Marker-based motion capture (MoCap) systems can be composed by several dozens of cameras with the purpose of reconstructing the trajectories of hundreds of targets. With a large amount of cameras it becomes interesting to determine the optimal reconstruction strategy. For such aim it is of fundamental importance to understand the information provided by different camera measurements and how they are combined, i.e. how the reconstruction error changes by considering different cameras. In this work, first, an approximation of the reconstruction error variance is derived. The results obtained in some simulations suggest that the proposed strategy allows to obtain a good approximation of the real error variance with significant reduction of the computational time.
Reconstruction error in a motion capture system
This paper proposes a novel adaptive algorithm to extract facial feature points automatically such as eyebrows corners, eyes corners, nostrils, nose tip, and mouth corners in frontal view faces, which is based on cumulative histogram approach by varying different threshold values. At first, the method adopts the Viola-Jones face detector to detect the location of face and also crops the face region in an image. From the concept of the human face structure, the six relevant regions such as right eyebrow, left eyebrow, right eye, left eye, nose, and mouth areas are cropped in a face image. Then the histogram of each cropped relevant region is computed and its cumulative histogram value is employed by varying different threshold values to create a new filtering image in an adaptive way. The connected component of interested area for each relevant filtering image is indicated our respective feature region. A simple linear search algorithm for eyebrows, eyes and mouth filtering images and contour algorithm for nose filtering image are applied to extract our desired corner points automatically. The method was tested on a large BioID frontal face database in different illuminations, expressions and lighting conditions and the experimental results have achieved average success rates of 95.27%.
Extraction of Facial Feature Points Using Cumulative Histogram
Most existing distance metric learning methods assume perfect side information that is usually given in pairwise or triplet constraints. Instead, in many real-world applications, the constraints are derived from side information, such as users' implicit feedbacks and citations among articles. As a result, these constraints are usually noisy and contain many mistakes. In this work, we aim to learn a distance metric from noisy constraints by robust optimization in a worst-case scenario, to which we refer as robust metric learning. We formulate the learning task initially as a combinatorial optimization problem, and show that it can be elegantly transformed to a convex programming problem. We present an efficient learning algorithm based on smooth optimization [7]. It has a worst-case convergence rate of O(1/{\surd}{\varepsilon}) for smooth optimization problems, where {\varepsilon} is the desired error of the approximate solution. Finally, our empirical study with UCI data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison to state-of-the-art methods.
Robust Metric Learning by Smooth Optimization
We introduce Gaussian Process Topic Models (GPTMs), a new family of topic models which can leverage a kernel among documents while extracting correlated topics. GPTMs can be considered a systematic generalization of the Correlated Topic Models (CTMs) using ideas from Gaussian Process (GP) based embedding. Since GPTMs work with both a topic covariance matrix and a document kernel matrix, learning GPTMs involves a novel component-solving a suitable Sylvester equation capturing both topic and document dependencies. The efficacy of GPTMs is demonstrated with experiments evaluating the quality of both topic modeling and embedding.
Gaussian Process Topic Models
Hierarchical structure is ubiquitous in data across many domains. There are many hierarchical clustering methods, frequently used by domain experts, which strive to discover this structure. However, most of these methods limit discoverable hierarchies to those with binary branching structure. This limitation, while computationally convenient, is often undesirable. In this paper we explore a Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm that can produce trees with arbitrary branching structure at each node, known as rose trees. We interpret these trees as mixtures over partitions of a data set, and use a computationally efficient, greedy agglomerative algorithm to find the rose trees which have high marginal likelihood given the data. Lastly, we perform experiments which demonstrate that rose trees are better models of data than the typical binary trees returned by other hierarchical clustering algorithms.
Bayesian Rose Trees
We extend the herding algorithm to continuous spaces by using the kernel trick. The resulting "kernel herding" algorithm is an infinite memory deterministic process that learns to approximate a PDF with a collection of samples. We show that kernel herding decreases the error of expectations of functions in the Hilbert space at a rate O(1/T) which is much faster than the usual O(1/pT) for iid random samples. We illustrate kernel herding by approximating Bayesian predictive distributions.
Super-Samples from Kernel Herding
We consider two variables that are related to each other by an invertible function. While it has previously been shown that the dependence structure of the noise can provide hints to determine which of the two variables is the cause, we presently show that even in the deterministic (noise-free) case, there are asymmetries that can be exploited for causal inference. Our method is based on the idea that if the function and the probability density of the cause are chosen independently, then the distribution of the effect will, in a certain sense, depend on the function. We provide a theoretical analysis of this method, showing that it also works in the low noise regime, and link it to information geometry. We report strong empirical results on various real-world data sets from different domains.
Inferring deterministic causal relations
We consider learning continuous probabilistic graphical models in the face of missing data. For non-Gaussian models, learning the parameters and structure of such models depends on our ability to perform efficient inference, and can be prohibitive even for relatively modest domains. Recently, we introduced the Copula Bayesian Network (CBN) density model - a flexible framework that captures complex high-dimensional dependency structures while offering direct control over the univariate marginals, leading to improved generalization. In this work we show that the CBN model also offers significant computational advantages when training data is partially observed. Concretely, we leverage on the specialized form of the model to derive a computationally amenable learning objective that is a lower bound on the log-likelihood function. Importantly, our energy-like bound circumvents the need for costly inference of an auxiliary distribution, thus facilitating practical learning of highdimensional densities. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for learning the structure and parameters of a CBN model for two reallife continuous domains.
Inference-less Density Estimation using Copula Bayesian Networks
We propose a new method for estimating the intrinsic dimension of a dataset by applying the principle of regularized maximum likelihood to the distances between close neighbors. We propose a regularization scheme which is motivated by divergence minimization principles. We derive the estimator by a Poisson process approximation, argue about its convergence properties and apply it to a number of simulated and real datasets. We also show it has the best overall performance compared with two other intrinsic dimension estimators.
Regularized Maximum Likelihood for Intrinsic Dimension Estimation
There is much interest in the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model (HDP-HMM) as a natural Bayesian nonparametric extension of the traditional HMM. However, in many settings the HDP-HMM's strict Markovian constraints are undesirable, particularly if we wish to learn or encode non-geometric state durations. We can extend the HDP-HMM to capture such structure by drawing upon explicit-duration semi-Markovianity, which has been developed in the parametric setting to allow construction of highly interpretable models that admit natural prior information on state durations. In this paper we introduce the explicitduration HDP-HSMM and develop posterior sampling algorithms for efficient inference in both the direct-assignment and weak-limit approximation settings. We demonstrate the utility of the model and our inference methods on synthetic data as well as experiments on a speaker diarization problem and an example of learning the patterns in Morse code.
The Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Semi-Markov Model
We introduce a new graphical model for tracking radio-tagged animals and learning their movement patterns. The model provides a principled way to combine radio telemetry data with an arbitrary set of userdefined, spatial features. We describe an efficient stochastic gradient algorithm for fitting model parameters to data and demonstrate its effectiveness via asymptotic analysis and synthetic experiments. We also apply our model to real datasets, and show that it outperforms the most popular radio telemetry software package used in ecology. We conclude that integration of different data sources under a single statistical framework, coupled with appropriate parameter and state estimation procedures, produces both accurate location estimates and an interpretable statistical model of animal movement.
Combining Spatial and Telemetric Features for Learning Animal Movement Models
Exponential family extensions of principal component analysis (EPCA) have received a considerable amount of attention in recent years, demonstrating the growing need for basic modeling tools that do not assume the squared loss or Gaussian distribution. We extend the EPCA model toolbox by presenting the first exponential family multi-view learning methods of the partial least squares and canonical correlation analysis, based on a unified representation of EPCA as matrix factorization of the natural parameters of exponential family. The models are based on a new family of priors that are generally usable for all such factorizations. We also introduce new inference strategies, and demonstrate how the methods outperform earlier ones when the Gaussianity assumption does not hold.
Bayesian exponential family projections for coupled data sources
Logitboost is an influential boosting algorithm for classification. In this paper, we develop robust logitboost to provide an explicit formulation of tree-split criterion for building weak learners (regression trees) for logitboost. This formulation leads to a numerically stable implementation of logitboost. We then propose abc-logitboost for multi-class classification, by combining robust logitboost with the prior work of abc-boost. Previously, abc-boost was implemented as abc-mart using the mart algorithm. Our extensive experiments on multi-class classification compare four algorithms: mart, abcmart, (robust) logitboost, and abc-logitboost, and demonstrate the superiority of abc-logitboost. Comparisons with other learning methods including SVM and deep learning are also available through prior publications.
Robust LogitBoost and Adaptive Base Class (ABC) LogitBoost
We provide a simple method and relevant theoretical analysis for efficiently estimating higher-order lp distances. While the analysis mainly focuses on l4, our methodology extends naturally to p = 6,8,10..., (i.e., when p is even). Distance-based methods are popular in machine learning. In large-scale applications, storing, computing, and retrieving the distances can be both space and time prohibitive. Efficient algorithms exist for estimating lp distances if 0 < p <= 2. The task for p > 2 is known to be difficult. Our work partially fills this gap.
Approximating Higher-Order Distances Using Random Projections
We introduce a new class of lower bounds on the log partition function of a Markov random field which makes use of a reversed Jensen's inequality. In particular, our method approximates the intractable distribution using a linear combination of spanning trees with negative weights. This technique is a lower-bound counterpart to the tree-reweighted belief propagation algorithm, which uses a convex combination of spanning trees with positive weights to provide corresponding upper bounds. We develop algorithms to optimize and tighten the lower bounds over the non-convex set of valid parameter values. Our algorithm generalizes mean field approaches (including naive and structured mean field approximations), which it includes as a limiting case.
Negative Tree Reweighted Belief Propagation
Due to the growing ubiquity of unlabeled data, learning with unlabeled data is attracting increasing attention in machine learning. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised kernel learning method which can seamlessly combine manifold structure of unlabeled data and Regularized Least-Squares (RLS) to learn a new kernel. Interestingly, the new kernel matrix can be obtained analytically with the use of spectral decomposition of graph Laplacian matrix. Hence, the proposed algorithm does not require any numerical optimization solvers. Moreover, by maximizing kernel target alignment on labeled data, we can also learn model parameters automatically with a closed-form solution. For a given graph Laplacian matrix, our proposed method does not need to tune any model parameter including the tradeoff parameter in RLS and the balance parameter for unlabeled data. Extensive experiments on ten benchmark datasets show that our proposed two-stage parameter-free spectral kernel learning algorithm can obtain comparable performance with fine-tuned manifold regularization methods in transductive setting, and outperform multiple kernel learning in supervised setting.
Parameter-Free Spectral Kernel Learning
We present a Dirichlet process mixture model over discrete incomplete rankings and study two Gibbs sampling inference techniques for estimating posterior clusterings. The first approach uses a slice sampling subcomponent for estimating cluster parameters. The second approach marginalizes out several cluster parameters by taking advantage of approximations to the conditional posteriors. We empirically demonstrate (1) the effectiveness of this approximation for improving convergence, (2) the benefits of the Dirichlet process model over alternative clustering techniques for ranked data, and (3) the applicability of the approach to exploring large realworld ranking datasets.
Dirichlet Process Mixtures of Generalized Mallows Models
Most conventional Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms aim to optimize decision-making rules in terms of the expected returns. However, especially for risk management purposes, other risk-sensitive criteria such as the value-at-risk or the expected shortfall are sometimes preferred in real applications. Here, we describe a parametric method for estimating density of the returns, which allows us to handle various criteria in a unified manner. We first extend the Bellman equation for the conditional expected return to cover a conditional probability density of the returns. Then we derive an extension of the TD-learning algorithm for estimating the return densities in an unknown environment. As test instances, several parametric density estimation algorithms are presented for the Gaussian, Laplace, and skewed Laplace distributions. We show that these algorithms lead to risk-sensitive as well as robust RL paradigms through numerical experiments.
Parametric Return Density Estimation for Reinforcement Learning
We introduce a new family of estimators for unnormalized statistical models. Our family of estimators is parameterized by two nonlinear functions and uses a single sample from an auxiliary distribution, generalizing Maximum Likelihood Monte Carlo estimation of Geyer and Thompson (1992). The family is such that we can estimate the partition function like any other parameter in the model. The estimation is done by optimizing an algebraically simple, well defined objective function, which allows for the use of dedicated optimization methods. We establish consistency of the estimator family and give an expression for the asymptotic covariance matrix, which enables us to further analyze the influence of the nonlinearities and the auxiliary density on estimation performance. Some estimators in our family are particularly stable for a wide range of auxiliary densities. Interestingly, a specific choice of the nonlinearity establishes a connection between density estimation and classification by nonlinear logistic regression. Finally, the optimal amount of auxiliary samples relative to the given amount of the data is considered from the perspective of computational efficiency.
A Family of Computationally Efficient and Simple Estimators for Unnormalized Statistical Models
Gaussian processes (GPs) provide a probabilistic nonparametric representation of functions in regression, classification, and other problems. Unfortunately, exact learning with GPs is intractable for large datasets. A variety of approximate GP methods have been proposed that essentially map the large dataset into a small set of basis points. Among them, two state-of-the-art methods are sparse pseudo-input Gaussian process (SPGP) (Snelson and Ghahramani, 2006) and variablesigma GP (VSGP) Walder et al. (2008), which generalizes SPGP and allows each basis point to have its own length scale. However, VSGP was only derived for regression. In this paper, we propose a new sparse GP framework that uses expectation propagation to directly approximate general GP likelihoods using a sparse and smooth basis. It includes both SPGP and VSGP for regression as special cases. Plus as an EP algorithm, it inherits the ability to process data online. As a particular choice of approximating family, we blur each basis point with a Gaussian distribution that has a full covariance matrix representing the data distribution around that basis point; as a result, we can summarize local data manifold information with a small set of basis points. Our experiments demonstrate that this framework outperforms previous GP classification methods on benchmark datasets in terms of minimizing divergence to the non-sparse GP solution as well as lower misclassification rate.
Sparse-posterior Gaussian Processes for general likelihoods
Relational learning can be used to augment one data source with other correlated sources of information, to improve predictive accuracy. We frame a large class of relational learning problems as matrix factorization problems, and propose a hierarchical Bayesian model. Training our Bayesian model using random-walk Metropolis-Hastings is impractically slow, and so we develop a block Metropolis-Hastings sampler which uses the gradient and Hessian of the likelihood to dynamically tune the proposal. We demonstrate that a predictive model of brain response to stimuli can be improved by augmenting it with side information about the stimuli.
A Bayesian Matrix Factorization Model for Relational Data
Recent reports have described that the equivalent sample size (ESS) in a Dirichlet prior plays an important role in learning Bayesian networks. This paper provides an asymptotic analysis of the marginal likelihood score for a Bayesian network. Results show that the ratio of the ESS and sample size determine the penalty of adding arcs in learning Bayesian networks. The number of arcs increases monotonically as the ESS increases; the number of arcs monotonically decreases as the ESS decreases. Furthermore, the marginal likelihood score provides a unified expression of various score metrics by changing prior knowledge.
Learning networks determined by the ratio of prior and data
In this paper, we tackle the problem of online semi-supervised learning (SSL). When data arrive in a stream, the dual problems of computation and data storage arise for any SSL method. We propose a fast approximate online SSL algorithm that solves for the harmonic solution on an approximate graph. We show, both empirically and theoretically, that good behavior can be achieved by collapsing nearby points into a set of local "representative points" that minimize distortion. Moreover, we regularize the harmonic solution to achieve better stability properties. We apply our algorithm to face recognition and optical character recognition applications to show that we can take advantage of the manifold structure to outperform the previous methods. Unlike previous heuristic approaches, we show that our method yields provable performance bounds.
Online Semi-Supervised Learning on Quantized Graphs
Gaussian processes (GP) are attractive building blocks for many probabilistic models. Their drawbacks, however, are the rapidly increasing inference time and memory requirement alongside increasing data. The problem can be alleviated with compactly supported (CS) covariance functions, which produce sparse covariance matrices that are fast in computations and cheap to store. CS functions have previously been used in GP regression but here the focus is in a classification problem. This brings new challenges since the posterior inference has to be done approximately. We utilize the expectation propagation algorithm and show how its standard implementation has to be modified to obtain computational benefits from the sparse covariance matrices. We study four CS covariance functions and show that they may lead to substantial speed up in the inference time compared to globally supported functions.
Speeding up the binary Gaussian process classification
Graphical models are widely used in scienti fic and engineering research to represent conditional independence structures between random variables. In many controlled experiments, environmental changes or external stimuli can often alter the conditional dependence between the random variables, and potentially produce significant structural changes in the corresponding graphical models. Therefore, it is of great importance to be able to detect such structural changes from data, so as to gain novel insights into where and how the structural changes take place and help the system adapt to the new environment. Here we report an effective learning strategy to extract structural changes in Gaussian graphical model using l1-regularization based convex optimization. We discuss the properties of the problem formulation and introduce an efficient implementation by the block coordinate descent algorithm. We demonstrate the principle of the approach on a numerical simulation experiment, and we then apply the algorithm to the modeling of gene regulatory networks under different conditions and obtain promising yet biologically plausible results.
Learning Structural Changes of Gaussian Graphical Models in Controlled Experiments
Separation of the sources and analysis of their connectivity have been an important topic in EEG/MEG analysis. To solve this problem in an automatic manner, we propose a two-layer model, in which the sources are conditionally uncorrelated from each other, but not independent; the dependence is caused by the causality in their time-varying variances (envelopes). The model is identified in two steps. We first propose a new source separation technique which takes into account the autocorrelations (which may be time-varying) and time-varying variances of the sources. The causality in the envelopes is then discovered by exploiting a special kind of multivariate GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) model. The resulting causal diagram gives the effective connectivity between the separated sources; in our experimental results on MEG data, sources with similar functions are grouped together, with negative influences between groups, and the groups are connected via some interesting sources.
Source Separation and Higher-Order Causal Analysis of MEG and EEG
In nonlinear latent variable models or dynamic models, if we consider the latent variables as confounders (common causes), the noise dependencies imply further relations between the observed variables. Such models are then closely related to causal discovery in the presence of nonlinear confounders, which is a challenging problem. However, generally in such models the observation noise is assumed to be independent across data dimensions, and consequently the noise dependencies are ignored. In this paper we focus on the Gaussian process latent variable model (GPLVM), from which we develop an extended model called invariant GPLVM (IGPLVM), which can adapt to arbitrary noise covariances. With the Gaussian process prior put on a particular transformation of the latent nonlinear functions, instead of the original ones, the algorithm for IGPLVM involves almost the same computational loads as that for the original GPLVM. Besides its potential application in causal discovery, IGPLVM has the advantage that its estimated latent nonlinear manifold is invariant to any nonsingular linear transformation of the data. Experimental results on both synthetic and realworld data show its encouraging performance in nonlinear manifold learning and causal discovery.
Invariant Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models and Application in Causal Discovery
In spite of its robust syntax, semantic cohesion, and less ambiguity, lemma level analysis and generation does not yet focused in Arabic NLP literatures. In the current research, we propose the first non-statistical accurate Arabic lemmatizer algorithm that is suitable for information retrieval (IR) systems. The proposed lemmatizer makes use of different Arabic language knowledge resources to generate accurate lemma form and its relevant features that support IR purposes. As a POS tagger, the experimental results show that, the proposed algorithm achieves a maximum accuracy of 94.8%. For first seen documents, an accuracy of 89.15% is achieved, compared to 76.7% of up to date Stanford accurate Arabic model, for the same, dataset.
An Accurate Arabic Root-Based Lemmatizer for Information Retrieval Purposes
Now-a-days the amount of data stored in educational database increasing rapidly. These databases contain hidden information for improvement of students' performance. Educational data mining is used to study the data available in the educational field and bring out the hidden knowledge from it. Classification methods like decision trees, Bayesian network etc can be applied on the educational data for predicting the student's performance in examination. This prediction will help to identify the weak students and help them to score better marks. The C4.5, ID3 and CART decision tree algorithms are applied on engineering student's data to predict their performance in the final exam. The outcome of the decision tree predicted the number of students who are likely to pass, fail or promoted to next year. The results provide steps to improve the performance of the students who were predicted to fail or promoted. After the declaration of the results in the final examination the marks obtained by the students are fed into the system and the results were analyzed for the next session. The comparative analysis of the results states that the prediction has helped the weaker students to improve and brought out betterment in the result.
Data Mining: A Prediction for Performance Improvement of Engineering Students using Classification
In this paper we propose a graph-based data clustering algorithm which is based on exact clustering of a minimum spanning tree in terms of a minimum isoperimetry criteria. We show that our basic clustering algorithm runs in $O(n \log n)$ and with post-processing in $O(n^2)$ (worst case) time where $n$ is the size of the data set. We also show that our generalized graph model which also allows the use of potentials at vertices can be used to extract a more detailed pack of information as the {\it outlier profile} of the data set. In this direction we show that our approach can be used to define the concept of an outlier-set in a precise way and we propose approximation algorithms for finding such sets. We also provide a comparative performance analysis of our algorithm with other related ones and we show that the new clustering algorithm (without the outlier extraction procedure) behaves quite effectively even on hard benchmarks and handmade examples.
Clustering Using Isoperimetric Number of Trees
We analyze multi-bounce propagation of light in an unknown hidden volume and demonstrate that the reflected light contains sufficient information to recover the 3D structure of the hidden scene. We formulate the forward and inverse theory of secondary and tertiary scattering reflection using ideas from energy front propagation and tomography. We show that using careful choice of approximations, such as Fresnel approximation, greatly simplifies this problem and the inversion can be achieved via a backpropagation process. We provide a theoretical analysis of the invertibility, uniqueness and choices of space-time-angle dimensions using synthetic examples. We show that a 2D streak camera can be used to discover and reconstruct hidden geometry. Using a 1D high speed time of flight camera, we show that our method can be used recover 3D shapes of objects "around the corner".
Reconstruction of hidden 3D shapes using diffuse reflections
We address the problems of multi-domain and single-domain regression based on distinct and unpaired labeled training sets for each of the domains and a large unlabeled training set from all domains. We formulate these problems as a Bayesian estimation with partial knowledge of statistical relations. We propose a worst-case design strategy and study the resulting estimators. Our analysis explicitly accounts for the cardinality of the labeled sets and includes the special cases in which one of the labeled sets is very large or, in the other extreme, completely missing. We demonstrate our estimators in the context of removing expressions from facial images and in the context of audio-visual word recognition, and provide comparisons to several recently proposed multi-modal learning algorithms.
Semi-Supervised Single- and Multi-Domain Regression with Multi-Domain Training
We show that the herding procedure of Welling (2009) takes exactly the form of a standard convex optimization algorithm--namely a conditional gradient algorithm minimizing a quadratic moment discrepancy. This link enables us to invoke convergence results from convex optimization and to consider faster alternatives for the task of approximating integrals in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We study the behavior of the different variants through numerical simulations. The experiments indicate that while we can improve over herding on the task of approximating integrals, the original herding algorithm tends to approach more often the maximum entropy distribution, shedding more light on the learning bias behind herding.
On the Equivalence between Herding and Conditional Gradient Algorithms
This paper proposes a new estimation algorithm for the parameters of an HMM as to best account for the observed data. In this model, in addition to the observation sequence, we have \emph{partial} and \emph{noisy} access to the hidden state sequence as side information. This access can be seen as "partial labeling" of the hidden states. Furthermore, we model possible mislabeling in the side information in a joint framework and derive the corresponding EM updates accordingly. In our simulations, we observe that using this side information, we considerably improve the state recognition performance, up to 70%, with respect to the "achievable margin" defined by the baseline algorithms. Moreover, our algorithm is shown to be robust to the training conditions.
A Novel Training Algorithm for HMMs with Partial and Noisy Access to the States
We investigate adaptive mixture methods that linearly combine outputs of $m$ constituent filters running in parallel to model a desired signal. We use "Bregman divergences" and obtain certain multiplicative updates to train the linear combination weights under an affine constraint or without any constraints. We use unnormalized relative entropy and relative entropy to define two different Bregman divergences that produce an unnormalized exponentiated gradient update and a normalized exponentiated gradient update on the mixture weights, respectively. We then carry out the mean and the mean-square transient analysis of these adaptive algorithms when they are used to combine outputs of $m$ constituent filters. We illustrate the accuracy of our results and demonstrate the effectiveness of these updates for sparse mixture systems.
Adaptive Mixture Methods Based on Bregman Divergences
In this paper, a supervised learning technique for extracting keyphrases of Arabic documents is presented. The extractor is supplied with linguistic knowledge to enhance its efficiency instead of relying only on statistical information such as term frequency and distance. During analysis, an annotated Arabic corpus is used to extract the required lexical features of the document words. The knowledge also includes syntactic rules based on part of speech tags and allowed word sequences to extract the candidate keyphrases. In this work, the abstract form of Arabic words is used instead of its stem form to represent the candidate terms. The Abstract form hides most of the inflections found in Arabic words. The paper introduces new features of keyphrases based on linguistic knowledge, to capture titles and subtitles of a document. A simple ANOVA test is used to evaluate the validity of selected features. Then, the learning model is built using the LDA - Linear Discriminant Analysis - and training documents. Although, the presented system is trained using documents in the IT domain, experiments carried out show that it has a significantly better performance than the existing Arabic extractor systems, where precision and recall values reach double their corresponding values in the other systems especially for lengthy and non-scientific articles.
Arabic Keyphrase Extraction using Linguistic knowledge and Machine Learning Techniques
The past century was era of linear systems. Either systems (especially industrial ones) were simple (quasi)linear or linear approximations were accurate enough. In addition, just at the ending decades of the century profusion of computing devices were available, before then due to lack of computational resources it was not easy to evaluate available nonlinear system studies. At the moment both these two conditions changed, systems are highly complex and also pervasive amount of computation strength is cheap and easy to achieve. For recent era, a new branch of supervised learning well known as surrogate modeling (meta-modeling, surface modeling) has been devised which aimed at answering new needs of modeling realm. This short literature survey is on to introduce surrogate modeling to whom is familiar with the concepts of supervised learning. Necessity, challenges and visions of the topic are considered.
Very Short Literature Survey From Supervised Learning To Surrogate Modeling
This paper presents a novel Coprime Blurred Pair (CBP) model for visual data-hiding for security in camera surveillance. While most previous approaches have focused on completely encrypting the video stream, we introduce a spatial encryption scheme by blurring the image/video contents to create a CBP. Our goal is to obscure detail in public video streams by blurring while allowing behavior to be recognized and to quickly deblur the stream so that details are available if behavior is recognized as suspicious. We create a CBP by blurring the same latent image with two unknown kernels. The two kernels are coprime when mapped to bivariate polynomials in the z domain. To deblur the CBP we first use the coprime constraint to approximate the kernels and sample the bivariate CBP polynomials in one dimension on the unit circle. At each sample point, we factor the 1D polynomial pair and compose the results into a 2D kernel matrix. Finally, we compute the inverse Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the kernel matrices to recover the coprime kernels and then the latent video stream. It is therefore only possible to deblur the video stream if a user has access to both streams. To improve the practicability of our algorithm, we implement our algorithm using a graphics processing unit (GPU) to decrypt the blurred video streams in real-time, and extensive experimental results demonstrate that our new scheme can effectively protect sensitive identity information in surveillance videos and faithfully reconstruct the unblurred video stream when two blurred sequences are available.
A Co-Prime Blur Scheme for Data Security in Video Surveillance
This paper gives a detail overview about the modified features selection in CRF (Conditional Random Field) based Manipuri POS (Part of Speech) tagging. Selection of features is so important in CRF that the better are the features then the better are the outputs. This work is an attempt or an experiment to make the previous work more efficient. Multiple new features are tried to run the CRF and again tried with the Reduplicated Multiword Expression (RMWE) as another feature. The CRF run with RMWE because Manipuri is rich of RMWE and identification of RMWE becomes one of the necessities to bring up the result of POS tagging. The new CRF system shows a Recall of 78.22%, Precision of 73.15% and F-measure of 75.60%. With the identification of RMWE and considering it as a feature makes an improvement to a Recall of 80.20%, Precision of 74.31% and F-measure of 77.14%.
Reduplicated MWE (RMWE) helps in improving the CRF based Manipuri POS Tagger
We present CAVaT, a tool that performs Corpus Analysis and Validation for TimeML. CAVaT is an open source, modular checking utility for statistical analysis of features specific to temporally-annotated natural language corpora. It provides reporting, highlights salient links between a variety of general and time-specific linguistic features, and also validates a temporal annotation to ensure that it is logically consistent and sufficiently annotated. Uniquely, CAVaT provides analysis specific to TimeML-annotated temporal information. TimeML is a standard for annotating temporal information in natural language text. In this paper, we present the reporting part of CAVaT, and then its error-checking ability, including the workings of several novel TimeML document verification methods. This is followed by the execution of some example tasks using the tool to show relations between times, events, signals and links. We also demonstrate inconsistencies in a TimeML corpus (TimeBank) that have been detected with CAVaT.
Analysing Temporally Annotated Corpora with CAVaT
Temporal information conveyed by language describes how the world around us changes through time. Events, durations and times are all temporal elements that can be viewed as intervals. These intervals are sometimes temporally related in text. Automatically determining the nature of such relations is a complex and unsolved problem. Some words can act as "signals" which suggest a temporal ordering between intervals. In this paper, we use these signal words to improve the accuracy of a recent approach to classification of temporal links.
Using Signals to Improve Automatic Classification of Temporal Relations
We describe the University of Sheffield system used in the TempEval-2 challenge, USFD2. The challenge requires the automatic identification of temporal entities and relations in text. USFD2 identifies and anchors temporal expressions, and also attempts two of the four temporal relation assignment tasks. A rule-based system picks out and anchors temporal expressions, and a maximum entropy classifier assigns temporal link labels, based on features that include descriptions of associated temporal signal words. USFD2 identified temporal expressions successfully, and correctly classified their type in 90% of cases. Determining the relation between an event and time expression in the same sentence was performed at 63% accuracy, the second highest score in this part of the challenge.
USFD2: Annotating Temporal Expresions and TLINKs for TempEval-2
In this paper we present RTMML, a markup language for the tenses of verbs and temporal relations between verbs. There is a richness to tense in language that is not fully captured by existing temporal annotation schemata. Following Reichenbach we present an analysis of tense in terms of abstract time points, with the aim of supporting automated processing of tense and temporal relations in language. This allows for precise reasoning about tense in documents, and the deduction of temporal relations between the times and verbal events in a discourse. We define the syntax of RTMML, and demonstrate the markup in a range of situations.
An Annotation Scheme for Reichenbach's Verbal Tense Structure
Automatic temporal ordering of events described in discourse has been of great interest in recent years. Event orderings are conveyed in text via va rious linguistic mechanisms including the use of expressions such as "before", "after" or "during" that explicitly assert a temporal relation -- temporal signals. In this paper, we investigate the role of temporal signals in temporal relation extraction and provide a quantitative analysis of these expres sions in the TimeBank annotated corpus.
A Corpus-based Study of Temporal Signals
This paper describes the University of Sheffield's entry in the 2011 TAC KBP entity linking and slot filling tasks. We chose to participate in the monolingual entity linking task, the monolingual slot filling task and the temporal slot filling tasks. We set out to build a framework for experimentation with knowledge base population. This framework was created, and applied to multiple KBP tasks. We demonstrated that our proposed framework is effective and suitable for collaborative development efforts, as well as useful in a teaching environment. Finally we present results that, while very modest, provide improvements an order of magnitude greater than our 2010 attempt.
USFD at KBP 2011: Entity Linking, Slot Filling and Temporal Bounding
Automatic annotation of temporal expressions is a research challenge of great interest in the field of information extraction. Gold standard temporally-annotated resources are limited in size, which makes research using them difficult. Standards have also evolved over the past decade, so not all temporally annotated data is in the same format. We vastly increase available human-annotated temporal expression resources by converting older format resources to TimeML/TIMEX3. This task is difficult due to differing annotation methods. We present a robust conversion tool and a new, large temporal expression resource. Using this, we evaluate our conversion process by using it as training data for an existing TimeML annotation tool, achieving a 0.87 F1 measure -- better than any system in the TempEval-2 timex recognition exercise.
Massively Increasing TIMEX3 Resources: A Transduction Approach
Research is taking place to find effective algorithms for content-based image representation and description. There is a substantial amount of algorithms available that use visual features (color, shape, texture). Shape feature has attracted much attention from researchers that there are many shape representation and description algorithms in literature. These shape image representation and description algorithms are usually not application independent or robust, making them undesirable for generic shape description. This paper presents an object shape representation using Kernel Density Feature Points Estimator (KDFPE). In this method, the density of feature points within defined rings around the centroid of the image is obtained. The KDFPE is then applied to the vector of the image. KDFPE is invariant to translation, scale and rotation. This method of image representation shows improved retrieval rate when compared to Density Histogram Feature Points (DHFP) method. Analytic analysis is done to justify our method, which was compared with the DHFP to prove its robustness.
Kernel Density Feature Points Estimator for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Predicting user affinity to items is an important problem in applications like content optimization, computational advertising, and many more. While bilinear random effect models (matrix factorization) provide state-of-the-art performance when minimizing RMSE through a Gaussian response model on explicit ratings data, applying it to imbalanced binary response data presents additional challenges that we carefully study in this paper. Data in many applications usually consist of users' implicit response that are often binary -- clicking an item or not; the goal is to predict click rates, which is often combined with other measures to calculate utilities to rank items at runtime of the recommender systems. Because of the implicit nature, such data are usually much larger than explicit rating data and often have an imbalanced distribution with a small fraction of click events, making accurate click rate prediction difficult. In this paper, we address two problems. First, we show previous techniques to estimate bilinear random effect models with binary data are less accurate compared to our new approach based on adaptive rejection sampling, especially for imbalanced response. Second, we develop a parallel bilinear random effect model fitting framework using Map-Reduce paradigm that scales to massive datasets. Our parallel algorithm is based on a "divide and conquer" strategy coupled with an ensemble approach. Through experiments on the benchmark MovieLens data, a small Yahoo! Front Page data set, and a large Yahoo! Front Page data set that contains 8M users and 1B binary observations, we show that careful handling of binary response as well as identifiability issues are needed to achieve good performance for click rate prediction, and that the proposed adaptive rejection sampler and the partitioning as well as ensemble techniques significantly improve model performance.
Parallel Matrix Factorization for Binary Response
We describe $k$-MLE, a fast and efficient local search algorithm for learning finite statistical mixtures of exponential families such as Gaussian mixture models. Mixture models are traditionally learned using the expectation-maximization (EM) soft clustering technique that monotonically increases the incomplete (expected complete) likelihood. Given prescribed mixture weights, the hard clustering $k$-MLE algorithm iteratively assigns data to the most likely weighted component and update the component models using Maximum Likelihood Estimators (MLEs). Using the duality between exponential families and Bregman divergences, we prove that the local convergence of the complete likelihood of $k$-MLE follows directly from the convergence of a dual additively weighted Bregman hard clustering. The inner loop of $k$-MLE can be implemented using any $k$-means heuristic like the celebrated Lloyd's batched or Hartigan's greedy swap updates. We then show how to update the mixture weights by minimizing a cross-entropy criterion that implies to update weights by taking the relative proportion of cluster points, and reiterate the mixture parameter update and mixture weight update processes until convergence. Hard EM is interpreted as a special case of $k$-MLE when both the component update and the weight update are performed successively in the inner loop. To initialize $k$-MLE, we propose $k$-MLE++, a careful initialization of $k$-MLE guaranteeing probabilistically a global bound on the best possible complete likelihood.
$k$-MLE: A fast algorithm for learning statistical mixture models
ASR short for Automatic Speech Recognition is the process of converting a spoken speech into text that can be manipulated by a computer. Although ASR has several applications, it is still erroneous and imprecise especially if used in a harsh surrounding wherein the input speech is of low quality. This paper proposes a post-editing ASR error correction method and algorithm based on Bing's online spelling suggestion. In this approach, the ASR recognized output text is spell-checked using Bing's spelling suggestion technology to detect and correct misrecognized words. More specifically, the proposed algorithm breaks down the ASR output text into several word-tokens that are submitted as search queries to Bing search engine. A returned spelling suggestion implies that a query is misspelled; and thus it is replaced by the suggested correction; otherwise, no correction is performed and the algorithm continues with the next token until all tokens get validated. Experiments carried out on various speeches in different languages indicated a successful decrease in the number of ASR errors and an improvement in the overall error correction rate. Future research can improve upon the proposed algorithm so much so that it can be parallelized to take advantage of multiprocessor computers.
Post-Editing Error Correction Algorithm for Speech Recognition using Bing Spelling Suggestion