{ "gloss": [ "fs-SUE KISS-FIST FORMERLY KISS-FIST CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "Sue used to really love chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LOVE fs-JOHN WHO" ], "text": [ "Who loves John?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE FIND/FIND-OUT^#OUT SOMETHING/ONE HAPPEN REALLY FIGURE-OUT FROM-NOW-ON" ], "text": [ "When someone finds out how it happens, we will be able to figure it out from now on." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOT FIND/FIND-OUT POSS-3p:i KEY" ], "text": [ "John did not find his keys." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ BOOK QMwg HOLD" ], "text": [ "Did John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-2p FINISH GO ns-nat-AUSTRALIA QMwg" ], "text": [ "Have you been to Australia?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOW EAT" ], "text": [ "John will eat now." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN BUY \"WHAT\" BOOK+" ], "text": [ "What did John buy? Books." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i fs-JOHN READ++ FINISH IX-3p:i" ], "text": [ "John finished reading." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "\"WHAT\" fs-JOHN LIKE HOLD" ], "text": [ "What is it that John likes?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ BOOK #WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When did John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE part:indef STRANGE ARRIVE part:indef" ], "text": [ "Some strange thing/person arrived." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i CAR BLUE fs-SUE BUY" ], "text": [ "Sue bought (is buying) the blue car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY KNOW GIRL fs-JOHN LOVE" ], "text": [ "Mary knows which girl John loves." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN fs-BILL BAWL-OUT HOLD" ], "text": [ "As for John, Bill bawled him out." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER BUY CAR FOR-FOR part:indef HOLD" ], "text": [ "What did mother buy a car for?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN POSS-3p:i FATHER MUST (1h)GIFT:j CAR fs-MARY part:indef" ], "text": [ "John's father must give a car to Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "DRIVE LCL:B\"across\"", "SHOULD FUN HOPE CAN ARRIVE FOUR-DAY THREE-DAY FOUR-DAY", "BUT KNOW+THAT MAYBE BORE ALONE DRIVE part:indef", "NOW IX-1p HAVE SEVEN CLASS LEAVE-THERE GRADUATE", "IX-1p part:indef MAYBE FEW CAN HOLD CLASS", "NEXT SEMESTER THREE CLASS", "part:indef #ALL DEAF STUDY MAJOR CLASS", "MAYBE (1h)HAVE HOLD fs-GE LEAVE-THERE", "THINK ONE-MORE MATH CLASS FINISH", "(L)FUTURE END WITH SCHOOL", "LOOK-FORWARD GRADUATE NEXT-YEAR HOLD", "MAYBE #BACK COME HERE ns-BU GRAD SCHOOL MAYBE" ], "text": [ "I would drive across.", "It should be fun. I hope to arrive in about 3 or 4 days.", "But I know it might be boring to drive all alone.", "Now I have seven classes left until I graduate.", "Maybe I can just take a few - say four - classes.", "Next semester I'll take three classes.", "The classes are in my major, Deaf Studies.", "I maybe have one general education class left, that's it.", "I think I have one more math class, and that's all.", "Then I will be done with school.", "I'm looking forward to graduating next year.", "Maybe next year I will come to BU for graduate school." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT BUY CAR YESTERDAY QMwg" ], "text": [ "Did the student buy a car yesterday?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SEE YESTERDAY WHO" ], "text": [ "Who did John see yesterday?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-SUE BUY CAR BLUE" ], "text": [ "Sue is buying the blue car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FAVORITE/PREFER USE DARK MEAT WHO" ], "text": [ "Who prefers dark meat?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY KNOW WHO fs-JOHN LOVE" ], "text": [ "Mary knows who John loves." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i fs-JOHN POSS-3p:j FATHER CAR" ], "text": [ "That (right over there) is John's father's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT POSS-3p:i FATHERwg FUTURE BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "That student's father will buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "WHO LOVE fs-JOHN HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who loves John?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "ARRIVE WHO HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who arrived?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p NEVER SEE fs-JOHN POSS-3p:j CAR part:indef" ], "text": [ "I've never seen John's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "ONE fs-OF POSS-1p WORSE EXPERIENCE", "REALLY FORMERLY FOUR YEAR PAST IN fs-CSUN HOLD", "REALLY HOLD LIVE IX-1p", "IX-3p:i TAKE-UP GROUP/TOGETHER PARTY HOLD", "FOR IX-1p-pl-arc COLLEGE STUDENT FORMERLY IX-1p GROUP/TOGETHER", "REALLY GOOD TIME ALL-NIGHT IX-1p ENJOY ETC", "IX-1p DECIDE fs-TO DEPART:j BUY CIGARETTE", "ON RIGHT-HERE fs-MARKET IX-loc:j", "SAY ONLY FIVE FIVE-MINUTE neu:BPCL:V\"walk\":j (F)NOTHING", "IX-1p SCL:1\"going to market\":j IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" (3)WALK IX-1p", "REALLY IX-1p BUY CIGARETTE FINISH ICL\"putting pack in pocket\" SCL:1\"walking back to party\":i", "IX-1p 5\"oh gosh\" REALLY ADMIT IX-1p REALLY MUST TOILET REALLY BAD", "CANNOT HOLD POSS-1p fs-BLADDER #SO IX-1p \"you know\" HOLD", "LOOK:k SEE fs-BUSH DCL:crvd-5\"bush\"", "IX-1p LOOK:k (2h)\"not give a darn\" SCL:1\"walking around bush\"", "IX-1p LOOK:i LOOK:j MAKE REALLY NONE/NOTHING ONE SEE IX-1p", "BCL\"looking around\" 5\"so, all set\" FINE IX-1p PROCEED TOILET FINISH", "fs-THEN IX-1p SCL:1\"walking around bush\" OUT fs-OF fs-BUSH DCL:crvd-5\"bush\" SCL:1\"walking around bush\"", "IX-1p (1h)WHEW/RELIEVED IMPORTANT NONE/NOTHING ONE SEE IX-1p 5\"nah\"", "IX-1p BCL\"reaching into pocket\" CIGARETTE ICL\"lighting lighter\"", "IX-1p LOOK:l BACK HOLD", "IX-1p LOOK:l SEE TWO COP+ BCL\"running\"", "FROM fs-LAPD HOLD PCL:V\"two cops\":l BCL\"running\"", "IX-1p 5\"taken aback\" HOLD", "REALLY IX-1p 5\"perplexed\" HOLD NOT REALLY part:indef", "(25)WHY CHASE IX-1p", "THINK IX-1p 5\"I don't know\" BECAUSE SEE IX-1p TOILET IN HEARING #OR", "IX-1p THINK FINE 5\"things proceeding normally\" HOLD THINK POSITIVE ABOUT IX-3p:k SITUATION", "#SO IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD", "MAYBE IX-1p CAN RECENT-PAST 5\"nah\" INFORM SAY SORRY IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" TOILET IN HEARING #SO 5\"sheepish\" HOLD", "(F)NOTHING part:indef IMPORTANT IX-1p INFORM IX-1p DEAF SAME", "IMPORTANT (2h)THING HOLD 5\"drop topic\"", "PCL:V\"cops walking to Mike\" WHEN REALLY NEAR fs-TO IX-1p HOLD", "PLAN TELL:m IX-1p BCL\"raising hand to sign\"", "BCL\"grabbing the arm\" BCL\"grabbing arms\"", "BCL\"hitting\" IX-1p TWICE WITH NIGHT fs-STICK BCL\"punching eye\"+", "IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD THINK IN THINK+SHOCK IX-1p 5\"perplexed\"", "(25)WHY HIT IX-1p NOT FEEL ANY+THING", "IX-1p 5\"perplexed\" FEEL fs-NUMB", "BECAUSE IX-1p #SO THINK+SHOCK THAT IX-1p 5\"perplexed\" HOLD", "(25)WHY COP HIT IX-1p FOR", "THEN BCL\"grabbing arms\" BCL\"pulling hands behind back\" ARREST IX-1p BCL\"handcuffed\" 5\"what's going on\"", "IX-1p TRY TELL:m COP IX-1p DEAF IX-1p BCL\"handcuffed\"", "IX-3p:m IGNORE IX-1p 5\"dismissive gesture\"", "BCL\"pushing Mike along\" REALLY IX-1p 5\"not know what to do\" HOLD", "IX-1p #DO IX-1p REALLY NONE/NOTHING fs-CLUE HOLD WHAT part:indef", "REALLY COP (25)WHY ARREST IX-1p part:indef", "IX-1p THINK MAYBE TRUE-BUSINESS TOILET IN HEARING", "REALLY END #UP ARREST FOR THAT part:indef", "IX-1p THINK 5\"I don't know\" #SO 5\"I don't know\"", "IX-1p PLAN BCL\"pushing Mike in vehicle\" IN IX-1p IN #CAR", "BCL\"leading Mike away\" REALLY ONE GIRL READY DEPART HOME", "LOOK SEE ALL (2h)THING 5\"oh gosh\"", "SCL:1\"girl going up\" IN PARTY INFORM SOME POSS-1p FRIEND", "THAT IX-1p ARREST fs-BY COP+", "SOME POSS-1p FRIEND IX-3p:n TRUE-BUSINESS", "5\"oh gosh\" SCL:1\"friend walking down\" OUTSIDE", "SEE:m IX-1p IN COP #CAR", "SAY 5\"hey, no\" IX-1p KNOW IX-3p:o IX-1p KNOW fs-MIKE IX-3p:o", "COP+ LOOK HOLD BCL\"pulling Mike from vehicle\" GET IX-1p OUT #CAR", "REALLY LUCKY SCL:1\"friend comes\" ON TIME", "BCL\"pulling Mike from vehicle\" HOLD", "FRIEND TELL:m 5\"perplexed\" (1h)WHAT'S-UP", "COP+ LOOK:t (1h)5\"you see\" IX-3p:o #DRUGS DRUGS HOLD", "FRIEND LOOK:m HOLD", "KNOW IX-1p NEVER TAKE DRUGS SELF-1p #SO 5\"perplexed\" HOLD", "COP SAY LOOK", "IX-1p SEE IX-3p:o HOLD", "IX-1p BCL\"handcuffed\" REALLY IX-1p THINK POSS-1p GOD", "HOW CAN IX-3p:m GUESS THAT", "IX-1p THINK+POP-UP IX-1p CIGARETTE TRUE-BUSINESS", "IX-3p:p THINK IX-1p HOLD IX-1p NOT-KNOW", "BUT IX-1p INFORM-inceptive IX-1p TRY TELL:t POSS-1p FRIEND IX-1p HOLD CIGARETTE", "POSS-1p FRIEND SAY FINE INFORM:m COP SAY KNOW+THAT IX-3p:o SMOKE CIGARETTE", "MAYBE IX-2p:m MISUNDERSTAND IX-2p:m THINK HOLD", "COP SAY (1h)5\"wave no\" IX-1p SEE fs-IT CLEAR HOLD 5\"leave it at that\"", "IX-1p TAKE IX-3p:o HOSPITAL NOW", "SAY BCL\"stomach pumping\" fs-OUT POSS-3p:o STOMACH", "POSS-1p FRIEND LOOK:m SAY 5\"wave no\" #NO+ 5\"wave no\"", "IX-2p:m REALLY WASTE IX-2p:m TIME SCL:5\"two people talking\"", "SAY #NO COP LOOK:t", "FINALLY (1h)ADMIT", "(2h)5\"hands off\" DISCONNECT HOLD ICL\"removing handcuffs\"", "PUSH IX-1p fs-TO GROUND PUSH SCL:crvd-V\"falling to the ground\"", "IX-1p FALL 5\"what's going on\" HOLD IX-1p GET-UP", "OF-COURSE fs-VERY UPSET", "MIND+CONFUSE REALLY IX-1p (2h)FEEL MANY DIFFERENT+ (2h)THING ON ONCE IX-1p 5\"that's the way it is\"", "REALLY 5\"looking for words\" IX-1p FEEL 5\"actually\" HOLD", "IN ONE SIDE fs-OF IX-1p FEEL^SAME SCL:1\"walking to cop\" HIT COP", "#BUT OF-COURSE IX-1p CANNOT DO THAT 5\"of course\"", "#SO 5\"ok (giving in)\" FINE IX-3p:m SAY", "IX-3p:m COP m:TELL:t FRIEND SAY MAKE REALLY IX-2p LOOK IX-3p:q ALL-NIGHT", "NEVER THINK MUST (1h)GO HOSPITAL THAT NIGHT+ HOLD", "IX-1p LOOK:m 5\"you know\" HOLD 5\"nah\" IX-1p IGNORE", "SAY MAKE REALLY NOT fs-PEE IN HEARING AGAIN SAME HOLD", "IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD REALLY UPSET", "BLACK BLUE REALLY (25)WHY", "BCL\"punching face\" HEADACHE IX-1p (1h)HAVE BAD HEADACHE NEXT MORNING", "BUT ANYWAY/NOT-MATTER THAT 5\"taken aback\" FRIEND SAY 5\"calm down\" ALL-RIGHT", "IX-1p FEEL FINE FORGET ABOUT fs-IT 5\"leave it at that\"", "#BUT NOW FROM-NOW-ON REALLY fs-LAPD IX-3p:r MUST TEACH POSS-3p:r COP+", "fs-OFFICERS TO/UNTIL MAKE REALLY CONFRONT CORRECT CONFRONT WITH DEAF PEOPLE", "IF SOMETHING/ONE HAPPEN POP-UP HOLD MAKE REALLY (1h)HAVE PAPER fs-PEN READY HOLD", "#OR REALLY MUST ARREST BCL\"handcuffed\" FRONT BCL\"handcuffed\"", "COMMUNICATE ICL\"writing\" #OR BCL\"signing in handcuffs\" MAYBE", "BUT BCL\"handcuffed behind back\" NEVER AGAIN HOLD", "THAT SOMETHING/ONE IX-1p HOPE fs-LAPD FUTURE REALLY LEARN", "5\"that's the way it is\" IX-2p MAYBE WONDER (25)WHY IX-1p NOT REPORT 5\"things proceeding normally\"", "BECAUSE IX-1p FEEL POSS-3p:m WORD AGAINST POSS-1p+", "FOR SHOW fs-RODNEY fs-KING FOR SHOW 5\"you know\"", "(1h)HAVE ON FILM MOTORCYCLE ABUSE", "BUT STILL IX-3p:r TAKE fs-LAPD WORD AGAINST POSS-3p:s fs-RODNEY fs-KING BUT", "REALLY IX-1p ADMIT IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD NOT-WANT BRING #UP 5\"looking for words\"", "HEARING (2h)THAT IX-1p TRUE-BUSINESS TOILET IN HEARING IX-1p 5\"reluctant\" NOT-WANT ON RECORD", "IX-1p FACE BAD AND PLUS IX-1p 5\"looking for words\"", "LESS-THAN fs-AGE (Y)ALCOHOL SAME 5\"that's the way it is\"" ], "text": [ "(This is a story of) one of my worst experiences.", "Four years ago at California State University Northridge...", "One girl who lived right next to me.", "She had a party.", "...for us college students to get together.", "It was good time. All night I enjoyed myself.", "I decided to go buy cigarettes.", "...at the nearby market.", "I'd say it was only five minutes away walking--practically nothing.", "I walked to the market.", "I bought the cigarettes, put them in my pocket, and walked back.", "I admit, I had to go to the bathroom real bad.", "I couldn't hold my bladder, so I...", "...I saw a bush.", "I looked at it and thought, \"so what!?\" I went around the bush.", "I looked around to make sure nobody saw me.", "I looked around and everything was fine, so I went ahead and used the \"bathroom.\"", "Then I walked back out from behind the bush.", "I was relieved, because it was important that nobody see me.", "I pulled a cigarette from my pants pocket and lit up.", "I looked back.", "I was looking back and saw two cops running.", "They were LAPD, and were coming up running.", "I thought \"what's going on?\"", "Really, I wasnt sure.", "Why are they chasing me? I asked myself.", "I thought it was because they saw me going to the bathroom in public or something.", "I thought it should be fine, I told myself to think positive about this situation.", "So I...", "Maybe I could just let them know and say that I was sorry for going to the bathroom in the public.", "It wouldn't be a big deal. Oh, it's important to inform people I'm Deaf, too.", "It is a very important thing to do.", "Two cops walked toward me. When they were really close to me...", "...I was planning to tell them I'm Deaf. As I raised my arm to sign \"Deaf,\"...", "They grabbed my arm and bent it behind my back.", "They hit me twice with the nightstick and punched me in the eye.", "I was in shock.", "Why did they hit me? I didnt feel anything!", "I felt numb.", "Because I was so shocked that I, I don't know.", "What did the cop hit me for?", "Then they grabbed my hands and handcuffed me. I was under arrest.", "I tried to tell the cop that I'm Deaf. I spoke, \"Deaf, Deaf!\"", "They ignored me.", "They grabbed me and led me off. I didn't know what to do.", "I had no clue of what was going on.", "Why would the cop arrest me?", "I really thought it was maybe because I went to the bathroom in the public.", "Really, I ended up getting arrested for that?", "I thought--I didn't know, it could have been.", "I expected they would put me in the cruiser.", "While they brought me to the cruiser, one girl who was ready to go home...", "...saw the whole thing.", "She went back up to the party and informed some of my friends...", "...that I had been arrested by the police.", "Some of my friends said, \"Really?\"", "My friend came downstairs and went outside.", "He saw me in the cop car.", "He said, \"Hey, hey, I know him! I know Mike, the one in the car.\"", "The cop looked at my friend and pulled me out of the car.", "I was really lucky my friend came in time.", "The cop pulled me out of the car...", "Then my friend asked what was going on.", "The cop looked at my friend and said, \"he took drugs.\"", "My friend looked over incredulously.", "He knew that I never take drugs.", "The cop said, \"No...", "\"...I saw him put something in his mouth\"", "I couldn't believe it! I said to myself, \"Oh my god!\"", "How could they guess that?", "Then it struck me: I had pulled the cigarette from my pocket and put it to my mouth.", "They thought I was popping a pill, I don't know.", "But I tried to tell my friend that I was just smoking a cigarette.", "My friend said \"Oh,\" and informed the cop that I was smoking a cigarette.", "Maybe you misunderstood and thought he was taking something.", "The cop said, \"No, I saw it very clearly.\"", "\"I will take him to the hospital now.\"", "He said, \"to pump out his stomach.\"", "My friend looked at him and said \"Oh, no, no...\"", "\"You will be wasting your time!\" They were talking back and forth.", "He said, \"no, no.\" The cop was just looked at him and shook his head 'no'.", "He was looking and then finally, he was willing...", "He took off the handcuffs.", "He pushed me and I fell to the ground.", "I fell--what was that?! Then I got up.", "Of course, I was very upset.", "I was confused, really I felt many different things at once.", "Really, I felt...", "...like one side of me felt like hitting the cop.", "But, of course I couldn't do that.", "So, fine. The cop said...", "The cop told my friend, \"make sure you keep an eye on him overnight.\"", "\"You never know if he'll have to go to the hospital tonight.\"", "I was ticked, but I decided to ingore him.", "He said, \"make sure not to pee in public again!\" Then he left.", "I was really upset.", "I had a big bruise near my eye. Why...", "...did he hit me? I had a bad headache next morning", "But anyway, my friend said \"calm down, it's alright.\"", "I felt fine and just forgot about it.", "But, from now on, LAPD should really teach their officers...", "... to make sure they will approach Deaf people in right way.", "If something happens and they show up, they should make sure they have paper and pen ready.", "Or, if they really need to arrest someone, cuff him with his hands in front of his body...", "So he can communicate, either writing or by signing.", "But the hands behind the back, never again!", "That's something that I hope the LAPD will learn", "You probably wondering why I didn't report it to the police.", "Because I felt it would be their word against mine.", "Take Rodney King, for example.", "They have it on tape, beating him up.", "But, they still took LAPD's word against Rodney King's.", "Really, I admit, I didn't want to bring up...", "...that I went to the bathroom in public--I didn't want that on the record.", "I would look bad, and plus...", "I was drinking underage, too." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-loc:i THAT:i CAR IX-loc:i fs-JOHN FATHERwg IX-loc:i" ], "text": [ "It--that car there--is John's father's." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN (1h)GIFT:j TEACH+AGENT HOW-MANY CAR HOLD" ], "text": [ "How many cars did John give the teacher?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i MOTHER+ READ+ BOOK IX-3p:i" ], "text": [ "Is mother reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN HOLD IX-3p:i SAY LOVE fs-MARY" ], "text": [ "As for John, he says (he/John) loves Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN LIKE CAR AND BOOK HOLD part:indef" ], "text": [ "John likes cars and books." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i MOTHERwg BOOK (L)FUTURE READ+ LATERwg" ], "text": [ "Will mother read a book later?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i CAR IX-loc:i HOLD fs-JOHN FATHER" ], "text": [ "Is that car there John's father's?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT HOLD GIFT-pl-arc:j BOY BOOK" ], "text": [ "The teacher gives the boys each a book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-2p GO-OUT EAT FOR-FOR" ], "text": [ "What are you going out to eat for?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE BOAT part:indef HOLD SINK ns-CAPE-COD" ], "text": [ "A boat or something sank (off) Cape Cod." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SHOULD (1h)GO SHOULD+" ], "text": [ "John should go, he should." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "(25)WHY IX-2p TAKE-OFF HOLD" ], "text": [ "Why did you take off?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p-pl-arc THINK+SHOCK fs-SILBER ns-SILBER BECOME PRESIDENT" ], "text": [ "All of us were shocked to find out that Silber had become president." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i SEE:i HOLD BOOK IX-loc:i fs-JOHN FINISH READ+ YESTERDAY HOLD" ], "text": [ "You see the book over there? John finished reading it yesterday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "YESTERDAY (1h)TEACH+AGENT BUY HOUSE FINISH" ], "text": [ "Did the teacher already buy a house yesterday?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT POSS-3p:i FATHER BUY HOUSE HOLD" ], "text": [ "The student's father bought a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN IN IX-3p:i HOUSE IX-loc:i NOW IX-loc:i IX-3p:j READ+ BOOK IX-3p:i", "IX-3p:j LIKE WILD READ ABOUT CAR", "FINISH BOOK READ+ (1h)FINISH FUTURE TEACH+AGENT:k", "j:GO BUY OTHER BOOK", "MOTHER+FATHER (2h)alt.GIVE+++:j BUY+ BOOK (2h)alt.GIVE+:j UP-TO-NOW", "TEACH+AGENT THINK HOPE fs-JOHN READ+ A-LOT", "AND LOOK-FORWARD COME-ON+ READ++ part:indef" ], "text": [ "John is in the house right now reading a book.", "What he is crazy about reading about is cars.", "When that's done, when he's read the book, he will give it to the teacher.", "Then he will go and buy another book.", "His parents have been giving and buying him books for a while now.", "The teacher expects John to read a lot.", "(The teacher) regularly watches him, encouraging him to read." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN HOLD fs-MARY LOVE IX-3p:j" ], "text": [ "You know John? Mary loves him." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "John will buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY KNOW WHO SOMETHING/ONE LOVE" ], "text": [ "Mary knows who someone loves." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "\"WHAT\" fs-JOHN (1h)LOVE \"WHAT\" HOLD" ], "text": [ "What is it John loves, what?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "WHO WANT BUY GIRL SCOUT COOKIE HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who wants to buy Girls Scout Cookies?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i OLD MAN ARRIVE" ], "text": [ "The old man arrived." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE LEARN+AGENT HAVE VIDEOTAPE HOLD" ], "text": [ "Some student has the videotape." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "OLD STORY DEAF GENERATION", "DEAF MAN ONE DRIVE++", "OVER/AFTER COUNTRY DRIVE+++ (1h)part:indef BORE (1h)part:indef DRIVE", "SEE:i IX-loc:i PERSON HITCH-HIKE", "IX-3p:i HEARING IX-3p:i HITCH-HIKE DEAF ICL\"holding steering wheel\" HOLD", "PROCEED WHY^NOT SCL:bent-V\"sit in passenger seat\":j CHAT LITTLE-BIT CHAT SOMETHING/ONE", "ICL\"holding steering wheel\"", "IX-3p:i HEARING 5\"surprised\" EXCITE BCL\"running\" TALKwg", "DEAF (1h)5\"wave no\" EAR part:indef", "LOOK:k WONDER DEAF (1h)DRIVE (1h)CAN part:indef", "ANYWAY/NOT-MATTER NOT-CARE part:indef GET-INTO", "SCL:2\"person getting into vehicle\":j 5\"so, all set\" DEAF DRIVE+", "IX-2p WHERE (1h)GO (1h)part:indef \"up ahead\" EXPLAIN GESTURE", "COMMUNICATE GESTURE \"up ahead\" part:indef FINE CHAT DRIVE+++", "DEAF DRIVE+ SPEED+ DCL:1\"speedometer\"", "HEARING BCL:F\"eyes moving\" NERVOUS BCL:F\"eyes moving\"", "DCL:1\"speedometer\" NINETY BPCL:F\"eyes moving\" WOW", "MISTAKE TRUE-BUSINESS ENOUGH COP+ SCL:3\"vehicle pulls behind other car\"", "SIREN SCL:3\"vehicle following car\" HOLD HEARING BPCL:F\"eyes moving\" IX-loc:l", "DEAF (1h)5\"it's ok\" (2h)SCL:3\"two vehicles pulling over\"", "COP+ BPCL:bent-3\"person walking\" TALKwg", "IX-3p:m DEAF IX-loc:m BCL:S\"holding steering wheel\" 5\"hey\" IX-1p EAR (1h)part:indef", "COP 5\"surprised\" EAR BCL:C\"thinking\" COMMUNICATE BCL:C\"thinking\" HOLD", "5\"hesitation\" NOT-CARE 5\"hey\"+ B-L\"go on\"", "DEAF (1h)PERFECT DRIVE", "HEARING IX-loc:j LOOK:k HOLD", "EXCUSE THUMB-IX-3p:k WOW HOLD 5\"that's the way it is\" HOLD", "DEAF DRIVE++ AGAIN SPEED++", "OTHER COP (2h)SCL:3\"vehicles pull over\"", "BPCL:bent-3\"person walking over to vehicle\" HOLD TALKwg", "DEAF EAR part:indef", "5\"surprised\" (1h)5\"forget it\" B-L\"go on\"", "IX-3p:j HEARING LOOK WOW LUCKY IX-3p:k", "DRIVE+ (1)FAR", "EXCUSE+ TWO TIME IX-3p:k HEARING WONDER", "(1)FAR HOLD DEAF TIRED", "BCL\"hey\" NOT-MIND (2h)SCL:crvd-V\"switching seats\" NOT-MIND", "IX-3p:j HEARING #OK FINE++ (2h)SCL:bent-V\"switching seats\"", "DRIVE+++++++ DEAF (1h)PERSON (1h)5\"it's ok\" (1h)LEAVE-THERE IX-1p SLEEP", "HEARING 5\"to let you know, it's ok\" SLEEP DRIVE++", "PROCEED DCL:1\"speedometer\" SPEED++++", "REALLY ENOUGH IX-3p:i COP SCL:3\"vehicle pulls behind vehicle\"", "SIREN (2h)SCL:3\"vehicles pulling over\"", "HEARING 5\"surprised\" ICL\"pulling over\" THINK COPY DO DEAF 5\"so, all set\" READY", "COP SCL:1\"person walking\" TALKwg", "HEARING 5\"surprised\" (2h)EAR BCL\"playing deaf\" (2h)EAR BCL\"playing deaf\"", "COP OH-I-SEE POSS-1p MOTHER+FATHER DEAF", "IX-1p SKILL SIGN USE-SIGN-LANGUAGE", "HEARING SHOCK STUCK" ], "text": [ "There is an old story passed down through generations of Deaf people", "A Deaf man was driving alone.", "As he drove across the country, he started to feel bored while driving.", "As he drove, he saw a person hitchhiking.", "He was hearing, the person who's hitchhiking. The Deaf person looked over...", "He thought to himself \"why don't I have him join me to chat and keep me company or something.\"", "The man pulled over.", "The hearing person was excited. He ran over to the car and started talking.", "The Deaf man indicated he couldn't hear.", "The hearing man wondered whether deaf people can drive.", "The hearing person didn't care and got into the car.", "The hearing man got into the car, the Deaf man began driving.", "The deaf man asked the hearing man \"where are you going?\" The hearing man tried to use gesture to explain.", "They communicated fine through gesture and chatted a bit as they drove.", "As the deaf man drove, he started to speed up.", "The hearing man started to get nervous and kept looking at the speedometer.", "The car started to speed up to 90. The hearing person looked at the meter and thought \"wow!\".", "Sure enough, a police car pulled up behind them.", "The cop put on his siren. When he did, the hearing man looked and pointed back.", "The deaf man said, with confidence, \"it's ok\" and then the two cars pulled over.", "A cop walked over to the car and started talking.", "The deaf man turned to the cop and gestured that he couldn't hear.", "The cop said, \"Oh you can't hear?\". Then he thought, \"how can I communicate with him?\".", "The cop thought to himself, \"whatever\", and told the men, \"go ahead\".", "The deaf person said, \"sure thing\" and drove away.", "The hearing man looked at him shocked.", "The hearing person thought \"wow, he got excused!\".", "The deaf person continued driving and started to speed again.", "Another cop pulled them over.", "The cop walked over and started talking.", "The Deaf person gestured he couldn't hear.", "The cop thought, \"nah\" and said, \"go ahead.\"", "The hearing person looked and thought, \"wow, he is lucky!\".", "He drove for a long time.", "\"He got excused two times!\", the hearing person thought.", "It was long drive and the Deaf person was tired.", "The deaf person tapped the hearing person's shoulder and asked if he would mind switching.", "Hearing person said, \"Ok, thats fine.\" They switched seats.", "The deaf person said, \"You seem fine, I am going to sleep.\"", "The hearing person said, \"go ahead sleep\" as he drove.", "The hearing person decided to go ahead and speed up.", "Sure enough, a cop began following the car.", "The siren flashed and the two cars pulled over.", "The hearing person thought, \"I can copy and act like the deaf person\".", "The cop walked over to the car and started talking.", "The hearing person gestured that he couldn't hear.", "The cop said, \"Oh I see! My parents are Deaf\".", "\"I am a fluent signer,\" the cop said, and started signing.", "The hearing man was shocked the cop could sign and he knew that he had been caught!" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IF IX-loc:i RAIN fs-JOHN FINISH TAKE-OFF" ], "text": [ "If it's raining there, John will have taken off." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY (2h)NOT-KNOW ANSWER" ], "text": [ "Mary doesn't know the answer." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p part:indef IX-1p TAKE-OFF PAST part:indef" ], "text": [ "I left awhile ago." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN LOVE \"WHAT\" HOLD" ], "text": [ "What does John love?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "YESTERDAY MOTHER neu:GIVE:j fs-JOHN CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "Mother gave John chocolate yesterday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER NOT-WANT BUY HOUSE IX-3p:i" ], "text": [ "Mother doesn't want to buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-2p NOT-KNOW ANSWER (25)WHY BCL:5\"raise hand\" part:indef" ], "text": [ "If you don't know the answer then why did you raise your hand?!" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN PAST LIVE ns-CHICAGO" ], "text": [ "John lived in Chicago." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i BUY YESTERDAY STORE \"WHAT\"" ], "text": [ "What did he/she/it buy yesterday at the store?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SEE GRANDMOTHER WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When will (you) see grandmother?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "NOW IX-1p OVER/AFTER WORK IX-1p #DO+++" ], "text": [ "Today after work I have some errands to do." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SEE fs-JOAN WHO HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who saw Joan?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN:i POSS-3p:i FRIEND:j (1h)HAVE CUTE" ], "text": [ "John's friend has candy." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN HOLD fs-MARY i:BLAME:j" ], "text": [ "As for John, Mary blames him." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE BOOK HOLD BUT NOT MOVIE HOLD" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes books but not movies." ] }