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Sean Colarossi
former gop congressman goes full trump encourages armed revolt if clinton wins
trump warned his supporters that the us postal service is trying to steal the election for hillary clinton in colorado video at a rally in golden co trump said i have real problems with ballots being sent does that make sense like people saying oh heres a ballot heres another ballot throw it away oh heres one i like well keep that one i have real problems so get your ballots in trump also accused election officials of throwing away ballots as his rally was a mixture of claims of voter fraud and baseless speculation about hillary clintons emails donald trump appears to be losing his mind he also seems to think that accusing the us postal service and election officials of stealing the election for hillary clinton is going to motivate republicans to vote consider the contradiction in trumps message the republican nominee tells his supporters that the us postal service is throwing away ballots while at the same time he is urging them to mail in their ballots if their ballots are going to be thrown away by usps why should republicans bother mailing their ballots in it is this sort of incoherent gibberish that makes no sense trumps inability to stay disciplined and on message is also one of the biggest reasons why republicans on pace to lose this election donald trumps descent into paranoid senior citizen continues to play out in front of the entire nation as the republican nominee for president believes that his letter carrier is out to get him
media getting desperate pushing bogus trump comeback story
hrafnkell haraldsson sat oct th pm know attacked gold star family one adviser warned trump whats asked share twitter print post gabriel sherman writes new york mag donald trump attacked khan family khizr khans speech democratic national convention idea gold star family remember khizr khan stood front entire world said donald trump let ask even read united states consitution gladly lend copy document look words liberty equal protection law fallout predictable donald trump openly criticized lost attacked khans religious beliefs saying look wife standing nothing say probably maybe wasnt allowed anything say turns idea ignorant mark cuban observed isnt interested learning anything gabriel sherman explains know attacked gold star family one adviser warned trump trump didnt know gold star family whats asked trump khizr khan wife ghazala enemies said something mean like rosie odonnell number people gotten skin years wasnt right respond election american people manafort told trump according person briefed conversation trump countered breitbarts report khans purported belief sharia hes running president manafort shot back clintons us waste time getting message course trump could would admit ignorance certainly wasnt prepared take blame instead sherman reveals took manafort front senior advisors including ailes according trump manafort wasnt able get media focus right stuff wonder trump refuses take manaforts advice focus right stuff defend manafort least despicable boss serves example trumps first reaction every time get back critic one donald trumps visible joe mccarthy moments response khizr khan actually reinforced point khan trying make stopping thinking foreign astonished appalling ignorance display keeping party prides ignorance rather facts
Sean Colarossi
conservatives already plotting to block clintons scotus picks let court die out
by rmuse on sat oct th at pm he is taking the conspiracy theories and obstruction that dogged his presidency from day one and throwing them back in republicans faces the following is an opinion column by r muse although this campaign season has been interesting to say the least there is something happening one never thought would occur after spending nearly eight years demonizing obstructing and criticizing every and anything about the president of the united states republicans desperate to save their jobs are beginning to tout their imagined close ties to the democratic president whose approval rating and popularity are growing it is hypocritical to say the least and at some point a result of a toxic republican candidate for the presidency but for some gop candidates it is a very dangerous strategy if any republican believed president obama would allow them to take advantage of him after spending eight years assailing him as illegitimate and corrupt they were sadly mistaken and underestimated the commander in chiefs tolerance during an election the president is using the final two weeks before the election to decimate republicans for either belated rejection or continued support of donald trump president obama is also reminding republicans that donald trump is the endpoint of eight years of gop toxic hostility it may be a tad of an exaggeration to claim that obama seems determined to spend the last two weeks of the election laying waste to every republican who ever crossed him but he is getting some wellplaced and wellwarranted shots at republicans two republican hypocrites hoping to take advantage of the presidents approval ratings have been some of his harshest critics so it likely stunned the president that they are boasting working closely with the man they obstructed opposed and attempted to get rid of ohio senator rob portman had the temerity to run a campaign ad boasting about working closely with the president to break the grip of heroin addiction president obama took the time to excoriate portman for finally withdrawing his support from donald trump but only after looking at the polling now that its politically expedient but he has supported him up until last week so i guess it was ok when trump was attacking minorities and suggesting that mexicans were rapists and insulting gold star moms making fun of disabled americans i guess that didnt quite tip it over the edge why was that ok and now he says he will vote for the vicepresidential nominee instead except that guy still supports donald trump the president was a little more exercised after learning that the man who called the president one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times california republican representative daryl issa is sending out campaign mailers with the presidents face on them and boasting about his close work with president obama to protect victims of sexual assault daryl issa is in a fairly competitive race compared to past elections and he certainly has earned the presidents wrath after obstructing progress and wasting taxpayer money on issacreated scandals during a fundraiser in la jolla california sunday last the president assailed issa for having the audacity to use a campaign mailer with the presidents image on it the president said issas primary contribution to the united states congress has been to obstruct and to waste taxpayer dollars on trumpedup investigations that have led nowhere this is now a guy who because poll numbers are bad has sent out brochures with my picture on them touting his cooperation on issues with me now that is the definition of chutzpah as remarked by tim murphy at mother jones president obama is not just evening up the score with republicans who made his tenure miserable he is attempting to have the last word on the personal and political fights of the last eight yearsto take the conspiracy theories and obstruction that dogged his presidency from day one and throw them back in republicans faces the president clearly has a lot of words to harangue republicans with he said heres the thing for years republican politicians and the farright media outlets have pumped up all kinds of crazy stuff about me about hillary about harry they said i wasnt born here they said climate change is a hoax they said that i was going to take everybodys guns away they said that while we were doing military exercises that weve been doing forever suddenly this was a plot to impose martial law this is what theyve been saying for years now so people have been hearing it they start thinking well maybe its true and if the world theyve been seeing is im powerful enough to cause hurricanes on my own and to steal everybodys guns in the middle of the night and impose martial laweven though i cant talk without a prompterthen is it any wonder that they end up nominating somebody like donald trump and the fact is that there are a lot of politicians who knew better there are a lot of senators who knew better but they went along with these stories because they figured you know what thisll help rile up the base itll give us an excuse to obstruct what were trying to do we wont be able to appoint judges well gum up the works well create gridlock itll give us a political advantage so they just stood by and said nothing and their base began to actually believe this stuff so donald trump did not start this donald trump didnt start it he just did what he always did which is slap his name on it take credit for it and promote it thats what he always does and so now when suddenly its not working and people are saying wow this guys kind of out of line all of a sudden these republican politicians who were okay with all this crazy stuff up to a point suddenly theyre all walking away oh this is too much so when you finally get him on tape bragging about actions that qualify as sexual assault and his poll numbers go down suddenly thats a dealbreaker well what took you so long what the heck what took you so long all these years the mother jones piece made out like president obama is seeking retribution or revenge against republicans for their impropriety as legislators over the past eight years without knowing what goes on in the presidents head to motivate his campaign rhetoric that is a hard call to make with any surety barack obama does not strike one as being vindictive the president is though an accomplished campaigner and as his tenure in the white house is winding down and republicans are struggling to find an identity apart from donald trump it is prudent of the president to remind voters exactly what republicans are about and what they are about is precisely why donald trump is their standard bearer and why republicans are hypocrites for both abandoning trump and embracing the man they obstructed and tried to remove from the white house
trump kicks africanamerican protester north carolina rally calls thug
rmuse pm party doesnt learn lessons change based whats gone last year half think going catastrophic following opinion column r muse may understatement year say republican party verge fullon civil war may obvious many americans blame interparty discord standard bearer donald j trump however much trumps candidacy contributed tensions establishment types terrified trumps reckless disregard longevity party rebellionminded trump supporters real instigators koch brothers although oil magnates never trump bandwagon responsible trump loyalists within gop part teabagger movement intent disrupting nations political system indeed workings government tea party caucus extremist sect succeeded chasing former house speaker john boehner congress morphed inaptly named freedom caucus embraced trump set set fire party establishment isnt solely put current speaker paul ryan job although high trump supporters todo list noted wednesdays new york times mr trumps supporters said determined harness antiestablishment energy mr trump catalyzed refocus republican leadership congress target many seemeager take rightwing extremist actually took former house majority leader eric cantor conservative extremist house freedom caucus member david brat issued warning establishment republicans theres huge chunk people want see fight taken dc leadership comes smacks guy thats youre going put marker really american people scratching head saying really thats rich brat thorn establishments side since paul ryan became speaker joins dangerous number real conservatives cannot understand comport ryan establishment leaders dared criticize trump instead using majority advantage go hillary clinton donald trump senior aides prodding extremist conservatives revolt establishment leadership election defending trump fact besides assailing ryan sticking trump reported trump said privately ryan made pay heavy price disloyalty trump candidacy interview reuters complained people angry leadership party election win percent support top win lose going major bloodletting election establishment although powerful may face herculean task save party impending conflict within gop brewing longer donald trump candidate may brought experienced antiestablishment devotee run campaign chairman breitbart news stephen bannon made one primary goals get paul ryan house speaker true conservative intent tearing government restructure uberconservative paradise uberconservative different way saying nongovernment according koch brothers vision american libertarianism dont believe two groups closely aligned koch brothers heritage action america freedomworks pushing republicans party adopt extremist positions see civil war stellar opportunity greater influence partys decisions something establishment types resisting past days leaders koch groups joined extremist conservatives calling delay vote selecting candidate next new speaker house something typically occurring directly general election november regardless outcome according chief executive heritage action michael needham going hell pay establishment republicans dont bend extremist wing created kochs heavily courted donald trump mr needham said party doesnt learn lessons change based whats gone last year half think going catastrophe another conservative extremist house freedom caucus member ardent donald trump supporter echoed needhams sentiment said cant ignore millions millions people expressed election cycle dilemma republicans election matter outcome maintaining semblance stability political party doesnt seem likely trump loses big small extremists unleash whatever level hell muster establishment daring criticize trumps outrageous dangerous comments stump trump wins extremists emboldened purge party disloyal establishment types appears matter happens november end hostilities among republicans republican party establishment reckoning extremist wing content threatening full faith credit united states shutting government show anger four years internal bickering means true conservative past yearandahalf incitement donald trump republican party faces serious threat longterm survival threat began six years ago koch brothers ushered age extremist conservatives donald trump took advantage seize control republican party
Jason Easley
the media is getting desperate and pushing a bogus trump comeback story
by hrafnkell haraldsson on sat oct th at pm you do know you just attacked a gold star family one adviser warned trump whats that he asked share on twitter print this post gabriel sherman writes at new york mag that when donald trump attacked the khan family over khizr khans speech at the democratic national convention he had no idea what a gold star family was you will remember that khizr khan stood up in front of the entire world and said to donald trump let me ask you have you even read the united states consitution i will gladly lend you my copy in this document look for the words liberty and equal protection of the law the fallout was predictable donald trump openly criticized lost it he attacked the khans religious beliefs saying if you look at his wife she was standing there she had nothing to say she probably maybe she wasnt allowed to have anything to say now it turns out that he had no idea what he was doing because he is ignorant and because as mark cuban has observed he isnt interested in learning anything gabriel sherman explains you do know you just attacked a gold star family one adviser warned trump trump didnt know what a gold star family was whats that he asked to trump khizr khan and his wife ghazala were enemies who had said something mean about him just like rosie odonnell and any number of people who had gotten under his skin over the years wasnt it his right to respond ?the election is about the american people its not about you? manafort told trump according to a person briefed on the conversation trump countered with breitbarts report on khans purported belief in sharia ?hes not running for president? manafort shot back ?the clintons did this to us to waste our time getting off message? of course trump could not and would not admit his own ignorance and he certainly wasnt prepared to take the blame instead as sherman reveals he took it out on manafort in front of his senior advisors including ailes according to trump manafort wasnt able to get the media to focus on the right stuff no wonder when trump refuses to take manaforts advice and focus on the right stuff this is not to defend manafort who is at least as despicable as his boss but it serves as an example of how trumps first reaction each and every time is to get back at his critic it was one of donald trumps most visible joe mccarthy moments and his response to khizr khan actually reinforced the point khan was trying to make stopping and thinking are foreign to him and if you are not astonished by the appalling ignorance on display here you should not be this is all in keeping with a party that prides itself on ignorance rather than facts
trump repeats bogus claim captain khan would still alive president
reuters pm heading homestretch presidential campaign democratic candidate hillary clinton looking harness celebrity star power help get vote energize volunteers battleground states roberta rampton daytona beach fla reuters heading homestretch presidential campaign democratic candidate hillary clinton looking harness celebrity star power help get vote energize volunteers battleground states jennifer lopez headline free concert clinton supporters miami saturday giving former secretary state chance connect key demographic millennials sometimes struggled reach visual counterprogramming latest email controversy roil race white house federal bureau investigation said friday investigating emails part probe clintons use private email system latebreaking surprise likely continue get extensive media play leading nov vote celebritydriven events like concert serve bit distraction controversy said eric kasper political scientist university wisconsineau claire way kind take edge things tends positive kasper said jlo concert first series next week clinton take stage jay z cleveland katy perry philadelphia nov harvard university poll week showed among likely voters aged clinton leading republican rival donald trump celebrity right starred reality television show apprentice turnout concern exceptionally negative tone years race white house soured young americans politics reutersipsos polling shows presidential candidates long sought create buzz help celebrity pals said tevi troy chronicled strategy book jefferson read ike watched obama tweeted years pop culture white house campaigns reach people necessarily interested politics interested pop culture said troy presidential historian worked george w bush white house events like larger version campaign yard sign way show groundswell support behind candidate way appeal fans musicians said kasper studied intersection pop culture politics create kind psychological connection otherwise might politician endorses presidential candidate instance kasper said reporting roberta rampton editing leslie adler concert plus campaign clinton turns celebrities homestretch added reuters sat oct th
Sean Colarossi
trump kicks africanamerican protester out of north carolina rally calls him a thug
by rmuse pm if the party doesnt learn lessons and change based on whats gone on for the last year and a half i think its going to be just catastrophic the following is an opinion column by r muse it may be the understatement of the year to say the republican party is on the verge of a fullon civil war and it may be obvious to many americans that the blame for the interparty discord is its standard bearer donald j trump however much trumps candidacy has contributed to the tensions between establishment types terrified of trumps reckless disregard for the longevity of the party and rebellionminded trump supporters the real instigators are the koch brothers although the oil magnates were never on the trump bandwagon they are responsible for the trump loyalists within the gop who were part of the teabagger movement intent on disrupting the nations political system and indeed the workings of government itself the tea party caucus an extremist sect that succeeded in chasing former house speaker john a boehner out of congress morphed into the inaptly named freedom caucus that has embraced trump are set to set fire to the party establishment and it isnt solely to put current speaker paul ryan out of a job although that is high on the trump supporters todo list as noted in wednesdays new york times mr trumps supporters said they were determined to harness the antiestablishment energy that mr trump had catalyzed and to refocus it on the republican leadership in congress a target many of them seemeager to take down the rightwing extremist that actually took down former house majority leader eric cantor conservative extremist and house freedom caucus member david brat issued a warning to establishment republicans theres a huge chunk of people who want to see a fight taken to dc leadership comes and smacks our guy thats where youre going to put down a marker really and the american people are just scratching their head saying really thats rich brat has been a thorn in the establishments side since paul ryan became speaker and he joins a dangerous number of real conservatives who cannot understand or comport with ryan and establishment leaders who dared criticize trump instead of using their majority advantage to go after hillary clinton donald trump and a few of his senior aides are prodding extremist conservatives to revolt against the establishment leadership after the election for not defending trump in fact besides assailing ryan for not sticking by trump it is reported that trump said privately that ryan should be made to pay a heavy price for disloyalty to the trump candidacy and during an interview with reuters he complained that the people are very angry with the leadership of this party because this is an election that we will win percent if we had support from the top win or lose there is going to be a major bloodletting after the election and the establishment although powerful may face a herculean task to save the party this impending conflict within the gop has been brewing longer than donald trump has been a candidate and it may be why he brought on an experienced antiestablishment devotee to run his campaign the chairman of breitbart news stephen bannon had made it one of his primary goals to get paul ryan out as house speaker because he is not a true conservative intent on tearing government down to restructure it into an uberconservative paradise and uberconservative is just a different way of saying a nongovernment according to the koch brothers vision of american libertarianism dont believe it two groups closely aligned with the koch brothers heritage action for america and freedomworks have been pushing republicans as a party to adopt more extremist positions and see the civil war as a stellar opportunity to have greater influence over the partys decisions something establishment types are resisting over the past few days leaders of both koch groups joined extremist conservatives in calling to delay a vote on selecting a candidate to be the next or new speaker of the house something typically occurring directly after the general election in november regardless the outcome according to the chief executive of heritage action michael needham there is going to be hell to pay for establishment republicans if they dont bend to the will of the extremist wing created by the kochs and heavily courted by donald trump mr needham said if the party doesnt learn lessons and change based on whats gone on for the last year and a half i think its going to be just catastrophe another conservative extremist house freedom caucus member and ardent donald trump supporter echoed needhams sentiment and said you cant ignore what millions and millions of people have expressed in this election cycle the dilemma for republicans after the election no matter the outcome is maintaining a semblance of stability as a political party that doesnt seem likely because if trump loses big or small the extremists will unleash whatever level of hell they can muster on the establishment for daring to criticize any of trumps more outrageous and dangerous comments on the stump if trump wins the extremists will be emboldened to purge the party of any disloyal establishment types and it appears that no matter what happens on november it will not be the end of hostilities among republicans the republican party establishment is in for a reckoning with an extremist wing that was once content threatening the full faith and credit of the united states or shutting down the government as a show of anger after four years of internal bickering over what it means to be a true conservative and the past yearandahalf of incitement by donald trump the republican party faces a serious threat to its longterm survival it is a threat that began about six years ago when the koch brothers ushered in an age of extremist conservatives that donald trump took advantage of to seize control of the republican party
trump gotten republican party sued trying intimidate voters
reuters pm democrat hillary clintons top aides saturday lashed fbi director james comey igniting new controversy longrunning private email investigation less two weeks presidential election saying evidence wrongdoing accusing spreading innuendo roberta rampton steve holland daytona beach flagolden colo reuters democrat hillary clintons top aides saturday lashed fbi director james comey igniting new controversy longrunning private email investigation less two weeks presidential election saying evidence wrongdoing accusing spreading innuendo comey headed federal bureau investigation since notified us congress friday agency reviewing emails even though july decided seek prosecution clinton handling classified materials private email server secretary state john podesta heads clintons presidential campaign told reporters comeys letter congress light facts heavy innuendo urged comey come forward give answers american public exact nature fbis latest review emails sources close investigation friday said latest emails discovered part separate probe anthony weiner estranged husband top clinton aide huma abedin weiner former us congressman new york target fbi investigation illicit text messages alleged sent yearold girl north carolina nov elections quickly approaching republican presidential candidate donald trump pounded away new fbi development devoting large part campaign speech golden colorado attacking clinton arguing trusted presidency criminal action willful deliberate intentional purposeful trump said standing front hay bales stacked horse barn hillary set illegal server obvious purpose shielding illegal actions public disclosure exposure comey however provided details whether emails review seen first time fbi nature contents clintons campaign tried play new review theres evidence wrongdoing charge wrongdoing podesta said fbis latest announcement taking appropriate investigative steps learning emails appear pertinent earlier probe clinton campaign manager robby mook trying tamp speculation voter backlash late campaign said americans already factored knew email investigation would cast ballots dont see changing landscape undecided voters mook said clinton aides also said latest controversy energized supporters clinton campaigning florida saturday battleground state many analysts say trump must win order chance elected recent weeks trump running behind clinton public opinion polls justice department officials according source asked identified opposed fbi directors letter sent congress believe actions conflict justice department memo outlining instructions agencies act ways could influence elections attorney general loretta lynch discuss matter directly comey source said aides touch comey let known felt send letter followup congressional testimony earlier year regarding fbis probe clintons emails source said meanwhile clinton supporters rallied defense following fridays fbi disclosure congressional black caucus comprised members house representatives nearly democrats held news conference columbus ohio urged comey release details reporting steve holland golden colorado ans roberta rampton daytona beach florida additional reporting mark hosenball washington writing richard cowan editing james dalgleish leslie adlerand leslie adler clinton campaign urges fbi detail new developments email case added reuters sat oct th
Sean Colarossi
trump repeats bogus claim that captain khan would still be alive if he were president
by reuters pm heading into the homestretch of the presidential campaign democratic candidate hillary clinton is looking to harness some celebrity star power to help get out the vote and energize volunteers in battleground states by roberta rampton daytona beach fla reuters heading into the homestretch of the presidential campaign democratic candidate hillary clinton is looking to harness some celebrity star power to help get out the vote and energize volunteers in battleground states jennifer lopez will headline a free concert for clinton supporters in miami on saturday giving the former secretary of state a chance to connect with the key demographic of millennials she has sometimes struggled to reach and some visual counterprogramming to the latest email controversy to roil her race for the white house the federal bureau of investigation said on friday it is investigating more emails as part of a probe into clintons use of a private email system a latebreaking surprise that will likely continue to get extensive media play leading up to the nov vote celebritydriven events like the concert can serve as a bit of a distraction from the controversy said eric kasper a political scientist at the university of wisconsineau claire it is a way to kind of take the edge off things because it tends to be more positive kasper said the jlo concert is the first in a series next week clinton will take the stage with jay z in cleveland and then with katy perry in philadelphia on nov a harvard university poll this week showed that among likely voters aged to clinton is leading republican rival donald trump a celebrity in his own right who starred in the reality television show the apprentice but turnout is a concern the exceptionally negative tone of this years race for the white house has soured young americans on politics reutersipsos polling shows presidential candidates have long sought to create buzz with help from celebrity pals said tevi troy who chronicled the strategy in his book what jefferson read ike watched and obama tweeted years of pop culture in the white house campaigns do it to reach out to people who are not necessarily interested in politics but are interested in pop culture said troy a presidential historian who worked in the george w bush white house the events are like a larger version of a campaign yard sign a way to show a groundswell of support behind a candidate and a way to appeal to fans of the musicians said kasper who has studied the intersection between pop culture and politics it can create a kind of psychological connection that we otherwise might not have when a politician endorses a presidential candidate for instance kasper said reporting by roberta rampton editing by leslie adler concert plus campaign clinton turns to celebrities in homestretch added by reuters on sat oct th
stung clinton allegations trump claims used undocumented workers dc hotel
reuters pm democratic nominee hillary clinton leads republican donald trump percentage points among early voters surveyed past two weeks according reutersipsos states nation project maurice tamman new york reuters days go us presidential election democratic nominee hillary clinton leads republican donald trump percentage points among early voters surveyed past two weeks according reutersipsos states nation project though data available early voting states clinton enjoys edge swing states ohio arizona republican party strongholds georgia texas estimated million americans voted far election according university floridas united states election project accounting much percent electorate overall clinton remained track win majority votes electoral college reutersipsos survey showed many ballots locked nov election good news clinton campaign friday federal bureau investigation announced examining newly discovered emails belonging clintons close aide huma abedin emails found computer belonging anthony weiner abedins estranged husband unrelated investigation illicit messages alleged sent teenage girl reutersipsos survey conducted news emerged friday afternoon remains unclear whether fbi inquiry upset balance race bureau disclosed nothing abedin emails including whether messages sent clinton summer fbi said closing investigation clintons use private email system secretary state friday campaign seemed weathered initial fbi email probe clinton held lead averaging four seven percentage points polls recent weeks trump campaign wrestled accusations women groping sexual advances trump said none accusations true also struggled recent presidential debates faced questions taxes thursday clintons odds receiving electoral college votes needed win presidency remained greater percent according state nation polling results released saturday project estimated would win votes votes solidly democrat clintons lead among early voters similar lead enjoyed president barack obama republican mitt romney point race according reutersipsos poll taken time obama election electoral votes romneys even latest email news difficult week clinton news coverage trumps accusers diminished clinton confronted almost daily release wikileaks emails purportedly hacked campaign managers account weeks leaked messages raised questions former president bill clintons finances lead states nation project fell slightly last week though projected electoral college votes hardly moved number states solidly clinton slid week trump didnt see additional states tilt solidly see gains swing states pennsylvania colorado iowa nevada moved leaning clinton close call still trumps path victory narrow realistic chance rests winning ohio north carolina florida thursday ohio remained tossup florida north carolina still tilting toward clinton according states nation results early voting data florida north carolina yet available week ohio clinton led trump double digits among early voters projects broader polling suggests state deadlocked two candidates arizona clinton also solidly ahead among early voters past month arizona gradually moved solid trump state marginal clinton state although still close call according project results georgia enjoyed similar lead among early voters overall georgia leans trump lead narrowed five percentage points week eights points last week points month ago even texas trump enjoys sizable lead clinton doubledigit edge among early voters according project results states nation project survey people every week states plus washington dc state state results available visiting httpwwwreuterscomstatesofthenation editing james dalgleish hillary clinton enjoys solid lead early voting reutersipsos poll added reuters sat oct th
Jason Easley
trump has gotten the republican party sued for trying to intimidate voters
by reuters pm democrat hillary clintons top aides on saturday lashed out at fbi director james comey for igniting a new controversy over a longrunning private email investigation less than two weeks before the presidential election saying there was no evidence of wrongdoing and accusing him of spreading innuendo by roberta rampton and steve holland daytona beach flagolden colo reuters democrat hillary clintons top aides on saturday lashed out at fbi director james comey for igniting a new controversy over a longrunning private email investigation less than two weeks before the presidential election saying there was no evidence of wrongdoing and accusing him of spreading innuendo comey who has headed the federal bureau of investigation since notified the us congress on friday that the agency is again reviewing emails even though in july it decided not to seek prosecution of clinton for her handling of classified materials on a private email server while she was secretary of state john podesta who heads clintons presidential campaign told reporters that comeys letter to congress was light on facts heavy on innuendo and he urged comey to come forward and give those answers to the american public about the exact nature of the fbis latest review of emails sources close to the investigation on friday said the latest emails were discovered as part of a separate probe into anthony weiner the estranged husband of top clinton aide huma abedin weiner a former us congressman from new york is the target of an fbi investigation into illicit text messages he is alleged to have sent to a yearold girl in north carolina with the nov elections quickly approaching republican presidential candidate donald trump pounded away at the new fbi development devoting a large part of a campaign speech in golden colorado to attacking clinton and arguing that she is not to be trusted with the presidency her criminal action was willful deliberate intentional and purposeful trump said standing in front of hay bales stacked in a horse barn hillary set up an illegal server for the obvious purpose of shielding her illegal actions from public disclosure and exposure comey however has not provided any details on whether the emails now under review are being seen for the first time by the fbi or the nature of their contents clintons campaign tried to play down the new review theres no evidence of wrongdoing no charge of wrongdoing podesta said in the fbis latest announcement that it was taking appropriate investigative steps after learning of emails that appear to be pertinent to the earlier probe clinton campaign manager robby mook trying to tamp down speculation of a voter backlash this late in the campaign said americans had already factored what they knew about the email investigation into how they would cast their ballots we dont see it changing the landscape for undecided voters mook said clinton aides also said this latest controversy has further energized her supporters clinton was campaigning in florida on saturday a battleground state that many analysts say trump must win in order to have any chance of being elected in recent weeks trump has been running behind clinton in most public opinion polls justice department officials according to a source who asked not to be identified were opposed to the fbi directors letter being sent to congress and believe his actions conflict with a justice department memo outlining instructions that agencies should not to act in ways that could influence elections while attorney general loretta lynch did not discuss the matter directly with comey the source said aides were in touch with each other comey let it be known he felt he had to send the letter as a followup to his congressional testimony earlier this year regarding the fbis probe of clintons emails the source said meanwhile clinton supporters rallied to her defense following fridays fbi disclosure the congressional black caucus comprised of about members of the house of representatives nearly all democrats held a news conference in columbus ohio and urged comey to release more details reporting by steve holland in golden colorado ans roberta rampton in daytona beach florida additional reporting by mark hosenball in washington writing by richard cowan editing by james dalgleish and leslie adlerand leslie adler clinton campaign urges fbi to detail new developments in email case added by reuters on sat oct th
media ignores good news climate change
hrafnkell haraldsson pm trump sat stage looking world like honored donor cause got left without leaving donation donald trump liar thinskinned crybaby selfish never spending money spend somebody elses behavior never evidence washington post david fahrentholds account ribboncutting held association benefit children nursery school donald trump showed sat appear great supporter left without leaving donation sopan deb tweeted sopan deb sopandeb october frank kathie lee gifford big donors wonder gifford shocked trumps presence exposed trumps life sham gigantic show put parades life pretending something fahrenthold explains long rich famous donald trump also wanted people believe generous spent years constructing image philanthropist appearing charity events making public even nationally televised promises give money away large part facade monthslong investigation washington post able verify many trumps boasts philanthropy philanthropist isnt real trump person trump visibly cares donald trump uses foundation buy nice things spending peoples money luxury items collectibles make donations gives money foundation peoples money fahrenthold says donation trumps money paper could find period today gift police athletic league new york city man rich trump claims eight years nothing brag stops monumental deadbeat hypocrite donald trump bragging anyway
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
stung by clinton allegations trump claims he used no undocumented workers in dc hotel
by reuters pm democratic nominee hillary clinton leads republican donald trump by percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks according to the reutersipsos states of the nation project by maurice tamman new york reuters with days to go before the us presidential election democratic nominee hillary clinton leads republican donald trump by percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks according to the reutersipsos states of the nation project though data is not available for all early voting states clinton enjoys an edge in swing states such as ohio and arizona and in republican party strongholds such as georgia and texas an estimated million americans have voted so far in the election according to the university of floridas united states election project accounting for as much as percent of the electorate overall clinton remained on track to win a majority of votes in the electoral college the reutersipsos survey showed having so many ballots locked down before the nov election is good news for the clinton campaign on friday the federal bureau of investigation announced that it is examining newly discovered emails belonging to clintons close aide huma abedin those emails were found on a computer belonging to anthony weiner abedins estranged husband during an unrelated investigation into illicit messages he is alleged to have sent to a teenage girl the reutersipsos survey was conducted before the news emerged friday afternoon it remains unclear whether the fbi inquiry will upset the balance in the race the bureau disclosed nothing about the abedin emails including whether any of the messages were sent by or to clinton over the summer the fbi said it was closing its investigation into clintons use of a private email system while secretary of state until friday her campaign seemed to have weathered the initial fbi email probe clinton has held a lead averaging four to seven percentage points in polls in recent weeks as the trump campaign wrestled with accusations by women of groping and other sexual advances trump has said none of the accusations are true he also struggled in the recent presidential debates and faced questions about his taxes as of thursday clintons odds of receiving the electoral college votes needed to win the presidency remained at greater than percent according to state of the nation polling results released saturday the project estimated she would win by votes to with votes solidly for the democrat clintons lead among early voters is similar to the lead enjoyed by president barack obama over republican mitt romney at this point of the race according to a reutersipsos poll taken at the time obama won the election by electoral votes to romneys but even before the latest email news it had been a difficult week for clinton news coverage of trumps accusers had diminished while clinton confronted the almost daily release by wikileaks of emails purportedly hacked from her campaign managers account this weeks leaked messages raised questions about former president bill clintons finances and her lead in the states of the nation project fell slightly from last week though the projected electoral college votes hardly moved the number of states solidly for clinton slid from to this week trump didnt see any additional states tilt solidly to him but he did see some gains the swing states of pennsylvania colorado iowa and nevada all moved from leaning to clinton to being too close to call still trumps path to a victory is narrow and any realistic chance rests on his winning ohio north carolina and florida as of thursday ohio remained a tossup florida and north carolina were still tilting toward clinton according to the states of the nation results early voting data for florida and north carolina was not yet available this week in ohio clinton led trump by double digits among early voters the projects broader polling suggests the state is deadlocked between the two candidates in arizona clinton also was solidly ahead among early voters in the past month arizona has gradually moved from a solid trump state to a marginal clinton state although it is still too close to call according to the project results in georgia she enjoyed a similar lead among early voters overall georgia leans to trump but his lead narrowed to five percentage points this week down from eights points last week and points a month ago even in texas where trump enjoys a sizable lead clinton has a doubledigit edge among early voters according to project results the states of the nation project is a survey of about people every week in all states plus washington dc state by state results are available by visiting httpwwwreuterscomstatesofthenation editing by james dalgleish hillary clinton enjoys solid lead in early voting reutersipsos poll added by reuters on sat oct th
trump campaign admits trying steal election voter suppression
hrafnkell haraldsson sat oct th pm fog thats christians collective witchcraft comes body christ theres spirits authorized released coming people believe something called spiritual warfare nebulous spiritual struggle taking place talk issues policy positions perhaps surprise religious right declare messiah donald trump threatened witchcraft lance wallnau whose twitter page claims spiritual warfare guide election appeared jim bakker show push crazy idea many christians feel fog head times fog thats christians collective witchcraft comes body christ theres spirits authorized released watch courtesy right wing watch oh sweet baby jesus mighty lance struck happened course religious right endorsed anointed candidate embodies exact opposite values claim champion wonder feel fog metaphorically physically theyre selling souls wallnau claims left smaller number radicals better organized larger body christ doesnt work together thats dilemma americas right even though left disparate alliance various groups working together religious right organizing since goldwater lost hypocrite cant catch break seems web literally coming america whats sad many christians feel fog head times feel almost like everythings going wrong dont realize remnant operating strategically organizations intent shifting american culture discipling country fog thats christians collective witchcraft comes body christ theres spirits authorized released wherever theres agreement theres power unbelievers agree narrative theyre hearing power authorization satan manifest unless church exposure enemys begins agree together counterstrategy going deal fog worst part iswe dont surrender nations devil disagree wallnau oppose trump youre manifesting power satan old testament gods lieutenant adversary pick testament suppose lance wallnau insists big conspiracy theorist buff doesnt anything convince us hes wackadoodle instead nothing new nonchristian told represent devil dont even believe exists years history backing accusation testifying usefulness religious zealots hoping delegitimize worse opponents without charges satanism witchcraft dont genocide european middle eastern paganism dont antijewish pogroms dont crusades spanish inquisition dont witchburnings sort nonsense illustrates liberals progressives fighting battleground opponents deal conspiracyladen world world free facts world might hiding bed closet real power reason lets go ahead say sanity lets face donald trumps biggest enemy satan donald trump wallnau claim believers edge want belief world wont overturn reality
the media ignores the good news on climate change
by hrafnkell haraldsson pm trump sat on the stage looking for all the world like an honored donor to the cause and then got up and left without leaving a donation not only is donald trump a liar and a thinskinned crybaby but he is selfish never spending his own money when he can spend somebody elses this behavior was never more in evidence than the washington post s david fahrentholds account of a a ribboncutting held by the association to benefit children for a nursery school when donald trump showed up sat down to appear to be a great supporter and then left without leaving a donation as sopan deb tweeted sopan deb sopandeb october frank and kathie lee gifford were big donors and it is no wonder gifford was so shocked by trumps presence what had been exposed is that trumps life is a sham a gigantic show put on by him in which he parades through life pretending to be something he is not as fahrenthold explains for as long as he has been rich and famous donald trump has also wanted people to believe he is generous he spent years constructing an image as a philanthropist by appearing at charity events and by making very public even nationally televised promises to give his own money away it was in large part a facade a monthslong investigation by the washington post has not been able to verify many of trumps boasts about his philanthropy that philanthropist isnt the real trump the only person trump visibly cares about is donald trump he uses his foundation to buy himself nice things spending other peoples money for luxury items and collectibles when he does make donations it is again because he gives no money to his own foundation with other peoples money fahrenthold says that the only donation of trumps own money the paper could find from the period of to today is a gift to the police athletic league of new york city in for a man as rich as trump claims to be in eight years is nothing to brag about not that this stops the monumental deadbeat hypocrite that is donald trump from bragging anyway
democrats may get special trump defeat could take paul ryan
meet press clinton campaign manager robbie mook said early voting strong democrats nevada hillary clinton could build insurmountable lead week video chuck todd asked mook believed email story could cost clinton election answered dont think look said volunteers seeing record early voting numbers north carolina florida look would wager nevada turnout strong among democrats hillary could build insurmountable lead coming days nevada feeling really good record turnout million people country registered vote fifty million young people nose grindstone going finish people take anything granted going work hard earn hillary clinton could put nevada reach trump week whether happens voters democrats continue vote overwhelming numbers swing states email story wont matter democrats dont show trumps chance winning early voting numbers hillary clinton running florida north carolina nevada accident clinton democratic party invested heavily extensive get vote operation early voting states democrats already strategic advantage early voting election donal trumps refusal invest substantial get vote operation widened gap two parties area final week election could vital democrats swing states election day hillary clinton piles big margins early voting could leave minimal drama election night democratic early voting plan working perfection mook said left democrats put heads work hard close deal early voting strong democrats clinton could lock nevada week added jason easley sun oct th
Jason Easley
trump campaign admits they are trying to steal the election with voter suppression
by hrafnkell haraldsson on sat oct th at pm that fog thats on christians is the collective witchcraft that comes over the body of christ because theres spirits being authorized to be released coming from people who believe in something called spiritual warfare a nebulous spiritual struggle taking place over and above all the talk about issues and policy positions it is perhaps no surprise that the religious right should declare that their messiah donald trump is being threatened with witchcraft lance wallnau whose twitter page claims to be your spiritual warfare guide to the election appeared on the jim bakker show to push the crazy idea that many christians feel this fog on their head at times and that fog thats on christians is the collective witchcraft that comes over the body of christ because theres spirits being authorized to be released watch courtesy of right wing watch oh sweet baby jesus the mighty lance has struck out what has happened of course is that the religious right not only endorsed but anointed a candidate who embodies the exact opposite of the values they claim to champion its no wonder they feel in a fog metaphorically or physically theyre selling their souls wallnau claims the left is a smaller number of radicals better organized than the larger body of christ who doesnt work together and thats the dilemma that americas in right now even though the left is a disparate alliance of various groups working together and the religious right has been organizing since goldwater lost in a hypocrite just cant catch a break it seems the web literally is coming down on america and whats sad is how many christians feel this fog on their head at times do you feel that its almost like everythings going wrong we dont realize its a remnant operating strategically through organizations that are intent on shifting the american culture and discipling the country and that fog thats on christians is the collective witchcraft that comes over the body of christ because theres spirits being authorized to be released wherever theres agreement theres power the more unbelievers agree with the narrative that theyre hearing the more power and authorization satan has to manifest so unless the church has an exposure of what the enemys doing and begins to agree together with a counterstrategy were going to deal with more and more fog and the worst part iswe dont have to surrender nations to the devil so if you disagree with wallnau if you oppose trump it can only because youre manifesting the power of satan who in the old testament is gods lieutenant not his adversary so pick your testament i suppose lance wallnau insists he is not a big conspiracy theorist buff but this doesnt do anything to convince us hes not some wackadoodle instead this is nothing new as a nonchristian being told that you represent a devil you dont even believe exists there are years of history backing up the accusation and testifying to its usefulness for religious zealots hoping to delegitimize or worse their opponents without charges of satanism and witchcraft you dont have the genocide of european and middle eastern paganism you dont have antijewish pogroms and you dont have the crusades or the spanish inquisition you dont have witchburnings what this sort of nonsense illustrates for liberals and progressives is that were not fighting on the same battleground as our opponents not only do they deal in a conspiracyladen world a world free of facts but a world in which what might be hiding under your bed or in your closet has real power and reason and lets go ahead and say sanity do not lets face it donald trumps biggest enemy is not satan but donald trump himself and wallnau can claim believers have an edge all they want but all the belief in the world wont overturn reality
donald trump tanking trump supporter waves hillary noose doll rally
jason easley sun oct th republicans hoped fbi director james comeys letter new clinton related emails would swing election new series cbs news battleground polls shows clinton keeping lead within points trump arizona share twitter print post cbs news republicans hoped fbi director james comeys letter new clinton related emails would swing election new series cbs news battleground polls shows clinton keeping lead within points trump arizona battleground tracker found small margin comeys letter made democrats likely net support clinton individual battleground states clinton leads eight points pennsylvania north carolina colorado state four polled trump small two point lead arizona according cbs news larger demographic difference defining race clinton donald trump gender gap slightly larger last time states offsets smaller movement republicans trump put another way hillary clintons support women going larger rate republican movement towards trump first swing state polls taken since fbi director comey released infamous letter friday email story isnt moving voters reinforcing partisanship election democrats going vote clinton republicans going vote trump arent enough undecided voters swing election trump republicans hoping hail mary touchdown save trump clinton continues lead critical states little week go election day comey letter big october surprise isnt working voters hillary clinton maintains swing state leads comey email letter flops added jason easley sun oct th
Jason Easley
democrats may get a for special as trump defeat could take out paul ryan
on meet the press clinton campaign manager robbie mook said that early voting is so strong for democrats in nevada that hillary clinton could build an insurmountable lead this week video chuck todd asked mook if he believed the email story could cost clinton the election he answered i dont think so look as i said we have over volunteers out there were seeing record early voting numbers in north carolina florida look i would wager in nevada turnout is so strong among democrats there hillary could build an insurmountable lead in the coming days in nevada were feeling really good about this record turnout over million people in our country now registered to vote fifty million of those are young people were just nose to the grindstone and were going to finish this out but people should not take anything for granted and were going to have to work hard to earn this hillary clinton could put nevada out of reach for trump this week but whether or not that happens is up to the voters if democrats continue to vote in overwhelming numbers in swing states the email story wont matter if democrats dont show up that is trumps only chance of winning the early voting numbers that hillary clinton is running up in florida north carolina and nevada are no accident clinton and the democratic party have invested heavily in an extensive get out the vote operation in early voting states democrats already had a strategic advantage in early voting before the election but donal trumps refusal to invest in a substantial get out the vote operation has widened the gap between the two parties in this area the final week before the election could be just as vital to democrats in swing states as election day if hillary clinton piles up big margins in early voting it could leave minimal drama for election night the democratic early voting plan is working to perfection now as mook said all that is left is for democrats to put their heads down work hard and close the deal early voting is so strong for democrats that clinton could lock up nevada this week added by jason easley on sun oct th
number accusers grows former miss finland accuses trump sexual assault
robert franek sun oct th imagine working end rape culture treated attention hillary clintons emails one fire burning strong true threat personal public safety security wellbeing share twitter print post following post written rev robert franek part politicus policy discussion writers draw connections real lives public policy even months months coverage blown proportion great expense public dollars psychic stress issue coverage seems one put hillary clinton emails together sentence claims lying threatening national security pandemonium continues break loose throughout mass media social media worlds yet despite multiple investigations repeated explanations pandemonium persists much every time republicans stir smoke media assumes must blazing fire sadly going away anytime soon republicans promising sham investigations lieu actually governing sarah jones reported republicans already planning avoid grown ups jobs hillary clinton elected president yes toythrowing tantrums best party fiscal humiliations wasteful spending political witch hunts sarah jones meanwhile women continue come forward painful heartbreaking stories donald trumps sexual harassment assault yet instead portrayed survivors finally enough republican presidential nominee lies women strength courage go public stories made opportunistic victims challenged coming forward sooner much sooner woefully mention made many intersecting reasons lead many women men report crimes including time victim placed trial walking readers one incident donald trumps public sexual humiliation woman revenge sarah jones makes following observation good come total crapfest trump candidacy perhaps raised awareness women people kind thing horrific trumps fault cultures fault takes willing audience successfully publicly sexually shame woman right donald trump despicable still cultural culpability perpetuation rape culture women treated objects forced silence placed trial assailants crimes must change unacceptable country places high value freedom many free sexual harassment assault exploitation humiliation appalling behavior often cheered unchallenged dismissed also inexcusable survivors face unparalleled levels scrutiny finally come forward also beyond tragic people faith read first chapter genesis cant bear implications men women created simultaneously bearing equally divine image supposed christian values champion republican vice presidential nominee mike pence upset article didnt read regarding voter suppression efforts trump campaign horrifying things donald trump said including bragging sexual assault christian values values civil society hold failing call donald trumps abhorrent behavior speech beyond deplorable additionally supporting candidates like donald trump mike pence gives validity wretched views especially shocking done people faith family values society must challenge pervasive systemic sexism misogyny persists culture much need changes laws lawmakers every level government reflect equality humanity women need moral revival collective conscience nation decries every facet rape culture raise children victim blaming shaming happens time survivor goes public story imagine working end rape culture treated attention hillary clintons emails one fire burning strong true threat personal public safety security wellbeing email pandemonium perpetuation rape culture added robert franek sun oct th
Sarah Jones
with donald trump tanking a trump supporter waves her hillary in a noose doll at rally
by jason easley on sun oct th at am republicans hoped that fbi director james comeys letter about new clinton related emails would swing the election for them but a new series of cbs news battleground polls shows clinton keeping her lead and within points of trump in arizona share on twitter print this post the cbs news republicans hoped that fbi director james comeys letter about new clinton related emails would swing the election for them but a new series of cbs news battleground polls shows clinton keeping her lead and within points of trump in arizona battleground tracker found that by a small margin comeys letter made democrats more likely net to support clinton in the individual battleground states clinton leads by eight points in pennsylvania north carolina and in colorado the only state of the four polled where trump has a small two point lead in arizona according to cbs news and the larger demographic difference defining the race between clinton and donald trump has been a gender gap slightly larger now than the last time in these states that offsets a smaller movement of republicans to trump to put it another way hillary clintons support with women is going up at a larger rate than republican movement towards trump these are the first swing state polls to be taken since fbi director comey released his now infamous letter on friday the email story isnt moving voters it is reinforcing the partisanship of the election democrats are going to vote clinton republicans are going to vote for trump and there arent enough undecided voters to swing the election to trump republicans were hoping for a hail mary touchdown to save trump but clinton continues to lead in critical states with a little more than a week to go before election day if the comey letter is the big october surprise it isnt working on voters hillary clinton maintains swing state leads as comey email letter flops added by jason easley on sun oct th
trumps campaign backfires hillary clinton attracts millions new voters
senate democrats arent playing around fbi director james comey four top democrats sent comey attorney general loretta lynch letter demanding details emails fbi investigating monday letter sens carper leahy feinstein cardin wrote senate democrats arent fooling around want answers want right details become known fbi director comeys motives come criticism comey advised attorney general lynch send letter election sent anyway comey worried fbi employees letter would misunderstood could easily avoided misunderstanding either specific letter sending letter becoming difficult look comeys actions objective manner see partisan political motivations fbi director interfered presidential election new emails nothing democratic nominee used opponents political purposes democrats demanding answers james comey doesnt answer questions monday forced oath democratic party wins majority seats senate either way comeys october surprise blown face
Sarah Jones
number of accusers grows to as former miss finland accuses trump of sexual assault
by robert franek on sun oct th at am imagine if working to end rape culture were treated with the same attention as hillary clintons emails this is one fire that is burning strong and is a true threat to personal and public safety security and wellbeing share on twitter print this post the following post written by the rev robert a franek is a part of politicus policy discussion in which writers draw connections between real lives and public policy even after months and months of coverage blown out of proportion and at great expense to the public in dollars psychic stress and issue coverage it seems all one has to do is put hillary clinton and emails together in the same sentence with claims of lying and threatening national security and pandemonium continues to break loose throughout the mass media and social media worlds and yet despite multiple investigations and repeated explanations the pandemonium persists so much so that every time republicans stir up some smoke the media assumes there must be a blazing fire and sadly this is not going away anytime soon as republicans are promising more sham investigations in lieu of actually governing as sarah jones reported republicans are already planning how to avoid being grown ups who do their jobs if hillary clinton is elected president yes there will be more toythrowing and tantrums and best of all for the party of fiscal humiliations more wasteful spending on political witch hunts sarah jones meanwhile women continue to come forward with painful heartbreaking stories of donald trumps sexual harassment and assault yet instead of being portrayed as survivors who have finally had enough of the republican presidential nominee and his lies and as women who have the strength and courage to go public with their stories they are being made into opportunistic victims and challenged for not coming forward sooner much sooner woefully no mention is made of the many intersecting reasons that lead many women and men not to report these crimes including that this is the only time when the victim is placed on trial after walking her readers through one incident of donald trumps public sexual humiliation of a woman for revenge sarah jones makes the following observation if there is any good to come out of the total crapfest of the trump candidacy perhaps it is a raised awareness that women are people and that this kind of thing is horrific but its not all trumps fault its the cultures fault because it takes a willing audience to successfully publicly sexually shame a woman she is right donald trump is despicable still there is cultural culpability in the perpetuation of rape culture where women are treated as objects forced into silence and placed on trial for their assailants crimes this must change it is unacceptable in a country that places such a high value on freedom that so many are not free from sexual harassment assault exploitation and humiliation more it is appalling that such behavior is often cheered unchallenged and dismissed it is also inexcusable that survivors face unparalleled levels of scrutiny when they do finally come forward it is also beyond tragic that people of faith who read the first chapter of genesis cant bear out the implications of men and women being created simultaneously and bearing equally the divine image supposed christian values champion and republican vice presidential nominee mike pence is more upset over an article he didnt read regarding voter suppression efforts by the trump campaign than any of the horrifying things donald trump has said including bragging about sexual assault these are not christian values nor are they values any civil society should hold failing to call out donald trumps abhorrent behavior and speech is beyond deplorable additionally supporting candidates like donald trump and mike pence gives validity to their wretched views and is especially shocking when done by people of faith and family values as a society we must challenge the pervasive and systemic sexism and misogyny that persists in our culture as much as we need changes in our laws and lawmakers at every level of government to reflect the equality and humanity of women we need a moral revival in our collective conscience as a nation that decries every facet of rape culture from how we raise our children to the victim blaming and shaming that happens each time a survivor goes public with their story imagine if working to end rape culture were treated with the same attention as hillary clintons emails this is one fire that is burning strong and is a true threat to personal and public safety security and wellbeing email pandemonium and the perpetuation of rape culture added by robert franek on sun oct th
dream team hillary clinton michelle obama fire democrats north carolina
richard w painter wrote new york times oped fbis job investigate influence outcome election acts could also prohibited hatch act bars use official position influence election fbi presumably would keep aspects investigation confidential election usual penalty violation termination federal employment saturday filed complaint fbi office special counsel investigates hatch act violations office government ethics spent much career working government ethics lawyers ethics including two half years chief white house ethics lawyer president george w bush never thought fbi could dragged political circus surrounding one investigations week second complaint filed fbi director comey democratic coalition trump also filed complaint comey interfering presidential election federal employee suspicion around comeys actions grown fbi director expected make additional statements matter presidential election director comey appears set problems election senate democrats making known open holding hearings investigate fbi investigation win back senate majority unless trump wins republicans take control congress director comey going answer decisions complaints pile looks like congressional testimony may least james comeys future problems
Jason Easley
trumps campaign backfires as hillary clinton attracts millions of new voters
senate democrats arent playing around with fbi director james comey four top democrats sent comey and attorney general loretta lynch a letter demanding details on the emails that the fbi is investigating by monday in the letter sens carper leahy feinstein and cardin wrote senate democrats arent fooling around they want answers and they want them right now as more details become known fbi director comeys motives have come under criticism comey was advised by attorney general lynch not to send his letter until after the election but he sent it anyway comey worried to fbi employees that his letter would be misunderstood but he could have easily avoided any misunderstanding by either being specific in his letter or not sending the letter at all it is becoming difficult to look at comeys actions in an objective manner and not see partisan political motivations the fbi director has interfered in a presidential election with new emails that have nothing to do with the democratic nominee but can be used by her opponents for political purposes democrats are demanding answers and if james comey doesnt answer their questions by monday he will be forced to under oath if the democratic party wins a majority of seats in the senate either way comeys october surprise has blown up in his own face
new polls suggest republicans cusp total election disaster
jason easley sun oct th pm fox news sundays chris wallace tried blame hillary clinton email scandal republicans created got destroyed clinton campaign manager robbie mook share twitter print post fox news sundays chris wallace tried blame hillary clinton email scandal republicans created got destroyed clinton campaign manager robbie mook exchange fox news sunday host chris wallace clinton campaign manager robbie mook highlighted email scandal isnt working gop video transcript via fox news sunday wallace last question want ask youre acting director brought election fact hillary clinton brought election want go back email exchange march nd new york times broke story hillary clinton using private emails going put screen clinton adviser neera tanden didnt get stuff like months ago crazy campaign chairman john podesta unbelievable tanden guess know answer wanted get away robby clinton delayed clinton brought presidential campaign mook secretary clinton said mistake secretary clinton cooperated fully investigation secretary clinton accepted outcome investigation secretary clinton saying theres new information get table lets get could duplicates reported emails may sent received secretary clinton dont know anything close election unprecedented announcement new information reported yahoo news fbi may even seen director comey sent unprecedented letter shortly election doesnt even know information thats disturbing asking get everything knows fox news evidence wrongdoing part clinton reduced whining didnt release emails sooner wallace left release clintons emails represented unprecedented level disclosure hillary clinton didnt cause email scandal house republicans misused benghazi select committee go fishing expedition hillary clintons emails robbie mook destroyed fox news facts unlike donald trump hillary clinton hasnt worked keep information hidden public trump released tax returns medical records accounting business dealings russia trump least transparent nominee years republicans conservative media blaming clinton scandal created justification continuing investigations election clintons campaign manager able wipe floor republican talking points end day email scandal remains conspiracy nothing
Jason Easley
the dream team of hillary clinton and michelle obama fire democrats up in north carolina
richard w painter wrote in a new york times an oped the fbis job is to investigate not to influence the outcome of an election such acts could also be prohibited under the hatch act which bars the use of an official position to influence an election that is why the fbi presumably would keep those aspects of an investigation confidential until after the election the usual penalty for a violation is termination of federal employment and that is why on saturday i filed a complaint against the fbi with the office of special counsel which investigates hatch act violations and with the office of government ethics i have spent much of my career working on government ethics and lawyers ethics including two and a half years as the chief white house ethics lawyer for president george w bush and i never thought that the fbi could be dragged into a political circus surrounding one of its investigations until this week this is the second complaint to be filed against fbi director comey the democratic coalition against trump has also filed a complaint against comey for interfering in a presidential election as a federal employee suspicion around comeys actions has grown as the fbi director is not expected to make any additional statements on this matter before the presidential election director comey appears to have set himself for problems after the election as senate democrats are making it known that they are open to holding hearings to investigate the fbi investigation if they win back the senate majority unless trump wins and republicans take control of congress director comey is going to have to answer for his decisions as the complaints pile up it looks like congressional testimony may be the least of james comeys future problems
democrats going back florida millions dollars retire marco rubio
adalia woodbury sun oct th pm trump supporter sporting hillary prison tshirt chanted jews sa support candidate rally arizona saturday target pen reporters fodder trumps rhetoric every rally share twitter print post trump supporter sporting hillary prison tshirt chanted jews sa support candidate rally arizona saturday target pen reporters fodder trumps rhetoric every rally context crowd chanting usa one man chanted jews sa words like cant spun read intent meaning obvious everyone watch video obtained huffington post sort thing comes surprise considering donald trump spent last year spewing hate filled venom every possible direction may seem superfluous restate every category people trump shown contempt muslims jews immigrants labor taxpayers latinos hispanics mexicans africanamericans women pows veterans people disabilities gold star families military felt sting trumps words disdain heart throughout campaign season vitriol hillary clinton saw limit signs tshirts disgusting quote article chants lock republican convention since trump promised base thugs lowlifes haters would weaken first amendment strengthen second establish altright utopia hillary clinton already qualified candidate race also proved stamina previous candidate needed competing vicious pathological liar competing could trump claims media rigged clintons favor trump got free advertising framed narrative whose words primary news stories campaign doubt hillary clinton keep promise fight us beginning campaign every time hillary clinton called donald trumps sexist comments fighting women attacked humiliated sexually abused men like trump every time clinton shamed trumps horrific disgusting comments khan family standing every gold star family also standing every muslimamerican true every time clinton condemned trump mocking disabled reporter resorted altright stereotypes africanamericans innercities africanamerican communities every time trump spewed hate whatever direction hillary clinton defended target isnt choosing lesser two evils like every election choosing next president importantly voting aspire image screengrab video
Jason Easley
new polls suggest that republicans are on the cusp of a total election disaster
by jason easley on sun oct th at pm fox news sundays chris wallace tried to blame hillary clinton for the email scandal that republicans created and got destroyed by clinton campaign manager robbie mook share on twitter print this post fox news sundays chris wallace tried to blame hillary clinton for the email scandal that republicans created and got destroyed by clinton campaign manager robbie mook this exchange between fox news sunday host chris wallace and clinton campaign manager robbie mook highlighted why the email scandal isnt working for the gop video transcript via fox news sunday wallace the last question i want to ask you is that youre acting as if it was the director who brought this into the election when the fact is that it was hillary clinton who brought this into the election i want to go back to the email exchange on march nd when the new york times broke the story about hillary clinton using private emails were going to put it up on the screen clinton adviser neera tanden why didnt they get the stuff out like months ago so crazy campaign chairman john podesta unbelievable tanden i guess i know the answer they wanted to get away with it robby it was clinton who delayed and it was clinton who brought this into the presidential campaign mook and it is secretary clinton who has said this was a mistake it is secretary clinton who cooperated fully with the investigation and it was secretary clinton who accepted the outcome of that investigation and what secretary clinton is doing now is saying if theres new information get it out on the table lets get it out these could be duplicates again its been reported these emails may not have been sent or received by secretary clinton we dont know anything and this close to an election this unprecedented announcement of new information when when again its been reported by yahoo news that that the fbi may have not even seen it that that that director comey sent this unprecedented letter shortly before the election when he doesnt even know what the information is thats disturbing and were just asking him get everything out there that he knows fox news has no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of clinton so they have been reduced to whining about why she didnt release the emails sooner what wallace left out was that the release of clintons emails represented an unprecedented level of disclosure hillary clinton didnt cause this email scandal house republicans misused their benghazi select committee to go on a fishing expedition for hillary clintons emails robbie mook destroyed fox news with facts because unlike donald trump hillary clinton hasnt worked to keep information hidden from the public trump has not released his tax returns medical records or an accounting of his business dealings with russia trump has been the least transparent nominee in more than years republicans and conservative media are blaming clinton for the scandal that they created as justification for continuing the investigations of her after the election clintons campaign manager was able to wipe the floor with the republican talking points because at the end of the day the email scandal remains a conspiracy about nothing
trump proposes canceling election calls black communities ghettos ohio rally
full text sen reids letter director comey dear director comey actions recent months demonstrated disturbing double standard treatment sensitive information appears clear intent aid one political party another writing inform office determined actions may violate hatch act bars fbi officials using official authority influence election partisan actions may broken law double standard established actions clear communications top officials national security community become clear possess explosive information close ties coordination donald trump top advisors russian government foreign interest openly hostile united states trump praises every opportunity public right know information wrote months ago calling information released public danger american interests releasing yet continue resist calls inform public critical information contrast soon came possession slightest innuendo related secretary clinton rushed publicize negative light possible moreover tarring secretary clinton thin innuendo overruled longstanding tradition explicit guidance department rushed take step eleven days presidential election despite fact know information possess could entirely duplicative information already examined exonerated secretary clinton know memo authored deputy attorney general sally yates march makes clear justice department employees including subject hatch act memo defines political activity prohibited hatch act activity directed towards success failure political party candidate partisan political office partisan political group clear doublestandard established actions strongly suggests highly selective approach publicizing information along timing intended success failure partisan candidate political group please keep mind supporter past republicans filibustered nomination delayed confirmation longer previous nominee position led fight get confirmed believed principled public servant deepest regret see wrong sincerely senator harry reid reid basically accused comey violating hatch act releasing letter close presidential election even though harry reid retiring bad news comey reids letter clear sign senate democrats arent going let matter drop democrats take back senate director comey brace agencys methods going congressional investigation
Jason Easley
democrats are going back into florida with millions of dollars to retire marco rubio
by adalia woodbury on sun oct th at pm a trump supporter sporting a hillary for prison tshirt chanted jews sa in support of his candidate during a rally in arizona on saturday the target was the pen of reporters who have been fodder for trumps rhetoric at every rally share on twitter print this post a trump supporter sporting a hillary for prison tshirt chanted jews sa in support of his candidate during a rally in arizona on saturday the target was the pen of reporters who have been fodder for trumps rhetoric at every rally the context while the crowd was chanting usa one man chanted jews sa words like that cant be spun or read into the intent and meaning were obvious to everyone watch here on video obtained by the huffington post this sort of thing comes as no surprise considering that donald trump spent the last year spewing hate filled venom in every possible direction it may seem superfluous to restate every category of people for which trump has shown contempt but it is not muslims jews immigrants labor taxpayers latinos hispanics mexicans africanamericans women pows veterans people with disabilities gold star families and the military have felt the sting of trumps words and the disdain in his heart throughout this campaign season the vitriol against hillary clinton saw no limit signs and tshirts too disgusting to quote in this article chants of lock her up at the republican convention and since trump promised his base of thugs lowlifes and haters he would weaken the first amendment strengthen the second and establish the altright utopia hillary clinton was already the most qualified candidate in this race she also proved to have more stamina than any previous candidate needed not only was she competing against a vicious and pathological liar she was competing for who we are and who we could be for all the trump claims that the media is rigged in clintons favor it was trump who got free advertising who framed the narrative and whose words were the primary news stories of the campaign there is no doubt that hillary clinton will keep her promise to fight for us she has been doing it from the beginning of this campaign every time hillary clinton called out donald trumps sexist comments she was fighting for all women who were attacked humiliated and sexually abused by men like trump every time clinton shamed trumps horrific and disgusting comments about the khan family she was standing up for every gold star family she was also standing up for every muslimamerican the same is true every time clinton condemned trump for mocking a disabled reporter or resorted to altright stereotypes about africanamericans innercities and africanamerican communities every time trump spewed hate in whatever direction hillary clinton defended the target so no this isnt about choosing the lesser of two evils like every election this is about choosing our next president more importantly its about voting for who we are and who we aspire to be image screengrab from video
bernie sanders says media wont trump gutless political coward
sarah jones sun oct th pm senator harry reid dropped bomb fbi national security experts possess explosive information ties coordination russia donald trump campaign share twitter print post talk burying lede senator harry reids letter suggests fbi director james comey may broken law hatch law also drops bomb fbi national security experts possess explosive information ties coordination russia donald trump campaign reid writes communications top officials national security community become clear possess explosive information close ties coordination donald trump top advisors russian government foreign interest openly hostile united states trump praises every opportunity reid points disturbing double standard comeys treatment sensitive information two parties clear intent aid one fbi national security experts information donald trump campaign colluding collaborating bring particular result regarding us election foreign policy stances emergency issue much emergency federal official might consider dropping bomb days election electing someone conspiring russia electing someone whose aide may sent email forget tell everyone double standard troubling point dangerous bomb dropped everyone already suspected trumps ties russia campaign full ties kremlin reid confirmed information coordination trump russia ladies gentlemen october shocker reids full letter follows dear director comey actions recent months demonstrated disturbing double standard treatment sensitive information appears clear intent aid one political party another writing inform office determined actions may violate hatch act bars fbi officials using official authority influence election partisan actions may broken law double standard established actions clear communications top officials national security community become clear possess explosive information close ties coordination donald trump top advisors russian government foreign interest openly hostile united states trump praises every opportunity public right know information wrote months ago calling information released public danger american interests releasing yet continue resist calls inform public critical information contrast soon came possession slightest innuendo related secretary clinton rushed publicize negative light possible moreover tarring secretary clinton thin innuendo overruled longstanding tradition explicit guidance department rushed take step eleven days presidential election despite fact know information possess could entirely duplicative information already examined exonerated secretary clinton know memo authored deputy attorney general sally yates march makes clear justice department employees including subject hatch act memo defines political activity prohibited hatch act activity directed towards success failure political party candidate partisan political office partisan political group clear doublestandard established actions strongly suggests highly selective approach publicizing information along timing intended success failure partisan candidate political group please keep mind supporter past republicans filibustered nomination delayed confirmation longer previous nominee position led fight get confirmed believed principled public servant deepest regret see wrong sincerely senator harry reid
Sean Colarossi
trump proposes canceling election calls black communities ghettos at ohio rally
here is the full text of sen reids letter to director comey dear director comey your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another i am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the hatch act which bars fbi officials from using their official authority to influence an election through your partisan actions you may have broken the law the double standard established by your actions is clear in my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between donald trump his top advisors and the russian government a foreign interest openly hostile to the united states which trump praises at every opportunity the public has a right to know this information i wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public there is no danger to american interests from releasing it and yet you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information by contrast as soon as you came into possession of the slightest innuendo related to secretary clinton you rushed to publicize it in the most negative light possible moreover in tarring secretary clinton with thin innuendo you overruled longstanding tradition and the explicit guidance of your own department you rushed to take this step eleven days before a presidential election despite the fact that for all you know the information you possess could be entirely duplicative of the information you already examined which exonerated secretary clinton as you know a memo authored by deputy attorney general sally yates on march makes clear that all justice department employees including you are subject to the hatch act the memo defines the political activity prohibited under the hatch act as activity directed towards the success or failure of a political party candidate for partisan political office or partisan political group the clear doublestandard established by your actions strongly suggests that your highly selective approach to publicizing information along with your timing was intended for the success or failure of a partisan candidate or political group please keep in mind that i have been a supporter of yours in the past when republicans filibustered your nomination and delayed your confirmation longer than any previous nominee to your position i led the fight to get you confirmed because i believed you to be a principled public servant with the deepest regret i now see that i was wrong sincerely senator harry reid reid basically accused comey of violating the hatch act by releasing his letter so close to a presidential election even though harry reid is retiring the bad news for comey is that reids letter is a clear sign that senate democrats arent going to let this matter drop if democrats take back the senate director comey should brace himself because he and his agencys methods are going to be under congressional investigation
misogynist donald trump hemorrhaging evangelical women voters
trump campaign collective nervous breakdown james comey letter new hillary clinton emails failed swing election direction robert costa washington post tweeted view inside trump campaign read trumpland tonight know path narrow see polls pub priv theyre scrambling map postcomey robert costa costareports october many describe way direct shot series upsets bank shots strong r showing depressed turnout robert costa costareports october list hurdles goes hrc dems highly organized early vote top ds hitting trail fbi news also enthusing voters robert costa costareports october youre seeing small group aides truly believe trumps populismnontrad pitch put new things play spite data robert costa costareports october trump campaign reality detached place true believers running show trump going spend last week presidential campaign blue states chance winning trump still thinks win michigan wisconsin new mexico wisconsin might laughable three delusions trump routed republican primary gop support wisconsin republicans like paul ryan scott walker lukewarm best final days losing campaigns go nominee refuses accept likelihood defeat comey letter didnt move needle trump didnt give surge national momentum make majority voters rethink support hillary clinton clinton emails didnt save trump going waste time campaigning states lose search miracle poorly managed presidential bid stumbles finish line
Jason Easley
bernie sanders says what the media wont trump is a gutless political coward
by sarah jones on sun oct th at pm senator harry reid dropped the bomb that the fbi and national security experts possess explosive information about ties and coordination between russia and donald trump and his campaign share on twitter print this post talk about burying the lede in senator harry reids letter in which he suggests that fbi director james comey may have broken the law the hatch law he also drops the bomb that the fbi and national security experts possess explosive information about ties and coordination between russia and donald trump and his campaign reid writes in my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between donald trump his top advisors and the russian government a foreign interest openly hostile to the united states which trump praises at every opportunity reid points out the disturbing double standard in comeys treatment of sensitive information between the two parties with a clear intent to aid one over the other if the fbi and national security experts have information that donald trump and or his campaign are colluding or collaborating to bring about a particular result regarding the us election or our foreign policy stances this is an emergency which issue is so much of an emergency that a federal official might consider dropping the bomb just days before an election electing someone who is conspiring with russia or electing someone whose aide may have sent an email she forget to tell everyone about the double standard is not only troubling at this point but dangerous bomb dropped everyone already suspected trumps ties to russia and his campaign has been full of ties to the kremlin but now reid has confirmed information about coordination between trump and russia now that ladies and gentlemen is an october shocker reids full letter follows dear director comey your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another i am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the hatch act which bars fbi officials from using their official authority to influence an election through your partisan actions you may have broken the law the double standard established by your actions is clear in my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between donald trump his top advisors and the russian government a foreign interest openly hostile to the united states which trump praises at every opportunity the public has a right to know this information i wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public there is no danger to american interests from releasing it and yet you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information by contrast as soon as you came into possession of the slightest innuendo related to secretary clinton you rushed to publicize it in the most negative light possible moreover in tarring secretary clinton with thin innuendo you overruled longstanding tradition and the explicit guidance of your own department you rushed to take this step eleven days before a presidential election despite the fact that for all you know the information you possess could be entirely duplicative of the information you already examined which exonerated secretary clinton as you know a memo authored by deputy attorney general sally yates on march makes clear that all justice department employees including you are subject to the hatch act the memo defines the political activity prohibited under the hatch act as activity directed towards the success or failure of a political party candidate for partisan political office or partisan political group the clear doublestandard established by your actions strongly suggests that your highly selective approach to publicizing information along with your timing was intended for the success or failure of a partisan candidate or political group please keep in mind that i have been a supporter of yours in the past when republicans filibustered your nomination and delayed your confirmation longer than any previous nominee to your position i led the fight to get you confirmed because i believed you to be a principled public servant with the deepest regret i now see that i was wrong sincerely senator harry reid
retired star general blasts trump supporting us troops
rmuse sun oct th pm fbi solemn obligation remain neutral political matters faintest appearance using agency influence election deeply troubling share twitter print post following opinion column r muse nation laws american people likely demand law enforcement officials hew closely law humanly possible goes double countrys largest investigative agency one thing every american ever watched law enforcement press conference crime occurred understands public never really knows details investigation regardless severity crime suspect occasional print journalist author attest asking police spokesman details press conference police investigating never fails get stern scolding expecting law enforcement reveal facts investigation glaringly obvious reasons scold always includes referral agency responsible charging prosecuting crime investigation complete results handed local district attorney apparently federal bureau investigation fbi director james comey never got memo discussing investigation publicly verboten reason maintain integrity said investigation hamper possible prosecution however turns mr comey get memo department justice form warning law unto allegiance house republicans department justice ignored doj counsel solid gop less two weeks presidential election since mr comey cant keep investigations pants follow longstanding law enforcement investigative rules take heed justice department warnings incumbent president barack obama summarily fire fbi director james comey morning wednesday november th president obama wait day general election fire partisan director fbi give appearance impropriety partisanship campaign prior presidential election something fbi director james comey apparently incapable comprehending incident like one july comey broke precedent convened press conference july publicly testified congress discuss bureaus ongoing investigation breach precedent smacks partisanship one reason first mentioned department justice warn mr comey inappropriate discuss ongoing investigation much less close election warning came fbi contacted doj going public information bureau admitted yet even reviewed precisely comey told republican buddies letter congress letter comey told congressional republicans fbi really clue whether emails related hillary clintons private email server know sure appeared pertinent even though agency fbi yet examined real pertinent question mr comey publicly inform congress emails agency yet examined wasnt attempting inject partisan drama election might deleterious impact outcome pertinent question demanding know mr comey precisely motivation holding press conference back july discuss agencys finding investigation doj weighed discuss investigation public viciously partisan republican committee congress defend bureaus decision bring criminal charges clinton braindead moronic imbecile partisan republican hack would begin think fbi cia local sheriff police investigative agency ability bring charges prosecute violation dogs sake even fictional sheriff andy griffiths hapless deputy barney fife competent enough comprehend district attorneys office department justice tasked prosecution violation law according mr comey stung criticism democrats republicans well former prosecutors appeared defensive felt obligated inform republicans congress even though bureau really didnt know significance newly discovered collection emails likely knew come hillary clinton aside sarah jones nifty summary email caper fbi uncovered investigating serial sexter anthony weiners laptop computer ipad cellphone anthony weiner sexting nasty pictures presidential candidate hillary clinton doesnt matter kind pathetic excuse comey gave publicly commenting ongoing investigation virtually impossible believe didnt partisan intents purposes publicly alerting house republicans interim chairwoman democratic national committee donna brazile said fbi solemn obligation remain neutral political matters even faintest appearance using agencys power influence election deeply troubling ms brazile demanded information comey didnt conceal concern comey interfering election mr comey claimed conveniently one might add diedinthewool republican contributed john mccain willard romneys presidential campaigns respectively republican remark back july first began breaking precedent revealing information investigation proper purview department justice federal bureau investigation suspicious confession july nearly impossible believe late october ignored department justice warnings revealed information ongoing investigation disgraced former congressman serial sexter days election bureau even reviewed anything comey cannot possibly remain head federal bureau investigation twice revealing information ongoing investigation comey hadnt taken heat reveal july warning justice department week one might regard inept law enforcement official pulling publicity stunt attention since warned inept law enforcement official reasonable believe comeys recent act partisan political ploy earn summary termination november firing partisan personage prior general election would break longstanding precedent look like highly partisan move something sap like james comey might try president obama
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
misogynist donald trump is hemorrhaging evangelical women voters
the trump campaign is having a collective nervous breakdown after the james comey letter about new hillary clinton emails failed to swing the election in his direction robert costa of the washington post tweeted a view from inside the trump campaign my read of trumpland tonight they know the path is very narrow they see the polls pub and priv but theyre scrambling map postcomey robert costa costareports october many of them describe the way to not as a direct shot but a series of upsets and bank shots of strong r showing depressed d turnout robert costa costareports october but list of hurdles goes on and on hrc and dems highly organized early vote top ds hitting trail fbi news also enthusing d voters robert costa costareports october what youre seeing is a small group of aides who truly believe trumps populismnontrad pitch can put new things in play in spite of data robert costa costareports october the trump campaign is now that reality detached place where a few true believers are running the show this is why trump is going to spend the last week of his presidential campaign in blue states that he has no chance of winning trump still thinks that he can win michigan wisconsin and new mexico wisconsin might be the most laughable of three delusions because trump was routed in the republican primary there and gop support from wisconsin republicans like paul ryan and scott walker has been lukewarm at best these are the final days that all losing campaigns go through when the nominee refuses to accept the likelihood of their defeat the comey letter didnt move the needle for trump it didnt give him a surge of national momentum or make the majority of voters rethink their support for hillary clinton the clinton emails didnt save trump so now he is going to waste his time campaigning in states that he will lose in search of a miracle as his poorly managed presidential bid stumbles to the finish line
mike pence campaign plane slides runway landing laguardia airport
adalia woodbury sun oct th pm friday supreme court decided weigh transgender rights case gloucester county school board vs gg gives right wing another chance take civil rights away people dont like plain simple share twitter print post friday supreme court decided weigh transgender rights case gloucester county school board vs gg gives right wing another chance take civil rights away people dont like plain simple issue whether transgender student identifies boy right use bathroom corresponds gender identifies last summer court granted school boards request put lower court ruling students favor hold board filed petition review supreme court justice breyer joined conservative justices ruling courtesy virginia school board established policy mirroring bathroom police laws red states like north carolina required students use rest rooms locker rooms correspond gender assigned birth case district court ruled gg relying regulation allowing schools provide separate toilet locker room shower facilities based sex provided facilities comparable provided opposite sex january department educations office civil rights issued letter opining schools separate students restroom locker rooms based sex school must treat transgender students manner consistent gender identity letter us court appeals th circuit reversed lower court ruling favor gg relied supreme court decision courts generally defer agencys interpretation regulation reality right wing hopes achieve two political objectives case first denying basic rights dignity people transgender consistent ideological opposition rights women poc members lgbt community second right wing hoping weaken federal agencies attacking ability interpret regulations
Jason Easley
retired star general blasts trump for not supporting us troops
by rmuse on sun oct th at pm the fbi has a solemn obligation to remain neutral in political matters the faintest appearance of using the agency to influence our election is deeply troubling share on twitter print this post the following is an opinion column by r muse as a nation of laws the american people should and most likely do demand that law enforcement officials hew as closely to the law as humanly possible and that goes double for the countrys largest investigative agency one thing every american who has ever watched a law enforcement press conference after a crime has occurred understands is that the public never really knows the details of an investigation regardless the severity of the crime or who the suspect is as an occasional print journalist this author can attest that asking a police spokesman for details during a press conference about what the police are doing or who they are investigating never fails to get a stern scolding about expecting law enforcement to reveal any facts during an investigation for glaringly obvious reasons the scold always includes referral to the agency responsible for charging and prosecuting a crime after the investigation is complete and the results are handed over to the local district attorney apparently the federal bureau of investigation fbi director james comey never got the memo that discussing an investigation publicly is verboten if for no other reason than to maintain the integrity of said investigation and not hamper a possible prosecution however as it turns out mr comey did get a memo from the department of justice in the form of a warning but because he is a law unto himself and his allegiance is to house republicans and not the department of justice he ignored the doj counsel to do a solid for the gop less than two weeks before a presidential election since mr comey cant keep it investigations in his pants or follow longstanding law enforcement and investigative rules or take heed to justice department warnings it is incumbent on president barack obama to summarily fire fbi director james comey on the morning of wednesday november th why should president obama wait until the day after a general election to fire the partisan director of the fbi so as not to give the appearance of any impropriety or partisanship during a campaign or just prior a presidential election something fbi director james comey is apparently incapable of comprehending this incident just like the one in july when comey broke precedent and convened a press conference in july and then publicly testified before congress to discuss the bureaus ongoing investigation is more than just a breach of precedent it smacks of partisanship for more than one reason first as mentioned above not only did the department of justice warn mr comey that it was inappropriate to discuss an ongoing investigation at all much less so close to an election that warning came after the fbi contacted the doj about going public with information the bureau admitted it had not yet even reviewed that was precisely what comey told his republican buddies in a letter to congress in the letter comey told congressional republicans that the fbi really had no clue whether any of the emails were related to hillary clintons private email server but what he did know for sure was that they appeared to be pertinent even though his agency the fbi had not yet examined them so the real pertinent question is why did mr comey publicly inform congress about emails the agency had not yet examined if he wasnt attempting to inject some partisan drama into the election that might have deleterious impact on the outcome it is just as pertinent a question as demanding to know from mr comey precisely what his motivation was in holding a press conference back in july to discuss the agencys finding on an investigation before the doj weighed in or discuss that investigation in public and before a viciously partisan republican committee in congress and no it was not to defend the bureaus decision not to bring criminal charges against clinton only a braindead moronic imbecile or partisan republican hack would begin to think that the fbi cia local sheriff or any police investigative agency has the ability to bring charges to prosecute a violation for dogs sake even the s fictional sheriff andy griffiths hapless deputy barney fife was competent enough to comprehend that a district attorneys office or department of justice is tasked with prosecution any violation of the law according to mr comey who was stung by criticism from both democrats and republicans as well as former prosecutors and appeared to be on the defensive he felt obligated to inform republicans in congress even though the bureau really didnt know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails likely because he knew they did not come from hillary clinton as an aside sarah jones has a nifty summary of the email caper the fbi uncovered while investigating serial sexter anthony weiners laptop computer ipad and cellphone and no anthony weiner was not sexting nasty pictures to presidential candidate hillary clinton it doesnt matter what kind of pathetic excuse comey gave for publicly commenting on an ongoing investigation it is virtually impossible to believe he didnt have partisan intents and purposes in publicly alerting house republicans as interim chairwoman of the democratic national committee donna brazile said the fbi has a solemn obligation to remain neutral in political matters even the faintest appearance of using the agencys power to influence our election is deeply troubling ms brazile demanded more information from comey and didnt conceal her concern over comey interfering with the election mr comey claimed very conveniently one might add that as a diedinthewool republican he contributed to john mccain and willard romneys presidential campaigns in and respectively that he is not a republican now that was his remark back in july when he first began breaking precedent and revealing information about an investigation that was the proper purview of the department of justice not the federal bureau of investigation it was a suspicious confession in july and it is nearly impossible to believe in late october after he ignored department of justice warnings and revealed information about an ongoing investigation into a disgraced former congressman and serial sexter just days before an election and before the bureau had even reviewed anything comey cannot possibly remain as head of the federal bureau of investigation after twice revealing information about an ongoing investigation if comey hadnt taken heat for his reveal in july and a warning from the justice department this week then one might just regard him as an inept law enforcement official pulling a publicity stunt for attention but since he was warned and is not an inept law enforcement official it is more than reasonable to believe that comeys most recent act was a partisan political ploy that should earn him a summary termination on november because firing his partisan personage just prior to the general election would break a longstanding precedent and look like a highly partisan move something a sap like james comey might try but not president obama
trumps new defense strategy access hollywood tape blame microphone
hrafnkell haraldsson mon oct st donald trump candidate frequently saying false things day days share twitter print post cnns brian stelter calls donald trump uniquely factchallenged candidate prelude introducing daniel dale washington correspondent toronto star fact checks every single word trump utters tallies paper dale says factcheckers look two three things trump says meticulously factchecks posts article doesnt work candidate frequently saying false things day days example dale tallied trump lies tuesday october donald trump said false things yesterday trumpcheck pictwittercomewfyfedfx daniel dale ddale october dale pointed followed recordtying false claims monday coincidentally day trump called fact checkers scum watch courtesy cnns reliable sources massive imbalance frequency dishonesty ddale says trump lies lot clinton httpstcokpkvpntmo reliable sources reliablesources october mainstream media likes play false equivalence game equivalence trump clinton dale told stelter massive imbalance frequency dishonesty trump says dale normal political liar example look presidential debates dale found trump false statements opposed clinton dales judgment comparison level accuracy opponent trump also lies pointlessly argues dale explaining brian stelter gets things wrong political advantage gained cases clear whether hes lying confused unwilling take time learn facts mark cubans complaint course trump interest learning end matters less trump lies especially since busily convincing base hillary clinton dishonest candidate working trope frequently repeated trumps supporters correct often want effect lie taken hold one many many likely expected observational bias takes care rest trump base effectively lost shared reality dale tweeted last night trump loses smart republican excavation going involve long hard base reeducation given gops history facts good luck image screen capture twitter
Sean Colarossi
mike pence campaign plane slides off runway after landing at laguardia airport
by adalia woodbury on sun oct th at pm on friday the supreme court decided to weigh in on transgender rights in the case of gloucester county school board vs gg this gives the right wing another chance to take civil rights away from people they dont like plain and simple share on twitter print this post on friday the supreme court decided to weigh in on transgender rights in the case of gloucester county school board vs gg this gives the right wing another chance to take civil rights away from people they dont like plain and simple at issue is whether a transgender student who identifies as a boy has a right to use the bathroom that corresponds with the gender he identifies with last summer the court granted the school boards request to put a lower court ruling in the students favor on hold until the board filed its petition for review by the supreme court justice breyer joined the conservative justices in that ruling as a courtesy the virginia school board established a policy mirroring bathroom police laws in red states like north carolina that required students to use rest rooms and locker rooms to correspond with the gender they were assigned at birth in this case the district court ruled against gg by relying on a regulation allowing schools to provide separate toilet locker room and shower facilities based on sex provided those facilities are comparable to those provided to the opposite sex in january the department of educations office of civil rights issued a letter opining that if schools separate students in restroom and locker rooms based on their sex a school must treat transgender students in a manner consistent with their gender identity because of that letter the us court of appeals for the th circuit reversed the lower court ruling in favor of gg it relied on a supreme court decision that courts generally should defer to an agencys interpretation of its own regulation in reality the right wing hopes to achieve two political objectives with this case first this is about denying basic rights and dignity to people who are transgender which is consistent with their ideological opposition to rights for women poc and members of the lgbt community second the right wing is hoping to weaken federal agencies by attacking their ability to interpret their own regulations
trump ahead zero national polls media continues close race narrative
rmuse archdiocese holds matter among highest priorities passed law would significantly detrimental impacts parishes ministries following opinion column r muse almost secular humanists organized religion nothing easy means controlling people fear intimidation throughout recorded history catholic church responsible manner devious machinations control adherents humans comes contact lust control human beings continued unabated st century america like rest earth catholics number one focus controlling women apparently catholic church massachusetts wants expand control population friday boston globe reported archdiocese boston dropped million dollars lastditch effort exert church control massachusetts law citizens stop marijuana legalized recreational use reports reveal taxexempt political spending meant help defeat massachusetts ballot measure question question simply legalizes cannabis recreational use people creates commission regulate marijuana state massachusetts question contains references catholic church makes claim trying impact ministries spokesman boston archdiocese terrence donilon made truly pathetic attempt justifying catholic churchs political donation campaign massachusetts version legalized recreational marijuana saying reflects fact archdiocese holds matter among highest priorities recognition passed law would significantly detrimental impacts parishes ministries seriously one monumental piles bovine excrement reason use taxfree congregants donations interfere election ever offered nowhere massachusetts states decriminalization statutes church mentioned much less affected outcome election catholic priests still free sexually abuse little boys adults legally purchase consume cannabis despite residents toke privacy homes church still frighten members increasing tithes usccb still attempt control dominate american women reefer decriminalization impact catholic ministry drastically reduce number people arrested imprisoned marijuana possession free law enforcement pursue nasty pedophile priests relieve americas overburdened judicial system catholics claim people using cannabis legally whether inhale eat significantly detrimental impacts ministries odd assertion yet another point surely part catholic ministries teaching according gods word christian bible nearly certain every catholic priest planet including massachusetts aware gods word genesis chapter verse catholics almighty god said ground lord god caused grow every tree pleasing sight good food continues verses lord god took man put garden eden cultivate keep lord god commanded man saying tree garden may eat freely tree knowledge good evil shall eat day eat surely die although recorded evidence cannabis first discovered used medicinal qualities years ago record reefer ever confused tree knowledge good evil weed affect catholic ministries decriminalized today past twothousand years catholic church existed cannabis either unknown clergy illegal reaction news archdiocese interfering politics taxexempt money advocate spokesman yes question jim borghesani said archdiocese come position frankly think based unfounded assumptions junk science think archdiocese missing terrible harm marijuana prohibition done people color people chosen substance less dangerous alcohol lives ruined theyve arrested one wonders part boston archdioceses ministry entails increasing number americans mainly americans color sent prison possessing using plant god caused grow pleasing sight good eat obviously case according new set data keeping marijuana illegal means keeping americans arrested drug possession rate every seconds every day year catholic church interested perpetuating failed war drugs general criminalization marijuana particular noted michael stone patheos massachusetts catholics mormons actually helping sustain reality war poor people people color mr stone really nails said spending taxexempt donations political agenda defend unjust prohibition marijuana catholic church guilty perpetuating failed war drugs new jim crow archdiocese also guilty hypocrisy besides implicit racism religious organization condones even promotes use alcohol using taxexempt donations maintain ridiculous prohibition cannabis morally indefensible mormons also busy instructing lds members vote state initiatives seek decriminalize regulate recreational marijuana use affect whatsoever either private mormon lives lds ministry allegedly dont condone enjoy alcohol control issues blatant hypocrites least cannabis decriminalization concerned massachusetts catholics may violating law acting antimarijuana super pac using taxexempt member donations politically influence election control americans lives church wielding ultimate control facets american society however church flush money use money compensate thousands victims churchs pedophile priests dog forbid use taxexempt donors money help people massachusetts need catholic church guilty using fear intimidation control adherents frightened people needing daddy figure church tell right wrong stay proverbial hell well good people willingly cry controlling organization speaking deity people church affront use donated taxexempt money impact read control private lives good news abominable story looks like question pass relative ease informing archdiocese wasted million dollars congregations hardearned money yet another example churches taxed like every business american citizen except donald trump morally obnoxious archdiocese using congregations donations political purposes influence election yet another sign area church considers bounds attempting control every aspect society taxexempt funds wrung hardworking americans many use recreational cannabis ht patheos
Sean Colarossi
trumps new defense strategy on access hollywood tape blame the microphone
by hrafnkell haraldsson on mon oct st at am in donald trump you have a candidate who is frequently saying false things in a day up to on some days share on twitter print this post cnns brian stelter calls donald trump a uniquely factchallenged candidate which is a prelude to introducing daniel dale washington correspondent for the toronto star who fact checks every single word trump utters and tallies them up for his paper dale says most factcheckers look at two or three things trump says meticulously factchecks them and posts an article but that doesnt work when you have a candidate who is frequently saying false things in a day up to on some days for example dale tallied trump lies on tuesday october donald trump said false things yesterday trumpcheck pictwittercomewfyfedfx daniel dale ddale october which as dale pointed out followed his recordtying false claims on monday not coincidentally a day on which trump called fact checkers scum watch courtesy of cnns reliable sources there is a massive imbalance in the frequency of dishonesty ddale says trump lies a lot more than clinton httpstcokpkvpntmo reliable sources reliablesources october the mainstream media likes to play the false equivalence game but there is no equivalence between trump and clinton as dale told stelter there is a massive imbalance in the frequency of dishonesty trump says dale is not a normal political liar for example look at the presidential debates in which dale found trump false statements as opposed to by clinton dales judgment is that there is no comparison in her level of accuracy with her opponent trump also lies pointlessly argues dale explaining to brian stelter that he gets things wrong where there is no political advantage to be gained and in those cases it is not clear whether hes lying or confused or unwilling to take the time to learn the facts this was mark cubans complaint of course that trump has no interest in learning in the end it matters less why trump lies than that he does especially since he is busily convincing his base that hillary clinton is the dishonest candidate and it is working this is a trope frequently repeated by trumps supporters you can correct them as often as you want it will have no effect the lie has taken hold one of many many more than you likely expected and observational bias takes care of the rest the trump base is effectively lost to our shared reality and as dale tweeted last night if trump loses the smart republican excavation is going to have to involve some long hard base reeducation given the gops history with facts good luck with that image screen capture twitter
first days october trump gave k campaign
hrafnkell haraldsson cant waterboarding far tough fighting different level toughand cases pretty vicious donald trump complains spending fortune war middle east supported war brought us republican administration knowingly lied facts trump also lying facts least brings countrys middle east ordeal fullcircle according trump speaking rally new mexico youve doubt seen barrage commercials repeating lie hillary brought disaster iraq syria libya every place touches empowered iran unleashed isis leaving big vacuum course republican president george w bush negotiated balance forces agreement iraq stipulating america draw combat strength reneging agreement would meant peace iraq negation isis second us invasion top rise isis want peace strength trump told crowd dont want wars savages chopping heads well fact want war invaded iraq vice versa trump went say drowning people steel cages burying people sand havent medieval times medieval times cant waterboarding far tough know fighting different level see fighting different level folks tough smart cases pretty vicious honest pretty vicious take get back building country country weve spent trillion middle east trillion couldve rebuilt country twice never mind moment torture illegal international law never mind senate intelligence committees report said torture doesnt work trumps argument sounds like child wanting get back another child aggrieved trump wanting spite enemies international scale arguing boot end justifies means doesnt cant prove acting like barbarians somehow doesnt make us barbarians certainly cant prove senate report says otherwise torturing people win war claim million way one trump made last week charlotte nc well politifact ruled half true time saying trump citing highend estimate credible analyses spending associated wars iraq afghanistan yet confusing money thats spent money researchers say spent point war begun obama certainly hillary clinton least admits supported apologized trump continued deny ever despite facts contrary trump says pretty vicious also saying pretty dishonest nobody lies success rate donald trump trump said loves war said likes unpredictable asked cant use nuclear weapons since man national security experts say nuclear football hands man matter much claims otherwise understand world works understand promoting torture fulfilling wildest propaganda wishes islamic state promising precisely want
Sean Colarossi
trump is ahead in zero national polls while the media continues close race narrative
by rmuse am the archdiocese holds the matter among its highest priorities if passed the law would have significantly detrimental impacts on our parishes our ministries the following is an opinion column by r muse for almost all secular humanists organized religion is nothing more than an easy means of controlling people through fear and intimidation throughout recorded history the catholic church has been responsible for all manner of devious machinations to control not just its adherents but any humans it comes in contact with that lust to control human beings has continued unabated into the st century and in america like the rest of the earth the catholics number one focus has been on controlling women apparently the catholic church in massachusetts wants to expand its control over the population on friday the boston globe reported that the archdiocese of boston dropped about a million dollars in a lastditch effort to exert church control over massachusetts law and citizens to stop marijuana from being legalized for recreational use other reports reveal that the taxexempt political spending is meant to help defeat a massachusetts ballot measure question question simply legalizes cannabis for recreational use for people over and creates a commission to regulate marijuana in the state of massachusetts question contains no references to the catholic or any other church and makes no claim of trying to impact ministries a spokesman for the boston archdiocese terrence donilon made a truly pathetic attempt at justifying the catholic churchs political donation to the campaign against massachusetts version of legalized recreational marijuana saying it reflects the fact that the archdiocese holds the matter among its highest priorities its a recognition that if passed the law would have significantly detrimental impacts on our parishes our ministries seriously that has to be one of the most monumental piles of bovine excrement of a reason to use taxfree congregants donations to interfere in an election ever offered nowhere in massachusetts or any states decriminalization statutes is any church mentioned much less affected by the outcome of an election catholic priests will still be free to sexually abuse little boys if adults can legally purchase and consume cannabis and despite residents having a toke in the privacy of their homes the church will still frighten its members into increasing their tithes and the usccb will still attempt to control and dominate all american women no reefer decriminalization will impact the catholic ministry but it will drastically reduce the number of people being arrested and imprisoned for marijuana possession free up law enforcement to pursue nasty pedophile priests and relieve americas overburdened judicial system now the catholics claim that people using cannabis legally whether they inhale or eat it will have significantly detrimental impacts on their ministries that is an odd assertion on yet another point surely part of catholic ministries is teaching according to their gods word in the christian bible it is nearly certain that every catholic priest on the planet including those in massachusetts are aware of gods word in genesis where in chapter verse the catholics almighty god said out of the ground the lord god caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food and he continues in verses then the lord god took the man and put him into the garden of eden to cultivate it and keep it the lord god commanded the man saying from any tree of the garden you may eat freely but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die although there is recorded evidence that cannabis was first discovered to be used for its medicinal qualities years ago there is no record of reefer ever being confused with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil weed is not and will not affect the catholic ministries if it is decriminalized today any more than it has over the past twothousand years the catholic church has existed and cannabis was either unknown to the clergy or illegal in a reaction to the news the archdiocese was interfering with politics with taxexempt money an advocate and spokesman for the yes on question jim borghesani said the archdiocese has come up with a position that frankly we think is based on unfounded assumptions and junk science what i think the archdiocese is missing is the terrible harm that marijuana prohibition has done to people of color to people who have chosen a substance that is less dangerous than alcohol and have had their lives ruined because theyve been arrested one wonders if part of the boston archdioceses ministry entails increasing the number of americans mainly americans of color sent to prison for possessing or using a plant that god caused to grow and was pleasing to the sight and good to eat obviously that is the case and according to a new set of data keeping marijuana illegal means keeping americans arrested for drug possession at a rate of every seconds of every day of the year why is the catholic church so interested in perpetuating the failed war on drugs in general and the criminalization of marijuana in particular as noted by michael stone over at patheos what the massachusetts catholics and mormons are actually helping to sustain is in reality a war on poor people and people of color mr stone really nails it when he said that by spending taxexempt donations on a political agenda to defend the unjust prohibition on marijuana the catholic church is guilty of perpetuating the failed war on drugs and the new jim crow the archdiocese is also guilty of hypocrisy besides implicit racism because any religious organization that condones and even promotes the use of alcohol while using taxexempt donations to maintain the ridiculous prohibition on cannabis is morally indefensible mormons are also busy instructing lds members to vote against all state initiatives that seek to decriminalize and regulate recreational marijuana use as if it has any affect whatsoever on either their private mormon lives or their lds ministry but they allegedly dont condone or enjoy alcohol so they just have control issues and are not blatant hypocrites at least where cannabis decriminalization is concerned the massachusetts catholics may not be violating the law by acting as an antimarijuana super pac but they are using taxexempt member donations to politically influence an election and control other americans lives the church is all about wielding ultimate control over all facets of american society however if the church is so flush with money why not use that money to compensate the thousands of victims of the churchs pedophile priests or dog forbid use that taxexempt donors money to help the people of massachusetts in need the catholic church is guilty of using fear and intimidation to control its own adherents and that is down to frightened people needing a daddy figure in the church to tell them what is right what is wrong and how to stay out of the proverbial hell that is all well and good for people that willingly cry out for a controlling organization speaking for a deity but for people that are not in the church it is an affront to use donated taxexempt money to impact read control their private lives the only good news out of this abominable story is that it looks like question will pass with relative ease informing that the archdiocese wasted about a million dollars of its congregations hardearned money this is yet another example of why all churches should be taxed like every other business and american citizen except donald trump it is morally obnoxious that the archdiocese is using the congregations donations for political purposes to influence an election and yet another sign that there is no area the church considers as out of bounds in attempting to control every aspect of society with taxexempt funds wrung out of hardworking americans many of whom use recreational cannabis ht patheos
senator mark kirk mocks disabled veteran tammy duckworth mixedrace heritage
october surprise aimed opponent flops polls bad bad really bad propaganda losing trump campaigns latest hail mary try fool voters last ditch media propaganda push recruiting volunteers blitz talk radio talking points monitor discussions callers shared talk show host editorinchief right wisconsincom charlie sykes welp trump campaign planning talk radio blitz recruiting volunteers call shows talking points httpstcoewrqlkrjr real charlie sykes sykescharlie october trump campaigns call action trump talk radio blitz help get donald trump elected please sign volunteer call talk radio final days presidential campaign tell wisconsins voters support donald trump looking volunteers sign trump talk radio blitz call captain andor trump talk radio blitz caller thank willingness help elect donald trump mike pence important election year call captains oh monitor show discussions give talking points know propaganda willing help check apply willing serve trump talk radio blitz call captain taking responsibility monitor recruit callers one talk radio programs election day willing trump talk radio blitz caller select one minute segments local talk radio shows call promote donald trumps campaign call captains charge entire shows make sure trump message gets monitor discussions lest anyone bring facts air call captains sign responsible entire talk radio program programs election help recruit callers call promote donald trumps campaign throughout program day remind trump talk radio blitz callers sign commitment call show help ensure trump talk radio blitz callers prepared discuss shows topics monitor show discussions report successes back campaign paid trump campaign mean working well trump spokespeople especially propaganda artists embedded certain cable network organize nonprofessionals give talking points disseminate way appears organic lol kid youve run people comment section forums know campaign message exactly screaming siren talking points hear screaming tinfoil fake polls accusations hillary clinton committed treason even though actually cleared neednt worry entire country gone insane last gasp sinking campaign trying fool voters media propaganda dished volunteers
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
in the first days of october trump gave just k to his own campaign
by hrafnkell haraldsson am we cant do waterboarding its far too tough were fighting on a different level we have to be toughand in some cases pretty vicious donald trump complains about spending a fortune on a war in the middle east that he supported a war brought to us by a republican administration that knowingly lied about the facts trump is also lying about the facts which at least brings our countrys middle east ordeal fullcircle according to trump speaking at a rally in new mexico and youve no doubt seen the barrage of commercials repeating the same lie hillary brought disaster to iraq syria libya and every place that she touches she empowered iran and she unleashed isis by leaving that big vacuum of course it was republican president george w bush who negotiated the balance of forces agreement with iraq stipulating that america draw down its combat strength reneging on that agreement would have meant not peace in iraq or a negation of isis but a second us invasion on top of the rise of isis we want peace through strength trump told the crowd we dont want to be in wars but these savages are chopping off heads well in fact we did want to be in that war we invaded iraq not vice versa trump went on to say drowning people in steel cages burying people in the sand we havent had this is medieval times this is medieval times and then we cant do waterboarding its far too tough you know were fighting on a different level see were fighting on a different level folks and we have to be tough and we have to be smart and we have to be in some cases pretty vicious to be honest with you pretty vicious but we have to take them out and then we have to get back to building our country because our country weve spent trillion in the middle east trillion and we couldve rebuilt our country twice never mind for a moment that torture is illegal under international law never mind that a senate intelligence committees report said torture doesnt work trumps argument sounds once again like a child wanting to get back at another child who has aggrieved him this is trump wanting to spite his enemies on an international scale and arguing to boot that the end justifies the means he doesnt because he cant prove that acting like barbarians somehow doesnt make us barbarians ourselves he certainly cant prove because that senate report says otherwise that torturing people will win the war the claim of million by the way is one trump made last week in charlotte nc as well and politifact ruled it half true at the time saying trump is citing the highend estimate of credible analyses of spending associated with the wars in iraq and afghanistan yet he is confusing money thats been spent with money that researchers say will be spent the point here is that this is a war begun not by obama and certainly not by hillary clinton who at least admits she supported it and has apologized for doing so while trump continued to deny he was ever for it despite the facts to the contrary when trump says we have to be pretty vicious he is also saying we have to be pretty dishonest and nobody lies with such success or at such a rate as donald trump trump has said he loves war he has said he likes to be unpredictable he has asked why we cant use nuclear weapons since we have them this is a man most national security experts say should not have the nuclear football in his hands this is a man who no matter how much he claims otherwise does not understand how the world works and he does not understand that by promoting torture he is only fulfilling the wildest propaganda wishes of the islamic state by promising to do precisely what they want him to do
banishment trump begun american people tuning
hrafnkell haraldsson mon oct st pm trump refused produce records sought prosecutors months said oath destroying whole time share twitter print post newsweek kurt eichenwald struck reporting donald trump refused produce records sought prosecutors months said oath destroying whole time whole strategy writes newsweek article swears written comeys announcement deny impede delay destroying documents court ordered hand reveals republican nominee father real estate company battled federal government civil charges refused rent apartments africanamericans shortly government filed case october trump attacked falsely declared reporters feds evidence father discriminated minorities instead attempting force lease welfare recipients couldnt pay rentthe familys attempts slow federal case times nonsensical trump submitted affidavit contending government engaged unspecified wrongdoing releasing statements press day brought case without first formal communications contended hed learned complaint listening car radio morning trumps sworn statement lie court records show government filed complaint phoned almost immediately afterward government later notified media press release six months original filing case nowhere trumps repeatedly ignored deadlines produce records answers questions known interrogatoriesfinally subpoena trump appeared short deposition asked missing documents made shocking admission trumps destroying corporate records previous six months documentretention program conducted inspections determine files might sought discovery requests might otherwise related case instead order save space trump testified officials company tossing documents shredder garbage trump accuse hillary clinton destroying emails nearly every day means covering deflecting misdeeds regard false affidavits deny delay strategies writes eichenwald trump cos hid destroyed records sought court donald trump world class liar man known deflection tactics projecting guilt onto others foundation trouble point finger clinton foundation sexual assault allegations point finger bill hillary clinton kurt eichenwald dug donald trumps deplorable past revealed real donald trump pretty revelation eichenwald david fahrenthold shows trump even worse human last wonder deplorables love much turns trump put investigators months destroyed emails added hrafnkell haraldsson mon oct st
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
senator mark kirk mocks disabled veteran tammy duckworth for mixedrace heritage
what to do when the october surprise aimed at your opponent flops and your polls are bad so bad really bad how about more propaganda the losing trump campaigns latest hail mary is to try to fool voters with a last ditch media propaganda push by recruiting volunteers to blitz talk radio with talking points and monitor discussions and callers shared by talk show host and editorinchief of right wisconsincom charlie sykes welp trump campaign planning talk radio blitz recruiting volunteers to call shows with talking points httpstcoewrqlkrjr real charlie sykes sykescharlie october from the trump campaigns call to action trump talk radio blitz help get donald trump elected please sign up below to volunteer to call into talk radio over the final days of this presidential campaign and tell wisconsins voters why you support donald trump we are looking for volunteers to sign up as a trump talk radio blitz call captain andor a trump talk radio blitz caller thank you for your willingness to help elect donald trump and mike pence this very important election year what will these call captains do oh monitor other the show and discussions give talking points you know propaganda i am willing to help check all the apply i am willing to serve as a trump talk radio blitz call captain taking responsibility to monitor and recruit other callers for one or more talk radio programs between now and election day i am willing to be a trump talk radio blitz caller and select one or more minute segments for local talk radio shows to call into and promote donald trumps campaign call captains will be in charge of entire shows to make sure the trump message gets out and monitor discussions lest anyone bring any facts to the air call captains will sign up to be responsible for an entire talk radio program or programs between now and the election to help recruit callers to call in and promote donald trumps campaign throughout the program for that day remind trump talk radio blitz callers who have sign up of their commitment to call into the show help ensure your trump talk radio blitz callers are prepared to discuss the shows topics monitor the show and the discussions and report your successes back to the campaign paid for by the trump campaign i mean its working so well for the trump spokespeople especially those propaganda artists embedded on a certain cable network why not organize nonprofessionals to give the same talking points and disseminate them in a way that appears organic lol i kid if youve run into these people in a comment section or forums you know they have the campaign message down so exactly as to be a screaming siren of talking points so when you hear screaming tinfoil about fake polls and accusations that hillary clinton committed treason even though she was actually cleared you neednt worry that your entire country has gone insane this is the last gasp of a sinking campaign trying to fool the voters with media propaganda dished out by volunteers
billionaire donald trumps presidential campaign flat broke
ethics complaint filed representative jason chaffetz releasing information provided letter fbi director james comey democratic coalition trump announced complaint statement democratic coalition trump filed complaint representative jason chaffetz monday morning office congressional ethics role releasing information provided fbi director james comey representative chaffetz illplanned partisan attempt released information compromised integrity fbi irresponsibly tweeted case investigating secretary clintons emails reopened fact members congress elected make country safer better place use power work leaders comey partisan fashion hope held accountable actions said scott dworkin senior advisor democratic coalition trump director comey already facing complaint filed department justic e accusing violating hatch act using position federal employee influence outcome election comey letter couldnt gone much worse republicans gop originally hoped election shifting moment become republican scandal democrats strongly suggesting inspiring hearings win back senate majority thanks chaffetz house republicans already credibility future clinton investigations utah republicans spin comeys letter debunked matter hours gone wrong short order republicans comey chaffetz facing complaints hillary clinton remains course elected next president united states
Jason Easley
the banishment of trump has begun as the american people are tuning him out
by hrafnkell haraldsson on mon oct st at pm trump refused produce records sought by prosecutors for months said under oath was destroying them whole time share on twitter print this post newsweek s kurt eichenwald has struck again reporting that donald trump refused produce records sought by prosecutors for months said under oath was destroying them whole time the whole strategy he writes at newsweek in an article he swears was written before comeys announcement was deny impede and delay while destroying documents the court had ordered them to hand over in he reveals the republican nominee his father and their real estate company battled the federal government over civil charges that they refused to rent apartments to africanamericans shortly after the government filed its case in october trump attacked he falsely declared to reporters that the feds had no evidence he and his father discriminated against minorities but instead were attempting to force them to lease to welfare recipients who couldnt pay their rentthe familys attempts to slow down the federal case were at times nonsensical trump submitted an affidavit contending that the government had engaged in some unspecified wrongdoing by releasing statements to the press on the day it brought the case without first having any formal communications with him he contended that hed learned of the complaint only while listening to his car radio that morning but trumps sworn statement was a lie court records show that the government had filed its complaint at am and phoned him almost immediately afterward the government later notified the media with a press release six months after the original filing the case was nowhere because the trumps had repeatedly ignored the deadlines to produce records and answers to questions known as interrogatoriesfinally under subpoena trump appeared for a short deposition when asked about the missing documents he made a shocking admission the trumps had been destroying their corporate records for the previous six months and had no documentretention program they had conducted no inspections to determine which files might have been sought in the discovery requests or might otherwise be related to the case instead in order to save space trump testified officials with his company had been tossing documents into the shredder and garbage so trump can accuse hillary clinton of destroying emails and he does nearly every day but only as a means of covering up and deflecting his own misdeeds in that regard with false affidavits and deny and delay strategies writes eichenwald trump his cos hid and destroyed records sought in court donald trump is a world class liar and a man known for his deflection tactics projecting his own guilt onto others his foundation in trouble point the finger at the clinton foundation sexual assault allegations point the finger at bill and hillary clinton once again kurt eichenwald has dug into donald trumps deplorable past and revealed the real donald trump its not pretty and each revelation from eichenwald and david fahrenthold shows trump to be an even worse human being than the last it is no wonder his deplorables love him so much it turns out trump put off investigators for months while he destroyed emails added by hrafnkell haraldsson on mon oct st
moronic trump campaign thinks reopened clinton email investigation save
sean colarossi mon oct st pm cnn obtained audio north carolina gop senator richard burr joking gun owners putting bullseye hillary clinton share twitter print post cnn obtained brand new audio north carolina republican senator richard burr joking gun owners putting bullseye hillary clinton despicable comments come burr faces close senate race democratic opponent deborah ross candidates within point according realclearpolitics cnn report north carolina republican locked tight race reelection quipped walked gun shop nothing made feel better seeing magazine rifles picture hillary clinton front little bit shocked didnt bullseye said saturday gop volunteers prompting laughter crowd mooresville north carolina bottom right magazine everybody federal office particular state vote let assure theres army support right candidates type rhetoric hardly uncommon comes republican leaders campaign gone hateful violent rhetoric particularly man top republican ticket become increasingly worse one point year donald trump suggested second amendment people take arms clinton nominates supreme court justices dont like also said hed like see happens democratic nominees bodyguards disarmed cnn notes trump never issued genuine apology dangerous language anything hes ever said done burr quickly came statement audio revealed although excuse said comment made inappropriate apologize republican senator said according cnn type imagery place politics regardless whether said public private especially given heightened level anger hatred toward hillary clinton trump supporters whether trump burr voters remember irresponsible language go vote one week
Jason Easley
billionaire donald trumps presidential campaign is flat out broke
an ethics complaint has been filed against representative jason chaffetz for releasing information provided to him in a letter from fbi director james comey the democratic coalition against trump announced the complaint in a statement the democratic coalition against trump filed a complaint against representative jason chaffetz on monday morning with the office of congressional ethics for his role in releasing information provided to him by fbi director james comey representative chaffetz in an illplanned partisan attempt released information that compromised the integrity of the fbi when he irresponsibly tweeted out that the case investigating secretary clintons emails had been reopened when in fact it had not been members of congress are elected to make our country a safer better place not to use their power to work with leaders such as comey in a partisan fashion i hope that both are held accountable for their actions said scott dworkin senior advisor to the democratic coalition against trump director comey is already facing a complaint that was filed with department of justic e accusing him of violating the hatch act by using his position as a federal employee to influence the outcome of an election the comey letter couldnt have gone much worse for republicans what the gop originally hoped was an election shifting moment had become a republican scandal that democrats are strongly suggesting will inspiring hearings if they win back the senate majority thanks to chaffetz house republicans have already their credibility for future clinton investigations a s the utah republicans spin of comeys letter was debunked in a matter of hours its all gone wrong in short order for republicans comey and chaffetz are facing complaints and hillary clinton remains on course to be elected the next president of the united states
reopening clinton email investigation gop hype nothing
jason easley mon oct st pm new report painting cia director james comey used office influence presidential election comey sent letter hillary clintons emails refused call russia meddling election hacking democrats share twitter print post new report painting cia director james comey used office influence presidential election comey sent letter hillary clintons emails refused call russia meddling election hacking democrats cnbc reported fbi director james comey argued privately close election day united states government name russia meddling us election ultimately ensured fbis name document us government put former fbi official tells cnbc according former official comey agreed conclusion intelligence community came foreign power trying undermine election believed true putting election comeys position official said said shouldnt come fbi youll recall director comey didnt want interfere presidential election releasing information could harm republican presidential nominee donald trump qualms sending letter congress emails never seen apparent effort interfere current presidential election new revelation detail becoming impossible come conclusion fbi director comey may violated hatch act letter congress illegal federal employees use positions interfere elections information bad donald trump comey argued publicly released close election however embraced different standard less information could frame way could damage hillary clintons campaign becoming clear comey abused power must removed fbi director immediately
Jason Easley
moronic trump campaign thinks reopened clinton email investigation will save them
by sean colarossi on mon oct st at pm cnn has obtained audio of north carolina gop senator richard burr joking about gun owners putting a bullseye on hillary clinton share on twitter print this post cnn has obtained brand new audio of north carolina republican senator richard burr joking about gun owners putting a bullseye on hillary clinton the despicable comments come as burr faces a close senate race against democratic opponent deborah ross both candidates are within a point of each other according to realclearpolitics more of the cnn report the north carolina republican locked in a tight race for reelection quipped that as he walked into a gun shop nothing made me feel better than seeing a magazine about rifles with a picture of hillary clinton on the front of it i was a little bit shocked at that it didnt have a bullseye on it he said saturday to gop volunteers prompting laughter from the crowd in mooresville north carolina but on the bottom right of the magazine it had everybody for federal office in this particular state that they should vote for so let me assure you theres an army of support out there right now for our candidates this type of rhetoric is hardly uncommon when it comes to republican leaders in as the campaign has gone on the hateful and violent rhetoric particularly from the man at the top of the republican ticket has become increasingly worse at one point this year donald trump suggested that second amendment people should take up arms against clinton if she nominates a supreme court justices they dont like he also said that hed like to see what happens if the democratic nominees bodyguards were disarmed as cnn notes trump has never issued a genuine apology for his dangerous language or anything hes ever said or done but burr quickly came out with a statement once the audio was revealed although it does not excuse what he said the comment i made was inappropriate and i apologize for it the republican senator said according to cnn this type of imagery has no place in our politics regardless of whether its being said in public or private especially given the heightened level of anger and hatred toward hillary clinton from trump supporters whether its trump or burr voters should remember their irresponsible language when they go to vote in just one week
hillary clinton brilliantly forcing broke trump spend money defending arizona
washington post reported donald trumps hiring pollster tony fabrizio may viewed sign real estate mogul finally bringing seasoned operatives insurgent operation republican presidential nominee appears taken issue services provided veteran gop strategist advised candidates gop nominee bob dole florida gov rick scott trump campaigns latest federal election commission report shows disputing nearly fabrizios firm says still owed polling trumps decision pay pollster first type story given trumps history paying services performed wont last astonishing party supposed fiscal responsibility conservativism would put someone forward presidential nominee made career running debt personal gain donald trumps mentality always put first paying debts never seems top priority trump businesses stiffing vendors contractors decades isnt surprising would bring mentality presidential campaign anybody works trump campaign would smart get paid front donald trumps version making america great involves taking money putting pocket trump deadbeating campaign debts refusing pay pollster added jason easley mon oct st
Jason Easley
the reopening of the clinton email investigation is more gop hype over nothing
by jason easley on mon oct st at pm a new report is painting cia director james comey as having used his office to influence the presidential election as comey sent a letter about hillary clintons emails but refused to call out russia for meddling in the election by hacking democrats share on twitter print this post a new report is painting cia director james comey as having used his office to influence the presidential election as comey sent a letter about hillary clintons emails but refused to call out russia for meddling in the election by hacking democrats cnbc reported fbi director james comey argued privately that it was too close to election day for the united states government to name russia as meddling in the us election and ultimately ensured that the fbis name was not on the document that the us government put out a former fbi official tells cnbc according to the former official comey agreed with the conclusion the intelligence community came to a foreign power was trying to undermine the election he believed it to be true but was against putting it out before the election comeys position this official said was if it is said it shouldnt come from the fbi which as youll recall it did not director comey didnt want to interfere in the presidential election by releasing information that could harm republican presidential nominee donald trump but he had no qualms about sending a letter to congress about emails that he had never seen in an apparent effort to interfere in the current presidential election with each new revelation and detail it is becoming impossible not to come to the conclusion that fbi director comey may have violated the hatch act with his letter to congress it is illegal for federal employees to use their positions to interfere in elections when the information was bad for donald trump comey argued that it should not be publicly released so close to the election however he embraced a different standard when he had less information but could frame it in a way that could damage hillary clintons campaign it is becoming clear that comey has abused his power and must be removed as fbi director immediately
marco rubio inches closer unemployment poll shows florida senate race tie
hillary clinton supporting priorities usa super pac released powerful ad makes closing argument women get vote support democratic nominee video ad set carole king classic natural woman sung daughter ad features clips ordinary women living lives mixed clips elinor roosevelt rosa parks sally ride hillary clinton twothirds way ad trump appears audio calling women fat pigs slobs fat asses flat chested among insults screen shots women holding cards hashtag vote message clear powerful absolutely devastating women need vote behavior donald trump words donald trump treatment women must rejected time americans conscience lead way realistic us society women lead way women provide moral voice rejects trump according polling women lead way hillary clinton win presidential cnn asked trump campaign comment ad request met silence donald trumps words talking voters need hear
Jason Easley
hillary clinton is brilliantly forcing broke trump to spend money defending arizona
the washington post reported donald trumps hiring of pollster tony fabrizio in may was viewed as a sign that the real estate mogul was finally bringing seasoned operatives into his insurgent operation but the republican presidential nominee appears to have taken issue with some of the services provided by the veteran gop strategist who has advised candidates from gop nominee bob dole to florida gov rick scott the trump campaigns latest federal election commission report shows that it is disputing nearly that fabrizios firm says it is still owed for polling trumps decision not to pay his pollster is the first of this type of story but given trumps history of not paying for services performed it wont be the last it is astonishing that the party of supposed fiscal responsibility and conservativism would put someone forward as their presidential nominee who has made a career out of running up debt for personal gain donald trumps mentality has always been to put himself first paying his debts never seems to have been a top priority for trump his businesses have been stiffing vendors and contractors for decades so it isnt surprising that he would bring this same mentality to the presidential campaign anybody who works for the trump campaign would be smart to get paid up front because donald trumps version of making america great involves taking your money and putting it in his own pocket trump is deadbeating on his campaign debts by refusing to pay his own pollster added by jason easley on mon oct st
mike pence fine trump sexual assault offended voter suppression
sean colarossi mon oct st pm media continues focus clinton email nonstory news donald trumps ties russia continues gain steam share twitter print post media continues focus increasingly becoming nonstory fbi director james comeys vague letter regarding emails related hillary clinton news donald trumps ties russia continues gain steam nbc report fbi preliminary stages investigating trumps excampaign managers connection russia slate also reported monday trump server may repeatedly communicating russian bank slate claims group computer scientists looking russian cyber attack dnc stumbled onto something unexpectedly report late july one scientistswho asked referred tea leaves pseudonym would protect relationship networks banks employ sift datafound looked like malware emanating russia destination domain trump name course attracted tea leaves attention discovery data pure happenstancea surprising needle large haystack dns lookups screen outlier connects russia strange way wrote notes couldnt quite figure first saw bank moscow kept irregularly pinging server registered trump organization fifth avenue data needed began carefully keeping logs trump servers dns activity collected logs would circulate periodic batches colleagues cybersecurity world six began scrutinizing clues researchers quickly dismissed initial fear logs represented malware attack communication wasnt work bots irregular pattern server lookups actually resembled pattern human conversationconversations began office hours new york continued office hours moscow dawned researchers wasnt attack sustained relationship server registered trump organization two servers registered entity called alfa bank news doesnt come nowhere trump repeatedly praised vladimir putin strong leader taking prorussia positions throughout campaign come straight kremlin wishlist clinton campaign quick jump report statement clinton senior policy adviser jake sullivan secret hotline may key unlocking mystery trumps ties russia certainly seems trump organization felt something hide given apparently took steps conceal link discovered journalists line communication may help explain trumps bizarre adoration vladimir putin endorsement many prokremlin positions throughout campaign raises even troubling questions light russias masterminding hacking efforts clearly intended hurt hillary clintons campaign assume federal authorities explore direct connection trump russia part existing probe russias meddling elections trumps prorussia rhetoric policy positions coincidence information comes clearer republican nominee connections russia hiding voters week election day explosive story media focusing critical american people know kind financial ties potential president american adversary especially adversary russia
Jason Easley
marco rubio inches closer to unemployment as poll shows florida senate race tie
the hillary clinton supporting priorities usa super pac has released a powerful ad that makes the closing argument for why women should get out to vote and support the democratic nominee video the ad is set to the carole king classic natural woman as sung by her daughter the ad features clips of ordinary women living their lives mixed with clips of elinor roosevelt rosa parks sally ride and hillary clinton twothirds of the way through the ad trump appears and audio of him calling women fat pigs slobs fat asses and flat chested among other insults on the screen are shots of women holding up up cards with the hashtag vote the message is clear powerful and absolutely devastating women need to vote against the behavior of donald trump the words of donald trump and his treatment of women must be rejected it is time for all americans of conscience to lead the way but if we are realistic about us society it will be women who lead the way women will provide the moral voice that rejects trump according to the polling it will be women who lead the way for hillary clinton to win the presidential cnn asked the trump campaign for comment about the ad and their request was met with silence because donald trumps own words did all the talking that voters need to hear
revived clinton email scandal killed slew new facts record time
sean colarossi mon oct st pm trump used tax avoidance maneuver legally dubious lawyers advised internal revenue service would likely declare improper audited share twitter print post donald trump repeatedly said took advantage loopholes allowed legally pay nothing federal income taxes decades new york times reported monday trump may actually crossed legal boundary avoid paying fair share according times republican nominee used tax avoidance maneuver legally dubious lawyers advised internal revenue service would likely declare improper audited report tax experts reviewed newly obtained documents new york times said mr trumps tax avoidance maneuver conjured ambiguous provisions highly technical tax court rulings clearly pushed edge envelope tax laws permitted time whatever loophole existed exploited stretched beyond recognition said steven rosenthal senior fellow nonpartisan tax policy center helped draft tax legislation early moreover tax experts said maneuver trampled core tenet american tax policy conferring enormous tax benefits mr trump losing vast amounts peoples money case money investors banks entrusted build casino empire atlantic city reason trump bent backward potentially broke laws avoid paying taxes scrambling stave financial ruin man claims would great president successful business background yet calls king debt businesses declared bankruptcy six times spent decades paying zero dollars federal income taxes lost billion dollars single year running casino business reporting tonight even suggests direct financial ties russia tip iceberg comes business background even information american voters still know little donald trumps finances refused transparent consider trump hiding tax returns must much worse already damning information keeps coming good reporting werent would already released latest new york times story latest installment trumps shady business background media spend remaining week campaign demanding answers man wants charge countrys pocketbook
Sarah Jones
mike pence is fine with trump sexual assault but offended by voter suppression
by sean colarossi on mon oct st at pm while the media continues to focus on the clinton email nonstory news about donald trumps ties to russia continues to gain steam share on twitter print this post while the media continues to focus on what is increasingly becoming a nonstory fbi director james comeys vague letter regarding more emails related to hillary clinton news about donald trumps ties to russia continues to gain steam not only did nbc just report that the fbi is now in the preliminary stages of investigating trumps excampaign managers connection to russia but slate also reported on monday that a trump server may have repeatedly been communicating with a russian bank slate claims that while a group of computer scientists was looking into the russian cyber attack of the dnc they stumbled onto something unexpectedly the report in late july one of these scientistswho asked to be referred to as tea leaves a pseudonym that would protect his relationship with the networks and banks that employ him to sift their datafound what looked like malware emanating from russia the destination domain had trump in its name which of course attracted tea leaves attention but his discovery of the data was pure happenstancea surprising needle in a large haystack of dns lookups on his screen i have an outlier here that connects to russia in a strange way he wrote in his notes he couldnt quite figure it out at first but what he saw was a bank in moscow that kept irregularly pinging a server registered to the trump organization on fifth avenue more data was needed so he began carefully keeping logs of the trump servers dns activity as he collected the logs he would circulate them in periodic batches to colleagues in the cybersecurity world six of them began scrutinizing them for clues the researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack the communication wasnt the work of bots the irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversationconversations that began during office hours in new york and continued during office hours in moscow it dawned on the researchers that this wasnt an attack but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the trump organization and two servers registered to an entity called alfa bank this news doesnt come out of nowhere trump has repeatedly praised vladimir putin as a strong leader all while taking prorussia positions throughout the campaign that come straight off a kremlin wishlist the clinton campaign was quick to jump on the report in a statement by clinton senior policy adviser jake sullivan this secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of trumps ties to russia it certainly seems the trump organization felt it had something to hide given that it apparently took steps to conceal the link when it was discovered by journalists this line of communication may help explain trumps bizarre adoration of vladimir putin and endorsement of so many prokremlin positions throughout this campaign it raises even more troubling questions in light of russias masterminding of hacking efforts that are clearly intended to hurt hillary clintons campaign we can only assume that federal authorities will now explore this direct connection between trump and russia as part of their existing probe into russias meddling in our elections trumps prorussia rhetoric and policy positions are not a coincidence the more information that comes out the clearer it is that the republican nominee has connections to russia that he is hiding from voters with just a week until election day this is the explosive story the media should be focusing on its critical that the american people know what kind of financial ties a potential president has with an american adversary especially when that adversary is russia
reality slaps donald trump face us economy roars back
sarah jones tue nov st united states district court new jersey ordered discovery donald trump rncs poll monitoring efforts hearing november th days november th election share twitter print post republicans ordered explain comments monitoring polls voter fraud united states district court new jersey ordered discovery donald trump rncs poll monitoring efforts hearing november th days november th election order demands affidavits several parties including someone personal knowledge defendants rncs efforts trump campaign monitor precincts around country indicated kellyanne conway affidavits also demanded several republican operatives various states said conducting state wide voter fraud monitoring poll monitoring rnc member rob gleasons efforts recruit persons act poll watchers philadelphia pennsylvania rnc member ronna romney mcdaniels efforts michigan prepare massive statewide antivoter fraud effort rnc must also answer governor mike pences comments trump campaign working state governments secretaries state ensure ballot integrity happens zero regard election law try go vigilante rick hasen election law blog noted discovery granted pretty broad pretty broad discovery required short order hearing november however judge rejected much discovery sought dnc given time frame alone pretty educational efforts actually going behind scenes dnc filed lawsuit republican national committee violating court order intended prevent voter intimidation donald trumps claims election rigged supporters need go polls intimidate voters donald trumps urging supporters go polling places often urban areas watch voters clear violation consent decree court isnt likely stand discovery courtordered bad news republicans already facing uphill battle bid white house exceptionally unpatriotic try intimidate fellow citizens exercising right vote everyone right vote free intimidation dont let anyone dissuade voting full court ruling available
Jason Easley
revived clinton email scandal killed by a slew of new facts in record time
by sean colarossi on mon oct st at pm trump used a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the internal revenue service would likely declare it improper if he were audited share on twitter print this post while donald trump has repeatedly said he took advantage of loopholes that allowed him to legally pay nothing in federal income taxes for decades the new york times reported on monday that trump may have actually crossed a legal boundary to avoid paying his fair share according to the times the republican nominee used a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the internal revenue service would likely declare it improper if he were audited the report tax experts who reviewed the newly obtained documents for the new york times said mr trumps tax avoidance maneuver conjured from ambiguous provisions of highly technical tax court rulings clearly pushed the edge of the envelope of what tax laws permitted at the time whatever loophole existed was not exploited here but stretched beyond any recognition said steven m rosenthal a senior fellow at the nonpartisan tax policy center who helped draft tax legislation in the early s moreover the tax experts said the maneuver trampled a core tenet of american tax policy by conferring enormous tax benefits to mr trump for losing vast amounts of other peoples money in this case money investors and banks had entrusted to him to build a casino empire in atlantic city the reason that trump bent over backward and potentially broke laws to avoid paying these taxes is because he was scrambling to stave off financial ruin this is the same man who claims he would be a great president because of his successful business background yet he calls himself the king of debt his businesses have declared bankruptcy six times he has spent decades paying zero dollars in federal income taxes he lost a billion dollars in a single year running a casino business reporting out tonight even suggests that he has direct financial ties to russia all of this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his business background even as all of this information is out there american voters still know very little about donald trumps finances because he has refused to be transparent about them and consider this what trump is hiding in his tax returns must be much worse than the already damning information that keeps coming out through good reporting if it werent he would have already released them the latest new york times story is just the latest installment of trumps shady business background the media should spend the remaining week of this campaign demanding more answers from a man who wants to be in charge of the countrys pocketbook
trump wrecks hope gop taking advantage clinton email investigation
hrafnkell haraldsson tue nov st last springnew york take legal action collect unpaid taxes trumpowned company owns trademark boeing looked yesterday kurt eichenwalds revelation donald trump put investigators six months busily destroying emails hardly trumps misdeed many people realize donald trump moment seventyfive legal issues hanging head hes lying times day followers much less excuse mainstream media thoroughly distracted clinton email nonstory divert attention away legally questionable activities usa today reported end october two weeks election day least plus lawsuits involving trump businesses remain open according ongoing nationwide analysis state federal court records usa today surprise one trump already deadbeating pollster one trump case nonpayment tips caterers trump soho hotel new york city scheduled go trial week election day one thing become clear throughout election trump pay bills earlier covered incident declined finish paying florida contractor work one resorts decided contractor paid enough even though wasnt agreedupon amount trump got nailed court k attorneys fees case examples usa todays investigation trump faces significant open litigation tied businesses angry members jupiter fla golf course say cheated refunds dues former employee club claims fired reporting sexual harassment theres fraud case brought trump university students say moguls company ripped tens thousands tuition sham real estate course trump also defending lawsuits tied campaign disgruntled gop political consultant sued million saying trump defamed another suit class action says campaign violated consumer protection laws sending unsolicited text messages pointed usa todays nick penzenstadler john kelly lawsuits dog trump white house win immunity president america world treated spectacle president united states make trip trip court settle highly questionable personal business affairs harassment cases sex discrimination lawsuits fraud unpaid bills racist comments defamation cases involving trump university usa today notes recently last springnew york take legal action collect unpaid taxes trumpowned company owns trademark boeing jetted mogul campaign rallies across country cases likely grow trump promised sue new york times women nymag maintains exhaustive list accused sexual assault usa today says spent six months researching court records exclusive analysis say found unprecedented mountain legal battles presidential candidate ranging skirmishes pageant contestants multimillion dollar real estate lawsuits cases offer clues leadership style billionaire would bring white house donald trump claims clinton tainted claims clintons emails bigger watergate day tweeted must let crookedhillary take criminal scheme oval office draintheswamp comes man would turn pennsylvania avenue morality nogo zone facts including new disclosures trumps ties russian server potentially illegal ploy avoid paying taxes make clear trump deadbeat liar drains swamp first one drain
Sarah Jones
reality slaps donald trump in the face as us economy roars back
by sarah jones on tue nov st at am the united states district court in new jersey ordered discovery on donald trump and the rncs poll monitoring efforts with a hearing on november th just days before the november th election share on twitter print this post republicans are being ordered to explain their comments that they will be monitoring the polls for voter fraud the united states district court in new jersey ordered discovery on donald trump and the rncs poll monitoring efforts with a hearing on november th just days before the november th election the order demands affidavits from several parties including from someone with personal knowledge about the defendants rncs efforts with the trump campaign to monitor precincts around the country as indicated by kellyanne conway affidavits are also demanded from several republican operatives in various states who are said to be conducting state wide voter fraud monitoring and poll monitoring such as rnc member rob gleasons efforts to recruit persons to act as poll watchers in philadelphia pennsylvania and rnc member ronna romney mcdaniels efforts in michigan to prepare a massive statewide antivoter fraud effort the rnc must also answer for governor mike pences comments that the trump campaign is working with state governments and secretaries of state to ensure ballot integrity this is what happens when you have zero regard for election law and try to go vigilante rick hasen at election law blog noted that the discovery granted is pretty broad pretty broad discovery required in short order with hearing on november however the judge rejected much of the discovery sought by the dnc given the time frame but this should alone should be pretty educational on what efforts are actually going on behind the scenes the dnc filed a lawsuit against the republican national committee for violating a court order intended to prevent voter intimidation over donald trumps claims that the election is rigged and that his supporters need to go to the polls to intimidate voters donald trumps urging that his supporters go to polling places other than their own often in urban areas to watch voters is a clear violation of the consent decree and the court isnt likely to stand for it so now discovery has been courtordered which is just more bad news for republicans who are already facing an uphill battle in their bid for the white house its exceptionally unpatriotic to try to intimidate fellow citizens from exercising their right to vote everyone has the right to vote free of intimidation dont let anyone dissuade you from voting the full court ruling is available here
gop scandal falls apart new emails didnt come hillary clintons server
rmuse voter suppression tactic right gop election rigging playbook suppress black vote north carolina following opinion column r muse americans likely aware psychological term projecting roughly means person attributes faults actions onto someone else unconscious form transferring guilt ones actions soon republican primaries concluded donald trump projected republicans guilt election rigging either vote obstruction suppression onto democrats opponent hillary clinton republicans actively suppressing votes since election barack obama ramped election rigging activities past eight years yet trump accuses democrats election rigging frequently human beings draw breath yesterday north carolina conference national association advancement colored people naacp filed lawsuit north carolina republicans demanded put immediate stop coordinated effort suppress black vote state naacp rightly said voter suppression tactic right gop election rigging playbook suppress black vote state election rigging amounts three counties north carolina canceling voter registration thousands mostly african american democratic residents week presidential election lawsuit charged election officials beaufort moore cumberland counties denying primarily african american voters eligibility participate democracy voter registration documents mysteriously bounced back undeliverable voters whose eligibility vote denied flagged purging james edward arthur sr moved within county still legally allowed cast ballots many purged voters lived original registration address victims simple postal service error mr arthur african american lives nursing home voted least last elections county born raised without issue arthur testified like thousands african american democratic voters never received state county election documents informing eligibility denied didnt attend appeal hearing maintain right vote would denied right participate democracy mr arthur said knew right vote jeopardy would whatever could protect want plan vote upcoming election concerned since registration canceled able cast ballot counted sane human would consider election rigging simply tricounty ploy targeted primarily african americans typically vote democrats also something north carolina republicans guilty past six years according naacp lawsuit north carolina republicans violation national voter registration act bans systemic removal voters rolls final days election republican election officials state officials defended election rigging said justified purging tensofthousands mainly african american democratic voters eligibility definition systemic individual basis however naacp also accused republicans conducting coordinated mailing campaign sole purpose challenging eligibility thousands mainly african american voters eligibility receive mailing one republican ran local office last year shane hubers challenged registration voters majority democrats beaufort county one counties charged lawsuit cumberland county one individual used returned mail challenge registrations mostly democratic voters moore county secretary local republican party n carol wheeldon challenged approximately mainly african american registered voters likely vote republicans lead attorney naacps lawsuit penda hair said although cannot yet prove concerted republican election rigging conspiracy know two counties people brought challenges connections local republican party also know pattern challenges similar across counties ms hair also noted moore county return address rightwing group called voter integrity project appeared mail used challenge voters pernicious treatment voters said also deliberate act election rigging republicans president north carolina naacp reverend dr william barber said seeing worst attempts voter suppression north carolina weve seen since days jim crow tar heel state ground zero intentional surgical efforts suppress voice voters attempts direct affront constitution naacp lawsuit demanding state reinstate voters challenged since using election rigging process back rolls immediately organization also demands state notifies voters reinstated eligible voters allow cast regular ballots early election day already put request emergency hearing week decide case might case naacps request hearing may granted especially light new charges arising days federal court ruled north carolina republicans violated national voter registration act yet another manner failing add tens thousands voters rolls registered dmv office past years last thursday us district court judge loretta biggs ordered north carolina republicans permit tensofthousands voters cast provisional ballots highly doubtful north carolina republicans obey federal judges orders recipients several court orders election rigging actions effect whatsoever republicans would continue disenfranchising voters republicans tear rig elections since american people first elected barack obama president conservatives supreme court ultimately guilty conspiring republicans suppress obstruct voting rights primarily people color dont support republicans perfectly clear irrelevant called voter suppression obstruction disenfranchisement deliberate attempt rig elections republicans koch brothers outfit american legislative exchange council alec behind every attempt republicancontrolled states kill democracy republican party standard bearer donald trump guilty projecting rig elections
Jason Easley
trump wrecks any hope gop had of taking advantage of clinton email investigation
by hrafnkell haraldsson on tue nov st at am last springnew york had to take legal action to collect in unpaid taxes on the trumpowned company that owns the trademark boeing we looked yesterday at kurt eichenwalds revelation that donald trump put off investigators for six months while busily destroying emails that is hardly trumps only misdeed but how many people realize that donald trump at this moment has seventyfive legal issues hanging over his head hes lying to times a day and has his followers and with much less excuse the mainstream media thoroughly distracted by the clinton email nonstory so he can divert their attention away from his own legally questionable activities usa today reported at the end of october that just two weeks before election day at least of the plus lawsuits involving trump and his businesses remain open according to an ongoing nationwide analysis of state and federal court records by usa today it will surprise no one because trump is already deadbeating on his own pollster that one trump case over nonpayment of tips to caterers at trump soho hotel in new york city is scheduled to go to trial a week before election day if one thing has become clear throughout this election it is that trump does not pay his bills earlier we had covered an incident where he had declined to finish paying a florida contractor for work it did on one of his resorts having decided that the contractor had been paid enough even though it wasnt the agreedupon amount trump got nailed by the court for k in attorneys fees in that case just a few examples from usa todays investigation trump faces significant open litigation tied to his businesses angry members at his jupiter fla golf course say they were cheated out of refunds on their dues and a former employee at the same club claims she was fired after reporting sexual harassment theres a fraud case brought by trump university students who say the moguls company ripped them off for tens of thousands in tuition for a sham real estate course trump is also defending lawsuits tied to his campaign a disgruntled gop political consultant sued for million saying trump defamed her another suit a class action says the campaign violated consumer protection laws by sending unsolicited text messages as pointed out by usa todays nick penzenstadler and john kelly these lawsuits will dog trump into the white house should he win he will have no immunity because he is president and america and the world will be treated to the spectacle of the president of the united states having to make trip after trip to the court to settle his highly questionable personal and business affairs there are harassment cases sex discrimination lawsuits fraud unpaid bills racist comments defamation cases involving trump university as usa today notes as recently as last springnew york had to take legal action to collect in unpaid taxes on the trumpowned company that owns the trademark boeing that jetted the mogul to campaign rallies across the country and those cases will likely grow trump has promised after all to sue the new york times and each of the women nymag maintains an exhaustive list who have accused him of sexual assault usa today says it spent six months researching court records the exclusive analysis they say found an unprecedented mountain of legal battles for a presidential candidate ranging from skirmishes with pageant contestants to multimillion dollar real estate lawsuits the cases offer clues to the leadership style the billionaire would bring to the white house donald trump claims clinton is tainted he claims clintons emails are bigger than watergate the other day tweeted we must not let crookedhillary take her criminal scheme into the oval office draintheswamp this comes from the man who would turn the pennsylvania avenue into a morality nogo zone all the facts including the new disclosures about trumps ties to a russian server and his potentially illegal ploy to avoid paying taxes make it clear that if trump the deadbeat liar drains the swamp he will be the first one down the drain
donald trump calls black supporter paid thug kicks rally
hrafnkell haraldsson kkk newspaper features front page full page story make america great big featured center photo donald trump rachel maddow traces history postcivil war enforcement acts signed president ulysses grant including ku klux klan act enforcement act stat still makes illegal conspire intimidate voters show klan act vestigial much relevant election maddow points citation law democrat party whole raft lawsuits nevada arizona pennsylvania ohio alleging voter intimidation maddow points though voter intimidation illegal anyway significance klan act prohibits conspiracy prevent force intimidation threat citizen lawfully entitled vote giving support advocacy legal manner toward favor election lawfully qualified person elector president vice president member congress united states example role kkk plays trumps campaign maddow produced kkks newspaper today bills political voice white christian america might note identical fox news demographic paper says turning front lawns great state georgia watch courtesy msnbc discussion begins mark tonight got hold disgusting development newspaper ku klux klan today crusader political voice white christian america premier voice white resistance theyve got see white power symbol upper righthand corner theyve got whole media operation going apparently watch white pride tv listen kkk radio hours day newsletter pages long features articles threat nonwhite immigration subtle feature black people committing terrible crimes white people theres article founder america first party terrorist jews brags byline hes man david duke credits awakening threat jewish supremacism exactly would think ku klux klan newspaper knew ku klux klan newspaper days front page full page story make america great big featured center photo donald trump one several articles paper trump including inset article trumps candidacy moving dialogue forward couple many many robocalls made republican primary campaign behalf donald trumps candidacy calls made white nationalist group calls american national super pac trump campaign doesnt appear anything calls reportedly returned donation white nationalist guy hear call first reported making calls trump donor embarrassing trump campaign guy farmer white nationalist robocalls initially picked trump delegate republican convention year delegate status got yanked widely reported donald trumps white supremacist followers made secret fact want white homeland necessity united states must white homeland maddow pointed past admission eugenics insanity open donald trump dont believe maddow demographics pro looked donald trump twitter supporters found one third follow white nationalist twitter accounts fact trump mainstreamed white supremacy strongly denouncing brought movement seems meeting place much disaffected white workingclass americans whatever mainstream media tells trump campaign maelstrom hate kkk right heart
Jason Easley
gop scandal falls apart as new emails didnt come from hillary clintons server
by rmuse am the voter suppression tactic is right out of the gop election rigging playbook to suppress the black vote in north carolina the following is an opinion column by r muse some americans are likely aware of the psychological term projecting that roughly means a person attributes their own faults and actions onto someone else as an unconscious form of transferring guilt for ones own actions as soon as the republican primaries concluded donald trump projected republicans guilt for election rigging either through vote obstruction or suppression onto democrats and his opponent hillary clinton republicans have been actively suppressing votes since the election of barack obama in and they have only ramped up their election rigging activities over the past eight years and yet trump accuses democrats of election rigging as frequently as most human beings draw breath yesterday the north carolina conference of the national association for the advancement of colored people naacp filed a lawsuit against north carolina republicans and demanded they put an immediate stop to the coordinated effort to suppress the black vote in the state what the naacp rightly said was that the voter suppression tactic was right out of the gop election rigging playbook to suppress the black vote in the state the election rigging amounts to three counties in north carolina canceling voter registration of thousands of mostly african american democratic residents a week before the presidential election the lawsuit charged election officials in beaufort moore and cumberland counties of denying primarily african american voters eligibility to participate in democracy because their voter registration documents mysteriously were bounced back as undeliverable most of the voters whose eligibility to vote was denied and flagged for purging such as james edward arthur sr had moved within the same county and were still legally allowed to cast ballots many of the purged voters lived at their original registration address and were victims of a simple postal service error mr arthur is an african american who lives in a nursing home and has voted in at least the last elections in the same county he was born and raised in without issue arthur testified that he like thousands of other african american democratic voters never received any state or county election documents informing him that his eligibility was denied or that if he didnt attend an appeal hearing to maintain his right to vote he would be denied the right to participate in democracy mr arthur said if i knew my right to vote was in jeopardy i would do whatever i could to protect it i want and plan to vote in the upcoming election but i am concerned that since my registration has been canceled i will not be able to cast a ballot or it will not be counted it is what any sane human being would consider election rigging simply because the tricounty ploy targeted primarily african americans who typically vote for democrats it is also something north carolina republicans have been guilty of for the past six years according to the naacp lawsuit north carolina republicans are in violation of the national voter registration act which bans the systemic removal of voters from the rolls in the final days before an election republican election officials state officials defended their election rigging and said they were justified in purging tensofthousands of mainly african american democratic voters eligibility the definition of systemic on an individual basis however the naacp also accused republicans of conducting a coordinated mailing campaign for the sole purpose of challenging the eligibility of thousands of mainly african american voters eligibility who did not receive the mailing one republican who ran for a local office last year shane hubers challenged the registration of voters?the majority who are them democrats ?in beaufort county in one of the other counties charged in the lawsuit cumberland county one individual used returned mail to challenge the registrations of mostly democratic voters in moore county the secretary of the local republican party n carol wheeldon challenged approximately mainly african american registered voters likely because they do not vote for republicans the lead attorney for the naacps lawsuit penda hair said that although she cannot yet prove there is a concerted republican election rigging conspiracy we know that in two of the counties the people who brought the challenges had connections to the local republican party we also know that the pattern of these challenges is very similar across the counties ms hair also noted that in moore county the return address of a rightwing group called the voter integrity project appeared on the mail that was used to challenge voters this is a very pernicious treatment of voters she said it is also a deliberate act of election rigging by republicans the president of the north carolina naacp reverend dr william barber said we are seeing the worst attempts of voter suppression here in north carolina that weve seen since the days of jim crow the tar heel state is ground zero in the intentional surgical efforts to suppress the voice of voters these attempts are a direct affront to our constitution the naacp lawsuit is demanding the state reinstate all voters challenged since using this election rigging process back on the rolls immediately the organization also demands that the state notifies the voters that they have been reinstated as eligible voters and allow them to cast regular ballots early or on election day they have already put in a request for an emergency hearing this week to decide the case it might be the case that the naacps request for a hearing may be granted especially in light of these new charges arising just days after a federal court ruled that north carolina republicans violated the national voter registration act in yet another manner failing to add tens of thousands of voters to the rolls who registered at a dmv office over the past few years last thursday us district court judge loretta biggs ordered north carolina republicans to permit those tensofthousands of voters to cast provisional ballots it is highly doubtful that north carolina republicans will obey the federal judges orders because they have been the recipients of several court orders over their election rigging actions that have had no effect whatsoever or the republicans would not continue disenfranchising voters republicans have been on a tear to rig elections since the american people first elected barack obama as president and the conservatives on the supreme court are ultimately guilty of conspiring with republicans to suppress or obstruct the voting rights of primarily people of color because they dont support republicans to be perfectly clear it is irrelevant if it is called voter suppression obstruction or disenfranchisement it is a deliberate attempt to rig elections and it is only republicans and the koch brothers outfit the american legislative exchange council alec who are behind each and every attempt in republicancontrolled states to kill democracy by doing what the republican party standard bearer donald trump is guilty of projecting rig elections
hillary clinton laughs asked new emails could sink campaign
major omen potential election disaster republicans donald trump scored lowest rating history gallups presidential leadership poll gallup released presidential leadership survey results historically bad donald trump voters rate trump worse presidential candidate gallups records personality leadership qualities president previous readings taken late october campaigns years registered voters said two majorparty candidates right personality leadership qualities sharp contrast trumps current clintons rating one percentage point previous low score clintons score low one point range previous presidential cycles going back trumps score twenty percent lowest score history poll voters arent going elect man next president view lacking basic qualities presidential leadership popular vote total may reflect nations political polarization reason electoral map projections continue look good democratic candidate donald trump failed elemental test presidential candidate doesnt look act behave like person qualities needed occupy oval office lead united states america last week election day tension air normal fundamental motivating factors contest havent changed democrats holding electoral map advantage donald trump become central issue question ballot republicans look heading major ballot box disaster voters believe donald trump fit president
Sarah Jones
donald trump calls a black supporter a paid thug and kicks him out of his rally
by hrafnkell haraldsson am the kkk newspaper features the front page full page story make america great again with a big featured center photo of donald trump rachel maddow traces the history of the postcivil war enforcement acts signed by president ulysses s grant including the ku klux klan act or the enforcement act of stat which still makes it illegal to conspire to intimidate voters to show that the klan act is not vestigial but very much relevant in this election maddow points to the citation of this law by the democrat party in a whole raft of lawsuits in nevada arizona pennsylvania and ohio alleging voter intimidation maddow points out that though voter intimidation is illegal anyway the significance of the klan act is that it prohibits conspiracy to prevent by force intimidation or threat any citizen who is lawfully entitled to vote from giving his support or advocacy in a legal manner toward or in favor of the election of any lawfully qualified person as an elector for president or vice president or as a member of congress of the united states as an example of the role the kkk plays in trumps campaign maddow produced the kkks newspaper of today which bills itself as the political voice of white christian america which you might note is identical with fox news demographic this paper she says has been turning up on front lawns in the great state of georgia watch courtesy of msnbc discussion begins at mark tonight we just got a hold of this disgusting development this is the newspaper of the ku klux klan today its the crusader the political voice of white christian america the premier voice of white resistance theyve got you see the white power symbol there in the upper righthand corner theyve got a whole media operation going on apparently watch white pride tv listen to kkk radio hours a day this newsletter is about pages long features articles on the threat of nonwhite immigration a very subtle feature on black people committing terrible crimes against white people theres an article by the founder of the america first party which is all about the terrorist jews he brags in his byline that hes the man who david duke credits for awakening him to the threat of jewish supremacism its exactly what you would think from the ku klux klan newspaper if you knew there was a ku klux klan newspaper these days but the front page full page story is make america great again with a big featured center photo of donald trump its one of several articles in the paper about trump including this inset article about how trumps candidacy is moving the dialogue forward those are a couple of the many many robocalls that were made during the republican primary campaign on behalf of donald trumps candidacy calls made by a white nationalist group that calls itself the american national super pac the trump campaign doesnt appear to have anything to do with these calls they reportedly returned a donation from the white nationalist guy who you hear on the call when it was first reported that he was making these calls and that he was a trump donor it was further embarrassing to the trump campaign when this guy this farmer and white nationalist who does these robocalls he was initially picked to be a trump delegate to the republican convention this year before his delegate status once got yanked once it was widely reported donald trumps white supremacist followers have made no secret of the fact that they want a white homeland and that of necessity the united states must be this white homeland as maddow has pointed out in the past and by their own admission their eugenics insanity is now out in the open because of donald trump dont believe maddow demographics pro looked at donald trump twitter supporters and found that more than one third follow white nationalist twitter accounts the fact is trump has mainstreamed white supremacy and by not strongly denouncing it brought it into his own movement which seems to be a meeting place for much more than disaffected white workingclass americans whatever the mainstream media tells you the trump campaign is a maelstrom of hate and the kkk is right at the heart of it
real reason clinton email scandal back nothing helping trump
sarah jones tue nov st veteran spy alleging russia cultivating supporting assisting donald trump least five years spy said response fbi shock horror share twitter print post veteran spy alleging russia cultivating supporting assisting donald trump least five years spy said response fbi shock horror report alleges trump inner circle accepted regular flow intelligence kremlin russian intelligence claims compromised trump visits could blackmail david corn mother jones reported mother jones reviewed report memos former spy wrote first memo based former intelligence officers conversations russian sources noted russian regime cultivating supporting assisting trump least years aim endorsed putin encourage splits divisions western alliance maintained trump inner circle accepted regular flow intelligence kremlin including democratic political rivals claimed russian intelligence compromised trump visits moscow could blackmail also reported russian intelligence compiled dossier hillary clinton based bugged conversations various visits russia intercepted phone calls former intelligence officer says response fbi shock horror fbi receiving first memo immediately request additional material according former intelligence officer american associates yet august say fbi asked information possession explain material gathered identify sources former spy forwarded bureau several memossome referred members trumps inner circle point continued share information fbi quite clear pretty substantial inquiry going says august corn reports fbi asked spy information related findings continued share information fbi says made clear pretty substantial inquiry going report accurate spys information confirms senator harry reid says intelligence experts fbi director james comey already shared regarding explosive information regarding ties coordination donald trump russia report also rings true given report trump server repeatedly connected russia including trumps server possibly communicating russian bank also makes sense given many ties russia within trumps campaign indeed trumps rhetoric regarding nato russia trump changed republican party platforms proukraine proposals talked weakening nato mirrored putins wish list nbc reported monday evening fbi preliminary stages investigating trumps excampaign managers connection russia donald trump already busted reading russian propaganda rallies newsweeks kurt eichenwald uncovered instance trump reading propaganda directly putin rally pennsylvania eichenwald pointed something vital russians hacking american emails falsifying hopes impacting presidential election russians obtaining american emails presenting complete misrepresentations themfalsifying themin hopes setting cascade events might change outcome presidential election big question course russians working hard damage clinton process aid donald trump answer putin trying hard defeat clinton might multiple reports fears unlike donald trump hillary clinton pushover according former us officials putin sees clinton forceful proponent regime change policies russian leader considers grave threat survival trump acting like someone already groomed kremlin hes willing puppet dangerous goal destroying western democracy easily flattered easily manipulated also easy see could gotten something blackmail see billy bush bus tape trump bragging sexual assault trump easy bait fact fbi director felt compelled announce something hillarys emails turned emails aides emails even wasnt sure said even duplicates chose keep explosive information donald trumps ties russia wraps disturbing isnt matter partisan disagreement rules fbi follows ongoing investigations matter national security point reports different sources accurate fact come different sources trump willingly staffed campaign russian ties advocating dream positions reads propaganda straight vault speak facts add looks like terrifying fire epic proportions
Sarah Jones
hillary clinton laughs when asked if the new emails could sink her campaign
in a major omen of potential election disaster for republicans donald trump has scored the lowest rating in the history of gallups presidential leadership poll gallup released their presidential leadership survey and the results were historically bad for donald trump voters rate trump worse than any other presidential candidate in gallups records on having the personality and leadership qualities a president should have previous readings were taken in late october in the and campaigns in those years between and of registered voters said the two majorparty candidates had the right personality and leadership qualities a sharp contrast to trumps current clintons rating of is one percentage point below the previous low score clintons score while low was one point of the range for previous presidential cycles going back to trumps score was twenty percent below the lowest score in the history of the poll voters arent going to elect a man to be the next president who they view as lacking the basic qualities of presidential leadership the popular vote total in may reflect the nations political polarization but there is a reason why electoral map projections continue to look very good for the democratic candidate donald trump has failed the most elemental test for any presidential candidate he doesnt look act or behave like a person who has the qualities needed to occupy the oval office and lead the united states of america the last week before election day tension that is in the air is normal but the fundamental motivating factors of this contest havent changed democrats are holding on to their electoral map advantage while donald trump has become the central issue and question on the ballot republicans look to be heading for a major ballot box disaster because voters do not believe that donald trump is fit to be president
doj complaint filed fbi director james comey interfering presidential election
sarah jones tue nov st pm comey struggled wanting appear biased fbi investigated russian interference us presidential election told obama administration accuse russia dnc hackings lest seen partisan share twitter print post russia hack democrats email information media reporting came foreign entity seeks alter outcome us election fbi director james comey struggled wanting appear biased fbi investigated russian interference us presidential election told obama administration accuse russia dnc hackings lest seen partisan republican fbi director james comey advised obama administration publicly accuse russia hacking dnc grounds would make administration appear unduly partisan close nov election officials familiar deliberations told washington post sources knowledge internal discussions spoke post condition anonymity reasons comey might want keep agencys investigation russian interference radar given choice publicly suggest agency might reopening exhaustive investigation clintons emails resulted republicanled bogus overreaching seemingly endless benghazi investigation also cleared clinton seems odd comey going stay silent russia matter comeys decisions especially odd given reports russians communicating coordinating republican presidential nominee donald trump point already compromised one matters might allow foreign power control united states president sources tell post comey made decision reveal clinton emails congress already testified matter said investigation closed suggests concerned reputation sure im buying comey really cared reputation ahead appearing partisan wouldnt said anything doesnt mean motives nefarious might well good reason fbi cant tell us everything right comey mishandled appears trying influence election help republicans republican donated republicans doesnt mean isnt job properly comey lot explaining right fire good reason explanations hes giving decisions dont make sense contradictory
Jason Easley
the real reason why the clinton email scandal is back has nothing to do with helping trump
by sarah jones on tue nov st at am a veteran spy is alleging that russia is cultivating supporting and assisting donald trump and has been for at least five years the spy said the response from the fbi was shock and horror share on twitter print this post a veteran spy is alleging that russia is cultivating supporting and assisting donald trump and has been for at least five years the spy said the response from the fbi was shock and horror the report alleges that trump and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the kremlin and that russian intelligence claims to have compromised trump on his visits and could blackmail him david corn at mother jones reported mother jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote the first memo based on the former intelligence officers conversations with russian sources noted russian regime has been cultivating supporting and assisting trump for at least years aim endorsed by putin has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance it maintained that trump and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the kremlin including on his democratic and other political rivals it claimed that russian intelligence had compromised trump during his visits to moscow and could blackmail him it also reported that russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on hillary clinton based on bugged conversations she had on various visits to russia and intercepted phone calls the former intelligence officer says the response from the fbi was shock and horror the fbi after receiving the first memo did not immediately request additional material according to the former intelligence officer and his american associates yet in august they say the fbi asked him for all information in his possession and for him to explain how the material had been gathered and to identify his sources the former spy forwarded to the bureau several memossome of which referred to members of trumps inner circle after that point he continued to share information with the fbi its quite clear there was or is a pretty substantial inquiry going on he says in august corn reports the fbi asked the spy for all information related to his findings and he continued to share information with the fbi which he says made it clear there was a pretty substantial inquiry going on if this report is accurate the spys information confirms what senator harry reid says intelligence experts and fbi director james comey already shared with him regarding explosive information regarding ties and coordination between donald trump and russia this report also rings true given report about the trump server repeatedly being connected to russia including trumps server possibly communicating with a russian bank it also makes sense given the many ties to russia within trumps own campaign and indeed trumps own rhetoric regarding nato and russia trump changed the republican party platforms proukraine proposals and talked about weakening nato both of which mirrored putins wish list nbc reported monday evening that the fbi is in the preliminary stages of investigating trumps excampaign managers connection to russia donald trump has already been busted for reading russian propaganda at his rallies as newsweeks kurt eichenwald uncovered an instance of trump reading propaganda directly from putin at a rally in pennsylvania eichenwald pointed out something vital and that is that the russians have been hacking into american emails and then falsifying them in hopes of impacting the presidential election the russians have been obtaining american emails and now are presenting complete misrepresentations of themfalsifying themin hopes of setting off a cascade of events that might change the outcome of the presidential election the big question of course is why are the russians working so hard to damage clinton and in the process aid donald trump the answer to why putin is trying so hard to defeat clinton might be in multiple reports that he fears her unlike donald trump hillary clinton is no pushover according to former us officials putin sees clinton as a forceful proponent of regime change policies that the russian leader considers a grave threat to his own survival trump has been acting like someone already groomed by the kremlin hes been a willing puppet for their dangerous goal of destroying western democracy he is easily flattered and easily manipulated its also easy to see how they could have gotten something on him with which to blackmail him see the billy bush bus tape of trump bragging about sexual assault trump is easy bait the fact that the fbi director felt compelled to announce something about hillarys emails that turned out to not be about her emails but about her aides emails and even then he wasnt sure what they said or even if they were duplicates but he chose to keep this explosive information about donald trumps ties to russia under wraps is very disturbing this isnt a matter of partisan disagreement about the rules the fbi follows about ongoing investigations this is a matter of national security at this point if all of these reports from different sources are accurate but the fact that they come from different sources and that trump willingly staffed his own campaign with russian ties and he is advocating for their dream positions and he reads their propaganda straight from the vault so to speak these facts add up to what looks like a terrifying fire of epic proportions
trump supporter jailed trying rig election committing voter fraud
letter james comey hillary clinton email scandal motivated democrats clinton campaign says raised million online last hours lisa lerer ap reported clinton campaign says theyve raised online last hrs since clinton became nominee convention lisa lerer llerer november comey letter supposed boost trump depress democratic turnout opposite appears happening james comeys interference presidential election motivated clinton supporters work harder give money get polls republicans wanted democrats seen comeys letter republican spin october surprise failed instead made hillary clinton even stronger giving campaign resources use close presidential election political tactic comey letter harming republicans republicans thrown everything think hillary clinton nothing stopped hillary clinton supporters continue grow stronger donald trump marching back reality television star clist celebrity obscurity
Jason Easley
doj complaint filed against fbi director james comey for interfering in presidential election
by sarah jones on tue nov st at pm comey struggled with not wanting to appear biased as the fbi investigated russian interference with the us presidential election and so he told the obama administration not to accuse russia of the dnc hackings lest they be seen as partisan share on twitter print this post russia did hack the democrats so all of that email information that the media has been reporting came from a foreign entity that seeks to alter the outcome of the us election but fbi director james comey struggled with not wanting to appear biased as the fbi investigated russian interference with the us presidential election and so he told the obama administration not to accuse russia of the dnc hackings lest they be seen as partisan republican fbi director james comey advised the obama administration not to publicly accuse russia of hacking the dnc and more on the grounds that it would make the administration appear unduly partisan too close to the nov election officials familiar with the deliberations told the washington post these sources with knowledge of the internal discussions spoke to the post on the condition of anonymity there are a few reasons why comey might want to keep his agencys investigation of russian interference under the radar but given his choice to publicly suggest that his agency might be reopening its exhaustive investigation of clintons emails which resulted from a republicanled bogus overreaching and seemingly endless benghazi investigation that also cleared clinton it seems odd that comey was going to stay silent on the russia matter comeys decisions is especially odd given the reports that the russians have been communicating and coordinating with republican presidential nominee donald trump to the point that he is already compromised only one of these matters might allow a foreign power control over the united states president the same sources tell the post that comey made the decision to reveal the clinton emails to congress because he had already testified in that matter and said the investigation was closed which suggests that he was concerned with his own reputation not sure im buying that because if comey really only cared about his own reputation ahead of not appearing partisan he wouldnt have said anything at all but that doesnt mean that his motives were nefarious there might well be good reason for this after all this is the fbi and they cant tell us everything but as of right now comey has mishandled this and appears to be trying to influence an election to help republicans just because he is a republican and just because he has donated to republicans doesnt mean he isnt doing his job properly but comey has a lot of explaining to do right now he is under fire for good reason as the explanations hes giving for these decisions dont make sense and are contradictory
fbi director james comey schooled former doj spokesman abusing power
campaigning hillary clinton florida alicia machado described detail abuse inflicted donald trump miss universe pageant clip cbs news cbsnews november machado said scared made fun didnt know respond told ugly massive called names called miss piggy miss housekeeping miss eating machinefor years afterward sick fighting back eating disorders machado added clear really clear respect women judges us looks smart take every opportunity remind voters human donald trump consistently behaved public like trash man hates women treats half population like objects machado introduce clinton florida also savvy politics trump never demonstrated personal restraint needed take bait machados comments cause trump blow throw dire campaign even message hillary clinton setting trump masterful trap one better feeding negative trump news cycles candidate trump cant resist defending hillary clinton setting republican nominee open mouth wallow sexist mud
Sarah Jones
trump supporter jailed for trying to rig the election by committing voter fraud
the letter from james comey about the hillary clinton email scandal has motivated democrats as the clinton campaign says they raised million online in the last hours lisa lerer of the ap reported clinton campaign says theyve raised m online in last hrs the most s since clinton became nominee at the convention lisa lerer llerer november the comey letter was supposed to boost trump and depress democratic turnout but the opposite appears to be happening james comeys interference in the presidential election has motivated clinton supporters to work harder give more money and get to the polls which in not what republicans wanted at all democrats have seen through comeys letter and the republican spin the october surprise has failed instead it has made hillary clinton even stronger while giving her campaign more resources to use to close out the presidential election as a political tactic the comey letter is harming republicans republicans have thrown everything that they can think of at hillary clinton and nothing has stopped her hillary clinton and her supporters continue to grow stronger while donald trump is marching back into reality television star clist celebrity obscurity
friday fox follies megyn murdochs money
jason easley pm nations top economists come together urge american people elect donald trump next president united states nations top economists come together urge american people elect donald trump next president united states letter economists listed dozen economic policy reasons voters vote trump conclusion stunning promotes magical thinking conspiracy theories sober assessments feasible economic policy optionsdonald trump dangerous destructive choice country misinforms electorate degrades trust public institutions conspiracy theories promotes willful delusion engagement reality elected poses unique danger functioning democratic economic institutions prosperity country reasons strongly recommend vote donald trump trumps thoughts economy dangerous prosperity country isnt trump person bad character lacks human traits voters seek president also policies nonsense economists dont write types letters ever economists arent discussing partisan politics view trump ideas threat american economy donald trumps economic ideas arent based reality trump selling fantasy nations top economists warn vote trump dangerous choice country voters would wise listen
Sarah Jones
fbi director james comey schooled by former doj spokesman for abusing his power
while campaigning for hillary clinton in florida alicia machado described in detail the abuse inflicted on her by donald trump at the miss universe pageant clip cbs news cbsnews november machado said i was scared of him he made fun of me and i didnt know how to respond he told me i was ugly i was massive he called me names he called me miss piggy miss housekeeping miss eating machinefor years afterward i was sick fighting back eating disorders machado added its clear its really clear that he does not respect women he just judges us on our looks it is smart to take every opportunity to remind voters that as a human being donald trump has consistently behaved in public like trash he is a man who hates women and treats more than half of the population like objects having machado introduce clinton in florida was also savvy politics trump has never demonstrated the personal restraint needed not to take the bait machados comments should cause trump to blow up again and throw his dire campaign even further off message hillary clinton is setting trump with a masterful trap no one has been better at feeding negative trump news cycles than the candidate himself trump cant resist defending himself and hillary clinton is setting the republican nominee up to open his mouth and wallow in his own sexist mud
fox news calls special prosecutor investigate hillary clinton
hrafnkell haraldsson pm conceding behind enthusiasm closed gapdramatically last week donald trumps deputy campaign manager clintonobsessed republican operative david bossie told abc news george stephanopoulos morning theres enthusiasm gap bit math republicans trumps path victory november conversation went per cbs news sopan deb always highlighting important bits stephanopoulos let bossie get away claim trumps tax returns hammered issue hes going release tax return audit david bossie trump deputy campaign manager httpstcoyxvgrjix good morning america gma november bossie deflected like pro see trump hired corollary bossies claims trump suddenly found interested polls morning tweeting wow leading abc washingtonpost poll gone points two weeks mostly crooked hillary blowup donald j trump realdonaldtrump november trump campaign always making much nothing elections rigged trump gets way neither polls trump leading otherwise leftwing shenanigans however even newt gingrich isnt buying new poll washington postabc poll absurdity trump moved points last dayshe never points behind ignore polls newt gingrich newtgingrich november trump fails mention lead disappears johnson stein taken mix clinton leads latest claims absolute sham clinton leads overwhelmingly early voting comeys email gambit seems failed sway voters trumps camp meanwhile trumps legal problems beginning overwhelm narrative evidence clinton enthusiasm gap exists bossies head david bossie living proof clintons vast rightwing conspiracy real hating hillary isnt going change fact trump crooked candidate hillary clinton
Headly Westerfield
friday fox follies megyn murdochs money
by jason easley pm of nations top economists have come together to urge the american people not to elect donald trump to be the next president of the united states of nations top economists have come together to urge the american people not to elect donald trump to be the next president of the united states in the letter the economists listed a dozen economic policy reasons why voters should not vote for trump but it as their conclusion that was stunning he promotes magical thinking and conspiracy theories over sober assessments of feasible economic policy optionsdonald trump is a dangerous destructive choice for the country he misinforms the electorate degrades trust in public institutions with conspiracy theories and promotes willful delusion over engagement with reality if elected he poses a unique danger to the functioning of democratic and economic institutions and to the prosperity of the country for these reasons we strongly recommend that you do not vote for donald trump trumps thoughts on the economy are dangerous to the prosperity of the country it isnt just that trump is a person of bad character who lacks any of the human traits that voters should seek in a president it is also that his policies are nonsense economists dont write these types of letters ever the economists arent discussing partisan politics they view trump and his ideas as a threat to the american economy donald trumps economic ideas arent based in reality trump is selling a fantasy and when of the nations top economists warn that a vote for trump is a dangerous choice for the country voters would be wise to listen
media got suckered buying gops bogus clinton fbi email tale
jason easley tue nov st pm things change stay house freedom caucus planning secret meeting typical republican fashion leaked press discuss ousting paul ryan demanding ransom gop leadership share twitter print post things change stay house freedom caucus planning secret meeting typical republican fashion leaked press discuss ousting paul ryan demanding ransom gop leadership politico reported one pressing questions preoccupying washington group paul ryan wisconsin republican said intends seek another term house speaker rankled members group several dozen republican lawmakers drove john boehner speakership last year freedom caucus also weighing proposals meant empower members expense gop leaderships authority early rumblings speaker ryan may open making deals policies like tax reform hillary clinton wins election one reasons deals may never happen ability far right republicans cause trouble ryans republican majority shrinks even bigger hostage farright wing caucus dysfunctional dynamic house going continue even hillary clinton wins election ryan run hurdles john boehner faced house republicans deeply divided unable agree much anything fact freedom caucus holding secret meeting sign nothing going change paul ryan doesnt cave demands force ryan speaker position group house republicans plotting new ways keep house working properly new president even elected reminder washington fine republican party thats broken
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
fox news calls for special prosecutor to investigate hillary clinton
by hrafnkell haraldsson pm were not conceding were behind in our enthusiasm we have closed the gapdramatically over the last week donald trumps deputy campaign manager the clintonobsessed republican operative david bossie told abc news george stephanopoulos this morning that theres an enthusiasm gap and that this bit of math republicans do is trumps path to victory on november this is how the conversation went per cbs news sopan deb as always highlighting the important bits stephanopoulos was not about to let bossie get away with the claim about trumps tax returns and hammered him on the issue hes going to release his tax return when he is not under audit david bossie trump deputy campaign manager httpstcoyxvgrjix good morning america gma november bossie deflected like a pro you can see why trump hired him as a corollary to bossies claims trump suddenly found himself interested in polls again this morning tweeting wow now leading in abc washingtonpost poll to gone up points in two weeks mostly before the crooked hillary blowup donald j trump realdonaldtrump november the trump campaign has always been about making much out of nothing elections are not rigged if trump gets his way and neither are polls if trump is leading otherwise its all leftwing shenanigans however even newt gingrich isnt buying the new poll washington postabc poll is an absurdity trump has not moved up points in the last dayshe was never points behind ignore polls newt gingrich newtgingrich november and what trump fails to mention is that his lead disappears if johnson and stein are taken out of the mix then clinton leads by these latest claims are an absolute sham as clinton leads overwhelmingly in early voting and comeys email gambit seems to have failed to sway voters to trumps camp meanwhile trumps own legal problems are beginning to overwhelm the narrative and if there is any evidence of a clinton enthusiasm gap it exists only in bossies own head david bossie is living proof that clintons vast rightwing conspiracy is real and all the hating on hillary isnt going to change the fact that it is trump who is the crooked candidate not hillary clinton
comey letter backfires email scandal revival energizes hillary clinton supporters
jason easley tue nov st pm republicans far removed reality sean hannity spread fake news story radio show nobody noticed difference share twitter print post republicans far removed reality sean hannity spread fake news story radio show nobody noticed difference cnn reported progression events illustrates fake news stories expand spread fringe web sites nationally syndicated radio shows millions listeners case fake news originated dubious site called news wire publishes mix true slanted madeup news like game telephone time story got hannity even fake facts wrong rightwing websites spread story turned tall tale added new details stop fake news eventually reached gateway pundit sean hannitys radio show spreading fake news millions listeners hannity downplayed responsibility get facts right bottom line brought insignificant way dealing important issues like hrc crimes lies cnn colluding clinton campaign cheating bernie sanders hannity busy dealing real fake issues like hillary clintons crimes election stolen donald trump hannity put fake story air perfect example rightwing media echo chamber works nobody level bothered check facts republican party belief replaced fact conservative media knows audience wants confirmation beliefs provide doesnt matter confirmation true matters audience wants true sean hannity pushing fake news doesnt care disconnect republicans rest country republican voters living fantasy land donald trump able exploit ride whole way republican nomination conservative media bubble alive well things get lot worse republicans begin get better
Sarah Jones
the media got suckered into buying the gops bogus clinton fbi email tale
by jason easley on tue nov st at pm the more things change the more they stay the same the house freedom caucus is planning a secret meeting which in typical republican fashion was leaked to the press to discuss ousting paul ryan and demanding more ransom from gop leadership share on twitter print this post the more things change the more they stay the same the house freedom caucus is planning a secret meeting which in typical republican fashion was leaked to the press to discuss ousting paul ryan and demanding more ransom from gop leadership politico reported one of the most pressing questions preoccupying washington is what the group will do about paul ryan the wisconsin republican has said he intends to seek another term as house speaker but has rankled members of the group of several dozen republican lawmakers that drove john boehner out of the speakership last year the freedom caucus is also weighing proposals meant to empower its members some at the expense of gop leaderships authority there have been early rumblings that speaker ryan may be open to making a few deals on policies like tax reform with hillary clinton if she wins the election one of the reasons why these deals may never happen is because of the ability of far right republicans to cause trouble if ryans republican majority shrinks he will be an even bigger hostage to the farright wing of his caucus the dysfunctional dynamic in the house is going to continue even if hillary clinton wins the election ryan has run into the same hurdles that john boehner faced house republicans are deeply divided and unable to agree on much of anything the fact that the freedom caucus is holding a secret meeting is a sign that nothing is going to change if paul ryan doesnt cave to their demands they will force ryan out of the speaker position a group of house republicans is plotting new ways to keep the house from working properly before a new president has even been elected this is a reminder that washington is fine its the republican party thats broken
women everywhere cringe horror watching donald trump sexually humiliate woman revenge
new poll shows early republican florida voters casting vote clinton donald trump getting desperate republican nominee begged clinton voters change vote states late trump wrote wednesday morning see hillary big mistake change vote make american great change vote six states see hillary big mistake change vote make america great donald j trump realdonaldtrump november tuesday evening trump made case due fbis announcement clintons emails voters might buyers remorse lot things happened last days message democratic voters already cast ballots hillary clinton bad case buyers remorse words want change vote wisconsin one several states change early ballot think youve made mistake true people states change votes true rule changed hillary clintons emails yes thats new right wing thing apparently trump doesnt suggest law changed clinton seems think people rushing change mind clinton nonsurprise october surprise republican fbi director delivered perceived benefited trump ticket days ago snopes debunked notion changing early votes allowed fbis bizarre announcement may may emails pertaining clinton claim fbi director jim comey announced reviewing emails potentially linked hillary clinton several states announced allowing people change early votes mixture whats true states allow early voters change votes election day whats false states changed election laws order allow people voted early hillary clinton change votes make even better false information based fox news report wasnt selling false story clinton still got information wrong right cant nice things left vigilant allowing become insular epistemic closure leads losing trump conveniently ignores history email dumping exhaustive list lawsuits bragging sexual assault dissing minorities gold star family national security experts investigating ties campaigns ties russia desperate candidate runs trying get people change votes someone found clinton aides emails dont even know say duplicates yet race far americans get butts go vote donald trump faces uphill battle white house
Jason Easley
comey letter backfires as email scandal revival energizes hillary clinton supporters
by jason easley on tue nov st at pm republicans are so far removed from reality that sean hannity spread a fake news story on his radio show and nobody noticed the difference share on twitter print this post republicans are so far removed from reality that sean hannity spread a fake news story on his radio show and nobody noticed the difference cnn reported the progression of events illustrates how fake news stories expand and spread from fringe web sites to nationally syndicated radio shows with millions of listeners in this case the fake news originated on a dubious site called your news wire which publishes a mix of true slanted and madeup news then like a game of telephone by the time the story got to hannity even the fake facts were wrong some rightwing websites spread the story which turned into a tall tale that added new details at each stop the fake news eventually reached the gateway pundit and to sean hannitys radio show after spreading the fake news to millions of listeners hannity downplayed his responsibility to get the facts right bottom line it was brought up in an insignificant way i was dealing with more important issues like hrc crimes and lies and how cnn has been colluding with the clinton campaign and cheating bernie sanders hannity was busy dealing with real fake issues like hillary clintons crimes and how the election is being stolen from donald trump how hannity put a fake story on the air is a perfect example of how the rightwing media echo chamber works nobody at any level bothered to check the facts because in the republican party belief has replaced fact conservative media knows that their audience wants confirmation of their beliefs so that is what they provide it doesnt matter if the confirmation is true what matters is that the audience wants it to be true sean hannity is pushing fake news and he doesnt care this is why there is such a disconnect between republicans and the rest of the country republican voters are living in a fantasy land that donald trump was able to exploit and ride the whole way to the republican nomination the conservative media bubble is alive and well and because of this things will get a lot worse for republicans before they begin to get better
pollster sees early impact comey clinton fbi email letter swing states
hrafnkell haraldsson wed nov nd know sick tired negative dark divisive dangerous vision behavior people support donald trump share twitter print post speaking reverend samuel delevoe memorial park fort lauderdale tuesday night hillary clinton interrupted donald trump supporter shouted bill clinton rapist doubt working reward offered infowars clinton none rather ignoring man issued stern rebuke stabbing finger man said know sick tired negative dark divisive dangerous vision behavior people support donald trump man continued shout waving sign crowd countered cries hillary hillary said time us say going backwards going forward brighter future protester escorted security clinton told man everyone like may angry something anger plan dont used dont exploited see protesters antics note neither roughed attacked clinton supporters sadly many angry white christians allowing exploited donald trump represents forces deprived american dream man clinton says taken everything given nothing last night florida hillary clinton taking nothing giving everything photo screen capture
Sarah Jones
women everywhere cringe in horror watching donald trump sexually humiliate a woman for revenge
as a new poll shows of early republican florida voters casting their vote for clinton donald trump is getting desperate the republican nominee begged clinton voters to change their vote in states where its not too late to do so trump wrote wednesday morning so now that you can see hillary was a big mistake change your vote to make american great again you can change your vote in six states so now that you see that hillary was a big mistake change your vote to make america great again donald j trump realdonaldtrump november tuesday evening trump made the case that due to the fbis announcement about clintons emails voters might have buyers remorse a lot of things have happened over the last few days this is a message for any democratic voters who have already cast their ballots for hillary clinton and are having a bad case of buyers remorse in other words you want to change your vote wisconsin is one of several states where you can change your early ballot if you think youve made a mistake while its true that people in some states can change their votes its not true that this rule was changed because of hillary clintons emails and yes thats a new right wing thing apparently trump doesnt suggest the law was changed because of clinton but he seems to think people will be rushing to change their mind about clinton because of the nonsurprise october surprise the republican fbi director delivered which was perceived to have benefited the trump ticket days ago snopes debunked the notion that changing early votes is being allowed because of the fbis bizarre announcement that they may or may not have more emails pertaining to clinton claim after fbi director jim comey announced that he was reviewing emails potentially linked to hillary clinton several states announced that they were allowing people to change their early votes mixture whats true some states allow early voters to change their votes before election day whats false no states changed their election laws in order to allow people who voted early for hillary clinton to change their votes and to make this even better that false information was based on a fox news report that wasnt selling the false story about clinton but still got some of the information wrong this is why the right cant have nice things the left should be vigilant against allowing itself to become too insular because epistemic closure leads to losing trump conveniently ignores his own history of email dumping exhaustive list of lawsuits bragging about sexual assault dissing minorities and a gold star family and national security experts investigating his ties and his campaigns ties to russia only a desperate candidate runs on trying to get people to change their votes to him because someone found a clinton aides emails when they dont even know what they say or if they are duplicates yet while this race is far from over if all americans get off their butts and go vote donald trump faces an uphill battle to the white house
bombshell new details destroy republican hopes fbi clinton email investigation
handout picture released venezuelan presidency shows supporters venezuelan president nicolas maduro cheering gathering caracas october photo afp tens thousands pro antigovernment protesters gathered streets venezuelas capital caracas wednesdays mass rallies people injured detained opponents accused president nicolas maduro violating constitutional order blocking recall referendum aimed removing power also called immediate resignation opposition supporters take part rally venezuelas president nicolas maduro next poster caracas venezuela october photo reuters way pressuring maduro understands go said one protester passive use anymore apply pressure another one added meanwhile large numbers progovernment protesters gathered near miraflores presidential palace show support maduro protests held president engaged crisis security talks reaction demonstrators demands televised speech talks called political dialogue peace venezuela handout picture released venezuelan presidency shows venezuelan president nicolas maduro delivering speech supporters gathering caracas october photo afp maduro adamant washingtons role countrys political economic woes accused opposition conspiring us south american country desperate received order north destroy venezuelan revolution added tuesday maduro accused opposition attempting parliamentary coup voting launch impeachment process never parliamentary coup venezuela shall allow anything like happen rightwing know maduro said massive rally supporters outside presidential palace opposition supporters take part rally president nicolas maduros government caracas venezuela october photo reuters oppositioncontrolled national assembly agreed initiate impeachment process maduro earlier tuesday reaction blocking bid recall last week political standoff venezuela worsened since october suspension opposition push hold referendum try recall maduro back four state courts said signaturegathering process referendum fraudulent effectively blocking loading
Jason Easley
pollster sees no early impact from comey clinton fbi email letter in swing states
by hrafnkell haraldsson on wed nov nd at am you know i am sick and tired of the negative dark divisive dangerous vision and behavior from people who support donald trump share on twitter print this post speaking at reverend samuel delevoe memorial park in fort lauderdale tuesday night hillary clinton was interrupted by a donald trump supporter who shouted bill clinton is a rapist he was no doubt working for the reward offered by infowars but clinton was having none of it rather than ignoring the man she issued a stern rebuke stabbing her finger at the man she said you know i am sick and tired of the negative dark divisive dangerous vision and behavior from people who support donald trump the man continued to shout waving his sign and the crowd countered with cries of hillary hillary as she said it is time for us to say no we are not going backwards were going forward into a brighter future the protester was escorted out by security and clinton told the man and everyone like him you may be angry about something but anger is not a plan dont be used dont be exploited see the protesters antics here note that he was neither roughed up nor attacked by clinton supporters sadly all too many angry white christians are allowing themselves to be exploited by donald trump who represents the very forces that have deprived them of the american dream a man whom as clinton says has taken everything and given nothing last night in florida hillary clinton was taking nothing and giving everything photo screen capture
trump melts accuses us postal service stealing election clinton
us air strikes afghanistan increase sun oct pm us drone aircraft lands afghanistans jalalabad airport afp amin alemipress tv kabul number us military officials declared america conducted air raids afghanistan figure shows percent increase strikes compared last year afghan officials however believe country fight terror groups without support us forces loading
Jason Easley
bombshell new details destroy republican hopes in fbi clinton email investigation
this handout picture released by the venezuelan presidency shows supporters of venezuelan president nicolas maduro cheering during a gathering in caracas on october photo by afp tens of thousands of pro and antigovernment protesters have gathered on the streets of venezuelas capital caracas during wednesdays mass rallies in which over people were injured and were detained the opponents accused president nicolas maduro of violating the constitutional order and blocking a recall referendum aimed at removing him from power they also called for his immediate resignation opposition supporters take part in a rally against venezuelas president nicolas maduro next to a poster of him in caracas venezuela october photo by reuters this is a way of pressuring maduro so he understands that he has to go said one protester being passive is no use anymore we have to apply more pressure another one added meanwhile large numbers of progovernment protesters gathered near the miraflores presidential palace in a show of support for maduro as the protests were being held the president engaged in crisis security talks in reaction to the demonstrators demands in a televised speech after the talks he called for political dialogue and peace in venezuela this handout picture released by the venezuelan presidency shows venezuelan president nicolas maduro delivering a speech to supporters during a gathering in caracas on october photo by afp maduro is adamant about washingtons role in his countrys political and economic woes and has accused the opposition of conspiring with the us against the south american country they are desperate they have received the order from the north to destroy the venezuelan revolution he added on tuesday maduro accused the opposition of attempting a parliamentary coup by voting to launch an impeachment process against him there has never been a parliamentary coup in venezuela and we shall not allow anything like this to happen the rightwing here and there should know this maduro said during a massive rally by his supporters outside the presidential palace opposition supporters take part in a rally against president nicolas maduros government in caracas venezuela october photo by reuters the oppositioncontrolled national assembly agreed to initiate the impeachment process against maduro earlier on tuesday in reaction to blocking a bid to recall him last week the political standoff in venezuela has worsened since the october suspension of the opposition push to hold a referendum to try to recall maduro back then four state courts said the signaturegathering process for the referendum had been fraudulent effectively blocking it loading
president obama gets real revenge republicans
lebanon lebanese foreign minister gebran bassil gestures supporters rally show support fpm founder michel aoun near presidential palace baabda near beirut lebanon october photo reuters lebanons minister foreign affairs gebran bassil says lebanese resistance movement hezbollah shares victory michel aoun securing countrys presidency aoun strong hezbollah ally chosen lebanese lawmakers countrys president monday addressing large number people converged square beirut celebrate aouns election bassil also head free patriotic movement fpm aouns soninlaw said movement never doubted hezbollahs loyalty honesty aoun founder fpm said aouns victory based perseverance well positions adopted sayyed hassan nasrallah hezbollahs secretary general phone call day nasrallah congratulated aoun election head lebanese state image taken southern suburbs beirut october shows people celebrating election michel aoun new president lebanon nasrallah endorsed aoun last week advising lebanese political factions set aside differences order fill presidential void arab country lebanon without president two years amid political bickering parliament election aoun vowed speech parliament would spare effort trying bring liberation lebanese territories occupied israel said top priority would strengthen army order become capable defending country threats independence sovereignty hezbollah defending lebanon israeli aggression since movements inception including fullfledged israeli war item updated loading
Jason Easley
trump melts down and accuses the us postal service of stealing the election for clinton
us air strikes in afghanistan increase in sun oct pm a us drone aircraft lands at afghanistans jalalabad airport afp amin alemipress tv kabul a number of us military officials have declared that america has conducted air raids in afghanistan in the figure shows a percent increase in such strikes compared to last year afghan officials however believe that the country can fight terror groups without support from us forces loading
trump attacked khans didnt know gold star family
le terrorisme régional vise à protéger les intérêts disraël wed oct iran le ministre iranien de la défense le général hossein dehqan tasnim iran terrorisme selon le ministre iranien de la défense le général de brigade hossein dehqan lobjectif de la création et de la propagation du terrorisme et de lextrémisme dans la région est de protéger le régime israélien le général hossein dehqan ministre iranien de la défense indiqué lors dune réunion du comité stratégique de défense de ce ministère que la création et lextension du terrorisme et de lextrémisme visaient à protéger les intérêts du régime israélien à maintenir linstabilité dans la région et à prolonger la présence des forces doccupation arrogantes les étatsunis et leurs alliés régionaux et internationaux scandent des slogans humanitaires dun côté mais de lautre ils donnent le feu vert aux groupes terroristes tels que fatah alcham exfront alnosra les autorisant ainsi à enfermer les civils dans les zones de combat et à les utiliser comme boucliers humains pour endiguer les opérations antiterroristes de larmée syrienne ce qui assure la survie des terroristes dit le ministre iranien de la défense pourtant lune des priorités et des principales préoccupations des commandants du front de la résistance est de sauver le peuple et de préparer leur évacuation hors des régions non sécurisées cest avec ce même souci quils ont sauvé dores et déjà la vie de milliers de gens sans défense poursuitil dans tout lieu où une opération antiterroriste se dirigeait vers la victoire les étatsunis et leurs alliés ont recouru à des projets mensongers de cessezlefeu et procédéà des démarches prétendument pacifistes dans le en fait de sauver les terroristes alors quau moment où les terroristes commettaient crimes et massacres ils navaient fait quobserver le silence regretté le général dehqan dès le début de la formation des groupes terroristes takfiristes la rii avait mis en garde contre les maux inimaginables que causeraient ces derniers en menaçant la sécurité de la région voire du monde entier lordre de larrogance poursuit toutefois tous ses soutiens à ces groupes extrémistes atil rappelé le ministre iranien de la défense exigé alors que lon mette fin à la crise régionale ce qui nest possible selon le responsable iranien quavec la fin du soutien des étatsunis et de leurs alliés au terrorisme le rejet du projet de démembrement des pays de la région la reconnaissance des gouvernements légaux et laide à la lutte contre le terrorisme loading
president obama gets real not revenge on republicans
lebanon lebanese foreign minister gebran bassil gestures to his supporters during a rally to show support for fpm founder michel aoun near the presidential palace in baabda near beirut lebanon october photo by reuters lebanons minister of foreign affairs gebran bassil says the lebanese resistance movement hezbollah shares the victory of michel aoun in securing the countrys presidency aoun a strong hezbollah ally was chosen by lebanese lawmakers as the countrys president on monday addressing a large number of people who had converged at a square in beirut to celebrate aouns election bassil who is also the head of the free patriotic movement fpm and aouns soninlaw said his movement never doubted hezbollahs loyalty and honesty aoun is the founder of the fpm he said aouns victory was based on his own perseverance as well as the positions adopted by sayyed hassan nasrallah who is hezbollahs secretary general in a phone call on the same day nasrallah congratulated aoun on his election as the head of the lebanese state this image taken in the southern suburbs of beirut on october shows people celebrating the election of michel aoun as the new president of lebanon nasrallah endorsed aoun last week advising lebanese political factions to set aside their differences in order to fill the presidential void in the arab country lebanon had been without a president for over two years amid political bickering in the parliament after the election aoun vowed in a speech to the parliament that he would spare no effort in trying to bring about the liberation of lebanese territories occupied by israel he said his top priority would be to strengthen the army in order for it to become capable of defending the country against all threats to its independence and sovereignty hezbollah has been defending lebanon against israeli aggression since the movements inception including during a fullfledged israeli war in this item is being updated loading
koch brothers helped incite impending bloodbath among republicans
military american soldier talks saudi troops file photo us army us congressman warned american troops could prosecuted providing military support saudi war yemen ted lieu made warning letter us secretary state john kerry defense secretary ashton carter saying us governments denial target selection saudi airstrikes yemen excuse washington legal responsibilities find deeply troubling us apparently advanced knowledge targets struck jets refueled us personnel us tankers lieu said letter us would appear violating loac laws armed conflict international standards engaging direct military operations us personnel aware targets civilian military loss life property disproportional operation even militarily necessary noted yemeni boy walks past mural depicting us drone reading kill family photo afp pointing month involvement us saudi war yemeni people democratic congressman stressed washington knowledge bombardment campaign hitting civilian targets including schools hospitals multiple times us personnel legal risk investigated potentially prosecuted committing war crimes international law person found guilty aiding abetting war crimes us law person found guilty conspiring commit war crimes lieu wrote pentagon providing logistic surveillance support saudi arabia military aggression yemen kingdoms impoverished southern neighbor killed yemenis since onset march unprovoked war started coalition saudiallies attempt undermine houthi ansarullah movement reinstate former yemeni president abd rabbuh mansur hadi staunch ally riyadh regime washington several occasions criticized saudi regime crimes humanity yemen shown sign ending support riyadh us representative ted lieu california addresses delegates fourth final day democratic national convention wells fargo center july philadelphia pennsylvania photo afp august us state department approved sale abrams tanks armored recovery vehicles equipment worth billion saudi arabia saudiled bombardments struck hospitals markets places civilians gather september amnesty international reported us manufactured bomb used saudi strike doctors without borders hospital yemens northwestern province hajjah claimed lives people october people lost lives others sustained injuries saudi military aircraft struck hall yemeni capital sanaa rows people attending funeral yemeni rescue workers pull victim amid rubble following saudi airstrike packed funeral site capital sanaa october photo afp un humanitarian coordinator yemen jamie mcgoldrick said last month death toll saudi military aggression could rise even areas medical facilities people often buried without official record made loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
when trump attacked the khans he didnt know what a gold star family was
le terrorisme régional vise à protéger les intérêts disraël wed oct am iran le ministre iranien de la défense le général hossein dehqan tasnim iran terrorisme selon le ministre iranien de la défense le général de brigade hossein dehqan lobjectif de la création et de la propagation du terrorisme et de lextrémisme dans la région est de protéger le régime israélien le général hossein dehqan ministre iranien de la défense a indiqué lors dune réunion du comité stratégique de défense de ce ministère que la création et lextension du terrorisme et de lextrémisme visaient à protéger les intérêts du régime israélien à maintenir linstabilité dans la région et à y prolonger la présence des forces doccupation arrogantes les étatsunis et leurs alliés régionaux et internationaux scandent des slogans humanitaires dun côté mais de lautre ils donnent le feu vert aux groupes terroristes tels que fatah alcham exfront alnosra les autorisant ainsi à enfermer les civils dans les zones de combat et à les utiliser comme boucliers humains pour endiguer les opérations antiterroristes de larmée syrienne ce qui assure la survie des terroristes a dit le ministre iranien de la défense pourtant lune des priorités et des principales préoccupations des commandants du front de la résistance est de sauver le peuple et de préparer leur évacuation hors des régions non sécurisées cest avec ce même souci quils ont sauvé dores et déjà la vie de milliers de gens sans défense poursuitil dans tout lieu où une opération antiterroriste se dirigeait vers la victoire les étatsunis et leurs alliés ont recouru à des projets mensongers de cessezlefeu et procédéà des démarches prétendument pacifistes dans le but en fait de sauver les terroristes alors quau moment où les terroristes commettaient crimes et massacres ils navaient fait quobserver le silence a regretté le général dehqan dès le début de la formation des groupes terroristes takfiristes la rii avait mis en garde contre les maux inimaginables que causeraient ces derniers en menaçant la sécurité de la région voire du monde entier lordre de larrogance poursuit toutefois tous ses soutiens à ces groupes extrémistes atil rappelé le ministre iranien de la défense a exigé alors que lon mette fin à la crise régionale ce qui nest possible selon le responsable iranien quavec la fin du soutien des étatsunis et de leurs alliés au terrorisme le rejet du projet de démembrement des pays de la région la reconnaissance des gouvernements légaux et laide à la lutte contre le terrorisme loading
concert plus campaign clinton turns celebrities homestretch
yemens hudaydah suffering dire humanitarian situation sat nov critical humanitarian situation continues yemens southern city alhudaydah mohammed alattabpress tv hudaydah yemeni officials warned dire humanitarian crisis hudaydah due saudi arabias blockade port city say saudi aggression left people little access proper medical care well basic commodities press tvs mohammed alattab reports hudaydah loading
koch brothers helped incite the impending bloodbath among republicans
military an american soldier talks with saudi troops file photo by the us army a us congressman has warned that american troops could be prosecuted for providing military support to the saudi war on yemen ted lieu made the warning in a letter to us secretary of state john kerry and defense secretary ashton carter saying the us governments denial of target selection for saudi airstrikes in yemen does not excuse washington from legal responsibilities i find it deeply troubling that the us apparently has no advanced knowledge of what targets will be struck by jets that are refueled by us personnel with us tankers lieu said in his letter the us would appear to be violating loac laws of armed conflict and international standards by engaging in such direct military operations if us personnel are not aware if targets are civilian or military if the loss of life and property are disproportional or if the operation is even militarily necessary he noted a yemeni boy walks past a mural depicting a us drone and reading why did you kill my family photo by afp pointing to the month involvement of the us in saudi war on the yemeni people the democratic congressman stressed that washington had knowledge of a bombardment campaign hitting civilian targets including schools and hospitals multiple times us personnel are now at legal risk of being investigated and potentially prosecuted for committing war crimes under international law a person can be found guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes under us law a person can be found guilty for conspiring to commit war crimes lieu wrote the pentagon has been providing logistic and surveillance support to saudi arabia in its military aggression against yemen the kingdoms impoverished southern neighbor which has killed more than yemenis since its onset in march the unprovoked war started by a coalition of saudiallies in an attempt to undermine the houthi ansarullah movement and reinstate former yemeni president abd rabbuh mansur hadi a staunch ally of the riyadh regime washington has on several occasions criticized the saudi regime for its crimes against humanity in yemen but has shown no sign of ending its support for riyadh us representative ted lieu of california addresses delegates on the fourth and final day of the democratic national convention at wells fargo center on july in philadelphia pennsylvania photo by afp in august the us state department approved the sale of more than abrams tanks armored recovery vehicles and other equipment worth about billion to saudi arabia saudiled bombardments have struck hospitals markets and other places where civilians gather in september amnesty international reported that a us manufactured bomb had been used in a saudi strike against a doctors without borders hospital in yemens northwestern province of hajjah which claimed the lives of people in october more than people lost their lives and over others sustained injuries after saudi military aircraft struck a hall in the yemeni capital of sanaa where rows of people were attending a funeral yemeni rescue workers pull out a victim from amid the rubble following a saudi airstrike against a packed funeral site in the capital sanaa on october photo by afp un humanitarian coordinator for yemen jamie mcgoldrick said last month that the death toll from the saudi military aggression could rise even further as some areas had no medical facilities and that people were often buried without any official record being made loading
clinton campaign urges fbi detail new developments email case
interviews fbi probe inevitable metastasizing links connections clinton foundation specifically grievously saudi arabia qatar says american analyst scott bennett ongoing federal investigation clinton foundation expected clinton familys ties us enemies says scott bennett former us army psychological warfare officer fbi probing possible paytoplay schemes family foundation year likely press charges fox news reported wednesday citing informed officials bennett told press tv friday probe inevitable metastasizing links connections clinton foundation specifically grievously saudi arabia qatar many countries blacklisted washington revealed friday clinton foundation took million gift qatar hillary clintons tenure us secretary state without informing state department hillary decided inform department transaction despite signing ethics agreement regards foundation became secretary state according foundations website qatar far given clintons total million million years aside qatar saudi arabia also one clinton foundations biggest donors became known kingdom given million million terrorist entities labeled enemies united states appearing clinton foundation donors bennett said serious crime treason corruption bribery officials said analyst bennett argued leaks investigations concerning clinton family coming personnel american government enough stepped released emails hacked computers cases provided wikileaks added whistleblowing website wikileaks released thousands hillarys campaign chairman top aide john podestas emails since last month exposing wellkept secrets surrounding clinton family hillary clintons bid white house bennett predicted case would probably lead indictments people would arrested early weekend loading
concert plus campaign clinton turns to celebrities in homestretch
yemens hudaydah suffering from dire humanitarian situation sat nov am critical humanitarian situation continues in yemens southern city of alhudaydah mohammed alattabpress tv hudaydah yemeni officials have warned of a dire humanitarian crisis in hudaydah due to saudi arabias blockade on the port city they say the saudi aggression has left people with little access to proper medical care as well as basic commodities press tvs mohammed alattab reports from hudaydah loading
hillary clinton enjoys solid lead early voting reutersipsos poll
uk royals bahrain amid crackdown wed nov persian gulf britains prince charles speaks bahrains crown prince salman bin hamad bin isa al khalifa upon arriving bahraini capital manama november photo ap britains prince charles wife camilla arrived bahrain threenation tour persian gulf states amid strong criticism londons continued arms sales repressive regime manama plane carrying british royals touched sakhir air base central bahrain tuesday last leg tour already taken oman united arab emirates received bahrains crown prince salman bin hamad bin isa al khalifah taken nearby palace meet countrys king hamad bin isa al khalifah since united kingdom sold million dollars worth arms bahrain year saw eruption peaceful antiregime protests island london fire international rights organizations selling military equipment manama involved harsh deadly crackdown opposition activists reported late last month uk open massive permanent military base bahrain deploy warships persian gulf bahraini protester shouts slogans clashes regime forces village sitra south manama february photo afp military base first facility opened britain years persian gulf region launched next month britains express newspaper reported britain station around military forces royal navy facility deploy warships patrol surrounding waters guard oil gas shipments waters britain kicked project defense secretary michael fallon described permanent expansion royal navys footprint persian gulf project bypassed parliament according data released uk trade investment september uk government become worlds second biggest arms dealer bulk weapons fueling deadly conflicts middle east loading
clinton campaign urges fbi to detail new developments in email case
interviews the fbi probe was inevitable because of the metastasizing of the links and the connections that the clinton foundation had most specifically and grievously to saudi arabia to qatar says american analyst scott bennett the ongoing federal investigation into the clinton foundation was expected because of the clinton familys ties with us enemies says scott bennett a former us army psychological warfare officer the fbi has been probing possible paytoplay schemes at the family foundation for over a year now and is likely to press charges against it fox news reported wednesday citing informed officials bennett told press tv on friday that the probe was inevitable because of the metastasizing of the links and the connections that the clinton foundation had most specifically and grievously to saudi arabia to qatar and many other countries blacklisted by washington it was revealed on friday that the clinton foundation took a million gift from qatar during hillary clintons tenure as the us secretary of state without her informing the state department hillary decided to not inform the department of the transaction despite signing an ethics agreement with regards to the foundation when she became secretary of state according to the foundations website qatar has so far given the clintons a total of between million and million over the years aside from qatar saudi arabia has also been one of the clinton foundations biggest donors it became known in that the kingdom had given them between million and million so those terrorist entities which have been labeled as the enemies of the united states have been appearing as clinton foundation donors bennett said that is a serious crime it is treason it is corruption it is bribery of officials said the analyst bennett argued that all the leaks and investigations concerning the clinton family were coming from those personnel in the american government who have had enough they have stepped up they have released emails they have hacked into their own computers and in some cases they have provided it to wikileaks he added whistleblowing website wikileaks has released thousands of hillarys campaign chairman and top aide john podestas emails since last month exposing some of the wellkept secrets surrounding the clinton family and hillary clintons bid for the white house bennett predicted that the case would most probably lead to indictments and some people would be arrested as early as this weekend loading
david fahrenthold strikes exposing donald trumps false philanthropy
politics us actor robert de niro photo afp hollywood actor robert de niro criticized americans putting idiot like donald trump position might become us president says respects presidentelect united states november presidential election de niro enlisted along several actors speak nonpartisan video encouraging americans vote yearold actor defied script delivered scathing rebuke trump hes blatantly stupid hes punk hes dog hes pig mutt doesnt homework doesnt care hes idiot colin powell said best hes national disaster hes embarrassment country raging bull actor said makes angry country gotten point fool bozo wound stated talks wants punch people face well id like punch face de niro said republican presidential nominee declared th presidentelect wednesday de niro clarified would longer like punch trump man elected highest seat political office veteran actor however told jimmy kimmel latenight show abc news feeling good trumps victory caused protests student walkouts across country protesters wednesday slammed trumps divisive campaign rhetoric immigrants refugees muslims ethnic minorities de niro said respect trump new position means punching still going punch donald trump face kimmel asked actor could get arrested think cant hes president replied de niro respect position although know see hes gonna hes really gonna follow certain things see lot cities lot people getting upset protesting many renowned figures including heads states highranking officials publicly denounced trump even used abusive language runup november presidential election several softened stance even sent messages congratulations presidentelect loading
hillary clinton enjoys solid lead in early voting reutersipsos poll
uk royals in bahrain amid crackdown wed nov am persian gulf britains prince charles speaks to bahrains crown prince salman bin hamad bin isa al khalifa upon arriving in the bahraini capital manama on november photo by ap britains prince charles and his wife camilla have arrived in bahrain on a threenation tour of the persian gulf states amid strong criticism of londons continued arms sales to the repressive regime in manama the plane carrying the british royals touched down at sakhir air base in central bahrain on tuesday on the last leg of the tour which had already taken them to oman and the united arab emirates they were received by bahrains crown prince salman bin hamad bin isa al khalifah and then taken to a nearby palace to meet with the countrys king hamad bin isa al khalifah since the united kingdom has sold million dollars worth of arms to bahrain the year saw the eruption of peaceful antiregime protests on the island london has been under fire by international rights organizations for selling military equipment to manama which is involved in a harsh and deadly crackdown on opposition activists it was reported late last month that the uk will open a massive permanent military base in bahrain and deploy warships to the persian gulf a bahraini protester shouts slogans during clashes with regime forces in the village of sitra south of manama on february photo by afp the military base which is the first such facility being opened by britain in years in the persian gulf region will be launched next month britains express newspaper reported britain will station around military forces at the royal navy facility and will deploy its warships to patrol the surrounding waters and guard oil and gas shipments in the waters when britain kicked off the project in defense secretary michael fallon described it as a permanent expansion of the royal navys footprint in the persian gulf the project has bypassed the parliament according to data released by the uk trade and investment in september the uk government has become the worlds second biggest arms dealer with bulk of its weapons fueling deadly conflicts in the middle east loading
yes religious right warns witchcraft could decide election
persian gulf photo shows antiregime protesters taking part demonstration village musalla bahrain november bahrainis taken streets several villages towns support senior shia cleric sheikh isa qassim friday mass protest held near imam sadiq mosque village diraz hometown cleric demonstrators condemned manamas continued ban holding friday prayers village june bahraini authorities stripped yearold cleric citizenship less week suspending alwefaq national islamic society countrys main opposition bloc dissolving islamic enlightenment institution founded qassim opposition alrisala islamic association people villages shakhoura abu saiba also demonstrated solidarity sheikh qassem political detainees despite tightened security measures similar antiregime demonstrations held villages maameer karbabad shahrakan sehla aljanoubia musalla well town aali island nabih saleh protesters also condemned al khalifah regime persecution shia community thousands antiregime protesters held numerous demonstrations bahrain almost daily basis ever since popular uprising began country february protesters demand al khalifah dynasty relinquish power scores people lost lives hundreds others sustained injuries got arrested result regimes crackdown loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
david fahrenthold strikes exposing donald trumps false philanthropy
politics us actor robert de niro photo by afp hollywood actor robert de niro who had criticized americans for putting an idiot like donald trump in a position where he might become the us president now says he respects him because he is the presidentelect of the united states before the november presidential election de niro had been enlisted along with several other actors to speak in a nonpartisan video encouraging americans to vote in but the yearold actor defied script and delivered a scathing rebuke of trump hes so blatantly stupid hes a punk hes a dog hes a pig a mutt who doesnt do his homework doesnt care hes an idiot colin powell said it best hes a national disaster hes an embarrassment to this country the raging bull actor said it makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool this bozo has wound up where he has he stated he talks how he wants to punch people in the face well id like to punch him in the face de niro said but after the republican presidential nominee was declared the th presidentelect on wednesday de niro clarified that he would no longer like to punch trump because the man was elected to the highest seat in political office the veteran actor however told jimmy kimmel on his latenight show on abc news that he is not feeling good after trumps victory which caused protests and student walkouts across the country protesters on wednesday slammed trumps divisive campaign rhetoric against immigrants refugees muslims and ethnic minorities de niro said he has to respect trump because of his new position which means no punching are you still going to punch donald trump in the face kimmel asked the actor because you could now get arrested for that i think i cant do that now hes the president replied de niro and i have to respect that position although we all know what he we have to see what hes gonna do and how hes really gonna follow through on certain things as we can see now in a lot of cities a lot of people are getting very upset and protesting many renowned figures including some heads of states and other highranking officials had publicly denounced trump some even used abusive language against him in the runup to the november presidential election but several of them have now softened their stance and some even sent messages of congratulations to the presidentelect loading
early voting strong democrats clinton could lock nevada week
politics us senator bernie sanders former us democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders threatened presidentelect donald trump warning camp trumps worst nightmare goes minorities america donald trump takes peoples anger turns muslims hispanics african americans women worst nightmare vermont senator wrote twitter page thursday yearold senator earlier issued statement new york businessmans victory us election november promising work certain issues also oppose pursue divisive discriminatory policies degree mr trump serious pursuing policies improve lives working families country progressives prepared work sanders said degree pursues racist sexist xenophobic antienvironment policies vigorously oppose added primaries sanders ran close race clinton promised continue fight way democratic national convention june partys nominee going named towards end race however sanders changed tone bowed favor clinton also appeared next dnc supported party opponent democratic campaigns july sanders formally endorsed clinton facing mounting pressure major democratic figures including outgoing us president barack obama us republican presidentelect donald trump delivers acceptance speech election night event new york hilton midtown early morning hours november new york city photo afp tuesday trump stunned world defeating heavily favored clinton presidential election sending united states new uncertain path trump rode wave anger toward elite us establishment win white house race clinton longtime washington insider new york businessman garnered electoral votes us election rival former secretary state received votes despite winning popular vote thousands people since rallied cities across us protest trumps presidential election victory condemning controversial campaign rhetoric muslims immigrants women groups trump said victory speech would president americans time us come together one united people said real estate moguls election campaign marred disparaging remarks minorities us comments include call ban muslims coming america well stopping mexican migrants building long wall along usmexico border also sought database track muslims across united states said us would absolutely choice close mosques trumps proposal widely condemned muslim human rights groups well democratic rivals many republican proponents describe proposal divisive counterproductive contrary american values loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
yes the religious right warns witchcraft could decide this election
persian gulf this photo shows antiregime protesters taking part in a demonstration in the village of musalla bahrain on november bahrainis have taken to the streets in several villages and towns in support of senior shia cleric sheikh isa qassim on friday a mass protest was held near imam sadiq mosque in the village of diraz the hometown of the cleric the demonstrators condemned manamas continued ban on holding friday prayers in the village on june bahraini authorities stripped the yearold cleric of his citizenship less than a week after suspending the alwefaq national islamic society the countrys main opposition bloc and dissolving the islamic enlightenment institution founded by qassim and the opposition alrisala islamic association people in the villages of shakhoura and abu saiba also demonstrated in solidarity with sheikh qassem and the political detainees despite tightened security measures similar antiregime demonstrations were held in the villages of maameer karbabad shahrakan sehla aljanoubia and musalla as well as the town of aali and the island of nabih saleh the protesters also condemned the al khalifah regime for its persecution of the shia community thousands of antiregime protesters have held numerous demonstrations in bahrain on an almost daily basis ever since a popular uprising began in the country on february the protesters demand that the al khalifah dynasty relinquish power scores of people have lost their lives and hundreds of others sustained injuries or got arrested as a result of the regimes crackdown loading
hillary clinton maintains swing state leads comey email letter flops
pakistan people gather outside emergency ward local hospital karachi hearing news bomb blast shah noorani shrine lasbella district balochistan province pakistan november photo ap least people including women children killed others injured huge bomb explosion pakistans balochistan province blast hit shah noorani shrine lasbela district saturday evening balochistans home minister sarfaraz bugti said shrine located kilometers north port city karachi staff members local hospital karachi wait casualties bomb blast shah noorani shrine balochistan province pakistan november photo ap injured added would taken hospitals lasbela khuzdar civil hospital karachi medical centers available area pakistani prime minister nawaz sharif denounced bomb attack calling authorities speed rescue operation reports say people shrine bomb went every day around sunset dhamaal sufi ritual dance large numbers people come said nawaz ali shrines custodian daesh terror group claimed responsibility deadly attack pakistani security officials saying terrorist attack response killing jundullah chief pakistani police took place early hours friday morning october daesh also claimed responsibility killing least people attack terrorists police college baluchistans provincial capital quetta one deadliest attacks pakistans security forces recent years august daesh claimed responsibility another attack gathering mourners hospital quetta people killed attack also claimed pakistani taliban faction jamaatulahrar pakistans restive mineralrich balochistan province rife separatist extremist sectarian violence scene several bomb gun attacks past years loading
Jason Easley
early voting is so strong for democrats that clinton could lock up nevada this week
politics us senator bernie sanders former us democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders has threatened presidentelect donald trump warning that his camp will be trumps worst nightmare if he goes after minorities in america if donald trump takes peoples anger and turns it against muslims hispanics african americans and women we will be his worst nightmare the vermont senator wrote on his twitter page on thursday the yearold senator had earlier issued a statement after the new york businessmans victory in the us election on november promising to work with him on certain issues but also to oppose him should he pursue divisive and discriminatory policies to the degree that mr trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country i and other progressives are prepared to work with him sanders said to the degree that he pursues racist sexist xenophobic and antienvironment policies we will vigorously oppose him he added during the primaries sanders ran a close race with clinton and promised to continue the fight all the way until the democratic national convention in june where the partys nominee was going to be named towards the end of the race however sanders changed his tone and bowed out in favor of clinton he also appeared next to her during the dnc and supported his party opponent in the democratic campaigns on july sanders formally endorsed clinton after facing mounting pressure from major democratic figures including outgoing us president barack obama himself us republican presidentelect donald trump delivers his acceptance speech during his election night event at the new york hilton midtown in the early morning hours of november in new york city photo by afp on tuesday trump stunned the world by defeating heavily favored clinton in the presidential election sending the united states on a new uncertain path trump rode a wave of anger toward the elite us establishment to win the white house race against clinton a longtime washington insider the new york businessman garnered electoral votes in the us election while his rival and the former secretary of state received votes despite winning the popular vote thousands of people since then have rallied in cities across the us to protest against trumps presidential election victory condemning his controversial campaign rhetoric against muslims immigrants women and other groups this is while trump said in his victory speech he would be president for all americans it is time for us to come together as one united people he said the real estate moguls election campaign had been marred by his disparaging remarks against minorities in the us his comments include a call to ban all muslims from coming to america as well as stopping mexican migrants by building a long wall along the usmexico border he has also sought for a database to track muslims across the united states and said that the us would have absolutely no choice but to close down mosques trumps proposal was widely condemned by muslim and human rights groups as well as his democratic rivals and many of his republican proponents who describe the proposal as divisive counterproductive and contrary to american values loading
email pandemonium perpetuation rape culture
politics fbi director james comey afp file photo hillary clintons top advisers blame fbi director james comey democrats bruising loss presidentelect donald trump navin nayak head clinton campaigns opinion research division sent email senior staffers thursday outlining early signals candidate lost november presidential election politico reported friday believe lost election last week said nayaks email published politico comeys letter last days election helped depress turnout also drove away critical support among collegeeducated white voters particularly suburbs also think comeys nd letter intended absolve sec clinton actually helped bolster trumps turnout continued letter also highlighted several challenges clinton team faced throughout campaign including desire change two terms democratic president reluctance americans vote female candidate hillary clinton makes concession speech defeated donald trump new york november photo afp despite challenges nayak said clinton course win last week everything changed momentum began shift favor trump voters decided last week broke trump larger margin numbers even exaggerated key battleground states said fbi director angered democrats late october announcing letter congress agency uncovered new emails connected clinton email investigation week later comey notified congress clinton would face charges newly discovered messages nayak said comeys letters encouraged trump supporters depressed turnout clinton election day question week election day sec clinton poised historic win end less k votes tens millions cast election day made difference race wrote end nayak concluded late breaking developments race proved one hurdle many us overcome clinton leading trump throughout campaign polls except last week election lost ground trump
Jason Easley
hillary clinton maintains swing state leads as comey email letter flops
pakistan people gather outside an emergency ward of a local hospital in karachi after hearing the news of a bomb blast at shah noorani shrine lasbella district balochistan province pakistan november photo by ap at least people including women and children have been killed and over others injured in a huge bomb explosion in pakistans balochistan province the blast hit shah noorani shrine in lasbela district on saturday evening balochistans home minister sarfaraz bugti said the shrine is located about kilometers north of the port city of karachi staff members of a local hospital in karachi wait for casualties of a bomb blast at shah noorani shrine in balochistan province pakistan november photo by ap the injured he added would be taken to hospitals in lasbela khuzdar or civil hospital in karachi as there are no medical centers available in the area pakistani prime minister nawaz sharif denounced the bomb attack calling on authorities to speed up the rescue operation reports say some people were in the shrine when the bomb went off every day around sunset there is a dhamaal a sufi ritual dance here and there are large numbers of people who come for this said nawaz ali the shrines custodian the daesh terror group has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack pakistani security officials are saying the terrorist attack was in response to the killing of jundullah chief by pakistani police which took place in the early hours of friday morning on october daesh also claimed responsibility for the killing of at least people in an attack by its terrorists on a police college in baluchistans provincial capital quetta it was one of the deadliest attacks on pakistans security forces in recent years in august daesh claimed responsibility for another attack on a gathering of mourners at a hospital in quetta where people were killed the attack was also claimed by pakistani taliban faction jamaatulahrar pakistans restive and mineralrich balochistan province is rife with separatist extremist and sectarian violence and has been the scene of several bomb and gun attacks over the past years loading
comeys october surprise blows face democrats drop hammer fbi boss
us admits afghan strike likely caused civilian deaths sat nov pm military photograph taken september afghan pilot stands next line usmade md helicopters kabul photo afp commander us forces afghanistan promised investigation recent death afghan civilians including women children airstrike general john nicholson said saturday airstrike village buz kandahari outside northern city kunduz thursday would probed three taliban leaders supposed targeted raid forces met significant enemy fire multiple locations called help us aircraft left civilians including children dead initial investigation determined efforts near kunduz november defend afghan national defense security forces likely resulted civilian casualties nicholson said statement work afghan partners investigate determine facts work government afghanistan provide assistance targets highranking elements takfiri group supposed hit houses according afghan defense ministry spokesman dawlat waziri werent ordinary people gathered leading fighting kunduz commanders military commission waziri said taliban militants removed power following usled invasion afghanistan stepped activities recent months attempting overrun several provinces afghan forces engaged fierce clashes taliban contain ongoing insurgency across various parts violencewrecked country rising violence afghanistan comes despite presence thousands foreign troops country loading
Robert Franek
email pandemonium and the perpetuation of rape culture
politics fbi director james comey afp file photo hillary clintons top advisers blame fbi director james comey for the democrats bruising loss to presidentelect donald trump navin nayak the head of the clinton campaigns opinion research division sent an email to senior staffers thursday outlining early signals as to why the candidate lost the november presidential election politico reported on friday we believe that we lost this election in the last week said nayaks email which was published by politico comeys letter in the last days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among collegeeducated white voters particularly in the suburbs we also think comeys nd letter which was intended to absolve sec clinton actually helped to bolster trumps turnout he continued the letter also highlighted several other challenges the clinton team faced throughout the campaign including a desire for change after two terms by a democratic president and the reluctance of some americans to vote for a female candidate hillary clinton makes a concession speech after being defeated by donald trump in new york on november photo by afp despite those challenges nayak said clinton was on course to win until the last week when everything changed and the momentum began to shift in favor of trump voters who decided in the last week broke for trump by a larger margin these numbers were even more exaggerated in the key battleground states he said the fbi director angered democrats late in october by announcing in a letter to congress that the agency had uncovered new emails connected to the clinton email investigation just over a week later comey notified congress that clinton would not face charges over the newly discovered messages nayak said comeys letters encouraged trump supporters and depressed the turnout for clinton on election day there is no question that a week from election day sec clinton was poised for a historic win in the end less than k votes out of tens of millions cast on election day made the difference in this race he wrote in the end nayak concluded late breaking developments in the race proved one hurdle too many for us to overcome clinton had been leading trump throughout the campaign in most of the polls except for the last week of the election when she lost ground to trump
george w bushs ethics lawyer files complaint fbi director james comey
syria october photo provided norwegian armed forces shows plane taking russian aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov r helicopters escorting nuclearpowered battle cruiser pyotr veliky l southwest city trondheim international waters way mediterranean fleet russian warships entered eastern mediterranean coast syria amid speculations moscow damascus launch massive operation terrorists northern syrian city aleppo commander russian aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov told stateowned russia television network saturday military vessels positioned designated zone eastern mediterranean jointly carrying tasks maneuvering west syrian coast captain st rank sergei artamonov added fighter jets already started taking carriers deck survey conflict zone flights carried deck working coordination shore port flights going practically every day last four days highranking russian naval commander pointed remarks came day russias interfax news agency reported russian mig sukhoi warplanes routinely fly kuznetsov aircraft carrier syrian airspace determine combat missions meanwhile commander pyotr veliky nuclearpowered battle cruiser captain st rank vladislav malakhovsky said saturday foreign aircraft dared come closer kilometers away russian fleet file photo shows russian frigate admiral grigorovich way mediterranean photo reuters november russian frigate admiral grigorovich passed bosphorus strait northwestern turkey arrived syrian coast grigorovich reportedly capable launching landattack kalibr cruise missiles equivalent us tomahawk ones equipped latest high precision guidance systems russia bombing daesh jabhat fateh alsham formerly known alnusra front terror groups syria since september official request president bashar alassad backed russias aerial campaign syrian troops retaken several militantheld areas arab country syria gripped foreignbacked militancy since march united nations special envoy syria staffan de mistura estimates people killed conflict loading
Jason Easley
comeys october surprise blows up in his face as democrats drop the hammer on fbi boss
us admits afghan strike likely caused civilian deaths sat nov pm military in this photograph taken on september an afghan pilot stands next to a line of usmade md helicopters in kabul photo by afp the commander of us forces in afghanistan has promised an investigation into the recent death of more than afghan civilians including women and children in an airstrike general john nicholson said saturday that the airstrike on the village of buz kandahari just outside the northern city of kunduz on thursday would be probed three taliban leaders were supposed to be targeted in the raid but the forces met significant enemy fire from multiple locations and called for help from a us aircraft which left civilians including children dead an initial investigation has determined that efforts near kunduz on november to defend afghan national defense and security forces likely resulted in civilian casualties nicholson said in a statement we will work with our afghan partners to investigate and determine the facts and we will work with the government of afghanistan to provide assistance the targets were highranking elements of the takfiri group that were supposed to be hit in their houses according to afghan defense ministry spokesman dawlat waziri they werent ordinary people who had gathered they were leading fighting in kunduz they were the commanders of their military commission waziri said taliban militants were removed from power following the usled invasion of afghanistan but they have stepped up their activities in recent months attempting to overrun several provinces afghan forces have been engaged in fierce clashes with taliban to contain the ongoing insurgency across various parts of the violencewrecked country the rising violence in afghanistan comes despite the presence of thousands of foreign troops in the country loading
fox news gets destroyed trying blame hillary clinton gop email scandal
russia russian president vladimir putin delivers speech international conference dedicated th anniversary sberbank moscow november photos afp russian president vladimir putin stressed countrys military threat would attacking anybody armed forces threatening anybodyi would like stress make sure everyone hears people hall said putin giving speech russias yaroslavl saturday referring claims russia might attack countries especially neighbors baltics putin asked would biggest territory world like said everyone knows need provide effectively security country people added noted russias armed forces perfectly capable providing security developing forces continue also hailed efforts made far make military efficient modern highly effective number military drills increased multiple times including snap checks reasons time time worry counterparts lets call added added countries drills worry russia russian army must compact highly effective thus shall continue structural reform shall keep optimizing personnel without mass cuts russian female cadets take part military parade red square moscow november putins remarks come time nato aims send battle groups baltic states poland early next year groups consist forces biggest military buildup near russia since second world war forces would also deployed necessary nato suspended ties moscow april thenukrainian crimea peninsula voted referendum join russian territory loading
Jason Easley
george w bushs ethics lawyer files complaint against fbi director james comey
syria this october photo provided by norwegian armed forces shows a plane taking off from russian aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov r with helicopters escorting nuclearpowered battle cruiser pyotr veliky l southwest of the city of trondheim in international waters on its way to the mediterranean a fleet of russian warships has entered the eastern mediterranean off the coast of syria amid speculations that moscow and damascus are about to launch a massive operation against terrorists in the northern syrian city of aleppo the commander of russian aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov told stateowned russia television network on saturday that the military vessels were positioned in the designated zone in the eastern mediterranean and are now jointly carrying out tasks maneuvering to the west of the syrian coast captain st rank sergei artamonov added that fighter jets have already started taking off from the carriers deck to survey the conflict zone flights are being carried out from the deck they are working on coordination with the shore port the flights have been going on practically every day for the last four days the highranking russian naval commander pointed out the remarks came a day after russias interfax news agency reported that russian mig and sukhoi warplanes routinely fly from the kuznetsov aircraft carrier into the syrian airspace to determine combat missions meanwhile the commander of the pyotr veliky nuclearpowered battle cruiser captain st rank vladislav malakhovsky said on saturday that no foreign aircraft dared to come closer than kilometers away from the russian fleet this file photo shows russian frigate admiral grigorovich on its way to the mediterranean photo by reuters on november russian frigate admiral grigorovich passed through the bosphorus strait in northwestern turkey and arrived off the syrian coast grigorovich is reportedly capable of launching landattack kalibr cruise missiles which are equivalent to us tomahawk ones and equipped with the latest high precision guidance systems russia has been bombing daesh and jabhat fateh alsham formerly known as the alnusra front terror groups in syria since september at the official request of president bashar alassad backed by russias aerial campaign the syrian troops have retaken several militantheld areas in the arab country syria has been gripped by foreignbacked militancy since march united nations special envoy for syria staffan de mistura estimates that over people have been killed in the conflict loading
trump thug chants jews arizona rally
interviews us democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton stands president barack obama election eve rally november philadelphia pennsylvania american people repudiated foreign policy president barack obama former secretary state hillary clinton complete disgrace united states according james fetzer american scholar political analyst professor fetzer made remarks phone interview press tv monday days republican presidential nominee donald trump stunned world defeating heavilyfavored democratic candidate hillary clinton november election election campaign trump repeatedly expressed willingness work russian president vladimir putin leaders order resolve global problems including issue daesh terrorism blamed policies obama administration hand clinton shown eagerness confront russia continue interventionist policies us administrations practiced since professor fetzer said clinton behind massacre libya butchery benghazi transfer weapons rebels syria five years overthrow muammar gaddafi libya become failed state central government holding sway country africas wealthiest nation become terrorist organizations since united states allies sponsoring terrorists wreaking havoc syria professor fetzer stated clinton advised israeli intelligence telling conduct american foreign policy complete disgrace american people repudiated foreign policy barack obama hillary clinton scholar said donald trump going restore measure sanity going end wars middle east going restore reputation united states integrity dealing international community noted respects russia president united states barack obama hillary clinton fell miserably short analyst pointed believe already seeing signs situation world community going vastly dramatically improve united states going conduct accordance international law restrain regime change hopefully longer greatest aggressor nation world fetzer said concluding remarks loading
Jason Easley
fox news gets destroyed while trying to blame hillary clinton for gop email scandal
russia russian president vladimir putin delivers a speech during an international conference dedicated to the th anniversary of sberbank in moscow on november photos by afp russian president vladimir putin has stressed that his countrys military is not a threat and would not be attacking anybody our armed forces are not threatening anybodyi would like to stress once again to make sure everyone hears not only people in this hall said putin while giving a speech in russias yaroslavl on saturday referring to claims that russia might attack other countries especially its neighbors in the baltics putin asked why would we do this we have the biggest territory in the world like i said everyone knows it and we need to provide effectively security for our own country for our own people he added he noted that russias armed forces are perfectly capable of providing security and that developing the forces will continue he also hailed efforts made so far to make the military efficient modern and highly effective the number of military drills has increased multiple times including snap checks which for some reasons from time to time worry our counterparts lets call them as such for now he added he added that other countries drills do not worry russia the russian army must be compact but highly effective thus we shall continue the structural reform and we shall keep optimizing the personnel but without any mass cuts russian female cadets take part in the military parade at red square in moscow on november putins remarks come at a time that nato aims to send battle groups to the baltic states and poland early next year the groups will consist of forces it will be the biggest military buildup near russia since the second world war more forces would also be deployed if necessary nato suspended all ties with moscow in april after the thenukrainian crimea peninsula voted in a referendum to join russian territory loading
top democrat senate accused fbi director james comey breaking law
society naza says upcoming full moon appear percent bigger percent brighter usual brightest moon almost years lighting night sky week treat star watchers around globe phenomenon known supermoon reach zenith asia south pacific monday night reach brightest mode north america dawn monday across international dateline new zealand reach brightest midnight tuesday local time skies clear upcoming full moon appear percent bigger percent brighter usual according nasa image shows near full moon aravica arizona october photo afp moons distance earth varies eggshaped circular orbit around planet since moons orbit elliptical one side perigee kilometers closer earth apogee word syzygy scientific term used earth sun moon line moon orbits earth perigeesyzygy earthmoonsun system occurs moon opposite side earth sun get perigee moon commonly known supermoon coincidence already happened one time october november december happens moon becomes full day perigee november becomes full within two hours perigeearguably making extra supermoon full moon november closest full moon also closest full moon date st century next time full moon comes close earth november loading
Adalia Woodbury
trump thug chants jews s a at arizona rally
interviews us democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton stands with president barack obama during an election eve rally on november in philadelphia pennsylvania the american people have repudiated the foreign policy of president barack obama and former secretary of state hillary clinton which was a complete disgrace for the united states according to james fetzer an american scholar and political analyst professor fetzer made the remarks in a phone interview with press tv on monday days after republican presidential nominee donald trump stunned the world by defeating the heavilyfavored democratic candidate hillary clinton in the november election during the election campaign trump repeatedly expressed his willingness to work with russian president vladimir putin and other leaders in order to resolve global problems including the issue of daesh terrorism which he has blamed on the policies of the obama administration on the other hand clinton has shown eagerness to confront russia and continue the interventionist policies us administrations have practiced since professor fetzer said that clinton was behind the massacre of libya the butchery of benghazi the transfer of weapons to rebels in syria more than five years after the overthrow of muammar gaddafi libya has become a failed state with the central government holding no sway over the country and africas wealthiest nation has become a haven for terrorist organizations and since the united states and its allies have been sponsoring terrorists wreaking havoc in syria professor fetzer stated that clinton was being advised by israeli intelligence telling her how to conduct american foreign policy it was a complete disgrace the american people have repudiated the foreign policy of barack obama and hillary clinton the scholar said donald trump is going to restore a measure of sanity he is going to end the wars in the middle east he is going to restore the reputation of the united states for integrity and dealing with the international community he noted he respects russia as should any president of the united states where barack obama and hillary clinton fell miserably short the analyst pointed out i believe we are already seeing signs that the situation for the world community is going to vastly dramatically improve that the united states is going to conduct itself in accordance with international law and restrain from regime change and hopefully we will no longer be the greatest aggressor nation in the world fetzer said in his concluding remarks loading
october shocker fbi explosive information trump conspiring putin
politics vintage cars parked forecourt buckingham palace london part display historic britishbuilt motor vehicles commemorate queen elizabeth iis th birthday photo afp thousands britons signed petition express outrage queen elizabeths use million taxpayers money repair buckingham palace people signed petition sunday two days government prime minister theresa may allowed royal family repair palace public funds uk parliament discuss petition hits mark friday chancellor exchequer philip hammond granted yearold queen percent rise funding required palaces refurbishment next years money would used replace cables pipes boilers installed years ago prevent catastrophic event might destroy palace according master queens household tony johnstoneburt petitioners argued royals foot massive bill given vast extent wealth crown estates made fund renovations wrote mark johnson posted petition protesters said money could used mend faltering national health service nhs help families get affordable homes amid housing crisis britains queen elizabeth ii rides carriage colombias president juan manuel santos ceremonial welcome horse guards parade central london november photo afp wholly unreasonable cut benefits sick disabled take away housing benefits poor pay said one signatory petition antimonarchy campaign group republic also took issue announcement denouncing disgrace whats worse appalling increase small part annual cost royal family put said graham smith member group past years uk government generous towards royal family despite cutting billions public money former treasury minister george osborne queens sovereign grant increased percent bringing total million year annual grant would inflated twothirds rising million grant financed profit coming royal familys acres land across uk loading
Jason Easley
the top democrat in the senate just accused fbi director james comey of breaking the law
society naza says the upcoming full moon will appear up to percent bigger and percent brighter than usual the brightest moon in almost years will be lighting up the night sky this week in a treat for star watchers around the globe the phenomenon known as the supermoon will reach its zenith in asia and the south pacific on monday night it will then reach its most brightest mode in north america before dawn on monday across the international dateline in new zealand it will reach its brightest after midnight on tuesday local time if skies are clear the upcoming full moon will appear up to percent bigger and percent brighter than usual according to nasa this image shows a near full moon in aravica arizona on october photo by afp the moons distance from earth varies because it is in an eggshaped not circular orbit around the planet since the moons orbit is elliptical one side perigee is about kilometers closer to earth than the other apogee the word syzygy is the scientific term used for when the earth sun and moon line up as the moon orbits earth when perigeesyzygy of the earthmoonsun system occurs and the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun we get a perigee moon which is more commonly known as supermoon this coincidence already happened one time on october on november and december it happens again as the moon becomes full on the same day as perigee on november it becomes full within about two hours of perigeearguably making it an extra supermoon the full moon of november is not only the closest full moon of but also the closest full moon to date in the st century the next time a full moon comes this close to earth will be november loading
trump campaign nervous breakdown comey letter fails swing election
persian gulf bahraini human rights activist nabeel rajab prominent bahraini human rights campaigner nabeel rajab taken hospital prison due heart problems held solitary confinement three months post twitter account son adam said father transferred third time police hospital suffering chest pain yearold president bahrain center human rights repeatedly detained organizing prodemocracy demonstrations publishing twitter posts deemed insulting bahraini authorities pardoned health reasons last year rearrested june following intensive search house northwest country reports suggest subjected harassment jail thousands antiregime protesters held numerous demonstrations bahrain almost daily basis ever since popular uprising began kingdom february demanding al khalifah dynasty relinquish power system representing bahrainis established march troops saudi arabia united arab emirates deployed bahrain assist manama government crackdown peaceful protesters scores people lost lives hundreds others sustained injuries got arrested result al khalifah regimes crackdown antiregime activists loading
Sarah Jones
october shocker fbi has explosive information on trump conspiring with putin
politics vintage cars are parked in the forecourt of buckingham palace in london part of a display of historic britishbuilt motor vehicles to commemorate queen elizabeth iis th birthday photo by afp thousands of britons have signed a petition to express their outrage over queen elizabeths use of million in taxpayers money to repair the buckingham palace more than people had signed the petition as of sunday two days after the government of prime minister theresa may allowed the royal family to repair the palace with public funds the uk parliament should discuss the petition when it hits the mark on friday the chancellor of the exchequer philip hammond granted the yearold queen a percent rise in funding required for the palaces refurbishment over the next years the money would be used to replace cables pipes and boilers installed years ago to prevent a catastrophic event that might destroy the palace according to master of the queens household tony johnstoneburt petitioners argued that the royals should foot the massive bill themselves given the vast extent of their wealth the crown and its estates should be made to fund its own renovations wrote mark johnson who posted the petition protesters said the money could be used to mend the faltering national health service nhs or help families get more affordable homes amid a housing crisis britains queen elizabeth ii rides a carriage with colombias president juan manuel santos after the ceremonial welcome at horse guards parade in central london november photo by afp it is wholly unreasonable to cut the benefits of the sick and disabled take away housing benefits from the poor and then pay for this said one signatory of the petition the antimonarchy campaign group republic also took issue with the announcement denouncing it as a disgrace whats worse is this appalling increase is only a small part of the annual cost of the royal family which we put at m said graham smith a member of the group over the past years the uk government has been generous towards the royal family despite cutting billions in public money under former treasury minister george osborne the queens sovereign grant for was increased by percent bringing the total to million a year now the annual grant would be inflated by twothirds rising to million in the grant is financed by the profit coming from the royal familys acres of land across the uk loading
call president obama terminate fbi director comey november
iraq iraqi firefighters work extinguish fire caused car bomb explosion gas station near city hilla november car bomb reportedly exploded south iraqi capital baghdad killing around people mostly shia pilgrims according security sources truck loaded explosives went thursday gas station shomali village suburbs city alhilla located kilometers miles southeast capital baghdad around kilometers miles karbala reports say victims iranian nationals photo shows site blast gas station near hilla south iraqi capital baghdad november incident occurred time buses packed shia pilgrims parked gas station people returning arbaeen mourning rituals holy city karbala least seven buses pilgrims inside petrol station time unnamed police lieutenant colonel told afp people carry away bodies victims site bomb attack near hilla iraq november afp also quoted unnamed police intelligence source saying buses loaded iranians bahrainis iraqis ambulances civil defense way site takfiri daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility deadly bombing recent weeks daesh resorted similar acts violence areas outside control desperate attempt undermine large iraqi battle aimed liberating northern city mosul terror groups last remaining foothold country iran wont waver backing iraq hours incident irans foreign ministry spokesman strongly condemned fatal terrorist blast expressing sympathy iraqi government nation well families victims touching reports iranian citizens among victims bahram qassemi said foreign ministry islamic republic irans embassy baghdad investigating issue seriousness take necessary measures regard iranian official also stressed preplanned savage assaults emanate desperation terrorists taking successive blows battlefield brutal inhumane acts affect iraqi government nations determination islamic republic irans support oppressed iraqi people unrelenting fight terrorism qassemi said photo shows site blast gas station near hilla south iraqi capital baghdad november terrorists killing pilgrims brought justice another development iraqs president fuad masum strongly condemned terrorist attack hilla emphasizing terrorist crimes would go unpunished issuing official statement hours terrorist attack claimed daesh takfiri group masum emphasized terrorists target lives innocent pilgrims traveling iraq islamic countries brought justice also called iraqs security forces double efforts take necessary measures uproot terrorist groups endanger life safety pilgrims visiting iraqs holy shrines iraqi security forces gather site truck bomb attack targeting gas station city hilla south baghdad iraq november photo reuters takfiris spilling blood name religion meanwhile lebanons resistance movement hezbollah condemned explosion crime committed terrorists conscience spill blood innocents name religion statement released thursday hezbollah extended condolences iraqi nation tragedy calling efforts root terror outfits iraq restore security country man reacts site truck bomb attack targeting gas station city hilla south baghdad iraq november photo reuters gruesome violence plagued northern western parts iraq ever since daesh terrorists mounted offensive two years ago took control portions iraqi territory iraqi army soldiers allied fighters trying win back militantheld regions joint operations united nations assistance mission iraq unami says total iraqis among lost lives acts terrorism violence armed conflict october loading
Jason Easley
trump campaign has a nervous breakdown after comey letter fails to swing the election
persian gulf bahraini human rights activist nabeel rajab prominent bahraini human rights campaigner nabeel rajab has been taken to hospital from prison due to heart problems after being held in solitary confinement for three months in a post on his twitter account his son adam said that his father was transferred for the third time to a police hospital after suffering from chest pain the yearold president of the bahrain center for human rights has been repeatedly detained for organizing prodemocracy demonstrations and publishing twitter posts deemed insulting to the bahraini authorities he was pardoned for health reasons last year but was rearrested on june following an intensive search of his house in the northwest of the country reports suggest he has been subjected to harassment in jail thousands of antiregime protesters have held numerous demonstrations in bahrain on an almost daily basis ever since a popular uprising began in the kingdom on february they are demanding that the al khalifah dynasty relinquish power and a just system representing all bahrainis be established on march troops from saudi arabia and the united arab emirates were deployed to bahrain to assist the manama government in its crackdown on peaceful protesters scores of people have lost their lives and hundreds of others sustained injuries or got arrested as a result of the al khalifah regimes crackdown on antiregime activists loading
supreme court decides weigh transgender rights
politics iranian parliament speaker ali larijani r finnish president sauli niinistö shake hands tehran october photo irna iranian parliament speaker ali larijani says european union play significant role settlement syrian crisis campaign terrorism larijani made remarks meeting visiting finnish president sauli niinistö tehran wednesday said iran supports political solutions crises middle east including conflict syria extraregional players well regional sponsors terrorist groups sabotaged diplomatic solutions adopting wrong approaches top iranian parliamentarian also warned spillover terrorism regions across world unfortunately military intervention outsiders regional issues adopting military approach double standards terrorism led rise number terrorist groups contributed activities larijani said also blamed extremist deviated ideology wahhabism spread terrorism region stressing neither sunnis shias support terrorist extremist acts elsewhere remarks larijani welcomed expansion ties tehran helsinki finnish official part called promotion ties country iran also expressed regret terrorist attacks afghanistan iraq syria lack political end conflicts terrorists pose threat countries also wednesday finnish president met chairman irans expediency council ayatollah akbar hashemi rafsanjani discuss bilateral ties regional developments chairman irans expediency council ayatollah akbar hashemi rafsanjani r meets finnish president sauli niinistö l tehran october photo irna meeting rafsanjani warned possible threats posed foreign recruits return countries subsequent rise terrorism across world called international community take measures address issue senior iranian official also raised alarm issue state terrorism pursued zionists earlier day finlands president also met held talks iranian foreign minister mohammad javad zarif developments middle east promotion bilateral ties different sectors including economic banking cooperation niinistö arrived tehran tuesday hold talks iranian officials range issues also met iranian president hassan rouhani wednesday loading
call on president obama to terminate fbi director comey on november
iraq iraqi firefighters work to extinguish the fire caused by a car bomb explosion at a gas station near the city of hilla november a car bomb has reportedly exploded south of the iraqi capital baghdad killing around people mostly shia pilgrims according to security sources a truck loaded with explosives went off on thursday at a gas station in the shomali village in the suburbs of the city of alhilla located kilometers miles southeast of the capital baghdad and around kilometers miles from karbala reports say most of the victims were iranian nationals the photo shows the site of a blast at a gas station near hilla south of the iraqi capital baghdad november the incident occurred at a time when buses packed with shia pilgrims were parked at the gas station the people were returning from arbaeen mourning rituals in the holy city of karbala at least seven buses with pilgrims were inside the petrol station at the time an unnamed police lieutenant colonel told afp people carry away the bodies of victims from the site of a bomb attack near hilla iraq november afp also quoted an unnamed police intelligence source as saying that those buses were loaded with iranians bahrainis and iraqis ambulances and civil defense are on their way to the site the takfiri daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility for the deadly bombing in recent weeks daesh has resorted to similar acts of violence in areas outside its control in a desperate attempt to undermine a large iraqi battle aimed at liberating the northern city of mosul the terror groups last remaining foothold in the country iran wont waver in backing iraq hours after the incident irans foreign ministry spokesman strongly condemned the fatal terrorist blast expressing sympathy with the iraqi government and nation as well as all the families of the victims touching on reports that iranian citizens were among the victims bahram qassemi said the foreign ministry and the islamic republic of irans embassy in baghdad are investigating the issue with seriousness and will take necessary measures in that regard the iranian official also stressed that such preplanned and savage assaults emanate from the desperation of the terrorists who are taking successive blows on the battlefield these brutal and inhumane acts will not affect the iraqi government and nations determination and the islamic republic of irans support for the oppressed iraqi people in the unrelenting fight against terrorism qassemi said the photo shows the site of a blast at a gas station near hilla south of the iraqi capital baghdad november terrorists killing pilgrims will be brought to justice in another development iraqs president fuad masum strongly condemned the terrorist attack in hilla emphasizing that such terrorist crimes would not go unpunished issuing an official statement hours after the terrorist attack which was claimed by the daesh takfiri group masum emphasized that terrorists who target the lives of innocent pilgrims traveling to iraq from islamic countries will be brought to justice he also called on iraqs security forces to double their efforts and take necessary measures to uproot terrorist groups that endanger the life and safety of the pilgrims visiting iraqs holy shrines iraqi security forces gather at the site of a truck bomb attack targeting a gas station in the city of hilla south of baghdad iraq november photo by reuters takfiris spilling blood in the name of religion meanwhile lebanons resistance movement hezbollah condemned the explosion as a crime committed by the terrorists who have no conscience and spill the blood of innocents in the name of the religion in a statement released on thursday hezbollah extended its condolences to the iraqi nation over the tragedy calling for more efforts to root out terror outfits in iraq and restore security to the country a man reacts at the site of a truck bomb attack targeting a gas station in the city of hilla south of baghdad iraq november photo by reuters gruesome violence has plagued the northern and western parts of iraq ever since daesh terrorists mounted an offensive there more than two years ago and took control of portions of iraqi territory iraqi army soldiers and allied fighters are trying to win back militantheld regions in joint operations the united nations assistance mission for iraq unami says a total of iraqis among them lost their lives in acts of terrorism violence and armed conflict in october loading
donald trump destroyed fact checker reveals trump lies times per day
syria man receives treatment hospital following daesh chemical attack sheikh maqsood neighborhood syrias aleppo april photo rt syria dismissed baseless recent allegations brought damascus government western countries connection chemical attacks wartorn arab country syrian arab republic repeatedly denied allegations circulated western circles agents use chemical poisonous materials syrian sides like chlorine gas military operations terrorists syrias foreign ministry said statement carried official sana news agency wednesday statement came four days international inquiry blamed syrian government forces toxic gas attack qminas northwestern idlib province march accusation made fourth report monthlong probe united nations organization prohibition chemical weapons however syrian foreign ministry statement said tangible evidence inquirys findings syria repeatedly warned repercussions politicizing issue regarding credibility work international relevant sides ministry added also stressed syrian government remains committed obligations chemical weapons convention multilateral treaty bans chemical weapons requires destruction daesh frequently used chemical weapons syria iraq takfiri terrorist group mainly active report syrianamerican medical society published back march said daesh carried attacks involving poisonous asphyxiating agents sarin chlorine mustard gas since beginning conflict syria report added people killed chemical attacks since march syria hit militancy blames western states regional allies loading
Adalia Woodbury
supreme court decides to weigh in on transgender rights
politics iranian parliament speaker ali larijani r and finnish president sauli niinistö shake hands in tehran on october photo by irna iranian parliament speaker ali larijani says the european union can play a significant role in the settlement of the syrian crisis and the campaign against terrorism larijani made the remarks in a meeting with visiting finnish president sauli niinistö in tehran on wednesday he said that iran supports political solutions to crises in the middle east including the conflict in syria while some extraregional players as well as regional sponsors of terrorist groups sabotaged diplomatic solutions through adopting wrong approaches the top iranian parliamentarian also warned against the spillover of terrorism to other regions across the world unfortunately military intervention by outsiders in regional issues and adopting a military approach and double standards on terrorism have led to a rise in the number of terrorist groups and contributed to their activities larijani said he also blamed the extremist and deviated ideology of wahhabism for the spread of terrorism in the region stressing that neither sunnis nor shias support terrorist or extremist acts elsewhere in his remarks larijani welcomed the expansion of ties between tehran and helsinki the finnish official for his part called for the further promotion of ties between his country and iran he also expressed regret about terrorist attacks in afghanistan iraq and syria and the lack of a political will to end the conflicts terrorists pose threat to their own countries also on wednesday the finnish president met with chairman of irans expediency council ayatollah akbar hashemi rafsanjani to discuss bilateral ties and regional developments chairman of irans expediency council ayatollah akbar hashemi rafsanjani r meets with finnish president sauli niinistö l in tehran on october photo by irna in the meeting rafsanjani warned about possible threats posed by foreign recruits when they return to their own countries and the subsequent rise of terrorism across the world and called on the international community to take measures to address the issue the senior iranian official also raised the alarm over the issue of state terrorism pursued by the zionists earlier in the day finlands president also met and held talks with iranian foreign minister mohammad javad zarif on the developments in the middle east and the promotion of bilateral ties in different sectors including economic and banking cooperation niinistö arrived in tehran on tuesday to hold talks with iranian officials on a range of issues he also met with iranian president hassan rouhani on wednesday loading
catholic church uses taxexempt funds stop marijuana legalization
interviews palestinian woman searches belongings family home demolished israelis mostly arab east jerusalem alquds neighborhood beit hanina october afp photo united nations educational scientific cultural organization unesco passed second resolution endorse fact jerusalem alquds muslim city socalled temple mount islamic site called haram alsharif unesco adopted first resolution reaffirm right palestinians alaqsa mosque compound october john steppling author commentator told press tv israeli authorities getting away violations international law years result us allout support crimes israeli authorities pretty much want united states protects added according author israel doesnt care un says care united states gives three billion dollars year military aid regardless anything analyst also expressed concern happen hillary clinton becomes president close relationship israel close relationship netanyahu israel may well feel empowered take even bolder steps frankly incremental genocide palestinians occupied territories scene increased tensions ever since israeli forces imposed restrictions entry palestinian worshipers alaqsa mosque compound august palestinians killed israeli forces since beginning last october loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
donald trump destroyed as fact checker reveals trump lies to times per day
syria a man receives treatment at a hospital following a daesh chemical attack in the sheikh maqsood neighborhood of syrias aleppo april photo by rt syria has dismissed as baseless recent allegations brought against the damascus government by western countries in connection with chemical attacks in the wartorn arab country the syrian arab republic has repeatedly denied all allegations circulated by some western circles and their agents about the use of chemical poisonous materials by syrian sides like chlorine gas during military operations against terrorists syrias foreign ministry said in a statement carried by the official sana news agency on wednesday the statement came four days after an international inquiry blamed syrian government forces for a toxic gas attack in qminas in northwestern idlib province on march the accusation was made in the fourth report from the monthlong probe by the united nations and the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons however the syrian foreign ministry statement said that there was no tangible evidence for the inquirys findings syria has repeatedly warned against repercussions of politicizing this issue regarding the credibility of the work of international relevant sides the ministry added it also stressed that the syrian government remains committed to all its obligations under the chemical weapons convention a multilateral treaty that bans chemical weapons and requires their destruction daesh has frequently used chemical weapons in both in syria and iraq where the takfiri terrorist group is mainly active a report by the syrianamerican medical society published back in march said that daesh had carried out more than attacks involving poisonous or asphyxiating agents such as sarin chlorine and mustard gas since the beginning of the conflict in syria the report added that over people had been killed in the chemical attacks since march syria has been hit by militancy it blames on some western states and their regional allies loading
donald trump whines isis cuts heads able waterboard
philippine president rodrigo duterte speaks banquet hosted japans prime minister shinzo abe pictured tokyo october photo afp philippine president rodrigo duterte says wants us troops country next two years amid rising tensions manila washington duterte told economic forum japanese capital tokyo wednesday manila also willing scrap defense pacts washington necessary want maybe next two years country free presence foreign military troops duterte said clear reference us forces adding want revise abrogate agreements executive agreements duterte told reporters tuesday leaving japan stayed longer would sign enhanced defense cooperation agreement edca united states president duterte promised would review defense pact already said presence us troops island mindanao could complicate manilas operations abu sayyaf militant group notorious different terrorist attacks country meeting business leaders chinese capital beijing last week duterte said philippines would separate united states realign china russia philippine president tried reach china russia amid uneasy relationship washington policemen block protesters rally front us embassy manila philippines october photo afp last month filipino leader harshly criticized us president barack obama saying puppet america president sovereign country answerable anyone except filipino people washington critical dutertes bloody war drugs attitude led tensions philippines united states loading
the catholic church uses taxexempt funds to stop marijuana legalization
interviews a palestinian woman searches through her belongings after her family home was demolished by israelis in the mostly arab east jerusalem alquds neighborhood of beit hanina on october afp photo the united nations educational scientific and cultural organization unesco has passed a second resolution to endorse the fact that jerusalem alquds is a muslim city and the socalled temple mount is an islamic site called haram alsharif the unesco adopted the first resolution to reaffirm the right of the palestinians to the alaqsa mosque compound on october john steppling author and commentator told press tv that the israeli authorities have been getting away with the violations of international law for years as a result of the us allout support for their crimes they the israeli authorities pretty much do what they want because the united states protects them he added according to the author israel doesnt care what the un says what do they care about is that the united states gives them three billion dollars a year in military aid regardless of anything the analyst also expressed concern about what will happen once hillary clinton becomes president as she has a very close relationship with israel and very close relationship with netanyahu and israel may very well feel empowered to take even bolder steps in what has been frankly incremental genocide against palestinians the occupied territories have been the scene of increased tensions ever since israeli forces imposed restrictions on the entry of palestinian worshipers into the alaqsa mosque compound in august over palestinians have been killed by israeli forces since the beginning of last october loading
losing trump tries fool voters last ditch media propaganda scam
photo taken october shows destruction village amatrice rattled earthquake august photo afp earthquake measuring richter scale hit central italy including capital rome italys national geophysics institute said quake struck depth nine kilometers macerata area central region marche wednesday united states geological survey usgs confirmed magnitude saying epicenter seven kilometers southsouthwest visso village macerata information immediately available potential casualties damage caused quake felt towns pescara ancone laquila jolted magnitude quake killed people wednesdays quake rattled windows doors capital rome quake comes two months nearly people killed strong earthquake hit central italy august powerful earthquake measuring richter scale hit italy almost flattened scores towns villages central parts quake followed series aftershocks strongest measured rattling already hit areas loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
donald trump whines because isis cuts off heads we should be able to waterboard
more philippine president rodrigo duterte speaks during a banquet hosted by japans prime minister shinzo abe not pictured in tokyo on october photo by afp philippine president rodrigo duterte says he wants us troops out of his country in the next two years amid rising tensions between manila and washington duterte told an economic forum in the japanese capital tokyo on wednesday that manila was also willing to scrap defense pacts with washington if necessary i want maybe in the next two years my country free of the presence of foreign military troops duterte said in a clear reference to us forces adding i want them out and if i have to revise or abrogate agreements executive agreements i will duterte told reporters on tuesday before leaving for japan that if he stayed longer he would not sign the enhanced defense cooperation agreement edca with the united states president duterte has promised that he would review the defense pact he has already said that the presence of the us troops in the island of mindanao could complicate manilas operations against the abu sayyaf militant group notorious for different terrorist attacks in the country in a meeting with business leaders in the chinese capital beijing last week duterte said the philippines would separate from the united states and realign with china and russia the philippine president has tried to reach out to china and russia amid an uneasy relationship with washington policemen block protesters during a rally in front of the us embassy in manila the philippines october photo by afp last month the filipino leader harshly criticized the us and president barack obama saying he was not a puppet of america i am the president of a sovereign country and i am not answerable to anyone except the filipino people washington is critical of dutertes bloody war on drugs the attitude has led to tensions between the philippines and the united states loading
turns trump put investigators months destroyed emails
interviews syria able choose allies battle daesh says american political analyst james petras pentagons plan launch offensive daesh isil terrorist group syria aimed undermining successful attempt syrian government allies defeat terror group says james petras american political commentator us defense secretary ashton carter told nbc news wednesday pentagon planning ground offensive oust daesh syrian city raqqah terror groups stronghold country carter iraq earlier week amid ongoing battle retake city mosul daesh said raqqah offensive would begin iraqs second largest city cleared claimed us forces wont directly involved operations ploy us northern syria petras said arguing us seeking undermine international efforts defeat daesh bid reinforce foothold conflictridden country dont believe attack raqqah positive move think brings us closer policy establishing nofly zone northern syria directly affect efforts syrian government alliesiran russiato defend country analyst noted raqqah problem syrian people damascus allowed choose allies battle petras went note carters remarks bear similarities us democratic presidential candidate hillary clintons plans conflagration middle east ongoing western efforts syria different nature washington allies come fire openly seeking remove president bashar alassad power carters claim us ground forces part fight daesh came time american soldiers stationed iraq tasked providing training intelligence iraqi forces loading
Sarah Jones
losing trump tries to fool voters with last ditch media propaganda scam
the photo taken on october shows destruction in the village of amatrice that was rattled by an earthquake on august photo by afp an earthquake measuring on the richter scale has hit central italy including the capital rome italys national geophysics institute said the quake struck at a depth of nine kilometers in the macerata area of the central region of marche on wednesday the united states geological survey usgs confirmed the magnitude saying the epicenter was seven kilometers southsouthwest of visso village in macerata there was no information immediately available about potential casualties or damage caused by the quake which was felt in the towns of pescara ancone and laquila which was jolted by a magnitude quake in that killed over people wednesdays quake rattled windows and doors in the capital of rome the quake comes about two months after nearly people were killed as a strong earthquake hit central italy on august a powerful earthquake measuring on the richter scale hit italy and almost flattened scores of towns and villages in the central parts the quake was followed by a series of aftershocks the strongest of which measured rattling the already hit areas loading
ethics complaint filed rep jason chaffetz releasing comey clinton email letter
sudan file photo shows people jreif district sudanese capital khartoum protesting governments land policies clashes involving police erupted sudanese capital khartoum hundreds people demonstrated protest governments land policies peaceful protest turned violent riot police fired tear gas canisters demonstrators east jreif district land belongs ancestors government wants give investors protesting save land protester said regretting government shown intention compensating land owners case property seized protesters pelted police officers members security forces rocks others burned tires tried close streets east jreif police heavy presence reports saying trucks riot policemen armed batons deployed area people stage routine protests sudan complaining local grievances demonstrations crushed security forces similar demonstration east jreif last year led death protester antigovernment rallies april also left two students dead immediate report possible casualties wednesday rally khartoum government decision slash fuel subsidies september sparked mass protests sudan thousands people took streets capital towns calling president omar albashir step human rights groups say people killed hundreds wounded arrested protests government challenges figures loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
it turns out trump put off investigators for months while he destroyed emails
interviews syria should be able to choose its allies in the battle against daesh says american political analyst james petras the pentagons plan to launch an offensive against the daesh isil terrorist group in syria is only aimed at undermining a successful attempt by the syrian government and its allies to defeat the terror group says james petras an american political commentator us defense secretary ashton carter told nbc news on wednesday that the pentagon is planning a ground offensive to oust daesh from the syrian city of raqqah the terror groups stronghold in the country carter who was in iraq earlier this week amid the ongoing battle to retake the city of mosul from daesh said the raqqah offensive would begin when iraqs second largest city is cleared he claimed that us forces wont be directly involved in any of the operations this is a ploy to have the us in northern syria petras said arguing that the us was seeking to undermine international efforts to defeat daesh in a bid to reinforce its own foothold in the conflictridden country i dont believe that the attack on raqqah is a positive move because i think it brings the us closer to its policy of establishing a nofly zone in northern syria which will directly affect the efforts of the syrian government and its alliesiran and russiato defend the country the analyst noted that raqqah is a problem for the syrian people and damascus should be allowed to choose its allies in the battle petras went on to note that carters remarks bear similarities to us democratic presidential candidate hillary clintons plans for a conflagration in the middle east the ongoing western efforts in syria have a different nature washington and its allies have come under fire for openly seeking to remove president bashar alassad from power carters claim that us ground forces will have no part in the fight against daesh came at a time when more than american soldiers were stationed in iraq tasked with providing training and intelligence to iraqi forces loading
explosive audio surfaces gop senator joking gun owners shooting clinton
file photo shows former rebel renamo fighters gorongosa mozambique photo afp secret peace negotiations mozambiques opposition leader afonso dhlakama eu mediators annulled weekend fighting erupted countrys army former rebel fighters local media say meeting aimed contribute talks began may find solution conflict government dhlakamas rebel group turned political party renamo agreed president filipe nyusi two mediators would come meet independent weekly canal de mocambique quoted dhlakama saying dhlakama said cancelled meeting army increased presence near place meeting violent shootout even heard explosions said dhlakama hiding central gorongosa mountains since october called chief mediator mario raffaelli tell armed forces come ambush added dhlakama quoted mediator saying convinced ruling frelimo party wanted capture meeting obvious plan kill added raffaelli declined comment matter eu diplomat spoke condition anonymity confirmed two mediators gone gorongosa meeting opposition leader diplomat said dhlakama told mediators turn back last moment political situation mozambique tense months dhlakama refusing recognize results elections frelimo party declared winner party power since southern african countrys independence portugal dhlakama also threatened seize power force northern half country renamo frelimoled government engaged civil war years brought end renamos armed wing conducted string fatal assaults central mozambique recent years seeks increase share power october warring sides resumed new round peace talks despite killing opposition negotiator october mediators continued separate talks tuesday representatives side loading
Jason Easley
ethics complaint filed against rep jason chaffetz for releasing comey clinton email letter
sudan this file photo shows people in the jreif district of the sudanese capital khartoum protesting against the governments land policies clashes involving police have erupted in the sudanese capital khartoum as hundreds of people demonstrated in protest against the governments land policies the peaceful protest turned violent after riot police fired tear gas canisters at the demonstrators in east jreif district our land belongs to our ancestors and the government wants to give it to investors we are protesting to save our land a protester said regretting that the government had shown no intention of compensating the land owners in case their property was seized some protesters pelted police officers and members of security forces with rocks others burned tires and tried to close off all the streets in east jreif police had a heavy presence with reports saying that trucks of riot policemen armed with batons were deployed in the area people stage routine protests in sudan complaining about local grievances but most of the demonstrations are crushed by security forces a similar demonstration in east jreif last year led to the death of a protester antigovernment rallies in april also left two students dead there was no immediate report of possible casualties during the wednesday rally in khartoum a government decision to slash fuel subsidies in september sparked mass protests in sudan thousands of people took to the streets in the capital and some other towns calling for president omar albashir to step down human rights groups say about people were killed hundreds were wounded and more than were arrested in the protests the government challenges the figures loading
comey bias exposed fbi boss refused call russians hacking election
palestine file photo shows view alaqsa mosque east jerusalem alquds united nations educational scientific cultural organization unesco approved motion endorses right palestinians alaqsa mosque compound slams israeli provocations around holy site unescos member world heritage committee adopted resolution wednesdays secret ballot agencys headquarters paris ten countries voted two eight abstained one absent voting resolution expresses unescos deep concerns israeli construction works archaeological excavations old city jerusalem alquds saeb erekat secretary general palestine liberation organization welcomed passage motion accused tel aviv regime resorting campaign distorting facts bid legitimize occupation east jerusalem alquds orchestrated campaign israel using archaeological claims distortion facts way legitimize annexation occupied east jerusalem erekat said noted unesco resolution urges respecting status quo religious sites including alaqsa mosque compound continues threatened systematic incitement provocative actions israeli government extremist jewish groups earlier month unescos member executive board approved similar resolution prompting furious reaction israel regime suspended ties agency wednesdays vote infuriated israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu announcing regimes ambassador unesco carmel shamahacohen recalled consultations decide next steps netanyahu said statement elias sanbar palestines unesco envoy fired back upset resolution warned israelis politicizing religion dangerous makram mustafa queisi jordans ambassador unesco also stressed unesco tried tackle issue technical point view many parties politicizing palestinian ambassador unesco elias sanbar l jordanian envoy makram mustafa queisi address media antiisrael resolution passed secret ballot agencys headquarters paris france october photo ap palestine became th full member unesco october triggering cut tel avivs funding agency occupied territories already scene increased tensions ever since israeli regime imposed restrictions entry palestinian worshipers alaqsa mosque compound august palestinians killed israeli forces since beginning last october loading
Sean Colarossi
explosive audio surfaces of gop senator joking about gun owners shooting clinton
more the file photo shows former rebel renamo fighters in gorongosa mozambique photo by afp secret peace negotiations between mozambiques opposition leader afonso dhlakama and eu mediators were annulled at the weekend after fighting erupted between the countrys army and former rebel fighters local media say the meeting aimed to contribute to talks that began in may to find a solution to the conflict between the government and dhlakamas rebel group turned political party renamo we had agreed with president filipe nyusi that two mediators would come to meet me the independent weekly canal de mocambique quoted dhlakama as saying dhlakama said he had cancelled the meeting after the army increased its presence near the place of the meeting there was a violent shootout i even heard explosions from here said dhlakama who has been in hiding in the central gorongosa mountains since october so i called chief mediator mario raffaelli to tell him that armed forces had come to ambush me he added dhlakama quoted the mediator as saying that he was convinced that the ruling frelimo party wanted to capture me during the meeting it is obvious they have a plan to kill me he added raffaelli declined to comment on the matter but an eu diplomat who spoke on condition of anonymity confirmed that two mediators had gone to gorongosa for a meeting with the opposition leader the diplomat said dhlakama had told the mediators to turn back at the very last moment the political situation in mozambique has been tense for months with dhlakama refusing to recognize the results of the elections where the frelimo party was declared the winner the party has been in power since the southern african countrys independence from portugal in dhlakama also threatened to seize power by force in the northern half of the country renamo and the frelimoled government had been engaged in a civil war for years that was brought to an end in renamos armed wing has conducted a string of fatal assaults in central mozambique in recent years as it seeks to increase its share of power on october the warring sides resumed a new round of peace talks despite the killing of an opposition negotiator on october the mediators continued separate talks on tuesday with representatives of each side loading
trump deadbeating campaign debts refusing pay pollster
military british defense secretary michael fallon photo afp british defense minister michael fallon says uk set deploy hundreds troops baltic region europe support nato allies face assertive russia fallon told nato ministerial meeting brussels wednesday britain would send soldiers estonia fulfill pledge deliver one four battalions natos enhanced forward presence eastern europe backed rising defense budget deployment air land sea forces shows continue play leading role nato supporting defense security allies north south alliance fallon said nato announced july would deploy rotational basis four multinational battalions poland baltic statesestonia latvia lithuaniato deter referred russian incursion address meeting fallon also said four british typhoon fighter jets would dispatched romania nato southern air policing mission supposed protect baltic states airspace possible attacks russia two things reassurance needs done formidable presence deterrence fallon said earlier interview simply tripwirethis serious military presence move likely draw criticism moscow angered natos military buildup western borders usled military alliance cut ties moscow reinforcing presence near russias borders ever since uk russia strong disagreements number issues mainly conflicts syria ukraine two countries military forces involved series aerial naval confrontations britain sending jets warships several occasions intercept russian bombers naval fleets latest encounters occurred thursday russian aircraft career admiral kuznetsov sevenship task force shadowed two british warships course sail north sea english channel way syria loading
Jason Easley
comey bias exposed as fbi boss refused to call out russians for hacking before election
palestine the file photo shows a view of alaqsa mosque in east jerusalem alquds the united nations educational scientific and cultural organization unesco has approved a motion that endorses the right of the palestinians to the alaqsa mosque compound and slams israeli provocations around the holy site unescos member world heritage committee adopted the resolution in wednesdays secret ballot at the agencys headquarters in paris ten countries voted for two against eight abstained and one was absent in the voting the resolution expresses unescos deep concerns over israeli construction works and archaeological excavations in the old city of jerusalem alquds saeb erekat the secretary general of the palestine liberation organization welcomed the passage of the motion and accused the tel aviv regime of resorting to a campaign of distorting facts in a bid to legitimize its occupation of east jerusalem alquds through an orchestrated campaign israel has been using archaeological claims and distortion of facts as a way to legitimize the annexation of occupied east jerusalem erekat said he further noted that the unesco resolution urges respecting the status quo of its religious sites including the alaqsa mosque compound that continues to be threatened by the systematic incitement and provocative actions of the israeli government and extremist jewish groups earlier this month unescos member executive board approved a similar resolution prompting a furious reaction from israel as the regime suspended its ties with the agency wednesdays vote further infuriated israel with prime minister benjamin netanyahu announcing that the regimes ambassador to unesco carmel shamahacohen had been recalled for consultations we will decide what the next steps will be netanyahu said in a statement elias sanbar palestines unesco envoy fired back at those upset with the resolution and warned that israelis were politicizing religion and this is very dangerous makram mustafa queisi jordans ambassador to unesco also stressed that unesco tried to tackle the issue from a technical point of view while many parties were politicizing it palestinian ambassador to unesco elias sanbar l and jordanian envoy makram mustafa queisi address the media after an antiisrael resolution was passed by secret ballot at the agencys headquarters in paris france october photo by ap palestine became the th full member of unesco in october triggering a cut in tel avivs funding to the agency the occupied territories have already been the scene of increased tensions ever since the israeli regime imposed restrictions on the entry of palestinian worshipers into the alaqsa mosque compound in august more than palestinians have been killed by israeli forces since the beginning of last october loading
trump crushed hillary clintons new powerful closing argument women
pakistani troops seen village near line control loc pakistanadministered kashmir october photo afp pakistans army says indian troops killed two civilians disputed region kashmir military statement said wednesday unprovoked firing indian forces took place along working boundary separates pakistans punjab province indiancontrolled kashmir two killed village chaprar statement said adding eight civilians also injured indian fire separately pakistani civilian injured due earlier crossborder shelling succumbed injuries wednesday pakistani military said another civilian injured indian firing line control loc monday october succumbed injuries today tensions running high along line control divides two neighbors kashmir pakistani villagers show wall house damaged heavy mortar shells fired indian troops border village chaprar october photo afp pakistani foreign ministry summoned senior indian diplomat lodge protest unprovoked firing india loc working boundary october ministry called india instruct troops respect ceasefire refrain intentionally targeting villages maintain peace relations two countries plummeted recent months india blaming pakistan raid army base indiancontrolled kashmir september killed soldiers new delhi responded called surgical strikes infuriating islamabad kashmir divided india pakistan claimed full since two countries gained independence britain india pakistan agreed ceasefire kashmir november launched peace process following year since sporadic clashes two sides trading accusations violating ceasefire along de facto border loading
Jason Easley
trump is deadbeating on his campaign debts by refusing to pay his own pollster
military british defense secretary michael fallon photo by afp british defense minister michael fallon says the uk is set to deploy hundreds of troops to the baltic region in europe to support its nato allies in the face of a more assertive russia fallon told a nato ministerial meeting in brussels on wednesday that britain would send soldiers to estonia to fulfill its pledge to deliver one of four battalions to natos enhanced forward presence in eastern europe backed by a rising defense budget this deployment of air land and sea forces shows that we will continue to play a leading role in nato supporting the defense and security of our allies from the north to the south of the alliance fallon said nato had announced in july that it would deploy on a rotational basis four multinational battalions to poland and the baltic statesestonia latvia and lithuaniato deter what it referred to as any russian incursion during his address at the meeting fallon also said that four british typhoon fighter jets would be dispatched to romania under the nato southern air policing mission which is supposed to protect the baltic states airspace against possible attacks from russia this is about two things reassurance and that needs to be done with some formidable presence and deterrence fallon had said in an earlier interview this is not simply a tripwirethis is a serious military presence the move is likely to draw criticism from moscow which has been angered by natos military buildup on its western borders the usled military alliance cut its ties with moscow in and has been reinforcing its presence near russias borders ever since the uk and russia have strong disagreements over a number of issues mainly the conflicts in syria and ukraine the two countries military forces have been involved in a series of aerial and naval confrontations with britain sending its jets and warships on several occasions to intercept russian bombers and naval fleets the latest of those encounters occurred on thursday when the russian aircraft career admiral kuznetsov and its sevenship task force were shadowed by two british warships on a course to sail through the north sea and english channel on their way to syria loading
new report uncovers secret trump server repeatedly communicated russia
world leaders personal chefs sample indian market fare wed oct pm news bulletin chefs various heads state pose photograph visit spice market old quarters new delhi october afp worlds highprofile chefs india explore one gastronomic societies earth members exclusive cooking society le club des chefs des chefs gathered new delhi sample indias spicy aromatic cuisine culinary delegate comprising personal chefs worlds leaders decided hold meeting india invited countrys president got chance explore crowded alleys old delhis pungent spice market get taste countrys authentic ingredients top chefs get together every year general assembly meeting supposed provide platform gourmands exchange recipes elite chefs also discuss ways use food diplomacy connect communities club also seeks promote local food healthy eating habits
Jason Easley
trump crushed by hillary clintons new powerful closing argument to women
pakistani troops are seen in a village near the line of control loc in pakistanadministered kashmir october photo by afp pakistans army says indian troops have killed two civilians in the disputed region of kashmir a military statement said on wednesday that unprovoked firing by the indian forces took place along the working boundary which separates pakistans punjab province from indiancontrolled kashmir the two were killed in the village of chaprar the statement said adding that eight civilians were also injured by the indian fire separately a pakistani civilian who was injured due to an earlier crossborder shelling succumbed to injuries on wednesday the pakistani military said another civilian who was injured by the indian firing at line of control loc monday october succumbed to injuries today tensions have been running high along the line of control which divides the two neighbors in kashmir pakistani villagers show the wall of a house damaged by heavy mortar shells fired by indian troops in the border village of chaprar on october photo by afp the pakistani foreign ministry summoned a senior indian diplomat to lodge a protest over the unprovoked firing by india on the loc and the working boundary on october and the ministry called on india to instruct its troops to respect the ceasefire and refrain from intentionally targeting the villages and maintain peace relations between the two countries have plummeted in recent months with india blaming pakistan for a raid on an army base in indiancontrolled kashmir in september that killed soldiers new delhi responded with what it called surgical strikes infuriating islamabad kashmir has been divided between india and pakistan but claimed in full by both since the two countries gained independence from britain in india and pakistan agreed to a ceasefire in kashmir on november and launched a peace process the following year since then there have been sporadic clashes with the two sides trading accusations of violating the ceasefire along their de facto border loading
donald trump may broken law avoid paying federal income taxes
interviews james clapper director us national intelligence agency speaks council foreign relations new york city october afp photo james clapper us director national intelligence warned establishment nofly zone syria could prompt russia shoot us planes comes hillary clinton democratic nominee us presidential election called establishing nofly zone arab country russia recently deployed mobile missile batteries western syria ready shoot cruise missiles aircraft gordon duff senior editor veterans today told press tv james clapper spoke former secretary states emphasis nofly zone syria responsible american officials obtain intelligence syrian conflict spy chief public position united states visàvis syria established based intelligence supplied exclusively james clapper duff noted adding clapper one talks gas hes one talks barrel bombs everything thats disproven said every crazy scheme us comes blame syria killing people russians slaughtering people hospitals comes james clapper director national intelligence agency fed information secretary clinton fed information president barack obama clinton said favored nofly zone acceptable russia damascus negotiations different story one said spy chief political purposes duff said duff added imposition nofly zone obviously going help one alnusra front isis daesh terrorists damascus moscow carry airstrikes terrorist groups wreak havoc arab country us allies push imposing nofly zone syria pursue agenda warridden state since march syria gripped foreignbacked militancy left hundreds thousands people dead wounded millions others homeless loading
Sean Colarossi
new report uncovers secret trump server that repeatedly communicated with russia
world leaders personal chefs sample indian market fare wed oct pm news bulletin the chefs to various heads of state pose for a photograph as they visit the spice market in the old quarters of new delhi on october afp the worlds most highprofile chefs are in india to explore one of the most gastronomic societies on earth members of the exclusive cooking society le club des chefs des chefs have gathered up in new delhi to sample indias spicy and aromatic cuisine the culinary delegate comprising personal chefs to the worlds leaders decided to hold a meeting in india after being invited by the countrys president they got the chance to explore the crowded alleys of old delhis pungent spice market and get a taste of the countrys authentic ingredients the top chefs get together every year for a general assembly the meeting is supposed to provide a platform for the gourmands to exchange recipes the elite chefs also discuss ways to use food diplomacy to connect communities the club also seeks to promote local food and healthy eating habits
bad news republicans court intervenes voter intimidation scheme
police move disperse students protesting outside parliament cape town south africa october photo reuters clashes erupted outside south africas parliament police struggled disperse students protesting financial hardships deteriorating economic situation country protest wednesday outside national assembly building cape town saw direct confrontation police students protesting students mainly angry increased tuition fees universities also voiced anger south africas grim economic prospects cities across country seen similar protests past weeks violent officials cape town johannesburg elsewhere even ordered temporary closure universities calm situation injured student helped classmates protest outside parliament cape town south africa october photo reuters clashes wednesday came finance minister pravin gordhan delivered speech parliament warn south africas weakening economy although vowed government would anything help students country cope financial problems everything possible regain normality campuses want violence stop gordhan said adding many students face financial hardships undermine ability succeed academically gordhan said south africas growth forecast stood percent also stated extra billion rand billion would earmarked funding university students warned growing sense political uncertainty south africa could seriously harm countrys financial position world much disturbing difficult rise communities anger discontent spilling violence destructive protests gordhan said adding economic outlook distressed possibility downgrades credit ratings gordhans promise spending cuts fighting corruption triggered new political standoff south africa ordered appear court november face charges fraud many see direct clash people loyal president jacob zuma minister enjoys good deal public support record office senior members zumas african national congress anc dismissed charges gordhan politically motivated calling zuma ancs senior figures resign save party current political turmoil loading
Sean Colarossi
donald trump may have broken the law to avoid paying federal income taxes
interviews james clapper director of us national intelligence agency speaks at the council of foreign relations in new york city on october afp photo james clapper the us director of national intelligence has warned that the establishment of a nofly zone in syria could prompt russia to shoot down us planes this comes as hillary clinton the democratic nominee for the us presidential election has called for establishing a nofly zone in the arab country russia has recently deployed mobile s and s missile batteries to western syria which are ready to shoot down cruise missiles and aircraft gordon duff a senior editor with the veterans today told press tv that james clapper who spoke out against former secretary of states emphasis on a nofly zone over syria is responsible because the american officials obtain their intelligence on the syrian conflict from the spy chief the public position of the united states visàvis syria was established based on intelligence supplied exclusively by james clapper duff noted adding he clapper is the one that talks about the gas hes the one who talks about the barrel bombs and everything thats been disproven he said every crazy scheme that the us comes up with to blame syria for killing its own people or the russians for slaughtering people in hospitals it all comes from james clapper the director of the national intelligence agency who fed that information to secretary clinton who fed that information to president barack obama clinton said that she favored a nofly zone only if acceptable for both russia and damascus and after negotiations which is a very different story than the one said by the spy chief for political purposes duff said duff added that the imposition of nofly zone obviously is going to help no one but alnusra front and isis daesh terrorists damascus and moscow carry out airstrikes against terrorist groups who wreak havoc in the arab country but the us and its allies push for imposing a nofly zone on syria to pursue their agenda in the warridden state since march syria has been gripped with foreignbacked militancy which has left hundreds of thousands of people dead or wounded and millions of others homeless loading
mainstream media ignoring lawsuits trump focus clinton emails
india remains indifferent towards kashmiris problem wed oct pm kashmiris shout antiindia slogans protest muzaffarabad october afp shahana buttpress tv indiancontrolled kashmir days street tensions indiancontrolled kashmir residents disputed region continue protests sparked death proindependence leader july almost people killed hands indian security forces kashmir correspondent shahana butt reports new delhis indifference toward kashmiri people strengthened continue peaceful struggle lasting solution dispute
Sarah Jones
bad news for republicans as court intervenes in their voter intimidation scheme
more police move to disperse students protesting outside the parliament in cape town south africa october photo by reuters clashes have erupted outside south africas parliament as police struggled to disperse students protesting against financial hardships and the deteriorating economic situation in the country the protest on wednesday outside the national assembly building in cape town saw a direct confrontation between the police and about students the protesting students were mainly angry at the increased tuition fees in the universities they also voiced anger at south africas grim economic prospects other cities across the country have seen similar protests over the past weeks some of them violent officials in cape town johannesburg and elsewhere have even ordered the temporary closure of the universities to calm down the situation an injured student is helped by classmates during a protest outside the parliament in cape town south africa october photo by reuters the clashes on wednesday came as finance minister pravin gordhan delivered a speech in the parliament to warn about south africas weakening economy although he vowed that the government would do anything to help students in the country cope with financial problems we will do everything that is possible to regain normality on our campuses we want the violence to stop gordhan said adding many students face financial hardships that undermine their ability to succeed academically gordhan said south africas growth forecast stood at percent he also stated that an extra billion rand billion would be earmarked for funding university students he warned that a growing sense of political uncertainty in south africa could seriously harm the countrys financial position in the world much more disturbing and more difficult is the rise in our own communities of anger and discontent spilling over into violence and destructive protests gordhan said adding it is not just that our economic outlook is distressed and there is the possibility of downgrades in credit ratings gordhans promise of spending cuts and fighting corruption has triggered a new political standoff in south africa he has been ordered to appear in court on november to face charges of fraud in what many see as a direct clash between him and people loyal to president jacob zuma the minister enjoys a good deal of public support over his record in office some senior members of zumas african national congress anc have dismissed charges against gordhan as politically motivated calling on zuma and the ancs senior figures to resign to save the party from the current political turmoil loading
north carolina republicans sued rigging election trump
yemen still shows abdulmalik alhouthi leader yemens houthi ansarullah movement delivering televised speech file photo leader yemens houthi ansarullah movement says saudi arabia commits crimes across globe us green light abdulmalik alhouthi said wednesday al saud family adopted hypocritical approach muslim world proof takfiri violence gripping region washington gives riyadh regime green light sedition sparks countries saudi offensive line trend added houthi leader also warned saudi arabia seeking damage security arab countries egypt yemen syria iraq petrodollars deceptive propaganda works instead countering enemies islam including us israel kingdom engaged spreading takfiri ideology arming terrorists houthi noted saudi yemenis blood hands october one deadliest attacks yemen saudi warplanes bombarded funeral hall packed mourners sanaa killing people injuring least others human rights watch new yorkbased rights group said sanaa bombing constitutes apparent war crime amnesty international said attack reminder need suspension arms sales saudi arabia people inspect aftermath saudi airstrike sanaa yemen october photo ap saudi arabia committed crimes sanaa attack tried acquit assault houthi said adding clear sign suggesting end saudi offensive also stressed yemenis cannot rely united nations world body adopted position regarding saudi attack sanaa houthi wished victory palestinian nation resistance front lebanon syria well iraqi people antiterror operation city mosul riyadh regime resumed deadly airstrikes yemen sunday hours threeday truce conflictridden country expired yemen seen almost daily military attacks saudi arabia since late march un putting toll aggression offensive launched crush houthi ansarullah movement allies reinstate former yemeni government us providing logistic surveillance support kingdom bloody military campaign loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
mainstream media ignoring lawsuits against trump to focus on clinton emails
india remains indifferent towards kashmiris problem wed oct pm kashmiris shout antiindia slogans in a protest in muzaffarabad on october afp shahana buttpress tv indiancontrolled kashmir more than days of street tensions in indiancontrolled kashmir and residents of the disputed region continue with protests that sparked after the death a proindependence leader in july up until now almost people have been killed at the hands of indian security forces in kashmir our correspondent shahana butt reports how new delhis indifference toward kashmiri people has strengthened their will to continue their peaceful struggle for a lasting solution to the dispute
rachel maddow shines light trumps white supremacist support
sports file photo shows members national iranian mens cycling team union cycliste internationale uci named national iranian mens cycling team greatest team asia thanks outstanding performances continental sports events according latest monthly rankings released worlds governing body sports cycling international competitive cycling events iranian side collected points claim top position among asian outfits kazakhstan landed second asian slot uci rankings points followed japan south korea claimed third fourth spots respectively points additionally iranian cycling club pishgaman kavir yazd accumulated points stand continental ranking followed another iranian squad tabriz shahrdari team points second place loading
north carolina republicans sued for rigging the election for trump
yemen this still shows abdulmalik alhouthi the leader of yemens houthi ansarullah movement delivering a televised speech file photo the leader of yemens houthi ansarullah movement says saudi arabia commits crimes across the globe with the us green light abdulmalik alhouthi said on wednesday that the al saud family has adopted a hypocritical approach in the muslim world the proof of which is takfiri violence gripping the region when washington gives the riyadh regime the green light sedition sparks in all countries with the saudi offensive being in line with such a trend he added the houthi leader also warned that saudi arabia is seeking to damage security in some arab countries such as egypt yemen syria and iraq through petrodollars and deceptive propaganda works instead of countering the enemies of islam including the us and israel the kingdom has been engaged in spreading takfiri ideology and arming terrorists houthi noted saudi has yemenis blood on its hands on october in one of the deadliest attacks yemen saudi warplanes bombarded a funeral hall packed with mourners in sanaa killing over people and injuring at least others human rights watch a new yorkbased rights group said that the sanaa bombing constitutes an apparent war crime while amnesty international said the attack was a reminder of the need for the suspension of arms sales to saudi arabia people inspect the aftermath of a saudi airstrike in sanaa yemen october photo by ap saudi arabia committed crimes by the sanaa attack but it tried to acquit itself of the assault houthi said adding that there was no clear sign suggesting an end to the saudi offensive he also stressed that yemenis cannot rely on the united nations as the world body has not adopted a position regarding the saudi attack in sanaa houthi further wished victory for the palestinian nation and the resistance front in lebanon and syria as well as the iraqi people in their antiterror operation in the city of mosul the riyadh regime resumed its deadly airstrikes on yemen on sunday hours after a threeday truce in the conflictridden country expired yemen has seen almost daily military attacks by saudi arabia since late march with the un putting the toll from the aggression at more than the offensive was launched to crush the houthi ansarullah movement and its allies and reinstate the former yemeni government the us has been providing logistic and surveillance support to the kingdom in the bloody military campaign loading
trump kills gop lowest score history presidential leadership poll
eu october photo provided seawatch aid group refugees sit inflatable boat background left speedboat labeled libyan coast guard background right seawatch members boat foreground arrive libyan coast mediterranean sea via ap un refugee agency also known unhcr says number refugees died mediterranean sea way europe reached alltime high confirm least people reported dead missing mediterranean sea far year making death toll highest ever recorded said un refugee agency spokesman william spindler wednesday alarming surge surpassed death toll comes despite considerable decline number refugees crossing mediterranean million people reached europe via mediterranean fewer crossings reported far year number refugees heading europe declined european union march signed controversial deal turkey aimed stemming flow refugees continent forcing deported eu either located turkey go back original country departure since route libya italy across central mediterranean become main way pathways greece closed according agency likelihood perishing shorter route turkey greece one one death every arrivals reported perilous route libya italy unhcr attributed surge mainly overcrowded lower quality vessels flimsy inflatable rafts often used smugglers october photo provided seawatch aid group refugees sit inflatable boat libyan coast mediterranean sea via ap refugees found dead mediterranean sea msf says earlier wednesday doctors without borders known msf french acronym said bodies retrieved refugee boat rescue operation mediterranean msf said ship bourbon argos found bodies aboard vessel nautical miles libya late tuesday vessel carrying survivors victims apparently burned suffocated drowned recovery operation took place help team berlinbased nongovernmental organization seawatch took long time boat flooded mixture fuel seawater mixture water fuel foul could stay boat long periods horrible said michele telaro msf project leader msf also saved people aboard another dinghy tuesday seawatch recovered body another operation italian coast guard reported refugees rescued overcrowded boats tuesday asylum seekers triggered unprecedented influx refugees europe dealing past years flee conflictridden zones north africa middle east particularly syria many blame western policies toward conflicts refugee crisis loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
rachel maddow shines the light on trumps white supremacist support
sports this file photo shows members of the national iranian mens cycling team the union cycliste internationale uci has named the national iranian mens cycling team as the greatest team in asia thanks to its outstanding performances at continental sports events according to the latest monthly rankings released by the worlds governing body for sports cycling and international competitive cycling events the iranian side collected points to claim the top position among other asian outfits kazakhstan landed in the second asian slot of the uci rankings with points followed by japan and south korea which claimed the third and fourth spots respectively with and points additionally the iranian cycling club pishgaman kavir yazd accumulated points to stand out in the continental ranking it was followed by another iranian squad tabriz shahrdari team with points in the second place loading
fbi horrified spy says russia supporting cultivating trump years
jakub voracek philadelphia flyers celebrates scoring winning goal shootout buffalo sabres wells fargo center october philadelphia pennsylvaniaafp philadelphia flyers came back behind beat buffalo sabres tuesday night trailing nothing end second period flyers sprang life scored three times tie game threeapiece end third period goals went either way onwards game taken overtime later shootout thats jakub voracek scored game winner flyers
Jason Easley
trump kills the gop with the lowest score in history of presidential leadership poll
eu in this october photo provided by seawatch aid group refugees sit in an inflatable boat background left while a speedboat labeled libyan coast guard background right and seawatch members in a boat foreground arrive off the libyan coast in the mediterranean sea via ap the un refugee agency also known as the unhcr says the number of refugees who died in the mediterranean sea on their way to europe in has reached an alltime high we can confirm that at least people have been reported dead or missing in the mediterranean sea so far this year making the death toll in the highest ever recorded said the un refugee agency spokesman william spindler on wednesday the alarming surge which surpassed the death toll of for comes despite a considerable decline in the number of refugees crossing the mediterranean in more than a million people reached europe via the mediterranean in while fewer than crossings have been reported so far this year the number of refugees heading to europe has declined as the european union in march signed a controversial deal with turkey aimed at stemming the flow of refugees into the continent by forcing those deported from the eu to either be located in turkey or go back to the original country of departure since then the route between libya and italy across the central mediterranean has become the main way as pathways to greece have been closed down according to the agency the likelihood of perishing in the shorter route between turkey and greece was one in while one death for every arrivals was reported in the most perilous route between libya and italy in the unhcr attributed the surge mainly to the overcrowded lower quality vessels flimsy inflatable rafts often used by smugglers in this october photo provided by seawatch aid group refugees sit in an inflatable boat off the libyan coast in the mediterranean sea via ap refugees found dead in mediterranean sea msf says earlier on wednesday doctors without borders known as the msf by its french acronym said bodies had been retrieved from a refugee boat during a rescue operation in the mediterranean the msf said its ship bourbon argos found the bodies aboard the vessel nautical miles off libya late on tuesday the vessel was carrying survivors the victims had apparently been burned suffocated or drowned the recovery operation which took place with the help of a team from the berlinbased nongovernmental organization seawatch took a long time as the boat was flooded with a mixture of fuel and seawater the mixture of water and fuel was so foul that we could not stay on the boat for long periods it was horrible said michele telaro the msf project leader the msf also saved people aboard another dinghy on tuesday seawatch recovered a body in another operation the italian coast guard reported that refugees were rescued from overcrowded boats on tuesday most of the asylum seekers that have triggered the unprecedented influx of refugees europe has been dealing with over the past few years flee conflictridden zones in north africa and the middle east particularly syria many blame western policies toward the conflicts for the refugee crisis loading
comey must explain advised obama publicly accuse russia hacking democrats
foreign policy us secretary defense ashton carter photo afp us defense secretary ashton carter says pentagon planning ground offensive oust daesh isil terrorist group syrian city raqqah terror groups stronghold country speaking nbc news wednesday carter said washington ready equip syrian kurdish fighters launch assault near future starts next weeks hat long plan capable resourcing groups pentagon chief noted carter iraq earlier week amid ongoing battle retake city mosul daesh said raqqah offensive would begin iraqs second largest city cleared iraqi army backed volunteer forces engaged large military offensive cleanse mosul daesh terrorists since last week coalition usled countries reportedly providing air support operation long part plan mosul operation would kick plan goes back many months raqqah would follow soon behind carter added iraqi forces gather alshura area south mosul october photo afp carter acknowledged us forces wont directly involved operations american soldiers currently stationed iraq tasked providing training intelligence iraqi forces according us military officials usled coalition also carrying airstrikes purported daesh positions syria since however ongoing western efforts syria different nature washington allies come fire openly seeking remove president bashar alassad power amnesty international ukbased rights group said wednesday usled airstrikes killed hundreds civilians across syria carters remarks came day british defense secretary michael fallon said uk special forces soon resume training moderate militants syria bolster fight daesh new effort would extension failed million program pentagon supposed train equip militants every year discontinued november last year failing attract enough volunteers russia pounding daesh across syria upon request damascus says westerntrained militants use oust assad loading
Sarah Jones
fbi horrified as spy says russia has been supporting and cultivating trump for years
jakub voracek of the philadelphia flyers celebrates after scoring the winning goal during the shootout against the buffalo sabres at wells fargo center on october in philadelphia pennsylvaniaafp the philadelphia flyers came back from behind to beat the buffalo sabres on tuesday night trailing nothing at the end of the second period the flyers sprang into life and scored three times to tie the game at threeapiece at the end of the third period no goals went either way from then onwards and so he game was taken into overtime and later into shootout thats where jakub voracek scored the game winner for the flyers
comey letter hurts gop hillary clinton raised million online hours
news bulletin liverpools english striker daniel sturridge c applauds supporters final whistle efl english football league cup fourth round match liverpool tottenham hotspur anfield liverpool north west england october afp liverpool progressed quarterfinals efl cup defeating tottenham anfield help double daniel sturridge reds couldnt asked better start tuesday grabbed lead minutes match daniel sturridge yearold striker doubled liverpools advantage break converting oneonone opportunity th minute spurs however managed pull one back th minute vincent janssen converted penalty close got liverpool made last eight stayed course lift trophy th time history
Sarah Jones
comey must explain why he advised obama not to publicly accuse russia of hacking democrats
foreign policy us secretary of defense ashton carter photo by afp us defense secretary ashton carter says the pentagon is planning a ground offensive to oust the daesh isil terrorist group from the syrian city of raqqah the terror groups stronghold in the country speaking to nbc news on wednesday carter said washington was ready to equip syrian and kurdish fighters to launch the assault in the near future it starts in the next few weeks hat has long been our plan and we will be capable of resourcing both groups the pentagon chief noted carter who was in iraq earlier this week amid the ongoing battle to retake the city of mosul from daesh said the raqqah offensive would begin when iraqs second largest city is cleared the iraqi army backed by volunteer forces has been engaged in a large military offensive to cleanse mosul of daesh terrorists since last week a coalition of usled countries has been reportedly providing air support to the operation its been long a part of our plan that the mosul operation would kick off when it did this was a plan that goes back many months now and that raqqah would follow soon behind carter added iraqi forces gather in the alshura area south of mosul october photo by afp carter acknowledged that us forces wont be directly involved in any of the operations more than american soldiers are currently stationed in iraq tasked with providing training and intelligence to iraqi forces according to us military officials the usled coalition has also been carrying out airstrikes against purported daesh positions in syria since however the ongoing western efforts in syria have a different nature washington and its allies have come under fire for openly seeking to remove president bashar alassad from power amnesty international a ukbased rights group said wednesday that the usled airstrikes have killed hundreds of civilians across syria carters remarks came only a day after british defense secretary michael fallon said uk special forces will soon resume training moderate militants in syria to bolster the fight against daesh the new effort would be an extension of a failed million program by the pentagon that was supposed to train and equip up to militants every year but was discontinued in november last year after failing to attract enough volunteers russia which has been pounding daesh across syria upon a request from damascus says the westerntrained militants only use is to oust assad loading
hillary clinton setting masterful trap trump self destruct
politics iranian foreign minister mohammad javad zarif photo ap iranian foreign minister mohammad javad zarif pay official oneday visit russia talks syrian crisis iranian foreign ministry spokesman bahram qassemi said wednesday top diplomat due moscow friday said zarif scheduled attend trilateral meeting russian counterpart sergei lavrov syrian foreign minister walid almuallem regional developments including conflict syria according qassemi zarif also hold separate meeting lavrov discuss tehranmoscow relations meanwhile russias ria news agency citing russian foreign ministry reported zarif lavrov also discuss situation iraq muallems scheduled visit friday earlier announced russian foreign ministry iran russia similar stances ongoing deadly crisis syria moscow tehran reject foreign interference affairs warhit country stressing syrians entitled decide fate iran providing military advisory assistance syrian government campaign terrorism russia also carrying airstrikes terrorists positions syria since september last year official request damascus government syria gripped foreignbacked militancy since march people far killed conflict according estimates un special envoy syria staffan de mistura neighboring iraq arab countrys army also pressing ahead massive operation aimed recapturing mosul daesh takfiri terrorists captured strategic city june army liberating areas aroundmosul iraqi joint operations command announcing counterterrorism units two kilometers away city loading
Jason Easley
comey letter hurts gop as hillary clinton raised million online in hours
news bulletin liverpools english striker daniel sturridge c applauds supporters at the final whistle during the efl english football league cup fourth round match between liverpool and tottenham hotspur at anfield in liverpool north west england on october afp liverpool have progressed into the quarterfinals of the efl cup by defeating tottenham at anfield with the help of a double by daniel sturridge the reds just couldnt have asked for a better start on tuesday as they grabbed the lead just minutes into the match through daniel sturridge the yearold striker then doubled liverpools advantage after the break by converting a oneonone opportunity in the th minute spurs however managed to pull one back in the th minute when vincent janssen converted a penalty but that was as close as they got as liverpool made it to the last eight and stayed on course to lift the trophy for a th time in their history
economists sign letter urging america vote donald trump
egypt file photo shows mohammed badie senior figure egypts outlawed muslim brotherhood egypts appeals court upheld draconian life sentence handed mohammed badie spiritual leader outlawed muslim brotherhood court ruled wednesday badie along others served ministers government led countrys first democratically elected president mohamed morsi supported brotherhood deserved life behind bars inciting violence murder badie viewed key element muslim brotherhood party operated numerous restrictions era countrys former dictator hosni mubarak senior brotherhood figure played major role popular uprising led ouster mubarak january wednesday session court also upheld death sentences individuals tried absentia criminal court tried defendants include former youth supplies ministers charges murder attempted murder resisting authorities assaulting policemen sabotage blocking main road nile delta city qalyubia general legal procedure muslim brotherhood began july morsi ousted military coup head egyptian armed forces abdel fattah elsisi came power afterward sisi believed orchestrated coup well ensuing crackdown brotherhood estimates provided human rights campaigners show people killed arrested relation crackdown members supporters muslim brotherhood morsi sentenced years jail escaping prison appeals court endorsed sentence last week rejecting appeal loading
Jason Easley
hillary clinton is setting a masterful trap for trump to self destruct
politics iranian foreign minister mohammad javad zarif photo by ap iranian foreign minister mohammad javad zarif will pay an official oneday visit to russia for talks on the syrian crisis iranian foreign ministry spokesman bahram qassemi said on wednesday that the top diplomat is due in moscow on friday he said that zarif is scheduled to attend a trilateral meeting with his russian counterpart sergei lavrov and syrian foreign minister walid almuallem on regional developments including the conflict in syria according to qassemi zarif will also hold a separate meeting with lavrov to discuss tehranmoscow relations meanwhile russias ria news agency citing the russian foreign ministry reported that zarif and lavrov will also discuss the situation in iraq muallems scheduled visit on friday had earlier been announced by the russian foreign ministry iran and russia have similar stances on the ongoing deadly crisis in syria moscow and tehran reject any foreign interference in the affairs of the warhit country stressing that only the syrians are entitled to decide their own fate iran has been providing military advisory assistance to the syrian government in its campaign against terrorism russia has also been carrying out airstrikes against terrorists positions in syria since september last year at the official request of the damascus government syria has been gripped by foreignbacked militancy since march over people have so far been killed in the conflict according to estimates by un special envoy for syria staffan de mistura in neighboring iraq the arab countrys army is also pressing ahead with a massive operation aimed at recapturing mosul from daesh takfiri terrorists who captured the strategic city in june the army has been liberating more areas aroundmosul with the iraqi joint operations command announcing that counterterrorism units were only two kilometers away from the city loading
david bossie desperately claims clinton enthusiasm gap trump path victory
sports national iranian womens inline hockey team national iranian womens inline hockey team captured second victory row preliminary round th edition asian roller skating championships china overcoming strong south korean side wednesday morning iranian sportswomen gained narrow win east asian contingent match staged eastern chinese city lishui faezeh modabber scored sole goal game iranian inline hockey players also got two goals referee disallowed iranian outfit scheduled face china later day th edition asian roller skating championships started lishui october wrap november sports event brought together dozens male female roller skaters various asian countries including china islamic republic iran south korea loading
Jason Easley
economists sign letter urging america not to vote for donald trump
egypt the file photo shows mohammed badie a senior figure of egypts now outlawed muslim brotherhood egypts appeals court has upheld a draconian life sentence that was handed down to mohammed badie the spiritual leader of the now outlawed muslim brotherhood the court ruled on wednesday that badie along with others who served as ministers in the government led by the countrys first democratically elected president mohamed morsi who was supported by the brotherhood between and deserved life behind bars for inciting violence and murder badie has been viewed as a key element in the muslim brotherhood a party which operated under numerous restrictions during the era of the countrys former dictator hosni mubarak the senior brotherhood figure played a major role in the popular uprising that led to the ouster of mubarak in january during the wednesday session the court also upheld the death sentences for other individuals who had been tried in absentia a criminal court in tried defendants who include former youth and supplies ministers for charges of murder attempted murder resisting authorities assaulting policemen sabotage and blocking a main road in the nile delta city of qalyubia the general legal procedure against the muslim brotherhood began in july when morsi was ousted in a military coup the head of the egyptian armed forces abdel fattah elsisi came to power afterward sisi is believed to have orchestrated the coup as well as the ensuing crackdown on the brotherhood estimates provided by human rights campaigners show that people have been killed and have been arrested in relation to the crackdown on the members and supporters of the muslim brotherhood morsi himself has been sentenced to years in jail for escaping prison in the appeals court endorsed the sentence last week rejecting his appeal loading
house republicans plan secret meeting discuss overthrowing paul ryan
politics leader islamic revolution ayatollah seyyed ali khamenei r finnish president sauli niinistö meet tehran october photos leaderir leader islamic revolution ayatollah seyyed ali khamenei says saudi arabias killing yemenis worst type terrorism terrorism limited terror acts committed unofficial groups mass killings people certain governments saudi attack people mourning procession yemen left hundreds killed injured worst type terrorism leader said meeting visiting finnish president sauli niinistö tehran wednesday ayatollah khamenei also described terrorism one painful sufferings gripping human society called sincere fight scourge countering terrorism needs serious resolve influence within global powers leader said calling world pundits governments take measures deal phenomenon leader islamic revolution ayatollah seyyed ali khamenei r receives finnish president sauli niinistö c presence irans president hassan rouhani tehran october ayatollah khamenei also said us certain western countries sincere fight terrorism governments calculate issues based interests think eradicating malady terrorism iraq syria leader added ayatollah khamenei criticized un secretary general ban kimoons failure condemn saudi war yemen un secretary general said explicitly possible body condemn killing yemeni children un depends saudi governments money leader said stressing approach indicative deplorable moral state politicians helm international organizations loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
david bossie desperately claims clinton enthusiasm gap is trump path to victory
sports the national iranian womens inline hockey team the national iranian womens inline hockey team has captured its second victory in a row at the preliminary round of the th edition of asian roller skating championships in china overcoming the strong south korean side on wednesday morning the iranian sportswomen gained a narrow win over the east asian contingent in a match staged in the eastern chinese city of lishui faezeh modabber scored the sole goal of the game the iranian inline hockey players also got two other goals but the referee disallowed them the iranian outfit was scheduled to face china later in the day the th edition of asian roller skating championships started in lishui on october and will wrap up on november the sports event has brought together dozens of male and female roller skaters from various asian countries including china the islamic republic of iran and south korea loading
sean hannity spreads fake news story millions republicans remain brainwashed
military mq reaper remotely piloted aircraft flies training mission november creech air force base indian springs nevada photo afp us military forces secretly using airbase tunisia drone operations gather intelligence inside oilrich libya officials say announcement made unnamed sources cited washington post report wednesday libya struggling contain daesh takfiri terrorists started expanding presence country following overthrow death longtime dictator muammar gaddafi base apparently use since late june alleged effort support libyan governments fight terrorists currently control northern city sirte us also using bases niger djibouti ones farther away efforts administration president barack obama access airbase meant keep drones small special operations teams within striking distance militants close blind spot us western spy agencies officials also asserted drones unarmed tasked gathering intelligences adding could armed future tunis agrees tunisian government yet issue possible response report drones tasked assassination north african country usually fly naval air station sigonella italian island sicily reason keeping use airbase secret mentioned part obama administration efforts harm tunisias young democracy put washington post washington conducts targeted killings remotelycontrolled armed drones several african middle eastern countries united states claims airstrikes target members alqaeda militants according local officials witnesses civilians victims attacks airstrikes initiated former us president george w bush escalated since barack obama took office international organizations human rights groups say airstrikes flout international law loading
Jason Easley
house republicans plan secret meeting to discuss overthrowing paul ryan
politics leader of the islamic revolution ayatollah seyyed ali khamenei r and finnish president sauli niinistö meet in tehran on october photos by leaderir leader of the islamic revolution ayatollah seyyed ali khamenei says saudi arabias killing of yemenis is the worst type of terrorism terrorism is not limited to terror acts committed by some unofficial groups and mass killings of people by certain governments such as the saudi attack on people in a mourning procession in yemen which left hundreds killed and injured are the worst type of terrorism the leader said in a meeting with visiting finnish president sauli niinistö in tehran on wednesday ayatollah khamenei also described terrorism as one of the painful sufferings gripping the human society and called for a sincere fight against the scourge countering terrorism needs the serious resolve of all those who have an influence within global powers the leader said calling on world pundits and governments to take measures to deal with the phenomenon leader of the islamic revolution ayatollah seyyed ali khamenei r receives finnish president sauli niinistö c in the presence of irans president hassan rouhani in tehran on october ayatollah khamenei also said the us and certain western countries are not sincere in the fight against terrorism these governments calculate all issues based on their own interests and they do not think about eradicating the malady of terrorism in iraq or syria the leader added ayatollah khamenei further criticized un secretary general ban kimoons failure to condemn the saudi war on yemen the un secretary general said explicitly that it is not possible for the body to condemn the killing of yemeni children as the un depends on the saudi governments money the leader said stressing that this approach is indicative of the deplorable moral state of politicians at the helm of international organizations loading
donald trump begs hillary clinton early voters change votes
handout picture released venezuelan presidency shows supporters venezuelan president nicolas maduro cheering gathering caracas october photo afp tens thousands pro antigovernment protesters gathered streets venezuelas capital caracas wednesdays mass rallies people injured detained opponents accused president nicolas maduro violating constitutional order blocking recall referendum aimed removing power also called immediate resignation opposition supporters take part rally venezuelas president nicolas maduro next poster caracas venezuela october photo reuters way pressuring maduro understands go said one protester passive use anymore apply pressure another one added meanwhile large numbers progovernment protesters gathered near miraflores presidential palace show support maduro protests held maduro engaged crisis security talks reaction demonstrators demands televised speech talks called political dialogue peace venezuela handout picture released venezuelan presidency shows venezuelan president nicolas maduro delivering speech supporters gathering caracas october photo afp maduro adamant washingtons role countrys political economic woes accused opposition conspiring us south american country desperate received order north destroy venezuelan revolution added tuesday maduro accused opposition attempting parliamentary coup voting launch impeachment process never parliamentary coup venezuela shall allow anything like happen rightwing know maduro said massive rally supporters outside presidential palace opposition supporters take part rally president nicolas maduros government caracas venezuela october photo reuters oppositioncontrolled national assembly agreed initiate impeachment process maduro earlier tuesday reaction blocking bid recall maduro last week political standoff venezuela worsened since october suspension opposition push hold referendum try recall maduro back four state courts said signaturegathering process referendum fraudulent effectively blocking loading
Jason Easley
sean hannity spreads fake news story to millions as republicans remain brainwashed
military an mq reaper remotely piloted aircraft flies by during a training mission november at creech air force base in indian springs nevada photo by afp the us military forces have secretly been using an airbase in tunisia for drone operations to gather intelligence from inside oilrich libya officials say the announcement was made by unnamed sources cited in a washington post report on wednesday libya has been struggling to contain the daesh takfiri terrorists who started expanding their presence in the country following the overthrow and death of longtime dictator muammar gaddafi in the base has apparently been in use since late june in an alleged effort to support the libyan governments fight against the terrorists currently in control of the northern city of sirte the us has also been using bases in niger and djibouti but those ones are farther away efforts by the administration of president barack obama to access the airbase were meant to keep drones and small special operations teams within striking distance of the militants and close a blind spot for us and western spy agencies the officials also asserted that the drones were unarmed and tasked with gathering intelligences adding they could be armed in the future if tunis agrees the tunisian government is yet to issue a possible response to the report drones tasked with assassination in the north african country usually fly out of naval air station sigonella on the italian island of sicily the reason for keeping use of the airbase secret has been mentioned as part of the obama administration efforts not to harm tunisias young democracy as put by the washington post washington conducts targeted killings through remotelycontrolled armed drones in several african and middle eastern countries the united states claims the airstrikes target members of alqaeda and other militants but according to local officials and witnesses civilians have been the victims of the attacks the airstrikes initiated by former us president george w bush have been escalated since barack obama took office in international organizations and human rights groups say the airstrikes flout international law loading
hillary clinton shuts protester trumps divisive vision florida rally
iran finland sign mous tehran wed oct pm iranian president hassan rouhani meeting president finland sauli niinisto presidential palace tehran afp yusef jalali press tv tehran finlands president paid official visit iran boost mutual ties visit countries signed documents cooperation areas energy ict environment loading
Sarah Jones
donald trump begs hillary clinton early voters to change their votes
this handout picture released by the venezuelan presidency shows supporters of venezuelan president nicolas maduro cheering during a gathering in caracas on october photo by afp tens of thousands of pro and antigovernment protesters have gathered on the streets of venezuelas capital caracas during wednesdays mass rallies in which over people were injured and were detained the opponents accused president nicolas maduro of violating the constitutional order and blocking a recall referendum aimed at removing him from power they also called for his immediate resignation opposition supporters take part in a rally against venezuelas president nicolas maduro next to a poster of him in caracas venezuela october photo by reuters this is a way of pressuring maduro so he understands that he has to go said one protester being passive is no use anymore we have to apply more pressure another one added meanwhile large numbers of progovernment protesters gathered near the miraflores presidential palace in a show of support for maduro as the protests were being held maduro engaged in crisis security talks in reaction to the demonstrators demands in a televised speech after the talks he called for political dialogue and peace in venezuela this handout picture released by the venezuelan presidency shows venezuelan president nicolas maduro delivering a speech to supporters during a gathering in caracas on october photo by afp maduro is adamant about washingtons role in his countrys political and economic woes and has accused the opposition of conspiring with the us against the south american country they are desperate they have received the order from the north to destroy the venezuelan revolution he added on tuesday maduro accused the opposition of attempting a parliamentary coup by voting to launch an impeachment process against him there has never been a parliamentary coup in venezuela and we shall not allow anything like this to happen the rightwing here and there should know this maduro said during a massive rally by his supporters outside the presidential palace opposition supporters take part in a rally against president nicolas maduros government in caracas venezuela october photo by reuters the oppositioncontrolled national assembly agreed to initiate the impeachment process against maduro earlier on tuesday in reaction to blocking a bid to recall maduro last week the political standoff in venezuela has worsened since the october suspension of the opposition push to hold a referendum to try to recall maduro back then four state courts said the signaturegathering process for the referendum had been fraudulent effectively blocking it loading
tens thousands march venezuela government
debate washingtons syria policy episode debate press tv conducted interview brian becker answer coalition michael lane founder american institute foreign policy washington discuss recent revelations virginia state senate richard hayden war syria would us put end intervention russia entered warravaged country loading
Hrafnkell Haraldsson
hillary clinton shuts down protester and trumps divisive vision at florida rally
iran finland sign mous in tehran wed oct pm iranian president hassan rouhani meeting with the president of finland sauli niinisto at the presidential palace in tehran afp yusef jalali press tv tehran finlands president has paid an official visit to iran to boost mutual ties during the visit the countries signed documents on cooperation in such areas as energy ict and environment loading
presstv us air strikes afghanistan increase
politics british prime minister theresa may waits arrival king bahrain hamad bin isa al khalifa outside downing street london october photo afp british prime minister theresa may facing growing criticism comments brexit leaked private speech goldman sachs premier publicly made case hard brexit following june referendum speaks benefits eu member hourlong session whose audio file leaked guardian tuesday night drawing harsh criticism wednesday think economic arguments clear think part million population trading bloc significant us think saying little earlier one issues lot people invest uk uk europe heard saying europe think would firms companies would looking say need develop mainland europe presence rather uk presence think definite benefits us economic terms leader rival labour party jeremy corbyn attacked prime minister failed address concerns leaving european union corbyn previously calling toryheld government clear plan exit bloc video grab footage broadcast uk parliaments parliamentary recording unit pru shows british opposition labour party leader jeremy corbyn r responds prime ministers questions pmqs house commons london october photo afp prime minister given private views brexit goldman sachs bankers refuses give british people clear plan negotiations said labour leader shouldnt take leaked tape public find really thinks former labour leader leading member open britain campaign group ed miliband also reacted comments saying leaked comments prove may shares concerns britons brexit private warnings matched proper public debate essential government allowed hoard vital analysis impact economy leaving single market work done government must published said asserting mays comments demonstrated prime minister worried privately rest us publicly economic impact hard destructive brexit government seems set according guardian audio file leaked may prioritizing cutting immigration staying single market refusing elaborate plans taking uk eu british foreign minister boris johnson leaves weekly cabinet meeting downing street london october photo afp unpublished newspaper column written june referendum telegraph uk secretary state foreign commonwealth affairs boris johnson another leave campaigner public also defended remaining eu member market doorstep ready exploitation british firms membership fee seems rather small access determined turn back wrote calling eu boon world europe loading
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tens of thousands march for against venezuela government
the debate washingtons syria policy in this episode of the debate press tv has conducted an interview with brian becker with the answer coalition and michael lane the founder of the american institute for foreign policy both from washington to discuss recent revelations by virginia state senate richard hayden that the war in syria would have been over by now if the us had put an end to its intervention when russia entered the warravaged country loading
presstvhezbollah shares aouns victory lebanon fm
energy minister iran hamid chitchian amir mehdi kazemi press tv tehran irans energy ministry says billion dollars investment would required materialize planned percent annual growth countrys electricity sector hamid chitchian says improving environmental standards increasing renewable energy power stations high agenda irans energy policy loading
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presstv us air strikes in afghanistan increase in
politics british prime minister theresa may waits for the arrival of the king of bahrain hamad bin isa al khalifa outside downing street in london on october photo by afp british prime minister theresa may is facing growing criticism over her comments about brexit at a leaked private speech to goldman sachs the premier who has publicly made the case for a hard brexit following a june referendum speaks of the benefits of being an eu member in the hourlong session whose audio file was leaked to the guardian on tuesday night drawing harsh criticism on wednesday i think the economic arguments are clear i think being part of a million population trading bloc is significant for us i think as i was saying to you a little earlier that one of the issues is that a lot of people will invest here in the uk because it is the uk in europe she is heard saying if we were not in europe i think there would be firms and companies who would be looking to say do they need to develop a mainland europe presence rather than a uk presence so i think there are definite benefits for us in economic terms the leader of the rival labour party jeremy corbyn attacked the prime minister for having failed to address her own concerns about leaving the european union corbyn has previously been calling on the toryheld government for a clear plan to exit the bloc a video grab from footage broadcast by the uk parliaments parliamentary recording unit pru shows british opposition labour party leader jeremy corbyn r as he responds during prime ministers questions pmqs in the house of commons in london on october photo by afp the prime minister has given her private views on brexit to goldman sachs bankers but refuses to give the british people a clear plan for negotiations said the labour leader it shouldnt take a leaked tape for the public to find out what she really thinks the former labour leader and leading member of the open britain campaign group ed miliband also reacted to the comments saying the leaked comments prove that may shares the concerns of all the britons on brexit if private warnings are to be matched by proper public debate it is essential that the government is not allowed to hoard vital analysis of the impact on our economy of leaving the single market this work is being done in government and it must now be published he said asserting that mays comments demonstrated that the prime minister was just as worried privately as the rest of us are publicly about the economic impact of the hard destructive brexit her government seems set on according to the guardian the audio file was leaked as may was prioritizing cutting immigration over staying in the single market while refusing to elaborate any further on her plans for taking the uk out of the eu british foreign minister boris johnson leaves the weekly cabinet meeting at downing street in london on october photo by afp in an unpublished newspaper column written before the june referendum for the telegraph uk secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs boris johnson who is another leave campaigner in the public also defended remaining an eu member this is a market on our doorstep ready for further exploitation by british firms the membership fee seems rather small for all that access why are we so determined to turn our back on it he wrote calling the eu a boon for the world and for europe loading
le terrorisme régional protège israël
russia screen grab footage published ruptly october shows launch russias veliky novgorod superstealth dieselelectric submarine russia launched latest addition series superstealth dieselelectric submarines veliky novgorod sports advanced stealth technologies increased combat range latest addition black sea fleet capable striking land sea underwater targets officially launched st petersburgs admiralty shipyard wednesday presence russian navy deputy commander viceadmiral aleksandr fedotenkov admiralty shipyard ceo alexander buzakov earlier month buzakov said another varshavyankaclass submarine kolpino would launched november screen grab footage published ruptly october shows launch russias veliky novgorod superstealth dieselelectric submarine state tests fifth varshavyankaclass submarine veliky novgorod successfully completed october handed black sea fleet transfer sixth submarine kolpino underway scheduled completed november said submarines designed antiship antisubmarine operations mid depth waters capable holding crew top underwater speed knots cruising range miles stay submerged days armed torpedoes eight surfacetoair projectiles part russias black sea fleet engaged battle daesh takfiri terrorist group syria hit deadly militancy blames western states regional allies loading
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presstvhezbollah shares aouns victory lebanon fm
the energy minister of iran hamid chitchian amir mehdi kazemi press tv tehran irans energy ministry says some billion dollars of investment would be required by to materialize the planned percent annual growth in the countrys electricity sector hamid chitchian says improving environmental standards and increasing renewable energy power stations are high on the agenda of irans energy policy loading
presstvus troops could prosecuted war crimes
news bulletin rita jeptoo celebrates trophy winning boston marathon getty kenyan marathon star rita jeptoo handed another year ban court arbitration sport cas doping means action th october year old initially banned years athletics kenya testing positive performance enhancing drug epo chicago boston marathon world athletics governing body iaaf challenged ban appealed cas increased ban also seen lose titles addition ordered pay dollars contribution iaafs legal fees expenses loading