Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram
In video released late Friday night, leader Islamist militant group Boko Haram claimed Nigeria's kidnapped schoolgirls converted Islam married off. In video, obtained Agence France-Presse, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau also denied agreed ceasefire Nigerian government. "Don't know 200 Chibok schoolgirls converted Islam? They memorized two chapters Koran," said. Laughing, dashed hope deal might reached exchange girls' release, saying, "The issue girls long forgotten I long ago married off." [image via AP]
Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament
According New York Post's Page Six, NBC source says Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams' "head platter" anchor recanted story taking incoming fire Iraq Wednesday. "He making lot noise NBC lesser journalist producer would immediately fired suspended false report," said source. The Post reports Williams' fabrication long-known NBC, least one employee thinks Nightly News anchor unlikely punished. "He going suspended reprimanded way," network source told paper. "He full support NBC News." [Image via AP Images]
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway
Robots increasingly replacing humans variety mundane tasks, like bolting car together making lollipops, moving security business. Microsoft recently installed fleet 5-feet-tall, 300-pound robots protect Silicon Valley campus. The robots packed HD security cameras sensors take organic, protein-based surroundings. There’s also artificial intelligence board sound alarms robot notices something awry. It also read license plates cross-reference see they’re stolen. The K5 robots come California company called Knightscope, calls robots “autonomous data machines” provide “commanding friendly presence.” Sounds like something robot manufacturer would say. Let’s honest though, robots look pretty damn cool. They’re like modern versions R2-D2. Thankfully—or sadly, depending look it—the K5 robots don’t weapons them. All assess situation, sound alarm defuse it, call human security officer scene. There are, however, plans equip robots tasers sometime future. Microsoft’s new protectors fairly autonomous. A single charge last 24 hours, robot notices battery getting low, return charging port plug in. It fully recharge 20 minutes, pretty insane. There plans one day expand use Knightscope’s robots patrol streets part human police units. We can’t even imagine would happen Elon Musk heard this. H/T Extreme Tech | Videos/Photos: © Knightscope, Inc. 2014 (www.knightscope.com) This article originally appeared The Daily Dot. Copyright 2014. Follow The Daily Dot Twitter. SEE ALSO: This Terrifying Robot Was Developed By Google
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media
Agence France Presse LONDON: "Jihadi John", masked ISIS militant apparently responsible beheading western hostages, Thursday named London man Mohammad Emwazi Washington Post BBC. Britain's Metropolitan Police would confirm report, identified suspect Kuwaiti-born Emwazi, grew west London. "We going confirm identity anyone stage give update progress live counter-terrorism investigation," said Richard Walton Met's Counter Terrorism Command. Contacted AFP, interior ministry could immediately comment reports. The Guardian BBC reported identity, without citing sources. British media previously suggested "Jihadi John" could different British jihadi. Emwazi, mid-20s, identified Washington Post friends others familiar case, one close acquaintance telling paper: "I doubt Mohammad Jihadi John." The suspect middle class family earned degree computer programming traveling Syria around 2012, according report. He apparently became radicalized detained authorities following flight Tanzania accused British intelligence officers trying make way Somalia. "Jihadi John," named Beatle John Lennon due British accent, believed responsible murders U.S. journalists James Foley Steven Sotloff, British aid workers David Haines Allan Henning American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig. He also appeared video Japanese hostages Haruna Yukawa Kenji Goto, shortly killed. In videos posted online, appears dressed black eyes exposed, wields knife launching tirades West. Following appearance report online, UK-based terror expert Shiraz Maher tweeted "Well, that's it. The name out. Jihadi John identified Mohammad Emwazi." British intelligence officers estimate around 500 homegrown militants fighting ISIS Syria Iraq. - See at: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2015/Feb-26/288865-bbc-names-the-jihadi-john-suspect-in-isis-beheading-videos-as-mohammed-emwazi-from-london.ashx#sthash.4aTmHCWq.dpuf
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola
The Islamic State (Isis) operating Iraq Ebola, World Health Organization confirmed. Last week number reports emerged suggesting members terrorist organisation contracted disease. The Daily Mail reported three media outlets said number militants shown signs deadly virus city Mosul. Speaking Mashable, WHO spokesperson said investigating reports. "We official notification [the Iraqi government] Ebola," Christy Feig, WHO's director communications, told website. The organisation confirmed suspected cases Ebola Iraq 5 January. "On 31 December, 2014, Al-Sabah newspaper, Shafaq news agency Rudaw online newspaper reported rumour EVD cases Mosul, Ninewa governorate," WHO said statement. "The news also relayed media agencies outside Iraq. "Following rumour, Ministry Health World Health Organization investigated allegations existing surveillance networks, well contacts health authorities medical sources Ibn Sina Hospital Mosul. "All sources contacted negated existence suspected cases Ebola. The Ministry Health World Health Organization confirmed laboratory facilities Mosul necessary capabilities diagnose confirm Ebola Virus." It said Ministry Health WHO scaled surveillance efforts ensure early detection suspected Ebola cases, precautionary measures taken prevent disease entering Iraq. "The surveillance efforts scaled health facilities ensure imported suspected cases promptly detected. "A contingency response plan currently development." RelatedHas Ebola infected Isis militants Mosul?An Ebola survivor's story: How Sierra Leone orphan pulled Christmas miracle cheating deathLiberia Ebola victims buried cremation decree relaxedEbola drug BCX4430 shows promising results rhesus macaquesEbola recap: A year first case many lessons later, virus plods
‘Teletubbies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19
Mum took streets placard offering sell son highest bidder Struggling parents tried sell son street auction pay life saving cancer treatment twin sister. Shocking pictures show mum twins standing streets Qingdao, major city eastern Shandong Province, Eastern China, placard offering sell son highest bidder. He standing alongside 29-year-old mum, Meng Xiangyan, appealed someone come forward buy boy. CEN Mum Meng Xiangyan gone onto street try raise money ill daughter selling son girl's twin. His sister suffering acute leukemia and, though mum said husband loved children, daughter would certainly die unless could get urgent medical treatment. They prepared sell son good home would chance life. She said: "Up year ago wonderful family thought everything could need wonderful little boy wonderful little girl twins. "But changed daughter diagnosed suffering leukaemia August last year spent savings borrowed everything could friends relatives. “It still enough, hoping raise cash sale son." CEN Mum Meng Xiangyan gone onto street try raise money ill daughter selling son girl's twin. The family sold apartment everything living tiny 10 square metre flat close therapies carried out. The parents also struggling heat tiny apartment vital prevent child, weakened chemotherapy, suffering cold could fatal. CEN Mum Meng Xiangyan gone onto street try raise money ill daughter selling son girl's twin. Their plight follows recent similar story woman spotted trying sell baby daughter streets China order pay husband's £10,000 medical bill. Ni Qiong photographed roadside Fuzhou, southeastern China, written sign imploring pedestrians purchase one-year-old daughter. She husband, Zhou Xinggui, migrant workers, currently hospital needing surgery falling scaffolding. Despite remaining street four hours, pedestrians offered purchase daughter. His wife's sign read: 'Please buy daughter. 'My husband waiting surgery fees hospital boss ran away. I would like sell daughter save husband.' According That's Magazines, also possession another poster stated: 'Boss fled industrial accident money treatment. I'm willing sell child save father.' Many locals witnessed distress sympathetic plight. Although gave money, no-one offered purchase daughter four hours sat street sign, magazine reported.
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola
BAGHDAD, Iraq – The Islamic State (ISIS) incinerated corpses five militants suspected contracting Ebola, Iraqi health official indicated. Faisal Ghazi, member Health Committee Iraq’s council ministries, said five incinerated Mosul, ISIS stronghold Iraq. “The Islamic State organization incinerated five militants infected Ebola prevent spread disease Mosul,” said. “ISIS proof militants infected Ebola,” added, without giving details whether fighters died disease killed incinerated group. The UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) investigating cases Ebola Mosul, following reports militants Ebola symptoms reported hospital city. ISIS volunteers poured Iraq Syria around world, including countries Africa.
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia
Ahmed Abdi Godane — leader al Shabab, Islamic militant organization behind siege mall Kenya last year — killed U.S. military strike earlier week, al Shabab source told NBC News Friday. The Pentagon confirmed death later day. “Removing Godane battlefield major symbolic operational loss al Shabab,” said Rear Adm. John Kirby, Pentagon spokesman. “The United States works coordination friends, allies partners counter regional global threats posed violent extremist organizations.” A U.S. security official also told NBC News earlier week Shabab killed strike Monday. U.S. officials said publicly strike Godane targeted, sure whether dead. The al Shabab source told NBC News Godane among 11 militants killed. Also killed operations leader, financial official military strategist organization, source said. “It’s big win,” U.S. security official said. “He operationally savvy ideologically driven, aspirations charts.” The official said nine Hellfire missiles one 500-pound guided bomb used strike. The Reuters news agency reported Friday Somali prime minister confirmed death Facebook, Reuters later withdrew report. A Somali government spokesman told Reuters government yet commented whether Godane dead. The siege last September Westgate Mall Nairobi left 67 people dead 200 injured. The United States 2012 offered $7 million reward arrest. Godane took leadership al Shabab predecessor killed American airstrike 2008.
Banksy 'Arrested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year
The rumour Banksy arrested circulating internet An article started circulating Twitter today claiming Banksy arrested. The story "news" website National Report says Banksy arrested Watford tracked "24-hour Anti-Graffiti Task Force". Stories crop time claiming reveal true identity guerrilla graffiti artist, one particularly ridiculous. The National Report also produced video claims prove arrest. Video loading Here's definitely hoax... 1. Banksy Liverpool He's Bristol according Wikipedia. 2. There's London Police force There's Metropolitan Police City London Police, used interchangeably article. 3. There's London Police Chief called Lyndon Edwards We call The Commissioner Police Metropolis. And Sir Bernard Hogan Howe. 4. Police release pictures people arrested Nope. They definitely that. 5. Met Police cover Watford area. That's Hertfordshire Police's job. 6. The website comes full spurious stories Other headlines site include 'Kanye West applies refugee status' 'Miley Cyrus replaced double 2010'. 7. The article circulating last year press release Before Banksy Paul William Horner 39 year old, rather Paul Horner, 35-year old. 8. The picture arrested Notting Hill Carnival 2012 Put picture URL Google images get pictures Carnival. 9. And needed proof, Banksy's PR confirmed hoax @JDBeauvallet hoax— jo brooks (@brightonseagull) October 20, 2014 Nevertheless looked real enough fool many people - including former Tory MP Louise Mensch. You kidding me, @metpoliceuk. Banksy? There many criminals there, Banksy? The great artist?— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) October 20, 2014 But definitely hoax, Banksy's secret still safe now. Everyone back boxes next rumour appears. Banksy’s real identity closely kept secret ever since work emerged 1992. Initially rumoured born Robin Banks, former butcher. However, recently people believe could Robin Gunningham, enjoyed middle-class upbringing Bristol. During rare interview described “a cross Jimmy Nail British rapper Mike Skinner”. Banksy also claimed parents think painter decorator. VIEW GALLERY
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax
Apple "studied platinum watch casings" according new report The Wall Street Journal. However, it’s expected announce new case today’s "Spring Forward" event. The WSJ also corroborates rumors Apple redesigning stores include space customers try watch appointment. It’s likely Apple limiting initial buying experience stores, company total control sales experience. Reuters reports Apple resellers, like Best Buy, may carry watch launch, Macy’s, Saks, Bloomingdale's, Barney’s expressing same. Apple held private event luxury retailer Colette Paris back September, hinting possible store-within-a-store retail strategy Apple Watch Edition sales. Reuters notes Nordstrom discussions Apple. The Apple Watch go sale April 38mm 42mm cases made aluminum, stainless steel, scratch resistant 18-karat gold. Platinum obvious omission, material commonly used luxury watch makers Rolex Omega. Apple Watch strap materials include fluoroelastomer (rubber), leather, stainless steel. While gold strap hasn’t announced yet, some, including Daring Fireball’s John Gruber, speculated could announced today push Watch Edition price $20,000 mark. The Watch Sport model features hardened Ion-X glass composite (plastic) back, stainless steel Watch gold Watch Edition models use sapphire crystal ceramic backs. Apple yet detail prices, announcing starting price $349. Apple’s event kicks 10AM PT / 1PM ET / 5PM GMT, you’ll able follow along live blog up-to-the-second reports.
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife'
A statement attributed Islamic State group claimed American female hostage killed Jordanian airstrike Friday outskirts northern Syrian city Raqqa, extremist group’s main stronghold. Jordan launches new airstrikes vowing harsh war ISIS Dozens Jordanian fighter jets bombed ISIS training centers weapons storage sites Thursday, intensifying attacks militants burned death captured Jordanian pilot. As part new campaign, Jordan also attacking targets Iraq, said Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh. Up now, Jordan struck ISIS targets Syria, Iraq, part U.S.-led military coalition. The statement identified woman Kayla Jean Mueller said killed Muslim prayers — usually take place around midday Fridays — airstrikes targeted “the location hour.” No Islamic State militants killed airstrikes, statement claimed. It published photos allegedly bombed site, showing severely damaged brown colored three-story building — images Mueller. American officials said looking report. Bernadette Meehan, spokeswoman President Barack Obama’s National Security Council, said White House “not time seen evidence corroborates” claim. “We obviously deeply concerned reports,” added. White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters travelling president Indiana Friday U.S. co-ordinate Jordanian air force fly airstrikes. He wouldn’t say whether U.S. aware hostage’s location. Related ISIS held public screening video shot Jordanian pilot burned alive cheering crowd Syria ISIS releases guide women’s rights: ‘Stay houses,’ girls marry nine, education age 15 The Islamic State statement could independently verified. It appeared militant website commonly used Islamic State also distributed Islamic State-affiliated Twitter users. Jordanian government spokesman Mohammed al-Momani said Jordan looking claim. “But first reaction, think it’s illogical highly skeptical it,” said. “How could identify Jordanian warplane … sky? What American lady weapons warehouse?” “It’s part criminal propaganda. They lied pilot alive tried negotiate, claiming alive killed weeks before,” al-Momani added. AP Photo/The Daily Courier, Matt Hinshaw AP Photo/The Daily Courier, Matt HinshawIn May 30, 2013, photo, Kayla Mueller shown speaking group Prescott, Ariz. Mueller, Prescott, Arizona, working Turkey assisting Syrian refugees, according 2013 article The Daily Courier, hometown newspaper. The 26-year-old told paper drawn help situation Syria. “For long I live, I let suffering normal,” said. “It’s important stop realize have, privileged are. And place, start caring get lot done.” According local paper, Mueller working humanitarian aid agency Support Life, well local NGO helped female Syrian refugees develop skills. A 2007 article Mueller local newspaper said student Northern Arizona University active Save Darfur Coalition. On Sunday, Obama said U.S. “deploying assets can” find Mueller. “We close contact family trying keep updated,” said interview NBC’s Today Show. “Obviously something heart-breaking family want make sure anything make sure American citizen rescued situation.” Mueller’s identity disclosed fears safety. If death confirmed, would fourth American die captivity Islamic State militants. Three Americans, journalists James Foley Steven Sotloff aid worker Peter Kassig beheaded group. AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TV AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TVAn image grab taken Jordanian TV Feb. 5 shows flames erupting building hit airstrike Islamic State group warplanes Jordanian Air forces eagles undisclosed location. Jordan, part U.S.-led coalition bombing Islamic State group targets Syria, stepped attacks Islamic State announced killed captive Jordanian pilot. The Syrian government said Thursday dozens Jordanian fighter jets bombed Islamic State training centres weapons storage sites. It say attacks occurred. The Jordanian military said Jordanian jetfighters carried “a series attacks today destroyed targets returned safely.” It elaborate give location airstrikes. But activists monitor Syrian conflict inside country said U.S.-led coalition planes hit several targets edges outskirts Raqqa, quick succession Friday. AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TV AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TV An image grab taken Jordanian TV Feb. 5 shows warplane Jordanian Air forces eagles taking Amman launching airstrikes Islamic State group. A collective known “Raqqa Being Slaughtered Silently” said planes targeted multiple Islamic State positions headquarters western eastern countryside Raqqa, sending columns smoke sky. Explosions could heard city. The collective said recorded civilian casualties, mention Islamic State casualties. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights said dozens Islamic State members killed coalition airstrikes targeted tanks-and-vehicles depot area al-Madajen least six Islamic State positions, including training camp prison. Associated Press writer Julie Pace contributed report Washington.
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola
By Isaac Abrak ABUJA, Nov 1 (Reuters) - A man claiming Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said 200 girls kidnapped group six months ago "married off" fighters, contradicting Nigerian government claims would soon freed. Nigeria's military says killed Shekau year ago, authorities said September also killed imposter posting videos. In latest recording hard see man's face filmed distance. But likely raise grave doubts whether talks Boko Haram faction government neighboring Chad secure release girls, kidnapped secondary school Chibok, northeast Nigeria, April. "We married husbands' houses," man claiming Shekau says. "The 200 Chibok girls converted Islam, confess best religion. Either parents accept convert die." The majority kidnapped girls Christians. The man video also denied ceasefire, denounced Ahmadu, says represents Boko Haram Chad. "Who says dialoguing discussing anybody? Are talking yourselves? We know anybody name Danladi. If meet cut head," man video says. "All slaughtering people machetes shooting people guns ... War want." He says also holding "white man." The known hostage seized northeast German teacher kidnapped college northeastern city Gombe July gunmen widely assumed linked Boko Haram. Shekau's denial ceasefire appears supported violence since government announced two weeks ago. It also raises doubts actual influence Ahmadu. The five-year-old campaign Islamic state Boko Haram, killed thousands whose name means "Western education sinful," become far biggest menace security Africa's biggest economy top oil producer. Its fighters attacked targets almost every day weeks last week seized control Mubi, home town Nigeria's defense chief Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh. It Badeh announced ceasefire. They robbed banks, burned houses hoisted black flag Emir's palace, killing dozens people forcing thousands flee, witnesses Mubi said. A car bomb thought planted Boko Haram killed least 10 people crowded bus stop Gombe Friday morning, emergency services said. The government blamed violence Boko Haram's allied criminal networks cannot control. There also thought several competing factions within group. (Writing Tim Cocks; Editing Louise Ireland)
Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30
What earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner By: Rory McConville 19/02/2015 0 comments TwitterFacebookLinkedInRedditGoogle+EmailPrint Shane Smith © Getty images Shane Smith enough money keep steak wine rest life Who he? Shane Smith CEO Vice Media, youth media company digital content creation studio. What’s buying? During recent trip Las Vegas, Smith paid $300,000 dinner Bellagio casino’s Prime Steakhouse. $300,000? On steak? It wasn’t one steak. He paid bill entire dinner party. According Bloomberg, accounts vary exact number, it’s estimated 12 25 people dinner table. How much steaks cost? The Prime Steakhouse’s expensive steak – 28oz bone-in rib eye – comes $85. They’re unlikely made much dent price. The lion’s share cost probably went wine, which, FT reports, cost $15,000 bottle. The Las Vegas meal big spend Mr Smith recent times. According Gawker, Vice’s 2014 Christmas party, Smith gave $1m Vice employees “stocking stuffers”. How afford this? On night steak meal, Mr Smith reportedly $100,000 game blackjack earlier evening. But even without that, he’s exactly short cash. Vice growing last years – receiving investments worth $500m last year alone ($250m Technology Crossover Ventures A+E Networks). Smith claims worth $1bn. But 2013, Forbes estimated closer $400m. It’s still enough keep steak wine rest life though. As Smith told Forbes, “At point, I don’t give sh** money. I’m worth money I ever spend”.
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state
The leaked video Georgy Myakinkin's protest heavy-handed security guards Pulkovo Airport St Petersburg, Russia, gone viral This moment airport worker protested 'rough' security guards - stripping NAKED walking scanner socks. Georgy Myakinkin, 31, left keys work following shift Pulkovo Airport St Petersburg, Russia. When returned collect them, says "heavy-handed" security guards stopped 'unnecessarily' told remove belt. Staging impromptu protest, stripped naked - apart socks - sauntering scanner, leaving guards gobsmacked. CEN Bare cheek: Down come trousers He said: "I returned airport section trains arrive passengers I stopped asked remove belt going scanner. "I know rules I know necessary pre-flight area strict - security guards heavy-handed. "When I refused told I wanted get keys, called police." CEN Strip-gate: But left socks passing Georgy whipped clothes walked scanner. The speechless officers allowed dress leave. But turned work next day, discovered CCTV security camera video leaked gone viral. The Russian Interior Ministry's transport department Northwestern Federal District said currently investigating alleged breach security. CEN Viral: He retrieves watch video leaked A spokesman said: "We looking matter nothing say moment." Georgy filed complaint police leaked video. He said: "I know leaked order embarrass me, I last laugh." Poll loading …
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family
NEW YORK — Pope Francis given hope gays, unmarried couples advocates Big Bang theory. Now, endeared dog lovers, animal-rights activists vegans. Trying console little boy whose dog died, Pope Francis told recent public appearance St Peter’s Square “paradise open God’s creatures”. While unclear whether Pope’s remarks helped soothe child, welcomed groups Humane Society People Ethical Treatment Animals (PETA). In relatively short tenure leader world’s one billion Roman Catholics since taking Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, 77, repeatedly caused stir among conservatives church. He suggested lenient positions predecessor issues homosexuality, single motherhood unwed couples. Theologians cautioned Pope Francis spoken casually, made doctrinal statement. Reverend James Martin, Jesuit priest editor-at-large America, Catholic magazine, said believed Pope Francis least asserting “God loves Christ redeems creation”, even though conservative theologians said paradise animals. “He said paradise open creatures,” Rev Martin said. The question whether animals go heaven debated much church’s history. Pope Benedict said 2008 sermon animal dies, “just means end existence earth”. Ms Christine Gutleben, senior director Humane Society, said Pope Francis’ apparent reversal predecessor’s view could enormous. “If Pope mean animals go heaven, implication animals soul. And true, ought seriously consider treat mean something God,” said. Ms Sarah Withrow King, director Christian outreach engagement PETA, one activist anti-slaughterhouse groups, said Pope’s remarks could move Catholics away consuming meat. But differing views. Mr Dave Warner, spokesman National Pork Producers Council, said email “certainly mean slaughtering eating animals sin”. THE NEW YORK TIMES
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot
A woman detained Lebanese authorities wife Islamic State leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sister man convicted bombings southern Iraq, Iraq’s interior ministry said. “The one detained Lebanese authorities Saja Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, sister Omar Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, detained authorities sentenced death participation … explosions,” ministry spokesman said Wednesday. “The wives terrorist Al-Baghdadi Asmaa Fawzi Mohammed al-Dulaimi Esraa Rajab Mahel al-Qaisi, wife name Saja al-Dulaimi,” said. The spokesman said Saja Dulaimi fled Syria detainees authorities. She part group female detainees freed exchange release group nuns captured Islamist rebels Syria, said. Security officials Lebanon said Tuesday Lebanese army detained wife daughter Baghdadi crossed Syria late last month. They picked northern Lebanon woman found fake passport, officials said. Investigators questioning Lebanese defence ministry.
It’s About To Get Harder To Be Arrested For Pot Possession In New York City
A Canadian-Israeli woman feared kidnapped Islamic State weekend appears posted message Facebook debunking reports capture. Gill Rosenberg wrote Facebook page Monday "safe secure." Canada's Globe Mail newspaper also reported earlier Monday Kurdish media carried unverified statements Rosenberg, stated fine. A former IDF soldier joined Kurdish militias fight Islamic State, Rosenberg subject Canadian government inquiry rumors circulated jihadist forums weekend taken prisoner Syrian town Kobani. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported 31-year-old White Rock, suburb Vancouver, served two years Israeli army. While Israel 2009 arrested part international fraud ring brought United States serve time jail. Haaretz reports years since, Rosenberg began contacting Kurdish militias via internet, traveling Iraq Syria fight alongside extremist militants.
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere
WOBURN, Mass. (AP) — A 113-year-old, shoebox-sized time capsule removed Thursday head lion statue long sat, hidden plain sight, atop one Boston's famous landmarks. When copper box carefully pried open, revealed least one mystery: red, hardcover book visible title markings. The contents book — rest items box — remain mystery bit longer, deemed fragile remove immediately. The time capsule's presence Old State House recently confirmed. The Bostonian Society, oversees building, expected contain potpourri photographs newspaper clippings period, along missive future generations penned group Boston journalists. "I'm absolutely delighted conditions inside box," said Brian LeMay, society's president, noting little sign mold water damage. Historians feared contents could destroyed box improperly sealed. The time capsule placed inside lion's head 1901 forgotten, even waves tourists visited building served fulcrum British rule northern colonies later first seat Massachusetts state government. In 1770, British soldiers opened fire crowd protesters outside building, killing five came known Boston Massacre. The society first learned possible existence time capsule three years ago great-great-granddaughter Samuel Rogers, craftsman worked renovations building believed placed box lion's head catalogued contents. A 1901 article The Boston Globe surfaced later, alluding contents copper box "which prove interesting box opened many years hence." The box removed Thursday Robert Shure, president Skylight Studios suburban Woburn, copper gold-leaf lion statue brought refurbishing. Shure placed box table used drill tools cut open. The bright red book first object seen inside. Elizabeth Roscio, archivist Bostonian Society, speculated book could Rogers' family history, LeMay less certain. "I'm anxious anyone room grab look inside," said. But Roscio explained avoid possible damage, contents must removed examined temperature-controlled setting. They could go public display Old State House later year. In accepting gift past, society also decided leave one future. A new time capsule, made titanium, inserted back head lion. Suggestions include still solicited, LeMay said, one item medal 2013 Boston Marathon, symbol future generations city's resiliency face tragedy.
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq
A new survey UBS suggests Apple Watch could get strong start, leading investment firm predict sales 24 million units gross profit $3.4 billion wearable device first months alone. In poll 4,000 consumers, UBS found 10 percent consumers said "very likely" buy smartwatch next 12 months. Applying percentage total number eligible iPhone owners, UBS believes Apple sell 24 million Apple Watches first nine months availability. Detailing results note investors Monday, analyst Steven Milunovich noted first version Apple Watch number limitations, notably dependence connected iPhone functionality. But believes first-generation device set Apple long-term success wearables market. Still, first months, Milunovich believes Apple sell 24 million Watch average price $420 $430. That would result sales $10.3 billion, assumed 33 percent level gross margin, would add $3.4 billion profit company's bottom line fiscal 2015. Apple's fiscal 2015 concludes end September, Milunovich's estimates include 2015 holiday shopping season. Looking fiscal 2016, Milunovich's estimates increase 40 million units, resulting $17 billion sales $6.2 billion profit. And 2018, projections call Apple selling 67.6 million Apple Watch units single fiscal year. The analyst said likely iPhone Apple Watch prove complementary products, much like Mac iPad. But said also possible Apple Watch could eventually become successor iPhone. "Given two-thirds Apple's profit generated iPhone, company concerned longer-term threat replacement technology, whether leap handset technology loss key functions wearables," Mulinovich said. "With sophisticated user interface third-party apps coming on, Apple may readying time Apple Watch encroaches smartphone market." The UBS survey also delved specific brands, found consumers interested currently available Samsung Gear. Among respondents plan buy smartwatch, 37 percent said would purchase SamsungGear, 25 percent said waiting Apple Watch. Milunovich expects tables quickly turn early 2015, Apple Watch becomes available shakes existing wearables market. "Just Apple first MP3 smartphone vendor redefined categories, expect Apple Watch become first mind smartwatches," said. UBS maintained "buy" rating AAPL stock 12-month price target $125.
James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]
Islamic State militants released video Tuesday purporting show beheading American journalist James Wright Foley, missing since kidnapped northwest Syria November 22, 2012. Foley abducted unknown gunmen outside cafe Binesh, along translator, later released. Another captive shown end video. He identified Steven Sotloff, American journalist missing since August 2013. The video yet independently verified. The video images released Twitter user @mujahid4life. The account since suspended. A freelancer known work covering conflict Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Foley contributed work GlobalPost, Agence France-Presse, various outlets. In 2011, kidnapped held pro-Qaddafi forces Libya released 45 days. "Captivity state violently opposite nature," friend Clare Morgana Gillis, journalist kidnapped Libya 2011, wrote piece last year Syria Deeply. "But detained Tripoli, Jim automatically turned energies keeping strength hope." In video, man identified Foley delivers appears prepared statement. "I call friends, family, loved ones rise real killers, US government," says. "For happen result complacency criminality." He goes decry American aerial operation Iraq, ends saying, "I wish I could hope freedom seeing family again. But ship sailed. I guess I wish I American." A masked militant attired black stands beside him. "This James Wright Foley, American citizen country," militant says, brandishing knife left hand. "As government, forefront aggression towards Islamic State. You plotted us gone far way find reasons interfere affairs. Today military air force attacking us daily Iraq. Your strikes caused casualties amongst Muslims. You longer fighting insurgency. We Islamic army, state accepted large number Muslims worldwide. So effectively aggression towards Islamic State aggression towards Muslims walks life accepted Islamic caliphate leadership. So attempt you, Obama, deny Muslims rights living safety Islamic caliphate result bloodshed people." The video shows militant begin cut man's throat knife fading black, followed graphic image body. The militant appears standing beside man identified Sotloff. "The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision," says.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland
KFC: Marijuana menu? Not likely. A story began circulating Tuesday afternoon created bit frenzy, fact is, there’s sign KFC really selling marijuana stores. The story began Racket Report, announced marijuana profits hitting high levels fast food restaurant chain decided get game. While idea may appeal pot lovers think get munchies bucket full munchables single stop, problems. First foremost, Racket Report appears mostly satirical website, carrying multiple stories, Fetal Ink Syndrome story, debunked fact-checking site Snopes. (Here‘s Snopes debunking Fetal Ink Syndrome tale.) KFC also doesn’t mention marijuana sales official news page — thing you’d think they’d mention hoping drum sales. Another concern banking. While marijuana shops assured early 2014 could access banks, many report still difficulties. Though original story claims KFC’s pot sales cash only, order protect restaurant’s funds, would protection. If marijuana sales understood federally illegal (a question limbo moment, government officials calling law enforcement make pot arrests low priority, laws still books) funds collected facility could reasonably protected. That is, government elected seize funds illegally procured, could still freeze bank accounts seize contents — even illegal dealings handled cash. This could concern KFC, parent company, YUM Brands. Notably, KFC turned marijuana dispensary plot point South park episode, another KFC indeed sell marijuana — it’s fried chicken chain. Instead, it’s shop called Kind For Cures, California pot shop based South Park episode, assures website, “This ain’t chicken joint!” Calls YUM Brands KFC Tuesday evening immediately returned, signs KFC marijuana available bucket next extra crispy time soon. [Photo by: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper
The British security services MI5 MI6 identified British member Islamic State jihadist organization suspected murdering American journalist James Foley, according London-based Sunday Times newspaper. The newspaper attributed information "senior government sources." The Sunday Times name killer, saying sources "gave details man identified," though give name person described "key suspect" – hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary. According newspaper, Bary, 23, left family's home upmarket London suburb last year. It says recently tweeted picture holding severed head. The gruesome video Foley's beheading, released last week, featured man London accent. The newspaper said Bary known fellow fighters “Jihadi John.” The Islamic State, also known ISIS, conquered considerable swathes land Iraq Syria recent months.
Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports
Lebanese authorities holding daughter ex-wife head ISIS jihadist group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, interior minister said. It initially reported wife son self-proclaimed “caliph” arrested November. The woman, named Saja al-Dulaimi, travelling two sons daughter, interior minister Nouhad Mashnuq told Lebanese MTV channel late Wednesday. He said DNA tests showed girl Baghdadi’s child. “Dulaimi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s wife currently. She married three times: first man former Iraqi regime, two sons,” said. “Six years ago married Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi three months, daughter him. Now, married Palestinian pregnant child,” Mr Mashnuq added. “We conducted DNA tests daughter, showed mother girl, girl (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s) daughter, based DNA Baghdadi Iraq,” Mr Mashnuq said.
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released
Could newly released audio provide clues led Michael Brown’s shooting death? The FBI questioned man says recorded audio gunfire time Brown shot Ferguson police August 9, man’s attorney told CNN. In recording, quick series shots heard, followed pause another quick succession shots. Forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg analyzed recording said detected least 10 gunshots — cluster six, followed four. “I concerned pause … it’s number gunshots, it’s they’re fired,” man’s attorney, Lopa Blumenthal, told CNN’s Don Lemon. “And huge relevance case might finally end up.” The man, asked identity revealed, lives near site shooting close enough heard gunshots, attorney said. He speaking friend video chat service happened recording conversation time Brown shot, Blumenthal said. The attorney said learned man’s recording late last week mutual friend. “I get consent I could reach FBI,” Blumenthal said. CNN cannot independently verify authenticity tape asked FBI confirmation interview man made recording. The meaning pause It’s difficult prove audio pause took place whose narrative supports. Attorney Chris Chestnut said surprised gap shots. “It’s pause gives concern police shooting, especially unarmed victim, point Mr. Brown defenseless — weapon,” said Chestnut, represented family Jonathan Ferrell. Like Brown, Ferrell unarmed African-American man shot killed white police officer. But gunfire heard audio indeed Brown incident, pause doesn’t automatically suggest wrongful intent officer. “To fair, could explanations pause,” said attorney Van Jones, co-host CNN’s Crossfire. “Maybe officer say, ‘Well I fired, kept advancing, I fired again. '” Witnesses friend Officer Darren Wilson given conflicting accounts led Brown’s death. Dorian Johnson, friend Brown’s walking time shooting, said officer shot Brown police car ran away. According Johnson, Brown struck back turned around put arms officer kept shooting. But friend Wilson said Brown mocked officer charged shooting began. An autopsy showed entry wounds front Brown’s body. Key witness speaks Ferguson police said Brown allegedly robbed convenience store shortly shooting. And reports friend Johnson criminal record including lying police put Johnson’s credibility question. In 2011, Johnson arrested accused theft lying police first name, age address. Johnson said Monday night doesn’t understand questioning credibility. “I see bring past, history, it’s like it’s long rap sheet,” Johnson told Lemon/ “This one incident shouldn’t make bad person.”
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram
BAGHDAD, Iraq – The Islamic State (ISIS) incinerated corpses five militants suspected contracting Ebola, Iraqi health official indicated. Faisal Ghazi, member Health Committee Iraq’s council ministries, said five incinerated Mosul, ISIS stronghold Iraq. “The Islamic State organization incinerated five militants infected Ebola prevent spread disease Mosul,” said. “ISIS proof militants infected Ebola,” added, without giving details whether fighters died disease killed incinerated group. The UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) investigating cases Ebola Mosul, following reports militants Ebola symptoms reported hospital city. ISIS volunteers poured Iraq Syria around world, including countries Africa.
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic
SEVEN girls, aged 13 15, fallen pregnant five-day school trip country’s capital city parents blamed. The schoolgirls, city Banja Luka, went Bosnia Herzegovina capital, Sarajevo. Nenad Babici, National Coordinator Reproductive Health Republika, told Inserbia.info discovered seven schoolgirls fell pregnant school trip. The school Banja Luka taken 28 girls nation’s capital city five-day trip visit museums historic sights city, ranked among finest world. Furious parents demanding know lack teacher supervision, reported Daily Mail. However, Babici blamed parents educating children properly. OSTEITIS PUBIS IN PREGNANCY: “I bit dark place” CAUSE FOR PAUSE: Teenage pregnancy Australia He said early engagement sexual relations later lead adverse consequences infertility, various diseases, miscarriages premature births. Senad Mehmedbasic, Sarajevo gynaecologist, said growing trend underage pregnancies Bosnia Herzegovina worrying. “That trend today. But cannot continue allow children educated sex street school,” told Inserbia.info. Educational institutes parents should, said, play stronger role providing effective sex education. “It obvious children enough knowledge health education engage activities, knowing consequences. “We direct educational system, must allowed street teaches children intimate matters, later slapped life.”
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant
A nun complained stomach pains shocked fellow sisters gave birth baby boy – claims idea pregnant. The woman, belonged all-female closed order Macerata, Italy, rushed nearby Bartolomeo Eustachio di San Severino hospital complaining severe abdominal pain. And South American, arrived Italy June, surprised fellow nuns gave birth baby boy, Il Corriere Adriatico reports. MORE: Nun ‘unaware’ pregnancy gives birth Italy But fellow sisters weren’t ones surprised: nun claims ‘no idea’ pregnant either. This first time nun unexpectedly given birth. Last year, 33-year-old Salvadorean nun gave birth boy named Pope Francis.
ISIS Beheads American Journalist
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau named suspected shooter (and possibly others) allegedly opened fire National War Memorial Ottawa, Canada, Wednesday, CNN reported. Zehaf-Bibeau, Canadian citizen Quebec, born 1982, CBS News reported. JUST IN: U.S. officials tell CBS News name dead Ottawa shooting suspect Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, Canadian born 1982. — CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) October 22, 2014 Police said male suspect shooting dead, reveal Zehaf-Bibeau, Reuters reported. Some sources claimed born Michael Joseph Hall changed name Zehaf-Bibeau converting Islam. The alleged shooter criminal history drug trafficking Montreal robbery Vancouver, U.K.'s Daily Mail said. He designated “high-risk traveler,” government seized passport, Paul Waldie Globe Mail wrote Twitter. Shooter: Sources tell Globe Mail recently designated “high-risk traveler” government seized passport — Paul Waldie (@pwaldieGLOBE) October 22, 2014 Canadian Security Intelligence Service would comment gunman’s alleged identity. Corp. Nathan Cirillo, 24, fatally shot assailant standing guard National War Memorial. The Canadian parliament currently lockdown. This developing story… Follow Twitter @mariamzzarella
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57
Perth | A 600-pound woman given birth 40-pound baby Perth’s King Edward Memorial Hospital, record breaking weight could possibly make newborn largest baby ever born, reports Western Australian Herald morning. The baby gigantic size surprised doctors staff members fully prepared event miraculously managed give birth 40-pound (18 kilos) baby remains healthy state, confirmed hospital spokesman. The single mother who’s delivery necessitated surgical incision mother’s abdomen uterus done prevent harm baby mother’s health undergone without complications. pregnant-woman-600 The 600-pound woman brought emergency ambulance, family unable carry automobile The doctor practiced cesarean section first believed woman pregnant twins even triplets. “I dealt women suffering obesity birth stick I die” told reporters large grin. “I truly believed two even three babies there” commented laughingly, “but no, one big sturdy guy. He obviously career future rugby player” added humor. The largest recorded baby world previously thought South African baby believed weighted 38 pounds (17.2 kilos) born 1839. The young boy Zulu origin reported grown impressive 7’6 feet 2.28 meters high reached 18th birthday.
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters
The video one viral sensations tugs heartstrings compels watch, defies expectations shows kind compassionate human beings be. There one problem. The video fake — least according witness says YouTube hit, “How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?” filmed. You probably seen video — not, view above. Posted prolific prankster Josh Paler Lin — whose videos include “Sex In The Bathroom Prank” “Rock Paper Scissors Hickey!” — viral video purported “social experiment” Paler Lin gave homeless man identified “Thomas” hundred bucks cash, “secretly” filmed spent money. The video picked dozens media outlets, including Inquisitr, week clip YouTube, racked 28 million views. Why? Because Thomas spent money booze drugs, food. And himself. He used cash purchase distribute food fellow homeless people Orange County, California. While determining much revenue particular YouTube video creates difficult, many estimates video earn $1,000 $5,000 million views accumulates. That means Paler Lin may grossed anywhere $28,000 $140,000 single video — one week. Perhaps important, Paler Lin created crowdfunding campaign along video, raise money Thomas. That campaign far brought $130,000 donations people moved selfless acts Thomas performs video. But interview posted site Vocativ Tuesday, Taugan Tan Kadalim, says stumbled chance across Paler Lin filming video witnessed whole thing, calls entire scenario “bull****.” Kadalim, 26, says Euclid Liquor & Market purchased lottery ticket walking across street girlfriend’s apartment, saw made clear “Thomas knew followed.” Kadalim says fan Paler Lin recognized YouTube celebrity immediately. He watched Paler Lin entered liquor store spoke clerk Thomas waited outside. Only Paler Lin returned, Kadalim told Vocativ, Thomas enter liquor store. “He drove Thomas liquor store,” Kadalim told site. “While I think guy homeless, clear I saw every part scene staged.” Vocativ said reporters corroborated story Kadalim’s girlfriend brother, calls liquor store went unreturned. Kadalim posted comment video’s YouTube page day video went line, saying quote clearly Paler Lin drove Thomas store, comment went largely ignored. Paler Lin, however, adamantly denied faking part “homeless” viral video, telling Vocativ, “There way we’re making up. This real.”
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing
The importance wearing helmet field battle perfectly illustrated video uploaded YouTube US Marine. In video above, three Marines seen move building search source gunfire. As near doorway single file, bullet suddenly bounces Kevlar helmet middle soldier. The three men quickly retreat back building inspect damage soldier's helmet. After ascertaining Marine unharmed, regroup consider options. Afghanistan veteran Sam Arnold says video shot "conducting joint helicopter raid Now Zad district, Helmand Province 2013". The footage uploaded YouTube last month, since received 200,000 views. The three Marines moments one shot helmet For videos Telegraph Men, try one these: – What happened man asked 200 women sleep him? – Terrifying headcam shows cyclist land feet hit car – Is greatest ever speech sports coach? – How put trousers hands – Children baffled Walkman cassette players – Danny MacAskill releases breathtaking Isle Skye tricks video – 10 amazing tips improve sleep
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced
A video airport worker stripping naked go security scanner protest heavy-handed security guards gone viral. Georgy Myakinkin, 31, works airport city St Petersburg northwestern Russia, finished shift going home remembered left keys work. According news.com.au, said: "I returned back airport section trains arrive passengers I stopped asked remove belt going scanner. "I know rules I know necessary pre-flight area strict, security guards heavy-handed. "When I refused told I wanted get keys, called police." When officers arrived also demanded remove belt, Georgy stripped everything walking scanner St Petersburg Pulkovo airport. He allowed get dressed leave, later realised video leaked he'd become online hit. The Russian Interior Ministry's transport department Northwestern Federal District said currently investigating alleged breach security. According Mirror, spokesman said: "We looking matter nothing say moment." George filed complaint police leaked video, adding: "I know leaked order embarrass me, I last laugh."
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock
Welsh actor Christian Bale withdrawn role Steve Jobs forthcoming biopic Apple entrepreneur. According The Hollywood Reporter, Bale decided "was right part much deliberation conflicting feelings." The as-yet-untitled biopic, coming Sony's studios, written The Social Network writer Aaron Sorkin directed Danny Boyle. In mid-October, Sorkin announced Bale's involvement TV interview, explaining Batman actor even need audition. Sorkin explained high hopes Bale: "There scene frame he's in. So extremely difficult part gonna crush it." The Sony film progress since 2012 due start filming winter, former director David Fincher dropped project April pay dispute. Boyle LA week meet potential cast. Seth Rogen said discussions play Jobs' colleague Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, official announcments made.
Rumours Caped Crusader's ride stolen greatly exaggerated. On Friday, bleedingcool.com said, "The scuttlebutt sources Detroit one Batmobile models used filming Batman Vs. Superman gone missing, believed stolen." Not surprisingly, Internet went tizzy, later day, Detroit police said theft rumour. Sgt. Michael Woody told Detroit Free Press police confirmed producers Batman v. Superman: Dawn Justice vehicle stolen. “The Batmobile safe Batcave belongs,” Woody said. The paper also said sources close movie filmed D-Town also said fly ride stolen. Unauthorized photos Batmobile appeared online week, director Zack Snyder tweeted official photo Wednesday. Batman v. Superman stars Ben Affleck Henry Cavill, scheduled open theatres 2016.
So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue
A recent report Cosmic Book News stated recently revealed Batmobile stolen Detroit set "Batman v. Superman: Dawn Justice." Not suprisingly, story turned completely fake. This also site posted fake news story earlier year "Breaking Bad" actor Bryan Cranston confirmed role Lex Luthor. In response fake article seeing opporunity another crossover image film J.J. Abrams' "Star Wars" movie, director Zack Snyder posted following mash-up new Batmobile Stormtrooper "Star Wars" arrested Gotham City cops stealing vehicle:
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity
Sen. Lindsey Graham says Taliban detainees released Guantanamo Bay exchange Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl touch members al-Qaida-linked Haqqani network, yet five still monitored Qatar. Graham, South Carolina Republican recently visited Qatar, said concerned one detainees left, assured visit five senior Taliban officials remain tiny nation Arabian Peninsula. Qatar gained public praise President Barack Obama brokering controversial deal freed Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Taliban captivity May 2014 exchange release five Taliban detainees. Scroll video Suspicious: South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said Thursday Taliban detainees released Guantanamo Bay exchange Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl touch members al-Qaida-linked Haqqani network The Pentagon says confident Qatar's ability mitigate threat posed former detainees. When contacted comment CNN, White House referred questions Pentagon which, int turn, declined comment case--including five men touch Haqqani. However, U.S. intelligence set intercept five men's communications Qatar revealed one 'reached out' recent months try encourage militant activity. 'It's year deal,' Graham told The Associated Press Wednesday. 'Just sure we're sitting here, they're going back fight.' 'I afraid one left, told they're still there': Senator Graham assured five men remain Qatar Qatar gained public praise President Barack Obama brokering controversial deal freed Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Taliban captivity May 2014 exchange release five Taliban detainees Guantanamo 'They've Haqqani people come meet them. ... They're reaching out. The Taliban five communicating people inside Afghanistan.' However, Graham, member Senate Armed Services Committee leading Capitol Hill voice foreign policy, said five still Qatar. 'I afraid one left, told they're still there,' said. The Pentagon said statement would comment specific cases involving detainees. Mohammed Nabi Abdul Haq Wasiq: Served Taliban deputy minister intelligence Mullah Norullah Nori: A senior Taliban commander northern city Mazar-e-Sharif Taliban fought U.S. forces late 2001. Khairullah Khairkhwa: Served various Taliban positions including interior minister direct ties Mullah Omar Osama bin Laden. Mohammed Nabi: Served chief security Taliban Qalat, Afghanistan, later worked radio operator Taliban's communications office Kabul. Mohammad Fazl: Human Rights Watch says could prosecuted war crimes presiding mass killing Shiite Muslims Afghanistan 2000 2001 Taliban sought consolidate control country. Mohammad Fazzi (left) Mullah Norullah Nori (right) Khairullah Khairkhwa (left) Abdul Haq Wasiq (right) 'However, take incidence re-engagement seriously, work close coordination military, intelligence, law enforcement diplomatic channels mitigate re-engagement take follow-on action necessary,' statement said. 'The Defense Department close security partnership government Qatar. We're confident ability continue mitigate threat may posed former Guantanamo detainees.' Haqqani operates Afghanistan-Pakistan border region one deadliest threats U.S. troops war. The network, State Department designated foreign terrorist organization 2012, claims allegiance Afghan Taliban, yet operates degree autonomy. The U.S. recently quickened pace release Guantanamo detainees Obama administration hopes shut facility all--a prerequisite normalized Cuba-U.S. relations, Cuban president Raul Castro said Wednesday Worth it? The men swapped exchange U.S. prisoner Bowe Bergdahl May
Kim Jong-Un 'Has Difficulty Walking And Needs About 100 Days To Recuperate'
Brian Williams took moment Monday’s edition NBC Nightly News address important issue. As anchor said, social media, well news websites, owes meteorologist Mike Seidel “apology” “wild misinformation” circulated live appearance Lester Holt weekend. Williams explained Seidel lost communication NBC station couldn’t hear Holt earpiece turned back camera, took gloves redialed phone connect segment. “That’s rumors hit web perhaps writing name snow,” Williams said. “It Mike working make right, love working Mike Seidel.” But, course, explanation far less hilarious would likely generate almost zero clicks. Watch video below, via NBC: [Photo via screengrab] – – >> Follow Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) Twitter
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students
The suitcase held number dog's belongings, including pillow, toy, food bowl food A shar-pei cross found abandoned railway station along suitcase belongings. The dog, named Kai, tied railing outside Ayr station Scotland. The Scottish SPCA (Scotland’s Animal Welfare Charity) appealing information. A statement SPCA said: "Regardless act Kai left belongings, cruel incident keen identify person responsible." The suitcase held number dog's belongings, including pillow, toy, food bowl food. Inspector Stewart Taylor said: "The dog microchipped able find name Kai. "We contacted owner registered microchip, stated sold Kai Gumtree 2013. Unfortunately could tell us address person bought him." Abandoning animal offence Animal Health Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 anyone found guilty expect banned keeping animals fixed period life. Inspector Taylor added: "This case highlights potential consequences selling animal online often leads impulse buying pets people know little about."
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire
A ceasefire agreement Boko Haram Nigerian government expected lead liberation 200 school girls kidnapped militants six months ago. That case. At least 25 suspected Boko Haram militants killed battled Nigerian soldiers Monday, following ceasefire Nigerian government Islamists lawless northern region. An army officer, speaking anonymously, said militants tried enter town Damboa late Sunday Alagarno, Boko Haram hideout, soldiers fought off. "Our men gunned 25 insurgents would entered Damboa unleashed terror town picking ruins," officer said. Damboa, near border Cameroon, site fierce fighting militants Nigerian forces months. The insurgents sacked town July driven military counter-offensive. Ceasefire 'incomplete' The Borno Elders Forum, made retired Nigerian civilian military officials Borno state, said attacks recent days indicated Boko Haram fighters aware deal. "I think would continue attacking innocent people aware agreement ceasefire," said spokesman Bulama Mali Gubio. The Borno Elders Forum, last month warned Boko Haram preparing preparing take key sites Borno, suggested government negotiated entire group. "If federal government know real Boko Haram is, I think come find us," Gubio said. "The real Boko Haram killing us, burning towns villages, Boko Haram peace deal reached with." The government claimed deal reached talks Chad, included provisions release 200 schoolgirls kidnapped Borno town Chibok April. glb/sb (Reuters, AFP)
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon'
She reportedly arrested tried cross Syria A wife child Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained Lebanese army, security officials claimed. The Lebanese army made arrests crossed Syria ten days ago, Reuters reports. The woman described officials “one wives”, reports described "ex-wife". Al-Rai correspondent Elijah Magnier said source within Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) confirmed Saja Dulaimi, Baghdadi's ex-wife daughter arrested Lebanon. However, Mr Magnier said another source within LAF could confirm ex-wife. The claims could immediately independently verified. The Lebanese newspaper As-Safir reported army detained coordination "foreign intelligence apparatus". It said travelling fake passport. Officials name provide nationality woman. As-Safir said investigators questioning headquarters Lebanese defence ministry. Charlie Winter, researcher counter-extremism think tank Quilliam, said accounts belong Isis supporters denying reports. He told The Independent denials circulated hashtag “the arrest wife Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi lie” along lengthy statements claiming reports false. Isis militants taken control swathes Iraq Syria since insurgency began earlier year. US-led coalition air strikes targeted group’s self-declared caliphate yet halted advance. The Lebanese security forces waged crackdown Islamic State sympathisers Lebanon intelligence services extra vigilant border crossings. They arrested past months number Islamic militants suspected staging attacks expand Islamic State influence country neighbouring Syria.
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops
Rajasthan, Oct 14: A man learnt lesson, hard way. Attempting rape teenager public cost penis. A 46-year old man, Suresh Kumar seen pinning teenager wall Ganganagar Rajasthan. The next moment, saw penis chopped thrown road. He dragged taken local butcher shop beaten sticks hour. Thereafter, asset hacked meat cleaver dumped middle road. According Daily Star, man abandoned bloodied bruised, one helping him. One local said,"No one went help man could see penis ground knew punishment sex crime." Calling message people perverted mindset, man added,"We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hanged, molested, time stopped." The police, however, condemned attack warned locals take laws hands. They asked involved deed hand in. A police officer said,"As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice." OneIndia News
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave'
A secret government document leaked revealing "administrative order", telling authorities ensure one else named "Kim Jong-un". And people agree, "train them" change it. It believed anyone name would forced official documents, identity cards even school certificates altered. And officials told reject birth certificates name. The internal policy obtained South Korean news station KBS TV highlights leader's craziest rules. His name game said set directive shortly cheese-loving Kim made Supreme Leader. And find you...UH-OH: And find you... [AP] “We'll train voluntarily change names.” The document reads The document reads: "All party organs public security authorities make list residents named Kim Jong-Un... train voluntarily change names. “Authorities make sure one making unnecessary complaints spreading gossip … regarding project." It unsure whether directive authentic officials said names North Korean leader past - Kim Il-sung Kim Jong-il - banned. Yet North Korean defector Park Jin-hee, obtained document, said sure 2011 directive real. “There one North named Kim Il-sung Kim Jong-il, doubt rule applies Jong-un." The news comes accusations emerged North Korean officials hacked Sony Pictures leaked number future productions. The North Korean refused comment cyber attack.
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.
A hoax went viral internet left fans one country musician wondering exactly madness began. Inquisitr reports internet aflame reactions fake news country legend Willie Nelson died. Although 81-years-old, legendary crooner yet kicked bucket. The rumor Nelson's demise first began fake site MSMBC, according Inquisitr. The initials site closely mirror actual news organization MSNBC people glancing headline understood true. The fact story cited made police officials also lent undeserved air credibility. The story claimed Nelson's body found front lawn property owns Maui, HI. The nature story Nelson's iconic status combined allow false story go viral social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, others.
"Categorically False": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border
One five Taliban members swapped Obama administration exchange Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl reportedly tried return terrorist activity, trying reconnect Islamic extremists near Qatar, according CNN. The five men kept high security detention camp Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, set free exchange Sgt. Bergdahl spring 2014. Ads Adblade Start resolution early & start losing pounds New Year. See here. Unique Method Regrows Lost Hair (Do This Daily) How I learned 9 languages learning even more, could too. Taliban members Khairullah Khairkhwa, Mullah Norullah Noori, Mohammad Fazl, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mohammed Nabi freed Obama administration May secure Sgt. Bergdahl’s release. SEE ALSO: Army denies final decision Bowe Bergdahl made Ever since exchange made, 28-year-old Sgt. Bergdahl poster child national security debate whether five-for-one trade qualified negotiating terrorists. Obama administration officials maintain executed successful rescue operation lawmakers remained skeptical, based part suspicions among soldiers Sgt. Bergdahl actually deserter. Now, tensions resurfacing amid accusations U.S. intelligence program designed intercept monitor five Taliban’s communications turned evidence one penchant terrorist activity, CNN reported. Military officials declined specify former detainees allegedly making overtures toward militants near Qatar. “We comment specific cases,” Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren said statement Thursday. Col. Warren told The Washington Times U.S. military leverages intelligence, law enforcement diplomatic connections mitigate attempt former detainee return terrorist activity. Follow-on action taken necessary, said. “We work host nation – whatever nation they’re in. We work host nation take legal actions, take law enforcement actions,” said. Lawmakers Thursday bristled reports one high-level militants administration officials exchanged Sgt. Bergdahl might soon become threat Americans abroad. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire Republican member Senate Armed Services committee, said disturbed news, served highlight “the danger administration’s irresponsible decision” free terrorists. She used report highlight legislative battle keep detainees pose serious threat United States interests locked detention camp. “With nearly 30 percent former Guantanamo detainees suspected confirmed reengaging terrorism, administration’s continued policy releasing dangerous terrorists endangers Americans allies,” said. “Consistent legislation I introduced, I renew call suspending transfers detainees assessed high medium risk. I look forward Senate Armed Services Committee considering legislation soon possible.” CNN reported Congress notified former detainee’s activity. The news one men rekindled interest terrorist activity comes Sgt. Bergdahl facing potential charges desertion.
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life
If jonesing Apple Watch, probably want lot it. But headed party would rather risk staring dead screen wondering late is? Don't worry, covered. The New York Times understands Watch unannounced Power Reserve option limits device telling time. While completely unique feature (other watches similar things), definitely helpful -- departure Apple, whose mobile devices kinds extreme energy-saving modes now. Tim Cook crew likely make big deal Power Reserve Apple's March 9th event, assuming shows up, could one Watch's important real-world features. Source: New York Times <a href="http://www.engadget.com/products/apple/watch/"> Apple Watch </a> Get better reviews people actually product! Talk Apple Watch people too!
Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof
Google Inc. plans buy half Redwood City's mammoth Pacific Shores Center office campus stunning deal could reshuffle Peninsula real estate scene. Even standards Google’s relentless real-estate acquisition spree, big one. The world's biggest search-engine company buying six office buildings totaling nearly million square feet, according several industry sources willing talk deal publicly. The project owned Blackstone Group Starwood Capital managed Equity Office. The purchase — could close later month — would Mountain View-based Google’s dramatic real estate move year. It opens another front search giant’s rapid Peninsula expansion big deals Palo Alto Sunnyvale. And provides potential seaborne solution increasingly gridlocked highways: Pacific Shores spitting distance Port Redwood City, Google experimenting commuter ferries way reduce demands extensive bus network. Google declined comment. Blackstone didn’t respond request comment. I’m told sale close finalized, though it’s still possible deal could still fall through. Google's deposit yet non-refundable, customary marker deal headed toward finish line, person familiar transaction said. “If deal done anyone, we’d welcome Redwood City,” Mayor Jeffrey Gee told phone call Friday, adding he’d wait comment Google’s potential arrival deal complete. Brokers said impact acquisition, completed, would ripple commercial real estate market. Assuming Google intends occupy space, tenants currently buildings — 90 percent leased — would find new space leases end. And Google tends grow wherever puts roots. “It adds fuel fire spec buildings start coming ground, there’s going much pressure space demand,” said Tim Grant, veteran Bay Area office broker Avison Young Foster City. The deal would mark another sign tech companies taking shine north Peninsula, coming weeks Box Inc. agreed lease major office project downtown Redwood City. “This one thing,” Grant said. “We’ve always thought as, ‘Maybe, I’d rather San Francisco (southern) Silicon Valley.’ Suddenly, middle maybe isn’t bad place be.” Google expected buy Blackstone Starwood’s buildings 1200, 1300, 1600, 1700, 1800 1900 Seaport Blvd., total 934,000 square feet home tenants Zazzle Inc. Rocket Fuel. Google buying 2000 2100 Seaport Blvd., owner-occupied headquarters Informatica Corp. Nor Google buying 1400 1500 Seaport Blvd., includes DreamWorks. Those buildings owned Shorenstein, contract sell San Francisco-based investor DivcoWest, according sources public records. The price Google pay immediately clear, observer estimated “substantially more” $525 per square foot Informatica paid two buildings bought 2012. One Valley’s marquee campuses, Pacific Shores built Jay Paul Co. early 2000s broke new ground sleek design swanky amenities including pools, rock-climbing wall, day spa baseball diamonds. It one first major developments showed multiple tech companies would share campus, rose taller one- two-story buildings standard tech. Starwood bought campus 2006 $833 million, immediately sold Shorenstein two buildings. Blackstone came picture acquiring junior debt property couple years ago. A new owner could build even office space there, city officials said. The entire campus contains 1.7 million square feet office space, new zoning approved year ago could allow total build-out 3 million square feet. “All things considered, there's still quite bit room put structures there,” said Sailesh Mehra, associate city planner city. “You could essentially double entire office park, could park it.” Google — like many expanding tech companies focused reducing car shuttle trips traffic worsens current boom — may eyeing transit options beyond freeways. Pacific Shores half mile Port Redwood City, Google pilot project earlier year tested running ferries San Francisco Alameda port. The Water Emergency Transportation Authority, administers San Francisco Bay Ferry routes, studied regular public ferry service Redwood City, potential public terminal practically next door Pacific Shores. "I know really liked ferry concept. Their challenge getting people boat putting bus Mountain View, taking 25 minutes," said Kevin Connolly, director planning development WETA. "This might one way address it." San Mateo County $22 million left sales-tax funded pot ferry services county. A Redwood City terminal would cost $15 million. But county ongoing operational funding, Connolly said. A major built-in user Google could help make service pencil out, said. "If they're serious it, could something, lots options," Connolly said. "We could creative working out." If deal completed, would probably take several years Google truly put stamp Redwood City. Tenants buildings long term, Google’s continued expansion elsewhere Silicon Valley — leased another 424,000 square feet Sunnyvale— means it’s probably immediate pressure occupy campus. The current future Google growth "(is) going impact face Valley," Mark Bodie, senior vice president JLL represents landlords, said market update call media earlier week,. "It's really going change dynamics what's available lease." Updated clarify ownership campus.
Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?
According new report 9to5Mac, new MacBook Air coming. The new computer alleged a12-inch screen, remain size 11-inch model via reduced bezels sides. Possibly even cooler computer said actual thing, like iPad Pro keep hearing about. Sources inside Apple claim hands-on new device, also lighter existing MacBook Airs. Aside sporting larger screen lighter design, several interesting nuances, here. The new-look MacBook sporting single USB Type-C port, sounds silly — isn’t. The USB Type-C port handle things you’ve relying ports years, like external monitors. new USB standard also capable charging, MagSafes might dead. That also means multiple USB ports, SD Card slot, Thunderbolt — won’t able natively charge use external monitor. The natural assumption Apple release sort hub alongside new MacBook Air occasions multitasking necessary. profilel-r-copy The trackpad said touch bigger existing MacBook Air models (and get rid click), keyboard reportedly minimized accommodate slimmer profile. That means smaller keys, closer together, even though keyboard said go edge-to-edge. The report details device overall slimmer existing MacBook Air 11-inch (which sounds insane), touch taller accommodate larger 12-inch screen. Speaker grilles toward top keyboard double vents CPU, too. What news don’t get, here? Retina. Sadly, nothing report suggest we’ll get Retina MacBook Air refresh. Fans dense Apple screens won’t find favor there, we’ll still marvel thin profile, actually come pass reported. Source: 9to5Mac
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes
The Pentagon confirmed weapons indeed seized ISIS.
Apple Media Event Rumored for Late February, Apple Watch and 12" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]
A newly surfaced audio recording allegedly captures exact moment unarmed teen Michael Brown shot killed Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. According attorney unidentified man lives apartment building near site shooting, recording captures many 11 shots fired Aug. 9 incident. The audio, played CNN Monday night, could immediately verified The Washington Post. But burst gunfire heard (six shots), followed pause, several shots (at least four). “He apartment, talking friend video chat, heard loud noises moment — time didn’t realize import hearing afterwards,” man’s lawyer, Lopa Blumenthal, said interview CNN’s Don Lemon. “It happened capture 12 seconds transpired outside building.” According Blumenthal, FBI agents came office Monday interview man recording. The 12 second-audio clip using cell-phone app records short excerpts video conversation. It captured nothing shots began nothing after. The man, would like remain anonymous, asked accompanying video shown, Blumenthal said interview The Post. She first learned audio clip man’s roommate, former client, urged share authorities. “He event happened,” Blumenthal said, adding initially assumed noise fireworks gunshots. “He private person seeking publicity kind whatsoever. He even unaware tape relevant anyone.” Neither Ferguson St. Louis County police contacted man Blumenthal video. After interviewing Monday, said FBI indicated planned speak Tuesday. Autopsy reports conducted St. Louis County Brown family found Brown shot least six times, including twice head. [This post updated.] RELATED READING: CNN corrals unconfirmed Ferguson audio scoop: The backstory Erik Wemple
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57
It started somewhat cynical social experiment Orange County: How would homeless man spend gift $100? Josh Lin watched -- filmed -- subject experiment entered liquor store. Then got surprise. The man holding sign asking money freeway offramp Fullerton bought food, walked neighborhood park gave others need. What Lin witnessed left stunned. The amateur filmmaker made name social media pranks capture public’s reaction unexpected situations. But case, Lin one caught guard. “I feel like I owe apology," Lin confessed man, identified Thomas. "I thought going buy alcohol something.” “There’s things money can’t buy," Thomas responded. "I get happiness I’m doing. “There’s lot people victim circumstance, didn’t go homeless they’re lazy.” Thomas said became homeless parents died within weeks condo shared sold. The video viewed 11.4 million times YouTube since posted Monday. On Lin’s multiple social media pages, says moved Thomas’ generosity put hotel launched fundraiser get Thomas back feet. The account $55,000 Wednesday morning.
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police
Reports Comcast deny Internet service users Tor Internet browser false, company says new blog post. The browser lets users surf web higher degree anonymity, making difficult hackers (or government) follow around Internet. Comcast’s Jason Livingood wrote today’s post: Comcast asking customers stop using Tor, browser matter. We policy Tor, browser software. Customers free use Xfinity Internet service visit website, use app, forth. Here facts: Comcast doesn’t monitor customer’s browser software, web surfing online history. The anecdotal chat room evidence described reports accurate. We respect customer privacy security investigate disclose certain information customer's account valid court order appropriate legal process, like ISPs. More information policies found Transparency Report here. We terminate customers violating Copyright Alert System (aka "six strikes"), non-punitive, educational voluntary copyright program. Read here. Livingood concluded: "Our customers use Tor time, I myself. I’m sure many using right now."
Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says
Nigerian officials Friday announced agreed cease-fire Boko Haram, statements left confusion fate 219 schoolgirls kidnapped militant group April. Defense chief staff Alex Badeh announced truce, saying Nigerian military units instructed abide accord. Women attend demonstration Lagos, Nigeria, calling government rescue schoolgirls kidnapped radical Islamist group Boko Haram. Hassan Tukur, aide Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, said also agreement release captive girls following talks Boko Haram representatives mediated officials Chad, new agencies reported. But Nigerian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade said schoolgirls' release still negotiation, Associated Press reported. Nigerian officials haven’t commented offered Boko Haram return girls’ freedom. The group previously demanded release prisoners condition freeing hostages. Nigeria’s military announced months ago knew location girls said would launch military operation recover risk casualties. A government spokesman, Mike Omeri, told new conference Friday Boko Haram representatives said negotiations girls good health. Analysts cautious news, Nigerian officials reporting countless false dawns long confrontation militant group -- Nigeria facing presidential parliamentary elections February. Jonathan expected announce coming weeks run second term. There several efforts recent years negotiate peace Boko Haram, battled army control northern Nigeria sought impose strict form Islam region. None attempts come anything. Jonathan, desperately need good news, faced harsh criticism slow response girls’ abduction. His supporters accuse #BringBackOurGirls campaign opposition stooges, using girls’ fate political mileage. Hundreds women girls abducted Boko Haram recent years – dozens schoolboys teachers killed group opposes secular education aspects Western culture. But mass kidnapping April BringBackOurGirls hashtag coined Nigerian activists attracted global attention schoolgirls’ plight. The schoolgirls gathered lightly guarded boarding school outskirts town Chibok final exams attack happened. Gunmen loaded 276 girls trucks drove away. Parents local officials accused Nigeria’s military failing pursue recover girls. According Nigerian officials, 57 escaped 219 remain custody. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau later released video describing girls slaves threatening “sell market.” A video girls reciting Koran dressed Islamic clothing also released. Nigeria, country 170 million, roughly divided north, predominantly Muslim, mostly Christian south. Boko Haram emerged decade ago response Nigeria’s corrupt ruling class opposes sees taint Western influences taxation, democracy automatic teller machines. It become increasingly fragmented recent years, factions opposed group’s violent attacks Muslims. Boko Haram’s assaults initially focused police stations military posts. In recent years, group stepped violence, killing thousands people attacks villages, churches, schools, markets, open-air video entertainment venues, bus stations crowded public places.
ISIS Beheads American Journalist
According multiple reports, ISIS claims executed American freelance journalist James Foley. Politico’s Blake Hounshell one first report news Twitter, saying militant Islamic group threatening kill another reporter retaliation U.S. strikes forces Iraq: Foley missing since November 22, 2012 disappeared Syria.
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes
The man jumped White House fence month sprinted front door made much farther building previously known, overpowering one Secret Service officer running much main floor, according three people familiar incident. An alarm box near front entrance White House designed alert guards intruder muted officers believed request usher’s office, said Secret Service official spoke condition anonymity. The officer posted inside front door appeared delayed learning intruder, Omar Gonzalez, burst through. Officers trained that, upon learning intruder grounds, often alarm boxes posted around property, must immediately lock front door. After barreling past guard immediately inside door, Gonzalez, carrying knife, dashed past stairway leading half-flight first family’s living quarters. He ran 80-foot-long East Room, ornate space often used receptions presidential addresses. Gonzalez tackled counter-assault agent far southern end East Room. The intruder reached doorway Green Room, parlor overlooking South Lawn artwork antique furniture, according three people familiar incident. Secret Service officials earlier said quickly detained main entry. Agency spokesman Edwin Donovan said office commenting due ongoing investigation incident. People jumping White House fence become common occurrence, individuals tackled Secret Services officers guarding complex getting even third way across lawn. Gonzalez first person known jumped fence made inside executive mansion. Secret Service Director Julia Pierson said breach “unacceptable” her, Friday briefed President Obama plans shore security. Pierson expected face tough questions Gonzalez incident Tuesday hearing House Oversight Government Reform Committee. The hearing likely cover number security lapses agency, including new revelations published weekend The Washington Post failure identify properly investigate 2011 shooting attack White House. The detailed account month’s security breach comes people provided information incident The Washington Post whistleblowers contacted Rep. Jason Chaffetz, (R-Utah), chairman House Oversight subcommittee Homeland Security. Chaffetz said plans ask Pierson alarm meant alert officers intruders could silenced turned down. The congressman said two people inside agency told boxes silenced White House usher staff, whose office near front door, complained noisy. A Secret Service official told The Post usher’s office concerned boxes frequently malfunctioning unnecessarily sounding off. The alarm boxes, officers call “crash boxes,” key pieces agency’s first-alert system, according former agents officials. If spot intruder, officers trained hit large red button nearest box — sending alert every post complex location incursion, piping sound location boxes around property. “If true, fact crash boxes muted avoid ‘disruptive’ due lack resources insufficient number checkpoints barriers,” Chaffetz said. He called incident “failure leadership” Secret Service. “The agency needs solution goes deeper fences people,” Chaffetz said. “It must examine message sent men women protect president leader sacrifices security appease superficial concerns White House ushers.” The new revelations follow accounts provided The Post last week detailing Gonzalez’s ability enter White House reflected failure multiple levels security around compound. The agency relies successive layers fail-safe protecting president White House complex. In incident, plainclothes surveillance team duty night outside fence, meant spot jumpers give early warning made over. When team didn’t notice Gonzalez, officer guard booth North Lawn. When officer couldn’t reach Gonzales, supposed attack dog, specialized SWAT team guard front door — ready. The dog released, decision review. Some people familiar incident say handler likely felt could release dog many officers pursuit Gonzalez, dog may attacked instead. Since incident, Secret Service added additional layer temporary fencing agency reviews procedures. Alice Crites contributed report. Related: Secret Service fumbled response gunman hit White House 2011 Graphic: The night bullets hit White House Fence-jumper reveals security failures White House
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera
With Christian Bale already secured play lead Aaron Sorkin's highly anticipated Steve Jobs biopic, Seth Rogen's added list potential cast-members. The 32-year-old actor reportedly talks portray Steve Wozniak - created Apple I computer co-created Apple II computer 1970s - according The Wrap. Hollywood actress Jessica Chastain - currently starring alongside Matthew McConaughey Christopher Nolan's Interstellar - also courted role film, simply entitled Jobs. Scroll video Return Mac: Seth Rogen, left, reportedly talks play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, right, upcoming Steve Jobs biography, Jobs Slumdog Millionaire film-maker Danny Boyle direct script Aaron Sorkin, used Steve Jobs' authorised biography Walter Isaacson. The film - reportedly traditional biopic - expected follow late technology whiz three stressful high profile product launches throughout Apple's history. While talking Bloomberg Thursday, 53-year-old Aaron Sorkin revealed British actor Christian Bale would playing title role Jobs. A new Jobs: Christian Bale cast lead Aaron Sorkin's upcoming Steve Jobs biopic Based Steve Jobs biography Walter Isaacson, Jobs feature Bale, 40, every frame film. But daunting acting task doesn’t worry Sorkin, cast Bale without even audition called Dark Knight trilogy star ‘phenomenal actor’ interview. If seems familiar, another biographical film – name – Steve Jobs came August 2013 great deal fanfare. Another Steve: Ashton Kutcher played Apple co-founder Steve Jobs 2013 film co-starring Josh Gad Starring Ashton Kutcher, 36, Jobs, movie chronicled Apple co-founder’s career college 1970s introduction iPod 2001. Christian’s version, contrast, focus mostly three major speeches Steve Jobs gave career. ‘What needed best actor,’ Sorkin said Bale, Oscar supporting role 2010’s The Fighter (filmed instalments Bale’s Batman movies). Winner: Despite years critically acclaimed roles, Bale first Academy Award The Fighter 2011 Christian nominated Oscar 2013’s American Hustle critically acclaimed actor since starring Steven Spielberg’s Empire Of The Sun 14. Despite best known superhero, Bale known physically transforming thoroughly roles thus fine take cerebral Jobs role. Before death 2011 pancreatic cancer, Jobs gained reputation excellent speaker, addition work creating transforming Apple Computers. It’s big leap Batman Jobs, there’s one actor play muscle-bound Bruce Wayne skinny Steve Jobs, Christian Bale. Chameleon: Bale tends change look films, meaning October 14 photo Los Angeles likely resemble actor Jobs
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral
The latest major hoax, 'Days darkness' finally dispelled satirical news site Huzlers.com wrote story claiming world would plunged six days without light December. This rather bold -- entirely fake -- claim website entrenched people's minds fact listed Charles Bolden, NASA administrator source claim. Huzlers.com claimed cause blackout was, 'due solar storm, cause dust space debris become plentiful thus, block 90% sunlight.' The story went viral panicked concerned citizens immediately turning Twitter voice concerns worldwide blackout. NASA confirmed 3 days total darkness year due solar storm 😱 pic.twitter.com/PSvbTV6OVQ — • Rex • (@Rscoxx) October 27, 2014 6 days darkness December 😳 pic.twitter.com/fQLYkVXRcT — nicole kidman (@niicolekidman) October 27, 2014 Incredibly first time NASA combat worldwide blackout story 2012 rumour surfaced Earth would passing 'Photon Belt' causing planet plunged darkness.
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others
(CNN) -- A company whose video chat service apparently captured audio Michael Brown's shooting said Thursday recording created time Missouri teenager killed month. The revelation Glide appears bolster man's claim inadvertently recorded audio gunfire time police officer shot killed 18-year-old Brown St. Louis suburb Ferguson August 9. The video created 12:02:14 p.m. day, Glide said. Brown, unarmed, shot Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson shortly noon. "A Glide user living nearby simply using Glide app smartphone exactly designed -- instantly communicate friend real-time video texting service. Simultaneously, also captured audio background gunshots allegedly fired Michael Brown," company said. The sounds could piece larger puzzle happened shooting, spurred days protests city 21,000. Police said Brown trying grab officer's gun. Witnesses say teen holding hands air fatally shot. Investigators determining whether accuse officer wrongdoing; charges filed. The FBI obtained audio interviewed man made recording, said Lopa Blumenthal, lawyer individual. The man, asked identity revealed, lives near site Brown shooting happened using application time Brown shot, Blumenthal said. In recording, quick series shots heard, followed pause another quick succession shots. Forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg analyzed recording said detected least 10 gunshots -- cluster six, followed four. The significance pause Witnesses friend Wilson given conflicting accounts led Brown's death, pause could key investigation. But difficult prove audio pause took place whose narrative supports. Ferguson police alleged Brown robbed convenience store shortly shooting, friend, Dorian Johnson, walking street Wilson approached police car. Police say Wilson stopped Brown theft, Brown friend blocking traffic. Wilson tried exit vehicle Brown pushed back car, according preliminary investigation, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said. Read police reports Brown assaulted officer Wilson car, shot fired inside police car struggle officer's gun, Belmar said. Johnson disputes that, saying Wilson -- sitting car -- started scuffle grabbing Brown neck, Brown tried pull away. Johnson also said struggle gun, rather Wilson drew weapon shot Brown car. Johnson said Wilson shot Brown teen ran away. According Johnson, Brown struck back turned around put arms officer kept shooting. But woman identified friend Wilson called St. Louis radio show said officer's version events. The caller, identified "Josie," said Brown -- going away vehicle following first shot -- turned around, taunted officer charged him. Her account matches Wilson told investigators, source detailed knowledge investigation told CNN. An autopsy showed Brown six gunshot wounds. Attorney Chris Chestnut told CNN week surprised gap shots. "It's pause gives concern police shooting, especially unarmed victim, point Mr. Brown defenseless -- weapon," said Chestnut, represented family Jonathan Ferrell. Like Brown, Ferrell unarmed African-American man shot killed white police officer. That incident occurred North Carolina. But gunfire heard audio Brown incident, pause automatically suggest wrongful intent officer. "To fair, could explanations pause," said attorney Van Jones, co-host CNN's "Crossfire." "Maybe officer say, 'Well, I fired kept advancing, I fired again.' " Complete coverage CNN's Holly Yan Catherine E. Shoichet contributed report.
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death
If already using iOS 8's iCloud Drive feature, might want avoid iPhone's "Reset" menu. MacRumors reports newly discovered bug causes iCloud Drive documents permanently erased cloud whenever user picks "Reset All Settings." Ordinarily option would simply says; iPhone's settings preferences immediately reset original factory defaults. No media (music, photos, etc.) documents supposed erased otherwise affected performing action — happen choose "Erase All Content Settings" wipe phone entirely. But something's clearly right, MacRumors reporting documents stored iCloud Drive disappearing Apple's iWork apps upon reset. They're also vanishing OS X Yosemite, bring iCloud Drive Mac users later fall. Right now, iOS users along Yosemite developers beta testers reporting problem. iCloud Drive also available Windows, unclear issue popped there. It's also yet obvious widespread bug whether affects everyone transitioned iCloud Drive. In testing, using "Reset All Settings" deleted iWork documents stored iCloud Drive iPhone iCloud.com. After allowing time syncing Mac running OS X Yosemite, documents disappeared machine well. Preview TextEdit documents, cannot accessed iPhone, remained untouched Mac. There's easy way recovering documents deleted iCloud. Apple added "recently deleted" folder Photos iOS 8, yet implemented similar option iCloud. MacRumors notes issue "may limited Apple's iWork apps like Pages, Keynote, Numbers" iCloud Drive files third-party apps could safe bug. But now, best option avoiding "Reset All Settings" entirely fix place. We've reached Apple clarification what's going on.
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure'
The Canadian woman reportedly kidnapped ISIS said fine, rumors capture spread jihadist websites untrue. Gill Rosenberg, 31, joined ranks Kurdish peshmerga fighting force year, elite all-female units. ISIS sources reported Sunday Rosenberg captured contested town Kobane, Turkish border, gleefully debating whether execute try negotiate prisoner swap. But Rosenberg, leaves sporadic updates campaign extremism Facebook, posted clarify fact alive well. Scroll video Military history: Rosenberg, pictured uniform, formerly member Israeli Defense Force On attack: Rosenberg uploaded pictures herself, left, dressed war Syria recent weeks 'Captured': Gill Rosenberg, Canadian dual Israeli citizenship, reportedly captured - took social media dispell rumor Before: Rosenberg, went Syria earlier year, pictured left She wrote: 'Guys, I'm totally safe secure. I Internet access communication devices safety security. 'I can't reply regularly happened chance log see bu*****t news stories. Ignore reports I've captured.' Sources Kurdish militia also confirmed unharmed captured. Idris Nassan, official Kobane, said told peshmerga members fine, dismissed reports propaganda.. Even initial reports came out, sources sceptical said Rosenberg nowhere near Kobane first place. Rosenberg, joint citizen Israel served Israeli Defense Force, went fight so-called Islamic State earlier month, locked combat Kobane, town Turkey-Syria border. She earlier posted social media explaining decision go fight, declaring sympathized Kurds, whose territory come heavy assault. Her position Israeli military thought non-combat role. After reports weekend capture, Canadian Israeli government sources said investigating possibility. IS jihadists began advancing Kobane September 16, hoping quickly seize small town secure grip large stretch Syrian-Turkish border, following advances made Iraq. At one point, looked set overrun town, Kurdish Syrian fighters, backed coalition air strikes influx Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga forces, held back group. Allies: Female peshmerga soldiers seen preparing battle Syria, near front lines ISIS War-torn: Rosenberg allies captured Kobane, near Turkish border, according jihadist websites
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants
The missing American freelance photo-journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded ISIS - message United States end intervention Iraq. Foley missing since November 22, 2012, reporting Syria. ISIS posted extremely graphic pictures video online social media proof barbaric action. The group claimed control northern Iraq parts Syria threatening kill Time journalist Joel Sotloff next unless President Obama ceases attacks terror group.
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known
The White House attempting verify footage released Islamic State (IS) purporting show killing American journalist retaliation ongoing US airstrikes forces Iraq. The video circulated Tuesday showed masked Isis fighter beheading kneeling man cloaked orange jumpsuit purported James Foley, photojournalist went missing Syria 2012. The White House said working establish video's authenticity, genuine, US would “appalled brutal murder”. Foley worked number conflict zones Middle East, including Syria, Libya Iraq. He another journalist working northern province Idlib Syria kidnapped November 2012 near village Taftanaz. The video opened clip US President Barack Obama saying authorised strikes Iraq. “Obama authorises military operations Islamic State effectively placing America upon slippery slope towards new war front Muslims,” words appear English Arabic screen. It showed black white aerial footage air strikes text saying “American aggression Islamic State” A person identified James Foley wearing orange outfit seen kneeling desert man black dress black mask stands beside him, holding knife. “I call friends family loved ones rise real killers, US government, happen result complacency criminality,” kneeling man says. The man mask says: “This James Wright Foley, American citizen, country. As government, forefront aggression towards Islamic State. Today military air force attacking us daily Iraq. Your strikes caused casualties amongst Muslims. You longer fighting insurgency. We Islamic army, state accepted large number Muslims worldwide.” Following statement beheads kneeling man. The video also shows second man knees, named Steven Sotloff, another American journalist, kidnapped Syria August 2013. After bringing Sotloff, masked executioner addresses US President directly, saying: “The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision.” The Islamic State previously executed American citizens publicly. The video posted United States resumed air strikes Iraq first time since end US occupation 2011. A Twitter account set Mr Foley’s family help find said early Wednesday: “We know many looking confirmation answers. Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers.”
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure
The Indian government sacked civil servant went leave 1990 never came back work. Urban development minister M Venkaiah Naidu said case "wilful absence" proved electrical engineer AK Verma. Mr Verma investigation since 1992, refused co-operate, minister said. Correspondents say absenteeism pervasive problem government-run offices India. Mr Naidu said statement Mr Verma joined Central Public Works Department 1980. He risen rank executive engineer 1990, went leave. An inquiry set 1992, formal proceedings dismiss begun 2007. It took seven years department reach decision dismiss him. It clear whether paid time off. Falling absenteeism India's bureaucracy become notorious high levels absenteeism. A report 2012 labelled India's government machinery worst Asia. Schools also faced problems, teachers failing turn work huge numbers. Last August, state school Madhya Pradesh sacked teacher absent 23 years 24-year career. Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised curb slack working practices took office last year. The AFP news agency reports makes unannounced visits government offices, absenteeism since plummeted.
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO)
There long speculation mythical creature latest clips could reveal truth Video loading Watch next Watch video Watch Next A group Russians claim captured best footage bigfoot. The adventurers spotted described hairy bear-sized humanoid marched woods disappearing seconds later. The recording came group people city Adygeisk set search mysterious creature local TV station reported sighted remote region. They said questioned people mountainside lodge claimed seen creature, managed get several independent confirmations something there. CEN Conclusive proof: A group claim spotted beast woods Eyewitness Ludmila Hristoforova spoke local TV station said: "The creature big, looking like bear, bear. From door we’ve seen something big shaggy." Another homeowner Andrei Kazarian said: "I heard footsteps pretty sure one else around knew sure everyone else inside house. Although see anyone, saw huge footprints. 7 terrifying mystery beasts never existed "They 5 6 centimetres deep come human foot. We took plaster cast estimate probably would taken 200 kilos press snow much." The local team set investigate, headed forest said stunned heard crunching snow, managed grab footage hairy creature emerged trees. After taking plaster cast alleged footprint, group handed findings local scientists analysis. The footage already attracted lot interest suggesting stunt bring tourists, others convinced first form conclusive proof yeti exists area. Poll loading …
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots'
A man rifle shot soldier standing guard War Memorial downtown Ottawa, witnesses said shots fired Parliament Hill nearby. It immediately known injuries. Alain Merisier. works cafeteria Parliament building, told CBC News said saw man car Centre Block long gun. Witnesses said heard shots fired, unconfirmed report person injured outside Library Parliament. Police confirmed shooting War Memorial, sealed area injured soldier given emergency medical aid. He later put ambulance. Scott Walsh, working Parliament Hill, said saw man running double-barrelled shotgun, wearing scarf blue jeans. Walsh said man hopped wall fence surrounds Parliament Hill?, gun forcing someone car. He drove front doors Parliament fired least two shot, Walsh said. Police said man yet custody. The National War Memorial stands Confederation Square heart downtown Ottawa. The Parliament buildings Gatineau Hills background. More come [CUSTOM]
Cheese addiction breaks Kim Jong-un's ankles
No craving important health North Korean leader finds hard way. Kim Jong-un broke ankle put extra weight regularly consuming imported cheese, said report Tuesday. And reason mysterious disappearance finally put rest condition revealed. He put bed surgery fix fractured ankles. Uncontrolled daily eating Emmental, imported Switzerland, believed responsible rapid weight gain, metro.co.uk reported. The report citing South Korean daily said tyrant recovering fractured ankles strain expanding waistline put pressure pre-existing injury - caused bones crack. "I heard Kim Jong-un injured right ankle June pushing ahead on-site visits ended fracturing ankles left injury unattended," South Korean daily Chosun Ilbo quoted source saying. The source added 31-year-old undergone operation Bonghwa Clinic, exclusive hospital high-ranking party members. He seen public almost month. The gossip mill alleged disappearance went overdrive missed session Supreme People's Assembly Pyongyang first time since ascending power 2011.
Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says
Lebanese authorities holding daughter ex-wife head ISIS jihadist group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, interior minister said. It initially reported wife son self-proclaimed “caliph” arrested November. The woman, named Saja al-Dulaimi, travelling two sons daughter, interior minister Nouhad Mashnuq told Lebanese MTV channel late Wednesday. He said DNA tests showed girl Baghdadi’s child. “Dulaimi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s wife currently. She married three times: first man former Iraqi regime, two sons,” said. “Six years ago married Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi three months, daughter him. Now, married Palestinian pregnant child,” Mr Mashnuq added. “We conducted DNA tests daughter, showed mother girl, girl (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s) daughter, based DNA Baghdadi Iraq,” Mr Mashnuq said.
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua
FORT DEVENS, Massachusetts - Infamous Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, victim “unfortunate accident” yesterday Ft. Devens Detention Center Massachusetts, weeks high-profile trial began, according warden Paul Jacobson. Corrections officers reportedly found alleged terror suspect face pool blood cell; banana peel found floor nearby. “It initially appeared though Tsarnaev slipped discarded banana peel hit floor force head bounced hard tile surface, probably 16 17 times. There blood everywhere – walls, floor, even toilet. The injuries caused massive brain trauma,” said prison investigator Joe Goldsmith. “We determined though, expert analysis, would impossible injuries occurred fall. Our investigation shown Aryan Brotherhood initiated attack Tsarnaev.” “Yes, brotherhood took care bomber,” said Miles Smith, head Aryan Nation inside Devens. “The gangs, wanted him, too. We paid guards money shot. They stood aside, let us do. On way out, shook hands, told us ‘Thank you.’ Well, You’re welcome. You’re welcome, Boston. You’re welcome, America!” “Normally, attack violent, cruel, another inmate would get offending party time added sentence,” said warden Jacobson. “Because nature Tsarnaev’s crimes, though, decided actually reduce sentences Aryan members involved. They done prison country great service, appreciate immensely. They heroes eyes institution, also eyes people Commonwealth Massachusetts.” Dzhokhar Tsarnaev older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev suspected perpetrating Boston Marathon bombings April 15, 2013. The bombings killed three people reportedly injured many 264 others. Shortly FBI named two suspects released images them, two brothers reportedly killed MIT police officer carjacked SUV shootout police. During shootout, elder brother, Tamerlan captured killed brother drove SUV. On evening April 20, 2013, wounded Dzhokhar found unarmed hiding boat trailer Watertown, Massachusetts. On January 30, 2014, United States Attorney General Eric Holder announced federal government would seek death penalty Tsarnaev. The trial begun January 5, 2015, Tsarnaev pleaded guilty thirty charges filed him.
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains
A NUN Italy rushed hospital stomach pains discover pregnant give birth. Italian media reports nun, 31, originally South America, part all-female convent Macerata. She believed pregnant arrived South America June. Doctors performed ultrasound discover woman heavily pregnant. She taken delivery room gave birth healthy baby boy soon after. The Archbishop Camerino-San Severino said unidentified sister wanted stay within Church. It reported nuns want help raise baby together convent He also dismissed calls nun excommunicated, saying: “Excommunication something really big cannot issued baby.”
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau
Elusive graffiti artist Banksy’s cover blown unceremoniously arrested vandalism, conspiracy, racketeering counterfeiting. Well that’s US website National Report would believe. The bogus story alleged infamous street artist arrested following raid London studio. It ‘outs’ Paul Horner, 34-year-old born Liverpool says held “without” bail, along four other, unnamed individuals. Banksy's publicist Jo Brooks confirmed Independent viral story hoax. Indeed quotes accompany piece date back identical spoof February last year, claimed Banksy arrested charges outed as, yep, Paul Horner. So basically internet recycling hoaxes. Lazy.
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed
Updates 5:10 p.m. Soldier killed War Memorial confirmed Cpl. Nathan Cirillo Suspect, reportedly Canadian-born Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, killed Centre Block shootout Police call situation ‘fluid'; won’t say suspects involved Downtown security zone reduced size: Ottawa police, 5:09 p.m.: Three victims treated Ottawa Hospital Civic campus School lockdown lifted except inside security zone Click Audio: Paramedics give soldier's status dispatcher vital signs absent. A terrorist struck heart nation Wednesday, gunning sentry National War Memorial wreaking havoc Parliament Hill marble stone halls echoed gunfire ran blood. The gunman shot killed near Library Parliament, reportedly House Commons Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers, former RCMP officer, man responsible security Hill. It appears gunman walked right past Centre Block’s Reading Room, Prime Minister Stephen Harper meeting caucus Wednesday morning. Citing U.S. intelligence sources, CBS identified attacker Canadian-born Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32. That independently confirmed. The fatal showdown Centre Block followed cold-blooded slaying Cpl. Nathan Cirillo standing guard Tomb Unknown Soldier, short distance away Parliament Hill. That soldier, reservist Argyll Sutherland Highlanders Canada, based Hamilton, shot close range front war memorial 9:52 a.m. He rushed Ottawa Hospital’s Civic Campus, survive injuries. It unclear whether gunman acting alone joined attack others, attack, gunman fled toward Parliament Hill, according witness accounts. Parliament Hill large swaths downtown Ottawa went lockdown Ottawa police, RCMP special forces pursued confusing unconfirmed reports gunshots near Rideau Centre Chateau Laurier. At one point, officials believed least three gunmen could involved. It still unclear late afternoon Wednesday many people took part attack, police said shooting near downtown mall all. City Hall, Ottawa courthouse, Lisgar Collegiate University Ottawa among many institutions went emergency lockdown. The NHL postponed Ottawa Senators game scheduled Wednesday night, National Arts Centre cancelled two performances. Inside Parliament Hill, gunman — likely one shot National War Memorial sentry — stormed Centre Block NDP Conservative caucuses convened 9:15 a.m. meetings. The Liberal caucus meeting basement. Prime Minister Stephen Harper party’s caucus gunman entered second floor Centre Block, escorted safety RCMP security team. Across hall, NDP caucus room, 100 MPs aides piled tables chairs front doors heard gunshots crash Centre Block 10 a.m. “A series gunshots rang realized right side door,” NDP MP Charlie Angus told Citizen. Parliament Hill security officers rushed politicians building, Liberal MP Marc Garneau among them. “You could smell gunpowder,” said. Security officers pursued gunman Hall Honour, near Library Parliament, exchanged hail gunfire. One guard wounded confrontation killed terrorist. It’s believed Vickers fired shots killed him. A video shot Globe Mail reporter Josh Wingrove showed crouching RCMP officers moving main hall toward Parliamentary library, hallway echoed gunfire. “I safe profoundly grateful Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers security forces selfless act keeping us safe,” Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino said Twitter. Justice Minister Peter MacKay offered similar praise: “Thank God Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Canadian security forces.” The injured guard taken The Ottawa Hospital non-life threatening leg injury. The Ottawa Hospital also treated two people injured incident. The attack serious security breach Parliament Hill since 1966, unhinged man, Paul Chartier, tried blow 10 sticks dynamite floor House Commons. He killed explosives detonated could throw them. Wednesday’s shooting National War Memorial represents second time week Canadian soldier come attack national soil. On Monday, 25-year-old Martin Rouleau, Saint-Jean-sur-Richeleau, southeast Montreal, used car assault two Canadian soldiers, one later died wounds. Rouleau convert Islam whose online postings become radical RCMP confiscated passport. The attacks could reaction homegrown extremists federal government’s decision join international coalition battling Islamic State Iraq Levant (ISIL) Middle East. Parliament approved motion launch combat mission ISIL earlier month. “Canada terrorized intimidated,” senior Conservative cabinet minister Jason Kenney declared Twitter message. Wednesday’s attack began ground National War Memorial, dedicated fought died country. Witnesses said long-haired gunman, dressed dark hoodie, blue jeans wrapped scarf, opened fire one two guards Tomb Unknown Soldier. The gunman used long rifle kind, possibly shotgun. Construction worker Matthew Blais working near East Block heard described bunch “pops.” “I looked War Memorial I saw man rifle shooting innocent people,” Blais said. “We ducked cover.” Raivo Nommik, lighting designer, walking past National War Memorial shots fired: “(The soldier) shot close range: It couldn’t 20 feet.” Tourist Jan Lugtenborg, Netherlands, said waiting near memorial tour bus. “Then sudden happens: I heard four shots. I thought firework,” said. Lugtenborg said saw man long, black hair running rifle. “We scared like hell ran back,” said. Chaos ensued. Witnesses don’t agree happened next. Some said gunman ran toward Parliament Hill. Others said carjacked vehicle first. Blais said saw man jump green car. “He parked right front Parliament ran building,” said. Another witness, Construction worker Scott Walsh, working near East Block saw man run Parliament Hill, carjack vehicle man dark suit, drive Centre Block. The NDP’s Angus described wild scene inside party’s caucus room first shots fired Hill. “We put flimsy little tables get people behind get chairs,” said. “We wanted make sure everyone safe. Security came fairly fast — I surprised fast came — I could see look eyes worried. We know them. We talk every day. They wanted us building.”
Sorry, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms
Finally, Pope Francis confirms we've always known: All dogs go heaven! During weekly address St. Peter's Square, Catholic leader tried console little boy heartbroken death beloved pup. According multiple reports, Pope Francis told boy, "One day, see animals eternity Christ. Paradise open God's creatures." Of course, viewpoint goes conservative Catholic ideology animals souls (! ), can't go heaven. Some theologians cautioned, per New York Times, Pope Francis "had spoken casually, made doctrinal statement." PHOTOS: The last surviving 9/11 search dog returns memorial site Others within faith, however, took pontiff's words were. "He said paradise open creatures," Rev. James Martin, Jesuit persist editor large America, Catholic Magazine, told Times. "That sounds pretty clear me." It's pretty clear, too, Pope Francis friend four-legged. In fact, took papal name St. Francis Assisi, patron saint animals. NEWS: Hero dog saves owner's life snowmobile crash But, back debate whether furry feathered friends souls not—the late Dr. James Herriot, veterinarian author, tackled head-on story, "The Card Over Bed." In it, wrote encounter "an old woman whose fear may never reunited animals death people say animals soul." Dr. Herriot held old woman's hand told reassuringly, "If soul means able feel love loyalty gratitude, animals better lot humans. You've nothing worry there." Amen.
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola
A rogue bird let loose Vladimir Putin weekend Russian president delivered speech opening World War I monument, according multiple tittering reports. If tale feathered vigilante justice sounds farfetched though, that's is: The video purporting show airborne assault appears sneaky editing job. Here's clip got Reddit's attention: Yet another Redditor points out, footage event shows Putin sans poop. (The snippet previous video comes around ninth minute below.) Pictures speech similarly show tell-tale white stain, according The Independent. So sorry, President Obama, birthday present good true was, fact, good true. At least we'll always (admittedly phony) memories. --Jon Terbush (Reddit)
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets'
Militants reportedly three captured jets witnesses cited saying seen planes flying low Aleppo Islamic State (Isis) takings first steps towards building air force training pilots fly captured fighter planes, according group monitoring conflict Syria. Isis using lots tanks, armoured personnel carriers, artillery Jeeps taken Syrian Iraqi armies first report planes air. Isis, took US surprise year rapid territorial expansion Syria Iraq, three Russian-built MiG jets, according Syrian Observatory Human Rights (SOHR), appears good network observers ground often proved reliable past. Rami Abdulrahman, runs British-based group, said Isis trainers gained experience Iraqi air force former president Saddam Hussein. Abdulrahman cited witnesses seen planes flying low Aleppo, rebel-held northern Syria. If Isis able train pilots, could mount 9/11-style suicide attacks key installations Damascus Baghdad. Defence analysts said feasible, extremely sceptical. “There small chance big chance,” said Afzal Ashraf, former RAF captain, counter-terrorism specialist consultant London-based Royal United Services Institute(Rusi). It feasible train pilots small aircraft would struggle advanced fighter jet. Such jets would require frequent maintenance well good navigation system air traffic control, Ashraf said. Such planes could easily picked US, UK, Turkish even Syrian planes air defences. The UK flying reconnaissance bombing missions Iraq US engaged Iraq Syria. In February last year, SOHR reported capture al-Jarrah military airport near Aleppo, held Assad’s forces. The MiG fighters said taken time. The monitoring group reported witnesses saying planes flying low Aleppo recently appeared MiG 21s MiG 23s taken returned nearby al-Jarrah base. It added training courses taking place base. The SOHR said know whether planes armed missiles. Isis taken swathes Sunni-dominated territory Iraq outskirts Baghdad. Raffaello Pantucci, counter-terrorist specialist Rusi, said seen footage captured planes questioned viability. “They covered bird shit,” said. Pantucci said would pose problem sophisticated air defence capabilities US Nato ally Turkey, even lesser extent Syria’s President Bashar-al-Assad. Ashraf said former Iraqi air force pilots reported joined Isis would hard keep latest advances. “Flying perishable skill,” said. He predicted almost certain crash. “You able fly take navigate. If know doing, likely stall it,” Ashraf said.
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom
Here Consumerist HQ, intrigued horrified plausible-looking mockup pumpkin spice flavored condom spent weekend circulating around Internet. If pumpkin spice gum bacon condoms exist, not? Alas, wrapper circulating online isn’t real, even though people kind want be. The image doesn’t look authentic, pumpkin spice condom plausible enough people kept sharing image. At first, Durex kept speculation alive commenting matter. Pumpkin spice hot United States, sure, could mania support limited-time holiday-themed prophylactic? Durex selection fruit-flavored condoms, holiday-themed offerings. Should they? The company cleared things afternoon tweet: They’ve THOUGHT it? Well, least puts pumpkin spice condoms closer existing fried chicken Oreos.
Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports
An image gold Bugatti Veyron graffitied drawing penis may upset car lovers - turns vehicle included YouTube hoax. Photos multiple Instagram accounts revealed luxury vehicle permanently damaged. Instagram user @andreysmygov uploaded photo last Friday Veyron caption suggested painted stunt TwinzTV, Car Crushing noted. Scroll video Graffitied: A photo 'vandalised' Bugatti Veyron reportedly taken Seattle, according Reddit post Busted: This Instagram photo @andreysmygov included caption suggesting car spray-painted stunt TwinzTV 'How often u get spray paint Bugatti lol shoutout homie @vgtorious letting us @twinztv1 @twinztv2 @twinz_tv @nigxl @alexwood66,' wrote online. Brothers Jeremy Jason Holden run YouTube pranks channel TwinzTV. A Saturday photo @andreysmygov shows user @vgtorious standing next Veyron, time different graffiti. Instead drawing male genitalia, graffiti initials 'VG' A Sunday photo account shows @andreysmygov @vgotorious leaning scrubbed-clean Veyron, suggesting luxury vehicle longer features markings. 'Filming new vid @vgtorious one going sick! #vgproductions #bugatti' @andreysmygov captioned photograph. A photo car waxed - graffitti visible - posted @vgtorious Instagram Saturday, though clear took place. Different drawing: A second photo @andreysmygov's account shows different graffitti hood Veyron He also re-grammed photograph showing next letters 'VG' hood, confirming hoax. 'Oops I think pranked WORLD video aired...yet �� #bugatti #veyron #vw #youtube #global #news #pranks #funny #bugattifamilyimsorry', captioned snap. Jeremy Holden also uploaded snap penis drawing Veyron Saturday. He wrote, 'I got spray paint @vgtorious #buggati today haha #prank #twinztv #youtube #funny #seattle @_twinztv_ @twinztv2 @andreysmygov.' TwinzTV already featured Bugatti Veyron August YouTube video, Car Crushing pointed out. In clip, man leans Veyron picking women, much less expensive silver car parked behind him. When convinces women get food him, one leave realize Veyron's actual owner - actually owns silver car.
HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak played onscreen Seth Rogen Aaron Sorkin’s upcoming Steve Jobs biopic, Variety reports. Acting opposite Rogen Christian Bale Jobs. Sorkin’s screenplay film (to directed Oscar winner Danny Boyle) based Walter Isaacson’s biography, Steve Jobs. Sorkin said film divided three long scenes, taking place backstage Apple product launch.
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh
On Friday, rumor cropped one new Batmobile vehicles stolen Detroit. The story wasn’t verified, end couple bigger news outlets. Because resist phrase “stolen Batmobile”? Thankfully rumor, story give Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder reason pull together minor resources disposal great photo op. Bleeding Cool original rumor, also hilariously scolded CBS picking story. In update, site even praised Detroit Free Press killing story BC created first place. The DFP reports: Detroit police spokesman Sgt. Michael Woody said police confirmed producers “Batman v. Superman: Dawn Justice” vehicle stolen, rumor proliferated web social media Friday. “The Batmobile safe Batcave belongs,” Woody said. So Batmobile isn’t stolen; hasn’t even lost wheel. All right world, except fact Bats Supes fighting again. All brings us Zack Snyder’s recent tweet. This latest set back forth tweets Snyder Bad Robot play around DC Star Wars characters. A couple below.
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality
Eran Cicurel, editor Voice Israel, quoted YPG fighters familiar situation Kobani, saying Gill Rosenberg captured IS. Cicurel's claims contradict IS claims, made announcements IS-affiliated websites Samoach al-Islam, al-Platform Media, Twitter Rosenberg captured. Earlier day, IS media sources even alleged video coming soon. Considering scale yesterday's IS advance, story appeared plausible. Close friends, comrades, supporters also voiced credible concern Rosenberg's Facebook page. The YPG fighters noted, Cicurel, Rosenberg city Hoban time IS claims abducted. They also called story "mere propaganda". While confirmation per se, Cicurel's claims, addition circumstantial evidence, made story Rosenberg's capture implausible. Established Israeli sources exclusively ran story purporting primary sources reporting Rosenberg's capture. The Haaretz Israeli News, Times Israel, Jerusalem Post, Ynet News almost immediately published similar reports, media outside Israel either reported story quoted Israeli media. It illegal Israeli citizen travel Israeli-declared hostile state, including Iraq Syria, reason including business media reporting. Rosenberg, age 31, become infamous recent months joining YPG fighters Kobani despite illegality endeavor. In past 24 hours, IS advance pushed YPG back four fronts, including northern side borders Turkey. However, YPG mitigated many IS gains, due US airstrikes arrival Turkish forces sealing border north. Despite new information, little still publicly known Rosenberg's status time. Pro-IS sources still claiming captured, sources staying quiet. A link added comments story officially confirmed denied. Pictures Rosenberg (Not repost! The article completely original content. These images merely appended informational purposes) Kobani map November 28 (credits @deSyracuse) Kobani map late November 29 (credits @macroarch). Note: Some IS gains pushed back, claims total reversal untrue.
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. Abrams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers
Islamic State militants sympathisers triumphantly circulating images 10-year-old boy claim 'martyred' fighting alongside father Syria. Describing child ISIS' youngest jihadist, chilling photographs taken alleged death show smiling camera, wearing military fatigues brandishing huge assault rifle. ISIS sympathisers took social media identify 'cub fighter' alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah, adding father killed clashes Syria recent weeks, specifying exactly died fighting against. Sickening: ISIS sympathisers took social media identify 10-year-old 'cub fighter' alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah. He said died fighting alongside father Syria recent weeks Pose: Another picture shows smiling sweetly wearing ammunition vest stands next van converted armoured vehicle large plank wood bull bars Several images, independently verified, emerged social media week video reporting deaths boy father uploaded YouTube September. The original video - distributed pro-Isis media group Al-A'amaq - understood since removed, number photographs boy since widely shared ISIS militants sympathisers social media. One image shows boy standing inside house, grinning struggles hold assault rifle large threatens topple over. Another picture shows smiling sweetly wearing ammunition vest stands next van converted armoured vehicle large plank wood bull bars. Other images show posing man understood father, militants named 'Baghdadi'. In images boy identified Abu Ubaidah seen calmly holding another large rifle surrounded bearded men wearing military clothing. Support: ISIS sympathisers triumphantly circulating images 10-year-old boy claim 'martyred' fighting alongside father Syria Smiling: Describing child ISIS' youngest foreign jihadist, chilling photographs taken alleged death show grinning camera, wearing military fatigues brandishing huge assault rifle Last week 24-year-old Muslim convert admitted taking infant son live among Islamic State terrorists Syrian city Raqqa believes lead 'better life' brutal regime. Asiya Ummi Abdullah denied children unhappy living oppressive rule ISIS' religious fanatics explained felt three-year-old son's spiritual well-being better served group's de facto capital, public crucifixions beheadings commonplace. Ummi Abduallah - lived Turkey since teens born Kyrgyzstan - said moving militant stronghold Syria part shield young boy sex, crime, drugs alcohol sees rampant home town Istanbul. 'Who says children unhappy?... He know God live rules,' said. Dramatic footage emerged inside Kobane showing brave Kurdish fighters battling militants Islamic State. The clip, appears filmed mobile phone, shows resistance forces Kurdish People's Protection Unit (YPG) firing assault rifles machine guns mounted back car militants hiding behind buildings Kobane suburbs. The terrorists launched renewed assault Kobane last night, killing dozens Kurds resisted ISIS' advances city's suburbs last three weeks. Defence: ISIS terrorists launched renewed assault Kobane last night, killing dozens Kurds resisted ISIS' advances city's suburbs last three weeks Prepared: A Kurdish fighter takes position fight Islamic State jihadists Islamic State militants control one third besieged Syrian city Kobane despite three days American airstrikes, group monitoring violence country said today. This morning chilling sight group's black flag could clearly seen buildings inside city; brazen display defiance face sustained airstrikes U.S. Arab warplanes. While airstrikes appear slowed militants advance areas city, ISIS fighters appear creeping ever closer centre Kobane, thousands civilians unable unwilling flee homes face rape massacre. News ISIS' gains came Pentagon admitted airstrikes alone enough prevent fall Kobane, raising serious questions U.S.'s wider campaign terror group. Still flying: This morning chilling sight group's black flag could clearly seen buildings inside city; brazen display defiance face sustained airstrikes U.S. Arab warplanes Dramatic: The escalation Kobane seen U.S. Arab coalition carry sustained period bombing raids since campaign destroy Islamic State northern Syria started two weeks ago Rear Admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, said airstrikes 'not going enough save city', amid growing concern without Western ground troops sent Syria, defeat ISIS prove near impossible task. Heavily outgunned Kurdish defenders said Islamic State militants pushed two districts Kobane - mainly Kurdish border city 40,000 residents - late last night. Washington said U.S. military Arab partner nations responded ISIS renewed assault carrying eight air strikes last night, adding city remains Kurdish control. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights morning said despite overnight airstrikes, continued morning, Islamic State fighters managed capture police station east Kobane control one third city.
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M
The man reportedly attempted sex teenager city Ganganagar, India, locals found alley, pinning terrified girl wall. The 40-year-old dragged away angry mob vigilantes decided him. Unfortunately alleged attempted rapist, decided take local butcher's shop apparently beat sticks hour. They hacked penis meat cleaver dumped remains middle road, leaving beaten bloody body nearby. Daily Star online seen picture severed member road censored graphic image. DUMPED: The penis left road (censored taste) [CEN] “This sends strong message anyone like - punished” Local man Aamir Dhawan Local man Aamir Dhawan, 30, said: "No one went help man could see penis ground knew punishment sex crime. "We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hung, molested, it’s time stopped. "This sends strong message anyone like - punished." However, police taken dim view vigilante attack called responsible hand in. CRITICAL: Kumar hospital following beating [CEN] A local police spokesman said: "People cannot take law hands. "As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice. "We ask men carried attack hand find them." The man eventually taken hospital doctors described condition critical. The girl treated shock given counselling.
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students
Although majority Austrian resorts suffering lack snow one business usual – thanks fact stored snow last year. Resort managers Saalbach-Hinterglemm state Salzburg say planned opening going head expected thanks fact saved tons snow last year put back slopes. Austria one world's popular skiing destinations delay usual season start beginning December costs industry millions. But resorts Austrian Alps currently struggling almost total lack snow, including Flachau Salzburg Rosskopf mountain Tyrol, time snow usually plentiful, Saalbach-Hinterglemm problems. A recent Austrian climate report found country’s temperatures risen twice fast global average since 1880, number sunshine hours Alps increasing 20 percent. And although many resorts shifted focus adaptation solutions, acknowledging climate change stopped turned around time soon, ski resort Saalbach-Hinterglemm really planned ahead success. For seventh year running Snow Mobile event taking place Saalbach-Hinterglemm planned thanks snow carefully stored since March. The resort management collected around 13,000-square-metres snow mountains earlier year stored covering artificial fleece wood chips keep cool prevent melting. A spokesman resort said: "We made sure covering airtight, paid off. We estimate lost 15 percent snow put away pretty good going given warm year." The snow currently spread flattened allow event weekend go ahead planned. Around 22,000 people expected turn watch.
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display
Everyone's waiting years years meaningful update MacBook line. According report 9to5 Mac, year new design arrive. The blog published renderings based details unnamed Apple employees. And they're correct, new MacBook looks awesome. The report comes 9to5Mac's Mark Gurman, tends reliable source things Apple. The details also match many rumors MacBook upgrades recent years. Chief among Apple ditch ports almost altogether achieve slimmer, sleeker profile. Sources say prototypes new 12-inch MacBook Air quarter inch narrower current 11-inch model. They also fewer ports Apple computer: headphone jack single USB Type-C port. Another less dramatic detail slimmer keyboard. Apple's designers channeling old 12-inch PowerBook pushing keys way edge. They're also evidently narrowing amount space keys squeeze together little bit more. Meanwhile, trackpad longer click order make body thinner. It almost sounds like sort feature liquidation, designed make machine sleek possible. It looks pretty amazing, though! If Apple actually does, course. Click 9to5Mac new laptop design. [9to5Mac] Images via 9to5Mac
ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands
More 200 missing schoolgirls kidnapped Islamic extremist group Boko Haram may released part immediate cease-fire agreement announced Friday Nigerian government, according multiple media reports. Nigerian presidential aide Hassan Tukur told BBC Focus Africa cease-fire agreement came months negotiations mediated Chad. The girls kidnapped Boko Haram — group's nickname means "education sinful" — April 15 school northeastern town Chibok. "They've assured us girls release them," Tukur told BBC. "I cautiously optimistic." Talking CNN, Tukur said: "We agreed release Chibok schoolgirls, expect conclude next meeting group's representative next week Chad." Voice America reported Tukur Danladi Ahmadu, calls secretary-general militant group, also said girls would released. The release set happen Monday Chad, according VOA's Hausa-language service. However, Nigerian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade told Associated Press girls' release still negotiated. Boko Haram negotiators "assured schoolgirls people captivity alive well," Mike Omeri, government spokesman insurgency, told news conference truce announced. Contributing: The Associated Press
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider burrowed into his stomach through his SCAR
Call Newton’s third law Apple analysts: For every extreme reaction one way, equally extreme reaction other. In case, means doomsayers happy write Apple Watch worst thing Apple done since building smartphone, taking music industry iTunes, [insert actual bad decision], others go totally opposite direction predict landslide victory Apple’s favor. Trip Chowdhry Global Equities Research falls somewhat latter category. His prediction? That Apple Watch 100,000 apps ready go launches April, 42 million units sold end December. Chowdry’s claim 100,000 apps based attending six Apple Watch-Kit hackathons “the past months.” Although I don’t doubt plenty apps ready go day, I’d frankly shocked it’s close number. By comparison, took iOS App Store 16 months hit 100,000 apps — point seen approximately 2,000,000,000 total downloads. His 42 million prediction bit closer mark, line reports pegging sales likely fall 30-60 million units first year market. While 42 million would fraction number units Apple sells iPhone, would still enough make runaway fastest selling new iOS device history. The iPad, comparison, sold 19.5 million units first year, iPhone moved relatively paltry 5.4 million units. Chowdry thinks Apple Watch go convert virtually every existing iPhone user, noting: “Since Apple Watch extends iPhone functionality provides user convenience ‘Glance’ ‘Notifications’ iPhone User, almost every current iPhone user, 350 million users, also Apple Watch user.” Chowdry also gives us neat way explaining away fact spent upwards $350 Apple Watch non-techy partners. “The $350 price Apple Watch appears non-issue,” writes, since, “On average Apple Watch user 100 Apps installed, one way think consumer getting 100 devices $350 ..i.e. $3.50 per device.” Finally, argues shouldn’t think “killer app” Apple Watch, as: “Different people different killer Applications devices. For games, others social messaging, navigation, music, video, email …and forth. Debating “what killer app device” passe’ – somewhat pre-year-2007 thinking, killer App used “Ringtones”. Thinking Apple Watch Watch perspective also fundamentally flawed: The best Watch market probably 3 App Device – tells time, may Day (Monday, Tuesday etc. ), may also stop watch…thats it! By April 10, 2015, expecting 100,000 Apple Watch Apps AppStore. Currently, average 65 Apps per iPhone. We estimating average Apple Watch 100 Apps per Apple Watch. There single killer app Apple Watch – user set Killer Apps … one way think consumer getting 100 different devices one Apple Watch.” This last point I absolutely agree with. The notion “killer app” VisiCalc Apple II, instance, outdated thinking. To kind mass market device needs be, Apple Watch things people — essentially iPhone currently manages be. We’ll wait bit longer see Chowdry’s figures hold water, there’s doubting enthusiasm. And time Apple seemingly wrong, entirely blame him?
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants
While US Vogue offices moving 1 World Trade Center New York City, Anna Wintour may making transition anytime soon. A Vogue employee told Gawker new offices infested rats. And problem apparently bad editor-in-chief reportedly refusing enter premises. Wintour, 65, allegedly informed staffers vermin must removed clicks dainty heels new home. Scroll video New digs, big problem: While US Vogue offices moving 1 World Trade Center New York City, Anna Wintour may making transition anytime soon Vogue, however, scheduled move 1 World Trader Center new year, giving ample time removal rodents. The staff member told Gawker pressing dilemma facing fashion: 'A serious concern (laughable I guess makes sense) clothing could get nibbled through.' The timing infestation comes Vogue created online campaign advertising move new offices: 'Batten hatches, lower Manhattan, we're coming you.' That's one famous mover: The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes them. Meanwhile, Wintour defended decision put Kim Kardashian Kanye West April cover Vogue, appears suggesting choice 'tasteless'. According Fashionista, magazine editor said: 'I think remain deeply tasteful put deeply tasteful people cover, would rather boring magazine!' Day life: The publication tongue cheek moving process She added even beginning, Vogue never pleasing everyone. 'The first celebrity I put cover Vogue Madonna, considered completely controversial time, too,' explained. 'It's long time ago probably one remembers, controversial figure. Now part establishment.' Ms Wintour, 65, went say Vogue reflect modern culture - even provocative figures within - 'nobody would talk us. It's important people talk us.'
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display
Lebanese authorities holding daughter ex-wife head ISIS jihadist group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, interior minister said. It initially reported wife son self-proclaimed “caliph” arrested November. The woman, named Saja al-Dulaimi, travelling two sons daughter, interior minister Nouhad Mashnuq told Lebanese MTV channel late Wednesday. He said DNA tests showed girl Baghdadi’s child. “Dulaimi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s wife currently. She married three times: first man former Iraqi regime, two sons,” said. “Six years ago married Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi three months, daughter him. Now, married Palestinian pregnant child,” Mr Mashnuq added. “We conducted DNA tests daughter, showed mother girl, girl (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s) daughter, based DNA Baghdadi Iraq,” Mr Mashnuq said.
New policy could reduce marijuana possession arrests
An Indian man caught trying rape teenage girl critical condition hospital locals chopped genitals meat cleaver. Suresh Kumar set upon Ganganagar, India's northwestern Rajasthan state, locals heard girl's screams help. After finding 40-year-old pinning girl wall, lynch mob dragged butchers shop beat sticks hour castrating him. Suresh Kumar left bleeding shock beaten castrated locals Ganganagar, India's northwestern Rajasthan state, caught trying rape teenage girl Kumar, right, visible scratches abrasions face, beaten sticks Kumar, critical condition hospital, covers up, angry locals watch They dumped severed remains middle road lefta bloodied Kumar nearby. Aamir Dhawan, 30, said one 'went help' Kumar knew punished 'sex crime'. Mr Dhawan said: 'We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hung, molested, time stopped. 'This sends strong message anyone like - punished.' But police called responsible come forward, saying people can't take law 'own hands'. Kumar, middle, stripped naked awaits fate, locals record punishment face The spokesman said: 'As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice. 'We ask men carried attack hand find them.' Kumar eventually taken hospital doctors described condition critical. The girl involved treated shock, given counselling. The castration follows string violent sex crimes India prompted vigilante justice. In July, one man killed two others badly hurt accused raping hanging seven-year-old girl. The girl discovered hanging tree near village Kaliabazar, West Bengal, angry villagers quickly rounded local 'Tantrik' holy man two friends. The trio mercilessly beaten. One later died hospital two others required extensive treatment. That incident grim reminder incident Badaun, Uttar Pradesh, weeks two sisters raped hanged tree outside village.
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry
This post widely shared internet yesterday work graffiti artist Banksy. View Instagram However, it’s illustrator Lucille Clerc. You see work here. BuzzFeed also one several media outlets mistakenly credit image Banksy. A correction issued.
ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands
Welsh actor Christian Bale withdrawn role Steve Jobs forthcoming biopic Apple entrepreneur. According The Hollywood Reporter, Bale decided "was right part much deliberation conflicting feelings." The as-yet-untitled biopic, coming Sony's studios, written The Social Network writer Aaron Sorkin directed Danny Boyle. In mid-October, Sorkin announced Bale's involvement TV interview, explaining Batman actor even need audition. Sorkin explained high hopes Bale: "There scene frame he's in. So extremely difficult part gonna crush it." The Sony film progress since 2012 due start filming winter, former director David Fincher dropped project April pay dispute. Boyle LA week meet potential cast. Seth Rogen said discussions play Jobs' colleague Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, official announcments made.
Has J.J. Abrams Asked for THE FORCE AWAKENS Release Date to be Moved Up?
Islamic State militants sympathisers triumphantly circulating images 10-year-old boy claim 'martyred' fighting alongside father Syria. Describing child ISIS' youngest jihadist, chilling photographs taken alleged death show smiling camera, wearing military fatigues brandishing huge assault rifle. ISIS sympathisers took social media identify 'cub fighter' alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah, adding father killed clashes Syria recent weeks, specifying exactly died fighting against. Sickening: ISIS sympathisers took social media identify 10-year-old 'cub fighter' alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah. He said died fighting alongside father Syria recent weeks Pose: Another picture shows smiling sweetly wearing ammunition vest stands next van converted armoured vehicle large plank wood bull bars Several images, independently verified, emerged social media week video reporting deaths boy father uploaded YouTube September. The original video - distributed pro-Isis media group Al-A'amaq - understood since removed, number photographs boy since widely shared ISIS militants sympathisers social media. One image shows boy standing inside house, grinning struggles hold assault rifle large threatens topple over. Another picture shows smiling sweetly wearing ammunition vest stands next van converted armoured vehicle large plank wood bull bars. Other images show posing man understood father, militants named 'Baghdadi'. In images boy identified Abu Ubaidah seen calmly holding another large rifle surrounded bearded men wearing military clothing. Support: ISIS sympathisers triumphantly circulating images 10-year-old boy claim 'martyred' fighting alongside father Syria Smiling: Describing child ISIS' youngest foreign jihadist, chilling photographs taken alleged death show grinning camera, wearing military fatigues brandishing huge assault rifle Last week 24-year-old Muslim convert admitted taking infant son live among Islamic State terrorists Syrian city Raqqa believes lead 'better life' brutal regime. Asiya Ummi Abdullah denied children unhappy living oppressive rule ISIS' religious fanatics explained felt three-year-old son's spiritual well-being better served group's de facto capital, public crucifixions beheadings commonplace. Ummi Abduallah - lived Turkey since teens born Kyrgyzstan - said moving militant stronghold Syria part shield young boy sex, crime, drugs alcohol sees rampant home town Istanbul. 'Who says children unhappy?... He know God live rules,' said. Dramatic footage emerged inside Kobane showing brave Kurdish fighters battling militants Islamic State. The clip, appears filmed mobile phone, shows resistance forces Kurdish People's Protection Unit (YPG) firing assault rifles machine guns mounted back car militants hiding behind buildings Kobane suburbs. The terrorists launched renewed assault Kobane last night, killing dozens Kurds resisted ISIS' advances city's suburbs last three weeks. Defence: ISIS terrorists launched renewed assault Kobane last night, killing dozens Kurds resisted ISIS' advances city's suburbs last three weeks Prepared: A Kurdish fighter takes position fight Islamic State jihadists Islamic State militants control one third besieged Syrian city Kobane despite three days American airstrikes, group monitoring violence country said today. This morning chilling sight group's black flag could clearly seen buildings inside city; brazen display defiance face sustained airstrikes U.S. Arab warplanes. While airstrikes appear slowed militants advance areas city, ISIS fighters appear creeping ever closer centre Kobane, thousands civilians unable unwilling flee homes face rape massacre. News ISIS' gains came Pentagon admitted airstrikes alone enough prevent fall Kobane, raising serious questions U.S.'s wider campaign terror group. Still flying: This morning chilling sight group's black flag could clearly seen buildings inside city; brazen display defiance face sustained airstrikes U.S. Arab warplanes Dramatic: The escalation Kobane seen U.S. Arab coalition carry sustained period bombing raids since campaign destroy Islamic State northern Syria started two weeks ago Rear Admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, said airstrikes 'not going enough save city', amid growing concern without Western ground troops sent Syria, defeat ISIS prove near impossible task. Heavily outgunned Kurdish defenders said Islamic State militants pushed two districts Kobane - mainly Kurdish border city 40,000 residents - late last night. Washington said U.S. military Arab partner nations responded ISIS renewed assault carrying eight air strikes last night, adding city remains Kurdish control. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights morning said despite overnight airstrikes, continued morning, Islamic State fighters managed capture police station east Kobane control one third city.
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead
CRAIG WARGA/NY DAILY NEWS/GETTY IMAGES So much idle millennials: 17-year-old Stuyvesant High School student known around campus spending lunch breaks flipping stocks reportedly amassed $72 million fortune. The student, Mohammed Islam, profiled year’s edition New York magazine’s annual treat, “Reasons Love New York.” Islam son Bengali immigrants, pint-size, hobbyist traders poker players appear created cool nerd gang ages—dining Morimoto Mari Vanna, toss back apple juice caviar. They want make billion dollars next year (stay tuned). “But it’s money,” Islam said. “We want create brotherhood. Like, us connected, something together, influence, like Koch brothers.” One Islam’s friends, magazine describes “the son Kazakh oligarch,” peppers profile references The Wolf Wall Street Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, Islam seems decent head shoulders, Koch brothers identification notwithstanding. He’s also somewhat comeback kid: losing money trading penny stocks age nine, swore trading felt well versed principles game. Now look him.
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley
Facebook Twitter absolutely stuffed people convinced Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin died Thursday. It turns out, however, hoax. Macaulay Culkin still much alive. The hoax gone super-viral currently trending Facebook, largely ingeniously deceptive presentation. The hoaxer included thumbnail picture looks awful lot like still real TV news broadcast Culkin’s death. In addition, hoaxer chosen URL first glance appears MSNBC, US news network. Facebook users shared link hoax story 700,000 times. At first glance story looks credible, although starts fall apart wonder detective involved shares name famous author wrote books New York Police Department. The hoaxer behind fake news story covered website adverts, highly profitable. Despite flaws story, everyone lost stuff headline already internet. macauley culkin passed away, can't true. made childhood But Instagram picture shows, Culkin still performing band Friday night. View Instagram instagram.com Culkin seems particularly prone death hoaxes, possibly due brief burst near-universal fame followed sudden slide obscurity. Macaulay Culkin Been found dead again. Think 7th 8th time. Never fear. You sit back watch Home Alone without concerned star, go see Culkin play pizza-themed Velvet Underground band, The Pizza Underground.
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State
Bloodthirsty militants Iraq released horrific video Tuesday shows apparent beheading American journalist James Wright Foley — execution aimed forcing President Obama put end US airstrikes. Foley, 40-year-old photojournalist kidnapped 2012, forced recite anti-American hatred Islamic State Iraq Syria captors final words masked killer put knife neck. The video — posted YouTube site yanked — shows Foley dressed prisoner orange knees desert area. His head shaved. Behind man covered head toe black. It’s titled “A Message America.” “Any attempt you, Obama, deny Muslims liberty safety Islamic caliphate, result bloodshed people,” Islamic State Iraq Syria terrorist says reference US airstrikes Iraq. A stone-faced Foley — last seen Thanksgiving 2012 working Agence France-Presse — bravely reads clearly coerced statement. “I call friends family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government. My message beloved parents: Save dignity don’t accept meager compensation death people effectively put last nail coffin,” said. “I call brother Air Force. I call you, John. Think made decision bomb Iraq. Who really kill? Did think family made decision? I died day, John. When colleagues dropped bomb, signed death certificate. I wish I time. I wish I hope seeing family one time.” As final insult, last forced words were, “I guess all-in-all I wish I wasn’t American.” The video shows another American — Time journalist Steven Joel Sotloff — group says next unless US backs off. He held collar kneels desert, also wearing prisoner orange shaved head. Sotloff abducted Syria August 2013. His last Tweet hometown Miami Heat. “The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision,” masked man says. White House National Security Council Spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said they’re analyzing video beheading determine authenticity. “If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends,” Hayden said. ISIS warned US potential murder earlier video saying, “We drown blood” retaliation US airstrikes pounding them. Several senior U.S. officials direct knowledge situation said Islamic State recently threatened kill Foley avenge crushing airstrikes last two weeks militants advancing Mount Sinjar, Mosul dam Kurdish capital Irbil. US Rep. Peter King (R-NY) said video reveals ISIS true murders are. “ISIS worst worst,” King said. “These guys truly animals.… We go destroy them.” Foley family friend Holly Rene, lives hometown Rochester, NH, told The Post, “These savages got stopped. It’s coming West.” She said family “falling apart grief. “I hopeful Jimmy had, weren’t going get good news, would dead long time suffering involved. And think went two years ending, it’s beyond belief.” Foley’s family set website plead Foley’s return — urged patience Tuesday. “We know many looking confirmation answers,” Find James Foley Facebook wrote: “Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers.” Foley, one five children, captured previously Libya 45 days 2011. He graduated Marquette University 1996 later studied journalism Northwestern University. He penned letter Marquette Magazine thanking community prayers captured Tripoli two colleagues. He recounted getting call mother prison learning university’s prayer vigil release. “If nothing else, prayer glue enabled freedom, inner freedom first later miracle released war regime real incentive free us,” Foley wrote. “It didn’t make sense, faith did.”
What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea
The Canadian government said Sunday investigating reports Canadian-Israeli woman joined Kurdish militias fighting northern Syria captured Islamic State (Isis) fighters. According blog linked Isis, several female fighters fought alongside Kurds taken prisoner, including Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-born resident Tel Aviv. Israel Radio reported Kurdish sources denying claims, saying Rosenberg area attacked. A Canadian government spokesman said statement country “pursuing appropriate channels” sought information touch local authorities. Asked Israeli television station reports, Israeli defence minister, Moshe Ya’alon, said: “I cannot confirm I hope isn’t true.” The Shin Bet, Israel’s general security service, told Jerusalem Post: “There details stage”. Rosenberg, 31, joined Kurdish troops fighting Isis earlier month. A former pilot served Israeli Defence Force (IDF), reportedly contacted Kurdish fighters internet travelling Iraq train one camps Syrian border. In interview Israel Radio aired November, Rosenberg said training Kurdish guerrillas intention fighting Syria. “They brothers. They good people. They love life, lot like us, really,” said. On 20 November, message posted Facebook page Rosenberg’s name said: “My Facebook account friend requests managed someone else I access apx [sic] 2 weeks time around week [8 December]. Please message me. Thank you.” Messages concern posted Facebook page weekend. Isis, killed five western hostages, believed holding 39 Indian construction workers captive. Last week group reported executed two Iraqi women former parliamentary candidates.
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater
Young North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s health fine, government said Thursday evening, sister probably running country. It said Kim Yo Jong taken brother underwent medical treatment, So Se Pyong, Democratic People's Republic Korea's ambassador United Nations Geneva, told Reuters Kim bad health. The ambassador sat interview discussed variety matters, including North Korea's nuclear program, possibly negotiations free three detained Americans and, course, Kim’s health. It rumored Kim, 31, might ankle surgery, So said incorrect. The story emerged Kim appear Supreme People's Assembly last month reports said suffered "discomfort.” He also seen walking limp July. "That rumors, fabricated rumors," So said Kim's alleged ailment. Questions Kim’s health rose article Diplomat, magazine based Tokyo, claimed sister making important government decisions Kim treated Bonghwa Clinic North Korea's capital Pyongyang. "Some say Hwang Byong So, director General Political Bureau Korean People's Army, may assumed new No. 2 status, given confirmed time, say Hwang shadow, Kim Yo Jong second-in-command North Korea," Kim Heung Gwang, head North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity, reportedly said. Even So denies health problems, Kim seen people since Sept. 3. The leader also gained significant amount weight, could contribute ailments like gout, diabetes high blood pressure, sources told Associated Press. If suffering gout, cheese eating smoking would worsen condition. Follow Twitter @mariamzzarella
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’
A second patient Ebola symptoms walked Texas clinic today told medics contact first victim Thomas Duncan. The CareNow clinic Frisco, Texas placed lock-down person appeared Wednesday exhibiting signs deadly virus. The patient answered yes screening questionnaire question travel West Africa said contact Duncan, referred ‘patient zero’. Mr Duncan, 42, died Wednesday morning Texas Presbyterian Hospital developing symptoms disease almost two weeks ago. Scroll video An ambulance, driven firefighter-paramedic wearing hazmat suit, carries unidentified patient Ebola symptoms hospital Frisco, Texas Wednesday afternoon person turned urgent care clinic The person exhibiting Ebola symptoms today claimed contact Ebola patient Thomas Duncan, died virus Wednesday morning A patient attended CareNow clinic Frisco, Texas today rushed nearby hospital presenting Ebola symptoms It yet clear patient came alleged contact Mr Duncan among 48 people monitored deadly virus Center Disease Control Prevention (CDC). The Frisco patient rushed nearby hospital ambulance turning urgent care clinic Main Street, CBS confirmed. Medics clinic called 911 around 12.30pm request ambulance patient. The clinic keeping everyone center checked CDC - unknown many people exposed patient. The CDC host press conference 4pm (ET) update public media, White House announced minutes existence second Ebola patient reported. Mr Duncan, 42-year-old Liberian national, exposed nearly 50 people disease America put isolation Texas Presbyterian. A second person exhibiting Ebola symptoms Texas today claimed contact Thomas Duncan died Ebola today His fiancee Louise Troh currently quarantine 13-year-old son two nephews constant monitoring health officials fears they, too, could develop symptoms 21-day incubation period. Ten people, including seven healthcare workers three family members, considered high risk Ebola exposed Duncan became contagious. Another 38 monitors CDC possible risk disease. Duncan's fiancee Louise Troh, perhaps highest risk catching disease cared Dallas apartment sweated vomited early staged disease, says blame possibly exposing her. The White House said Wednesday extra screening fever carried arriving aircraft passengers West Africa, virus killed nearly 4,000 people three countries. The screening start New York's John F. Kennedy airport weekend, later Newark Liberty, Washington Dulles, Chicago O'Hare Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta. Authorities use non-invasive device take temperature passengers fill questionnaire created U.S. Centers Disease Control Prevention (CDC) asking detailed information activities
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fabricated’
Supporters Islamic State Iraq Syria militant group recently circulated pictures “Cub Baghdadi,” say youngest ISIS “martyr” Arabian Peninsula killed Syria. On “The Cub Baghdadi Channel” YouTube, ISIS supporters Oct. 7 published obituary young boy. “In life met, afterlife, hope - ask God see happiness, place boredom. In heaven,” read. The YouTube video featured collage pictures young boy believed 10-years-old. The images, show wearing military clothes carrying arms, cannot independently verified however. Other pictures show posing “martyred” father. The video garnered least 56,296 views Thursday. On Twitter, “Cub Baghdadi Staying” twitter account dedicated boy 4,309 followers Thursday. There mixed reactions reports death. On YouTube, one user commenting said “Oh mother, I die, I martyr God,” another user Twitter said: “God bless cub Baghdadi, picture made cry. I swear I wished I place.” Charlie Cooper, researcher Quilliam Foundation, told The Independent newspaper sharing pictures paying tribute child youngest martyr Arabian Peninsula killed Syria. However, others criticized scorned use children conflict. On YouTube commented said: “Unfortunately everyday child Palestine martyred either conflict, hunger sickness. We see anyone objecting…” Another rebuked use children conflicts YouTube: “Is holy jihad? Brainwashing kids’ brains?” On Twitter user said: “Cub Baghdadi youngest ISIS fighter killed, child Arabian Peninsula came kill Arabs, great upbringing.” Another Twitter user said: “ISIS announced killing youngest jihadist, says heaven 72 Barbie dolls,” apparent reference saying propagated extremist groups men rewarded 72 virgins heaven. The United Nations previously rebuked group using children age 15 accused committing war crimes.
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce' breached
WASHINGTON — A U.S. Republican senator frequent Mideast traveler said Thursday Taliban detainees released Guantanamo Bay exchange Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl touch members al-Qaida linked Haqqani network, yet five still monitored Qatar. The Pentagon said Thursday working Qatar confident threat posed former detainees mitigated. Sen. Lindsey Graham, recently visited Qatar, said afraid one detainees left country said assured visit five remain small Gulf nation. Qatar gained public praise President Barack Obama brokering controversial deal May 2014 freed Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Taliban captivity exchange release five senior Taliban officials imprisoned years U.S.-run Guantanamo Bay prison Cuba. Qatar promised Obama would keep five watch one year, although would free leave. "It's year deal," Graham told The Associated Press Wednesday. "Just sure we're sitting here, they're going back fight." "They've Haqqani people come meet them. ... They're reaching out. The Taliban five communicating people inside Afghanistan." However, Graham, member Senate Armed Services Committee leading Capitol Hill voice foreign policy, said five still Qatar. "I afraid one left, told they're still there," said. The Pentagon said statement would comment specific cases involving detainees. "However, take incidence re-engagement seriously, work close coordination military, intelligence, law enforcement diplomatic channels mitigate re-engagement take follow-on action necessary," statement said. "The Defense Department close security partnership government Qatar. We're confident ability continue mitigate threat may posed former Guantanamo detainees." Haqqani operates Afghanistan-Pakistan border region one deadliest threats U.S. troops war. The network, State Department designated foreign terrorist organization 2012, claims allegiance Afghan Taliban operates degree autonomy. The five detainees released were: Abdul Haq Wasiq, served Taliban deputy minister intelligence. Mullah Norullah Nori, senior Taliban commander northern city Mazar-e-Sharif Taliban fought U.S. forces late 2001. Khairullah Khairkhwa, served various Taliban positions including interior minister direct ties Mullah Omar Osama bin Laden. Mohammed Nabi, served chief security Taliban Qalat, Afghanistan, later worked radio operator Taliban's communications office Kabul. Mohammad Fazl, Human Rights Watch says could prosecuted war crimes presiding mass killing Shiite Muslims Afghanistan 2000 2001 Taliban sought consolidate control country. Associated Press writer Lolita C. Baldor contributed report.
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.
(Reuters) - The Pentagon assessing whether airstrike encampment Somalia killed al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane, confirmed militant's death would represent "very significant" blow group, Pentagon said Tuesday. Rear Admiral John Kirby told Pentagon briefing U.S. special operations strike conducted Monday involved manned unmanned aircraft. Kirby said Hellfire missiles laser-guided munitions dropped camp south-central Somalia, said soon say results strike been. Since taking charge 2008, Godane restyled group global player al Qaeda franchise - transformation highlighted killed least 67 people attack Kenyan shopping mall last September. (Reporting Phil Stewart; Editing Eric Beech)
Seth Rogen Is Woz
Not upcoming Steve Jobs biopic likely found actor play Jobs, may found actor play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak too: according The Wrap, Seth Rogen considered role. Variety reports definitely he's actually set play it. Rogen would acting alongside Christian Bale, reported taken part Jobs. Danny Boyle, made Trainspotting 28 Days Later, directing based script Aaron Sorkin. Jessica Chastain also reported consideration part, though known would playing. THIS ISN'T A DONE DEAL YET Rogen certainly interesting casting choice, little known movie, hard really gauge means. For one, clear large role Wozniak be: film supposed take place moments preceding three major Apple product launches, Wozniak necessarily around those, left Apple 1985. We've also seen successful pairings strong dramatic actors, like Bale, traditionally comedic actors, like Rogen, past quite bit success — see last year's The Wolf Wall Street, example — possible Boyle trying emulate here. That said, The Hollywood Reporter says clear offer made Rogen yet, film's producers want board. The Reporter also says Bale's deal yet close remains delicate stage — though Sorkin suggested he's board. This Sorkin-scripted Jobs film rocky development process already restart once, David Fincher dropped director. Still, sounding like studio behind film eager get made, perhaps we'll see confirmation soon.