A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:
ISIS militants released gruesome video footage afternoon beheading American photojournalist James Wright Foley message U.S. stop intervening Iraq. Foley, freelancer contributed Global Post, first captured Libya 2012, released, kidnapped around Thanksgiving 2012 unidentified gunmen Syria. He 39 years old. The (extremely disturbing) video viewed here. @Mujahid4life tweeted stills it, (aside one below), sickeningly graphic. The Global Post reported circumstances disappearance last year, attempting keep news quiet fear Foley's safety: Foley set toward border car hour capture. A witness, Syrian, later recounted phone journalist Turkey unmarked car intercepted Foley. The witness said men holding kalashnikovs shot air forced Jim car. The witness said noticed nothing would indicate whether aggressors rebel fighters, individuals looking ransom, members pro-government militia, religious-based group motivations. He held captive 635 days. In 2013, Foley's family set Find James Foley website him, states he's oldest five children. His friend, journalist Clare Morgana Gillis, wrote Syria Deeply last year: Jim sees good nearly everything everyone. He master motivator. "You got this, dude!" he'll say. "That story's great, file already." ... Everybody, everywhere, takes liking Jim soon meet him.
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/12/7-teen-girls-get-pregnant-on-school-trip/#F5filOd6yFpASPV9.99
The rat infestation Vogue's new 1 World Trade Center office getting worse. Pests 'taking over' newly-developed New York City premises Anna Wintour longer wants step foot inside all, reports claim. This week, rat droppings allegedly found editor's computer keyboard, staff Conde Nast's titles issued new rule: eating desk. Scroll video New digs, big problem: While US Vogue offices moving 1 World Trade Center New York City, Anna Wintour may making transition anytime soon 'A bunch ate ceiling sports editor's office crawled desk left poops keyboard,' source told New York Daily News. 'They ate rug fit door.' After numerous failed extermination attempts, city's health authority notified. The setback means staff unlikely see eponymous magazine editor building well new year. That's one famous mover: The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes Day life: The publication tongue cheek moving process According Gawker, Wintour, 65, allegedly informed staffers vermin must removed sets foot new home. The staff member told Gawker pressing dilemma facing fashion: 'A serious concern (laughable I guess makes sense) clothing could get nibbled through.' The timing infestation comes Vogue created online campaign advertising move new offices: 'Batten hatches, lower Manhattan, we're coming you.' The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes them.
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated]
Militants Islamic State (Isis) claimed killed American journalist long held captive Syria retaliation ongoing US airstrikes forces Iraq. A propaganda video circulated Tuesday showed masked Isis fighter beheading kneeling man dressed orange jumpsuit purported James Wright Foley, photojournalist went missing Syria 2012. The masked executioner spoke English, sounded like British accent, said slaying came response airstrikes ordered President Barack Obama Isis 12 days ago. Isis, whose chief spokesman came State Department sanctions Monday, warned revenge – including another man purported captured US journalist, Steven Sotloff – video, victim made read statement blaming US murder. Foley missing Syria since November 2012, went report bloody struggle overthrow dictator Bashar al-Assad. He initially thought captured forces loyal Assad regime. A Facebook message support group, Free James Foley, urged patience “until information,” asked readers “keep Foleys thoughts prayers.” YouTube took gruesome video, sparked debate social media ethics sharing it, adding metatextual debate depiction man’s violent death. Foley, 40, former Stars Stripes reporter, captured November 2012 near Syrian town Taftanaz. It first detention reporting: 2011, taken reporting uprising Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Gaddafi’s forces ultimately released six weeks captivity. A friend Foley’s fellow captive Libya, journalist Clare Morgana Gillis, wrote 2013 essay captivity “the state violently opposite nature.” Gillis described Foley gentle, friendly, courageous impatient “anything slows forward momentum.” In January 2013 interview local television news near Rochester, New Hampshire home, Foley’s mother Diane said son “passionate covering story Syria, passionate people there.” Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman National Security Council, said US intelligence working determine authenticity video. “If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends,” Hayden said statement. Messages left Foley family returned. A day Obama declared Iraqi Kurdish forces backed US warplanes broken Isis’ hold critical Mosul Dam, US Central Command announced two strikes near Monday, “further expand control area.” One strike said destroyed Isis checkpoint “not successful.” Obama offered timeframe length campaign Isis. The US military bombed 90 targets attributed Isis, including vehicle convoys, mobile artillery fixed positions, since 8 August. Most strikes come past days, near dam. The strikes occurred either blunt Isis advance Kurdish regional capital Irbil lift Isis siege Mount Sinjar, chased thousands Iraqi Yazidis threatened kill unless converted Islam. The US considers siege broken.
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital
In sprawling Facebook post subsequent interview Radar Online, woman named Taylor Lianne Chandler made number fascinating claims alleged relationship Michael Phelps. Among them: born intersex ambiguous genitalia, met Olympic swimmer Tinder, fucked said Olympic swimmer first date watching football TV. "Many wondered I freaked relationship Michael Phelps exposed," 41-year-old D.C.-area woman begins post. "Here truth." I born intersex named David Roy Fitch birth. By time I could walk talk I made clear I girl dressed one. In early teens I medically diagnosed went testosterone blockers, 15 estrogen enhancers. My birth certificate modified along name I teenager, prior corrective surgery. Citing anonymous tipster (that could well Chandler herself), The Hollywood Gossip previously named Chandler Michael Phelps' companion night latest DUI, claim repeated recent Facebook post. Michael Phelps Wins His Second Medal DUI Olympic swimming star Michael Phelps pulled Maryland police early morning and… Read Yes, I Michael night DUI, story Uber crying wanting stay night true. A lot things printed lies. I probably going lose brand team wants protect things since went rehab came attention put relationship best light. He first man I ever intimacy felt comfortable woman. Today, Chandler followed announcement giving Radar Online additional details supposed first date Phelps meeting Tinder, involved watching Baltimore Ravens game athlete's home. "One thing led next, made love halftime," Chandler told site. "Later, sex again." Chandler says told Phelps past "threat media exposing forced too." I telling story take power away media tabloids want hurt Michael I. I probably lose him, hurts like hell. [Image via Facebook//h/t Daily Mail]
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital
Thousands social media users distributing unverified photo claims show body ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi purportedly killed US airstrikes three senior members ISIS, including aide al-Baghdadi also killed US air strikes. Talking NBC News, senior Iraqi official confirmed deaths Thursday. The strike ISIS stronghold Mosul killed Abu Hajar al-Sufi, aide al-Baghdadi, well explosives operative military leader nearby Tal Afar, source said. Al Arabiya cited Iraqi Defence Ministry saying Baghdadi’s aide killed. Pentagon Spokesman Col Steve Warren could confirm deaths said ISIS leaders targeted. But added ISIS leaders embedded “inside troop formations likely killed”. The US carrying airstrikes across north Iraq brutal terrorists ISIS gained ground murderous sweep June. A number news outlets websites published unverified photo news death al-Baghdadi US airstrikes.
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue
ABUJA, Nigeria — The leader Nigeria's Islamist extremist group dashed hopes release 200 kidnapped girls Saturday, denying reports truce government. In new video message, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau says schoolgirls converted Islam married off. "The issue girls long forgotten I long ago married off," says, laughing. The news goes counter Nigerian government said nearly two weeks ago announced cease-fire deal terrorist organization, raising hopes among families kidnapped girls — taken northeastern Nigerian town Chibok April — daughters would soon released. But weeks dragged sign kidnapped girls, hopes began fade. "I excited I heard news — I finally reunite daughter," said Hamidah Amira, 36, whose 17-year-old daughter kidnapped. But desperation set in, especially Boko Haram abducted dozens young women teenagers northeast Nigeria continued launch attacks forced hundreds flee. Despite incidents, government insisted negotiations Islamists ongoing Chad, began raise doubts cease-fire even agreed upon group. Martin Ewi, senior researcher Institute Security Studies' office Pretoria, said think Boko Haram agreed truce, citing lack public statements issue past two weeks. "The government might talking one faction … factions might bought idea dialogue," said. Human Rights Watch estimates Boko Haram, whose name loosely translates "Western education forbidden," abducted around 500 young women past five years. Although girls managed escape Islamists, whereabouts fate rest young women uncertain. A recent Human Rights Watch report, based interviews victims witnesses Boko Haram abductions, offers rare insight series physical sexual abuses girls suffer captivity, including rape, forced labor beating. "We found Nigerian government never interviewed girls, never really found learned they've gone through, never attempted kind investigations," said Rona Peligal, Human Rights Watch deputy director Africa Division. "They kind left own." Chibok resident Solomon Ali deeply critical government's handling situation since beginning. "We disappointed government done nothing ensure girls released," said, adding officials failed keep community informed. Outraged kidnappings atrocities committed Boko Haram, international community urged Nigerian government step efforts free girls. Since April, campaign motto "Bring Back Our Girls" went viral social media. Peligal says Nigerian authorities better job responding Boko Haram threat ensuring protection around schools. "The government needs better anticipate plan kinds abductions they're continuing," said. "And government respond capably." Ewi worries girls would freed unless government yields Boko Haram's demands release militants. "You can't pursue military operations still hoping release girls alive," said. Analysts warn situation likely get worse months ahead 2015 election. Earlier week, President Goodluck Jonathan, increasing scrutiny failure locate girls, confirmed would running re-election. "The Boko Haram issue indeed politicized, I expect would politicized get closer election," said Peligal. In meantime, Amira — like moms — waits, making personal appeal Boko Haram release daughter girls. "They sympathize us, government," Amira said. Contributing: The Associated Press
Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report
Two Australian men claim oldest burger world - staggering 20 years old. In 1995 Adelaide residents Casey Dean, 14, mate Eduard Nitz, 13, stopped local McDonald’s pick burgers. Among Quarter Pounder cheese they’d bought another kid. That kid never turned up, didn’t eat burger . Ever. Now boys become men burger turned 20. “We’re pretty sure it’s oldest burger world,” Mr Dean said. ahmerkhokhar.comCasey Dean, 14, good mate Eduard Nitz, 13 burger 20 years oldLongevity: The pair brought snack mate 20 years ago “It started joke, know told friend we’d hold burger never turned knew six months passed. "The months became years now, 20 years later, looks day bought it, perfectly preserved original wrapping.” But hardy burger long-lived Maccy D’s existence. The last McDonald's cheeseburger ever sold Iceland still going strong mould-free – six years bought burger-lover. The fast-food giant shut shop Iceland 2009 said country's financial crisis made expensive operate. Europics[CEN]Mcdonalds burgerSnack: A man decided buy last McDonald's burger sale October 2009 chain closed Iceland The country three branches – capital Reykjavik. Hjortur Smarason, 28, waited end last day local McDonald's closed – made sure purchased last cheeseburger together portion fries. The burger, looking slightly shrivelled remains remarkable condition, display bar hostel Reykjavik.
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11
Jordan’s King Abdullah ibn al-Hussein, trained pilot, may fly bomber Thursday country’s retaliation ISIS. Several Arabic-language newspapers reported late Wednesday monarch would personally participate bombing raids terrorist group, citing vow Tuesday “strike strongholds.” The king Washington news broke Tuesday pilot Muadh al-Kasasbeh’s demise hands ISIS extremists. Meeting House Armed Services Committee shortly leaving Amman, reportedly quoted Clint Eastwood’s film “Unforgiven” said Jordan would pursue jihadis ran “out fuel bullets.” Rep. Duncan Hunter, meeting, told Fox News given ruler’s immediate vehement reaction, “King Abdullah President Obama.” Jordan, key American ally air war ISIS, killed number ISIS-affiliated prisoners early Wednesday, promised Kasasbeh turn dead, prior news immolation. Some warned terrorist group deliberately deployed news Kasasbeh’s fate order provoke Jordanian overreaction. But public outcry Jordan news seems pressured government strong response, regardless strategy. (RELATED: Jordan To Retaliate For Pilot Killed By ISIS) Meanwhile, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Tuesday “nothing’s going change” U.S. policy toward ISIS result Kasasbeh’s murder. Follow Ivan Plis Twitter Content created The Daily Caller News Foundation available without charge eligible news publisher provide large audience. For licensing opportunities original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures
(Reuters) - The Pentagon assessing whether airstrike encampment Somalia killed al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane, confirmed militant's death would represent "very significant" blow group, Pentagon said Tuesday. Rear Admiral John Kirby told Pentagon briefing U.S. special operations strike conducted Monday involved manned unmanned aircraft. Kirby said Hellfire missiles laser-guided munitions dropped camp south-central Somalia, said soon say results strike been. Since taking charge 2008, Godane restyled group global player al Qaeda franchise - transformation highlighted killed least 67 people attack Kenyan shopping mall last September. (Reporting Phil Stewart; Editing Eric Beech)
White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say
A photo purporting show slain body Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appears doctored picture another slain militant killed Syria 2013. Rumors circulated social media Iraqi media weekend Baghdadi slain US airstrike several days ago. Later Iraqi reports said IS leader severely wounded chest near Syrian border receiving medical treatment. The reports could independently confirmed. A picture purporting show Baghdadi’s bloodied body fatigues also circulated. However, picture appears actually show Baghdadi’s head pasted onto body Sami Hafez Al-Abdullah, Albanian national killed Syria 2013, according investigation Storyful, social media news agency. A picture Abdullah, reportedly also served imam Germany, report death appeared Yemenite news site Hournews.net last year. Despite apparently doctored photo, Baghdadi’s fate, amid continuing American air strikes, remains unclear. Washington expanded month-long air campaign Iraq’s Sunni Arab heartland, hitting Islamic State fighters west Baghdad troops allied tribesmen launched ground assault Sunday. The new strikes deepen Washington’s involvement conflict significant escalation President Barack Obama, made political career opposing war Iraq pulled US troops 2011. Previous strikes — since US air campaign began August 8 — mainly support Kurdish forces north. US warplanes bombed IS fighters around strategic dam Euphrates River area jihadists repeatedly tried capture government troops Sunni militia allies. “We conducted strikes prevent terrorists threatening security dam, remains control Iraqi security forces, support Sunni tribes,” Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said. “The potential loss control dam, catastrophic failure dam — flooding might result — would threatened US personnel facilities around Baghdad, well thousands Iraqi citizens,” added. AFP contributed report.
L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports
A year North Korean leader Kim Jong-un came power, directive issued anyone sharing name change – maintaining tradition upheld reclusive state’s ruling Kim dynasty, report said. An internal state document obtained South Korea’s KBS TV station contains “administrative order” leader Kim Jong-il party, army police officials ensure directive carried out. The order issued January 2011, shortly Kim Jong-un anointed father’s successor. Kim Jong-il died December year. “All party organs public security authorities make list residents named Kim Jong-un … train voluntarily change names,” said document, extracts aired KBS Tuesday. The process involved revising names official documents, including social security cards school diplomas. Officials also directed reject birth certificates newborns named Kim Jong-un. “Authorities make sure one making unnecessary complaints spreading gossip … regarding project,” added. The authenticity official directive could independently verified, Seoul’s unification ministry declined comment whether genuine. But one government official noted Pyongyang regime known banned citizens sharing names founding president Kim Il-sung son, Kim Jong-il. “Given North maintained policy two previous leaders, possibility would continue now,” official said. The Kim dynasty ruled North Korea six decades iron fist pervasive personality cult. Park Jin-hee, North Korean defector working KBS obtained document, said sure 2011 directive effectively enforced. “There one North named Kim Il-sung Kim Jong-il, doubt rule applies Jong-un,” Park, defected 2008, said.
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated]
FORT DEVENS, Massachusetts - Infamous Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, victim “unfortunate accident” yesterday Ft. Devens Detention Center Massachusetts, weeks high-profile trial began, according warden Paul Jacobson. Corrections officers reportedly found alleged terror suspect face pool blood cell; banana peel found floor nearby. “It initially appeared though Tsarnaev slipped discarded banana peel hit floor force head bounced hard tile surface, probably 16 17 times. There blood everywhere – walls, floor, even toilet. The injuries caused massive brain trauma,” said prison investigator Joe Goldsmith. “We determined though, expert analysis, would impossible injuries occurred fall. Our investigation shown Aryan Brotherhood initiated attack Tsarnaev.” “Yes, brotherhood took care bomber,” said Miles Smith, head Aryan Nation inside Devens. “The gangs, wanted him, too. We paid guards money shot. They stood aside, let us do. On way out, shook hands, told us ‘Thank you.’ Well, You’re welcome. You’re welcome, Boston. You’re welcome, America!” “Normally, attack violent, cruel, another inmate would get offending party time added sentence,” said warden Jacobson. “Because nature Tsarnaev’s crimes, though, decided actually reduce sentences Aryan members involved. They done prison country great service, appreciate immensely. They heroes eyes institution, also eyes people Commonwealth Massachusetts.” Dzhokhar Tsarnaev older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev suspected perpetrating Boston Marathon bombings April 15, 2013. The bombings killed three people reportedly injured many 264 others. Shortly FBI named two suspects released images them, two brothers reportedly killed MIT police officer carjacked SUV shootout police. During shootout, elder brother, Tamerlan captured killed brother drove SUV. On evening April 20, 2013, wounded Dzhokhar found unarmed hiding boat trailer Watertown, Massachusetts. On January 30, 2014, United States Attorney General Eric Holder announced federal government would seek death penalty Tsarnaev. The trial begun January 5, 2015, Tsarnaev pleaded guilty thirty charges filed him.
EBay appears to be planning an Apple Watch app
Here’s news may slipped radar yesterday, thanks Spider-Man news. A site called iKwiz reporting director J.J. Abrams, asked Disney release date Star Wars: Episode VII moved it’s original release date. According site, Abrams said addressing group attendees 2015 Visual Effects Society Awards frustration leaked pictures floating around web. The site also states Disney taking Abrams’ request seriously. The site specify date Abrams asking for. Disney commented rumor. As now, release date The Force Awakens still Dec. 18.
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa
Online reports jihadi Palestinian forums claim Gill Rosenberg captured Islamic State group embattled town Kobani. Gill Rosenberg, Israeli-Canadian joined Kurdish forces battles radical Islamic State terror group reportedly taken captive group, unconfirmed reports claimed. Rosenberg, 31, civil aviation pilot enlisted Israeli army search-and-rescue unit arrested 2009, extradited United States jailed international phone scam, one former lawyers said. Rosenberg said made contact Kurds Facebook, asking allow join Kurdish People's Protection Units, commonly known YPG. On Facebook page, Rosenberg shared plans mission Syria two months advance, uploaded picture Jerusalem showing Israeli flag next Islamic State flag, continued posting images November 1, final day Israel. She later posted pictures Queen Alia International Airport Amman, Jordan, Erbil International Airport Kurdistan. On November 9, uploaded images Kurdish region Syria wrote, "In IDF (Israeli army), say 'aharai', After Me. Let's show ISIS (Islamic State) means." A friend wrote, "Take care yourself, friend. You one strong woman, destroy Islamic State." A source Kurdistan region knowledge issue said Rosenberg first foreign woman join YPG, Kurds' dominant fighting force northern Syria. She crossed Syria one around 10 Westerners recruited YPG, source said. Rosenberg could reached Reuters comment. A source provided Iraqi Kurdistan cellphone number her, turned Tuesday. Michal Margalit contributed report
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact
No one died times Fidel Castro. But yesterday, rumors began flying anew Cuban-American community -- and, course, Twitter -- Cuban leader finally bitten dust possible news conference announce demise today. Could speculation finally true time? The reports began circulating late yesterday around Twitter: So far there's nothing substantiating buzz. Cuban media outlets denied news conference scheduled, hype also comes "suspiciously close" actual death Fidel Castro Odinga, 41-year-old son Kenya opposition leader, Daily Mail reports. There another reason rumors may swirling: According Fox News Latino, yesterday marked one year since 88-year-old revolutionary last seen public. Let's hope Fidel jumps Twitter soon deny -- confirm? -- rumors.
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite'
Young North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s health fine, government said Thursday evening, sister probably running country. It said Kim Yo Jong taken brother underwent medical treatment, So Se Pyong, Democratic People's Republic Korea's ambassador United Nations Geneva, told Reuters Kim bad health. The ambassador sat interview discussed variety matters, including North Korea's nuclear program, possibly negotiations free three detained Americans and, course, Kim’s health. It rumored Kim, 31, might ankle surgery, So said incorrect. The story emerged Kim appear Supreme People's Assembly last month reports said suffered "discomfort.” He also seen walking limp July. "That rumors, fabricated rumors," So said Kim's alleged ailment. Questions Kim’s health rose article Diplomat, magazine based Tokyo, claimed sister making important government decisions Kim treated Bonghwa Clinic North Korea's capital Pyongyang. "Some say Hwang Byong So, director General Political Bureau Korean People's Army, may assumed new No. 2 status, given confirmed time, say Hwang shadow, Kim Yo Jong second-in-command North Korea," Kim Heung Gwang, head North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity, reportedly said. Even So denies health problems, Kim seen people since Sept. 3. The leader also gained significant amount weight, could contribute ailments like gout, diabetes high blood pressure, sources told Associated Press. If suffering gout, cheese eating smoking would worsen condition. Follow Twitter @mariamzzarella
HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV
The TV streaming services market may verge biggest change yet given reports HBO Apple may talking exclusive partnership would leave Netflix, Amazon every market player scrambling make similar moves grow subscription base push TV boxes sticks consumer hands. The news comes HBO puts finishing touches impending HBO Now standalone streaming service, built designed Major League Baseball Advanced Media, scheduled debut April 12. Currently HBO subscribers typically pay channel's programming service cable, telecomm satellite provider, paying either set standalone monthly fee part content bundle package. With HBO Now, however, consumers able subscribe directly HBO $15 monthly fee. Reports say Time Warner, owns HBO, aiming build network distributors push HBO Now service 10 million broadband households subscribed cable TV bundle service, 70 million cable TV subscribers HBO subscribers. Pulling Apple TV partner would huge win-win given Apple's computing ecosystem access Apple smartphone consumers. For Apple, landing HBO Now fledgling Apple TV would major coup compliment HBO Go, mobile streaming service, already available via Apple TV since 2013. HBO's subscriber price HBO Now, however, may prove sticky point entrenched competitor Netflix kept prices nearly half cost. There's also potential exhausting consumers fees given they're already laying money Web TV boxes sticks. While costs typically much less cable subscription increasing number standalone services could prove confusing ultimately expensive point. It's clear, however, HBO believes HBO Now cost appropriate change reported pricing $15 month. "It's premium product, priced accordingly," HBO CEO Richard Plepler said earnings call last month. Obviously Time Warner shareholders like idea HBO Apple partnering shares rallied end day Wednesday reports though ultimately ended flat. At point HBO providing details regarding Apple partnership report, Apple declined comment. "We know there's great anticipation around standalone streaming service," HBO spokesman said statement. "And details share, so." Another compelling aspect Apple striving sole HBO Now partner fact HBO produces "Games Thrones," one popular streaming content programs date. The arrival HBO Now expected debut fifth season's premiere. Yet streaming content competitors' programs pulling strong viewer support well. Netflix's "House Cards" series extremely popular Amazon's original content program, "Transparent," Emmy award.
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times
In new video, ISIS shows American-made weapons says intended Kurds actually air dropped territory control. At least one bundle U.S. weapons airdropped Syria appears fallen hands ISIS, dangerous misfire American mission speed aid Kurdish forces making stand Kobani. An ISIS-associated YouTube account posted new video online Tuesday entitled, “Weapons munitions dropped American planes landed areas controlled Islamic State Kobani.” The video also posted Twitter account “a3maq news,” acts unofficial media arm ISIS. The outfit previously posted videos ISIS fighters firing American made Howitzer cannons seizing marijuana fields Syria. ISIS broadly advertised acquisition broad range U.S.-made weapons rampage across Iraq. ISIS videos showed fighters driving U.S. tanks, MRAPs, Humvees. There unconfirmed reports ISIS stolen three fighter planes Iraqi bases conquered. The authenticity latest video could independently confirmed, ISIS fighters video possession rich bounty American hand grenades, rounds small rockets, supplies surely turn around use Kurdish forces fighting around Turkish border city. On Monday, White House Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes said U.S. government confident emergency airdropped supplies Kurdish forces near Kobani falling right hands. “We feel confident that, air drop support Kobani… we’ve able hit target terms reaching people want reach,” Rhodes told CNN. “What I assure people that, delivering aid now, focus people want receive assistance. Those civilians need. Those forces we’re aligned fight ISIL [the government’s preferred acronym ISIS], take precautions make sure it’s falling wrong hands.” Rhodes responding questions Monday report The Daily Beast U.S. humanitarian aid flowing ISIS controlled areas near Kobani truck. That aid mostly food medical supplies, kind lethal weapons new ISIS video. Senior administration officials said Sunday three American planes dropped total 27 bundles near Kobani U.S. air drops could come part joint U.S.-Iraqi effort aid Kurdish fighters Kobani area. The supplies provided Kurdish authorities, official said. In new footage, weapons appear U.S. made. There also least 135 air strikes ISIS area, according State Department. The airstrikes air drops appear impact. The Daily Beast’s Jamie Dettmer, reporting Syrian border, said morale Kobani shifted last 24 hours. But ISIS continues hold major swaths territory around Kobani, despite widespread media reports contrary. And civilians suffering, badly. “I think represents President recognizes going long-term campaign ISIL; need look whatever opportunity find degrade enemy support fighting ISIL ground,” senior administration official told reporters.
Pentagon: Airstrike killed terror leader in Somalia
Ahmed Abdi Godane — leader al Shabab, Islamic militant organization behind siege mall Kenya last year — killed U.S. military strike earlier week, al Shabab source told NBC News Friday. The Pentagon confirmed death later day. “Removing Godane battlefield major symbolic operational loss al Shabab,” said Rear Adm. John Kirby, Pentagon spokesman. “The United States works coordination friends, allies partners counter regional global threats posed violent extremist organizations.” A U.S. security official also told NBC News earlier week Shabab killed strike Monday. U.S. officials said publicly strike Godane targeted, sure whether dead. The al Shabab source told NBC News Godane among 11 militants killed. Also killed operations leader, financial official military strategist organization, source said. “It’s big win,” U.S. security official said. “He operationally savvy ideologically driven, aspirations charts.” The official said nine Hellfire missiles one 500-pound guided bomb used strike. The Reuters news agency reported Friday Somali prime minister confirmed death Facebook, Reuters later withdrew report. A Somali government spokesman told Reuters government yet commented whether Godane dead. The siege last September Westgate Mall Nairobi left 67 people dead 200 injured. The United States 2012 offered $7 million reward arrest. Godane took leadership al Shabab predecessor killed American airstrike 2008.
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting
Editors' note: There images post readers may find distressing. Islamic State militants Tuesday released video purported show beheading James Foley, American freelance journalist missing since kidnapped Syria November 2012. The authenticity video could immediately verified. When contacted Mashable, NSC spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said, “We seen video purports murder U.S. citizen James Foley ISIL. The intelligence community working quickly possible determine authenticity. If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends. We provide information available.” James Foley Aleppo, Syria, November 2012. Image: Nicole Tung The video opens clip President Barack Obama's remarks announcing launch airstrikes Islamic State positions near Erbil northern Iraq. A black screen shows text, "A message America," Foley appears kneeling desert landscape, wearing orange jumpsuit microphone attached. A hooded man wearing all-black clothes tan military boots standing behind gun leather holster. "I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacent criminality," Foley says, among things, remarks seemingly prepared captors. The video switches man black, holding serrated knife. "This James Wright Foley — American citizen country," man says British-accented English. "As government, forefront aggression towards Islamic State.... Effectively, aggression towards Islamic State aggression towards Muslims walks life accepted Islamic Caliphate leadership. So attempt you, Obama, deny safety Muslims living safety Islamic Caliphate result bloodshed people." The man beheads Foley, using knife video fades black. After shot Foley's lifeless body decapitated head, video switches executioner standing behind another man orange jumpsuit, identified text screen Steven Joel Sotloff. "The life American prisoner, Obama, depends next decision." Sotloff, American freelance journalist working Time magazine among publications, kidnapped near Syrian-Turkish border Aug. 4, 2013. The video goes black. The video first reported Zaid Benjamin, reporter Arabic-language Radio Sawa, said came Furqan Media, official outlet Islamic State. (Twitter suspended — reinstated — account.) The video appeared surface first Twitter account @mujahid4life, belonging someone described Twitter bio 19 years old, "anti-democracy. Loyal Caliphate. Harsh kuffar. #Revert" It take long people worked Foley began reacting Twitter. I w/ James Foley Aleppo, August 2012 day #Selahaddin. Syrian opposition members adoring him. He kind, brave man — ilhan tanir (@WashingtonPoint) August 19, 2014 My thoughts James Foley’s family. No matter faced, unfailingly kind, generous, warm. A wonderful soul. — Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) August 19, 2014 There also anger Twitter YouTube immediately take video. It's lucky video unlicensed Katy Perry song soundtrack would've deleted YouTube seconds. — Tom Gara (@tomgara) August 19, 2014 However, within hour first report beheading, video taken down. Images video below, showing Foley execution Sotloff threatened: Shortly clip appeared web, journalists observers watch region began tweeting hashtag — #ISISmediaBlackout — pledging stop sharing Islamic State propaganda. "You know I think? And I know crazy sounds, need #ISISmediaBlackout. Amputate reach. Pour water flame," said Tumblr blogger known LibyaLiberty Twitter appeared first mention hashtag. "From out, I share photo video violence intentionally recorded & released ISIS propaganda," tweeted. Many others, promptly, joined pledge. A statement group called Free James Foley said: "We know many looking confirmation answers. Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers." Post Free James Foley. Foley's parents appeared Today show last year, pleading release. UPDATED 8:28 p.m. ET: GlobalPost CEO Philip Balboni released statement Tuesday video purportedly shows beheading journalist James Foley. "On behalf John Diane Foley, also GlobalPost, deeply appreciate messages sympathy support poured since news Jim’s possible execution first broke. We informed FBI process evaluating video posted Islamic State determine authentic," Balboni said. “Although GlobalPost’s investigation one point led us believe James held Syrian government, later given strong reason believe held Islamic rebels Syria," added. "We withheld information request family advice authorities cooperating effort protect Jim. GlobalPost, working private security company, amassed enormous amount information made public.” Foley reported Syria GlobalPost freelancer. Have something add story? Share comments.
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider burrowing under vacationer's skin
Kim Jong-Un ankle surgery recovering estate north Pyongyang.
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming
A hallucinogenic fungi found growing Queen’s garden Buckingham Palace discovered gardening expert Alan Titchmarsh. The television presenter unearthed fungi Buckingham Palace ITV gardening show called The Queen’s Garden, said: “I won’t eating that.” Titchmarsh came across red white spotted toadstool — called Amanita muscaria, fly agaric — tour private 40-acre plot ecology expert Professor Mick Crawley. Titchmarsh, 65, asks ITV show screened Christmas Day: “Is edible?” Professor Crawley replies: “That depends mean. It’s eaten cultures hallucinogenic affects. But also makes people eat sick. “The old-fashioned thing feed village idiot, drink urine get high without sickness.” Titchmarsh jokingly replies: “I think I’ll forgo stick normal mushrooms.” Then adds: “Not something try home.” Later told The Sun newspaper: “That surprise shows varied species are. I won’t eating that, though, no. My idea hard drugs Nurofen.” On new TV show, Titchmarsh explains gardeners actively encourage mushrooms toadstools. He says: “Every time chop something down, leave wood rot.” Magic mushroom slang term hallucinogenic fungus. The common, illegal form contains drug psilocybin, suggestion grows Palace garden. Last night Palace spokesman told Sun: “For avoidance doubt, fungi garden used Palace kitchens.” The new programme show viewers entire year life Buckingham Palace garden, summer garden parties nocturnal wanderings wildlife heart London. It demonstrate gardeners work tirelessly maintain Queen’s flowers, bearing mind wish see animals insects made welcome gardens, swapping pesticides homemade garlic treatments. Titchmarsh explore bee hives, homes insects deposits Royal mews help cultivate gardens Buckingham Palace, top tips gardeners giving insight Queen’s tastes. The programme, broadcast ITV Christmas Day, also show garden used royal family generations, king planted mulberry trees rival French young Princesses Elizabeth Margaret climbing peer high garden walls. A sandpit used royal children filmed, along oak trees planted decades ago young Prince Wales Princess Royal, grown acorns sown event birth. Titchmarsh, spent 12 months exploring Palace garden changed seasons, seen finishing calendar year Christmas tree mounted Marble Hall, decorated holly mistletoe royal garden festooned festive golden crowns.
It sure looks like Weather Channel meteorologist Mike Seidel relieving Lester Holt threw coverage storms North Carolina. What else could doing?
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State terrorists
A "propaganda video" released ISIS set range international responses.
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia
Fidel Castro pronounced dead Twitter sometime around 3:59 p.m. Thursday. It unconfirmed rumor, course, announced confidently many folks assumed true — least worthy retweet. Then separate rumors started Raul Castro calling press conference 9 a.m. 11 a.m. today, allegedly announce brother’s death. As South America’s Twittersphere caught fire, started questioning whether users feed even talking right Fidel Castro. After all, Al Jazeera reported Jan. 4 Fidel Castro Odinga, son Kenya’s main opposition leader, died Nairobi last weekend night drinking friends. Could Twitter users confusing dead Kenyan man Cuban namesake? Twitter heatmap shows mention “Fidel Castro” 10 a.m. Thursday- 8 a.m today (GMT). An overly excited Wikipedian edited entry Cuba’s Fidel Castro say “this article person recently died.” Moments later, Castro’s Wikipedia entry reverted back undead version. By 8 p.m., media outlets around Latin America reporting “strong rumors” Castro’s death alleged forthcoming announcement Cuban officials. But island, folks accustomed rumors Castro’s death, situation seemed less urgent. Journalists Havana said aware rumors, weren’t finding echo streets Cuba. It’s true Castro hasn’t seen public year, rumors death — Mark Twain might said — appeared greatly exaggerated. As journalists turned answers, Cuba watchers tuned state television.When Castro dies, that’s announced unequivocally.
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake
Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief Vogue magazine allegedly displeased publications's new 1 World Trade Center offices. Their new workplace 25th 26th floors building said infested rats vermins. Moving new offices may postponed pests cleared away. Reportedly, new 1 WTC offices Vogue magazine swarmed rodents. Editor-in-child, Anna Wintour, said naturally disgusted would step foot new offices rodents removed. The report details influential editor-in-chief already asked staffers clean office ever set foot there. Fortunately, Anna Wintour yet expected work new offices 2015. A Vogue employee told Gawker last Friday afternoon pests cannot tolerated work purposes. Moreover, many rodents vermins scuttling around, editorial department high-caliber magazine might delay move old Times Square offices. The sales marketing departments already moved in. The employee added even though may sound laughable, company facing serious concern creatures removed. The employee explains possibility creatures could nibble clothing office. This rat infestation problem remarkable considering excited company seems moving new posh premises. Before report, Vogue posted move special online story. The company also steadily showing pictures videos new offices, even Anna Wintour's Instagram. Page Six reports everyone sympathetic towards company. "Security even stop BASE jumpers ­entering building leaping top. You think could stop rats?" commenter named "4npower" said. Another commenter, "Lady­Amanita," claimed report nothing short exaggeration staff might confused mice rats. "Rats probably want live 25th 26th floors high-rise." To contact editor, e-mail: editor@ibtimes.com
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage
BEIRUT: A statement attributed Islamic State group claimed American female hostage killed Jordanian airstrike Friday outskirts northern Syrian city Raqqa, extremist group's main stronghold. The statement identified woman Kayla Jean Mueller said killed Muslim prayers - usually take place around midday Fridays - airstrikes targeted "the location hour." No Islamic State militants killed airstrikes, statement claimed. It published photos allegedly bombed site, showing severely damaged brown colored three-story building - images woman. American officials said looking report, White House said immediate comment. There also immediate comment Jordanian government. The IS statement could independently verified. It appeared militant website commonly used IS also distributed IS-affiliated Twitter users. Mueller, Prescott, Arizona, working Turkey assisting Syrian refugees, according 2013 article The Daily Courier, hometown newspaper. The 26-year-old told paper drawn help situation Syria. "For long I live, I let suffering normal," said. "It's important stop realize have, privileged are. And place, start caring get lot done." According local paper, Mueller working humanitarian aid agency Support Life, well local NGO helped female Syrian refugees develop skills. A 2007 article Mueller local newspaper said student Northern Arizona University active Save Darfur Coalition. On Sunday, President Barack Obama said U.S. "deploying assets can" find Mueller. "We close contact family trying keep updated," said interview NBC's Today Show. "Obviously something heart-breaking family want make sure anything make sure American citizen rescued situation." Her identity disclosed fears safety. If death confirmed, would fourth American die captivity Islamic State militants. Three Americans, journalists James Foley Steven Sotloff aid worker Peter Kassig beheaded group. Jordan, part U.S.-led coalition bombing Islamic State group targets Syria, stepped attacks IS announced killed captive Jordanian pilot. The Syrian government said Thursday dozens Jordanian fighter jets bombed Islamic State training centers weapons storage sites. It say attacks occurred. There word Jordanian government whether planes struck Raqqa Friday. But activists monitor Syrian conflict inside country said U.S.-led coalition planes hit several targets edges outskirts Raqqa, quick succession Friday.
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains
SAN SEVERINO - Go hospital accusing terrible stomach ache comes clutching arms pretty baby. It would story happy ending, birth like many, one comes lanes department obstetrics gynecology "Bartolomeo Eustachio" San Severino Marche fact protagonist race hospital time new mother nun sworn, years ago, chastity Lord eternal fidelity. She arrived hospital, accompanied sisters, emergency room. Exactly complained stomach pains ultrasound revealed mystery doctor duty invited nun sisters immediately take road department obstetrics without moment embarrassment. Amniotic sac broke team immediately action deliver nun. In story, course, little known even took nothing go around country come dall'ovattato silence ensured medical nursing staff witnessed happy event also that, religious case, convent would seem even cloistered monastery area (in San Severino two, monastery St. Catherine St. Clare, area Catsello). Nothing leaked, course, identity religious, physical features infant. Mystery whether resembles mother rather father. And ask born boy girl lane embarrassments palpable. We know mother unborn child, original state South America, would arrive Macerata time would find accommodation, perhaps refuge cloistered province. It also hard say whether sister less confessed sin, venial, superior. We know, however, religious would come first emergency room, later would bring ward, accompanied sisters who, even miracle, entrusted prayer Lord meantime come light. The entrance acceptance took place Sunday was, however, great day celebration arrival new life. So, really embarrassed general, followed team performed childbirth exciting phases accompanied same. No flowers entrance bedroom days ensured anonymity new mother , however, seems decided keep small maybe transferred elsewhere, probably family home. Certainly Sunday nun would left unattended, I would tell religious shared cloistered recent months. And certainly structure housed it, nun could hardly contact outside world. Although ways Lord, know, really endless. Not surprised, months ago, news birth another sister, time Congolese. The child came light first given pair Tolentino taken adoptive parents unexpected unexpected measure Supreme Court finally entrusted halfway house. In case natural mother abandoned little girl, birth . The child two half years grown two new parents view subtract.
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years
Nicaraguan officials say meteorite gouged crater near nation's capital city weekend, scientists sure. A committee formed Nicaraguan government determined new, 39-foot-wide (12 meters) crater found near capital Managua's international airport blasted space rock strike Saturday night (Sept. 6), Associated Press reported. Some Managua residents reported hearing loud boom Saturday, would consistent meteorite impact. But details warrant healthy dose skepticism, said Bill Cooke, head Meteoroid Environment Office NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama. [Nicaraguan Crater Possibly Caused Meteorite (Video)] "Something produced crater big also produced incredibly bright fireball night sky," Cooke said. "And one reports fireball, even though near midnight scattered clouds." Further, Managua big city, lots potential witnesses night-sky sight. People saw bright fireball last time Cooke recall meteorite blasting crater Earth, September 2007 near Peruvian village Carancas — impact occurred broad daylight. A meteorite strike would also likely leave blackened fragments impacting body behind evidence, Cooke meteor expert Peter Jenniskens said. "If crater anything meteoroid impact, I would expect meteorites found around crater," Jenniskens, Search Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute Mountain View, California, told Space.com via email. No pieces reported, none visible photos crater, Cooke said. "So I'm kind skeptical meteoritic origin crater," said. If space rock indeed carve Nicaraguan crater, meteorite likely relatively small — 3 feet (1 m) wide made iron, somewhat larger composed rocky material, Cooke added. Some Nicaraguan officials speculated purported meteorite may piece asteroid 2014 RC, flew Earth Sunday (Sept. 7), AP reported. But case, experts said. "For wondering, event Nicaragua (poss meteorite?) unrelated asteroid 2014 RC. Different timing, different directions," NASA officials wrote today (Sept. 8) via @AsteroidWatchTwitter account, run space agency's Near-Earth Object Office Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, California.
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of terror attacks on 9/11
A man genitals chopped thrown street angry mob India allegedly sexually assaulting young woman. It happened Ganganagar north-western state Rajasthan, graphic scenes captured video. According local authorities, extreme action response high-profile incidences sexual attacks India. World-wide condemnation greeted gang-rape student bus two years ago, shook image country. Alleged attacker Suresh Kumar, 40, molested teenager street, screams help alerted crowd came aid. Kumar dragged nearby butcher's shop beaten heavily sticks nearly hour, according reports. Vigilantes hacked genitals meat cleaver, throwing street. The incident left Kumar critical condition. A reported witness said action intended send message sexual assault tolerated. Aamir Dhawan, 30, said: "We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hung, molested, time stopped. "This sends strong message anyone like - punished." A police spokesman, called attackers hand in, said: "As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice." Related2015 UN Millennium Development Goals: Brazil Hits Target But Others Failing Poverty EducationIndia: Girl Burned Alive For Refusing Stop Using Mobile PhoneIndia: Consider Husband Son Under Sharia, Clerics Tell Woman Raped Father-in-LawIndia: Girl Raped Killed Defending Father BeatingIndia Independence Day Speech: PM Narendra Modi Says 'Our Heads Hang Shame' Over RapesOver Half Indian Children Have Faced Sexual AbuseIndia: Fashion Shoot Depicting 2012 Delhi Gang Rape Murder Sparks Global Outrage
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fabricated Shite
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un could opening restaurant Scotland serving national favorites dog menu, experts said. "The Scottish independence referendum catapulted Scotland North Korean elite's thoughts," Michael Madden, editor North Korea Leadership Watch blog, told Edinburgh Evening News. "Despite voting 'No' they'd consider left-leaning Scotland suitable deal England. Plus, North Koreans love whisky. Tourists North Korea told tip people Scotch instead currency." The report comes months Scots voted remain part U.K. independence referendum. North Korea backed calls Scottish Independence, historic moment could behind controversial leader's potential move locate next "Pyongyang" restaurant branch Scotland. The North Korean embassy London declined comment. The Scottish government said looking report. The regime – accused severe human rights abuses United Nations – opened first branches Pyongyang near border China 1990s. Kim Jong Un's restaurant expansion plans saw branch open Amsterdam 2012. This eventually closed reopened name Haedanghwa. Pyongyang restaurants known lavish expensive experience. Traditional Korean music entertainment often takes place. Jim Hoare, Korea expert School Oriental African Studies (SOAS) London, visited restaurants Asia. He said main aim raise money profile regime abroad. North Korea seen notoriously closed outside world reputation took battering end last year U.S. officials blamed Kim Jong Un's regime unprecedented hacking Sony Pictures Entertainment. The move Scotland could drum support North Korea, despite Kim Jong Un's love cheese whisky, Hoare surprised choice location. "Scottish food conservative idea taking Korean food…I can't think obvious place go," Hoard said. "This type restaurant aimed Korean community aimed rich foreigners might want spend money, may suited London."
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative
Iraq’s Interior Ministry said Wednesday woman detained Lebanese authorities wife Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sister man convicted bombings southern Iraq. “The one detained Lebanese authorities Saja Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, sister Omar Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi detained authorities sentenced death participation ... explosions,” ministry spokesman Brigadier General Saad Maan told Reuters. “The wives terrorist al-Baghdadi Asmaa Fawzi Mohammed al-Dulaimi Esraa Rajab Mahel al-Qaisi, wife name Saja al-Dulaimi,” said. Maan said Saja Dulaimi fled Syria detainees authorities. She part group female detainees freed exchange release group nuns captured Islamist rebels Syria, said. Security officials Lebanon said Tuesday Lebanese army detained wife daughter Baghdadi’s crossed Syria late last month. They detained northern Lebanon woman found fake passport, officials said. Investigators questioning Lebanese Defense Ministry.
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau
Tiger Woods golfing. He's taking time rest, heal, work game. But according one dude probably know anything, coverup, Woods actually serving secret Tour suspension failed drug test. Today, PGA Tour Woods's agent flatly deny claim. The drug-test rumor came occasional pro golfer Dan Olsen, made Lansing, Mich., sports talk radio show Friday morning. Who hell Dan Olsen? Good question! He played single full season Tour 2004, played PGA event since 2011, mostly caddies gives lessons. But say: "I've heard he's suspended. I heard he's month's suspension. And not, kind strong witness. It's credible person that's telling this. It's testosterone, something else. I think said done, he's gonna surpass Lance Armstrong infamy." That's strong allegation make, Olsen better able back up. (He's not, bit.) Today, PGA Tour said horseshit. "There truth whatsoever claims. We categorically deny allegations," said Ty Votaw, executive vice president PGA Tour. Woods's agent, too: "These claims absolutely, unequivocally completely false," agent Mark Steinberg said. "They unsourced, unverified completely ridiculous." Olsen walking back everything said, telling ESPN.com Friday comments "only opinion based first-hand knowledge facts." Which claim relies pretty loose definition word "opinion." Olsen went say "I'll looked crazy fucking nobody making accusations Tiger," might first true thing he's said four days.
Amazon to launch first brick-and-mortar store, report says
If North Korea's Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, running Hermit Kingdom, is? That presumes, course, 30-something leader run serious health problems, physical political, one yet knows sure -- remained public view five weeks. But opaque world North Korean politics, that's enough start serious guessing game. While North Korean officials quietly let word filter week Kim fine injured ankle, quelled speculation might grasp reins power slip -- slipped -- chubby hands. There handful possible pretenders throne, perhaps intriguing 27-year-old Kim Yo Jong, wields ultimate trump card youngest daughter late departed leader Kim Jong Il granddaughter founder country, Kim Il Sung. A think-tank operated North Korean defectors, North Korea Intellectuals' Solidarity, says may directing government, least temporarily. As top figures North Korea, particularly members Kim family, little known Kim Yo Jong, much compilation snippets information. One extensive bios comes Michael Madden, runs blog North Korea Leadership Watch. He says Kim Yo Jong identified North Korean media deputy director Workers' Party Korea, powerful position indeed. It first explicit mention state media report senior party official -- sign ascension. Madden also says works aide brother, Kim Jong-un -- something chief staff -- running public events, itineraries logistical needs. In addition, ties Guard Command Ministry State Security. Her biggest foray West came child attended elementary school Berne, Switzerland 1996 2000, using name "Kim Yo'ng Sun" living North Korean Embassy. Her brother, Supreme Leader, also studying nearby. Madden says photos child captured home video parents school. Kim Yo Jong made periodic appearances public, notably December 2011 various events held deceased father, Kim Jong Il. She also shown North Korean media background brother visits hospitals children's camps, seen sitting elite arm chair section reserved high officials, though second row, concert attended brother. Madden also says believes played large role planning Hwang's recent trip South Korea, raising speculation powerful figures upper hand pulling off. "She one people [North Korea] know unfettered direct access (Kim Jong Un)," Madden tells Global Post. "At present time I would surprised sole gatekeeper." Victor Cha, analyst Center Strategic International Studies handled North Korea portfolio National Security Council, tells CNN Kim Yo Jong, age 27, fact running country "it means something seriously wrong Kim Jong Un sort void they're desperately trying fill." Among already wielding power Hwang Pyong So, moved quickly Kim Jong Un vice marshall Korean People's Army new chief General Political Bureau KPA. Most important, vice-director Organization Guidance Department Workers Party Korea, post finalizes appointments within North Korea's leadership. Hwang's rapid rise makes chief beneficiary series recent high-level military purges, including arrest execution Supreme Leader's uncle, Jang Song Theak, four-star general. Last weekend, Hwang, believed around 65 years old, led North Korean delegation surprise visit South Korea, ostensibly visit Asian Games, North Korean athletes participating. The delegation reportedly gave South Koreans one day's notice. Hwang, decked high-peaked cap, also held closed-door talks top South Korean officials agreed restart long-stalled peace talks two countries, still technically war. Hwang's position atop military structure offers considerable clout highly structured, tightly controlled North Korea makes prime contender top spot. Of course, secretive world like North Korea, powerful figures may well operate shadows. One clue pecking order, though, favorite old Cold War Kremlinologists -- seeing sits next public events. One well-placed figure, literally figuratively, Gen. O Kum Chol, shown July sitting two seats away Kim Jong-un volleyball game. As Vice Chief KPA General Staff, O Kum Chol's portfolio includes military strategy planning well relations foreign militaries. He also member central committee Workers' Party Korea deputy Supreme People's Assembly, gives considerable clout. On hand, guy sitting Kim Jong Un none Hwang Pyong So. Until Kim Jong Un's status clarified, speculation continue.
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS terrorists are running across US-Mexico border
You want gold Apple Watch, say? Then going cost you... lot. The vanilla variant Apple's newest wrist-worn wearable device costs $349. However, willing spend big cash something Apple logo it, company would willing accommodate. According analyst John Gruber, gold version upcoming device may cost much monthly salary middle-class worker United States. Gruber predicts gold Apple Watch would cost $5,000. The figure basically guess. However, uneducated one. "Most people think I'm joking I say gold ones going start $5,000. I serious," Gruber wrote blog post. "The lowest conceivable price I could see Edition models $1,999 -- gold alone, scrap metal, might fact worth that." Gruber claims Apple told gold version Apple Watch made solid 18-karat gold. It gold-plated. This caused revise guess price device. He based estimate going rate solid gold watches manufacturers. Challenging people find solid gold watch costs less $20,000, cited leaked price list Rolex 2012. Luxury watch companies set prices products; leave authorized dealers. This means products price list may ended sold higher price. In list, 18-karat gold Rolex price tag $34,250. Gruber suspects reason Apple mostly silent specs device know capabilities finished product would be. "What Apple Watch actually do? Or, rather, WatchKit allow? We know. And Apple talking, even record. One factor software (and perhaps hardware internals remain work progress). It far finished product," said. Aside gold version, Gruber also predicts stainless steel version device costs $999. It's clear whether fancier variants device would available sport version launch. Nonetheless, Apple Watch expected ship early 2015.
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION)
THE hunt find owner dog abandoned railway station belongings suitcase. Kai, male Shar-Pei crossbreed found tied railing outside Ayr station Scotland Friday. Now animal welfare charity Scottish SPCA trying find left there. The charity managed trace previous owner microchip, told sold two years ago someone details for. Scottish SPCA inspector Stewart Taylor said Kai sold classified website Gumtree. He said: "Regardless fact Kai left belongings, still cruel incident keen identify person responsible. "If anyone help would ask get touch soon possible. "Kai around two three years old lovely dog nice nature. We look find permanent loving home." The charity also said abandoning animal criminal offence. Anyone information asked contact Scottish SPCA Animal Helpline 03000 999 999.
James Foley remembered as 'brave and tireless' journalist
The Islamic State militant group claimed Tuesday beheaded American photojournalist retaliation U.S. airstrikes Iraq. A video posted YouTube, later removed, purported show execution James Foley recited statement called U.S. government “my real killers.” A second prisoner, said Steven Joel Sotloff, like Foley American journalist disappeared covering Syria’s civil war, appears video. The masked executioner, speaking English sounds like British accent, identifies Sotloff says “the life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision.” U.S. intelligence officials said still evaluating video could immediately authenticate it. A White House statement said, “We seen video purports murder U.S. citizen James Foley ISIL,” one several acronyms associated militants. “The intelligence community working quickly possible determine authenticity,” said statement National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden. “If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends. We provide information available.” President Obama briefed video aboard Air Force One returned Martha’s Vineyard vacation updated developments, White House said. “If true, murder James Foley shocking depraved,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said Twitter. His office said Wednesday cutting short family vacation returning London chair emergency meetings Iraq Syria. In interview BBC, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond acknowledged apparent executioner spoke British accent said video seemed genuine. Hundreds Britons believed traveled Syria fight country’s civil war, including many joined Islamic State. “We’re absolutely aware significant numbers British nationals involved terrible crimes, probably commission atrocities,” Hammond said. “Many people may seek point return U.K., would pose direct threat domestic security.” A European intelligence official said British government examining video, speech purported executioner, compare former Guantanamo Bay prisoners British residents believed joined Islamic State. Both prisoners video wearing orange shirts pants, similar orange jumpsuits worn detainees U.S. military prison Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. A similar outfit, believed jihadist symbol prison, worn Nicholas Berg, American businessman kidnapped Iraq 2004 whose execution Islamic State precursor organization recorded video posted online. Foley, 40, working Syria Boston-based news Web site Global­Post disappeared Thanksgiving 2012. Philip Balboni, GlobalPost’s chief executive co-founder, said statement: “On behalf John Diane Foley, also GlobalPost, deeply appreciate messages sympathy support poured since news Jim’s possible execution first broke. We informed FBI process evaluating video posted Islamic State determine authentic. Until determination, position make statement. We ask prayers Jim family.” In statement Tuesday night Facebook page dedicated freedom, Foley’s mother appeared accept video authentic. “We never prouder son Jim,” Diane Foley wrote. “He gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people. “We implore kidnappers spare lives remaining hostages. Like Jim, innocents. They control American government policy Iraq, Syria anywhere world.” Praising James Foley “an extraordinary son, brother, journalist person,” asked family’s privacy respected. Sotloff, freelancer worked several news organizations, disappeared Syria August 2013. In addition Foley Sotloff, least three Americans believed captives Syria, including Austin Tice, freelance journalist whose articles appeared McClatchy publications The Washington Post disappearance August 2012, according 2013 GlobalPost article. No one claimed holding them. According Committee Protect Journalists, least 66 journalists, 10 Syrian, killed covering Syrian war. If video authenticated, Foley would first American journalist known executed since conflict began early 2011. The video evoked 2002 taped execution Pakistan Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl al-Qaeda. The Islamic State, offshoot al-Qaeda, powerful among number extremist organizations emerged Syrian civil war, began popular uprising President Bashar al-Assad. Fighting Assad U.S.-backed rebels, militants control much eastern Syria claim established Islamic caliphate spanning Syria neighboring Iraq. As group grown, merged group formerly known al-Qaeda Iraq, leadership Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. According U.S. intelligence, numbers thousands, including foreign fighters Europe United States. In April, Islamic State fighters swept across border northern Iraq, taking city Mosul moving southward within 60 miles Baghdad. Extensive reports executions, including beheadings crucifixions, emerged areas group’s control. This month, amid reports stranded besieged Iraqi minorities threatened execution, militants advanced eastward toward Irbil, capital semiautonomous Kurdish region Iraq. On Aug. 7, Obama authorized U.S. airstrikes rescue stranded minorities protect U.S. personnel facilities Irbil Baghdad. On Monday, total 68 strikes jets, bombers drones, Obama announced Iraqi Kurdish forces, U.S. air support, retaken strategic dam north Mosul militants pushed back Irbil. Within hours announcement, Islamic State posted online message warning would attack Americans “in place” response airstrikes. “We drown blood,” said. The title video posted Tuesday “A Message America” produced Islamic State’s media arm, according Site Intelligence Group, monitors extremist Web sites. A masked man dressed black shown standing unidentified desert location beside prisoner kneeling beside hands behind back. “Obama authorized military operations Islamic State effectively placing America upon slippery slope towards new war Muslims,” masked man says. The video shows clip Obama’s Aug. 7 announcement, followed statement prisoner. “I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacent criminality,” says. He asks parents accept “any meager compensation people effectively hit last nail coffin recent aerial campaign Iraq.” The prisoner also appeals “my brother John, member U.S. Air Force,” “think doing.” “I wish I time,” says. “I wish I could hope freedom see family again, ship sailed. I guess all, I wish I wasn’t American.” The masked man identifies prisoner “James Wright Foley, American citizen country.” He reaches large knife begins apparent beheading prisoner; screen fades black next image body head placed upon chest. The masked man appears another prisoner, identified Sotloff, similar kneeling position. Foley reported dangerous recent crises imprisoned 44 days Libya 2011 forces loyal deposed leader Moammar Gaddafi. According Global­Post, two eyewitnesses saw interception group armed men silver-colored van road near town Taftanaz northern Syria Nov. 22, 2012. Since then, Global­Post “has mounted extensive international investigation . . . determine kidnapped Foley held,” Global­Post said article Web site late Tuesday. Julie Tate, Greg Miller Dan Lamothe Washington, Griff Witte London Souad Mekhennet Frankfurt, Germany, contributed report.
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group
Armies always vulnerable epidemic disease. And Middle East, history may repeating itself. There reports: … Islamic State militants Mosul contracted Ebola And: World Health Organization officials said confirmed cases, organization reached offer assistance. If disease, spreading epidemic fashion Mosul may necessarily Ebola since: … Ebola symptoms — nausea vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding bruising — also similar associated number diseases, including malaria, Lassa fever, yellow fever viruses Marburg virus. Also, confirmed Ebola cases recent outbreak originated West Africa. Whatever situation, ISIS pressed deal since: Over past weeks, militants affiliated ISIS executed dozen doctors Mosul, according Benjamin T. Decker, intelligence analyst Levantine Group, Middle East-based geopolitical risk research consultancy.
Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says
Stories coming Managua, Nicaragua, large bang heard residents Saturday evening, registered seismic detectors well. A crater found woods measuring something like 12 meters (40 feet) across. Claims made meteorite impact, space rock meter across slamming ground high speed. Phil Plait writes Slate’s Bad Astronomy blog astronomer, public speaker, science evangelizer, author Death From Skies! … I’m unconvinced. Reports still bit sketchy, biggest doubts come two parts: 1) In city two million people, you’d expect fireball around midnight would’ve seen lot people. I haven’t heard confirmed reports witnesses. Also, I haven’t seen video either. The situation Chelyabinsk 2013 different, course, video event showed hour two. I’d expect two days we’d visual evidence Managua now. Note: I’ve already seen video YouTube claiming fireball, it’s not; it’s bright meteor came Spain. Don’t fooled hoaxes! There always lots something like happens. The picture top post appears lot hoaxes; fireball Netherlands 2009. b) No meteorite yet found. If impact, debris crater, least microscopic scale. I haven’t heard analysis soil look fragments, either. I saying meteorite impact. I saying evidence I’ve seen far leaves pretty unconvinced. I’ll note happened near Air Force base, too, makes little suspicious. So skeptic sense tingling here, won’t assuaged get much better evidence reported far. I’ll add places reporting may connected asteroid 2014 RC, passed Earth Sunday. Although near miss (2014 RC got less 40,000 km Earth) I very, doubtful connection. The asteroid passed 18:00 UTC Sunday, noon Nicaragua time: 12 hours whatever happened Managua. It’s incredibly unlikely small piece asteroid far ahead main mass still managed hit us. The asteroid moving 40,000 kilometers per hour, still farther away Moon event occurred. Bottom line: This may may impact meteorite. At moment, based I’ve seen far, I’d bet it… I’ve wrong before. Until I see confirmed video actual confirmed meteorite fragments I’ll remain doubtful.
Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba
Last year, Vine President Obama’s trip Israel showed ridiculously large motorcade grow. Assuming still really show Russian President Vladimir Putin’s motorcade, might large escort, something bit suggestive formation. Please, sort language isn’t necessary. Besides, it’s obviously rocket.
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air
Zack Snyder recently unveiled official photo Batmobile "Batman v Superman: Dawn Justice." But immediately came word one Batmobiles stolen. Nobody surprised since production going Detroit, city highest crime rate. Warner Bros never confirmed report still unclear whether vehicle ever stolen. But Snyder took Twitter make light situation, posting photo Gotham City police recovering Batmobile arresting individual responsible. "Case closed," wrote. Meanwhile, also video Batmobile taken spin. This one many videos there. Some others show second car camera roof recording Batmobile motion. Check everything below.
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video)
A Kansas City apartment building 3600 block East Meyer Boulevard sealed person lives sick something may contagious, source close KCTV5 News says. (KCTV) A Kansas City TV station, KCTV-5 reported Saturday night someone quarantined Rockhill Research Hospital (Research Medical Center), according sister station Wichita, KWCH. A source Kansas City confirmed story Gateway Pundit added details. A Nigerian woman taken hospital high fever Ebola like symptoms. Her apartment building quarantined, though may lifted later. The source added Nigerian woman initially tested negative Ebola released (or set released) called back hospital. The source said parts hospital may quarantined hospital confirming anything. The CDC reportedly way, according source.
Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy
So shocking! A cloistered South American nun gave birth baby boy Italy complaining mother superior sisters severe stomach pains. The nun apparently “no idea” pregnant gave birth Bartolomeo Eustachio Hospital San Severino, Italy. Pregnant Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy In Italy What strange story. The unnamed South American woman, belonged order nuns Macerata, Italy, said wasn’t aware pregnant giving birth, according UK’s Daily Mail. Her fellow sisters ones rushed emergency department nearby hospital. The sister believed impregnated arrived Italian convent June 2014. Italy's Singing Nun 'Like Virgin' AP Are shocked nun's story? Yes No Vote View ResultsPolldaddy.com The sisters say interested taking care baby nun wish keep it, according report Italian newspaper L’Unione Sarda. A Salvadorean Nun Gave Birth To A Baby Boy In Italy In 2014 Surprisingly, isn’t first time something like happened. In fact, 2014, 33-year-old Salvadorean nun living Italy gave birth baby boy. It seemed like meant though sister said time couldn’t happier unexpected bundle joy. “I happy,” said child, named Pope Francis. “He gift God. I feel mother nun.” So HollywoodLifers, YOU think story? Should nun keep baby? Share thoughts comments section below. – Tierney McAfee
‘Little old lady’ Arrested for Making Fur Coats with Neighbor’s Cats
There’s getting caught short guy. Weather forecaster Mike Seidel obviously thought enough time answer quick call nature, clearly wrong. In video uploaded YouTube Kris Tatum, NBC Nightly news reader Lester Holt cuts Seidel ready forecast. Holt says: ‘Let’s bring Weather Channel meteorologist Mike Seidel he’s Sugar Mountain, North Carolina. Hi Mike.’ But awkward pause Seidel eventually says ‘Why?’ Holt adds: ‘Well, obviously Mike’s ready us.’
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site
Barack Michelle Obama Riyadh today meet Saudi Arabia's new ruler, King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. Footage king receiving U.S. delegation aired Saudi TV, several western commentators noticed something strange footage made YouTube: There's big ol' ovoid blur Michelle Obama be. MSNBC's Chris Hayes one first spread story Saudi TV blurred Michelle picture, borrowing coinage "blurka" describe apparent censorship First Lady's exposed hair. He take back shortly afterward, though, (as Ben Dreyfuss Mother Jones several Saudi TV viewers Twitter pointed out) story complete bullshit. As much people like wacky British conservative former member parliament Louise Mensch (no fan Saudi Arabia) loved #blurka story, based false assumption TV station added blur. Saudi pigs, enslavers women, blur face @MichelleObama @BarackObama fawns them, https://t.co/EiNbOn4aaH — Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) January 27, 2015 Actually, footage Michelle Obama aired uncensored Saudi Arabia: The blur added fact person uploaded YouTube. Previous videos posted account censored fashion. R.I.P. Blurghazi, 2015-2015. Here Chris Hayes short, poignant, remembrance: [h/t Mother Jones]
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport
FORT DEVENS, Massachusetts - Infamous Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, victim “unfortunate accident” yesterday Ft. Devens Detention Center Massachusetts, weeks high-profile trial began, according warden Paul Jacobson. Corrections officers reportedly found alleged terror suspect face pool blood cell; banana peel found floor nearby. “It initially appeared though Tsarnaev slipped discarded banana peel hit floor force head bounced hard tile surface, probably 16 17 times. There blood everywhere – walls, floor, even toilet. The injuries caused massive brain trauma,” said prison investigator Joe Goldsmith. “We determined though, expert analysis, would impossible injuries occurred fall. Our investigation shown Aryan Brotherhood initiated attack Tsarnaev.” “Yes, brotherhood took care bomber,” said Miles Smith, head Aryan Nation inside Devens. “The gangs, wanted him, too. We paid guards money shot. They stood aside, let us do. On way out, shook hands, told us ‘Thank you.’ Well, You’re welcome. You’re welcome, Boston. You’re welcome, America!” “Normally, attack violent, cruel, another inmate would get offending party time added sentence,” said warden Jacobson. “Because nature Tsarnaev’s crimes, though, decided actually reduce sentences Aryan members involved. They done prison country great service, appreciate immensely. They heroes eyes institution, also eyes people Commonwealth Massachusetts.” Dzhokhar Tsarnaev older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev suspected perpetrating Boston Marathon bombings April 15, 2013. The bombings killed three people reportedly injured many 264 others. Shortly FBI named two suspects released images them, two brothers reportedly killed MIT police officer carjacked SUV shootout police. During shootout, elder brother, Tamerlan captured killed brother drove SUV. On evening April 20, 2013, wounded Dzhokhar found unarmed hiding boat trailer Watertown, Massachusetts. On January 30, 2014, United States Attorney General Eric Holder announced federal government would seek death penalty Tsarnaev. The trial begun January 5, 2015, Tsarnaev pleaded guilty thirty charges filed him.
These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)
Over weekend, Reddit user fryd_ posted letter Lego included boxes toy building bricks 1970s. Addressed parents, note message gender equality gendered children's products many toy companies today still seem understand. The letter reads: To Parents. The urge create equally strong children. Boys girls. It’s imagination counts. Not skill. You build whatever comes head, way want it. A bed truck. A dolls house spaceship. A lot boys like dolls houses. They’re human spaceships. A lot girls prefer spaceships. They’re exciting dolls houses. The important thing put right material hands let create whatever appeals them. The Reddit user told Buzzfeed found note playing Legos niece nephew grandmother's house. "It struck particularly modern message something written 40 years ago," said, adding, "I thought toy-makers today could learn thing two!" This letter's message consistent gender-neutral Lego ad 1981 made Internet rounds back February. The creator ad, Judy Lotas, told The Huffington Post, "Boys girls different, exclusion wanting create build. That’s gender issue." Hear, hear! H/T Buzzfeed @media screen (min-width : 500px) {.ethanmobile { display: none; }} Like Us On Facebook | Follow Us On Twitter | Contact HuffPost Parents
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ Abrams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?
Two nation’s leading experts use deadly force police warning overreaction audio recording purportedly captures sound gunshots killed Michael Brown. The newly surfaced recording, publicly verified investigators, first broadcast CNN. On 12-second clip, possible hear series appears quick pops, followed brief pause another succession rapid shots. St. Louis attorney Lopa Blumenthal client, wishes remain anonymous public, took recording FBI Monday. Blumenthal says counted 11 shots fired. “There's pause, gave pause, I first saw it,” Blumenthal told Yahoo News. “It pause time think deliberate. That mean I'm saying helps one side other. But I know 12-second tape, eight seconds shooting, three-second delay significant period time.” Ron Martinelli Michael Levine, longtime criminal justice consultants, told Yahoo News audio needs authenticated considered evidence importance evaluated. “Pauses may may anything tremendous significance,” said Martinelli, retired officer criminologist specializing police practices. “The answer is: It depends. In end, forensic reconciliation statements forensic facts evidence.” Levine, retired DEA agent law enforcement trainer, said anyone willing put value recording corroborated discrediting themselves. “If gave opinion witness stand, would chewed spit defense attorney, even defense attorney got degree Sears & Roebuck School Law,” Levine said. Blumenthal told Yahoo News qualms bringing recording forward. “There's bad evidence, there's evidence,” Blumenthal said. “It take sides. It helps lead going discover truth. Every little bit helps.” The potential new discovery comes light two weeks Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Brown, unarmed 18-year-old, broad daylight middle residential street. The audio unwittingly captured man taping online web chat inside apartment near shooting scene. On recording, unidentified Ferguson resident heard complimenting friend’s looks video chat, two bursts loud pops erupt background. Blumenthal said client heard noise, paid attention gunshots common neighborhood. The unidenitifed man, said, persuaded come forward. “Even I talked it, dubious type value,” Blumenthal said. “My client I seeking publicity attention all. There's motivation say not." Blumenthal said client interviewed FBI agents recording late Monday. Federal state investigators conducting separate criminal civil rights investigations controversial shooting. Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Wilson attempting tell Brown friend, Dorian Johnson, stop walking middle road, officer realized pair fit description suspects sought theft cigars nearby convenience store. Chief Jackson said scuffle ensued teen struck Wilson face shot fired inside officer’s squad car Brown attempted grab officer’s gun. But Johnson told reporters Wilson aggressor, Brown never went weapon. Instead, Johnson says, officer shot friend Brown trying flee stopped put hands surrender. Wilson, 28, paid leave spoken publicly shooting. Blumenthal said client gave copy recording federal investigators. “(The FBI) thought would important piece investigation,” told CNN. An FBI spokesperson declined address issue recording contacted Yahoo News Tuesday. FBI audio engineers reportedly planning analyze recording authenticity. Mark O’Mara, Florida attorney successfully defended shooting suspect George Zimmerman, told CNN may early judge audio’s significance, scientific review could unearth new evidence. “I look forward hearing tape Mike Brown’s Darren Wilson’s voice saying stop,” O’Mara said. Separate autopsies performed Brown revealed struck least six times, including likely fatal shot top head. Authorities disclosed many times Wilson fired weapon. Veteran forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg listened recording Tuesday. “The gunshots unmistakable," Ginsberg told Yahoo News. By Ginsberg’s count, said, 10 shots recording, said could understand untrained ear might hear more. “I confidently say I heard least 10 shots,” said Ginsberg, worked major investigations Sandy Hook school shooting. “I'm hearing six shots, followed close three seconds pause, followed four shots.” Messages sent Ferguson police seeking information type service weapon assigns officers went unanswered Tuesday. Levine said officers across country commonly carry semi-automatic pistols capacity 15 17 bullets. Any potential pause Wilson’s shooting would weighed statements given investigators, Levine said. Levine said pause “would raise alarm I qualified witness statements officer’s statement conflicts that.” He added, “But I don’t know officer’s official statement here. I don’t think anyone does.” (This story updated 8:30 p.m. CT.) Follow Jason Sickles Twitter (@jasonsickles).
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture
Anna Wintour reportedly major rat infestation Vogue office New York City. According Radar Online, dirtiest rats decided move Anna’s new office Vogue staffers Freedom Tower. Insiders claim rodents invaded beloved accessories closet, leaving abundance rat droppings pricey couture, computers, desks. Further reports claim decision put Kanye West Kim Kardashian cover Vogue magazine may something infestation. “The office over-run Vogue staff secretly whispering rats could cosmic payback Anna’s decision put Kim Kardashian Kanye West cover. There much backlash, this!” As previously reported Inquisitr, critics happy Anna Wintour Vogue staff making “disgusting” decision place reality starlet husband cover. The couple photographed April 2014 cover Anne Leibovitz. Vogue Condé Nast relocated Times Square One World Trade Center. However, rat infestation made Vogue relocation smooth would liked – especially since reports claim rats located Vogue floors building. “There droppings floor, shoe boxes chewed into… The rats appear gotten via venting, worked even staffers moving in. Walls moved accommodate last-minute design changes…and it’s assumed rats got in.” Even though Anna Wintour usually allows employees eat drink inside office, reports claim strict policy restricting food drinks issued enforced infestation problem resolved. Gawker, media outlet initially broke story, reports Anna Wintour refuses even enter office pristine condition completely freed rat infestation. Anna Wintour made headlines recently expressing felt Kim Kardashian Kanye West cover shoot experience. Huffington Post reports Wintour even hopes “another Kim Kardashian comes along year.” In words, Anna Wintour feel cover photo “disgusting” all. On contrary, believes touching charming.
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre
There may yet another bug iOS 8, Apple's latest version mobile operating system iPhone iPad. This time, users reporting anybody trying reset settings iPhone could accidentally delete documents saved iCloud, Apple's online backup service. MacRumors reports multiple users forums reported issue attempting reset settings iPhone. Apple informs reset phone settings "no data media deleted," people claiming reset wipes iCloud Drive documents. The existence bug yet confirmed. We asked Apple comment yet heard back. iCloud Drive Apple's online file storage solution documents. According official Apple site, iCloud Drive used "safely store presentations, spreadsheets, PDFs, images kind document iCloud." It competes DropBox cloud storage apps. Forum posts claim complained settings reset deleted files well, Apple told company waiting engineers fix issue. Another reported account placed troubleshooting mode Apple investigated. One poster MacRumors forums say problem: " Because iOS 8 sluggish iPad 3 I reset settings (No data media deleted) sped BUT deleted iWork data! Then promptly synced deleted iCloud. I public beta Yosemite can't roll back via time machine. I pre iOS 8 backups iTunes iCloud revert (well iCloud device backups contain cloud documents I iOS 7 backups iTunes can't find any. iCloud trash like dropbox. They seem gone forever." The launch iOS 8 PR nightmare Apple. One update managed stop iPhone 6 users making calls, Apple forced pull update quickly work fix.
Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds
Offers pouring re-home dog found abandoned train station along suitcase filled belongings. Kai’s heart-breaking story received media attention around world discovered tied railing outside Ayr station Scotland. The Scottish SPCA received hundreds messages online Wimbledon champion Andy Murray Trainspotting author Irvine Welsh tweeted Kai. A spokeswoman charity said received dozens calls members public offering Kai new home. “The phone’s ringing hook day. We’ve 100 offers take on. It’s really unusual get sort interest,” SSPCA said. Dog abandoned train station suitcase full belongings > http://t.co/fKlBh4yX6N pic.twitter.com/5EcNcRTOim— SCOTTISH SPCA (@ScottishSPCA) January 6, 2015 Dog abandoned train station suitcase full belongings > http://t.co/fKlBh4yX6N pic.twitter.com/5EcNcRTOim It seems despicable act leave dog station like that, remember many folks sad, depressed desperate right now.— Irvine Welsh (@IrvineWelsh) January 6, 2015 It seems despicable act leave dog station like that, remember many folks sad, depressed desperate right now. @ScottishSPCA I would give Kai loving home deserves!! Pls reply— Nathan Fletcher (@ziggy2505) January 6, 2015 @ScottishSPCA I would give Kai loving home deserves!! Pls reply @ScottishSPCA Kai still available adoption? located Canada love breed pay necessary costs come.— brenda chan (@_bchan_) January 7, 2015 @ScottishSPCA Kai still available adoption? located Canada love breed pay necessary costs come. “Normally, get abandonment, it’s usually staffie don’t tend get many offers re-home them, it’s unusual breed particularly cute one, get lot interest. “I’m sure Kai’s story tugged lot heartstrings.” The Scottish SPCA asked anyone information ‘cruel incident’ contact them. Abandoning animal offence Animal Health Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006.
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS
LOS ANGELES, California ( The Adobo Chronicles) – He again. Rapper Kanye West reprised infamous stunt Sunday night’s Grammy awards, taking stage Beck accepting album year award. West popped stage moved toward Beck take trophy him. Instead, West turned away quickly jumped down. Beck beat night’s top winner, Sam Smith, category’s expected winner, Beyoncé. The incident repeat 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, West accosted Taylor Swift acceptance speech Swift’s “You Belong With Me” beat Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” Female Video Year. “Yo, Taylor, I’m really happy you, I’ma let finish,” West said taking microphone Radio City Music Hall, “but Beyoncé one best videos time! One best videos time!” West roundly criticized action even called “jackass” less President Obama. After latest incident, organizers major awards shows like Grammys, MTV Video Music Awards, People’s Choice Awards Oscars unanimously agreed disinvite bar West respective ceremonies. The television networks air awards programs also joined ‘West boycott.’ No Kanye West live TV! And Beyoncé lost loyal cheerleader.
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims
Amazon reportedly planning launch ad-supported media streaming service music videos, New York Post reports. The service would exist addition $99 Prime membership subscription, includes free, two-day shipping thousands items alongside music, TV, movie streaming options. The Wall Street Journal reported similar plans March, pegging service free. At time, Amazon denied plans offer free streaming-media service. The Post, however, say service would free, instead suggests new service would likely compete Netflix Hulu, under-cutting price (Netflix costs Hulu Plus cost $7.99 month). Amazon's Sally Fouts sent following via email: "We currently offer first episode television shows free ads First Episode Free feature Amazon Instant Video, display ads short videos movie game trailers. We’re often experimenting new offers experiences customers, announced plans offer ad-supported video streaming service." At core, idea service makes sense. Amazon could use new, cheaper streaming service way ease people ecosystem they'll likely eventually make jump Prime, also giving way entice potential customers care Prime's free shipping want Netflix alternative. Disclosure: Jeff Bezos investor Business Insider personal investment company Bezos Expeditions. SEE ALSO: A Former Employee Is Suing Amazon And Camping Outside The Company's Headquarters Until It Addresses Its 'Internal Culture Of Dishonesty'
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants
Amazon boss Jeff Bezos primed ready fresh assault streaming-video space. The e-commerce giant roll new ad-supported streaming offering early next year separate $99-a-year Prime membership, includes video service, sources said. The ad-supported option — part overhaul media offerings — poses serious challenge streaming rivals Hulu Netflix, analysts said. “If ad-supported service, decouple Prime Netflix killer,” Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter said. “It won’t $99 year.” Pachter suggested Amazon would undercut Netflix’s current monthly price $7.99. “Who wouldn’t switch poor you’re cord-cutter?” added. Although separate Prime, ad-supported service ultimately bid Amazon lure people eventually pay Prime membership, said one ad source familiar Amazon’s plans. “The main point bring users eventually up-sell Prime, get broader audience doesn’t want pay Prime, order increase video share,” source said. The Wall Street Journal reported March Amazon weighing move, sources confirmed it’s definite go. Amazon prepping new attack time video service gaining ground, sources said. Amazon doesn’t disclose number Prime members, RBC Capital analyst Mark Mahaney estimates 50 million global customers. While Prime’s big draw two-day shipping, half Prime subscribers use video service included it, around 25 million, sources said. By comparison, Netflix 33 million domestic subscribers. A recent Sandvine study also shows Amazon making major strides — long way go catching Netflix. Amazon’s broadband traffic fixed networks grew 1.61 percent 2.58 percent, study showed. One change Amazon snagged popular HBO content, including “The Wire,” “True Blood” “Boardwalk Empire.” Netflix accounts 32.39 percent aggregate traffic. Rumors rampant Amazon plans let advertisers media ecosystem. Amazon already experimented ads shows, according tech site Re/code. For advertisers, service could Holy Grail terms targeting. In theory, Amazon could tell ads viewed online led purchases retail site. The news Nielsen start rating shows subscription video services starting Netflix likely encourage advertisers want make leap without forcing Amazon give data. Amazon also leverage content producers comes way chooses promote shows movies within growing ecosystem, Hollywood source said. Amazon didn’t return call seeking comment.
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post
Every superhero origin story, one Russian boy’s unbelievable tale isn’t comic book — it’s much real-life. Twelve-year-old Nikolai Kryaglyachenko walking home school one day stopped lean lamppost. Unfortunately Nikolai, lamppost faulty wire schoolboy blasted across street jolt electricity. “When I came round, I felt groggy, managed get home told mum happened. When I woke next day got bed, I found coins lying mattress stuck body. Then I breakfast dropped spoon, stuck chest,” Nikolai revealed. Being comic book fan, Nikolai immediately set testing new power, eerily similar power wielded Marvel character Magneto. “I things I couldn’t before, I don’t lot control it. Even I want it, I still attract things. Once I even attracted glass — moved towards me,” said. Naturally, Nikolai’s schoolmates fascinated new power, didn’t know could pass ability others, turning human magnets, too. “I could even hang ladle nose,” said classmate Vika Balandina. Nikolai first real-life Magneto. In fact, entire Russian family got magnetism superpower 1987. A year 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Leonid Tenkaev, wife, Galina, daughter Tanya grandson Kolya able stick metal objects bodies, according The Guardian. When discovered powers, Russian Japanese scientists examined family verified seeming magnetism real. “There absolutely doubt objects stick bodies magnetic,” said Dr. Atusi Kono 1991. Another famous real-life Magneto revealed Superfields conference 300 “human magnets” 1990. Extending arms out, Marinela Brankova able support 15-pound weight vertically turned palm, according book “Far Out: 101 Strange Tales From Science’s Outer Edge” Mark Pilkington.
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals
(Reuters) - A Canadian soldier shot Canadian war memorial Ottawa shooter seen running towards nearby parliament buildings shots fired, according multiple media eyewitness reports Wednesday. The buildings put lockdown police tactical teams converged area. The shooting comes two days Islamic convert ran two Canadian soldiers, killing one, near Montreal. (Reporting Andrea Hopkins; Editing Amran Abocar)
Banksy 'Arrested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year
Elusive graffiti artist Banksy’s cover blown unceremoniously arrested vandalism, conspiracy, racketeering counterfeiting. Well that’s US website National Report would believe. The bogus story alleged infamous street artist arrested following raid London studio. It ‘outs’ Paul Horner, 34-year-old born Liverpool says held “without” bail, along four other, unnamed individuals. Banksy's publicist Jo Brooks confirmed Independent viral story hoax. Indeed quotes accompany piece date back identical spoof February last year, claimed Banksy arrested charges outed as, yep, Paul Horner. So basically internet recycling hoaxes. Lazy.
James Foley remembered as 'brave and tireless' journalist
In new video, ISIS shows American-made weapons says intended Kurds actually air dropped territory control. At least one bundle U.S. weapons airdropped Syria appears fallen hands ISIS, dangerous misfire American mission speed aid Kurdish forces making stand Kobani. An ISIS-associated YouTube account posted new video online Tuesday entitled, “Weapons munitions dropped American planes landed areas controlled Islamic State Kobani.” The video also posted Twitter account “a3maq news,” acts unofficial media arm ISIS. The outfit previously posted videos ISIS fighters firing American made Howitzer cannons seizing marijuana fields Syria. ISIS broadly advertised acquisition broad range U.S.-made weapons rampage across Iraq. ISIS videos showed fighters driving U.S. tanks, MRAPs, Humvees. There unconfirmed reports ISIS stolen three fighter planes Iraqi bases conquered. The authenticity latest video could independently confirmed, ISIS fighters video possession rich bounty American hand grenades, rounds small rockets, supplies surely turn around use Kurdish forces fighting around Turkish border city. On Monday, White House Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes said U.S. government confident emergency airdropped supplies Kurdish forces near Kobani falling right hands. “We feel confident that, air drop support Kobani… we’ve able hit target terms reaching people want reach,” Rhodes told CNN. “What I assure people that, delivering aid now, focus people want receive assistance. Those civilians need. Those forces we’re aligned fight ISIL [the government’s preferred acronym ISIS], take precautions make sure it’s falling wrong hands.” Rhodes responding questions Monday report The Daily Beast U.S. humanitarian aid flowing ISIS controlled areas near Kobani truck. That aid mostly food medical supplies, kind lethal weapons new ISIS video. Senior administration officials said Sunday three American planes dropped total 27 bundles near Kobani U.S. air drops could come part joint U.S.-Iraqi effort aid Kurdish fighters Kobani area. The supplies provided Kurdish authorities, official said. In new footage, weapons appear U.S. made. There also least 135 air strikes ISIS area, according State Department. The airstrikes air drops appear impact. The Daily Beast’s Jamie Dettmer, reporting Syrian border, said morale Kobani shifted last 24 hours. But ISIS continues hold major swaths territory around Kobani, despite widespread media reports contrary. And civilians suffering, badly. “I think represents President recognizes going long-term campaign ISIL; need look whatever opportunity find degrade enemy support fighting ISIL ground,” senior administration official told reporters.
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government
The rat infestation Vogue's new 1 World Trade Center office getting worse. Pests 'taking over' newly-developed New York City premises Anna Wintour longer wants step foot inside all, reports claim. This week, rat droppings allegedly found editor's computer keyboard, staff Conde Nast's titles issued new rule: eating desk. Scroll video New digs, big problem: While US Vogue offices moving 1 World Trade Center New York City, Anna Wintour may making transition anytime soon 'A bunch ate ceiling sports editor's office crawled desk left poops keyboard,' source told New York Daily News. 'They ate rug fit door.' After numerous failed extermination attempts, city's health authority notified. The setback means staff unlikely see eponymous magazine editor building well new year. That's one famous mover: The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes Day life: The publication tongue cheek moving process According Gawker, Wintour, 65, allegedly informed staffers vermin must removed sets foot new home. The staff member told Gawker pressing dilemma facing fashion: 'A serious concern (laughable I guess makes sense) clothing could get nibbled through.' The timing infestation comes Vogue created online campaign advertising move new offices: 'Batten hatches, lower Manhattan, we're coming you.' The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes them.
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike
YouTuber Josh Paler Lin wanted see would happen gave $100 hungry homeless man. How would spend money? To find out, Josh approached homeless man motorway Los Angeles, handed $100, much man's surprise. He proceeded follow homeless man secret camera see would spend it. What ended filming shocked him, may change way see homelessness. (Source: JoshPalerLin) The homeless man Josh gave money to, Thomas, luck lately. He quit job spend time taking care sick parents. Unfortunately, lost parents last couple months due cancer kidney failure. Additionally, lost parents' condo found jobless homeless street. Although nothing point life, still managed help others received something. Immediatly releasing video, Josh overwhelemd messages people wanting know could donate money Thomas, young man set campaign fundraising site IndieGoGo already raised $27,000 day. The #letshelpthomas hashtag also garnered plenty momentum social media.
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch
When Apple unveiled Apple Watch, company said starting price would come US$349, insider sources claiming stainless steel version start $500. Those sources also say high-end gold Apple Watch Edition start $4,000 $5,000, lower many expecting. Apple's mid-range smartwatch likely start $500Apple's mid-range smartwatch likely start $500 Assuming sources correct, pegs anodized aluminum Apple Watch Sport lower-priced $349 model. The anonymous sources, speaking French site iGen (English translation), also said Apple ship smartwatch time Valentine's Day February. While February release would nice would get Apple Watch consumer's wrists earlier, fit Apple Senior Vice President Retail Angela Ahrendts comments saying smartwatch ship Spring 2015. Apple Watch smartwatch device sensors tracking fitness activities heart rate. It links iPhone display alerts messages, lets reply messages, shows turn-by-turn directions, learns fitness routine offers suggestions improvement, more. Three models two sizes multiple band options available Apple Watch ships. Hopefully Apple release Apple Watch earlier year instead time Spring, even though products like Microsoft's new Band Fitbit's announced Surge direct competitors, enticing enough draw away sales. Waiting Spring could cost Apple momentum, too. iGen accurate past Apple information, may right pricing, we're going Angela Ahrendts release time frame clearly good position know company's products ship.
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Kansas City health officials said man held isolation local hospital weekend infected Ebola virus. Officials hope sooth nerves fears deadly virus spread across country, even though virus not. “We ruled Ebola case Kansas City,” Kansas City Health Department Director Dr. Rex Archer told reporters Monday. He said man, recently traveled Nigeria, possess symptom profile deadly virus beyond high fever direct contact anyone disease travels. No Ebola blood test done, Dr. Archer said, feared symptoms never materialized. The case marked second known Ebola scare Kansas City area , fears virus built American fights life Dallas. At White House Monday, President Barack Obama urged calm outlined several steps administration taking contain virus Africa fight there. “The CDC familiar dealing infectious diseases viruses like this,” president said. “We know done, medical infrastructure it.” Monday morning, Kansas Senator Jerry Moran sent letter CDC director , urging greater screening U.S. ports entry, including airports. This afternoon, President Obama said steps consideration. “We're also going looking protocols additional passenger screening source United States,” Obama said. “All things make confident United States, chances outbreak-of epidemic here- extraordinarily low.”
Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000
Move over, Netflix Hulu. Word Amazon looking launch ad-supported streaming video service, could give rivals run money. The online retail giant planning roll new service early next year, New York Post reported Friday. It would separate Amazon's $99 yearly Prime membership, offers unlimited movie streaming Instant Video library. In statement, Amazon spokeswoman neither confirmed denied rumor. "We currently offer first episode television shows free ads First Episode Free feature Amazon Instant Video, display ads short videos movie game trailers," spokeswoman said. "We're often experimenting new offers experiences customers, announced plans offer ad-supported video streaming service." This first time we've heard rumor. The Wall Street Journal March reported Amazon planning launch advertising-filled TV streaming service — free users, course. Amazon, however, quickly shot rumor. "We're often experimenting new things, plans offer free streaming-media service," Amazon spokesperson said time. Smile Charity Go With Flow Make Amazon Your Android App Store Prime Whole Family Prime-ary Gift Get Prime Free (For A While) Don't Get Trapped Prime VIEW ALL PHOTOS IN GALLERY But Post's sources say ad-supported version definitely happening. But oddly, report suggests might free. One source speculated Amazon may undercut Netflix's current monthly price $7.99, though. "The main point bring users eventually up-sell Prime, get broader audience want pay Prime, order increase video share," source told news outlet. Meanwhile, Amazon already gaining ground streaming rivals. A recent Sandvine study found Amazon Instant Video established second largest paid streaming video service North America, though Netflix still dominates. Netflix accounted 34.9 percent downstream North American traffic peak evening hours year. Amazon 2.6 percent downstream traffic, share doubled past 18 months, Sandvine said. On news, Amazon also mulling travel service, would let book stays independent hotels resorts, according report travel news site Skift. The so-called Amazon Travel site, set launch around Jan. 1, would reportedly "feature curated selection hotels within hours' drive New York, Los Angeles, Seattle." Amazon declined comment travel site rumor. For more, check 16 Tips Every Amazon Addict Should Know slideshow above, well 60 Geeky Movies, TV Shows Amazon You Should Stream Now. Amazon users, meanwhile, new way access content: Amazon Fire TV Stick $39.00 Amazon shipping. Be sure check PCMag's review video below.
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes
If jonesing Apple Watch, probably want lot it. But headed party would rather risk staring dead screen wondering late is? Don't worry, covered. The New York Times understands Watch unannounced Power Reserve option limits device telling time. While completely unique feature (other watches similar things), definitely helpful -- departure Apple, whose mobile devices kinds extreme energy-saving modes now. Tim Cook crew likely make big deal Power Reserve Apple's March 9th event, assuming shows up, could one Watch's important real-world features. Source: New York Times <a href="http://www.engadget.com/products/apple/watch/"> Apple Watch </a> Get better reviews people actually product! Talk Apple Watch people too!
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck
A SOLDIER shot Canada’s National War Memorial witnesses saying gunman ran nation’s parliament. Canada’s parliament lockdown following gunfire heavily armed police racing seal building office Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.. Canadian media reporting soldier wounded attack. — More come
Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says
A man rifle shot soldier standing guard War Memorial downtown Ottawa, witnesses said shots fired Parliament Hill nearby. It immediately known injuries. Alain Merisier. works cafeteria Parliament building, told CBC News said saw man car Centre Block long gun. Witnesses said heard shots fired, unconfirmed report person injured outside Library Parliament. Police confirmed shooting War Memorial, sealed area injured soldier given emergency medical aid. He later put ambulance. Scott Walsh, working Parliament Hill, said saw man running double-barrelled shotgun, wearing scarf blue jeans. Walsh said man hopped wall fence surrounds Parliament Hill?, gun forcing someone car. He drove front doors Parliament fired least two shot, Walsh said. Police said man yet custody. The National War Memorial stands Confederation Square heart downtown Ottawa. The Parliament buildings Gatineau Hills background. More come [CUSTOM]
Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims
(Update: The story updated reflect new evidence analysis experts.) News circulating potential meteorite strike near Managua, Nicaragua late Saturday night, 13 hours close flyby 20-m asteroid 2014 RC, leading suggest two events related. However, according experts examining evidence, including NASA, two events completely unrelated, explosion Managua may nothing objects falling space. According Nicaraguan news site el19digital.com, explosion occurred around 11:05 p.m. Saturday night, city Managua, apparently produced crater 12 metres (39 feet) wide 1.5 metres (5 feet) deep, wooded area west city's international airport, south Pan-American Highway. The video below, RT.com, shows military personnel investigating crater, well surrounding area, potential debris explosion. While incident still investigated, officials Nicaragua's Institute Territorial Studies (INET), monitors earthquake activity country, said event showed agency's seismic instruments. "We convinced meteorite. We seen crater impact," Wilfried Strauch INET said press conference, according Agence France-Presse (AFP). "You see two waves: first, small seismic wave meteorite hit earth, another stronger one, impact sound." However, reports people hearing explosion, scientists seismic data it, resulting crater, parts story add up. A 20-metre wide asteroid named 2014 RC passed Earth Sunday, flying underneath planet (from perspective someone northern hemisphere), roughly 13-hour difference timing two events, saw potential connection events. It's entirely unreasonable suggest this. There 11,000 known near-Earth asteroids flying around Sun, likely millions detected (and likely won't, they're small). While follow path circle Sun, alone. Some asteroids tiny moons orbiting them. Some best described 'rubble piles', groups smaller objects barely held together boulder-like shape mutual gravity. Others travelling along 'packs' members preceding lagging behind 'pack leader' - possibly due impact another meteoroid asteroid point. So, one asteroid 'packs' flying by, asteroid still debris past impact travelling along orbit, possible one piece could strike atmosphere survive hit ground. However, two events - asteroid flyby meteorite impact - happen close one another, mean related. We saw back mid-February 2013, watching asteroid 2012 DA14 sweep Earth suddenly 20-m wide asteroid exploded Chelyabinsk, Russia. The exact timing traced orbits two objects quickly showed completely separate objects timing coincidence. According NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Near Earth Object Office, appears case event: A meteorite without meteor? An interesting fact supposed 'impact' that, although explosion heard throughout area, apparently nobody witnessed bright light associated it. When meteoroid enters atmosphere, even speck dust, traveling fast (typically around 17 kilometres per second 60,000 km/h) heats air front it, causing air glow brightly produce streak light sky call meteor. Larger objects cause even brighter flashes, earning name fireball,or even bolide (for exceptionally large bright one). Some bright can, briefly, turn night day pass overhead. Given weather Managua Saturday night (scattered clouds calm winds), would difficult miss fireball bolide lighting night sky, especially happened near city 2 million people. According Associated Press, Strauch said "very strange one reported streak light. We ask anyone photo something." Was something else? This lack fireball sticking point story. While nearly meteorites go 'dark flight' phase final part journey Earth's surface - slowed enough compressing air enough cause glow - fireball bolide stage happens far atmosphere, 20 30 kilometres ground, making visible far wide across countryside. Geoff Nodkin, professional meteorite hunter host Science Channel's Meteorite Men, tweeted thoughts possibility authentic: Notkin commented meteorite-related, would expect bright fireball, sonic booms object's dark flight impact. He also said that, produce crater like one seen, would iron meteorite, densest "have formed majority known meteorite craters Earth" In interview National Geographic, Donald Yeomans, author Near-Earth Objects: Finding Them Before They Find Us, said: "There obvious optical fireball debris trail seen prior explosion, seems unlikely explosion Nicaragua related meteorite impact." So, this, meteorite? One real possibility landmine explosion, still thousandsIn cas buried throughout country, remnants war fought 1980s. While particular event looking like false alarm time, noted fireballs blaze skies every day, tons material swept Earth planet orbits Sun. Many missed occur day, regions planet heavily populated. Some countries all-sky camera networks capture events, data reported sites like SpaceWeather.com (U.S.) University Western Ontario (Canada). As example, bright fireball occurred explosion Managua, happened thousands kilometres away across Atlantic Ocean, eastern Spain, shown animation taken railway camera video (note appears second object may piece breaking primary one):
Twitter abuzz rumours Cuba's former communist leader Fidel Castro died, although timing suspiciously close death another high-profile person shares name. While reports death Cuba's 88-year-old former leader could true, official confirmation death mistakenly claimed social media many times past. Also casting doubt today's rumours possibility confused recent death son Nairobi's opposition leader, named Fidel Castro Odinga, 41, died days ago. Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, pictured speech 2003. Twitter abuzz rumours died, remains seen correct However, speculation rife former leader Cuba died Venezuelan media reports Cuban Government called press conference international media today. Venezuela Cuba fostered close relationship decades. The report Diario de Cuba, specify time subject press conference, saying Cuban government's press office give information.. It also claimed Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro rushed Havana, adding substance rumours Castro's death could announced. Castro, passed Cuba's leadership brother Raul 2008, announced Prime Minister Cuba overthrowing government 1959 rule turned one-party state. Fidel Castro, dressed famous green military uniform, pictured public meeting Havana 1990 Fidel Castro smokes cigar news conference Havana 1961 - two years overthrew Batista government Cuba's Fidel Castro (pictured left 1976 right 1978) ushered long period communism tiny island developed highly antagonistic relationship U.S. He lived increasing seclusion outside world ever since retired leadership amid speculation health suffering. It understood recently cared wife team nurses. Once enthusiastic food connoisseur, long since stopped visiting Havana restaurants. Today former Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Perez Silva told various outlets: 'Fidel waiting right moment, great prophet knows right moment say needs said.'
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament
(Reuters) - A Canadian soldier shot Canadian war memorial Ottawa shooter seen running towards nearby parliament buildings shots fired, according multiple media eyewitness reports Wednesday. The buildings put lockdown police tactical teams converged area. The shooting comes two days Islamic convert ran two Canadian soldiers, killing one, near Montreal. (Reporting Andrea Hopkins; Editing Amran Abocar)
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?)
Twitter abuzz rumours Cuba's former communist leader Fidel Castro died, although timing suspiciously close death another high-profile person shares name. While reports death Cuba's 88-year-old former leader could true, official confirmation death mistakenly claimed social media many times past. Also casting doubt today's rumours possibility confused recent death son Nairobi's opposition leader, named Fidel Castro Odinga, 41, died days ago. Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, pictured speech 2003. Twitter abuzz rumours died, remains seen correct However, speculation rife former leader Cuba died Venezuelan media reports Cuban Government called press conference international media today. Venezuela Cuba fostered close relationship decades. The report Diario de Cuba, specify time subject press conference, saying Cuban government's press office give information.. It also claimed Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro rushed Havana, adding substance rumours Castro's death could announced. Castro, passed Cuba's leadership brother Raul 2008, announced Prime Minister Cuba overthrowing government 1959 rule turned one-party state. Fidel Castro, dressed famous green military uniform, pictured public meeting Havana 1990 Fidel Castro smokes cigar news conference Havana 1961 - two years overthrew Batista government Cuba's Fidel Castro (pictured left 1976 right 1978) ushered long period communism tiny island developed highly antagonistic relationship U.S. He lived increasing seclusion outside world ever since retired leadership amid speculation health suffering. It understood recently cared wife team nurses. Once enthusiastic food connoisseur, long since stopped visiting Havana restaurants. Today former Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Perez Silva told various outlets: 'Fidel waiting right moment, great prophet knows right moment say needs said.'
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?
Move over, Netflix Hulu. Word Amazon looking launch ad-supported streaming video service, could give rivals run money. The online retail giant planning roll new service early next year, New York Post reported Friday. It would separate Amazon's $99 yearly Prime membership, offers unlimited movie streaming Instant Video library. In statement, Amazon spokeswoman neither confirmed denied rumor. "We currently offer first episode television shows free ads First Episode Free feature Amazon Instant Video, display ads short videos movie game trailers," spokeswoman said. "We're often experimenting new offers experiences customers, announced plans offer ad-supported video streaming service." This first time we've heard rumor. The Wall Street Journal March reported Amazon planning launch advertising-filled TV streaming service — free users, course. Amazon, however, quickly shot rumor. "We're often experimenting new things, plans offer free streaming-media service," Amazon spokesperson said time. Smile Charity Go With Flow Make Amazon Your Android App Store Prime Whole Family Prime-ary Gift Get Prime Free (For A While) Don't Get Trapped Prime VIEW ALL PHOTOS IN GALLERY But Post's sources say ad-supported version definitely happening. But oddly, report suggests might free. One source speculated Amazon may undercut Netflix's current monthly price $7.99, though. "The main point bring users eventually up-sell Prime, get broader audience want pay Prime, order increase video share," source told news outlet. Meanwhile, Amazon already gaining ground streaming rivals. A recent Sandvine study found Amazon Instant Video established second largest paid streaming video service North America, though Netflix still dominates. Netflix accounted 34.9 percent downstream North American traffic peak evening hours year. Amazon 2.6 percent downstream traffic, share doubled past 18 months, Sandvine said. On news, Amazon also mulling travel service, would let book stays independent hotels resorts, according report travel news site Skift. The so-called Amazon Travel site, set launch around Jan. 1, would reportedly "feature curated selection hotels within hours' drive New York, Los Angeles, Seattle." Amazon declined comment travel site rumor. For more, check 16 Tips Every Amazon Addict Should Know slideshow above, well 60 Geeky Movies, TV Shows Amazon You Should Stream Now. Amazon users, meanwhile, new way access content: Amazon Fire TV Stick $39.00 Amazon shipping. Be sure check PCMag's review video below.
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi
The rat infestation Vogue's new 1 World Trade Center office getting worse. Pests 'taking over' newly-developed New York City premises Anna Wintour longer wants step foot inside all, reports claim. This week, rat droppings allegedly found editor's computer keyboard, staff Conde Nast's titles issued new rule: eating desk. Scroll video New digs, big problem: While US Vogue offices moving 1 World Trade Center New York City, Anna Wintour may making transition anytime soon 'A bunch ate ceiling sports editor's office crawled desk left poops keyboard,' source told New York Daily News. 'They ate rug fit door.' After numerous failed extermination attempts, city's health authority notified. The setback means staff unlikely see eponymous magazine editor building well new year. That's one famous mover: The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes Day life: The publication tongue cheek moving process According Gawker, Wintour, 65, allegedly informed staffers vermin must removed sets foot new home. The staff member told Gawker pressing dilemma facing fashion: 'A serious concern (laughable I guess makes sense) clothing could get nibbled through.' The timing infestation comes Vogue created online campaign advertising move new offices: 'Batten hatches, lower Manhattan, we're coming you.' The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes them.
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement
Islamic State militants sympathisers triumphantly circulating images 10-year-old boy claim 'martyred' fighting alongside father Syria. Describing child ISIS' youngest jihadist, chilling photographs taken alleged death show smiling camera, wearing military fatigues brandishing huge assault rifle. ISIS sympathisers took social media identify 'cub fighter' alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah, adding father killed clashes Syria recent weeks, specifying exactly died fighting against. Sickening: ISIS sympathisers took social media identify 10-year-old 'cub fighter' alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah. He said died fighting alongside father Syria recent weeks Pose: Another picture shows smiling sweetly wearing ammunition vest stands next van converted armoured vehicle large plank wood bull bars Several images, independently verified, emerged social media week video reporting deaths boy father uploaded YouTube September. The original video - distributed pro-Isis media group Al-A'amaq - understood since removed, number photographs boy since widely shared ISIS militants sympathisers social media. One image shows boy standing inside house, grinning struggles hold assault rifle large threatens topple over. Another picture shows smiling sweetly wearing ammunition vest stands next van converted armoured vehicle large plank wood bull bars. Other images show posing man understood father, militants named 'Baghdadi'. In images boy identified Abu Ubaidah seen calmly holding another large rifle surrounded bearded men wearing military clothing. Support: ISIS sympathisers triumphantly circulating images 10-year-old boy claim 'martyred' fighting alongside father Syria Smiling: Describing child ISIS' youngest foreign jihadist, chilling photographs taken alleged death show grinning camera, wearing military fatigues brandishing huge assault rifle Last week 24-year-old Muslim convert admitted taking infant son live among Islamic State terrorists Syrian city Raqqa believes lead 'better life' brutal regime. Asiya Ummi Abdullah denied children unhappy living oppressive rule ISIS' religious fanatics explained felt three-year-old son's spiritual well-being better served group's de facto capital, public crucifixions beheadings commonplace. Ummi Abduallah - lived Turkey since teens born Kyrgyzstan - said moving militant stronghold Syria part shield young boy sex, crime, drugs alcohol sees rampant home town Istanbul. 'Who says children unhappy?... He know God live rules,' said. Dramatic footage emerged inside Kobane showing brave Kurdish fighters battling militants Islamic State. The clip, appears filmed mobile phone, shows resistance forces Kurdish People's Protection Unit (YPG) firing assault rifles machine guns mounted back car militants hiding behind buildings Kobane suburbs. The terrorists launched renewed assault Kobane last night, killing dozens Kurds resisted ISIS' advances city's suburbs last three weeks. Defence: ISIS terrorists launched renewed assault Kobane last night, killing dozens Kurds resisted ISIS' advances city's suburbs last three weeks Prepared: A Kurdish fighter takes position fight Islamic State jihadists Islamic State militants control one third besieged Syrian city Kobane despite three days American airstrikes, group monitoring violence country said today. This morning chilling sight group's black flag could clearly seen buildings inside city; brazen display defiance face sustained airstrikes U.S. Arab warplanes. While airstrikes appear slowed militants advance areas city, ISIS fighters appear creeping ever closer centre Kobane, thousands civilians unable unwilling flee homes face rape massacre. News ISIS' gains came Pentagon admitted airstrikes alone enough prevent fall Kobane, raising serious questions U.S.'s wider campaign terror group. Still flying: This morning chilling sight group's black flag could clearly seen buildings inside city; brazen display defiance face sustained airstrikes U.S. Arab warplanes Dramatic: The escalation Kobane seen U.S. Arab coalition carry sustained period bombing raids since campaign destroy Islamic State northern Syria started two weeks ago Rear Admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, said airstrikes 'not going enough save city', amid growing concern without Western ground troops sent Syria, defeat ISIS prove near impossible task. Heavily outgunned Kurdish defenders said Islamic State militants pushed two districts Kobane - mainly Kurdish border city 40,000 residents - late last night. Washington said U.S. military Arab partner nations responded ISIS renewed assault carrying eight air strikes last night, adding city remains Kurdish control. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights morning said despite overnight airstrikes, continued morning, Islamic State fighters managed capture police station east Kobane control one third city.
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt
There’s getting caught short guy. Weather forecaster Mike Seidel obviously thought enough time answer quick call nature, clearly wrong. In video uploaded YouTube Kris Tatum, NBC Nightly news reader Lester Holt cuts Seidel ready forecast. Holt says: ‘Let’s bring Weather Channel meteorologist Mike Seidel he’s Sugar Mountain, North Carolina. Hi Mike.’ But awkward pause Seidel eventually says ‘Why?’ Holt adds: ‘Well, obviously Mike’s ready us.’
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57
An app manipulation farm sounds like someplace developers would go weekend retreat, complete chiropractor sessions. In fact — according photo gone viral social media China — it’s place devs pay apps’ download numbers artificially inflated. Why would anyone want this? Simply put: downloads (perhaps accompanied positive reviews) enhances apps’ chart position, thereby raising discoverability level, hopefully prompting people download them. The photo question appears show worker one place, sitting front look like around 100 iPhone 5c units. Reports claim job download, install, uninstall specific apps repeatedly boost App Store rankings. Another similar table seen opposite her. The image accompanied second one, showing alleged prices charged get app top App Store rankings. Here’s much need pay secure no. 1 rated app yourself: The alleged price sheet claims person looking get top 10 free apps list looking spending $11,200. To stay there, need shell $65,000 per week. By searching “app store ranking manipulation” using China’s popular C2C e-commerce site, Taobao, numerous similar services found. As much Apple frowns manipulation App Store rankings, local entrepreneurs scheme like certified cash cow — even large number handsets employees need spend money on.
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said
Seven girls Bosnian school, aged 13 14, fallen pregnant five-day school trip country's capital, Sarajevo. The school based Bosnian town Banja Luka, took 28 teenage girls educational visit city intentions visit museums places historical significance. But seems unsupervised girls got lot staying away home. The case triggered serious discussion state Bosnia's sex education, number 13-15-year-old girls underage sex seen dramatic spike recent times. A Sarajevo-based gynaecologist, Senad Mehmedbasic, commented concerning increase underage pregnancies is. "That trend today," said. "But continue allow children educated sex street school." And continuing point education key reducing number girls underage sex, said: "It obvious children enough knowledge health education engage activities, knowing consequences. We direct educational system, must allowed street teaches children intimate matters, later slapped life." The parents girls understandably furious lack care taken keep eye children's activities. But National Coordinator Reproductive Health Republika Srpska, Nenad Babici, believes blame lie teachers trip, "parental neglect" caused lack reproductive understanding young girls. We're sure truth says - duty parents well schools inform children dangers unprotected sex young age, throughout adult lives. But 7 28 pupils - that's staggering 25% girls attended trip - become pregnant surely primarily neglect teachers, made duty keep eye girls duration?
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting
They haven’t verified recording claims be, competition story among media ferocious, go figure they’d choose put air worry authenticity later. As last night, FBI investigating; guy’s IP fact video file presumably timestamped, I assume they’ll able verify debunk quickly. It could prank — man recorded seems be, er, “enjoying” video chat happened — he’s caught saying tame. If going prank CNN getting air something sexually explicit name reporting news, you’d explicit this, no? If it’s authentic, tells us many shots fired. The man’s attorney tells Don Lemon hears 11 shots. I hear 10. A forensic examiner listened tape told CNN heard “at least 10,” six shots followed pause followed four more. The autopsy report family’s forensic pathologist claims Brown hit least six times, front. That means hit least twice first flurry six shots heard here, furthermore facing Wilson point flurry. It’s bizarre Brown would turned back face man still process firing fairly close range, I don’t know conclusion drawn based know. The fact Brown apparently wounded fateful pause, either rushed Wilson tried surrender, also important. The prosecution argue Wilson, already drawn blood, realized weakened Brown longer much physical threat. Wilson argue felt threatened precisely Brown allegedly kept coming wounded. A man strong enough take two shots angry enough advance cop gun lethally dangerous, he’ll say. Here’s Brown’s friend, Dorian Johnson, described happened them: Now, line officer’s driver’s side door, could see officer’s face. They heard say something effect of, “what’d say?” At time, Johnson says officer attempted thrust door open door slammed Brown bounced closed. Johnson says officer, left hand, grabbed Brown neck… At moment, Johnson says fixed gaze officer see pulling stun gun real gun. That’s saw muzzle officer’s gun. “I seen barrel gun pointed friend,” said. “He pointed said ‘I’ll shoot,’ one time.” A second later Johnson said heard first shot go off… Johnson says within arm’s reach Brown officer. He looked Brown saw blood pooling shirt right side body. “The whole time [the officer] holding friend gun went off,” Johnson noted. Brown Johnson took running together. There three cars lined along side street. Johnson says ducked behind first car, whose two passengers screaming. Crouching bit, watched Brown run past. “Keep running, bro!,” said Brown yelled. Then Brown yelled second time. Those would last words Johnson’s friend, “Big Mike,” would ever say him. Brown made past third car. Then, “blam!” officer took second shot, striking Brown back. At point, Johnson says Brown stopped, turned hands said “I don’t gun, stop shooting!” According Johnson, then, first shot hit Brown fired Wilson still sitting squad car struggling him, least would explain Brown hit front first flurry. Brown managed run three car lengths Wilson — presumably still inside car — fired second shot, hitting Brown back. We know autopsy report last detail false; listening audio, timeline first part seems false too. There’s virtually delay first second shots fired, certainly long enough words exchanged Brown Johnson. Unless audio picks first shot fired, i.e. unless begins what’s actually second shot fired Brown, I don’t know square Johnson’s account this. Here’s NYT said eyewitnesses told police: Some accounts seem agree fatal altercation initially unfolded: struggle officer, Darren Wilson, teenager, Michael Brown. Officer Wilson inside patrol car time, Mr. Brown, unarmed, leaning open window. Many witnesses also agreed happened next: Officer Wilson’s firearm went inside car, Mr. Brown ran away, officer got car began firing toward Mr. Brown, Mr. Brown stopped, turned around faced officer. That seems likely Wilson squeezing bunch rounds still inside car. But case, since must delay second two first shot went inside car, Wilson getting car, taking aim Brown, firing again, where’s delay audio? The first six shots basically continuous. Exit question: Can anything discerned length pause flurries? Johnson says Brown put hands tried surrender, saying, “I don’t gun, stop shooting!” Wilson’s alleged friend, Josie, told Dana Loesch Brown taunted Wilson rushed him. Does length pause rule either out?
Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims
FORT DEVENS, Massachusetts - Infamous Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, victim “unfortunate accident” yesterday Ft. Devens Detention Center Massachusetts, weeks high-profile trial began, according warden Paul Jacobson. Corrections officers reportedly found alleged terror suspect face pool blood cell; banana peel found floor nearby. “It initially appeared though Tsarnaev slipped discarded banana peel hit floor force head bounced hard tile surface, probably 16 17 times. There blood everywhere – walls, floor, even toilet. The injuries caused massive brain trauma,” said prison investigator Joe Goldsmith. “We determined though, expert analysis, would impossible injuries occurred fall. Our investigation shown Aryan Brotherhood initiated attack Tsarnaev.” “Yes, brotherhood took care bomber,” said Miles Smith, head Aryan Nation inside Devens. “The gangs, wanted him, too. We paid guards money shot. They stood aside, let us do. On way out, shook hands, told us ‘Thank you.’ Well, You’re welcome. You’re welcome, Boston. You’re welcome, America!” “Normally, attack violent, cruel, another inmate would get offending party time added sentence,” said warden Jacobson. “Because nature Tsarnaev’s crimes, though, decided actually reduce sentences Aryan members involved. They done prison country great service, appreciate immensely. They heroes eyes institution, also eyes people Commonwealth Massachusetts.” Dzhokhar Tsarnaev older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev suspected perpetrating Boston Marathon bombings April 15, 2013. The bombings killed three people reportedly injured many 264 others. Shortly FBI named two suspects released images them, two brothers reportedly killed MIT police officer carjacked SUV shootout police. During shootout, elder brother, Tamerlan captured killed brother drove SUV. On evening April 20, 2013, wounded Dzhokhar found unarmed hiding boat trailer Watertown, Massachusetts. On January 30, 2014, United States Attorney General Eric Holder announced federal government would seek death penalty Tsarnaev. The trial begun January 5, 2015, Tsarnaev pleaded guilty thirty charges filed him.
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated
The mystery surrounding disappearance 43 students last month deepened. Mexican authorities say remains found mass grave outside town Iquala students.
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced
The FBI allegedly interviewed man whose video chat friend picked audio gunshots killed Michael Brown, individual’s lawyer tells CNN. What attorney Lopa Blumenthal claims sound Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson firing unarmed 18-year-old heard two distinct bursts — least six shots, pause, additional four shots, according forensic audio expert — ten-second clip. “It’s pause gives concern police shooting, especially unarmed victim, point Mr. Brown defenseless — weapon,” says lawyer previously represented family police shooting victim. (The foreground audio bit distracting. “You pretty. You’re fine. Just going videos. Okay, yeah,” says man’s voice. As CNN’s Don Lemon put it, “Your client, uh, video chat. With friend. Doing normal … whatever do.”) Brown’s friend Dorian Johnson, witnessed shooting, said Brown shot first struggling Officer Wilson, running away turned back hands up. However, “Maybe officer say, ‘Well, I fired, kept advancing, I fired again,’” offered CNN host attorney Van Jones. An autopsy commissioned Brown’s family found teenager shot least six times, four times right arm twice head, front.
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home
First, #BendGate. Reports flooded media claimed iPhone 6 Plus susceptible bending kept pocket. Now, there's #HairGate. A 9to5Mac community post reveals iPhone 6 customers complaining social media new phones keep ripping chunks hair hold phone ear take call. Twitter users say hair getting caught seam glass screen aluminum back iPhone 6. My hair keeps getting caught microscopic seam glass aluminium iPhone 6 @9to5Community My iPhone 6+ pulling hair too; I returned it, underwhelming:( The seam iPhone 6 aluminum meets glass definitely catching hair pulling out. #seamgate Anyone else getting beard hairs pulled iPhone 6/Plus? It catches scruff seam yanks calls. #hurts #beardgate @EmilyDreyfuss No, head hair. I long hair happens there's seam front phone like iPhone HTC One. This news follows #GapGate, focused Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Customers complained Samsung new Android phones gap screen case. It's unknown whether Samsung customers also experiencing hair loss taking calls phones, iPhone 6 users reporting. SEE ALSO: BendGate Truthers Claim To Have Found The REAL Story Behind The 'Flexible' iPhone 6
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce' breached
Boko Haram denied claims Nigeria's government agreed ceasefire release 200 abducted schoolgirls. The group's leader, Abubakar Shekau, said girls converted Islam married since taken. Nigeria's army announced ceasefire militants 17 October, saying girls would soon freed. But violence continued since news alleged truce, including fatal bomb blast Friday. Boko Haram fighting insurgency since 2009, 2,000 civilians reportedly killed year. 'We negotiate' In video released Friday, Abubakar Shekau said: "We made ceasefire anyone. We negotiate anyone. It's lie. "We negotiate. What business negotiation? Allah said not." Shekau also claimed militants holding German national, thought teacher, kidnapped gunmen July. There indication group's latest video shot. The BBC's Tomi Oladipo Lagos says video come huge embarrassment Nigerian government said secured ceasefire Boko Haram. The Islamist militants sparked global outrage April abducting 219 schoolgirls remote north-eastern town Chibok, Borno state. Their continued captivity led criticism Nigerian government's efforts secure release. Hopes raised earlier month Nigeria's chief defence staff, Alex Badeh, announced truce group. "They've assured us girls release them," said. "I cautiously optimistic." But Boko Haram leader said girls "in marital homes" married group. Last week, Human Rights Watch said report Boko Haram holding 500 women young girls captive forced marriage common group's camps.
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims
A woman dumped boyfriend spent entire week sitting KFC eating chicken wings. Depressed Tan Shen, 26, Chengdu, China’s southwest Sichuan Province, decided needed finger licking good comfort food get ex turned enjoyed - Kentucky Fried Chicken. She said: "I walking around feeling miserable decided stop KFC train station. "I hadn’t planned staying long, I wanted chicken wings. But I got started eating I decided I needed time think. "I didn’t want go back apartment full memories him. So I stayed." After days employees chicken shop began get concerned. Worker Jiang Li Lung, 22, said: "We work shifts restaurant open 24 hours day, get lot people coming through. At first one really noticed her. "But days I began thinking looked really familiar. Then I realised serving past three days hadn’t actually left. "When asked ok, said needed time think. And asked another box chicken wings extra large fries." He said woman wasn’t anyone harm let stay. He added: "She paying customer, even bit odd one." Story continues slideshow: After week Shen decided she’d enough local media turned decided write her. "I decided best thing would leave city go back parents. I already told work I sick, phoned said I leaving. "And I getting sick taste chicken point staying anymore." She boarded next train parents' home Quingdao city east China’s Shandong Province left. Waitress Jiang Li Lung said: "I guess kind miss her. It certainly made work interesting." SEE ALSO: Sex Or Food? This Is How Most Men Would Answer... Mental Health Dating: Love Heartache?
Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say
ISIS claimed Friday 26-year-old female American hostage killed airstrike Syria, according NBC News partners Flashpoint Intelligence. Defense officials told NBC News U.S. military military intelligence information confirm ISIS' claim, State Department said could confirm reports death "in way." "We obviously deeply concerned reports. We time seen evidence corroborates ISIL's claim," said Bernadette Meehan, spokeswoman National Security Council said. Kayla Mueller, originally Arizona, taken hostage ISIS Syria Aug. 4, 2013, leaving Spanish Doctors Without Borders hospital. Her family previously requested Mueller's name made public fear would endanger life. According statement released representative family Friday urging caution reporting Mueller's situation, "the common thread Kayla's life quiet leadership strong desire serve others." "Kayla devoted career helping need countries around world," statement added. In report distributed Twitter, ISIS stated Mueller buried rubble building hit Jordanian aircraft. Jordanian warplanes pounded ISIS targets Syria since militants released video appeared show captured Jordanian fighter pilot burned alive cage. Jordan disputed ISIS claim. "ISIS illogical they're lying," Mohammad Al Moumani, spokesman information ministry, told NBC News. "How know Jordanian aircraft? What woman training center weapons storage facility? Because we're targeting." State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said: "I cannot confirm reports way. Obviously people looking them, cannot confirm them." When asked knew hostage alive, Harf said: "We're going get specifics Americans held overseas." One senior defense official told NBC News "the entire intel community" U.S. government "lit immediately ISIS claim attempting gather facts." The official also said if, fact, American woman killed could impossible verify result airstrike. Recently, President Barack Obama said U.S. deploying "all assets" save Mueller. Kayla Mueller undated family photo. Mueller's family previously requested name made public, little publicized ordeal. Her interest activism started young: recognized National Young Leader high school Tri City College Prep Prescott, Arizona, several volunteering awards. As teen, volunteered Save Darfur Coalition, writing letters placing calls members Congress, according local paper. Mueller also later wrote Darfur Northern Arizona University, penning piece school paper, The Lumberjack. After graduating Northern Arizona University 2009, Mueller worked humanitarian aid organizations India, Israel Palestine, according statement issued behalf family. It said returned home Arizona 2011 spent year working HIV/AIDS clinic women's shelter traveling France work au pair study French language. Sometime year, Mueller uploaded video YouTube expressing solidarity Syrian people. While initially studied French intention working Africa, according family representatives, Mueller instead went Turkish-Syrian border work Syrian refugees December 2012. Mueller spoke experiences Syria local Kiwanis club May 2013, saying often asked — people learn American — "where world" desperate refugees. "All I cry them, I know," said, according article event local paper. "For long I live, I let suffering normal. (I let be) something accept." She worked Turkey Danish Refugee Council "Support Life" humanitarian aid organization assist refugees. When Mueller taken captive Aleppo, Syria, Aug. 4, 2013, leaving Doctors Without Borders hospital. Kayla Mueller, left, mother Marsha Mueller undated family photo. "Kayla found work heartbreaking compelling; extremely devoted people Syria," family said statement released Friday. ISIS first made contact Mueller's family May 2014 confirming young woman held captive providing proof life, statement added. ISIS demanded $6.6 million ransom freedom, and/or release Aafia Siddiqui, Pakistani neuroscientist convicted attempted murder New York federal court 2010. Following claims ISIS Mueller's death Friday, former ISIS hostage Nicolas Henin posted Twitter "Kayla Mueller among last former cellmates still detained." "I full hope could way out," added. — Kristen Welker Andrea Mitchell contributed report
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon
New York (CNN) -- When war reporter James Foley writing GlobalPost recording video AFP appearing PBS "NewsHour," occasionally shared stories blog, aptly titled "A World Troubles." For subtitle, chose famous Carl von Clausewitz sentence "War fought human beings." And exactly Foley sought show reporting: humanity amid horror war. Foley abducted reporting trip northern Syria November 2012. He never heard again. A video published Tuesday extremist group ISIS showed Foley beheaded. It known video recorded. For Foley's family friends, recording answer hoped they'd never hear questions disappearance. "We never prouder son Jim. He gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people," mother, Diane, said Tuesday night, She called "an extraordinary son, brother, journalist person." Courageous, generous Foley oldest child Diane John Foley Rochester, New Hampshire. He four siblings. Foley -- Jim friends -- reporting war-torn countries better part four years disappeared Syria. On Tuesday, fellow journalists remembered courage generosity. One friends, Alex Sherman Bloomberg News, wrote Twitter "funny, warm, Big Lebowski-loving guy." Another friend, Max Fisher Vox, praised "dedication truth understanding." Fisher also wrote "Jim's faith something agreed discuss publicly held Syria, wellspring generosity," He recalled Foley helped organize memorial fund photographer, Anton Hammerl, killed Libya 2011. Foley traveling Hammerl two journalists time, three survived wound Libyan jail. Beheading American journalist James Foley recalls past horrors Front-line journalist Foley freed six weeks later. Afterward, video interview Boston Globe, hesitated make story himself, remarking one point "you want defined 'that guy got captured 2011.'" "I believe front-line journalism important, know -- without photos videos first-hand experience, can't really tell world bad might be," said. One journalists detained Foley Libya, Clare Morgana Gillis, said fundraising Hammerl's family "the impulse compelled cut short much-needed break reporting Syria colleague went missing last summer, raise money ambulance Aleppo's Dar al-Shifa field hospital, spent weeks filming plight doctors struggled save lives minimal space equipment." His time teacher For Foley, acts service, entirely unlike time spent Teach America program. He began teaching Phoenix 1996. "He'd promise students he'd take Castles Coasters amusement park would come class everyday," fellow Teach America alum, Sarah Fang, recalled essay 2013. Foley later "taught reading writing inmates Cook County Sheriff's Boot Camp Chicago," according Columbia Journalism Review feature him. Would watch video? His journalism career In mid-2000s decided pursue journalism career, first enrolling Northwestern University's well-respected Medill School Journalism embedding American troops Iraq Afghanistan. While preparing first embed, started blog. Foley freelanced number news media outlets, including GlobalPost, world news Web site founded 2009. In 2012, gravitated toward spiraling conflict Syria. Fang, kept touch Foley years teaching Phoenix, wrote interest story surprise her. "He's always willing step zone one else wants go," wrote. "Jim feels society needs reporters willing bear witness report back facts history-in-the-making. And loyalty colleagues meant wanted frontlines." BuzzFeed Middle East correspondent Sheera Frenkel said last saw Foley week final trip Syria. Drinking beers lobby hotel popular among journalists, talked, said, "how hard move job, life would allow marriage family." "He generous colleague, never holding back tip, phone number, detail could help, could spend hours talking ins outs story get right," Frenkel wrote email message. "Jim great journalist, I think he'd like remembered way, first foremost." After news Foley's killing spread Tuesday, CBS News foreign correspondent Clarissa Ward changed profile picture Twitter photo Foley wearing helmet, flak jacket holding camera. This, said, "is I chose remember James -- brave tireless journalist passion Syrian cause." READ: ISIS beheads U.S. journalist, threatens another Iraq READ: Who's Haider al-Abadi, man lead Iraq?
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video
A picture letter parents box Lego 1970s going viral uploaded Reddit. To Parents. The urge create equally strong children. Boys girls. It’s imagination counts. Not skill. You build whatever comes head, way want it. A bed truck. A dolls house spaceship. A lot boys like dolls houses. They’re human spaceships. A lot girls prefer spaceships. They’re exciting dolls houses. The important thing put right material hands let create whatever appeals them. The image uploaded Reddit user fryd_ Saturday morning. He spoke BuzzFeed News it: I came across pamphlet whilst playing Lego niece & nephew Grandma’s house struck particularly modern message something written 40 years ago. I thought toy-makers today could learn thing two! Lego famously egalitarian advertising 1970s 1980s, poster 1981. Sounds like familiar message… BuzzFeed reached Lego comment letter.
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81
Is Fidel Castro dead? Yes, man named “Fidel Castro” died, he’s famous Castro might thinking of. The prospect leader Cuba might died circulating internet, rumors claim Fidel Castro’s death supposed announced official conference, according Castro health rumors, already Cuba denied rumors. In related report Inquisitr, it’s claimed Ian Fleming, author famous James Bond series, helped former President Kennedy hatch Fidel Castro assassination plot. According el Nuevo Herald, rumors claimed Fidel Castro dead man named Fidel Castro Odinga, son important politician Kenya, died weekend age 14 years old. “Castro Odinga son Raila Odinga, main opposition leader Kenya considered possible successor father. It possible death name confused many users Twitter, begun spread word supposed death Cuban leader.” Kenyan police currently investigating Odinga’s death, headlines may encouraged rumors Cuban leader. According Laiguana TV, it’s also possible blog Yusnaby Perez may sparked rumors claimed Fidel Castro dead public many months. “How strange! It first year since I remember anniversary Revolution Fidel appear.” Thursday marked year since former Cuban president made public appearance. Castro apparently received foreign dignitaries home Havana, commented publicly recent changes Cuba United States announced December 17, 2014. The rumors increased even Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera reported Fidel Castro’s death. The newspaper quickly retracted report, alleged “news” Castro went viral. Because rumors several media outlets Venezuela Cuba claimed Cuban government planned calling press conference discuss Fidel Castro’s heath condition. But official International Press Centre (CPI), department Cuban Foreign Ministry serving foreign media, says rumor false, saying, “That false. No press conference convened, no.” In addition, Castro’s influential nephew, Alejandro Castro Espin, currently Greece, told radio station uncle “in good health” there’s reason speculate Castro’s death.
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source
WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon says U.S. officials confirmed death leader al-Shabaab terror group U.S. airstrike Monday. The Pentagon's press secretary confirmed death Ahmed Abdi Godane brief written statement Friday. "Godane's removal major symbolic operational loss largest al Qaeda affiliate Africa reflects years painstaking work intelligence, military law enforcement professionals," White House said statement. U.S. officials said strike Monday U.S. special operations forces using manned drone aircraft destroyed encampment vehicle using several Hellfire missiles laser-guided munitions. But confirm Godane killed Friday. Godane, also known Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, group's spiritual leader whose direction Somali militants forged alliance al Qaeda. The U.S. carried several airstrikes Somalia recent years. A U.S. missile strike January killed high-ranking intelligence officer al-Shabaab, last October vehicle carrying senior members group hit U.S. strike killed al-Shabaab's top explosives expert. Al-Shabaab gained international notoriety year ago month attacked upscale Westgate Mall Nairobi, Kenya, killing least 67 people. The U.S. strike Monday targeted Godane planners bloody assault mall, officials said.
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists
DC Toy Collector “highest paid performer” YouTube making nearly $5 million last year unboxing Disney toys. However, little known woman-behind-the-hands popular YouTube channel. In fact, face never shown video, voice, toys hands. However, recent report reveals true identity YouTube hit identity somewhat shocking. A former Brazilian porn star behind wholesome Disney videos noted early years “Disney Collector,” woman filming Disney unboxing videos porn Florida home. The Daily Mail reports Brazilian Daiane DeJeus, also known Sandy Summers porn industry, woman behind hit Disney Collector Youtube videos. Reporters tracked information DeJeus aligns public records information regarding widely popular DC Toy Collector YouTube channel. After tracking DeJeus, reporters spoke family friends confirmed Daiane behind million dollar videos. DeJeus went unfathomable measures ensure identity remained secret good reason. The target market YouTube channel, caters Disney lovers children families, may remain viewers knew owner’s secret. DeJeus Disney fanatic, also porn star. Going name Sandy Summers, Dejeus filmed numerous x-rated videos adult film industry home filmed early DC Toy Collector features. Family friends identified DeJeus mystery unboxer note certain physical features woman’s hands arms seen many YouTube videos. “They pointed tell-tale scar left elbow mole elbow joint identical seen Summers many lingerie photo shoots.” Aside physical similarities, former neighbors say DeJeus unmistakable voice say many people street knew to. ‘That Daiane. She childlike voice I would recognize anywhere. Most people street eventually knew to.” Would ever imagined popular DC Toy Collector videos filmed house adult films porn star? [Image Credit: Youtube/ DC Toy Collector, Facebook/Sandy Summers]
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola
A new survey UBS suggests Apple Watch could get strong start, leading investment firm predict sales 24 million units gross profit $3.4 billion wearable device first months alone. In poll 4,000 consumers, UBS found 10 percent consumers said "very likely" buy smartwatch next 12 months. Applying percentage total number eligible iPhone owners, UBS believes Apple sell 24 million Apple Watches first nine months availability. Detailing results note investors Monday, analyst Steven Milunovich noted first version Apple Watch number limitations, notably dependence connected iPhone functionality. But believes first-generation device set Apple long-term success wearables market. Still, first months, Milunovich believes Apple sell 24 million Watch average price $420 $430. That would result sales $10.3 billion, assumed 33 percent level gross margin, would add $3.4 billion profit company's bottom line fiscal 2015. Apple's fiscal 2015 concludes end September, Milunovich's estimates include 2015 holiday shopping season. Looking fiscal 2016, Milunovich's estimates increase 40 million units, resulting $17 billion sales $6.2 billion profit. And 2018, projections call Apple selling 67.6 million Apple Watch units single fiscal year. The analyst said likely iPhone Apple Watch prove complementary products, much like Mac iPad. But said also possible Apple Watch could eventually become successor iPhone. "Given two-thirds Apple's profit generated iPhone, company concerned longer-term threat replacement technology, whether leap handset technology loss key functions wearables," Mulinovich said. "With sophisticated user interface third-party apps coming on, Apple may readying time Apple Watch encroaches smartphone market." The UBS survey also delved specific brands, found consumers interested currently available Samsung Gear. Among respondents plan buy smartwatch, 37 percent said would purchase SamsungGear, 25 percent said waiting Apple Watch. Milunovich expects tables quickly turn early 2015, Apple Watch becomes available shakes existing wearables market. "Just Apple first MP3 smartphone vendor redefined categories, expect Apple Watch become first mind smartwatches," said. UBS maintained "buy" rating AAPL stock 12-month price target $125.
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip
Protesters march support girls kidnapped members Boko Haram front Nigerian Embassy Washington May 6. The Nigerian government said Friday reached cease-fire agreement Boko Haram, jihadist organization kidnapped 219 girls April, according AFP. “A ceasefire agreement concluded Federal Government Nigeria Boko Haram,” said Air Marshal Alex Badeh, Nigeria’s top military officer. A second Nigerian official told AFP ceasefire would include provisions release kidnapped girls. “They agreed release Chibok girls,” said Hassan Tukur, secretary President Goodluck Jonathan served government’s representative talks Boko Haram. But experts questioned credibility officials’ claims, part news agreement comes President Jonathan prepares launch re-election bid. Announcing return girls, whose abduction inspired hashtag #BringBackOurGirls, could help Jonathan’s electoral aspirations — even claim turns entirely true. The Nigerian government lied girls several times past. The government even claimed rescued girls. In particular, experts questioned credibility Danladi Ahmadu, government said Boko Haram’s representative talks. “I never heard Ahmadu, Boko Haram wanted declare ceasefire would come group’s leader Abubakar Shekau,” Shehu Sani, Boko Haram expert negotiated group behalf government, told AFP. The Nigerian military fighting Boko Haram since 2009. Multiple attempts reaching cease-fire proven unsuccessful.
Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London
Several Iraqi news sources, including Al Sabah website al-Maalomah, reported Wednesday several ISIS fighters sought help hospital Mosul, 250 miles north city Baghdad, developing symptoms Ebola virus infection. Citing anonymous sources hospital Mosul, Al-Sabah reported two cases Ebola 26 cases HIV/AIDS confirmed health authorities Mosul. The newspaper also claimed ISIS recruits African countries brought virus Iraq. The International Business Times UK also carried similar report, quoting Iraqi news sources. But spokesperson Iraqi health ministry, Ahmed Rudaini, denied reports two cases Ebola virus infection diagnosed among ISIS militants Mosul. The Iraqi health ministry spokesperson said infection confirmed Mosul none hospitals city diagnostic facilities. He said Central Laboratory Public Health Baghdad ability confirm cases Ebola virus infection. Responding inquiries Mashable, WHO spokesperson, Christy Feigh, said, "We official notification Ebola." Feigh said WHO investigating reports would give assistance needed. But UN workers banned entering ISIS-held areas Iraq Syria, unclear organization would able confirm report render assistance suspected cases. Mashable, however, reports Kurdish official appeared convinced reports accurate told Kurdish news outlet Xendan militants reported hospital Mosul symptoms Ebola virus infection. While Iraqi health officials probably taking reports seriously, outbreak Ebola among ISIS militants could serious consequences due lack access ISIS-held areas. It also feared ISIS militants could use presence virus among militants terror weapon opponents, complicating prosecution war extremist group. However, symptoms Ebola virus, including vomiting, diarrhea bleeding late stages disease similar several diseases, including malaria, yellow fever typhoid fever. Thus, possible militants reported hospital Mosul suffering diseases symptoms similar Ebola. Given fact reports carried exclusively pro-government newspapers, possible rule designed cause confusion among ISIS fighters discourage new recruits joining group. It known ISIS significant number recruits West African countries epidemic reported. Thousands foreign recruits ISIS arrived mostly North African countries Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Algeria Somalia reports Ebola outbreak. The Ebola virus epidemic claimed thousands lives West African countries Sierra Leone, Liberia Guinea. Recently, Nigerian news sources reported ISIS making efforts recruit fighters country. The report led Nigerian government issue statement urging Middle Eastern countries carry thorough background checks Nigerians applying visas. The report ISIS militants might contracted Ebola comes weeks Benjamin T. Decker, intelligence analyst Iraq specialist Middle East research firm Levantine Group, said ISIS executed 11 doctors Mosul refusing treat wounded militants. Mosul among several cities ISIS fighters captured earlier year 2014. The militants declared Islamic caliphate areas captured. Mosul, particular, ISIS control since June 2014. The city reportedly suffered food, water power shortages since extremist militants took over. Residents suffered brutal treatment reports executions enslavement minorities women children. On Wednesday, US allies carried 17 airstrikes Syria 12 Iraq. The airstrikes Syria targeted ISIS facilities Al Raqqah, Dayr az Zawr Kobani, strikes Iraq hit ISIS buildings positions around Mosul, Fallujah Sinja.
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Horrific Video Message to the U.S.
Oh Internet, ever stop killing perfectly healthy celebrities, least healthy enough alive? Today, one ridiculously stupid fake-looking hoax sites generates random celebrity death stories proved people gullible take IQ tests use Internet. Looking like MSNBC page stopped loading 2004, farticle (that’s name fake articles) claimed sources “reporting” Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose found dead yesterday unknown causes West Hollywood home. “The home entered police open back door body found foyer area,” read report created douchebag presumably large, Dorito-speckled smirk face. While plenty people fell enough link start spreading Facebook Twitter, sleuths Gossip Cop quickly proved fake. Probably looking it. The awful hoax comes jerks behind MSNBC.website URL, affiliation real news outlet tries fool people clicking bogus stories. A new phony report headline, “Sources: Guns N’ Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead West Hollywood Home Age 52.” Enough people duped story share 39,000 times social media like Facebook. Again, TOTALLY FAKE. MSNBC.website pulled trick last month death hoax Macaulay Culkin. The phony Culkin story almost identical phony Rose story. Don’t believe report coming MSNBC.website. (Via Gossip Cop) One days, Rose might actually pass away none us believe stupid hoax reports. And funeral really sad starts raining Slash plays guitar solo shirt leather jacket top Rose’s casket, nobody’s appreciate it. RELATED: Since we’re talking GNR, favor go back read Danger Guerrero’s breakdown “November Rain.”
It’s About To Get Harder To Be Arrested For Pot Possession In New York City
A man Carlisle slaps locals caught sneezing hunted police. The man, described middle-aged, first assaulted woman Monday, smacking around back head sneezed, police described ‘very strange behaviour’. And Tuesday, detectives believe man launched unprovoked attack frail 82-year-old woman Scotch Street, roughly 11.30 am. Cumbria Police described prime suspect wearing tweed jacket mid-to-late 50s. They yet trace first victim, female, said believe two crimes linked. Sgt Gill Cherry said: ‘We treating two reported incidents linked, appealing local community help trace man responsible. ‘It unusual behaviour left victims feeling confused upset.’ MORE: This supermarket South Africa deals shoplifters MORE: Man stole £20,000 KitKat wrappers Gemma Prosser, 19, witnessed attack, said: ‘we heard happened town centre first thought bit weird. ‘When think it, really awful anyone sneeze time it’s fault’. But Nicola Dawson, 48, dental receptionist, nearby Kendal, said would frightened retaliate. ‘I come shopping day actually cold’, said. ‘If anyone smacked sneezing I would smack back’. Anyone information regarding bizarre crime anonymously contact Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response
Amazon.com announced plans first brick-and-mortar store, Dow Jones reported. It open 34th Street Manhattan across street Empire State Building, time year's holiday season. The experimental pop-up store function small warehouse, holding limited inventory same-day deliveries New York. The store may also host tech showcases items Kindle e-readers, Fire phones Fire TVs. A customer may order item online pick day store. Amazon stock 2 percent midafternoon trading Thursday. The company risks increasing costs related retailing paying leases hiring workers. But store successful, may set precedent additional stores cities. Amazon researching scouting possible store several years, said person familiar project. Two years ago, company went far scouting spots Seattle, headquartered. "Same-day delivery, ordering online picking in-store ideas really catching on. Amazon needs center that," Matt Nemer, Wells Fargo analyst, told Dow Jones. Other companies Wal-Mart Home Depot already incorporated order-online, pick-up in-store model. Clothing company Bonobos opened 10 stores 2011 plans expand 40 stores 2016. Amazon tried brick-and-mortar experiments before, Kindle vending machines sold tablets e-readers malls.
Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral
When Tim Cook finally announced long-awaited Apple Watch September 9, company promised “early 2015” release. Since then, it’s really anybody’s guess when, exactly, might end being. A new rumors, however, suggest we’ll get Apple Watch sometime February…but it’s likely it’ll later that. Today, post 9to5Mac points way back report Chinese site Feng, cites “Taiwanese media” saying Apple Watch likely hit sometime February, though without fair bit challenges overcome. The reports say supply sapphire crystal – compose displays highest-end Apple Watch units – led difficulties manufacturing. However, noted sapphire biggest problem facing Apple Watch, Apple’s good shape. The software still development, 9to5Mac post points out, company yet release WatchKit SDK developers start making cool apps that’ll run device. Another report Asia week claims production Apple Watch isn’t set start manufacturing partner Quanta sometime January – month actual production, seems doubtful Apple would truly ready sell Watch February. And last week, unnamed Apple insider quoted saying company would “lucky ship Valentine’s Day.” If quote true, February seems like tall order. That said, March doesn’t seem question. Nor April. In fact, considering Motorola promised Moto 360 smartwatch “summer 2014,” didn’t launch early September, would seem OEMs pretty loose definitions launch windows. “Early 2015” simply anything last day June. And barring major disasters, start see Apple Watches consumers’ wrists long then. The main question, though, cool stuff competition cook now…
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting
OTTAWA, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Canada trying confirm reports Canadian citizen captured Syria, foreign ministry spokesman said Sunday. "Canada pursuing appropriate channels" seek information touch local authorities, spokesman said statement. Israeli media reports, including Haaretz newspaper quoting website associated Islamic State, said Canadian-Israeli woman, Gil Rosenberg, captured. The reports cited jihadist websites confirmed Israeli officials. "I cannot confirm I hope true," Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon told Israeli television channel asked reports. Rosenberg, 31, told Reuters Syria November. A source linked YPG, Kurds' dominant fighting force northern Syria, said earlier month first female foreign recruit crossed Syria fight Islamic State militants. (Reporting Randall Palmer; Additional reporting Allyn Fisher-Ilan Jerusalem; Writing Amran Abocar; Editing Kevin Liffey Eric Walsh)
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel
Since U.S. began airstrikes Iraq Syria Islamic State, Republicans frequently connected terrorist group border security U.S. In August, Texas Governor Rick Perry called “very real possibility” fighters Islamic State already crossed U.S. On Tuesday night, Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican California, took comments even further. Appearing "On Record Greta Van Susteren," Hunter said, “At least ten ISIS fighters caught coming across border Texas.” When Van Susteren asked knew that, Hunter replied, “Because I’ve asked border patrol, Greta.” I asked Department Homeland Security Hunter’s comments true. They weren't. “The suggestion individuals ties ISIL apprehended Southwest border categorically false, supported credible intelligence facts ground,” said DHS spokesperson Marsha Catron. “DHS continues credible intelligence suggest terrorist organizations actively plotting cross southwest border.” UPDATE: Hunter backing comments, claiming came "high-level source" DHS. "The Congressman conveying knows—and told," Hunter's spokesperson told The Huffington Post. "And DHS’ statement, makes sense left hand DHS doesn’t know right hand doing—it’s way long time don’t expect change. No surprise there."
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists
A photo purporting show slain body Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appears doctored picture another slain militant killed Syria 2013. Rumors circulated social media Iraqi media weekend Baghdadi slain US airstrike several days ago. Later Iraqi reports said IS leader severely wounded chest near Syrian border receiving medical treatment. The reports could independently confirmed. A picture purporting show Baghdadi’s bloodied body fatigues also circulated. However, picture appears actually show Baghdadi’s head pasted onto body Sami Hafez Al-Abdullah, Albanian national killed Syria 2013, according investigation Storyful, social media news agency. A picture Abdullah, reportedly also served imam Germany, report death appeared Yemenite news site Hournews.net last year. Despite apparently doctored photo, Baghdadi’s fate, amid continuing American air strikes, remains unclear. Washington expanded month-long air campaign Iraq’s Sunni Arab heartland, hitting Islamic State fighters west Baghdad troops allied tribesmen launched ground assault Sunday. The new strikes deepen Washington’s involvement conflict significant escalation President Barack Obama, made political career opposing war Iraq pulled US troops 2011. Previous strikes — since US air campaign began August 8 — mainly support Kurdish forces north. US warplanes bombed IS fighters around strategic dam Euphrates River area jihadists repeatedly tried capture government troops Sunni militia allies. “We conducted strikes prevent terrorists threatening security dam, remains control Iraqi security forces, support Sunni tribes,” Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said. “The potential loss control dam, catastrophic failure dam — flooding might result — would threatened US personnel facilities around Baghdad, well thousands Iraqi citizens,” added. AFP contributed report.
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley
On Friday, Nigerian military reportedly agreed truce militant group Boko Haram. According announcement, 200 Nigerian schoolgirls abducted year freed. According CNN, details release expected negotiated next week. In August, militant group Boko Haram declared "Islamic state" northeastern Nigeria, territory largely occupied fighters. Boko Haram believed hiding girls somewhere area. This week marked six months since mass kidnapping took place. Here's happened since. On April 14, 276 Nigerian girls kidnapped Boko Haram militants school Chibok, northern Nigeria, according official figures. The mass abduction occurred night, took days full scale kidnapping became clear. Shortly abductions, military spokesperson claimed girls rescued Nigerian soldiers, remarks turned wrong. Whether Nigerian army suited finding girls questioned: Its reputation rural north bad, often accused lacking transparency soldiers committing crimes. One recent video allegedly showed Nigerian soldiers slitting prisoners' throats, according Amnesty International. In weeks following mass kidnapping, criticism Nigerian government military quickly grown failed free girls. In May, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau released video message claiming girls would "remain slaves us." Nearly 200 days passed since girls abducted, according estimates, 200 schoolgirls still held Boko Haram militants. Only dozen girls managed escape past months: The Times London cited example four girls able flee captors walked three weeks jungle. Most escapes, however, took place shortly abductions, graph shows. As time passed, hope faded many parents, reports escapes became less frequent. "The longer they're there, greater likelihood become dispersed, difficult track down," Jennifer Cook, director Africa Program Center Strategic International Studies, told Time magazine week, reports emerged Boko Haram considering freeing them. There conflicting numbers many girls still captivity — say 215, say 219. The numbers used graph refer mass kidnapping April. Other abductions women girls occurred since. Boko Haram predominantly active northeast Nigeria, girls kidnapped, sphere influence extends west south country. The militants conducted increasing number attacks past months believed active area could 500,000 square kilometers, 193,000 square miles. Its core area spreads much 250,000 square kilometers, roughly size United Kingdom. However, Boko Haram full control areas active. Fatalities non-criminal Nigerian violence — term includes attacks terror groups communal political actors — risen rapidly since 2010, Boko Haram attacks main driver behind rise. The militant group killed least 5,100 Nigerians year, according estimates Johns Hopkins School Advanced International Studies. This graph shows fatalities caused Boko Haram went around zero 5,000 annually within six years. Although threat posed Boko Haram grown steadily, took April abductions conflict make international headlines. The burst reporting accompanied huge rise attention Boko Haram social media. Up May 13, 3.3 million tweets posted, using hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. According BBC, people used hashtag lived Nigeria (27 percent) United States (26 percent). Still, thousands tweets posted week effort raise awareness fate Nigerian schoolgirls. The social media campaign found prominent supporters: As Oct. 17, 57,000 users retweeted Michelle Obama's message: "Our prayers missing Nigerian girls families. It's time #BringBackOurGirls." Our prayers missing Nigerian girls families. It's time #BringBackOurGirls. -mo pic.twitter.com/glDKDotJRt — The First Lady (@FLOTUS) May 7, 2014 The Obama administration deployed 80 U.S. military personnel Chad May. In letter, White House said: "These personnel support operation intelligence, surveillance reconnaissance aircraft missions northern Nigeria surrounding area," aid search missing schoolgirls. Chad east Nigeria. Other countries, China, France Britain, also sent military assistance region. According reports, Boko Haram started sell kidnapped girls brides militants May. The value girl, according Boko Haram: $12. The Associated Press cited reports forced mass weddings taken place abductions. In video message, Boko Haram leader Shekau reportedly announced: "I abducted girls. I sell market, Allah." The hunt Boko Haram leader Shekau started well mass abductions girls. In 2013, U.S. State Department added Shekau "Rewards Justice Program," offering $7 million information led capture. Those efforts unsuccessful. A video released month showed Shekau alive freedom. Meanwhile, USAID — international development agency United States — devoted $150 million programs aimed providing education Nigerian children teenagers. The programs primarily target internally displaced children others affected violence Nigeria. Only 28 percent primary-age children ever attended school Borno, state kidnappings took place. The low attendance rates area partially sphere influence Boko Haram seem coincidence. Boko Haram's name translated "Western education sin."