We live in a computerized and networked society where many of our actions leave a digital trace and affect other people's actions. This has lead to the emergence of a new data-driven research field: mathematical methods of computer science, statistical physics and sociometry provide insights on a wide range of disciplines ranging from social science to human mobility. A recent important discovery is that query volumes (i.e., the number of requests submitted by users to search engines on the www) can be used to track and, in some cases, to anticipate the dynamics of social phenomena. Successful exemples include unemployment levels, car and home sales, and epidemics spreading. Few recent works applied this approach to stock prices and market sentiment. However, it remains unclear if trends in financial markets can be anticipated by the collective wisdom of on-line users on the web. Here we show that trading volumes of stocks traded in NASDAQ-100 are correlated with the volumes of queries related to the same stocks. In particular, query volumes anticipate in many cases peaks of trading by one day or more. Our analysis is carried out on a unique dataset of queries, submitted to an important web search engine, which enable us to investigate also the user behavior. We show that the query volume dynamics emerges from the collective but seemingly uncoordinated activity of many users. These findings contribute to the debate on the identification of early warnings of financial systemic risk, based on the activity of users of the www.
Web search queries can predict stock market volumes
Random illumination is proposed to enforce absolute uniqueness and resolve all types of ambiguity, trivial or nontrivial, from phase retrieval. Almost sure irreducibility is proved for any complex-valued object of a full rank support. While the new irreducibility result can be viewed as a probabilistic version of the classical result by Bruck, Sodin and Hayes, it provides a novel perspective and an effective method for phase retrieval. In particular, almost sure uniqueness, up to a global phase, is proved for complex-valued objects under general two-point conditions. Under a tight sector constraint absolute uniqueness is proved to hold with probability exponentially close to unity as the object sparsity increases. Under a magnitude constraint with random amplitude illumination, uniqueness modulo global phase is proved to hold with probability exponentially close to unity as object sparsity increases. For general complex-valued objects without any constraint, almost sure uniqueness up to global phase is established with two sets of Fourier magnitude data under two independent illuminations. Numerical experiments suggest that random illumination essentially alleviates most, if not all, numerical problems commonly associated with the standard phasing algorithms.
Absolute Uniqueness of Phase Retrieval with Random Illumination
We describe the first sub-quadratic sampling algorithm for the Multiplicative Attribute Graph Model (MAGM) of Kim and Leskovec (2010). We exploit the close connection between MAGM and the Kronecker Product Graph Model (KPGM) of Leskovec et al. (2010), and show that to sample a graph from a MAGM it suffices to sample small number of KPGM graphs and \emph{quilt} them together. Under a restricted set of technical conditions our algorithm runs in $O((\log_2(n))^3 |E|)$ time, where $n$ is the number of nodes and $|E|$ is the number of edges in the sampled graph. We demonstrate the scalability of our algorithm via extensive empirical evaluation; we can sample a MAGM graph with 8 million nodes and 20 billion edges in under 6 hours.
Quilting Stochastic Kronecker Product Graphs to Generate Multiplicative Attribute Graphs
We consider a multi-armed bandit problem in a setting where each arm produces a noisy reward realization which depends on an observable random covariate. As opposed to the traditional static multi-armed bandit problem, this setting allows for dynamically changing rewards that better describe applications where side information is available. We adopt a nonparametric model where the expected rewards are smooth functions of the covariate and where the hardness of the problem is captured by a margin parameter. To maximize the expected cumulative reward, we introduce a policy called Adaptively Binned Successive Elimination (abse) that adaptively decomposes the global problem into suitably "localized" static bandit problems. This policy constructs an adaptive partition using a variant of the Successive Elimination (se) policy. Our results include sharper regret bounds for the se policy in a static bandit problem and minimax optimal regret bounds for the abse policy in the dynamic problem.
The multi-armed bandit problem with covariates
We develop a new tool for data-dependent analysis of the exploration-exploitation trade-off in learning under limited feedback. Our tool is based on two main ingredients. The first ingredient is a new concentration inequality that makes it possible to control the concentration of weighted averages of multiple (possibly uncountably many) simultaneously evolving and interdependent martingales. The second ingredient is an application of this inequality to the exploration-exploitation trade-off via importance weighted sampling. We apply the new tool to the stochastic multiarmed bandit problem, however, the main importance of this paper is the development and understanding of the new tool rather than improvement of existing algorithms for stochastic multiarmed bandits. In the follow-up work we demonstrate that the new tool can improve over state-of-the-art in structurally richer problems, such as stochastic multiarmed bandits with side information (Seldin et al., 2011a).
PAC-Bayes-Bernstein Inequality for Martingales and its Application to Multiarmed Bandits
Bayesian models offer great flexibility for clustering applications---Bayesian nonparametrics can be used for modeling infinite mixtures, and hierarchical Bayesian models can be utilized for sharing clusters across multiple data sets. For the most part, such flexibility is lacking in classical clustering methods such as k-means. In this paper, we revisit the k-means clustering algorithm from a Bayesian nonparametric viewpoint. Inspired by the asymptotic connection between k-means and mixtures of Gaussians, we show that a Gibbs sampling algorithm for the Dirichlet process mixture approaches a hard clustering algorithm in the limit, and further that the resulting algorithm monotonically minimizes an elegant underlying k-means-like clustering objective that includes a penalty for the number of clusters. We generalize this analysis to the case of clustering multiple data sets through a similar asymptotic argument with the hierarchical Dirichlet process. We also discuss further extensions that highlight the benefits of our analysis: i) a spectral relaxation involving thresholded eigenvectors, and ii) a normalized cut graph clustering algorithm that does not fix the number of clusters in the graph.
Revisiting k-means: New Algorithms via Bayesian Nonparametrics
Many real world problems exhibit patterns that have periodic behavior. For example, in astrophysics, periodic variable stars play a pivotal role in understanding our universe. An important step when analyzing data from such processes is the problem of identifying the period: estimating the period of a periodic function based on noisy observations made at irregularly spaced time points. This problem is still a difficult challenge despite extensive study in different disciplines. The paper makes several contributions toward solving this problem. First, we present a nonparametric Bayesian model for period finding, based on Gaussian Processes (GP), that does not make strong assumptions on the shape of the periodic function. As our experiments demonstrate, the new model leads to significantly better results in period estimation when the target function is non-sinusoidal. Second, we develop a new algorithm for parameter optimization for GP which is useful when the likelihood function is very sensitive to the setting of the hyper-parameters with numerous local minima, as in the case of period estimation. The algorithm combines gradient optimization with grid search and incorporates several mechanisms to overcome the high complexity of inference with GP. Third, we develop a novel approach for using domain knowledge, in the form of a probabilistic generative model, and incorporate it into the period estimation algorithm. Experimental results on astrophysics data validate our approach showing significant improvement over the state of the art in this domain.
Nonparametric Bayesian Estimation of Periodic Functions
We present a framework for performing efficient regression in general metric spaces. Roughly speaking, our regressor predicts the value at a new point by computing a Lipschitz extension --- the smoothest function consistent with the observed data --- after performing structural risk minimization to avoid overfitting. We obtain finite-sample risk bounds with minimal structural and noise assumptions, and a natural speed-precision tradeoff. The offline (learning) and online (prediction) stages can be solved by convex programming, but this naive approach has runtime complexity $O(n^3)$, which is prohibitive for large datasets. We design instead a regression algorithm whose speed and generalization performance depend on the intrinsic dimension of the data, to which the algorithm adapts. While our main innovation is algorithmic, the statistical results may also be of independent interest.
Efficient Regression in Metric Spaces via Approximate Lipschitz Extension
Spectral clustering is a novel clustering method which can detect complex shapes of data clusters. However, it requires the eigen decomposition of the graph Laplacian matrix, which is proportion to $O(n^3)$ and thus is not suitable for large scale systems. Recently, many methods have been proposed to accelerate the computational time of spectral clustering. These approximate methods usually involve sampling techniques by which a lot information of the original data may be lost. In this work, we propose a fast and accurate spectral clustering approach using an approximate commute time embedding, which is similar to the spectral embedding. The method does not require using any sampling technique and computing any eigenvector at all. Instead it uses random projection and a linear time solver to find the approximate embedding. The experiments in several synthetic and real datasets show that the proposed approach has better clustering quality and is faster than the state-of-the-art approximate spectral clustering methods.
Large Scale Spectral Clustering Using Approximate Commute Time Embedding
Stochastic gradient descent is a simple approach to find the local minima of a cost function whose evaluations are corrupted by noise. In this paper, we develop a procedure extending stochastic gradient descent algorithms to the case where the function is defined on a Riemannian manifold. We prove that, as in the Euclidian case, the gradient descent algorithm converges to a critical point of the cost function. The algorithm has numerous potential applications, and is illustrated here by four examples. In particular a novel gossip algorithm on the set of covariance matrices is derived and tested numerically.
Stochastic gradient descent on Riemannian manifolds
The graphical lasso \citep{FHT2007a} is an algorithm for learning the structure in an undirected Gaussian graphical model, using $\ell_1$ regularization to control the number of zeros in the precision matrix ${\B\Theta}={\B\Sigma}^{-1}$ \citep{BGA2008,yuan_lin_07}. The {\texttt R} package \GL\ \citep{FHT2007a} is popular, fast, and allows one to efficiently build a path of models for different values of the tuning parameter. Convergence of \GL\ can be tricky; the converged precision matrix might not be the inverse of the estimated covariance, and occasionally it fails to converge with warm starts. In this paper we explain this behavior, and propose new algorithms that appear to outperform \GL. By studying the "normal equations" we see that, \GL\ is solving the {\em dual} of the graphical lasso penalized likelihood, by block coordinate ascent; a result which can also be found in \cite{BGA2008}. In this dual, the target of estimation is $\B\Sigma$, the covariance matrix, rather than the precision matrix $\B\Theta$. We propose similar primal algorithms \PGL\ and \DPGL, that also operate by block-coordinate descent, where $\B\Theta$ is the optimization target. We study all of these algorithms, and in particular different approaches to solving their coordinate sub-problems. We conclude that \DPGL\ is superior from several points of view.
The Graphical Lasso: New Insights and Alternatives
In this paper we propose a framework for solving constrained online convex optimization problem. Our motivation stems from the observation that most algorithms proposed for online convex optimization require a projection onto the convex set $\mathcal{K}$ from which the decisions are made. While for simple shapes (e.g. Euclidean ball) the projection is straightforward, for arbitrary complex sets this is the main computational challenge and may be inefficient in practice. In this paper, we consider an alternative online convex optimization problem. Instead of requiring decisions belong to $\mathcal{K}$ for all rounds, we only require that the constraints which define the set $\mathcal{K}$ be satisfied in the long run. We show that our framework can be utilized to solve a relaxed version of online learning with side constraints addressed in \cite{DBLP:conf/colt/MannorT06} and \cite{DBLP:conf/aaai/KvetonYTM08}. By turning the problem into an online convex-concave optimization problem, we propose an efficient algorithm which achieves $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret bound and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{3/4})$ bound for the violation of constraints. Then we modify the algorithm in order to guarantee that the constraints are satisfied in the long run. This gain is achieved at the price of getting $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{3/4})$ regret bound. Our second algorithm is based on the Mirror Prox method \citep{nemirovski-2005-prox} to solve variational inequalities which achieves $\tilde{\mathcal{\mathcal{O}}}(T^{2/3})$ bound for both regret and the violation of constraints when the domain $\K$ can be described by a finite number of linear constraints. Finally, we extend the result to the setting where we only have partial access to the convex set $\mathcal{K}$ and propose a multipoint bandit feedback algorithm with the same bounds in expectation as our first algorithm.
Trading Regret for Efficiency: Online Convex Optimization with Long Term Constraints
We consider the problem of learning a linear factor model. We propose a regularized form of principal component analysis (PCA) and demonstrate through experiments with synthetic and real data the superiority of resulting estimates to those produced by pre-existing factor analysis approaches. We also establish theoretical results that explain how our algorithm corrects the biases induced by conventional approaches. An important feature of our algorithm is that its computational requirements are similar to those of PCA, which enjoys wide use in large part due to its efficiency.
Learning a Factor Model via Regularized PCA
A simple approach for orthogonal wavelets in compressed sensing (CS) applications is presented. We compare efficient algorithm for different orthogonal wavelet measurement matrices in CS for image processing from scanned photographic plates (SPP). Some important characteristics were obtained for astronomical image processing of SPP. The best orthogonal wavelet choice for measurement matrix construction in CS for image compression of images of SPP is given. The image quality measure for linear and nonlinear image compression method is defined.
Compressed sensing of astronomical images:orthogonal wavelets domains
In citep{Hazan-2008-extract}, the authors showed that the regret of online linear optimization can be bounded by the total variation of the cost vectors. In this paper, we extend this result to general online convex optimization. We first analyze the limitations of the algorithm in \citep{Hazan-2008-extract} when applied it to online convex optimization. We then present two algorithms for online convex optimization whose regrets are bounded by the variation of cost functions. We finally consider the bandit setting, and present a randomized algorithm for online bandit convex optimization with a variation-based regret bound. We show that the regret bound for online bandit convex optimization is optimal when the variation of cost functions is independent of the number of trials.
Regret Bound by Variation for Online Convex Optimization
Submodular functions are relevant to machine learning for at least two reasons: (1) some problems may be expressed directly as the optimization of submodular functions and (2) the lovasz extension of submodular functions provides a useful set of regularization functions for supervised and unsupervised learning. In this monograph, we present the theory of submodular functions from a convex analysis perspective, presenting tight links between certain polyhedra, combinatorial optimization and convex optimization problems. In particular, we show how submodular function minimization is equivalent to solving a wide variety of convex optimization problems. This allows the derivation of new efficient algorithms for approximate and exact submodular function minimization with theoretical guarantees and good practical performance. By listing many examples of submodular functions, we review various applications to machine learning, such as clustering, experimental design, sensor placement, graphical model structure learning or subset selection, as well as a family of structured sparsity-inducing norms that can be derived and used from submodular functions.
Learning with Submodular Functions: A Convex Optimization Perspective
This paper presents a novel reaction-diffusion (RD) method for implicit active contours, which is completely free of the costly re-initialization procedure in level set evolution (LSE). A diffusion term is introduced into LSE, resulting in a RD-LSE equation, to which a piecewise constant solution can be derived. In order to have a stable numerical solution of the RD based LSE, we propose a two-step splitting method (TSSM) to iteratively solve the RD-LSE equation: first iterating the LSE equation, and then solving the diffusion equation. The second step regularizes the level set function obtained in the first step to ensure stability, and thus the complex and costly re-initialization procedure is completely eliminated from LSE. By successfully applying diffusion to LSE, the RD-LSE model is stable by means of the simple finite difference method, which is very easy to implement. The proposed RD method can be generalized to solve the LSE for both variational level set method and PDE-based level set method. The RD-LSE method shows very good performance on boundary anti-leakage, and it can be readily extended to high dimensional level set method. The extensive and promising experimental results on synthetic and real images validate the effectiveness of the proposed RD-LSE approach.
Re-initialization Free Level Set Evolution via Reaction Diffusion
We derive and analyze a new, efficient, pool-based active learning algorithm for halfspaces, called ALuMA. Most previous algorithms show exponential improvement in the label complexity assuming that the distribution over the instance space is close to uniform. This assumption rarely holds in practical applications. Instead, we study the label complexity under a large-margin assumption -- a much more realistic condition, as evident by the success of margin-based algorithms such as SVM. Our algorithm is computationally efficient and comes with formal guarantees on its label complexity. It also naturally extends to the non-separable case and to non-linear kernels. Experiments illustrate the clear advantage of ALuMA over other active learning algorithms.
Active Learning of Halfspaces under a Margin Assumption
The multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem is a widely studied model in the field of reinforcement learning. This paper considers two cases of the classical MAB model -- the light-tailed reward distributions and the heavy-tailed, respectively. For the light-tailed (i.e. sub-Gaussian) case, we propose the UCB1-LT policy, achieving the optimal $O(\log T)$ of the order of regret growth. For the heavy-tailed case, we introduce the extended robust UCB policy, which is an extension of the UCB policies proposed by Bubeck et al. (2013) and Lattimore (2017). The previous UCB policies require the knowledge of an upper bound on specific moments of reward distributions, which can be hard to acquire in some practical situations. Our extended robust UCB eliminates this requirement while still achieving the optimal regret growth order $O(\log T)$, thus providing a broadened application area of the UCB policies for the heavy-tailed reward distributions.
The Extended UCB Policies for Frequentist Multi-armed Bandit Problems
The paper addresses the problem of low-rank trace norm minimization. We propose an algorithm that alternates between fixed-rank optimization and rank-one updates. The fixed-rank optimization is characterized by an efficient factorization that makes the trace norm differentiable in the search space and the computation of duality gap numerically tractable. The search space is nonlinear but is equipped with a particular Riemannian structure that leads to efficient computations. We present a second-order trust-region algorithm with a guaranteed quadratic rate of convergence. Overall, the proposed optimization scheme converges super-linearly to the global solution while maintaining complexity that is linear in the number of rows and columns of the matrix. To compute a set of solutions efficiently for a grid of regularization parameters we propose a predictor-corrector approach that outperforms the naive warm-restart approach on the fixed-rank quotient manifold. The performance of the proposed algorithm is illustrated on problems of low-rank matrix completion and multivariate linear regression.
Low-rank optimization with trace norm penalty
By reformulating a learning process of a set system L as a game between Teacher (presenter of data) and Learner (updater of the abstract independent set), we define the order type dim L of L to be the order type of the game tree. The theory of this new order type and continuous, monotone function between set systems corresponds to the theory of well quasi-orderings (WQOs). As Nash-Williams developed the theory of WQOs to the theory of better quasi-orderings (BQOs), we introduce a set system that has order type and corresponds to a BQO. We prove that the class of set systems corresponding to BQOs is closed by any monotone function. In (Shinohara and Arimura. "Inductive inference of unbounded unions of pattern languages from positive data." Theoretical Computer Science, pp. 191-209, 2000), for any set system L, they considered the class of arbitrary (finite) unions of members of L. From viewpoint of WQOs and BQOs, we characterize the set systems L such that the class of arbitrary (finite) unions of members of L has order type. The characterization shows that the order structure of the set system L with respect to the set-inclusion is not important for the resulting set system having order type. We point out continuous, monotone function of set systems is similar to positive reduction to Jockusch-Owings' weakly semirecursive sets.
A new order theory of set systems and better quasi-orderings
Matching animal-like flexibility in recognition and the ability to quickly incorporate new information remains difficult. Limits are yet to be adequately addressed in neural models and recognition algorithms. This work proposes a configuration for recognition that maintains the same function of conventional algorithms but avoids combinatorial problems. Feedforward recognition algorithms such as classical artificial neural networks and machine learning algorithms are known to be subject to catastrophic interference and forgetting. Modifying or learning new information (associations between patterns and labels) causes loss of previously learned information. I demonstrate using mathematical analysis how supervised generative models, with feedforward and feedback connections, can emulate feedforward algorithms yet avoid catastrophic interference and forgetting. Learned information in generative models is stored in a more intuitive form that represents the fixed points or solutions of the network and moreover displays similar difficulties as cognitive phenomena. Brain-like capabilities and limits associated with generative models suggest the brain may perform recognition and store information using a similar approach. Because of the central role of recognition, progress understanding the underlying principles may reveal significant insight on how to better study and integrate with the brain.
Supervised Generative Reconstruction: An Efficient Way To Flexibly Store and Recognize Patterns
We present a fast convolution-based technique for computing an approximate, signed Euclidean distance function $S$ on a set of 2D and 3D grid locations. Instead of solving the non-linear, static Hamilton-Jacobi equation ($\|\nabla S\|=1$), our solution stems from first solving for a scalar field $\phi$ in a linear differential equation and then deriving the solution for $S$ by taking the negative logarithm. In other words, when $S$ and $\phi$ are related by $\phi = \exp \left(-\frac{S}{\tau} \right)$ and $\phi$ satisfies a specific linear differential equation corresponding to the extremum of a variational problem, we obtain the approximate Euclidean distance function $S = -\tau \log(\phi)$ which converges to the true solution in the limit as $\tau \rightarrow 0$. This is in sharp contrast to techniques like the fast marching and fast sweeping methods which directly solve the Hamilton-Jacobi equation by the Godunov upwind discretization scheme. Our linear formulation results in a closed-form solution to the approximate Euclidean distance function expressible as a discrete convolution, and hence efficiently computable using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Our solution also circumvents the need for spatial discretization of the derivative operator. As $\tau\rightarrow0$ we show the convergence of our results to the true solution and also bound the error for a given value of $\tau$. The differentiability of our solution allows us to compute---using a set of convolutions---the first and second derivatives of the approximate distance function. In order to determine the sign of the distance function (defined to be positive inside a closed region and negative outside), we compute the winding number in 2D and the topological degree in 3D, whose computations can also be performed via fast convolutions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through a set of experimental results.
A new variational principle for the Euclidean distance function: Linear approach to the non-linear eikonal problem
Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) studies using single particle reconstruction is extensively used to reveal structural information of macromolecular complexes. Aiming at the highest achievable resolution, state of the art electron microscopes acquire thousands of high-quality images. Having collected these data, each single particle must be detected and windowed out. Several fully- or semi-automated approaches have been developed for the selection of particle images from digitized micrographs. However they still require laborious manual post processing, which will become the major bottleneck for next generation of electron microscopes. Instead of focusing on improvements in automated particle selection from micrographs, we propose a post-picking step for classifying small windowed images, which are output by common picking software. A supervised strategy for the classification of windowed micrograph images into particles and non-particles reduces the manual workload by orders of magnitude. The method builds on new powerful image features, and the proper training of an ensemble classifier. A few hundred training samples are enough to achieve a human-like classification performance.
Automatic post-picking improves particle image detection from Cryo-EM micrographs
A fundamental task in human chromosome analysis is chromosome segmentation. Segmentation plays an important role in chromosome karyotyping. The first step in segmentation is to remove intrusive objects such as stain debris and other noises. The next step is detection of touching and overlapping chromosomes, and the final step is separation of such chromosomes. Common methods for separation between touching chromosomes are interactive and require human intervention for correct separation between touching and overlapping chromosomes. In this paper, a geometric-based method is used for automatic detection of touching and overlapping chromosomes and separating them. The proposed scheme performs segmentation in two phases. In the first phase, chromosome clusters are detected using three geometric criteria, and in the second phase, chromosome clusters are separated using a cut-line. Most of earlier methods did not work properly in case of chromosome clusters that contained more than two chromosomes. Our method, on the other hand, is quite efficient in separation of such chromosome clusters. At each step, one separation will be performed and this algorithm is repeated until all individual chromosomes are separated. Another important point about the proposed method is that it uses the geometric features of chromosomes which are independent of the type of images and it can easily be applied to any type of images such as binary images and does not require multispectral images as well. We have applied our method to a database containing 62 touching and partially overlapping chromosomes and a success rate of 91.9% is achieved.
A Geometric Approach For Fully Automatic Chromosome Segmentation
We propose a new, nonparametric approach to estimating the value function in reinforcement learning. This approach makes use of a recently developed representation of conditional distributions as functions in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Such representations bypass the need for estimating transition probabilities, and apply to any domain on which kernels can be defined. Our approach avoids the need to approximate intractable integrals since expectations are represented as RKHS inner products whose computation has linear complexity in the sample size. Thus, we can efficiently perform value function estimation in a wide variety of settings, including finite state spaces, continuous states spaces, and partially observable tasks where only sensor measurements are available. A second advantage of the approach is that we learn the conditional distribution representation from a training sample, and do not require an exhaustive exploration of the state space. We prove convergence of our approach either to the optimal policy, or to the closest projection of the optimal policy in our model class, under reasonable assumptions. In experiments, we demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on a learning task in a continuous state space (the under-actuated pendulum), and on a navigation problem where only images from a sensor are observed. We compare with least-squares policy iteration where a Gaussian process is used for value function estimation. Our algorithm achieves better performance in both tasks.
Modeling transition dynamics in MDPs with RKHS embeddings of conditional distributions
Selecting the best classifier among the available ones is a difficult task, especially when only instances of one class exist. In this work we examine the notion of combining one-class classifiers as an alternative for selecting the best classifier. In particular, we propose two new one-class classification performance measures to weigh classifiers and show that a simple ensemble that implements these measures can outperform the most popular one-class ensembles. Furthermore, we propose a new one-class ensemble scheme, TUPSO, which uses meta-learning to combine one-class classifiers. Our experiments demonstrate the superiority of TUPSO over all other tested ensembles and show that the TUPSO performance is statistically indistinguishable from that of the hypothetical best classifier.
Combining One-Class Classifiers via Meta-Learning
Manifold models provide low-dimensional representations that are useful for processing and analyzing data in a transformation-invariant way. In this paper, we study the problem of learning smooth pattern transformation manifolds from image sets that represent observations of geometrically transformed signals. In order to construct a manifold, we build a representative pattern whose transformations accurately fit various input images. We examine two objectives of the manifold building problem, namely, approximation and classification. For the approximation problem, we propose a greedy method that constructs a representative pattern by selecting analytic atoms from a continuous dictionary manifold. We present a DC (Difference-of-Convex) optimization scheme that is applicable to a wide range of transformation and dictionary models, and demonstrate its application to transformation manifolds generated by rotation, translation and anisotropic scaling of a reference pattern. Then, we generalize this approach to a setting with multiple transformation manifolds, where each manifold represents a different class of signals. We present an iterative multiple manifold building algorithm such that the classification accuracy is promoted in the learning of the representative patterns. Experimental results suggest that the proposed methods yield high accuracy in the approximation and classification of data compared to some reference methods, while the invariance to geometric transformations is achieved due to the transformation manifold model.
Learning Smooth Pattern Transformation Manifolds
Personal identification problem has been a major field of research in recent years. Biometrics-based technologies that exploit fingerprints, iris, face, voice and palmprints, have been in the center of attention to solve this problem. Palmprints can be used instead of fingerprints that have been of the earliest of these biometrics technologies. A palm is covered with the same skin as the fingertips but has a larger surface, giving us more information than the fingertips. The major features of the palm are palm-lines, including principal lines, wrinkles and ridges. Using these lines is one of the most popular approaches towards solving the palmprint recognition problem. Another robust feature is the wavelet energy of palms. In this paper we used a hybrid feature which combines both of these features. %Moreover, multispectral analysis is applied to improve the performance of the system. At the end, minimum distance classifier is used to match test images with one of the training samples. The proposed algorithm has been tested on a well-known multispectral palmprint dataset and achieved an average accuracy of 98.8\%.
Multispectral Palmprint Recognition Using a Hybrid Feature
We consider the problem of building high-level, class-specific feature detectors from only unlabeled data. For example, is it possible to learn a face detector using only unlabeled images? To answer this, we train a 9-layered locally connected sparse autoencoder with pooling and local contrast normalization on a large dataset of images (the model has 1 billion connections, the dataset has 10 million 200x200 pixel images downloaded from the Internet). We train this network using model parallelism and asynchronous SGD on a cluster with 1,000 machines (16,000 cores) for three days. Contrary to what appears to be a widely-held intuition, our experimental results reveal that it is possible to train a face detector without having to label images as containing a face or not. Control experiments show that this feature detector is robust not only to translation but also to scaling and out-of-plane rotation. We also find that the same network is sensitive to other high-level concepts such as cat faces and human bodies. Starting with these learned features, we trained our network to obtain 15.8% accuracy in recognizing 20,000 object categories from ImageNet, a leap of 70% relative improvement over the previous state-of-the-art.
Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning
Parallel MRI is a fast imaging technique that enables the acquisition of highly resolved images in space or/and in time. The performance of parallel imaging strongly depends on the reconstruction algorithm, which can proceed either in the original k-space (GRAPPA, SMASH) or in the image domain (SENSE-like methods). To improve the performance of the widely used SENSE algorithm, 2D- or slice-specific regularization in the wavelet domain has been deeply investigated. In this paper, we extend this approach using 3D-wavelet representations in order to handle all slices together and address reconstruction artifacts which propagate across adjacent slices. The gain induced by such extension (3D-Unconstrained Wavelet Regularized -SENSE: 3D-UWR-SENSE) is validated on anatomical image reconstruction where no temporal acquisition is considered. Another important extension accounts for temporal correlations that exist between successive scans in functional MRI (fMRI). In addition to the case of 2D+t acquisition schemes addressed by some other methods like kt-FOCUSS, our approach allows us to deal with 3D+t acquisition schemes which are widely used in neuroimaging. The resulting 3D-UWR-SENSE and 4D-UWR-SENSE reconstruction schemes are fully unsupervised in the sense that all regularization parameters are estimated in the maximum likelihood sense on a reference scan. The gain induced by such extensions is illustrated on both anatomical and functional image reconstruction, and also measured in terms of statistical sensitivity for the 4D-UWR-SENSE approach during a fast event-related fMRI protocol. Our 4D-UWR-SENSE algorithm outperforms the SENSE reconstruction at the subject and group levels (15 subjects) for different contrasts of interest (eg, motor or computation tasks) and using different parallel acceleration factors (R=2 and R=4) on 2x2x3mm3 EPI images.
Spatio-temporal wavelet regularization for parallel MRI reconstruction: application to functional MRI
Structured sparse coding and the related structured dictionary learning problems are novel research areas in machine learning. In this paper we present a new application of structured dictionary learning for collaborative filtering based recommender systems. Our extensive numerical experiments demonstrate that the presented technique outperforms its state-of-the-art competitors and has several advantages over approaches that do not put structured constraints on the dictionary elements.
Collaborative Filtering via Group-Structured Dictionary Learning
This paper presents a method for learning overcomplete dictionaries composed of two modalities that describe a 3D scene: image intensity and scene depth. We propose a novel Joint Basis Pursuit (JBP) algorithm that finds related sparse features in two modalities using conic programming and integrate it into a two-step dictionary learning algorithm. JBP differs from related convex algorithms because it finds joint sparsity models with different atoms and different coefficient values for intensity and depth. This is crucial for recovering generative models where the same sparse underlying causes (3D features) give rise to different signals (intensity and depth). We give a theoretical bound for the sparse coefficient recovery error obtained by JBP, and show experimentally that JBP is far superior to the state of the art Group Lasso algorithm. When applied to the Middlebury depth-intensity database, our learning algorithm converges to a set of related features, such as pairs of depth and intensity edges or image textures and depth slants. Finally, we show that the learned dictionary and JBP achieve the state of the art depth inpainting performance on time-of-flight 3D data.
Learning joint intensity-depth sparse representations
Metric learning makes it plausible to learn distances for complex distributions of data from labeled data. However, to date, most metric learning methods are based on a single Mahalanobis metric, which cannot handle heterogeneous data well. Those that learn multiple metrics throughout the space have demonstrated superior accuracy, but at the cost of computational efficiency. Here, we take a new angle to the metric learning problem and learn a single metric that is able to implicitly adapt its distance function throughout the feature space. This metric adaptation is accomplished by using a random forest-based classifier to underpin the distance function and incorporate both absolute pairwise position and standard relative position into the representation. We have implemented and tested our method against state of the art global and multi-metric methods on a variety of data sets. Overall, the proposed method outperforms both types of methods in terms of accuracy (consistently ranked first) and is an order of magnitude faster than state of the art multi-metric methods (16x faster in the worst case).
Random Forests for Metric Learning with Implicit Pairwise Position Dependence
We present some nonparametric methods for graphical modeling. In the discrete case, where the data are binary or drawn from a finite alphabet, Markov random fields are already essentially nonparametric, since the cliques can take only a finite number of values. Continuous data are different. The Gaussian graphical model is the standard parametric model for continuous data, but it makes distributional assumptions that are often unrealistic. We discuss two approaches to building more flexible graphical models. One allows arbitrary graphs and a nonparametric extension of the Gaussian; the other uses kernel density estimation and restricts the graphs to trees and forests. Examples of both methods are presented. We also discuss possible future research directions for nonparametric graphical modeling.
Sparse Nonparametric Graphical Models
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is an important hierarchical Bayesian model for probabilistic topic modeling, which attracts worldwide interests and touches on many important applications in text mining, computer vision and computational biology. This paper introduces a topic modeling toolbox (TMBP) based on the belief propagation (BP) algorithms. TMBP toolbox is implemented by MEX C++/Matlab/Octave for either Windows 7 or Linux. Compared with existing topic modeling packages, the novelty of this toolbox lies in the BP algorithms for learning LDA-based topic models. The current version includes BP algorithms for latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), author-topic models (ATM), relational topic models (RTM), and labeled LDA (LaLDA). This toolbox is an ongoing project and more BP-based algorithms for various topic models will be added in the near future. Interested users may also extend BP algorithms for learning more complicated topic models. The source codes are freely available under the GNU General Public Licence, Version 1.0 at https://mloss.org/software/view/399/.
A Topic Modeling Toolbox Using Belief Propagation
Functional data analysis involves data described by regular functions rather than by a finite number of real valued variables. While some robust data analysis methods can be applied directly to the very high dimensional vectors obtained from a fine grid sampling of functional data, all methods benefit from a prior simplification of the functions that reduces the redundancy induced by the regularity. In this paper we propose to use a clustering approach that targets variables rather than individual to design a piecewise constant representation of a set of functions. The contiguity constraint induced by the functional nature of the variables allows a polynomial complexity algorithm to give the optimal solution.
Constrained variable clustering and the best basis problem in functional data analysis
Most classification methods are based on the assumption that data conforms to a stationary distribution. The machine learning domain currently suffers from a lack of classification techniques that are able to detect the occurrence of a change in the underlying data distribution. Ignoring possible changes in the underlying concept, also known as concept drift, may degrade the performance of the classification model. Often these changes make the model inconsistent and regular updatings become necessary. Taking the temporal dimension into account during the analysis of Web usage data is a necessity, since the way a site is visited may indeed evolve due to modifications in the structure and content of the site, or even due to changes in the behavior of certain user groups. One solution to this problem, proposed in this article, is to update models using summaries obtained by means of an evolutionary approach based on an intelligent clustering approach. We carry out various clustering strategies that are applied on time sub-periods. To validate our approach we apply two external evaluation criteria which compare different partitions from the same data set. Our experiments show that the proposed approach is efficient to detect the occurrence of changes.
Clustering Dynamic Web Usage Data
A formal theory based on a binary operator of directional associative relation is constructed in the article and an understanding of an associative normal form of image constructions is introduced. A model of a commutative semigroup, which provides a presentation of a sentence as three components of an interrogative linguistic image construction, is considered.
Formalization of semantic network of image constructions in electronic content
The issue of discrete probability estimation for samples of small size is addressed in this study. The maximum likelihood method often suffers over-fitting when insufficient data is available. Although the Bayesian approach can avoid over-fitting by using prior distributions, it still has problems with objective analysis. In response to these drawbacks, a new theoretical framework based on thermodynamics, where energy and temperature are introduced, was developed. Entropy and likelihood are placed at the center of this method. The key principle of inference for probability mass functions is the minimum free energy, which is shown to unify the two principles of maximum likelihood and maximum entropy. Our method can robustly estimate probability functions from small size data.
A Thermodynamical Approach for Probability Estimation
An empirical investigation of the interaction of sample size and discretization - in this case the entropy-based method CAIM (Class-Attribute Interdependence Maximization) - was undertaken to evaluate the impact and potential bias introduced into data mining performance metrics due to variation in sample size as it impacts the discretization process. Of particular interest was the effect of discretizing within cross-validation folds averse to outside discretization folds. Previous publications have suggested that discretizing externally can bias performance results; however, a thorough review of the literature found no empirical evidence to support such an assertion. This investigation involved construction of over 117,000 models on seven distinct datasets from the UCI (University of California-Irvine) Machine Learning Library and multiple modeling methods across a variety of configurations of sample size and discretization, with each unique "setup" being independently replicated ten times. The analysis revealed a significant optimistic bias as sample sizes decreased and discretization was employed. The study also revealed that there may be a relationship between the interaction that produces such bias and the numbers and types of predictor attributes, extending the "curse of dimensionality" concept from feature selection into the discretization realm. Directions for further exploration are laid out, as well some general guidelines about the proper application of discretization in light of these results.
The Interaction of Entropy-Based Discretization and Sample Size: An Empirical Study
A uniform distribution of the image force field around the object fasts the convergence speed of the segmentation process. However, to achieve this aim, it causes the force constructed from the heat diffusion model unable to indicate the object boundaries accurately. The image force based on electrostatic field model can perform an exact shape recovery. First, this study introduces a fusion scheme of these two image forces, which is capable of extracting the object boundary with high precision and fast speed. Until now, there is no satisfied analysis about the relationship between Snakes and Geometric Active Contours (GAC). The second contribution of this study addresses that the GAC model can be deduced directly from Snakes model. It proves that each term in GAC and Snakes is correspondent and has similar function. However, the two models are expressed using different mathematics. Further, since losing the ability of rotating the contour, adoption of level sets can limits the usage of GAC in some circumstances.
A United Image Force for Deformable Models and Direct Transforming Geometric Active Contorus to Snakes by Level Sets
We propose a tree regularization framework, which enables many tree models to perform feature selection efficiently. The key idea of the regularization framework is to penalize selecting a new feature for splitting when its gain (e.g. information gain) is similar to the features used in previous splits. The regularization framework is applied on random forest and boosted trees here, and can be easily applied to other tree models. Experimental studies show that the regularized trees can select high-quality feature subsets with regard to both strong and weak classifiers. Because tree models can naturally deal with categorical and numerical variables, missing values, different scales between variables, interactions and nonlinearities etc., the tree regularization framework provides an effective and efficient feature selection solution for many practical problems.
Feature Selection via Regularized Trees
Leveraging the power of increasing amounts of data to analyze customer base for attracting and retaining the most valuable customers is a major problem facing companies in this information age. Data mining technologies extract hidden information and knowledge from large data stored in databases or data warehouses, thereby supporting the corporate decision making process. CRM uses data mining (one of the elements of CRM) techniques to interact with customers. This study investigates the use of a technique, semi-supervised learning, for the management and analysis of customer-related data warehouse and information. The idea of semi-supervised learning is to learn not only from the labeled training data, but to exploit also the structural information in additionally available unlabeled data. The proposed semi-supervised method is a model by means of a feed-forward neural network trained by a back propagation algorithm (multi-layer perceptron) in order to predict the category of an unknown customer (potential customers). In addition, this technique can be used with Rapid Miner tools for both labeled and unlabeled data.
Customers Behavior Modeling by Semi-Supervised Learning in Customer Relationship Management
We describe a Context Free Grammar (CFG) for Bangla language and hence we propose a Bangla parser based on the grammar. Our approach is very much general to apply in Bangla Sentences and the method is well accepted for parsing a language of a grammar. The proposed parser is a predictive parser and we construct the parse table for recognizing Bangla grammar. Using the parse table we recognize syntactical mistakes of Bangla sentences when there is no entry for a terminal in the parse table. If a natural language can be successfully parsed then grammar checking from this language becomes possible. The proposed scheme is based on Top down parsing method and we have avoided the left recursion of the CFG using the idea of left factoring.
Recognizing Bangla Grammar using Predictive Parser
In this paper, a new adaptive noise reduction scheme for images corrupted by impulse noise is presented. The proposed scheme efficiently identifies and reduces salt and pepper noise. MAG (Mean Absolute Gradient) is used to identify pixels which are most likely corrupted by salt and pepper noise that are candidates for further median based noise reduction processing. Directional filtering is then applied after noise reduction to achieve a good tradeoff between detail preservation and noise removal. The proposed scheme can remove salt and pepper noise with noise density as high as 90% and produce better result in terms of qualitative and quantitative measures of images.
Adaptive Noise Reduction Scheme for Salt and Pepper
Diabetes is a major health problem in both developing and developed countries and its incidence is rising dramatically. In this study, we investigate a novel automatic approach to diagnose Diabetes disease based on Feature Weighted Support Vector Machines (FW-SVMs) and Modified Cuckoo Search (MCS). The proposed model consists of three stages: Firstly, PCA is applied to select an optimal subset of features out of set of all the features. Secondly, Mutual Information is employed to construct the FWSVM by weighting different features based on their degree of importance. Finally, since parameter selection plays a vital role in classification accuracy of SVMs, MCS is applied to select the best parameter values. The proposed MI-MCS-FWSVM method obtains 93.58% accuracy on UCI dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the previous methods by not only giving more accurate results but also significantly speeding up the classification procedure.
Automatic Detection of Diabetes Diagnosis using Feature Weighted Support Vector Machines based on Mutual Information and Modified Cuckoo Search
In this paper we develop the theory of parametric polynomial regression in Riemannian manifolds and Lie groups. We show application of Riemannian polynomial regression to shape analysis in Kendall shape space. Results are presented, showing the power of polynomial regression on the classic rat skull growth data of Bookstein as well as the analysis of the shape changes associated with aging of the corpus callosum from the OASIS Alzheimer's study.
Polynomial Regression on Riemannian Manifolds
We present a novel approach to learn a kernel-based regression function. It is based on the useof conical combinations of data-based parameterized kernels and on a new stochastic convex optimization procedure of which we establish convergence guarantees. The overall learning procedure has the nice properties that a) the learned conical combination is automatically designed to perform the regression task at hand and b) the updates implicated by the optimization procedure are quite inexpensive. In order to shed light on the appositeness of our learning strategy, we present empirical results from experiments conducted on various benchmark datasets.
Stochastic Low-Rank Kernel Learning for Regression
We introduce a class of learning problems where the agent is presented with a series of tasks. Intuitively, if there is relation among those tasks, then the information gained during execution of one task has value for the execution of another task. Consequently, the agent is intrinsically motivated to explore its environment beyond the degree necessary to solve the current task it has at hand. We develop a decision theoretic setting that generalises standard reinforcement learning tasks and captures this intuition. More precisely, we consider a multi-stage stochastic game between a learning agent and an opponent. We posit that the setting is a good model for the problem of life-long learning in uncertain environments, where while resources must be spent learning about currently important tasks, there is also the need to allocate effort towards learning about aspects of the world which are not relevant at the moment. This is due to the fact that unpredictable future events may lead to a change of priorities for the decision maker. Thus, in some sense, the model "explains" the necessity of curiosity. Apart from introducing the general formalism, the paper provides algorithms. These are evaluated experimentally in some exemplary domains. In addition, performance bounds are proven for some cases of this problem.
Sparse Reward Processes