2 values
Good evening,Im Polish and have a real overwhelming confusion. A year ago i was diagnosed adenomiosis and had severe problems with my periods due to low progesterone and high estrogen. During ultrasound they found a adenomiosis which was proved by endometrial diagnostic ablation. I tried progesterone but i have mastopatic breasts and after this hormone it turned into pre- cancerous state and i had it removed from my breast. So i had to stop any hormones. I rather dont have any effects of adenomiosis- maybe smt little back pains and smt painful intercourse. What is more several doctors did my ultrasound and sometimes they see adeno and smt not. Im 45 - i had last period in may and my hormone levels are
I have a L5 S1 disc herniation and a bruise/tenderness at the site of the herniation. Can a disc herniation cause external bruising? I don t use a heating pad and I haven t bumped it. The tenderness has been there since I herniated the disc, the bruising is just showing up to my knowledge
hi,I am 10 weeks pregnant and twice i have noticed 2drops of brown stains..we went to the doc and she said things were perfectly normal the baby had indeed grown and the heartbeat too was fine now my question is we plan on a holiday say end of 12 weeks as it is my husbands annual leave...kindly let me know if it cud be safer to travel....
States of frailty were highly present in the hospital environment.
my lower left side/back/abdominals are extremely sore and it hurts to sit, walk, bend over and the pain increases immensly when I breathe deeply. I am menstrating but I have never hurt like this before and the pain is not in that area. no medical history19 yrs oldfemaleabout 5 foot 4
What is the name of the immunodeficiency that is caused by the failure to repair DNA double-strand breaks?
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a rare inflammatory demyelinating disease of central nervous system (CNS), characterized by multifocal white matter involvement with neurological deficits and accompanied by encephalopathy. ADEM is thought to be caused by autoimmune etiology. CNS autoantigens are produced by molecular mimicry triggered by an environmental stimulus, mostly infection (viral/bacterial) or post vaccination, in genetically susceptible individuals. ADEM is sometimes referred to as post/para-infectious or post-immunization ADEM. ADEM is characterized by multifocal neurological signs and occasionally it rapidly progresses to coma. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment is based on intravenous high-dose methylprednisolone, which usually leads to a rapid improvement. Recently, the use of intravenous immunoglobulins and plasma exchange (PLEX) has also been suggested. We report a case of a 6-year-old girl who was admitted for urinary tract infection but developed neurological complications which was treated successfully.
What is the history and what are the symptoms of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1?
The prevalence of porcine rotavirus infection was studied in 15 different herds located in the north-western region of Venezuela. The presence of rotavirus was studied by direct electron microscopy (EM) and by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). From 136 samples analyzed during the six months of the study (September 1983–February 1984), 38 (27.9%) were found to be positive for rotaviruses, with infection more common in animals that were 4–6 weeks old. Atypical rotaviruses were not detected in any of the samples examined. Most rotavirus positive specimens were subgrouped using specific monoclonal antibodies in an ELISA test. The majority of the samples (26 out of 38) were found to exhibit Subgroup I antigenicity. Only two specimens, collected from the same herd in two consecutive months, were found to belong to Subgroup II. To characterize further the circulating rotaviruses, electrophoretic analysis of the RNA genome was performed on samples selected from nine different herds. Great variability in the RNA electropherotypes was observed. No correlation was found between subgroup specificity and the migration of the two smaller segments (Genes 10 and 11), as has been described for human rotaviruses.
Hi doctor, My son is 2.5 years old. For a week, he is complaining of stomach pain. After farting he is fine. Our family doctor recommended one antibiotic for five days and a medicine to avoid vomiting. He had small vomits twice, but later it was fine. Now, after completing the course of medicine he again complaints the same. His diet is almost nothing and he is not ready to take any food. He just has few mL of milk. He does not have fever. His stool was watery, but it is normal now. Can you provide any recommendation on diet and medicine? Please give me a solution to the problem. Thank you.
Hi I was diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia 2 years ago. It went into remission after several months of Gabapentin . So when I thought it came back I began the gaba again with my neurologist . I just found a lump on the top of the gum on the inside of my mouth on that same side. I think it is the cause of my pain. What kind of Dr should I see. A dentist? A periodontist or a MD? By the way my maiden name is Greiff. It wasn t easy by at least it wasn t grief. Sorry.
Hi Doctor, My father is suffering from dementia. He brushes his teeth properly. But when we are asking to goggle the water for cleaning it he is not able to do so. He is keeping the water for more than 30 minutes in his mouth. What can be done in this situation?
We study how the COVID-19 pandemic, alongside the severe mobility restrictions that ensued, has impacted information access on Wikipedia, the world's largest online encyclopedia. A longitudinal analysis that combines pageview statistics for 12 Wikipedia language editions with mobility reports published by Apple and Google reveals massive shifts in the volume and nature of information seeking patterns during the pandemic. Interestingly, while we observe a transient increase in Wikipedia's pageview volume following mobility restrictions, the nature of information sought was impacted more permanently. These changes are most pronounced for language editions associated with countries where the most severe mobility restrictions were implemented. We also find that articles belonging to different topics behaved differently;e.g., attention towards entertainment-related topics is lingering and even increasing, while the interest in health- and biology-related topics was either small or transient. Our results highlight the utility of Wikipedia for studying how the pandemic is affecting people's needs, interests, and concerns.
hi ,i m doing masturbation since 15 year old age middle i suffer from nightfall and weakness but i consults the doctor now i m normal but my present age is 24 year and i have less beard like a girls.or infirtility......i worried plz give guidence.... thanks
Hello, I am a 44 year old female. Long story sorry. 2 years ago I started having ache in my left breast - Nurse practitioner said a swollen lymph node. Then my shoulder (front) started aching, then it went to arm. A knot appeared in the elbow (inside), then tingling to fingers, with occasional tightness in chest, ache in collarbone and back of shoulder even up back of neck. I had EKG and it was fine, blood work (CBC) it was fine, mamo was fine, ultrasound of elbow didn t even show the knot, ultrasound of heart and aorta was fine, MRI of shoulder showed some tendenosis, but that s all. A nerve test of arm was fine. Symptoms started diminishing. My breast still gets sore some and raising my arm high will pull at it. Then a year and half ago I had ACL reconstruction. A week ago, I had to have orthoscopic surgery to take out scar tissue and fix it. I could not get it straight and it was getting worse. I was walking with a limp. About 3 months before that I started headaches almost daily and almost always on the left side. Then I started having a pain in my left jaw. I could not open it wide enough to even bite a cupcake. That lasted a week, then I got what seemed like a cold. I coughed up phlem and some mixed in blood. It went on for 14 days, by the end it was mostly clear and some bit foamy. I took Amoxacillin for 10 days. Cough went away, but jaw still hurt. I took it for 7 more days. No change and now my arm (left) was hurting again. My blood pressure was 126/?70. It is usually 112-116. I had struggles at work and it was a week before my 2nd ACL surgery. My dr. thought it may be stress. She said she felt no swollen nodes. They told me to take Cymbolta. I took it for 2 days. We had to go to Fl. for a funeral, I forgot to take it on day 3. My arm seemed fine and no change in my jaw so I quit. 4 days later was that 2nd surgery. I had IV fluids and antibiotic. 4 days later, my jaw still sore and a sore on my gum, my tonge thick and white, my throat very red, white patches on my inside jaw and then a day later teeth achy. Dr. said sorta looked like thrush, but not as fussy. Ordered oral nystatin 4 times a day. Dentist said thought it was thrush. Dentist took panoramic x-ray. No absess, no lessions, jaw joints look good. Said probably stress. I had had some episodes of lightheadedness too - especially when looking down. Then some pressure in back of neck. Woke up with throat tightness one day. Went to ENT 2 days later after dentist. Hearing test ok, eardrums ok. He felt my throat, felt my jaw, looked in my mouth and said yes thrush, dry tongue, and probably stress - said to call dentist and get mouth guard for night. He said the muscle runs down throat and can cause a tightness. I have also had a tender spot on an off on the forehead left side and the right temple area. I was doing great today 1 day later and feeling good until as I was cooking dinner, my left arm started aching again and then a pressure in my back of my neck then head feeling heavy and large then tightness in my throat. I could breathe fine, but it felt tight. About half hour the tightness subsided, but arm still ached and in front of shoulder hurt. That lasted for about another hour. Then ache went away I felt good for about 10 minutes and the tightness in throat started back with some pressure on and off in sinus to nose. Mostly left side. Still breathing ok. A few burps which were hard to get out. Like something wouldn t let the air out easy. I can swallow, but it feels like a blob in there. I am so concerned. I have 2 little kids and I worry something really serious is being missed that needs taken care of now. Please help. I don t know where to turn or what to do. So worried.
I am having a root canal of one of my teeth with nickel capping . After capping,i am suffering from acute neck pain , vertigo ,gas & acidity, low back pain & indigestion problem. I have done several treatment nothing is working .I have done the nickel capping 8 months back? should I remove the nickel capping ? Avik
Dear Doctor, Why have I got extreme pain in the lower spine, to the left of the spine which shoots down my legs at different times and sometimes up my spine, and also sometimes I get that pain in my legs, I know it is nerve pain. I had a car accident at the beginning of February. I also get pain which is there all the time across the base of my back ( hip area ) going from one side to the other, it is always there. I have muscle spasm pain in my legs. All the pain seems to be getting worse.
A family member had a heart attack and was admitted in the hospital after several hours...because of which his valve has got damaged, the heart muscles as well as the kidney...he is diabetic. They had the stress thallium test done today and docs say only 25% heart is functioning. What do you suggest we should do now. Thanks in advance.
Hi, I just have a question. I had to use the bathroom really bad, but had to take care of my child first, so I held it and right before I went to use the bathroom I felt this sharp pain on the right side of my abdomen. I almost threw up because the pain was so awful. I rolled around on my bed moaning and groaning out of pain which helped a little bit and after a few minutes, it went away. Do you know if there s anything to be concerned about?
I have pain in my right hip with tingling in my right ankle and foot when I stand and it worsens when I reach for something and lift it down or bend down and pick up things weighing a few pounds. I have had osteo arthritis for several years. The doctor just changed my meds from Meloxcam 15MG to Naproxen 500MG and I have been taking it twice each day for a week and cannot tell improvement. This started after a mile hike up a steep incline. Thank you for any help or advice.
Q:A 29-year-old woman comes to the physician because of poor balance and recurrent falls for the past month. She has also had blurry vision in her right eye for the past 2 weeks. She reports worsening of her symptoms after taking warm baths. Physical examination shows generalized hyperreflexia and an intention tremor. Romberg sign is positive. Visual acuity is 20/50 in the left eye and 20/100 in the right eye, and she is unable to distinguish red from green colors. The cells primarily affected by this patient's condition are most likely derived from which of the following embryologic structures?? {'A': 'Mesoderm', 'B': 'Endoderm', 'C': 'Neuroectoderm', 'D': 'Neural crest', 'E': 'Notochord'},
My daughter is 4 years old and got bitten by a dog in her hand she got an Infection called cellulitis she was hospitalized for 3 days she was sent home today just want to make sure if the infection can come back Im just scared about this disease cause I heard its deadly
Hello Sir, I am 33 yrs old just completed 9 months medication due to glands TB. After completion of cousre there is still little swelling in glands, which much little as it was 9 months ago. I just want to know why there is swelling after completion of course
I am 30 years old and trying to conceive our 2nd child. Our first child is now 8 years old (same father). This cycle, I did 100 mg of Clomid on days 5-9 and went for the progesterone test on Day 22. On Day 23, I got a positive Ovulation Predictor Kit result along with ovarian pain and tenderness. The bloodwork results (from a draw on Day 22) showed that I did not ovulate. I am not surprised as I believe I ovulated on Day 24 or so. I am now on Day 29. My doctors office did not mention having my progesterone levels tested again but are sending me to a reproductive endocrinologist on a referral. I truly believe I ovulated around Day 24. My average cycle is around 38 days, which would mean a luteal phase of 14 days. Could I be pregnant or does the negative results on the bloodwork (taken before I believe I ovulated) indicate otherwise?
Hello Doc: I have a viral infection (according to my PCP) that is causing: light-headed feelings, diarrhea (with blood at times), night sweats and fatigue. I have also had very bad dehydration.Blood tests indicate no issues except: low blood sugar and elevated liver enzymes (47 when it should be no higher than 40).What can I do to get rid of this? How long does this take? It has been 3 weeks...
Does the principle of nonmaleficence remain intact even if there are risks associated with a medical action?
My 10 year old daughter has been sick for 7 days. At first it was a high fever and vomiting, now it s just the high fever and she still isn t eating much. I took her to emergency room on Wednesday (3 days ago). She had a fever of 102 upon arrival and that was after she had Advil. they did an ECG (came back good) a urine sample (came back good) a chest xray (came back good) and blood work. The blood work showed high levels in inflammation/infection. So they have her antibiotics to treat her for a kidney/bladder infection but she has been on the meds for 3 days now and her fever this evening is still 102. She has an ultrasound tomorrow morning and we are still waiting for more results from her bloodwork. Any ideas of what I should be asking or what this could be? I should also mention that this has been re-occuring for the last 6 months or so (not usually lasting this long) but it seems to be getting worse. Please help. Any advice would be great.
hi im 39 male with high liver enzime one is 80 the othe is 70 my platelets are around the 110 mark & my ferritin is around 1100 i had ultra sound of liver & it showed fatty spleen slightly enlarged high cholesterol & my bones ache allot and getting worse any suggetion or help
What information relates to disruptive behavior?
Q:You regularly waive the co-payment for your low-income clients who are covered by insurance and believe this is acceptable since you normally bill your clients on a sliding fee scale. This is:? A:a common and ethical practice.;B:ethical as long as you don't bill the insurance company for an increased hourly fee in order to collect your full fee.;C:ethical as long as the insurance company does not explicitly prohibit such arrangements.;D:ethical only if the insurance company is aware of the arrangement.
I want to take the time out to thank you for answering my question. In January of this year I took the depo shot for the first time. The first month it was all good, but then near the end of February I started bleeding and have been bleeding since now I have a weird odor, like rotten eggs or passing gas from my stuff anytime I bleed heavily. My question is there a possibilty I have an infection?
What is the reason behind irregular or heavy bleeding in anovulatory cycles?
Bats are the only mammals that use highly developed laryngeal echolocation, a sensory mechanism based on the ability to emit laryngeal sounds and interpret the returning echoes to identify objects. Although this capability allows bats to orientate and hunt in complete darkness, endowing them with great survival advantages, the genetic bases underlying the evolution of bat echolocation are still largely unknown. Echolocation requires high-frequency hearing that in mammals is largely dependent on somatic electromotility of outer hair cells. Then, understanding the molecular evolution of outer hair cell genes might help to unravel the evolutionary history of echolocation. In this work, we analyzed the molecular evolution of two key outer hair cell genes: the voltage-gated potassium channel gene KCNQ4 and CHRNA10, the gene encoding the α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit. We reconstructed the phylogeny of bats based on KCNQ4 and CHRNA10 protein and nucleotide sequences. A phylogenetic tree built using KCNQ4 amino acid sequences showed that two paraphyletic clades of laryngeal echolocating bats grouped together, with eight shared substitutions among particular lineages. In addition, our analyses indicated that two of these parallel substitutions, M388I and P406S, were probably fixed under positive selection and could have had a strong functional impact on KCNQ4. Moreover, our results indicated that KCNQ4 evolved under positive selection in the ancestral lineage leading to mammals, suggesting that this gene might have been important for the evolution of mammalian hearing. On the other hand, we found that CHRNA10, a gene that evolved adaptively in the mammalian lineage, was under strong purifying selection in bats. Thus, the CHRNA10 amino acid tree did not show echolocating bat monophyly and reproduced the bat species tree. These results suggest that only a subset of hearing genes could underlie the evolution of echolocation. The present work continues to delineate the genetic bases of echolocation and ultrasonic hearing in bats.
BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a pandemic. Despite the growing number of patients with COVID-19 infection, data on the clinical characteristics of pregnant patients are still limited. METHODS: We retrospectively included childbearing-age female patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University from January 15 to February 23, 2020. Demographic, clinical, radiological, laboratory, and treatment data were reviewed. Clinical characteristics of pregnant and nonpregnant patients were compared. RESULTS: One hundred eleven childbearing-age women with COVID-19 were included, including 16 patients (14.4%) with severe or critical disease. Compared with nonpregnant patients (n = 80), pregnant patients (n = 31) were less likely to have dyspnea (16.1% vs 37.5%), asthenia (3.2% vs 33.8%), and ≥3 symptoms (22.6% vs 45.0%); had a significantly higher neutrophil count (5.2 vs 2.5 ×10(9)/L) and a higher percentage of CD3+ cells (76.7% vs 73.7%) and CD8+ cells (32.3% vs 28.4%); and had a dramatically lower percentage of lymphocytes (18.2% vs 31.8%), a lower CD4+/CD8+ ratio (1.2 vs 1.4), and a lower level of IgG (9.8 vs 11.9 g/L). Of note, pregnant patients had a significantly lower percentage of severe disease (3.2% vs 18.8%) and a substantially higher level of inflammation markers including neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (4.4 vs 1.9) and systematic inflammatory index (812.8 vs 354.7) than nonpregnant patients. Seventeen live births were recorded, and all of these showed negative results of postnatal COVID-19 detection together with a normal Apgar score. CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant patients with COVID-19 had a lower level of severity and an enhanced inflammatory response and cell immunity when compared with nonpregnant patients.
Hello doctor, There is an area on my back that started as a rash and it has now spread and it continues to itch. What should I do? This has been there for approximately two months. I have attached photos for your reference.
my 2yr old daughter has had bad bowels last 3 days, yesterday was dark green and frothy and today was dark burgundy red in colour and loose, quite worried, otherwise she is well though apart from being overly fussy with eating last 2 days? Pls can you advise what this might be?
I was looking at the symptoms for H1N1. I have 7 out of 10. I lack vomiting, fever, respitory problems. Ive felt the symptoms now for 5-6 days. Wondering, how long one has to have these symptoms and certain symptoms for this to be considered dangerous and requiring medical intervention? It is the 6th day and I am starting to feel marginally better. Probably at 50%. Please advise. thanks
My 23 year old daughter had a sudden lower back spasm and now has a 1/2 by 3 inch lump parallel to her spine along her lower back. It is very painful and her whole back hurts. We put topical anti- inflammatory/analgesic (aspercreme) on it, rested it, and she may have iced it, all to no avail. She also took naproxen. She is a very fit and active person. Running aggravates the pain. What course of action should she take?
I have been having a series of burning stools. After I pass these stools I still feel the burning sensation for serveral hours. I have also been experiencing a low back pain for several days. I went to my docor and he has done both a urine and stool tests. Both tests came back negative. I have not had any blood in my stools. What can cause this?
halo doctor,in a USG report showed " Liver shows diffused fatty change". folowed by a LFT report(SGPT 92/ Alk-phosphatase 490) in 2006.showed to the Doctor (gastrointerlogist ) who after several tests of ( HCV (-) / HBsAg(-)/ ASMA (-) cholestrol ( normal)/triglyserides(Normal) / liver biopsytreatment given was 1. udiliv 300mg + Evion 400 mgafter 2 years2. pioglatazone + Evion 400 mgafter 2 year3. Heptral 400 mg ( 3 times a day) after food + evion 400 mg ( presently)during all the above 3 medications SGPT remains within limits but after withdrawl of medicines it re gains elevated readings.I will like to know is fatty liver reversible?, am I on reight medicationwhat should be further course of action....I don't have any other disease.looking forward for your valuable suggestions....
Hi, I m having pain in my left upper quadrant right under my rib cage. A dull pain that intensifies when I stand up and walk. I almost have to hunch over and walk really slow. I m also feeling light headed and nausea and not hungry. Still passing bowels. Crohn s patient on Humira only.
Hi doctor, My mother is 64 years old. She has a fibroid above the uterus. The doctor has advised removing the uterus. She has a low level of hemoglobin, and she is given injections to increase the range. But it got increased from 10 g/dL to 10.4 g/dL. But the doctor advises my mother to have hemoglobin to be at 11 g/dL. The doctor recommends for a blood transfusion, and he ordered 350 ml blood from the blood bank. He plans for a uterus removal operation a couple of days later. Is this advisable and a routine procedure?
i am 56 yrs old female.with68kg of wt and 167cm in ht.with hypertension,diabetes,had angioplasty done,thyroid removed,and is on a number of medications.i have been having gastric pain from many yrs,endoscopy done,ultra sound done everything is fine.recently did 320 CT scan and report says fatty infiltration of the liver,few lucent calculi in the common bile duct.The gastro enteriologist told me everthing was fine but i have been having pain on and off,so she prescribed me UDILIV 300 for 2 weeks.can i take this drug? is it safe?does this have any side effects?plz let me know . thanks
Please can you tell me if mouth ulcers and pimples are a side effect of Giardia. I was diagnosed with Guiardia about 3 months ago. I was treated with Flagyl. 6 weeks ago I had a second outbreak, but milder. I now have white pimples inside my upper lip and ulcers in several places. My throat is also inflammed and there are a few spots on the back of my throat as well.
Had terrible stomach pains sunday night..all night..walked the fllors.Took a phenegran about 2am so I could sleep.Hurt somewhat on Monday,slept most of the day.Pain returned Monday night.Today I am sore,feels like I have done several sit ups.The pain feels like the pain I had when I had gall bladder trouble,had that removed 15yrs ago.Any ideas?
I have had a knot in my back for a year now. Ive had a lot of severe back and hip pain for over a year and have been to numerous doctors and havdle had numerous tests with no real disgnosis. This past week Ive noticed it hurts my lower back to sit or lay on my right side (same side as the knot). Feels as if Im laying or sitting on something (like a toy or something hard) that is not there!! any ideas on what this could be? Thanks in advance for any information you can give me! -Kayla
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 infodemic has been disseminating rapidly on social media and posing a significant threat to people's health and governance systems. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate and analyze posts related to COVID-19 misinformation on major Chinese social media platforms in order to characterize the COVID-19 infodemic. METHODS: We collected posts related to COVID-19 misinformation published on major Chinese social media platforms from January 20 to May 28, 2020, by using PythonToolkit. We used content analysis to identify the quantity and source of prevalent posts and topic modeling to cluster themes related to the COVID-19 infodemic. Furthermore, we explored the quantity, sources, and theme characteristics of the COVID-19 infodemic over time. RESULTS: The daily number of social media posts related to the COVID-19 infodemic was positively correlated with the daily number of newly confirmed (r=0.672, P<.01) and newly suspected (r=0.497, P<.01) COVID-19 cases. The COVID-19 infodemic showed a characteristic of gradual progress, which can be divided into 5 stages: incubation, outbreak, stalemate, control, and recovery. The sources of the COVID-19 infodemic can be divided into 5 types: chat platforms (1100/2745, 40.07%), video-sharing platforms (642/2745, 23.39%), news-sharing platforms (607/2745, 22.11%), health care platforms (239/2745, 8.71%), and Q&A platforms (157/2745, 5.72%), which slightly differed at each stage. The themes related to the COVID-19 infodemic were clustered into 8 categories: "conspiracy theories" (648/2745, 23.61%), "government response" (544/2745, 19.82%), "prevention action" (411/2745, 14.97%), "new cases" (365/2745, 13.30%), "transmission routes" (244/2745, 8.89%), "origin and nomenclature" (228/2745, 8.30%), "vaccines and medicines" (154/2745, 5.61%), and "symptoms and detection" (151/2745, 5.50%), which were prominently diverse at different stages. Additionally, the COVID-19 infodemic showed the characteristic of repeated fluctuations. CONCLUSIONS: Our study found that the COVID-19 infodemic on Chinese social media was characterized by gradual progress, videoization, and repeated fluctuations. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the COVID-19 infodemic is paralleled to the propagation of the COVID-19 epidemic. We have tracked the COVID-19 infodemic across Chinese social media, providing critical new insights into the characteristics of the infodemic and pointing out opportunities for preventing and controlling the COVID-19 infodemic.
Hi, I have a swollen right temple, pressure also. I have often a sore lower jaw and weak jaw on the right side. I do clench my teeth while sleeping though I also have intermittant blurry eyes. My right eyelid has over the past 4 years sagged. In regard to the right side, it feels my ear is blocked intermittantly. I had last week extreme joint pain in my index fingers, wrists and shoulder joints. The index finger is still sore and stuff on right hand. I awake most mornings with tingling fingers and toes. I drink 4 standard drinks per night. Could this be the cause? Thank you.
Q:Research has shown a possible connection between the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and which of the following mental disorders?? A:Parkinson's disease;B:Alzheimer's disease;C:Schizophrenia;D:Mania
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS TOPIC? Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreaks in the past were mostly caused by overseas transmission, but if control measures are not appropriately applied, domestic transmission could also cause large-scale local epidemics. WHAT IS ADDED BY THIS REPORT? This report covers all information of epidemic investigation processes, epidemiological characteristics and exposure history, transmission chains, sequencing results as well as public health measures taken for the COVID-19 cluster epidemic caused by the Delta variant in a cosmetic hospital in Yantai City in August 2021. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE? The information provided in this report, including active case finding, community management, and mass testing, may assist public health professionals in dealing with local COVID-19 epidemics caused by domestic transmission.
hi, my four yr old son was just diagnosed with cylindrical vision O.D. +1.5, AXIS 80, V.A. 6/12 O.S. +1.25, AXIS 85 , V.A. 6/9 one doctor recommended glasses all the time except while sleepping n another said glasses not required just a vitamin A rich diet sayin he his too small glasses. whose opinion should i cosider?
Hi , I am 29 now , I had fits before 5 years , Now i am getting the indication like bad sensation abut food , what are the things i am seeing in front , then night immedaitely went and took the eptain and slept well ,Now morning i am getting the same sensation . Please help
What to expect if I have Hemolytic disease of the newborn (Outlook/Prognosis)?
hi i am having a problem of allergy ( hives ) is there any medicine for this, if this can u tell me the name of this medicine bcoz i am pitched off from this problem please help me i have taken cetrizine, avil, allegra bt there is no result since childhood i dont hav a problem bt after marriage i am facing this problem last 3 years please help me
What physical features are characteristic of Lepromatous leprosy?
Q:A 75-year-old man presents to his primary care physician for foot pain. The patient states that he has had chronic foot pain, which has finally caused him to come and see the doctor. The patient's past medical history is unknown and he has not seen a doctor in over 50 years. The patient states he has led a healthy lifestyle, consumes a plant-based diet, exercised regularly, and avoided smoking, thus his lack of checkups with a physician. The patient lives alone as his wife died recently. His temperature is 98.1°F (36.7°C), blood pressure is 128/64 mmHg, pulse is 80/min, respirations are 13/min, and oxygen saturation is 98% on room air. The patient's BMI is 19 kg/m^2 and he appears healthy. Physical exam demonstrates a right foot that is diffusely swollen, mildly tender, and deformed. The patient's gait is abnormal. Which of the following is associated with the underlying cause of this patient's presentation?? {'A': 'Hyperfiltration damage of the kidney', 'B': 'High-impact trauma to the foot', 'C': 'Megaloblastic anemia', 'D': 'Methicillin-resistant bacterial agent', 'E': 'Unprotected sexual intercourse'},
Hello there my 2 and half year old daugther have no bowel movement in 1 week even with using miralax for a week now.She s not constipating no pain no nothing.Can you please tell me what to do next?We used fleet Enema and it worked,but after using it she has no bowel movement for 1 week.
Hi, my 5 month old baby has buried penis, he was circumsized when he was a month old and it was normal till he was in his second month, now its been retracted and couldn t be able see until he push, i want to know what is the reason for this and what is the treatment?
Objectives: Anti-TNF agents are effective to treat perianal Crohn's disease (CD). Evidence suggests that Crohn's disease patients with perianal fistulas need higher infliximab (IFX) serum concentrations compared to patients without perianal CD to achieve complete disease control. Our aim was to compare anti-TNF serum concentrations between patients with actively draining and closed perianal fistulas. Methods: A retrospective survey was performed in CD patients with perianal disease treated with IFX or adalimumab (ADL). Fistula closure was defined as absence of active drainage at gentle finger compression and/or fistula healing on magnetic resonance imaging. Results: We identified 66 CD patients with a history of perianal fistulas treated with IFX (n = 47) and ADL (n = 19). Median IFX serum trough concentrations ([interquartile range]) were higher in patients with closed fistulas (n = 32) compared to patients with actively draining fistulas (n = 15): 6.0 µg/ml [5.4-6.9] versus 2.3 µg/ml [1.1-4.0], respectively (p < .001)). A similar difference was seen in patients treated with ADL: median serum concentrations were 7.4 µg/ml [6.5-10.8] in 13 patients with closed fistulas versus 4.8 µg/ml [1.7-6.2] in 6 patients with producing fistulas (p = .003). Serum concentrations of ≥5.0 µg/ml for IFX (area under the curve of 0.92; 95% CI: 0.82-1.00)) and 5.9 µg/ml for ADL (area under the curve of 0.89; 95% CI 0.71-1.00) were associated with fistula closure. Conclusion: Cut-off serum concentrations ≥5.0 µg/ml for IFX and ≥5.9 µg/ml for ADL were associated with perianal fistula closure. Hence, patients with producing perianal fistulas may benefit from anti-TNF dose intensification to achieve fistula closure.
What is the side effect of hydroxyurea that limits its dose?
my dad is in the hospital, recovering from a broken hip, hes 88 years old,,, he did have a catheriter in but hes is unable to unrinate, they took it out to see if he can go... i know when my mother in law stopped urinating her kidneys shut down and dies soon thereafter... should i be concerned.. i live out of state .
I had an MRI done and it said, sagittal and axial images show degenerative disk disease as well as degenerative changes at the apophyseal joints throughout the lumbar spine . Annular bulging, thickening of the ligamentum flavum and hypertrophic changes at the apophyseal joints relut in a mild degree of degenerative thecal sac compression at he L1-2 through the L5-S1 levels. Degenerative stenosis involves the intervertebral nerve root canals bilaterally athe the L2-3 through the L5-S1 levels. What is this in simple terms. Thank you
Hi, I used to consider this a major problem and was very fearful of it becoming known by others. I have autophagia. A self diagnosis, so I m not sure if it s legit. I compulsively chew off and eat any callus that forms on my body. Having done so since I was around 5-6 I now have a ready supply of thick skin all over my hands and feet. I also compulsively eat my lips. It seems to be prompted by a variety of things. First and foremost is hunger, then comes anxiety, boredom, stress and finally loneliness. As i said, In recent years having exposed some friends to my behaviour I m no longer fearful of talking about it. I m concerned if this form of pica will damage me over the long term. I m 24 now and haven t experienced any side effects apart from the gradual sharpening of my teeth. Also considering the fact that my calluses have grown in size, the appearance of my hands and feet are rather grotesque. So ultimately i want to be able to stop this behaviour, any advice?
Hello doctor, My fiancee and I had unprotected sex a few days back, but I did not ejaculate inside her. Just to be on the safer side, we wanted to use the emergency contraceptive pill. But due to some restriction in the country where we live, Plan B or emergency contraceptive pills are not available. I read that Yasmin, which is used as a regular contraceptive pill can be used as an emergency contraceptive pill at a higher dosage. Can Yasmin be used as an emergency contraceptive pill? And at what dosage?
My daughter is 10 and had had a slight fever for about 1 day. This morning her fever is 101. Her throat is red and her nose is congested. When she blows her nose the mucous is green. She is also now complaining of a stomach ache and says she feels as if she is going to throw up. What type of medicine s should I get to help her, or should she be seen by a dr.? Please advise
What is the standard treatment for a pregnant patient diagnosed with syphilis who has a penicillin allergy?
My 2 and half years old daughter is suffering with severe eczema. She was born at 23rd week of my pregnancy weighing 1 pound only. Her skins is very dry and nothing we are doing seems to help. She seems to be allergic to everything under the sun. We mainly feed her milk and sometimes she is able to tolerate rice foods. Do you suggest any home remedies for the VERY dry skin and itching. She can not sleep in the night due to itching and since yesterday she is jerking/shivering in her sleep and while she is awake. Any advice?
Hi. I have a 2.5year old that has been running a fever for 6 days. In that time it has ranged from 100-104.4. Also she has had 2 days where she was fever cree for about 6 hours each. She seems to shot up in temp fast. She has been screened for strep, ears checked, and chest fine. She doesn t have any other symptoms. Whether fever gets above 101, usually at night, she whimpers and shivers. How long is a fever too long? What causes just fevers?
hi sir my mom is ill from long time nw she is 54 years old she had t.b in lungs but she recovered with medicine but still she is on medicine and very week and nw her right leg dtop working and hand also but finger are working doc says she has tumer in her brain that might be brain t.b or other big thing they wan piece for detection but we don t wan any surgry or any cut she is very week i feel helpless don t knw wt to do ?nw she is at home pls give advise being a family member pls sir
I had a depo provera injection 2 weeks ago. since then ive been in agony. 2 doctors have told me the injection has hit my sciatic nerve. but another is fobbing me off and just dosing me up with diazepam tabs, along with tramadol, diclofenac and co codamol. What can i do about this?
Lifestyle interventions involving exercise training offset the adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy in men with prostate cancer. Yet provision of integrated exercise pathways in cancer care is sparse. This study assessed the feasibility and acceptability of an embedded supervised exercise training intervention into standard prostate cancer care in a single-arm, multicentre prospective cohort study. Feasibility included recruitment, retention, adherence, fidelity and safety. Acceptability of behaviourally informed healthcare and exercise professional training was assessed qualitatively. Despite the imposition of lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic, referral rates into and adherence to, the intervention was high. Of the 45 men eligible for participation, 79% (n = 36) received the intervention and 47% (n = 21) completed the intervention before a government mandated national lockdown was enforced in the United Kingdom. Patients completed a mean of 27 min of aerobic exercise per session (SD = 3.48), at 77% heart rate maximum (92% of target dose), and 3 sets of 10 reps of 3 resistance exercises twice weekly for 12 weeks, without serious adverse event. The intervention was delivered by 26 healthcare professionals and 16 exercise trainers with moderate to high fidelity, and the intervention was deemed highly acceptable to patients. The impact of societal changes due to the pandemic on the delivery of this face-to-face intervention remain uncertain but positive impacts of embedding exercise provision into prostate cancer care warrant long-term investigation.
My wife is a 64 year old with an apparent pinched nerve in the mid back which is causing hip pain. She has taken Excedrin and ibuprofin with little result. I suggested hydrocodone , but she is concerned that it might cause atrial fibrillation. Is this pain killer not indicated?
Hello sir my baby girl is 4 1/2 months old and is suffering from increased frequency of stools which r partly watery and green coloured and sticky since ystrrday afternoon. i m giving her wallamycin since ysterday night. can i continue her with wallamycin or should i start with antibiotics.
I have a twitching sensation occurring in my back on the right side near my right kidney. It feels exactly like being kicked by a 24 week foetus. I am not pregnant. The sensation has been persisting for about a month now. It is not painful but definitely notable. I have had blood tests in the last month which were all fine apart from cholesterol of 6.6 which I have been addressing with diet. My fathers brothers (uncles) have had kidney stones, renal failure and I have had an ultrasound in the past for PCK which is fine (8 years ago). What course of action would you recommend. Should I be concerned.
I cut my leg a few weeks ago on a rusty peice of pipe from a car, i cleaned it with some proixide and now a few weeks later under my finger tips are starting to turn black, would that have anything to do with cutting my leg on the peice of rusty pipe?
The top-scoring pair (TSP) algorithm classifies phenotypes according to the relative expression of a pair of genes.
What to expect if I have Carcinoma of the penis (Outlook/Prognosis)?
What is the pathological change that is typically seen in cases of invasive carcinoma of the cervix?
OBJECTIVE: In patients with mild COVID-19 pneumonia, chest high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is advised when risk factors for severe disease (i.e., age > 65 years and/or comorbidities) are present, and can influence management strategy. The objective was to assess whether HRCT is associated to short-time development of severe disease in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. METHODS: Seventy-seven consecutive patients (mean age, 64 ± 15 years) with mild COVID-19 pneumonia (no or mild respiratory failure) that underwent HRCT were retrospectively identified. Fifty-two on 77 patients had reported risk factors for severe disease. A chest-imaging devoted radiologist recorded, on a per-examination basis, the following HRCT features: ground-glass opacity, crazy-paving pattern, consolidation, organizing pneumonia (OP) pattern, mosaic attenuation, and nodules. The extent of each feature (total feature score, TFS) was semi-quantitatively assessed. Total lung involvement (TLI) was defined as the sum of all TFSs. The study outcome was defined as the occurrence of severe disease (moderate-to-severe respiratory failure) within 15 days from HRCT. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess if age, comorbidities, and HRCT features were associated to severe disease. RESULTS: On univariable analysis, severe disease was significantly associated with age > 59 years (29/47 patients, 61.7%) (p = 0.013), and not significantly associated with having comorbidities (22/44 patients, 50.0%). On multivariable analysis, TLI >15 and OP pattern >5 were independently associated to severe disease, with odds ratio of 8.380 (p = 0.003), and of 4.685 (p = 0.035), respectively. CONCLUSION: Short-time onset of severe COVID-19 was associated to TLI >15 and OP pattern score > 5. Severe disease was not associated to comorbidities.
what is a cyst on the appendix my son is 14 had terrible intermittent pains in the right lower abdomen. after 2 weeks of antibiotics a dr went in on a gut feling and found a cyst on his heathy apendix removing both. want to know what this means and what should be our concerns
I am sure that I have a (slight) fracture of the 5th metatarsal. The symptoms are swelling of the little toe and its joint region only. The pain and swelling have decreased somewhat. I walk awkwardly during the day and when I am back in the evening I take my normal shoes off, pain increases and I begin to hobble around. I know this is due to the fatigue I cause during the day. To describe the happening, I am an amatuer distance runner and had recently got back into training. I obviously increased the milage of my runs too quickly. On one run I stepped on a small stone on the outer side of the foot and didn t really feel any annoyance until the next day. Two days later, despite the a very slight annoyance (hardly a reason not to run) I decided to run on it over a quicker 6 mile run and the twanging pain (not unbearable) began after I had cooled down. Do you think a crepe bandage will be enough over a 2-3 week recovery?
Hi, I am having a persistant pain in my lower left abdomin. It is sensitive to the touch and pressure, and has also periodically caused pain in my left testicle. The pain feels like a mixture of internal pressure and slight sharp pains.. Like i said it is very sentitive to touch and pressure. It has made is noticiably difficult to sit down or walk withouth pain and discomfort. I have never encountered this problem previously, and maintain a reasonable diet. I have not noticed changes in bowel movements either
Multidisciplinary conferences (MDC) are an important component of head and neck oncologic care including diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. Virtual MDC allows for improved collaboration between providers at distant sites and proper allocation of health care resources in a time of crisis. When approached systematically, a virtual MDC is feasible to design and implement in a large academic medical center with multiple satellite hospitals.
My 10 y ear old daughter has been sick 3x over the past 2 months w/ the same symptoms - sore throat, headache, temp of 100, dizziness, stomach ache. Last time the dr said it was a virus, but put her on amoxcyllin since 2 family members had strep. She tested - for strep. She has missed 8 days of school since the start of the year! What could be going on w/her and waht tests should I ask for?
My 9 month old has had a runny nose (clear mucous) and watery eyes (no redness) for the last 4 days. She doesn't appear to be fussy or uncomfortable. I do hear the congestion in her nose when she is breathing. She just finished 10 day antibiotic course for ear infection. Does this sound like a cold, or an allergy?
I have been doing some reading on ACV( Apple Cider Vinegar ) treatments for genial warts . What are your views on this treatment? I have been doing it for about a week now and I am starting to see some results. What is the reason that most doctors dont recommend this treatment for people? It seems to me that a lot of people have cured themselves like this. I am aware that the virus still remains in the body, but it seems to take care of the worst. I have had my warts for about 3 years now and have tried almost everything my doctor told me from freezing to burning it with acid.
my 4 yr old son is having respiratory allergy since two years , he is taking budecort rotacaps and mometasone nasal spray.. last night he suddenly developed cough with barking sound and difficulty in breathing . doctors gave some nebuliser treatment.. his stridor is gone now but cough is there. i whould like to know the cause for the problem and how to avoid it happening.. and at what age he can overcome all these problems..
MY hand and fingers cramping up, usually in the evening, and sometimes during the day, if I do some work that requires something holding tied in my hand , like a hammer, or a knife. It hurts badly when it happens, and I have to pull my fingers open to the normal position, and often it repeats itself serveral times. when my hand and finger cramping up like that , my hand looks so deformed, and it is very painfull. I know that I have arthritic all through my body, but what exactly is wrong with my hand and finger ??????? Sincerely Rita
For what type of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are Foscarnet and Cidofovir specifically indicated?
OBJECTIVE: During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we have faced unprecedented challenges in the delivery of surgical education. At the time of writing, changes to the structure and nature of the surgical workforce are occurring rapidly, even daily. Surgical educators are utilizing remote learning solutions, including flipped classroom approaches, online educational materials, telemedicine, and simulations, to continue education for surgical residents despite cancelations of face-to-face instruction. Our objective is to delineate an interdisciplinary strategy, utilizing the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), by which we can optimize learning during this pandemic. DESIGN: This perspective describes the UDL framework which can be used to situate solutions to issues with delivery of surgical education during this pandemic within the broader view of strategic inclusive instructional design to meet diverse learning needs.. CONCLUSION: The principles of UDL can inform curricular and pedagogical changes in surgical education that may be employed during a time of social distancing, isolation, and quarantine. UDL involves planning flexibility into curricular design from the outset, recognizing that learners are varied in their learning preferences and capabilities, motivational characteristics, and environmental constraints. Viewing the design of remote learning opportunities through the UDL lens aims to remove barriers to learning during this pandemic by targeting three areas: expansion of the means that information is communicated, ways that learners are supported and motivated, and approaches to assessing learning through available distance learning technologies.
Got blood test results cholestrol 160 LDL 70 hdl 79 triglycerides 56 Vitamin D 59 blood sugar 97 CBC 6.7 red 4.10 hemoglobin 11.9 hematocrit 34.8 I am a 53 year old active woman with no health issues but nurse practicitioner thinks I need iron supplements....I m not so convinced suggestion
Hello Doctor, My mother is an asthamatic and diabetic and has been suffering from pneumonis and being treated an MAdam Mohan MAlviya hospital in Malviya Nagar Delhi. The doctors there have recomended for a HRCT test done for her chest. Cld u recomend the hospital where we shld go for this test?
I have a dull ache in my Left side jaw joint by the ear. And when I swallow I hear like a click pop in my left ear.I thought it maybe my last couple lower teeth but I have eaten and drank on that side and doesn t bother me It also seems that my throat is a little scrathy and a little headache What could it be ?
i am 21 years , have tb for two years &today i am not well i want to know is a grape fruit is healthy &i have also dry cough , breath problem please tell me suggestions
good evening doctor, My father is having some real problems and doctors where he is from is not able to find anything and he is only getting worse. It started back around first of january with bad gas bloating which caused him not to sleep at night. we are now into may and had multiple test that kept coming up negative. Recently gastoural intestinal doctor did a test that found bacteria in his bowel apologize for spelling was put on drug that was working and killing bacteria, he was felling much better last week, only was given a week supply, so been off for two weeks now. Well now we have all more systems, black stool, muscle dystraphy, nerve pain in hands were he cannot even shake a persons hand, we are becoming very scared and having difficult getting into doctors offices. I would personally find a facility that would keep me and take test to scan for cancers, virsus etc and need help trying to find someone who can help. They live in Pinehurst, NC and appreciate any assistance
Dear Doctor, I am 32 years old. I am suffering from hair fall problem. Also i have dandruff with grey hair. Since my hair has become thin, almost the scalp is visible. Went to dermatologist and he prescribed biotin tablets for 2months (one table per day), Ketsal shampoo for dandruff and Regaine 5% solution for hair regrowth. Still i have dandruff problem and hair fall problem. Could you please suggest any other treatment for this. Also can i apply Caster oil / Olive oil before shampooing for hair growth? If possible can you please suggest me some veg diet to get healthy hair.
My son had heart ablation surgery twice this year. He has had a very tough recovery, and has had continuous issues with his blood pressure dropping. Tonight, his blood pressure dropped, heartrate dropped to 42. But tonights episode was different. His lower back is all bruised. Should I be worried about the bruising. Could this be related to his blood pressure drops? (He is being seen by multiple doctors.)
My six year old daughter has had itching on the stomach just at the navel on the lower side & a two inch big rash like has appeared, what should i give her right now as it is 10:15pm night, can i give her Avil25 if yes in what dosage, plz reply my email add. is YYYY@YYYY
The novel capsid-binding antiviral pleconaril inhibits in vitro replication of most rhinoviruses and enteroviruses. Oral pleconaril treatment was studied in 2 parallel randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. Among 1363 picornavirus-infected participants (65%) in the studies combined, the median time to alleviation of illness was 1 day shorter for pleconaril recipients than for placebo recipients (P > .001). Cold symptom scores and frequency of picornavirus cultured from nasal mucus specimens were lower among pleconaril recipients by day 2 of treatment. No treatment effects were seen in those without picornavirus infection. Pleconaril was associated with a higher incidence of nausea (6% vs. 4%) and diarrhea (9% vs. 7%) and with small increases in mean serum cholesterol levels and platelet counts, compared with baseline measurements. A subsequent 6-week prophylaxis study found that pleconaril induces cytochrome P-450 3A enzymes, which metabolize a variety of drugs, including ethinyl estradiol. Early pleconaril treatment was well tolerated and significantly reduced the duration and severity of colds due to picornaviruses in adults.
Black lives matter. The ongoing problem of police brutality and the resulting deaths of George Floyd (1), Breonna Taylor (2), and many other Black people in the United States (3) has rightly shaken the country. Acts of racism should cause us to question the level to which we have personally participated in the systems of racial inequity that facilitate such acts. We all have an obligation to identify the ways that systemic racism functions in our society and in science. As scientists, we prefer to believe that we are driven by data and are immune to such detrimental behaviors. Yet, if we are honest, we know that this is not always true.