um-hum do y'all have Target stores up there
Do you have Target stores where you live?
Are there Target stores way down there?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yes but we have a bottle return a lot of the northern states and a lot of the eastern states have bottles we've had five cent deposits on our bottles for years
There is a five cent bottle deposit in many eastern states.
Western states have a five cent bottle deposit.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah where as Puerto Rico is pretty close by
Puerto Rico is nearby.
I don't know where Puerto Rico is.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
He was Drew Kirby, Texan, not Drew Rennie of Red Springs, Kentucky.
Drew Rennie and Drew Kirby are from different states.
Drew Kirby had lived in California all of his life.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
Any thought of trying your colt against some of the local champions?"
He had a colt that has never competed with local champions.
He had a colt that has competed with local champions.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
but it's the only uh well it's part of the bank holding company and that bank holding company of the ten largest banking holding companies in Texas it's the only one that's still alive
It's the only large banking holding company still operational in Texas.
There are no banking holding companies in Texas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
and so obviously it didn't work in California
It did not work in California.
It worked flawlessly in California.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
According to Lindsay, FEMA has already received 44,000 inspection requests in Texas.
FEMA has thousands of requests to inspect in one state alone.
Texas doesn't want FEMA in it.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah yeah i think it was Ma Ferguson i know Texas had a woman governor
I believe it was Ma Ferguson, I am certain Texas had a female governor.
I am positive no female has been governor in Texas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
If it's not a statewide issue, it's an issue in Lynchburg.
It's an issue unique to Lynchburg.
It's an issue everywhere in Lynchburg.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
We Californians apparently do little else.
People in California don't do anything else.
People in California do lots of things.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
What do we think of Kansas, class?
We are all in a class together.
We don't know what Kansas is.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
all right i'm uh live in Plano Texas and uh um
Plano is the city in Texas where I live.
I have never been to Texas before.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
well yeah well see that's in in Dallas there there no plan to build i think that there's some in East Texas there's some pulp mills but uh you have to go to Houston and uh it's interesting and then there's places that'll buy metal and they still buy aluminum can in fact that
There are some pulp mills in East Texas.
There's a pulp mill in Dallas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
um-hum oh are you kidding that sounds fun where do y'all live
That sounds really fun! Where do you live?
That sounds incredibly boring.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
it is in Texas too
It's in Texas as well
It's not in Texas
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
is it i i'm from i've lived in Ohio and i didn't realize that
I stayed in Ohio and didn't know that
I stayed in Michigan and I knew that
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
no you really don't were you said you were out of state for a while was that a smaller town than than Dallas area
Were you in a smaller town in a different state?
Didn't you say that you have never left the state?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yes but they probably live in a city also don't they
I'm sure that they live in a city too.
I know for a fact that they live in the country.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
"From Eastern ... Texas" That much was true.
They were from Texas.
The originally were from Las Vegas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
in the state or the country
In the state or the nation.
In the city or the world.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah oh for heaven's sake well we only live probably about fifteen twenty miles from Knox
Knox is only between 15 and 20 miles away from where we live.
No, that's great because we live in Knox.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
um-hum well how long you been in San Antonio
How long have you been in San Antonio?
You've never been in San Antonio.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah uh Philadelphia area
Philly area, yep.
Boston area
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
San Marcus around in through there
Around and through San Marcus.
Definitely not around San Marcus.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
uh-huh new Mexico wow that's we've seen just a little bit of New Mexico we haven't really traveled that much since we've been here uh but we've seen a little bit of New Mexico and that was very nice and Colorado seemed very nice
We have only seen a small part of New Mexico, but what we have seen has been nice.
We have never been to New Mexico.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
we almost forgot our subject of the day there but be sure and stop at one of those Texas bureaus tourist bureaus and get their literature
Stop at a tourist bureau in Texas to get the literature.
There is no help for tourists in Texas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
so that's really not i have friends that pay about nine hundred dollars for a townhouse in yeah in actually they're near Plano in North Dallas too but i couldn't believe it but you know
I have friend nears Plano that paid close to nine hundred dollars for a townhouse.
My friends paid nothing for the townhouse since one of their parent's owes it.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
and uh i can imagine that happening more in Amarillo than i could in Lubbock but still anywhere out there it could happen
I would expect that to happen in Amarillo as opposed to Lubbock.
I don't imagine that happening there or in Amarillo matter of fact.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
Annapolis Maryland it it's uh state capital but it's also on the water so there's a lot of restaurants there it's uh it's a um
The state capital is Annapolis, Maryland and it has a lot of restaurants.
Annapolis Maryland is landlocked and theres nowhere to eat here!
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
where where you from
Where do you come from?
I know you're from Austin, Texas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
oh well you're you're almost a Texan i've been here thirty two years
You are nearly a Texan.
I've been here fifty years.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah that's i had i had gone down to Dallas couple weeks ago
I went down to Dallas a couple of weeks ago.
I have not gone to Dallas before.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
okay uh right here in Colorado Springs where i live
I currently reside in Colorado Springs.
I have never heard of Colorado Springs.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
huh i don't know but i know someone who goes to Massachusetts and buys cars that have been wrecked or uh salvaged they probably they might have been stolen and
I am familiar with a person who ventures to Massachusetts.
I don't know anybody, in fact I'm retarded and can't remember anything.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
Texas sure is a lotta country, a whole bag with odds an' ends stuffed in any which way.
Texas is a big place full of odds and ends mixed around in random ways.
Texas is a tiny place with a uniform type of people.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
a few Texaco stations
Several gas stations.
No stations, none.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
the gulf and it's really interesting so tell me about where you live
Provide some more information about where you live.
Provide some more information about the gulf.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
uh-huh uh-hum uh-huh well see i live in Virginia
Virginia is where I live.
I live in Kentucky.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
You live that far from the city?
Do you live far from the city?
Do you live in the city?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
um-hum well i live in San Antonio and fifty percent of the population is minority
Half of the population in San Antonio is made up of minorities.
Minorities make up about ninety percent of the population in San Antonio.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
but uh and Michigan too but uh well i tell you what i appreciate uh the conversation and uh we'll have to we'll have to see how Phoenix ends up
Thanks for the talk. I look forward to seeing what happens in Phoenix!
Russia has been crushing it in the world series!
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
hum United States right
Yeah, correct, the United States.
No it's not the U.S., that's Canada.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
so where do you live
Where do you live?
I know where you live.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
they she uh she in fact went from Massachusetts to uh Florida then to Atlanta and she really really likes it
She has lived in several locations.
She has also lived in Tennessee.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
where was i i was born in Dallas so i've been i've been in this area for most all my life
Being born in Texas, I've lived in Dallas for the majority of my life.
I was born in Fort Worth, but live in Dallas now.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
no i live in Maryland
Sorry but I live in Maryland.
I have never been to Maryland before.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
you're the first person not from Texas that i've talked to
Everyone else I've talked to has been from Texas, except you.
You're another person from Texas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah TI has a little uh owns a piece of land on the edge of a lake that borders that the lake is on the border of Texas and Oklahoma it's called Lake Texoma
TI has some land called Lake Texoma.
Nobody was allowed to own land around Lake Texoma.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
know you don't sound like you're from Dallas where do you come do you come from originally Texas or
You don't sound like a native Texan; where are you originally from?
You sound like you've always lived in Dallas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
like where i live at any rate
like where I reside
like where I am homeless
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
and uh in the Texans area has two nice launching ramps
Launching ramps can be found in the Texans area.
Theres is only one launching ramp in the Texans area.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
you get to think you know i come from Wyoming and it's basically the same same type of thing except for you do eat more the Tex-Mex down here so
They do tend to dine on Tex-Mex more so here than in Wyoming.
I have never gone to Wyoming before, someday I hope to though.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah Saint Louis whatever
Saint Louis, yes, whatever.
Salt Lake City
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
and uh we also have a tie in to a mainframe out in in Dallas Texas
We also need to link in to the mainframe computer located in Dallas.
We're linking up with the mainframe in Austin, Texas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
well you know we lived in Colorado for
We were in Colorado to live for a while.
We've never been to Colorado.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
oh that's unusual i'd never heard of anything like that you know here in Texas it's all you know Tex-Mex cooking and barbecue and
I haven't heard of that style of cooking! I'm only familiar with Tex-Mex and barbecue!
I've never seen a barbecue here in Texas in my whole life!
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
did i reach the Dallas area
Was I connected to the Dallas location?
Did I connect to the Houston office?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
and we went down uh to Saint Edwards and interviewed and it it just kind of met her her criteria it's a school of about twenty five hundred undergraduates on a gigantic big campus and it's in Austin's a nice city
Saint Edwards was the school that had everything she was looking for.
Saint Edwards was her last choice.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
uh live in Dallas
I live in the Dallas area.
I reside in Canada.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
well if if you buy a good grade of paint uh you don't really uh of course Texas heat you know you it really gets pretty hot outside so you have to be sure and get a good grade of paint
You need a good grade of paint to combat the Texas heat.
In Texas, you don't need to worry about what kind of paint you use.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
and uh then moved to Dallas about three years ago so
Three years ago we moved to Dallas.
Three years ago we left Dallas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
even some stupid place way the hell out in the stupid country, thousands of miles away, like Alabama!
Alabama is a place way out in the country.
Alabama is a very close place, and easy to reach besides.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah are you here in local Texas i mean
I mean that you are in Texas.
I mean that you have never set foot in Texas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
are you in Pennsylvania or Dallas right now
So where are you right now?
You're in New York, right?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
not where i live uh but i live outside of Dallas
Not where I stay, but I reside outside of Dallas.
Definitely where I live; I live in the middle of Dallas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
oh okay i just moved here last April
I moved here April 2016
I'm planning on moving here next year.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah so i like Texas it's a nice place to be
Texas is a pleasant place to be.
I think Texas is the worst state to live in.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
well you are not from that area originally i can tell
I can tell you're not from there.
It's obvious that is where you come from.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah they have that here um they've got um in most of the states around here i think uh
Yeah they have that here and is in most of the states around here.
No, I don't think they have that here.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
so do you see a lot of uh well let's see what's in Colorado do you see a lot of immigrants of any kind like like we do here
You've been there -- are there lots of immigrants in Colorado?
Has Colorado been enriched by our new friends from out of the country?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
* Chatterbox is well aware that many Texans resist attempts to classify their breed as southern, or western, or anything other than Lone Star.
Many Texans only classify their breed as Lone Star.
It's common knowledge that many Texans prefer to classify their breed as southern, instead of Lone Star.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
you know well in California too i've got a friend that lives out there and uh she's got a little two three bedroom house with a garage a double car garage and it's costing her a thousand dollars a month
The person's friend lives in California and pays a thousand dollars a month for her house.
The woman's friend lives in Texas and pays a hundred dollars a month for her house.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
After all, as Callie had agreed last night, the late Republic of Texas was a very large strip of country, housing a multitude of native sons, from the planting families of the Brazos to the ranchers in crude cabins of the Brasado.
The Republic of Texas was home to many native americans.
The Republic of Texas was small and only held Mexicans.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
Jack uh-huh are you uh from Dallas too Beth
Are you from Dallas.
Jack is from Toronto.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
the San Antonio has much more gang violence than Dallas Dallas does have um an area of town however the
San Antonio has a lot more gang violence than Dallas.
Dallas have a lot more gang violence than San Antonio.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
oh yeah case in point Toronto
Yes Toronto is a perfect example of that.
You're right, unlike Toronto.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
and how about in your area
What about in your location?
How about in overseas cities?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
southwest Houston
It's Southwest Houston.
New York.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
i everyone has made so many statements i don't live in Dallas county
I don't live in Dallas county.
I live in Dallas county.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
so anyway i did join the uh uh the Texans up at uh
I joined the Texans.
I joined the Arizona.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
well yeah a well yeah living in Texas especially i see it and and
Living in Texas, I see it.
I don't see it.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
big deal oh you make eight dollars now in Dallas County huh it's only seven fifty here in Collin
The wage in Collin is seven and a half dollars.
Oh you make three hundred thousand an hour now in Florida.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
that's close to uh South Padre oh Corpus okay
That's near Corpus.
That's far away from Corpus.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
what are things like you said McKinney do you live in McKinney too are things pretty calm up there or
I heard you mention the name of McKinney.
You did not say anything about McKinney.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah yeah that's the same well we'll go to a place and of course being in Texas we'll go to a place and the big thing is frozen margaritas margaritas and uh so we'll have some nachos and drink and they they serve these margaritas in
We go to places in Texas for margaritas and snacks.
We never go for margaritas in Texas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
and um so it's been real fun here to see there's a big market for the nurseries and for the landscaping companies and a lot of people um we live in north of Dallas and um
We live north of Dallas.
I have no interest in leaving Dallas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
uh yeah in Dallas
in Dallas, yup
all around the Bay Area
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
yeah we had one uh course in Texas they uh used to string them up now they
There was a course in Texas.
We had a course we did in Alabama.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
what i'm in Denison
I think I'm located in Denison
I'm in Dallas
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
seventy five at uh six thirty five and so well by living in Plano we're just about fifteen minutes away and
Since we live in Plano, we're only fifteen minutes away.
We have about a thirty minute drive.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
really i know there's not any food that you can get and it's grown on good soil hardly anymore and i know my my husband's uncle owns a big some acreage in a Eastland Texas which is in West Texas
Eastland Texas is located in West Texas.
Eastland Texas in located in East Texas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
you know you've you've driven by you know the Mountain Gods outside of Riodosa haven't you
Haven't you driven by the Mountain Gods outside of Riodosa?
You've driven by the Mountain Gods outside of Minneapolis, haven't you?
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
probably that's probably what it mostly is i i can't say say that for sure but you know uh right now though Kentucky's just now getting off of a uh their
I am not certain.
Kentucky is not relevant.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
they don't have A and E on cable in Dallas
A and E isn't included on Dallas cable.
They have A and E on cable in Dallas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
McLobster Rolls are reviving New England sales
McLobster rolls are doing well in New England.
The McLobster was removed because of poor sales.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
But there's more about Colorado you might not know.
There's more about Colorado you may not know.
You know everything about Colorado.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
Alamo Hills just threw it out.
Alamo Hills just threw it out.
Alamo Hills did not throw it out.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
you're in Pennsylvania
You are located in Pennsylvania.
You're in California.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }
well i'm i'm a west Texan Lubbock Midland Odessa
I'm from west Texas.
I'm from southern Kansas.
{ "objective": { "paired": [ [ "anchor", "entailment" ] ], "self": [], "triplet": [ [ "anchor", "entailment", "contradiction" ] ] }, "topic": "Texas (2)" }