<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Procurement cards integration with Purchasing? [/INST] Procurement cards integration with Purchasing When creating a purchase order, you can indicate if the purchase order is paid by a procurement card. Additionally, you can assign a procurement card number to a purchase order to be paid by that specific procurement card. The procurement card number cannot be changed after the purchase order is received or invoiced. You can define purchase orders using View Purchase Orders The same procurement card options exist on Worksheet Header Detail If you leave these options blank, then their values from the vendor setup are the defaults. When you run Purchase Order Interface to create purchase orders, these restrictions apply if the purchase order is marked as a procurement card purchase order: The procurement card number exists and the purchase order is created and is released using Purchase Order Interface. If the procurement card and number is blank, then you must specify the card number in Worksheet Header Detail first before running Purchase Order Interface. These procurement card options are available on Purchase Order Interface If these fields are blank, then the values from vendor setup are used. To bring procurement card information in on a purchase order, run Purchase Order Interface. These Purchase Order reports contain a list of purchase orders for procurement cards: Received, Not Invoiced contains purchase orders for procurement cards that have not been invoiced. Matched, Not Received contains purchase orders for procurement cards that have been invoiced but not received. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Procurement card programs? [/INST] Procurement card programs Administrators set up procurement card programs that are used by your company. After a program is created and has a Payables company assigned to it, cardholders can request procurement cards for that program. You cannot cancel a program if there are open bank charges for that program or if any cards that are assigned to that program are new or unapproved. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating procurement card programs? [/INST] Creating procurement card programs Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Purchasing > Procurement Card Setup > Procurement Card Programs And Companies. Click Create. Specify this information: Procurement Group Specify the procurement group. Program Name Specify the name of the bank procurement card program. Description Provide a description of the card program. Effective Date Select the date that the card program becomes effective. On the Main tab, specify this information: Administrator Name You must assign an administrator for the procurement card program. Administrators handle card requests, set up and activate cards, and close or reject charges. Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension Select the phone country code and specify the phone number/extension. Email Address Specify the email address. Pay to Vendor Select the Payables vendor that represents the bank to pay. All invoices that are created to pay procurement card charges are created for this vendor. The vendor must be a member of the procurement group's vendor group. Automatic Charge Close Select whether to automatically close bank charges when they are approved using Procurement Card Statement Transaction or Procurement Card Charges Otherwise, charges must be manually closed. The options are: No The user must manually close all charges. PO Charges Only Charges that are imported with purchase order numbers are automatically closed. Ad hoc Charges Only Charges that are imported without purchase order numbers are automatically closed. Both Charges are automatically closed. Automatic Charge Approval Select whether to automatically approve bank changes that are successfully invoiced using Procurement Card Statement Transaction Otherwise, charges are approved manually in Procurement Card Charges These options available are: No The user must manually approve all charges. PO Charges Only Charges that are imported with purchase order numbers are automatically approved. Ad hoc Charges Only Charges that are imported without purchase order numbers are automatically approved. Both Charges are automatically approved. Require Reason on Disputes Select this check box if a reason code is required on disputed bank charges. You can dispute charges using Procurement Card Charges. Mask Procurement Card Number Display Select this check box to mask all but the last four digits of the card number on reports and display-only fields. Masking is used for security purposes. Mask Procurement Card Number Entry Select this check box to mask all but the last four digits of the card number during entry. Automatically Add Merchant Select this check box to add merchant names when charges are imported from the merchant. See Procurement Card Charge Import Clear this check box to manually add merchants. Merchants are set up using Merchants. Automatically Add Procurement Card User Select this check box to establish procurement card user IDs at the time of request approval or activation. Clear this check box if Card Users IDs are established in Procurement Card Users only. Click Save. The Companies tab is now available. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Assigning procurement card companies? [/INST] Assigning procurement card companies Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Purchasing > Procurement Card Setup > Procurement Card Programs And Companies. Open a procurement card program record. On the Companies tab, click Create. Specify this information: Company Select a company number. Clearing Account Select the Global Ledger expense account that is the default value for the ad hoc charge invoice. This field is a temporary holding account. This clearing account is not used for PO-based charges. Tax Account Select the Global Ledger account for the tax charge invoice. Authority Code Select a code that represents the person or department that is responsible for approving a registered invoice. This authority code is the default on procurement card invoices. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Procurement card requests? [/INST] Procurement card requests Users can request a Procurement Card and the administrator can accept or reject the request. Users can select their Card User ID or define information such as name, phone number, etc. You cannot select an ID and define data in any of the data fields for that ID. The same process applies to the required Proxy ID. When choosing pre-existing IDs, the information that is tied to the ID is displayed when the request is added. For users whose ID have not been established, the administrator adds them when issuing the card. After adding a request, you can release it so that the administrator can review your request. These are the valid statuses for a card: Unapproved Approved Activated Rejected Canceled Any changes that are created to a procurement card after the request is approved must be created by the administrator. Infor Process Automation users have a service available to them to notify the procurement card administrator when a new card request is released. See the Process Automation Services Reference Guide. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Procurement card holders? [/INST] Procurement card holders Administrators and managers can approve, reject, or cancel a card request. For each card, the administrator specifies a card number, an expiration date, and an effective date after the card is received from the bank. The administrator activates the card so that it is available to the cardholder to create purchases. Cardholders cannot create a purchase order or import a charge until the request has been approved and the card is activated. After a card number has been assigned and the card is activated, it cannot be changed. Similarly, a card cannot be canceled if there are open charges. The administrator includes these key decisions for each card: Whether the card is used buy a single person or group of people Whether the card is limited to taxable purchases or exempt purchases Selecting a merchant group for the card and whether to include or exclude them from transactions Limiting or excluding purchases to items that belong to an item list Limiting the ability to create purchase orders to buyers that belong to a buyer list Limiting a single purchase to a maximum transaction amount .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Adding cardholders? [/INST] Adding cardholders Use this procedure to add a cardholder and information that is specific to the Procurement Card. Select Supply Management > Purchasing Processing > Manage Procurement Cards > Procurement Card Processing. On the New Procurement Card Requests tab, click Create. Specify this information: Procurement Group Select a procurement group. Program The administrator can control which user ID is attached to this request by selecting a program. On the Main tab, specify this information: Card User ID Specify the employee information of the cardholder. Employee Select the employee number. Name Specify the name of the person who is assigned to the procurement card. Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension Select the phone country code and specify the phone number/extension of the cardholder. Note Provide the informational text from the person who is requesting the card. In the Proxy section, specify this information: Proxy User ID Specify the information of the proxy that is assigned to this card. Name Specify the name of the procurement card proxy. Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension Select the phone country code and specify the phone number/extension of the proxy. In the Options section, specify this information: Card Type Select whether card is for an individual or a group. Tax Option Select whether the procurement card is Taxable or Exempt. Merchant Group Select the merchant group. Type Select a merchant group type. Single Transaction Limit Optionally, specify a limit for single transactions. Click Save. The Companies tab is now available. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Assigning companies to new cardholders? [/INST] Assigning companies to new cardholders Select Supply Management > Purchasing Processing > Mange Procurement Cards > Procurement Card Processing. On the New Procurement Card Requests tab, open a record. On the Companies tab, click Create. Specify this information: Company Select a company number. Distribution Account Select the distribution company for this expense account. You must have set up a valid Global Ledger company and intercompany relationship first. Distribution Code Select the distribution code for the card. Distribution codes are automatically used on one or more Global Ledger distribution accounts into an invoice. Default Company Select this check box if the company that is assigned to this card is the default. If an ad hoc charge is imported without a company, then this field is the default company for the charge. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Procurement card approval? [/INST] Procurement card approval Managers can approve, reject, or cancel a card request. For each card, the manager adds a card number, expiration date, and effective date after the card is received from the bank. The administrator activates the card, so that it is available to the cardholder to make purchases. Cardholders cannot create a purchase order or import a charge until the request has been approved and the card is activated. After a card number has been assigned and the card is activated, it cannot be changed. Similarly, a card cannot be canceled if there are open charges. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Approving procurement cards? [/INST] Approving procurement cards Select Supply Management > Purchasing Processing > Mange Procurement Cards > Procurement Card Processing. On the Procurement Card Approval tab, click Create. Specify this information: Procurement Group Select a procurement group. Program The administrator can control which user ID is attached to this request by selecting a program. On the Main tab, specify this information: Card User ID Specify the employee information of the cardholder. Employee Select the employee number. Name Specify the name of the person assigned to the procurement card. Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension Select the phone country code and specify the phone number/extension for the cardholder. Email Specify the email address of the card user. In the Proxy section, specify this information: Proxy User ID Specify the information of the proxy that is assigned to this card. Name Specify the name of the procurement card proxy. Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension Select the phone country code and specify the phone number/extension for the proxy. Email Specify the email address of the proxy. In the Options section, specify this information: Card Type Select whether card is for an individual or a group. Tax Option Select whether transactions are taxable. Merchant Group Specify the merchant group. Type Select a merchant group type. Single Transaction Limit Optionally, specify a limit for single transactions. Click Save. The Companies tab is now available. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Assigning companies to approved cardholders? [/INST] Assigning companies to approved cardholders Select Supply Management > Purchasing Processing > Mange Procurement Cards > Procurement Card Processing. On the Procurement Card Approval tab, open a record. On the Companies tab, click Create. Specify this information: Company Select a company number. Distribution Account Select the distribution company for this expense account. You must set up a valid Global Ledger company and intercompany relationship first. Distribution Code Select the distribution code for the card. Distribution codes are automatically used on one or more Global Ledger distribution accounts into an invoice. Default Company Select this check box if the company that is assigned to this card is the default. If an ad hoc charge is imported without a company, then this field is used as a default company on the charge. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Requisition Self Service setup? [/INST] Requisition Self Service setup Requisition self service includes vendor punchout. Before you set up Requisitions , you must set up Inventory Control , Purchasing , and Requisitions solutions. Prerequisite setup includes: Inventory companies Purchasing vendors and locations Requesters Requesting locations Search locations Punchout Before using Punchout , you must then define these: Buying organizations Punchout vendors Punchin vendors Requester punchout vendors See the Requisitions User Guide for processing data after the setup is complete. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Settings in Inventory companies for RSS? [/INST] Settings in Inventory companies for RSS Before you use Requisitions , you must update the RSS tab in inventory company in the Inventory Control solution. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups and Companies > Inventory Companies. Open an inventory company record and select the RSS tab. Click a user setting button to define configuration options. Set This Company To Basic User Settings : Click this button to revert configuration settings for a particular Inventory Company to the settings for a Basic User. Set This Company to Power User Settings : Click this button to revert configuration settings for a particular Inventory Company to the settings for a Power User. Set All Requesters to Basic User Settings : Click this button to revert configuration settings for all the Requesters within the Inventory Company to the settings for this Basic User. Set All Requesters to Power User Settings : Click this button to revert configuration settings for all the Requesters within the Inventory Company to the settings for this Power User. Set All Requesters to Use Company Settings : Click this button to revert configuration settings for all the Requesters within the Inventory Company to use the settings from this Inventory Company. In the Requisition Self Service Settings section, specify this information: Internal Only Select which inventory items should be displayed. Select Yes to show items with an Inventory item type. Select No to show items with any item type (Inventory, Services, Special). Select Item Location Setup to show items with a defined item location. Contracts Only Select this check box to show only contract items. Allow Filter Option In Catalog Search Select whether to show catalog filtering options. Select Yes to show the catalog filtering options. Select No to prevent the usage of catalog filtering options. Special Item Validation Select whether to skip or warn when you request a special item that is already included in inventory. If you select warn, then a message is displayed. Prevent Requester RSS Options Updates Select this check box to prevent options updates at the Requester level for all Requesters within this Inventory Company. Allow Quantity Multiplier On Shopping List Select whether to allow quantity multipliers on shopping lists. The quantity multiplier is applied to the default template line quantity when a requisition line is created. Select Yes if quantity multipliers for the line quantity on the default template is allowed. Quantity multipliers do not apply to items where Item Type is Service and Service Type is Amount. Select No if the use of quantity multipliers is not allowed. Allow All Comment Types Select whether or not you want to allow all comment types. Display Only Transaction UOM Select Yes to prevent UOM changes to an item. Select No to allow UOM changes to an item. Enable Favorites Select Yes if requesters are allowed to use Favorites. Select No to prevent requesters from using Favorites. In the Requisition Self-Service Display Options section, select which items to Show or Hide on the RSS Home Page. See Display options for user settings. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Display options for user settings? [/INST] Display options for user settings These are the values that are set for Basic users and for Power users when the appropriate User Settings button is used. Select the RSS tab on the Requester and Inventory Companies. Field/display option Description Basic user Power user Add On Charges Controls whether Add On Charges forms are available as a menu option in RSS. Hide Show Accounting Controls which accounting fields are available in various places. Hide Show Full Asset Controls whether the Asset fields are available in various places. Hide Show Available Quantity UOM Controls whether the Available Quantity UOM field is available on the requisition line. Stock Stock Bill Code Controls whether the Bill Code field is available on the requisition header and line Hide Show Buyer Controls whether the Buyer field is shown, hidden, or, required, on the requisition header and line. Hide Show Certification Required Controls whether the Certification Required field is available in the requisition line. Hide Show Commodity Code Controls whether the Commodity Code field is available on the requisition header. Hide Show Company Controls whether the From Company field is available on the requisition header and line. Hide Show Contract Controls whether the Contract field is available in the requisition line. Hide Show Cost Controls whether costs are shown in the requisition. Hide Show Cost Option Controls whether the Cost Option field is available on the requisition line. Hide Show Create PO Controls whether the Create PO field is enabled in RSS. Hide Show Currency Controls whether the Currency field is available throughout RSS. Hide Show Catalog Search Controls whether the Filter Items widget is available in the Catalog Search. Show Show Catalog Search Page Size Controls the number of items per page to display for catalog search results. Used with the Catalog Search control. 7 7 Catalog Search Sort Order Controls the default order of search results. Used with the Catalog Search control. Cost Cost Catalog Search Type Ahead Controls whether the RSS type-ahead feature is used. This feature may affect performance. Comment Type Controls whether the Comment Type field is available throughout RSS. Hide Show Receiving Controls whether the Receiving button is shown on the RSS Home Page. Hide Show My Receipts Requested Delivery Date Controls whether the Requested Delivery Date field is available on the requisition header and line. Hide Show Requesting Location Controls whether the Requesting Location field is available on the requisition header and line. Hide Show Requisition Description Controls whether the Requisition Description field is available. Hide Show Returns Controls whether the Returns button is available throughout RSS. Hide Show Service Info Controls whether the Service Code menu is available in the requisition line Hide Show Shopping Lists Controls whether the Shopping List widget is displayed on the RSS home page. Hide Show Shopping List Page Size Controls the number of items that are displayed on a page for the Shopping List. Used with the Shopping Lists control. 8 8 Single Doc to PO Controls whether the Single Doc to PO field is available on the requisition header. Hide Show Deliver To Controls whether the Deliver To field is available on the requisition header and line. Hide Show Drop Ship Controls whether the dropship information is available in a requisition. Hide Show Fill or Kill Flag Controls whether the Fill or Kill field is available in a requisition line. Hide Show From Company Controls whether the From Company field is available on the requisition header and line. Hide Show From Location Controls whether the From Location field is available on the requisition header and line. Hide Show Generic Name Controls whether the Generic Name field is displayed in the requisition line. Hide Show Inspection Required Controls whether the Inspection Required field is displayed in the requisition line. Hide Show Manufacturer Controls whether the Manufacturer field is available on the requisition line. Hide Show Manufacturer Number Controls whether the Manufacturer Number field is available on the requisition line. Hide Show Patient Procedure Controls whether the Procedure Info fields are available. Hide Show PO Code Controls whether the PO Code field is available on the requisition and header line. Hide Show Priority Controls whether the Requested Delivery Date field is available on the requisition header and line. Hide Show Punchout Controls whether the Punchout Vendors widget is shown on the RSS home page. Hide Show Purchase Classes Controls whether the Purchase Classes field is available on the requisition header. Hide Show Purchase From Controls whether the Purchase From field is available on the requisition and header line. Hide Show Quote Required Controls whether the Quote Required field is available on the requisition header. Hide Show Sourcing Event Controls whether the Recently Requested Items widget is shown on the RSS home page. Hide Show Special/Service Page Controls whether the Recently Requested Special/Service widget is displayed on the RSS home page. Hide Show Specials and Services Controls whether the Recently Requested Special/Service widget is shown on the RSS home page. Hide Show Stock On Hand Controls whether Stock On Hand information is displayed. Hide Show Tax Info Controls whether the Taxable and Tax Code fields are available on the requisition header. Hide Show User Fields Controls whether the User Fields are available are available throughout RSS. Hide Show Item Note Controls whether the Item Note field is available on the requisition line. Hide Show Vendor Controls whether the Vendor field is available on the requisition header and line. Hide Show Vendor Item Controls whether the Vendor Item field is available on the requisition line. Hide Show .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Settings in Purchasing vendors for RSS? [/INST] Settings in Purchasing vendors for RSS Before you use Requisitions , you must define purchasing vendors and locations. If you plan to use the Punchout task, then additional setup is required. If your company issues purchase orders through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), then select EDI as your PO Vendor Issue method. EDI is a method of transmitting data electronically. For more information, see the EDI for Supply Management User Guide. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Purchasing > Vendor Purchasing Information. Create a new vendor and save it. Optionally, open an existing purchasing vendor. Optionally, select the Purchase From Locations tab and create a purchase from location. Select the Options tab. In the Punchout section, select the check box to Allow Change To Punchout Purchase Order. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Settings in requester records for RSS? [/INST] Settings in requester records for RSS Before you use Requisitions , you must perform some setup in the Requesters record. Select Requesters. Use the Search field to search for the requester and select the requester. Click the View Requester link. The requester record is displayed. Select the RSS tab. Click a User Setting button to define configuration options. See the configuration options for requesters topic. In the Requisition Self-Service Settings section, specify this information: List Only Contract Items Select whether to list only contract items. If you select Default From Company , then the set up is done in Inventory Company. Special Item Validation Select whether to include special item validation. If you select Default From Company , then the set up is done in Inventory Company. Allow All Comment Types Select whether all comment types are allowed. If you select Default From Company , then the set up is done in Inventory Company. List Only Internal Items Select which inventory items should be displayed. When you select Default From Company , setup is performed in inventory company. Select Yes to show items with an Inventory item type. Select No to show items with any item type (Inventory, Services, Special). Select Item Location Setup to show items with a defined item location. Display Only Transaction UOM When you select Default From Company , setup is performed in inventory company. Select Yes to prevent UOM changes to an item. Select No to allow UOM changes to an item. Allow Filter Option In Catalog Search Select whether to show catalog filtering options. Select Default From Company to default to inventory company options. Select Yes to show the catalog filtering options. Select No to prevent the usage of catalog filtering options. Enable Favorites Select Default from Company if the options from inventory company are the default. Select Yes to allow Favorites to be used by requesters Select No to prevent the usage of Favorites by requesters In the Requisition Self-Service Display Options section, select whether to Show or Hide various items on the RSS Home Page. If you select Default From Company , then the setup is performed in Inventory Companies. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating requesting locations, companies, and requesters for RSS? [/INST] Creating requesting locations, companies, and requesters for RSS If you use the Inventory Control solution to issue items, then you must define at least one requesting location, at least one company, and at least one requester in the Requisitions solution. Use this information and the details in the Supply Management Setup and Administration Guide to complete this setup: Requesting Locations A requesting location can be used to create Issue, Direct Transfer, or Intransit Transfer transaction types from the inventory location. Company On Inventory Company, determine the Approval Type that is required for the requisition when a requisition reaches a specified threshold. Header Approval Line Approval No Approval Required Requesters A requester initiates demand for materials, supplies, and so on. On the RSS tab on Inventory Company, you determine that tasks that will default to all users. You can also set a field that restricts the catalog search to specific criteria: Contracts Only Internal Only Yes, No, or Item Location Setup On the Main tab on Requesters, determine the type of approval that is required for requisition headers: Header Approval Line Approval No Approval Required Default From Requesting Location Or Company If a company does not have a display option set globally, a requester can still set a display option on Requesters. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Search catalog? [/INST] Search catalog The Search Catalog is used to look for keywords in the database that match the search string you specified in the search box For Items, the keyword search index is built on these fields in the Item or related vendor item: Item Reference1 Reference2 Description Description 2 Long Description (Description 3) Generic Name Freight Class Major/Minor Purchasing Class Major/Minor Inventory Class Major/Minor Sales Class Item Manufacturer Number Vendor Item Vendor Item Description Vendor Item Manufacturer Number For Special Items on Contract Lines, the keyword search index is built on these fields: Item Description Description 2 Long Description (Description 3) Vendor Item Vendor Item Description Vendor Item Manufacturer Number Manufacturer Manufacturer Item Number Major/Minor Purchasing Class Major/Minor Inventory Class Generic Name Labeler Identification Code .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Setting up the search catalog for RSS? [/INST] Setting up the search catalog for RSS Initially, run this utility to set up the items in each item group. In the future, when you add or update special items or items on the item master they are automatically added to the keyword search. When you run a dbimport to bulk load items or contracts, you must re-run this utility. Before you start, you must load items into the item master and load new contract lines. See the Financials and Supply Management Data Interface Guide for information about loading data. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Utilities > Recreate Keywords. Select an item group. Click OK to process now or Schedule to schedule the process to run later. All items and contract lines are added to the search catalog. To verify that keywords were loaded successfully, follow these steps: Open RSS. Search for one of your items. Verify that the search catalog returns the results that you expect. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Setting up the template keyword search for RSS? [/INST] Setting up the template keyword search for RSS Initially, you must run this utility to set up the template search keywords for the procurement group. When you create new templates or update existing templates, you must re-run this utility. To avoid re-running it manually on every template update, schedule this utility to run on regular basis. You may require that it automatically run hourly or daily. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Utilities > Recreate Template Search Keywords. Select a procurement group. Click OK to process now or Schedule to schedule the process to run later. All templates and template lines are added to the template search keywords. To verify that keywords were loaded successfully, follow these steps: Open RSS. Search for one of your templates on shopping list page. Verify that the keyword search returns the results that you expect. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Enabling catalog search type ahead? [/INST] Enabling catalog search type ahead Use this procedure to enable the catalog search type ahead feature. Access the Requester or Inventory Company. Select the RSS tab. In the Requisition Self-Service Display Options section select an option in the Catalog Search Type Ahead field. Click Save A warning message is displayed indicating that using this feature may affect performance. Click Yes to save the configuration change. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Enabling catalog search options? [/INST] Enabling catalog search options Use this procedure to enable catalog search, set the page size, and the search sort order. Access the Requester or Inventory Company. Select the RSS tab. In the Requisition Self-Service Display Options section, specify this information: Catalog Search Select whether to show or hide. Controls whether the Filter Items widget is available in the Catalog Search. Catalog Search Page Size Controls the number of items per page to display for catalog search results. Used with the Catalog Search control. Catalog Search Sort Order Controls the default order of search results. Used with the Catalog Search control: Cost Item Item Description Preferred Contract, Contract Preferred Contract, Contract, Cost Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Requisitions setup? [/INST] Requisitions setup Setup for Requisitions includes Financials setup including general ledger chart of accounts. Before using Requisitions , you must perform some prerequisite setup and then define these codes and classes: Vendor group and class Process levels Item Location Item types Comment types Commitments, encumbrances and budget edits Group setup See the Requisitions User Guide for processing data after the setup is complete. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Requisition prerequisite setup? [/INST] Requisition prerequisite setup Before you set up Requisitions , you must perform some prerequisite setup in other solutions. These solutions regularly interface with and affect Requisitions For setup instructions, see the Financials Setup and Administration Guide. Currency Define currency codes. Global Ledger Define chart of accounts, companies and relationships, dimensions, system control, system codes, commitments and budget edits. Payables Define vendor groups, payables companies, process levels, distribution codes, and vendors. Inventory Control Set up items and stocking locations. Tax Set up tax entities and assign general ledger accounts, tax codes, tax rates, and tax tables. Match Setup match companies and invoice messaging for tolerances. Purchasing Setup buyer structure, freight terms, purchasing vendor, PO vendor issue method, ship terms, vendor items, ship terms and methods, purchase limits and tolerances, comment codes. Asset Accounting Setup your depreciation books, calendar, asset account group, asset types, asset accounting group Warehouse Set up Warehouse and Fulfillment process types and assign them to inventory locations, shipping feedback, picking and packing feedback, shipping methods. Project Ledger Setup activity codes and groups, system codes including commitments. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Requisitions structure? [/INST] Requisitions structure Setting up Requisitions involves defining requesting locations, approval codes, requesters, and templates. Before you begin setting up Requisitions , you must set up the prerequisite solutions. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Transaction types? [/INST] Transaction types Transaction types represent how items are moved and how cost is handled. This table shows the transaction types: Transaction Type Definition Issue The movement of items from a stock or inventory location to a non-stock location. An issue transaction charges the requesting location for the requested items. Direct Transfer The movement of items from one stock location to another that requires less than one day for delivery. Stock-on-hand quantities are updated after the items are picked and the shipment is released. Intransit Transfer The movement of items from one stock location to another that requires more than one day for delivery. Stock-on-hand quantities are decreased at the From location immediately after the items are picked and the shipment is released. The requesting location must enter item receipts in Inventory Control to update its stock-on-hand quantities. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating requesting report groups? [/INST] Creating requesting report groups Requesting report groups are used to limit a process or report to a specific group of locations within a company. For example, if a group of three locations is created and a process is run for the group, only the three locations are processed. Select Requesting Report Groups. Click Create. Complete the header fields. Click Save. In the Requesting Locations section, click Create. Select a Requesting Location. Click Save. The Name and Inventory Transaction Type are filled automatically. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Requesting locations? [/INST] Requesting locations A requesting location can be a stock location defined in Inventory Control , or a non-stock location such as a department, cost center, or store. For both stock and non-stock locations, the location is the originator of demand for supplies or other resources. This table shows the three requesting location types: Requesting Location Type Definition Stock (for Direct Transfer or Intransit Transfer transaction types) A stock location maintains inventory items and has a transfer transaction type. Non-stock (for Issue transaction types) A non-stock location requests items, but does not maintain inventory, and is required to use an issue transaction type. Cart/par A cart or par location refers to par locations, exchange carts, and par level carts, all of which are used to store established quantities of supplies. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Stockless processing? [/INST] Stockless processing Stockless processing is a method of automatically replenishing inventory that significantly reduces buyer and receiver intervention. The vendor stores and delivers inventory and non-stock items immediately before use. Items are not stored onsite. Stockless processing is based on a predefined, negotiated deal with a vendor to keep enough stock available to fill company needs on demand. Stockless processing typically involves communicating with the vendor by Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). A requesting location can be set up as a stockless location by setting the Stockless Flag to Yes. This indicates that the requesting location participates in one or more stockless price contracts. When requisition lines are created, the default costs are derived from stockless price contracts for this requesting location. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating requesting locations? [/INST] Creating requesting locations A requesting location can be a stock location or a non-stock location. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Requisitioning > Requesting Locations. Click Create. Specify this information: Company Select the company number for the location requisitioned items. Requesting Location and Description Specify the location and description of the requisitioned items. Transaction Type Select the type of location you are defining: Issue for a non-stock location Direct Transfer for a direct transfer stocking location Move inventory directly from a stocking location to a shipping organization Intransit Transfer for an intransit transfer stocking location On the Main tab, specify this information: From Company Select the company that is the source of the items. This is the default company on the requisition. From Location Select the inventory location that supplies the items or the purchase order ship to location that receives the items. This is the default From location on the requisition. Pricing Group Specify the pricing group. Location Rule Select the location rule. Use location rules to define how to source the goods during the allocation process. You can assign location rules in any of these locations: At the requesting location On the Header tab of the requisition In the Miscellaneous section of the Main tab on Requisition Line Entry Detail Issue Account To use the default account information when you create requisitions, define the issue account information and select the account. PO Code To further identify the department or requesting location that generated the purchase order, specify a purchase order code. For example, you can use this code to indicate ownership by department or requesting location. You can avoid duplicate purchase order numbers where vendors supply purchase order numbers. Process Level To use process level information default values on your requisitions, select the process level. Buyer Select the buyer code. This is the default buyer code on all requisitions for the requesting location and can be overridden when the requisition is created. Fill or Kill Select whether to fill or cancel (kill) unwanted backorders for inventoried items. Stockless Select this check box if the requesting location participates in one or more stockless price agreements. You can attempt to use the default costs from the contracts for this location when requisition lines are created. Single Document To A Purchase Order Select this check box to create only one purchase order from one requisition. Requisition Approval Type Select the approval type for the requisition. For information about Process Automation services affecting Requisitions , see the Process Automation Services Reference Guide. Purchase Taxable Select this check box if items are taxable when purchased for this location. The default value is exempt (cleared). Tax Code Select the Tax Code to be applied to the requisition. It is used in the tax default routine when purchasing taxable items for this location. The tax code is used when extracting tax data from the tax file. To create a dropship requisition, select the Address tab. Define where items are delivered. This information is printed on pick lists and purchase orders. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Requesters? [/INST] Requesters A requester is an employee, department, function, or location responsible for initiating requests or demands for materials, supplies, or inventory items. You must set up at least one requester. Depending on security requirements, requesters can be individuals or inventory locations. Each requester has a default company. The requester is the originator of a requisition. Requester Description Individual A requester can have more than one requester ID. Using the ID, the requester can perform various functions with different security levels at different locations. Inventory location Items can be requested for an inventory location using these reports: Distribution Requirements Report Location Replenishment Report Replenishment by Requisition POs For information about inventory locations set up as requesters, see the Inventory Control User Guide. The requester name is the form identification followed by the Inventory Control location name. You must set up specific requesters named after each report so the requisition source is traceable. For example, a requester named DR100WHNORTH can be set up for the Distribution Requirements Report and for an Inventory Control location of WHNORTH. You can control the purchasing classes that a requester can request. You can define a purchasing class in Purchasing Class to assign items in the Item Master file. You can also assign purchasing classes to a requester in Requesters on the Purchasing Classes tab. If you do not assign a purchasing class to a requester, the requester can request only items in the assigned major and minor purchasing classes. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Replenishment requesters? [/INST] Replenishment requesters Replenishment requesters are used in these batch inventory replenishment programs: Location Replenishment Report Replenishment by Requisition When you set up replenishment requesters, select the Requester field on the Inventory Location. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating requesters? [/INST] Creating requesters You can set up purchasing classes and assign them to items in the item master. A requester initiates demand for materials and supplies. The replenishment quantities are calculated in the Location Replenishment Report and requests are created. Fixed Order Points (FOP) are used to replenish inventory from one location to another. See the Inventory Control User Guide. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Requisitioning > Requesters. Click Create. To update the profile photograph for the requester, click the photo thumbnail. Specify this information: Requester Select a requester. Company Select the company for which to define requesters. Requesting Location Select the requesting location. This becomes the default requesting location when a requisition is created using this requester. Leave this field blank to force the requester to select a requesting location when creating a requisition. In the Options section, specify this information: Requisition Approval Type Select the approval type for the requisition. Manual Cost Override Allowed Select this check box if requesters are allowed to manually override requisition items. Require Vendor For Specials Select this check box if a vendor is required for special items. If you select this check box, a requester cannot create a requisition line containing a special item unless a vendor is also defined. Note: If you have Strategic Sourcing , do not select this check box. Override Single Source To Single PO Select whether the requester can set the Single Document to a PO field to Yes on the Requisition record. If you do not select this check box, the requester cannot add a requisition that has the Single Document to a PO field set to Yes. Require Commodity Code Select this check box if a commodity code is required for this requester. If you select this check box, the requester must specify a commodity code when creating requisition lines. Allow Display Of Procedure Info Select this check box to give access to the requester to use the procedure information fields. Procedure information fields are required for the bill only requisition and purchase order functionality. Procedure information is used for implants or other devices used during a medical procedure. If this field is selected, the procedure information tab is available to the requester. Override Contract Cost Select this check box to allow the requester to override contract costs. Override Last PO Last Cost Select this check box to allow the requester to override purchase order last costs. Allow Dropship Select this check box to allow the requester to create dropships. Allow Bill To Select this check box to allow the requester to add or change the Bill To name and address on the requisition header. Click Save. To add contact information for the requester, select the Contact tab. To assign one or more purchasing classes, select the Purchasing Classes tab. Assigning purchasing classes restricts the requester to the assigned purchasing classes. To create a new purchasing class, click Create Specify this information: Major Purchasing Class Select the major purchase class code. Using this field limits the requester to ordering only items within this major class. Minor Purchasing Class Select the minor purchase class code. Using this field limits the requester to ordering only items within this minor class within the selected major class. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Unit of measure default hierarchy? [/INST] Unit of measure default hierarchy The unit of measure (UOM) for an item is determined based on a hierarchy that depends on the item type. The unit of measure hierarchy that is shown is from the lowest level to the highest level of detail. The highest entry is at the bottom and overrides the next lowest entry in the list. Inventory UOM Origination Stock UOM Transaction Default UOM from Item Master record Transaction Default UOM from Item Location record Entered. Validated by the buy UOM or the Transaction UOM in Item Master record Processing rules: If your inventory company setup requires you to specify a UOM, then you must select a UOM. The UOM is validated by the Transaction UOM or the Buy UOM of the Item Master record. If you are not required to specify a UOM on your inventory company setup, then the Transaction Default UOM of the Item Location record is used. When your company is set up to use the Transaction Default UOM of the Item Location record, then Transaction Default UOM of the Item Location record is used. If the Transaction Default UOM of the Item Location record is blank, then the Transaction Default UOM of the Item Master record is used. When your company is set up to use the Transaction Default UOM of the Item Master record, then Transaction Default UOM of the Item Master record is used. If the Transaction Default UOM of the Item Master record is blank, the Stock UOM is used for the default value of the UOM. Non-stock UOM Origination Must be entered If source UOM exists, then it must be used. Buy UOM from Item Master record Buy UOM from Vendor Item record Entered. Validated by Buy UOM or Transaction UOM in Item Master record Processing rules: If your inventory company setup requires you to enter a UOM, you must select a UOM. The UOM is validated by the Transaction UOM or the Buy UOM of the Item Master record. If the UOM is not entered and a vendor is entered, the vendor and a Buy UOM in the Vendor Item record is used. If found, the vendor and the Buy UOM is used for the default value of the UOM. If no Vendor Item record is found, the Item Master record is used. If an Item Master record exists for the item, the Buy UOM is used. If no Item Master record exists, a UOM must be entered. Special and Services UOM Origination Entered. Buy UOM is validated against the Item Group valid UOMs. The UOM for a special item is the manually assigned Buy UOM and must be valid in the Item Group. Processing rules: You must select a UOM for these item types. The UOM is validated against UOM in the item group for the company. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Fill and kill processing? [/INST] Fill and kill processing A requesting location is set up to either fill backorders or to cancel (kill) backorders. You fill a requisition with the stock that is available and the any backorders for the requesting location are automatically killed. The default processing that is selected for the requesting location is used for requisitions that are created for the requesting location. When you create requisitions, you can override the default processing type for an individual line. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Item lifecycle management setup? [/INST] Item lifecycle management setup Item Lifecycle Management is used to manage the recalls, safety notices, and device corrections that your organization receives. Item Lifecycle Management provides one central place to view all notices. Users can: Capture notices Create tasks and notices to those who are responsible for notices Create information for FDA compliance and risk management audits You can tie notices to transactions in other solutions to help your organization identify when products were purchased, by whom, and where products are located. See the Item Lifecycle Management User Guide for processing data after the setup is complete. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Enterprise groups and companies? [/INST] Enterprise groups and companies Defining a company requires setting up both an enterprise company and a general ledger company, and then associating them to each other. An enterprise company is the company that must be created for your Enterprise Group. The general ledger company is then created and attached to the enterprise company. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating enterprise groups and companies? [/INST] Creating enterprise groups and companies Select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Finance Enterprise Group. Click Create. Specify this information: Enterprise Group Specify an enterprise group. Every organization must be associated with an enterprise group. The organization and the enterprise group must have the same identifier. Description Specify a description for the enterprise group. Default Country Select the country in which the enterprise group is based. Click Save. To add companies to the enterprise group, select the Enterprise Company tab. Click Create. Specify the Company , Name , and Default Country. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Item lifecycle management groups? [/INST] Item lifecycle management groups Item lifecycle management groups are used to define settings and rules for recall notice functionality and processing. Item lifecycle management groups correspond to the Purchasing procurement groups. The item lifecycle management group association with procurement group is what ties information with the transactions in FSM An item lifecycle management group in Item Lifecycle Management and the related procurement group in Purchasing must have the same group number. For example, if the procurement group number is GRP123, then the related item lifecycle management group number must also be GRP123. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating item lifecycle management groups? [/INST] Creating item lifecycle management groups Select Item Lifecycle Management Groups. Click Create. Select a code and description for the Item Lifecycle Management Group. Specify this information: In the Restrict Processing Defaults section, you can restrict the creation of purchase order and requisition lines. Select whether a warning or error occurs when you attempt to create a purchase order or requisition line that contains an item or vendor item that is on a notice. In the Resolutions Allowed section, specify this information: Transfers Select whether the coordinator or responder can resolve transfers. Issues Select whether coordinators or responders can resolve issues. Returns Select whether coordinators or responders can resolve returns. Adjustments Select whether coordinators or responders can resolve adjustments. In the Default Product Transaction Query Parameters section, select the check boxes to set various default query parameters. Click Save. Select the Email Configuration tab to define email setup. You can change email settings at any time. Specify this information: Send Emails To Task Owners Select this check box to send an email to all users who have tasks assigned to them. If a user has a task assigned to them, then they do not receive an additional email as a notification user or watcher. Send Notice Closure Emails To Notification Users and Assigned Task Owners Select this check box to send notice closure emails. Send Notice Emails To Notification Users Select this check box to send notice emails. Send email to coordinator when Select a check box to indicate when to send notification email to the Item Lifecycle Coordinator. Select the Each Task Is Accepted check box to send an email when a task is accepted. Select the All Tasks Are Accepted check box to send an email when all tasks are accepted. Select the Each Task Is Completed check box to send an email when a task is completed. Select the All Tasks Are Completed check box to send an email when all tasks are completed. In the Emails To Document Owners Upon Release Of Notice section, select whether to send an email to users: In the subsequent sections, you can set up email notifications to users for various reasons. Default content variables are provided in the Email Content fields. These variables are replaced with the defined values when an email is sent. To customize the email content with variables, place your pointer in an Email Content field. Right-click and select an item from the Variables menu to add the associated value. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Responders and coordinators? [/INST] Responders and coordinators Create users to receive tasks and notifications that are related to notices. Item Lifecycle Management user agents are created when users are created. These agents must be linked to actors so that users and actors are associated. Consult your Landmark security administrator to assist in these tasks: Verify that appropriate security roles are assigned to actors. For example, an Item Lifecycle Management user can be a coordinator, but the actor must also have an Item Lifecycle Management Coordinator security role assigned to them. Assign agents to actors after users are created. For more information about security, see the Financials and Supply Management User and Security Administration Guide. You can also import users from a spreadsheet into Item Lifecycle Management. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating responders and coordinators? [/INST] Creating responders and coordinators Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Item Lifecycle Management > Responders And Coordinators. Click Create. Select the Organization , the Item Lifecycle Management Group , and specify a unique User code. Specify this information. Coordinator Select this check box if the user is a coordinator. Proposed Item Reviewer Select this check box if the user is a proposed item reviewer. In the User Information section, specify this information: Reference 1 Use this field to specify additional user defined information. Reference 2 Use this field to specify additional user defined information. Job Title Specify a job title. Item Lifecycle Management Supervisor If supervisor is specified, then it is used for Task Monitoring if tasks are overdue and escalations are selected. In the User Defaults for Resolutions section, specify values in any fields that always use a default value. Click Save. A numeric user ID is assigned to the user. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Domains? [/INST] Domains Domains are a way to group users across organizations, locations, or departments and populate notifications lists on notices. Domains are an area, specialty, or department. For example, Pharmacy, Nutrition, Surgery, or Emergency Services. It is possible to have notices without domains, but domains are one way to drive the list of watchers that notifications will go to. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating domains? [/INST] Creating domains Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Item Lifecycle Management > Domains. Click Create. Specify this information: Item Lifecycle Management Group Select an item lifecycle management group for the domain. Domain Specify a name for the domain. The name can be alpha numeric and up to 50 characters. Description Specify a description for the domain. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Organizations? [/INST] Organizations Create organizations to define a hierarchy of Requesting and Inventory Locations. Use that hierarchy to assign watchers and responders at an appropriate level of the hierarchy. When a product transaction query is submitted, the organization structure is used to assign the tasks for that notice to the individuals who are responsible for that location. Individuals that are assigned to monitor those locations are notified. The organization structure can be built automatically by the Build Organization Structure action and afterward you can re-parent any organizations. You can create a domain or organization unit of watchers. For example, Risk Management is a specialty that does not necessarily have notice-related tasks to complete in Item Lifecycle Management. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating organizations? [/INST] Creating organizations Select Item Lifecycle Management > Organizations. Click Create. Use the Create Within action to create an organization within the selected organization. Specify an Item Lifecycle Management Group and Description. Specify this information: Domain Optionally, select a domain to drive the list of watchers to which notifications will go. More than one organization can have the same domain. Company Optionally, select an Inventory Control company to help you build your organization structure. Requesting Location Optionally, select an requesting location to help you build your organization structure. If you select a requesting location, you must first have selected the Company field. Inventory Location Optionally, select an inventory location to help you build your organization structure. If you select a inventory location, you must select the Company field. Click Save. A numeric organization ID is assigned to the organization. Attach users to the organization. Set up one user as the responder and optionally, attach additional users as watchers. Users who are defined as responders or watchers at a particular level in the hierarchy are also responders or watchers for lover levels where no individual has been assigned yet. On the Users tab, select the Helper List icon. Select the user that is the Responder for the organization. Click the Attach User button. In the Type Of User field, select Responder and click the OK button. Optionally, to add watchers, select one to many users from the Users list. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Task instructions? [/INST] Task instructions With task instructions you can create a library of predefined instructions on how to resolve a notice. For example, you can create task instructions to destroy a product or return a product to the manufacturer. Instructions can include questions for the responder. Task instructions can be assigned to each product on a notice. Example: Did you find the affected recalled product at your location? Indicate the date that these products were destroyed. Did you send the Manufacturer a confirmation of destruction letter? If so, attach the letter. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating task instructions? [/INST] Creating task instructions Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Item Lifecycle Management > Task Instructions. Click Create. Specify this information: Item Lifecycle Management Group Select an item lifecycle management group for the task instructions. Task Instruction Specify an instruction. Instructions can be up to 50 characters. Description Specify a description for the instructions. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Notice types? [/INST] Notice types Notice types are used to categorize notices. For example, FDA Recall, Safety Notice, Device Correction, or Advisory. You will define visual alerts on the notices lists based on the number of days since a notice was received. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating notice types? [/INST] Creating notice types Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Item Lifecycle Management > Notice Types. Click Create. Specify this information: Item Lifecycle Management Group Select an item lifecycle management group for the notice type. Type Specify a category or name for the notice type. The name can be up to 50 characters. Description Add additional information or your internal description of the notice type. FDA Classification If the notice type is FDA-related, you can select the FDA classification for the category. Yellow Alert Specify the number of days after the notice is received that the open notice should appear with a yellow visual alert on status and analysis forms. Red Alert Specify the number of days after the notice is received that the open notice should appear with a red visual alert on status and analysis forms. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Item lifecycle management groups? [/INST] Item lifecycle management groups Item lifecycle management groups are used to define settings and rules for recall notice functionality and processing. Item lifecycle management groups correspond to the Purchasing procurement groups. The item lifecycle management group association with procurement group is what ties information with the transactions in FSM An item lifecycle management group in Item Lifecycle Management and the related procurement group in Purchasing must have the same group number. For example, if the procurement group number is GRP123, then the related item lifecycle management group number must also be GRP123. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating item lifecycle management groups? [/INST] Creating item lifecycle management groups Select Item Lifecycle Management Groups. Click Create. Select a code and description for the Item Lifecycle Management Group. Specify this information: In the Restrict Processing Defaults section, you can restrict the creation of purchase order and requisition lines. Select whether a warning or error occurs when you attempt to create a purchase order or requisition line that contains an item or vendor item that is on a notice. In the Resolutions Allowed section, specify this information: Transfers Select whether the coordinator or responder can resolve transfers. Issues Select whether coordinators or responders can resolve issues. Returns Select whether coordinators or responders can resolve returns. Adjustments Select whether coordinators or responders can resolve adjustments. In the Default Product Transaction Query Parameters section, select the check boxes to set various default query parameters. Click Save. Select the Email Configuration tab to define email setup. You can change email settings at any time. Specify this information: Send Emails To Task Owners Select this check box to send an email to all users who have tasks assigned to them. If a user has a task assigned to them, then they do not receive an additional email as a notification user or watcher. Send Notice Closure Emails To Notification Users and Assigned Task Owners Select this check box to send notice closure emails. Send Notice Emails To Notification Users Select this check box to send notice emails. Send email to coordinator when Select a check box to indicate when to send notification email to the Item Lifecycle Coordinator. Select the Each Task Is Accepted check box to send an email when a task is accepted. Select the All Tasks Are Accepted check box to send an email when all tasks are accepted. Select the Each Task Is Completed check box to send an email when a task is completed. Select the All Tasks Are Completed check box to send an email when all tasks are completed. In the Emails To Document Owners Upon Release Of Notice section, select whether to send an email to users: In the subsequent sections, you can set up email notifications to users for various reasons. Default content variables are provided in the Email Content fields. These variables are replaced with the defined values when an email is sent. To customize the email content with variables, place your pointer in an Email Content field. Right-click and select an item from the Variables menu to add the associated value. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Action reasons in Item Lifecycle Management? [/INST] Action reasons in Item Lifecycle Management Infor provides a list of predefined business subjects for Item Lifecycle Management Business subjects determine which action reasons are available to which forms. These action reasons are required when a notice that has been closed is reopened, or when a task that has been completed is reopened. These are the business subjects for Item Lifecycle Management : ReinstateNotice : Reinstate a notice that was marked as not applicable ReopenNotice : Reopen a notice that was closed ReopenNoticeTask : Reopen a task that was completed SetActiveNoticeToNonApplicable : Close an active notice as a non-applicable notice .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract management setup? [/INST] Contract management setup Supplier contracts are created based on items or services purchased over the life of the contract. A contract is a formal, legal agreement between a buyer and a seller for the buying of goods and services. With Contract Management , you can create contracts outside of a company's legal department but still follow set guidelines such as terms and conditions. Other features of Contract Management include: Creating a contract from predefined terms and conditions Using document templates to create a contract document during negotiations Selecting predefined articles and terms Applying flexible pricing, including tiered pricing and multiple price structures for an item Supporting items and vendor items from Inventory Control and Purchasing Recording and tracking rebates Using retainage to withhold a portion of a payment to ensure a project is completed See the Contract Management User Guide for processing data after the setup is complete. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract groups? [/INST] Creating contract groups Contract groups are similar to the procurement groups that you set up in Purchasing Optionally, you can update the contract header when a contract is in any state but closed or inactive. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups and Companies > Contract Groups. Click Create. Select a Contract Group. On the Setup tab, specify this information: Last Contract Number Specify the last contract number. Default Currency Select a default value for currency. What To Load To Item Field If Item Cannot Be Defaulted And Is Not Entered Select a value: Load Vendor Item If No Conflict, Leave Empty If A Conflict Load Vendor Item If No Conflict, Manufacturer And Vendor Item If A Conflict Always Load Manufacturer And Vendor Item If Auto Assigned or Entered Item is Duplicate Of Contract Line Special Add Manufacturer Code to Item Number Select this check box to add the manufacturer code to the item number when an item master item is a duplicate of a contract line item. When A New Line Is Added To An Active Contract Leave Contract Active Select this check box to keep a contract active when a new line is added. This prevents the contract from going through the approval process again. Allow Contract Header to be Updated When in Released, In Negotiation, Final Approval, or Active States When this check box is selected, you can modify the contract header fields without repeating the approval process or releasing and activating the contract. Allow Commitments to be Turned On For Contracts That Have Been Activated When this check box is selected, you can change commitments after a contract has been activated. Effective And Expiration Date Select this check box to restrict updates to the effective and expiration dates when a contract is in a status other than addendum, amendment, or draft. Lifetime Maximum Amount Select this check box to restrict updates to the Lifetime Maximum Amount when a contract is in a status other than addendum, amendment, or draft. Retainage Information Select this check box to restrict updates to Retainage information when a contract is in a status other than addendum, amendment, or draft. Supplier Select this check box to restrict updates to the supplier when a contract is in a status other than addendum, amendment, or draft. Commitment Information Select this check box to restrict updates to commitment information when a contract is in a status other than addendum, amendment, or draft. Expiration Yellow Alert Specify the number of days before a contract in this contract group expires to send a first alert email. Expiration Red Alert Specify the number of days before a contract in this contract group expires to send a second alert email. Deliverable Yellow Alert Specify the number of days before the deliverable due date that a first alert email will be sent to the deliverable contacts. Deliverable Red Alert Specify the number of days before the deliverable due date that a second alert email will be sent to the deliverable contacts. Milestone Yellow Alert Specify the number of days before the Milestone Date that the first alert email will be sent. Milestone Red Alert Specify the number of days before the Milestone Date that the second alert email will be sent. Default Lifetime Edit If using lifetime maximum edits, then specify the default edit level. Optionally, in the Defaults For Contract Proposals section, specify defaults for contract type, classification, and primary contact. In the GPO Processing and GPO Defaults sections, specify this information: GPO Used Select the GPO. GPO Supplier Select a GPO Supplier to use for updating and creating new contracts. Contract Type Select a Contract Type for the interface contract when a new contract is created. Contract Classifications Select a Contract Classification for the interface contract when a new contract is created. Primary Contact Select a Primary Contact for the interface contact when a new contract is created. Pricing Code And Title For Distributor Contracts This field is required for distributor contracts. Specify a default pricing code and title. Member Processing Select Process Only Mapped Members to process only mapped members for a new contract interface record. Select Error If All Members Not Mapped if all members must be mapped. Top Contract Amount Threshold Contracts with an amount ordered greater than this amount is displayed on the contract manager top contracts widget. Contract URL Specify a URL for a document management system, including a contract number variable. A Document Management button is available on contracts. Click to access the URL in a web browser. The Contract Number variable is replaced with the actual contract number. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Email and portal message configuration setup? [/INST] Email and portal message configuration setup Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups and Companies > Contract Groups. Open a contract group record. Select the Email And Portal Message Configuration tab. Change the default email subject and content that is provided when various contract processing are performed. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract group features setup? [/INST] Contract group features setup You can select contract group feature options to make them available when creating contracts. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups and Companies > Contract Groups. Open a contract group record. Select the Features In Use tab. Select the check boxes for features that you want to use for this contract group. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract companies and departments? [/INST] Contract companies and departments Contract companies and departments are only used for contracts that are not used for cost defaulting. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract companies and departments? [/INST] Creating contract companies and departments Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups and Companies > Contract Companies and Departments. Click Create. Specify a Contract Company code and Name. Click Save. On the Departments tab, click Create. Specify this information: Contract Company Specify a contract company. Contract Department Specify a contract department. Description Provide a description. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract types? [/INST] Contract types Contract types are used to categorize a contract. Types are required when adding contracts. These are the types of vendor contracts that can be created: Contract Blanket Standing Catalog/Quote Service Contract subtypes let you further define a contract type. If you define both a contract type and contract subtype for the same contract, the vendor contract assigned to the contract subtype is used to process the contract. (Note that contract subtypes are optional.) Note: Before you define a contract type, a contract group must already exist in Contract Management. For more information, see the Strategic Sourcing and Contract Management Administration Guide. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract types? [/INST] Creating contract types You can set up a contract type to organize and distinguish similar contracts for reporting and analysis purposes. Before you can set up a contract type, a contract group must already exist in Contract Management. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Contract Management > Contract Types. Click Create. Specify the Contract Group , Contract Type , and Description. On the Type Detail tab, specify this information: Vendor Purchase Type This table shows vendor purchase types and their descriptions: Type Description Contract Contains the item cost information agreed upon between you and the vendor Catalog/Quote Contains a list of available items and their costs as offered for sale by the vendor. Considered as a non-binding price list. Blanket Contains a list of suggested items, letting you pick and choose which items you want to order and when. Standing Contains fixed items and quantities for supplies that you order often. Service Acts as an ongoing agreement between you and a service provider, containing the cost of the service and dates when the agreement is valid. Building or electrical repair are examples of services. Note: If you leave this field blank, then the contracts assigned to this contract group will not be interfaced into the Purchasing. Use For Cost Defaulting Options This determines which items are used for cost defaulting to purchase orders and requisitions when the contract lines are created. Special Items Options Select an option that determines how special items are handled when contracts are activated. Keep As Special Item: Create Item On Activation: Create Item With Process: Click Save. On the Subtypes tab, click Create and complete the information. Contract subtypes are optional and let you further define a contract type. If you define both a contract type and subtype for a contract, then the vendor agreement that is assigned to the contract subtype is used to process the contract. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Rebates, rebate types, and rebate categories? [/INST] Rebates, rebate types, and rebate categories A rebate is money that a supplier agrees to pay a customer, often involving purchasing a certain amount of goods or services from that supplier. Rebates in Contract Management can be defined, calculated, and tracked. Rebate types In contract management, a rebate type is used to categorize your rebates. Multiple rebates can be assigned to a rebate type. For example, you can create a rebate type for supplies that contain supply-related rebates, and another rebate type that contains administration-related rebates. After you create a rebate type you can add a rebate to a contract based on the rebate type for which the contract is eligible. Rebate categories Growth Rebate A growth rebate is based on incremental purchases over the previous period of purchases. For example, if the growth in purchases is greater than 5% but less than 6% compared to the previous period, then the rebate is 5%. If the growth in purchases is greater than 6% but less than 7% compared to the previous period, then the rebate paid is 6%. If the growth in purchases is greater than 7% but less than 8% compared to the previous period, then the rebate paid is 7%. When you select Growth Rebate, a check box is available to calculate the expected rebate on the growth from last year to this year only. Standard Rebate A standard rebate is used based on the total amount purchased of certain items or codes against the amount purchased from the contract. For example, the amount purchased for a group of items on this contract is greater than $49,999, then a rebate of 2% is applied. A market share is used when the purchases against this contract are compared to all purchases for a group of items or codes. For example, if the amount of purchase for an item on a contract is 80% or more of the total amount purchased for the item across all purchases, then a 2% rebate is applied. Loyalty Rebate A loyalty rebate is used when you receive a rebate that is based on the maintenance of a certain percentage or amount of the previous rebate due period. For example, if the amount purchased for a group of items on a contract was 90% last quarter and 90% this quarter, then a rebate is due. Fixed Rebate Amount Fixed rebates have a fixed amount with no qualifiers, regardless of the amount that is spent. For example, on a construction contract, a rebate of $1,000 is due at the end of the contract period. Multiple Threshold Rebate This rebate type is used for earning rebate percentages or amounts based on thresholds of qualification spend. For example, if the amount purchased was between $10,000 and $14,999, then a rebate of 2% is due. If the amount purchased was over $15,000, then a rebate of 3% is due. Supplemental Rebate Use this rebate type to associate this type with a multiple threshold rebate. The two rebates share qualification contracts, items, and codes but have varying levels of qualification from one another and earned rebate percentages or amounts. For example, if you have a multiple threshold rebate that is based on quarterly spend of $15,000 and only qualified for two quarters. The supplemental rebate is defined for a total amount on an annual basis more than $40,000, then the supplemental rebate is applied. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating rebate types? [/INST] Creating rebate types Rebate types are user-defined. Select Supply Management Setup > Contract Management > Rebate Types. Click Create. Select a contract group. Provide a rebate type code and description. Specify this information: Rebate Category Select a rebate category. Valid options are Standard, Growth, Loyalty, Fixed Rebate Amount, Multiple Threshold, and Supplemental. See Rebates, rebate types, and rebate categories. If you select Growth Rebate , then you have the option to select a check box to calculate the expected rebate. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Calculating rebate amounts? [/INST] Calculating rebate amounts When invoices have been processed in Payables , you can calculate rebate amounts due for those contracts. This rebate load program generates several other rebate set action programs into the Async job scheduler queue. The invoices that relate to contract rebates must be retrieved from the back office and copied in a different format into Contract Management This program accomplishes that task. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Utilities > Load Rebate Invoices Specify this information: Contract Group Select a contract group. Contract Specify a code for the contract. Begin Date Select a begin date. End Date Select an end date. Click OK to process this action now, or click Schedule to schedule the process to run later. Run Perform Rebate Calculations to calculate expected rebated amounts for contracts. Qualifying invoices for a particular due date are used to determine if thresholds for all qualifiers have been exceeded. These thresholds are based on the value in the Purchase Operator field and either Purchase Percent Of All Purchases or Purchase Amount For example, if the operator is greater than and purchase amount is 500, then qualifying invoice records must be greater than $500. After the invoices pass the qualification, the base purchase amount that is defined on the rebate is subtracted from total purchases, then multiplied by the rebate percent to get a rebate amount. The thresholds for growth rebates are determined by comparing current purchase amounts to the Base Purchase Amount on the rebate due date record. In other words, the purchases that count for this rebate must be dated prior to the rebate due date. When the growth percent or amount is determined, the rebate percent or amount from the correct growth criteria record is used. If amount, that is the rebate amount. If percent, it is multiplied by current purchases. Select Supply Management Setup > Utilities > Perform Rebate Calculations. Specify the parameters.: Click OK to process this action now, or click Schedule to schedule the process to run later. Analyze the rebates. See the Contract Management User Guide. You can update the Expected Rebate after initial calculations. Changes in qualifier definitions or more invoices processed in Payables may lead to more qualifying invoices to calculate against. Run either of these at the contract level to update the expected rebate amount: Calculate Expected Rebate Amount For All Contract Rebates Recalculate For Qualifier Changes .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract classifications? [/INST] Contract classifications Contract classifications are required when you add a contract. With contract classifications, you have a way of categorizing and organizing contracts. Examples of contract classifications might include: Corporate, Company/Facility Specific, Local, Departmental, Maintenance or IT. When you add a classification, you make decisions that affect the contracts, addendums, change orders, and amendments that are assigned to that classification. The two main primary purposes of the classification are security and the flow of the contract. Classification determine which process automation flow to use and the flow of the contract. Security is driven from classification to determine who can see which contracts. If a contract subclassification is attached to the classification, then the rules that are defined in the contract classification take precedence. This explains the type of decisions you make: Decide whether a contract, addendum, or amendment requires approval before or after starting negotiations with your supplier, and whether to require negotiations with your supplier. Decide whether to receive notification when the text of a term and condition changes. Decide whether commodity code, manufacturer code and manufacturer number are required for service and non-service items, item master or special items, on a contract line. For information about manufacturing codes, see the Inventory Control User Guide. Decide on a default document template to use with contracts assigned to this classification. Decide whether contracts assigned to this classification are eligible to create events in Strategic Sourcing. After setting up a classification, you can optionally assign a subclassification to it. You make the same decisions as for the classification. In cases where a contract has both a classification and a subclassification, the settings for the subclassification are used. Important: Before you add a contract classification, a contract group must already exist in Contract Management. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract classifications? [/INST] Creating contract classifications Select Contract Classifications. Click Create. Select the Contract Group to assign to the classification. Specify the Contract Classification and Description. Specify this information: Approval Type Select an approval type. No Approvals : Classification is not used to perform approvals. Approvals With No Redlining : Contracts with this classification use Process Automation to approve the contract. No document or contract redlining is involved in the process. This approval type uses a process automation flow named cmcontractappr.lpd. Approvals With Redlining On Document : Contracts with this classification use Process Automation to route a document with redlining between internal approvers and then provide the redlined document to a supplier for negotiation. This approval type uses a process automation flow named CMWordAppr.lpd. Approvals With Redlining On Contract : Contracts with this classification use contract forms and Process Automation to route a contract between primary contacts, internal approvers, and suppliers. Those roles can make direct changes to terms and conditions and use redlining to indicate changes. This process allows suppliers to use the Supplier Portal to make redlining changes to contract forms. This approval type uses a process automation flow named ContNegFinalAppr.lpd. Use IDM Select this check box to enable IDM document generation and IDM Redline processing. For more information, see Document Output Management for Infor Financials and Supply Management User Guide. On the Classification Detail tab, specify this information: Require Commodity Code For Non Service Items On Contract Lines Select this check box if a Commodity Code is required when a contract line is created and an item master record is not used. If an item master record is used, then the Commodity Code is required on the item master record. Require Manufacturer Code For Non Service Items On Contract Lines Select this check box if a Manufacturer Code is required when a contract line is created and a vendor item is not used. If a vendor item is used, then the Manufacturer Code is required on the vendor item. Require Manufacturer Number For Non Service Items On Contract Lines Select this check box if a Manufacturer Number is required when a contract line is created and a vendor item is not used. If a vendor item is used, then the Manufacturer Number is required on the vendor item. Require A Distribution To Be Entered For Special Items Select this check box if a distribution is required when a contract line is created and the item type is special. The distribution for the contract line must be created before contract activation. In the Contract Defaults section, specify this information: Document Template Select a template to use with contracts that are assigned to this classification. The template is used to create contract documents. Addendum Template Select a template to use with contracts that are assigned to this classification. The template is used to create addendum documents. Eligible For Event Creation Select this check box to create an event after the contract is activated. If this check box is selected, then the classification default is used on the contract. Allow Supplier To View Comments And Attachment On Portal Select this check box to allow suppliers to view comments and attachments on the Supplier Portal. Change To Active Contract Line Sets Status To Amendment When this check box is selected and a contract line is changed on an active contract, the line becomes an amendment. In the Change Order Options section, specify this information: Allow Change Order Select this check box to allow change orders on a contract. Contract Addendum Or Amendment When Change Order Is Created Select whether to create an Addendum or an Amendment when a change order is created for an active contract. Update Contract Lifetime Maximum When Change Order Updates Occur Select this check box to update the lifetime maximum quantity for the contract when a change order is updated. Allow Multiple Change Orders Per Amendment Or Addendum Select this check box to allow multiple change orders to be processed before contract approvals are made. Allow Fields Affected By Change Orders To Be Updated Directly Select this check box to allow fields that are affected by change orders to be updated outside of change orders. Create Contract Document When Change Order Is Completed When this check box is selected, a contract document is automatically created when a change order is completed. The document captures the state of the contract after the change order is applied. Edit Budgets When Change Order Is Submitted On commitment type contracts, when this check box is selected, budgets are checked against amounts on the change order. If budget errors exist, then the change order is not submitted. The contract owner receives a notification that describes the error. Note: This option is for change orders that are submitted by a Requester. This process does not replace the budget editing that happens when a contract is released and activated. In the Cost Change Tolerance Options section, specify this information: Tolerance Handling Select an option to handle tolerance errors. Online Error : An error is displayed on the page and the cost change cannot be saved. Create Tolerance Error Record : An error record is created. Error records are listed in these locations: The Tolerance Error tab on the contract line. The Alert Lists tab on the contract. The Tolerance Error tab on the Additional Contract Information page. Percent Not To Exceed Specify the tolerance percent. If the cost change is greater than this percent, then an error occurs based on the selection in the Tolerance Handling field. Amount Not To Exceed Specify the tolerance amount. If the cost change is greater than this amount, then an error occurs based on the selection in the Tolerance Handling field. Default Tolerance Options To Contract Interface Cost Updates Select whether the tolerance options in this section are used as default values when costs are updated from contract interface records. Error records are created for interface cost updates regardless of the selection in the Tolerance Handling field. In the Contract Line Options For Service Items section, specify this information: Require Commodity Code For Service Items On Contract Lines Select this check box if a Commodity Code must be specified on a service contract line before an agreement line can be created. In the Contract Line Options For All Item Types section, specify this information: Show Healthcare Information On Contract Lines Select this check box to show healthcare items on contract lines. On the Subclassifications tab, specify the required information and make selections as you did for the contract classification. In cases where a contract has both a classification and a subclassification, the option settings for the subclassification are used. An inactive classification cannot have an active subclassification. Click Save. After the classification is saved, if the Approval Type is a type where approvals are processed, then an additional tab is displayed. Select the check boxes on the tab to identify the required processes. If at least one check box is selected, then the approval process is invoked when the contract is released depending on the status of the contract before it is released. Unless described differently for the required process, an option that is selected invokes the full contract approval process in Process Automation. Anywhere that negotiation is used in a field name, it refers to the negotiation of the contract with a supplier. Before approvals are processed, the contract is in draft, addendum, or amendment status. If one of the Before Negotiation options is selected, then releasing the contract puts the contract in a released status. If one of the Supplier Contract Negotiation options is selected, then releasing the contract or completing internal contract approval puts the contract in a negotiation status. If one of the Require Internal Contract Approval After Negotiations options is selected, then the contract is in final approval status after supplier negotiation. During contract approval before and after supplier negotiation, unless otherwise noted, these are the options: Approve : Moves a contract to the next status or step in the process. Disapprove : Sets a contract back to draft status. Reject : Sets a contract to inactive status and puts it on hold. After the approval processes are complete, the contract is in a ready to activate status. Depending on the Approval Type for the classification, one of these tabs are displayed: If the Approval Type is Approvals With No Redlining , then the Approvals tab is displayed. Require Internal Contract Approval Before Negotiations Select this check box to ensure that neither terms nor documents can be updated within Process Automation The contract can only be viewed. Require Supplier Contract Negotiations If this check box is selected, contract negotiation with the supplier can occur after contract release and internal contract approval, if required. For this type, it is assumed that all contract negotiation with the supplier takes place outside of the contract management system. When supplier negotiation is complete, one of these actions can be selected on the contract: Complete Negotiation , Disapprove , or Reject. Require Internal Contract Approval After Negotiations If this check box is selected, the contract can be viewed and approved in Process Automation after supplier negotiations are complete and the Complete Negotiation action has been performed. When these processes are complete, the contract is set to a ready to activate status. If Approval Type is set to Approvals With Redlining On Document , then the Document Redline Approvals tab is displayed. Require Internal Contract Approval Using Document Redlining Before Negotiations If this check box is selected, then documents can be updated in Process Automation using redlining. Only draft and addendum contracts use this process. Require Contract Approval Before Negotiations If this check box is selected, then amendment contracts use the same process as Approvals with No Redlining There is no document redlining. Require Supplier Contract Negotiations If this check box is selected, then supplier negotiation can occur by emailing contracts to suppliers and by redlining documents through email. The email negotiation process can take place regardless of whether this check box is selected. Selecting this check box sets the contract to negotiation status. Require Internal Contract Approval After Negotiations If this check box is selected, then the contract can be viewed and approved in Process Automation after supplier negotiations are complete and the Complete Negotiation action has been performed. When these processes are complete, the contract is set to a ready to activate status. If Approval Type is set to Approvals With Redlining On Contract , then the Contract Redline Approvals tab is displayed. Require Approval Of Term And Condition Updates On Contract If this check box is selected, then terms and conditions can be changed using redlining on the contract. Require Internal Contract Approval Before Negotiations If this check box is selected,then terms and conditions can be changed using redlining in Process Automation. Require Supplier Contract Negotiations On Supplier Portal If this check box is selected, then terms and conditions can be changed using redlining in the Supplier Portal. Require Final Approval After Supplier Portal Negotiations If this check box is selected, then terms and conditions can be changed using redlining in Process Automation. Require Internal Contract Approval Using Document Redlining Before Negotiations If this check box is selected, then documents can be updated in Process Automation using redlining. Only draft and addendum contracts use this process. Require Internal Contract Approval After Negotiations If this check box is selected, then the contract can be viewed and approved in Process Automation after supplier negotiations are complete and the Complete Negotiation action has been performed. When these processes are complete, the contract is set to a ready to activate status. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract classification groups? [/INST] Creating contract classification groups Before you can create classification groups, you must create classifications. Use this procedure to create groups for contract classifications to use to define multiple contract classifications: Sign in as Administrator and select Contract Classification Groups. Click Create and select a contract group. Specify a name and description for the classification group. Select the Actors Assigned to this Group tab and add an actor context record for an actor. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating pricing groups? [/INST] Creating pricing groups Pricing groups are used to attach large numbers of inventory companies, inventory locations, or requesting locations to contracts without having to specify every company or location on the contract. Pricing groups can be attached to contract participants, contract tier members, and contract distributor pricing members. Sign in as Administrator and select Contract Management > Pricing Groups. On the Create Pricing Groups tab, click Create. Pricing groups can also be created on the View Pricing Groups tab. Specify Contract Group , Pricing Group , and Description. Specify this information: Pricing Group Type Select a pricing group type to indicate whether the group is company or location related. Companies and locations cannot be mixed on contracts. All records that are associated with a single pricing group must be of a single type. Active This field is used to determine whether a Pricing Group can be attached to a Contract or whether a Pricing Group that is attached to a contract is used for cost defaulting. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Associating companies and locations to pricing groups? [/INST] Associating companies and locations to pricing groups Inventory companies, inventory locations, and requesting locations can be associated with pricing groups. You can specify the Pricing Group on the setup pages for Inventory Company, Inventory Location, and Requesting Location. On the Manage Pricing Groups page, select any of the Attach XYZ tabs. Select a value in the Pricing Group column. Alternatively, select the companies or locations on the list and run the Attach To Pricing Group action to add the Pricing Group value to multiple records. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Document and addendum document templates? [/INST] Document and addendum document templates Document and addendum document templates are used to indicate the layout of contract documents or addendum documents, for example, whether they are two or three columns. This type of template is created in Rich Text Format (.rtf). During setup, you indicate the location of the template file. Typically, administrators edit the template to include company-specific information, such as the company logo, name, address, before using them to create contract documents. Sample document templates are provided for you and you can create your own. The document template must be active before you assign it to a contract document. Use document templates and addendum document templates to determine the layout and format of contract documents and addendum documents. For example, you can create one document template that creates a document with two columns and another template that creates a document with three columns. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating document templates? [/INST] Creating document templates Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Contract Management > Document Templates. Click Create. Specify this information: Contract Group Specify a contract group to assign to the document template. Title The name of the file you browse to in the File field will default, but you can type a different title for the document template that you add File Click the folder icon and browse to a file that you want to use as the document template. The document template must be an.rtf file. Sample.rtf files are delivered with the product. File Type File type is assigned automatically. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating addendum document templates? [/INST] Creating addendum document templates Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Contract Management > Addendum Document Templates. Click Create. Specify this information: Contract Group Specify a contract group to assign to the addendum template. Addendum Document Template Display only field. Title The name of the file you browse to in the File field will default, but you can type a different title for the document template that you add File Click the folder icon and browse to a file that you want to use as the document template. The document template must be an.rtf file. Sample.rtf files are delivered with the product. Mime Type The type of file to be attached will default into this field when you browse to and add the file. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract templates? [/INST] Contract templates Contract templates contain related contract information and are used to define reusabl3 information for a contract. Contract templates are used for reviewing, negotiating, and updating contract terms. Contract templates are similar to contracts with these exceptions: Specific information can be reused for multiple contracts They are stored in the repository to be reused. During setup, you select the contract group and provide a description. When you create a contract from a contract template, the default information from the template is used on the new contract. You can add or change the information as required. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract templates? [/INST] Creating contract templates Before you can create a template, a contract group must already exist. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Contract Management > Contract Templates. Click Create Contract Template. Specify this information: Contract Group Select a contract group to assign to the new contract. Template Select a template to apply to the new contract. Supplier Select a supplier to assign to the contract. Supplier Contact Select a supplier contact for the contract. On the Contract tab, specify this information: Description Specify a description. Contract Type Select a contract type to assign to the contract. Contract Classification Select a contract classification for the new contract. Contract Subtype Select a contract subtype to further define a contract type. Contract Subclassification If a contract subclassification is assigned to the classification,then the rules that are defined in the contract subclassification take precedence. Manufacturer Contract Select this check box to identify the contract as a manufacturer contract. Distributor Contract Select this check box to identify the contract as a distributor contract. GPO Negotiated Select this check box if the contract was provided by a GPO. GPO Supplier Select the GPO Supplier. This value is used as the default for the GPO supplier on new contracts. It is also used to indicate the GPO supplier contracts that are used when updating records. Renewal Contract Select this check box if the contract is eligible for cost defaulting when the contract is released. Otherwise it is eligible when it is activated. Preferred Contract Select this check box if this is a preferred contract. A preferred contract cost is the default regardless of priority. Supplier Originated Contract Select this check box if this a supplier-initiated contract. Eligible for Even Creation Select this check box to set up the new contract as eligible for event creation. Currency Code Select a currency code. Document Template Select a document template. The template that you select is used as the basis for the full contract document. Yellow Alert Specify the number of days before the contract's expiration date to show an alert. When you view the list of In Process contracts, the yellow alert denotes the number of days remaining to expiration. You are prompted if an action is required. Red Alert Specify the number of days before the contract's expiration date to show an alert. When you view the list of In Process contracts, the red alert denotes the number of days remaining to expiration. You are prompted if an action is required. Proposed Total Amount This field allows calculations for subcontractor payments. Lifetime Maximum Amount Lifetime maximum amount is used for editing the contract purchases from Requisitions and Purchasing. It is also used in conjunction with notification percent. An email notification is sent when a certain percent of the total is reached Click Save. On the Articles tab, click Create and specify this information: Article Title Specify a title for the article. The title is not printed on the contract. Header Text Specify the header text that represents the article label. The header text is printed on the contract. Click Save. In the second section on the Terms tab, click Create to create terms. Specify this information: Title Specify a title for the term and condition. Header Text Specify a header text that represents the term and condition title. The header text is printed on the contract. Description Provide a description for the term. Right-click and select items from the Variables menu. Add pre-defined variables where the actual values are included when the term and condition is printed or displayed. The description is printed on the contract. Click Save. On the Attachment tab, click Create and specify this information: Attachment Select the attachment to add to the term and condition. Attachment Reference Specify a title for the attachment to be added to the term and condition. Click Save. On the Questions tab, click Create and specify this information. Question Text Specify the text for the question. Response Type Select a response type for the question: Text : Descriptive text Number : Numeric value Date : Date format List : Multiple choice answer. Provide the answers after adding the question. Yes No : Yes or No answer Yes No Text : Yes or No answer with additional descriptive text Rebate : You can use Rebate types as answers and link to other rebate information. Allow Response Attachment Select this check box if a file can be attached to the question. For example, a file that contains a price list in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. Response Rules Select a response rule that indicates the way in which suppliers must respond to the question. Click Save. On the Participants tab, click Create and specify this information: Company Select a company to assign as a contract participant. Location Select a company location or department to add as a participant or tier member on a contract. Requesting Location Select a location or a requesting location, not both. Pricing Group Select a pricing group. The pricing group is used to assign a markup or discount on purchases that are made by the participants on the distributor contract. Tier Select a contract tier. Purchase Method Select a purchase method. A purchase method defines the contract type that a member purchases against. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract approver categories? [/INST] Contract approver categories Contract Approvers are used for contract negotiation using a Word document. In order to have a contract reassigned to them, a Contract Group Approver must be defined for the user. When the Reassign action is taken, the list of people to reassign to comes from Contract Group Approver. The Contract Approver Category is a user-defined field that can be used to filter approvers on a list when selecting an approver to reassign. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract approver categories? [/INST] Creating contract approver categories Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Contract Management > Contract Approver Categories. Click Create. Select a Contract Group. Specify a Contract Approver Category code and Description. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Contract group approver? [/INST] Contract group approver You can reassign a contract to a contract group approver if a contract group approver has been defined. In order to have a Contract Reassigned to them, a Contract Group Approver must be defined for a user. When the Reassign action is taken, the list of people to reassign to comes from Contract Group Approver. The Contract Approver Category is a user-defined field that can be used to filter approvers on a list when selecting an approver to reassign to. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating contract group approvers? [/INST] Creating contract group approvers Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Contract Management > Contract Group Approvers. Click Create. Select a Contract Group. Specify this information: Contract Group Approver The contract group approver is displayed.. Approver Select an approver. Derived Approver The derived approver is displayed. Contract Approver Category Select a contract approver category. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Preferred contracts and manufacturers? [/INST] Preferred contracts and manufacturers You can use a manufacturer contract to associate the contract to a manufacturer or to a distributor of goods and services. If associated with a manufacturer, the contract is used to set the price for goods and services. If associated with a distributor, the contract serves as a starting price that the distributor honors before applying a markup or discount. A preferred manufacturer is used to designate which manufacturer your company prefers to purchase items from. When you link an item to a preferred manufacturer and add the item to a contract, the preferred manufacturer is the default on the contract. A manufacturer code is used to identify a specific manufacturer for an item or a specific manufacturer department/division when an item is purchased against a particular contract or from a particular manufacturer without regard for cost. For example, a particular surgeon prefers one manufacturer over the cheapest contracted manufacturer. In that case, there must be a way for the system to override the normal defaulting structure that determines suppliers, and in turn costs. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating preferred contracts and manufacturers? [/INST] Creating preferred contracts and manufacturers Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Contract Management > Preferred Contracts And Manufacturers. Click Create. Specify this information: Contract Group Select a contract group to which to assign the preferred manufacturer. Company Select a company to which to assign the preferred manufacturer. Item Number Select the item from the item master list. Vendor Item Specify the vendor item. Location Specify the location of the preferred contract. Requesting Location Specify the requesting location. Contract/Manufacturer Code Specify either a contract or manufacturer code. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Strategic sourcing setup? [/INST] Strategic sourcing setup Strategic Sourcing is used to set up, maintain, and analyze complex bidding events. Strategic Sourcing provides a robust system for requesting bids and quotes, awarding events, and analyzing spending patterns and supplier use. Public sector entities who purchase materials and supplies can use Strategic Sourcing to develop a list of requirements for the items and quantities that they need. After the requirements have been determined, a Request for Quote (RFQ) or an Invitation for Bid (IFB) can be issued. A potential supplier then responds with a proposal (or bid) that includes prices and terms for the requirements. After the proposals have been collected and evaluated, a sourcing event is awarded. Strategic Sourcing provides the capability to track sourcing event details such as supplier responses and event awards. For private sector entities, the bid process is not subject to the same regulatory requirements, however, several aspects of the bid process are similar. In this case, Strategic Sourcing can be used to create and manage sourcing events and to take advantage of the event processing and awarding functions. See the Strategic Sourcing User Guide for processing data after the setup is complete. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Sourcing groups? [/INST] Sourcing groups A sourcing group is an extension of a Purchasing procurement group. Sourcing group expands the processing that can be done for the procurement group to include Strategic Sourcing functionality. The sourcing group in Strategic Sourcing and the procurement group in Purchasing must have the same group number. For example, if the sourcing group number is GRP123, the associated procurement group number must also be GRP123. A sourcing company is one level below a sourcing group and is an extension of a Purchase Order company. It expands the processing that can be done for the company to include Strategic Sourcing functionality. The sourcing company in Strategic Sourcing must have the same number as the purchase order company in Purchasing There can be one or more sourcing companies in a sourcing group, just as there can be one or more purchase order companies in a procurement group. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating sourcing groups? [/INST] Creating sourcing groups When you create a sourcing group, the information that you define is applied to each sourcing company in the sourcing group. The associated sourcing group values are used as defaults in the sourcing company. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups and Companies > Sourcing Groups. Click Create. Specify a Sourcing Group code and Description. On the Sourcing Group tab, specify this information in the Approval Information section: Event Approval Required Select this check box to require event approval. Amendment Approval Required Select this check box to require amendment approval. Award Approval Required Select this check box to require award approval. Dispute Period Select this check box to use a dispute period. In the Amendment Information section, select which actions will trigger amendments to events. In the Miscellaneous section, specify this information: Supplier Portal Sourcing Reports Logo You can add a logo that appears on PDF outputs of events and responses. Display Events On Recently Finalized Tab Specify the number of days to show events. Require Non Award Reason Codes Select whether to require non-award reason codes. Use PO Comments From Requisition Line For Event Line Description Select this check box to use PO comments from the requisition line for the event line. Buyer can add Commodity Code to Item for Contract Output When this check box is selected, buyers can add a commodity code to an item for contract output. Show Responses Not Viewed On Analysis Form When you select this check box an alert is displayed next to responses that have not been viewed by the buyer. Can Request Response Modification Select this check box to allow buyers to request event response modifications. Allow Event And Event Line Attachments After Event Closed Select this check box to allow attachments after the event is closed. Allow Changing Of Close Date For Sealed Bids With Responses Determine when the close date can be changed for sealed bids. If the field is selected, then your organization can change the close date on events, regardless of whether there are responses. If this field not selected, then you cannot change the close date if there are submitted responses for the event. (No bid responses are not considered). You cannot change the close date if it has already passed or if it is before the current date and time. In the Close Date Change Rules While Event Is Open section, specify rules for when changes to close dates can be made. In the Event Defaults, specify this information: Supplier Portal Posting Option Select a display option for the event when it is in an Open status. Display On Portal : Event can be viewed on the Open Bids list by each registered and unregistered supplier. Display for Notified Suppliers Only : Event can be viewed on the Open Bids list by suppliers that are listed on the Notifications tab. Do Not Display On Portal : Suppliers that are listed on the Notifications tab receive an email that instructs them to contact your organization. Incomplete Buyer Weighting Score Edit Select an edit option. Allow Terms To Be Negotiated Select this check box to set the default to indicate that terms negotiation is allowed when a buyer creates an event. Only Retrieve Validated Suppliers For Event Notification Select this check box to only retrieve valid suppliers for event notifications. Vendor Item Processing Select a vendor item processing option. Require Vendor Item Description When Vendor Item Entered Select this check box if vendor item description is required when the vendor item is created. Require Supplier To Enter Delivery Date When Responding To Lines With PO Output Select this check box if the supplier is required to specify a delivery date when responding to lines with PO output. In the Response Alerts section, specify this information: Yellow Alert Specify the number of days before the event close date to show a yellow alert. Red Alert Specify the number of days before the event close date to show a red alert. Click Save. On the Event Response Text tab, specify instructions for suppliers that are associated with the sourcing company. These instructions are displayed on the Supplier Portal. Click Save. On the Event Email And Portal Message Configuration tab, specify a message for suppliers who are associated with the sourcing company. The message is sent to suppliers who are notified of, or who have responded to, an event. Click Save. On the Event Wizard Definition tab, select the items to show during event wizard process. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Award reasons? [/INST] Award reasons A repository of award and non-award reasons can be created and assigned to a sourcing event. An award reason informs a supplier that they have been awarded your business. For example, a reason for awarding a bid may be due to the supplier's ability to provide the lowest price or best delivery date. After a bid has been awarded, the award reason that you defined can be viewed by suppliers. A non-award reason is used only for internal inquiries and cannot be viewed by suppliers. Information from non-awards can be collected and used to respond to supplier inquiries. An example of a non-award reason may include incomplete bid, not best delivery date, or not lowest price. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating award reasons? [/INST] Creating award reasons Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Strategic Sourcing > Award Reasons. Click Create. Specify this information: Sourcing Group Select a sourcing group to assign to the award reason. Award Reason Specify a name for the award reason. Use a naming convention that makes it easy to distinguish between the awards and non-awards. For example, add a prefix "N-" to non-award reasons. Description Specify a description for the reason. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating event types? [/INST] Creating event types Event types are used to group or classify sourcing events. An example of an event type can be a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a Request for Information (RFI). Note: There is no processing associated with event types. Assigning an event type is for internal reference only. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Strategic Sourcing > Event Types. Click Create. Specify this information: Sourcing Group Select a sourcing group to assign to the event type. Event Type Specify a name for the event type. Description Specify a description for the event type Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating no bid reasons? [/INST] Creating no bid reasons Use no bid reasons to create reasons that a supplier has declined providing a bid on a request for proposal. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Strategic Sourcing > No Bid Reasons. Click Create. Specify this information: Sourcing Group Select a sourcing group to assign to the event type. No Bid Reason Specify a name for the no bid reason. Description Specify a description for the no bid reason. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating event templates? [/INST] Creating event templates Event templates are used to create repositories for events that contain bid information. An event template is similar to a sourcing event except that it remains in the repository where it can be reused. When creating an event template, you can define information for your recurring events and modify the information to match the requirements of the current event. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Strategic Sourcing > Event Templates. Click Create Event Template. Specify a Company to which to apply an event template. Specify a name for the event template. Add details to the template You can put as much information or a little information into a template as you like. Not all fields are required. On the Events tab, select an event type, buyer, and indicate options such sealed bids, create amendments, dates required, allow suppliers to do questions and answer, and whether you require responses for all lines. On the Weighting tab, you can specify various weighting percentages to apply to the event template. On the Questions tab, you create questions (and responses) and attach them to sourcing events. On the Terms tab, you create articles and their associated terms and conditions. On the Meetings tab, you set up a meeting related to the template, giving the location name and address. On the Attachments tab, you assign an attached file for further information. On the Contacts tab, you assign a contact person and their information to the template. On the Comments tab, you add comment text and indicate where it prints. On the Lines tab, you add template lines including items and item types, quantity, and ship-to location. On the Event Commodity Codes tab, you assign a commodity code to the template. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating buyer weighting criteria? [/INST] Creating buyer weighting criteria Use buyer weighting to define weighting criteria for suppliers by percentage. For example, price, quality, service, delivery. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Strategic Sourcing > Buyer Weighting Criteria. Click Create. Specify this information: Sourcing Group Select a sourcing group to assign to the buyer weighting criteria. Criteria Specify the weighting criteria to use to determine the total buyer weighting. Best Possible Score Select the best possible score. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Punchout/punchin setup? [/INST] Punchout/punchin setup Punchout is an industry-standard term. It describes the process where a company accesses externally managed catalogs of vendor products that can be incorporated into the procurement process. Punchin is an Infor term. It refers to a modified punchout setup. Using punchin, the supplier maintains your company data for items in the supplier catalog, such as item numbers. The item number must be a valid item number. An extrinsic element is also sent with the item that indicates that the vendor is punchin enabled. Punchout works with RSS and so that users can perform these functions: Browse punchout-enabled vendor web sites Select from approved products and contracted prices Create requisitions Route for approval Generate purchase orders Punchout eliminates having to load and maintain an item master for non-inventoried or highly configured products. Punchout enables RSS users to requisition supplies from punchout-enabled vendor websites. A vendor’s website is represented by an icon on the RSS home page. When the user clicks the vendor icon, called punching out, the vendor catalog is displayed as a new page in the user’s browser. From the vendor catalog, RSS users can select items to bring the item data into the RSS application. If there are contracts, the vendor will show the contracted cost information for catalog items and limit the catalog items that are displayed. When users check out from the vendor website, the selected items and their costs are brought into RSS into a requisition. From this point forward, existing procurement processes handle the punchout requisition like any other requisition is handled. A purchase order can be created from the requisition. See the Requisitions User Guide for processing data after the setup is complete. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Hierarchy of email address construction? [/INST] Hierarchy of email address construction This topic shows you how the information is derived for the email address that is used in the <Contact> section of the PunchOutSetupRequest. Punchout-enabled vendors can see the name and email address of the individual who is performing the punchout activity. Although this email address may not be the actual email address, the email address that is constructed satisfies the syntactical requirements of the PunchOutSetupRequest. If a Requester Punchout Vendor Data Field Name of UserEmail is defined, then the value is used for the email address. If no email is found in step 1 and a Punchout Vendor Data Field Name of UserEmail is defined, then this value is used for the email address. If no email is found in steps 1 or 2 and an email is defined for the Employee that is tied to the Requester, then this value is used. If no email is found in steps 1, 2, or 3, then an email address is constructed using this information: The Employee Name that is tied to the Requester The Email Domain Name that is defined in the Buying Organization .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating buying organizations? [/INST] Creating buying organizations You must create a buying organization for your company so that you can communicate with the supplier that you are punching out to their site. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Punchout > Buying Organizations. Click Create. Specify this information: Buying Organization Select a procurement group. Organization Name Specify a name for the buying organization. On the RSS Options tab, specify this information: Set All Companies to Basic User Settings Click this button to set all inventory companies' display options to basic user settings. See the Requisition Self Service User Guide for information about the basic user settings. Set All Companies to Power User Settings Click this button to set all inventory companies' display options to power user settings. See the Requisition Self Service User Guide for information about the power user settings. Prevent Company RSS Options Updates Select this check box to prevent any changes to individual fields on the Inventory Company Requisition Self Service Display Options. To view these settings, access the Inventory Company record's RSS tab and edit the Requisition Self Service Display Options section. To lock the settings on the company record so that they cannot be changed individually, select the Prevent Company RSS Options Updates check box. On the Punchout Options tab, specify this information: DUNS Number Specify the DUNS number for the buying organization. Email Domain Name Specify the email domain name for the buying organization. In the Sender Information section, specify this information: Network ID Specify the senders network ID. Shared Secret Specify the agreed upon password. DUNS Number Specify the DUNS number for the sender. This is usually the same as the From information, but can be different. In the Deployment Information section, specify this information: Allow Combined Items Select this check box if punchout items can be combined with non-punchout items in a requisition in RSS. Allow Multiple Punchout Vendors Select this check box to punchout to multiple vendors and add items from each of them to the same requisition. Click Save. Punchout vendors can be created in the buying organization on the Punchout Vendors tab. Purchase order dispatch vendors can be created in the buying organization on the Purchase Order Dispatch Vendors tab. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating punchout vendors? [/INST] Creating punchout vendors Before you can punchout to a vendor, you must set up a punchout vendor record. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Punchout > Punchout Vendors. Click Create. Specify Vendor Group and Vendor. Specify a Punchout Vendor Name. The Punchout Vendor ID is system assigned. If it is deleted, the ID is not reused. There can be multiple Punchout Vendor IDs for each group and vendor combination. Optionally, specify a Purchase From Location. In the From Organization section, specify this information: DUNS Number Specify the DUNS number for the organization from which you will punch out. Network ID Specify the network ID for the organization from which you will punch out. In the To Organization section, specify this information: DUNS Number Specify the DUNS number for the organization to which you will punch out. Network ID Specify the DUNS number for the organization to which you will punch out. In the Sender Information section, specify this information: DUNS Number Specify the DUNS number for the sender. Network ID Specify the network ID for the sender. Shared Secret Specify the password for the organization to which you will punch out. In the Website Setup section, specify the URL for the supplier to which you will punch out. In the Deployment Information section, specify this information: Punchin Select this check box to enable the punchin feature. Add the PunchInVendor extrinsic value to the PunchOutRequest document. This is disabled by default. It should only be enabled if the vendor is maintaining item master data in their catalog. <Extrinsic name="PunchInVendor">true</Extrinsic> Enhanced Punchout Setup Request Select this check box to add three extrinsic elements to the PunchOutRequest document. This is disabled by default. It should only be enabled if the receiving party can use these extrinsic elements. The elements that are added are Requesting Location, Requisition Number, and Requester ID. <Extrinsic name="requester">_requesterID_</Extrinsic> <Extrinsic name="requestingLocation">_requestingLocation_</Extrinsic> <Extrinsic name="requisitionNumber">_requisitionNumber_</Extrinsic> Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Punchout vendors field mapping? [/INST] Punchout vendors field mapping If the punchout-enabled vendor is unable to put your item identifier into the "SupplierPartID" element,an Extrinsic element can be used instead. In this case, you and the vendor must agree on the value of the "name" attribute in order for you to construct the appropriate <mapping> instruction. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Punchout > Punchout Vendors Field Mapping. Click Create. Specify this information: Vendor Group Select a vendor group. Vendor Select a vendor from the Vendor Group. Punchout Vendor Select a punchout vendor. From Field Specify the field from which the data will be mapped. Mapping Source Select whether the mapping source is Classification or Extrinsic. To Field Select the field on the Requisition Line to which the data will be mapped. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating punchout vendors other data? [/INST] Creating punchout vendors other data Use this procedure to set up values for specific fields that are required by the Punchout Vendor.. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Punchout > Punchout Vendors Data. Click Create. Specify this information: Vendor Group Select a vendor group. Vendor Select a vendor from the vendor group. Punchout Vendor Select a punchout vendor. Field Name Specify a field to which to assign a value. Field Value Specify a value to assign to the field. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Setting up requester punchout vendors? [/INST] Setting up requester punchout vendors Before you can punchout to vendors, you must setup a requester record to identify who in your organization will be punching out. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Punchout > Requesters Punchout Vendors. Click Create. On the Main tab, specify this information: Organization The organization is the HR organization. It is set by your Actor Context. You must change your Actor Context in order to change this value. It cannot be changed on the Punchout Setup screens. Requester Select a requester for this organization. Vendor Group Select a vendor group. Vendor Select a vendor from the vendor group. Punchout Vendor Select a punchout vendor. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating requester punchout vendors other data? [/INST] Creating requester punchout vendors other data Use this procedure to set up values for specific fields that are required by the Punchout Vendor for a specific Requester. You can also use My Punchout Vendors if you are setting up your own punchout vendors. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Punchout > Requester Punchout Vendors Data. Click Create. Specify this information: Organization Specify the HR organization. It is set by your Actor Context. You must change your Actor Context in order to change this value. It cannot be changed on the Punchout Setup screens. Requester Select a requester for this organization. Vendor Group Select a vendor group. Vendor Select a vendor from the vendor group. Punchout Vendor Select a punchout vendor. Field Name Specify a field that would to which to assign a value. Field Value Specify a value to assign to the field. Click Save. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Creating my punchout vendors? [/INST] Creating my punchout vendors Use this procedure to set up your own punchout vendors. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Punchout > My Punchout Vendors. Click Create. Specify this information: Organization Specify the HR organization. It is set by your Actor Context. You must change your Actor Context in order to change this value. It cannot be changed on the Punchout Setup screens. Requester Select a requester for the organization. Vendor Group Select a vendor group. Vendor Select a vendor from the vendor group. Punchout Vendor Select a punchout vendor. Click Save. You can setup values for specific fields on the Other Data tab. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Setting up purchase order dispatch vendors? [/INST] Setting up purchase order dispatch vendors Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Punchout > Purchase Order Dispatch Vendors. Click Create. Specify this information: Vendor Group Select a vendor group. Vendor Select a vendor. In the From Organization section, specify this information: DUNS Number Specify the DUNS number for the organization from which you will punchout. Network ID Specify the network ID for the organization from which you will punchout. In the To Organization section, specify this information: DUNS Number Specify the DUNS number for the organization to which you will punchout. Network ID Specify the network ID. Shared Secret Specify the password for the organization to which you will punchout. In the Sender Information section, specify this information: DUNS Number Specify the DUNS Number for the sender. Network ID Specify the network ID for the sender. In the Website Setup section, specify this information: Service Name Optionally, specify the vendor to which you will send a purchase order. Post To Server Specify the URL of the supplier to which you will send a purchase order. In the Deployment Information section, specify this information: Deployment Mode Select whether to deploy in test or production. .</s>
<s>[INST] In the context of INFOR Docs, tell me about Punchin configuration? [/INST] Punchin configuration Punchin is an Infor term and is part of the Punchout process. Vendors can store, retrieve, and maintain inventory information, for example, item identifiers, in their catalog. In the standard Punchout process, the value in the SupplierPartID element is the vendor’s item identifier. An additional Extrinsic element, PunchInVendor, must be transmitted with the PunchOutOrderMessage when Punchin is used. When Punchin is enabled in the Punchout Vendor settings, <Extrinsic name =”PunchInVendor”>true</Extrinsic> is included in the PunchOutOrderMessage. Alternatively, your organization can construct a website that contains items from your own item master. This website must conform to the best practices that are outlined for Punchout websites on the cXML.org website. Punchin is standard cXML Punchout. A flag is used to direct Infor Punchout to process the data that is contained in the received PunchOutOrderMessage True Punchout, by design, assumes that all items are X-type or special items. This requires additional time to plan, implement, and test. When a user punches out to a vendor or to your company’s Punchin website using Requisitions and Punchout, the items that are returned are evaluated to determine if the items should be on the Item master. To process items using Punchin, these must be true: The website must conform to the best practices outline for cXML.org punchout sites The requester can punchout to the supplier’s website Any items that are intended as punchin items and are returned from punchout must contain this XML element at the line-level of the PunchOutOrderMessage document: <Extrinsic name = PunchInVendor>true</Extrinsic>. This indicates to Requisitions that the item must not be treated as an X-type item, but as a stock or nonstock inventory item. See the cXML.org documentation for details about the data structures for the document. The presence of <Extrinsic name = “PunchInVendor”>true</Extrinsic> determines the path that is taken by the processing logic. If it is normal default punchout processing, that is, all items are treated as X-type items, or punchin processing. If there is no PunchInVendor Extrinsic element, it means default X-type processing. The item identifier that is returned from the punchout site must be located in your item master. The punchin item is processed by Requisitions and subjected to the usual edits while operating with Stock/Non-Stock item types. The required information from FSM is used as the default. You, the customer, and your business partners are responsible for identifying and maintaining the data on the Punchin website. Infor does not provide tools for this task. Discuss the creation and maintenance of the dataset with your business partners. .</s>