the same brutal manner my conscience tells me that i must vote in such a way that exercising my civic duty will have the strongest net effect against mrs clinton and ensure that she is stopped she must not be elected president to not vote or to vote for a nonstarter third party candidate which is effectively the same thing while not an actual vote for mrs clinton still puts this mengele in a pantsuit one step closer to the white house and the supreme court its simple math and its undeniable the most effective thing you can personally do as a citizen is to vote against mrs clinton by voting for mr trump this does the most electoral damage possible to candidate clinton and offers the best chance for life that you can provide future generations with its roe v wade decision the us supreme court put the governments official stamp of approval on mass murder since then the battle lines have been drawn this is war prochoicers are the bad guys and prolifers the good guys it really is that simple that black and white its good versus evil history will reflect as much under a president hillary clinton millions more babies will be tortured and dismembered alive under a president donald trump these millions might live and yet even as hillary sharpens her knives we quibble like fools over donalds potty mouth the devil and democrats oh how they love derision and division within the body of christ
scientists leak evidence approve elon musks theory universe computer simulation
trump vs clinton risk vs disaster larry elder hillary never asked anyone media juanita broaddrick published mins ago receive larry elders alerts email bonus signing larry elders alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email error print two weeks left go election electorate feels like battered nfl fan game gets increasingly old tiring watch playing inflict permanent brain damage democrats counted upon call republican opponent racist whether opponent priestly mitt romney supreme court justice wrote dred scott decision donald trump see racist among reasons campaign stop pointed black man called africanamerican hillary clinton hand antisemitic even though three witnesses one took passed polygraph claim referred husbands former congressional campaign manager fing jew bastard republican candidate media counted upon seize upon deficiencies big small real imagined giving democrat pass trumps failure ever apologize outweighs examination clintons flatout lie third debate insisted supreme court heller case toddlers opposed fundamental issue whether second amendment confers individual right keep bear arms heller nowhere majority decision dissenting decisions word toddler appear clinton year ago flatout said supreme court wrong second amendment normal people meant opposed decision ruled whether individuals right keep bear arms meanwhile learn media labels email scandal accurate description national security scandal espionage act criminalizes gross negligence handling important national security matters law require fbi director james comey falsely stated intent relevant clinton insists whether private server one maintained basement hacked five people worked clinton including chief staff received immunity deals something normally given get someone flip target five involved deleting emails emails subpoenaed target say hillary clinton deemed comey lacked sufficient criminal intent prosecuted immunity deals knows far media concerned cares clinton insists president obama doesnt get enough credit swell job economy would economy first time history president presided recovery without single year least percent growth gross domestic product would economy alleged low unemployment number gallup ceo jim clifton calls big lie given large number people simply abandoned job hunt underemployed meanwhile yet another day another woman alleges kissed groped touched made fun trump appeared attorney feminist gloria allred allred clinton supporter sees contradiction representing alleged victims trumps sexual misconduct support clinton alleged hired private detectives lawyers dig dirt husbands accusers one accuser juanita broaddrick claims raped bill clinton also two weeks alleged rape hillary clinton verbally threatened hillary clinton mind never asked anyone media broaddricks allegation never one national reporter sam donaldson ever asked bill clinton juanita broaddricks allegation ever clintons answer referred donaldson lawyer david kendall donaldson quickly tried asking thenpresident simply deny answer attorney speaks hillary clinton candidate wants continue policy thats given us worst recovery since clearly violated espionage act placed nations security risk told benghazi victims families death four americans inspired video telling daughter foreign officials something entirely different whose charitable foundation engaged paytoplay haiti donors got contracts disaster relief nondonors went back line wants gut second amendment wants continue foreign policies encouraged aggressiveness part isis russia chinese whose media compadres including scribes new york times washington post cnbc outed wikileaks colluding campaign oddson favorite become next president united states receive larry elders commentaries email bonus signing larry elders alerts also signed news special offers wnd via email name
Mike Rivero
snow reports from around the northland duluth through am saturday
election crossroads socialism or capitalism exclusive jane chastain explains impact of dems living wage proposal published mins ago about archive jane chastain is a southern californiabased broadcaster author and political commentator despite her present emphasis on politics jane always will be remembered as the nations first female tv sportscaster spending years on the sports beat jane blogs at janechastaincom she is a pilot who lives on a private runway print our country is at a crossroads never before have we faced such an obvious fork in the road one road the one favored by politician hillary clinton and her democratic colleagues promises to lead us to a socialist utopia the other favored by businessman donald trump and some of his republican colleagues promises to get us back on the road toward freemarket capitalism it is no secret that most career politicians lean toward a socialist system in this system they control the lions share of our money and in turn hand out favors in this system they make the major decisions that affect our lives as the government accumulates more and more power we invariably end up with less statistics show that the longer a politician stays in power the more of our hardearned money he or she spends yet we keep electing the same people over and over and over again expecting a different result weve been headed down the road toward socialism for quite some time and this could be the last fork in the road we will have to get us back to the freemarket system that has given this country the highest standard of living in the world no it isnt perfect but it works for everyone who is willing to work hard and wants to improve his or her life notice what i didnt say is simply willing to work hard there is the belief by some that if you simply work hard you should have what these politicians now call a living wage the income necessary to support a family of four and supply all its basic needs which is around a year in some parts of the country the democrats want to replace the minimum wage which is a training wage with this living wage that completely kicks the bottom rungs out from under the economic ladder americans have traditionally climbed to reach their goals and live independently ideally it would mean that you could take a job flipping hamburgers and never gain any skills or accept any responsibility and live as comfortably as the guy or gal who does unfortunately this socalled living wage will destroy jobs it will cause companies to automate and those that cannot will begin moving offshore at an even faster rate but this living wage is only part of what the democrats want to do in the name of fairness this no doubt appeals to many in this poor economy who have lost all hope so they are lulled into thinking that the socialist road is much better wages have remained flat for far too long but the democrats are proposing raising taxes even higher on businesses and job creators most people simply do not understand that businesses dont pay taxes they are passed down to consumers in the form of higher prices and when the price of the necessary goods and services becomes too high such as weve seen in obamacare there is a large outcry thats when the government steps in and takes over the means of production and the control of those services thats when the door to socialismcommunism slams shut they tell us if we take this socialist road there is nothing to fear our benevolent government will take care of us they are offering us free college or almost free loans in order to get the job we want at a salary we think we deserve and if we dont get that job the government is going to give us free health care free food and free housing under president hillary there will be free child care free preschool and paid family leave what a country if we dont reach our goals everything will be ok because social security and medicare will be there to finance our retirement and if that isnt enough the government will put us in a retirement center where we live out the remainder of our years playing checkers or watching television what about the fact that social security and medicare are going broke how long can we keep printing money to keep us afloat before our economy collapses they never talk about that as british prime minister margaret thatcher once said the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money dont be fooled this election is about a lot more than the two personalities at the top of the ticket its an important fork in the road one fork requires hard work and sacrifice but offers freedom the other offers a free lunch media wishing to interview jane chastain please contact receive jane chastains commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for jane chastains alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
kenyan refugee kills coworker self
left field gingrich slutshames megyn kelly adele stan misogyny isnt baked trump brand trump brand published mins ago american prospect campaign surrogate oncepowerful white man answer allegations candidate may sexual predator sexlaced attack female interviewer youre probably misogynist desperate misogynist thats former house speaker newt gingrich looking like morning tuesday discussion republican presidential nominee donald trumps sinking poll numbers gingrich accused fox news channel host megyn kelly fascinated sex dared mention trumps fortunes began falling infamous access hollywood video featuring trump boasting selfproclaimed prerogative sexually assault women became public october nearly dozen women came forward allege trump either assaulted otherwise taken liberties bodies
Mike Rivero
the death of john kennedy
print before you applaud me for my integrity or condemn me for selling out allow me to explain my decision to vote for donald trump on nov first im writing this because i have been asked incessantly for months how i would be voting not because i think im someone special or that what i do should influence you second im not endorsing donald trump in my mind theres a world of difference between endorsing a candidate and voting for a candidate third i respect those in the nevertrump camp and share many of their concerns including the possibility of his further vulgarizing and degrading the nation the possibility of him deepening our ethnic and racial divides and the possibility of him alienating our allies and unnecessarily provoking our enemies just to name a few among the nevertrump voices i respect are columnists like david french and ben shapiro bloggers like matt walsh and evangelical leaders like russell moore and beth moore fourth i take strong exception to evangelicals who have fawned over trump as if he were some kind of savior figure supporting him as if he were st donald i also take issue with evangelical leaders who want us to minimize some of trumps failings constantly saying let him who is without sin cast the first one see john this is not a question of condemning the man but rather a question of making a moral assessment as to his readiness to serve our nation fifth my decision to vote for trump barring something earthshattering between now and nov is consistent with my position which has been during the gop primaries i issued strong warnings against voting for trump while we had other excellent choices i did this in writing on video and on the radio but always stating that if trump won the nomination i would reevaluate my position once trump became the republican candidate i wrote that i was rooting for him to take steps in the right direction and thereby win my vote i have stated repeatedly that under no circumstances would i vote for hillary for two strong warnings about hillary see here and here so what has convinced me that i should now vote for donald trump the culture war is not over gain hope courage and practical advice in michael browns latest book outlasting the gay revolution where homosexual activism is really going and how to turn the tide first i believe that he actually is serious about appointing prolife proconstitution supreme court justices when he said during the last debate that if youre prolife you want to see roe v wade overturned and when he reiterated at his gettysburg speech that he will be drawing from his list of potential appointees he helped me feel more confident that he would not suddenly flipflop if elected second one reason i endorsed sen ted cruz was because he took on the political establishment both democratic and republican to the point of calling it the washington cartel trump is an absolute wrecking ball to the negative parts of the political system although unfortunately hes been a wrecking ball to some of the good parts of the system so my vote for him is also a protest vote third i am voting for the republican platform not the republican party which means im in agreement with the platform while at the same time having very little confidence in the party as a whole fourth while i have always felt that the line were electing a president not a pastor was overstated and superficial if we rephrased it to say were electing a general to train handtohand combat warriors not a pastor it might have more relevance in other words we are not looking for trump to be a moral reformer even if hedoes appoint righteous judges and at this point he certainly is anything but a moral example although we pray he will be truly converted and become one rather out of our choices for president which are stark we are voting for the one most likely to defeat hillary and make some good decisions for the nation not be the savior and with things so messed up in america the handtohand combat analogy is closer to home fifth within the first few minutes of the last debate the massive differences between hillary and trump were there for the world to see she a proabortion radical and an extreme supporter of the lgbt agenda and he unashamedly speaking out against lateterm abortions and wanting to appoint justices who would defend our essential liberties since i have the opportunity to vote i feel that i should vote for trump sixth trump continues to be drawn to conservative christians and not just ones who tickle his ears one of my dear friends has spent hours with trump and members of his family and he has told me that in years of ministry no one has received him as openly and graciously as has trump yet my friend continues to speak the truth to him in the clearest possible terms while i am not one of those claiming that trump is a bornagain christian i see absolutely no evidence of this the fact that he continues to listen to godly men and open the door to their counsel indicates that something positive could possibly be going on it also indicates that these godly leaders might be a positive influence on him if he were elected president seventh although im quite aware that a president could do great harm or good to the nation im far more concerned with what we as gods people do with our own lives and witnesses and for me the state of the church of america is much more important than the state of the white house in that context i echo the words and warning of dr martin luther king jr the church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state but rather the conscience of the state it must be the guide and the critic of the state and never its tool if the church does not recapture its prophetic zeal it will become an irrelevant social club without moral or spiritual authority so in sum my hope is in god not donald trump and i do recognize that either hillary or trump has the potential to do great harm to america my urgent call is for us as followers of jesus to get our own act together so we can be the salt and light of the nation i will continue to urge all believers not to vote for hillary clinton whose policies will certainly do us great harm and ultimately the most effective way to defeat hillary is to vote for trump while also praying that god will use him for good not for evil in the end if trump gets elected and fails miserably i will be grieved but not devastated if he does well i will rejoice either way though my vote is just that a vote my greater role is to live a life pleasing to god with the hope of advancing a gospelbased moral and cultural revolution receive michael browns commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for michael browns alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
woman eaten alive daughters dogs
print sidebyside bill clinton danney williams new york youtube wednesday suspended account danney williams yearold claimed since black son former president bill clinton youtube citing repeated severe violations terms use andor community guidelines declared account cannot restored youtube decision blocked nineminute feature banished untold story danney williams received million views since williams posted last week produced filmmaker joel gilbert drew nearly views per day viewer comments overwhelming majority expressing support williams outrage clintons willing allow dna test determine paternity like reporting see sign free news alerts wndcom americas independent news network youtube account deleted video appears places youtube alone williams said facebook page notified youtubes decision youtube cant handle truth please share billclintonson twitter also continues allow williams post banished video danney williams page twitter link youtube displays message video longer available youtube account associated video terminated sorry video still running danney williamsclintons facebook page well youtube channel operated gilbert attempt silence danney williams gilbert told wnd helped williams file online appeal form youtube asking account suspended demanding immediately reinstated behavior youtubegoogle suspending danneys account outrageous absolutely zero violations kind let alone severe one youtube terms guidelines gilbert said gilbert outspoken charging youtube partisan political motives suspension possible explanation clinton campaign requested youtubegoogle silence danney run plantation danney said hillary clinton aunt small child chased grounds arkansas governors mansion gilbert said danney cannot silenced longer continued hillary may try sweep danney williams rug going work time story every day people understand bill hillary clinton banished young man family color skin see danney williams video feature wnd reported oct hours third final presidential debate attorneys williams las vegas announce intention file paternity suit demanding dna evidence former president accompanying dramatic announcement rap music video celebrating williams went viral internet definitive dna test wnd reported dna test conducted despite media reports contrary williams claim first surfaced clinton defenders since contended tabloid star magazine conducted dna showdown proving bill clinton williams father citing star magazine editor phil bunton saying time match nothing even close interview bunton told wnd blood sample obtained clinton star magazine never published story documenting laboratory test dont remember ever seeing laboratory test done clintons dna bunton told wnd bunton owner rivertown magazine haverstraw new york affirmed wnd tabloid relied dna evidence clinton published independent counsel kenneth starr extracted infamous monica lewinsky blue dress got lot phone calls several people media including new york times wanting know going get dna back bunton recalled wnd thought going turn son dna came back story even write dna test released kenneth starr second two dna laboratory tests fbi run clinton public record leaves doubt starr withheld robust test conducted fbi twitter rules many figures challenged democratic party leftleaning media narrative also run trouble social media outlets including james okeefe project veritas exposed clinton campaign voter fraud agitation series hiddencamera videos okeefe preparing release new revelations voter fraud oct twitter shut account claiming violations twitter rules notice said must delete tweets violation rules prohibit harassing users threatening users disclosing users private information violating rules statement okeefe said relies social media bypass media directly reach public monday okeefe wrote tweet project veritas unable upload third video series youtube calling apparent block bizarre earlier month okeefe forced delete tweet critical hillary clinton staffer regain use account suspended day account suspended hours release new hiddencamera video exposed clinton ally saying could use executive action guns daily caller reported project veritas posted undercover video oct proving hillary clinton supporters inciting violence donald trump rallies gain negative media coverage millions viewers watched video hours didnt show googles trending list youtube google owns noted silenceisconsentnet however trend twitter google breitbart blogger milo yiannopoulos suspended permanently twitter minutes gays trump party republican national convention months makers new movie im ashamed first victim columbine killers colorado unable promote movie youtube trailer taken late movies entire channel suspended among conservatives censored facebook conservative activist trump supporter lauren southern received day ban facebook complained friends account censored facebook locked yearold black middle schoolers account posting video supporting rudy giulianis comment obama doesnt love america admin protrump group banned saying trump antimuslim antiisis
Dikran Arakelian (
centrum the worlds most popular multivitamin is useless contains toxic chemicals artificial colors
our new country women and minorities hit hardest ann coulter dems import cultures where rape incest and spousal murder are acceptable published mins ago receive ann coulters alerts in your email bonus by signing up for ann coulters alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email error print every ethnic group except whites blocvotes for the democrats coincidentally the democrats have brought in another to million nonwhite immigrants in the last few decades it doesnt help that white voters cant agree on what constitutes an acceptable candidate in workingclass whites sat out the election rather than vote for the outoftouch rich guy they saw in mitt romney this year the outoftouch rich guys say theyll vote for hillary because trump is tacky and gross the sad irony is that the only people who will be better off in our new country are mostly white plutocrats the top percent the rest of us will be their servants the people who will be worse off are everybody else the working class the middle class who will soon be working class and most of all women minorities children the elderly the weakest and most vulnerable members of society look to mexico for your future or any third world country or to univisions jorge ramos the ruling class in mexico is composed of europeanlooking white descendants of spanish conquistadors who raped the native population giving them only their spanish names in return british settlers in america brought women with them explaining latino cultures acceptance of incest and child rape criminal justice researcher shana maier writes in a book about rape that the male is the head of the household and women are subordinate to men hispanics and latinos are more likely than other racialethnic groups to blame the victim the victim not the perpetrator is blamed for bringing dishonor to the family one american detective said that today police are being taught to keep an open mind about child rape because its a cultural thing when it comes to multiculturalism you cant say we love the empanadas but we dont want yearold men raping their nieces this isnt an a la carte menu we get all the attributes of the cultures were importing as described in excruciating detail in adios america the lefts plan to turn our country into a third world hellhole our media already have a totally open mind about incest and child rape and murder when its committed by immigrants thus for example where i would have chosen the headline illegal alien convicted of incest child rape the chattanooga tenn times free press went with the less catchy man guilty in case of human smuggling and where i would have used the headline illegal alien repeatedly raped yearold girl at job site the commercial dispatch in columbus mississippi went with the more subtle columbus resident charged with molestation immigrant women arrive in america thrilled to have escaped cultures where rape incest and spousal murder are acceptable only to discover that those crimes are perfectly acceptable in this country too provided the perpetrator is from the very culture they fled in brooklyn judge edward pincus sentenced a chinese immigrant to probation for a premeditated murder of his wife on the grounds that the murder flowed from traditional chinese values about adultery and loss of manhood the female head of the asianamerican legal defense and education fund margaret fung applauded the ruling somewhat amazingly newspapers are more likely to report black crime than immigrant crime anything to keep the third world immigration flowing in a yearold girl was gangraped by about a dozen illegal aliens who cheered and videoed the attack when the news first broke shaneequa jupiter who lived with her children in the apartment building where the gang rape occurred complained that neither the police nor apartment security had warned residents about the danger that could reflect poorly on illegal immigrants even if shaneequa had scoured the headlines she would have been on the lookout for austin men or two compare these headlines about the same brutal sexual attack two held in attack on child austin americanstatesman texas july two mexicans placed on immigration detainers as third man is arrested over fiveday gang rape hell of teenage runaway during which she smoked crack daily mail online july needless to say the new york times did not cover the mexican illegalalien gang rape at all the ultimate primer on the bluecollar billionaire order ann coulters book in trump we trust e pluribus awesome by contrast the times and every major american news outlet extensively covered another gang rape of a girl about the same age at about the same time in about the same place the second case only was rape because of the girls young age she was but she was an enthusiastic participant sneaking out of her house at night to meet the men for sex those rapes just a few years earlier got a fullcourt press the defendants were africanamerican the victim was mexican that time there were articles in the huffington post gq slate salon and mother jones it even made the new york times despite no connection to a college fraternity or lacrosse team similarly within a few months of one another in two men were arrested in separate child rape cases in decatur alabama for assaults on yearold girls one suspect was africanamerican the other was a hispanic immigrant only one made the newspaper guess which one when excitable muslims raped american reporter lara logan in tahrir square another one of hillarys foreign policy successes journalists immediately set to work to find the shortest line from the muslim rapists to white american men conclusion the real problem was the female reporters american bosses and colleagues definitely not islam sampling of new york times commentary on logans rape why we need women in war zones i would never tell my bosses for fear that they might keep me at home the next time something major happened this attack also had nothing to do with islam reporting while female women reporters face another set of challenges we are often harassed in ways that male colleagues are not in my experience muslim countries were not the worst places for sexual harassment perhaps american men could do better but as american women may soon discover they never had it so good manifestly the purpose of our immigration policies is not to help americans or the immigrants who wanted to live in a place like america they are designed to funnel welfaredependent voters to the democrats and cheap labor to the rich the chinese immigrant who got probation for murdering his wife for example came to america based on his specialized skill of being a dishwasher our country will be zimbabwe but if all goes according to the democrats plan theyll get to be mugabe thats hillarys dream if she wins joe sobrans parody of the typical new york times headline about anything will come true women and minorities hit hardest receive ann coulters weekly commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for ann coulters alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
state fired pastor demands sermons notes
wikileaks bombshells hillary need know explosive revelations could keep clinton white house published mins ago leo hohmann archive leo hohmann news editor wnd reporter editor several suburban newspapers atlanta charlotte north carolina areas also served managing editor triangle business journal raleigh north carolina print hillary clinton top aide huma abedin wikileaks provided treasure trove inside information hillary clinton really thinks important issues trade immigration clinton chosen answer questions revelations focused instead criticizing russians source hacks despite fact proof russian involvement emails also shed light clinton campaign interacts wall street banks friendly media worked undermine candidacy democratic rival bernie sanders help dnc wikileaks says emails private gmail account john podesta senior democratic party official served white house chief staff president bill clinton senior adviser president obama author obamas climate change policy john podesta february podesta moved seamlessly white house become chairman hillary clintons presidential campaign explosive revelations wikileaks email dumps featuring podestas account others preference muslim americans podesta served cochair presidentelect barack obamas transition team michael froman former citibank executive sent podesta list african american latino asian american candidates broken cabinetdeputy underassistantdeputy assistant level plus list native american arabmuslim american disabled american candidates arab american list came special note exclude arab christians arab muslimas new republic reports obamas eventual cabinet appointments ended almost entirely froman recommendedfroman ultimately became recipient largest bailout federal government financial crisis shielding obama march email hillary clintons lawyer cheryl mills clintons eventual campaign chairman podesta asks withhold email exchanges clinton president obama sent clintons private serverthe day podesta sent email mills house benghazi committee privately told clinton preserve hand emailsthe email podesta mills says think hold emails potus thats heart exec privilege could get ask may care seems like email exchange podesta paul begala clinton pollster gqrr shows clinton campaign pushing muslim obama narrative back january included survey obama negative facts one obama owebahmuhs father muslim obama grew among muslims worlds populous islamic country pollster writes reworked obama message survey requested secret speeches wall street hillary clinton enraged bill clinton forced cancel paid speech wall street bank morgan stanley needed cool period email chain march formally launched campaign includes top aides hillary clinton former president clinton reveals hillarys future campaign aides concerned political impact bill giving speech wall street bank morgan stanley coming wrote robby mook email top clinton aidestop aide huma abedin explained hillary would happy writing hrc strongly want cancel particular speech tell bill chose cancel asked hillary clintons paid speeches goldman sachs financial firms point contention years primary subject email podesta excerpts speeches flagged clintons research team including necessity public private position issues part making sausage political arena said certain positions issues needed kept hidden public flags hillary clintons paid speeches noted jan email campaign research director tony carrk top clinton advisers including clintons declaration dream hemispheric common market open trade open borders time future energy green sustainable get powering growth opportunity every person hemisphere countless establishment media outlets parlaying fact checkers tried downplay email saying mostly trade immigration words open borders never mentioned email exchange also shows hillarys aboutface tpp trade deal mere pandering bernie sanders voters basis reality terms really feels trade deals speech goldmanblack rock feb carrk pointed clinton admitted shes kind far removed middleclass struggles due economic know fortunes husband enjoy clinton speeches boasted ties wall street issue primary opponent bernie sanders continually raised clinton still refused release transcripts paid speeches blasting donald trump releasing tax returns working tandem friendly media wnd reported tuesday emails showing reporters editors contributors advocating hillary clinton apparently colluding campaign univision chairman haim saban urged clinton campaign hit donald trump harder immigration boston globe tried time clinton opinion piece good new hampshire cnbcs john harwood urged clinton campaign chairman podesta watch thengop candidate dr ben carson democratic national committee official cnn contributor donna brazile apparently tipped clinton campaign potentially difficult cnn townhall question capital punishment democratic party primary season brazile adamantly denies july email new york times reporter mark leibovich appeared ask permission hillary clintons communications director jennifer palmieri use certain quotes presidential candidate article palmieri replied suggesting remove reference clinton made sarah palin delete clintons statement gay rights moved much faster womens rights civil rights interesting phenomenon cnbc correspondent john harwood widely criticized posing biased questions donald trump primary debate moderator effectively served adviser clinton campaign emailing podesta subject line watch warning regarding gop presidential candidate ben carson could give real trouble general election maggie haberman former politico reporter works new york times described january memo good relationship clinton campaign tee stories us never disappointed memo said demeaning catholics podesta discussed fomenting revolution catholic church progressive activist hillarys nowcommunications director jennifer palmieri mocked catholics speak liberal social causes democratic party needs catholic spring catholics demand end middle ages dictatorship beginning little democracy respect gender equality catholic church sandy newman president founder nonprofit voices progress wrote podesta february email among third batch released wikileaks titled opening catholic spring musing podesta tells newman progressive organizations colleagues created recruit members church lead revolution time rightwe created catholics alliance common good organize moment like clinton campaign chairman writes think lacks leadership likewise catholics united like spring movements think one bottom clinton accused trump praising putin called russian leader speech engaging interesting conversationalist excerpts clintons speeches contained document emailed podesta point quotes could harm campaign collusion doj clinton spokesman brian fallon alerted staffers justice department proposing publish clintons workrelated emails contending showed collusion obama administration clintons campaign fallon wrote doj folks told court hearing case planned day hillary clinton testified front house select committee benghazi last october podesta met dinner small group wellconnected friends including peter kadzik top official justice department lawyers also told clinton campaign emails hillarys private email scandal smacks acting law smacks type thing ive either gotten discovery sanctions fired people etc entanglements foreign governments king muhammad iv morocco made million pledge fund clinton global initiative conference likely presidential candidate attended event speaker hillarys top aide huma abedin wrote january email hrc part meeting nonstarter warned created mess knows hillary ended attending husband bill email hillary clintons account podesta aug said saudi arabia qatar providing clandestine financial logistic support isis radical sunni groups region critics pointed clinton foundation received considerable funding two middle east nations leaked paid speech jewish united fund metropolitan chicago hillary said jordan turkey cant possibly vet refugees dont know know jihadists coming along legitimate refugees two years later called percent increase number syrian refugees coming us largely united nations refugee camps jordan insiders insider sway dnc wikileaks email dump july revealed debbie wasserman schultz used position head dnc work concert clinton campaign undermine candidacy sen bernie sanders dvt schultz forced resign emails issues used undermine sanders campaign included faith lack thereof clinton campaign tried reschedule illinois presidential primary lower chances moderate republican would get boost following super tuesday primaries clintons wont forget friends done wrote robby mook later became clintons campaign manager november email podesta
Dikran Arakelian (
scientists leak evidence that approve elon musks theory the universe is a computer simulation
trump vs clinton a risk vs a disaster larry elder hillary has never been asked by anyone in media about juanita broaddrick published mins ago receive larry elders alerts in your email bonus by signing up for larry elders alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email error print two weeks left to go in the election and the electorate feels like a battered nfl fan the game gets increasingly old and tiring to watch and playing it can inflict permanent brain damage democrats can be counted upon to call the republican opponent racist whether the opponent is the priestly mitt romney or the supreme court justice who wrote the dred scott decision donald trump you see is racist because among other reasons at a campaign stop he pointed to a black man and called him my africanamerican hillary clinton on the other hand is not antisemitic even though three witnesses one of whom took and passed a polygraph claim that she referred to her husbands former congressional campaign manager as a fing jew bastard with a republican candidate the media can be counted upon to seize upon any deficiencies big or small real or imagined while giving the democrat a pass so trumps failure to ever apologize outweighs an examination of clintons flatout lie during the third debate when she insisted that the supreme court heller case was about toddlers as opposed to the fundamental issue of whether the second amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms in heller nowhere in the majority decision or in any of the dissenting decisions does the word toddler appear clinton a year ago flatout said the supreme court is wrong on the second amendment to normal people this meant she opposed what the decision ruled on which again was whether we as individuals have a right to keep and bear arms meanwhile we learn more and more about what the media labels an email scandal when the accurate description is national security scandal the espionage act criminalizes gross negligence in the handling of important national security matters the law does not require as fbi director james comey falsely stated an intent nor is it relevant as clinton insists whether or not her private server the one she maintained in her basement was hacked five people who worked with or for clinton including her chief of staff all received immunity deals something normally given to get someone to flip on a target some of the five were involved in deleting emails after the emails were subpoenaed but the target that is to say hillary clinton was deemed by comey to have lacked sufficient criminal intent to be prosecuted so why the immunity deals who knows and as far as most of the media are concerned who cares clinton insists that president obama doesnt get enough credit for the swell job he did with the economy this would be the economy in which for the first time in history a president has presided over a recovery without a single year of at least percent growth in gross domestic product this would be the same economy with an alleged low unemployment number that gallup ceo jim clifton calls the big lie given the large number of people who simply abandoned the job hunt or are underemployed meanwhile its yet another day in which another woman who alleges she was kissed groped touched or made fun of by trump has appeared with her attorney feminist gloria allred allred a clinton supporter sees no contradiction between representing alleged victims of trumps sexual misconduct and her support for clinton who is alleged to have hired private detectives and lawyers to dig up dirt on her husbands accusers one such accuser juanita broaddrick claims not only that she was raped by bill clinton but also that two weeks after the alleged rape hillary clinton verbally threatened her hillary clinton mind you has never been asked by anyone in the media about broaddricks allegation never and only one national reporter sam donaldson has ever asked bill clinton about juanita broaddricks allegation ever clintons answer he referred donaldson to his lawyer david kendall donaldson quickly tried again asking the thenpresident to simply deny it same answer my attorney speaks for me and that was that so hillary clinton is a candidate who wants to continue the same policy thats given us the worst recovery since who has clearly violated the espionage act and placed the nations security at risk who told the benghazi victims families that the death of four americans was inspired by a video while telling her daughter and foreign officials something entirely different whose charitable foundation engaged in paytoplay in haiti so that donors got contracts for disaster relief and nondonors went to the back of the line who wants to gut the second amendment who wants to continue the same foreign policies that that have encouraged aggressiveness on the part of isis russia and the chinese and whose media compadres including scribes with the new york times washington post and cnbc have been outed by wikileaks as colluding with her campaign and she is now oddson favorite to become the next president of the united states receive larry elders commentaries in your email bonus by signing up for larry elders alerts you will also be signed up for news and special offers from wnd via email name
kenyan refugee kills coworker self
cast vote answers stored anonymously smackdown newt gingrich megyn kelly hillary trumpian misogyny kelly newts past gives standing talk sex obsession kelly spoke women everywhere concerned trump kelly best thing going fnc gingrich welldeserved rebuke gingrich exposed megyns longtime obsession destroying trump trump gingrich showed hillary starting world war iii serious donald kissed decades ago
kenyan refugee kills coworker self
out of left field gingrich slutshames megyn kelly adele m stan misogyny isnt just baked into the trump brand it is the trump brand published mins ago american prospect when as a campaign surrogate and oncepowerful white man you answer allegations that your candidate may be a sexual predator with a sexlaced attack on your female interviewer youre probably a misogynist a desperate misogynist thats what former house speaker newt gingrich is looking like this morning during a tuesday discussion of republican presidential nominee donald trumps sinking poll numbers gingrich accused fox news channel host megyn kelly of being fascinated with sex when she dared to mention that trumps fortunes began falling after the now infamous access hollywood video featuring trump boasting about his selfproclaimed prerogative to sexually assault women became public on october and nearly a dozen women came forward to allege that trump had either assaulted them or otherwise taken liberties with their bodies
trump hillary would lead world war
deleter free world hillarys emails might missing files backed multiple platforms never subpoened fbi published mins ago new york post months weve told hillary clintons missing emails permanently erased destroyed beyond recovery newly released fbi notes strongly suggest still exist several locations could recovered someone would impanel grand jury seize may interview fbi agents executive denver contractor maintained clintons private server revealed underling didnt bleachclean subpoenaed emails ones stored data file used transfer emails server clintons aides turn sorted delivery congress platte river networks executive whose name redacted interview report said prn tech paul combetta created vehicle transfer email files live mailboxes clinton executive services corp email accounts later used bleachbit software shred vehicle email content still existed live email accounts
woman eaten alive by daughters dogs
print sidebyside of bill clinton and danney williams new york youtube on wednesday suspended the account of danney williams the yearold who has claimed since the s to be the black son of former president bill clinton youtube citing repeated or severe violations of our terms of use andor community guidelines declared the account cannot be restored the youtube decision blocked the nineminute feature banished the untold story of danney williams which had received million views since williams posted it last week produced by filmmaker joel gilbert it drew nearly views per day and more than viewer comments with the overwhelming majority expressing support for williams and outrage at the clintons for not being willing to allow a dna test to determine paternity like the reporting you see here sign up for free news alerts from wndcom americas independent news network my youtube account has been deleted but the same video appears in other places on youtube alone williams said on his facebook page after being notified of youtubes decision youtube cant handle the truth please share billclintonson twitter also continues to allow williams to post the banished video on danney williams page but the twitter link to youtube displays the message this video is no longer available because the youtube account associated with this video has been terminated sorry about that the video is still running on danney williamsclintons facebook page as well as on the youtube channel operated by gilbert attempt to silence danney williams gilbert told wnd he helped williams file an online appeal form on youtube asking why the account was suspended and demanding it be immediately reinstated the behavior of youtubegoogle in suspending danneys account is outrageous there have been absolutely zero violations of any kind let alone a severe one of any youtube terms or guidelines gilbert said gilbert was outspoken in charging youtube with partisan political motives for the suspension the only possible explanation is that the clinton campaign requested youtubegoogle to silence danney to run him off the plantation as danney said hillary clinton did to him and his aunt when he was a small child and they were chased off the grounds of the arkansas governors mansion in gilbert said danney cannot be silenced any longer he continued hillary may try to sweep danney williams under the rug but its not going to work this time his story is out there and every day more and more people understand bill and hillary clinton banished this young man from their family because of the color of his skin see the danney williams video feature wnd reported oct that in the hours before the third and final presidential debate attorneys for williams were in las vegas to announce their intention to file a paternity suit demanding dna evidence from the former president accompanying the dramatic announcement was a rap music video celebrating williams that went viral on the internet no definitive dna test wnd reported that no dna test was conducted in despite media reports to the contrary when williams claim first surfaced clinton defenders since have contended the tabloid star magazine conducted a dna showdown proving bill clinton was not williams father citing star magazine editor phil bunton saying at the time there was no match nothing even close but in an interview bunton told wnd that no blood sample was obtained from clinton and star magazine never published a story documenting a laboratory test i dont remember ever seeing any laboratory test that was done on clintons dna bunton told wnd bunton is now the owner of the rivertown magazine in haverstraw new york he affirmed to wnd that the tabloid relied on the dna evidence for clinton published by independent counsel kenneth starr extracted from the infamous monica lewinsky blue dress we got a lot of phone calls from several people in the media including the new york times wanting to know when we were going to get the dna back bunton recalled to wnd we thought it was going to turn out to be his son but when the dna came back there was no story there even to write the dna test released by kenneth starr was the second of two dna laboratory tests the fbi had run on clinton but the public record leaves no doubt that starr withheld the more robust test conducted by the fbi twitter rules many other figures who have challenged the democratic party or the leftleaning media narrative also have run into trouble with social media outlets including james okeefe and his project veritas which has exposed clinton campaign voter fraud and agitation in a series of hiddencamera videos just as okeefe was preparing to release new revelations of voter fraud oct twitter shut down his account claiming violations of twitter rules the notice said he must delete the tweets that are in violation of our rules which prohibit harassing other users threatening other users disclosing other users private information or violating other rules in a statement okeefe said he relies on social media to bypass the media and directly reach the public on monday okeefe wrote in a tweet project veritas was unable to upload its third video in the series to youtube calling the apparent block bizarre earlier this month okeefe was forced to delete a tweet critical of a hillary clinton staffer to regain use of his account after it was suspended for a day his account was suspended in the hours before a release of a new hiddencamera video that exposed a clinton ally saying she could use executive action on guns the daily caller reported project veritas posted an undercover video oct proving hillary clinton supporters were inciting violence at donald trump rallies to gain negative media coverage millions of viewers watched the video in just a few hours but it didnt show up on googles trending list on youtube which google owns noted silenceisconsentnet it did however trend on twitter which google does not own breitbart blogger milo yiannopoulos was suspended permanently by twitter minutes before his gays for trump party at the republican national convention for some months the makers of the new movie im not ashamed about the first victim of the columbine killers in colorado in were unable to promote their movie through youtube the trailer was taken down late in and the movies entire channel was suspended among the conservatives censored by facebook conservative activist and trump supporter lauren southern received a day ban from facebook because she complained about a friends account being censored facebook locked a yearold black middle schoolers account for posting a video supporting rudy giulianis comment that obama doesnt love america the admin of a protrump group was banned for saying trump is not antimuslim but antiisis
texas county switches emergency paper ballots
deleter free world hillarys emails might missing files backed multiple platforms never subpoened fbi published mins ago new york post months weve told hillary clintons missing emails permanently erased destroyed beyond recovery newly released fbi notes strongly suggest still exist several locations could recovered someone would impanel grand jury seize may interview fbi agents executive denver contractor maintained clintons private server revealed underling didnt bleachclean subpoenaed emails ones stored data file used transfer emails server clintons aides turn sorted delivery congress platte river networks executive whose name redacted interview report said prn tech paul combetta created vehicle transfer email files live mailboxes clinton executive services corp email accounts later used bleachbit software shred vehicle email content still existed live email accounts
Bob Unruh
state that fired pastor demands his sermons notes
wikileaks bombshells on hillary you need to know most explosive revelations that could keep clinton out of white house published mins ago leo hohmann about archive leo hohmann is a news editor for wnd he has been a reporter and editor at several suburban newspapers in the atlanta and charlotte north carolina areas and also served as managing editor of triangle business journal in raleigh north carolina print hillary clinton with top aide huma abedin wikileaks has provided a treasure trove of inside information on what hillary clinton really thinks about important issues such as trade and immigration but clinton herself has chosen not to answer questions about the revelations she has focused instead on criticizing the russians as the source of the hacks despite the fact there is no proof of russian involvement the emails also shed light on how the clinton campaign interacts with wall street banks with friendly media and how it worked to undermine the candidacy of democratic rival bernie sanders with the help of the dnc wikileaks says it has about emails from the private gmail account of john podesta a senior democratic party official who has served as white house chief of staff under president bill clinton and a senior adviser to president obama he was the author of obamas climate change policy john podesta in february podesta moved seamlessly from the white house to become chairman of hillary clintons presidential campaign here are some of the most explosive revelations from the wikileaks email dumps featuring podestas account and others preference for muslim americans in when podesta served as cochair of presidentelect barack obamas transition team michael froman a former citibank executive sent podesta a list of african american latino and asian american candidates broken down by cabinetdeputy and underassistantdeputy assistant level plus a list of native american arabmuslim american and disabled american candidates the arab american list came with a special note to exclude arab christians they had to be both arab and muslimas new republic reports obamas eventual cabinet appointments ended up almost entirely as froman recommendedfroman ultimately became the recipient of the largest bailout from the federal government during the financial crisis shielding obama in a march email to hillary clintons lawyer cheryl mills clintons eventual campaign chairman podesta asks if they should withhold email exchanges between clinton and president obama that were sent over clintons private serverthe day before podesta sent his email to mills the house benghazi committee privately told clinton to preserve and hand over all her emailsthe email from podesta to mills says think we should hold emails to and from potus thats the heart of his exec privilege we could get them to ask for that they may not care but it seems like they will an email exchange between podesta paul begala and clinton pollster gqrr shows the clinton campaign was pushing the muslim obama narrative back in january included was a survey of obama negative facts such as this one obama owebahmuhs father was a muslim and obama grew up among muslims in the worlds most populous islamic country the pollster writes we have reworked the obama message into the survey as requested secret speeches to wall street hillary clinton was so enraged that bill clinton was forced to cancel a paid speech at wall street bank morgan stanley in that she needed a cool down period the email chain on march before she formally launched her campaign includes top aides to both hillary clinton and former president clinton and reveals that hillarys future campaign aides were concerned about the political impact of bill giving a speech to a wall street bank morgan stanley is coming down wrote robby mook in an email to top clinton aidestop aide huma abedin explained that hillary would not be happy about it writing hrc very strongly did not want him to cancel that particular speech i will have to tell her that bill chose to cancel it not that we asked hillary clintons paid speeches to goldman sachs and other financial firms a point of contention during this years primary were the subject of an email to podesta excerpts from some of the speeches had been flagged by clintons research team including the necessity of having both a public and a private position on issues it was just part of making sausage in the political arena she said that certain positions on issues needed to be kept hidden from the public some flags in hillary clintons paid speeches were noted in a jan email from campaign research director tony carrk to top clinton advisers including clintons declaration that my dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere countless establishment media outlets parlaying themselves as fact checkers tried to downplay this email by saying it was mostly about trade not immigration as if the words open borders were never mentioned but the email exchange also shows how hillarys aboutface on the tpp trade deal was mere pandering to bernie sanders voters and had no basis in reality in terms of how she really feels about trade deals in a speech at goldmanblack rock on feb carrk pointed out clinton admitted shes kind of far removed from middleclass struggles due to the economic you know fortunes that my husband and i now enjoy clinton in other speeches boasted of her ties to wall street an issue primary opponent bernie sanders continually raised clinton still has refused to release transcripts of her paid speeches while blasting donald trump for not releasing his tax returns working in tandem with friendly media wnd reported tuesday emails showing reporters editors and contributors not just advocating for hillary clinton but apparently colluding with the campaign univision chairman haim saban urged the clinton campaign to hit donald trump harder over immigration the boston globe tried to time a clinton opinion piece to do the most good in new hampshire cnbcs john harwood urged clinton campaign chairman podesta to watch out for thengop candidate dr ben carson democratic national committee official and cnn contributor donna brazile apparently tipped off the clinton campaign to a potentially difficult cnn townhall question on capital punishment during the democratic party primary season brazile adamantly denies it in a july email new york times reporter mark leibovich appeared to ask permission from hillary clintons communications director jennifer palmieri to use certain quotes of the presidential candidate in an article palmieri replied suggesting he remove a reference clinton made to sarah palin and delete clintons statement and gay rights has moved much faster than womens rights or civil rights which is an interesting phenomenon cnbc correspondent john harwood who was widely criticized for posing biased questions to donald trump as a primary debate moderator effectively served as an adviser to the clinton campaign emailing podesta with the subject line watch out the warning was regarding gop presidential candidate ben carson who could give you real trouble in a general election maggie haberman a former politico reporter who now works for the new york times was described in a january memo as having a very good relationship with the clinton campaign we have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed the memo said demeaning catholics podesta discussed fomenting revolution in the catholic church with a progressive activist while hillarys nowcommunications director jennifer palmieri mocked catholics who speak out against the liberal social causes of the democratic party there needs to be a catholic spring in which catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the catholic church sandy newman president and founder of the nonprofit voices for progress wrote podesta in february the email among the third batch released by wikileaks was titled opening for a catholic spring just musing podesta tells newman of progressive organizations he and his colleagues created to recruit members of the church who can lead a revolution when the time is rightwe created catholics in alliance for the common good to organize for a moment like this the clinton campaign chairman writes but i think it lacks the leadership to do so now likewise catholics united like most spring movements i think this one will have to be bottom up clinton who has accused trump of praising putin called the russian leader in a speech engaging and a very interesting conversationalist excerpts from clintons speeches were contained in a document emailed to podesta to point out quotes that could harm the campaign collusion with doj clinton spokesman brian fallon alerted staffers that the justice department was proposing to publish clintons workrelated emails contending it showed collusion between the obama administration and clintons campaign fallon wrote that doj folks told him a court hearing in the case had been planned the day after hillary clinton testified in front of the house select committee on benghazi last october podesta met for dinner with a small group of wellconnected friends including peter kadzik a top official at the justice department lawyers also told the clinton campaign in emails that hillarys private email scandal smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing ive either gotten discovery sanctions for fired people for etc entanglements with foreign governments king muhammad iv of morocco made a million pledge to fund the clinton global initiative conference but only if the likely presidential candidate attended the event as a speaker hillarys top aide huma abedin wrote in a january email that if hrc was not part of it meeting was a nonstarter then she warned she created this mess and she knows it hillary ended up not attending but her husband bill did an email from hillary clintons account to podesta on aug said saudi arabia and qatar were providing clandestine financial and logistic support to isis and other radical sunni groups in the region critics have pointed out that the clinton foundation has received considerable funding from the two middle east nations in a leaked paid speech to the jewish united fund of metropolitan chicago hillary said jordan and turkey cant possibly vet all those refugees so they dont know if you know jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees two years later she called for a percent increase in the number of syrian refugees coming to the us largely from united nations refugee camps in jordan insiders insider had sway over dnc a wikileaks email dump on july revealed that debbie wasserman schultz used her position as head of the dnc to work in concert with the clinton campaign to undermine the candidacy of sen bernie sanders dvt schultz was forced to resign over the emails issues used to undermine sanders campaign included his faith or lack thereof the clinton campaign tried to reschedule the illinois presidential primary to lower the chances a moderate republican would get a boost following the super tuesday primaries the clintons wont forget what their friends have done for them wrote robby mook who later became clintons campaign manager in the november email to podesta
poll trump pulls ahead florida
wikileaks bombshells hillary need know explosive revelations could keep clinton white house published mins ago archive leo hohmann news editor wnd reporter editor several suburban newspapers atlanta charlotte north carolina areas also served managing editor triangle business journal raleigh north carolina print hillary clinton top aide huma abedin wikileaks provided treasure trove inside information hillary clinton really thinks important issues trade immigration clinton chosen answer questions revelations focused instead criticizing russians source hacks despite fact proof russian involvement emails also shed light clinton campaign interacts wall street banks friendly media worked undermine candidacy democratic rival bernie sanders help dnc wikileaks says emails private gmail account john podesta senior democratic party official served white house chief staff president bill clinton senior adviser president obama author obamas climate change policy john podesta february podesta moved seamlessly white house become chairman hillary clintons presidential campaign explosive revelations wikileaks email dumps featuring podestas account others preference muslim americans podesta served cochair presidentelect barack obamas transition team michael froman former citibank executive sent podesta list african american latino asian american candidates broken cabinetdeputy underassistantdeputy assistant level plus list native american arabmuslim american disabled american candidates arab american list came special note exclude arab christians arab muslimas new republic reports obamas eventual cabinet appointments ended almost entirely froman recommendedfroman ultimately became recipient largest bailout federal government financial crisis shielding obama march email hillary clintons lawyer cheryl mills clintons eventual campaign chairman podesta asks withhold email exchanges clinton president obama sent clintons private serverthe day podesta sent email mills house benghazi committee privately told clinton preserve hand emailsthe email podesta mills says think hold emails potus thats heart exec privilege could get ask may care seems like email exchange podesta paul begala clinton pollster gqrr shows clinton campaign pushing muslim obama narrative back january included survey obama negative facts one obama owebahmuhs father muslim obama grew among muslims worlds populous islamic country pollster writes reworked obama message survey requested secret speeches wall street hillary clinton enraged bill clinton forced cancel paid speech wall street bank morgan stanley needed cool period email chain march formally launched campaign includes top aides hillary clinton former president clinton reveals hillarys future campaign aides concerned political impact bill giving speech wall street bank morgan stanley coming wrote robby mook email top clinton aidestop aide huma abedin explained hillary would happy writing hrc strongly want cancel particular speech tell bill chose cancel asked hillary clintons paid speeches goldman sachs financial firms point contention years primary subject email podesta excerpts speeches flagged clintons research team including necessity public private position issues part making sausage political arena said certain positions issues needed kept hidden public flags hillary clintons paid speeches noted jan email campaign research director tony carrk top clinton advisers including clintons declaration dream hemispheric common market open trade open borders time future energy green sustainable get powering growth opportunity every person hemisphere countless establishment media outlets parlaying fact checkers tried downplay email saying mostly trade immigration words open borders never mentioned email exchange also shows hillarys aboutface tpp trade deal mere pandering bernie sanders voters basis reality terms really feels trade deals speech goldmanblack rock feb carrk pointed clinton admitted shes kind far removed middleclass struggles due economic know fortunes husband enjoy clinton speeches boasted ties wall street issue primary opponent bernie sanders continually raised clinton still refused release transcripts paid speeches blasting donald trump releasing tax returns working tandem friendly media wnd reported tuesday emails showing reporters editors contributors advocating hillary clinton apparently colluding campaign univision chairman haim saban urged clinton campaign hit donald trump harder immigration boston globe tried time clinton opinion piece good new hampshire cnbcs john harwood urged clinton campaign chairman podesta watch thengop candidate dr ben carson democratic national committee official cnn contributor donna brazile apparently tipped clinton campaign potentially difficult cnn townhall question capital punishment democratic party primary season brazile adamantly denies july email new york times reporter mark leibovich appeared ask permission hillary clintons communications director jennifer palmieri use certain quotes presidential candidate article palmieri replied suggesting remove reference clinton made sarah palin delete clintons statement gay rights moved much faster womens rights civil rights interesting phenomenon cnbc correspondent john harwood widely criticized posing biased questions donald trump primary debate moderator effectively served adviser clinton campaign emailing podesta subject line watch warning regarding gop presidential candidate ben carson could give real trouble general election maggie haberman former politico reporter works new york times described january memo good relationship clinton campaign tee stories us never disappointed memo said demeaning catholics podesta discussed fomenting revolution catholic church progressive activist hillarys nowcommunications director jennifer palmieri mocked catholics speak liberal social causes democratic party needs catholic spring catholics demand end middle ages dictatorship beginning little democracy respect gender equality catholic church sandy newman president founder nonprofit voices progress wrote podesta february email among third batch released wikileaks titled opening catholic spring musing podesta tells newman progressive organizations colleagues created recruit members church lead revolution time rightwe created catholics alliance common good organize moment like clinton campaign chairman writes think lacks leadership likewise catholics united like spring movements think one bottom clinton accused trump praising putin called russian leader speech engaging interesting conversationalist excerpts clintons speeches contained document emailed podesta point quotes could harm campaign collusion doj clinton spokesman brian fallon alerted staffers justice department proposing publish clintons workrelated emails contending showed collusion obama administration clintons campaign fallon wrote doj folks told court hearing case planned day hillary clinton testified front house select committee benghazi last october podesta met dinner small group wellconnected friends including peter kadzik top official justice department lawyers also told clinton campaign emails hillarys private email scandal smacks acting law smacks type thing ive either gotten discovery sanctions fired people etc entanglements foreign governments king muhammad iv morocco made million pledge fund clinton global initiative conference likely presidential candidate attended event speaker hillarys top aide huma abedin wrote january email hrc part meeting nonstarter warned created mess knows hillary ended attending husband bill email hillary clintons account podesta aug said saudi arabia qatar providing clandestine financial logistic support isis radical sunni groups region critics pointed clinton foundation received considerable funding two middle east nations leaked paid speech jewish united fund metropolitan chicago hillary said jordan turkey cant possibly vet refugees dont know know jihadists coming along legitimate refugees two years later called percent increase number syrian refugees coming us largely united nations refugee camps jordan insiders insider sway dnc wikileaks email dump july revealed debbie wasserman schultz used position head dnc work concert clinton campaign undermine candidacy sen bernie sanders dvt schultz forced resign emails issues used undermine sanders campaign included faith lack thereof clinton campaign tried reschedule illinois presidential primary lower chances moderate republican would get boost following super tuesday primaries clintons wont forget friends done wrote robby mook later became clintons campaign manager november email podesta