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135 values
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The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Evaporating separates the 2.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Sand and water have different size particles and they stick together.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
The sand and salt weigh different, one is big one is little.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Because the water dissolves separates the sand and flour, and they group with their sister minerals that are same size.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
The sand is heavier than the flour.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
The sand and flour separate because the sand is heavier than the flour, so the flour goes to the top and the sand sinks.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
They are a soft substance that disintegrates when it mixes with water.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
They separate because the sand is heavier than the flour.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
The sand and flour separate because sand floats to the top and the flour stays on the bottom.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
I think the sand is on the bottom because it is heavy and the flour is in the water because it is smaller and does not weigh a lot.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
It separated because the sand sank below the flour and the flour stayed on top.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
The sand is harder then the flour so that is that is why they separate.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
They separate because the water made them into layers. That is why they separated.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
The sand and the flour separate because the sand is heavier and it sinks to the bottom and the flour is lighter and goes on top of the sand.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
They separate because the water makes them into layers by making water onto sand in middle and gray material on bottom.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
It separates because of the water.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
The sand is the heaviest one because it is more heavier than the flour.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Because sand is heavier than flour.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Because the sand way too heavy when we put in the water, but the flour was the opposite! Because the sand was too heavy to float in the cold acid like the flour.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Because the sand is big so it goes on the bottom and the flour is small so it goes on the top of the sand.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Because the sand is heavier than the flour so the sand fell to the bottom before the flour had a chance to fall down and what is heavier falls down faster.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
If you put the sand then the flour then the gray materials then the water the gray materials speeds the sand and the flour.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
By dissolving and in water the sand moves around in it.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Because when the rock breaks. They break into pieces that land heavier from gets.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Because the flour was lighter than the sand.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Because the sand is heavy and flour is light.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Sand and flour separate because sand is heavier than flour.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
The sand is heavier than flour the sand goes down because it is heavy the flour is light.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
There is layers and on the top there is flour because the heavy and the bottom is the sand because sand heavier and it goes down.
The sand and flour in the gray material from mock rocks is separated by mixing with water and allowing the mixture to settle. Explain why the sand and flour separate.
The sand particles are larger and settle first. The flour particles are smaller and therefore settle more slowly.
Because if you let it sit the sand goes to the bottom and flour goes up.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Anna can do weigh it but she will need walnuts and peanuts. And after she weighs them wait for 2 days and the check back and will know how much more fat is in them.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First she has to get a brown piece of paper and make sure that the walnut and the peanut are the same weight. Then she has to smash it on the paper and let it sit overnight. Then measure the grease spots.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
She can use a scale and she can but the amount of peanuts, and walnuts. And the smash it on a piece of paper and wait 2 days before you look to see how much fat there will be.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Crush the peanuts and walnuts on brown piece of paper and let it sit out for a few days.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Put the foods on 2 different papers and smash them and in 2 days look how big they are.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Anna can measure one gram of peanuts and one gram of walnuts. Next she can smash the one gram of peanuts onto brown paper with a circle in the middle. Then do the same to the walnuts. Let the walnuts and peanuts sit in the same room for 2 days. Finally remove the walnuts and peanuts from the brown paper and turn over the brown paper. Then measure the grease spot with a clear centimeter graph.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Anna could take a little piece of walnut and a same piece of peanut then take 2 pieces of brown paper and spread the walnut piece on one paper and the peanut piece on the other paper. Then she should wait a few days and then she should look on the back of each paper and see what nut has the biggest grease spot. That is the nut that has more fat in it.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First you get the food. Then you get brown paper or some type of paper. Next you squish the peanuts and walnuts on 2 pieces of paper. Finally you wait 3 days before checking the grease marks.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
She can put them on a different piece of paper. The one that has the most biggest spot is the one that has more fat in it.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
She could use a brown piece of paper with a circle on it and place a walnut and on the other piece of paper place a peanut.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Anna you can use the fat test. You will know how to do the other stuff.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First she can take 2 pieces of brown paper and make even circles on both. She then measures out a gram for each. After that she spreads around the peanut on paper, in the circle Anna does the same for the walnut. After that she waits a day. Then she takes the grease spots and measures the spots by using a grid. Whichever one has the most centimeters squared is the one with more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Anna can compare the fat in the walnuts and peanuts by doing the fat test.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Anna can put both samples on 2 different pieces of paper and see which one makes a bigger grease spot.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Get a brown paper towel then put the walnuts on one paper towel and the peanuts on the other paper towel. Third you leave both nuts for 2 days after 2 days see how much of a grease spot the nuts left and write it down using square centimeters.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First, she needs brown paper, a scale, and a gram of each food. Anna needs to take a gram of each food and let it sit for 2 days. Then she can determine how much fat is in each food by the size of the grease spot.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
1. Weigh one gram of each food. 2. Put one gram of food on 2 pieces of brown paper. 3. Leave for 2 days. 4. Check samples. 5. Compare grease spot.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
To compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts you will need 2 brown papers, a grid, a spoon, and a scale. 1. Draw a even circle on your indicator. Brown papers. 2. Put your walnuts and peanuts on your indicator, but it has to be a even amount. 3. Then smash it up and weigh it. When you smash it up make sure it is in the circles. 4. Let it sit for 2 days. 5. After the second day put your walnuts or peanuts under your grid and circle your grease spots and count your whole squares. Circle the center circle and the grease spot around the center circle.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First you get a scale and an indicator with a circle in the middle. Second you put the walnuts in the circle of the Indicator. The mass has to be one gram. Then you do the same with the peanut. Then you let it dry for 2 days. Once you do that you get a 400 square centimeters graph and measure the.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Anna can smash them and put them in a brown paper and wait a couple of days and use a paper grid and the squares and then Anna will know which one is fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
She can get a brown paper bag and cut it. Then she should get the peanut and smash it on the paper bag. And she should do the same with the walnut. Last she should wait 2 days and see the results. Making sure the peanut and walnut weigh one gram.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Walnuts and peanuts are kind the same because walnuts have more centimeters squared than peanuts.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
1. Measure one gram of each food. 2. Crunch them up. 3. Put them on 2 pieces of brown paper. 4. Wait for 2 days. 5. Take the food off the papers and put them under a grid.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First she has to weigh the food and make sure it is the same one gram. Then smear the food sample in the circle that is in the middle of brown paper. Last wait for 2 days and wait for the result if the grease spot is big it means it has a lot of fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First, you use a scale to measure one gram. Next, you mash up the food. Then, you use brown paper with a black outline place the foods in 2 different pieces of paper. Finally, you wait 2 days and look at your results.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First you must have the same mass. Then, you must smear them on the same type of brown paper, but spread evenly in the circle. Finally, you must wait the same amount of time.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First you need 2 cups a little cube of a toy and a measurement and 3 brown paper with circular. And wait for 2 days.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First you will need 2 cups, a scale, brown paper indicator food, and the same size circle on brown paper, one gram fat the cups on the scale then put the paper on the cups. Put the one gram on one side and the food on the other side, the scale must be even. After you did that with both foods keep the food on the brown paper for 2 days. After 2 days the one with the bigger grease spot is the one with the most fat in it.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First you need brown paper indicator weight and one gram block. Take the weight in brown paper indicator and weight one gram. For the peanuts and walnuts on the brown paper and wait 48 hours.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
First take one gram or milligram and take a brown paper indicator and put it on a scale and when the food is one gram put it aside for 2 days and then see which one has the most grease.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
You can take 2 small pieces of brown paper take one walnut out of the shell, smash it down on one of the pieces of paper, do the same with the peanut, and let them sit overnight maybe 2 nights then look at the brown papers. The one with a larger grease spot has more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
The procedure Anna can use is she can get a grit chart to count the squares to see how much fat it has. Then see if they both compare to each other.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
You can grade a piece of brown paper get a walnut and peanut butter smash both on separate piece of paper and wait 24 hours. But make sure they weigh the same or the grease stain on one might be bigger.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
Anna should make sure one is not salted and one is not.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
She will measure and leave them 20 day to see how much she did it.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts, but she isn't sure how. Write a procedure Anna can use to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts.
Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts. Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait the same time for each sample.
You could check on the back of the bag that sees which one have more grease.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Using only the results from her experiment, Anna will know which one has more fat in it by the larger the grease spot the more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
The way Anna will know is the bigger the spot the more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
She will know which one has the most fat is checking the size of the grease spots.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Look at the grease that is on it and what has the most grease has the most fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
The bigger the grease spot the more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
She will know because the one with a big spot has more fat than the other one.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
She can tell by how big each grease spot is so if walnuts had more fat it would have a bigger grease spot.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Whichever one is higher on the graph has more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
You can tell which one has more fat by looking at the brown piece of paper and the biggest grease spot has more fat in it.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
The one that has more fat on the paper.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Anna will know by mix and dividing it and she will get a percentage of how much fat is in walnuts and peanuts.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
The nut with the largest grease spot has the most fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Whichever one has more oil spread out on the paper towel has the most fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
She will know by the grease mark on the brown piece of paper.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
The one that has the bigger grease stain.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Anna would know by looking at the 2 pieces of paper and seeing the paper that has more grease on it. The one that has more grease on it has more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Let it sit for a day and if there was a grease spot that is how she would find out.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
By the time 2 days are up both indicators will have a grease spot, both representing a walnut and a peanut the one with the biggest grease spot has the most fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
She will get the results with the biggest grease spot. For the most fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Then she will know that walnut or peanuts has more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Anna will measure the grease spot then she will figure out which one has more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
By waiting for 2 days from morning until night, then you will see which one is fattier.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Peanut has more than walnut.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
The brown paper will look wet and that will tell you which one has more fat in them.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
The more grease the more fat there is.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
You get grid paper and put it on the grease spot and count the square in the grease spot.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
It will show a grease spot. Then you get a graph paper then it will show how many percent it has.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
On your indicator whichever had more grease spots.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Look at the grease marks.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
You take the grid chart over each food sample and count the squares that is filled with grease marks.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
The grease marks will show her which one has more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
Anna will know which food has more fat by the grease spots on the brown paper.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
The one that has more grease will have more fat.
Anna wants to compare the fat in walnuts and peanuts. Using only the results from her experiment, how will Anna know which one, walnuts or peanuts, has more fat? The experiment has the following procedure: Measure out equal masses of walnuts and peanuts (for example, one gram). Smash the samples uniformly in the same size area on brown paper. Wait (the same time for each).
Anna should compare the size of the grease spots. The sample with the larger grease spot has more fat.
First you need a square centimeter chart. Put it in the circle and add them. The cross that are half add them to each other.