{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN neu:(1h)GIFT:j GIRL BOX/ROOM++" ], "text": [ "John is giving the girl boxes." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN IX-loc:i DECIDE part:indef MOVE-AWAY" ], "text": [ "John decided to move away." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN fs-MARY LOVE IX-3p:i" ], "text": [ "As for John, Mary loves him." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN MUST MORE INFORMATION HOLD IX-3p:i FUTURE READ BOOK HOLD" ], "text": [ "If John needs more information, he will read the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i FORMERLY POSS-3p:j fs-JOHN CAR" ], "text": [ "That was John's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i LEARN+AGENT LIKE CHOCOLATE NOT LIKE READ+ BOOK" ], "text": [ "The student likes chocolate but doesn't like to read books." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p KNOW WHO fs-JOHN LOVE" ], "text": [ "I know who John loves." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "HUNGRY/WISH HOLD IX-3p:i EAT MOUSE/FICTION" ], "text": [ "If he/she/it is hungry, he/she/it will eat a mouse." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN IX-loc:i FRIEND ARRIVE" ], "text": [ "John's friend arrived." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ BOOK #WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When did John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN fs-MARY LOVE" ], "text": [ "As for John, Mary loves him." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN IX-loc:i LIKE fs-MARY" ], "text": [ "As for John, he likes Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE FINISH READ BOOK HOLD WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When will John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "CAT CHASE DOG IX-3p:i EAT MOUSE/FICTION" ], "text": [ "The cat that chased the dog ate the mouse." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IF PAST NOT RAIN IX-1p GO-OUT MOVIE" ], "text": [ "If it hadn't rained, I wouldn't have gone to the movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER (2h)GIVE:j HOLD CHOCOLATE fs-JOHN HOLD" ], "text": [ "Did mother give chocolate to John?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IF TEACH+AGENT REQUIRE HOLD fs-JOHN FUTURE READ+ BOOK part:indef" ], "text": [ "If the teacher requires it, John will read the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN HOLD IX-3p:i NOW HOLD CHOCOLATE MOTHERwg" ], "text": [ "John, he is giving chocolate to his mother now." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER NOT LIKE MOVIE IX-3p:i HOLD" ], "text": [ "Mother does not like the movie." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN MUST BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "John must buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN POSS-3p:i BROTHER ARRIVE" ], "text": [ "John's brother arrives." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK HOLD FINISH HOLD" ], "text": [ "As for John reading the book, he finished." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "CAT CHASE MOUSE/FICTION IX-loc:j DRINK WATER HOLD" ], "text": [ "Does the cat that chases the mouse drink water?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHER LIKE THAT BOOK FUTURE QMwg" ], "text": [ "As for father liking that book, will he?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "REALLY (1h)WOW/AWFUL IX-3p:i fs-JOHN HOLD CAR STEAL" ], "text": [ "WOW. As for John's car, it was stolen." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN (1h)GO SHOULD+" ], "text": [ "John should go." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "WHO ARRIVE HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who arrived?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN neu:GIVE-indef:j IX-loc:j SOMETHING/ONE WOMAN BOOK" ], "text": [ "John gave a woman over there a book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH EAT TURKEY SANDWICH" ], "text": [ "John has eaten a turkey sandwich." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "#WHEN IX-2p TAKE-OFF HOLD" ], "text": [ "When did you take off?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN IX-loc:i WORK TO/UNTIL TIME SIX" ], "text": [ "John worked until six o'clock." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHER LIKE BOOK HOLD AND MOVIE HOLD" ], "text": [ "Father likes books and movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "CAT CHASE #DOG HOLD IX-3p:i EAT \"WHAT\" YESTERDAY" ], "text": [ "What did the cat that chased the dog eat yesterday?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i SHOOT fs-FRANK" ], "text": [ "He/She/It shot Frank." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN ARRIVE:i HOLD" ], "text": [ "John is arriving." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT POSS-3p:i FATHER FUTURE BUY WHICH HOUSE part:indef" ], "text": [ "Which house will the student's father buy?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER LIKE IX-3p:i MOVIE" ], "text": [ "Mother likes the movie." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "part:indef WOMAN part:indef ARRIVE HERE" ], "text": [ "Well, some woman arrived." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FAVORITE/PREFER GO MOVIE TOMORROW HOLD" ], "text": [ "John prefers to go to the movies tomorrow." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ+ BOOK" ], "text": [ "John read a/the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FUTURE BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "WIll mother buy a house? No." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE FINISH READ BOOK WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When will John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN HOLD ARRIVE:i" ], "text": [ "John is arriving." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p FINISH TALK WITH fs-JOHN fs-SUE CALL-BY-PHONE INFORM:1p" ], "text": [ "After I had finished talking to John, Sue called to inform me." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ+ BOOK+" ], "text": [ "John finished reading the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-BILL IX-loc:i PLAY GUITAR fs-JOHN PLAY DRUMS IX-1p MUSIC" ], "text": [ "Bill plays the guitar, John plays the drums, and I sing." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "part:indef WHO FAIL TEST HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who failed the exam?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SEE WHO YESTERDAY HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who did John see yesterday?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN KNOW IX-3p:i MAN IX-loc:i" ], "text": [ "John knows the man over there." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "#FIX IX-3p:i FIRST MUST DISCONNECT" ], "text": [ "If you want to fix it, you must disconnect it first." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SEE fs-JOAN WHO (1h)part:indef HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who saw Joan?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN BY-A-HAIR END POSS-3p:i #JOB THEN LIGHT LIGHT-OUT" ], "text": [ "John was just able to finish his job as the lights went out." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "YESTERDAY LEARN+AGENT BUY CAR" ], "text": [ "The student bought a car yesterday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IF RAIN IX-1p PROCEED MOVIE" ], "text": [ "If it rains, I will go ahead to the movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN BUY CAR SHOULD" ], "text": [ "John should buy a car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "RAIN IX-1p GO-OUT MOVIE" ], "text": [ "If it rains, I will go to the movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "UMBRELLA IX-1p FORGET IX-1p STILL BRING RAIN+COAT" ], "text": [ "As for my umbrella, I forgot it, but I still brought my raincoat." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT (1h)GIFT:j TEACH+AGENT WHICH BOOK IX-3p:k IX-3p:m IX-3p:k IX-3p:m" ], "text": [ "Which of those two books did the student give the teacher?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i OLD MAN ARRIVE" ], "text": [ "The old man arrived." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY SELF-3p:i FAVORITE/PREFER CORN" ], "text": [ "Mary herself prefers corn." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-FRANK POSS-3p:i NEW CAR BREAK-DOWN" ], "text": [ "Frank's new car broke down." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY HOLD fs-BILL SAY fs-JOHN LOVE HOLD" ], "text": [ "As for Mary, Bill says John loves (her)." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i OLD MAN ARRIVE" ], "text": [ "The old man arrived." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK (flat-O)ABOUT \"WHAT\" HOLD" ], "text": [ "What did John read a book about?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i OLD MAN ARRIVE HOLD" ], "text": [ "The old man arrived." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE neu:GIVE:j MOTHER CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "Will John give (his) mother chocolate?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "NOW BEAUTIFUL fs-DAY HOLD" ], "text": [ "It is a beautiful day." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHERwg LIKE fs-JOHN HOUSE HOLD LIKE POSS-3p:j CAR #NO NOT" ], "text": [ "Father likes John's house, but does he like John's car? No, he doesn't." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY RECENT-PAST #BACK FROM ns-ITALY" ], "text": [ "Mary just got back from Italy." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH VISIT MOTHER" ], "text": [ "John has visited mother." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK ABOUT \"WHAT\" HOLD" ], "text": [ "What is John reading a book about?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FUTURE RAIN NEXT-WEEK" ], "text": [ "It will rain next week." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SHOULD NOT BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "John should not buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER BUY CAR FOR fs-JOHN #NO HOLD" ], "text": [ "Did mother buy a car for John? No, she did not." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "CHOCOLATE fs-JOHN HOLD (1h)GIFT:i MOTHERwg HOLD IX-3p:i" ], "text": [ "John is giving mother chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SEE HOLD i:THROW:j APPLE WHO fs-MARY" ], "text": [ "Who did John see throw the apple? Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "\"WHAT\" fs-JOHN LOVE \"WHAT\" HOLD" ], "text": [ "What is it John loves, what?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHER SHOULD+ BUY BOOK+" ], "text": [ "Father should buy a book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT FINISH READ MAGAZINE HOLD NOW READ BOOK+" ], "text": [ "The teacher finished reading the magazine and is now reading a book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT LIKE CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "The student likes chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SCL:crvd-V\"person sitting on ground\" GRASS HOLD LOOK-AT fs-MARY" ], "text": [ "John was sitting on the grass when he saw Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "GO GET MORE fs-ICE HOLD (25)WHY" ], "text": [ "Why did you go get more ice?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i TAKE-OFF ns-CALIFORNIA WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When did he/she/it leave for California?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOT-YET FINISH READ BOOK" ], "text": [ "John has not yet finished reading the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE BOAT SCL:3\"vehicle sink\" ns-CAPE-COD part:indef" ], "text": [ "Some boat sank off Cape Cod (I think)." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-SUE IX-loc:i FAVORITE/PREFER+ WATER MELON" ], "text": [ "Sue prefers watermelon." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN END WORK LIGHT LIGHT-OUT" ], "text": [ "When John finishes his work, the lights will go out." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT POSS-3p:i MOTHER BUY CAR" ], "text": [ "The student's mother bought a car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FUTURE BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "Will mother buy a house?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "REALLY PAST++ WEEKEND IX-1p (2h)PCL:C\"group\" FRIEND IX-1p-pl-arc TWENTY", "IX-1p-pl-arc DEAF GO TO/UNTIL ns-MAINE fs-MAINE IX-3p:i WATER WHITE WATER GO-BY-BOAT", "REALLY IX-1p ARRIVE FRIDAY NIGHT+", "REALLY MANY CAMP (2h)alt.LCL:crvd-5\"tents all over\" SET-UP:r SET-UP:s SET-UP:t", "BEER DCL:crvd-5\"pile\" REALLY EACH+WHERE (2h)DCL:5\"everywhere\" PEOPLE (2h)PCL:5\"crowding\"", "IX-1p-pl-arc IX-1p-pl-arc 5\"everything in order\" HOLD ALL-NIGHT WAKE-UP MORNING", "PATIENT GET-UP SEVEN MORNING", "READY FOR IX-1p-pl-arc GREAT fs-ADVENTURE HOLD 5\"ok, let's see\"", "#BUS DCL:C\"bus moving\" ARRIVE IX-1p-pl-arc (2h)alt.SCL:crvd-V\"sitting down\"++ OVER/AFTER EAT+MORNING", "IX-1p (2h)alt.SCL:crvd-V\"sitting on\"++ DCL:C\"bus driving\" ARRIVE ONE RIVER HOLD", "5\"I don't know\" fs-K FINGERSPELL LONG-TERM WORD+ IX-3p:j RIVER", "IN RIGHT-HERE ns-MAINE TWENTY MINUTE FROM WHERE AREA CAMP AREA", "LCL:crvd-V\"sitting on a raft\" ON fs-RAFT RAFT HOLD", "IX-1p POSS-1p FIRST TIME ADMIT IX-1p 5\"sheepish\" HOLD", "IX-1p NOT-KNOW #DO part:indef FEEL SAME ON BOAT WATER THINK (F)NOTHING", "IX-1p START SCL:crvd-V\"sitting on\"++ IX-loc:k 5\"hesitation\"", "IX-1p-pl-arc HAVE LEAD++AGENT HOLD", "(1h)HAVE HOLD UNDERSTAND BOTH FRONT MUST HEARING", "#SO IX-1p CAN FOLLOW ICL\"rowing\"", "KNOW WHEN CORRECT TIME STOP ICL\"drag oar in water\"+", "SCREAM #SO IX-1p-pl-arc DEAF CANNOT HEAR BACK", "#SO IX-1p (2h)alt.SCL:crvd-V\"sitting down\"+ 5\"everything in order\" READY", "GO-BY-BOAT REALLY SLOW IX-1p 5\"this is nothing\"", "IX-1p ICL\"rowing casually\"++ IX-1p THINK 5\"this is nothing\" BORE 5\"this is nothing\" (2h)ICL\"rowing casually\"++", "SAY IX-1p BCL:4\"tapping person\" fs-TONY POSS-1p FRIEND HOLD", "IX-1p BCL:bent-B\"tapping person\" THAT IX-loc:p WHITE WATER BOAT", "SCL:bent-B-L\"raft shooting down rapids\" (2h)alt.DCL:B-L\"rapids\"", "IX-1p SCL:bent-V\"flying from seat\" IX-1p 5\"dumbfounded\"", "IX-1p LOSE IX-1p CANNOT FIND/FIND-OUT BOAT HOLD", "IX-1p BCL\"waving from the water\" BOAT GET IX-1p", "OTHER MAN fs-MIKE fs-DAISY IX-3p:l SCL:bent-V\"falling off\" WITH IX-1p (2h)SCL:bent-V\"falling off\"", "IX-1p 5\"sheepish\" HOLD IX-3p:m BCL\"pulling person out\" IX-1p ENTER ON BOAT", "IX-1p SCL:crvd-V\"sitting\"+ IX-1p 5\"whoa\"", "IX-1p REASON 5\"alright now\" SERIOUS 5\"alright now\" SERIOUS BUSINESS 5\"alright now\"", "IX-1p fs-FOOT BPCL:B\"digging foot into side of raft\" MAKE REALLY IX-1p NOT FALL AGAIN BPCL:B\"digging foot into side of raft\"", "ICL\"rowing\"++ SCL:B-L\"raft on rapids\" SOME (2h)alt.SCL:bent-V\"falling off\"++ HOLD FINISH", "#FUN GOOD TIME ALL-DAY TAKE-BREAK", "HAVE EAT+NOON TAKE-BREAK IX-1p SCL:B-L\"pulling over\"", "HAVE MEAT #OR BIRD CHOICE", "IX-1p GO-OUT FOR MEAT IX-1p KISS-FIST MEAT SELF-1p IX-1p GRAB-CHANCE EAT", "ETC FINISH SCL:crvd-V\"sitting down\" ON fs-RAFT AGAIN", "GO-BY-BOAT IX-3p:k HOLD MAN WHO LEAD IX-1p-pl-arc", "BACK WARN SAY LATER IX-loc:n TOUGH", "REALLY HOPE MANY IX-1p-pl-arc SCL:bent-V\"fall out\"", "IX-1p LOOK:k HOLD #OK FINE++", "REALLY FIFTEEN fs-FEET SCL:bent-B-L\"raft down\"", "IX-1p BCL\"bracing self\" HOLD HOPE SCL:bent-V\"fall out\" IX-1p BCL\"bracing self\"", "REALLY MANY (2h)alt.SCL:bent-V\"falling out\"++", "LEAVE-THERE IX-1p fs-MIKE fs-DAISY SARCASM HOLD STRANGE", "SARCASM HOLD FALL PAST", "BUT IX-1p-pl-2:l STILL 5\"looking for words\" LIVE THAT SCL:bent-B-L\"raft dropping\"", "IX-1p (2h)alt.BCL\"pulling people from the water\"++ HOLD", "REALLY ONE (2h)5\"wow\" ONE WOMAN IX-1p RIDE WITH IX-1p-pl-arc", "STUCK LCL:B-L\"raft\" BOAT HOLD CANNOT BREATHE FOR MINUTE", "IX-1p BCL\"reaching under raft\" FIND/FIND-OUT fs-HER HOLD", "(2h)ICL:S\"reaching out with paddle\" GIFT:q POSS-1p ROW/PADDLE fs-PADDLE ICL:S\"reaching out with paddle\"", "BCL\"pulling paddle\" BCL\"grabbing woman\" BCL\"pulling woman up\"", "COUGH+ THINK MAYBE MUST DO fs-CPR ON IX-3p:o", "BUT 5\"hands off\" REALLY SPIT++ WATER BCL\"coughing out water\"", "(1h)VOMIT LITTLE-BIT FINISH 5\"looking for words\" REALLY (F)NOTHING HEAD-COLD \"quote\" CONCEPT DCL:1\"spitting out\" 5\"not a big deal\"", "REALLY EVERYTHING (2h)FINE IX-3p:o HOLD GIRL WORRY 5\"no, it's ok\"", "IX-1p HOLD ARRIVE 5\"hands off\" HOLD", "IX-1p NAME fs-IT fs-DAY FINISH HOLD SCL:3\"pulling over\"", "SCL:crvd-V\"sitting\" ON #BUS (2h)DCL:C\"bus moving\" ARRIVE CAMP HOLD GROUND", "MOST IX-1p-pl-arc SCL:crvd-V\"sitting\" ON fs-SPA", "SCL:crvd-V\"sitting\" 5\"ahhh\" RELAX 5\"sigh\"" ], "text": [ "Really, last weekend, I got together with twenty friends", "We, Deafies, went to Maine for white water rafting.", "I arrived on Friday night.", "There were tents set up all over.", "There was a lot of beer everwhere, and people mingling.", "We stayed up very late. The next morning we woke up.", "We had to be patient because we got up at seven o'clock in the morning.", "We were ready for our great adventure!", "We went in the bus after breakfast.", "We got in the bus, took off, and arrived to one river.", "...I don't know, it started with a K. It's a long word, that river.", "It was close by, twenty minutes away from our camp ground.", "We sat on the raft.", "I have to admit that it was my first time.", "I didn't know what to do--I thought it would feel like being on a boat on the water. I thought it wasn't a big deal.", "We started to sit down.", "We had a leader that sat at the back of the raft.", "There were eight of us in the raft, and both people in front had to be hearing.", "So I can follow how to row.", "They will know when it is the right time to stop rowing or drag the paddle.", "The leader would yell but we Deaf people cannot hear him in the back.", "So we sat down and got ready.", "The boat was really slow. I thought, no problem.", "I was rowing and thought it was boring.", "I tapped my friend Tony.", "I tapped him and said, \"THAT's white water rafting?\"", "The boat suddenly shot down; the rapids were churning all around us.", "I flew out of the raft--I was dumbfounded.", "I was lost--I couldn't find the boat. The boat came around...", "...I waved at the raft, and they came and got me...", "...and another guy, Mike Daisy, who also fell off.", "They pulled me back onto the raft.", "We got back into our seats. I was a bit shaken..", "I realized it was serious business.", "I dug my foot into the side of the raft so I wouldn't fall again.", "There was waving while we were rowing, and people fell off the raft.", "It was fun all day and we had a good time. We decided to take a break.", "We pulled over for a lunch break.", "We had a choice of steak or chicken.", "I went for the steak--I love steak. We ate quickly,", "...and when that was done we got on the raft again", "The raft headed down the river. The man in the back, our leader,...", "He warned us that later, further down, would be be tougher.", "He expected a bunch of us to fall out.", "I looked at him and said OK, that is fine.", "The raft went down some rapids--really, it was fifteen feet straight down", "I braced myself as we went down--I was expecting to fall out.", "We went down and many people fell off.", "The only left was me and Mike Daisy. It's ironic that us two stayed on. It is strange.", "It is ironic because we both fell before,", "...but he and I were the ones to \"survive\" that drop.", "I pulled people back onto the raft.", "One woman who was riding with us...", "...was stuck under the boat and could not breathe for a while.", "I reached under the raft and found her.", "I held my paddle out to her.", "I pulled her close with the paddle and then pulled her back on.", "She was coughing and I thought maybe we would have to do CPR on her.", "But she spit up the water.", "She threw up a little, it was really nothing big, it was as if she had a cold or something.", "Really, everything was fine; the girl was worried .", "I arrived...", "...and called it a day. We pulled over.", "We got back on the bus and arrived at the campground.", "Most of us got in the spa.", "We just sat and relaxed--Aaahhh..." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN WANT SELL CAR" ], "text": [ "John wants to sell (his/a) car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "REALLY OVER/AFTER IX-1p EXPLAIN ABOUT fs-WYOMING HOLD REALLY COW (2h)PCL:5-C\"herds of cattle\"", "REALLY THROUGH ns-NEBRASKA", "REALLY IX-1p DISAPPOINT KNOW IX-3p:i PAGER NOT WORK THROUGH ns-NEBRASKA", "IX-1p NONE/NOTHING CHAT+ IX-1p DRIVE+++", "REALLY POSS-1p HOLD IX-1p ALONE (1h)HAVE HOLD FRIEND DRIVE IX-1p DRIVE++++++", "REALLY (1)FAR TO/UNTIL fs-OMAHA IX-loc:j END ns-NEBRASKA", "REALLY fs-MILES IMPORTANT ns-NEBRASKA DCL:1\"across Nebraska\"", "IX-1p REASON ns-NEBRASKA REALLY THAT BIG HOLD BUT 5\"anyway\" IX-1p DRIVE+++++", "REALLY HIT HOLD REALLY (2h)alt.RAIN++ (2h)alt.LIGHTNING++ IX-1p DRIVE IX-1p", "REALLY POSS-1p FRIEND HOLD WANT SCL:3\"vehicle pulling over\"", "IX-1p TELL:k (1h)5\"listen up\" IMPORTANT SLOW GO-OUT 45 50 fs-MPH 5\"calm down\"", "PATIENT++ SCL:3\"vehicle following\" (L)FUTURE MELT/SOLVE HOLD RAIN", "IMPORTANT ESCAPE BIG STORM", "POSS-1p FRIEND SAY 5\"wave no\"+ BETTER (2h)SCL:3\"vehicles pulling over\" IX-1p #OK FINE HAPPY (2h)SCL:3\"vehicle pulling over\"", "ENTER ONE RESTAURANT IX-1p HUNGRY/WISH IX-1p NOT-YET EAT EAT+NOON", "IX-1p ENTER REALLY 5\"whoa\" REALLY fs-CREEPY PLACE", "REALLY 5\"looking for words\" HOLD IX-1p ENTER 5\"looking for words\" NONE/NOTHING SERVICE+AGENT part:indef", "#ALL WOOD++ TABLE WOOD++ CHAIR FACE+SAME fs-LOG fs-CABIN HOLD HOUSE", "IX-1p LOOK:r #OK FINE IX-1p-pl-3-arc SCL:crvd-V\"sit around table\"", "IX-1p BOOK #MENU OPEN-BOOK IX-1p ICL:B-L\"looking at menu\" L\"well\" REALLY LIMIT CHOICE 5\"let it go\"", "IX-1p-pl-arc DECIDE (1h)HAVE HAMBURGER AND FRENCH-FRIES 5\"leave it at that\" SIMPLE 5\"leave it at that\"", "SERVICE+AGENT SERVICE+AGEMT IX-1p TELL:m IX-1p SELF-1p DEAF", "SERVICE+AGENT BPCL:flat-O\"talking to my ear\"++", "IX-1p HOLD 5\"wave no\"+ IX-1p BCL:1\"pointing to ear\" 5\"got it?\" IX-1p 5\"wave no\"++ B-L\"move back\"", "IX-1p WRITE IX-1p EXPLAIN WRITE DEAF PEOPLE CAN READ LIP", "REALLY SOME CAN READ LIP SOME COMMUNICATE THROUGH fs-P PAPER fs-PEN WRITE", "IX-3p:m SERVICE+AGENT SAY \"oh\" WHICH FAVORITE/PREFER+ IX-1p 5\"for our sake\" PAPER fs-PEN 5\"for our sake\"", "BECAUSE THAT SERVICE+AGENT REALLY 5\"you know\" HARD UNDERSTAND", "ANYWAY/NOT-MATTER IX-1p PAPER fs-PEN WRITE SAY EXPLAIN IX-1p HAMBURGER FRENCH-FRIES SIMPLE 5\"hands off\" COOK++ fs-MEDIUM", "REALLY SAME false start IX-3p-pl-arc POSS-1p FRIEND WRITE:n WRITE:o FINISH", "IX-1p WAIT+ RAIN STOP IX-1p FINALLY 5\"so, all set\" FINE", "IX-1p HURRY EAT ARRIVE IX-1p GRAB-CHANCE DRIVE 5\"nah\" IX-1p WAIT++", "DCL:crvd-L\"putting plate on table\" IX-1p DCL\"plate on table\" 5\"actually\" REALLY REGULAR SAME fs-WONDER BREAD KNOW (2h)DCL:1\"square wonderbread\" LCL:open-B\"bread around burger\" WITH (2h)DCL:crvd-L\"tiny hamburger\" HAMBURGER", "REALLY IX-1p FAVORITE/PREFER ns-MCDONALD HAMBURGER BETTER THAN IX-3p:p BUT 5\"forget it\"", "IX-1p REALLY 5\"you know\" DISGUST #ALL DECIDE 5\"forget it\"", "false start NOT GOOD EAT+ 5\"leave it at that\"", "IX-1p TELL:m NOT SATISFIED WITH EAT IX-1p-pl-arc (flat-O)PAY/SPEND FOR IX-3p:p DRINK++ 5\"let it go\"", "IX-3p:m SERVICE+AGENT REALLY IX-2p REALLY WANT (1h)HAVE SOMETHING/ONE OTHER IX-1p 5\"wave no\"+ 5\"nah\" IX-1p DECIDE EXCUSE-GO 5\"forget it\"", "DRIVE+++++ IX-1p-pl-arc REALLY HUNGRY/WISH 5\"nah\"", "DRIVE++ HURRY ns-MCDONALD KNOW ns-MCDONALD ON ROAD DRIVE+++ FIND/FIND-OUT ns-MCDONALD NEAR END ns-NEBRASKA", "IX-1p PERFECT SCL:3\"vehicle pulling over\" EAT ns-MCDONALD GRAB-CHANCE ETC", "THEN DRIVE++ THROUGH ns-IOWA HOLD IX-1p BELIEVE ns-IOWA YES fs-IOWA HOLD", "ns-INDIANA ns-ILLINOIS ns-ILLINOIS ns-INDIANA DRIVE REALLY GOOD TRIP REALLY ALL-NIGHT", "REALLY DRIVE++ PERSIST IX-1p (1h)GO 85 88 90 fs-MPH HOLD", "DRIVE+ NONE/NOTHING COP+ IX-loc:q SPEED fs-M SPEED LIMIT fs-MPH IX-loc:q 75 fs-MPH NOT 5\"you know\"", "IX-1p-pl-arc LUCKY ADVANTAGE IX-3p:q IX-1p DRIVE++ IX-1p DECIDE STAY IN ns-ILLINOIS", "STAY ALL-NIGHT 5\"so, all set\" STOP SET-ASIDE" ], "text": [ "After I explained Wyoming, the tons of cows and all that...", "Really, all the way through Nebraska...", "I was disappointed--you know this, my pager? It didn't work all the way through Nebraska.", "I couldn't chat as I was driving.", "\"Really, I was driving alone. My two friends were driving in front of me. So I drove...\"", "...It's really far to Omaha--it's the end of Nebraska", "\"Really, it's about 500 miles across Nebraska.\"", "I didn't realize that Nebraska was really that big! But anyway, so I was driving...", "All of sudden, a strong storm hit. I was a bit nervous driving through it.", "My friends in front of me wanted to pull over.", "I told them its important to go slowly, 45 or 50 MPH.", "\"Be patient, we'll drive together, and the rain will dissipate.\" I said.", "It is important to escape the big storm.", "My friend said \"nah, its better to pull over.\" \"Okay, fine,\" I said, \"I'd be happy to.\" I said sarcastically. We pulled over.", "We went into a restaurant. I was hungry because I hadn't eaten lunch yet.", "I went in; the place was really creepy.", "There were no waiters...", "The tables and chairs were all wood. It looked like a log cabin.", "We were uneasy, but we said \"OK, fine,\" and the three of us sat down around a table.", "I opened the menu; the choices were limited, but we let it slide.", "We decided to have hamburger and French fries, something simple.", "The waitress came over. I told her that I'm Deaf.", "The waitress came up and talked into my ear.", "I gestured, \"No, I'm Deaf!\" So she came around and started talking right in my face. I said, \"No, no--move back.\"", "I wrote to explain that Deaf people can read lips.", "Really, some can read lips and some communicate with paper and pen.", "The waitress said, \"Oh. Which do you prefer?\" I said I wanted paper and pen, haha.", "Because that waitress was really hard to understand.", "...anyway, I wrote that I wanted a burger with fries, just simple...cooked medium..", "My friends did the same. They both wrote down their orders, we gave the waitress the paper, and off she went.", "We waited and waited. The rain stopped; I said, \"Oh, good.\"", "I was in a hurry for the food to arrive--I wanted to take advantage of the good weather for driving, but it didn't work out that way. We waited and waited and waited.", "The food finally came. I looked again--it had plain Wonder bread for a bun and a tiny little burger.", "Really, I would have preferred a McDonald's burger--they're better than this one was. Oh well.", "I took a bite... it was gross. We all decided, \"Forget it.\"", "The food was not good, so we just left it.", "I told the waitress that I was unsatified with the food and that we'd pay for the drinks.", "The waitress said, \"Are you sure? Do you want anything else?\" I said, \"Nah, I've decided to take off.\"", "We left. As we were driving, we were really hungry.", "I kept driving. I hurried because I knew there would be a McDonald's on the road. We found a McDonald's right near the end of Nebraska.", "I thought,\"perfect!\" We pulled off and took the opportunity to eat at McDonalds.", "Then I drove straight through Iowa...I think it was Iowa...yes, it was Iowa.", "We wnt straight on through Indiana, then Illinois, no--first Illinois, then Indiana. It was a good drive; I kept going overnight.", "I kept on driving. I was going 85, 88, 90 MPH all the way through there.", "There were no cops. The speed limit there is 75 MPH, so...", "We were lucky and took advantage of it. After we drove a good while we decided to stop in Illinois.", "We stayed overnight. Let's stop, and put this aside." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i WHO POSS-3p:i CAR part:indef" ], "text": [ "Who's car is that?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE STRANGE ARRIVE part:indef" ], "text": [ "Some strange thing/person arrived." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOW FINISH WORK" ], "text": [ "John just finished work." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p FUTURE (1h)HAVE TAKE-OFF GO GAME" ], "text": [ "I would certainly have left to go to the game." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "RAIN IX-1p GO-OUT MOVIE" ], "text": [ "If it doesn't rain, I will go to the movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p CAN (1h)HAVE TAKE-OFF part:indef" ], "text": [ "I could have left." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN LOVE fs-MARY" ], "text": [ "John loves Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN BUY CAR FUTURE" ], "text": [ "Is John buying a car? In the future." ] }